- . mi er . . Cena . | OF ORNL P 2411 .. . - * di ne : it 1 < C ' '. { . . o 1 - . 63 LI NATIONAL BUAE AU OF STANJAROS - 1963 'ny ..ORNL-P-2411 Conf. 660904. 1 SEP 22 18 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL CFSTI PRICES i --**. W HC 17.00, MN_50 . *. .. enz.. n MASTER . . . IN-PIACE IODINE FILTER TESTING J. H. Swanks Oak Ridge National Laboratory Prepared for Presentation at the Ninth AEC Air Cleaning Conference *Operated by the Union Carbide Corporation for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission LEGAL NOTICE DONI - AFC - OFFICIAL RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT the report was prepared u an account of Government sponsored work. Noltbor the United Stalas, por the Commission, oor way po7800 acung od behalf of the Cominsandoa: A. Makes my warranty or representadon, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, compiettaess, or wel 'ness of the information contaipod in this report, or that the wo o: any information, apparatu, method, or process declosed in Wlo report may not talriaco printely owed righto; or B. Assumes way Habillues with respect to the use of, or for damages ronidos from the One of way information, apparatus, method, or process disclosod in while report Au used in the abovo, "person acting on behalf of the Commissioa" lncludra my one ployee or contractor of obe Commission, or employde of such contractor, to the extent that ruch employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such coolractor preparus, dierontaates, or provides accons to, may Informauca purmuat to do employmeat or contract with the Commission, or his employment wild such contractor. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL DI MUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS : . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 2 9A IN-PLACE IODINE FILTER TESTING ... . - . J. H. Swanks . . Oak Ridge National Laboratory* - ... ABSTRACT A series of in-place iodine filter tests was performed on the charcoal iodine filters at the High Flux Isotope Reactor. Two sets of charcoal filters were tested - the first for elemental iodine retention and the second for methyl iodide and elemental iodine retention. This paper presents the results of those tests and discusses the con- clusions drawn from those results. INTRODUCTION At the Oak Ridge National Laboratory charcoal filters are used in various air-decontamination systems which must prevent releases of radioactive iodine to the atmosphere; and, as integral parts of those systems, the charcoal filters must be reliable components whose efficiencies are known. In order to determine theso efficiencies, in-place tests are performed on the filters immediately after their installation and periodically thereafter. The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first is to consider these tests with respect to the general techniques, problems, and limitations involved with special emphasis or methods of obtaining and analyzing the data. The second purpose is to emphasize the necessity for performing the in situ experiments. It is erroneous to assume that the mere installation of a set of properly designed and pretested filters is adequate; because manufacturing techniques, instaliacion procedures, filter loading or poisoning, and other factors significantly affect efficiencies. In general, the efficiency tests, as performed at ORNL involve releasing a radioactive isotope of iodine into a system at some point upstream from the fil- ter unit being tested. Then samples of the air-iodine mixture are withdrawn into small charcoal-filled sampling traps from points upstream sat downstream from the ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL *Operated by the Union Carbide Corporation for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. ORNL - AEC - OF SICIAL filter unit. The radioactive iodine content of the traps is determined by spec- tral analysis techniques, and each filter unit's efficiency is derived from the amount of radioiodine collected by the two sampling traps. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL A series of these iodine filter tests was performed on the charcoal filters at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). The following description of those tests illustrates the methods used in testing at ORNI, and the conclusions that may be diawn from the tests. DESCRIPTION OF HFIR TESTS The HFIR: loys two separate systems for the disposal of radioactive gases and for cleaning air which might become contaminated. As the primary element in the dynamic containment system, the special building hot exhaust (SBHE) system provides a method for the filtering and subsequent disposal of large amounts of possibly contaminated air. Each of two separate segments of the SBHE draws 14,500 cfm of air from areas of the reactor building which contain potential sources of radioactive gases. In general, the SBHE system handles large quan- tities of low-concentration effluents. The second system, the hot off-gas (HOG) system, is actually a radioactive- gas-disposal unit which handles normal gaseous releases from the subsystems of the reactor such as the cooling system and from experiment facilities. It is designed to handle small amounts of high-concentration effluents and is itself made up of two components: the closed hot off-gas (CHCG) and the open hot off- gas (OHOG) systems. The CHOG serves pressurized facilities, whereas the OHOG serves only unpressurized ones. The maximum f100 in each component is 500 cfm. Air from the SBHE and HOG systens passes through separate underground filter assemblies and is then forced up a 250-ft stack. Each system has three parallel filter assemblies or units (Figure 1). Under normal conditions any two of the assemblies may be used, so that the third is in a standby condition. Manually operated dampers are used to regulate and controi the path of flow. The two fil- ter systems are very similar and consist of Fiberglas prefilters, absolute fil. ters, silver plated copper woni filters, two charcoal iodine absorbers in series, and another bank of absolute filters. Two main differences exist between the two systems. The higher capacity SBHE system has a series arrangement of two banks of twelve single charcoal filters in a 3 x 4 array, the HOG system has only two single filters in series in each unit. The other difference is that the SBHE system has conventional 24-in.. x 24-in. pleated-type charcoal filters and the HOG systems have an arrangement of canister-type charcoal filters. The total flow rates are equivalent to about 1240 cfm per single filter in the SBHE system and 25 cfm per canister in the HOG system. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL The HFIR operating limits require that the iodine filters be tested at the time of installation and semiannually thereafter. The tests described herein are those performed after the installation of the first two sets of SBHE system fil- ters. The first set was tested with elemental iodine, and the second set was tested with methyl iodide as well as elemental iodine. The first SBHE filters had nominally 1/2-in. thick activated charcoal beds contained between perforated sheet metal plates, cadmium plated to inhibit corrosion. The HOG filters were canisters having 3/4-10. thick beds of activated charcoal. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL - - - - - ----- ---- ORL=LR-DWG TITIORS . . NON ..... ..iiii .... OHOG FANS OMGG DIVERSKON DAMPERS -OKOG DIVERSION DAMPERS CHOG FANS X X X REMOVABLE SHIELDING PLG SUVER-COPPER FILTEK HOG OCHUST LA SOME DIVERSION DAME FROM ONOG Prent MICOTICIENCY FILTER TE CHOG CHARCOAL MILTERS FROM REACTOR BAY HIGH-EFTIAENGT FILTER MOEROLAS PREFILTER. - BEAN AND EXPERIMENT ROOMS SOME OIVERSION CAMPERS - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL * ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL OKNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Iodine-131 was chosen as the radioactive isotope to be used in the tests because, due to its 8.05-day half-life, there would be no real hurry to remove and analyze the traps. For the fests on the SBHE system filters, 100 mg of sta- ble 141 traced with 30 mc of but I were used. For the HCG, tests, the same amount of carrier was used, but it was traced with only 15 mc of I. The iodine sources were obtained from the ORNL Isotopes Division as elemen- tal iodine crystals which were contained in a glass ampoule. The ampoule was placed into the apparatus shown in Figure 2. This container served a twofold purpose. It protected the ainpoule from breakage during transit to the testing facility, and it served as an apparatus with which to inject the iodine into the system being tested. The injection tube was mounted in a glovebox wiich contained the rest of the injection system (Figure 3) and the injection tube was connected to the system to be tested. For the condi.ions existing at the HFIR, it was decided that no exact requirements would be placed on the injection rate but that the iodine should be injected at a reasonably constant rate over a period of about 15 minutes while noraal flow and temperature conditions were maintained in the system being tested. In order to release the iodire vapors into the system, a small air flow was es- tablished through the injection tube. Then the thin-wall tubing of the injection tube was mashed thereby breaking the glass ampoule. The air flow which had beer previously established swept the iodine vapors from the crushed ampoule into the system being tested. By gradually varying the flow rate, the rate of injection was kept fairly constant; and, after the injection period, only an insignificant amount of the iodine remained in the tube. The air streams were sampled with sampling traps like those shown in Fig. ure. 4. Activated charcoal was used as the iodine absorber. A11 of the other parts of the sainplers were made of glass and stainless steel with the exception of rubber O-rings used on each end of the glass pipes. The larger traps were used during the tests on the SBHE system from which 14.5-cfm samples were drawn. The smaller traps were used for the tests on the HOG system from which 1.5 cfm samples were drawn. In both systems the samples were withdrawn immediately up- stream and downstream from the filter assemblies through the sampling tubes which extended to the centerline of the duct. It was assumed that complete mixing of the air and iodine had taken place upstream from the first sampling point and that the samples withdrawn were of the average concentration. Samples were drawn simultaneously and continuously during the entire injection period and for approx- imately two hours after the injection was begun. Thus any iodine that came off the filters daring this two hours was detected in addition to that which passed through the filters during the injection period. After the sampling period, the traps were removed and disassembled for anal- ysis. The charcoal was removed from the traps and divided into small quantities. Then the inside of the traps were swabbed to remove any charcoal dust and iodine that might have deposited on the surfaces. The individual charcoal samples and the swabs were placed in petri dishes and counted separately with a gamma spec- trometer. The radioiodine content of each sample was then determined, and the total for the entire trap was obtained by summing the activities of the compon- ents. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL و ال - . :r ها و سیة , آ ا ج ام . ها : في دده د :14 به 1 و ا و الي * ره وه في ابدا ابدا من په جرم و می | ج . ع بولا : او در می و ا ا م ا و د ور هم ، وه مه وه ، جمع ر ب و و و تار اور رسد 4 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL | * " N - AFC - OFFICIAL ' ام . مبر او په ب م f م ۱ . ود و | و 4 به په . . | . م ية - ماه ها ه . و آله و .. په : تا 4 - وه مدی ا م . . . * تا 7 + مود وا مو مدل المجال ات - قال ام وی ام و " ا ومعطرة * ج و امه وياه ا ؟ و اسب ما و به . . . ، ماده . و ر ها ته مه 2ء هاله هه اليه واله در سه مو د ره وه ا م OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY مه مهم مهم للللللدلالا : - .:: سسسسس م فيه ، و و و الله الله سره , - = - -. هه م فهي -. . ع م 4 س مها می دهد برده بود صفحه ا ابعا وف " را به :: " ما ۲۰ بیمه :: همه ؛ با م ممم ............. . . . . " AC - 05 / ICIAL - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL سنے 08 ا NVIDIJOK INIO VI2140-331-INO. · ORNL-DWG 66-6747 - TO EAST SBHE NOTAMETER FLEXIBLE TUBE TO WEST SBHE TO EAST HOG TO WEST HOG INJECTION APPARATUS .tit. AIR SPREY GLOVEBOX SUPPLY GLOVEBOX **ompaniya ---- . ---- .... -- -...- ----- . OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL : . ** . ---- ī . . On G - OFFICIAL.. . . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . . SC I. . . - sis 1. timmar. - . ... .... mini . 1 . ., . . WT. "S AS . . wards . 4 . . . . . 4 im . . . 12 . 0444 he trisha wawili LIIIIII 11 ! . . . en AM - RT . EN TO TO . . . . . en . LS S . . . . O . . . S A . 4 . N . 4 NS 1 . LO .. ... ke 10 9 hehe ? OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY 6 5: 3. . . . . .. . . . . 7... . 2 . ? . A ti . MINE + ! Live . ! ! !, os ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL AEC - OFFICIAL ..mmg menyerang pangyayari ORNI ORNL – AEC - 9:"CAL The results of the first series of tests are given in Table 1. The indi.- cated decontamination factor (DF) is the simple ratio of the upstream to down- stream iodine concer.trations and is related to the efficiency by the following relation: ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL te no n ename Efficiency = 1 - .. . Table 1. Results of First Test of 1/2-Inch-Thick Filters ...... System Tested Iodine Removal Efficiency (%) Decontamination Factor (DE) East SPHE Standby SBHE. West SBHE 99.06 99.62 99.40 106 260 166 4120 : East HOG Standby HOG West HOG 99.98 99.93 99.99 3700 8200 1 Upon examination of the results of these tests it was concluded that the HOG filter systems performed satisfactorily and that no modification or further · testing of those systems was necessary. However, the fact that the efficiencies of the SBHE systems' filters were so low caused some concern, for it was felt that their efficiencies should be on the order of 99.8% or greater. In order to check the results of the first tests, another test was performed on the west bank of SBHE filters. The results of this test were: - - Efficiency = 38.9% = 92 DF In order to determine the cause of the low efficiencies, the filters were removed from their compartments and inspected. Several large openings were ob- served around the framework of the filters, 80 a large portion of the air stream had been bypassing the filters. The leaks around the filters were sealed, the filters were replaced in their compartments, and more tests were performed. The results indicated in Table 2 were obtained from those tests. As may be noted here, sealing the leaks improved the system efficiency somewhat, but the efficiencies were still lower than de- sired. . - . • Table 2. Results of Second Test of 1/2-Inch-Thick Filters System Tested Iodine Removal Efficiency %. Decontamination Factor (DE) ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL East SBHB Standby SBHE Best SBHE ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 99.65 99.75 99.77 263 397 442 In order to determine whether or not the fault lay in the thickness of the charcoal. filters, a comparison was made between the results of tests run on two 1/2-in-thick HFIR charcoal filters and two 3/4-in. filters which were available. Identical conditions were maintained while running the tests of the two types of filters and the results shown in Table 3 were obtained. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Table 3. Results of Comparison Tests System Tested Iodine Removal Efficiency (%) Decontaminatior. Factor (DE) 1/2-in. filters 99.67 303 3/4-in. filters 99.94 1730 - .- . -- - - - - Due to the low efficie.icies of the 1/2-in.-thick filters and due to a etudy regarding the methyl iodide hazards at the HFIR, it was decided to replace the 1/2-in.-thick filters with a new set of thicker filters. The new filters are made of perforated stainless steel witn an impregnated activated char::oal filler which is nominally 1 1/8-in. thick. Two types of iodine retention tests were performed on the new filters. They were first tested for elemental iodine retention using the same procedures that were used while testing the set of 1/2-in.-thick filters. In addition, the new filter:r were tested for metliyl iodide retention. The sampling and analytical techniques for the methyl tests were identical to those used in the elemental tests, but the injection procedure had to be modified somewhat. The same quan- tity of iodine was used as in the elemental tests except that it was in the form of methyl iodide and was contained in a stainless steel U-tube. In order to obtain a fairly uniform release rate, the U-tube was installed in the injection apparatus, a delay tank was connected to the downstream side of the U-tube, and the tank was connected to the system to be tested. A very small air flow was established through the U-tube so that methyl iodide vapor moved into the delay tank and then slowly flowed from the tank into the system being tested. During the test on the west SBHE filters, the elemental iodine and methyl iocide tests were run simultaneously by using elemental iodine-131 and methyl jodide-130. By using both of the isotopes, only, one injection and sampling was necessary. Spectral analyses of the samples allowed one to distinguish between the UI and II isotopes during the analyses. The results of the test are presented in 7able 4. Table 4. Test Results of Stainless Steel Filters in West SBHE Type of Test Iodine Removal Bfficiency (%) Decontamination Factor (DE) Elemental Iodine 98.55 47.37 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Meth:1 Iodide 1.9 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Considering these results, it was obvious that something was wrong with the system because the original, thinner filters performed more efficiently than these. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL The filters were inspected in place, and no leaks were evident. They were then removed from their compartments, disassembled, and opened for examination. Upon removal of the tops of the filters, the problem was seen immediately; the charcoal had settled to such an extent that numerous air gaps had formed at the top of the filters. A typical settled filter 18 shown in Figure 5. The filters were refilled with the same type of charcoal, reinstalled in their compartments, and retested. The results of the tests of all the SBHE systems are given in Table 5. Table 5. Results of Tests of Stainless Steel SBHE Charcoal Filters System Tested Iodine Removal Efficiency_(%. Elemental Methyl Iodine Decontamination Factor Elemental Methyl East SBHE Standby SBHE West SBHE 99.994 99.994 99.995 99.97 99.97 99.98 17,300 16,100 20,300 3,580 3,850 The absolute accuracy of the results of these tests 18 somewhat question- able, for the activities in the downstream samplers were quite low. However, the results are definitely conservative and the systems are at least as efficient as these results indicate. These tests 11lustrate that the filters perform quite satisfactorily for both elemental iodine and meti:yl iodide. It, of course, still remains to be seen CONCLUSIONS Considering the results of the tests performed at the HFIR, several general conclusions may be drawn. If iodine test results indicate that a filter unit is inefficient, it re- mains then to decide whether the inefficiency is due to poor charcoal filter design, air leaks around the filters, loading and poisoning of the filters, or some other fault. In other words, the mere fact that a test indicates a low unit efficiency does not necessarily mean that the filters themselves are ineffi- cient. They may indeed be, but one must carefully inspect the system to deter- mine what fault or combination of faults causes the inefficiency. Generally, as far as the results of the tests are concerned, no distinction can be made as to what type of fault exists. WWJIV ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL In-place filter tests are the only reliable method of determining whether a system wili perform as it was designed; however, the methods and procedures used in performing those tests are essential in obtaining valid, reliable results 10 . - OFFICIAL 03 . * Pee .asos, . ir tane . EXTS b kimi . It . w II. V!! . 09. " S. . M . w . + .. 11 A 14 . .. . . - SR . . CO. . . . + :: . ---- . . .. . d . . . PS INSP . Sto . . . Hon . . I. . . W polyes . ;; . SKI LAN yeah 4 IW - 12. 17 . . 1. . T . . . . MA AMO dr . $ 2 . . . . .1 *. . ve . " . SO IN . - ) ... USA . ki $ Wid Foto . 1 . P w UN . . A antin Ww M . DIA A . . . SD VI * ** i .. . ::. N ' RA 1 . . 7 2 VW A 7 23 .4 . 74. mer ! NU * . . 7 1. W . . NA . . 7 . AYA.. . S T : 1 . . WS . AT IN . . min the with down 0 ,"1 1 ' II . . . . M + C IN- . 1 hinkiinninn . 147 h It . . + - N .4 22 5B" . . 1 . .. . . . .. 1 141 VER . 1 10 N . . i C . 12 M 11 NA . . . . . . WA OS more about our co?** a long was . 2 . 25 . ** * ** 22 . . 1 AL . r . DIO ti . 1 1217 . . . . . . . ..17 . OR . 1 !. . .. t S tu . 19 11 .. . . . . L ! . .. . - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL*** .. the most common - . ,. - - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL which are necessary to evaluate an installed system properly. Tests performed under conditions different from those normally present in a system or with poor regard for injection and sampling procedures are of questionable value and may lead to erroneous conclusions. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL It must be recognized that various chemical forms of iodine may exist in a system, and the capability of a filtration system for removing one of these forms does not insure its capability for removing another. Systems to be tested must, therefore, be investigated to determine what chemical forms of iodine might be present and then the appropriate tests may be performed. If the filter system is required to have a definite capability, then it is imperative that the system actually be tested in situ in order to guarantee that capability. Furthermore, periodic tests should be performed to determine whether or not the system maintains its capability. -- -- - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 12. , + 4 - -. .- . · ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 1. F. T. Binford and E. N. Cramer (Eds.), The High Flux Isotope Reactor: A Functional Description, Vol. 1, USAEC Report ORNL-3572, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 1964, Rev. March 1, 1965. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Operating Safety Limits for the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR).._(100 MW Maximum Power), USAEC Report ORNL-TM-1532, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 16, 1966. 3. R. E. Adams, W. E. Browning, Jr., W. B. Cottrell, and G. W. Parker, The Release and Adsorption of Methyl Iodide in the HFIR Maximum Credible October 1, 1965. - -. - . - - --- - -- - - -- - - - - - --- .- . ' th - -- - -- - - - - - - - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL IND ,11 MATORI Why ..! . . .. ! ! Wifi,,". SILI END DATE FILMED 10/21 / 66 . VA y ! WR4 ' . TAN 1919,,T WVLINTI