1 I OFT ORNL P 2467 UST . . ! 1 : EEEFFECT || 1.25 1.14 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 SM/76-67 Deni--2467 CONF-660807-4 CFSTI PRICES SEP 2 6 1966 HC. $2.00; MN 50 * MASTER RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT LEGAL NOTICE This roport mo yropured u w account of Government sponsored work. Nollbar the United Butas, nor the Commission, nor any forson acung od baball of the Commissioa: A. Makes any warranty or represcaution, exprossed or implied, with respect to the accu. racy, completones, or wefulness o! the information contained in this report, or that the use of any laformation, apparatus, method, or procou doclorod in this report may not Infringe privately owned righus; or B. Assumes hay labusues with respic: to the use of, or lor de mucos resulting from the use of any information, apparatu, instbod, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commissioo" includes may em. ploys or contrarilor of the Commissson, or employs of rocb contructor, to the extrat that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employs of such contractor preparu, dienominatoa, or provides access to, way informativa pursuant to sto employmeat or contract with the Commission, or wo emaployment with such contractor. IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS THE PRESENT STATUS OF NEUTRON MONITORING FOR PERSONNEL PROTECTION* J. A. Auxier Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee When science reached the threshold of the nuclear age, about 1942, the record of injuries and deaths resulting from the misuse of radium and x rays was a matter of concern to the scientists involved. Not only would nuclear reactors produce millions of times more radioactivity than all of the radium sources in the world's hospitals and laboratories, but they would yield co- pious supplies of neutrons. Consequently, from the time of the first sus- tained fission reaction, provision has been made at nuclear installations for neutron dosimetry for personnel. Twenty years ago, the chief instruments for neutron dosimetry were nucisar emulsions and matched pairs of ionization chambers (or electro- sacoes), one of the pair having walls and/or gaseous content such that its ro.soonse to neutrons was greater than the other. Today, the most widely 15€ personnel dosimeter for neutrons is the nuclear emulsion, and some casurements with pairs of ion chambers are still made, especially when tissue-equivalent chambers are used. There are a number of papers to be presented at this symposium which are concerned with these two devices. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . 1 ; . The principles of application are almost always the same as those used twenty years ago; only some of the technical details have been improved to permit faster, more convenient, or more precise measurements. How, then, has the dosimetry for neutron exposures changed? Are better systems now available? What changes are probable in the near future? Some answers to all of these questions will be given in the course of this meeting. However, to provide a framework for the more specific papers which are to follow, let us look at the general development of the field during the last twenty years. The rapid development of scintillation systems, commencing about 1948, promised an early and direct advancement of the field of neutron dosimetry.[1] llowever, due to the greater sensitivity of the scintillators to gamma rays and the lack of pulse-shape discrimination, the various systems were never made practical and, in general, never performed satisfactorily for neutron measurements in the laboratory. The first significant aplication of scin- tillation systems in neutron dosimetry was in the analysis of induced or fission-product gamma rays in activation and threshold detectors. [2,3] For example, the use of two scintillation detectors with dimensions of 5 cm thick by 10 cm diam. yielded sufficient sensitivity and resolution to permit much wider and more definitive use of threshold detectors. Another significant use of scintillation detectors near nigh-energy accelerators is that associa- ted with the 12C(n, 2n) 11C reaction. The carbon containing crystal can be irradiated and then transported to a counting room, placed on a photomulti- plier, and analyzed for carbon-11. This technique is especially useful for sharply pulsed fields. In recent years, with the development of ultrafast electronics (resolution of the order of 10 nsec) and pulse-shape discrimination, scin- tillation detectors are important for neutron spectrometry (e.g., in 6Lil (Eu) crystals). [4] Threshold and activation detectors were used also from the beginning of neutron dosimetry. The methods and techniques have improved, largely because oi improved scintillation systems, and several papers on this subject will be given here. Due to the finite slopes of the neutron cross sections of the isotopes used in the activation and threshold detectors, they are more useful for dosimetry than for neutron spectroscopy. A set of energy-fluence histo- grams is depicted in Fig. 1. This is based on the ORNL threshold-detector. system and shows only a crude approximation to the neutron spectra from the Health Physics Research Reactor, the Y-12 accident, and the Yugoslavian accident. If, due to variations in assumed effective cross sections or to errors of other nature, an assignment of fluence to one energy group is in error by as much as 25%, the error in dose will be less than 10% in most cases. If 25% too many neutrons are assigned to the 1.5 MeV threshold group, then too few neutrons will be assigned to the 0.75 to 1.5 MeV group, and this will compensate partially for the error. For spectrometric purposes, the errors are generally serious and the resolution poor. Because of the short half-life of reaction products and/or the small cross sections of some commoniy used detectors, the system is best suited to high intensity and pulsed ficids. They are used more widely for nuclear accident dosimeters than any other system. [5] Some investigators have used as many as thirty or more detectors in a single unit to improve the resolution of the system, (6) but little is gained by such extensive use of foils; there are few good ones, and the use of additional poor ones can, in some analysis techniques, result in less definitive results. A widely used detector system is that employing a cylindrical or spheri- cal moderator, usually paraffin or polyethylene, with a thermal neutron detector located on the axis or at the center. [7,8] These devices are used as both active (e.g., with lil scintillation detectors) or as passive (e.g., with gold foils) systems. Because the neutron diffusion length is not a sensitive function o. energy, such systems can be made to have a nearly flat response vs neutron energy. It is not feasible to construct a spectrometer based on a variety of sizes of moderators, but a sufficiently good approxi- mation can be made to estimate "dose." In general, the single sphere "REM" detector yields a greatly enhanced response for neutrons in the energy range from thermal to a few hundred kev. However, because of the simplicity of the system, several laboratories are participating in developmental work with it. One of the most widely used systems of this type was developed by Hankins, [9] and the response of the instrument is shown in Fig. 2. In the approximately five. Of course, many systems have little or no response in this region (e.g., some proportional counters and all nuclear e:nulsions). It is apparent that the neutron energy region which poses the most problems in dosimetry is, at present, that between 1 ev and 100 keV and that several types of detectors are required for definitive measurements. One of the major advances in neutron dosimetry was the development of a good proportional counter for neutron dosimetry. (10,11] This instrument, depicted in Fig. 3, has been the basic standard at several laboratories for nver a decade. Essentially, it is a good Bragg-Gray cavity chamber with a built-in al ha source for standardization of gas and electronic gain, and field tubes for accurate delineation of the electric field. Typical pulse- height distributions are shown in Fig. 4. The upper portion shows the distribution due to the Pu alpha particles for four different applied potentials, and the lower portion shows a typical proton pulse spectrum for a PoBe source. Energy resolution with this counter is typically 4% or better. Another important application of the proportional counter is in LET spectrometry. [12] The basic phenomena of proportional counters have been researched extensively and the radiation physics of gases continues to be an important field of health physics research. However, except for improved electronics, no significant advances in proportional-counter dosimetry have been reported recently. Various "solid-state" detectors for neutrons have been proposed and investigated during the last twenty years. [13] Changes in impedance and carrier lifetimes of diodes can be used as a measure of a radiation field, the accuracy depending on many paranieters. Some of the best detectors will be described during this symposium. Without proton radiators, these systems generally yield a better approximation to fluence or energy fluence than to absorbed dose. Also, they have a low response to neutrons with energies less than about 400 keV. However, Davy (14) has used a combination of silicon-diode detectors, proton radiators, and operational analyzers to develop an absolute dos imeter based on Ilurst's generalized principle of dosimetry. (15) Figure 5 shows a sketch of one of his detectors and a block diagram of the apparatus used with it. This system can be calibrated for monodirectionad neutron beams only, but the logic of the system is more general. One of the s:accessful configurations used by Davy was that of a proton radiator (108 mg/cm2 polyethylene) and a "thin" silicon detector (63 um). The expected pioton spectra from the radiator for various neutron energies are shown in Fig. 6. Good agreement was obtained between the calculated and measured values. For tliis configuration, the choice of operational parameters required to compute dose was straight forward and excellent agreement with other accurate systems was obtained. The importance of these experiments was the demonstration of the principles rather than the development of a practical system. However, this system of detectior. has been extended to depth-dose distributions in- cluding LET. One study utilized both planar (200 um thick) and thick cubical (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 mm) silicon detectors. Figure 7 shows the detector assem- blies used in some of the most recent studies. In order to minimize the perturbation of the proton distribution in tissue-equivalent phantoms, the support rod for the detectors is of tissue-equivalent plastic and the protec- tive film over the detectors was as nearly tissue equivalent as possible. A proton energy distribution measured in a 30-cm-diam. by 60-cm-long cylinder of tissue-equivalent solution is shown in Fig. 8. These data are for the 1.5-mm cubical detector and a 14.6-MeV source of neutrons incident laterally. Thermoluminescent alid photoluminescent systiims have been and are used for neutron measurements. Either system with lithium-6 incorporated in it is, of course, a sensitive thermal detector and can be used with a moderator as described above. The Lif thermoluminescent detector has been used in a solution of alcohol as a neutron detector, the alcohol serving as a source of protons. This type of detector involves subtraction of the response of the "neut ron insensitive" gamma detector, and the accuracy is thus a sensitive function of the ratio of neutron to gamma-ray dose. By using teflon plastic as a carrier matrix for Lif crystals, a wide variety of shapes and sizes are available. Recent work by Blanc, et al. (16,17) has shown that liquid ionization chambers may be used for coexistent neutron and gamma-ray fields. There is promise that these chambers can be used to measure the effective quality factor for such fields as well. Excellent papers on this subject will be presented during this symposiwn. Perhaps the most exciting new development ir neutron detection is the discovery and use of the heavy ion tracks in insulating solids. [18] A heavily ionizing particle (e.g., a fission fragment), in traversing a layer of the solid (e.g., glass), produces a track which can be rendered visible under the optical microscope hy etching in a suitab’e reagent (e.g., hydro- fluoric acid). Recently, the technique has been extended at ORNL to include particles as light as deuterons by use of suitable plastic solids. Figure 9 shows a photomicrograph of alpha particle tracks etched in plastic with NaOH. One of the first applications of the technique was with the fission foils in the ORNL threshold-detector system. (19} The modified fission-foil assembly is shown in Fig. 10. Fissile materials are plated on metallic back- ings, and assembled in the sintcrcd boron ball such that fragments from fission hombard the surface of the plastic or glass disks. Standard microscope slide covers make economical and excellent detectors for heavy ions. The track technique makes possible the reduction of the fissile material from gram to microgram quantities, increases the sensitivity, negates the need for imme- diate analysis, and decrcuscs barkedly the amount and complexity of the clectronic equipment required. The application of similar techniques for personnel monitoring is being explored. The major developments of the recent past and the pattern of present rescarch lead me to expect that the most significant change in the field of radiological monitoring will be the substitution of solid-state devices for the film and nuclcar cmulsions in personal dos imcters. The scientific prob- lems associated with the gamma detectors have been solved, and only engineer- roider system which is largely automatic has been reported by Buttler. [20] for tlic noutron detectors, there are further technical problems to be solved, but the progress of the immediatc past is encouraging. Within five years, a worker should be able to insert his "badge" in a slot nad have displayed hefore him both neutron and gamma-ray "dose" since his last reading, plus an indication of his integrated "dose" since he started wearing the badge (i.e., the "lifetime" dosimeter should be available). In the broader field of dosimetry, the use of solid-state detectors and operational analyzers will be used for measurements of absorbed dose, LET, and other parameters. REFERI:NCES . 11] HORNYAK, W. F., Rev. Sci. Instr. 23 (1952) 264. HURST, G. S. et al., Rev. Sci. Instr. 27 3 (1956) 153. (3) REINHARDT, P. W., DAVIS, F. J., llcalth Phys. 1 (1958) 169. 141 MURRAY, W. F., Nucl. Instr. 2 (1998) 237. (5) HURST, 6. S., RITCHIE, R. II. ; Radiation accidents: dosimetric aspects of neutron and gamma-ray cxposurcs, USAFC Rep. ORNL-2748(Pt.A) (1959). 16) BARRALL, R. C., McELROY, W. N., "Nuclear reactions for determining neutron spectrum and dose; a world iterature search," pp. 251-277, Personnel nosimetry for Radiation Accidents, IAEA, Vienna (1965). 11 WACHTIGALL, D., ROMILOFF, F., Nukleonik 6 7 (1964) 330. isi BENEZE:CII, 6. et al., "Détermination des flux et des doses de neutrons lors d'un accident de criticité a l'aide de la technique multisphère," pp. 349-368, Personnel Dosimetry for Radiation Accidents, IAEA, Vienna (1965). (9) HANKINS, D. E., "New methods of neutron-dose-rate evaluation," pp. 123- 139, Neutron Dosimetry, vol. II, IAEA, Vienna (1963). (10) HURST, G. S., Brit. J. Radiol. 27 (1954) 353. 111) WAGNER, E. B., HURST, G. S., Rev. Sci. Instr. 29 (1958) 153. (12) ROSSI, Il. H. , ROSENZWE!G, W., Radiation Res. 2 (1955) 417. CASSEN, B. et al., "Development of a germanium crystal dosimeter,'' School of Aviation Medicine, USAF Rep. 57-90 (1957). (14) DALY, D. R., PESHORI, li. H., An absolute neutron dosimeter based on a generalized concept for radiation dosimetry, to be published in Health Physics. (15) HURST, G. S., RITCHIE, R. H., Health Phys. 8 (1962) 117. (16) BLANC, D. et al., Health Phys. 11 (1965) 63. (17) BLANC, D. et ai, Application a la dosimetrie pratique des rayons gamma et des neutrons apides de chambres d'ionisation remplies d'un liquide dielectrique, to be published in Health Physics. FLEISCHER, R. L., Science 149 (1965) 353. 1191 KERR, G. D., STRÍCKLER, T. D., Health Phys. 12 8 (1966) 1141. (20) BUTTLER, W., Possibilities in radiophotoluminescent dosimetry and a recent development with particular attention to dosi.neter- and reader-techniques, Proceedings of International Conference on Luminescence Dosimetry, Stanford l'niversity, June 21-23, 1965, to be published by USAEC. (13) CAPTIONS Fig. 1. A typical neutron flucncc vs energy histogram based on the ORNL threshold-detector system. Fig. 2. Calculated response of a 10-in. sphere plotted against energy taken from llankins, New methods of neutron-dose-rate evaluation, Neut ron Dosimetry, vol. II, IAEA, Vienna (1963). Fig. 3. The absolute fast neutron dosimeter: a proportional counter with an internal alpha source. Fig. 4. Typical pulse-height distributions for the absolute proportional counter. Fig. 5. The silicon diode detector and apparatus used as the basis for an absolute dosimeter for neutrons. Fig. 6. Calculated energy-loss functions for protons in silicon for neutrons of energy up to 10 MeV. E is the neutron energy and € is the proton energy. Fig. 7. Silicon diode detector used in measuring energy distributions of protons in tissue-equivalent phantoms. Fig. 8. Measurod procon distributions in tissue-equivalent phantoms for i4 MeV neutrons. Fig. 9. Alpha particle tracks etched in the surface of a plastic disk. Fig. 19. Components of the modified ORNL threshold-detector unit with glass disks for fission-fragjent detectors. "1 _ e Fig. 1 A typical neutron fluence vs energy histogram based on the ORNL threshold-detector system -- - - - - - 10. ORNL-DWG. 66-2673 HPRR ----- Y-12 ACCIDENT ---- YUGOSLAV ACCIDENT PER CENT IN INTERVAL - - - 0.75 OO A 2.5 180 1.50 NEUTRON ENERGY (Mevi . " . . . - .. - : . 2S . 2 . Fig. 2 Calculated response of a 10-in. sphere plotted against energy taken from llankins, New methods of neutron-dose-rate evaluation, Neutron Dosimetry, Vol. II, IAEA, Vienna (1963) U913 4 . M ORNL-DWG. 66-7603 marmoriporomori CALCULATED RESPONSE CURVE COUNTS FROM 50 N/CM? SEC. -INVERSE OF RPG CURVE THERMAL O.TOV 1.0.V 10.V 100 V I kov 10 keV 100 IUV I MOV 10 MOV NEUTRON ENERGY CALCULATED RESPONSE OF A 10 INCH SPHERE PLOTTED AGAINST ENERGY TAKEN FROM HANKINS "NEW METHODS OF NEUTRON -DOSE-RATE EVALUATION" NEUTRON DOSIMETRY Vol. II PROCEEDINGS OF A SYMPOSIUM. HARWELL, DEC. 1962, IAEA VIENNA, 1963. (RPG REPRESENTS "RADIATION PROTECTION GUIDE) .. - - . - - - with an internal alpha source The absolute fast neutron dosimeter: a propurtional counter Fig. 3 IT WHO G+ * - * -m oz V 7 - . . . ------ - -- - - - - - - - - - -.-.-::- . -. " ORNL-LA-Dwg. 14076 TEFLON "O"RING 6 VOLT SOLENOID POLYETHYLENE LINER POLYETHYLENE FIELD TUBE BRASS SHELL ALPHA SOURCE SOURCE SHUTTER CENTER WIRE CONNECTOR SEPP pocechy UT UUUUUUI enuununuouunno mol anunni111111unun JOOO00000000000- Uvoor vonO.O OOOO NU FIELD TUBE VOLTAGE 1.002 DIA. STAINLESS L STEEL WIRE SCALE SCALE L ui ABSOLUTE FAST NEUTRON DOSIMETER Fig. 4 Typical pulse-height distributions for the absolute proportional counter 39 ORNL-DWG. 66 - 7602 INTERNAL Pu a 900V lioo v 700 V- - 1300 V 000 COUNTS / SECOND Po - Be PROTON RECOILS COUNTS / SECOND LI PULSE HEIGHT (ARBITRARY ) = - = -.. -- . Y - - Fig. 5 The silicon diode detector and apparatus used as the basis for an absolute dosimeter for neutrons W in 3 - E . -=-:- --- -.. - .....:-*-*P: - ASSADEYS E LAAR-EI 2 S AS 24 + - - - - - ORNL-DWG. 65-13030R KONINI - TEFLON CAP SILICON POLYETHYLENE RADIATOR NEUTRONS ALUMINUM BACKING PLATE CHARGE SENSITIVE PREAMP MAIN AMPLIFIER 256 CHANNEL ANALYSER BIAS SUPPLY SINGLE CHANNEL ANALYSERS - - - - - Fig. 6 Calculated energy-loss functions for protons in silicon for neutrons of energy up to 10 MeV. E is the neutron energy and E is the proton energy . IhvI. ORNL-OWG. 65.13029 IO MV 30 7 MOV opis 15 Mov 4 MOV 3 MOV 2 MON 1.5 MOV JO MOV 0.5 MOV PROTON ENERGY LOSS EMEVS . S . Ald . 11. UN ET Fig. 7 Silicon diode detectors used in measuring energy distributions of protons in tissue-equivalent phantoms SW - .. 3 . GE ii. . . ORNL DWG 66 - 7049 N -BIAS VOLTAGE AND SIGNAL LEADS GUARD RING AND SIGNAL LEAD CONTACTS - - --- TISSUE EQUIVALENT PLASTIC RING MOUNT ZI -- = = - TISSUE EQUIVALENT PLASTIC ROD DETECTOR FRONT ELECTRODE == --------------- IWVIDE SILICON -OPEN TO BACK ELECTRODE (a) 200 MICRON DETECTOR -COAXIAL CABLE FOR BIAS AND SIGNAL LEADS TISSUE EQUIVALENT PLASTIC ROD - LITHIUM DRIFTED SILICON CUBE (b) 1.5 mm CUBE DETECTOR = - SERIAL Fig. 8 Measured proton distributions in tissue-equivalent phantoms for 14 MeV neutrons ORNL-DWG 66-7375 AXIAL TRAVERSE NEUTRON ENERGY - 14 Mev DETECTOR – 1.5 mm CUBE ERROR BARS - I STANDARD DEVIATION NEUTRON BEAM N(E) Τ Τ ΤΤΤ Τ ΤΤΤΤΤ Υ -2.5 cm DEPTH -7.5 cm DEPTH 12.5 cm DEPTH 17.5 cm DEPTH -22.5 cm DEPTH - 27.5 cm DEPTH 100 .64 1.92 ILLIT 3.20 4.48 5.76 7.04 8.32 9.60 ENERGY (MeV) 10.88 12.16 13.44 14.72 15.00 ENERGY (MeV) WEB , ta * F P fin -ta- .. " ) a Alpha particle tracks etched in the surface of a plastic disk Fig. 9 :.- - -. * .. . _ - - - . - : . - - - . - - -*: ;. - s. -H ot Tr. - . - - - - - - . » * A * V * -» * * * * * . - . : '-- -- - - - - * - - - * S : W A . N i s :-- .-- - . . . -. -. . . 1 ܐ ** ܙ ܙ ܕ ܀ ܛܼ ܙ - ܙ ܃ ܃ ܃ ܊ ܙ ܆ ܙ ; ܙ . ܗ ܝ ' . ܕ̄ ، . . .. . . . . . .. . . ….. ܀. ܀܀ ܢܪ. - ܘܗܐ ܙ ܙܐܙ . ܕ ܙ . ܝܫܗܘ:z ܀ ! . ܕ ܙܢ ܐ . . " ܀ ܙܙ - ܂- ܢ 3 * ܘ . --. EXE Its Fig. 10 Components of the modified ORNL threshold-detector unit with glass disks for fission-fragment detectors + ... - 22. . Y ) OL 2 . יויויויויויויויויויויויויויויוי OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY 2 و " . به در . - . . ir * . . . . الا1 رت = = في * == 1. کو کم کم " کمی 1 : پیامی : : . * * :پنے . . شته > -- , * WON . .. . L 1..'N ! P ! . ii 11., A " . " 121 : N FIL 1 1. I WWW . ALTAA! END -- -- - - - DATE FILMED 10/21 / 66 ** *