.: . . TOFT ORNL P 2311 Ć. 1 . .. '. ... La SO CEEFEFEE 1.25 | 1.4 İLE . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . e-2311 Con7-661001-18 OPTIMIZATION OF REACTOR SHUTDOWN MARGIN MEASUREMENTS IN HIGH Tr i URSIL - ACC-urricio GAMMA FLUXES * CFSTI PRICES ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL :. F D. P. Roux .- . : . AUG 10 1966 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee H.C. $ 1.00; Since the quality of reactor shutdown margin measurements made by neutron noise analysis is degraded by high gamma-ray intensities produced by residual fission products, a study was made to derive an equation that can be used to quantitatively predict this degrading effect. In this equation are indicated the significant parameters controlling the ratio of the signal to background. With this information ionization chamber characteristics were optimized. Using a point reactor model approximation, one can derive the measured Power Spectral Density (PSD) associated with the fluctuating current of a neutron-sensitive ionization chamber.,2 Because of the . . statistical nature of the detection process, an uncorrelated detector neutron noise Q. is superimposed upon the correlated neutron population fluctuations. The ratio of the correlated to the uncorreiated PSD can be expressed as follows, using Stegemann's formilation,' and taking in account a one-lumped delayed neutron group of decay constant ili ... RELEASED FOR ANNOUN CITU TANT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS where B = effective fraction of delayed neutrons, - . = reactivity in B units or dollars, . . . TC ORNL - AEC - OFFICIA! *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation, ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ... . .. S .. . - : . the com i - ng home in . - LIIKU NT ! - 2 Dill LEGAL NOTICE - & = prompt neutron lifetime. TWroport mu prorood u an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the Vallad Sala, por the Commission, nor any parroa acung on behall of the Commission: A. Makes any warrwty or representation, exprossed or implied, with respect to them accu- racy, complotonets, or wotulacus of the information contained in the report, or that ibo use of way lalormation, apparatus, metbod, or process declosed le Whio report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Asmumos vay liabluues with respoct to the wo of, or for damages resulting from the use of any laformation, apparatus, matbod, or process disclosed in this roport. As wand in the above, "person ucting on behalf of the Commission" includes way em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employce of such coatrictor, to the oxtent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor preparos, dlukeminates, or providos uCCOsı 63, way Information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL : The symbol E is defined as E = WX,6-2R, rr-!! !!! where W = efficiency of the detector, R = factor accounting for the statistical fluctuations of the ionization phenomena, X = number of neutrons per fission. The ratio of c/u (critical) to c/u (subcritical) 1.8 approximated for : 12 «w? « (8/2)2 as follows: . Thus, by measuring c/u for p = 0 at w, and calling it E meas, c/u can be predicted for any subcritical state using (3) - - - - - * : The approximation determined by use of Eq. 2 is excellent if w, is well chosen. For example, using the parameters 1, l, and ß determined by Ricker2 at the PCA, the approximation at 1 cps 1s within 3% for any p to -10 dollars. The value of Eneas at reactor critical is an indication of the chamber performance for a given location in the reactor. In presence of a gamma flux background, an additional frequency- independent background Q also due to the statistical nature of the garoma detection process occurs. Since at shutdown, this gawna flux background is uncorrelated to the neutron population fluctuations, Q, = . . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . . can be taken into account in Eq. 3 as follows: . . . a ©??!! meas Cin illr-!!!!! ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL where Q, and Qn are proportional to the gamma and neutron fluxes respectively ( = 5.5.Q.R, where s 18. the detector sensitivity and ī is the average charge released per detection event). Tierefore, Eq. 4 can be rewritten as * *** IU (5) ' Holtz or lo , ---- mm where Z in nv-hr/r units is a value characteristic of the chamber used. The term (1 + 02/0) represents the degradation resulting from the gamma background. The value of 2 can be as low as 2 for optimized chambers, and If it is so, c/u is not appreciably degraded as long as , < (this emphasizes the neec for a strong reactor neutron source). When , > , the degradation factor approaches 0,2/0, and the ratio clu becomes nearly proportional to (1 - p) -2.0-2 or 0-3, being proportional to 0-2. Consequently, if the gamma background is too high for an accurate measurement of a given subcritical reactivity, the accuracy will be improved considerably with a slight increase in reactivity. E can still be measured at critical, even in presence of high gamma backgrounds, 11 the fission rate is high enough such that go » 0,2. These considerations apply to single detector experiments. When the outputs of two detectors are cross correlatea', partial cancelation of both Q, and Q., results, and the ratio Qvdan will not change; the improvement appears as an increase in Emeas only. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL :- As a result of this analysis, an effort WELB made to obtain an ionization • ORNL - AEC - OFFICIA! · ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL chamber with maximum E/Z ratio. The best chamber was found to be an .. RSN-76 boron-lined chamber filled with "He at a pressure of 2 atm. For -.-. a given reactor configuration, the E/Z ratio obtained for this chamber was slightly better than that obtained for an RSN-252 chamber that con- sisted 01 34 individual 1/4-in. OD elements and was designed especially for measurement of reactor shutdown margin in a high gamma flux.Both chambers have similar external dimensions. LE L. - NE ORNL -- AEC - OFFICIAL References 1. W. Seifritz, D. Stegemann, W. Väth, Two-Detector Cross Correlation Exteriments in the Fast Thermal Argonaut Reactor Stark; paper to be published in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on .. 2 Neutron Noise, Gainesville, Florida, February 14-16, 1966. 4 RE 2. C. W. Ricker, S. K. Hanauer, and E. R. Mann, Measurement of Reactor S Fluctuation Spectra and Subcritical Reactivity, ORNL-IM-1066 (April 1965). 3. M. A. Shultz et al., Shutdown Reactivity Meter Development, Phase II, Operation in High Gamma Fields, NYO-3122-35 (Dec. 1965). . 78 ZA R2 .??" ? E K . 1 . A ... ? MI Y MX T. a C ,122 - . ... - *toit a ...: .. - - - - - - a tin - ETSA TR . ! W 2 . END DATE FILMED 10/10 /66 NU . " .'"*N W 1 WRX VERTURT .. VAN VIL