NA .. . I . • • . TOF ORNL P 2052 . :1 . : 12.5 18 2.2 TPFTERET 1 . 11:25 |1.1.4 16 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 wa OLNU-P 2082 conf-660313-1 GFSTI PRICES 4.C. 57.00; MN_.50 A POTASSIUM-STEAM BINARY VAPOR CYCLE FOR A MOINEN-SALT REACTOR POWER PLANT* MASTER A. P. Fraas** ABSTRACT ut 1 . .. .. . - , instalare way much monitor, w the cor der om contato .. ! ... - + -- -- A conceptual design for one embodiment of a binary vapor cycle coupled to a raolted-salt reactor has been prepared to determine whether such a plant is sufficiently attractive to warrant further investigation. Its overall thermal efficiency is estimated to be 54%, while its heat rejection to the con- densers is about half of that for a modern steam plant. The quantities of material required for the heat exchangers and piping for both a coal-fired supercritical-pressure steam plant and a nuclear-powered potassium vapor and supercritical- steam plant are estimated and canpared along with the 8860- ciated costs. The resulting cost and performance data indicate that, the nuclear plant with a potassium-vapor and steam binary cycle may give both lower capital charges and a much higher overall efficiency than a coal-fired supercritical-pressure steam plant. mand wert. the her the United LEGAL NOTICE General n manum i , ---rbereid. -- . why internetten, maro, method, w more detaet dinner way wed during ity of e u het tot, a m ene, mensen met to word met e may wortor i de tan, « imate mouw. my termin porwani wa Money o imeaimorto y lo mencionada amb motor ting sama nue tot INTRODUCTION Carnot demonstrated that the best way to increase the thermal effi- ciency of a heat engine is to increase the peak temperature of the thermo- dynamic cycle. Thus it appears that, because of material limitations imposed by corrosion and 1088 in strength at high temperatures, conven- tional steam power plants have about reached the upper limit of their development toward higher thermal efficiencies. Figure 1 shows that, *Research sponsored by the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . **Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. N . RELESED S EMENT & $ SISACIS IN NUCLEAR SCI... AT 1 . while the operating temperatures and thermal efficiencies of new steam planto increased steadily throughout the first half of this contury, the U increase has cssentially stopped for the past decade (1)(2); some radical new development will be required before it can resume. .A 4.1.4 Ves, ... ... .. . could be used to reduce the pressure in the high temperature portion of the cycle and thus ease stress problems (3), and a number of plants based on a mercury vapor-steam cycle were built between 1917 and 1949. However, corrosion and mass transfer problems have imposed an upper temperature limit or 900 to 950°F on the mercury systems so that they have been un- the first ies r to en i s aar l& higher by about 300°F. There have been numerous efforts to find suitable high temperature working fluide for binary vapor cycles. The best of the organic materials are the i1phenyls (e.g., Dowtherm) but these give trouble with thermal decomposition at temperatures above about 900°F. Sulphur, sulphur com- pounds such as 80g, chlorides such as Albrz, and many other materials have been considered (4), but corrosion considerations appear to rule out all but the alkali metals. Extensive development work on alkali metal systems for nuclear power plants during the past 15 years indicates that the prospects are good for operating sodium and potassium in stainless steel systems in the 1000 to 1500°F temperature range with relatively iittle corrosioa (5)(6). The vapor pressure of sodium is a bit too low in this runge to make it attractive as a working fluid, but the physical properties of potassium at 1500°F are about the same as the corresponding *-:- r - * -3- values for water at 240°F (see Table 1). Many attempts have been made to find other materials that would be better than potassium for high- temperature vapor cycles, but only cesium and rubidium appear to have the desired characteristics (4), and both of these are expensive and difficult to procure. A comparison of potassium with mercury, discloses that not only is potassium far less corrosive than mercury, but it also wets stainless steel surfaces extremely well (thus avoiding heat transfer problems that have given trouble with mercury), and costs only about $50/fts as com- pared to about $2000/ft3 for mercury: Further, the supply of mercury 18 80 limited that the amcunt required for a large modern plant would represent a major capital investmeut, even if it did not drive up the market price. The mercury inventory in a 400-Mw plant would be about 3 x 206 lb, or about 15% of the total world production in 1961. (7) The health hazard represented by the toxicity of mercury vapor in air 18 a serious one - 80 much so that the mercury inventory represents an atmosphere contamination hazard potential about as great as that a880- ciated with the volatile P1881.on products in a reactor for a power piant of the same capacity. That is, it (would take about as much air to dilute the mercury vapor to standard tolerance levels as would be required for similar dilution of the volatile fission, products accumulated in a nuclear reactor in the course of a year of operation. Potassium 18 not toxic, but it does burn in air. The ignition temper- ature 18 sufficiently low that it sometimes ignites spontaneously at a tem- perature just above the melting point. It reacts rapidly with water at low ...... ......... . .... .........-------- * ** * *** n-* -4 h ha ini a nita pressures, but experiments have shown (8) that the reaction rate is unifon te mawi W s and not too rapid at temperaturoabove about 600°r. The potassium water reaction itself 18 not explosive; however, if the hydroger evolved mixeu with air, the resulting mixture may explode or even detonate. Thus, the latter constitutes the principal hazard associated with the potassium- water reaction, and, as in sodium-cooled reactors, the plant must be de- signed so that the consequences of such a reaction will not be too serious. de .rrri diversidad Worriotin In the course of the initial ORNL work on space power plants in 1958 it became evident that a high cycle efficiency in a central station could be obtained by coupling a auclear reactor to a potassium-vapor cycle from which the waste heat would be rejected to a steam cycle. This arrangement would achieve the advantages of the mercury-steam binary vapor cycle and yet avoid both the relatively high pressures and the mass transfer problems of a mercury system in the 1000 to 1600°F temperature range. It woulâ be capable of an overall thermal efficiency of arowd sus, thus cutting not only the fuel and capital costs but also the condenser cooling-water re. quiremeni. The latter would be reduced to about half that of a conventional ste en plant, a major advantage for many power plant locations either on rivers or in arid areas where cooling towers are required. An attempt was made early to 1959 to lay out a nuclear central station utilizing a binary vapor cycle, but there were so many uncertainties that . . '.. ** . .. - - ...- further work was deferred. Subsequent experience in the molten- alt renc- -- »* tor program coupled with data from basic tests on boiling heat transfer, . . tiem o n si materials compatibility, and key components for potassium-vapor-cycle space power plants provided sufficient background data to make possible a medi •S & preliminary design with enough detall to give a fairly good idea of the sizes of the major pieces of equi prent and of the quantities of fuel, working fluids, and expensive alloys required for the system. Using thie information, a design study was carried out in 1963 to investigate the probiens involved (9). During the past year experience with both the moltep-salt reactor experiment and component tests for the boiling potas- silm space power plant have brought ORIL's operating experience with red not liquid systems to over 2,000,000 hr, giving further grounds for the belief that a potassium vapor pover plant merits consideration. This paper is intended to indicate what such a potassium vapor-steam dinary vapor cycle pover plant night look like 1r designed for construction in the '1980's, ito advantages, and something of the problems that would have to be solved before ito design and construction could be undertaken. PROPOSED SYSTEM TO Illustrate the problems involved and the size of the major items of equipment, it was decided to base the design on a molten-salt reactor with a fuel outlet temperature of 1800°r. While this is well beyond the present state of the art, it does not seem unreasonable for a plant to be built in the 1980's. As shown in the flov sheet of fig. 2, the molten salt from the reactor vould deliver hent through an intermediate heat exchanger to an inert salt at 1700*7, which would, in turn, de circulated to heat a potassium boiler that would deliver potassium vapor to. tur- dipe at 1540°F. A 200° temperaturt drop vould be taken to each of the tvo mult circuits. The potassium vapor leaving the turbine vould con- dense at 1100*7, and the heat of concensation vould be transferred directly -6. to generate steam at 4000 poi and 1050°F with two reheats at 1050°F. Ibe otructural material. 10 both ult circuit. would be a refractory alloy something like the coiubium-1$ zirconium alloy that has been given much attention in recent years, the potassium Systen vould employ stainless teti throughout, except for the tubes in the potassium boiler, which would be made of the refractory alloy. . The first step in the design study was to make a thermodynamic analysis of the cycle assuming the system flow sheet shown in Fig. 2. Since «pero 18 removed efficiently in the potasa.ww-vapor cycle, there 1e no incentive to increase the peak steam cycle temperature wiher than to increase the potassium-vapor density in the condenser and thus reduce the size of the potassium turbine and condenser. Thus, the choice of the temperature level at which heat 16 interchanged between the condensing potassium and the Supercritical-prestare steun depend. on balancing the cost of small, varya high-pressure steam equipment against large low-pressure potassium-vapor equipment. Hough estimmtes indicated that near-vind costs would be obo tained by condensing the potassium *t 1100°F and transferring the meant to steak at a peuk temperature of 1050°F. The temperature-entropy diagram for the binary vapor cycle corresponde ing to the above conditions de presented in P18. 3, and the principal parti. the ters are sumarized in Table 2. It was possible to employ the item flow sheet for the supercritical unit Mo. 2 of the Daystore plact with esantially no changes. (9,10) Murther, the overall thermal efficiency of the ***** portion or Ebe system could be obtained from that for the madyatove plant by alloving for differences between the two ay#tum temming from such factors « the stack losw. and the gover requirements for auxiliaries. 670 PLANT DESION A rouctor thermal output of 1000 l was taken for the reference design. several plant layouts were prepared of voich that shown in Mg. 4 appeared to be the most promising. A wide variety of factors was considered in evolving a series of layouts which end to that presented in Fig. 4. The design precopts on which this was based are as follows : d. The design should be such that any ccaponent of the syster may be replaced with little disturbance of other parts. 2. There should be sufficient shielding between the reactor and the Sual-to-inert-salt heat exchanger and sufficient neutron poison in the latter (to abaord delayed neutroas) to reduce activation of the Inert salt to a level that would permit limited contact maintenance of any component in the inert salt system except the fuel-to-inert-salt heat exchanger. 3. Both the fuel pump rotor assemblies and the fuel-to-inert-salt heat exchanger tube bundles should be designed so that they could be in- serted into vertical wells with the seul flane in a shielded zone and contact maintenance activities carried out at the flange, c.8., seal veld. ing and inspection of the flanges. 14. Differential thermal expansion in the piping connecting the hot components should be absorbed either in simple bending of the piping or in toroidal expansion Joints. Stainless steel bellove should be used only in low-pressure, low-temperature zones, such as those around penetrations in the containment envelope. 9. All rour fluid system (tuel, inert walt, potassium, and water) should be desired to provide sufficiunt theran convection to remove 2 ST ..... . M ind i, men NM. arterheat in the event of complete failure in the power supplied to all the pumps. 6. The inventory of the fusi, ert salt, potassium, and refractory alloy structural material should be kept to a minimum to reduce both the costs and the hazards. The hcat exchanger sizes were based on 3/8 in. OD refractory alloy tubing with a 0.040-10.-thick wall. Experience indicates that fouling of these small-diameter tubeo is not a problem in systems wnere fluid cleanliness requirements are as stringent as they are for the molten-salt and potassium systems. It should be mentioned that the bore of the super- heater tubes in the Philo plant on the Ohio Power Company, a supercritical pressure stean plant, 1. 0.40 in. (11) Reactor Core and Heat Exchanger Assembly As shown in Fig. 5, the reactor core and the fuel-to-inert-cult heat exchanger assembly are mounted in a 17-ft-diam, 26-ft-high, cylindrical shell. The core 16 10 st 10 diaweter and 10 ft in neight and 18 mounted in the lover portion of the shell. It is surrounded with 3 ft of graphite reflector with the 3-ft-long blocks laid with their axer normal to the core- rerlector interface so that the heat generated in the graphite reflector can de removed by fuel Kloving over either the inboard or outboard ends of the graphite blocks. Ova :-* - ..... intensitas medicina. Pel flavt axially upward through the core and then up through a cea- trul columns approximately 7 At in diameter to the top of the heat exchanger region. Duel slovs dovmvard and then back upvard over a burtle between Uutuber in the heat exchanger. It then returna downward in the annular er en lemet b pro .. vitara i tri i l i do in the me mory sti...nic. is... main region between the heat exchangers and the outer shell through six axial- flow pumps flanga-mounted in wells above the top of the fuel expansion tank. The pumps are driven by long overhung shafts with outboard bearings lubri- cated by the fuel salt. (A pump with a molten-salt bearing of this type has been operated satisfactorily for 12,000 hr at ORNI.) The heat exchunger consists of six tube bundles, each about 4 ft in diameter and 6 ft in length. These units would be larger than the MSRE unit shown in Fig. 6, (12) but they would be essentially similar in basic design. The control rods are mounted in the central region so that they operate through the fuel-channel riser from the core to the heat exchanger inlet. The control rod drives, the pumps, and the heat exchangers are mounted with their flanges in a relatively cool zone above a 4-ft-thick shielded region over the heat exchanger and fuel expansion tank. The layout is such that any pump or heat exchanger may be removed by vertical withdrawal from the top without disturbing any other unit. The weight of each unit is such that it more than counterbalances the pressure forces acting at the flange, 80 only a seal weld 18 required. A neutron poison is placed between the top of the graphite reflector over the core and the heat exchanger to reduce activation of the inert salt in the secondary fluid circuit. The cooled fuel stream returning to the core around the outer perimeter of the reflector exerts a modest net radial pressure inward on the graphite blocks, thus tending to force them together and minimize the clearances between them. Potr8sium Boiler, Turbine, and Condenser Units The potassium-vapor turbines look much like the low-pressure steam turbines for a convential steam power plant. With an 1860-rpm shaft . -10- speed and two double-flow turbines (to keep the size of each unit dova) the rotor diameter at the outlet end 18 about 10 st to give 80 mW not electrical output per turbine. From five to seven stages are required, with the turbine rotor inlet around 6 ft in diameter. The very large volumetric flow rate of the potassium vapor, both out of the boiler to the turbine and out of the turbine into the condenser, made it desirable to incorporate both the potassium boiler and the potas sium condenser in units beneath the turbine in much the same fashion as is standard practice with conventional steam turbine condensors. To minimize the temperature gradient in the vicinity of the turbine shaft seals and bearings and to keep the temperature of the turbine casing down to 1100°F where its strength would act be much lower than at room tempera- ture, the condenser was divideú into two sections, with one at either end of the double-f.low turbine. The boiler region was placed between these tuo condenser regions. The general layout is shown in Fig. 7. As in the heat exchangers incorporated in the reactor pressure ves. sel, it seemed best to design so that both the potassium boilor and the - potassium condenser would consist of a multiplicity of tube bundles, each - - -- - - - - - of which could be installed by moving it into position along a vertical axis and securing it in place with a seal weld. Fortunately, the pressure - on the potassium-vapor side is nominal in both cases, i.e., about 15 psi alove atmospheric in the potassium boiler and about 12 281 below atmos. pheric in the potassium condenser. Thus, the pressure loads on the potas. sium side are small. In fact, the pressure force 18 of about the same order as the weight of the tube bundle. -ll. A pair of inert-salt pipes delivers salt from each of the fuel-to- salt heat exchanger tube bundles to one of a set of six tube bundles mounted in the potassium boiler casing below each turbine. Each of the potassium boiler tube bundles makes use of about 1000 U-shaped tubes. The U's are about 5 ft long and Inverted so that each tube bundle can be withdrawn vertically downward from a flanged joint at the bottom of the boiler casing. An advantage of this potassium boiler configuration is that the physical properties of the fluids (13, 14, 15) permit high heat fluxes so that the re- quired surface area is small and the potassium inventory can be reduced to a relatively low value for such a large plant, 1.e., about 800 ft3, or 35,000 lb. 'The supercritical-pressure boiler and the reheaters are made up of U-shaped tubes arranged in cylindrical bundles and mounted in a casing under the turbine to serve as the potassium condenser. The feedwater (or reheat steam) enters one leg of a U and flows vertically upward and then returns downward to the tube-bundle outlet. It is to be noted that there is no sharply defined phase change in a supercritical-steam boiler - only a steep gradient in the fluid density. This occurs mainly in the first portion of the heated length of the boiler tube. The most difficult set of tube bundles to design was that for the supercritical-water boiler because the high pressures on the water side made it necessary to employ very thick-walled header drums and tubes. While the temperature in the potassium boiler is high, the pressures there are low 80 that the stress prcolems are much less severe. The close spac- ing required of the tubes in the potassium condenser region in order to py -12- . keep the unit sufficiently compact to fit the turbine led to the use of bifurcated tubes to reduce the number of penetrations in the superheated. steam header drum anit thus reduce the stress concentration problem there. The reheater tube bundles have the same tube length but only about one-fourth of the tube matrix volume of the supercritical-boiler tube nt artisanaladislacioni bundles and are located at the in-board ends of the superheater header e drums, as indicated in the reduced-scale plan view of Fig. 7. This arrange- viraram mkomuhitninamaanishm ment was chosen to facilitate access to the connecting piping and the clo- sure welds for the various units. The steam pipes out of the superheater header drums are 10 in. in diameter and are run horizontally just below the closure flange level to reach a region well clear of the congested space beneath the turbine. The much larger pipes for the reheater tube bundles are stiffer and pose more difficult differential thermal expansion problems, and hence they are run vertically downward from the tube bundles in the - - - - - - central region. With this arrangement, any one of the tube bundles can be - - . - - - -- - - approached with a specially built machine designed for installing and re- ' moving tube bundles with a hydraulic lift. After severing the connecting piping, attachment points on the tube bundles would be connected to the elevator mechanism on the machine, 'and the closure weld would be cut with appropriate tooling. The tube bundle would then be lowered and removed from the area, and a new bundle would be installed. In the layout shown in Fig. 4c the columbium pipes carrying the inert salt from the reactor and intermediate heat exchanger assembly up to the potassium-boiler tube bundles are enclosed within a large steel casing 80. that they can be kept in either a vacuum or an inert gas atmosphere to ... - - - --- -- - - -13- avoid difficulties with oxidation. A bellows joint 18 required between the casing around these pipes and the stainless steel shell or the potas- sium boiler. A removable sleeve around these pipes is required to provide space for insertion of the boiler tube bundles. The use of horizontal pipes passing outward from the superheater outlet drums for the super- critical-water system leaves the floor free for access to these removable sleeves. A major advantage of the layout of Fig. 7 is that gravitational forces aid in scavenging condensate from the condenser and also help to recirculate the liquid potassium in the potassium boiler. It should be pointed out that the potassium boiler 18 designed for recirculation with a boiler exit quality of about 10%. A vapor separator in the vapor region above the boiler 18 de- signed to remove the liquid potassium and return it to the base of the boiler. The vapor quality supplied to the potassium turbine should be in excess of 99%. Experience with natural-thermal-convection boiling-potassium systems in the course of the space program indicates that this configuration can be built to work as effectively with potassium as it would with water, and it should give much the same performance characteristics. Differential expansion in the potassium-vapor turbine casings poses a major problem, particularly since the vapor inlet region operates at about 1540°F, while the condenser region runs at 1100°F. The most promising approach seemed to be to make the portion of the turbine casing that sup- ports the stator integral with the potassium boiler and couple this into the bearing housing to give good concentricity in the stator region. The potassium condenser casing was then arranged outside this and connected rii ܗܪܙܫ to it rigidly only at the bearing housing. While this layout presents a number of difficult detailed design problems, it appears that one of the most important, i.e., differential thermal expansion, can be solved with flexible omega or bellows joints placed between the boiler and the con- denser casings on the one hand and the turbine casing on the other. With the oil-lubricated bearings envisioned, the thermal gradient between the hot portion of the rotor and the 200°F bearings must be kept to a reason- able value. A buffer zone about two shaft diameters long will probabli be required io give an acceptable thermal gradient in the shaft. This zone can be used for the shaft seal. A reentrant section in the housing will be required to accommodate the thermal gradient between the bearing and the large-diameter high-temperature portion of the casing. The shaft seal configuration of Fib. 7 was chosen, in part, because it seemed to give a good sound design and, in part, because two small potas- Bium-vapor turbines have been built using essentially similar seals. (One of these 18 at the De Gas Turbine Division at Evendale, Ohio.) In both of these, the turbine wheel 18 about a foot in diameter and 18 separated from oil-lubricated bearings by a close-clearance seal with argon supplied to the region between the potassium ve.por and the oil. Two bleeds from the labyrinth are used in each case, one to carry off a mixture of argon and potassium vapor and the other to carry off a mixture of argon and oil. Auxiliary equipment 18 being employed in these systems to separate the potassium from the argon and the oil from the argon, hence the feasibility of conducting these two operations should also be determined in the course of the test programs scheduled for the coming year. --- - ------................ ...-------- -15- While not shown in Fig. 7, two 100-hp potassium feed pumps are located inside the shell of the condenser for each turbine unit. The l-ft-diam single-stage centrifugal impeller of each pump is coupled directly to a 2-ft-diam single-stage potassium-vapor turbine wheel. A pump of this sort with a 6-in.-diam turbine wheel and potassium-lubricated bearings has been run at ORNL. (A set of parts 18 shown in Fig. 8) These units should be very reliable, since they would be independent of failures in such compo- nents as electrical switchgear. Tests have shown that such a turbine- driven pump unit can be "bootstrapped" by simply applying heat to the boiler. Regenerative feed heaters are placed beneath the potassium turbine between the boiler and the condenser. These units are designed to employ vapor bled off between stages of the potassium turbine to preheat the po- tassium feed to a temperature near the boiling point before supplying it to the potassium boiler. These make it possible to avoid thermal stresses in the boiler that would be associated with the admission of liquid feed at a temperature of 440°F below the boiler temperature, and reduce the size of the potassium boiler from 4 to 8%, depending on the details of the bleed system used for the regenerative feed heater and the proportions employed. RELATIVE COSTS While tre many novel components in the proposed plant make it out of the question to prepare a definitive cost estimate, some notion of its cost relative to that of a conventional coal-fired plant can be gained from -- DS .. .------ - .- . ... comparison of the quantities of material required and their unit costs given in Table 3. In the first place, the stoon syotum should cost the same as that for a coal-fired plant, except for the steam generator and the piping connecting it to the turbine. The connecting piping for the 325 Mw Badystone Supercritical Unit No. 2 totals approximately 5400 st kod weights approximately 1,000,000 lb. In the plant layout of Fig. 4, the corresponding piping has a total length of approximately 2000 ft and hence would cost ecout 40% as much. Although detailed data for the steel in the boiler tubes for the Eddystone plant vere not available, data were available for a somewhat similar boiler, 1.e., unit No. 5 of the TVA Colbert plant. This unit has a 2400-p81 straight-through boiler designed to deliver 500 Mw of gross electrical output. The weight of the tubing in this boiler is approximately 5,000,000 lb, while the con- uecting piping weighis approximately 1,600,000 lb. The latter value 16 consistent with the Badystone Supercritical Unit No. 2 ir allowance is made for the difference in capacity. The stainless steel tubing in the potassium-condenser, water-boiler, superheater, and reheater units in the proposed plant has a total weight of approximately 400,000 lb, 1.8., about 10% of the weight of the corresponding tubing required for Colbert unit No. 5. Because of the higher pressure, the tubing weight for Eddy- stone i nit No. 2 would probably be considerably greater - a 50% increuse in weight was assumed in mepering Table 3. This drastic reduction in tube weight required for the proposed binary vapor cycle stems partly from the higher heat transfer coefficients and higher heat fluxes avail- able in the potassium condenser, partly from the smaller diameter tubing . -17- employed, and partly frow the fact that only one side of the tubes in the mediant-heating done in a coul-fired boiler te weed for hent transfer pur. poses. me dikeest factor 16, of course, the uniform temperature on the potassium side, which means that there is no danger of a hot spot ronin and leading to a durn-out condition, and hence the heat exchanger can de designed for high and fairly uniform heat flux over the entire surface roa. mis high heat flux, coupled with the absence of a flov distribution problem, makes it possible to employ an extremely compact heat transfer matrix so that the total volume required for the potassium condanser is much less than that required for the condenser of a conventional steam turbine of the same output. It should be noted, in particular, that one of the principal barriers tu heat flow in a steam condenser tube 16 the relatively low-thermal-conditivity film or condensate. The high thermal conductivity of the liquid potassium essentially eliminates this barrier to host transfer. However, the biggest factor in reducing the #126 of the potassium condenser in the proposed design, as compared with a con- ventional steam condenser, is the 150°7 san temperature difference be- tween the condensing vapor and the fiuid being heated, 1.6., over five times the value ordinarily used in conventional steam plants. The columbi teine tuo ing required for both the suel-to-inert-salt neat exchanger and the inert-halt-bc-potassium boiler has a total weight souse- what lo.. than 100,000 id. CRNL betallurgists estimate that by 1980 the cost per foot of this tubing will be roughly 20 times that of stainless steel tuding for the same tube diameter and well thickness. Even on this besla, Hovever, the cost of the columbi won tubing for the proposed plant enould me about the new the cost of the steel tubing for a conven. tioaud coul-fired plant such as unit No. 5 of the TVA Colbert plant. The columbiu piping betwen the nel-to-inert-alt ment exchanger and the salt-to-potassium boiler would walion about 30,000 lb. thi. vould be equivalent in cont to approximately 600,000 id or stainl... steel piping. Since the wall thickness of this piping need be only 1/6 to 1/2 in., Ito cost coupled with the cost of the steam piping in the proposed plant would still be less than that of the corresponding stean piping for a coni. fired plant or equivalent capacity. The cost of welding the tube joints depends on the uterial and #ita of the ture, the accessibility of the joint, and whether the joint can be fabricated in the shop or must be welded in the field. A large fraction of the joints in a coul-rired boiler must be rield-welded whereus all of the tube-to-hender scints in the heat exchangers for the proposed potas. Si un vapor plant would be made in the shop. Since the greater part of the cost of cuch joints lies in the X-ray inspection and the rounder of Joints that can be included in a #ingle X-my phoco, it was found that the cost of shop welding the easy-to-ge:-at un diamter columbium 4 Vi-4. munder joints in their compact arrays actually appears to be las than the average cost of the shop and rield-velded joints in the large, open · tube arrays of a conventional steam boiler. An important area in which the cost of the binary-vapor-cycle plant proposed should be much less than that for a coowntional coul-fired steam plant is in the size of the building. The surnace for a conventional coule -19- rired plant commonly runs 120 st nigth and requires substantiad amounts or space, both above and donanth it, and a large floor art. The mving in the steel required for the building, cond storage bine, wh hoppers, etc., should much more than compensate for the steel required in the con- tainment shall around the reactor, and true the overall building cost should be less for the nuclear plant. In s om ry, while it is out of the question to prepare . definite cost comparison at this stage, it appears possible that the capital cust of potassium-stean dinary-vapor-cycle plant night actually be less than that of a conventional stear plant. TEASDILITY PROBLDAS me principal busic feasibility questions for the system are associ- *ted with the corrosion of the refractory alloy by both the fuel salt and the inart alt in the intermediate circuit and the compatibility of the refractory alloy with boiling potassium in a stainless steel system where ***' transfer night be a problem. In view of the low fuel costs that it appears possible to obtain with molten-sult reactors, and the promising re- sults of this study, it appears that the writs of the power plant proposed are sufficient to justify some research to evaluate its feasibility. The basic concept is also applicadle to other reactor types, 6.8., a sodium- or potansiw-cooled funt reactor, and these reise other feasibility questions. A boiling-potassium reactor 1. a particularly interesting possi. bility, since it would make it possible to build the entire system of stain- less steel and to eliminate tbe intermediate heat exchangers if . substantial . . wkunt of radioactivity could be tolarated in the potassium turbineswhile, ...1*.. 1..'.WN A - in principle, the cycle could we applied to foss1l-fueled plant, air-side corrosion vould probably while on this impractionblo, particularly since the poor heat transfer coefficient on the air lae would make it necessary to wse a large quantity of expensive high-alloy materials in the potasium boiler. In addition to the above questions there are a host of problems uso. ciated with the detail design of components. Many of these including thos, concerned with the heat exchangers and pumpe have been wat and otiofac. · tory solutions have been found for smaller components operating under: somewhat less severe conditions. (16,17) Others, suck u thoja mentioned In the section on the turbine, vill demand a high order of engineering completance if the development time and costs are to be wept vitain reason- able bounds. .... ewaneo.. ..... a .... dit men det har en stor hoe ho,77 . A a n muw wenseny ...... .21. REL ERENCES 1. The expanding Market for Electric Power, C. W. E. Clarke, and W. P. Gavit, Mechanical Engineering, p. 483, 1954. 2. Electric Power Generation - Past, Present, and Future, J. B. McClure and A. O Mellor, Mechanical Engineering, 1956, p. 521. 3. The Promet Mercury-Vapor Process, W. L. R. Examet, mansactions ASME, Vol. No. 46, 1924, p. 253. Properties of Inorganic Energy Conversion and Heat Transfer Fluids for Space Applications, W. D. Weatherford, et al., WADD Technical Report 61-96, March 1961. A Symposium on Materials for Sodium-Cooled Reactors, 1963 Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society; Vol. 9, Nuclear Metallurgy, JMD Special Report Series No. 12. 6. Type 316 ss, Inconel, and Haynes Alloy No. 25, Natural Circulation Boiling Corrosion Test Loops, D. 8. Jansen and E. E. Hoffman, USAEC Report CRML-3790, June 1965, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 7. 1961 Minerals Yearbook, Vol. I, Metals and Minerals (except Fuels), 1.8. Department of Interior. 8. The Reaction of Kak and 820, E. C. King, Technical Report XII, Min Safety Appliances Co., Contract N9 onr-85801, January 1952. A Potassium-8tcan Binary Vapor Cycle for Nuclear Power Plants, W. R. Chambers, A. P. Fraas, and M. N. Ozisik, USAEC Report ORNL-3584, May 1964, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Engineering the Eddystone Plant for 5000 lb 1200-deg Steam, J. A. Harlow, Transactions ASME, Vol. No. 79, 1957, p. 1410. First Commercial Supercritical Pressure Steam-Electric Generating Vnit for the Philo Plant, 8. X. Fiala, Transactions ASME, Vol. No. 79, 1957, p. 389. 12. 12. Molton-Salt Reactor Program Semiannaal Progress Report for Period Ending July 31, 1964, R. B. Briggs, USABC Report ORNL 3708, p. 141, Oak Ridge National laboratory. 13. Forced Convection Saturation Boiling of Potassium at Near Atmospheric Pressure, 1. W. Horrman and A. I. Krakoviak, Proceedings of the 1962 Him towperature Liquid Metal Heat Transfer Technology Meeting, USAEC Raport BUIL-756, pp. 182-203, Brookhaven National Laboratory. 22. web 14. Molten Salt Reactor Program Progress Report for Period from March 1 to August 31, 1961, USAEC Report ORNL-3215, pp. 132-134, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ze 15. A Physical Property Summary for ANP Fluoride Mixtures, s. I. Cohen, et al., USAEC Report ORNL-2150, August 1956, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. e 16. Design Precepts for High Temperature Heat Exchangers, A. P. Fraas, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, 1960, p. 22. -- Sw 17. Reliability as & Criterion in the Disign of Space Power Plants, A. P. Fraas, paper presented at the Joint SAE-ASME Meeting in New York, April, 1964. - . mm.. . . -23- Table 1. Comparison of Physical Properties of Potassium and Water for Condensing Conditions (Lata from Ref. 4, Potassium Water Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Temperature, °F Pressure, psia Specific volume, 1040.0 1.50 0.02269 1040.0 1.50 267.15 115.6 1.50 0.01619 115.6' 1.50 228.65 1170.4 1111.8 283.0 887.4 83.56 1028.14 0.1823 0.1266 0.998 0.43 Enthalpy, Btu/10 Heat of vaporization, Btu/lb. °F Specific heat, Btu/16. °F Viscosity, lb/ Thermal conductivity, Btu/hr.ft•°F Prandti No., COM/" Surface tension, 1b/ft 0.37 21. 0 0.0189 .00363 1.42 0.371 0.029 0.012 0 0.659 1.04 0.00321 0.0041 3.82 0.00469 s -24. Table 2. Temperature and Pressure Conditions for the Steam and Potassium Cycles Shown in Fig. 3, and Estimate of Cycle Efficiencies Location Pressure (pola) Temperature Enthalpy (Btu/10) Steam cycle READERSchumanuallNASTAGNE amatira 4000 1133 1043 263 251 0.50, vacuum 0.50, vacuum 4300 29.0 26.0 2.4 2.14 30.0 1050 786 1050 -705 1050 115 115 558.4 1540 1500 1100 1100 1500 1446.1 1374.0 1535.0 1372.7 1552.9 1111.6 82.9 560.1 1210 1195 1068 Potassium cycle 10 Extraction 22 12 290 - - 368 ---- - - - - - - - (H10 - HEX) + (1 - F)(Ex - ,) H10 - H13 - Efficiency of potassium cycle = ... (1210 - 1195) + (1 - 0.0865)(1195 - 1068) 1210 - 368 = 15.6% Efficiency of steam cycle for coal plant = 40.7% Efficiency of steam cycle for nuclear plant = (no stack, etc. losses) = 46.2% Efficiency of combined plant = 0.156 + (1 - 0.156) 0.462 = 54.6% -25. . Table 3. Estimated Boiler Tubing and Piping Requirements for Both the Proposed Plant and a Coal-Fired Plant of the Same Net Output Total Weight (1b) Cost in Thousands of Dollars $ Proposed Plant of 550 Mwe Steam system Piping 400,000 Boiler, superheater, and 430,000 reheater tubing Tube-to-header joints (134,000 joints) Total for steam system 830,000 600 700 4,700 $ 6,000 40,000 90,000 800 9,000 600 1 Salt system Piping Tubinga Tube-to-leader joints (19,000 joints) Reactor and heat exchanger pressure vessel Total for salt system TOTAL 40,000 800 170,000 1,000,000 $11,200 $17,200 1,700 8,000 Coal-Fired Plant of 550 Mwe Piping 1,700,000 Boiler, superheater, and 8,000,000 reheater tubing Tube-to-header joints (55,000 joints) TOTAL 9,700,000 2,500 $12,200 Stubing for both the fuel-to-salt and the salt-to- potassium heat exchangers. ! ....*.* ORNL - DWG 64-1234 t wai e I m THERMAL EFFICIENCY (%) til ti step ahensyn e into m 4000 reiniguiente morti co المنهننمنملن علمهم INLET PRESSURE (psia) مع 1000, 1000 INLET TEMPERATURE (OF) . -. .- - . - . 400 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 - YEAR OF PLANT CONSTRUCTION Fig. 1. Thermal Efficiency and Turbine Inlet Temperature and Pres- sure for the United States Steam Power Plants as a function of the Year of Construction. (Data replotted from refs. 1 & 2) Oral-Dus tetas · S, FUEL-TO-SALT HEAT EXCHANGER S-2, SALT-TO-POTASSIUM BOILER B, SUPERCRITICAL-PRESSURE STEAM GENERATOR RV-1, REHEATER I Rito2, REHEATER 2 FUEL NO. 133: LiF-Befz-UF, -Thf. (67-18.5-2.5-14 mole 2) SALT NO. 44: NoF-KF-LiF-UF (409-43.5-44.5-11 mole 2) . GENERATOR 1540°F POTASSIUM TURBINE GENERATOR VERY-HIGH- PRESSURE TURBINE HIGH- PRESSURE TURBINE LOW- ANO INTERMEDIATE- PRESSURE TURSINE GENERATOR S-2 POTASSIUM-TO- STEAM BOILER RH-2 RH-1 STEAM CONDENSER 12 psia VACUUM 1510°F, 26 psic 1050°F 1043 psio 1500 F 29 psio 1050°F 251 psia 1050°F, 40C.O psio i 1100°F, 2.4 psia | POTASSHIA FEED HEATER | 786 F, | 1833 psia 70sof, 263 paio 1600°F 1700°F EXTRACTIONS 115°F CORE 558°F, 4100 psic 17000 F 1800°F FEED WATER HEATERS LAOLTEN-SALT REACTOR . . . ... . . Fig. 2. Flow Diagram for Binary-Vapor-Cycle Power Plant. Ontho - OWO 84-1336 0081 SEE TABLE 2 FOR CYCLE CONDITIONS 009) - - BOILER EXTRACTION 1400 REGENERATIVE FEED HEATER POTASSIUM CYCLE . TURBINE 1200 CONDENSER TEMPERATURE (OF) TURBINE REHEATER 1 TURBINE REHEATER 2 SUPERHEATER 009 TURBINE 400 REGENERATIVE FEED HEATER TO FEED WATER HEATERS STEAM CYCLE 200 CONDENSER Lai S, ENTROPY ľ Fig. 3. Temperature-Entropy Diagram for the steam and Potassiumi Cycles. ORNL-OWS 14-12 VERY-HChe. messine ANO HIGH Messut NIES CONTAINMENT VESSEL OPERATING FLOOR LEVA GEETH (110 ARCON ATMOSPHERE POTASSIUM TURONES WO HEAT EXCHANGERS WATER- INERT-SAU PIPING OF REFRACTORY METAL ALLOY The three DITIO uit !!!!!!!!!!!i!!! REACTOR MASCHEXT LEVEL 100000 ED Fig. 4. (a) Typical Elevation 'mrough 550 Mw, net electrical Output Binary-Vapor-Cycle Power Plant. one-tw .100 MUSTON anaanING FUEL PUMPS COXTOL 100 CAIVO A CONTAINMENT VESSEL 0 5 10 15 20 25 ----------- .. . .... . . .menu.. no one .... 0 POTASSIUM TURBINES HEAT EXCHANGERS 100 WO rduto 0 e _ 0 read their p ahendamine - O l u o S Fig. 4. (b) Plan View of Reactor Area. med -. - - : Ornit-ons Women mous • Tunas MMO NA EXOURS GENERATOR uu 050 S 20.3 foot - BORETON a GENERATOR VINTERMEDIATE- VPRESSURE TURBO LOW-PRESSURE TURBINE Verthenomen ANO SPREME rumemes W Fig. 4. (c) Plan View of Primary Piping. The net electrical output of the generator driven by the two potassium vapor turbines is 160 MW. while the total output of the two generators driven by the steam turbines would be 400 MW. . : ma . . * . . . TV .in 11 * - . 12 . . TE; > 2 HOUD . *** YRE * tor':. leveransen EXPANSION TANK . .. . .IN · m . . - MEAY EXCHANGER 181 | overensereno AXIAL now ! . - . .. . (N 000 ROUND I.IS . come - RETURN now MUS Hili NOM QUEMTION Fig. 5. Molten-Salt Reactor for Bloary-Vapor-Cycle Power Plant, . ... ........ : mit . 12 2 unde . . omnis .. .- e .: White . ace . Fig. 6. The fuel-to-Inert Salt Heat Exchanger of the MSRE as it Looked when the Tube-to-Header Joints were Being Welded. S. .. anmowe - ARGON-BUFFERED SEAL TUROINE B. POTASSIUM TO STEAM BOILER S2, SALT TO PATASSIUM BOILER RH-1, REHEATERS RH-2, REHEATER 2 er o] EHER CO] up w en @] EBER @ BEAR som er en Woche PLAN VIEW OF TUBE BUNOLE LOCATION DRAWN TO REDUCED SCALE BLEED UNES TO FEED HEATER - BAFFLE VAPOR SEPARATOR norama i 2. O widu Lund INERT SALT IN STEAM OUT STEAM IN STEAM OUT / WATER IN INERT SALT OUT SIDE ELEVATION feet END ELEVATION Fig. 7. Potassium Turbine and Heat Exchanger Unit for Binary-Vapor- Cycle Power Plant. ........ .. . ... 1 1 . ** . 11., T ANS EL AV . tiirus who wetu wa . V . * t 2- S4 RA LA VE - .."- -- vi - -- --- - . . . + INCHES LALELLA DE LA 110 111 14.3 22 Fig. 8. Paris of a Disassembled Free Turbine-Driven Feed Pump for a Potassium Vapor Cycle System. . END e. DATE FILMED 5 / 24 / 66 i . .