* 1 1 13 I OFT ORNLP 326| . : .L 22:131331 L25 L4 L5 WWE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 LLL OR NL A-3261 Conf-670720-21 CESTI POICES H0 $3.00 MN. CURRENT CAPABILITIES IN ANALYSIS OF TRACE SUBSTANCES: ELECTROANALYTICAL METHODS* RECEIVED BY DTIE AUG 29 1967 ... Myron T. Kelley, Director Analytical Chemistry Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee MASTER Analyta . - + Y I .-' D .. .. . . . t - 1. This paper will attempt to present the current capabilities of electro- analytical methods in trace analysis. These techniques are particularly attrac- tive for such analyses because many of them are readily adaptable to automated and continuous measurements. All of the electroanalytical methods are solution methods and, for them to be applicable to solid or gaseous samples, suitable solutions must be prepared. Electrolytic conductivity has been used to monitor water quality for many years. While it is almost completely non-selective, it is widely used to monitor total salt concentration because of its ease of measurement. It has also been applied at times as a method of determining the endpoint of titrations. By absorbing sulfur dioxide from the atmosphere in hydrogen peroxide, the conductivity of the resulting sulfuric acid solution has been used as a continuous indication of sulfur dioxide concentration. . Glass electrodes have been in use for many years as a means of determining hydrogen ion concentration. We have always been warned that under certain condi- tions they would also be affected by the concentration of other lors, particularly by sodium ions. As the mechanism of the development of the potential in glass electrodes has become better understood, this knowledge has been applied to make electrodes which are responsive to other ions than hydrogen. This mechanism is now thought to involve an ion exchange process on the surface layer of the elec- trode, and using this hypothesis as a basis it has been possible to construct useful electrodes for a number of ions. Although these are popularly called specific ion electrodes It would be more nearly correct to say ion-selective *Research sponsored by the U. 8, Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. - . . - . . . . - - - - . . : DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED AMIT 1 . V . 1 11 I . TV . 1 YA F ir'.-4 • . . . ... ...... ........ is.. - -T , TV-NEW n: mvuw TOE"--T2*""* - TUR : WWWTAYT TY R E T EE ON ME electrodes. When two lons are present in a solution, the electrode; potential 18::. given by the following equation: E = E + Bar In ([^*] + k[B*]) where x (or frequently actually its reciprocal) is called the selectivity coeffi- cient. It is apparent that the interference of a second ion will depend strongly upon the relative concentrations of the two lons. Actually in all cases the quan- : tity measured is the activity of the ion which is a function of the lonic strength . . . and of any complexing agents which may be present. If true concentration measure- ments are desired, such electrodes can be used as Indicator's in titrations. Specific ion electrodes have been developed in a number of types. Glass electrodes are available which are responsive to Na*, **, *£* and Agt as well as to n*. Electrodes containing an insoluble precipitate in a silicon rubber matrix are available using Agi, Agbr, and Agci precipitates. The loàide con- taining electrode 18 particularly satisfactory and 18 responsive down to jodide concentrations of 10-0 M. Solid single crystal membrane electrodes are available for fluoride and sulfide measurement. The fluoride electrode works very satis- factorily down to levels of 10-0 M, and the sulfide electrode 18 said to be responsive down to 10*' M solutions of sulfide ion. A fourth type of specific ion electrode uses a membrane saturated with an organic liquid ion exchanger containing the ion to be measured. The membrane can be either an organic dialysis membrane or a porous glass frit. Those using organic membranes are made in the form of a kit so that the electrode can be renewed since the useful life of a membrane 18 relatively short (perhaps one month). Very satisfactory electrodes of this type are available for ca**, cu, divalent cations, No , and cioj, and there are undoubtedly many others which can be made. While in general the response time of these specific ion electrodes 18 slow compared to glass . [ 11 de detecte d ti - -3- electrodes for pH measurement, they are fast enough that no real difficulty is encountered. Voltammetry, the measurenent of the current at an electrode as a function of its potential, has found wide application as a method of measuring the con- centration of ions. The most widely used form of this technique, known as polarography, involves the use of a dropping mercury electrode, in which the mercury flows contimously from a very small capillary and the small drops at the opening of the capillary constitute a polarized electrode with a surface which is being constantly renewed. Most commonly the potential applied to the system 18 mire d.c. Which 18 scanned slowly through the potential range of interest. Different lons are reduced at this elentrode at different potentials, thus the method has considerable degree of selectivity which can frequently be modified or enhanced by the proper cho..ce of complexing agents in the medium selected. Ordinarily d.c. polarography is most useful in the concentration range of 2009 - 20-3 M. Variations of the technique such as the use of derivative taking circuitry or the use of a rapidly scanred potential with oscillographic recording can extend the concentration range to 100 - 2007 M. By superimposing a small a.c. potential on the d.c. potential applied to the dropping mercury elec- trode and measuring the a.c. component of the current, one obtains ver;" sensitive polarographic curves which have the form of derivatives of the conventional d.c. polarograms but which suffer from having a high background caused by the capacity of the electrode. By using a square wave a.c. potential arid suitable gating circuitry, the capacitive component can be minimized and the sensitivity capabil- ities much enhanced. It 18 thus claimed that sensitivities in the range of 100 M are attainable, but this may be difficult to utilize fully because of impurity levels in the large concentration of supporting electrolyte wich 18 required 1 w u ;":7," T * UW TFT;--- ILTE it ..''- . Holm . WOWY TITI 'S ICTY-TULIT, TYNSE " . L for this technique. By using a single stationary drop of mercury the sensitivity of voltammetry can be considerably enhanced for metals which are soluble in mercury by first applying a potential beyond the reduction potential of the metal desired and e)ectrolyzing for a considerable time. In this process a quantity of the metal is concentrated in the surface of the drop. Then by sweeping the potential back to a point below the reduction potential the metal is stripped out and the magni- tude of the peak current is a measure of the amount present. Using this technique it 18 possible to analyze trace metal.s down to 10? M or even lower. For eituations in which mercury electrodes are not suitable, such as at oxidizing potentials at which mercury dissolves, solid electrodes of platinum, gold, pyrolytic graphite, wax-impregnated graphite, or pastes of carbon in inert organic solvents have been used. The carbon and graphite electrodes are particu- larly suitable when the analysis of organic materials is involved. As previously pointed out, voltammetry 18 useful for those ions that are electroreducible or oxidizable. Metals that are commonly analyzed by such techniques at trace concentrations include po**, cut, ca**, zn**, Mnt*. So le organic materials are also determinable by these techniques. . 1 The technique of chronopotentiometry, the measurement of current as a function : of time at a fixed value of current, while it has potential applications in analysis, has found little practical use. In fact, it can be said that for determination of concentration there 18 little that can be done by chronopotenti.ometry that cannot be done better and more easily by polarography. .:: A very specialized application of voltammetry and one of considerable use in environmental analysis 18 the analysis for dissolved oxygen. A number or very succosmful commercial devices t'or this analysis are available. Some involve AINT -5- reduction of oxygen at a dropping mercury electrode, while others involve diffu- sion of the oxygen through a membrane to a solid electrode. The membrane mini.. wizes the interference of other electroreducible substances. At least one very simple device makes use of a consumable anode of such a material that. a self generating cell is formed and no externally applied potential 18 necessary. A very sensit.ve technique, but one limited to relatively pure water involves the reaction of the oxygou with thallium followed by electrochemical deteraination of the thellium hydroxide formed. Coulometry, which 16 essentially an electrochemical titration technique, would ordinarily not be thought of an a trace analysis technique, but by careful attention to details it has been used for analysis of quite small guantities, down to the range of a few micrograms or less. Constant current coulometry lnvolves the electrochemical. generation of a reagent which then reacts with the substance to be determined with the endpoint being determined by such techniques as amperometry, potentiometry, or colorimetry. The time reo "red to reach the endpoint then determines the magnitude of the titra- tion. Many titrants such as I, Brg, C1, Ag, ca*, Fe2+, sn2+, T134, No2+, ce++, OH", and #* have been successfully generated with 100% current efficiency. In controlled-potential coulonetry the electrode 18 held at a constant ..., - . potential by a potentiostat and the current required to convert a substance from one state to another 18 integrated over the course of the titration. The titration is concluded when the current falls to some preselected small fraction of its initial value. Controlled-potential coulometry can be more selective tiran constant current coulometry because the potential can be chosen such that one ion will react but others will not. Coulometry can be used to monitor substances in flowing liquid or gaseous 21. 17 MI gevang...... po o wynpuoleise, wyomon**** monitor per ,********************* ****;*!; ************, I . . . - - ... ..... . . .. ......... ..... TW ....--- W. -- W W -6- streams by measuring the current required to keep a titration vessel at a given endpoint as a constant flow of sample 18 added. Such a technique has been applied to monitoring mercaptans or sulfides in gaseous streams or to monitoring toxic amines (such as ethylene dianine) in the atmosphers. Electroanalytical methods deserve their place along with other techniques in the analysis of trece substances concerned in environmental health. : LEGAL NOTICE is This report were prepared una nocount of Government sponsored work. Netther the United Kated, not the contesten, nor any person voting on buhall at the Commdastaus .4. Mai muy warranty or representation, a n d or implied, with respect to the nood rhoy, completament, or wetlawn of the larmation contained to the report, or that we of my Information, peratura, mother, or preocu declared in this report may not futringo petrato y owned rates of 3. Apmamos muy lloblution with repoot to the wo of, or for damages rolling from the w olny taformation, apparatua, method, or prona dinalowed in the poputto ! As wood to the abovo, spornoa notteg a boall of the Cimmineboo" motions may en ļ piogu ar contractor of the Commission, as weploys of wala tatrantor, the stone ther wol employee of contrator of the Communication, or program a much contractor properesh dosaminates, or frontem nooooo ho, aby tutornatira primant to womployment on oontract with the Commission, of His employment with mode contariator. : - END - + * * 14 . '.. . t . wy YO 14155 AWA L . 5 . DATE FILMED 10 / 4 /67 . . R.. . . Ei". T IT.