J " . 4 * * . ☺ I OF L ORNL P 1543 . . . . . . L . : 1 i h ! EFEFEESTE - . - . 01.25 1.1.4 LS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 * * . . * . **** LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. OS ORN-P1542 CONF-650414-6 SEP 20 1965 ORNI -AIC - OFFICIAL - .- MASTER .- REFRACTORY-ALLOY NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF SMALL-DIAMETER/TUBING* .. -.- .. K. V. Cook and R. W. McClung Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee April 21, 1965 RELEASED MOX AMNO!RCELINT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ' ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL REFRACTORY-ALLOY NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF SMALL-DIAMETER TUBING ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL K. V. Cook and R. W. McClung ORML - ACC-OFFICIAL INTRODUCTION In the nuclear industry, as in the aerospace industry, tubing intended for such applications as heat exchangers is being subjected to higher temperatures and more corrosive environments than in the past. This has led to the develop- ment of a number of new alloys intended to withstand these rigorous conditions. However, the use of a "super" alloy would he to no avail if the tube contained defects, since this could produce just as disastrous & failure as the use of inadequate alloys. Therefore, to exploit the advantages of the new refractory metals, it has been necessary to utilize nondestructive testing methods to assure that the finished product is free of detrimental discontinuities and will perform in accordance with design expectations. At the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) we have used a number of such tests to evaluate refractory- metal alloy tubing.aga Of course, the choice of specific tests may vary according to the character and use of the tube. Those which have been applied at ORNL include pulsed ultrasonics, eddy currents, penetrants, and radiography for flaw.detection, and resonance ultrasonics and air gaging for dimensional measurements. FLAW DETECTION '.':,. .. . Ultrasonics .. ...:' General Principles , ':.** .! :: The use of ultrasonics for flaw detection involves the conversion of an electrical signal into an ultrasonic pulse or high frequency mechanical vibra- tion, the transmission of the ultrasound into the specimen, and the analysis of the pulses which are reflected from or transmitted through the specimen. When an ultrasonic pulse, traveling through a couplant such as water, strikes a metal specimen, the sound wave will be refracted at the acoustic boundary in accordance with Snell's law: sin ew sin eg, sinos -. . . . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL where = incident angle of the ultrasonic beam in water, 0= angle of refraction for the longitudinal wave, Os = angle of refraction for the shear wave, V = velocity of sound in water, V, - velocity of the refracted longitudinal wave, Vs = velocity of the refracted., shear wave. For conventional tubing inspection for the detection of cracks and other longi- tudinal discontinuities, the ultrasonic beam is adjusted so that it is incident upon the tubing at an appropriate angle which allows the refracted sound to travel around the tube wall in a circumferential direction. If the tube wall is thick, a simple shear-wave inspection can be performed with the shear wave following a sawtooth path around the tube wall. If a flaw is present, a portion of the sound will be reflected and detected. However, for most small- diameter thin-wall tubing inspections, a more complicated form of wave motion ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL YIRUNO-RIY-THIO (Lamb waves) is utilized. The tube wall essentially channels the ultrasonic Lamb waves around it in a manner very similar to a wave guide. Figure 1 is an attempt to illustrste both shear-wave and Lamb-wave propagation of sound in tubing. The optimum incident angle required to generate Lamb waves," 18 critical and can vary with the ultrasonic frequency, tubing material, and wall thickness. In practice the proper incident angle is usually determined empiri- cally with a reference tube containing discontinuities of known size on both inner and outer surfaces. ORNI- AIC - OFFICIAL Equipment In general, commercial ultrasonic instrumentation has been used at ORNL for the application of ultrasonics to tubing inspection for generating, detecting, and displaying the signals associated with the test. Exceptions to this have been special fast-response gating and alarm circuits. Figure ? shows the block diagram of the system used at ORNL for inspecting turing. 3,4 Most of the ultrasonic transaucers have been standard items with active elements of quartz, lithium sulfate or lead zirconium titanate. The mechanical equipment is the same as that originally developed at ORNI for the immersed ultrasonic inspection of tubing. This equipment consists of an immersion tank and a scanner dolly which holds a search tube and transducer and maintains the turing in proper alignment during the examination. A motor and gear reducer assembly rotates the tubing and simultaneously translates the scanner dolly in a longitudinal direction, accomplishing a helical scan. Figure 3 shows the dolly used for the conventional inspection Figure 4 provides another view of the dolly and shows the mechanism for mechanical scanning. . . . . Reference Standards Lithuania! . Calibration of equipment to establish test sensitivity is accomplished using reference standards which contain fabricated discontinuities. Different methods were studied for the preparation of such standards and we feel that electrodischarge machining (EDM) is the best for producing reference notches. The size of these notches varies depending on material specifications with the smallest required to date being only 1/8 in. long x 0.001 in. deep. Reproduci- bility of notches is very good. The limitation on accuracy seems to be the tolerance of +2 u in measuring the depth of the finished notch by optical microscopy. Figure 5 shows the electrodischarge machine used to fabricate these notches. A voltage is applied to the electrode arm containing a small brass cutting shim. A close-up of the electrode arm and shim is shown in Fig. 6. When the shim is brought close to the tube (which is grounded) an electrical arc is produced thereby eroding a portion of the tube and a portion of the shim. By establishing the relationship of tool wear to notch depth for each material, a calibration is accomplished which can be used for machining notches of pre- scribed depths. A typical calibration curve for Mo-0.5% Ti is shown in Fig. 7. Shop incin ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Of course, optical microscopy can be directly applied only to outer-diameter notches. With inner-surface notches this technique is impossible unless the tube is split. Hence, for inner-surface notches techniques have been developed for making rubber replicas of the reerence discontinuities and then measuring them by the differential focusing technique. Successful replications of inner- surface notches have been made as far as 3 in. from the end of tubes having an inner diameter as small as 0.230 in. A silicone rubber (RTV-60) is used for these replicas on both inner- and outer-surface notches. Thinning the rubber mix with toluene improves its pouring characteristics and allows its use in areas of poor accessiblity. No 1086 in accuracy has been noted with this addition. Metallographic sections of both notches and their replicas have been taken and correlation between the two is excellent. Figure 8 shows in cross section an approximate center position of a 1/8-in. long, 0.001-in. deep, 0.0025-in. wide outer-surface notch in Inconel tubing. The differential ORNI - AEC - OISICIAL C ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL OINI -ALC - OINICIAL . .. ... . . . .. Niss.... Fig. 1. Propagation of Sound in Tube Wall. a ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 2. Block Diagram of Ultrasonic System for Inspecting Tubing. . ; Ringhouse with comicitiania wiado en las contine annonce........sevenaan . . WAVE GUIDE ACTION SHEAR MODE TUBING TUBING SOUND BEAM SOUND BEAM ORNL-LR-DWG 11114 UNCLASSIFIED OIN -NIC ORHIVALC - OFFICIAL - O LTICini ... ......... ..... .... ... .. ........... . ........ 1 3 € . 081! -TEC - OFFICIAL CIAL ORNL - AEC -O 1121310- 33V - INYO INDJ1330-331-inso ORNL-DWG 65-4738 --- TUBING SURFACE REFLECTION TUBING SURFACE REFLECTION- TIMING AND REFLECTION SIGNALS M TIME TUBING ROTATION 001 FLAW REFLECTION 360° VIDEO DISPLAY ROTATIONAL SIGNAL VIA DATA POTENTIOMETER BASIC ULTRASONIC GENERATOR AND DETECTOR TUBING ROTATION B-SCAN DATA PRESENTATION TRANSMIT-RECEIVE CRYSTAL WATER FLAW - ... TUBE ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-A1C-CIRICIAL ).. Ver mwyn muistaa wengi rimand. .. y seriods Ve mistinitosti ja i d mitte Entwert Visho wa maad rime t minties sam pomis 6). r idinio a en m inistri ja Sak 1 . J 1 Fig. 3. So Scanner Dolly Used for conventional Tbing Inspection. ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL OIMI - AIC - ORFICIAL ONNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ༢༤ ཙམ་ .༔ བ༦ ཡ CORNL-AIC - OFFICIAL མ བ བ་ ་ ་ ་ ཚཔའ=5 ༤ བག་བབ་ 7 ss ༧....་ ༽་ .. - - ་ , -- • རྨས ༤- མག• : རྟ-བབ.. ཅ་ ཡཔ་ཡ- --་ས་ག ORNI - ALC - OFFICIAL ORNL-AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ONKL - AIC-OFFICIAL mang Fig. 4. Dolly and Scanner Mechanism for Tubing Inspection. ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . -. --.. المسجد ... د سمسم دله . م حسن مسح مست۔ . همه مه .. محمد شدند د ست خم محمدسکس --------- ....... .... . .. . . . . .. . ..:: ..::.. :::... .. . . . . ----- ..... ه . ده ، .... :۰۰ ... . * ... ممانعت :: : . ده . مودم " . ب " " .. .. . • ..-. مج ... ميا .. أ ر ، ::: ... . . ... م .. . . . ده A = ... .مه :: . ا .. ا .. .. .. ما .. .. می مووم. . .. ... است. سا بنا حسمسمسمسمسمس سے مس .. مه ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ع م ه ععص را ORNI-AIC - OFFICIAL ORNL-AEC - OFFICIAL - I - ". Fig. 5. Electrodischarge Machine (EDM). ORNL - AC - OFFICIAL ORNL-AIC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - • . .. . .. . . . . { ....... -- -,- • . י. • .. .. . !... ::.. א זה .ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - Official more 1 : Fig. 6. Electrodischarge Machine Electrode Arm and Shim. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OIHL- AIC - OFFICIAL . . . - , . - -- . - .. - - . -.: -' OPNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL seminasimasis namaisiais metaisom In orifef844!488ff89144 .- -.--.. - . ! . . . . . . . .... en om det bare rouwarm , ord..... th and cois.. ....... naments int o the demanded the hindi mannanamani adrid s eko . net wie ORNL-AIC - OFICIAL OIHL - AIC -'ISICIAL ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL OINL AIC -'FICIAL N- Fig. 8. Cross Section of a 0.001-in. Deep EDM Notch. Fig. 7. Calibration Curve for Mo~0.5% Ti. . ORNI - AIC -ORPICIAL ORNI - ALC - OFFICIAL * * +.-.- - - . . . . OKINARCOTICIAL O ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL AEC - OFFICIAL ... • : ... -0.007 INCHES -- To 500x The ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL .. when it 'managemen t w ere...... L ieri.... . ORNL-DWG 64-11710 Mo-0.5 % Ti TUBING NOTCH DEPTH (A) .. . 0 0.002 :0.004 0.006 0.008 TOOL FEED (in.) 0.010 0.012 0.014 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORXL - AC - OFFICIAL itijisi ve s . riivi IVIJIJIO- 33 V-TRIO rivol si focusing technique was used to measure the depth of this notch before sectioning. The apparent depth as mrasured by this technique was (0.00100 + 0.00008) in. As is evident from the photomicrograph, the depth was confirmed. Figure 9 is a cross section of a replica of a machined notch. O NL-ACC-OFFICIAL Applications itijisini The ultrasonic method has been applied successfully for tice evaluation of tubes made of a number of alloys in various sizes. The base constituent of the alloys has included tantalum, columbium, tungsten, molybdenum, zirconium, and nickel. The sizes have ranged from about 0.250-in. OD X 0.009-in. wall up to l-in. OD X 0.031-in. wall. By modifying the scanning procedure, the technique has even been applied to 2-in. OD X 1/4-in. wall refractory-metal tube shells to assure their quality before fabrication into small-diameter tubing. The smallest flaws which have been detected and confirmed by metallography are 0.0005-in. deep inner-surface discontinuities such as shown in Fig. 20. Other typical disconti- nuities are the inner-surface crack found in 1/2-in. OD X 0.062-in. wall B-66 tubing, the inner-surface cracks found in 1/2-in. OD X 0.062-in. wall D-43 tubing, and the outer-surface crack found in 1/4-in. OD X 0.015-in. wall T-111 tubing shown in Figs. ll, 12, and 13, respectively. - Special Techniques * - ; i eiie Although the previously described technique is applicable to most conven- į tional tubing, special products such as tapered and multilayer (e.g., duplex) tubing, require specialized techniques. Ultrasonics have been successfully applied to each of these problems. .m .. ma..... wie . Tapered Tubing. – We were recently faced with the problem of inspecting thin wall tubing which had a constantly varying diameter. As described previously for constant wall thickness, there is a critica), optimum angle of sound entry for proper ultrasonic inspection. Therefore, we had to modify the basic mechan- ical system to maintain a fixed angle of incidence despite variations in the . conventional tubing in proper alignment with the sound beam during the helical scan. This is accomplished with two face plates containing Teflon bushings which are machined to fit the inspected tubing and are mounted on either side of the search tube. For tapered-tübing inspection, the face-plate bushings are machined to fit the maximum diameter of the tube. The search tube is adjusted and fixed in a constant position relative to the face plates. This adjustment is made to obtain optimum response to inner- and outer-surface longitudinal notches placed near the maximum diameter. Two spring-loaded V-block devices hold the tubing at a constant point of tangency which coincides. with the proper incident angle of the sound beam for inspection as the tube is traversed. The V-blocks are adjustea to obtain optimum response to notches near the minimum diameter. Thus, the incident angle of the sound beam on the tube wall does not vary as the diameter changes. Figure 14 is a cross- sectional drawing showing how the axis of the tube is shifted along a radius S. ,. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL point of tangency. Figure 15 shows a tapered tube passing through face plates on the modified scanner dolly and the V-block mechanical devices. A universal joint connection is used for rotating the tubing which is not coaxial with the chuck. Hence, it is possible with this system to maintain the ultrasonic inspection setup despite the tapering of the tube. The technique has been shown to be capable of detecting longitudinal discontinuities with depths less than 0.001 in. A typical discontinuity detected in 0.009-in. wall Inconel tapered tubing is shown in Fig. 16. This discontinuity is located in an area which gave an ultrasonic response approximately equivalent to that from a 0.001-in. deep x 0.0025-in. wide x 1/8-ir.. long EDM notch. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Y- in V . -- - - JAV. Tube. Fig. 10. Fig. 9. ττ Inner-Surface Discontinuities on 0.009-in. Wall Inconel Cross Section of a Replica of a 0.001-in. Deep EDM Notch. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI ~ 11C - OFFICIAL . - ... S - '-. * * in amo schitterenstration reporting , sro.tit 1. - .. - . - . ... . . . .. - - - - OTNI-AIC - OFFICIAL OENL-ASC-OFFICIAL .. . .. . . . .. یا لللللللقلبها - BIOC ا:s312 م او وx00 س2006 s3H2011.. س..... 390 تا .. S . . به همه... . . . : .. ما میدهد ، همهمه.. ..... ..... ... . . . ..:.. . . ... سسسسسس ................. وا سنا د و . ----- ... ... ... ... ... .. محمد - ۰۰ ۰۰ ........... است نه دستی به من نادم ... ... ... ..-. -- . ..... . . .. ............ . . . ORNL-HE-OFFICIAL ORNL - EC - OFFICIAL OEHL-filc - OIFICIAL Fig. 11. Alloy Tubing: Inner-Surface Crack in 1/2-in. OD X 0.062-in. Wall B-66 IYIDIO-BY-liit Fig. 12. Alloy Tubing. Inner-Surface Crucks in 1/2-in. OD x 0.062-in. Wall D-43 12 . in : 150 - SIV - TRYO TY11110-03 V-INO XOSZ - szirsol R0O--- OLLS - :: XSL Solisti Suo'o - . .......... . . . ..... ... .... . . . ORNI - AC - OFFICI! OBVI - AEC-OPTICAL ORNI - ACCOFFICIAL Irl) liso - DIY - lino Fig. 13. Tubing. Outer-Surface Crack in 1/4-in. OD X 0.015-in. Wall T-111 Alloy OENT-NEC - OIFICIA! TY)1110-) Y-lido ORM laburriline Fig. 14. Tube Cross Sections Showing Constant Incident Angle at Common Points of Tangency. 23 ORNI - AEC-OFFICIAL ORHI-ACC-OISICIAL :جل: انا انا .. انا ----- ...-2100 اوراازز --- . ... مس .. .. .... . ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL OANI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNL-DWG 64-9378 INCIDENT SOUND BEAM 0 = 82 -MAX. DIAM. TUBE WALL MIN. DIAM. TUBE WALL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . . : 14 Fig. 15. Modified Scanner Dolly. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORHI -A1C-OSSICIAL is : ---cowa..... dan - • ... ...... .... . ....... ot .... ... . onda en .. - ORNI - ALC - OFFICIAL ORNI-ACC-OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNITEC - OFFICIAL ORNI-TEC - OFFICIAL ORAL-NIC-OFFICIAL + 2 - 1 - Fig. 16. Inner-Surface Crack in 0.009-in. Wall Tapered Tube. Multilayer Tubing. - Another special requirement was for the detection of nonbonding between layers of multilayer tubing. A through-transmission tech- nique using two piezoelectric crystals was applied to this problem. One of the transducers served as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. In practice the transmitting crystal was placed in a small probe which fits irito the inner diameter of the tubing. The receiver was a collimated transducer mounted in the scanning dolly of the tube scanning tank. The two crystals were aligned and fixed relative to each other, the combination moving longi- tudinally along the tube as it was rotated. Thus, a helical scan was accom- plished. Figure 17 shows this system with the probe entering the bore of a tube. If a nonbond exists the amount of sound being transmitted through the tube wall will be attenuated and can be related to a reference sensitivity. A flat-bottomed drilled hole was used as a reference for establishing the inspection sensitivity. Penetrants Principles ORNL - AEC - OSFICIAL We have found dye penetrants to be a very valuable tool for the evaluatici of refractory-metal tubing for outer-surface discontinuities. The basic method consists of applying a highly penetrating liquid containing a dye material to the surface of the part. A portion of the dye-bearing material will penetrate surface-connected discontinuities such as cracks, laps, and pinholes. The liquid is then removed from the surface leaving the entrapped portions in the flaws. A developer is usually applied to assist the penetrant in returning to the surface so that it may be detected as an indication of a discontinuity. ORNI-AIC - OPTICIAL 15 . . -.-.wo...... En -0.007 HICHES TA 500X T ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL .. ORA ORNL - AC - OFFICIEL layer Tubing. Fig. 17. Two-Crystal System for Through-Transmission Evaluation of Multi- ORNI - AC-OFFICIAL OR!!! - AIC - OFFICIAL LE 11. Eh miwimmer Woh n un ..... erw inningar som serwis com . .... - . . . . . - ..... .. . .... .. ..... .. . . . .. . . -- pore- . ... . .. on . .. • '!... . . ....... . ., 2 . .--. OX Ow OAK RIOGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Si... . . me. . - .. ...... ... ... . . . ... com S i che ......-'- - =-....... ... . . . . . . ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL O?NL-AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Materials and Procedure ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI ATC-irricidil We prefer to use the post-emulsified fluorescent-penetrant process because of its greater sensitivity and contrast when compared to other penetrant: processes (illustrated in Fig. 18). The l'irst step is a thorough cleaning by degreasing or ultrasonic cleaning to assure that defects are not contami- nated so that penetrant cannot enter. After removal of cleaning solutions (usually by warm air drying), the penetrant is applied and allowed to remain for approximately 30 min. Next an emulsifier is applied for approximately 1 1/2 min before using a forceful spray of warm water to remove the emulsi- fied penetrant. The emulsifier has poor penetrating qualities so that the penetrant which has flowed into flaws will not be affected by the application of emulsifier. The tube is then dried in warm air and a dry powder developer is app.?.i. ed. After about 15 min the tube is ready to inspect in a darkened booth with black light illumination. The depth of discontinuities located by this method are determined by physical removal with fine files or emery paper. Care is taken to assure that on acceptable tubes the abraded areas are blended into the surface and that the surface finish corresponds to that of the rest of the tube. Auplication The penetrant method has been successfully applied to a number of refrac- tory alloy tubes. The most common discontinuities are pinholes and pits, but other flaws have included laps, folds, scabs, and cracks. One problem which has been encountered in certain alloys is a smearing of the surface which probably occurs in the final polishing operation of the tube fabrication. This smearing can ciose the surface access of cracks and other defects, barring the entry of the penetrant and thus producing no indication. Radiography Principles Since radiography is a quite widely used method, there is little need to go into detailed discussion. Basically it consists of transmitting a beam of x- or gamma-rays through a specimen and recording the intensity variations on a photographic emulsion (film). Discontinuities which cause an effective thickness change will be shown as regions of greater exposure (darkening) or the film. Equipment and Materials We have used commercial x-ray equipment, fine-grained industrial x-ray Im, and standard processing solutions throughout the radiographic program. The processed films are examined using high intensity viewers. Low-power magnification is occasionally useful for observation of minute discontinuities. Application and Results O?NL - AEC - OFFICIAL Nocally the tubing is placed directly on the film holder with adjacent tubes being tangent so that there is mutual shielding and blocking to minimize the "undercut" from scattered radiation which would degrade the images. For complete radiographic inspection we have used three exposures at 120° rotational intervals on each tube section. For samplirg evaluations we occasionally radio- graph all of the tubing with one view cnly. OANI - AC - OFFICIAL will sent times We have foura radiography to be useful for the detection of inner-surface pits, gouges, ara extrusion or draw marks. In some materials it could be useful for the coservation of segregation or inclusions. Although the method . 4 . Fig. 28. Fluorescenti-Fonctrant Teclinique. Onli-Arc-OINICIAL OZNI - AIC-Orricial 237 - Brito 17!!!310-131-11. 07....! 6.:)!3. ini!..... :... viti ! PC! ::.. i ST 7.75 1:. [1. V37. EIUS! IK ..... . .... .. . 100 . . . . O porno . : Stop A Pain - Fli' . Pericirea wii Surá Solito C.. • -. - ** L ED 12:4VT IN .. ; NOT : Stop 8. Eivisti: 1. 1. Pericirci.is Step C. Surl. o fii.. !sifi.!. O 00 : 1 . 1 Sol.. . St:;D. Vlai Sprc; fivcives Emulsiini Penuirunni. Cousss Stop E. Development - Corclos :.cis Like a Bloiter to Draw Penetrii Oui of Crocks. Step F. Inspec!! :- flcck ! forsirant to Glour in Dürk. OGNI-AC-OFFICIAL ORHI-NCC-OFFICI!!! will find only those cracks which are properly oriented relative to the radi.- ation beam, it has demonstrated its ability to find such discontinuities. Eddy Currents ORHI-AIÇ - OFFICIAL Principles In essence the eddy-current cu cod cor.sists of inducing currents into the metal tube to be inspected by bringing it into the electromagnetic field of a coil which is being supplied with an alternating current. The coil may encircie the pert, or be inaced on the surface oi the part in the form of a probe. Also in the case of tubular shapes, a coil may be wound to fit the inner diameter. The flow or the induced eddy currents 1s aflected by the dimensions and electrical properties of the tube and by discontinuities which may be present in the tube. The variations in the magnitude, phase, and the distribution of the induced eddy currents will have an effect on the original field of the coil. All eday-current methods attempt to measure the field alterations. Equipent and Applications We have used commercial instrumentation and test coils as well as special ORAL designed and fabricated equipment for ecay-current testing of tubing. Tne coil designs have includcd inner-diameter "bobbin" coils, encircling coils, and probe coils. Of these the encircling coil has been preferred due to the relative ease of mechanical handling of the tube, and the faster inspection speed despite a sensitivity slightly lower than that possible with probe coils. The optimun coil design and test frequency are affected by the tube diameter, wall thickness, and electrical conductivity. For most practical techniques a single inspection is made for both inner- and outer-surface discontinuities. Since the test is normally more sensitive to those i iscontinuities on the sur- face nearest the coil, we have used reference tubes containing both inner- and outer-surface discontinuities of known size to establish optimun test condi- tions and assure that a complete inspection was being performed. crur reference discontinuities have been electrodischarge-machined notches similar or the same as those used for ultrasonic calibration. Results In general good correlation has been observed between eddy-current test indicacions and destructive metallojraphic examination. When using the encircüing coil to detect both inner- and outer-surface Flavs a practical sensitivi:y limit seems to be for flaws with depths about 20% of the wall thickness aitz.ough better results can be obtained in certain cases. When the wall thickness-to-dieter ratio becomes so larse that reasonable response cannot be obtained iron flaws on the oppočite surface, it may be desirable to perform separate inspections on each surface and inuch better sensitivities can be observed. On occasion with very thin wall tubing (i.e., 0.020 in. and less), we aave encountered excessive spurious signals due to small localized dimensional variatioris when using an encirclins coil system. Many of these indicacions can be avoided through the use of a probe coil system. DIMENSIONAL GAGING Wall Thickness by Ultrasonics C:HlAir-OFFICIAL Princones no do mundon A resonant ultrasonic technique is used to monitor tubing wall thickness variations. This method requires continuous ultrasonic waves to be transmitted ORHI-HEC-OFFICIAL through a coupiant into a metal specimen. The frequency (and thus the wave lengsta) of these waves is varicd until a standing wave condition occurs which causes resonance of the specimer.. Standing waves (illustrated in Fig. 19) occur when the sample thickness (t) is exactly equal to an integral nunber (r.) of half wavelengths (a) of icitudinal waves propagated perpendicularly through the specimen, or t = ma . ORHI - ABC-OITICIEL Since wave length = velocity Freguency / by substitution t = . Hence, for a tube the wall thickness may be determined from a knowledge of the velocity of sound in the material and or ve resonant Irequency (oundamental or harmonic). Also any wall thickness variations will cause a proportional change in the resonant frequency. Equipment Commercial equipment is used to display resonant conditions. The basic instrument automatically sweeps the ultrasonic frequency through a preden termined band and displays the conditions or resonance as vertical "pips" on the screen of a cathode ray tube (CRT). The face of the CRT can then be cal- ibrated to read directly in thickness over spec::I'ic ranges. The transaucers used in conjunction with this equipment can be either of the contact or im- mersion type. However, if the immersion riechodº is used some mechanical device similar to the one shown in Fig. 20 is necessary to allow precision scanning of the tubing. This device enables one to change the water path distance from the crystal to the tube, to adjust the incident sound beam perpendicular to the top or the tube, and to maintain these conditions, via the Teflon-covered V-block, as it is scanned along the rotating tube. Applications and Results In practice, calibration is established on a tube from the lot to be monitored or gaged. For best accuracy in calibration, it is desirable to use a tube with the greatest variation in wall thickness. Exacü values of wall thickness are measured at a tube end wich a device such as tubing micrometer and the measured thicknesses are reproduced by the ultrasonic equipmeat during the dynamic calibration. With or equipment we can read othicknesses for steel over a range from about 0.008 to 0.500 in. The demonstrated accuracy for tubing measurement has been about 7%. Both contact and immersion resonance methods have been used to gage wall thickness in each tube from end to end, and both maximum and minimum values are normally reported. Other Dimensional Measurements Olill-MIC-OFFICIAL OEMI-AUG-OFFICIAL Doay Currents Fady-current techniques are also used for measuring the inner diameters of tubing for maximum and minimun values. The measurements themselves are essen- tially spacing measurements,? using a spririg-loadeä probe. Figure 21 shows a typical probe design for measuring the bore of small-diameter tubing. OAM(-All-OFFICIAL OKMI - ACC-OUFICIEL . 2 21 Fig. 19. Ultrasonic Resonance Technique. DAIL-ACC-01CIAL ORNI -A&C-OINICIAL Lu ..unc.emain ie i 'wind o . BYLA OYUNU XINA OHTONIC-OrrICIAL Ofri-NIC-OISICIAL ORNL-LR-DWG 47487 one Now O w OX WAVELENGTH FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY T= 2 VAVELENGTHS 9th HARMONIC T=- - -------. . . TRANSDUCER OR:ML - AEC - OSSIC!.( OPNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - I, - . K . Fig. 20. 29 Tubing Scanner for Immersion Resonance Testing. ORNI - AC-OFFICIAL O*NI-MIC-tificial OPNI - HEC - OFFICIAL Chill - AEC - Ori,CIAL OFM - AEC - OFFICIAL OEMI-hil-orliciul anitasimamistooli....main -.. Fig. 21. Tubing Inner-Diameter G . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OXHL-ACC-Ornicial 1711310- 33V - 13:20 17101330 - 13Y- INDO TY131330 - 3 V-1:20 7101310- 33 V - IN8O UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-D10 57396 -ENCIRCLING COIL FERROMAGN TIC FEELLR- bomo 1 ZZZ Y-SORING NON-CONDUCTOR- ORHI-NCC-OFFICIAL OFH-MIC-OUSICIEL sh pu no ot re al 3 caput Longitudinal or circunferential movement of the probe through a tube with inner- diameter variations will cause lateral movement of the diametrically oriented spring-loaded Ierromagnetic feeler within the solenoid coil. These feeler variations are reflected as impedance changes in the coil. Appropriate instru- mentation for monis ng these impedance changes can be calibrated with a micrometer or any other precision mechanical device. Thus, a direct meter or recorder indication can be obtained for these variations. ORNL-ACC-OFFICIAL Mechanical Measurements Air gaging techniques are used to examine inner diameters of tubing for makinum and minimum values. In addition micrometers and calipers are used 'or occasional measurements of ovality and wall thickness in accessible areas. CONCLUSIONS The various techniques and methods which have been discussed represent a general program used to examine and evaluate small-diameter tubing for nuclear applications. The program as outlined can be varied according to the service requirements of the tubing. Some of the methods are identical to those used in other industries; others may be unique to the nuclear field. From this dis- cussion, it is evident that more than one nordestructive testing technique is neeaed to assure the integrity of high quality tubing and similar programs should be used for selecting such tubing for any industry. - RIFERENCES - 1. K. V. Cook and R. W. McClung, "Horidestructive Evaluation of D-43 Alloy Tubing by Oak Ridge National Laboratory," ORNL-TN-843, June 1964. 2. K. V. Cook and R. W. McClung, "Nondestructive Evaluation of T-111 and B-66 Alloy Tubing," ORNL-IM-990, February 1965. 3. D. C. Worlton, J. Soc. rondestructive Testing 15(4) 218--22 (1957). 4. H. Lamb, Proc. Roy. Soc. (Iondon) 93(4) 114-28 (1916–17). : 5. 2. B. Oliver, R. 1. cclung, J. K. White, "Immersed Ultrasonic Inspection of Pipe and Tubins," ORNL-2254, February 1957. ......- 6. R. V. Harris, "Im.ersion Resonance Testing," paper preserved at Society for rondestructive Testing, 20.3t National Convention, Detroic. Michigan, October 23–27, 1961; published in Ultrasonic News, Brarson Instruments, Inc., Spring 1962. ..-.--.--.- 7. C. V. Doda, Microtecnic, Ist part 18(5), 286-89 (Oct. 1964); 2nd part 18(6), 369–7. (Dec. 1964). .--.--. - .-.-. - . -.. OFN! - AEC - OPTICIAL . Originiitti 1 - .tina in mano IT: 2 - -- --- . - END DATE FILMED 10/ 15/65 . . -.*-.2 -.-- -- - -- --- - --- - - - - -