a ! ". '. . : . I OFI ORNL P 1967 • ". .. _ T . 1.25 L4 LE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 N . KN 7 IN W . . 3 WWW.TW ' Y WS * KT ORNY P11942 Conf-660206-2 . NEUTRON FLUCTUATION MEASUREMENTS AT OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY D. N. Fry D. P. Roux C. W. Rickers S. E. Stephenson S. H. Hanauera J. R. Trinkod Oak Ridge Netional Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee .. SEB 280 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT, IN AUCHBAR SCL.DNOS ABSTRACTS. INTRODUCTION Since our last report on neutron power-spectral-density (NPDS) measure- ments at CRNL, we have performed experiments at three reactors to determine the delayed neutron loss in a circulating-fuel reactor, to evaluate a core for a high-flux reactor, and to measure the NPSD during a boiling experiment at the Oak Ridge Research Reactor (ORR). Currently, we are evaluating the use of a counting-rate circuit to measure subcritical reactivity, and pre- liminary results are promising.' MEASURE OF B IN A CIRCULATING -FUEL REACTOR The effective delayed-neutron fraction Be is less in a circulating-fuel reactor, because the precursors decay while the fuel is outside the core. NPSD measurements made with the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) at zero. power are used to determine the difference in B. When the fuel is circulating and not circulating in the primary loop. ... The MSRE? 18 a single-region, unclad, graphite-moderated fluid-fuel reactor with a design heat-generation rate of 10 Mw. The reactor heat is transferred from the circulating fuel to a similar coolant salt and 1s dissipated to the atmosphere. The circulating fuel is in the core approxi- mately 9 sec and outside the core in the external loop about 16 sec. PResearch sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Present address: Dept. of Physics, Abion College, Albion, Michigan. :* summer research participant from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. . 1. A Reuter-Stokes, type 81A lonization chamber filled with 2 atm BF3, which has a neutron sensitivity of 1.3 x 10-13 amp/nv was installed in a : vertical penetration of the thermal shield at the midplane of the core. With the reactor at a power of 10w, the current fluctuations from the chamber were amplified. by a low-noise wide-band ac amplifier and recorded for 1 hour on magnetic tape using a frequency-modulated tape recorder. The recorded sig- nals for each reactor condition (fuel circulating and not circulating) were analyzed using a multichanral spectral density analyzer. (See ref 1 for a detailed description of the equipment, analysis procedure, and data reduction.). A digital least-squares program,3 was used to fit the parameters of a theore- tical model to the observed spectra. The model assumes an infinite homogeneous one-speed reactor with one group of delayed neutrons. A constant was added to the spectral density predicted by the theoretical model to account for the detection-noise component of the observed NPSD. Figure I shows the results of the MSRE measurements. (In this and all other figures the standard deviation for a data polnt is smaller than the size of the point representing the data, unless otherwise shown.). In fitting the model to the measured spectra, the neutron generation time a was held con- stant at the design value and the least-squares program was allowed to fit Ber the one-group effective delayed neutron decay constant a, the detection noise component Q, and the overall amplitude of the reactor neutron noise. Figure la illustrates the effect of fuel circulation on the NPSD. The decrease in B. due to fuel circulation results in an increased reactor gain, and thus, the NPSD is greater in the frequency range where delayed neutrons affect the reactor dynamics. . Figures Ib and lc show the measured spectra with the detection noise component Q, as determined by the core, subtracted, and also show the least- squares fit of the data to the theoretical model. The standard deviation of higher frequency data points 18 due to the subtraction of one number from . . ... . i . . . . . . . . . min u t. VbNUA. S. ....** me . L OT . . MA another of nearly equal magnitude. The leas't-squares fit indicates that B. 18 Lucreased by a factor of 1.58 0.22 whea circulation of the fuel is stopped. Independent measurements* (using control-rod calibration) yielded a corresponding increase of 1.47. This agreement is good, considering that .. the detection efficiency was low as made evident by the small ratio of reactor- correlated neutron fluctuations to the detection noise Q. SUBCRITICAL REACTIVTY MEASUREMENIS IN A HIGH-FLUX ISOTOPE REACTOR (HFIR) CORE NPSD measurements were made od the CRML Critical Facility on the first HFIR core. Such measurements will be made routinely to evaluate the worth of each HFIR core prior to installation in the reactor. Once this informa- tion is known, any changes in the observed shutdowa margin of the HFIR when the core is installed in the reactor can be attributed to control-rod and beryllium-reflector buruup. The FFIRS is a beryilium-reflected, lightwater cooled and moderated, flux-trap type reactor which utilizes highly enriched 2350 aluminum-clad fuel. The design power level is 100 Mw. The core, a 2-ft-high, 17-in. OD cylinder, has a 5-in. diameter hole in the center. The control plates, in the form of two thin poison-bearing concentric cylinders, are located in an annular region between the outer fuel element and the beryllium reflector. The control rods and inner layer of the beryllium reflector will be replaced after 6 to 12 months of operation because of burnup. For the NPSD measurements, the HFIR core was surrounded by an infinite. reflector of water in a tank at the critical facility. Since the core is Bubcritical by almost 5 dollars when surrounded by a water reflector, addi- tional fuel was placed in the center hole to make the core critical. The fluctuating signals from a Reuter-Stokes, type 81A jonization chamber placed . i 1 adjacent to the core were recorded on magnetic tape and analyzed in the same manner as described for the MSRE measurements. The core was poisoned for the subcritical measurements by placing stainless. steel strips containing boron between the fuel plates. These strips were calibrated using period til • *. 1 -'. measurements. el otr. ** . * .. : . . . . . r . . 1 The measured spectra and the least-squares fit of the theoretical model (the same as used in the MSRE measurements) to the data are shown in Figure 2. The neutron generation time was obtained from the critical data and then assumed to be constant for the subcritical runs. The results of the critical and subcritical measurements (Table 1) show that a 10-cent change in subcriti- cal reactivity in the vicinity of minus 2 dollars 18 observable. With this sort of resolution we hope to detect changes in the worth of successive FEIR cores before they are placed in the reactor. When sufficient reference data are obtained to determine the basic differences in core worth, the burmup of the control plates and the beryllium reflector can be deduced from NPSD measurements made after the core is installed in the reactor. Measurements made at the reactor site with production core No. 1 in the reactor are cur- rently being evaluated. . . MEASUREMENTS AT THE ORR DURING A BOILING TEST 4 -- - . . To test the merit of a suggestion that NPSD measurements might be used to detect the onset of mucleate boiling in the ORR, neutron-induced fluctus. tions in an ion chamber during a boiling test? at the ORR were analysed to determine if any noise related to bolling could be detected. The spectra obtained from this analysis were compared with similar spectra measured under nonboiling conditions. The CRR$ 18 a light-water moderated and cooled reactor using enriched uranium fuel. It 18 designed for power levels up to 30 MW at a coolant flow rate of 18,000 sm. Boiling was produced in the reactor by reducing ! i .. . . . . * . 1. ! 1 . .. u25 8. 1. L2 HY , . . * . . . . , 27 + . I !! . ! D . STAY "in t ... winy..' "*... ... . 4 *, T HP W 5 the coolant flow through a single fuel element by means of an orifice .inserted in the coolant Inlet to the fuel element. The output signals of a boron-coated chamber at several power levels were tape recorded, and the l'ecorded signals were analyzed using the multichannel spectral-density analyzer. Thermodynamic calculations had predicted that the water in the orificed fuel element would boil at a reactor power of 6.4 Mw with a total coolant: flow of 10,300 grm through the core. However, at 6.2 Mw, neutron density oscillations of about 2 cycles/sec (characterizing bulk boiling) occurred. But, since the purpose of neutron fluctuation measurerents in this case was to detect boiling before it reached the bulk-boilling stage, data were taken at 3, 4.75 and 5.75 Mw to determine if the neutron spectra revealed any evidence of nucleate bolling. The spectra obtained from these measurements (Figure 3) were normalized to the lon-chamber dc curreat, which in effect is a normalization to reactor power. The obvious feature of the spectra is the peak at 11 cycles/sec. The data also show that the measured NPSD Increases roughly as the square of reactor power at frequencies below 14 cycles/sec. However, hefore we made · any conclusions concerning these spectra and nucleate boiling, we took addi- tional data under normal operating conditions with no orificed fuel element. :. Figure 4 shows. The results of these measurements, also normalized to the dc chamber current. The spectra of Figure 4 have the same characteristic peaks at 11 cycles/sec and dependence on the square of reactor power in the lower frequency rangè as noted previously for the boiling-test spectra. In this second series of tests, the chamber was placed closer to the core, thus increasing the detection efficiency. This change accounts for part of the increased ratio of reactor-related noise to the detection noise component of : : the spectra in Figwe h. Further measurements made at a reactor power of 4.8 Mw at different coolant flow rates yielded the spectra shown in Figure 5. . an - . .. I 1 ' . . 4 mi 2 .. These results show that the amplitude and shape of the spectra are extremely dependent on the coolant flow. This dependency is the wajor reason for the difference in boiling test results and the spectra of Figure 4. We therefore conclude that if nucleate boiling indeed occurred, its presence was not observable in any of the spectra obtained during the boiling test. In reactors of this type the NPSD is apparently strongly dependent on coolant flow so that even if boiling occurred at lower frequencies, it's effect on the NPSD would be masked by coolant-flow-induced neutron fluctuations. Furthermore, we believe that the inability to cbserve nucleate boiling in reactors using neutron 'fluctuation measurements is due partly to the low gain of the system at the relatively high frequencies that are characteristic of nucleate boiling noise. In other nucleate boiling experiments using acoustic detection methods, signaj.s were detected at about 1 kc. 20 For frequencies around 1 ko the power-to-reactivity gaia o? the ARR 18 down two orders of" magnitude from the gain in the range of i to 10 cycles/sec. Experiments are currently being planned in which acoustic noise from reactors will be analyzed in an attempt to detect nucleate boiling, I . .. 1 . NPSD MEASUREMENTS USING PULSE-TYPE NEUTRON DETECTORS MAOT ! I . . 4 . . . . lt ** 11 The use of neutron fluctuations to measure reactor parameters is well established. 2, 11 However, the potential advantages of such measuring methods have not been realized in practice, partly because of the high gamma-ray intensities associated with shut-dowa reactors after a period of operation at high power. To overcome this obstacle to the practical use of shut-dowa reactivity fluctuation measurements, we investigated the use of pulse-type neutron detectors ia place of integrating current-type detectors used in most of the previous experiments. The advantage of detecting Individual pulses 18 that we can discriminate between neutron-induced signals and smaller gamma-rey-induced signals, and the gamma-ray signals can be eliminate > - - . .. -. . . : : . . . A. . . " - . . :: A . . . 7, . . CSI: t! , 72 * 1 LY. . . . ::: LI . i. --- - ---- - -- - - ST - ' . , measurement can then be based wholly on the neutron-induced portion of ; the signal from the detector, We performed a preliminary investigation at the Pool Critical Assembly (PCA) in which measurements were made on a cold, clean core using a bit ::: counter (Reuter-Stokes type 425). The pulses from the detector were ampli- fied, clipped, and applied to the input of a pulse-height selector (PHS). Output pulses from the PHS were shaped and sent to a linear counting-rate circuit having a time constant of 10- sec. The fluctuating portion of the output voltage of the counting-rate circuit was analyzed using a multi- channel spectrum analyzer.The results of these pulse detector tests were compared with simultaneous measurements made using an integrating current- type detector (Reuter-Stokes type 81A). Figure 6 shows the spectra obtained using tile pulse-type detector and the results of a least-squares fit of the theoretical model described pre- viously for the MSRE experiment. Since, as seen in Table 2, the results of the pulse measurements agree with those obtained using the current detector, we are planning another experiment in which a boron-coated proportional counter with higher nextron sensitivity will be used to investigate further this method of measuring shut-down reactivity in the presence of high-intensity gamma radiation. i . . VA .. 1 ... . - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -. ..- The authors express their appreciation to J. T. De Lorenzo for his valuable technical assistance and to G. C. Juerrant and C. B. Stokes for assistance in performing the experiments and analyzing the data. : ." .' . mammammador ... ........... LEGAL NOTICE The roport was prepared u w soort al Government sponsored work. Med that the United Statoo, nor the Commission, nos many pordou nottung an domat o the Commissons A. Makes my warranty or representation, proceed or implied, wek roopnet to the noor- rhoy, complotonown, or watalions of the taformation contained a while report, or that there were of any information, apparatin, method, or prooms direloond to this report may not intringo privately owned that they are .::D. Anminns may labuities with rotpoot to the wood, or for damaguerol thung from the une of any Indorniation, apparate, wethod, or prono del polowed to the reports i AS Mond to the above, perenni notte an honell at the Commission is toldma muy u proyna or continent of the Commutation, or uplovus or more contrnotor, to the extent that mol amphorus or contractor this Commission, of employs of male contractor preparos, dienomination, or provide soon to any mormation permit to Me employment or contract with the Commission, og han employnion which made contractor. . : , C. 1 A - --- . . - 3. - TABLE 1. RESULAS OF NEUTRON FLUCTUATION MEASUREMENTS :... ON. HFIR PRODUCTION CORE NO. 1 - :: . S -':- -. CRITICAL CORE NB = (0.547 6 0.012) * 10-2 sec SUECRITICAL CORE (dollars) Measured pi (dollars) , . . -1.06 + 0.20 -2.13 $ 0.2 -2.23 $ 0.2 -0.934 + 0.044 -2.83 0.08 -.95 $ 0.10 *Predicted p based on calibrated boron-stainless steel poison strips . : 11 . - . 4 I . . ' - . . .. . . . . 1.4 , . . 1. . . " ' . L se ' Y 4. LO: 4 L A1.. . II. 1 . ! YAH ! N . . 7 . . > 1 me X Y " . a. 2 t conten van die kina hanno tuhande arbeteren ENNELLhandeter24 K . .. . TABLE 2. COMPARISON OF PULSE TYPE AND CURRENT-TYPE DETECTOR MEASUREMENTS PULSE CURRENT 73.3 $ 9.5 64.3 + 2.3 Neutron generation time (reactor c ritical), wobec Subcritical reactivity, dollars : . 2.26 0.20 .-2.47 6 0.17 ' . . . . . 1. at 41 . . . < . T ! . . . . 1+ . ' . * . . **** ' . Us **** * ******* References i . ber . . .. . -.... -.. . ! 1. C. W. Ricker et al., Measurement of Reactor Fluctuation Spectra and . Subcritical Reactivity, ORNL-IM-1066 (April 1965). 2. R. C. Robertson, MSRE Design and Operations Rerort: Part 1. Description of Reactor, Design, ARNL-TM-728 (January 1965), 3. W. R. Busing and H. A. Levy, ORGIS. A General Fortran Least Squares Program, ORNL-TM-271 (August 1962). 4., B. E. Prince, Molten-Salt Reactor Program Semiannual Progress Report : Lor Period Ending August 31, 1965, ORNL-3872, p 75. (December 1965). ·5. F. T. Binford and E. N. Cramer, The High-Flux Isotope Reactor, ORN-3572 (May 1964). 6. A. I. Colombo and F. T. Binford, The Detection of Boiling in a water- :: Cooled Nuclear Reactor, ORNL-TM-274 (August 1962). : 7. W. H. Tabor and S. S. Hurt, III, Jak Ridge Research Reactor Quarterly Report, ORNL-TM-1290, p 30 (October 1965). 8. T. E. Cole and J. P. Gill, The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Research :: Reactor (QRR), ORNL-2240 (January 1957).“. 9. S. E. Stephenson et al., Neutron Fluctuation Spectra in the Oak Ridge Research Reactor, ORNL-IM-1401 (February 1966). 10. L. C. James, "Experiments on Noise as an Aid to Reactor and Plant Operation, Nucl. Engr. 10. (104), 18-22 (1965). . 11. J. A. Thie, Reactor Noise, Roman' and Littlefield, Inc., New York, 1963. * . 29 * . : - ** . * ST . List of Figures Fig. 1 - Measured neutron power spectra normalized to dc lon-chamber current for the MSRE at a power of 20 watts. Fig. la - Spectra before subtraction of detection noise. Fig. 1b - Spectrum minus detection noise with fuel circulating. Fig. lc - Spectrum minus detection noise with fuel stagnant. Fig. 2 - HFIR core spectra normalized to dc, current in the ion chamber. Fig. 3 - Mautron power spectra of the CRR during the boiling test. . . . Fig. 4 - Neutron power spectra of the CRR under normal operating conditions. • : Titulo . O NOUUUWIIIIII 10 mO QUIRIIIIRIINARIE 01HTIILI " M PN ULUI PRETT LUDOUI TANITILDI UIIIIII 40A IRO 20MINI DI MINIT PMUI UHURU UR PONUDNI 10T QIRMININ POIIIIII BIN lll IMUNO 100UIIIITUI1111 Nill WIEDRA - . . ? OPPIMI 25UMU INIMI ABIHIJINIRI TrunmITII BRIllIllIIIII 11 DIIIIIMIIIIII Y . 1 . - - . HEIL:1:NULRA!! 2011 || .. . TU WA001 DUIII. . TIN UU PM MIL IND 7 IMiD :IIIIII IDITION Billi AVIMO LIITLAIDINTUITITA TIUNIUNIIDIINIUINOD INTTT:INTITUD UUUUU TIUNTII UNT. INITI NIINU NIITITO TWIDDE DRNIMI VAMIWINI AOPINTOJI AIDH UILIAI ATDU0MHO OTT ORRODONIDODPI1 DULUIDOOD III1112 WIII DIMIT SU01 . UUU11 LOUI111) RUIMTE . MINIT : 99 TWINNINONTTINNIKEOUT LORO O IODID RIITTI NIIIIII 111um VIJID inimo ITT PIIBIO IIII.98 Hitt II10 NOTITIBIT UNIIDUI BOUD1IIDED IQ III JORDI BAUERRI BRO DIIIIIIIII QADIBILIBURB DRITETITE IIBIRIMITIRIB MMTITIORIZIATIUURIIRI IlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RIIMIIIII RUIIIITE EE CULUK In 120 MR10INII INI BIL AMINTIRILII DUIIIIIII NDINIUIII 170ITIN 19 . h ... S ES. U1111111 KA APARTMUTITE ! RN ADID 10TII TITIPA TUTTI OEIINITIL DONNINI! 12 TOMTIMIT III TIITTI UNAITORTTITIRA DIDIINLIITTITINA WHITURA ARTITIAS ITUNUT AU ITU du TITI LIITTUUNIIHII - CITIUU. VIII HINDI B111min IIIIIIN IDIINIDA TIINIUM TOHTONIO INTUITIBU TIIUMINIO IIIIIIlll LLLLLLLL JUUT 100NINI 120MMIDIAN na TV mm . * A HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IHR II111111 Riin BUITI Eric AL NIIIII FERH . . LI UITI IIIIIIIIIII 13 . WIIUIIIIIII Mul kiln UiTUIIIII IllilllIHIRUINIIIII TIDIIIIMIINNIIIIIIIIIII INIIIIlllllllllIJUNIMIT NIPUIIUITIVUMU. ANNARAPINITI ODONUMONDOTINTTI I1OTUOMIOONIIIIIII DOO III10 NOI:1100 INNNNIIRIDO IIIIIIIIIIIINNNIIEITORES IIIIIIIIIDIANAIIBIIIII W IT DUVATTIITA NIINIT IRITUITURI IITT DUYIIIIIII NIIIIIBO ADIDINTIIN UIIIIBII ITIM PIIIIIIII TE" ITIIRI.lli HITTITIE IEILL SILIULTIillllllLLIITILITAT IIIIIIllIIllIIlIlIllIIlIlIII IT Wl UNUIIIIIIIIIIIII DITTOMIIIIIIIIIAANMITILOIJARRI IHULIIIIIIIDIRDRNDA INIDINIUIIIIINTE DUULUIIIIIIIIIIIIII BANDIT IJIWEINNI LUIIIIII UUUUU IMITIL JllllllIlIIRI mes HAR DDITII NMUI DWUILUUIIlli | UWWIIIIIIII (LDDUUTT 111 TULIINILIT U DITIMIT DIUINITI DIIIIIII UUUUUUUUUUU BUITIRI UNinirlin UNULLUT TA . ? LITUDIN ITUTIMIT AT CEIHIN UITM UINO Um I . 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VU E IMUNIT FREQUENCY, CYCLES/SEC UUNI DITMINTIT PUNT III IN TIIMIITTI HINDI IIIITTO DIRIIITTO DUDU ROTI 30DUOD N11:10 10131131 I12II2 EIDINI1 NIID IRRIITTI NTIRIUS SITIILIRJOJAMIIIIIII IRIITRIIIINNNI T IIIIIIIITUNULIIIIIIIIII VID NOTITUTO IIIIII DILUIHIII DINNI DIMIT UNTIT IIIIIIIII liitt INILIIT IIIUMI 2 int WIIIIT WIDII IIIIIN Lai DIM TUMTI MIIIII 1 IIIIII UN SLUITI III millIlIIIII TIIN II NIIIIII NULLWIDBIIIIIllllIII IBILI UlllllIlIIIUllIllIIlIIIII HOI DIMINUIKIIIIIIlllllll llllllllllllllll LLITAMIN Nott IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII UTIINIUILIITTITITI TUITIUIIII lllll 1111 IN WIU OMITITI TIIIII MIN TOIHITUI IIIIIIIIIIII ITULLII NIIIIIII INITI IIIIIIIIIII. IIIIIII IIIIIHU .pi DUIIIIIIIII IIIII ULTIMIII Inmi WUUIUM DUINI ILUMTIMIT VIII UITULINIMUM 10iu MOI INITIE HUIIIIIIIII TIL Numir IUNIITT Julien UUTI LITID IIIIII HUU IN Inn IU Bitti UT 11 (ININ IIIlllti OMITI IDIO IDATO MIDNI DONDIDO mIIIIII DOLIDUIT BIDI DITUD DUTOIU QIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII SIMILLI IIDIINITT PHWINITION UNAUTINTO NIINIIIII TDIITINIO OIIIIIIIII DITURIIIIII IIIIIII InIIIII. COIN ITIIIIIHIII LIITU illum IIIIIIllim ITIO ULT IIIII IIIII ITUN JIIIIIII - INT DIIIIII TIITTI VI IIIIII II.UIIIIII WIU UUD 1 TOUT UIT DUDU UNTIUS DUITD :::Hallo IT UOJ SURINN IIIIII JI TUOIT III UTIIIII II JOTIDIJU I II. NIIIIIIIIII NIITT LOUTTONIN onninn MITIN MIR IRITS VERSIER21 IIIII CINTUI HITINNI III UNIT DILIIT 111 IIIII WII ILMUIM MODUIT DITEMULUIIIRUDIIDILL HAIINDUM IIIIIlllllll WUWLUI Dilululll IIIIIIIII UMIINI IIII 1111 WOT I IIIIIIIII tIIIIII OuIII IT mln LIVIUMI dlhUU UMMITUNDITIIIlllllllllll M INIHIUTTITUIIIIIIIIIII . 235-dwer . U (PBorzo Yassy Tunes 537543 EXS DIWHILV907 mendi IDO TIMIDDL WILLIA UL ITUTULUI! IIIIIIIIIIII WINIU VIIIII olul DIT ILUMIIII Frys UT . ORNL DWG. 65-12631 DIBINIERIUDHEITINUR LIIMIII TIMIT CUNI TOUT E III NOU * UIT . IIIIIHI UIIII innri UMUS . TITION UUIIII 071 IMO NOI 1 LU ITTIII IMTIUNULUI . Theoretical Curve Using A = 2.90 x 10-4 0.00428 1 = 0.8702 Be * 111101 Li ITIN UNT IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII WIDUD DII JUANI M IIIllIIlli III WIT TUIHIIIII MINTI IIIIII HINDI IIIIII CICL.LILLLLLLIDAD UIRII UNI IlIlIIl JULI WINDMI NIT TO WITH IIIIIIIIIIIII HULLU HITTILIIT Ullllllllll LUUT Muliilililili liTUITLDUATIANM IIIDILI. ONIIIIII AllIllII1 IIKINI CITIH IIIIIIT AIIIHI WUIMI IMNIUIII NOIIIIIII ITINDO UDDA 1 IIIIuniTOYONIAIIIIII TUVAIMUTUULIIT Ullir . AL DUUNIT IM10 LUU! JIMUI IHN10 - 0120 Om DLOU UNION IHIIIIIII UONIII QDIRDI 11 ut NID) INI UDOUND DOLU INDI ITIN WIIIII All ONO . DITOU IIIII . IIIIII 111111111 UNIT DUUU Utili ONIIIII! IllIIT TIL IIIIII NU ILIN 12 ITIL LIIIIIIM INDINNI IIIIIIII JUUUIIIIII NIIIIIII LUISTIT UNIUI WULUNNITEDIT11 MINI IUITIMTITI i INUKUUUUUUULIINIUMILIILIT 10aprIrving E": FREQUENCY (ope) IDUI 120UNO IDIDO OUDIM OLD novini DI . TRIINI IN nittII) CIMINIIN DIUJIU INT HIDOITU UDIO IBILIT001 IITTI III011000 111111 NIIIII 111111 IIIIIMI toni INITI HHI DIIIIIII IIIIIIUL IIIIIIII III .. JOINT 100001 POWIED BIDIIDIID TUII) MIUI VUI MIDID Tin MINI NIIIIII MINIT UUDIITI DITII Dorrit IIIIII TUTTI ONIIIIII HUIUIII IIIIII ONUIUIIIII UITUIUTITIAR IMTINIAI ONUDITIIIHIVUILL LXIIIIIIIIIILTOUUUUUU DUMU VIIDUOTI . · U I LIITUTIILllllIIIII IUNILIIIIllIn1 LULUIIIIIllll! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I l lIIMIIIIIIllllllllllll UUUUHITTITI TUTU JIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DUUTI) IIITT!NIUIUNDIMIIIII Hn L IULUI + INTIL IllllllllIIII HULUMIT NI 11LilIINID INICIUL 11IBILIUIUDIIIIIII TIIMIII IIIIII UUIIII 111IIIIT IIINIT UNI DUIT WITHOUT T ::li!!!LUUL WIIIIII ILAHDUDIO.DI INITI UITUIT INILIT IIIIIIIIII uunin Ani. 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HIITTI QUIT IllIIUT NNUN NullIIIIMIIIIMIIIII IIIIII WIIIIMIIINOIIIIIIlllllIlIIIIIIIIULUIIIIIIIIIlIllIIHIIHIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITUNIT WDITI MILIMIITTIMIIIIIIIIT UIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ULIIIIIITTUIUUDIITTI IlIIllIIllIIIIII OLMIMIIIIITW Imm JIOMITIMIN DOWN DODILINDRIAQUI:NILI LUI UNIONIT LIDOMITINDOMINUJUOWUUL 01111111 WIIIII NIIIIIIIIIIN. IWUMI IIULITID WIIIII UIIIIIIII UUUUUTINUILDIM. UNULUI MullWHIIDI WOU . ..-. '. 100INDO III Llllllllllllll INIDIUIIIIII IMTIII. IIIIIIIIII IlIIIRIT ODITIINI) NIIIIIII DIIIIIIIII MIUIIIITTI DOIO TITI DITIIIIIII OTIIN DINU Oilull UUTII ITU ITIIIIIIIMIINIUMIL tott PI 1111111 NDIO itine Iman DMITITI RIIIIIII VIII. MTIDI DAMITTIT III 3103 ANNITIM ILNIUM DITT TITUIIIIII IT111 IIIIIIIIIII NOUT IIIIIIIIIII DIUI MTIDIIIIIII or JI UU IPI1100 UNI 1011 1111111 MINIU MINI TWITTI 1011 1.0.1 10 CUTII MI HUMIUI IUDI IIIIIIII . DONNIIN NODIUIIIRIO UIT WTTTT UUU WIU UNDIT J1111 INITI IIIIIIIIII INIUI TUINTII NIITTTTT TURNAJI ITINUTTTTTT TEBLIHUNING UDAHI WIMMIN DIMININ IIIUMIN INIIIIII IIMII AODOU BI10 IMITILU JUNIO TITIINI DIUIUD NIINNI ONNIN CONOMI JOINT UNI COMMA 101 10II III AIINI DODUITIT 0001IIUDI ITILIB ILIUIONI IIIIIIII WII IIHIIHII MITIMIII LUSITIU WINTI 18IIIIII OUD TIMMILIKI INIMIINI MIUTTINI HITTI IlIIIIT UU DILINI IIIIII LUITITI TUIUTIWDINIO uum UNTI LALUIIULI lililIII JUILINI IIIIIIIIIIINNIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIINUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III WII WILUlllllllllLLILULIIMIT IIIIIIlllllllIIIII WlUIIIITTI IONUTIIT IMITIN TUDIO MIT UNUIUIU:10UIUI UMIINIMUM D-(+) LOS DE os nasa . nunn $745 SX 200L 9 DIKHLIHYDO7 '101 . . M . + '. . . -- -- - - - - - - * m e m i n .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . - - 7 i . . - . . ::.7.**. ::. -.- *. - :. . " . - ... .. ' * * . . . . . . . .. .. . - . ! . . . . . 1 -.' 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DININITI UTION LIIlIITIT J IUIIIII NUDIM WWIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HIILINT: lllllIllIIlIlIllII MINIIIIIII DulullIITI MiDTINI JUULUU M1WTII TURIIIN UTII TRITON MUI, MINIUDHITUITUMITII11 HDIMIIIIIIIIIIIII lui Hu! UU UUU! UUUUUUUUUUUUU ! UuutiuMNILULIISI WILLIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIII TIIN DIISI I ULIULUI LINIIHIIIIII ullilllIIII 1 DCU OLD III UNI OUTU Inn . tiIITU UNIIDU JOIN TITI UNIUNIIIIII TIITTI LIIT HIIT MINIT LWIJDT OMI IONIT IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII ILIIT Inimili III TITII ITUTTTTTTT TIIIIII WIN 1 DINAMO -512capes FREQUENCYL GYCLES /sec) HFIR Coire Spectra Wormilised to DC Current he Toy Chamber m the Jon Chamber TKITTI IIIMIII NIIT TIMUM ONURIIIIIIIIIIII TITITINIMO INUWIIIITTITTI TWITTI VIL II) NIITTI NINNI INRUIISI NOOIIIII L2RIDI 42321010 LLIIDID DDUDUIII ODIIDIIDIR! ITIIL MIIT JIUNTIT OIIIIIII IMUM LUITITI INIHIN JUUNIT IIIIIIII IIIIIIII OODAUD ITIORUL I1IJINA IIIIIII 101NRIN IDIIL LIIT WILL OILUDIT UUTTI MIDN PUNT DMITIN ONIIIMIII 111111 UOIIVIT 11II11 Dunum NIIIIIU OWINNIT IIlIllIITI IIIIIIII TUTUL TUNITI DUIIIIII DI IIIIIIIII DIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII L IRILIIIIII IIllIIlIIIIIIIIIIITIT NUT TIIIIIIIIMIII DI LIUI LI MI11 UNISIEU WMN 1010 IIIII101 LUL!! 12IIIIIIII UUTIOTUL MOI1IIIIIII INITIII LT100 UIHINI L1 UHITI IIIIIIIII UIIIIIDI W1IILIU DUDUJO III LUDIN LIINILO TUNDU LUOTIDI 111 UNIMIJURUUNUOCNO WIIIIIMTIDO DAITUNE DDITIIIIII 11III UN UULIII110 DIIDUI MUNTII TIINTI IIIIIIIIII LUIUT 1 ILMITIT TITII IOII!JUULI JUNILUUIILU NIIDIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIH IIIlllllllllllllllllIllII ililullIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LIMITI 10min IIIIIII IIINNITTI DID II DIMIII mod IIIMIII IIIHIMU ILNIU11 TITUINTUIT III UI ILOTILIA KO INDIKUD02DIIDIIL INITIIUIUI WHIHEITIT LAIRLUTTIITU Hotellit Hitta TINNOSTI DIIDIUGAMIT i RIIIIIIII ULIT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBNL IIIIIIIIIII L UTIITIT IIIIIIII OHIIIIII ILLULIITT MIT TUUUIIIIIIIIII III HILI NILIIT n MUMIN I VID Int1 LUTT PIIIIIII ) TI rilli LIT D III TITITUUNIT DIIIII UNITI IND IIIIII LIITUDIN WILL . LIITIT MIIIIIII LIITTI ITINIMO IIWWIIMT MIMMITTIT DINU nie mammaire DIIDIL llit 1111 IIIIIIIII ULIUI III UI ILIO TIITI DULTI MIRIIIII DIRI DUIT JITI DUIIIIIII NIIDIDO N ITI JUIIIIIII IIIMIII DIMILI LIRIMIT IIIIIIII DILIUM WILTUMITH 1000OOO ARNAUD DUDU BITINIA DIIDID WIIon 100m M111. Om 0131 PTI MISIITI IIIIII IIIIN. Eriti101 DIMIT DUNIID DITOIT IIIIII OLUNTII DUDITIIT JU DIIDID DIIDU UUNIT MlllIIIIIIIIIIIIII UN Il MIIIIIIIllllllIllIIIIRI LulITIILUMIMITIT 1 llllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT OUCILITII LIMIT UTIMITT MITI IIIIIIII. LIUIIIII LIMITII LIIIII11 WILI UI HMMITTII TUINN .. UiA). UDIIIIII UMLU 111111ITI NIINNIRI JOIII IULIDII II) DUMIDI WWUIPAMTITUDITI INDIUULIITMll!.11 IIIIIII llIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIILU LILUULUULUTUILUUNIT IIIIIII NIIIIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MIII LAIDULINIUIT OTTIMIIIIIIIIIIIIllu WIIIIIIIIIIIIII MITIMITIRITTUI O 3380dum. ( . WH minni . 200 L 90. $77949 CX SIWHLIHV907 budova 3-11 -- -- - - - . :. 411 . - . . 2 : .*- ., . - - - . . . ! 1 11 - I . .. .. . : . . .. * . . . r . , ie's 1 M . n Wit . .: L 4. + , .. - , - :: . .. .. T 1. ' .. : . - i i. I. II. 11 . . PT. . . '. . ? " . -. . 1 . ' . T : : . P . . . mi. 1: .. . 1. 1.in . .... , S i c' ? . . . . . - - ' .** . i . Y . . . , ..- 1 ,..,, . . . . . ..! . . . . ! BLANK PAGE ' . AL A : AL , . . MS Y HL . * . XV 2 HARELHHHHHH DOI IIULUI LUNUKUULIT IWDIIMEIULUI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. DIUL IIIIIIIIIULITUD LIINILUUIIII ) . C In Un WITIN UMTI THIMINI UN TUITIN OMI IIIIIIIIII USUI MINI UJI IIVIT marrondranno MIIIIII IHIL IIIIIII UIIIIII ! II. S III INICIO IIIINIT DIIDIITON UUDI III TRIIIIII IIIIIII HUIUTI DODI NIIIIII COIII11 . IUITIN UITIIS IIIIIIIIII SIIIIII MIII AIIIIII SIIIIIIIII NIIIIII! . TIIIIIIIIIIII " UIIlIIIII IIITINI OHIMIT WALIOIIIIIII TUIllIIIIIIII JUUNI VIII Inn DIUINILI UTULOUUTUUKIT IDOL man? TRAMININO IIIIII ILILIIDUSIDUITULIIN AllIIlIIIIII FullllIIIIJII HIDUI TEIL WMOL IU IWDIOUILLARINTIHINNOI DI MASUL San MHIIIIIII UNTITUUT NUTQIDINTI MINIONITUDIIIIIII im WuUINI mil NIL TUITE IIMIIIII ITILOINTIIMIDIOT MIIIIII NULLIILLOT UWIIIIIII HUILLUUDIIDIIDILI INIIIIII TTINUM LIT LIIIII ..200 IHU 2 NOW! TIIN O OIMII UN HIS III III IBUNI III titt TIMINI TIITNICI TITUT IMIIB IIIIIIII JITIIIIIII IIIII IIII III DIBILI TIISI UILE WIDI UTILIIIIII Jin HUT IIIIIIIIIIIN DIUINO IIIIIIIII MINI TUULI IIIIII IIIIIIII DII 0.7 IINIINI 07171 DUITZICII III III SIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IUIIIII I IIIIIllll OUWI bonerne * FREQUENCY, CYCLES/SEC i MNIUM UTII OIL IIIII T LIDOVD WIDIIN DIVU IIIIIIIIIII MITIMINI IIIIIII IDIOTT TITUUT UI IM UU 1910U IULIDO 10010 WINITI III OMIO Huntil III, TUIN OUD DUMITIT NIIIII ) DIMITI TOITID MININO JI V.VIII WINUTITTIT Uo1 TUTTI ITUTIINI WIU IIIII IIIIIIII IN he Neutron power spectra of the ORR during: boiling TAHITI TTD01000 JUDI on. OmbH JIUNI OIIIIIIII TOIDUD JANIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII PT LIIT IIIITTI LUMIN OMIIIIIII Tn1 IDONTOT HIIULIUULILLHILIULUI NAIINIT UNTIIMIITTIIN IIHIIIIlIlUQINITIIIIIIIIIIIII UNTUITIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIII LUILLlllllllllllllllllll IIIIIII UDNUI0MIIIMIINIUUIIL • Tii: 1 IIIII11 JUIlI III ? IIIIIIIIIII MITIT IIIIIIIII IIlIIIIII Min . MILIU III NIIIIIII Inmm IMMUTI MIIIIIIII UUUUUU LUULUTUUDUMINIIIII WITH WITT LÍNIUNII IIILUTILIITO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlll LILIAN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII INONIIIIIIIIIIIMIITTI INDULTURIIIIIIIIIIIIII NILULLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DUIMT JI DIITRITI TIINA III . . ! JIBUTIIIII LINIIIIIII I LI MHUIIII! MIILILOITTIBIIIIII UIU NIIINU MUIT ITIUITIT NIIINI ITINTIN LUULUUUIUUILLOIN UNUL MIUN IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIITINITI CUOL Ji TIM 100 10 IM IN Dil MINI : III III. WWII WOT ODMI UDUTUU INITIITID ADIDITNI InmuI1 UU TUOTIDI INI1 UUDII MITTI UUTUUDI INTUITIM 101TDOOR UIPIL 11ULD son NDUIDIN DDITIILO ILITIN ONDITITI MIII ODITNDIT NIIIIIII IUDDINUIT JUUNIT DIUIIII) UIMIII NIIN III DUIIII. DDTU NIIIIIIIIII DIIIIIII LIITTI UUNITI TIUNIITTO 1 INIMI TIIMI CARITA:II|IIIICO:HALUIRIE UJI NII IIW IMILI 1, IIITO TANITA UWAII HILUMTII DIMITTITITITUTT UMMUTII Il TITULINITWITTC Itt IIIIIMI titull MUNIT TUITIT TITUUTIOITTIILINI III VIOLI IIIII I100 MMITMOTIRANI INUTI Wilm 11NMIII IHLHIIHHH III DIMINI IIIIIII TUUTUU IIRIIULUI DINI MINILI ITIBA III UNIUITBDUODON MIIIIIIN LOWINTINION WIDINTI Nannin CINTUMIR OUUNIMO UIUTI UtiliQIIT INITII WIMUNUDITIMID III11 III NIIIIIII LIU UUNITI LU WA ILITITTTTT TITUDINUM INTII Inul II DIHTII Minttil11 IIII IIIIIIIII ITIT milTII H ITION IIIIIIIII IIIIIII LINIIIIII IIVI 11IINIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TIIUNIUNIIIIII IMMINNIH IIIIIIIIllllllll DHIDIDIIlllMlIIIIIllllllll MNIUIUUNIIHIIIIllllll UDIIIIllllllllllllllllll - - - - . . . ... . is 23s-Jet sodwe 5 og uossa • Vianas sa w Ban ..$27543 GX6 2016 9V SIWHLINY007 ------... ... simne...woocom.womaine » : 'n ... .. . . Di . AL * ?! - .. ? iy - TL im . - - - . . 1 A s ! J 11 ".. .. WWW , 14 . . . . . .. 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J ULUMII IT013 Ittli DIIIIIII 111 IlIT MIII WI11 TULLI Ilisiin NU tilutil TI null NINI niitti HVIT UT batud I IINNNNIIDIINDOLOutiinimoomer IIMTI1.01 IITTO HI On ALITUNTIIN TURIT TIIMID TIITID MO NIUONOMIINIUMIINN UNULUIIUM MITTITUTT UNIUNIINNIT UNUNINNIT IIIIIIII OILUUUUUUUUUUU 1LIINID IRU III 1011 DODHI 011111 10 NIIHIIIII II INI TIIU III IN II 1In Tullull LILIITNU UNT Sullim LULUULUULUUIIIII UNITI KRUFFEL # ESSCR CO 3X3 CYCLES LOGARITHMIC 46 7402 H atti HHHHALTITTENWALIA HHAHHIRIKALI WILHE LIMUNIT ILLLILIIDIDUTIT LUILULUVULL I UIT DUIT HOLLILIHINHINHhlhit ttttttttttity fit-EFFISAMHET! DUTINIUM VIINILIH. I11IIDUD 100 QUIIIIIti1 LIRIUT ................: : .....a... t lit TIIT . Itriin NIUI INTI UU III WIIII INT IND DUII2 UUL! OUVO ILU best thing is there were not in the ANITTIIIIINNNIIIIIIILUNN INTIIIIIITUTIT UL IIIIIIDIDMLL57 TIMIT IIIIII ULULUTONTTT III TIITT LIIIIII ILLUMINIUM litin HI12 TI DittilIIl IU W01001 UNIU MIMI HUT IIIIIII IN 1 11011 UNIIIII III tilliti Hitit1 CULUI OUVI tron UIIKM 1 WIIIIII 011111 ONIT 110) MITI WIU FINITI DU IS durante toda a súa WOUWIIIIIIII HENNA HIIHII 1 HP Hitta NIIIMINT HHHHHHHHatte ILULIITION HII Nillllllll TIUNI TTITUULLU HAIERER II|ITINU T TITIMINUMNL IMINUIIIIII. LIITUT Illlll HILLI LILIIIII IIIIIIIII limited trailer imidi man bliver mere end IULUI ITITUUTTITILOI.. It ITIUUIULUI IIIIIII Il ATTITILITI OD 12130DD IIIIIIIII IIIII MINIIIIIIIIII TO .. IIIIII INJILI till DORMIUI TUMI UuliLULIIIIIIIIII ITII 395-dwie III DINI UIT LIDIJI INUTI HOMULUI ITI? th BULOHEDUDU PHILHAR PH? 1191 -1. LILLLLLLL ! UltiNIL 0 ULINIMI MIT MITTTTTTTT AIINID uuuu MUUTTTT n WO TONTITULLIUMINIILL TUD TITITI LIO NUM TIILIT HIDDEN VINO TITU DIR IIIHTILT LIMIT TUTTI MORA TTUNIN INDUATUI 1111117EFIPINY TERSUNTII - APZEWA TEMPHIT, HOF-BAHATI DATUADALAH IZBERBELWHETHERLAND A MMAttitMAH MIESHEHEEEHFENHHHHH UT-IL!!ULLIULUIHIL UUUUWWW U WUWINIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII KEUTTIL I ESSER CO 3 X CYCLES LOGARITHMIC 46 7402 I LULIII HUVIELLLILLLLLLL NDITUUL HUR HENTERA HENTI TUTTI HINTA MONIULUI TUNITITIT MUTUNUTKTIS VIOLIO UUUUUUUUUU LULUI UUUU • vitin at I IIII Hertet ILULUI IUNI KUINITID TETTIIN IIIIIT TUN JU LIDIINIT TUTTTTTTT PANTAA U UI 10 5 LIUTIL PLNENITNUTIT ti III IIULI UDUN I LilUUUULIIN IIIII LLIUD DIIIIIIE 1131 LUDOUINID ILIITTI LUULULLLILII ILOIOL DINLIIIIIIIIIINALAI 1 LIIIIII lllllIIIIIIIIIIIII DIIIIllli UUTIITIN TITUTMUW!! ! artil h e ---- . . . . mw 8o6 LV way.sas wo 34.40 32w3em3e3d mo7ง vw700) 195/537719 RON9603834 O1 6 8 9 :-03 19 . S TIDALLIT. NULL! UNUI 01 6 9 9 9 IIIIIIIIIHIIL IIIIIIIIIIIII ILITIILllllIJILIJIULI DUDUM BUNUIT UTILIMINIILUIT U11 TITULUI. UNIRII DIMIT U10111000, LIITT HID UURT 100 JUNI VINI NI IIIMII SULIINONNIIHII INSTITUTI LITTTTTT Il LUNUN 1111 1111 III. énitieve with QUI IIIIII UTINI ILUWI MI U 111 11III IN101 un on 2 INTUITIVI NUEVOHwdininin W ith ONTY H-KAALULAHTILISHI JI KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. 3X S CYCLES LOGARITHMIC IN U.S.M. 46 7402 : timmtátov IIIULUULUULIITIUILI. UUTUUUUUUULIUUUUU NILUULUUUUULILNIUL JUILDINITUTITE HIPEHMATAHHHHHH LIIDUDLIUMLIII WIIIIIIIIIII L!III IUINITU NULIS LUN DU In N1 IIIIIII IIIIII SIITIL TUULIT UU ITTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT UTITUTIILI NILIMU LINU TITUUT UUUU III THITI IIIIII DIIIIII IIIIIII DIIIII IIIIII MOUNT I11 11 DUIT C110110 DIIIIIIII DININ OIMII OUILT II. 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