. . > . . "". ! _:. : 7. I OFI ORNL P 2880 parents F 4 . • . . : en .** : . . . 1. . .. . . EEEEEEEE 11:25 | 1.4 1.6 . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 CESTI PRICES 1 1967 Conf. 670602-05 *493.00, mails MAR REACTOR NOISE ANALYSIS USING A PULSE TYPE DETECTOR* J. Richard Trinko, Jr. and S. H. Hanaue: The University of Tennessee . and MASTER *** D. P. Roux and J. T. De Lorenzo Oak Ridge National Laboratory . January 1967 LP Reactor fluctuation studies using pulse detectors (1, 2) have been ! extended using a new counter (3) with a collection time of 60 nsec. Pulses T !. SITY . . were applied to amplifiers and a discriminator with 100-MHz. response, followed by current integration in a counting-rate meter with RC = 154 sec. The overall double-pulsu resolving time was ~130 nsec. Fluctuations in · counting rate were analyzed as previously described(2) for current fluctuations. Experimentation was perforined with the same Pool Critical Assembly core loading as that used in earlier noise measurements (4) and in pulsed. neutron measurements (5). . In phase I (Table I), counting loss was made negligiwly small by reducing the neutron flux level. Tape recordings of the reactor noise were . made at critical, -1$, -2$, and -4$. A point reactor model was least-squares fitted to the experimentally determined power spectral density (PSD). Inferred. T ' . . . . . . . . . 1 : values for generation time and reactivity for the pulse system, and for a 5 . * current system used as reference are in satisfactory agreement with each . pulse detection efficiency are thought to result from distortions in flux distri- bution due to changes in rod positions. The current detector was located where it would be relatively unaffected by these changes. 17 *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation and the University of Tennessee. an DISTRIBUTOR OF THIS DOCUMENU IS UNLIMITED In phase II, the effect of a gamm; background on the observed spectrum at constant reactivity was investigated using a 42,000-curie buco source. The detector was insensitive to gamma flux less than 104 rad/hr. Above this level, however, space charge within the counter caused a reduction in pulse size. Some neutrcn-induced pulses were lost thereby, thus reducing the apparent detection efficiency (Table 1). Above 105 rad/hr, the efficiency deteriorated rapidly with increasing gamma flux, regardless of the magni- tude of the neutron flux. In a current detector, on the other hand, the effective efficiency depends on the flux ratio Ph /4x76); no upper limit or tr has yet been found (7). The results given in Table I show that the reactivity could be determined from the counter data at background gamma flux levels up to ~105 rad/hr. In phase III, the effect of high counting rates was investigated with the reactor critical; counting loss was controlled by varying the neutron flux. The counting loss was calibrated experimentally as a function of counting rate by comparing counting rates of two similar pulse systems, of which one had a detector less sensitive by a factor of 9. The observed effect of counting loss upon the PSD is twofold: first, detection efficiency decreases with increasing counting loss; second, the amplitude of the PSD at high counting rates does not bear the expected relationship to the counting rate. The spectrum shapes were not distorted in the range 1-2000 Hz, however, and a counting loss of 19% changed the estimate of generation time by only ~5%. In phase IV, a scaler followed by a second discriminator was inserted between the first discriminator and the counting-rate meter. A scale factor 1 : of 8 was used with the reactor 1$ subcritical. The spectrum obtained is identical to that obtained for the - 1$ case of phase I. In conclusion, it appears that the pulse system is equivalent to the current system, and that the systems have different advantages and limi- tations. Development of counters with shorter resolving time (to decrease counting loss) and with the capability of operation in higher gamma fluxes would increase the area of applicability of pulse systems. We gratefully acknowledge the expertise of the PCA Operating Group and the technical assistance of G. C. Guerrant and C. B. Stokes , LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, aor any person acting on behalf or the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completene88, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of ny Information, aparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any infoi nation, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that sich employee or contractor of the Commission, or employoe of such contractor prepares, Gioveminates, or provides access to, ary information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Coramission, or his employu nt with such contractor. 1. J. R. Trinko, Jr., S. H. Hanauer, A. R. Buhl, and D. P. Roux, "Subcritical Reactivity Measurements Using Fluctuations from a Pulse Type Detector," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 9, 523 (1966), 2. V. Rajagopal, "Noise Analysis in Nuclear Systems," AEC Syniposium Series, Vol. 4, 427 (1964). 3. Reuter Stokes Electronics Components, Inc., Model 251, RSN-42A. 4. C. W. Ricker, S. H. Hanauer, and E. K. Mann, "Measurement of Reactor Fluctuation Spectra and Subcritical Reactivity," ORNL-TM- 1066, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1965). 5. R. Perez-Balles, G. deSaussure, and E. G. Silver, "Neutron Physics Division Annual Progress Report, September 1, 1.960," ORNL-3016, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1961). . 6. D. P. Roux, "Optimization of Reactor Shutdown Margin Measurements in High Gamma Fluxes," Trans. Arn. Nucl. Soc., 9, 523, (1966). 7. W. E. Ford and S. H. Hanauer, "Measurement of Gamr.a Effects on Observed Subcritical Power Spectral Density," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 9, 508, (1966). ng Table I. Comparison of Experimental Results Control Rod Phase Positions b I 000 Gamma Flux (rad/ir) Counting Loss (%) Experimentally De- termined Reactor Parameterc, e Detector Efficiency (detecjions/fission) Experiment negligible 0.939 +0.008 2.77 $ 0.02 3.14 # 0.01 A: 70.3 + 0.6 71.03 0.6 68.031.0 68.35 0.8 F:-1.10 + 0.03 -1.00+ 0.04 000 negligible 0.927 + 0.022 2.57 + 0.07 ⓇOO negligible 1.05 +0.04 2.67 + 0.1! OO @ negligible 1.15 + 0.09 2.61 + 0.16 II000 negligible 1.0 x 104 3.3 x 104 6.4 x 104 1.4 x 105 P: -1.95 $ 0.07 -1.78 + 0.08 -1.99 $ 0.02 -1.73 $ 0.04 P: -4.58 + 0.25 -3.81 + 0.16 -4.49 $ 0.06 -5.13 + 0.18 pi-1.28 $ 0.03 -1.21 $ 0.04 -1.05 0.05 -1.08 $ 0.05 -1.05 $ 0.09 : 58.95 0.8 69.7 + 0.6 69.4 + 0.7 69.4 + 0.5 66.35 1.0 III TII 000 1.13 $ 0.02 0.977 + 0.025 0.69 0.025 0.489 + 0.026 0.178 +0.012 0.957 + 0.012 0.962 + 0.009 0.932 $ 0.010 0.868 $ 0.007 0.712 * 0.013 0.6 1.5 4.3 10 19.3 IV 000 0.951 + 0.041 ·p: -1.16 + 0.07 B . .. . .. Table I. Comparison of Experimental Results (continued) Notes: a. A - This experiment, pulse system. : - This experiment, current system. . C. W. Ricker et al; see reference 4. . R. Perez-Belles, et al; see reference 5. Denotes a control rod partially inserted. Denotes a control rod fully withdrawn. @ Denotes a control rod fully inserted. c. The errors given are based on observed statistical fluctuations only. d. The reactiyities listed are expected to be $0.15 larger than the others because a 'He current chamber replaced a BF3 current chamber. e. Reactivity pin $; generation time in u gec. 2. Woi. . . . - . . . . . . . . : N: SI 1. 11 : " 4. . .. 1, whitiwiti * ** Why el . . . + 6 / 7 /67 DATE FILMED END . . - -