. C : . - - T - - - -- I OFL. ORNL P. 3159 . ' 1 - . . . . . EEEEEEFT 1.25 1.1.4 1.1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 ... ORNA p-3.59 a. Conf.676905--7 : MASTER JUL 1 9 1967. Cr21 PRICES HC $3.00 MN_.65 MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF CVD TUNGSTEN AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES: tris H. E. McCoy and J. O. Stiegler Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 29 pages 3 tables 21 figures LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, exp or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completene88, or usefulness of the informat on contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilitiea with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the ; use of any information, apparatus, method, 0: process disclosed in this report. Ao use in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the extent that Buch employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any informatioa pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, . DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED Mechanical Behavior - . w ABSTRACT Many applications of CVD tungsten require that the material be stressed at elevated temperatures. We have run creep-rupture tests at 1650 and 2200°C to evaluate the mechanical behavior of this material, and the properties are compared with those of a typical heat of powder metallurgy tungsten. At 1650°C the CVD product has low fracture strains (approximately 5%) and a lower minimum creep rate. At high stresses the rupture life is shorter than that of the PM material; at low stresses the rupture lives are about equivalent. At 2200°C the minimum creep rate is higher and the rupture life lower for the CVD product. Two microstructural features of importance were noted in the CVD tungsten: (1) the formation and growth of voids and (2) the columnar nature of the grains. Fractographic techniques were used to study void nucleation and growth in the material. Nucleation appears to be sponta- neous as the material is heated to elevated temperatures, indicating the presence of an impurity having a high vapor pressure. The growth appears to occur almost entirely by the stress-induced diffusion of vacancies into the void. At 2200°C under stress the voids reach such a large size that they comprise about 10% of the test specimen. The columnar grain structure of the material is important because it is very difficult to get extensive grain-boundary sliding and rotation in this type of structure. We have rationalized the creep behavior of this material on the basis of the effects that both the void growth and the columnar grain structure have on the individual deformation processes that seem to give the overall creep behavior. INTRODUCTION Chemical vapor derosition (CVD) is now recognized as an attractive ....... .. .. .. way of obtaining complex tungsten shapes without subsequent fabrication as well as a means of obtaining high-purity stock for further fabrica- tion. The production process generally involves the hydrogen reduction of WFs to deposit tungsten on a heated substrate (1). It has been shown that, after suitable heat treatment, the low-temperature mechani- cal properties of the CVD tungsten are comparable with those of tungsten produced by conventional methods (2). The excellent resistance of tungsten produced by this process to grain growth at elevated terapera- tures has also been demonstrated (3,4,5). However, voids have been observed when this material is annealed at elevated temperatures, particularly when a stress is applied (3,5,6). Taylor and Boone (6) found that the tensile strength and fracture ductility of the CVD mate- rial were less than the respective values for powder metallurgy (PM) tungsten, but the creep properties of this material have not been evalue.ted. In the present study we evaluated the creep-rupture properties of several lots of CVD tungsten at 1650 and 2200°C. We shall compare the results of these tests with those of similar tests on a heat of PM tungsten. Since the properties of the two materials differed consider- ably, we performed extensive optical and electron microscopy in an effort to ascertain the reasons for the differences. Although numerous unanswered questions remain, we were able to propose a qualitative explanation for the creep-rupture behavior of CVD tungsten. - vi EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Test Materials ES The PM sheet used in this study was obtained under a Bureau of Naval Weapons Contract and the fabrication details are covered in the final report on this contract (7). It was fabricated by the PM tech- nique and was rolled to a final thickness of 0.060 in. The final treat- ment was a 5-min anneal at 1150°C. The high purity of this material is illustrated by the results of chemical analyses shown in Tables I and II. The CVD material was produced by the hydrogen reduction of WF6 on a heated substrate. The cletails of the deposition process have been described previously (1). The material was deposited as a box about 2 by 2 in. in cross section and 20 in. long; the thickness varied from 0.050 to 0.060 in. It was deposited on the inside of a mandrel - copper for the "H" series; molybdenum for the "p" series. The mandrel was removed by chemical etching, and test specimens were made from the sides of the box. Chemical data are given for two typical heats in Tables I and II. Test Specimens A small sheet test specimen with a gage section 1.5 by 0.25 in. and an overall length of 3.5 in. was used. There were small holes near each end for pinning the specimen to the extension rods. The PM tungsten specimens were made by grinding. The CVD tungsten was too fragile for grinding and the specimens were made by electrodischarge macnining. A tool was made for the Elox machine which utilized simple brass shapes (5). The tool was inexpensive and could be rebuilt easily. About 0.002 in. was removed from the machined surfaces by abrasion with diamond paste to remove small intergranular cracks that were formed by the electro- discharge nuachining. The' as-deposited surfaces were lapped in some instances, but this did not seem to have any effect on the high- temperature properties. Testing Methods TUU All of the tests were run in a Brew Creep Testing Apparatus, Model :. 1062., having a tungsten mesh heating element. The vacuum system was cold trapped and was capable of maintaining a pressure of 1 x 100? torr at a test, temperature cí: 2200°C. The temperature was automatically controlled using a total radiation pyrometer which was sighted on the test specimen and a controller which adjusted the power to the furnace. This control system was stated to have a control accuracy of +3°C. The temperature could also be read by an optical pyrometer through a sight port in the front of the test chamber. The strain was measured by a dial gage which indicated the motion of the pull rod. Test specimens were normally built into the test equipment, pumped for 2 hr, heated to about 600°C and pumped for 12 hr, heated to the test temperature in about 4 hr, and loaded. Several specimens were analyzed for interstitials after testing. No evidence of contamination was noted except in cases where the pressure was known to have increased during the test. Data from tests where leaks were known to have developed have not been considered. At the time the specimens fractured, the lower pull rod dropped and caused a temporary pressure rise that caused the power to the furnace - to be cut off. Since the specimens were heated by radiation, the cooling rate was high enough that the structures observed subsequently were typical of the deformed state. Fractographic Techniques Tungsten fractures in a brittle, intergranular manner at low temper- atures, and voids formed at elevated temperatures can be exposed without distortion by snapping the specimens at room temperature. The fracture surfaces were replicated directly with carbon and shadowed with platinum. Replicas were taken from the creep-fracture surfaces and froin surfaces below the original fracture surface that were exposed by fracturing at room temperature. The replicas were examined in the electron microscope to determine details about the voids such as size, number, geometry, and location. EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS The creep-rupture properties of several lots of CVD turigsten are compared with those for PM tungsten in Fig. 1. At 1650°C the rupture life of the CVD tungsten is generally less at higher stresses (e.g., 6000 psi) and equivalent at lower stresses. Lot, PW-20 is somewhat anomalous in that its rupture life is greater than that of PM tungsten. At 2200°C, the CVD material has a shorter rupture life except for the PW-3 specimen tested at the lowest stress. Figure 2 compares the minimum creep rates of PM and CV tungsten. At 1650°C the CVD material exhibits a lower creep rate and at 2200°C the opposite is noted. *HARE h itet,-! S The fracture strains for the CVD and PM material are compared in Fig. 3. At 1650°C the CVD material exhibited strains of about 5% with only two notable exceptions – lot PW-18 with 13.2% and H-16 with 21.0%. The two exceptions are quite important and will be discussed later. At 2200°C grain growth occurs quite rapidly in the PM tungsten and this probably accounts for the decrease in ductility with increasing rupture life. The CVD tungsten generally exhibits fracture strains in the range of 15 to 25% at 2200°C. Again there are two exceptions – lot PW-19 at 4.2% and PW-3 at 29.2%. A detailed study has been made of the intergranular void formation in PM tungsten and these findings have been reported previously (8). . However, we shall show some typical micrographs for the purpose of making comparisons between the PM and CVD materials. Figure 4 shows the fracture of a PM specimen tested at 6000 psi and 1650°C. The fail- ure is obviously due to the linking of intergranular cracks. The fracto- graph shown in Fig. 5, from a region 10 mm below the high-temperature fracture surface, shows these cracks in an early stage of development. These cracks originate as intergranular voids that are located quite randomly and are irregular in shape. There is considerable evidence of preferential growth and linking in particular directions. The larger irregularly shaped voids would appear as intergranular cracks when viewed perpendicularly to the plane of Fig. 5. Figure 6 shows the microstructure of PM tungsten after testing at 1500 psi and 2200°C. Features of importance are the extensive grain growth and the formation of intergranular voids. The fractograph in Fig. 7 defines the nature of the intergranular voids more accurately. The voids have well-defined shapes and the details of the crystallography are discussed elsewhere (9). The CVD tungsten is characterized by large columnar grains which are oriented in the thickness dimersion of the deposited sheet. A layer of small grains forms at the substrate surface where the deposit begins. A cross-sectional view of a CVD tungsten sheet is shown in Fig. 8a. This particular sheet is atypical in that the gas supply was interrupted aná a laminate formed near the center of the sheet. A view of the sheet parallel to the surface is shown in Fig. 86. The microstructure in this plane gives the appearance of an equiaxial grain structure. The test specimens were oriented so that the stress was applied perpendicularly to the columnar grain boundaries. Figure 9 shows a microstructure typical of lot PW-3 after creep obviously made up of interconnected voids.2 The density of voids is r'easonably high near the fracture and diminishes rapidly away from the fracture. Figure 10 is a fractograph of a surface about 10 mm from the fracture. Note that the voids present are quite small. Figure ll is a fractograph made at a similar location in a specimen tested at 1650°C and 6000 psi. By comparison with Fig. 10 it can be seen that the void size is greater at the higher stress, even though this specimen was at temperature a small fraction of the time of the specimen held at the lower stress. The voids in Fig. 11 have very well-defined geometrical shapes as compared with those formed in the PM material under similar conditions (Fig. 5). 10 Lot H-16 exhibited a somewhat different microstructure, primarily with respect to a greater propensity for void formation. At 1650°C and 6000 psi numerous voids were formed, but the total void fraction was small. At 4000 psi (Fig. 12), the voids were quite large and the void- fraction was high. Fractographs showed the presence of large voids with regular, geometrical shapes. Lot PW-20 also exhibited extensive void formation at 1650°C. Figure 13 shows the fracture of a specimen tested at 6000 psi. The small, almost continuous intergranular network of voids extended throughout the specimen. We made an effort to increase the fracture ductility at 1650°C by creating a more equiaxial grain structure. This was done by (1.) warm warm work and recrystallization and (2) deposition of a product with a finer grain size. The warm-worked material, lot PW-69, was deformed (by rolling) 80% at 500°C and recrystallized by annealing 1 hr at 2200°C. The specimen, which was then stressed at 6000 psi, failed at a strain of 3.7%. The fracture is shown in Fig. 14, The grain size is large, but the structure appears equiaxial. The inhomogeneous distribution of the voids is very cbvious. The impurity responsible for the nucleation of the voids was probably swept up by the first boundary that moved through each area, thus accounting for the segregation. Figure 15 shows a fractograph of the specimen from lot PW-69. The structure is dominated by the large, crystallographic voids. The material deposited with a finer grain size was lot PW-18. Figure 16 shows the fracture of a speci- men from this material that was tested at 1650°C and 6000 psi. A fracture strain of 13.2% was obtained. Although fracture appears to ill have resulted from the connecting of intergranular voids, there is evidence of considerable plastic deformation. A fractograph of this specimen made on a face about 10 mm from the fracture is shown in Fig. 1% The voids in this specimen resemble more closely those of the PM tungsten (Fig. 5) than those of the other CVD specimens. The voids are linking together as well as showing growth in a particular direction. At 2200°C the various lots of material did not exhibit such a wide variation in microstructural appearance. Figure 18 shows the type of microstructure typically observed for the CVD material that failed in relatively short times. As the stress was lowered and the length of the test increased, the voids were larger and fewer in number (Fig. 19.1 The grain structure also became more equiaxial, indicating the freedom of the boundaries to migrate under stress. The data in Table III indi- cate that the void volume in the specimens from lot PW-3 that were tested at 2200°C did not vary greatly with rupture life. Thus, the larger voids (Fig. 3) were probably formed by the coalescence of the smaller voids (Fig. 18) observed in tests of a shorter duration. The voids were so large in the specimens tested at 2200°C that they were difficult to study by fractographic techniques. Figure 20 shows an area where the bubbles were relatively small. Note their regular crystal- lographic shapes. The retention of this regular shape along the bounda- ries (where three grain surfaces intersect) indicates that very little grain-boundary sliding occurred. Although the effect of stress on the growth of voids in the CVD material has been implied in several instances, a comparison of Figs. 18 12 and 21 clearly demonstrates the effect. These specimens were in the test furnace at the same time, the only difference being that one was unstressed. The void fraction data in Table III are again useful. The average void fraction of the stressed specimen was 6.1%, whereas that of the unstressed specimen was only 0.20%.. Ir DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Awr i ' In creep tests at elevated temperatures, void formation or "cavita- T ATT TYS tion" has been observed to lead to intergranular cracking and failure in numerous materials - copper (10), alpha-brass (10), magnesium (10), types 304 and 304L stainless steels (11), nickel (12), Inconel 600 (12), iron (12), Nimonic 90 (13), and others. In this work we observed that cracks developed in both PM anå CVD materials from small grain-boundary voids or bubbles although the appearance and behavior of the voids differed in the two types of tungsten. We will now consider how differ- ences in nucleation and growth of such cracks can lead to the differences in structure and properties that were observed. The several methods that have been proposed for the nucleation of voids have been reviewed by Davies and Dennison (14). Most mechanisms involve a grain-boundary discontinuity of some type and a shear stress a ɔng the boundary. Detailed observations of the PM material suggest that voids were nucleated in this manner as a result of considerable Ver plastic deformation (8). However, in the CVD material, plastic deforma- tion was not a prerequisite for void formation. Bubbles formed simply by heating the material to temperatures above about half the absolute melting point were able to act as void nuclei. The voids (or more LE4 m a nen "* .- - . 13 more properly bubbles) at this stage were likely caused by a locally high concentration of some impurity which is gaseous at the test temper- ature. The voids (bubbles) are generally attributed to fluorine impurities (3,6,15), but the present observations do not show a correla- tion between the fluorine content and the volume of voids formed under stress. For example, heats H-16 (Fig. 12) and PW-20 (Fig. 13) exhibited a greater propensity for void formation than heat PW-3 (Fig. 9) although the former heats had lower fluorine contents (Table I). Thus, it appears that, at least under stress, variables in addition to the bulk fluorine content must be of importance in void formation. Once nucleated, voids may grow by plastic deformation (dislocation · motion and grain-boundary sliding) or by stress-induced vacancy migra- ticor and condensation. Under some conditions void growth occurs in the PM material by plastic deformation (8). However, the limited ductilities of the CVD specimens suggest that plastic processes are not important in determining the rate of growth of the voids. Accordingly, we will consider void growth in the CVD material in terms of the vacancy diffu- sion process. Any growth by plastic deformation will simply augment the growth by vacancy diffusion. A void in a solid is thermodynamically unstable and reduction of the surface area of the void by sintering reduces the total energy of balance the surface tension of the void such that (16), .. 0 = ricos 0)2 (1) . ... .......... ... formatore, ma * -prom, * *********** where o = applied stress, y = surface energy of the void, r = radius of the void = angle between the normal to the plane in which the void lies and the direction of the applied stress. If this equality is not met, an elastic strain field surrounding the cavity will either cause it to grow by absorbing vacancies or to shrink by emitting them. If a gas is present in the voiü, the applied stress necessary to stabilize a void of a given radius will be reduced. The problem in calculating the vacancy flux into a void lies in estimating the elastic strain field surrounding the void. This deter- mines the chemical potential of a vacancy in the vicinity of the void. Hull and Rimmer (17) simplified the problem by assuming that the potential varied linearly from a value of – 2X12 on the surface of the void to a value o N at a point midway between voids, where N is the atomic volume and o is the tensile stress normal to the void. On this 'basis they showed that the vacancy flux into the void, j, was given approximately by: ..so a [042 - ?] where D = grain-boundary diffusion coefficient, . 00 = Boltzmann's constant, E = absolute temperature, a = void spacing, R P = gas pressure inside void. - t This expression shows that the growth rate is proportional to the differ- ence between (1) the sum of the applied stress and the pressure in the bubble and (2) a term proportional to the surface tension of the bubble. Temperature enters mainly through the exponential dependence of the D. on temperature. When CVD material is heated to temperatures above about 1400°C, a gaseous phase precipitates, forming bubbles having a range of sizes (15). If a stress is applied, the vacancy flux into the bubble is approximated by Eq. (2). Small bubbles will grow until they reach an equilibrium size at which time j = 0. For bubbles larger than some critical size ra, equilibrium cannot be established and these bubbles will continue to grow indefinitely. In terms of Eq. (2), ir must decrease to reach equilibrium, but the sign of j is such to cause r to increase. We can now understand the differences in creep behavior between the CVD and PM materials in terms of nucleation and growth of voids. In the PM material no void nuclei were present initially; voids were nucleated by plastic deformation. In the CVD material the grain bound- aries were covered with bubbles which acted as void nuclei. At high stresses, many of these bubbles were larger than the critical size. They grew and linked up, causing failure in a short time. At lower stresses, fewer nuclei of the critical size were present, their growth rate was lower, and longer rupture times resulted. *This explanation accounts for the decreased rupture times at the higher stresses for CVD specimens and for the decreased slope of the stress-rupture time curve. It also suggests that, for sufficiently low stresses, bubble growth cannot occur and that the stress-rupture curves of the CVD and 16 PM materials will intersect. For reasons to be discussed below, we feel that extensive grain-boundary sliding does not occur in CVD mate- rial. Since cavities in the PM material are believed to result from sliding, it is possible that the creep-rupture curves cross and at sufficiently low stresses the ÇVD material may have longer rupture lives. The question of fracture ductility is more complex, for we must consider not only growth of voids and the elongation they provide, but also the concomitant processes of grain-boundary sliding and bulk defor- mation. The total strain, Em, is the sum of the contributions from bulk deformation, eg, grain-boundary sliding, fp, and void formation, Evi The bulk strain arises mainly from dislocation motion. Since the puri- ties of the PM and CVD materials were comparable, they should show roughly equivalent bulk strain contributions. Garofalo (18) has recently reviewed the data on grain-boundary sliúing. In general, the strain contribution from grain-boundary slid- ********...-... wat moon ing increases as the stress decreases and as the temperature increases, Grain-boundary sliding requires a shear stress along the grain boundary. Such a stress was probably present in the PM specimens as evidenced by the elongated shapes of the voids. Such shapes could result from plastic deformation or from stresses that would produce vacancy flux gradients favorable for this type of growth. However, the magnitude of the strain in PM tungsten due to grain-boundary shearing at 2200°C probably decreased rapidly with time due to the excessive grain growth. The CVD tungsten had two factors that combined to reduce en to negligible values. The first was the void formation that occurred. Shearing the voids would produce some new surface area and thus would require a greater stress than if the voids were not present. There may also be a strain field associated with the voids since some localized plastic deformation could have occurred during the nucleation and early growth of the void. Only lot PW-3.8 showed any evidence of grain-boundary deformation (Fig. 17). A second and probably more important factor was the columnar grain struc- ture of the CVD material. The microstructure of the deposits approaches that of long rods packed together with their axes perpendicular to the applied stress. It would seem difficult to develop shear stresses of sufficient magnitude to cause grain-boundary sliding since no shearing stress could be developed parallel to the axis of the rod. Although there would be a shearing stress tending to rotate the rods, such a . movement would involve much material and would require very high stresses. Thus some sembl.ance of an equiaxial grain structure would appear to be necessary for extensive grain-boundary sliding to occur. This was only obtained (1) after long periods of time at 2200°C where some grain- boundary migration could occur (Fig. 19), (2) in low PW-69 which was worked and recrystallized (Fig. 14), and (3) in lot PW-18 which was deposited with a fine-grain structure (Fig. 16). It is significant that lot PW-18 exhibited good ductility at 1650°C. The fine-grain size of this material may be due to the cadmium impurity present. Although the fluorine content was lower than that of the other heats, there was still profuse bubble formation. Hence, we feel that the improved ductility of this material was due primarily to the change in the grain structure. However, we must point out that these two factors, grain structure and fluorine content, may not be entirely independent in the CVD material. For example, previous studies have shown that greater grain-boundary mobility is obtained with decreasing fluorine content (3). Thus, the lower fluorine content would allow grain-boundary migration to occur with the resultant formation of a more equiaxial structure that would be more conducive to grain-boundary shearing and rotation. However, it remains to be demonstrated whether under stress the threshold fluorine (or other impurity) levels are high enough to be attained in practice. Before stressing, lot PW-69 was 28 heated to 2200°C for recrystallization with attendant large void forma- we tion. There was no evidence of grain-boundary sliding in this material. Thus we would conclude that the ey would be very small at 1650°C, except in lot PW-18, and would probably be small at 2200°C except after long test periods. The grain-boundary sliding process is important not only because of its contribution to the overail strain but because it acts as a .! L stress-relieving mechanism. The deformation of individual grains leads to large local stresses that can be relieved by sliding. Hence, in the absence of sliding, these stresses may lead to cracking between the . A I FOL . L . intergranular voids with resultant premature failure. The strain due to the voids is most significant at 2200°C. Table III D lists the results of some void fraction measurements made on the test specimens. At 1650°C, the strain due to void formation in lot PW-3 was a maximum of 0.35%. However, the strain due to void formation was higher in lots PW-20 (Fig. 13) and H-16 (Fig. 12). At 2200°C, lot PW-3 had void fractions of 7 to 9%. There was no measurable reduction in width of the specimen, and the total void fraction can be assumed to be axial strain. The other lots of material exhibited similar void growth at a 2200°C and we can conclude that up to 10% of the strain in this material can be attributed to void growth. The creep properties shown in Figs. 1., 2, and 3 can be rationalized by the way that the various terms contributing to the total strain are affected – €. En, and ex. At 1650°C, en and €,, are both generally low at high stresses. The creep rate is lower, but the inability for bound- ary deformation to occur leads to reduced ductility and slightly reduced rupture life. At low stresses (approx 4000 psi) the stress is not high enough to stabilize large voids, and extensive void growth does not occur (Fig. 10). Thus, the rupture time more closely approaches that of the PM material. However, the material still lacks the ability to undergo 'extensive grain-boundary sliding with resultant low minimum creep rate and low fracture strain. The high strain of sample H-16 at 4000 psi was due to the extensive void formation and a large value of Ex Lot PW-18 also differed in that the more equiaxial structure resulted in a relatively large value for en The result was a higher creep rate and rupture strain. At 2200°C, the En term is probably initially small and Er is large. This results in higher creep rates, high apparent ductilities, and generally lower rupture lives. CONCLUSIONS We have compared the creep-rupture results of several lots of CVD tungsten with those of PM tungsten. The failed PM tungsten specimens contained intergranular voids that linked together to form intergranular cracks. The CVD tungsten formed voids simply on heating to elevated temperatures. These voids grew under the influence of an imposed es stress. The presence of these intergranular voids and the columnar grain structure of the CVD material combined to reduce the amount of grain-boundary shearing that occurred. At 1650°C, the minimum creep rate and the rupture ductility of the CVD tungsten were less than those of the PM tungsten. The rupture life of the CVD tungsten was less at high stresses and equivalent at lower stresses. The stabilization of more voids and their subsequent growth at the higher stress are thought to be responsible for the rupture behavior. The lower creep rate and ductility were due to the inability for grain-boundary shearing to occur. One lot of material that had a fine-grain size exhibited much better fracture ductility. At 2200°C the voids were so large that they contributed signifi- cantly to the measured strain. The minimum creep rate was higher and the rupture life was lower for this material than for PM tungsten. ете ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to several persons and groups who contributed to this study: E. Bolling and B. McNabb, for running the creep-rupture tests; H. R. Tinch, for the optical metallography; Metals and Ceramics Division Reports Office, for the preparation of the manuscript; D. G. Gates, for the drawings; ORNL Anal.ytical Chemistry Division, for the chemical analyses; E. E.. Bloom and A. C. Schaffhauser, for the technical review of the manuscript. FOOTNOTES 1. Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. 2. We have used the term "void" throughout this paper in referring to the cavities that are formed. In the PM materişl these cavities are indeed voids. During nucleation and the early stages of growth, the cavities in the CVD material probably contain a gas and are more properly called bubbles. However, under stress these bubbles grow quite large by the condensation of vacancies. The gas pressure likely becomes quite small and the term void is again more descriptive. ev REFERENCES 1. R. L. Heestand, J. I. Federer, and C. F. Leitten, Jr., Preparation and Evaluation of Vapor Deposited Tungsten, ORNL-3662 (August 1964). 2. A. C. Schaffhauser, "Low-Temperature Ductility and Strength of Thermochemically Deposited Tungsten and Efl'ects of Heat Treatment," pp. 261–276 in Summary of the Eleventh Refractory Composites Working Group Meeting, AFML-TR-66-179 (July 1966). 3. A. C. Schaffhauser and R. L. Heestand, "Effect of Fluorine Impurities on the Grain Stability of Thermochemically Deposited Tungsten," pp. 204–211 in 1966 IEEE Conference Record of the Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, 1966. 4. A. F. Weinberg, J. R. Lindgren, N. B. Elsner, and R. G. Mills, Grain Growth Characteristics of Vapor-Deposited Tungsten at Temperatures up to 2500°C, GA-6231 (1965). 5. H. E. McCoy, Creep-Rupture Properties of Tungsten and Tungsten- Base Alloys, ORNL-3992 (1966). 6. J. L.. Taylor and D. H. Boone, J. Less-Common Metals 6, 157 (1964). 7. G. C. Bodine, Tungsten Sheet Rolling Program – Final Report Covering Period 1 June 1960 to 1 March 1963, Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation, under Contract No. NDW-60-0621-C (March 1, 1963). 8. J. 0. Stiegler, K. Farrell, B.T.M. Loh, and H. E. l.cCoy, "Nature of Creep Cavities in Tungsten" (to be publ.ished). 9. K. Farrell, B.T.M. Loh, and J. 0. Stiegler, "Morphology of Bubbles and voids in Tungsten" (to be published). : --- 23 10. J. N. Greenwood, D. R. Miller, and J. W. Suiter, Acta Met. 2, 250 (1954). 11. Gunji Shinoda, Tadao Sano, and Tadakazu Sakurai, J. Jepan Inst. Metals (Serdai) 24, *818 (1960). 12. H. E. McCoy, Jr., Effects of Hydroger on the High-Temperature Flow and Fracture Characteristics of Metals, ORNL-3600 (1964). 13. D. McLean, J. Inst. Metals 85, 468 (1956-57). 14. P. W. Davies and J. P. Dennison, J. Inst. Metals 87, 119 (1958–59). 15. K. Farrell, J. T. Houston, and A. C. Schaffhauser, "The Growth of Grain Boundary Gas Bubbles in Chemical Vapor Deposited Tungsten" (This Conference). 16. R. W. Balluffi and L. L. Seigle, Acta Met. 5, 449 (1957). 17. D. Hull and D. E. Rimmer, Phil. Mag. 4, 673 (1959). 18. Frank Garofalo, p. 142 in Fundamentals of Creep and Creep- Piupture in Metals, Macmillan, New York, 1965. 24 Table I Chemical Composition of Test Materials Chemical Content (wt %) Lot Number mēNCH (ppm) Powder metallurgy 0.0029 < 0.0005 <0.001 0.0004 5 CVD, PW-3. 0.011 < 0.0005 0.003 0.0004 21 CVD, PW-19 0.014 0.0009 0.002 0.0005 23 CVD, PW-20 . < 0.0005 < 0.0005 0.003 0.0001 16 CVD, PW-23 0.0067 < 0.0005 0.001 0.0002 CVD, PW-24 0.022 0.0014 0.004 0.0002 21 CVD, PW-18 0.0010 < 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0002 9,5 CVD, PW-69 25,28 CVD, H-16 0.0064 < 0.0005 0.002 0.0005 14 Table II Semiquantitative Chemical Analysis in Parts Per Million (Weight) Element PM PW-3 H-16 PW-18 PW-20 0.4 0.3 0.06 0.7 0.06 2 . <0.1 . Ca ca 0.7 0.2 0.06 0.2 <0.1 0.03 3 1 0.2 <0.1 0.1 0.7 <0.1 6 <0.1 0.3 <0.1 V < 0.1 V < 0.1 . . 0.3 . . è m ra 1 0.03 1 < 0.1 V 3 3 K V < 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 2 <0.1 0.1 6 0.6 0.5 0.03 6 Mn 0.03 <0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 30.1 0.1 20 1 3 3 0.1 0.3 0.2 <0.1 Ni S Ta 0 10 3 0.03 20 3 0.03 <0.1 <0.1 - - Table III Void Fractions for Various Specimens Lot Number Test Conditions Rupture Rupture Void Fraction (%) Field Size Life · Strain the cow max min av (mm) PW-3 1650°C, 4000 psi 413 PW-3 200°C, 2000 psi 21.3 PW-3 2200°C, 1500 psi 35.7 PW-3 2200°C, 1250 psi 790 PW-20 2200°C, 2000 psi 1.9. PW-20 2200°C, o psie 3.2 21.9 16.6 29.2 15.6 0.35 0.07 0.19. 0.43 x 0.31 11.7 4.5 7.5 0.43 x 0.31 8.5 4.9 6.9 0.43 x 0.31 14.9 4.6 9.1 0.43 x 0.31 8.1 4.2 6.1 0.43 x 0.31 0.03 0.50 0.20 0.216 x 0.085 Same thermal history as specimen above. LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1 (ORNL-DWG 67-5384) Comparison of the Creep-Rupture Properties of CVD and PM Tungsten. Fig. 2 (ORNL-DWG 67-5383) Comparison of the Minimum Creep Rates of CVD and PM Tungsten. Fig. 3 (ORNL-DWG 67-5382) Comparison of the Fracture Ductilities of CVD and PM Tungsten. Fig. 4 (Y-60650) Photomicrograph of PM Tungsten Sheet Tested at 6000 psi and 1650°C. Rupture occurred at 135 hr and 31.2% Strain. As-polished. Fig. 5 (YE-9293) Fractograph of a PM. Tungsten Specimen Tested at 1650°C and 7000 psi. 11,250%. Fig. 6 (Y-68655) Photomicrograph of PM Tungsten Tested at 1500 psi and 2200°C. Rupture occurred at 42.1 hr and 16.6% strain. Etchant: 50 parts NH4OH and 50 parts H202. Fig. 7 (YE-9306) Fractograph of a PM Tungsten Specimen Tested at 2200°C and 2000 psi. 7500X. Fig. 8 [(a) Y-67547, (b) Y-67546] Photomicrographs of As-Deposited CVD Tungsten, Lot PW-3. Etchant: 50 parts NH4OH and 50 parts H202. (a) Cross section; (b) parallel to surface. Fig. 9 [(a) Y-63592, (b) Y-67536] Photomicrographs of CVD Tungsten from Lot PW-3, Tested at 4000 psi and 1650°C. Failed in 413.0 hr and 3.2% strain. (a) Fracture, as-polished; (b) cross section 1/2 in. from fracture. Etchant: 50 parts NH4OH and 50 parts H202. Fig. 10 (YE-9304) Fractograph Approximately 10 mm from the Fracture of a CVD Tungsten Specimen Tested at 4000 psi and 1650°C. Ruptured in 413 hr with 3.2% strain. 11,250%. Fig. 11 (YE-9301) Fractograph Approximately 10 mm from the Fracture of a CVD Tungsten Specimen Tested at 6000 psi and 1650°C. Ruptured in 12.8 hr with 3.1% strain. 7500x. Fig. 12 (Y-67530) Photomicrograph of the Cross Section of a CVD Tungsten specimen Trom Lot H-16 Tested at 4000 ps1 and 1650°C. failed in 593.7 hr with 21.0% strain. Etchant: 50 parts NHA OH and 50 parts H202. Fig. 13 (Y-79912) Fracture of a CVD Tungsten Specimen from Lot PW-20 Tested at 6000 psi and 1650°C. Fractured in 208 hr with 6.3% strain. Etchant: 50 parts NHA, OH and 50 parts H202. 100x. Fig. 14 (Y-79236) Fracture of a CVD Tungsten Specimen from Lot PW-69 Tested at 6000 psi and 1650°C. Warm worked 80% and recrystallized at 2200°C prior to testing. Failed in 37 hr with 3.7% strain. Etchant: 50 parts NH4OH and 50 parts H202. Fig. 15 (YE-9349) Fractograph of a CVD Tungsten Specimen Approxi- mately 10 mm from Original Fracture. Lot PW-69 tested at 6000 psi and 1650°C. 12,500x. Fig. 16 (Y-79230) Fractograph of a CVD Tungsten Specimen from Lot PW-18 Tested at 6000 psi and 1650°C. Failed in 32 hr with 13.2% strain. Etchant: 50 parts NH4OH and 50 parts H202. Fig. 17 (YE-9350) Fractograph of a CVD Tungsten Specimen Located . about 10 mm from Original Fracture Surface. Lot PW-18 tested at 6000 psi. and 1650°C. Failed in 32 hr with 13.2% strain. 12,500x. Fig. 18 (Y-68733). Cross Section of CVD Tungsten from Lot PW-20 Tested at 2200°C and 2000 psi. Specimen failed at 1.86 hr and 15.6% strain. Etchant: 50 parts HN4 OH and 50 parts H202. --- Fig. 19 (Y-67542) Cross Section of CVD Tungsten from Lot PW-3 Tested at 2200°C and 2000 psi. Failed at 789.9 hr and 29.2% strain. Etchant: 50 parts NH4OH and 50 parts H202. Fig. 20 (YE-9348) Fractograph of a CVD Tungsten Specimen from Lot PW-20 Tested at 2000 ps1 and 2200°C. Located about 10 mm from original fracture. Failed in 1.9 hr with 15.6% strain. 7500x. om Fig. 21 (Y-80260) Photomicrograph of Specimen from Lot PW-20 Annealed 1.9 hr at 2200°C in Vacuum Without Applied Stress. Etchant: 50 parts NH4 OH and 50 parts H202. i aziende mendonin tikintheti integreeritavitha- t te er not the best wis ne pas moins de nomination om de are kita memories mit tor is a thing I write minnie m i n mi . 40,000 -- - 1 -- ORNL-DWG.67-5384 -P.M. O P.W.-3 H-16 P.W.-20 A P.W.-24 O P.W.-23 OP.W.-19 O P.W.-18 P.W.-69 10,000 STRESS (PS1) to-0- 1650°C 1,000 0.1 101 2200°C 1.0 100 1000 RUPTURE LIFE (HRS.) COMPARISON OF CREEP-RUPTURE PROPERTIES OF CVD AND P.M. TUNGSTEN 10,000 . . . . . . . . - .. -- - ----- ------- 40,000 ORNL-DWG. 67-5393 - P.M. . O P.W.-3 O H-16 A P.W.-20 A P.W.-24 OP.W.-23 2 P.W.-19 O P.W.-18 P.W.-69 1650°C 10,000 STRESS (PSI) Hooho- 52200°C 1,0000.001 0.1 1.0 100 0.01 Min.CREEP RATE %/HR. COMPARISON OF MINIMUM CREEP RATES OF C.V.D. AND P.M. TUNGSTEN .1 . 1... . .. . . .. . A Lat . . . 1 r ORNL-DWG.67-5382 - P.M. IC:P.W.-3 H-16 A P.W.-20 A P.W.-24 O P.W.-23 @ P.6.-19 O P.W.-18 P.W.-69 ELONGATION (70) - 1650°C 220090 L 22ooc | 22ooºco 1650°C 22200°C | 02200°C 165000 2200 o 1650°C 1650°C 1650°C 2200°C 1650°C 1650°C 10 100 RUPTURE LIFE (HRS) COMPARISON OF FRACTURE DUCTILITIES OF CVD AND P.M. TUNGSTEN 1,000 XOOL al N w 47 common naman *. - painted her " media ** seco you." 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