. . I OF L ORNLP 1737 1 - 145 1156 - PEEFEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ORNLP-1727 Conf.651106-3 be NOV 1 8 1865 65-98 LAOREET NOTE: This is a draft of a paper which is being submitted for publication Contents of this paper should noither be quoted nor referred to without permission of the authors. RNDASIAD NOR ANNOUNCTADEST IN MICILAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS A . - ... - - - - .. . The Magnetic Form Factor of Chromium R. M. Moon, W. C. Koehler and A. L. Trego - - - ----- . ..---- .. ........... - - - -. . . --. co.. .. SOLID STATE DIVISION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission . Oak Ridge, Tennessee, V.8.A. October, 1965 LEGAL NOTICE w The report mo preparod u an account of Government sponsored work. Noithor the Unicod Statı, por the Commission, nor any poraua acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or wrofulness of the information coutalund bi tbls report, or that the use: of way Informatica, apparatus, method, or proces disclosed in this report may not infringe : privately owned riccato; or B. Asrunas any liabilten mith respect to the use of, or for damago. resulting from the un of any information, appuntuc, betbod, or procon disolond in this report Ao unod in the abovo, "person acting on behall of the compuselon" includes any on- ploys or contractor of the Commission, or employs of such contractor, to the extent that !. such employs or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such coatractor prepares, denominator, or provides access to, any information pur munnt to his employment or contract with the Commission, or bis oraployment with such contractor. ith Mie Magnetic Form Factor of Chromium" ---- ---- R. M. Moon and W. C. Koehlor Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee and A. L. Trego Iowa State University Ames, Iowa ABSTRACT Neutron diffraction measurements of the magnetic Bragg peaks from . . - single crystals of chromium with small additions of manganese have been - 11851.11 1.1. CIN - PIITTIM!!!: poi, PIRILI used to determine the magnetic form factor of chromium. The addition of manganese simplifies the experimental problem by stabilizing the simple antiferromagnetic structure. A single magnetic peak is observed at reciprocal lattice positions, rather than a group of six satellite peaks as in pure chromium. Also, manganese increases the Néel point 80 that the measurements were performed at room temperature. The results are in good agreement with free atom Hartree–Fock calculations for the chromium 3d electrons. A definite indication of nonspherical symmetry was obtained by comparing the (221) and (300) reflections. These reflec- tions come at the same scattering angle, yet the (221) intensity is larger by about a factor of six. This indicates a to population of 79%, compared to 60% for a spherical spin distribution. The results are in- dependent of manganese concentration over a range from 1.7 to 4.1 atomic percent. Research sponsored by the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission under contr ... with the Union Carbide Corporation. ! Evin iipliidii . 3 Til ;','.:1 1710 ui itin!!! INTRODUCTION The spatial distribution of the spin density in chromium 18 of parti- cular interest because this material exhibits many of the properties Associated with Overhauser cpin density waves." The neutron dil'fraction investigations of Corliss, Hastings and Weiss 2) and of Shirane and Takei (3) indicated that the magnetic form factor of chromiun 18 in agreement with the experimental Mm** form factor. The present investigation was under taken to define the shape of the form factor more succurately and to extend the data to higher values of the scattering vector. EXPERIMENTAL Single crystals of chromium with small additions of manganese were used as samples and a conventional neutron diffractometer was used to measure the antiferromagnetic reflections out to the (311). The addition of manganese stabilizes the simple antiferromagnetic structure, thus greatly reducing the experimental problem, A single magnetic peak is observed at reciprocal lattice positions, instead of a group of six satellite peaks as in pure chromium. This results in the dual advantage of higher peak intensities and an easy re- solution problem. Both of these factors are important in measuring peaks at large scattering angles. In addition, the average moment per atom is in- creased from about 0.5 wo to about.0.8 Mg, and the Néel temperature is raised so that measurements may be made at room temperature without suffering a large loss of intensity. Because it was planned to measure intensities differing by three orders of magnitude, it was apparent that a crystal large enough to give a measur- able intensity for the weakest reflection would have a serious extinction erfect for the strongest reflection. Accordingly, crystals of various sizes . Gibellicul DL:112111 were prepared with masses varying from 0.174 8 to 2,272 8. The samples were in the shape of disks with various diameters and with thicknesses ranging! from 0.46 mm to 4.8 mm. These crystals have the body-centered cubic structure with the spin at the body-center position opposite in direction and equal in magnitude to those at the corner positions. The direction of the spin 18 along one of the three (100) directions, thus there are three magnetic domains possible. These domains were not equally populated and so it was necessary to determine the populations for each crystal by measuring three reflections with permuted VIGHT Indices. Absorption factors were calculated using the computer program of Miller Wehe, Busing and Lavy,"") approximating the circular cross section of the Millen sample by a sixteen-sided polygon of equal area. After correcting for absorp- tion and domain population, the intensities for each crystal were normalized to the (111) intensity and these ratios compared for crystals of different sizes to identify and eliminate any extinction effects. Comparisons between crystals of different Mn concentration but of comparable size showed no varia- tion in intensity ratios. Three different concentrations were used of 1.7, 2.0 and 4.1 atomic percent manganese. These intensity ratios, when further corrected by geometric and temperature factors gave a series of numbers prom portional to pé. The temperature factor was calculated using B = 0.35 +0.06. This range of values is consistent with measurements made on high order -- - - nuclear peaks for the thinnest crystal and with accepted values.' A weak magnetic reflection at (hke) can be strongly affected by the half- wavelength contaminant from the nuclear (2h, 2k, 26). This 1/2 cortaminant: was removed from the inclúent beam by means of a Pu filter. The 1/3 con i taminant would involve a magnetic (3h, 3k, 3l) reflection and was entirely negligible. One major source of experimental error not yet considered was the possible presence of simultaneous reflections. For the weak outer reflec- tions, the double reflection process could produce a large increase in the observed intensity. This process would necessarily involve a magnetic re- flection followed by a nuclear reflection, or the reverse, and its magnitude would involve the product of the squares of the magnetic and nuclear etructure factors. '07 The rapid decrease of the magnetic form factor leads to the con- clusion that only those simultaneous reflections involving the (100), or possibly the (111), magnetic reflections are important. As far as possible, crystal orientations were selected which avoided the possibility of any simultaneous reflections involving the (100) or (111). RESULTS Insteas comparing the results with the Mn ** experimental form factor, we have chosen to make the comparison with the restricted Hartree–Fock cal- culation by Freeman and Watson for atomic chromium with a 30*48? configura- tion. This calculation is very close to the experimental Mn** form factor given by Corliss, Elliott and Hastings.'° As already described, the present experiments gave the set of form factor ratios fnkelfun: These data were renormalized so that the experimental and calculated form factors were in : agreement for the (100) reflection and the results are shown in Fig. 1. of particular interest is the difference in the experimental points for: the (221) and (300) reflections. These reflections come at the same value of sino/A and their difference indicates a departure from spherical symmetry in the spin distribution around each lattice point. The observed (221) 1n- tensity was larger than the (300) by about a factor of six. Special efforts were made to assure that the (221) reflection was not affected by simultaneous . reflections. Using the observed difference in the (221) and (300) form factors and the work cá W6i88 and Freeman with the tabulated <3,> values of Watson and Freeman, (10) the 3& unpaired spin population was determined to be 0.79 1 0.02 tag and 0.21 + 0.02 @ Spherical symmetry would corres- pond to a population of 0.6 tz Using this population, the form factor for each reflection was calculated on the basis of the Watson-Freeman 3d form factors and these values are shown in Fig. 1 as the solid points. The normalization to the calculated curve at the (100) reflection was done to test how closely the spin distribution approximates that calculated for the free atom. The good agreement between the remainder of the calcu- lated and experimental points indicates that the spin distribution may be described to a good approximation by a model consisting of free atom 3d electron density functions centered at each site. Because of the overlap of chromium electron density functions, there is a partial cancellation of the spin density in this model. Integration of the periodic spin density of the model over the spiere inscribed within the Wigner-Seitz cell indicates that about 7% of the atomic spin 18 lost by this cancellation. Thus it is concluded that the total spin enclosed within the Wigner-Seitz cell for chromium is 7% lower than the reported values, which were based on-sitting observed scattering amplitudes to a form factor equivalent to the one con- sidered hore. ACKNOWLEDGMENT It is a pleasure for the authors to express their gratitude to F. A. Schmidt and A. R. Mackintosh of Iowa State University for supplying the single ...... . . .. o ns:::: REFERENCES 1o) A. W. Overhauser, Pays, Rev. 128, 1437 (1962). (2) L. M. Corliss, J. M. Hastings and R. J. Weiss, Phys. Rev. Letters 3, 211 (1959). G. Shirane and W, J. Takei, Proceedings of the International Con- ference on Magnetisk and Crystallography, Kyoto, 1961. (J. Phys. Soc. Japan 17, Suppl. BIII, 35 (1962)). (4) D. J. Wehe, W. R. Busing and H. A. Levy', Oak Ridge National Laboratory TM-229. (5) International Tabies for X-Ray Crystallography, Vol. III, 235. (6) R. M. Moon and C. G. Shull, Acta Cryst. 17, 805 (1964). (7) A. J. Freeman and Fl. E. Watson, Acta Cryst. 14, 231 (1961). (8) L. M. Corliss, N. Elliott and J. M. Hastings, Phys. Rev. 104, 924 (1956). (9) R. J. Weiss and A. J. Freeman, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 10, 147 (1959). (10) R. E. Watson and A. J. Freeman, Acta Cryst. 14, 27 (1961). . • - - - -- - - - - - - -- . - . . FIGURE CAPTION Fig. 1. The magnetic form factor or chromium. The size of the circles indicates the magnitude of experimental error. mo ... - - - . liliitili1:.: . . . . . . . . . . . - - - .. - .- . - - IN IYIN, . . . . . . . . . ....... .. MOTIV 11.11.1'.!!!) Lilly Ilidilli ill. i 2 44 . ORNL-DWG 65-10813 1 . 1 100 911 210 1 311 1. 1 . 1 CHROMIUM ATOMIC HARTREE-FOCK, SPHERICAL 30 MAGNETIC FONIA FACTOR t O EXPERIMENTAL CALCULATED: 0.79 420 0.21ea iesinia . 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 sin en IP ' END DATE FILMED 12/ 18 /65 -- - - --- - -