. 1 , " - :. . .^.' i I OFL ORNLP 1278 . . . . ... mi ... . . . : 4- - - &5 1 3 2 '. . M36 & O i h . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . . . . Orne- P 1278 - دم یکی از i XX LEGAL NOTICE The report mo prepared av ma account of Goveramat onsored mork. Heltbor the Valled suur, dor the Commission, nor any FTAD arun on beball of the Commission: A. Mahes my warranty or reprenosu uon, exrrowed or implied, with respect to the accu. racy, completeness, or uraluloes, of the information contained in the report, or that the we of any informauna, appuratu', molbod, or process Jaclosed in Wels report may not fairinge priyetoly owned rigblo; or B. Asrumcı uy llabilities with respect to the use of, or for demagos reislung from the un of Lay lalor malon, apparatus, method, or procos, disclosed so wis roport. As vied in the above, "purico sculas on beball of the Communion" includes way om- ployeo or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extort laat such employs or contractor of the Commission, or employoo cf such contractor proyeros, dianminaler, or provides acceso lo, wy Information purecast to be employmeat or contrast with the Commissiva, or bla employceat with such contractor, ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR DESALINATION OTRO LALA - C. C. Burwell - - - - Nuclear Desalination Programn - - -- Oak Ridge National Laboratory -- PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TU THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES, ARE ON FILE IN THE H.. SECTION, May 3, 1965 *Research Sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR DESALINATION C. C. Burwell Nuclear Desalination Program Oak Ridge National Laboratory Introduction In the United States a water shortage already exists in Arizona and another will soon develop in California. The successively higher cost of 008 Succe each new water diversion project suggests the need to compare the costs UW with those of alternate methoäs of achieving the same result. Large nuclear dual-purpose desalination plants represent such an alternate method. If all the cost advantages of nuclear plants are fully exploited, it is probable that a significant portion of the world's new water requirements will be economically furnished by desalination. Much has been written, pro and con, by many authors about the economics of seawater distillation since Hammond first presented the case for a large nuclear desalination industry. Arguments against his proposal stem from con- sideration of only part of the cost advantages of such an industry. It is generally stated that distilled water can be economically produced if the production facility is simply made large enough. While size is an important factor and such plants will be very large (if only because of the quantities of water required), it is the purpose of this paper to itemize and discuss the cost factors in addition to the size factor that must be combined if the goal of low-cost distilled water is to be reached. Economic Factors Low Fuel Cost The basic costs of fuels are listed in Table 1. Simple arithmetic leads to the conclusion that if fossil fuels are used for seawater distillation, - ---- - - - - - - the cost of the fuel alone will result in a water cost of about 25€/1000 gal. Such a cost is about two and one-half times that which can be supported by water uses for irrigation. Nuclear fuels present the only alternative. Table 1. BASIC COSTS OF FUELS Cost in Cents per 100 Btu Cost Relative to cost of Coal in Dollars per Ton Coal 25 8-20 2-5 Enriched 2354 Natural 2354 0.8-2.5 Breeder 238, or Th 0.02 0.004 The present enriched-uranium fueled reactors do not offer any signifi- Ve Vse fossil fuels are used to provide the energy required to produce the enrich- ment. On the other hand, the basic fuel costs shown in Table 1 for natural uranium and breeder reactors offer significant improvements and point the way to economic desalination. Figure 1 shows the basis for the natural uranium fuel cost listed in Table 1. Here the net fuel cost is plotted versus the size of the fuel fabrication and reprocessing facility. It may be seen that an increase in throughput from 1 to 10 metric tons of uranium per day -.2 . UNCLASSIZIO ORNL-LE-D:C. 76509 Asiantis in the hanistan Alan . i i. PLUTONIUM SSL :1 wie die V eranstamm maak ... this in a fewnione s and Chinese mais 29 hladcore hire , . . Cocos - Y.. Slkg U Gori O COS: - - ini Rumi wa k e w zamando mais .. OCT. .... L FABRICATION ! (LESS USOS COST cewe CHEM. PROCISSINO .NET FUEL SHIPPING 5 - CYCLE COST pawemwendo wa o cum VENTORY cele mare cord bland and C=3020:ac L 527 (c. A nda 30 60 . THROUGHPUT, fonaos Uds Fuel Cosis in Natural C:cuium noccios os O Function oj she Size of iho ludusily. :: :: Figure 1 i . - 3- produces a ten-to-one reduction in net fuel cost. A 10 MT/day throughput corresponds to a 75,000- Mw(t) nuclear industry. The extremely low fuel cost for breeder reactors is arrived at in a similar fashion. It is believed that the current emphasis by the AEC on the development of converter reactors will result in the emergence of this type of reactor in the nuclear field and the concurrent establishment of a large fuel- processing industry. If so, low fuel costs for seawater nistillation will cur have been provided. The Dual-Purpose Plant Cost Advantage A second cost-reduction factor is available from consideration of the dual-purpose plant concept. Since there is little additional cost involved in producing higher temperature steam (it may, in fact, even be cheaper to produce) than can be used directly to heat brine, ** the high-temperature steam may be cooled by expansion through a power-production turbine prior to being used for low-temperature brine heating. In this way all the heat not converted to electrical energy is used by the brine heater. Since no heat is wasted, the power may be considered to have been produced at a heat consumption rate of 3413 'Btu/kwh (100% conversion of heat to mechanical work). If such power is then sold for a price equal to the cost of producing power in a power-only plant, the relative thermal inefficiency of the power- only plant is a credit to the dual plant and shows up in lower water costs. Figure 2 shows how this principle affects the cost of heat to the evaporator. *Scale-up in the size of the plant produces a two-to-one reduction in gross cost. The net cost is the difference between the gross cost and the credit for the sale of plutonium. ** Problems associated with scale formation currently limit brine tempera- · tures to about 250°. .4. werSmartActiuncmxWWCA HARAMES * Elitni... 1... MS 26. CA P . II. II TURBINE THROTTLE CVENTIONAL CRED ITS. TASHRIMARE COL:PARISON OF STEAM C057- DO NUG! EAR AND COAL-FIRED. PLC!!!TS POP!!!NISIPAL ONERION Nokia m om someone hannotationem RAT COALÓ COST OF HEAT, million Dłu M . Bio j* mi smo . TO EVAPORATOR . .. . -.- URSUS THROTTLE 25000 DE A REACTION va reeds .) ,. TANGI KAMI Mit OCHA :. CCCST E TI: LEAT :T ww ws and is hand within hand and round on the r com Source : out - Bing s Ou 900200 00 00 zwi STEM TEMPERATUR I . . - - Figure 2. The Relative Cost of Heat to the Water Plant in a . Dual Plant as a Function oï the Turbine Exhaust Temperature. -.-.-•-• -•-•- - " " "...mmm. Prime steam used for power production becomes less valuable in direct pro- portion to the percentage of the total cycle efficiency that has already been generated. Cycle efficiency, in turn, is proportional to the tempera- ture span between the turbine throttle condition and the condenser con- dition. The cost of heat to the evaporator after partial expansion through a turbine thus becomes one-half to one-third the cost of heat if used as prime steam. Since the evaporator provides the condenser for the power cycle, the condenser cost saving is also credited to the evaporator. nse S . The condenser cost saving is indicated in Fig. 2 by the fact that the cost of heat is zero at a temperature above the condenser temperature. . In addition to the savings credited to the water plant due to full heat utilization and elimination of the condensing loov, both the evaporator and the turbine-generator plants receive the benefit of the lower unit costs of a larger reactor station than either could support by itself. The Effect of Large Size The effect on cost of large size is well known and needs little further discussion. Figure 3 shows the effect graphically in the case of the capital cost of the nuclear steam-generating facility. The upper line gives actual costs of operating plants, as well as conservative estimates of large plant costs. The lower line shows the new General Electric Company guaranteed * Cycle efficiency is linearly proportional to temperature span for most saturated steam cycles. Superheat cycles, both with and without reheat, deviate from linearity, but the principle involved is still valid. .6 . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 78088R1 . O GE BOILING H2O A WESTINGHOUSE PRESSURIZED H2O D20 MODERATED COAL - BIG ROCK POINT JOHUMBOLDT BAY - 7 - · DOLLARS PER THERMAL KILOWATT OPDRESDENT PATHFINDER - A tt BODEGA BAY HHH | YANKEE T OT MALIBU BEACH || DU PONTOT Liu i j SARGENT & LUNDY, ORNL H COALA- Otthy N SARGENT & LUNDY, ORNL GE CATALOG DU PONTI OSARGENT & LUNDY, ORN! TITTTTT ...om mais . 1000 10,000 THERMAL CAPACITY (megawaits) 100,000 Capital Cosi of Nuclear Steam Generating Facilities. Figure 3 --- --- --- - - . prices.* The lower line reflects not only the effect of size on costs but also the effect on costs of an established competitive industry. Similar capital cost curves have been constructed for both the turbine- generator and the evaporator portions of the dual-purpose plant. They show the same trend as seen with the nuclear steam generator and predict an approximate unit cost reduction factor of 2 for a tenfold increase in size. Optimization In both the power plant and evaporator businesses, the coricept of optimization is well understood and practiced. However, in the light of the previously described cost factors (low fuel cost, dual plant thermal efficiency, and large size), the whole subject of optimization must be reviewed. Figure 4 is an illustration of what may be expected from such a review. In Fig. 4 ** the optimum performance ratio is plotted versus the turbine exhaust tempera- ture for steam costs of 7, 14, and 28¢ per million Btu. Since the capital cost of the evaporator increases in proportion to its performance ratio, the optimum performance is a compromise between the cost of heat transfer area and the amount of energy consumed to produce a given quantity of product. The curves show that the optimum ratios for 28 and 7¢ steam are 12 and 6, respectively. The capital cost of the evaporator has thus been reduced by “The General Electric Company costs have been revised upward 15% to include items in the upper curve estimates that may not be part of the pub- lished price list. e Performance ratio is defined as the number of pounds of water that are produced for each 1000 Btu of heat consumed by the evaporator. -8. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DWG. 64,-4324 r. . .. _ . . - _ :7 1 x . L 1 X -:, : : ; . * Rrw :.-0 ... 24: rant Tute Startitutasa Saku 28-OR 94-OR . When we m wu de -.Joc - - . 9. 7-CR AN ' تیه بین ci ' .W LIN X' Anna u w ابن w Netben w w hannis. namento down to the sitrunner w his in annan tip malalahanini d imisho I hot sw. Er.ZF... A i...setILULUI.. м .'..ritorin ьих .• 1 л: ••••. 150 200 250 300 TURBINE EXHAUST TEMPERATURE, OF : Figure 4. The Optimum Water Plant Performance Ratio vs. Turbine Exhaust Temperature for 7€, 14¢, and 28° per Million Btu Heat Cost. 30 to 40% due to lower heat costs, simply because it is now cheaper to use more heat than to build the higher performance plant. Regenerative feedwater heating is another example of the new optimiza- tions required. Since power is generated at a theoretical heat rate, the question is raised as to whether or not the costs of feedwater heaters, turbine-extraction flanges, feedwater heater piping and pumps are justified. A third example of the optimization review required is that due to the W 1 availability to the dual-purpose plant of on-site power costing 1 to 2 mills/kwh. iloni.Ws : voice Such low power costs will alter conventional ideas with respect to tradeoff of pumping power costs for increased performance. wer res w . Under AEC and OSW sponsorship a large effort at ORNL is in progress .. .. AV.. -..... designed to develop the information and computer programs needed to answer . .-.-- these and other optimization questions. . . - . - Research and Development -.-. The final cost factor is difficult to represent in a table or on a graph because no one knows how to accurately predict the results of research cause no one and development programs. Indications are that research and development will uncover many new methods of doing the job better and more cheaply. Examples of the results that may be expected from such an effort may be found in the multilevel flash plant concept developed at Oak Ridge, which predicts evapora- tor costs 30% lower than those of the single-level concept. Improvements in overall heat transfer coefficients due to the use of extended surface tubing, Ovo Se turbulence promoters, and dropwise condensation promoters present another promising area of effort. Since the heat transfer surface represents one- third to one-half the cost of an evaporator, doubling the overall heat transfer coefficient will reduce the evaporator cost about 20%. Because the field is a .. new, many cost improvements can be expected to result from a minimum effort. List wie's - 10 - The Oak Ridge Dual' Plant Reference Design It is worthwhile to digress from the subject of costs to present a picture of a one billion gallon per day dual plant. Figure 5 is the reference flowsheet. Steam from the reactor passes through the turbine and thence to the brine heater, where it is condensed and picked up by the feedwater pump tu complete its circuit with the reactor. No steam from the reactor ends up in the fresh-water product. Recirculating brine receives its final increment of temperature in the brine heater and returns to the evaporator. Product steam flashes from the open brine stream as the brine cascades to successively lower pressure stages. The product steam is condensed on the lower temperature brine heating tubes as the product heat of vaporization is recovered regeneratively. Figure 6 is a perspective drawing of the reference dual plant, which is designed to produce one billion gallons per day of fresh water and 4500 megawatts of electricity. It is powered by three 8300-Mw(t) reactors for a total of 25,000 Mit(t). The reactors are of the pressure-tube type, and they Sure are moderated with heavy water, and cooled with boiling light water. The fuel is natural uranium jacketed in Zircaloy. The design of very large reactor units of this type is feasible – the 8300-Mw(t) size being only a little over twice the capacity of the NPR at Hanford - and onstream refuel- ing will permit high plant availability. Nine turbine-generators, each producing 500 Mw(e), Curnish a total of 4500 MW(e), of which 4000 Mw(e) is available for sale. Turbine-generator manufacturers see no problemis in providing these units. Indeed, it is likely that a smaller number of turbine-generators will be required by the time plants of this size are being built. -ll- VILASSIFIED ORNL-IR-DG. 783087 CTO.2 31!!388. poGENERA:07 SL . 1.1!17!-STAGE FL.:SH EVAPORATOR OLCEA WATER . -A 100F DRESI !!TER Woon ! - 12 - iOA 0:02S9N- PREHEATER 1 . . .-.: ORIM TO SEA 7 . 81053 Y.- . , . CEC lasww.mi 32173174:J. . $393!3 Figure 5. The Oak Ridge One Billion Gallon Per Day Reference Evaporator Flowsheet. . . .. - - . . . - . - . ... .همه . ا ا ر 7 .7 . - - - - . ---- تة .. --. : : :.. . ...:: ۰ ۰۰:::. سندسنسنے -. . -- .. ص م . . . .. .. .. . ............. ا .. د ۱ .مام ... ... . . . : :::..:: . ........ا یہی ....... - : م م . م . . . . .... : معنا - 13 . ک ر کے ان کے کان کے کئی کان کنی کے کر کر کے کے لنگر کے کیر -::1::الت :33 . - ::: :: :: :: • :: .. . - .. تر::: 7 نشه... نتمن .:::؟ م تن مست. :: )) :::t ج . 22:14( (; و.....همه مهمه . -- . . .. م ... نده .. رررررررررررره روده س ه مه مه. .م: همه سیمبیب ::: محمد: به من... جج ج . . . م س..... Figure 6. A Perspective Drawing of the Oak Ridge One Billion Gallon Per Day Dual-Purpose Desalination Plant. The reference design evaporator is of the multistage flash type. It is constructed of concrete and has seven vertical brine-tray levels. The evaporator is 1000 feet wide by 500 feet long by 6 feet high. It is divided into 18 identical modules, each of which contains 30 stages. The predicted performance ratio is 5 for a maximum brine temperature of 200°F. The cost of the reference plant is estimated to be about $1 billion, including $350 million for the reactors, $263 million for the power units, $240 million for the evaporator, and $73 million for heavy water. The design and cost estimates have been prepared by Sargent and Lundy Engineers and by Union Carbide Nuclear Company* in sufficient detail to ensure that the plant can $ be built with present technology. The Cost of Vlater The cost of water from the reference plant should be compared with the cost of water from alternate systems on the basis of total plant or system construction and operating costs versus the quantity of products produced. Such a procedure eliminates the confusion caused by consideration of the value of power, the type of financing used, and many other factors more OPA political than technical that must accompany a pure statement of water cost. In spite of what has just been said, Fig. 7 has been included to aid the reader in understanding what the cost factors already discussed mean in terms of the unit water cost. Here the cost of water is plotted versus the net electrical production for four assumed values of power. If the power can be marketed for 1.5 to 2 mills/kwh, water will cost 8-134/1000 gallons at a net power production level of 4000 Mwle). Such costs are very close to reaching the agricultural water cost range of 5-100/1000 gallons. The costs shown are based on the reference design plant built with municipal financing. - 14 - UNCLASSIFIED ORIIL DIG. 63-2942 1 POWER PRICE 1.5 M/kwh. :03 OOO5: 2.0 M/Hw 2BLVÍ DO 30.00 - 15 - ! .. - Lo.. ::: .NET LA NET ELCTRICAL. OUTPUT: . . .. ETCT OF POWERWATTR RATIO { BILLIÜN (LL.CS PER DAY NATURAL URANIUM ILLED PLANTS . . Figure 7 ! Such a plant can be built today with existing technology. The costs do not reflect any significant contribution from optimization or research and development. Summary In conclusion it may be stated that distilled water may be economically produced by distillation in a large dual-purpose nuclear facility. Projected water costs will be low enough for agricultural purposes if full advantage is taken of the favorable cost features of by-product electricity, natural uranium or breeder fuels, a large fuel-processing industry, and large-size construction. Further reductions in water cost will undoubtedly occur as the results of research and development are applied to the nuclear desalina- tion industry. - 16 - REFERENCES 1. R. P. Hammond, "Communication from R. P. Hammond, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, October 20, 1955," Background Material for the Report of the Panel on the Impact of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Vol. 2, pp. 311-313, January 1956. 2. F. L. Culler, "The Effect of Scale-Up on Fuel Cycle Cost for Enriched Fuel and Natural Uranium Fuel Systems," USAEC Report ORNL-TM-564, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 1963. 3. Sargent and Lundy Engineers, "Saline Water Conversion Power Reactor Plants," Report SL-1998, January 1963. 4. B. E. Mitchell, "Desalination of Sea Water Evaporator Plants," USAEC Report KD-1780, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, May 1, 1963. 201 5. I. Spiewak, "Use of Large Nuclear Reactors for Desalination of Seawater," Lecture Sponsored by the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, 1964-65. - 17 - 1 END TMR DATE FILMED 9/ 1 /65 -- mikor