in s | OF I ORNLP 1304 . . . FFEFEEEE M III MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STAMOAROS - 1963 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- · ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ............. . .......... ORNu-p-304 (Paper to be presented at the International Conference on the Study of Nuclear Structure with Neutrons, Antwerp, Belgium, July 19-23, 1965) MUUN<4.50B - /دکی - غم . :.' sa '. .1 - - . -* - .- -- - ... -LEGAL NOTICE - The report m. propaned unkom of Govenant sponsored work, Melchor the Valind dal, nor the Counselom, nor way porno acting on ball of the Couluku: A. 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Gibbons Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA Introduction The-B(n, ay) reaction is a convenient high cross section standard in the 0.1-100 keV energy range for neutron reaction cross section measurements [1]. For use as a standard it is usually necessary to know the relative proportion of the reaction cross section leading to the ground state versus the first excited state of 'Li. Earlier studies of the cross section ratio (2-7] have been reported for thermal and above 200 keV, but no results have been reported for the energy range between these extremes. The suggestion of a broad resonance near 180 kev in the total cross section (8) calls into question the propriety of smooth interpolation from thermal to 300 keV and has renewedeateterest in the ratio measurement [9]. PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED." RELEASQUerest to THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE AN EILE UN THE RISI:VING SECTION, Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Experimental Two face-to-face silicon surface barrier detectors were used to detect the two charged particles from the reaction in coincidence. After experiencing breakage of self supporting foils and detector damage with °B evaporated directly on the gold surface barrier, we tried “B_H (10) at 0.1 atmosphere pressure. In this gas the detectors drew high current and became more noisy. This effect was variable (worse for some detectors than for others) and two detectors were found which gave acceptable pulse height spectra for about two weeks. Exposure to air appeared to reduce the current and noise toward initial values. Pulsed neutrons were provided at a 500 kc/sec repetition rate by the 'Li(p,n) reaction at the ORNL 3 MV pulsed Van de Graaff. Pulses from the two detectors, passed through fast discriminators to eliminate noise and most Y-ray pulses, operated a 50 ns coincidence unit whose output started a time-to-pulse-height converter. The bias on the fast discrimi- nators was set low enough (500 keV) to ensure detection of the minimum energy (180 degree) lithium recoils. Two time intervals were thus chosen, one corresponding to fast neutron arrival and the other to slow and thermalized neutron and other time-independent backgrounds. Summed detector pulses were stored in sections of a multichannel analyzer corres- ponding to these two time intervals. Results and Discussion A thermal neutron spectrum (obtained with a wax moderator) 18 given' in figs. 1 and 2. The single counter spectrum (fig. 1) shows peaks * ORTEC Model 780 SHe Spectrometer. corresponding to the two alpha groups and the two 'Li groups. The sharp rise at lower pulse height is related to y rays from the lithium target. The sum-coincidence spectrum is shown in fig. 2. The resolution is | quite adequate to measure the areas corresponding to capture leading to the 'Li ground and first excited states. The average ratio for four runs was 0.067 + .002 in excellent agreement with recent measurements (5-7). The thermal spectrum was used routinely to standardize electronic gains . and threshold settings. At (30 + 10) kev (forward angle neutrons from 'Li (p,n) near threshola) the ratio (0.072 + .003) is barely increased over the thermal value, in agreement with recent Harwell results [9). At (110 + 15) kev (0.077 .004) and (160 + 15) keV (0.084 = .005) perceptible increases are observed. At higher energies the pulse height resolution became progressively worse (mostly due to longer exposure of the detectors to B_HG) and difficulty was experienced in determining the ratio. The experiment was terminated at 700 kev, just below the 'Li(p,n') threshola. Values obtained are indicated in Fig. 3 where they are compared with results of other investigators (1-3). We feel that the results collectively indicate an effect, albeit small, of the resonance near 530 keV on the cross section ratio. Our results show that the ratio remains within about five percent of the thermal value for neutron energies up to about 30 keV, after which it rises in a slow, continuous fashion. These new values for the cross section ratio in the 7 < E. < 170 keV range cause a change of less than 1.5 percent (less than 0.5 percent for E< 100 kev) in the shape of the (nory) cross section assumed for flux calibration in our earlier work on heavy element capture cross sections [1]. Acknowledgements Interest in this work was particularly stimulated by the EANDC Conference at Oxford in 1963. P. D. Miller planned and carried through much of the preliminary work on this experiment. P. S. Rudolph kindly provided traces of radon for early calibration or the spectrometer. References 1. J. H. Gibbons, R. L. Macklin, P. D. Miller, and J. H. Neiler, Phys. Rev. 122, 182 (1961). 2. B. Petree, C. H. Johnson, and D. W. Miller, Phys. Rev. 83, 1148 (1951). 3. H. Bichsel, W. 18, P. Huber, and A. Stebler, Phys. Rev. 81, 456 (1951). 4. E. A. Davis, F. Gabbard, T. W. Bonner, and R. Bass, Muclear Phys. 27, 448 (1961). 5. S. Malmskog, Physica 29, 987 (1963). H. F. Brinkmann and D. Greber, Kernenergie 3, Heft 4/60 (1960). 7. J. A. DeJuren and H. Rosenwasser, Phys. Rev. 23, 831 (1954). 8. C. K. Bockelman, D. W. Miller, k. K. Adair, and H. H. Barschall, Phys. Rev. 84, 69 (1951). 9. M. G. Sowerby and M. C. Moxon also A. K. M. Siddiq and N. Gale in Harwell Nuclear Physics Division Progress Report AERE-PR/NP7 (1964). 10. H. L. Holsopple and L. E. Scroggie "Synthesis and Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Diborane-2°B" Report ORNL-TM-1061, February 19, 1965. Figure Captions Fig. 1. Pulse height distribution for thermal neutrons from 'B(n,a,m)'Li in a single surface barrier counter. Points indicated on the figure correspond to (a) ground state alphas, (b) alphas to the first excited state of 'Li, (c) 'Li nuclei from the ground state reaction, (a) 'Li nuclei from the reaction leading to the first excited state, (e) upper "edge" of pulses due to gammes from '(p,p'r), (f) pulse height threshold caused by fast discriminator gate. Fig. 2. Summed-coincident pulse height distribution for thermal neutrons from *°B(n,,, ) L1 in the spectrometer. The two peaks correspond to the total charged particle reaction energy from the two reaction branches. Fig. 3. The energy dependence of the branching ratio, la/09), in the reaction -°B(n, a)'li, **Li. The solid points are due to the present studies; open triangles are from ref. 4; open circles are from ref. 2; the cross is from ref. 3. ORNL-OWG 65-3934 2000 1500 RELATIVE COUNTS 500 0.5 1.5 2.0 9.0 CHARGED PARTICLE ENERGY (MeV) ORNL-DWG 65-3935 30,000 25,000 20,000 RELATIVE COUNTS 10,000 5000 1.0 ...............000 2.0 CHARGED PARTICLE ENERGY (MeV) 3.0 Fig. 2 ORNL-DWG 65-3936 10B (n, co//'OB in, ap) RATIO THERMAL VALUE 0.014 10 20 50 500 4000 100 200 En (kev) Fig. 3 END DATE FILMED 8 / 27 /65 FR