• V • . I U" I OFT ORNLP 3319 - - - - - 01 . • : ::..: 1 - . . . . . . : 1 ...mert . . W FEEFEEEE i || 1.25 11.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 WR. ' ! . kerty 2 . LT / 191. .1.- 1. HT M ----- .. .ILLUE --.-14 ORNL of 3319 . Conf.670602--26 RECEIVED BY DTIE AUG 29 30 CESKI PRICES Ac = m , MASTER COMMENTS ON SHIELDING STANDARDS * E. A. Straker Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Presented at the Panel Discussion on Shielding Standards of the ANS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, , June 11-15, 1967. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned righto; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procesa disclosed in this report, As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides acce68 to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED . . LV ." ' " " " ' " .***. ***** ***-77793: ?VITIT ,* !.... ..... . . .. . *********** ****** .. . .. 1 ************** !:** WEIT AYAW W A . V ... ...... .. - . . . . " **** * .- - .- ..-. . . --- ... N .... - V 7,7; 17"7 : ... " : .. 1 i sit "p " .ruar "17 : T yhtih -2- The advisability and practicality of setting up specific configurations of materials in geometries which are amenable to calculation and expecting that these specific cases act as standards which all shielding codes must be capable of calculating is somewhat questionable. The state of the art of performing shielding calculations has progressed to the point that rigorous or exact methods are generally available if the computer costs will fit the budget. However, these "exact" methods in many cases may represent a much better approximation to the solution of the transport equation than the cross- section input justifies. Thus a standard for a rigorous or exact method must exist for each shieldir.z material and for several source energies or spectra if the code and its representation of cross sections are truly to be checked. That is, the test of comparing calculated and measured results is not only a test of the technique alone but also of the cross sections. Thus benchmark problems can be used to intercompare codes but the results may still be far from reality. If the less exact kernel codes are to be checked, then many "standard" geometries and material arrangements are needed because of the need of supplying the properly weighted "cross sections" whether they be removal or transport cross sections or attenuation coefficients for integral quantities. For laminated shields these cross sections are somewhat less well defined. Although there are many cases in which these approximate solutions have been proven to be adequate, the extrapolation of their use to an untested domain is indeed dangerous. Because of the wide range of types of shielding prob- lems encountered it is probably not feasible to provide standards for each case. Although the above comments may sound pessimistic insofar as standards are concerned, I do feel that a compilation of "evaluated" measurements and calculations should be made available so that there wouid be in one place an easy reference to results that would be of use in debugging a code or determin- ing the adequacy of the approximations made. A compilation which contained all the pertinent information about an experiment and/or calculations is again probably not feasible, but a brief resume of the problem investigated with information concerning the source, geometry, type of results measured or col- culated and apparent restrictions would be sufficient to indicate the parti- cular experiment that might be used to check the code. Some "evaluation" as to the validity of approach, applicability of techniques and complexity of the problem would have to be performed in order to make the compilation practical. Many of the existing papers would probably be eliminated due to the lack on the part of the authors of publishing enough detail so that a new calculation could be performed. It appears that a compilation such as this might serve as a "standard reference" rather than a "standard." Many of the discrepancies that have existed in t'a past between two calculations of the same problem or between calculations and measurement are due to either a poor treatment of the transport or a poor set of input cross sections or both. The first of these may be eliminated for some problems by use of so-called "exact" methods. For the second of these, it is difficult to determine if it is really the source of the discrepancy. Quite frequently if there is disagreement with an experiment one lays blame on the cross sec- tions but it is frequently impossible to determine whether this is the case. The more detailed the measurement or calculations the easier it is to pin- point the source of the disagreement. For instance, if a measurement of dose exists for a given problem it is next to impossible to determine what cross section is wrong if there is a disagreement between calculations and measure- ments. However, if spectra are measured then by comparison with the -40 calculations it may be possible to at least determine in what energy ranges the cross sections are suspect. New input cross sections or finer detail may pinpoint the problem. More effort is needed in determining the effect of cross sections on the results of a transport calculation. Some work has been done at ORNL for specific cases, two of which are air and oxygen, but more information is needed as to the effect of such things as proper neutron resonance treatment and its effect, on secondary gemma production, the effect of large group widths, the effect of different types of flux weighting, the order of expansion needed for angular distributions, the importance of in- elastic angular distributions, the importance of the angular distribution of secondary gammas, the importance of photoneutrons, and the importance of (n, 2n) and other multiple particle reactions. To illustrate the acvantage of measuring differential instead of inte- gral quantities I would like to discuss sore measurements made at ORNL-TSF in the past year. Comparisons of the results of many calculations of neutron transport in the atmosphere showed rather large differences even for the same method of solving the transport equation. Differences in the calculated spectra indicated that cross sections were to blame and a comparison of the total cross sections used in some of the calculations indicated that even those were different. An experiment was designed to measure the uncollided dose through thick oxygen and nitrogen samples in good geometry, so that the analysis of the experiment would involve calculating only the exponential attenuation of the beam, thus providing a check on the total cross section. Comparisons of calculated and measured doses showed discrepancies of the order of a factor of 2 for a 24-in.-thick sample. With just this information, both the experiment and the calculation were suspect. Naively, I thought that surely the total cross sections were better than that and no other set of .: :..." ...' - " . . -.:. -5- cross sections were tried. The experiment was repeated for some other materials and for other goometries to test the design of the experiment. We found that the dose transmitted through carbon could be calculated accurately as could the dose for water. The experiment was redesigned to measure the spectra of transmitted neutrons instead of the dose. Comparison of calculated and measured spectre for oxygen readily showed where the problem was. There are two energy regions in which the cross sec- tion being used was not adequate. The comparison indicated thut as might be expected the minima were determining the dose. Other cross-section sets were then incorporated into the calculation and it was no problem to determine which set was adequate; naturally it was the one with the greatest detail of the minima. A similar story holds for nitrogen but in the energy regions of dis- agreement the total cross section was last measured in 1954. An unpublished set of cross sect" ns was obtained from Foster and Glasgow at Hanford and these cross sections gave better agreement; however, there is still some small disagreement. Because we were dismayed at the apparent lack of adequate total cross sections for 2 of the 3 materials we measured, it was decided to make mea- surement on many other shielding materials, nearly all that are commonly used. Comparison of calculated and measured spectra indicated that in nearly every case the most recently measured cross-section data appearing in the literature was the best. For some elements, 1958 BNL data appears adequate; for others, no cross-section set has been found that is adequate. Table 1 shows the materials studied and a comment on the best cross section found to date. For notation purposes "slight or small disagreement" between the calculated and measured spectra is used to denote differences of less than 20%. (usually less than 5% in the total cross section). This notation is used only if there is a disagreement in ore energy range but agreement for higher and lower energies. In nearly every case the calculated spectra was low for old cross sections and if new cross sections resolved the minima the newly calculated spectra approached our: measured spectra. It is worth noting that in nearly all cases ENDF/B cross sections appear to be the best; the two exceptions are iron and tungsten. This does not imply that ENDF/B cross sections are adequate in all cases -- but they appear to be at least as good as any other set that has been tried. On this basis, the use of the ENDF/B cross sections is encouraged. Even if correct total cross sections are used in a code it is obvious that this does not insure that the effect of the cther cross sections 1s smali. In fact, some work at ORNL has shown that for high energy sources inelastic treatment is quite important and for a specific case of transport in oxygen the proper combination of total and elastic scattering angular dis- tribution is important. This is because the angular distributions in the valleys of the total cross sections are generally much more nearly isotropic than in the resonance regions. Recently we have calculated dose from a point fission source in infinite air with both s, and Monte Carlo. If the same cross sections are used there is agreement within 5% at ranges up to lý miles. For every case in which the same cross sections were used in both the S and Monte Carlo codes the agreement has been excellent. This, I think, shows that two techniques can calculate the same result if proper cross sec- tions are used. It appears that for non-engineering shielding design codes the problem . in shielding is not in checking à code but in checking the imput cross -7- sections. For engineering design codes comparison of results with those from exact methods may be adequate and may be the best test since it is possible to use cross section input derived from the same basic nuclear data. Of course these codes must eventually be compared with experiment. That is, the approximations in the code may be checked in benchmark type problems and then the nuclear data for a particular material checked by comparison with experiment. An example of a suitable experiment might be similar to the ineasurements of the energy spectra of neutrons emerging at specific angles from lead, polyethylene, and lead-polyethylene Laminated slabs which have been made at the ORNL Tower Shielding Facility to provide check data for the two- dimensional discrete ordinates code DOT. Detailed measurements of the beam source characteristics were also made so that comparisons of experimental and calculational results could be compared on an absolute besis. The experiment was constructed so that it could be represented exactly in cylindrical r-z geometry and thus preclude any geometric transformation. The use of a monodirectional beam source provides a stringent test of the code's ability to calculate the spectra at large angles to the beam. A final remark must be made about the use of exact methods: these codes are generally complex enough that errors in input, cross section makeup etc., as well as the misuse of codes as black boxes can be very disastrous. Com- puter costs for running these codes are in many cases excessive and the need for understanding the code and its results is frequently not considered worth the cost of running enough calculations to fully evaluate the results. This is truly unfortunate. Table 1. Comparison of Calculated and Measured Spectra - Evaluation of Total Cross Sections Thickness (cm) Sample 1 Total Cross Sections Used in Calculations Best Cross Sections Comments on Comparison of Spectra (Calculation Based on Best Cross Section) Be 27.28 053, BMI., ENDF/BC Good agreement with all three cross sec- tions; although there are some small differences, no one cross section is best HO 20.32, 30.48 H: OSR; O: UNC, : 05R, KAPLE 0; KAPL Good agreement for all energies; primarily another test of the oxygen cross sec- tions (see Oxygen sample) LiH 10.16, 20.32 15.24, 25.4 H: 05R; Li: 05R, ENDFB Good agreement for all energies; the Li cross sections in both OSR and ENDF/B are from the same source 30.48 05R, ENDF/B ENDF/B . Slight disagreement for energies between 1.6 and 3 MeV; cross section appears to be too high Fe 20.32 VEN KFK and BNL Good agreement above 2.0 MeV but all cross sections are too high for lower energies Ni 15.24 05R, KFK and BNL,8 ENDF/B. OSR, BNLS and BNL, FZKI 05R, ENDF/B, BNL BNLS and BNLC Good agreement above 2.5 MeV but cross sec- tion is too high for lower energies Na 60.96 ENDF/B Slight disagreement in peaks at 2.7, 3.0, and 4.5 MeV Ca 55.56 (chips) C5R, BNL and ORNE BNL and ORNL Sample was not "thick" because of voids; therefore the comparison is not very sen- sitive to cross section; approximately 20% disagreement in magnitude for all energies ·K 76.2 05R, BNL BNL Good agreement except for slight differences between 1 and 2 MeV Mg 60.96 05R, BNL, ENDF/B BYL, ENDF/B Good agreement for energies greater than 4 MeV; for lower energies the cross sections are too high Zr 19.526, 39.0 O5R, BNLS Good agreement with both cross sections 1 S . . T 1 :. . . Table 1 (con'a.) tori 1 ** Sample Thickness (cm) Total Cross Sections Used in Calculations Best Cross Sections Comments on Comparison of Spectra Iculation Based on Best Cross Section) Concrete 15.24, 30.48 O: KAPL; Others: OSR Only set tried Good agreement except for slight difference near 2.4 MeV, the valley regions of oxygen and carbon; recuires further study .'' W . 10.63 BNL,” ENDF/B BNL Good agreement except for energies less than 2.0 MeV . 55.56 Sand (Si02) Si: 05R; O: KAPL Only set tried . Errut L Slight disagreement for energies around 2.4 MeV, the valley region of oxygen requires further study - IX. 2. 238 8.69 OSR, ENDF/B : 1.22. Very good agreement for both cross sec- tions for all energies L L WE ..). Lead BNL, BNLand - BNL and ORNL - ORNI, - 2. 45, 5.08, 7.62, 10.16, 20.32, 30.48 10.64, 20.32, 30.48 Very good agreement at all energies when Pbcos cross sections are used for energies less than 4.3 MeV 05R, ENDF/B ENDF/B . - ." Good agreement for both cross sections, with ENDF/B slightly better around 8 MeV i .iii .. ..... 60.96, 91.44 05R, UNC, ORNL ORNL ORNL Slight disagreement for energies between 3 and 5 MeV . A . L 60.96, 91.44, 152.4, 182.88 05R, UNC, KAPL KAPL . Good agreement even for 5- and 6-ft samples 7 I : Ni t. Ho Ni: 10.16; 120: 15.24 Ni: 05R, BNLS and BNL; H: 05R; O: KAPL Ni: BNIS and BNL; 0: KAPL 1 Primarily another test of nickel cross sec- tion; disagreement for energies less than 2.5 MeV . . . * . .. ... . e irri.. Table I -- References Center, ORNL (1965) b. J. R. Stehn. et al., Neutron Cross Sections, vol. I, 2d ed., Suppl. 2, BNL-325 (1964). C. ENDF/B Tape 102, Cross Section Library, Brookhaven National Laboratory.. d. J. H. Ray, G. Grochowski, and E. S. Troubet zkoy, Neutron Cross Sections of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Aluminum, Silicon, Iron, Deuterium, and Beryllium, UNC-5139 (1965). e. E. L. Slaggie and J. T. Reynolds, 0-16 Fast Neutron Cross Sections and Legendre Moments, KAPL-M-6452 (1965). f. S. Cierjacks et al., A Novel Method for Very High Resolution Cross Section Measurements, KFK-453, Institut fur Angewandte Kernphysik, Karlsruhe (1966). g. M. D. Goldberg et al., Neutron Cross Sections, Vol. IIA, BNL-325, 2d ed. (1966). h. D. J. Hughes and R . B. Swartz, Neutron Cross Sections, BNL-325, 2d ed. (1958). i. J. J. Schmitt, Neutron Cross Sections for Fast Reactor Materials, KFK-120, V ol. I, Institute fur Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik (1966). j. P. H. Stelson, Some Recent Nuclear Cross Section Measurements at ORNL Oct. 1, 1966 - Mar. 31, 1967, · ORNL TM-1801 (1967). k. J. L. Fowler, E. G. Corman, ard E. C. Campbell, p. 474 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Stucture, Kingston, 1960, University of Toronto Press, Canada.. 1. J. W. Craven, private communication concerning evaluated cross sections submitted to ENDF/B library. . 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