. C2 . IOFI ORNLP 2468 * * 11 : . . . . . . benyt - . ca ..? . * . . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 6 : MASTER ORNL.P-2468 p ORNL-P-2468 Conf.660906-25 SEP 26 1966 Dependence of Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Calculations for Light Nuclei on Details of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction: CFSTI PRICES Comparison of the Yale, HJ, and Reid Potentials* Richard L. Becker, A. D. MacKellar, and B. M. MorrisH.C. & Los Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT Calculations of matrix elements of Brueckner's reaction matrix and the Bethe-Goldstone wave functions for pairs of nucleons in light nuclei have been carried out for the three currently most prominent phenomenological nucleon-nucleon lateractions. Significant differences in binding energies, single particle energies, spin-orbit splittings and effective interactions are found. The proton-proton correlation function has been derived and evaluated. RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, por the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes may varranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in the report, or that to use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumos any Uxbilities with respect to the whe of, or for damages rosuldas from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commissiou" lacludes way on- ployne or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such cool actor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor preparos, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to be omployment or contrast with the Commission, or his employment wit such contractor. IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Research jointly sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation, and by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ** Permanent address: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dependence of Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Calculations for Light Nuclei on Details of the Nucleor.-Nucleon Interactiun:.. Comparison of the Yale, HJ, and Reid Potentials Richard L. Becker, A. D. MacKellar, and B. M. Morris Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee The phenomenological nucleon-nucleon potentiels which account best for the two nucleon data below the threshold for pion production seem to be, at present, the Yale, the Hamada-Johnston, and the more recent Reid potential, all of which involve hard repulsive cores at about haif a fermi. The great advantage of Brueckner theory calcuiations over traditional shell model calculations is that potentials containing strongly attractive and strongly repulsive parts can be used. Recent calculations of + - Brueckner's reaction matrix in a harmonic oscillator basis by the present authors' and others have for the first time derived physically reasonable values for absolute binding energies, the spin-orbit term in the shell model and the "effective interaction" between two nucleons in light nuclei. Structure calculations for finite nuclei employing reaction (t) matrices are at the moment subject to several kinds of uncertainties in- cluding (1) approximations introduced in the calculation of the Brueckner reaction matrix, (ii) failure to calculate any but the lowest order terms in the Goldstone series, and (111) inadequacies of the assumed phenomenological nucleon-nucleon force. The current populer ity of Brueckner theory calcu- lations in an oscillator basis is undoubtedly the result of the simplicity achieved by the Moszkowski-Scott approximation to the reaction matrix in which part of the potential 18 treated only to the second Born approximation. =- = - = - : ' . . ' I The present authors have developed an alternative nethod, which also has several advantages: the potential is not separated into two parts so there is no need for a perturbative treatment of any aspect of the po- tential, the off-diagonal part of the tenser force is treated exactly by solving coupled Bethe-Goldstone equations, and the bulk of the Pauli exclusion effect is included in the first approximation to t by employing the Eden-Emery approximation for the Pauli operator. A number of corrections to our first approximation have now been investigated: The "Inside the core" contributions are of the order of a per cent or less. The two nucleon wave function renormalization effect* for finite systems is also only ! one per cent correction for occupied states. The correction for the error introduced by employing the Eden-Emery approximation for the Pauli operator Qout, can be obtained from the expression <$/ +(B) - 6(7145)/6) - <40/6(1)(8)+ - +(2)(8) 14.3 + +5 ege re) - emale) <.1+(2)(5) 43\* <&.lt(s)4.) by replacing t by tl) in the last term. Here S is the "starting energy," which equals e, if . is occupied in the chosen configuration. Pre- liminary results indicate that this correction will not be large, mainly because of the small "phase space" (in the angular momentum representation) permitted by Qom - Qout. In order to obtain sufficient numerical accuracy, the calculations have been performed in double precision on the IBM 360 computer at ORNL. It is of considerable interest to examine whether or not the currently best available potentials give essentially the same predictions of nuclear structure. In order to minimize the errors arising from neglect, of higher order terms in the many-body perturbation series, it is advantageous to consider at first doubly closed shell nuclei. In Table I are presented results of calculations for the ground state of the doubly closed shell nucleus -0. Approximate Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) self- consistency has been achieved within the context of a single oscillator configuration by adjusting the value of the oscillator range parameter a = (mW/26) ? and adding state dependent constants to the single particle potential, as described in references 1 and 2. Table I shows calculated single particle BHF energies (including a large splitting between the 1p, 12 and 1pz/sta.tes); the binding energy per nucleon in the BHF approximation (i.e., to first order in t) incluüing the Coulomb energy and the Bethe- Rose correction for the kinetic energy of the center of mass; and the second order contribution A E, to the binding energy per nucleon from single particle-single hole excitations of energy anw. AE, would vanish 1f exact BHF self-consistency had been achieved; its magnitude 18 minimized by the choice of a. The best value of a for each potential le also given in the table. It is seen that the Reid and HJ potentials give generally similar results for all quantities, whereas the results obtained with the Yale potential are significantly different. The Yale potential gives single particle energies closer to those measured experimentally. In the present approximation the HJ und Reid potentials also give a little too much binding. Unfortunately, the theoretical framework will have to be improved somewhat before such calculations can be used to favor one of these potentials over another. The "effective interaction" in the lp shell nuclei has been cal- culated to first order in t as a function of a. Table II shows a few important relative matrix elements for the case in which the center of mass of the pair 16 in its lowest state. The state dependent constants con- tained in the single particle potential are identified by the parameter E. as explained in reference 1. The Pauli operator Qost appropriate for tºo has been used. The potentials are first compared for the same a and E, and then are compared at the values of a and E giving approximate self-consistency in 16. The fact that three potentials which give fits of similar quality to the on-the-energy-shell two nucleon data give somewhat different results for structure calculations, which involve also off-energy-shell matrix elements, indicates that further improvement of the phenomenological interaction would be of great value to nuclear theory. Here is great concern even over the important question as to whether or not there is a strong repulsion at short distances. One means of investigating this is through experiments measuring the pair correlation function.' Eder, Emery, and Sanpanther (EES) calculated an approximation to the first cluster order nucleon-nucleon correlation function, which includes nn, pp, and np cor- relations, using the BGT potential. For the Coulomb contribution to the inelastic fixed momentum transfer electron scattering sum rule' one needs instead the proton-proton correlation function. We have derived an ex- pression for this quantity including the parts of the Bethe-Goldstone wave functions brought in by the coupling of different orbital angular momenta by the tensor force. Omitting these terms for brevity and to simplify comparison with the nucleon-nucleon correlation function of EES we find para peg(P) = x® San PopCar) = (1/56) {3-2013 + (512) vees + 2u6602 + 34 kel2 + (9/2) veel + (2/3) vēsos + (2/3) "c01*. + 15 vãpos + 154p23 + 3u poz + 3u1pl1 + (7/6) 44403 + (23/6) viac.} where the first two subscripts indicate the unprturbed orbital nl values, the third is the total (energy) quantum number of the center of mass state, and the fourth specifies a singlet or triplet spin state. All of the correlated radial wave functions ulr) share the features of vanishing at the core radius and "healing" quickly to the corresponding oscillator function. Consequently it is not surprising that Pop(r) looks very much the same for all three potentials and, furthermore, differs little from the nucleon-nucleon pair correlation function. - = REFERENCES * Research jointly sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation and by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Permanent address: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1. A. D. MacKellar and R. L. Becker, Physics Letters 18, 308 (1965); A. D. MacKellar, ORNL-IM-1374, Feb. 1966: and Thesis, Texas A&M University, Feb. 1966 (unpublished); R. L. Becker and A. D. MacKellar, Physics Letters 21, 201 (1966). 2. R. J. Eden and V. J. Emery, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A 248, 266 (1958); R. J. Eden, V. J. Emery, and S. Sampanthar, loc. cit. A 253, 177, 186 (1959). 3. H. Be the and J. Goldstone, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A 238, 551 (1956). 4. Richard L. Becker, Phys. Rev. 127, 1328 (1962). 5. K. W. McVoy and L. Van Hove, Phys. Rev. 125, 1034 (1962); y.n. Srivastava, Phys. Rev. 135, B612 (1964). TABLE I Comparison of ground state properties of bºo as calculated with three nucleon-nucleon interactions Yale Kind of Exp. HJ -63.4 Reid -64.0 Experiment 5-3423.52 1 - 4472 8/2(0) -52.1 -21.7. -29.6 -25.4 P3/2(n) P3/2(p) P1/2(n) 21/2(p) -37.5 -33.2 -26.5 -22.2 11.0 (0,2p) 150* (p,2p) 15.-160 -37.7 -33.5 -27.9 -23.7 9.8 -21.7 -1981 -15.6 -17.5 -12.451 (p,2p) P1/2-P3/2 - 7.9 56.6t2 16.1 BE/A - 6.7 - 9.3 - 8.0 48/A - 0.6 - 8.9 - 0.75 0.512 - 0.7 0.474 0.507 TABLE II Some diagonal relative t matrix elements, < nel t(gs) / ne> Yale HJ Reia (a - 0.5, 2, 3 1.0) Yale a s 0.474 4 = 1.27 HJ g = 0.512 6 = 0.73 Reid g = 0.507 4 = 0.13 n : 3 S 0 0 0 0 8.98 - 9.30 0 0 1 1 -9.59 -11.56 • 9.23 -12.30 *8.30 49.49 9.60) -1.13 - 9.16 -li.80 +2.73 + 3.64 0 () 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 43.38 + 3.3 -2.7k • 2.60 0.19 4 3.2 -2.29 - 2.18 3.88 - 3.28 + 3.94 - 2.20 + 3.88 - 3.28 + 3.94 - 2.18 +3.50 -1.88 44.03 - 2.37 มาที่ ๗ dณ์ ที่ 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 -1.38 * 1.23 +2.03 + 2. -4.34 - 4.60 3.65 , 4.8) 1.63 9.89 * 1.19 + 2.75 - 5.23 - 4.64 - 9.82 -1.il +l.67 4.12 * 1.35 + 2.97 - 4.96 - 4.70 - 1.19 + 2.80 - 5.23 3.62 " " " + + - 4.59 . 9.45 -8, 16 * * * * * * = * * * * *-* - - - - : 4. - ---- : - กรม - . 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