- . TOFT ORNL P À 1 . . . . ' - * .:. . . . . . A 28| i . z i : , . A . 4 , $ LO ; EEEEEEEE M | i MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 HIPERTY.htm, ... tra" . Paper to be presentci at Symposium on "Nondestructive Testing of Welds" to be held at IIT Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois, January 30-February 1, 1967. ORN P-2811 conf- 6 620'! INSPECTION OF SMALL SPECIALTY WELDS AND BRAZED JOINTS FOR NUCLEAR SERVICE* CFSTI PRICES FEB 1 1967 R. W. McCzung Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 49.83.00, mn.65 RELEASED FCS AXXCUNCEMENT IN NUCLSAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS INTRODUCTION There are numerous components and assemblies used in nuclear reactors which require joining by welding or brazing. Many of the joints involved are small and complex and require the development of special fabrication procedures and sophisticated nondestructive inspection techniques to assure dependable service. The primary Ounction of many welded or brazed junctions is to withstand loads and thereby serve as integral parts of structural members. For many of the configurations discussed in this paper, the structural requirements are secondary and the principle demand of the joints is to serve as a sealant to prevent mixing of different environments or to pro- vide adequate heat transfer. These latter demands impose more stringent quality requirements than necessary for strength alone. The test methods which have been applied include ultrasonics, radiography, liquid pene- trants, and helium leak testing. Some selected techniques developed at tihe Oak Ridge National Laboratory are presented in this paper. CLOSURE WELDS A common configuration encountered in nuclear materials development is a metal tube with caps welded into each end to form a closed capsule *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . containing nuclear fuel or some other material which must be sealed and sesarsted from the surroundings. Configurations of his":type are, for Zunpic, uerd se actual fuel rods for powering a nuclear reactor, or may represent simulated fuel rods for in-reactor tests to study irradiation . effects. Three weld configurations commonly used involve butt, edge, and plug closures as shown in Fig. 1. The choice of configuration is fre- quently made by the designer although it may be influenced by welding or inspection personnel in the interest of providing greater reliability in the fabrication and evaluation steps. The design which is optimum for fabrication may not always be optimum for evaluations. EGCR Fuel Rods The fuel rod for the Experimentai Gas-Cooled Reactor (GCR) was approximately 28 in. long and consisted of annular pellets of UO2 con- tained in a 3/4-in. -diam by 0.020-in. -thick-wall type 304 stainless steel tube. The tube was closed at each end with edge-welded end caps. A number of nondestructive tests (1) were applied to each of the components to assure integrity before assembly into fuel rods, after welding, and after assembly into fuel rod bundles. The nondestructive methods used for the closure welds included helium leak testing, liquid-penetrant, examination, and radiography. Since radioactive gaseous fission products are generated by the nuclear fuel during reactor operation, the closure welds in this application were required not only to provide mechanical strength but also to serve as seals to contain the fission products which if released would contaminate the reactor coolant system. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsorod work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or ropresontation expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- l'acy, completone9s, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the wo of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringo privately ownod rights; or B. Asnumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages rosulting from the use of any information, apparatus, mothod, or proceds disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" lacludes any on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the oxtent that such omployse or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor preparan, disseminatea, or provides access to, any Information pursuant to die employmeat or contract with the Commission, or his omploymont with such contractor. Figure 2 is a photograph of the end-closure weld in en EGCR fuel rod. The p:in on the end cap is 0.2.00 in. in diameter; the weld was approximately 0.040 in. wide at its base and the penetration was approximately 0.020 in. A mass spectrometer heliun-leak test was 118ed to detect the presence of defects through which the fibicn gas could be released. Two methods were used in those cases where the first closure weld was inspected prior to loading the fuel rod. For the first method, the vacuum manifold of the leak detector was attached to the open end of the capsule tube and the closure weld was placed in an envelope of helium at atmospheric pressure. Thus, a leak would have permitted helium to be drawn into the detector system. The fabrication process required that the final closure weld be made in a dry box containing a helium atmosphere. This entrepped the helium within the capsule. Thus, for the second method the completed capsule was placed in a chamber and the chamber was evacuated of all gas so that any leak in the capsule would allow helium to escape and be detected. A capsule was considered rejectable if it presented an indication equivalent to that from a reference standard with a leak rate of 7 x 10-9 std cm/sec. Both postemulsified and water-washable fluorescent penetrants were used to detect surface discontinuities which extended to the outer surface but did not completely penetrate the weld because of its higher sensitivity and greater ease of control. The posteinulsified process became the stan- dard process. Some carly difficulty was encountered with resiâual back- ground fluorescence due to the presence of an oxide fiin on the welded surface. However, a quick polishing operation with a fine grade of emery paper prior to the penetrant application solved this problem. Every pene- trant indication was evaluated by physical removal of the discontinuity and reexamination of the surface; any defect which exceeded a depth of 0.0025 in. was considered cause for rejection. WOS Radiographic inspxction was performed to detect internul defects such as pores and inclusions which neither connected to the outer surface nor offered a through path for leakage from the interior of the capsule. The ponsible orientations of the radiation beam and film relative to the weld made the ủetection of cracks and lack of penetration improbable. Two radiographic techniques were developed and each gave canparable results. In the first technique, illustrated in Fig. 3, the weld was radiographed directly through the masked 0.200-in.-diam pin of the end cap. The type 304 stainless steel mask, which fit snugly around the cap config- uration, increased the total thickness of the metal between the radiation source and the weld to 0.250 in. In the absence of the mask, the minimum detectable defect size ranged from 0.004 to 0.006 in. as limited by the film and other considerations, exclusive of the specimen thicknese. This m?nimum size was still attainable through the 0.250-in. mask even though the available subiect contrast was decreased. The principal advantages of the mask were that it eliminated effects due to undercutting and scattering from the pin and a uniform exposure was attained wer the portion of the weld being examined. This technique required five exposures around the circumferential weld at 72-deg intervals. The penetrameter used was an 0.005-in.-thick shim of type 304 stainless steel containing an 0.005-in. -diam hole. This penetrameter was placed on the mask and the image of the 0.005-in. hole was plainly visible of all radiographs. In the second radiographic technique, illustrated in Fig. 4, the fuel capsule wus inclined ut un angle to prevent the end-cap pin·from interfering with the weld image. This technique provided better contrast because less ni specimen thickness was involved. However, the minimum detectable defect size was essentially the same as that for the masking technique. In addition, . ..at sona interprctution difficulties were encountered due to the very small weld image and the large variations in thickness through which the radiation passed immediately adjacent to the weld. This technique required four expo- sures around the circumferential weld at 90e intervals. The 0.005-in.-thick penetrometer with the 0.005-in. hole was placed directly on the weld bead and the hole was readily visible on the radiographs. Other Closure Welds Numerous other closure weids in fuel rods, in-reactor test capsules, and similar components have been examined. The same general methods dis- cussed above for the EGCR fuel rods were employed. The techniques for the liquid penetrant and helium leak testing examinations have been quite simi- lar. The radiographic technique has varied somewhat depending upon the configuration. For instance, if an edge-closure weld similar to that for the EGCR ruel rod is used but there is little or no central pin, the problem is simplified and the relative alignment of x-ray bearn and film placeme at are shown in Fig. 3 except that no mask is used. In this case the contrast may be improved because of reduced specimen thickness, but generally the minimum detectable flaw size is not significantly affected. The butü weld, although easiest to inspect radiographically, is not l'avored by the fabri- cators because of joint-alignment problems. Frequently, a modification of the simple plug weld shown in Fig. 1 is used. The inspectability of plug welds varies according to the design details of the end plug and weld. For instance, if the interior portion of the plug can be removed by machining, the joint is very similar to a butt joint with a backup reinforcing ring to provide alignment. With this design, the x ray can be readily transmitted through the rod and high contrast and good defect detectability can be achieved because the weld constitutes a major portion of the total thickness. For sma 11-diameter rods, adequate resolution is possible on that portion of the weld adjacent to the film as well as that on the source side. Thus, twc exposures at 90-deg-rotation intervals are adequate for complete coverage. If the plug cannot be hollowed, the weld is a smaller proportion of the speci- men thickness and Image contrast and resolution are thereby reduced. In such cases, we have found that special masking techniques (2) improve quality by minimizing scatter and undercut. For me.sks, we use plates of the same material as the rods with a thickness approximately 1/32 in. greater than the rod diam- eter. Holes a few mils larger in diametert than therrods arelárilled parallelito the plate surface. When the closure welds are placed into the snugly fitting holes, we have effectively changed the circular specimen (with varying specimen thickness and bad scattering properties) into a flat specimen with reduced scattering problems. With such a configuration, it is possible for a single radiogieph to provide an evaluation of the complete circumferential wela. An example of a plug-type closure weld with added complications was encountereà in a reactor-test capsule made of beryllium. In thin sections, beryllium is almoet transparent to x reys and, in fact, is used as the window for low-flitration X-ray tubes. Therefore, to achieve adequate absorption and contrast, special low-voltage techniques were required. (3) The x-ray energy was approximately 11 kvp, and at this energy almost any material can be considered a significant absorber. To achieve the desired results, we removed all unnecessary attenuators between the x-ray source and the radiographic film. Removal steps included using an x-ray tube with a very thin beryllium window (0.008 in. thick), displacing the air with helium, and using no film cassette. The latter, of course, required the x-ray exposure to be made under darkroom conditions. No masking was used because for the low energies involved, under- cutting and scattering were not encountered. Figure 5 is a radiograph of two of the 3/8-in.-diam capsules showing some of the weld porosity detected. " . . . . . . . . . . . . Another plug-closure weld with added complications was on a 3/8-in.-dian- aluminum capsule used as a target for the Transuranium Program. The capsule contained such highly radioactive material that it was restricted to hot cells with thick-shielding walls. We had earlier conducted a study (4) to deterrine the capabilities and limitations for conducting radiography in the presence of high-background radiation. We established for certain cases the tolerance to varying energies and intensities of background radiation for useful radiography and, in addition, studied methods of reestablishing interpretable images on film which had been subjected to large overdoses of 'oackground radiation. As a result of these studies, we felt that the necessary radiography ccula be performed. Mechanical fixtures were designed and fabricated to hold the x-ray tube, capsule, end film container in proper alignment. These fixtures are shown in a mockup facility in Fig. 6. The film container was heavily shielded with uranium to prevent exposure of the film except during actual radiography. The container was made on the "carousel" principle and portions on a strip film were successively indexed into a window position for the radiographic exposures and then reindexed into the circular shielding. Radiographs were made for evaluation of the closure welds and also for assembly evaluation of the capsule contents. Acceptable radiographs have been obtained despite a radiation field from the rod of grcater than 103.000 R/hr. BRAZEND JOINTS Many brazed-joint configurations have been evaluated by nendestructive means. The primary function of the brazed joint: has varied from mechanical strength to heat transfer to sealant. According.ly, the test method and required sensitivity have varied. The most commonly used method of test has been ultrasonics although on occasion radiography is applicable. Prototype *Accordion-Fold" Heat Exchanger One of the evaluation problems oul brazed joints involved a heat exchanger configuration in which a ribbed-channel aluminum extrusion contained one fluid and an 0.010-in.-thick-aluminum "accordion-foid" fin was bonded to the channel to provide a large heat transfer area for contact with a second lid. Figure 7 is a drawing of a section of the heat exchanger with the collimated ultrasonic transducer in position over one of the linear-brazed seams. Very small-diameter collimation was necessary to restrict the sound beam to only the seam, thus avoiding many confusing signals which could arise if the sound heam struck the angular folds. At 5 Mc we found that a nonbond area provided a single sharp reflection quite similer to that transmitted from the transducer. Where good bonding had been achieved the returning echo was more elongated and, in addition, there were many trailing echoes 'fromtthe::structure of the extruded channel. Linear motion along the seam allowed complete scanning of the brazed. joint. Liquíd-Metal Poiler Two other types of brazed joints were encountered on a single component. (5) This unit was a liquid-metal boiler which consisted in part of a 0.375- by 0.025-in.-wall type 347 stainless steel tube centrally bonded to a coaxial stack 01 2-in.-thick, 5-in.-diam-copper disks. The dislis were also brazed inside a cylindrical type 310 stainless steel. jacket. A complete braze between the copper and tube was required, but the disk-to-jacket requirement was not so stringent. Again, ultrasonic techniques were selected as the most promising solution for measuring the integrity of each of the brazed areas. A Lamb-wave technique (6) was developed to locate nonbonded areas in the braze between the 3/8-in.-OD stainless steel tube and the copper disks. Figure 8 is a drawing of the two-crystal probe used to detect nonbonded areas and the associated oscilloscope: traces for bonded and nonbonded conditions. When good bonding was encountered, the ultrasound generated by the transmitter crystal was prop- Agated tīrough the wall of the tube, the braze joint, and into the base material. In a nonbonded region, the sound could not pass through the discontinuity. The conditions of incident angle of the impinging sound wave on the cladding and the ultrasonic frequency were selected to complement the ultrasonic prop- erties and thickness of the cladding so that a Tamb-wave mode could be generated in an unbonded tube. Thus, a signal would be detected by the receiver to denote the presence of a nonbond. The probe was passed longitudinally through the bore of the tube, producing a linear scan of & strip approximately 1/16 in. wide. Successive parallel scans were made after rotations of about il deg (or 1/32 in. on the tubing circumferu.ce). The system sensitivity was adjusted to detect nonbonded areas 1/8 in. by 1/16 in. Iwo ultrasonic methods were evaluated for the detection of noribonded areas in the jacket-to-copper braze. The ultrasonic rea resonance metnod using commercial instrumentation is a common approach for measurement of sheet thickness. If good bonds were present, the total specimen thickness and the high attenuation of the copper disks eliminated interpretat .d signals on the calibrated screen of the cathode-ray tube. If a nonbonded condi- tion existed, the cladding thickr.ess was readily displayed. The sensitivity with the available system was cor detection of nonbonds slightly greater than 1/8 in. dian, but considerable variation in cladding thickness could be tolerated. A slightly more sensitive ultrasonic technique, involving ultrasonic "ringing" or modified resonance, was chosen for the actual inspection Figure 9 illustrates the general principles in this technique. If pulses of ultrasound impinge on the cladding surface over an area of good bond, the time duration and shape of - .. - - no The reflected pulse are very similar to those of the incident puise. However, in the sheath is not bonded to the copper and an ultrasonic pulse of the proper l'requency is used, a "ringing" or elongation of the reflected pulse occurs. The frequency required for "ringing" must be such that, the cladding thickness is an integral number of half-wave lengths. Normally, for this condition, there is a maximum transmission of ultrasound; however, the nonbond condition prevents transnission so that a storage effecu occurs and the "ringing" pattern is observed. The cladding thickness must be rather uniform for successful application of this technique. The sensitivity achieved by the technique described was adequate for the detection of nonbonds approximately 3/32 in. in diameter. MSRE Heat Exchanger Another problem was encountered in the nondestructive testing of the bonding between brazed tube-to-header joints of a heat exchanger for the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). (7) The joint between the 0.500-in.-OD by 0.042-in.-wall tube and the 3 1/2-in.-thick-tube sheet, or header is shown in Fig. 10. The weid and back bra "a were used both for strength ani for sealing to assure that mixing did not occur between the molten fuel salt and Sure the moilton fluoride coolant sali. Helium-leak testing, radiography, and liquid- penetrant methods, somewhat similar to those described for luel-rod-closure welds, were applied to the edge weldis between the tube and header. A two- crystal f'requency-dependent ultrasonic technique and a scanning device were developed to evaluate the brazed portion of the joint. The probe design was similar to that described for the evaluation of the brazed joint between the tube and the large copper disks. A different angle of incidence for the ultra- sonic boum was used because of the (lillerence in tube material (Hastelloy N vs type 304 Stainless stec.l) und wull thickness. Because of the many short braze . .... . . . . . . ....... . ... ..... .. .. .. . . . -' 11 joints to be evaluated, it was necessary to develop a small mechanical scanner to allow precision motion of the probe while, at the same time, maintaining adequate mechanical stability. The device developed for this application is shown in Fig. 11. The active portion of the probe (the white cylinder on the left in the figure) and the two metal legs form a triangle which matches the triangular pitch of the tubes in the tube sheet. A hand-crank, worm-gear mechaniom provided a smooth rotation of the probe about its exis, allowing a uniform, continuous scan about the circumf'erence of the joint. The vertical motion was obtained by a ratchetting action in 1/16-in, increments. Two data potentiometers were incorporated with the mechanical motions to supply electri- cal signals (varying according to search unit location and attitude) to a servo-driven recorder. Thus, an x-ray plot of nonbond indications could be made. The instrumentation was calibrated using a mockup joint containing several tubes. A 1/16-in.-diam flat-bottomed hole drilled through the header material to the outer diameter of the 0.500-in. tube was used as a reference reflector in the mockup assembly. Because of geometrical considerations related to the flat-bottomed hole tangent to the curved outer surface of the tube and the focusing effect of the curved inner surface on the sound beam, the effective reflecting area of the reference hole was approximately equivalent to that or a 1/32-in.-diam circle. A more detailed explanation of the geometrical problems is found in reference 7. Because of this sensitivity enhancement for smaller discontinuities (which was confirmed by metallography), the reference hole was enlarged to 3/32 in. in diameter. This size was determined to have a reflecting arca in the test approximately equal to that of a nonbond 3/64 in. in was diameter. 12 Thermocouple Bonding The "ringing" ultrasonic technique described for the detection of nonbonded regions between the sheath and the copper disk has found frequent application for other test problems. For instance, thermocouples are gener- ally inserted into in-reactor test assemblies for monitoring and control of temperature. To assure correct temperature measurement and to minimize thermo- couple and cladding failure, thermocouples are often anchored by brazing. One such case for an instrumented fuel assembly required the brazing of a 1/16-in.- diam thermocouple sheath to the inner surface of a 3/4-by 0.020-in. stainless steel cladding. (8,9) An evaluation was desired to assure that adequate bonding had been accomplished. An ultrasonic frequency was selected to establish "ringing" in the cladding. If the thermocouple were bonded to the cladding, the effective specimen thickness at that point would be grester and the "ringing" would be dampened. If bonding were not effected, no such dampening would occur. By proper collimation of the sound beam, nonbonded regions with a length of approximately 1/32 in. were detectable. SUMMARY Radiography is a prime tool for the detection of discontinuities in small complex welds. Masking techniques improve the image quality and can reduce the number of necessary exposures. Liquid-penetrant examination and helium-leak testing are also regularly used for closure-weld examination. Ultrasonic techniques are the most useful for the detection of nonbonding in brazed joints. The techniques include the use of resonance, "ringing," Tamb waves, and reflec- tion. The choice of specific technique depends on a rumber of factors such as the thickness of cladding and substrate, the required bond quality, and the RSS accessibility of the joint to be inspected. 13 REFERENCES . 2., Robert W. McClung, "Development of Nondestructive Tests for the EGCR Fuel Assembly," Nondestructive Testing, Vol. XIX No. 5, September October, 1961. 2. A. E. Oaks, "Radiographic Inspection of Nuclear Core Materials and Com- ponents," Symposium on Nondestructive Tests in the Field of Nucler Energy, ASTM STP 223, pp. 304–319. 3. R. W. McClung, "Techniques for Low-Voltage Radiography," Nondestructive Testing 20(4), July-August 1964, pp. 248–253. 4. R. W. McClung, "Radiography in the Presence of Background Radiation," Materials Evaluation, Vol XXIII (1), January 1965, pp. 41-45. 5. K. V. Cook and R. W. McClung, "Development of ultrasonic Techniques for the Evaluation of Brazed Joints, " Welding Journal 41(9), Research Supplement 4045408S (1962). 6. D. C. Worlton, "Lamb Waves at Ultrasonic Frequencies, " Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Nondestructive Testing, Tokyo and .. Osaka, Japan, March 1960, pp. 602-608. K. V. Cook and R. W. McClung, "An Ultrasonic Technique for Evaluation of Heat Exchanger Brazed Joints," Materials Evaluation Vol. XXIV No. 2, pp. 97-100. 8. K. V. Cook, "Nondestructive Evaluations of Thermocouple-to-Tube Brazed Joints," GCR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. March 31, 1963, ORNL-3445, p. 42. 9. K. V. Cook, "Nondestructive Evaluation of Brazed Thermocouple-to-Tube Joints," GCR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Sept. 30, 1963, ORNL-3523, pp. 60-61. - - 1 W A . .. 14 LIST OF FIGURES (ORNL-IR-DWG 36021) Fig. 1. Common-Closure Wela Configurations. (ORNL- Fig. 2. Edge-Closure Weld in EGCR Fuel Rod. (ORNL-IR-DWG-43721R) Fig. 3. Masking Technique for the Radiographic Inspection of EGCR Fuel Capsule-closure Welds. (ORNL-IR;DWG. 43722) Fig. 4. Alternate Technique for the Radiographic Inspection of EGCR Fuel Capsule-Closure Welds. (Y-35860) Fig. 5. Low-Voltage Radiograph of closure Welds in Beryllium Capsules. (Photo 80325R) Fig. 5. Facility for Radiography of Capsules in a Hot Cell. (ORNL-IR-DWG 28665) big.7: Ultrasonic. Detection of Bond. Integrity iof -Brazed Joints in: Alliminum". "Accordi önHEoza". Heat Exchanger. (ORNL-IR-DWG 62733R4) Fig. 8. Lamb-Wave Probe with Indications for Different Bonding Conditions. (ORNL-IR-DWG 62732R2) 1.16. 9. Ultrasonic "Ringing" Technique for Detection of Nonbonded Areas. Fig. 10. Hastelloy N Tube-To-Header Joint in MSRE Heat (ORNL-IR-DWG 65682R) Exchanger. Fig. 11. Portable Mechanical Scanner Containing Two- Crystal Probe for Ultrasonic Inspection of Brazed Joints (Photo 59494) in MSRE Heat Exchanger. } . indd UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-OWG 36021 ISME WILL EDGE WELD BUTT WELD ...... cerita PLUG WELD .. ...... wees en Configurations for Basic End Closure Welds. . 27 . 4 - : UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 43721R RADIATION 15° ------FILM E PE 1 - 1 , - UNCLASSIFIED | CRNL LR-OWG 43722 Let - Fig : RADIATION . 다 ​1 -FILM 1 T . - | : . 1 - , I | . 1 12 - 사 ​- | 11 * 7 다 ​. , . 1 . LED 1 1 * 17 - | . , 4 + . . + . . | . | 1 11 . 1 C - | 12 1 | I - - 11 1 | 1 • • . • ' ' | , 1 1 1 " : . 1 '' 1 . 1 1 . . 1 1 A A : . 1. . 1 P LL - . . | . . . . . 2 11 ...k, FB.hypaleu, ", 4” 大 ​理​,毕业生产管中 ​!!!'E 4 / 止​, : : n. - 彝u pi中出​! L: 4,中學中 ​t J U L . . ... it t' i wu * - * * * ** … . . . - . 1.上午1: . . 1 5. ” .. 11-n.. In | 2.. : . - 量 ​, 是 ​: - * 算 ​「上 ​… 11 . 等 ​H: - . . 一下​: I -E 1 * A. - 1本​“ - | 中​, - , . . . : , “ 其一​, : - · : GTC4 14: 有了​, . 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ULTRASONIC CLEANER 40. TRANSFER ARM* 14. TARGET ELEMENT DISCHARGE TUBE * SOME COMPONENTS BEING REWORKED AT THE TIME PHOTO WAS TAKEN Fir UIT II . MINIT IIIII ITAL IIIII TI ULT IND III TU 11 III III INI INILI TI 1 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 28665 III UL TITUTI III . IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII T HUIT TITUUT III II j III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII INI UU 1 D - 1 11111 IUNI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII UNI 11 III II ILL MUUT 1 II TII JUISITI ENTE III11 III IT TRII IN MIT III IIIIIIIII II IMUNIT TUI III TUNI Sony T 1 JITIIIIIIII INITI IIIIIII II IIIIIIII TUT WATER LINE I ! DI III UITLI. IIIIIII MINIAI ITU I III III III 1 WW INI Any IIIIIIIII II COLLIMATOR * TRANSDUCER IIIII III II LIITUNUIT HUULIINIT IIIIIIIIII UNI IT MINI III III U IIIIIIIII III BILITAT II HUIT II IND II 1 III III US III III TIT INT IT INTUIT TI JI IIIIIII IIIIII Ultrasonic Nonbond Inspection on Heat Exchanger. + III he UIT ID INTUITIT II LIO TIT IIIIII 1 ITI III LIIT I I IIIIIIIIIIIIII TITUTI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII UUDII UIT TA III I III JINE UL IT IT UIT III IIIIIII 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIII WOW ' 17 2 TUTUL LUI II ITI INI IIULID LUI INTIMITEIT UIT INII UIT III ca IRI IN 131 III IU TI III UUTUUDI III III UNI INITI IUFTIT DI IIIIII MIT . III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII LIMIT IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IL TI IUNI III TUT II II UNI UNU III UUDI III ITIN III ITINI III LIII IIIIII IN MUH III TO III III II IIIII LIIT TITUTI IIIIIIIIIIIII 1 III RII III TITIL ITU. IIIIIII INT IIIIII LIITTI IIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII TIL III IIIIII II DIT DU In III III i IIIIII TUTTI 11 INILI III. III. III LIT UT UN TIL III TU IITUN III PUNITI IIIIII IIIIII TITUTI IIIIIIIIII ) PUJI EI UNITI INI MUNDI TU ! III TUNIT TII SI II BONDED AREA - UTI TI F.G. 8 ORNL-LR-DWG 62733R4 RECEIVER BASE MATERIAL TRANSMITTER NON BOND BRAZED AREA I i 17.1. Tick . !! : :.. HE rtino I . TUBE PROBE HANDLE veren er ww Region PROBE BODY INTERNAL PROBE UNDER ANNONB on Ek People SCOPE WAVEFORM, VIDEO OUTPUJA BONDED ARE A -NONBOND SIGNAL الكلما SCOPE WAVEFORM VIDEO OUTPUJE NONBONDED AL.CA . . . ," . - - -, ... : T E * " UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 62732 R2 TRANSDUCER EDIUM Tyre 310 standen. Sled SURFACE SIGNAL Horchat GOOD BOND - ELAD Town BOND AREA BASÉ MATERIAL i BOND AREA Lor X TRANSDUCER TRANSDUCER H2O MEDIUM EDIUM SURFACE SIGNAL W CLAD NONBOND SABOND AREA NONBOND BASE MATERIAL Ringing Technique • FG. 11 INIC EDGE AFTER WEIDINIO ARMANI AZING ) 1 ca. 5.236 METICAAL LABORATOR mo ntering og . : A : F 1 i .14 WO . . 3 0 ? WANA . . . . 2 . 1 . Š 1 . . - END DATE FILMED 3/14/67 1 . .. . . 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