. . . . . di I OF ORNL P 1607 @ . 4 . TEFFE ER TE 11:25 11.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNUP-1oon (To be published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Polarization Phenomena of Nucleons, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 6-10, 1965) Conf. 650928-5 N-D Scattering - Vector Polarization of Recoil Deuterons from a. Polarized Neutron Beam* H. B. Willard, S. T. Thornton, and C. M. Jones Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA The scattering of low energy neutrons by deuterons has long been plagued with the ambiguity of two different possible sets of interaction parameters (scattering lengths) as well as the very formidable theoretical difficulties inherent in three-body calculations. Measurement of the "zero" energy coherent and incoherent scattering cross sections leads to the following sets of scattering lengths:- Set I Set II 0.89 + 0.23 fm 6.32 $ 0.09 fm 8.13 $ 0.23 fm 2.70 0.09 fm DELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS where an, the doublet scattering length, corresponds to channel spin 1/2 and als the quartet scattering length, corresponds to channel spin 3/2. Theoretical calculations based upon the known nucleon-nucleon inter- action now seem to support the conclusion that the n-D interaction is predominantly quartet (i.e. Set I). However, to date there has been no direct experimental confirmation of these results. One could envision resolving this question by the conceptually simple experiment of scattering polarized thermal neutrons from a polarized deuterium target. Such measurements should be straightforward once the Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Oak Ridge Graduate Fellow from the University of Tennessee, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Fellowship administered by the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies. -2 . considerably difficult techniques associated with producing polarized targets have been carried out. We propose an alternative solution to the problem which necessitates a triple scattering experiment. In the first "scattering" a beam of polar- ized neutrons is produced by a suitable nuclear reaction. These polarized neutrons then undergo a second scattering by an unpolarized deuterium target. The polarization states of the recoil deuterons are then analyzed in a third scattering (or nuclear reaction). Polarizations resulting from scattering a beam of polarized neutrons from an unpolarized deuterijim target have been calculated by the general tensor moment technique of Simon and Welton. Assuming only s-wave inter- actions we find that: B lRozle + 8(ROZPO4 + ROZPO4? + 101 Ro4! Tijë + 2]R, 12 and and TA via - Rolle - 2(R2R64 + Röz Ro4) + 5|R0417 Ro212 + 2/80412 taf where Po is the incident neutron vector polarization TRA TRE TRA is the scattered neutron vector polarization is the recoil deuteron vector polarization Ros is the s-wave doublet reaction matrix Rol is the s-wave quartet reaction matrix. The reaction matrices are related to their corresponding s-Wave scattering - 3 - lengths and phase shifts by the usual relations: R = 2iełº sin 8, and a = - 4 tan 8. In this s-wave approximation the scattered neutron and recoil deuteron vector polarizations are independent of the scattering or recoil angles (as they should be) and are parallel or ti-parallel to the in- cident neutron polarization vector. Furthermore the second rank tensor moments of the deuteron polarization are all zero. These happy conclu- sions allow the experimentalist to choose large solid angles for observing the polarization states. The magnitudes of B and F; were then calculated as a function of the doublet and quartet scattering lengths for an incident beam of com- pletely polarized "zero" energy neutrons. Sets I and II give nearly the same values for the scattered neutron polarizati respectively. However, the recoil deuteron vector polarization differs not only in magnitude but also in sign for the two sets. Set I corresponds to Po = + 50% and Set II to P = - 33%. It is thus clear that measurement of the recoil deuteron vector polarization provides a very sensitive means for experimental resolution of this longstanding ambiguity. In order to perform such experiments it is more convenient if the recoil deuterons have sufficient energy to induce nuclear reactions that may serve to analyze the polarization. The Li' (p,n)Be reaction provides a source of 300-400 keV neutrons polarized* to greater than 50%. At these higher neutron energies the values of PM and Ps can be estimated from the phase shifts. However, the contribution from p-wave interactions? must also be included and therefore the product polarizations become a function of the scattering (recoil) angle. Fortunately, the interference of p-wave MER TF. and s-wave scattering is small and in particular goes to zero at 90° in the center-of-mass system. Assuming the incident neutron beam is polarized perpendicular to the scattering plane, the deuterons recoiling at 90° will have vector polarizations of + 42% for Set I or - 23% for Set II. Vector polarized deuterons of a few hundred keV energy can be analyzed with high efficiency by the D(d,p)r reaction. Assuming good geometry, the maximum observable left-right asymmetry in the triple scat- tering experiment we have outlined would be 1.28 for Set I and 0.88 for Set II. When finite solid angles and energy spreads are considered these asymmetries will be reduced, but we estimate that counting rates of better than 1 per minute are feasible with geometries sufficiently good to uniquely resolve this question. 5 - References 1. Calculated from data tabulated in BNL-325, Second Edition, Supplement 2, May 1964. See also W. Bartolini, R. E. Donaldson, and L. Passell, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 8 (1963) 477 for the coherent scattering cross section. 2. L. M. Delves, J. N. Lyness, J. M. Blatt, Phys. Rev. Letters 12 (1964) 542; R. Aaron, R. D. Amado, and Y. Y. Yam, Phys. Rev. Letters 13 (1964) 574, 702E. 3. A. Simon and T. A. Welton, Phys. Rev. 90 (1953) 1036; A. Simon, Phys. Rev. 92 (1933) 1050; T. A. Welton, Fast Neutron Physics, Vol. II (1963) ed. J. B. Marion and J. L. Fowler (Wiley - Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York) 1317 ff. 4. A. J. Elwyn and R. O. Lane, Nuclear Phys. 31 (1962) 78. 5. A. J. Elwyn, R. O. Lane, and A. Langsdorf, Jr., Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 779. 6. H. A. Christ and L. Brown, private communication. - L . . 4 LA1 Row END TTC Ordre LLLLS DATE FILMED 11/ 8 /65