.. i .v. I OFL. ORNL P 2091 - - - i . i . . c 1 1 OFETEEEE i MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNU-PL.2001 CONF-660303-29... CFSTI PRICES H.C. $ 2.70; MN 50 1966 MASTER MAY 5 MEASUREMENTS OF LO:1 ENERGY NEUTRON CROSS SECTIONS OF NON-FISSILE NUJLCIDES AND THEIR INTERPRETATION J. A. Harvey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS LEGAL NOTICE This report mo propared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulnous of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparitus, method, or proces disclond in this report may not infringe privately owned ripota; or B. Assumos nay liabiliues with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of way Information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the abovo, "por son acting on behalf of the Commission" includes anyom- ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of much contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or dio nmployment with such contractor. MEASUREMENTS OF LOW ENERGY NEUTRON CROSS SECTIONS OF NON-FISSILE NUCLIDES AND THEIR INTERPRETATION* J. A. Harvey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee itovi . v a Transmission, capture, and scattering measurements can be made with high resolution and accuracy up to 100 eV upon any non-fissile stable nuclide if a suitable sample (~ grams) is available. These nieak urements can be analyzed by the shape or area method to give accurate parameters for all but the very small resonances. Measurements upon small samples (u moms) with low isotopic enrichment or which are highly radioactive can give accurate parameters up to ~ 10 eV and for the strong resonances up to ~ 100 ev. Cross section measurements and resonance analysis of several nuclides which are or have been of interest in the design of thermal and intermediate energy reactors are described. te mira.martensiastirminnfl. incarni . . . . . . . I. INTRODUCTION . ... ... . . .. ... meredeti . . . . . . . . se mi moc, . . : 'o " Neutron cross section measurements have been made below 100 eV upon several hundred non-fissile elements and enriched isotopes, and parameters for more than a thousand resonances have been determined in this energy region. Average level spacings for these nuclides range from None to several hundred electron volts. If we consider a nuclide with a level spacing of 10 eV and an s-wave neutron strength function of 1004, we compute that the average neutron width (in eV) would be about 0.001 / E (in ev). Since neutron widths obey a Porter-Thomas distribution, we know that we must expect many resonances with small neutron widths (i.e., 8% have a neutron width 41% of the average value) but only a few reso- nances with neutron widths several times the average value. Very small p-wave resonances also occur below 100 eV, and these may have neutron widths which are comparable to those of the very weak S-wave resonances. Since radiation widths of nuclides range from ~ 0.5 to 0.02 electron volts, the neutron widths of most resonances below 100 eV are smaller than their radiation widths. Many resonances occur with same several with In a Fe and a few with ľn >> TS "Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . IT The accuracy to which resonance "parameters can be obtained from the various types of measurements (transmission, capture, and scattering) depends upon the sample which is available and the ratio of r to . For small resonances with rearv, capture cross section measureirents zive essentially the same data as total cross section measurements; but scat- tering measurements can give additional information which cannot be oo- tained from transmission measurements. For resonances with m ar, it is desirable to have reasurements of all three types. Finally, for resonances with , scattering measurements give the same information as trans- mission data but capture measurements are needed to obtain accurate values of II. NEUTRON SPECTROMETERS FOR CROSS SECTION MEASUREMENTS Two techniques are used to measure cross sections as a function of neutron energy. One technique consists of the production of a beam of nearly mor.oenergetic neutrons and the capability of varying its energy. The second technique is the time-of-flight technique where intense bursts of neutrons of short time duration are produced and the energies of the neutrons are determined from the flight times of the neutrons to a neutron detector many meters away. In order to obtain monoenergetic neutrons at low energies some kind of monochromator must be combined with an intense source of neutrons, such as a nuclear reactor, which has a broad energy spread. Although mechanical monochromators have been constructed to produce thermal and subthermal. beams of neutrons, they are not practical for resonance energy neutrons. However, a well-collimated resonance energy neutron beam incident upone single crystal, such as beryllium, can produce monoenergetic neutrons with an energy resolution DE (in eV) ~ 5 x 10-) 3372 where E is in elecéron volts. This energy resolution is the Doppler broadening of low energy resonances up to ~ 10 ev. A crystal spectrometer at a nuclear reactor with flux w 10-) neutrons/cm/sec provides an adequate source of monoenergetic neutrons for accurate, high-resolution cross section measurements up to ~?0 eV. The crystal spectrometer has the unique advantage over the time- of-flight spectrometer in the measurement of activation cross sections. Most of the measurements made with crystal spectrometers have been trans- mission measurements and accurate parameters of many of the resonances below 10 eV have been determined from these transmission measurements. Considerable effort has been devoted to the problem of determining the spins of resonances using polarized samples and polarized neutrons produced by a magnetized, monochromating crystal. Above 10 eV, time-of-flight techniques using intense pulsed neutron sources are superior, except for activation measurements. A fast chopper with, a wl usec burst and a 100 m flight path at a high flux reactor (1044 neutrons/cm/sec) has sufficient intensity for making good transmission measurements upon samples larger than a few grams up to ~100 eV with an energy resolution less than the Doppler broadening (~0.4 eV at 100 eV). Capture and scattering measurements have been made with several fast choppers at low energies, but with considerably poorer energy resolution than that possible for transmission measurements. Fast choppers have also been used extensively in the measurement, with NaI spectrometers, of gamma ray spectra from individual resonances. Pulsed accelerator spectrometers (such as electron linacs or proton cyclotröns), due to their narrow bursts, are far superior to fast choppers for practically all types of measurements above 100 eV. Even below 100 eV they are superior to choppers for partial cross section measurements, and comparable for transmission measurements with small samples. The combination of a pulsed electron linac and a booster as used at Harwell is excellent for all types of measurements below 100 eV; transmission measurements have . been made upon samples as small as 0.1 cm2 with a resolution of a 0.5 eV at 100 eV. Two other pulsed fission neutron sources are also used for cross section measurements below 100 eV: a pulsed reactor and a nuclear explosion. A pulsed reactor (such as the IBR, at Dubna) is not a particularly suitable source for high resolution measurements even below 100 eV because of its wide pulse width (w 40 usec). However, interesting results from all types of cross section measurements have been obtained from this pulsed reactor. Finally, a nuclear explosion provides a short, extremely intense burst of neutrons of no.1 usec duration. Since the flight paths used are ~200 meters, the resolution is less than the Doppler broadening up to several keV. Although the bomb has advantages over accelerators for measuring fission and capture cross sections of small, very radioactive samples as will be described later in this conference, it appears to have little over- all advantage over pulsed accelerators for transmission measurements below 100 ev. III. MEASUREMENTS OF LOW ENERGY NEUTRON CROSS SECTIONS A. Total Cross Section or Transmission Measurements A transmission measurement is the simplest and of ten the most accurate type of neutron cross section measurezent which can be made. It consists of a measurement in "good" geometry of the neutron counting rate with a sample in the neutron beam and one with the sample out. Many kinds of neutron detectors have been used, such as BFz proportional counters, boron-loaded liquid scintillators, Li scintillation glass and a 108 slab with NaI. Their efficiencies range from ou I to ~ 90%, depending upon the neutron energy, and the backgrounds may range from vi to -50%. A high resolution transmission measurement can be made over a wide energy region to a statistical accuracy of 71% in a reasonable length of time (sa few days for a few cm? of sample). From the observed transmission, Texn(E.), the experimental neutron total cross section, (E,) in barns, can be computed from the formula Prexp(s) - () 2016 LO: ZIN where N is the sample thickness in atoms per barn. Figure 1 shows such a plot of (E) of <**Cm obtained vith the ANL fast chopper. Two samples were used: a 46 and a 7 mgm sample covering a beam area of only ~ 0.1 cm2.. Since the thicker sample had a thickness of only 2.24 x 10°, atoms of 144com per barn, cross sections $10 barns could not be measured. The best resolution using a 60-meter flight path was 35 nsec/m which corresporads to an energy resolution of wl eV at 100 eV. Figure 2 shows 0(E) for 3 Pa obtained with the MTR fast chopper." The measurements were made with less than a gram of chemically separated Puos, which had a sample thickness at the time of the first measurements ofw 1/300 atoms/barn. The energy-reso ution was less than the Doppler broadening up to 10 eV. Sjgçe <5>Pa decays to 233U with a 27 day half life, large resonances from u soon a popear in the data. Except for the measurement on the 9-hour 1.95Xe isotope which was measured up to only I eV, 235 Pa is the hottest sarap.'.e and the shortest half life nuclide upon which an energy dependent cross secuion has been measured. Problems associated with the analysis of data for raäioactive samples will be described in paper Alt in this conference. These experimental data must not be used directly to obtain pare- meters of the resonances. Detailed calculations to correct for Doppler and resolution broadening must be made as. Will be discussed in Section IV of this paper. B. Capture Cross Section Measurements The measurement of a capture cross section requires an absolute measurement of the number of neutrons as a function of neutron energy hitting the sample under investigation and an absolute measurement of the number of neutrons which are captured as a function of neutron energy. The problem of measuring the absolute neutron flux as a function of energy is usually separated into two parts. The first part is finding the energy dependence of the flux iyith a neutron detector having a well-known energy response such as a 1/v de tector like BF a. Second, the absolute flux can be determined at one energy by (i) the saturated resonance" technique by using a thick sample which has zero transmission at a low energy resonance which is predominantly capture; this resonance may be in the nuclide under investigation, (ii) comparison of the capture data for weak resonances, hence, predominantly capture, to parameters obtained from transmission data, and (iii) by calibration with thermal neutron cross sections. Often the neutron flux ® (E) and detector efficiency E (BE) are not measured separately, but only the product is determined. This product can usually be determined to an accuracy of 3 to 5%. Two techniques are used to determine the number of capture neutrons (a) a large liquid scintillation detectar and (b) a Moxon-Rae detector The gamma ray detectors should have the following properties (i) detection efficiencies which are essentially independent of the gamma-ray cascade mode, (ii) low sensitivities to scattered neutrons, (iii) high efficiencies, (iv) low backgrounds and (v) fast response times if used with time-of-flight. The large scintillator) at General Atomic has a volume of 4000 liters to achieve (1) to a few percent accuracy, an efficiency w 90% for a sample in the center of the 6" tube passing through the tank, a LOB liner around this tube to reduce the efficiency for detecting scattered neutrons to <<1% that of capture gamma rays and a time resolution of 30 nsec which is adequate for measurements < 100 eV. Backgrounds are important with the large scintillator, and below 100 eV are w 1% that of a "saturated" capture resonance. Figure 3 shows a plot of the capture cross sections of isotopically enriched samples of tungsten measured with the 1.25 meter O RNL tank4 at the RPI linac. These "thin-sample" capture cross sections (in barns per atom of w) were computed fron: the formula 1 Oxy(E) = NT C(E) E, (BE) (E,) , amit kontakt a tak nak taon. Namun where N, is the sample thickness of sample x in atoms of W per barn, and C (E,) is the number of counts in the gamma ray detector from the capture of nêutrons of energy E, in sample x. Since ail three resonances shown in Figure 3 are in 103w, the ordinates must be multiplied by 40.5, 54.4, 364 and 1.05 from top to bottom respectively. When the sainple is thick as in the lowest curve, the shapes of the resonance are distorted and the peak cross sections are meaningless. Monte Carlo calculations for this thick sample give a shape in agreement with the observed data but the computed shape is not sensitive to the parameters of the resonance. Sektoru zarukat na than "Another The Moxon-Rae detector is designed so that it achieves (i) above by making the efficiency of the detector proportional to the energy of the gamma ray (to ~ 10% above 1 MeV) and keeping the efficiency 109. The over- all efficiency to detect a neutron capture event for a binding energy, BE, of 6 MeV is only a few percent. However, it does have much lower back- ground than the large scintillation detectors since it is small and can be tasily shielded. Its time response is fast (~ 2 nsec), and it has a low sensitivity to scattered neutrons. Figure 4 shows à plot of capture dataº on the 59 and 69 eV resonances in 292 Tn obtained with a Moxon- Rae detector at the Harwell linec and booster. The ordinate was computed from the above "thin-sample" formula. Because of the background of hard garrma rays from daughter products, the sample had to be chemically processed and the meas- urements made within 48 hours. Unless the samples are very thin (NOK), where an is the peak total cross section) this "thin-sample" capture cross section, ou (E.), as computed above must not be used to obtain parameters of the resonances. Usually the samples are not thin, and detailed Monte Carlo calculations using Doppler broadened cross sections must be made to compute the capture of both the incident and the scattered neutrons. C. Scattering Cross Section Measurements For scattering measurements at low energies the neutron detector must be quite insensitive to gamma rays since capture may greatly exceed scattering in low energy resonances. Measurements have been made with an energy resolution - 1%, which is less than the Doppler broadening up to N10 eV using an assembly of BF3 counters (which are very insensitive to gamma rays) surrounding the scattering sample. At higher energies a smaller more-efricient detector is desirable such as a 'Li giass detector, or a LUB loaded liquid scintillator. These two detectors are quite sensitive to gamma rays, although pulse shape discrimination helps the problem con- siderably. Figure 5 is a plot of the counts per timing channel from a thin isample of 292 Th obtained with Li glass detectors' at the Harwell linac with an energy resolution of w1/3%. The scattering from strong resonances was determined to an accuracy of a few percent, but the scattering of the 59 eV resonance which is a 13% scattering was determined to an accuracy of only 50%. The ordinate in Fig. 5 is only approximately proportional to the scattering cross section since the energy dependence of the neutron flux did not cxactly' compensate for the variation in channel width with energy. Usually the neutron flux and the efficiency of the neutron detector are not determined separately, but the product is determined by measuring the scattering from an element such as lead or graphite whuse scattering cross section varies slowly with energy and is well-known. This product can be determined to an accuracy of a few percent. Unless the samples are very thin (Nasci), calculations must be made to correct for the self absorption of both the incident and the scatt- ered neutrons in order to obtain the primary scattering from a resonance. IV. ANALYSIS OF NEUTRON CROSS SECTION MEASUREENTS A. Convolution of Doppler and Resolution Broadening with the Nuclear Cross Sections For most non-fissile nuclides the neutron cross sections below 100 eV can be accurately represented by the sum of single-level Breit- Wigner resonances. The cross-section expressions for an s-wave resonance with a resonant energy En are 41.Ton a (E"_B^) (Er-sty2 + (%) O (E") = 5x28- For (p=5432 = ( 0,(E") = not 124 4902 O-{") - Page 6 not fer-sty? (F) hai k 1, a("-3", + kape (evesty ? CELLS where On (E"), 0, (E") and (E") are the total, capture and scattering cross sections at neutron enerey E" 29X is the de Broglie wavelength in the center-of-mass system of a neutron of energy E" r is the neutron width is the radiation width ŕ is the total width, P= P + 8 is the statistical weight factor which equals a ai i i I is the spin of the target nuclides J is the spin of the target compound nucleus which equals I + Ź a is the potential scattering amplitude for the spin state that contains the resonance 4or is the potential scattering cross section for both spin states and is equal to 4582 if the a's for the two-spin states are the same. If the resonance is a p-wave resonance, the potential scattering amplitude is very small and the interference term is negligible. However, because of the thermal motion of the atoms in the sample, these nuclear cross sections must be convoluted with the Doppler broadening function. Assuming that the Doppler broadening follows a Gaussian function, the Doppler-broadened cross sections (E') are computed by convoluting the nuclear cross sections, a (E"), and a Gaussian function. Then E' E Sway it comes mo-fez where the Doppler width, A, is given by AW E", E', A and D. are measured in electron volts, Toep is the effective temperature of the sample in degrees Kelvin, . 7 and AW is the atomic weight. These Doppler broadened cross sections must be used in analyzing trans- · mission, capture, and scattering data. . Before these Doppler broadened cross sections can be compared to experimental data, 9 calculation musi be made to allow for the instrumental resolution. In the case of a transmissiori measurement, if we assunie that the instrumental resolution can also be represented by a Gaussian function, We obtain T(EL exp - No (E ) 1 exo- Y a ' RE,) 75 | RED where R(E) is the resolution wash at energy E., and N is the sample thick- ness, From a comparison of the shape of the experimental transmission to resonance parameters, Ei, ſand (er). Ir. the case of capture or scatter- ing measurements, detailed Monte Carlo calculations must be made to compute the multiple capture and scattering in addition to the resolution convo- lution. The experimental capture data can be analyzed to give E, T,, and 8 mm m/l; the experimental scattering data can be analyzed to give E, r and gra/r. If r«r, the capture data give the same information as the transmission data, but the scattering data allow us to determine g. If Max", the scattering data give the same information as the transmission data; but the capture data allow us to determine & M. For resonances 510 eV where the Doppler broadening and resolution is less than the width r, the above parameters can be obtained from a single thin sample measure- ment by shape analysis. However, if the resolution and/or the Doppler broadening is » ľ, an area method must be used to obtain which requires measurements with several sample thicknesses for each type of measurement. However, the thick sample measurements of capture or scattering are not as useful as the thick transmission ones because of the problem of multiple scattering in the thick samples. The results from all types of measure- ments can be combined to give the best consistent set of resonance para- meters. B. Analysis of Transmission or Total Cross Section Measurements (1) Shape method of analysis. The shape method of analysis is feasible only when the resolution and A are Źr. Although the reso- lution can usually be made less than the Doppler width below 100 eV except for very small samples, the uncertainty resulting from the uncertainty of the resolution is often larger than the uncertainty of the Doppler width. Doppler width of a resonance at 10 eV for an atomic weight of 100 is 0.1 eV, which is approximately equal to the total width of a typical low energy resonance. Hence, this shape method is restricted to low enerey resonances (.10 eV) except for wide resonances where ľ»rwo The 18.84 eV resonance in toºw 16 a good example of the quality of the data which can be obtained from the shape method of analysis. Figure 6 shows the transmission of a liquid sample of Na2WO4 dissolved in Do (equivalent to a thickness of about 0.1 mil of tungsten metal) measured with the ORNL fast chopper. The individual transmission points have a statistical accuracy of w1.5%. At the resonant energy of 18.84 eV, the energy resolution was 0.125 e! (8.4 channels) and the Doppler width A was 0.105 eV Both are < r which is ~ 0.37 eV. The Doppler width was con- puted from an effective temperature of 3200K determined from a Debye temp- erature of the metal of 4000K. The problem of determining the Doppler broadening in solids and liquids will be discussed in some detail later. From the shape analysis program of Atta and Harvey the following parameters were obtained: E = 18.335 $ 0.003 eV m = 0.385 0.008 eV m = 0.319 + 0.0033 ev and a correlation coefficient (7", rn) = + 0.55. - - - - - .. - - . . : : - The correlation coefficient is positive since the saniple was quite thin, and, hence, the peak cross section is a measure of M r . The uncertainties quoted are standard deviations determined from the deviations of the exper- imental points fron the theoretical fit and the statistical accuracy of the points. A systematic uncertainty of # 0.02 eV must be added to the resonant energy. An uncertainty of £ 1/2% must be added to a due to the uncertainty in sample thickness. An estimated uncertainty of 5% in the resolution con- tributes an uncertainty to l' of $ 0.003 eV and an estimated uncertainty of 3% in the Doppler width contributes an uncertainty to rof † 0.002 eV. Adding these uncertainties to the values determined above gives the uncer- tainties listed in Table 1. Figure 7 shows the transmission of a thin 0.3 mil tungsten metal sample. From a shape analysis the following data were obtained: E = 18.837 1 0.002 eV m = 0.368 + 0.004 eV m = 0.318 + 0.002 ev and a correlation coefficient (I', M) = -0.10. The correlation coeffi- cient is quite small and negative. For even thicker samples the correlation coefficient becomes more negative and approaches -] because the area of a transmission dip for a thick saiaple is a measure of the product M. The uncertainties listed are .again standard deviations determined from the deviations of the points from the theoretical fit and the statistical accuracy of the points. Again a systematic uncertainty of $ 0.02 eV must be added to the resonant energy. · An uncertainty of £ 1/2% must be added to ſ because of the uncertainty in the sample thickness. An estimated uncertainty of 5 in the resolution contributes an uncertainty tor of $ 0.0014 eV and an uncertainty of 3% in the Doppler width contributes an uncertainty to ľ' of $ 0.002 eV. Adding these uncertainties to the values determined above gives the values listed in Tay).- 1. Shape analyses have also been made of the transmission of 1 and 2 mil thick w samples. The transmissions of these samples were measured for the area method of analysis and are too thick to give accurate para. meters from shape analysis. The parameters obtained for these two samples are also surmarized in Table 1. The radiation width of this resonance can be computed from the equation" =ľ. . Its standard deviation s( rw) can be computed from the standard deviations of r and and the correlation coefficient between 'n and If or 11 or if olry) - [P(r) + 8?(rn) - 2011) ocra) col r, nd* . cclr, rm) = + 1, o ry) = 18() - 81 7m), cccr , rum) = -2, 6( rv) = 8(m) + el ron] , ccl, 1) = 0, ory) [6217) +6317)]*. Since the correlation coefficient is positive for the thinnest sample, 8( rwd is somewhat less than the value obtained if one ignores the cor- relation coefficient; whereas for the thicker samples, sl ) is somewhat larger. For these measurements upon this 18.84-eV resonance the uncer- tainties of the parameters ľ, and carise mainly from the statistical accuracy of the experimental points. However, for the measurements upon the other low energy resonances where the resolution and the Doppler broadening are more nearly equal to the total width, uncertainties in the parameters arising from uncertainties in the resolution and the Doppler broadening are about equal to those from the statistical accuracy of the data. Although it may be possible to reduce the resolution or its un- certainty, it is not easy to reduce the uncertainty due to the Doppler broadening. The Doppler width can be reduced (about a factor of 2) by cooling the sample down to liquid nitrogen temperature, and this technique he's been used at the Saclay linac for transmission measurements upon thorium. However, although the Doppler width is less, its absolute un- certainty is about the same or may even be larger since the Doppler broad- ening in solid and liquid samples is very complex. Hence, it may still produce considerable uncertainty in the determination of /' from this shape analysis method. 20 Doppler broadening of a neutron resonance has been made using the BNL crystel spectrometer. The shape of the 4.14 eV resonance has been measured using metal samples at temperatures from 4 to 825°K and a heavy water solution at room temperature. Although the purpose of this work was a study of the Doppler broadening, the parameters of this 4.14 eV resonance were necessarily determined. Figure 8 shows a plot of the 825°K data and the computed fit to the data. Table 2 summarizes the data reportedlo which were determined from the effective temperature model for the metal samples and the ideal gas model for the solution. The quoted errors are from a least squares analysis, but the errors have to be in- creased somewhat to take care of systematic uncertainties. The authordo prefers the parameters from the 825°K data because he feels that the Doppler effect 18 known more accurately at this temperature than at the lower temperatures. It would appear that the uncertainty of risn t 1 mv and that of ľn is only 0.02 mV. : . . . . . . . . . in. a . Finally it should be mentioned that there are special cases where the shape method of analysis is useful even when A and/or R are >>". In this case the interference between resonance and potential scattering or the asymetry of the resonance may determine whether the resonance 18 an 8 or a p-wave resor.ance. Thick samples are measured in transmission, and the energy region of interest is many electron volts away from the resonance energy. . z . . . . . **... ...-1 - . (2) Area method of analysis. When the Doppler width and/or the resolution are greater than the total width of a resonance, the shape method is not practical for the determination of resonance parameters; so an area method must be used to obtain the parameters of the resonances. The area method is useful up to a 100 eV or until the Doppler width, A, or resolution, R, is comparable to the level spacing, D. If A or R is >> 10 r or comparable to D, it is often not possible to determine a mean- ingful value for . The area method can often give resonance parameters more accurately than the shape method even when A and Rare < M. mihi...'.",* The transmission data for the 18.84 eV resonance of Figures 6 and 7, as well as data for thicker samples, can be used to illustrate the area method of analysis. In the area method, values of are determined for each sample thickness for various assumed values of which produce a transmission dip having the same area as the area of the experimental transmission dip. For a thin sample (No <1) the resulting value of is quite independent of the assumed values of r. This is to be expected since the area under a resonance is proportional to a r, which is a measure of Tn. For thick samples (NO>>1) the area above a transmission dip is proportional to a ns, or proportional to PM. The result of a measurement upon a single sample thickness can be represented approxi- mately by an equation of the form of 10 = k. For thin samples m is No.1, for thick samples 'm is ~0.9,"and for interniediate samples m is w2/2. Figure 9 shows the data obtained from the five sample thicknesses for the 18.84 eV resonance in 186w using the area analysis program of Atta and Harvey.9 The problem now is to determine the best values for r and r and their standard deviations which are consistent with the 11 lines in Figure 9, which have uncertainties of 0.9 to 5%. One simple method is to determine values from plots of loa vs log ” for the five samples for m and k in the vicinity of the correcť m. The uncertainties due to sample thickness and Doppler broadening are small and are included in ; uncertainty in the resolution 3.8 not important in the area method. The values obtained are listed in Table 3. A least squares program to solve the linear equations log + m, log = log k, 18 used to obtain values for log Me logſ and the standard deviations of these quantities. Figure 10 shows a plot of this fit to the five experimental points (m., log k.). The intercept at m = 0 is the best value for me and the best value for r is obtained from the slope. The parameters pleine M, 8(ru), s(r) and the correlation coefficient between and M are summarized in Table 4. The fact that the correlation coefficient 18 - 0.84 means that and r are almost completely anti-correlated as might be expected from the nature of Figure 10. The radiation width and its standard deviation are computed as before. Since the correlation coefficient between m and ľapproaches - 1, the standard deviation on equals the sum of $(M) and 8( m.). Table 4 summarizes results of the area analysis for other low energy resonances in tungsten. C. Analysis of Scattering Measurements Low energy scattering data can be analyzed by a shape metnod pro- vided the resolution and Doppler broadenings are = ŕ and No 51; how- ever, it is seldom done. It is somewhat more complicated than a shape analysis of transmission data since one must include attenuation of the scattered neutrons by the sample, allowing for the energy shift upon scattering. In general, only an area method is used; and the result is combined with results from transmission and capture measurements. For very thin samples (no <<1) the area under a scattering resonance gives the quantity gr2/. On a plot of log ľn vs log this quantity gives two lines of slope 1/2, one line for each assumed value of 8. Figure ll shows results from scattering, transmission and capture measurements upon the 17.4 eV resonance in 269 Im using the Harwell linac7. It can be readily seen that it is the scattering information which is . needed to determine the spin. The capture data for this resonance give essentially the same information as a reasonably thin transmission measurement. Scattering measurements upon samples of intermediate thicknesses may sometimes be analyzed if the energy loss by the neutron upon scattering is sufficient so that the attenuation of the scattered neutrons is not too large. For these intermediate thicknesses the slope of the line on the log r vs log l' plot is somewhat less than that of the thin sample. For thick samples the slope approaches zero. Although an accurate scattering measurement combined with 2.2 transmission or capture measurements on a resonance will result in a somewhat more accurate determination of m and than would have re- sulted without the scattering data, the unique value of the scattering data is that it enables one to determine the spin state of the resonance. Spins of resonances can be determined by other methods, such as polarized neutrons and polarized targets, capture gamma spectra, etc; but scattering measurements, when possible, are very valuable in determining spins of compound states. D. Analysis of Capture Measurements - -- - ----- -- -- --- - - If the resolution and Doppler broadening are < M and No. 51, low energy capture data can be analyzed by a shape method to obtain the parameters E^, r , and & n rull. Since low energy resonances are pre- dominantly capture, multiple capture is not of much importance and shape analysis of capture data is quite similar to that of transmission data.' However, if mais comparable to me detailed Monte Carlo calculations must be made to determine the multiple capture. Because of this com- plexity and because many low energy reuonances have already been investi- gated accurately by shape analysis of transmission data, little shape analysis of capture data has been done. Almost all capture data have been analyzed by the area method. - - . . . - . . hod. . . :o *V * . For very thin samples (NO <1) the area under a capture reso- nance gives the quantity up. For very small resonances where Miss this quantity reduces to 8 m, which is the same quantity deterioined from a thin sample transmision measurement. However, if only a small amount of sample is available, accurate capture data on a small resonance (N I <<1) can give a more accurate determination of gr than can be obtained from a transmission measurement. If 1? 18 = "capture measurements combined with transmission and scattering data will result in more accurate determinations of random. When 7 18 = Pw, it is informative to write the quantity & Paltas On a plot of log o vs log l' this quantity has a slope a 1. Tarim) When ľn is a ry, the slope is large; and when an is >> Pw, the slope approaches +1. '. Capture measurements upon samples of intermediate thicknesses may also be analyzed by the area method. It is necessary to make accurate Monte Carlo calculations for these samples since the multiple capture 13 may even exceed the primary capture if > The results can be plotted on a log ™ vs log ^ plot, and the liries have somewhat steeper slopce than those for thin sempl.es vaath the se: ratio of M r . If we assure the transmission area for an interijediate semiple thickness to be a measure of run, then the slope of the line on the log r vs log → plot from a capture measure.rent is * (2-4(,-)). 1 1 t un If is <<", a plot of log vs log l'18 very similar to a plot of 103 pm v8 log i Figure 12 shows such a plot for the 21.69 eV resonance in 29219 from capture, scattering, eni transın18sion measure- ments at Horwell.6 Curves labelled 1, 2 and 3 are from capture, curve 8 18 from scattering and the others are from transmission measurements. A least squares fit to these data gives = 1.88 + 0.08 mV and r. = 24.6 1.2 mv. When 18 « r, a plot of log ľ ve log ľn or 106 r 18 more meaningful to determine the resonance parameters Capture measurements upon 1, 2 and 5 mil tungsten samples have been made at RPI to determine the capturell in the 18.84 eV resonance. About half of the capture in these samples 18 due to primary capture and half due to multiple capture. Combining these results with the trans- mission measurements discussed eariier, Blockii obtained a value for of 0.053 $ 0.005 eV. About half of this error is due to the Monte Carlo correction and the other half due to systematic and statistical errors in the capture measurement. From the parameters of this 18.84 eV resonance (P = 0.319 $ 3 eV, and r = 0.053 $ 0.005 eV), we can compute that it should contribute 45 £ 4' barns to the thermal capture cross section. This 18 not in good agreement with the recently measured values 02 37.8 + 1.2 barns. Con- versely, if we assume that this resonance is responsible for all the thermal capture cross section, we compute a radiation width of only 0.045 $ 0.002 eV. Since the multiple capture was so large for the samples used for the capture measurements, it would be desirable to make capture measurements with much thinner samples. Before leaving capture measurements, I should mention the capture measurements made at General Atomic upon samples of the four abundant tungsten isotopes from 0.01 to 10 ev.12 Measurements of this type are valuable in determining capture cross sections between resonances and the energy dependence of capture cross sections in the thermal energy region for nuclides where the scattering is comparable to or exceeds the capture. E. Analysis of Other Types of Measurements Since the self-indication ratio measure.rents will be described in detail in paper A3, I will mention only that they they are a variation of 14 transmission measurements and are additional data to be added to the area analysis plots. The determination of spins of resonances from (n,a) reactions will be described in paper El. Very few measurements have been made of activation cross sections, but the method of analysi8 18 similar to those aleady described. V. Computation of Resonance Absorption from Resonance Parameters The contribution of a particular resonance to the resonance ab- sorption for an infinitely thin sample can be computed from one of the following expressions Connect Top (2. a) o en , (2-5) Although the value for the resonance absorption will be the same regardless of the expression used, the accuracy computed will be different unle88 correlations between the parameters are known (and used correctly). We have seen that there is often quite a strong correlation between and m (partialarly from area analysis). For resonances with a scriit is convenient to use the expression in terms of r and to Compute the accuracy. Assuming the uncertainty in E^ is small we get RA 8(,) 8(r) corner) For For resonances with ľ«l we can see that the uncertainty in the reso- nance absorption is determined mainly by the first term, the relative un- certainty of in. The second term is very small because of the factor mur (for a reasonable value of slr)/), and the third term is small ana is usually negative from area analysis. For example, the contri- bution to the resonance absorption of four of the low energy resonances in tungsten listed in Table 4 can be computed to an accuracy of a few percent even though the total widths are accurate to only 10%. However, the contribution to the resonance absorption of the 18.84 eV resonance 15 (rear) has an uncertainty of 8% due to the 10% uncertainty of . The relative uncertainty of the contribution of a resonance to the resonance absorption is very simply related to the relative uncertainty of the quantity Pro, as discussed iri Section IV, if m has the value (r/m)/(1 - (2 r A )]. It can readily be shown that acea) (-- ) or im RA where Por O 1 - (2 PM) Thus if one .is concerned with an accurate determination of the Infinitely dilute absorption of a resonance where in << "", it is not necessary to determine the parar.eters per and their standard deviations independently. It 18 only necessary to determine the quantity Prim and its relative un- certainty for m = m. VI. CONCLUSION If a suitable sample is available, resonance parameters can be obtained for almost any desired non-fissile nuclide up to 100 eV. The accuracy to which the parameters can be obtained depends a great deal upon the sample (quantity, enrichment, activity), the strength of the resonance, and the Doppler and resolution broadening relative to the total width. Resonant energies can readily be determined to an accuracy of ~0.1% except for small resonances occurring very close to large reso- nances. The quantity gran can be determined, depending upon the resonant energy, to an accuracy of"to 2% for strong resonances, and from 2 to 20% for weaker resonances providing No 20.2. The total width, r, of a strong resonance can be measured to an accuracy of ~ 2% if the Doppler and resolution broadening are small compared to the total width; to an accuracy of 5 to 10% if either is comparable to r ; and to an accuracy of > 30% if either is > > r. Radiation widths can be obtained to an accuracy of 2 to 10% for strong resonances if resolution and Doppler broadening are >!. The spin of the capturing state can usually be determined if rur is 20.01 to 0.1 depending on the spin of the target nucleus. If only milligram quantities of samples are available, neutron, total, and radiation widths of all but the weakest resonances can be obtained with good accuracy up to ~10 eV. Above 10 eV, neutron widths 26 can be obtained providing No for only the strong resonanceš. 0.2, but total widths can be obtained - - - REFERENCES 1. R. E, Cote, R. F. Barnes, and H. Diamond, Total Neutron Cross Section of 244cm, Phys. Rev. 134: B1281 (1964). 2. F. B. Simpson, J. R. Berreth, J. W. Codding, and R. P. Schuman, Total Neutron Cross Section of 233pa, BAPS 9, 433 (1964) and MTR-ETR Tech- nical Branches Quarterly Report, Jan. 1 - March 31, 1964, USAEC Report IDO-16994, p. 23, Phil11p8 Petroleum Company, August 1964. 1.3. E. Haddad, R. B. Walton, s. J. Friesenhahn, and W. M. Lopez, A High Efficency Detector for Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurements, Nucl. Instr. Methods 31, 125 (1964). 4. R. C. Block, J. E. Russell, R. W. Hockenbury, Phys. Div. Ann. Prog. Rept. Dec. 31, 1964, USAEC Report ORNL-3778, pp. 53-64, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 1965. 5. M. C. Moxon and E. R. Rae, A Gamma- Ray Detector for Neutron Capture Cross-Section Measurements, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 24, 445 (1963). 6. · M. Asghar, c. Ñ. Chaffey, M. C. Moxon, N. J. Pattenden, E. R. Rae and C. A. Uttley, The Neutron Cross Sections of Thorium and the Analysis of Resonances up to 1 keV, British Report EANDC UK 565, 1965. 7. M. Asghar and F. D. Brooks, Neutron Resonance Scattering Measurements with Liº Glass Detectors, British Report, AERE-NP/GEN/ 40, June 1965. 8. D. Paya, K. D. Pearce, J. A. Harvey and G. G. Slaughter, Phys. Div. Ann. Pros. Rept., Dec. 31, 1963, USAEC Report ORNL-3582, pp. 56-60, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June 1964. 9. S. E. Atta and J. A. Harvey, Numerical Analysis of Neutron Resonances, USAEC Report ORNL-3205, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dec. 1961. A. Bernabei, Effects of Crystalline Binding on the Doppler Broadening of a Neutron Resonance, USAEC Report BNL-860, Brookhaven National Laboratory, June 1964. 11. R. C. Block, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, personal communication, 1966, and ORNL Status and Prog. Rept., Sept. 1964, USAEC Report ORNL-3718, pp. 17-18, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oct. 1964. 12. S. J. Friesenhahn, E. Haddad, H. F. Frohner, and W. M. Lopez, The Neutron Capture Cross Section of the Thingsten Isotopes from 0.01 to 10 Electron Volts, Report GA-6882, General Atomic, Jan. 1966. TABLE 1 . Parameters of 18.84 resonances in W from shape analysis . --. .. . . .. .. Isotope E. t 8(E) Sample ... ... Pt(m) retelro) ccernor) r, Is(r) (mv) Thickness (mils) . (ev) ... 18.84+0.02 Solution 0.3 . 18.84£0.02 18.85+0.02 Best Values: 38549 36846 356=30 386017 37426 31914 318+3 323–20 304–11 0.52 -0.20 w-0.9 -0.95 6648 5037 33:50 82+28 Nr 31813 5746 en cament TABLE 2 Parameters for the 4.14 eV resonance in tow from transmission measurements with the BNL crystal spectrometer Sample Material Sample Temp. (°K) Metal : Metal 825 296 4.142 4.141 55.5 $ 0.5 53.2 1.50 $ 0.01 1.48 Metal 77.8 4.140 52.2 1.47 Metal 4.2 4.138 52.2 1.47 Solution 296 4.140 53.0 1.47 TABLE 3 Determination of m, k and 8(k)/k from area measurements for the 18.84 eV. resonance in 186W Sample Thickness (ev) Mlls Atoms of W per Barn Exponent, m k 1 (mv) | % Error in k ((k) x 100) 1.7 18.85 Liquid 18.81 0.3 18.83 1 18.83 2 18.81 5 1.986 x 10" 5.793 x 10-5 1.72 x 10°! 3.23 x 10-4 8.28 x 10-4 -0.012 0.21 0.75 0.82 0.96 297 1103 25800 40300 89000 5.0 0.9 2.5 The negative values for m arise due to the nature of the area analysis program - TABLE 4 Parameters of low energy resonances in W from area analysis Isetupe 182W E ts(s) 4.17+0.02 7.68+0.03 ſ' ts(r) (unts (7) col Poem) 55.141.4 1.48+0.03 -0.85 79+3 1.74+0.03 -0.68 ts(,) 53.61.4 7713 4 183w 186 (8 = 3/4) 41:11 182w 18.83+0.04 21.0810.05 27.08+0.06 36117 10216 118£7 32014 40.101.1 43.3=1.4 (8 = 3/4) -0.84 -0.95 -0.82 6257 183w 7518 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 1. Neutron Total cross section of <**Cm up to 100 eV measured with the ANL fast chopper. - Figure 2. Neutron total cross section of > Pa up to 9 eV measured with the MTR fast chopper." Figure 3. Neutron capture cross sections (per atom of W) of isotopically enriched samples of tungsten measured with a large liquid scintillator.4 These cross sections must be multiplied by factors of 40.5, 54.4, 364 and 1.05 respectiyely to obtain the capture cross section of the resonances in 103w. Th measured with a Moxon-Rae Figure 4. Neutron capture cross section of “ detector at the Harwell linac. Figure 5. Scattered neutron counts per timing channel ys neutron energy from 232Th measured with "Li glass detectors at the Harwell linac. Figure 6. Transmission of a sample of Na Wos, dissolved in DOO (N = 1.99 x 10-5 atoms of w/bafn) in the region of the 18.84 eV resonance in 186w. Figure 7. Transmission of a 0.3 mil tungsten metal sample (N = 5.79 x 10° atoms of w/barn) in the region of the 21.08 and 18.84 eV resonances. Figure 8. Total neutron cross section of W at 825°K in the region of the 4.14 eV resonance. Curve A is the theoretical shape, curve B includes Doppler broadening, and curve C includes both Doppler and resolution broadening. Plot of ľ vs assumed r for the five sample thicknesses. listed in Table 3 for the 18.83 eV resonance in 100w from area analysis. Figure 10. Least squares, fit to obtain the parameters for the 18.83 eV resonance in low from area analysis. Figure 11. Area analysis of 17.4 eV resonance in toyim from scattering, (labelled S), trar.smission (T), and capture (c) measurements to determine the spin J. -. .. . ..-... . -., Figure 12. Area analysis of 21.69 eV resonance in Th from capture, scattering, and transmission measurements at Harwell.º Curves . 1, 2 and 3 are from capture, curve 8 is from scattering, and the others are from transmission measurements. e sortit 23 9 Cm 244 . CROSS SECTION CURVES 18.1 y IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IHIIRIMU UUTUULIOLI IIIIIITTIR 00001 0008 0009 10000 8000 6000 4000 3000 2000 MIH #lojol-AS FAROE T EISESFETITIE FEFERBERREFERE : FE : 55 4000 3000 UNT:12 2000 IULIUUIULUIDITUUL 0001 008 009 0001 008 IDEER 600 III 400 300 S. 0,-BARNS 200 NO 1.8 PC .o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 TC.T...?. L - :::::::::::::::::: ::: :::: :::: :;:::.1:::: T :::::::::: 6000F 4000 3000 2000 6000 4000 3000 . EV-Total . 2000 0 0 n. 233 TOCO 800 600 1000 800 600 . 27.4 d 400 400 300 300 . . . . . 200 Oy - BARNS SC . . . 80 60 . D . .... TOL o ..0.5 .0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8 8.5 9.0 4.5 En-EV Figure: 2 . . . .. .... . .., = = = = :Inه : (12 /30on Soo) s3om Taw 006 09 OOSE 00 00 00 001€ 000 0067 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT بود. بر ۱۰ بهم TIITTITTTTTT Meer 20 M986 : اسپالیسسسسسا لاسسسسپسساتلسسسسپس با CAPTURE CROSS SECTION (borns) Me9 ...........................؟ 11LLLLLLL 20 SD 15 NEUTRON ENERGY (OV) omoc 65-27 1000 ... n = 2.776 * 10 3 ald +++ n = 1.418 x 10-3 ald *** N = 0.7132 x 10°3 ald LOGARITHMIC SCALE BARNS OBSERVED NEUTRON CAPTURE YIELD • ATOMS / BARN اللللللل LINEAR SCALE 55 65 75 NEUTRON ENERGY EMOCUK Ss'. Alg a Figure 4 .. ... - .. . - - - - - TH232 SCATTERING DATA n=1-317x10*atoms/barn Resolution=5 nanoseconds/metre 250 200 NEUTROS ENERGI OCV) — 140 " 120 COUNTS/TIMING CHANNEL -7570 65 24 60 NEUTRON ENERGY Figure 5 ORNL-DWG 65-13017R 486 W RESONANCE 1.99 x 10-5 atoms of W/ barn Eo = 48.835 $ 0.003 eV r=0,385 + 0.008 eV r,= 0.319 $ 0.0033 eV co (Tn, ) = + 0.55 UDUTUL ITIWI SINNIT LIITOL LUULU LU UK In NNI KIINNIWIT JUOOUUU UULUUUUUUUU. UUTUUD UITHOUDIID ITULUIIIILU WDUODUOIO UUUUUUUULLIU UUUUUUUUU UDI UUUUUU LULE SUND UUU OO UUUULUUUUUUUUULLI NOISSIWSNVUT 000000000000000OOOOITI DIIDITT IDU UULIOLI UUUUUUUUU IIIIDIDUNT DUUHUDDIN TUDI OTTI JUDODODUODUIN O OD O C01 INH DID L OD 480 500 520 540. CHANNEL NUMBER 560 580 Figure 6 182W =21.08 +0.004 eV ř=0:100 +0.012 eV T,=0.040 + 0.001 eV CC (,,r) = 0.63 ORNL-DWG 65-43048R 186W 5.79x10-5 atorns of w/ barn Ep = 18.837 +0.002 eV P=0.368 + 0.004 eV T, = 0.318 + 0.002 eV CC (I,,)=-0.10 INTUIT Atli TRANSMISSION O 001 II MI XIII UrnTuin 430 450 470 550 570 490 510 530 CHANNEL NUMBER Figure 7 ORNL-DWG 65-43020 . ... 5000 TUNGSTEN 182 (METAL) Ep=4.1422 eV TEMPERATURE 825 °K 4000 000 CROSS SECTION-BARNS Ida 1000 0 4.000 4.050_ 4.100 4.150 4.200 4.250 4.300 NEUTRON ENERGY-eV Figure 8 ORNL-DWG 64-1841 340 1 mil 18.8 ev 5 mils 12 mils 330 0.3 mil 320 0.1 mil- · 300 2904 320 340 340 360 360 380 380 400 r Figure 99 ORNL-DWG 65-13019 186 w 18.83 eV k=r, som T=361 $ 7 mV (FROM SLOPE) -T, = 320$4 mv (AT m=0) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 m Figure la Tn 4 eV کل 12 لا - 13 .x2 و 6 (M۰۷) ی ) . x2. 03 ر IOoO 400 600 r (MeV) AERE NP/GEN/40 FIG. 7 Figure 21.69 eV ܂ ܬ Tn (mer) ܣ ܙ - ܝܝ ܟ ܢ 1.5 ܗ 15 30 35 40 45 20 25 To (mev) EANDC(UK)56's Fig. 6 Figure 12 . 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