. . ** I OF L ORNLP . 15 . ) . 1235 .... . . " r. : i .. " . 1 . - . i 140 . . : 11:25 || 1.4 . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 pewn -..- - - - ... - LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: . ... ... ... ...... ... . ---...--. - - - . -. --. . .. . - A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 1 ,141 AN k. . . . ORN-P-1235 CONF-650501-10 COMPUTATIONAL PROBLEMS OF REACTOR SAFETY* MAY 4 7 1968 MASTER W. K. Ergen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Prepared for presentation at the Conference on Application of , Conputing Methods to Reactor Problems, Argonne National Laboratory, May 17-19, 1965 Introduction I am probably the last person who should give this talk, as I have never designed a computer code in my life, My work is directed toward a qualitative, or maybe semi-quantitative, understanding of the complicated and interlocking phenomena affecting reactor safety. Pencil-and-paper mathematics is all that can usefully be applied to this end of the business; and if a problem ever gets to the stage where more sophisticated methods pay off, the work is trans- ferred to mathematical experts. You may, however, enjoy hearing a broad survey of the problems of reactor safety in order to see where modern computational techniques can rsefully be employed. I will try to present such a survey. Nuclear-reactor hazards stem mainly from the possibility of dispersing fission fragments. The other hazards - such as that resulting from flying objects - are relatively minor compared to the fission-fragment hazard, or compared to similar hazards in non-nuclear plants. The largest reactor explosion actually attained so far was a deliberate destructive test of a space-propulsion reactor, and it yielded the equivalent of 100 lbs of TNT, rather a small amount compared with the yield of some chemical accidents. In almost all reactors the fissions occur in solid fuel elements, and the fission fragments are therefore normally trapped inside the solid matrix of these elements, or at least inside the cladding of the fuel. To release the fission fragments, some sort of overheating is required resulting in a phase Research sponsored by the United States Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. PATENT CLEARS APPROVED. PROSECTION. PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON EILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION, -2- change in the solid fuel, or in its melting, or vaporization, or in damage to the cladding. Overheating occurs when the ratio of heat production to cooling becomes unduly large. I would like to discuss first the case where this results from excessive heating during a power excursion of the reactor. Reactor Dynamics - Doppler Effect A power excursion occurs when the population n of each neutron generation exceeds the population of the preceding generation by a fraction, called the excess reactivity key. If t is the lifetime of one generation, du/dt = (kex/t) n (1) ror 2 and the neutron population and reactor power increases exponentially as long as kex and t remain constant. Actually, things are very much more complicated. re are ver mo In the first place, a few tenths of a percent of the neutrons are "delayed"; that is, they have lifetimes orders of magnitude greater than the majority of the neutrons. Eq. 1 then is modified, inasmuch as we have to subtract from kov a fraction corresponding to the neutrons which are delayed; however, on the right side of Eq.1 new terms are added corresponding to the delayed neutrons as they are formed. These terms are obtained from a set of first order differ- ential equations. Eq. 1, and these differential equations form a system which is frequently solved by analog computers, sometimes simply involving electrical networks. Much more fundamental modifications of Eq. I are caused by feedback, that is the fact that the excess reactivity is influenced by the neutron population n. A relatively simple example of this is produced by the Doppler effect. For reasons known to many of you, the reactivity changes if the fuel temperature -3- varies. In practical reactors the reactivity usually goes down as the fuel nas gets hotter, that is we have a negative feedback. Now the temperature depends on the energy density deposited by the nuclear heating, and the energy density is the time integral of the power density, which, in turn, is essentially pro- portional to the neutron population n. Thus, if k. is the originally inserted excess reactivity, kex = k. - function of ſ dt' n(t') . (2) If we have indeed a negative feedback, this function is positive, and after a while kex goes to zero and n reaches a maximum. After this, key becomes more and more negative and n decreases assymptotically to zero. In case the above function is linear, an analytical solution in terms of hyperbolic functions is easily obtained, at least if Eq. 1.can be used and the delayed neutrons appear. Note, that the feedback makes Eq. l non-linear, even if the function in Eq. 2 is linear, because n is multiplied by its own time integral. In practice, however, the function in Eq. 2 is not linear. In the first place, the reactivity decrease per degree decreases with increasing temperature, On the other hand, the heat capacity decreases usually with increasing tempera- ture so that usually at higher temperature more degrees are obtained for a given increase in energy density. The two non-linearities thus compensate each other, but only partially. Furthermore, if the temperature increases are such as to constitute a safety problem, they must involve some sort of a phase change, as mentioned above; and then a violent non-linearity is introduced by the latent heat of the phase change, which prevents a temperature increase for a finite increase in energy density. Digital methods are used overwhelmingly in the non-linear case though I am not absolutely sure that this is necessary, -4- The Doppler effect is usually regarded as "instantaneous", that is, the reactivity is usually assumed to follow the temperature or energy density with- out time delay. However, in some important cases even this simplication is not 2 quite correct.? For various reasons, the fissionable material, such as plutonium, is sometimes concentrated in small grains, embedded in fertile inaterial, such as wºu. The decrease in reactivity with increasing temperature comes from the fertile material. The Doppler effect of the fissionable material is small, and probably goes in the other direction. In a transient, the grains of fission- able material heat up first, giving a small and probably positive reactivity change. Only after a time delay will the fertile material heat up and give the strong negative Doppler effect. This time delay is described by the heat- conduction equation, a partial differential equation of second order in the space coordinates and of first order in time. As a practical matter, the delay allows the reactor power to increase longer than would otherwise be the case, and consequently the transient becomes more violent. It has recently been pointed out, however, that the above computational model might be misleading. If the small grains of fissionable material are to absorb, initially, almost all the energy generated, they must get very hot indeed. They will soon vaporize and fissionable material will condense in small cracks in the fertile material which never has exactly the maximum theoretical density. From then on, the heat transfer will be very rapid and the negative Doppler effect will terminate the transient sooner than the previous model indicated. I just mentioned this somewhat detailed argument in order to emphasize the difficulty of arriving at a suitable model, a difficulty which is superimposed on your problem of computationally describing a given model. -5 - Other Reactivity Effects The Doppler effect is of course not the only reactivity effect to be COV considered. Some reactivity change will result from the thermal expansion of the heated fuel. As long as it is a question of a metallic fuel rod that expands longitudinally as a function of its temperature, the problem is fairiy straightforward, complicated only moderately by the temperature dependence of the expansion coefficient. Sometimes it is even possible to neglect the time delay connected with this expansion, since it is small compared to the time constant of some transients. However, if it is a question of a fuel rod that is constrained at the ends or elsewhere, that is "fluffed up" by the effect of many fissions, or that has many voids or cracks, the matter is usually not accessible to analytical solution. Other thermal-mechanical effects will be discussed later. Reactivity effects are also caused by changes in coolant density, which may result from the transfer of heat from the fuel into the coolant. Here it is a question of coupling the reactor dynamics equations with the heat-transfer equations, which involve the heat conduction equation in several regions, coupled by boundary conditions. The great difficulty stems here from the non-linearity, and above all, from the threshold effects such as boiling. In water-cooled reactors, the nhenomena governing the heat transfer are quite different in the subcooled region and in the region where boiling is taking place. The difference also applies to the effect one unit of heat has on reactivity: 18 the unit is used to generate steam, it changes the reactivity much more than if it heats subcooled water. Further reactivity effects are caused by the heating of the moderator, which again is connected to heat generation in the fuel by heat transfer -6- equations, involving sometimes variable contact resistances at the boundaries between regions. The moderator heating acts through a change in the low- energy spectrum of the neutrons which interacts with the energy dependence of the cross sections in a manner that is hard to describe by analytical functions and hence particularly suitable for computational solutions. Furthermore, some of the nuclides with important cross-section variations in the low-energy region vary in concentration throughout the life of the reactor. For instance 4°xe, the fissionable nuclides and some fission fragments belong into this category. For this reason, very many calculations are required again calling for computational methods. Advanced Topics of Reactor Dynamics In Eq. 2 I have tacitly assumed that the reactivity is inserted as one step at low, but not extremely low, power. This assumption is frequently made because it is simple and gives pessimistic results, something required in most safety analyses. If the reactivity is inserted more gradually, the negative reactivity effects mentioned above keep up with the reactivity insertion and the reactor never gets very super-critical. Also, slower but larger reactivity effects get a chance to act. Thus consideration of the time dependence of the reactivity addition results frequently in reduced severity of the computed transient. However, even where analytical solutions are available for the inotantaneous reactivity addition, computational methods might be required for the time-dependent case of reactivity insertion. Furthermore, the postulated reactivity additions, such as rod withdrawal at maximum speed etc., are fairly well standardized, resulting in a large number of calculations of the same kind, which favors machine calculations, -7- Equation 1 breaks down if the start-up occurs at extremely low power or SOUTCO source strength. In that case, the reactor power may fail to rise, even if er even the reactor is supercritical, simply because there is no neutron present to get the reaction started, or because a chain reaction, which did start, breaks off in accordance with the law of statistics. Thus even a gradual reactivity addition may result in considerable excess reactivity and hence a large excur- sion, because there is no immediate power increase and no immediate negative reactivity effent. Codes nave been written for this low-source startup. The capability of even the largest computing machines is challenged when the space dependence of the reactor excursions is taken into account. In the case of large reactors that is necessary. The point is that the power density is not the same everywhere in the reactor. Hence the feedback effects will vary from point to point, and the reactivity distribution will change. This in turn distorts the power distribution. Considering that the computa - tions usually require multigroup calculations, and that the space dependence might have to be worked uut in several regions and in two or three dimensions , it is clear that one cannot be very generous with the number of groups, the number of space points and the length of the time intervals. A procedure usually adopted is the following: First the space-dependent problem is solved for one moment in time. This gives a power distribution, and an assymtotic reactor period. Next, for a certain time interval, the power, distributed in space as just computed, is allowed to increase exponentially with the above period. The energy density deposited during the time interval causes a space- dependent change in the local reactivity. The new reactivity distribution is used in a new space-dependent computation to obtain a power distribution and reactor period, and so. -8- Quite apart from the difficulties with excessive coarseness of the space EXCE coal and time grid, and the popsibility of computational instabilities, it is diffi- cult to prove that the above method approximates the correct solution. In reality, of course, the power does not increase with the same period all over the reactor, something that is a basic assumption in the above method. In some simplified cases, I have been able to obtain analytical solutions to the space dependent problem with feedback. The solutions are based on the Weierstrass P-function, and they may be used to check the validity of some of the above computational methods. If the analytical method is applied to the multi-region case, it becomes a cumbersome system of coupled equations, involv- ing P-functions just as the no-feedback case becomes a system of coupled equa- tions involving sine, cosine, and exponential functions. The system with the P-functions could presumably be coded and that might be corisiderably simpler than the coding of the problem based on a grid of discrete space and time points. Hydraulics Overheating of the fuel elements and the resulting fission fragment release may also result from too low a coolant flow, or loss of the coolant altogether. In fact the assumed "maximum credible accident" usually involves a break of one of the main coolant pipes, followed by the loss of the coolant through the result- ing openings. Sometimes it is assumed that a coolant pump loses power, and the flow then coasts down ultimately leaving insufficient flow for heat removal. The events immediately after the onset of the disturbance are the most important because the heat generation is largest at that time: The nuclear chain reaction has not yet quite decayed, and the afterheat from fission fragments is greatest. -9- Basically, the fluid flow problem involves nothing but the conservation of mass, momentum and energy. However, the complicated nature of the problem may be understood, when it is remembered that the mass flow distributes itself over several channels in series or in parallel; that the momentum equation involves friction factors in complicated channel shapes; and that the energy equations involved the pumps and frequently also gravity (such as in the case of natural convection). The matter is particularly involved when boiling is present. Here, large density changes, large accelerations, and two-phase flow enter in. Coupling with the heat transfer equations influence the hydrodynamics, and more importantly, the flow pattern influences the heat transfer. For transient phenomena of the order of milliseconds' duration, the interaction between heat transfer, boiling, and flow is not well understood. The situation is bad for water, and worse for other coolants. It is frequently not a question of solving the equations applicable to a specific model, but rather of finding a reasonahie model. Thermal-Mechanical Effects I mentioned already, that thermal-mechanical effects, such as fuel-element expansion or bowing, influence reactivity. They also influence fluid flow to some extent, and are of particular interest with respect to possible interfer- ence with control rod motion etc. The interaction of time-dependent heat genera- tion, heat transfer, and mechanics prevents solution in ail cases except the simplest cnes. The time-dependent equation describing the bowing of a single rod is a partial differential equation, of the second order in time and the fourth order in space. Constraints in the mechanical motion, and possible creep, further complicate matters. -10- For really large excursions, and those are the most important ones for safety purposes, the pressure waves caused by thermal expansion or vaporization of the fuel are to be computed. The results of these pressure waves are fuel element destruction, elastic or plastic deformation of the pressure vessel, water hammer effects and so on. Frequently, the fuel element destruction and dissassembly of the core are the shut-down mechanisms which ultimately termi- nates the nuclear excursion. The interaction between the nuclear equations and the mechanical equations is the subject of the famous AX-1 code for very large destructive transients. This code has been subject to many refinements, to take into account the Doppler effect, and two dimensional geometry. The latter is of importance for instance in the case of a reactor of a shape approximating a flat cylinder. Fission Fragment Transport Once the above effects are assumed to conspire to release fission frag- ments from the reactor, or even from the fuel elements, rather simple assump- tions have been made in the past as to the further fate of the fission fragments. For instance it was postulated that 100% of the rare gases and 25% of the iodine leaks out to the atmosphere. Under this assumption, the iodine is' by far the dominan't hazard. Practically that is unrealistic because the iodine will, to a large extent, be retained in the coolant, plate out on the containment walls or be trapped in purposely supplied filters. Mathematical models are used to describe these effects. However, here again, we are only just on the verge of being able to understand the phenomena which have to be considered in these len Se models. For instance it is quite important to know what chemical form the iodine is in, and whether it is adscrbed on particulate matter or not. There is thus not much point in discussing these models in detail. Wačer sprays may be used to reduce the pressure inside the containment and this leads, in a computable manner, to a reduction and final termination of any release from the containment. On the other hand, some of the postulated accidents responsible for the fission fragment release from the fuel do not affect all the fuel simultaneously. The fuel elements in the highest flux release the fragments first, the other elements do so successively later. This convoluted with the time function describing the release from the containment gives an overall release more complicated, but more favorable, than the above mentioned release fractions. Meterology The leakage from the containment then represents a source term for atmospheric dispersion. Previously this dispersion had been assumed to take place according to the Sutton diffusion equation, an equation quite similar to the diffusion equation describing the neutron flux, and also to the heat conduction equation. The meteorological equation has some wrinkles of its own, however, for instance it is anisotropic. This relatively simple treat- ment neglects a few factors that reduce the computed radiation dose to an individual affected. Wind variability is one of them: is has been customary to assume that the wind has a constant direction after the incident and hence exposes a certain unfortunate group of individuals for the duration of the release. Actually, the wind rarely behaves like this, but sweeps back and forth over a larger arc. Sometimes the wind variability is neglected because of con- cern over the rare cases in which it does not apply, but frequently it is disregarded because of mathematical complexities which it entails. In these latter cases the convenience of computing machines may make it practical to take credit for the wind variability and similar mitigating factors. -12- Another example is the whole-hody radiation exposure resulting from a cloud of rare gases. A simple method of computing this exposure is based on the assumption that the cloud is infinite in extent. This is far from true close to the source, and a more sophisticated calculation facilitated by computing machines“ gives more favorable, and still correct results. To compute from given concentrations of the various fission fragments the doses to the whole body and to various organs, and to find ground and crop con- tamination, and other economic losses requires in any given case the performance of a large number of fairly elementary operations, something computers are well suited for. · Concluding Remarks I would like to mention an example of a somewhat peripheral use of computers in nuclear safety: The Nuclear Safety Information Center 'uses data processing machines for the storage and retrieval of information. In conclusion, I must apologize again for having given a talk at this meeting without understanding much about computers myself. What I tried to do was to give a survey of the problems that occur in nuciear safety, and that are suitable - to a varying degree - for solution by computational methods. This might help in establishing a background for the excellent safety-connected papers of this session. I am particularly referring to the papers by Galligani, by Blaine, and Berland, by Perks, by Brickstock, Davies and Smith, and by Russell. The emphasis on reactor physics was intentional, and based on the relatively advanced state of the discipline, Much of the information I presented can be found in the SIFTOR book. I have tried, to include a few examples of work ey done since these books were written. Thank you. -13- References 1. T. J. Thompson, and J. G. Beckerley, "The Technology of Nuclear Reactor Safety," Volume 1, the M.1.1, Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2.. Axel Fraude, "Institute of Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology," INR-NR 59/63, July 21, 1964, R. E. Peterson, "Neutron Kinetics Problems Associated with Mixed Oxide Fuels," Hanford Atomic Products Operation, Richland, Washington, HW-81259, July 1964. V. W. Fustafson and R. E. Peterson, "A Computer Investigation of Doppler Delay in Mixed Oxide Fuels," Trans. Am. Nuclear Soc., vol. 7, no. 2, November, 1964. H. Hurwitz, D, B. MacMillan, J. H, Smith, and M. L. Storm, 'Kinetics of Low Source Reactor Startups, Part II," General Electric Research Laboratory and and Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, New York, July 6, 1962, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 15, 187–196 (1963) ; KĄPL-P-2245. D. B, MacMillan, and M. L. Storm, "Kinetics of Low Neutron Source Reactor Startups - Part III, Nuclear Science and Engineering 16, 369-380 (1963). H. Hurwitz, Jr., "Kinetics of Low Source Reactor Startups, Part I," Nuclear Science and Engineering, 15(2): 166-186, February 1963, II D. S. Duncan, "CLOUD -An IBM 709 Program for Computing Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Radioactive Cloud," Atomics International, Canoga Park, California, NAA-SR-Memo 4822, 1959. END - - DATE FILMED 8 / 26 / 65 ' ' * LT