I OFI ORNL P 1511 - - . - . II . . 111922 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 i PORN Pino B12-13 OCT 26 1965 . - DCX-2 BEAM INJECTION DUCT* R. L. Brown, P. R. Bell, J. C. Culver . * The magnetically shielded duct (snout) through which the molecular- 3.on beam is injected into DCX-2 has the rather severe requirement that it shield the internal channel from an external magnetic field of 12 kilogauss while disturbing the very uniform external field to a neg- - 1 ligible degree.Engineering aspects of the latest model snout will be de presented. The cut-away view of DCX-2 (Fig. 1) shows the snout in its proper position. The schematic (Fig. 2) shows the desired field shape. A ferromagnetic hollow cylinder would reduce the field in the duct !CHKENT sufficiently but would distort the external field seriously. A cosine winding produces a field in the direction opposite to that of the IN NUCLEAR SCIEACE 1:25TXACTS external field. This corrector coil accurately restores the external REISASED FOR D field to the desired shape. A detailed cross section of the snout is shown in Fig. 3. Hiperco (a high-permeability material composed of 70% iron and 30% cobalt) not only shields the injection duct magnetically but also provides a structural support for the correcting coils. Abnormal magnetic forces will result if trouble occurs in the surrounding coils or in the main field coils. The Hiperco was machined on an automatic coded milling. 3 * Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. Thermonuclear Proj. Semiann. Progr. Rept. July 31, 1960, ORNL- 3011; Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Progr. Rept. Jan. 31, 1961, ORNL-3101 Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Progr. Rept. Oct. 31, 1961, ORNL-3239; Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Progr. Rept. Apr. 30, 1962, ORNL-3315; P. : Bell et al., Engineering Features of DCX-2, ORNL-3325 (July 12, 1963). LEGAL NOTICE The report wwpropered u u socont of Governot spoonored work. Nedober the United pornon acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Make money or reprenabadon, aprend or supue, with ropect to the LCCU- moy, completeness, or watelses of the tailormation contadud ta thulo roport, or that the use of my tafortation, appenatu, method, or proceso declound in the report may not latringa Hatua, nor the conteston, nor w my lastuta vita neprot to the wo of, or for damage results from the Nowed to do sboro, "person settes on behalf of the Commuteetan" includes kay on- woofery beforation, apparat, method, or proones dileclound ta the report, Plague of contractor of the counteddon, or ansioyo. of much contractor, to the extent that toleration permuual to No aplogracat or contract no aploys of contractor of the Commission, or uployee of such contractor properts, ploguiat vith racha contractor. donnantes, or pronto socou to, u sta the Counterton, or Me s D. A Jo imported NOF APPROVED-FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: AVAILABLE TO THE ACAD. ITS COTERACTORS ONLY. wnion - • detsembe -2. biw-* . - n machine (see Figs. i an! 5). This intricate machining was performed to match the shape of the transverse corrector coil, which is formed to fit the lands in the Hiperco as shown in Fig. 6. The transverse corrector coil (Fig. 7) almost exactly counteracts the magnetic distortion created by the Hiperco. Turns of varying length compensate for the varying field strength entering transverse to the axis of the injection duct.? Water path lengths were adjusted to be approximately the same in each of the four water circuits. For most animanta A en kaltet stavanotarat kargentin at - turns the conductors have been reduced to one-half size at the end of the Hiperco because of the very limited amount of space available and kitaalin the need for getting around the hole forming the injection duct. A helical corrector coil is wound around the transverse corrector ada dalam coil to compensate for a field component parallel to the axis of the n snout. The helical corrector coil consists of three major parts (Fig. 8). h masi The upper part is separated from the lower parts to make room for the mechanical support. ado..wow n The middle part terminates into a bus that connects to the lower part, which consists of four smaller segments connected .co.us.r o, kad nebenaran da electrically and hydraulically in parallel. From Fig. 8 it can be seen that the ampere turns per inch vary along the length of the coil o. moto charitatis, akkoodatuke kita k because of the varying magnetic field that the coil must produce. o. Ainder The field to be canceled 18 shown in Fig. 9 along with the actual measured field of the coil without the presence of the Hiperco. Find adjustments were made by shifting individual turns up or down the axis until the best fit was obtained. The coil was potted in glass-cloth-reinforced epoxy to hold turn positions and provide structural strength. mense. L. J. Bledsoe, Calculations for Redesign of Snout Transverse Field Shielding Coil, DCX-2 Technical Memorandum No. 101 (Dec. 17, 1962). SL. J. Bledsoe; C. E. Parker, and P. A. Thompson, Snout Region Field Calculations, DCX-2 Technical Memorandum No 100 (Nov. 1, 1962). . -3- The dip observed between the upper and middle sections is due to the gap in the coil required for the mechanical support. Fortunately the field strength at this position is not high enough to saturate the Hiperco, and no transverse field penetration occurs. By adding a mirror image of the field at the end of the coil to the measured field, an approx- Hiperco, which exactly matches the desired field. A view of both coils mounted on the Hiperco 18 shown in Fig. 10. The completely assembled snout is shown in Figs. 11 and 12. Magnetic measurements of the completed snout after installation in DCX-2 are shown in Figs. 13 and 14.4 Good shielding of the beam from the 12-kilogauss external field is obtained, and no evidence of disturbance of the main plasms by residual external field has been noted. Pertinent specification data are shown in Table 1. . . 44 . Y "0. B. Morgan and R. C. Davis, DCX-2 Data Supplement (June 5, 1964). FIGURE CAPTIONS Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. Fig. 6. ܨ ܩܼܿ ܪ .--.. - DCX-2. DCX-2 Ion Injection Duct "Snout: Cross Section DCX-2 Snout. End View of Hiperco. Hiperco. Hiperco & Transverse Corrector Coil. Transverse Corrector Coil, Helical Corrector Coils. Helical Corrector Coils B. vs. S.. Coils Assembled on Hiperco. Completely Assembled Snout. View looking north. Completely Assembled Snout. View looking south, Transverse Magnetic Field in New Snout. Axial Magnetic Field in New Snout. Fig. 7. Fig: 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. 8 TABLE CAPTION Table 1. Snout Coil Specifications . > M. Table 1. Snout Coil Specifications Transverse Coil Helical Coil . I = 6930 Itot = 6930 amp (0.036 Itot goes through parallel shunt) V = 24 v V = 9.6 v P = 166 kw P = 67 kw N = 14 turns N, = 26 turns at I = 6680 amp : Q = 29 gpm water N, = 20 turns at I = 1336 amp Ap = 180 psi pressure drop Q = 8.9 gpm At = 35°C maximum ambient water temperature At = 30°C ambient water temperature Гл от при _. . 1 evnov о А • Т . Під 1,' LEBENO: 2. . JAAAAA . . . O ON SOUNCE ACCELERATOR TUBE ☺ MAOMETIC LENS O MOLECULAR AON BEAN Отер ми O MONETICALLY SWELDED WJECTOR MAGNETIC FIELD CONS O MEUM ANG O maun muurs . . . ос-2 ammoth.ww mer N CHOSSOVER CALL JOINT - HIPERCO E ICAM TARGET . 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ORNL-DWG 64-44799 00-400 gauss • 0-12 kilogous8 HII *HELICAL COIL boooow000000000000000000000000000 inches VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII --HELICAL COIL SNOUT TRANSVERSE COIL 10 E 9000 00000 TIP OF COPPER CAN' 0 100 200 300 400 gauss kilogguss 8 12 15 ORNL-DWG 64-11800 0 0-300 gauss lo--- 0-3 kilogouts - ! ... = PHELICAL COIL > -- l inches F rometnimi ** 00000000cocoogee :- * TTT lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HELICAL COIL SNOUT TRANSVERSE COIL 00000 TIP OF COPPER CAN -1000 200 300 '- 100 gauss kilogouss . . . i rr . . . 4 4 44 ) 4 END - - - E - Li. DATE FILMED 11/18/65 . 1. TV