. med I OFT: ORNL P. 1533 . 1 EEEEEEEE 11:25 114 1136 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 . : 27 - . h 1 . WILL . . - - A LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. Ymweli 2 . . . - meroun de moment , ... idi ot...... :-. : recio . e S. Caris ORNL. P. 1533 Conf.651101-13 ir ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL سحخمسهسننمممهمند: نواندنی 0::sini SEP 1 6 1965 MASTER معدن معمہ mi ANALYTICAL LABOR. TORY HOT-CELL EQUIPMENT: II. A REMOTELY CONTROL. ED CORROSION RESISTANT PIPETTER a to the gr e at contriários para tortoeringen and www.bai wth magien Hitrit vett W. L. Maddox, F. H. Haga, ** and D. J. Fisher twintinu ar Analytical Chemistry Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Post Office Box X Oak Ridre, Tennessee 37831 RELEASED FOR ANNOLRICEMENT IN NUCLEAK SCIENCE ABSTRACI'S *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. OANI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL **Present Address: Southern Railway Co., 25 Spring St., Atlanta, Georgia. Chiii.deC - 018!cini Remotely controlled serve pipetters, designed at ORNL in the early 1950's, have under,sone a series of revisions, the most important of which was the ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL introduction of construction materials having a high degree of resistance to chemical attack into the parts which contact the liquids being pipetted; the construction cost was also lowered through design improvements. The early work on these pipetters and the tests made with corrosion-resistant pipets . have been clescribed at the Gatlinburg conferences on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Technology(1,2). This paper describes the latest model, Q-13480, which was developed from the earlier designs in order to meet increasingly stringent requirements for remote maintenance. CONSTRUCTION The pi pet consists of a high quality syringe having a carefully ground non- porous Graphitar grade 14" plunger and a high-density, virgin grade Teflon liner contained within an aluminum shell which can be adjusted to compress and contain the upper part of the Teflon liner into a defined dynamic seal against the plunger. A Fluorothene side arm, which permits complete filling of the liner with liquid and provides for remote cleaning, and a slender, Fluorothene delivery tip complete the pipet proper. The pipet is attached to a driving position servo mechanism (1) to form the remote unit. This is mounted on a simple stand as shown in Fig. 2. Con- nection between the remote unit and the control unit outside the cell 18. made by a single electrical cable. : PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The volume of liquid which is displaced from the delivery "it by motion of the plunger into the completely filled liner is known from the dimensions of the plunger, whose position is controlled by the position servomechanism. The command potentiometer of the servomechanism is set with a digital dial on the control unit. This potentiometer and a similar potentiometer which is ONNI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 2 5. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL an sedan tidigare etter toute statimia geared to the plunger-driving servo motor on the remote unit (Fig. 1) are arms of a bridge at the servo mplifier's input. The bridge is balanced when the servo motor drives the remote potentiometer wiper to electrical ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL equality with the command pote.itiometer wiper. m ACCURACY AND PRECISION A triruning adjustment is provided so that the digital dial can be made to read exect volumes deliverer? to the nearest microliter. The total volume delivered can be readily adjusted to within 0.1% by weighing water delivered in l-ml portions. The precision of repetitire deliveries of 0.100-ml increments over the full range of plunger travel hus been determined by delivering samples of concentrated nitric acid and ti trating these with a standard sodium hydroxide solution. The titrimetric procedure is inherently capable of about 0.2% ! precision; the relative standard deviation of series of 0.100-ml samples has been 0.2% or less on groups of 14 to 20 samples. REMOTE USE bidamini oldini oltaischichiblandt andet som The Q-1348C pipetter is designed to deliver 0.1 ml to 1.0 ml portions of liquids which may contain acids, bases, or oxidants12,5); When the samples are also intensely radioactive, or when trace cross contamination between . samples must be prevented, a secondary displacement fluid should be used. Amsco, dyed so as to make the line between the aqueous and organic layers distinctly visible, is one such fluid. For this use a short, pointed adapter (as shown in Fig. 1) 18 used with i transparent disposable tip 6). The secondary fluid fills the pipet and greatly reduces radiation damage to the Teflon liner. Since the sample is in contact only with the tip and the tip can be discarded after one sample is delivered, trace cross-contamination between samples which are to be used for radiochemical analyses is prevented. We have reason to have confidence in the durability of the instrument. Several servo driving mechanisms of models Q-1348 and Q-1348A pipetters ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL : WWW have endured years of service in the corrosive atmosphere of anuJ.ytical hot Ciri-irc Cir:.:A! ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL cells without appreciable detecioration of their performance and with only a reasonable amount of contact maintenance. Unfortunately, when repairs or routinc replacements were required it was necessary to enter the cells and dismantle the remote units by hand. Also, tests have shown that the corrosion- resistant pipet will function reliably for thousands of pipettings of corrosive samples without reti.ghtening the dynamic-se al compression caps"). With the increase both in numbers and activity levels of samples coming into our high-level analytical facilities, it became necessary to design a unit suitable for immediate and simple remote replacemenů of the motor, the pipet assembly, or the complete remote unit. In our Transuranium Processing Plant; this requires that the pieces be of a size to fit into a cylindrical container 8 inches in diameter by 8 inches deep. An interesting feature of the 2-138C design 18 the single, large electrical connector. A size 28 Amphenol connector is much easier to disconnect with model 8 manipulators than are the smaller sizes; when all have been subjected to accelerated corrosion of several days' duration. This is true when the threaded connector rings are screwed on tightly and then backed off about 1/10 turn et assembly--not enough back-off to cause any looseness of the connection. · The remote unit is not attached rigidly to its stand, but is secured . against accidentally being lifted off by an Allen wrench that fits loosely in i a hole drilled through the mounting socket and into the stand (Fig. 2). This provides a handy place to store the wrench, which can be easily removed and utilized with master-slave manipulatu 's when it becomes necessary to remove either the motor or the pipet. With care, a motor or a pipet can be replaced without disturbing the alignment of the remote unit. Normal fabrication ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL tolerances require that the pipetter be recalibrated by means of the trimming adjustment if a plunger is replaced. ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL Complete mechanical(+) and electrical drawings are available for the pipetter. A method, describing its construction, use, and maintenance in detail has been issued as a part of the ORNL Master Analytical Manual). ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ACKI:OWLEDGEMENT TY131330-334-:. 30 We are p.leased to acknowledge assistance we received from C. C. Courtney, . G. B. Child, and R. H. Miles during design and fabrication of the Q-13480 pipetter. ORNI - ARC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL References ORNL - 1.[C-OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL 1. M. T. Kelley, H. L. Hemphill, and D. J. Fisher, "Servo-controlled Pipetter for Prı:cise Delivery of Mi'roliter Drops," pp. 98-105, Analytical Chemistry in Nuc..ear Reactor Techno.) 2y — TID-7568 (part 2), Office of Tech. Services, Dept. of Commer:?, Washington, D.C., April 1959, 2. D. J. jisher, M. T. Kelley, and W. L. Belew, "A Corrosion-Resistant Pipetter for Remote Measurement of Radioactive Samples," pp. 311-329, Analytical Chemistry in Nurlear Reactor Technology - TID-7606, Office of Tech. Services, Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C., (1961). 3. United States Graphite Com.wany, Saginaw, Mich. Engineering Hand bouk GT-64. _ - - 4. ORNL General Engineering & Construction Division Dwgs. M-11059-EF-001, -002, -003, -006, -007. 5. ORNL Instrumentation & Controls Division Dwgs. Q-1348C series. . .---.dim.. 6. -... ** F. E. llaga and D. J. Fishe :", "Pipetters, Remotely Servo-controlled, Corrosion Resistant, ORNL lodels Q-1348A, Q-1348B, and Q-13480," Method Nos. 1 003102 and 9 003102 (3-26-65), ORNL Master Analytical Manual, Pupplerent 8 of TI 2-7015, Clearinghouse Tor Todorel Bolontı:ic and Technical Int'ormation, National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Le Top - Fig., Remote Unit as i m os termoidratinis burbulargi wananchi Donna Twitter.courivinar EMTATTIS . , V te iii... --> warm Tommy .. . ... selendo o ......... . com... odorant 1 1 1 . . . . . - . mirip sama dentro serie di comuni 1 . -- .... . digure 2. Q-1348€ Pipetter ' T. . iii ........................ 1 i co... .. ............. REMOTELY CONTROLLEO PIPETTER ORNE #HALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION WHOUT MODEL 0-1311C 2 . ROICATOR Song PLUNGEN roSTION . > Powia 1:01 . PONCE OPORATE oroare si art0 INI-POS YACUUN INI vaçusets Pirtt AUTOTILL wethode INONATOR Darom m ... w' ap m . ggo , QILVER on ... om AMISE MANUAL "se !. . ....... .. *---... END DATE FILMED 10/ 15/65 . LI C 1 . KR