1 + I OFT ORNLP 2911 . . - - 4125 - EEEEEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 II . ... 1. ' " "' .. motor . Jika pemenuhi il .. o .. l en Trimmer 3 . " BLANK PAGE ווין . ...... TDW TWT o n nep-2011 CITI PRICES CASH PRICES H.C. $97.09; MN.65 Mae ? 1 1967 HIGH CURRENT DC ION BEAMS* I BALLASID FOR ADDOUNCLONI George G. Kelley Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee I SULLA SCIRO APATAON Stimmáry of the ion emission surface at the source, are · common to both fields, however, The beam systems which have been developed for use in high energy injection experiments in thermonuclear research are described. An at- teinpt is made to compare the quality of these beams (not the relative mei'it of the injection systems). Probléms peculiar to the production of intense de beams are discussed. Evaluation of Performance Introduction The true emittance and brightness of a bea depend only on random motions of the particles. Wroe has shown that when the brightness is measured properly directly after extraction, it has the value expected from the temperature of the ions in the source--much higher than would be inferred from previous measurements. Since this quantity is invariant in a steady beam for rays at small angles to the axis (so that the axial and transverse motions are uncoupled) any decrease in measured brightness must be due to time dependent effects. These effects are like to be important, it at all only in space charge- neutralized beams. Improvements in performance must come then from improved beam optics. In crder to make a rough comparison of the performance of the various systems to be described in this paper, we shall use an ef. fective brighness which is the ratio of curren density to an estimate of the solid angle of thi beam envelope, normalized to a constant ac- celerating voltage and constant mass. It is de fined as follows: B At the present time intense dc ion beams are used both in isotope separation and in exper- iments leading to controlled thermonuclear power. This paper will deal only with the latter appli- cation. In one kind of experiment a plasma con- taining very energetic ions is built up by trapping previously accelerated particles in a éritably shaped maguetic field. The major de- vices of this kind are the OGRA'S at the Kircha- tov İnstitute in Moscow, the PHOENIX experiments at the Culham Laboratory in England, the MMII device at Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, the ALICE expériments at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Livermore, California, and the DCX experiments at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.,2 The injectors used in thésé expériments will be described briefly, and problems peculiar to the production and handling oi dc beams will be discussed. The interaction between this work and the development of preinjectors for high energy ac- celerators has been considerably less than might be expected at first thought. Several factors have been responsible for the separation of these two fields. In the first place, there has been a different point of view. A preinjector must be tailored to a device whose ion optical properties have been carefully worked out. The preinjector must produce the maximum possible beam in a particular region of phase space. On the other hand, the thermonuclear devices have requirements which depend primarily on a partic- ular spatial limitation of the beam. Usually all of the current entering the magnetic trap is useful. In the second place, preinjectors work with short pulses of current reducing the prob- léms of heat dissipation but preventing the buildup of an electron population to reduce the dispersive force of space charge. The emittance figure found using short beam pulses does not apply when the beam remains on long enough to become neutralized several hundred us at tyui- cal pressures). Detailed measurements are diffi- cult on intense dc beams. In view of the differ- ence in both the nature of the problems to be Bolved and in the methods used for evaluating performance, the amount of interaction is under- 720 AI V ha wa (h1 + ha)(wa + wa)/12 for ribbon beams and B = 900 AI v.de2.(da + d2)2/12 for beams of circular cross section where A 12 the mass in am, I is the current in ma, V is the accelerating voltage in MeV, hi and wi ars the height and width of a defining aperture, .. distance L from the exit aperture, which has s height and width he and wa. For circular bear di and de are the corresponding diameters. Dimensions are in cm. This quantity differs from the true brightness as defined by van Ste . bergen* by the assumption that the rays at all. points of the exit aperture diverge at the *maximum angle defined by this aperture and another limiting aperture. The number grossly underestimates the true brightness since there is evidence that beams are in general much mor highly organized. The values obtained should not be taken too seriously since they depend * WY .. . _ B = Lvaluation of Performance beams (not the relative merit of the inject!on systems). Problems peculiar to the production The true emittance and brigatness of a beal nt intense de beams are discussed. depend only on random motions or the particles. Wroe bas shown that when the brightness is Introduction measured properly directly after extraction, it bag the value expected from the temperature of At the present time intense de ion beams 'the ions in the source--much higher than would are used both in isotope separation and in exper be inferred from previous measurements. Since Iments leading to controlled thermonuclear power. this quantity 16 invariant in & steady beam for This paper will deal only with the latter appli rays at small angles to the axis (so that the cation. In one kind of experiment a plasma con axial and transverse motions are we coupled) any tainag very energetic ions is built up by decrease in measured brightness must be due to trapping previously accelerated particles in a 'time dependent effects. These effects are 11.ke sul tably shaped magnetic field. The major de- to te mportant, if at all only in space charged vices of this kind are the OCPA's at the Kircha neutralized beans. Improvements in performance - tói Institute in Moscow, the PHOENIX experiments must come ther from improved bean optics. at the Culham laboratory in England, the MMII In order to make a rough comparison of déviée at Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, the ALICE the performance of the various systems to be described in this paper, we shall use an ef- Livermore, California, and the Day experiments · Pective brightness which is the ratio of curren at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory ir Oak density to an estimate of the solid angle of the Ridge, Tennessee.,2 The injectors used in beam envelope, normalized to a constant ac- these experiments will be described briefly, and celerating voltage and constant mass. It is de problems peculiar to the production and handling fined as follows: of dc beams will be discussed. The interaction between this work and the 720 AI development of preinjectors for high energy ac- celerators has been considerably less than might . V ba wa (h. + ha)(wa + wa)/L2 be expected at first thought. Several factors have been responsible for the separation of for ribbon beams und these two fields. In the first place, there has been a different point of view. A preinjector must be tailored to a device whose ion optical properties have been carefully worked out. The Vod22. (dz + da)2/16 preinjector must produce the maximum possible beam in a particular region of phase space. On the other hand, the thermonuclear devices have for beams of circular cross section where A 1. requirements which depend primarily on a partic the mass in ami, I is the current in mA, V is ular spatial limitation of the beam. Usually the accelerating voltage in MeV, hi and wi are: all of the current entering the magnetic crap is the height and width of a defining a perture, useful. In the second place, preinjectors work distance L from the exit aperture, which has a with short pulses of current reducing the prob height and width h2 and wa. For circular beer: léms of heat dissipation but preventing the di and dz are the corresponding diameters. buildup of an electron population to reduce the Dimensions are in cm. This quantity differs dispersive force of space charge. The emittance. from the true brightness as defined by van Ste figure found using short beam pulses does not bergen* by the assumption tliat the rays at all apply when the beam remains on long enough to points of the exit aperture diverge at the become neutralized (several hundred us at typi "maximum angle defined by this aperture and .. cal pressures). Detailed measurements are diffi another limiting aperture. The number grossly eult on intense de beams. In view of the differ underestimates the true brightness since there enče in both the nature of the problems to be is evidence that beams are in general much mor Bolved and in the methods used for evaluating highly organized. The values obtained should performance, the amount of interaction is under not be taken too seriously since they depend stakable. Some very important problems, such sensitively on the convergence angle which is aß eolum design, and the control of the shape not well known and which should really be a Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporat B = - 900 AI * . . , BLANK PAGE weighted average across the exit apertures. Also they do not measure the relative perits of the systems as injectors because other factors are lavolved, Crossed Field Extraction Ceneral 1 beam of neutral atomic hydrogen.5,6,7 figurd I shows the essential features of these injectors. Some spreading of the beams is be- lieved due to fluctuations arising from insta- dilities in the lan source. This dirriculty ! cannon to all of the son sources wed. It is dealt nito at some length by Artemenkov et al. and by Kistemaker et al. The Russian workers state that by proper adjustment of the gas rie to the source, the modulation of the beam cas reduced to 15 to 20%. he wlue of the effective brightness of tham OCRA-I berm was calculated using reported nalues of 155 mi or molecular ions at 160 :V through a 36 coa aperture at a reported con. vergence angle of 5°. It is The injectors used in the OCRA and ALICE experiments obtain ions i'rom the soirce plama by diffusion across a strong magnetic field. In the source Itsell, an arc runs along magvetic field lines from a heated filament. There are apertures derining the electron stiroam to pro- duce a ribbon of plaswa which is located very close to the exit aperture. The plasma density in these crossed-field aources 18 insufficient to prevent the passage of neutral gas in the source through it, and the resulting gas erri. ciency 18 rather low (approximately 20% or less). B . 20 x 155 x 2 0.16 x 36 x 7.9 x 10-3 • 4.9 x 106 pumping are required to prevent excessive pres- sure in the beam region. The size of the limiting aperture has not beer. reported. The OCRA'S ALICE The injectors for the OCRA devices are alike except for the addition ut a neutralizing cell and analyzing magnet in CGRA-II to provide The crossed field sources at LRL are used to produce neutral beams at COD siderably lower energy. A typical arrangement is shown in -------... --.. .• BEAM BEAM TARGET " Y SOURCE MAGNET QUADRUPOLE MAGNET (o) METERS TARGET BENDING MAGNET ION SOURCE BAFFLES BAFFLES Me int ALLT ! LUSSA B. AL : BEAM QUADRUPOLE MAGNET HION STOPPER SOURCE MAGNET (b) METERS BLANK PAGE 11 - ... .... . . . wer DO aliu w woulu the OGRA-I beam was calculated using reporte nlues of 155 mA of molecular ions at 160 XV through a 36 con aperture at a reported con- vergence angle of 5. It is Z the source itsell, an arc runs along magnetic field lines from a heated filament. There are aperturcs defining the electron stream to pro- duce a ribbon of plasua which is located very close to the exit aperture. The piasma density 1o these crossed-field sources 1. innuriciant to prevent the pasiege of neutral gas in the source through it, and the resulting gas effi- ciency is rather low (approximately 20% or 1388). Large pumps and long beam fuths with differential pumping are required to prevent excessiva pres- mure la the beam l'egion. B. Izox 155 x 2 0.16 * 36 x 7.9 x 10-5 • 4.9 x 10 The size of the limiting aperture has not be reported. The OORA'S ALICE The injectors for the OCRA devices are alike except for the addition of a neutralizing cell ar analyzing m et in OSRA-II to provide The crossed field sources at LRL are use to produce neutril beams at considerably lowe wargy. A typical arrangement is shown in .... -- . .... . . A M BEAM TARGET SOURCE TW SOURCE MAGNET QUADRUPOLE MAGNET (o) METERS TARGET BENDING MAGNET ION SOURCE BAFFLES BAFFLET BEAM' -QUADRUPOLE MAGNET *ION STOPPER SOURCE MAGNET' Fundinn (6) METERS Fig. 1 - The OGRA Injectors. (a) OCRA-I. The beam is limited by a 6 x 6 cm aperture at the target, which is actually the point of entry into the magnetic trap. (b) OCRA-II. The smallest aperture, where the beam 18 smallest, 18 4.5 x 10 cm. The maximum Ho current through this aperture 18 26 ma. The scales shown are approximate. BLANK PAGE FINN BOTO H : 15 : M SWEEP MAGNET BAFFLE length of the extraction gap. The ions are ac -SOURCE MAGNET COILS swaed to be emitted at zero velocity. The tot -IRON MAGNETIC SHIELDS current then in a beam is BAFFLE I - Apieg : 5.44 x 10-6 v3/2 22/r2 -BEAM SOURCE TARGET . The denominator is seen to be a factor depende on the geometry of the extraction gap. If the gap 18 much smaller than the diameter of the beam, the extraction field is very nonuniform METERS with respect to radius and the beam is badly -. --.. torted. Thus for a given degree of distortio.. the total current depends only on v3/2. In other words the perveance is fixed. A ribbon Pg. 2 - The ALICE Injector. beam suffers this same restriction across its width, but its area can be much greater. The Figure 2. The source has an arc cross section above formula can be used to predict the axi.. of 0.125 in x 0.3 in and an exit slit of current of ions from the source that can be 0.102 in x 3 in. A typical extraction gap is handled at a given extraction voltage without 0.06 in. More recent design uses an ion source beam 1088 to the extractor. A correction must slit of 0.170 in x 2.5 in. This source produces . be made for the presence of the extractor hole 50 mA equivalent current of 20 keV Hlo through a however. It has been found empirically that i 2.0 x 5.1 cm baffle 21 ft from the source. formula The effective brigitness calculated from this information and the assumption that the beam : width remains constant is A2/2 (z + x)2/r2 I = 5.44 x 10-8 a vo/2 - . . B 720 x 74 0.02 x 2 x 5.1 x 4 x 10.2/3602 = 8.3 x 108 predicts the maximum current usually to better than 5%.12 The graph shown in Figure 4 is simply a plot of the predicted current for a beam in which the extraction gap Length is equal to the diameter of the extraction aperture. · 1200 Extraction in Axial Magne: tc Fields General 1000 . - The PHOENIX experiments at Culham and the DCX's at Oak Ridge use a beam derived from ions from a duoplasmatron source. 10 This type of : source has the advantage of considerably greater gas efficiency because of the high density and : high degree of ionization of its plasma, but it is at some disadvantage at low extraction voltages because it is adapted only to the pro- duction of axisymmetric beans. The crossed . field sources produce ribbon beams whose total output can be increased by increasing the length of the extraction slit. There is a fundamental limitation, however, with axisymmetric beams. The current density in a beam due to space charge limitation of the current at the surface of the plasma is given by URRENT (MA). T ! J = 8.44 x 10-8 v12. ... (3) A2/2 22 0 50 200 100 150 BEAM ENERGY (keV) where j is the current density in amp V 18 the extraction voltage, A is the mass number in amu, and z is the spacing between electrodes 1n om. This formula applies in the case of a beam of infinite cross section or in Pierce geometry. 12. It 18 a good approximation in gen- eral 1f the beam diameter is comparable to the Fig. 3 - Maximum Current Expected from an Axia Field Source without Gridded Apertures. ' ..' SUM BLANK PAGE . ............................. . * . .-.,- .- . . . . length on mass in these leases permits separa tion of mass species by apertures. In all ca when it is desired to obtain a beam of the . highest possible current density, the lens should be as close to the source as possible. Both the PHOENIX injectors and the DCX injecto use solenoidal magnetic lenses. In every casa the ion source is in the stray field of this lens, and special attention must be paid to til field which exists at the plasma emission sur face. Compensating coils are required to optimize performance. This subject will be d: cussed in more detail below. Fluctuations in the current from these sources usually can be held below 1,0% peak to peak by proper adjustment of gas flow and mag- netic field. Somewhat more current than indicated can be ob tained, but the quality of the beam deteriorates rapidly with increased current. Grids at the source aperture and the extraction electrode can eliminate this restriction, but heat dissipation problems make their use difficult at low ex- traction voltage and impossible above about 20 XV. The source gas efficiency is impaired by the use of grids because of recombination of th source plasma on the grid structure. When a duoplasmatron 18 operated at high gas efficiency, the plasma density at the source anode aperture 18 about 1044 ions/cms and the ions have an outward directed velocity of greater than 10 eV. The result is a plasma flow equivalent to a current density of up to 100 A/cm2. At the same time, the extraction current density is determined by space charge (Equations 1 and 2), and in most cases, 18 less U cases, 18 less . than about 3 A/cme. The plasma then must expand as it leaves the aperture until it has formed itself into & configuration in which the current is space-charge limited at all points on its surface. In order to prevent ion emission from the sides of the resulting bubble, a cup is pro- vided to expose only the expanded front surface : of the plasma to the extraction field. Tae control of the shape of this surface probably 18 the biggest problem in beam technology. The amount of expansion allowed and the strength of the extraction field which is most deisrable, depends on the relative importance of the initial diameter of the beam and the effect of space charge forces in it. When the beam is acceler- ated to very high energy as rapidly as possible, .. it usually is best to use the maximum possible electric field consistent with high voltage technology and the smallest possible initial beam diameter. At low energies a larger initial beam may produce a greater intensity at a dis- tance from the source. For values of perveance up to about 2 x 10-10 A/v3/2, corresponding to a current of 100 mA at 80 KV, electrostatic focusing by mearis of a unit:otential lens can be used. Higher perveance beacs require the use of mag- netic lenses. The dependence of the focal . PHOENIX PHOENIX The PHOENIX-II injector13 has a beam patul shown in Figure 4. It can pass 50 mA of Hz* at 40 keV through a 4.6 cm diameter aperture 300 cm from the source exit. The convergence angle is 0.02 radians. When the source is ad- justed to produce an H2' beam, 200 mA at 56 | can be passed through the system. In actual u the Hz* beam 18. neutralized in a vapor cell to produce 20 keV Ho particles. The Ha* beam and The H,+ beam require 200 mA and 800 mA respec- tively, of total power supply drain, and source arc currents of 10 A and 24 A respectively. T! effective brightness for the molecular ion bear is 900 x 50 x 2 = 2.3 x 107 0.04 x 4.62 x 12.62/1852 . . B The Oak Ridge Beams The beam path for the DCX-1.5, DCX-3, and INTEREM experiments at Oak Ridge is shown in Figure 5.15 The beam at 240 cm corresponds to an effective brightness of CALORIMETER COILS BEAM STOP 8 cm dia BEAM STOP 4.6 cm dia ION SOURCE e autonome instrumenata i m i nistrimin licemente w i nnende ----------- 185 cm - BLANK PAGE ........... ...... wirin... .. . ....... ...... M ersi.. ions have an outward directed velocity of Fluctuations in the current from these I greater than 10 eV. The result is a plasma sources usually can be held below 10% peak to : flow equivalent to a current density of up to peak by proper adjustment of gas flow and mag- 100 A/cm2. At the same time, the extraction netic field. current density is determined by space charge (Equations 1 and 2), and in most cases, 18 less PHOENIX than about 3 A/cme. The plasma then must expand as it leaves the aperture until it has formed The PHOENIX-II injector13 has a beam path itself into a configuration in which the current shown in Figure 4. It can pass 50 mA of Ha* 16 Space-charge limited at all points on its .. at 40 keV through a 4.6 cm diameter aperture : surface. In order to prevent ion emission from 300 cm from the source exit. The convergence : the sides of the resulting bubble, a cup is pro-.. angle is 0.02 radians. When the source is ad- vided to expose only the expanded front surface. justed to produce an lid beam, 200 mA at 56 || of the plasma to the extraction field. The can be passed through the system. In actual ull control of the shape of this surface probably the Hat beam 18. neutralized in a vapor cell to is the biggest problem in beam technology. The produce 20 keV H. particles. The Ha* beam and amount of expansion allowed and the strength of the Hi+ beam require 200 mA and 800 mA respec- the extraction field which is most deisrable, tively. of total power supply drain, and source depends on the relative importance of the initial arc currents of 10 A and 24 A respectively. The diameter of the beam and the erfect of space effective brightness for the molecular ion beam :charge forces in it. When the beam is acceler- i at 'd to very high energy as rapidly as possible, . 900 x 50 x 2 : it usually 18 best to use the maximum possible = 2.3 x 107 | electric field consistent with high voltage 0.04 x 4.62 x 12.62/1852 technology and the smallest possible initial beam diameter. At low energies a larger initial beam may produce a greater intensity at a dis- The Oak Ridge Beams tance from the source. For values of perveance up to about 2 x 10-10 A/v3/2, corresponding to a current · The beam path for the DCX-1.5, DCX-3, and of 100 mA at 80 kV, electrostatic focusing INTEREM experiments at Oak Ridge 18 shown in Figure 5.15 The beam at 240 cm corresponds to by means of a unipotential lens can be used. an effective brightness of Higher perveance beams require the use of mag- netic lenses. The dependence of the focal is B = cm CALORIMETER, COILS BEAM STOP 8 cm dia BEAM STOP 4.6 cm dia ION SOURCE C + V YO .. ..... . -80 cm - 185 cm - Fig. 4 - The PHOENIX Injector. BLANK PAGE { _ 900 x 66 x 2 - . • 2.0 x 10 : 0.04 x 10.2 x 19/1842 for molecular ions at 40 keV. These ions are dlssociated in a magnesium vapor cell to produce La beam of 20 keV neutral hydrogen. Other experiments at Oak Ridge (DCX-2) use bydrogen ion beams at 600 keV. 4- The power sup- viy for accelerating these beams has taps at .. 150 kv, 300 kV, and 450 kV. The first 150 kV 18 supplied directly to the extraction gap. The gap spacing is about 8 mm. Acceleration is done. as quickly as possible and the beam enters a solenoidal magnetic lens directly below the column. Mgure 6 shows the arrangement. This system has produced a beam of 350 mA total h gen ion curront and bas produced 100 mA of ions through the duct shown. It has been in operation since 1960.16 example, 40 A of arc current vare needed in a particular rather efficient duoplasmatron to produce 1 A of proton output. Cooling of the source then is a major problem, particularly i tha' axdal field case, since most of the power produced on an extremely small area at the end · sion aperture of the anode. The original duo. plasmatron of von Ardenne could not be operato continuously at arc currents of greater than · about 5 A. The power was dissipated on a tungsten insert and the heat was conducted frc: this insert to an iron anode. At Oak Ridge ve finind that most of the temperature drop was across the joint between the insert and the res body of the anode. In fact, it turned out the ferramagnetic material was not needed in the anoder and that solid copper could withstand . at least 50 A of arc--the improved heat con. ductivity more than oft setting the difference: in melting temperature. Improved cooling was Deeded also in the intermediate electrode. sources of this type are described elsewhere. Dissipation of the energy of the beam it: also presents a problem. Power densities can easily be pushed beyond the capabilities of the best available beat transfer techniques. The greatest power density can be handled by the technique shown in Mgure 7. The beam terminates on copper tubes in which are swaged spiral ribbons cr incanel. Centrifugal force Problems of Power Dissipation Ion sources for the production of contim- ous currents of large fractions of l ampere re- quire source arc currents of many amperes. As an SOURCE EXTRACTING ELECTRODES- EPOXY SKIRTS FOCUSSING MAGNET Lo Q2 RADIANS, 7.118 in 3.8-cra APERTURE 117 cm - Lin 100 in., ose 3.8-cm APERTURE 240 cm RETRACTABLE TARGET ANALYZED BEAM TARGET 32 in., . 2 in. 3.8-cm APERTURE MAGNETICALLY SHIELDE: TARGET O, d. lin. BLANK PAGE Fig. 1 - The OCRA Injectors. (a) OGRA-I. The beam 18 limited by a 6 x 6 cm aperture at the target, which is actually the point of entry into the racentin tuer. (b) OOPA-IT. TH ...?.662 ", 6!!. ...... ... . ....... quire source arc currents of many amperes. As an best available beat transfer techniques. The greatest power density can be handled by the technique shown in Mgure 7.18 The beam terminates on copper tubes in which are swage SOURCE spiral ribbons of Inconel. Centrifugal force EXTRACTING ELECTRODES EPOXY SKIRTS FOCUSSING MAGNET -200 0.2 RADIANS, 1*118 in e-cm APERTURE 117 cm _ Lis100 in.. 3.8-cm APERTURE 240 cm RETRACTABLE TARGET ANALYZED BEAM, TARGET -232 in., ** 2 in. 3.8-cm APERTURE - MAGNETICALLY SHIELDEC TARGET 0, de fin. Fig. 5 - Injectors Simulating the INTEREM and DCX-3 Geometries. 140 ma and 82 ma of 40 keV Hg*.dons are delivered to the targets at 117 cm and 240 cm respectively. Fig. 6. The DCX-2 Injector. The maximum beam through the duct is 100 ma of H2* ions at 600 } BLANK PAGE causes the water to flow in a thin film on the inner surface of the tubes at very high velocity. When the target is placed so that the beam strikes the tubes at a mazing angie, pover densities of more than 6 kW/cm can be sustained. In gote of the very large amount of power carried by these dc beams, in many cases the loss to the accelerating electrodes 18 so small that they require no deliberate cooling. The electrodes usually are of stainless steel. Problems of Voltage Breakdown In all of the systems used for producing in- tense dc beams, there are both electric and magmetic fields within the vacuum system. Many of the problems of voltage standori are caused by the presence of the magnetic field. In the crossed field sources, electrons formed in the extraction gap follow a trochoidal path in the rields and are intensified by cascading. These electrons cause damage to the source supports unless some means are provided to get rid of them. The axisymmetric sources can have problems too, but of a different kind. Unless great care. 18 taken in design, there will be electrostatic potential wells for electrons constrained to : 'follow magnetic linee of force. In such a situation the electrons drift around the axis of symmetry, under the influence of the forces due to the crossed fields. A cascading process occurs until there is sufficient plasma to cause breakdown. Figure 8 shows a design in which electron trapping regions are avoided. The prototype of the source itself is due to the Bukumi group under Demirkhanov.20 This group. has done other excellent work with dc beams.' It is specially suited to the production of large currents (hundreds of ma) of molecular ions. This source and accelerator are used with the system of Figure 5. :. Voltage cleanup time is reduced by desigr the electrodes to have a minimum amount of sur : lace at a high electr.c field. It also seems belo to avoid situations where particle flight paths coincide with electric field lines. In L surfaces, caxial cylinders, and concentric spheres should be avoided. When the surface area is small, we : have found that many materials, among them cor- per, stainless steel, nickel, and platinum, bu not aluminum, will withstand at least 2 .MV cm at voltages up to 80 kV after cleanup. · At hij total voltage, the CERN group has found titan. to be particularly good.? The terminal equipment for the productio: high current de beams is considerably larger that required for beams of low average power. : In some cases voltages are supplied through ic transmission cables. As a result, transient .. currents during a discharge can be much greatü. and may have more serious effect. These proba and same solutions are described el.sewhere. 15 It is interesting and perhaps surprising that damage to source and electrodes 18 not a serio problem in most cases. In the Oak Ridge wor?: breakdowns are detected electronically, but power is removed through standard commercial 1 quick-acting disconnects, or in the case of th: 600 kV (11) supply, by means of vacuum switche in the primary. Damage is done only when there is an abnormal flood of backstreaming electrons such as produced by a vacuum failure or in the absence of an electron suppressor, to be dis- cussed below.' Space Charge Neutralization • If the positive ion beam 18 allowed to be electrons formed in the beam and by secondary emission rom a target are kept out of regions where they can be pulled from the beam by elec tric fields, the beam charge will be neutral- ized. 19,22 The degree of neutralization will depend on how effectively the electrons are cc tained. It is easy to calculate the time requ . m ..f .. VN 1 main con i wir uns ALONS mm C :, ' BLANK PAGE en stor role in the - 1 . * . - . - -- -- - -- ' . . * - - - electrodes usually are of stainless steel. per, stainless steel, nickel, and plaüinwi, not aluminum, will withstand at least 2.MV/cm Problems of Voltage Breakdown at voltages up to 80 kV after cleanup. At' bii. total voltage, the CERN group has found titan: In all of the systems used for producing in.. to be particularly good. 14 tense de beams, there are both electric and : The terminal equipment for the productior magnetic fields within the vacuum system. Many high current dc beams is considerably larger of the problems of voltage standoff are caused that required for beams of low average power. ; by the presence of the magnetic field. In the In some cases voltages are supplied through 1c** crossed field sources, electrons formed in the transmission cab.les. As a result, transient ... extraction gap follow a trochoidal path in the currents during a discharge can be much greater fields and are intensified by cascading. These and may have more serious effect. These prob electrons cause damage to the source supports . , and some solutions are described elsewhere. 15 unless some means are provided to get rid of It is interesting and perhaps surprising that them. The axisymmetric sources can have problems damage to source and electrodes is not a serio too, but of a different kind. Unless great care... problem in most cases. In the Oak Ridge wory. is taken in design, there will be electrostatic breakdowns are detected electronically, but potential wells for electrons constrained to : power is removed through standard cominercial :'follow magnetic lines of force. In such a quick-acting disconnects, or in the case of th: situation the electrons drift around the axis of 600 kV (11) supply, by means of vacuum switche : symmetry, under the influence of the forces due in the primary. Damage is done only wher, thero to the crossed fields. A cascading process is an abnormal flood of backstreaming electrons occurs until there is sufficient plasma to cause such as produced by a vacuum failure or in the breakdown. Figure 8 shows a design in which absence of an electron suppressor, to be dis- . electron trapping regions are avoided. The cussed below. prototype of the source itself is due to the Sukumi group under Demirkhanov.20 This group Space Charge Neutralization has done other excellent work with dc beams. It is especially suited to the production of . If the positive ion beam is allowed to be large currents (hundreds of ma) of molecular a trap for electrons, or in other words, if th. ions. This source and accelerator are used with electrons formed in the beam and by secondary the system of Figure 5. emission from a target are kept out of regions where they can be pulled from the beam by elec tric fields, the beam charge will be neutral- ized. 15,22 The degree of neutralization will depend on how effectively the electrons are co tained. It is easy to calculate the time requ - - - - more on any ** ** ---- - LI - -- - 1 - - - - . - -- PUTERE DATE actione - • - - - - - - - .. .. -.- :- - - Y -:- in obratom DOTA ANTE Ar WALIMTOOLS 7 - +--- -.-.- + . - - RO - - - . : - . . - . 3 - • WT 11- 1. .... ..... at al alto ---- RAKLIOLO GATH OF SOU WITH ACONEL_SPICAL EIR'DAL PLACE Fig. 8. Beam Accelerating System in which Elec tron Trapping Regions have been avoided. Fig. 7 - Target used for High Intensity DC Beams. : 3.4 P I V to BLANK PAGE . . . - . . .. .. for thio neutralization process assuming that electrons come from collisions with the back- ground yas. It is simply the beam density unit volume, or (6) focused by a unipotential lens uperated at & uegative voltage with respect to the beam dri chamber so that electrons are confined to th. beam drift region. In the picture on the le! electrons are being drained from the beam by positive target bias. The beam on the right space-charge neutralized. Waen there is a beam cross-over, the neu. tralization fails to allow the ions to follca straight flight paths for reasons not comple: understood. Figure 10 is a photograph made : Oak Ridge of a helium ion beam focused by a solenoidal magnetic lens in the region of a cross-over and beyond. The radial current di tribution in this beam was studied by means a differential calorimeter probe. We found : beyond the cross-over, most of the beam curri. was flowing in a hollow cone having a diver: where ab 18 tine beam particle density, no is the background density, 18 the ionization cross section of the background gas, and vb is the beam velocity. This time constant is about 240 us for a 100 kV proton beam passing through hydrogen at a pressure of 2 x 10-torr. It depends only very weakly on energy, being about 340 us at 20 keV. · Electrons are lost most readily in the ac- celerating gaps. This loss is avoided auto- matically by the use of a solenoidal magnetic lens for focusing. It also can be avoided by deaccelerating the ion beam before J.t caters the field free region. The accel-decel arrange- ment also 18 used in the OGRA and ALICE crossed- field sources, but in this case only electrons formed in the vicinity of the extraction gap are affected. The transverse magnetic field pre- vents migration of electrons from the drift space into the vicinity of the source. The effect of neutralization is shown ir Figure 9.2 These beams both are 50 mA at 60 keV of total hydrogen ion current. They have been incoming beam. There was also an intense cc:! ponent in the form of a collimated rod on ax: We believe that the central rod is caused by trapping of ions in the potential well of a : virtual cathode formed by the electrons osci:. lating radially in the symmetrical space cha. field. A 15 V potential difference can trap 30 keV ions which would otherwise be divergi: at an angle of less than 1t . · This phenomeno is particularly unfortunate since, if the ior. formed the kind of cross-over expected from geometrical optics, the current density of a beam could be increased by collimating it just beyond the cross-over. . ..' . . . . P... ... - - - - - wniowardeer BLANK PAGE - - - - - که نا نا نادا لمب iota با: 64 المنار، راه من ، مد، . - ..د: beam velocity. This time constant 18 about 240 us for a 100 kV proton beam passing through bydrogen at a pressure of 3 x 10° torr. It depends only very weakly on energy, being about 340 us at 20 keV. :. Electrons are lost most readily in the ac- celerating gaps. This loss is avoided auto- matically by the use of a solenoidal magnetic lens for focusing. It also can be avoided by deaccelerating the ion beam before it erters the field free region. The accel-decel arrange- mcat albo 16 used in the OCRA and ALICE crossed- field sources, but in this case only electrons formed in the vicinity of the extraction gap are affected. The transverse magnetic field pre- vents migration of electrons from the drift space into the vicinity of the source. . The effect of neutralization is shown in Figure 9. These beams both are 50 mA at 60 keV of total hydrogen ion current. They have been CIOSS-OVET'únic UCjuidio bobl swine... mais tribution in chis beam was studied by means a differential calorimeter probe. We found : beyond the crn88-over, most of the beam curr. was flowing in a hollow cone having a diver: angle about twice the convergence angle of ti. incoming beam. There was also an intense cc: ponent in the form of a collimated rod on ax: We believe that the central rod is caused by trapping of ions in the potential vell of a :. virtual cathode formed by the electrons osci: lating radially in the symmetrical space cha. field. A 15 V potential difference can trar 30 keV ions which would otherwise be divergi: at an angle of less than 1t. This phenomen 1.8 particularly unfortunate since, if the lor. formed the kind of cross-over expected from geometrical optice, the current density of a beam could be increased by collimating it just beyond the cross-over. . formed . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Fig. 9 - A 50 mA 60 keV Hat Beam; (a) without Space Charge Neutralization, (b) with Space Charge Neutralization. fig. 10 - Behavior of an Intense Beari beyond Cross-Over. The beam is composed of hellum 1 at 30 keV. BLANK PAGE " . . !!! W iny , H .: -- ... . 111 Cor.trol of the Emission Surface The exceptionally high value of effective brightness for the Livermore crossed-field source may be due to the fact that the ion emission sur face is controlled by the electron beam in the source and the parallel magnetic field, and is flat. Tao X19yuwetric sources do not permit a direct control of the plasma emission surface. The problem was reviewed by Gabovich. Later Gabovich et al. allowed a considerable expansion of the source plasma before extraction. 2 Books et al. 22 found that the resulting plasma surface had a central convex bulge, and that this bulge could be eliminated by making tiae walls of the expansion chamber conical. When a strong . magnetic field is present, however, the situa. tion again is difficult. Experiments made using & small auxiliary coil around the expansion chamber to control the magnetic field at its surface yielded greatest beam intensity when the coil was adjusted to produce zero field at the surface. Another smaller optimum was found when the sense of the auxiliary coil was reversed a a nlue walch produced i parallel megetic che at the surface. In the null field case the symmetry of the extracted beam is disturbed asily by the effect of small assymmetries in the coil, or by small stray magnetic fields. . Evidence of dirriculties at the plasma cu tace is found in the fact that in axisymmetris systems whenever the current is maximized thr. an aperture, the current density is sharply peaked on axis. Migure 11 shows a example o: this effect. These scans were made using the differential calcrimeter probe shown in Figuri: 12.31 New equipment recently designed will make it possible to study the angular distribu tion of the beam rays as well as the intensit: distribution. It will be possible then to te: whether the fault is dominirarm emission at ti. plasma surface, variations in the radius or curvature of the plasma surface, or a combinat. of both. wasion che hated by make and that the surface Conclusion The performance of some ion beam systems used in thermonuclear research has been descr!! In all cases average current densities obtaine .. normalized to constant convergence angle have been less by more than two orders of magnitude than should be obtainable with perfect optics. 1 . -CELL AT 470°C Hº 20-KOV EQUIVALENT CURRENT TOTAL HO THROUGH CELL CELL COOL H-PARAMETERS ADJUSTED FOR MAXIMUM CURRE FOR THIS RADIUS TOTAL BEAM 220 mA CURRENT DENSITY (MA/cm2) Hot 40-keV- CURRENT E savaduouw KOV EQUIVALENT CURRENT TOTAL HAY THROUGH CELL Hat 40-KOV CURRENT TOTAL BEAM 220 mA 2 O Q5 1.0 1.5 2.0 BEAM RADIUS (cm) 2.5 3.0 PROBE POSITION (cm) BLANK PAGE . I .: W :: .- W y TAW" .. " " S pr, . : . . ... * - TYTTIST WICK ** ** . . die Wuual... ".com dor...... .......... Qabovich et al. allowed a considerable expansion of the source plasm before catruction. Books et al. 4* found that the rerulting planne surface had a central convex bulge, and that this bulge could be eliminated by making the walls of the expansion chambar conical. When a strong aumetic field is present, however, the situa- tion agin is difficult. Experiments made using a small auxiliary coll around the expansion chamber to control the mugoretic field at its surface yielded createst beam intensity when the coil was adjusted to produce zoro field at the surface. Another smaller optimum was found when peaked an axis. Figure ll shows an example o!'. this effect. Thes0 SCDS were made using the dirfarantial calorimeter probe shown in Figure 12. Pew equipment recently designed will make it possible to study the angular distribu tion of the beam rays as well as the intensit: distribution. It will be possible then to tei!. whether the fault is nominirarm emission at ts. plasma nurface, variations in the radius or.. curvature of the plasma surface, .or a combinat: of both. Conclusior • 180 The performance of some ion beam systems used in thermonuclear research has been descril' In all cases average current densities obtaino:.. normalized to constant convergence angle have been less by more than two orders of magnitude. than should be obtainable with perfect optics. -CELL AT 470 °C * 400 * . . . - . -HO 20-KOV EQUIVALENT CURRENT . -. TOTAL HO THROUGH CELL CELL COOL - -PARAMETERS ADJUSTED FOR MAXIMUM CURRE FOR THIS RADIUS TOTAL BEAM ?20 mA CURRENT DENSITY (MA/cm, Hat 40-kev CURRENT 80 milliamperes KEV EQUIVALENT CURRENT . TOTAL HY THROUGH CELL - K&V CURRENT TOTAL BEAM 220 mA - 20 0 0.5 1.0 2.5 3.0 PROBE POSITION (cm) 1.5 2.0 BEAM RADIUS (cm) Fig. ll - Radial Current Distribution in a Beam with Parameters adjusted to maximize Current , through a 4.2 cm Diameter Aperture. Fig. 12 - Total Current as a Function of Radius for the Current Distribution in Fig. ll. . . i . . .. . .. . 6 ! . . " ... ., IFE. . ! L . . 11 .. :: JA :: : . . . 2 YTY. T' N BLANK PAGE References # - - - - BEAM Proceedings of the IAEA Conference on Plas: Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Re. search, Salzburg, 1961, J. Plasma Phys. and Thermonuclear Fusion, Part 1, 1962 Supplement. - - - - - - WONOWYWNO! . . Proceedings of the Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Re- search, Culham, CN-21/112 (1965). . - - VIEW A-A - - (3) 8. Wroe, Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Dept. AGS Internal Repts. HW-1, HW-2, and HW-3, (1965-66). -Ve-in.-THICK WATER- COOLED TARGET TOP PLATE (4) A. van Steenbergen, "Recent Developments In High Intensity Ion Beam Production and Preacceleration," IEME Transactions on liuc · Science, NS-12, No. 3, June, 1965. (5) P. M. Morozov and L. N. Pilgunov, "A Sourc of Molecular Hydrogen Ions for the 'OGRA' Apparatus," Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 8, 347 (1963). DIRECTION OF SCAN 74-in.- THICK WATER- COOLED TARGET BOTTOM PLATE 12.15-mm? EXPOSED AREA Fig. 13 . Differential Calorimetric Probe used for Obtaining Results shown in Fig. 11. . L. Bezbatchenko, V. V. Kuznetsov, N. P. Malakhov, and N. N. Semashko, "Injec. tion of an Ion Beam into the Magnetic Mirr Machine OGRA;" Plasma Phys. (J. of Nuc. Energy Part ć) 6, 301 (1964). (7) . L. I. Artemenkov, N. I. Klochkov, V. V. Kuz netzov, V. M. Kulygin, N. P. Malakhov, P. A. Mikhin, D. A. Panov, V. S. Svishcher, and N. N. Sema shko, "An Injector of Fast Hydrogen Atoms," Proc. VII Int. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Belgrade, 1965. (8) This effect can be seen by substituting kr/v for (dz + d2)/L, the square of the convergence angle, into the formula for effective brightness. flere kI is the ion temperature in eV at the emission surface, which is probably less than I eV. The conclusion is also born out by the experiments of Wroe and others.,26 Fluctuations in the ion current emitted 1'rom the source affect intensity since they prevent the beam from being space-charge neutralized at all times, but in nost cases the shape of the plasma emission surface and spatial nonuniformity are probably sore important factors. The presence of electron trapping regions when there is a magnetic field in an accelerating Column has a marked effect on the voltage holding apability of the column. These regions can be eliminated by careful design. : The MMII Injector has not been discussed since it produces an inward-directed flow of Lons from an annular source. It does not pro- Juce'an ion beam. J. Kistemaker, P. K. Rol, and J. Politiek, "Some Plasma-Physical Aspects of Mono- and Duo-Plasmatron Ion Sources," Nuc. Instr. 8: Methods 38, 1 (1965). .. (9 F. J. Gordon und C. C. Damm, "High Intensit Source of 20-KeV Hydrogen Atoms," R.S.I. 31 963 (1963). See also Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Progress Repts. UCRL-14285 and UCRL-50002. (10) M. von Ardenne, Tabellen der Electronen- physik, Ionenphysik, and Übermikroskopie, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin (1956). (11) J. R. Pierce, Theory and Design of Electror. Beams (D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New .. York, 1954), 2nd edition... (12) G. G. Kelley, N. H. Lazar, and 0. B. Morgan "A Source for the Production of Large DC Ton Currents," Nuc. Instr. and Methods 10, 263 (1961). BLANK PAGE D. P. Hammond and D. R. Sweetman, "The Phoenix-II Injector and Burial Lime Commis- sioning," Proc. 4th Symposium on Engineering Problems in Thermonuclear Research, Free- catti, 1966. (28) See papers presented at the 1966 Linear Accelerator Conference by Sluyters (Brook- haven), Vosicki et al. (CERN), end Faure et al. (Saclay). (14) J. Haguenin and R. Dubois, "Measurement of a High Gradient Accelerator Tube Model- Investigation of the Properties of Titanium Electrodes," CERN, 65-23. (15) 0. B. Morgan, G. G. Kelley, and R. C. Davis, . "The Technology of Intense DC Ion Beams, R.S.I. (to be published). (16) Thermonuclear Div. Semian. Progr. Rept. July 31, 1959, ORNL-2802. See also Thermo- nuclear Div. Progr. Rept. February 1, 1961- (17) Thermonuclear Proj. Semiann. Rept. January 31, 1960, ORNL-2926, p. 60. LEGAL NOTICE This report ms prepared as an account of Government sponsored worteMatthwes the United tour pround or implied, with repect to the NCC- racy, completeness, or unstulpeus of the taformation contained han this report, or to the wo A. Makes nay warranty or representation, of any information, apparitus, method, or procese declared to the report may in B. Asmmes any liabilities with respect to the wood, or for duman mondeling uw of any information, appunto, method, or process dlaclound to the reporte As und in thise above, “per non acting on behalf of the Comunitetom" that ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employna of mua contractor such employee or contractor of the Commissjon, or employee of much disseminatos, or provides accou to, any information permint to bene with the Commission, or wo employment with such contractor. privately owned rights; or (18) W. R. Gambill, R. D. Bundy and R. W. Wans- brough, "Heat Transfer, Burnout and Pressure Drop for Water in Swirl Flow Tubes with In ternal Twisted Tapes," Chem. Eng. Symp. Series 57, 32 (1961). :19) Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Progr. Rept. April 30, 1966, ORNL-3989, p. 89. :20) O. F. Poroshin and J. Coutant (unpublished). 21) R. A. Demirkhanov, H. Freulich, v. V. Kur. sanov, and T. I. Gutkin, "A Collection of High Energy Accelerator Papers from U.S.S.R." BNL Report 767 (C-36), 1962, 224. 22) G. G. Kelley and O. B. Morgan, "Space Charge Neutralized Ion Beams," Physics of Fluids 4, 1446 (1961). 23) Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Progr. Rept. October 31, 1964, ORNL-3760, p. 64. 24) M. D. Gabovich, "Extraction of Ions from Plasma Ion Sources and Primary Function of Ion Beams, " Trans. in Instr. and Exp. Techniques No. 2, 195 (1963). 25) M. D. Gabovich, L. L. Pasechnik, and L. I. Romanyuk, "Plasma Penetration Boundary and Plasma Focusing," Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 6, 61 (1961). B. Brooks, P. H. Rose, A. B. Wittkower and R. P. Bastide, "Production of Low Di- vergence Positive Ion Beams of High Intensi- ty," R.S.I. 35, 894 (1964). 27) Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Progr. Rept. : October 31, 1966, p. 88. TE w END DATE FILMED 0 / 21 / 167 tit