I OF ORNL P i 1468 FEEFEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QUME AU OF STANDARDS -1963 Co ' Y : howy . . 2 1 : r neliaiheisia esimesestu LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- - m i * ** * the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. . . . .. ... a ini INC behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . огу че JUL 22 1965 (Paper - Second International Meeting on Accelerator Targets Designed for the Production of Neutrons, June 21-22, 1965, Grenoble, France) CONF-6506355/ (pin)cr Cross Section from Threshold to 2.25 MeV stil din J. H. Gibbons and R. L. Macklin Oak Ridge National Laboratory Cak Ridge, Tennessee MASTER itii r Abstract internetoverk The absolute (p,n) total cross section for "v(p,n) has been sig measured from threshold to 2.25 MeV with an accuracy of 5:40. The cross inde section measured with an ~ 15 keV thick target fluctuates appreciably sutini inimicis s despite the ~1 keV-level spacing observed using a thin target. The soull change of neutron energy with emission angle make this reaction a good 41 monoenergetic source. ie maitinant mimo termine their PATENT CLEARS APPROVED. JING SECTION PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RECEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON FILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION, Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. A . - .2. Introduction: The use of the "v(pin) reaction as a neutron source in the 10-700 keV energy range has recently been reviewed. Earlier measurements of forward yield and angular distributions have shown a very complicated resonance structure not fully resolved at I keV resulution. However, the variation of neutron energy with laboratory Angie is surti - cient to provide a continuous neutron flux, reasonably uniform uver a band of energies, when the 41 yield is used (see reť. 3 for example). While the neutron yield can be found for a particular target and bombardment by measuring the per radioactivity produced, this may not always be us con- venient as the use of a proton current integrator together with the target thickness and the, (p,n) croße section. sperimental: The equipment used was substantially the same as that described in an earlier report.“ We used the proton beam from the CRNL 5.5 M Van de Graaff accelerator, vacuum evaporated natural vanadiuin targets on Pt backings, and the graphite sphere 48 neutron detector.” The particular target used in this measurement (F48. 1) was (226 + 7) ug/cm² v by weight. Crystal growth gives a small variation of thickness and our * iting. :-1--...- . . *nin.!."* estimate of this effect from experience with thinner targets is indicated in Fig. 1. The proton beam was collimated and passed electron scraper and bias slits before entering the ~ 1 meter long target tube. The relative yield at several energies was checked during the course of the measurement and was repeatable to about 3%. Results: The cross section obtained is given in Fig. 1. It is clear from an examination of our earlier work that each peak ouserved is due to several resonances. For example, the peak neur 1.63 MeV is due . A to about 15 resonances. Thus the cross section shape will vary with target GA - 3 - thickness. The results of Harris, et al., are also plotted on Fig. 1. The agreement between these two measurements varies from goud (1.6") to 1.7 MeV and 1.9 to 2.1 MeV) to relatively poor elsewhere. The disagreement for E. > 2.15 MeV may be partially due to the different target thicknesses used but there is no apparent explanation for the other areas of disagreement. In contrast to this, our data are in good agreement over the entire energy interval measured with the results of Johnson, Gulonsky and Ulrich," who used a 45 neutron detector whose efficiency vs energy was callbrated **. , with a manganese bath. We estimate our errors (s.1). ) to be approximately as follows: target thickness (3%), proton beam current (1%), detector efficiency (s 3%), accelerator energy stability (~ 1 kev), counting statistics (< 1%). Thus the relative cross section should be accurute to about (+ 2%) and the absolute cross section to about (+ 5%). Conclusion: The total cross section is only about I mu for the *- ? '" .:-10-.. « .-5.1 * production of about 100 keV neutrons, compared to several hundred mb for in.!." . no reason T(p,n) and 'L(P,n) reactious; but the target atomic weight 18 such that the full 4x solid angle can be used without introducing large energy spreads. While the effective cross section 18 somewhat dependent upon target thickness the results, given proton current and target thickness, should allone...(486.). n t av dissez étrang neutron yield determination for E5 2.2 MeV accurate 'o less than 17%. Acknowledgements: The authors greatly appreciate conversations in aria with H. Grench and C. H. Johnson. t S 4 . References: 1. K. K. Harris, H. A. Grench, R. C. Jolmson and K. J. Vaugha, Nuci. Instr. and Methods 33, 257 (1965). 2. J. H. Gibbons, R. L. Macklin and E. W. Schmitt, Phys. Rev. 100, 167 (1965). 3. K. K. Harris, H. A. Grench, R. G. Johnson, F. J. Vauglun, J. H. Ferziger and R. Sher, submitted for publicatior in Nucl. Phys. 4. J. H. Gibbons and R. L. Macklin, Phys. Rev. 114, 571 (1999). 5. R. L. Macklin, Nucl. Phys. 1, 33(1957). 6. C. H. Johnson, A. Galonsky and J. P. Ulrich, Phys. Rev. 109, 1243 (1998). El + .. RSS . * , 1 : i IT _ ZEUS XX ' b TI . . . 7 .. . . .. - m e n -, ::: , ! I- IVILS , *' ' * **.! Me --*r ... 1,6 m; . ........ '. .... - . tron .. with KY TD new - - .war . . --. r in - - + ' ho, AL . .'. ' r . . LT - - . - . . v Fig. 1. The Figure Caption: - 5- to Harris, et al. agreement with the results herein reported. The data of Johnson, et al. are in good solid line simply connects data points. The open circles are due for a given proton energy is dependent upon target thickness. v(pin)cr total cross section. The cross section value The . . trebankamai armatponte contamination be a statist iklerini geriausias nterior and co n tainerAttributio . TUR: . 2 T TARGET: 226mg/cm2 (AV) V ON PI n tendimento delle traitement and co thinkimakasini yaration de Les contenitoring CROSS SECTION (mb) قفسه سینوسیله ESTIMATED RESOLUTION - I 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 LABORATORY PROTON ENERGY AT TARGET CENTER (MeV) v5(pen) Cp54 Average Cross Section as a Function of Proton Energy. END . a - - . DATE FILMED 9/ 24/65 v " . ! .. .. US MATE