1 ". | OFT ORNL P 2117 s n 11 - - - . 1 apo . , La . I 1940 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNu-p-2117 Cont-660306-5' CFSTI PRICES MAY 10 1960 H.C. $ 1.00; MN 50 An Investigation of (p,n) Reaction Mechanism via Isospin Analog Resonances .. Turizm RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT H. J. Kim and R. L. Robinson Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS The isobaric analogues of low-lying bound states observed by (d,p) reactions are observed as sharp resonances in proton elastic scattering as well as in proton induced reactions such as (p,p') and (p,n). For medium weight nuclei (A ~ 90) the analogue states are observed in the region of excitation energy where the non-resonant background cross- section is due mostly to compound nuclear reactions. Because these analogue states are well separated and fall in the region of densely populated compound nuclear states of normal isobaric spin, one can in- vestigate certain aspects of the non-resonant, background reaction mechanism by studying the effect of the presence of the analogue state on the reaction mechanism. Thus we have investigated the excitation functions and the angular distributions of neutron groups produced by the (p,n) reactions on sr and 59y in the energy region of well estab- lished" 05/2 isolated resonances. These resonances are due to the iso- baric analogues of the de la neutron states of 89sr and 9°y. The neutron groups feeding the ground state of 88y, ground state of S9zr, and 590 kev state of Zr were detected by time-of-flight methods in conjunction with a pulsed proton beam accelerated by the ORNL 5.5 MeV Van de Graaff Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Statos, por the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completoners, or usefulness of the information contained in two report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclos d in the report may not Infringe privaloly owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the uso of any information, apparatus, motbod, or process disclosed in eblo report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any en- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such omployse or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminator, or provides acceso to, any Information pursuant to his employment or contract with the commosion, or hio employment with such contractor, accelerator. Thin targets f & keV for 5 MeV protons) of normal iso- topic abundance evaporated on thin Pt backing were used. In the vicinity of an analogue state, the (p,n) reaction amplitude to a specific final state is T(ilf) = T, + T, where T, is the non- resonant, background amplitude and T, is the additional amplitude needed to account for the presence of the analogue state. We assume T, to be given correctly by Robson's theory and we shall use the same notation as in Ref. 2. Since the analogue state is isobaric spin forbidden to decay via (p,n) reactions, T, is entirely due to "mixing" of the compound states with the analogue state. The reaction amplitude is T(1|f) = TB + FAV EA-4-E where I -1. A E.-E-1(1/2) buth's are elements of the collision matrix with J = Ī+ js = Îę + in and appropriate parity. Its tps jego dn are the spins of the initial nucleus, final nucleus, total particle spin & + s of incident proton and emitted neutron, and Jh is the spin and parity of the analogue state. In this investigation J is the result of adding a d5/2 proton to the initial nucleus. Assuming is to be insensitive to small changes in the inci- dent energy of order r, the differential cross-section near the analogue state is O(E;0) = op(0) + len(8) 94(0) + Int (0; 0) (1 : where $960) = orele de where C prima JAJI CA(0) = cluma", e 02 and = 2 Re 03nt (838) = 2 ** { "tn u'a" John = 2 {ref} [,(0) + Rez] + 2 {1mp } IME (2) where A = {Refc} + 1 {Impa] and c [ vA" JT* = Reg + 1 (mm:). JEJA The energy dependence of o(E;e) near E, is determined by the energy i. pendence of 1FA1%, {Ref} and {Impa]. We note that I fal is symmetz* :* about E, and {Refa} and {Imf} are as ymmetric about Ex Experimentai (p,n) excitation functions are shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 4. The asymmetric nature of the cross-section about the resonance energies can be seen in these figures. If the random phase assumption concerning u A is made, then Sot" JT* = 0 for y" + J," and J.Te o(E;€) = (g(@) + (1+y/® + 2 {Refa}} Ca(e) (3) A-4-E)2 = 0 (0) + (E,-E)? + (1/22 - 1. olo) One of the experimental excitation functions is compared to one calculated using Eq. 3, and is shown in Fig. 3. The parameters A and I were adjusted for a good visual fit to the experimental result and they are also shown in the figure. The calculated o(E;o) 's were averaged over 8 keV energy internal in order to account for the 8 keV target thickness. Three resonances studied are superimposed in Fig. 4. It is rather striking to note that the shapes as well as the widths of the resonances 3 are very much the seme. From Eq. (3) it can be shown that the observed width of the resonance is mainly determined by r if r < 141 and the skewness to the high or the low energy side of E, is determined by the sign of 1. Using the isobaric analogue resonance theory the ratio 141/17, where ra is elastic partial width, is about 100 and the sign of A is determined to be negative for all three resonances. From Fig. 4 we can, therefore, infer that the spreading widths W = [- re are the same for these 25/2 analogue states. Jr* Jan 2 If we take ƯA" ) uur = {U A I, which seems reasonable in view of the preceeding resonance shape study, then we can proceed with the in- quiry by studying the angular distributions of neutrons. At a given incident energy the angular dependence of the neutron cross-section de- caying to a specific final state is Ople) + KONA, where K is an angle îndependent constant. Furthermore the analogue state is formed by coupling a single jo = ja to the initial nuclear spin Ig. Therefore where Separating the kinematical factor of our from the dynamical one ano becomes + Kico Innj',v x Thy, (JPA OPATIJA! M, (I 'n'IJA)Pr(e) where t's contain all the dynamics of the reaction, R. are the coef- ficients defined and tabulated by Satchler, and Prin are the Legendre VS polynomials. In order to test the randomness assumption of t's, we have calcu. lated one using Eq. (4) and the randomness assumption, i.e., tſipa, in, vindt*(3pa, 'n, "A] = It (3pa, in, um die By bel where dj. is the orbital angular momentum of the neutron. The calculated ole)'s are compared with the experimental angular distributions in Figs. 5 and 6. The on-resonance o(a) 's were obtained by simply adding suitably normalized o(o)'s calculated by Eq. (4) to the off-resonance angular distribution measured at the incident energies a few r's away from the resonance energy. We have also ignored any contribution from the higher partial wave than the lowest partial wave din. If the randomness assumption is valid for U * , which is reasonable JAT in view of good fits shown in Figs. 5 and 6, it can be applied to all relevant un (30. in) 's. Unäer this condition og(e)'s are symmetric about 8 = 90° and become the cross-sections given by the Hauser-Feshbach theory o(o), mWe have calculated on-resonance and off-rogonance angular distributions using the Hauser-Feshbach theory and the additional enhancement given by Eq. (4). The calculated o(s) are compared to the experimental data in Figs. 5 and 6. . The magnitudes of the calcu- lated o(0)'s are arbitrarily adjusted for good visual fits. In conclusion we have demonstrated that the enhancement of the (p,n) cross-section brought about by the presence of an isolated isobaric spin analogue sta le can be used as a tool to investigate some aspects of the reaction mechanism and to see if the randomness assumptions in the statistical compound nucleus model are valid for (pen) reactions on medium weight nuclei at incident proton energies of about 5 MeV. -7- References 1. J. D. Fox, C. F. Moore, and D. Robson, Phys. Rev. Letters 12, 198 (1964); D. B. Ligłt body, G. E. Mitchell, and A. Sayres, Physics Letters 15, 155 (1965); G. S. Mani and G. C. Dutt, Physics Letters 16, 50 (1965). 2. D. Robson, J. D. Pox, P. Richards, and C. F. Moore, Physics Letters 18, 86 (1965). 3. D. Robson, Phys. Rev. 137, 1535 (1965). 4. G. R. Satchler, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 56, 1801 (1953). - - - - - - - - - - - -- - r - - - - ORNL-DWG 66-1817 897 (p, n) 89 Zr g.s. 00=0 -ENERGY SPREADY RELATIVE σ (Θ) 28 kev . - 180 por copsi. Ep=4.806 1 0.020 MeV Ep=5.010 + 0.020 Mev TATRICT OL 33.2 33.5 34.1 34.4 33.8 f (Mc/sec) " A Fig. 1 - 1. --TY ..!.- A ORNL-OWG 66-1818 88sr1p, n) 88 yq.s. 0 = 0° ENERGY SPREAD RELATIVE ole) 28 kev C En = 5.052 = 0.020 Mev 34.0 34.2 34.4 34.8 35.0 36.2 34.6 f (Mc/sec) Fig. 2 ORNL-DWG 66-2459 2.8 897 (p, n) 89Zr g.s. 2.4 (ER +1A1-E12 2.0 - AVERAGE OVER 8 kev SER-E12+ A=-- 80 keV T= 20 keV ER=5.016 MeV RELATIVE O (@=0°) 4.912 5.08 4.968 5.024 Ep (MeV) Fig. 3 ORNL-DWG 66-1822 0=0° o 88 Sr (p, n) 887.g.s. 07 (5/2+) → 5/2+→ 413/2-) • 8910, n) 892r g.s. 1/2-15/2+) → 379/2(3/2) La 89 y 1p, ) 89Zr* (590 kev) - 1/2-15/2+) ► 2- → 12-65/2+) - RELATIVE σ (Θ) Noooo 6000 CAA ENERGY Fig. 4 ORNL-DWG 66-1849 B9yle, ni 89zr 1.0 In=3 - in=5/2,712 0 (0) H.F. + OR W (0) do I see RELATIVE σ (Θ) Lo (o).F. 0.2 W (0)=1-0.16 P (0)-0.004 Palo) 0 30 60 90 c.m. (deg) 120 150 180 Fig. 5 ORNL- DWG 66-1824 1.4 89yle, n) 897r* (590 keV) 1.2 LO (O) H.F. + OR W (0) RELATIVE σ (Θ) 0.4 O (O) H.F. 0.2 W(0) = 1 +0.98 P2 (0) +0.4.5 PA (0) O 30 120 150 480 60 90 Oc.m. (deg) Fig. 6 -- - - WWW END DATE FILMED 16 / 17 / 66 . . . D1