0 &\,- A -173.7 &e/r/-43/22– 4 e tº ^s . - e. '?... . . is] f : ... *. tº gº tºº *ORETICAL METHODS IN THE Dosimersy of High- NERGY PA. . . . . . . J. E. Turner Health Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee October, 1965 * Research sponsored by the United states Atomi º º © c Ene © e • contract with Union Carbide Corporation *gy Commission undez * - L E G Al NOT ICE This report was prepared as an account of Government spensored work, Neither the United States, aer the Cemmissiºn, aer any person acting on behalf of the Cemmission: t A. Males anywarranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the aegu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the latermatica contained in this report, or that the use of any informatten, apparatus, methºd, or precess disclosed in this report may not tatriage privately owned riºts; or - a. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use ºf, ºr fºr damages resulties from the use of any infºrmation, apparatus, methºd, or precess diselesed in this report, As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” tasiades any em- pieyee or centracter of the Commission, or emplºyee of such centracter, to the entent that such emplºyee or centraster of the Commissies, or employee of such centraster prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any laternation pursuant to his employment or centrast with the Commission, or his employment with such centraster, - h THEORETICAL METHODS IN THE DOSINTETRY OF HIGH-ENERGY PARTICLES* J. E. Turner * Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory , Oak Ridge, Tennessee - Abstract From the standpoint of the health physicist, the dosimetry of high- energy particles (e.g., protons, neutrons, pions) involves an understanding of the various interactions that these radiations undergo with matter and, particularly, with tissue. In addition to energy losses by atomic excitation and ionization, the most important processes are nuclear cascade reactions in which a high-energy particle striking a nucleus produces a number of secondary nucleons and pions. From the detailed properties of the inter- actions, the physical quantities to be determined that are of . Aterest in assessing biological effect are the absorbed dose and the spectrum of linear energy transfer (LET) in tissue. Specific nuclear reactions relevant to high-energy particle dosimetry will be described in terms of these physical quantities and the results of several calculations of dose at high energies will be reviewed. For health physics personnel monitoring under normal operating conditions in the vicinity of a high-energy accelerator, neutrons, gamma photons, and mudns will generally constitute the most important radiation outside shields. The reactions that give rise to these radiations are described. A summary will be given of an ICRP task group report on the estimation of absorbed dose and dose-equivalent for nucleons with emergies up to 400 Mev. The report is in final preparation for publication. It is based in large measure on work done at Oak Ridge National Laboratory utilizing computer codes for Monte Carlo calculations developed by the Neutron Physics Division of the Laboratory. The calculations treat explicitly nuclear cascade and evaporation processes and multiple nuclear interactions arising from secondary and higher-order reaction products. Pion production has not been treated and hence the calculations have been applied to nucleons with energies not above 400 Mev. The new estimated flux densities of protons that deliver 2.5 millirem/hr are, for normally incident protons, lower than those given in the Report of ICRP Committee IV (1953-1959) for energies lower than about 215 Mev. At higher emergies the newer flux densities for normal incidence are greater than the older ones by factors of about 2 to 3. The newer and older estimates agree well for isotropically incident protons. , "M. *Research sponsored by the United States Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. 2 For neutrons the newer estimates give fluxes that are greater than those given in the previous report by factors of 2 to 3. Figures summarizing these results have been prepared. The differences in the older and rewer estimates are attributed to the use of newer cross section data and to the increased refinement and detail of the newer calculations. A study is being made of the possible change in absorbed áość and dose equivalent from high-energy nucleons at an interface of soft tissu- a.d bone. Some preliminary results from this work are presented. I. INTRODUCTION Radiation protection planning, the specification of exposure standa:ás and criteria, routine day-to-day health physics operations, and tº basic principles of dosimetry are all based on concepts of absorbed dose (rad) and dose equivalent (rem). This implies that the relevant physical quantities to be determined in dosimetry are (1) the absorbed energy per unit mass (absorbed. dose) in exposed individuals and (2) the linear energy transfer, or LET, spect:urn of radiation. The latter quantity describes the zºº. …ive amounts of absorse: dose that occur in different ranges of linear energy transfe: (e.g., kev pe: micron in water); it is the basis for the assignment of quality factors for Čose equivalent. Beyond the immediate needs of dosimetry, however, it is impo. Cart to have as complete a description as possible of radiation penetration in matter. Our understanding of radiation effects phenomena is formulated in terms of the way in which radiation interacts with matter, the specific reactions that appear to be important, the origins of the physical properties that are observed to correlate with biological responses, and so on. In addition, the design of dosimeters and the interpretation of their responses are based on the physics of the interaction of radiation with raatter. Some of the physics relevant to dosimetry in radiation fields arc...i high energy accelerators is reviewed below. While this paper will deal primarily with theory, it is emphasized at the start that the real test of what is said is experiment. Unfortunately, the details one would like to know are exceedingly numerous and experiments with high-energy particles are difficult and costly; thus we have today only certain base points with which the theory has been checked. Dr. Alsmiller in the preceding paper has described some of these important checks. Fortunately, theory is in a refined enough state that sorºe predictions can be made and some understanding can be achieved in advance of experiments. Indeed, both experiment and theory are brought to bear on solving the problems at hand. In the following section sources of the most abundant * 3 particles coming from high-energy accelerators will be describeſ. The terrº. "high-energy" as used here means energies up to tens of Gev. The particles may include those of a primary accelerated beam as well as products arising, from reactions of the beam with a target and the numerous secondary and higher-order products produced in shielding materials. In Section III particle interactions of importance in dosimetry will be reviewed and physical models for calculating absorbed dose and LET spectra described. Section IV will describe some dose calculations in the high-energy region. The contents of a forthcoming ICRP task group report will be described in Section V and some preliminary results of dose studies at a soft tissue-bone interface given in Section VI. f * II. SOURCES OF PARTICLES & There are over 30 known kinds of particles and anti-particles produce: either directly or indirectly from high-energy interactions. The ºnajority of these particles are produced in such small numbers that they contribute negligibly to absorbed dose. Others, notably neutrinos and anti-neutrinos, have almost no interaction with matter and hence also contribute negligibly to absorbed dose. The remaining particles that are significant for accelerator radiation dosimetry are listed in Table 1: neutrons, protons, pions, photons, electrons, and mudns. Probably next in importance are K mesons, or kaons, which are produced in strong interactions (mucleon-nucleon and pion-rucleon) above laboratory threshold energies of 1 to 2 Gev. Kaon production rates, however, are a fraction of pion production rates” and so these particles will not be included in this discussion. e The photon-electron cascade was described in the previous paper and will not be discussed further here. As Dr. Alsmiller has stated, the theory gives a good accounting of what goes on and should be adequate for the needs of the present and the immediate future. Photons are also produced in radiative transitions of nuclei to their ground states following nuclear cascades, in capture processes such as (n, Y) reactions, and by the disintegration of the neutral pion into two photons. Because some of these precursors to gamma rays are neutral particles that can penetrate large distances through matter, some gamma radiation will generally always be present outside shields. Of the remaining types of particles listed above, protons, neutrons, and pions interact strongly with matter and muons weakly. The first three are produced in significant numbers, therefore, by the action of nuclear or "strong" forces in nuclear interactions. Under the mechanism proposed by Serber,” a high-energy incident nucleon (neutron or proton) undergoes individual collisio: s 4. with other nucleons inside a nucleus. (The de Broglie wavelength of high-cnergy nucleons is of the order of the internucleon separation within the nucleus.) These collisions are governed by the free-particle nucleon-nucleon cross sections modified by the application of the Pauli exclusion principle to the nuclear systern. The multiple encounters inside the nucleus can knock other nucleons out, and & series of secondary, lower-energy nucleons escape in cascade from the nucleus. When the incident nucleon has enough energy, pions are produced. The observed. nucleon-nucleon reactions producing pions and the threshold energies in the laboratory system are shown in Table 2. In addition to these, one has in the cascade model n + n reactions assumed on the basis of the charge independence of nuclear forces. A typical collision of a 1.8 Gev proton with a copper nucleus (**Cu), based on the calculations of Metropolis et al., *, * gives, on the average, the numbers of cascade products listed in Table 3. Thus a typical collision gives about eight secondary cascade nucleons and one pion. As pointed out by Metropolis et al., pion production is rather insensitive to the nuclear raass number, probably because the increase in production with increased nuclear size is balanced by the increased absorption within the nucleus. The cascade ends when the total available energy in the nucleus drops below some cut-off value. Additional low-energy nucleons and larger pieces of nuclear matter can then be emitted by the evaporation that follows the cascade. This is discussed below. Secondary nucleons and pions can, of course, travel through raatter and strike other nuclei to initiate cascades. The problem of the transport of high- energy radiation through matter is very greatly complicated by both the variety and extent of processes that take place. It is a problem that is suitable for analysis by Monte Carlo techniques. The remaining particle from Table 1, the muon, can arise from the radioactive decay of pions (and kaons). The T has a lifetime of only ~107* 2-3 and decays almost immediately after its creation into two 70 Mev photons. The tº live -10° sec and can be slowed down to rest before decay if they have no further nuclear interactions. Thexe is a high probability that a stopped 7" will be absorbed by a nucleus before it has a chance to decay, giving rise to two 70 Mev nucleons in the nucleus. These nucleons can initiate additional cascades. The mº, however, is held away from the positively charged nucleus by electro- static repulsion, and this particle will decay into a positively charged mudn and a neutrino, m* ~ * + v. This is practically the only source of muons. The ** are thus created in a two-body decay and therefore have a unique energy, which is about 4 Mev. They slow down to rest in matter by ionization and other electronic energy losses and with negligible nuclear interaction. The pit chen decays into a positive electron and two neutrinos, at - e” + 29, the positrox, having a continuous energy spectrum up to about 50 Mev. To summarize this section, neutrons, gamma photons, and muons will probably make the most important contributions to absorbed dose and dose equivalent outside shields around high-energy accelerators with the accelerator beam on. Neutrons arise directly in nuclear cascade and evaporation. …actio:3; photons from electron-photon cascades, Bremsstrahlung, and nuclear reactic:3; and muons from the decay of pions produced in cascades. One can interpret measurements with these general characteristics in mind. Mr. Sullivan showed a figure earlier in this symposium” summarizing studies of radiation that penetrated shielding above a target in the high-energy CERN pro-, ... synchrotror. With the methods used, this radiation was found to give dose equivalents of which up to about 90% was due to high-energy particles (neutrons and protons with energies greater than 20 Mev), 10-30% to £ast neutrons, about 1% to thermal neutrons, and less than 10% to combined gamraa photons and c.arge. particles. Most of the high-energy component was contributed by neutrors since the total ionization component, which included high-energy protons, did not exceed about 10%. Presumably the ionization component consists of gamma photons and muons, with a small contribution from protons. III. QUANTITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PARTICLE INTERACTIONS FOR DOSIMETRY 6 7 Extensive calculations for nuclear cascades by Bertini ’ and for the transport of high-energy particles through matter by Kinney” have been cazzied out during the past few years in a continuing program of the Neutron Physics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Alsmiller has described ... Sw results from their computer code programs have been compared with experiment, and he has given the results of some calculations using them. Under the heading of theoretical dosimetry some of the details of these calculations as they pertain not to shielding but to the determination of absorbed dose arid dose equivalent in persons will be discussed here. To this end let us consider a nig.- energy nucleon that has come out of a shield or some other source and strikes a tissue target. In Bertini's cascade model for incident nucleons and charged pions, the nucleus is divided into three regions by concentric spheres. The prº on density in each region is chosen to fit electron-nucleus scattering data” for charge dis- tribution, and the neutron density is chosen in the same three regions to have a constant neutron-proton density ratio. The nucleon energy distribution is based on the Fermi gas model of the nucleus. The resulting nucleon momen sum distribution is then approximately gaussian with a mean energy - 15 Niev. The most loosely bound nucleon is assumed to have a binding energy of 7 Mev and an ô incident pion interacting with a nucleon is assumed to moº. ... the 3..… pcte: i.e.: as the nucleon. The point of collision of an incident particia in … …:2u2, -3.c type of struck particle, and its rºom.cntum are dc corminad ºatia, c.c.1 sampling procedures. A cascade is then ini-...ted on the basis of the ircd- particle scattering cross sections. c To be specific, let us consider a £C0 Nºv groto: º, c 3-c.:33 - -of-- 3:2-...- target consisting of the elements hydroger, carºo.1, ri:2:3:1, … oxygen. 2:- collision in the actual Monte Carlo calculations occurred tº £ollows. Tra ºro Q:- penetrated the tissue to a depth of 2.83 cra wacze it screes ºf oxyge: …ac. ---. In slowing down through this depth, the proton had an are:gy C.; 332 ...& a 2 - . eace red the nucleus. The slowing dowa, of course, took 1-c3 in accortance ºf: the Bethe formula for stopping power, - diº/dx. The cascadic groduced an emergent 246 Mev proton and an 85 Mev neutron, both at ºr...as incar 50° v.i. respect to the incident proton direction, and it left a nucleus of oxyge: wi... … excitation energy of 53 Mev. The cascade reaction was this as show... i. T-c.c. : where the star denotes an excited nucleus. From the conscrvatio. of ºor...…. the recoil energy of the **O” nucleus was estimated to be only about . Mev. S. • *, º -tº- A large portion of the excitation 3:37 of the residual **O” …cleus following the cascade is spent in the evaporation of nucleors and ....claaz frº - ments of small mass number. ** A code was written by L. Dresne of the Neutron Physics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory chât allowed, tr. evaporation of fragments of various mass numbers. ** I: tº specific colli::::: being described the **O" nucleus gave off a single neutro. of exergy C. 97 is:-y and two alpha particles with a total energy of 23 Miev. Tº Gwagoration of cºase products is shown in the second line of Table 4. The resić….. bery..…. nucleus was left with an excitation energy of 6 MeV. This energy ....y 32 exhieved in the form of gamma radiation or, as in the case of unstable *E.2, it raay become distributed among additional disintegratio:, products. O: tº a groiucts sho.... ... the two reactions in Table 4, only the proton and the two neutrons & osit 2:... . non-locally, i.e., in a region away from the location of the initial collision & .... The history of these particles is traced further by means of the transport c. . .” IV. REVIEW OF DOSE CALCULATIONS FROM HIGH-ENERGY P. RTICLES In this section we discuss how these physical processes are put together so that an assessment of absorbed dose and dose equivalent can be made. Some data for a uniform beam of protors incident normally on a 30 c. c...cx homogeneous tissue slab of infinite lateral extent are shown in Table 5. * T. • - $. wº a .9 7 data were generated for 2000 incident protons at each c.crgy ºy a vio.t.c C---- calculation using the programs of the Neutron Physics Divisio. . . Cak Kidſ,a National Laboratory. At 400 Mev, which, is clºc energy of the proto-, -3Gd i. e.t. example above, 64% of the primary collisions (i. e., those between a grimary proton and an atomic nucleus) occur with oxyger, 19% wit... carbon, 1... wit: hydrogen, and 3% with nitrogen. The total autºber of 3riºry collis.J.3 was 533, indicating that about 72% of the pro cons went all the way tºrough tº 30 crº. ---> witi, only clectronic cincrgy losses. There were 218 ačditional collision3 bcº, &c., muclei and secondary mucleons with energics greater than 50 X.av. Froz. t.32- data and from the detailed collisio: with oxygen described above, orie can a...alyze tºe various contributions to absorbed dose à:á čoce &cuivale: i: rºcleons below emergies where pion production is irºportarº. Tº appear to be summarized by the following statements. (.. dose comes from ionization since about 3 out of 4 protons gigs tºzoº, the sia: * * * > •ke .º. * . . . •º e.e. *", w be de's, “… • **- & 9 * ** . . * , **, *, *, * * * * ... As * = , º, ºr §§: ºº cloiſ, C-: *...** without nuclear collisions. (2) Recoil mucici, such as **, C* ... -, i.e...oug: they have a high LET, contribute little to ºbscrbed dose ox-ºriº, a... a cău:::::: quality factor not exceeding 20-to dose cºuivalent because àeir cº-gies are so small. (3) High-LET evaporation products, such as the two heliu.º. º.clai as ove, occur rarely and contribute negligio’y to dose ar.á čose equivalent. (..., The residual energy following evaporatica, ever, waci, considered as deposited lo-fi. at high LET, also has a small effect.” For incidenc ºutrons, however, there is no primary particle ionization dose and the high-LET muclear products make a large contribution to dose equivalent. These findings are summarized in Figures 1 and 2, which are taken :::::::: the work of Zerby and Kinney. ** The curves show c.3 àose and dose cºaivaia: averaged over a 30 cm thick soft tissue s.ao for .cº.ily incident gro cons = < .. function of their energies. The contributions froz. griºnary and geco.iiary 2-oxºs are shown separately. Above 215 May the groton range exceeds 33 cº, aid so… of the primary proton energy is lost through, ºne back of the slab. The error in making first-collision dose estimates can 22 seen by comparing tº primary à:... secondary proton dose curves. They are about an order of magnitude apart below 200 Mev, indicating that a first-cc.ilision estimate is reliable. At +30 MeV the primary and secondary absorbed doses and dose equivalents are about 2 to 1. The heavy particle curves include all of the contributions from :ecoil nuclei (other than hydrogen) and evaporation products other than nucleons. For dose equivalent, energies of these particles were assumed to be absorbed at the point of the collision and a quality factor QF = 20 was assigned.” Figure 2 shows the total dose and dose equivalent for mornº incident protons and neutrons averaged over the slab. The proton rad and ~... curve = - ſº ! ºf " . . . . wº º '• . . . . f :- * ! & º ** %. º: a ; t - * &. ** ...” $...c7:0 • 8 * * º, ‘...) Ç iº) e cu ( ) Geºrº & Q ". w } * ) ºr cy O ** * - *** Q º • ‘º :^ C) / ‘.... }\! O Mº -> !. '*' "A Wººd ºr. - esse 3 A ºff! 3 ----4---- - e *----------------- \, • - .•------- (ABW)xogan= OO; OO2 OO2OO! O9—ıl „** -- ---- --- «-*-*=~~--- - ſº,! O|- # ^ Y,į S{“)\)').ſ. * A C / SNOLOS d OES º Ķ9 - || ~£, ſ 'ſyſºr ºnſ !! ;o …» --• × ° €). · Ž ”…» «…\; &º š ų º,º ºvi s ... * * ·