I OFL. ORNL P 3229 - *. N . .. . . : 1.0 EEEFEEFE . .. 01.25 1.4 16 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNL P-3229 Conf. 6702.j. RECEIVED BY DTIE AUG 29.1967 TS . .. 11. 03.00:MN_65 A : MASTER "Problems and Successes in the First Major Maintenance Performed in the Transuranium Processing Plant" - " ! -- - by : J. L. Matherne. E. D. Collins W. W. Evans - - - - - LEGAL NOTICE This report was propured as an account of Government sponsored work. Nolther the United States, nor the Commissior, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makos any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this roport, or that the wo of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the uso of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process disclosed in thio roport. As used in the abova, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any on- ployer or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides accouo to, any Information pursuant to bli omployment or contract with the Commission, or bio employment with such contractor, - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Research sponsored by the Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED "Problems and Successes in the First Major Maintenance Performed in the Transuranium Processing Plant" J. L. Matherne, E. D. Collins, and W. W. Evans Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Abstract Major 'maintenance that was performed after seven months of operation demonstrated that we could successfully handle all the maintenance problems and techniques that are expected to be encountered in the foreseeable future in the Transuranium Processing Plant. The equipment racks in one procèssing cubicle were l'emoved and modified, and extensive revisions and replacements were made in the corresponding tank pit. The maintenance was accomplished without significant mechanical, radiation, or contamination problems, and the facility was returned to full-scale operation. 2. . Introduction . . . . . . . . - : . . The Transuranium Processing Plant (TRU) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is operated in conjunction with the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) to provide gram quantities of many of the transuranium elements, . and milligram quantities of sove of the transcalifornium elements, for Research sponsored by the U. &. Atomic Energy Commisssion under con- tract with the Union Carbide Corporation use in research laboratories throughout the world. Detailed descrip- tions of the TRU facility have been presented in the literature idees. During the seven months of operating this facility, we experienced several equipment problems each of which, although not sufficiently serious to force a plant shutdown per se, caused inefficiencies in some of the operations. However, in March 1967, becauce of an accumu- 2 lation of problems, and because of a desire to make a number of process improvements, we decided to shut the plant down for major maintenance. It is the purpose of this paper to describe how the maintenance methods originally devised for TRU were applied and to what extent are discussed; however, major emphasis is placed on equipment handling, radiation, and contamination. In the initial period of operation, satisfactory operating methods for dissolution, plutonium recovery, and actinide purification were established. While the flowsheets for the actinide separation processes were tested and used on a semi-laboratory scale to recover significant quantities of the transcurium iso topes, normal operation of the plant-scale equipment for these separations has not yet been achieved. Feed material has consisted of “Pu from irradiations that were begun up to two years ago at the Savannah River Production Plant. The SRP-irradiated material involved two batches of slugs: four HFIR prototypes (each containing 10 g of <**Pu) and six SRP slugs origi- nally containing 200 g of 242pu. The isotopes that were recovered from these SRP materials are listed in Table 1. - - - - - - - - Table 1. Material Recovered in TRU During First Year's Operation Isotope Alpha Counts (per uinute). Neutrons (per second). 242pu 4.3 x 104 243 AM 51 g 25 g : 2.2 x 1011 5.5 x 1012 7.6 x 1015 244 cm 83 8 : 9.4 x 108 230 48 2.13 my 4.9 x 10° 25 mg (B-emitter) 1.2 x 1012 1.2 x 108 1.2 x 1011 1.2 x 104 2.2 x 105 .. 253ES 4 48 1.5 x.10% 2448u 10 mg 30 Fission Products 25,000 total curies processed. Cubicle Equipment Maintenance A11 three equipment racks in cubicle 7 (see Fig. 1) required major maintenance. The specific tasks performed were: (1) The Zircaloy-2 plutonium ion exchange column, which had collapsed because of excessive pressure in the external water jacket, was replaced with a new unit. (2) The Tramex solvent extraction system (on the left in Fig. 1) was modified to correct some hydraulic problems. (3) The sampler station was extensively repaired and revised, and the back rack (feed distribution system) was discarded and . replaced with a new, more efficient ynit of an entirely different design. To perform these tasks it was necessary to move the solvent extraction, the sampler, and the ion exchange racks to the glove box where decontamination and repairs were done. The back rack in cubicle 7 was moved to the concrete waste loading station for disposal, and was replaced with the new rack. The procedures used to accomplish the cubicle maintenance were essentially identical to those originally planned, as discussed by Bottenfield et al. (4) For these operations, over 150 disconnects had to be broken, and 40 jumper lines had to be removed and then subsequently reinstalled. Six disconnects for the instrument lines on the solvent extraction columns, located at the top of the equipment rack, proved to be very. difficult to reconnect because of a slight misalignment. To expedite Fig. 1. Front View of Cubicle 7. + - - ... .. .. ... . - --H-IL. MA . - H ditt 9 > -. -- . . . . : : : M-EXCH . .:: 6 - 1. i i & SOLVENT EXTRACTION RACK *** : • 1 ? w . . .. : 454 . .. i ' .. 1 * is th . . 3 - : ? .. 1 SAMPLER RACK: . .. INI . . . HH ał :: . . . . 2 HF -., v . ... - - AT;- . R . . WWW f ; I+ n “t 9 14: BRE : m _ova NOVACOMISIOON - # -- 13" . ws 2 19 . M . : : HINT- 3 .717' t i le nr 14.15 ' here. W + : " . . . . . . - . 1: 9 * . . ... SY PE T NI il- WWW. HU . T. .. mwingine t ' .. * : 2 .. H Mit tu . r. 29 . 0 14. : . + this work, entry into the cubicle was made. Although the job required special safety measures (1.e., a tent was placed over the cubicie door, and the individual entering the cubicle was clothed in a plastic suit having a fresh air supply), it was performed without incident. The lines were reconnected in approximately 10 min. A dose of only 100 mrem was received, and very little contami- nation was found on the surface of the plastic suit. The transfer cake was used to move items to and from the cubicle. This device has proved to be an invaluable aid in the operation of the facility. It has been used at least 100 times with- out any serious problems. When items having an alpha contamination level in excess of 10' dis/min were moved, smears taken outside the bottom door seal indicated a contamination level of approximately 500 dis/min; however, this contamination was readily cleaned up. . The maintenance in the decontamination-and-repair glove box was accomplished without serious difficulty. The window gaskets and glove-port gaskets were found to be a source of contamination when equipment inside the box was sprayed with water. During the first stages of the work we frequently experienced rupture of gloves, which was evidently due to inferior-quality material; this problem was partially solved by usi.ng gloves from a new shipment. During the some temporary lead shielding; however, in certain instances a day's dose was received in less than 1 hr. Cell Pit Maintenance Extensive repairs and revisions were required in cell pit 7, a top view of which is shown in Fig. 2. The specific tasks involved were: (1) One of the two line bundles (connecting cubicle and cell. pit equipment), which had several line failures as a Tesult of corrosion, was replaced. (2) A Hastelloy-C tank was replaced with a tantalu-lined evaporator to eliminate processing problems. (3) Zircaloy-2 probes, which had failed by corrosion, were replaced in the rework collection tank. (4) A Zircaloy-2 product line, which had been the source of zirconium contamination of the product, was replaced with a tantalum line. It was originally thought that cell pit maintenance in TRU would require almost completely remote techniques using the maintenance shield, as described by Bottenfield et al. (4) However, after the cell: was washed down, the equipment flushed out, and the cell flooded to a point immediately below the disconnect clamps, the radiation field , in the working areas was reduced to a maximum of approximately abedy 600 mr/hr. Neutron levels were less than 10 mr and constituted no problem. However, at a later date, when the level of neutrons in process solutions have increased by a factor of 100, we expect that the work may be limited by neutron activity. Although remote methods could have been employed to perform such simple tasks as loosening - n. ti' . . " . . . . . ... .. . . 2 . 11-::- . til tnt .. .... : - r . w Fig. 2. Top View of Cell Pit 7. . : :)) | T-7IA 112-1 T-73 ' dl. T-72 2 -. . - TV - . 1 - . .--. It .. . 2 CUBICLE TO PIT LINE BUNDLE . - . . .com . . . . - T - - - IT: 2 . Av. . . . .Li. - wir 1 D ! .. 1. .. . . . 3 .: . " . . . L 7 Uh : 1. L. :." KUEL . u L. disconnect clamps, they would have been much more difficult and time consuming for other, more involved tasks such as the actual removal and replacement of certain lines. Therefore, we decided to use contact maintenance procedures while controlling individual . exposures to a maximum of 300 mr/week. Although surveys indicated no significant initial air contamination, surface contamination (alpha) was in excess of 10° dis/sec. This contamination, and the ne necessity of disconnecting numerous highly contaminated process lines, made the use of assault masks and double layers of clothing necessary. Initially, two pairs of coveralls were used; however, prevention of the spread of activity and of the contamination of the under pair during the removal of the outer pair was found to be . difficult. This problem was minimized later by the use of an outer plastic suit, which was readily removed by the use of scissors; no attempt was made to reclaim the contaminated plastic suit. The most difficult task in the cell pit work was the replacement of the line bundle (see Fig. 3). The procedure was identical to that originally planned. After all the lines were disconnected from the bundle in the cubicle and the cell pit, a cable was attached from the transfer case hoist to the bundle at the cubicle end, and from the crane to the bundle at the cell pit end. The bundle was then pulled into and out of the cell pit and then into a plastic bag. After about 25 disconnect clumps were reclaimed, the bundle was placed in a wooden box, which was filled with concrete for further containment and shield- Ing; disposal was by burial. The new line bundle was Installed by ORNL-LR-DWG 68478 Cable For Removing i Line Bundle Shield Wall Between Cubicle and Pit Cubicle Pit Window Hot Disconnect Well Cubicie Floor 22SP .. - - - Disconnects for Connections to Tanks and Headers 24 Tubes, 0.5" Back Shield Wall Track Fig. 3. Hot Disconnect Well Replacement Method. OUT 4 at . - . - - m . r * 1. HEMS m IT DE ink + . . 11 } ceversing the above procedure. The entire job was accomplished in. less than 8 hr; no mechanical, radiation, or contamination problems .. were encountered. . Twenty-five entries by personnel were made into the pit; radia- tion exposures ranged from 60 to 185 mrem for a period of approximately 20 min. By using different craftsmen, it was possible to keep ! ST T - individual exposures below 300 mr/week. This work was accomplished : TT .. - . T. Hu' r. - " N '::: : : without any contamination problems outside the cell pit. This was made possible by strict adherence to zoning regulations and a careful cleanup after each day's work (to a level of less than 30 dis/min : te TOISI (alpha) as determined from smears). The entire maintenance job was accomplished in approximately one month, and the plant was returned to operation. This achievement successfully demonstrated that we are capable of handling all the problems and techniques that are expected to be encountered in TRU in the foreseeable future. It is true that the radiation in the cell pit was sufficiently low to permit contact maintenance methods; however, subsequent to this shut down, a completely remote maintenance job (replacement of probės in a catch tank) was performed. At that time YA the tank contained approximately 10 g of curium and had a contact KONtd Wyri OLEH radiation reading in excess of 100 rem. By using the maintenance shield, the reading at the top of the cell was reduced from 300 to 10 mr/hr, with beams of approximately 100 mr/hr through the working ports. The replacement of four probes was accomplished in approxi- mately 2 hr, with a maximum radiation exposure of 115 mrem. iw 1 CHE . * . . , *.. REAL ** 12 References 1. W. E. Unger et al., "Transuranium Processing. Facility Design, ". Nucl. Sci. Eng. 11, 479 (1963). 2. 0. 0. Yarbro et al., "Process Equipment Design and Development for Transuranium Processing Plant,". Nucl. Sci. Eng. 17, 492 (1963). 3. F. L. Peishel et al., "Philosophy of Chemical Processing Equip- ment Dess.gn and Installation in the Transuranium Processing Plant," Proc. 14th Conf. Remote Systems Technol., Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 1966, Pittsburgh, Pa., ANS, Hinsdale, Ill., 1966. 4. B. F. Bottenfield et al., "Remote Maintenance Systems in the Transuranium Processing Plant," Proc. 14th Conf. Remote Systems Technol., Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 1966, Pittsburgh, Pa., ANS, Hinsdale, 111., 1966. E 44 ? E * . 2 A i ! .. . . mu POWER END DATE FILMED 10 / 13 / 67