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Many years ago, on leaving the Department of State, having experienced great difficulty in finding a particular document or reference, I collected the documents pub- lished by Congress during a series of years and arranged a complete chronological Series of public documents relating to foreign affairs and diplomatic relations, covering a very considerable period. Some years afterwards, the collection having been presented to the New York Public Library (Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations) was brought down to the year 1900, under the intelligent advice of the late Dr. John S. Billings, then Director of the Library. The earlier documents were also collected, so as to form what is believed to be almost a complete collection from the earliest history of the government to 1907. The collection proved of large value to students in the Public Library, but the absence of an index greatly diminished its practical value, and, so much work having been done, I determined to cause an index to be made. It was originally intended that the index should cover the years 1789 to date, but when some progress had been made it became evident that to do this thoroughly would require a long time, and, as the Folio American State Papers (Foreign Affairs), which cease in 1828, have fair indexes, and as an index to the annual Diplomatic Correspondence which begins in 1861 had lately been published by the State Department, it was determined to prepare a thorough index, to completely cover the period from 1828 to 1861. The index assumes, within the period named, to afford to the student reference to the entire published record of documents, papers, correspondence and, to a considerable extent, legislation and decisions upon international or diplomatic questions; and by its use it is hoped that persons making researches into diplomatic history may now find their labors lightened. The preparation of the index has been carried on under the intelligent and conscien- tious direction of Miss Adelaide R. Hasse, the head of the Department of Documents in the New York Public Library. An explanation by Miss Hasse of the character and scope of the index will be found on the following page. *- JOHN L. CADWALADER. 271711 EXPLANATORY NOTE The plan of the present index makes it, perhaps, expedient that some word of explai nation should precede the work proper. The material relating to diplomatic controversy contained in the printed papers of both Houses of Congress, practically includes only that presented pursuant to call of Congress. To have confined the index within these lines would have made but a partial representation of that which actually exists. In order, therefore, to assemble the material with a reasonable degree of completeness, the following series of documents, in addition to the reports of Congress, have been indexed, viz.; the Senate Executive Journal, for diplomatic and consular appointments and treaty ratifications; the Opinions of the At- torneys General, for decisions on questions of international controversy; the Statutes-at- Large, for acts and resolutions relating to international affairs; and the Congressional Globe and its predecessors for speeches and correspondence. The text of the latter, it was found, does not always correspond with the text as printed in the House and Senate documents. The assembled material comprised within the various series referred to above is ar- ranged in one alphabet in the aspect made familiar by the ordinary library catalogue. Every correspondent, petitioner, memorialist or deponent is credited with an entry under personal name for each letter written, each petition or memorial presented and each deposition made. Each such letter, petition, or memorial is then again distributed under the subject indicated by the nature of its contents. Regarding the distribution of letters under various subjects the method has been not to reproduce the entire précis under all the subjects of the letter, but only that portion of the précis relating to each subject. Thus, Marcy to Sartiges on July 28, 1856, in stating the American objections to the Declaration of Paris, does so first in general terms, then particularly in regard to privateering, and finally proposes a modification of the accepted doctrine of contraband. Under Contra- band in the index is entered only the précis of that portion of the letter relating to that subject. The sentence of the précis is not finally closed by a period, but left open with a semi-colon and the abbreviation, “ etc.,” to show that the purport of the letter is other than contraband. The entire purportis entered under Marcy. . The individual entry under personal name consists of the date, name and title of addressee, précis of contents, and a reference to the place or places where the letter, etc., may be found. The arrangement of these individual entries is chronological. In the case of the diplomatic or consular corre- spondence of the United States, the despatch number has been added and also a statement to show whether the letter briefed is an extract or whether it is the entire document. By means of the omissions in the despatch numbers it is possible to collate the continuity of the printed correspondence, and, by means of the collected extracts, it has been possible frequently to present all the parts of a document severally printed in various places. The student, unfamiliar with manner of publication of the official correspondence, is occasionally baffled, and possibly even deprived entirely of needed material. The present form of the index, after Some experiment, was retained, as resulting in the most satisfac- tory redemption of this correspondence from practical unavailability. ADELAIDE R. HASSE. NEw York CITY, February 28, 1913. 5 INDEX A. A. CHAPMAN, AMER. BRIG (LAURENT) Boarded 3 m. from the Moro, Apr. 9, 1858, by H. B. M. str. I'orward (Davies). - 1858 Apr. 28. Amer. cons. Havana (Blythe) to actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton). Case of A. A. Chap- "man. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 20., ib., H. ex. doc. 132, 4.) — May 1. Laurent. Deposition relative to firing of A. A. Chapman. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 13.) — May 22. Secy. State, U. S. (Cass); to U. S. cus- toms collector, Baltimore (Mason). Instructions in case of boarding of A. A. Chapman. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 37; ib. S. ex. doc. 61, 29.) — May 25. Mason to Cass. Advice of transfer of A. A. Chapman to New Orleans distr.; etc. (ib., 41; ib., 32.) ABAETE, WISCONDE DE (A. P. LIMPO DE ABREU); see LIMPO DE ABREU ABARROA (MANUEL), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG WILLIAM D. MILLER; see WILLIAM D. MILLER ABBEVILLE DISTRICT (S. C.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 14. Petition in Senate, in favor of annexation of Texas. (28. 1. S. jol., 357.) — Je. 15. Same in House of R. ABBOT ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG JULIAN; see JULIAN ABBOT (JOEL), OF MASS. U. S. N., 1812-55. , Lieut. 1818; Comdr., 1838; capt. 1850. Sea service in command (1828-55) : 1837 comdg. Dolphim, Braz, sqdn. ; 1843-45 comdg. De- catur, African sqdn. ; 1853-54 comdg. Macedonian, . I. Sqdn. ; 1855 comdg. E. I. sqdn. Died at Hong Kong, Tec. 14, 1855. comdg. Decatur (28. 1. H. jol., 1126.) 1844 Apr. 18. Rpt. of cruise along African coast. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 105.) — Nov. 6. To comdr. African sqdn. (Perry). Move- ments of Decatur since Je. 28. (ib., 140.) — Nov. 28. To same. Rpt. of Visit to Goree and Gambia. (ib., 148.) comdg. Macedonian To Amer. comr. in China (McLane). (35. 2. S. 1854 Sept. 6. Necessity of rechartering str. Queen. ex, doc. 22, 262.) — Oct. 16. To same. Effect of his proclamation on insurgents; cruise of Queen in search of pirates. (ib., 235.) comdg. E. I. Squadron 1854 Dec. 31. To actg. Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Reply to his communication of 30 inst. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 515.) 1855 Jan. To same. Result of conference on 11 inst. with Sir John Bowring and Sir James Stirling; protection to foreign shipping at Canton during in- Surrection. (ib., 556:) . ABBOT (JOEL), OF MASS.—cont’d comdg. E. I. Squadron—Cont’d 1855 Jan. 6. To same. Request of 4 inst. has been complied with. (ib., 516.) — Jan. 6. To same. Chinese insurrection; duty which an impartial neutrality imposes. (ib., 517.) Feb. 7. To same. Prepared to protect all vessels entitled to fly Amer. flag, and not carrying contra- band. (ib., 558.) — Feb. 19. To same. Use of Queen to convey him to Macao and Hong Kong. (ib., 586.) — Mch. 5. To same. Necessity of proceeding to Hong Kong with Macedonian at once, will prevent him seeing rebel chiefs as proposed. (ib., 593.) Mch. 5. To lieut. comdg. str. Queen (Preble). In- Structions in regard to lorcha Rapid. (ib., 581.) Mch. 5. To Parker. Requests decision in regard to Rapid. (ib., 579.) — Mch. 27. To Amer. cons. Canton (Sturgis). Rapid detained for violating treaty With China. (ib., 681.) — Mch. 28. To same. Nature of treaty violation by Rapid. (ib., 682.) — Apr. 30. Parker to Abbot. Directed to meet any emergency affecting Amer. interests in China until arrival of Mr. McLane. (ib., 687.) — May 4. Parker to Chinese imperial comr. (Yeh). Leaves China on 10 inst.; until arrival of Mr. Mc- Lane comdr. Abbot will act as comr. (ib., 688.) ABBOT (SAMUEL), HEIR OF GEORGE MAKEPEACE 1835 Feb. 2. Memorial presented in U. S. House (EV- erett, Mass.) praying indemnity for vessel cap- tured by French cruiser in 1794. (23. 2. H. jol., 307.) ABBOT (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. Memorial presented in U. S. House (Adams, Mass.) agst. annexation of Texas. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) 1845 Dec. 22. Do. (Severance, Me.). (29. 1. H. jol., 150.) • ABBOT DEVEREUX, SLAVER (MYERS) capº by H. B. M. str. Teazer on African coast in n. d. Mentioned. doc. 7, 527.) 1857 Sept. 10. Myers. Deposition before Amer. cons. at Sta. Cruz, Teneriffe (Le Brun); refusal of local authorities to grant him passport for Havana. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 75.) - Oct. 13. Amer. cons. Havana (Savage) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Case of Abbot Devereuz; etc. (ib., 73.) — Dec. 24. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier) to Cass. Slavetrade now confined almost wholly to Cuba; case of Abbot Deverewa: ; etc. (35. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 7, 69; 36. 2. H. ex. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 11.) 7 8 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ABBOTT (GEORGE F.) Amer. Vice-cons. for Salonica, 1843-52; see also U. S. A. Consular service. 1853 Dec. 14. B. E. Abbott. Memorial presented in Senate, U. S. A. (Everett, Mass.), praying remun- eration for expenses incurred by his father, G. F. Abbott, in discharge of official duties as vice-consul at Salonica. (33. 1. S. jol., 41.) 1854 Jan. 4. U. S. Sen. Com. on Commerce (Hamlin). Rpt. (adverse) on memorial of B. E. Abbott. (33. 1. S. rpt. 16.) ABBY (GEORGE), AMER. CITIZEN 1834 Mch. 26. Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Abduction of Abby by Pawnee Indians in Mexican terr. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 117.) — Je. 2. Butler to McLane. Mexican govt. unable to render assistance in obtaining release of Abby. (ib., 525.) — Aug. 26. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Lombardo) to Butler. President issues orders to obtain release Of Abby. (ib., 535.) Sept. 1. Butler to McLane. relative to release of Abby; etc. ABD ERRAHMAN IBENU KESHAM 1836 Sept. 16. Signs treaty of peace, etc., between Morocco and U. S. A.; see Morocco. Treaties. ABDEL KADER 1851 Dec. 9. Res. (32. 1. S. R. 7) requesting President U. S. A. to interpose friendly offices of U. S. with President of France in behalf of liberation of Abdel Kader. (32. 1. S. jol., 45.) ABECASIS (MESHOD), OF CALIFORNIA Amer, cons. for Larache and Arzila, Morocco, 1852-55; See U. S. A. Consular service. ABEKEN (GERHARD W.) Amer. cons. for Emden, 1839-[40] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. ABELINO, AMER. SCHR. (THOMAS) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 7.) ABELL (ALEXANDER), OF MICHIGAN Amer. cons. for Honolulu in 1845; see U. S. A. Consular service. 1847 Mch. 3. Memorial presented in Senate (Wood- bridge, Mich.) praying compensation for time in going to and returning from Sandwich Is. as cons., etc. (29. 2. S. jol., 288.) ABERDEEN, LORD (GEORGE HAMILTON GORDON), 1774- I860 Mexican corresp. (ib., 535.) Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office in Wellington ministry, Je. 2, 1828–Nov. 22, 1830; do. in Melbourne and feel ministries, Sept. 3, iè41.jiy. 6, 1846. Correspondence (American) Amer. chargé in Great Britain (Lawrence) 1828 Aug. 14. Upholds justice of arrest of J. Baker; maintains propriety of Br. pretensions to jurisdic- tion over disputed terr. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 73.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Great Britain (McLane) 1829 Dec. 14. No time to be lost in bringing proposals for commercial reciprocity to notice of Br. govt. (21. 2. S. doc. 20, 17; ib. H. ex. doc. 22, 17.) ABERDEEN, LORD (GEORGE HAMILTON GORDON), 1774- 1860—cont’d Correspondence (American)—cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Great Britain—cont’d (McLane)—cont’d 1830 Aug. 17. Br. concurrence in Amer. proposal of Dec. 12, 1829, assured upon Amer. compliance with Br. act of JIy. 5, 1825, effecting discontinuance of certain commercial restrictions. (ib., 49; ib., 14; vii, Reg. Debates, app., clxxxviii.) — Nov. 5. Gratification at extension of commercial intercourse as summarized in his of Nov. 3. (21. 2. S. doc. 20, 59; ib., Czcii.) (Stevenson) * 1841 Oct. 3. Sustains Br. assumption of right to detain and examine all vessels in African Seas flying Amer. colors. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 36; H. ex. doc. 2, 32; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 70; xi, Cong. Globe, app., 9.) — Oct. 20. Measures to adjust duty on rough rice im- ported from America and from Africa. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 56; H. ex. doc. 2, 56.) (Everett) — Dec. 2. Displeasure of govt. at conduct of master Of H. B. M. ship Herald towards master of Amer. bark Lintin. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 81.) — Dec. 20. Disclaims right to search, detain or to interfere with Amer. vessels; limits pretensions Of his govt. to vessels suspected of unwarrantably assuming Amer. flag. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 192, 7; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 85.) Dec. 31. No results received of inquiry into cases of Tigris, Seamew, Jones, and William and Francis. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 90.) 1842 Mch. 1. Decision of Treasury Board to equalize duty on all rough rice. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 6.) — Mch. 17. Acct of owners of Tigris to be settled. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 94.) — Je. 16. Acct. of OWners of Seamew to be settled. (ib., 99.) — Aug. 11. Grounds which justify refusal to re- store excess duty on rough rice claimed by Amer. merchants. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 17.) — Nov. 23. Explanation of delay in deciding cases of Seamew and Tigris. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 114.) — Dec. 29. Acct. of owners of Douglas to be settléd. (ib., 118.) 1843 Mch. 2. Examination into case of bark Jones. (ib., 143.) — Jly. 3. Case of Rhoderick, Dhu ; seaman taken from John A. Robb. (ib., 170.) — Jly. 15. Tenders satisfaction for Wrongful deten- tion of Amer. bark William, and Francis. (ib., 164.) — Aug. 28. Settlement in case of Amer. vessels Tigris and Seamew. (ib., 180.) — Oct. 17. Opinion of law officers of crown that Secy. of State has no authority to issue warrant for A. Pollock, fugitive from justice. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 30.) — Nov. 22. Specific instances of unjustifiable as- sumption of Amer. nationality by vessels engaged in slavetrade. (28. 1. S. doc. 217, 4.) 1844 Jan. 17. H. B. M. secy. for colonies, having no information, has sent to New Brunswick relative to communication from actg. gov. of Me. pertaining to non-execution of art. 5, treaty of Washington. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 48.) — Jan. 31. Instructions given to H. B. M. naval comdrs. governing conduct towards local Liberian authorities. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 162, 6.) — Apr. 10. Displeasure at conduct of H. M. officers towards Amer. bark Rhoderick, Dhu. (29. 1. S. doc. 300, 6; S. doc. 377, 185.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 9 ABERDEEN, LORD (GEORGE HAMILTON GORDON), 1774- 1860—cont’d Correspondence (American)—cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d (Everett)—cont’d 1844 Apr. 15. Seizure of Amer. Schr. Washington. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 123; H. ex. doc. 120, 82.) — Oct. 12. Amer. representation in case of schr. Washington referred to Colonial Office. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 133.) — Oct. 18. Amer. representation in case of Schr. Ar- gus referred to Colonial Office. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 86.) — Dec. 9. Denies that violation of treaty of Wash- ington is involved by act of New Brunswick, of Mch. 25, 1844. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 24.) 1845 Jan. 30. Investigation into boarding and search of Amer. brig Cyrus by H. B. M. brig Alert is in progress. (29. 1. S. doc. 300, 45.) — Mch. 10. Concedes right of Amer. fishermen to fish in Bay of Fundy. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 88; 32. 2. S. ex: doc. 100, 135.) — Mch. 10. Rpt. in case of Amer. Schr. Argus. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 94; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 140.) — Apr. 21. Amer. notes relative to schrS. Argus and Washington, have been referred to Colonial Office. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 105.) (McLane) — Sept. 15. Controverting charges of violent board- ing and Search of Cyrus by Alert. (29. 1. S. doc. 300, 46.) 1846 May 22. Receipt of notice for abrogation of con- vention of Aug. 6, 1827; H. B. M. govt. will consider conv. abrogated from May 21, 1847. (29. 1. S. doc. 489, 49.) Corr. (British) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox) 1842 Oct. 18. Negotiations for settlement of n. w. boundary by Lord Ashburton were retarded; di- rected to Secure instructions to Amer. minister in London to treat for final settlement of n. W. bound- ary. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 139.) p (Pakenham) 1845 Dec. 26. In explanation of Br. policy towards Texas. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 48; H. doc. 271, 48.) 1846 May 4. Payment to be made on claims for duties levied on rough rice in violation of art. 2, treaty of 1815. (29. 1. S. doc. 363, 2; H. ex: doc. 208, 2.) Corr. (Brazilian) H. B. M. minister in Brazil (Hamilton) 1845 Dec. 4. To H. B. M. minister for Brazil (Hamil- ton). Reply to communication of Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Wise) relative to slavetrade between Brazil and Africa; comment on slavers Agnes, Montevideo and Sea Eagle; charge against Mr. Weetman. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 3.) Corr. (Central American) H. B. M. cons. gen. (Chatfield) 1843 May 30. Instructions to obtain information rela- tive to slavery in U. S. A. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 47.) ABERDEEN, LORD (GEORGE HAMILTON GORDON), 1774- 1860—cont’d Corr. (Texan) H. B. M. chargé in Texas (Elliott) 1845 Dec. 3. To H. B. M. chargé for Texas (Elliott). Instructions relative to treaty obligations of Texas in event of her annexation to U. S. A. (29. 1. S. doc. 375, 3.) Executive 1843 Nov. 28. Signs reciprocal agreement with St. Aulaire to preserve independence of Hawaiian IS.; see Hawaii. ABERNETHY (GEORGE), GOV. OF OREGON TERR. 1848 Apr. 3. To President U. S. A. (Polk). State of affairs in Oregon; asks that troops be sent to aid in protecting people. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1003.) ABERT (J. J.), COL. TOPOGR. ENGRS., U. S. A. 1849 Jan. 4. To repr. from Ga. (King). Estimate of cost of r.r. and equipment at isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 26, 24.) — May 18. To F. Markoe. Views on various inter- oceanic routes. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 641.) ABIGAIL, AMER. SCHR. (WOODBRIDGE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. France and U. S. A. of July 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 7.) ABINGTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. Memorial vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) — Oct. 12. Same. 1838 Feb. 12. Same. — Mch. 12. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 599.) — Mch. 19. Same. (ib., 634.) 1842 Feb. 7. Memorial in favor of recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 325.) (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) 1845 Dec. 11. Do. v.S. annexation of Texas. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) 1846 Mch. 4. Do. in favor of arbitration. (ib., 486.) 1847 Jan. 14. Do. praying adoption of measures of ter- mination of war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 168.) — Jan. 16. Same. (ib., 182.) — Feb. 23. Same. (ib., 402.) ABRAMS (THOMAS B.), OF PENN. Amer, cons. for Mayaguez, 1845-[47] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. ABRANTES, MARQUEZ DE (M. CALMON DU PIN E AL- MEIDA); see CALMON DU PIN, ETC. ABREO (ANTONIO RODRIGRO), SLAVEDEALER n. d. Mentioned. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 63.) ABREU (A. P. LIMPO DE); see LIMPO DE ABREU ACAPULCO (MEXICO). Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular service ACAYABA DE MONTEZUMA (FRANCISCO GE), WiscondE DE JEQUITINHONHA Brazilian secretario dos negocios estrangeiros in 4th Feijo cabinet under Pedro II; see Brazil. Civil Service. ACCESSORY TRANSIT CO.; NICARAGUA CANAL CONCES- SION; see CENTRAL AMERICA 10 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ACEWEDO (JOSE) New Granadian ministro de relaciones esteriores in 1849; see Colombia. ACHSAH, BR. BRIG (MORELL) 1849 Nov. 21. H. B. M. chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Crampton) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). TJndue interference of admiralty courts of U. S. in cases arising betw. masters and seamen of Br. vessels. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 78, 1.) 1850 Feb. 11. Same (Bulwer) to same. Stnt. Of cer- tain cases in which conduct of admiralty judge at Phila. appears to have been particularly reprehensi- ble. (ib., 3.) ACKLEY (ENOCH H.), MASTER AMER. STR. COMMODORE STOCKTON; see COMMODORE STOCKTON ACOSTA (DOMINGO) Colombian chargé in U. S. A., 1832-38 ; see Colombia. 1831 Sept. 28. Colombian minstr. relac. est. (Velez) to secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Apptmt. of D. Acosta, Colombian chargé at Washington. (22. 1. H. doc. 173, 6.) — Dec. 31. Acosta, to Livingston. Requests audience for presentation of credentials. (ib., 5.) ACOSTA (JOAQUIN) Colombian chargé in U. S. A., in 1842; see Colombia ; New Granadian ministro de relac, esteriores, 1843- 45; see Colombia. 1843 Oct. 9. To Amer. chargé in Colombia (Blackford). Transmits copy of note of Sept. 30, from the then ministro de relac. est. (Ospina) to Secy. State U. S. A. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 77, 7; 29. 1. S. doc. 339, 2; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 417.) ACTIVE, AMER. STR.; see MEXICO. FILIBUSTERING IN- WASIONS ACTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. Memorial vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) 1839 Feb. 4. do. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) — Memorial praying recognition of Haiti. (ib., 466.) 1840 Mch. 30. do. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1841 Dec. 14. do. (27. 2. H. jol., 52.) —. Memorial vs. annexation of Texas. (ib., 52.) ACUSHNETT, AMER. WESSEL (GILES); see HACKLEY (R. S.) ADAIR (JOHN), U. S. A., CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, ASTORIA 1850 Jly. 24. To U. S. atty. Oregon distr. (Holbrook). Circumstances of seizure of Br. ship Albion; di- rected to institute proc. agst. Albion. (31. 2. S. ex, doc. 30, 3.) — Aug. 6. To Secy. Treasury U. S. A. (Corwin). Transmits rpt. of special inspector Dorr on viola- tions of revenue laws at Puget Sound; Seizure of Br. vessels Albion and Cadborough. (ib., 5.) — Aug. 12. To solicitor of Treasury, U. S. A. (Clark). Proc. agst. Albion. (ib., 3.) ADAM (MARY D.), CLAIMANT; see DUNLAP (JNO.) ADAMANT, AMER. BRIG (ALLEN) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. France and U. S. A., of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 7.) ADAMS ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. BELLONA; see BELLONA ADAMS ( ADAMS ( POST BOY ADAMS ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP MERRIMACK; see MERRIMACK ADAMS (ALLENSWORTH), AMER. CITIZEN; TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDITION; see TEXAS ADAMS (CHARLES FRANCIS), OF MASS. Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Gr. Britain, 1861-68; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1861 Je. 25. To H. B. M. Secy. Foreign Office (Russell). Conveys thanks of President for aid rendered by H. B. M. officers in quelling disturbance on LeOmi- das. (37. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 35.) — Je. 28. [no. 10 extr.] To Secy. State U. S. A. (Seward). Advice of delivery of note of Je. 25. (ib., 35.) ADAMS (E. G.), MASTER AMER. BRIG ORLEANS; see ORLEANS ADAMS (GEORGE B.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Alicante, 1827-34; see U. S. A. Consular ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. HOPE; see HOPE ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. POST BOY; see Service. ADAMS (HENRY A.), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1814-69. Lieut. 1825; comdr. 1841; capt. 1855; comdre. retired 1862. Died May 11, 1869. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1858-59 comdg. i.e. Brazil sqdn. ; 1860-61 comdg. Sabine, Home SQCin. ADAMS (JACOB) 1830 Dec. 13. Petition praying indemnity for losses by French Spoliations. (21. 2. S. jol., 34.) ADAMS (JAMES H.), OF MASS. 1852. Declines nomination as Amer. cons. for Singa- pore; see U. S. A. Consular service. ADAMS (JEFFERSON), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Rio Negro, Argentine Republic, 1845-50 ; See U. S. A. Consular service. ADAMS (JOHN), AMER. CITIZEN; TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDITION; see TEXAS A. ADAMS (JOHN), OF MASS. t 1785 Dec. 15. To Secy. Foreign Affairs under the Amer. Confederation (Jay). Inadequacy of salaries of Amer. ministers abroad. (22. 2. H. doc. 94, 9; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 89.) —. Works, distribution of; change. ADAMS (JOHN P.), OF MD. Amer, cons. for Laguayra, Venezuela, 1843-50; see U. S. A. Consular service. ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767–1848 Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Gr. Britain Feb. 28, 1815- May 14, 1817; Secy. State U. S. A. Mch. 5, 1817- Mch. 4, 1825; President, U. S. A. Mch. 7, 1825- jºh. 5, 18%;"Representative from Mass., 1831.48; chrm. Com. on Foreign Affairs 2d-3d Sess., 27th cong., Dec., 1841-Mch., 1843. E. E. and M. P. See International Ex- Correspondence 1815 Jly. 31. [unnum. extr.] To secy. State U. S. A. (Monroe). Inadequacy of salaries of Amer. minis- ters abroad. (22. 2. H. doc. 94, 10; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 89.) 1816 Sept. 30. [unnum. extr.] To same. Same. (ib.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 11 tº ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767–1848—cont’d Secretary of State Corr. (Argentinian) Amer. M. P. in Argentina. (Rodney) 1823 May 17. [unnum. extr.] Instructed to communi- cate copies of acts of Congress for suppression of slavetrade to govt. of Buenos Aires. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 202.) Corr. (British) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Rush) 1817 Nov. 6. [unnum. extr.] the receiving of presents from foreign powers. 1. H. rpt. 302, 3.) 1818 Nov. 2. [unnum. extr.] To comrs. to conclude treaties for renewal of conv. of Jly. 3, 1815. Galla- tin & Rush. U. S. A. cannot accede to stipulations of Lord Castlereagh. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 100.) 1823 Je. 23. [unnum. extr.] Instruction for representa- tion relative to free navigation of St. Lawrence. (20. 1. H. doc. 43, 7.) — Je. 23. [no. 64 extr.] Relative to act of Mch. 1, 1823, “to regulate commercial intercourse betw. U. S. A. and Br. colonial ports.” (27. 2. H. rpt. 650, 112.) — Je. 24. [unnum. extr.] Draught of conv. betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. to be proposed if Br. govt. is pre- pared to declare by statute that slavetrade is piracy. (ib., 203.) — Jly. 28. [unnum.] Specifies points relative to rights of maritime neutrality in time of war; one of several subjects of negotiation to be proposed to Gr. Br.; copy of project for conv. with Gr. Br. for regulating commercial and maritime neutrality. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 3.) H. B. M. chargé in U. S. A. (Antrobus) 1819 May 11. Refuses to deliver up persons confined at Charleston and alleged to have belonged to Louisa. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 49.) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Canning) 1820 Dec. 20. Declines proposed co-operation for sup- Fºlon of Slavetrade. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 1823 Mch. 31. Proposes Br. adoption of principle of act of May 15, 1820, and joint stipulation annexing penalties of piracy to those of slavetrade. (ib., 192.) Je. 24. No measure short of that proposed in his of Mch. 31, will accomplish abolition of slavetrade; Br. co-operation solicited. (ib., 397.) — Je. 25. Protest agst. detention of Amer. Schr. Charles by H. B. M. brig Argus. (32. 1. S. ex: doc. 100, 4; H. ex, doc. 120, 4.) Corr. (Colombian) Instructions prohibiting (23. Amer. M. P. (Anderson) 1823 May 28. Ino. 2, extr.] Full dress uniform of Amer. - ministers. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 31, 3.) 1824 May 27. [unnum. extr.] Instructed to communi- cate copies of acts of congress for suppression of slavetrade to govt. of Colombia. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 202.) Corr. (Danish) Amer. Consul-gen. (Forbes) 1818 Je. 5. [unnum. extr.] Applications to foreign govts. for surrender of persons implicated in mur- ders on board Amer. Schr. Plattsburg. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 30.) ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767-1848—cont’d Corr. (Dutch) Amer. chargé in the Netherlands (Everett), 1823 Aug. 8. [unnum.] Amer. govt. ready to negotiate on subject of House res. of May 15, 1820, Viz., de- nunciation of slavetrade as piracy by law of nations. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 213.) Corr. (French) Amer. chargé in France (Sheldon) 1817 Nov. 11. [unnum. extr.] Proc. in case of Nils Pedersen, alias Fogelgren, and Lemolgat, accom- plices in murders on board Plattsburg. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 8.) 1823 Aug. 13. [no. 1, extr.] Satisfaction at regulations for privateering; proposes conv. for regulating neu- tral rights in time of war. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 111, 16.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Brown) — Dec. 23. [unnum. extr.] General instructions rela- tive to Amer. claims. (22. 2. H. doc. 147, 1; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 202.) — Dec. 23. [no. 1, extr.] Propositions for final Sup- pression of slavetrade; contemplated improvements in general code of international law. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 19.) 1824 Aug. 14. Ino. 4.] To Same. renewal of claims negotiations. 1; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 203.) Corr. (Haitian) Instructions for (22. 2. H. doc. 147, Amer. Coml. agt. (Taylor) 1818 Feb. [unnum. extr.] Advice of apptmt. H. doc. 36, 117.) 1824 May 26. To same (Armstrong). more and Oliver claim. (ib., 24.) Corr. (Portuguese) Portuguese M. P. in U. S. A. (Correa de Serra) 1818 Mch. 14. Reply to note of 8 inst.; precautions taken by U. S. A. to prevent fitting out of vessels in Amer. ports to cruise against neutral powerS. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 166.) — Mch. 14. Case of General Armstrong. (ib., 13.) — Oct. 23. Atty. for distr. of Md. directed to proceed against persons complained of in his of 15 inst. (ib., 167.) — NOW. 18. 169.) 1819 Feb. 9. Act of congress of Mch. 3, 1817, was re- pealed Apr. 20, 1818. (ib., 170.) — Apr. 22. Apprehension of armed vessel Irresisti- (27. 3. [unnum.] Gil- Reply to notes of 13 and 14 inst. (ib., ble (Daniels). (ib., 173.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Dearborn) 1823 Aug. 14. [unnum. extr.] Amer. govt. ready to negotiate upon subject of House res. of May 15, 1820, viz., denunciation of slavetrade as piracy by law of nations. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 214.) Corr. (Russian) Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Middleton) 1819 Jan. 14. [unnum. extr.] Illicit introduction of Slaves into U. S. A. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 68.) 1823 J1y. 28. [unnum.] Instructed to communicate to Russian govt. general terms of draft of conv. with Gr. Br. for suppression of slave trade. (ib., 627.) 12 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767–1848—cont’d | ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767–1848—cont'd Executive Communications Corr. (Spanish) Amer. M. P. for Spain (Erving) 1817 Nov. 11. [unnum. extr.] Occupation of Amelia Is...; of Galveston; apptmt. of Rodney, Graham and Bland as comrs. to e. Coast of So. America, and of Prevost on mission to W. coast. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 277, 45.) 1818 Apr. 20. [unnum.] Spain’s confusion of Red River with Colorado; motives of U. S. A. for declining mediation of Gr. Br. in negotiations with Spain; protest against detention of W. D. Robinson. (ib., 47.) — Apr. 25. [no. 4.] Instructions relative to docu- ments belonging to former govt. of Louisiana. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 16.) — May 2. [no. 5.] Capture of Amer. Ships Beaver and Canton. (ib., 16.) — Nov. 28. Ino. 8.] Apptmt. of successor. (ib., 17.) Dec. 30. [unnum.] Ratification of conv. Of 1802. (ib., 49.) 1819 Mch. 8. Lunnum.] Amer. ratified copy of treaty Of 1819 forwarded. (ib., 49.) (Forsyth) 1822 Dec. 17. [secret; extr.] Present condition of Cuba. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 121, 5.) (Nelson) 1823 Apr. 28. [unnum. extr.] Instructed to communi- cate copies of sec. 4-5, act of Mch. 3, 1819, to Span. govt.; U. S. A. Willing to negotiate with European maritime powers for abolition of slavetrade and its denunciation as piracy. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 201.) — Apr. 28. [unnum. extr.] Instructions relative to Amer. policy in regard to Cuba. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 6; 32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 125.) — Apr. 13. [unnum.] Copy of schedule of papers, etc., relative to Sundry contracts made by R. W. Meade with Spanish govt. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58, 89; 22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 77; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 79; 24. 1. H. ex: doc. 236, 93; 33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 67; H. rpt. 5, 67.) Spanish chargé in U. S. A. (Rivas y Salmon) — Apr. 29. Argument supporting rejection by Amer. comrs. of Meade claim from 5th renunciation of art. 9, treaty of 1819. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58, 64; 22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 56; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 57; 24. 1. H. ex: doc. 236, 70; 27. 2. H. rpt. 457, 45; 30 1. H. rpt. 94, 50; 33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 47; 33. 1. H. rpt. 5, 47.) Corr. (Turkish) 1823 Apr. 2. To G. B. English. Authorized to proceed to Orient for purpose of obtaining commercial, etc., information. (22. 1. H. doc. 250, 12.) 1825 Feb. 7. To comdr. U. S. Mediterranean Sqdn. (Rodgers). Instructions for negotiation of treaty of commerce with Turkey. (ib., 19.) 1828 JIy. 21. To Amer. cons. Smyrna (Affley). Secret instructions as joint comr. to negotiate treaty of commerce with Turkey. (ib., 64.) — JIy. 22. To comdr. U. S. Mediterranean Sqdn. (Crane). Secret instructions as joint comr. to ne- gotiate treaty of commerce with Turkey. (ib., 63.) — Jly. 24. To E. Myer. Apptmt. as bearer of des- patches * comrs. to negotiate treaty with Turkey. (ib., 66. 1820 Feb. 16. To Senate, U. S. A. Rpt. on Krittman memorial. (20. 2. H. rpt. 39, 2.) — Apr. 14. To L. Bradish. Passport. (22. 1. H. doc. 250, 3.) — May 12. To President U. S. A. (Monroe). List Of Spanish spoliation claims. (22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 12; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 236, 24.) — Sept. 6. To R. W. Meade. Congratulations upon adjustment of his accts. (27. 2. H. rpt. 457, 21; 33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 22; H. rpt. 5, 21.) 1821 Jan. 4. To House of R. Rpt. on slavetrade cor- resp. betw. President of U. S. A. and European maritime powers. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 93.) — Jan. 11. To President Monroe. Despatch from Amer. minister at London relative to negotiation for slavetrade Suppression. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 109.) — Feb. 13. [extr.] Rpt. On Meade claim; etc. (33. 1. H. rpt. 5, 14.) 1822 Mch. 9. To Spanish claims comrs. Not intention to exclude contract claims from benefits of treaty * of 1819. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58, 44; 22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 39; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 40; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 236, 52; 27. 2. H. rpt. 457, 33; 33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 35; 33. 1. H. rpt. 5, 35.) 1824 Apr. 22. To chrm. S. com, of claims (Williams). Thomas petition. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 21.) 1825 Jan. 3. To G. B. English. Apptmt. as interpreter on U. S. S. North Carolina, Mediterranean sqdn. (22. 1. H. doc. 250, 9.) — Feb. 2. To Senate, U. S. A. Appeal to King of Spain in case of owners of brig James Lawrence. (20. 1. H. rpt., 247.) ſº — Feb. 28. To President of Senate, U. S. A. (Cal- houn). Rpt. on Meade claim pursuant to Sen. res. of Feb. 15. (22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 88; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 90; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 236, 103.) Corresp. as Secy. of State was continued by Henry Clay ; see Clay. President of U. S. A. 1827 Feb. 8. To Senate U. S. A. Message transmitting and relative to treaty of amity, etc., with Mexico. (iii, Sen. exec. jol., 568.) — Mch. 17. Proclamation relative to prohibition of trade betw. U. S. A. and open Br. colonial ports. (20. 1. H. doc. 2, 36.) 1828 Mch. 3. To Congress U. S. A. Message on aggres- Sions on rights of Amer. citizens by authorities § New Brunswick. (20. 1. S. jol., 20; S. doc. 130, — Apr. 30. To same. Message relative to landing Of negroes at Key West from Span. slaver stranded within jurisdiction of U. S. A. (20. 1. S. jol., 344; H. jol., 650.) May 16. To same. Message recommending ex- tension of reciprocity in discriminating duties towards Prussian vessels. (20. 1. S. jol., 425; H. jol., 769.) — Jly. 23. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard). In- structed to provide for expenses of comdr. during negotiation of treaty with Turkey. (22. 1. H. ex. doc. 250, 66.) — Dec. 2. To Congress U. S. A. Annual message [4th]. French spoliations; n. e. boundary; Br. colonial trade; commercial treaty With Austria; extension of commercial reciprocity; Danish in- demnity; treaty negotiations with Mexico; revolu- tions in Brazil and in Colombia; Brazilian indem- nity. (ii, Mess. and Papers, 408.) 1829 Mch. 3. To same. Message relative to publication of instructions to Amer. ministers to Panama. Con- gress. (iv., Sen. exec. jol., 6; 21; 20. 2. S. jol., 192; H. jol., 386; V, Reg. Debates, 74; 93; do app., 38.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 13 ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767-1848—cont’d Representative from Massachusetts Bills "Introduced 1838 Feb. 9. Amer. claims on Mexico. (25. 2. H. res. 6.) 1843 Jan. 24. Future intercourse with Hawaii. (27. 3. H. R. 721.) — Jan. 24. Do. with China. (ib., 720.) Expulsion of Adams 1842 Jan. 21. Petition of citizens of Habersham Co. (Ga.) for removal of Adams from chrmship. Of Com. on Foreign Affairs. (27. 2. H. jol., 260; 27.) — Jan. 21. R. W. Habersham, representative from Ga. Remarks on petition for removal of Adams. (xi, Cong. Globe, 158.) — Jan. 22. Same. Further remarks. (ib., 163.) — Jan. 22. J. Campbell, repr. from S. C. Remarks; opposing motion to permit Adams to defend him- self. (ib., 162.) — Jan. 25. T. F. Marshall, repr. from Ky. Speech; res. of censure in case of Adams. (ib., app., 983.) — Feb. 3. Thos. W. Gilmer, repr. from Va. Re- marks; design for removal of Adams. (xi, Cong. Globe, 208, 211.) — Feb. 4. Same. Remarks; denying charges of con- spiracy for removal of Adams. (ib., app., 975.) — Feb. 4. R. B. Rhett, repr. from S. C. Remarks; pref- erence for Cushing to Adams. (xi, Cong. Globe, 211.) — Feb. 4. T. F. Marshall. Remarks; origin of res. for expulsion of Adams. (ib., app., 977.) — Feb. 4. Same. Remarks; protesting against exceS- sive allowance of time to Adams to defend himself. (ib. 979.) Feb. 4. R. B. Rhett. Remarks; denying charges of conspiracy for removal of Adams. (ib., 976.) — Feb. 4. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; denying charges of conspiracy for removal of Adams. (ib., 975.) — Feb. 4. Thos. D. Arnold, repr. from Ill. Remarks; favoring reference of case of Adams to select com. (ib., 979.) 1846 Jan. 7. R. B. Rhett. Remarks; Adams’ Support of late war with England and his diplomacy. (XV, Cong. Globe, 156.) O'Connell Controversy; see O'Connell (D.) Remarks, etc. 1831 Dec. 13. Remarks; favoring reference of French spoliation claims to select com. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1434.) 1832 Jan. 27. Do.; opposing bill giving effect to com- mercial arrangement with Colombia. (ib., 1665.) — Mch. 16. Do.; practice of giving presents in diplo- matic negotiations with Eastern nations; favoring increased apprin. for Turkish mission. (ib., 2194.) — Apr. 27. Do.; favoring apprm. for mission to France. (ib., 2627.) — Apr. 28. Speech; principles involved in retention of apprn. for mission to France. (ib., 2641.) — Dec. 21. Remarks; in Support of res. calling for corresp. resulting in departure of Amer. chargé from Buenos Aires. (ix, ib., 900.) 1833 Feb. 12. Do.; in explanation of incorrect stnt. that East Florida claims had already been paid. (ib., 1686.) 1834 Apr. 9. Speech; opposing apprin. for clerk to ar- range State Dept. archives. (x, ib., 3575.) — Apr. 30. Remarks; opposing practice of paying full salary and outfit to ministers for services of short duration; opposing apprm. for salaries of ministers to Gr. Br. and to Russia. (ib., 3871.) — May 1. Do.; explaining opposition to apprin, for ministers to Gr. Br. and to Russia. (ib., 3883.) ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767-1848—cont’d Remarks—cont’d 1834 May 2. Do.; protesting agst. apprins. for chargés to So. America and to Belgium. (ib., 3913.) — May 2. Speech; protesting, in reply to Archer, agst. apprp. for chargé to Buenos Aires. (ib., 3926.) — May 7. Remarks; favoring continuance of French claims commission. (ib., 3974.) — Dec. 30. Remarks; Spanish title to terr. betw. Sabine and Red rivers. (xi, ib., 885.) 1835 Jan. 20. Do.; Venezuela; necessity for minister there. (ib., 1023.) — Jan. 20. Do.; opposing apprin. for chargé to Buenos Aires. (ib., 1021.) — Feb. 7. Do.; supporting his motion to instruct Com. on Foreign Affairs to report forthwith on rela- tions with France. (ib., 1222.) — Feb. 26. Do.; favoring prºg. of docS. regarding re- lations with France. (ib., 1511.) — Feb. 26. Res.; upholding claims of Amer. citizens under treaty of Jiy. 4, 1831; requesting President to renew negotiations during recess of Congress, if necessary. (ib., 1508.) — Feb. 27. Remarks; favoring commitment of Sub- ject of relations with France to Com. of Whole. (ib., 1518.) — Feb. 28. Speech; in support of his resolution of 26 inst. (ib., 1532.) — Mch. 2. Do.; in explanation of his resolution of 26 inst. (ib., 1622.) — Mch. 3. Remarks; opposing amdmt. cutting off apprin. for minister to Gr. Br. (ib., 1635; 1642.) 1836 Jan. 7. Do.; relations with Mexico. (xii, ib., 2142.) — Jan. 11. Do.; alleged outrage on Amer. citizen by Mexican govt.; remonstrance of Mexico. agst. Amer. interference in affairs of Texas. (ib., 2144.) — May 13. DO.; correcting misrepresentations of his part in negotiation of Florida treaty. (ib., 3701.) — May 17. Do.; opposing Sen. amdmt. to bill to carry into effect conv. with Spain. (ib., 3734.) 1837 Jan. 9. Do.; petition from Br. authors regarding copyright. (xiii, ib., 1313.) — Feb. 28. DO.; opposing recognition of Texas by Congress without initiative of President. (ib., 2060.) — Sept. 13. DO.; corresp. regarding Mexican bound- ary, (xiv, ib., 606.) — Oct. 10. Do.; favoring prèg., of additional copies of Whole COrresp. On independence of Texas and Mexican boundary. (ib., 1373.) — Dec. 26. Do.; reference to select com. of petition of N. Y. Peace Socy. On Mexican proposition of claims compromise. (vi, Cong. Globe, 54.) — Dec. 28. Do.; memorial of N. Y. Peace Socy. On Mexican claims compromise. (ib., 62.) 1838 Jan. 5. Do.; Supporting amdmtS. to res. respecting General Urrea; calling for instructions regarding neutrality of U. S. A. in Mexican and Canadian troubles. (ib., 77.) — Jan. 5. Do.; urging consideration of resolution re- specting General Urrea. (ib., 76.) — Jan. 11. Speech; Gorostiza pamphlet. (ib., 93.) Feb. 2. Remarks; Gorostiza pamphlet. (ib., 154.) — May 17. Do.; reply to Cushing; Oregon. (ib., 381.) — Je. 21. Do.; adverse to rpt. from Com. on Foreign Affairs on annexation of Texas. (ib., 465.) Je. 22. Do.; d.o. (ib., 472.) — Je. 23. Do.; d.o. (ib., 474.) 1839 Jan. 17. DO.; favoring prºg. of all memorials on peace congress. (vii, Cong. Globe, 130.) — Feb. 26. Do.; deprecating quasi neutral stand taken by President in controversy betw. Me. and New Brunswick. (ib., 228.) — Feb. 26. Do.; questioning constitutionality of ad- vice of President to Gov. of Me. regarding explana- tion to Gov. of New Brunswick. (ib., 224.) 14 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767-1848—cont’d Remarks—cont’d ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY), OF MASS., 1767-1848—cont’d Remarks—cont’d 1839 Feb. 28. Do.; questions whether Gr. Br. really claimed exclusive jurisdiction over disputed terr. pending settlement. (ib., 282.) — Mch. 1. Do.; difference betw. “claim * and “agree- ment * regarding Br. jurisdiction over disputed terr. (ib., 235.) — Mch. 2. Do.; makes amends for severity of his strictures on Biddle's stand on Me. boundary ques- tion. (ib. 242.) — Mch. 2. Speech; defends Me. in n. e. boundary dis- pute; advocating passage of bill giving President ad- ditional power in case of invasion. (ib., app., 284.) 1840 Je. 9. Remarks; opposes acceptance of presents from foreign powers. (viii, Cong. Globe, 454.) — Jly. 7. Do.; d.o. (ib., 512.) t — Jly. 8. Do.; d.o. (ib., 514.) — Jly. 9. Do.; d.o. (ib., 516.) Dec. 10. Do.; accuracy of 26. 1. H. doc. 185, relat- ing to negroes on A mistad. (ix, Cong. Globe, 13.) — Dec. 16. Do.; Supports res. calling for information on commercial relations with China. (ib., 28.) 1841 Feb. 13. Speech; opposes rpt. of Com. on Foreign * on Caroline; urges recommitment. (ib., 173. Je. 21. Remarks; defends res. calling for informa- tion regarding seizure of Amer. Slavers by Br. cruisers. (x, ib., 85.) — Aug. 27. Do.; Opposes motion to Strike out apprins, for outfits of ministers to Sardinia, and to Naples. (ib., 394.) Sept. 4. Speech; opposes res. calling for informa- tion on McLeod case; defending administration. (ib., app. 432.) Sept. 7. Remarks; Opposes negotiations with Gr. Br. for release of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (x, Cong. Globe, 440.) — Sept. 8. Do.; favors reference to Com. on Foreign Affairs of bill making apprin. for outfits and sala- ries of diplomatic agtS. (ib., 442.) 1842 Jan. 21. Do.; claims right of self defence in matter of petition to remove him from chrmship. Of Com. on Foreign Affairs. (xi, ib., 158.) Jan. 22. Do.; d.o. (ib., 161.) — Jan. 22. Do.; opposes recognition of Haiti. (ib., 163.) — Feb. 3. Do.; his removal as chrm. of Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 208.) Feb. 4. Do.; d.o. (ib., 211; app., 975.) Feb. 5. Do.; d.o. (ib., app., 980.) — Mch. 15. Do.; res. of Aug. 27, 1841, providing for reduction of foreign representation. (xi, Cong. Globe, 319.) — Apr. 12. Do.; item in general apprin. bill providing for salaries of ministers abroad. (ib., 416.) — Apr. 13. Do.; d.o. (ib., 418.) — Apr. 14. Do.; Ingersoll motion to reduce apprºn. for missions to Austria and Prussia. (ib., 423.) — Apr. 14. Speech; denounces aggressive attitude to- ward Gr. Br.; right of search; refusal of France to ratify quintuple treaty. (ib., 423.) • — Apr. 15. Do.; peace and war with Gr. Br. and with Mexico; annexation of Texas and slavery; relations with France; slavetrade and right of search. (ib., 426.) — May 9. Remarks; power of President to appoint diplomatic agts.; precedents. (ib., 482.) — May 11. Do.; favors apprin. for full outfit to chargé for Holland. (ib., 491.) . — May 12. Do.; defends employment of despatch agtS. and apprn. for their services; Suggesting future legislation to establish their status. (ib., 495.) 1842 Jly. 28. Do.; opposes motion to strike out apprin. for salary of cons. at London. (ib., 805.) – Jly. 28. Do.; on sec. of contingent apprim. bill legal- izing apptmt.S. of dragoman at Constantinople and Cons. at London. (ib., 804.) - 1843 Feb. 8. Do.; African sqdn. (xii, ib., 260.) — Feb. 21. Do.; propriety of mission to China amndmt.; bill providing for commercial intercourse. “ (ib., 323; 325.) — Feb. 28. Do.; relation to U. S. A. of certain colo- nies on African coast. (ib., 366.) — Feb. 28. Request to be discharged from considera- tion of Alabama res. in favor of annexation of Texas. (ib., 367.) — Dec. 19. Remarks; protests agst, reference of Oregon question to any committee other than Com. on Foreign Affairs. (xiii, ib., 48.) . 1845 Jan. 24. Do.; correcting error in rpt. of his re- marks on annexation of Texas; reiterating con- stitutional objections. (xiv, ib., 190.) — Jan. 24. Remarks; opposes annexation of Texas. (ib., 188.) — Jan. 27. Do.; favors postponement of Oregon bill until settlement of true boundary. (ib., 202.) — Jan. 29. Do.; favors delay in consideration of Oregon bill. (ib., 215.) — Jan. 31. DO.; urges termination of joint occupancy of Oregon. (ib., 227.) — Feb. 1. Do.; in explanation of his amndmt. to Oregon bill. (ib., 231.) — Feb. 1. Do.; n. e. boundary negotiations. (ib., 231.) — Feb. 17. Do.; Oregon and Texas questions necessi- tate increase of army. (ib., 301.) 1846 Jan. 2. Do.; termination of joint occupancy of Oregon. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 126.) — Jan. 7. Speech; explains his past attitude on War of 1812, agst. personal attack. (ib., 156.) — Feb. 9. Do.; maintains title of U. S. to Oregon; urges termination of joint occupancy. (ib., 340; app., 465.) — Apr. 9. Do.; opposes resolution calling for stnt. of payments since 1841 for contingent expenses of foreign intercourse. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 640.) — Apr. 13. Speech; favors occupation of all of Ore- gon by U. S. A. (ib., 662.) — Apr. 20. Remarks; defends official conduct of Web- ster. (ib., 699.) — Aug. 6. Do.; urges definition of boundaries in Oregon bill. (ib., 1201.) — Aug. 8. Do.; favors passage of foreign intercourse bill º apprn. is to be used to end Mexican War. (ib., 1215. 1847 Jan. 27. Speech; Mexican war, during debate on naval apprin. bill. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 140.) — Mch. 2. Do.; on 51st Sen. amndmt. to civil, etc., apprn. bill, providing indemnity to proprietors of A mistad. (ib., 437.) 1848 Jan. 13. Remarks; President's message of Jan. 12 in response to call for instructions to Slidell, etc. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 167.) Reports 1840 Dec. 31. From select com. on falsification of docs. relating to negroes of Amistad. (ix, Cong. Globe, 79.) 1843 Jan. 24. To acc. H. R. 721 for providing means of future intercourse with Hawaii. (27. 3. H. rpt. 93.) — Jan. 24. To acc. H. R. 720 for providing means of future intercourse with China. (ib., 93.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 15 ADAMS (SAMUEL R.), CLAIMANT; see VIETCH (RICHARD) ADAMS (SAMUEL W.), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1808-31. ... Lieut. , 1827; comdr. 1829; died Jan. 1, 1831. . Sea service in command (1828-31) : 1828 comdg. Shark, W. I. sqdn. ADAMS (SETH), CLAIMANT 1829 Feb. 3. for losses by French spoliations. (20. 2. S. jol., 104.) — Dec. 22. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 40.) 1843 Dec. 21. Memorial in House; do. (28. 1. H. jol., 89.) 1850 Jan. 29. Do.; d.o. (31. 1. H. jol., 425.) — Feb. 7. Do.; d.o. (ib., 486.) — Feb. 21. Do. in Senate; do. (31. 1. S. jol., 170.) *:::: 3. Petition in House; do. (33. 1. H. jol., ADAMS (STEPHEN), SENATOR FROM MISS. 1852 Jly. 23. Remarks; in favor of Mason’s res. Calling for corresp. with Gr. Br. Since conv. of 1818 touching No. Amer. fisheries. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 1892.) — Dec. 21. Do.; in reply to Hale on causes of Mexi- can War. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 110.) 1853 Feb. 26. Do.; opposes amndmt. to civil, etc., apprin. bill providing for expenses attending expected visit of Turkish war str. (ib., 877.) 1854 Jan. 23. Do.; visit and public treatment of Papal Nuncio. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 225.) — Feb. 17. Do.; correcting Shields in regard to prin- ciple of S. 61 for relief of Hodges and Landsdale. (ib., 440.) — Jly. 27. Do.; supports Clayton's amndmt. to civil, etc., apprn. bill concerning compensation to clerks in State Dept. (ib., 1958.) — Jly. 27. Do.; Mason’s amndmt. to H. R. 48, in- creasing salaries of ministers to Gr. Br. and France. (ib., 1961.) — Dec. 11. Do.; Supports S. 503 to amend act of Apr., 1802, establishing uniform rule of naturalization. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 24.) 1855 Mch. 2. Do.; reimbursing comdre. Perry for ex- penses incurred during Japanese mission; full com- pensation to R. C. Schenck, special comr. to Uru- guay, etc. (ib., 1094.) 1856 May 22. Do.; testimonial to Dr. E. K. Kane. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 1278.) —. Je. 16. Speech; urges amndmt. of naturalization laws. (ib., 1409.) — Aug. 11. Remarks; equalizing salaries of State Dept. clerks. (ib., 2026.) ADAMS (W. B.), SECY. TO COMDR. U. S. S. MACEDONIAN 1855 Nov. 2. To Amer. Cons. Hong Kong (Keenan). Invitation to board Macedonian to escape Br. arrest. (35. 2. H. ex: doc. 113, 42.) ADAMS (WILLIAM A.) 1853 Dec. 14. Petition in House praying indemnity for losses by French spoliations. (33. 1. H. jol., 84.) ADAMS (WILLIAM N.), OF WA. Amer, cons. for Santiago de Cuba, 1850-54; see U. S. A. Consular service. ADAMS (WILLIAM S.), ET AL. 1840 Mch. 30. Petition in house praying repeal of naturalization laws. (26. 1. H. jol., 727.) ADAMS (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. Memorial in House vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 3. H. jol., 583.) Petition in Senate; praying indemnity . ADAMS, AMER. SCHR. Captured by Braz. sqdn. towards close of war with Buenos Aires; sent into Montevideo and there con- demned. 1828 Oct. 13. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty). Detention of Adams at Montevideo. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 32, 119.) 1829 Mch. 3. Same to same. Case of Adams, etc. (ib., 179.) — Apr. 23. Same to same (Pereira). Urges settle- ment in case of Adams, etc. (ib., 190.) — Apr. 27. Pereira to Tudor. Rpt. in case of Adams, etc. (ib., 191.) — May 27. Tudor to secr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty). Case of Adams. (ib., 205.) — Je. 1. Same to same. Schr. Adams, etc. (ib., 208.) Je. 22. Same to same. Maintains justice of claim in case of Adams. (ib., 219.) — Je. 29. Aracaty to Tudor. Case of Schr. Adams. (ib., 207.) — Je. 30. Same to Same. Reasons of comrs. for not admitting claim in case of Adams; copy of stnt. of comrs. (ib., 216.) 1830 Feb. 24. Secy. State U. S. (Van Buren) to Tudor. Instructions for representation in Case of Adams. (ib., 28.) ADAMS, U. S. S.; see DYER (T.) ADAMS CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 15. Memorial in Senate vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 2. S. jol., 229.) 1839 Feb. 9. Do.; d.o. (25. 3. S. jol., 216.) ADAMS CO. (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Jan. 2. Memorial in House VS. annexation of Texas. (28. 2. H. jol., 163.) ADAMS CO. (0.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 22. Memorial in Senate vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 2. S. jol., 158.) 1839 Feb. 9. Do.; d.o. (25. 3. S. jol., 216.) 1840 Mch. 30. Do. in House. (26. 1. H. jol., 731.) ADAMS CO. (PENN.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 14. Memorial in House VS. annexation of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 53.) 1838 Jan. 3. Do.; d.o. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) Jan. 8. Do.; d.o. (ib., 237.) Feb. 14. Do.; d.o. (ib., 445.) 1844 Apr. 19. Memorial in Senate V.S. annexation of Texas. (28. 1. S. jol., 245.) 1848 Jan. 24. Memorial in House praying adoption of peace measures with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 280.) — Feb. 4. DO. in Senate. (30. 1. S. jol., 153.) 1853 Jan 27. Memorial in Senate in favor of arbitra- tion. (32. 2. S. jol., 138.) ADAMS GRAY, AMER. SLAVER BRIGANTINE Boarded Apr. 10, 1857, by H. B. M. sloop Prometheus off St. Thomas, W. coast Africa ; prize sent to Sierra Leone for adjudication. 1857 May 11. H. B. M. cons. at Lagos (Campbell) to secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Capture of Adams Gray, etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49. 4.) — Aug. 2. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Capture of Adams Gray, etc. (ib., 3.) — Dec. 24. Same to same. Do. (ib., 11.) ADARIO, AMER. BARK (BROWN) 1844 Oct. 21. Lieut. U. S. S. Macedonian (Craven) to comdr. African Sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Boarding of Aldario, etc. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 133.) 16 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ADDINGTON (HENRY UNWIN), 1790-1870 H. B. M. chargé for U. S. A., Aug. 9, 1823, to Aug. 20, 1825; permanent Under Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office, Mch. 4, 1842. Chargé for U. S. A. Correspondence Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams) 1823 Oct. 12. Detention of Amer. Schr. Charles by H. B. M. brig Argus. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 5; H. ex. doc. 120, 7.) 1824 Apr. 9. Protest agst. act of S. C. prohibiting entry of free negroes. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 119, 3.) — Je. 10. Restoration of the only Amer. vessel, Dolphin, captured by Amer. Schr. Charles during employment as Br. cruiser. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 11; H. ex. doc. 120, 13.) — Jly, 12. H. B. M. Vessel Marmion. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 119, 5.) — Oct. 5. Alleged interference by H. B. M. brig Dotterel in Amer. fisheries in Passamaquoddy Bay result of treaty violation on part of U. S. A. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 12.) 1825 Feb. 19. Comment on Br. rpts. On Amer. charges of illegal detention of Amer. Vessels in Passama- quoddy Bay. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 21; H. ex. doc. 120, 20.) — Mch. 2. Requests definite advice of intention of Pres. of U. S. A. in regard to Br. slavetrade propo- sition. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 228.) (Clay) 1825 Mch. 30. Promises satisfaction in case of alleged Br. depredations upon Amer. territory. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 8; 25. 2. H. doc. 126, 264.) — Apr. 9. Regret at failure of conv. for suppression of slavetrade. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 231.) May 23. Reply to his complaint of Mch. 27 agst. depredations in disputed territory. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 8; 25. 2. H. doc. 26, 264.) Permanent Under Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office 1848 Sept. 18. To J. H. Pelly. Sale by Hudson’s Bay Co. of right of navigation of Columbia River. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 20, 10.) 1849 Sept. 20. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. for France (Rives). Apptmt. for interview with Lord Pal- merston. (32. 2. S. doc. 27, 17.) 1852 Jan. 1. To Secy. H. B. M. admiralty. Instructed to call upon Comdr. Of Ea;press for explanation of Prometheus affair. (p. 107, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America, in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Jan. 12. To Samfe. Approving vice-admiral Sey- mour’s conduct of Prometheus affair. (ib., 115.) 1854 Mch. 25. To (?). Ownership of property seized by H. B. M. cruisers. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 570.) ADDISON (A. E.); see GAINES (R. M.) ADDISON (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 18. Memorial in House vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) 1839 Feb. 4. Do. praying recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H H. jol., 466.) — Feb. 4. Do. vs. annexation of Texas. (ib., 472.) ADDISON, AMER. WHALER Boarded, and four seamen impressed into Chilean service, on Oct. 15, 1850, while temporarily in port of Valparaíso. 1849 Nov. 30. Comandancia general da Marina, Chili. Order; contracts for shipment of Chilean mariners on foreign vessels. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 27, 137.) ADDISON, AMER, WHALER—cont’d 1850 May 18. Comandante general de Marina, Chili (Encalada) to ministr. de relac. est., Chili (Varas). Information for verification of facts relative to transfer of Seamen from Addison. (ib., 130.) — Oct. 16. Amer. cons., Valparaiso (Potter) to Amer. E. E. and M. P., Chili (Peyton). Notice of Chilean impressment of Seamen from Addison. (ib., 64.) — Oct. 16. Same to Same. Gov. Blanco regrets im- pressment of Addison Seamen; Will make amends. (ib., 64.) — Oct. 21. Master Addison (Lawrence) to Peyton. Protest. (ib., 65.) — Oct. 27. Potter to Peyton. Justifies his stnt. Of Ald- dison impressment as opposed to that of Chilean minister of foreign affairs. (ib., 67.) 1851 Mch. 7. Peyton to Varas. Protest agst. Addison impressment; recital of facts in case; apposite in- ternational law. (ib., 54.) — Mch. 21. Encalada to Varas. Denies implication that Addison impressments were device to obtain Sailors for the Chili. (ib., 128.) — Apr. 12. Judge of Criminal court, Valparaiso (Riesco) to capt. of port (Cabieses). Ordered to State circumstances leading to transfer of Addison Seamen. (ib., 129.) — Apr. 19. Peyton to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Advice of Addison impressment. (ib., 53.) Apr. 20. Cabieses to Riesco. Response to his of 12 inst. (ib., 129.) — May 8. Peyton to Varas. Urges reply to his of Mch. 7. (ib., 89.) — Je. 10. Varas to Peyton. Reply to his of May 8; vindicates Chilean proc. (ib., 90.) — Je. 15. Peyton to Varas. Reiterates stnt. Of his position in Addison impressment. (ib., 96.) — Je. 21. Peyton to Webster. Asks for instructions in Addison case. (ib., 63.) — Jly. 2. Webster to Peyton. Characterizes Addison, impressment. (ib., 100.) Jly. 23. Peyton to Webster. Little hope of satis- factory Chilean response; instructions awaited. (ib., 100.) — Aug. 22. Peyton to Varas. Asks whether his of Je. 15 has been recd. (ib., 105.) — Aug. 23. Varas to Peyton. Explains failure to re- ply to note of Je. 15. (ib., 105.) — Aug. 23. Peyton to Webster. Extr. from rpt. of Chilean minister of foreign affairs to Congress on Addison impressment. (ib., 100.) — Aug. 25. Peyton to Varas. Consents to interview if note of Je. 15, is first answered. (ib., 106.) — Aug. 27. Varas to Peyton. Invited to attend con- ference regarding Addison impressment. (ib., 106.) — Sept. 24. Peyton to Webster. Unsatisfactory out- Come of conference with Varas; Chile disclaims responsibility. (ib., 103.) 1852 Mch. 16. Peyton to Varas. Case of Addison as viewed by Amer. govt. (ib., 107.) — Mch. 19. Varas to Peyton. Explains delay in ad- justing Addison case. (ib., 108.) — Mch. 22. Peyton to Webster. Addison corresp. for- warded to State Dept. (ib., 107.) & — Apr. 26. Same to same. Failure of Chili to re- ply to Addison note regarded as showing lack of re- Spect for U. S. A. (ib., 109.) — Apr. 29. Varas to Peyton. Vindicates Chilean proc. (ib., 114.) — May 17. Peyton to Varas. Arrival of courier with despatches from Washington bearing on continued inactivity in Addison affair. (ib., 113.) — May 20. Peyton to Webster. Reiterates his stnt. of #on affair as opposed to that of Chili. (ib., 0. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 17 ADDISON, AMER. WHALER—cont’d 1852 Je. 16. Peyton to Varas. Requests more definite designation of authorities for Chilean attitude in Addison affair. (ib., 135.) — Je. 18. Amer. cons. clk., Valparaíso (de Ronceray) to Peyton. Order of Apr. 1851, to furnish Chilean Sailors bound for foreign voyages in foreign both toms with contracts. (ib., 136.) — Je. 28. Peyton to Webster. Reply to Varas; correc- tion of certain errors. (ib., 134.) — Jly. 13. Same to same. No reply to his of Je. 16 to Varas. (ib., 136.) — Jly. 29. Varas to Peyton. Reply to his of Je. 16. (ib., 136.) — Aug. 18. Amer. cons., Talcuhuano (Eckell) to gov. of Talcuhuano (Larenas). Bonds exacted of * of Amer. vessels for return to Chili. (ib., 139. — Aug. 11. Same to Peyton. Copy of order of Apr. 1851, regulating shipment of Chilean mariners on foreign vessels. (ib., 138.) — Aug. 11. Larenas to Eckell. Reply to his of Aug. 18. (ib., 139.) — Sept. 13. Peyton to Webster. Circular requiring bonds of masters of foreign vessels shipping Chil- ean mariners in Chilean ports issued after Addison impressment. (ib., 138.) — Sept. 29. Same to same. Views on Addison case requested. (ib., 141.) 1853 May 1. Same to Varas. Addison case. . (ib., 142.) — Je. 29. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Advice of his note of May 1, to Chili. (ib., 141.) 1854 Jan. 12. Resolution in Senate (Bell, Tenn.) calling for Addison corresp. (33. 1. S. jol., 95.) ADDISON CO. (WT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 27. Memorial in Senate vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 1. S. jol., 46.) 1839 Feb. 18. Do. in House. ADIEU, BR. BARK Bound from Glasgow to Boston, struck a reef 9 miles out of Gloucester, Mass., *. 4, 1856. Lieut. Trench- ard, comdg., and G. F. orrison, master, U. S. Str. Viajem, saved bark from shipwreck, and, in acknowl- edgment, were offered swords by the Br. govt. ; see Trenchard (S. D.). ADMIRALTY CASES; see ASYLUM, ETC.: CAPTURE: COLLISIONS AT SEA: DESERTERS: SALWAGE: SEA- MEN: WESSELS; see also ACHSAH: COLTON (W.) ADMITTANCE, AMER. SHIP Condemned in admiralty court in Calif., in Mch., 1848; see Colton (W.). ADONE AND CO. 1829 Oct. 13. Prohibited articles introduced by Adone & Co. seized at Mexico City. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (an- nex), 298.) ADONIS, AMER. SCHR. 1824 Feb. 18. Viceroy of Peru (Serna) to gov. of Chiloe. Order to restore property captured from Aldonis by the Quintanilla. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 19.) — Feb. 18. Same to comdr. U. S. S. Franklin (Stew- art). Advice of his order of even date. (ib., 18.) ADRAIN (GARNETT B.), REPR. FROM N. J. 1858 Jan. 7. Remarks; more stringent neutrality laws; defending arrest of Wm. Walker. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 229.) ADRIAN (MICH.) CITIZENS 1850 Feb. 19. Memorial in House praying adoption of principle of arbitration. (31. 1. H. jol., 579.) Note fully reviewing (25. 3. H. jol., 587.) ADRIATIC, AMER. BARK (DURHAM) Detained in French port for violation on high seas of French municipal law. Statutory Measures 1858 Mch. 8. Intr. in U. S. House (Taylor, La.), res. (35c. H. J. res. 13) “relative to alleged seizure and condemnation of Amer. barque Adriatic . . . .” (35. 1. H. jol., 465.) 1860 Feb. 16. Do., Taylor, La. (36c. H. J. res. 1.) Do. (36.1. H. jol., 303.) — Mch. 29. Do., Burlingame, N. Y. (36C. H. J. res. 27.) Do. (ib., 617.) Correspondence, etc. 1858 Mch. 8. H. Marshall, repr. from Ky. Remarks; executive action in case of Adriatic. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 991.) — Mch. 8. J. S. Willson, repr. from Va. Do.; object- ing to preamble to H. J. res. 13. (ib., 991.) — Mch. 8. H. M. Phillips, repr. from Penn. Do.; suggesting resolution of inquiry by Com. On Foreign Affairs in case of Adriatic. (ib., 992.) — Mch. 8. M. Taylor, repr. from La. Do.; in Support of his preamble and res. (H. J. res. 13). (ib., 991.) Je. 1. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Burlingame). Rpt. to acc. H. J. res. 13. (35. 1. H. rpt. 539.) 1860 Mch. 29. Do. (do.). Rpt. to acc. H. J. res. 27. (36. 1. H. rpt. 261.) ADVANCE, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. 1852 Nov. 3. Captured off Porto Praya by U. S. S. Ger- mantown (Lavallette). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 32.) 1853 Jan. 27. H. B. M. cons., Cape Verde (Rendall) to secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell). Detention of Advance, etc. (34. 1. H. ex: doc. 105, 19.) — Mch. 16. H. B. M. chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Cramp- ton) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Despatch of H. B. M. cons., Rendall, of Jan. 27. (ib., 16.) — Mch. 18. Marcy to Crampton. Circumstances at- tending detention of Advance, etc. (ib., 15.) ADVENTURE, AMER. BRIG (CURTIS) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty with France of July 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 7.) AETNA, U. S. WESSEL, PURCHASED 1846 In commission 1848, Home sqdn. (Eagle). AFRICA See also Algiers : Bissao : Fishtown : Gaboon river : Liberia : Slavetrade : Tripoli: Tunis. 1842 Apr. 15. J. Hall. Trade on W. coast from Cape Palmas to Bight of Benin. (27.3. H. rpt. 283, 78.) 1844 Jan. 29. Comdr. U. S. African sqdn. (Perry) to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Henshaw). State of trade of W. Africa. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 101.) 1845 Feb. 18. Citizens of Gettysburg (Pa.) to U. S. House. Memorial praying measures for annexation to U. S. of Africa; etc. (28. 2. H. jol., 415.) — Feb. 27. Citizens of Xenia, O. Petition in House praying annexation of Cuba and Ethiopia to U. S. A. (ib., 486.) — Mch. 1. Citizens of Taunton (Mass.). Do.; to annexation of Algiers and Barbary states to U. S. A. (28. 2. H. jol., 547.) AGENORIA, AMER. BARK (SMART) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty with France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H, ex. doc. 117, 7.) AGENT, AMER. BARK (ROWE) Same. (ib., 7.) 2 18 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS AGEO (CARLOS DE), MASTER SPAN. BRIG CONDE DE WIL- LANUEVA; see CONDE DE WILLANUEWA AGNES, AMER. SCHR. (GRAY) n. d. Chartered by Weetman, Br. Subject. doc. 28. p. 4, 17, etc.) (30. 1. S. ex. AGNES, AMER. MERCHANTMAN In June, 1855, three Chinese were killed by sailors of the Agnes on shore, at Koo-Keang-Tau, Min distr., Fokien province, China ; see China. Foo Chow. AGNES IS. (PACIFIC OCEAN). DISCOVERY OF; see PAR- KER (W. H.) AGUAR (DON ALONZO), MILITARY COMDT. OF SISAL 1848 Mch. 16. Comdr. U. S. str. Iris (Herndon) to comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (Perry). Conversation with Aguar on Yucatan insurrection. (30. 1. S. ex, doc. 43, 20.) AGUAS CALIENTES (MEXICO) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular service AGUATULCO (MEXICO) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular service AGUER0 (PEDRO); IMPLICATED IN CUBAN INSURREC- TION OF 1850; see WILLAVERDE (C.) AGUIAR, MARQUEZ DE Secretario dos negocios estrangeiros, Portugal, 1814-17, 1814 Dec. 22. To H. B. M., E. E. and M. P. for Portugal (Strangford). Protest agst. conduct of H. B. M. naval Comdr. in port of Fayal; case of General Arm- strong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 21; 32.1. H. ex. doc. 53, 12.) — Dec. 23. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Portugal (Sumter). Assurance that Port. govt. will take Steps to make proper reclamation for neutrality * case of General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. AGUIAR DE ANDRADE (F. X. DA COSTA); see COSTA AGUIAR, ETC. AGUILAR (EUGENIO) Jefe of Salvador in 1846; see Central America. Vador. Sal- AGUILAR (FRANCISCO) Jefe del estado of Honduras in 1855; see Central Amer- ica. Honduras. AGUILAR (MANUEL) Jefe supremo of Costa Rica, 1837–38; see Central Amer- ica. Costa Rica. AGUILAR (MANUEL) Secretario de estado of Spain during 17th ministry under Isabel II, 1843; see Spain. Civil Service. AGUILAR PANTOJA (GUSTAVO ADOLPHO) DE Secretario dos negocios estrangeiros of Brazil in 3d ...; cabinet under Pedro II; see Brazil. Civil Sery 100. AGUIRRE (MAXIMO) DE, OF SPAIN Amer, cons. for Bilbao 1834-I35] ; see also U. S. A. Consular service. 1833 May 6. Actg. Secy. State U. S. A. (Brent) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Spain (Van Ness). Instructed to *g, for exeguatur for Aguirre; etc. (24. 1. S. doc. AHLER (AUGUSTUS), OF CALIF.; see ALERS (A.) AHMET BEN HAMAN, COMDR. ARAB SHIP SULTANEE 1840 May 14. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Pres- ents from Imaum of Muscat, declined by President, given to Congress. (26. 1. S. doc. 488, 5; H, ex. doc. 221, 5.) AHUMADA (MATEO), COMDT. PROVINCE OF TEXAS 1827 Mch. 30. To Maj. Heard, U. S. A. Declines to take action in surrender of the Hardens; refers docs. recd. to his govt. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 30.) AIKEN (WILLIAM), OF S. C., 1806-87 Repr. from S. C., 32c, 34c., 1851-57; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 34c., 1855-57. Bills introduced 1857 Feb. 13. Relief Of Wm. Rich. Reports made 1856 Jly. 25. Adverse to petition of R. M. Hamilton. (34. 1. H. rpt. 292.) 1857 Feb. 13. To acc. H. R. 826 for relief of Wm. Rich. (34. 3. H. rpt. 209.) AINZA (AUGUSTIN [ANGEL PI) AND R. BIVEN, AMER. CITIZENS Arrested in Sonora, Jly. 5, 1857, and imprisoned; sus- fººd of complicity in Crabb filibustering expedi- OIl. 1857 Apr. 23. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (For- syth) to ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Montes). Im- prisonment of A. Ainza and R. Biven. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 50.) * — Apr. 28. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Two Amer. citizens, Ainza and Biven, arrested; cases laid before Mexican govt. (ib., 35.) — Je. 25. Same to ministr. de relac. est. Mexico (Lerdo de Tejada). Case of A. Ainza. (ib., 51.) AINZA (JESUS), AMER. CITIZEN Arrested by Mexican authorities in 1857, in Amer. terr. to prevent his giving testimony in case of the Dun- bar and Caborca massacres of Amer. citizens on the Sonora frontier. 1857 Mch. 12. To A. Ainza. Rumor of arrival of emi- grants at Rio Colorado, en route to Sonoyta. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 12.) — Jly. 9. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Lerdo de Te- jada) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (For- syth). Course of supreme govt. in case of J. Ainza can only be determined after detailed rpts. have been recd. from Sonora. (ib., 52.) — Jly. 30. Forsyth to Lerdo de Tejada. Arrest of Ainza; demands immediate release if arrested on Amer. terr. (ib., 52.) — Aug. 1. Same to same. Requests that letter be transmitted under govt. frank to Ainza, prisoner at Guaymas. (ib., 53.) — Aug. 4. Lerdo de Tejada to Forsyth. Note in rela- tion to Ainza sent to War Dept. (ib., 53.) — Aug. 7. Same to same. Authorities notified to de- liver Ainza if taken in Amer. terr. (ib., 53.) —iº, *} J. W. Park to Forsyth. Seizure of Ainza. ib., 61. — Sept. 14. Amer. Vice-cons. Mazatlan (Smith) to Forsyth. Massacre at Dunbar's house; declarations of J. Ainza; etc. (ib., 55.) 1858 May 15. Res. of Calif. legislature in U. S. Senate Fº interposition for release of Ainza. (35. 1. S. jol., 455.) (34. 3. H. R. 826.) — May 17. Do. in House (intr. McKibbin). (35. 1. H. jol., 830.) — May 17. Do.; d.o. (intr Scott). (ib., 830.) — Aug. 10. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Castillo y Lanzas) to Forsyth. Imprisonment of Ainza. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, p. 49.) — Aug. 12. Forsyth to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Advice of Mexican note of 10 inst. (ib., 48.) INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 19 AIX-LA-CHAPELLE Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular service Slavetrade conference, 1818; see Slavetrade AJCINENA (J. J.) DE; see AYCINENA ALABAMA Citizens 1840 Apr. 15. Petition in U. S. House praying repeal of naturalization laws. (26. 1. H. jol., 797.) 1844 Je. 8. Memorial in U. S. Senate vs. annexation of Texas. (28. 1. S. jol., 353.) — in consular service of U. S. A., see Andony (C.) : Barr (J. G.) : Bowyer (J. M.) : Brandon (B.): Davis (J.): Douglas (C.) : Fletcher (G. W.) : Gayle (R. H.) : Leese (R. H.) : Livingston (R. M.) : Marten (L.) : Paisley (N. S.): Sanders (W. C.) : Tarleton (J. M.) : Tunstall (T. T.). — in diplomatic service, U. S. A., see Bagley (A. P.): Fair (E. Y.) : Fearn (W.) : Forsyth (J.) : Harris (S. W.) : Hilliard (H. W.) : Holman (J. B.) : King (W. R.): Seibels (J. J.) : Shields (B. G.). Frontier; see Texas (Mexican Terr.) General Assembly 1838 Feb. 28. Preamble and res.; favoring Texas an- nexation presented in U. S. Senate (Clay, Ala.). (25. 2. S., jol., 255; S. doc. 243; H. doc. 196.) — Mch. 5. Res.; d.o.; presented in U. S. House (Law- ler, Ala.). (25. 2. H. jol., 537.) 1841 Jan. 25. Preamble and res.; urging payment of Amer. Claims for French spoliations; presented in U. S. Senate (Clay, Ala.). (26. 2. S. jol., 133.) — Je. 12. Memorial and joint res.; d.o.; presented in U. S. House (Chapman, Ala.). (27. 1. H. jol., 98.) 1842 Jan. 1. ReS.; favoring admission of Texas. (27. 2. S. doc. 55; 28. 1. S. doc. 215, p. 2.) — Jan. 21. Do.; d.o.; presented in U. S. Senate (King, Ala.). (27. 2. S. jol., 107.) — Feb. 14. Do.; d.o.; presented in U. S. House. (Houston, Ala.). (27. 2. H. jol., 373.) 1845 Feb. 11. Do.; occupation of Oregon; presented in U. S. Senate (Bagley, Ala.). (28. 2. S. jol., 157.) Feb. 11. Do.; in favor of Texas annexation; pre- º in U. S. Senate (Bagley, Ala.). (28. 2. S. jol., — Feb. 15. Do.; d.o.; presented in U. S. House (Hous- ton, Ala.). (28. 2. H. jol., 394.) 1852 Jan. 15. Do.; foreign policy of U. S.; presented in U. S. Senate (Clemens, Ala.). (32. 1. S. jol., 121.) Feb. 2. Do.; d.o.; presented in U. S. House (Bragg, Ala.). (32. 1. H. jol., 306.) ALAMAN (LUCAS), 1792-1853 Ministro de relac. esteriores of Mexico, under Victoria administration in 1825; do. under first Bustamente #: 1830–32; do. under 8th Santa Anna adm., in 1832 Dec. 3. Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston) to Butler. Approval of conduct toward family of Alaman. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), p. 92.) Correspondence Victoria administration 1825 Jly. 20. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Poinsett). Road from Missouri to Sta. Fe; proposes immediate negotiation of treaty of commerce; postponement of treaty of limits; apptmt. of comrs. to survey country contiguous to boundary line. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 42, 20; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 132.) — Aug. 10. To same. Esteva apptd. comr. to negoti- ate treaty of commerce. (ib., 23; ib., 133.) ALAMAN (LUCAS), 1792-1853—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d Bustamente administration 1830 Jan. 28. To Amer. chargé (Butler). Presentation of credentials. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 310.) — [Feb. 8]. To Mexican congress. Plan for Securing possession of Texas. (ib., 312.) — May 15. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren). M. P. of Mexico for U. S. A. (Tornel) authorized to appoint vice-consuls for ports of U. S. A. (ib., 644.) — May 21. To Butler. Advice of apptmt. as joint comr. to negotiate treaties with U. S. A. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 136.) — May 21. To same. Article in “Registro Oficial,” even date, reviewing policy of Amer. govt. in rela- tion to Texas. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 327.) — May 26. To Mexican M. P. for U. S. A. (Tornel). Payment of Mercado acct. (ib., 645.) — Jiy. 1. To Butler. Cargo of the New Orleans. (ib., 335.) — JIy. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 337.) — Jly. 7. To same. Books, belonging to Amer. lega- tion, detained at Vera Cruz custom house. (ib., 338.) — JIy. 15. To same. Disputes betw. foreign Vice-con- suls residing at Vera Cruz. (ib., 339.) — Jly. 24. To same. Detention of books at Vera Cruz. (ib., 341.) — Jly. 27. To same. Same. (ib., 341.) — Aug. 9. To same. Detention of books; regS. gov- erning receipt and transmission of foreign corresp. (ib., 342.) — Aug. 16. To same. Exeguatur for J. L. Kennedy forwarded; do, for J. Ward suspended. (ib., 344.) — Aug. 18. To same. Letters of security. (ib., 345.) — Aug. 23. To Same. Arrest of French Vice-cons. at Vera Cruz (Carrere). (ib., 345.) — Sept. 4. To same. Detention of General Morales. (ib., 352.) — Sept. 4. To same. Entry of property of diplomatic agtS. (ib., 351.) Sept. 4. To same. Hoisting of foreign flags in Mex- ican terr. (ib., 350.Y. Sept. 10. To same. Mercado acct. (ib., 353.) — Sept. 14. To same. Celebration of Mexican inde- pendence. (ib., 354.) — Sept. 23. To same. Flag on Amer. consulate at Vera Cruz. (ib., 354.) — Sept. 25. To same. Mercado acct. (ib., 355.) — Oct. 2. To same. eral constitution. (ib., 356.) — Oct. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 356.) — Oct. 27. To same. Passports and letters of safety. (ib., 357.) — [1828] Nov. 9. To same. Diplomatic precedence at celebration of independence. (ib., 359.) — Nov. 22. To same. Mexican vice-cons. at Phila.; signature of Butler to legalize certain documents. (ib., 362.) — Nov. 29. To same. State of Tamaulipas suspends law imposing tax upon subjects of certain nations. (ib., 363.) — Nov. 30. To same. Gallery for dipl. corps in Mexi- Can House of representatives. (ib., 366.) 1831 Jan. 2. To same. Speech of vice-president at open- ing of Congress, Jan. 1. (ib., 366.) Anniversary of adoption of fed- — Jan. 8. To Same. Flag on Amer. Consulate at Matamoras. (ib., 367.) — Feb. 5. To Same. Amer. citizens in the Parral. (ib., 368.) — Feb. 17. To same. Treaty of 1831. Feb. 21. To Same. (ib., 373.) — Mch. 8. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). J. M. Montoya to succeed J. M. Tornel as chargé for U. S. A. (ib., 664.) (ib., 372.) Amer. citizens in the Parral. 20 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALAMAN (LUCAS), 1792-1853—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d Bustamente administration—cont’d 1831 Mch. 14. To Butler. Same. (ib., 374.) — Apr. 5. Signs additional article to treaty of limits providing for exchge. of ratifications of treaty of 1828 with U. S. A. — Apr. 5. Signs treaty of amity, etc., with U. S. A. — Apr. 15. To Butler. Letters of citizenship to Span- iards; expelled Spaniards in Mexico. (ib., 376.) — Apr. 18. To Same. Escort of Amer. troops for an- § caravan from Missouri to the Colorado. (ib., 377. — Apr. 29. To same. Arrest in Chihuahua of J. C. Collins, Amer. citizen. (ib., 378.) — Apr. 29. To Same. Taxation of Amer. citizens in Chihuahua. (ib., 378.) — Aug. 3. To same. Exeguatur issued for J. Cameron. (ib., 390.) — Aug. 31. To same. Temporary chge. of residence of Amer. cons. at Vera Cruz (Cameron). (ib., 889.) — Aug. 31. To same. Amer. Certificates of citizenship to foreigners. (ib., 393.) — Sept. 28. To same. Mexican passport regulations. (ib., 398.) — Oct. 5. To same. Law on shipwrecks. (ib., 398.) — Oct. 5. To same. Anti-cholera regs. (ib., 400.) — Oct. 28. To same. Bills of health during cholera. epidemic. (ib., 404.) — Nov. 17. To same. Foreign commerce privileges in Tampico. (ib., 406.) — Nov. 30. To same. Audience to foreign agts. (ib., 408). — Dec. 24. To same. Passport for G. B. Jamieson. (ib., 427.) — Dec. 24. To same. Protection to bearer of treaty of 1831; exemption from duty on money carried by bearer refused. (ib., 427.) . 1832 Jan. 18. To same. Imprisonment in Tepeaca of J. Johnson, Amer. citizen. (ib., 429.) — Jan. 24. To same. Same. (ib., 428.) Jan. 26. To same. Proc. of alcalde of Minatitlan agst. J. Baldwin. (ib., 430.) — Jan. 28. To same. Seditious conduct of J. S. Cooper in Puebla. (ib., 430.) — Jan. 31. To same. Imprisonment of J. Johnson. (ib., 431.) — Feb. 1. Circular to dipl. agtS. in Mexico; unauthor- ized fitting out of armed vessel by Santa Anna in Vera Cruz. (ib., 672.) Feb. 3. To Butler. Complaint of J. Baldwin. (ib., 432.) Feb. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 432.) — Feb. 23. To same. Port of Vera Cruz closed. (ib., 436.) — Mch. 2. To same. Hostilities commenced by garri- son at Vera Cruz; mail communication cut off. (ib., 436.) — Mch. 10. To same. Prohibited corresp. With Vera Cruz. (ib., 438.) — Mch. 24. To Amer. cons. gen. for Mexico (Wil- cocks). J. Parrot, official courier. (ib., 439.) — Mch. 29. To same. Removal of Amer. Citizens from Vera Cruz pending probable assault. (ib., 439.) — Apr. 13. To same. Money exacted from N. Carreno, Amer. citizen. (ib., 440.) ALARM, H. B. M. FRIGATE (L0CH) 1847 Oct. 27. Comdt. port of San Juan (Bermudes) to [Secy. of State of Nicaragua (Salinas)]. Arrival of Alarm in port. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 47.) See also Loch (G. G.). ALATAMAHA, AMER. SCHR. (BRIGGS) 1839 Jly. 6. Deposition of master; forcible exaction of light dues in port of Pictou. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 16; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 74.) ALATORSE (IGNACIO FLORES) 1836 Oct. 17. To minstr. de relac, est. of Mexico (Mon- asterio). Rept. on alleged conspiracy to assassinate º chargé Butler. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 617. ALAWA (MIGUEL RICARD0) DE Secretario de estado of Spain during 3d ministry under Isabel II, 1835; see Spain. ALBANY (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1836 Je. 13. Memorial in U. S. Senate; favoring Texan independence. (24. 1. S. jol., 426.) 1837 Oct. 12. Do.; adverse to Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1841 Dec. 14. Do, in U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (27. 2. H. jol., 46.) 1842 May 24. Do.; d.o.; d.o. (ib., 855.) — May 25. Do.; d.o.; d.o. (ib., 1157.) 1843 Feb. 24. Do. in U. S. Senate; do. (27.3. S. jol., 212.) 1844 Feb. 19. Do. in U. S. House; do. (28. 1. H. jol., 430.) — Dec. 12. Do.; d.o.; d.o. (28. 2. H. jol., 64.) — Dec. 23. Do.; d.o.; d.o. (ib., 120.) — Dec. 30. Do.; d.o.; d.o. (ib., 147.) 1845 Jan. 27. Do. in U. S. Senate; do. (28. 2. S. jol., 110.) — Dec. 15. Do. in U. S. House; do. (29.1. H. jol., 105.) — Dec. 30. Do.; d.o.; d.o. (ib., 176.) 1846 Mch. 4. Do.; d.o.; in favor of arbitration. (ib., 485.) 1852 Jan. 6. Do. in U. S. Senate; expenses of Amer. Con- tributors to World’s Fair, Lond. (32. 1. S. jol., 97.) 1853 Feb. 10. Do.; d.o.; freedom of worship of Amer. citizens abroad. (32. 2. S. jol., 183.) — Feb. 19. Do.; d.o.; Same. (ib., 213.) Feb. 22. Do.; d.o.; Same. (ib., 222.) 1854 Mch. 20. Do.; do.; same. (33. 1. S. jol., 266.) 1859 Jan. 18. Do. in U. S. House; Salary for cons. at Arica. (35. 2. H. jol., 207.) ALBANY CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1844 Jan. 6. Memorial in U. S. House; vs. Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. H. jol., 181.) ALBANY, U. S. SLOOP, 1846 In commission, 1846-55 : 1846-47; Home sqdn. (Breese) ; 1848 do. (Kelly) ; 1849-50 do. (Randolph) ; 1851-52 (Platt) ; 1852-53 do. (Gerry) ; 1853 do. (Mitchell) ; 1854 do. (Gerry). Left Aspinwall for N. Y. Sept. 28, 1854; not heard from again. Randolph comdg. 1849 Aug. 17. Comdt. U. S. Navy yd. Pensacola (New- ton) to comdr. Albany (Randolph). Albany ordered to Sea. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 81.) — Aug. 18. Same to same. Ordered to carry out Navy *: ºtructions to comdr. Home sqdn. (Parker). ib., 81. * wº — Aug. 20. Same to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Preston). Albany gone to sea; Water Witch ordered to sea. (ib., 73.) — Aug. 28. Preston to Newton. Approves instruc- tions advised in his of 20 inst. (ib., 73.) — Sept. 7. Newton to Preston. Corresp. of Comdr. of Albany (Randolph). (ib., 95.) — Sept. 19. Examination on board Albany of 12 men from Round Is. (ib., 101.) 1850 May 15. Preston to comdt. U. S. Navy yd. Charles- ton (Downes). To rpt. arrival of Albany at Boston. (ib., 53.) — May 15. Same to Randolph. Ordered to Havana; to ascertain existence of hostile movements agst. Cuba. (ib., 56.) * INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 21 ALBANY, U. S. SLOOP, 1846—cont’d Randolph comdg.—cont’d 1850 May 17. Preston to comdr. U. S. S. Saranac (Tatt- nall). Probable that he may find Albany, German- town and Viacen at Havana. (ib., 60.) Gerry Comdg. 1853 Sept. 20. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (Newton). Instructions; move- *,” Albany and Columbia. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 21, 36. — Sept. 26. Newton to Dobbin. Copy of sailing in- structions given to comdr. of Albany. (ib., 36.) — Nov. 7. Gerry to Newton. Cruise of Albany. (ib., 38.) — NOV. § Newton to Dobbin. Gerry's rpt. of Nov. 7. (ib., 37. 1854. May 4. Gerry to Dobbin. Mainmast of Albany con- demned. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 63, 2.) — May 11. Dobbin to chf. U. S. Construction Bureau (Lenthall). Orders for repairs to Albany. (ib., 2.) — May 12. Lenthall to comdt. Navy yd. Pensacola (Tattnall). Transmits order of 11 inst. (ib., 2.) — May 19. R. Leach and others to comdt. pro tem. Navy yd. Warrington (Randolph). Survey of frig- ate's foremast with view to being used for Albany. (ib., 3.) — May 20. Randolph to Lenthall. Albany’s main- mast to be replaced. (ib., 3.) — May 22. Same to same. Transmits advice of R. Leach et al of 19 inst. (ib., 3.) — May 29. Lenthall to Tattnall. Instructions concern- ing Albany's foremast approved. (ib., 4.) — Je. 10. Dobbin to Newton. Instructions to proceed to San Juan, Carthagena and to Aspinwall. (ib., 4.) — Je. 17. Same to same. Vessel of Home sqdn. or- dered to Grand Turk; imprisonment of Amer. Cons. at Turk's Is. (Nelson). (ib., 5.) — Je. 19. Newton to Gerry. Dept. instructions of 17 inst, transmitted. (ib., 5.) — Je. 22. Same to Dobbin. Advice of transmittal of 19 inst. (ib., 5.) — Je. 29. Comdt. Navy yd., Warrington (Rousseau) to Dobbin. Departure of Albany for sea. (ib., 6.) — Aug. 11. Newton to Gerry. Instructions for cruise of Albany along coasts of Central Amer. (ib., 6.) — Aug. 11. Same to same. Instructions to touch at St. Thomas; to make inquiries concerning suspicious vessel. (ib., 7.) — Aug. 26. Same to Dobbin. Copy of instructions of 11 inst. for cruise of Albany. (ib., 6.) — Sept. 2. Dobbin to Newton. Approves instructions to comdr. Gerry; instructed to continue cruising among Windward Is. (ib., 7.) —iº, #. Gerry to Newton. Rpt. of Albany’s cruise. — Oct. 25. Newton to Dobbin. Transmits rpts. of comdr. Gerry. (ib., 8.) — Nov. 21. Comdt. U. S. naval station Boston (Greg- ory) to Dobbin. Condition of Albany, (ib., 10.) —º. 15. Gerry to Gregory. Cruise of Albany. (ib., Dec. 26. Dobbin to Newton. Lieut. U. S. Str. Fulton (Mitchell) ordered to search for Albany. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 64.) 1855 Feb. 20. U. S. Senate res. (Seward, N. Y.) calling for copy of order sending Albany on cruise to Car- thagena, etc. (33. 2. S. jol., 291.) See also Cuba. Insurrections. ALBANY LIBERTY ASSN. 1845 Feb. 3. Memorial in U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan an- nexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 127.) ALBEMARLE CO. (WA.) CITIZENS 1829 Jan. 28. Memorial in U. S. House; praying recon- sideration of Monroe claim. (20. 2. H. doc. 94.) 1844 May 16. Memorial in U. S. Senate; favoring Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 283.) ALBERDI (JUAN BAUTISTA), 1810-84 Argentinian chargé in U. S. A., 1855-[56] ; see Argentine Rep. Civil service. - M. García Méron. J. B. Alberdi; ensayo critico. Buenos A., 1890. 8°. ALBERS (J. H.), OF DENMARK Amer. cons. for Elberfeld (Germ.); see U. S. A. Consular Service. ALBERT, AMER. SLAVER BRIG (WOODBERRY) Seized JIy. 19, 1845, in port of Bahia by Amer. cons. Tyler, and sent into distr. ct. e. distr. Penn. for adjudication. Statutory Measures 1846 Je. 17. Intr., Rockwell, Com. of Claims; bill (29. 1. H. R. 462) “for relief of J. Pickett, et al.” (29. 1. H. jol., 978.) Correspondence, etc. 1845 Testimony; Amer. bark Albert implicated in Afri- can slavetrade. (29. 1. H. rpt. 690, 39.) — Apr. 26. Amer. cons. Rio de Janeiro (Gordon) to Amer. Cons. Bahia (Tyler). Transactions of Albert on Mch. 14, 1845. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 188.) — May 5. Tyler to President prov. of Bahia (Soura Soarez de Andrea). Application for immediate seiz- ure of Albert. (ib., 189.) — May 7. J. J. da Silva to Tyler. Seizure of Albert. (ib., 190.) — May 8. Tyler to Soura Soarez de Andrea. Inquiry; disposition of master, Officers and crew of Albert. (ib., 191.) — May 12. Same to Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Brazil (Wise). His conduct in case of Albert; etc. (ib., 183.) — Je. 8. Same to Woodberry. Order for arrest for al- leged violation of laws of U. S. concerning Slave- trade. (29. 1. H. rpt. 690, 6.) — Jly. 19. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Seizure of Albert. (ib., 35.) — Aug. 8. Same to Woodberry. Refuses request for passports. (ib., 6.) 1846 Jan. 31. Owners of Albert (J. Pickett, A. Standley and J. T. Woodberry). Petition in U. S. House pray- ing indemnity for seizure, etc., of Albert. (29. 1. H. jol., 331; 29. 1. H. rpt. 690, 24.) — Mch. 4. Buchanan to chrm. U. S. H. Com. of Claims (Rockwell). Consular instructions and Supreme Ct. decisions on seizure of vessels in foreign ports ap- plied to case of Albert. (ib., p. 6.) Je. 17. U. S. H. Com. of Claims (Rockwell). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 462 on petition of owners of Albert of Jan. 31. (29. 1. H. rpt. 690.) ALBERT GALLATIN, AMER. SCHR. 1846 Jan. 8. Petition of C. G. Layton in U. S. House pray- ing indemnity for loss of Albert Gallatin, captured by Br. during war of 1812. (29. 1. H. jol., 208; 754.) 1850 Jan. 12. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 299; 490; 1211.) ALBION (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Feb. 7. Petition in U. S. Senate; Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 2. S. jol., 144.) 22 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALBION, BR. VESSEL (LIDGETT, OWNER) Seized for cutting timber and trading with Indians in Oreg. terr. Without license. Answer to application for release recol. Subsequent to condemnation and sale of vessel ; allowance made as if instructions had been seasonably recd. 1850 May 23. SpecI. customs inspector U. S. A. (Dorr) to collector of Customs, Astoria (Adair). Seizure of Albion, etc. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 30, 6.) — May 23. R. Hinderwell to Lidgett. Circumstances of seizure of Albion. (ib., 15.) — JIy. 16. U. S. atty. for Oregon (Holbrook) to solici- § * U. S. A. (Clark). Proc. agst. Albion. ib., 2. — Jly. 24. Adair to Holbrook. Circumstances of seiz- ure of Albion; proc. agst. vessel. (ib., 3.) — Aug. 6. Same to Secy. Treasury U. S. A. (Corwin). Seizure of Albion, etc. (ib., 5.) — Aug. 9. Lidgett to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Seizure of Albion. (ib., 14.) — Aug. 12. Adair to Clark. Proc. agst. Albion. (ib.,3.) — Oct. 11. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. for U. S. A. (Bul- wer) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Representa- tion of seizure of Albion. (ib., 14.) — Oct. 16. Holbrook to Secy. Interior, U. S. A. (Ew- ing). Facts in case of Albion. (ib., 7.) — NOW. 20. Same to same. Forfeiture and sale of Spars taken on Albion. (ib., 10.) — NOV. 25. Same to Clark. Spars on Albion, cut on Amer. Soil; etc. (ib., 8.) — 1851 Jan. 11. Corwin to Adair. Instructions to re- lease Albion. (ib., 9, 11, 26.) — Jan. 11. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Transmits papers in case of Albion. (ib., 12.) — Jan. 28. U. S. Senate. Res. (Gwin) calling for cor- resp. in case of Albion. (31. 2. S. jol., 124.) 1855 Dec. 1. Synopsis of award in case of Br. claim vs. U. S. A. under conv. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 61.) — Dec. 1. RptS. of decisions of comrs., and argu- ments of counsel. (ib., 376.) ALBURG AFFAIR; see GROGAN (JAS.) ALBUQUERQUE, WISCONDE DE; see PAULA HOLLANDA CAVALCANTE DE ALBUQUERQUE ALBUQUERQUE (A. C. DE S. E); see COELHO DE SA E AL- BUQUERQUE ALBUQUERQUE (F. P. DE A.); see PAULA DE ALMEIDA ALBUQUERQUE ALBUQUERQUE (J. F. DE PAULA DE C.); see PAULA DE CAVALCANTE, ETC. ALBUQUERQUE (LUIZ DE SILVA M.); see SILVA ALCANTARA, WISCONDE DE (J. I. DACUNHA) Secretario do imperio of Brazil in 8th cabinet of Pedro I, 1830; see Brazil. Civil service. ALCIMIRA (FRA JOSE) 1828 Mch. 22. Ministr. relac. est. of Mexico (Cañedo) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Poinsett). Flight of Alci- mira. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 232.) — Jly. 14. Poinsett to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Same. (ib., 232.) ALCIOPE, AMER. SHIP (GROVES; BRUCE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. A. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 8.) ALCOCK (RUTHERFORD), H. B. M. CONS. SHANGHAI 1853 May 23. To Amer. cons. Shanghai (Cunningham). Local land regulations settled after opening of port in 1842; copy of draft of new code. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 215.) Je. 20. Same to same. Same; further remarks. (ib., 222.) 1854 Apr. 24. Declaration jointly with Amer. and French cons., Murphy and Edan; those of their countrymen entering into military service of China forfeit title to protection of their country’s flag. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 32.) — May 1. To supt. maritime customs, Shanghai (Woo). Establishment of certain custom-house sta- tions. (ib., 38.) — Jiy. 6. To foreign community, Shanghai. With- drawal of inland custom-house stations; re-organiza- tion of customs administration. (ib., 114; 158.) — Jiy. 8. To same. New code of municipal and land regulations. (ib., 158.) — Dec. 11. To Chinese insurgents. Intervention with French admiral. (ib., 600.) [1855, Jan..] To same. Advising capitulation of Shang- hai; Superior force of French; etc. (ib., 599.) ALCORTA (LINO JOSE) Ministro de guerra y marina, Mexico, under 7th Sta. Anna administration, May 23-Sept. 16, 1847. 1847 Aug. 21. To Gen. Scott, U. S. A. Apptg. comrs. to arrange military conv. to establish armistice. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 192.) ALCOY (DON FREDERICO DE RONCALI), CONDE DE Governor general of Cuba, 1848–50; secretario de estado of Spain, during 33d ministry under Isabel II, 1852- 53 ; see Spain. Civil service. Governor-general of Cuba 1848 Oct. 30. To Amer. cons. Havana (Campbell). Proc. agst. Amer. Seaman, Bush. (30. 2. S. ex. doc. 33, 6.) — Nov. 5. To same. Administration of Sp. law rela- tive to close confinement; case of treason of Amer. Seaman Bush. (ib., 10.) — Nov. 6. To same. Campbell not qualified to make any reclamations upon govt. of Cuba. (ib., 13.) 1849 Aug. 2. To same. Reiterates that he has no power to permit Amer. cons. to see Garcia. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 23.) — Nov. 9. To Span. E. E. and M. P. for U. S. A. (Cal- deron de la Barca). Review of case of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 45.) — Aug. 18. To Campbell. Notice of liberation of Gar- cia. (ib., 39.) 1850 Jan. 26. To same. C. P. V. Esnard detained, subject to judicial investigation. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 148.) — May 19. Edict declaring terr. belonging to Cuba to be in a state of siege. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 38; 33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 330.) — May 19. Proclamation; landing of alien insurgentS. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 37; 33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 328.) — May 20. To Campbell. Reply to communication re- garding vessels captured at Contoy. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 328; 335.) — May 22. To Calderon de la Barca. Piratical expe- dition under Lopez. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 45.) — May 29. To Campbell. Vessels captured at Contoy (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 343.) — 31. To same. Second Lopez expedition. (ib., 341.) — Je. 19. To Calderon de la Barca. Proofs agst. Cu- ban conspirators. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 56.) — Jly. 10. To comdr. U. S. frigate Congress (McKee- ver). Release of certain persons taken near Contoy; request that vessel be sent to receive them. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 374.) — Jly. 18. To same. Decision of court in case of per- sons captured at Contoy. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 66.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 23 ALCOY (DON FREDERICO DE RONCALI), CONDE DE—cont’d Secretario de estado 1852 Dec. 28. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Bar- ringer). Question of U. S. mail str. Cresent City terminated; Gen. Cañedo considers sworn declara- § purser Smith Satisfactory. (33. 1. H. ex, doc. , 69. º 1853 Feb. 17. To same. Adverse decision of Sp. govt. in case of Harang claim. (ib., 212.) — Feb. 18. To same. Minister of marine instructed to settle case of Amer. Schr. North Carolina. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 29, 22.) — Mch. 12. To same. Reference of case of North Caro- lina to Havana tribunals. (ib., 23.) -— Mch. 16. To same. Case of Harang heirs; in reply to his of Mch. 4 declines to accept Amer. Construc- #,” art. 11, treaty of 1795. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 86, 219. — Mch. 24. To Same. Acknowledges note of 19 inst. relative to Harang claim. (ib., 223.) ALCUDIA, CONDE DE LA Spanish minister at London in 1827; last secretario de estado under Ferdinand VII. * Minister at London 1827 Je. 1. To secretario de estado, Spain. Plan of Eng- land to revolutionize Cuba and the Canaries. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, p. 21.) Secretario de estado 1832 Feb. 20. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van NeSS) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Corrects error in name of newly apptd. minister of state in his of Jan. 25, viz. count of Alcudia in place of J. de Andu- aga; etc. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 90.) — Feb. 23. To Van Ness. Reply to note of 20 inst. (ib., 99.) — May 13. To same. Decision of king to abolish dis- criminating tonnage duty on Amer. vessels. (ib., 103.) — May 26. To same. Orders issued for repayment of tonnage duty exacted by authorities of Mahon from Amer. ship Liverpool (Tracy). (ib., 109.) — May 26. To same. Same from Amer. brig James Monroe. (ib., 110.) — Je. 28. To same. AbuSes complained of in note of Aug. 6, 1830, have been rectified. (ib., 112.) — JIy. 26. To same. Royal order of Apr. 29, abolish- ing discriminating tonnage duty, put into execution in all ports of peninsula. (ib., 114.) Sept. 9. To same. Reply to notes on postal charges at Cadiz. (ib., 119.) ALDEBARAN, AMER. SHIP (FITCH) n.d. Summary of award by comrs. under act to carry into effect Franco-Amer. treaty of July 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex, doc. 117, 8.) ALDEN (HORATIO AND PHILURA), HEIRS OF SILAS DEANE; see DEANE (S.) ALDERSON ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. JULIA; see JULIA ALDHAM (W. C.) COMDR. H. B. M. S. VALOROUS See also Valorous. 1858 Nov. 28. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (McIn- tosh). Circumstances attending boarding of Wash- ington by Br. afficers; exjlanation of Catharine Maria affair; maintains that port of San Juan del Nºte is under Br. protection. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 14. ALECTO, H. B. M. SLOOP (HUNT) 1857 Aug. 24. Boards Amer. slaver Eliza Jane in 5° 30's. and 11° 45' e.; see Eliza Jane. — Sept. 13. Captures Amer. slaver brig Onward off the Congo; see Onward. — Oct. 15. Captures Louis McLane Slaver; see Louis McLane. 1858 May. Captures Amer. brig Caroline off Rio Nuñes; See Caroline. ALEPPO (TURKEY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ALERS (AUGUSTUS), OF CALIF. Amer. cons. for Brunswick, 1860–62; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. ALERT, AMER. BRIG (JEWIT) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under act to carry into effect Franco-Amer. treaty of July 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 8.) 1828 Jan. 21. Owners brig Alert (Dudley and Pickman) to U. S. Senate. Petition praying indemnity in case of capture of brig by French frigate in 1798. (20. 1. S. jol., 105.) 1829 Dec. 29. Same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 52.) ALERT, AMER. SCHR. (THRASHER) Arrived in Tampico about Sept., 1829, with cargo of provisions from New Orleans. . Seized by Mexican authorities on plea of carrying provisions for Spanish army, 1829 Nov. 10. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Viesca) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Execu- tive power unable to interfere in claim for release of Alert. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 303.) Nov. 11. Poinsett to Viesca. Reasons given for de- tention of Schr. are untenable. (ib., 303.) — Nov. 11. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren). Corresp. on capture of Alert, etc. (ib., 299.) — Dec. 7. Viesca to Poinsett. Instructions for obtain- ing copy of proc. in trial of Alert. (ib., 305.) ALERT, H. B. M. BRIG (BOSANQUET) 1844 Je. 2. Boards Amer. brig Cyrus while at anchor off Cabinda; see Cyrus. ALEXANDER ( ) 1855 Oct. 10. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion that face of a banker’s circular letter, found in possession of Mr. Alexander, Amer. citizen who died abroad, is not assets to that amt. to be administered by cons. (vii, Opin. attyS. gen., 542.) ALEXANDER (D. A.) Taken in Santa Fe expedition ; see Texas. expedition. ALEXANDER (DAVID), AND OTHERS 1829 Dec. 28. Petition in U. S. Senate praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) ALEXANDER (J. H.) 1849 Feb. 6. Memoir on routes Of communication betw. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 34.) ALEXANDER (JAMES M.) Taken in Santa Fe expedition ; see Texas. expedition. ALEXANDER (LUCY), CLAIMANT; see DENMARK, CLAIMS. BERGEN PRIZES Santa Fe Santa Fe 24 INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING To ForLIGN AFFAIRs ALEXANDER (MARK), REPRESENTATIVE FROM WIR- GINIA 1831 Feb. 8. Speech; reply to Burges, favoring apprin. for salary of minister to Russia. (vii, Reg. Debates, 626.) ALEXANDER (Q. C.), OF ILL. Amer. cons. for Bombay, 1842-45; see U. S. A. Consular service. ALEXANDER (VICTOR); see SOPHIA AMER. BRIG ALEXANDER (SIR WILLIAM, AFTERWARDS LORD STER- LING) 1621 Sept. 10. Grant to Sir William Alexander by James I," of England. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 53.) ALEXANDER (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1840 Apr. 13. Memorial in U. S. House; praying release of W. L. Mackenzie. (26.1. H. jol., 785.) ALEXANDER, AMER. SHIP (BALLARD) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under act to carry into effect Franco-Amer. treaty of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 8.) ALEXANDRE, FRENCH SHIP Statutory Measures 1840 Feb. 11. Intr. in Senate (King, Ala.), bill (26. 1. S. 219) “to authorize the Secy. Of the Treasury to re- fund duties collected on French ship Aleaxandre.” (26.1. S. jol., do. H. jol.) — Mch. 5. Intr. in House (Pickens, S. C.), bill (26. 1. H. R. 110) “to refund certain duties in case of French ship Aleaxandre.” (26. 1. H. jol., 506; 26. 2. H. jol., 136.) 1841 Jan. 13. Intr. in Senate (King, Ala.), bill (26. 2. S. 204) “to refund duties on French ship Aleaxandre " ; appré. Mch. 3, 1841. (26. 2. S. jol.; do. H. jol.; vi, St. L., 823.) Reports, Memorials, etc. 1839 Dec. 9. French M. P. ad int. in U. S. A. (Pageot) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Praying restitution of tonnage duties paid by French merchant ship Aleaxandre. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 37, 8.) Dec. 31. President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Message to congress; extension of act of May 9, 1828, as ap- plied to French vessels; recommending repayment of Aleaxandre duties; etc. (26. 1. S. jol., 69; H. jol., 157; iii, Mess. and Papers, 559; viii, Cong. Globe, 95.) 1840 Mch. 5. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Pickens). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 110, on mess. of President of Dec. 31, 1839. (26. 1. H. rpt. 106.) ALEXANDRIA (EGYPT) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ALEXANDRIA (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. Memorial in U. S. House; vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) ALEXANDRIA (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. Memorial in U. S. House; in behalf of Van Dieman's Land prisoners. (27.2. H. jol., 237.) ALEXANDRIA (WA.) CITIZENS 1835 Feb. 9. Memorial in U. S. House; indemnity for French spoliations. (23. 2. H. jol., 346.) 1850 Jan. 3. Do. in Senate; same. (31. 1. S. jol., 44.) 1854 Mch. 13. Do.; d.o.; praying measures to secure re- ligious liberty to Amer. citizens abroad. (33. 1. S. jol., 252.) ALFARO (JOSE MARIA) Jefe supremo of Costa Rica, 1842-44; 1845-47; see Cen- tral America. ALFONSO (A. J.), MASTER PORT. BRIG VICTORIA; see VICTORIA ALFORD (GEORGE G.), ADMR, OF 1852 Jan. 12. Petition in U. S. House; payment of Mexi- can indemnities. (32. 1. H. jol., 191.) — Jan. 19. Memorial in U. S. Senate; revision of de- cisions of Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 125.) ALFORD (JOHNSON H.), ADMR, OF H. P. BATES, CLAIM- ANT; see BATES (H. P.) ALFORD (JULIUS C.), REPRESENTATIVE FROM GA. 1840 Dec. 31. Remarks in U. S. House; extra copies of docs. and message on burning of Caroline. (ix, Cong. Globe, 74.) ALFRED, H. B. M. SHIP (PURVIS); see PURVIS (J. B.) ALGIERS Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Citizens IN U. S. CoNSULAR SERVICE; see GARAVINI (C.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Foreign Affairs American n. d. List of Amer. vessels and cargoes captured by cor- sairs of Algiers in Jly., 1785, and in Oct., 1793. (20. 2. H. rpt. 102, 7.) n. d. Sums prescribed by Dey of Algiers for redemption of Amer. captives. (ib., 11.) 1797 Jan. 4. Secy. Treasury U. S. A. (Wolcott), applica- tion of fund appropriated by U. S. for ransom of Amer. captives in Algiers. (ib., 11.) See ºneonary Burnham (J.) : Colvill (C.) : Lewis ALI PASHA, MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TURKEY 1857 Nov. 5. To Amer. M. R. in Turkey (Spence). Re- quests recommendations for Mehmed Pasha, who is to superintend construction of Turkish vessel in U. S. A. (35. 1. S. rpt. 62, 3.) ALICANTE (SPAIN) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular service ALICIA, SLAVER n. d. Mentioned. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 19.) ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION See also Allegiance : Extradition : Treason. Algiers; see below, Imprisonment Argentine Republic; see below, Death and Burial: Military Service: Protection (Peace); Do. (War): Taxation Arrest; see below, Imprisonment Austria; see below, Death and Burial: Imprisonment: Prop- erty Bavaria; see below, Property Belgium; see below, Property Borneo; see below, Protection (Peace) Bounties; see below, Land Grants: Pensions Brazil; see below, Imprisonment: Property: Protection (Peace); Do. (War): Religious Freedom Canada; see below, Imprisonment Central America; see below, Protection (Peace); Do. (War): Religious Freedom INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 25 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Chili; see below, Imprisonment: Property: Protection (Peace); Do. (War): Religious Freedom China; see that title See also below, Death and Burial : der: Property: Protection (Peace): freedom. Colombia; see below, Property: Protection (Peace): Do. (War): Religious Freedom Copyright; see below, Patents, Copyright, etc. Costa Rica; see below, Death and Burial: Military Service: Murder: Protection (Peace); Do. (War) Cuba 1817 Oct. 21. Spain. Royal order for augmenting white population of Cuba. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 86, 117.) See also below, Imprisonment: Murder. Death and Burial TREATY PROVISIONS 1850 May 4. New Granada and U. S. A. Consular conv. : 3. Death of citizens of one nation in terr. of the Other. 1851 Jly. 10. Costa Rica and U. S. A. Treaty of friend- Ship, etc., art. 8. Same. - Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 39. Same. 1853 Jly. 10. Argentine rep. and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 9. Same. 1859 Feb. 4. Paraguay and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., arts. 10, 14. Same. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1858 Feb. 9. U. S. House res. (Morris, Pa.); information of treaty stipulations since 1850 on burial abroad of Amer. citizens; etc. (35. 1. H. jol., 362.) Imprisonment: Mur- Religious Austria See Chamberlain (M.) : Davis (H.) : Rhinelander (P.) : Seidel (J.). China See China, Danes' Is. desecrations: Harrison (G. W.) : Mexico Everett (A. H.) : Wolcott (H. G.). STATUTORY MEASURES 1849 Feb. 16. Res. intr. in Senate (Underwood, Ky.) (30. 2. S. 61) “to secure burying ground in Mexico for use of U. S. citizens.” (30.2. S. jol., 222; 226.) 1852. Mch, 11. Intr, in House (Mason, Va.), bill (32. 1. S. 285) “for interment of Amer. officers and soldiers, who died in Mexico . . . .” (32. 1. S. jol., 268; 271.) Apprin. for purchase, etc., of cemetery near Mexico: 1850/1. Clause in army bill. (ix, St. L., 504.) 1851/2. Do. in deficiency bill. (x, St. L., 15.) 1852/3. Do. in civil and dipl. apprin. bill. (ib., 94.) 1853/4. Do. in deficiency bill. (ib., 290.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1882 Nov. 22. Ministr. relac, est. Mexico (Fagoaga) to Amer. Chargé (Butler). Reservation of burial place, called the Cuchilla, for foreigners not professing ex- clusive religion of the state. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 460.) * 1850 Mch. 11. Memorial of G. G. Goss in U. S. Senate; purchase of burial ground near city of Mexico. (31. 1. S. jol., 204; 214.) 1851 Oct. 25. G. G. Goss to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mex- ico (Letcher). Delay in work on Amer. Cemetery near Mexico city. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 84, 9.) - 1852 Jan. 6. J. Bentley to Letcher. Work done on Wash- ington Cemetery near Mexico city; plan and deed of ground. (ib., 3.) - Jan. 10. Letcher to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Expenditures for Amer. cemetery. (ib., 1.) - Feb. 26. G. G. Goss to Webster. Land purchased and improved for Amer. cemetery. (ib., 10.) ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Death and Burial—cont’d Mexico—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1852 Mch. 4. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Message to congress; apprin. to complete Amer. Cemetery near city of Mexico. (32. 1. H. jol., 504.) Mch. 11. J. M. Mason, senator from Va. Remarks; in support of S. 285. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 717.) Aug. 7. J. C. Breckenridge, repr. from Ky. Re- marks; explaining his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprp. bill for purchase of cemetery near Mexico. (ib., 2132.) 1860 Feb. 14. Memorial of G. G. Goss in U. S. House; praying compensation for services, etc., in establish- ing cemetery near Mexico city. (36. 1. H. jol., 268.) — Mch. 9. Same; same. (ib., 486.) Peru See Gannett (W.) : James ( ), capt. : Jones (I.) : Wilson (J.). , Spain 1832 Mch. 10. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness) to secretario del estado, ad int., Spain (Al- cudia). Request that privilege granted to H. B. M. subjects by order of Nov. 13, 1831, for establishment of burial grounds, be extended to Amer. citizens. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 97.) — Mch. 15. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Burial grounds for Amer. citizens. (ib., 96.) 1840 Jan. 9. Amer. citizens resident in Malaga, Spain. Memorial to U. S. Senate; praying apprin. for pur- chase of site for Protestant burial ground. (26. 1. S. jol., 90; 445; viii, Cong. Globe, 108.) — Feb. 5. J. Wood, and others, mariners. Memorial in U. S. House; praying apprin. for purchase of site for burial ground at Malaga. (26. 1. H. jol., 293.) Turkey 1858 Mch. 18. J. P. Brown, et al., Amer. citizens resident at Constantinople. Petition to U. S. House; apprin. to erect wall around burial place for foreigners. (35. 1. H. jol., 520.) 1860 Je. 8. Same. Petition to U. S. Senate; praying apprin. for cemetery at Constantinople. (36. 1. S. jol., 586.) United States See Verjel (J. del C.). Debts TREATY PROVISIONS 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 26. Debts and securities not subject to con- fiscation. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc., art. 24. Same. 1833 Mch. 20. Siam and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 6. Debts contracted in Siam. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 27. Debts, etc., not to be confiscated. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 27. Same. 1844 Jly. 3. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 16. Procedure for collection of debts. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 26. Debts, in case of War. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 28. Debts and moneys not to be confiscated. 1858 Je. 18. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 24. Collection of debts. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1855 Jan. 27... J. Kerr, repr. from N. C. Remarks; Sp. construction of art. 7, treaty of 1795, on right to use colonial courts for collection of debts. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 423.) 26 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Denmark; see below, Protection (Peace) District of Columbia; see below, U. S. A. Ecuador; see below, Property: Protection (Peace); Do. (War): Religious Freedom Enlistment; see that title Expulsion Brazil See Ray (J.). Mexico See California (Mexican occupation) : Mexico. Prussia. See Delli (E.). Turkey See Turkey. United States See Baker & Co. Exterritoriality; see that title Extradition; see that title Forced Loans; see that title France 1860 Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message [clause relating to naturalized Amer. Citi- zens visiting France]. Germany; see below, Imprisonment: Religious Freedom Great Britain; see below, Imprisonment; Property. See also Maillard (N. D. P.) Greece; see below, Property: Protection (Peace) Guatemala; see below, Property: Protection (Peace): Relig- ious Freedom Haiti; see below, Immigrants: Imprisonment: Property: Pro- tection (Peace): Religious Freedom Hanover; see below, Property: Protection (Peace) Hanseatic Republics; see below, Property: Protection (Peace) Hawaii; see below, Military Service: Property: Protection (Peace): Religious Freedom: Taxation Hesse; see below, Property Hungary; see below, Imprisonment Immigrants. E[aiti 1832 Jan. 13. B. McEvers to Secy. State U. S. A. (Liv- ingston). Weston claim; loss through revocation of contract for transmission of emigrants from U. S. to Haiti. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, p. 103.) United States STATUTORY MEASURES I'éderal 1838 Jly. 2. Intr. in House, Russell, N. Y.; bill (25. 2. H. R. 873) “to prevent deportation of foreign paupers to U. S.” (25. 2. H. jol., 1207; 25. 3. H. jol., 446; vi, Cong. Globe, 342.) 1847 Jan. 14. Intr. in House, Seaman, N. Y.; bill (29. 2. H. R. 601) “to prevent importation of paupers . . . . into U. S. " (29. 2. H. jol., 166.) 1854 Aug. 2. Intr. in Senate, Fish, N. Y.; bill (33. 1. S. 489) “for better protection of life and health on board passenger ships.” (33. 1. S. jol., 623.) 1855 Jan. 2. Intr. in House, Wentworth, Ill.; bill (33. 2. H. R. 613) “to prevent intr. of foreign criminals . . . . .” (33. 2. H. jol., 137.) 1856 Mch. 4. Intr. in House, Smith, Ala.; bill (34. 1. H. R. 124) “to prevent intr. into U. S. of foreign crim- inals and paupers.” (34. 1. H. jol., 631.) State 1822 Dec. 1. South Carolina. An act for the better regu- lation of free negroes . . . . (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 119, 13.) 1823 Dec. 20. Same. An act the more effectually to pro- hibit free negroes . . . . from entering . . . . this state. (ib., 7.) ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont'd Immigrants—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, ETC. serial Annual report of State Dept. of passengers arriving from foreign countries. For the 50 yrs, following 1820, the Secy. of State sub- mitted to Congress an annual report on immigrants arriving in the U. S. A., pursuant to provisions of the following acts: 1819. Mch. 2. An act regulating passenger ships and vessels. 1847. Feb. 22. Do. to regulate carriage of passengers in merchant vessels. . Mch. 2. Do. entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to regulate carriage of passengers in merchant vessels.’ ” 1848. Jan. 31. Do. iºn; vessels employed by Amer. Colonization Socy. in transporting colored emigrants from Africa to U. S. A. from provisions of acts of Feb. 22 and Mch. 2, 1847. 1848. May 17. Do. to provide for ventilation of pas- senger vessels. 1849. Mch. 3. Do to extend provisions of all laws now in force relating to carriage of passengers, etc. 1855. Mch. 3. , Do. to regulate carriage of passengers in steam ships and other vessels. Date of | Con- Docu- Date of Con- Docu- report. gºes. | *|†ent. report: grès. Sess. j 1828 20 S. 98 1843/4 28 2 H. 13 & & & & & & H. 141 1845 29 1 H. 216 1829 21 1 H. 114 1846 29 2 H. 98 1830, 21 2 H. 127 1847 30 1 | H. 47 1831 22 1 H. 293 1848 30 2 | H. 10 1832 22 2 H. 119 1849 31 1. H. 7 1833 23 1 S. 237 1850 31 2 H. 16 & & & & & & H. 319 1851 32 1 H. 100 1834 23 2 H. 184 1852 32 2 H. 45 1835 24 1 H. 237 1853 33 1 H. 78 1836 24 2 | S. 178 || 1854 33 2 H. 77 & & £ & & & H. 163 1855 34 1 H. 29 1837 25 S. 478 1856 34 3 S. 54 & 6 & & & 4 H. 427 & 4 & 4 & & H. 78 1838 25 S. 252 1857 35 S. 32 & & & & 6 & H. 210 & & & 4 46 H. 62 1839 26 S. 594 1858 35 S. 34 & 4 & & & 4 H. 254 & & & & & 4 H. 92 1840 26 S. 206 | 1859 36 1 H. 32 & & & 6 { { H. 116 1860 36 2 H. 81 1841 27. 2 H. 219 || 1861 37 2 H. 111 1842 27 3. H. H.77 700?-Serial 1837. Feb. 21. E. M. Walker, and others. Petition in U. S. Senate; number, character, etc., of emigrants to U. S. A. (24. 2. S. jol., 270.) 1838 Jan. 3. Citizens of Milbury and Sutton, Mass. Me- morial to U. S. House; vs. excessive immigration of foreigners. (25. 2. H. jol., 199.) 1840 Apr. 1. J. J. Robertson to U. S. Senate. Memorial; citizenship of children of Amer, missionaries born abroad. (viii, Cong. Globe, 298.) 1847 Jan. 7. Irish Emigrant Socy., N. Y. Memorial to U. S. House; vs. repeal of law regulating pilots, passed 1837. (29. 2. H. jol., 147.) — Jan. 25. Citizens of N. Y. city. Petition in U. S. House; legislation for care of emigrants on ship- board. (ib., 227.) g — Feb. 6. Irish Emigrant Socy., N. Y. Petition to U. S. House; praying amdmt. of act regulating vessels carrying passengers, passed 1819. (ib., 308.) — Feb. 6. Volksverein, N. Y. city. Petition to U. S. House; praying legislation for health, etc., of emi- grants. (ib., 308.) — Feb. 24. J. D. D. Rosset. Memorial to U. S. House; vs. legislative restriction of immigration. (ib., 418.) — Feb. 26. New York state legislature. Joint res.; action of congress on transportation of immigrants. (ib., 437.) * INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 27 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Immigrants—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, ETC.—cont’d rºom-Serial—cont’d 1849 Feb. 8. U. S. Senate. Res. (Webster, Mass.); to in- Struct Com. on Commerce to inquire into legal pro- vision for preventing aliens from becoming public charges. (30. 2. S. jol., 194; 226.) — Feb. 17. Same. Amdmt. to res. of 8 inst. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 550.) 1850 Feb. 5. Citizens of Schuylkill Co. (Penn.) to U. S. Senate. Petition praying imposition of capitation tax on foreigners. (31. 1. S. jol., 131.) — May 6. A. Hayden, etc., to U. S. House. Memorial; praying passage of law imposing tax on alien pas- sengers. (31. 1. H. jol., 881.) 1851 Dec. 11. Citizens of Mansfield (Mass.) to U. S. House. Petition praying imposition of capitation tax on foreigners. (32. 1. H. jol., 81.) — Dec. 11. Same. Res. (Davis, Mass.) ; to instruct Com. on Commerce to inquire into amdmt. of laws on alien, etc., passengers. (32. 1. S. jol., 53.) 1852 Mch. 13. Citizens of Schuylkill Co. (Penn.) to U. S. House. Petition; praying imposition of capitation tax on immigrants. (32. 1. H. jol., 465.) — May 17. Amer. Medical Assn. Petition to U. S. House; employment of surgeons on board emigrant vessels. (ib., 707.) — May 29. Citizens of Northumberland Co. (Penn.) to U. S. House. Petition; praying imposition of capi- tation tax on immigrants. (ib., 754.) 1853 Dec. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Fish, N. Y.); apptmt. of Select com. on mortality, etc., on board emigrant ships. (33. 1. S. jol., 6; 27.) 1854 Feb. 27. New York citizens. Petition in U. S. Sen- ate; enactment of laws for protection of emigrants in U. S. (ib., 215.) — Aug. 2. U. S. Senate. Select Com. On Emigrant Ships (Fish). Rpt. to acc. S. 489 for better protec- § of life, etc., on emigrant ships. (33. 1. S. rpt. 386. 1855 Jan. 4. C. Sumner, sen. from Mass. Remarks; capi- tation tax on immigrants. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 178.) Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Jones, Tenn.); denying power of congress to regulate emigration into U. S. (33. 2. S. jol., 279.) — Oct. 12. Pres. N. Y. Emigration Commission (Wer- planck) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Asks inter- position of govt. to prevent establishment abroad of offices for contracting transportation of emigrants to U. S. A. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 5.) — Dec. 31. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.); house- hold effects of immigrants exempt from duty. (34. 1. S. jol., 25.) — Dec. 31. J. Wilbur to U. S. Senate. Communication; same. (ib., 25.) 1856 Jly. 19. Citizens of Northumberland Co. (Penn.) to U. S. House. Petition; praying imposition of capi- tation tax on immigrants. (34. 1. H. jol., 1235.) — Sept. 9. New York Co. Court of General Sessions. Investigation of complaints preferred against cer- tain employes of Castle Garden. (ib., 6.) 1857 Jan. 23. Verplank to Marcy. Requests that further effort be made to induce European states to prohibit booking of passengers for inland transportation to L. S. A. (ib., 3.) — Jan. 31. U. S. State Dept. Circ. 17. Instructions on subject of emigration. (ib., 3.) 1858 Jan. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (King, N. Y.); calling for corresp. with Amer. ministers abroad on dangers of booking emigrants for inland passage to U. S. A. (35. 1. S. jol., 86.). — Feb. 17. New York State Emigration comrs. Pe- tition to U. S. House; praying amdmt. of passenger laws. (ib., 396.) ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Immigrants—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTs, ETC.—cont’d British Incl. Irish, Scotch and Jamaicans. 1831 Feb. 24. Copy of part of Jamaican act of Feb. 24, 1831, regulating deportation of paupers. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 5; H. rpt. 1040, 46.) — Je. 28. Amer. cons., Kingston (Harrison) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Protest against laws of Jamaica governing deportation of paupers. (ib., p. 2; ib., 12.) — Jly. 26. Livingston to H. B. M. chargé, U. S. A. (Bankhead). Law of Jamaica governing deporta- tion of paupers. (ib., 4; ib., 44.) — Jly. 30. Bankhead to Livingston. Same. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 5.) — Aug. 1. Livingston to Pres. U. S. (Van Buren). Same. (ib., 1.) — Oct. 4. Same to Bankhead. Protest against act of Jamaica, passed Feb. 24, 1831, regulating deportation of paupers. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 6; H. rpt. 1040, 47.) — Dec. 16. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Van Buren) to H. B. M. Secy. Foreign Office (Palmer- Ston). Same. (ib., 3; ib., 13.) — Dec. 27. Palmerston to Van Buren. Jamaican law regulating deportation of paupers. (ib., 4; ib., 44.) 1832 Feb. 15. Bankhead to Livingston. Instruction to gov. of Jamaica concerning deportation of paupers º expiration of act of Feb. 24, 1831. (ib., 7; ib., 47. — Oct. 3. Same to same. Law of Jamaica regulating deportation of paupers abolished. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 7 ..) 1836 Aug. 20. Amer. cons., Glasgow (Thomson) to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Deportation of emi- grants. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 9.) Aug. 23. Amer. cons., Leith (Grieve) to same. Same. (ib., 10.) — Aug. 30. Amer. cons., Kingston-upon-Hull (DaVy) to same. Deportation of pauperS from Gr. Br. to TJ. S. A. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 11; 25. 2. H. doc. 370, 11; H. rpt. 1040, 27.) — Sept. 1. Amer. Cons., Dublin (Wilson) to same. De- portation of emigrants. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 4.) Sept. 1. Amer. Cons., Belfast (Gilpin) to same. Same. (ib., 5.) Sept. 15. Amer. cons., Liverpool (Ogden) to same. Deportation of paupers. (ib., 10.) — Sept. 19. Amer. cons., Londonderry (Corscaden) to same. Deportation of emigrants. (ib., 6.) Oct. 12. Amer. Cons., Cork (Murphy) to same. Same; with list of emigrants from Cork to U. S., Jan.-Aug., 1836. (ib., 7.) Oct. 19. Amer. cons., London (Aspinwall), to same. Deportation of paupers. (ib., 20.) 1847 Jan. 1. Amer. cons., Londonderry (Loughhead) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Deportation of criminals and paupers. (29. 2. S. doc. 161, 3.) 1852 Jan. 2. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Crampton) to Secy. State, U. S. (Webster). Practice of decoying negro lads from Jamaica to U. S. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 12.) — Jan. 14. Webster to Crampton. Reply to his of 2 inst. (ib., 114.) 1857 Feb. 17. Amer. cons. in London (Campbell) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Difficult to induce European states to abolish inland booking; response to circ. of Jan. 31. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 9.) Feb. 17. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas) to Marcy. Receipt of despatches and circ. of Jan. 31, on emigration. (ib., 10.) — Feb. 21. Dallas to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Asks that Br. govt. adopt protective measures towards emigrants to U. S. A. (ib., 16.) 28 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Immigrants—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTs, ETC.—cont’d British—cont’d 1857 Mch. 24. Clarendon to Dallas. Reply to his of 21 inst. (ib., 16.) — Mch. 26. Dallas to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). In- terviews with Clarendon on emigrant abuses, (ib., 15.) See also Maº'y Anne. " Catholic 1837 Jan. 23. Wirtsborough, N. Y., citizens. Petition to U. S. Senate; Roman Catholic emigrants. (xiii, Reg. Debates, 533.) — Jan. 23. H. Clay, Sen. from Ky. Remarks; peti- tion of citizens of Wirtsborough, N. Y. (ib., 533.) Dutch 1836 Sept. 13. Amer. cons., Rotterdam (Wambersie) to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Deportation of emigrants. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 6.) French 1857 Feb. 28. Amer, cons., Havre (Vesey) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Response to circ. of Jan. 31; authorities of Havre powerless to arrest abuses com- plained of. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 10.) — Mch. 24. Pres. Bordeaux Chamber Commerce (Dubergier) to Amer. cons. (Miller). Bordeaux free from operations of emigrant agts. (ib., 17.) — Mch. 26. Miller to Marcy. Receipt of circ. of Jan. 31. (ib., 17.) — Je. 23. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason) to minist. des aff. §trang. France (Walewski). Book- ing of French emigrants for inland points in U. S. A. (ib., 56.) — Jly. 6. Walewski to Mason. Letter of Je. 23 referred to Secy. of Interior; etc. (ib., 58.) — Aug. 15. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason) to Cass. Reply to circ. of Jan. 31. (ib., 55.) — Sept. 29. Cass to Mason. Insinuations of L. Lorenz relative to circ. 17, of Jan. 31. (ib., 61.) German 1832 Dec. 7. Amer. cons., Hamburg (Cuthbert) to syndic of Hamburg (Siveking). Sending of convicts to |U. S. A. (28. 2. S. doc. 42, 2.) Dec. 25. J. L. Dammert to same. Character of pas- sengers sent to U. S. A. in brig Dorothea. (ib., 3.) 1833 Jan. 22. Cuthbert to Secy. State U. S. A. (Living- ston). Convicts sent by police of Hamburg to N. Y. (ib., 2.) 1834 Je. 13. Senate of Bremen. Act respecting emi- grants to U. S. A. (ib., 5.) 1835 Feb. 1. J. Dodge to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Prevention of emigration of paupers to U. S. A. (ib., 4.) 1836 Sept. 5. Amer. cons., Bremen (Dodge) to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Deportation of emi- grants. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 2.) — Sept. 8. Amer. cons., Hesse-Cassel (Graebe) to same. Same. (ib., 3.) Oct. 16. Amer. cons., Munich (de Ruedorffer) to same. Deportation of pauperS. (ib., 25.) 1842 Feb. 10. F. Grund to secy state U.S.A. (Webster). German emigrants to U. S. A. (ib., 6.) 1846 Oct. 27. Amer. cons., Hamburg (Cuthbert) to same (Buchanan). Deportation of criminals and pauperS. (29. 2. S. doc. 161, 3.) 1857 May 4. Minister foreign affairs gr. duchy Darm- stadt (Dalwight) to Amer. cons., Frankfurt O/M. (Ricker). Sale of tickets for inland points in U. S. prohibited. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 20.) — May 12. Minister foreign affairs, electorate Hesse- Cassel (Meyer) to same. Measures taken to prevent sale of tickets for inland points in U. S. (ib., 20.) ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Immigrants—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTs, ETC.—cont’d German—cont’d 1857 May 12. Minister foreign affairs, duchy of Nassau (Wittgenstein) to same. Law passed in 1854 pro- * booking to inland points in America. (ib., 20. — May 25. Ricker to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). On prohibition of booking emigrants for inland points in U. S. A. (ib., 19.) — Je. 30. Burgomaster, Frankfurt o/M. to Ricker. Police instructed to prohibit booking of emigrants from Amer. Seaports to inland points. (ib., 30.) — Jly. 3. Ricker to Cass. Frankfurt o/M. prohibits inland booking. (ib., 29.) — JIy. 17. P. S. Elder to Ricker. Police instructed to prohibit booking of emigrants from Lübeck to in- land Amer. points. (ib., 39.) — Jly. 19. Ricker to Cass. Prohibition of inland book- ing in his consular dist. (ib., 38.) Irish See British. Italian 1857 Mch. 27. Amer. cons., Genoa (Herbenmont) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Doubts whether corresp. on emigration with authorities of Genoa will do good. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 18.) Jamaican See British. Negro 1823 Feb. 15. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Can- ning) to Secy State U. S. A. (Adams). Protest agst. act of S. C. of Dec. 1, 1822. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 119, 2.) 1824 Apr. 9. H. B. M. chargé in U. S. A. (Addington) to º Protest agst. act of S. C. of Dec. 20, 1823. (ib., 3. — Jly. 3. Judge Supreme ct, S. C. (Johnson) to same. On act of S. C. for imprisonment of colored persons arriving from abroad. (ib., 6.) See also Livingston (T.) : Negroes, Colonization of. Pauper General corresp. only ; for that on pauper immigration iºn certain countries, see British, German, Swiss, 1835 Mch. 9. A. Symonds to J. Boyd. Mode of pauper intr. into Mass. (25. 2. H. rpt. 1040, 55.) 1836 Apr. 9. Mass. Rpt. of H. com. on intr. of foreign pauperS. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 219.) – Apr. 16. Mass. General Court. Resolve; emigration of foreign paupers. (ib., 342.) l — May 2. J. Davis, sen. from Mass. Remarks; recom- mending resolve of Mass. of even date be referred to º S. Com. on Commerce. (xii, Reg. Debates, 1378. — May 2. Mass. General Court. Resolve; praying leg- ºn agst. intr. of foreign pauperS. (24. 1. S. jol., 324. — Je. 7. Brunswick (Me.) citizens. Petition to U. S. Senate; praying restriction of excessive foreign im- migration. (ib., 411.) — Je. 7. Topham (Me.) citizens. Same. (ib., 411.) — JIy. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Davis, Mass.); directing collection of information on deportation of paupers from Gr. Br., etc. (ib., 548.) — Jly. 7. U. S. Treasury Dept. Circ. to consuls; in- formation on deportation of paupers. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 2; 25. 2. H. doc. 370, 8; H. rpt. 1040, 17, 49.) See also below, Naturalization : Taxation. 1837 L. D. Chapin to D. Russell. Emigrants arrived at port of N. Y., 1827-37; poor of N. Y. city. (25. 2. H. rpt. 1040, 95.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 29 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Immigrants—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTs, ETC.—cont’d Pauper—cont’d 1838 Feb. 5. Boston, Mass., city govt. Memorial to U. S. House; VS. intr. of foreign paupers. (25. 2. H. jol., 349, 708.) — Feb. 14. N. Y. city govt. Memorial to U. S. House; legal provision to restrain intr. of foreign paupers. (ib., 408, 708.) — Feb. 19. U. S. House. Res. (Lincoln, Mass.) to in- struct Com. On Judiciary to inquire into expediency of providing, legally, agst. intr. of foreign paupers. (ib., 465.) — Mch. 19. Same. Res. (Russell, N. Y.) directing Secy. State U. S. A. to report on emigration to U. S. during last decade, and on intr. of foreign paupers. (25. 2. H. jol., 619; vi., Cong. Globe, 242.) — Apr. 11. Native Amer. Assn. of U. S. to D. Russell. Intr. of foreign paupers and poor in Washington. (25. 2. H. rpt. 1040, 63.) — Apr. 30. Same. Same (Russell, N. Y.) calling for Corresp. With foreign powers on intr. of paupers. (25. 2. H. jol., 822.) — May 5. Secy. Treasury U. S. A. (Woodbury) to President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Rpt. on intr. of foreign paupers in response to H. res. of Apr. 30. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 8.) — May 10. Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Rpt. on deportation of paupers to U. S. A. (ib., 1; H. rpt. 1040, 41.) — May 24. U. S. House. Res. (Hoffman, N. Y.) calling On President for information of docs. relating to intr. of foreign paupers, and which reflect on mayor of is ; city. (25. 2. H. jol., 950; vi, Cong. Globe, 408. — May 24. O. Hoffman, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; to discharge select com. on foreign paupers from con- sideration of certain libellous papers. (vi, Cong. Globe, 408.) — May 24. Woodbury to President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Intr. of foreign paupers. (vi, Cong. Globe, 410; 25. 2. H. doc. 370 (annex).) — May 25. President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Message to U. S. House asking permission to withdraw papers referred to in H. res. Of 24 inst. (25. 2. H. jol., 958.) 1844 Dec. 19. U. S. Senate. Res. (Johnson, La.); Secy. State U. S. directed to rpt. on transportation by for- eign govts. Of paupers to U. S. A. (28. 2. S. jol., 50; 56.) Dec. 23. U. S. House. Motion (Hardin, Ill.); Com. on Judiciary to inquire into expediency of legislation agst, transportation of foreign paupers to U. S. (28. ) 2. H. jol., 132.) 1845 Feb. 21. New York City govt. Memorial to U. S. House; vs. transportation of foreign paupers, etc., to U. S. (ib., 432.) 1847 Jan. 20. Same. Memorial to U. S. congress; expor- tation from abroad of paupers, etc. (29. 2. H. doc. 54, 1.) — Feb. 2. U. S. Senate. Res. (Dix, N. Y.); calling for information regarding importation of foreign pau- pers, etc. (29. 2. S. jol., 158.) — Feb. 16. Schuylkill Co. (Penn.). Citizens. Memor- ial to U. S. Senate; amdmt. of naturalization laws; measures to prevent influx of foreign pauperS. (ib., 195; 232.) — Feb. 19. Northumberland Co. (Penn.). Citizens. Petition to U. S. House; vs. intr. of foreign paupers, etc. (29. 2. H. jol., 386.) — Mch. 1. Rochester, N. Y. Mayor, etc. Petition to U. S. House; vs. increase in importation of foreign paupers, (ib., 469.) ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Immigrants—cont’d COBRESPONDENCE, REPORTs, ETC.—cont’d Pauper—cont’d 1848 Feb. 28. U. S. House. Motion (Holmes, N. Y.); Com. on Commerce instructed to inquire into expedi- ency of legislation agst. intr. of foreign paupers, etc. (30. 1. H. jol., 449, 622.) 1851 Dec. 16. Citizens of Penn. Petition to U. S. House; Vs. intr. of paupers, etc. (32. 1. H. jol., 103; 292.) 1852 Jan. 5. Citizens of Philadelphia (Penn.). Petition to U. S. Senate; vs. intr. of foreign convicts. (32. 1. S. jol., 93; 225.) —º 14. Citizens of Penn. DO.; d.o.; same. (ib., 7. — Jan. 20. Same. Do. in U. S. House; do. (32. 1. H. jol., 237.) — Feb. 9. Same. Do.; d.o. (ib., 327.) Feb. 20. Citizens of N. J. Do.; d.o. (ib., 372.) Feb. 20. Same. Do. in U. S. Senate; do. (32. 1. S. jol., 219.) Feb. 25. Citizens of Penn. Do. in U. S. House; do. (32. 1. H. jol., 385.) — Mch. 3. Same. Do. in U. S. Senate; do. (32. 1. S. jol., 243.) — Mch. 15. Citizens of N. J. Do.; d.o. (ib., 274.) — Mch. 26. Citizens of N. Y. Do. in U. S. House; do. (32. 1. H. jol., 512.) — Apr. 8. Citizens of N. J. Do.; d.o. (ib., 512.) — May 26. Same. Do. in U. S. Senate; do. (32. 1. S. jol., 436.) — Je. 1. Citizens of New York State. Do. in U. S. House; do. (32. 1. H. jol., 769.) — Jly. 25. U. S. House. Res. (Wentworth, Mass.); Com. on Commerce to inquire into legislation to pre- vent intr. of defective foreigners. (ib., 1202.) — Dec. 26. Same. Do. (Bridges, Penn.); Com. on Ju- diciary to inquire into expediency of preventing by law intr. of foreign paupers, etc. (33. 2. H. jol., 111.) 1854 #. 3. Citizens of Penn. Do.; d.o. (33. 1. H. jol., 445. - 1855 Jan. R. I. Gen. Assem. ReS.; vs. intr. of foreign pauperS. (33. 2. S. misc. doc. 19.) — Jan. 2. F. Wood, repr. from N. Y. to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Character of emigrants coming into N. Y. (33. 2. Cong. Globe (app.), 94.) — Jan. 23. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cooper, Penn.) ; call- ing for information on intr. of foreign paupers, etc. (33. 2. S. jol., 151; 164.) — Jan. 25. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Remarks; favorable to 1st Cooper res. Of 23 inst. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 392.) — Jan. 25. R. Brodhead, sen. from Penn. Remarks; amdg. Cooper res. of Jan. 23. (ib., 391, 392.) — Jan. 25. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; discussion of Cooper res. (ib., 392.) Jan. 25. J. Cooper, sen. from Penn. Remarks; in support of his res. of 23 inst. (ib., 389, 391.) — Jan. 25. J. B. Weller, sen. from Calif. Remarks; danger of secret Organizations, etc.; amdmt. to Brod- head amdmt. of even date. (ib., 392.) — Feb. 20. J. P. Benjamin, Sen. from La. Remarks; vindicating action of Hamilton Fish, member Com. on Foreign Relations, in regard to passengers on board immigrant vessels; on S. 489. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 825.) — Feb. 20. Wm. Gwin, Sen. from Calif. Remarks; connection of Hamilton Fish with S. 489. (ib., 826.) — Mch. 1. J. Shields, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; same. (ib., 1034.) 1856 Aug. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Fuller). Rpt. on foreign paupers, etc. (34. 1. H. rpt. 359.) 30 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Immigrants—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTs, ETC.—cont’d Pauper—cont’d 1857 Apr. 15. Maine legislature. Res.; foreign paupers, etc. (35. 1. S. misc. doc. 12; H. misc. doc. 16; 30.) — Dec. 18. Same. DO.; VS. intr. of foreign paupers, etc. (35. 1. S. jol., 49.) 1858 Jan. 18. U. S. House. Res. (Zollicoffer, Tenn.); Com. on Judiciary to inquire into restriction of im- portation of paupers, etc. (35. 1. H. jol., 197.) — Jan. 20. Maine legislature. Res.; foreign paupers, etc. (ib., 214.) — Apr. 20. U. S. Senate. Res. (Kennedy, Md.); Com. On Judiciary to inquire into expediency of restrict- ing emigration into U. S. of paupers, etc. (35. 1. S. jol., 360; 364; 488.) Scotch See British. Swiss 1846 Mch. 27. Amer. cons., Basel (Goundie) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Deportation of paupers, etc. (29. 2. S. doc. 161, 1.) 1854 Apr. 12. Luzerne. Decree; regulating negotiation of emigration contracts. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, p. 51.) — Apr. 13. Swiss federal council. Circ. to confeder- ated Swiss States; European contracts for inland traffic in America. (ib., 46.) — Apr. 13. Same to Fay. Subject of emigration does not constitutionally come within federal dept.; coun- cil has expected that Cantonal govts. Will adopt meas- ures to prevent Sale of inland passages. (ib., 25.) — Apr. 18. Fay to Cass. Swiss reply to his notes of Je. 8 and 10. (ib., 25.) — Apr. 23. Same to Same. Article in “Der Kolonist '' On emigration; Swiss opposition to attempt to pro- hibit Sale of inland passage tickets; etc. (ib., 26.) — Jly. 7. Same to Swiss federal council. Article in “Der Kolonist,” agst. Castle Garden; etc. (ib., 31.) — Jly. 7. Same to Cass. Possibility of suppressing op- position to extermination of frauds agst. emigrants as far as Switzerland is concerned. (ib., 30.) — JIy. 17. Same to same. The cantons reply to fed- eral circ., assuring exertion to suppress traffic in Amer. inland passage tickets, (ib., 35.) — JIy. 22. Same to Amer. cons. Bremen, Hamburg and Havre. Requests that inquiries be made of emi- grants for N. Y. whether they have been advised not to land at Castle Garden, etc. (ib., 42.) — JIy. 22. Same to Amer. cons, in Switzerland. Asks that publicity be given to warnings to emigrants, etc. (ib., 41.) — Jly. 22. Same to Swiss federal council. Copies of second warning to emigrants, etc. (ib., 41.) 1855 Mch. 3. Goundie to collector port of N. Y. (Red- field). Notice of transportation of paupers from canton of Argovia. (24. 1. H. rpt. 359, 145.) lsº 20. Valais. Decree; regulating emigration. ib., 50.) 1857 Feb. 17. Amer. min. res. in Switzerland (Fay) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Receipt of circ. of Jan. 31. (ib., 10.) — Feb. 19. Same to Swiss federal council. Abuses of emigrants to U. S. A.; how to remove them. (ib., 12.) — Mch. 2. Swiss federal council to Fay. Council has already called attention of cantonal govts. to abuses of emigrants. (ib., 14.) — Mch. 3. Fay to Marcy. Cooperation of Swiss federal council with cantonal govts. for suppression of emi- grant abuses. (ib., 11.) — Mch. 4. Same to Same. Federal council recom- mends to local govts. to discourage inland booking of emigrants to U. S. A. (ib., 11.) ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont'd Immigrants—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, ETC.—cont’d Swiss—cont’d 1857 Mch. 10. Same to same. Subject of circ. of Jan. 31. (ib., 12.) — Apr. 7. Amer. vice-cons., Basel (Brustlein) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Inland booking is done almost exclusively at seaports. (ib., 18.) — Je. 8. Fay to Swiss federal council. Inland book- ing. (ib., 21.) — Je. 10. Same to same. Sale in Switzerland of in- land passage tickets to Amer. emigrants. (ib., 22.) — Je. 10. Same. Copy of warning to No. Amer. emi- grants via New York. (ib., 23.) — Je. 11. Same to Cass. Frauds by sale of inland pas- sage tickets. (ib., 21.) — Je. 11. Same to Cass. Distribution of his second warning; special mission of Mr. Murray; Salutary effects anticipated; general comment on efforts to suppress booking of emigrants in Switzerland. (ib., 40.) — Je. 27. Same. Second warning to emigrants of Amer. legation at Berne. (ib., 36; 50.) — Je. 27. Swiss federal council to Fay. Interior Dept. collecting data on emigration. (ib., 44.) — Aug. 8. Same to same. Reply to note of July 8. (ib., 45.) — Sept. 3. Verplanck to Cass. Reply to charges by “Der Kolonist" agst. Castle Garden. (ib., 59.) — Sept. 3. Fay to same. Suspects “Der Kolonist’ is interested in misleading emigrants, etc. (ib., 42.) Sept. 19. Cass to Fay. Letter of Verplanck of 3 inst. (ib., 58.) — Oct. 10. Fay to Cass. Comment on charges agst. Castle Garden; efforts to obtain official reply from Switzerland. (ib., 61.) — Nov. 23. Same to Same. Passage of law in Canton Glarus imposing fine on persons concluding emigra- tion contracts. (ib., 62.) — Nov. 27. Swiss federal council to Fay. Extent of Swiss emigration to U. S. A. (ib., 64.) — Dec. 7. Same to same. Supplementing note of 27 ult.; epitome of cantonal replies to dept. circ. of Aug. 4. (ib., 65.) — Dec. 15. Fay to Cass. Extent of Swiss emigration, 1834-57. (ib., 63.) Impressment; see that title Imprisonment, Arrest, Detention Algiers See Algiers : Burnham (J.) : Colvill (C.). Austria. See Hungary: Koszta (M.) : Richmond (J. C.) : Tousig (S.). Brazil See Columbia: Cook (H.) : Davis (A.B.) : Dwyer (J.) : Farris (W.) : . Hayes (I. A.) : Marsden (G.) : Macedonian: Spinner (W.). Canada. See Bacon (J.): Baker (J.) : Bartlett (T.) : Blanchard (R. J.) : Canada. (Insurrection : Van Dieman's Is...} : Chesebrough (H. A.) : Cushman (G. C.) : (E. S.) : Grogan (J. W.) : (B.) : McIntire (R.) : Greely Hastings (H.) : Hun- newell New Hampshire (Indian Stream, etc.) : Northeast Boundary, etc. : Perras (P.) : Savage (D.) : Studson (C.) : ºthelier § A.) : Tyler (J. H.) : Vancouver Is. : Wheelock Chili See Stewart (W. N.). China See º ham (E.) : Jackson (C.) : Manigault (L.) : now (P. W.). INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 31 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont'd Imprisonment, Arrest, Detention—cont’d Cuba. See Bush (W. H.) : Chauncey and Winn : Cuba (Lopez expedition) : Esnard (C. P. "; Frankliºn f Jagº; Kelly (D.) : ... Raices (P.) : alinero (J.) : €8- *: Stiff (E.) : Thrasher (J. S.) : West (J France See Allibert (L.). Germany See Dana, Dingle and Ramsay : Ernst gº) : Howe S. G.) : rittman (J.) : Schmidt (C.) : Weichel Great Britain See Allegiance : Canada : Bergen (J.) and Ryan (R. .) : Buckler (W.) : Phenia. Haiti See Spates (A. C.) : Swain (T. G.). Hungary See Brace (C. L.). Japan See Preble: Lagoda. Mexico 1851 Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.) ; call- ing for information regarding abduction of Amer. citizen. (31. 2. S. jol., 187; 219.) 1859 May 1. Amer. cons. city of Mexico (Black) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. (McLane). Arrest and imprison- ment of Amer. citizens; release of M. Taussig, M. Mc- Dowell, G. Gorrie, etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, pt. 1, 37.) See also Abby (G.) : Ainza (A.) : Ainza (J.) : Austin (S.) : B. L. Allen: Bethlehem : Biven (R.) : Bond (G.) : Butler (J.) : Carrere ( ) : Chou- teau and De Mun : Collins (J. C.) : Cooper (J. S.) : . Costigar (E.) : Escambia: Galaay: Goer- litz (F.) : Hallett and Hall : Hannah Elizabeth: Honoré : Hughes (J. L.) : Hülsemann (*}; In- dustry: Johnson (J.) : ºtt (A.) : Locklin (R. Nahum Stetson: Ort : z (J.) : Osborne (T.) : . Paillett (P. N.) : Patty (S. and J. #}; Rice (F. W.) : Rogers (A.): , W . ) : Tasso: Taylor §: H.) : Thompson ( ) : Togno J.): Walker (D. J.) : Waring (N.) : Wilson ). See ; Claims (Mexican) : Texas. Sta. Fe expedi- OL1, Morocco 1836 Sept. 16. Morocco and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 6. Captured Americans to be set free. Netherlands See Gibson (W. M.). Nicaragua. See Bell (G.). Peru See Drexel (F. W.). Pontifical States See Perkins (E. N.). Spain 1816 Mch. 25. Secy. State U. S. A. (Monroe) to Amer. M. P. in Spain (Erving). Instructions; release of Amer. citizens imprisoned in Spain for alleged viola- tion of municipal regulations. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 4.) — May 31. Same to same. Mission of C. Hughes to Carthagena to obtain release of Amer. citizens de- tained there. (ib., 8.) See also Hunt (F. I.) : W.) Robinson (W. D Nº. Carolina: Meade (R. Lambden : & e West, Blethen and William EngS. United States See Fraser (D.), : Hastings (H.) : son (S. C.) : MacLaughlin Rider (T.) : Ruiz (J.), etc.: (A. T.). Johson (G.) : John- J.) : McLeod (A.) : Wilson (J.) : Wood ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont'd Jamaica See also above Immigrants. 1858 Act to authorize indenturing, for industrial service, of persons condemned as forfeited to H. B. M., under statute for abolition of slavetrade (ch. 4, 22 Vict.). (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 502.) — Act to promote education . . . . of children of immi- grants. (ch. 8, 22 Vict.) (ib., 504.) — Jan. 1. Act to amend laws relating to immigrants. (ch. 1, 22 Vict.) (ib., 466.) — Jan. 1. Act for raising funds to defray expenses for intr. of immigrants. (ch. 3, 22 Vict.). (ib., 500.) Japan. See also Imprisonment: Protection (peace) : Religious freedom. 1857 Je. 17. Japan and U. S. A. Treaty regulating in- tercourse of Amer. citizens with Japan. 1858 Jiy. 29. Same. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 7. LOSS of right of permanent residence. Land Grants See Einersheim (M.) : Hungarian exiles : fayette, general : Selkirk, earl of : Finch (W. T.) : Ginatty (T.) : Klimkiewrez (B. H. S.) : . La Polish exiles : Ravesies (F.) : Spalding (M.) : Vespucci (A.). Lew Chew 1854 Jly. 11. Lew Chew and U. S. A. Compact of friend- ship, etc. Privileges of Americans in Lew Chew. Marriage; see U. S. A. Consuls Mecklenburg-Schwerin; see Property: Protection (Peace) Mexico 1831 Aug. 20. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Fraudulent certificates of citizenship, etc. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 391.) 1832 Apr. 17. Amer. residents of Chihuahua to Living- ston. Protest agst. persecutions. (ib., 87.) — Nov. 24. Livingston to Butler. Advice of Chihua- hua memorial of Apr. 17. (ib., 87.) 1836 Jan. 5. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Monasterio) to Butler. Order of Secy. of War (Tornel) to punish as pirates foreigners intr. arms into Mexico. (ib., 573.) 1843 Je. 17. Provisional president of Mexico (Santa Anna). Decree; foreigners invading Mexico. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 34.) — Sept. 23. Same. Do.; foreigners prohibited from engaging in retail business. (28. 1. S. doc. 1, p. 31; H. ex. doc. 2, 31.) Sept. 24. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Thomp- son) to ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Bocanegra). Remonstrates agst. decree of Sept. 23. (ib., 30.) Oct. 9. Bocanegra to Thompson. Prohibition of retail business for foreigners. (ib., 33.) Oct. 10. Thompson to Bocanegra. Reply to his of 9 inst. (ib., 33.) — Oct. 14. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Upshur). Decree of Sept. 23. (ib., 32.) 1844 Jan. 27. Thompson to Bocanegra. Formal protest agst. execution of decree of Sept. 23. (28. 1. S. doc. 390, 17.) — Feb. 7. Bocanegra to Thompson. Declines to ad- mit protest 27 ult. (ib., 17.) — Feb. 8. Thompson to Bocanegra. Further demand for revocation of decree of Sept. 23. (ib., 19.) — Je. 20. Secy. State U. S. A. (Calhoun) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Shannon). Instructions; decree of Sept. 23, 1843. (ib., 22.) 1852 Je. 2. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Ramirez) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Letcher). Alleged severities agst. Americans at Acapulco ordered in- gººd. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 17, p. 4; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 2. 32 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION-cont’d Mexico—cont’d 1859 Aug. 31. Mexico. Decree; empowering govt. to in- terfere in action of judicial tribunals by intervention in civil and criminal suits in which foreigners are parties. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, pt. 1, 42.) — Sept. 17. Amer. cons. City of Mexico (Black) to secy. Amer. legation (La Reintree). Mexican circ. of Aug. 31. (ib., 41.) — Sept. 24. La Reintree to Secy. State U. S. A. (CaSS). Mexican circ. of Aug. 31; instructions requested. (ib., 41.) lso under Alienage, etc. : Death and Burial 3, Im- See ºntº Military service : Murder: Natural- ization : Prope Protection (Peace) ; , Re- ligious freedom : Taxation. See also California. Mexican occ.): Claims (Mexican) : . Delehanty fº.) : Forced Loans: Panama riots: Rios ( ) : Stone (C. P.) Military Service See also Enlistment: Exterritoriality: Impressment. rty : TREATY PROVISIONS º 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 9. Military service, etc. 1845 Dec. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Treaty of com- merce, etc., art. 6. Exemption from military service. 1849 Dec. 20. Hawaii and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 8. Military service. 1851 Jly. 10. Costa Rica and U. S. A. Same. Art 9. EX- emption from military Service. — JIy. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 31. Citizens of either nation not to serve agst. the other. 1853 JIy. 10. Argentina and U. S. A. Treaty of friend- ship, etc., art. 10. Military service, etc. 1855 Oct. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 5. Exemptions from military Service, etc. 1859 Feb. 4. Paraguay and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 11. Military service. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 2. Exemptions from military Service. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1831 Sept. 22. Mexican comrs. to conclude treaty With U. S. A. Objection to art. 9 of treaty. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 396.) Morocco See above under Imprisonment; and below under Pro- tection (Peace). Murder Africa. 1843 Aug. 3. Comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Upshur). Murder of master of schr. Mary Carver and mate of schr. Edward Burley by natives of Berriby. (28. 1. H. ex: doc. 244, 2; 28. 2. S. doc. 150, 9.) — Dec. 21. Same to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Henshaw). Proc. of African sqdn. in punishing natives of Ber- riby for murder of Amer. Seamen. (ib., 4; ib., 22.) China. 1854 Je. 3. Amer. actg. cons., Ningpo (McCartee) to Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Shooting of China- man by H. Miller, an Amer., on board The Peking. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 422.) — Je. 14. Amer. Vice-cons., Canton (Spooner) to MC- Lane. Malay charged with murder of Amer. citizen, cook of Science, at Whampoa. (ib., 264.) — Je. 26. McLane to Spooner. Reply to his of 14 inst. (ib., 265.) See also Bomout (F.) : Pearson ( ) : Terranovia (F.) : Colombia. Cunningham (H.) : Morrison: Thistle. See Marks (J.). ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont'd Murder—cont’d Costa Rica. 1856 Apr. 15. C. Maloney, etc. Affidavit relating to kill- ing at Virgin Bay by Costa Rican troops of P. Ma- lone, etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 129.) — Apr. 15. Amer. min. res. Nicaragua (Wheeler) to President of Costa Rica (Mora). Protest agst. shoot- ing of I. A. Rose, etc., natives of U. S. A. (ib., 127.) — May 2. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to Costa Rican chargé in U. S. A. (Molina). Protest agst. murder of Americans at Virgin Bay by troops of Costa Rica. (ib., 147.) — May 6. Molina to Marcy. Reply to his of 2 inst.; murder of nine Costa Ricans by forces of Schlesin- ger. (ib., 148.) Cuba 1851 Aug. 23. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Derrick) to comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (Parker). Instructions; execution of Amer. citizens at Havana. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 38.) f See also Cuba. Insurrections (Lopez expedition). Lew Chew See Board (W. G.). Mexico 1835 Dec. 14. Amer. cons. Tampico (Robertson to Amer. chargé Mexico (Butler). Names of persons shot at * Dec. 14. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), — Dec. 29. Butler to ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Mon- asterio). Requests details of execution of eleven Americans at Tampico, 14 inst. (ib., 570.) — Dec. 31. Butler to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Execution of 28 persons abandoned by Mejia on his departure from Tampico viejo. (ib., 569.) 1836 Jan. 14. Robertson to Butler. Names of persons shot at Tampico, Dec., 1835, who were Amer. citi- zens. (ib., 578.) — Jan. 25. Monasterio to Butler. Explanatory of exe- * of 28 persons at Tampico, Dec., 1835. (ib., — Jan. 26. Butler to Forsyth. Santa Anna responsible for murder of Americans, etc., at Tampico; Gen. Mejia involved; etc. (ib., 576.) 1859 May 1. Amer. cons. Mexico city (Black) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (McLane). Murder at Tacubaya of Amer. citizens Duval, Lamon and Richie. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, pt. 1, 37.) — May 7. McLane to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Transmits corresp. on murder of Americans at Ta- cubaya. (ib., 36.) See also Arnaud (J.) : Chase (O.) : Mairet (C.) : Mexico (Filibustering), etc., Crabb) : Topaz. Nicaragua. See Central America (Nicaragua) : Clark ( ) : Rose (I. A.) : Gillin (J. J.). Peru See Rowcroft ( ). Sumatra. See Sumatra. Turkey See Steinbeck (P.). United States See Cannon (J.). Muscat; see below, Taxation Nassau; see below, Property Naturalization See also above Immigrants (pauper). Mexico 1847. Form of act of naturalization in compliance with decree of Sept. 10, 1846. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 41.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 33 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Naturalization—cont’d 1846 Nov. 10. Amer. cons., Havana (Campbell). Sale of blank commissions for privateers and blank natur- alization papers in port of Havana by Mexican naval officer. (29. 2. H. ex. doc. 4, 40.) — Dec. 8. President U. S. A. (Polk). Annual message, clause referring to practice of sending blank natur- alization papers from Mexico to Havana. STATUTORY MEASURES Federal 1828 Jan. 30. Intr. in House (Buchanan, Penn.); bill (20. 1. H. R. 121) “to amend the acts concerning naturalization ”; appré. Feb. 24, 1828. (20. 1 S. and H. jols.; 4, St. L., 310; iv, Reg. Debates, app. xxxvi.) For notes of earlier acts relating to naturalization, see i St. L., 103. 1832 Feb. 9. Intr. in House (Davis, S. C.); bill (22. 1. H. R. 363) “making further provision for naturali- zation of aliens.” (22.1. H. jol., 317.) 1838 Jly. 2. Intr. in House (Russell, N. Y.); bill (25. 2. H. R. 873) “to prevent deportation of paupers from foreign countries into the U. S.” (25. 2. H. jol., 1207.) — Jly. 2. Intr. in House (Russell, N. Y.), bill (25. 2. H. R. 874) “to amend the several acts establishing a uniform rule of naturalization.” (ib., 1207.) 1839 Mch. 9. Intr. in House (Hand, N.Y.); bill (26.1. H. R. 247) “to establish a uniform rule of naturaliza- tion.” (26. 1. H. jol., 556; 587.) 1840 Apr. 22. Intr. in Senate (Wall, N. J.); res. (26.1. S. res. 11) “for printing laws relating to naturali- zation.” (26.1. S. jol., 330; 363.) Dec. 15. Intr. in House (Hand, N. Y.); bill (26. 2. H. R. 526) “to establish uniform rule of naturaliza- tion.” (26. 2. H. jol., 42; 73.) 1841 Feb. 17. Intr. in Senate (Wall, N. J.); bill (26. 2. S. 260) “to declare rights of children of U. S. citi- zens born abroad.” (26. 2. S. jol., 188; 214.) 1844 Dec. 26. Intr. in House (Ingersoll, Penn.); bill (28. 2. H. R. 472) “in relation to children of U. S. citi- zens born abroad.” (28. 2. H. jol., 136.) 1845 Jan. 27. Intr. in Senate (Berrien, Ga.) : bill (28. 2. S. 99) “to amend naturalization laws of U. S.” (28. 2. S. jol., 112.) — Jan. 31. Intr. in House (Saunders, N. C.); bill (28. 2. H. R. 575) “to establish uniform rule of natural- ization.” (28. 2. H. jol., 304.) 1847 Dec. 14. Intr. in Senate (Dickinson, N. Y.); bill (30. 1. S. 7) to amend the act entitled “An Act for the regulation of seamen on board public and priv- ate vessels of U. S. A.,” passed Mch. 3, 1813 [repeal of clause requiring continuous residence of five yrs. previous to naturalization]; approl. Je. 26, 1848. (30. i. S. jol., p. 52-H; ix, St. L., 240.) 1848 Je. 13. Intr. in Senate (Webster, Mass.) ; bill (30. 1. S. 280) to extend benefits of act entitled “An Act to establish uniform rule of naturalization, etc.” (30. 1. S. jol.) 1850 Feb. 13. Intr, in House (Thompson, Penn.); bill (31. 1. H. R. 400) “to establish uniform rule of nat- uralization.” (31. 1. H. jol. 523.) 1852 Apr. 7. Intr. in Senate (Bradbury, Me.); bill (32. 1. S. 353) to extend the benefits of an act entitled “An Act to establish uniform rule of naturalization, etc.” (32. 1. S. jol., 337.) 1854 Jan. 13. Intr. in House (Cutting, N. Y.); bill (33. H. R. 133) “to secure rights of citizenship to chil- dren of U. S. citizens born abroad " ; appré. Feb. 10, ; (33. 1. H. jol., 199; 33. 2. H. jol., 352; x, St. L., 604. — Dec. 11. Intr. in Senate (Adams, Miss.); bill (33. 2. S. 503) “to amend act of 1802 to establish uniform rule of naturalization.” (33. 2. S. jol., 37.) $ ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Naturalization—cont’d STATUTORY MEASURES.–Cont’d Federal—cont’d 1854 Jan. 29. Intr. in House (Taylor, Tenn.); bill (33. 2. H. R. 686) “to establish uniform rule of naturaliza- tion.” (33. 2. H. R. 259.) — Feb. 10. Intr. in Senate (Toucey, Conn.); bill (33. 2. S. 628) “to repeal act of Je. 22 [i. e. 26], 1848, re- lating to naturalization.” (33. 2. S. jol., 234.) 1856 Feb. 4. Intr. in Senate (Adams, Miss.); bill (34. 1. S. 9) “to amend naturalization laws.” (34. 1. S. jol., 84; 381.) — Mch. 12. Intr. in House (Whitney, N. Y.); bill (34. H. R. 165) “to establish uniform rule of naturaliza- tion.” (34. 1 and 2, H. jol.) 1857 Jan. 19. Intr. in House (Marshall, Ky.); bill (34. 3. H. R. 742) “to repeal portion of act therein named.” (34. 3. H. jol., 251.) 1858 Dec. 23. Intr. in House (Morris, Ill.); bill (35. 2. H. R. 699) “to amend naturalization laws.” (35. 2. H. jol., 115; 260.) 1860 Feb. 16. Intr. in House (Morris, Ill.); bill (36. 1. H. R. 104) “to amend naturalization laws.” (36. 1. H. jol., 311.) State See under Indiana : Massachusetts : Michigan : Mis- souri : Wisconsin. CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, SPEECHES, ETC. 1830 Feb. 1. U. S. House. Motion (Halsey, N. Y.); Com. on Judiciary to inquire into expediency of so amend- ing naturalization laws as to admit to citizenship all children of such alien mothers as have become resi- dents and married citizens of U. S. since 1802. (21. 1. H. jol., 243.) Feb. 12. U. S. H. Com. On Judiciary (Buchanan). Adverse rpt. on res. of 1 inst. (ib., 288.) — Dec. 14. U. S. House. Motion (Leavitt, O.); Com. on Judiciary to inquire into expediency of reporting bill comprising all acts and provisions now in force on subject of aliens. (21. 2. H. jol., 60.) 1831. Jan. 11. Same. Com. On Judiciary discharged from consideration of motion of 14 ult. (ib., 171.) Dec. 15. Same. Res. (Drayton, S. C.); Com. on Ju- diciary to inquire into expediency of Codifying natu- ralization laws. (22. 1. H. jol., 57.) 1832 Dec. 13. Same. Do. (Leavitt, O.); Com. on Judici- ary to inquire into expediency of revising naturali- zation laws. (22. 2. H. jol., 48.) 1836 Feb. 29. Thos. Spicer. Memorial to U. S. House; consolidation of naturalization laws. (24. 1. H. jol., 407.) 1837 Jan. 21. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Remarks; change in naturalization laws; etc. (xiii, Reg. Debates, 533.) 1838 Jan. 25. U. S. Senate. Res., Allen (O.); Com. on Ju- diciary to inquire into expediency of amending natu- ralization to admit to citizenship foreigners who have served full term of enlistment in U. S. army. (25. 2. S. jol., 173; vi., Cong. Globe, 136.) — Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res., Allen (Vt.); amending naturalization laws. (25. 3. H. jol., 398.) Feb. 19. Same. Do. (Lincoln, Mass.) ; same. Cong. Globe, 187.) — Jly. 2. Select com. on foreign paupers and natural- ization laws. Rpt. (25. 2. H. rpt. 1040.) 1839 Jan. 24. Memorial of citizens of La. praying repeal of naturalization laws. (25. 3. S. doc. 246.) — Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res., Allen (Vt.); amending naturalization laws. (25. 3. H. jol., 398.) — Dec. 31. U. S. Senate. Motion Norvell (Mich.); me- morial of citizens of Michigan. (26.1. S. jol., 64.) (vi, 34 INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Naturalization—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, SPEECHES, ETC.—cont’d 1841 Jan. 26. A. Duncan, repr. from Ohio. Speech; faV- oring amdmt. of naturalization laws. (ix, Cong. Globe, app., 266.) 1842 Jan. 10. Citizens of U. S. to U. S. House. Petition for frºm of naturalization laws. (27. 2. H. jol., 153. 1844 Je. 1. J. Buchanan, sen. from Penn. Remarks; op- posing amdmt. of naturalization laws requiring 21 yrs.’ residence of aliens. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 634.) — Je. 3, 8. Same. Remarks; urging early rpt. from Com. On Judiciary on memorials on naturalization. (ib., 636, 651.) — Je. 7. W. S. Archer, sen. from Va. Remarks; favor- ing 21 yrs.’ residence for aliens. (ib., 649.) — Je. 11. W. Allen, sen. from N. C. Remarks; oppos- ing 21 yrs.’ residence for aliens. (ib., 659.) — Je. 11. W. S. Archer. Remarks; Com. on Judiciary unable to act on naturalization laws this session. (ib., 658.) — Je. 11. J. McP. Berrien, Sen. from Ga. Remarks; session too far advanced to agitate naturalization amdmts. (ib., 658.) — Je. 11. J. Buchanan. Remarks; 21 yrs.’ residence. (ib., 658, 659.) — Je. 15. C. J. Ingersoll, repr. from Penn. Remarks; alteration of naturalization laws. (ib., 691.) — Je. 15. U. S. S. Com. on Judiciary (Berrien). Rpt. on memorials praying prolongation of residence. (28. 1. S. doc. 395.) — Dec. 11. U. S. Senate. Res. (Johnson, La.); ex- pediency of modifying laws to extend term of resi- dence. (28. 2. S. jol., 30; 37.) — Dec. 16. W. S. Archer. Remarks; reform in natu- ralization laws. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 32.) — Dec. 16. J. M. Berrien. Do.; frauds upon naturaliza- tion laws. (ib., 34.) — Dec. 17. W. S. Archer. Do.; same. (ib., 37.) — Dec. 17. J. Buchanan. Do.; same. (ib., 37.) — Dec. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Barrow, La.); frauds on naturalization laws. (28. 2. S. jol., 40; 44.) — Dec. 17. U. S. House. Do.; (McDowell, O.); judicial jurisdiction and naturalization laws. (28. 2. H. jol., 96.) — Dec. 23. Same. Do. (Morris, Penn.); amdmts. to naturalization laws. (ib., 127.) — Dec. 26. U. S. Senate. Do. (Barrow, La.); same. (28. 2. S. jol., 59.) 1845 Jan. 27. U. S. S. Com. on Judiciary (Berrien). Rpt. to acc. S. 99. (28. 2. S. doc. 59.) — Jan. 31. U. S. H. Com. on Judiciary (Saunders). Rpt. ; prolongation of term of residence; analysis of existing acts. (28. 2. H. rpt. 87.) Feb. 12. W. C. Keen, and others. Petition to U. S. Senate; repeal of existing naturalization laws. (28. 2. S. jol., 164.) Feb. 18. W. S. Archer. Remarks; reform in natu- ralization laws. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 303.) — Feb. 18. J. M. Berrien. DO.; naturalization frauds. (ib., 303.) — Mch. 3. W. S. Archer. Remarks; preg. of 5000 ex- tra copies of rpt. of S. Com. on Judiciary of Jan. 27. (ib., 389.) — Mch. 3. A. Barrow, sen. from La. Remarks; same. (ib., 389.) — Mch. 3. J. M. Berrien. Do.; naturalization frauds. (ib., 389.) — Mch. 3. D. S. Dickinson, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; Opposing prºg. of extra copies of rpt. of S. Com. On Judiciary of Jan. 27. (ib., 389.) ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Naturalization—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, SPEECHES, ETC.—cont’d 1845 Mch. 3. A. H. Sevier, sen. from Ark. Remarks; same. (ib., 389.) — Mch. 3. U. S. S. Com, on Judiciary (Berrien). Rpt. on Sundry memorials on naturalization frauds; with testimony. (28. 2. S. doc. 173.) — Dec. 17. W. W. Campbell, repr. from N. Y. Re- marks; favoring alteration of naturalization laws. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 69.) — Dec. 17. E. D. Baker, repr. from Ill. Remarks; re- vision of naturalization laws. (ib., 72.) — Dec. 17. R. Brodhead, repr. from Penn. Do.; Same. (ib., 68.) -*. #5 J. S. Chipman, repr. from Mich. Do.; same. ib., 72. — Dec. 17. C. Darragh, repr. from Penn. Do.; same. (ib., 69.) — Dec. 17. P. Dillingham, jr., repr. from Wt. Do.; same. (ib., 70.) — Dec. 17. W. F. Giles, repr. from Md. Do.; same. (ib., 70.) — Dec. 17. L. C. Levin, repr. from Penn. DO.; same. (ib., 68.) —— Dec. 17. J. McDowell, repr. from Va. Do.; same. (ib., 69.) — Dec. 17. W. B. Maclay, repr. from N. Y. Do.; same. (ib., 68.) — Dec. 17. R. D. Owen, repr. from Ind. Do.; same. (ib., 71.) — Dec. 17. W. W. Payne, repr. from Va. Do.; same. (ib., 69.) — Dec. 17. Geo. Rathbun, repr. from Va. Do.; same. (ib., 68.) — Dec. 17. L. H. Sims, repr. from Mo. Do.; same. (ib., 70.) — Dec. 17. F. P. Stanton, repr. from Tenn. Do.; same. (ib., 73.) Dec. 17. J. Thompson, repr. from Penn. Do.; same. (ib., 71.) — Dec. 17. R. C. Winthrop, repr. from Mass. Do.; same. (ib., 69.) — Dec. 17. T. M. Woodruff, repr. from N. Y. Do.; same. (ib., 69.) — Dec. 17. W. L. Yancey, repr. from Ala. Do.; on MaSS. res. praying amdmt. of naturalization laws. (ib., app., 43.) — Dec. 17. Same. Do.; revision of naturalization laws. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 71.) — Dec. 18. T. H. Bayley, repr. from Va. Do.; Same. (ib., 78.) — Dec. 18. H. Bedinger, repr. from Va. Speech; Mass. res. praying amdmt. of naturalization laws. (ib., 88.) Dec. 18. J. B. Bowlin, repr. from Va. Remarks; revision of naturalization laws. (ib., 79.) Dec. 18. L. B. Chase, repr. from Tenn. Do.; Mass. res. (ib., app., 66.) — Dec. 18. Same. Do.; revision of naturalization laws. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 78.) — Dec. 18. J. Davis, sen. from Mass. Do.; same. (ib., 81.) — Dec. 18. J. J. Faran, repr. from O. Do.; Same. (ib., 80.) — Dec. 18. S. Gordon, repr. from N. Y. DO.; same. (ib., 80.) — Dec. 18. M. Grover, repr. from N. Y. Do.; naturali- zation laws; denouncing spirit of native American- ism. (ib., 82.) — Dec. 18. L. C. Levin. Speech; Mass. res. (ib., 77.) — Dec. 29. W. Hunt, repr. from N. Y. Do.; naturaliza tion frauds. (ib., app., 64.) — Dec. 29. Same. Do.; revision of naturalization laws (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 105.) INDEx To UNITED STATEs DocumENTS RELATING To FoREIGN AFFAIRs 35 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Naturalization—cont’d Naturalization—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, SPEECHES, ETC.—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, SPEECHES, ETC.—cont’d 1845 Dec. 30. H. Bedinger. Remarks; same. (ib., 114.) — Dec. 30. J. Dixon, repr. from Conn. Speech; natu- fºuen laws and native Amer. party. (ib., app., 68. — Dec. 30. Same. Do.; d.o.; required term of resi- dence. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 116.) — Dec. 30. S. A. Douglas, repr. from Ill. Do.; natural- ization laws. (ib., 113.) — Dec. 30. J. R. Ingersoll, repr. from Penn. Remarks; amdmt. of naturalization laws. (ib., 118.) — Dec. 30. Same. Speech; Mass. res. (ib., app., 1335.) — Dec. 30. L. H. Sims. Remarks; same. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 115.) — Dec. 30. A. D. Sims, repr. from S. C. Remarks; Mass. res. (ib., app., 63.) — Dec. 30. R. C. Winthrop, repr. from Mass. Do.; same. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 116.) 1846 Jan. 20. Citizens of U. S. A. Memorials to Senate; praying modification of naturalization laws. (29. 1. S. jol., 107.) — Jan. 27. Same. Do.; residence of 21 yrs. (ib., 119.) — Feb. 10. U. S. H. Com. on Judiciary (Rathbun). Rpt.; adverse to alterations provided for by Mass. res. of Mch. 1, 1845. (29. 1. H. rpt. 231.) — Feb. 16. Citizens of U. S. Memorials to Senate; favoring 21 yrs.’ residence. (29. 1. S. jol., 149.) — Apr. 7. L. C. Levin. Speech; naturalization laws; etc. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 605.) — Apr. 8. W. W. Campbell. Do.; same. (ib., 619.) — Apr. 21. Citizens of U. S. A. Petition to U. S. Sen- ate; praying revision of naturalization laws. (29. 1. S. jol., 254.) 1848 Je. 5. J. D. Cummins, repr. from O. Remarks; rights of naturalized citizens, etc. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 818, 820, 822.) Je. 5. J. R. Ingersoll. Do.; same. (ib., 821, 822.) — Je. 5. L. C. Levin. Do.; same. (ib., 819, 822.) — Je. 5. A. D. Sims. Do.; same. (ib., 820.) — Je. 12, 13, 15. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Re- marks; support of bill (S. 280) to extend provisions of naturalization laws. (ib., 827; 834; 844.) — Dec. 21. U. S. House. Res. (Dickinson, O.); Com. on Judiciary to inquire into expediency of certain amdmts. to naturalization laws. (30. 2. H. jol., 137; 347.) 1850 Jan. 11. Same. Proposed amdmt. of naturalization law. (31. 1. H. jol., 284.) 1853 Dec. 20. U. S. House. Res. (Chandler, Pa.); legis- lation necessary to confer citizenship upon children of citizens born abroad. (33. 1. H. jol., 117.) — Dec. 20. U. S. Senate. Do. (Seward, N. Y.); same. (33. 1. S. jol., 53.) 1854 Jan. 13. F. B. Cutting. Remarks; objections to H. R. 133. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 169-170.) — Jan. 13. A. Drum, repr. from Penn. Do.; favoring H. R. 133. (ib., 171.) — Jan. 13. T. J. D. Fuller, repr. from Me. Do.; same. (ib., 170.) — Jan. 13. J. L. Orr, repr. from S. C. Do.; Same. (ib., 171.) — Jan. 19. F. B. Cutting. Do.; concerning H. R. 133. (ib., 214.) — Jan. 19. J. S. Millson, repr. from Va. Do.; opposing H. R. 133. (ib., 213-214.) — Jan. 19. F. P. Stanton. Do.; favoring H. R. 133. (ib., 213-214.) — Jan. 26. U. S. Senate. Documents agst. passage of H. R. 133, presented. (33. 1. S. jol., 130.) — Dec. 11. S. Adams. sen. from Miss. Remarks; Sup- port of S. 503. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 24.) 1854 Dec. 20. J. A. Bayard. Remarks; amdmt. offered as sub. for original amdmt. to H. R. 133. (ib., 92.) 1855 Jan. 15. W. R. Smith, repr. from Ala. Speech; evils of existing naturalization laws, etc. (ib., app., 94.) — Feb. 6. S. A. Smith, repr. from Tenn. Speech; on H. R. 686. (ib., 151.) — Feb. 20. W. H. Seward. Remarks; charges agst. Hamilton Fish; and on S. 489. (ib., 826.) — Feb. 26. U. S. Senate. Res. (Brodhead, Penn.); purchase copies of Johnson and Reddall’s Manual of Naturalization Laws . . . . (34. 1. S. jol., 135; 223.) — Apr. 25. Same. Do. (Toombs, Ga.); repeal of act passed Je. 26, 1848. (ib., 281.) — Je. 16. J. B. Weller, sen. from Calif. Remarks; op- posing S. 9. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 1414.) — Je. 16. S. Adams. Speech; urging amdmt. of natu- ralization laws. (ib., 1409.) — Aug. 16. J. J. Crittenden, sen. from Ky. Remarks; Same. (ib., 2167.) 1859 JIy. 18. U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Opinion; a free white person born in this country of foreign parents is a citizen of the U. S. (ix, op. attyS. gen., 373.) MEMOREALS OF CITIZENS, ETC. 23. 2 (1834-35). House New York State; see New York State. Citizens. 24. 1 (1835-36). Senate New Jersey; see Paterson. Citizens. — House New Jersey; see New Jersey. Citizens. New York State; see New York State. Citizens: Yates Co. 24. 2 (1836-37). Senate New York State; see Wurtsborough. 25. 2 (1837-38). House District of Columbia; see Washington. Massachusetts; see Reading. Missouri; see Missouri. Citizens. New Jersey; see New Jersey. Citizens. New York State; see Kings Co.: New York City: Wash- ington Co. See also Native Amer. Assn. : Lirata (V.) 25. 3 (1838-39). Senate Louisiana; see Louisiana. Citizens. Michigan; see Michigan. Citizens. See also White (J. C.). HOuse Louisiana; see Louisiana. Citizens. 26. 1 (1839-40). Senate Massachusetts; see Barnstable. Louisiana; see Louisiana. Citizens: New Orleans: St. Mary’s. New York State; see New York State. Citizens. See #: Brashear (W.) : McCarthy (W.) : Young (G. — House Alabama; see Alabama. Citizens. Illinois; see Illinois. Do. See also Adams (W. S.) : McGloire (B.) : Murray (J.). Louisiana; see Caddo: Louisiana. Citizens: New Or- leans: Point Coupée: Rapides: St. Bernard: St. Mar- tin: St. Tammany: West Feliciana. Massachusetts; see Barnstable. 26. 2 (1840-41). Senate Missouri; see Missouri. Citizens. 36 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont'd ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont'd Naturalization—cont’d MEMORLALS OF CITIZENS, ETC.—cont’d United States—cont’d — House Massachusetts; see Barnstable: Massachusetts. Citizens. 27. 2 (1841-42). House Missouri; see Missouri. General ASSem. See also Robinson (W. E.). 27. 3 (1842-43). Senate See ECeon (P.). 28. 1 (1843-44). Senate Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. Citizens. See also Robinson (W. S.). House New Jersey; see Camden. New York; see Buffalo: New York State. Citizens: Ni- agara Co.: Rockland Co. Pennsylvania; see Philadelphia. Wisconsin Terr.; see that title. 28. 2 (1844-45). Senate Mississippi; see Mississippi;. Citizens: Wicksburg. Missouri; see Marion Co.: St. Louis: Washington Co. New York State; see Madison Co. Pennsylvania; see Allegany Co.: Montgomery Co.: Penn- Sylvania. Citizens: Washington Co.: Wayne Co. Vermont; see Brandon. — HOuse Illinois; see Sangaman Co. Massachusetts; see Plymouth Co.: Roxbury. Missouri; see St. Louis Co. Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. Citizens: Philadelphia. Rhode Island; see Rhode Is. Citizens. 29. 1 (1845-46). Senate Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. Citizens: Philadelphia. See also Sloan (Wm.). House Alabama; see Greensborough. Massachusetts; see Charlestown: Roxbury. Pennsylvania; see Montgomery Co.: Pennsylvania. Citi- zens: Philadelphia. 29. 2 (1846-47). Senate Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. Citizens. House Do.; see Northumberland Co. 30. 1 (1847-48). House Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. Citizens. See also Fosdick (M.). 31. 1 (1850-51). House Ohio; see Ohio. Citizens. Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. Citizens. 33. 1 (1853-54). Senate New York State; see New York City. Citizens. See also Society of Universal Democratic Republicans. 33. 2 (1854-55). Senate Massachusetts; see Boston. Rhode Island; see R. I. General Assembly. See also Boyd (W.). 34. 1 and 2 (1855-56). Senate Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. Citizens. Massachusetts; see Massachusetts. General Court. Netherlands; see above under Imprisonment: Military Serv- ice; below under Property New Grenada; see above under Death and Burial; below under Property: Protection (Peace); Do. (War): Religious Free- dom Nicaragua; see above under Imprisonment: Murder Paraguay 1854 Aug. 25. Decree regulating employment of Para- guayan labor by foreigners. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, p. 79.) —dº ; Decree regulating conduct of foreigners. ib., 78. See also above under Death and Burial : Military ser- vice ; below under Protection (Peace) ; Religious freedom : Taxation ; also Paraguay (United States and P.). Patents, Copyright, etc. TREATY PROVISIONS 1855 Jan. 13. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 6. Patents. STATUTORY MEASURES 1830 Mch. 26. Intr., Storrs (N. Y.); bill (21. 1. H. R. 393) “authorizing patent to be issued to M. Shaw'” ; appré. May 29. (21. 1. H. and S. jols.; vi., Reg. De- bates, xliv, vi, St. L., 439.) — May 7. Intr., Hayne (S. C.); bill (21. S. 129) “for relief of de Rivafinoli, and others ” ; approl. May 28. (ib.; ib., app., xxxvii; vi, St. L., 435.) 1832 Jan. 6. Intr., Taylor, N. Y.; bill (22. 1. H. R. 222) “concerning issuing of patents to aliens’’; appré. Jly. 13. (22.1. H. jol.; iv, St. L., 577.) 1837 Dec. 13. Intr., Clay, Ky.; bill (25. 2. S. 32) to amend act entitled “An Act to amend several acts in relation to extending copyrights to foreigners.” (25. 2. S. jol.) REPORTS, MEMORIALs, ETC. 1830 Feb. 5. V. de Rivafinoli. Petition to U. S. House; praying letters patent be granted him on device for Washing ores. (21. 1. H. jol.) 1831 Feb. 3. U. S. House. Motion (Fry, Penn.); expedi- ency of amending patent law to include aliens. (21. 2. H. jol., 258.) 1832 Jan. 6. J. W. Taylor, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; Support of H. R. 222. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1500.) — Feb. 23. Same. Do.; same. (ib., 1846.) 1836 Mch. 1. J. Nicholson to U. S. Senate. Petition for * patent on gas Supply regulator. (24. 1. S. jol., 1837 Feb. 20. American authors to U. S. Senate. Me- morial; extension of copyright to foreigners. (xiii, Reg. Debates, 857.) 1838 Je. 25. U. S. S. Com. on Patents, etc. Rpt. to acc. S. 32. (25. 2. S. doc. 494.) 1839 Dec. 31. F. A. Gerstner. Memorial to U. S. Senate; Fºns to be allowed copyright. (26. 1. S. jol., 61; 1842 Jan. 20. I. Kverzkowski. Petition to U. S. House; praying refunding of amt. paid into Patent Office. (27. 2. H. jol., 240.) 1848 Apr. 11. J. Burrows Hyde. Memorial to U. S. House; praying amdmt. to patent laws. (30. 1. H. jol., 675; 727.) – Apr. 17. Same. Do.; Same. (ib., 695.) 1850 Feb. 27. U. S. House. Res. (Peck, Vt.); legislation to protect Amer. inventors agst. foreign infractions. (31. 1. H. jol., 618.) 1851 Jan. 30. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Remarks; on pe- tition of H. A. Frost, H. B. M. Subject. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, 384.) — Jan. 30. H. A. Frost to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying modification of patent laws. (32. 1. S. jol., 129.) — Dec. 31. Citizens of Rochester, N. Y. Petition to U. S. House; praying legal protection of Amer. pat- entees agst. violation of rights in Canada. (32. 1. H. jol., 146.) - * INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 37 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Patents, Copyright, etc.—cont’d REPORTs, MEMORIALs, ETC.—cont’d 1854 Mch. 7. J. B. Hyde to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing amdmt. of patent laws as affecting foreigners. (33. 1. H. jol., 460.) 1856 Apr. 18. U. S. Senate. Res. (Sumner, Mass.); ex- tension of benefits of patent laws to Canadians. (34. 1. S. jol., 264.) 1858 May 31. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Remarks; op- posing reciprocity arrangement of fees for issue of rºº to foreign subjects. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2535. — May 31. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Do.; favor- ing reciprocity arrangement of fees for issue of patents. (ib., 2535.) — May 31. J. F. Simmons, sen. from R. I. Do.; same. (ib., 2535.) — May 31. D. L. Yulee, sen. from Fla. Do.; Same. (ib., 2535.) 1860 Feb. 14. U. S. Senate. Res. (Sumner, Mass.); to abolish discrimination in office fees on issue of pat- ents. (36. 1. S. jol., 153.) — Feb. 20. J. L. Hayes to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying measures to secure international reciprocity in rights of patentees. (ib., 169; 268.) See also Copyright (International) : Kyan (J. H.). Pensions; see l'Aumont, vicomte de; see also forward, Land Grants. Persia; see Property: Protection (Peace) Peru 1824 Sept. 6. Amer. cons., Peru (Tudor) to military gov. province of Lima (Rodel). Protest agst. charges agst. Americans for profanation of churches in Lima. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, p. 31.) 1851 Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 2. Privileges of citizens of one nation in terr. of the other. See also above Death and Burial : Imprisonment: Mili- tary service : Murder ; and below under Property : Protection (Peace); Do. (War) : Religious free- dom: Taxation. Eits (J. H.) : Petition 1847 Feb. 17. W. Allen, Sen. from N. C. Remarks; pe- * from foreign subjects. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 435. — Feb. 17. J. M. Berrien, sen. from Ga. Do.; same. (ib., 435.) — Feb. 17. J. C. Calhoun, sen. from S. C. Do.; same. (ib., 434-35.) — Feb. 17. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Do.; same. (ib., 434-35.) - Pontifical States; see above, Imprisonment Portugal; see below, Property Property TREATY PROVISIONS 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 11. Property of resident aliens. 1829 Aug. 27. Austria and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 11. Disposition of property. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 13. Succession to personal estate. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc., art. 9. Property of citizens of one nation in terr. of the other. — Dec. 18. Russia and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 10. Disposál of estates. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 12. Disposal of property, art. 13. Property to be protected. - — Sept. 16. Morocco and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 22. Estates of deceased citizens. º ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Property—cont’d TREATY PROVISIONS—cont’d 1836 Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 8. Power to dispose of personal effects; art. 23. Property of citizens not to be sequestered. 1838 Nov. 26. Sardinia and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 18. Disposal of property. 1840 Aug. 26. Portugal and U. S. A. merce, etc., art. 12. Same. 1844 Mch. 26. Grand duchy of Hesse and U. S. A. ConV. for abolition of droit d’aubaine. — Apr. 10. Württemberg and U. S. A. Same. — Jly. 3. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 25. Rights of property and persons. 1845 Jan. 21. Bavaria and U. S. A. Conv. for mutual abolition of droit d’aubaine. — May 14. Saxony and U. S. A. Same. — Dec. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Treaty of com- merce, etc., art. 6. Disposal of property. 1846 May 2. Hesse-Cassel and U. S. A. Conv. for aboli- tion of droit d’aubaine; not ratified. — May 27. Nassau and U. S. A. Same. — Je. 10. Hanover and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 10. Property of citizens of one nation in terr. Of the other. — Dec. 12. New Grenada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 12. Same. * 1847 May 18. Swiss Confederation and U. S. A. ConV. for abolition of droit d’aubaine, art. 1-2. Disposal of property. — Dec. 9. Mecklenburg-Schwerin and U. S. A. Declar- ation of accession to treaty of commerce with Han- over of Je. 10, 1846, art. 10. Property of aliens. 1848 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 8. Property of Mexicans in ceded terr. — May 8. Austria and U. S. A. Conv. relative to dis- posal of property. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc., art. 11-12. Property of citizens of either nation in terr. Of the other. — Dec. 20. Hawaii and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 8. Same. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 12-13. Disposal of property. — Nov. 25. Swiss Confederation and U. S. A. Conv. of friendship, etc., art. 5. Same; art. 6. Claimants to a Succession. 1851 Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 15. Disposal of property; art. 33. Not to be con- fiscated by war. 1852 Aug. 25. Belgium and U. S. A. Conv.for regulating iºt of inheriting and acquiring property; not rati- 1854 Aug. 21. Brunswick and Lüneberg and U. S. A. Conv. respecting property. 1855 Jan. 22. Netherlands and U. S. A. Conv. concern- ing rights, etc., of cons. in Dutch colonies, art. 11. Estates of deceased perSOnS. — Oct. 11. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, ' etc., art. 7. Succession to property, etc. 1856 Dec. 13. Persia and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 6. Effects of persons dying. 1858 Je. 18. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 27. Rights of property and persons. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 5. Disposal of property. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. Treaty of com- Bavaria 1836 Apr. 10. Bavarian Secy. of State (Gise). Duties payable on Withdrawal of property of Brit. from Ba- varia. (26. 2. S. doc. 1, 33; H. ex. doc. 1, 33.) China See China. Claims. 38 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING To FoREIGN AFFAIRs ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Property—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d Great Britain 1836 Apr. 30. H. B. M. Secy. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Same on property of Bavarians from Gr. Br. (26. 2. S. doc. 1, 34; H. ex. doc. 1, 34.) Greece See King (J.). Haiti 1811 Jan. 3. General order of Haitian army confiscating property of Amer. citizens. (27.3. H. doc. 36, p. 6.) 1816 Dec. 30. J. Boothroyd to S. Tyler. Amer. property confiscated by Haiti in 1811. (ib., 115.) 1817 Jan. 29. Secy. State U. S. A. (Monroe) to Tyler. Same. (ib., 116.) Mexico 1831 Sept. 22. Mexican comrs. to conclude treaty with U. S. A. Suspension of art. 13, succession to personal estates. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 396.) See also Bisson : , Claims (Mexican.) : Imprisonment: Osborn ( ) : Soulié. Spain 1838 Nov. 23. Amer. cons., Ponce (Gallaher) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Claim made by Porto Rico upon property of foreigners leaving Is. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 224.) 1846 May 13. U. S. Senate. Res. (Berrien, Ga.); legisla- tion necessary to give effect to art. 11, treaty of 1795. (29. 1. S. jol., 291.) See also Harang (L. A.). Texas 1841 Dec. 8. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to President D. S. A. (Tyler). Treaty stipulations with Texas relative to collection of debt, regaining possession of property, etc. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 12.) TJnited States - 1837 Jan. 30. U. S. House. Motion (Mann, N. Y.); amending laws in relation to imprisonment for debt so as to place alien plaintiffs on Same footing as U. S. citizens. (24. 2. H. jol., 320.) 1855 Feb. 3. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing), opinion; rela- tion of question of droit d’aubaine to real estate a C- quired in Calif. by Frenchmen. (viii, Opin. attyS. gen., 463.) — Jly. 28. Same. Do.; aliens entitled to purchase pub- lic lands. (vii, ib., 351.) 1856 Sept. 12. Same. Do.; settlement of estates of de- ceased aliens. (viii, ib., 98.) 1857 Feb. 12. Same. Do.; treaty stipulations with for- reign govts. to restrict . . . . property disabilities. (ib., 411.) - See also Alexander ( ) : Cook (W.) : ( La. New gºans riots : Rossi, countess de : Verjel (J. del Protection: In Time of Peace TREATY PROVISIONS 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 6. Privileges of resident aliens in business affairs; art. 12. Special protection to persons and property. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 7. Privileges of resident aliens in business af- fairs; art. 14. Protection to persons and property; Obsolete. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 4. Privileges of resident aliens in business affairs; art. 10. Protection to persons and property; obsolete. 1833 Mch. 20. Siam and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 2. Citizens of U. S. at liberty to enter ports of Siam. ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Protection: In Time of Peace—cont’d TREATY PROVISIONS–cont’d 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 7. Privileges of resident aliens in business affairs; obsolete. — Sept. 16. Morocco and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 15; 17. Privileges of merchants. — Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 4. Privileges of resident aliens in business; art. 5. Protection to citizens of either party seeking refuge in the dominions of the other; art. 9. Protec- tion to persons and property; obsolete. 1837 Dec. 22. Greece and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 1. Citizens of each party at liberty to re- Side in terr. of the other. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 7. Privileges of merchants; art. 12. Property of citizens of one nation in terr. of the other; art. 13. Protection to persons and property; obsolete. 1840 May 20. Hanover and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 7. Privileges of citizens; obsolete. 1844 Jly. 3. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. Protection accorded to citizens of U. S. A.; obsolete. 1845 Dec. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Treaty of com- merce, etc., art. 6, 7. Rights of citizens; protection of property, etc.; obsolete. + 1846 Je. 10. Hanover and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 10. Same; obsolete. Dec. 12. New Grenada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 7. Reciprocity of privileges of citizens; art. 13. Protection to persons and property. 1847 Dec. 9. Mecklenburg-Schwerin and U. S. A. Decla- ration of accession to treaty of commerce, etc., with Hanover of Je. 10, 1846, art. 10. Privileges of citi. ZellS. 1849 MCh. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc., art. 6. Same; obsolete. — Dec. 20. Hawaii and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 8, 9. Same; obsolete. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 3. Same; obsolete. — Je. 23. Borneo and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 3. Protection to resident aliens, etc. — Nov. 25. Switzerland and U. S. A. Conv. of friend- ship, etc., art. 1. Citizens to be on footing of equal- ity; art. 3. Return of citizens to native country. 1851 Jly. 10. Costa Rica and U. S. A. Treaty of friend- ship, etc., art. 7. Privileges of citizens; art. 12. Pro- tection to citizens. — Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 13. Same; art. 19. Same; obsolete. 1853 Jly. 10. Argentine Republic and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc. Liberty in business affairs. 1855 Oct. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 4. Rights of citizens; art. 5. Security to persons and property; art. 6. Privileges of citizens; obsolete. 1856 May 29. Siam and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 4. Rights to trade, etc. — Dec. 13. Persia and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc. Protection to citizens. - 1858 Je. 18. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 11, 12. Privileges of citizens. — Jiy. 29. Japan and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 3. Regulations regarding residence of Ameri- cans in Japan; obsolete. 1859 Feb. 4. Paraguay and U. S. A. Treaty of friend- ship, etc., art. 9, 10. Privileges of citizens, art. 14. Protection to perSons, etc. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 3. Privileges of citizens; obsolete. INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 39 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Protection: In Time of Peace—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. China. 1844 Je. 22. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Cushing) to Amer. cons., Canton (Forbes). Law governing protection of Christian foreigners; case of Sue Aman. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 66.) — Aug. 15. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Calhoun). * for security of Americans at Canton. — Aug. 15. Same to gov. gen. of Kwang-Tung, etc. gºyens). Modification of above regulations. (ib., 88. Mexico 1831 Sept. 22. Mexican comrs. to conclude treaty with U. S. A. Suspension of art. 7, rel. to privileges of citizens. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 396.) 1833 Jan. 19. Ministr. rela C. est. Mexico (Gonzales) to Amer. chargé (Butler). President directs that estab- lished practice of transmitting certificates for issu- ing letters of safety be continued. (ib., 465.) 1835 Dec. 15. Mexico. Decree; regulating rights and obligations of aliens in Mexico. (ib., 739.) 1836 Dec. 3. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Monasterio) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis). Greater precaution in enforcing regulations for obtaining letters of security. (ib., 624.) See º Capsson (J.) : Castillo (M. de): Francisco Spain 1817 Aug. 16. Secy. State U. S. A. (Rush) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Erving). Claim of hospital of San Juan de Dios at Cadiz for aid to destitute Amer. seamen. (28. 2. H. ex: doc. 42, 15.) United States - 1836 Apr. 18. U. S. atty. gen. (Butler). Opinion; pre- exemption accrues to aliens under acts of 1830 and 1834. (1, Opin. atty. gen., 1025.) 1837 JIy. 5. Same. Do.; duty of Executive to protect alien residents. (ib., 1134.) See also Hungarian exiles: Kossuth (L.) : Trueda ; Louisiana (New Orleans riots) : premitya (M.) : Polish exiles. Protection: In Time of War TREATY PROVISIONS 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 25. Treatment of citizens in due time of War. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 26. Same; obsolete. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc., art. 23. Same; obsolete. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 26. Same; obsolete. — Sept. 16. Morocco and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 24. Same. — Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 22. Same; obsolete. 1839 Jly. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 26. Same; obsolete. 1846 Dec. 12. New Grenada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 27, 28. Same. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 27. Same; obsolete. 1851 Jly. 10. Costa Rica and U. S. A. Treaty of friend- ship, etc., art. 11. Same. * — Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Same; art. 32. Same; Obsolete. isºs. 10. Argentine Republic and U. S. A., art. 12. 3.016>. - Laborde y Pap- | ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Protection: In Time of War—cont’d TREATY PROVISIONs—cont’d 1855 Oct. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 1. Same; obsolete. 1859 Feb. 4. Paraguay and U. S. A. Treaty of friend- ship, etc., art. 13. Same. Lnited States See *Amer. Mint Co.: Patterson (Wm.) : Potts •). Prussia; see above under Military Service: Property Religious Freedom TREATY PROVISIONS 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 13. Religious freedom. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 15. Same; obsolete. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 11. Same; obsolete. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 14. Same; obsolete. — Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 10. Same; obsolete. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 14. Same; obsolete. 1846 Dec. 12. New Grenada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 14. Same. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc., art. 13. Same; obsolete. — Dec. 20. Hawaii and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 11. Same; obsolete. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 14. Same; obsolete. 1851 Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 20. Same; obsolete. 1853 Jly. 10. Argentine Republic and U. S. A. Treaty of • friendship, etc., art. 13. 1856 May 29. Siam and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 5. Same. 1858 Je. 18. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 29. Same. Jly. 29. Japan and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 8. Same; obsolete. 1859 Feb. 4. Paraguay and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 14. Same. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 4. Same; obsolete. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1852 Dec. 13. U. S. House. Res. (Wilcox, Miss.); meas- ures to Secure religious liberty to Amer. citizens abroad. (32. 2. H. jol., 43.) — Dec. 13. A. H. Stephens, repr. from Ga. Remarks; on Wilcox res. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 48.) — Dec. 13. C. E. Stuart, repr...from Mich. Do.; same. (ib., 47.) — Dec. 13. J. L. Taylor, repr. from Ohio. Do.; same. (ib., 48.) — Dec. 13. J. A. Wilcox, repr. from Miss. Do.; same. (ib., 47.) 1853 Jan. 3. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; memo- rial of Md. Baptist Union Assn. praying treaty pro- Vision for religious liberty of Americans abroad. (ib., 183.) —ſº 3. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. Do.; same. (ib., Feb. 10. Citizens of U. S. Petition to U. S. Senate; right of public worship for Amer. citizens abroad. (32. 2. S. jol., 184.) Feb. 12. J. P. Hale. Remarks; on petition of citi- zens of O. praying adoption of measures to secure religious liberty for Americans abroad. (ib., 582.) 40 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d Religious Freedom—cont’d Salvador; see same: Property: Protection (Peace); Do. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1853 Feb. 17. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Under- Wood). Rpt. in favor of memorials to secure relig- #. freedom for Americans abroad. (32. 2. S. rpt. 418. * Feb. 23. L. CaSS. Remarks; on memorial of citizens of N. Y. praying adoption of measures to secure relig- ious freedom. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, -463.) 1854 Mch. 1. Citizens of U. S. Petition to U. S. Senate; same. (33. 1. S. jol., 225.) — May 15. L. CaSS. Speech; on rpt. of committee of Feb. 17. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 681.) — Dec. 19. Same. Remarks; on petitions, etc., on Subject of religious freedom for Americans abroad. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 80.) 1855 Jan. 10. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.); meas- ures to secure religious freedom, etc. (33. 2. S. jol., 107; 348.) 1858 Feb. 9. U. S. House. Same (Morris, Penn.); treaty stipulations since 1850 to secure religious freedom, etc. (35. 1. H. jol., 362.) MEMORIALS OF CITIZENS: ETC. See also Baptists : Presbyterians: Jews. 32. 2 (1852-53). Senate Maine; see Waterville. Citizens. Massachusetts; see Boston. Do. New Jersey; see Bloomfield. Do. New York State; see Albany: Genesee: Lansingburg: N. Y. State. Citizens: do. Senate: New York City: Troy. Ohio; see Ohio. Citizens. South Carolina; see Due West. Do. — House Connecticut; see Connecticut. Citizens. Massachusetts; see Mass. Do. New York; see New York State DO.: Do. Senate. Ohio; see Ohio. Citizens. 33. 1 (1853-54). Senate Arkansas; see Izard Co. Connecticut; see Colchester: Hartford: New Haven. D. C.; see Washington Indiana; see Rising Sun. Kentucky; see Louisville. Michigan; see Monroe. Mississippi; see Enterprise. Missouri; see St. Louis. New Jersey; see Baskingridge: Newark: Trenton. New York State; see Albany: Camden: New York State: Syracuse: West Troy. Ohio; see Cincinnati: Clermont: Highland Co. Pennsylvania; see Gettysburg: Harrisburg: Jefferson Co.: Pennsylvania. Citizens. Tennessee; see Memphis. Virginia; see Alexandria: Virginia. Citizens. Wisconsin; see Green Bay. House Massachusetts; see Massachusetts. Citizens. New Jersey; see Elizabethtown: New Jersey. Citizens. New York; see New York City: New York State. Citi- ZellS. Ohio; see Ohio. Citizens. Pennsylvania; see Gettysburg; Pennsylvania. Citizens. 33. 2 (1854-55). Senate New York; see New York State. Citizens. — House Connecticut; see Connecticut. Citizens. Russia; see above under Property (War): Religious Freedom Sardinia; see same: Property Saxony; see same: Property Siam; see same: Property: Protection (Peace): Religious Freedom Spain 1855 Jan. 27. U. S. House. Res. (Kerr, N. C.); rights of Amer. citizens in Sp, colonies. (33. 2. H. jol., 252.) See also under Alienage, etc. : Death and Burial : Prop- erty : Protection (Peace). * Suffrage 1850 Je. 19. W. R. King, sen. from Ala. Remarks; right of suffrage to aliens. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 1254.) Switzerland; see above under Property: Protection (Peace): Taxation Taxation TREATY PROVISIONS 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 9. Taxes, etc.; obsolete. 1833 Sept. 21. Muscat and U. S. A. Same, art. 6. Amer. merchants not to be taxed. 1845 Dec. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Treaty of com- merce, etc., art. 6. Taxes; obsolete. 1849 Dec. 20. Hawaii and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 8. Taxes, etc.; obsolete. 1850 Nov. 25. Switzerland and U. S. A. Conv. of friend- ship, etc., art. 2. Taxes, etc. 1853 Jly. 10. Argentine republic and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 10. Taxes, etc. 1859 Feb. 4. Paraguay and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc. Taxes, etc. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. Mexico See Mexico. New Grenada See Colombia. Peru 1825 Jan. 4. Minstr. relac. est., Peru (Morales) to Amer. cons. (Tudor). Contribution exacted of Amer. citi- zens for maintenance of police at Lima. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, p. 65.) — May 31. Tudor to Morales. Same. (ib., 63.) United States See forward, Immigrants. Texas; see under Alienage, etc.: Property Tunis; see same: Protection (Peace) Turkey; see same: Protection (Peace): Taxation. See also Steinbeck (J. A.): Turkey (Expulsion of Greeks) Two Sicilies; see under Alienage, etc.: Miltary Service: Patents, etc.: Property: Protection (Peace): D0. (War): Taxation United States TREATY PROVISIONS 1848 Feb. 2. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 9. Mexicans in ceded territories. STATUTORY MEASURES 1840 Jan. 28. Intr. Merrick, Md.; bill (26. 1. S. 190) “to authorize granting letters testamentary and of administration to aliens in D. C.” (26.1. S. jol.) — Dec. 22. Intr. same. (26. 2. S. 133) Same. (26. 2. S. jol., 54; 178.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1831 Je. 26. Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston) to Amer. chargé, Mexico (Butler). Fraudulent citizenship papers obtained in La. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (an- nex), p. 79.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 41 ALIENAGE, CITIZENSHIP, NATURALIZATION.—cont’d United States—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1831 Je. 27. U. S. State Dept. Proof of residence re- * quired before issuance of certificates of citizenship. (ib., 79.) º 's — Aug. 18. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Brent) to Butler. Fraudulent citizenship papers obtained in La.; rules of State Dept. to prevent fraudulence; modification. (ib., 81.) — Aug. 31. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Alaman) to Butler. Sp. translation of Amer. regs. for granting certificates of citizenship. (ib., 393.) 1845 Dec. 15. Citizens of Geneva, O. Petition to U. S. House; vs. admission of “aliens, etc.” from Texas to seats in Congress. (29. 1. H. jol., 102, 144.) See also above under Immigrants : Imprisonment: Mili- tary service : Murder: Naturalization : Patents: Property : Protection (Peace) : Taxation. See also More (Wm.) : Pulizzi (F.) : Vespucci (M. H. A.). Uruguay; see Johnson (G.) Venezuela; see above under Property: Protection (Peace); Do. (War): Religious Freedom Württemberg; see above under Property ALIOTH, AMER. WESSEL, ENGAGED IN PERUWIAN GUANO TRADE; see GUANO ALLAN (CHILTON), OF KY., 1786–1858 Representative from Ky., from 22d to 24th Congress, Dec. 5, 1831-Mch. 3, 1837; member Com. on Foreign Affairs during 24th Congress, 1835-37. Remarks by 1837 Feb. 28. Favoring apprm. for diplomatic agt. to Texas, and for running of boundary. (xiii, Reg. De- bates, 2063.) ALLEGAN Co. (MICH) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 74.) ALLEGANIAN, AMER. SHIP (STETSON) 1855 Aug. 22. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; case of Capt. Stetson who refused, on entering port of Malta, to deposit register with cons. (vii, Opin. attyS. gen., 395.) ALLEGHANY (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 3. H. jol., 474.) — Feb. 18. To same. Do.; same. (ib., 583.) 1840 May 25. To same. Do.; release of W. L. Mackenzie. (26. 1. H. jol., 1005.) ALLEGHANY, AMER. SHIP (EVELETH), BowTE & KURTz, OWNERS STATUTORY MEASURES 1829 Feb. 11. Intr. in U. S. House. Everett, Mass.; bill (20C. H. R. 431) “for relief of owners of Alleghany.” (20. 2. H. jol., 271.) 1830 Jan. 20. Intr. in U. S. House. Archer, Va.; bill (21c. H. R. 138) “for relief of owners of Alleghany ”; apprél. May 29, 1830. (21. 1. H. jol.; vi St. L., 442.) 1837 Jan. 27. Intr. in U. S. Senate. Crittenden, Ky.; bill (24. 2. S. 156) “for relief of owners of Alleghany ” and their legal representatives. (24. 2. S. jol., 146.) — Dec. 26. Intr. in U. S. Senate. Hubbard, N. H.; bill (25. 2. S. 94) “for relief of owners of Alleghany.” (25. 2. S. jol., H. jol.) 1838 Dec. 19. Intr. in U. S. Senate. Hubbard, N. H.; bill (25. 3. S. 82) “for relief of owners of Alleghany.” (25. 3. S. jol.) ALLEGHANY, AMER. SHIP (EVELETH), BOWIE & KURTZ OWNERS–contd COBRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1812 Jly. 24. Amer. cons. gen., Algiers (Lear). Dey of Algiers refuses to receive goods brought in Alle- ghany in fulfillment of treaty stipulations. (21. 1. H. rpt. 100, 14.) — Aug. 24. Same to Messrs. Bowie and Kurtz. Depar- ture of Alleghany from Algiers and her detention at Gibraltar. (ib., 21.) — Sept. 20. Same. Rpt. on Alleghany from time she left Algiers to time she was captured. (ib., 20.) [1813] Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Monroe). Receipt Of * relative to Alleghany; notes thereon. (ib., 12. 1816 Same to W. Bowie. No. of passengers on board Alleghany from Algiers to Gibraltar. (ib., 22.) 1818 Jan. 26. Bowie and Kurtz to agt. State Dept. for charter of Alleghany (Forrest). Agreement relative to employment of Alleghany. (ib., 22.) — Jan. 26. Forrest to Bowie and Kurtz. Reply to their note of even date. (ib., 23.) 1827 Dec. 14. Bowie and Kurtz to U. S. House. Petition in case of Alleghany. (20.1. H. jol., 52.) 1828 Dec. 9. Same to same. DO. (20. 2. H. jol., 40.) 1829 Feb. 11. U. S. Com. on Foreign affairs (Everett). Rpt. in favor of petition of Bowie and Kurtz. (20. 2. H. rpt. 75.) 1830 Jan. 20. Same (Archer). Same. (21. 1. H. rpt. 100, 1.) 1832 Mch. 29. J. Kurtz and others, to U. S. Senate. Me- morial; praying further remuneration. (22. 1. S. jol., 215.) 1834 May 19. Same to same. Same. (23. 1. S. jol., 272.) 1835 Feb. 2. U. S. Senate. Motion (Kent, Md.); Kurtz memorial referred to Com. On Judiciary. (23. 2. S. jol., 129.) 1836 Jan. 13. Same. DO.; d.o.; to Com. Of Claims. (24. 1. S. jol., 94.) — Jan. 27. U. S. S. Com. of Claims. Rpt. adverse to claim of owners of Alleghany. (24. 1. S. doc. 94.) — Mch. 21. J. Kurtz to U. S. House. Memorial; indem- nity for loss of Alleghany. (24. 1. H. jol., 534.) — Dec. 15. Same to U. S. Senate. Do.; d.o. (24. 2. S. jol., 38.) 1837 Jan. 21. U. S. S. Com. Of Claims. Rpt. adverse to Alleghany claimantS. (24. 2. S. doc. 92.) Sept. 7. U. S. Senate. Motion (Grundy, Tenn.); leave to W. Bowie et al to Withdraw petition. (25. 1. S. jol., 26.) — Dec. 11. J. Kurtz to U. S. Senate. Petition; indem- nity for loss of Alleghany. (25. 2. S. jol., 34.) 1838 Dec. 10. Same to same. Do.; same. (25. 3. S. jol., 32.) 1840 Jan. 3. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hubbard, N. H.); Alleghany claim papers referred to Com. on For- eign Relations. (viii, Cong. Globe, 103.) Jan. 4. Bowie, Kurtz, et al to U. S. House. Me- morial. (26. 1. H. jol., 168; 1022.) — Jan. 6. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hubbard, N. H.); Alleghany claim referred to Com. on Judiciary. (26. 1. S. jol., 76; 87.) — Jan. 8. U. S. S. Com. On Judiciary asks to be dis- charged from consideration of Alleghany claim. (26. 1. S. jol., 87; viii, Cong. Globe, 107.) — Jan. 16. U. S. S. Com. on Claims. Rpt. on Alleghany claim. (26.1. S. jol., 115.) — Jan. 17. U. S. Senate. Motion (Merrick, Md.); Al- leghany referred to select com. (ib., 118; 120; 547.) — May 25. U. S. H. Com. of Claims. Rpt. adverse to Alleghany claimants. (26. 1. H. jol., 547; viii, Cong. Globe, 419.) 42 INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs ALLEGHANY, U. S. STR., 1847 In commission (1847-61); 1848 Brazilian sqdn. (Hunt- er) ; 1849 Med’n sqdn. (do.) ; 1852 sp'l service W. coast Africa (Lynch). Mediterranean sqdn. 1849 Aug. 14. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston) to comdt. U. S. navy yd., Washington. Order to expedite prep- aration of Alleghany. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 70.) — Aug. 14. Same to comdr. Alleghany (Hunter). Order to proceed to Cat Is., and mouth of Mississippi and rpt. to comdre. Parker. (ib., 69.) — Sept. 7. Hunter to Preston. Rpt. of passage to Pen- sacola; repairs necessitating docking of Alleghany. (ib., 97.) — Sept. 10. Comdt. U. S. navy yd., Pensacola (New- ton) to Preston. Alleghany proceeded to sea. 9 inst. (ib., 98.) — Sept. 18. Preston to Newton. Receipt of his of 10 inst. (ib., 98.) See also Cuba. White expedition. ALLEGANY CO. (MD.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 599.) ALLEGHANY CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 21. To U. S. House. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 80.) 1838 Jan. 8. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 236.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 457.) — Feb. 4. To same. Congress of nations. (ib., 455.) 1845 Jan. 22. To same. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 246.) Feb. 15. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 173.) Feb. 21. To same. In favor of arbitration. (ib., 195.) 1846 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 347.) ALLEGHANY CO. (PENN.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 28. To. U. S. House. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 107.) 1838 Mch. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 599.) — May 21. To same. Same. (ib., 922.) 1844 Feb. 17. To same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 418.) — Mch. 29. To same. Same. (ib., 705.) — Apr. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 1. S. jol., 248.) — Je. 8. To same. Same. (ib., 333.) 1845 Feb. 26. To same. Amdmt. of naturalization laws. (28. 2. S. jol., 209, 222.) 1857 Feb. 10. To same. Trade with Africa. jol., 184.) (34. 3. S. ALLEGIANCE [Allegiance: Domicil: Expatriation.] Austria. See Eoszta (M.) : Tousig (S.). Bavaria, See Amther (J.). Cuba. 1852 Feb. 13. Amer. cons., Havana (Sharkey) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Sp. law of domiciliation in Cuba. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 115.) — JIy. 5. Webster to Sharkey. Rights of citizens of U. S. domiciled in Cuba. (ib., 123.) 1853 Jan. 8. Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett) to J. Brooks. Refers him to certain documents respecting oath of ſºlation required to be taken in Cuba. (ib., — Apr. 12. Same (Marcy) to A. H. Lawrence. Same. (ib., 127.) ALLEGIANCE—cont’d [Allegiance: Domicil: Expatriation.]—cont’d France 1859 Aug. 2. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Answer to note to minister of foreign affairs (Walewski) of Jiy. 27 will probably be that French law recognizes right of expatriation. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 199.) Great Britain 1842 Aug. 8. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to H. B. M. specl. comr. (Ashburton). Amer. understanding of doctrine of allegiance; etc. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 139; H. ex. doc. 2, 136.) — Aug. 9. Ashburton to Webster. Br. doctrine of al- legiance opposed to that expounded in his of 9 inst. (ib., 144; ib., 142.) ** 1849 Jan. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ban- croft) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Has ad- dressed to H. B. M. govt., declaration setting forth principles maintained by Amer. govt. and protesting agst. any distinction betw. native, and naturalized citizens of U. S. A. (36. 1. S. ex. doc.-38, 160.) — Jan. 26. Bancroft to H. B. M. Secy. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Protest agst. orders recently issued in Ireland affecting personal liberty of Amer. citi- zens; right of expatriation maintained; doctrine of perpetual allegiance abrogated. (ib., 161.) — Aug. 16. Palmerston to Webster. Right of emigra- tion and expatriation conceded by H. B. M. govt.; former subjects, on return to U. K., are amenable to laws thereof. (ib., 167.) — Aug. 21. Bancroft to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Protest addressed to H. B. M. govt. is accurate stnt. of opinions of President on questions involved. (ib., 167.) See also Bergen (J.) and Ryan (R. F.) : Kenworthy (C.) : Laurent (T. and B.): Theller (E. A.) : . |Uhde (C.). Prussia. 1859 May 12. Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright). Compulsory service of Amer. citizens in army of Prussia; doctrine of perpetual allegiance obsolete; enforced military service a reassertion of that doctrine. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, p. 241.) Je. 25. Wright to Cass. Prussia disinclined to con- sider subject of despatch 18, May 12, 1859. (ib., 132.) United States See also China : Enlistment: Young (G. D.). Statutory Measures 1848 May 31. Intr. in U. S. House, Cummins, O.; bill (30. 1. H. R. 521) “declaratory of rights of naturalized citizens of U. S. A., etc.” (30. 1. H. jol., 860.) Correspondence, etc. 1842 Mch. 29. New Haven Hibernian Provident Socy. to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying protection to natur- alized citizens agst, claim to allegiance by foreign powers. (27. 2. S. jol., 254.) — Mch. 29. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Remarks; petition of New Haven Hibernian Provident Socy. of even date. (xi, Cong. Globe, 365.) — Mch. 29. L. F. Linn, Sen. from Mo. Remarks; Brit. * to doctrine of perpetual allegiance. (ib., 65. 1848 May 10. Citizens of New Bedford (Mass.) to U. S. House. Petition; praying protection to liberties of Amer. citizens. (30. 1. H. jol., 785.) — Je. 5. J. D. Cummins, repr. from O. Remarks; on H. R. 521. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 818, 820, 822.) — J º A. D. Sims, repr. from S. C. Do.; same. (ib., 820. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 43 ALLEGIANCE—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1848 Oct. 6. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Inquires whether obligation of allegiance attaches to natur- alized citizens returning to his native country for transient purposes. (30. J. H. ex. doc. 19, 20.) 1853 Jan. 14. Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Barnard). Doctrine of inalienable allegiance affirmed by U. S. Supreme Court; Prussian subject emigrating without “certifi- cate ’ does so at his risk; U. S. unable to act in mat- ter; cases of Meyer and Kracke. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 53.) 1856 Oct. 31. Atty. gen. U. S. A. (Cushing). Opinion; Amer. citizen, on expatriation, needs to ask from govt. of U. S. or of state of which he is a citizen, permission to emigrate. (viii, op. attys. gen., 139.) 1858 Jan. 18. U. S. House. Res. (Harris, Ill.); legisla- tion defining acts on expatriation, etc. (35. 1. H. jol., 199.) — May 31. A. R. Wright, repr. from Ga. Speech; Wal- ker arrest; maintains right of expatriation. (Cong. Globe, 35, 1., app., 458.) 1859 Jly. 8. Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) to Wright. Doc- trine of perpetual allegiance a relic of barbarism; rights conferred on foreigners by naturalization; limits of foreign jurisdiction over naturalized Amer. citizens; case of C. Ernst. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 132.) 1860 Feb. 16. U. S. House. Res. (McClernand, Ill.); defi- nition of expatriation by Amer. citizens. (36. 1. H. jol., 314.) ALLEN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG. ADAMANT; see ADA- MANT ALLEN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG COMET; see COMET ALLEN ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP NANCY; see NANCY ALLEN (A. C.), OF TEXAS Amer. cons. for Minatitlan, Consular service. 1844 Mch. 1. To R. J. Walker. Results of rejection of Texas annexation treaty. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 271, 108.) ALLEN (ABNER W.) 1853 Feb. 12. To U. S. House. Petition; praying passage of French spoliation bill. (32. 2. H. jol., 279.) ALLEN (CHARLES), CLAIMANT IN CASE OF ENCOMIUM; see COMET, etc. ALLEN (CHARLES), OF MASS. Comr. from Mass. during n. e. boundary controversy, 1842 arbitration, see Northeast Boundary Contro- versy. Representative from Mass., 1849-53. 1858-61; see U. S. A. Representative from Mass. 1851 Feb. 25-26. Remarks; on Mexican indemnity bill (H. R. 460); censuring action of Secy. Of State in assuming to arrange for payment of instalments. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, 686-87, 695-97.) 1852 Jan. 23. Do.; same. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 371-73, 375.) ALLEN (CHARLES B.), OF MASS. \ Amer. cons, for Para, 1827-30; for Maranhão, 1830-I46] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. ALLEN (EBENEZER) - Atty. general, republic of Texas; ad int Secy. of State, Texas. Attorney-general 1845 Apr. 14. To Amer. chargé Texas (Donelson). Joint res. to be submitted to congress in extra session. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 53; H. ex, doc. 2, 40.) ALLEN (EBENEZER)—cont’d Attorney-general—cont’d 1845 May 19. To same. Request for protection agst, an- ticipated Mexican invasion. (ib., 61; ib., 48.) — Je. 23. To same. Consent of existing govt. of Texas to terms of proposition for annexation tendered by L. S. A. (ib., 84; ib., 75.) * — Je. 26. To same. Increased probability of invasion of Texas. (ib., 92; ib., 79.) — Je. 28. To same. Inquiry whether U. S. A. Will as- sume expenses in event of Texan troops being called into service. (ib., 94; ib., 81.) Secretary of State 1845 JIy. 28. To same. Consummation of measure of an- nexation; relations in meantime pursued with govts. of France and Gr. Br. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 112; H. ex. doc. 2, 101.) 1846 Feb. 4. To H. B. M. chargé, Texas (Elliott). Obli- gations of treaty stipulations betw. Texas and Gr. Br. assumed by U. S. A. upon organization of state govt. (29. 1. S. doc. 375, 2.) Feb. 10. To French chargé in Texas (de Saligny). Same. (ib., 4.) ALLEN (ELISHA HUNT), OF MASS. Representative from Me. 1841–42; Forei Affairs, 27 cong., 1841; Amer. cons. for Honolulu, 1850-54 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Hawaiian E. E. in U. S. A., 1856-57, see Hawaii. ALLEN (IRA. H.), CLAIMANT IN CASE OF OLIVE BRANCH; See OLIVE BRANCH 4. ALLEN (PHILIP), et al 1843 Dec. 22. To U. S. House. Memorial; indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (28. 1. H. jol., 104.) Dec. 26. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 1. S. jol., 45.) 1844 Dec. 9. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 45.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 92.) 1847 Dec. 20. To same. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 113.) Senator from R. I. 1858 Apr. 21. Remarks; losses through outrages in Para- guay. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 1704.) ALLEN (SAMUEL), CLAIMANT; see ERIE, AMER. SHIP ALLEN (SAMUEL C.) Joint comr. of Mass. under art. 4, Ashburton treaty ; see Northeast Boundary Controversy, 1842 arbitration. ALLEN (WILLIAM), OF OHIO Representative from O., 23 cong., Dec. 2, 1833-Mch. 3, 1835. Senator from O., 25-30 cong., Mch. 4, 1837- Mch. 3, 1849 : member Com. on Foreign Relations, 26 cong., 1839-41, and 28 cong., sp. sess.-29 cong., 1 sess., 1845-46 ; chrm. 28 cong., 2 sess.-29 cong., 1 sess., excused from serving as chrm. of com., member COIm. On Je. 15, 1846. Representative 1835 Mch. 2. Speech; French claims. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1577.) Senator 1837 Dec. 19. Remarks; Vt. res. relative to Texas. (Vi, Cong. Globe, 39.) 1838 Jan. 25. Do.; relations with Mexico, Gr. Br. and Str. Caroline. (ib., 135.) — Mch. 28. Do.; relations with Gr. Br. and Caroline. (ib., 271.) — Jly. 4. Do.; rpt. Com. on Foreign Relations on n. e. boundary. (ib., 496.) 1839 Feb. 20. Do.; neutrality law; Caroline outrage. (vii, Cong. Globe, 207.) — Mch. 1. Do.; amdg. Williams res. on Me. boundary. (ib., app., 311.) — Mch. 1. Do.; vs. Br. aggressions on n. e. boundary. (ib., 316.) 44 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS. RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS * ALLEN (WILLIAM), OF OHIO-cont’d Senator—cont’d 1840 Jan. 17. Do.; removal of H. B. M. troops from dis- puted terr. (viii, Cong. Globe, 126.) — Mch. 31. Do.; postponement of adjournment until after receipt of news of Br. action on n. e. boundary proposal. (ib., 297.) — Apr. 14. Do.; defending conservative tone of rpt. Of ºn. on Foreign Relations on n. e. boundary. (ib., 323. — Jly. 3. Do.; opposing publication of Br. rpt. of Sur- vey and acc. map of n. e. boundary. (ib., 503.) 1841 Jan. 8. Do.; showing advantage to Gr. Br. of pro- tracted discussion of n. e. boundary question, etc. (ix, Cong. Globe, 92.) 1842 Feb. 23. Do.; Caroline affair, McLeod case, etc. (xi, Cong. Globe, 258.) — JIy. 11. Do.; corresp. with Mexico regarding Texas. (ib., 739.) — JIy. 25. Speech; disputed terr. on n. e. frontier. (ib., app., 803.) 1843 Jan. 6. Remarks; denying that persons, on becom- ing residents of Texas, lose citizenship. (xii, Cong. Globe, 128.) — Jan. 18. Do.; part of Benton in secret debate during Aug., 1842, on n. e. boundary treaty. (ib., 171.) Feb. 23. DO.; denouncing construction of Ashbur- ton treaty which reserves to Gr. Br. right of visit. (ib., 333.) — Mch. 2. DO.; opposing disposition of African sqdn. proposed by bill to carry into effect Ashburton treaty. (ib., 378.) 1844 Jan. 4. Do.; title to and occupation of Oregon terr. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 101.) — Jan. 8. Speech; corresp. on Oregon terr, since 1841. (ib., app., 98.) Feb. 23. Remarks; construction and execution of Ashburton treaty. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 311.) — Mch. 7. Do.; explaining that Benton was satisfied as to title of U. S. to Oregon terr. Only to “HDutch line.” (ib., 353.) — Je. 11. Do.; amdmt. of naturalization laws requir- ing 21 yrs.” residence. (ib., 659.) — Dec. 11. Do.; corresp. on Oregon terr. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 20.) Dec. 19. Do.; opposing reference of bill to Organize terr. govt. in Oregon to Com. on Foreign Relations. (ib., app., 46.) 1845 Jan. 15. Do.; denouncing obstructive measures of Gr. Br. to prevent settlement of title to Oregon. (ib., 138.) — Jan. 20. Do.; terr.govt. in Oregon. (ib., 155.) Feb. Do.; opposing reference to Com. on Foreign — Feb. 5. Do.; opposing reference to Com. on Foreign Relations of Benton’s bill for annexation of Texas. (ib., 245.) — Feb. 25. Speech; favoring annexation of Texas. (ib., 341.) — Mch. 3. Remarks; terr. govt. in Oregon. (ib., 387.) — Dec. 15-16. Do.; in support of res. of inquiry con- cerning defences in event of war with Gr. Br.; speech of Cass; result of negotiations relative to Oregon, etc. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 49-50, 58-59.) Dec. 16. Same. (ib., 61.) Dec. 18. Do.; French spoliations. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 27. Do.; res. of inquiry relative to Oregon. (ib., 97.) — Dec. 30. Same. (ib., 111.) — Dec. 30. Same. (ib., app., 62.) 1846 Jan. 12. Same. (ib., 182.) — Jan. 14. Do.; res. declaring principles of U. S. A. in regard to interposition of European powers in af- fairs of Amer. nations. (ib., 197-198.) — Jan. 21-22. Do.; effect of Oregon measures On question of peace or war with Gr. Br. (ib., 227-228.) ALLEN (WILLIAM), OF OHIO—cont’d Senator—cont’d 1846 Jan. 26. Do.; in reply to Calhoun, vindicating intr. of res. of Jan. 14, reaffirming Monroe doctrine; cit- ing precedents; Br. and French interference in Texan annexation. (ib., 239, 242-43, 245.) Feb. 4. Do.; grounds of his opposition to Goddard relief bill. (ib., 305.) — Feb. 9. Do.; conduct of Oregon negotiations. (ib., 338.) - — Feb. 10, 11. Speech; in support of measures to en- force Amer. claim to Oregon; British policy towards U. S. A., etc. (ib., app., 834.) — Feb. 10, 11. Summary of above. (ib., 351, 357.) Feb. 25. Remarks; opposed to postponement of de- bate on Oregon res.; British and French designs on Mexico. (ib., 424.) — 26. Do.; Oregon res. on termination of joint occu- pation; Colquitt amdmt.; advising settlement by compromise, etc. (ib., 430, 434-436.) — Mch. 18. Do.; reply to Archer; favoring open dis- cussion when foreign relations threaten to endanger peace. (ib., 520.) — Mch. 24. Do.; closing debate on Oregon res. 539-540, 553.) — Mch. 26. Do.; opposed to Oregon res. of Mch. 3; distrust of President implied; moral effect on public sºment. precedents for his objection. (ib., 554- 555. — Mch. 30. Do.; reply to Webster on Oregon title; just line of demarcation; postponement of debate. (ib., 568-69.) — Apr. 8. Do.; grounds of opposition to Oregon res. of Mch. 3; circumstances connected with Oregon res. of Dec. 28, 1843. (ib., 626-27.) - — Apr. 9. Do.; reply to Clayton and Calhoun on Sen- ate proc. relative to Oregon. (ib., 633-34.) — Apr. 13. Do.; decision of comrs. on French spolia- tion claims. (ib., 660.) * — Apr. 16. DO.; H. res. to annul conv. of 1827 with Gr. Br.; opposing Johnson amdmt.; supporting Allen amdmt.; reply to Crittenden’s defence of Senate’s action. (ib., 679-682.) — Apr. 20. DO.; mission to China. (ib., 696.) — Apr. 21. Do.; Supporting motion to recede from Sen. amdmt. to H. res. of notice to annul conv. of 1827. (ib., 703.) — Apr. 22. Do.; corresp. relating to quintuple treaty. (ib., 708.) — Apr. 23. DO.; proC. of conference com. On H. res. Of notice to annul conv. of 1827. (ib., 716.) Apr. 27. Do.; bill to protect rights of Amer. citizens in Oregon. (ib., 728.) ; 28. Do.; opposing Goddard relief bill. 737. - — May 11. Do.; terminating Mexican hostilities; re- ply to Clayton’s censure of President. (ib., 783, 785, 787.) — May 12. Do.; bill prosecuting war with Mexico. (ib., 795-97, 802.) — May 22. Do.; H. bill to extend jurisdiction of U. S. over terr. W. of Rocky Mts. (ib., 851.) — Je. 10, 11. Do.; war with Mexico; Br. interference; amdg. 2d H. amdmt. to bill Supplemental to act to prosecute war with Mexico. (ib., 952, 958-59.) 1847 Feb. 17. Do.; petitions from aliens. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 435.) — Dec. 20. Do.; Calhoun res. of Dec. 15 on incorpora- tion of Mexico. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 53-54.) — Dec. 30. Do.; same and on S. 26. (ib., 80.) 1848 Jan. 20. Do.; policy of President in Mexican war; Mangum res. of Jan. 19. (ib., 216.) — Mch. 15. Do.; on S. 26; peace negotiations with Mexico. (ib., 469.) (ib., (ib., INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 45 ALLEN (WILLIAM), OF OHIO-cont’d Senator—cont’d 1848 Mch. 20. Do.; opposed to mission to Rome. (ib., 512-513.) - Mch. 30-31. Do.; on S. res. 15, congratulations to French people. (ib., 567, 569; d.o. app., 453.) – Apr. 6. Do. Same. (ib., app., 455, 458, 591.) – Apr. 19. Do.; on S. 128, judicial powers to ministers and cons. of U. S. A. (ib., 648.) – Aug. 11. Do.; on S. 313, to carry into effect certain fººtions of treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo. (ib., — Dec. 18-19. Do.; on S. 352, transportation over isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 51, 59-60.) 1849 Jan. 31. Do.; same. (ib., 413.) — Feb. 26-27. Do.; opposing Hale amdmt. to dipl., etc., apprp. bill, for increased compensation to ministers to England, France, etc. (ib., 597, 602.) — Mch. 3. Do.; on S. 343 to carry into effect art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (ib., 667.) Chrm. Com. on Foreign Relations 1846 Je. 15. Resignation from committee because of ina- bility to agree with Senate on Oregon question. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 972.) — Je. 15. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; Allen resignation. (ib., 972.) —º. W. S. Archer, Sen. from Va. Do.; same. (ib., ALLEN CO. (IND.) CITIZENS 1850 Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Petition; measures to sup- press African slavetrade. (31. 1. H. jol., 392.) — Feb. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 511.) ALLENSWORTH (HARRISON C.) 1852 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying re- Vision of decision of Mexican claims comrs. (32. 1. S. jol., 141.) — Jan. 22. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Remarks; explanatory of Allensworth memorial. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 345.) Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity from Mexico. (32. 2. H. jol., 89.) ALLEY (E.), MASTER NEW GRENADIAN BARK ELVIRA; See ELVIRA ALLIANCE, AMER. FRIGATE (LANDAIS); see DENMARK. BERGEN PRIZES ALLIBERT (LUCIAN), AMER. CITIZEN 1852 Sept. 18. Comr. of govt. near court martial of gen. military div., France (Sersy). Order declaring sen- tence of imprisonment agst. Allibert invalid by reason of expiration of statutory limitation. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 179.) — Oct. 16. Comdr. 9th military div., France (Hec- quet) to Amer. cons., Marseilles (Hodge). Allibert imprisoned as in sounis; maintains right of natural- ization; arrest of A. violation of international law. (ib., 182.) — Oct. 22. Hecquet to Hodge. Execution of judgment agst. A. suspended; further action only in power of govt. (ib., 177.) — Oct. 25. Hodge to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives). Docs. in case of A. (ib., 185.) — Oct. 29. Comr. of govt. near court martial, 9th mili- tary div., France (Charpentin) to Hodge. A. in- formed of decision sending him before court martial at Toulon. (ib., 178.) — Nov. 16. Hodge to Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett). Detention of A. as an insowmīs; appeal to Rives elicited no reply. (ib., 176.) ALLIBERT (LUCIAN), AMER. CITIZEN–cont’d 1852 Nov. 20. Same to Amer. vice-cons., Toulon (Tou- chet). A. to be afforded all possible aid in court martial at Toulon. (ib., 179.) — Nov. 22. Same to Everett. Docs. in case of A., asks instructions. (ib., 180.) — Dec. 31. Same to same. Acquittal of A. (ib., 187.) 1853 Mch. 3. Everett to Hodge. Same. (ib., 188.) — Apr. 12. Hodge to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Gratified at approval of course in case of A. ex- pressed by late Secy. Everett. (ib., 188.) ALLINSON (SAMUEL), OF NEW JERSEY cons. for Lyons, 1831-35; S. A. Consular service. Ame; do. 1839-43; see ALLYN (FRANCIS), MASTER AMER. SHIP CADMUS. STATUTORY MEASURES 1836 Feb. 10. Intr. (Shepley, Me.); bill (24. 1. S. 135) “for relief of . . . . Allyn.” (24. 1. S. jol., 153; 400.) 1837 Jan. 13. Intr., Hubbard (N. H.); bill (24. 2. S. 122) same. (24. 2. S. jol., 112, 302.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1832 Dec. 11. Allyn to U. S. House. Claim for expenses incurred in bringing Gen. Lafayette to this country. (22. 2. H. jol., 31.) 1834 Dec. 8. Same to same. Do. (23. 2. H. jol., 37.) 1836 Jan. 28. Same to U. S. Senate. Do. (24. 1. S. jol., 124.) Feb. 10. U. S. S. Com. of Claims. Rpt. to acc. S. 135. (24. 1. S. rpt. 154.) 1837 Jan. 10. U. S. Senate. Motion (Tomlinson, Conn.); Allyn claim referred to Com. of Claims. (24. 2. S. jol., 101.) 1840 Feb. 5. Allyn to U. S. House. Claim, as above. (26. 1. H. jol., 293.) 1853 Dec. 13. Same to same. Do. (33. 1. H. jol., 73.) ALLYN (ROBERT), HEIRS OF 1850 Jan. 3. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying indem- nity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 44.) — Jan. 11. To U. S. House. Do.; Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 284.) ALMADORA, CONDE DE 1842 Oct. 22. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Irving). Harang claim. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 195.) ALMAGRES, AMER. SCHR. Detained by Mexican authorities while bound to port of Minatitlan in 1851 ; see Mexico. Tehuantepec, etc. ALMANDARES, SPANISH BRIG OF WAR 1850 Aug. 16. Boards U. S. mail str. Falcon; see Falcon. ALMEIDA (JOSE EGYDIO ALWARES DE), MARQUES DE SANTO AMARO; see SANTO AMARO ALMEIDA (M. CALMON DU PIN E ALMEIDA); see CALMON DU PIN, etc. ALMEIDA ALBUQUERQUE (F. P. DE); see PAULA DE AL- MEIDA, etc. ALMEIDA PEREIRA FILHo (JOAO) DE Secr. do imperio, Brazil, in 15 cabinet of regency of Pedro II, 1859; see Brazil. ALMEIDA TORRES (J. C. P.) DE; see PEREIRA DE AL- MEIDA TORRES, etc. ALMEIDA DE LA FIGANIERE (João) D' Attaché Portuguese legation in U. S. A., and chargé ad int., 1838-39; see Portugal. Government. 46 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ALMEIDA GARRETT (JOAO BAPTISTA) WISCONDE DE Ministro dos negocios estrangeiros, Portugal, 1852; see Portugal. Civil service. 1840 Aug. 6. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., betw. Portu- gal and U. S.; see Portugal. Treaties. ALMoDóVAR, CONDE DE Secr. de estado, Spai II, 1842.33; See ALMOND (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 104.) during 16th ministry under Isabel pain. Government. ALMONTE (JUAN NEPOMUCENO) Mexican comr. of colonization in Texas, 1835. Mexican Comr. to run boundary line betw. Mexico and U. S. A. under treaty of 1828, 1835 negotiations, see Mexico Boundary. Mexican E. E. and M. P. in Ü. §. A., #45; do. 1853–56; see Mexico. LXiplomatic set- W1Ce. CO’mºr. Colonization, in Teacas 1835 Feb. 20. To ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Estrada). Military Comdr. of Nacogdoches rpts. migration of Indians from Amer. terr. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), p. 555.) E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (1st term) 1843 Jan. 24. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Claim for losses inflicted by comdr. Jones during siege of Monterey. (27. 3. H. doc. 166, 3.) — Feb. 7. To same. Protest agst, decision on conduct of comdr. Jones. (ib., 7.) — Nov. 3. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Upshur). His mis- sion will end, and Mexico will declare war, if U. S. A. Sanctions annexation of Texas. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 95; S. doc. 1, 38; H. ex. doc. 2, 38.) — Nov. 7. To same. Reply to note of 6 inst. relative to certain decrees passed by Mexico. (28. 1. S. doc. 1, 40; H. ex. doc. 2, 40.) — Nov. 11. To same. Disclaims to have imputed un- worthy designs of U. S. A. towards terr. of Texas. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 97; S. doc. 1, 42; H. ex. doc. 2, 42.) 1845 Mch. 6. To same (Calhoun). Protest agst. law providing for annexation of Texas; his mission ended. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 38; H. ex. doc. 2, 130.) (2d term) 1855 Jan. 19. To same (Marcy). Mexican govt. issues drafts under treaty of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 3.) — Mch. 24. To same. Mexican govt. draws on U. S. A. in favor of Hargous Bros. of N. Y. (ib., 12.) — Je. 4. To same. Mexican boundary comr. provided for during year ending Sept. next. (ib., 13.) — Aug. 2. To same. Mexican govt. accepts amt. of fered by U. S. A. in part payment of Sum due under treaty of 1853. (ib., 14.) — Aug. 18. To same. Mexican govt. draws on U. S. A. in favor of Howland and Aspinwall, of N. Y. (ib., 18.) — Nov. 3. To Same. Mexican govt. resolves that drafts drawn by Santa Anna on amt. due Mexico under Mesilla treaty are void. (ib., 30.) — Dec. 1. To same. Asks whether Mexican drafts were accepted by Secy. of Treasury. (ib., 33.) — Dec. 10. To same. Payment of amt. due under Me- silla treaty. (ib., 34.) 1856 Jan 21. To same. Receipt of note of 8 inst. on pay- ment of amt. due under Mesilla treaty. (ib., 48.) Feb. 5. To same. Mexican govt. examines origin of drafts of Feb. 23 and July 18, 1855. (ib., 50.) ALMY (JOHN J.), OF R. I. TJ. S. N., 1829-95. Lieut., 1841; comdr. 1861 ; capt. i863; comdré 1863; rear aim. iś73; retired is??. Died May 16, 1895. Sea service in command (1841-61) : 1857-58 comâg. Fulton, Home sqin. 1858-59 comdg. Fulton, Brazil sqdn. With U. S. S. Macedonian 1844 Oct. 26. To comdr. U. S. African sqdn. (Perry). Efforts to protect Amer. property at Bissao. (28. 1. S. doc. 150, 135.) Comdg. Fulton 1857 Oct. 6. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Receipt of despatch of 3 inst. (35. 1. H. ex, doc. 24, 51; S. ex. doc. 13, 9.) — Oct. 7. To same. Inquiries relative to possible ex- igencies arising out of prosecution of instructions of Oct. 3. (35. 1. H. ex: doc. 24, 51.) — Oct. 7. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Unlawful expeditions agst. Mexico, Nicaragua, etc.; Solicits ex- plicit directions for conduct in foreign or neutral ports in carrying out instructions of Oct. 3. (ib., 5.1; S. ex. doc. 13, 9.) — Oct. 14. To same. Fulton departing for Mobile, etc., en route to Chiriqui. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 11; H. ex. doc. 24, 52.) — Oct. 26. To same. Arrival of Fulton at Mobile. (ib., 12; ib., 54.) — Oct. 29. To Same. Substance of interview with U. S. distr. atty at Mobile on unlawful expeditions. (ib., 13; ib., 54.) — Nov. 1. To same. Same at New Orleans. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 55.) — Dec. 30. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Pauld- ing). Arrival of Fulton at Aspinwall with 45 of Walker’s men on board; list of names. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 7.) 1858 Apr. 14. To Amer. cons., Tampico (Chase). Ar- rival inside bar of Tampico; release of capt. Trenis. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 19.) ALMY (LEONARD R.) Amer. cons., Laguna, Mexico, 1843-44; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. ALONZO, AMER. SHIP (SANDERS) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty with France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 8.) ALPHA, AMER. SCHR. (SARGEANT) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty with France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 8.) ALTAR (EL), MEXICO. FIRST COURT OF CABORCA 1857 Mch. 22. Hearing of A. Ortiz; see Ortiz. ALTON (ILL.) CITIZENS 1847 Feb. 6. To U. S. House. Memorial; termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. H. jol., 309.) 1850 Apr. 5. To U. S. Senate. Do.; in favor of arbitra- tion. (31. 1. S. jol., 256.) ALTON (N.H.) CITIZENS 1852 Jan. 10. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; in favor of arbitration. (32. 1. S. jol., 108.) ALTONA (DENMARK) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service * ALWARADO (JUAN ANTONIO) Joint comr. of Salvador to adjust British claims : see Central America. Salvador, INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 4? ALWARADO (JUAN BAUTISTA) Actg. gov. of Monterey 1842 Oct. 19. To comdr. U. S. Pacific sqdn. (Jones). Authority confined to civil affairs; incompetent to make a capitulation. (27.3. H. doc. 166, 23.) — Oct. 19. To gov. of California (Micheltorena). Ca- pitulation of Monterey inevitable; superiority of gº forces; Seizure of bark Guipuzcoana. (ib., 0. — Oct. 19. To military comdt. of Monterey (Silva). Inquiry as to state of defences of Monterey. (ib., 21.) —º ; To Micheltorena. Evacuation of Monterey. ib., 32. — Oct. 29. To Jones. No disturbances or injuries con- sequent upon late events at Monterey. (ib., 44.) ALWARADO (LEON) Jefe del estado of Honduras in 1838; see Central Amer- . ica : Special comr. of Honduras in U. S. A. in 1857 and again in 1860; see same. 1860 Feb. 28. Signs treaty of friendship, etc., with U. S. A.; see Central America. Honduras. Treaties. ALWAREZ (M.) Ministr. relac. est. Central Amer. Confederation. 1834 Dec. 30. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Media- tion of U. S. A. in case of aggression of inhabitants of Belize on Central American terr. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 3; 32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 250.) 1838 Jly. 14. Signs conv. with U. S. for renewal of treaty of 1825; see Central America (Confederation). Treaties. ALWAREZ (MANUEL), OF SPAIN Amer: cons. for Santa Fe, Mexico, 1840-I47] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. 1841 Dec. 15. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Amer. citizens captured by Mexican forces near Santa Fe. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 49, 6.) Claim of Claim vs. Mexico for value of goods sold to public officers at Sta. Fe, at various times to 1837. n. d. Strmt. of case. (27. 2. H. rpt. 1096, p. 9.) n.d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, p. 50.) ALWAREZ DE ALMEIDA (J. E.), MARQUES DE STO. AMARO; see SANTO AMARO ALWEAR (CARLOS MARIA) DE Buenos Airean M.P. in U. S. A., 1824; Argentinian E. E. do, in 1832-35, and 1837 (-52]; see Argentine Re. public. ALVEAR (EMILIO) DE Ministr. relac. est. of Argentine Republic in 1860; see and M. P. in Argentine Rep. ; Argentinian E. E. U. S. A. in 1860; see same. ALVIELLA (GOBLET) D' Ministr, des affaires étrangères of Belgium 1843-45; see Belgium. Civil service. ALWORD & CO., UNDERWRITERS ON CARGO OF CALDERA; see CALDERA AMALIA, SPANISH BRIG; see REYNA AMALIA AMALIE, FRENCH BRIG 1842 May 22. Comdr. H. B. M. ship, Iris (Tucker) to Comdr. H. B. M. naval forces, African station {º} Boarding of Amalie; etc. (28. 2. S. doc. AMAPALA (HONDURAS) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service AMARAL ( ), GOV. OF MACA0 1849 Dec. 24. Amer. comr. in Cochin China (Balestier) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Murder of gov. Amaral; etc. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 28.) —º 25. Same to same. Cause of murder of gov. A. ib., 28.) AMARUL AND BASTOS, MERCHANTS AT RIO DE JA- NEIR0; see SUSAN, BRIG AMAZON, AMER. SCHR. n. d. Synopsis of award on claim under Brazilian in- demnity of 1849 in V, Moore. Internat’l. Arb., 4624 (53. 2. H. misc. doc. v. 39). Do. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 117.) See also South American Steamboat Assn. AMAZON, AMER. SCHR. (TAYLOR). Seized in Strait of Canso on Jly. 7, 1839, by collector of light-dues, Strait of Canso. 1839 Aug. 8. Amer. cons., Halifax (Morrow) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Case of Amazon ; etc. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 12; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 71.) — Aug. 26. Taylor. Deposition relative to seizure of schr. (ib., 17; ib., 76.) Sept. 3. Secy. prov. Nova Scotia (George) to Amer. cons., Pictou (Primrose). Measures to justify seiz- ure of Amazon. (ib., 20; ib., 78.) — Oct. 10. Primrose to Forsyth. Affidavits in case of Amazon; etc. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 14.) — Nov. 9. George to Primrose. Case of Amazon re- mains under consideration; etc. (ib., 22; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 81.) 1840 Mch. 24. Primrose to Forsyth. Case of Amazon. (ib., 23; ib., 81.) AMAZON, AMER. SHIP (HOVEY) 1860 Mch. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell). Firing of H. B. M. S. Virago on Amer. ship A mazon near Isle of Wight. (36. 2. H. doc. 7, 393.) — Mch. 12. Russell to Dallas. A mazon fired into be- cause of delay in hoisting colors. (ib., 398.) Mch. 15. Dallas to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Views on dept. on Br. note of 12 inst. (ib., 398.) — Apr. 3. Cass to Dallas. Receipt of despatch of 15 ult. (ib., 416.) AMAZON RIVER n. d. Contracts granted by Brazil to I. E. de Souza for navigating Amazon River. (33. 1. H. misc. doc. 22, 18.) 1853 Jan. 27. Bolivia. Decree; Amazonian waters of Bolivia free to navigation. (ib., 16.) — Jly. 13. Ministr. relac. est., Peru (Tirado) to M. P. of Brazil, New Grenada, Ecuador and Venezuela. Circ. inviting all Amazonian states, except Bolivia, to conference at Lima to establish free navigation of Amazon River. (ib., 22.) — Oct. 17. Braz. E. E. and M. P. to Venezuela, New Grenada and Ecuador (Lisboa.) to Pres. Of Ecuador (Urbina). Cooperation of Ecuador with Brazil in promoting navigation on Amazon. (ib., 11.) — Oct. 17. Urbina to Lisboa. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 11.) — Nov. 26. Ecuador. Law; Amazonian Waters of Ecuador free to all nations. (ib., 12.) Dec. 5. Pres. U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual message; clause relating to navigation of Amazon and La Plata rivers. 1854 Jan. 13. Brazilian vice-cons. in N. Y. (Figaniere). Foreign flags prohibited on Amazon. (33. 1. H. misc. doc. 22, 21.) 48 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS AMAZON RIVER—cont’d 1854 Feb. M. F. Maury to U. S. congress. Memorial on behalf of Memphis conv. on free, navigation of Ama- zon River. (ib., 1.) Mch. 3. Memphis conv. of 1853 to U. S. House. Me- morial; favoring free navigation of Amazon. (33. 1. H. jol., 447.) Mch. 13. M. F. Maury to U. S. Senate. Memorial; in behalf of Memphis conv. of 1853. (33. 1. S. jol., 253.) — Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to navigation of Amazon and La Plata rivers. 1855 Feb. 23. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Ingersoll). Rpt. on Maury memorial. (33. 2. H. rpt. 95.) 1858 Jan. 6. U. S. House. Res. (Clingman, N. C.), call- ing for corresp. With Paraguay and Brazil regarding Amazon River. (35. 1. H. jol., 141.) 1861 Feb. 9. U. S. House. Res. (Boteler, Va.); corresp. with Peru since 1853 on free navigation of Amazon. (36. 2. H. jol., 290.) AMBASSADORS See also heading Diplomatic agents under names of Various countries. 1841 Aug. 27. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; propriety of a republican govt. apptg. an ambassador. (x, Cong. Globe, 393.) Immunities; see Exterritoriality Judicial Authority; see Exterritoriality D’AMBRUGEAC, COMTESSE; see ROCHAMBEAU CLAIM AMELIA, AMER. BARK; see HELM (C. J.) AMELIA, AMER. SHIP Captured by Br. cruiser during voyage from Porto Rico to Guadeloupe, on Feb. 11, 1815. 1854 Oct. 11. Synopsis of award on claim vs. Gr. Br. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 51.) AMELIA CO. (VA.) CITIZENS 1844 Apr. 1. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 203.) AMELIA IS.; see FLORIDA (SPANISH OCCUPATION) AMELIA JANE, AMER. WESSEL; see BRAZIL. CLAIMS, 1849 AMELIA P. HONE, AMER. SCHR. 1858 Apr. 1. Amer. Cons., Tampico (Chase) to Amer. cons., Vera Cruz (Lickett). Detention of Amelia P. HOne; etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 15.) AMERICA, AMER. SHIP 1824 Je. 7. Amer. cons., Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams). Detention of America; etc. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 9.) AMERICA, AMER. SHIP (LELAR) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty with France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 9.) AMERICA, AMER. SHIP (PROCTOR) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty with France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 9.) “AMERICAN AMENDMENT"; see MARCY AMENDMENT AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY - 1828 Jan. 11. U. S. House. Res. (Davis); reference of memorial of socy. presented last session resp. docs. in H. B. M. Plantation Office on early history of • L. S. A. (20. 1. H. jol., 159.) 1860 Je. 5. To U. S. Senate. Petition; calendar of papers rel. to Amer. history from 1574 to 1688 prepared in H. B. M. Record Office. (36. 1. S. jol., 560.) AMERICAN ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC SHIP CANAL CO., OF N. Y. — Nicaragua Canal Concession; see Central America. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCY.; see NEGROES. COL- ONIZATION OF; see also PONS, SLAVER BARK AMERICAN GUANO CO.; see GUANO. NEUTRAL TERR. AMERICAN INSURANCE CO., OF N. Y., J. J. PALMER, RE- CEIVER 1852 Feb. 16. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying re- Vision of decision of Mexican claims comrs. (32. 1. S. jol., 206; 228.) AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSN. 1851 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; enactment of international copyright law. (31. 2. S. jol., 137.) — Feb. 7. To U. S. House. Do.; same. (31. 2. H. jol., 242.) 1852 May 17. To same. Do.; employment of surgeons on board emigrant vessels. (32. 1. H. jol., 707.) AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSN.; see SLAVETRADE AMERICAN PEACE SOCY. (O. BACHELER, COR. SECY.) 1838 Je. 30. To U. S. Senate. Petition; arbitration for tºwerican controversy. (25. 2. S. jol., 511; 544. — Jly. 2. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 1208.) 1839 Jan. 7. To Same. Do.; praying adoption of princi- ple of arbitration by congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 223.) 1840 Mch. 9. To U. S. Senate. Same. (26.1. S. jol., 229; S. doc. 267.) — Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Same. (26.1. H. jol., 719.) 1841 Jan. 14. To U. S. Senate. Do.; congress of nations to establish principles of international law. (26. 2. S. jol., 104.) — Jan. 15. To same. Same. (ib., 107.) — Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Do.; praying congress to Convene a Congress of nations. (26. 2. H. jol., 197.) — Jan. 21. To same. Same. (ib., 201.) — Feb. 25. To U. S. Senate. Same. (26. 2. S. jol., 209.) 1842 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Do.; in favor of arbitra- tion. (27. 2. H. jol., 253.) 1846 Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 1. S. jol., 138.) — Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Do.; measure for termi- nation of Mexican war. (29. 2. H. jol., 53.) 1847 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 159.) — Dec. 30. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 1. S. jol., 80.) 1848 Jan. 25. To U. S. House. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 290.) — Feb. 29. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 1. S. jol., 193.) 1850 Dec. 16. To same. Do.; favoring arbitration. (31. 2. S. jol., 37.) — Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 2. H. jol., 74.) 1851 Feb. 5. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Foote). Rpt. in favor of memorials of Amer. Peace Socy. praying adoption of measures for amicable adjust- ment of international controversies. (31. 2. S. rpt., 270.) 1852 Aug. 31. To U. S. House. Petition; favoring arbi- tration. (32. 1. H. jol., 1145.) — Dec. 21. To U. S. Senate. Same. (32. 2. S. jol., 45.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 49 AMERICAN PEACE SOCY. (0. BACHELER, COR. SECY.)— cont’d 1853 Feb. 22. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Under- - wood). Rpt., submitting res., in favor of memorial suggesting propriety of “securing in our treaties with other nations a provision for referring to de- cision of umpires all misunderstandings that cannot be satisfactorily adjusted by amicable negotiation.” (32. 2. S. rpt., 423.) — Dec. 29. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; favoring arbi- tration. (33. 1. S. jol., 68.) 1854 May 5. To U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 714.) — Dec. 18. To U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 2. S. jol., 49.) AMERICAN SOCY. FOR ENCOURAGING SETTLEMENT OF OREGON TERR. - 1831 Dec. 13. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying grant Of rights equal to those granted Hudson’s Bay Co., by Gr. Br. (22.1. H. jol., 44.) AMERICAN STATE PAPERS; see U. S. A. ARCHIVES AMES (ELI B.), OFILL. Amer. cons. for Hamburg, 1856–58; see U. S. A. Consular Service. AMES (HECTOR C.), OF N. Y. Amer. Cons. for Acapulco, 1852-54; see U. S. A. Consular Sery 1626. AMESBURY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) —º 9. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 162; 1838 Jan. 8. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 236.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719; 730.) —º 30. To same. In favor of arbitration. (ib., AMHERST (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) — Oct. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 162.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Do.; congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 349.) AMHERST (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol.) AMHERST COLLEGE. STUDENTS 1837 Sept. 23. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 87.) AMIN BEY, TURKISH NAVAL OFFICER See also Porter (W. D.). 1851 Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual message; clause referring to visit of Amin Bey. — Dec. 16. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Spkr. House of R. Rpt. of expenditures on acct. agt. of Sublime Porte. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 7.) 1853 Feb. 26. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks ; amdmt. to gen, apprp. bill providing for expenses of Amin Bey. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 877.) AMING, CHINAMAN; DEPONENT IN CASE OF THOS. HUNT AND CO.; see HUNT AMISTAD, SPAN. SCHR. On Je. 27, 1839, Amistad cleared at Havana for Puerto Principe, having on board besides the capt. and owner, a slave Antonio, property of the capt., and two passengers, Ruiz and Montez, Span. Subjects. The cargo consisted of 53 negroes, owned in part by Ruiz and Montez. On the voyage the negroes re- volted, killed the capt. and took possession of the vessel. The Amistad was finally seized by Capt. Sedney, Amer. brig Washington, off Montauk Point and taken to port of New Londón, 39 of the muti- neers were committed to trial in Conn. Judge U. S. circ. ct, refused case as without jurisdiction of ct., crime having been committed on Span. yessel on high seas. Release of negroes was refused as they were property held under libel filed Sept., 1839, by D distr. atty. Court rejected claims of alleged owners for restoration of negroes, but decreed that they should be delivered to President of U. S. A. for transportation to Africa. Supreme Ct., on appeal, modified the decree (16 Peters, 513), Šubsequently owners made application to govt. of U. S. A. for losses sustained through alleged failure of U. S. A. to comply witih treaty of 1795. References : . S. v. the Amistad, 15 Peters. Barker. Hist. of Amistad captives. New Haven, 1840. 8° Howland. The Amistad captives, vii, Proc. Worces: ter Antiq. Socy. (1885). Trial of prisoners of Amistad on writ of habeas corpus. Rpt. of trial . . . . speeches of counsel, etc., New York, 1839. 8°. STATUTORY MEASURES 1841 Jan. 8. Intr. in U. S. House, Curtis, N. Y.; bill (26. 2. H. R. 593) “to authorize enrolment . . . . of A mis- tad " ; approved Mch. 3, 1841. (26. 2. H. jol., 159; vi, St. L., 824.) 1844 Apr. 10. Intr. in U. S. House, Ingersoll, Penn.; bill (28. 1. H. R. 328) “to indemnify owners of A mis- tad.” (28. 1. H. jol., 763.) 1848 Aug. 3. Sen. amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill for 1849 “providing for apprin. for extinguishing A mistad claims.” (30. 1. S. jol., 529; do. Cong. Globe, 1031.) 1851 Feb. 19. Intr. in U. S. Senate, Mason, Va.; bill (31. 2. S. 471) “to indemnify owners of Amistad.” (31. 2. S. jol., 193.) 1852 Mch. 29. Intr. in U. S. Senate, same; bill (32. 1. S. 323) same. (32. 1. S. jol., 319.) 1858 Feb. 2. Intr. in U. S. Senate, same; bill (35. S. 114) same. (35. 1. S. jol., 151; 35. 2. S. jol., 7.) REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1839 Sept. 5. U. S. distr. atty., Conn. (Holabird) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Trial of negroes taken on A mistad. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185, 38.) Sept. 6. Span. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Calderon de la º to Forsyth. Africans taken on A mistad. (ib., 3. Sept. 9. Holabird to Forsyth. Offence of Amistad, negroes without jurisdiction of distr. cts. (ib., 39.) Sept. 13. Counsel of Amistad Africans (Staples and Sedgwick) to President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Address on behalf of clients. (ib., 62.) — Sept. 21. Holabird to Forsyth. Amistad proc. (ib., 40.) Oct. 3. Span. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Argaiz) to Forsyth. Decision in Amistad case. (ib., 12.) — Oct. 22. Same to Same. Protest agst. arrest of Ruiz and Montes. (ib., annex, 1.) — Oct. 28. U. S. atty., so. distr. N. Y. (Butler) to For- Syth. Corresp. With counsel of J. Ruiz. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185, 64.) — Nov. U. S. atty. gem. (Grundy). Opinion in case of A mistad. (ii, Op. attyS. gen., 1289; 26. 1. H. ex: doc. 185, 42; 57; H. ex: doc. 199, 71; 31. 2. H. ex: doc. 55, v. 2, 1289.) — Nov. 5. Argaiz to Forsyth. Renews protest of 22 ult. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185, 15.) —º, § Holabird to Same. Copies of ship's papers. 10., 42. — Nov. 18. Butler to Actg. Secy. State U. S. A. (Vail). Proc. in arrest of Ruiz and Montes. (ib., 66.) 4 50 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS AMISTAD, SPAN. SCHR.—cont’d REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1839 Nov. 26. Argaiz to Forsyth. Protest agst, reference Of A mistad case to common law ct. (ib., 20.) — Nov. 29. Same to same. Further protest. (ib., 24.) dº Same to Same. Same and Ruiz persecution. 1 O., 55. — Dec. 30. Same to same. Permission to transport A mistad negroes to Cuba. (ib., 37.) 1840 Jan. 3. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Paulding) to Forsyth. . Grampus Ordered to convey Amistad negroes to Cuba. (ib., 68.) — Jan. 27. U. S. House. Motion (Boardman, Conn.); inclusion of Armistad negroes in slave returns from Conn. for 1840 census. (26. 2. H. jol., 213.) — Feb. 10. Same. Res. (Adams, Mass.); corresp. on Spain's demand for Surrender of Amistad, negroes. (26. 1. H. jol., 373; viii, Cong. Globe, 179, 281.) — Apr. 24. Argaiz to Forsyth. Further demand for fºlution of Amistad and cargo. (26. 2. S. doc. 179, May 9. Forsyth to Argaiz. Maintains decision on reclamation for Amistad. (ib., 11.) May 12. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing, Mass.) to refer to Com. on Foreign Affairs doc. [26. 1. H. doc. 185] On A mistad capture. (26. 1. H. jol., 881; viii, Cong. Globe, 390.) — May 25. Same. Res. (Adams, Mass.); no legal au- thority exists in U. S. to detain Amistad negroes. (viii, Cong. Globe, 416.) — Jly. 2. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Pickens) submits Spain's protest of Oct. 22, 1839. (26.1. H. jol., 1194.) — Dec. 10. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.); apptmt. of select com. on alteration in H. doc. 185 of last session. (26. 2. H. jol., 28.) — Dec. 10. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks; tºporums his res. of even date. (ix, Cong. Globe, — Dec. 14. U. S. atty. gen. (Gilpin). Opinion; right of purchaser of Amistad to a register. (ii, op. attys. gen., 1371; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, v. 2, 1371.) — Dec. 31. U. S. select com. on alteration of doc. 185, 26c. 1 sess. (Adams). Rpt. (ix, Cong. Globe, 79.) — Dec. 31. L. Corthell to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ; *ons for register of Amistad. (26. 2. H. jol., 1841 Jan. 4. U. S. select com. on alleged falsification of H. doc. 185, 26c., 1 sess. Rpt. and testimony. (26. 2. H. rpt. 51.) Jan. 8. E. Curtis, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; sup- port of H. R. 593. (ix, Cong. Globe, 93.) Jan. 8. F. W. Pickens, repr. from S. C. Do.; same. (ib., 93.) Jan. 19. Argaiz to Forsyth. True sense of his rec- lamation in case of Amistad. (26. 2. S. doc. 179, 12.) — Feb. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Walker, Miss.); corresp. on Almistad negroes. (26. 2. S. jol., 164.) — Apr. 5. Argaiz to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Detention in Conn. Of Slave Antonio. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 191, 2.) — Apr. 11. Same to same. Transportation of slave Antonio to N. Y. (ib., 3.) — May 3. Webster to Argaiz. Efforts to discover An- tonio. (ib., 3.) — May 29. Argaiz to Webster. Arts. 8-10, treaty of 1795, violated by Amistad incident; claim for in- demnity. (ib., 4.) — Sept. 1. Webster to Argaiz. Executive powerless to amend decisions of Supreme Ct. (ib., 4.) Sept. 24. Argaiz to Webster. Questions right of ju- dicial decision by one nation of acts committed within terr. of another; recognition of right of search in case of Amistad. (ib., 7.) Sept. 24. Same to G. Valdes. Value of cargo of Amistad. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 83, 8.) AMISTAD, SPAN. SCHR.—cont’d REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d * 1841 Nov. 13. No. and value of slaves and cargo carried by Amistad from Havana; depositions, etc. (ib., 11.) —º, #. P. Montes. Loss on cargo of Amistad. ib., 9. 1842 Apr. 6. U. S. atty. gen. (Legare). Opinion; division of salvage money on A mistad. (ii, Op. attyS. gen., 1479; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, v. 2, 1479.) — Je. 21. Webster to Argaiz. Review of Amistad case. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 191, 11.) — Je. 27. Argaiz to Webster. Same. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 83, 2.) 1843 Feb. 27. President U. S. A. (Tyler). Message to U. S. House; recommends provision to refund Salv- age in case of Amistad. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 191, 1; H. jol., 492; iv, Mess. and Papers, 232.) 1844 Apr. 10. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Ingersoll). Adverse rpt. on Amistad case. (28. 1. H. rpt. 426; 29. 1. H. rpt. 753, 4.) — Apr. 18. U. S. House. Motion (Ingersoll, Penn.); to print 10,000 extra copies of rpt. of 10 inst. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 534.) — Apr. 18. J. R. Giddings, repr. from O. Remarks; opposing Ingersoll motion of even date. (ib., 534.) — Apr. 18. Same. Speech; same. (ib., app., 500.) — Dec. 4. Calderon de la Barca to Secy. State U. S. A. (Calhoun). Urging settlement of Amistad case. (29. 1. H. rpt. 753, 2; 31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 3.) 1846 Jan. 29. Same to same (Buchanan). Same. (ib., 3; ib., 4.) - — Mch. 19. Buchanan to chrm. Com. On Foreign Af- fairs. Urges favorable consideration of Amistad case. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 6; 29. 1. H. rpt. 753, 1.) — Apr. 19. Calderon de la Barca to Buchanan. Satis- faction at disposition of Amer. govt. in . A mistad case, (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 6.) Je. 18. Secr. de estado, Spain (Isturiz) to Calderon de la Barca. Instructions on Amistad claim. (ib., 7.) Sept. 20. Calderon de la Barca to Buchanan. Urges consideration of Amistad claim. (ib., 7.) — Dec. 29. Same to same. Same. (ib., 9.) 1847 Feb. 25. A. H. Sevier, sen. from Ark. Amdmt. to gen. apprin. bill providing indemnity to A mistad owners. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 506.) — Mch. 2. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks; on 51st Sen. amdmt. to gen. apprin. bill providing in- demnity to Amistad owners. (ib., app., 437.) — Mch. 2. Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan) to chrm. H. Com. on Ways and Means (McKay). Recom- mends favorable consideration of Sen. amdmt. to gen. apprin. bill providing indemnity to Amistad owners. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 11.) — Mch. 7. Calderon de la Barca to Buchanan. On re- fusal of House to agree to Sen. amdmt. (ib., 9.) — Mch. 19. Buchanan to Calderon de la Barca. His note of Mch. 2, has approval of President. (ib., 10.) — Oct. 28. Calderon de la Barca to Buchanan. Criti- cism on rpt. of Amer. actg. chargé in Spain (Rey- nolds) on Amistad. (ib., 11.) — Dec. 7. President U. S. A. (Polk). Annual message; clause recommending apprin. for distribution among A mistad, claimants. 1848 Jan. 4. J. R. Giddings, repr. from O. Remarks; on A mistad, clause in President’s meSS. of Dec. 7. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 101.) — Apr. 11. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hannegan, Ind.); to refer Amistad clause in President’s mess. to Com. on Foreign Relations. (30. 1. S. jol., 269.) — Aug. 8. J. A. Rockwell, repr. from Conn. Speech; Amistad case. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 1126.) — Aug. 22. Calderon de la Barca to Buchanan. Re- fusal of House to concur in S. amdmt. providing for Amistad owners. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 13.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 51 AMISTAD, SPAN. SCHR.—cont’d AMISTAD, SPAN. SCHR.—cont’d REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d REPORTs, CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1849 Nov. 20. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). A mistad claim. (ib., 15.) 1850 Mch. 25. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Speech; Amistad, etc., case. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 375.) — Mch. 28. R. S. Baldwin, Sen. from Conn. Speech; Amistad case, etc. (ib., 414.) — Aug. 14. Calderon de la Barca to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Urges consideration of pending Aſmis- tad claim. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 15; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 19, 5.) 1851 Jan. 8. Same to same. Same. (ib., 16; ib., 5; 32. 2. H. ex. doc. 20, 5.) Jan. 30. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.); pro- priety of paying Amistad claims. (31. 2. S. jol., 129; 134.) — Jan. 30. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks on his res. of even date. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, 385.) — Jan. 31. S. P. Chase, sen. from O. Remarks; op- posed to Mason res. of 30 inst. (ib., 401-402.) Jan. 31. H. Clay, Sen. from Ky. Remarks; favoring Mason res. (ib., 402.) Jan. 31. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Remarks; op- posed to Mason res. (ib., 401-402.) — Jan. 31. J. M. Mason. Remarks; further remarks in support of his res. (ib., 402.) Jan. 31. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foote, Miss.) ; cor- resp. with Spain on Amistad claim. (31. 2. S. jol., 132.) — Jan. 31. Same. Do. (Hale, N. H.); same. (ib., 132, 139.) Jan. 31. I. P. Walker, sen. from Wisc. Remarks; opposed to Mason res. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, 402.) — Jan. 31. R. C. Winthrop, sen. from Mass. Remarks; favorable to Mason res. (ib., 403.) — Feb. 19. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. pursuant to res. of Jan. 30. (31. 2. S. rpt. 301.) 1852 Mch. 2. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.); propriety of paying A mistad claims. (32. 1. S. jol., 262.) Mch. 29. J. M. Mason. Remarks; on S. 323. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 902-903.) Mch. 29. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 323. (32. 1. S. rpt. 158.) — Apr. 19. Calderon de la Barca to Webster. Appeal for reconsideration of payment of Amistad claim. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 19, 4; H. ex. doc. 20, 4.) — Nov. 11. Secr. de estado, Spain (Lis) to Calderon de la Barca. Instructions on A mistad claim. (ib., 3; ib., 3.) 1853 Jan. 6. Calderon de la Barca to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Payment of Amistad claim. (ib., 2; ib., 2 .) Jan. 17. Pres. U. S. A. (Fillmore). Mess. to con- gress on Amistad claim. (v, Mess. and Papers, 184; 32. 2. S. jol., 110; H. jol. 153; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 19, 1; H. ex. doc. 20, 1.) — Dec. 5. Same (Pierce). Ann. message; clause rec- ommending apprin. for Amistad claimants. — Dec. 21. J. R. Giddings, repr. from O. Speech; on above clause. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 52.) 1854 Jan. 16. Citizens of N. Y. State to U. S. House. Pe- tition; praying compensation to those who rescued A mistad captives. (33. 1. H. jol., 207.) — Jan. 17. Citizens of N. Y. City to U. S. Senate. Pe- tition; opposed to payment for Amistad slaves. (33. 1. S. jol., 103.) — Feb. 8. Citizens of N. Y. State to U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 338.) — Feb. 15. Citizens of Delaware Co. (N. Y.) to same. Same. (ib., 381.) — Feb. 20. Citizens of Mich. to same. Same. (ib., 400.) anº — Mch. 2. Citizens of Ill. to same. Same. (ib., 442.) — Mch. 3. Citizens of Ky. to same. Same. (ib., 446.) 1854 Mch. 8. Citizens of Penn. to same. Same. (ib., 465.) — Mch. 15. Citizens of Rush and Shelby COS., Ind., to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 391.) — Mch. 20. Citizens of Wisc. to U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 527.) — Mch. 25. Citizens of Ia. to same. Same. (ib., 561.) — Apr. 18. Citizens of Ludlow (Vt.) to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 325.) — Apr. 18. Citizens of Lorain Co. (O.) to U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 663.) — Apr. 24. Citizens of Penn. to U. S. House. Same. (ib., 681.) — May 15. Citizens of Rush Co. (Ind.) to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 391.) — May 15. Citizens of Shelby Co. (Ind.) to Same. Same. (ib., 391.) 1855 Feb. 22. Citizens of N. Y. State to same. Same. (ib., 399.) 1857 Dec. 8. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause recommending apprn. for Amistad claimants. 1858 Jan. 27. J. M. Leach, repr. from N. C. Speech; op- posed to apprin. for Amistad claimants. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 442.) Feb. 2. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. in favor of S. 114. (35. 1. S. rpt. 36.) — Dec. 6. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; opposed to S. 114. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 1-2.) — Dec. 6. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Do.; in favor of S. 114. (ib., 1-2.) — Dec. 6. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause on apprp. for A mistad claimants. 1859 Feb. 9. W. P. Fessenden, Sen. from Me. Remarks; favoring postponement of debate on A mistad. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 904.) — Feb. 9. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; in favor of S. 114. (ib., 904-905.) Feb. 9. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; opposed to S. 114. (ib., 904, 906.) — Dec. 19. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause recommending apprin. for Amistad claimants. 1860 Feb. 16. U. S. House. Res. (Bingham, O.); refer- ence of above clause. (36. 1. H. jol., 303, 515.) Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relative to stipulations in rejected treaty of Mch. 5, 1860, on Amistad claims. AMITY, AMER. SCHR. One of the prize claims under the Brazilian indemnity of 9 ; see also Brazil. Claims. 1828 Aug. 23 [24]. Amer. chargé at Rio (Tudor) to Secr. de Negoc. Estrang., Brazil (Aracaty). Case of Amity, etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 79.) 1829 Dec. 8. Brazilian cedulas in case of Amity, etc. (ib., 255.) AMITY, AMER. SHIP (LAMSON) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty with France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 9.) AMOA (HONDURAS) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service AMOOR RIVER See also Collins (P. McD.). 1856 Feb. 29. Amer. commercial agt. for Amoor River (Collins) to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Extr. from rpt. on Amoor River. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 98, 2.) Apr. 6. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Pro- posed route to St. Petersburg; overland route from Russia to Amoor. (ib., 5.) 52 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS AMOOR RIVER—cont’d 1856 Apr. 8. Marcy to Collins. Receipt of note of 6 inst. (ib., 5.) — Jly. 24. Collins to Marcy. Arrival at Cronstadt; season too far advanced to descend Amoor. (ib., 5.) — Aug. 9. Same to gov. of eastern Siberia (Moura- vieff). Asks permission to visit country of Amoor; official recognition not now pressed upon govt. of Russia. (ib., 8.) º Sept. 10. Same to Marcy. Substance of conversa- tion with gov. Mouravieff on purpose of Visit to Amoor. (ib., 6.) — Oct. 30. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia. (Sey- mour) to Collins. Passport granted by imperial govt. (ib., 9.) Nov. 30. Collins to Marcy. Sanction of Emperor obtained to visit “Eastern Ocean across Empire of Russia. * ; Russia not yet prepared to open Amoor to indiscriminate commerce, or to European explora- tion; ways by which trade could be advanced. (ib., 8 1857 Jan. 31. Same to same. Commerce of Nijne Now- gorod and Irkoutsk. (ib., 11.) — Mch. 4. Same to same. Information concerning * Siberia and Mai-mat-tSchin, Mongolia. (ib., 18. — May 5. Asst. Secy. State U. S. A. (Appleton) to Col- lins. Receipt of despatches, noS. 1-4, 1856, and no. 1, 1857. (ib., 20.) 1858 Feb. 13. Same to same. Departure from post sanc- tioned; State Dept. pleased to receive rpt. of district embraced within commercial agency. (ib., 65.) Mch. 6. Collins to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Fur- ther rpt. of exploration of Amoor country. (ib., 22.) Mch. 6. Same to same. Rpt. on countries traversed in voyage to Amoor. (ib., 20.) Mch. 24. Same to same. Transmits map of Atmoor River; do. showing relative position of northern Asia and Amer. Pacific coast. (ib., 65.) — Mch. 30. Same to same. Transmits map of prov. of * Trans-Baikail. (ib., 65.) — Apr. 2. Same to same. Provisions of act establish- ing “Society of Amoor.” (ib., 65.) AMORY (JOHN E.) Amer. vice-cons.-gen. in British India ; see also U. S. A. Consular service. 1857 Dec. 10. To Amer. cons. gen., Br. India (Huffnagle). Estimate of expenses of consulate general at Cal- cutta. (35. 2. H. ex: doc. 68, 32.) 1858 Jan. 23. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed). Affairs at Calcutta; shipping interests; no man-of- war in port, notwithstanding magnitude of Amer. interests. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 216.) AMORY (NATHANIEL) Secy. Texan legation in U. S. A. and aetg. chargé, 1841- 42 ; see also Texas. 1841 May 19. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Indian aggression agst. property of J. W. Robertson in violation of art. 33, treaty of 1831, betw. Mexico and U. S. A. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 14, 56.) — Oct. 12. To same. Protest agst, conclusions drawn from abstr. of corresp. presented by Secy. of War, U. S. A. (Bell), Sept. 11. (ib., 66.) AMOY (CHINA); see CHINA AMPREHENDEDOR, BRAZ. BRIG (POITIERS) 182? Captures Span. vessel Escuderra during blockade of Buenos Airean coast. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 27.) AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service AMSTERDAM (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Petition; vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 85.) AMTHER (JULIUS) 1857 Aug. 17. U. S. atty, gen. (Black). Opinion; ex- patriation in case of Amther, native of Bavaria, nat- uralized in U. S. A. (ix, op. attyS. gen., 62.) ANACONDA, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. (KNIGHT) 1836 Oct. 17. Br. comrs. for suppression of slavetrade (Schenley and Madden) to Amer. cons., Havana (Trist). Anaconda to sail as slaver under Amer. flag. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 3; 147; H. ex. doc. 115, 6; 255.) ANAïS, FRENCH SCHR. (LEMANTOUR) 1847 Je. 20. M. Azcona, mariner. Declaration; Anaïs; etc. (31. 1. H. rpt. 16, 20.) ANAïS, FRENCH SHIP 1857 Mch. 12 [7]. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Coolie tragedy on Anaïs ; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1218.) ANCHORENA (TOMAS MANUEL) DE Ministr. ad int de gobierno y relac, est., Argentine Rep. in 1830; see Argentine Republic. ANCíZAR (MANUEL) Ministr. de relac. est. of New Grenada, 1847–48; see Colombia. ANCONA (ITALY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ANDERS, SWEDISH BRIG (HAEGER) 1826 Dec. 22. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. State U. S. (Clay). Capture of Anders; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 69.) 1827 Jan. 9. Same to same. Same. (ib., 74.) — Jan. 17. Same to ministr. relac. est. Brazil (Inham- bupe). Same. (ib., 84.) — May 31. Same to Clay. Case of Anders. (ib., 112.) ANDERSON (CHARLES E.) OF N. Y. Secy. Amer. legation in France in 1836; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1837 Aug. 5. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Modifl- cation of duties on tobacco imported into France. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 154.) — Oct. 30. [unnum. extr.] To same. French govt. re- lies on rpt. of baron Pasquier for defence of tobacco monopoly. (26.1. H. ex: doc. 229, 13.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1856 May 14. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (34. 1. S. 311) “for relief of C. E. Anderson.” (34.1. S. jol., 325; 442.) 1860 Mch. 13. Intr., same; bill (36. 1. S. 272) same. (36. 1. S. jol., 244; 431; 36. 2. S. jol., 145.) — Mch. 30. Intr., Morris, Penn.; bill (36. 1. H. R. 551) º same. (36. 1. H. jol., 635.) REPORTS, MEMORIALS, ETC. 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying com- pensation for additional services. (25. 2. H. jol., 407; 645. - 1848 * 5. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 1. S. jol., 534.) 1855 Feb. 19. To same. Same. (33. 2. S. jol., 284.) 1856 Apr. 25. U. S. Senate. Motion (Mason, Va.); refer- ence of Anderson memorial. (34.1. S. jol., 280.) — May 11. U. S. Com. Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 311. (34. 1. S. rpt., 171.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 53 ANDERSON (CHARLES E.) OF N. Y.-cont’d Claim of—cont’d REPORTS, MEMORIALS, ETC.—cont’d 1860 Mch. 9. U. S. Senate. Motion (Mason, Va.); refer- ence of Anderson memorial. (36. 1. S. jol., 234.) — Mch. 13. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 272. (36. 1. S. rpt. 136.) — Mch. 26. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- * for additional services. (36. 1. H. jol., — Mch. 30. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Morris). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 551. (36. 1. H. rpt. 316.) 1861 Jan. 25. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Remarks; op- posed to S. 272. (36. 2. Cong. Globe, 559.) ANDERSON (FRANK P.), MEMBER OF WALKER FILIBUS- TERING EXPEDITION 1857 Dec. 20. To comdr. U. S. frigate Susquehanna (Sands). Asks whether men under his command will be interfered with should they enter harbor of San Juan del Norte. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 5.) —º, º To same. Turns over str. Ogden to U. S. A. 1D., 5. — Dec. 24. To same. Surrenders to U. S. A. (ib., 6.) ANDERSON (G. C.), ATTY. GEN. BAHAMA IS. 1841 Nov. 13. To gov. Bahamas (Cockburn). Boarding of Creole. (27. 2. S. doc. 51, 8.) ANDERSON (H. J.), GOV. OF ME. 1845 Mch. 12. To legisl. of Me. Authority to apply to U. S. Congress for remuneration for land conveyed under treaty of Washington. (32. 2. S. rpt. 361, 22.) ANDERSON (J. PATTON) Delegate from Washington terr. to U. S., 34th congress, 1856-57. 1856 Dec. 26. To U. S. House. Petition; Hudson’s Bay etc., Agric. Co. (34. 3. H. jol., 164.) 1856 Aug. 4. Remarks; urges execution of art. 1, treaty of 1846 with Gr. Br. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 1912.) 1857 Jan. 17. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying rights of Hudson’s Bay, etc., Co. be extinguished. (34. 3. H. jol., 242.) ANDERSON (JAMES H.), OF OHIO Amer. Cons. for Hamburg in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular Service. ANDERSON (JOHN), CLAIMANT W.S. FRANCE 1837 Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Petition of Kinnard and Anderson reprS. of Anderson and Moody; remunera- tion for French spoliations prior to 1800. (24. 2. H. jol., 273.) 1847 Jan. 7. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Anderson et al; same. (29. 2. S. jol., 89.) ANDERSON (JOHN), CLAIMANT W.S. GR. BRITAIN Statutory Measures 1854 May 11. Intr., Wade, O.; bill (33. 1. S. 369) “for relief of legal repres. of John Anderson.” (33. 1. S. jol., 388, 468.) Correspondence, etc. - 1846 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Petition; compensation for losses in war of 1812. (29. 1. H. jol., 262; 415.) — Mch. 9. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 1. S. jol., 183.) 1852 Jan. 2. To same. Same. (32. 1. S. jol., 90; 504.) 1854 Jan. 18. U. S. Senate. Motion (Stuart, Mich.); An- derson petition referred to Com. Of Claims. (33. 1. S. jol., 109.) ANDERSON (JOHN), CLAIMANT VS. GR. BRITAIN–cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1854 May 11. U. S. S. Com. of Claims. Rpt. to acc. S. 369. (33. 1. S. rpt. 265.) — Je. 30. J. A. Bayard, sen. from Del. Remarks; op- posed to S. 369. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1580.) — Je. 30. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Do.; supporting S. 369. (ib., 1580.) — Je. 30. C. E. Stuart, sen. from Mich. Do.; Same. (ib., 1580.) ANDERSON (JOHN), FUGITIVE SLAVE Charged with murder in Mo. in 1860; fled to Canada, where, through efforts of officials of Mo., he was im- prisoned in town of Brantford. Ensuing proc. in- volved construction of art. 10, Ashburton treaty. A. was tried and released on a technicality. 1860 Oct. 2. Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) to W. D. Irvine. Request for surrender of Anderson. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 11, 2.) — Nov. 2. Same to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons). Information that requisition for Sur- render of A. has never been forwarded to Canada. (ib., 2.) — Nov. 3. Lyons to Cass. Requisition forwarded to London direct. (ib., 3.) 1861 Jan. 16. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Black). Proc. in case of A. attempt to defeat operation of art. 10, Ashburton treaty; comment; docs. and papers in case. (ib., 4.) — Feb. 11. U. S. House. Res. (Green, Mo.); calling for corresp. in case of A. (36. 2. S. jol., 213; 311.) ANDERSON (JOHN) Repr. from Me., 19 to 22 congress, 1825-33. 1829 Feb. 28. Remarks; expediency of apprin. to con- struct military road in Me. (v, Reg. Debates, 385.) ANDERSON (JOSEPH), COMPTROLLER TREASURY, U. S. A. 1831 Nov. 11. To Secy. Treasury (McLane). Tonnage duty exacted on French vessels from Martinique and Guadeloupe. (22. 1. H. doc. 21, 8.) ANDERSON (MARTIN P.), DEPONENT IN CASE OF CYRUS; See CYRUS ANDERSON (R. W.) 1847 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; favoring Vigor- ous prosecution of war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 76.) ANDERSON (RICHARD C.) E. E. and M. P. of U. S. A. to Congress of Panama : See Panama CongreSS. ANDERSON (RICHARD W.) 1852 Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Letter relative to domestic and foreign policy U. S. A. (32. 1. H. jol., 247.) ANDERSON (ROBERT), CLAIMANT; see MACAULEY (A.) ANDERSON (SAMUEL) 1836 Feb. 4. Intr., Fuller, N. Y.; bill (24. 1. H. R. 274) “for relief of S. Anderson.” (24. 1. H. jol., 294.) — Feb. 4. U. S. Com. on Claims (Fuller). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 274 for salvage in case of Span. brig Guerrero and H. B. M. armed Schr. Nimble (Hol- land). (24. 1. H. rpt. 268.) ANDERSON (T. S.), CAPT. H. B. M. SHIP ARCHER 1858 Nov. To Secy. H. B. M. Admiralty. Boarding of Amer. brig Anglo-Saacon. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 306.) ANDERSON (THOMAS), MASTER * AMER. BRIGANTINE RUFUS SOULE; see RUFUS SOULE 54 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs ANDERSON (THOMAS D.) Amer, cons. for Tripoli, 1816–25; see U. S. A. Consular Sel"W1Ce. Statutory Measures 1852 Mch. 29. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (32. 1. S. 322) “for relief of . . . . Anderson, late cons., etc.” (32. 1. S. jol., 315, 376.) 1854 Mch. 30. Intr., Clayton, Del.; bill (33. 1. S. 301) Same; appra. Jan. 13, 1855. (33. 1. S. jol., 292, 376; X, St. L., 842.) Correspondence, etc. 1836 Jan. 18. To U. S. House. Petition; adjustment of accts. agst. U. S. A. (24. 1. H. jol., 202; 1116.) 1848 Apr. 14. To U. S. Senate. Petition of reprs. of A.; gºyanº of certain expenditures. (30. 1. S. jol., 277. 1849 Jan. 5. U. S. Senate. Motion (Sturgeon, Penn.); reference of Anderson petition to Com. on Foreign Relations. (30. 2. S. jol., 103.) 1852 Jan. 26. U. S. Senate. Motion (Norris, N. H.); same. (32. 1. S. jol., 149.) — Feb. 26. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; reprs. of A.; allowance of accts. of Anderson. (ib., 233.) — Mch. 29. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 322. (32. 1. S. rpt. 157; 33. 1. S. rpt. 187, 1.) 1854 Feb. 1. Same. Do. (Clayton, Del.); same. S. jol., 148.) — Mch. 30. U. S. Com. Foreign Relations (Clayton). Rpt. to acc. S. 301. (33. 1. S. rpt. 187.) * (33. 1. ANDERSON (THOMAS L.) Repr. from Mo. to 35-36 congress, 1857-60. 1859 Jan. 10. Speech; favoring acquisition of Cuba and settlement of Spanish differences. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 296.) ANDERSON (W. E.), WITNESS AGST. SLAVE-DEALERS 1851 Je. 11. Deposition relative to agency of Clapp and Smith in furthering African slavetrade in port of Rio de Janeiro. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 73, 5.) 1852 Apr. 22. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Remarks; support of Finance Com. amdmt. to deficiency bill re-imbursing Anderson. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 1167.) — JIy. 21. Apprn. to re-imburse AnderSon for loss of time, etc.; clause in deficiency bill, 1851/2. (x, St. L., 21.) 1853 Mch. 3. Same; clause in civil and dipl. apprin. bill, 1853/4. (ib., 203.) ANDERSON (S. C.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial; VS. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 1164.) 1854 May 25. To same. Memorial; proc. of public mtg. relative to imprisonment of W. M. Gibson. (33. 1. H. jol., 931.) 1856 Apr. 28. To same. Same. (34. 1. H. jol., 893.) ANDONY (CHARLES), OF ALA. Amer. cons. for Napoléon Vendée in 1850; see U. S. A. Consular service. ANDOVER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Do.; Suppression of slavetrade. (25. 3. H. jol., 599.) Feb. 18. To same. Do.; congress of nations. (ib., 609.) 1845 Mch. 3. To U. S. Senate. tion. (28. 2. S. jol., 236.) DO.; Vs. Texan annexa- ANDOWER (MASS.) CITIZENS-cont’d 1846 Dec. 28. To U. S. House. Do.; termination of Mexi- can War. (29. 2. H. jol., 99.) 1852 Jan. 7. To same. Do.; expenses of Amer. contribu- tors to London exhibition. (32. 1. H. jol., 181.) ANDOWER (O.) CITIZENS 1840 May 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) ANDOWER (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) 1838 Mch. 26. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 663.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 573.) ANDOWER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1850 Mch. 11. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; in favor of arbitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 205.) — Mch. 11. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 653.) ANDRADA MACHADO E SILVA (A. C. R.) DE; see RIBEIR0 DE ANDRADA ANDRADE (F. X. DA COSTA A.) DE; see COSTA AGUIAR, ETC. - ANDRADE (JOSEPH BONIFACI0), BRAZILIAN STATES- MAN. 1829 Aug. 1. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren). Return of Andrade; etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 224.) ANDRADE (JUAN J. [P. P]), GOV. STATE OF PUEBLA 1832 Jan. 25. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Alaman). Imprisonment of Jas. Johnson. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 431.) — May 29. To same (Monasterio). Detention of D. J. Walker. (ib., 441.) ANDREW, AMER. BRIG (COGGINS) n. d. Summary of award under act to carry into effect treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 10.) ANDREW CO. (MO.) CITIZENS 1844 May 31. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; VS. Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 313.) ANDREW RING, AMER. BRIG (FRANKLIN); see GARCIA (J.) ANDREWS (CHARLES) Representative from Me. to 32d congress, 1851-53. 1852 Feb. 25. Speech; in favor of Me. res. of Jan. 16, extending invitation to KOSSuth; question of in- tervention. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 208.) ANDREWS (ISRAEL D.), OF ME. Amer. cons. for St. John’s, N. B., 1843-48 ; agt. for Ü. Š. A. to negotiate reciprocity treaty' of isãº; Amer. cons. gen. in Canada, 1855-57 ; See also U. S. A. Consular service. See also Reciprocity. Com- mercial. 1860 Je. 6. To U. S. congress. Memorial; reciprocity treaty with Gr. Br., and trade with Br. No. Amer. colonies. (36. 1. H. misc. doc. 92.) — Je. 11. To U. S. Senate. DO.; same. (36. 1. S. jol., 609.) Je. 12. To U. S. House. Do.; same. (36. 1. H. jol., 1069.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 55 ANDREWS (ISRAEL D.), OF ME.-cont’d Claim of 3. 1858 Je. 1. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; pay- ment of accts. Of A. as agt. of U. S. A. in connection with reciprocity treaty of 1854. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 2572-73.) — Je. 1. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Do.; same. - (ib., 2572.) — Je. 1. U. S. Senate. Papers in relation to Andrews’ claim. (35. 1. S. jol., 565.) — Je. 12. Sundry civil bill for 1859; clause providing ſº fººtment of accts. of I. D. Andrews. (xi, St. ., 327. The New York Public Library bas some unpublished letters concerning the payment of Andrews’ accts. written by Rufus Choate and Fletcher Webster to Robt. Toombs. ANDREws (J. H.), CLAIMANT vs. MEXICO ‘ Claim is for quantity of white wax, seized at Alvarado in 1827, on alleged ground of its being of Spanish origin. Claim referred to umpire under Mex. Claims Comm., 1839, and allowance made. n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 51.) n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 51; H. doc. 3, 53.) 1828 Aug. 25. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett) to ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Cañedo). Pro- test agst. confiscation of cargo of white wax. (25. 2. H. doc. 35 (annex), 248.) 1830 Apr. 1. Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Butler. Andrews’ claim. (ib., 62.) & 1831 Feb. 26. Same to same. (ib., 71.) 1837 Nov. 18.* Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Mar- tinez) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Andrews’ *::::) asserts previous Settlement. (25. 2. H. doc. 3, 129. ANDREWS (JOHN H.) 1830 Mch. 11. To U. S. Senate. Petition; indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 180.) ANDREWS (JOHN P.) 1844 Dec. 10. To U. S. House. Petition; permanent ct. for ºnent of international disputes. (28. 2. H. jol., 55. 1845 Dec. 16. To same. Do.; same. (29. 1. H. jol., 115.) 1846 Dec. 30. To same. Do.; indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 113.) 1847 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Do.; adoption of principle of arbitration. (29. 2. S. jol., 78.) Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Do.; termination of Mexi- can war. (29. 2. H. jol., 163.) — Jan. 25. To same. Same. (ib., 227.) Feb. 19. To same. Do.; apptmt. of J. C. Calhoun as minister to Mexico. (ib., 386.) — Dec. 20. To same. Do.; adoption of principle of ar- bitration. (30. 1. H. jol., 118.) — Dec. 20. To same. Do.; peace with Mexico. (ib., 113.) 1848 Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Do.; adoption of principle of arbitration. (30. 1. S. jol., 160.) 1850 Feb. 20. To same. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 167.) 1852 Dec. 29. To same. Same. (32. 2. S. jol., 59.) 1856 Apr. 30. To same. Do.; Suppression of coolie trade. (34. 1. S. jol., 291.) - ANDREWS (SAMUEL D.), OF ME. Amer. cons. for St. John's, N. B., in 1850; see U. S. A. Consular service. ANDREws (WILLIAM M.) OF MASS. Amer. cons, for Malta, 1834–46; see U. S. A. Consular service. * In this letter Andrews' name is erroneously prêd. ** John Parker.” ANDROMACHE, AMER. SHIP (LAING) n. d. Summary of award under act to carry into effect treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 10.) - ANDUAGA (JOAQUIN) DE, SECRETARIO DE ESTADO, SPAIN 1822 Oct. 16. To R. W. Meade. Protest agst. declaration of Amer. comrs. under Florida treaty of nullity of Spain's liquidation of Meade claim. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58, 48; 22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 42; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 43; 24. 1. H. ex: doc. 236, 55; 27. 2. H. rpt. 457; 33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 64; H. rpt. 5, 65.) ANFORA, DEI DUCHI DI LUCCIGNANO (GIUSEPPE) Cons. gen. of Two Sicilies in U. S. A., and 1860-61, actg. chargé ; see Two Sicilies. Consular service. ANGEL (BENJAMIN F.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons, for Honolulu in 1854; see U. S. A. Consular service; min. res. U. S. A. in Sweden, 1858-61 ; See U. S. A. Diplomatic service. ANGELITA, AMER. BARK 1859 Feb. 1. Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb) to U. S. customs collector, Savannah (Boston). Case of Angelita. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 639.) ANGLO-FRENCH WAR; see CHINA, that title ANGLO-MEXICAN MINT CO., B.R. SUBJECTS Claim vs. U. S. A. for loss caused by order of U. S. prohibiting export of gold from Mexico. 1854 Mch. 13. Synopsis of award under conv. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 76.) ANGLO-SAXON, AMER. BRIG Boarded in Oct. 1858, 2 days out from Goree, in 14° n., 19° W., by EI. B. M. str. Archer (Anderson). 1858 Nov. Comdr. H. B. M. str. Archer (Anderson) to Secy. H. B. M. Admiralty. Boarding of Anglo-Saa.on. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 306.) 1859 Feb. 20. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Papers recounting visit of Anglo-Saacon by Archer. (ib., 305.) Feb. 26. Malmesbury to Dallas. Br. govt. has recd. version of visit of Anglo-Saacort from Comdr. Of Archer. (ib., 306.) — Mch. 3. Dallas to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Pro- test to Br. govt. in case of Anglo-Saq:0m. (ib., 304.) ANGOSTURA (VENEZUELA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ANGULO (BERNARD0 GONZALEZ); see GONZALEZ AN- GULO ANKARLOO (DAVID GUSTAF) Chargé in U. S. A. for Sweden and Norway in 1832-33 ; see Sweden. Diplomatic service. ANN, AMER. BRIG (ELDRIDGE) Claim vs. Mexico for detention at Vera Cruz in 1829, referred to umpire under Mex. Claim Comm., 1839 and allowance made. n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 54.) 1829 Jly. 9. Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Instructions. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 33.) 1833 Apr. 26. Same (LivingSton) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Ann claim. (ib., 103.) 1846 Mch. 16. C. Callaghan, claimant, to U. S. Senate. Payment of awards under conv. with Mexico. (29. 1. S. jol., 193.) 56 & INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ANN, AMER. BRIG (ELDRIDGE)—cont’d 1853 Mch. 1. Same to U. S. House. Do. (32. 2. H. jol., 352.) 1854 Aug. 12. Same to same. Do. (33. 1. H. jol., 1249.) ANN, AMER. BRIG (SPALDING) n. d. Summary of award under conv. with France of 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 10.) ANN, AMER. SHIP (BRADFORD) n. d. Summary, etc., as in preceding title. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 10.) ANN, AMER. SHIP (PENDERGAST) n, d. Summary, etc., as in preceding title. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 10.) ANN, BR. BRIG; SALWAGE CLAIM; see BALCH (J.) JR. ANN ARBOR (MICH.) CITIZENS 1845 Feb. 15. To U. S. Senate. Petition; cession of Can- ada. (28. 2. S. jol., 173.) 1846 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 190.) ANN BALLARD, AMER. SCHR. (GORTON) n. d. Summary of award under treaty with France of 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 11.) ANN ELIZABETH, AMER. BRIG 1856, Je. 27. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; no indictment lies agst. master of Ann Elizabeth for irregular discharge of N. Summers in port of St. Thomas. (vii, opS. attyS. gen., 730.) ANN AND HARRIET, AMER. SCHR. (SHEARMAN) n. d. Summary of award under treaty with France of 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 10.) ANNA, AMER. BARK (WHEELER) Boarded 30 m. m. e. off Havana, Mch. 28, 1858, by H. B. M. sloop Stya. 1858 May 26. Wheeler. Deposition of boarding of Anna. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 61, 35; H. ex. doc. 132, 43.) ANNA, AMER. SHIP (JOHNSON) n. d. Summary of award under treaty with France of 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 11.) - ANNA ELIZABETH, AMER. BRIG Detained at Tampico in 1829, because of alleged fraud in register. 1829 Feb. 10. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Bocanegra) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Poinsett). Release of Ann Elizabeth ordered. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 270.) — Feb. 12. Poinsett to Bocanegra. Proc. in case of Anna Elizabeth. (ib., 271.) — Mch. 14. Bocanegra to Poinsett. Same. (ib., 273.) — Apr. 30. Poinsett to Bocanegra. On rpt. of Amer. cons. at Tampico on detention of Anna Elizabeth. (ib., 279.) — May 20. Bocanegra to Poinsett. Detention of brig. (ib., 283.) ANNA WUAN, AMER. BRIG 1833 Jly. 6. J. de Sorva to minister of war and marine, º Case of Anna Wuam ; etc. (34. 3. S. rpt., 397, 95. ANNALS OF CONGRESS; DISTRIBUTION OF; see INTER- NATIONAL EXCHANGE ANNEXATION See also Canada; Central America; Foster vs. Neilson : Mexico; Monroe doctrine; Recognition; Sovereignty, change of. 1837 Sept. 19. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.); power of annexing people of any independent foreign state not delegated by constitution to congress. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) 1841 Jan. 7. T. H. Bayley, repr. from Va. Speech; for- eign terr. can be acquired by bill or joint res. Of Con- gress. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 102.) — Feb. 27. I. C. Bates, sen. from Mass. Remarks; congress has power to admit foreign terr. into Union. (ib., 361.) — Feb. 27. J. McP. Berrien, Sen. from Ga. Remarks; maintaining constitutional power of govt. to admit foreign state. (ib., 360.) 1850 Jan? 21. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Speech; consti- tutionality of acquisition of terr. through treaty- mňaking power; etc. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 58.) — Mch. 11. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. Question ad- dressed to Webster concerning power of congress to make a compact with foreign nation. (ib., 502.) — Mch. 11-12. D. Webster, Sen. from Mass. Remarks in reply to Hale, on contracts with foreign power for acquisition of terr. (ib., 502; 508.) American 1844-45; see Canada. 1845; see Africa; New Brunswick. 1845-54; see Cuba. 1846; see China; Texas. 1847; see Mexico. 1848; see Yucatan. 1849; see Central America; i. e., Honduras, Nicaragua, Salvador. 1850; see Horse-shoe Reef. 1850-51; see Haiti. 1854; see Hawaii. 1858; see Mexico. British 1840-43; California; see that title. 1840-60; Mosquito protectorate; see Central America. 1849; Tigre Is...; see Central America. 1852; Bay Islands; see Central America. 1855; Ovalan Is...; see Fiji Is. Spanish 1861; see Santo Domingo. ANNITIA; see AZMITIA ANSON (WILLIAM H.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Chihuahua, 1848-49; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. ANT, AMER. SCHR. (PARROT) n. d. Summary of award under treaty with France of 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 11.) ANTARCTIC, AMER. SHIP; see SAN FRANCISCO, AMER. STR. ANTELOPE, H. B. M. STR. 1857 Jly. Captures Amer. slaver schrs. Joseph H. Record and Jupiter off Praya Nova; see Joseph H. Record and Jupiter. - 1858 Sept. 6. Comdr. U. S. S. Marion (Brent) to senior officer comdg. African station, H. B. M. R. N. (Wise). Thanks for services of Antelope. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 558). — Sept. 6. Wise to Brent. Receipt of his of even date. (ib., 559.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 57 ANTHON (HENRY) JR, OF N. Y. Amer. Vice-cons. for Hong Kong in 1852; do. for Batavia in 1857; cons. for Batavia, 1859-61; see also U. S. A. Consular scrwice. Vice-consul, Hong Kong 1852 May 19. To Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Par- ;} Case of Robert Bowme. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, Vice-consul, Batavia 1857 Nov. 20. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed). Case of Kate Hooper; coolie trade and power of cons. in relation thereto. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 67.) sº Oonsul at Batavia 1860 Apr. 30. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) [enclosure in no. 6]. Mutiny on board Amer. merchantman Stagh Ownd. (37. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 6.) — May 1. To Same [no. 6]. Staghound mutiny; Sug- gests ºwns of U. S. cruiser near straits of Sunda. (ib., 3. — May 8. To same [no. 7]. Extr. from Chinese “Overland Trade Rpt.” of Apr. 14, protesting agst. continuance of coolie trade; tragedy on board Amer. ship Messenger. (ib., 16.) ANTHONY (DAVID), CLAIMANT; see BOWERS (J.) ANTHONY (HENRY B.), SENATOR FROM R. I. 1860 Je. 18. Remarks; opposed to apprn. for carrying out Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (36. 1. Cong. Globe, 3114.) — Je. 22. Do.; opposed to reduction of amt. due E. G. Squier. (ib., 3241.) ANTIGONE, PACKET, CONCERNED IN ARREST OF FRENCH WICE-CONS. CARRERE AT VERA CRUZ; see CARRERE ANTOINE (JEAN BAPTISTE CHARLES), OF FRANCE Amer. cons. for Sedan, 1850-[54] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. ANTOINE Y ZAYAS (JUAN) Secretario de estado, Spain, during 12th-13th ministries under Isabel II, 1840; see Spain. Civil service. ANTONELLI (GIACOMO) Minister foreign affairs Pontifical States. 1853 Mch. 31. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Advice of mission of Mgr. Bedini. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 23, 2.) 1859 JIy. 26. to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Pontifical states (Stockton). Claim of E. N. Perkins granted. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 4, 7.) ANTONIUS, BELGIAN GALLIOT 1836 Feb. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Howard). Rpt. in favor of refunding excess duty. (24. H. rpt. 333, 4.) ANTROBUS (GIBBS CRAWFORD) H. B. M. chargé ad int. In U. S. A., 1819-20 ; see Gr. Britain. Diplomatic service. 1819 May 10. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams). Re- quests Surrender of crew of pirate Louisa (Al- meida). (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 45.) — May 13. To same. Requests postponement of trial of crew of Louisa. (ib., 50.) – Oct. 1. To same. England declines to prosecute Crew of Louisa. (ib., 50.) ANTWERP (BELGIUM) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ANTWERP (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1844 Mch. 5. To U. S. House. Petition; VS. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 513.) APIA, NAVIGATOR IS. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service APPENZELL, I. R. (CANTON). COUNCIL 1858 Mch. 31. To Federal council. Restrictions agst. Jews in force in canton. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 49.) — Apr. 1. To same. Same. (ib., 49.) APPLEBY (GILMAN), MASTER AMER. STR. CAROLINE; see CANADA. INSURRECTION, 1837/8 APPLETON (JOHN), OF ME., 1815–64 Chief clerk, State Dept., U. S. A., Jan, 26-Mch. 39, 1848; Amer." chargé in Bolivia, 1848-1849; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service; representative from Me... to U. S. 32d congress, 1851-53; secy. Amer. legation in fondon, feb. Nov., 1855; Asst. Secy. State, U.S. A., 1857-60; counsel for Amer... claimants under Paraguayan claims conv. of 1853. (see Paragºy, Claims); Amer. E. E. and . M. P. in Russia, 1860- 61; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Representative from Me. 1851 Dec. 31. Remarks; reception of Kossuth. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 179.) - 1852 Aug. 5. Amdmt. to civil, etc., apprin. bill providing extra compensation for lieut. D. N. Porter, U. S. N. (ib., 2096.) — Aug. 5. Remarks; compensation to J. R. Brodhead, as Amer. chargé in London. (ib., 2096.) Asst. Secy. of State, U. S. A. Correspondence; Consular AMooR RIVER, Collins, com’l. agt. 1857 May 5. Receipt of despatches nos. 1-4 (1856) and no. 1 (1857). (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 98, 20.) 1858 Feb. 13. Departure from post sanctioned; Dept. pleased to receive rpt. of distr. embraced in agency. (ib., 65.) HAVANA, Blythe, Cons. gen. 1857 Je. 3. Proc. in case of Cortez approved; disposition of slavetrade despatches. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 91.) 1859 Jan. 31. Detention of C. Perkins witnesses. (ib., 302.) 1860 Mch. 8. Dept. gratified at decision of gov. gen. Of Cuba to suspend proc. agst. Liafio. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 230; H. ex. doc. 54, 8.) — May 5. Approves course proposed in resp. to Amer. vessels cleared at Havana. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 422.) SAVAGE, Vice-cons. gen. 1858 Je. 18. Instructions in case of Lydia Gibbs. 106.) — Aug. 18. Not expedient to send Nancy to U. S. for trial. (ib., 108.) Sept. 7. Amer. papers of Cortez. (ib., 203.) (ib., HANSEATIC CITIES, Ricker, cons. gen. 1857 May 20. Name of De Puy, late cons. at Carlsruhe, erased from consular list. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 9.) 1860 Apr. 5. Protection of naturalized citizens. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 38, 237.) JERUSALEM, Gorham, COnS. 1858 Apr. 16. Conduct of Dickson affair. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 29.) MATANZAS, Martin, cons. 1860 Jan. 11. Information wanted concerning Rufus Soulé. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 387.) 58 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS APPLETON (JOHN), OF ME., 1815–64—cont’d ASSt. Secy. Of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence; Consular—cont’d MAURITIUs, Fairfield, cons. 1857 Oct. 17. Decision in case of Robert Harding. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 12.) MUNICH, Ten Brook, cons. 1859 Mch. 12. Permission for A. Wittelshofer to revisit Bavaria. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 191.) *- º; 4. Rpt. of proc. in case of Wittelshofer. (ib., 206. 1860 Mch. 18. Information wanted in case of Weidmann. (ib., 236.) NEW PROVIDENCE, Merritt, cons. 1860 Feb. 9. Br. jurisdiction exercised over Key Verd previous to 1858. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 23.) ST. JoEIN's (N. B.), Latimer, cons. 1857 Apr. 9. Circ. of 1856, prohibiting Amer. cons. from * in mercantile pursuits. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 1858 Je. 30. Failure to transmit bond. (ib., 16.) — Oct. 13. Non-payment of drafts; failure to trans- mit consular bond. (ib., 22.) — Oct. 27. H. res. On violation by consular officers of act of Aug. 18, 1856. (ib., 23.) isº, Information of his interest in business. 10., 20. Feb. 2. Requested to deliver consular records to C. de Ronceray. (ib., 26.) STUTTGART, Stettheimer 1857 Apr. 18. Circ. of 1856 and blank official bond; ex- planation of absence from post demanded. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 6.) — Nov. 16. Reply demanded to charge that he is en: gaged in business. (ib., 9.) 1858 Sept. 1. T. W. Young apptd. cons. at Stuttgart; property of consulate to be del’d. (ib., 12.) Corr. Diplomatic China. Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Reed) 1857 Je. 22. Ino. 3..] Amer. claims to be urged; particu- lars of expenditure to be specified. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 12.) Great Britain H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) 1859 Dec. 6. Reply to his of 5 inst. (36. 1. H. rpt. 97, 18.) Mexico Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Forsyth) 1857 Je. 17. [no. 23.] Instructions to demand punishment of persons Who Committed Outrages at Sonora. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 43.) Venezuela Amer. min. res. (Turpin) 1858 Aug. 24. [no. 3..] Instructions; Aves IS. case. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 441.) 1859 Jan. 22. Ino. 13.] Do.; Lang and Delano claim. (ib., 455.) Corr. Executive 1857 Apr. 15. To U. S. distr. atty., Mass. (Woodbury). To be informed of instructions regarding Orig. doCS. relating to Da Cunha Reis. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 62.) — May 1. To same, so. distr. N. Y. (McKeon). Em- ployment in slavetrade of vessels fitted out in Amer. ports. (ib., 65.) APPLETON (JOHN), OF ME., 1815–64—cont’d Asst. Secy. of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. Executive—cont’d 1857 May 4. To same. Amer. coml. agt. at São Paulo de Loando (Willis) will come to N. Y., if necessary, to confer relative to slavetrade. (ib., 66.) Je. 9. To same. Dpt. informed that vessels are regularly fitted for slavetrade in port of N. Y. (ib., 67.) — Sept. 4. To W. F. Evans. Further information concerning Crabb massacre will be forwarded. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 75.) 1858 JIy. 28. To Solicitor Treasury, U. S. A. (Hillyer). Brig Charles Perkins. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 169.) — Aug. 16. To same. Release of Nancy. (ib., 188.) — Aug. 18. To same. Amer. Slavers at Havana. (ib., 189.) Sept. 11. To same. Same, Nancy, Lyra and Charles Perkins. (ib., 205.) e — Sept. 27. To atty. in Shelton claim (Sanford). Losses of Lang and Delano. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 446.) — Oct. 13. To Oñativia & Co. Latimer’s consular bond. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 22.) — Dec. 9. To U. S. atty., Penn. (Van Dyke). Proposal of capt. Disney, Ardennes. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 283.) — Dec. 15. To same no. distr. Fla. (Flemming). Ardennes affair. (ib., 285.) — Dec. 15. To Hillyer. Same. (ib., 285.) — Dec. 15. To same. Same. (ib., 286.) — Dec. 15. To Van Dyke. Same. (ib., 286.) — Dec. 20. To Hillyer. Absence from post of Amer. cons. for St. Helena; case of Wanderer. (ib., 288.) 1859 Jan. 8. To 5th auditor, U. S. A. (McConnel). Lati- mer’s Consular bond. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 24.) — Jan. 31. To Sedgwick. Case of Charles Perkins. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 301.) — Mch. 4. To Sanford. Aves IS. claim. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 461.) — Mch. 8. To Sedgwick. Charles Perkins witnesses. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 307.) — Je. 30. To W. T. Kendall. Guano privileges under act of Aug. 18, 1858. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 7.) — Jly. 14. To same. Key Werd claimed by Br. (ib., 8.) — J1y. 22. To J. Y. Pickett. Case of Brothers; Cabarga papers. (ib., 300.) — Oct. 7. To owners bark J. J. Cobb (Webster). Opin- ion of atty. gen. regarding J. J. Cobb. (ib., 375.) APPLETON (JOHN JAMES) OF MASS. Secy. Amer. legation in Spain, 1822–25; special agt. |U. ; A. at Naples, 1826; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Sel’WICe. Secy. to Almer. legation, Madrid 1823 JIy. 10. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams) extr. Fate of Cuba. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 12.) — Aug. 6. To same. Extr. Proposed Spanish loan. (ib., 11.) Special agt. at Naples 1826 Feb. 14. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Neapolitan claims negotiations; does not anticipate acknowl- edgment of obligation; copies of confidential corresp. with minist. of foreign affairs (de Medici). (22. 2. S. doc. 70, 10.) — Aug. 7. To same. Termination of his mission. (ib., 17.) — Aug. 18. To Minister Foreign Affairs, Two Sicilies (Medici). Termination of his mission; President's disappointment at failure to conclude negotiations. (ib., 19.) — Aug. 30. To Clay. Status of Neapolitan claims negotiations on his departure for Stockholm. (ib., 17.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 59 APPLETON (NATHAN), REPRESENTATIVE FROM MASS. 1832 Je. 8. Remarks; favoring 2 yr. limit for commission under conv. with France. (viii, Reg. Debates, 3342.) APPLETON (T.), OF MASS. Amer, cons. for Leghorn, 1798-1840; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. APPLETON (WILLIAM) 1855 Feb. 22. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Names of cons., etc., at Constantinople, 1848-53. (34. 3. H. ex, doc. 82, 95.) - APPLETON (ME.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 2. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 96.) APPLETON (WISC.) CITIZENS 1858 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition; acquisition of Cuba. (35. 1. S. jol., 145.) APPOINTING POWER OF CONSULS; see U. S. A. CONSULAR SERVICE AQUILA (PEDRO GONZALEZ Y); see GONZALEZ Y AQUILA ARABIN (SEPTIMUS), COMDR. H. B. M. BRIG ARGUS 1823 May 16. Particulars of seizure of Amer. fishing vessel Charles. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 12.) See also Argus. ARACATY, MARQUES DE (J. C. A. DE OYENHAUSEN) Secretario dos negocios estrangeiros, Brazil, in 7th and 10th cabinets of Pedro I, 1827–29, and 1831 ; see Brazil. Civil Service. 1828 Jan. 16. To Amer. cons. at Rio de J. (Wright). Suspension of decree requiring bonds of neutral Vessels; maintains Brazil’s right to issue decree. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 115.) — Je. 25. To Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor). Ap- * to receive credentials. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 33. — Jly. 4. To same. Asks explanation for increased no. of Seamen on Amer. ship Balloon. (ib., 41.) — Jly. 9. To same. Satisfaction with amicable in- tentions. (ib., 41.) — Jly. 22. To Same. Minister of marine directed to settle case of Spark. (ib., 59.) — Aug. 1. To Same. Deserter on board Macedonian. (ib., 61.) — Aug. 4. To Same. Proposes arbitration in case of Spark. (ib., 62.) —º 6. To same. Cases of Spark and Spermo. (ib., — Aug. 21. To Same. Substantially admits claims On Brazil. (ib., 75.) — Aug. 22. To same. Apptmt. Of comrs. to negotiate treaty of commerce, etc. (ib., 78.) -*. * 23. To Same. Spermo bonds annulled. (ib., 79. — Aug. 25. To same. Imperial commission to pleni- potentiaries to negotiate a treaty. (ib., 81.) — Aug. 25. To same. Outrages on Amer. vessels at Montevideo. (ib., 81.) — Sept. 11. To same. Wm. Spinner, imprisoned Amer. seaman. (ib., 97.) — Sept. 16. To same. Promises despatch in settle- ment of claims. (ib., 101.) — Sept. 19. To same. Precautions to prevent intro- duction of plague from Bucharest. (ib., 101.) — Sept. 27. To same. Conference on treaty. (ib., 104.) — Sept. 30. To same. Return of capt. Churchill, Amer. brig Paragon, from Africa in Brazilian ves- sel. (ib., 117.) Oct. 24. To same. Peace preliminaries ratified; blockade raised. (ib., 123.) ARACATY, MARQUES DE (J. C. A. DE OYENHAUSEN)— cont’d 1828 Nov. 5. To same. Promises release of Amer. Sea- men detained as prisoners of war. (ib., 125.) . — Nov. 3. To same. Further precautions agst, intro- duction of plague. (ib., 127.) — Nov. 15. To same. Amer. claims. (ib., 129.) — Dec. 11. To same. Same. (ib., 139.) — Dec. 12. Signs treaty of friendship, etc., with U. S. A.; see Brazil. Treaties. – Dec. 12. To Tudor. Amer. claims. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 32, 141.) — Dec. 13. To same. Treaty and terms of settlement of Amer. claims. (ib., 140.) — Dec. 30. To same. Brazilian chargé at Washington (Rebello) succeeded by Aranjó de Robeiro. (ib., 142.) & 1829 Jan. 5. To same. Claims comrs.; case of Spinner. (ib., 143.) Jan. 15. To same. Case of Thetis; U. S. cons. agt. Snow. (ib., 164.) Feb. 3. To same. Duties on money Shipped on Hudson refunded. (ib., 165.) — Mch. 16. To same. Delay in liquidating Amer. claims; case of Hussar. (ib., 171.) — Mch. 21. To same. Want of docS. in cases of Spermo and Pioneer. (ib., 175.) — Mch. 24. To same. Liquidation of Amer. claims. (ib., 179.) — Mch. 24. To same. Case of So. Amer. Strmbt. Co. (ib., 181.) — May 6. To same. Brazil exonerated from respon- sibility in cases of Joseph and Shillelah. (ib., 199.) — May 18. To same. Return of duties in case of Hes- perus, Potosi and Lyon. (ib., 104.) — May 26. To same. Brazilian deputies plundered on board an Amer. vessel by a privateer from Buenos Aires. (ib., 204.) — May 29. To same. Rate of exchge. in liquidation of Amer. claims; case of Adams. (ib., 207.) Je. 20. To same. Reasons of claims comrs. for not admitting Adams claim. (ib., 216.) Je. 23. To same. Invoice of Tell-Tale’s cargo. (ib., 219.) — Oct. 29. To same. Case of So. Amer. Stimbt. Co. (ib., 244.) Nov. 5. To same. Suspension of Amer. Vice-cons. at Para. (ib., 246.) Oct. 10. To same. Change in port law. (ib., 247.) ARANA (FELIPE) Ministr. de relac. esteriores, Argentine Republic, 1S35- 52; see Argentine Republic. Civil Service. ARANDA (FRANCISCO) Ministro de relac. esteriores of Venezuela in 1855; see Venezuela. Civil service. Venezuelan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., Feb.-Nov., 1856; see do. Diplo- Imatic service 1855 Jly. 28. To Amer. min. res. Venezuela (Eames). Revocation of Wallace guano concession. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 13.) — Jiy. 28. To same. Trespasses on Venezuelan guano deposits. (ib., 14.) ARANJO GONDIM (A. J. D.) DE; see DUARTE DE ARANJO, ETC. ARANJO LIMA (PEDRO) DE, MARQUES DE OLINDA Brazilian secretario do imperio in 7th cabinet of Pedro I, 1827–29 ; do. secr. dos negoc. estrangeiros in 26 and 10th cabinets of permanent regency of Pedro II, 1841 and 1848-49 ; secr. do imperio in 13th cabinet of Pedro II, 1857; see Brazil. Civil service. 1849 Jan. 27. Signs ConV. for Satisfaction of claims of U. S. Vs. Brazil; see Brazil. Claims. 60 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ARANJO RIBEIRO (JOSE) DE Brazilian chargé in U. S. A., 1829-33 ; see also Brazil. Diplomatic service. - 1828 Dec. 30. Secr. Inegoc. estrang. Brazil (Aracaty) to Amer. chargé (Tudor). Brazilian chargé at Wash- ington (Rebello) succeeded by Aranjo Ribeiro. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 142.) ARANJO WIANNA (CANDIDO JOSE) DE, MARQUES DE SAPUCAHY Brazilian secretario do imperio in 26 cabinet, regency of Pedro II, 1841 ; see Brazil. Civil service. ARANUAH, AMER. FISHING SCHR. 1853 Messrs. English and Blaccador. Strmt. of damages to Aranwah by H. B. M. str. Devastation. (33. 1. H. ex, doc. 21, 23.) — Sept. 8. Comdr. E. I. sqdn. U. S. N. (Shubrick) to iº U. S. (Dobbin). Complaints of Aranwah. 10., 22. ARAVAL0 (DON ANTONIO DE), COMDR. SPAN. FRIGATE ISABEL SEGUNDA; see ISABEL SEGUNDA ARBEL & CO., CLAIMANTS WS, MEXICO 1828 May 8. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett) to ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Cañedo). Seizure of goods at Sta. Barbara Tamaulipas. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 240.) — Jly. 15. Poinsett to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). ºration of goods seized at Sta. Barbara. (ib., 9. — Nov. 28. Cañedo to Poinsett. Same. (ib., 266.) ARBITRATION Commissions, 1828-61 1839 Mexico-U. S. A. Mixed comm.; see Mexico. Claims. 1851 Portugal-U. S. A. Do.; see Portugal. Claims. 1853 Great Britain-U. S. A. Mixed comm.; see Great Britain. Claims. 1857 Colombia-U. S. A. Mixed comm.; see Colombia. Claims. 1858 Macedonian Claims Conv.; see Chili. Claims. 1859 Paraguay-U. S. A. Mixed comm.; see Paraguay. Claims. 1860 Costa Rica-U. S. A. Mixed comm.; see Costa Rica. Claims. Correspondence, etc. 1838 Je. 13. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Legaré). Rpt. on memorial of New York Peace Socy. (25. 2. H. rpt. 979.) 1839 Jan. 17. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks; in favor of prfg. all memorials on arbitration. (Wii, Cong. Globe, 130.) — Jan. 17. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Remarks; congress of nations, etc. (ib., 130.) — Jan. 17. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Legaré). Rpt. on memorial of Franklin ASSn. On arbitration. (25. 3. H. rpt. 194.) 1840 Mch. 5. Com, on Foreign Affairs discharged from consideration of memorials on arbitration. (viii, Cong. Globe, 239.) 1846 May 11. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cobb). Rpt. on petitions praying codification of interna- tional law; etc. (29. 1. H. rpt. 671.) 1850 Sept. 30. U. S. House. Motion (Thompson, Penn.); Com. On Judiciary discharged from consideration of memorials on arbitration, etc. (31. 1. H. jol., 1599.) — Dec. 16. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Remarks; on memorial of Amer. Peace Society on arbitration. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, 56.) — Dec. 16. R. C. Winthrop, sen. from Mass. Do.; same. (ib., 55, 56.) ARBITRATION.—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1851. Feb. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foote, Miss.); adoption of principle of “arbitration. (31. 2. S. jol., 147.) — Feb. 5. H. S. Foote, sen, from Miss. Remarks; urg- .# Fºotion of res. of even date. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, — Feb. 5. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Foote). Rpt. on memorial of Amer. Peace Socy. (31. 2. S. rpt. 270.) 1852 Jan. 26. J. R. Underwood, Sen. from Ky. Remarks; On Ky. petition praying for tribunal of arbitration. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 388.) — Dec. 21. C. Sumner, sen.. from Mass. Do.; explana- tion of petition of Amer. Peace Socy., praying adop- tion of measures for amicable settlement of inter- national disputes. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 104.) — Dec. 23. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Do.; on Ky. petition. (ib., 142, 146.) 1853 Feb. 22. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; op- posed to rpt. of com. Of even date. (ib., 761.) — Feb. 22. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Under- wood). Rpt. on memorial of Amer. Peace Socy., etc. (32. 2. S. rpt. 423.) 1854 Feb. 15. U. S. House. Motion (Bayly, Va.); Com. on Foreign Affairs discharged from further con- sºulon of arbitration petitions. (33. 1. H. jol., 384. Memorials A. of Citizens ; B. of State Legislatures; C. of Societies A. of Oitizens See also Andrews (J. P.) : Flournoy (J. J.). 25. 2 (1837-38). House Massachusetts; see Mass. Citizens. 25. 3 (1838–39). House Connecticut; see Avon; Brooklyn; Chatham; Farming- ton; Hartford. Maine; see Bangor; Brunswick; Chesterville; Maine; Minot; Topham; Union; Waldo Co.; Wiscasset. Massachusetts; see Amherst; Andover; Belchertown; Hernardston; Conway; Haverhill; Holliston; Hub- bardston; Methuen; Needham; New Bedford; Salem; South Abington; Warwick; West Brook- field; Westport; Williamsburg; Wrentham. New Hampshire; see Portsmouth; Sanbornton. New York; see Alleghany Co.; Brooklyn; Centreville; Naples; New York State; Phoenix; Rushford; Wayne Co. Pennsylvania; see Fayette Co.; Philadelphia; Washing- ton Co. - Vermont; see Caledonia Co.; Vermont. 26. 1 (1839-40). Senate New Hampshire; see Portsmouth. Pennsylvania; see Philadelphia. — House Connecticut; see Conn.; Farmington. Maine; see Brunswick; Cumberland Co.; Maine; Wiscasset. Massachusetts; see Amesbury; Athol; Beverly; Brad- ford; Brookfield; Danvers; Gloucester; Hatfield; Haverhill; Massachusetts; North Brookfield; North- bridge; Pownal; Wrentham. New York; see Cayuga Co.; Lewis Co.; Oneida Co.; OS- wego Co. 27. 2 (1841-42). Senate Illinois; see Macoupin Co. Maine; see Somerset Co. New York; see New York City; Oswego. Ohio; see Trumbull Co. Gorham; INDEX TO UNITED STATES DocumENTs RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 61 ARBITRATION.—cont’d Memorials—cont’d A. of Citizens—cont’d — House * Massachusetts; see Northfield; Rockport. Michigan; see Jackson Co. New York; see Cayuga Co.; Kirkland; New York State; Ontario Co.; Oswego Co. Ohio; see Washington Co. Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. 27. 3 (1842-43). Senate Illinois; see Illinois. Massachusetts; see West Boylston. New York; see Lewis Co. 28. 1 (1843-44). Senate Massachusetts; see Boxborough; Needham. - New York; see Yates Co. 28. 2 (1844-45). Senate New York; see Alleghany Co. 29. 1 (1845-46). Senate Connecticut; see Mystic. Maine; see Camden; York. New Hampshire; see Durham; Newmarket; Portland; Portsmouth. Pennsylvania; see Philadelphia. , Vermont; see Montpelier. House Connecticut; see Farmington; Hartford; Middletown; New London; Waterbury. Georgia; see Clarke Co.; Jackson Co. Indiana; see Marshall Co. Kentucky; see Fayette Co.; Madison Co. Maine; see Bath; Brooksville; Chesterville; Edge- comb; Farmington; Hallowell; Kennebunk; Old- town; Wiscasset. Massachusetts; see Abington; Beverly; Bradford; Cam- bridge; Charlestown; Dorchester; Dracut; Fitch- burg; Georgetown; Haverhill; Holliston; Leicester; Lowell; Lynn; Manchester; Medway; Methuen; North Weymouth; Northampton; Randolph; Read- ing; Roxbury; Salem; Sandwich; South Dedham; South Woburn; Sudbury; Uxbridge; Weymouth. Michigan; see Eaton Co. New Hampshire; see Fitzwilliam; Groton; Newport; Weare. New Jersey; see Salem. New York; see Albany; Alleghany Co.; Baiting Hollow; Lafayette; Niagara Co.; Oneida Co.; Oswego Co.; Rochester; Schenectady. Ohio; see Auburn; Cranberry; Highland Co.; Oberlin; Ohio; Stark Co.; Warren. Vermont; see Windham Co. 29. 2 (1846-47). Senate New Jersey; see Gloucester Co.; Salem Co. — House New York; see Washington Co. Ohio; see Marietta. 30. 1 (1847-48). House New York; see Syracuse. Ohio; see Bedford; Kinsman. 30. 2 (1848-49). House New York; see Cortland Co. Ohio; see Oberlin; Ohio. ARBITRATION-cont’d Memorials—cont’d A. of Citizens—cont’d 31. 1 (1849-50). Senate Connecticut; see Litchfield Co.; Plymouth; Saybrook; Simsbury. Illinois; see Alton; Wabash Co. Indiana; see Grant Co. Iowa; see Iowa. Citizens. Kentucky; see Kentucky. Maine; see Bangor; Maine; Winthrop; Wiscasset. Massachusetts; see Boston; Franklin Co.; Leominster; Massachusetts. Michigan; see Oakland Co.; Pontiac. New Hampshire; see Cheshire Co.; Newport. New York; see Champlain; Cortland Co.; De Ruyter; Erie Co.; Kingston; Salem; Stockbridge; West Bloomfield. Ohio; see Marietta; Oberlin; Ohio; Walnut Hills. Pennsylvania; see Delaware Co.; Mercer Co. Rhode Island; see Providence. Wisconsin; see Dane Co.; Racine Co.; Sheboygan; Wis- consin. — House Connecticut; see Connecticut; Litchfield; Middlesex Co.; Plymouth; Saybrook; Seabrook. Illinois; see McLean Co.; Upper Alton; Wabash Co. Indiana; see Indiana; Johnson Co.; Michigan City. Maine; see Dennysville; Edmunds; Maine; Wiscasset. Massachusetts; see Boston; Franklin Co.; Hingham; Plymouth. Michigan; see Adrian; Pontiac. New Hampshire; see Campton; Keene; Newport. New York; see Clinton Co.; Cortland Co.; Marshall; Stockbridge. North Carolina; see Guilford Co. Ohio; see Ashtabula Co.; Butler Co.; Columbiana Co.; Lake Co.; Oberlin; Orangeville; Portage Co.; Sum- mit Co.; Washington Co.; Williamsfield. Pennsylvania; see Delaware Co.; Mercer Co.; Mt. Jack- son; Philadelphia Peace Conv. Vermont; see Middlebury; Vermont. Wisconsin; see Beloit; Delaware; Kenosha; Sheboygan; Wauwatosa; Wisconsin. 31. 2 (1850-51). Senate Connecticut; see Farmington; Saybrook; Torrington. Illinois; see Kane Co. Maine; see Blanchard; Castine; Wiscasset. Maryland; see Maryland. Massachusetts; see Hadley; No. Bridgewater; North- ampton; Sandwich; Stockbridge. New York; see De Ruyter; Geneva; Tioga Co.; West Bloomfield. Ohio; see Cincinnati. Pennsylvania; see Columbia Co.; Sullivan Co. Vermont; see Vermont. — House Connecticut; see Farmington; Saybrook; Torringford. Illinois; see Illinois. Indiana; see Henry Co.; McHenry. Maine; see Hallowell; Maine. Maryland; see Maryland. Massachusetts; see Hadley; New Marlborough; North- ampton; Sandwich; Stockbridge. New York; see Clinton Co.; Geneva; Madison Co.; Tioga Co. Ohio; see Ohio. Pennsylvania; see Columbia Co.; Sullivan Co. Vermont; see Vermont; Weybridge. 62 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ARBITRATION-cont’d Memorials—cont’d A. of Citizens—cont’d 32. 1 (1851-52). Senate Georgia; see Clarke Co.; Jackson CO. Illinois; see Guilford. Kentucky; see Clarke Co.; Fayette Co. Massachusetts; see Stockbridge. New Hampshire; see Alton; Milford. New Jersey; see New Jersey. New York; see New York. Ohio; see West Carlisle. Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. House Illinois; see Illinois. Indiana; see Decatur Co. Maine; see Castine. Massachusetts; see Massachusetts; Wales. New Hampshire; see New Hampshire. New Jersey; see New Jersey. New York; see New York. Ohio; see Butler Co.; Ohio. Pennsylvania; see Lawrence Co. 32. 2 (1852-53). Senate Maine; see Vassalborough. Massachusetts; see Sandwich; Stockbridge. New Hampshire; see Dover. Ohio; see Oberlin; Ohio. Pennsylvania; see Adams Co. Vermont; see Castleton. 32. 2. House Maine; see Maine. Massachusetts; see Sandwich; Stockbridge. Ohio; see Hamilton Co.; Licking Co.; Ohio. Pennsylvania; see Pennsylvania. Vermont; see Vermont. 33. 1 (1853–54). Senate Connecticut; see Woodstock. New York; see Martinsburgh; Ontario Co.; Seneca Co. House Ilinois; see Illinois. Maine; see Maine. New York; see New York. Pennsylvania; see Indiana Co. 33. 2 (1854-55). Senate Massachusetts; see Stockbridge. Rhode Island; see Providence. Vermont; see Montpelier. 33. 2. HOUSe Massachusetts; see Stockbridge. Vermont; see Montpelier. 34. 1 (1855-56). Senate Ohio; see Cincinnati. 34. 1 and 2 (1855-56). House Maine; see Castine. New Hampshire; see Bradford; Fitzwilliam. New York; see Warsaw. B. of State Legislatures See Vermont. C. of Societies, etc. See Amer. Peace Socy. ; Andover Theological Seminary: Assn. of Franklin Ministers ; Cambridge Theological Inst. : Concord (N. H.) Peace Conv. ; East Haddam Peace Socy. ; Frankfurt (Germ.) Peace Conv. ; Friends, Socy. of ; Maine Peace Socy. ; Mass. Peace Socy. ; N. H. Peace Conv.; N. Y. Peace Socy. ; Wer- mont Peace Socy. ; Wesleyan Univ. ARCADIA (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House, Petition; Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) ARCE (MANUEL JOSE) President of the Central American Confederation, 1825- 29 ; see Central America. ARCE (PEDRO) Jefe of Salvador, 1842-44 ; see Central America. ARCHANGEL (RUSSIA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ARCHER (BRANCH. T.) . Texan comr. to mark boundary between Texas and U. S. . ; see Texas. Boundary. ARCHER (WILLIAM S.), OF WA., 1789-1855 Representative from Va., 16-23 ºr. (1820-35); chrm. com. on foreign affairs 17-23 congress (1822- 34). Senator from Va., 1841-47 ; member com. On foreign relations, 1842.37. Representative from Va. Bills Introduced 1829 Dec. 23. Burnham relief bill. — Dec. 23. Scott do. (ib. 27.) 1830 Jan. 11. Sitgreave accts. (21. H. R. 92.) — Jan. 20. Alleghany relief bill. (ib. 138.) — Feb. 9. East Florida claimants. (ib. 221.) — Feb. 19. Meade claim. (ib. 263.) — Feb. 19. Beaumarchais claim. (ib. 262.) — Feb. 22. Salaries of ministers, etc., on Barbary coast. (ib. 274.) — Mch. 16. Hackley relief bill. (ib. 357.) — Apr. 23. Harrison relief bill. (ib. 437.) — Apr. 23. Asst. Secy. State apptmt. bill. (ib. 438.) — Dec. 30. Danish indemnity. (ib. 523.) 1831 Dec. 19. Burnham relief bill. (22. H. R. 44.) — Dec. 19. Hackley relief bill. (ib. 43.) 1832 Jan. 5. Dauphin relief bill. (ib. 21.1.) - º- ; 26. Colombian commercial agreement. (ib. 320. — Feb. 10. Meade claim. (ib. 366.) — Feb. 17. Salaries of ministers, etc., on Barbary Coast. (ib. 416.) — Feb. 24. Hall relief bill. (ib. 553.) - — Apr. 9. Deficiency apprin. bill. (ib. 537.) 1833 Feb. 19. Conv. with Two Sicilies. (ib. 741.) 1834 Jan. 14. Meade claim. (23. H. R. 183.) — Feb. 28. Conv. With France. (ib. 330.) — Mch. 25. East Florida claimants. (ib. 395.) — Apr. 18. Conv. with Two Sicilies. (ib. 435.) — Je. 14. Conv. With Spain. (ib. 526.) — Je. 14. Leslie relief bill. (ib. 527.) Remarks, etc. 1831 Jan. 13. Speech; apprn. for salary of min, to Rus- Sia (Randolph). (vii, Reg. Debates, 487.) — Feb. 8. Remarks; refusal to disclose authority for stmt.S. of Jan. 13. (ib., 641.) — Feb. 9. Speech; windicating conduct of Randolph. (ib., 671.) — Mch. 1. Remarks; in reply to Storrs, denying Charges of extravagance in foreign intercourse; de- fence of Sen. amdmt. providing for Turkish mission. (ib., 837.) 1832 Jan. 12. Do.; favoring Jenifer res. on apptmt. of Com. On colonizing free negroes. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1538.) — Jan. 27. Do.; supporting bill giving effect to com- mercial arrangement with Colombia. (ib., 1665.) — Feb. 23. Do.; apprn. for minister to Colombia. (ib., 1853.) — Mch. 15. Do.; same. (ib., 2167, 2169, 2172, 2173.) (21c. H. R. 26.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 63 ARCHER (WILLIAM S.), OF WA., 1789-1855—cont’d Representative from Va.-cont’d Remarks, etc.—cont’d 1832 Mch. 16. Speech; amdmt. to apprn. bill for contin- gencies to Turkish mission. (ib., 2185.) — Apr. 27. Remarks; opposed to Sen. amdmt. to apprn. bill striking out provision for mission to France. (ib., 2625.) — Apr. 28. Do.; Same. (ib., 2633.) — Je. 8. Do.; conv. With France. (ib., 3340-41; 3344; 3347.) — Dec. 21. Do.; relations with Buenos Aires. Reg. Debates, 901.) 1833 Feb. 12. Do.; East Florida claimants. (ib., 1687.) 1834 Apr. 9. Do.; State Dept. archives. (x, Reg. Debates 3563.) — Apr. 30. Do.; representation at courts of Gr. Br. and Russia. (ib., 3870; 3875.) — May 1. Do.; Same. (ib., 3886.) — May 2. Do.; dipl. representation in So. Amer. (ib., 3915; 3920.) — May 7. Do.; conv. with France. (ib., 3971, 3974-75.) Je. 24. Do.; Suffren. (ib., 4704.) Dec. 9. Do.; relations with France. (xi, Reg. De- bates, 774.) — Dec. 30. DO.; opposed to res. regarding Spain’s º to country betw. Sabine and Red rivers. (ib., 886. 1835 Jan. 20. DO.; amt. appropriated for chargé at Buenos Aires. (ib., 1022.) Jan. 20. Do.; mission to Venezuela. (ib., 1023.) Feb. 7. Do.; relations with France. (ib., 1223.) Feb. 26. Do.; same. (ib., 1508.) Feb. 28. Do.; same. (ib., 1537.) — Mch. 2. Do.; attitude of Adams on subject of rela- tions with France. (ib., 1631.) Reports Made 1829 Dec. 23. — Dec. 23. Dec. 31. (ix, = Burnham petition. (21. 1. H. rpt. 19.) Scott do. (ib. 20.) Davis do. (21. 1. H. jol., 117.) Jan. 11. Sitgreaves accts. (21. 1. H. rpt. 105.) Jan. 20. Alleghany petition. (ib. 100.) Feb. 9. Arredondo petition. (ib. 176.) —º 9. Gold medal from Pres. of Colombia. (ib., 70. — Feb. 22. Compensation to dipl. and cons. Officers on Barbary coast. (ib. 220.) — Mch. 5. Perpall petition. (21. 1. H. jol., 370.) — Mch. 9. Bonnefils petition. (21. 1. H. rpt. 284.) — Mch. 16. Dauphin case. (ib. 301.) — Mch. 16. Hackley relief bill. (ib. 298.) — Apr. 23. Harrison memorial. (ib. 378.) -ms- º; 23. Apptmt. of Asst. Secy. State. (21. 1. H. jol., 561. 1831 Feb. 23. Case of Henrick. (21. 1. H. rpt. 100.) — Mch. 1. Gift from Sultan of Turkey to Charles Rhind. (ib. 107.) — Dec. 19. Hackley petition. (22. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1832 Jan. 5. Dauphin petition. (ib., 154.) — Jan. 12. Reduction of number of foreign ministers abroad. (22. 1. H. rpt. 180.) — Jan. 20. East Florida claimants. (ib. 223.) — Jan. 20. “Indian cholera.” (ib. 226.) — May 5. Bills drawn by foreign agts. (ib. 466.) — May 14. Sloat relief bill. (ib. 471.) 1833 ; 25. East Florida claimants. (23. 1. H. rpt. 368. 1834 Jan. 14. Mary O’Sullivan claim. (ib. 184.) — Jan. 14. Meade claim. (ib. 167.) Feb. 28. Conv., with France. (ib. 293.) — Mch. 4. Present from Emperor of Morocco to Amer. cons. at Tangier. (ib. 302.) *-*- 1830 º-ams- ARCHER (WILLIAM S.), OF WA., 1789-1855—cont’d Senator from, Va. Bills, etc., Introduced 1843 Jan. 5. French spoliation claims. (27. 3. S. 64.) 1844 Mch. 12. Hutchinson relief bill. (28. 1. S. 161.) — Je. 17. Conv. with Peru. (ib. 194.) 1845 Feb. 5. Texan annexation res. (28. 2. S. jol., 134.) 1846 Jly. 8. Dodge relief bill. (29. 1. S. 229.) — Dec. 22. Same. (29. 2. S. 38.) Remarks, etc., by 1842 Dec. 20. Remarks; opposed to Benton res. On quin- tuple treaty. (xii, Cong. Globe, 63.) — Dec. 22. Do.; corresp. with Gr. Br. regarding Ore- gon. (ib., 74.) — Dec. 27. Do.; waiving objections of 20 inst. (ib., 85.) — Dec. 30. Do.; opposed to preamble to Oregon bill. (ib., 100.) 1843 Jan 3. Do.; same. (ib., 104.) — Jan. 18. Do.; deprecating Benton-Rives contro- versy on n. e. boundary. (ib., 170.) Jan. 30. Speech; Oregon bill. (ib., app., 130.) Jan. 30. Remarks; do. (xii, Cong. Globe, 220.) Feb. 1. Do.; recommittal of Oregon bill. (ib., 230.) Feb. 3. Do.; same. (ib., 239-240.) — Feb. 9. Do.; ratification of quintuple treaty. (ib., 262.) — Feb. 23. Do.; right of visit and Ashburton treaty. (ib., 331.) — Mch. 2. Do.; disposition of African sqdn. under Ashburton treaty. (ib., 378.) — Mch. 2. Do.; law of nations and piracy. (ib., 379.) — Mch. 3. Do.; mission to China. (ib., 391-92.) 1844 Jan. 4. Do.; Allen res. on Oregon question. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 100.) — Jan. 8. Do.; Same. (ib., app., 100.) Jan. 9. Do.; same. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 121.) — Jan. 25. Do.; same. (ib., 190.) — Mch. 14. Do.; same. (ib., 384.) Mch. 18. Speech; same. (ib., 395.) Mch. 21. Remarks; same. (ib., 418.) Je. 7. Do.; naturalization of aliens. (ib., 649.) Je. 8. Speech; Texas treaty. (ib., app., 693.) Je. 11. Remarks; naturalization laws. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 658-659.) Je. 12. Do.; Br. presumption. (ib., 667.) Je. 13. Do.; minister to Sardinia. (ib., 673.) — Je. 14. Do.; Br. presumption. (ib., 678.) = — Dec. 11. Do.; Oregon negotiations. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 20.) — Dec. 16. Do.; naturalization laws. (ib., 32.) — Dec. 17. Do.; same. (ib., 37.) — Dec. 19. Do.; Oregon bill. (ib., app., 44-48, 50.) 1845 Jan. 15. Do.; Oregon corresp. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 138.) — Jan. 16. Do.; correcting rpt. of above. (ib., 143.) Feb. Speech; French spoliation claims. (ib., app., 319.) — Feb. 4. Remarks; Texan annexation. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 240.) Feb. 11. Do.; res. for rejection of Texan annexation res. (ib., 271.) Feb. 13. Motion to postpone indefinitely Texan an- nexation res. (ib., 278.) — Feb. 18. Remarks; St. Louis memorial on natural- ization laws. (ib., 303.) — Feb. 20. Speech; reply to McDuffie on French spoli- ation bill. (ib., app., 319.) — Feb. 24. Remarks; on motion of 13 inst. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 333.) — Feb. 27. Speech; opposing Texan annexation as unconstitutional. (ib., app., 326.) — Feb. 27. Summary of above. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 359-60, 362.) 64 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ARCHER (WILLIAM S.), OF WA., 1789-1855—cont’d Senator from Va.-cont’d Remarks, etc.—cont’d 1845 Feb. 28. Remarks; supporting Benton amdmt. to gen. apprn. bill on payment of Mexican indemnity. (ib., 367-68.) — Mch. 3. Do.; Consideration of Oregon bill. (ib., 387.) — Mch. 3. Do.; on prºg. of rpt. on naturalization frauds. (ib., 389.) — Dec. 15-16. Do.; reply to Cass opposed to discussion of res. of inquiry concerning national defences as tending to provoke war with Gr. Br. during Oregon negotiations. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 50, 58.) — Dec. 18. Do.; on Portland (Me.) memorial On French Spoliation indemnity. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 30. Do.; Amer. claim to Oregon; Calhoun amdmt. for treaty negotiations to settle claim. (ib., 109-110.) 1846 Jan. 12. Do.; postponement of debates on res. Of notice to terminate joint occupation of Oregon. (ib., 183.) — Jan. 26. Do.; opposed to Allen res. Of Jan. 14 On foreign interference. (ib., 248.) — Mch. 18. Speech; Amer. claim to Oregon terr. (ib., app., 520.) — May 11. Remarks; reply to Clayton on termination of Mexican hostilities. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 784.) — May 12. Do.; bill for prosecution of Mexican War. (ib., 799, 804.) — Je. 9. Do.; Johnson amdmt. to res. concerning Gen- eral Armstrong claim. (ib., 942.) — Je. 11. Do.; amdmt. to bill for prosecution of Mexi- can war. (ib., 959-960.) Je. 17. Do.; chrmship. of Com. on Foreign Rela- tions. (ib., 986.) 1847 Mch. 1. Do.; opposed to 3 million bill. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 556.) Mch. 2. DO.; use of U. S. S. Macedonian to Carry relief to poor of Ireland, etc. (ib., 559.) — Mch. 16. Do.; govt. of conquered terr. in Mexico. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 43.) Reports Made 1845 Feb. 4. Texan annexation. (28. 2. S. doc. 79.) Feb. 15. Brittingham petition. (28. 2. S. rpt. 102.) Feb. 17. Baldwin petition. (ib. 104.) 1846 Jly. 8. Dodge relief. (29. 1. S. rpt. 422.) ARCHER, H. B. M. SHIP (ANDERSON) 1858 Oct. Boards Amer. brig Anglo-Saacon; see Anglo- Saa:07. 1860 Feb. 9. Comdr. Archer (Courtenay) to comdr. Af- rican sqdn. U. S. N. (Inman). About to relinquish command of Archer; etc. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 590.) — Feb. 11. Inman to Courtenay. Receipt of his of 11 inst. (ib., 590.) See also Anderson (T. S.). ARCHIVES; see EXTERRITORIALITY: FLORIDA: U. S. A. ARDENNES, AMER. SLAVER BARK (MARSH) n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 350.) 1858 Oct. 14. Amer. Vice-cons. gen. in Cuba (Savage) to ASSt. Secy. State U. S. A. (Appleton). Ardennes be- lieved to be fitting out for slavetrade. (ib., 265.) — Oct. 15. Gov. of Havana (Echavarria) to Savage. Cooperation in securing evidence agst. Ardennes. (ib., 271.) — Oct. 16. Master Ardennes (Marsh) to Savage. De- mands clearance for Ardennes. (ib., 272.) —º, 16. Savage to Marsh. Refuses clearance. (ib., ARDENNES, AMER. SLAVER BARK (MARSH)—cont’d 1858 Oct. 18. Marsh to Savage. Repeats demand for clearance. (ib., 272.) — Oct. 19. F. C. P. Caire to Savage. Strmt. in case of Ardennes. (ib., 275.) — Oct. 20. J. C. Legare to Savage. Same. (ib., 274.) — Oct. 24. Savage to Appleton. Papers in case of Ardennes. (ib., 268.) Oct. 30. Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey). Complaint agst. Amer. vice-cons. § Cuba, for refusing clearance to Ardennes. (ib., — Dec. 3. U. S. atty. e. distr. Penn. (Van Dyke) to CaSS. J. Disney prepared to make strmt. in regard to Ardennes. (ib., 282.) — Dec. 6. Cass to Van Dyke. Note of 3 inst. referred to atty. gen. (ib., 282.) — Dec. 7. Solicitor Treasury U. S. A. (Hillyer) to *ºton. Communication of strmt. by Disney. (ib., — Dec. 9. Depy. atty. U. S., no. distr. Fla. (Flem- º to Cass. Strmt. concerning Ardennes. (ib., —º 9. Appleton to Van Dyke. Disney strmt. (ib., Dec. 15. Same to Flemming. Ardennes case re- ferred to Solicitor of Treasury. (ib., 285.) Dec. 15. Same to Hillyer. Transmits information in case of Ardennes; to instruct U. S. atty. in Fla. (ib., 285.) — Dec. 18. Same to same. Disney evidence. (ib., 286.) — Dec. 18. Same to Van Dyke. Instructed to forward * communications to U. S. atty. in Fla. (ib., — Dec. 21. Hillyer to Appleton. Ardennes papers for- warded to U. S. Atty. in Fla. (ib., 288.) 1860 Nov. 28. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Trescott) to #er. Requests return of Ardennes papers. (ib., — Dec. 3. Actg. Solicitor Treasury, U. S. A. (Pleas- ants) to Trescott. Returns papers. (ib., 514.) ARENAS (DON FRANCISCO), NATURALIZED AMER. CITI- ZEN Claim vs. Mexico for expulsion from Oaxaca in 1836. n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 60.) 1830 Aug. 30. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Alaman) to Amer. Chargé (Butler). Letter of security for Arenas. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 342.) ARETHUSA, AMER. SCHR. (WATT) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under conv, with France of 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 11.) ARFWEDSON (CHARLES D.), OF SWEDEN Amer. cons. for Stockholm, 1836-[53] ; see also U. S. A. Consular service. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1850 Dec. 18. Intr. in U. S. Senate, Foote, Miss.; bill (31. 2. S. 378) “for relief of C. D. Arfwedson.” (31. 2. S. jol., 45.) 1852 Aug. 26. Intr. in U. S. Senate, Mason, Va.; Sen. amdmt. to gen. apprin. bill (32. 1. H. R. 196); ap- proved Aug. 31. (x, St. L., 89.) 1854 May 15. Intr. in U. S. Senate, Clayton, Del.; bill (33. 1. S. 372) “for relief of C. D. Arfwedson.” (33. 1. S. jol., 392, 418.) Reports, etc. 1851 Dec. 30. To U. S. House. Petition; remuneration for services as chargé ad int. (32. 1. H. jol., 141.) 1852 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Do.; same. (32. 1. S. jol., 97.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 65 ARFWEDSON (CHARLES D.), OF SWEDEN–cont’d Reports, etc.—cont’d 1852 Aug. 26. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; sup- porting, amdmt. of even date to gen. apprn. bill. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 2377, 2379-80.) 1854 Jan. 24. To U. S. House. Petition; remuneration for services as chargé ad int. (33. 1. H. jol., 258.) wºmmºmº º; 26. To U. S. Senate. Do.; same. (33. 1. S. jol., 130. — Jan. 26. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; support of Arfwedson memorial of even date. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 248.) — May 15. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Clay- ton). Rpt. to acc. S. 372. (33. 1. S. rpt. 266.) — Aug. 3. Same (Mason). Rpt. adverse to Arfwedson petition. (ib. 389.) 1858 Mch. 4. U. S. Court of Claims. Rpt. adverse to Arf- wedson petition. (35. 1. H. jol., 450, 826; 35. 1. S. mis. doc. 191, 3; ct. claims rpt. 154.) — Mch. 8. Same. Do. (35. 1. S. jol., 234.) 1860 Feb. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial; as before. (36. 1. H. jol., 280; 574.) — Mch. 23. U. S. H. Com. on Claims (Hutchins). #, adverse to Arfwedson petition. (36. 1. H. rpt. 174. ARGAIZ (PEDRO ALCANTARA) Spanish E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1839-44, succeeding ºn de la Barca ; see also Spain. Diplomatic Sel"VICe. 1839 Oct. 3. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). A mistad case. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185, 12.) — Oct. 8. To same. Renews application for reduction of tonnage duty on Spanish vessels. (26. 1. S. doc. 257, 5.) Oct. 22. To same. Protest agst. arrest of Ruiz and Montez, Spanish subjects. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185 (annex), 1.) — Nov. 5. To Same. Renews Al'mistad protest. 15.) — Nov. 26. To same. Protest agst, reference of Amis- tad case to common law court. (ib., 20.) — Nov. 29. To same. A mistad protest. (ib., 24.) Dec. 9. To same. Further appeal for reduction of tonnage duty on Spanish vessels. (26. 1. S. doc. 257, 10.) — Dec. 25. To same. Case of Amistad and Ruiz perse- cution. (26.1. H. ex. doc. 185, 33.) — Dec. 30. To same. Request permission to trans- port Amistad negroes to Cuba. (ib., 37.) 1840 Jan. 20. To same. Instances of exaction of tonnage duty on Spanish vessels; cases of Diligencia, Viz- caino and Mercurio. (26. 1. S. doc. 257, 14.) 1840 Jan. 28. To same. Charge of tonnage duty on Spanish vessels regardless of port to which they be- long. (ib., 19.) — Mch. 2. To same. Reply to note of Feb. 28 on Harang claim. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 179.) — Mch. 30. To same. Memorandum of existing laws on negro slavery in Cuba. (26. 2. S. doc. 179, 6.) — Apr. 24. To same. Further demand for restitution of Amistad and cargo. (ib., 10.) — Dec. 24. To same. Harang claim. doc. 86, 183.) - 1841 Jan. 19. To same. True Sense of his reclamation in case of Amistad. (26. 2. S. doc. 179, 12.) — Apr. 5. To same (Webster). Detention of slave Antonio in Conn. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 191, 2.) — Apr. 11. To same. Transportation of slave An- tonio to N. Y. (ib., 3.) — May 29. To same. Arts. 8-10, treaty of 1795 vio- lated in case of Amistad; claims for indemnity. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 4.) — Sept. 24. To capt. gen. of Cuba (Valdes). Infor- mation of value of cargo of Amistad. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 83, 8.) (ib., (33. 1. H. ex. ARGAIZ (PEDRO ALCANTARA)—cont’d 1841 Sept. 24. To Webster. Protest agst, right of one nation to decide upon acts committed in terr. of another; recognition of right of search in case of A mistad. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 191, 7.) [1841 Oct.] To same. Duty exacted in port of Charleston On Cargoes of Sp. Vessels Maria and Lancero. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 146, 4.) — Oct. 17. To same. Remission of duties on Maria and Lancero. (27. 2. H. rpt. 1099; H. ex. doc. 146, 2.) — Nov. 21. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 146, 4.) 1842 Je. 27. To same. Review of Amistad case; claim of Ruiz and Montez. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 83, 2.) ARGAU, CANTON. COUNCIL 1858 Mch. 19. To Federal Council. Restrictions agst. Jews in force in canton. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 36.) ARGENTINE REPUBLIC See also Falkland Is. 1829 Jan. 9. Amer. chargé at Rio de J. (Tudor) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Political affairs in Buenos Aires; execution of Dorrego, etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 135.) — Jan. 22. Same to Same. Affairs in Buenos A.; character of Dorrego; etc. (ib., 145.) — Feb. 18. Same to Same. Political affairs in Buenos A.; etc. (ib., 147.) — May 30. Same to same (Van Buren). Argentine Republic; etc. (ib., 194.) — May 31. Same to same. News from Buenos A.; etc. (ib., 209.) t Je. 15. Same to same. Same; etc. (ib., 209.) — Aug. 1. Same to Same. Same; etc. (ib., 224.) Sept. 25. Same to same. Same; etc. (ib., 232.) Dec. 20. Same to same. Same; etc. (ib., 257.) Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Blockade Affairs in Brazilian, 1825-28 See also Brazil. Claims : Deserters : Impressment. 1825 Dec. 6. Secr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (St. Amaro) to Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet). Notice of block- ade of ports of U. S. of Rio de la Plata. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 14.) — Dec. 7. Same to same. Further notice of blockade. (ib., 15.) Dec. 13. Raguet to St. Amaro. Remonstrance agst. subjecting neutrals to restrictions of blockade. (ib., 9 — Dec. 23. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Ad- vice of Brazilian orders of 6 and 7 inst., blockading ports of La Plata. (ib., 9.) Dec. 23. St. Amaro to Raguet. Provision, during stated period, for protection of neutrals having oc- casion to visit blockaded ports. (ib., 15.) — Mch. Same to same. Order prohibiting carrying of cargoes of foreign production to Buenos Ayrean ports. (ib., 19.) — Apr. 12. Same to same. Inefficient maintenance of blockade by adm. Lobo; Lobo Succeeded by adm. Pinto; Buenos Aires settles doctrine of right to ex- clude neutrals from blockaded ports. (ib., 20.) May 25. Same to Same. Attempt of Braz. Sqdn. to stop U. S. S. Cyane. (ib., 21.) — May 27. Same to Clay. Corresp. betw. H. B. M. cons. at Montevideo (Hood) and adm. Pinto rela- tive to capture of Br. vessels; latter maintains Br. doctrine of blockade; anticipates pretensions will be enforced agSt. Amer. Vessels. (ib., 21.) 1826 Aug. 29. Ministr. da marinha, Brazil (Paranagoa) to auditor gen. Of Brazil. Instructions in case of prizes of Brazilian blockading sqdn.; etc. (ib., 50.) 66 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ARGENTINE REPUBLIC–Cont’d Blockade—cont’d Brazilian, 1825-28—cont’d 1826 Sept. 2. Adm. Comdg. Braz. naval forces on La Plata (Pinto Guedes). Extr. from letter illustrating procedure in detention of neutrals. (ib., 53.) — Sept. 23. Raguet to Clay. Conduct of Brazil toward neutrals; suggests reference to blockade in Presi- dent’s message; etc. (ib., 30.) Sept. 30. Inhambupe to Raguet. Right of recap- º: by neutrals detained by belligerent; etc. (ib., 51. — Oct. 2. Raguet to Clay. Strained relations in cor- resp. with Brazil; etc. (ib., 43.) —— Oct. 22. Clay to Raguet. President’s approval of conduct of Amer. interests during Brazilian block- ade. (ib., 74.) — Oct. 31. Raguet to Clay. Possibility of early ces- sation of dipl. intercourse; characterization of Bra- zilian ministry; etc. (ib., 53.) — Nov. 14. Same to Inhambupe. Amer. doctrine of flag covering property; etc. (ib., 65.) — Nov. 29. Paranagua to Carão do. Rio da Prata. In- Structions defining vessels which may be detained during blockade. (ib., 74.) NOV. 30. Raguet to Inhambupe. Protest agst. fail- ure to reply to his of 14 inst. (ib., 67.) — Dec. 22. Same to Clay. Comment on conduct of Brazilian blockade. (ib., 69.) 1827 Jan. 3. Raguet to Inhambupe. Condolences on death of empress; Comment on Braz, and Amer. policy of blockade; remonstrates agst, injury to neu- trals from prosecution of Braz. policy. (ib., 75.) — Jan. 4. Pinto Guedes to comdr. U. S. Braz. Sqdn. ...; forbids him to enter into any controversy. (ib., 129. — Jan. 5. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Inquires whether Orders forbid him to give explanation of injuries to Amer. citizens; etc. (ib., 130.) — Jan. 6. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Reply to his of 5 inst. (ib., 130.) Jan. 18. Ministr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Queluz) to Raguet. Braz. policy of blockade. (ib., 88.) Jan. 20. Clay to Raguet. Comment on tenor of cor- resp. With Brazil; instructions for acknowledging accommodations afforded Amer. Sqdn.; etc. (ib., 108.) — Jan. 24. Biddle to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard). Buenos Airean blockade; etc. (ib., 126.) — Feb. 7. Raguet to Clay. Change of Brazilian min- istry; effect of reference to Brazil in President’s message; etc. (ib., 80.) — Feb. 9. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Reasons for ex- cluding foreigners from Maldonado; etc. (ib., 145.) — Feb. 9. Biddle to Pres. Cisplatine prov. (Villa Bella). Request that regulation exacting bonds from departing vessels with Cargoes be revoked. (ib., 143.) — Feb. 10. Same to Pinto Guedes. Cannot recognize in a belligerent the right to exclude public vessels of U. S. A. from a blockaded port. (ib., 146.) Feb. 11. Same to same. In Consequence of Com- munication of 9 inst. will not enter port of Maldon- ado without necessity. (ib., 147.) — Feb. 14. Villa Bella to Biddle. Reply to his of 9 inst. (ib., 144.) — Feb. 21. Biddle to Southard. Exclusion of foreign ships of war from Maldonado; regulation of Monte- video, requiring bonds of departing foreign vessels, adopted soon after outbreak of War. (ib., 138.) — Mch. 8. Raguet to Queluz. Demands his passports. (ib., 106.) — Mch. 10. Queluz to Raguet. Comment. On his re- quest of 8 inst.; passports ordered sent. (ib., 108.) ARGENTINE REPUBLIC–Cont’d Blockade—cont’d Brazilian, 1825-28—cont’d 1827 Mch. 12. Raguet to Clay. Passports ordered; etc. (ib., 96.) — Mch. 17. Same to same. Passports received; etc. (ib., 102.) — Mch. 20. Biddle to Southard. No Amer. vessel seized by blockading sqdn.; activity of U. S. trade with Brazil. (ib., 148.) — Mch. 20. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Blockade of river Salado; etc. (ib., 155.) — Mch. 22. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Reply to his of 20 inst.; Amer. attitude in law of blockade; etc. (ib., 158.) — May 15. Same to Southard. Corresp. With adm. Pinto Guedes; Mr. Raguet has sailed for U. S. (ib., 148.) — May 17. Same to Queluz. Request for delivery of provisions for use of sqdn., on board Amer. brig Calista. (ib., 162.) - } — May 19. Queluz to Biddle. Reply to his of 17 inst. (ib., 163.) — May 25. Comdr. U. S. S. Boston (Hoffman) to Bid- dle. Three Amer. vessels sent to Monte Video; no prospect of peace; etc. (ib., 163.) — Aug. 27. Amer. cons. Pernambuco (Mansfield) to Biddle. Political tranquillity of Pernambuco re- stored. (ib., 166.) Oct. 1. Queluz to Amer. cons. (Wright). Consult- ing junta apptd. to review processes on maritime prizes made by blockading sqdn.; etc. (ib., 167.) — Oct. 21. Biddle to Southard. Affairs at Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. (ib., 166.) — Oct. 28. Hoffman to Pinto Guedes. Register of Amer. vessels; detention of Amer. citizens by Braz. fleet; etc. (ib., 176.) — Oct. 30. Pinto Guedes to Hoffman. Reply to his of 28 inst. (ib., 176.) — Nov. 6. Brazil. Decree requiring foreign vessels to give bonds not to enter Buenos Ayrean ports. (ib., 113.) — Nov. 10. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Neutral vessels of War entering blockaded ports; etc. (ib., 179.) Nov. 11. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Reasons for send- ing Boston to Buenos Ayres. (ib., 181.) NOV. 11. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Neutral vessels of . war in blockaded ports. (ib., 183.) — Nov. 12. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Usage of nations is not to apply blockade to neutral ships of War; CiteS instances of relaxation of blockades and em- bargoes to admit neutral ships of war. (ib., 184.) — Nov. 12. Biddle to Amer. chargé in Buenos Aires (Forbes). Number of vessels arrived at Buenos A. from May 1 to date. (ib., 193.) — Nov. 19. Same to Southard. Mem. of Amer. vessels seized by blockading sqdn. during his absence from Monte Video. (ib., 168.) — Nov. 21. Same to Pinto Guedes. Release of Amer. seamen imprisoned at Monte Video. (ib., 189.) — Nov. 21. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 189.) — Nov. 22. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Again applies for release of Amer. seamen. (ib., 191.) — Dec. 13. Same to same. Maintains that blockade of Buenos Ayres by Brazil is inadequate; questions legality of condemnation of neutral vessels by Bra- zilian judicial tribunals. (ib., 194.) — Dec. 14. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Reply to his of 13 inst.; opinion in regard to right of blockade. (ib., 196.) — Dec. 19. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Refuses to accede to principles of blockade as laid down in his of 14 inst. (ib., 200.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS f 67 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC–cont’d Blockade—cont’d Brazilian, 1825-28—cont’d 1828 Jan. 10. Wright to ministr. negoc. estrang. Brazil (Aracaty). Remonstrance agst. revival of decree requiring bonds of foreign vessels not to enter Buenos Ayrean ports. (ib., 114.) — Jan. 16. Aracaty to Wright. Suspension of decree requiring bonds, etc.; maintains Brazil’s right to issue decree. (ib., 115.) — Jan. 22. Wright to Aracaty. Denies that Brazil has right to issue decree requiring bonds, etc. (ib., 116.) Feb. 2. Same to Clay. Advice of Brazilian decree requiring bonds, etc. (ib., 112.) Apr. 1. Clay to Amer. chargé at Rio (Tudor). Pro- test agst, exaction of bonds from neutral vessels clearing from port of Montevideo. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 117; 25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 19.) May 23. Clay to President U. S. A. (Adams). Cor- resp. concerning Brazilian blockade of Buenos A. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 5.) — Aug. 7. Tudor to Clay. Exaction of bonds from neutral vessels, clearing from Monte Video, aban- doned. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 49.) — Aug. 25. Aracaty to Tudor. Measures to stop out- rages on Amer. Vessels at Montevideo. (ib., 81.) — Aug. 27. Tudor to Clay. Peace of Brazil with Bue- nos Aires; etc. (ib., 83.) - — Aug. 28. Same to Aracaty. Requests official in- formation relative to signing of preliminaries of peace with Buenos Aires. (ib., 96.) — Aug. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Coulter, Pa.) ; calling for Raguet’s corresp. With Brazil in relation to blockade of Buenos A. (20. 1. H. jol., 640, 646-47.) — Aug. 29. Same to Clay. Peace preliminaries signed Aug. 28. (ib., 84.) Sept. 11. Same to same. Copy of conv. betw. Bra- zil and Buenos A. (ib., 85.) Oct. 13. Tudor to Aracaty. Case of 7, therein named, Amer. Vessels condemned or detained at Montevideo. (ib., 118.) Oct. 24. Aracaty to Tudor. Peace preliminaries ratified; blockade raised. (ib., 123.) — Oct. 27. Tudor to Clay. Peace preliminaries; etc. (ib., 107.) Oct. 27. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard). Annual report; clause relating to activity of Amer. sqdn. during war betw. Brazil and Buenos Aires. — Nov. 13. Tudor to Aracaty. Further protest agst. late tºnnauous at Montevideo. (25.1. H. ex. doc. 32, 130. (French, 1838-40) 1838 Je. 16. Ministr. des affaires étrangères France (Molé) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Cass). Blockade of port of Buenos A., etc., by France. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 33.) — Dec. 31. U. S. House. Res. (Cushing, Mass.); de- signs of France upon Mexico, etc., modified so as to include blockade of Rio de la Plata by French. (25. 3. H. jol., 159.) 1839 Feb. 11. U. S. House. Do. (same); calling on Presi- dent for information regarding blockade of Rio de la Plata by French. (ib., 520; vii, Cong. Globe, 187.) See also xxvi, Br. For. St. P. (French and British, 1845) See note in Van Tyne and Leland's Guide to the archives of U. S. federal govt. (1904), p. 28 re. 1 vol. of ms. corresp. of capt. Voorhees, and others resp. this blockade, in , Bureau of Rolls and Library, State t Dept., U. S. A. 1844 Jly. 9. Comdr. U. S. S. Boston (Pendergrast) to comdr.-in-chief besieging army near the Cerito (Or- ibe). Authorities of Maldonado to permit Amer. citizens to remove property; etc. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 212, 37.) - ARGENTINE REPUBLIC–cont’d Blockade—cont’d (French and British, 1845)—cont’d 1844 Aug. 12. Same to same. Protest agst, interference with officers of Boston. (ib., 36.) «s — Aug. 16. Oribe to Pendergrast. Reply to his of 12 inst. (ib., 37.) e - - — Aug. 19. Same to same. Property of Amer. Citizens to be embarked; reply to his of Jly. 9. (ib., 38.) 1845 Feb. 11. Amer. chargé Argentinian (Brent) to Pendergrast. Inquiry into belligerent right of block- ade; blockade of Montevideo. (ib., 10.) — Aug. 22. Pendergrast to comdr.-in-chief H. B. M. naval forces, Rio de la Plata (Inglefield). Asks ex- tension of time in enforcement of blockade of Mal- donado and the Buceo. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 25. Inglefield to Pendergrast. Declines to make any alteration in orders to blockading vessels. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 28. Ministr. relac. est. Arg. Rep. (Vasques) to Pendergrast. Protest agst. certain incident on island “ de la Libertad ‘’’; communication prohibited with enemy’s camp; whole coast of Buenos Aires block- aded. (ib., 16.) — Aug. 30. Brent to Pendergrast. Blockade imposed by Br. and French upon ports of Uruguay; right of neutral naval comdr.s. to exercise power of putting on blockade; etc. (ib., 30.) Sept. 5. Pendergrast to French and Br. naval comdr.s. (Lainé and Inglefield). Repeats request of Aug. 22; observations on blockade. (ib., 19.) — Sept. 13. Inglefield to Pendergrast. Defers reply to his of 5 inst. (ib., 23.) Sept. 18. Pendergrast to comdr. U. S. brig Bain- bridge (Pennington). Ordered to Buenos Aires. (ib., 25.) — Sept. 23. Inglefield to Pendergrast. Blockade will commence on 24 inst.; time extended for departure of neutrals. (ib., 24.) Sept. 23. Brent to H. B. M. M. P. in Argentine Conf. (Ouseley). Protest agst. blockade. (ib., 35.) — Sept. 29. Inglefield and Lainé to Pendergrast. Re- ply to his of 5 inst. (ib., 23.) — Sept. 29. Pendergrast to Pennington. Instructions during blockade. (ib., 26.) — Sept. 30. Same to Brent. Not authorized to decide validity of blockade; conceives declaration block- ading whole coast of Buenos A. to be inadmissible. (ib., 34.) — Sept. 30. Same to comdr. U. S. Braz. Sqdn. Has despatched Bainbridge to Buenos A. (ib., 25.) Oct. 10. Same to Inglefield and Lainé. Protest agst. molestation of commerce. (ib., 43.) — Oct. 11. Same to same. Shortness of time allowed neutrals for withdrawal of property from Maldonado constitutes violation of rights of belligerent. (ib., 45.) — Oct. 14. Same to Inglefield. Protest agst. interdic- tion of communication. With Punta de Tegua S. (ib., 28.) — Oct. 15. Same to Inglefield and Lainé. Request ex- tension of time for neutrals leaving port of Buenos A. (ib., 48.) — Oct. 16. Vasques to Pendergrast. In dictating de- cree prohibiting communication with Punta de Te- guas, govt. had no complaint agst. any Amer. citizen. (ib., 28.) — Oct. 17. Lainé to Pendergrast. Receipt of his notes of 10 and 11 inst. (ib., 47.) — Oct. 17. Lainé and Inglefield to Pendergrast. Re- ply to his of 14 inst. (ib., 29.) — Oct. 17. Inglefield to Pendergrast. Receipt of notes of 10 and 11 inst. (ib., 47.) Oct. 20. Inglefield to Pendergrast. Time extended for neutrals leaving port of Buenos A. (ib., 48.) 68 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS # ARGENTINE REPUBLIC–Cont'd Blockade—cont’d (French and British, 1845)—cont’d 1845 Oct. 20. Pendergrast to Lainé and Inglefield. Set- tlement of acctS. for Supplies obtained at Punta de Teguas. (ib., 29.) — Oct. 25. Pendergrast to Turner. Suspension of in- tercourse with Punta de Teguas. (ib., 27.) — Oct. 25. Same to same. Transmits copy of pro- tests to blockading forces. (ib., 43.) — Nov. 12. Turner to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Bancroft). Transmits corresp. betw. Pendergrast and Inglefield and Lainé. (ib., 17.) — Nov. 12. Same to same. Corresp. resp. prohibition of getting supplies from Punta de Teguas. (ib., 26.) — Nov. 12. Same to same. Orders given by Pender- grast to Pennington. (ib., 25.) $ — Nov. 12. Same to Same. Corresp. relative to Bue- nos A. blockade. (ib., 30.) 1846 Feb. 15. Bancroft to Pendergrast. Approves of con- duct during Buenos A. blockade. (ib., 49.) — Apr. 21. New York State citizens to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying measures to protect Amer. vessels trading with port of Buenos A. (29. 1. S. jol., 254.) — May 4. U. S. House. Res. (Holmes) calling on Pres. for corresp. betw. Comdr. Pendergrast and govts. Of La Plata. (29. 1. H. jol., 746.) Civil Service Ministro de Hacienda 1853; see Gorostiaga (J. B.) Ministro de Rela Ciolves Esteriores [Taken from Argentinian Registro nacional.] Period of provincial autonomy, 27–35; Argentine republic, 1835-54 ; Argentine confederation, 1854- . (1827-1835) Dorºgov. of Buenos Aires, July 5 [7], 1827-Dec. 13, 1827 Dec. 20-Oct. 8, 1828. Juan Ramon Balcarce, min. de guerra y marina, y relaciones esteriores. interim: July 10-Oct. 8, 1828, José Rondeau. Lavalle, provisional governor, Dec., 1828-Aug., 1829. 1828, Oct. 8-May 4, 1829. Tomás Guido, min. de gobierno y relaciones esteriores. 1829 May 4-Aug. 7. Salvador M. del Carril, same. — Aug. 7-Mch. 9, 1830. Tomás Guido, Same. Vianº, gov. of Buenos Aires, [Aug. 24, 1829]-Dec. 6, — Aug. 7-Mch. 9, 1830. Tomás Guido, cont’d. Rosas, gov. of Buenos Aires, Dec. 6, 1829-Dec. 7, 1832. Aug. 7-Mch. 9, 1830. Tomás Guido, cont’d. 1830 Mch. 9-Jan. 30, 1832. Tomás M. de Anchorena, S2.00 €. 1832 Jan. 30-Mch. 6. Manuel J. Garcia, min. de hacienda, gobierno y relaciones esteriores. — Mch. 6-Je. 13. Vicente Lopez, min. de relaciones esteriores. — Je. 13-Aug. 6, 1833. Manuel V. de Maza, min. de gracia y justicia, in Charge. Balcº, gov. of Buenos Aires, Dec. 12, 1832-Nov. 4, — Je. 13-Aug. 6, 1833. de Maza, cont’d. 1833 Aug. 6-Aug. (?). Manuel J. Garcia, min. de haci- enda, gobierno y relaciones esteriores. — Aug. (?)-Nov. 6. F. Ugarteche, min. de relaciones esteriores. Viamº gov. of Buenos Aires, Nov. 4, 1833-Mch. 7, — Aug. (?)-Nov. 6. Ugarteche, cont’d. — Nov. 6-Apr. 30, 1835. Tomás Guido, min. de rela- ciones esteriores, guerra y marina. NOTE: Irigoyen, oficial mayor de relac. est. signs reso- lutions on and after Oct., 1834, and until apptmt. of Arana by decree of Apr. 30, 1835. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC–cont’d Civil Service—cont’d Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores—cont’d (1835-1852) Rosas, dictator of the Argentine Republic, Mch. 7, 1835- * May 31, 1852. 1834 Oct. (?)-Apr. 30, 1835. Manuel Irigoyen, oficial mayor, in charge. 1835 Apr. 30-Apr. 6, 1852. Felipe Arana, min. de rela- ciones esteriores. 1852 Apr. 6-Aug. 29, 1853. Luis J. de la Peña, same. — interim: Apr. 7-Je. 22, 1852. Vicente F. Lopez. Urquiza, provisional director, May 31, 1852-Mch. 1, 1854. — interim: Apr. 7-Je. 22, 1852. de la Peña, cont'd. — Feb. 3-26, 1853. José M. Galan. 1853 Aug. 29-Mch. 7, 1854. Facundo Zuviria, same. — interim: Lopez, cont’d. (1854- ) Urquiza, president Argentine Confederation, Mch. 1, i854-ších, i. iS60. — Zuviria, cont’d. 1854 Mch. 7-Aug. 1, 1856. Juan M. de Gutierrez, Same. 1856 Aug. 1-Sept. 30, 1858. Bernabé Lopez, same. 1858 Sept. 30-Mch. 5, 1860. Luis J. de la Peña, Same. — interim: Juan F. Segui, Sept. 30, 1858-Mch. 1, 1859. Min. del Interior, Apr. 2-May 9, 1859. Min. de Hacienda, May 9-Je. 22, 1859. Oficial mayor de relac. est., Je. 22-Aug. 3, 1859. Baldomero Garcia, Aug. 3-Nov. 7, 1859 5 Ijergui, president, Mch. 1, 1860-6ct. 25, 1862. — interim: de la Peña, cont’d. 1860 Mch. 5-Nov. 4. Emilio de Alvear, same. — Dec. 14-Feb. 4, 1861. Francisco Pico, same. 1861 Feb. 4 . Nicanor Molinas. — interim: Min. de Hacienda, Nov. 4-Dec. 14, 1860. Consular Service For analysis of American-Argentinian treaty provisions, see U. S. A. Consular service. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Diplomatic Agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Diplomatic Service |UNITED STATES [Taken from Arg. Rep. reg, nac. and U. S. State Dept. register, 1874.] Republic of Buenos Aires 1824 Carlos Maria de Alvear, M. P. republic of Buenos Aires in U. S. A.; received at Dept. of State Oct. 9, 1824; retired on 21st of same month. 1826 Manuel Moreno, same; apptd. by decree dated Apr. 26, 1826. (ii, Reg. nac., 1955.) 1832 Carlos Maria de Alvear, E. E. in U. S. A.; apptd. by decree dated Nov. 10, 1832; recalled on acct. of ill health by decree of Sept. 17, 1835. (ib., 2499, 2672.) Argentine Republic 1835 Manuel Morena; M. P. E. from Arg. rep. in U. S. A.; ; by decree dated Sept. 17, 1835. (ii, Reg. nac., 672. 1837 Carlos Maria de Alvear, E. E. in U. S. A.; apptd. by decree dated Je. 28, 1837; presented Credentials in Washington, Oct. 11, 1838. 1855 Juan Bautista Alberdi, chargé in U. S. A.; apptd. Oct., 1855. (iii, Reg. nac., 3611.) 1860 Emilio de Alvear, E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.; apptd. by decree of Nov. 4, 1860; resignation mentioned in decree of Dec. 24, 1860. (iv., Reg. nac., 5265, 5332.) 1861 Domingo F. Sarmiento, E. E. and M. P., in U. S. A.; apptd. by decree of Dec. 24, 1860, which was revoked by decree of Jly. 5, 1861. (ib., 5332, 5466.) Exterritoriality; see that title Forced Loans; see that title INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 69 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC–cont’d Foreign Negotiations AMERICAN 1832 Dec. 18. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.) ; calling on President for corresp. which resulted in depar- ture of Amer. chargé from Buenos A. (22. 2. H. jol., 78; 87.) — Dec. 21. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks; res. of 18 inst. (ix, Reg. Debates, 900.) — Dec. 21. W. S. Archer, repr. from Va. DO.; Same. (ib., 900.) — Dec. 28. President U. S. A. Jackson, MeSS. to U. S. House; response to res. of 18 inst. (22. 2. H. jol., 111.) 1833 Dec. 3. Same. Annual message; clause relating to interruption of negotiations with Argentine Rep. 1835 Dec. 7. Same. Same; clause regarding min. from Argentine Rep. to U. S. A. 1838 Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Same; clause regarding dipl. relations with Argentine Rep. 1846 Feb. 16. U. S. House. Res. (La Sère, La.); calling on President for information touching interference of Gr. Br. in affairs of Argentina; proposed media- tion of U. S. A.; etc. (29. 1. H. jol., 411.) BRITISH; see above BLOCKADE FRENCH; See Same TJRUGUAYAN ; see URUGUAY Nationality of Wessels; see Wessels Navy; see Brown (Wm.) Port Regulations; see that title Presents to Aliens; see Presents, etc. Treaties 1828 Aug. 28. Brazil and Arg. Conf. Conv. of peace, etc.; English text. (25. 1. H. doc. 32, 85.) 1853 Jly. 10. U. S. A. and same. Treaty for free navi- gation of rivers Paraná and Uruguay. Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 16; Amer. ratification proc. in ix, Sen. ex. jol. — Jly. 27. Same and same. Treaty of friendship, etc. Engl. text in same; Amer. Tatification proc. in Salſile. ARGO, AMER. SHIP (FIELD) n. d. Summary of award under conv. With France 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 11.) ARGOS, AMER. SCHR. (GORDON) n.d. Same. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 11.) D'ARGOUT, COMTE Ministre des affaires étrangères of France during Perier ministry, 1832; see France. ARGUDIN (JOSE SUAREZ), CUBAN LANDED PROPRIETOR See also Torrente (M.). ARGUELLES (FERDINAND) 1833 Mch. 8. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Gonzalez) to Amer. chargé (Butler). Expulsion of Arguelles. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 472.) ARGUELLES (JOSE CANGA), COUNCILLOR OF STATE, SPAIN 1811 Nov. 25. To R. Meade. Res. of council in regard to payment of money due him. (22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 149; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 151; 24. 1. S. doc. 236, 166.) ARGUELLES (JOSE CANGA), COUNCILLOR OF STATE, SPAIN–cont’d 1812 Jan. 21. To same. Arrangements for flour contract. (ib., 162; ib., 164; ib., 179.) — Jan. 23. To same. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 151; ib., 153; ib., 168.) — Jan. 25. To same. Bill of credit of Dec. 7 on M. Gandarsegui. (ib., 153; ib., 154; ib., 169.) 1820 May 9. To B. Wallarino. Meade claim. (27. 2. H. rpt. 457, 20.) — May 21. To Meade. Proc. and award of official junta in favor of his claim. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58, 14; 22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 13; 208; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 14; 211; 24. 1. S. ex. doc. 236, 25; 227; 27. 2. H. rpt. 457, 16; 33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 17; 33. 1. H. rpt. 5, 15.) 1827 Jly. 9. Deposition in case of Meade claim. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58, '80; 22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 70; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 72; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 236, 85; 27. 2. H. rpt. 457, 22; 33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 23; H. rpt. 5, 23.) ARGUELLO (SANTIAGO), PREFECT OF LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 1842 Oct. 25. To gov. of Calif. (Micheltorena). Proposed seizure of Amer. ship Tasso by Carillo and Prudome; detention of capt. (27. 3. H. doc. 166, 39.) — Oct. 26. To Same. Measures taken to assist in de- fence of California. (ib., 28.) — Nov. 8. To same. Returns from Subaltern authori- ties are in favor of general defence agst. occupation of terr. (ib., 29.) ARGUS, AMER. BRIG n. d. Synopsis of award; Brazilian indemnity. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 116.) ARGUS, AMER. BRIG (BOWERS) n. d. Summary of award under conv. of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 11.) ARGUS, AMER. SCHR. (DOUGHTY) Captured by H. B. M. cutter Sylph (Dodd) 15 m. off coast of Cape Breton, Jly. 6, 1844, on ground of infringement of treaty agreement of Oct. 20, 1818. Case opened question of limitation of concession of right to fish in Waters of Bay of Fundy. 1844 Aug. 19. Amer. cons., Halifax (Livingston) to OWners of Argus (J. and J. Starling). Proc. in suit tºwns seizure of Argus. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 130. Sept. 6. Secy. State U. S. A. (Calhoun) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett). Instructions in case of Argus. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 100, 84; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 128.) — Oct. 9. Everett to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Aberdeen). Representation in case of Argus. (ib., 84; ib., 131.) Oct. 9. Same to Calhoun. Copy of note to Aberdeen of even date. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 84.) — Oct. 18. Aberdeen to Everett. Letter of Oct. 9 re- ferred to Colonial Office. (ib., 86.) — Nov. 4. Everett to Calhoun. Transmits Aberdeen’s note of 18 ult. (ib., 86.) — Dec. 13. Prov. Secy. Nova Scotia (George) to master H. B. M. brig Sylph (Dodd). Asks for ex- planation of seizure of Argus. (ib., 97.) — Dec. 17. Lieut. gov. Nova Scotia (Falkland) to Secy. H. B. M. Colonial Office (Stanley). Charges agst. Skipper and crew of Argus by their captors. (ib., 95; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 142.) - Dec. 23. Dodd to George. Reply to his of 13 inst. (ib., 97; ib., 144.) — Dec. 23. H. Davenport to Dodd. Circumstances of seizure of Argus. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 99.) 70 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ARGUS, AMER. SCHR. (DOUGHTY)—cont’d 1845 Jan 2. Falkland to Stanley. Transmits corresp. betw. Colonial Secy. Of Nova Scotia and comdr. of Sylph at time of seizure of Argus. (ib., 96; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 143.) — Jan. 29. G. W. Hope to viscount Canning. Case of Argus. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 96.) — Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Fairfield, Me.); re- dress for illegal seizure of Argus. (28. 2. S. jol., 178.) — Mch. 10. Aberdeen to Everett. Result of inquiry into case of Argus. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 94; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 140.) — Mch. 25. Everett to Aberdeen. Rights of Americans ; º Bay of Fundy; case of Argus ; etc. (ib., 89; 10., e — Mch. 25. Same to Calhoun. Corresp. with H. B. M. govt. in case of Argus, etc.; concession to Amer. fishermen in Bay of Fundy applies to waters of n. e. Shores of Cape Breton. (ib., 87; ib., 40; 32. 2. H. ex. doc. 120, 93.) — Apr. 2. Same to Aberdeen. Further representation in case of Argus ; etc. (ib., 101; ib., 147.) — Apr. 2. Same to Calhoun. Comment on corresp. * H. B. M. govt. in case of Argus. (ib., 93; ib., 140. — Apr. 21. Aberdeen to Everett. Notes in case of Argus, etc., referred to colonial office. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 105.) 1854 Dec. 23. Synopsis of award by Anglo-Amer. mixed sºon under ConV. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 54. ARGUS, H. B. M. BRIG (ARABIN) 1823 May 10. Boards Amer. Schr. Charles in Shelburne harbor, coast of Nova Scotia; see Charles. ARGYLE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 190.) ARIADNE, AMER. SCHR. (JEFFREY) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 11.) ARIAS (JUAN ANGEL) Jefe del estado of Honduras, America. 1829-30; see Central ARIAS (JUAN DE DIOS) Oficial mayor in charge of ministerio de relac. est.; Mex- ico, during Juarez administration, 1861; see Mexico. Civil service. ARICA (PERU) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ARISTA (MARLANO), PRESIDENT OF MEXICO 1852 Apr. 15. To President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Senti- ments of Mexico in regard to Tehuantepec Canal. (32. 1. S. ex: doc. 97,159.) ARIZONA COLONIZATION SOCY.; see MEXICO. FILIBUS- TERING INVASIONS (CRABB) ARKANSAS See also Fort Smith : Izard Co. Boundary; see Texas (Mexican Terr.) Frontier: Texas (Re- public) Boundary: Do. Frontier Citizens; in Consular Service, U. S. A.; see Bates (A. S.); Diplomatic do.; see Borland (S.), Sevier (A. H.) Frontier; see Texas (Mexican Terr.) Land Grants; see same. ARKANSAS–cont’d Legislature 1838 Mch. 29. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; boundary betw. U. S. and Texas. (25. 2. S. jol., 327; 544.) — Mch. 29. Res.; same. (25. 2. H. jol., 685.) 1839 Jan. 31. Same. (25. 3. S. jol., 177; 322.) — Feb. 18. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 568.) — Feb. 18. Same. (25. 3. S. jol., 242.) 1844 Dec. 12. Do.; adjustment French spoliation claims. (28. 2. S. jol., 31.) 1846 Dec. 23. Same. (29. 2. S. doc. 78.) 1847 Jan. 18. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 108.) 1851 Jan. 29. Same. (31. 2. H. jol., 205.) — Feb. 4. Do.; acquisition of Cuba. (31. 2. S. jol., 142.) ARMERO (FRANCISCO), COMDTE. OF MARINE, HAWANA 1850 Je. 8. To gov. gen, of Cuba (Alcoy). Descr. of docs. intercepted on Georgiana and Susan Lowd impli- cating therein named persons in Lopez expedition agst. Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 56.) ARMSLEY (JAMES H.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Naples, 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. ARMSTRONG ( ), MASTER BR. STR. SIR ROBERT PEEL; see CANADA. INSURRECTION, 1837/8 ARMSTRONG (ALEXANDER) 1851 Dec. 16. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- pensation for property lost during war of 1812. (32. 1. H. jol., 101.) ARMSTRONG (FRANCIS W.), JOINT CLAIMANT; see LIV- INGSTON (T.) ARMSTRONG (GEORGE), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1850 Apr. 11. Intr. (Thomas, Tenn.); bill (31. 1. H. R. 237) “for relief of G. Armstrong.” (31. 1. H. jol., 777.) Correspondence, etc. 1850 Mch. 4. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity for property destroyed during war of 1812. (31. 1. H. jol., 627.) ARMSTRONG (JAMES), OF MASS. U. S. N., 1809-68, lieut. 1816; comdr. 1825; capt. 1841; comdre. retired 1867; retired * 25, 1868. Sea service in command (1816-61) : 1831, comdg. Por- poise W. I. sqdn. ; 1841-44 comdg. facific sqdn. ; 1856-57 comég. E. I. sqdn comdg. E. I. sqdn. 1856 Je. 13. To Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Arm- Strong and Amer. Cons. gen. Harris to proceed to Simoda in San Jacinto. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 929.) — Jº To same. Receipt of note of even date. (ib., 930. — Je. 28. To comdr. U. S. S. Levant (Smith). Order for conveyance of Amer. comr. (Parker) to Shang- hai. (ib., 931.) — Aug. 11. To Parker. Expects to be at Canton abt. Sept. 10. (ib., 932.) * — Sept. 13. To same. Receipt of his note of Aug. 12. (ib., 959.) — Nov. 15. To same. Consultation on state of affairs at Canton. (ib., 1022.) — Nov. 17. To Chinese imperial comr. (Yeh). Asks explanation of Barrier forts incident. (ib., 1029.) — Nov. 20. To same. Reply recd. to his note of 17 inst. is not satisfactory. (ib., 1031.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 71 ARMSTRONG (JAMES), OF MASS.—cont’d comdg. E. I. sqdn.—cont’d 1856 Nov. 25. To same. Amer. flag and privileges it carries cannot be withdrawn from any terr. in which it has treaty right; etc. (ib., 1047.) — Nov. 29. To same. Rights of Amer. citizens in China.; if Yeh will order that Amer. citizens be treated with respect, present difficulties will be ended. (ib., 1049.) — Dec. 5. To same. Character of Amer. flag; reply to his of even date. (ib., 1053.) — Dec. 8. To Parker. Demolition of Barrier forts on 6 inst.; copies of corresp. with Yeh. (ib., 1045.) — Dec. 9. To same. No necessity for further corresp. with Yeh on affair of forts. (ib., 1088.) — Dec. 12. To Yeh. Suggests that he make known friendly intentions towards Amer. citizens by proc- lamation. (ib., 1119.) — Dec. 17. To Parker. Return of cons. Perry to Can- ton. (ib., 1091.) — Dec. 19. To same. Regrets if any reference of dif- ficulties existing prior to Barrier forts has been made to Yeh. (ib., 1120.) — Dec. 31. To same. Receipt of notes of 26 and 29 inst. (ib., 1122.) 1857 Jan. 7. To same. Copy of note to Yeh on capture of Thistle and murder of her crew. (ib., 1123.) — Jan. 7. To same. Protest agst. Thistle outrage. (ib., 1123.) — Jan. 20. To Parker. Officers and men of Levant poisoned. (ib., 1169.) ſº-º-º-º-º-º #,” To same. Receipt of note of 23 inst. (ib., 1171. — Feb. 2. To same. Receipt of Perry rpt. on violation of graves at Whampoa. (ib., 1202.) — Feb. 16. To same. Reply of Yeh to protest of Jan. 7. (ib., 1233.) — Feb. 23. To same. Reply to note of 20 inst. in case of Waverly. (ib., 1235.) — Mch. 7. To same. Suggestion of 5 inst. inadvisable. (ib., 1236.) — Mch. 19. To Russell and co., and others. Declines to protect certain local strs.; reasons. (ib., 1272.) — Mch. 21. To A. Heard and co. Reply to note of 20 inst. (ib., 1274.) Mch. 23. To Parker. Advice of Amer. Citizen hav- ing commercial relations with Formosa; outrage on ship; sqdn. to make inquiries. (ib., 1249.) — Apr. 23. To Same. Levant ordered to Foo Chow. (ib., 1314.) — May 11. To same. No ship of war can go to Foo Chow; reasons. (ib., 1352.) ARMSTRONG (JAMES F.), OF N. J. L. S. N., 1832-73. Lieut. 1842; comdr. 1861 ; capt. 1866; retired 1872; died Apr. 19, 1873. Sea service in command (1842-61) : 1859-61 ; comdg. Sumter, African sqdn. ARMSTRONG (GEN. JOHN), LATE AMER. E. E. AND M. P. IN SPAIN 1856 May 19. To U. S. Senate. Petition of excrs. praying compensation, etc. (34. 1. and 2. S. jol., 338.) 1857 Jan. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Slidell). Adverse rpt. on memorial of May 19, 1856. (34. 3. S. rpt. 308.) ARMSTRONG (ROBERT), OF TENN. Amer, cons. for Liverpool, 1845-50 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. ARMSTRONG (SAMUEL P.), OF OHIO Amer. cons. for Matamoras, 1856-57 ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. * ARMSTRONG (WILLIAM), AMER. ACTG. SUPT. INDIAN AFFAIRS, WESTERN TERR. 1842 Nov. 4. To Comr. Indian Affairs, U. S. A. (Craw- ford). Res. of Choctaw general council praying that intercourse law relating to foreigners entering In- dian country be immediately operative; Copy of res. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 96.) ARMSTRONG (WILLIAM N.), OF KY. U. S. N., 1814-61. Lieut. 1821; comdr. 1841; capt. i855; died je. 28, 1861. Sea service in command (išší-61) : is 49 comāg. Portsmouth, African sqdn. ; i859-60 comdg. San Jacinto, do. ARMSTRONG (MASS.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; suppression of slavetrade. (25. 3. H. jol., 599.) ARMSTRONG, AMER. SCHR. 1826 July. 17. Comdr. U. S. S. Boston (Hoffman) to comdr. U. S. S. Cyane (Elliott). Armstrong, cap- tured by Brazilian blockading sqdn., released. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 122.) — Dec. 26. Elliott to vice-adm. Brazilian navy (Pinto Guedes). Asks for information resp. pretext on which Armstrong is held. (ib., 122.) Dec. 27. Pinto Guedes to Elliott. Reply to his of 26 inst. (ib., 123.) Dec. 28. Elliott to Pinto Guedes. Receipt of note of 27 inst. (ib., 125.) 1827 Feb. 7. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Capture and subsequent re- lease of Armstrong; etc. (ib., 80.) ARMSTRONG CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 607.) ARMSTRONG CO. (PENN.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 107.) 1838 Jan. 15. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 285.) ARNAUD (JAMES), AMER. CITIZEN 1829 Mch. 28. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Bocanegra) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Poinsett). Claim of heirs of J. Arnaud, murdered in Mexico. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 275.) ARNOLD (BENJAMIN) 1852 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Petition; compensation for property lost during war of 1812. (32. 1. S. jol., 93 *=º #éb. 11. To same. Same. (ib., 198.) ARNOLD (F.R.), CLAIMANT; see LOUISA, AMER. SHIP ARNOLD (JOHN D.), OF ILL. Amer. cons. for Odessa and St. Petersburg resp., in 1861 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. ARNOLD (RICHARD I.), CLAIMANT; see CANADA AMER. SHIP; DO. LOUISA, AMER. SHIP ARNOLD (THOMAS) 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. S. jol., 38; 196.) ARNOLD (THOMAS D.), REPR. FROM TENN. 1832 Apr. 2. Remarks; Br. memorial for aid to Amer. Colonization Socy. (viii, Reg. Debates, 2335.) 1842 Feb. 4. Remarks; reference of Adams' case. (xi, Cong. Globe, app., 979.) 72 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS AR00STOOK CO. (ME.) CITIZENS 1848 May 3. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; exemption from duty of lumber cut in Me. and manufactured in New Brunswick. (30. 1. S. jol., 310.) AROSEMENA (JUSTO) Ministr. de relac. est., New Grenada, 1848-49 ; see Colom- bia. Civil service. ARPINO (GIUSEPPE MARIO), ADVOCATE GENERAL GRAND COURT OF ACCOUNTS, Two SICILIES 1855 Oct. 1. Signs conv. of amity, etc., betw. Two Sicilies and U. S. A.; see Two Sicilies. Treaties. ARREDONDO (FERDINANDo M.) See also U. S. vs. Arredondo et al, 6 Peters. 1828 Jan. 29. To U. S. Senate. Petition of W. B. Wallace, atty. Of Arredondo, praying indemnity for losses in East Florida. (20. 1. S. jol., 125; 200.) T Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Same. (20. 2. H. jol., 61.) 1829 Feb. 26. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. on Arredondo petition. (20. 2. H. rpt. 99, 1.) - Dec. 19. U. S. House. Arredondo petition ordered tºrted to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (21. 1. H. jol., 1830 Feb. 9. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. on Arredondo petition. (21. 1. H. rpt. 176, 1.) 1831 Dec. 12. To U. S. House. Petition; praying indem- nity. (22. 1. H. jol., 32.) 1832 Jan. 20. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. on Arredondo claim. (22.1. H. rpt. 223, 1.) 1834 Mch. 26. Same (Archer). Do. (23. 1. H. rpt. 368.) ARREST OF FOREIGNERS; see ALIENAGE, etc. IMPRISON- MENT ARRIETA (VICTORIANO) DE; IMPLICATED IN CUBANIN- SURRECTION OF 1850; see VILLAVERDE (C.) ARRIOJA (MIGUEL MARIA) Ministr. de relag. est., Mexico, during Alvarez adminis- tration, 1855; see Mexico. Civil service. ARROT (JAMES), OF PENN. Amer, cons. for Dublin, 1855-58; see U. S. A. Consular Selº WICC. ARROW, AMER. SHIP (FLETCHER) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex, doc. 117, 12.) ARROYO (JOSE MIGUEL) Oficial mayor encargado de relac. est., Mexico during Arista administration, 1852-53 ; during Ceballos do., 1853; during Lombardini do., 1853; during 8th Sta. Anna do., 1853-55; during Carrera do., 1855; see Mexico. Civil service. CeballoS Administration 1853 Feb. 5. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Conkling). Con- clusion of contract for Tehuantepec road. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 72, 19.) Lombardini Administration — Feb. 21. To same. Apptmt. Of Castillo and Tornel to negotiate arrangement guaranteeing neutrality of right of transit over Tehuantepec road. (ib., 28.) ARTETA (DOMINGO), MASTER AMER. SLAVER SCHR. REBECCA; see REBECCA ARTHUR (SIR GEORGE) 1838-41 lieut.-gov. of Upper Canada. 1838 May 31. Proclamation; destruction of Sir Robert Peel. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 5.) ARTHUR (JOHN) Amer. cons. for Turk’s Is., 1835-42; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. ARTIEDA (DIEGO DE) 1574 Felipe II, of Spain. Charter to Artieda, apptg. him gov. and capt. gen. of Costa Rica; English text. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 26.) ARVE, AMER. BRIG (SPATES) Seized in port of Jeremie, Sto. Domingo, Dec., 1849, and master imprisoned. Claim is for indemnity. 1850 Jan. 14. Amer. com. agt. Cape Haitien (Usher) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Complaint of Capt. Spates (Arve). (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 71, 2.) — Feb. 4. Spates to Clayton. Indemnity on acct. Of detention. (ib., 2.) — May 9. Clayton to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston). Papers relating to Arve outrage. (ib., 3.) — May 11. Preston to Clayton. Spates’ claim. (ib., 5.) Sept. 24. H. Moore. Deposition; detention of Arve. (ib., 4.) - — Sept. 24. A. C. Spates. Same. (ib., 4.) 1851 Dec. 26. U. S. House. Res. (Fuller, Me.); calling for information relative to Arve outrage. (32. 1. H. jol., 137.) 1852 Feb. 11. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Presi- dent U. S. A. (Fillmore). Advice of Arve seizure. (ib., 1.) ASH (GEORGE) 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity for Br. Spoliations during war of 1812. (25. 3. H. jol., 120, 181.) ASHBURNHAM (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 58.) — Sept. 19. To same. Same. (ib., 74.) — Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) — Dec. 21. To same. Same. (26. 2. H. jol., 86.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) ASHBURTON, LORD (ALEXANDER BARING), 1774-1848 H. B. M. special comr. to U. S. A., 1842, to negotiate flºaty for settlement of northeastern boundary ; 8tC. 1841 Dec. 31. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Br. decision to send Lord Ashburton to U. S. A. With power to make final settlement of all matters in dispute. "(27. 3. H. ex. doc. 192, 6; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 88.) 1842 Jan. 29. Webster to Everett. Gratification at ap- ptmt. of Lord Ashburton. (ib., 11.) Correspondence 1842 Je. 13. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Author- ized to treat for conventional line to settle proc. in northeastern boundary controversy. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 34; H. ex. doc. 2, 31; xii, Cong. Globe, 4.) — Je. 17. To same. Fixes time for first conference. (ib., 38; ib., 35; ib., 5.) — Je. 21. To same. St. John’s River proposed as line of n. e. boundary; terms upon which settlement may be made. (ib., 39; ib., 36; ib., 5.) — Jly. 11. To same. Line Americans propose is in- admissable. (ib., 50; ib., 48; ib., 8.) — JIy 16. To same. Settlement of no. boundary from Lake Superior to Lake of the Woods. (ib., 57; ib., 53; ib., 10.) INDEx To UNITED STATEs DocumENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 73 ASHBURTON, LORD (ALEXANDER BARING), 1774-1848– cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1842 JIy. 28. To same. Principle of personal responsi- bility of individuals acting under authority of govt. ſºlved in case of Caroline. (ib., 137; ib., 130; ib., 27. — JIy. 29. To Same. Agreeing to proposed line em- bracing disputed portions of n. e. boundary. (ib., 61; ib., 59; ib., 11.) — Aug. 6. To Same. Stipulation for security of Amer. vessels driven by stress of weather into Br. ports referred to London; case of Creole. (ib., 122; ib., 120; ib., 25.) — Aug. 9. To same. Impressment of seamen; having no instructions does not reply to Webster’s argument of 8 inst.; Br. doctrine of allegiance opposed to Amer. (ib., 144; ib., 142; ib., 29.) — Aug. 9. To same. Parliament confirms art. 3 [i. e., 10] of treaty of 1842. (ib., 107; ib., 105; ib., 23.) — Aug. 9. To same. Object and intention of art. 5, treaty of Aug. 9, 1842. (ib., 62; ib., 60; ib., 11.) — Aug. 9. Signs treaty to settle and define boundaries, etc., betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. ASHBURTON TREATY; see GR. B.R. TREATIES, 1842 ASHBY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; Vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) — Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) ASHE (WILLIAM S.), REPR. FROM N. C. 1850 Jly. 16. Remarks; title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 1386.) — Aug. 15. Speech; same. (ib., 1585.) issº. Remarks; Kerr outfit. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, T1:& #. Do.; art. 3, treaty of 1853 with Mexico. (ib., ASHFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) Sept. 25. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 42.) 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 108.) ASHFORD (CONN.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. joi., 476.) 1845 Dec. 15. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) ASHFORD CO. (CONN.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) ASHLEY (CHESTER), SENATOR FROM ARK, 1845 Feb. 22. Speech; favoring Texan annexation, (xiv. Cong. Globe, app., 283.) g 3. 1846 Apr. 3. Do.; favoring notice to Gr. Br. of termina- tion of joint occupation of Oregon. (29, 1. Globe, 596; app., 437.) gon. ( Cong. 1847 Mch. 3. Remarks ; judicial powers to ministers and cons. in China and Turkey, (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 572.) ASHLEY (WARREN) AND OTHERS; see COWPER (JOHN) ASHMORE (JOHN D.), REPR. FROM S. C. 1860 * Iºal.".”. ; Opposing adjournment to wit- neSS landing of Japanese embassy. tº Globe, 2077.) y. (36. 1. Cong. - Je. 4. Do.; bill to regulate dipl. and tºº tems. (ib., 2611.) p consular sys ASHMUN (GEORGE), REPR. FROM MASS. 1846 Apr. 13. Remarks; explaining his alleged Views on conduct of Webster. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 661.) Apr. 27. Do.; defending Webster. (ib., 730.) — Jºy. 27. Speech; Mexican war. (ib., app., 809.) 1847 Jan. 30. Remarks; offering amdmt, calling for dipl. information concerning return of Sta. Anna to Mexico, etc.; do. Thompson res. of even date. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 296, 298.) — Feb. 4. Speech; origin, objects and consequences of Mexican war. (ib., app., 289.) 1848 Jan. 4. Remarks; reply to McLane on Goggin res. of Dec. 20 calling for dipl. information concerning return of Sta. Anna to Mexico. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 104.) — Apr. 10-11. Do., S. res. 15, tendering congratula- tions to French people. (ib., 599, 601, 603.) 1849 Feb. 28. Do.; Mexican boundary. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 622-23.) 1850 Mch. 27. Do.; Texan annexation, etc. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 396.) — Aug. 7. Do.; claims agst. Portugal. Globe, 1534.) — Aug. 14. Speech; title of Texas to terr. e. Of Rio Grande; etc. (ib., app., 1120.) 1851 Feb. 25-26. Remarks; reply to Allen’s attack On Webster. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, 684, 687, 697.) ASHTABULA CO. (0.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 72.) 1838 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 160.) 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 226; 228; 234.) — Feb. 4. To same. Same. (ib., 476.) Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 3. S. jol., 216.) — Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 584; 598.) 1844 Jan. 22. To same. — Dec. 30. To Same. 1846 Feb. 2. To Same. 1847 Dec. 20. To Same. H. jol., 119.) 1848 Jan. 17. To same. Same. (ib., 259.) — Mch. 13. To same. Same. (ib., 559.) 1850 Feb. 11. To same. Do.; arbitration. (31. 1. H. jol., 500.) (31. 1. Cong. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 276.) Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 147.) Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 337.) Do.; peace with Mexico. (30. 1. ASHTON (COL. HENRY); see SCOTT (A.) ASIA, AMER. BRIG 1833 Sept. 28. Secy. State U. S. A. (McLane) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Complaint of prohibitive tonnage duties exacted by Mexico on brig Asia. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 108.) ASIA, AMER. SHIP (HEWETT) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 12.) ASIA, H. B. M. FLAG-SHIP PACIFIC SQDN.; see CENTRAL AMERICA. NICARAGUA ASP, AMER. SCHR. (WEEMS) Taken by H. B. M. cruiser Wolverine Jan., 16, 1840, off mouth of Nun. Court of Mixed Commission, Sierra Leone, on Mch. 9, declared schr. to be lawful prize. 1840 Mch. 12. H. B. M. Comrs., mixed commission at Sierra Leone (Doherty and Hook) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Rpt. of case of Schr. Asp. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 216.) — Aug. 10. Palmerston to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. ; A. (Fox). Instructions in case of Asp. (ib., 215. 74 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ASP, AMER. SCHR. (WEEMS)—cont’d 1841 Feb. 4. Fox to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Proc. of mixed court at Sierra Leone on slaver Asp; etc. (ib., 207; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 8.) ASPASIA, AMER. BRIG (MASSICOTT) Brazilian Claim Detained by customs authorities in port of Rio de J., in Oct., 1830. n.d. Synopsis of claim. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 115.) Mexican Claim Seizure of specie on board, in 1827. n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 55.) 1828 Oct. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett) to ministr. relac. est. (Cañedo). Retention of money belonging to master of Aspasia by authorities of port of Sisal. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 260.) ASPINWALL (THOMAS), OF MASS. Amer. gons. for London, 1816-54; see also U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. 1836 Oct. 19. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Deportation of paupers. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 210.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1834 Dec. 16. Intr. in House (Wayne, Ga.); bill (23. 2. H. R. 571) “to authorize allowance of certain charges in accounts of Amer. consul at London.” (23. 2. H. jol., 97.) 1835 Dec. 22. Intr. (King, Ga.); bill (24. 1. S. 10) same; *. an. 19, 1836. (24. 1. S. jol., 51, 77, 80; vi., St. ., 620. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1834 Dec. 8. To U. S. House. Memorial; continuation of allowance to consulate at London. (23. 2. H. jol., 36.) Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Same. (23. 2. S. jol., 38.) Dec. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Wayne). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 571. (23. 2. H. rpt. 7.) 1835 Jan. 16. N. Silsbee, Sen. from Mass. Remarks; in favor of Aspinwall claim. (xi, Reg. Debates, 219.) — Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial praying settle- ment of accts. for contingent expenses. (24. 1. H. jol., 115.) 1836 Jan. 5. U. S. S. Com. on Commerce (Davis). Rpt. to acc. S. 10. (24. 1. S. doc. 43.) — Jan. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Jackson). Rpt. to acc. S. 10. (24. 1. H. rpt. 119.) ASPINWALL (WILLIAM H.), REPR. OF PANAMA R. R. CO.; see CENTRAL AMERICA ASPINWALL (COLOMBIA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ASPURUA (RAMON) Chargé for Venezuela in U. S. A. ; Mch.-Dec., 1854; see Venezuela. Diplomatic service. ASSIS COELHO (F.R.) DE; see RAMIRO DE ASSIS COELHO, etc. | {2k} ASSOCIATION OF FRANKLIN MINISTERS, NEW SALEM, MASS. 1838 Dec. 17. To U. S. House. Memorial; congreSS of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 97, 302.) ASTA BURUAGA (F. S.) Chargé for Chili in U. S. A., 1861-67; see Chili. matic service. ASTOR (JOHN JACOB), OWNER OF SHIP BEAVER; see BEAVER Diplo- — AND POPE (P. P.), OWNERS OF BRIG COSSACK; see COSSACK ASUNCION (PARAGUAY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ASYLUM, RIGHT OF PerSOnS See also Aliens (Protection) : Treaty Provisions 1850 May 4. New Grenada and U. S. A. Conv. Conc. rights, etc., of cons., art. 5. Arms and flag to be dis- played; these not to import right of asylum, etc. 1853 Feb. 23. France and U. S. A. ConS. conv., art. 3. Consular offices and dwellings not to be used as places of asylum. 1855 Jan. 22. Netherlands and U. S. A. ConV. ConC. rights, etc., of cons. in Dutch colonies, art. 4. Dis- play of consular arms; not to confer right of asylum. 1856 Dec. 13. Persia and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 7. Dipl. agts. and cons. not to protect Sub- jects of Persian govt. Extradition. Correspondence Venezuela. 1858 May 22. H. S. Sanford, atty. for Aves Is... claimants to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Overthrow of Mona- gas' govt.; protest agst. protection afforded by for- eign ambassadors in Caracas to deposed Venezuelan govt. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 428.) Vessels See also Atlanta : Com/merce : Creole : , Enterprise : Hermosa : Mamchester: President : Shipwreck. Treaty Provisions 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 8. Asylum to vessels in distress. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 10. Refuge in harbors. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc., art. 6. Asylum to vessels in distress. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 9. Vessels Seeking refuge. — Sept. 16. Morocco and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 10. Vessels cast ashore. 1838 Nov. 26. Sardinia and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 12. Vessels forced into port. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 9. Asylum to vessels in distress. 1840 Aug. 26. Portugal and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 9. Vessels seeking refuge. 1845 Dec. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Same, art. 10. Wessels forced into port. 1846 Dec. 12. New Grenada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 9. Asylum to vessels in distress. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc., art. 8. Vessels seeking refuge. — Dec. 20. Hawaii and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 13. Vessels forced into port. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 9. Asylum to vessels. 1855 Jan. 13. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 16. Vessels forced into port. Correspondence, etc. 1840 Mch. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Calhoun, S. C.); ship of any nation, in time of peace, forced into port of friendly power by stress of weather, retains rights of her nation; etc. (viii, Cong. Globe, 233; 267.) 1842 J1y. 20. U. S. atty. gen. (Legaré). Opinion; vessel compelled by stress of weather to take refuge in for- eign port not subject to municipal law of that other. (ii, Op. attys. gen., 1533; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, v. 2, 1533.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 75 ASYLUM, RIGHT OF-cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1842 Aug. 1. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to H. B. M. special comr. (Ashburton). Stipulation for security of Amer. vessels driven by stress into Br. ports; etc. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 116; H. ex. doc. 2, 114.) — Aug. 6. Ashburton to Webster. Same. (ib., 123; ib., 120.) — Aug. 8. Webster to Ashburton. Disappointment at postponement of arrangement for security of vessels driven by stress into Br. ports. (ib., 124; ib., 123.) 1843 Nov. 28. Secy. State U. S. A. (Upshur) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Gr. Br. Review of Webster-Ash- burton corresp. in regard to vessels driven by stress into Br. ports. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 5.) ATALANTA, AMER. SHIP 1856 Sept. 16. Atty. gen. U. S. A. (Cushing). Opinion; crime committed on high seas on board Amer. ship, and ship compelled to touch at French port, may criminal be withdrawn forcibly from ship by local authorities. (viii, op. attyS. gen., 73.) ATALANTA, CHARTERED STR. U. S. N. In commission, 1828-61 : 1859 in Braz. Sqdn. (Ridgeley). ATALAYADER, SPAN. BRIG; see PUIG, MIR AND CO. ATCHISON (DAVID R.), OF MO., 1807–86 U. S. Senator from Missouri, 28-33 con Mch. 3, 1855 ; member Com. on 1 sess., 31 congr., 1849-50. 1844 Jan. 25. Remarks; res. to terminate joint Occu- pancy of Oregon terr. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 191.) — Feb. 22. Do.; Same. (ib., 306.) — Feb. 22. Speech; same. (ib., app., 237.) 1845 Jan. 20. Remarks; Missouri res. on Texan annexa- tion. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 155.) — Mch. 3. Do.; passage of Oregon bill. (ib., 387.) 1846 Feb. 18. Do.; attitude of Hannegan on Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 388.) — Mch. 12. Speech; abrogation of conv. of 1827 with Gr. Br.; opposing cession of any portion of Oregon terr. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 489; do. app., 348.) — Apr. 9. Remarks; corresp. regarding Oregon. (ib., 633.) — May 28. Do.; recommitment of Oregon Jurisdiction Bill. (ib., 874.) — Je. 1. Same. (ib., 897.) 1850 Aug. 2. Do.; validity of Mexican laws in new terri- tories. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 1499-1500; 1504.) — Aug. 6. Do.; Disturnell map acc. treaty of Guada- lupe Hidalgo. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 1531.) — Aug. 21. Amdmt. to Mangum res. of Aug. 6; Sub- SCI”. ; Palmer’s “Maritime countries, etc.” (ib., 1624. 1852 Mch. 11. Remarks; Kossuth entertainment expendi- tures. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 720.) ATHENS (GREECE) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service ATHENS CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 13. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 31.) — Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Same, (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) ATHERTON (CHARLES GORDON), OF N. H., 1804-53 Repr, from N. H., 25-27 congr., 1837-43 ; U. S. sen. from N. H. 28-30 congr., 1843–49; do. 1 sess. 33 cong., 1853. Member Com. on Foreign Relations 28 cong., sp’l sess., 29 congr., 1845-47. Representative 1842 May 12. Remarks; outfit for chargé to Holland. (xi, Cong. Globe, 494.) ., Dec. 4, 1843- oreign Relations ATHERTON (CHARLES GORDON), OF N. H., 1804-53—cont’d Senator Remarks by 1846 Jan. 7. Remarks; Canadian interference in Indian Stream settlement. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 154.) — Jan. 12. Same. (ib., 183.) — Jan. 28. Same. (ib., 262.) — Apr. 28. Same. (ib., 733.) — May 6. Same. (ib., 766.) — Je. 9. Do.; General Armstrong claim. (ib., 942.) — Dec. 23. Do.; memorial of Socy. of Friends on ter- mination of Mexican war. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 69- 70.) 1848 Mch. 21. Do.; mission to Rome. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 403.) 1849 Feb. 20. Do.; execution, in part, of art. 12, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 560.) — Feb. 26. Do.; mission to Chili. (ib., 596.) — Feb. 27. Do.; outfit of comr. to Sandwich Is. (ib., 604.) Reports Made 1846 May 19. General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. rpt. 349.) ATHLUMNEY, BARON; see SOMERVILLE (SIR WILLIAM M.) ATHOL (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 285.) — Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 220.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial; congress of nations. (26. 1. H. jol., 728.) 1847 Jan. 22. To same. Do.; peace with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 215.) ATHOUGUIA (ANTONIO A. J. D’ATOUGUIA), WISCONDE DE Ministro dos negocios estrangeiros, Portugal, 1851-52; see Portugal. Civil service. ATKINS ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG WILLIAM KING; see WILLIAM KING ATKINS ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. BOLINA; see BOLINA ATKINS ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. MORNING STAR; See MORNING STAR ATKINS (AMBROSE), CLAIMANT 1850 Jan. 4. Z. S. Holt, heir of Atkins, to U. S. Senate. Memorial; indemnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 53.) ATKINS (MARY), CLAIMANT; see HART (E.) ATKINS (WILLIAM), SEAMAN BARK JASPER; see JAS- PER ATKINSON (ANDREW) Statutory Measures See Claims (Spanish), 1819. Correspondence, etc. 1858 May 17. U. S. S. Com. of Claims. Rpt. to acc. S. 373 on rpts. of Ct. of Claims in case of L. Humphreys, admix. of A. Atkinson; etc. (35. 1. S. rpt. 258.) 1860 Feb. 20. Same. Rpt. to acc. S. 230 on petitions of certain claimants under Florida treaty. (36. 1. S. rpt. 93.) ATKINSON (ARCHIBALD), REPR. FROM WA. 1846 Feb. 6. Remarks; urging notice to Gr. Br. of ter- mination of joint occupancy of Oregon. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 331.) — Feb. 7. Speech; same. (ib., app., 261.) 1848 Apr. 14. Remarks; Meade claim. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 631.) 76 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ATLANTA, AMER. BOAT Driven on shore at Hae Tan, China coast, durin l Oct., 1856; see China. Foo Chow. A.” gale in ATLANTIC, AMER. SHIP (JAYNE) n.d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 With France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 13.) ATLANTIC, BR. BRIG 1826 Aug. 29. Secr. da marinha, Brazil (Paranagoa) to auditor gen., Brazil. Instructions; prizes of Brazil- ian blockading Sqdn.; brig Atlantic; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 50.) ATOCHA (ALEXANDER. J.), AMER. CITIZEN, CLAIMANT WS, MEXICO On Feb. 26, 1845 “ordered to leave city of Mexico within eight days for Vera Cruz, in order to depart from the Republic.” – Claim was rejected by comrs. under treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. By act of Feb. 14, 1865, case referred to Ct. of Claims, which tribunai awarded in favor of claimant. Statutory Measures 1857 Jan. 14. Intr., Pratt, Md.; bill (34. 3. S. 504) “for relief of A. J. Atocha.” (34. 3. S. jol., 89.) Dec. 22. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (35. 1. S. 28) same. (35. 1. S. jol., 64.) Correspondence, etc. 1852 Mch. 5. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity from Mexico. (32. 1. H. jol., 431.) — Mch. 5. To U. S. Senate. Same. (32. 1. S. jol., 251.) — Mch. 29. To U. S. House. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 522.) — Mch. 29. To U. S. Senate. Same. (32. 1. S. jol., 311.) 1854 May 18. To same. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 397.) 1856 Dec. 8. To same. Same. (34. 3. S. jol., 32.) 1857 Jan 24. T. G. Pratt, sen, from Md. Remarks; S. 504. (34. 3. Cong. Globe, 457.) — Feb. 20. J. Slidell, sen. from La. Same. (ib., 779.) — Dec. 17. U. S. Senate. Motion (Benjamin, La.); Atocha memorial referred to Com. On Foreign Rela- tions. (35. 1. S. jol., 43.) — Dec. 22. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. in favor of S. 28. (35. 1. S. rpt. 1.) 1858 Jan. 4-5. W. A. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; on S. 28. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 177; 191.) Jan. 5. J. P. Benjamin, Sen. from La. Same. (ib., 190.) Jan. 5. J. Collamer, Sen. from Vt. Same. (ib., 190.) Jan. 5. W. P. Fessenden, Sen. from Me. Same. (ib., 191.) Jan. 5. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Wa. Same. (ib., 189.) Jan. 5. R. Toombs, sen. from Ga. Same. (ib., 192.) — Jan. 5. J. J. Crittenden, sen. from Ky. Same. (ib., 191-92.) — Jan. 5. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Same. (ib., 188- 91, 193.) — Jan. 5. J. Slidell, sen. from La. Same. (ib., 189, 192-93.) Jan. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foot, Vt.); return of S. 28 to Ct. of Claims. (35. 1. S. jol., 87.) — May 4. U. S. Senate. Motion (Benjamin, La.); Ct. of Claims to return S. 28 and papers to Senate. (ib., 411; 528.) 1859 Jan. 31. A. Iverson, sen. from Ga. Remarks; in- tention of Claims Com. as to settlement of Atocha claim. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 711.) Jan 31. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; reference of Atocha claim to Ct. of Claims. (ib., 711- 12.) — Feb. 1. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.); to refer Atocha memorial to Ct. of Claims. (32. 2. S. jol., 243.) ATOUGUIA (ANTONIO A. J.) D’; WISCONDE DE D’ATHOU- GULA; see D’ATHOUGUIA ATRATO CANAL; see CENTRAL AMERICA (CONFEDERA- § ) TRANS-ISTHMIAN CANAL. DARIEN CONCES- ATRISTAIN (MIGUEL), CITIZEN OF MEXICO lsº* Signs treaty of peace, etc., betw. Mexico and ATTELIS (ORAZIO) DE, MARQUIS DE SANTANGELo; see SANTANGELO ATTLEBOROUGH (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Jan. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 303.) 1846 Feb. 2. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 337.) ATTWATER (THOMAS), EXCR. OF ESTATE OF E. ATT- WATER 1846 Dec. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial; indemnity for French spoliations. (29. 2. H. jol., 83.) ATWOOD (GEORGE W.), CLAIMANT 1854 Mch. 14. Summary of award by comrs. under conv. of 1853 with Gr. Br. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 56.) AUBOYNEAU (FRANCIS M.), OF R. I. Amer, cons. for Rochelle, France, 1844-53; see U. S. A. Consular service. AUBURN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) AUBURN (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) 1845 Dec. 16. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 119.) 1846 Feb. 26. To same. Do.; in favor of arbitration. (ib., 464.) AUBURN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1838 Mch. 26. To U. S. House. Memorial VS, Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 666.) AUCHINLOSS (HUGH), CLAIMANT; see STEWART (J.) AUDONY (CHARLES), see ANDONY (C.) AUDUBON (V. G.); see INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE AUGSBURG (GERMANY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service AUGUERA (PABLO), OF SPAIN Amer. cons. for Barcelona, 1850-57; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. AUGUSTA (ME.) CITIZENS 1844 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 148.) AUGUSTA RELIGIOUS ANTI-SILAVERY CONW. 1847 Jan. 21. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. S. jol., 118.) AUGUSTA (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) AUGUSTA, AMER. SCHR. (STICKNEY) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 13.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 77 * AUGUSTUS AMER. SCHR., R. PERRY CLAIMANT Seized by Mexican authorities in rt of Brazos de Santiago, Je. 18, 33, on suspicion of attempt to land cargo clandestinely. n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 80; H. doc. 3, 83.) n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 52-53.) AUGUSTUS, AMER. SHIP (BOWDEN) n.d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 13.) AULICK (JOHN H.), OF R. I. U. S. N., 1806-67. Lieut. , 1814; comdr. 1831; capt. 841 ; comdre, retired list, Apr. 4, 1867. Died Apr. 27, 1873. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1834-35 comdg. Vincennes, Pacific sqān. ; 1841 Comdg. Yorktown, do. ; 1846-47 comdg. Potomac, Home sqdn. ; i851-52 Comdg. E. I. sqdn. Comdg. Potomac, Home sqdn. 1847 Mch. 25. To comdr. U. S. str. Mississippi (Perry). Rpt. of proc. off Sacrificios. (30. 2. H. ex: doc. 1, 1180.) Comdg. E. I. Sqdn. 1852 May 28. To Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Parker). Sends Susquehanna to fetch pirates of Robert BOwne. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 116.) — Je. 8. To same. Examination of pirates of Robert BOwne. (ib., 123.) — Je. 19. To same. Result of ct. of inquiry organized On board Susquehanna in case of Robert Bowne. (ib., 128.) 1853 Jan. 31. To comdr. U. S. S. Saratoga (Walker). Ordered to Hong Kong from Canton. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 19.) — Feb. 5. To Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Reason for order of 31 ult. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 25. To same. Withdrawal from command pre- Vents action on his part in Gibson case; transmits corresp. in his possession relative to case. (ib., 75.) L'AUMONTE, VICOMTE DE; CITIZEN OF FRANCE 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying pen- Sion. (25. 3. H. jol., 215.) AURORA (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 229.) AURORA, AMER. BRIG (BARTLETT) French Claim Capture by French privateer in 1808 and condemnation by virtue of Milan decree. R. Gilmore, P. A. Kart- haus, et al, claimants. n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 13.) 1836 Apr. 19. Karthaus to U. S. Senate. Petition pray- ing indemnity. (24. 1. S. jol., 295; 318.) Apr. 20. Same to U. S. House. Do. (24. 1. H. jol., 723; 1224.) 1837 Mch. 1. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Adverse rpt. on Gilmore claim. (24. 2. H. rpt. 299; 27. 2. H. rpt.-918, 2.) 1838 Jan. 8. Karthaus to U. S. House. Petition praying indemnity. (25. 2. H. jol., 233; 299.) — Jan. 18. U. S. H. Com. On Judiciary (Toucey). Ad- verse rpt. on Karthaus memorial. (25. 2. H. rpt. 437.) Mexican Claim Confiscation in 1836 of cargo of Aurora by customs offi- : of Tabasco. R. Gilmore, R. Oliver, et al, claim- 8. IltS. n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 89; H. doc. 3, 92.) 1831 Sept. 27. Actg. Secy. State U. S. A. (Brent) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Oliver claim agst. Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 82.) 1832 Oct. 12. Same to same. Same. (ib., 84.) AURORA, AMER. BRIG (BARTLETT)—cont’d Mexican Claim—cont’d 1836 Sept. 20. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Ellis) to min- istr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio). Stnt. of Amer. cons. at Campeche in case of Aurora; refusal to pro- duce copy of judicial proc. in case of Aurora violates art. 25, treaty of 1831. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 242; 24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 40.) — Sept. 27. Monasterio to Ellis. Note of 20 inst re- ferred to minister of justice. (ib., 242; ib., 41.) — Oct. 5. Ellis to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Case of Aurora; etc. (ib., 241; ib., 37.) — Nov. 30. Monasterio to Ellis. On rpt. from minis- ter of justice in case of Aurora. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 78; H. ex. doc. 139, 73.) — Dec. 19. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing, Mass.) ; reference of Gilmore et al petition. (24. 2. H. jol., 75; 554.) Dec. 23. Ellis to Forsyth. Copies of corresp. in case of Aurora; etc. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 217.) AUSABLE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan annex- ation. (29. 1. H. jol., 228.) AUSTERLITZ (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial Vs. Texan annex- ation. (25. 3. H. jol., 340.) AUSTIN ( AUSTIN (JOHN) 1833 Dec. 31. Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Seizure of Schr. Bra- 2Oria by Austin. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 115.) ), MASTER AMER. SHIP GLOBE; see GLOBE AUSTIN (JOSEPH B.) Amer. cons. for Ciudad Bolivar in 1854; see U. S. A. Consular service. AUSTIN (STEPHEN) 1834 May 26. Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane) to Amer. chargé, Mexico (Butler). Arrest of Austin. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 141.) AUSTINTOWN (O.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) AUSTRIA See also Hungary Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Allegiance; see that title Civil Service Only those officials, of course, whose names appear in this Index. Hofkammer 1838/9. Präsident; see Eichoff, frhr. v. Staatskanzler [Taken from Oesterr. Jahrb. d. Ausw. Dienstes.] 1809–48. Metternich. 1848 Mch.-May. Ficquelmont; ad int., Lebzelter-Collen- bach. — May-Nov. Wessenberg-Ampringen. 1848-52. Schwarzenberg. * 1852-59. Buol-Schauenstein. 1859-64. Rechberg-Rothenlöwen. Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial) 78 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS AUSTRIA—cont’d Consular Regulations 1853 Aug. 24. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to Austrian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Hülsemann). Territorial limits of consular jurisdiction as required by laws of Austria. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 100, 42.) See also Robertson (W.). Consular Service Turkey 1851; see Mihanovich ( ), cons. gen. |United States 1831; see Lederer (C.). Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Diplomatic Agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Diplomatic Service Only those officials whose names appear in this Index. [Taken from Oesterr, Jahrb. d. , Ausw. Dienstes ; State Dept. register, 1874, U. S. A.] Turkey 1853; see de Bruck (V.) United States 1838 Je. 3-Je. 18, 1841. W. P. frhr. v. Maréchal, E. E. and M. P. 1841 Je. 18-May 11, 1863. J. G. ritter V. Hülsemann, chargé ad int. 1841-55; when he presented creden- tials as min. res. Embarked for Europe Je. 4, 1863, leaving legation in charge of Chas.” F. Loosey, Aus- trian cons. gen. Expatriation; see Allegiance Exterritoriality; see that title Foreign Affairs AMERICAN See also Hungary : Kossuth ; Koszta. 1830-50. Amer. cons., Vienna (Schwarz) to Secy. State, |U. S. A. Rpts. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 71, 3-85.) 1838 Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Ann. meSS. [clause regarding dipl. relations with Aus- tria]. 1849 Dec. 4. Same (Taylor). Ann. mess. [clause relat- ing to outcome of Austro-Hungarian War]. Dec. 24. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.); ex- pediency of suspending dipl. relations with Austria. (31. 1. S. jol., 15; 132.) 1850 Jan. 4. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; reply to Seward conc. departure of Webb, Amer. chargé gº for Austria; during debate on Cass res. of Dec. 24. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 103.) Jan. 4. Same. Speech; Suspension of dipl. rela- tions with Austria. (ib., app., 54.) — Jan. 4. H. S. Foote, sen. from Miss. Speech; reply to Seward during debate On CaSS res. Of Dec. 24; conduct of Webb, etc. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 103.) — Jan. 4. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Remarks; Cass res. of Dec. 24. (ib., 106.) — Jan. 4. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Do.; CaSS res. of Dec. 24; conduct of Webb, etc. (ib., 103.) — Jan. 7. H. S. Foote. Same. (ib., 117.) — Jan. 7. Citizens of U. S. A. to U. S. Senate. Peti- tion; praying suspension of dipl. intercourse with Austria. (31. 1. S. jol., 56.) — Jan. 9. Same to same. Same. (ib., 66.) — Jan. 15. Citizens of Oneida Co. (N. Y.) to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 311.) Jan. 21. Citizens of U. S. A. to U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 94.) — Jan. 29. Same to same. Same. (ib., 117.) — Jan. 31. H. S. Foote, sen. from Miss. Remarks; re- ply to Hunter; expediency of suspending dipl. rela- tions with Austria. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 87, 89- 90.) AUSTRIA—cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d 1850 Jan. 31. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Speech; opposed to Cass. res. of Dec. 24, 1849. (ib., 84.) — Jan. 31. T. Smith, sen. from Conn. Remarks; same. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 89-90.) 1852 Mch. 18. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. DO.; On Same. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 782.) — Feb. 5. H. S. Foote, sen. from Miss. Proposition concerning res. relative to suspension of dipl. rela- tions with Austria, etc.; amdmts. to Cass res. Of ºthy for Hungary, etc. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, , 293. r w Je. 8. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Amer. chargé in Austria (McCurdy). Instructions; with- drawal of Austrian chargé Hülsemann. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 92, 4.) 1854 Jan. 30. U. S. House. Res. (Perkins, La.); calling for unpublished corresp. With Austria relative to persons claiming protection of U. S. A. (33. 1. H. jol., 285.) Postal Privilege; see Reciprocity (Postal) Presents to Aliens; see Presents, etc. Quarantine Regulations; see that title Slavetrade; see that title Tobacco Trade; see that title Treaties - 1829 Aug. 27. U. S. A. and Austria. Treaty of commerce, etc. Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 23. Amer. ratification proc. in iv, vii-viii, Sen. ex. jol. 1841 Dec. 20. Quintuple treaty; see that title. 1848 May 8. U. S. A. and Austria. Conv. relative to dis- posal of property, etc. Engl. text in 48. 2. S. doc. 47, 27. Amer. ratification proc. in viii, Sen. ex. jol. 1856 Jly. 3. U. S. A. and Austria. Extradition conv. Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 27. Amer. ratifica- tion proc. in X, Sen. ex. jol., AUX CAYES (HAITI) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service AUXBRIDGE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) AVA (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Petition in behalf of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) AVENERO (FRANCISCO), COMDR. SP. NAVAL FORCES IN ANTILLES 1850 May 2. To Sp. cons., Key West. Amer. str. Creole. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 43.) — May 22. [To same.] Same. (ib., 42.) AVERETT (THOMAS H.), REPR. FROM VA. 1850 Mch. 28. Speech; validity of Mexican laws in new terr. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 393.) AVERY (WILLIAM T.), REPR. FROM TENN. 1858 Jan. 27. Speech; denouncing Clayton-Bulwer treaty; favoring Americanization of Central Amer. and acquisition of Cuba. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 445.) 1859 Jan. 24. Speech; relations with Mexico; acquisition Of gº. abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 561. AVES IS. CASE; see GUANO (VENEZUELAN TERR.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 79 D'AVILA (ANTONIO JOSE), MINISTRO Dos NEGOcIOS ESTRANGEIROS PORTUGAL, 1860–62; see PORTUGAL. CIVIL SERVICE AVILLAR (ANTONIO SEVERINO) DE; see SEVERINO DE AVILLAR (A.) AVON (CONN.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) 1839 Jan. 21. To Same. Do.; congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 347.) gºs-ty ; 21. To Same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 340. g AVON (O.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 236.) AYCINENA (JUAN JOSE) DE, MINISTRO GENERAL OF GUATEMALA 1836 May 8. Remarks on route for Nicaragua canal. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 96; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 335.) — Sept. 24. Memoir on projected Nicaragua canal. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 50.) AYCINENA (MARIANO) Jefe del estado, America. AYCINENA (PEDRO), MINISTRO GENERAL OF GUATE- MALA 1859 Apr. 30. Signs treaty with Gr. Br., relative to boundary betw. H. B. M. settlement, etc., in Bay of Honduras and territories of Guatemala; see Central America. Honduras. Sept. 17. To H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central America. (Hall). Best means of carrying into execution art. in boundary Conv. relative to road construction. (p. 301, corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br., Parlt. Papers, 1860, W. 68.) AYENSA (JOSE DEL C. Y); see CASTILLO YAYENSA, etc. AYLLON (L. L. DE LA T.); see LOPEZ DE LA TORRE AY- LLON, etc. AYERS (PETER), MASTER AMER. BRIG MARSHALL; see MARSHALL AZAMBUJA (F. T.) DE; see TORLADE DE AZAMBUJA (F.) AZANZA (MIGUEL JOSE) DE Ministro del estado, Spain. 1808 Mch. 31. To gov. intendente of Nicaragua. Trans- mits Spanish royal order abolishing duties and tithes for 10 yrs. on all agricultural products within ten leagues of either bank of San Juan River. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 38.) AZCONA (MIGUEL), MARINER 1847 Je. 20. Declaration; neutral vessels admitted into Monterey from non-blockaded Mexican ports. (31, 1. H. rpt. 16, 20.) D'AZEGLIO (MASSIMO TAPARELLI), MARCHESE Ministro degli affari esteri, Italy, 1849-52 ; see Italy. Civil Service. Guatemala, 1827-29; see Central AZMITIA (JOSE ANTONIO) Delegate from Guatemala to congress of Central Amer- ican Confederation. 1834 Nov. 10. Memoir on public sentiment in Central America on subject of Belize. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 5.) AZORES Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service B. L. ALLEN, SCHR. 1854 Mch. 15. U. S. House. Proc. in case of B. L. Allén; imprisonment of officers and crew at Acapulco in 1853. (33. 1. H. jol., 513; 615.) BABBITT (C. W.), AND OTHERS, IN CASE OF MERMAID; See MERMAID BABBITT (EDWARD), OF MASS. U. S. N., 1809-40. Lieut. 1815, comdr. 1835, Pied Sept- 9, 1840. Sea service in command (1828-40) : 1837- 38 comdg. Boston, W. I. Sqdn. BABCOCK (SAMUEL H.), CLAIMANT; see BRAZER (J.) BABER (AMBROSE), OF GA. Amer. chargé for Sardinia, 1841-43; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. BABER (R. P. L.), OF 0. Amer. cons. for Matanzas in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. BACHE (ALEXANDER DALLAS) Statutory Measures 1856 Aug. 9. Intr. in U. S. Senate, Pearce, Md.; res. (34. 1. S. R. 37) “authorizing A. D. Bache to accept medal presented him by King of Sweden. ” ; approl. Aug. 30, 1859. (34. 1. S. jol., 549; 679; xi, St. L. 152.) 1859 Feb. 5. Intr. in U. S. House, Hopkins, Va.; res. (35. 2. H. J. res. 52) “permitting M. F. Maury and A. D. Bache to accept gold medals from Sardinian govt.” ; approl. Feb. 14, 1859. (35. 2. H. jol., 342; 401; xi, St. L., 441.) Correspondence, etc. 1859 Feb. 10. J. J. Crittenden, sen. from Ky. Remarks; in support of res. 52. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 920.) BACHELER (ORIGEN), COR. SECY. N. Y. PEACE socy.; see that title; SECY. AMER. PEACE SOCY.; see that title BACCHUS, AMER. SHIP (JOHNSON) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 13.) BACKHOUSE (G. C.), H. B. M. COMMISSARY JUDGE, HA- WANA; see SLAVETRADE. CUBA. MIXED COMMISSION BACON (HANNAH), CLAIMANT; see CYRUS BACON (J.), MASTER AMER. SLAVER SCHR. MARY ANNE CASSARD; see MARY ANNE CASSARD. BACON (JAMES), AGT. OF MASS. IN “DISPUTED TERRI- TORY 2’ See also Northeast Boundary, etc. 1825 Oct. 10. Land agt. of Mass. (Coffin) and do. for Me. (Irish) to Bacon. Authority to ascertain amt. of timber that may be cut on St. John’s River; etc. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 22.) — Oct. 24. Lieut. gov. of New Brunswick (Douglas) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughan). Remonstrance agst. conduct of Bacon and Baker, agts. Of Mass. and Me. in disputed terr.; etc. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 9.) — Nov. 25. Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay) to Vaughan. Satisfactory explanation of presence of Bacon and Baker in disputed terr. to be made. (ib., 11.) Dec. 2. Vaughan to Clay. Land grants made by Bacon and Baker in disputed terr. (ib., 12.) 1826 Jan. 18. Clay to Vaughan. Presence of Bacon and Baker in disputed terr. (ib., 14.) 80 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BACON (JAMEs), AGT. OF MASS. IN “DISPUTED TER- RITORY 2’—Cont’d 1827 Aug. 22. Justice of the Peace, York Co. N. B. (Morehouse) to atty. gen. New Brunswick (Wet- more). Rpt. and docS. On riot and rescue of J. Bacon. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 25.) — Sept. 7. Wetmore to Morehouse. Service of process on Bacon, etc. (ib., 42.) — Sept. 22. Morehouse to sheriff of York Co. Order for arrest of Bacon; etc. (ib., 22.) 1828 Feb. 11. Amer. SpecI. agt. (Barrell) to Clay. Case of J. Bacon; etc. (ib., 9.) BACON (JOHN E.), OF S. C. Secy. Amer. legation in St. Petersburg 1858-60 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. BACON (JOHN F.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Nassau, N. P., 1840-42 ; 1845-50 ; 1853- 56; see U. S. A. Consular service. 1842 Feb. 7. Citizens of N. Y. City to U. S. House. Peti- tion; res. of censure on conduct of Bacon. (27. 2. H. jol., 324.) Correspondence 1841 Nov. 12. To gov. of Bahamas (Cockburn). tection for Creole. (27. 2. S. doc. 51, 6.) Nov. 14. To Same. Protest agst. liberation of Creole slaves. (ib., 7.) — Nov. 17. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). no. 38. Mutiny on board Creole. (ib., 2.) — Nov. 30. To same. no. 28 [sic]. Same. (ib., 2.) PTO- BACOURT (LOUIS ADOLPHE AIME FOURIER) DE E. E. and M. P. of France in U. S. A., 1840-42; see France. Diplomatic service. 1841 May 17. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Re- jected claim of Lafitte and co, (27. 2. H. rpt. 918, 12.) — May 15. To same. Same. (ib., 13.) — Jly. 13. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Ewing). Me- morial on commerce, etc., of France and U. S. A. (27. 1. H. ex: doc. 46.) 1842 May 4. To Webster. Lafitte claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 918, 14.) Je. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 15.) Je. 20. To same. Steamship line betw. Havre and N. Y. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 251, 1.) See also Bacourt. . . Souvenirs d’un Diplomate. Intimes sur l’Amérique. Par., 1882. 12°. BADEN, GRAND DUCHY Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Diplomatic Agts. in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Diplomatic Service Lettres Prussia. 1853 See Meysenburg, baron de. 1857 See Bieberstein (A.) Extradition; see that title Treaties 1856 Mch. 10. Baden and U. S. A. Extradition conv.; ratifications not exchgd.; see Extradition. 1857 Jan. 30. Same. Same; in force. See same. BADGER (GEORGE EDMOND) Secy. of the Navy, Mch. 5 to Sept. 12, 1841; Senator from N. C., serving from Nov. 25, 1845, to Mch. 3, 1855 ; member of special committee to inquire into unauthorized publication of treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ; see Mexico Treaties. Secretary of the Navy 1841 May 31. To President, U. S. A. (Tyler). Return of the Brandywine; etc. (27. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 62.) ' BADGER (GEORGE EDMOND)—cont’d Senator from N. C. 1847 Feb. 16. Speech; Mexican war. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 428 Feb. 25. Remarks; employment of Macedonian to carry provisions to poor of Ireland; etc. (ib., 505.) — Mch. 2. Do.; same. (ib., 559.) 1848 Jan. 3. Do.; incorporation of Mexico by U. S. A. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 90-91.) — Jan. 18. Speech; Mexican war. (ib., app., 116.) Feb. 21. Remarks; John Paul Jones’ heirs. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 383.) — Mch. 16. Do.; proposed mission to Rome. (ib., 477.) — Mch. 20-21. Do.; same. (ib., 513; d.o. app., 403, 406, 408-9.) — Apr. 14. Do.; J. D. Elliott claim. (ib., 636.) — May 12. Do.; Yucatan. (ib., 764.) — May 16. Speech; same. (ib., app., 633.) — Je. 23. Remarks; Florida claims. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 870.) — Jly. 28. Do.; extradition treaties; (ib., 1008.) — Aug. 11. Do.; Mexican claims; S. 313. (ib., 1067.) 1850 Mch. 6. Do.; Br. reciprocity. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 471.) .* - — Mch. 6. Remarks; commercial reciprocity with Gr. Br. (ib., 471-472.) — May 2. Do.; Warrington relief bill, S. 121. (ib., 899.) Je. 19. Do.; title of Texas to terr. e. Of Rio Grande. (ib., app., 924.) S. 136. — Aug. 8. Do.; same. (ib., app., 1565, 66.) — Sept. 24. Do.; Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 388. (ib., app., 1378.) Dec. 16. Do.; arbitration. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, 56.) Dec. 31. Do.; Mann mission to Hungary. (ib., 152.) 1851 Dec. 11, 12. Do.; welcome to Kossuth. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 66, 72, 83, 85, 86, 88.) — Dec. 16. Do.; same. (ib., 104, 106.) 1852 Feb. 6. Do.; Warrington relief bill. (ib., 491.) Feb. 11. Do.; Irish exiles. (ib., 527, 529-30.) — Feb. 11. Do.; Polish exiles. (ib., 524.) Feb. 18. Do.; prºg. of Kossuth letters. (ib., 586-89.) — Mch. 5. Do.; Jarero claim. (ib., 678-79.) — Mch. 11. DO.; Kossuth entertainment expenses; Seward res. of Feb. 12. (ib., 717-18, 720, 722.) — Apr. 1. Do.; naval expedition to Indian Ocean; Borland res. of Mch. 31. (ib., 942, 944, 947.) — Apr. 14. Do.; French spoliation bill; S. 64. (ib., app., 572.) — Apr. 15. Do.; same. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 1082.) — May 21. Do.; in favor of S. 224, for relief of M. L. Downes. (ib., 1425.) — Aug. 12. Do.; North Amer. fisheries message. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 911.) — Aug. 26. Do.; salary of comr. to Sandwich Is. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 2377.) — Aug. 26. Do.; Hamlin amdmt. to civil, etc., apprin. bill providing for commercial agt. to explore Para- guay country. (ib., 2376.) r — Dec. 23. Do.; tripartite conv. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 147.) 1853 Feb. 14. Do.; reply to Douglas, in defense of S. 69 and on Monroe doctrine. (ib., app., 176-177.) 1854 Jan. 16. Do.; San Francisco testimonials. Cong. Globe, 175.) — Jan. 19. Do.; naval force on Pacific in 1853; occa- sioned by President’s proclamation of Mexican fili- bustering invasion. (ib., 208, 210.) Mch. 20. Do.; judicial powers to Amer. ministers and cons. in China, during debate on Kansas- Nebraska bill. (ib., 688.) — Jly. 6. Do.; suffering people of Ireland, etc.; S. 184. (33. 1. (ib., 1618, 1620.) INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 81. BADGER (GEORGE EDMOND)—cont'd Senator from N. C.—cont’d 1854 Jly. 15. Do.; presentation of sword to Capt. Ingra- ham. (ib., 1760.) — Jly. 25. Do.; Riddle reimbursement. (ib., 1902-03.) — Jly. 26. Do.; Sanford acct. (ib., 1941-42.) — Jly. 27. Do.; increase in salary of ministers to Gr. Br. and France. (ib., 1960.) 1855 Jan. 19. Do.; Jones relief bill; S. 481. (ib., 322- 24, 326.) *P ; 2. Do.; General Armstrong claimants. 545. asºsºmº- ; 16. Do.; Voorhees relief bill, S. 212. (ib., 763, 765. — Feb. 24. Do.; bill to remodel cons. and dipl. systems of U. S.; H. R. 353. (ib., 919.) — Mch. 2. Do.; Schenck and Pendleton compensation. (ib., 1099.) — Mch. 3. Do.; Benson claim. (ib., 1122.) (ib., BADGER (JOSEPH), CLAIMANT; see WHITE (H.) REPR. BADGER (O. C.), ACTG. MASTER U. S. S. JOHN ADAMS 1855 Oct. 31. To comdr. John Adams (Boutwell). Rpt. of burning of town of Wutia, Fiji Is. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 71.) BAEZ (BUENAVENTURE) 1849. Elected president of St. Domingo to succeed Es- paillet; installed Sept. 24. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 3.) BAGLEY (ARTHUR P.), OF ALA., 1794–1858 U. S. sen. from Ala., 1841-48 ; Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia, 1848-49; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Senator from Ala. 1843 Feb. 3. Remarks; land grant clause in Oregon bill. (xii, Cong. Globe, 239.) —º 23. Do.; apprin. for captured Africans. 1845 Feb. 5. Do.; reference of Benton Texan annexation bill. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 247.) — Feb. 26. Speech; Texan annexation. (ib., 351.) Feb. 27. Remarks; Benton Texan annexation plan. (ib., 361.) — Mch. 3. Do.; protesting agst. communication to Richmond Enquirer crediting him with certain re- marks on unconstitutionality of Texan annexation. (ib., 388.) — Dec. 22. Do.; favoring Texan annexation. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 91.) 1846 Mch. 12. Do.; charges of collusion with Gr. Br. in Oregon matter. (ib., 489.) — Apr. 10. Do.; urging notice to Gr. Br. of end of joint occupancy of Oregon. (ib., 646.) — Apr. 10. Speech; same. (ib., app., 492.) 1847 Feb. 15. Do.; termination of Mexican War. 395.) Feb. 27. Remarks; suffering people of Ireland, etc.; S. 184. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 533.) 1848 Feb. 21. Do.; John Paul Jones’ heirs; S. 1. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 382.) — Apr. 3. Do.; congratulations to French people; S. res. 15. (ib., 580.) (ib., (ib., BAGLEY, CAPT. m. d. Mentioned in connection with Cuban filibustering expedition. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 54.) BAGOT (CHARLES), H. B. M. E. E. AND M. P. IN U. S. A. 1816 May 18. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Monroe). Re- quests his interference in case of Lord Nelson. (24. 1. H. rpt. 814, 4.) 1818 Apr. 15. To same (Adams). Same. (ib., 4.) — Oct. 28. To same. Strmt. of case of Lord Nelson. (ib., 5.) — Dec. 8. To H. B. M. comr. under arts. 6 and 7, treaty of Ghent (Barclay). Reported aggressions of J. Baker and others in Madawaska. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 29.) BAHAMA BANKS Lighthouse on 1825 Nov. 15. Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (King). Establishing light- house within Br. jurisdiction. (20. 1. S. doc. 19, 7.) 1826 Je. 27. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Brent) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Gallatin). Instructions; lighthouse in Bahama channel. (ib., 9.) — Dec. 9. Gallatin to Clay. Substance of private Con- ference with Lord Melville on lighthouse in Bahama channel. (ib., 9.) 1827 Jan. 3. Same to secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Can- ning). Representation; lighthouse in Bahama chan- Inel. (ib., 10.) Jan. 11. Canning to Gallatin. Matter of lighthouse in Bahama channel referred to admiralty. (ib., 12.) Je. 7. Gallatin to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Dudley). Further request for information in mat- ter of lighthouse in Bahama channel. (ib., 13.) Je. 8. Same to Clay. Favorable rpt. by H. B. M. admiralty on lighthouse establishment. (ib., 12.) — Aug. 11. Dudley to Gallatin. Lighthouse measures ordered carried out. (ib., 14.) 1833 Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Jackson). Ann. meSS; clause relating to conclusion of negotiations for eS- tablishing lighthouse on Bahama Banks. BAHAMA IS. Civil Service Attorney-general 1841; see Anderson (G. C.). Governor 1843; see Cockburn (F.). 1859; see Bayley (C. V.). Colonial Court 1843 Dec. 29. Opinion; adverse to demand for surrender of certain fugitives. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 31; H. ex. doc. 160, 7.) BAHIA DE SAN SALWADOR (BRAZIL) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BAILEY (EBEN P.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Para, Brazil, 1857-[62] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BAILEY (JOHN I.) Amer. cons. for Genoa, 1840-42; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BAILEY (JOSEPH), MASTER AMER. BRIG LOUISA BEA- TON; see LOUISA BEATON BAILEY (JOSHUA) 1833 Jan. 12. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; indemnity for French spoliations. (22. 2. S. jol., 77.) {5 82 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BAILEY (THEODORUS), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1818–77. , Lieut., 1827; comdr., 1849 ; capt., 1855; comdre, 1862; rear-adm., 1866. Died Feb. 10, iš77.’ sea service in command (1828-61) : 1847-48 comdg. Leavington, Pacific sqdn. ; 1854-56 comdg. St. Mary’s do. comdg. Leacington, 1848 Jan. 12. To comdr. Pacific sqdn. (Shubrick). Rpt. of capture of San Blas. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1128.) comdg. St. Mary's 1855 Oct. 10. To comdr. U. S. S. John Adams (Boutwell). Claims of Amer. citizens. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 53.) — Oct. 10. To same. Reply to his note of 10 inst. (ib., 55.) BAILLIE (THOMAS), COMR. CROWN LANDS, NEW BRUNS- WICK 1829 Feb. 11. To gov. of New Brunswick (Douglas). Timber depredations in disputed terr. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 126, 14.) BAILY ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP GLORY; see GLORY BAILY (THOMAS H.), REPR. FROM WA.; see BAYLY (T. H.) BAINBRIDGE (SARAH), CLAIMANT; see TRUXTON (THEO.) BAINBRIDGE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 May 21. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 922.) BAINBRIDGE (O.) CITIZENS 1844 Apr. 24. To U. S. Senate. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 252.) BAINBRIDGE, U. S. BRIG (1842) In commission (1842-61) : 1843 Home §: (Johnston Mattison) ; 1844-45 Brazil sqdn. (Mattison) ; i846 do. (Pennington) ; 1847 do. I (Pennington ; Wilkin- son *) ; 1848-50 African sqdn. (Slaughter) ; 1851 Brazil sqdn. (Manning) ; 1852-53 African sqdn. (Manning) ; 1853-54 Brazil sqdn. (Hunter) ; 1855- 56 do." (#6%anjº 1856 do. (Spotswood) ; 1859 do. (Renshaw ; Woodhull) ; 1860 do. (Woodhull). Brazil sqdn. 1845 Je. 7. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Amer. Cons., Bahia. (Tyler). Bainbridge ordered to Bahia; etc. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 204.) Sept. 18. Comdr. U. S. sloop Boston (Pendergrast) to comdr. Bainbridge (Pennington). Ordered to Buenos Aires. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 212, 25.) — Sept. 29. Pendergrast to Pennington. Instructions for action in Anglo-French blockade of Buenos Aires. (ib., 26.) — Sept. 30. Same to comdr. Brazil Sqdn. (Turner). Bainbridge despatched to Buenos Aires 18 inst. (ib., 25.) — Nov. 12. Turner to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Bancroft). Transmits orders relative to Bainbridge. (ib., 25.) See also Slaughter (A. G.). BAIRD (DAVID ALEXANDER), DEPONENT IN CASE OF NATCHEZ; see NATCHEZ BAIRD (WILLIAM), HEIRS OF 1858 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Petition; indemnity for Br. spoliations in war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 73.) BAITING HOLLOW (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Mch. 3. To U. S. House. Memorial; urging adoption of principle of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 476.) * Pennington in Navy Register; Wilkinson in ann. rpt. Secy. Navy. BAKER ( ), MASTER AMER. WHALER LAWRENCE; See LAWRENCE BAKER AND CO., BRIT. SUBJECTS, CLAIMANTS WS. U. S. Expulsion from Tampico by forces of U. S. A. 1854 Mch. 3. Synopsis of award under treaty of 1853 with Gr. Br. (34. 1. S. ex, doc. 103, 66.) BAKER (ALVIN), MASTER AMER. BRIG DOUGLAS; see DOUGLAS BAKER (ANTHONY ST. JoHN), H. B. M. CHARGE IN U. S. A. 1816 Jan. 30. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Monroe). Case of Lord Nelson. (24. 1. H. rpt. 814, 3.) BAKER (EDWARD DICKINSON), REPR. FROM ILL. 1845 Dec. 17. Remarks; Mass. res. on revision of nat- uralization laws. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 72.) 1846 º 3. Speech; cession of part of Oregon. (ib., 136. — Jan. 29. Do.; Same. (ib., 277; app., 151.) — Dec. 28. Do.; on President’s mess. and Mexican war. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 91.) BAKER (GEORGE), OF 0. Amer. cons. for Genoa, 1851-53 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BAKER (JOHN), AGT. OF ME. IN “DISPUTED TERR.” See also Northeast Boundary Controversy. 1818 Dec. 8. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bagot) to H. B. M. comr. under arts. 6-7, treaty of Ghent ,(Barclay). Reported aggressions of J. Baker and others in Madawaska. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 29.) — Dec. 29. G. S. Smyth to atty, gen. New Brunswick (Wetmore). Intrusion of Americans, Baker and Others, at Madawaska. (ib., 29.) * 1825 Oct. 24. Lieut. gov. New JBrunswick (Douglas to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughan). Remonstrance agst. conduct of Bacon and Baker, agts. Of Mass. and of Me. resp. in disputed terr.; ar- rest of Baker. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 9.) — Nov. 25. Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay) to Vaughan. Explanation of presence of Bacon and Baker in dis- puted ºr. withheld pending inquiries in progress. (ib., 11. — Dec. 2. Vaughan to Clay. Grants of land made by Bacon and Baker in disputed terr. (ib., 12.) 1826 Jan. 18. Clay to Vaughan. Presence of Bacon and Baker in disputed terr. (ib., 14.) 1827 Jly. 25. Adj. Madawaska militia (Rice) to justice of the peace, York Co., N. B. (Morehouse). Disorder gººd by Baker and others in Madawaska. (ib., 33. — Jly. 31. Atty. gen. New Brunswick (Wetmore) to Morehouse. Ordered to procure affidavits of charges of Rice agst. Baker. (ib., 34; 20. 1. S. doc. 130, 35.) [1827 Aug.] Wetmore and solicitor gen, N. B. (Peters). Opinion; offence of Baker and others at Madawaska. (20. 1. H. doc. 2, 29; 20. 2. H. doc. 90, 37; 25. 2. H. doc. 126, 293.) — Aug. 8. W. Feiro, of Madawaska. Affidavit; raising of Amer. flag at Madawaska by J. Baker and others. (20. 1. H. doc. 2, 28.) –– Aug. 8. Morehouse to Wetmore. Affidavits in case of Baker. (ib., 34.) Sept. 7. Wetmore to Morehouse. Process served on Baker and others. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 42.) — Sept. 13. Same to Douglas. Military measures adopted by sheriff to repel Amer. intruders in Mada- Waska; suspension of proc. in consequence. (ib., 32.) — Sept. 22. Morehouse to sheriff of York Co. Order for arrest of Baker and others. (ib., 22.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 83 BAKER (JOHN), AGT. OF ME. IN “DISPUTED TERR.”— cont’d 1827 Oct. 13. Supreme Ct., New Brunswick [Wetmore, ; gen.]. Copy of information agst. Baker. (ib., 23. — Oct. 22. Gov. of Me. (Lincoln) to Douglas. Arrest of Baker. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 94.) — Oct. 27. J. Wilson. Affidavit; undue exercise of jurisdiction by authorities of N. B. in arrest of Baker. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 30.) — Nov. 5. Lincoln to Douglas. C. S. Daveis authorized to demand release of Baker. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 95.) — Nov. 9. Lincoln. Proclamation; Baker arrest. (ib., 97.) — Nov. 15. Douglas to Lincoln. Declines to give in- formation in case of J. Baker. (ib., 100.) — Nov. 16. Lincoln to Clay. Baker case. (ib., 96.) — Nov. 21. Vaughan to same. Same. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 31.) — Dec. 21. SpecI. agt. U. S. A. (Barrell) to Wetmore. Asks for information in case of Wetmore. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 18.) — Dec. 23. Wetmore to Barrell. Advice in case of Baker, (ib., 18.) — Nov. 25. Same to same. Further advice. (ib., 18.) 1828 Feb. [2]. Vaughan to Clay. Justifies Baker ar- rest; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 278, 8; 20. 2. H. doc. 90, 41.) — Feb. 11. Barrell to Clay. Case of Baker; rpt. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 9.) — Feb. 20. Clay to Vaughan. Apptmt. of Barrell, specl. comr. to inquire into Baker arrest; demands release of Baker; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 278, 5; 20. 2. H. doc. 90, 38.) Mch. 17. Same to same. Baker case. (ib., 10; ib., 43.) — Mch. 25. Vaughan to Clay. Same. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 48.) — Mch. 31. Clay to Amer. chargé in Gr. Br. (Law- rence). Instructions; Baker case. (ib., 63.) — May 5. Lawrence to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Dudley). Representation; Baker arrest. (ib., 65.) — May 6. U. S. House. Res. (Sprague, Me.) ; calling for corresp. in case of Baker arrest. (20. 1. H. jol., 692, 698, 839.) — May 8. New Brunswick. Supreme Ct. Proc. in trial of J. Baker. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 51.) — May 12. Douglas to Vaughan. Decision of Ct. in case of Baker. (ib., 50.) — Je. 14. Vaughan to Clay. Punishment of fine and imprisonment of Baker cannot be remitted. (ib., 49.) — Je. 26. Lawrence to same. Substance of confer- ence with Lord Aberdeen; Baker case. (ib., 70.) — Aug. 14. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Aberdeen) to Lawrence. Upholds justice of Baker arrest. (ib., 73.) — Aug. 22. Lawrence to Aberdeen. Expedient to dis- continue discussion of Baker arrest. (ib., 78.) — Oct. 13. Daveis to Lincoln. Application for relief of family of Baker. (ib., 87.) — Oct. 23. Lincoln to Clay. Money advanced on acct. of U. S. A. for relief of family of Baker. (ib., 86.) — Nov. 6. Clay to Lincoln. Advance of money as per his note of 23 ult. honored by U. S. A. (ib., 88.) — Dec. 31. U. S. House. (Anderson, Me.); calling for information in case of Baker arrest. (20. 2. H. jol., 111, 121.) 1829 Jan. 21. President U. S. A. (Adams). Message to U. S. House; Baker seizure. (20. 2. H. jol., 193, 196.) — Feb. 9. Baker to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying interposition in his behalf for redress, etc. (20. 2. S. jol., 109.) — Feb. 18. U. S. Com. Foreign Relations discharged from consideration of Baker petition. (ib., 131.) BAKER (JOHN), AGT. OF ME. IN “DISPUTED TERR.”— cont’d 1831 Oct. 12. J. Baker. Deposition; elections at Mada- Waska. (22. 1. S. doc. 3, 12.) 1838 Mch. 17. Me. Legislature. Resolve; allowance of Baker claim for losses sustained during imprison- ment in New Brunswick. (25. 2. S. doc. 451, 6.) — Apr. 28. Gov. of Me. (Kent) to President U. S. A. §. ºrn). Claims of Baker, etc. (ib., 2; H. doc. , 2. — May 19. President U. S. A. (Van Buren) to U. S. Senate. Message; Baker, etc., claim. (25. 2. S. jol., 412; vi, Cong. Globe, 406; iii, Mess. BAKER (JOHN H.), OWNER PARAGON; see PARAGON BAKER (JOHN MARTIN), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Rio de Janeiro, 1831-37; do. for Nuevi- tas, Cuba, 1840-42 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1848 Aug. 8. Intr. (Marsh, Vt.); bill “for relief of reprs. of J. M. Baker.” (30. 1. H. jol., 1196.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying com- pensation for dipl. services rendered during period of Brazilian consulship. (25.3. H. jol., 125; vii, Cong. Globe, 56.) 1840 Jan. 4. U. S. House. Baker memorial referred. (26. 1. H. jol., 182.) 1842 Feb. 2. Same. Papers in case of Baker presented and referred. (27. 2. H. jol., 298.) 1848 Je. 1. Harriet, widow of J. M. Baker to U. S. House. Petition; compensation for dipl. services rendered by deceased. (30. 1. H. jol., 865.) 1850 Jan. 21. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 370.) 1851 Dec. 10. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 67.) 1854 Jan. 30. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 135; 183.) Feb. 14. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Slidell). Adverse rpt. on Baker petition. (33. 1. S. rpt. 105.) 1856 May 7. Baker heirs to U. S. House. Petition; as above. (34. 1. H. jol., 937; 1403.) — Aug. 8. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Penning- ton). Adverse rpt. on Baker petition. (34. 1. H. rpt. 335.) 1860 Mch. 21. Baker heirs to U. S. House. Petition; as above. (36. 1. H. jol., 558.) BAKER (LEWIS), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Laguayra, 1850-51; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BAKER (MICHAEL) 1855 Oct. 12. Deposition; discovery of guano islands. (34. 1. S. misc. doc. 60, 8.) BAKER (O., J.R.), MASTER AMER. SHIP MANLIUS; see MANLIUS BAKER (WILLIAM L.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Guaymas, 1861-63; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BAKER'S IS., GUANO DEPOSITS; see GUANO. NEUTRAL TERR. BAKERSTOWN (PA.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 227.) 1844 Dec. 12. To U. S. House. DO.; Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 66.) BALANCE OF POWER ON AMER. CONTINENT; see MON- ROE DOCTRINE 84 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BALCARCE (JUAN RAMON) Ministr. da guerra y marina y de relac. est., Argentine Rep., 1827-28 ; see Argentine Republic. BALCH (JOHN, JR.) 1837 Jan. 30. To U. S. House. Petition; praying pay- ment of Salvage in case of Br. brig Ann Wrecked in 1836. (24. 2. H. jol., 301.) BALD EAGLE, AMER. SCHR. (HAMILTON) n. d. Summary of a Ward by COmrS. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 14.) BALDWIN (ENOCH), CLAIMANT; see DESPATCH, BR. BRIG BALDWIN (JOHN) n. d. To J. A. Rockwell. Tehuantepec route. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 676.) BALDWIN (JOHN), MEXICO For personal injuries, criminal persecution, loss of property, etc., in Minatitlan, colony of Guazacualco, in 1831 ; imprisonment and loss of property in Tehuantepec in 1833. 1831 Nov. 24. Amer. chargé, Mexico (Butler) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Alaman). Recommends Baldwin for Amer. Vice-cons. at Guazacualco; etc. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 408.) 1841 Dec. 24. Baldwin to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Protest agst. proc. of Mexican Claims Comm. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 30.) 1842 Jan. 18. Same to U. S. House. Memorial; injustice of Mexico in withholding papers of comrs. under claims conv. of 1839. (27. 2. H. jol., 215.) — Jan. 20. Same to U. S. Senate. Do.; praying inquiry into progress, etc., of claims comm. under conv. of 1839. (27. 2. S. jol., 103; 114.) — Jan. 22. U. S. Senate. Motion (Phelps, Vt.); refer- ence of Baldwin petition. (ib., 114.) — May 4. Baldwin to U. S. House. Memorial; praying payment of Mexican claim. (27. 2. H. jol., 782.) 1845 Feb. 3. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 127; 199.) 1846 Feb. 17. Same to U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 425.) — Feb. 25. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 1. S. jol., 164.) 1847 Jan. 16. Same to U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 176.) — Dec. 14. Petition on files of Senate referred to Com. of Claims. (30. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1848 Jan. 11. Baldwin to U. S. House. Memorial pray- ing payment of Mexican claim. (30. 1. H. jol., 218.) — Jan. 31. Same to same. Same. (30. 1. S. jol., 142.) — Jan. 31. T. H. Benton, Sen. from Mo. Remarks; Baldwin memorial. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 270.) . — Dec. 12. U. S. Senate. Com. On Naval Affairs dis- charged from consideration of Baldwin claim. (30. 2. S. jol., 57; 307.) 1850 Jan. 8. Baldwin to U. S. House. Petition; as be- fore. (31. 1. H. jol., 258.) 1851 Mch. 3. U. S. H. Com. on Naval Affairs (Stanton). Adverse rpt. on Baldwin claim. (31. 2. H. jol., 445.) — Dec. 10. Baldwin to U. S. House. Petition; as be- fore. (32. 1. H. jol., 68.) 1853 Dec. 13. Same to same. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 73.) 1854 Feb. 16. U. S. House. Motion (Curtis, Penn.); to discharge Com. of Claims from consideration of Baldwin claim. (33. 1. H. jol., 393.) See also Moore. International Arb., 3235. Minatitlan Claims n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 62; H. doc. 3, 64.) n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 53.) AMER. CITIZEN, CLAIMANT WS. BALDWIN (JOHN), AMER. CITIZEN, CLAIMANT WS. MEXICO—cont’d Minatitlan Claims—cont’d 1832 Jan. 17. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to min- istr. relac. est., Mexico (Alaman). Protest agst, im- prisonment of Baldwin by alcalde of Minatitlan, Vera Cruz. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 428.) — Jan. 26. Alaman to Butler. Action of govt. of Vera Cruz relative to proc. of alcalde of Minatitlan agst. Baldwin. (ib., 430.) — Feb. 3. Same to same. Further information in Case of Baldwin. (ib., 432.) — Feb. 18. Same to same. Forwards copy of rpt. of comr. of Guazacualco in case of Baldwin. (ib., 432.) — Sept. 4. Baldwin to Butler. Complains of indiffer- ence to grievance. (ib., 455.) Sept. 18. Butler to Baldwin. Vindicates alleged in- difference, etc. (ib., 456.) — Sept. 28. Same to Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Imprisonment of Baldwin by alcalde of Minatitlan. (ib., 455.) - 1833 Feb. 15. Same to ministr. relac. est. (Gonzales). \ Protest agst, delay in acting on Baldwin case. (ib., 467.) — Feb. 18. Livingston to Butler. Baldwin claim. (ib., 93.) — Feb. 23. Gonzalez to Butler. President of Mexico directs that Baldwin corresp. be referred to gov. of Vera Cruz. (ib., 470.) * — Mch. 8. Same to same. Reply of gov. of Vera Cruz to Baldwin corresp. (ib., 472.) — Sept. 6. Butler to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Gar- cia). Renews application for redress of Baldwin in- juries. (ib., 485.) — Sept. 18. Same to same. Protest agst. delay in set- tling Baldwin claim. (ib., 487.) — Sept. 24. Butler to Garcia. Further protest agst. delay in settling Baldwin claim. (ib., 490.) — Sept. 28. Gov. of Vera Cruz (Vasquez) to Garcia. Rpt. on Baldwin case. (ib., 511.) — Dec. 8. Garcia to Butler. Enclosing Vasquez’ rpt. (ib., 510.) — Dec. 21. Butler to Secy. State U. S. A. (McLane). Mººns for instructions in case of Baldwin. (ib., 510. 1834 Jan. 2. Gov. of Vera Cruz (Tuille y Moreno) to ministr. relac. est. (Lombardo). Rpt. on communi- cation of judge of finance of Acayucam of Dec. 25, 1833, in case of Baldwin. (ib., 514.) Jan. 9. Lombardo to Butler. Transmits Tuille y Moreno rpt. (ib., 513.) Jan. 22. Tuille y Moreno to Lombardo. Rpt. On communication of judge of finance of Acayuca.m. of Jan. 19, 1833, in case of Baldwin. (ib., 515.) — Jan. 29. Lombardo to Butler. Transmits Tuille y Moreno note in case of Baldwin. (ib., 514.) 1836 Sept. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio). Repre- sentation; Baldwin case. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 30.) Tehuantepec Claim n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 52.) 1833 Sept. 23. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Garcia) to Amer. chargé, in Mexico (Butler). Delay in settling Baldwin claim due to insurrection in Tehuantepec.; assurance that action of Mexican govt. is in con- formity with provisions of federal constitution. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex) 489.) 1835 Feb. 16. Same (Gutierrez de Estrada) to Butler. Transmits copy of communication to gov. of Oaxaca in case of Baldwin claim. (ib., 552.) — Mch. 10. Judge ct. of original jurisdiction, Te- huantepec (Vera) to gov. of Oaxaca (Lopez de Orti- gora). Rehearsal of Baldwin case. (ib., 558.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 85 BALDWIN (JOHN), CLAIMANT WS. MEXICO—cont’d Tehuantepec Claim—cont’d 1835 Mch. 26. Lopez de Ortigora to Gutierrez de Estrada. Progress of Baldwin case in cts. of Oaxaca. (ib., 557.) See also Moore. International Arb., 2859; do. Burroughs M.) ; Oriente Amer. Schr. BALDWIN (JOHN P.), U. S. CUSTOM'S COLLECTOR, KEY WEST 1858 Jiy. 17. To Amer. cons. gen. in charge, Havana (Savage). Amer. bark Lyra seized on Suspicion at Key West; etc. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 165.) AMER. CITIZEN, BALDWIN (ROGER SHERMAN) 1848 Jan. 24. Remarks; public domain of Mexico; power to cede sovereignty over her people; etc. (30. , 1. Cong. Globe, 231-32.) — Mch. 15. Speech; Mexican war; acquisition of terr. and S. 26. (ib., app., 418.) — Mch. 31. Remarks; congratulations to French peo- ple; S. res. 15. (ib., 453-54.) — Apr. 6. Same. (ib., 457.) — Aug. 11. Remarks; on S. 313 to carry into effect certain stipulations of treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 1068.) 1849 Mch. 3. Do.; art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 667.) 1850 Mch. 28. Speech; validity of Mexican laws in new terr.; Amistad case; etc. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 414.) — JIy. 25. Speech; respective title of Texas and New Mexico to terr. e. of Rio Grande. (ib., 1154.) BALDWIN (THOMAS), AGT, ACCESSORY TRANSIT CO. [1853 Feb. 8.] Deposition; ordinance of city Council of Greytown directing removal of co’s.. buildings from Punta Arenas. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 13.) — Feb. 8. To Amer. commercial agt. San Juan (Stev- enson). Appeal for protection of interests of A. T. Co. (ib., 20.) - — Feb. 11. To city council of Greytown. Prayer for stay of proc. in case of ordinance directing removal of blógs. of A. T. Co. (ib., 21.) — Feb. 12. To same. Renews application of 11 inst. (ib., 24.) — Feb. 13. To Stevenson. Appeal for interference to prevent destruction of co’s.. blógs. (ib., 25.) Feb. 14. To Supreme Ct. of Greytown. Application asking stay of proc. on res. of city council directing removal of property of A. T. co. (ib., 23.) — Mch. 10. To comdr. U. S. sloop Cyane (Hollins). Transmits protest agst. proc. of authorities of Grey- town; craves protection. (ib., 14.) — Mch. 14. To same. Representation; destruction of property of A. T. co. (ib., 17.) BALESTIER (JOSEPH), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Rhio, Bintang, 1834; do. for Singapore, 1836-52 ; see also U. S. A. Consular service. Aug. 16, 1849-Feb. 15, 1851, acted as special comr. U. S. A. to Cochin China. Cochin China mission 1849 Aug. 21. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston) to comdr. U. S. E. I. Sqdn. (Geisinger). Ordered to convey Balestier in flagship to ports indicated. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 762.) 1851 Feb. 15. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Bales- tier. Terminating his mission to Cochin China. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 119.) 1852 Jan. 26. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clarke, R. I.); calling for rpt. of Balestier mission to eastern Asia. (32. 1. JS. jol., 150.) BALESTIER (JOSEPH), OF MASS.—cont’d Correspondence 1849 Nov. 29. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). [no. 3..] Arrival at Hong Kong; Edw. Bonstead temporary cons. at Singapore; suggests postal arrangement with E. I. co’s.. dominions and negotiations to re- move prohibition on Amer. shipping in E. I. Waters. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 24.) — Dec. 8. To same. [unnum.] Preparations for de- parting on mission to Cochin China; mention of services of Mr. Dean, Amer. missionary. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 17. To comdr. E. I. sqdn. (Geisinger). Ar- rangements for transport to Cochin China. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 24. To Clayton. [no. 4.] Arrival at Macao; murder of gov. Amaral; general situation at Macao. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 25. To same. [unnum. extr.] Chinese attitude towards foreigners; cause of murder of gov. Amaral, etc. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 26. To same. [no. 5.1 Enclosing copy of letter of 29 ult. (ib., 32.) 1850 [Jan. 21.] To W. W. Shaw. Gratified at acceptance of offer of Amer. consulate at Singapore. (ib., 117.) — Jan. 26. To Clayton. [no. 6..] Delay in proceeding to Cochin China; current legislation in Ceylon and Br. India granting privilege of coasting trade to for- eign vessels on same footing with Br. vessels. (ib., 32.) — Jan. 26. To same. [unnum.] French overtures for cession of Macao; opening of coasting of Br. India and of Ceylon to foreign vessels. (ib., 33.) Feb. 18. To comdre. E. I. sqdn. (Voorhees). Em- barkation for Hong Kong. (ib., 34.) — Feb. 18. To Clayton. [unnum.] Embarkation. On next day in Plymouth for Hong Kong. (ib., 34.) — Feb. 20. To same. [unnum.] Inability of Comdre. Voorhees to carry him whole round of his mission; suggests further arrangements. (ib., 35.) — Feb. 20. To same. [no. 8.] Suggests provision of ºnly pending return of comdre. Voorhees. (ib., 36. — Feb. 21. To W. Dean. Tender of apptmt. as secy. to Amer. embassy to Cochin China and Siam. (ib., 49.) — Mch. 12. To Clayton. [no. 9..] Substance of Con- ferences and copies of corresp. with native officials of Cochin China. (ib., 37.) — Mch. 14. To Voorhees. Conclusion of Cochin China. negotiations; ready to proceed. (ib., 46.) — Mch. 16. To same. Abandons purpose of landing at Hué. (ib., 47.) — Mch. 19. To Clayton. [no. 10.] Substance of con- ference with gov. of Kwang-nam province, Cochin China. (ib., 43.) — Mch. 26. To comdg. Officer Paknam. Ready to de- liver letter from President of U. S. A. (ib., 61.) — Mch. 26. To Clayton. [no. 12.] Failure of his mis- Sion to Cochin China; Brit. negotiations with Bor- neo. (ib., 48.) — Mch. 27. To Voorhees. Refusal to go ashore off Minam River. (ib., 63.) — [Mch. 28]. Copy of Salutatory address to king of Siam. (ib., 55.) — Apr. 1. To Clayton. [no. 11.] Arrival at Bangkok; prospect of Borneo negotiations. (ib., 47.) —º * Conference with Siamese high officials. ib., 64. — Apr. 10. To Siamese prime minister (Chaw Khan Phya Sipipat). Conference regarding disposition of President’s letter. (ib., 56.) —dº To Same. Delivery of President’s letter. 10., 62. — Apr. 14. To Brown, Roberts and co., merchants, Bangkok. Amer. trade in Siam. (ib., 66.) 86 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BALESTIER (JOSEPH), OF MASS.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1850 Apr. 18. To Chaw Khan Phya Sipipat. Protest agst. unfriendly attitude towards U. S. A. (ib., 69.) — Apr. 20. To same. Same, and agst. Violation of treaty of commerce, (ib., 70.) — Apr. 30. To Clayton. [no. 13.] General rpt. On his visit to Siam. (ib., 50.) — May 25. To same. [no. 14.] Rpt. of gifts made to chiefs and others of Is. of Subi for relief given comdr. and crew of Amer. ship Mary Ellen. (ib., 77.) — Je. 17. To same. [no. 15.] Rpt. of negotiations at Sarawak and Bruni. (ib., 81.) — Je. 23. Signs treaty of peace, etc., with Borneo. Je. 24. To Clayton. [no. 16..] On treaty of 23 inst. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 85.) Je. 25. To F. Motley. Apptd. commercial agt. of U. S. A. for Borneo. (ib., 89.) — J1y. 20. To Clayton. Ino. 18.] Difficulties with comdre. Voorhees; proposes extension of his mis- sion. (ib., 90.) — Aug. 15. To Same. [no. 21.] French and Portu- guese in Macao. (ib., 99.) — Aug. 16. To same. [no. 20.] Further complaint agst. Comdre. Voorhees. (ib., 94.) Sept. 21. To same. [no. 22.] Preference given to Amer. ships by traders in China seas. (ib., 106.) Nov. 7. To same (Webster). [no. 23.] Proposes to proceed to Batavia; failure of Br. embassy to Siam under Brooke; blowing up of Port. frigate Donºma Maria Segunda at Macao. (ib., 107.) — Dec. 6. To same. [no. 24.] Proposes to resume Ine- gotiations with Borneo. (ib., 108.) — Dec. 27. To same. [no. 24.] Abandons resumption of negotiations with Borneo. (ib., 109.) 1851 Jan. 25. To same. Ino. 25.] Non-arrivals of mails. (ib., 109.) Jan. 26. To same. [no. 27.] Reciprocity as carried out in D. E. Indies. (ib., 110.) — Mch. 26. To same. [no. 29.] Temporary apptmt. of W. W. Shaw as Amer. cons. for Singapore during absence in Europe of E. Bonstead. (ib., 116.) — Apr. 22. To same. [no. 30.] ASks additional allow- ance. (ib., 118.) — Apr. 23. To same. Ino. 31.] Commercial conv. with Borneo; native custom of receiving present of money on ratification of treaties. (ib., 119.) — Nov. 25. To same. [unnum.] Rpt. of dipl. and commercial mission to S. e. Asia. (ib., 3.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1852 Feb. 5. Intr., Houston, Ala.; bill (32. 1. H. R. 196) “making apprns. for civil and dipl. expenses for . . . . 1853 * [clause making apprin. to settle Balestier accts. ; approl. Aug. 31. (32. 1. H. jol.; x, St. L., 89.) — May 12. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (32. 1. S. 416) for relief of Joseph Balestier. (32. 1. S. jol., 407.) CORRESPONDENCE 1852 Mch. 24. Balestier to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying allowance of certain items rejected on settle- ment of accts. for services as specl. agt. to Cochin China. (32. 1. S. jol., 302.) — Aug. 26. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; compensation to Balestier for extra expenses; etc. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 2377, 2379-80.) 4. 1854 Jan. 18. U. S. Senate. Motion (Mason, Va.); refer- ence of Balestier memorial on files of Senate. (33. 1. S. jol., 109.) — Mch. 15. Balestier to U. S. Senate. Petition; re- muneration for certain expenses incurred While special agt. to S. e. Asia. (ib., 260; 633.) — Aug. 3. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Adverse rpt. on Balestier petition. (33. 1. S. rpt. 390.) BALL (EDWARD), REPR. FROM WA. 1856 Je. 20. Remarks; Drinkwater relief bill. Cong. Globe, 1430.) BALLARD ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ALEXANDER; see ALEXANDER BALLARD (HENRY E.), OF MD. U. S. N., 1804-55. Lieut. 1810; comdr. 1816; capt. 1825. Died May 23, 1855. Sea service in command (1828-55) : 1834 comdg. United States, Med’n sqdn. ; 1836-38 comdg. Pacific sqdn. (34. I. BALLESTEROS (JOSE WASQUEZ), MEMBER OF SPAN. COMMISSION TO SETTLE MEADE CLAIM; see MEADE BALLOON, AMER. SHIP (HAMILTON) 1828 Jly. 4. Secr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Tudor). Asks ex- planation of increased no. of seamen on Balloon. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 41.) — Jly. 5. Tudor to Aracaty. Reply to his of 4 inst. (ib., 41.) BALTIMORE (MD.) Board of Trade 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. congress. Memorial. French spoliation claims. (25. 2. H. doc. 235; H. jol., 580.) 1840 Same. (26. 1. H. rpt. 343, 39; 27. 2. H. rpt. 16, 44.) 1843 Feb. 2. To U. S. Senate. Do.; revision of commer- cial treaties. (27. 3. S. jol., 143.) — Feb. 21. To U. S. House. Same. (27.3. H. joi., 424.) Citizens 1831 Jan. 24. To U. S. House. Memorial; Danish in- demnity. (21. 2. H. jol., 207.) 1833 Jan. 1. To U. S. congress. Do.; French spoliations. (22. 2. S. doc. 45.) — Jan. 23. To U. S. Senate. Same. (22. 2. S. jol., 119.) — Feb. 13. To Same. Do.; French indemnity, 1831. (ib., 173.) — Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (ib., 332.) 1835 Feb. 9. To same. Do.; French spoliations. (23. 2. H. jol., 346; 347.) 1836 Apr. 26. To U. S. Senate. Same. (24. 1. S. jol., 308.) — Je. 6. To U. S. Senate. Do.; Belgian claim. (24. 1. H. jol., 943; 1115.) 1842 May 4. Shipmasters of Balt, to U. S. House. Me- morial VS. apptmt. of foreigners to consulships. (27. 2. H. jol., 783.) — Dec. 13. Citizens of Balt, to U. S. Senate. DO.; French spoliations. (27. 3. S. jol., 25.) 1849 Feb. 27. Citizens to U. S. Senate. Do.; Canadian reciprocity. (30. 2. S. jol., 264.) BALTIMORE, AMER. BRIG (PHILIPS) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 14.) BALTIMORE, AMER. SHIP 1816 May 31. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Monroe) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Erving). Instructions; indemnity in case of Baltimore; etc. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 8.) * BALTIMORE INSURANCE CO. Claims vs. Denmark; see Denmark. vs. France; see France BAMBERG (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 473.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 87 BAMBERGER (JAMES), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Asuncion, 1856-[59] ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Correspondence 1859 Jan. 10. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). [unnum.] Return of fees recd., 1857-58; prays consulate be made salaried office. (36. 1. H. rpt. 564, 11.) In the printed doc. this letter is signed Louis B–, , BANCROFT ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG LORIOT; see LORIOT BANCROFT ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. FRIENDSHIP; See FRIENDSHIP BANCROFT (A. H.), ACTG. AMER. WICE-CONS., CANTON 1854 Dec. 5. To Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Cases aWaiting decision at Canton; Amer. citizen is mak- ing enlistments for insurgent forces. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 500.) BANCROFT (GEORGE), OF MASS. Secy. Navy, U. S.A., Mch. 10, 1845-Sept. 9, 1846; Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br., Sept. 9, 1846-Aug. 31, 1849, succeeding Louis McLane; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Secy. of the Navy 1845 May 22. To comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle). Sailing instructions; ordered to ascertain if ports of Japan are accessible. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 64.) — May 27. To comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N (Turner). Disapproves of conduct of comdr. Pendergrast in resisting strict blockade of Monte Video by Argen- tine sqdn. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 212, 39.) Dec. 29. To comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Read). Ordered to African station to relieve comdre. Skin- ner. (35. 2. H. ex: doc. 104, 11.) 1846 Feb. 15. To comdr. U. S. sloop Boston (Pender- grast). Approves of conduct during Buenos Ayrean blockade by French and English in 1845. (29. 1. H. ex, doc. 212, 49.) — Apr. 14. To same. Considerations which forbid reversal of judgment of his conduct in resisting lºade of Monte Video by Argentine sqdn. (ib., 50. A mer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. Correspondence (American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) 1847 Jan. 4. [unnum. extr.] Claim for fishing vessels taken in 1840. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 107.) 1848 Oct. 6. [do..] Request for opinion on question whether obligation of allegiance attaches to natural- ized citizen returning to native country for transient purposes. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 20.) — Oct. 20. Ido.] Nature of law under which im- prisonment of Amer. citizens, Bergan and Ryan, was effected. (ib., 24.) — Nov. 10. [no. 100, extr.] Lord Palmerston ad- dressed on behalf of Bergen and Ryan; repudiation of doctrine of perpetual personal allegiance. (ib., 3.) — Nov. 17. [unnum. extr.] Will cultivate acquaint- ance of Peruvian minister on his arrival; will ex- plain to him influences which will sway Br. govt. in decision on Nicaraguan question. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 221.) — Nov. 17. [do.] Efforts to secure release of Bergen and Ryan, Amer. citizens. (30. 2. H. doc. 19, 2.) — Nov. 23. [unnum.] Liberation of Bergen and Ryan. (ib., 3.) — Dec. 8. [no. 105.] Officially motified of release of Bergen and Ryan. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 155.) BANCROFT (GEORGE), OF MASS.—cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.-Cont'd Correspondence (American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Buchanan—cont’d 1849 Jan. 12. Ino. 112, extr.] Has protested, as directed, agst, detention of Bergen and Ryan; etc. (ib., 159.) — Jan. 12. Iunnum. extr.] Rpt. of conferences with Nicarguan chargé in London (Castellon), and do. in Belgium (Marcoleta). (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 222.) — Jan. 26. [no. 114, extr.] Amer. declaration on doc- trine of allegiancé addressed to Br. govt. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 160.) Jan. 26. [unnum. extr.] Palmerston’s order to change name of San Juan to Greytown. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 222.) — Feb. 7. [do.] Belgium mediation betw. England and Nicaragua. (ib., 222.) (Clayton) — Mch. 9. [do.] Conference with minister of Costa Rica; not intention to place Costa Rica under Br. protection. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 223.) — Mch. 31. [unnum.] Transmits copies of papers ad- dressed by Nicaraguan representatives to Gr. Br. (ib., 225.) — May 30. [unnum. extr.] Comment on instruction of 2d inst. (ib., 232.) — Je. 29. [do.] Importance of Mosquito affair. (ib., 234.) — Aug. 21. [no. 141.] Protest of Jan. 26. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 167.) — Aug. (?) [no. 143.] Conference with Lord Palmer- ston; Br. occupation of San Juan; Br. negotiation with Nicaraguan ministers in London and Belgium. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 234.) Corr. (British) DIPLOMATIC Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston) 1847 Je. 18. Protest agst. order to charge full British packet rates on letters carried in Amer. vessels. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 3.) Je. 30. Repeats protest of 18 inst. (ib., 7.) Jly. 12. Settlement of questions relating to postal intercourse. (ib., 7.) Aug. 16. Proposal for postal arrangement. (ib., 8.) — Aug. 31. Proposes that Gr. Br. suspend protective postal tax pending negotiations for postal arrange- ment. (ib., 13.) — Oct. 8. Protest agst. conduct of capt. May, Br. Str. Teviot in clandestinely landing Gen. Paredes at Vera Cruz. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 25, 28.) Oct. 22. Protest agst. delay in arranging postal conv. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 27.) — Nov. 3. Proposing mutual abolition of existing re- strictions to trade betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 57, 2.) 1848 Feb. 21. Memorandum to acc. proposal for postal conv. made Aug. 16, 1847. (ib., 43.) Sept. 12. Authority for arrest of persons coming from America to Gr. Br. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 15.) — Nov. 10. Representation in case of Bergen and Ryan. (ib., 4.) 1849 Jan. 26. Protest agst. Orders issued in Ireland affecting personal liberty of Amer. citizens; right of expatriation maintained; doctrine of perpetual al- legiance abrogated. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 161.) H. B. M. Postmaster General (Clanricarde) 1847 Sept. 25. On the pending postal arrangement. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 18.) 88 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS t BANCROFT (GEORGE), OF MASS.—cont’d Corr. (British)—cont’d DIPLOMATIC-cont’d H. B. M. Postmaster General—Cont’d (Clanricarde)—cont’d 1847 Oct. 5. Counter proposition to Br. project for postal arrangement. (ib., 21.) 1848 Feb. 11. Protest agst, reply to Amer. counter prop- osition for postal conv. (ib., 35.) Feb. 15. Re-statement of counter proposition, etc. (ib., 38.) EXECUTIVE 1848 Sept. 23. To J. Bergen. Measures for his release. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 19.) Corr. (Nicaraguan) 1849 J ly. 14. To Nicaraguan minister in Gr. Br. (Caste- llón). ASSurance of Amer. intervention; advice as to local dissensions; etc. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 303.) Bancroft was succeeded by Abbott Lawrence. BANEZAKIEWIEZ (LEWIS), AND OTHERS, MEMORIAL- ISTS; see POLISH EXILES - BANGE (FREDERICK), AND A. SOUTHMAYD 1852 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Memorial praying revision of decisions of late Mexican claims comrs. (32. 1. S. jol., 97.) — Mch. 22. To U. S. House. Do.; Mexican indemnity. (32. 1. H. jol., 497.) BANGEMAN HUYGENS; see HUYGENS BANGKOK (SIAM) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BANGOR (M.E.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial Vs. Texan annexa- tion. (25. 1. H. jol., 153.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Do.; congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 348.) — Feb. 18. To same. Do.; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 598.) 1843 Jan. 23. To U. S. Senate. Do.; reciprocity treaties. (27. 3. S. jol., 119.) — Feb. 17. To U. S. House. Same. (27.3. H. jol., 394.) 1844 Jan. 16. To same. Do.; French spoliations. (28. 1. H. jol., 245.) — Apr. 22. To U. S. Senate. Do.; Vs. Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. S. jol., 248.) — May 16. Same. (ib., 283.) 1845 Feb. 11. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 157.) 1848 Feb. 29. To same. Do.; peace with Mexico. (30. 1. S. jol., 193.) Apr. 27. To same. Do.; vs. free entry of timber cut in Me. and manufactured in New Brunswick. (ib., 299.) — May 10. To U. S. House. Do.; peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 785.) 1850 Apr. 8. To U. S. Senate. Do.; arbitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 261.) BANGS ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP JAMES ADAMS; see JAMES ADAMS BANGS (H. P.), MASTER AMER. BARK RIENZI; see CUBA. INSURRECTION; CONTOY, etc. BANKHEAD (CHARLES) Secy. H. B. M. legation in U. S. A.; actg. chargé, 1831- 33, 1835-36 ; see also Gr. Br. Diplomatic service. Correspondence Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) 1831 Jly. 30. Jamaican law governing deportation of paupers. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 5.) – Oct. 1. Protest agst, order for town elections held in Madawaska by citizens of Me. (22. 1. S. doc. 3, 7; 25. 2. H. doc. 126, 23.) — Oct. 20. Protest agst. forcible inroad into Br. terr. by Americans in search of offender agst, authorities of Me. (ib., 26.) — Nov. 25. Gratified at tenor of corresp. relative to unauthorized elections in Madawaska; release of prisoners directed. (22. 1. S. doc. 3, 9; 25. 2. H. doc. 126, 28.) 1832 Feb. 15. Instructions to gov. of Jamaica concerning deportation of paupers. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 7; H. rpt. 1040, 47.) —º. Reply to his of even date. (24. 1. S. doc. — Oct. 3. Law of Jamaica regulating deportation of paupers abolished. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 7.) (Forsyth) 1835 Dec. 28. Review of present state of n. e. boundary discussion. (24. 1. S. doc. 414, 56.) 1836 Jan. 6. Complaints from Quebec, etc., agst. en- Croachments of Amer. fishermen. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 55; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 55.) — Jan. 19. Receipt of note of 18 inst. (32. 1. H. doc. 120, 58.) — Jan. 27. Tenders mediation of Gr. Br. in difficulties of U. S. A. with France. (xii, Reg. Debates, 581; 24. 1. S. doc. 187, 2; H. ex. doc. 116, 2.) Feb. 15. French govt’s. declared readiness to pay instalment due on Amer. indemnity makes Br. medi- ation unnecessary. (ib., 586; ib., 8; ib., 7.) — MCh. 4. Re-Submits modified Br. proposal for com- mission of Survey for n. e. boundary; St. John’s River as line of boundary is inadmissible. (24. 1. S. doc. 414, 62.) BANKS ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG JoHN ADAMs; see JOHN ADAMS BANKS (BARTHOLOMEW), HEIR OF JNO. BANKS 1844 Feb. 24. To U. S. House. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (28. 1. H. jol., 451.) BANKS (CHARLES R.), CLAIMANT; see IMOGENE, AMER. BARK BANKS (WILLIAM G.) 1847 Mch. 3. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. S. jol., 288.) BANKS (W. W.), OF WA. Amer. cons... for Aguas Calientes, Mexico, 1855-[58] ; See U. S. A. Consular service. BANSTEAD (EDWARD); see BONSTEAD BAPTISTE (MANUEL), DEPONENT IN CASE OF SLAVER BARK FAME; see FAME BAPTISTS 1852 Oct. 16. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Bar- nard) to King of Prussia. Difficulties encountered in Germany by Baptists. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 60, 16.) — Dec. 14. State Baptist Conv. of Miss. to U. S. Sen- ate. Memorial; praying liberty of worship for Amer. citizens abroad. (32. 2. S. jol., 34.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 89 BAPTISTS-Cont'd 1853 Češ) Baptist Union ASSn., Md., to same. Same. b., 65. - — Jan. 31. Barnard to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Corresp. with Prussia on complaints of religious in- tolerance made by Baptists. (ib., 13.) — Mch. 29. Same to same (Marcy). Has taken in- formal proc. in matter of religious toleration for Baptists. (ib., 36.) — Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hamlin, Me.); Miss. memorial of Dec., 1852, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (33. 1. S. jol., 58.) 1854 Jan. 16. Southern Baptists Conv. to U. S. Senate. Memorial praying treaty stipulations to secure relig- ious liberty for Amer. citizens abroad. (ib., 99.) — Feb. 4. Bethlehem Baptists Assn., Enterprise, Miss., to U. S. Senate. Memorial; same. (ib., 154.) Feb. 6. Hepzibah Baptist Assn., Ga., to same. Same. (ib., 157.) — Feb. 23. Conv. of Baptists of W. Tenn. to same. Same, (ib., 205.) — Feb. 30. Central Assn. of Baptists, Tenn., to same. Same. (ib., 291.) — Feb. 30. J. Bell, sen. from Tenn. Remarks on me- morial of Central Assn. of Baptists of even date. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 789.) — Apr. 20. Hepzibah Baptist Assn., Ga., to U. S. Sen- ate. Memorial as above. (33. 1. S. jol., 333.) — Dec. 21. Baptist State conv., La., to same. Same. (33. 2. S. jol., 63.) BARACOA (CUBA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BARADERE (R.), FRENCH CONS. AT MONTEVIDEO 1838 Oct. 29. To Amer. cons., Montevideo (Hamilton). Satisfaction at happy termination of affair of the Madonna. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 62.) BARANDA (MANUEL) Ministr. relac. est., Mexico, during 6th Sta. Anna ad- ministration, 1st Anaya do., and 7th Sta. Anna do., all in 1847; see Mexico. BARANDIARAN (GREGORIO) Second secy. of Mexican legation in U. S. A.; actg. chargé, 1858-59; see Mexico. Diplomatic service. BARBACHANO (MIGUEL), GOV. OF YUCATAN 1848 Apr. 4. Senior naval officer, U. S. N., Laguna (Bige- low) to comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (Perry). Barba- * succeeds gov. Mendez. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 30. BARBADOES (W. I.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BARBARENA (TOMAS), MEXICAN OUTLAW 1858 Mch. 10. Comdr. in chief of Mexican forces, Tam- pico (Moreno). Calls inhabitants of the Huasteca to arms in defense of Mexico agst. Barbarena; etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 12.) BARBARY STATES; see AFRICA: ALGIERS: SLAVE- TRADE: TRIPOLI: TUNIS BARBERENA (MANUEL), COMR. OF SALWADOR TO AD- JUST BRIT. CLAIMS; see SALWADOR BARBOUR (JAMES), OF WA. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br., 1828-29, succeeding W. H. Lawrence, see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Correspondence (American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) e 1828 Oct. 2. [unnum. extr.] Substance of conf. with Lord Aberdeen on subjects proper for conventional arrangement, viz., impressment, etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 38.) — Oct. 2. Ido.] Same; surrender of fugitive Slaves. (20. 2. H. doc. 19, 5.) — Oct. 2. Ido.] Same; colonial intercourse. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 32.) — Nov. 24. [do.] Same; admission of cotton under Br. customs amdmt. (20. 2. H. doc. 20, 4.) 1829 Jan. 22. Ido.] Relations with Gr. Br. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 34.) Corr. (British) Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Aberdeen) © 1828 Nov. 27. Discriminating duties on Amer. Cotton is case of treaty violation. (20. 2. H. doc. 20, 5.) 1829 Jan. 3. Renews representation of Nov. 27. (ib., 7.) Corr. (Executive) 1829 Aug. 22. To auditor of State Dept., U. S. A. (Pleas- onton). Accts. as actg. secy. of legation, London, for q1... ending May 31. (21. 1. H. ex: dog. 37, 20.) — Dec. 12. To same. Further explanation of accts. (ib., 19.) Barbour was succeeded by Louis McLane. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1830 Feb. 22. Intr., Archer, Va.; bill (21. 1. H. R. 275) “providing for settlement of accts, of certain dipl. functionaries”; appré. May 29, 1830. (21. 1. H. jol.; vi, Reg. Debates, app., xxxi.; vi, St. L., 436.) CORRESPONDENCE See also above, Correspondence (Executive). 1829 Jan. 21. Auditor for State Dept., U. S. A. (Pleason- ton) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Discrep- ancies in compensation of Barbour for ad interim service as successor to W. B. Lawrence. (21. 1. H. ex. doc. 37, 5.) BARBOUR (JOHN S.), REPR. FROM WA. 1831 Jan. 13. Speech; right of House to withhold apprin. for salary of min. to Russia. (vii, Reg. Debates, 496.) 1832 Apr. 27. Remarks; payment of expenses of mission to France from contingent fund. (viii, Reg. Debates, 2628.) BARBOUR CO. (ALA.) CITIZENS 1844 May 22. To U. S. House. Memorial favoring Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 950.) BARBOZA (F. v.), MARQUEZ DE PARANAGUA; see PARA- NAGUA BARBOZA (LUIS ANTONIO), MINISTR. DA JUSTICIA, BRAZIL. * 1853 Aug. 5. To Ministr. dos negoc. estrang., Brazil (Soares de Souza). Legality of detention of Mars- den; reason for earlier trial of two other suspects in case. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 88, 26.) 90 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BARBOZA (MANUEL A. T.), CLAIMANT; see SUSAN, BRIG BARCELONA (SPAIN) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BARCENA (EMANUELE), OF SPAIN Amer. Vice-cons. for Vigo in 1852; see also U. S. A. Con- Sular service. 1851 Dec. 6. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Bar- ringer). Destitute condition of Contoy prisoners. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 3.) BARCLAY AND LIVINGSTON, SHIPPERS 1840 May 2. To President U. S. A. (Van Buren). List of presents sent by Imaum of Muscat. (viii, Cong. Globe, 414; 26. 1. S. doc. 488, 2; H. ex. doc. 221, 2.) BARCLAY (ALEXANDER), OF SCOTLAND Amer, cons. for Gothenburg, 1853-[55] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BARCLAY (ANTHONY), OF NOVA SCOTIA Secy. to boundary commission under art. 4, treaty of Ghent, 1816; see Northeast Boundary Controversy. H. B. M. comr. under arts. 6-7 do. ; see U. S. A. Boundary ; H. B. M. cons. for N. Y., 1842-56; see also Gr. Br. Consular service. CO%.S. in New York; 1854 Oct. 23. To U. S. atty., so. distr., N. Y. (McKeon). Meditated slavetrade expedition from N. Y. T36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 14.) 1856 May 28. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Revocation of powers, etc., of H. B. M. cons. at N. Y. (Barclay). (V, Mess. and Papers, 391.) — May 28. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Barclay. Exeguatur revoked. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 80, 78; H. ex. doc. 107, 78.) BARCLAY (J. G.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Cyprus in 1859; see U. S. A. Consular , Service. BARCLAY (THOMAS) H. B. M. comr. under art. 4, treaty of Ghent; see Northeast Boundary Controversy. BARDAJI (EUSEBIO) Secr. de estado, Spain, during 7th ministry under Isabel II, 1837; see Spain. BARDAXI Y ARARA (GUSETIO) DE, SECR. DE ESTAD0, SPAIN 1821 Je. 16. To R. W. Meade. Spain recognizes obliga- tion under 5th renunciation of art. 9, Florida treaty; etc. (27. 2. H. rpt. 457, 31; 30. 1. H. rpt. 94, 34; 33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 32; H. rpt. 5, 32.) BARGRAIN (A. L.), AGT. FOR HEIRS OF J. MASI 1842 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Petition; French Spolia- tions. (27. 2. H. jol., 369.) BARING (ALEXANDER); see ASHBURTON, LORD BARING BROS. AND CO. 1851 Dec. 26. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Pay- ment of last instalment of Mexican indemnity. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 15.) *- BARING (ME.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (26. 1. H. jol., 718.) — Mch. 30. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (ib., 719.) BARKER (J. N.), COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY, . A. 1839 Mch. 1. To Secy, of the Treasury, U. S. A. (Wood- bury). Payments under treaty with France of 1831. (25. 3. H. doc. 246.) BARKER (JACOB), CLAIMANT; see CINCINNATUS, AMER. SHIP BARKER (JOSEPH), OWNER SCHR. SALLY 1811-17. Corresp. relative to Haitian claim. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 6.) BARKER (PIERRE A.), U. S. CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, BUF- FALO CREEK 1837 Dec. 15. To U. S. atty. no. distr., N. Y. (Benton). Organization of Canadian insurgents in Buffalo. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 35.) r — Dec. 23. To same. Increasing force of Canadian in- surgents on Navy Is. (ib., 44.) — Dec. 23. To President, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Move- ments in N. Y. to aid Canadian insurgents. (ib., 42.) — Dec. 30. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Suspension of communication betw. Buffalo and Canada; seizure of Caroline. (ib., 51.) BARKER (RUSSELL), MASTER AMER. SCHR. HAZARD; see HAZARD BARKER (SAMUEL), MASTER AMER. SHIP HERALD; see HERALD BARKER (THOMAS H.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Elsinore, Denmark, 1834-36 ; see U. S. A. Consular service; do. for Antwerp, 1836-42. BARKSDALE (WILLIAM), REPR. FROM MISS. Memººmittee on Foreign Affairs, 35-36 congress, Remarks, etc., by 1855 Feb. 17. Remarks; French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 803.) 1858 Feb. 3. Do.; rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs on Walker arrest. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 556.) — May 4. Do.; res. of Com. on Foreign Affairs do. (ib., 1944.) — May 6. Do.; French spoliation bill. (ib., 2002.) — Je. 12. Do.; Brit. outrages on Amer. vessels in Gulf of Mexico. (ib., 3015.) — Dec. 13. Do.; reference of mess. on Siamese treaty. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 68.) 1859 Jan. 11. Do.; conduct of comdre. Paulding in Nic- aragua. (ib., 316.) — Jan. 19. Amdmt. to dipl. and consular apprin. bill, increasing apprin.; etc. (ib., 460.) — Jan. 26. Do.; striking out portion of clause pro- viding for suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 618.) — Jan. 26. Remarks; endorsing Seward's remarks on above clause. (ib., 616.) — Jan. 27. Do.; withdrawing above endorsement. (ib., 636.) — Jan. 27. Do.; substitute cons, and dipl. apprn. bill, leaving out mission to Persia and slavetrade clause. ib., 638.) —% 2. Motion to take up McCauley relief bill; S. 223. (ib., 1602.) º — Mch. 14. Remarks; opposed to further apprin. for suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 1154.) 1860 Mich. 29. Do.; French spoliation bill. (36. 1. Cong. Globe, 1432.) Reports by 1860 Mch. 30. On Venable memorial; adverse. (36. 1. H. rpt. 315.) . INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 91 BARN (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) BARNARD (DANIELDEwey), of NEw York, 1797-1861 Repr. from N. Y. 20, 26th-28th congress, 1827-29, 1839- 45; Amer. E. E. and M. P., 1850-53; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. - Representative from N. Y. Remarks by 1841 Aug. 31. Floyd res. on McLeod case. (x, Cong. Globe, 411.) 1845 Jan. 24. Opposing Texan annexation. (xiv, ib., 187; ib., app., 347.) E. E. and M. P. in Prussia Correspondence (Consular) AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, Bates, Amer. Cons. 1851 Jly. 22. Brand’s release to be secured; fact of citi- zenship to be made basis of demand. (36. 1. S. ex. doc., 38, 16.) 1852 Jºly. 5. Case of B. Meyer. (ib., 28.) BREMEN, King, Amer. cons. 1853 ºn. 26. Case of C. Schmidt. (33. 1. S. ex: doc. 60, 5 —jan. 27. Same. (ib., 8.) — Jan. 29. Same. (ib., 11.) — Jan. 31. Same. (ib., 12.) Corr. (Diplomatic: American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) 1851 Mch. 11. [no. 14, extr.] Case of H. Van de Sandt. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 7.) — Je. 10. [no. 24, extr.] Same. (ib., 8.) — Je. 24. [no. 27, extr.] Same. (ib., 11.) — Jly. 29. [no. 31, extr.] Case of Brand. (ib., 14.) — Dec. 9. [no. 46.] Expenses of Amer. dipl. repr. in Berlin. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 23.) tºº, [no. 67.] Case of Behne. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. — JIy. 13. [no. 71, extr.] Cases of Gutowsky, Hor- mann and Meyer. (ib., 22.) — Aug. 3. [no. 75.] Case of C. G. Born. (ib., 31.) — Aug. 3. [no. 76, confid.; extr.] Frequency of com- plaints by German Americans of ill-treatment by Prussian authorities; etc. (ib., 41.) sºmºsºmºsº * 10. [no. 78, extr.] Case of Gutowsky. (ib., 42. — Oct. 12. Ino. 89.] Case of J. J. Kracke. (ib., 44.) (Everett) 1852 Dec. 7. [no. 91, extr.] Refusal of permis de séjour to B. Meyer; compulsory enlistment of Kracke. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 49.) —iº ; [no. 93.] Prussian corresp. in Born case. b., 52. * 1853 Jan. 31. [no. 102.] Complaint by Baptists of re- Hºus intolerance in Prussia. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 60, 13. — Feb. 1. [no. 103.] Detention of C. Schmidt. (ib., 2.) — Feb. 8. [no. 106, extr.] Meyer and Kracke cases. (36. 1. S. ex, doc. 38, 55.) — Feb. 15. [no. 108.] Case of Kracke; suggests gen- eral publication of fact that U. S. is incompetent to interpose in behalf of naturalized Amer. citizens re- turning to Prussia. (ib., 56.) (Marcy) 1853 Mch. 15. Ino. 118.] Dana, Dingle and Ramsay out- rage. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 60, 27.) — Mch. 22. [no. 119, extr.] Prussian corresp. in Kracke case. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 62.) y BARNARD (DANIEL DEWEY), OF NEW YORK, 1797-1861– cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic: American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Marcy)—cont’d 1853 Mch. 29. [no. 120, extr.] Informal proc. to obtain religious toleration for Baptists. (33. 1. S. ex: doc. 60, 36.) – Apr. 5. [no. 121, extr.] Kracke case; believes se- verity of Prussian enlistment law has been im- pressed on Manteuffel. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 38, 68.) Corr. (Diplomatic: Baden) 1853 Mch. 14. To M. P. of Baden in Prussia (V. Meysen- bug). Injustice of decision in case of Dana, Dingle and Ramsay. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 60, 29.) — Mch. 26. To same. Reply to his note of 18 inst. (ib., 37.) Corr. (Diplomatic: Prussian) 1851 Mch. 4. To minist. d. ausw. angelegenh. (Manteuf- fel). Reconsideration of v. d. Sandt case. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 7.) 1852 July. 1. To same. Application for yr's. residence for Gutowsky. (ib., 24.) — Jly. 3. To same. Do. for redress in Hormann Case. (ib., 26.) — JIy. 8. To same. Case of B. Meyer. (ib., 28.) — Jiy. 14. To same. Gutowski petition. (ib., 31.) — Aug. 3. To same. Case of C. G. Born. (ib., 32.) — Oct. 16. To Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prus- sia. Difficulties encountered by Baptists in Ger- many. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 60, 16.) — Oct. 29. To Manteuffel. Case of J. Kracke. (ib., 44.) 1853 Feb. 15. To same. Attitude of Amer. govt. On ques- tion of compulsory enlistment in certain cases; etc. (ib., 57.) — Mch. 21. To same. Kracke case. (ib., 66.) Corr. (Executive) 1851 Je. 17. To H. v. de Sandt. Action in his behalf. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 13.) 1852 Je. 11. To G. Behne. Prussian govt. refuses resi- dence without submission to compulsory enlistment. (ib., 22.) Je. 30. To A. R. Gutowsky. Action in his behalf. (ib., 24.) — JIy. 3. To C. Hormann. Same. (ib., 25.) BARNARD (GEORGE, JR.); TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPE- DITION; see TEXAS. STA. FE EXPEDITION BARNARD (J. G.) AND SIDELL (W. H.), OF TEHUANTEPEC CO. 1851 Je. 11. Protést agst. Mexican order to suspend sci- entific operations on Tehuantepec Isthmus. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 97, 90.) BARNE (VT.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial favoring recog- nition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) BARNES (BRADFORD, JR.), CLAIMANT; AMER. BARK BARNES (ISAAC 0.) 1839 Je. 27. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ban- croft). Seizure of Amer, fishing vessels by Br. govt. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 63.) BARNES (JOHN), HEIRS 1852 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Petition; Br. Spoliations in 1814. (32. 1. H. jol., 240.) see YEOMAN, 92 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS * BARNES (RICHARD), HEIR 1850 Feb. 4. U. S. House. Petition; French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 450.) BARNET (CHARLES), OF N. J. Amer, cons. for Antwerp, 1823-30; do. for Venice, 1830- 34; do, for Genoa, 1834-37; see U. S. A. Consular service. BARNETT (CHARLES L.) 1843 Mch. 2. To U. S. House. Petition in behalf of Amer. Colonization Socy. (27.3. H. jol., 523.) BARNET (ISAAC COXE), OF N. J. Amer, cons. for Paris, 1816-33; see U. S. A. Consular SeLVICe. BARNETT (WT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 26. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 93.) 1838 Mch. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 598.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. joi., 598.) BARNEY (JOSHUA), CLAIM 1829 Dec. 22. Admr. of Barney to U. S. Senate. Petition; French Spoliations indemnity. (21. 1. S. jol., 40.) 1833 Jan. 11. Same to same. Same. (22. 2. S. joi., 75.) 1846 Dec. 18. Excr. of Barney to U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 70.) 1847 Jan. 6. Excrs. of Barney to U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 86.) 1849 Dec. 27. Excr. of admx. of Barney (Everett) to Same. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 31.) — Dec. 31. ExcrS. of Barney to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 196.) 1850 Jan. 3. Admx. of Barney to same. Same. (ib., 215.) Jan. 14. ReprS. of heirs of Barney to U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 72.) Feb. 4. Heir of Barney to same. Same. (ib., 127.) BARNSTABLE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan annex- ation. (25. 1. H. jol., 164.) 1838 Dec. 20. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 116.) 1840 Mch. 16. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 631.) — Mch. 20. To U. S. Senate. Do.; repeal of naturaliza- tion laws. (26. 1. S. jol., 254.) — Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) — Mch 30. To same. DO.; repeal of naturalization laws. (ib., 705.) — Dec. 21. To same. Same. (26. 2. H. jol., 78.) . 1845 Dec. 11. To Same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) BARNWELL (R. G.), OF S. C. Amer. cons. for Amsterdam, 1854-[61] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BARNWELL (ROBERT W.), REPR. FROM S. C. Member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 21-22 congress, 1829– 33 ; see U. S. A. Committees. BARNWELL DISTR. (S. C.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 11. To U. S. Senate. Memorial in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 337.) BAROCHE ( ) Ministre des affaires étrangères of France in 1851 ; See France. BARON RENFREW, BR. WESSEL, CLAIM VS. U. S. A. For seizure and detention at San Francisco. 1854 Dec. 23. Synopsis of award by comrs. under conv. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 68.) BARR (JOHN G.), OF ALA Amer. cons. for Melbourne in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular * Service. BARRAND STEWART, CLAIMANTS; see STEWART (JAS.) BARRADAS (ISIDRO) 1829 Sept. 20. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Bocanegra). News of surrender of Barradas. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 295.) — Sept. 22. Bocanegra to Poinsett. Effect of Barradas’ Surrender. (ib., 296.) - — Sept. 24. Same to same. Ceremonies in celebration of Barradas’ surrender. (ib., 297.) BARRAGAN (MIGUEL) Ministr. da guerra y marina, Mexico, Nov., 1833-Feb., #: President of Mexico, jan. '28, 1835-Feb. 27, Ministro da Guerra y Marina 1834 Jan. 2. To ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Lombardo). Instructions; insult to Amer. courier by comdre. Of Perote. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 513.) President of Mearico 1836 Jan. 19. Copy of general powers of Don Manuel E. de Gorostiza as E. E. and M. P. of Mexico to U. S. A. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 89.) — Jan. 19. To President of U. S. A. (Jackson). Goros- tiza accredited, etc. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 733.) Jan. 26. Copy of special powers of Gorostiza to conclude second additional article of limits with TJ. S. A. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 90.) — Mch. 11. Pres. of Mexico (Corro) to President of U. S. A. (Jackson). Death of Barragan. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 743.) — Je. 4. Secy, State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Gorostiza. Acknowledges note of May 31, announcing death of Barragan. (ib., 744.) — Je. 7. President of U. S. A. (Jackson) to actg. Presi- dent of Mexico. Letter of condolence on death of late Pres. Barragan. (ib., 181.) BARRATRY; see ELVIRA: RAPID (1855) BARRE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1842 Mch. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial favoring recog- nition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 626.) BARREDA & BRO. 1853 Jan. 15. To A. G. Benson. Charter parties of Cer- tain therein named vessels. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 280.) 1855 Apr. 24. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Terms of agreement with Benson. (ib., 278.) BARREDA (FREDERICO L.) Confidential agt. of Peru in U. S. A. to restore diplomatic intercourse, Apr. 2, 1861; see Peru. Diplomatic service. BARRELL (SAMUEL B.) Special agt. of U. S. to New Brunswick. 1827 Nov. 20. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughan) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Letter of introduction to gov. of New Brunswick for Bar- rell. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 38.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 93. BARRELL (SAMUEL B.)—cont’d 1828 Feb. 20. Clay to Vaughan. Barrell apptd. special comr. to inquire into Baker arrest. (20. 1. H. doc. 278, 5; 20. 2. H. doc. 90, 38.) Correspondence 1827 Dec. 21. To atty. gen. of New Brunswick (Wet- $ more). Asks for information in Baker case. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 18.) 1828 Feb. 11. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Rpt. pur- suant to instructions of Nov. 19, 1827; case of Baker; tººk Settlement; case of Bacon, Harford; etc. (ib., 9. BARRERE (NELSON), REPR. FROM O. 1852 Jan. 2. Remarks; intr. of Kossuth to U. S. House. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 188.) — Jan. 20. DO.; same. (ib., 324.) 1853 Jan. 11. Speech; connection of Corwin with Gar- diner claim. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 111.) BARRERA (M.) DE LA 1854 Aug. 31. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Gads- den). Information concerning late Amer. cons. at Acapulco (Rice). (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 36.) BARRET (DOMINGO), EXECUTIVE CHIEF OF YUCATAN 1847 JIy. 27. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Mis- Sion of Robira; apptmt. of Don Justo Sierra. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 42, 3.) BARRETT (JAMES) Amer. Seaman impressed into Brazilian service. 1827 Apr. 14. Comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle) to comdr. Brazilian forces. (Pinto Guedes). Release of Barrett; etc. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 150.) — Apr. 17. Pinto Guedes to Biddle, Declines to re- lease Barrett. (ib., 150.) — Apr. 20. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Protest agst. im- pressment; Barrett case. (ib., 152.) — Apr. 20. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 152.) *-*-* º; 23. Same to same. Delivers Barrett; etc. (ib., 160. BARRETTO (FRANCIS), CLAIMANT; see AMAZON AMER. SCHR. BARRIAN, AMER. BRIG, CLAIM OF; see FRANKLIN, AMER. SHIP BARRIER FORTS; see CHINA. ANGL0-FRENCH WAR BARRILL (G. G.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Malaga, 1817-39; see U. S. A. Consular service. BARRINGER (DANIEL L.), REPR. F.R. N. C. 1832 Je. 8. Remarks; payment of comrs. under conv. , with France. (viii, Reg. Debates, 3346.) — Je. 8. Do.; opposing motion to reject section of bill for executing conv. with France, reducing duties on French wines. (ib., 3347.) 1834 Apr. 9. Do.; apprn. for clerk to arrange State Dept. archives. (x, Reg. Debates, 3574.) — May 7. Do.; bill for executing conv. with France. (ib., 3972.) 1835 Mch. 3. Do.; apprp. for min. to England. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1643.) BARRINGER (DANIEL MOREAU), OF N. C. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain, Je., 1849-Sept., 1853, succeeding R. M. Saunders; see also U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. Representative from N. C. Correspondence (Consular) CADIZ, BURTON, AMER. ConSUL 1851 Dec. 11. Queen has pardoned Amer. prisoners taken in late Cuban insurrection. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 4.) — Dec. 29. Transmits letter from J. S. Thrasher. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 110.) 1852 Jan. 6. Thrasher case. (ib., 111.) — Jan. 14. Same. (ib., 112.) GIBRALTAR, SPRAGUE, AMER. CONSUL 1852 Apr. 22. Arrangements for return of pardoned Amer. prisoners. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 115, 7.) VIGO, BARCENA, AMER. WICE-CONSUL 1851 Dec. 11. Instructions; Amer. prisoners. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 4.) Corr. (Diplomatic American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) 1850 Jan. 9.. [no. 5, extr.] Arrest of España. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 139.) — May 2. [unnum.] Corresp. with Spain in West case. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 18.) — May 16. [do.] Issues betw. Amer. and Spanish min- isters in West case. (ib., 20.) Aug. 7. [no. 27, extr.] Conference with minister of state on release of Amer. prisoners taken at Con- toy. (31. 2. S. ex: doc. 41, 6.) (Webster) 1850 Sept. 4. [no. 31, extr.] Reason for delay in prose- cuting case of North Carolina. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 29, 19.) Sept. 5. Ino. 32, extr.] No answer to demand for release of Contoy prisoners. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 12.) Sept. 5. [unnum. extr.] Release of West refused. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 44.) — Sept. 12. Ino. 33, extr.] Delay of Spain to anSWer demand for release of Amer. prisoners taken at Con- toy. (ib., 15.) Sept. 12. [unnum. extr.] Asks instructions on Spanish corresp. in West case. (ib., 45.) Sept. 19. [no. 34.] Spain’s answer to demand for release of Contoy prisoners. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 17.) — Oct. 3. [no. 35, extr.] Doubts Spanish confidence in Amer. Conduct during Cuban filibustering expe- dition. (ib., 29.) — Oct. 9. [unnum. extr.] Existing relations betw. Spain and U. S. A. (ib., 30.) — Nov. 8. [no. 39, extr.] Contoy prisoners pardoned. (ib., 33.) — Nov. 21. [no. 41.] Remaining, therein named, Amer. Contoy prisoners sent to America in Br. brig Boundary; Wilcox case. (ib., 36.) 1851 Dec. 12. [no. 70.] Pardon of Contoy prisoners. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 2.) 1852 Jan. 14. [no. 75.] Release of Thrasher. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 106.) — Jan. 15. Ino. 76.] Same. (ib., 112.) — Mch. 26. Ino. 93.] Expenses of official residence in Madrid. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 19.) — Mch. 24. Ino. 98.] Transportation of Contoy pris- oners. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 4.) (Everett) 1852 Nov. 8. [no. 111..] Harang claim. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 86, 210.) 94 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BARRINGER (DANIEL MOREAU), OF N. C.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Everett)—cont’d 1852 Dec. 14. [no. 116.] Substance of corresp. with Spain concerning Crescent City affair. (ib., 50.) 1853 Jan. 5. [unnum. extr.] Same. (ib., 65.) — Feb. 23. [no. 127.] Decision of Spain rejecting Harang claim. (ib., 21.1.) — Feb. 23. [no. 128.] Delay in negotiating North Car- olina claim attributable to mode of procedure in cases arising in Spanish colonial possessions. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 29, 21.) (Marcy) — Mch. 8. Ino. 129, extr.] Harang claim. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 215.) — Mch. 15. [no. 131, extr.] Reference of North Caro- lina case to colonial tribunals at Havana, will result in denial of justice to claimants. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 29, 23.) — Mch. 26. [no. 133.] Harang claim. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 218.) Je. 10. [no. 144, extr.] Indemnity in case of Ohio. (ib., 84.) — Jly. 8. [no. 147, extr.] Ohio case. (ib., 85.) ly. 16. Ino. 148, extr.] Search of Manchester. (ib., 96.) — Aug. 11. [no. 152, extr.] Losses of Amer. citizens by annulment of decree of Oct. 7, 1844. (ib., 176.) — Aug. 18. [no. 153, extr.] Detention of Ohio. (ib., 99.) 1854 Apr. £) [no. 136 (sic 156?).] Crescent City affair. (ib., 72. - Corr. (Spanish) Secr. de Estado, Spain (Pidal) 1850 Apr. 26. Arrest of West, Blethen and Lambden. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 18.) — May 8. Urging reply to his of 26 ult. (ib., 21.) — May 10. Protest agst. interpretation of case of West, etc. (33. sp. sess., S. misc. doc. 3, 16; 33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 26.) — Aug. 13. Outrage on North Carolina. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 29. 15.) — Aug. 19. Same. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 22. Urges early action of govt. in case of West, etc. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 40.) — Aug. 27. Formal demand for release of Amer. Con- toy prisoners. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 13.) Sept. 4. West, et al. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 44.) Sept. 11. Same. (ib., 48.) Sept. 19. Exception to substance of reply to demand for release of Contoy prisoners. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 22.) — Nov. 5. Inquiry regarding rumor that certain Con- toy prisoners have been removed to Spanish juris- diction for trial. (ib., 34.) — Nov. 8. Acknowledges note reporting pardon of remaining Contoy prisoners. (ib., 35.) (Miraflores) 1851 Dec. 11. Receipt of note of even date. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 5.) 1852 Jan. 5. Thrasher proceedings. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 108.) — Jan 13. Same. (ib., 109.) (de Lis) 1852 Dec. 7. Crescent City affair. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 52.) — Dec. 12. Same. (ib., 5.) BARRINGER (DANIEL MOREAU), OF N. C.—cont'd Corr. (Spanish)—cont’d Secr. de Estado, Spain—cont’d (Alcoy) - 1852 Dec. 30. Same. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 66.) 1853 Feb. 10. Harang claim. (ib., 211.) — Feb. 11. North Carolina indemnity. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 29, 22.) — Feb. 20. Harang claim. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 213.) — Mch. 4. Construction of art. 11, treaty of 1795. (ib., 216.) — Mch. 19. Same. (ib., 221.) (Lersundi) 1853 Je. 6. Detention of Ohio. (ib., 85.) — Je. 23. Same. (ib., 91.) — Je. 25. Search of Manchester. (ib., 97.) — Jly. 14. Same. (ib., 99.) — Aug. 11. Detention of Ohio. (ib., 100.) Corr. (Executive) 1850 Sept. 26. To J. West. Opinion on Spanish proceed- ing in case. (33. sp. sess., S. misc. doc. 3, 22.) — Oct. 9. To same. Substance of note of 26 inst re- peated. (ib., 23.) 1852 Apr. 27. To U. S. customs coll., Boston (Greeley). Payment for passage of Contoy prisoners. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 5.) Barringer was succeeded by P. Soulé. BARRINGTON (SAMUEL), SENIOR SURGEON TOBASCO EXPEDITION 1847 Je. 24. To comdr. U. S. str. Mississippi (Perry). Rpt. of wounded in Tobasco expedition. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1214.) — Je. 26. To same. Abstr. of missing and wounded do. (ib., 1215.) BARRIO (DON JOSE MARIA) DEL; M. P. OF CENTRAL AMERICA IN MEXICO 1833 Sept. 4. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Garcia) to Amer. chargé (Butler). Redress in case of outrage on Barrio by M. Duran, Gutierrez and others. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 485.) BARRION, AMER. BRIG; see FRANKLIN, AMER. SHIP BARRIOS (GERARDO) Jefe of Salvador, 1860-65; see Central Amer. BARROILHET (CARLOS) “Substance of some remarks on guano trade, translated from a pm. in the Spanish language, published in 1857,” [i. e., Opusculo sobre el huano, dedicado à la nacion peruana. Par., 1857. 104 pp. 8°]. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 44.) BARRON (EUSTACE), CLAIMANT; see WILLIAM, SCHR. BARRON (JOHN V.) 1841 Dec. 14. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity for losses during late war with Gr. Br. (27. 2. H. jol., 45; 335.) BARRON (SAMUEL), OF WA. U. S. N., 1812-61. Lieut., 1827; comdr., 1847; capt. 1855; dismissed May 22, 1861. sea service in com: mand (1828-61) : 1851-53, _comdg. John Adams, African sqdn. ; 1859 do. Wabash, Mediterranean sqdn. BARROS Y SOUZA (MANOEL FRANCISCO), WISCONDE DE SANTAREM; see SANTAREM Salvador. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 95 BARROT (ADOLPHE), FRENCH COMR. AT PORT-AU- PRINCE 1843. Promises to aid Sto. Domingo to secure separation from Haiti. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 13.) BARROT (FERDINAND) 1850 Dominican recurrence to promises of his brother in 1843. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 13.) BARROW (ALEXANDER), SEN. FROM LA. 1841 Dec. 22. Remarks; seizure of Encomium; reference of New Orelans Ins. Co. (xi, Cong. Globe, 47.) 1843 Jan. 18. Do.; deprecating Benton-Rives contro- versy on n. e. boundary. (xii, Cong. Globe, 170.) 1844 Je. 15. Do.; discussion of Texan annexation. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 688.) 1845 Feb. 3. Same. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 233.) — Feb. 5. Same. (ib., 246.) — Feb. 19. Speech; same. (ib., app., 390.) — Mch. 3. Remarks; rpt. on naturalization frauds. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 389.) 1846 Mch. 30. Speech; joint occupation of Oregon. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 569; app., 588.) BARROW (WASHINGTON), OF TENN. Amer. chargé at Lisbon, 1841-1844; see also U. S. A. #2; service. Repr. from Tenn., 30 congress, Amer. Chargé at Lisbon Correspondence (American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) 1842 Je. 10. [no. 8.] General Armstrong claim. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 41.) - — Nov. 15. Ino. 11, extr.] On present tariff. (27. 3, H. ex. doc. 202, 21.) — Nov. 15. [same.] Corresp. with Portuguese secr. de negoC. estrang. (Gomes de Castro) on General Armstrong claim. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 44.) — Mch. 20. Ino. 15, extr.] Anticipates unfavorable tºwer in Hall and General Armstrong claims. (ib., Sept. 16. (Upshur.) [no. 23, extr.] Will not re- º gºera Armstrong discussion until instructed. ib., 48. Corr. (Portuguese) 1842 May 25. To Secr. Negoc. Estrang., Portugal (Ter- Ceira). Urges General Armstrong claim. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 41.) Corr. (Executive) 1843 Jan. 12. To comdr. H. B. M. naval forces, African coast (Foote). To call upon Lt. Wilson of Cygnet for acct. Of Second boarding of Shakespeare. Representative from Tenn. 1848 Jan. 24. Speech; Mexican war; course of Presi- dent; etc. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 225; app., 156.) BARROZO PEREIRA (JOAQUIN) Portu * . in U. S. A. ; ch • 2 J tº." º d: "is; 3. chargé ad int., Je 1829 Nov. 3. U. S. atty. gen. (Berrien). Opinion; Portu- guese chargé entitled to immunities of public min- ister, although his functions as such were suspended. # º attyS. gen., 671; 31. 2. H. ex: doc. 55, pt. 1, 71. BARRUNDIA (FRANCISCO) President of Central Amer. Confederation in 1829; see Central America. BARRUNDIA (JOSE F.) E. E. and M. P. of Honduras in U. S. A., 1854; see Central America. BARRUNDIA (JUAN) Jefe del estado of Guatemala, 1824-26, 1829-30; see Central America. BARRY (CHARLES) 1842 Sept. 26. To Amer. E. E. and M. P., London (Ever- ett). Protest agst. high duty, etc., on imported rough rice. (28. 2. H. ex: doc. 278, 21.) BARRY (CHARLES), AND OTHERS, AGTS.; CLAIM VS. G.R. BR. For return of duties levied contrary to treaty of 1815 [King and Gracie]. 1855 Jan. 13. Synopsis of claim; rpts. of decisions of comrs. and arguments of counsel. (34. 1. S. ex, doc. 103, 58; 305.) BARRY (JAMES D.), CLAIM 1829 Dec. 22. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (21. 1. S. jol., 40.) º 1841 Jan. 30. To U. S. House. Do.; same. (26. 2. H. jol., 220.) BARRY (JOHN A.), BR. SUBJECT 1847 Feb. 17. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; extension of jurisdiction of U. S. cts. in certain cases; petitions of aliens. (29. 2. S. jol., 198; 222.) — Feb. 17. J. M. Berrien, sen. from Ga. Remarks; pe- tition of Barry of even date. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 435.) Feb. 17. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Do.; same. (ib., 434-35.) BARRY (WILLIAM B.), OF 0. Amer. cons. for Matamoras, 1854-56; see also U. S. A. Consular service. Claim of 1858 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; payment of ex- penses. (35. 1. H. jol., 119.) BARRY (WILLIAM SULLIVAN), REPR. FROM MISS. 1854 Jan. 5. Remarks; H. res. 7; thanks to Capt. Ingra- ham and legal right of KOSzta to Amer. protection. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 131.) 1855 Jan. 26-27. Do.; French spoliation bill; H. R. 117. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 422, 424, 431.) BARRY (WILLIAM T.), OF KY. Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Spain, ; commissioned Apr. 10, 1835; died before reaching his post. 1852 Aug. 25. Intr., Underwood, Ky., res. (32. 1. S. R. 60) “for bringing to U. S. remains of Wm. T. Barry . . . . .” (32. 1. S. jol., 638; 643.) — Aug. 25. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Remarks; res. of even date. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 2331.) BARSBY (EDWARD), MARINE, H. B. M. S. CORMORANT; ASSAULTED, 1858, by C. JACKSON, IN NINGP0; see JACKSON (C.) BARSTOW (HENRY H.), OF MASS. Amer, cons. for Palermo, 1856-61 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BARTLEMANN (WILLIAM), WIDOW OF 1860 Dec. 10. To U. S. House. Memorial praying relief; fºre to Foreign Affairs committee. (36. 2. H. jol., 51. 96 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS. BARTLET (EDMUND), CLAIMANT 1852 Dec. 29. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (32. 2. S. jol., 59.) 1853 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Same. (32. 2. H. jol., 98.) BARTLETT ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG AURORA; see AURORA * BARTLETT ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP RICHMOND; see RICHMOND BARTLETT (EDWIN) Amer. Cons. for Lima, 1836-41 ; see also U. S. A. Consular service. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1842 May 24. Intr. Stuart, Va.; bill (27. 2. H. R. 422) “for relief of E. Bartlett, late U. S. consul, Lima "; appré. Mch. 3, 1843. (27. 2. H. jol., 851; 27.3. H. jol., 88, 554; Vi, St. L., 894.) CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1842 Mch. 17. To U. S. House. Petition; remuneration for dipl. services. (27. 2. H. jol., 549.) — May 24. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Stuart). #) in favor of petition of Mch. 17. (27. 2. H. rpt. 744. BARTLETT (JOHN R.) Amer. Comr. to mark boundary betw. Mexico and U. S. A., under art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ; see also Mexico Boundary. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1858 Je. 2. Intr., Simmons, R. I.; bill (35. 1. S. 422) “for relief of J. R. Bartlett.” (35. 1. S. jol., 581.) 1860 Apr. 9. Intr., Bragg, N. C.; res. (36. 1. S. R. 27) “for settlement of accts. Of J. R. Bartlett " ; approl. Je. 7. (36. 1. S. jol., 368, 580; xii, St. L., 873.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1858 May 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying pay- ment of certain expenditures. (35. 1. S. jol., 421; 581.) w Je. 2. S. Com. of Claims (Simmons). Rpt. to acC. S. 422. (35. 1. S. rpt. 291.) 1860 Jan. 23. U. S. Senate. Motion (Simmons, R. I.); Bartlett petition referred to Com. Of Claims. (36. 1. S. jol., 93.) — Jan. 18. U. S. H. Com. of Claims. Rpt. in favor of S. R. 27. (36. 1. H. rpt. 522.) BARTLETT (R.), H. B. M. CONS. FOR SANTA CRUZ 1839 JIy. 31. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmer- ston). Evidence agst, brig Two Friends. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 222; H. ex. doc. 115, 160; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 637.) BARTLETT (SAMUEL), AND J. STORER, HEIRS 1850 Jan. 3. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (31. 1. S. jol., 44.) — Jan. 11. To U. S. House. DO.; Same. (ib., H. jol., 285.) BARTLETT (THOMAS) Served on civil posse of Me., during disturbance of 1839 on n. e. boundary ; see also Northeast Boundary Controversy, 1827. Arbitration 1853 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for capture; etc. (32. 2. S. jol., 151.) 1854 Je. 13. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hamlin, Me.); refer- ence of Bartlett petition. (33. 1. S. jol., 430.) BARTLETT (WILLIAM), CLAIM 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1832 Jan. 9. To same. Same. (22.1. S. jol., 64.) 1834 Jan. 13. To same. Same. (23. 1. S. jol., 92.) 1847 Feb. 5. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 303.) 1850 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 96.) BARTLETT (WILLIAM), MASTER AMER. BRIG DELA- WARE; see DELAWARE BARTOL (GEORGE, JR.), EXCR. OF M. SEARS, CLAIMANT; see SEARS (M.) BARTON (ROGER), OF MISS. Amer. cons. for Havana, 1854; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BARTON (SETH), OF LA. Amer. chargé for Chili, 1847-49; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service. BARTON (THOMAS B.), CLAIM VS. France 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1846 Dec. 16. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 59.) VS. Mexico 1846 Feb. 2. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; payment of awards under Conv. of 1843 with Mexico. (29. 1. S. doc. 112; S. jol., 134.) — Feb. 3. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 339.) BARTON (THOMAS PENNANT), of PA. Secy... legation, U. S. A. in Paris, 1833-35; in 1834, and 1835 acted as chargé ad int. ; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Correspondence 1835 Oct. 24. To ministr. des affaires étrang., France (Broglie). Treaty provisions concerning French in- demnity. (24. 1. S. doc. 62, 7; H. ex. doc. 67, 7.) — Nov. 6. To same. Notice of recall. (ib., 10; ib., 10.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1836 Jan. 26. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (24. 1. H. R. 214) “for relief of J. R. Clay, and others”; appré. Jly. 2. (24. 1. H. jol., 237, 827, 1203; vi., St. L., 667.) — Feb. 9. Intr.; same; bill (24. 1. H. R. 302) “for relief of J. P. Barton . . . . .” (24. 1. H. jol., 319.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1835 Dec. 29. Edw. Livingston. Strmt.; explanatory of Barton claim. (24. 1. H. jol., 115.) 1836 Feb. 9. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Mason). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 302. (24. 1. H. rpt. 294.) BARTON (VT.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying recog- nition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 607.) —º 18. To Same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 85. BARTOW (JOHN F.), CLAIMANT; see SMITH (THos.) BASCHISCH (FERDINANDO) 1853 Je. 27. Amer. Cons., Smyrna (Offley) to Amer. chargé in Turkey, (Brown). Baschisch case; etc. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 40, 14.) BASEL, CITY Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 97 & BASEL-LAND, CANTON. COUNCIL 1851 Nov. 17. Cantonal law concerning Jews; Engl. text. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 44.) 1858 Apr. 17. To Swiss Federal Council. Right of estab- lishment and of sojourn as conceded to Jews. (ib., 43.) BASEL-STADT, CANTON. COUNCIL 1858 Mch. 17. To Swiss Federal Council. Anti-Semitic restrictions in force. (36. 1. H. ex: doc. 76, 42.) — Mch. 27. Res.; privilege of establishment as applied to Jews. (ib., 21.) BASILISK, H. B. M. STR. 1858 Apr. 15. Boards Amer. bark Glenburn in Cuban waters; see Glenburn. BASKINGRIDGE (N. J.) CITIZENS 1854 Apr. 4. To U. S. Senate. Petition; religious liberty of Americans abroad. (33. 1. S. jol., 300.) BASMARIN AND RAIMBAUX, MERCHANTS OF BORDEAUX, FRANCE 1831 Feb. 1. To U. S. House. Memorial; claim vs. U. S. A. (21. 2. H. jol., 245.) BASS (HENRY) 1842 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (27. 2. H. jol., 253.) BASSETT ( ), MASTER MERCHANT WESSEL Z. D.; see Z. D. BASTIDE (JULES) Ministre des affaires étrangères of France, 1848; see France. Civil Service. BATAVIA Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BATAVIA (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Rpt. of proc. in behalf of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 2. H. jol., 373.) BATEMAN (CONSTANCE) 1854 Mch. 3. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity for losses during war of 1812. (33. 1. H. jol., 445.) BATES ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP UNION; see UNION BATES (A. E.), OF ARIZ. Amer. cons. for Guaymas in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BATEs (EDWARD), REPR. FROM Mo. 1828 Dec. 29. Speech; opposing bill authorizing occupa- tion of Oregon River. (v, Reg. Debates, 126.) — Dec. 31. Do.; measures preliminary to occupancy of Oregon terr. (ib., 151.) 1829 Jan. 6. Do.; opposing bill for occupancy of Oregon River. (ib., 173.) BATES (HENRY P.), CLAIM 1852 Jan. 7. J. H. Alford, admr. of H. P. Bates, to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying payment of difference in awards of two Mexican Claims Commissions. (32. 1. S. jol., 100.) BATES (ISAAC C.), SEN. FROM MASS. -º 1845 Feb. 26. Remarks; unconstitutionality of Texan annexation. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 352.) — Feb. 27. Do.; power of congress to admit foreign terr. (ib., 361.) BATES (ISAAC C.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Aix-la-Chapelle, 1850-54; see U. S. A. Consular service. Correspondence 1851 JIy. 10. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Bar- nard). Proceeding in Brand case. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 15.) — JIy 22. To same. Brand’s passports; etc. (ib., 17.) 1852 Jly. 2. To same. Meyer case. (ib., 26.) 1853 Oct. 6. To same (Vroom). Same. (ib., 73.) BATES (JAMES), REPR. FROM ME. 1832 Je. 8. Remarks; paper of claimants under conv. of 1831 with France. (viii, Reg. Debates, 3343.) BATES (JOSHUA) Umpire, under British claims cony. of 1853; see Great Britain. Claims. BATH (ME) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 344.) 1843 Jan. 24. To U. S. Senate. Do.; reciprocity treaties. (27. 3. S. jol., 122.) sº 28. To U. S. House. Same. (27.3. H. jol., 271; 3. 1846 Apr. 24. To same. Do.; favoring arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 713.) BATHURST, W. COAST OF AFRICA Consuls in; see Gr. Br. Consular Service BATON ROUGE, DISTR. OF. GOVERNOR. 1808-10; see Delassus (C. D.). BATRES (S.) Mexican comr. to run boundary betw. Mexico and U. S. A. under treaty of 1828; see Mexico Boundary. BATTELLE (E. K.), AMER. CITIZEN 1827 Nov. 17. Comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle) to Same Brazil naval forces (Pinto Guedes). Restora- tion of property of Batelle, passenger on board Joven. Emilia when taken by the Independencia ow. Morte. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 186.) — Nov. 18. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Authorities for doctrine that property found at sea under enemy's flag is good prize; Battelle’s property ordered re- stored. (ib., 186.) Nov. 20. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Receipt of note of 18 inst. (ib., 188.) BATTELLE, AMER. FISHING SCHR. Seized by H. B. M. authorities at Beaver harbor, N. S., in 1839, for violation of treaty of 1818. 1839 Je. 27. Amer. cons., Halifax (Morrow) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Seizure of Battelle. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 3.) BAUDIN-SHUBRICK coRRESPONDENCE 1839 May 1. Amer. cons., Vera Cruz (Burroughs) to Comdr. W. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Shubrick). Substance of conversation with rear-adm. Baudin. (26. 1. H. doc. 150, 14.) Je. 21. Shubrick to comdr. French naval forces, Gulf of Mexico (Baudin). Regrets disease on board Nereide; will postpone salute and visit. (ib., 4.) — Je. 22. Baudin to Shubrick. Will salute Amer. flag on morning of 23 inst. (ib., 4.) — Je. 25. Shubrick to Baudin. Failure to receive him on 24 inst. With adequate ceremony. (ib., 5.) Je. 25. Baudin to Shubrick. Reply to note of 25 inst. (ib., 5.) 7 98 INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BAUDIN-SHUBRICK CORRESPONDENCE-cont’d 1839 Je. 27. Shubrick to Baudin. Receipt of note of 25 inst. (ib., 8.) - — Je. 27. Baudin to Shubrick. Rules which govern his intercourse with foreign officers. (ib., 9.) — Je. 28. Same to same. Regrets situation which does not permit him to accept invitation for following Saturday. (ib., 9.) tº — Je. 29. Shubrick to Baudin. Reply to note of 27 inst. (ib., 12.) sº Je. 29. Baudin to Shubrick. Receipt of note of even date. (ib., 13.) g Je. 30. Shubrick to Baudin. Copy of note of 22 inst. (ib., 14.) — JIy. 1. Shubrick to Secy. Navy, U.S. A. (Paulding). Corresp. with vice-adm. Baudin. (ib., 1.) BAUM ( ), DIRECTOR AUSTRIAN CANCELLARIA, CON- STANTINOPLE 1851 Jly. 24. To Amer. cons., Constantinople (Dainese). Invites surrender of property of consulate to H. A. Homes. (34. 3. H. ex: doc. 82, 38.) BAWARIA Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Citizens In U. S. Consular Service; see Ruedorffer (R.). Civil Service Minister d. Ausw. Angelegenheiten 1832-44; see Giese (A.), frhr. V. Consular Service United States Philadelphia, 1853; see Hagedorn (C. F.). Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Decrees, etc. © 1836 Apr. 10. Declaration; duties payable on With- drawal of property of foreigners. (27. 1. H. ex: doc. 1, 33.) Diplomatic Agts. in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Diplomatic Service Great Britain 1853. Cetto (A.) Prussia 1845. Lerchenfeld-Koefering (graf Maximilian) V. Extradition; see that title Impressment; see that title Neutrality Negotiations; see Neutrality Tobacco Trade; see Tobacco Treaties 1845 Jan. 21. Bavaria and U. S. A. Conv. for mutual abolition of droit d’aubaine. Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 45; Amer. ratification proc. in vi, Sen. exec. jol.) 1853 Sept. 12. Same. Conv. for mutual extradition of criminals; obsolete. Engl. text in 48.2. S. ex: doc. 47, 47. Ratification proc. in ix, Sen. exec. jol.) tº BAWL (JOHN), DEPONENT IN CASE OF WHALER LA- GODA; see LAGODA BAXTER (EDWARD) Amer. cons. for Dundee, 1834-45; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BAY OF ISLANDS (N.Z.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BAY ISLANDS COLONY; see CENTRAL AMERICA BAYARD ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP TELEGRAPH; see TELEGRAPH BAYARD (ILDEFONSO LEOPOLDO), MINISTRO DOS NEGOCIOS ESTRANGEIROS, PORTUGAL, 1847; see POR- TUGAL. CIVIL SERVICE BAYARD (JAMES A., J.R.), SEN. FROM DEL. 1852 * ; Do.; Jarero memorial. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 678-79. — Mch. 12. Do.; Thom relief bill; S. 163. (ib., 728.) — Apr. 1. Do.; naval expedition to Japan. (ib., 945.) — Apr. 15. Do.; amdng. French spoliation bill, S. 64. (ib., 1082.) — Apr. 23. Do.; Miller relief bill. (ib., 1179.) Tiš, 23. DO.; Jackson, etc., relief bill, S. 240. (ib., 0. — Apr. 23. Do.; Mackall relief bill, S. 229. (ib., 1179.) 1853 Jan. 28. Do.; same. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 433.) — Mch. 1. Do.; reciprocal fishery rights; Davis amdmt. to H. R. 337. (ib., 955-957.) 1854 Jan. 24. Do.; adjournment as mark of respect to deceased Russian minister. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 243.) — Feb. 16. Do.; commissions to take testimony is- Suing from cts. of friendly nations. (ib., 433.) — Feb. 17. Do.; Hodges, etc., relief bill, S. 61. (ib.,. 440-41.) — Mch. 10. Do.; same. (ib., 593.) — Mch. 17. Speech; same. (ib., app., 393.) —ºn. 24. Do.; same. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 729, 731- — Mch. 28. Do.; on rpt. of select com. on Mexican claims comrs. (ib., 765.) — May 25. Do.; Collins claim. (ib., 1321.) — Je. 23. Do.; General Armstrong bill, S. 268. (ib., 1491-92.) Je. 30. Do.; Urriza relief bill; S. 264. (ib., 1584.) — Je. 30. Do.; Anderson relief bill; S. 369. (ib., 1580.) Tiš jº. DO.; Schenck and Pendleton apprin. (ib., 938. — Jly. 27. Do.; salaries of ministers to Gr. Br. and France. (ib., 1961.) — Dec. 20. Do.; naturalization of married women. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 92.) 1855 Jan. 19. Do.; Jones relief bill; S. 481. (ib., 322, 324, 326.) : — Jan. 25. Do.; pauper immigration; remedial legis- lation, etc. (ib., 392.) — Jan. 26. Do.; General Armstrong claimants; S. 268. (ib., 406, 408, 411, 413.) — Feb. 2. Do.; same. (ib., 539, 542.) — Feb. 6. Do.; French spoliations bill; H. R. 117. (ib., 587-88.) Feb. 9. Do.; General Armstrong claimants; S. 268. (ib., 646; app., 158.) — Feb. 16. Do.; Voorhees relief bill; S. 212. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 765.) — Mch. 2. Do.; East Florida claimants; H. R. 569. (ib., 1110, 1111, 1114.) 1856 Apr. 1. Do.; revision of law of 1855 to remodel dipl. and cons. Systems. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 787.) — Apr. 2. Do.; permission to Dr. Kane to accept tokens from Gr. Br. (ib., 793.) — May 8. Do.; Sound dues. (ib., 1153.) 1858 Jan. 5. Do.; reference of French spoliations bill. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 187.) — Apr. 13. Do.; res. of Mch. 20, revision of regula- tions for administration of consular courts in China. (ib., 1555.) — Je. 12. Do.; bill for relief of captors of Caledonia. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2999.) — Dec. 16. Do.; corresp. on Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 105.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 99 BAYARD (JAMES A., J.R.), SEN. FROM DEL.-cont’d 1859 Jan. 21. Do.; Laurent claim. (ib., 508.) — Jan. 24. Do.; acquisition of Cuba. (ib., 540.) — Jan. 28. Do.; Laurent relief bill. (ib., 654.) — Feb. 2. Do.; Reed decree of Feb., 1858, for consular courts in China. (ib., 733.) * ; 15. Do.; African slavetrade; S. 510. (ib., 1051. — Feb. 19. Do.; protection of Amer. citizens in transit across isthmian routes. (ib., 1140.) — Mch. 1. Do.; provision for capt. Paulding and Walker seizure. (ib., 1527.) 1860 Je. 7. Do.; extradition bill. 2724.) Je. }. Do.; captured Africans at Key West. (ib., 2956. — Dec. 17. Do.; art. 15, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (36. 2. Cong. Globe, 97.) Dec. 19. Do.; same. (ib., 133.) 1861 Jan. 25. Do.; Wheeler relief. (ib., 558.) (36. 1. Cong. Globe, BAYARD (RICHARD H.), 1796-1868 Senator from Del., 1836-45; Amer. chargé in Belgium, 1850-53 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Senator from Del. 1836 Jan. 19. Remarks; bill to anticipate French and . Neapolitan indemnities. (xiii, Reg. Debates, 523.) 1843 Jan. 6. Do.; loss of citizenship of certain persons through settlement of Texan boundary. (xii, Cong. Globe, 128.) — Jan. 9. Do.; amdmt. to land grant provision of Oregon bill. (ib., 134.) — Jan. 10. Do.; same. (ib., 142.) 1844 Dec. 19. Do.; reference of Oregon terr. govt. bill. (xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 48.) Almer. Chargé in Belgium, 1851 Nov. 12. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). [no. 8.] Expenses of official residence in Brussels. (32. 1. ‘S. ex, doc. 93, 26.) – Dec. 2. To same. [no. 9..] Same. (ib., 27.) BAYARD (SAMUEL J.), OF 0. Clerk of commission under treaty of 1828 with Mexico; see Mexico. Boundary. g BAYARD, AMER. BRIG; see COWPER (J.) BAYLEY (C. V.), GOV. OF BAHAMA IS. 1859 JIy. 1. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons). Removal of guano in Amer. vessels from Key Verd, claimed by Bahama IS. govt. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 8.) BAYLIES (FRANCIS), OF MASS. Amer. º for Buenos Aires, Jan.-Sept., 1832; see also tj. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1832 Je. 30. [To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston).] Inadequacy of salaries of U. S. ministers abroad. (ix, Reg. Debates, 89.) BAYLIS (DAVID B.); see FISH (G. B.) BAYLOR (CHARLES GOETHE), OF TEXAS Amer. cons. for Amsterdam, 1850-54 : do, for Manchester, 1857-I59] ; do. for Cologne, 1860-61; see U. S. A. Consular service. BAYLY (THOMAS HENRY), OF WA. Representative, 1844-45, 1851-56; member Com. on For- eign Affairs, 28 congress, 2 sess. ; 34 congress, 1 #,G#. 5; 1855-56) ; chrm. do. 32-33 congress, -09 ) , Charges agst. Bayly; see Mexico. Claims, 1848 BAYLY (THOMAS HENRY), OF WA.—cont’d Death of 1856 Je. 27. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; sketch of career of Bayly. (34.1. Cong. Globe, 1500.) — Je. 27. U. S. House. Res. (Millson, Va.); on death of Bayly. (34. 1 and 2. H. jol., 1121.) Representative from Va. Bills Introduced by 1845 Jan. 24. Everett relief. (28. 2. H. R. 529.) — Feb. 4. Jones relief. (ib., 577.) — Feb. 25. Cooke relief. (ib., 638.) 1852 Jan. 7. Contoy prisoners relief. (32. 1. H. R. 63.) 1854 Jan. 4. French spoliation claims. (33. 1. H. R. 117.) — Aug. 3. To carry into effect treaty of 1854 with Gr. Br. (ib., 513.) Remarks by º 1845 Jan. 7. Speech; acquisition of foreign terr. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 102.) — Jan. 7. Do.; Texan annexation. (ib., app., 122.) — Dec. 18. Remarks; revision of naturalization laws. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 78.) 1846 Jan. 27. Speech; abrogation of conv. of 1827 rela- tive to Oregon. (ib., app., 133.) — Jan. 31. Remarks; explaining Yancey’s views On Oregon question. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 286.) — Jan. 31. Do.; reply to Johnson’s remarks on his speech of Jan. 27. (ib., app., 332.) — Feb. 2. Do.; correcting misstatements of his views on Oregon question. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 293.) Apr. 9. Do.; payments since 1841 for contingent expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 637.) May 11. Do.; War agst. Mexico. (ib., 795.) — Dec. 23. Do.; president’s mess. and Mexican war. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 94.) 1848 Jan. 4. Do.; return of Sta. Anna to Mexico, instruc- tions to Slidell, etc. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 104.) — Apr. 3. Do.; sympathy for France. (ib., 577-78; and app., 523-24.) — Apr. 10. Speech; same. (ib., 601.) 1850 Jly. 22. Remarks; Morse relief bill; S. res. 19. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 1430.) — Aug. 21. Do.; outfit of chargés to Portugal, Guate- mala, Ecuador and New Grenada. (ib., 1618.) — Aug. 23. DO.; resurvey of portion of n. e. boundary. (ib., 1643-44.) - — Sept. 16. Do.; office of asst. Secy. of State; H. R. 392. (ib., 1823-25.) — Sept. 18. Do.; Mexican indemnity. (ib., 1851-57.) — Sept. 27. Do.; salary of comr. to Sandwich Is...; out- fit for late comr. to same; expenses of agt. to Sub- lime Porte. (ib., 1985.) 1851 Feb. 25, 26. Do.; Mexican indemnity bill. Cong. Globe, 681, 683, 685, 698-700.) — Dec. 30, 31. Do.; intr. of Kossuth to House. (ib., 162, 177, 180.) 1852 Jan. 6. Do.; Mexican indemnity bill. (ib., 215, 216.) (31. 2. — Jan. 21-24. Speech; Mexican indemnity bill. (ib., 338, 341-44, 359-61, 372, 380, 382, 386.) — Jan. 28. Remarks, etc.; Contoy prisoners. (ib., 414-417.) — Jan. 28. Do.; Mexican indemnity bill. (ib., 411- 412.) — Feb. 9. Same. (ib., app., 154-55.) Feb. 27. Do.; Brazilian indemnity. (ib., 649.) — Mch. 26. Do.; Contoy prisoners relief bill. (ib., 394-95.) — May 3. Do.; French spoliations bill. (ib., 1238.) — Je. 28. Do.; Brazilian indemnity bill. (ib., 1629-30.) *-sº #, 4. Do.; light duties on foreign vessels. (ib., 2071. — Aug. 5. Do.; Ingersoll relief measure. (ib., 2095.) — Aug. 5. Do.; Porter relief measure. (ib., 2096.) 100 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BAYLY (THOMAS HENRY), OF WA.—cont’d Representative from Va.-cont’d Remarks by—cont’d 1852 Aug. 5, 7. Do.; Carr relief measure. (ib., 2095, 2129.) *- — Aug. 5. Do.; salary of comr. to Sandwich IS. (ib., 2094.) 1853 Jan. 3. Do.; Cuban question and tripartite conv. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 193.) Jan. 20. Do.; publication of confidential corresp. with Spain on purchase of Cuba. (ib., 364.) — Jan. 21. Do.; publication of corresp. in case of Georgiana and Susan Lowd. (ib., 379.) — Feb. 19. Do.; salaries for secys. of legation to Gr. Br.; etc. (ib., 716.) — Feb. 19. Do.; salary of chargé to Peru; Portugal; etc. (ib., 716, 717.) — Feb. 19. Do.; mission to Peru and Central America; chargé to Switzerland and Greece. (ib., 716-718.) — Feb. 19. Do.; vacating chargéships if full minister be sent to Central America. (ib., 717.) — Feb. 19. Do.; Salary of chargés to Nicaragua and Guatemala. (ib., 717-718.) — Feb. 19. Do.; Fay relief measure. (ib., 718, 721.) — Feb. 19. Do.; salary of comr. to Sandwich IS. (ib., 721.) — Feb. 19. Do.; contingent expenses of missions abroad. (ib., 721.) — Feb. 19. Mention of omission to provide for outfit of comr. to China. (ib., 722.) — Feb. 28. Remarks; Bangs relief measure. (ib., 913.) — Mch. 2. Do.; Smith relief measure. (ib., 1044.) — Mch. 2. Do.; apprin. for comr. to China. (ib., 1044.) 1854 Jan. 5. Do.; thanks to capt. Ingraham; Koszta. rescue. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 128-29, 132, 134-36.) — Jan. 11. Same. (ib., 154.) Jan. 24. Announces death of late Russian minister, Bodisco. (ib., 247.) — Mch. 16. Remarks; Black Warrior seizure. (ib., 649-51.) - — Mch. 20. Do.; recovery of money drawn for dipl. services. (ib., 680.) — May 25. Do.; losses of Papprenitya in New Orleans riots. (ib., 1319.) Je. 22. Do.; power of House in apptmt. of foreign representatives. (ib., 1482.) Je. 22. Do.; Savage relief measure. (ib., 1481.) — Je. 22. Do.; Holman relief measure. (ib., 1481.) Je. 26. Speech; art. 3. treaty of 1853 with Mexico; Tehuantepec Canal. (ib., app., 1042.) — Je. 27. Remarks; same. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1539.) — Jly. 21. Do.; charges of Green VS. Bayly. (ib., 1835-36.) — Aug. 1. Do.; Riddle reimbursement. (ib., 2054-57.) — Aug. 3. Do.; British reciprocity treaty of 1854. (ib., 2134-35.) — Aug. 5. Do.; salary for comr. to China; H. R. 196. (ib., 2094.) — Dec. 5. Do.; Ostend conference; Soulé apptmt. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 9-12, 14-15.) 1855 Jan. 3. Do.; tender of mediation of U. S. to powers engaged in Crimean War. (ib., 177.) — Jan. 16-17. Do.; Belden relief bill. (ib., 278, 284.) Jan. 23. Do.; French spoliations bill. (ib., 372-73, 375.) — Jan. 25. Notice of speech on French Spoliations bill; speech not found in app. (ib., 400.) Jan. 26. Remarks; termination of reciprocity treaties in certain cases. (ib., 414.) Jan. 26. Do.; French spoliation claims. (ib., 418- 19, 421-22.) — Jan. 27. Same. (ib., 424, 428, 430-32.) — Feb. 17. Same. (ib., 801-803.) — Feb. 19. Same. (ib., 815.) BAYLY (THOMAS HENRY), OF WA.—cont'd Representative from Va.-cont’d Reports by 1845 Jan. 24. To acc. H. R. 529 for relief of A. H. Everett. (28. 2. H. rpt. 50.) — Feb. 4. To acc. H. R. 577 for relief of T. ap C. Jones. (28. 2. H. rpt. 92.) — Feb. 25. To acc. H. R. 638 for relief of J. K. Cooke. (28. 2. H. rpt. 170.) BAYLY (WILLIAM MARCUS), AMER, CITIZEN 1852 Apr. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; indemnity for loss of property by expulsion from Mexico. (32. 1. S. jol., 381.) BAYNES (ROBERT LAMBERT), COMDR. H. B. M. NAVAL FORCES IN PACIFIC [1860 Mch.] To comdr. detachment H. B. M. royal ma- rines at San Juan Is. (Bazalgette). Instructions; joint occupation of Is. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 98, 17.) — Mch. 20. To comdr. U. S. troops in San Juan IS. (Hunt). Establishment of joint military occupation of Oregon. (ib., 17.) BAYONNE (FRANCE) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BAYETTA (O.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) — Feb. 4. To same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 472.) BAZOCHE ( OF MEXICO 1838 Aug. 28. To comdr. U. S. S. Erie (Farragut). Change in conduct of blockade of Mexican ports, affecting neutral vessels. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 41.) ), COMDRE. FRENCH NAVAL FORCES, GULF BEACH (A.) AND (M. S.) 1850 Je. 7. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; charges agst. them in connection with Cuban invasion. (31. 1. S. jol., 381.) BEACHAM (JOHN), CLAIM 1848 Dec. 12. E. Carter, heir of J. Beacham to U. S. House. Memorial; indemnity for property destroye by Brit. during late war. (30. 2. H. jol., 86.) - BEALE ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG FACTOR; see FACTOR BEAN (PHILIP C. D.), MASTER H. B. M. SHIP HERALD; see HERALD BEAN (WILLIAM) Claim under art. 1, treaty of Ghent; claimants were legal representatives of Bean, Wm. K. and A Jennings. Statutory Measures 1852 Mch. 9. Intr., Mangum, N. C.; bill (32. 1. S. 277) “for relief of W. K. and A. Jennings.” (32.1. S. jol., 263; 534.) 1854 Jly. 10. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (33. 1. S. 442) “for relief of Wm. K. Jennings, et al.” (33. 1. S. jol., 489.) 1856 Apr. 23. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (34.1. S. 259) same. (34. 1. S. jol., 275; 355.) 1857 Dec. 23. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (35. 1. S. 29) same. (35. 1. S. jol., 65; 107.) 1860 Mch. 8. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (36. 1. S. 259) same. (36. 1. S. jol., 230.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 101 BEAN (WILLIAM)—cont’d Correspondence, etc. 1852 Jan. 28. W. K. and A. Jennings to U. S. Senate. Petition; compensation for slaves taken by Brit. during war of 1812. (32. 1. S. jol., 157.) 1854 Jly. 10. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 442. (33. 1. S. rpt. 345.) 1856 Feb. 21. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hunter, Va.); refer- ence of petition of representatives of Bean. (34. 1. S. jol., 124.) — Apr. 23. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 259. (34. 1. S. rpt. 142.) 1857 Dec. 23. U. S. Senate. Motion (Mason, Va.); refer- ence of petition of representatives of Bean. (35. 1. S. jol., 65.) 1858 Jan. 5. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 29. (35. 1. S. rpt. 5.) — Jan. 14. J. R. Doolittle, Sen. from Wisc. Remarks; postponement of Jennings relief bill. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 289.) Jan. 14. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Do.; same. (ib., 288.) — Jan. 14. H. Hamlin, sen. from Me. Do., Same. (ib., 288.) — Jan. 14. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. DO.; Supporting S. 29. (ib., 288-89.) — Jan. 14. G. E. Pugh, Sen. from O. Do.; Same. (ib., 289.) — Jan. 14. W. H. Seward, sen from N. Y. Do.; oppos- ing S. 29. (ib., 288-89.) — May 10. P. Bliss, repr. from O. Speech; reference of S. 29. (ib., 2038.) — May 10. M. R. H. Garnett, repr. from Va. Re- marks; reply to Bliss of even date. (ib., 2040.) 1859 Dec. 22. U. S. Senate. Motion (Mason, Va.); refer- ence of petition of Bean representatives. (36. 1. S. jol., 23.) 1860 Mch. 8. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 259. (36. 1. S. rpt. 125.) BEARD (BETTY H.), (DAVID) AND (ELIZA), CLAIMANTS; see GRAY (J.) BEARD (HARRIETTE), WIDOW OF JAS. BEARD 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity for property destroyed in war with Gr. Br. (25. 2. H. jol., 176.) BEARD (STEPHEN), CLAIMANT; see GRAY (J.) BEARDON (JOHN), CLAIM East Florida claim under Florida treaty ; E. and H. Petty, claimants. Statutory Measures 1846 Aug. 3. Intr., Ashley, Ark.; bill (29. 1. S. 249) “for relief of heirs, etc., of J. Beardon.” (29. 1. S. jol., 471.) 1848 Jan. 4. Intr., Westcott, Fla.; bill (30. 1. S. 48) “for relief of . . . . E. and H. Petty, heirs of J. Beardon * ; approl. Mch. 3, 1849. (30. 1. S. jol., 86; 152; 30. 2. S. jol., 316, 322, 328, 335; ix, St. L., 788.) Correspondence, etc. 1846 Mch. 10. H. Petty to U. S. Senate. Petition praying compensation. (29. 1. S. jol., 188.) 1848 Jan. 3. U. S. Com. On Judiciary (Westcott). Rpt. to acc. S. 48. (30. 1. S. rpt. 13.) BEARDSLEY (SAMUEL), REPR. FROM N. Y. Member Com, on Foreign Affairs, 1 sess., 28th congress (1843–44). 1834 May 1. Remarks; Executive prerogative in apptmt. of ministers in certain cases; salary of minister to Gr. Br. (x, Reg. Debates, 3898.) BEARDSLEY (SAMUEL), REPR. FROM N. Y.-cont’d 1835 Feb. 27. Do.; discussion of relations with France. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1541.) — Mch. 2. Do.; French indemnity treaty. (ib., 1621.) BEASLEY (REUBEN R.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Havre, 1816-45; see U. S. A. Consular Service. 1832 Feb. 7. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston). French Com. on Finance rpts. in favor of additional duty on cotton wool and on raw sugar. (22.1. S. doc. 106, 1.) — Feb. 10. To same. Rouen and Havre Chambers of Commerce remonstrate agst. proposed additional duty on cotton. (ib., 1.) BEATTY (C. C.), CLAIMANT; see WANUXEM (JAMES) BEAUFORT DISTR. (S. C.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 4. To U. S. Senate. Memorial Vs. Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. S. jol., 324.) BEAULIEU, BARON Belgian min. res. in U. S. A., 1846-48 ; see Belgium. Diplomatic service. BEAULIEU MARCONNAY (W. E.) VON, MINISTER D. AUSW. ANGELEGENH., OLDENBURG 1847 Mch. 10. Signs declaration of accession to treaty of Commerce, etc., of 1846 betw. Hanover and U. S. A.; see Hanover. Treaties. BEAUMARCHAIS CLAIM Statutory Measures 1828 Apr. 1. Intr., Everett, Mass.; bill (20. Cong. H. R. 252) “for relief of heirs of Caron de Beaumarchais.” (20. 1. H. jol., 463.) 1830 Feb. 19. Intr., Archer, Va.; bill (21. 1. H. R. 262) Same. (21. 1. H. jol., 311.) Reports, etc. 1824 Feb. 16. U. S. select com. Rpt. in favor of claim of Beaumarchais representatives. (20. 1. H. rpt. 220, 3.) 1828 Feb. 19. U. S. House. Res. (Bunner, N.Y.); refer- ence of claim. (20. 1. H. jol., 317.) 1831 Mch. 1. Same. Motion - (Everett, Mass.); Com. of Whole discharged from consideration of H. R. 262. (21. 2. H. jol., 389.) The larger part of the corresp. in this case antedates the eriod of this index. It may be found in the folio tate Papers (Foreign Relations) ; d.o. (Claims). See also v, Moore. Internatl. Arbitration, 4458. BEAUWAIS (ANDREW), DEPONENT IN CASE OF BRIG SOPHIA; see SOPHIA BEAVER, AMER. SHIP, J. J. ASTOR OWNER 1818 May 2. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Erving). Capture of Beaver and Canton. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 16.) McCºº, Ø. }} Hist of the S. S. “Beaver.” Vancouver, BEAVER, H. B. M. SLOOP (FELIX) 1817 Nov. 25. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Wirt) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Opinion on conduct of capt. Felix, sloop Beaver. (26.1. H. ex. doc. 199, 57.) BEAVER, H. B. M. STR., CLAIM W.S. U. S. A.; see HUDSON'S BAY CO. BEAVER CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 8. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 236.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 583-84.) 102 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS , BEAVER CO. (PA.) CITIZENS-cont’d *...* to Same. Recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. JOI., e — Mch. 23. To U. S. Senate. Same. (26.1. S. jol., 257.) —º 23. To same. Do.; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 1842 Feb. 28. To U. S. House. Do.; suppression of slave- trade. (27. 2. H. jol., 454.) 1844 Apr. 15. To U. S. Senate. Do.; vs. Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. S. jol., 232.) 1845 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 170.) — Jan. 27. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28.2. S. jol., 111.) − Dec. 10. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 73.) 1848 Mch, 14. To same. Do.; peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 566.) BEBB (W.), OF OHIO Amer. cons. for Tangier in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. BECERRA (JOSE), DEPONENT IN MEADE CASE; see MEADE (R. W.) BECKETT (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) — Sept. 26. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 94.) 1845 Dec. 15. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 108.) BECKFORD ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP CATHERINE; see CATHERINE BECKWITH (JOHN A.), ACTG. COMR. CROWN LANDS, N. B. 1834 Jan. 18. To lieut. gov., N. B. (Campbell). Removal of timber seized by agt. of Mass. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, . 41.) BEDDOES (J. W.), LIEUT. H. B. M. S. HARLEQUIN 1839 Je. 29. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox). Arrival at N. Y. with Amer. brigantine Wyoming, detained on W. coast of Africa by Harlequin. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 577.) BEDEAU ( ) Ministre des affaires étrangères of France during Cavig- nac ministry, 1848; see France. Civil service. BEDFORD (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) BEDFORD (O.) CITIZENS 1845 Jan. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 96.) 1848 Feb. 29. To U. S. House. Do.; favoring arbitration. (30. 1. H. jol., 471.) BEDINGER (DANIEL) 1848 Jan. 9. To TJ. S. Senate. Memorial; apprn. for transportation of free negroes. (30. 2. S. jol., 112; 116.) BEDINGER (HENRY), OF WA. Representative from Va., 29-30th congress (1845-49) ; Amer. chargé for Denmark, 1853–54; Je. 1854-Feb., 1856, min. res., do. ; 1856-58, E. E. and M. P., do. ; See also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Representative from Va. 1845 Dec. 18. Speech; Mass. res. on naturalization laws. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 88.) — Dec. 30. Remarks; amdmt. of naturalization laws. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 114.) BEDINGER (HENRY), OF WA.—cont’d Representative from Va.-cont’d 1846 Jan. 15. Speech; abrogation of conv. of 1827 with Gr. Br. (ib., app., 117.) 1847 J * 6. Do.; Mexican war. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 84. 1848 Jan. 25. Do.; return to Mexico of Santa Anna; in- * to Slidell, etc. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 130. Minister Resident in Demºmark: Correspondence (American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) 1855 Apr. 20. Ino. 9..] Danish govt. fails to discontinue Sound Dues; has given notice of abrogation of treaty of 1826. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 29.) Oct. 7. [no. 16, extr.] Proposed congress of Euro- pean powers for abolition of Sound Dues. (ib., 32; H. ex, doc. 1, 32.) Corr. (Danish) 1855 Apr. 14. To Uden rigs minister, Denmark (Scheel). Notice of abrogation of treaty of 1826, in view of failure to abolish Sound Dues. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 30.) BEDINI (GAETANO), APOSTOLIC NUNCIO IN BRAZIL 1853 Mch. 31. Minist. Foreign Affairs, Papal States (An- tonelli) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Advice of mission of Mgr. Bedini. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 23, 2.) — Mch. 31. Pius IX to President of U. S. A. (Pierce). Commending Mgr. Bedini, papal nuncio near ct. of Brazil. (ib., 2.) 1854 Jan. 25. Marcy to President Pierce. Corresp. with Papal States touching a mission to U. S. (ib., 1.) BEDOYA (ELIAS) Argentinian ministr. de relac. est., ad int., in 1859; see Argentine Republic. Civil service. BEDOYA (ELENTERIA) 1854 Aug. 19. Deposition; land sold to U. S. and Para- guay Navigation co. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, 80.) BEE (BERNARD E.) Secy. State Republic of Texas in 1839. Texan chargé in TU. S. A., 18 -º e ºf Secy. State, Republic of Teacas 1839 Jan. 29. To Amer. chargé in Texas (La Branche). Alleged invasion of terr. of U. S. by Texan forces under Gen. Rusk. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 19.) Teacan Chargé in U. S. A. Ǻ 1840 Dec. 15. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Indian depredations; capture of Mrs. Webster and child- ren near Austin. (ib., 51.) BEE (HAMILTON PRIOLEAN), 1822-97 Clerk to Texan commission to mark Texas-U. S. bound- ary ; see Texas. Boundary. BEEBE, DEAN AND DONOHUE, OWNERS OF BARK PAN- CHITA; see PANCHITA BEECHER (THADDEUS), MASTER AMER. SCHR, NORTH CAROLINA; see NORTH CAROLINA BEEHLER (TOBIAS), OF PENN. Nominated cons. of U. S. for Stuttgart in 1847; did not take office ; see U. S. A. Consular service. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 103 BEELEN (FREDERICKA.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Angostura in 1850; secy. legation U. S. A. in Central America, Feb.-Aug., 1854; do. for legation U. S. A. in Chile, Aug., 1854-58; see also U. S. A. Consular service. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1857 Feb. 28. Intr., Weller, O.; bill (34. 3. S. 641) “for relief of F. A. Beelen.” (34. 3. S. jol., 283.) 1858 Jan. 14. Intr., Foot, Vt.; bill (35. 1. S. 61) same. (35. 1. S. jol., 107; 124.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1857 Feb. 21. Beelen to U. S. Senate. Petition; restora- tion of salary to sum fixed at apptmt. (34. 3. S. jol., 236.) — Feb. 28. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Weller). Rpt. to acc. S. 641. (34. 3. S. rpt. 432.) 1858 Jan. 11. U. S. Senate. Motion (Yulee, Fla.), refer- ence of Beelen petition. (35. 1. S. jol., 93, 107.) — Jan. 14. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Foot). Rpt. to acc. S. 61. (35. 1. S. rpt. 8.) 1860 Mch. 9. U. S. Senate. Motion (Mason, Va.); Beelen given leave to withdraw petition. (36. 1. S. jol., 234.) — Mch. 23. Beelen to U. S. House. Petition; as above. (36. 1. H. jol., 570.) BEHM ( ), MASTER AMER. MERCHANTMAN STAG- HOUND; see that title BEHN (F. W.), OF KY. Amer. cons. for Messina, 1848-49, 1854-59, 1861; see TJ. S. A. Consular service. BEHN (JAMES B.), CLAIMANT W.S. FRANCE 1847 Feb. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial; indemnity for seizure of property. (29. 2. H. jol., 330.) BEHNE (GUSTAVUS EDW. AUG.), NATURALIZED AMER. CITIZEN 1849 Oct. 19. Minist. d. ausw. angelegenh., Prussia (Schleinitz) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Hannegan). Behne family belongs to Prussia; order for compulsory enlistment justifiable. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 20.) 1852 Apr. 10. Behne to same. (Barnard). Protest, etc., agst. Compulsory enlistment. (ib., 19.) — May 13. Amer. chargé ad int. in Prussia (Fay) to minist. d. ausw. angelegenh., Prussia (Manteuffel). Behne case. (ib., 18.) — May 15. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Same; etc. (ib., 18.) Je. 5. Manteuffel to Fay. Behne cannot reenter Prussia. (ib., 21.) — Je. 11. Barnard to Behne. Prussian govt. refuses privilege of residence. (ib., 22.) — Je. lº,same to Webster. Corresp. in Behne case. (ib., 20. BEHR (DáSIR£), BARON Belgian minister resident in U. S. A., 1832-37; see Belgium. Diplomatic service. BELCHERTOWN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial; arbitration and congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 223.) 1845 Dec. 10. To same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 73.) BELDEN ( ), OF FIRM OF KERR AND BELDEN; see KERR AND BELDEN BELDEN (HENRY), CLAIMANT; see JANE, AMER. BRIG & BELDEN (JOHN), CLAIMANT WS. MEXICO For #ary occupation of property in Matamoras in n.d. Summary of claim. (27.2. H. doc. 291, 53.) 1838 Apr. 7. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Martinez). Belden claim. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex) 19.) — Apr. 26. Martinez to Forsyth. Same. (ib., 756.) 1851 Mch. 31. Opinion of comrs. adverse to Belden claim. (iv., Moore. Internat'l Arb., 3398.) BELDEN (SAMUEL A.) AND CO.; CLAIMANT VS. MEXICO Statutory Measures 1854 Aug. 3. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (33. 1. S. 491) “for relief of S. A. Belden and co.” (33. 1. S. jol., 633; 33. 2. S. jol., 104.) 1855 Jan. 16. Intr., Shannon, Penn.; bill (33. 2. H. R. 651) same; approved Feb. 10. (33. 2. H. jol., 187, 293, 352; x, St. L., 847.) Correspondence, etc. 1850 Mch. 20. Amer. cons., Matamoras (Waddell) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Belden claim par- ticulars. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 80, 5.) 1852 Mch. 12. Texas Legislature. Concurrent res. in re- gard to Belden claim. (32. 1. H. jol., 460.) — May 6. U. S. Senate. Res. (Rusk, Texas); calling for corresp. in case of Belden claim. (32. 1. S. jol., 395.) Je. 15. Belden to U. S. Senate. Petition praying in- demnity. (ib., 475.) 1854 Jan. 16-18. J. S. Millson, repr. from Va. Remarks; opposed to H. R. 651. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 277, 285, 314-15.) Je. 12. Belden to U. S. House. Petition; as above. (33. 1. H. jol., 984.) Je. 13. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 429.) — Aug. 3. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 491. (33. 1. S. rpt. 388.) 1855 Jan. 9. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; On S. 491. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 211.) — Jan. 16. G. A. Grow, repr. from Penn. DO.; Opposed to S. 491. (ib., 277-78.) Jan. 16-17. J. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Remarks; on H. R. 651. (ib., 278, 284.) Jan. 16-17. C. Skelton, repr. from Penn. Do.; Op- posed to H. R. 651. (ib., 277-78, 284-85.) — Jan. 16-17. T. G. Hunt, repr. from La. DO.; Sup- porting H. R. 651. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 277-285.) — Jan. 16-17. F. P. Stanton, repr. from Tenn. Do.; same. (ib., 277-78, 284-85, 314.) — Jan. 23. T. J. D. Fuller, repr. from Me. Do.; on H. R. 651. (ib., 371.) Jan. 23. T. G. Hunt, repr. from La. DO. ; supporting H. R. 651. (ib., 369-371.) Jan. 23. C. Skelton, repr. from Penn. Do.; opposed to H. R. 651. (ib., 371.) Jan. 23. F. P. Stanton, repr. from Tenn. Do.; Sup- porting H. R. 651. (ib., 369-71.) 1856 Je. 26. Belden to U. S. Senate. Petition; as before. (34. 1. S. jol., 391.) Je. 26. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; Belden petition. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 1464.) Je. 26. J. B. Weller, sen. from Cal. Do.; same. (ib., 1464.) See also iv, Moore. BELFAST (IRELAND) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BELFAST (ME.) CITIZENS 1842 Apr. 21. To U. S. House. Petition; regulation of Brit. colonial trade. (27. 2. H. jol., 740.) 1844 Jan. 15. To same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 239.) See also Portland (Me.). Internat'l Arb., 3808. 104 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BELGIUM Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Civil Service p Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. [Taken from Almanach roy. du royaume de Belgique.] 1831 Feb. 26-Mch. 27. S. Van de Weyer. — Mch. 27-Jiy. 24. J. Lebeau. — JIy. 24-1832, Sept. 17. F. A. Demuelenaere. 1832 Sept. 17-1833, Dec. 27. A. Goblet, intérmiaire. 1833 Dec. 27-1834, Aug. 4. F. de Mérode, do. 1834 Aug. 4-1837, Jan. 13. F. A. Demuelenaere. 1837 Jan. 13-1840, Apr. 18. B. T. de Theux. 1840 Apr. 18-1841, Apr. 13. J. Lebeau. 1841 Apr. 13-1841, Aug. 5. F. A. Demuelenaere. — Aug. 5-1843, Apr. 16. C. de Briey. 1843 Apr. 16-1845, Jly. 30. Goblet d’Alviella. 1845 Jly. 30-1847, Aug. 12. A. Dechamps. 1847 Aug. 12-1852, Oct. 31. C. d’Hoffschmidt. 1852 Oct. 31-1855, Mch. 30. H. de Brouckere. 1855 Mch. 30-1857, Nov. 9. Ch. Vilain XIII. 1857 Nov. 9-1861, Oct. 26. Ad. de Vrière. Claims vs. Belgium AMERICAN 1836 Dec. 5. President, U. S. A. Annual message; clause resp. claims of U. S. agst. Belgium. 1842 Feb. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Merrick, Md.) to re- quest President to communicate copies of corresp. with Belgian govt., or With dipl. agts., resp. claims of Amer. citizens for losses sustained during bom- bardment of Antwerp, in 1830. (27. 2. S. jol., 142.) (Memorials) 24 Cong., 1 sess., House See Baltimore (Md.) Citizens : Boston (Mass.) do. : New York City do. : Philadelphia do. Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial) Consular Service Lnited States NEW YORK 1837; see Mali (H. G. T.). 1846; see Moxhet (A.). Consuls in; see U. S. A. Government. Consular Service Deserters; see that title Diplomatic Agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Diplomatic Service From U. S. State Dept. register, 1874. Dnited States 1832-37, min. res., baron Désiré Behr. The legation was in charge of H. G. T. Mali, Belgian cons, at N. Y., until the arrival of M. Serruys. 1838-45, chargé, Charles Serruys. 1846-48, min. res, baron Beaulieu. The legation was in charge of A., Moxhet, Belgian cons. at N. Y., until the arrival of M. Bosch-Spencer. 1850-53, chargé, H. G. Bosch-Spencer. The legation was in charge of the chancellor of the legation, until the arrival of M. Solvyus. 1854-55, chargé, H. SolvyuS. 1855-58, chargé, H. G. º, lgi t The legation was in charge Of the Belgian COInS. ged. B. e gº EI. G. T. § until the arrival of M. Cuele- broeck. 1859-65, E. E. and M. P., B. v. Cuelebroeck. Exterritoriality; see that title Foreign Affairs AMERICAN Dnited States 1834 Dec. 2. President of U. S. A. (Jackson). Ann. mess.; clause relating to disavowal by Belgium of treaty with U. S. A. BELGIUM-cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d United States—cont’d 1838 Dec. 3. Same (Van Buren). Do.; clause regarding dipl. relations with Belgium. * 1840 Dec. 5. Same. Do.; clause relating to treaty of commerce, etc., with Belgium. 1842 Apr. 15. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Presi- dent, U. S. A. (Tyler). Rpt. concerning corresp. with * on rejected treaty of 1833. (iv, Sen. exec. jol., 52. Nationality of Wessels; see Wessels Neutrality; see that title Presents to Aliens; see Alienage, etc. Privateering; see that title Shipwreck Regulations; see that title Treaties 1833 Jan. 23. Belgium and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; rejected by Belgium; Amer. ratification proc. in iv, Sen. exec. jol. 1840 Mch. 29. Same. Treaty of commerce, etc.; ratifi- cations not exchanged; Amer. proc. in V, Sen. exec. jol. 1845 Nov. 10. Same. Do.; obsolete. Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 52. Amer. ratification proc. in vii, Sen. exec. jol. 1849 Mch. 27. Belgium and Costa Rica. Treaty of amity, etc. Fr. and Span. text in 31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 259. 1852 Aug. 25. Belgium and U. S. A. Conv. for regulating right of inheriting and acquiring property, etc.; not ratified. Amer. ratification proc. in viii-xi, Sen. exec. jol. 1853 Feb. 11. Same. Extradition treaty; ratifications not exchgd. Amer. ratification proc. in ix–x, Sen. exec. jol. 1858 JIy. 17. Same. Conv. of commerce, etc.; obsolete. Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 56. Amer, ratifica- tion proc. in xi, Sen. exec. jol. BELIZE (HONDURAS) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Jurisdiction in; see Central America BELL ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. WIDOW's SON; see WIDOW’S SON BELL (CHARLES H.), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1812-75. Lieut., 1820; comdr., 1840; capt. 1854; comdre., 1862; rear-adm., 1866. Died Feb. iš, is Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1835 Comdg: Dolphin, Pacific sqdn...; 1839-41 comdg. Dolphin African sqdn: ; 1845-46 comdg. Yorktown. African sqdn. ; 1855-57 comdg. Constellation, Med’n sqdn. ; 1860-61 comdg. Med’n sqdn. Comdg. Dolphin, African sqdn. 1840 Jly. 28. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Paulding). Com- ment on Brit. proc. for suppression of slavetrade. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 57.) — AND COMDR. U. S. STR. GRAMPUS (PAYNE) 1842 May 10. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Rpt. on slavetrade on w. coast of Africa. (27.3. S. doc. 1, 111; H. ex. doc. 2, 109.) . See also Yorktown. BELL (G. W.) 1849 Je. 29. To U. S. House. Petition; protection in pos- session of his property in Oregon City, agst. J. W. Laughlin, a Brit. subject. (30. 1. H. jol., 974.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 105 BELL (GEORGE), BR. SUBJECT 1842 Oct. 24. H. B. M. cons. gen., Central America (Chat- field) to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Orosco). Detention of Bell and four other Englishmen by Nicaragua; etc. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 24.) — Nov. 18. Orosco to Chatfield. Cause of detention of Bell; etc. (ib., 30.) BELL (HENRY H.), OF N. C. U. S. N., 1823-98. Lieut., 1831; comdr., 1854; Comdrei, 1862; rear-adm., 1866; retired list, 1867. Drowned, 1898. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1844 comdg. Union, Home sqdn. ; 1848 Comdg; Boſper, # an sqdn. ; 1857-58 comdg. San Jacinto, E. I. Sqūn. BELL (HIRAM), REPR. FROM 0. 1852 Jan. 2. Remarks; intr. of Kossuth to House; non- intervention; etc. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 191.) 1853 Jan. 10. Do.; acquisition of Cuba; do. of Canada. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 58.) BELL (JAMES H.), SEN. FROM N. H. 1857 Feb. 28. Remarks; Perry claim. (34.3. Cong. Globe, 1030.) BELL (JOHN) 1850 Jan. 9. To U. S. House. Petition; French Spolia- tions indemnity. (31. 1. H. jol., 270.) - — Jan. 24. To U. S. Senate. Do.; Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 104.) BELL (JOHN) Representative from Tenn., 20–26 cong. (1827-41) ; Sen- ator from Tenn. 1847-59. Representative from Tenn. 1832 Feb. 23. To U. S. House. Remarks; withdrawal of minister from Bogota. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1854.) --, *, 1837 Sept. 13. To same. Remarks; Mexican boundary corresp. (xiv, Reg. Debates, 611.) 1838 Feb. 22. To same. DO.; crimes agst. U. S. A. (Vi, Cong. Globe, 196.) 1839 Mch. 2. To same. Do.; additional power to Execu- tive in case of invasion. (vii, Cong. Globe, 242.) 1841 Sept. 11. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Ab- str. of corresp. on file in War Dept. on Indian dep- redations in Texas, 1837-41. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 58.) Senator from Tenn. 1848 Feb. 2-3. Speech; Mexican war; proposed treaty; etc. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 189, 194, 292, 299.) — Feb. 4. Remarks; proposed treaty with Mexico. (ib., 303.) 1850 Mch. 22. Do.; Amer. agt. to Hungary. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 587.) — Je. 7. Do.; title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande. (ib., 1165.) — Jly. 5. Speech; validity in new territories of Mexi- can laws. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 1094.) 1852 Apr. 13. Do.; S. res. 13 reaffirming doctrine of non- intervention; etc. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 439.) — May 12. Remarks; explaining his res. of Apr. 26 calling for landing of troops at Vera Cruz in 1847 under Lieut. Temple. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 1336.) — JIy. 19. Same. (ib., 1834-35.) — Jly. 23. Do.; corresp. With Gr. Br. on North Sea fisheries. (ib., 1895.) BELL (JOHN)—cont’d Senator from Tenn.—cont’d 1853 Jan. 27. Do.; Br. declaration annexed to ratifica- tion of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 415-417.) — Mch. 3. Do.; exploration of country eastward of Liberia; colonization of free negroes; etc. (ib., 1064.) 1854 Mch. 30. Do.; memorial on religious liberty of Americans abroad. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 789.) Je. 23. Do.; General Armstrong relief bill, S. 268. (ib., 1492-93.) 1855 Feb. 9. Do.; same. (ib., 645.) — Feb. 14. Do.; captors of Caledonia. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 718.) 1856 Feb. 20. Do.; Central American negotiations with Gr. Br. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 471.) 1858 Je. 12. Do.; Caledonia, Captors. Globe, 2998.) 1859 Feb. 25. Speech; acquisition of Cuba. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 1340.) BELL (JOHN H.), OF N. C. D. S. N., 1809-33. Lieut., 1814; comdr. 1831. Fº Aug. 14, 1833. Sea service in command (1828-61 1828 comdg. Porpoise Med’n sqdn. BELL (JOSHUA F.), REPR. FROM KY. 1846 Feb. 4. Speech; abrogation of Oregon conv. of 1827 with Gr. Br. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 269.) 1847 Jan. 19. Do.; Mexican war; etc. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 247.) BELL (NICHOLAS H.) 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Petition; compensation for Schr. Friendship captured during war of 1812. (25. 2. H. jol., 175; 367.) BELL (SAMUEL) Senator from N. H., 1823-35 ; member of Com. on For- eign Relations, 1823-32. 1832 Apr. 17. Remarks; mission to non-existent govt. of Colombia. (viii, Reg. Debates, 793.) BELL (THOMAS S.), OF D. C. Amer. commercial agt. for San Juan del Norte, 1858- [60] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BELLA, SPAN. VESSEL; SERVICES OF LT. CRAVEN TO; See CRAVEN BELLA UNIA, PORT. BRIG, FORMERLY AMER. BRIG SO- PHIA; see FERREIRA (J. P.) BELLANGE (ALEXANDER), ATTY. FOR P. A. HARGOUS; See MEXICO. TEHUANTEPEC CANAL BELLEVILLE (ILL.) CITIZENS 1846 Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Proc. in favor of Amer. claim to Oregon terr. (29. 1. S. jol., 137.) BELLINGHAM (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial Vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. 3. H. jol., 604.) BELLO (ANDRES), CITIZEN OF CHILI 1832 May 16. Signs general conv. of peace, etc., betw. Chili and U. S. A.; see Chili. Treaties. 1833 Sept. 1. Signs additional conv. to above; see same. BELLO (JUAN) Chilian chargé in U. S. A., 1859-60 ; see Chili. (xxxvi, Cong. (25. 106 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BELLONA, AMER. SCHR. (ADAMS) n.d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 14.) BELLONA, AMER. STMBT. LEGGETT, OWNER; NAME CHANGED TO HIDALGO; see HIDALGO BELLONA, FRENCH PRIVATEER; see STOCKPORT, AMER. SHIP BELLOWS FALLS (VT.) CITIZENS 1844 Apr. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. international copyright law. (28. 1. H. jol., 730.) BELLY (FéLIX), DIRECTOR GENERAL OF A FRENCH Co. FOR OPENING A NICARAGUAN CANAL; see CENTRAL AMERICA. TRANS-ISTHMIAN CANAL, etc. BELLY MANIFESTO; SAME AS “RIWAS MANIFESTO”; see CENTRAL AMERICA BELMONT (AUGUST), OF N. Y. Amer. chargé for Netherlands, 1853-Je. 29, 1854 ; min. res. do. 1854–57; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic Service. 1854 Dec. 5. J. L. Taylor, repr. from O. Remarks; Soller res. of Dec. 4, calling for information concerning Ostend conference; censuring apptmt.S. of Soulé and Belmont. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 13.) Chargé d'Affaires Correspondence (American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) 1853 Oct. 18. Ino. 3, extr.] Gibson case. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 13.) — Nov. 8. [no. 6, extr.] Dipl. full dress at ct. of Netherlands. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 31, 8.) — Nov. 25. [no. 8, extr.] Same. (ib., 11.) — Dec. 23. [unnum. extr.] Gibson case. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 17.) 1854 Jan. 9.. [no. 11, extr.] Same. (ib., 18.) Jan. 20. [no. 13, extr.] Same. (ib., 20.) Feb. 6. Ino. 14, extr.] Same. (ib., 22.) Feb. 28. [no. 15, extr.] Dipl. full dress at ct. Of Netherlands. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 31, 20.) Feb. 28. [do.] Gibson case. (33. 2. H. ex: doc. 16, 22.) Mch. 5. [no. 16, extr.] Same. (ib., 23.) Corr. (Dutch) 1853 Oct. 17. To minist. buitenlandsche zaken (van Hall). Gibson claim. (33. 2. H. ex: doc. 16, 16.) 1854 Jan. 4. To same. Surrender of certain papers in Gibson case. (ib., 18.) — Oct. 15. To same. Gibson case. (ib., 21.) — Mch. 4. To same. Same. (ib., 43.) Minister Resident Correspondence (American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) 1854 Jly. 7. [unnum. extr.] Gibson claim. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 95.) — Sept. 9. [no. 25.] Same. (ib., 113.) — Sept. 23. [no. 27, extr.] Same. (ib., 118.) — Sept. 29. [no. 29, extr.] Same. (ib., 121.) — Oct. 13. [no. 31, extr.] Same. (ib., 129.) — Oct. 25. [no. 34, extr.] Same. (ib., 123.) 1856 Je. 10. [no. 87.] Minister v. Hall approves Of con- duct of min. res. Dubors; etc. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 21, 71.) BELMONT (AUGUST), OF N. Y.-cont’d Minister Resident—cont’d Corr. (Dutch) 1854 Jºy. 4. To minister buitenlandsche zaken (v. Hall). Gibson case. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 103.) — Sept. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 118.) 1855 Jan. 22. Signs conv. concerning rights, etc., of cons. of U. S. in Dutch colonies; see Netherlands. Trea- ties. 1856 Je. 7. To same. Requests permission for M. Dubois to testify in ct. of U. S. A. (34. 3. S. ex, doc. 21, 9.) Je. 9. To same. Appearance in ct. of M. Dubois is required. (ib., 9.) BELMONT CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 195.) — Jan. 25. To U. S. Senate. Do.; Caroline outrage. (25. 2. S. jol., 171.) 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Do. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 473.) 4; 4. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (ib., 66. — Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Do. WS. Texan annexation. (25. 3. S. jol., 216.) — Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 608.) 1842 Mch. 14. To same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (27. 2. H. jol., 527.) — Apr. 1. To U. S. Senate. Do.; adjustment of ques- tions in controversy with Gr. Br. (27. 2. S. jol., 262.) — May 2. To U. S. House. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (27. 2. H. jol., 774.) * 1845 Feb. 11. To same. Do.; Canadian annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 356.) 1847 Jan. 27. To same. Do.; peace with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 235.) BELOIT (WISC.) CITIZENS 1850 Mch. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial; pro arbitra- tion. (31. 1. H. jol., 677.) BELSER (JAMES E.), REPR. FROM ALA. 1844 May 21. Speech; pro Texan annexation. Cong. Globe, 613; app., 520.) Je. 3. Remarks; Democratic party and Texan an- nexation. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 640.) 1845 Jan. 3. Speech; pro Texan annexation. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 88; app., 41.) BELT (RICHARD H.), OF IND. Amer. cons. for Matamoras in 1844; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. (xiii, BELT (WILLIAM J.), OFMD. U. S. N., 1811-42. Lieut., 1817; comdr., 1837; dis- missed 1842. Sea service in command (1828-42) ; 1840-41 comdg. Marion, Brazil sqdn. BELTRANENO (MARIANO) Actg. president of the Central-American Confederation, Feb.-Apr., 1829; see Central America. BENEDICT (J. s.), DEPY. SURVEYOR U. S. customs HOUSE, N.Y. 1854 Nov. 1. To U. S. atty., so. distr., N. Y. (McKeon). Examination of Horatio, clearing for African coast. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 13.) BENHAM (TIMOTHY G.), OF CONN. U. S. N., 1814–60. . . Lieut., 1827; comdr., 1848. Died Je. 17, 1860. Sea service in command (1827-60) : #. §nds. Bonito, Home sqdn. ; 1854 comdg. tºtt.071, CIO. INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 107 # BENITO (BENANCIO) [VENANCIO B. MURIELI, AMER. CITIZEN 1833 Je. 19. Ministr. relac, est., Mexico (Garcia) to Amer, chargé (Butler). Expulsion of Benito from state of Oaxaca. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 504.) — Oct. 17. Butler to Garcia. Same. (ib., 500.) — Oct. 29. Garcia to Butler. Same. (ib., 503.) BENJAMIN (CHARLES), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Demerara, 1850-54; see U. S. A. Consular service. BENJAMIN (JUDAH PETER) In 1851 chrm. of mng. com. of Tehuantepec co. 1853-61 U. S. sen. from La. Chrm. Managing Com.. of Tehuantepec Co. 1851 Apr. 14. To Mexican cons. at New Orleans (Dabel- stein). Clearance papers for Amer. Schr. Sears. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 97, 52.) — Apr. 15. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). So- licits interference in behalf of persons engaged in survey of Isthmus of Tehuantepec. (ib., 50.) *sºmºsº º 16. To Dabelstein. Clearance for Sears. (ib., 53. From Senator from La. 1854 Jan. 9. Remarks; on his res. calling for corresp. with Mexico respecting right of way across Tehuan- tepec. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 144.) — Feb. 16. Do.; provision for execution by Amer. cts. of commissions to take testimony issuing from cts. of friendly nations. (ib., 434.) May 1. Do.; suspension of neutrality laws. (ib., 1024.) — May 24. Do.; La. res. On Spanish policy in regard to Cuba. (ib., 1298-99.) 1855 Jan. 19. Do.; reclamation of criminals. Cong. Globe, 327.) — Feb. 2. Speech; General Armstrong claim. 537-39, 542, 544.) — Feb. 9. Remarks; same. (ib., 645.) Feb. 20. Do.; Hamilton Fish and rpt. on immi- grants. (ib., 825.) — Feb. 24. Do.; bill to remodel diplom. and cons. SyS- tems; H. R. 353. (ib., 919.) — Mch. 2. Do.; Schenck claim; Perry do. (ib., 1094- (33. 2. (ib., 95.) 1856 Feb. 12. Do.; right of Gr. Br. to Bay Islands. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 394.) * — May 8. Do.; Sound dues. (ib., 1156.) — Je. 25. Do.; claims vs. Mexico. (ib., 1464.) — Jly. 23. Do.; Piatt relief bill. (ib., 1716.) — Jly. 24. Do.; guano deposits. (ib., 1741.) — Aug. 15. DO.; importance of Amer. State PaperS. (ib., 2150.) 1857 Feb. 28. Do.; mission to Persia. (34.3. Cong. Globe, 1017.) 1858 Jan. 5. Do.; Atocha relief bill. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 190.) — May 5. Do.; protection of Amer. Commerce in Mexi- can ports; Tampico outrages. (ib., 1959.) — Je. 3. Do.; Robinson relief bill. (xxxvi, ib., 2667.) 1859 Jan. 21. To T. G. Davidson. Stnt. of affairs in Tehuantepec.; Amer. population increasing; recom- mending salaried cons. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 95.) — Feb. 4. Remarks; General Armstrong claim. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, pt. 1, 818.) — Feb. 9. Do.; acquisition of Cuba. (ib., 904.) — Feb. 11. Speech; same. (ib., 960.) — 15. Remarks; slavetrade. (ib., pt. 2, 163.) — Feb. 15. Speech; acquisition of Cuba. (ib., app., 166.) — Feb. 16. Remarks; Cuban slavery. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 1056) * BENJAMIN (JUDAH PETER)—cont’d Senator from La.-cont’d 1859 Feb. 18. Do.; protection to citizens in transit across isthmian routes. (ib., 1119.) — Feb. 19. Do.; retrenchment in expenditures for diplom. intercourse. (ib., 1144.) — Mch. 3. Do.; Butterfield contract. (ib., 1622.) 1860 Mch. 26. Do.; min. to Paraguay. (ib., 1348.) -º, 24. Do.; captured Africans at Key West. (ib., See also J. P. B. : statesman and jurist: by Max J. Kohler . . . . . . 1905. . pp. 63-85. 8°. Repr. Pubs. Amer. Jewish Hist. Socy., no. 12. BENJAMIN (MOSES) Amer. cons. for Demerara. 1832–46; see U. S. A. Consular Service. - BENNERS ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP DESPATCH; see DESPATCH BENNET (JOHN A.) Amer. cons. for Bogota, 1851-57; see U. S. A. Consular SeryICe. BENNETT (HENRY), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1850 Aug. (?). Speech, not submitted to House; Texas boundary bill, S. 307; etc. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 438.) BENNETT (ORSON W.), OF MICH. Amer. cons. for Hamburg, 1854-56; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BENNINGTON (VT.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial pro recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 337.) —g; 21. To Same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 92.) BENSLEY (JOHN) 1852 Mch. 15. To U. S. Senate. Petition; Mexican indem- Inity. (32. 1. S. jol., 272.) BENSO (CAMILL0); see CAVOUR, CONTE DI BENSON ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP MORRISON; see that title BENSON (ALFRED), OF N. Y.; CONTRACTOR FOR RE- MOVAL OF LOBOS IS. GUANO DEPOSITs; see GUANO BENSON (R.), CONTOY PRISONER; see CUBA. FILIBUS- TERING INVASIONS BENSON (SAMUEL P.), REPR. FROM ME. 1855 Jan. 27. Remarks; French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 427.) BENT (CHARLES) First gov. of New Mexico, 1846-47. 1833 Sept. 15. To Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Complaint agst. Overcharge of customs duties at Sta. Fe. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 515.) Governor of New Mearico Correspondence 1846 Dec. 26. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Con- spiracy to expel Amer. troops and civil authorities from the terr. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 70, 17.) Death of 1847 Feb. 16. D. Vigil to Buchanan. Murder of gov. Bent; etc. (ib., 18.) 108 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BENT (SILAS), LIEUT. ON U. S. S. MISSISSIPPI, E. I. SQDN. 1854 May 30. To comdr. E. I. Sqdn., U. S. N. Transla- tion of communication from officials of Hakodadi in reply to queries relative to Shipwrecks of Amer. Ves- Sels in Japanese Waters. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 153.) BENTALON (PAUL), CLAIMANT; see BARNEY (JOSHUA) BENTINOTTI (MIGUEL), SLAVEDEALER Mentioned. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 186.) BENTLEY (JAMES) 1852 Jan. 6. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Letcher). Washington cemetery near Mexico; acc. plan and deed of ground. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 84, 3.) BENTON (JESSE, JR.), ATTY. 7TH DISTR. TEXAS 1830 Dec. 14. Strmt. relative to French grants. Law grant on Arkansas; grant near old Fort Toulouse On the Alabama. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., 222.) 1832 Apr. 12. Remarks; trade with Guatemala; apprm. for mission to same. (viii, Reg. Debates, 771.) 1834 Dec. 17. Do.; rpt. of select com. on French spolia- tions. (xi, Reg. Debates, 19.) 1835 Jan. 9. Speech; French spoliations bill. (ib., 152.) ises; º 9. Remarks; Caroline affair. (vi, Cong. Globe, 7. Feb. 7. Do.; occupation of Oregon terr. (ib., 169.) — Apr. 11. Do.; Mexican indemnity. (ib., 300.) 1839 Jan. 9. Do.; Hernandez case. (vii, ib., 110.) — Mch. 1. Speech; n. e. boundary. (ib., app., 311.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; additional powers to Executive in case of invasion. (vii, Cong. Globe, 238.) 1840 Mch. 31. Do.; n. e. boundary. (viii, ib., 297.) — Apr. 15. Do.; Enterprise. (ib., 329.) 1841 Je. 14. Speech; Caroline affair. (x, ib., 42.) — Aug. 9. Remarks; chgS. in personnel of diplom. corps. (ib., 307.) 1842 Aug. 18. Speech; Ashburton treaty. (xii, ib., app., 1.) — Dec. 20. Remarks; quintuple treaty. (xii, Cong. Globe, 64.) — Dec. 23. Do.; same. (ib., 79.) 1843 Jan. 4. Do.; Ashburton treaty. (ib., 111.) Jan. 5. DO.; Same. (ib., 120.) — Jan. 12. DO. : Amer. title to Oregon. (ib., 154.) — Jan. 12. Speech; Oregon bill. (ib., app., 74.) 1843 [Feb.] To Amer. chargé in Texas (Van Zandt). Protest agst, unfriendly expressions of Amer. agt. to Choctaw Indians (Upshaw). (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 106.) BENTON (NATHANIEL S.), U. S. ATTY. NO. DIST. N. Y. 1837 Dec. 18. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Or- ganization of Canadian insurgents in Buffalo. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 33.) — Dec. 18. To gov. of N. Y. (Marcy). Same. (ib., 34.) — Dec. 26. To Forsyth. Proc. of Canadian insurgents in N. Y. (ib., 43.) 1838 Jan. 5. Forsyth to Benton. Ordered to Buffalo until rising of Canadian insurgents shall have Sub- sided. (ib., 53.) — May 31. Bentom to Pres., U. S. A. (Van Buren). Measures taken to secure offenders in destruction of Sir Robert Peel; doubts jurisdiction of U. S. cts. in case. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 3.) BENTON (THOMAS H.) Senator from Mo., 1821-51 (17-31 cong.) ; membér Com. on Foreign Relations, 30-1 sess., 31 cong. ſº actg. as chrm. during special sess. 30 cong. (Mch. 4-13, 1849) ; member of special com., during exami- nation of John Nugent; see Mexico. Treaties, 1848. Representative from Mo. 33 cong. (1853-55). 1831 Jly. 21. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to Mexi- can chargé at Washington (Montoya). Passports BENTON (THOMAS H.)—cont’d requested for Benton’s commercial expedition to Mexican territories. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 667.) 1832 Jan. 24. Montoya to Livingston. Passports for commercial expedition. (ib., 670.) Senator from Mo. Bills Introduced 1848 Jly. 8. To carry into effect certain stipulations of treaty of 1848, with Mexico. (30. 1. S. 313.) Remarks, etc., Made 1829 Feb. 28. Remarks; on res. calling for instructions to minister. to Panama. Congress. (V, Reg. Debates, 66. — Feb. 18. Remarks; Globe, 169.) — Feb. 2. Do.; Oregon bill. (ib., 234.) — Feb. 2. Speech; same. (ib., app., 116.) — Feb. 2. Do.; northern boundary. (ib., 132.) — Feb. 3. Remarks; n. W. boundary. (xii, Cong. Globe, 238.) — Feb. 9. Do.; quintuple treaty. (ib., 262.) — Feb. 22. Do.; captured Africans returned to Africa. (ib., 328.) — Feb. 23. Do.; Ashburton treaty. (ib., 331.) — Mch. 2. Do.; apprn. for African sqdn. (ib., 377.) — Mch. 3. Do.; intercourse with China. (ib., 391.) 1844 Jan. 8. Do.; corresp. regarding Oregon terr. (xiii, ib., app., 100.) May 16, 18, 20. Speech; Texas annexation treaty. (ib., 474.) — Je. 1. Do.; aid to Texas; etc. (ib., 497.) Je. 3. Do.; Oregon conv. of 1818. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 636.) Je. 10. Do.; Texas annexation bill. (ib., 653.) Je. 11. Remarks; same. (ib., 660.) : º Speech; Texas annexation treaty. (ib., app., 568. — Je. 15. Do.; same. (ib., 607.) 1845 Jan. 20. Remarks; Mo. res. on Texan annexation. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 154.) — Feb. 5. Do.; Texas annexation bill. (ib., 244.) — Feb. 28. Do.; Mexican indemnity. (ib., 367.) 1846 Feb. 19. Speech; termination of joint occupancy of Oregon. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 404.) º — Feb. 26. Remarks; Oregon resolutions. (ib., 430.) — Mch. 12. Do.; collusion with Br. min. in regard to Oregon. (ib., 488.) t — Mch. 16. Do.; same. (ib., 500.) - — Apr. 1. Speech; application of treaty of Utrecht to n. W. boundary. (ib., 581.) -— Apr. 2. Remarks; 49° n. historical boundary of U. S. in n. W. (ib., 589.) — May 11. Do.; hostilities with Mexico. (ib., 784.) — May 22. Speech; Oregon jurisdiction bill. (ib., 851.) — May 25. Do.; continued. (ib., 857.) — May 28. Remarks; recommitment of Oreg. bill. (ib., 874.) — May 28. Speech; Oregon jurisdiction bill; con- cluded. (ib., 913.) Ts; ;" Do.; 49° n. limit of title of U. S. to Oreg. (ib., 4. — Je. 2. Remarks; Oregon jurisdiction bill. (ib., 902.) — Je. 18. Substance of speech in secret session; Ore- gon treaty. (ib., app., 867.) — Aug. 10. Speech; French spoliation claims. (ib., 898.) 1847 Feb. 24. Do.; Calhoun’s agency in precipitating Mexican war. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 494.) 1848 Jan. 31. Remarks; Baldwin claim. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 270.) — Feb. 9. Do.; Wattemare memorial. (ib., 327.) m. e. boundary. (xii, Cong. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 109 BENTON (THOMAS H.)—cont'd Senator from Mo.—cont’d * Remarks, etc., Made—cont’d 1848 Feb. 21. Do.; John Paul Jones claimants. (ib., 381; 383.) — Mch. 14. Amdmt. to deficiency apprin. bill raising chargéship for Papal States to M. P. (ib., 462, 477.) — Mch. 16. Remarks; explanatory of above amdmt. (ib., 462, 477.) — Aug. 11. Amdmts. to carry into effect stipulations of treaty with Mexico. (ib., 1066-67.) — Sept. 27. To A. Wattemare. Congratulations on Suc- cess of system of international exchge. (30. 1. H. misc. doc. 99, 15.) — Dec. 14, 18-19. Remarks; isthmian transit. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 40, 49-51, 59-60.) 1849 Jan. 29. Do.; Tehuantepec right of way. (ib., 383.) — Jan. 30-31. Do.; same. (ib., 398-99, 411.) 1850 Feb. 27. Do.; validity of Mexican laws in new ter- ritories. (ib., 430.) — Mch. 27. Do.; resignation from Com. on Foreign Relations. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 609.) — Je. 13. Do.; publication of A. Palmer's rpt. (ib., 1204.) — Aug. 26. Speech; publication of A. Palmer's rpt.; etc. (ib., 1661, 1668.) — Sept. 6. Remarks; Everett letter describing “red line * map. (ib., 1766.) — Sept. 11. Do.; Amer. Colonization Socy. (ib., 1804.) — Sept. 19. Do.; expenses of agt. to Sublime Porte. (ib., 1875.) Representative from Mo. 1854 Jan. 24. Remarks; attendance at funeral of late Russian minister (Bodisco). (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 247.) — May 19. Do. ; acquisition of Mexican terr. and of Cuba. (ib., 1232.) — Je. 26. Speech; art. 3, treaty of 1853 with Mexico. (ib., app., 1031.) —g, 28. Remarks; same. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1561- 3. 1855 Jan. 24. Speech; French spoliation bill; H. R. 117. (ib., app., 118.) BERGEN (A. I.) Amer. cons. for Bermuda in 1845; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BERGEN (JAMES) AND RICHARD F. RYAN, AMER. CITI- ZENS Imprisoned in Ireland in 1848 on charge of inciting rebellion. Not released by Gr. Br. until repudiation by Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Bancroft), Nov. 23, 1848 of doctrine of perpetual personal allegiance. See also Allegiance. 1848 Aug. 15. H. B. M. under secy. for Ireland (Reding- ton) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Circumstances attending imprisonment of Bergen and Ryan. (30. 2. H. ex, doc. 19, 8.) — Aug. 21. Palmerston to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft). Same. (ib., 8.) — Aug. 30. Secy. Amer. legation in Gr. Br. (Brod- head) to Redington. Representation in behalf of B. and R. (ib., 14.) — Sept. 1. Ryan to President, U. S. A. (Polk). Protest * imprisonment; soliciting interference. (ib., 17. — Sept. 4. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Toucey) to Bancroft. Instructions; Amer. citizens imprisoned in Ireland. (ib., 10.) — Sept. 9. Redington to Brodhead. Release of Bergen not possible. (ib., 15.) — Sept. 12. Bancroft to Palmerston. Authority for arrest of persons coming from America. (ib., 15.) \ BERGEN (JAMES) AND RICHARD F. RYAN, AMER. CITI- ZENS-cont’d 1848 Sept. 23. Same to Bergen. Measures taken to Ob- tain his release. (ib., 19.) — Sept. 23. Brodhead to Redington. Nationality, etc., of Bergen. (ib., 18.) — Sept. 27. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Ban- croft. Instructions; Ryan protest. (ib., 17.) — Sept. 30. Palmerston to Bancroft. Release of Ber- gen and Ryan refused; H. B. M. govt. has authentic information of their participation in treasonable practice. (ib., 21.) — Oct. 20. Bancroft to Buchanan. Nature of law under which imprisonment of Bergen and Ryan Was effected. (ib., 24.) — Nov. 10. Same to Palmerston. Representation; Bergen and Ryan case. (ib., 4.) Nov. 10. Same to Buchanan. Palmerston addressed in behalf of Amer. citizens imprisoned in Dublin; repudiation of doctrine of perpetual personal allegi- ance. (ib., 3.) — Nov. 17. Same to same. Efforts to secure release of Bergen and Ryan. (ib., 2.) — Nov. 23. Same to same. Liberation of Bergen and Ryan. (ib., 3.) — Nov. 28. H. B. M. secy. for Ireland (Somerville) to under secy. H. B. M. Home Office (Lewis). Ber- gen and Ryan case; detention permissible under habeas corpus suspension act; etc.; both men OT- dered liberated. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 38, 155.) Dec. 7. Palmerston to Bancroft. Advice of above. (ib., 155.) — Dec. 8. Bancroft to Buchanan. Same. (ib., 155.) — Dec. 18. Buchanan to Bancroft. Approval of Suc- cessful efforts to obtain release of Amer. citizens imprisoned in Dublin; protest agst. distinction un- favorable to Amer. citizens under order of July 25, 1848. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 26.) 1849 Jan. 12. Bancroft to Buchanan. Has protested, as directed agst. arrest of Bergen and Ryan; orders complained of, now inoperative; both men released. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 159.) Jan. 26. Same to same. Has addressed to H. B. M. govt. declaration of Amer, principles in matter of allegiance and protesting agst. distinction betw. na- tive and naturalized citizens of U. S. (ib., 160.) BERGEN (NORWAY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BERGEN PRIZES; see CLAIMS (DANISH) BERGER (AUGUSTE) DE, HANOVERIAN E. E. AND M. P. IN PRUSSIA 1840 May 20. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., betw. Hanover and U. S. A.; see Hanover. Treaties. BERGES (JOSE) Paraguayan comr. under claims conv. of 1859 ; see Para- guay. laims. BERGSTIAND (CHARLES M.), MASTER AMER. SCHR. MARY HOOPER; see MARY HOOPER BERINDOAGA ( ), CONDE DE SAN DONAS 1826 Feb. 28. Amer, cons., Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, TJ. S. A. (Clay). Trial of Berindoaga; etc. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 69.) — Apr. 25. Same to same. Execution of Berindoaga.; etc. (ib., 75.) BERKS CO. (PENN.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 31. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 192.) — Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 445.) 110 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BERKSHIRE (VT.) CITIZENS * 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 38.) — Oct. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 64.) BERLANDIER (LUIS) Botanist on Mexican boundary commission under treaty of 1828 with U. S. A. ; see Mexico. Boundary. BERLIN (GERMANY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BERLIN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial Vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 58.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) BERLIN (0.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 158.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) BERLIN (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 38.) Sept. 26. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 93.) BERLIN, AMER. SHIP; ENGAGED IN PERUWIAN GUANO TRADE; see GUANO BERMUDA IS. Civil Service Colonial Secretary 1841. Nesbitt (C. R.). Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Slavery in; see Comet; etc. BERMUDA, BR. SCHR. (JONES); see JONES (A. D.) BERMUDEZ (F.) DE ZEA; see ZEA BERMUDEZ (F.) DE BERMUDEZ (RAFAEL), COMDT. PORT OF SAN JUAN 1847 Oct. 27. To comdr. H. B. M. frigate Alarm, (Loch). Protest agst. Cooperation in Brit. attempt to occupy port of San Juan. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 49.) Oct. 27. To Secy. State, Nicaragua (Salinas). Ar- rival of H. B. M. frigate Alarm. (ib., 47.) BERNABEN (NICOLAS), ACTG. ADMINISTRATOR GEN. OF CUBA 1844 Apr. 24. Circular to the general public; violation of general mail ordinance. (30. 2. S. ex. doc. 33, 16.) BERNADOU (JOHN B.), CLAIMANT; see SALLY DANA, AMER, BRIG BERNARD, BARON Ministre int. des affaires étrangères, France, during Bassano ministry, 1834; see France. Civil service. BERNARDSTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) Sept. 27. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 100.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Do.; congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 609.) BERNAYS (CHARLES L.), OF MO. AImer. cons. for Zürich in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. BERN, CANTON. COUNCIL *1858 Apr. 22. To Swiss federal council. Restrictions agst. Jews. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 33.) BERRIEN (JOHN M.), OF GA. U. S. N., 1825–83. Lieut., 1837; comdr., 1855; *g: 1862; comdre., 1866. Died Nov. 21, 1883. €8. service in command (1828-61) : 1856 comdg: Savan- fºrazil sqdn. ; 1860-61 comdg. John Adams, R. . SqCID. BERRIEN (JOHN MCPHERSON), 1781-1856 Senator from Ga., 1825-29; atty. gen., U. S. A., 1829-31; sen. from Gä., 1841-52. Member Com. on Foreign Relations, 1828-29; 1842-45; member of special committee during Nugent examination ; see Mexico. Treaties. 1848. Senator from, Ga., 1st term, 1829 Feb. 28. Remarks; Webster res. calling for in- structions to Amer. ministers to Panama CongreSS. (V, Reg. Debates, 69.) — Mch. 3. Do.; motion to print docS. relating to Pan- ama congress. (ib., 75-76.) Atty. General, U. S. A. 1829 Mch. 31. Opinion; Nagle and de Frias claim; ad- verse, (24. 1. H. rpt. 209, 28; 1, op. attyS. gen., 610; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, pt. 1, 484.) — Je. 15. Do.; advances to public ministers. (1, op. attys. gen., 614; 31. 2. H. ex: doc. 55, pt. 1, 614.) Sept. 10. Do.; murder on high seas of J. Cannon, Br. Subject by R. French, Amer. citizen, master Chance. (ib., 655; ib., 655.) — Sept. 21. Do.; illegal for Amer. agt. in Liberia to purchase arms for defense of negroes. (ib., 659; ib., 659.) — Nov. 3. Do.; Portuguese chargé, Barrozo Pereira, entitled to immunities of public minister, although his functions as such were suspended. (ib., 671; ib., 671.) 1830 Aug. 18. Do.; Case of Fenia; not within provisions of act of Mch. 3, 1819. (ib., 721; ib., 721; 21. 2. H. ex. doc. 54, 9; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 471.) Sept. 8. Do.; Roux de Rochelle claim of consular jurisdiction. (1, Op. attyS. gen., 730; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, pt. 1, 730.) 1831 Mch. 25. Do.; S. C. port bill and conv. with Gr. Br. (ib., 762; ib., 762.) Senator from Ga., 20 term, 1842 Jan. 11. Remarks; elimination of word “slave * from Creole res. (xi, Cong. Globe, 115.) -º-me *; 11. Do.; international copyright bill. 487. — Jly. 7. Do.; right of habeas corpus and remedial justice bill. (ib., 729.) 1843 Jan. 6. Do.; relief of citizens made residents of º by recent settlement of boundary. (xii, ib., 127. g — Jan. 20. Do.; Wilde relief bill. (ib., 181.) — Jan. 27. Speech; occupation of Oregon. (ib., 212.) 1844 Jan. 8. Remarks; res. calling for corresp. concern- ing occupation of Oregon. (xiii, ib., app., 101.) — May 17. Do.; citizenship of persons residing be- yond Texas boundary line. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 607.) — Je. 3. Do.; memorial of Socy. of Friends on Texan annexation. (xiii, ib., 637.) — Je. 6. Same. (ib., 647.) Je. 8. Speech; vs. Texan annexation. 704.) — Je. 11. Remarks; amdmt. of naturalization laws. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 658.) — Je. 13. Do.; Porter relief bill. (ib., 675.) — Je. 13. Do.; reducing Sardinian mission to consu- late. (ib., 673.) — Dec. 16. Do.; frauds upon naturalization laws. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 34.) • * (ib., (ib., app., INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 111 BERRIEN (JOHN MCPHERSON), 1781-1856—cont’d Senator from Ga., 26 term—cont’d 1845 Feb. 5. Do.; Benton Texan annexation bill. (ib., 245.) — Feb. 18. Do.; frauds upon naturalization laws. (ib., 303.) — Feb. 24. Do.; concluding Texan annexation dis- cussion. (ib., 333.) — Feb. 25. Do.; Texan annexation. (ib., 343.) — Feb. 25. Speech; Same. (ib., app., 383.) — Feb. 27. Remarks; power of govt. to admit foreign states. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 360, 362.) ... — Mch. 3. Do.; naturalization frauds. (ib., 389.) ºmºmºmºmº Fº 16. Do.; Oregon question. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 57. — Dec. 22. Do.; Texan annexation. (ib., 88.) 1846 Feb. 25. Do.; Oregon question. (ib., 426.) — Mch. 12. Remarks; collusion with Br. min. in re- gard to Oregon. (ib., 489.) — Mch. 16. Do.; same. (ib., 501.) — Mch. 17. Do.; notice to Gr. Br. of termination of joint occupancy of Oregon. (ib., 511.) — Apr. 28. Do.; Goddard relief bill. (ib., 737.) — May 12. Do.; prosecution of Mexican war bill, S. 105. (ib., 797.) 1847 Feb. 2. Do.; same. (29. 2. ib., 309.) — Feb. 5. Speech; same. (ib., 325; d.o. app., 296.) — Feb. 10. Remarks; same and on S. 260 appropri- ating two millions to conclude treaty with Mexico. (ib., 374-75.) Feb. 17. Do.; petitions of aliens. (ib., 435.) — Feb. 22. Do.; explanatory of speech of Feb. 5; reply to Soulé. (ib., 475.) — Dec. 30. Do.; incorporation of Mexico; etc. (30. 1. ib., 79.) 1848 Mch. 17. Do.; ratification of treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; etc. (ib., 484.) Je. 19. Do.; naturalization of seamen bill; S. 7. (ib., 854.) — Dec. 19. Do.; acquisition of Cuba. (30. 2. ib., 58.) 1849 Jan. 10. Do.; Bedinger petition. (ib., 210.) — Feb. 10. Do.; protocol annexed to treaty of Guada- lupe Hidalgo. (ib., 500.) 1850 Feb. 12. Speech; validity of Mexican laws in new terr. (31. 1. ib., 205.) — Mch. 6. Remarks; Anglo-Amer. commercial reci- procity. (ib., 472.) — May 9. Do.; Wankowitz, etc., memorial. (ib., 964.) — Je. 7. Do.; title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande. (ib., 1163.) — Je. 14. Speech; Same. (ib., app., 873, 877-79.) — Je. 18. Remarks; validity of Mexican laws in new terr. (ib., 918.) — JIy. 23. Do.; same. (ib., 416-417.) — Sept. 4. Do.; Colton relief bill. (ib., 1334.) 1851 Jan. 22. Do.; French Spoliations bill, S. 101. (31. 2. ib., 309, 311.) — Jan. 22. Do.; employment of Amer. vessels in slave- trade. (ib., 307.) — Dec. 9, 11. Do.; KOSSuth Welcome; etc. (32. 1. ib., 43, 66, 69.) f 1852 May 12. Do.; landing of Amer. troops at Vera Cru in 1847. (ib., 1337.) BERRY (A. T.), MASTER AMER. BARK CATHARINE; see CATHARINE BERRY (JAMES), MASTER SLAVER BARK PONS; see PONS BERRY (JAMES A.), ET AL., MEMBERS OF AMER. PARA- GUAYAN EXPEDITION 1860 Feb. 10. To U. S. House. Petition praying grant of extra pay. (36. 1. H. jol., 228.) BERRY (N.), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Lyons in 1843; see U. S. A. Consular service. BERRYMAN (OTWAY H.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1829-61. Lieut., 1841. Pied Apr. 2, 1861. Sea service in command (1828-61) #9 comdg. On-ka-hy-e, Brazil sqdn. ; 1861 comdg. Wyandotte, Home sqdn. Statutory Measures 1860 Feb. 23. Intr., Iverson, Ga.; bill (36. 2. S. 295) “for relief of O. H. Berryman, et al.” (36. 1. S. jol., 183, 430; 36. 2. S. jol., 144.) Correspondence, etc. 1851 Dec. 31. Berryman to U. S. House. Petition for himself and others of crew of U. S. brig Truaxton for loss of property captured by enemy during Mexi- can war. (32. 1. H. jol., 145.) — Dec. 31. Same to same. Petition for himself and other captors of slaver Laurens praying share of prize money. (ib., 145.) 1860 May 4. A. Iverson, sen. from Ga. Remarks; Berry- man claim. (36. 1. Cong. Globe, 1917.) — May 4. J. Polk, sen. from Tenn. Do.; Same. (ib., 1917.) 1861 Jan. 25. J. W. Grimes, sen. from Ia. Do.; Berryman relief bill. (36. 2. ib., 555.) — Jan. 25. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Same. (ib., 555.) — Jan. 25. A. Iverson, sen. from Ga. Same. (ib., 555.) — Jan. 25. J. Polk, sen. from Tenn. Concurs in ad- verse rpt. acc., S. 205. (ib., 555.) BERTINATTI (JOSEPH) Sardinian chargé in U. S. A., 1855-61 ; see Sardinia. Diplomatic service. Umpire under Costa Rican claims conv. of 1860; see Costa Rica. Claims. 1860 May 24. To spkr. U. S. House (Pennington). Trans- mits Sardinian official documents therein enumer- ated. (36. 1. H. misc. doc. 87.) BERTRAM (JOHN), CLAIMANT; MACA BESSE (CLAUDIUS), CLAIM 1847 Jan. 12. E. M. Kiddall et al., heirs of Besse to U. S. House. Memorial; French spoliations indemnity. (29. 2. H. jol., 163.) iº 1850 Jan. 8. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 62.) — Jan. 9. Same to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 271.) — Feb. 6. Same to same. Same. (ib., 471.) — Feb. 18. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 159.) BESSOM (PHILIP), MASTER AMER. SCHR. HANNAH, CLAIMANT Hannah was captured off port of Santander, Spain, Feb. 21, 1798, by French privateers. After having been condemned by French prize cts., vessel was restored to Bessom, and he was induced by the Amer. Cons. for Bordeaux (Fenwick) to bring home a number of Amer. officers, etc., of condemned vessels, on the assurance that he wid. be reimbursed by the Amer. govt. Statutory Measures 1833 Feb. 19. Intr., Everett, Mass.; bill (22. 2. H. R. 742) “for relief of P. Bessom.” (22. 2. H. jol., 361.) Dec. 17. Intr., same. ; bill (23. 1. H. R. 31) same; appra. Je. 26, 1834. (23. 1. H. jol.; vi, St. L., 569.) Correspondence, etc. 1829 Feb. 16. Bessom to U. S. House. Petition praying indemnity. (20. 2. H. jol., 289.) see FELICIDADE, SU- 112 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BESSOM (PHILIP), MASTER AMER. SCHR, HANNAH, CLAIMANT—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d lsº 20. Same to Congress. Same. (23. 1. H. rpt. —. Nº. Same to same. Same. (ib., 4; 21. 2. H. JOl., 93. 1831 Feb. 23. U. S. House. Motion (Archer, Va.); to dis- charge Com. On Foreign Affairs from consideration of Bessom, etc., memorials. (21. 2. H. jol., 346.) 1832 Dec. 12. Same. Do. (Choate, Mass.); to refer Bes- Som memorial presented Dec. 14, 1830 [i. e., dated Nov.] to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (22. 2. H. jol., 40.) 1833 Dec. 27. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 31. (23. 1. H. rpt. 92.) BETANCOURT Y CISNEROS (GASPAR) DE; IMPLICATED IN CUBAN INSURRECTION OF 1850; see WILLAVERDE (C.) BETHANY (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 114.) BETHEL (WT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 27. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- Inexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 46.) —º 27. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., Dec. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 65.) BETHLEHEM (CONN.) CITIZENS 1847 Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Memorial; termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. H. jol., 176.) BETHLEHEM, AMER. SCHR. Seized on Sept. 2, 1836, by capt. Thompson of the Mexican navy, and used as a storeship of the Mexican sqdn. Capt. and crew were imprisoned from Sept. 2 to 22. n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 91; H. doc. 3, 94.) 1836 Nov. 14. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Ellis) to min- istr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio). Seizure of Bethlehem ; etc. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 217.) — Dec. 23. Ellis to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Corresp. relating to Bethlehem; etc. (ib., 217.) BETSY, AMER. SCHR. (DEXTER) Captured by French privateer Cessalpine (La Moth) in 1798, carried into Basseterre, Guadeloupe, and con- demned there on Mch. 27, 1798. 1829 Feb. 7. Dexter to U. S. Congress. Memorial praying redress. (20. 2. H. rpt. 82, 5; H. jol., 263.) — Feb. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. adverse to Dexter, etc., petitions. (20. 2. H. rpt. 82.) 1836 Apr. 11. Dexter to U. S. House. Memorial as above. (24. 1. H. jol., 661.) 1843 Jan. 19. Same to Same. Same. (27. 3. H. jol., 224.) — Jan. 20. Same to same. Same. (ib., 228.) — Jan. 26. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (27. 3. S. jol., 128.) — Jan. 30. Same to U. S. House. Same. (27. 3. H. jol., 275.) 1852 Jan. 9. U. S. Senate. Motion (Clarke, R. I.); ref- erence of Dexter memorial. (32. 1. S. jol., 105.) BETSEY, BR. VESSEL; see DENMARK. CLAIMS. BERGEN PRIZES BETSEY S., AMER. BRIG (SNEED) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 15.) BETSY, AMER. SHIP (BOWES) n.d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 With France. (24. 1. H. ex, doc. 117, 14.) BETSY, AMER. SCHR. (BULKLEY) 1841 Jan. 4. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Fine). Rpt. on Morgen petition for indemnity in case of Betsy. (26. 2. H. rpt. 53.) BETSY, AMER. SCHR. (HOLMES) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 14.) BETSY, AMER. SHIP (RISBOROUGH) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 14, 15.) BETTISON (JOHN), MASTER H. B. M. SHIP CONTEST; see CONTEST BEULAH, AMER. BARK n. d. Cargoes exported in Beulah from Rio de J aneiro to Africa, 1845-46. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 119.) n, d. Mentioned. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 219.) BEVANS (DAVID C.), MASTER SLAVER BRIG BRAZIL; see BRAZIL BEVERLY (ROBERT) 1836 Jan. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (24. 1. H. jol., 202.) BEVERLY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1835 Feb. 21. To U. S. Congress. Memorial; propriety of non-intercourse with France. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 131.) 1837 Oct. 16. To U. S. House. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 205.) 1838 Mch. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) — Jly. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 1311.) Dec. 18. To same. Do.; Texan slavetrade; etc. (25. 3. H. jol., 104.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Do.; pro arbitration. (26. 1. H. ' jol., 719.) 1845 Dec. 29. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 169.) 1854 Jan. 31. To same. Do.; French spoliations indem- nity. (33. 1. H. jol., 293.) BEXAR (MEXICO) 1836 Jan. 26. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Surrender of Bexar. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 576.) BEYER (G. T.), CLAIMANT Vs. Gr. Br., under art. 1, treaty of Ghent. 1828 Dec. 8. To U. S. House. Petition praying redress. (20. 2. H. jol., 33.) — Dec. 30. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. adverse to Beyer petition. (20. 2. H. rpt. 25.) 1834 Feb. 10. Beyer to U. S. House. Petition; as above. (23. 1. H. jol., 299.) 1836 Jan. 5. Same to same. Same. (24. 1. H. jol., 143; 612.) — Apr. 1. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Jackson). Rpt. adverse to Beyer petition. (24. 1. H. rpt. 529.) — May 4. Beyer to U. S. Senate. Petition; as above. (24. 1. S. jol., 328.) 1837 Jan. 13. U. S. Senate. Motion (Buchanan, Pa.); reference of Beyer petition. (24. 2. S. jol., 112; 120.) 1838 Je. 1. Same. Do. (Crittenden, Ky.); same. (25. 2. S. jol., 437; 469; 471.) 1844 Feb. 27. Beyer to U. S. House. Petition; as above. (28. 1. H. jol., 483; 647.) 1845 Dec. 11. Same to same. Do.; (29. 1. H. jol., 92; 373.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 113 BEYERBACK (EDWARD) Amer. cons. for Talcubuano in 1835; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. ), MASTER FRENCH BRIG LA CONSTANCE Capt. Beziers saved the capt. and crew of the Amer. Schr. Rehoboth, wrecked, in 1825, in bay of Cadiz. 1838 Jan. 23. French E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Pon- tois) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Solicits §ºtion for capt. BezierS. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 220, 3. — Mch. 12. President, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to U. S. House. Message; Beziers remuneration. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 430.) 1840 Jan. 4. U. S. House. Beziers memorial referred. (26. 1. H. jol., 182.) — Dec. 31. Same. Do. (26. 2. H. jol., 118.) 1841 Je. 15. French E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bacourt) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Beziers petition; etc. (27. 2. H. rpt. 918, 13.) Je. 23. Webster to Bacourt. Beziers negotiations; etc. (ib., 13.) 1842 Jan. 21. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing, Mass.) ; ºntº of message of Mch. 12, 1838. (27. 2. H. jol., 251. 1843 Jan. 19. Same. Reference of Beziers papers. (27. 3. H. jol., 223.) BIAYS (JAMES), CLAIM 1847 Feb. 26. E. Frisby, excr. of E. Edwards, creditor of Biays, to U. S. House. Memorial; French spoliations indemnity. (29. 2. H. jol., 437.) 1850 Jly. 3. Trustee of Biays (Gill) to same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 1076.) BIBB (GEORGE M.), OF KY., 1772-1859 Senator from Ky., 1811-14 and 1829-35; secy. of the Treasury, Je. 15, 1844-Mch. 6, 1845; later clerk in the atty. general’s office. As Senator he was mem- # §: the Com. on Foreign Relations from 1832 to BEZIERS ( Senator from Ky., 2d term. 1832 Apr. 12. Remarks; apprn. for mission to Guate- mala. (viii, Reg. Debates, 772.) — Apr. 23. DO.; apprn. for outfit for min. to France. (ib., 830.) — Je. 23. Do.; arrangement of papers in U. S. State Dept. (ib., 1123.) 1834 Je. 20. Do.; Toulon disaster. (x, ib., 2042.) 1835 Jan. 13. Speech; French spoliations bill. (xi, ib., 179.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; apprn. for min. to Gr. Br. (ib., 706.) Secy. of the Treasury 1845 Jan. 25. To President, U. S. A. (Tyler). Agts. apptd. to receive instalments due on Mexican in- demnity. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 21; H. ex. doc. 144, 21; 33. 2. H. rpt. 142, 28; 32. 1. Cong Globe, 358.) Clerk in Atty. General’s Office 1854 Mch. (?). To Atty. Gen., U. S. A. (Cushing). Opin- ion on Florida cases. (34. 3. S. misc. doc. 45, 81.) BIBB CO. (IOWA) CITIZENS 1844 May 27. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 979.) BIDDLE (CHARLES), OF TENN. Special agt. of U. S. A. charged with mission relative to projected Darien canal ; see also Central America. 1835 Dec. 7. To Sociedad de los Amigos del Pais de Panama. Propounds certain questions as to condi- tion of country, trans-isthmian communication; etc. (25. 2. H. ex, doc. 228, 71; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 61; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 296.) BIDDLE (CHARLES), OF TENN.—cont’d 1836 Mch. 16. To Amer. chargé in Colombia (McAfee). Development of Colombia. (ib., 83; ib., 76; ib., 310.) — May 19. To official mayor, ministr. relac. est., New Grenada (Llearas). Protest agst, consideration of petition referred to in his of even date. (ib., 86; ib., 76; ib., 314.) — Sept. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). An- nounces his arrival in N. Y. (ib., 32; ib., 38; ib., 270.) [— Nov. 15.] To same. Rpt. pursuant to instructions of May 1. (ib., 33; ib., 38; ib., 271.) — Dec. 14. To same. Explanation of his failure to visit route of Nicaragua Canal. (25. 2. H. doc. 228, 98; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 325.) — Dec. 21. F. Hopkinson to same. Death of Biddle. (25. 2. H. doc. 228, 97; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 87; 30. 2. H. rpt. 70, 145, 325.) BIDDLE (JAMES), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1800-48. Lieut., 1807 ; comdr., 1813; capt., 1815. Died Oct. 1, 1848. Sea service in command (1828–48) : 1828-29 comdg. Brazil sqdn. ; 1829–32 comdg. Med’n sqdn. ; 1845–47 comdg. E. I. sqdn. ; 1848 comdg. Columbus, Pacific sqdn. On Sept. 12, 1829, Biddle, Offley, and Charles Rhind were em- powered to negotiate a treaty of commerce with Turkey. Comdg. Brazil sqdn. 1826 Sept. 6. To Amer. chargé, Brazil (Raguet). Re- moval of two Amer. Seamen from French prize brig Juno. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 50.) 1827 Jan. 3. To admiral Brazil naval forces, Rio de la Plata (Pinto Guedes). Protests agst. practice of Separating Amer. Seamen from Amer. Vessels and taking them on board Brazilian men of war; viola- tion of sovereignty; cases of Ruth, Wetherill; etc., etc. (ib., 127.) Jan. 5. To same. Inquiry as to instructions from his govt. concerning injuries to Amer. citizens dur- ing blockade. (ib., 130.) Jan. 14. To Same. Complaint of outrage agst. Pow- ell, 2d officer, Amer. brig Sarah, George. (ib., 132.) — Jan. 18. To same. Detention of Schr. United States. (ib., 134.) 1;º; 22. To Same. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 36. — Jan. 22. To same. Release of J. Connell. (ib., 131.) — Jan. 24. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard). Blockade of ports of Buenos Aires; seizure of United States. (ib., 126.) Feb. 1. To Pinto Guedes. Powell outrage. (ib., 141.) — Feb. 4. To same. Reply to his of 2d inst. (ib., 142.) Feb. 9. To President Cisplatine prov. (Villa Bella). Requests revocation of regulation exacting bonds from departing vessels. (ib., 143.) Feb. 10. To Pinto Guedes. Cannot recognize in a belligerent the right to exclude public vessels of U. S. from blockaded port. (ib., 146.) Feb. 11. To same. In consequence of communica- tion of 9 inst. will not enter port of Maldonado with- Out necessity. (ib., 147.) Feb. 21. To Southard. Exclusion of foreign ships of war from port of Maldonado; regulation requir- ing bonds of departing foreign vessels adopted by Cisplatine prov. (ib., 138.) — Mch. 20. To same. No Amer. vessel seized by blockading Sqdn.; activity of Amer. trade to Brazil. (ib., 148.) — Apr. 14. To Pinto Guedes. Requests release of cer- tain therein named Amer. Seamen, impressed into Brazilian service. (ib., 150.) — Apr. 19. To Same. Detention of Amer. Schr. Ha2- ard. (ib., 154.) — Apr. 20. To Same. Protest agst impressment; case of Barrett and Brown. (ib., 152.) 114 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BIDDLE (JAMES), OF PENN.—cont’d Comdg. Brazil Sqdn.—cont’d 1827 Apr. 22. To same. Reply to his of 20 inst.; Amer. attitude in law of blockade; etc. (ib., 158.) — May 15. To Southard. Has Secured release of 25 Amer. Seamen from Brazilian men-of-war; corresp. With adm. Guedes; Mr. Raguet has sailed for home. (ib., 148.) — May 17. To ministr. negoc. est., Brazil (Queluz). Delivery free of duty of provisions for Amer. Sqdn. on board Amer. brig Calista. (ib., 162.) — May 22. To Southard. Corresp. with Queluz; peace negotiations Continue. (ib., 162.) — Aug. 3. To same. Schr. Hazard restored; Amer. Seamen impressed into service for Braz. frigate, Donna Paula, released. (ib., 163.) — Aug. 27. To same. Arrival off Pernambuco; charges agst. seamen Perry and Finchem. (ib., 164.) — Oct. 9. To Queluz. Case of Amer. brig President Adams. (ib., 168.) Oct. 21. To Southard. State of affairs at Pernam- buco and Rio de Janeiro. (ib., 166.) — Nov. 11. To Pinto Guedes. Reasons for sending BOSton to Buenos Aires. (ib., 181.) — Nov. 12. To Amer. chargé Buenos Aires (Forbes). Solicits stnt. of no. of vessels arrived at port of B. A. May 1 to date. (ib., 193.) — Nov. 12. To Pinto Guedes. Usage of nations does not apply blockade to neutral ships of war; cites instances of relaxation of blockades and embargoes to admit neutral men-of-war. (ib., 184.) — Nov. 12. To same. Solicits restoration of property of E. K. Batelle, Amer. citizen. (ib., 186.) NOW. 19. To Southard. Memorandum of Amer. VeS- sels seized by blockading Sqdn. during his absence from Montevideo. (ib., 168.) — Nov. 20. To Pinto Guedes. Acknowledges his note of 18 inst. (ib., 188.) — Nov. 21. To same. Solicits release of six therein named Amer. Seamen imprisoned at Montevideo. (ib., 189.) Nov. 22. To same. Further application for release of Amer. Seamen. (ib., 191.) Nov. 22. To same. Solicits release of Wm. Nye, and his transfer to U. S. frigate Macedonian. (ib., 191.) — Dec. 3. To same. Solicits release of Walker and Sollers, Amer. seamen. (ib., 192.) — Dec. 9. To Southard. Corresp. with adm. Guedes; case of Wm. Nye. (ib., 178.) — Dec. 13. To Pinto Guedes. Maintains that Braz. blockade of Buenos Aires is inadequate; questions legality of condemnation of neutral vessels by Braz. judicial tribunals. (ib., 194.) — Dec. 19. To same. Receipt of his note of 14 inst.; refuses to accede to principles of blockade as laid down in his of Dec. 14. (ib., 200.) — Dec. 20. To same. Solicits release of Wm. Ring, Amer. Seaman. (ib., 201.) — Dec. 20. To Southard. Corresp. With adm. Guedes. (ib., 194.) — Dec. 21. To Pinto Guedes. Amer. policy regarding delivery of deserters; seaman J. Ring. (ib., 203.) Dec. 26. To Southard. Corresp. With adm. Guedes regarding seaman Ring. (ib., 201.) 1828 Jan. 23. To Pinto Guedes. Solicits release of J. Jervis, seaman. (ib., 213.) — Jan. 25. To same. Do. of J. Rodgers and E. Willet, seamen. (ib., 214.) Jan. 25. To same. Reply to his note of 24 inst.; takes exception to opinion expressed; case of Schr. Shillelah. (ib., 208.) Jan. 26. To same. Solicits information regarding removal of sails of Rio. (ib., 211.) Jan. 27. To same. Case of Rio. (ib., 212.) d BIDDLE (JAMES), OF PENN.—cont’d comdg. Brazil sqdn.—cont’d 1828 Jan. 31. To same. Solicits necessary papers for return of Amer. chargé to Buenos Aires in next Braz. packet. (ib., 215.) — Feb. 6. To same. Solicits release of Amer. Seaman Sweet. (ib., 216.) — Feb. 24. To same. Solicits passport for N. Frazier. (ib., 217.) — Feb. 25. To Southard. Corresp. to date with adm. Guedes, (ib., 206.) — Feb. 29. To Pinto Guedes. Case of Amer. Ship James Birkhead; repeal of bond regulation; case of Amer. brig Rio. (ib., 220.) Feb. 29. To same. Register of James Birkhead. (ib., 219.) — Mch. 1. To same. Case of James Birkhead. (ib., 223.) - — Mch. 1. To President Cisplatine prov. (Zuñiga). Register of James Birkhead. (ib., 230.) — Mch. 2. To Pinto Guedes. Detention of James Birkhead. (ib., 225.) * *} 4. To Zuñiga. Receipt of note of 2 inst. (ib., 231. — Mch. 5. To Southard. Case of James Birkhead; bond regulation. (ib., 218.) — Nov. 2. To Pinto Guedes. Amer. cons. to supply certain information requested. (ib., 226.) Comdg. Mediterranean sqdn. 1830 Je. 8. Biddle and Amer. cons., Smyrna (Offley) to President, U. S. A. (Jackson). Forwarding copy of treaty concluded with Turkey. (22. 1. H. ex. doc. 250, 95.) comdg. East India Sqdn. 1846 Jly. 31. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Bancroft). Visit of U. S. S. Columbus to Japan. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 64.) Claim of 1848 May 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Sturgeon, Penn.); ex- pediency of granting compensation to comdre. Bid- dle for dipl. services as actg. comr. in China. (30. 1. S. jol., 315.) BIDDLE (RICHARD), REPR. FROM PENN. 1837 Oct. 10. Remarks; prºg. of corresp. on Texan in- dependence and Mexican boundary. (xiv, Reg. De- bates, 1376.) 1838 º,” Do.; Mexican indemnity. (vi, Cong. Globe, 485. 1839 Mch. 1. Do.; n. e. boundary. (vii, ib., 235.) — Mch. 1. Speech; same. (ib., app., 261.) BIDDLE (THOMAS), AMER. Cons., SINGAPORE 1858 Jan. 15. To Amer. Comr. in China (Reed). Peace of Singapore and Straits Settlements undisturbed. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 216.) BIDLACK (BENJAMIN A.), OF PENN. Amer. chargé in New Grenada, 1845-49; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1845 Dec. 23. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). [no. 2, extr.] Trans-isthmian communication via Pan- ama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 421.) 1846 Dec. 12. Signs treaty of peace, etc., betw. New Grenada and U. S. A.; see Colombia. Treaties. BIEBERSTEIN (ADOLPH), BARON DE, E. E. AND M. P. OF BADEN IN PRUSSIA 1857 Jan. 30. Signs extradition conv. betw. Baden and |U. S. A.; see Baden. Treaties. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BIERWIRTH (L.) AND C. W. FABER, MEMORIALISTS FOR RELIEF IN CASE OF ST.R. UNITED STATES; see that title - BIFFAR (MELCHER), DEPONENT IN CASE OF WHALER LAGODA; see LAGODA t BIG BOTTOM (O.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 195.) BIGELOW (ABRAHAM), OF MASS. U. S. N., 1812-57. Lieut., 1820; comdr., 1841; capt., 1834. #º 3. 7. Sea service in command 1828-57) : 1839 comdg. Shark, Pacific sqdn. ; 1842– 3 comdg. Fairfield, Med’n sqdn. ; 1848 comdg. Scorpion, Home sqdn. comdg. Scorpion, Home sqdn. 1847 Je. 27. To comdr. U. S. str. Mississippi (Perry). Enemy threatens to attack town of Tobasco. (30. 2. H. doc. 1, 1223.) — Jly. 1. To same. Affairs at Tobasco. (ib., 1228.) 1848 Feb. 29. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason). Affairs at Laguna; advice in detail of presence of Span. schr. of war Churroa on coast of Yucatan. (30. 1. S. ex, doc. 43, 4.) — Mch. 5. To comdr. Home sqdn. (Perry). General rpt.; movements of Wasp, Falcon and Iris. (ib., 26.) — Apr. 4. To same. Accts. from Yucatan; surrender of Mendez; etc. (ib., 30.) BIGGER (F.), REGISTER OF TREASURY, U. S. A. 1858 Apr. 14. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb). Con- Sular fees and salaries for 1857. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 20, 50; H. ex. doc. 67, 50.) BIGGS (ASA), SENATOR FROM N. C. 1856 Apr. 18. Remarks; Morse relief bill. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 965.) — May 22. Do.; Kane testimonials. (ib., 1278.) *º 22. Do.; neutrality treaty; etc. (34. 3. ib., 1858 Feb. 16. Do.; reception of Turkish admiral, Meh- med Pasha. (35. 1. ib., 718.) BIGLER (JOHN), OF CALIF. Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Chili, 1857-61; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1858 Nov. 10. Signs conv. concerning arbitration of Macedonian claims; see Chili. Treaties. BIGLER (WILLIAM), SENATOR FROM PENN. 1856 Mch. 12. Speech; Kane narrative. Globe, 636.) 1860 Je. 14. Remarks; Ely relief bill. (36. 1. ib., 2971.) (34. 1. Cong. BIGNON, BARON Ministre des affaires étrangères, France, in 1830; see France. Civil service. BILBOA (SPAIN) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BILLE (STEEN) Danish chargé in U. S. A., 1830-54; see also Denmark. Diplomatic service. 1841 Aug. 1. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Sound dues. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 108, 3.) 1842 Je. 20. To same. Present tariff of Sound and Belt dues. (ib., 8.) 115 BILLE (STEEN)—cont’d 1849 Apr. 2. To same (Clayton). Equipment of United States in Amer. port. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 49; H. ex. doc. 5, 49.) — Apr. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 53; ib., 53.) , . — Apr. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 56; ib., 56.) — May 17. To same. Same. (ib., 56; ib., 56.) — Je. 25. To same. Same. (ib., 58; ib., 58.) BILLE (TORBEN) Danish chargé ad int. in U. S. A., 1852-54; chargé 1854- 57; see also Denmark. Diplomatic service. 1854 Jan. 20. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Prin- ciples of neutrality adopted by Denmark in event of general European war. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 103, 16.) 1855 Feb. 17. To same. Regret at Amer. intention to terminate conv. of Apr., 1826; justifying Sound Dues. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 25; H. ex. doc. 1, 25.) — Nov. 7. To same. Invitation to join Congress for abolition of Sound Dues. (ib., 41; ib., 41.) 1857 Apr. 11. Signs conv. exempting Amer. vessels from Sound and Belt Dues; see Denmark. Treaties. BILLERICA (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) 1848 Jan. 24. To U. S. Senate. DO.; termination of Mexi- can War. (30. 1. S. jol., 127.) — Mch. 4. To U. S. House. Do.; same. (30. 1. H. jol., 495.) BILLINGS (ALPHEUS), CLAIM 1846 Dec. 22. N. Gilbert, agt. for estate of Billings to U. S. House. Memorial; French Spoliations indem- nity. (29. 2. H. jol., 87.) BILLS OF EXCHANGE; see U. S. A. CONSULS. COMPEN- SATION BILLUPS (JOICE), CLAIMANT; see RESPASS (W.), JR. BINDA (JOSEPH A.), OF S. C. Amer. cons. for Leghorn, 1840-60; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BINGHAM (JOHN A.), REPR. FROM 0. 1859 Mch. 2. Remarks; vessels for Paraguay expedition. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 1608.) BINGHAM (KINSLEY S.), REPR. FROM MICH. 1850 Jly. 4. Speech; Texan annexation; etc. Cong. Globe, app., 728.) BINNEY (HORACE), 1780-1875 Member of Penn. bar; repr. from Penn., 23d congress (1833–35). Member of Penn. Bar 1821 Dec. 21. To R. W. Meade. Inquiry into effect upon Meade claim of release by U. S. A. of Spain from claim; of exoneration of Spain in event of release; obligation of U. S. A.; etc. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58, 24; 22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 22; 23. 1. H. rpt., 167, 22; 24. 1. H. ex. dOC. 236, 34.) Representative from Penn. 1834 Apr. 9. Remarks; indexes to archives of State Dept. (x, Reg. Debates, 3573.) — Apr. 9. Speech; apprn. for clerk to arrange ar- chives of State Dept. (ib., 3566.) - May 1. Remarks; opposed to apprin. for min. to Gr. Br, and Russia; Opposed to dipl. apptmts. by Execu- tive alone. (ib., 3895-96.) isº, 2. Speech; relations with France. (xi, ib., 606. (31. 1. 116 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BIRCH (THOMAS F.), COMDR. H. B. M. BRIG WIZARD; see also WIZARD 1838 Nov. 12. To comdre. H. B. M. Stag (Sulivan). Amer. Schr. Eagle suspected of having slaves on board. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 191; H. ex. doc. 115, 130; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 607.) * — Nov. 12. To same. Abuse of Amer. flag by bri Dido. (ib., 190; ib., 129; ib., 60.) – Dec. 20. To Same. Boarding of Amer. Schr. William, Ridgway; Sale of Schr. Juliana and of vessel Mari- ana, built for Slave trade. (ib., 191; ib., 130; ib., 607.) — Dec. 20. To same. Boarding of Amer. Schr. Mary Cushing. (ib., 192; ib., 131; ib., 608.) BIRCKHEAD (J.) 1828 Aug. 4. To Amer. chargé, Rio de Janeiro (Tudor). Conference With Braz. minister of marine relative to Spark case. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 76.) See also Maxwell, Wright and co. BIRD (ALEXANDER) 1856 May 16. To Amer. Vice-cons., Whampoa (Cook). yºor forwarded for trial. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. , 818. BIRD (F. B.), CHIEF OFFICER AMER. BARK SCIENCE Abducted early in Dec., 1854, near Whampoa. See China. Piracy. BISCOE (GEORGE W.), OF MD. Claimant under art. 1, treaty of Ghent, for loss of schr. Speedwell. Statutory Measures 1857 Jan. 24. Intr., Taylor, La.; bill (34. 3. H. R. 781) “for relief of G. W. Biscoe.” (34. 3. H. jol., 301.) 1858 Jan. 21. Intr., Taylor, La.; bill (35. 1, H. R. 203) Same; appra. Je. 5, 1858. (35. 1. H. jol., 221, 635; Xi, St. L., 541.) Correspondence, etc. 1838 Jan. 8. Biscoe to U. S. House. Memorial; praying indemnity. (25. 2. H. jol., 233; 362.) — Feb. 6. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Dromgoole). Rpt. On Biscoe petition; adverse. (25. 2. H. rpt. 533.) 1848 Mch. 16. Biscoe to U. S. House. Memorial as above. (30. 1. H. jol., 577; 700.) 1850 Apr. 30. Same to same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 863; 872.) — Je. 14. Same to same. Same. (ib., 1003.) 1852 Apr. 12. Same to same. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 575.) 1857 Jan. 24. U. S. H. Com. of Claims (Taylor). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 781. (34. 3. H. rpt. 146.) Dec. 22. Biscoe to U. S. House. Memorial as before. (35. 1. H. jol., 105.) 1858 Jan. 21. U. S. H. Com. of Claims (Taylor). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 203. (35. 1. H. rpt. 6.) BISHOP (S. N.), REPR. OF L. BISHOP 1847 Jan. 25. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. S. jol., 128.) BISPHAM (JOHN E.), OF N. J. U. S. N., 1819-49. Lieut., 1828; died Mch., 1849. Sea service” in command (131949) : 1846-47 comâg. Boazer, African sqdn. 1848 Dec. 11. Bispham to U. S. House. Memorial; reim- bursement of expenses incurred in being proceeded agst. by owners of Malaga seized by Bower. (30. 2. H. jol., 75.) 1849 Jan. 31. Intr., Ingersoll, Penn.; bill (30. 2. H. R. 748) “for relief of Lieut. J. E. Bispham.” (ib., 346.) BISSAO (AFRICA) 1844 Oct. 26. Lieut. U. S. N. (Almy) to comdr. African sqdn. (Perry). Efforts to protect Amer. property at Bissao. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 135.) BISSAO (AFRICA)—cont’d 1844 Oct. 26. Perry to comdr. U. S. S. Preble (Freelon). gººd to Bissao to protect Amer. property. (ib., 34. 4. — Oct. 26. Same to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason). Nº. attack Bissao; Preble ordered there. (ib., 133. — Oct. 30. Same to same. Return of Preble; fever on board; hostilities at Bissao. (ib., 147.) Citizens of; in U. S. A. Consular Service; see Martins (C.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BISSELL (BENJAMIN), ET AL. 1841 Jan. 8. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (26. 2. H. jol., 161.) — Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Motion to discharge Com- º from consideration of Bissell petition. (ib., 191. BISSELL (GEORGE W. P.), OF WT. Amer. cons, for San Blas, 1848-I53] ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. BISSELL (NATHANIEL C.) 1829 Jan. 26. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (20. 2. S. jol., 91.) — Dec. 22. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 40.) BISSELL (SIMON B.), OF N. H. U. S. N., 1825–83. Lieut., 1837 ; comdr., 1855 ; capt., 865; comdre., 1866; retired, 1870. Died Feb. 18 iššš.’ Sea service in command (1828-61) is: comdg. Petrita, Home sqdn. ; 1861 comdg. Ovane, Pacific sqdn. BISSELL (WILLIAM H.), REPR. FROM ILL. 1851 Dec. 31. Remarks; intr. of Kossuth to House. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 175.) BISSON ( ), AMER. CITIZEN * 1831 Feb. 12. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to min- istr. relac. est., Mexico (Alaman). Seizure of ma- Sonic jewels belonging to B. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 369.) BITTEL (J.) AND SHADBOLT (A. W.), INSPECTORS 1855 Oct. 15. To surveyor port of N. Y. (Cochrane). Examination of Mawry, engaged in China trade. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 233.) BIVEN (RASEY), AMER. CITIZEN 1857 Je. 18. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (For- syth). Crabb expedition; etc. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 45.) Arrest of; see Ainza (A.) BIXBY (LEVI), OF WT. Amer. cons. for Paramaribo, 1842-43; see U. S. A. Consular service. BLACHE (MARTIN) 6th Secy, of State, Louisiana, serving, 1835-37, under gow. White. . 1835 Nov. 16. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Atti- tude of La, in cause of Texas. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 9.) BLACK (GEORGE), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Santos, 1830-4ſ 7] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 117 BLACK (JEREMIAH. S.), OF PENN., 1810-83 Atty. gen., U. S. A., Mch. 6, 1857-Dec. 20, 1860, succeed- ing C. Cushing. Secy. State, U. S. A., 1860-61, suc- ceeding L. Cass. . Attorney general, U. S. A. 1857 Mch. 30. Opinion; reclamation of slave employed by Austrian minister without owner's authority is * a breach of dipl. privilege. (ix, op. attys. gen., — Je. 2. Do.; facts to be established to justify annexa- tion of guano island. (ib., 30.) — Aug. 17. Do.; expatriation in case of J. Amther. (ib., 62.) — Sept. 21. Do.; compensation of consuls. (ib., 89.) — Sept. 24. Do.; case of M. Castro, deserter from Sp. Schr. San Juan Bautista, at Key West. (ib., 96.) 1858 Apr. 27. Do.; Salary of late Amer. min. res. at Brussels, Seibels. (ib., 138.) — May 15. Do.; seizure of Amer. vessels Georgiana and Lizzie Thompson. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 69, 27.) — Oct. 29. Do.; extradition laws do not require ap- proval, etc., by U. S. atty. of proceedings agst. for- eign criminal. (ix, op. attyS. gen, 246.) — Nov. 10. Do.; deposit of ship’s papers with cons. at Southampton of vessels belonging to N. Y. and Havre line. (ib., 256.) — Nov. 19. Do.; compensation to which late Amer. min. to Austria, Jackson, is entitled. (ib., 261.) 1859 Jan. 10. DO.; incompatible with public interest to publish steps taken in matter of landing of bark Wanderer. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 8, 1.) —iº. * DO.; importation of Africans into Georgia. ib., 1. — Mch. 11. Do.; Coolie trade not under slavetrade provisions. (ix, op. attyS. gen., 282.) — Mch. 16. Do.; Amer. comr. to China restricted in exercise of judicial authority to five ports. (ib., 294.) — Mch. 16. Do.; Amer. cons. in Turkey have juris- diction only in criminal cases. (ib., 296.) — May 23. Do.; Perkins claim on Russia. (ib., 338.) — Je. 22. Do.; issuing of passports. (ib., 350.) — Jly. 4. Do.; Ernst arrest in Hanover. (ib., 356.) — Jly. 18. Do.; citizenship of persons born in U. S. A. of foreign parents. (ib., 373.) — JIy. 26. Do.; right of salvors of J. J. Cobb, to whole of vessel. (ib., 374; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 351.) — Jly. 28. Do.; issuing of warrant in extradition case; Tyler's case. (ix, op. attys. gen., 379.) — Aug. 2. Do.; property of Verjel, Peruvian citizen. (ib., 383.) — Aug. 6. Do.; proceedings at Valparaiso in case of str. Independence of N. Y. (ib., 384.) — Sept. 19. Do.; Chiriqui grant by New Grenada. (ib., 391.) — Dec. 14. Do.; Kendall claim to Key Werd Is. (ib., 406; 36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 22.) 1860 Apr. 16. Do.; registry of vessels built in U. S. A. and transferred to foreign owner; etc. (ix, op. attyS. gen., 423.) — May 3. Do.; secy. of legation, in charge ad int., and Sec. 10 of dipl. and cons. act of 1856. (ib., 425.) — May 3. Do.; Amer. ConS. in foreign port not auth- Orized to retain papers of Suspected slavers. (ib., 426; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 420; 598.) — Jly. 16. Do.; consular fees. (ix, op. attys. gen., 441.) — Oct. 16. Do.; fees to Amer. cons. at Vera Cruz, Pickett. (ib., 464.) — Nov. 15. DO.; payment of expenses in extradition cases. (ib., 465.) — Nov. 22. Do.; consular fees under sec. 17 of dipl. and cons. act of 1856. (ib., 468.) Succeeded by E. M. Stanton. BLACK (JEREMIAH. S.), OF PENN., 1810-83—cont’d Secretary of State Correspondence (Diplomatic) BREMEN 1860 Dec. 27. To min. res. Bremen in U. S. A. (Schlei- den). Reply to his of even date. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 1861 Jan. 11. To same. Customs difficulties in port of Charleston. (ib., 9.) BRITISH 1861 Jan. 10. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons). Customs difficulties in port of Charleston. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 5, 7.) SPANISH 1861 Jan. 14. To Spanish E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Tassara). Customs difficulties in port of Charles- ton. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 5, 9.) Corr. (Executive) 1860 Dec. 27. To chrm. Com. on Foreign Relations (Ma- son). Transmits copies to acc. S. 543 of claims conv. with New Grenada; etc. (36. 2. S. misc. doc. 13.) Succeeded by W. H. Seward. BLACK (JOHN), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for city of Mexico, 1843-60; see U. S. A. Consular service. American ComStil Correspondence (American) 1845 Oct. 17. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). [un- num. extr.] Mexico disposed to resume dipl. rela- tions. (29. 1. S. doc. 337, 9; H. ex. doc. 196, 9; 30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 13.) — Oct. 28. To same. [do.] Mexico awaiting Amer. envoy. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 17.) — Nov. 4. To same. [do..] Mexican affairs. (ib., 18.) Dec. 15. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Sli- dell). Acct. Of conference with Peña y Peña rela- tive to recognition of Slidell. (29. 1. S. doc. 337, 22; H. ex. doc. 196, 22; 30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 28.) — Dec. 18. To Buchanan. [unnum. extr.] Reported arrival of Slidell; Mexico’s protest. (ib., 17; ib., 17; ib., 22.) Dec. 20. To Slidell. Corresp. With W. Shannon rela- tive to instalments due on Mexican indemnity. (29. 1. S. doc. 151, 19; H. ex: doc. 133, 19; 32. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 158.) 1846 Apr. 26. To Buchanan. [no. 368.] Plan of Sta. Anna; pronunciamento of Alvarez. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 34; H. ex. doc. 4, 34.) 1859 May 1. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Mc- Lane). Arrest of Amer. citizens in Mexico; release of Toussig, McDonnell, etc.; murder of Amer. Citi- zens Duval, Lamon, etc., at Tacubaya. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, 37.) — Sept. 17. To Secy. Amer. legation in Mexico (La Reintrie). Mexican circ. of Aug. 31, relative to ad- ministration of justice in cases involving foreign- ers; rumored chge. in Mexican cabinet; movements of Miramon. (ib., 41.) — Oct. 18. To same. Deposition in case of Chase mur- der; rumored intentions of Gen. Marquez. (ib., 47.) Corr. (British) 1859 Oct. 17. To secy. H. B. M. legation in Mexico (Mathew). Chase murder. (36. 1. S. ex. doe. 2, 51.) Corr. (Mexican) 1845 Sept. 1. To ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Peña y Peña). Instalments due on Mexican indemnity. (29. 1. S. doc. 151, 18; H. ex. doc. 133, 18.) 118 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BLACK (JOHN), OF N. Y.-cont’d American Consul—cont’d Corr. (Mexican)—cont’d 1845 Oct. 13. To same. Conference on resumption of dipl. relations. (29. 1. S. doc. 337, 10; H. ex. doc. 196, 10; 30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 14.) — Oct. 29. To same. Withdrawal of Amer. forces from Vera Cruz. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 19.) — Nov. 3. To same. Reported outrage on Amer. Sloop Palomita. (29. 1. S. doc. 337, 16; H. ex. doc. 196, 16; 30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 21.) — Nov. 20. To same. Instalments due on Mexican in- demnity. (29. 1. S. doc. 151, 20; H. ex. doc. 133, 20.) 1846 Jan. 7. To same. Revocation of powers of Voss, Amer. agt. (ib., 25; ib., 25.) Claimant STATUTORY MEASURES 1848 Jan. 13. Intr., Sevier, Ark.; bill (30. 1. S. 82) “for relief of J. Black ’’; appra. May 9. (30. 1. S. jol., 109, 183, 327; ix, St. L., 714.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1847 Dec. 23. Black to U. S. Senate. Memorial; com- pensation for dipl. services. (30. 1. S. jol., 71; 109.) 1848 Jan. 7. Clerk Cons. Bureau, State Dept., U. S. A. (Chew) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Character of services performed by Black, (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 2.) — Jan. 8. Buchanan to chrm. Com. Foreign Relations (Sevier). Payment of Black claim. (ib., 1.) BLACK (W. F.), MASTER AMER. SHIP RICHARD COBDEN; See RICHARD COBDEN BLACK (WILLIAM), BRIT. SUBJECT, CLAIMANT WS. U. S. A. For lands in New Brunswick included by adjustment in state of Me. 1843 Je. 23. To Lt. gov. of New Brunswick (Cole- brooke). Praying confirmation of title to certain lands on the Aroostook. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 33.) 1854 May 26. Synopsis of award by comrs. under Anglo- * claims Conv. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 72. BLACK WARRIOR, AMER. STR. (BULLOCK) Seized in port of Havana, Feb. 28, 1854, and cargo con- fiscated. 1854 Feb. 28. Secy, to gov. of Cuba (Estevan) to Amer. cons., Havana (Robertson). Orders for confiscation of cargo of Black Warrior. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 4; 33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 36.) — Mch. Agts. for Owners of Black, Warrior (Living- ston Crocheron and Co.). Protest agst, outrage on Black Warrior. (ib., 21; ib., 53.) — Mch. 1. Consignees of Black, Warrior (C. Tyng and Co.). Stnt. of seizure and confiscation of Black; Warrior. (ib. 23.; ib., 55.). — Mch. 1. Robertson to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Seizure of Black Warrior. (ib., 3; ib., 35.) — Mch. 3. Same to same. Same. (ib., 5; ib., 37.) — Mch. 5. Bullock to Livingston [and Crocheron]. Detailed Strmt. of detention, etc., of Black Warrior. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 60.) — Mch. 6. C. Tyng and Bullock. Affidavit in case of Black Warrior. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 15; 33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 46.) 4. — Mch. 10. U. S. House. Res. (Phillips, Ala.) calling on President for information of Black Warrior out- rage. (33. 1. H. jol., 482.) Mch. 10. P. Phillips, repr. from Ala. Remarks in support of res. of even date. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 601.) A BLACKWARRIOR, AMER. STR. (BULLOCK)—cont’d 1854 Mch, 11. Marcy to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Soulé). Instructions in case of Black Warrior. (33. 2. H. ex, doc. 93, 30.) — Mch. 13. Gov. gen. of Cuba (Pezuela) to Robertson. Officers and crew of Black, Warrior at liberty; neces- sary that capt. remain in Cuba until decision in Case sº have been pronounced. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 07. — Mch, 13. J. Perkins, repr. from La. Remarks and res. of inquiry on recent Cuban aggressions. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 614.) — Mch. 13. J. C. Breckenridge, repr, from Ky. Re- marks; Perkins res. of even date. (ib., 614.) — Mch. 14. Robertson to Marcy. Proc. in case of Black Warrior. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 306.) — Mch. 15. President, U. S. A. (Pierce) to U. S. House. Message; redress in case of Black, Warrior Outrage. (33. 1. H. jol., 514; V, MeSS. and Papers, 234; 33. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 1; 33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 33.) — Mch. 16. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Remarks; seizure of Black Warrior; President’s message; hos- tility of Spanish authorities; etc. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 649-51.) — Mch. 16. F. B. Cutting, repr, from N. Y. Remarks; censuring tendency of debate on mess. Of 15 inst. (ib., 650.) - — Mch. 16. G. Dean, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; seizure of Black Warrior. (ib., 650.) — Mch. 16. Wm. Smith, repr. from Va. Do.; same. (ib., 650.) — Mch. 16. F. P. Stanton, repr. from Tenn. Do.; same. (ib., 649.) º — Mch. 17. Marcy to Soulé. Redress to be demanded of Spain for seizure of Black Warrior. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 32.) — Mch. 18. Cuban customs collector, Havana (Roca.) to consignee of Black Warrior (Tyng). Decision in case of Black, Warrior. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 308.) — Mch. 21. Robertson to Marcy. Black Warrior re- stored to owners. (ib., 307.) — Mch. 28. Repr. for Livingston, Crocheron and Co. (Sutherland) to Marcy. Unjust demands by Cuban authorities for certain tonnage duties. (ib., 308.) — Apr. 7. Soulé to Marcy. Black Warrior claim; etc. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 66.) — Apr. 8. Same to secr. de estado, Spain (Calderon de la Barca). Black Warrior indemnity. (ib., 69.) — Apr. 11. Calderon de la Barca to Soulé. Spanish govt. not yet in possession of data sufficient to form correct judgment in Black Warrior case. (ib., 71.) — Apr. 11. Soulé to Calderon de la Barca. Black; Warrior indemnity; stipulates immediate satisfac- tion. (ib., 70.) — Apr. 12. Calderon de la Barca to Soulé. Spanish govt. will act in Black, Warrior case when authentic data shall have been submitted. (ib., 73.) — Apr. 12. Soulé to Calderon de la Barca. Reasons to justify Spanish govt. for not at Once acting in Black Warrior case. (ib., 72.) — Apr. ; Same to Same. Reply to note of 12 inst. (ib., 74. — Apr. 13. Same to Marcy. Result of indemnity de- mand in case of Black Warrior. (ib., 68.) — Apr. 18. Calderon de la Barca, to Soulé. Spain ºr. from U. S. A. in Black Warrior affair. (ib., 75. — Apr. 20. Soulé to Calderon de la Barca. Black War- vior claim; etc. (ib., 77.) — Apr. 25. U. S. House. Res. (Ewing, Ky.), calling for information regarding Brit. assumption of re- ºnly in Black Warrior case. (33. 1. H. jol., 687. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 119 BLACKWARRIOR, AMER. STR. (BULLOCK)—cont’d 1854 Apr. 25. P. Ewing, repr, from Ky. Remarks; sup- port of his res. of even date. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 985-986.) — May 3. Soulé to Marcy. Black Warrior affair; etc. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 82.) — May 7. Calderon de la Barca to Soulé. Reply to º, for indemnity in case of Black Warrior. (ib., 85. —º ; Soulé to Marcy. On Spain’s reply of 7 inst. ib., 84. — May 16. J. Slidell, sen. from La. Remarks; res. to print doc. 86, relative to Black Warrior seizure. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1194.) — May 26. Calderon de la Barca, to Soulé. Digest of pending Amer. claims vs. Spain; Black Warrior; etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 93, 92.) — May 31. J. Maurice, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; Soulé's mission and Black Warrior affair; etc. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1351-52.) *-*º *...* J. Perkins, repr. from La. Do.; same. (ib., 1349. Je. 22. Marcy to Soulé. Spain’s reply to Black Warrior indemnity demand is unsatisfactory. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 108.) — Je. 24. Same to same. Light in which President hº reply to Black Warrior indemnity claim. (ib., 117. — Oct. 27. Same to same. Solicits information of progress of Black Warrior affair. (ib., 132.) — Nov. 10. Soulé to Marcy. Information in case of Black Warrior. (ib., 133.) — Dec. 10. Consignee of Black Warrior (Tyng) to Soulé. Facts in case of Black Warrior. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 309.) — Dec. 17. Soulé to Marcy. Terms of note of Spanish Secy. Of State (Luzuriaga) in reply to communica- tion relative to Black Warrior. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 139.) 1855 Dec. 31. President, U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage [clause relating to settlement of Black Warrior claim]. See also Cuba. BLACKER (S. R.) Amer. Cons. for Tahiti, 1837-45; see U. S. A. Consular r service. Customs Service. BLACKER (STEWART), CAPT. BRIT. SHIP LEE 1819 May 1. To gov. of S. C. (Geddes). Requests sur- render of crew of pirate vessel Louisa. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 47.) May 2. To President, U. S. A. (Monroe). (ib., 47.) — May 3. To H. B. M. chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (An- trobus). Corresp. With Amer. officials in case of Louisa. (ib., 46.) See also Lee. BLACKFORD (WILLIAM M.), OF WA. Amer. chargé in Colombia, 1842-44; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Same. Correspondence (American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur) 1843 Oct. 20. [no. 16, extr.] Colombia, and Isthmus of Panama. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 77, 6; 29. 1. S. doc. 339, 2; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 417.) — Nov. 3. [no. 17, extr.] Abstr. of instructions given to Grenadian chargé at London (Mosquera) on sub- ject of Panama canal. (ib., 8; ib., 4; ib., 419.) 1844 Feb. 2. Ino. 20, extr.] Isthmus of Panama being surveyed by two French engrs. (29. 1. S. doc. 339, 5; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 420.) BLACKFORD (WILLIAM M.), OF WA.—cont’d Corr. (Colombian) 1843 Oct 14. To ministr. relac. est., Colombia (Acosta). Receipt of his of 9 inst. (28. 1. H. ex: doc. 77, 8; 29. 1. S. doc. 339, 3; 30. 2. H. rpt., 145, 418.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1848 Mch. 9. Intr., Pendleton, Va.; bill (30. 1. H. R. 314) “for relief of Wm. M. Blackford . . . . .” (30. 1. H. jol., 531; 663.) — Mch. 9. Intr., Vinton, O.; bill (30. 1. H. R. 298) civil and dipl. apprn. bill [clause apprn. Compensa- tion to Blackford for diplomatic services]; appra. Aug. 12. (30. 1. H. jol., do. S. jol.; ix, St. L., 284.) CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1845 Sept. 29. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Mason). Case of Blackford, Superseded while in U. S. A. On leave; infit. (ii, op. attyS. gen., 1763; 31. 2. H. ex: doc. 55, 1763.) 1846 Jan. 14. Blackford to U. S. House. Memorial; pray- ing payment of quarter’s salary due him. (29. 1. H. jol., 257.) May 16. U. S. House. Res. (Brodhead, Penn.); asking information of payments for dipl. services to Blackford; etc. (ib., 820.) — Dec. 28. Blackford to U. S. Senate. Memorial; al- lowance of expenses on return to U. S. A. (29. 2. S. jol., 70; 1.12; 149.) 1847 Dec. 20. Same to U. S. House. Do.; payment of balance due. (30. 1. H. jol., 114.) 1848 Mch. 9. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Pendleton). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 314. (30. 1. H. rpt. 336.) BLACKHOUSE (W. H.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Hanover, 1856-60 ; during 1856 served also for Brunswick ; see U. S. A. Consular service. ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. HER0; see HERO BLACKLER (SAMUEL R.) Amer. cons. for Tahiti and Socy. Is., 1837-45; see U. S. A. Government. BLACKLER ( BLACKLEY (PENN.) CITIZENS 1840 Feb. 10. To U. S. Senate. Petition vs. Texan an- nexation. (viii, Cong. Globe, 176.) BLAGGE (BENJAMIN AND S.), CLAIMANTS; see HATCH (C.) BLAIR (FRANCIS P.), REPR. FROM M0. 1858 Jan. 14. Speech; acquisition of terr. in Central Amer., etc., for negro Colonization. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 293.) Je. 12. Remarks; denouncing Brit. exercise of right of search on Amer. Coast. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 3021.) BLAIR (M.) 1860 Jly. 31. Signs postal treaty betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; see Mexico. Treaties. BLAIR (M. M.), JOINT CLAIMANT; see TENNANT (THOS.) BLAKE (ALPHONS0 T. A.), HEIR OF W. CARMICHAEL; see CARMICHAEL BLAKE (GEORGE S.), OF MASS. U. S. N., 1819-71. Lieut., 1827 ; comdr., 1847; capt., 1855; comdre., 1862. Died Je. 24, 1871. Sea ser: vice in command (1828-61) : 1850 comdg. Independ- ence, Medn. Sqdn. 120 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BLAKE (L. C.), AMER. CITIZEN 1842 Feb. 5. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis). Stmt. of his case pursuant to rpt. that all Amer. citizens taken in Sta. Fe expedition are to be liber- ated. (27. 2. S. doc. 325, 28.) See also Texas. Sta. Fe expedition. BLAKEY (ALBERT G.), OF MO. Amer. cons. for Talcubuano, 1858-61 ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. BLANCHARD ( JOANNA BLANCHARD (CHARLES), DEPONENT IN CASE OF NA- WARRE; see NAWARRE BLANCHARD (H. P.), ACTG. AMER. WICE-CONS., WHAM- POA 1857 Jan. 9. To Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Murder of chop keeper, Amer. citizen. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1159.) — Jan. 21. To Amer. Comr. China (Parker). Dese- Cration of graves on Dane's Is. of men belonging to Amer. Sqdn. (ib., 1163.) — Jan. 21. To Perry. Obliged to take refuge on board Br. frigate Sibylle agst. attacks of Chinese. (ib., 1167.) — Jan. 26. Perry to Parker. Copy of Blanchard’s let- ter of even date. (ib., 1167.) *4 BLANCHARD (RICHARD J.), INHABITANT OF INDIAN STREAM 1836 Nov. 23. Comrs. of Indian Stream to gov. of N. H. (Hill). Arrest of Blanchard. (25. 3. H. rpt. 176, 10.) BLANCHARD (ME.) CITIZENS 1850 Dec. 30. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; pro arbitra- tion. (31. 2. S. jol., 54.) BLAND (THEODORICK), OF MD.; see SOUTH AMERICAN COMMISSION BLANDFORD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) Sept. 26. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 94.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) BLANEY (AARON), CLAIMANT 1831 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (21. 2. S. jol., 122.) BLANKINSHIP (GEORGE), CLAIMANT 1828 May 21. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). ), MASTER AMER. BRIG JOANNA; see Rpt. on Blankinship petition; adverse. (20. 1. H. rpt. 264.) Jan. 21. Blankinship to U. S. House. Petition; French spoliations indemnity. (20. 1. H. jol., 196.) BLASCO (JOSE MARIANO) 1835 Apr. 3. Signs second additional article to treaty of limits of 1828 betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; see Mexico. Treaties. BLEECKER (HARMANUS), OF N. Y. Amer, chargé in Netherlands, 1840-42; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. BLETHEN (CLEMENT P.), AMER. CITIZEN Arrested at Sagua La Grande in 1850 by Spanish authori- ties together with Jas. H. West; see West. BLINN (RICHARD D.), MASTER AMER. BRIG LORIOT; see LORIOT BLISS (GEORGE), REPR. FROM 0. 1855 Jan. 26. Remarks; French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 421.) BLISS (PHILEMON), REPR. FROM 0. 1858 May 10. Speech; Jennings relief bill. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 2038.) BLISS (WILLIAM), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Puerto Cabello in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular service. BLISSFIELD (MICH.) CITIZENS 1844 May 21. To U. S. Senate. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 293.) 1845 Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Do.; praying immediate occupation of Oregon terr. (28. 2. H. jol., 250.) —º 23. To Same. Do. Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 50. BLOCKADE Treaty Stipulations NOTICE OF BLOCKADE 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 19. Upon notice of blockade vessel may depart to any port; free egress for vessels in port previous to declaration. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 21. Text same as art. 19, treaty of 1828 with Brazil; omits provision relative to vessels in port previous to declaration. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 17. Text Same as art. 19, treaty of 1828 with Brazil. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela, and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 20. Text same as art. 21, treaty of 1831 with Mexico. — Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 16. Text same as art. 19, treaty of 1828 with Brazil. 1837 Dec. 22. Greece and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 16. Merchant vessels entering blockaded port not to be captured until second warning shall have been given. 1838 Nov. 26. Sardinia and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 13. Text same as art. 16, treaty of 1837 with Greece. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 20. Text same as art. 21, treaty of 1831 with Mexico. 1846 Dec. 12. New Grenada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 20. Text same as art. 21, treaty of 1831 with Mexico. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 19. Text same as art. 21, treaty of 1831 with Mexico. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 20. Text same as art. 21, treaty of 1831 with Mexico. 1851 Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 26. Text same as art. 19, treaty of 1828 With Brazil. 1855 Oct. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 2. Text, relative to notice, same as that of art. 20, treaty of 1837 with Greece. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 12. Text, relative to notice, same as that of art. 21, treaty of 1831 with Mexico. EFFECTIVE BLOCKADE DEFINED 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 17. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 19. - - \ INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 121 BLOCKADE—cont’d Treaty Stipulations—cont’d EFFECTIVE BLOCKADE DEFINED–cont’d 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 5 15. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 18. — Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 14. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 18. 1846 Dec. 12. New Grenada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 18. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 17. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 18. 1851 Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 24. 1855 Oct. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 2. * Correspondence, etc. 1825 Dec. 13. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to min- istr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (St. Amaro). Remon- Strance agst. subjecting neutrals to restrictions of blockade of Buenos Ayrean ports. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 9.) — Dec. 23. St. Amaro to Raguet. Provisions for pro- tection of neutrals, during stated period, having oc- casion to visit blockaded ports. (ib., 15.) 1826 Apr. 12. Raguet to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Entry of French brig Fawn into Buenos Ayres set- tles doctrine of right to exclude neutrals from block- aded ports. (ib., 20.) — Je. 19. Clay to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Gallatin). Instruction for negotiation: blockade; etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 35.) — Je. 27. Raguet to Clay. Adm. Pinto Guedes as- Sumes Br. doctrine of blockade; etc. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 21.) Sept. 2. Adm. Comdg. Braz. naval forces in River Plate (Pinto Guedes). Extr. from letter illustrating manner of procedure in case of detention of neutrals. (ib., 53.) — Sept. 23. Raguet to Clay. Conduct of Brazil to- wards neutrals in blockade of Buenos Aires, etc. (ib., 30.) 1827 Jan. 3. Raguet to ministr. negoC. estrang., Brazil (Inhambupe). Braz. and Amer. policy of blockade; remonstrates agst. injury to neutrals from prose- cution of Braz. policy. (ib., 75.) — Jan. 18. Ministr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Queluz) to Raguet. Braz. policy of blockade. (ib., 88.) — Feb. 10. Comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle) to Pinto Guedes. Cannot recognize in a belligerent the right to exclude a U. S. vessel from blockaded port. (ib., 146.) — Apr. 20. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Blockade of port of Salado, etc. (ib., 155.) — Apr. 22. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Reply to his of 20 inst.; Amer. attitude in law of blockade, etc. (ib., 158.) — Apr. 23. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Braz. theory of blockade. (ib., 160.) — Nov. 10. Same to same. Question of neutral vessels of war entering blockaded ports; etc. (ib., 179.) — Nov. 11. Same to same. Same. (ib., 183.) — Nov. 12. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Usage of nations is not to apply blockade to neutral Ships of war; cites instances of relaxation of blockades and em- bargoes to admit neutral ships of War. (ib., 184.) — Dec. 14. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Reply to his of 13 inst.; opinion in regard to right of blockade. (ib., 196.) - BLOCKADE—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1827 Dec. 19. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Receipt of his of 14 inst.; refuses to accede to principles of block- ade as there laid down. (ib., 200.) 1828 Mch. 1. Protocol of conference betw. Mexican and Amer. plenipotentiaries (Camacho and Poinsett, resp.) negotiating treaty of amity, etc., of 1828, to receive Mexican protest agst, art. 19 of treaty, Con- cerning effective blockade. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 195.) Je. 13. Clay to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Barbour). U. S. A. Willing to treat on subjects Com- prised under first general head of instructions to Mr. Gallatin [of Je. 19, 1826]. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 111, 37.) 1837 May 18. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to ministr. relac, est., Mexico (Monasterio). Illegality of block- ade by notification. iii, Wharton’s Digest, 372. (49. 1. S. misc. doc. 162.) 1845 Feb. 11. Amer. chargé Argentine Confederation (Brent) to comdr. U. S. S. Boston (Pendergrast). Inquiry into belligerent right of blockade; block- ade of Montevideo. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 212, 10.) 1849 May 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Amer. chargé, Denmark (Flenniken). Principles of block- ade as maintained by U. S. A. iii, Wharton’s Digest, 366. (49. 1. S. misc. doc. 162.) 1854 Apr. 13. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Buchanan). Brit. doc- trine of neutrals in blockaded ports. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 103, 12.) 1856 Apr. 16. Congress of Paris. Declaration establish- ing uniform doctrine of maritime neutrality, etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 104, 2.) — JIy. 28. Marcy to French E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Sartiges). Amer. objections to declaration of Paris; illegality of paper blockade; force necessary for effective blockade, etc. (ib., 5.) — Dec. 2. President, U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage; Clause on additional propositions of Paris con- ference, i. e., effective blockade, etc. 1859 Je. 27. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason). Position of U. S. on subject of neutral rights; restriction of blockades to proper purposes of war insisted on; etc. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, 27.) Cases of Blockade (1828–61) AFRICAN PORTS; see below GALLINAS : NEW CESS ARGENTINIAN COAST; see ARGENTINE REPUBLIC CALLAO, PERU, 1824; see PERU CANTON (BRITISH), 1840; see CHINA, 1839-42: OPIUM WAR: 1857; see CHINA, 1856-60. ANGLO-FRENCEI WAR. CHAM CALLAO (FRENCH), 1858; see COCHIN CHINA GALLINAS (W. AFRICA) 1840 Dec. 8. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Stevenson). Blockade of Gallinas maintained by H. B. M. S. Wanderer. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 89.) LOWER CALIFORNIA, 1847; see LOWER CALIFORNIA MEXICAN PORTS; see MEXICO MONTEVIDEO, 1845; see URUGUAY NEW CESS (W. AFRICA) 1840 Dec. 8. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr, Br. (Stevenson). Blockade maintained by H. B. M. S. Forester in port of New Cess. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 89.) ROUND Is...; see CUBA INSURRECTION, 1849/50 SALVADOB (BRITISH), 1848; see CENTRAL AMERICA 122 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BLOCKADE—cont’d Cases of Blockade (1828–61)—cont’d SHANGHAI (FRENCH), 1854; see CHINA. TAIPING REBEL- LION SPANISH AMER. ColoniEs; see that title TEBCEIRA, 1829; see CLAIMS (PoETUGUESE) : GALATEA TEXAN PORTS (MEXICAN), 1835-37; see TExAs TOURANE BAY (FRENCH), 1858; see Coch IN CHINA BLOODHOUND, H. B. M. s. (ROBsoN) 1858 Boards Amer. ships Mary Varney and Thomas Wat- $27, off W. Coast of Africa; see Mary Warney and Thomas Watson. BLOOMFIELD (CONN.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 587.) BLOOMFIELD (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 457.) - Feb. 4. To Same. Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 474.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 718.) — Mch. 30. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (ib., 719.) 1845 Dec. 31. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 179.) BLOOMFIELD (N.J.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 72.) 1853 Feb. 19. To U. S. Senate. Do.; measures to secure ńous liberty of Americans abroad. (32. 2. S. jol., BLOOMFIELD (O.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) Feb. 4. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 472.) BLOOMFIELD (PENN.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 12. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 66.) BLOUNT (JOHN G.) 1829 Dec. 29. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French Spolia- tions indemnity. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) BLOUNT (THOMAS M.) Judge, advocate of naval court of inquiry in case of the General Urrea ; see General Urrea. & BLOW (HENRY T.), OF MO. Amer... min. res. in Venezuela, 1861-62; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. BLUEHILL (M.E.) CITIZENS 1847 Feb. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition; termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. S. jol., 171.) BLUHME (CHRISTIAN ALBRECHT) Secy. of State of Denmark, 1851-54; see Denmark. Civil service. BLUNT (REDIN) 1854 Je. 9. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing). Opinion on Blunt claim arising under art. 9, Florida treaty. (vi, Op. attyS. gen., 533.) BLYTH AND GREENE, OF LONDON; CLAIMANTS For moneys advanced to Amer. cons., Port Louis (Far- num), to defray expenses of relief to destitute Americans; see also Farnum, G. M. 1854 Jly. 12. Docs. relating to claim presented in Senate, U. S. A.; Sumner, Mass. (33. 1. S. jol., 495.) — Jly. 12. C. Sumner, sen. from Mass. Remarks; Blyth and Greene claim. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1699.) — Jly. 26-27. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; amdmts. of Com. on Foreign Relations to general apprp. bill, providing for payment to Blyth and Co. for drafts drawn by G. M. Farnum . . . . (ib., 1935-36, 1941-43, 1960-61.) 1855 Mch. 3. Civil and dipl. apprin. bill, 1856; clause apprn. payment of Blyth and Greene claim. (X, St. ., 667.) - — Mch. 3. J. C. Breckenridge, repr. from Ky. Re- marks; unfavorable to Sen, amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill providing for payment to Blyth and co. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 1163.) — Mch. 3. F. B. Cutting, repr. from N. Y. Do.; in Support of Sen. amdmt. (ib., 1163.) BLYTHE (ANDREW K.), OF MISS. Amer. cons. for Havana, 1856–57; 1857-58. Amer. cons. gen, in same place ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Constal 1856 Dec. 6. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) [no. 86.] Arrival of Emigrante from Macao with 320 coolies. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 46.) — Dec. 13. To same. [no. 88.] Scheme of A. M. Meana to bring natives of Spanish African possessions to Cuba as apprentices. (ib., 47.) Consul-general 1857 Apr. 24. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). [no. 24.] Defect in act of Mch. 2, 1803. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 63.) — Jly. 14. To same. Ino. 44.] Transmits copy of Cuban circ. on suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 67.) — Jly. 22. To customs collector, U. S. A., New Orleans (Hatch). Brig W. D. Miller, slaver; Amer. vessels reported engaged in slavetrade. (ib., 70.) — Nov. 26. To actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton). [unnum. extr.] Three Amer. slavers Zephyr, Vesta and Petrel, captured on Cuban coast. (ib., 79.) 1858 Feb. 24. Same to same. Ino. 3..] Intends to resign in Spring; nominal salary diminished by office ex- penses; asks dept. to hire clerk; settling of accts. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 57.) — Mch. 9. Same to same. [no. 4, extr.] Abuse of Amer. flag for slavetrade growing out of imperfect act of Mch. 2, 1803. (ib., 80.) — Apr. 29. To same. [no. 6..] Capture of Amer. Schr. Cortes (Durand) by H. B. M. gunboat Forward; cases of A. A. Chapman and Glenburn. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 20; H. ex. doc. 132, 4.) — May 8. To same. [no. 7..] Boarding of Amer. and Spanish vessels in port of Sagua la Grande by Br. Ships; urges interference in growing practice. (ib., 9; ib., 15; abstr. of doc. in 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 82.) — May 17. To Cass. [unnum. extr. J Repeal or modi- fication of act of Mch. 3, 1803. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 89.) — May 17. To same. [unnum. extr.] Expediency of providing for sick and destitute seamen in port of Havana. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 137, 2.) BLYTHE (CALVIN), CLAIMANT; see ELLIOTT (J. D.) BOARD (WILLIAM GEORGE) seamº U. S. S. Lea;ington, murdered by natives at Lew eV. 1854 Jly. 7. Acct. of second judicial examination in case of Board. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 171.) INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 123 BOARD (WILLIAM GEORGE)—cont’d 1854 J1y. 11. Comdre. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry) to regent of Lew Chew (Sho Fu Fing). Toskisi, ring- leader of murderers of Board, returned to custody of govt. (ib., 174.) — Jly. 19. Same to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin). Rpt. of Board murder. (ib., 169.) BOARDMAN AND POPE, OF BOSTON Claimants vs. Mexico under conv. of 1839. n.d. Stnt. of claim. (27. 2. H. rpt. 1096, 8.) n. d. Synopsis of award. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 50.) BOARDMAN (GEORGE), JOINT CLAIMANT; see DUNHAM (E.) BOARMAN (CHARLES), OF WA. U. S. N., 1811–79. Lieut., 1817; comdr., 1837; capt., 1844; comdre., retired, 1867; rear-adm., 76 Died Sept. 13, 1879. Sea service in command (1828-61) ; 1839 comdg. Fairfield, Braz. sqdn. ; 1849-50 comdg. Brandywine, Braz. sqdn. BOCANEGRA (JOSE MARIA) DE Ministro relac. est., Mexico as follows: 1829, Victoria and Guerrero administration, resp. ; 1837, 2d Busta- mente do. ; 1841-42, 3d Santa Anna do. ; 1842-43, 1st Bravo do. ; 1843, 4th Santa Anna do. ; 1843-44, 1st Canalizo do. ; 1844, 5th Santa Anna do. Correspondence (Diplomatic) Victoria administration 1829 Feb. 6. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett). Claim for payment of courier from Tampico. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 270.) — Feb. 10. To same. Release of Amer. brig Ann Eliza- beth. (ib., 270.) — Mch. 4. To same. Action in claim for seizure of Ann Elizabeth. (ib., 273.) — Mch. 10. To same. Irregularities in exhibits of manifests of cargoes at Vera Cruz. (ib., 273.) -*- * 21. To same. Estate of Dr. Mitchell. (ib., 274. — Mch. 29. To same. Arnaud claim. (ib., 275.) — Mch. 31. To same. Receipt of list of perSons be- longing to Amer. legation. (ib., 276.) -*msº # 31. To same. Inauguration ceremonies. (ib., 277. Guerrero administration 1829 Apr. 4. To Poinsett. Copies of inaugural address of President Guerrero. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 277.) — Apr. 21. To same. Amer. citizens exempt from law expelling Spaniards. (ib., 278.) — Apr. 30. To same. Release of J. L. Hughes, detained in Mexican artillery service. (ib., 280.) — May 5. To same. Spanish Subjects of friendly powers exempt from act of Mch. 20, 1829. (ib., 280.) — May 8. To same. Receipt of list of Spanish-born citizens of U. S. A., resident in Mexico. (ib., 282.) — May 18. To same. Release of Cargo of brig Lan- caster. (ib., 283.) — May 20. To same. Detention of brig Hannah Eliza- beth. (ib., 283.) — May 26. To same. Seizure of Cargo of Lancaster. (ib., 284.) - — May 27. To same. Protection to Spanish-born citi- zens of U. S. A., resident in JMexico. (ib., 284.) — J tº. To same. Copies of certain documents. (ib., 285. — Jiy. 29. To same. Enlistment of troops under Lara in New Orleans; assembling of troops on Mexican frontier. (ib., 288.) — Aug. 20. To same, Amer. troops on frontier of Coahuila and Texas. (ib., 292.) BOCANEGRA (Jose MARIA) DE—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d Guerrero administration—cont’d 1829 Sept. 12. To same. Siege of Tampico de Ta- maulipas. (ib., 294.) - Sept. 15. To same. Invitation to take part in cere- monies celebrating Mexican independence. (ib., 294.) — Sept. 22. To same. Effect of Barradas’ Surrender. (ib., 296.) — Sept. 24. To same. Ceremonies in celebration of Barradas’ surrender. (ib., 297.) — Oct. 28. To same. Waring arrest. (ib., 301.) — Oct. 28. To same. Siege of Tampico raised. (ib., 301.) — Oct. 31. To same. Approval of apptmt. of Wether- ell, actg. Amer. cons. at Tampico. (ib., 302.) 3d Santa Anna administration 1842 Jan. 18. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis). F. Combs, Amer. citizens, taken in Sta. Fe expedi- tion. (27. 2. S. doc. 325, 26.) — Feb. 9. To same. Release of prisoners taken in Sta. Fe expedition promised. (ib., 33.) — Feb. 13. To same. Behalf of G. W. Kendall, taken in Sta. Fe expedition. (ib., 41.) — Feb. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 63.) — Feb. 26. To same. Same. (ib., 71.) — Mch. 30. To same. Togno imprisonment. (ib., 82.) — Apr. 20. To same (Thompson). Apology for delay in apptg. hour to receive him as envoy, etc. (ib., 98; H. doc. 266, 38.) — Apr. 23. To same. Liberation promised of certain persons taken in Sta. Fe expedition. (ib., 100; ib., 38.) — Apr. 25. To same. Orders given for release of Sheldon, Adams and Tompkins, taken in Sta. Fe expedition. (ib., 104; ib., 41.) — May 12. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Charges U. S. A. with neutrality violation in having aided Texan insurgents. (27. 2. H. doc. 266, 3.) — May 31. To same. Further charge of neutrality violation. (ib., 16.) Sept. 10. To Thompson. Accepts Webster’s declar- ation of maintenance of neutrality in existing Con- test betw. Mexico and Texas. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 157; H. ex. doc. 2, 154.) Bravo administration 1842 Dec. 19. To Thompson. Protest agst. Occupation of Monterey by comdre. Jones. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 166, 9.) 4th Santa Anna administration 1843 Apr. 28. To Thompson. Amt. due on 1st instalment of Mexican indemnity is collected. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 4; H. ex. doc. 144, 4.) — May 4. To same. Credentials of P. A. Southall. (ib., 5; ib., 5.) — May 4. To Amer. comr. under conv. of 1839 (South- all). Return of credentials. (ib., 5; ib., 5.) — Aug. 23. To Thompson. Mexico will consider pas- sage of Texan annexation treaty equivalent to dec- laration of war agst. Mexico. (28. 1. S. doc. 1, 25; S. doc. 341, 89; H. ex. doc. 2, 26.) — Sept. (?). To same. Protest agst, threats of war; insinuated invasion of Mexican terr.; annexation of Texas, etc. (ib., 28; ib., 92; ib., 28.) Canalizo administration 1843 Oct. 9. To Thompson. Subject of art. 6, conv. of 1843, to be presented to Council of ministers. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 158, 15.) — Oct. 9. To same. Foreigners prohibited from carry- ing on retail business. (28. 1. S. doc. 1, 33; H. ex. doc. 2, 33.) 124 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BOCANEGRA (JOSE MARIA) DE—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d Canalizo administration—cont’d 1843 Oct. 14. To same. Minister of finance (Trigueros) and Bocanegra apptd. plenipotentiaries under art. 6, conv. of 1843. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 158, 16.) Dec. 30. To same. Expulsion of Amer. citizens from Upper California. (28. 1. S. doc. 390, 6.) — Dec. 30. To same. Same. (ib., 6.) — Dec. 30. To same. Same. (ib., 9.) 1844 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 12.) Jan. 4. To same. Same; copy of order of Jly. 14, 1843. (ib., 13.) — Feb. 7. To same. Prohibition of foreigners from engaging in retail trade. (ib., 17.) May 6. To Amer. chargé ad int. in Mexico (Green). Promises payment due on 5th instalment of Mexican indemnity. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 14; H. ex. doc. 144, 14.) — May 30. To same. Protest agst. signing of Texan annexation treaty; Consequences, etc. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 53.) 5th Santa Anna administration 1844 Je. 6. To Green. Refutes charge of having mis- represented note of May 23; Mexico resolved to maintain her rights towards Texas. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 61.) Je. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 68.) — Je. 23. To same. Solicits explanation of presence of |U. S. frigate off Isla Verde; do. Amer. attitude to- Wards Mexican troops sent to Texan frontier. (ib., 77.) — Je. 25. To same. Reiterates strmt. of rights of Mexico in regard to Texas. (ib., 79.) — Jly. 2. To same. Mexican declaration of war equiva- lent to Amer. annexation of Texas. (ib., 82.) — Jly. 2. To same. Repeats protest agst. Amer. in- vasion of Mexican rights as regards Texas. (ib., 83.) — Jly. 8. To same. Characterizes Texan colonists as insurgents; maintains Mexico's right to reconquer Texas. (ib., 86.) Corr. (Executive) 1842 May 31. Circ. to dipl. corps resident in Mexico rela- tive to alleged neutrality violation on part of U. S. A. (27. 2. H. doc. 266, 18.) — Jly. 6. Same; relative to Amer. conduct in pending Texan question. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 146; H. ex. doc. 2, 143.) 1843 Jan. 30. Signs conv. further providing for payment of awards . . . . betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; see Mexico. TreatieS. — Feb. 9. To Jose de Garay. Fulfillment of art. 5, decree of May 1, 1842. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 168.) BOCKOWER (B. T.), CLAIMANT; see HATHAWAY (T. V.), ADMR. BOCOCK (THOMAS S.), REPR. FROM WA. 1852 Jan. 2. Remarks; intr. of Kossuth to U. S. House. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 194.) 1854 Mch. 28. Speech; relations with Spain and Gr. Br. in regard to Cuba and Centr. America. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 422.) — Apr. 10. Remarks; rights of neutrals, etc. Cong. Globe, 884.) — Je. 27. Do.; treaty with Mexico. (ib., 1539, 1546.) Je. 27. Speech; same. (ib., app., 1045.) 1855 Jan. 27. Remarks; French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (33. 2. ib., 427.) 1858 Jan. 5. Do.; Walker arrest; etc. (35. 1. ib., 198.) Jan. 6: Do.; neglect of Walker’s men; etc. (ib., 214.) — Jan. 12. Do.; Walker arrest. (ib., 254.) (33. 1. BOCOCK (THOMAS S.), REPR. FROM VA—cont’d 1859 Jan. 24. Do.; power of President to appt. dipl. agts. (35. 2. ib., 548.) —º 2. Do.; vessels of Paraguay expedition. (ib., 603. BODISCO (ALEXANDER) DE Russian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1838-54; see also Russia. Diplomatic service. 1854 Jan. 24. J. A. Bayard, sen. from Del. Remarks; adjnmt. of Senate as mark of respect to deceased Russian min. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 243.) — Jan. 24. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Announce- ment of death of Bodisco; motion to adjourn, etc. (ib., 247.) — Jan. 24. T. H. Benton, repr. from Mo. Remarks; adjnmt. of House. (ib., 247.) — Jan. 24. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Do.; Mason res. of even date. (ib., 242.) Jan. 24. W. M. Gwin, sen. from Calif. Same. (ib., 242-43.) — Jan. 24. H. Hamlin, sen, from Me. Same. (ib., 242.) —;º; 24. R. W. Johnson, sen. from Ark. Same. (ib., — Jan. 24. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Res. of respect to Russian govt. (ib., 242-43.) — Jan. 24. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Do.; Mason res. of even date. (ib., 242.) — Jan. 24. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Do.; on Mason res. of even date. (ib., 242-43.) BODMAN (CHARLES), OF OHIO Amer. cons. for Carlsruhe in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular service. BODMAN (FELIPE), OF OHIO Amer. cons. for Teneriffe in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BOERUM (WILLIAM), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1811-42. Lieut., 1817; comdr., 1837. Drowned at mouth of Lorango river, Nov. 2, 1842. Sea ser- vice in command (iš28-61) : 1831-32 comdg Shark, W. I. sqdn. ; 1836, same, Med’n sqdn. ; 1840-42, Comdg. Concord, Brazil sqdn. BOGARDUS (HENRY), ET AL., CLAIMANTS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity under art. 1, treaty of Ghent. (29. 1. H. jol., 90; 190.) BOGERT, KNEELAND, ET AL., CLAIMANTS WS. U. S. A. 1817 Jan. 5. President of Venezuela (Bolivar). Com- mission to Gen. de Clemente and Peter Gual to nego- º certain contracts in U. S. A. (33. 1. H. rpt. 18, 3. 1821 Feb. 21. Same. Abstr. of decree relative to Bogert and Kneeland claim. (ib., 4.) 1830 Aug. 20. Special comr. of Venezuela to U. S. A. (Clemente). Certificate concerning Idler contracts. (ib., 4.) 1832 Oct. 1. Decree of superior ct. of Venezuela, confirm- ing award of arbitrators in favor of claim of B. and K. (ib., 5.) — Dec. 6. Supreme ct. of Venezuela. Final judgment confirming decree of Superior ct. (ib., 6.) 1847 Jan. 6. B. and K., et al. to U. S. House. Memorial; praying for relief in regard to their claim. (29. 2. H. jol., 142; 415.) 1848 Feb. 28. Same to same. Memorial; same. (30. 1. H. jol., 461.) 1849 Feb. 28. U. S. House. Motion (Duer, N. Y.); Com. on Foreign Affairs discharged from consideration of B. and K. claim. (30. 2. H. jol., 550.) 1852 Apr. 23. B. and K., et al., to U. S. House. Petition as above. (32. 1. H. jol., 634.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 125 BOGERT, KNEELAND, ET AL., CLAIMANTS WS. U. S. A.— cont’d - 1854 Jan. 3. Same to same. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 148; 163.) — Jan. 4. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Chandler). Rpt. in favor of B. and K. claim. (33. 1. H. rpt., 18.) BOGOTA (COLOMBIA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BOGOTA, AMER. SLAVER 1860 Je. 27. Comdr. U. S. str. Crusader to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Strmt. of supercargo of Bogota. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 621.) BOHEMIA 1840 JIy. 14. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Austria (Muhlen- berg) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Statistical information concerning Bohemia. (27. 2. S. doc. 246, 69.) BoILEAU (GAULDREE) DE Secy. French legation in U. S. A., actg. chargé, 1855-56; see France. Diplomatic service. BOISLANDRY (R. C.), EXECRS., CLAIMANTS 1850 Jan. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (31. 1. H. jol., 271.) — Jan. 10. To U. S. Senate. Do.; same. (31. 1. S. jol., 69.) BOISLECOMTE (ERNEST ANDRE OLIVIER SAIN ) DE E. E. and M. P. of France in U. S. A., 1850-51 ; see France. Diplomatic service. 1850 Dec. 21. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). In- structions; mediation of France, Gr. Br. and U. S. A. to establish a peace betw. Haiti and Dominica. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 113, 8.) BOKEE (DAVID A.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1850 Aug. 3. Remarks; treaty obligations to control hº On Mexican frontier. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 1516. BOKER (JOHN GODFREY), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Ramscheid, 1821-30; 1830-I351; cons. gen. for Switzerland; see U. S. A. Consular service. BOLINA, AMER. SCHR. (ATKINS) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 15.) BOLIVAR (SIMON) 1830 Jan. 19. President, U. S. A. (Jackson) to Congress. Message; gift of gold medal from President Bolivar. (21. 1. H. jol., 187; H. ex. doc. 31, 1.) Feb. 9. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. On disposition of gold medal tendered by Presi- dent Bolivar. (21. 1. H. jol., 274.) Correspondence, etc. 1817 Jan. 5. To gen. de Clemente and P. Gual. Com- mission to negotiate certain contracts in U. S. A. (33. 1. H. rpt. 18, 3.) 1821 Feb. 21. Decree (abstr.). claim. (ib., 4.) 1825 Mch. 28. To Amer. cons. gen. in Peru (Tudor). Condolence on death of J. B. Prevost. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 46.) BOLIVAR (PERU) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Bogert and Kneeland BOLIVIA Civil Service Ministro de relaciones esteriores. 1858; see Mendosa de la Tapia. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Decrees 1853 Jan. 27. Amazonian waters of Bolivia free to all nations. (33. 1. H. misc. doc. 22, 16.) Deserters; see that title Diplomatic Agts. in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Exterritoriality; see that title Nationality of Wessels; see Wessels Treaties 1858 May 13. U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47; Amer. ratification proc. in Xi, Sen. exec. jol. BOLTON (C.) 1838 Je. 19. To chrm. H. Com. on Roads and Canals (Mercer). Strmt. of visit to Nicaragua in 1825; en- deavor to secure charter from Central Amer. for canal, etc. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 159; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 403.) 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (31. 1. H. jol., 196.) BOLTON (NATHANIEL), OF IND. Amer. cons. for Geneva, 1855-58 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BOLTON (WILLIAM COMPTON), OF D. C., FORMERLY W. B. FINCH D. S. N. (as Finch) 1806–31, (as Bolton) 1831–49. Lieut., 1813 ; comdr., 1820; capt., 1831. Died at Genoa, Feb. 22, 1849. Sea service in command (1828-49) : 1828-30 comdg. Vincennes, Pacific sqdn. ; 1838 comdg. Constitution, Med’n sqdn. ; 1839-40 comdg. Brandywine, do. ; 1848 comdg. African sqdn. ; 1849 comdg. Med’n sqdn. 1837 member of naval ct. of inquiry in case of General Urrea ; see General Urrea ; see also Finch (W. B.). comdg. Brandywine 1841 May 9. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Badger). Return of Bolton. (27. 1. S. ex. doc. 33, 1.) — Apr. 8. To Amer. cons., Gibraltar (Sprague). Reply to his note of 7 inst. (ib., 6.) — May 10. Memorandum of return from Mediterran- ean. (ib., 5.) BOM RETIRO, WISCONDE DE; see PEDREIRA DO CONTO FERRAZ BOMBAY (BRITISH INDIA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BOMBAY (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying recog- nition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 457.) BOMFIN, CONDE DO; INTERIM. MINISTRO DOS NEGOCIOS ESTRANGEIROS, PORTUGAL, 1838; see PORTUGAL. CIVIL SERVICE BOMONT (F.), AMER. CITIZEN Shot by Portuguese at Ningpo in 1854; see China. Ningpo. BON HOMME RICHARD, AMER. FRIGATE (JONES); see DENMARK. CLAIMS. BERGEN PRIZES BOND ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG HAWK; see HAWK 126 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BOND [BOON?] (GEORGE), AMER. CITIZEN 1852 Sept. 13. Gov. state of Guerrero (Garcia) to min- istr. relac. est., Mexico (Arroyo). Boon, imprisoned at Acapulco. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 17, 20.) — Oct. 1. Amer. cons., Acapulco (Rice) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Bond imprisonment. (ib., 8.) BOND (GEORGE P.) Amer. astronomer under art. 1, treaty of 1846 with Great Britain ; see Northwest Boundary. BOND (JOSHUA), OF MD. - Amer. cons. for Montevideo, 1825–34 ; see U. S. A. Con- 4. Sular service. 1826 Oct. 7. To Amer. chargé, Brazil (Raguet). Capture of Sarah George and Pioneer. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 54.) Oct. 16. To same. (ib., 62.) 1827 Jan. 13. Jesse Powell outrage; strmt. (ib., 133.) 1828 Feb. 26. To President Cisplatine province (Zuñ- iga). Seizure of James Birckhead. (ib., 228.) Mch. 1. To same. Same. (ib., 229.) BONDS FOR WESSELS; see ARGENTINE REP. BLOCKADE (1828) BONETTA, H. B. M. S. (STOLL). 1840 Mch. 3. Detains Amer. Schr. Sarah Anne in Pongos River; see Sarah Anne. BONHAM (J. G.), BRIT. SUPT. TRADE, HONG KONG 1853 Dec. 22. To comdr. E. I. Sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Govt. coal depot in Bonin Is. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 82.) BONHAM (MILLEDGE L.), REPR. FROM S. C. 1859 Jan. 26. Remarks; suppression of slavetrade. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 616.) - — Jan. 27. Same. (ib., 620.) 1860 Mch. 14. Same. (36. 1. ib., 1153.) BONILLA (MANUEL DIEZ) DE Ministr. relac. est., Mexico, during Barragan adminis- tration, 1835-36 ; do. 8th Sta. Anna administration, 1853-55. 1853 Dec. 30. Signs treaty betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; See Mexico. Treaties. . BONIN ISLAND 1842 Dec. 27. H. B. M. actg. cons., Sandwich Is. (Simp- son). Stnt, relative to colonization of Bonin Is. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34; 83.) " 1853 Je. 25. Comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin). Rpt. of visit to Bonin Is... with extrs. from rough..jol. (ib., 29.) — Oct. (?). Simpson to Secy. H. B. M., Foreign Of- fice (Clarendon). Bonin Is... belong to Gr. Br. (ib., 82.) Oct. 18. Dobbin to Perry. Receipt of despatch of Je. 25; etc. (ib., 43.) — Dec. 22. H. B. M. Supt. of Trade, Hong Kong (Bon- Bam) to Perry. Govt. coal depot in Bonin Is. (ib., 82.) — Dec. 23. Perry to Bonham. Questions Br. right in Bonin IS. (ib., 84.) * BONITO, U. S. SCHR. (1846) In commission (1846-61); 1846-47, Home sqdn. (Ben- ham) ; 1848, do. (Boyle). BONNALL (D.) Amer. cons. for Canea, 1835-[39] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BONNEFILS (P.), CLAIMANT VS. U. S. A. UNDER FLORIDA TREATY 1830 Mch. 1. To U. S. House. Petition; payment of sum awarded under Fla. treaty for failure of Spain to pay purchase money on Warren. (21. 1. H. jol., 356.) — Mch. 9. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). * rpt. on Bonnefils' petition. (21. 1. H. rpt. 284. BONNYCASTLE (R. H.), LIEUT. COL. COMDG. (MILITIA, KINGSTON 1838 May 30. To capt. 3d Frontenac (Cameron). Priv- ate militia orders issued consequent on burning of Telegraph. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 13.) BONSTEAD (EDWARD) Amer. cons. ad int. for Singapore, 1849-56; see U. S. A. Consular service. 1849 Nov. 29. Amer. cons., Singapore (Balestier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). E. Bonstead tempor- ary cons. at Singapore. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 24.) B00KS; INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF; see that title BOOLY (H. H.) 1852 Feb. 9. To U. S. House. Petition; remuneration for Services during Mexican war. (32. 1. H. jol., 328.) BOOMER (COLLINS) 1856 Mch. 20. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity un- der treaty of Ghent. (34. 1. H. jol., 702.) BOON (RATLIFF), REPR. FROM IND. 1836 Dec. 22. Remarks; prig. of message on Texan in- dependence. (xiii, Reg. Debates, 1144.) BOONE (W. F.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Realejo, 1851-[52] ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. 1852 Je. 5. Strmt. resp. form of govt. of San Juan del Norte. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 287.) BOONE CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1844 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial Vs. Texan in- dependence. (28. 1. H. jol., 240.) — Dec. 12. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 65.) BOOTH (WASHINGTON) 1852 Jan. 17. To Amer. chargé, Peru (Clay). Expenses Of ºnal residence in Lima. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 46. BOOTHBAY (ME.) CITIZENS 1842 May 2. To U. S. House. Remonstrance agst. em- barrassment of dipl. relations with Gr. Br. by inter- ference with results of Creole affair. (27. 2. H. jol., 772.) B00THROYD (JABEZ) 1816 Nov. 13. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Monroe). Sto. Domingo claim. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 11.) — Dec. 30. To Amer. com’l agt., Cape François (Tyler). Amer. property confiscated by Haiti in 1811; names of Amer. vessels on which embargo was laid by Haiti in Oct., 1810. (ib., 115.) BORDEAUX (FRANCE) Chamber of Commerce; see Dubergier (D.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service INDEx To UNITED STATEs DocumENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs 127 BoRDEAUx PACKET, AMER. SHIP (SPOFFORD) n.d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 16.) BordEN (BENJAMIN), ExcR. of Jos. BordEN 1832 Je. 12. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (22. 1. S. jol., 347.) BordEN (JAMES W.), OF IND. Amer. comr. for Hawaii, 1858-61 ; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1858 JIy. 10. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Salary of cons, for Honolulu insufficient; etc. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 53.) BORDEN (JAMES W., JR.) 1837 Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (24. 2. H. jol., 214.) — Sept. 21. To same. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 80.) 1852 May 31. To same. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 761.) BORDEN (WM. AND JOS.), HEIRS OF 1844 Je. 10. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (28. 1. H. jol., 1066.) BORGES (A. P. DE C.); see CARWALHO BORGES BORGES (JOSE IGNACIO) Brazilian secretario dos negocios estrangeiros in 26 Feijo cabinet under Pedro II, 1836; see Brazil. BORIE AND LAGUERENNE, CLAIMANTS VS. MEXICO For illegal exaction, in Nov., 1824, of duties on cotton goods imported into Alvarado. n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 52.) n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 44; H. doc. 3, 46.) 1831 Jan. 4. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Instructions; renewal of B. and L. claim. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 70.) — Apr. 8. Butler to Van Buren. Uncertainty of Mex- ico’s action on claim. (ib., 375.) 1832 (?). Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston). Sergeant opinion on claim inadequate. (ib., 451.) — Apr. 26. Livingston to Butler. Instructions; special presentation of B. and L. claim. (ib., 83.) — Sept. 19. Same to same. Comment on Sergeant opinion in B. and L. claim. (ib., 451.) — Nov. 24. Same to same. Additional corresp. con- cerning claim. (ib., 85.) 1833 Sept. 23. Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane) to Butler. Instructions; urging solicitation of claim. (ib., 108.) See also Durand (J.) : Borduzat (A. M.), and others. BORLAND ( ), MASTER AMER. WESSEL GAUNTLET; see GAUNTLET BORLAND (SOLON) Senator from Ark., 1848-53 ; Amer. E. E. and M. P. for Nicaragua, 1853-54; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic Service. Senator from Arkansas 1851 Jan. 22. Remarks; French spoliations bill, S. 101. (31. 2. Cong. Globe, 310.) — Jan. 23. Same. (ib., 317-18.) — Dec. 11. Amdmt. to res. Of Kossuth Welcome. (ib., 90.) 1852 Feb. 18. Prtg. of Kossuth letters. (32. 1. ib., 586, 588.) — Mch. 11. Expenses of Kossuth reception, etc. (ib., 718-19, 722.) t — Mch. 18. Same. (ib., app., 303.) — Mch. 31. Naval expedition to Japan, etc. (ib., 928, 943-48.) — Apr. 8. Same. (ib., 1005-1007.) — Apr. 12. French spoliations bill; S. 64. (ib., 1048.) BORLAND (SOLON)—cont’d : Senator from Arkansas—cont’d 1852 Apr. 15. Same. (ib., 1083.) — Apr. 28. Invasion of Cuba. (ib., app., 560.) — May 21. Humphreys relief bill. (ib., 1444.) — May 21. Porter relief bill. (ib., 1445.) — Jly. 16. Relief of seamen U. S. frigate Missouri. (ib., 1812.) - — JIy. 19. Temple memoir of landing of troops at Vera Cruz. (ib., 1834-35.) — JIy. 23. North Atlantic fisheries. (ib., 1892, 1894- 95.) 1853 Jan. 10. Do.; Clayton-Bulwer treaty and British Honduras. (32. 2. ib., 253.) — Jan. 12. Same. (ib., 271.) — Jan. 27. Brit. declaration annexed to ratification of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 416-17.) — Feb. 16. Reply to Hale imputations agst. Hargous for extending hospitality to Amer. min. (Letcher). (ib., app., 166.) — Mch. 1. North Atlantic fisheries. (ib., 958.) — Apr. 6. Discussion of treaties in open session. (ib., Speci. Sess., app., 319-320.) E. E. and M. P. in Nicaragua 1853 Je. 1. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Newton). Ordered to convey fºund to San Juan del Norte. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63. 1854 May 30. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). [un- num.] Occurrences in Central America; charac- ter of population of San Juan; expenses incurred; arrival of Northern Light; arrest, etc. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 2; H. ex: doc. 126, 12.) — May 30. Amer. Coml. agt. for San Juan del Norte (Fahens) to Marcy. Attempt to seize Mr. Borland; etc. (ib., 15; ib., 25.) Je. 9. Marcy to Fabens. Apology for insult to Bor- land demanded. (ib., 9; ib., 19.) BORN (CHRISTIAN GEORGE), AMER. CITIZEN 1852 Jly. 12. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Bar- nard). Claim vs. Prussia for arrest, etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 35.) — Aug. 3. Barnard to minist. d. ausw. angeleg., Prus- sia (Manteuffel). Case of Born. (ib., 32.) — Aug. 3. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Born case and above letter. (ib., 31.) — Dec. 12. Manteuffel to Barnard. Born case. 52.) 1854 Apr. 14. Minist. d. aus W. angeleg., Prussia (Le Coq) to Barnard. Proc. in Born case. (ib., 43.) BORNEO Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Diplomatic Agts. in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Extraterritoriality; see that title Foreign Negotiations AMERICAN (ib., Balestier embaSSy On Aug. 16, 1849, Joseph Balestier, Amer. cons. at Singapore, was empowered to negotiate a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation with Borneo. 1850 Je. 17. Balestier to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Rpt. of negotiations at Sarawak and Bruni. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 81.) Je. 24. Same to same. On treaty of Je. 23 with Borneo. (fb., 85.) — Dec. 6. Same to same (Webster). Proposes to re- sume negotiations with Borneo. (ib., 108.) — Dec. 27. Same to Same. Abandons resumption of negotiations with Borneo. (ib., 109.) º 128 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BORNE0–cont’d Foreign Negotiations—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Balestier embassy—cont’d 1851 Jan. 22. Rajah of Sarawak (Brooke) to Balestier. Commercial convention with U. S. A. (ib., 115.) — Feb. 15. Brooke to Pres., U. S. A. (Fillmore). Conv. proposed by Balestier. (ib., 121.) — Apr. 23. Balestier to Webster. Commercial conv. With Borneo; native custom of receiving money present on ratification of treaties. (ib., 119.) — Nov. 25. Same to same. Rpt. of dipl. and commer- cial mission to S. e. Asia. (ib., 3.) Port Regulations; see that title Shipwreck Regulations; see that title Treaties 1850 Je. 23. Borneo and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. Text in 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 86; 48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47; Amer. ratification proc. in viii, Sen. exec. jol. BORNER (PAUL), AMER. CITIZEN 1858 Sept. 28. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Borner case; im- preSSment by Prussia of Amer. citizens; etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 113.) BORRAS (JOSEPH), OF SPAIN Amer. cons. for Barcelona, 1835-40 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. BORRERO (EUSEBIO) New Grenadian ministr. de relac. est. in 1840 and 1845- 46; see Colombia. Civil service, BORRERO (VICENTE) Colombian ministr. de relac, est., 1830-31; see Colombia. Civil Service. BORUSSIA, PRUSSIAN SHIP 1844 Je. 8. Prussian cons., Boston (Gossler) to comr. U. S. circuit ct., Mass. distr. (Curtis). Crew of BOrussia refuses to sail under Command of O. F. Harturg. (29. 1. H. rpt. 422, 4.) 1845 Jly. 7. Prussian min. res. in U. S. A. (v. Gerolt) to ; saw U. S. A. (Buchanan). Borussia case. ib., 2. — Jly. 21. Buchanan to U. S. atty. Mass. distr. (Ran- toul). Instructions; Borussia case. (ib., 2.) — Oct. 3. Rantoul to Buchanan. Borussia case, (ib., 3.) — Nov. 4. Buchanan to V. Gerolt. Mutiny on Borussia. (ib., 5.) BOSCAWEN (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan annex- ation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) BOSCH-SPENCER (GUILLAUME HENRI), 1802–73 Belgian chargé in U. S. A., 1850-53 and 1855-58 ; see Belgium. Diplomatic service. BOSS (JOHN S. AND N. G.), HEIRS OF; CLAIMANTS 1847 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. S. jol., 154.) — Feb. 1. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 292.) 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 38.) BOSSE (MARTIN), CLAIMANT 1853 Feb. 12. To U. S. House. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (32. 2. H. jol., 279.) BOSSIER (JOSEPH S.), CLAIMANT WS. COLOMBIA 1856 Aug. 14. To U. S. Senate. Indemnity for seizure of brig Seraphim. (34. 1. S. jol., 583.) BOSTON (MASS.) Board of Trade 1857 Jan. 10. To U. S. House. Petition; treaty relations with tribes or states of eastern archipelagoes. (34. 3. H. jol., 203.) Citizens 1833 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (22. 2. H. jol., 264.) 1835 Feb. 9. To same. Same. (23. 2. H. jol., 346.) 1836 Je. 6. To same. Belgian indemnity. (24. 1. H. jol., 943; 1115.) 1837 Oct. 9. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 164.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 170.) 1838 Feb. 5. To same. Same. (ib., 350.) — Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) — Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 441.) — Feb. 19. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 237.) — Mch. 19. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 634.) — Apr. 16. To same. Vs. passage of international copyright law. (ib., 776.) — Apr. 24. To U. S. Senate. In favor of Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 374.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 606.) — Feb. 18. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 610.) — Feb. 18. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (ib., 608.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) Apr. 9. To same. Vs. sending minister to China at present. (ib., 781.) — Dec. 14. To same. Haitian indemnity. (26. 2. H. jol., 36.) 1841 Dec. 14. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 53.) e — Dec. 23. To same. Haitian indemnity. (ib., 99.) 1842 Jan. 21. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (ib., 253.) — Feb. 14. To same. Same. (ib., 373.) — Mch. 29. To same. Same. (ib., 626.) — Je. 4. To same. VS. international copyright law. (ib., 916.) 1843 Jan. 10. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (27. 3. S. jol., 85.) — Jan. 30. To U. S. House. Recognition of Haiti. (27. 3. H. jol., 275.) — Dec. 22. To same. International copyright law. (28. 1. H. jol., 102.) — Dec. 22. To same. Remonstrating agst. effects of reciprocity treaties. (ib., 102.) 1844 May 24. To U. S. Senate. In favor of Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 298.) — Je. 14. To same. Same. (ib., 357.) 1845 Jan. 9. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 79.) — Feb. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 125.) — Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) 1847 Feb. 22. To U. S. Senate. Termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. S. jol., 217.) — Feb. 25. To U. S. House. Sending provisions to Ireland. (29. 2. H. jol., 428.) 1848 May 9. To same. Amdmt. of law for condemnation of vessels in foreign ports. (30. 1. H. jol., 783.) 1850 Jan. 28. To same. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 416.) — May 21. To same. Frankfort Peace convention. (31. 1. H. jol., 948.) — Je. 15. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 398.) 1852 Jan. 7. To same. Expenses of Amer. contributors to London fair. (32. 1. S. jol., 101.) — Jly. 12. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (ib., 520.) 1853 Feb. 15. To same. Religions for Amer. citizens abroad. (32. 2. S. jol., 197.) 1855 Mch. 1. To same. Repeal of naturalization laws. (33. 2. S. jol., 353.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS r 129 BOSTON (MASS.)—cont’d Citizens—cont’d 1859 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Duty on coffee imported from Holland. (35. 2. H. jol., 221.) — Feb. 21. To same. French spoliations indemnity. (ib., 443.) Council 1838 Feb. 5. To U. S. House. Vs. intro. of foreign pau- pers. (25. 2. H. jol., 349; 708.) BOSTON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial; Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 2. H. jol., 373.) BOSTON, AMER. BRIG 1828 Apr. 16. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Boston, accused of contraband trading in Gulf of California. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 230.) BOSTON, U. S. SLOOP (1825) In commission (1828-61) : 1828. Brazil ; (Hoff- mann) ; 1831/2 Medm. sqdn. (Storer) ; 1836/7 W. I. sqdn. (Dulany) ; 1837/8, do.. (Babbitt) ; 1840. E. I. sqdn. (Stringham) ; 1841/3 do. (Long) ; 1843/5 Brazil sqdn. (Pendergrast). Brazil sqdn. (Hoffman) 1827 Nov. 10. Adm. Brazilian forces, Rio de la Plata (Pinto Guedes) to comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle). Reply to request that pilot of the Rio de la Plata conduct Boston to port of Buenos A.; etc. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 179.) — Nov. 11. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Reasons for send- ing Boston to Buenos A. (ib., 181.) Mediterranean sqdn. (Storer) 1833 Mch. 2. Act. for Support of govt.; apprin. to in- demnify capt. Storer (Boston) for expenses of ac- commodating Amer. chargé to Constantinople, Amer. cons. at Tangiers, etc., etc. (iv., St. L., 626.) West India sqdn. (Dulany) 1837 Mch. 20. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Protest agst. offer of sloop Boston as convoy to Amer. vessels º: fºr Texas. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 141; H. ex. doc. , 145. — May 18. Forsyth to Monasterio. Explanation of above. (ib., 149; ib., 153.) West India sqdn. (Babbitt) See William Engs. Brazil sqdn. (Pendergrast) 1844 Aug. 12. Pendergrast to comdr.-in-chief of besieg- ing army nr. the Cerito (Oribe). Protest agst, inter- ference with officers of Boston. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 212, 36.) — Aug. 16. Oribe to Pendergrast. Reply to above. (ib., 37.) — Aug. 25. Pendergrast to ministr. relac. est., Uru- guay (Vasques). Protest agst. firing on boat of Boston. (ib., 15.) —dº; Vasques to Pendergrast. Reply to above. ., 16. 1845 Oct. 5. Comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N. (Turner) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Bancroft). Vasques-Pender- grast corresp. transmitted. (ib., 15.) BOSTWICK ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP HUDSON; see HUDSON BOTHUS (S. R.) 1824 Nov. 9. To comdr. H. B. M. sloop Dotterel (Hoare). Detention of Amer. schrs. Pilgrim and Hero. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 26; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 26.) BOTTOMLEY (WILLIAM), BR SUBJECT, CLAIM VS. U.S.A. For return of money §legally obtained by Amer. cus- toms collector at N. Y. 1855 Jan. 13. Synopsis of award by comrs. under conv. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 75.) BOTTS (JOHN MINOR), REPR. OF WA. 1849 Jan. 3. Remarks; military contributions levied by U. S. A. in Mexican ports. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 152.) — Feb. 19. Do.; explaining his amdmt. to H. R. 684 to provide for execution, in part, of treaty of Guada- lupe Hidalgo. (ib., 558.) BOUCHEs DU RHôNE (FRANCE) Prefect; see Sulean BoulDIN (JAMEs w.), REPR. OF WA. 1835 Feb. 28. Remarks; resumption of negotiations With France. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1554.) 1836 May 16. Do.; treaty of limits with Mexico. (xii, ib., 3728.) May 31. Do.; Polish exiles. (ib., 4104.) BOULDIN (THOMAS T.), REPR. FROM WA. 1831 Feb. 8. Speech; services of Amer. min. to Russia (Randolph). (vii, Reg. Debates, 639.) BOULIGNY (D.) AND J. E. FROST, ATTYS. FOR CLAIM- ANTS UNDER ART. I, TREATY OF GHENT 1828 Feb. 5. Extension of term of commission under London conv. (20. 1. H. rpt. 208, 2.) BOULWARE (WILLIAM), OF WA. Amer, chargé for Two Sicilies, 1841-45; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. BOUNDARY INEGOTIATIONS 1783-1842. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. Northeastern boundary; See Northeast Boundary Controversy. —, Same. Northern lake and river boundary; see U. S. A. Boundary. 1818-1871. Same. Northwest boundary, i. e., Oregon and San Juan Water boundary; see NorthWest Boundary Controversy. 1828-1848. Mexico and U. S. A.; see Mexico. Boundary. 1830-1845. Texas and U. S. A.; see Texas. Boundary. 1849-1857. Costa Rica and Nicaragua; see Central Amer- 1Ca. BOURBOULON (A.) DE Secy. French legation in U. S. A., actg. chargé ad int., Mch. 29-Aug. 5, 1848 and from Mch. 2-18, 1850. In 1851 was minister of France in China, 1853-57, M. P. do., and 1858–63, E. E. and M. P. do. ; see France. Diplomatic service. 1853 Dec. 24. Comdr. U. S. S. Saratoga (Walker) to comdre. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Return of Cassini with de Bourboulon from Nanking, Dec. 18; etc. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 103.) 1857 Apr. 2. de Bourboulon. Observations on proposi- tions submitted by H. B. M. M. P. (Bowring) on same day. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1284.) — May 2. To Amer. Comr. in China (Parker). Satis- faction at information in letter of 1 inst. (ib., 1325.) 1858 Sept. 23. To same (Reed). Encloses declaration of comdr.-in-Chief of French and Spanish forces estab- lishing Tourane Bay, etc., blockade. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 491.) 1859 May 29. To same (Ward). Acknowledges an- nouncement of apptmt. (ib., 574.) BOURKE (EDWARD), CLAIMANT; see WILLIAMS (JAS), HEIRS 9 130 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BOURLAND (JAMES), TEXAN CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, RED RIVER DISTR.; see TEXAS. RED RIVER CUSTOMS SEIZURE BOURMAN (FIDENCIO) Spanish chargé ad int. in U. S. A. in 1844; see Spain. BOURNE ( ), AMER. COURIER; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE BOURNE (EDWARD E.), ET AL. 1843 Dec. 26. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (28. 1. S. jol., 45.) BOURNE (S. S.) AND S. P. T. SHERMAN; DEPONENTS IN WENEZUELAN GUANO CLAIMS; see GUANO. WENEZ. TERR. AVES IS. SHELTON CLAIM BOUSQUET (FREDERICK) Amer, cons. for Cette (France), 1839-41 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BOUTWELL (EDWARD B.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1819-61. Lieut., 1828; comdr., 1850. Dis- missed J ly. 31, 1861. Sea service in command § 61) : 1855-57 comdg. John Adams, Pacific Sqdn. Comdg. John Adams 1855 Sept. 25. To chief of Ban Tui Viti, Fiji Is. De- mands restoration of certain property of Amer. citi- zens. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 14.) — Sept. 27. To same. Demands payment of $30,000 within twelve mos. (ib., 15.) [— Oct.] Examination of chief of Ovalan to ascer- tain if King of Fiji Is. consulted him before prom- ising to cede Ovalan to the English. (ib., 35.) — Oct. 1. To chrm. Wesleyan Missionary Socy., Fiji Is. (Calvert). Chief of Ban responsible for all rob- bery, etc., during last 10 yrs. in Fiji Is. (ib., 18.) — Oct. 2. To Amer. Vice-cons., Ovalan (Whippy). gºrea to collect $1,500 from chief of Ovalan. (ib., 25. — Oct. 2. To Fiji chief (Yago Damu). Demands pay- ment of indemnity. (ib., 22.) — Oct. 10. To comdr. U. S. S. St. Mary’s (Bailey). Ordered to remain and to settle Amer. Claims. (ib., 55.) — Oct. 11. To lieut. and to actg. master U. S. S. John Adams (Sartori and Badger). Ordered to hear in- demnity cases in cabin of John Adams. (ib., 58.) Oct. 11. To Rev. J. Waterhouse. Information of claim made on king of Fiji. (ib., 63.) — Oct. 12. To lieut. U. S. S. John Adams (Lambert). Ordered to hear testimony in indemnity cases in cabin of John Adams. (ib., 59.) — Oct. 18. To Sartori and Lambert. Proper person to receive indemnity. (ib., 67.) — Oct. 22. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Mer- vine.) Rpt. of operations in Fiji Is. (ib., 2.) BOW (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 596.) BOWDEN ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP AUGUSTUS; see AUGUSTUS BOWDEN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG VENUS; see VENUS BOWDEN (WILLIAM), COMDR. H. B. M. SHIP MEDUSA; see MEDUSA BOW DISH (ISAAC W.), OF WT. Amer. cons. for Constantinople in 1856; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BOW DIN (ME.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 285.) BOWDOIN COLLEGE (ME.) STUDENTS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 77.) BOW DINHAM (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 12. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 65.) 1848 Feb. 28. To same. Termination of Mexican war. (30. 1. H. jol., 460.) BOWEN (LEVI K.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Bordeaux, 1854-56; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. BOWERS ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG ARGUS; see ARGUS BOWERS ( ), MASTER AMER. SLOOP LOUISA; see LOUISA BOWERS (E. CARRINGTON), CLAIMANT; see SAGE (E.) BOWERS (JERATHMEL), CLAIMANT 1846 Dec. 28. To U. S. House. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. H. jol., 101.) BOWERS (JOHN), CLAIMANT 1828 Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (20. 2. S. jol., 32.) 1829 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1846 Dec. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. H. jol., 101.) 1847 Feb. 15. To same. Same. (ib., 353.) 1854 Feb. 9. To same. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 342.) BOWES ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP BETSY; see BETSY BOWES (C. E.) 1851 Dec. 27. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Letcher). Mears and Gardiner claims. (32. 2. H. rpt. 1, 127.) BOWHAY (W. P.), CLAIMANT 1837 Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (24. 2. H. jol., 273.) BOWIE (RICHARD), REPR. FROM MD. 1852 Feb. 13. Remarks; Jackson relief bill. Cong. Globe, 565.) BOWIE (THOMAS F.), REPR. FROM MD. 1859 Jan. 12. Speech; filibustering in Nicaragua. (35. 2. ib., 346.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; apprn. for Paraguay expedition. (ib., 1608.) BOWIE (WASHINGTON) AND J. KURTZ, OWNERS AMER. SHIP ALLEGHANY; see ALLEGHANY BOWLES ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG JOSEPH; see JOSEPH BOWLIN (JAMES BUTLER), OF MO. Repr, from Mo., 28th-31st congress, (32. 1. 1843-51 ; Amer. min. res. in New Grenada, 1854–57; 1856 nominated Amer. E. E. and M. P. in same ; withdrawn ; 1858- 59, Amer. Comr. in Paraguay; see also U. S. A Diplomatic service. Representative from Mo. 1845 Jan. 15. Remarks and speech; urging Texan an- nexation. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 140; app., 92.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 131 BOWLIN (JAMES BUTLER), OF MO. —cont’d Representative from Mo.—cont’d 1845 Jan. 29. Do.; favoring passage of Oregon bill. (ib., 217; app., 162.) *— Dec. 18. Remarks; Mass. resolves on naturalization laws. (29. 1. ib., 79.) 1846 Jan. 6. Speech; joint occupancy of Oregon terr. (ib., 151; app., 77.) — Dec. 24. Do.; President’s mess. and Mexican War. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 73.) 1847 Dec. 14. Remarks; bill for relief of John Paul Jones heirs. (30. 1. ib., 25.) 1850 May 28. Do.; rights of Hudson’s Bay Co. to lands in Oregon. (31. 1. ib., 1079.) Minister Res. in New Grenada. 1857 Aug. 25. To comptroller of Treasury, U. S. A. (Medill). Rates of exchange and character of cur- rency in New Grenada. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 125, 17.) Comºr. in Paraguay 1859 Feb. 4. Signs conv. for settlement of claims; see Claims. Paraguayan. BOWMAN (JOSEPH), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Matanzas in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. BOWNE (OBADIAH), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1852 Jan. 2. Remarks; intr. of Kossuth to House. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 193.) BOWNE (ROBERT), EXECR. OF 1833 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial. Spoliations indemnity. (22. 2. S. jol., 115.) French BOWNE (SAMUEL S.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1841 Jly. 13. Speech; Webster’s corresp. in McLeod case. (X, Cong. Globe, app., 153.) BOWRING (SIR JOHN) H. B. M. M. P. in China, 1854-59 Correspondence (American) 1852 May 8. To Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Parker). Apptmt. as M. P. in China in addition to service as Supt. of trade; gratified at acknowledgment of a S- sistance of H. B. M. Vessels in capturing pirates On board Robert Bowne. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 108.) 1854 Apr. 24. To Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Chinese imperial comr. informed that H. B. M. govt. claims right to revision of existing treaties in Aug. next. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 278.) — May 17. To same. Final answer to request for in- terview with imperial comr. not yet recd. (ib., 279.) — JIy. 28. To same. Corresp. With H. B. M. naval Comdr.; mtg. at Shanghai to proceed to Peiho. (ib., 280.) — Aug. 29. To same. Copy of despatch from Lord Clarendon on suspended duties at Shanghai. (ib., 282.) Sept. 16. To same. Copy of despatch addressed to Clarendon. (ib., 203.) Nov. 15. To same. On notice of his withdrawal; acknowledges cordial cooperation; etc. (ib., 499.) 1855 Jan. 6. To Amer. actg. comr. (Parker). Cons. Rob- ertson instructed to act in case of Englishmen in- volved in riots at Whampoa. (ib., 522.) 1856 May. 16. To Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Or- dered by H. B. M. govt. to cooperate with Amer. and French authorities to secure revision of existing treaty relations with China. (ib., 815.) — Je. 10. To same. Transmits copy of ratified Anglo- Siamese treaty. (ib., 928.) BOWRING (SHR JOHN)—cont’d Correspondence (American)—cont’d 1856 Jly. 1. To same. Opinion that to go to gulf of Pechehle with inadequate force will retard Settle- ment of treaty revision; etc. (ib., 925.) — Aug. 12. To same. Apprehends time is insufficient to * gulf of Pechehle during present season. (ib., 958. Aug. 21. To same. Nature of H. B. M. instructions in regard to China. (ib., 957.) — Sept. 23. To same. Corresp. in case of Nye claim. (ib., 986.) * — Sept. 27. To same. Inquiry; has action of Amer. cons. at Foo Chow in stopping certain duties ap- proval of Amer. comr. (ib., 1001.) — Sept. 29. To same. Instructed to call on H. B. M. naval force to assist in securing revision of existing treaties. (ib., 978.) — Oct. 10. To same. Action of Amer. Cons. at Foo Chow in regard to Br. subjects, freighters of Amer. vessel Kingfisher. (ib., 1008.) — Oct. 17. To same. Seizure of Chinese subjects on board a Br. ship is treaty violation; measures for redress; etc. (ib., 993.) — Oct. 19. To same. Receipt of despatch of 9 inst. in regard to Nye claim. (ib., 993.) — Oct. 20. To same. Receipt of despatch of 10 inst. (ib., 1009.) * — Oct. 20. To same. Reply to inquiry concerning proposed conference With imperial comr. at Shang- hai. (ib., 981.) — Oct. 24. To same. Policy of Amer. Cons. at Foo Chow. (ib., 1009.) — Nov. 1. To same. Protest of capt. Foote agst. un- authorized procedure of Amer. cons. at Hong Kong. (ib., 1399.) — Nov. 4. To same. Instructed by H. B. M. govt. to prevent occupation of Shanghai by insurgents. (ib., 1014.) — Nov. 15. To same. Propriety of advising court of Peking of occurrences at Canton. (ib., 1037.) — Nov. 18. To same. H. B. M. policy in China; Can- ton question. (ib., 1040.) — Nov. 20. To same. Requested to come to Canton with comdre. Armstrong. (ib., 1032.) — [Dec. 3]. to same. Reply to his of 24 inst. (ib., 1116.) — Dec. 3. To same. Payment of duties on goods shipped by Br. subjects in Amer. vessels. (ib., 1072.) — Dec. 18. To same. Canton affairs. (ib., 1095.) — Dec. 26. To same. France and Gr. Br. determined to take decisive measures to obtain redress and treaty revision. (ib., 1099.) 1857 Feb. 4. To same and de Courcy. Transmits copy of imperial rescript forwarded from north resp. Br. entry into Canton. (ib., 1191.) — Feb. 7. To Parker. Do. (ib., 1195.) — Feb. 20. To same. Receipt of despatch of 12 inst. (ib., 1228.) — Feb. 27. To same. Alleged case of barratry at Foo Chow; supporting Conduct of H. B. M. cons. Med- hurst. (ib., 1228.) — Mch. 5. To same. Transmits copy of Chinese docu- ment implicating Chinese comr. (ib., 1229.) — Mch. 12. To same. Receipt of despatch of 9 inst. (ib., 1233.) — Mch. 17. To same. Currency question at Foo Chow. (ib., 1262.) — Mch. 19. To same. Inspectorial system at Shang- hai. (ib., 1263.) — Mch. 21. To Same. Reply to despatch of 17 inst. (ib., 1255.) — Mch. 23. To Same. Receipt of despatch of 20 inst. (ib., 1262.) *mem ; 24. To Same. Proc. of English at Canton. (ib., 1257. 132 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BOWRING (SIR JOHN)—cont’d Correspondence (American)—cont’d 1857 Mch. 24. To same. Reply to despatch of 21 inst. regarding Formosa; proposes that Canton be taken and held under joint military occupation of France, Gr. Br. and U. S. A. (ib., 1248.) — Apr. 2. Memorandum of agreement submitted to representatives of treaty powers, in joint conference at French legation, Macao, resp. indemnity for losses, etc., at Canton. (ib., 1281.) — Apr. 23. To Same. Memorandum of information contained in papers seized by seamen under comdr. Elliott on Apr. 4. (ib., 1330.) —º, 5. to Same. Receipt of despatch of 5 inst. (ib., — Je. 5. To same. Do. of 2 inst. (ib., 1379.) — Je. 8. To same. Barratry of West at Foo Chow. (ib., 1401.) Aug. 4. To Same. Copy of notice of blockade of port of Canton. (ib., 1415.) Nov. 16. to Same (Reed). Receipt of announce- ment of apptmt. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 31.) Nov. 19. To Same. Protest agst, conduct of Amer. Cons. at Foo Chow in allowing departure of Amer. vessels without payment of duties. (ib., 35.) Dec. 31. To Same. Receipt of instructions to Amer. Vice-cons. at Shanghai in reference to coolie emi- gration to Cuba. (ib., 100.) 1858 ; 29. To Same. Canton blockade raised. (ib., 130. Corr. (British) 1854 JIy. 28. To comdr. H. B. M. naval forces (Sterling). Possible assistance of H. B. M. navy on visit to Peiho. (35. 2. S. ex, doc. 22, 281.) — Aug. 22. To Chinese secy. H. B. M. legation in China (Medhurst). Instructed to ascertain from imperial comr. possibility of entering on treaty re- Vision. (ib., 206.) — Sept. 5. To secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Claren- don). Extent of power of Chinese imperial comr. to negotiate treaties; corresp. with comr. (ib., 203.) Corr. (Chinese) 1854 Aug. 22. To imperial high comr. (Yeh Ming Shin). Inquiry as to imperial commands on modification of treaties. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 205.) — Aug. 28. To same. Further inquiry as to treaty revision. (ib., 207.) Sept. 4. To same. Reply to his of 1 inst. (ib., 21.1.) 1856 May 16. To same. H. B. M. govt. will avail itself of right to revise treaty. (ib., 815.) Corr. (French) 1857 Mch. 19. To M. P. of France in China (Bourbou- lon). Inspectorial system at . Shanghai. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1264.) Corr. (Portuguese) 1856 Dec. 3. To gov. of Macao (Guimaraes). Piracy on board a Br. boat; implication of H. Newell, Amer. citizen. (ib., 1073.) Corr. (Executive) 1856 Jan. 29. Proclamation; duration of voyage of Chi- nese passenger ship. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 668.) BOWYER (J. M.), OF ALA. Amer. cons. for Guazacualco in 1830; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. BOXBOROUGH (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1838 Feb. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) 1844 Jan. 22. To same. Do.; pro arbitration. (28. 1. S. jol., 80.) BOXER, U. S. BRIG (1831) In commission (1831-61) ; 1832 Brazil sqdn. §:}; 1833 do. . (Shields); 1834 Pacific sqdn. (Page) ; 1836 do. (same) ; 1837-39 do. (Nicholson) ; 1842-43 #, sqdn. (Bullus) ; 1846 African sqdn. (Bis- pha Iſl). African Sqdn. 1846 Apr. 13. Captures Amer. slaver brig Malaga in Cabinda Bay; see Malaga. BOYCE (ISAAC D.), CLAIMANT 1852 Je. 23. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; Mexican indem- nity. (32. 1. S. jol., 484.) BOYCE (J. L.), AMER. CITIZEN 1855 Oct. 30. Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Wheeler) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Murder of J. L. Boyce and others at Virgin Bay; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 32.) BOYCE (JAMES D.), CLAIMANT; see LONE, AMER. SCHR. BOYCE (WILLIAM W.), REPR. FROM S. C. 1854 Je. 27. Speech; in support of H. R. 405 to carry into effect art. 3, of 1853 treaty with Mexico. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1543.) 1855 Jan. 15. Speech; acquisition of Cuba. (33. 2. ib., app., 91.) BOYD (GEORGE M.), DEPONENT IN CASE OF PARA- GUAYAN AGGRESSIONS; see PARAGUAY. FOREIGN AF- FAIRS. AMERICAN BOYD (J. C.), TAKEN IN STA. FE EXPEDITION; see TEXAS, STA, FE EXPEDITION BOYD (JACOB), DEPONENT IN CASE OF LAGODA; see LAGODA BOYD (JAMES McHENRY), OF MD. Secy. Amer, legation in London, in 1846; acted as chargé Aug. 18 to Nov. 1, 1846; see also U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. 1846 Oct. 14. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). [no. 5.] Refund of excess duties has been made. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 19.) BOYD (JOHN J.), CLAIMANT; see AMAZON, AMER. SCHR. BOYD (LINN), REPR. FROM KY. 1850 Sept. 18. Remarks; Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 388. (31. 1. Cong Globe, 1853.) BOYD (WILLIAM) 1855 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial praying ex- clusion of foreign paupers. (33. 2. H. jol., 374.) BOYDEN (NATHANIEL), REPR. FROM N. C. 1849 Feb. 19. Remarks; on H. R. 684 to provide for ex- ecution of art. 12 of treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 555.) BOYINTON (JOSHUA), CLAIMANT 1842 Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (27. 2. H. jol., 527.) BOYLE (JUNIUS J.), OF MD. U. S. N., 1823-70. Lieut., 1832; reserved list, 1855; comāre ‘do’, isé2. İşied Aug. ii. iś70. Šea ser: vice in command (1828-61) : 1848 comdg. Bonito, Home sqdn. ; 1853 comdg. Southampton, Pacific . sqdn. ; 1854 comdg. do., E.I. sqdn. ; 1859-60 comdg. Warren, Pacific sqdn. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 133 BOYLE (NICHOLAS B.), OF WASH. Amer. cons. for Port Mahon, 1845-[47] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BOYLE (THOMAS H.), DEPONENT IN CASE OF BRIG KEN- TUCKY; see KENTUCKY BOYLSTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 58.) — Sept. 19. To same. Same. (ib., 74.) — Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) 1838 Feb. 5. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 350.) 1840 º To same. Recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719. 1841 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (26. 2. H. jol., 200.) 1847 Jan. 19. To same. Termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. H. jol., 184.) Boziat ( ), MASTER AMER. schR. WILLIAM; see WILLIAM BRACE (C. L.), AMER. CITIZEN 1851 Je. 5-Oct. 31. Amer. chargé in Austria (McCurdy) to Austrian minister of foreign affairs (Schwarzen- berg). Illegal imprisonment of Brace in Hungary. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 91.) — Je. 6-Nov. 15. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Web- ster). Same. (ib.) — Je. 13-Oct. 7. Schwarzenberg to McCurdy. Same. (ib.) 1852 Apr. 26. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.) calling for corresp. in Brace case. (32. 1. S. jol., 375; 383.) BRACEWILLE (0.) 1847 Dec. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial; Mexican War measures. (30. 1. H. jol., 162.) BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) 1841 Aug. 23. President, U. S. A. (Tyler). Apptmt. of Brackenridge, as Mexican claims comr., to succeed J. Rowan. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 177.) BRACKETT (LUTHER), OF ME. Amer. cons. for Pictou, 1846-50; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BRACKLAMI (JOSE FERREIRA); see FERREIRA BRADBURY (CHARLES), CLAIMANT; see FRANKLIN, AMER. SHIP BRADBURY (JAMES WARE), SEN. FROM ME. Member of special committee to inquire into un- authorized publication of treaty of Guadalupe Hi- dalgo; see Mexico. Treaties. 1848 Feb. 21. Remarks; John Paul Jones heirs relief bill. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 383.) — Aug. 11. S. 313 to carry into effect certain stipula- tions of treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (ib., 1066-67.) 1849 Feb. 10. On message, etc., concerning protocol annexed to treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (30. 2. ib., 501-502.) 1850 May 2. Warrington relief bill, S. 121. (31. 1. ib., 899.) — Je. 4. Colt and Morse relief measure, S. res. 19. (ib., 1125.) — Aug. 14. Title of Texas to disputed terr. (ib., app., 1559.) — Aug. 26. Colton relief bill, S. 127. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 1661-62.) — Sept. 4. Same. (ib., app., 1331-33.) 1851 Jan. 22. French spoliations bill. Globe, 310.) — Jan. 23. Same. (ib., 318.) (31. 2. Cong. BRADBURY (JAMES WARE), SEN. FROM ME-cont’d 1852 Feb. 6. Warrington relief bill. (32. 1. ib., 490–491.) — Apr. 12. French spoliations bill. (ib., 1048.) — Apr. 12, 14. Same. (ib., app., 568, 572-574.) — Apr. 15. Speech; same. (ib., 499.) 1853 Mch. 1. Remarks; Borland reciprocity proposition. (32. 2. ib., 958.) BRADBURY (SAMUEL), BRIT. SUBJECT, CLAIMANT WS. U. S. A. For moneys illegally obtained by N. Y. customs collector. 1855 Jan. 13. Synopsis of award by comrs. under Lon- don conv. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 67.) BRADFORD ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ANN; see ANN BRADFORD ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG MERCURY; see MERCURY BRADFORD (ARTHUR B.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Amoy in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BRADFORD (CORNELIUS), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Lyons, 1829-31; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BRADFORD (DUNSCOMB) Acted as Amer. cons. in Paris, under apptmt. of Amer. chargé, from death of I. C. Barnet to arrival of his successor, i. e., from Mch. 13, 1833, to JIy. 1, 1834. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1838 May 24. Intr., Cushing, Mass.; bill (25. 2. H. R. 810) “for relief of legal representatives of D. Brad- ford ” ; approl. Mch. 3, 1839. (25. 2. H. jol., 953; vi, St. L., 793.) CORRESPONDENCE 1837 Dec. 18. Documents in support of Bradford claim presented to U. S. House. (25. 2. H. jol., 112.) 1838 May 24. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 810. (25. 2. H. rpt. 924.) BRADFORD (E. A.), U. S. ATTY., E. DISTR., LA. 1851 Sept. 25. To actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Derrick). ASSault upon Spanish cons., etc., at New Orleans. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 48; H. ex. doc. 2, 48.) BRADFORD (JOHN A.), OF TENN. Amer. cons. for St. Johns, P. R., 1838-42 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BRADFORD (R. B.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. gen. for Simoda, 1861-(?) ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BRADFORD (ROBERT), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Rome in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular service. BRADFORD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- Inexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162; 164.) Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1889 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan slavetrade. (25. 3. H. jol., 599.) 1840 Mch. 24. To U. S. Senate. Peace congress. (26. 1. S. jol., 260.) 1846 Jan. 9. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 220.) BRADFORD (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1845 Feb. 13. to same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 382.) 1856 Mch. 27. To same. In favor of arbitration. (34. 1. H. jol., 730.) 134 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BRADFORD (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) BRADFORD CO. (PENN.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 12. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 66.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 474.) — Feb. 18. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (ib., 573.) 1842 Feb. 28. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (27. 2. H. jol., 456.) 1845 Feb. 19. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 419.) 1850 J i. #. To Same. Negro colonization. (31. 1. H. jol., 1044. BRADISH (LUTHER), AMER. CITIZEN 1820 Apr. 14. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Passport to Bradish. (22. 1. H. doc. 250, 3.) — Dec. 20. Bradish to Adams. Rpt. on practicability of commercial treaty betw. U. S. A. and Turkey. (ib., 4.) BRADLEY ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP OLIVE BRANCH; See OLIVE BRANCH BRADLEY (C. S.) Counsel for Amer. claimants under Paraguayan claims convention of 1859; see Paraguay. laims. BRADLEY (CHARLES WILLIAM, SR.), OF CONN. Amer... cons. for Amoy, 1849-54 ; for Ningpo, 1854; for Singapore 1854-f66j ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Correspondence Amoy consulate 1850 Dec. 23. To Amer. chargé in China (Parker). Acct. of judicial fees recd. during 1850. (32. 1. H. misc. doc. 67, 2.) 1853 Mch. 9. To Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Notice of revocation of authority of Amer. Vice-COnS. at Amoy (Bradley, jr.). (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 370.) BRADLEY (C. W., JR.), OF CONN. Amer. vice-cons. for Amoy, 1852-[54] ; do. for Ningpo, 1854-61 ; see also U. S. A. Consular service; Amer. comr. under Chinese indemnity treaty of 1858; see also China. Claims. Correspondence Amoy consulate - 1852 Apr. 22. To Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Par- ker). Case of piracy on board Robert Bowne. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 96.) — May 18-19. To same. Punishment of Robert Bowne pirates. (ib., 112.) . . Je. 4. To same. Robert Bowne witnesses. (ib., 123.) 1853 Mch. 9. Amer. cons., Amoy (Bradley) to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Notice of revocation of authority of Amer. vice-cons., Bradley. (33. 1. H. eX. doc. 123, 270.) — Mch. 25. Bradley, jr., to Marshall. Coolie emi- gration; Amer. trade in port of Amoy, 1850-53; clearances from Amoy, 1847-52. (ib., 116.) — May 21. Same to same. Amoy taken by rebels; asks instructions relative to attitude towards pres- ent govt. (ib., 117.) & ºn e — May 31. Same to same. Failure of imperialists to retake Amoy from insurgents. (ib., 188.) — Dec. 29. Marshall to Bradley, jr., apptmt. as Amer. cons. for Amoy. (ib., 372.) Ningpo consulate 1854 Apr. 15. Amer. comr. in China (McLane) to Chi- nese imperial high comr. (Yeh). Apptmt. of Bradley as cons. for Ningpo, etc. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 271; 488.) t BRADLEY (C. W., J.R.), OF CONN.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d Ningpo consulate—cont’d 1857 Jly. 1. Same (Parker) to same. Same. (ib., 1412.) — Jly. 11. Yeh to Parker. Receipt of his note of 1 inst. (ib., 1421.) -ºš As Parker to Bradley. Copies of above. (ib., 1858 Jan. 4. To Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Coolie trade in Ningpo. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 99.) — Feb. 15. To same. Indictment of C. Jackson; con- Sular ct. held at Ningpo. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 86.) — Feb. 28. To actg. Amer. cons., Shanghai (Free- º). Jackson sent from Ningpo to Shanghai. (ib., — Mch. 13. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Escape of Jackson. (ib., 83.) Nov. 20. Notes on additional Chinese ports opened by conventions with treaty powers. (ib., 93.) — Dec. 13. Bradley to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Consulate requires interpreter; etc. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 91.) 1861 Mch. 16. Amer. cons., Swatow (Breck) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Seward). Apptmt. of Bradley as- actg. Vice-cons. at Ningpo. (37. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 22.) Claim of Vice-cons. at Amoy 1853 Je. 28. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing). Opinion that expenses incurred by Bradley as Vice-cons. in charge at Amoy are lawfully chargeable to U. S. A. (vi, op. atty, gen., 59.) Claims comr. 1861 Feb. 13. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; remuneration for services, etc. (36. 2. S. jol., 224.) BRADLEY (GURDON), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Mayaguez, 1842-45 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service, BRADSHAW (JOHN), MASTER AMER. SHIP FRANKLIN; See FRANKLIN BRADSTET (SIMON 0.), CLAIMANT; see GARDINER, AMER. SCHR. - BRADUN (THOMAS), STMT. IN CASE OF JAMES LAW- RENCE; see JAMES LAWRENCE BRADY (JAMES E.), REPR. FROM PENN. 1848 Je. 27. Remarks; Mexican war; origin, etc. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 788.) BRAGANZA, AMER. SHIP 1844 Nov. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Shan- non) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Rejon). Pro- test agst. order to Braganza to leave port of Aca- pulco. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 19, 30.) BRAGG (THOMAS), SENATOR FROM. N. C. 1860 Mch. 20. Speech; Florida claims. Globe, 1249.) — Mch. 30. Remarks; Mexican indemnity. (ib., 1444.) — Mch. 30. Do.; Palmer relief bill. (ib., 1446.) — Je. 14. Do.; art. 4, Ashburton treaty. (ib., 2972.) — Je. 22. Do.; Squier relief bill. (ib., 3241.) — Dec. 13. Do.; apptmt. of solicitor to Mexican claims commission. (36. 2. ib., 83.) (36. 1. Cong. BRAGG (WILLIAM), STMT. IN CASE OF SCHR. WASHING- TON; see WASHINGTON INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 135 BRAINTREE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 88.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1842 Mch. 29. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 626.) 1844 Jan. 29. To same. Do.; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 316.) — Dec. 12. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 66.) 1845 Dec. 10. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 73.) BRAMBLE (JOHN), CLAIM 1850 Feb. 6. Admr. of Bramble to U. S. House. Memorial; French spoliations indemnity. (31. 1. H. jol., 471.) BRAME (ANDREW J.) 1852 Jan. 21. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; revision of decisions of Mexican claims comrs. (32. 1. S. jol., 137.) BRANCH (JOHN), SECY. NAVY, U. S. A. 1831 Jan. 14. To President, U. S. A. (Jackson). Spanish slave vessel Fenia. (21. 2. H. ex. doc. 54, 1.) BRANCH (LAWRENCE O’B.), REPR. FROM N. C. Memº Com. on Foreign Affairs, 35th-36th congr., 1858– Remarks, etc., by 1859 Jan. 27. Progress of cons. and dipl. apprn. bill. (35. 2. Cong. Globe., 636, 638, 640.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; recall of Paraguayan expedi- tion. (ib., 1607.) 1860 Mch. 29. French spoliations bill. (36. 1. ib., 1431- 32.) — May 11. Reception of Japanese embassy. (ib., 2077.) — May 11. Paraguayan indemnity. (ib., 2066.) — May 12. Reception of Japanese embassy. (ib., 2078.) — May 17. Compensation, etc., to certain cons. for China. (ib., 2163-64.) — May 25. Slavetrade suppression bill. — May 25. Clay relief bill. (ib., 2359.) Je. 5. Slavetrade suppression bill. (ib., 2640, 2642, 2644.) 1861 Jan. 25. Levy relief bill. (36. 2. ib., 561.) — Feb. 2. Clay relief bill. (ib., 711.) (ib., 2362.) Reports by 1858 May 29. Lippitt relief. (35. 1. H. rpt. 508.) 1859 Jan. 14. Ward relief. (35. 2. H. rpt. 100.) Feb. 9. Adjudication of Spanish differences. (35. 2. H. rpt. 134.) BRANCO (MANOEL ALVES), 2° WISCONDE DE Secretario dos negoc. estrangeiros, Jan. 16-Oct. 12, 1835, in 4th cabinet of permanent regency ; do. 1st cabinet Feijo regency Nov. 14, 1835-Feb. 5, 1836; secretario do imperio in 4th Feijo cabinet, May-Sept., 1837; #: †h Feijo cabinet, Nov. 1847-Mch., 1848; see I’8 ZII. BRAND ( ), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG PEERLESS; See PEERLESS BRAND (J. W. EDWARD), AMER. CITIZEN 1851 Jly. 10. Amer. Cons., Aachen (Bates) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Barnard). Asks advice as to procedure in Brand case. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 15.) — Jly. 16. Brand to Bates. (ib., 15.) Stmt. regarding arrest. BRAND (J. W. EDWARD), AMER. CITIZEN–cont’d 1851 Jly. 22. Barnard to Bates. Procedure in Brand case. (ib., 16.) — Jly. 22. Bates to Barnard. Same. (ib., 17.) — Jly. 29. Barnard to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Brand case. (ib., 14.) BRANDON (BYRD), OF ALA. Amer. cons. for Campeche in 1838; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BRANDON (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) 1838 Mch. 26. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 663.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) 1845 Jan. 13. To U. S. Senate. Do.; amdmt. of naturali- Zation laws. (28. 2. S. jol., 81.) º — Jan. 18. To U. S. House. Do. vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 229, 230.) BRANDRETH (GEORGE W.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Tumbez in 1854; do. for Plymouth, 1854-[58] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BRANDT (EDMUND), OF RUSSIA Amer. cons. for Archangel, 1832-[61] ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. BRANDYWINE, U. S. FRIGATE (1825) In commission (1828-61) : 1828 Pacific sqdn. º ; 1831 Medn. sqdn. (Biddle) ; 1832 do." (Renshaw) ; 1833 Pacific sqdn. (Deacon) ; 1836 do. ; 1839-41 Medn. sqdn. (Bolton) ; 1842 do. (Geisinger) ; 1843- 45 E. I. sqdn. (Parker) ; 1848 Brazil sqdn. (Crabb) ; 1849 do. (Boardman). Statutory Measures 1829 Dec. 22. Intr., McDuffie, S. C.; bill (21. 1. H. R. 16) “for repairing and fitting out the Brandywine ‘’; appra. Dec. 29. (21. 1. H. jol., 76 +; iv, St. L., 370.) Correspondence, etc. Pacific sqdn. (Jones) 1830 Apr. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Sailing of Brandywine misinterpreted by Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 60.) Mediterranean sqdn. (Bolton) 1841 Mch. 25. comdr. Medn. sqdn. (Hull) to comdr. Brandywine (Bolton). Ordered to leave the Mediter- ranean. (27. 1. S. ex. doc. 33, 5.) — Apr. 8. To Amer. cons., Gibraltar (Sprague). Re- ply to his of 7 inst. (ib., 6.) — Apr. 10. Memorandum of return from the Medi- terranean. (ib., 5.) — May 9. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Badger). Return of the Brandywine. (ib., 1.) — May 31. Badger to President, U. S. A. (Tyler). Same. (27. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 62.) — Je. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Preston, S. C.); calling for information of return of Brandywine, etc. (27. 1. S. jol., 22; 41.) — Jly. 6. W. C. Preston, Sen. from S. C. Remarks; censuring conduct of Amer. min. in Gr. Br. (Steven- son) in causing hasty return of Brandywine. (x, Cong. Globe, 151.) East India sqdn. 1844 Apr. 13. Amer. Comr. in China (Cushing) to gov. gen. of Kwang Tung, etc. (Ching). Brandywine on visit to Whampoa. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 11.) — Apr. 19. Ching to Cushing. Protest agst. presence of Brandywine at Whampoa. (ib., 13.) — Apr. 20. Same to same. Further protest. (ib., 16.) — Apr. 22. Cushing to Ching. Brandywine to leave Whampoa. (ib., 19.) See also U. S. Navy : do. Parker. 136 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BRANNON (JOHN), EMPLOYE IN U. S. STATE DEPT. 1856 Aug. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying continu- ance of present rate of compensation. (34. 1. S. jol., 511.) 1860 Feb. 21. To same. Do.; extra services. (36. 1. S. jol., 177.) BRASHEAR (WALTER) 1840 Jan. 7. To U. S. Congress. Petition; praying repeal of naturalization laws. (26. 1. S. doc. 43.) BRATTLEBORO (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 27. To U. S. Senate. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 46.) — Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 84.) BRAUNSCHWEIG; see BRUNSWICK BRAVO (LUIS G.); see GONZALEZ BRAVO (L.) BRAVO (NICOLAS), GENERAL-IN-CHIEF, MEXICAN ARMY 1837 Apr. 12. To Amer. cons., Matamoras (Smith). Mexican decree blockading Texan ports. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 6.) — Apr. 13. To Same. Protest agst. aggressive conduct of U. S. sloop Natchez. (ib., 9.) — Apr. 16. To same. Further protest in case of Natchez; declaration of non-intercourse agst, her; threatened reprisal on property of Amer. citizens living in Mexican terr. (ib., 10.) — Apr. 16. To Same. Embargo laid on all Amer. vessels in port of Matamoras in retaliation of seiz- ure of General Urrea. (ib., 14.) — Apr. 18. To same. Protest agst. certain circum- stances attending seizure of General Urrea. (ib., 15.) — Apr. 21. To same. Arrival of Champion, Louisiana and Julius Caesar in port of Matamoras; trial of CreW, etc., of Julius Caesar. (ib., 17.) BRAVO, MEXICAN ARMED SCHR. 1835 Nov. Captures Amer. Schr. Hannah Elizabeth; see that title. BRAXTON CO. (V.A.) CITIZENS 1850 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; negro trans- portation to Africa. (31. 2. H. jol., 69.) BRAY ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG GEORGE; see GEORGE BRAY (JOHN N.), MASTER AMER. SCHR. MARCIA TRIBON; see that title BRAY (REUBEN), MASTER AMER. BRIG ROBERT WING; see that title BRAZER (JOHN), CLAIMANT 1846 Dec. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. H. jol., 101.) 1850 Jan. 10. To same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 276.) BRAZIL 1827 Jan. 3. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to min- istr. negoc. estrang. Brazil (Inhambupe). Condol- ences on death of empress; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 75.) 1828 Je. 26. Same (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Rioting in Rio de Janeiro; conspiracy agst. govt. discovered in Bahia. (25.1. H. ex. doc. 32, 33.) — Aug. 6. Same to same. Possible demand to be made on him for intervention in riots betw. foreign- ers and Brazilians. (ib., 49.) BRAZIL–Cont’d 1828 Dec. 6. Same to same. Political state of Brazil; etc. (ib., 107.) 1829 Mch. 28. Same to same. Political affairs of Brazil; attitude of English towards Brazil; etc. (ib., 148.) — Apr. 30. Same to same (Van Buren). Political af- fairs of Brazil. (ib., 193.) — May 31. Same to same. Recent corresp. with Bra- zil; etc. (ib., 209.) — Aug. 1. Same to same. Return of J. B. Andrade; position of marchioness of Santos; etc. (ib., 224.) — Aug. 24. Same to same. General report. (ib., 228.) — Sept. 5. Same to same. Closing session of congreSS. (ib., 229.) — Sept. 17. Same to same. Bonds issued for payment Of Amer. claims; admiral Guedes’ pamphlet; em- peror's marriage; reception of capt. Fitz Clarence at court. (ib., 230.) - — Oct. 26. Same to same. Emperor's marriage. (ib., 236.) — Nov. 3. Same to same. General rpt. (ib., 238.) — Nov. 22. Same to same. Ministerial disputes; movements of the emperor; etc. (ib., 250.) — Nov. 28. Same to same. General rpt. (ib., 252.) — Dec. 9. Same to same. Change of ministry; acci- dent to emperor; etc. (ib., 253.) 1830 Feb. 1. Same to same. Arrival, at point of death, of Amer. chargé for Peru (West); affairs of Brazil. (ib., 260.) Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Asylum to Wessels; see that title Cholera ** 1828 Sept. 19. Ministr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty) to Amer. chargé (Tudor). Precautions to prevent introduction of plague from Bucharest. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 101.) - Nº. 8. Same to Same. Further precautions. (ib., 127. & Civil Service Ministro da Fazenda 1829; see Calmon da Peni Almeida. Ministro do Governo 1829; see Pereira (J. C.). Ministro da Justicia 1853; see Barboza (L. A.). Ministro da Marinha 1826; see Paranagoa (visconde de). 1828; see Souza Mello e Alvim. Ministro de Negocios Estrangeiros Dom Pedro I, 1822-31 [From Organisagóes e Programmas Ministeriaes desde 1822 & 1889. Rio de J. 1889. 469 pp. 8°. 7° Gabinete 1827. November 20 Imperio [NOTE: By decree of Nov. 13, 1823, the “secretaria do imperio’’ was separated from the “Secretaria dos negocios estrangeiros.”] * 1827 Nov. 20. Pedro de Aranjo Lima (Marquez de Olinda). 1828 Je. 15. Jose Clemente Pereira. Estrangeiros 1827 Nov. 20. Marques de Aracaty (João Carlos Augusto de Oyenhausen). J. C. Pereira, ad int., Apr., 1829. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 137 BRAZIL–cont’d Civil Service—cont’d Dom Pedro I, 1822-81—cont’d 8° Gabinete 1829. December 4 Imperio 1829 Dec. 4. Marquez de Caravellas 1830 Aug. 12. Visconde de Alcantara (João Ignacio da Cunha). — Oct. 4. José Antonio da Silva Maia. — Dec. 24. Visconde de Alcantara. Estrangeiros 1829 Dec. 4. Miguel Calmon du Pin e Almeida (Mar- quez de Abrantes). 1830 Sept. 9. Francisco Carneiro de Campos (Visconde de Caravellas). — Sept. 23. Marquez de Paranaguá (Francisco Vil- lella Barboza). — Oct. 29. Francisco Carneiro de Campos. 9° Gabinete 1831. March 19 Imperio 1831 Mch. 13. Bernardo José da Gama (Visconde de Goyana). 2 Estrangeiros---~~ 1831 Mch. 19. Francisco Carneiro de Campos. 10° Gabinete 1831. April 5 Imperio 1831 Apr. 5. Marquez de Inhambupe. Estrangeiros 1831 Apr. 5. Marquez de Aracaty. Dom Pedro II, 1831-1889 Regency During Minority, 1831-1840; Provisional Regency, Elected April 7, 1831. Gabinete Imperio 1831 Apr. 7. Visconde de Gayana. — Apr. 26. Manoel José de Souza França. Estrangeiros 1831 Apr. 7. Francisco Carneiro de Campos. Perm dºment regency, elected Je. 17, 1831 1° Gabinete 1831. July 16 Imperio 1831 Jiy. 16. José Lino Coitinho. 1832 Jan. 3. Diego Antonio Feijó. Estrangeiros Francisco Carneiro de Campos, cont’d. 2° Gabinete 1832. August 3 Imperio 1s22 Aug. 3. Antonio Francisco de Paula Hollanda Cavalcante de Albuquerque (Visconde de Albuquer- que). Estrangeiros 1832 Aug. 3. Pedro de Aranjo Lima (Marquez de Olinda). BRAZIL–cont’d - Civil Service—cont’d Dom Pedro II, 1831-1889—cont’d 3° Gabinete 1832. September 13 Af Imperio 1832 Sept. 13. Nicoláo Pereira de Campos Vergueiro. 1833 May 23. Antonio de Souza e Oliveira Coutinho (Visconde de Sepetiba). —- Oct. 7. Antonio Pinto Chichorro da Gama. Estrangeiros 1832 Sept. 13. Bento da Silva Lisboa (Barão de Cayrū). 1834 Feb. 21. Aureliano de Souza e Oliveira Coutinho (Visconde de Sepetiba). 4° Gabinete 1835. January 16 Imperio 1835 Jan. 16. Manoel do Nascimento Castro e Silva. — Jan. 20. Joaquim Vieira da Silva e Souza. Estrangeiros 1835 Jan. 16. Manoel Alves Branco (2° Wisconde de Caravellas). Regency of Senator Diogo Antonio Feijó. Oct. 12, 1835-Sept. 18, 1837 1° Gabinete 1835. November 14 Imperio 1835 Nov. 14. | Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu (Vis- conde de º Estrangeiros Manoel Alves Branco, cont’d. 2° Gabinete 1836. February 5 Imperio 1836 Feb. 5. Jose Ignacio Borges. — Je. 7. Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu (Visconde de Abaeté). — Sept. 29. Gustavo Adolpho de Aguilar Pantoja. Estrangeiros 1836 Feb. 5. Jose Ignacio Borges. — Je. 7. Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu. 3° Gabinete 1836. NOWember 1 Imperio 1836 Nov. 1. Manoel da Fonseca Lima e Silva. 1837 Mch. 18. Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu. Estrangeiros 1836 Nov. 1. Gustavo Adolpho de Aguilar Pantoja. 1837 Feb. 20. Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu. 4° Gabinete 1837. May 16 Imperio 1837 May 16. Manoel Alves Branco (2° Visconde de Caravellas). — Sept. 18. Pedro de Aranjo Lima (Marquez de Olinda). Estrangeiros 1837 May 16. Francisco Gé Acayaba de Montezuma (Visconde de Jequitinhonha). 138 INDEX To UNITED STATEs DocumENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs BRAZIL–cont’d Civil Service—cont’d Fºegency of Senator Pedro de Aranjo Lima (Marquez de Olinda), Sept. 18, 1837-Jiy. 22, 1840 1° Gabinete 1837. September 19 Imperio 1837 Sept. 19. Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcellos. Estrangeiros 1837 Sept. 19. Antonio Peregrino Maciel Monteiro (2° Barão de Itamaracá). 2° Gabinete 1839. April 16 Imperio 1839 Apr. 16. Francisco de Paula de Almeida Albu- Querque. Estrangeiros 1839 Apr. 16. Candido Baptista de Oliveira. 3° Gabinete 1839. September 1 Imperio 1839 Sept. 1. Manoel Antonio Galvão. 1840 May 2. Francisco Ramiro de Assis Coelho. Estrangeiros 1839 Sept. 1. Caetano Maria Lopes Gama (Visconde de Maranguape). 4° Gabinete 1840. May 18 Imperio 1840 May 18. Caetano Maria Lopes Gama. Estrangeiros Caetano Maria Lopes Gama, cont’d. Regency of Dom Pedro II. 1° Gabinete 1840. July 24 Imperio 1840 Jly. 24. Antonio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada Ma- Chado e Silva. Estrangeiros 1840 Jly. 24. Aureliano de Souza e Oliveira Coutinho (Visconde de Sepetiba). 2° Gabinete 1841. March 23 Imperio 1841 Mch. 23. Candido José de Aranjo Vianna (Marquez de Sapucahy). w Estrangeiros Aureliano de Souza e Oliveira, cont’d. 3° Gabinete 1843. January 20 Imperio 1843 Jan. 20. Jose Antonio da Silva Maia. Estrangeiros 1843 Jan. 20. Honorio Hermeto Carneiro Leão (Mar- quez de Paraná). — Je. 8. Paulino José Soares de Souza (Visconde de |Uruguay). BRAZIL–cont’d Civil Service—cont’d Regency of Dom Pedro II—cont’d 4° Gabinete 1844. February 2 Imperio 1844 Feb. 2. José Carlos Pereira de Almeida Torres (Visconde de Macahé). Estrangeiros 1844 Feb. 2. Ernesto Ferreira. França. 5° Gabinete - 1845. May 26 Imperio 1845 May 26. Jose Carlos Pereira de Almeida Torres, cont’d. Estrangeiros 1845 May 26. Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu. 6° Gabinete 1846 May 2 Imperio 1846 May 2. Joaquim Marcellino de Brito. Estrangeiros 1846 May 2. Bento da Silva Lisboa (Barão de Cayru). 7° Gabinete 1847. May 22 Imperio 1847 May 22. Manoel Alves Branco (2° Wisconde de Caravellas). — JIy. 20. Francisco de Paula Souza e Mello. — Oct. 20. Nicolau Pereira de Campos Vergueiro. — Nov. 18. Manoel Alves Branco. Estrangeiros 1847 May 22. Saturnino de Souza e Oliveiro. 1848 Jan. 29. Jose Antonio Pimenta Bueno (Marquez de S. Vicente). 8° Gabinete 1848. March 8 Imperio 1848 Mch. 8. Wisconde de Macahé. Estrangeiros 1848 Mch. 8. Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu. 9° Gabinete 1848. May 31 Imperio 1848 May 31. Jose Pedro Dias de Carvalho. Estrangeiros 1848 May 31. Bernardo de Souza Franco (Visconde de Souza Franco). 10° Gabinete 1848. September 29 Imperio 1848 Sept. 29. Visconde de Monte Allegre (José da Costa Carvalho). . Estrangeiros 1848 Sept. 29. Visconde de Olinda (Pedro de Aranjo Lima). 1849 Oct. 8. Paulino José Soares de Souza (Visconde de Uruguay). INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS - 139 BRAZIL–cont’d Civil Service—cont’d . Regency of Doºm, Pedro II—cont’d 11° Gabinete 1852. May 11 Imperio 1852 May 11. Francisco Gonçalves Martins (Barão de S. Lourenço). Estrangeiros Paulino José Soares de Souza, cont’d. 12° Gabinete 1853. September 6 Imperio 1853 Sept. 6. Luiz Pedreira do Conto Ferraz (Visconde de Bom Retiro). Estrangeiros 1853 Sept. 6. Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu (Vis- COnde de Abaeté). 1855 Je. 14. José Maria da Silva Paranhos (Visconde do Rio Branco). 13° Gabinete - 1857. May 4 Imperio 1857 May 4. Marquez de Olinda. Estrangeiros 1857 May 4. Wisconde de Maranguape. 14° Gabinete 1858. December 12 Imperio 1858 Dec. 12. Sergio Teixeira de Mecedo. Estrangeiros 1858 Dec. 12. José Maria da Silva Paranhos. 15° Gabinete 1859. August 10. Imperio 1859 Aug. 10. Angelo Muniz da Silva Ferraz (Barão de |Uruguayana). Sept. 3. João de Almeida Pereira Filho. . Estrangeiros 1859 Aug. 10. João Lins Vieira Cansansão de Sinimbú. (Visconde de Sinimbú). 16° Gabinete 1861. March 2 Imperio 1861. Mch. 2. Francisco de Paula de Negreiros Sayão Lobato (Visconde de Nictheroy). — Apr. 21. José Antonio Saraiva. — Jly. 10. José Ildefonso de Souza Ramos (Visconde de Jaguary). Estrangeiros - 1861 Mch, 2. José Maria da Silva Paranhos (Visconde do Rio Branco). — Apr. 21. Antonio Coelho de Sá e Albuquerque. — JIy. 10. Benevenuto Augusto de Magalhaës Taques. Claims vs. Brazil AMERICAN (Treaty stipulations) 1849 Jan. 27. Conv. for satisfaction of claims of citizens of the U. S. [obsoletel; Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47, 115. Signed by David Tod (U. S.) and viconde de Olinda (Brazil). Amer. ratification proc. in viii, Sen, exec. jol. BRAZIL–cont’d Claims vs. Brazil—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd (Statutory measures) 1850 Jan. 29. Intr. in U. S. Senate (King, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (31. 1. S. 87) “to carry into effect conv. of Jan. 27, 1849, with Brazil’’; approved Mch. 29. (31. 1. S. jol., 119, 150, 248; ix, St. L., 422.) 1852 Je. 11. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (32. 1. S. 451) “to amend act. of Mch. 29, 1850 . . . . .” ; approved Jly. 3. (32. 1. S. joi., 469, 510; x, St. L., 11.) AMERICAN : Commission. To ADJUST CLAIMS Statutory measures 1851 Feb. 10. Intr. in House (Bayly, Com. of Ways and Means), bill (31. 2. H. R. 461) “making apprns. for civil and dipl. expenses for . . . . 1852 [clause provid- ing apprp. for compensation for comr.] * ; approved Mch. 3. (31. 1. H. and S. jol.; ix, St. L., 607.) 1852 Feb. 19. Intr. in Senate (Mason, Com. on Foreign Relations), res. (32. 1. S. R. 20) “extending time of commission under conv. with Brazil” ; approved Feb. 27. (32. 1. S. jol., 218, 229, 238; x, St. L., 146.) Organization of Commission 1850 Apr. 16. G. P. Fisher, of Del., nominated comr. (viii, Sen. exec. jol., 164, 174, 199.) — May 22. P. N. Searle, of N. Y., nominated clerk. (ib., 185, 199.) — Aug. 29. C. H. Edwards, nominated clerk in place of P. N. Searle, resigned. (ib., 224-25, 245.) AMERICAN : CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC., RESP. CLAIMS 1836 Dec. 5. President, U. S. A. (Jackson). Annual message; clause resp. relations With, and claims agst. Brazil. 1841 Dec. 7. Same (Tyler). Do.; clause regarding un- settled state of claims of U. S. citizens agst. Brazil. 1842 Dec. 7. Same. Do.; clause regarding delays in settlement of claims agst. Brazil. 1847 Feb. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to secr. Inegoc. estrangeiros, Brazil (Cayru). Protest agst. delay in settling claims; etc. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 61.) 1849 Aug. 23. Same (Tod), to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Recommends that tribunal to sit at Rio de Janeiro, be apptd. for purpose of adjusting claims of U. S. agst. Brazil. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 5.) — Aug. 28. Agts. of principal Amer. claimants agst. Brazil (Maxwell, Wright and co.) to Tod. Petition that tribunal apptd. to adjust claims sit at Rio de Janeiro. (ib., 6.) Dec. 4. President, U. S. A. (Taylor). Annual mes- sage; clause resp. conv. With Brazil for settlement of Amer. claims. 1850 Jan. 23. Same to U. S. House. Message recom- mending prescription, by congress, of mode of pay- ment of Brazilian claims. (31. 1. H. jol., 402.) — Feb. 13. W. R. King, sen. from Ala. Remarks; on bill (31. 1. S. 87) to carry into effect conv. of 1849, with amdmt. limiting its operation to one year; etc. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 354-56.) Feb. 13. H. Clay, Sen. from Ky. Remarks on S. 87; recommends use of Commission actg. under Mexican treaty. (ib., 354.) — Feb. 13. H. Hamlin, Sen, from Me. Remarks on S. 87. (ib., 354.) Feb. 13. J. A. Pearce, Sen. from Md. Same. (ib., 365.) — Feb. 13. H. S. Foote, Sen. from Miss. Amdmt. re- ducing amt. for services of clerk, in bill to carry into effect conv. of 1849. (ib., 354.) 140 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS \ BRAZIL–cont’d Claims vs. Brazil—cont’d A MERICAN : CORRESPONDENCE, ETC., RESP. CLAIMS-cont’d 1850 Mch. 20. J. A. McClernand, repr. from Ill. Ex- planation, in House Com. of the Whole, of S. 87. (ib., 570.) — Dec. 2. President, U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual message; clause resp. execution of conv. of 1849 with Brazil. 1851 Jan. 10. Comr. under conv. of 1849 (Fisher) to congressman Underhill, U. S. A. Synopsis of char- acter of claims before commission. (V, Moore, Inter- natl. arbitration, 4613; 53. 2. H. misc. doc. V. 39, 4613.) 1852 Feb. 2. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Difficulties in settlement of claims agst. Brazil. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 1.) — Feb. 24. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks on res. (S. R. 20) extending time of commission under conv. of 1849; with amdmt. limiting extension to four months. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 620.) — Feb. 27. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Remarks in support of res., S. R. 20. (ib., 649.) — Feb. 27. R. Toombs, repr. from Ga. Same. (ib., 649.) — Apr. 27. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.) to in- Struct Com. on Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of providing for adjusting conflicting claims to awards under 1849 conv. With Brazil. (32. 1. S. jol., 379.) — Je. 11, 30. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; explanation and support of bill (S. 451) to amend act of Mch. 29, 1850. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 1554, 1645.) — Je. 15. Counsel for Ellison, Ball and Hammond to TJ. S. House. Petition of W. G. Swethen agst. passage of bill S. 451. (32. 1. H. jol., 812.) — Je. 28. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Remarks, urg- ing passage of bill S. 451. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 1629- 30.) — Aug. 12, 19. U. S. claimants agst. Brazil to U. S. Senate. Memorial praying apprm. to pay balance of awards due them. (32. 1. S. jol., 584, 614.) 1858 Dec. 6. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message [clause relating to claims of citizens of TI. S. A. agst. Brazil]. a. Prize claims Because of detention of Amer. vessels by naval forces of Brazil for alleged attempts to enter ports of Buenos Aires in violation of law of blockade. See also Argentine Republic. Blockade. See also Adams ; Amity; Budget ; Hannah ; Hero ; Hus- 8ar; Nile; Panther; Pioneer; President Adams ; #à Ruth : Sarah, George ; Spark ; Spermo & Tell- 1827 May 31. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Brazilian chargé in U. S. (Rebello). Successor to Amer. chargé (Raguet) to be apptd. on receipt of assur- ance of his favorable reception at court, and of prompt arrangement for settlement of Brazilian indemnity. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 108, 6.) — Je. 1. Rebello to Clay. ASSurance that arrange- ment for settlement of Brazilian indemnity will be begun on arrival in Brazil of successor to Mr. Ra- guet. (ib., 7.) — Je. 2. Clay to Rebello. Successor to Mr. Raguet to be appointed pursuant to his assurance of 1 inst. (ib., 8.) Oct. 23. Clay to Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor). Instructions on his apptmt.; Amer. claims and mode of settlement. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 7.) 1828 May 1. Brazil. Decree granting indemnity in cases of certain therein named vessels. (ib., 42.) — J1y. 5. Tudor to ministr. do negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty). Amer. claims. (ib., 38.) — Jly. 17. Same to same. Urges consideration of Amer. claims. (ib., 43.) BRAZIL–cont’d Claims vs. Brazil—cont’d AMERICAN: CORRESPONDENCE, ETC., RESP. CLAIMs—cont’d a. Prize claims—cont’d 1828–Jly. 18. Tudor to Clay. Conferences at foreign of- fice resp. Amer. claims. (ib., 36.) — Aug. 5. Same to same. Causes of delay in settling Amer. claims. (ib., 47.) — Aug. 20. Tudor to Aracaty. Threatens cessation of dipl. relations if pending negotiations are not satis- factorily arranged for settlement previous to de- parture of Macedonian. (ib., 72.) — Aug. 21. Aracaty to Tudor. Substantially admits all demands made upon Brazil. (ib., 75.) — Aug. 22. Tudor to Aracaty. Acknowledges promises % mºtiation looking to settlement of claims. (ib., — Aug. 25. Tudor to Clay. Unfavorable rate of ex- change cause of delay in liquidating claims agst. Brazil; etc. (ib., 53.) — Aug. 25. Same to Same. Rpt. on disposition of ten, therein named, claims agst. Brazil. (ib., 52.) — Aug. 27. Same to Same. Names of comrs. apptd. to settle Amer. claims; etc. (ib., 83.) Sept. 12. Tudor to Aracaty. Urges settlement of Claims as necessary preliminary to treaty negoti- ations. (ib., 97.) — Sept. 16. Aracaty to Tudor. Promises despatch in Settlement of claims. (ib., 101.) — Sept. 21. Tudor to Aracaty. Again urges settle- ment of claims. (ib., 103.) — Sept. 28. Tudor to Clay. Progress of operations of comrs. of claims; etc. (ib., 89.) — Oct. 22. Same to same. Negotiations resp. treaty and claims; etc. (ib., 105.) — Nov. 13. Tudor to Aracaty. Urges despatch in Set- tlement of claims; etc. (ib., 130.) Nov. 15. AraCalty to Tudor. Amer. claims. (ib., 129.) — Dec. 3. Clay to Tudor. Approves conduct resp. Amer. claims. (ib., 20.) — Dec. 7. Tudor to Aracaty. Urges despatch in set- tlement of claims; etc. (ib., 139.) — Dec. 12. Tudor to Aracaty. Demands positive an- Swer resp. claims. (ib., 141.) — Dec. 12. Aracaty to Tudor. Additional stipulations resp. settlement of claims. (ib., 141.) * — Dec. 13. Tudor to Clay. Terms on which Amer. claims will be liquidated; cases which have been settled by comrs.; etc. (ib., 133.) — Dec. 13. AraCaty to Tudor. Amer. claims to be settled on same terms as French claims; etc. (ib., 140.) — Dec. 20. Tudor to Aracaty. Requests that instruc- tions be given to comrs. Of claims to proceed; etc. (ib., 142.) = 1829 Jan. 5. Aracaty to Tudor. Comrs. of claims ordered to proceed. (ib., 143.) — Jan. 24. Tudor to Aracaty. Urges despatch in ex- amination of Amer. claims. (ib., 165.) - — Feb. 18. Tudor to Clay. Progress of proc. for liqui- dation of claims; etc. (ib., 147.) — Mch. 12. Tudor to Aracaty. Urgent representation agst. delay in liquidating Amer. Claims; etc. (ib., 170.) —- Mch. 16. Aracaty to Tudor. Resp. delay in liqui- dating Amer. claims; etc. (ib., 171.) — Mch. 17. Tudor to Aracaty. Reply to his of 16 inst. (ib., 173.) — Mch. 23. Same to same. Settlement of claims. (ib., 175.) — Mch. 24. Aracaty to Tudor. Conditions of liqui- dation of claims; etc. (ib., 179.) Particulars resp. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 141 BRAZIL–cont’d Claims vs. Brazil—cont’d AMERICAN: CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC., RESP. CLAIMS–cont’d a. Prize claims—cont’d 1829 Mch. 27. M. P. Gentry, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; on S. res. 20, extending time of commission under conv. of 1849. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 649.) — Mch. 28. Tudor to Clay. State of Amer. claims; etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 7.) — Mch. 29. Tudor to Aracaty. Rate of payment of Amer. claims not to be affected by state of exchange. (ib., 182.) — Apr. 5. Tudor to Clay. Status of claims negotia- tions; etc. (ib., 150.) — Apr. 6. Tudor to Aracaty. Requests precise strmt. resp. exchange at Which Amer. claims are to be liquidated; etc. (ib., 186.) — Apr. 14. Ministr. negoc. estrang., ad int., Brazil (Pereira) to Tudor. Terms on which Amer. claims will finally be liquidated. (ib., 187.) — Apr. 18. Tudor to Clay. Rpt. in detail on Amer. and foreign claims agst. Brazil; lists of Amer. claims ſº liquidated and adjusted for liquidation. (ib., 152. — May 6. Tudor to Aracaty. Requests decision on conversion of awards in Amer. claims from pezos fortes into milreis. (ib., 198.) — May 27. Same to same. On rate of exchange for awards in Amer. claims; etc. (ib., 205.) — May 29. Aracaty to Tudor. Rate of exchange set- tled; etc. (ib., 207.) — May 30. Tudor to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). State of negotiation of Amer. claims; etc. (ib., 194.) — Je. 1. Tudor to Aracaty. Rate of exchange; etc. (ib., 208.) Je. 15. Ratification of award for payment of Amer. claims; do. of exchange. (ib., 220.) Je. 24. Tudor to Van Buren. Awards of comrs. in Amer. claims cases ratified; etc. (ib., 211.) — Sept. 17. Same to same. Bonds issued for payment of Amer. claims; etc. (ib., 230.) — Nov. 18. Minister of Finance, Brazil (Calmon da Peni Almeida) to Tudor. Bonds for payment of Amer. claims ready for delivery; copy of one of the bonds. (ib., 248.) — Nov. 18. List of total amt.S. in each case of Amer. claims for which bonds are issued. (ib., 249.) — Nov. 22. Tudor to Van Buren. Bonds received in payment of Amer. claims; etc. (ib., 250.) b. Other than Prize Claims (adjusted) See also Amazon ; Argus ; Aspasia; Brutus ; Caspian; Cincinnatus ; Erie ; Felicidade ; Florence; Globe; Gomez (E.) ; Hayes (P. B.) ; Hayes, Engerer and Co.; Hope ; , John S. ... Bryan , Laine : Louisiana ; Morning Star; Mystic; Navarre; Orient; Ray (M.) : Sally Dana ; Sarah and Esther; Shamrock; Shilleleh; Smith. (Jas.).; Stewart (R. J.).; Tar- duin: Toucan: Wave ; Wells (L.) ; Wolfe (Wm.); Wright and Houghton ; Yeoman. n. d. Synopsis of adjusted claims, other than the prize claims, of U. S. agst. Brazil. (W, Moore. Internati. arbitration, 4613; 53. 2. H. misc. doc. v. 39, 4613; 35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 113.) t (unadjusted) See also Armstrong; Atlantic; Canada; Camilla; Con- stitution ; Courier; Eachange; Flora; Fostér (R. W.) ; Francis ; Grace Ann, Griffin; Guerrière; Hazard; Hesperus ; Homer; Hudson ; , Joseph ; Lafayette; Leonidas, Lion ; Marsden (G.) ; Ma- tilda ; Monarch ; Pactolus ; Potosí; So. Amer. Steamboat Assn. n. d. Synopsis of unadjusted Amer. claims agst. Brazil. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 117.) BRAZIL–cont’d Claims vs. Brazil—cont’d FRENCEI 1828 Jly. 18. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). State of French negotiations for settlement of claims. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 32, 46.) — Aug. 21. Copy of conv. betw. France and Brazil for settlement of claims; French text. (ib., 184.) Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial) Consular Service Portugal LOANDA 1857. Morae (I. J.). |United States 1833. Cons. gen.; Guitherme dos Rios. NEW YORK 1854. Figaniere (L. F.) de, vice-cons. e * See also analysis of treaty provisions in treaties COIn- cluded with U. S. A., under Consular service. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Customs Service ſº 1829 Jan. 7. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to min- istr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty). Protest agst. certain custom house regulations. (25. 1. H. ex: dOC. 32, 143.) — jan. 22. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Custom house reforms in Brazil; etc. (ib., 145.) See also Potosi, Amer. Ship. Davis Affair; see Davis (A.B.) Decrees 1827 Nov. 6. Requiring foreign vessels to give bonds not to enter Buenos Airean ports; Engl. text. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 113.) 1828 May 21. Granting indemnity in cases of certain therein named vessels; Engl. text. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 32, 42.) Deserters; see that title e º Diplomatic Agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Diplomatic Service Dnited States [From Register (1874), State Dept., U. S. A.] 1824-29. Chargé; Jose S. Rebello. 1829-33. Do.; Jose de Aranjo Ribeiro. - 1833 Feb.-Dec. 31. Actg. chargé; Manoel Guitherme dos Reis, cons.-gen. 1833-38. Chargé; Jose F. de Paula Cavalcante de Albu- querque. 1838-39. Min. res.; Ernesto F. França. 1840-41. Chargé; Pedro Rodriguez Fernandes Chaves. 1841-45. Min. res.; Gaspar J. de Lisboa. 1845-47. E. E. and M. P.; Same. 1847-49. Chargé ad int.; Felipe J. Pereira Leal, Secy. legation. 1849-51. E. E. and M. P.; Sergio Texeira de Macedo. 1851 Je.-Nov. Chargé ad int. Antonio J. Duarte de Ar- anjo Gondim, secy. legation. 1851-52. Chargé Luis Pereira Sodré. 1852-55. E. E. and M. P. Francisco Ignacio de Carvalho Moreira. 1855-56. Chargé ad int. Francisco Xavier da Costa Agu- iar de Andrade, attaché. 1856-58. E. E. and M. P. Jose F. de Paula Cavalcante de Albuquerque. 1858-59. Chargé ad int. Antonio P. de Carvalho Borges, secy. legation. 1859-64. E. E. and M. P. Miguel M. Lisboa. Venezuela, New Grenada and Ecuador. 1853. E. E. and M. P.; see Lisboa (M. M.). 142 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BRAZIL–cont’d Embargo; see that title Exterritoriality; see that title Extradition; see that title Foreign Relations ARGENTINE REPUBLIC See also Argentine Republic. Blockade. 1828 Aug. 27. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Peace with Buenos Aires; etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 83.) — Aug. 28. Tudor to ministr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty). Signing of preliminaries of peace with Buenos Aires. (ib., 96.) — Aug. 29. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Peace preliminaries with Buenos Aires signed 28 inst. (ib., 84.) Sept. 11. Same to same. Copy of conv. betw. Brazil and Buenos Aires. (ib., 85.) Oct. 24. Aracaty to Tudor. Preliminaries of peace ratified; blockade raised. (ib., 123.) Oct. 27. Tudor to Clay. Same; commission of Amer. ConS. at Bahia (Odlin) renewed. (ib., 107.) GREAT BRITAIN 1828 Mch. 31. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor). Instructions; treaty of 1827 betw. Gr. Br. and Brazil. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 18.) 1829 Mch. 28. Tudor to Clay. Attitude of English to- wards Brazil; etc. (ib., 148.) See also Pallas, H. B. M. frigate. SWEDEN ; See ANDERS, SWED. BRIG UNITED STATES See also Argentine Republic (Blockade) : Impressment. 1825 Nov. 23. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard) to comdr. U. S. S. Cyane (Elliott). Instructions; cruise on e. Coast of So. Amer. (20. 1. H. ex, doc. 281, 119.) 1826 Je. 1. Same to comdr. Brazil sqdn. (Biddle) apptd. to COmmand Macedonian as flagship of Brazil Sqdn. ; ordered to proceed to sea; instructions. (ib., 120.) Sept. 23. Amer. Chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Suggests reference to Brazil in President’s message; etc., etc. (ib., 30.) Oct. 31. Same to same. Possibility of early cessa- tion of dipl. intercourse; etc. (ib., 53.) 1827 Jan. 20. Clay to Raguet. Tenor of corresp. With Brazil; etc. (ib., 108.) — Feb. 7. Raguet to Clay. Effect of reference to Bra- zil in President’s message; etc. (ib., 80.) Aug. 22. Ministr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty) to Tudor. Minister of marine and himself named plenipotentiaries to negotiate treaty of Commerce, etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 78.) Dec. 4. President, U. S. A. (Adams). Annual meS- sage; clause referring to termination of official func- tions of Amer. chargé (Raguet). 1828 Mch. 29. Clay to Tudor. Instructions; negotiation of treaty of commerce, etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 14.) Je. 26. Tudor to Clay. Conference with Brazilian minister of foreign affairs (Aracaty). (ib., 32.) — Jly. 3. Same to same. Imperial audience; etc. (ib., 34.) — JIy. 9. Aracaty to Tudor. Gratification at amicable intentions. (ib., 41.) — Aug. 5. Tudor to Clay. Commission to negotiate treaty of friendship, etc. (ib., 46.) — Aug. 9. Same to Aracaty. Power to negotiate treaty; etc. (ib., 65.) — Aug. 22. Same to same. Forwards commission with power to treat; etc. (ib., 78.) — Aug. 23 [24]. Same to same. Asks to be supplied with formal commission of plenipotentiaries with power to treat; etc. (ib., 79.) BRAZIL–Cont'd Foreign Relations—cont’d UNITED STATES—cont’d 1828 Aug. 25. Aracaty to Tudor. Encloses imperial Com- mission. (ib., 81.) — Aug. 25. Tudor to Clay. Progress of treaty negoti- ation; etc. (ib., 53.) — Aug. 27. Tudor to Aracaty. Proposing as Com- mercial basis of treaty, arts. 4 and 5 of treaty betw. Central America and U. S. A. (ib., 93.) — Sept. 12. Same to same. Urges settlement of claims as preliminary to treaty negotiation. (ib., 97.) Sept. 15. Same to Braz. treaty comrs. Plans of treaty. (ib., 98.) Sept. 20. Same to same. Alterations in treaty” as submitted. (ib., 102.) * — Sept. 27. Aracaty to Tudor. Appoints day for con- ference on treaty. (ib., 104.) — Sept. 30. Tudor to Clay. Conference with Braz. treaty comrs.; etc. (ib., 90.) — Oct. 22. Same to same. Treaty negotiations; etc. (ib., 105.) — Dec. 7. Same to Aracaty. Importance of immediate conclusion of treaty. (ib., 139.) — Dec. 11. Same to Clay. Signing of treaty promised; notice of desire to return to U. S. A. (ib., 115.) Dec. 13. Aracaty to Tudor. Fixes time for signing of treaty. (ib., 140.) — Dec. 13. Tudor to Clay. Amer. trade with Brazil will be increased by equalization duties; offers res- ignation; etc. (ib., 133.) 1829 May 26. Aracaty to Tudor. Case of Brazilian depu- ties, plundered by Buenos Airean privateer, on board an Amer. vessel. (ib., 204.) May 27. Tudor to Aracaty, U. S. A. can assume no responsibility in loss sustained by Brazilian deputies. (ib., 206.) — Jly. 4. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Friendly expressions of emperor during audience; Čhargé d'affaires of Dom Miguel; Tudor's departure. (ib., 221.) Sept. 4. Van Buren to Tudor. Instructions; oc- casion of delay in U. S. A. in recognizing Dom Miguel. (ib., 24.) 1830 Jan. 2. Tudor to Van Buren. Effect of news of recognition of Dom Miguel by U. S. A.; return of Rebello. (ib., 258.) 1838 Dec. 3. President, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Annual message [clause regarding diplomatic relations With Brazil]. 1839 Dec. 23. Same. DO. Isame]. 1840 Dec. 5. Same. Do. [clause regarding expiration of treaty of 1828]. 1844 Dec. 3. Same (Tyler). Do. [clause regarding friendly relations with Brazil]. 1846 Dec. 9. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Brazil’s dis- pleasure at failure of Comdre. Rousseau to salute birth of princess; anticipates recall, due to Brazilian influence. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 42.) 1847 Jan. 22. U. S. Senate. Res. (Hannegan, Ind.); call- ing for information regarding misunderstanding at Rio de J. (29. 2. S. jol., 124; 145.) — Feb. 15. Wise to ministr. negoc. estrang. (Cayru). Requests imperial audience to deliver in person President's congratulatory letter on birth of prin- cess. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 48.) Feb. 25. Cayru to Wise. Refusal of imperial audi- ence. (ib., 52.) — Feb. 25. Wise to Cayru, Gratified at expression of Braz. neutrality in war betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; offers Levant to carry despatches to Washington. (ib., 51.) Feb. 26. Same to same. Protest agst. reason for refusing audience. (ib., 52.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 143 BRAZIL–cont’d Foreign Relations—cont’d TJNITED STATES-COnt’d 1847 Feb. 26. Same to Buchanan. Strained relations with Brazil. (ib., 45.) — Mch. 29. Buchanan to Wise. Rpt. of conferences with Lisboa. (ib., 136.) — Apr. 6. Wise to comdre. Braz. Sqdn., U. S. N. (Rousseau). Instructions; dipl. position to be maintained during pending orders from Washing- ton. (ib., 59.) — Apr. 12. Same to Buchanan. Gratified at manner of settlement of Braz. controversy; anticipates recall. (ib., 56.) — May 15. Same to Cayru. Criticism of rpt. of min. of foreign affairs, Brazil, of May 5, 1847. (ib., 110.) — Je. 27. Same to Buchanan. Gratified at support of govt. ; declines to consider projects submitted by emperor; suggestions for instructions to successor. (ib., 111.) — Aug. 26. Same to same. Substance of conferences with Mr. Tod. (ib., 114.) — Dec. 7. President of U. S. A. (Polk). Annual mes- Sage [clause regarding settlement of Braz. diffi- culty]. 1848 Mch. 28. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cameron, Penn.); calling for Braz. instructions to Braz. chargé in U. S. A. (Leal) his letters to State Dept.; etc. (30. 1. S. jol., 241.) 1858 Dec. 6. President, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message [clause regarding relations with Brazil]. Free Ships, Free Goods; see that title Impressment; see that title Nationality of Wessels; see Wessels Navy Admirals 1826; see Lobo (R. J. F.). 1826-28; see Pinto Guedes (R.). Vessels See Donna, Paula: Olinda; and corresp. involving In- ºndencia Ou Morte under Argentine Rep. Block- €. Neutrality Negotiations; see Neutrality Peru and Brazil - 1829 Feb. 18. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Brazil and Peru. (25. 1. H. ex, doc. 32, 147.) . Piracy 1828 Sept. 28. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Growth of piracy; etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 89.) — Dec. 6. Same to same. Piracy on coasts of Cuba. and Brazil; etc. (ib., 107.) 1829 May 30. Same to same (Van Buren). Piracy; etc. (ib., 194.) -*- #,” Same to Same. Cases of piracy; etc. (ib., 211. Port Regulations; see that title Shipwreck Regulations; see that title Slavetrade; see that title Treaties , 1828 Aug. 21. Brazil and France. Claims conv.; French text. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 184.) — Aug. 28. Same and Buenos Aires. Peace conv.; Engl. text. (ib., 85.) — Dec. 12. Same and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; Engl. text. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 105.) Rati- fication proc. in iv, Sen. Exec. jol. 1849 Jan. 27. Same and Same. Claims conv.; see above Claims. BRAZIL–cont’d Treaties—cont’d 1851 Oct. 23. Same and Peru. Fluvial commerce, etc., and boundary; Engl. text. (33. 1. H. misc. doc. 22, 13.) BRAZIL, SLAVER BRIG (BEVANS, FAULKNER) 1848 Aug. 26. Bevans. Examination in matter of appli- cation of L. Krafft for a sea letter for brig Brazil. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 37.) — Nov. 30. Amer. cons., Rio de Janeiro (Parks). Tes- timony relative to refusal to grant Sea letter to Krafft; association of Toreado with brig. (ib., 35.) Dec. 4. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Sea letter for Brazil; etc. (ib., 34.) — Dec. 4. Examination of L. F. D. Krafft. (ib., 39.) BRAZORIA (TEXAS) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BRAZORIA, AMER. SCHR.; CLAIM W.S. MEXICO Seized in port of Brazoria on Je. 21, 1832, and employed by Mexican govt. in attack on Anahuac ; abandoned by owners to underwriters who claim. n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 68; H. doc. 3, 71.) n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 51.) 1833 Dec. 31. Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Claim of Jackson Ma- rine Ins. Co. in case of Brazoria. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 115.) 1836 Sept. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio). Case of Brazoria. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 30.) BREAKWATER, AMER. WESSEL (CAREW); see FALKLAND IS. BREATHITT (GEORGE), OF KY. 1833-34, clerk to Amer. commission adjudicating Nea- politan indemnity ; see Two Sicilies. Claims. BRECK (WILLIAM), OF N. H. Amer. cons. for Swatow in 1860; see U. S. A. Consular Service. 1860 May 2. To asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton). [unnum.] Fixing salary of Amer. cons. at Swatow. (36. 1. H. rpt. 564, 3.) 1861 Mch. 6. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Seward). [no. 21, extr.] Regulating coolie trade. (37. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 21.) May 16. To same. [no. 22, extr.] Hostility to for- eigners at Swatow ; extent of opium and coolie trade. (ib., 22.) — May 16. To same. [no. 25, extr.] Advice of ap- ptmt. of Bradley as actg. Vice-cons. at Ningpo. (ib., 22.) BRECKENRIDGE (H. M.); see BRACKENRIDGE BRECKENRIDGE (JOHN CABELL) Repr. from Ky. 32d to 33d congress (1851-55) ; mem- ber Com. on . Foreign Affairs, 32 cong., 1851-53 ; tendered mission to Spain in 1855, but declined it : senator from Ky, in 1861. Representative from Ky. 1852 Aug. 7. Remarks; purchase of cemetery near Mex- ico. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 2132.) 1854 Mch. 13. Spanish outrages in Cuba on U. S. flag; etc. (33. 1. ib., 614.) t 1855 Jan. 27. Opposition to French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (33. 2. ib., 427.) — Feb. 9. Do.; personal explanation in regard to declining mission to Spain. (ib., 650.) — Feb. 14. Do.; H. res. 47, to fulfill stipulations of art. 9, Florida treaty. (ib., 739.) — Mch. 3. Do.; Farnum drafts. (33. 2. ib., 1163.) 144 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BREEDALL (ASMUS C.), ASSIGNEE OF 1852 Jan. 2. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; revision of de- cisions of Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 89.) — Mch. 3. To U. S. House. Do.; Mexican indemnity. (32. 1. H. jol., 417.) BREEDLOVE (JAMES), CLAIMANT; see GENERAL MO- RALES, BRIG BREEDLOVE (JAMES W.) Mea;ican vice-cons. for New Orleans 1829 Oct. 15. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Montoya) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Apptmt. of Breed- love. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 638.) Oct. 19. Van Buren to Montoya. Transmits ex- equatur on Breedlove commission. (ib., 639.) Amer. Customs Collector, New Orleans 1838 Jly. 13. To French cons., New Orleans (David). Case of Lone. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 46.) — Jly. 28. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Same. (ib., 45.) BREESE (SAMUEL L.), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1810-70. Lieut., 1816; comdr., 1835; capt., 841; Comdre., retired, 1862; rear-adm., 1862. Died Dec. 17, 1870. Sea service, in command (1828-61) : 1837 comdg. Ontario W. I. sqdn. ; 1840 comdg. Preble, e. coast of U. S. A.; 1844-45 comdg. Cumberland, Medn. sqdn. ; 1846-47 comdg. Albany, Home sqdn. ; 1855-58 comdg. Medn. sqdn. COmdg. Ontario 1838 Jan. 29. To secy. gen., Haiti (Inginac). Imprison- ment of T. G. Swain. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 90.) Comdg. Albany 1847 Mch. 28. To comdr. Home sqdn. (Perry). Proc. of naval battery on Shore during bombardment of Vera Cruz. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1188.) — Apr. 19. To same. Proc. of forces under his com- mand at TuSpan, 18 inst. (ib., 1202.) BREESE (SIDNEY), SEN. FROM ILL. 1844 Feb. 27. Speech; termination of joint occupancy of Oregon. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 327; app., 216.) — Je. 3. Speech; Texan annexation. (ib., app., 537.) 1845 Dec. 16. Remarks; opposing cession of any part of Oregon. (29. 1. ib., 59.) 1846 Jan. 26. Do.; declaration agst, foreign interference with Amer. states. (ib., 248.) — Feb. 26. Do.; Oregon question. (ib., 432.) — Mch. 2. Speech; cession of portion of Oregon. (ib., 443; app., 378.) — Mch. 11. Remarks; correcting Evans on Oregon question. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 481.) — Apr. 23. Do.; Amer. rights in Oregon. (ib., 717.) 1848 Feb. 14. Speech; Mexican War and S. 26. (30. 1. ib., app., 344.) 1847 Feb. 23. Speech; Mexican War and S. 105. (29. 2. ib., app., 205.) Dec. 18. Remarks; transportation of troops, etc., over Isthmus of Panama, and S. 352. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 50, 52.) BREHAN ( ), AMER. SEAMAN; see LEONIDAS BREISACH (L. R.) 1849 Je. 9. To President, U. S. A. (Taylor). Petition for apptmt. as dipl. agt. from U. S. A. to Hungary. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 12.) — Je. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Breisach. Favorable consideration of petition. (ib., 13.) BREMEN (GERMANY) See also Hanseatic League. Civil Service Director of Police 1853. Albers (G. H.). Conscription; see Impressment Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Diplomatic Service United States of America 18||55-61]. Schkiden (R.). Extradition; see that title Impressment; see that title Neutrality Negotiations; see Neutrality Senate 1834 Je. 13. Act resp. emigrants [to U. S.]. (28. 2. S. doc. 42, 5.) t Treaties 1853 Sept. 6. Bremen and U. S. A. Declaration of ac- cession to extradition conv. with Prussia; Engl. text. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 118.) BREMEN, AMER. SLAVER BRIGANTINE (FOREST) Seized as prize, Oct. 10, 1857, off the Congo, by H. B. M. Str. Vesuvius (Wise). n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 525.) 1857 Oct. (?). Lieut. U. S. N. (Pelot). Rpt. of seizure of Bremen. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 7, 72; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 531.) — Oct. 12. Lieut. U. S. N. (Davidson) to comdr. |U. S. S. Dale (McBlair). Rpt. of seizure of Bremen. (ib., 8, '73; ib., 531.) — Oct. 13. Br. comr. Mixed Commission, Loanda (Gabriel) to comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Cono- ver). Capture of slavers wearing Amer. Colors; tºtal character of Bremen; etc. (ib., 8, 70; ib., 528. — Oct. 19. Conover to comdr. H. B. M. African forces (Grey). Protest agst, conduct of master of Vesuvius during capture of Bremen. (ib., 10, 74; ib., 539.) — Oct. 19. Same to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Capture of Bremen. (ib., 6, 69; ib., 527.) BREMER (SIR JAMES JOHN GORDON), COMDR. H. B. M. E. I. SQDN. 1840 Je. 22. Public notice of blockade of river and port of Canton. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 82.) 1841 Aug. 9. To R. M. O’Farrell, M. P. Outrage on Amer. bark Lintin by H. B. M. ship Herald. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 81.) BRENGLE (FRANCIS), REPR. FROM MD. 1845 Jan. 9. Speech; unconstitutionality of Texan an- nexation. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 119, app., 84.) BRENHAM (RICHARD F.) AND WM. C. COOKE, TEXAN COMRS. OF TEXAN SANTA FE EXPEDITION See also Texas. Sta. Fe expedition. 1842 Mch. 16. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (El- lis). Trial of J. A. Navarro for treason agst. Mexico. (27. 2. S. doc. 325, 83.) BRENIER, BARON Ministre des affaires étrangères, France, in 1851; see France, BRENNER (ELIZABETH), CLAIMANT; see CHURCH (J. B.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 145 BRENT (DANIEL), OF WA. Chief clerk State Dept., U. S. A., Sept. 21, 1817–Aug. 8, išššº serving under Adams, 1817-23; Clay, 1325: 25: Van Biren, 1829-31 : " £ivingstón, f:21-33; McLane, 1833-34. Amer. cons. in Paris, 1834 to his death, in 1841 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Chief Clerk State Dept., U. S. A. 1832 Apptmt. as actg. Secy. of State recognized by Mex- ico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 676.) Correspondence (Diplomatic British) 1824 Sept. 8. To H. B. M. chargé for U. S. A. (Adding- ton). Protest agst. interference in Amer. fisheries in Bay of Fundy by H. B. M. brig Dotterel. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 11; H. ex. doc. 120, 13.) — Sept. 21. To same. Protest agst. interference in Amer. fisheries in Passamaquoddy Bay by H. B. M. brig Dotterel. (ib., 12; ib., 14.) 1826 Feb. 2. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughan). Inquiry as to decision in case of Seiz- ure of Charles. (ib., 100; ib., 53.) — Je. 27. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Galla- tin). [unnum. extr.] Instructions; lighthouses in Bahama channel. (20. 1. S. doc. 19, 9.) Corr. (Diplomatic French) 1831 Sept. 9. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives). [no. 40, extr.] Instructions; treaty of Jly. 4. (22. 2. H. doc. 147, 48; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 224.) 1832 Oct. 4. To same. [unnum. extr.] Claimants under conv. await docs. applied for. (23. 2. H. doc. 40, 4; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 109.) Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican) 1825 May 27. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- Sett). [unnum.] Instructions; Chouteau and De- mun claim. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 256, 3.) 1828 Aug. 2. To E. E. and M. P. of Mexico in U. S. A. (Obregon). Period provided for exchge, of ratifica- tions of treaty of limits having expired, treaty to be again laid before Senate. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 48; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 141.) — Aug. 15. To same. Acknowledging apptmt. of Don Jose Montoya as actg. chargé in absence of Don Pablo Obregon. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 634.) — Sept. 11. To Mexican chfargé in U. S. A. (Montoya). Funeral honors to be paid to Obregon. (ib., 635.) 1830 Apr. 8. To Amer. chargé in Mexico. [unnum.] Hughes’ claim for seizure of brig William. (ib., 64.) — Aug. 19. To Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Tornel). Gratified at apptmt. of plenipotentiaries to conclude treaty of amity, etc.; assures early set- tlement of Mercado acct.; exeguaturs on Treat and Cuesta commissions to be forwarded; requests fur- ther information concerning subject of proposed negotiation. (ib., 647.) — Aug. 21. To same. Treat and Cuesta exeguaturs transmitted; protest agst. Withdrawal of drawback on merchandise exported from New Orleans to Coahuila and Texas, referred to Secy. of Treasury. (ib., 648.) — Sept. 20. To Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). [no. 8.] Apptmt. of Jas. Davis as Amer. cons. at Sta. Fe. (ib., 65.) — Dec. 1. To Same. (ib., 66.) 1831 Je. 1. Montoya. Excuses for delay in receiving Montoya. (ib., 666.) — Jly. 26. To Butler. [no. 21.] Permission to visit northern Mexico. (ib., 80.) — Aug. 18. To Same. [no. 22.] Modification of certif- [unnum.] Seizure of Ursula. icates of citizenship obtained in Louisiana. (ib., 81.) — Sept. 27. To same. [no. 23.] Oliver claim. (ib., 82.) BRENT (DANIEL), OF WA.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican)—cont’d 1832 Oct. 12. To same. Ino. 28.] Same. (ib., 84.) º — Oct. 15. To Montoya. Executive intervention in Mexican reclamation for Montezuma deferred, pend- ing decision of judicial authorities at New Orleans. (ib., 677.) 1833 Je. 11. To same (Yturbide). Executive decision § ; mitigate sentence in case of Montezuma. (ib., 684. Corr. (Diplomatic Spanish) 1832 Oct. 8. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness). Ino. 34]. Late Spanish Amer. colonies. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 31.) 1833 Apr. 17. To same. [no. 42.] Instructions; Wards exeguatur. (ib., 35.) — May 6. To same. Ino. 43.] Instructions; Trist and Aguire exeguaturs. (ib., 35.) Ed- Corr. (Executive) 1819 Jan. 20. To M. Meade. Receipt of note of 17 inst. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58, 13; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 12.) 1827 Je. 15. To gov. of Me. (Lincoln). Reducing bulk of copies of certain documents concerning n. e. bound- aries, desired by Me. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 89.) 1828 May 5. To chrm. Com. on Foreign Affairs (EV- erett). Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Everett) has rec’d. Ino reply from Spain to communication regarding James Lawrence. (20. 1. H. rpt. 247, 8.) Consul for Paris Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1842 May 24. Intr., Stuart, Va.; bill (27. 2. H. R. 420 “for relief of legal reprs. Of Daniel Brent, . . . . .” ; appra. Mch. 3, 1843. (27. 2. H. jol., 851; 27. 3. H. jol., 91, 554; vi, St. L., 901.) CORRESPONDENCE 1836 Mch. 21. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.); ex- pediency of making additional compensation to Brent. (24. 1. H. jol., 545.) 1838 Feb. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Howard). Hºorable rpt. on Brent petition. (vi, Cong. Globe, 187. 1842 Apr. 20. W. Brent, heir of D. Brent to U. S. House. Petition; extra compensation to D. Brent. (27. 2. H. jol., 738.) BRENT (GEORGE LEE), OF WA. Secy. Amer. legation in Argentine Confede-T- bn, in 1859; see Ú. S. A. Consular service. BRENT (GEORGE LEE, JR.) AND JOSEPH GRAHAM CLAIM Brent, son of the Amer. chargé for Buenos Aires, and Graham, Amer. Cons. for Buenos Aires, were sent by the then Amer. chargé for Buenos Aires to Paraguay, to offer the mediation of the Amer. lega- #º * the pending difference betw. Paraguay and Statutory Measures 1848 Jly. 28. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (30. 1. S. 332) “for relief of G. L. Brent and J. Graham. (30. 1. S. jol., 504.) — Aug. 12. Civil and dipl. apprin. bill; clause making apprp. for G. L. Brent and J. Graham.” (ix, St. L., 284.) Correspondence 1848 Jan. 3. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying com- pensation; etc. (30. 1. S. jol., 84.) — Jly. 28. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. on Brent and Graham memorial. (30. 1. S. rpt. 217.) 10 146 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BRENT (HENRY J.), OF WA. Apptd. Amer. cons. for Ravenna in 1844; did not enter upon duties of office; see U. S. A. Consular service. BRENT (THOMAS L. L.), OF WA. Secy. Amer. legation at Madrid, 1814–22, actg. chargé during 1826 and 183i. i. ºf fisbon.”is:#; chargé for, Portugal, 1825-35; see U. S. A. Diplo. matic Service. Secy. Legation at Madrid Claim of 1842 Je. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial asking payment for outfit due him. (27. 2. H. jol., 971, 1173.) 1845 Jan. 7. To same. Supplementary memorial; same. (28. 2. H. jol., 177.) 1848 Feb. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; same. (30. 1. S. jol., 157.) — Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Motion (Felch, Mich.); ref. erence of Brent memorial. (30. 2. S. jol., 75.) 1856 Feb. 18. Same. On motion (Stuart, Mich.), Brent memorial referred. (34. 1. S. jol., 115.) — Dec. 8. Brent to U. S. House. Memorial as above. (34. 3. H. jol., 62; 297.) 1858 Feb. 26. Same to same. Same. (35. 1. H. jol., 428.) — Mch. 26. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cling- man). Rpt. adverse to Brent memorial. (35. 1. H. rpt. 236.) Dec. 15. Brent to U. S. House. Petition, as before. (35. 2. H. jol., 68.) lsº 21. Same to same. Same. (36. 1. H. jol., 345; Chargé for Portugal Correspondence 1828 Aug. 3. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). [unnum.] Corresp. in case of Osprey. (20. 2. H. rpt. 24, 21.) —º, § To OWners brig Osprey. Payment of claim. 10., 23. — Aug. 19. To Clay. [unnum.] Prosecution of Os- prey claim complicated by suspension of dipl. inter- Course. (ib., 24.) — Oct. 18. To same. Osprey corresp. (ib., 26.) — Oct. 18. To agtS. of Osprey's owners. Application for part payment of claim. (ib., 28.) Claim of n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 17.) STATUTORY MEASURES 1836 Jan. 26. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (24. 1. H. R. 214) “for relief of J. R. Clay, and others ”; appré. Jly. 2, 1836. (24. 1. H. jol., 237, 827; vi., St. L., 667.) — May 17. Intr. Howard, Md.; bill (24. 1. H. R. 634*) “for relief of T. L. L. Brent.” (24. 1. H. jol., 835.) CORRESPONDENCE 1836 Mch. 1. To U. S. House. Petition praying settle- ment of accts. (24. 1. H. jol., 425.) BRENT (THOMAS W.), OF FLA. U. S. N., 1825–61. Lieut., 1836; comdr., 1855. Re- signéd Jan., 19, 1861. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1858-60 comdg. Marion, African sqdn. comdg. Marion, 1858 Aug. 15. To comdr. African station H. M. R. N. (Wise). Documents resp. case of Mary Elizabeth. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 553.) — Aug. 15. To comdr. H. B. M. str. Viper (Hodgkin- son). Requests information as to exhibition of reg- ister of St. Andrews at time of capture. (ib., 559.) — Sept. 6. To Wise. Expresses thanks for Services of H. B. M. str. Antelope. (ib., 558.) — Sept. 6. To same. Reply to his of 30 ult.: Case of Mary Elizabeth. (ib., 556.) * Later substituted as amdmt. to H. R. 214. BRENT (THOMAS W.), OF FLA—cont’d Comdg. Marion—cont’d 1858 Oct. 8. To comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Conover). Movements of Marion since May 7, (ib., 543.) 1859 Apr. 20. To comdr. H. B. M. str. Triton (Burton). Detention of Orion. (ib., 361.) — Apr. 22. To same. Receipt of letter relating to Orion. (ib., 365.) — Apr. 22. To same. Without his intervention could not have effected capture of Orion, (ib., 366.) — Apr. 23. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Trans- mits Orion corresp. (ib., 361.) BRENT (WILLIAM) 1848 May 3. To U. S. Senate. Communication; receipt of portrait of baron de Kalb. (30. 1. S. jol., 310.) — May 5. To U. S. House. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 772.) Claimant; see BRENT (D.) BRENT (WILLIAM, JR.), OF D. C. Amer. chargé for Buenos Aires, 1844-46; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. - 1840 Mch. 16. To U. S. House. Petition; offences agst. law of nations. (26. 1. H. jol., 629.) — Mch. 20. To U. S. Senate. Do.; same. (26. 1. S. jol., 254.) * Chargé for Buenos Aires 1845 Feb. 11. To comdr. U. S. S. Boston (Pendergrast). Cessation of neutral relations of French naval force with Argentinian forces in blockade of Montevideo; possible consequences upon Argentinian conduct of blockade. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 212, 10.) — Aug. 30. To same. Br. and French blockade of Uruguayan ports; right of neutral, naval Comdr.S. to exercise power of putting on blockade; etc. (ib., 30.) — Sept. 23. To H. B. M. M. P. in Argentine Conf. (Ouseley). Protest agst. Uruguayan blockade. (ib., 35.) BRENTON (SAMUEL), REPR. FROM IND. 1852 Jan. 2. Remarks; intr. of Kossuth to House. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 195.) BRENTWOOD (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) BRESSON ( ) Ministre des affaires étrangères, France, during Bassano ministry, 1834; see France. Civil service. BREUIL (C. F.), CLAIMANT 1827 Dec. 19. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (20. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1829 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) BREULS ( ) 1853 Sept. 6. Signs declaration of accession of Bremen to Prusso-Amer. extradition conv.; see Bremen. Treaties. BREWSTER ( CUPID BREWSTER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 77.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 344.) 1842 Feb. 7. To same. Do.; recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 325.) 1845 Dec. 10. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. joi. 73.) ), MASTER AMER BRIG CUPID; see INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 147 f BRIANT (JAMES), MASTER AMER. SHIP SEAMEW; see SEAMEW BRICENO (MANUEL) DE Venezuelan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., Jan.-Apr., 1858; See Venezuela. Diplomatic service. B." acted as special comr. in the Aves Is... negotiation ; see U18.010, BRICKELL (JOSEPH. J.) 1828 May 19. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (20. 1. S. jol., 432.) 1829 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) See also Simpson (S.). BRICKELL (SARAH) 1836 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (24. 2. H. jol., 154; 169.) BRICKHOUSE (JOHN N.), CLAIMANT; see SIMPKINS (C.) BRIDGE (H.), PURSER U. S. S. SARATOGA 1843 Jly. 4. To comdr. African sqdn. Facilities of pro- Curing money for African sqdn. (28. 2. S. ex. doc. 150, 5.) BRIDGE (WILLIAM KING), OF MAINE U. S., N., . 1841-54. Passed midmn., , 1847. Lost in Porpoise, Sept., . Sea service in command 1841-54) : 1855 comdg. Porpoise speci. service, ehring Strait, etc. BRIDGEMAN (E. C.) 1854 Je. 12. Notes on Yang-tsze-Keang. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 93.) BRIDGEPORT (PENN.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 444.) BRIDGES (SAMUEL A.), REPR. FROM PENN. 1854 Je. 22. Remarks; office rent for cons. in Zürich. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1480.) — Je. 30. Do.; Meade claim. (ib., 1588.) BRIDGES (WILLIAM T.), ACTG. H. B. M. ATTY. GEN, HONG KONG 1855 Jan. 14. Opinion as to protection which Br. merch- ants are entitled to claim under existing Chinese complication. (35. 2. S. ex, doc. 22, 552.) BRIDGETON (ME.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 285.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same, Same. (25. 3. H."jol., 341.) BRIDGETON, AMER. BRIG (JOSEPH) Boarded Feb. 27, 1850, while lying at Quitta, by H. B. ... brig Contest (Spencer), 1850 Mch. 2. Comdr. U. S. S. Yorktown (Marston) to comdr. H. B. M. brig Contest (Spencer). Boarding of Bridgeton. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 66, 42; 43.) — Apr. 8. Same to comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Gregory). Same. (ib., 41.) — Je. 8. Gregory to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston). Same. (ib., 41.) BRIDGEWATER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) BRIDPORT (VT.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 26. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 666.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 584.) BRIER (WILLIAM) 1838 Feb. 5. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (25. 2. S. jol., 203.) Claimant; see NORWOOD (J.) BRIEY (CAMILLE) DE Belgian ministre des affaires étrangères, 1841-43; see Belgium. Civil service. BRIGGS ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG WELCOME RETURN; see that title BRIGGS (GEORGE), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1852 Jly. 8. Remarks; Hale claim. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 1695.) BRIGGS (GEORGE NIXON), REPR. FROM MASS. 1832 Apr. 2. Remarks; Br. memorial in behalf of Amer. Colonization Socy. (viii, Reg. Debates, 2342.) 1835 Mch. 2. Do.; French indemnity. (xi, ib., 1621.) 1837 Oct. 10. Do.; Texas and Mexican boundary corresp. (xiv, ib., 1378.) BRIGGS (NATHAN), MASTER AMER. SCHR. ALATAMAHA; see that title BRIGHT (JESSE D.), SEN, FROM IND. 1850 May 2. Remarks; Warrington relief bill; S. 121. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 899.) — Sept. 23. Do.; Foote amdmt. to civil and dipl. ap- prin. bill providing compensation to certain dipl. agts. (ib., 1932-33.) 1853 Mch. 1. Notice of remarks, not found, in app. On Davis amdmt. to H. R. 337. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 974.) 1854 Jly. 1. Remarks; slavetrade suppression and S. 416. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 1593.) BRIGHTMAN (JAMES M.), MASTER AMER. SCHR. N. B. BORDEN; see that title BRIGHTON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 340.) — Feb. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 582.) BRIGHTON (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 170.) BRILLIANT, AMER. SHIP (MARSHALL) 1832 Apr. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston). Seizure of part of cargo of Brilliant, lost on coast of Spain. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 99.) BRIMFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 77.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. — Dec. 15. To same. Same. BRINKERHOFF (JOSEPH), REPR. FROM O. 1845 Jan. 13. Speech; Texan annexation. Globe, 131; app., 120.) 1846 Jan. 14. Do.; termination of joint occupation of Oregon. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 203; app., 101.) — May 11. Do.; Mexico and U. S. A. (ib., 792.) BRINSMADE (PETER A.), OF ME. Nomination for Amer: cons. for Hawaii, Dec. 18, 1844 recalled ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BRISCOE (GEORGE W.); see BISCOE (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) (ib., 105.) (xiv, Cong. y 148 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BRISK, H. B. M. BRIG (KELLETT); see DILIGENTE, PORT. BRIG * 1838 (?). Boards Amer. Schr. Mary Hooper off Trade- town; see Mary Hooper. (?). Do. Fort slaver schr. Senhora da Boa Viagem off the Gambia; see Senhora, etc. — Oct. 27. Do. Amer. Schr. Mary Ann Cassard in 8° 32' and 13° 13' W.; see Mary Ann Cassard. BRISTOL (ENGLAND) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BRISTOL (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 222; 227.) BRISTOL (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 29. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 115.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) BRISTOL (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 21. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 81.) BRISTOL (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 227.) BRISTOL (O.) CITIZENS 1840 May 18. To U. S. House. Recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) BRISTOL (R. I.) CITIZENS 1843 Jan. 24. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; pro reciprocity treaties. (27. 3. S. jol., 122.) — Jan. 24. To U. S. House. Same. (27.3. H. jol., 252.) 1847 Jan. 7. To U. S. Senate. Termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. S. jol., 89.) 1850 Jan. 10. To same. French spoliations indemnity. (31. 1. S. jol., 68.) BRISTOL BOROUGH (PENN.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 4. To U. S. Senate. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 54.) BRISTOL CO. (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 74.) — Sept. 25. To same. Same. (ib., 90.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) BRISTOL PACKET, AMER. SHIP (BURNES) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 17.) BRITISH COLUMBIA; see VANCOUVER IS. BRITISH GUIANA Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BRITISH HONDURAS Civil Service; see Gore (A. F.), Colonial Secy. BRITISH QUEEN, AMER. STR. (ROBERTS) Exce; % duty claim ; see Reciprocity (commercial), T. Br. BRITO (JOAQUIN MARCELLINO) DE Brazilian secretario do imperio in 6th cabinet of regency of Pedro II, 1846; see Brazil. Civil service. ..BRITTANIA, AMER. SCHR. (BUNKER) n.d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 17.) BRITTINGHAM (J. P.), CLAIMANT; see OPHIR BRITTON (JOHN), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for Southampton in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. * BRITTON (NATHANIEL), J. C. CLINTON, ALIAS REED 1843 Sept. 14. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Demand upon Gr. Br. for surrender of Britton and Pollock, fugi- tives from justice. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 18.) — Oct. 7. Same to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Aber- deen). Protest agst. liberation of Britton. (ib., 27.) — Oct. 16. Same to Upshur. (ib., 24.) BROADBENT (WILLIAM), BR. SUBJECT Claim vs. U. S. A. for return of moneys illegally ob- tained by Amer. customs collector at N. Y. 1855 Jan. 13. Synopsis of award by comrs. under conv. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 75.) BROADFOOT (JOHN) Amer. cons. for Leith, 1852-54; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BROADFOOT (WILLIAM); see SIMMONS (JAS. W.) BROCKENBROUGH (WILLIAM H.), REPR. FROM FLA. 1846 May 6. Remarks; discriminating duty on Java coffee imported into U. S. A. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 771.) — May 11. Do.; invasion of Mexico. (ib., 792.) 1847 Feb. 13. Speech; on H. R. 622, provision for ex- pense of foreign intercourse. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 375.) — Feb. 19. Remarks; Humphreys, etc., relief bill. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 462.) * BROCKPORT (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Feb. 3. To U. S. Senate. Proc. of mtg. in behalf of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 2. S. jol., 137.) BROCKVILLE CASE; see CANADA. INSURRECTION. TEL- EGRAPH AFFAIR BRODHEAD (HENRY), COMDR. H. B. M. BRIG LYNX; see LYNX * BRODHEAD (JOHN ROMEYN), OF N. Y. Secy. Amer. legation in London, 1846-49; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service; consul-gen. for Japan, 1855-56; see U. S. A. Consular service. [184 (?) (?)]. [To gov. of N. Y.] Seward. Proposed ex- amination of Br. records relating to colonial history of N. Y. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 108, 2.) Secy. Aſmer. Legation in London. 1848 Aug. 30. To H. B. M. under secy. for Ireland (Red- ington). Behalf of J. Bergen. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 19, 7.) — Sept. 23. To same. Same. (ib., 18.) 1852 Aug. 5. Repr. from Me. (Appleton). Remarks; compensation to Brodhead. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 2096.) See also New York State. Archives. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 149 BRODHEAD (RICHARD) Repºntative from Penn., 1843–49; senator do., 1851- Representative from Penn. 1845 Dec. 17. Remarks; Mass. resolves for revision of naturalization laws. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 68.) 1847 Feb. 9. Speech; on H. R. 622, making further pro- vision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 327.) 1852 Feb. 5. Remarks; outfit, etc., of chargé to Switzer- - land. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 469.) — Feb. 7. Adjudication of Mexican claims. (ib., 502.) — Mch. 5. Jarero memorial. (ib., 678-79.) 1854 Jan. 19. Filibustering in Mexico; Pacific sqdn. (33. 1. ib., 209.) — Mch. 28. Mexican claims; Leggett claim. (ib., 765.) — J1y. 22, 25. Riddle reimbursement. (ib., 1856, 1902.) — Jly. 27. Salaries of ministers to Gr. Br., France, Russia and Spain. (ib., 1960-61.) 1855 Jan. 25. Pauper immigration. (ib., 391-92.) — Mch. 2. Marsh, Pendleton and Schenck claims. (ib., 1098.) — Mch. 2. Riddle reimbursement. (ib., 1088.) — Mch. 2. Hudsons Bay Co., etc., claims. (ib., 1093.) Senator from Penn. 1856 Mch. 10. Remarks; Wood memorial. (34. 1. Cong. Globe, 615.) — Mch. 12. Payment to Dr. Kane. (ib., 638.) — Apr. 24. Marsh relief bill. (ib., 1019.) — Aug. 15. New treaty compilation. (ib., 2152.) — Aug. 15. Darien canal. (ib., 2131.) BROGLIE (ACHILLE CHARLEs LéonCE VICTOR) DUC DE, 1785-1870 Ministre des affaires étrangères, France, during Soult ministry, 1832-34; do. Broglie ministry, 1835-36 ; See France. Civil service. Soult Ministry 1832 Nov. 15. To Amer. chargé (Niles). Demand for delivery of documents under treaty of 1831. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 20; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 92; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 116.) — Dec. 29. To same. Same. (ib., 21; ib., 92; ib., 116.) 1833 Jan. 31. To same. Same. (ib., 22; ib., 93; ib., 116.) — Meh. 26. To same. French indemnity; astonished at Amer. course; mode of payment irregular. (ib., 23; ib., 94; ib., 117.) — Apr. 16. To same. Do.; certificates of vessels; etc. (ib., 26; ib., 95; ib., 118.) — Jly. (?). To same (Harris). Explanation of delay in executing treaty of 1831. (ib., 37; ib., 99; ib., 123.) — Oct. 12. To E. E. and M. P. of France in U. S. A. (Serrurier). Convocation of the chambers; pro- jet de loi for payment of French indemnity. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 81; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 123.) — Oct. 23. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston). French indemnity; call for payment; Amer. pro- cedure irregular; etc. (ib., 44; ib., 126; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 104.) — Nov. 20. To same. Promises early rpt. (ib., 49; ib., 129; ib., 105.) 1834 Mch. 12. To same. Importations into Martinique and Guadeloupe. (24. 1. S. doc. 161, 43.) — Mch. 20. To same. Differential duties on cottons. (ib., 45.) Broglie Ministry 1835 Oct. 25. To Amer. Chargé ad int. (Barton). Corrects representation of conversation relative to prompt fulfilment of treaty provisions. (24. 1. S. doc. 62, 9; H. ex. doc. 67, 9; S. doc. 161, 2; H. ex. doc. 117, 117.) — Nov. 8. To same. Comment on his recall. (24. 1. S. doc. 62, 11; H. ex. doc. 67, 11; H. ex. doc. 117, 118.) BROLASKY (JEFFERSON H.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Jerusalem in 1849; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BRQMBERG (SAMUEL), OF WISC. Amer. cons. for Hamburg, 1850-[53] ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. 1850 Je. 3. To syndic of Hamburg (Merck). Release Of Schuster from liability to military service. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 171.) — Je. 19. To Polizei Administration, Hamburg. Re- fusal of permission to Heyne to follow calling in Hamburg. (ib., 175.) — Je. 21. To Merck. Schuster case; expatriation, etc. (ib., 172.) — Je. 22. To same. Heyne case. (ib., 174.) — Je. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). [no. 5.] Schuster and Heyne cases. (ib., 169.) Jly. 2. To same. [no. 6, extr.] Same. (ib., 175.) 1853 Oct. 16. To secy. Amer. legation, Berlin (Wise). Right of Prussia to exact military service from naturalized Amer. citizens. (ib., 74.) Claim of 1856 Dec. 23. To U. S. House. Petition; remuneration for dipl. services. (34. 3. H. jol., 153.) 1858 Jan. 22. U. S. House. Motion (Taylor, N. Y.); leave to Bromberg to withdraw papers. (35. 1. H. jol., 229.) — May 19. To U. S. Senate. Bromberg memorial re- committed. (35. 1. S. jol., 480; 490; 495.) — May 21. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. adverse to Bromberg petition. (35. 1. S. rpt. 269; 35. 2. S. jol., 68.) BRONAUGH (JOHN W.), CLAIM Statutory Measures 1856 Jly. 19. Intr., Sapp, O.; bill (34. 1. H. R. 464) “for relief of Ann E. Bronaugh, widow of J. W. Bron- augh.” (34. 1. H. jol., 1238.) 1859 Jan. 7. Intr., Buffington, Mass.; bill (35. 2. H. R. 771) “for relief of Ann E. Bronaugh.” (35. 2. H. jol., 146.) — Feb. 5. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (35. 2. S. 562) “for relief of Ann E. Bronaugh.” (35. 2. S. jol., 271.) Correspondence 1831 Feb. 2. J. W. Bronaugh to U. S. Senate. Petition; French spoliations indemnity. (21. 2. S. jol., 124.) 1834 Jan. 8. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (23. 1. S. jol., 85.) 1836. A. Fitzhugh, admr. of Bronaugh to U. S. House. Same. (24. 1. H. jol., 202.) 1839 Feb. 4. Ann E. Bronaugh to U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 456.) 1840 Jan. 4. Same to same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 182.) — Jan. 14. Same. (26. 2. H. jol., 36; 157.) 1841 Dec. 14. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 63; 104; 109; 340.) 1844 Mch. 5. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 514.) — Dec. 17. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 87.) 1852 Dec. 23. Same to same. Do.; release of judgment in favor of U. S. agst. J. W. Bronaugh. (32. 2. H. jol., 75.) 1853 Dec. 13. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 74.) 1854 Je. 10. U. S. House. Motion (Ruffin, N. C.); dis- charging Com. of Claims from consideration of Bronaugh papers. (ib., 979.) 1856 May 21. Ann E. Bronaugh to U. S. House. Petition as above, Dec. 23, 1852. (34. 1. H. jol., 1013.) — Jiy. 19. U. S. H. Com. on Military Affairs (Sapp). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 464. (34. 1. H. rpt. 225.) 1858 Dec. 23. Ann E. Bronaugh to U. S. House. Petition as above. (35. 2. H. jol., 109.) 1859 Feb. 11. U. S. House. Motion (Faulker, Va.); Bronaugh papers transferred from House to Senate file. (ib., 381.) 150 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BRONSON (DAVID), REPR. FROM ME. 1843 Feb. 21. Remarks; replacing M. P. to China by com’l agt. (xii, Cong. Globe, 325.) º BRONSON (ISAAC H.) Representative from N. Y., 1837-39; judge no. distr. Fla., 1845-55. Representative from N. Y. 1838 Jan. 5. Remarks; neutrality on Canadian frontier. (vi, Cong. Globe, 78.) — Jan. 8. Do.; Caroline case. (ib., 82.) 1839 Feb. 27. Speech; protection of northern frontier. (vii, ib., app., 245.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; Fillmore amdmt. to bill giving Executive additional power in case of invasion. (vii, Cong. Globe, 243.) Judge no. distr. Florida. 1851 Aug. 30. Decision in case of Ferreira claim. (34. 3. S. misc. doc., 45.) BRONSON (JOHN) Claimant under art. 1, treaty of Ghent; claim continued by heir of J. Bronson ; i. e., Sarah Bronson. - Statutory Measures 1846 Apr. 2. Intr., Dickinson, N. Y.; bill (29. 1. S. 142) “for relief of John Bronson.” (29. 1. S. jol., 225.) 1847 Feb. 4. Intr., Johnson, Md., bill (29. 2. S. 141) “for relief of J. Bronson.” (29. 2. S. jol., 165; 208.) 1852 Dec. 28. Intr., Wade, O.; bill (32. 2. S. 563) “for relief of John Bronson.” (32. 2. S. jol., 57.) 1854 Jan. 31. Intr., Wade, O.; bill (33. 1. S. 175) “for relief of J. Bronson.” (33. 1. S. jol., 144, 248, 377.) — May 23. Intr., Wade, O.; bill (34. 1. S. 332) “for relief of J. Bronson.” (34. 1. S. jol., 353, 481.) Correspondence 1837 Dec. 11. Bronson to U. S. Senate. Petition; indem- nity under art. 1, treaty of Ghent. (25. 2. S. jol., 35; 64; 73.) 1846 Feb. 4. Bronson to U. S. Senate. Petition as above. (29. 1. S. jol., 133.) 1847 Feb. 4. U. S. S. Com. of Claims (Johnson). Rpt. to acc. S. 141. (29. 2. S. rpt. 115.) — Apr. 2. U. S. S. Com. of Claims (Dickinson). Rpt. to acc. S. 142. (29. 1. S. doc. 272.) 1854 Jan. 31. U. S. S. Com. Of Claims (Wade). Rpt. to acc. S. 175. (33. 1. S. rpt. 76.) 1856 May 23. Same. Rpt. to acc. S. 332. (34. 1. S. rpt. 186.) 1857 Dec. 22. Bronson to U. S. Senate. Petition as above. (35. 1. S. jol., 60; 102.) BROOKE (H. JONES), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Belfast in 1851; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BROOKE (SIR JAMES), RAJAH OF SARAWAK 1851 Jan. 22. To Amer. comr. in Borneo (Balestier). Commercial conv. with U. S. A. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 115.) Feb. 15. To President, U. S. A. (Fillmore). Conv. proposed by Amer. comr. (ib., 121.) BROOKE (DR. LAWRENCE), CLAIMANT; see DENMARK, CLAIMS. BERGEN PRIZES BROOKE (ROBERT AND CAROLINE), REPRS. OF M. FEN- WICK; see FENWICK BROOKE (WALTER), SENATOR FROM MISS. 1853 Feb. 15, 16. Speech; defence of Webster and Letcher. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 165.) BROOKFIELD (CONN.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) BROOKFIELD (ME.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) BROOKFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Sénate. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) — Sept. 27. To U. S. House. Same. (25.1. H. jol., 102.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) —º. 30. To Same. In favor of arbitration. (ib., 1842 Je. 25. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (27. 2. H. jol., 1024.) 1844 Feb. 6. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (28. 1. H. jol., 352.) – Apr. 16. To U. S. Senate. Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 235.) 1845 Feb. 10. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 354.) — Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) BROOKFIELD (VT.) CITIZENS 1850 Jly. 15. To U. S. House. Petition, transportation to Africa of free negroes. (31. 1. H. jol., 1124.) BROOKLIN (ME.) CITIZENS 1853 Feb. 7. To U. S. Senate. Petition; indemnity for owners of Union. (32. 2. S. jol., 172.) BROOKLINE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 88.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) BROOKLINE (N. H.) CITIZENS 1847 Feb. 19. To U. S. Senate. Petition; termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. S. jol., 209.) BROOKLINE, AMER. WESSEL, CLAIM VS. GREAT BRITAIN For damage in reclaiming from Brookline, in Brit. waters, deserter from Br. ship of war. 1854 Oct. 11. Synopsis of award by comrs. under conv. of 1853. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 57.) BROOKLYN (CONN.) CITIZENS 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 112.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Congress of nations. (ib., 609.) 1844 Apr. 1. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 713.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 84.) BROOKLYN (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. S. jol., 216.) — Feb. 9. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (ib., 217.) — Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 609.) 1842 Mch. 14. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (27. 2. H. jol., 527.) 1847 Feb. 25. To same. Equipment of public vessels to transport provisions to Ireland. (29. 2. H. jol., 428.) 1852 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Expenses of Amer. contrib- utors to World's Fair, London. (32. 1. S. jol., 97.) — Mch. 16. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; release of Smith, O'Brien and associates. (32. 1. H. jol., 477.) 1858 Apr. 9. To U. S. House. Guano Islands. (ib., 607.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 151 BROOKLYN (O.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) BROOKLYN, U. S. STR. (1858) In commission (1858-61) : 1859-60 Home sqdn. (Farra- gut) ; 1860-61 do. (Walker). BROOKS (JAMES), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1850 Mch. 5. Remarks; Anglo-Amer. reciprocity. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 459.) — May 15. Same. (ib., app., 600.) 1851 Feb. 25. Mexican indemnity bill. (31. 2. ib., 682-83, 685.) — Dec. 23. Cuban laws of domicil. (32. 1. ib., 153.) — Dec. 30. Intre of Kossuth to House; non-interfer- ence. (ib., 161.) 1852 Jan. 20. Mexican indemnity bill. (ib., 322.) — Jly. 7. Mexican boundary. (ib., 1677, 1679.) — Aug. 4. Reciprocal light duties. (ib., 2072.) — Aug. 5. Salary of comr. to Sandwich Is. (ib., 2094.) — Aug. 7. Mexican boundary. (ib., 2135.) 1853 Jan. 4. Execution of Lopez prisoners; Thrasher - case; Cresent City; purchase of Cuba. (32. 2. ib., 209, 212-214.) — Jan. 6. Thrasher case. (ib., app., 83.) — Feb. 19. Nicaraguan chargéship; mission to Cen- tral America. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 717-718.) — Feb. 28. Compensation for transportation of Con- toy prisoners. (ib., 913.) BROOKS (PETER C.), ET AL 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; French spolia- tions indemnity. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) BROOKSVILLE (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Petitions VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) 1846 Feb. 17. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 425.) BROOME (JOHN), EXECR. 1850 Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Petition; indemnity under art. 1, treaty of Ghent. (31. 1. H. jol., 671.) BROOME CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 231.) BROTHERS, AMER. SCHR. (WILLIAMS), CLAIM UNDER FLORIDA TREATY Williams was original claimant; L. Neth and S. Pinck- ney are execrs. of Williams. Statutory Measures 1835 Feb. 4. Intr. Kent, Md.; bill (23. 1. S. 141) “for relief of S. Pinckney.” (23. 1. S. jol., 137.) 1828 Dec. 29. L. Neth to U. S. House. Petition. (20. 2. H. jol., 101.) 1829 Jan. 24. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. adverse to Neth petition. (20. 2. H. rpt. 55; 24. 1. H. rpt. 235, 1.) 1834 Mch. 13. Admr. of James Williams (Pinckney) to U. S. Senate. Memorial praying payment of claim. (23. 1. S. jol., 183.) — Je. 30. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Wilkins). Rpt. on Pinckney memorial. (23. 1. S. doc. 506.) 1835 Jan. 22. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (King). Rpt. in case of capture of Brothers by Span. priva- teer Maria. (23. 2. S. doc. 72.) Dec. 29. Admr. of Williams to U. S. Senate. Peti- tion. (24. 1. S. jol., 65.) — Dec. 29. L. Neth and S. Pinckney to U. S. House. Same. (24. 1. H. jol., 115; 241.) BROTHERS, AMER. SCHR. (WILLIAMS), CLAIM UNDER FLORIDA TREATY-cont’d Statutory Measures—cont’d 1836 Jan. 27. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cramer). Rpt. adverse to Pinckney memorial. (24. 1. H. rpt. 235, 1.) 1837 Jan. 17. Execr. of Williams (Pinckney) to U. S. House. Memorial. (24. 2. H. jol., 209.) — Dec. 13. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 71; 330.) 1838 Jan. 16. U. S. Senate. Motion (Merrick, Md.) ; reference of Pinckney memorial. (25. 2. S. jol., 143; 301; 311; 463.) 1842 Mch. 30. Pinckney to U. S. House. Memorial, as before. (27. 2. H. jol., 633; 1172.) BROTHERS, AMER. KETCH (GAGE) 1858 J1y. 8. Amer. Vice-cons. gen. in Cuba (Savage) to actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton). Departure of Brothers, etc., for Africa from Havana. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 112.) — JIy. 15. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Secy. Treas- ury, U. S. A. (Cobb). Sailing of Brothers, etc., from Havana. (ib., 135.) — JIy. 15. Same to solicitor U. S. Treasury (Hill- yer). Same. (ib., 135.) — Sept. 8. Brothers captured off Mayumba by U. S. S. Marion (Brent). (35. 2. H. ex: doc. 104, 32.) — Dec. 6. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Annual report; clause relating to seizure of Brothers by Marion. 1859 Jan. 20. J. Y. Pickett to Cass. Seizure of property of A. Cabarga on Brothers. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 300.) — Jly. 22. Appleton to Pickett. Cabarga case. (ib., 300.) BROTHERS, AMER. SHIP (FISH) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 17.) BROUCHERE (H.) DE Belgian ministre des affaires étrangères, 1852-55; see Belgium. Civil service. BROUSA (TURKEY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BROWN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG COMMERCE; see COMMERCE BROWN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG ENTERPRIZE; see ENTERPRIZE BROWN ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP HAWK; see HAWK BROWN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG SALLY; see SALLY BROWN (AARON V.), REPR. FROM TENN. 1841 Jly. 9. Speech; Floyd res. on McLeod case. (x, Cong. Globe, 173.) 1843 Dec. 19. Remarks; Occupation of Oregon. ib., 48.) 1844 Je. 12. Texan annexation. (ib., 669.) 1845 Jan. 27. Occupation of Oregon. (xiv, ib., 202.) — Jan. 29. Action on Oregon bill. (ib., 215.) — Jan. 31. Same. (ib., 228.) BROWN (ADAM), CLAIMANT; see WARRIOR, AMER. BRIG BROWN (ALBERT GALLATIN) Repr., from Mississippi in 26th, 30th-32d congress, 1839- 41, 1847-53 ; senator do., 1854-61. Representative 1848 Feb. 10. Remarks; Mexican war and H. R. 104. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 331.) — Mch. 4. Mission to Rome. (ib., 430.) (xiii, 152 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BROWN (ALBERT GALLATIN)—cont’d Representative—cont’d - 1850 Aug. 8. Title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande. (31. 1. ib., 1549.) Sept. 18. Mexican indemnity. (ib., 1857.) 1852 ; 2. Intr. of Kossuth to U. S. House. (32. 1. ib., 196. 1853 Jan. 3. Acquisition of Cuba; Crescent City affair. (32. 2. ib., 193-195.) Senator 1855 Jan. 26. Remarks; General Armstrong relief bill, S. 268. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 403, 405.) Feb. 24. Bill to remodel cons. and dipl. service. (ib., 918-919.) — Mch. 2. Pendleton and Schenck relief bill; Marsh relief; etc. (ib., 1099.) — Mch. 2. Dainese draft. (ib., 1091-93.) 1856 Mch. 13. Speech: defense of Buchanan’s course in Clayton-Bulwer treaty and enlistment questions. (34. 1. ib., 647.) 1857 Jan. 19. Remarks; apprin. for consular pupils. (34. 3. ib., 369.) — Feb. 28. Mission to Persia. (ib., 1019.) 1858 Jan. 7. Walker arrest, etc. (35. 1. ib., 218.) — Jan. 13. Same. (ib., 265.) — Jan. 21. Speech; same. (ib., 360.) — May 4. Remarks; Hungarian exiles. (ib., 1930.) — Je. 7. Increase of navy to protect Amer. com- merce agst, foreign aggression. (ib., 2734.) 1859 Jan. 28. Laurent relief bill. (35. 2. ib., 654.) — Feb. 4. General Armstrong relief bill. (ib., 812.) — Feb. 16. Support of captured Africans. (ib., 1053.) 1860 May 24. Africans captured at Key West. (36. 1. ib., 2307.) Je. 18. Suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 3109.) BROWN (BEDFORD), SENATOR FROM N. C. Member of Com. on Foreign Relations, 1 sess., 26 cong. (1839-40). 1831 Feb. 24. Speech; apptmt. of Turkish mission by President. (vii, Reg. Debates, 270.) 1832 Jan. 24. Renomination of Van Buren as E. E. and M. P. to Gr. Br. (viii, ib., 1333.) 1836 May 9. Remarks; interference in case of Texas. (xii, ib., 1420.) — May 23. Established govt. in Texas prior to recog- Inition. (ib., 1531.) 1839 Feb. 27. N. E. boundary. (vii, Cong. Globe, app., 260.) — Mch. 1. Do.; Maine boundary. (ib., app., 313.) BROWN (CHARLES), CLAIMANT; see BROWN (MOSES): THORNDIKE (I.) BROWN (CHARLES), REPR. FROM PENN. 1848 Feb. 2. Speech; Mexican war. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 153.) — Mch. 4. Remarks; mission to Rome. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 430.) — Mch. 8. Speech; same. (ib., app., 442.) 1849 Feb. 19. Remarks; execution of art. 12, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (30. 2. Cong. Globe, 558.) BROWN (DAVID TILDEN), AGT. OF HOWARD AND C0., N. Y. 1849 Jan. 15. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Rec- ognition by U. S. A. desired by Costa Rica. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 130.) — Mch. 14. Signs contract with representative of Nicaragua (Muñoz) for construction of Nicaragua canal; see Central America. Isthmian transit. — Je. 10. To Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier). Information relative to natural means of communi- cation betw. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through Nicaragua. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 138.) See also Nicaragua Steam Co. BROWN (ETHAN ALLEN), OF O., 1776-1852 Amer, chargé for Brazil, 1830-34; see U. S. A. Diplo- # service. Comr. General Land Office, U. S. A. Comºr. general Land Office 1836 May 5. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Analyzing objections of secy. Woodbury to selec- tions of land made by agts. of Polish exiles. (25. 3. S. doc. 56, 9.) t BROWNE (F. A.), SPAN. VICE-cons. AT KEY WEST 1850 May 21. To U. S. Judge so. distr. Fla. (Marvin). Demands surrender of Creole slaves. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 132.) BROWN (F.G.), JOINT CLAIMANT; see REILLY (M. A. AND J.) BROWN (GEORGE), OF MASS. Amer. comr. for Sandwich Is., 1843-45; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1843 Oct. 26. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). [no. 5, extr.] Visit to king of Sandwich Is. in Cyane; con- duct of adm. Thomas, successor to Lord George Paulet. (52. 2. S. ex: doc. 77, 58.) — Nov. 4. To same. [no. 6, extr.] In continuation of no. 5. (ib., 58.) .." BROWN (GEORGE), MASTER SLAVER BRIG CHARLES C. PERKINS; see that title BROWN (GEORGE F.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Algiers, 1831-36 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1833 Mch. 2. Civil and dipl. apprn. bill for 1833; clause providing for payment to Geo. F. Brown for services at Algiers to Feb. 20, 1833. (iv., St. L., 626.) 1836 Jan. 26. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (24. 1. H. R. 214) “for relief of J. R. Clay, and others ” ; approl. JIy. 2. (24. 1. H. jol.; vi., St. L., 667.) CORRESPONDENCE 1836 Apr. 20. Brown to U. S. House. Memorial; addi- tional compensation. (24. 1. H. jol., 727.) NOTE.-Claim was provided for in H. R. 214. BROWN (GEORGE W.), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for Tangier, 1850-55; 1856-61; see U. S. A. Consular service. BROWN (HENRY B.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Bermuda, 1856-57 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BROWN (JACOB), AMER. SEAMAN 1827 Apr. 14. Comdr. Braz. Sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle) to same Braz. naval forces (Pinto Guedes). Release of Brown; etc. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 150.) — Apr. 17. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Declines to re- lease Brown: etc. (ib., 150.) — Apr. 20. Biddle to Pinto Guedes. Protest agst. im- pressment; case of Brown, etc. (ib., 152.) — Apr. 20. Pinto Guedes to Biddle. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 152.) — Apr. 23. Same to same. Brown released; etc. (ib., 160.) BROWN (JAMES), OF LA. Amer. E. E. and M. P. for France, 1823-29; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Correspondence (American) 1824 Apr. 28. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). [no. 3, extr.] Chateaubriand on slavetrade and on change in rules governing maritime Warfare. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 25.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 153 BROWN (JAMES), OF LA.—cont'd Correspondence (American)—cont’d 1824 May 28. To same. [no. 4, extr.] Russian ambassa- dor on Amer. proposals for rules governing mari- time warfare; hopeful of accession of France. (ib., 26. 1827 Sept. 8. To same (Clay). [no. 72.] French spolia- tion claims. (22. 2. H. doc. 147, 49; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 224.) — Dec. 28. To same. [no. 77.] Same. 225.) 1828 Feb. 27. To same. [no. 80.] Resumption of sub- ject of French spoliation claims with de la Fer- romays, successor of de Damas. (ib., 62; ib., 229.) – May 12. To same. [no. 84.] French spoliation claims; conference with de la Ferronays. (ib., 63; ib., 230.) - Jly. 29. To same. [no. 85.] Same; delay on part of France. (ib., 64; ib., 231.) — Nov. 12. To same. [unnum.] Diversity of opinion resp. Amer. claims; neutrality of U. S. A. in wars involving France before the restoration strong argument in favor of U. S. A. (ib., 67; ib., 232.) Corr. (French) 1827 Dec. 19. To ministr. des affaires étrang., France (de Damas). Settlement of spoliation claims. (22. 2. H. ex: doc. 147, 58; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 226.) 1828 Jly. 26. To same (de la Ferronays). Comment on i.e.; fºllon. to Amer. claims; etc. (ib., 66; 10., º BROWN (JESSE E.), ADMR.; see RUSSELL (WM. J.) BROWN (JOHN), DEPONENT IN CASE of BRIG SOLON; See SOLON BROWN (JOHN), DEPONENT IN CASE OF BARK GEORGE D. SMOUSE; see that title. BROWN (JOHN P.), OF O. Amer. cons. for Constantinople, 1835-37 and 1857-58 : See U. S. A. Consular service. Commissioned dragoman Apr. 19, 1836, and Aug. 29, 1842; acted as chargé ad int. Mch., 1843 to Jan. 1844, Aug., 1845, to Je., 1846; in 1849, and Nov. 1849, to Mch., 1850; in 1851 ; JIy., 1852, to JIy., 1853; Dec., 1853, to Feb., 1854; Dec., 1857, to May, 1858. Com- ºgoned Secy. Of legation and dragoman, Sept. 23, 1852 Aug. 17. Amer. cons., Constantinople (Dainese) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Unauthorized ac- º: º Brown and Marsh; etc. (34. 3. H. ex: doc. , 59. – Oct. 8. Same to same. Charges agst. Brown and Homes; etc. (ib., 243.) 1853 Aug. 8. Same to same (Marcy). Arrest of Koszta º possible by subservience of Brown; etc. (ib., 261. — Oct. 15. Same to same. Persecution by Brown; etc. (ib., 264.) 1854 Feb. 2. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; vindi- tºº conduct of Brown; etc. (33. 1. Cong. Globe, 313. 1857 Jan. 16. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Thomas) to Brown. Remonstrance agst, unauthorized apptmt. of cons. agts.; etc. (ib., 153.) Correspondence (Consular) CoNSTANTINOPLE, Porter, consul 1850 Dec. 17. Reputation of Dainese; advises placing Homes in charge of consulate. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 226.) 1851 Sept. 25. Homes’ experience in securing consular corresp. from Dainese; etc. (ib., 228.) — Oct. 14. Reason for Dainese's departure from Con- stantinople; etc. (ib., 228.) (ib., 58; ib., BROWN (JOHN P.), OF 0.—cont’d Correspondence (Consular)—cont’d CoNSTANTINOPLE, Porter, consul—cont’d 1851 Nov. 11. Stimts, of Marsh relative to Dainese. (ib., 229.) — Nov. 23. Dainese's cons. books and accts. (ib., 230.) JERUSALEM, Gorham, consul 1858 Feb. 17. Vizereal letter relative to Dickson affair at Jaffa. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 54, 16.) SMYRNA, Offley, consul 1853 Je. 27. Instructions; Koszta Case. doc. 40, 4, 10; H. ex. doc. 91, 10, 16.) — JIy. 1. Do.; protection of Koszta. (ib., 24; ib., 29.) — Sept. 23. Release of Koszta. (33. 1. S. ex: doc. 53, 14; H. ex. doc. 91, 84.) Sept. 30. Koszta's release from charge of French cons. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 91, 87.) (33. 1. S. ex. Corr. (Diplomatic American) 1850 Jan. 5. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). [un- num. extr.] Situation of Kossuth and his compa- triots in Turkey. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 14.) 1852 May 4. To same (Webster). [unnum.] Regret at apptmt. of Dainese; his career. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 235.) 1853 Je. 28. To same (Marcy). [no. 41.] Koszta Case. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 40, 2; H. ex. doc. 91, 8.) — JIy. 5. To same. [no. 42.] Sarne. (ib., 6; ib., 12.) — Sept. 23. To same. [unnum.] Austro-Amer. agree- ment for placing Koszta under French protection. (ib., 41; ib., 47.) — Sept. 23. To Amer. min. res. in Turkey (Marsh). Conference with Amer. cons. in Smyrna (Offley) on Koszta case. (ib., 54; ib., 59.) — Oct. 3. To same. Failure to secure release of Koszta at Smyrna. (ib., 56; ib., 62.) — Oct. 25. To same. Koszta's expulsion from Turkey. (ib., 63; ib., 69.) 1856 Oct. 12. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Ino. 22.] Evidence of frauds of Dainese. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 107.) — Oct. 27. To same. [no. 24.] Same. (ib., 108.) — Dec. 8. To Same. [no. 25.] Dainese claims, acctS., etc. (ib., 110.) 1857 Aug. 1. To same (Cass). [unnum.] Consular jur- isdiction in Turkey in civil cases; system of mixed commissions; their legality; obliged to provide prison and hospital. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 64.) — Nov. 3. To same. [no. 72.] Br. consulate at Con- stantinople. (ib., 68.) 1858 Jan. 26. To same. [no. 9, extr.] Annullment of provisions for consular pupils; duties of cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 12.) Feb. 17. To same. [no. 10.] Dickson case at Jaffa. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 16.) — Feb. 24. To same. [no. 9 (sic).] List of suits in consulate at Constantinople during 1857; condition of police prison; permission to pay Prussian hospital for care of Amer. seamen. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 69.) — Mch. 24. To same. [no. 14.] Second vizereal letter in Dickson affair. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 28.) Corr. (Diplomatic Austrian) 1858 Mch. 27. To Envoy and internuncio in Turkey (de Bruck). Protest agst. conduct of Austrian govt. in Koszta case; intercedes for Koszta's release; etc. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 40, 5; H. ex. doc. 91, 11.) — Mch. 29. To Same. Protest agst. Koszta arrest on evidence of oath of allegiance. (ib., 16; ib., 22.) — Jly. 3. To same. Protest agst. failure to reply to Koszta representations. (ib., 18; ib., 24.) 154 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BROWN (JOHN P.), OF O.—cont’d Corr. (Executive) 1851 Jly. 17. Circ. to Turkish officials relative to Dain- ese dismissal. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 22.) — Jly. 29. To comdr. Medn. sqdn., U. S. N. (Morgan). KOSSuth embarkation on Mississippi. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 78, 26.) 1852 Apr. 24. To President, U. S. A. (Fillmore). In charge of legation at Constantinople since July; Dainese's conduct. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 233.) 1853 Je. 28. To comdr. U. S. S. St. Louis (Ingraham). Koszta detention on Austrian brig of war; tentative instructions. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 40, 11; H. ex: doc. 91, 17.) 1856 Oct. 28. List of refugees who received passports from Amer, legation at Constantinople. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 146.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1851 Jan. 15. Intr., Foote, Miss.; bill (31. 2. S. 409) “for relief of J. P. Brown.” (31. 2. S. jol., 86.) — Feb. 10. Civil and dipl. apprn. bill for 1852; clause providing for compensation to Brown; approved Mch. 3, 1851. (ix, St. L., 615.) 1854 Jly. 14. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (33. 1. S. 454) “for relief of J. P. Brown.” (33. 1. S. jol., 504; 33. 2. S. jol., 223.) 1855 Feb. 22. Intr., Taylor, O. Amdmt. to gen. apprim. bill [H. R. 569] providing for extra compensation to Brown. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 892.) 1857 Feb. 5. Intr., Pratt, Md.; bill (34. 3. S. 559) “for relief of J. P. Brown.” (34. 3. S. jol., 163; 232.) 1858 Mch. 12. Intr., Clay, Ala.; bill (35. 1. H. R. 360) “for relief of J. P. Brown.” (35. 1. H. jol., 486.) 1860 Mch. 13. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (36. 1. S. 271) “for relief of J. P. Brown.” (36. 1. S. jol., 244, 431; 36. 2. S. jol., 359.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1848 Dec. 27. Brown to U. S. Senate. Petition; compen- sation for services as chargé during absence of min. res. (30. 2. S. jol., 85.) 1850 Jan. 15. Same to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 311.) — Jly. 15. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.); propri- ety of allowing claim of Brown. (31. 1. S. jol., 447; 466.) 1851 Jan. 3. Brown to U. S. House. Petition as before. (31. 2. H. jol., 101.) 1854 Je. 27. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 1056.) — Jly. 14. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 454. (33. 1. S. rpt. 357.) 1855 Feb. 22. J. L. Taylor, repr. from O. Remarks; Brown compensation. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 892.) — Mch. 3. A. P. Edgerton, repr. from O. Do.; Same. (ib., 1165-66.) — Mch. 3. J. Letcher, repr. from Va. Do.; Same. (ib., 1167.) — Mch. 3. J. L. Taylor, repr. from O. Do.; Same. (ib., 1166-67.) 1856 Dec. 19. U. S. Senate. Brown claim presented and referred. (34. 3. S. jol., 53.) — Dec. 19. Same. Res. (Cass, Mich.); Com. On For- eign Relations directed to inquire into Brown claim. (ib., 52.) 1857 Feb. 5. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Pratt). Rpt. to acc. S. 559. (34. 3. S. rpt. 359.) 1858 Jan. 28. Brown to U. S. House. Petition praying compensation as chief dragoman; etc. (35. 1. H. jol., 249.) — Mch. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Clay). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 360. (35. 1. H. rpt. 169.) — Je. 1. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; Brown apprn. (35. 1. Cong. Globe, 2752-53.) BROWN (JOHN P.), OF O.—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1860 Feb. 6. U. S. Senate. Motion (Foot, Vt.); reference of Brown papers. (36. 1. S. jol., 124.) — Mch. 13. Brown to U. S. House. Petition as above. (36. 1. H. jol., 507.) — Mch. 13. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 271. (36. 1. S. rpt. 135.) — Mch. 21. Brown to U. S. House. Petition as above. (36. 1. H. jol., 558.) — Apr. 11. Same to same. Same. (ib., 704.) Entry in jol. is for Wm. Brown. Je. 2. Same. (ib., 982.) — Je. 14. G. N. Fitch, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; Brown relief bill. (36. 1. Cong. Globe, 2956.) BROWN (J. P.) ET AL, AMER. CITIZENS RESIDING AT CONSTANTINOPLE 1858 Mch. 18. To U. S. House. Petition; apprn. to erect wall around burial place for foreigners near Con- stantinople. (35. 1. H. jol., 520.) BROWN (JOHN R.), CLAIMANT; see THOMAS JEFFERSON, AMER SHIP BROWNE (JOSEPH B.), U. S. MARSHALL, SO. DIST. FLA. 1843 Dec. 17. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Receipt of instructions of 25 ult. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 160, 4.) — Dec. 25. To gov. of Bahamas (Cockburn). De- mands surrender of fugitive criminals. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 30; H. ex. doc. 160, 5.) — Dec. 26. To same. Names of fugitive criminals whom he reclaims. (ib., 31; ib., 6.) — Dec. 30. To same. Acknowledges courtesies dur- ing proc. for reclamation of certain fugitives. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 8.) 1844 Jan. 5. To Upshur. Legal proc. in Bahamas con- sequent on demand for Surrender of certain crim- inals. (28. 1. S. ex. doc. 135, 29; H. ex. doc. 160, 4.) BROwn (MILTON), REPR. FROM TENN. 1846 Feb. 4. Remarks; property ceded by Texas. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 308.) - — Apr. 15. Speech; Oregon negotiation. (ib., 674; app., 693.) 1847 Feb. 12. Do.; Texan annexation; etc. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 354.) BROWN (MOSES) 1847 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. H. jol., 129.) BROWN (NEIL S.), OF TENN. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia, 1850-53; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1851 Dec. 8. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). [un- num.] Expenses of official residence in St. Peters- burg. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 15.) 1852 Feb. 29. To same. [unnum. extr.] Further re- turn of expenses; etc. (ib., 16.) BROWN (NICHOLAS), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Rome, 1845-49; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BROWN (NICHOLAs), AND OTHERS, OF PROVIDENCE 1835 Dec. 29. To Congress, U. S. A. Memorial; French spoliations indemnity. (24. 1. S. doc. 100.) BROWN (NOAH), CLAIMANT; see WARRIOR, AMER. BRIG BROWN (PETER), DEPONENT IN CASE OF BARK FAME; see FAME INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 155 BROWNE (ROBERT), CONS. OF NETHERLANDS FOR CAN- TON 1849 Jan. 25. To Amer. comr. in China (Davis). As- sistance given by Dutch supt. of Nagasaki (Levy- SSohn) to Amer. Seaman of wrecked whaler Lagoda. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 84, 2; 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 3.) BROWN (SAMUEL), CLAIMANT 1847 Jan. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. H. jol., 161.) BROWN (THOMAS) AND G. WHITE, CLAIMANTS 1846 Dec. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. H. jol., 101.) 1847 Jan. 16. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 105.) BROWN (THOMAS M.), JOINT CLAIMANT; see BERRY (J. A.) BROWN (WILLIAM) 1853 Mch. 5. To H. B. M. P. M. G. (Canning). Sug- gestions for 5-day service in carrying transatlantic mail. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 8.) BROWN (WILLIAM), COMDR. NAVAL FORCES ARGEN- TINE CONFEDERATION 1845 Feb. 19. To comdr. U. S. corvette Boston (Pender- grast). Refuses to recognize right of U. S. A. to claim commercial immunity in blockaded port of Montevideo; protests agst. position assumed in re- gard to blockade. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 212, 8.) BROWN (WILLIAM), FUGITIVE 1854 May 31. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing). Opinion; U. S. A. Will not demand extradition of Brown. (vi, Op. attyS. gen., 485.) BROWN (WILLIAM G.), REPR. FROM VA. 1848 May 3. Speech; Mexican war; course of adminis- tration; etc. (30. 1. Cong. Globe, 720.) BROWN (WILLIAM J.), REPR. FROM IND. 1845 Jan. 14. Speech; Texan annexation. (xiv, ib., 136, app., 96 BROWN CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 13. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 31.) 1838 Jan. 22. To same. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 158.) 1840 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Same. (26. 2. H. jol., 118.) BROWNING (ROBERT L.), OF KY. U. S. N., 1823-50. Lieut., 1832. Drowned in Trinidad Bay, Cal., Mch. 27, 1850. Sea service in command (1823-50) : 1848 comdg. Petrel, Home sqdn. BROWNSVILLE (PA.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 444.) BROWNVILLE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 30. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 176.) BRUCE ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ALCIOPE; see AL- CIOPE BRUCE (FREDERICK W. A.), H. B. M. E. E. AND M. P. IN CHINA 1857 Jly. 16. To Amer, comr. in China (Parker). [priv- ate.] Change in Lord Elgin's plans. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1415.) BRUCE (FREDERICK W. A.), H. B. M. E. E. AND M. P. IN CHINA–cont’d 1858 Feb. 9. To Secy. Amer. legation in China (Wil- liams). Br. and French ministers to forward Com- munications to Shanghai in vessels bearing flags of their respective nations. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 180.) 1859 May 2. To same. Apptmt. as E. E. and M. P. in China. (ib., 572.) — Je. 8. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Ward). Congratulations on apptmt. (ib., 573.) — Je. 12. To same. Corresp. with imperial comrs. respecting exchge. of ratifications of treaty of Tien- tSin. (ib., 580.) BRUCE (HENRY), OF MASS. U. S. N., 1813–95. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841; comdre. retired, 1867. Died Feb. 9, 1895. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1843 comdg., Dolphim, Home sqdn. ; 1845 comdg. Truaxton, African Sqdn. AC- cording to Navy Register Bruce resigned as comdr. on Nov. 28, 1853. Comdg. Truaxton 1846 Mch. 27. To U. S. House. Memorial praying pay- ment of prize money due for capture of Spitfire in 1845. (29. 1. H. jol., 591.) BRUCE (HENRY W.), REAR-ADMIRAL, H. B. M. NAVY 1853 Apr. 1. To Secy. H. B. M. Admiralty ([Osborne]). Practice of masters of Amer. vessels selling their Ships on Coast of Africa to be employed as Slavers; cases of Silenus, General de Kalb and Monte Cristo. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 23.) BRUCK (CHARLES) 1838 Mch. 10. To Amer. special agt. in Austria (Niles). Sanitary regulations in force at Trieste. (27. 2. S. doc. 246, 31.) — Apr. 11. To same. Austrian quarantine of vessels coming from U. S. A. (ib., 41.) BRUCK (V.) DE, AUSTRIAN INTERNUNCIO IN TURKEY 1853 Je. 27. To Amer. chargé in Turkey (Brown). Pro- test agst, intervention in Koszta case; claims K. as Austrian subject, and his arrest in compliance with treaty provisions. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 40, 6; H. ex. doc. 91, 12.) Je. 30. To Same. Koszta to be at once conveyed to Austria; further application in his behalf useless. (ib., 19; ib., 25.) — Jly. 3. To same. Protest agst, interference of comdr. of Amer. Sloop St. Louis with Austrian brig Hussar to prevent Koszta's departure. (ib., 17; ib., 23.) — Jly. 4. To Same. Regrets that his communication of Je. 30 has not been recd. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 91, 25.) — Jly. 28. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Turkey (Marsh). Demand for Surrender of Koszta. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 40, 35; 33. 1. H. ex. doc. 91, 41.) — Aug. 4. To same. Declines to accept proposal to deliver" Koszta to French protection. (ib., 38; ib., 44.) Sept. 14. To same. Acceptance of proposal for re- lease of Koszta; Stipulations attending his removal to U. S. A. (ib., 44; ib., 50.) — Sept. 16. To Same. Arrangements for return of Koszta to U. S. A. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 91, 58.) BRUNSHAUSEN DUES; see RECIPROCITY (CoMMERCIAL) BRUNSON (J.), CLAIMANT; see BRONSON 156 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BRUNSWICK AND LüNEBURG, DUCHY Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Consular Service United States MOBILE 1854; see Samson (J.). Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Treaties 1854 Aug. 21. U. S. A. Conv. resp. property; Engl. text. (48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47, 119.) Amer. ratification proc. in ix, Sen. exec. jol. BRUNSWICK (ME.) CITIZENS 1836 Je. 7. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying restric- tion of excessive emigration. (24. 1. S. jol., 411.) 1839 Jan. 14. To same. Congress of nations. (25. 3. S. jol., 122.) — Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 341.) — Feb. 4. To same. Same. (ib., 474.) 1840 Feb. 5. To U. S. Senate. Congress of nations. (26. 1. S. jol., 155.) 1844 May 20. To U. S. House. Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 944.) BRUSH (NEHEMIAH), CLAIMANT UNDER FLA. TREATY Statutory Measures 1848 Apr. 28. Intr., Mason, Va.; bill (30. 1. S. 237) “for relief of E. Van Ness and J. M. Brush, execrs. of N. Brush.” (30. 1. S. jol., 304.) Correspondence, etc. 1847 Dec. 15. E. Van Ness and J. M. Brush. Petition to U. S. Senate. (30. 1. S. jol., 53, 125.) BRUSTLEIN (E.), AMER. WICE-CONS., BASLE 1857 Apr. 7. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). [no. 4.] Sale of inland tickets for America is carried on almost exclusively at Seaports. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 18.) BRUTUS, AMER. BRIG Claim in Brazilian indemnity under conv. of 1849. n. d. Synopsis of award. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 116.) 1847 Feb. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Compensation for seizure during Buenos Airean blockade. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 84.) BRUTUS, AMER. BRIG (EDWARDS) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 17.) BRUTUS, AMER. SCHR. 1836 Jan. 21. H. Carleton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (For- syth). Fitting out of Brutus for alleged purpose of capturing Mexican vessels. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 12.) BRUTUS, AMER. SHIP (GOODRICH) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 17.) BRUTUS, AMER. SHIP (SMITH) n. d. Summary of award by comrs. under treaty of 1831 with France. (ib., 17.) A& BRYAN (JOHN A.) OF O. Amer. chargé for Peru, in 1845; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1848 Sept. 8. U. S. atty. gen. (Toucey). Opinion that executive dept. is not authorized to allow interest on draft drawn by Bryan for outfit, before the Same had been appropriated by Congress. (ii, op. attys. gen., 1968; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 5, 1968.) BRYANT (ROBERT), AMER. CITIZEN 1859 May 1. Amer, cons., city of Mexico (Black) to E. E. and M. P. U. S. for Mexico (McLane). Arrest of Amer. citizens; release of Bryant; etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, pt. 1, 37.) BRYANT (WILLIAM C.), AND OTHERS 1848 Mch. (?). Memorial in favor of an international copyright law. (30. 1. H. misc. doc. 76, 32.) BRYSON (LESLEY), MASTER AMER. MERCHANTMAN ROBERT BOWNE; see that title BUCHANAN (ANDREW), CLAIM 1854 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (33. 1. H. jol., 162.) — Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 77.) BUCHANAN (EDWARD B.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Rochelle, 1854-55; see U. S. A. Consular Service. " BuchanAN (FRANKLIN), of MD. TJ. S. N., 1815-61. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841; capt., 1855. Dismissed May 22, 1861. Sea service in com- mand (1825-61) : 1842-44 comdg. Vincennes, Home sqdn. ; 1853-54 comdg. Susquehannah, E. I. Sqdn. comdg. Susquehannah 1854 Apr. 2. To Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Ar- rival of Susquehannah at Hong Kong. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 11.) — May 1. To same. Necessary orders issued for equipment, etc., of Confucius. (ib., 245.) — May 6. To same. Reply to note in regard to Con- fucius. (ib., 246.) — May 24. To comdr. imperial forces Chaushan. Arrival of Susquehannah off Chaushan; Amer. Comr. to China on board with communication for Eleang, gov. gen. of Liang Kiang. (ib., 56.) — May 26. To same. Demands apology for shot fired at Susquehannah. (ib., 57.) — May 28. To comdr. in chief military forces at Nanking. Arrival of Susquehannah off Nanking. (ib., 58.) — May 30. To same. Declines further intercourse for present. (ib., 58.) Sept. 2. To McLane. Acknowledges note on Serv- ice rendered by Susquehannah. (ib., 247.) | BUCHANAN (HENRY RIDLEY), TAKEN IN STA. FE EX- PEDITION; see TEXAS. STA. FE EXPEDITION BUCHANAN (JAMES), LATE H. B. M. CONS. AT N. Y. Statutory Measures 1846 Aug. 10. Civil and dipl. apprin. bill for 1847 [clause providing apprn. to refund to Buchanan money dis- bursed by him for services in case of slaver Catha- rime]. (ix, St. L., 85.) - Correspondence 1846 Mch. 26. Buchanan to U. S. Senate. Petition pray- ing reimbursement for certain expenditures. (29. 1. S. jol., 212; 223.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868 Representative from Penn., 17th-21st congress, 1821- iši.” Amer. º. f. and M. P. in Russia, 1831-33; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Penn., 1834-45. , Secy. State U. S.A., 1845-49; Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br., 1853-56. * U. S. Senator from Representative from Penn. 1828 Dec. 23. Remarks; occupation of Oregon. (V, Reg. Debates, 126.) 1830 Feb. 10. Do.; apprin. for dipl. expenses. (ib., 558.) 1831 Feb. 8. Speech; salary of minister to Russia. (vii, ib., 654.) E. E. and M. P. in Russia Correspondence (American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) 1832 Je. 12. Ino. 2, extr.] Russian adoption of Amer. projet of treaty concerning maritime rights of neutrals. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 57.) – Je. 29. [no. 4, extr.] Substance of conferences With Nesselrode on proposed conv. regulating neu- tral maritime rights. (ib., 58.) – Oct. 19/31. [no. 8, extr.] Refusal of Russia to treat With U. S. A. concerning neutral maritime rights. (ib., 60.) 1833 May 22. [no. 17, extr.] Doubtful whether Russia would establish by treaty principle of “free ships, free goods.” (ib., 64.) Je. 4. [no. 18.] Copy of note to Nesselrode on º proposal regarding maritime rights treaty. (ib., — Jly. 31. [no. 21, extr.] No hope of concluding º concerning neutral maritime rights. (ib., Corr. (Russian) Minister of State (Nesselrode) 1833 May 18/20. To Minister of State, Russia (Nessel- rode). Treaty concerning neutral maritime rights. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 11, 66.) Treaties Concluded by 1832 Dec. 18. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., with Rus- sia; see Russia. Treaties. U. S. Senator from Pennsylvania Chrm.Com. on Foreign Relations, 2 sess., 24 congress- 26 congress, 1836-41 ; member do. 27 congress, 2 Sess.-28 congress (1841-45). Bills, etc., Introduced 1838 Jan. 9. Bill to amend act in addition to act for punishment of certain crimes agst. the U. S. A. “Buchanan's neutrality bill.” (25. 2. S. 133.) - Jan. 22. Do, relief of Thomas Sumpter. (ib., 168.) 1840 May 29. Res., authorizing President to accept cer. tain presents from Imaum of Muscat and Emperor of Morocco. (26. 1. S. res. 16.) — Je. 5. Bill for relief of Auguste Davezac, Wm. D. Jones and Nathaniel Niles. (ib., 366.) 1841 Feb. 27. Do. for relief of admr. of Wm. A. Slocum. (26. 2. S. 269.) Remarks, etc., by 1835 Jan. 14. Remarks; reprisals on French property. (xi, Reg. Debates, 206.) * - Feb. 21. Do.; discussion of relations with France. (ib., 576.) - Mch. 2. Do.; retention of apprn. for min. to Gr. Br. (ib., 703.) 1836 Jan. 18. Do.; adoption of retaliatory measures agst. France recommended in message of President. (xii, ib., 168.) BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN, 1791-1868—cont’d U. S. Senator from Pennsylvania—cont’d Remarks, etc., by—cont’d 1836 May 9. Do.; conduct of Mexico towards Texas. (ib., 1422.) — May 23. Do.; recognition of Texas. (ib., 1536.) — Jly. 1. Do.; same. (ib., 1916.) 1837 Jan. 18. Do.; French and Neapolitan indemnity. (xiii, ib., 521, 523.) — Feb. 2. Do.; Brit. copyright protection. (ib., 671.) — Feb. 13. Do.; repeal of discriminating duties on Belgian vessels. (ib., 801.) — Feb. 15. Do.; Dutch tonnage duties. (ib., 806.) — Feb. 18. Do.; Mexican indemnity. (ib., 854.) Feb. 27. Do.; relations with Mexico; indemnity; etc. (ib., 983.) — Mch. 1. Do.; recognition of Texas. (ib., 1012.) 1838 Jan. 15. Do.; in support of S. 133, etc. (vi, Cong. Globe, 103-104.) — Jan. 19. Do.; Meade claim. (ib., 121.) — Feb. 7. Do.; occupation of Oregon. (ib., 169.) — Mch. 5. Do.; on H. R. 595, to preserve neutrality on the frontiers. (ib., 214-215.) — Mch. 6. Do.; House disagreement to 3d Sen. amdmt. (ib., 223.) — Mch. 28. Do.; Cleveland memorial on Caroline affair. (ib., 271.) — Apr. 11. Do.; relations with Mexico; outrage on str. Columbia; claims. (ib., 299, 301.) — May 2. Do.; Philadelphia memorial on interna- tional copyright law. (ib., 351.) — Je. 4. Do.; on debating n. e. boundary question. (ib., 453.) — Je. 18. Speech; n. e. boundary. (ib., app., 382.) Je. 20. Remarks; same. (vi, Cong. Globe, 465.) 1839 Jan. 9. Do.; Texas boundary bill. (vii, ib., 110.) — Feb. 26. Do.; Br. claim to jurisdiction over dis- puted terr. (ib., app., 211.) — Mch. 1. Do.; jurisdiction over disputed terr. 308-9, 311, 314, 316.) — Mch. 2. Same. (vii, Cong. Globe, 238-239.) 1840 Jan. 17. Same. (viii, ib., 126-127.) — Mch. 31. Do.; adjmt. of Congress and Br. reply to n. e. boundary proposition. (ib., 296.) — Apr. 14. DO.; Survey of n. e. boundary and disputed terr. (ib., 322-323.) — Jly. 1. Do.; res. Calling for copy of Br. rpt. on survey of n. e. boundary. (ib., 496.) — Jly. 3. Same. (ib., 503.) — Jly. 17. Do.; outfit for min. res. at Constantinople, Porter. (ib., 536.) — JIy. 20. Same. (ib., 543.) — JIy. 28. Do.; Newburyport memorial on Br. Colo- nial reciprocity. (ib., 59-60.) 1841 Jan. 8. Do.; Br. debates on m. e. boundary. 91.) — Mch. 1. Do.; inexpediency of publishing corresp. On n. e. boundary. (ib., 217.) — Je. 3. Do.; corresp. in McLeod case. (x, ib., 14.) — Je. 10. Speech; McLeod case, burning of Caroline, etc. (ib., app., 14.) — Je. 15. Do.; reply to Rives, Choate, etc., on McLeod case. (ib., 65.) — JIy. 28. Remarks; Mexican indemnity. (x, Cong. Globe, 258.) Taj 9. Do.; mission to Naples and to Russia. (ib., — Sept. 7. Do.; apprin. for dipl. agts. (ib., 437.) 1842 Feb. 16. Do.; Mexican indemnity. (xi, ib., 241.) — Mch. 17. DO.; act for punishment of certain crimes agst. U. S. A. (ib., 327.) — Apr. 30. Do.; contrasting emoluments of Paris *:: With those of St. Petersburg consulate. 1D., e (ib., (ib., 158 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont’d U. S. Senator from Pennsylvania—cont’d Remarks, etc., by—cont’d 1842 May 4. Do.; payment of special agts. (ib., 473, 475.) — May 9. Speech; remedial justice bill. (ib., app., 382.) — May 11. Remarks; same. (xi, Cong. Globe, 488.) — Jly. 7. Same. (ib., 729-30.) — Aug. 19. Speech; ratification of Ashburton treaty. (xii, ib., app., 101.) 1844 Jan. 8. Remarks; occupation of Oregon; etc. (xiii, ib., app., 104.) — Jan. 9. Same. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 121.) — Jan. 25. Same. (ib., 191.) — Feb. 19. Do.; Amer. title to Oregon; etc. (ib., 292- 93.) — Feb. 23. DO.; designation of Ashburton treaty. (ib., 311.) — Mch. 12. Speech; reply to Choate; joint occupation of Oregon. (ib., 369.) — Mch. 12. Do.; with variations. (ib., app., 345.) — Mch. 12. Remarks; reply to Crittenden on Bu- chanan speech of even date. (ib., 373.) — Mch. 18. Remarks; reply to Rives on Buchanan speech of even date. (ib., 398.) — Mch. 18. Do.; in reply to Archer, same. (ib., 396.) — Mch. 19, 24. Do.; Choate’s speech of 19 inst. in reply to Buchanan speech of 12 inst. (ib., 407, 411.) Mch. 20. Do.; reply to Rives on Geo. III map, etc. (ib., 411, 413, app., 350.) Je. 1. Do.; Philadelphia memorial on naturaliza- tion. (ib., 634.) — Je. 3. DO.; Friends’ memorial on Texan annexa- tion. (ib., 637.) — Je. 3, 8. Do.; rpt. from Judiciary Com. on naturali- zation memorials. (ib., 636, 651.) — Je. 8. Speech; Texan annexation. (ib., app., 720.) — Je. 11. Remarks; Philadelphia memorials on natu- ralization. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 658-59.) — Je. 13. Amdmt. to apprn. bill, providing outfit for min. res. to Turkey (Porter). (ib., 675.) Dec. 17. Remarks; naturalization frauds. (xiv, ib., 37.) 1845 Feb. 4. Do.; Texan annexation. (ib., 240.) — Feb. 11. DO.; same. (ib., 271.) Feb. 14.* Speech; constitutionality of Texan an- nexation measure. (v, 67, Niles’ Reg., 405.) Feb. 27. Remarks; missions to Austria and to Brazil. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 357.) — Feb. 27. DO.; Texan annexation. (ib., 361-62.) — Feb. 28. Do.; compensation to J. P. Hutchinson. (ib., 367.) Reports by 1837 Feb. 18. Relations with Mexico. (24. 2. S. rpt. 189.) 1838 Jan. 22. Sumpter memorial. (25. 2. S. rpt 123.) — JIy. 4. Northeastern boundary. (ib. 502.) 1839 Mch. 1. Same. (25. 3. S. rpt. 287.) 1840 Apr. 14. Same. (26. 1. S. doc. 382.) — Je. 3. Everett claim. (25. 3. S. doc. 511.) Secretary of State Succeeding J. C. Calhoun. 1845 Mch. 20. Amer. chargé in Texas (Donelson) to Buchanan. Gratified at his apptmt. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 45.) Correspondence (Consular) . BELIZE, Hempstead, Consul 1848 Mch. 7. Reply to inquiries respecting his Com- mission. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 311.) Aug. 29. Receipt of his note of 29 ult. (ib., 312.) * For notice of speech, and reason for its non-appear- ance, in Cong. Globe; see xiv, Cong. Globe, 287 ; do. app., 418. BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont'd Secretary of State—cont’d HAVANA, Campbell, consul 1848 Nov. 1. Imprisonment of W. H. Bush, Amer. Sea- man. (30. 2. S. ex. doc. 33, 2.) - — Dec. 11. Bush case; right of Cuban authorities to proceed agst. criminal offenders within their juris- diction; incommunication only is violation of treaty of 1795. (ib., 14.) — DeC. § Gratified at unconditional release of Bush. (ib., 19. MEXICO CITY, Black, consul 1845 Sept. 17. Instructions; reestablishment of dipl. relations. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 196, 8; S. doc. 337, 8; 30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 12.) Corr. (Diplomatic Austrian) 1848 May 8. Signs conv., relative to disposal of property betw. Austria and U. S. A.; see Austria. 1849 Feb. 2. To Amer. chargé in Austria (Stiles). [no. 26.] Approval of his conduct in intervention betw. Hungary and Austria. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 11.) Corr. (Diplomatic Brazilian) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) 1845 Sept.'27. [unnum. extr.] Disclaims right of one govt. to invade territorial waters of another for purpose of arresting fugitive from justice. (MSS. Inst. Brazil; ii, Wharton Digest, 816.) Sept. 27. Ido.] In absence of treaty stipulation one govt. is not under obligation to surrender fugitive from justice to another govt. (ib., 746.) 1847 Feb. 2. Ino. 30.] Davis affair; approval of Con- duct. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 133.) E. E. and M. P. Brazil in U. S. A. (Lisboa) 1847 Feb. 2. “Amende honorable" in case of Davis affair is satisfactory. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 135.) — Mch. 29. To Wise. [no. 33.] Rpt. of Conferences with Lisboa. (ib., 136.) Braz. chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Leal) 1847 Aug. 30. Davis affair. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 28.) — Nov. 15. Driscoll trial. (ib., 60.) Corr. (Diplomatic British) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (McLane) 1845 Jly. 12. [no. 2..] Sketch of propositions for adjust- ment of Oregon question heretofore made and re- jected by resp. govts. (29. 1. S. doc. 489, 27.) Sept. 13. [no. 9..] Receipt of despatches of 16 and 18 ult on Oregon question. (ib., 32.) — Nov. 5. Ino. 13.] Oregon negotiation, (ib., 33.) — Nov. 27. [unnum. extr.] Prospect of Satisfactory settlement of claims for excess duty paid on im- ported rough rice. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 15.) — Dec. 13. Ino. 20, extr.] Instructions; true Char- acter of warlike preparations in England. (29. 1. H. ex: doc. 105, 2; S. doc. 117, 2; 29. 1. S. doc. 489, 36. -*- 5. 29. [no. 21.] Brit. offer to refer Oregon ques- tion to arbitration. (29. 1. S. doc. 489, 37.) – Dec. 29. [no. 22.] Instructions; arbitration of Oregon question. (ib., 37.) - 1846 Feb. 26. [no. 24, extr.] Concurring in President Polk's proposal of July 12, 1845 [reported in Bu- chanan's ſetter of same date], for settlement of Oregon question. (ib., 40.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 159 BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic British)—cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.-cont’d (McLane)—cont’d 1846 Feb. 26. [unnum.] Instructions; immediate pay- ment of Amer. claims, pending delay in specifica- tion of Br. claims. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 16.) — Feb. 28. [no. 26.] Authorized to transmit that Br. proposition on Oregon question to be offered by Lord Aberdeen in event of failure of negotiations on basis of compromise; paucity of information on navigableness of Columbia River. (29. 1. S. doc. 489, 44.) — Apr. 28. [no. 27, extr.] Instructions; delivery of notice of abrogation of conv. of Aug. 6, 1827; do. [in full]. (29. 1. S. doc. 489, 45; id., 46.) — Je. 6.. [no. 33.] Copy of projet of conv, for adjust- ment of Oregon question; do. of protocol of proc. (29. 1. S. doc. 489, 48.) — Je. 13. [no. 34.] Senate advises President to accept ; * for conv. to settle Oregon boundary. ib., 48. º — Je. 22. Ino. 36.] Exchge, of ratifications of treaty concluded 15 inst. (ib., 49.) — Jly. 13. [unnum.] Complaint of R. B. Rhett (S. C.) relative to non-fulfillment by Gr. Br. of arrange- ment to settle claims for duties levied in violation of art. 2, conv. of 1815. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 17.) Amer. Chargé ad Int. in Gr. Br. (Boyd) 1846 Sept. 14. [unnum. (Trist).] Instructions; Rhett complaint; payment of claims levied contrary to conv. of 1815. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 17.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft) 1846 Dec. 10. [no. 5.] Instructions; seizure of Schrs. Director and Pallas for alleged trespass on fishing grounds. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 106; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 153.) 1847 Sept. 14. [unnum.] Instructions; conduct of Capt. May, Br. Str. Teviot, in clandestinely landing Gen. Paredes at Vera Cruz. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 25, 27.) Sept. 27. [unnum.] Do.; Ryan protest. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 17.) 1848 Oct. 23. [unnum. extr.] Do.; prevention of Br. acceptance of Costa Rican offer to place that state under Br. protection. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 221.) — Oct. 23. [do.] Treason cannot be committed by citizen of U. S. A. agst. foreign govt. ; protection by U. S. govt. alike for naturalized as for native citizens. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 19, 24.) — Oct. 28. Ino. 42, extr.] Retracts stnt. that treason cannot be committed by citizen of U. S. A. agst. foreign govt. (ib., 25.) — Oct. 18. To same. Ino. 44, extr.] Approval of suc- cessful efforts in behalf of Amer. citizens impris- oned in Dublin; protest agSt. distinction adverse to Amer. citizens under order of Jly. 25, 1848. (ib., 26.) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Pakenham) 1845 Jly. 12. Resumes negotiation on Oregon question. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 163; H. ex: doc. 2, 163.) — Aug. 30. Nootka conv, became inoperative in 1796; U. S. acquires Span. title to Oregon terr. by Fla. treaty; Brit, acknowledgment of title of U. S. A.; reasons actuating offer of Amer. proposal; proposal withdrawn. (39. 1. S. doc. 1, 177; H. ex. doc. 2, 177.) — Sept. 26. Willing to terminate questions under conv. of 1815 on terms of Br. proposal. (29. 1. S. doc. 169, 5.) BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic British)—cont’d H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.—cont’d (Pakenham)—cont’d 1846 Jan. 3. Declines to submit Oregon question to ar- bitration under proposal as made. (29. 1. H. ex: doc. 105, 5; S. doc. 117, 5.) Feb. 4. Declines to refer Oregon question to arbi- tration on any basis. (ib., 8; ib., 8.) May 18. Passage of act making apprn. for repay- ment of duties collected in violation of art. 2, ConV. of 1815. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 20.) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. (Crampton) 1849 Feb. 2. Memorandum; right of surrender, by Hud- son’s Bay Co., of navigation of Columbia River. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 20, 11.) Corr. (Diplomatic Chilian) 1848 Jly. 25. To Chilian chargé in U. S. A. (Carvallo). Nationality of property seized in case of second Macedonian claim. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 333.) Corr. (Diplomatic Danish) 1848 Oct. 14. To Amer. chargé in Denmark (Flenniken). [no. 7..] Inequality of treaty of 1826 with Denmark; new commercial conv.; abrogation of Sound and Belt dues. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 108, 38.) Corr. (Diplomatic Dominican) 1845 Oct. 24. To Amer. SpecI. agt. in Dominican rep. (Hogan). Compensation allowed as late specl. agt. (33. 1. H. rpt. 310, 2.) — Oct. 30. To same. Several charges for expenses cannot be allowed. (ib., 3.) Corr. (Diplomatic French) 1848 Mch. 31. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rush). [unnum.] Approval of his attitude to- wards provisional govt. ; instructions for further intercourse; application of Amer. state sovereignty System to France. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 53, 3.) Apr. 6. To same. [no. 14.] Senate passes joint res. tendering congratulations of Amer. to French people. (ib., 16.) Corr. (Diplomatic Guatemalan) 1848 Je. 3. To Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise). [no. 1.] Instructions; treaty negotiation with Guate- mala.; review of previous negotiations with Guate- mala and with Central America. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 92.) Corr. (Diplomatic Hawaiian) 1848 Aug. 28. To Amer. comr. in Hawaii (Ten Eyck). [unnum. extr.] Instructions; Amer. policy in re- gard to Hawaiian Is. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 65.) Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Slidell) 1845 Nov. 10. [no. 1.] Instructions; settlement of Amer. claims; boundary; cession of California to France or Gr. Br.; Voss affair. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 71.) — Nov. 10. [no. 1, extr.] Voss affair. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 133, 3; S. doc. 151, 3; 30. 1. S. ex. doc. 60, 33; H. ex: doc. 69, 33.) — Nov. 19. [unnum. extr.] Instructed to advise Mex- ico that powers of E. VOSS as Amer. agt. to receive payment of Mexican indemnity have ceased. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 133, 3; S. doc. 151, 3.) 160 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican)—cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico—cont’d (Slidell)—cont’d 1846 Jan. 20. [do..] Instructions; negotiations with Mexico; commission as envoy forwarded. (29. 1. S. doc. 337, 44; H. ex. doc. 196, 44; 30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 53.) — Jan. 28. Ido.] Further instructions for negotia- tions with Mexico in event of refusal to receive his commission. (ib., 46; ib., 46; ib., 54.) Mch. 12. [ do..] Instructed to renew demand for recognition to govt. of Paredes. (ib., 54; ib., 54; ib., 54.) Amer. Comr. in Mexico (Trist) 1847 Apr. 15. [unnum.] Instructions; conclusion of treaty upon basis of projet appended. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 81; S. ex. doc. 60, 43; H. ex. doc. 69, 43.) — Je. 14. Ino. 2..] Condemning personal altercation betw. Trist and Gen. Scott; proposed provision of treaty of 1848 abolishing import duties during Amer. military occupation; insertion of art. 9, of projet in treaty. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 112.) — Je. 14. Ido., extr.] Condemning personal alterca- tion with Gen. Scott. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 56, 16.) — Je. 14. [do., extr.] Proposed provision of treaty of 1848 abolishing import duties. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 89; S. ex. doc. 60, 52; H. ex. doc. 69, 52.) — JIy. 13. [no. 3..] In further criticism of his alterca- tion with Gen. Scott; instructions for modifications in boundary line betw. Mexico and U. S. A. as pro- posed by projet. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 113.) — Jly. 13. [do., extr.] In further criticism of his altercation with Gen. Scott. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 56, 17.) — Jly. 13. [do., extr.] Instructions for modifications in boundary line betw. Mexico and U. S. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 90; S. ex. doc. 60, 52; H. ex. doc. 69, 52.) — Jly. 19. [no. 4.] Substitute for art. 4 of projet, relative to boundary betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; approval of conduct in asking Br. min. to forward communication. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 117.) — Jly. 19. [do., extr.] Relative to boundary. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 52, 90; S. ex. doc. 60, 53; H. ex. doc. 69, 53.) — Oct. 6, [no. 5.] Recall of Trist. (ib., 91; ib., 54; ib., 54.) Oct. 25. [no. 6..] Protest agst. Trist’s agreement to surrender portions of Texas and Upper California. (ib., 94; ib., 56; ib., 56.) Amer. Joint Comr. in Mexico (Sevier) 1848 Mch. 18. [no. 1.] Apptd. as comr. to consummate treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; instructions. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 50, 47.) (Clifford) 1848 Mch. 18. [do..] Same. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 50, 52.) — Mch. 22. To Sevier and Clifford. [no. 2..] Further instructions in event of Mexican refusal to ratify treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (ib., 53.) Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Almonte) 1845 Mch. 10. On his protest agst, admission of Texas. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 39; H. ex. doc. 2, 131.) BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont'd Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican)—cont’d Ministro Relaciones Esteriores, Mexico (Rejon) 1846 Jly. 27. Proposal to commence negotiations for conclusion of peace. (29. 2. S. doc. 107, 2; H. ex: doc. * 4, 42; S. doc. 1, 42.) - — Sept. 26. Mexico’s misapprehension as to intention * ºpºsal of Jiy. 27. (29. 2. H. ex, doc. 4, 44; S. doc. (Ramirez) 1847 Jan. 18. Proposal for termination of war. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 36; H. ex. doc. 8, 36.) (Barranda) — Apr. 15. N. P. Trist despatched as Amer. Comr. to Mexico invested with full powers to conclude treaty of peace. (ib., 38; ib., 38.) (de la Rosa.) 1848 Mch. 18. Treaty, with copy of Senate amdmts.; apptmt. of Sevier and Clifford as comrs. to Mexico. (30. 1. H. ex: doc. 69, 66; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 50, 42.) 1849 Feb. 15. To de la Rosa. Reply to note of 10 inst.; validity of protocol of conferences at Queretaro. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 71; H. ex. doc. 5, 71.) Corr. (Diplomatic Peruvian) 1847 Je. 9. To Peruvian M. P. in U. S. A. (de Osma). Refuses to recognize Peruvian disavowal of treaties concluded by Gen. Sta. Cruz. (33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 16.) Sept. 18. To Amer. chargé in Peru (Clay). Ino. 1, extr.] Instruction; second payment on Peruvian indemnity. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 5.) Corr: (Diplomatic Prussian) 1845 Nov. 4. To Prussian min. res. in U. S. A. (v. Gerolt). Reply to note of Jly. 7; mutiny On Borus- sia. (29. 1. H. rpt. 422, 5.) Corr. (Diplomatic Spanish) 1845 May 9. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Irving). [no. 43.] Annulling Cuban decree of Oct. 7, 1844, authorizing free importation; etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 165.) — Jiy. 3. To Spanish E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Calderon de la Barca). Executive has no power to effect reduction of tonnage duties on Spanish vessels; will recommend subject to favorable con- sideration of Congress. (29. 1. H. rpt. 428, 4.) 1847 Feb. 4. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Saun- ders). [unnum. extr.] Possibility of England re- linquishing Gibraltar. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 121, 42.) — Mch. 19. To Calderon de la Barca. His note of Mch. 2 has approval of President. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 10.) — Je. 13. To Saunders. [unnum. extr.] Neutral per- mitting belligerent cruiser to fit out in his ports commits breach of neutrality; question of prize be- longs exclusively to cts. of captor. (MSS. Inst. Spain repr. iii, Wharton Digest, etc., 556, 580.) — Dec. 6. To same. [no. 17, extr.] Instructions; Harang claim. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 86, 200.) 1848 Je. 17. To same. [no. 21, extr.] Instructions; pur- chase of Cuba. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 42.) — JIy. 7. To same. [no. 22.] Public lands in Cuba. (ib., 49.) Corr. (Diplomatic Texan) Amer. Chargé in Texas (Donelson) 1845 Mch. 10. [no. 5.] Views of President on Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 35; H. ex. doc. 2, 127.) — Apr. 28. Ino. 6..] Transfer to Washington of Texan annexation negotiations. (ib., 40; ib., 132.) -- INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 161 BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic Texan)—cont’d Amer. Chargé in Texas—cont’d (Donelson)—cont’d 1845 May 23. [no. 7..] Views of President on defence of Texas. (ib., 41; ib., 133.) — Je. 3. [no. 8.] Donelson’s application for permis- Sion to return refused until after settlement of annexation question. (ib., 42; ib., 134.) —º. [no. 9..] Protection of Texas. (ib., 42; ib., — JIy. 28. [no. 10.] President grants request to re- turn to U. S. A. (ib., 45; ib., 137.) Corr. (Diplomatic Yucatan) 1847 Dec. 14. To Yucatan comr. in U. S. A. (Sierra). Reason of military occupation of Laguna by U. S. A.; duties exacted there to be abolished. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 40, 9.) Corr. (Executive) 1845 JIy. 21. To U. S. atty., Mass. distr. Instructions; case of Borussia. (29. 1. H. rpt. 422, 2.) — Dec. 5. To Pres. Senate, U. S. A. (Dallas). Dis- bursement of contingent fund of State Dept. and for foreign intercourse Jly. 1, 1844 to Je. 30, 1845; do. foreign missions, Dec. 1, 1844 to Nov. 30, 1845. (29. 1. S. doc. 7.) — Dec. 11. To President, U. S. A. (Polk). Retarded General Armstrong corresp. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 1.) — Dec. 12. To same. Expenditures under act of Mch. 3, 1843, providing for intercourse with China. (29. 1. S. doc. 17.) 1846 Mch. 4. To chrm. U. S. H. Com. of Claims (Rock- Well). Consular instructions and Supreme ct. de- cisions relative to seizure of vessels in foreign ports applied to case of Albert. (29. 1. H. rpt. 690, 6.) — Mch. 5. To chrm. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Inger- soll). Spanish restoration of discriminating duties agst. vessels of U. S. A. (29. 1. H. rpt. 428, 1.) — Mch. 16. To chrm. H. Com. on Judiciary (Rath- bun). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 376 on organization of State Dept. (29. 1. H. rpt. 552, 2; 29. 2. S. doc. 100.) — Mch. 19. To chrm. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Ingersoll). Urging favorable consideration of Am- :* flam. (29. 1. H. rpt. 753, 1; 31. 2. S. ex. doc. — Apr. 25. To Pres. Senate, U. S. A. (Dallas). List of all French spoliation claims, exhibiting date of capture and decision in each case. (29. 1. S. doc. 313.) — Jly. 18. To President, U. S. A. (Polk). No infor- mation in State Dept. regarding Puget Sound Agric. Co's., etc., claims; cites prid. sources used by Dept. (29. 1. S. doc. 489, 50.) — Jly. 27. To comdre. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Conner). Instructions; anticipating proposal of armistice by Mexico. (29. 2. S. doc. 107, 3.) — Dec. 14. To Spkr., U. S. House (Davis). Rpt. on consular system of U. S. A. (29. 2. H. ex. doc. 12.) 1847 Mch. 2. To chrm., U. S. H. Com. Ways and Means (McKay). Recommends favorable consideration of Amistad apprin. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 11.) — Mch. 23. To U. S. atty., so. distr. N. Y. (Butler). Practice of issuing writs of habeas corpus by state cts. (Mss. Dom. Let. repr., ii, Wharton. Digest, etc., 825.) — Mch. 24. To E. McCall and co. Authorized to trans- act accts. of Peruvian indemnity. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 3.) — Mch. 29. To depy. P. M., Astoria, Oreg. (Shively). Instructions; Oregon terr. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 42; H. ex. doc. 8, 42.) 1848 Jan. 8. To chrm. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Sevier). Payment of claim of Amer. cons. in Mex- ico City (Black). (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 1.) BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1848 Jan. 20. To R. McClelland, mem. Com. On Foreign Affairs. Sprague claim. (30. 1. H. rpt. 205, 3.) — Mch. 15. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Walker). Payment to Mexico under Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 50, 79.) — Apr. 27. To Solicitor Treasury, U. S. A. (Gillett). Perkins memorial on second Macedonian claim. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 302.) May 20. To Secy. War, U. S. A. (Marcy). Corresp. relative to govt. of New Mexico. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 70, 16.) Jly. 17. To President, U. S. A. (Polk). Population of New Mexico and of California. (ib., 7.) 1849 Jan. 19. To Amer. engrs. under art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Graham and Emory). Instruc- tions. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 34, 2.) — Jan. 24. To Amer. comr. under art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Weller). Instructions. (ib., 2.) — Feb. 8. To R. McClelland. Hogan claim. (33. 1. H. rpt. 310, 4.) Feb. 13. To Weller. Further instructions. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 34, 3.) Treaties Concluded by 1846 Feb. 15. Signs treaty in regard to limits westward of Rocky Mts. betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. A.; see Great Britain. Treaties. 1847 May 18. Signs conv. with Switzerland for mu- tual abolition of droit d’aubaine; see Switzerland. Treaties. 1848 Feb. 9. Signs treaty of peace, etc., with Peru; see Peru. Treaties. 1853 Sept. 12. Signs extradition conv. betw. Bavaria and U. S. A.; see Bavaria. Treaties. 1855 Jan. 18. Do. betw. Hanover and U. S. A.; see Han- Over. Treaties. For corresp. of actg. Secys. of State during Buchanan’s torm see Trist (N. P.) ; Appleton (J.) ; Derrick (W. S.). Buchanan was succeeded by J. M. Clayton. E. E. and M. P. for Gºr. Br. Succeeded J. R. Ingersoll. Correspondence (Diplomatic American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) 1854 Jan. 5. [no. 19, extr.] Central Amer. negotiation Inot pressed Owing to unsettled Condition of cabinet Consequent on Palmerston resignation. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 52; H. ex. doc. 1, 52.) — Jan. 10. [no. 20, extr.] Mosquito Indians; Br. claim to Ruatan and Belize; Strmt. for Clarendon relative to Amer, contention of fallacy of Br. claims to any part of Central Amer. terr. (ib., 52; ib., 52.) Feb. 7. [no. 23, extr.] Dipl. full dress at ct. of St. James. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 31, 16.) — Feb. 24. [no. 25, extr.] Same. (ib., 19.) — Feb. 24. [do.] Substance of observations to Clar- endon on adoption of rule “free ships, free goods '' by European powers. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 103, 7.) — Mch. 17. [no. 25, Sic extr.] Clarendon has read to him Br. declaration [published Mch. 28] pro- claiming Britain’s course towards neutrals in pres- ent war. (ib., 9.) — Mch. 24. [no. 26, extr.] Conversation with Claren- don on privateering. (ib., 10.) — Mch. 31. [no. 27, extr.] Br. neutrality declaration of Mch. 28 has given satisfaction to dipl. represen- tatives of neutral nations. (ib., 11.) — May 5. [no. 31, extr.] Copy of Clarendon’s strmt. on Central Amer. questions. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 65.) 11 162 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont’d BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PEN.N., 1791-1868—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic American)—cont’d * Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Marcy)—cont’d 1854 Jly. 11. Ino. 36, extr.] Opinion that Br. recogni- tion of Amer. claims can be obtained only by notice to *u. existing postal conv. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 60. — Jly. 25. [no. 39.] Reply to Clarendon’s stnt. Of May 2, 1854. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 69.) — Aug. 18. [no. 40, extr.] Substance of conference With Clarendon on existing postal conv. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 60.) — Nov. 21. Ino. 49, extr.] Do. on relinquishing Bay Islands to Honduras. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 246.) — Nov. 21. Ido.] Substance of interview with H. B. M. P. M. G. on postal relations; expense of trans- porting Amer. mails through England to France; Correlative expense of transmitting Br. mails through U. S. to Canada. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 61.) 1855 Feb. 2. [no. 59, extr.] Postal negotiations with Gr. Br.; conclusion w1d. be facilitated by full strnt. from P. O. Dept., U. S. A. (ib., 63.) Feb. 16. [no. 61, extr.] Central Amer. not settled OWing to Suspension of public business since minis- º Crisis. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 69; H. ex. doc. 1, 69. Je. 15. [no. 76, extr.] Full dress at ct. of St. James. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 31, 23.) — Jly. 13. [no. 80, extr.] Note from Clarendon on Br. enlistments in U. S. A. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 10.) — Jly. 20. [no. 81, extr.] Same. (ib., 15.) — Aug. 3. To same. [unnum. extr.] Crime committed at Sea. On board an Amer. vessel considered as if com- mitted in terr. of U. S. A. (Mss. Despatches Gr. Br. repr. ii, Wharton. Digest, etc., 804.) — Aug. 3. [no. 83, extr.] Br. enlistment at Halifax. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 31. [no. 87, extr.] Copy of note to Clarendon proposing conclusion of treaty on neutral rights. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 3.) — Sept. 11. Ino. 89.] Copy of note to Clarendon of even date; anxiety as to its reception by President. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 73.) — Sept. 28. [no. 93, extr.] Doubts that H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton) will be able to remove unfavorable impression caused by Br. re- cruitment in U. S. A. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 22.) — Oct. 3. [no. 94, extr.] Reply to Clarendon’s charges of neutrality violation on part of U. S. A. in supply- ing arms, etc., to Russia. (ib., 27.) — Oct. 4. [no. 95, extr.] Clarendon’s reply to note of 11 inst. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 1, 75; H. ex. doc. 1, 75.) Oct. 30. [unnum. extr.] Explains neglect to act on enlistment question by accepting Br. assurance that all such proc. had ceased. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 28.) — Nov. 2. Ino. 99, extr.] Interview with Clarendon; Crampton denies complicity in recruitment trans- actions; rpt. of Russian privateer fitting out in port of N. Y. unfounded. (ib., 34.) — Nov. 2. Ido.] Clarendon suggests Settlement of Central Amer. questions by arbitration. (ib., 246.) — Nov. 9.. [no. 101, extr.] Same reiterated. (ib., 247.) — Nov. 9. Ido..] Substance of conference with Clar- endon relative to Maury. (ib., 36.) 1856 Feb. 1. [unnum. extr.] Do. Crampton’s alleged complicity in Br. recruitment in U. S. A. (ib., 65.) — Feb. 5. [no. 119, extr.] Clarendon expresses hope, in House of Lords, that U. S. will agree to submit Central Amer. questions to arbitration. (ib., 247.) Feb. 8. [no. 120, extr.] Br. offers to arbitrate Cen- tral Amer. questions not considered by U. S. A. (ib., 248.) Correspondence (Diplomatic American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Marcy)—cont’d 1856 Feb. 12. Ino. 121, extr.] Correcting certain stnits. concerning Br. enlistments with which he is charged by Palmerston. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 74, 1.) — Feb. 19. [no. 123, extr.] Refusal of Palmerston to lay on table in Commons corresp. relative to Br. recruitments; effect of demand for recall of Br. dipl. and ConS. Officers. (ib., 3.) — Feb. 22. Ino. 24, extr.] Difference with Clarendon Concerning Br. recruitments. (ib., 4.) Corr. (Diplomatic British) Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) 1854 Jan. 6. Amer. Stnt. regarding Br. operations in Bay Is., Br. Honduras and Mosquito terr.; legality of operations; Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 55; H. ex. doc. 1, 55; 47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 100; ii, Wharton. Digest, etc., 191.) — Jly. 22. In reply to stnt. of May 2 on Central Amer. affairs. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 1, 93; H. ex. doc. 1, 93.) — Jly. 6. Instructed to ascertain extent of complicity of Br. colonial officials in enlistments in U. S. A.; charges of complicity in Br. enlistments agst. lt. gov. of Nova Scotia. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 10.) — JIy. 18. Receipt of note of JIy. 16 relating to Br. recruitments. (ib., 26.) — Aug. 30. Proposing conv. recognizing principles of neutral commerce. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 3.) — Sept. 11. Stnt. Solicited regarding Bay Islands, Belize, and Mosquito protectorate; obligations im- posed by conv. of 1850. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 73; H. ex. doc. 1, 73.) — Sept. 28. Receipt of note of 27 inst. relating to Br. recruitments; reserves comment in absence of in- structions. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 25.) — Oct. 4. Upholds Amer. Construction of art. 6, conv. of 1850; Central Amer. states not intended to become joint parties to the conv. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 78; H. ex: doc. 1, 78.) 1856 Feb. 22. Difference concerning corresp. on Br. re- cruitment in U. S. A. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 74, 6.) — Mch. 10. Reply to note of Mch. 3. (ib., 8.) H. B. M. P. M. G. (Canning) 1855 Jan. 15. Urges action on proposal for rates of transit of Amer. mails for France via Gr. Br. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 65.) — Feb. 1. Regret at delay in acting on foregoing. (ib., 68.) Succeeded by J. Appleton. President of U. S. A. 1857 Dec. 8. To Congress, U. S. A. Annual message (1st). (W, Mess. and Papers, 436; etc.) Negotiations for removal of difficulties caused by Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty ; claims agst. Spain; relations with China ; do. Central and $o. Amer. ; filibuster- ing ; refusal of Paraguay to ratify treaty with U. S. — Dec. 17. To Senate, U. S. A. Message transmitting extradition conv. of Aug. 27, 1857, with Netherlands; Reasons for failure of exchg. of ratifications of sim- ilar conv. of May 29, 1856. (x, Sen. exec. jol., 276.) 1858 Jan. 7. To same. Do.; Walker arrest. (35. 1. S. ex, doc. 13, 1; V, Mess. and Papers, 466.) — Feb. 25. Proclamation announcing reciprocity ar- rangement With Pontifical states. (V, Mess. and Papers, 491.) * Sept. 7. To financial agt. of Amer. Colonization Socy. (McLain). Proposal of socy. concerning ne- groes at Fort Sumter. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 67.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 163 BUCHANAN (JAMES), OF PENN., 1791-1868—cont’d President of U. S. A.—cont’d 1858 Oct. 30. Proclamation; filibustering expeditions to Nicaragua. (v, Mess. and Papers, 496.) — Dec. 6. To Congress, U. S. A. Annual message (2d). (ib., 497; etc.) Treaties with China, Japan and Gr. Br. ; right of visit and search ; Spanish claims ; Cuban affairs ; Ami- 8tad; affairs in Mexico and in Central Amer. ; Panama and Tehuantepec routes; disputes with New Grenada ; discriminating duties levied by Brazil. 1859 Jan. 11. To Senate, U. S. A. Relative to rpt. of atty. gen., U. S. A. on landing of Wanderer on coast of Ga. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 8, 1.) — Jan. 21. To same. No new corresp. with Spain. On purchase of Cuba. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 16, 1.) — Jan. 29. To Congress, U. S. A. Recommends im- mediate apprn. for repayment to gov. of Vancouvers Is. (Douglas) of sums advanced to gov. of Washing- ton terr. (Stevens). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 72, 1.) Feb. 18. To same. Protection of Amer. citizens in transit over several routes through Central Amer. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 33; H. ex. doc. 100.) — Dec. 19. To same. Annual message (3d). (W, Mess. and Papers, 552, etc.) Suppression of slavetrade ; China and U. S. A. ; diffi- , culties with Paraguay settled ; acquisition of Cuba ; Mexican indemnity ; relations with Central and So. Amer. ; protection of Amer. citizens in transit over Isthmus. — Dec. 19. To Senate, U. S. A. Message transmitting treaty of Mch. 16, 1859, with Nicaragua. (xi, Sen. exec. jol., 109.) 1860 Mch. 29. To same. Do. in response to Sen. res. Of Mch. 21; instructions to naval officers, U. S. N., on Mexican coasts; capture of General Morales, etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 29.) — Apr. 5. To same. Do. relative to treaty of friend- ship, etc., with Honduras signed Feb. 28. (V, Mess. and Papers, 585; xi, Sen. exec. jol., 171.) — May 19. To Congress, U. S. A. Capture of Wild- fire. (v, Mess. and Papers, 593.) — Dec. 3. To same. Annual message (4th). (ib., 626.) Adjustment of questions arising from Clayton-Bulwer treaty ; right of visit and search ; San Juan Is. title ; protection of rights of naturalized citizens; “Cuban º' claims agst, Spain ; treaties with China and Japan ; relations with New Grenada ; Nicara- guan claims ; relations with Mexico. 1861 Jan. 30. To Senate, U. S. A. Aves Is. conv. (ib., 663.) — Feb. 12. To same. Proc. of Paraguayan claims comrs. (ib., 664.) — Feb. 21. To same. Northeastern boundary. (ib., 666; xi, Sen. exec. jol., 278.) — Feb. 21. To same. NorthWestern boundary. (ib., 666.) — Mch. 2. To same. Extension of time for ratifica- tion of treaty with Costa Rica. (xi, Sen. exec. jol., 2.94.) BUCHANAN (JAMES A.), CLAIMANT WS. MEXICO; see COUSTEN (J. H.) : BUCHANAN (JAMES M.), OF MD. Amer. min. res. in Denmark, 1858-[61] ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Correspondence (Diplomatic American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) 1859 Sept. 24. [no. 21.] Case of B. Smidt. ex. doc. 38, 202.) — Sept. 30. [no. 23.] Solicits view of govt. On com- pulsory enlistment of Amer. citizens in foreign countries. (ib., 203.) (36. 1. S. BUCHANAN (JAMES M.), OF MD.—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Cass)—cont’d 1859 Oct. 7. [no. 24.] Assured of early termination of Smidt case. (ib., 206.) — Oct. 30. [unnum.] Renews demand for Smidt's release. (ib., 207.) 1860 Feb. 26. [no. 45, extr.] Gratified at approval of course in Smidt case. (ib., 231.) Feb. 29. [no. 46, extr.] Smidt case delayed. (ib., 232.) Corr. (Diplomatic Danish) 1859 Sept. 21. To Udenrigsminister, Denmark (v. Hall). Solicits investigation of Smidt impressment. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 203.) — Sept. 29. To same. Regret at decision refusing re- lease of Smidt. (ib., 204.) — Oct. 18. To same. Smidt case. (ib., 209.) Corr. (Executive) 1859 Sept. 21. To B. Smidt. Promises to act officially in event of non-release on presentation of naturaliza- tion papers. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 38, 202.) BUCHANAN AND YOUNG, JOINT CLAIMANTS 1834 Jan. 2. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; French Spolia- tions indemnity. (23. 1. S. jol., 71.) BUCHANAN’S NEUTRALITY BILL; i. e., 25. 2. S. 133; see NEUTRALITY BUCK (DANIEL), CLAIMANT; see HEMPSTEAD (J.) BUCKALEW (CHARLES R.), OF PENN. Amer. min. res. in Ecuador, 1858-61; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. BUCKEYE, AMER. BARK 1860 Nov. 30. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Buckeye visited by Lieut. Burton, H. M. S. Triton; believed to be slaver. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 513.) — Dec. 3. Cass to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb). Transmits above note. (ib., 514.) Dec. 4. Same to Lyons. Advice of transmission as above. (ib., 514.) BUCKINGHAM (ISAAC), CLAIMANT; see WOWELL (THOS.) BUCKINGHAM (PENN.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 610.) BUCKINGHAM CO. (WA.) CITIZENS 1831 Feb. 7. To Senate, U. S. A. Petition in behalf of Amer. Colonization Socy. (21. 2. H. jol., 273.) BUCKLAND (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 100.) 1845 Dec. 15. To same. Do.; same. (29. 1. H. jol., 108.) BUCKLER (WILLIAM), AMER. CITIZEN 1853 Dec. 17. Amer. comr. in China (Marshall) to Amer. actg. cons. for Hong Kong. Instructions; case of ar- rest of Buckler en route from Macao to Canton by Br. authorities. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 372.) BUCKLEY (THOMAS C. F.), PROCTOR FOR CERTAIN POR- TUGUESE SUBJECTS 1850 May 28. To Portuguese min. res. in U. S. A. (Fi- ganiere e Morao). Damages by capture of Susan off Braz, coast by U. S. brig Perry. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 183.) 164 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BUCKNER (WM. G.), EXECR. OF J. J. BULOW, CLAIMANT; see BULOW (J. J.) BUCKNER (WILLIAM T.) AND H. TAYLOR, JR. 1829 Jly. 6. To ( ) Barry. Arrest of R. Lochlin in Span. province of California. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 58.) BUCKS CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 68.) — Sept. 23. Same. (ib., 85.) — Sept. 25. Same. (ib., 91.) — Sept. 27. Same. (ib., 101.) — Sept. 28. Same. (ib., 107.) — Sept. 30. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 48.) — Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 165.) — Dec. 29. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 170.) 1838 Jan. 2. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 95.) — Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) — Jan. 15. Same. (ib., 284.) - — Feb. 23. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 249.) — Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 599.) 1839 Feb. 4. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 473; 476.) 1850 Aug. 14. To same. Transportation of free negroes. (31. 1. H. jol., 1264.) BUCKSPORT (ME.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) BUDA-PESTH; see PESTH BUDD (GEORGE), OF MD. U. S. N., 1805-37. Lieut., 1812; comdr., 1820. Died Sept. 3, 1837. Sea service in command (1828–37) : 1828 comdg. Natchez, W. I. sqdn. ; 1832 comdg. Vandalia, do. 1828 Je. 23. To comdr. Mexican brig Hermon (Haw- kins). Requested to leave port of Key West. (20. 2. S. doc. 1, 175.) BUDD (GEORGE K.), SUPERCARGO AMER. BRIG RUTH AND DEPONENT IN CASE; see RUTH BUDD (THOMAS A.), OF N. Y. U. S., N., 1829-62. Lieut., 1841; resigned 1853; actg. lieut., 1861. Killed Mch. 22, 1862. Sea service in command (1829-61) : 1852, comdg. Vincennes, spe- cial service Behrings straits and no. China seas expedition. BUDGET, AMER. BRIG One of the Brazilian prize claims under the indemnity of 1849 ; see also Claims. Brazilian. 1828 Oct. 13. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to min- istr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Aracaty). Trial of Budget at Montevideo. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 119.) 1829 Jan. 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Tudor. In- Structions; case of Budget. (ib., 20.) — Mch. 23. Tudor to Aracaty. Case of Budget; etc. (ib., 179.) — Apr. 11. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Tudor. Instructions; case of Budget. (ib., 23.) — Apr. 23. Tudor to ministr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Pereira). Urges settlement in case of Budget. (ib., 190.) — Apr. 27. Pereira to Tudor. Rpt. in case of Budget; etc. (ib., 191.) — Dec. 8. Cedulas in case of Budget; etc. (ib., 255.) BUEL (ALEXANDER W.), REPR. FROM MICH. Member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 31st congress, 1849-51. Bills, etc., Introduced. 1850 May 2. Free navigation of St. Lawrence River. (31. 1. H. J. res. 19.) BUEL (ALEXANDER W.), REPR. FROM MICH-cont'd Bills, etc., Introduced—cont’d 1850 Je. 14. French spoliations claims. 3.18.) Remarks, etc., by 1850 Feb. 20. Speech; recognition of Hungary. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 394; app., 143.) — May 2. Remarks; free navigation of St. Lawrence. (31.1. Cong. Globe, 893-894.) 1851 Feb. 28. Do.; Canadian reciprocity and free navi- gation of St. Lawrence. (31. 2. ib., 751.) Reports by 1850 Jan. 8. Barron and Forbes memorial. rpt. 16.) — May 2. Free navigation of St. Lawrence. (ib., 295.) BUENO (J. A. P.); see PIMENTO BUENO, ETC. BUENOS AIRES, CITY Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service BUENOS AIRES, STATE; see ARGENTINE REPUBLIC BUESO (S.) Jefe del estado of Honduras in 1855; see Central Amer- ica. Honduras. BUFFALO (N. Y.) Citizens 1836 May 26. To U. S. Senate. Memorial praying recog- nition of Texas. (24. 1. S. jol., 384.) 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial; modification of neutrality law. (25. 3. H. jol., 222.) 1842 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Do.; Van Dieman's Land prisoners. (27. 2. S. jol., 65.) — Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) 1843 Dec. 22. To same. Modification of naturalization laws. (28. 1. H. jol., 101.) 1845 Dec. 9. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1848 Mch. 20. To same. Peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 588.) 1850 Feb. 4. To same. Free navigation of St. Lawrence River. (31. 1. H. jol., 450.) 1852 Mch. 30. To same. Canadian reciprocity. (32. 1. H. jol., 528.) Apr. 1. To U. S. Senate. Same. (32. 1. S. jol., 325.) Mayor; see TROWBRIDGE (J.) See also Canada. Insurrection. BUFFUM (WILLIAM A.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Trieste in 1854; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BUITRAGO (PABLO) Director supremo of Nicaragua, 1841-43.; ministro relac. est. ; see Central America. guà. 1847 Nov. 12. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Application for Amer. mediation with Gr. Br. rela- tive to her invasion of the Mosquito terr. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 11.) 1849 Oct. 23. To Amer. chargé for Guatemala (Squier). Br. occupation of Tigre Is. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 15, 218.) BULFINCH (CHARLES) 1838 Apr. 21. Deposition; discovery of Columbia River. (25. 2. S. doc. 470, 23.) BULFINCH (CHARLES), HATCH (H.), ET AL, HEIRS OF ORIGINAL DISCOVERERS OF OREGON RIVER 1840 Jan. 13. Memorial praying confirmation of title. (26. 1. H. jol., 202.) (31. 1. H. R. (31. 1. H. 18||47-49] Nicara- INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BULKLEY (FRANCIS), MASTER SCHR. BETSY; see BETSY BULL, NYE & CO., AMER. TRADING FIRM SHANGHAI 1854 Jly. 17. To Amer. Comr. in China (McLane). List of vessels; notes held for duties on shipments since ; 7, 1853 [to Je. 30, 1854]. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 377. — JIy. 30. List of duties due. (ib., 405.) 1855 Jan. 30. To Heard & co. Receipts for duties on tea and McLane award. (ib., 724.) — Feb. 10. To inspector maritime customs, Shanghai. Tonnage duties on Nightingale. (ib., 686.) See also Heard and co., Shanghai house ; Russell and co. BULL (JOHN), DEPONENT IN CASE OF WHALER LAGODA; see LAGODA BULLARD (HENRY ADAMS), REPR. FROM LA. 1832 Mch. 15. Remarks; apprin. for min. to Colombia. (viii, Reg. Debates, 2170.) BULLOCK (JAMES D.), MASTER BLACK WARRIOR; see that title BULLUS (CHARLES I.) Amer. cons. for Xibara, 1837-42; see U. S. A. Consular Service. BULLUS (OSCAR), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1817-71. Lieut., 1827; comdr. 1848; tº: reserved 1861; comdre. (do.) 1867; Died Sept. 29, 1871. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1842-43, comdg. Boxer, Home sqdn. ; 1846–47, comdg. Relief, Home sqdn. BüLow (BERNHARD ERNST) v., STAATSMINISTER, MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN 1853 Nov. 26. Signs declaration of accession to extra- dition conv. betw. Prussia and U. S. A.; see Mecklen- burg, etc. Treaties. BüLow (HEINRICH) FRHR. v., MINISTER D. AuswäRTI- GEN, PRUSSIA 1843 Oct. 10. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wheaton). Duty on tobacco imported from U. S. A. (28. 1. S. doc. 1, 23; H. ex. doc. 2, 23.) BULOW (J. J.), CLAIM UNDER FLA. TREATY Statutory Measures 1837 Jan. 27. Intr., Hubbard, N. H.; bill (24. 2. S. 173) “for relief of reprs. of J. J. Bulow.” (24. 2. S. jol., 168; 307.) Dec. 12. Intr., same; bill (25. 2. S. 22) “for relief of legal reprS. of J. J. Bulow, jr.” (25. 2. S. jol., 39.) 1839 Jan. 22. Intr., same; bill (25. 3. S. 231) “for relief of legal reprs. of J. J. Bulow.” (25. 3. S. jol., 148; 264.) — Dec. 30. Intr., same; bill (26. 1. S. 109) “for relief of legal repr. of J. J. Bulow.” (26. 1. S. jol., 59.) 1840 Dec. 21. Intr., same; bill (26. 2. S. 96) “for relief of legal reprS. of J. J. Bulow.” (26. 2. S. jol., 48.) 1846 Jan. 21. Intr., Clayton, Del.; bill (29. 1. S. 53) “for relief of legal repr. of J. J. Bulow.” (29. 1. S. jol., 110.) 1850 Jly. 23. Intr., Dunham, N. Y.; bill (31. 1. H. R. 340) “for relief of legal reprs. of J. J. Bulow, jr.” (31. 1. H. jol., 1167.) 1858 Feb. 3. Intr., Buffington, Mass.; bill (35. 1. H. R. 253) “for relief of Jno. J. Bulow, jr.” (35. 1. H. jol., 289.) Correspondence, etc. 1836 Apr. 25. To U. S. House. Petition; remuneration for Indian depredations. (24. 1. H. jol., 751.) — Dec. 20. To U. S. Senate. Same. (24. 2. S. jol., 47; 127; 138.) BULow (J. J.), CLAIM UNDER FLA. TREATY-cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1837 Dec. 11. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hubbard, N. H.) : reference of Bulow petition. (25. 2. S. jol., 35.) — Dec. 12. Bulow to U. S. House. Memorial as above. (25. 2. H. jol., 51.) 1838 Dec. 10. U. S. Senate. Bulow claim presented; etë. (25. 3. S. jol., 32; 56; 106.) 1839 Feb. 7. J. S. Williams certifies to destruction of property on Bulow plantation; etc. (28. 1. H. rpt. 58, 51.) — Feb. 8. C. Downing to U. S. Senator from N. H. (Hubbard). Practice of Indians of destroying prop- erty occupied by U. S. troops during Fla. invasion; Bulow relief bill. (ib., 50.) — Feb. 9. U. S. Senate. Additional docS. in Bulow claim presented. (25. 3. S. jol., 216.) 1840 Jan. 4. Bulow to U. S. House. Petition as above. (26. 1. S. jol., 167.) — Dec. 14. Same. (26. 2. H. jol., 36.) — Dec. 15. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hubbard, N. H.); reference of docs. in Bulow case. (26. 2. S. jol., 31.) 1841 Dec. 14. Bulow to U. S. House. Petition as above. (27. 2. H. jol., 56.) 1843 Jan. 5. Same. (27. 3. H. jol., 139; 319; 363.) 1844 Jan. 20. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 267.) 1845 Dec. 22. Execr. of Bulow to U. S. Senate. Petition as above. (29. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1850 Jan. 7. Same to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 232.) 1851 Dec. 15. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 88.) 1857 Jan. 16. Heirs of Bulow to U. S. House. Petition as above. (34. 3. H. jol., 230.) — Dec. 9. U. S. Senate. Motion (Seward, N. Y.) ; leave to Bulow execr. to withdraw papers. (35. 1. S. jol., 34.) — Dec. 15. Heirs of Bulow to U. S. House. Petition as above. (35. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1858 Feb. 3. U. S. H. Com. on Military Affairs (Buffing- ton). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 253 for relief of Bulow. (35. 1. H. rpt. 70.) BULWER (SIR HENRY LYTTON) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1849-51 ; see Great Britain. Diplomatic service. Succeeded Richd. Pakenham. Correspondence (Consular) PORT-AU-PRINCE, Usher, consul Dec. (?). Instructions; mediation of U. S. A.; France and Gr. Br. to establish peace betw. Haiti and Sto. Domingo. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 113, 5.) Corr. (Diplomatic American) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) 1850 Jan. 1. Reciprocal trade provisions established betw. Br. and Amer. ports. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 36, 1; H. ex. doc. 46, 1.) — Jan. 3. Protest agst. increase of duties on Br. iron. (ib., 2; ib., 2.) — Feb. 11. Do. conduct of admiralty judge at Phila- delphia. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 78, 3.) — Mch. 27. Assurance that reciprocal trade With Canada established by pending legislation in U. S., will secure from Br. govt. free navigation of the St. Lawrence. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 64, 35; 32. 2. H. rpt. 4, 71.) — Mch. 28. Resp. Br. instructions to Central Amer. agts. to cooperate with Amer. agtS. in Central Amer- ica. (p. 47, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) Apr. 19. Projet of treaty with U. S. A. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 319.) 166 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BULWER (SIR HENRY LYTTON)—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Clayton)—cont’d 1850 Apr. 19. Signs conv. relative to ship canal by way of Nicaragua with U. S. A.; see Gr. Br. Treaties. — Apr. 29. Gr. Br. has no intention of entering into treaty With Costa Rica for taking that state under Br. protection. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 323.) — Jly. 4. Authorized to exchge. ratifications of treaty of Apr. 19. (48. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 5.) (Webster) - Sept. 27. Communicates substance of Molina pro- posal of Aug. 5. (p. 68, Corresp. with U. S. re Cen- tral America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Sept. 27. Memorandum of amdmts. to Squier treaty. (ib., 70.) Oct. 8. Assertions attributed to Squier resp. al- º treaty for Br. protection over Costa Rica. (ib., — Oct. 11. Seizure of Br. vessel Albion. ex. doc. 30, 14.) — Dec. 31. Anglo-Amer. cooperation for suppression of Slavetrade; uniformity in instructions for search of Suspected slavers. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 3.) 1851 Mch. [28]. Commercial intercourse betw. U. S. A. and Br. No. Amer. provinces; letter of F. Hincks. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 83; H. ex. doc. 2, 83.) Je. ; Repeats propositions of Mch. 28. ib., 89. Corr. (Diplomatic British) Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston) 1850 Jan. 6. Best way to settle satisfactorily Anglo- Amer. questions relative to Nicaragua and Mosquito terr. is by a convention. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 60.) — Jan. 6. Amer. govt. willing to send same instruc- tions to agtS. in Central Amer. as Gr. Br., viz., not to Counteract intentions of resp. govts. (p. 29, Cor- resp. With U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Jan. 6. Substance of corresp. with Clayton resp. ºn of Tigre Is. and Hise and Squier treaties. ib., 28. — Feb. 3. Proposed plan for interOceanic communi- cation by way of Nicaragua; transmits project of conv. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 60.) — Feb. 13. Objections to proposed ConV. by SOme members of Amer. Cabinet resp. Mosquito; Sug- gestions thereon. (p. 40, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Mch. 2. Amer. govt. disavows Squier proc. in ob- taining possession of Tigre IS. (ib., 46.) — Mch. 2. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) asks if H. B. M. cons. gen. (Chatfield) has made a treaty with Costa Rica taking that Republic under Br. pro- tection. (ib., 46.) — Mch. 31. Clayton advises that Gr. Br. make treaty with Nicaragua similar to that which will be made by U. S. A. (ib., 48.) — Mch. 31. Comment on communication to Senate, U. S. A., of Squier treaty by Mr. Clayton; incon- venience of this proc. (ib., 48.) — Apr. 28. Nature of changes in project for Settle- ment of Nicaragua and Mosquito questions. (ib., 85.) — Apr. 28. Points out differences betw. Clayton- Bulwer treaty and original project; Substance of corresp. with Clayton resp. communication of Squier treaty to Senate. (pp. 52, 55, Corresp. With U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) (31. 2. S. (ib., 89; BULWER (SIR HENRY LYTTON)—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic British)—cont’d Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office—cont’d (Palmerston)—cont’d 1850 May 20. Clayton does not believe that Squier has taken possession of Tigre Is. (ib., 59.) Je. 3. Clayton considers that private rights should be considered in any settlement of Mosquito ques- tion. (ib., 61.) & – Je. 28. Mr. Squier reports to Amer. govt. that he has taken possession of Tigre Is...; Clayton's disap- proval. (ib., 61.) — Jly. 1. Proposal of ceding part of Mosquito terr., incl. Greytown, to Costa Rica; believes Nicaragua Would not consent. (ib., 61.) — Jly. 8. Substance of conference with Clayton as to limits of free zone at either end of proposed ship Canal. (ib., 65.) — Aug. 6. Expedient that U. S. and Gr. Br. Should Come to understanding as to what states are included in term Central America. (ib., 66.) —iº; ; Substance of his amdmts. to Squier treaty. ib., 69. — Sept. 29. Substance of interview with Webster resp. Molina proposal of Aug. 5. (ib., 68.) — Oct. 10. Substance of corresp. with Webster of 8 inst. (ib., 91.) - º — Nov. 14. Webster’s regret at reported attempt of Amer. Ship Canal co’s. agt. to incite Nicaraguans to seize Greytown. (ib., 94.) 1851 Mch. 10. Webster promises his influence to pre- Vent hostilities betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (ib., 96.) — May 5. Has stated to Marcoleta. that he will nego- tiate commercial treaty with Nicaragua. (ib., 96.) — Mch. 19. Points resp. Central America and MOS- quito verbally settled betw. him and Webster. (ib., 96.) — Jly. 28. Substance of conference with envoys of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and with Webster, on Greytown and Central American questions; Nic- araguan proposal. (ib., 98.) — Aug. 12. Prospects of settling Central American and Mosquito questions. (ib., 101.) Corr. (Executive) 1850 Je. 29. Declaration that Clayton-Bulwer treaty does not apply to Br. Settlement in Honduras, or to its dependencies. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 12, 3; 32. 1. Cong. Globe, 237.) — Je. 29. To managing director, Nicaraguan Canal CO. (White). Reply to his note of 27 inst. (p. 62, Cor- resp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Succeeded by J. F. T. Crampton. BUNBURY ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. TRIM; see TRIM BUNCH ( ), H. B. M. CONS., CHARLESTON 1858 Je. 1. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- bury). Sailing of Lydia Gibbs. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 88.) BUNKER ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. BRITTANIA; see BRITTANIA BUNKER ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP CAD0Z; see CAD0Z BUNKER ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP REVOLUTION; see REVOLUTION BUNKER (CHARLES), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Lahaina, 1850-53 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. "INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 167 BUNKER (FREDERICK E.), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for Constantinople, 1831-35; see U. S. A. Consular service. BUNNER (ELIZABETH) 1847 Jan. 16. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; French spolia- tions indemnity. (29. 2. S. jol., 105.) BUNTON (DESHA) 1852 Mch. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; revision of decisions of Mexican Claims Comrs. (32. 1. S. jol., 255.) BUNTON (JOHN W.) 1852 Feb. 14. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; revision of decisions of Mexican Claims Comrs. (32. 1. S. jol., 226.) — Mch. 8. Same. (ib., 255.) BUOL-SCHAUENSTEIN (KARL FERDINAND) GRAF W. Staatskanzler u. Minist. d. Auswärtigen, Austria, 1852- 9 ; see also Austria. 1853 Dec. 2. To Amer. chargé in Austria (Jackson). S. Tousig claimed to be Austrian subject. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 41, 7.) [1854 Jan..] To same. Reserves decision on granting of exeguatur on commission of Amer. cons. for Trieste (Robertson). (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 100, 48.) BUORCH (W. J. D.), AMER. COURIER 1834 Dec. 22. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Lombardo) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Passport for BuOrch. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 544.) BURBANK ( ), MASTER SLAVER BRIG CHATSWORTH; See CHATSWORTH BURCHARD (NATHAN), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Basle, 1850-54 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BURCHARD (WILLIAM C.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Comayagua and Tegucigalpa in 1860; see U. S. A. Consular service. BURD (GEORGE), REPR. FROM PENN. 1832 Je. 8. Remarks; authority to Danish Comm. to act On claims under conv. With France. (viii, Reg. De- bates, 3341.) BUREN CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 74.) BURGES (TRISTAM), REPR. FROM R. I. 1831 Jan. 13. Speech; salary of min. to Russia; Mr. Randolph’s service. (vii, Reg. Debates, 490.) *sº Fº 3. DO.; illegality of mission to Russia. (ib., 575. — Mch. 1. Remarks; Turkish mission. (ib., 834.) 1832 Apr. 2. Do.; aid to Amer. Colonization Socy. (viii, ib., 2335.) 1834 May 7. Do.; commission under conv. with France. (x, ib., 3972.) 1835 Feb. 26. Do.; relations with France. (xi, ib., 1512.) — Feb. 27. Same. (ib., 1520.) — Feb. 28. Same. (ib., 1561.) BURGESS ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. ZEBRA; see ZEBRA & BURGESS ( ), TAKEN IN SANTA FE ExPEDITION; see TEXAS. STA. FE EXPEDITION BURGESS (GEORGE F.), COMDR. H. B. M. S. HECATE 1857 Aug. 12. To comdre. Wise, H. B. M. senior naval officer, African station. Company styled “Expedi- tion for Africa ’’; case of the Charles. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 35.) See also Hecate. BURGESS (ISAAC), MASTER AMER. SCHR. JAVA; see JAWA BURGESS (STEPHEN C.) 1856 Apr. 25. To U. S. Senator from Mass. (Sumner). Stmt.S. of capt. Gibbs in matter of Venezuelan guano claims. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 76.) BURGESS (WILLIAM), MASTER AMER. SCHR. INDEPEND- ENCE; see INDEPENDENCE BURGTHAL (CHARLES), WITNESS IN CASE OF U. S. V.S. HENRY HERTZ; see HERTZ BURKE ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG RESORT; see RE- SORT BURKE (EDMUND), COMR. OF PATENTS, U. S. A. 1848 May 12. To A. Wattemare. Transmits pubs. of Pat- ent Office for distribution under system of inter- national exchge. (30. 1. H. misc. doc., 99, 9.) —dº 8. To same. Receipt of gift of French books. ib., 10.) BURKE (JOHN), CLAIMANT UNDER TREATY OF GHENT 1835 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial praying reim- bursement for property destroyed. (23. 2. H. jol., 200.) 1836 º; 20. To U. S. Senate. Same. (24. 2. S. jol., 47; 168. 1843 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Same. (27. 3. H. jol., 134.) See also Burt (J. M.) BURKE CO. (N. C.) CITIZENS 1836 May 16. To U. S. Senate. Proc. in favor of Texan annexation. (24. 1. S. jol., 356.) BURLEIGH ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. HAZARD; see HAZARD BURLESON (EDWARD) 1839 May 22. To Secy. of War, Texas (Johnston). Trans- mits docS. taken in skirmish with party of Mexicans revealing conspiracy agst. Texas; M. Flores killed. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 29.) BURLINGAME (ANSON), OF MASS. Repr. from Mass., .34th-36th congress, 1855-61; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, do. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Austria in 1861; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Representative from Mass. Bills, etc., Introduced 1856 May 23. Lippitt relief bill. (34. 1. H. R. 364.) — May 23. Denman relief bill. (ib., 365.) 1857 Feb. 12. King relief bill. (34.3. H. R. 815.) 1858 Mch. 5. Dainese relief bill. (35. 1. H. R. 339.) 1860 Mch. 29. Adriatic seizure. (36. 1. H. J. res. 27.) - May 7. Amend’s act regulating dipl. and consular Systems. (36. 1. H. R. 699.) Remarks, etc., by 1858 Je. 12. Remarks; Br. aggressions in Gulf Of Mexico. issa' #.1. Cong. Globe, 3016-18.) eb. 1. Do.; French spoliations bill, H. R. (35. 2. ib., 727-28.) 552. - Mch. 2. Do.; Paraguayan difficulties. (ib., 1608.) 168 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BURLINGAME (ANSON), OF MASS.—cont’d Representative from Mass.-cont’d Reports by 1856 May 23. Lippitt claim. (34. 1. H. rpt. 143.) — May 23. Denman claim. (ib., 144.) 1857 Feb. 12. King claim. (34. 3. H. rpt. 188.) 1858 Mch. 5. Dainese claim. (35. 1. H. rpt. 144.) — Je. 1. Adriatic case. (ib., 539.) 1860 Mch. 29. Same. (36. 1. H. rpt. 261.) — Mch. 29. Dainese claim. (ib. 262.) BURLINGTON (CONN.) CITIZENS 1845 Feb. 17. To U. S. Senate. Memorial Vs. Texan an- nexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 177.) BURLINGTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) BURLINGTON (N. J.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 120.) BURLINGTON (VT.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 443.) 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 337; 344.) BURLINGTON CO. (N.J.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 30. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 131.) — Dec. 18. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol, 52.) 1838 Jan. 31. Same. (ib., 192.) BURNES ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP BRISTOL PACKET; see that title BURNET (DAVID G.), OF N. J. Amer. cons. for Galveston, 1832-35 ; see U. S. A. Con- iš service. First president, republic of Texas, in President of Teacas 1836 Mch. 19. Commission of Childress and Hamilton, Special agts. Texas in U. S. A. (24. 1. S. doc. 415, 2.) — [Apr. 7]. To agt. of Texas at New Orleans (Trip- lett). War in Texas drawing to a close. (ib., 19.) — Jly. 21. Proclamation blockading port of Mata- moras. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 603.) BURNETT (HENRY C.), REPR. FROM KY. 1859 Jan. 19. Remarks; reductions in dipl. corps. (35. 2. Cong. Globe, 461.) Jan. 26. Do.; apprin. for Suppression of slave- trade. (ib., 616.) — Jan. 31. DO.; Kilgore res. On execution of slave- trade laws. (ib., 700.) 1860 Mch. 30. Do.; Meade claim. (36. 1. ib., 1462.) BURNETT (JOSEPH), CLAIMANT UNDER TREATY OF GHENT 1828 Mch. 18. U. S. Com, on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Adverse rpt. on Burnett claim. (20. 1. H. rpt. 198.) BURNHAM (JOHN), ALGERIAN CAPTIVE Bills Introduced 1811 Nov. 25. Intr., Avery, N. Y.; bill (12. 1. H. R. 12) “for relief of John Burnham ” ; appré. Jan 10, 1812. (20. 2. H. rpt. 102, 7.) 1829 Feb. 28. Intr., Everett, Mass.; bill (20. 2. H. R. 461) “for relief of John Burnham.” (20. 2. H. jol.) — Dec. 23. Intr., Archer, Va.; bill (21. 1. H. R. 26) “for relief of John Burnham ” ; appré. Apr. 7, 1830. (21. 1. H. jol.; vi, St. L., 412.) BURNHAM (JOHN), ALGERIAN CAPTIVE-cont’d Bills Introduced—cont’d 1831 Jan. 25. Intr., Everett, Mass.; bill (21. 2. H. R. 575) “for relief of capt. John Burnham.” (21. 2. H. jol., 215.) — Dec. 19. Intr., Archer, Va.; bill (22. 1. H. R. 44) “for relief of John Burnham ” ; appré. May 31, 1832. (22. 1. H. jol.; vi, St. L., 493.) Correspondence, etc. 1796 Apr. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Pickering) to U. S. House. Apprp. for Burnham ransom. (20. 2. H. rpt. 102, 3.) 1803 Jan. 27. Same (Madison) to same. Same. (ib., 5.) 1828 Dec. 31. Burnham to U. S. House. Petition praying reimbursement of money paid by him for ranSOIm. (20. 2. H. jol., 109.) 1829 Feb. 26. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 461. (20. 2. H. rpt. 102, 1.) Dec. 16. Burnham to U. S. House. Petition as above. (21. 1. H. jol., 51.) — Dec. 23. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 26. (ib., 86.) 1830 Dec. 24. Burnham to U. S. House. above. (21. 2. H. jol., 99.) 1831 Jan. 25. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 575. (21. 2. H. rpt. 45.) Dec. 12. U. S. House. Motion (Marcy, N. Y.) ; reference of Burnham petition of Dec. 24, 1830. (22. 1. H. jol., 30.) 1853 Dec. 14. Burnham heirs to U. S. House. Petition as above. (33. 1. H. jol., 83.) — Dec. 22. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 60; 208.) BURNSIDE (THOMAS), JOINT CLAIMANT; see HOGG (C.) BURRILVILLE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) BURROUGH (MARMADUKE) Amer, cons. for Vera Cruz, 1834-40; see also U. S. A. Consular service. American Consul 1834 Jly. 10. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Apptmt. of Burrough as cons. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 146.) 1835 Jan. 5. Ministr. relac, est., Mexico (Lombardo) to Butler. Exeguatur on Burrough commission. (ib., 547.) Correspondence (Consular American) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis) 1836 Oct. 8. Outrage on Amer. brig Fourth of July in port of Vera Cruz. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 57; S. doc. 160, 167; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 248.) — Nov. 3. Attack on crew of U. S. str. Natchez. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 5; H. ex. doc. 139, 5; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 198.) Nov. 5. Proc. in case of Natchez. (ib., 6; ib., 6; ib., 198.) — Nov. 7. Progress of proc. in case of Natchez. (ib., 9; ib., 9; ib., 199.) — Nov. 10. Continued imprisonment of Amer. Sea- men; A. de Castro succeeds Vasquez; Gen. Gomez Comdt. of the plaza. (ib., 15; ib., 15; ib., 201.) — Nov. 12. Mexican aggressions. (ib., 30; ib., 30; ib., 205.) — Nov. 19. Amer. Seamen still imprisoned and in- accessible; with enclosures. (ib., 33; ib., 32; ib., 207.) - 1837 Jan. 10. Mexico denies request to deliver at consu- late despatches addressed to Amer. legation in Mex- ico. (xiv, Reg. Debates, 221.) Petition as INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 169 BURROUGH (MARMADUKE)—cont’d Correspondence (Consular American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) 1836 Nov. 22. [unnum. [no. 51].] Attack on crew of Natchez. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 52; S. doc. 160, 162; xiv, Reg. Debates, 246.) — Nov. 24. To Ellis. Amer. Seamen to be liberated. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 34; H. ex. doc. 139, 33; xiv, Reg. Debates, 207.) — Nov. 26. To same. Has been placed in charge of Amer. Seamen. (ib., 35; ib., 33; ib., 207.) — Dec. 1. [unnum.] Names of persons wounded in *: º Natchez. (ib., 165; 24. 2. H. doc. 105, 55; b., 247. Corr. (Consular Mexican) 1836 Nov. 3. To capt. port of Vera Cruz (Rodriguez). Demands release of Natchez seamen. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 8; H. ex. doc. 139, 8; xiv, Reg. Debates, 199.) — Nov. 4. To the Gen., dept. of Vera Cruz (Vasquez). Same. (xiv, Reg. Debates, 201.) — Nov. 6. To same. Permission to interview Natchez seamen. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 14; H. ex. doc. 139, 14; xiv, Reg. Debates, 201.) — Nov. 7. To same. Repeats request of 6 inst. (xiv, Reg. Debates, 201.) — Nov. 8. To same. Same. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 25; H. ex. doc. 139, 4; xiv, Reg. Debates, 204.) — Nov. 9. To comdr. of the plaza, Vera Cruz (Gomez). Declines to obey Summons to appear in court. (ib., 29; ib., 28; ib., 205.) — Nov. 25. To the Gen., dept. of Vera Cruz (Castro). Arrival of Amer. Seamen at consulate; protest agst. detention; etc. (xiv, Reg. Debates, 207.) Corr. (Executive) 1839 May 1. To comdr. W. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Shubrick). Substance of conversation with rear-adm. Baudin. (26. 1. H. doc. 150, 14.) Claimant See Peter D. Vroom, schr. BURROUGHS (WILLIAM), CLAIMANT; AMER. SHIP BURT ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG RISING SUN; see RISING SUN BURT (ARMISTEAD), REPR. FROM S. C. 1846 Feb. 7. Remarks; abrogation of Oregon conv. of 1827. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, app., 264.) — Apr. 13. Do.; Amer. occupation of Oregon to 49° n. (29. 1. Cong. Globe, 664.) 1848 Aug. 10. Do.; Trist's letter of Aug. 7, transmitting papers relative to treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (30. 1. ib., 1058.) 1849 Mch. 2. Do.; on S. 313 to execute certain provisions of treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (30. 2. ib., 661.) BURT (JOHN M.), CLAIM 1837 Jan. 30. Van Gover, admr. of Burt, to U. S. House. see SHAMROCK, Memorial; French spoliations indemnity. (24. 2. H. jol., 315.) 1846 Dec. 21. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 58.) — Dec. 22. Same to U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 87.) 1849 Fº 31. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 39. isº, 3. Same to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., e 5. — Jan. 4. Same. (ib., 225.) BURT (JOHN M.), CLAIM—cont’d 1850 Jan. 8. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 63.) — Jan. 9. Same to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 270.) - BURTON (ALEXANDER), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Cadiz, 1824-56; see U. S. A. Consular Service. 1828 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Petition; regulation of Consular pay. (20. 1. H. jol., 123.) 1852 Jan. 10. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Bar- ringer). Contoy prisoners embarking on govt. Str. Lepanto; J. S. Thrasher to go with them. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 111.) BURTON (ALLEN A.), OF KY. Amer. min. res. in Bogota, 1861-67; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. BURTON (HENRY J. [S.?]) 1848 Mch. 20. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Shu- brick). Rescue of men captured at San Jose. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1149.) — Apr. 10. To same. Movements of Soathampton; battle at Todos Santos. (ib., 1154.) BURTON (J.) 1850 Nov. 17. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Bar- ringer). History of Wilcox case. (31. 2. S. ex: doc. 41, 37.) BURTON (JAMES), BR. SUBJECT Assaulted, in 1856, on board Amer. brig Progressive Age, Inear port of Foo Chow ; see China. Foo Chow. Consular courts. BURTON (R. H.), COMDR. H. B. M. STR. TRITON 1859 Apr. 18. To capt. Amer. bark Orion (Hanna). Or- dered to remain at anchor until arrival of U. S. corvette Marion. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 371.) — Apr. 20. To comdr. U. S. S. Marion (Brent). Re- quests extracts from log of Orion ; etc. (ib., 363.) — Apr. 21. To same. Reason for detention of Orion; proc. in case. (ib., 363.) — JIy. 18. To comdr. H. B. M. S. Westwiws (Wise). Retention of Orion. (ib., 349.) See also Triton. BURUAGA (F. S.) ASTA; see ASTA BURUAGA (F. S.) BUSH (A. AND J. T.), EXECRS. OF THOS. BUSH, CLAIM- ANT; see ERIE, AMER. SHIP BUSH (CHAUNCEY) Amer. cons. for San Blas, 1835-[37] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. BUSH (FREDERICK T.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Hong Kong, 1845-54 ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. BUSH (WILLIAM HENRY), AMER. CITIZEN 1844 Apr. 24. Actg. admr, gen., Cuba (Bernaben). Circ.; penalties for violation of postal ordinance. (30. 2. S. ex. doc. 33, 16.) 1848 Oct. 25. Amer, cons., Havana (Campbell) to gov. gen. of Cuba (Alcoy). Imprisonment of Bush for treasonable conduct. (ib., 3.) — Oct. 28. Campbell to Alcoy. Alleges impropriety in calling for information in Bush case. (ib., 5.) — Oct. 30. Alcoy to Campbell. Proc. vs. Bush. (ib., 6.) Oct. 31. Campbell to Alcoy. Immediate release of Bush requested. (ib., 7.) — Nov. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Camp- bell. Opinion in Bush case. (ib., 1.) 170 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BUSH (WILLIAM HENRY), AMER. CITIZEN–cont’d 1848 Nov. 2. Campbell to Alcoy. Protest agst, continued imprisonment of Bush. (ib., 8.) — Nov. 5. Alcoy to Campbell. Administration of Span- ish law relative to close confinement; case of Bush. (ib., 10.) — Nov. 6. Same to same. Campbell not qualified to make any reclamations on govt. of Cuba; Amer. min. at Madrid proper person to conduct negotiations. (ib., 13.) — Nov. 7. Campbell to Alcoy. Protest agst. dis- claimer of authority. (ib., 14.) — Nov. 7. Same to same. Relieved of agency in be- half of Bush. (ib., 13.) — Dec. 11. Buchanan to Campbell. Instructions; Bush case; right of Cuban authorities to proceed agst, criminal offenders within their jurisdiction; incommunication only violates treaty of 1795. (ib., 14.) — Dec. 14. Same to same. Gratified at unconditional release of Bush. (ib., 19.) 1849 Jan. 23. U. S. Senate. Res. (Dickinson, N. Y.); calling for corresp. in Bush case. (30. 2. S. jol., 143.) — Jan. 23. Bush to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying redress. (ib., 142.) - 1849 Jan. 26. Spanish E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Cal- deron de la Barca) to Buchanan. Precautions of Spain to prevent crime charged agst. Bush. (ib., 20.) BUSINESS Consular Right to Conduct; see Consular Service: Interna- tional Regulations Trading Privilege BUSTAMENTE (ANASTASIO) President of Mexico, 1830–32; do. 1837-39 ; see also Mexico. --- First term 1830 May 26. To President, U. S. A. (Jackson). AS- surance of friendly relations. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 642.) 1831 Mch. 8. To same. Announcing withdrawal of J. M. Tornel as Mexican chargé in U. S. A. (ib., 665.) Second term 1837 May 14. To same (Van Buren). election. (ib., 752.) — May 14. To same. Apptmt. of Pizarro Martinez as Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (ib., 751.) BUSTLETOWN (PA.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 474.) BUSTO (LORENZO) DE, CHIEF JUSTICE OF CUBA 1853 Jan. 19. To capt. gen. of Cuba. Depositions in case of Jasper arrests. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 241.) BUTLER ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG DRUMMOND; see DRUMMOND BUTLER (ANDREW PICKENS), SEN. FROM S. C. 1847 Feb. 18. Speech; on Mexican war and S. 105. (29. 2. Cong. Globe, 447.) — Feb. 27. Remarks; S. 184 succour to Scotland and Announces his Ireland. (ib., 534.) 1848 Jan. 12. Do.; Mexican war and S. 26. (30. 1. ib., 164; 184.) Jan. 31. Do.; reply to Downs on point in Butler’s speech of Jan. 17, on Mexican war, etc. (ib., 273, and app., 140.) Feb. 11. Do.; H. res. of thanks to Gens. Taylor and Scott. (ib., 342.) — Mch. 21. Do.; mission to Rome. (ib., app., 403.) — Apr. 6. DO.; res. Of congratulation to people of France. (ib., 466.) BUTLER (ANDREW PICKENS), SEN, FROM S. C.—cont’d isºs Do.; extradition treaty stipulations. (ib., 1849 Jan. 10. Do.; Bedinger petition on negro transpor- tation to Liberia. (30. 2. ib., 210.) — Jan. 31. Do.; compensation for troops over isth- mus of Panama. (ib., 413.) — Feb. 26, 27. Do.; mission to Chili; increased com- pensation to ministers to England, France and RuS- sia. (ib., 596-98, 603.) 1850 Je. 7. Do.; title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande. (31. 1. ib., 1163.) — Feb. 13. Do.; publication of Palmer monograph On maritime countries of the East. (ib., 1204.) — Je. 14. Do.; title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande. (ib., app., 868.) — Je. 19. DO.; alien suffrage. (31. 1. Cong. Globe, 1255.) — JIy. 23. Do.; validity of Mexican law in new terr. (ib., app., 1417.) — Aug. 9. Do.; title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande. (ib., 1574.) — Aug. 26. Do.; Colton claim. (ib., 1660.) — Sept. 4. Do.; same. (ib., app., 1332-33.) — Sept. 11. Do.; relief to Amer. Colonization Socy. (31. 1. Cong Globe, 1804.) — Sept. 19. Do.; expenses of agt. to Turkey. (ib., 1875.) — Sept. 24. Do.; bill to authorize Ginatly, alien, to hold real property. (ib., 1960.) 1851 Jan. 22. Do.; legislation to prevent employment of Amer. seamen and Amer. vessels in slavetrade. (31. 2. ib., 308.) — Jan. 22. Do.; French spoliations indemnity. (ib., 31.1.) — Jan. 25, 26. DO.; payment of Mexican indemnity. (ib., 685, 700.) Dec. 12. DO.; S. res. 4; welcome to Kossuth. (32. 1. ib., 90.) 1852 Jan. 2. Do.; recall of min. to France; etc. (ib., 185.) — Jan. 28. DO.; liberation of O’Brien and associates. (ib., 409.) — Feb. 18. Do.; prig. of Kossuth letters. (ib., 587.) — Jly. 23. Do.; corresp. With Gr. Br. On No. Amer. fisheries. (ib., 1892.) — Aug. 12. Do.; No. Amer. fisheries. 913.) — Dec. 23. DO.; Br. and French measures to induce the U. S. to become party to tri-partite conv. (32. 2. ib., 146.) 1853 Jan. 12. Questions in Senate addressed to Under- WOOd, relative to construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to British Honduras. (ib., 271.) — Jan. [18]. Remarks; Monroe doctrine and S. res. 69. (ib., app., 95-97.) — Jan. 26. Do.; Dixon motion to refer S. res. 69 with instructions. (ib., 132.) — Mch. 1. Do.; reciprocal fishery rights in Br. No. Amer. provincés. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, 956.) — Mch. 16. Do.; on suppressed Hise treaty; etc. (32. Spec. sess. ib., app., 274-276.) — Apr. 6. Do.; discussion of treaties in open sess. (ib., app., 909- 1854 Jan. 16. Do.; acknowledgment to rescuers of San Francisco. (33. 1. ib., 175.) — Jan. 23. Do.; visit of Papal nuncio. (ib., 223.) — Jan. 24. Do.; adjnmt. of Senate in respect to de- ceased Russian minister, Bodisco. (ib., 242.) — May 1. Do.; expediency of suspension of neutrality laws. (ib., 1025.) — Jly. 26. Do.; Schenck and Pendleton claims. (ib., (1338-40.) 1855 Jan. 19. Do.; Jones relief bill; S. 481. (33. 2. ib., 321, 323, 326.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 171 BUTLER (ANDREW PICKENS), SEN. FROM S. C.—cont’d 1855 Jan. 26. Do.; General Armstrong claimants. (ib., 413.) — Feb. 6. Do.; French spoliations bill; H. R. 117. (ib., 588.) — Feb. 16. Do.; Voorhees relief bill; S. 212. (ib., 764.) — Mch. 2. Do.; Mason amdmt. to H. R. 569, author- izing reapptmt. of cons. not Amer. citizens, but married to Amer. citizens. (ib., 1101.) — Mch. 2. Do.; Mallory amdmt. to H. R. 569, author- izing payment of E. Florida claims; history of claims. (ib., 1111-14.) — Mch. 2. Do.; Dainese claim. (ib., 1093.) 1856 Feb. 12. Do.; Br. encroachments in Central Amer. (34. 1. ib., 395.) — Feb. 20. Same. (ib., 469.) — Feb. 25. Do.; Br. recruitments in U. S. (ib., 495.) — Apr. 2. Do.; Kane testimonial. (ib., 793.) — May 1. Do.; Walker’s Nicaraguan filibustering ex- pedition. (ib., 1072.) — May 29. Do.; termination of Crampton’s services. (ib., 1340.) — Jiy. 23. Do.; Piatt relief bill. (ib., 1718.) 1857 Jan. 19. Do.; aliens in U. S. consular service. (34. 3. ib., 368.) BUTLER (ANTHONY) OF MISS. Amer. chargé in Mexico, 1829-36 ; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Succeeded J. R. Poinsett. 1829 Oct. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Apptmt. of Butler as chargé. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 37.) 1830 Jan. 28. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Alaman) to Butler. Presentation of credentials. (ib., 310.) — Oct. 3. Same to same. Butler's refusal to attend celebration of adoption of Mexican constitution. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 356.) 1831 JIy. 26. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Brent) to Butler. Butler granted permission to visit no. Mex- ico. (ib., 80.) 1833 Oct. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane) to Same. Charges preferred agst. Butler by Wilcocks. (ib., 109.) 1834 Aug. 27. Same (Forsyth) to same. Same. (ib., 150 1835 Oct. 31. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio) to Mexican chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Castillo y Lanzas). Instructed to secure recall of Butler. (ib., 719.) — Dec. 16. Forsyth to Butler. chargé in Mexico. (ib., 158.) 1836 Aug. 2. Monasterio to Ellis. Order directing free entry of Butler’s goods. (ib., 597.) — Aug. 8. Same to Butler. Passport for Butler’s de- parture from Mexico. (ib., 599.) — Aug. 10. Same to Ellis. Demands satisfaction for Butler’s conduct toward Secy. of War Tornel. (ib., 598.) — Aug. 16. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Ellis) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio). Necessary to await instructions from Washington relative to demand for satisfaction for alleged irregular conduct of Col. Butler. (ib., 601.) — Aug. 19. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Dickins) to Ellis. Butler’s recall; instructions. (ib., 182.) — Aug. 21. Ellis to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Corresp. with Monasterio concerning Butler’s im- munities as returning dipl. agt. of U. S. (ib., 595.) — Aug. 22. Same to same. Circumstances attending departure of Butler from Mexico. (ib., 597.) — Sept. 1. Forsyth to Ellis. Instructions; protection to be given Butler after cessation of ministerial duties. (ib., 183.) — Sept. 7. Monasterio to Butler. Ordering Butler to depart from capital within 8 days. (ib., 606.) Butler relieved as BUTLER (ANTHONY) OF MISS.—cont’d 1836 Sept. 24. Same to same. Denies validity of reasons for delay of departure. (ib., 610.) — Sept. 24. Same to same. Declines to grant escort via Matamoras. (ib., 6.12.) — Oct. 6. Same to same. Encloses passport; precall- tions to prevent attack on Butler. (ib., 614.) — Oct. 17. Judge of distr. ct. (Alatorse) to Monasterio. Investigated into alleged conspiracy to assassinate Butler. (ib., 617.) & — Oct. 18. Monasterio to Ellis. Butler’s departure via Texas; reparation asked for his entry into re- bellious terr. (ib., 605.) — Oct. 21. Same to same. Advice of Alatorse rpt. of 17 inst. (ib., 617.) — Oct. 24. Ellis to Monasterio. Delivery to Amer. govt. of Butler corresp. anterior to departure from Mexico. (ib., 618.) — Nov. 2. Same to Same. Butler’s recall. (ib., 621.) — Nov. 5. Same to Forsyth. Résumé of controversy regarding Butler’s departure. (ib., 604.) — Nov. 6. Monasterio to Ellis. Receipt of note of 2 inst. (ib., 621.) Nov. 16. Forsyth to Ellis. President’s disapproval of Butler’s letters to Gen. Tornel. (ib., 184.) 1837 Jan. 18. Same to Same. Transcripts ordered of Butler’s missing despatches. (ib., 185.) Authenticated copy of Correspondence (Diplomatic American) President, U. S. A. (Jackson) 1830 Apr. 15. [extr.] Confident of amicable settlement of treaties of commerce and of limits, incl. cession º of Texas. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 1831 Dec. 23. Conclusion of treaty; copy of private note to Alaman announcing proposed termination of mission. (ib., 410.) 1833 Feb. 10. Asks instructions in event of being ap- proached by Mexico for loan; Suggests mortgage on terr. Of Texas be taken as Security; etc. (ib., 466.) 1835 Feb. 26. [extr.] Assurance that U. S. A. Will be in possession of Texas during present administration. (ib., 555–H.) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) 1830 Jan. 10. [unnum.] Copy of paragraph in El Sol asserting Butler’s mission to be purchase of Texas. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 310.) — Jan. 10. [unnum. extr.] Seizure of General Mo- rales. (ib., 322.) — May 19. [unnum. extr.] Alaman and Manjino apptd. Mexican treaty comrs. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 30; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 136.) Je. 29. [do.] Early conclusion of treaty promised; release of Amer. citizens confined in Calif. (25. 3. H. doc. 351 (annex), 333.) — Aug. 26. Ido.] Progress of treaty negotiations. (ib., 350.) — Nov. 2. (ib., 358.) — Nov. 13. [unnum.] Treaty of amity, etc., before Mexican congress; copy to be sent to Washg. by Mr. Brantz of Balt. (ib., 361.) — Dec. 18. Ido.] Synopsis of concluded treaty of amity, etc. (ib., 364.) 1831 Jan. 21. [unnum. extr.] Mercado acct. (ib., 367.) — Feb. 19. [no. 9, extr.] Delay in laying treaty of amity, etc., before Mexican congress. (ib., 369.) — Apr. 8. Ino. 11, extr.] Uncertainty of Mexico’s action on Borie and Laguerenne claim; permission solicited from Mexico to have Amer. troops escort annual caravan from Mo. to the Colorado. (ib., 375.) [do.] Conclusion of treaty of Amity, etc. 172 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BUTLER (ANTHONY) OF MISS.—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.R—cont’d (Van Buren)—cont’d 1831 May 18. [no. 12, extr.] Abuses in La. in granting certificates of citizenship to Spaniards. (ib., 379.) — May 25. [extr.] Propriety of opening negotiations with Mexico concerning Texas; proprietary inter- ests of Mexicans in Texas; formation of land cos. in U. S. A. (ib., 381.) — May 26. Ino. 13.] Taxation of aliens; power of regulating Commerce reserved to federal govern- ºf extradition article in pending treaty. (ib., 383. — Je. 23. [no. 15, extr.] Measures to prevent issue of fraudulent certificates of Citizenship to Spaniards by La. authorities. (ib., 387.) (Livingston) 1831 Jly. 22. Ino. 17.] Young claim. (25. 3. H. doc. 351 (annex), 388.) — Aug. 11. [no. 18.] Mercado acct. (ib., 390.) — Aug. 20. [no. 19, extr.] Mexico’s suspected inter- ference with Central America; Mexico’s depleted treasury; fraudulent certificates of citizenship; treaty before Mexican Congress. (ib., 391.) — Sept. 12. [no. 20.] Mexican attitude towards Cen- tral America. (ib., 395.) — Oct. 7. [no. 21.] Mercado acct. (ib., 401.) — Oct. 25. [no. 24.] Nature of Mexican opposition to treaty of 1831. (ib., 402.) — Nov. 2. Ino. 25.] Confident of withdrawal of Mex- ican opposition to treaty. (ib., 406.) — Nov. 23. Ino. 27.] Senate approves treaty; Depu- ties reaffirm rejection of extradition article. (ib., 407.) Dec. 6.. [no. 28, extr.] Senate sustains approval of art. 34 [re fugitive slaves] of treaty; Writer in- clined to suppress art, if objections to it tend to defeat treaty. (ib., 409.) Dec. 24. [no. 29.] Treaty of amity, etc., with proto- cols of Sept. 17 and Dec. 17, and treaty as adopted. (ib., 412.) 1832 Jan. 10. [unnum. extr.] Route of messenger Carry- ing treaty; no obstruction by Santa Anna antici- pated. (ib., 427.) — Jly. 16. [no. 32, extr.] Substance of conferences with Alaman on boundary question. (ib., 442.) — Aug. 12. Ino. 34, extr.] Texas negotiations inter- rupted; reorganization of Mexican cabinet. (ib., 446.) Sept. 19. [unnum.] Sergeant opinion on Borie and Laguerenne claim. (ib., 451.) — Sept. 28. Ino. 39, extr.] Baldwin arrest. (ib., 455.) — Oct. 7. [unnum. extr.] Attitude of Fagoaga to- wards proposed boundary. (ib., 458.) — Dec. 12. [no. 42, extr.] Abuse of Amer. Courier, Savage, by gov. of Perote; Mexican outrages on aliens; etc. (ib., 461.) 1833 Mch. 23. [no. 45.] Mexican refusal to grant letters of protection to M. Francisco, Amer. citizen. (ib., 476.) Je. 5. [no. 48, extr.] Proposes to address President of Mexico unofficially on subject of boundary. (ib., 479.) (McLane) 1832 Jly. 26. Ino. 49, extr.] Misrepresentation of U. S. A. in regard to Texas is work of Don Augustin Itur- bide and Col. Tornel. (25. 3. H. doc. 351 (annex), 485.) — Aug. 5. [no. 50, extr.] Prospect of acquiring Texas better than at any period since retirement of Ala- man. (ib., 485.) BUTLER (ANTHONY) OF MISS.—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic American)—cont’d Secy, State, U. S. A.—cont’d (McLane)—cont’d 1832 Aug. 26. [no. 51, extr.] Seizure of Robert Wilson. (ib., 484.) — Oct. 9. [unnum.] Same; Mexican law of counter- feiting. (ib., 492.) — Oct. 25. [no. 56.] Amer. claims, (ib., 501;) — Dec. 21. Ino, 60, extr.] Awaiting instructions in case of Robert Wilson and J. Baldwin. (ib., 512.) 1834 Mch. 2. [unnum. extr.] Mexican evasion of Amer. Complaints agst. aggressions, etc. (ib., 517.) — Mch. 8. [unnum. extr.] Decision in case of Robert Wilson; Amer, courier, Savage, sentenced to service in chains. (ib., 518.) — Je. 2. Ido.] Mexican inability to render assist- ance to obtain release of G. Abby. (ib., 525.) (Forsyth) - 1834 Jly. 1. [do.] Instructions for new conv. (25. 1. H. eX. doc. 42, 37; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 138.) — Jly. 16. Ino. 74.] Useless to present copy of St. Vrain’s commission as Amer. cons. for Santa Fe; Mexico grants exeguaturs only on view of original Commissions. (ib., 531.) Sept. 1. [no. 76, extr.] Abby release; Amer. at- tempts to secure Spanish recognition of independ- ence of Span. Amer. colonies; attack on Paragon. (ib., 535.) — Oct. 9. [unnum. extr.] Receipt of desp. no. 80; re- ferred to his no. 76 as containing his latest advices in full. (ib., 540.) Oct. 20. [no. 12, sic extr.] Corresp. with Mexico relative to recognition of independence of former Spanish-Amer. colonies. (ib., 540.) — Oct. 20. [no. 83, extr.] Prospect, with reorganiza- tion of cabinet, of settling every pending negotia- tion with Mexico. (ib., 542,) 1835 Mch. 31. [no. 86, extr.] Effect of establishment of boundary line. (ib., 556.) — Mch. 31. Iunnum. extr.] Mexican boundary; con- ference with President Barragan relative to Butler’s departure and to pending treaty. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 256, 4.) — Je. 23. [unnum.] Seizure of Topaz. (ib., 563.) — Nov. 28. Ido.] Return to Mexico delayed; early termination of mission hoped for. (ib., 564.) — Dec. 27. Ido.] Confusion in instructions for re- turn to U. S. A.; Puerto Antonio Nuevo confused with bay of San Francisco. (ib., 566.) — Dec. 31. Ido.] Execution of persons abandoned by Mexia. (ib., 569.) 1836 Jan. 15. [unnum. extr.] Disappointment at ab- ruptness of termination of mission. (ib., 573.) — Jan. 15. [unnum.] Closing by Mexico of ports of Galveston and of Matagorda. (ib., 574.) — Jan. 26. [unnum. extr.] Santa Anna responsible for murder of Americans at Tampico; Gen. Mexia involved; surrender of Bexar; imprisonment of Gen. Cos; apptmt. of Don Miguel Gorostiza, as Mexi- can E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (ib., 576.) — Feb. 8. Ido.] Recommends decisive action in case of claims agst. Mexico. (ib., 581.) Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican) Secr. Relaciones Esteriores (Alaman) 1830 Je. 27. Objects to editorial in Registro Oficial of May 21, 1830. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 332.) — Je. 29. To same. Same. (ib., 333.) — JIy. 2. To same. Protest agst. opening by customs officers of boxes addressed to legation. (ib., 337.) — Jly. 6. Promises to investigate charges agst, New Orleans. (ib., 337.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 173 BUTLER (ANTHONY) OF MISS.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican)—cont’d Secr. Helaciones Esteriores—cont’d (Alaman)—cont’d 1830 Aug. 5. Shipment of gunpowder by Amer. brig General Morales. (ib., 343.) — Nov. 29. Apptmt. for delivery of letter from Presi- dent of U. S. A. to Gen. Bustamente. (ib., 363.) 1831 Feb. 6. Endorses names of Amer. residents of the Parral who solicit letters of safety from gov. of Chihuahua. (ib., 368.) — Feb. 12. Seizure of masonic jewels belonging to ( ) Bisson. (ib., 369.) — Feb. 14. Protest agst. Suggested alterations in treaty of amity; etc. (ib., 370.) — Mch. 21. Protest agst. taxation by govt. of Chihua- hua of Amer. citizens. (ib., 374.) — May 27. Further protest agst. taxation by Chi- huahua of Amer. citizens. (ib., 385.) Actg. Secr. Relaciones Esteriores (Monasterio) 1831 J1y. 22. E. H. Camman to act as Amer. Vice-cons. at Tampico pro tem. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 389 (Alaman) 1831 Nov. 24. Recommends J. Baldwin for Amer. Vice- Cons. at Guazacualco, and P. N. Paillet for Tabasco. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 408.) — Dec. (?). Alterations in introductory art. of treaty are confined to elimination of titles referring to Amer. officials. (ib., 428.) 1832 Jan. 17. Baldwin imprisonment; protest. (ib., 428.) ... — Mch. 8. Costigar imprisonment; protest. (ib., 437.) (Monasterio) 1832 JIy. 5. Commission of D. N. Pope, as Amer. cons. for Tabasco. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 445.) — Jly. 25. Proposal for new boundary line. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 136.) — Aug. 6. Protection for Amer. courier on road from Jalapa. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 446.) — Aug. 15. Protest agst. non-reply to note of 6 inst. (ib., 446.) — Aug. 18. Disapptmt. in not receiving escort for Amer. Courier. (ib., 449.) — Aug. 18. Protest agst. piratical action of Schr. Vera Cruzana (Thompson) in port of Tabasco. (ib., 448.) (Fagoaga.) 1832 Sept. 13. Johnson arrest. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 453; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 136.) — Nov. 3. International law regulating granting of passports in time of siege; etc. (ib., 458.) — Nov. 21. Protest agst, tenor of handbill charging U. S. A. agst. Secret designs upon Mexico. (ib., 460.) — Nov. 28. Do. robbery of official corresp. carried by courier Savage. (ib., 462.) (Gonzalez) 1833 Feb. 15. Baldwin outrages. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 467.) — Feb. 16. Protest agst. delay in giving publicity to ratification of treaty of amity, etc. (ib., 469; 25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 33; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 136.) — Feb. 16. Outrage on Amer. Courier Savage by gov. of Perote. (25. 3. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 468.) — Mch, 11. Requests protection for J. Capsson. (ib., 473.) — Mch. 14. Protest agst, detention of letters of naturalization granted to M. de Castillo. (ib., 473.) — Mch. 16. Requests delivery of articles addressed to legation and detained in Customs house at Vera Cruz. (ib., 475.) BUTLER (ANTHONY) OF MISS.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican)—cont’d Actg. Secr. Relaciones Esteriores—cont’d (Garcia) 1833 May 22. Protest agst. proc. of collector at port of Matamoras agst. Amer. vessels. (25. 3. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 478.) * — Je. 24. Discredits alleged proposed transfer of emi- gration of free negroes from Liberia to Texas. (ib., 480.) — Jly. 11. Protest agst, seizure of Kelly property by Vera Cruz customs. (ib., 481.) º — Jly. 22. Passport for Amer. courier, Laguirdain. (ib., 484.) — Sept. 6. Baldwin injuries. (ib., 485.) — Sept. 6. Urges apptmt. of boundary comrs. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 36; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 137.) — Sept. 18. Baldwin injuries. (25. 3. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 487.) — Sept. 23. Detention of Robert Wilson. (ib., 493.) — Sept. 24. Delay in making redress in Baldwin case. (ib., 490.) — Oct. 10. Settlement of Osborn estate by Amer. Cons. at Tampico. (ib., 497.) — Oct. 12. Law under which Robert Wilson was seized. (ib., 497.) — Oct. 16. Settlement of Amer. claims; proposal. (ib., 502.) — Oct. 17. Expulsion of B. Benito from Oaxaca. (ib., 500.) — Nov. 15. Louisa claim. (ib., 506.) 1834 Feb. 23. Bent claim. (ib., 515.) (Lombardo) 1834 May 22. Arrest of S. Martin and Dr. Shaw. (25. 3. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 523.) — Je. 29. Possible attitude of Amer. govt. in delivery of Mexican criminals; cites precedent of robbery of jewels of Princess of Orange. (ib., 528.) . — Aug. 8. Spanish recognition of independence of former Amer. colonies. (ib., 533.) — Aug. 10. Outrage on Amer. brig Paragon in port of Sisal. (ib., 533.) — Sept. 30. Duty exacted by govt. of Sinaloa of Amer. cons. for Mazatlan (Kennedy). (ib., 539.) — Oct. 1. Efforts of Amer. minister at Madrid to ob- tain recognition of independence of former Spanish Amer. Colonies. (ib., 540.) Dec. 21. Urgency of finally establishing line of boundary. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 38; xiv, Reg. De- bates, app., 138.) (Gutierrez de Estrada) 1835 Jan. 2. Spain consents to treat with Mexico and other former Amer. colonies looking to recognition of independence; suggests propriety of adopting principles prohibiting concession of exclusive priv- ileges to Spain. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 545.) — Feb. 9. Spain consents to treat with Mexico and former Amer. colonies on question of acknowledg- ing independence. (ib., 551.) — Apr. 13. Doubts that Amer, cons. at Mexico (Par- rott) has concealed a criminal in his house. (ib., 562.) (Monasterio) 1835 Dec. 28. Apptmt. of C. Bush as Amer. cons. for San Blas and Mazatlan. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 568.) Dec. 29. Requests details of execution of 11 Ameri- cans at Tampico, on Dec. 14. (ib., 570.) — Dec. 30 (?). Protest agst, enforcement of Treas- ury circ. providing for exaction of money from for- eigners resident in Mexico. (ib., 569.) 1836 Mch. 8. Protest agst. outrage on Amer. courier, Slacum. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 21; S. doc. 160, 130; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 235.) 174 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS BUTLER (ANTHONY) OF MISS.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican)—cont’d Actg. Secr. Relaciones Esteriores—cont’d (Monasterio)—cont’d 1836 Mch. 9. Protest agst. disregard of request for con- ference. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 584.) — Mch. 15. Explaining operations under Gen. Gaines, 6th inf., to Fort Jesup. (ib., 585.) — Mch. 22. Explaining absence of communication relative to subject of conference of 14 inst. (ib., 587.) — Jly. 23. Controversy concerning payment of duty On goods introduced subsequent to period allowed by law for free entry of goods belonging to dipl. agts. (ib., 595.) t — Sept. 9. Reasons for delay in departure. (ib., 607.) Sept. (20 2). Requests escort from Mexico to Mata- moras. (ib., 611.) — Sept. 26. Accepts refusal of escort; consequent alternative means of reaching U. S. A.; aware of rumors to assassinate him. (ib., 613.) — Oct. 6. Returns passport; declares his intentions to return by any route he chooses; information of contemplated assassination received from one Dr. Du Pere. (ib., 616.) Secr. de Hacienda, Mexico (Garay) 1834 Mch. 8. Recognizes disinclination to grant privilege of free importation to Amer. legation. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 519.) — Mch. 11. Renews notice of overcharges by collector at Santa Fe. (ib., 520.) Ministr. de Guerra, Mexico (Tornel) 1836 Aug. (?). Letter attacking character of Tornel. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 600.) Corr. (Executive) 1832 Sept. 18. To J. Baldwin. Vindicates alleged in- difference to Baldwin case. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 456.) 1838 Dec. 21. To F. Huston. Hostile intentions of Chero- kee and other no. Indians; treaty they made with Mexico. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 38.) Treaties Concluded by 1831 Apr. 5. Signs treaty of amity, etc.; see Mexico. TreatieS. — Apr. 5. Signs additional article to above treaty; See SarD16. 1835 Apr. 3. Signs second additional art. to treaty of limits of 1828; see Mexico. Treaties. BUTLER (BENJAMIN FRANKLIN), OF N. Y. Atty... gen. U. S. A., 1833–38; U. S. atty. so. distr. N. Y., 1838-41. Atty. Gen., U. S. A. 1834 Apr. 30. Opinion; payment of portion of proceeds of Montezuma to navy pension fund. (i, Op. attyS. gen., 910; 31. 2. H. ex: doc. 55, v. 1, 910.) 1835 Sept. 16. Do.; immunities of foreign cons. in U. S. A. (ib., 961; ib., 961.) 1836 Apr. 18. Do.; pre-exemption accrues to aliens under acts of 1830 and 1834. (ib., 1025; ib., 1025.) — May 17. Do.; Invincible cannot be treated as pirate. (ib., 1045; ib., 1045.) — Je. 28. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). De- clines to give opinion in Madrazo claim. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 292, 2.) 1837 May 20. Opinion; O'Sullivan claim. ib., 1110.) * — Jly. 5. Do.; duty of Executive to protect alien resi- dents. (ib., 1134; ib., 1134.) (ib., 1110; BUTLER (BENJAMIN FRANKLIN), OF N. Y.-cont’d U. S. atty., so. distr., N. Y. 1839 Aug. 9. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Vail). Decision in case of vessels Eagle and Clara. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 102; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 578.) — Aug. 15. To same. Do. in case of Wyoming. (ib., 103; ib., 580.) — Sept. 2. Same. (ib., 183.) — Oct. 28. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Copy of ºrrºw with Ruiz counsel. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185, 64 — Nov. 18. To Vail. State of proc. in Ruiz and Mon- tes case. (ib., 66.) BUTLER (EDWARD), OF LA. Secy. Amer. legation for Prussia, 1855-57 : see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. BUTLER (JOHN), AMER. CITIZEN 1837 Dec. 29. U. S. House. Docs. in relation to Butler imprisonment presented. (25. 2. H. jol., 172.) BUTLER (LEVI); TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDITION; see TEXAS. STA. FE EXPEDITION BUTLER (WILLIAM), SEN. FROM S. C. 1842 Apr. 14. Remarks; apprn. for mission to Mexico. (xi, Cong. Globe, 422.) BUTLER (WILLIAM ALLEN), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Granada, Central America, in 1842; see U. S. A. Consular service. BUTLER (WILLIAM O.), REPR. FROM KY. w 1841 Sept. 1. Remarks; Van Buren’s conduct in McLeod case; etc. (x, Cong. Globe, 419.) BUTLER CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 607.) BUTLER CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1840 Feb. 6. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (26. 1. H. jol., 362.) Feb. 6. To same. Recognition of Haiti. (ib., 362.) 1852 Mch. 25. To same. In favor of arbitration. (32. 1. H. jol., 510.) BUTLER CO. (PENN.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 599.) 1846 Jan. 2. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 190.) BUTTERFIELD AND BROS., BR. SUBJECTS, CLAIMANTS WS. U. S. A. For igºyment of duties levied contrary to treaty of 1854 Jly. 8. Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 69.) BUTTERFLY, AMER. SCHR. (MORRISS) Boarded Aug. 26, 1839, off w. coast of Africa by H. B. M. brigantine Dolphin (Holland). 1839 Sept. 18. H. B. M. comrs. of Br.-Port. Mixed Comm. at Sierra Leone. (Macauley and Doherty.) Abstr. of papers found on board Butterfly. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 244.) 1841 Feb. 4. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Fox) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Proc. of mixed ct, at Sierra Leone in case of Butterfly; etc. (ib., 207; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 8.) - 2 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 175 BUTTON (ELISHA), CLAIMANT UNDER TREATY OF GHENT 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House, Petition praying redress. (25. 2. H. jol., 121.) BUXTON (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) . BUZZARD, H. B. M. STR. (FITZGERALD) 1839 Mch. 18. Detains Amer. slaver Clara of river Nun; See Clara. BUZZARD, H. B. M. STR. (PEEL) 1858 Mch. 4. Boards Amer. Schr. Marcia Tribon in harbor of Sagua la Grande; see Marcia Tribon. — Apr. 15. Boards Amer. brig Winggold in Cuban waters; see Winggold. BY CHANCE, AMER. SCHR. 1843 Dec. 5. President, U. S. A. (Tyler). Annual mes- Sage; clause regarding adjustment of claims for By Chance. BYFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 74.) — Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Suppression of slavetrade. (25. 3. H. jol., 599.) BYNUM (JESSE A.), REPR. FROM N. C. Memº Com. on Foreign Affairs 25th-26th congr. (1838- 1834 May 9. Speech; Davis attack on alleged usurpa- tions by the President in apptmt. of dipl. officers lºndently of the Senate. (x, Reg. Debates, 1837 Feb. 27. Do.; apprin. for dipl. agt. to Texas; do. for running Texas boundary line. (xiii, ib., 2027.) — Sept. 13. Remarks; Adams res. calling for Mexi- can boundary corresp. (xiv, ib., 610.) BYRNE (EDMUND), OF PENN. |U. S. N., 1814-50. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841. Died Oct. 17, 1850. Sea service in command (1828-50) : 1848-49 comdg. Decatur, African sqdn. BYRON (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial in behalf of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) 1845 Dec. 16. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 119.) C. F. O'BRIEN, AMER. BRIG (WATTS) Boarded in harbor of Sagua la Grande, May 2, 1858, by H. B. M. Str. Stya (Vesey). 1858 May 20. Watts. Deposition. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 33; S. ex. doc. 61, 25.) C. H. ROGERS 1848 Mch. 27. (C.) Rauch. Deposition relative to Sea letter for brig C. H. Rogers; his connection with the Frederica. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 31.) CABALLERO (ANTONIO) Spanish secretario de estado during 27. ministry under Isabel II, 1847 ; see also Spain. 1847 Sept. 7. To Amer. actg. chargé in Spain (Rey- nolds). Cites Spanish laws covering Harang case. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 202.) * CABALLERO, AMER. SLAVER BRIG (HUFFINGTON) 1840 Sept. 10. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmers- ton) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Steven- son). Notice of arrival in Havana from Africa of Caballero; etc. (26. 2. H. ex: doc. 115, 65.) CABANAs (TRINIDAD) Jefe del estado of Honduras, America. 1852-55; see Central CABARGA (ANTONIO), SLAVE DEALER 1858 Sept. 14. Representative from Tenn. (Savage) to Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton). Relative to slavers, Nancy, etc.; slavedealers D. Ramon Guere- diaga, D. Antonio Cabarga, etc., mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 205.) See also Brothers. 1860 Sept. 6. Amer. cons. Havana (Savage) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Capt. Gen. of Cuba (Serrano) has granted permission to J. &. A. Cabarga, etc., to introduce 5000 coolies, subject to revocation by govt. at Madrid. (37. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 20.) CABELL (EDWARD CARRINGTON), REPR. FROM FLA. 1848 Mch. 4. Speech; Mexican war, conduct of Pres., etc.; during debate on deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 135. (Cong. Globe, 30. Cong., 1. Sess., 425.) — Aug. 2., Remarks; S. 137, providing for obtaining testimony in relation to Florida claims. (ib., 1026.) 1853 Mch. 2. Remarks; in support of 52. Senate amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 337, providing compensation to late Secy. Of Legation to Mexico (Smith) for services as Chargé d'Affaires. (ib., 32. cong., 2. SeSS., 1044.) CABEZAS (RIVERA) Jefe del estado of Guatemala, America. 1830-31 ; see Central CABIESES (RAMON), CAPT. PORT OF WALPARAISO 1851 Apr. 20. To judge of criminal court (Riesco). Transfer of sailors from Whaler Addison. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 27, 129.) CABO WERDE, PORT. SCHR. 1857 Jly. 17. Captures slaver bark Splendid, or Velha A mºnita, off the Loupa River; see Splendid. CABORCA MASSACRE; see AINZA (J.) CABOT (EDWARD), MEXICAN WICE-CONSUL AT BOSTON 1830 Sept. 30. Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Tor- nel) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Apptmt. of Cabot as vice-cons. of Mexico for Boston. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 651.) — Oct. 4. Van Buren to Tornel. Enclosing exeguatur for commission of Cabot. (ib., 653.) CABOT (JOSEPH S.), OF MASS. Amer. jt. comr. to examine claims under Neapolitan indemnity of 1832, succeeding Daniel (Vă.) re- signed ; see Two Sicilies. Claims. CABOT (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) CACHO (JOSE), SECR. DE GUERRA Y MARINA, MEXICO 1832 Aug. 24. To Secr. de Relac. Est. Mexico (Fagoaga). Schr. Vera Cruzana armed under Mexican authority; conduct of Thompson to be examined. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 450.) 176 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTs RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CACIQUE, AMER. SLAVER STR. Corresp. relative to movements of Cacique between ports of Baltimore, Pernambuco and W. coast of Africa. 1845 Aug. 7. H. B. M. cons. at Pernambuco (Cowper) to H. B. M. Minist. in Brazil (Hamilton). Amer. brig Cacique sails for African slave coast. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 211.) — Nov. 24. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Cacique on African slave coast. (ib., 210.) CADDO (LAL) CITIZENS 1840 Feb. 13. To U. S. House. Memorial; repeal of natu- ralization laws. (26. 1. H. jol., 407.) 1844 Mch. 5. To same. Do.; in favor of Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. H. jol., 514.) CADDO INDIANS; see TEXAS. REPUBLIC. FRONTIER CADIZ (SPAIN) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Hospital of San Juan de Dios; see Alienage, etc. Protection (peace): Spain CADMUS, AMER. SHIP (ALLYN); see ALLYN (F.) CADOZ, AMER. SHIP (BUNKER) Bills Introduced 1844 Je. 7. U. S. House. Intr. bill (28. 1. H. R. 404) “for relief of E. Morrell, admnr. of J. Icard.” (Saunders, Com. On Judiciary.) (28. 1. H. jol., 1027.) Correspondence, etc. n. d. Summary of award made by comrS. under act to carry into effect treaty between U. S. and France of July 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 18.) 1844 Apr. 27. E. Morrell to U. S. House. Memorial, pray- ing payment of part of money awarded owners of Gadoz, and which is withheld by U. S. in Satisfac- tion of claim against an owner of Said ship. (28. 1. H. jol., 853.) 1850 Apr. 12. Same to same. Petition as before. (31. 1. H. jol., 787.) 1853 Dec. 13. Same to same. Petition as before. (33. 1. H. jol., 73.) CADWALADER (JOHN), REPR. FROM PENN. Member }; S. Committee on Foreign Affairs, 34. Cong., Remarks by 1856 Apr. 11. Opposing Pendleton relief bill. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess., 891.) Reports by 1857 Mch. 3. Minority rept.; French spoliation claims. (34. 3. H. jol., 689.) CADY (HEMAN) 1840 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial, referred under general order of day to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (26. 1. H. jol., 182; 506.) CAICEDO (DOMINGO) Colombian ministro de relaciones esteriores Jan.-May, 1830; vice-president of Colombia May-Je., Aug. 1- 17, 1830, and May-Nov., 1831; see Colombia. (Cong. Vice-president of Colombia 1831 Nov. 23. Ministr. relac. est., Colombia (Pereira) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Colombia (Moore). Caicedo replaced by Obando. (22. 1. H. doc. 173, 12.) Correspondence 1831 Oct. 20. Message to constituent Congress of New Granada. (22. 1. H. doc. 173, 7.) CAIN (DANIEL) 1852 Dec. 14. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (32. 2. S. jol., 34.) CAIRE (F. C. PAUL) 1858 Oct. 19. To Amer. vice-cons. gen. in Cuba (Savage). Stmt. of facts in relation to conversation betw. SaV- age and A. Pelletier concerning Ardennes, (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 275.) CAIRO (EGYPT) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CALA (MANUEL DE), MASTER AMER. SCHR. REBECCA ELIZA; see REBECCA ELIZA CALAIS (M.E.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 582; 598.) — Feb. 28. To same. Do.; praying recognition of Hayti. (ib., 605.) 1843 Jan. 30. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying aid and protection of govt. in proposed settlement in Oregon Terr. (27. 3. S. jol., 134.) 1845 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- - nexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 239.) — Dec. 22. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 150.) CALATRAWA (JOSE MARIA) Spanish secretario do estado during 6th ministry under Isabel II, 1836-37; see Spain. CALCUTTA (BRITISH INDIA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CALDER (WILLIAM), BR. SUBJECT 1853 Aug. 31. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing). Opinion; extradition of Calder. (vi, Opin, attys, gen., 91.) CALDERA, CHILIAN BARK (ROONEY) Left Hong Kong for San Francisco, Oct. 5, 1854. During the night vessel was wrecked in a gale, off the island § #ºwloon. and plundered by natives ; see China. 811 IT!S. CALDERON DE LA BARCA (ANGEL) Jº 1835, Dec. 7-1839, Sept. 26, E. E. and M. P., Spain in U. S. ; succeeding Miguel Tacon. 1844, Aug. 5-1853, Aug. 2, minister resident Spain in U. S.; succeeding Pedro A. Argaiz ; see Spain. Dip- lomatic service. 1853-54, secretario de estado of Spain during 34th and 35th ministries under Isabel II; see Spain. Civil service. 1853 Nov. 10. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Soulé) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Comment on char- acter of Calderon; his antagonism to U. S.; etc. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 15.) E. E. and M. P. in U. S...A. Correspondence (1st term) 1836 Mch. 10. To U. S. delegate from Florida (White). Relative to copies of certain Spanish documents concerning cession of Floridas. (24. 2. S. doc. 49, 2; xii, Reg. Debates, app., 225.) 1839 Je. 28. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Appli- cation for reduction of tonnage duty on Sp. vessels. (26. 1. S. doc. 257, 2.) — Sept. 6. To same. Representation in relation to Africans taken in Sp. Schr. Amistad. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185, 3.) (2d term) 1844 Dec. 4. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun). Urging settlement of case of Schr. A mistad. (29. 1. H. rpt. 753, 2; 31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 3.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 177 CALDERON DE LA BARCA (ANGEL)—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.—Cont'd Correspondence—cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1845 Je. 26. To Same (Buchanan). Restoration of dis- criminating duties against Amer. vessels. (29. 1. H. rpt. 428, 2.) 1846 Jan. 29. To Same. Further pressure for settlement of case of schr. A mistad. (29. 1. H. rpt. 753, 3; 31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 4.) — Apr. 19. To same. Satisfaction at disposition of *; govt. in case of Amistad. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 6. — Sept. 20. To Same. Case of Amistad. (ib., 7.) — Dec. 29. To same. Again urges consideration of case of Amistad. (ib., 9.) 1847 Mch. 11. To same. Refusal of House to agree with Senate in apprin. of Amistad indemnity. (ib., 9.) — Oct. 28. To Same. Criticism of report of Amer. actg. *: º Madrid (Reynolds) on case of Amistad. ib., 11. 1848 Aug. 22. To same. Relative to reiterated refusal of House to concur in Senate amdmt. providing payment of Amistad claim. (ib., 13.) 1849 Jan. 26. To same. Precautions of Sp. govt. to pre- Vent Crime charged against Amer. Seaman Bush. (30. 2. S. ex. doc. 33, 20.) — Aug. 2. To same (Clayton). Case of Garcia, alias Rey. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 42.) – Aug. 13. To same. Armed expeditions fitted out in U. S. against Cuba. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 9.) — Aug. 27. To Same. Praying freedom from molesta- tion for Sp. cons. España in case of Garcia, alias Rey. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 43.) Sept. 4. To Same. Representation of Amer. Str. Sea Gull and expedition agst. Cuba. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 18.) — Nov. 20. To same. Representation of Amistad claim. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 15.) — Dec. 3. To same. Sp. subjects residing in Cuba, claimants under treaty of 1819. (Cong. Globe, 33. cong., 2. Sess., 740.) 1850 Jan. 9. To same. Revocation of exeguatur to Sp. i.", º New Orleans (España). (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 3, 60. Jan. 19. To Same. Organization of a junta in Wash- ington with object of inciting insurrection in Cuba; its treasonable practices. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 19.) — May 7. To same. Information recol. from Sp. cons. ad int. at New Orleans (Laborde) implicating Amer. Schr. Heroine in insurrectionary expedition against Cuba. (ib., 22.) — May 8. To same. Further representation of organ- ization of armed men at New Orleans to engage in expedition against Cuba; Narciso Lopez leader; frigate J. W. Dyer. (ib., 23.) — May 16. To same. Expedition against Cuba has sailed from N. Y. and New Orleans. (ib., 27.) — May 16. To same. Flag of Cuban Republic is flying from office of N. Y. Sun. (ib., 26.) — May 27. To same. Protest against liberation of Gen. Lopez. (ib., 47.) — May 31. To same. Request that U. S. adopt means to secure arrest, trial and punishment of all who have taken part in piratical attempts agst. Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 41.) — Je. 7. To same. Prisoners taken at Contoy and carried to Havana. (ib., 51.) Je. 14. To same. Renewed attempts at New Or- leans to carry out expeditions agst. Cuba. (ib., 52.) — Je. 24. To same. Information relating to persons of N. Y., therein named, connected with piratical attempts upon Cuba. (ib., 53.) | CALDERON DE LA BARCA (ANGEL)—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1850 Je. 28. To same. Communication from Conde de Alcoy containing additional proofs of conspiracy to • invade Cuba, and of participation by Amer. citizens in New Orleans. (ib., 56.) — Jly. 8. To same. Case of Contoy prisoners; defends ; of word “pirates '' objected to by Clayton. (ib., 58. — Jly. 17. To same. Case of Contoy prisoners dis- missed; prisoners released. (ib., 62.) — JIy. 26. To same (Webster). Information of en- listments in Ala., Miss. and La. under Lopez for second invasion of Cuba recd. from Sp. cons. in New Orleans and Mobile. (ib., 63.) — Jly. 27. To same. Lopez and Gonzales in Washing- ton; demands that they be considered and treated as pirates, in compliance with existing treaties. (ib., 65.) — Jly. 30. To same. Decision in case of Contoy pris- Oners. (ib., 60.) — Aug. 14. To same. Urging consideration of pending Amistad claim. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 19, 5; H. ex. doc. 20, 5.) — Aug. 14. To same. A mistad claim. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 15.) — Aug. 20. To same. Concerning schemes for third expedition under Lopez to invade Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 67.) — Sept. 27. To same. Suspicion that strs. Creole and Fanny, implicated in new expeditions against Cuba, are anchored in port of N. Y. (ib., 72.) Oct. 1. To same. Creole and Fanny will sail within three or four days; expedition against Cuba is ap- pointed to start on Oct. 15 or 20. (ib., 72.) — Oct. 10. To same. Proclamation issued by Capt. Gen. of Cuba shows confidence imparted by assur- ances of Pres. of U. S. (ib., 77.) — Oct. 10. To same. Transmits communication from Sp. Cons. in New Orleans in relation to criminal con- duct of persons intent upon invading Cuba. (ib., 76.) Oct. 14. To same. Substance of communication from Sp. cons, in New Orleans relating activity under Lopez in organizing new piratical expeditions agst. Cuba. (ib., 78.) Nov. 16. To same. Pardon of Contoy prisoners remaining in Havana. (ib., 81.) Nov. 28. To same. Communication in regard to hostile preparations against Cuba; date of departure of expedition, etc. (ib., 83.) 1851 Jan. 8. To same. Persons concerned in invasion of Cardenas undergoing trial in New Orleans; Lopez, Gonzalez, YZnaga, etc., resort to Stratagem to delay proceedings. (ib., 84.) — Jan. 8. To same. Appeal for favorable considera- tion of pending Amistad claim. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 19, 5; H. ex. doc. 20, 5.) — Jan. 8. To same. Urges favorable consideration of pending Amistad claim. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 16.) — Jan. 17. To same. Communication recd. from Sp. cons. in N. Y. in regard to Str. Fanny. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 85.) — Jan. 24. To same. Communication from Sp. cons. in N. Y. putting at rest apprehensions agst. Str. Fanny. (ib., 87.) Jan. 28. To same. Communication from Sp. cons. in N. Yºonamins Suspicions in regard to Fanny. (ib., 89. — Aug. 26. To actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Derrick). Riots agst. Spaniards in New Orleans; assault * Sp. cons. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 40; H. ex: doc. 2, 12 178 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CALDERON DE LA BARCA (ANGEL)—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d - (2d term)—cont’d 1851 Aug. 29. To Same. Urging adoption of efficient measures to bring to justice persons who committed outrage against Spaniards in New Orleans; pre- meditated movement of same nature in New York. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 42; H. ex. doc. 2, 42.) — Sept. 5. To same. Acct. of outrages upon Spaniards in y Orleans; assault upon Sp. cons. (ib., 43; ib., 43. Sept. 5. Narrative of assault upon Spaniards and #, cons. (Laborde) in New Orleans. (ib., 45; ib., 5. — Sept. 29. To same. Detention of U. S. mail str. Falcon by Sp. War str. Almandares. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 131.) º — Oct. 14. To actg. Secy. State (Crittenden). Claims Satisfaction for assault upon Sp. subjects and cons. ; Nºy Orleans. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 60; H. ex. doc. — Nov. 14. To Secy. State, U. S. (Webster). Receipt of note of 13 inst. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 65.) 1852 Mch. 20. To same. Relative to instructions received ; fº of West et al. (33. sp. sess., S. misc. doc. 3, — Apr. 19. To same. Appeal for reconsideration of payment of Amistad claim. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 19, 4; H. ex. doc. 20, 4.) — Apr. 22. To same. Claim for indemnity in case of riots in New Orleans in Aug., 1851. (32. 1. S. ex: doc. 86, 2; H. ex. doc. 113, 2.) — Nov. 5. To actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Conrad). Substance of communications recd. from Gen. Ca- fiedo relating to affair of Crescent City. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 28.) — Nov. 17. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Re- ceipt of communication of 15 inst. (ib., 43.) Dec. 10. To Same. Substance of note from Gen. Cañedo relating to Crescent City. (ib., 49.) 1853 Jan. 6. To same. Urging payment of Amistad claim. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 19, 2; H. ex. doc. 20, 2.) Secretario de Estado 1853 Nov. 15. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Soulé). De- tention of Amer. Schr. Manchester, by Sp. cruiser, near Cape San Antonio, Cuba. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 102; 33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 27.) 1854 Feb. 14. To same (Soulé). Further information relative to detention of schr. Manchester. (ib., 103; ib., 28.) — Apr. 11. To same. Sp. govt. not yet in possession of necessary data to Correct judgment in case of Black Warrior. (33. 2. H. ex, doc. 93, 71.) — Apr. 12. To same. When Sp. govt. has authentic data in case of Black, Warrior it will propose reso- lution conformable to justice. (ib., 73.) — Apr. 18. To same. Sp. govt. differs in view of case of Black Warrior from govt. of U. S. (ib., 75.) — May 7. To same. Reply to demand for redress for seizure of Black Warrior and cargo. (ib., 85.) — May 7. To same. Promises early reply to note of Apr. 20, enumerating reclamations of U. S. against Spain. (ib., 90.) — May 26. To same. Digest of claims of U. S., pend- ing against Spain. (ib., 92.) Je. 1. To same. Sp. govt. ready to negotiate claims; result of revocation of franchise, Oct. 7, 1844, for free admission of grains and timber. (ib., 103.) — Je. 16. Reciprocity in duties of port and navigation established. (ib., 107.) CALDERON CALLANTES (SATURNINO) Spanish secretario de estado during 42d ministry under Isabel II, 1858-63; see Spain. CALDWELL (D.R.), ASST. SUPT. POLICE, HONG KONG 1854 Oct. 17. To agts. China. Mutual and Sun Mutual Ins, cos., of N. Y. (Russell & Co.), and others. Mili- tary officer of rank of Pachong named Tsou, was in command of islands near which Caldera Was plun- dered. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 465.) CALDWELL (ELIAS B.), CLAIMANT; see WRIGHT (R.) CALDWELL (GEORGE A.), REPR. FROM KY. 1845 Jan. 21. Speech, favoring annexation of Texas to |U. S. (xiv, Cong Globe, 146; 167.) CALDwell (John), AND OTHERs, of HARTFORD, CoNN. 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying indem- nity for French spoliations, prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1850 Jan. 17. E. P. Rogers, heir of Caldwell, to U. S. Sen- ate. Memorial praying indemnity for French Spolia- tions. (31. 1. S. jol., 89.) — Feb. 4. Same to U. S. House. Petition as above. (31. 1. H. jol., 451; 523.) CALEB (JOHN 0.), MASTER AMER. BARK SARAH CHASE; See GUANO. PERUWIAN TERR. CALEB GRIMSHAW, AMER, SHIP Bills Introduced 1850 Je. 20. U. S. Senate. Joint resolution (31. 1. S. R. 22) “authorizing presentation of gold medal to David Cook, master of Br. barque Sarah.” (31. 1. S. jol., 413.) 1852 Mch. 10. Same. Bill (32. 1. S. 280) “to refund to Elisha W. B. Moody, owner of Br. barque Sarah, moneys paid in rescue of passengers and crew of º ship Caleb Grimshaw.” (32. 1. S. jol., 265; 534. 1857 Jan. 13. Same. Bill (34. 3. S. 499) “to reimburse E. W. B. Moody, owner of Br. bark Sarah, for relief tendered passengers and crew of Amer. ship Caleb Grimshaw.” (34. 3. S. jol., 85.) Correspondence 1850 Jan. 24. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), to in- struct Com. on Commerce to inquire into propriety of giving token to Capt. David Cook, of Br. barque Sarah, for rescue of crew and passengers of Amer. ship Caleb Grimshaw. (31. 1. S. jol., 105; 171.) — Mch. 21. Same. Same (Seward, N. Y.), to instruct Com. On Naval Affairs to inquire into propriety of making compensation to E. W. B. Moody, owner of Sarah, etc. (ib., 228; 458.) - — Mch. 21. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks in Senate, submitting petition of E. W. B. Moody, of Yarmouth, N. S., owner of Br. bark Sarah, and res. concerning propriety of compensating him for losses in rescue of passengers and crew of Amer. Ship Caleb Grimshaw, etc. (31. 1. Cong. Globe., 576, 577.) — Mch. 21. W. R. King, sen. from Ala. Remarks; petition of E. W. B. Moody, for indemnity for rescue of Amer. ship Caleb Grimshaw, and on Seward’s res. concerning same. (ib., 577.) — Je. 20. W. R. King. Remarks; Support of res. authorizing presentation of gold medal to D. Cook, master of Br. barque Sarah, for Saving passengers and crew of Amer, ship, Caleb Grimshaw. (ib., 1164.) 1854 Mch. 20. U. S. Senate. Motion (Seward, N. Y.), that rept. of Secy. of State, on files of Senate, with papers relating to conduct of Capt. Cook of Br. bark Sarah, in rescuing passengers and crew of Amer. ship Caleb Grimshaw, be referred to Com. on For- eign Relations. (33. 1. S. jol., 267.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 179 &ALEDONIA, B.R. BRIG Statutory Measures 1855 Feb. 14. U. S. Senate. Intr. (Bell, Com. on Naval Affairs) bill (33. 2. S. 664) “for benefit of captors of Br. brig Caledonia.” (33. 2. S. jol., 255.) 1856 JIy. 7. Same. Intr. (same) bill (34. 1. S. 361) “for benefit of captors of Br. brig Caledonia, in war of 1812.” (34. 1. S. jol., 417; 34. 3. S. jol., 99.) Correspondence 1846 Mch. 20. J. Sloan to U. S. House. Petition praying prize money for aiding in capture of Caledonia during war of 1812. (29. 1. H. jol., 567; 983.) 1855 Feb. 14. U. S. S. Com. On Naval Affairs (Bell). Rpt. to acc. S. 664, for benefit of captors of Br. brig Caledonia. (33. 2. S. rpt. 517.) — Feb. 14. J. Bell, sen. from N. H. Remarks; support of S. 664, for benefit of captors of Br. brig Caledonia in War of 1812. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong. 2 sess., 718.) 1856 Jly. 7. U. S. S. Com. on Naval Affairs (Bell). Rpt. to acc. S. 361, for benefit of captors of Br. brig Cale- donia in war of 1812. (34. 1. S. rpt. 201.) 1858 Je. 12. J. A. Bayard, sen. from Del. Remarks; ob- jections to Caledonia relief bill; suggesting amdmt. to remove same. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2999.) — Je. 12. Job I Bell, sen. from Tenn. Remarks; favor- ing passage of Caledonia relief bill. (ib., 2998.) — Je. 12. A. P. Hayne, Sen. from S. C. Remarks; fa- voring passage of Caledonia relief bill. (ib., 2998.) — Je. 12. A. Kennedy, Sen. from Md. Remarks; fa- voring passage of Caledonia relief bill. (ib., 3000.) — Je. 12. J. Slidell, Sen. from La. Remarks; favoring passage of Caledonia relief bill on acceptance of certain amdmts. (ib., 2998.) CALEDONIA, U. S. CHARTERED STR. In commission (1828-61) ; 1859 Brazil sqdn. (Case). CALEDONIA CO. (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) 1839 Jan. 21. To Same. Memorial of Vermont Peace Society and others, favoring congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 347.) CALFOUN (SYED BEN), OF MUSCAT Amer. cons. for Muscat 1843–47; see U. S. Consular Service. CALHOUN (JAMES S.), OF GA. Amer. cons. for Havana, 1841-43 ; see U. S. Consular service. CALHOUN (JOHN), REPR. FROM KY. 1836 May 16. Remarks; favoring postponement of bill to carry into effect treaty of limits with Mexico. (Reg. Debates, W. 12, pt. 3, 3728.) CALHOUN (JOHN CALDWELL), OF S. C., 1782–1850 1817-25, secy, of war, U. S. A.; 1833-43, U. S. senator from S. C. : 1844-45, Secy. State U. S. A. Succeed- ing A. P. Upshur; 1845-50, U. S. sen. from S. C., member Com, on Foreign Relations 26 cong., 2d and sp. sess., 1840-41. 1847 Feb. 19. John P. Andrews to U. S. House. Memor- ial, praying apptmt. of Calhoun as minister to Mex- ico, to negotiate treaty of peace. (29. 2. H. jol., 386.) Secretary of War 1824 Dec. 30. To chrm. S. Com. of Claims (Ruggles). Delassus petition. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 8.) Senator from S. C. (1st term) 1834 Dec. 29. Remarks; prig. of debates of French Chambers on claims treaty. (xi, Reg. Debates, 78.) CALHOUN (JOHN CALDWELL), OF S. C., 1782-1850—cont’d Senator from S. C.—cont’d (1st term)—cont’d 1835 Jan. 6. Do.; prºg. of 20,000 copies of rept. of Com. on Foreign Relations regarding reprisals upon French property. (ib., 106.) — Mch. 2. Do.; opposing apprin. for minister to Gr. Br. (ib., 707.) 1836 Jan. 18. Speech; opposing retaliatory measures agst. France recommended in message of Pres. regarding treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (xii, ib., 169.) — May 23. Do.; opposing recognition of Texas, Or reference of memorials on that subject, until assured of de facto govt. (ib., 1531.) — Jly. 1. Do.; commending rept. and resolutions of Com. on Foreign Relations regarding Texas. (ib., 1916.) 1837 Jan. 18. Do.; opposing bill to anticipate payment of French and Neapolitan indemnities. (xiii, ib., 516.) — Jan. 19. Do.; recommending early acknowledgment of independence of Texas. (ib., 528.) Jan. 27. Do.; opposing interference of U. S. govt. in affairs of Amer. Colonization Society. (ib., 564.) Feb. 7. Do.; explaining his res. Calling upon Pres. for information regarding aggression by Bermuda. authorities on Southern slaver (Enterprise), driven thither by distress. (ib., 725.) — Mch. 1. Do.; supporting Walker’s res. for recog- nition of independence of Texas. (ib., 1012.) — Mch. 2. Speech; urging demand upon Br. govt. for redress in cases of brigs Encomium, Enterprise and Comet. (ib., 1016.) — Dec. 19. Remarks; moving tabling of Vt. resolve, respecting Texas and slavery in D. C. (vi, Cong. Globe, 39.) 1838 Jan. 5. Do.; necessity of clothing Executive with additional power to preserve neutrality on Canadian frontier. (ib., 79.) — Jan. 9. Do.; deprecating action in matter of Caro- line outrage, until after receipt of report of Com. On Foreign Relations. (ib., 87.) — Je. 14. Do.; favoring immediate action on question of annexing Texas. (ib., 453.) — Je. 20. Do.; advocating reference to Com. On For- eign Relations of n. e. boundary bill. (ib., 465.) 1839 Jan. 9. Do.; in reply to Prentiss, opposing printing of Vt. resolves agst. annexation of Texas, etc. (vii, ib., 109.) Feb. 27. Do.; defending course of Executive in n. e. boundary negotiations, and urging reference of Sub- ject to com. (ib., app., 261.) — Mch. 1. Do.; urging adoption, in entirety, of res. re- ported from Com. on Foreign Relations regarding Me. boundary. (ib., 311; 315.) 1840 Mch. 13. Speech; supporting his res. regarding law of nations as exemplified in case of brig Enterprise. (viii, ib., 266.) — Apr. 15. Remarks; in reply to Clay, defending res. regarding brig Enterprise. (ib., 328.) — Dec. 28. Do.; recommending reference of subject of commercial reciprocity first to Com. on Com- merce, ma then to Com. on Foreign Relations. (ix, ib., 59. 1841 Je. 11. Speech; denouncing conduct of Secy, of State following peremptory demand of Br. govt. for release of McLeod. (x, ib., app., 81.) — Dec. 22. Remarks; favoring reference to Com. On Foreign Relations of memorial regarding seizure of slaves by Br. from Amer. vessel at Nassau, N. P. (xi, Cong. Globe, 47.) 1842 Jan. 11. Do.; defending use of word slave in Creole res. (ib., 115.) 180 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CALHOUN (JOHN CALDWELL), OF S. C., 1782-1850—cont’d Senator from S. C.—cont’d (1st term)—cont’d 1842 Feb. 3. Do.; proposing to refer to Com. on Foreign ºlone message of Pres. on case of Creole. (ib., Feb. 16. Do.; defending publication of full infor- mation regarding Creole case. (ib., 241.) - Feb. 23. Do.; proposing to lay on table res. calling for information and corresp. regarding str. Caroline, Case of McLeod, etc. (ib., 259.) - May 4. Do.; protesting agst, payment of salaries from contingent fund to officers not authorized by law. (ib., 473.) — Aug. 2. Speech; reasons for ratifying Ashburton treaty. (xii, ib., app., 49.) 1843 Jan. 4. Remarks; Benton's part in debate in secret Session last August on n. e. boundary treaty. (xii, Cong. Globe, 111.) - Jan. 5. Do.; careful comparison of provisions of Oregon bill with treaty stipulations. (ib., 121.) Jan. 9. Do.; explaining that land grant provision in Oregon bill conflicts with treaty. (ib., 133.) - Jan. 9. Do.; opposing Bayard's amdmmt. to land grant provision of Oregon bill as impairing title of U. S. (ib., 134.) — Jan. 18. Do.; deprecating Benton-Rives controversy as bad precedent. (ib., 170.) — Jan. 24. Speech; opposing passage of bill for occu- pation and settlement of Oregon terr. (ib., app., 138.) — Feb. 3. Do.; commitment of Oregon bill to Com. on Foreign Relations, to make it conform with treaty Stipulations. (xii, Cong. Globe, 239.) — Feb. 23. Do.; Br. reservation of right of visitation under Ashburton treaty. (ib., 335.) — Mch. 2. Do.; denying necessity of increased apprp. for African Sqdn. in consequence of Ashburton treaty. (ib., 378.) Secretary of State Correspondence (Diplomatic British) 1844 Apr. 18. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Pakenham). Confirmation of impression as to Br. policy towards Texas; motives which led to con- clusion of treaty of annexation; review of statistics ShoWing Comparative condition of negroes in slave- holding and non-slaveholding states. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 50; H. ex. doc. 271, 50.) — Apr. 26. To same. Confirmation of title of W. Black to certain lands on Aroostook referred to civil jurisdiction of Me. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 34.) — Apr. 27. To same. Consideration of Br. declara- tions with regard to policy towards Texas. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 65; H. ex. doc. 271, 65.) — May 16. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ev- erett). [no. 87, extr.] ASks intervention of Br. govt. to abrogate certain legislation of New Brunswick imposing export duty on timber in violation of art. 3, treaty of Washington. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 4.) — Je. 17. To Pakenham. Acknowledges receipt of copies of docs. for Me. (ib., 36.) — Jly. 5. To Everett. [no. 97, extr.] Approval of pre- sentation of case of schr. Washington. (32: 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 83; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 127.) — J1y. 17. To same. [unnum.] Instructions for pro- test agst. delay in adjusting claims for duties levied on rough rice. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 3.) — Aug. 7. To same. [unnum. extr.] Art. 10, Ashbur- ton treaty requires criminality of act charged, to be judged of by laws of country within Whose jurisdic- tion act was committed; evidence on which fugi- tive's surrender is demanded, should be law of place where he is found. (Mss. Inst. Gr. Br. repr. extr. ii, Wharton’s Digest, 818.) CALHOUN (JOHN CALDWELL), OF S. C., 1782–1850—cont’d Secretary of State—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic British)—cont’d 1844 Aug. 22. To Pakenham. Appoints hour for confer- ence relative to n. W. boundary. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 142; H. ex. doc. 2, 142.) — Sept. 3. To same. Declines proposal of Br. plenipo- tentiary relative to n. W. boundary; strmt. reviewing previous negotiations on which claims of U. S. rest. (29. 1. S. doc. 146; 29. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 146.) – Sept. 6. To Everett. [no. 105.] Instructions in case of seizure of Amer. fishing schr. Argus by Br. cutter Sylph; With transcripts of depositions, etc. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 128; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 84.) Sept. 20. To Pakenham. Dissents from conclusion of Br. counter stnt. of joint right of occupancy of Oregon terr.; claims clear title of U. S. to whole region. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 158; H. ex. doc. 2, 158.) Dec. 12. To Everett. [unnum. extr.] Instructed to represent to Br. govt. outrage agst. Amer. brig Cyrus by Br. brig of war Alert. (29. 1. S. doc. 300, 8.) 1845 Jan. 21. To Pakenham. Declines offer of arbitra- tion for settlement of claims to Oregon terr. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 162: H. ex. doc. 2, 162.) — Feb. 11. To Everett. [unnum.] Instructions rela- tive to adjustment of claims for high duties levied upon imported rough rice. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 8.) Corr. (Diplomatic Chilian) 1844. Oct. 30. [no. 4.] Crallé, actg. secy. to Amer. chargé (Crump). Instructions for representation of Second Macedonian claim. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 108.) Corr. (Diplomatic Danish) 1844 Sept. 13. To Amer. chargé (Irwin). [no. 12.] In- structions in relation to Sound dues. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 108, 29.) Corr. (Diplomatic French) 1844 Apr. 23. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (King). [unnum. extr.] Instructions on his apptmt. as E. E., etc., at Paris. (28. 2. S. doc. 13, 2; xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 61.) — JIy. 25. To same. [unnum. extr.] No extradition to foreign state without treaty. (Mss. Inst. France. Repr. extr. ii, Wharton’s Digest, 744.) — Aug. 12. To Same. [no. 14.] Approval of strmt. of Texan annexation negotiations; Amer. policy re- garding territorial expansion; Vanity of Br. grounds for opposing annexation of Texas. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 39; Cong. Globe, v. 14, app., 5.) — Aug. 26. To same. [unnum. extr.] Rumored joint protest of France and Gr. Br. agst. annexation of * (28. 2. S. doc. 13, 3; xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 62. — Dec. 4. To M. P. ad int. of France in U. S. A. (Pageot). Construction of certain provisions of French-American extradition convention. (MSS. Notes. France. repr. extr. ii, Wharton’s Digest, 819.) 1845 Feb. 24. Signs extradition convention betw. France and U. S. A.; see France. Treaties. Corr. (Diplomatic Hawaiian) 1845 Jan. 20. U. S. comr. in Hawaii (Brown). [no. 4.] Instructions in case of John Wiley; transmits full powers to conclude treaty with Hawaiian IS. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 63.) Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican) 1844 Apr. 19. To Amer. chargé ad int. in Mexico (Green). [no. 1.] Instructions for apprising Mexico of signing of treaty of annexation. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 53; H. ex. doc. 271, 53.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 181 CALHOUN (JOHN CALDWELL), 0F S. C., 1782-1850—cont’d Secretary of State—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic Mexican)—cont’d 1844 Je. 20. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Shan- non). [no. 1.] Instructions; his apptmt. ; Mexican order of Jly. 14, 1843, for expulsion of Amer. citizens from Upper California. (28. 2. S. doc. 1., 21; xiv, app., Cong. Globe, 1.) — Sept. 10. To same. [no. 8.] Instructions; commun- ication with Mexico relative to renewal of war with Texas while question of annexation is pending. (ib., 29; ib., 3.) — Sept. 11. To same. [unnum.] Protest agst. Mexico's disregard of overdue claims of Amer. citizens. (29. 1. S. doc. 85, 17.) Corr. (Diplomatic Prussian) 1845 Mch. 3. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia. (Wheaton). [no. 66.] Believes proceeding in Leg- gett case originated in misconception; declines to receive confidential information of Baron Roenné's decisions. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 83, 60.) Corr. (Diplomatic Spanish) 1844 Apr. 30. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Irv- ing). Ino. 31.] Instructions to obtain final decision on Harang claim. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 196.) — May 29. To same. [no. 32, extr.] Transmits cer- tain papers respecting Harang claim on govt. of Spain. (ib., 196.) Corr. (Diplomatic Texan) 1844 Apr. 11. To comrs. to negotiate treaty of annexa- tion (Van Zandt and Henderson). [unnum.] Pres. deems it his duty to protect Texas from foreign in- vasion during pendency of treaty of annexation. (28. 1. S. doc. 349, 11; H. ex. doc. 271, 96.) — May 15. To Same. [unnum.] Information re- quested relative to armistice betw. Texas and Mex- ico. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 85; H. ex. doc. 271, 85.) — Aug. 14. To Texan chargé in U. S. A. (Van Zandt). [no. 11.] Opinion of court of inquiry in case of Capt. Cooke; additional information relative to outrage upon collector of Red River district. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 109.) — Aug. 17. To same. Orders issued for liberation of Robertson negroes. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 126.) Sept. 6. To same. Transmits War Dept. instruc- tions relative to apptmt. of agt. to represent U. S. in council betw. Comrs. Of Texas and Indians. (ib., 127.) — Sept. 10. To Amer. chargé in Texas (Howard). [unnum.] Corresp. with Mexico and France rela- tive to attitude regarding Texan annexation. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 38; xiv, app., Cong. Globe, 5.) — Sept. 17. To same (Donelson). Ino. 11.] Apptmt.; instructions relative to Indian hostilities on Texan frontier. (ib., 36; ib., 5.) — Sept. 18. To Texan ad int. chargé in U. S. A. (Raymond). Ino. 14.] Further legislation neces- sary to secure to Texas value of arms taken from Maj. Snively’s command. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 112.) 1845 Jan. 22. To same. [unnum.] Boys said to have been captured by Wichita Indians not found. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 130.) — Feb. 20. To Same. [unnum.] Transmits War Dept. corresp. relative to Simpson children in pos- session of Indians of U. S. (ib., 131.) — Mch. 3. To Donelson. [no. 4.] Instructions for ne- gotiation of prompt action on part of Texas in favor of joint res. of Mch. 1, 1845, for annexation of Texas; with copy of res. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 32; H. ex. doc. 2, 125.) CALHOUN (JOHN CALDWELL), OF S. C., 1782–1850—cont’d Secretary of State—cont’d Corr. (Executive) 1844 Apr. 6. To U. S. Com. Foreign Affairs (Ingersoll). Duties imposed by U. S. on wines imported from Portugal. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 224, 1.) — May 2. To Pres. of U. S. (Tyler). Nothing on file in State Dept. to show that any communication from Texas declining proposition of U. S. to annex Repub- lic was ever received. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 69.) — May 20. To same. Indemnity claims agst. Den- mark for prizes surrendered to Br. govt., 1779. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 264, 1.) — Je. 3. To same. Inquiry as to “private ’’ letter from London, 1843, relative to annexation of Texas. (28. 1. S. doc. 351.) — Je. 4. To same. Relative to note supposed to have been addressed to Secy. State by dipl. agtS. of Texas. (28. 1. S. doc. 361.) — Je. 12. To same. Corresp. relative to expulsion of citizens from Upper California. (28. 1. S. doc. 390, 1 — Dec. 19. To same. Corresp. of W. R. King with France relative to Texas. (28. 2. S. doc. 13, 1; xiv, app., Cong. Globe, 61.) — Dec. 31. To same. Corresp. relative to debt and pub- lic lands of Texas. (28. 2. S. doc. 29, 1.) — Dec. 31. To same. Treaty stipulations betw. Texas and foreign powers. (28. 2. S. doc. 30, 1.) 1845 Jan. 9. To same. Corresp. relative to instructions given to G. W. Erving, U. S. minister to Spafn. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 1.) — Jan. 30. To same. Transmitting docs. pursuant to S. Res. Of Jan. 20; information relative to Shannon corresp. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 1; H. ex. doc. 144, 1.) Feb. 6. To same. Official position held by Duff Green near govt. of Texas. (28. 2. S. doc. 83.) — Feb. 14. To same. Transmitting docs. pursuant to Dec. 31, 1844; information relative to Shannon corresp. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 144, 1; S. doc. 81, 1.) Senator from S. C. (2d term) 1845 Dec. 30. Remarks; supporting res. approving spirit of compromise in Oregon negotiations. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 109.) 1846 Jan. 12. Do.; postponement of res. to end joint oc- cupancy of Oregon. (ib., 182.) — Jan. 14. Do.; opposing consideration, at present time, of res. regarding interference of European na- tions with Amer. states. (ib., 197.) – Jan. 26. Do.; opposing aggressive declaration agst. interference by foreign powers with Amer. states. (ib., 244.) Feb. 25. Do.; opposing temporary postponement of consideration of Oregon question. (ib., 425.) — Feb. 26. Do.; suggesting manner of acting on Ore- gon question. (ib., 435.) — Mch. 5. Do.; correcting certain stnts. of Haywood, On Oregon question. (ib., 459.) — Mch. 16. Speech; favoring notice to Br. govt. re- garding Oregon, only on terms that difficulty be settled by compromise. (ib., 502; app., 471.) — Apr. 9. Remarks; urging peaceable settlement of Oregon dispute. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 634.) — Apr. 28. Summary of remarks, opposing Goddard relief bill. (ib., 737.) - — May 11. Remarks; on message of Pres. regarding hostilities with Mexico. (ib., 783.) — May. 11. Do.; asking time for consideration of bill to prosecute war with Mexico. (ib., 795.) Je. 1. Do.; favoring reference of Oregon Juris- diction Bill, to Com. On Judiciary without instruc- tions. (ib., 897.) 182 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS sº CALHOUN (JOHN CALDWELL), OF S. C., 1782–1850—cont’d Senator from S. C.—cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1847 Feb. 9. Speech; Mexican War and S. 105, making further apprin. to bring the War to Speedy and honor- able conclusion. (ib., 29., 2., 356; app., 323.) — Feb. 12. Remarks; reply to Turney, on Calhoun’s attitude toward annexation of Texas and Mexican war. (ib., 29., 2., 397.) — Feb. 17. Do.; propriety of receiving petitions from aliens. (ib., 434, 435.) — Feb. 19. Do.; reply to portion of Houston's speech, of even date, on Mexican war, etc. (ib., 460.) Feb. 24. Speech; reply to Benton, relative to Cal- houn’s agency in bringing on Mexican war, etc.; during debate on S. 105. (ib., 498.) Feb. 25. Remarks; during speech of Davis on Mex- ican War, etc. (ib., 506.) Feb. 27. Do.; On S. 184, to provide some relief for suffering people of Ireland and Scotland. (ib., 533, 534.) — Dec. 20. DO.; on his res. of Dec. 15, agst, incorpora- tion of Mexico by U. S. (Cong. Globe, 30. cong., 1. sess., 53, 54.) — Dec. 20. Do.; reply to Cass, on Calhoun’s res., of Dec. 15, agSt. incorporation of Mexico by U. S. (ib., 54.) — Dec. 30. Do.; on his res. of Dec. 15; policy of Pres., and S. 26 to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force. (ib., 78-80.) 1848 Jan. 4. Speech; on his res. of Dec. 15, policy of PreS., etc. (ib., 96; d.o. app., 49.) — Jan. 13. Explanation, in Senate, during Pearce's Speech, in reference to treaty negotiated by Cal- houn for annexation of Texas. (ib., 174; d.o., app., 98.) — Mch. 16. Remarks; on S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force, in connection With pending treaty negotiations and imposition of taxes upon Mexico. (ib., 477.) — Mch. 17. Do.; in reply to Cass and Davis, on ter- mination of Mexican war, ratification of treaty, boundary of Texas, S. 26, etc. (ib., 496-498.) — Mch. 21. Do.; proposed mission to Rome, provided for in deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 135. (ib., app., 410.) — Mch. 30. Do.; on S. res. 15, tendering congratula- tions to the French people. (ib., 30., 1., 568-70.) — Apr. 29. Do.; on President’s message, of even date, concerning appeal of Yucatan for aid, Monroe doc- trine, etc. (ib., 712, and app., 590.) — May 4. Do.; on S. 243, to enable Pres. to take tem- porary military occupation of Yucatan; on message of Apr. 29, annexation of Texas and Mexican War. (ib., app., 591-596.) May 8, 10. Do.; on S. 243; on President’s message of Apr. 29, on Lord Bentinck’s speech of Feb. 3 or 4, advocating British seizure of Cuba; and on letter of Calhoun to King, in Aug., 1844, alluding to Slav- ery. (ib., app., 606–608, 617.) — May 15. Speech; on S. 243, President’s message of Apr. 29, Monroe doctrine and British interference in Cuba and Yucatan, etc. (ib., 770; and app., 630.) At time this speech was made Calhoun , was the Only survivor of Monroe's cabinet of 1823. — Aug. 11. Remarks; on S. 313, to carry into effect certain stipulations of treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, With Mexico. (ib., 30., 1., 1067.) 1849 Feb. 27. Do.; unfavorable to Hale amdmnt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill (H. R. 692) providing increased compensation to ministers to England, France and Russia. (ib., 30., 2., 603.) CALHOUN (JOHN CALDWELL), OF S. C., 1782-1850—cont’d Senator from S. C.—cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1850 Mch. 7. Do.; in reply to Webster; acquisition of Texas; validity, in new territories, of Mexican laws prohibiting slavery. (ib., 31. cong., 1. sess., 479-484, and app., 273.) CALHOUN (WILLIAM R.), OF S. C. Amer. chargé ad interim in France, Oct., 1859-Feb., 1860. 1859 Dec. 6. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Ino. 11.] Transmits copy of reply of French min. of foreign affairs concerning French conscription laws relating to naturalized Amer. citizens. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 214.) CALHOUN, AMER. SHIP (FALES) Corresp. concerning attempt to intercept Calhoun from clearing port of Rio, and engaging in slave trade or illicit commerce. 1845 Apr. 25. Amer. cons. Bahia (Tyler) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise). Request for presence of vessel to prevent Amer. ship Calhoun from en- gaging in slave trade. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 179.) — May 8. Wise to comdr. U. S. brig Bainbridge (Twiner). Instructions for seizure of Calhoun, do. C. F. Driscoll. (ib., 180.) — May 17. Tyler to J. S. Gillmer. Request for infor- mation relative to Calhoun. (ib., 207.) — Je. 12. Tyler to Wise. Arrival of the Bainbridge; sailing of the Calhoun. (ib., 205.) — Je. 26. Wise to Tyler. Regrets sailing of the Cal- hown ; etc. (ib., 208.) — Nov. 24. Wise to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Destruction of Calhoun on African slave coast. (ib., 210.) CALHOUN CO. (MICH.) CITIZENS 1845 Jan. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 303.) CALIFORNIA: MEXICAN OCCUPATION 1828-42 1828 Aug. 8. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Protest agst. invasion of Calif. by Amer. hunters. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex) 246.) — Aug. 20. Poinsett to Cañedo. Explanation of al- leged invasion of Calif. by Amer. hunters. (ib., 747.) 1842-43 (Siege of Monterey) 1842 Sept. 8. Comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Jones) to Capt. Armstrong and Comdrs. Stribling and Dornin. Conference relative to hostile intentions of Mexico. (27. 3. H. doc. 166, 85.) — Oct. 18. Jones. General order for taking of Mon- terey. (ib., 41.) — Oct. 19. Same. Proclamation to inhabitants of the two Californias. (ib., 31.) — Oct. 19. Articles of capitulation entered into betw. Comdr. Jones and military comdt. Monterey (Silva). (ib., 30.) — Oct. 19. Same to civil gov. Monterey (Alvarado). Demand for surrender; with articles of capitulation. (ib., 22.) — Oct. 19. Alvarado to Gov. of California (Michel- torena). Capitulation of Monterey inevitable; su- periority of enemy’s forces; Seizure of barque 'Gui- puzcoana. (ib., 20.) — Oct. 19. Alvarado to Silva. Inquiry as to defences of Monterey. (ib., 21.) — Oct. 19. Silva to Alvarado. State of defences of Monterey. (ib., 21.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 183 CALIFORNIA: MEXICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d 1842-43—cont’d (Siege of Monterey)—cont’d 1842 Oct. 19. Alvarado to Jones. Authority confined to º * ; incompetent to make a capitulation. 1D., 23. — Oct. 21. Alvarado to Micheltorena. Evacuation of Monterey. (ib., 32.) – Oct. 21. Silva to Micheltorena. Evacuation of Mon- terey. (ib., 33.) — Oct. 21. Jones to Alvarado and Silva. Evacuation of Monterey. (ib., 33.) — Oct. 21. Jones to Micheltorena. Reason for demand of Surrender and evacuation of Monterey. (ib., 34.) — Oct. 22. Jones to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Thompson). Justification of his action in bring- ing about capitulation of Monterey. (ib., 15; 89.) — Oct. 23. Jones. Strmt. of his actions influenced by Bocanegra's letter of May 31, 1842. (ib., 87.) — Oct. 24. Jones to Alvarado. Conduct of Amer. Sqdn. in port of Monterey and off coast. (ib., 40.) — Oct. 24. Jones to Secy. State, U. S. A., ad int. (Up- Shur). Report of capitulation of Monterey. (ib., 69.) — Oct. 25. Micheltorena to military comdt. at Sta. Barbara. Order to collect forces, arms, artillery, etc., at Los Angeles; Republicano, Mex. ship of war, ordered to San Pedro. (ib., 24.) — Oct. 25. Micheltorena to Prefect, Los Angeles. (Arguello). Los Angeles to be headquarters for Operations of War; arms to be collected from San Diego. (ib., 25.) — Oct. 25. Same to Alvarado. Order to collect forces at LOS Angeles. (ib., 25.) — Oct. 25. Same to military comdr. (Vallejo). Order to collect forces; threats of punishment upon all who fail to respond to order. (ib., 27.) — Oct. 25. Prefect of Monterey (Estrada) to Jones. Publication of general order. (ib., 42.) — Oct. 26. Arguello to Micheltorena. Measures taken to assist in defence of California. (ib., 28.) — Oct. 26. Micheltorena to Jones. Conference at San º § Los Angeles; propositions for a convention. ib., 35. — Oct. 29. Alvarado to Jones. No disturbances or in- juries consequent upon late events at Monterey. (ib., 44.) — Oct. 31. Judge, Sta. Barbara (Carillo) to Michel- torena. Suspension of execution of orders for de- fence by direction of military commandant of Sta. Barbara. (ib., 29.) — Nov. Micheltorena, to Tornel. March from Los Angeles to Monterey; capitulation of Monterey. (ib., 18.) — Nov. 1. Jones to Micheltorena. Accepting confer- ence. (ib., 37.) — Nov. 8. Arguello to Micheltorena. Returns from subaltern authorities in favor of general defence agst. Occupation of terr. (ib., 29.) — Nov. 16. Judge of Monterey (Fernandez) to Jones. Courts ordered open to hear indemnification claims of Amer. citizens, following events of Apr., 1840. (ib., 92.) — Nov. 19. Micheltorena to Tornel. Forwards docs. held pending arrival of Comdr. Jones. (ib., 43.) — Dec. 19. Bocanegra to Thompson. Protest agst. oc- cupation of Monterey by comdr. Jones. (ib., 9.) — Dec. 27. Thompson to Bocanegra. In explanation of occupation of Monterey by comdr. Jones. (ib., 13.) — Dec. 28. Thompson to Secy. State (Webster). Cor- resp. relative to occupation of Monterey by comdr. Jones. (ib., 9.) 1843 Jan. 7. Extract from Diario del Gobierno relative to invasion of port of Monterey. (ib., 16.) CALIFORNIA: MEXICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d 1842-43—cont’d (Siege of Monterey)—cont’d 1843 Jan. 17. Webster to Thompson. Taking of Monterey by comdr. Jones unauthorized. (ib., 3.) — Jan. 24. E. E. and M. P. Mexico in U. S. (Almonte) to Webster. Claim for losses inflicted by Jones in taking Monterey. (ib., 3.) — Jan. 30. Webster to Almonte. In explanation of conduct of comdr. Jones in taking Monterey. (ib., 5.) Feb. 1. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.) request- ing President to communicate regarding warlike invasion of Mexican territories, Oct., 1842, by Thos. Ap C. Jones, comdr. of U. S. Pacific Sqdn. (27. 3. H. jol., 294.) — Feb. 2. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; asking to be excused from voting on res. regarding invasion of Mexican terr. by capt. T. Ap C. Jones. (xii, Cong. Globe, 235.) — Feb. 2. F. Granger, repr. from N. Y. Do.; same. (ib., 235.) — Feb. 2. H. A. Wise, repr. from Va. Do.; Same. (ib., 235.) — Feb. 7. Almonte to Webster. Protest agst. decision concerning conduct of comdr. Jones in taking Mon- terey. (27.3. H. doc. 166, 7.) — Feb. 18. Pres. U. S. (Tyler) to U. S. House of Rep- resentatives. Corresp. relative to taking of Mon- terey by Comdr. Jones. (ib., 1.) Feb. 22. President U. S. (Tyler) to U. S. House. Message, in response to res. of 2 inst., regarding proc. of capt. Jones in taking possession of Monterey, Mexico; declines to transmit corresp. on ground of inexpedience. (27.3. H. jol., 433.) 1844 Aug. 1. Amer. cons. at Monterey (Larkin) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Shannon). Order pro- hibiting sale of merchandise from on board all whaling vessels at Calif. ports. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 19, 29; xiv, app. Cong. Globe, 33.) — Nov. 1. Shannon to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Re- jon). Asks modification of order prohibiting sale of merchandise from on board of all whaling vessels arriving at Calif. ports. (ib., 28; ib., 34.) Cession 1840 May 2. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; rpt. of Br. endeavors to obtain cession of Upper California from Mexico, etc. (viii, Cong. Globe, 372- 373.) 1843 Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Gilmer, Va.) calling on Pres. for information of overtures for Mexican ces- sion of California to Gr. Br. (27. 3. H. jol., 266.) Feb. 8. President, U. S. A. (Tyler). Message in re- ply to res. of 28 ult. (iv., Mess. and Papers, 225.) Civil Service Governor of California, 1842; see Micheltorena. Do. Of Monterey, 1842, actg. gov.; see Alvarado (J. B.). Prefect of Los Angeles, 1842; see Arguello (S.). Do. of Monterey, 1842; see Estrada (J. R.). Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Contraband Trading; see Boston; Correo; Franklin Expulsion of Amer. Citizens 1843 May 12. Secy. State, U. S. (Legaré) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Thompson). Instructions rela- tive to re-imbursements to U. S. cons. at Mazatlan (Castaños) of funds advanced to Amer. citizens ſº taken from Calif. in 1840. (28. 2. H. ex: doc. 58, 2. – Jly. 14. Secr. Guerra y Marina, Mexico (Tornel) to gov. Of the Californias. Order for expulsion of Amer. citizens from Upper Calif. (28. 1. S. doc. 390, 3.) 184 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CALIFORNIA: MEXICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d Expulsion of Amer. Citizens—cont’d 1843 Dec. 23. Thompson to ministr. relac, est., Mexico (Bocanegra). Mexican order relative to expulsion of Amer. citizens from Upper California. (ib., 2.) — Dec. 28. Same to same. Demand for information as to actual issue of order for expulsion of Amer. citizens from Upper California. (ib., 3.) — Dec. 29. Same to same. Protest agst. non-reply for demand for information in his of 28 inst. and agst. abusive publications in official organ of Mexico. (ib., — Dec. 30. Bocanegra to Thompson. Explanation of delay relative to information respecting order for expulsion of Amer. Citizens from Upper California. (ib., 6.) — Dec. 30. Same to same. Explanation of delay com- plained of in his of 29 inst. (ib., 6.) — Dec. 30. Thompson to Bocanegra. Announces ter- mination of his official mission. (ib., 5.) — Dec. 30. Same to same. Explanation given of order of Jly. 14 unsatisfactory; Will wait for further ex- planation. (ib., 9.) — Dec. 31. Bocanegra to Thompson. Further explan- ation, relative to order of Jly. 14 for expulsion of Amer. citizens from Upper California, to follow. (ib., 9.) — Dec. 31. Thompson to Bocanegra. Demands revoca- tion of Order of Jly. 14 for expulsion of Amer. citi- zens from Upper California. (ib., 9.) 1844 Jan. 3. Same to same. Demands immediate answer to his of Dec. 31. (ib., 12.) — Jan. 3. Bocanegra to Thompson. Order modifying Order of JIy. 14, for expulsion of Amer. citizens from |Upper California. (ib., 12.) — Jan. 4. Thompson to Bocanegra. Satisfaction at order modifying order of Jly. 14. (ib., 13.) – Jan. 4. Bocanegra to Thompson. Transmits copy of order of Jly. 14. (ib., 13.) — Jan. 27. Thompson to Bocanegra. Formal protest agst. execution of decree of Dec. 23, restricting for- eigners from exercise of retail trade in Mexico. (ib., 17.) — Feb. 7. Bocanegra to Thompson. Declines to admit protest agst. decree of Dec. 23, 1843, restricting for- * from exercise of retail trade in Mexico. (ib., 17. — Feb. 8. Thompson to Bocanegra. Further demand for revocation of decree of Dec. 23. (ib., 19.) — Je. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Archer, Va.), Calling on Pres. for corresp. relative to expulsion of U. S. citi- zens from Mexican terr. (28. 1. S. jol., 319; 326.) — Je. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun) to Pres. U. S. (Tyler). Corresp. relative to expulsion of citizens from Upper California. (28. 1. S. doc. 390, 1.) Je. 20. Same to Almer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Shannon). Instructions relative to Mexican Order of Jly. 14, 1843, for expulsion of Amer. citizens from Upper California. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 22.) Judiciary Court of Monterey, Judge, 1842; see Fernandez (J. Z.). Do. of Sta. Barbara, Judge, 1842; see Carillo (J.). Military Service Comdte. of California, 1843; see Castro (J.). Do. of Monterey, 1842; see Silva (M.). CALIFORNIA: AMERICAN OCCUPATION 1846-47 1846 Jly. 6. Comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Sloat) to comdr. U. S. S. Portsmouth (Montgomery). Pro- visional order to take possession of Yerba Buena in name of U. S. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 648; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1014.) CALIFORNIA: AMERICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d 1846-47—cont’d 1846 JIy. 7. Sloat to military comdt. of Monterey (Silva). Demands surrender of public property. (ib., 642; ib., 1009.) — [Jiy.] 7. Silva to Sloat. Not authorized to Sur- render Monterey. (ib., 643; ib., 1009.) — JIy. 7. Sloat. General order. Regulations for tak- ing California. (ib., 445; ib., 1011.) — Jly. 7. Sloat to comdt. gen. Calif. (Castro). De- mands surrender of public property. (ib., 646; ib., 1012.) - — Jly. 7. Same to inhabitants of Calif. Proclamation declaring Calif. to be a portion of U. S. (ib., 644; ib., 1010.) Jly. 7. Same to Montgomery. Order to take pos- session of Yerba Buena immediately. (ib., 649; ib., 1015.) — JIy. 7. Montgomery to Sloat. Requests instructions concerning release of Parrotta, a neutral, and other prisoners. (ib., 662; ib., 1028.) — Jly. 9. Castro to Sloat. Refuses to surrender Cali- fornia. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 647.) — Jly. 9. Montgomery to 2d lieut. U. S. S. Portsmouth (Watson). Appoints him comdr. of marines and local militia at Yerba Buena. (ib., 655; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1021.) — Jly. 9. Montgomery. Proclamation on taking pos- session of Yerba Buena. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 654.) — JIy. 9. Montgomery to Sloat. Proc. on landing at Yerba Buena. (ib., 649; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1015.) — JIy. 9. Montgomery. Address after hoisting U. S. flag at Yerba Buena. (ib., 650; ib., 1016.) Jly. 9. Montgomery. Proclamation calling upon residents of Yerba Buena to enrol themselves into a military co. (ib., 651, 654; ib., 1017.) — JIy. 9. Montgomery to J. C. Frémont. Notifies him that Monterey and Yerba Buena have been taken by TJ. S. forces; requests his presence at Monterey. (ib., 651; ib., 1017.) — J1y. 9. Montgomery to purser U. S. S. Portsmouth (Watmough). Order to proceed to Santa Clara, to intercept capt. Frémont. (ib., 652; ib., 1018.) — JIy. 9. Lieut. on U. S. S. Portsmouth (Missroon) to Montgomery. Condition of presidio and fort at Yerba Buena. (ib., 652; ib., 1018.) — Jly. 11. Watson to Montgomery. Yerba Buena has been quiet during past 24 hrs.; indications of hoS- tile movement. (ib., 655; ib., 1020.) — Jly. 11. Montgomery to Sloat. Places taken by U. S. forces; preparations to defend position agst. Br. opposition to claims; arrival of Br. ship Juno ; mili- tary comdt. of Yerba Buena summoned to deliver public property, etc. (ib., 653; ib., 1019.) — Jly. 11. Missroon to Montgomery. Rpt. of visit to mission of Dolores, in search of arms, ammunition and public docs. (ib., 656; ib., 1021.) — Jly. 11. Lieut. U. S. sloop Cyane (Revere) to Mont- gomery. Relative to landing at town of Sonoma; publication of proclamation of Amer. possession, etc. (ib., 687; ib., 1022.) — Jly. 12. Sloat to gov. of California (Pico). Rela- tive to taking of California. (ib., 647; ib., 1013.) — Jly. 12. Same to Montgomery. Preparations for defence of Monterey; flight of Castro; desertion of his men, etc. (ib., 657; ib., 1023.) — Jiy. 12. Same to same. Approves of his proc.; in- structions to act on his own judgment in absence of orders. (ib., 658; ib., 1024.) — Jly. 12. Capt. U. S. A. Fallon to Montgomery. Capt. Fremont not yet arrived at San José; proposes to hoist Amer. flag at San José; Castro’s march to lower country. (ib., 660; ib., 1026.) — Jly. 12. Watson to Montgomery. Yerba Buena con- tinues quiet and peaceable. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 656.) INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CALIFORNIA: AMERICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d 1846–47—cont’d 1846 JIy. 13. Montgomery to Fallon. To hoist Amer. flag at San Jose, as proposed in letter of 12 inst. (ib., 660; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1026.) — Jly. 15. Montgomery to Sloat. Whereabouts of Fremont unknown; quiet at Yerba Buena; uprising * Americans in the south, etc. (ib., 659; ib., – JIy. 16. Comdr. military post at Sonoma (Grigsby) Capt. U. S. A., to Montgomery. Asks instructions in case of therein named murderers of two Americans at Sonoma. (ib., 665; ib., 1032.) — Jly. 17. Montgomery to Sloat. Acknowledges re- ceipt of telegraphic despatch of 12 inst.; execution of instructions, etc.; extent of fortifications in con- tºº of possible war with Spain. (ib., 661; ib., 027. — Jly. 18. Montgomery to Grigsby. Reply to his of 16 inst. (ib., 665; ib., 1031.) — JIy. 20. Montgomery to Sloat. Manner of obtain- ing supplies at Sonoma; requests instructions re- garding trial and punishment of offenders; Guerrero, late sub-prefect, summoned to deliver papers; de- parture of Br. vessel Juno ; arrival of Br. ship, Col- lingwood. (ib., 663; ib., 1028.) — Jly. 23. Sloat to Montgomery. Instructions in case of enlistments at Sonoma. (ib., 666; ib., 1033.) — Jly. 25. Montgomery to Sloat. Ill health renders it necessary for him to relinquish command of Pacific station. (ib., 667; ib., 1034.) — Jly. 26. Comdr. U. S. frigate Congress (Stockton) to Fremont. Instructions to proceed to San Diego and make every necessary preparation to march * Country at moment’s notice. (29. 2. S. doc. , 674.) – Jly. 28. Same to the people of California. Address On taking possession of California. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1035.) — Jly. 31. Sloat to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Bancroft). Acct. of proc. at Monterey; movements of Pacific Sqdn., etc. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 640; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1006.) – Aug. 10. Sloat to Bancroft. Transmits letter and address of comdre. Stockton to people of California. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1034.) {{ — Aug. 15. Stockton. Circ.; manner of collecting duties. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 673.) – Aug. 17. Same to people of California. Proclama- tion in regard to new govt. of California. (ib., 669.) – Aug. 22. Same to people of California. Notice of election on Sept. 15, 1846, in towns and distr. of Calif., for purpose of electing alcaldes and other municipal officers for one yr. (ib., 671.) — Aug. 28. Same to Bancroft. Assumed command of Pacific station on Jly. 23; U. S. flag flying from every comdg. position in Calif.; movements of sqdns.; military organization, etc. (ib., 668.) — Aug. 24. Same to Fremont. Authorized to increase present force to 300 men. (ib., 675.) — [Sept. 2..] Decree issued by Stockton establishing form of govt. of terr. of Calif. (ib., 671.) — Dec. 16. U. S. Senate. Motion (Westcott, Fla.) to refer to Com. On Terr. so much of message of Pres. as relates to temporary terr. govts. in Mexican prov. taken possession of by U. S. army. (29. 2. S. jol., 53.) 1847 Jan. 11. Stockton. General order commending gal- lantry of officers and men of Southern division of l]. S. forces in California, in battles of 8 and 9 inst. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1066.) — Jan. 13. Articles of capitulation entered into betw. comrs. apptd. by J. C. Frémont, lt. col. U. S. A. and military comdt. of Calif., and comrs. apptd. by D. Andres Pico, comdr.-in-chief of Calif. forces under Mexican flag. (ib., 1067.) CALIFORNLA: AMERICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d 1846-47—cont’d 1847 Jan. 26. Comdr. Pacific sqdn. U. S. N. (Shubrick) to Bancroft. Rpt. of engagement betw. comdr. Stock- ton and party of Californians near Los Angeles. (ib., 1045.) — Jan. 27. Same to same. Rpt. contained in letter of 26 inst. corroborated by arrival at Monterey of Sev- eral Californians who took part in engagements. (ib., 1066.) — Jan. 28. Same to same. Transmits copy of capitu- lation betw. col. Frémont and comdr.-in-chief of Californian forces (D. Andres Pico). (ib., 1067.) — Sept. 4. Amer. comr. in Mexico (Trist) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Cession of New Mexico and Upper California; etc. (30. 1. S. ex: doc. 52, 195.) 1848 Jan. 17. U. S. House. Turner (Ill.), gave notice of motion for leave to introduce jt. res. annexing New ** and Upper California to U. S. (30. 1. H. jol., 258. - — Mch. 16. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clarke, R. I.), calling upon Pres. for copy of dispatch to Amer. ConS. at Monterey (Larkin). (30. 1. S. jol., 217; 218.) — Jly. 17. Buchanan to Pres. U. S. (Polk). Popula- tion of New Mexico and of California. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 70, 7.) — Jly. 24. Polk to U. S. House. Message relative to civil govts. of New Mexico and California. (ib., 1.) — Jly. 24. S. F. Vinton, repr. from O. Remarks; On President’s message of even date. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 990-91.) 1850 May 8. R. C. Winthrop, repr. from Mass. Speech; on admission of California; Views on annexation and conquest, etc. (ib., app., 519-522.) — Je. 10. J. A. McClernand, repr. from Ill. Speech; on California question; etc. (ib., app., 696-97.) [1854.] Former U. S. cons., Panama (Corwine) to U. S. Cong. Asking to be reimbursed for moneys expended while cons. in Panama, in caring for indigent Ameri- cans, and forwarding them to California; With lists of names of persons so forwarded, depositions of his losses, etc. (34. 1. H. rpt. 162, 3.) Archives 1852 Jan. 28. E. N. S. Cawley to U. S. House. Petition praying compensation for preserving archives of Mexican govt. in Calif. (32. 1. H. jol., 271.) Citizens In U. S. A. consular service ; see Churchman (J.) ; Collins (P. McD.) ; Conner (E.) ; Cortilyou (J. H.) ; Denman (C. L.); Dent (L.) ; Diehl (I. L.) ; God- frey (J. A.) ; Hart (Wm., jr.) ; Jenkins (J. S.) ; Miles (W.) ; O'Sullivan (J. P.) ; Owner (H.) ; Precht (C.) ; Rice (F. W.) ; Robertson (R. L.) ; Roman (R.) ; Sprague (T.) ; Sullivan (J. P.) ; Tucker (J. C.) ; Turner (V.). In U. S. diplomatic service : see Abecasis (M.) ; Alers (A.) ; Bigler (J.); Cripps (J.) ; La Reintree (H. R.) ; Ryckman (G. .) ; Washburne (C. A.) ; Weller (J. B.). Consuls in French, 1854; see Dillon (P.). Mexican, 1854; see Valle (L. M.) del. Customs Revenue STATUTORY MEASURES 1850 Sept. 17. U. S. House. Intr. (Gilbert, Calif.) bill (31. 1. H. R. 400) “authorizing payment of certain moneys into treasy. of Calif., collected as revenue upon imports, between date of treaty of peace with Mexico, and of admission of Calif. as state.” (31. 1. H. jol., 1480.) 1851 Dec. 4. U. S. Senate. Intr. (Gwin, Calif.) bill (32. 1. S. 5) “to authorize payment of certain moneys into treasy. Of Calif., collected as revenue upon im- ports, etc.” (32. 1. S. jol., 32; 39.) — Dec. 15. U. S. House. Intr. (Marshall, Calif.) bill (32. 1. H. R. 22) “to authorize, etc.” (32. 1. H. jol., 95.) - 186 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CALIFORNIA: AMERICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d Customs Revenue—cont’d STATUTORY MEASURES-cont’d 1853 Dec. 7. U. S. Senate. Intr. (Gwin, Calif.) bill (33. 1. S. 5), “to authorize, etc.” (33. 1. S. jol., 27; 36.) 1860 Feb. 21. U. S. Senate. Intr. (Haun, Calif.) bill (36. 1. S. 193), “to direct payment of certain moneys into treasy, of Calif., collected as revenue upon imports.” (36.1. S. jol., 178; 356.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1851, Dec. 2. U. S. House. Notice (Marshall, Cal.) of bill to authorize payment of certain moneys into treasy. of Calif., etc. (32. 1. H. jol., 40.) — Dec. 15. H. Marshall, repr. from Ky. Remarks; Support of H. R. 22. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 101-102.) — Dec. 15. G. S. Houston, repr. from Ala. Do.; in reply to Marshall, on H. R. 22. (ib., 101.) — Dec. 15. G. W. Jones, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; Same. (ib., 101.) Dec. 15. H. Hibbard, repr. from N. H. Remarks; Same. (ib., 102.) Filibustering Invasions 1856 Feb. 4. U. S. atty. no. distr. Calif. (Inge) to U. S. atty, gen. (Cushing). No organized filibustering ex- pedition fitting out in California agst. Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 15.) — Apr. 1. Same to Same. Strmt. of prosecutions insti- tuted in no. distr. of California for violation of act of 1818. (ib., 17.) Filibusters in; see Dillon (P.): Walle (L.) del: Mexico. Fili- bustering invasions. Central America. Nicaragua. Do. Legislature 1852 Apr. 8. Res. ; Pious Fund of Calif. 569.) 1858 May 15. Res.; interposition of U. S. govt. for re- lease of J. M. Ainza. (35. 1. S. jol., 455.) — May 17. Jt. res. praying interference of U. S. govt. to effect release of J. M. Ainza. (35. 1. H. jol., 830.) — May 31. Concurrent res. ; establishment of full Amer. Consulates at Guaymas, Mazatlan, La Paz, and Manzanillo. (ib., 978.) — May 31. Res.; apptmt. of Amer. cons. at Guaymas, Mazatlan, Manzanillo, and La Paz, in Mexico. (35. 1. S. jol., 555.) Pious Fund 1852 Apr. 8. California Legislature. Res. in relation to Pious Fund of Calif. (32. 1. H. jol., 569.) Prize Court; see Colton (W.) CALLAGHAN (CHARLES), ASSIGNEE OF J. COULTER Claim for quantity of brandy seized Sept. 6, 1825, on pretext of being Spanish produce. See also Ann, Amer. brig. n. d. Synopsis of claim. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 63.) (32. 1. H. jol., CALLAO (PERU) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Siege of 1824–25; see Peru CALMON DU PIN E ALMEIDA (MIGUEL), MARQUEZ DE ABRANTES Brazilian secretario da fazenda 1827–29 ; secretario dos negocios estrangeiros in 8th cabinet of Pedro I, 1829-30; see Brazil. Civil service. ** Secretario da Fazenda 1829 Nov. 18. To Amer, chargé in Brazil (Tudor). Bonds in payment of Amer. claims ready for de- livery; with copy of one of the bonds. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 248.) | CALMONT & CO. 1854 Dec. 26. Claim agst. U. S. A. under convention of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 103, 66.) CALOMARDE (FRANCISCO TADEO) Ministro de relaciones esteriores of Spain, in 1832, under Ferdinand VII. 1832 Jan. 27. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness). Explanations requested on note of Secy. State (Salmon). (xi, app., Reg. Debates, 254.) — Feb. 10. To same. Regretting insistence in de- manding answer impossible to give. (ib., 255; 23. 2. S. doc. 147, 55.) — Feb. 15. To same. Reply to application for docs, re- lating to La. land titles, and for order to capt. gen. Of Cuba for delivery of those belonging to archives of Fla. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 94.) CALPE, AMER. SHIP (MOORE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 18.) CALVERT (CHARLES B.) 1856 Mch. 14. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Rela- tive to action of Md. Agric. Socy. in matter of Peru- vian guano trade; together with copy of communi- cation of Socy. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 25.) CALVERT (JAMES), WESLEYAN MISSIONARY, FIJI IS. 1853 Mch. 10. To comdr. U. S. sloop Falmouth (Peti- gru). Tui Viti’s reply to letter of Mch. 6, and nature of his promises in Williams’ claim. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 36.) Oct. 7. Description of affair at Mulacca, Fiji Is., Sept., 1853, and its consequences. (ib., 27.) 1855 Sept. 17. Comdr. U. S. S. John Adams (Boutwell). Information concerning property stolen by Fijians from U. S. cons. (Williams) in Jly., 1849. (ib., 17.) — Sept. 29. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Particu- lars of depredations committed on whaler Elizabeth, burnt at Ovalan; property said to be stolen by na- tives from J. B. Williams. (ib., 69.) — Oct. 9. To capt. U. S. ship St. Mary’s (Bailey). Relative to affairs now pending betw. Ban and J. B. Williams, U. S. cons. (ib., 65.) CALVO (JOAQUIN BERNARDO) Ministro de relaciones esteriores, Costa Rica. 1848 Sept. 5. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). De- Cree of Aug. 30 erecting Costa Rica, into a Sovereign and independent state. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 131.) 1849 Oct. 20. To Amer. M. P. in Nicaragua (Squier). Protest agst. tone of demand for information pre- liminary to entering upon treaty negotiations. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 60.) 1852 Je. 11. To H. B. M. and Amer. comrs. (Wyke and Walsh). Propositions for final settlement of limits betw. Costa Rica and Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 88.) — Je. 16. Same. Relative to conv. of Apr. 30, 1852, betw. France, Gr. Br. and the U. S. for settlement of dispute betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica; copy of res. of Costa Rica, agreeing to Anglo-Amer. propo- sitions for adjustment of boundary. (ib., 89.) — Je. 25. To Walsh. Announces acceptance by Costa Rica of bases proposed by Gr. Br. and U. S. for adjustment of Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary. (ib., 106.) 1856 Mch. 3. To agt. Accessory Transit Co. Notice sus- pending transit of strs. of Co. on river San Juan and lake Nicaragua; not responsible for consequences if notice is disregarded. (ib., 68, 136.) INDEx To UNITED STATEs DocumENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 187 CALVO (JOAQUIN BERNARDO)—cont’d 1856 Mch. 3. To same. Notice to suspend transit of strs. of co, on river San Juan and Lake Nicaragua during existence of hostilities betw. tWo countries. (ib., 78.) CAMACHO (SEBASTIAN) Ministro de relaciones esteriores during Victoria ad- ministration. 1825–26 : joint . P. to negotiate treaty of 1828; gov. of state of Vera Cruz in 1832; again ministro de relac. est. during 3d Bustamente and Echevarría administrations in 1841. Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores (1st term) 1826 Jly. 10. Signs treaty of amity, commerce and navi- gation betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; see Mexico. Treaties. Joint M. P. to Negotiate Treaty 1828 Jan. 12. Signs treaty of limits betw. U. S. A. and Mexico; see Mexico. Treaties. 1828 Feb. 6. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett). Proposed addition to art. 10, treaty of amity, commerce and navigation, signed Jly. 10, 1826. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 190.) Letter is signed by Camacho and Don Jose Ignacio Es- tera, jointly. Governor of Vera Cruz 1832 Sept. 15. To chief clerk ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Monasterio). Case of arrest of James Johnson, Amer. citizen. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 454.) CAMANCHE INDIANS; see MEXICO. FRONTIER; D.O. TEXAS (REPUBLIC). FRONTIER CAMARGO (MEXICO) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Serivee CAMARGO, AMER. SLAVER (GORDON) On Dec. 12, 1852, the Camargo landed a cargo of slaves at port of Bracuhy; vessel was burned on night of landing. 1852 Dec. 31. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Schenck) to ministr. negoc. estrang. Brazil (Soares de Souza). Request for docS. Substantiating prid. accounts of Case of Camargo. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 47, 11.) 1853 Jan. 22. Amer. cons., Rio Janeiro (Kent) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Particulars in case of Camargo. (34. 1. H. ex: doc. 105, 56.) — Feb. 1. Soares de Souza to Schenck. Substance of depositions made in case of Camargo. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 47, 12.) – Feb. 5. Schenck to Everett. Representation of case of Camargo, slaver. (ib., 10.) CAMBRELENG (CHURCHILL C.), OF N. Y. . Representative from New York, 17th-25th congress, Dec. 3, 1829-MCh. , 3, 1839. Jan.-Mch., 1835, Member Com, on Foreign Affairs. iS40, May 20-1837, jiy. 13, Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia. º Representative from N. Y. Bills, etc., Introduced 1835 Feb. 4. Bill further to extend time allowed for exe- cution of duties of commission for carrying into effect convention with France. (23. 2. H. R. 704.) — Mch. 2. Res., insisting upon maintenance and exe- cution of treaty of Jly. 4, 1831, with France. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1633.) Remarks, etc., Made 1829 Jan. 6. Speech; reviewing history of loss to U. S. of Oregon terr.; recommending establishment of * post on Columbia River. (V, Reg. Debates, 169. CAMBRELENG (CHURCHILL C.), OF N. Y.-cont’d Representative from N. Y.-cont’d Remarks, etc., Made—cont’d 1829 Jan. 7. Remarks; proposed system of defence Of Amer. interests in Oregon terr.; denying right of Gr. Br. to establish military posts therein. (ib., 175.) 1830 May 26. Do.; reference of President's message on Br. colonial trade; Everett's strictures on Com. On Commerce. (vi, ib., 1138.) 1831 Feb. 7. Speech; legality of apptmt. of min. to Russia; approving apprin. for his salary; reply to Burges. (vii, ib., 621.) 1832 Jan. 27. Remarks; bill giving effect to commercial arrangement with Colombia. (viii, ib., 1664.) — Mch. 16. Do.; trade considerations justify in- creased apprin. for Turkish mission. (ib., 2192.) 1834 Apr. 9. Do.; indexes to archives of State Dept. (X, ib., 3574.) — Apr. 22. Do.; petition of Polish exiles. (ib., 3748.) 1835 Feb. 4. Do.; French spoliation bill. (xi, ib., 1169.) — Feb. 7. Do.; opposing instructions to Com. On For- eign Affairs requiring immediate Tpt. On relationS with France. (ib., 1235.) º — Feb. 21. Strmt. submitted to Com. on Foreign Affairs opposed to bill (S. 5) making satisfaction for claims of citizens of U. S. for French spoliations. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 1; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 129; 35. 1. S. rpt. 53, 48; xi, Reg. Debates, 277; ib., app., 284.) — Feb. 26. Remarks; support of his res. to discharge Com. on Foreign Affairs from further consideration of relations with France. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1507.) Feb. 26. Do.; favoring reference to Com. On Foreign Affairs of message of Pres, and acc. doCS. regarding relations with France. (ib., 1509.) — Feb. 27. Do.; defending course of Com. On Foreign Affairs regarding relations with France; reply to Adams. (ib., 1519.) Feb. 28. Do.; in support of res. favoring discontinu- ance of negotiations With France regarding treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., 1531.) Feb. 28. Do.; execution of treaty of Jly. 4, 1831, with France. (ib., 1558.) 1837 Feb. 24. Do.; postponement of res. from Com., on Foreign Affairs regarding grievances agst. Mexico. (xiii, ib., 1915.) — Dec. 26. Do.; reference to select com. Of Subject of compromising Mexican claims. (Vi, Cong. Globe, 54.) 1838 Jan. 8. Do.; reference to Com. of Ways and Means and to Com. on Foreign Relations of President'S message on Caroline affair. (ib., 82.) Jan. 20. Do.; prºg. of stimts. prepared several years ago by Com. on Foreign Affairs on French spoliation claims. (ib., 122.) — Feb. 21. Do.; neutral relations. (ib., 193.) 1839 Jan. 24. Do.; opposing taking up of French Spolia- tions bill. (vii, ib., 144.) Reports Made 1835 Feb. 27. Political relations with France. (23. 2. H. rpt. 133; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 177; With mi- nority rpt. in xi, Reg. Debates, 1515.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia 1840 Nov. 25/Dec. 17. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Russia little disposed to treat on question of maritime rights. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 80.) CAMBRIA CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 445.) R- — May 28. To same. Do.; Same. (ib., 985.) 188 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CAMBRIDGE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 123.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Petition praying recog- nition of independence of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) 1842 Feb. 7. To same. Petition in favor of recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 325.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Do. vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) 1846 Jan. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 227.) —º 26. To same. Do. in favor of arbitration. (ib., CAMBRIDGE (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) 1838 Dec. 20. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 114.) CAMBRIDGE THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION 1838 Mch. 26. To U. S. House. Memorial; adoption of measures for adjustment of international disputes by arbitration. (25. 2. H. jol., 658.) CAMDEN (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan 3.Il- nexation tabled. (25. 3. H. jol., 227.) 1846 Je. 27. To U. S. Senate. Do. pro arbitration. (29. 1. S. jol., 373.) CAMDEN (N. J.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial; amdmt. of natu- ralization laws. (28. 1. H. jol., 1126.) CAMDEN (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Jan. 30. To U. S. House. Petition; abolition of Slavetrade in D. C., and exportation of slaves to Texas or to other foreign powers. (24. 2. H. jol., 306.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) 1854 Mch. 29. To U. S. Senate. Petition; religious lib- erty to U. S. citizens abroad. (33. 1. S. jol., 287.) CAMELIA, AMER. BRIG (SHALER) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jiy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 18.) * CAMERON (D.) 1827 Je. 7. Affidavit as member of Northwest Co.; see Northwest Company. CAMERON (GEORGE), CLAIM 1831 Feb. 1. Heirs of Cameron to U. S. Senate. Petition; indemnity for losses by French spoliations. (21. 2. S. jol., 122.) 1832 Mch. 22. To same. Same. (22. 1. ib., 198.) 1849 Dec. 31. To same. Same. (31. 1. ib., 39.) 1850 Jan. 8. Same to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 255.) — Jan. 15. Same to same. Same. (ib., 312.) CAMERON (JOHN E.), OF N. c. Amer. cons. for Vera Cruz 1831-32, Mexico ; see also U. S. A. Consular Service. 1831 Aug. 3. Ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Alaman) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Exeguatur of commission issued to C. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (an- nex), 390.) — Aug. 31. Alaman to Butler. Temporary change of residence of C. (ib., 393.) CAMERON (SIMON) Senator from Penn., 1845-49; 1857-61. (1st term) 1847 Mch. 1. Remarks; on S. 105, making further apprin. to bring war with Mexico to speedy and honorable conclusion. (29 cong., 2 sess., Cong. Globe, 551.) 1848 Feb. 21. Do.; S. 1, John Paul Jones relief bill. (30 cong., 1 sess., ib., 382.) — Apr. 14. Do.; S. 80; Elliott relief bill. (ib., 636.) — Dec. 18, 19. Do.; S. 352; transportation of troops and supplies over Isthmus of Panama; contracts with New Granada for right of way. (30 cong., 2 sess., ib., 52, 59-60.) 1849 Feb. 27. Do.; unfavorable to King's amdmt. to civil, etc., apprn. bill (H. R. 692) providing for outfit of com. to Sandwich Is. (ib., 604.) — Mch. 2. Do.; in support of his amdmt. to naval apprin. bill (H. R. 699) authorizing construction of plank road over Isthmus of Panama. (ib., 653.) (2d term) 1858 Feb. 16. Remarks; favoring jt, res., for reception of Mehmed Pasha. (Cong. Globe, 35 cong., 1 sess., 719.) — Je. 7. Do.; doubts as to England’s desire to enter upon war with U. S. (xxxvi, ib., 2741.) 1859 Feb. 9. Do.; present discussion of bill making apprins. to facilitate acquisition of Cuba. (35 cong., 2 sess., ib., 909.) CAMILLA, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. 1826 Sept. 2. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Detention of schr, Camilla; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 29.) 1847 Oct. 13. Amer. cons. Rio de Janeiro (Parks) to same (Buchanan). Sale of slaver Camilla, etc. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 19.) CAMILLA, AMER. SCHR. (MACEY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 18.) CAMMACK (WILLIAM) 1834 Jan. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial praying indem- nity for losses by French spoliations. (23. 1. S. jol., 85.) CAMMANN (E. H.), ACTING AMER. WICE-CONSUL AT TAMPICO 1831 Jly. 22. Chargé in Mexico (Butler) to official mayor ministr. relac. est. Mexico (Monasterio). Cammann to act as Amer. Vice-cons. during absence of Mr. Robertson. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 389.) CAMPBELL (' ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ROMULUS; see ROMULUS CAMPBELL (A.(?)), H. B. M. CONSUL AT LAGOS 1857 May 11. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Claren- don). Capture of Amer. slaver brig Adam's Gray by H. B. M. Sloop Prometheus; visit to Amer. Slaver brig, W. D. Miller, by H. B. M. vessel Teazer (Grubbe). (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 4.) — Jly. 6. To same. All slavers now arriving on Af- rican coast are covered by U. S. flag, (ib., 20.) — Aug. 1. To same. Advice of particulars of Amer. slaver bark Charles. (ib., 24.) — Nov. 3. To same. Escape of slaver Schr. James Bºſ- chanan. (ib., 38.) CAMPBELL (ALEXANDER), OF MARTINIQUE Amer, cons. for Martinique, 1852-61; see U. S. A. Consular service. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 189 CAMPBELL (ARCHIBALD), OF N. Y. Amer. comr. to execute art. 1, treaty of Jly. 15, 1846, with Great Britain ; see also N. W. Boundary Controversy. 1858 Aug. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Estimate of amt, necessary for operations of n. W. boundary commission during fiscal year ending Je. 30, 1860. (35. 2. H. misc. doc. 6, 1.) 1859 Aug. 14. To brig. gen., U. S. A., comdg. dept. of Ore- gon (Harney). Rpt. of landing of Amer. troops on San Juan Is...; in declaring right of Amer. title to Is. and Harney’s action. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 88.) — Aug. 30. To same. Reply to his note of 16 inst. (ib., 89.) — Dec. 31. To same. Relative to progress, report of n. W. boundary commission for 1859. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 16, 2; H. ex. doc. 98, 7.) 1860 Mch. 10. To brig. gen., U. S. A., comdg. dept. of Oregon (Harney). Satisfaction with special order 19 providing for escort of boundary commission during coming season. (36.1. H. ex. doc. 98, 6.) CAMPBELL (SIR ARCHIBALD), LT. GOV. OF NEW BRUNS- WICK. 1831 Sept. 4. To gov. of Me. (Smith). Notice of arrival as gov. of New Brunswick. (22. 1. S. doc. 3, 22.) Sept. 13. To same. Protest agst. presence of citi- zens of Me. in disputed terr. (ib., 23.) — Oct. 3. To H. B. M. chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Bankhead). Protest agst. forcible inroad into Br. terr. by Americans in search of offenders agst. authorities of Me. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 27.) — Nov. 8. To same. Release of Amer. prisoners con- cerned in elections at Madawaska. (22. 1. S. doc. 3, 10; 25. 2. H. doc. 126, 29.) 1833 Oct. 3. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughan). Infringement by land agtS. of Me. and Mass. of agreement betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. pending º boundary settlement. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 31.) — Nov. 30. To same. Protest agst. continued invasion of Br. terr. by Me. (ib., 33.) CAMPBELL (ARCHIBALD S.), OF WA U. S. N., 1812-36 ; lieut. 1817. Active service in com- mand : 1834 comdg. Schr. Enterprise Brazil sqdn. ; iš. do., E. I. sqdn. Died at Macao, June 3, CAMPBELL (C.); see OCEAN SPRAY CAMPBELL (COLIN YORKE), CAPT. COMDG. H. B. M. STR. DEWASTATION; see DEWASTATION CAMPBELL (DUNCAN P.), CLAIMANT; see AMAZON, AMER. SCHR, CAMPBELL (GEORGE W.), OF TENN. Amer. comr, under law to carry into effect treaty of 1831 with France ; see France. Claims. CAMPBELL (JAMES), POSTMASTER GENERAL, U. S. A. 1853 Apr. 7. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Reduc- tion of sea postage betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. has not hitherto occupied particular attention of P. O. Dept.; excessive postage charges at Aden and Ceylon. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 31.) — JIy. 19. To same. Principal features of postal con- vention betw. Gr. Br. and U. S.; efforts to effect modification to make it more equal in its operations. (ib., 47.) 1854 May 20. To same. Postal relations betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. with reference to art. 12 of conv. (ib., 59.) CAMPBELL (JAMES H.), REPR. FROM PENN. 1861 Feb. 1. Remarks; Chiriqui contract. (Cong. Globe, 36 cong., 2 sess., 693.) CAMPBELL (JOHN), REPR. FROM S. C. 1842 Jan. 22. Remarks; opposing motion to permit Adams to defend himself agst. certain charges. (xi, Cong. Globe, 162.) 1845 Jan. 4. Do.; opposing reading of memorial of Socy. of Friends of N. Y. and Vt., agst. annexation of Texas. (xiv, ib., 89.) CAMPBELL (LEWIS D.), REPR. FROM 0. 1851 Dec. 31. Remarks; introduction of Kossuth to House; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 1. sess., 173.) 1852 Jan. 20. Do.; same. Explaining his vote in Oppo- sition to Cartter’s res. of Dec. 22, providing for intro- duction of Kossuth to House, etc.; during debate on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 46. (ib., 323, 325.) — Jan. 28. Do.; opposed to H. R. 63, for relief of Amer. citizens imprisoned and pardoned by Queen of Spain; etc. (ib., 416-417.) — Mch. 5. Do.; Gardiner claim; during debate on Homestead bill, H. R. 7, denying Olds' charges. (ib., app., 266-267.) — Aug. 12. Speech; Gardiner and Galphin claims; vindication of Secy. Corwin; etc. (ib., 1030.) —ºne 23. Remarks; Gardiner claim; etc. (ib., 2304- ..) 1854 Mch. 20. Do.; res. proposing investigation by Judi- Ciary Com. of measures necessary to recover money drawn for dipl. and other services, not entered upon or discharged. (33. 1. ib., 680-681.) — JIy. 21. Do.; communication to com. of inquiry by Benj. E. Green, or others, reflecting on character of T. H. Bayly. (ib., 1835.) — Aug. 1. Do.; n. W. boundary of British possessions to U. S. (ib., 2060.) Dec. 5. Do.; calling meeting of Amer. ministers at Ostend; etc. (ib., 33 cong., 2 sess., 11-12.) 1855 Jan. 27. Do.; favorable to French Spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (ib., 425, 428.) Feb. 17, 19. Do.; President’s message; vetoing H. R. 117; censuring message. (ib., 802, 815.) — Feb. 19. Do.; Sustaining Sollers offer of H. R. 117 as amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill H. R. 569. (ib., 820, 821.) 1856 Dec. 30. Do.; favoring apprin. for consular pupils. (ib., 34. Cong., 3 Sess., 213.) Dec. 30. DO.; Office rent of COnSular Officers not al- lowed to trade, and for preservation of consular archives. (ib., 215.) Dec. 30. Do.; reduction of apprn. for losses by ex- change on drafts of consuls, interpreters, and pupils for salary. (ib., 215.) 1857 Feb. 4. Do.; no available apprn. for proposed con- Sular asstS. to commission to China. (ib., 573.) cAMPBELL (ROBERT), OF GENOA Amer. cons, for Genoa ; appointed 1822 ; recalled, 1834; reappointed 1837 ; died in office, 1840; see U. S. A. Consular service. 1838 Dec. 20. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Treaty concluded betw. U. S. and Sar- dinia. (29. 1. S. doc. 118, 35.) 1839 Jly. 31. [unnum. extr.] To same. Matters arising out of treaty of commerce concluded with Sardinia. Nov. 26, 1838. (ib., 35.) — Oct. 26. [unnum.] To Secy. Foreign Affairs. Two Sicilies (Solar de la Marguerite). Protest agst, de- termination to enforce transit duty on leaf tobacco imported from U. S.; alleged violation of treaty of Nov. 26, 1838. (ib., 40.) — Nov. 2. Iunnum.] To Secy. State, U. S. (Forsyth). Measurement of vessels and transit duty on leaf to- bacco imported from U. S. (ib., 36.) — Nov. 26. [unnum.] To same. Maintains former ºtruction of art. 4, treaty of Nov. 26, 1838. (ib., 43. 190 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CAMPBELL (ROBERT), OF GENOA—cont’d 1839 Dec. 14. [unnum. extr.] To same. Corresp. with Solar de la Marguerite on subject of duty on leaf tobacco. (ib., 41.) CAMPBELL (ROBERT B.), OF S. C. Representative in 18th congress (1823-25), and 23-24 congresses (1833–37) ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs in 24 congress (1835/6) ; Amer. consul for Havana 1843-51 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Amer. comr. under art. 5, treaty of 1848, to run Mexi- can boundary, 1853; See Mexico. Boundary. Amer. º: for London, 1854-61; see U. S. A. Consular Service. 1848 Nov. 6. Gov. and capt. gen. of Cuba (Alcoy) to Campbell. C. not qualified to make reclamations on Cuba; referred to Amer. minister at Madrid as proper person to Conduct negotiations. (30. 2. S. ex. doc. 33, 13.) — Nov. 7. U. S. cons. at Havana (Campbell) to gov. and Capt. gen. Of Cuba (Alcoy). Protest agst. dis- claimer of authority of Campbell. (ib., 14.) Correspondence § Aſmer, consul in Havana 1844 Oct. 14. [unnum.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cal- houn). Suggests removal of discriminating ton- nage duties betw. Sp. and Amer. vessels in ports of U. S., where former are loading with free articles for Cuba. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 167.) 1845 Feb. 20. To intendente, Cuba (Villanueva). Res- toration of duties on certain articles, which, by de- cree of Oct. 7, last, were admitted free. (ib., 168.) — Feb. 26. [unnum.] Calhoun. Restoration of duties On certain articles admitted free by decree of Oct. 7 ult, (ib., 167.) — Mch. 17. [unnum.] To same. Course of intendente of Cuba in ordering separate accts. of duties col- lº On articles that were temporarily free. (ib., 73. 1846 Nov. 10. Sale of blank commissions for privateers and blank naturalization papers in port of Havana by Mexican naval captain, with copies of forms. (29. 2. H. ex. doc. 4, 40; S. doc. 1, 40.) 1847 Nov. 17. [unnum.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Bu- chanan). Relative to subject of mail strs. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 26.) 1848 Aug. 28. To comdr. U. S. S. Albany (Randolph). Requests that naval force near Havana be increased; apprehends civil war. (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 57; 91.) Oct. 25. To gov. gen. Cuba (Alcoy). Imprisonment Of Amer. Seaman, Bush, for treasonable conduct. (30. 2. S. ex. doc. 33, 3.) — Oct. 28. To same. Alleged impropriety in calling for information in case of Amer. Seaman W. H. Bush. (ib., 5.) — Oct. 31. To Same. Request for immediate liberation of Amer. Seaman Bush, imprisoned on charge of treason. (ib., 7.) — Nov. 2. To same. Protest agst, continued imprison- ment of Bush. (ib., 8.) — Nov. 7. To same. Protest agst. disclaimer of author- ity of Campbell. (ib., 14.) Nov. 7. To same. Relieved of agency in behalf of Bush. (ib., 13.) 1849 Jiy. 30. To same. Case of Garcia, alias Rey, Cuban refugee, abducted in New Orleans. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 20.) —— Jly. 31. [unnum.] To Clayton. Rpt. of proc. in case of forcible abduction of Cuban refugee, Garcia, alias Rey, by Sp. cons. at New Orleans. (ib., 16.) — Aug. 2. To Same. Rpts. ; refusal by Cuban gov. Of audience with Garcia. (ib., 21.) — Aug. 8. [unnum.J To same. Proof of imprisonment and incommunication at Havana of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 25.) CAMPBELL (ROBERT B.), OF S. C.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d A mer. consul in Havana—cont’d 1849 Aug. 13. [unnum.] To same. Forwarding certain despatches in Garcia case. (ib., 35.) * — Aug. 16. [unnum.] To same. Progress of action in Garcia case. (ib., 37.) — Aug. 18. To same. Execution of instructions of Jly. 28; rpt. (ib., 37.) — Aug. 20. [unnum.] To same. How liberation of Garcia was effected. (ib., 38.) — Aug. 27. [unnum. extr.] To same. Measures to quell insurrectionary movements in Cuba. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 12.) — Aug. 28. [unnum. extr.] To same. Expected revolu- tion in Cuba; Amer. expedition agst. Cuba; peti- tions sending of protecting naval force. (ib., 13.) — Sept. 7. [unnum.] To same. Earlier rpts. of revo- º movement in Cuba, have been overrated. ib., 14.) 1850 Jan. 24. To Alcoy. Asks cause of arrest of Amer. citizen, C. P. W. Esnard. (33. 1. H. ex, doc. 86, 147.) Feb. 1. [unnum.] To Clayton. Arrest and impris- onment in Havana of C. P. W. Esnard, Amer. citizen. (ib., 146.) — Feb. 28. To J. H. West. Declines to act in his case because without official jurisdiction. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 4.) — Feb. 28. [unnum.] To Clayton. Reasons for de- clining to take official action in case of J. H. West et al. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 46, 2.) Mch. 8. [unnum.] To same. Circumstances of ar- rest of J. H. West at Sagua la Grande. (33. 1. S. ex, doc. 46, 4.) May 16. To Villanueva. West and E. R. Lambden imprisonment. (33. sp. sess. S. misc. doc. 3, 7.) — May 19. [unnum. extr.] To Clayton. Prohibition agSt. anchorage of Amer. Str. Ohio; colonial efforts to Suppress anticipated insurrection. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 34.) — May 19. [unnum extr.] To same. Precautions taken to protect Cuba against invasion. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 324.) — May 20. To Alcoy. Asks information relative to capture of two vessels and 100 men near Isle of Contoy, and nature of offence charged agst. them, should vessels or men be Amer. (ib., 327; 334.) — May 22. [unnum extr.] To Clayton. Corresp. with Alcoy growing out of capture at Contoy of two ves- sels and 100 men. (ib., 327.) — May 22. [unnum. extr.] To same. Particulars of landing of gen. Lopez at Cardenas; governor of Cuba taken prisoner, etc. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 36.) — May 24. To Alcoy. Views on capture of vessels at Contoy. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 335.) May 27. [unnum.] To Clayton. Telegraphic advice Of * and prisoners captured at Contoy. (ib., 340. — May 29. To Alcoy. Most of Contoy prisoners in- nocent of intention to form part of expedition agst. Cuba. (ib., 341.) — May 29. To same. Persons recently engaged in ex- pedition to Cardenas have mentioned to Capt. Tat- mall that a second expedition of Similar character was to sail on 21 inst. (ib., 341.) — May 31. [unnum.] To Clayton. Vessels captured at Contoy are bark Georgiana and brig Susan Loud; names of portion of men shot at Matanzas. (ib., 343.) — May 31. [unnum.] To Same. Opinion on capture made at Contoy. (ib., 333.) Je. 4. [unnum.] To same. Amer. vessels captured at Contoy by Sp. str. Pizarro not arrived at Havana; prisoners in Havana incommunicated and on trial. (ib., 346.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 191 CAMPBELL (ROBERT B.), OF S. C.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d Aſmer, consul in Havana—cont’d 1850 Je. 8. [unnum.] To same. Prisoners captured with Georgiana and Susan Loud still incommuni- cated; trial progressing. (ib., 347.) — Je. 10. [unnum.] To same. In explanation of his conduct in case of West. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 32.) — Je. 19. To Alcoy. Opinion of PreS. of U. S. in rela- tion to captures at Contoy, and requirement that prisoners be sent to U. S. for trial. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 349.) — Je. 19. [unnum.] To Clayton. Substance of conver- sation with Alcoy in relation to Contoy prisoners. (ib., 347.) — Je. 19. [unnum. extr.] To same. Nothing can be done for relief of Contoy prisoners. (ib., 351.) — Je. 27. [unnum. extr.] To Same. Situation of Con- toy prisoners; arrest of E. Doyle and G. Rolando, Amer. citizens. (ib., 352.) — JIy. 3. [unnum.] To same. Believes that no Amer. in Havana, has been concerned with late expedition agst. Cuba. (ib., 355.) — Jly. 8. [unnum.] To same. Expected that Contoy prisoners will be released; asks leave of absence for two mos.; conditioned upon release of Contoy pris- oners. (ib., 355.) — Jly. 12. [unnum.] To same. Decision in case of 42 of Contoy prisoners. (ib., 356.) — Jly. 19. Junnum. extr.] To same. Case of Contoy prisoners is being prosecuted; believed capt. Benson º gºne has been removed to a lunatic hospital. b., 370. A mer. Consul in London. 1857 Feb. 17. [no. 21.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Fears it will be difficult to induce govts. of Europe to abolish practice of booking passengers for in- land passages or transportation in U. S.; response to circ. of Jan. 31. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 9.) CAMPBELL (SAMUEL), ET AL. 1844 Apr. 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 248.) CAMPBELL (THOMAS JEFFERSON), CLK. U. S. HOUSE 1848 Je. 23. To A. Wattemare. Congratulations at suc- CeSS of efforts in establishing system of internat. exchange. (30. 1. H. misc. doc. 99, 6.) CAMPBELL (THOMPSON), REPR. FROM ILL. 1852 Aug. 4. Remarks; levy of reciprocal light duties, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 1 sess., 2073.) CAMPBELL (WILLIAM S.), OF N. Y. U. S. cons. for Rotterdam, 1843-61 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Netherlands. CAMPBELL (WILLIAM W.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1845 Dec. 17. Remarks; favoring alteration of naturali- zation laws. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 69.) 1846 Jan. 27. Speech; occasioned by H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate convention of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon, etc. (ib., 260; app., 157.) — Apr. 8. Do.; on S. 29 for raising regiment of mounted riflemen to protect emigrants; and on naturalization laws. (ib., app., 619.) CAMPECHE (MEXICO) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CAMPERDOWN, SLAVER n. d. Mentioned. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, 146.) CAMPINO (JOAQUIN) Chilian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1828-29; see Chili. CAMPO (RAFAEL) Jefe of Salvador, 1856-58 ; see Central America. CAMPos (FRANCIsco CARNEIRO) DE; see CARNEIRO DE CAMPOS CAMPOS VERGUEIRO (N. P. DE); see PEREIRA DE CAMPOS WERGUEIRA, etc. CAMPTON (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Petitions VS. Texan annexa- tion. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1850 Apr. 18. To same. Do.; praying adoption of princi- ple of arbitration. (31. 1. H. jol., 810.) CAMPTON (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan annex- ation. (25. 3. H. jol., 233.) CAMPUZANO (ANTONIO), MILITARY COMDT. GUAYMAS, MEXICO 1847 Oct. 19. To comdr. U. S. razee Independence (Lavallette). Refuses to surrender Guaymas. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1080.) CANAAN (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Petitions VS. Texan annexa- tion. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Memorial praying recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 607.) — Feb. 18. To same. Do. VS. Texan annexation. (ib., 585.) CANABAL (EUSEBIO MARLA) Colombian ministro de relaciones esteriores, May 13-22, 1830 ; see Colombia. CANADA Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Annexation 1828 Apr. 4. Motion (Knight) that Pres. be requested to open negotiations with Gr. Br. for prov. of Upper Canada in exchange for interest of U. S. in terr. W. of Rocky mts. (iii, S. exec. jol., 603.) 1844 Jan. 22. M. Mitchell to U. S. House. Petition, pray- ing Congress, in case of Texas being annexed to U. S., to grant permission to N. Y. State, in sovereign capacity, to annex itself to Canada. (28. 1. H. jol., 271.) May 20. Cuyahoga Co. (O.) citizens to U. S. House. Petition, praying negotiations for exchange of Flori- das for Canada. (ib., 945.) — Dec. 30. Penn. citizens to U. S. House. Petition for annexation of Canadas to U. S. by joint res. (28. 2. H. jol., 147.) 1845 Jan. 13. U. S. Senate. Res. (Atchison, Mo.) to print certain acts of Parliament relating to Canada and other parts of N. A. (28. 2. S. jol., 83.) — Jan. 17. Mass. citizens to U. S. House. Petition praying Congress to purchase country betw. lakes Erie, Huron, and Ontario. (28. 2. H. jol., 221.) — Jan. 20. St. Joseph (Mich.) citizens to same. Pe- tition, praying that Canada may be annexed to U. S. (ib., 235.) — Jan. 28. Tenn. citizens to same. Petition, praying negotiations for cession of Vt. and Mass. to Upper and Lower Canada. (ib., 286.) — Feb. 3. Detroit (Mich.) citizens. Memorial praying annexation of Canada. (xiv, app., Cong. Globe, 151.) — Feb. 3. D. S. Dickinson, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; favoring reference to COm. on Foreign Relations of Detroit petitions. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 232.) 192 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANADA—cont’d Annexation—cont’d 1845 Feb. 3. E. H. Foster, sen. from Tenn. Do.; oppos- ; Petroit memorial for annexation of Canada. (ib., — Feb. 3. A. S. Porter, sen. from Mich. Speech; re- ply to Foster, defending reception of Detroit memor- ial. (ib., 233; d.o., app., 151.) — Feb. 4. Citizens of U. S. to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying that, in event of annexation of Texas to U. S., measures be taken for cession of Canada to U. S. (28. 2. S. jol., 131.) sº 4. Same to U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., — Feb. 4. J. A. Dix, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks on peti- tion for annexation of Canada upon admission of Texas. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 237.) Feb. 5. N. Y. State citizens to U. S. House. Memor- ial, praying negotiations for cession of Canadas to U. S. (28. 2. H. jol., 333.) — Feb. 10. Chenango Co. (N. Y.) citizens to U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 152.) — Feb. 10. Citizens of U. S. to U. S. Senate. Same. (ib., 152.) — Feb. 11. Belmont Co. (O.) citizens to U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 356.) — Feb. 11. N. Y. State citizens to U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 157.) — Feb. 15. Same to U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 397.) - — Feb. 15. Ann Arbor (Mich.) citizens to U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 173.) # — Feb. 15. Citizens of U. S. to U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 387.) — Feb. 17. Chenango Co. (N. Y.) citizens to U. S. Sen- ate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 177.) — Feb. 18. Hartford Co. (Conn.) citizens to U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 415.) — Feb. 18. Citizens of U. S. to same. Same. (ib., 415.) — Feb. 20. Royalton (Vt.) citizens to same. Same. (ib., 427.) — Feb. 24. Citizens of U. S. to same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 461.) — Feb. 27. Conn. citizens to same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 486.) Feb. 28. Citizens of U. S. to U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 221.) Mch. 3. Same to U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 578.) - 1849 Feb. 27. Ogle Co. (Ill.) citizens to U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 2. S. jol., 264.) 1853 Jan. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Hale, N. H.) amdg. Cass res. Of Jan. 4 resp. colonization on No. Amer. continent with disclaimer of designs on Canada by U. S. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 226.) — Jan. 10. H. Bell, repr. from O. Remarks; favorable to acquisition of Canada. (ib., 58.) — Jan. 18. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. Remarks; amdmt., respecting Canada, to S. res. 69, declaratory of views of U. S. respecting colonization on North Amer. continent by European powers, etc. (ib., app., 97, 98, 100.) — Jan. 26. Same. Do.; amdmt. S. res. 69, etc. (ib., 126, 131.) — Jan. 26. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; chiefly in reply to Cass, favorable to S. res. 69, de- claratory of views of U. S. resptg. colonization of North Amer. continent and resptg. Cuba, favorable also to Hale's amdmt. of Jan. 25, etc. (ib., 125-26, 129.) Feb. 7. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Do.; mentioning letters received in approval of his remarks; allud- ing to Cass's remarks; during consideration of S. res. 69. (ib., 160.) CANADA—cont’d Annexation—cont’d 1860 Feb. 16. U. S. House. Res. (Farnsworth, Ill.), ex- pediency of measures to acquire Canada and Br. N. Amer. prov. (36. 1. H. jol., 314.) See also : New Brunswick. Boundary INortheast boundary; see Northeast Boundary contro- versy. Northern boundary dispute ; see U. S. A. Boundary. Northwest boundary ; see Northwest Boundary contro- versy. Civil Service Governor-in-chief 1835-38; Earl of Gosford; see Gosford. 1846-54; Lord Elgin; see Elgin. Lieutenant-governors (Upper Canada) 1835-38; F. B. Head; see Head. 1838-41; G. Arthur; see Arthur. Inspector-gen. of Customs 1851; F. Hincks; see Hincks. Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Extradition; see that title Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”) For the statutory measures enacted or proposed on this subject see Neutrality, American. See also New Hampshire; Indian Stream Settlement. 1837 Dec. 7. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to distr. attyS. of Vt. and Mich. and of no. distr. of N. Y. Instructions to prevent territorial aggression on Canadian frontier. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 29.) — Dec. 7. Forsyth to govs. of N. Y., Vt. and Mich. Vigilance to prevent territorial aggression on Cana- dian frontier. (ib., 29.) — Dec. 11. U. S. customs collector, Burlington, Vt. (Hyde) to U. S. sen. from N. Y. (Wright). Pro- tection afforded to Canadian insurgents by citizens of Vt. (ib., 32.) — Dec. 12. Mayor of Buffalo (Trowbridge) to Pres., U. S. A. (Fillmore). Movements in Buffalo in favor of Canadian insurgents. (ib., 30.) — Dec. 13. W. K. Scott to Pres., U. S. (Fillmore). *; in Buffalo under McKenzie and Dr. Rolfe. 10., 4U. — Dec. 14. W. Lyman to gov. of N. Y. (Marcy). Or- ganization of Canadian insurgents in Plattsburg, N. Y. (ib., 36.) — Dec. 14. Trowbridge to U. S. atty. no. distr. N. Y. (Benton). Organization of Canadian insurgents at Black Rock, N. Y. (ib., 34.) — Dec. 14. Trowbridge to Fillmore. Seizure of arms in Buffalo by Canadian insurgents. (ib., 30.) — Dec. 15.. Customs collector, Buffalo (Barker) to Benton. Organization of Canadian insurgents in Buffalo. (ib., 35.) — Dec. 16. Gov. of Vt. (Jenison) to Forsyth. Move- ments in Vt. in relation to uprising in LOWer Can- ada. (ib., 31.) — Dec. 18. Benton to Forsyth. Organization of Cana- dian insurgents in Buffalo. (ib., 33-34.) — Dec. 18. Forsyth to Wright. Precautionary meas- ures to prevent Amer. interference in Canadian in- surrection. (ib., 33.) — Dec. 19. U. S. Treas. Dept. Circ. to Collectors of customs in districts bordering on Canadian fron- tier. (ib., 42; H. doc. 440, 18.) — Dec. 20. U. S. atty., Vt. (Kellogg) to Forsyth. Or- ganization of Canadian insurgents in Vt. (ib., 38.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 193 CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d 1837 Dec. 20. Forsyth to Kellogg. Organization of Can- adian insurgents in Vt. (ib., 39.) — Dec. 21. Forsyth to Benton. Operations of Mc- Kenzie and Rolfe in Buffalo. (ib., 41.) — Dec. 21. Gov. Mich. (Mason) to Forsyth. Precau- tion to prevent organization of Canadian insurgents in Mich. (ib., 42.) — Dec. 21. U. S. marshal no. dist. N. Y. (Garrow) to Benton. Enlistment of men at Buffalo to aid Cana- dian insurgents. (ib., 46.) – Dec. 21. U. S. customs collector, Niagara (Sco- 'º, Benton. Concentration of arms at Navy Is. — Dec. 21. Garrow to Benton. Citizens of Rochester supplying arms to Canadian insurgents. (ib., 47.) — Dec. 21. U. S. customs collector, Rochester (Gould) to Benton. Citizens of Rochester joining Canadian insurgents at Navy Is. (ib., 47.) – Dec. 22. Same to same. Removal of pieces of state artillery to Navy Is. (ib., 45.) — Dec. 23. Barker to Pres. U. S. (Van Buren). Move- ments in N. Y. to aid Canadian insurgents. (ib., 42.) Dec. 23. Barker to Benton. Increasing force of Canadian insurgents on Navy Is. (ib., 44.) — Dec. 23. Lieut. gov. Canada (Head) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox). Invasion of terr. of Upper Canada by Americans established at Navy IS. under command of W. L. McKenzie. (ib., 26-28.) – Dec. 26. Benton to Forsyth. Proceedings of Cana- dian insurgents in N. Y. (ib., 43.) — Dec. 27. Forsyth to gov. Vt. (Jenison). Satisfaction at promptness in Suppression in Vt., of movements in favor of Canadian insurgents. (ib., 50.) — Dec. 28. Garrow to Pres. U. S. (Van Buren). Dis- turbances in N. Y. and Canada; measures taken to Suppress them. (iii, Mess. and Papers of Pres., 399; 25. 2. H. doc. 64, 24.) — Dec. 30. Distr. atty. for Erie Co., actg. for U. S. (Rogers) to Pres. U. S. (Van Buren). Enclosing affidavits relating to disturbances on frontier. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 401, 466; vi, Cong. Globe, 81.) — Dec. 30. Barker to Forsyth. Cessation of com- munication betw. Buffalo and Canada; alarm at con- Sequence of Seizure of str. Caroline. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 51.) — Dec. 31. Rogers to Van Buren. Encloses affidavits relating to disturbances on frontier. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 401.) . 1838 Jan. 4. H. B. M. M. P. for U. S. A. (Fox) to For- syth. Invasion of terr. of Upper Canada by Ameri- cans established at Navy IS. under Van Rensselaer. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 26.) — Jan. 4. Secy. Treas., U. S. A. (Woodbury) to capt. U. S. R. C. Erie (Dobbin). Ordering Erie under con- trol of U. S. collector at Buffalo. (ib., 52.) — Jan. 4. Woodbury to Barker. Ordering seizure of any vessels found carrying arms to Canadian in- surgents. (ib., 53.) — Jan. 5. Pres. U. S. (Van Buren) to Congress. Mes- sage recommending legislation vesting in Executive power to prevent territorial aggressions. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 399; 25. 2. S. jol., 110; H. jol., 223; H. doc. 64, 1; vi., Cong. Globe, 79.) — Jan. 5. U. S. House. Res. (Howard, Com. on For- eign Affairs), calling on Pres. for corresp. relative to preservation of neutrality of U. S. in disturbances in Canada, etc. (25. 2. H. jol., 226; Wi, Cong. Globe, 76.) — Jan. 5. Same. Amdmt. (Fillmore, N. Y.) to res. re- ported Jan. 4 (Howard, Com. on Foreign Affairs) in CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d relation to Mexican vessel General Urrea, So as to include request for information concerning Cana- dian disturbances, etc. (25. 2. H. jol., 226.) 1838 Jan. 5. J. C. Calhoun, sen. from S. C. Remarks; necessity of clothing Executive with additional power to preserve neutrality on Canadian frontier. (vi, Cong. Globe, 79.) — Jan. 5. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Do.; disturbances on no. frontier; importance of preserving neutral relations with Canada. (ib., 79.) — Jan. 5. J. Cilley, repr. from Me. Speech; advocating passage of res. of even date. (ib., 35.) — Jan. 5. M. H. Sibley, repr. from N. Y. Do.; urging more energetic measures to preserve neutrality on Canadian frontier. (ib. 78.) — Jan. 5. Secy. War, U. S. A. (Poinsett) to gen. Scott. Instructions to call militia into service. (25. 2. H. doc. 73, 4; vi, Cong. Globe, 80; iii, Mess. and Papers, 403.) { — Jan. 5. Same to gov. of N. Y. (Marcy). Requesting service of militia under command of gen. Scott On Canadian frontier. (ib., 5; ib., 82; ib., 403.) — Jan. 5. Forsyth to Benton. Directing his removal to Buffalo until rising of Canadian insurgents shall have subsided. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 53.) — Jan. 5. Woodbury to Forsyth. Copy of instructions to coll. Of customs of Niagara distr. to seize vessels found carrying arms to Canadian insurgents, and rpt. of order to revenue cutter Erie to proceed to Buffalo. (ib., 54.) Jan. 5. Forsyth to Fox. Measures in progress to prevent territorial aggression on Canadian frontier. (ib., 28.) — Jan. 5. Pres. U. S. (Van Buren). Proclamation of neutrality in relation to disturbances in Canada. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 481.) — Jan. 24. Fox to Forsyth. Meditated invasion of Upper Canada by armed force from Michigan. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 3.) — Jan. 24. Forsyth to Fox. Doubt of interference of people of Michigan in Canadian frontier disturb- ances. (ib., 4.) — Feb. 5. Lieut, U. S. N. (Homans) to military comdr. U. S. forces, Detroit (Brady). Bands of men, called “Patriots,” with war material, are on way from Ohio to invade Canada; Indians said to be With them. (vi, Cong. Globe, 184.) — Feb. 6. Fox to Forsyth. Advice of preparations at Plattsburg and Champlain for hostile invasion of Lower Canada. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 4.) — Feb. 8. Forsyth to Fox. General Scott ordered to seat of disturbance at Plattsburg and Champlain. (ib., 5.) — Feb. 9. Lt. Col. U. S. A. COmdg. hdqtrs. Niagara Frontier (Worth) to gen. Scott. Companies, called “Patriots,” forming to invade Canada; about 800 with ammunition now en route Via Mich.; Young’s command in motion; hope that recruits will be sent to overtake them. (vi, Cong. Globe, 184.) — Feb. 23. Forsyth to Fox. Arrest of Amer. citizens in Amer. terr. by armed Canadian troops. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 10.) — Mch. 10. U. S. Treas. Dept. Circ. of instructions to officers of customs of certain collection districts of U. S. (25. 2. H. doc. 440, 18.) — Apr. 3. Forsyth to FOX. Apptmt. of A. Vail special comr. to inquire into imprisonment of Amer. citizens in Canada. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 39, 2.) — Apr. 3. Same to Fox. Instructions for inquiry into imprisonment of Amer. citizens in Canada. (ib., 2.) 13 194 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d 1838 Apr. 6. U. S. Treas. Dept. Circ. to collectors of distr. bordering on Canadian frontier; instructions to cooperate with U. S. distr. attys. in prosecution of violators of acts of Apr. 20, 1818 and Mch. 20, 1838. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 21.) — Apr. 21. Vail to Forsyth. Rpt. on Amer. citizens imprisoned at Kingston, Upper Canada. (ib., 3.) May 5. Vail to Forsyth. Rpt. in full on Amer. Citi- zens imprisoned in Canada. (ib., 4.) Je. 6. U. S. Senate. Res. (Lyon, Mich.) calling on Secy. Of War for certain corresp. in relation to charges made by lieut. Maitland, of forces of Upper Canada, agst. U. S. (25. 2. S. jol., 446; 458.) — Je. 6. L. Lyon, Sen. from Mich. Remarks; support- ing his res. calling upon Secy. of War for evidence to disprove Br. charges of Amer. interference in Canada. (vi, Cong. Globe, 433.) — Je. 11. POinSett to Forsyth. Measures now in prog- ress to maintain peace in no. frontier. (25. 2. H. doc. 440, 16.) — Je. 11. U. S. Treas. Dept. Circ. to collectors on no. frontier. (ib., 17.) — Je. 19. Poinsett to Pres. of U. S. (Van Buren). Operation of U. S. on no. frontier. (ib., 22.) — Nov. 3. Fox to Vail. Conspiracy among citizens of |U. S. to conquer Upper and Lower Canada. (25. 3. H, doc. 181, 6.) — Nov. 15. Forsyth to Fox. Precautions taken to Sup- press conspiracy agst. govt. of Upper and LOWer Canada. (ib., 6.) Nov. 21. Pres. U. S. A. (Van Buren). Proclama- tion; enjoining neutrality in regard to disturbances in Canada. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 482; 25. 3. S. doc. 1, 23.) — Nov. 27. Gen. Scott to Poinsett. Recommends apprin. for secret service. (25. 3. H. doc. 27, 2.) — Dec. 3. President U. S. (Van Buren). Annual meS- sage; clause regarding relations with Gr. Br., n. e. boundary, and disturbances in Canada. Dec. 20. Distr. atty. Ino, distr. N. Y. (Conkling) to U. S. House. Communication in relation to de- fects of laws for preservation of peace on borders betw. U. S. and Br. possessions. (25. 3. H. jol., 116.) Dec. 31. U. S. House. Res. (Cushing, Mass.), call- ing on Pres. for communication regarding disturb- ances in Canada; str. Caroline; etc. (25. 3. H. R. 7; H. jol., 158, 395.) 1839 Feb. 4. Franklin Co. and St. Lawrence Co. (N. Y.) citizens to U. S. House. Memorial praying protection agst. aggression from Upper and LOWer Canada. (25. 3. H. jol., 456.) Feb. 4. Washington Co. (N. Y.) citizens to same. Same. (ib., 456.) — Feb. 8. Forsyth to Pres., U. S. A. (Van Buren). Canadian frontier disturbance; review of corresp. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 1.) — Mch. 2. U. S. House. Res. (Cushing, Com. On For- eign Affairs), to lay on table messages of President and acc. docs., in regard to relations of U. S. and Gr. Br., and to have printed 10,000 extra copies of docs. 181 and 183, for use of House. (25. 3. H. jol., 680.) — Dec. 23. Pres. U. S. A. (Van Buren). Annual mes- Sage [clause regarding relations of U. S. and Can- adas]. 1841 Je. 12. U. S. House. Petition of citizens of Deer- field and of Utica, Oneida Co., N. Y., praying inter- position of U. S. in behalf of Amer. prisoners now in hands of Br. govt. (x, Cong. Globe, 49.) CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d 1844 Je. 12. U. S. Senate. Res. (Walker, Miss.) calling upon Pres, for information in relation to extension of criminal jurisdiction of Gr. Br. Over U. S. citizenS. (28. 1. S. jol., 345; 359.) NOTE: Allied to the subject of the previous º are the bills and acts making apprn. for the protec- tion of the northern and northeastern frontier, for reimbursing frontier states for expenses incurred in preserving neutrality, etc.; material of this nature has not been included in the present index. War Dept. corresp. is indexed in the Document index of 1902 and estimates of expenditures in- curred may be found in Treasury Dept. report. REFERENCES : viii, Winsor. Narrative, etc., hist. Of Amer., 181; v-vi, Buffalo Hist, Socy. Pubs. CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case The Caroline was destroyed on the º: of Dec. 29, 1837, by Br. forces, while she was lying in dock at Fort §lºser, a port on the Amer. side of Niagara Ver. McLeod, a Canadian, was arrested in New York State in 1840 and tried before the regular judicial tri- bunals on charge of murder and arson committed by him in the terr. of N. Y. [i. e., the burning of the Caroline and the murder of Durfeel. Statutory Measures 1842 Feb. 9. Intr. in House (Barnard, N. Y.); bill (27. 2. H. R. 115) “for providing further remedial jus- tice in U. S. courts.” (27. 2. H. jol., 340.) — Mch. 8. Intr. in Senate (Berrien, Ga.); bill (27.2. S. 181) “to provide further remedial justice in the courts of the U. S.; ” approved Aug. 26, 1842. (27. 2. S. jol.; H. jol.; V, St. L., 539.) Correspondence 1837 Dec. 30. Master str. Caroline (Appleby). Deposi- tion relative to attack on Caroline. (25. 2. H. doc. 73, 2; Vi, Cong. Globe, 81; iii, Mess, and Papers of the Pres., 401.) 1838 Jan. 5. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Fox). Advice of attack § garoline (25. 2. H. doc. 73, 5; vi, Cong. Globe, — Jan. 5. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks; Calling for instructions regarding neutrality of U. S. in Mexican and Canadian troubles, etc. (vi, Cong. Globe, 77.) — Jan. 5. I. H. Bronson, repr. from N. Y. Do.; urging measures to preserve neutrality and to protect Amer. citizens on Canadian frontier. (ib., 78.) — Jan. 5. J. Cilley, repr. from Me. Do.; opposing Suggested mild course with Gr. Br. regarding Cana- dian trouble. (ib., 78.) – Jan. 8. Pres., U. S. A. (Van Buren) to U. S. Con- greSS. Message relating to disturbances on no. fron- tier. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 401; 25. 2. S. jol., 118; H. jol., 227; H. doc. 73, 1.) 2000 extra copies of the message with acc. docs. (25. 2. H. doc. 73) were ordered prid. by House on Jan. 13 (25. 2. H. jol., 264). — Jan. 8. Lt. gov. of Canada (Head) to Fox. Review of disturbances in Upper Canada, especially of lºns of Strmbt. Caroline. (iii, Mess. and Papers, — Jan. 8. Forsyth to Pres., U. S. (Van Buren). All Corresp. relating to Canadian frontier disturbances has been submitted. (25. 2. H. doc. 76.) — Jan. 8. I. H. Bronson, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; favoring reference to Com. of Ways and Means and Com. on Foreign Relations of message of Pres. re- garding Caroline. (vi, Cong. Globe, 82.) — Jan. 8. C. C. Cambreleng, repr. from N. Y. Do.; supporting proposition to refer to Com. of Ways and Means and Com. On Foreign Relations message of Pres. relative to Caroline. (ib., 82.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1838 Jan. 8. H. Gray, repr. from N. Y. Do.; opposing any course regarding Caroline outrage tending to embroil U. S. with Gr. Br. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 8. C. E. Haynes, repr. from Ga. Do.; defending Forsyth letter on Caroline outrage. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 8. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Do.; sug- gesting reference to Com. of Ways and Means of President's Caroline message. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 8. R. H. Menifee, repr. from Ky. Do.; urging { preservation of peace with Gr. Br. and calm investi- ºn of Caroline affair and Canadian troubles. (ib., — Jan. 8. R. B. Rhett, repr. from S. C. Do.; urging preservation of peace with Gr. Br. and full investi- gation of alleged violation of neutrality on Canadian frontier, and Caroline affair. (ib., 83.) — Jan. 8. W. Thompson, repr. from S. C. Do.; Sug- gesting reference to Com. On Ways and Means, and residue to Com. on Foreign Relations of part of message of Pres. on Caroline. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 8. Same. Do.; denouncing Caroline outrage. (ib., 83.) — Jan. 8. J. L. Tillinghast, repr. from R. I. Do.; fa- Voring reference to Com. Of Ways and Means and Com. on Foreign Relations of President’s Caroline message. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 9. T. L. Benton, sen. from Mo. Remarks; denying that hist. of U. S. furnishes example of Out- rage on our part parallel to Caroline affair. (ib., 87.) — Jan. 9. J. C. Calhoun, sen. from S. C. Remarks; deprecating action on Caroline outrage until after º of rpt. of Com. on Foreign Relations. (ib., 87. — Jan. 9. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Do.; moving refer- ence to Com. on Finance and Com. on Foreign Rela- tions of President’s Caroline message. (ib., 87.) — Jan. 19. Forsyth to Fox. Outrage on persons and property of certain citizens of U. S. at Schlosser, from province of Upper Canada. (iii, MeSS. and Papers, 460.) — Jan. 19. U. S. House. Res. (Fillmore) calling on Pres, for information and corresp. relative to de- Struction of Caroline and murder of U. S. citizens, also if capture was authorized by Br. authorities and what steps have been taken to obtain satisfaction; objected to. (Cong. Globe, V. 6, 120; 25. 2. H. jol., 467.) — Jan. 25. W. Allen, Sen. from N. C. Remarks; peti- tion of citizens of Belmont Co. (O.) on Caroline affair; etc. (Cong. Globe, V. 6, 135.) — Feb. 13. Forsyth to Fox. Capture and destruction of Caroline. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 465.) — Feb. 16. Fox to Forsyth. Declines to enter into controversy on subject of alleged Caroline Outrage. (25. 3. H. ex. doc. 183, 2.) Feb. 19. U. S. House. Res. (Fillmore) calling on Pres. for information concerning seizure of Caroline, etc. (vi, Cong. Globe, 188; 25. 2. H. jol., 467, 643.) — Mch. 5. U. S. House. Res. (Menefee, Ky.) calling on Pres. for information regarding Caroline outrage. (ib., 210, 248; ib., 524, 648.) — Mch. 5. J. Striker, and others, to U. S. Senate. Petition praying that W. Wells may be indemnified for destruction of Caroline. (25. 2. S. jol., 265.) — Mch. 28. J. Buchanan, Sen. from Penn. Remarks; suggesting that Com. on Foreign Relations make no rpt. on Caroline affair until termination of negotia- tion with Gr. Br. (vi, Cong. Globe, 271.) CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1838 Mch. 28. W. Allen, sen. from N. C. Remarks; as: serting that reference of Caroline memorial to Com. on Foreign Relations would not interfere with nego- tiations with Gr. Br. (ib., 271.) — Apr. 4. Forsyth to Van Buren. Destruction of Car- oline at Schlosser, Dec. 29, 1837, and murder of citi- zens of U. S. on board. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 459.) — May 22. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Steven- son) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Detail of particulars of alleged Br. Outrage on Caro- line. (25. 3. H. ex. doc. 183, 3.) — May 24. Same to Forsyth. Excusing forcible char- acter of his note to Palmerston of 22 inst. relative to Caroline affair. (ib., 2.) — Je. 6. Palmerston to Stevenson. Promises atten- tive consideration to charge of alleged Br. Outrage on Caroline. (ib., 9.) — Dec. 31. U. S. House. Res. (Cushing, Mass.), calling on Pres. for information regarding disturbances in Canada; str. Caroline; etc. (25. 3. H. res. 7; H. jol., 158; 395.) 1839 Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Fillmore, N. Y.), re- questing Pres. to communicate regarding Str. Car- oline, stating what demands for satisfaction have been made, and transmitting all corresp. On Subject. (vii, Cong. Globe, 151; 25. 3. H. jol., 398.) — Feb. 5. Forsyth to Pres., U. S. A. (Van Buren) Sub- mits corresp. relative to claims made on Gr. Br. for Caroline outrage. (25. 3. H. ex. doc. 183, 1.) — Feb. 20. W. Allen, sen. from N. C. Remarks; urg- ing reference to Com. on Foreign Relations of peti- tion of citizens of Geauga Co. (O.) complaining of severity of recent neutrality law, and of Caroline outrage. (vii, Cong. Globe, 207.) — Jiy. 2. [extr.] Stevenson to Forsyth. No answer to his note in case of Caroline having been recd., does not deem it proper to press subject; asks instruc- tions. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33, 2.) — Sept. 11. Lextr.] Forsyth to Stevenson. No instruc- tions required on subject of his note of Jly. 2; govt. is in conference with Br. minister. (ib., 2.) 1840 Apr. 2. Gov. Vt. (Jenison) to repr. from Vt. (Smith). Hist. of affairs on no. frontier of Vt. connected with political disturbances in Canada. (34. 1. H. rpt. 138, 2.) — Dec. 13. Fox to Forsyth. Demand for liberation of McLeod. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33, 2.) Dec. 21. U. S. House. Motion (Fillmore, N. Y.) calling on Pres. for corresp. regarding Caroline out- rage and arrest and imprisonment of McLeod. (26. 2. H. jol., 88.) — Dec. 26. Forsyth to Fox. Demand for release of Mc- Leod refused. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33, 3.) — Dec. 28. Pres. U. S. A. (Van Buren). Message trans- mitting corresp. in response to House res. Of Dec. 21. (ib., 1.) 5000 cop. of message and docs. ordered printed (26. 2. H. jol., 114). — Dec. 29. Fox to Forsyth. McLeod imprisonment. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33 (annex), 1; iii, Mess. and Papers, 623.) — Dec. 31. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; burning of Caroline; reply to charges agst. friends of gen. Harrison. (ix, Cong. Globe, 75.) Dec. 31. J. C. Alford, repr. from Ga. Remarks; ad- vocating prtg. of 5000 extra copies of docs. acc. President’s Caroline message. (ib., 74.) 196 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1840 Dec. 31. Forsyth to Fox. In support of former re- monstrance in Case of imprisonment of Alex. Mc- Leod. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33 (annex), 2.) 1841 Jan. 2. Pres. U. S. A. (Van Buren). Transmitting further corresp. in response to House res. of Dec. 21, 1840. (ib., 1.) — Jan. 4. F. Granger, repr, from N. Y. Remarks rela- tive to McLeod trial and attitude of Br. govt. (ix, Cong. Globe, 80.) — Feb. 13. U. S. Com. On Foreign Affairs (Pickens). Rpt. On corresp. submitted by Pres. On Dec. 28, 1840, and Jan. 4, 1841, in relation to burning of Caroline and arrest of McLeod. (26. 2. H. rpt. 162.) Feb. 13. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Speech; Opposing trend of rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs On Caroline; urging recommitment of same. (ix, Cong. Globe, 173.) — Feb. 13. H. Everett, repr. from Mass. Speech; grounds of dissent from rpt. of Com. on Foreign Af- fairs respecting Caroline and McLeod case. (ib., 173; d.o. app., 374.) Feb. 13. Same. Motion, with remarks, to print all docs. relating to McLeod and Caroline. (ix, Cong. Globe, app., 374.) — Feb. 13. M. Fillmore, repr. from N. Y. Speech; recom- mitment of rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs on burn- ing of Caroline. (ix, Cong. Globe, 174.) — Feb. 13. F. Granger, repr, from N. Y. Remarks; objecting to rpt. of Com. On Foreign Affairs on burn- ing of Caroline as approaching, in its consequences, declaration of war agst. Gr. Br. (ib., 171, 173.) — Feb. 13. F. W. Pickens, repr. from S. C. Remarks; reply to Granger, defending rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 172.) — Mch. 1. H. Clay, Sen. from Ky. Remarks; Satisfac- tion at progress of negotiations with Gr. Br. regard- ing n. e. boundary, Caroline, etc. (ib., 218.) Mch. 1. F. W. Pickens. Remarks; denying rumor of angry corresp. betw. Forsyth and Fox regarding McLeod. (ib., 220.) — Mch. 11. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Secy. State, N. Y. (Spencer). Importance of guarding McLeod from all possible danger. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 187, 7.) — Mch. 12. Fox to Webster. Gr. Br. demands im- mediate release of McLeod. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 13.) — Mch. 15. Same to same. Instructions relative to McLeod case. (ib., 23; 29. 1. H. ex. doc. 187, 8.) — Apr. 14. Same to Gardner and Bradley, of Lock- port, N. Y. State Dept. will furnish evidence to Mc- Leod’s counsel to show Br. declaration that destruc- tion of Caroline was committed under direction of Canadian provincial authorities. (29. 1. H. ex: doc. 187, 11.) — Apr. 19. Same to distr. atty. no. distr. N. Y. (Spen- cer). Views of U. S. govt. in regard to McLeod's case. (ib., 12.) — Apr. 24. Same to Fox. Reply to demand for release of McLeod; exposition of character of act of destroy- ing Caroline; doctrine of non-intervention involved. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 15.) — Apr. 24. Same to same. Same [extr.]. Exposition of character of act of destroying str. Caroline; doc- trine of non-intervention involved. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 126; H. ex. doc. 2, 124.) — Apr. 26. Webster to distr. atty. no. distr. N. Y. (Spencer). Evidence requested from State Dept. by counsel for McLeod will be forwarded in due season. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 187, 13.) CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1840 Je. 1. Pres. U. S. A. (Tyler). Message to Congress at opening of first sess., 27 congress [clause relating to imprisonment of McLeod]. (27. 1. H. and S. jol., etc.) — Je. 3. U. S. Senate. Motion (Rives) to refer So much of Pres. message as relates to foreign affairs to Com. on Foreign Relations, (x, Cong. Globe, 14.) — Je. 3. J. Buchanan, sen. from Penn. Remarks; asking further time to examine corresp. betw. Secy. of State and Br. minister on McLeod case and ques- tion of international law involved. (ib., 14.) — Je. 8, 9. W. C. Rives, sen. from Va. Remarks; Buchanan’s request of Je. 3. (ib., 30, 36.) — Je. 10. J. Buchanan. Speech on McLeod case, criti- cising proceedings of Webster. (ib., app., 14.) — Je. 10. W. C. Rives. Speech in reply to Buchanan defending proceedings of govt. (ib., 110.) — Je. 11. J. C. Calhoun, sen. from S. C. Speech; Rives' motion; in opposition to Webster's conduct of McLeod case. (ib., 181.) — Je. 11. R. Choate, Sen. from Mass. Speech; McLeod case; in support of Rives’ motion; in defence of policy of present administration. (ib., 417.) — Je. 11. J. W. Huntington, sen. from Conn. Speech; Rives’ motion in case of McLeod; in Support Of Webster’s conduct of case. (ib., 253.) — Je. 12. Genesee Co. (N. Y.) citizens. Proceedings of mtg. on burning of Caroline. (27. 1. H. jol., 98.) — Je. 14. T. H. Benton, Sen. from Mo. Speech in oppo- sition to Webster’s conduct of McLeod case; criti- cism of instructions to Crittenden, etc. (x, app., Cong. Globe, 42.) — Je. 15. J. Buchanan, Pa. Speech; in reply to Rives, Choate, Huntington and Preston, on case of Mc- Leod. (ib., 65.) — Je. 15. W. C. Rives, sen. from Va. Remarks; reply to Buchanan, explaining point in Rives’ speech of Je. 10 on McLeod case, etc. (ib., 66.) — Je. 23. U. S. House. Res. (J. G. Floyd, N. Y.) call- ing on Pres. for information as to whether officer of TJ. S. army has been sent to N. Y. State for any pur- pose connected with imprisonment of McLeod (26. 1. H. jol., 185); amended (Ingersoll) Je. 24. (x, Cong. Globe, 115.) — Je. 24. J. R. Ingersoll, repr. from Pa. Speech; in case of McLeod in support of his amdmt. to Floyd res.; in opposition to policy of present administra- tion in McLeod affair. (x, app., Cong. Globe, 75.) — Je. 24-25. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Speech; in reply to Ingersoll on McLeod case; defence of Web- ter’s despatch to Fox and policy of present adminis- tration. (ib., 419.) — Je. 25. H. A. Wise, repr. from Va. Remarks; Op- posing Floyd res. (x, Cong. Globe, 121.) — Je. 25. W. C. Johnson, repr. from Md. Remarks; Floyd res. Of 23 inst. (ib., 121.) — Jly. 8. H. P. Hunt, repr. from N. Y. Speech; re- viewing hist. of Caroline affair and McLeod case; defence of course of present administration, and opposed to Floyd res. (X, app., ib., 422.) — Jly. 9. A. V. Brown, repr. from Tenn. Speech; Floyd res. of Je. 23. (x, Cong. Globe, 173.) — Jly. 10. A. L. Linn, repr. from N. Y. Speech; in opposition to Floyd res. (ib., 424.) — JIy. 13. S. S. Bowne, repr. from N. Y. Speech; Webster-Fox corresp. in case of McLeod; denouncing Webster's conduct. (ib., 153.) — Jly. 14. J. Young, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; Floyd res. Of Je. 23. (ib., 200.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 197 CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1841 JIy. 15. R. B. Rhett, repr. from S. C. Remarks; Mc- Leod controversy; demanding redress from Gr. Br. for invasion of U. S. terr.; and burning of Caroline. (ib., 207.) — Jly. 16. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; defending administration in McLeod case. (ib., 212.) — Jly. 16. J. McKeon, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; Settlement of McLeod case would not settle that of Caroline. (ib., 213.) — Jly. 16. F. W. Pickens, repr. from S. C. Do.; de- fending administration in McLeod case. (ib., 212.) — Jly. 16. R. B. Rhett, repr. from S. C. Do.; protest- ing agst. administration of McLeod case. (ib., 212.) — Jly. 31. Webster to Gov. of N. Y. (Seward). Ac- knowledges receipt of rpt. of atty. gen. of N. Y. on McLeod case. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 187, 16.) — Aug. 24. Same to same. President desires proper measures to be taken to secure McLeod from vio- lence. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 24. Same to distr. atty. no. distr. N. Y. (Spen- cer). Information recd. indicating intention to Commit outrage on McLeod. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 24. Same to Bell. Extr. from letter communi- cated to State Dept. by Br. minister. (ib., 19.) — Aug. 27. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Stevenson). Summary of Caroline case; reasons why U. S. has no just right to demand reparation for loss of Caro- line. (27. 3. S. doc. 99, 2.) — Aug. 31. Stevenson to Palmerston. Protest agst. note of 27 inst. (ib., 9.) — Aug. 31. D. D. Barnard, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; Floyd res. of Je. 23. (x, Cong. Globe, 411.) — Aug. 31. H. Everett, repr. from Wt. Remarks; Floyd res. of Je. 23. (ib., 411.) — Sept. 1. W. O. Butler, repr. from Ky. Remarks; defending conduct of Van Buren in case of McLeod, and denying that punishment of latter would settle case of stnr. Caroline. (ib., 419.) — Sept. 2. Palmerston to Stevenson. Further sum- mary of Caroline case. (27. 3. S. doc. 99, 12.) — Sept. 2. Stevenson to Palmerston. Further protest agst. imputation in his note of Aug. 27. (ib., 16.) — Sept. 2. J. G. Floyd, repr. from N. Y. Remarks on his res. of Je. 23. (x, Cong. Globe, 421.) — Sept. 3. H. Everett, repr. from Wt. Speech; Mc- Leod case; defending Executive in attempting re- lease, (x, app., Cong. Globe, 425.) — Sept. 4. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Speech; op- posing Floyd res.; defending conduct of adminis- tration. (ib., 432.) — Sept. 4. Webster to U. S. atty., no. distr. N. Y. (Spencer). Asks advice as to McLeod’s desire to go to trial before jury. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 187, 19.) — Sept. 9. Same to same. Instructed to aid authori- ties of N. Y. in preserving public peace. (ib., 19.) — Sept. 9. Same to Seward. Approval of arrangement adopted for protection of McLeod. (ib., 20.) — Sept. 14. Same to same. Protection of McLeod. (ib., 20.) — Sept. 23. Same to same. Approval of proc. in re- lation to U. S. marshal for no. distr. N. Y. (ib., 21.) — Sept. 23. Same to McLeod. Proof of declaration inquiry is contained in Caroline testimony. (ib., 21.) — Sept. 23. Same to maj. gen. Scott, U. S. A. Propo- sition for safety of McLeod, in case of acquittal. (ib., 21.) CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1841 Sept. 25. Pres. U. S. A. (Tyler). Proclamation; en- joining neutrality in matter of Canadian uprising. (iv., Mess. and Papers, 72.) — Dec. 7. Pres. U. S. A. (Tyler). Annual message [clause regarding McLeod and Caroline]. — Dec. 16. U. S. House. Res. (Fillmore, N. Y.) to refer to Com. on Judiciary so much of message of 7 inst. as deals with removal of causes involving international obligations from state to federal judi- ciary. (27. 2. H. jol., 86.) 1842 Feb. 3. U. S. Senate. Linn (Mo.) submitted copy of act of Br. Parliament, relative to trial and punish- ment of persons guilty of crimes and offences within certain parts of N. A., adjoining Br. provinces. (27. 2. S. jol., 138.) — Feb. 7. W. Wells to U. S. House. Petition for com- pensation for loss of str. Caroline. (27. 2. H. jol., 326.) — Feb. 21. U. S. Senate. Res. (Allen, O.), calling On Pres. for information regarding Caroline Outrage, and arrest of McLeod. (27. 2. S. jol., 183, 186.) — Feb. 23. W. C. Rives, sen. from Va. Remarks; op- posing adoption of Allen res. (xi, Cong. Globe, 258.) — Feb. 23. W. Allen, sen. from O. Remarks; adop- tion of res. Of 21 inst. (ib., 258.) — Feb. 23. W. C. Rives, sen. from Va. Remarks; Op- posed to Allen res. of 21 inst. as untimely and inter- fering. (ib., 258, 259.) — Mch. 8. Pres. U. S. A. (Tyler) to U. S. House. Mes- Sage; arrest of another citizen of Canada under laws of N. Y. charged with being concerned in burning of Caroline; recommending provision for removing cases involving international obligations from State tribunals to federal judiciary. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 128; H. jol., 513; xi, Cong. Globe, 292.) — Apr. 26. R. Choate. Amdmts. to bill to provide further remedial justice in courts of U. S. (xi, Cong. Globe, 444.) — May 9. J. Buchanan, sen. from Penn. Remarks; opposing passage of bill (S. 181) to provide further remedial justice in district courts of U. S. (ib., 480, app., 382.) May 10. R. Choate, Sen. from Mass. Speech; favor- ing passage of bill (S. 181) to provide remedial jus- tice in courts of U. S. (ib., 485; app., 536.) — May 11. J. Buchanan, Sen. from Penn. Remarks; reply to Huntington, relative to bill (S. 181) to pro- vide further remedial justice in courts of U. S. (xi, Cong. Globe, 488.) — May 11. J. W. Huntington, sen. from Conn. Do.; favoring passage of bill (S. 181) to provide further remedial justice in courts of U. S. (ib., 488.) — Jly. 1. W. C. Preston, sen. from S. C. Remarks; ob- jecting to bill (S. 181) as enlarging federal power over judicial prerogatives of States; with amdmt. Striking out all cases but those similar to McLeod case. (ib., 708.) — Jly. 1. P. Smith, Sen. from Conn. Do.; opposing bill (S. 181). (ib., 708.) Jly. 7. J. McP. Berrien, Sen. from Ga. Do.; object- ing to extension of right of habeas corpus proposed in bill (S. 181). (ib., 729.) Jly. 7. J. Buchanan, Sen. from Penn. Do.; favoring fººtion of bill (S. 181) to original intention. (ib., Jly. 7. C. M. Conrad, Sen. from La. Do.; favoring amdmt. to bill (S. 181) extending application of habeas corpus. (ib., 729.) 198 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1842 Jly. 7. J. J. Crittenden, sen. from Ky. Do.; object- ing to phrase “under the law of nations” in bill (S. 181). (ib., 730.) — Jly. 7. W. C. Preston. Do.; objecting to bill (S. 181) as encroaching on rights of states; in favor of confining bill to cases of foreign subjects similar to McLeod case; with explanation of his motion to strike out the words “laws of nations,” etc. (ib., 729, 730.) — Jly. 7. R. J. Walker, sen. from Miss. Do.; opposing second part of bill (S. 181). (ib., 729.) — JIy. 27. Webster to H. B. M. special comr. (Ash- burton). Violation of sovereignty question in case º: groine (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 126-138; H. ex. doc. 2, 123. — Jly. 28. Ashburton to Webster. Principle of per- Sonal responsibility of individuals acting under authority of govt. involved in case of Caroline. (ib., 137; ib., 130; xii, Cong. Globe, 27.) — Aug. 6. Webster to Ashburton. Discussion of Caro- line case as complaint of Violation of terr., closed. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 138; H. ex. doc. 2, 135.) — Aug. 11. Pres. Of U. S. A. (Tyler) to Senate. Mes- Sage on negotiations with Gr. Br. terminating in Ashburton treaty. (iv., Mess. and Papers, 162.) 1843 Jan. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Rives, Va.) calling on Pres. for corresp. hitherto uncommunicated regard- ing destruction of Caroline. (27.3. S. jol., 73, 76.) Jan. 5. W. C. Rives, sen. from Va. Remarks; adop- tion of res. of 4 inst. (xii, Cong. Globe, 119.) 1846 Feb. 9. C. J. Ingersoll, repr. from Penn. Speech; Webster’s action in McLeod case; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 343, 346.) — Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Fairfield, Me.), Com. On Judiciary to inquire into legal provision for trial of persons charged with criminal offences agst. U. S., committed wholly or in part, in foreign country. (29. 1. S. jol., 153.) — Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. Docs. in relation to claim of Jas. Foster for indemnity for seizure of vessel, etc., by persons acting under authority of Br. govt. in Upper Canada. (ib., 153.) — Feb. 24-25. D. S. Dickinson, Sen. from N. Y. Speech; McLeod case, etc., during debate on S. res. 1, advising Pres. to give notice to Gr. Br. to abrogate convention of Aug. 6, 1827. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1. app., 32.) — Apr. 6, 7. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Speech; in vindication of treaty of 1842 with Gr. Br.; destruc- tion of Caroline, etc. (ib., 524.) — Apr. 7. Same. Remarks; denying Ingersoll's alle- gations of Feb. 9, concerning Webster's action in Mc- Leod case, etc. (ib., 534, 535.) — Apr. 8. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Discussions With Webster on Wheaton's letter of Nov. 16, 1842, attrib- uting to treaty of Washington the rejection of quin- tuple treaty by France, and touching responsibility of Br. govt. for act of McLeod. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 627, 628.) – Apr. 9. D. S. Dickinson, Sen. from N. Y. Speech; reply to Webster, on treaty of 1842 with Gr. Br.; destruction of Caroline; etc. (ib., app., 537.) — Apr. 9. U. S. House. Res. (Bayly, Va.), calling upon Pres. for copies of certain corresp. relative to Coun- sel for Alex. McLeod. (29. 1. H. jol., 655, 657.) 1855 Jan. 15. Claim of McLeod agst, the U. S. under Con- vention of 1853; synopsis of award. (34.1. S. ex, doc. 103, 69.) CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War ”)—cont'd CAROLINE Affair: McLeod Case—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1855 Jan. 15. Rpts. of decisions of comrs. and argu- ments of counsel. (ib., 314.) Memorials Praying Redress, etc. 25 cong., 2 sess., 1837/8 Senate Ohio : see Belmont Co. : Cleveland. New York State : see Niagara Co. House New York State : see Erie Co. : New York City, Whigs : Niagara : Niagara Co. : Orleans Co. See also King (J. H.). 25 cong., 3 sess., 1838/9 Senate Ohio : see Geauga Co.: Ohio, citizens. Vermont : see Montpelier. See also Walker (J.). House New York State : see Cayuga Co.: Erie Co. Ohio : See Medina. Vermont : see Franklin Co.: Montpelier : St. Albans : Vermont citizens. REFERENCES : McLeod case of the Caroline and arrest of McL. Lond., 1837-41, 2v. ; People v. McLeod, XXV, Wendell ; 483; Review of decision by Judge Tall- madge in McL. case is in xxvi Wendell ; 663. MACEENZIE-VAN RENSSELAER IMPRISONMENT Mackenzie was the leader of the Canadian insurgents; Van Rensselaer was associated with him, and com- manded the Americans established at Navy Is., 1837-38. Statutory Measures 1840 Jan. 27. Intr. in House (Jones, Va.). Com. Of Ways and Means, bill (26. 1. H. R. 8) “making apprns. for civil and dipl. expenses for 1840 * [clause] “for defraying expenses of suits in which the U. S. are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences COm- mitted agst, the U. S., and for the Safe-keeping of prisoners, $300,000 °; approved May 8, 1840. (26. 1. H. jol.; S. jol.; V, St. L., 377.) Correspondence, etc. 1840 Apr. 6. U. S. House. Petition from 150 citizens of U. S. praying release of Wm. L. Mackenzie. (viii, Cong. Globe, 307.) — Apr. 29, 30. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; opposed to detention of Mackenzie and Van Rens- selaer. (ib., 367, 368.) — Apr. 30. U. S. Senate. Res. (Norvell, Mich.), re- questing Pres. to pardon Mackenzie. (26. 1. S. jol., 352; 363.) 1841 Je. 12. W. L. Mackenzie to U. S. House. Memorial, praying passage of act for his relief. (27. 1. H. jol., 98.) Memorials Praying Release, etc. 26 cong., 1 sess., 1839/40 Senate Illinois : see DeKalb Co.: Illinois citizens. Michigan : see Michigan citizens. Mississippi : see Natchez. New York State : see Livingston Co. Pennsylvania : see Philadelphia. House Illinois : see Chicago : Joe DavieSS Co. New Hampshire : see Concord. New York State : see Alexander: Allegany : Florence : Genesee Co. : Lee : Livingston : Monroe Co. : Rochester : Rome : Tioga : Western. Ohio. See Stark Co. Pennsylvania : see Philadelphia. Vermont. See Stowe. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 199 CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d SIR ROBERT PEEL Affair The Sir Robert Peel, Br. stnbt., was burned by Ameri- § at Well’s fs, N. Y., on the night of May 29, 1838 May 30. C. Ripley to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Advice of burning of Sir Robert Peel. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 14.) * — May 30. Depositions of Gellins, Johnson (purser Sir Robert Peel), McDermot (wheel-man, do.) and Ripley; (ib., 5.) A. — May 30. Dep. marshal no. distr. N. Y. (Fairbanks) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Advice of de- struction of Sir Robert Peel. (ib., 2.) — May 30. Fairbanks to U. S. atty. no. distr. N. Y. (Benton). Same. (ib., 4.) — May 30. U. S. customs collector Watertown, N. Y. (Canner) to Benton. Same. (ib., 4.) — May 30. U. S. customs officer, French Creek, N. Y. (Davis) to G. C. Sherman. Same. (ib., 3.) — May 30. Sherman to Benton. Detailed advice of destruction of Sir Robert Peel near French Creek, N. Y., on night of May 29. (ib., 3.) — May 30. Passengers of Sir Robert Peel to capt. Amer. Str. Oneida (Smith). Address of thanks for aid rendered. (ib., 15.) — May 31. Depositions of McDaniel and Scott. (ib., 9.) - — May 31. Benton to Pres., U. S. A. (Van Buren). Measures taken to secure offenders in destruction of Br. Str. Sir Robert Peel; doubts jurisdiction of U. S. courts in case. (ib., 3.) — May 31. Lt. gov. of Upper Canada (Arthur). Proclamation; destruction of Sir Robert Peel. (ib., 5.) — Je. 4. Gov. of N. Y. (Marcy). Proclamation; of fering reward for delivery of four therein named Canadian refugees, concerned in burning of Sir Robert Peel. (ib., 27.) — Je. 10. [extr.] Same to Secy. War, U. S. A. (Poin- sett). Acct. of inspection of the frontier in case of Sir Robert Peel. (ib., 26.) — Je. 11. U. S. House. Res. (Menefee, Ky.), calling on Pres. for information relating to alleged destruc- tion of Sir Robert Peel in Amer. waters. (25. 2. H. jol., 1066; vi, Cong. Globe, 445.) — Je. 20. Pres., U. S. A. (Van Buren). Message; case of Sir Robert Peel, etc. (vi, Cong. Globe, 463; iii, Mess. and Papers, 478; 25. 2. H. jol., 1125; H. ex. doc. 440, 1.) — Je. 30. [extr.] Marcy to Poinsett. Information in case of burning of Sir Robert Peel. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 23.) 1855 Jan. 2. Claim agst. U. S. A. in case of Sir Robert Peel under convention of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 69.) TELEGRAPH Affair “Brockville Case ’’ The Telegraph, Amer. stnbt., was burned by Canadians on Je. 1, £838, in port of Brockville, U. C 1838 May 30. Lt. col. comdg. militia Kingston (Bonny- castle) to capt. 3d Frontenac (Cameron). Private militia orders issued consequent to burning of Telegraph. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 13.) — Je. 3. B. Perkins and S. Stilwell. Stnt. of facts in case of burning of Telegraph. (ib., 11.) — Je. 11. U. S. House. Res. (Menefee, Ky.) calling on Pres, for information relating to alleged attack on Amer. stnr. Telegraph. (25. 2. H. jol., 1066; Vi, Cong. Globe, 445.) — Je. 20. Pres. U. S. A. (Van Buren). Message; case of Telegraph ; etc. (vi, Cong. Globe, 463; 26. 2. H. jol., 1123; H. ex. doc. 440, 1; iii, MeSS. and Papers, 478.) CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d TELEGRAPH Affair “Brockville Case ’’—cont’d 1842 Feb. 23. A. L. Linn, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; recommending inclusion of Brockville case in Allen res. of 21 inst. calling for information in case of Caroline and McLeod. (xi, Cong. Globe, 259.) — Feb. 23. W. C. Rives, sen. from Va. Remarks; Op- posed to Allen res. of 21 inst. calling for information and corresp. relative to McLeod and Caroline cases, and to inquiry suggested by Linn, as to negotiations growing out of Brockville case. (ib., 258, 259.) WAN DIEMAN’s LAND PRISONERS Statutory Measures (State) Pennsylvania, 1852 Mch. 16. Concurrent res.; release of Smith O’Brien and associates. (32. 1. H. jol., 477.) — Mch. 18. Same; same. (ib., 485.) — Mch. 25. Jt. res.; same. (ib., 509.) (Federal) 1851 Dec. 4. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Foote, Miss.) jt. res. (32. 1. S. R. 2) “expressing sympathy with exiled Irish patriots Smith O’Brien and Thomas Meagher and associates. (32. 1. S. jol., 33.) Correspondence, etc. 1841 Je. 19. U. S. House. Res. (Wood) calling on PreS. for corresp. with Gr. Br. relative to Amer. citizens held as prisoners of state in Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 1. H. jol., 168; 173.) — Je. 21. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Suggestion to modify res. calling for corresp. relating to Ameri- cans imprisoned in Van Dieman’s Land. (X, Cong. Globe, 85.) — Jly. 15. New York City. Proc. of citizens in behalf of prisoners in Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 1. S. doc. 65; x, Cong. Globe, 202.) — Jiy. 16. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Pres. U. S. A. (Tyler). Rpts. in response to House res. Of 21 ult. that dept. has no corresp. on Subject of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 1. H. doc. 39, 1.) — Jly. 20. Pres. U. S. A. (Tyler) to U. S. House. MeS- sage in response to res. of Je. 21. (27. 1. H. jol., 260.) Sept. 7. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks; opposing negotiations to secure release of Van Die- man’s Land prisoners. (x, Cong. Globe, 40.) — Sept. 7. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Ferris). Rpt. on message of Jly. 20, and recommending res. that Pres. be requested to open negotiations with Gr. Br. for release of Amer. citizens held in Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 1. H. jol., 468.) — Sept. 7. C. G. Ferris, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; in support of res. of even date. (x, Cong. Globe, Sept. 7. I. E. Holmes, repr. from S. C. Remarks; reply to Adams; favoring intercession for Van Die- man’s Land prisoners. (ib., 440.) — Sept. 8. U. S. House. Res. (Ferris, Com. on Foreign Affairs), requesting Pres. to consider propriety of entering into negotiations With Br. govt. to obtain release of Amer. citizens confined in Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 1. H. jol., 468.) — Sept. 8. H. Everett, repr. from Vt. Do.; moving that res. of even date be laid on table. (x, Cong. Globe, 442.) — Sept. 8. C. G. Ferris, repr. from N. Y. Do.; in ex- planation of res. Of even date. (ib., 439, 442.) — Sept. 8. J. McKeon, repr. from N. Y. Do.; favoring res. of even date. (ib., 442.) — Sept. 8. F. Wood, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; adoption of res. Of even date. (ib., 442.) 200 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d WAN DIEMAN's LAND PRIsonERs—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1844 May 2. U. S. House. Res. (Ingersoll, Com. on For- eign Affairs), requesting Pres. to interpose with Br. govt. for release of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (28. 1. H. jol., 871.) 1845 Jan. 28. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Ingersoll). Rpt. of res. that Pres, be requested to instruct min- ister of U. S. in Gr. Br. to interpose in behalf of Amer. prisoners confined in Van Dieman's Land. (28. 2. H. rpt. 85.) - Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Ingersoll, Com. on For- eign Affairs), requesting Pres. to instruct minister to England to interpose in behalf of Van Dieman's Land prisoners. (28. 2. H. jol., 281.) 1852 Jan. 28. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Remarks; on Detroit res. in favor of application to Br. govt. for liberation of Smith O’Brien and associates. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 409.) — Jan. 28. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. DO.; same. (ib., 409.) —º 28. L. Cass, Sen. from Mich. Do.; same. (ib., —º 28. J. Shields, Sen. from Ill. Do.; same. (ib., — Jan. 29. U. S. Senate. Amdmt. (Shields, Ill.) to S. res. 2, of sympathy for Irish patriots. (ib., 418.) — Feb. 7. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Speech; in Support of his amdmt. of Jan. 29. (ib., app., 176.) – Feb. 7. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; offering verbal amdmts, to Shields' amdmt. of Jan. 29, as substitute for S. res. 2, expressive of SyIm- pathy. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 502.) Feb. 11. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Do. ; On res, of sympathy to exiled Irish patriots; question of intervention. (ib., 530.) - Feb. 11. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Do.; unfavor- able to res. of sympathy for exiled Irish patriots, O’Brien and Meagher; U. S. policy of non-inter. ference; self-appointed mission of Kossuth. (ib., 530.) — Feb. 11. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Do.; on his amdmt. of Jan. 29, to S. res. 2., etc. (ib., 530-31.) — Feb. 11. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Do.; chiefly in reply to Cass and Seward, unfavorable to S. res. 2; to Shields' amdmt. of Jan. 29, expressing desire of Amer. people for their liberation, etc. (ib., 527, 529-30.) – Feb. 11. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Do.; in reply to Badger, on Shields’ amdmt. of Jan. 29, offered as substitute to S. res. 2, etc. (ib., 529-30.) — Feb. 11. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Do.; favor- able to Shields' amdmt. of Jan. 29, to S. res. 2, etc. (ib., 525.) — Feb. 19. M. McDermit and M. Shields to U. S. Sen- ate. Petition praying intercession of govt. in behālf of their husbands, transported to Van Dieman’s Land. (32. 1. S. jol., 216.) — Feb. 19. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; petition of even date concerning interposition for relief of Irish prisoners in Van Dieman’s Land. (32. 1. Cong. Globe, 595.) — Mch. 5. N. Y. City Corporate Authorities to U. S. Senate. Res. favoring measures to obtain release of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (32. 1. S. jol., 251.) — Mch. 16. Com. On behalf of Common Council of Brooklyn (N. Y.) to U. S. House. Memorial, rela- tive to release of Smith O’Brien and associates. (32. 1. H. jol., 477.) CANADA—cont’d Insurrection of 1837-38 (“Patriot War”)—cont’d WAN DIEMAN's LAND PRISONERS–cont’d *- Memorials Praying Interference 26 cong., 2 sess., 1840/1 Senate New York: see New York City. 27 cong., 1 sess., 1841 Senate - New York State ; see N. Y. City. EIouse New York. See New York State. Troy; Washington Co. 27 cong., 2 sess., 1841/2 Senate Michigan : see Oxford Co. New York State : see Albion ; Brockport; Buffalo ; Chatham ; Darien ; Knoxville; Lewiston; Madison Co.; Rochester; Wheatland. House New York State : see Alexandria ; Batavia ; Boston ; Buffalo ; Bryon ; Cazenovia ; Charlotte ; Chautauqua Co.; Chenango Co.; Delanti ; Dunkirk; Earlville; Ellicot; Fontsville; Fredonia ; Hamilton ; Hanover ; Harmony; Hen- rietta ; Johnstown ; Lancaster ; Le Roy ; Liverpool ; Lockport; Louis Co.; Lowville ; Lyons ; Madison ; Manlius ; Maysville; Medina Co.; New York City ; North Norwich ; Oneida Co.; Ontario Co.; Orange- ville; Oxford ; Palermo ; Philadelphia ; Plymouth ; Porter; St. Laurence Co.; Salina ; Salisbury ; Sher- burne; Sherman ; Silver Creek; Smyrna ; So. Byron ; Stockton ; Western ; Westfield. 28 cong., 1 sess., 1843/4 House New York State : see N. Y. S. Citizens. 28 cong., 2 sess., 1844/5 House New York State : see Westchester. 32 cong., 1 sess., 1851/2 Senate Michigan : see Detroit. Citizens; Stockton; Arcadia ; Ava ; House Michigan : see Detroit. New Jersey : see Jersey City. New York State : see N. Y. State. Pennsylvania : see Penn. REFERENCEs : Rpt. of state trials before a general court- martial at Montreal, 1838-39. Montreal, 1839, 2 v.; Fry, Case of the Canadian prisoners. Miller, Notes of an exile to Van Dieman’s Land. Fredonia, N. Y., 1846. Wait. Letters from Van Dieman's Land. Buffalo, 1843. Prieur. Notes d’un condamné politique de 1838. Foutré, Echappé de la potence. Quebec, 1869, 1884, Wright. Narrative and recol- lections of Van Dieman's Land. New York, 1844. Parliamentary Library 1851 Oct. 30. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Cramp- ton) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Transmits res. adopted by legislative council of Canada, in ref- erence to certain donations in aid of reconstruction of Parlt, library. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 20, 1.) St. Lawrence River Navigation; see Reciprocity (commercial), etc. Vancouver Is. Disturbance, see Vancouver Is. CANADA, AMER. SHIP Claim agst. Brazil under 1849 indemnity; estate of R. Hicks and W. R. Talbot claimants; Synopsis of award in Moore Int. Arbitration, V. 5, 4621 (53. 2. H. misc. doc. v. 39, 4621); do. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 115.) CANAJOHARIE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Petition vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 583.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 201 CANAL (FRANCISCO), MASTER AMER. SLAVER SCHR. DOLORES; see DOLORES CANALIZO (WALENTIN) 1839-41 comandante general ; , [1841-43] governor de- partamento of Mexico ; 1843-44 president of Mexico. See also Texas Republic, 1838/9. Comandante general 1839 Feb. 27. Circ. to chiefs of Indian tribes soliciting cooperation with M. Flores in expedition agst. Texas. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 35.) — Feb. 27. To comdr. Mexican forces in Tex. (Cor- dova). Directions for conducting expedition agst. Texas. (ib., 33.) — Feb. 27. To leader of Mex. volunteers (Flores). “Instructions to captains and chiefs of friendly na- tions [of Indians] . . . . place of campaign for security of their country and homes.” (ib., 31.) — Mich. 1. To Cordova. Instructions to induce Indians to fulfil directions of Feb. 27. (ib., 33.) — Mch. 9. Order for passports to M. Flores and J. B. Soto. (ib., 36.) t — Mch. 23. To Flores. Instructions relative to prop- erty taken from Indians by M. Salinas. (ib., 34.) — Apr. 19. To ensign Mex. Volunteers (Garza). Com- mission to aid M. Flores in expedition agst. Texas. (ib., 35.) Governor departamento of Meacico 1843 Apr. 20. Publishes decree of Santa Anna relative to U. S. claims on Mexico, and adoption of forced loan. (29. 1. S. doc. 85, 5.) CANALS (INTEROCEANIC) Central American Routes; see Central America Tehuantepec; see Mexico CANANDAIGUA (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 16. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 205.) CANARY IS. Civil Service Governor 1844 Salcede (F. de); see Salcede. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CANAZ (ANTONIO JOSE) E. E. and M. P. Central American Confederation in the U. S., 1824-26 ; 1839-40 jefe of state of Salvador; see Central America. Central American E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. 1824. A topographical acct, of the province and lake of Nicaragua; together with brief sketch of the productions, etc., of Guatemala. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 98; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 338.) 1825 Feb. 8. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams). Urging execution of Canal across isthmus of Nicaragua. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 7; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 245; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 15.) CANDIA, ISLE OF Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CANEA, OTTOMAN PORTE Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CANEDO (JUAN DE DIOS), 1786-1850 1828-29 ministro de relaciones esteriores, Mexico, under Victoria administration. 1839-40, Do., under 3d Bustamente administration ; see Mexico. 1828 Mch. 8. Ministro de relaciones esteriores, Mexico (Espinosa) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Appointment of Cañedo as Secy. of For. Affairs. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 199.) CANEDO (JUAN DE DIOS), 1786-1850—cont’d Correspondence Dnder Victoria Administration 1828 Mch. 22. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett). Flight of Fra. Antonio Rissoll and Fra. José Alcimira from California on board Amer. brig Har- Tringer. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 232.) — Apr. 2. To same. Exeguatur in favor of J. L. Ken- nedy, Amer. cons. at Mazatlan, and of H. Perrine, do. Campeche. (ib., 200.) — Apr. 8. To same. Illegal trading by Amer. Vessels in ports of Texas; exposition of Mexican decree of Sept. 27, 1823; goods entered in violation to be declared contraband. (ib., 234.) – Apr. 12. To same. Invasion of state of Coahuila. and Texas by Amer. citizens. (ib., 233.) — Apr. 12. To same. Presence of Amer. citizens near lake Timpanagos. (ib., 228.) — Apr. 16. To same. Contraband trading of Amer. ships Correo and Franklin, and brig Boston. (ib., 230.) — Apr. 21. To Same. Illegal trading on coast of Texas. (ib., 237.) — May 10. To same. Delivery of treaty of limits. (ib., 201.) — May 13. To same. Provisions of Spanish laws re- Specting privateering; regulation of seizure of enemy’s goods on neutral vessels; temporary pre- cautions observed by Mexico pending advice of Spain's attitude toward principle of neutral flag Covering enemy’s goods. (ib., 211.) — May 13. To same. Transmitting decree of May 1, 1828, regulating passports. (ib., 203.) – May 17. To same. Mexican prizes embargoed at Key West. (ib., 241.) - May 31. To same. Detention at San Luis Potosi of arms belonging to Amer. citizen Soulie. (ib., 237.) Tº) 7. To Same. Surrender of the Hardins. (ib., — Je. 19. To same. Consular invoices on imported goods abolished. (ib., 228.) — Je. 20. To same. Unauthorized passport of P. Rob- ert. (ib., 238.) — Je. 27. To same. Revision of laws of San Luis Potosi relating to export of coined money. (ib., 214.) — Jly. 11. To same. Proceedings for delivery of Har- dins. (ib., 215.) — Jly. 15. To same. Hostilities of Amer. Indians agst. Camanches in Mexican terr. (ib., 243.) — Jly. 19. To same. Claim for seizure of Amer. brig Delight submitted to Supreme Court. (ib., 245.) — Aug. 8. To same. Protest agst. invasion of terr. of Upper California by Amer. hunters. (ib., 246.) — Aug. 9. To same. Qualifications of J. Thompson, surveyor. (ib., 247.) — Aug. 16. To same. Presentation of case of Mexican brig of war Hermon at Key; Seizure at same place of Mexican Schr. Molestadora. (ib., 253.) — Aug. 23. To same. Mexican regulations for hoist- ing of national flags in foreign countries. (ib., 248.) — Aug. 28. To same. Request for names of members of legation and of Mr. Poinsett’s family. (ib., 249.) Aug. 29. To same. Regulations governing Mexican privateers. (ib., 252.) — Sept. 11. To Same. Collection of municipal duties in state of San Luis Potosi. (ib., 250.) — Sept. 12. To Same. Modification of regulation governing Mexican privateers. (ib., 253.) — Sept. 13. To Same. Wreckage of supposed Amer. vessels. (ib., 251.) — Sept. 25. To Same. Re-embarkation of cargo of Sea Nymph prohibited. (ib., 258.) 202 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANEDO (JUAN DE DIOS), 1786-1850—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d Under Victoria Administration—cont’d 1828 Sept. 27. To same. Protesting date of arrival at Tabasco of Amer. Schr. Paragon to be Aug. 4 in- validating Amer. claim. (ib., 259.) — Oct. 7. To Same. Mexican tariff and commercial regulations; cases of Schr. Fair American and brig Delight. (ib., 260.) Nov. 28. To Same. Action in claim for seizure of Amer. goods at Sta. Barbara, Tamaulipas. (ib., 266.) 1829 Jan. 3. To Same. Duel betw. G. Follin and James Smith [Wilcocks]. (ib., 266.) Under 3d Bustamente administration 1840 Feb. 15. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis). Prohibition upon entry of foreigners into Mexico by frontier of Texas. (27. 2. S. doc. 325, 60.) — Je. 20. To Secy. State U. S. (Forsyth). Apptmt. of Mexican comrs. On Mexican Claims Commission, 1839. (ib., 320, 168.) CANEDO (VALENTIN) Governor and capt. gen. of Cuba, 1852-53. 1852 Sept. 21. To Amer. Coml. Agt. in charge of con- sulate, Havana (Morland). Order issued that on arrival of Crescent City at Havana police officer shall go on board to prevent W. Smith from com- ing On Shore. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 7.) — Oct. 15. To Same. Has acquainted govt. of Spain with affair of Crescent City. (ib., 17.) — Oct. 29. E. E. and M. P. of Spain in U. S. A. (Calderon de la Barca). Intercourse with E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Conkling) relating to Crescent City. (ib., 30.) — Nov. 2. To Morland. Concession relating to next voyage of Crescent City. (ib., 35.) 1853 JIy. 8. To same. Refuses request in regard to Jasper Seamen now in royal prison. (ib., 228.) — Jly. 16. To same. Impossible to interfere in Jasper affair. (ib., 234, 239.) — Jly. 20. To same. Depositions of Jasper sailors. (ib., 241.) — Aug. 13. To Same. Refuses request in case of Jas- per sailors. (ib., 247.) Nov. 5. To Same. Requests information concern- ing men detained on board guard-ship Villavicencio. (ib., 273.) — Nov. 9. To same. Jasper seamen on Villavicencio put at disposal of real audiencia. (ib., 274.) CANET AND GARWALENA 1860 Sept. 6. Amer. cons. Havana (Savage) to Secy. State U. S. A. (CaSS). Gov. gen. Of Cuba (Serrano) has granted permission to Canet and Garvalena, etc., to introduce 5000 coolies, Subject to revocation by govt. at Madrid. (32. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 20.) CANFIELD (A.), DEPONENT IN HERNANDEZ CLAIM; see HERNANDEZ CANFIELD (AUGUSTUS), OF N. J. Amer. consul for Candia, 1858-61 see U. S. A. Consular Service. CANFIELD (ISRAEL) 1847 Jan. 19. U. S. Senate. Docs. relating to claim to indemnity for spoliations on his property by Mexi- can soldiers in 1838. (29. 2. S. jol., 111.) CANFIELD (MARY ANN), CLAIMANT; see KORN (J. J.) CANFIELD (N. H.), MASTER AMER. SCHR. DAVID C. FOS- TER; see that title CANFIELD (O.) CITIZENS 1847 Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying that no Supplies be granted to carry on war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 246.) CANNER (JEREMIAH), U. S. CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, WATERTOWN, N. Y. 1838 May 30. To U. S. atty. no. distr. N. Y. (Benton). Advice of destruction of Br. Str. Sir Robert Peel. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 4.) CANNING (CHARLES JOHN), 1812-62 1841-46 under secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office ; 1853-55 . B. M. postmaster general ; see Great Britain. Civil Service. 1843 Jan. 11. To H. B. M. Secy. Admiralty (Herbert). Lt. Wilson’s (Cygnet) acct. relative to visit of Amer. Schr. Shakespeare. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 78.) 1855 Jan. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bu- chanan). Has no power to make proposal in regard to Br. transit rates on corresp. betw. U. S. and France. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 65.) CANNING (GEORGE), 1770–1827 1822–27 secy. H. B. Britain. Civil Service. 1826 Apr. 20. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (King). Inquiry relative to nature of instructions in matter of n, w. boundary; Br. plenipotentiaries prepared to enter into conferences. (20. 1. H. doc. 199, 10.) — Nov. 13. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Galla- tin). Reply to Gallatin’s doctrine that U. S. have right to exclude Br. trade from Amer. ports. (20. 1. H. doc. 259, 6.) 1827 Jan. 11. To same. Matter of establishing light- house, etc., in Bahama channel referred to Admi- rality. (20. 1. S. doc. 19, 12.) Jan. 27. To same. Declines to regulate colonial trade by commercial treaty. (20. 1. H. doc. 259, 17.) CANNING (STRATFORD), 1786-1880 1820-23 H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. ; see Great Britain. Civil Service. 1820 Dec. 20. U. S. Secy, of State (Adams). Proposals by govt. of Gr. Br. to U. S. relating to African slave trade. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 106.) 1823 Jan. 29. Same. Br. govt. repeats invitation to U. S. to negotiate on subject of abolition of slave trade. (ib., 190.) — Feb. 15. Same. Protest agst. act of S. C. entitled “An act for the better regulation and government of free negroes, and persons of color.” (27. 2. H. eX. doc. 119. 2.) - — Apr. 8. Same. Gr. Br. disposed to receive offer of Mch. 31 only as acknowledgment that measures more efficient than any now generally in force are indispensable for suppression of slavetrade; having regarded mutual limited concession of right of search as only practical cure for evil, prevailing sentiment will be of regret at unfavorable view still taken of it by U. S. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 193.) — Je. 1. Same. Acknowledges letter of 25 ult. in ref- erence to capture of Schr. Charles. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 6.) CANNON (DANIEL), CLAIMANT 1860 Feb. 27. U. S. House. Petition, praying remunera- tion for loss of vessel captured by Br. in War of 1812. (36. 1. H. jol., 378.) CANNON (JOHN), BR. SUBJECT; MURDER OF; see FRENCH (R.) M. Foreign Affairs; see Great INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 203 CANONSBURG (PA.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (26.1. H. jol., 731.) CANSANSAO DE SINIMBú (J. L. V.); see VIEIRA CANSAN- SAO DE SINIMBU CANTERAC (JOSE), CAPT. GEN. OF SPAIN 1835 Jan. 18. Ministr. de estado, Spain (Martinez de la Rosa) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness). Stnt. of mutiny agst. ministers; killing of capt. gen. Canterac. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 188.) CANTERBURY (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Petitions vs. Texan annexa- tion. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) CANTON (CHINA); see CHINA CANTON (CONN.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial Vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 84.) CANTON (ILL.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) CANTON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 85.) CANTON, AMER. SHIP 1818 May 2. Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams) to Amer. M. P. in Spain (Erving). Capture of Amer. ships Beaver and Canton. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 16.) CANTON, AMER. SHIP (WICKHAM) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 18.) CANTON PACKET, AMER. WHALER 1856 Apr. 8. H. B. M. colonial secy., Hong Kong (Mer- cer) to Amer. cons. Hong Kong (Keenan). Appre- ciation of aid afforded Br. authorities in search for deserters on Canton Packet. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 113, 46.) CAPE TOWN Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CAPE DE VERDE IS. Relief to Inhabitants STATUTORY MEASURES 1856 May 19. Intr. in House; jt. res. (Wheeler, N. Y.) “in relation to sufferers at Cape de Verde Is.” (34. 1. H. jol., 994.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1856 May 19. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; urging passage of jt. res. Of even date. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess., 1257.) CAPELA (J., J.R.); see CASSELA (J., J.R.) CAPELLA (ANDREW), CLAIMANT UNDER FLORIDA TREATY STATUTORY MEASURES 1846 Mch. 4. Intr. in Senate (Westcott, Com. On Judi- ciary) bill (29. 1. S. 108) “ for relief of Andrew Capella.” (29. 1. S. jol., 178; 402.) 1848 Jan. 3. Intr. same (same) bill (30. 1. S. 48) “for relief of Peter Capella, admr. of A. Capella, etc. *; approved Mch. 3, 1849. (30. 1. S. jol.; 30. 2. do.; ix, St. L., 788.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1846 Jan. 20. P. Capella, admr. of A. Capella to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying compensation for dam- ages to property by U. S. troops during military Occupation of Florida, 1812-1813. (29. 1. S. jol., 109.) 1848 Jan. 3. U. S. S. Com. on Judiciary (Westcott). Rpt. to acc. S. 48 on petition of admr. of Andrew Capella, etc. (30. 1. S. rpt. 13.) CAPEN (NAHUM.) 1844 Jan. 15. U. S. House. Petition, praying enactment of international copyright law. (28. 1. H. doc. 61; H. jol., 238, 260.) CAP0 (JOHN), CLAIMANT UNDER FLORIDA TREATY STATUTORY MEASURES 1848 Jan. 3. Intr. in Senate (Westcott, Com. on Judi- Ciary), bill (30. 1. S. 48) “for relief of J. Capo, etc.”; approved Mch. 3, 1849. (30. 1. S. jol.; 30. 2. do.; ix, St. L., 788.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1848 Jan. 3. U.S. S. Com. on Judiciary (westcott). Rpt. to *: 5. 48 on petition of J. Capo, etc. (30. 1. S. Tpt. 13. CAPO D'ISTRIAs (count) 1827 Je. 15/27. To President of U. S. A. (Adams). Transmits letter from President of National Assem- bly of Greece (Sissing). (20. 1. H. doc. 2, 32.) CAPSSON (JOHN), NATIVE OF SwitzERLAND [Swe- DEN ?] 1833. Mch. 11. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to min- iStr., relac. est. Mexico (Gonzales). Request for pro- tection of Mexican govt. for J. Capsson. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 473.) — Mch. 16. Gonzales to Butler. granted to J. Capsson. (ib., 474.) CAPTURE, ETC., OF PERSONS (Arrest; capture ; detention ; imprisonment ; See Alienage, etc. Letter of safety murder.) CAPTURE, ETC., OF PROPERTY (Capture; confiscation; detention; prize; seizure). See also France. Claims, i. e., the spoliation claims ; Denmark do. Free ships, free goods. etc. ; Slave- trade ; Visit and search. Treaty Stipulations 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; in force, art. 23, prize courts only COmpetent to have cognizance of prize causes. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc. (finally terminated Nov. 30, 1881), art. 25, prize COurtS. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. General conv, of peace, etc. (terminated Jan. 20, 1850), art. 21, prize courts Only competent in prize case. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. (terminated Jan. 3, 1851), art. 24, prize courts. Sept. 16. Morocco and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. (in force), art. 3, case of captures. −. Same, art. 19, vessels not to be detained. 204 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CAPTURE, ETC., OF PROPERTY—cont’d Treaty Stipulations—cont’d 1836 Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc. (terminated 1839), art. 20, prize courts only to take Cognizance of prizes. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. (terminated Aug. 25, 1892), art. 24, prize courts Only competent in prize cases. 1846 Dec. 12. New Granada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. (in force), art. 24, prize courts only competent in prize causes. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc. (terminated Nov. 4, 1874), art. 23, prize Courts. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc. (terminated Dec. 6, 1870), art. 24, prize courts. 1851 Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc. (terminated Dec. 9, 1863), art. 30, prize cases. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc. (terminated Oct. 22, 1870), art. 19, duty in case of captured Vessels; art. 20, masters of captured ship not to be removed. Crew and passengers; art. 21, courts for prize causes; art. 23, prizes, not to be arrested; limitation. $ Statutory Measures 1833 Jan. 4. Intr. in House (Verplanck, Com. of Ways and Means) bill (22. 2. H. R. 657) “making appro- priations for naval service for 1833 * [apprn. to dis- charge prize money claims for capture of Algerine vessels]; appra., Feb. 20. (22. 2. H. jol., 133, 316, 380; iv, Stat. L., 615.) 1849 Jan. 2. Intr. in House (Vinton, Com. of Ways and Means) bill (30. 2. H. R. 699) “making appropria- tions for naval service for year ending Je. 30, 1850” [clause relating to disposition of prize money]; ap- prä., Mch. 3 (30. 2. H. jol., 169, 386, 667; ix, Stat. L., 378.) Correspondence 1827 Oct. 1. Ministr. negoc. estrang. Brazil (Queluz) to Amer. chargé ad int. Brazil (Wright). H. I. M. appoints consulting junto to review processes on maritime prizes. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 169.) — Nov. 18. Comdr. Brazilian blockading Sqdn. River Plate (Pinto Guedes) to Comdr. Brazil sqdn. U. S. N. (Biddle). Cites authorities for doctrine that prop- erty found at sea under enemy's flag is good prize. (ib., 186.) 1828 May 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo). Laws of U. S. concerning action of neutral govt. in case of prizes taken by belligerent. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 241.) 1838 Mch. 2. J. M. Patton, repr. from Va. Remarks; op- posing proposed amdmt. to neutrality bill regarding seizures. (vi, Cong. Globe, 206.) 184-. Mexico. Form of a prize letter issued by govt. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 40.) 1843 Nov. 29. U. S. atty. gen. (Nelson). Opinion; sei- zure of Amer. vessel by another within jurisdiction of foreign govt. for infringement of revenue or navi- gation laws, is violation of terr. authority of foreign govt. (ii, Op. attys. gen., 1658; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, V. 2, 1658.) 1847 Je. 13. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Saunders). Question of prize belongs exclusively to courts of Captor, etc. Mss. Instr. Spain. (iii, Wharton’s Digest, 580.) Oct. 28. [extr.] Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Mason) to comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Jones). Blockade of Mexican ports; instructions relative.to captures and prizes; organization of prize court in Cali- fornia; its jurisdiction. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 1304.) CAPTURE, ETC., OF PROPERTY: CASES On the High Seas See also Visit and search. 1812. Slaves belonging to Amer. citizens taken on high seas; see Young (J.). 1830 Je. 5. Sp. slaver Schr. Fenia: by U. S. S. Grampus; See Fenia. 1837 Apr. 1. Amer. Schr. Champion captured by Mexican brig of war General Urrea; see Champion. 1847 Je. Amer. bark Carmelita seized by Unico, Sailing under Mexican colors; see Carmelita. 1850. Amer. brigantine Volusia taken by H. B. M. str. Rattler on high seas; see Volusia. In Territory of Captor ALGERLAN; see ALGIERS AMERICAN n, d. Br. bark Pearl seized at S. F.; see Pearl. n. d. Goods belonging to C. Green and Glen & co. Seized at S. F.; see Glen & Co.; do. Green. n. d. Br. vessel Irene seized; see Irene. n. d. Goods belonging to C. B. Hall seized at Cincinnati; See Hall. n. d. Br. vessel Baron Renfrew seized at S. F.; see Baron Renfrew. n. d. Br. Vessel Joseph Albino detained at S. F.; see Joseph Albino. . d. Br. brig Lady Shaw Stewart seized at S. F.; see Lady Shaw, etc. n. d. Br. vessel Crosthwaite seized at New Orleans; see Crosthwaite. 181?. Br.,sloop Mary captured by Amer. citizen; see Miller (N.). —. Br. brig Caledonia captured during war of 1812; See Caledonia. —. Br. sloop Venture taken by Z. Lawrence; see Lawrence. 1812 Je. 5. Br. Schr. Lord Nelson captured by U. S. brig Oneida at Niagara; see Crooks (W.), etc. 1814 Apr. 29. H. B. M. sloop Epervier captured by U. S. sloop Peacock; see Warrington (L.) 1817. Br. Schr. Julia seized in Sandusky Bay; see Hall (C.) Il 1819. Br. vessel Frances and Eliza seized at New Or- leans; see Frances, etc. 1828. Mexican brig Hermon and Mexican Schr. Molesta- dore seized in port of Key West; see Hermon; do. - MolestildOre. 1838 May 29. Br. str. Sir Robert Peel burned at Well’s Is., N. Y.; see Canada. Insurrection, etc. 1839. Sp. Schr. A mistad seized by Amer. brig Washing- tom, off Montauk Point; see Aºnistad. 1845. Seizure of property belonging to W. McGlinchey; See McGlinchey. 1849. Goods belonging to Miller & Mackintosh seized at S. F.; see Miller, etc. 1850 Apr. 22. Br. vessel Albion in Oregon terr.; see Albion. 1851 Dec. Br. vessels Beaver, Prince of Wales and Cadboro seized in Oregon; see Hudson's Bay Co. 1855 Oct. 17. Amer. bark Maury seized in port of N. Y. on libel sworn to by Br. cons.; See Mawry. 1858. Slaver bark Ardennes detained in port of New Orleans; See Ardennes. 1860. Slaver bark William captured off Florida coast; See William. —. Mexican war strs. General Miramon and Marquis de la Havana, taken off Vera Cruz; see Géneral Miramon, etc. BRAZILIAN 1853 Jan. Amer. bark Griffon Seized at Rio de Janeiro; see Griffon. INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 205 CAPTURE, ETC., OF PROPERTY: CASES-cont’d In Territory of Captor-cont’d MEXICAN–Cont'd CAPTURE, ETC., OF PROPERTY: CASES-cont’d In Territory of Captor-cont’d BRITISH See also Slavetrade. n. d. Amer. Schr. Levin Lank seized at St. Helena; See Levin Lank. n. d. Amer. brig Charlotte seized on coast of Ireland; See Charlotte. 1805 [15?]. Amer. ship Ea:periment captured on voyage to Jamaica by French privateer under Sp. colors; recaptured by H. B. M. cruiser Wolf; see Ea:peri- qment. 1815. Slaves belonging to Amer. citizens taken by Br. authorities of Cumberland Is...; see McClure (J.). 1831. Slaves on board wrecked Amer. brig Comet libeled by Br. authorities of New Providence; see Comet. 1833 Feb. Slaves on board Amer. brig Eucomium, liber- ated in port of Nassau; see Comet, etc. 1835. Slaves on board Amer. Schr. Enterprise liberated by authorities of Port Hamilton; see Comet, etc. 1839 Sept. 22. Amer. brig Emerald seized off Canso; see Emerald. 1841 Nov. 12. Slaves on board Amer. Str. Creole liber- ated by force in Br. port of Nassau; see Creole. 1852. Amer. Schr. Caroline Knight captured at Prince Edward Is...; see Caroline Knight. CHINESE 1841 May 22. Boat’s crew from Amer. ship Morrison was fired on at Canton, and officer, passengers and crew were taken prisoners; see China. Opium war. 1854 May. Dutch ship Paul Johan attacked in Chinese waters; see China. Piracy. — Mch. 6. In port of Shanghai. Amer. pilot boat taken by Chinese ship of war Sir Herbert Compton; see China. Piracy. — May. U. S. S. Susquehanna fired on by Chinese authorities; see Susquehanna. 1855. Lorcha Rapid seized by Chinese insurgents; see China. Taiping rebellion. 1856. Amer. strs. Cwmfa and Williamette fired on by Chinese; see China. Canton. HAITIAN 1849 Dec. Amer. brig Arve seized in port of Jeremie; See A rve. MEXICAN 1813. Amer. ship Mercury seized in California coast; see Eayres (G. W.). 1818 Jan. Amer. brig Cossack seized at Mazatlan; see Cossack. 182(?). Goods belonging to Pell bros. seized at Tampico; see Pell (A.). 1821. Cargo of Amer. Ship Louisa taken at Acapulco; see Louisa. 1822 Oct. Specie belonging to Peter Harmony seized on way to Vera Cruz; see Harmony (P.). — Oct. 22. Specie belonging to J. Mitchell seized on road from Mexico to Vera Cruz; see Mitchell (J.). 1824. Goods claimed by C. Turner seized at Sisal; see Turner (C.). —. Goods belonging to J. B. Marié seized; see Marié (J. B.). — Aug. 26. Amer. brig Cato seized at Tabasco; see Cato. — Sept. 1. Amer. Schr. Leda detained at Tabasco; see Leda. 1825 Sept. 6. Goods belonging to J. Coulter seized in Mexico; see Coulter (J.). — Sept. 7. Amer. Schr. Felia, seized in harbor of Soto la Marina; see Feliac. — Oct. 25. Goods of G. G. Howland seized at Alva- rado; see Howland (G. G.). 1826. Amer. Schr. Fair American seized in port of Refugio; see Fair America”. — Amer. Schr. Escambia seized at Matagorda; see Escambia. — Feb. 23. Amer. schr. Superior captured in port of Laguna; see Superior. — Sept. Amer. brig Delight seized at Sisal; see Delight. 1827. Goods belonging to J. H. Andrews seized at Alva- rado; see Andrews (J. H.). — Feb. Specie on board Amer. brig Aspasia seized at Sisal; see Aspasia. 1828. Amer. ship Franklin detained at San Pedro, Calif.; See Franklin. — Goods belonging to Arbel & co. seized at Sta. Bar- bara, Tamaulipas; see Arbel & Co. —. Amer. brig Lancaster seized at San Blas; see Lancaster. — Goods belonging to E. E. Hammond seized at Sta. Fe; see Hammond (E. E.). — May. Property belonging to Amer. citizen Soulie seized by commissary general of San Luis Potosi; See Soulie. — JIy. 4. Cargo of Amer. Schr. Paragon seized in Tabasco; See Paragon. 1829. Goods belonging to R. M. Whitney & co. Seized at Vera Cruz; see Whitney (R. M.). —. Amer. brig Ann detained at Vera Cruz; See Ann. [1829.] Amer. brig Danube molested in port of Mazat- lan; see Danube. 1829 Jly. Amer. Schr. Two Friends captured by Mexican Schr. Louisiana; see Two Friends. — Aug. 3. Amer. brig William detained at Vera Cruz; See William. — Aug. 3. Amer. brig Ursula impressed; See Ursula. — Sept. Amer. Schr. Alert seized at Tampico; See Alert. — Sept. 15. Amer. Schr. Rebecca Eliza seized at Tam- pico; see Rebecca Eliza. — Dec. Cargo of Amer. Schr. Galaay detained by authorities of Tabasco; see Galaay. 183?. Property of T. Ducoing, Amer. citizen, seized in Mexico; see Ducoing (T.). [1830.] Amer. schrs. Climas, Whig and De Roussey seized in Texas; see Coxe (R. S.). —. Amer. brig Good Hope seized in Texas; see Coxe (R. S.). 1830. Amer. Schr. Crescent seized in Texas; see Coxe (R. S.). Mch. 22. Amer. brig General Morales seized by authorities of Vera Cruz; See General Morales. — Sept. 29. Amer. brig Splendid impressed into Mexi- can service; see Splendid. [1831.] Property belonging to one Bisson seized in Mexico; see Bisson. * 1832. Goods belonging to J. Smith seized at Saltillo; see Smith (J.). —. Amer. brig John confiscated; see Leggett (A.). —. Amer. Schr. Consolation confiscated; see Leggett (A.). Af — Je. 21. Amer. Schr. Brazoria Seized in port of Brazoria; see Brazoria. — Oct. 10. Amer. Str. Hidalgo Confiscated in Tabasco; see Leggett (A.). 1833. Goods belonging to H. J. Kelly detained at Vera Cruz customs; see Kelly. — Je. 18. Amer. Schr. Augustus seized in port of Brazos; See Augustus. — Jly. 13. Amer. Schr. Wetree seized at Tampico; see TWetree. 206 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CAPTURE, ETC., OF PROPERTY: CASES-cont’d In Territory of Captor—cont’d MEXICAN–cont’d CAPTURE, ETC., OF PROPERTY: CASES-cont’d In Territory of Captor—cont’d SPANISH-cont’d 1834. Amer. brig Paragon fired on near Sisal; see Para- 907. — Jan. Cargo of Amer. ship Henry Thompson seized in Vera Cruz; see Henry Thompson. Mch. Amer. brig Industry confiscated by authori- ties of Tabasco; see Industry. — May 5. Amer. Schr. William A. Turner in port of Sisal; see William A. Turner. 1835. Amer. Schr. Lone seized by Mexican troops in Texas; see Lone. — May. Amer. Schr. Martha seized at Brazoria; see 1853 Apr. 10. U. S. mail str. Ohio detained in port of Havana; see Ohio. 1854 Feb. 28. Amer. str. Black Warrior seized in port of Havana; see Black Warrior. 1855 Mch. U. S. mail str. El Dorado detained and searched in Cuban waters by Sp. frigate Ferrolona; See El Dorado. In Foreign Territory n. d. Amer. Vessel Julius and Edward seized by Br. cruiser and taken to Bremen; see Julius and Ed- Martha. (ward. ==- May 1. Amer. brig Ophir in port of Campeche; see 18?. Amer. ship Stockport seized by French privateer Ophir. Belloma; see Stockport. — Nov. Amer. Schr. Hannah Elizabeth fired on by Mexican Schr. Bravo; see Hannah Elizabeth. 1836. Cargo of Amer. Schr. Northampton confiscated at Tabasco; see Northampton. —. Amer. brig Mary seized at Tampico; see Mary. −. Amer. brig Fourth of July seized at Vera Cruz; See Fourth of July. −. Amer. Schr. Aurora confiscated at Tabasco; see Aurora. - Mch. 19. Amer. Schr. Eclipse seized at Tabasco; See Eclipse. Apr. Amer. brigs Jane, Henry, schrs. Compeer and Nile, and sloop Supply detained at Matamoras; see those titles. – Sept. 2. Amer. Schr. Bethlehem seized on voyage to Campeche in distress by officer of Mexican navy; See Bethlehem. 1887. Goods belonging to M. Alvarez confiscated at Sta. Fe; see Alvarez (M.). . Amer. Schr. Oriente seized in port of Guazacualcos; See Oriente. — Apr. Amer. Schr. Gardiner seized at Tabasco; see Gardiner. — Apr. Amer. Schr. Louisiana captured by Mexican brig of war General Terran; see Louisiana. Apr. 12. Amer. Schr. Julius Caesar taken by Mexi- Can brig of War General Terran; see Julius Caesar. — Apr.-May. Amer. Schr. Mechanic forcibly detained at Matamoras; see Mechanic. 184?. Amer. Schr. Essea, seized by Mexican govt.; see Cottrill (T. B.). 1840. Property of S. Frasier, Amer. citizen confiscated in Mexico; see Frasier. 1842. Seizure was contemplated of Amer. ship Tasso in port of San Pedro; see Tasso. * 1850. Property belonging to Mather and Glover seized by Mexican authorities; see Glover (W. R.), etc. 1851. Amer. Schr. Sarabia, on voyage to port of Minatit- lan; see Sarabia. 1852. Amer. Str. Commodore Stockton seized in port of Acapulco; see Commodore Stockton. PERUVLAN ; see CHINA: FRANKLIN: GOOD RETURN SPANISH See also Hawley (B.) ; See also Aliens. Imprisonment. 18?. Amer. ships Beaver and Canton seized at Talcu- huano; see Beaver; do. Canton. 1812. Amer. Schr. Contradiction confiscated in Is. of Margharita; see Contradiction. 1832. Cargo of wrecked Amer. ship Brilliant seized by Sp. authorities; see Brilliant. 183D4]. Amer. brig Com/merce seized by military comdt. of port of Cabanos; see Commerce. 1850 Mch. Seizure of rigging, etc., of wrecked Amer. Schr. North Carolina by authorities of Mayaguly; See North Carolina. 1852 Sept. 3. U. S. mail str. Crescent City refused entry to port of Havana; see Crescent City. —. Amer. Schr. Fidelity seized at Sierra Leone; see Fidelity. 1800. Amer. ship Mary captured by French privateer Rénomºmée, see Mary. 1806. Amer. ship Portsmouth captured by British; see Smith (J. E.). 1812. Sp. vessel Falcon captured by U. S. S. President in Port du Passage; see Falcon. 1814. Amer. vessel Albert Gallatin captured by British; See Albert Gallatiºn. 1815 Feb. 11. Amer. ship Amelia taken by Br. Cruiser On Way from Porto Rico to Guadeloupe; see Amelia. — Feb. 20. Br. ship Levant taken by U. S. frigate Constitution; see Levant. — Mch. 5. Amer. Schr. John taken by H. B. M. Talbot; See JOh/m. — Je. Br. vessel Union captured by U. S. sloop Pea- cock: ; see Union. — Je. 17. U. S. S. Epervier captures Algerine brig Mashovda off Cape de Gata; see Mashowda. 182?. Amer. Schr. Adams taken by Brazilian sqdn. blockading Buenos Aires; See Adams. 1823. Amer. brig Dick, Seized by Amer. cons. of Guaya- quil; see Dick. 1827. Property of Amer. citizens on board Argentinian vessel Jovem. Emilia when taken by Braz. Indepen- dencia ou Morte; see Battelle (E. K.); Sollers (S.); Walker (J.). — JIy. 6. Amer. brig President Adams captured by Brazilian Cruiser; See President Adams. 1828 Feb. 17. Sp. privateer Reyna Amalia captured off Cuban coast by Mexican brig Hermon, and taken into Amer. port of Key West; see Reyna Amalia. 1832. Mexican Schr. Montezuma captured off MatamoraS by U. S. Schr. Grampus; see Montezuma. 1835 Jly. Mexican Schr. Correo de Meacico captured off Matamoras by Amer. Schr. San Felipe; see Correo de Mea;ico. * 1837. Mexican brig of war General Urrea captured b U. S. sloop Natchez off Matamoras; see General Urred. — Dec. 29. Amer. Str. Caroline burned at Fort Schlosser; see Canada. Insurrection, etc. 1838. Amer. brig Thomas seized in port of Havana by U. S. S. Ontario (McKenney); see Thomas. — Je. 27. Amer. Schr. Lone captured by boat of French brig of war Le Laurier off Matamoras; see LOne. 184?. Property belonging to Wm. Money seized by Gen. Kearney; see Money (Wm.). —. Property due T. and B. Laurent seized by Gen. Scott in Mexico; see Laurent. 1845 Jan. Amer. brig Porpoise captured at Rio de Janeiro by U. S. frigate Raritan ; see Porpoise. — Feb. Amer. brig Kentucky detained at Rio de Janeiro by U. S. frigate Raritan ; see Kentucky. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 207 CAPTURE, ETC., OF PROPERTY: CASES-cont’d In Foreign Territory—cont’d 1845 JIy. 19. Amer. Slaver Albert seized in port of Bahia by Amer. cons. Tyler; see Albert. 1846. Goods belonging to C. Uhde seized by Amer. forces in Matamoras; See Uhde. —. Goods belonging to Loback & co., Br. subjects, seized at Tabasco by Amer. Seamen; see Loback, etc. —. Goods belonging to Kerford and Jenkin detained by U. S. forces in Mexico; see Kerford, etc. — Je. 7. Amer. Schr. Oregon seized at Tampico by Mexican authorities; see Oregon. 1848. Amer. brig Lawrence seized at Sierra Leone; see Lawrence. 1849. Amer. brig Susan boarded by U. S. brig Perry off Santa Cruz; see Susan. 1850 Dec. 1. Br. brigantine Confidence taken by U. S. frigate Constitution in straits of Gibraltar; see Confidence. 1854 Je. 30. Schr. Julia seized at La Paz by comdr. Dupont, U. S. N.; see Julia. 1857 Dec. 8. Wm. Walker arrested by comdr. Paulding, U. S. N., at Punta Arenas; see Central America. Nicaragua. Filibustering. 1858. Slaver ketch Brothers captured off Mayumba by U. S. S. Marion; see Brothers. 1860 Mch. 6. Mexican Vessels Of War General Miramon, and Marques de la Habama captured off Vera Cruz by U. S. S. Savannah ; see General Miramon, and Marques de la Habana. See also Brazil. Claims ; Great Britain, do. ; Slave- trade ; Visit and Search. In Disputed Territory See Northeast Boundary Controversy ; Reciprocity (Fishery, etc.). CARAFA DELLA SPINA (LUIGI), MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TWO SICILIES 1855 Jan. 13. Signs conv. relative to the rights of neu- trals at sea, betw. Two Sicilies and U. S. A.; see Two Sicilies. Treaties. Oct. 1. Signs conv. of amity, etc., betw. Two Sicilies and U. S. A.; see same. CARAMELLI (HAMET), EX-BASHAW OF TRIPOLI 1856 Jly. 11. Mohamet Habbett, heir of Hamet Caramelli to U. S. House. Petition; praying remuneration for military services in expedition under Gen. Eaton, agSt. JusSerf Bashaw, usurper of throne and regency of Tripoli. (34. 1. H. jol., 1189.) — Dec. 2. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to Pres. U. S. A. (Pierce). Rpt. relative to Hamet Caramelli since connexion with govt. (34. 3. H. ex, doc. 8, 1.) — Dec. 18. Mohamet Habbett to U. S. House. Me- morial; praying payment of indemnity under treaty of Tripoli. (34. 3. H. jol., 121.) — Dec. 19. U. S. House. On motion (Giddings, Com. of Claims), discharged from consideration of pe- tition of Mohamet Habbett, in behalf of heirs of Hamet Caramelli, and Same referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 124.) 1858 Jan. 20. U. S. House. Petition, heretofore presented Jly. 11, 1856, presented (Clingman, N. C.), and re- ferred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (35. 1. H. jol, 208.) 1860 Feb. 14. Heirs of Caramelli to U. S. Senate. Me- morial, praying compensation for losses by failure of U. S. to comply with terms of treaty of 1805, to aid him to recover his authority in Tripoli. (36. 1. S. jol., 151.) — Feb. 15. Same to U. S. House. Same. (36. 1. H. jol., 280.) CARAVELLAS, MARQUES DE Brazilian secretario do imperio in 8th cabinet of Pedro I in 1829; see Brazil. CARAVELLAS, WISCONDE DE; see CARNEIRO DE CAMPOS (F.) CARAVELLAS, 2° WISCONDE DE (M. A. BRANCO); see BRANCO, ETC. CARAzo (MANUEL José) 1860 JIy. 2. Signs conv. concerning adjustment of claims of citizens of U. S., betw. Costa Rica and U. S. A.; see Costa Rica. Treaties. CARCACHE (EDUARD0) Nicaraguan chargé d'affaires in the U. S., 1849-50; see Central America. 1849 Dec. 31. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Solicits ratification of treaty concluded Sept. 3, 1849. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 312.) CARD (PHILIP), ORIGINAL CLAIMANT; see CARR (PHILIP) CARDENA ( ), CAPT. SP. BRIG ST. CHRISTOPHER 1832 Feb. 20. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness) to Secy. State ad int., Spain (Alcudia). Rec- ognition of conduct of capt. Cardeña in saving lives of crew of Amer. brig Invincible (Pratt). (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 98.) — Feb. 23. Alcudia to Wan Ness. Reply to note of 20 inst. (ib., 99.) — Mch. 29. Van Ness to Secy. State U. S. A. (Liv- ingston). Corresp. in relation to Cardeña. (ib., 98.) CARDENAL (PEDRO) Ministro de relaciones esteriores of Nicaragua, 1856-57 ; see Central America. CARDWELL (GEORGE N.) 1857 Je. To J. W. Cardwell. Private letter relative to Crabb party massacred in Sonora. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 69.) CARE (PHILIP), ORIGINAL CLAIMANT, see CARR (PHILIP) CAREY (MATTHEW), JOINT MEMORIALIST See p. 232 under date of 1838, Jan. 14. CAREW ( ), MASTER AMER. WESSEL BREAKWATER; see FALKLAND IS. CARGOES, TRANS SHIPMENT OF; see VESSELS CARIETE Y MORAL (NICASIO), SP. CONS. GEN. IN CHINA 1858 Jan. 7. To Amer. ConS. Macao (Rawle). Until otherwise instructed finds himself obliged to legal- ize acts for transportation of coolies. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 76.) CARILL0 (BRAULI0), 1800-45 Jefe supremo of Costa Rica, 1835-37; 1838-42 ; see Cen- tral America. CARILLO (JOAQUIN), JUDGE OF THE PEACE, STA. BAR- BARBA, CALIF. 1842 Oct. 31. To gov. of California (Micheltorena). Suspension of execution of orders for defence by direction of military comdte. of Sta. Barbara. (27.3. H. doc. 166, 29.) CARILLO (DON JOSE ANTONIO); see TAsso, AMER. SHIP CARISIUS; see KRABBE-CARISIUS (HANS) CARLETON (G. H.), MASTER AMER. COOLIE SHIP WAN- DERING JEW; see COOLIE TRADE 208 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CARLETON (HENRY), U. S. ATTY. FOR E. DISTR, OF LA. 1835 Oct. 21. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Dis- position of citizens of La. to aid Texans in coming War of independence. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 3.) 1836 Jan. 21. To Same. Proc. to ascertain movements in New Orleans in favor of cause of Texas. (ib., 11.) — Mch. 7. To same. Examination of Wm. Christy; disclosures implicating Gen. Mejía. (ib., 21.) CARLILE (THOMAS), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for San Francisco in 1842; see U. S. A. Consular service. CARLISLE (JAMES MANDEVILLE) Counsel for Costa Rica under Costa Rican claims con- Vention of 1860 ; see Central America. Counsel for Paraguay under Paraguayan claims con- vention of 1859; see Paraguay. Claims, CARLISLE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) — Oct. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 138.) 1838 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Petition favoring recog- nition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) CARLISLE (O.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Petition in behalf of Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) CARLISLE (PA.) CITIZENS 1844 May 27. To U. S. Senate. Memorial in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 304.) CARLOS, SP. SLAVER Mentioned. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, 142.) CARLOS I, OF SPAIN 1540. Charter granted to Diego Gutierrez for purpose of settling province of Cartago (Costa Rico) and con- ferring upon him title of governor. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 25.) CARLSRUHE (GERMANY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CARLTON (MOSES), ET AL., OF WISCASSET, ME. 1846 Dec. 16. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 58.) 1850 Jan. 28. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 114.) CARMELITA, AMER. BARK Seized on the high seas early in June, 1847, by Unico, cruising under Mexican colors, and was carried into Barcelona. 1847 Dec. 6. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Mason). Annual rpt. [clause relating to seizure and restoration of barque Carmelita]. 1850 Je. 22. Ministr. relac. est., Spain (Pidal) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Barringer). Execution of sentence in case of Carmelita belongs to marine court. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 67.) 1854 Apr. 7. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Soulé) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Carmelita claim; etc. (ib., 66.) CARMEN (YUCATAN) INHABITANTS 1848 Mch. 10. To gov. of Island. Soliciting continued protection of U. S. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 24.) — Mch. 13. To same. Praying consideration of repre- sentation of inhabitants of Mch. 10. (ib., 23.) CARMEN, BRAZ. SCHR., SLAVER Mentioned. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, 147.) CARMICHAEL (RICHARD B.), OF MD. Ö Repr. from Md., 23d cong, 1833-35. 1833-34, 23d cong., 1 sess., member U. S. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Claimant; see CARMICHAEL (Wrm.) CARMICHAEL (WILLIAM), OF MD. Amer. chargé in Spain, 1789-94; see also U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. 1797 Feb. 22. Secy. State U. S. A. (Pickering). Rpt. On Carmichael claim. (26. 1. H. rpt. 634, 4.) 1836 Jan. 18. A. T. A. Blake, heir of Wm. Carmichael to U. S. House. Petition: praying re-examination of accts. and payment of dues. (24. 1. H. jol., 202.) — Dec. 20. U. S. House. Motion (Pearce, Md.) to refer Alphonsus T. A. Blake petition of Jan. 18, 1836, to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (24. 2. H. jol., 90.) 1837 Dec. 13. A. T. A. Blake to U. S. House. Petition as before. (25. 2. H. jol., 74.) 1840 Jan. 4. Same to same. Memorial; referred to Com. On Foreign Affairs under general order of day. (26. 1. H. jol., 182; 1194.) t — Jly. 2. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Rpt. of majority and minority on Blake petition praying recognition of Carmichael claim. (26. 1. H. rpt. 634; viii, Cong. Globe, 500.) 1841 Dec. 14. A. T. A. Blake to U. S. House. Memorial; as before. (27. 2. H. jol., 63.) 1850 Jan. 21. Richd. B. Carmichael to U. S. Senate. Peti- tion in case of Wm. Carmichael claim. (31. 1. S. jol., 93.) 1852 May 25. U. S. Senate. On motion (Pearce, Md.), petition of Richd. B. Carmichael, admr. of A. T. A. Blake, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (32. 1. S. jol., 431.) 1854 Mch. 14. Same. On motion (Pearce, Md.); same. (33. 1. S. jol., 257.) 1855 Feb. 22. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Slidell). Adverse rpt. on Carmichael claim. (33. 2. S. rpt. 538.) CARNAHAN (A. M.), ET AL. 1849 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying em- ployment of African sqdn. to transport emigrants from U. S. to Liberia. (30. 2. S. jol., 102; 116.) CARNEIRO DE CAMPOS (FRANCISCO), WISCONDE DE CARAVELLAS Brazilian secretario dos negocios estrangeiros in 8th and 9th cabinets of Pedro I, 1830 ; d.o. in cabinet of provisional regency and in 1st cabinet of permanent regency under Pedro II, 1831-32 ; see Brazil. CARNEIRQ LEAo (HONORIO HERMETO), MARQUEZ DE PARANA Brazilian secretario dos negocios estrangeiros in 3d cabinet of regency of Pedro II, 1843; see Brazil. CARNES (PETER A.) Amer. cons. for Campeche in 1841; see U. S. A. Consular Service. CAROLINE, AMER. BRIG (DREW) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jiy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 18.) CAROLINE, AMER. BRIG (GIBBS) Seized and detained off Rio Nunes, in May, 1858, by H. B. M. ship Alecto, 1858. Comdr. H. B. M. ship Allecto (Hunt). Stnt. in reply to charges preferred in regard to Amer. brig Caroline. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 320.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 209 CAROLINE, AMER. BRIG (GIBBS)—cont’d 1858 May 14. Capt. Oaroline (Gibbs). Deposition rela- tive to boarding of brig by Allecto. (ib., 138.) — Je. 21. Owners Caroline (Ellis and Cobb) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Representation of outrage on Caroline. (ib., 137.) — J1y. 20. Cass to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas). Instructed to bring attention of Br. govt. to case of Caroline. (ib., 136. ) — Aug. 24. Dallas to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Presents Caroline claim. (ib., 193.) — Aug. 27. Dallas to Cass. Caroline claim presented to Br. govt. (ib., 192.) — Aug. 28. Malmesbury to Dallas. Caroline claim forwarded to Admiralty; offensive expressions therein resented. (ib., 239.) — Sept. 11. Dallas to Malmesbury. Alleged “ offen- sive ’’ expressions in communication presenting Caroline claim vindicated. (ib., 240.) — Sept. 15. Ellis and Cobb to Cass. Stints. in Support of Caroline claim. (ib., 243.) — Sept. 16. Dallas to Cass. Resents Malmesbury's reply to his note presenting Caroline claim. (ib., 235.) — Sept. 17. Cass to Dallas. Transmits communica- tions from owners of Caroline; with StrmtS. and papers in support of claim. (ib., 243.) — Oct. 20. Dallas to Malmesbury. Transmits evi- dence in Caroline claim. (ib., 277.) — Oct. 26. Malmesbury to Dallas. Receipt of Caro- line evidence; transmits it to Admiralty. (ib., 278.) Oct. 29. Dallas to Cass. Additional papers in sup- port of Caroline claim sent to Lord Malmesbury; original letter to Capt. Gibbs, by Com. Hunt, Allecto desired. (ib., 277.) — Nov. 18. Cass to Dallas. Encloses original letter to Capt. Gibbs, by Comdr. Hunt (Alecto), forwarded by owners. (ib., 281.) — Nov. 24. Hill (S. J.) to comdr. Alecto (Hunt). Disposal of cargo of Caroline. (ib., 318.) — Dec. 13. Gov. of Sierra Leone (Hill) to Secy. H. B. M. Colonial office (E. Bulwer Lytton). Strmt. of cargo brought to port by brig Caroline. (ib., 323.) 1859 Mch. 8. Malmesbury to Dallas. Investigation of Caroline affair shows claim to be unfounded. (ib., 316.) — Mch. 18. Dallas to Cass. Has received voluminous Corresp. rejecting Caroline claim as unfounded. (ib., 315.) — MCh. 25. Same to Same. Transmits copy of Malmes- bury’s note rejecting Caroline claim as unfounded; evidence in rebuttal desired of Messrs. Ellis and Cobb. (ib., 315.) CAROLINE, AMER. SCHR. (HAND) n. d. Summary of award made by COmrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 19.) CAROLINE, AMER. STR. (APPLEBY) Destroyed on the night of Dec. 29, 1837, by Br. forces, while she was lying in dock at Fort Schlosser, a port on the Amer. side of Niagara River ; see Canada. Insurrection of 1837-38. CAROLINE, PERUVIAN BRIG; CLAIM OF; see CLAIMS, (BRAZILIAN) 1849; UNADJUSTED CLAIMS CAROLINE KNIGHT, AMER. SCHR.; CLAIM W.S. GR. B.R. For ºre and sale of vessel at Prince Edward Is, in 1852. 1854 Oct. 10. Synopsis of award under conv. of 1853. (34.1. S. ex. doc. 103, 53.) CAROTHERS (ANDREW G.), OF D. C. Amer, cons. for Turk's Is., Consular service. 1860-61; see U. S. A. CARPENTER (STEPHEN), ORIGINAL CLAIMANT 1849 Dec. 31. Repr. of Carpenter to U. S. Senate. Me- morial, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. S. jol., 39.) 1850 Jan. 28. T. Waff, admr. of Carpenter to U. S. House. Memorial; praying indemnity for French Spolia- tions prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 413.) CARPENTER (WILLIAM H), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. at Foo Chow in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular Service. CARPENTIER ( ), AND OTHERS; FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE; see DAVID (E.) º CARPENTIN (A.), COMR. OF GOVT., NEAR COURT-MAR- TIAL, 9° MIL. DIV. 1852 Oct. 29. To Amer. Cons. at Marseilles (Hodge). Has informed Allibert of decision Sending him back before court martial at Toulon. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 178.) CARR (COL.) Mentioned in connection with filibustering expedition agst. Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 53.) CARR (DABNEY S.), OF MD. Amer. min. res. in Turkey, 1843-50 ; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Claim of 1852 Feb. 18. Carr to U. S. House. Petition; praying re- imbursement of money expended in public service. (32. 1. H. jol., 364.) — Aug. 5. W. Hebard, repr. from Vt. Remarks; in support of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 196, providing additional salary for min. res. at Turkey. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 2095-96.) — Aug. 5. G. S. Houston, repr. from Ala. Do.; un- favorable to Hebard amdmt. to H. R. 196. (ib., 2096.) — Aug. 5. M. P. Gentry, repr. from Tenn. DO.; On Hebard amdmt. (ib., 2095.) — Aug. 5-7. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Do.; in Support of Hebard amdmt.; incl. reply to Millson. (ib., 2095, 2129.) — Aug. 7. J. S. Millson, repr. from Va. Do.; in reply to Bayly; opposed to practice of giving or receiving presents by dipl. agts. (ib., 2128-29.) — Aug. 31. Act making apprinS. for civil and dipl. expenses for yr. endg. Je. 30, 1853 [clause providing for compensation to D. S. Carr for expenses in- curred while in dipl. service]. (x, St. L., 89.) CARR (LEWIS), OF THE AMER. LEGATION IN CHINA [185-.] Narrative of expedition of Susquehanna to Nan- king and Wu-Hu; with note regarding the princi- ples, characters, conduct, etc., of the insurgents. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 64.) CARR (PHILIP), ORIGINAL CLAIMANT This name is printed both “Care " and “Card.” 1829 Mch. 2. W. R. Carr, execr. of P. Carr to U. S. Sen- ate. Petition praying indemnity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. jol., 167.) 1834 Jan. 8. Representative of P. Carr to U. S. Senate. Same. (23. 1. S. jol., 85.) 1850 Jan. 3. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 44.) — Jan. 7. Heirs of P. Carr to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 233.) CARR (J. WINGATE), EXECR.; see PEARSON (JOHN), ORIG- INAL CLAIMANT 14 210 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CARR (JESSE D.) 1854 Je. 13. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for property destroyed by Mexicans during late war. (33. 1. S. jol., 428; 451.) CARR (SAMUEL J.), OF S. C. Amer. Cons. for Tangier 1831-32; see U. S. A. Consular Sel'VICe. CARR (THOMAS N.), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for Tangier 1838-42 ; 1845-48; see U. S. A. Consular service. - Correspondence 1839 Sept. 3. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Ef- forts to avoid receiving presents. (26. 1. H. ex: doc. 221, 5; S. doc. 488, 5.) 1842 Mch. 1. To Sultan of Morocco. Notice of recall. (27. 3. H. doc. 165, 3.) — Mch. 17. Sultan of Morocco to Carr. Upon his re- Call. (ib., 3.) — MCh. 25. To same. Forcible detention when at- tempting to embark for U. S. (ib., 4.) — Mch. 26. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Rpt. of º On his person by authorities of Tangier. 1 O., Z. — Mch, 29. Sultan of Morocco to Carr. Orders given for his unmolested embarkation. (ib., 5.) Claim of 1849 Dec. 24. Carr to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying compensation for dipl. services. (31. 1. S. jol., 13.) CARRARA (ITALY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CARRELL (ELI H.) 1850 May 29. To U. S. House. Petition; praying relief . On acct of loss Sustained in purchase of blóg. at Harper's Ferry. (31. 1. H. jol., 977.) 1853 Dec. 13. To same. Same; referred to Com. on For- eign Affairs. (33. 1. H. jol., 74.) CARRENO (NICOLAs) 1832 Apr. 13. Ministr. relac, est., Mexico (Alaman) to Amer. ConS. in Mexico City (Wilcocks). Restitution of money to Carreno. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (an- nex), 440.) CARRERA (RAFAEL) Jefe del estado of Guatemala 1844-47; Feb.-Sept., 1848; 1852-65; see Central America. 1859 Oct. 11. To H. B. M. SpecI. comr. in Central Amer. (Wyke). Address on receipt of his credentials. (p. 303, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) CARRERE ( ), FRENCH WICE-CONS. AT VERA CRUZ 1830 Aug. 23. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Alaman) to Amer. chargé, Mexico (Butler). Recapitulation of facts which occasioned arrest of Carrere. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 345.) CARRERE (JOHN), CLAIMANT; AMER. SHIP (TUCKER) CARRIL (SALWADOR MARIA DEL) Argentinian ministro de gobierno y relaciones esteriores in 1829; see Argentine Republic. 1853 Jly. 10. Signs treaty on part of Argentina with U. S. for free navigation of rivers Paraná and Uru- guay; see Argentine Rep. Treaties. — Jly. 27. Signs treaty of friendship, etc., on part of Argentina with U. S.; see same. see NORTH AMERICA, CARRINGTON (EDWARD), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Canton 1805-[12] ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. 1805 Nov. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Madison). Non- recognition of foreign ministers and cons. by Chi- nese govt.; communications from foreigners to Chinese govt. made by hong merchants. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 3.) CARRION ( ), MINISTR. RELAC. EST., PERU 1825 Je. 4. Amer. cons., Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Death of M. Carrion; etc. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 59.) CARROLL (CHARLES H.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1846 Aug. 8. Remarks; opposing bill making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 1211.) 1847 Feb. 23. Speech; partly in reply to Norris, on Mexican war and army apprin. bill, H. R. 597. (ib., 29. 2. 488; app., 414.) CARROLL (N.) 1855 Oct. 30. Amer. min. res., Nicaragua (Wheeler) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Murder at Virgin Bay of N. Carroll, etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 32.) CARROLL (WILLIAM), OF ST. HELENA Amer... cons, for Isle de France [i. e., Port Louis, Mauritius], 1846-52 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. CARROLL CO. (IND.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 5. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 549.) CARROLL CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 284.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 473, 476.) 1844 Feb. 19. To Same. Do.; praying immediate occu- pation of Oregon terr. (28. 1. H. jol., 432.) — Apr. 3. To U. S. Senate. Do.; Vs. Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. S. jol., 211.) 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 230.) CARROLL CO. (V.A.) CITIZENS 1844 Apr. 19. To U. S. Senate. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 245.) CARSON (SAMUEL P.), REPR. FROM N. C. 1831 Jan. 13. Remarks; opposed to Stanbery motion to Strike out of gen. apprin. bill clause relating to Salary of minister to Russia. (vii, Reg. Debates, 486.) — Feb. 8. Speech; maintaining legality of dipl. mis- Sion to Russia, and defending career of Amer. min. to Russia, Randolph. (ib., 641.) — Mch. 1. Remarks; in reply to Storrs, who opposed apprp. for presents to conciliate Sublime Porte. (ib., 836.) - f 1836 Apr. 1. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Re- quests that specl. agts. Of Texas to U. S. A. (Chil- dress and Hamilton) be presented to PreS. and heads of depts. in manner Suited to Station they occupy. (24. 1. S. doc. 415, 3.) CARTAGENA (COLOMBIA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CARTARET, LORD, BR. SUBJECT: CLAIM vs. U. S. For lands granted his ancestors in No. and So. Carolina. 1854 Jan. 9. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 72.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 211 CARTER ( REBECCA CARTER (E., J.R.) 1853 Aug. 8. To chief U. S. Construction Bureau (Shu- brick). Enrolment of Schr. Speed has not been can- celed. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 21, 16.) ), MASTER AMER. SHIP REBECCA; see & CARTER (E. C.) 1847 Oct. 11. To ministr. de hacienda, Peru. Results of survey of Peruvian guano islands. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 156.) CARTER (ESTHER), CLAIMANT; see BEACHAM (J.) CARTER (JOHN C.) OF KY. |U. S. N., 1825–70. Lieut., 1837; comdr., 1855; comdre. retired, 1867. Died Nov. 24, 1870. Sea service in command (1828-61) ; 1853 comdg. Massachusetts, Pacific sqdn. 1856 May 16. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying reim- bursement of expenses of conveying Brazilian am- bassador to Chile, from Valparaiso to Rio de Janeiro, in Massachusetts, at request of Amer. min. at Chile. (34. 1. S. jol., 335.) CARTER (S.), MASTER AMER. WHALER POCAHONTAS; See POCAHONTAS CARTER (WILLIAM B.), REPR. FROM TENN. 1838 Je. 13. To U. S. House. Remarks; favoring adop- tion of rept. of Com. On Foreign Affairs, asking dis- charge from Subject of annexation of Texas. (vi, Cong. Globe, 450.) CARTERET CO. (N. C.) CITIZENS 1850 Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 413.) CARTHAGE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial Vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) CARTTER (DAVID K.), OF O. Repr, from O., 31st-32d cong. (1849-53) ; Amer. minister to Bºlivia, 1861-62; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic Sel"WICe. 1850 Aug. 21. Remarks; opposed to Bayly amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill (H. R. 334) providing for outfit of chargé to Portugal, etc. (Cong. Globe, 31 cong., 1 sess., 1618.) — Sept. 18. Do.; on bill (H. R. 388) to execute art. 12, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; unfavorable to pay- lº, through agency of bankers. (ib., 1852, 1854, 1857. 1851 Feb. 25. Do.; on same (H. R. 460); opposed to con- tract with Br. and Amer. bankers for payment of in- stalments. (Cong. Globe, 31 cong., 2 sess., 683, 684.) — Feb. 28. Do.; Canadian reciprocity bill (H.R. 18). (ib., 751.) — Dec. 30, 31. Do.; on his res. of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Kossuth to House, objecting to discussions on intervention, etc., in connection with same. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 1 sess., 161, 175.) 1852 Jan. 28. Do.; unfavorable to H. R. 63, for relief of Amer. Citizens imprisoned and pardoned by Queen of Spain; etc. (ib., 415-416.) — Feb. 13. Do.; opposed to H. R. 95, for relief of Jackson heirs. (ib., 563-564.) - — Aug. 19-20. DO.; censuring conduct of comdre. Morgan, while in command of Independence; during consideration of naval apprin. bill, H. R. 240. (ib., 2265, 2277.) CARUTHERS (ROBERT L.), OF TENN. Repr. from Tenn. 27th congress., 1841-43 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 2d-3d sess., 27 cong. Feb. 14, 1842-Mch., 1843. CARWALHO (J. D.A. C.); see COSTA CARWALHO (J. DA) CARWALHO (J. P. D. DE); see DIAS DE CARWALHO CARWALHO MOREIRA (FRANCISCO IGNACIO) DE Brazilian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1852-55; see Brazil. CARWALHO BORGES (ANTONIO PEDRO) DE Secy. Brazilian legation in U. S. A., actg. chargé, 1858- 59 ; see Brazil. CARWALLO (MANUEL) Chilian chargé in U. S. A., 1834-35; do. E. E. and M. P., 1846-54 ; see Chili. Diplomatic service. 1846 Nov. 28. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). EX- planation of his memorial of even date relative to second Macedonian claim, and a copy of which is submitted; copies of depositions and other legal papers in case; with answer of claimants and a C- Companiments. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 135.) 1848 Dec. 26. To Same. Counter decision adverse to merits of Second Macedonian claim; proposes arbi- tration. (ib., 334.) 1852 Aug. 26. To same (Webster). Submits projet for Convention to settle Macedonian claim; proposes King of Holland or of Belgium as umpire in lieu. Of those named by U. S. (ib., 409.) 1853 Feb. 5. To same (Everett). Submits substance of Conferences on Macedonian claim. (ib., 411.) — Feb. 17. To same. Approach of expiration of time for effecting compromise of Macedonian claim; re- peats Substance of his of Feb. 5; points out origin of difficulty in concluding claim; insists On its illegality. (ib., 412.) Feb. 28. To Same. Regrets failure to conclude Macedonian claim. (ib., 420.) — May 31. To Same (Marcy). Request as to decis- ion of U. S. in case of Macedonian claim. (ib., 465.) CARVER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 73. 1838 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) CARY (SHEPARD), REPR. FROM ME. 1845 Jan. 9. Remarks; maintaining power of Congress to admit Texas into Union by legislative enactment. (Xiv, Cong. Globe, 120; app., 61.) — Feb. 1. Remarks; denouncing provisions and man- ner of execution of treaty of Washington of 1842. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 230.) CASA CALVO (MARQUIS DE), SPANISH COMR. AT NEW ORLEANS 1804 Mch. 31. To colonial prefect of La. (Laussat). Protest agst. pretensions of U. S. as to limits. (24. 2. S. doc. 49, 18; xiii, app., Reg. Debates, 232.) CASA-YRUJO (CHARLES MARIE MARTINEZ) DE, 1765-1824 1818 Secy. State of Spain. 1818 Sept. 1. [i. e., 201. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Erving) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Casa- Yrujo's appointment. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 277, 34.) 1819 Jan. 25. Same to Same. Probable early retirement Of Yrujo. (ib., 38.) — Feb. 11. Same to Same. Yrujo proprietor of certain lands in Florida; transmits list of applications for land grants in Florida. (ib., 39.) — Mch. 4. Same to same. Distrust of conciliatory professions of Yrujo toward U. S. A. (ib., 40.) 212 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASAL RIBEIRO (JOSE MARIA) D0 Ministro dos negocios estrangeiros, Portugal, 1859-60; see Portugal. Civil service. CASANOVA (JOSE N.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Guayaquil in 1859 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. CASCO, AMER. BRIGANTINE Boarº's H. B. M. Str. Pluto off W. coast of Africa in 1849 Dec. 2. Senior officer SO. div. H. B. M. forces S. W. coast of Africa (Hastings) to H. B. M. COmdr.-in- chief (Fanshawe). Boarding of Casco. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 66, 14.) CASE (AUGUSTUS L.), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1828-93. Lieut., 1841; comdr., 1855 ; capt., 1863; comdre., 1867; rear-adm., 1872; retired, 1875. Died Feb. 17, 1893. Sea service in command (1828- 61) ; 1859 comdg. Caledonia, Brazil sqdn. CASE (CHARLES), REPR. FROM INDIANA 1859 Jan. 26. Remarks; opposing apprin. for enforce- ment of anti-slavetrade laws, and for Support of captured Africans for one year. (Cong. Globe, 35 cong., 2 SeSS., 614.) CASE (WILLIAM R.) 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800, referred to Select Committee. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) CASEY (JOSEPH), REPR. FROM MD. 1850 Aug. 12. Speech; on protective policy, letter of Br. Imin. remonstrating agst. alteration of tariff upon iron, etc.; during debate on genl. apprn. bill (H. R. 334). (Cong. Globe, 31 cong., 1 sess., 1560; do. app., 1084.) CASEY (SILAS), LIEUT. U. S. A., COMDG. FORT STEILA- COOM 1859 JIy. 31. To actg. asst. adj. gen., U. S. A. (Pleason- ton). Massachusetts despatched to San Juan; COm- ment on Br. attitude. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 47.) — Aug. 12. To Same. Rpt. of landing at San Juan; conference with capt. Hornby (Tribune); proposed movement; list of Br. Ships and men in vicinity. (ib., 63.) — Aug. 14. To same. In continuation of his rpt. of 12 inst. (ib., 65.) — Aug. 22. To same. Descr. of position of Amer. troops on San Juan IS. (ib., 80.) CASIMER, AMER. BRIG (PITNER) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 19.) CASKET, AMER. BRIG (WOODBURY) n. d. Cargoes exported from Rio de Janeiro to Africa, 1845-46. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 126.) 1846 Aug. 2. Captured in Cabenda Bay by U. S. S. Mar- ion (Simonds). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 32.) See also Simonds (L. E.). CASPIAN, AMER. BRIG (GOODRICH) Claim under Brazilian indemnity of 1849; J. C. Zim- mermann and N. Frazier claimants; Synopsis of award in Moore. Int. Arbitration, v. 5, 4622 (53. 2. H. misc. doc., v. 39, 4622); do. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 116.) 1827 Oct. 23. Comdr. Brazil sqdn. Rio de la Plata (Guedes) to comdr. U. S. sloop Boston (Hoffman). Case of Caspian. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 175.) CASPIAN, AMER. BRIG (GOODRICH)—cont’d 1827 Oct. 23. Hoffman to Guedes. Protest agst, en- dorsement of register of brig Caspian. (ib., 174.) 1828 Feb. 24. Comdr. Brazil sqdn. U. S. N. (Biddle) to Guedes. Requests passport for N. Frazier. (ib., 217.) — Feb. 24. Guedes to Biddle. Declines to supply passport for N. Frazier. (ib., 217.) — Aug. [?]. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State, U.S. A. (Clay). Rpt. on state of negotiations on Caspian claims; etc. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 32, 50.) 1830 Jan. 22. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Tudor. Instructions for representation in case of Caspian seizure. (ib., 26.) 1847 Feb. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Indemnity claim for breach of Brazilian blockade. (30. 1. S. ex: doc. 29, 85.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France, 1836-42; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service ; U. S. sen, 1845-57 : Secy. State U. S. A., 1857-60, succeeding W. L. Marcy ; see also U. S. A. Civil service. E. E. and M. P. in France 1838 Je. 11. U. S. House. Res. (Wise, Va.), requesting Pres. to communicate particulars regarding visit to Mediterranean of Lewis Cass, U. S. min. to France. (vi, Cong. Globe, 445; 25. 2. H. jol., 1066.) 1839 Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Sawyer, N. C.); re- \questing Pres. to communicate upon what authority Lewis Cass, min. to France, visited Greece, Asia, and other foreign countries since his apptmt. and how long said min. was absent from France. (Wii, Cong. Globe, 152; 25. 3. H. jol., 403.) 1842 Oct. 11. Actg. Secy. State (Webster) to Cass. Per- mission granted for his return. (27. 3. S. doc. 223, 5; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 207.) Correspondence (American) 1838 Jan. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). [un- num.] Discourages hope of success for Opening tobacco trade with France in any way other than by reciprocity conv. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 14.) — Jiy. 14. To same. [unnum.] Doubt of right of France to blockade Mexican ports on Pacific coast. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 35.) — Dec. 15. To same. [unnum.] Change in conduct of French blockade of Mexican ports relative to neutral vessels. (ib., 43.) 1839 Oct. 28. To same. [unnum.] Further details of corresp. with France relative to tobacco trade; use- less to pursue subject with France by arguments defending general utility of Amer. propositions, (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 14.) & 1840 Feb. 13. To same. [unnum.] Projet of law pre- sented to Chambers for continuation of present system of tobacco monopoly for term of 10 yrs. ; no reason to expect favorable change in System of tobacco administration in France. (ib., 39.) - — Mch. 5. To same. Ino. 94.] Law for continuation of tobacco monopoly passed Chamber of Deputies; hopelessness of any change in present System. (ib., 45.) . 1842 Feb. 15. To same (Webster). [unnum.] Exertions agst, ratification of quintuple treaty by France. (27. 3. S. doc. 223, 20; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 187.) — Apr. 30. To same. [unnum.] Doubt as to accept- ance of his action in regard to non-ratification by France of quintuple treaty. (ib., 29; ib., 198.) — May 17. To same. [unnum.] Gratification at ap- proval of his action in regard to non-ratification by France of quintuple treaty. (ib., 29; ib., 198.) — May 26. To same. [unnum.] Debate in French chambers on commercial relations of France and |U. S. (ib., 30; ib., 199.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 213 CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d E. E. and M. P. in France—COnt’d Correspondence (American)—cont’d 1842 Sept. 17. To same. [unnum.] Permission to retire from mission. (ib., 34; ib., 203.) — Oct. 3. To same. [unnum.] Protest agst. right claimed by Gr. Br. to Search Amer. vessels alleged to be admitted by art. 7 and 8 of Ashburton treaty. (ib., 34; ib., 203.) — Dec. 11. To same. [unnum.] In explanation of his protests agst. Br. pretensions to right to search Amer. ships. (ib., 37; ib., 216.) 1843 Mch. 7. To same. [unnum.] Vindicating his proc. in opposing ratification by France of quintuple treaty. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 229.) Corr. (French) 1838 Jhy. 11. To ministr. des affaires étrangères, France (Molé). Doubt of right of France to blockade Mexi- can ports on Pacific coast. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 35.) 1839 Jly. 20. To same (Dalmatie). System of cultiva- tion and Sale of tobacco in France. (26.1. H. ex. doc. 229, 18.) — Oct. 28. To Same. Considerations which have led U. S. to expect from France abandonment of system regulating consumption of tobacco. (ib., 22.) 1842 Feb. 13. To same (Guizot). Effect of quintuple treaty upon U. S. (27.3. S. doc. 223, 25; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 192.) U. S. Senator from Mich. Served from Dec. 1, 1845, to May 29, 1848, when he resigned. In 1848 defeated as Democratic candidate for President. Elected sen. to fill vacancy caused by his own resignation, serving from Jan. 20, 1849, to Mch. 3, 1857. Member Com. on Foreign Rela- tions, 1845-47, 1849, 1850; excused from serving Dec. 4, 1850. (1st term) Bills Introduced 1846 Aug. 7. Bill to carry into effect art. 9 of Florida treaty. (29. 1. S. 257.) Remarks, etc., by 1845 Dec. 15. Speech; in support of res. of inquiry con- cerning national defences; failure of negotiation with Gr. Br. relative to Oregon, refusal to submit rights of U. S. to foreign arbitration, and probabili- ties of war; with citation from speech of Lord John Russell, etc. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 45.) — Dec. 16. Remarks; in reply to Crittenden, repeat- ing his apprehensions of war with Gr. Br. (ib., 55, 56.) 1846 Jan. 26. Speech; in explanation and support of general purpose of res. declaring principles of U. S. in regard to interposition of foreign powers in affairs of Amer. nations; defense of Allen’s intro- duction of res.; English misrepresentation of doc- trine as expressed in President’s message; Br. and French interference in Buenos Ayres; Oregon ques- tion and expediency of preparing for war. (ib., 240, 242, 245, 246.) — Jan. 28, Feb. 9. Remarks; in support of measures for defense; probabilities of war with Gr. Br. (ib., 267, 337, 339.) — Feb. 25. Do.; unfavorable to postponement of de- bate on res. Of notice; probabilities of war with Gr. Br.; Br. Opinion, Queen's message, etc. (ib., 425, 426.) — Feb. 26. Do.; partly in reply to Webster and Cal- houn, on probabilities of war with Gr. Br. and op- posed to amdmt. to res. Of notice advising settlement by negotiation and compromise, referring to speech of Sir Robert Peel. (ib., 432, 436.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d U. S. Senator from Mich.-cont’d (1st term)—cont’d Remarks, etc., by—cont’d 1846 Mch. 31. Speech; in support of asserting claim to Oregon north of 49°, and opposed to arbitration; offers of compromise and President's message; prob- abilities of war and measures for defense; Calhoun’s speech of Mch. 16; etc. (ib., 577; app., 422.) — Apr. 2. Speech; reply to Benton, disproving estab- lishment, under treaty of Utrecht, of line of 49° as boundary betw. Br. and French possessions in Ore- gon. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 587; app., 510.) — Apr. 8. Discussions with Webster on Wheaton’s letter of Nov. 16, 1842, attributing to treaty of Wash- ington the rejection of Quintuple Treaty by France, and touching responsibility of Br. govt. for act of McLeod. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 627, 628.) Apr. 28. Remarks; Opposing passage of Goddard relief bill. (ib., 737.) May 11. Do.; favoring expedition agst. Mexico to extort peace. (ib., 785.) — May 12. Speech; partly in reply to Clayton and Calhoun, in support of bill for prosecuting existing war with Mexico; opposed to delay and showing that State of hostilities, with or without formal declaration, produces war; responsibility of Mexi- Can govt. for recent invasion. (ib., 799; app., 645.) — May 28. Remarks; announcing intention to reply to Benton’s Speech of May 22, 25 and 28, occasioned by bill to extend jurisdiction of U. S. over Amer. gºns in Oregon. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 874.) — Je. 1. Speech; in reply to Benton, in support of Amer. claim to Oregon up to 54° 40'; showing origin of line in treaty of 1824 with Russia, and disproving establishment, under treaty of Utrecht, of line to northwest coast on parallel of 49°. (ib., 888.) — Je. 15. Remarks; On resignation of Allen from Com. On Foreign Relations, declaring his agreement with Allen’s views on Oregon question. (ib., 972.) — Je. [18]. Speech; in Secret Session, on Oregon treaty, Opposed to ratification without modification; question of title and claims of three administra- tions; objections to Stipulations, free navigation of Columbia River by Hudson’s Bay Co., etc. (ib., 29 Cong., 2 SeSS., app., 26.) 1847 Jan. 22. Remarks; recommending support of President’s measures for prosecution of war with Mexico; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 2 sess., 236.) — Feb. 5, 6. Amdmt. to bill making apprns. Of three millions to conclude Mexican war; with remarks, partly explanatory, in reply to R. Johnson. (ib., 325, 326, 331, 338.) Feb. 10. Speech; Mexican war, in favor of bill to appropriate three millions; of acquisition of further terr., and prosecution of war; reply to Calhoun’s speech advocating defensive operations; foreign comment; causes and progress of war, including boundary question; with further remarks. (ib., 367, 374, 375; app., 189.) — Feb. 16, 19, 22. Remarks; concerning letters of I. D. Marks to gen. Taylor and the Secy. Of State in 1845, relative to disposition of Mexico towards U. S.; stmts, in Charleston Mercury. (ib., 431, 460, 475.) — Feb. 26. Remarks; in support of bill to provide re- lief for people of Ireland and Scotland. (ib., 513.) — Mch. 1. Speech; in support of three million bill; opposed to discussion of Wilmot proviso and to prop- ositions for negotiation; effect of proviso on prose- cution of War and acquisition of terr.; state res. on subject. (ib., 548.) — MCh. 1. Withdrawal of amdmt. to three million bill. (ib., 545.) 214 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d U. S. Senator from Mich.-cont’d (1st term)—cont’d Remarks, etc., by—cont’d 1847 Dec. 20. Remarks; in Senate, on Calhoun’s res. Of Dec. 15, agSt. Conquest and incorporation of Mexico by U. S. (ib., 30 Cong., 1 SeSS., 54, 55. ) — Dec. 30. DO. ; on S. 26, to raise, for a limited time an additional military force, on Calhoun’s res. Of Dec. 15, and policy of Pres. (ib., 78-81.) 1848 Jan. 17. Do.; on progress of Mexican war, and Mangum’s res. Of Jan. 13, Calling for plans, etc., of gen. Scott, and means best adapted to bring war to a close. (ib., 183.) — Jan. 20. DO.; policy of PreS. in regard to Mexican war and Mangum’s res. of Jan. 19, calling for infor- mation concerning instructions to Gen. Scott. (ib., 215, 216.) — Feb. 2. Do.; in reply to Bell, on Mexican war, pro- posed treaty, etc.; during debate on S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force. (ib., app., 193, 194.) — Mch. 8. Do.; in reply to Upham, on annexation of Mexico. (ib., 445.) — Feb. 23. Do.; on S. 26, and proposed treaty with Mexico. (ib., 384.) — Mch. 14. Do.; in reply to Webster, on S. 26 in con- ºn with ratification of treaty with Mexico. (ib., 462. — Mch. 17. Speech; partly in reply to Calhoun, on S. 26, and Mexican War, defending the Administration. (ib., 485, 495-96, 500-1; app., 421.) — Mch. 21. Remarks; On proposed mission to Rome, provided for in deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 135; etc. (ib.; app., 404, 410.) — Apr. 6. Do.; on S. res. 15 and 17, tendering con- gratulations to people of France; etc. (ib., app., 465.) — May 4. Do.; on S. 243, to enable Pres. to take mili- tary occupation of Yucatan; On Mexican War and annexation of Texas. (ib.; app., 591, 595.) May 10. Speech; on S. 243, in connection with rela- tions with Mexico, Monroe doctrine, Br. terr. aggran- dizement, designs on Cuba, etc. (ib., 574; app., 613.) Reports Made 1846 Aug. 7. Rpt., to acc. S. 257, to carry into effect art. 9 of Florida treaty. (29. 1. S. rpt. 482.) 1847 Jan. 19. Rpt. adverse to petition of Wm. M. Black- ford. (29. 2. S. rpt. 81.) Presidential Candidate 1848 Jly. 24. H. W. Hilliard, repr. from Ala. Speech; public character of Cass; etc. (Cong. Globe, 30 Cong., 1 sess., 990; d.o. app., 938.) U. S. Senator from Michigan (2d term) 1850 Jan. 4. Remarks; reply to Seward, concerning de- parture of J. W. Webb, as chargé to Austria; during debate on Cass's res. of Dec. 24, 1849. (Cong. Globe, 31 cong., 1 SeSS., 103.) — Jan. 4. Speech; on suspending dipl. relations With - Austria; in support of his res. Of inquiry, of Dec. 24, 1849, concerning subject, etc. (ib., app. 54.) — Jan. 21. Do.; on constitutionality, etc., of Wilmot proviso; acquisition of terr. by war-making and treaty-making powers; during debate on Foote's res. Of Dec. 27. (ib., 58.) — Mch. 6. Remarks; on corresp. with Br. min. in re- gard to reciprocal trade, communicated by message of Mch. 5. (ib., 31 cong., 1 sess., 472.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Reports Made—cont’d U. S. Senator from Mich.-cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1850 Apr. 16. Do.; on his amdmt. of Apr. 15 to deficiency apprin. bill (H. R. 332) striking out provision for outfit of chargé to Austria; in favor of renewing relations with Germany and abolishing mission to Prussia. (ib., 745, 746.) — May 2. Do.; on S. 121, for relief of Capt. Lewis Warrington and others. (ib., 899.) — Je. 7. Do.; on claim of Texas to terr. east of Rio Grande; during consideration of compromise bill, S. 225. (ib., 1163.) — Sept. 19. Do.; favorable to amdmt. of Com. On For- eign Relations to civil and dipl. apprin. bill (H. R. 334) providing for expenses of agt. to Sublime Porte. (ib., 1873, 1875.) — Dec. 30. Do.; on corresp. with Austria called for by his res. of Dec. 16. (ib., 31 cong., 2 sess., 135.) 1851 Jan. 16. Do.; favorable to Shield’s res., Calling for information touching difficulties betw. Br. authori- ties and San Salvador, etc. (ib., 264.) — Dec. 3. Do.; in support of S. res. 1, in relation to Rossuth reception, etc., incl. reply to Underwood concerning interference. (ib., 32 cong., 1 SeSS., 24, 26, 27.) — Dec. 11. Do.; Kossuth res., etc., incl. reply to Berrien. (ib., 66, 69.) — Dec. 12. Do.; support of his res. of Dec. 9, call- ing for information concerning seizure of Amer. Str. Prometheus by Br. war vessel near Grey Town, Mosquito Coast. (ib., 80.) 1852 Jan. 28. Do.; support of res. Of mtg. at Detroit, in favor of application to Br. govt. for liberation of Smith O’Brien and associates. (ib., 407.) Feb. 10. Do.; S. res. 13, reaffirming doctrine of non- intervention; on his amdmt. of Jan. 20, Clarke's speech of Feb. 9, etc. (ib.; app., 158.) — Feb. 11. Do.; in reply to Badger, on Shields’ amdmt. of Jan. 29, expressing desire of Amer. peo- ple for liberation of exiled Irish patriots, offered as substitute to S. res. 2; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 1 sess., 329, 330.) — Feb. 18. Do.; favorable to prig. Of Kossuth letters to Pres. of Senate and Pres. of U. S. (ib., 587.) Mch. 11. Do.; on Seward’s res. of Feb. 12, respect- ing payment of expenses of Kossuth reception. (ib., 717, 718, 720, 721.) — Mch. 18. Do.; in reply to J. C. Jones’ speech of even date on S. res. 13, etc. (ib., app., 308, 311.) — Apr. 1. DO.; Support of Borland’s res. Of Mch. 31, calling for information concerning object of naval expedition to Indian Ocean and Japan; incl. reply to Hale. (ib., 544, 546, 547.) — May 12. Do.; Bell’s res. Of Apr. 26, calling for copy of memoir of landing of U. S. troops at Vera Cruz in 1847, by lieut. Wm. G. Temple, etc. (ib., 1336, 1337.) — Jly. 23. DO.; favorable to Mason’s res., calling for corresp. with Gr. Br. Since conv. of 1818, touching No. Amer. fisheries; etc. (ib., 1891.) — Aug. 3. Speech; President’s meSS. of Aug. 2, trans- mitting docs. in relation to No. Amer. fisheries; etc. (ib.; app., 894.) — Aug. 5. Do.; in favor of prtg. papers in relation to No. Amer. fisheries, during consideration of Presi- dent’s mess. of Aug. 2. (ib., 2076.) — Aug. 12. Do.; in reply to CaSS and others on Presi- dent’s mess. of Aug. 2; on fishery rights of U. S. under conv. of 1818 with Gr. Br., denying Br. right to dominion over the larger bays, etc. (ib., app., 908, 910.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 215 CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Reports Made—cont’d U. S. Senator from Mich.-cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1852 Dec. 23. Do.; Mason’s res., calling for official notes from Br. and French min., inviting U. S. to become a party to tripartite Cuban conv.; question of annexa- tion, etc. (ib., 32 cong., 2 SeSS., 140,143.) 1853 Jan. 3. Do.; Support of memorial of Md. Baptist |Union ASSn., praying provision by treaty for secur- # hº of religious worship to Americans abroad. ib., 183.) — Jan. 4. Do.; Hale's res. Of Jan. 3, calling for infor- mation concerning Comdre. Morgan, during his com- mand in 1849-1852, of razee Independence, flag-ship of Mediterranean sqdn., etc. (ib., 207, 208.) — Jan. 6. Do.; Opposed to that construction of Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty excluding from its operation Br. Honduras and dependencies; occasioned by doc. communicated in reply to his res. Of Dec. 28 relative to Bay of Islands Colony. (ib., 237, 238.) Jan. 10. Do.; reply to Seward, on construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and dependencies; etc. (ib., 250, 252, 253.) Jan. 12. Do.; Opposed to that construction of Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty, excluding from its operation Br. Honduras and dependencies; origin of the debate. (ib., 269.) — Jan. [18]. Speech; support of S. res. 69, declaratory of views of U. S. resp. Colonization. On No. Amer. Con- tinent by European powers; resp. Cuba; further re- marks in reply to Butler and others relative to Monroe doctrine. (ib.; app., 90, 96, 97, 98, 100.) — Jan. 19. Remarks; on, Monroe doctrine; during consideration of S. res. $9. (ib., 101.) Jan. 25. Do.; Same. (ib., 123.) — Jan. 26. Do.; chiefly in reply to Seward, on S. res. 69, Hale's amdmt. resp. Canada, Lord Geo. Ben- tinck’s remarks of Mch. 3, 1848, relative to Cuba, etc. (ib., 127, 129, 133.) — Jan. 27. Do.; reply to Bell, on Cass's res. Of Jan. 25, calling for inquiry concerning adoption of meas- ures in relation to Br. declaration annexed to ratifi- cation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 2 sess., 415.) — Feb. 7. Do.; quoting extr. from letter of distin- guished Amer., dated Paris, Jan. 13, commending speeches of Cass and Mason of Dec. 23, etc.; reply to Clemens, explaining origin of Mason’s res. of Dec. 23, relative to tripartite Cuban conv., etc., during consideration of S. res. 69. (ib.; app., 158, 159.) Feb. 11. Motion to print 2000 extra copies of Mason's rpt. (S. rpt. 407) on establishment of new Br. colony in Central Amer. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 2 sess., 567.) — Feb. 14. Remarks; in reply to Douglas, in Support of S. res. 69. (ib.; app., 174, 175, 176.) — Feb. 26. Do.; in Support of amdmt. Of Finance Com. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill (H. R. 337) providing for expenses attending expected Visit of war str. from Sultan of Turkey. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 2 sess., 877.) 1854 Jan. 3. Do.; on docs. Communicated Jan. 3 in an- swer to his res. of Dec. 12, 1853, Calling for Corresp. with Gr. Br. on subjects growing Out of Clayton- Bulwer treaty; commenting on Opinion of atty. gen. Johnson, of Dec. 30, 1853. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 sess., 107, 110.) — Jan. 11, 12. Speech; on docS. Communicated Jan. 3 in answer to his res. of Dec. 12, 1853, reply to Clay- ton’s speech of Mch. 9; vindication of Views origin- ally expressed by him (CaSS) on Senate's construc- tion of Clayton-Bulwer treaty of time of ratification. (ib.; app., 61, 92, 93.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Reports Made—cont’d U. S. Senator from Mich.-cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1854 Jan. 16. Remarks; reply to Clayton, concerning alleged contradictions in Cass's speech of Jan. 11 On docs. communicated Jan. 3; construction of Clayton- Bulwer treaty; etc. (ib., 100, 103.) — Jan. 23. Do.; explanation, etc., of his res. Calling for corresp. with Papal States touching a mission to IJ. S.; visit and public treatment of Papal Nuncio; incl. reply to Adams. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 SeSS., 223, 225.) — Jan. 24. Do.; favorable to Mason’s res., proposing adjmt. as a mark of respect to deceased Russian min., Bodisco. (ib., 242.) — Jan. 27. Do.; explanatory of his allusion on Jan. 23 to hostile demonstration in N. Y. towards Papal Nuncio; during consideration of President’s meSS. in answer to Cass's res. of Jan. 23. (ib., 259.) — Feb. 2. Do.; favorable to Bright’s res. resp. PCOSZta seizure; vindicating conduct of J. P. Brown, drago- man to legation. (ib., 313.) — Feb. 23. DO.; Support of N. Y. memorial praying measures to Secure religious freedom to Americans abroad. (ib., 463.) — Feb. 25. Do.; on declaration of Lord Clarendon Con- cerning understanding betw. France and England in matters of foreign policy; in favor of H. res. 13, relative to interference of nations in affairs of Coun- tries not within their borders. (ib., 483, 484.) — Apr. 18. Do.; support of petition from Jewish citi- zens, praying for measures to Secure to them civil and religious rights in foreign countries. (ib., 929.) — May 15. Speech; support of reference to Com. On Foreign Relations, of UnderWood's rpt. Of Feb. 17, 1853, resp. measures to secure religious freedom to Americans abroad. (ib.; app., 681.) — Je. 30. Remarks; Support of Anderson relief bill (S. 369). (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 sess., 1580.) — Dec. 19. DO.; petitions, UnderWood’s res. Of Feb. 17, 1853, etc., On Securing religious freedom to Amer- icans abroad. (ib., 80.) 1855 Jan. 10. Motion to take up Underwood’s res. Of Feb. 17, 1853, on subject of religious freedom for Ameri- Cans abroad. (ib., 228.) Jan. 26. Remarks; bill for relief of claimants of General Armstrong (S. 268). (ib., 413, 414.) Feb. 9. Do.; relative to S. 268; quoting Br. news- paper Comment On that part Of President’s annual mess. relating to privateering, etc. (ib., 644.) Feb. 16. Do.; opposed to Voorhees’ relief bill (S. 212). (ib., 762, 763.) — Feb. 20. Speech; in regard to declaration of Lord Clarendon concerning understanding betw. France and England in matters of foreign policy; Cass's construction of Same and alleged disclaimer of Clarendon, etc. (ib., 826.) Mch. 3. Remarks; Supporting Toucey’s objection to Rusk’s amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill (H. R. 569) authorizing payment to Mexico of part of ap- prn. for running boundary line, etc. (ib., 1120, 1121.) — Dec. 31. Do.; denouncing perVerted construction, by Gr. Br., of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, as regards sphere of influence in Central America. (ib., 34 cong., 1 SeSS., 109.) 1856 Feb. 25. Do.; favoring adoption of res. calling upon Pres. for information and corresp. with Gr. Br., regarding recruiting for Br. army in U. S. (ib., 491.) — Mch. 6. Do.; regarding manner of terminating treaty with Denmark resp. sound dues. (ib., 604.) — Mch. 10. Speech; urging increase of military, and deprecating fear of Gr. Br. (ib., 620.) 216 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Reports Made—cont’d U. S. Senator from Mich.-cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1856 May 14. Remarks; denying right of Gr. Br. to Bay Islands. (ib., 1206.) — May 29. Do.; denying that injury will result from termination of dipl. Services of Br. min. Crampton. (ib., 1339.) — Je. 19. Do.; denouncing Br. encroachments in Cen- tral Amer. through unwarranted construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 1420.) — Jiy. 23. Do.; favoring Piatt relief bill. (ib., 1716.) — Jly. 28. Do.; absence of dipl. and cons. agts. from duty. (ib., 1797.) — Aug. 11. Do.; res. calling upon President for in- formation regarding overtures by foreign govts. for accession of U. S. to declaration of Paris. (ib., 2018.) Secretary of State, U. S. A. Correspondence (Consular) BAHIA 1857 Apr. 8. To Amer. cons. (Gillmer). [unnum.] In- Structions; originals of docS. necessary for prose- cuting Da Cunha Reis, slavetrader. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 61.) CAPE TOWN 1860 Aug. 10. Actg. Secy. Trescot to Amer. cons. (Huck- ins). [unnum.] Disposition made by Br. govt. of Africans captured from slavers, and of crews of same. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 448.) CUBA 1857 Je. 3. Asst. Secy. State (Appleton) to Amer. cons. gen. (Blythe). [unnum.] Disposition made of de- spatches regarding abuse of Amer. flag, etc. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 91.) 1858 Je. 3. Same to Same. [unnum.] Proc. in case of Cortez approved; disposition made of despatches regarding slave trade, etc. (ib., 91.) — Je. 18. Same to Savage. Instructions; to furnish information regarding Lidia Gibbs. (ib., 106.) Jly. 16. Cass to Amer. Vice-cons. gen. (Savage) [unnum.] Despatches received; dept. gratified at efficient discharge of duties of Office of Cons. gen. (ib., 136.) e — Aug. 18. Appleton to Savage. Dept. does not con- sider it expedient to send Nancy and crew to U. S. for trial. (ib., 188.) — Sept. 7. Appleton to Savage. [unnum.] Affidavit to stnt. resp. Amer. papers of Cortez. (ib., 203.) 1859 Jan. 31. Same to Amer. Cons. gen. (Helm). [un- num.] Detention at N. Y. of C. Perkins witnesses. (ib., 302.) — Feb. 29. Cass to Helm. [unnum.] Rufus Soulé, fraudulent Sale or transfer of slavers, and abuse of Amer. flag. (ib., 392.) 1860 Jan. 28. Same to same. [unnum.] Case of Rufus Soulé and alleged complicity of Amer. Cons. at Matanzas. (ib., 388.) — Mch. 3. Same to same. [unnum.] U. S. govt. denies right of Spain to force Liafio into her military serv- ice. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 38, 227; H. ex: doc. 54, 5.) Mch. 8. Appleton to Same. [unnum.] Dept. grati- fied at decision of gov. gen. Of Cuba to Suspend proc. agst. Liafio. (ib., 230; ib., 8.) May 5. Same to same. [unnum.] Proposed course in respect to all Amer. vessels cleared at Havana custom house, approved. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 422.) EGYPT 1858 Apr. 16. Cass to Amer. cons. gen. De Leon. [no. 16.] Approval in dept. of conduct of Dickson affair. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 30.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence (Consular)—cont’d HANSEATIC CITIES 1857 May 20. To Amer. cons. gen. (Ricker). [unnum.] Name of De Puy, late cons. at Carlsruhe, erased from cons. list. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 9.) HAVRE 1859 May 14. To Amer. cons. (Vesey). [unnum.] Resig- nation of post accepted; commendatory recognition of services; S. M. Johnson to be apptd. successor. (36. 1. S. rpt. 241, 4.) JERUSALEM 1858 Apr. 16. Appleton to Amer. cons. (Gorham). [un- num.] Approval in dept. of conduct of Dickson af- fairs. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 29.) - MAURITIUS 1857 Oct. 17. Appleton to Amer. cons. (Fairfield). [un- num.] Decision in case of Robert Harding; inti- mating violation by cons. at Mauritius of sec. 5, act of Aug. 18, 1856. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 12.) MUNICH 1860 Mch. 7. To Amer. Cons. (Ten Brook). [unnum.] Military service of naturalized Amer, citizens; proc. in case of Wittelshofer may more appropriately be carried on by Amer. min. at Berlin. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 233.) NEW PROVIDENCE 1860 Feb. 9. Appleton to Amer. cons. (Merritt). [un- num.] Br. jurisdiction exercised over Key Verd previous to visit of Capt. Danby, Nov., 1858. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 23.) ST. JoBINs, P. R. 1857 Apr. 9. Appleton to Amer. cons. (Latimer). [un- num.] Circ. of Nov. 8, 1856, prohibiting Amer. cons. from engaging in mercantile pursuits; blank bond to be executed and returned to State Dept. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 14.) 1858 Je. 30. Same to same. [unnum.] Secy. Treas. notified of failure to transmit bond. (ib., 16.) — Jly. 22. Cass to same. [unnum.] Blank form of Consular bond; until that is filed, no more drafts to be made on State Dept. (ib., 17.) — Oct. 13. Appleton to Latimer. [unnum.] Communi- cation from Treas. Dept. regarding non-payment of drafts, in consequence of failure to file consular bond. (ib., 22.) — Oct. 27. Same to same. [unnum.] House res. call- ing for information resp. violation of act of Aug. 8, 1856, by cons. officers. (ib., 23.) 1859 Jan. 17. Same to same. [unnum.] Encloses com- munication, asserting his interest in business, to which answer is requested. (ib., 25.) — Feb. 2. Same to same. [unnum.] Requested to deliver records and other property of consulate to C. de Ronceray. (ib., 26.) STUTTGART 1857 Apr. 18. Appleton to Amer. cons. (Stettheimer). [unnum.] Circ. of Nov. 8, 1856, and of blank official bond; explanation of absences from post demanded. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 6.) — Nov. 16. Same to Same. [unnum.] Allegation that he is engaged in busineSS and uses consulate as ad- vertising medium. (ib., 9.) 1858 Sept. 11. Same to Same. [unnum.] T. W. Young apptd. cons. at Stuttgart; property of consulate to be delivered to him. (ib., 12.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 217 CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic) BRAZIL 1857 Apr. 8. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Trousdale). [no. 35.] Aid requested in procuring from judicial tri- bunal at Bahia, originals of papers for prosecution of Da Cunha Reis, Slavetrader. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 60.) - — Apr. 9. To Same. [no. 36.] Instructions sent to J. S. Gillmer, regarding docS. relating to Da Cunha Reis. (ib., 62.) BREMEN 1859 Apr. 9. To min. res. of Bremen in U. S. A. (Schlei- den). Jurisdiction of Bremen over Amer. citizens; her privilege of aiding in execution of warrants agst. such, issued by foreign govts., denied. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 195.) 1860 Jan. 26. To Same. U. S. govt. denies right of Bremen to surrender to foreign govts. Amer. citizens claimed for military service. (ib., 222.) BRITISH Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas) 1857 Mch. 21. Instructions in case of Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (p. 32, Corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 22. Ino. 77.] Instructions; case of seizure of Amer. barque Pauchita by H. B. M. Sloop Sappho. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 61, 2.) — Nov. 21. [no. 85.] Gratified at disclaimer of Capt. Moresby’s conduct in case of Pauchita. (ib., 20.) 1858 May 12. [unnum.] Instructions; Amer. desire that prevalence of Br. practice of detaining Amer. ves- sels be recognized and practice discontinued by per- emptory orders of Home govt. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 19; H. ex. doc. 132, 19.) — May 18, [no. 106.] Instructions; forcible detention and search of Amer. vessels by Br. armed vessels of war in Gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters. (ib., 3; ib., 27.) — Je. 17. [no. 114.] Communication from Amer. Cons. at Havana on Br. aggressions on Amer. Commerce in that quarter; U. S. A. intends to maintain im- munity of merchant vessels on high seas. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 97.) — Je. 29. [no. 116.] Claim agst. Br. govt. in cases of Thomas Watson and Mary Warney. (ib., 110.) Je. 30. Ino. 117.] Instructions; false employment of U. S. flag. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 39.) — Jly. 20. Ino. 120.] Instructed to bring attention of Br. govt. to seizure and detention of Caroline, Gibbs, master, by H. B. M. Sloop Alecto, off Rio Nuñes, May last. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 136.) — Sept. 6.. [no. 129.] Despatch resp. authenticity of Amer. papers of Cortez transmitted to Vice-cons. gen. at Havana. (ib., 202.) — Sept. 10. Ino. 131.] Mary Warney claim. (ib., 204.) — Sept. 17. Ino. 132.] Caroline claim. (ib., 243.) — Oct. 4. [no. 136.] Corte2 not entitled to papers; further prosecution of claim unnecessary. (ib., 261.) — Nov. 18. Ino. 142.] Original letter to Capt. Gibbs, Caroline, by comdr. Hunt, Alecto. (ib., 281.) — Dec. 22. Ino. 144.] Cases of Kate Ellen, and Isa- bella, captured by Br. war strs. (ib., 289.) — Dec. 28. Ino. 145.] Case of Lydia Gibbs. (ib., 299.) 1859 Feb. 23. Ino. 157.] U. S. flag probably not the only ensign prostituted for purposes of slavetrade; right of visit; practice of foregoing protection of Amer. flag; no additional legislation deemed necessary. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, 65.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d (Dallas)—cont’d 1859 Mch. 15. [no. 160.] State Dept. awaits decision of French govt. as to responsibility of officer Visiting merchant vessels. (ib., 77.) — Mch. 18. [no. 163.1 Capture and burning of Rufus Soulé. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 314; 399.) — Apr. 12. [unnum.] H. B. M. Central American ne- gotiations; dissatisfaction of U. S. govt.; instruc- tions given (Jly. 25, ult.) to Amer. envoy in Central America (Lamar). (p. 215, Corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — May 14. Ino. 175.] Instructions; relating to mer- chantmen suspected of fraudulent use of Amer. flag in preparation by navy dept.; substitution of Steam for sailing vessels, in accordance with Ashburton treaty. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, 86.) — Jly. 23. Ino. 186.] Extracts from instructions of 6 inst., to capt. Inman, apptd. to command Sqdn. On African station. (ib., 89.) — Aug. 12. [no. 190.] Requests Br. investigation of Comdr. Burton’s alleged proc. in regard to Orion. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 359.) Oct. 6.. [no. 202.] Rpt. of comdr. Brent, U. S. S. Marion, in case of bark Orion. (ib., 375.) 1860 Mch. 31. [no. 244.] Capture of Rufus Soulé; sup- pression of Slavetrade; fraudulent sale and transfer of slavers, and abuse of Amer. flag. (ib., 400.) — Apr. 3. [Ino. 245.] Lord Russell’s reply to com- plaint in Amazon affair. (ib., 416.) — Apr. 6.. [no. 247.] Boarding of Amer. brig Jehossee by comdr. of H. B. M. S. Falcon (Fitzroy). (ib., 417.) — May 17. [no. 256.] Authorized to draw on dept. for expense of bringing to Boston witnesses from H. B. M. S. Pluto. (ib., 430.) — Je. 20. [no. 264.] Directed to express thanks to Br. govt. for assistance afforded by H. B. M. S. Odin (Hay) in Suppressing mutiny on U. S. merchant ves- Sel Staghou?vd. (37. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 16.) — Aug. 6. ASSt. Secy. State (Trescot) to Dallas. [un- num.] Disposition by Br. govt. of Africans and of- ficers and crews of captured slavers. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 446.) — Oct. 26. [no. 284.] Registers of Amer. vessels, for guidance of Br. Cruisers on coast of Africa. (ib., 465.) Oct. 27. [no. 285.] Extent of Amer. participation in Slavetrade overrated; reiterated dipl. suggestions for its Suppression unnecessary, and pressed too often on attention of govt. (ib., 504.) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier) 1857 Apr. 10. Views of President upon subjects pre- sented in note of 14 ult. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 47, 6.) — May 9. Clarendon-Herran conv. relative to Bay Is.; dept. has no copy; one is desirable. (p. 43, Corresp. § Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 8.) — May 29. Rejection of Br. draft of amended Claren- don-Dallas treaty. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 109.) — Sept. 10. Views of President concerning proposi- tion for jt. ConV. betw. U. S., England and France for securing neutrality of Panama route. (46. 2. S. ex, doc. 112, 151; 56. 1. S. doc. 237, 213.) — Oct. 20. Reply to his note of 9 inst.; existing rela- tions betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica; U. S. has regarded Sovereignty of San Juan River to belong to Nicaragua, etc. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 112.) 218 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.—cont’d (Napier)—cont’d 1858 Mch. 19. Asks for fuller information in regard to Voyage of Br. Str. Jessie and rescue of Amer. ship Northwºmberland. (36. 1. H. rpt. 97, 9.) - Apr. 6. Strmt. of arrangements by which it is pro- posed that Ouseley’s mission shall carry into effect Clayton-Bulwer treaty according to Amer. interpre- tation of it. (46. 2. S. ex: doc. 112, 107.) — Apr. 10. Existing circumstances of Slavetrade; Br. and Amer. Construction of doctrine of visit and search ; U. S. A. not inclined to enter into new ºlone On African Slavetrade. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. - May 4. Firing of Amer. merchantman N. B. Borden by H. B. M. S. Stya off coast of Cuba. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 59, 2; H. ex. doc. 132, 14.) Sept. 9. Claim in case of Br. str. Jessie. (36. 1. H. rpt. 97, 14.) Nov. 8. Strmt. relative to Anglo-Amer. negotiations in respect to Central Amer. since ratification of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (47. 1. S. ex: doc. 194, 137.) - Dec. 7. Reply to his note of 5 inst. (35. 2. S. misc. doc. 10, 2.) 1859 Feb. 15. Inadvisable to press Congress to make apprin. for payment of Rogerson claim in case of Jessie. (36. 1. H. rpt. 97, 15.) (Lyons) 1859 Apr. 22. Will invite favorable consideration of Congress to Rogerson claim at opening session. (36. 1. H. rpt. 97, 17.) — May 12. Every nation has exclusive care of its own flag on high seas; not practicable to make regula- º Suggested in advance. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, Je. 2. Receipt of communication regarding bark Pauchita, relief expected from measures for placing Small Steam Vessels on African and Cuban coast. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 339.) — Je. 7. Receipt of note regarding boarding of Cath- erine. (ib., 340.) −. 14. Reply to his note of Jly. 11. (36. 1. S. rpt. 80, 9.) — Jly. 18. Extr. from instructions to capt. Inman, apptd. to Command African sqdn., dated Jly. 6, 1859. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, 87.) — Nov. 29. Acknowledges offer made Nov. 28. (36. 1. H. rpt. 97, 17.) — Dec. 6. Asst. Secy. State (Appleton) to Lyons. In reply to his note of Dec. 5. (ib., 18.) — Dec. 8. Receipt of note respecting Rebecca and J. Harris. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 381.) 1860 Apr. 3. Immunity of vessels rightfully floating Amer. Colors, from foreign interference, asserted; Sp. govt. can stop slavetrade by preventing introd. of slaves into Cuba; no practical advantage antici- pated from proposed dipl. CongreSS at London. (ib., 414.) — Apr. 5. Not thought expedient to remove any VeS- sels to e. coast of Africa. (ib., 416.) — May 14. Despatch regarding boarding of Gé0. Wm. Jones; requested to urge necessity of Orders agst. Such proc. (ib., 424.) Je. 8. Reply to his note of 6 inst.; deprecates Amer. military orders concerning occupation of San Juan Is...; recall of Gen. Harney. (Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, lxviii, 1860.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d BRITISH –COnt’d 1860 Nov. 2. Information that requisition for Surrender of J. Anderson has never been forwarded to Canada. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 11, 2.) — Dec. 4. Information relative to alleged Slaver Buckeye transmitted to Secy. of Treasury. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 514.) British Chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Irvine) 1860 Aug. 10. Asst. Secy. State (Trescot) to Irvine. Stmt. Of reasons for dissent from Br. recommenda- tions for suppression of slavetrade. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 446.) — Oct. 2. Request for Surrender of J. Anderson charged with commission of murder in Missouri. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 11, 2.) — Oct. 25. U. S. A. cannot consent to furnish Copies of registers of Amer. Vessels for guidance of H. B. M. Cruisers on coast of Africa. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7,464.) CHINESE Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (Reed) 1857 May 30. [no. 2..] Instructions; mission to China. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 47, 1; 36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 6.) — Je. 22. Asst. Secy. State (Appleton) to Reed. [no. 3.] Claims of U. S. and of U. S. citizens agst. China. to be pressed; particulars of expenditures to be specified. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 12.) — Je. 29. [no. 5.] Inclusion of amt. Of Amer. claims agst. China in Sum to be demanded by Gr. Br. not approved. (ib., 14.) — Jly. 29. [no. 6..] Requested to investigate Edwards claim, asking indemnification on acct. of ill-treat- ment at hands of Chinese authorities, Nov., 1841. (ib., 15.) 1858 Feb. 5. Ino. 9..] Deficiency of war strs. Of light draft on China Station, referred to Navy Dept.; copies of Marcy’s letter On Greytown transmitted. (ib., 19.) — Apr. 28. [no. 11.] Further instructions resp. af- fairs in China not yet forthcoming; efforts and sug- gestions for improvement of cons. service approved. (ib., 183.) — Je. 25. [no. 12, extr.] Mr. Williams to act as chargé after departure of Reed; sqdn. to abstain from hos- tile acts; Conduct of Comdr. Tattnall approved. (ib., 244.) — Aug. 17. Ino. 13.] Portuguese plenipotentiary in China, to be invited to participate in negotiations with Chinese authorities. (ib., 329.) — Sept. 3. [no. 14.] Course of conduct approved; allies have probably obtained Satisfactory treaty from China, in benefits of which U. S. may partici- pate. (ib., 334.) — Oct. 16. Ino. 15.] Congratulated upon negotiation of treaty of Tientsin; resignation of dipl. trust ac- cepted with regret. (ib., 378.) — Oct. 25. [no. 16..] Relative to certain despatches; courtesy to U. S. min. manifested by Poutiatine. (ib., 422.) DANISH Amer. min. res. in Denmark (Buchanan) 1859 Oct. 21. [no. 11.] Release of Smidt to be urged. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 207.) 1860 Feb. 4. [no. 15.] Course in case of Smidt approved; pecuniary remuneration to him will Satisfy just de- mand upon Denmark. (ib., 223.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 219 CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d FRENCH Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France - (Mason) 1857 Sept. 29. Ino. 128.] Disclaiming insinuations of I. Lorenz relative to circ. 17, of Jan. 31. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 61.) 1858 Nov. 25. [unnum. extr.] Reaffirming Monroe doc- trine on occasion of avowed intentions of French and Br. govts. towards Nicaragua. (MSS. Inst. France. Repr. in iii, Wharton. Int. Digest, 2.) 1859 Apr. 12. [unnum. extr.] Instructions for represen- tation to Count Walenski of attitude of U. S. in case of Nicaragua. (ib., 16.) — Je. 27. [no. 189.] To transmit information relating to French conscription laws as affecting French sub- jects naturalized in U. S.; course in possible cases arising thereunder. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 198.) — Je. 27. Ino. 190.] Position of U. S. On Subject of neutral rights; restriction of blockades to proper purposes of war insisted on; do. doctrine of contra- band of war. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, 27.) Amer. Chargé ad. int. in France (Calhoun) 1859 Dec. 31. [no. 7..] Naturalized Amer. citizens born in France not liable to military duty or criminal prosecution for neglect thereof, in France; views of U. S. to be impressed on French govt. (36.1. S. ex. doc. 38, 216.) French E. E. and M. P. to U. S. (Sartiges) 1859 Jan. 25. U. S. A. determined to stamp out traffic in Slaves; boarding of merchantman by armed vessel to be done at latter’s risk. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, 60.) — May 12. Will forward copy of instructions to naval officers regarding Suspected slavers, as soon as they are determined on. (ib., 85.) HONDURAN - Amer. min. res. in Honduras (Clarke) 1859 Oct. 1. [no. 6..] Instructions; negotiations betw. Gr. Br. and Honduras for Br. relinquishment of Bay Islands. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 119.) Dec. 2. [no. 7..] Favorable comment on his rpt. on Guatemala; permitted change of residence to Co- *akua for reasons of health. (36.1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, 1860 Feb. 18. [no. 11.] Disapproval of his misunder- standing of Anglo-Amer. relations in regard to Cen- tral American questions. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 122.) Honduran M. P. in U. S. A., on specl. mission (Alvarado) 1860 Feb. 28. Signs treaty of friendship, etc., with Hon- duras; see Central America. Honduras. Treaties. Honduran E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Molina) 1860 Nov. 26. [extr.] Govt. responsible only for dis- charge of its internat, duties; not for consequences of illegal enterprises of which it had no knowledge. (Mss. Notes. Cent. Amer. Repr. iii, Wharton’s Di- gest, 603.) JAPANESE Amer. min. res. in Japan (Harris) 1859 Apr. 30. [no. 3, extr.] In reply to despatch 41, Dec. 6, 1858; Japanese embassy to be met at Aspinwall by U. S. frigate Roanoke. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 10.) — Aug. 16. Ino. 5, extr.] Further advice of prepara- tions to meet Japanese ambassadors. (ib., 10.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d MEXICAN Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Forsyth) 1857 Je. 17. Asst. Secy. State (Appleton) to Forsyth. [no. 23.] Instructions; to demand exemplary pun- ishment of persons who committed outrages at So- nora. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 43.) —— Jly. 17. [no. 27.] Instructions; Tehuantepec tran- sit. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 72, 39; H. ex: doc. 72, 39.) Sept. 14. [no. 29, extr.] More particular Strmts. Of Caborca and Dunbar massacre. (35. 1. H. ex: doc. 64, 54.) — Nov. 7. [no. 32.] Relative to letter from W. F. Evans to John W. Parks. (ib., 77.) 1858 Je. 23. [no. 48.] Contribution imposed upon for- eigners in Mexico by decree of May 15. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 44.) — JIy. 15. [no. 49.] Instructions; contribution as- sessed upon Amer. citizens by Mexican govt. (ib., 47.) e NICARAGUAN Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Lamar) 1858 JIy. 25. [no. 9..] Instructions; Costa Rican and Nicaraguan claims; Rivas manifesto; Mosquito pro- tectorate; filibustering; Belly contract; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 2, 51; H. ex. doc. 2, 51.) (Dimitry) 1859 Sept. 22. [no. 3..] Views of U. S. in regard to Ouseley-Zeledon, Dallas-Clarendon, etc., treaties. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 117.) Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Jerez) 1859 May 5. [extr.] Reiterating doctrine published in his no. 9, of Jly. 25, 1858, to Gen. Lamar. (MSS. Notes. Cent. Amer. Repr. in iii, Wharton. Int. Digest, 16.) PERUVLAN Peruvian min. res. Peru in U. S. A. (De Osma) 1858 May 22. Regret at dissatisfaction with U. S. min. Clay; withdraws claim in case of Dorcas C. Yeaton ; dissents from claim of right of visit in Case of Georgiana and Lizzie Thompson ; urges claim for indemnity. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 69, 17.) PONTIFICAL STATES Amer. min. res. in Pontifical States (Stockton) 1859 Jly. 29. [no. 4.] Approval of conduct in case of Perkins. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 4, 5.) — Sept. 5. Ino. 5.] Gratified at conduct of Perkins claim. (ib., 11.) PRUSSIAN Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright) 1858 Dec. 10. [no. 14.] Difficulties of ending compulsory enlistments in Prussian army; cases of Dullyé and Heune; details regarding Prussian army; and cer- tificates of emigration requested. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 38, 116.) 1859 May 12. Ino. 18.] Compulsory service of Amer. citizens in Prussian army; doctrine of perpetual allegiance obsolete; enforced military service a re- assertion of that doctrine. (ib., 241.) 220 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d PRUSSLAN–Cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia—cont’d (Wright)—cont’d 1859 JIy. 8. [no. 20.] Case of C. Ernst, naturalized Amer. citizen, recently forced into Hanoverian serv- ice; doctrine of perpetual allegiance relic of barbar- ism; rights conferred on foreigner by naturaliza- tion; limits of foreign jurisdiction over naturalized Amer. citizens; case of Ernst to be presented to Hanoverian min. at Berlin. (ib., 132.) — Sept. 15. [no. 23.] Gratification at release of C. Ernst by Hanoverian govt.; arrangements making future disagreements impossible. (ib., 147.) — Dec. 9.. [no. 26.] Gratification at termination of question of exemption from military service in Hanover and Prussia; does not regard special treaty as indispensable; recent pardons constitute recog- nition of principles underlying contentions of |U. S. A. (ib., 147.) — Dec. 17. Ino. 27.] Case of S. Dandson, Amer. citi- Zen, now Serving in Prussian army, to be investi- gated. (ib., 149.) 1860 Mch. 30. Ino. 30.] Copy of despatch to Amer. cons. at Munich (Ten Brook) in reference to case of Wittelshofer. (ib., 237.) SPANISH . Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Dodge) 1858 Oct. 21. [no. 66 [confidential].] Rumor of con- templated Sp. attack on Mexico; min. of foreign af- fairs to be made acquainted with views of U. S.; in- formation desired resp. strength of alleged force, Causes, and designs. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 5.) (Preston) 1860 Mch. 1. [no. 25.] Case of Liafio, arrested in Cuba On ground of liability to military service, to be pre- Sented to Sp. govt. ; hopes for order stopping proc. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 38, 233.) — Mch. 8. [no. 26.] Notice of decision of capt. gen. of Cuba regarding Liafio; Sp. govt. to be asked to make arrangements looking for prevention of similar cases. (ib., 235.) SWISS Amer, min. res. in Switzerland (Fay) 1857 Sept. 19. [no. 49.] Transmits Verplanck letter in reply to charges agst. Castle Garden. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 58.) Nov. 5. Ino. 51.] Instructed to Secure removal of discriminations agst. Hebrews, in certain Cantons. (36. 1. H. ex: doc. 76, 12.) y 1858 Apr. 17. [no. 54.] Approval of efforts in behalf of Amer. Jews in Switzerland. (ib., 22.) — Jly. 29. [no. 57.] Encloses reply of J. P. Levy, to questions regarding Jews in U. S. (ib., 56.) 1859 May 23. [no. 68, extr.] Publication of corresp. re- garding Jewish discriminations, in public jols. not proper, in view of House res. Calling for Same, to be presented at beginning of next session. (ib., 66.) VENEZUELAN Amer. min. res. in Venezuela (Eames) 1857 Apr. 1. [no. 49, extr.] Delay in prosecution of guano claims explained by loss of Marcy despatch no. 37. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 197.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d VENEZUELAN.—cont’d Amer. min. res. in Venezuela—cont’d (Eames)—cont’d 1857 Apr. 3. [no. 50.] Relative to Shelton claim. (ib., 226.) — May 25. [no. 52..] Discovery of missing despatches 44-46; approval of his note to Venezuelan min. Of foreign affairs of Mch. 31. (ib., 227.) — Aug. 31. [no. 53.] Instructions; conclusion of Aves Is... claim. (ib., 272.) — Sept. 4. [no. 54.] Guthrie denial of stntS. unfa- vorable to Shelton claim. (ib., 276.) — Oct. 6.. [unnum.] Relative to his departure for Venezuela; substance of corresp. with Venezuelan chargé concerning Aves Is. case. (ib., 283.) — Dec. 15. [unnum.] Instructions; damages in Shel- ton claim; conferences with H. S. Sanford; no in- tention to transfer negotiation to Washington. (ib., 380.) 1858 May 10. [no. 60.] Instructions; procedure in Aves Is. case pursuant to failure of Briceno mission. (ib., 425.) (Turpin) 1858 Aug. 24. Asst. Secy. State (Appleton) to Turpin. [no. 3..] Instructions; prosecution of Aves IS. case. (ib., 441.) — Sept. 3. [no. 6..] Basis of compromise of Lang and Delano claim in Aves Is. case. (ib., 444.) Sept. 15. Ino. 7..] Instructions; terms of com- promise of several claimants in Aves IS. case. (ib., 446.) — Dec. 10. [no. 12.] Instructions; adjustment of Aves IS. claim without further delay, pursuant to advice of atty. of claimants (Sanford) of 9 inst. (ib., 453.) 1859 Jan. 22. Appleton to Turpin. [no. 13.] Instruc- tions; proofs in support of Lang and Delano claim. (ib., 455.) — Feb. 7. [no. 14.] Penfield deposition. (ib., 456.) Venezuelan chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Ribas) 1857 Sept. 11. Denies justice of Venezuelan title to jur- isdiction over Aves Is...; further delay in adjusting claim dangerous to amicable relations betw. U. S. and W. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 278.) Venezuelan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Briceno) 1858 Feb. 24. Disapptmt. at noncommittal renewal of . Aves Is... negotiation by Venezuelan min. of foreign affairs (Gutierrez). (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 381.) — Feb. 26. [unnum.] U. S. govt. considers Aves Is. question closed except in respect to amt. of indem- nity to be paid claimants; transfer of question to U. S. not entertained by U. S. (ib., 385.) — Mch. 4. In reply to his note of Feb. 27. (ib., 389.) — Apr. 27. Relative to publication of his memoir of Mch. 1. (ib., 423.) Venezuelan min. de relaciones esteriores (Urrutia) 1858 May 10. Failure of Briceno mission; Aves Is. case referred back to V.; liability of V. having been ad- mitted satisfactory adjustment anticipated. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 424.) Corr. (Executive) 1857 Mch. 27. To U. S. atty. no. distr. N. Y. (McKeon). Copy of memorandum left by Lord Napier, regarding brigantine N. Hand, Suspected of being a slaver. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 58.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 221 CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1857 Apr. 15. Asst. Secy. State (Appleton) to comr. U. S. circ. ct. Mass. distr. (Woodbury). Will be informed of issue of instructions to U. S. min. at Rio de Janeiro and U. S. cons. at Bahia regarding originals of docs. relating to Da Cunha Reis. (ib., 62.) – May 1. Same to McKeon. Information of employ- ment in slavetrade of vessels fitted out at ports in |U. S. (ib., 65.) — May 4. Same to same. If desired, J. G. Willis, U. S. com. agt. at St. Paul de Loando, will visit N. Y. for purpose of conferring on slavetrade. (ib., 66.) — May 29. Circ. Ino. 3..] to cons. officers U. S. A.; opinion of atty. gen. On power and duty of a cons. in regard to crimes committed within his jurisdic- tion by citizens of U. S. (ib., 66.) — May 30. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb). De- spatch of Amer. Cons. gen, at Havana, on regulations for prevention of abuse of Amer. flag and participa- tion by Amer.-built vessels in unlawful traffic sub- sequent to Sale in one foreign port, and delivery to purchasers in another. (ib., 66.) — Je. 19. Appleton to McKeon. Dept. informed that abt. 12 vessels are fitted out every year at N. Y. for African slavetrade. (ib., 67.) — Jly. 25. To Secy. War, U. S. A. (Floyd). State Dept. has not recd. names of persons murdered in Sonora by Mexican authorities. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 49.) — Sept. 4. Appleton to W. F. Evans. When new intel- ligence concerning massacre of Crabb and party is received it will be forwarded. (ib., 75.) — Sept. 18. To Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey). Instruc- tions; apprehension of unlawful military expedi- tions agst. Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 49; H. rpt. 74, 2, 9.) — Sept. 18. Circ. instructions relative to prevention of military expeditions fitting out in U. S. agst. Mex- ico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 7; H. ex. doc. 24, 4; S. rpt. 20, 2.) Oct. 8. U. S. atty. e. distr. La. (Clack). Expected that co-operation with certain other officers of U. S. A. will be sufficient for preventing unlawful ex- peditions agst. Nicaragua or Costa Rica. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 8.) – Oct. 20. To Wm. F. Evans. Additional items of in- formation respecting Dr. Evans. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 76.) – Oct. 26. Atty. gen. U. S. A. (Black). Request that attyS. at N. Y., Phila., Portland and New Orleans be instructed to prosecute persons concerned in slave- trade as per despatches received from T. Savage, cons. officer residing at Havana, enclosed. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 79.) — Nov. 13. To Clack. All measures proper under law are to be taken to arrest filibusters. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 22.) — Nov. 13. To U. S. marshal, New Orleans (Ken- nedy). Instructions given by distr. atty. relative to pursuit of filibusters to be carried out. (ib., 22.) — Nov. 14. To U. S. Customs collector, New Orleans (Hatch). Expected that officers of U. S. will act unitedly to arrest expedition to Nicaragua. (ib., 22.) — Nov. 16. To U. S. atty., S. C. distr. (Conner). Com- mends perSeverance in efforts towards detecting filibusters. (ib., 24.) — Nov. 19. To Clack. Regret at escape of expedition to Nicaragua. (ib., 25.) — Dec. 2. To U. S. customs collector, Mobile. Instruc- tions for detaining str. Fashion. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 11. To U. S. atty., S. C. distr. (Conner). State Dept. has no legal proof of military character of Walker expedition to Nicaragua; possible that suf- CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d ficient evidence may be obtained for conviction of Capt. Mackey. (ib., 33.) 1857 Dec. 12. To L. W. Evans. Information concerning deceased Dr. Evans. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 78.) — Dec. 12. To Wm. F. Evans. Transmits copy of letter from L. W. Evans which contains particulars in regard to H. L. Evans. (ib., 80.) Dec. 14. U. S. atty., e. distr. La. (Semmes). In- structions to detain str. Fashion. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 34.) — Dec. 16. To Spkr. U. S. House (Orr). Requests an apprn. for purchase of 500 copies of Dipl. Corresp. from 1776 to 1783, for use of State Dept. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 14, 1.) Dec. 16. To Semmes. Further instructions to de- tain str. Fashion and to suppress illegal expeditions agst. Central America. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 35.) — Dec. 26. To chrm. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Clingman). Papprenitza claim for losses incurred during New Orleans riots of 1851. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 16, 1.) Dec. 28. To W. F. Evans. Not expedient to present subject of Crabb massacre to consideration of Con- gress. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 81.) 1858 Jan. 2. To Hatch. To prevent violation of neu- trality act. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 38.) — Jan. 7. To Pres. U. S. A. (Buchanan). No COIn- plaint made by govt. of Nicaragua agst. govt. of U. S. On acct. of arrest of W. Walker and his followers. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 26, 1.) — Jan. 8. To chrm. U. S. Com. Ways and Means (Jones). Requests that appropriation be made to compensate late Cons. at Shanghai (Murphy) for judicial Services. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 28, 1.) — Jan. 19. To same. Propriety of apprin. for payment of all expenses of commission under reciprocity treaty with Gr. Br. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 35, 1.) — Jan. 21. To Same. Necessity of adding to apprin. for payment of Sum Stipulated in art. 3 of conv. with Denmark for discontinuance of Sound Dues. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 36, 1.) Jan. 21. To Floyd. Encloses copy of House res. calling for information relating to Crabb massacre in Sonora. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 81.) Jan. 25. To chrm. U. S. Com. On Foreign Affairs (Hopkins). Judicial functions of U. S. cons. in China and Turkey; allowance of actual jail rents requested; apptmt. Of marshals to cons. Courts in China, Turkey, and Siam recommended, as well as that of clerks; Various defects and Omissions in dipl. and cons. Service act. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 21.) Jan. 28. To same. Relative to expenses of U. S. cons. at Hong Kong (Keenan) for relief of wrecked Amer. citizens, and in Suit in colonial court at Hong Kong. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 75.) — Feb. 1. To Jones. Estimate to acc. H. R. 271 of money necessary to meet amt. Stipulated to be paid to Denmark for discontinuance of Sound dues. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 50.) — Feb. 11. To same. Recommends an apprin. to re- fund amt. paid by D. Robertson for repairs of Nor- wegian barque Ellen. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 61, 1.) — Mch. 6. To W. S. Groesbeck. Rich claim. (35. 1. H. rpt. 170, 1.) — Mch. 8. To Hatch. Censure for clearing Charles with suspicious articles in her manifest. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 40.) — Mch. 30. To chrm. U. S. Com. on Commerce (Clay). Labor and expense attending collection of evidence regarding Panama riot outrages, by T. W. Ward, en- title him to relief. (35. 2. H. rpt. 100.) 222 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1858 Apr. 3. To U. S. customs collector, Savannah (Bos- ton). Instructions to Secure information of board- ing of Amer. Schr. N. B. Borden by H. B. M. sloop Stya. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 9; H. ex. doc. 132, 2.) — Apr. 12. To chrm. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Sickles). Credentials of E. G. Squier as dipl. officer of U. S. in Central America. (35. 1. H. rpt. 367, 3.) — May 7. Wheeler claim. (35. 1. S. rpt. 311, 7.) — May 11. U. S. Sub-com. on Foreign Affairs (Sick- les and Barksdale). Information regarding cons. service; comment on House res. of Mch. 27, 1856; explanation of draft bills submitted by dept.; rec- Ommends apprat. Of limited number of cons. Clerks. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 5.) — May 13. To U. S. customs collector, N. Y. C. (Schell). Instructions to secure information on reported boarding of Amer. Schr. Mobile by H. B. M. str. Stya. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 59, 6; H. ex. doc. 132, 21.) May 13. To Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey). Advice Of interference Of Br. armed Vessels with Amer. merchantmen off Cuban Coast; propriety of protec- tion; suggests inquiry into alleged existence of police system exercised by Br. authority over Amer. vessels in port of Havana. (ib., 6; ib., 20.) — May 14. To U. S. customs Collector, Phila. (Baker). Instructions to secure information of reported boarding of Amer. ship Tropic Bird by H. B. M. gunboat Jasper. (ib., 7; ib., 21. ) — May 15. To U. S. Customs collector, Boston (Aus- tin). Instructions to Secure information of board- ing of Amer. brig Robert Wing (Gray) by Br. Cruiser. (ib., 14; ib., 21.) — May 18. To same. Rpt. of firing of Amer. brig Ringgold [i. e., Wingold] by Br. cruiser. (ib., 4; ib., 27.) — May 18. To Schell. Instruction to secure deposi- tions of masters of Amer. barque W. H. Chandler (Gage) and brig Martha Gilchrist (Rawley) rela- tive to boarding of vessels by Br. Officer at Sagua la Grande. (ib., 5; ib., 29.) t — May 19. To U. S. customs collector, Boston (AuS- tin). Instructions to secure deposition from master of Amer. barque Clara Windsor of reported boarding by H. B. M. str. Forward. (ib., 5; ib., 29.) — May 22. To U. S. customs collector, Baltimore (Mason). Instructions to Secure information of boarding of Amer. brig A. A. Chapman by Br. Vessel not named. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 37; S. ex. doc. 61, 29.) — May 22. To U. S. customs collector, Bath, Me. (Berry). Instructions to secure information rela- tive to boarding of Amer. brig George Stockham : Amer. barque Glenburn and ship Grotto by Br. armed vessel not named. (ib., 37; ib., 29.) — May 22. To U. S. Customs Collector, Belfast, Me. (Smart). Instructions to Secure information of boarding of Amer. brig Eliza Merrithew by Br. ves- sel not named. (ib., 38; ib., 28.) — May 22. To Austin. Instructions to secure infor- mation relative to boarding by Br. Vessels of Amer. barque Samos and Amer. brig Wingold. (ib., 36; ib., 28.) — May 22. To Schell. Instructions to secure informa- tion of boarding of Amer. brig Brownsville by Br. vessel not named. (ib., 36; ib., 27.) — May 25. To Hatch. Instructions to Secure infor- mation of boarding of Amer. ship John and Albert by Br. Str. not named. (ib., 40; ib., 32.) — May 29. To U. S. customs collector, Savannah (BOSton). Instructions to Secure information of CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d w Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d firing of Amer. Schr. Gordon by H. B. M. Str. Styaj. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 44.) 1858 Je. 3. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb). Imper- fection of act of Mch. 2, 1803, made it possible for nearly every vessel sold at Havana to go to African coast for slaves; cons. Blythe suggests that COnS. be clothed with authority to demand heavy bond in cases of sales of vessels under circumstances set forth by him, or that the act be entirely repealed. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 89.) — Je. 3. To same. Extracts from despatch of cons. gen. Blythe dated May 17, 1858, resp. abuse of Amer. flag for nefarious purposes. (ib., 89.) — Je. 30. To Cobb. Acct. for salary of Amer. ConS. at St. John’s, P. R. (Latimer), for quarter ending Mch. 1857; Latimer has failed to transmit official bond. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 16.) — Jly. 15. To same. Information resp. vessels Brothers and Lyra, which sailed recently from Havana for African coast. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 135.) — Jly. 15. To Solicitor Treasury, U. S. A. (Hillyer). Same. (ib., 135.) — Jiy. 28. Asst. Secy. State (Appleton) to Hillyer. Despatch relating to brig C. Perkins. (ib., 169.) — Jiy. 31. To atty. for Aves Is. claimants (Sanford). Favorable disposition of present govt. of Venezuela. to Aves Is. case. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 440.) — Aug. 16. Appleton to Hillyer. Release of Nancy by Sp. authorities. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 188.) — Aug. 18. Same to same. Receipt of communication resp. cases of alleged violation of U. S. laws Con- cerning slavetrade by certain Amer. vessels at Ha- vana. (ib., 189.) — Sept. 11. Same to same. Communication from Cons. at Havana regarding alleged Amer. Slavers, Nancy, Lyra and Charles Perkins. (ib., 205.) — Sept. 27. Appleton to Sanford. Absence in dept. of proof of Lang and Delano losses as represented in letters of 2d and 8th inst. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 446.) — Oct. 13. Appleton to Oñativia & co. Proposal to stand security for filing of Latimer’s cons. bond Can- not be considered. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 22.) — Oct. 30. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Receipt of complaint of conduct of Amer. Vice-cons. gen. at Havana, in refusing clearance to Ardennes. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 278.) — Dec. 6. To U. S. atty. e. distr. Penn. (Van Dyke). Proposition in behalf of J. Disney referred to atty. gen. (ib., 2882.) — Dec. 9. Appleton to Van Dyke. Solicitor of Treas- ury (Hillyer) cannot recommend acceptance of Capt. Disney's proposition. (ib., 283.) — Dec. 14. To chrm. Com. on Foreign Relations (Ma- son). Request to acc. S. J. R. 56 that provision be made to pay salaries of min. res. to Argentine, Costa Rica and Honduras. (35. 2. S. misc. doc. 17.) — Dec. 14. To chrm. H. Com. Ways and Means (Phelps). Requests authority to pay Salaries of certain min. res. out of any balance of former ap- prns. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 10, 1.) — Dec. 14. To same. Asks apprin. to defray expenses for transporting destitute Americans from Victoria, B. C., to San Francisco. (35. 2. H. ex: doc. 12, 1.) — Dec. 14. To splxr. U. S. House (Orr). Same. (ib., 1.) — Dec. 15. To President, U. S. A. (Buchanan). No Official information recd. by State Dept. resp. visit by Br. Officers of Amer. Vessels in Gulf of Mexico; transmits copies of Sundry docS. Connected with subject. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 1.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 223 CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1858 Dec. 15. Appleton to U. S. depy, atty. no. distr. Fla. (Flemming). Ardennes affair referred to Solicitor of Treasury. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 285.) — Dec. 15. Appleton to Hillyer. Information resp. Ardenºmes ; requested to give instructions to U. S. atty. at Jacksonville. (ib., 285.) — Dec. 16. To Phelps. Character of expenditures pro- posed to be defrayed under estimate for apprin. for suppression of slavetrade. (35. 2. H. misc. doc. 6, 5.) — Dec. 16. To Same. Letter of U. S. Comr. n. W. Boundary Survey (Campbell), and copy of estimate referred to therein. (ib., 1.) — Dec. 17. To Same. Suggests that clause be added to “slavetrade ’’ apprin. by which such part of it as may be required may be paid out of treasury pre- vious to J1y. 1, 1859. (ib., 6.) — Dec. 17. To same. Requests apprp. for purchase of 500 copies of Dipl. Corresp. of Revolution. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 80.) — Dec. 18. Appleton to Hillyer. Capt. Disney may be important witness in trial of Ardennes case at Jacksonville. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 286.) — Dec. 18. To same. Strmt., with explanations, of balances of apprins. for expenses under art. 1 of reciprocity treaty with Gr. Br. (35. 2. H. misc. doc. 6, 6.) — Dec. 18. Appleton to Van Dyke. Requested to com- municate information in his possession on Ardennes to U. S. atty. at Jacksonville. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 286.) —— Dec. 20. Same to Same. Neither ConS. nor Vice-COnS. at St. Helena has been absent from island during Current yr. ; alleged slaver Wanderer could not have touched there. (ib., 288.) — Dec. 21. To Phelps. Authority requested to com- pensate dipl. services of A. Dudley Mann, out of foreign intercourse fund. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 113, 2.) — Dec. 23. To W. P. Miles, repr. from S. C., member Com. On Foreign Affairs. No additional information resp. seizure of Lydia Gibbs; case to be presented to Br. govt. without delay. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 292.) 1859 Jan. 8. To atty. gen U. S. A. (Black). Requested to aid dept. in establishing some general rules for guidance of Amer, cons., especially in Cuban ports, respecting detention of suspected slavers. (ib., 299.) Jan. 8. Appleton to Fifth Auditor, U. S. A. (Mc- Connel). Amer. Cons. at St. John’s, P. R. (Latimer) has not executed official bond, holds office only till successor enters upon duties. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 24.) Jan. 12. To chrm. Com. On Foreign Affairs (Hop- kins). Application of Amer. Cons. at Zürich (Goun- die) for increased compensation. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 49, 1.) — Jan. 12. To same. Salary and duties of Amer. ConS., St. Martin (Rey); recommendations regarding sal- ary. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 45, 1.) Jan. 12. To same. Compensation and duties of Amer. Cons. at Bremen; increase of Salary, and ap- ptmt. of limited number of cons. Clerks recom- mended. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 44, 1.) — Jan. 12. To H. E. Royce, repr. from Vt., member TJ. S. Com. Foreign Affairs. Receipt of petition of J. S. Murad, late cons. agt. at Jaffa; classification of cons. Officers; statutory provisions for reimburse- ment of cons. for expenditures; Murad’s Services in bringing to justice perpetrators of Outrages com- mitted in 1857 upon Amer. family residing in Jaffa. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 1.) CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1859 Jan. 15. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). No cor- resp. has taken place betw. U. S., France and Eng- land in relation to acquisition of Cuba by U. S. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 57.) — Jan. 18. To Cobb. Receipt of communication re- garding business interests of Amer. cons. St. John's, P. R. (Latimer); Pres. directed apptmt. of succes- sor; payment of Latimer’s drafts refused. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 25.) — Jan. 19. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). List of * claims agst. foreign govts. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18. — Jan. 19. To same. No new corresp. betw. U. S. and Spain relative to purchase of Cuba. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 16, 2.) — Jan. 20. To Phelps. Requests apprn. for salary of Amer. min. res. to Japan (Harris). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 63, 1.) \ — Jan. 25. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Rpt. on cons. fees collected during 1857. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 20, 1; H. ex. doc. 67, 1.) — Jan. 25. To splxr. U. S. House (Orr). Inadequacy of compensation of cons. Officers; asks authority to appoint limited number of cons. Clerks. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 1.) — Jan. 28. To U. S. House. No commercial agts. apptd. by cons. gen. in Br. provinces; nature of cons. agts., and agencies established in Canada; instructions issued by cons. gen. to agtS. respecting verification of invoices, and extr. from quarterly return of fees received by cons. agts. to Sept. 30, 1858. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 74, 1.) — Jan. 31. Appleton to U. S. atty. so. distr. N. Y. (Sedg- Wick). Cons. at Havana instructed to communicate on detention of C. Perkins witnesses. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 301.) — Feb. 26. To Hopkins. Relative to claims of Jas. Keenan for reimbursement on acct. of relief af- forded destitute Americans in Chinese waters. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 113, 2.) — Mch. 4. Appleton to Sandford. Advice of final set- tlement of Aves Is... claim. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 461.) — Mch. 8. Appleton to Sedgwick. Cons. at Havana. advises release of C. Perkins witnesses, held at N. Y. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 307.) — Je. 30. To Black. Asks opinion on law of derelicts, as applicable to Case of J. J. Cobb. (ib., 348.) — Je. 30. Appleton to citizen W. T. Kendall. Pres. abstains from recognizing privileges provided for by act of Aug. 18, 1858, on certain conditions. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 7.) — J1y. 4. Same to same. Key Werd claimed by Br. govt. (ib., 8.) — Jly. 22. Same to citizen J. Y. Pickett. Cabarga papers and seizure of Brothers. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 300.) — Aug. 12. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Com- munication from Thos. Moreau, in reference to Lieut. Burton’s conduct towards Orion, in Congo River. (ib., 359.) — Oct. 7. Appleton to owner of bark J. J. Cobb (Web- ster). Opinion of atty, gen, regarding J. J. Cobb ; State Dept. cannot insure delivery of vessel. (ib., 375.) — Oct. 22. To Sanford. Amer. min. res. in Venezuela (Turpin) instructed to forward original Turpin- Sanojo conv.; not the practice to submit for ratifica- tion conv. providing for adjustment of private claims. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 472.) 224 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1859 Dec. 20. To Secy. War, U. S. A. (Floyd). Regret at failure of Congress to make provision for U. S. consulate at Barcelona. (36. 1. H. rpt. 564, 14.) 1860 Jan. 11. Appleton to Amer. cons. Matanzas (Mar. tin). Information requested concerning Rufus Soulé at Matanzas. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 387.) — Feb. 23. To chrm. H. Com. Ways and Means (Sher- man). Estimate for compensation of interpreter to mission to Japan, from Jan. 1, 1860, to Je. 30, 1860, and for fisc. yr. 1861. (36. 1. H. misc. doc. 15.) — Feb. 25. To President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Letter of Emperor of the French on commerce and free trade. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 30, 1.) — Feb. 28. To Sherman. Asks additional apprin. for compensation of comr. to China, and for salaries of cons. in China. (36. 1. H. misc. doc. 22.) — Feb. 28. To chrm. H. Com. On Commerce (Wash- burne). Recommending apprin. to indemnify owners of Br. brig Jessie for losses sustained on acct. Of Amer. ship Northumberland. (36. 1. H. rpt. 97, 2.) — Mch. 9. To President, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Cor- resp., etc., of min. to China, down to period of exch. of ratifications of treaty of Tientsin. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 1.) — Apr. 2. To same. Corresp. concerning dipl. or cons. uniforms. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 31, 1.) — Apr. 10. To Same. No information from official Sources has reached dept. on reported expulsion of Amer. citizens from Mexico. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 59.) — May. 8. To Toucey. Relative to Erie; clearance of Amer. Vessels from Havana; Opinion of atty. gen. On detention of Suspected slavers. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 423.) — May 16. To chrm. Com. Foreign Relations (Mason). Modification of “Act to carry into effect certain provisions in treaties betw. U. S. and China, and the Ottoman Porte, giving certain judicial powers to ministers and consuls of U. S. . . . . ” appré. Aug. 11, 1848. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 43.) — May 30. To Toucey. Papers relating to White Cloud; expediency of having naval Steamer Sta- tioned at Havana. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 435.) —Jiy. 2. Asst. Secy. State (Trescot) to comr. U. S. circ. ct., Mass. (Woodbury). Br. govt. will send witnesses from H. M. S. Pluto, in case of Orion. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 440.) — JIy. 16. Same to Same. Compensation of witnesses in Orion case. (ib., 444.) — Nov. 12. To Toucey. Requests copy of corresp. of dept. relating to slavetrade. (ib., 511.) — Nov. 14. To Same. Information touching brig Nancy to be communicated to comdrs. of African and Cuban Sqdns. (ib., 511.) - — Nov. 27. To Secy. Interior U. S. A. (Thompson). Requests information relating to slavetrade; espe- cially number of slaves on captured vessels, and cost of their support and return to Africa. (ib., 512.) — Nov. 28. Trescot to Hilyer. Requests return of . Ardennes papers. (ib., 512.) — Dec. 3. Secy. Treasury U. S. A. (Cobb). Note from Lord Lyons, relating to bark Buckeye, charged with having been engaged in slavetrade. (ib., 514.) — Dec. 5. To President U. S. A. (Buchanan). DocS. in reference to African slavetrade. (ib., 1.) Treaties Signed 1857 Apr. 11. Signs conv. exempting Amer. vessels from Sound and Belts Dues, betw. Denmark and U. S. A.; see Denmark. Treaties. CASSEM ( CASS (LEWIS), OF MICH.-cont’d Secretary of State, U. S. A.—cont’d Treaties Signed—cont’d 1857 Sept. 10. Signs conv. concerning adjustment of claims agst. republic of New Granada, betw. New Granada and U. S. A.; see Colombia. Treaties. Nov. 16. Signs treaty of amity, etc., with A. J. de Yrisarri, E. E. and M. P. Nicaragua in U. S.; See Nicaragua. Treaties. 1858 Feb. 10. Signs extradition conv. betw. France and U. S. A.; see France. Treaties. — Jly. 17. Signs conv. of commerce, etc., betw. Bel- gium and U. S. A.; see Belgium. Treaties. 1860 Mch. 21. Signs extradition conv. betw. Sweden- Norway and U. S. A.; see Sweden. Treaties. CASS (LEWIS, JR.), OF MICH. Amer. chargé to the Pontifical States, 1849-54 ; min. res. do. 1854-58 ; nomination as E. E. and M. P. do. withdrawn ; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1853 Dec. 7. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). [unnum.] Cordial attitude of govt. of Papal States towards U. S. (33. 1. S. ex: doc. 23, 4.) CASS-YRISARRI TREATY Treaty concluded between Nicaragua and U. S., Nov. 16, 1857 ; ratifications were never exchanged. CASS CO. (IND.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 474.) CASS CO. (MICH.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 445.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Same. (26.1. H. jol., 731.) . 1843 Dec. 27. To same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 124.) CASSAR0 (PRINCE DE), MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TWO SICILIES 1832 May 30. To Amer. chargé at Naples (Nelson). Contends that no indemnification was due Amer. claimants; offers to return any of the seized vessels found in royal navy. (22. 2. S. doc. 70, 27.) — Oct. 2. To same. Sends passports; an agt. to be Sent to U. S. to prosecute adjustment of claims upon basis of French indemnity. (ib., 53.) CASSATT (ROBERT S.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Hanover, 1854-56; see U. S. A. Consular Service. CASSEDY (FRANCIS) AND OLIVER (J.) 1839 Jly. 22. Memorandum resp. sailors on board brig Two Friends under Amer. Colors. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 221.) CASSEL (GERMANY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service CASSELA (J., J.R.) Amer. cons. for Turbo in 1854 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. ), MASTER AMER. WESSEL MARBRUKA; see MARBRUKA CASSIN (STEPHEN), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1800-57. Lieut., 1807; comdr., 1814; capt., 1825. Sea service in command (182S-57) ; 1829 comdg. frigate Hudson, Brazil sqdn. ; 1830/1 comdg. Brazil sqdn. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 225 CASTANOS (JOSE MARIA), OF MEXICO Amer. cons. for San Blas, 1837-I45] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. 1833 Mch. 16. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Gonzales) to Amer, chargé (Butler). Apptmt. of Castaños as vice-cons. of U. S. for San Blas not favored by Mexi- can govt. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 474.) 1835 Mch. 17. Same (Gutierrez de Estrada) to Butler. Approval of nomination of Castaños and W. A. Slacum of San Blas and Guaymas, resp. (ib., 556.) 1843 May 12. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Legaré) to Amer. E. E. and M. P., Mexico (Thompson). Instruc- tions; reimbursement of Amer. cons. at San Blas (Castaños) of funds advanced to Amer. citizens forcibly taken from Calif. in 1840. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 158, 2.) 1850 Apr. 19. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- pensation for moneys furnished Amer. Sailors and citizens. (31. 1. H. jol., 815.) CASTANOS (JUAN C.), MILITARY COMDT., MAYAGUEZ, 1850 Apr. 13. To comdr. U. S. S. Albany (Randolph). Confinement Of Crew. Of Amer. Schr. North Carolina. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 29, 11.) CASTELLóN (FRANCISCO) Ministro de relaciones esteriores of Nicaragua, 1843-44; see Central America, Nicaragua, Civil service ; 1844 M. P. from Nicaragua and Honduras to courts of Gr. Br., France and Belgium ; in 1848 ministro de tº hacienda, Nicaragua ; 1848-49 Nicaraguan chargé in Gr. Br. ; in 1852 ministro de relaciones of Nicaragua. Min. plenipotentiary from Nicaragua and Honduras to courts of Gºr. Br., France and Belgium, 1844 Sept. 25 [28]. Circ. to foreign min. informing them of his representation to Lord Aberdeen, Of grounds upon which Honduras and Nicaragua claim possession of so-called Mosquito terr. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 40, 225.) Copy of note on p. 40 is in English text ; on p. 225 it is in French text ; English copy is dated Sept. 28 ; French copy Sept. 25. Ministro de Hacienda, Nicaragua 1848 Mch. 7. Signs treaty on part of Nicaragua with Capt. Loch, H. B. M. Allarm, resp. occupation of port of San Juan. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 84.) Nicaraguan Chargé in Gºr. Br. 1848 Nov. 5. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Ap- ptd. chargé from Nicaragua to court of London to sustain Nicaraguan rights to Mosquito terr.; asks Amer. support. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 91.) 1849 Jan. 20. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmer- ston). Nicaraguan Opposition to Br. occupation of Mosquito terr. and San Juan; advantages accruing from amicable adjustment of existing differences. (ib., 237.) — Feb. 9. To Same. Request that no alteration in state of affairs at San Juan take place until ques- tion resp. that town is definitely arranged. (ib., 250.) — Feb. 17. Signs contract with repr. Of Pacific Steam co. (Wheelwright) for construction of Nicaragua canal; see Central America. — Mch. 5. To Same. Protest agst. Substitution of name Greytown for San Juan; proposal for treaty arrangement. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 228.) — Mch. 19. To same. Inquiry as to Mr. Christie’s authority to fix boundary of Mosquito terr.; protest agst, violation of armistice of Mch. 7, 1848, by intro- duction of foreign force into neutral terr. Of San Juan; proposal to Settle difficulty by arbitration. (ib., 252.) CASTELLóN (FRANCISCO) Nicaraguan Chargé in Gr. Br.—cont’d 1849 May 5. To same. Repeating representation of Feb. 9. (ib., 250.) — Je. 23. To same. Supporting contention that port of San Juan is Nicaraguan property and representing that Gr. Br. cannot justly intervene to Secure pay- ment of arrears due on bonds of Central America. (ib., 278.) — J1y. 7. Rpt. on state of Nicaragua; hist. Of Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary dispute, etc. (ib., 281.) — Jiy. 9. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ban- croft). Enclosing copy of his protest to Palmerston of even date agst. Costa Rican treaty by which dis- puted terr. of port of San Juan is ceded to Gr. Br. (ib., 299.) — Jly. 9. To Palmerston. Protest agst. Costa Rican treaty ceding to Gr. Br. certain terr. claimed by Nicaragua. (ib., 300.) — JIy. 12. To Bancroft. As defence agst. Br. influence manifested in unwarranted cession by Costa Rica. to Gr. Br. of disputed terr. Proposes annexation of Honduras, San Salvador and Nicaragua to U. S. (ib., 301.) Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores, Nicaragua 1852 Je. 25. To Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr). Re- ceipt of treaty agreed upon by U. S. and Gr. Br. for regulating differences betw. Nicaragua and Costa. Rica, in relation to territorial limits. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 101.) — Jly. 6. To Same. Protest agst. aggression Com- mitted on Nicaragua by individuals or Companies from U. S. (ib., 100.) — Jly. 20. To same. Nicaragua refuses to accede to treaty stipulations, but proposes impartial arbi- tration of questions at issue. (ib., 101.) — J1y. 29. To same. Modifications with which basis established at Washington, Apr. 30, may be made ac- ceptable to Nicaragua. (ib., 110.) — Jly. 29. To H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central America (Wyke). Reply to his note of 26 inst.; encloses copy Of modifications which would render Webster- Crampton conv. acceptable to Nicaragua. (p. 193, Corresp. With U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) — Aug. 3. To Same. Military force despatched to “Old Castle '’ to prevent Smuggling carried on at San Juan by Ship canal Co. (ib., 120.) — Aug. 16. To Same. Absolves U. S. from charge of lack of good faith in treaty negotiations for settle- ment of dispute betw. Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. (ib., 118.) CASTILE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan annex- ation. (25. 1. H. jol., 165.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 610.) CASTILLO (JOSE MARIA) DEL Colombian interim ministro de relaciones esteriores in 1831; see Colombia. CASTILLO (MANUEL) DE 1833 Mch. 14. Amer. chargé, Mexico (Butler) to min- istr. de relac. est., Mexico (Gonzales). Protest agst. deprivation by govt. of federal distr., of letter of protection, etc., granted to Castillo. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 473.) 1836 Dec. 27. Ministr. de relac. est., Mexico (Monas- terio) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Recall of Castillo y Lanzas. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 138; H. ex: doc. 3, 143.) 15 226 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASTILLO (NICASIO) DEL Ministro de relaciones esteriores of Nicaragua, 1853-56; See Central America. Nicaragua. Civil Service. 1854 Dec. 27. Certifies that communications from San Juan del Norte to Granada have been obstructed from Je. to Dec. 16 inst.; intermediate points occu- Fº by revolutionary forces. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 10, 11. 1855 Oct. 22. Nicaragua. Decree of legit. govt. apptg. min. Of War (Castillo) in charge of dept. of re- lations ad int.; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 142.) CASTILL0 YAYENSA (JOSE) DEL Spanish secretario_de estado during 10th-11th minist under Isabel II, 1838-40 ; see Špain. Inistry CASTILL0 Y LANZAS (JOAQUIN MARIA) DE Secy. Mexican legation in U. S. A., 1833-37 ; from Je. 1833-Mch, 1836 and Oct., 1836-Oct., 1837, acted as ghargé ad intº, Ministro de Relaciónes Ésteriores, Mexico, in 1846 during Paredes and second Bravo ministries ; See Mexico. In 1853 held office as Intendente de Marina, and in 1858 as ministro de relaç. est. during Zuloaga administration ; see Mexico. Secy. Mearican Legation in U. S. A. 1833 Apr. 15. Ministr. de relac. est., Mexico (Gonzales) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane). Apptmt. of Cas- tillo as chargé. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 685.) 1836 Dec. 27. Same (Monasterio) to same (Forsyth). Recall of J. M. Castillo y Lanzas. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 138; H. doc. 3, 143.) Correspondence 1833 Je. 27. To Secy. State U. S. A. (McLane). Apptmt. of G. Hollin as Mexican vice-cons. for Philadelphia. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 685.) - Jly. 10. To Same. Gratification at recognition of G. Hollin as Mexican vice-cons. (ib., 686.) — Jly. 22. To same. Reply to State Dept. circ. of JIy. 13, 1833; proposes to reside at seat of govt. and en- closes list of persons attached to legation. (ib., 687.) Dec. 2. To same. T. Ramon del Moral and C. Navarro apptd. resp. comr. and surveyor to estab- lish Mexican boundary line. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 42, 60; xiv, app., Reg. Debates, 144.) 1834 Jan. 9. To same. Mexico inaugurates regulations for govt. of cons. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 687.) [i. e., prid. 1835] Jan. 9. To same. Date of apptmt. of Mexican boundary comrs. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 42, 61; xiv, app., Reg. Debates; 144.) — Feb. 4. To same. Requests audience to present let- ter from Gen. Santa Anna. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 688.) Feb. 18. To same. Protest agst. Construction of reciprocity clause in treaty of 1832; declines to re- fund duties exacted since 1832. (ib., 690.) — Mch. 4. To Same. Maintains that additional art. Of treaty of 1832, controls reciprocity relations betw. Mexico and U. S. (ib., 692.) — Apr. 3. To same. Apptmt. of J. F. Cortes, as Mexi- can vice-cons. in Natchitoches. (ib., 693.) — Apr. 25. To same. Reiterates contention of Mch. 4, protesting that Treasury circ. of Mch. 12 is contrary to provisions of additional art. treaty of 1832. (ib., 693.) — May 3. To same. Satisfaction at interest of Presi- dent as expressed in circ. of State Dept. of Apr., 1834, relating to Sp.-Amer. colonies. (ib., 695.) — May 6. To same. Apptmt. of L. M. del Valle as Mexican cons. for New Orleans. (ib., 695.) — May 26. To same. Refusal of Pres. Of Mexico to return tonnage duties demanded by U. S. (ib., 695.) — May 26. To same. Extension of time of meeting of comrs. Suggested as remedy to avoid delay in exch. of ratifications of treaty of limits. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 63; xiv, app., Reg. Debates, 144.) CASTILLO Y LANZAS (JOAQUIN MARIA) DE—cont’d Secy. Mearican Legation in U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1834 Aug. 23. To same (Forsyth). Receipt of copy of letter of M. de la Rosa to Mr. Van Ness. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 697.) — Oct. 16. To actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Dickins). Apptmt. of Don F. P. Martinez as Mexican cons. for New Orleans. (ib., 697.) — Nov. 12. To Forsyth. Gratified at success of U. S. in securing recognition by Spain of independence of former Sp.-Amer. colonies. (ib., 699.) — Dec. 4. To same. Former comrs. to establish boundary line superseded by Almonte and Garcia Conde. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 66; xiv, app., Reg. De- bates, 145.) — Dec. 15. To same. Suggestion for proc. with pend- ing negotiations relative to treaty of limits. (ib., 68; ib., 146.) 1835 Jan. 7. To same. Repeats objections already made to decision of U. S. to collect arrears of tonnage duties from Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 699.) — Jan. 12. To same. Further delay in pending treaty negotiations. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 72; xiv., app., Reg. Debates, 147.) — Jan. 21. To same. Apptmt. of Don P. Gonzalez y Aquila as Mexican vice-cons. for New York. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 700.) — Feb. 3. To same. Apptmt. ad int. of A. M. COS as Mexican Vice-cons. for Philadelphia to Succeed G. Follen [Hollin]. (ib., 702.) — Apr. 14. To same. Inquiry regarding power of local Mexican authorities to Surrender persons, now in Mexican prov. of Texas, who have committed forg- eries agst. pension laws of U. S., referred to Mexi- can govt. (ib., 703.) — Apr. 29. To same. Mexico appts. comrs. to fix boundary line. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 75; xiv, app., Reg. Debates, 147.) — Je. 2. To actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Dickins). Ne- gotiations in progress to extend time of meeting of boundary comrs. ; copy of proposed additional art. (ib., 76; ib., 147.) — Jly. 10. To Forsyth. Castillo apptd, plenipotentiary to carry into effect exchge. of ratifications of bound- ary treaty. (ib., 81; ib., 148.) — Sept. 24. To same. Inquiry into rpt. that U. S. S. Vandalia is cruising off coast of Yucatan to find Mexican armed Schr. Montezuma. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 705.) — Sept. 24. To same. Mexico declines to surrender persons Who, having committed forgeries agst. pen- Sion laws of U. S., fled to Mexican prov. Of Texas. (ib., 704.) — Oct. 4. To Dickins. Seizure at Campeachy of Amer. ship John ; asserts that system of contraband exists betw. Mexican and Amer. ports. (ib., 707.) — Oct. 6. To Same. Protest agst. Seizure of Mexican armed Schr. Correo de Mea;ico by Amer. merchant Schr. San Felipe. (ib., 708.) — Oct. 14. To Same. Emigration of Creek Indians from Ala. to Mexico. (24. 1. H. doc. 256, 6; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 4; 32. 1. Cong. Globe, 967.) — Oct. 17. To same. Further protest agst. Seizure of Correo de Mearico; demand for liberation of captain and crew. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 710.) — Oct. 24. To Forsyth. General disclaimer that Mex- ico has committed any injuries agst. commerce of U. S. (ib., 714.) — Oct. 28. To same. Protest agst. articles in Com- gressional Globe Sustaining Texan revolutionists. (ib., 717.) INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 227 CASTILLO Y LANZAS (JOAQUIN MARIA) DE—cont’d Secy. Mearican Legation in U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1835 Oct. 29. To same. Rpt. of expedition of vessels sailing from N. Y. and New Orleans for Texas with munitions of war; rpt. of Schr. San Felipe having sailed from New Orleans for Brazoria. (24. 1. H. doc. 256, 8.) — Nóv. 5. To same. Withdraws letter of Oct. 28, 1835. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 719.) — Nov. 9. To same. Withdraws accusations relative to ship John. (ib., 720.) — Dec. 11. To same. Suggests that case of Correo de Mea;ico be transferred to Mexican cts. (ib., 723.) — Dec. 11. To same. Inquiry relative to significance of certain passage in late message of PreS. relative to “integrity of territory.” (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 256, 12.) 1836 Jan. 18. To same. G. J. Marallano apptd. Mexican vice-cons. for St. Louis. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (an- nex), 725.) — Jan. 25. To same. Declines to grant personal in- terview on subject of seizure of Hannah, Elizabeth. (ib., 726.) — Jan. 30. To same. Intimates that Amer. Schr. Hannah Elizabeth was carrying contraband goods to Texas. (ib., 728.) — Feb. 3. To same. News of liberation of passengers and crew of Hannah, Elizabeth; Senate consents to conv. for second additional art. to treaty of limits of 1835. (ib., 729.) — Feb. 4. To same. Claims for detention of Correo de Meacico. (ib., 730.) — Feb. 15. To same. Receipt of copy of rpt. of proc. agst. Messrs. Thompson and Ocampo. (ib., 731.) — Feb. 15. To same. Requests transfer to Mexico of case of Correo de Mearico, and of relations with Texas; demands release of comdr. Thompson of the Correo. (ib., 731.) — Mch. 8. To Same. D. Manuel E. de Gorostiza, M. P., etc., for Mexico near govt. of U. S. arrives in N. Y. (ib., 732.) — Apr. 14. To same. Apptmt. of S. Mercado as Mexi- can cons. for N. Y. (ib., 735.) — May 13. To Same. Copies of new fundamental laws preliminary to projected constitution. (ib., 735.) — Je. 3. To same. Requests reply to note transmitting fundamental laws preliminary to projected consti- tution. (ib., 743.) — Je. 16. To Same. Investigations prove that capt. Holbrook, John, detained at Campeachy, was guilty of infraction of laws of "Mexico. (ib., 744.) 1837 Feb. 4. To same. Relations of U. S. with Mexico; return of Mr. Ellis. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 128; H. doc. 3, 134.) — Mch. 4. To same. Gratified at disapproval of But- ler’s letters to Gen. Tornel. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 751.) — Mch. 8. To same. Protest agst. apptmt. by U. S. of dipl. agt. to Texas. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 133; H. ex. doc. 3, 135.) Dated Mch. 8 in Sen. doc., and May 8 in H. doc. — Mch. 28. To Same. Communicating his recall. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 137; H. doc. 3, 142.) Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores 1846 Mch. 12. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Sli- dell). Peremptory refusal to receive him in capacity of envoy. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 196, 57; S. doc. 337, 57; 30. 1. H. ex. doc. 60, 67.) Mch. 21. To Same. Enclosing passports. ib., 67; ib., 79.) (ib., 67; CASTILLO Y LANZAS (JOAQUIN MARIA) DE-cont’d Intendente de Maring 1853 Mch. 21. Signs treaty betw. Mexico and U. S. A. for transit across isthmus of Tehuantepec. Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores during Juarez Aldºministration, 1858 Aug. 10. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (For- syth). Reply to note of 5 inst.; contribution imposed by decree of May 18; imprisonment of Jesus Ainsa. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 49.) CASTINE (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 236.) — Jan. 7. To same. Do.; praying recognition of in- dependence of Hayti. (ib., 239.) 1848 Jan. 6. To same. Petition, praying measures to secure peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 204.) 1851 Jan. 2. To U. S. Senate. Do.; pro arbitration. (31. 2. S. jol., 62.) 1852 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 212, 292.) 1856 Feb. 14. To same. Same. (34. 1. H. jol., 506.) See also Portland (Me.). CASTLE (W. S.), COMDR. H. B. M. SLOOP PYLADES; see PYLADES - CASTLENEAU (F. L.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Lima, 1842-43 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. CASTLEREAGH (WISCOUNT), ROBERT HENRY STEWART, AFTERWARDS 2d MARQUESS OF LONDONDERRY, 1769– I822 Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office, 1812-22. During 1817/8 Castlereagh represented Gr. Br. at the slavetrade conferences in London and in Paris, and, together with Wellington, at the conference held in Aix-ſa- Chapelle, in 1818, for the same purpose. H. B. M. Plenipotentiary at London Conference, 1817/8 [1818 Feb. 4.] Memorandum relative to slavetrade which is carried on notwithstanding efforts made for its Suppression (annex A to protocol of London Conference of Feb. 4, 1818). (21. 1. H. rpt. 348 (app.), 130.) H. B. M. Plenipotentiary at Alix-la-Chapelle, 1818 n. d. Memorandum reviewing objections brought for- ward at Conference at Aix-la-Chapelle to devise means for Suppression of slavetrade, to measure of mutually conceding right of visit. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348 (app.), 173.) 1818 Oct. 27. To ministr. des. aff. 6trangères (Richelieu). Memorandum on conv. signed by Gr. Br. with Spain, Portugal and Holland for Suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 158.) — Nov. 2. To H. B. M. Secy. for War and the Colonies (Bathurst). Conference held on Oct. 24 at Aix-la- Chapelle to devise means for suppression of slave- trade. (ib., 156.) — Nov. 12. To Same. Protocol of conferences of allied ministers of 4 inst. at Aix-la-Chapelle to devise means for suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 162.) — Nov. 23. To same. Notes of Russian, French, Aus- trian and Prussian plenipotentiaries upon two prop- ositions which were forwarded by Br. plenipotenti- aries to conference at Aix-la-Chapelle. (ib., 164.) — Nov. 24. To Same. Transmits protocol of con- ferences of allied ministers at Aix-la-Chapelle of 11 and 19 inst. (ib., 180.) 228 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CASTLEREAGH (VISCOUNT), ROBERT HENRY STEWART, AFTERWARDS 2d MARQUESS OF LONDONDERRY, 1769– 1822—cont’d Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office 1818 Je. 20. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Rush). Copies of treaties betw. Gr. Br. and govts. Of Spain, Portugal and Netherlands for abolition of slave- trade; wish of Gr. Br. that exertions of that govt. and U. S. may be combined upon similar purpose. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348 (app.), 98.) — Dec. 10. To Bathurst. Conference with Count de Molé, min. of marines and colonies and with Count de Laismé, min. of interior, on Subject of abolition of slavetrade. (ib., 181.) 1819 Nov. 11. To Rush. Relative to addresses presented by both Houses of Parliament to Prince Regent. (ib., 110.) Fuller corresp. by Castlereagh in attendance at these conferences may be found in vi, Brit. and For. , State Papers, and in xviii, 1819, Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers. CASTLETON (VT.) CITIZENS 1853 Jan. 18. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying adoption of principle of arbitration. (32. 2. S. jol., 106.) CASTOR, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. — Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 536.) 1858 Jily. 22. H. B. M. cons, gen. in Cuba (Crawford) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Sus- picions regarding Castor, etc. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 144, 536.) CASTRO ( ), SLAVE-DEALER 1844 Oct. 16. Comdr. U. S. brig Porpoise (Craven) to Comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Castro at Sherbro, in charge of large factory; etc. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 130.) CASTRO, WISCONDE DE; see GOMES DE CASTRO CASTRO (ANTONIO) DE, COMDTE. GEN. DEPT. OF VERA CRUZ 1836 Nov. 24. To Amer. cons. Vera Cruz (Burrough). Order for liberation of Amer. seamen. (24. 2. S. doc. ; 36; H. ex. doc. 139, 34; xiv, app., Reg. Debates, 207.) — Nov. 24. To ministro de guerra, Mexico (Tornel). Marines Of U. S. S. Natches delivered to U. S. Cons. at Vera Cruz. (xiv, app., Reg. Debates, 208.) CASTRO (E. P. DE); see PEREZ DE CASTRO CASTRO (IGNACIO FERNANDEZ) DE; see FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO (I.) DE CASTRO (JOSE), COMDTE. GEN. DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE LAS CALIFORNIAS 1846 Jly. 9. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Sloat). Refuses to surrender California. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 647.) CASTRO (JOSE MARIA), 1818 Jefe supremo of Costa Rica, 1847-49; see Central America. CASTRO (MANUEL) 1857 Sept. 24. To atty. gen., U. S. A. (Black). Opinion in Case of Castro, deserter from Sp. Schr. San Juan Baptista, at Key West. (ix, Op. attyS. gen., 96.) CASTRO (MANUEL PORTUGAL E); see PORTUGAL E CAS- TRO CASTRO E SILVA (MANOEL NASCIMENTO) D0 Brazilian secretario do imperio in 4th cabinet of perma: j regency of Pedro II in 1835; see Brazil. Civil SePW1Ce. - CASTRO PEREIRA (MANUEL) DE Ministro dos negocios estrangeiros, Portugal, 1837; See Portugal. Civil service. CATACAZY (CONSTANTINE) Russian chargé ad int. and secy. Russian legation in U. ; A. Jan. Mich., 1854 see Russia. Diplomatic Service. CATAWBA Co. (N.C.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 12. To U. S. Senate. Memorial in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 345.) CATHARINE, AMER. SLAVER BARK (BERRY) 1858 Apr. 19. Boarded off African coast by H. B. M. Str. Sharpshooter. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 548.) CATHARINE, AMER. SLAVER BARK (STODDER) Fired at by H. B. M. str. Cyclops (Hastings), s, w. coast of Africa, in 1850. 1850 Apr. 7. Comdr. U. S. S. John Adams (Powell) to Sr. Officer SO. div. H. B. M. forces on S. W. Coast of Africa (Hastings). Case of Catharine; etc. (31. 1. S. ex, doc. 66, 8.) — Apr. 9. Hastings to Powell. Same. (ib., 25.) — Apr. 10. Comdr. U. S. brig Perry (Foote) to Powell. Same. (ib., 27.) . — Apr. 11. Hastings to Powell. Same. (ib., 29.) CATHARINE, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. (PETERSON) Detained Aug. 12, 1839, off Lagos by H. B. M. brig Dolphin (Holland), and taken as prize into Sierra Leone mixed court. 1839 Aug. 28. H. B. M. comrs. at Sierra Leone (Macau- lay and Doherty) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Abstract of papers found on board Catharine. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 239.) 1841 Feb. 4. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P., U. S. A. (Fox) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Proc. of mixed Ct. at Sierra Leone upon slaver Catharine, etc. (ib., 207; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 8.) 1846 Aug. 10. Act making apprp.s. for civil and dipl. ex- penses of govt. for yr. ending Je. 30, 1847. [Apprn. for refunding to J. Buchanan, late Br. cons. at N. Y., money disbursed by him for services in case of Slaver Catharine.] (ix, St. L., 85.) CATHARINE MARIA, AMER. STR. Boarded in Colorado River by H. B. M. ship Valorous (Aldham). 1858 Nov. 20. Comdr. U. S. S. Savannah (Jarvis) to Comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (McIntosh). Rumors about Catharine Maria; etc. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 18.) — Nov. 26. McIntosh to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Boarding of Amer. Str. Cathorine Maria by Br. ship Leopard (Wainwright); investigation to be prose- cuted; etc. (ib., 8.) — Nov. 26. Same to comdr. Valorous (Aldham). Ver- bal rpt. of boarding of Catharine Maria in Colorado River, in search of filibusters; no excuse for Br. interference. (ib., 13.) — Nov. 28. Aldham to McIntosh. Explanation of Catharine Maria affair; etc. (ib., 14.) — Dec. 3. McIntosh to Toucey. RptS. in relation to visitation of Catharine Maria greatly exaggerated; explanation of affair; etc. (ib., 9.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 229 CATHCART (CHARLES W.), REPR. FROM IND. 1846 Feb. 6. Speech; urging notification of Gr. Br. of termination of jt. Occupancy of Oregon. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 SeSS., 322.) 1848 Aug. 3. Do.; Mexican war, etc., during debate on army apprp. bill, H. R. 618. (ib., 30 cong., 1 sess., app., 825.) CATHCART (JAMES L.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Cadiz, 1816-20 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. CATHCART (JAMES LEANDER) Amer. cons. gen. for Tripoli, 1797-1802; cons. for Algiers, 1802/3 ; do. for Tunis, 1803/6; do. for Madeira, 1806-[1816]. 1845 Dec. 29. J. L. Cathcart, execr. Of Jas. Leander Cathcart, to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying com- pensation for capture of property of his testator, while engaged in execution of orders of govt. (29. 1. S. jol., 70.) CATHCART (ROBERT S.), OF MASS. Amer, cons. for Santa Catharina in 1852; see U. S. A. Consular service. CATHERINE, AMER. BARK Boarded in Bight of Benin, in May, 1859, by H. B. M. ship Medw80. 1859 Je. 6. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Amer. bark Cath- erine boarded by H. M. S. Medusa in Bight of Benin, proved to be legal trader. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 340.) — Je. 7. Cass to Lyons. Receipt of note of 6 inst. regarding Catherine. (ib., 340.) CATHERINE, AMER. BRIG (OCKINGTON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 20.) CATHERINE, AMER. SHIP (BECKFORD) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 20.) CATHOLICS; see ALIENAGE, ETC. IMMIGRANTS CATLETT (FAIRFAX) Secy. Texan legation in U. S. A. ; actg. chargé May-Aug., 1838; see Texas (Republic). Diplomatic service. CATLIN (ALBERT G.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Prince Edward Is. in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular service. CATO, AMER. BRIG (DULANY) Seized Aug. 26, 1824, by citizens of Tabasco, rifled, crew wounded and subsequently detained at Tabasco from Sept. to Nov., 1824. n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 43; H. doc. 3, 45.) CATSKILL (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial agst. passage of int. copyright law. (25. 2. H. jol., 595.) CATTARAUGUS CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 13. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 49.) — Sept. 18. To same. Same. (ib. 68.) — Sept. 23. To same. Same. (ib., 85.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 473.) 1844 Feb. 19. To same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 426.) 1845 Jan. 27. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 271.) CAUSIN (JOHN M. S.), REPR. FROM MD. 1845 Jan. 25. Remarks, opposing Texan annexation. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 191.) ‘A CAUSTEN (JAS. H.) Agt, for Claimants in French Spoliation Cases 1838 Mch. 26. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying ad- mission of error by J. McHenry, in communication to House, of Dec. 11, 1832, in relation to claims for French spoliations, may be placed on files of House, to serve as perpetual injunction agst. use of Said entry on jol. (25. 2. H. jol., 659.) Agt. for Amer. Claimants vs. Meavico 1842 Mch. 18. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Com- plaints as to administration of conv. of 1839. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 48.) — Apr. 30. To same. Protest agst, injuries inflicted by Mexican Claims Commission. (ib., 51.) 1846 Jan. 26. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying pay- ment of instalments accrued under conv. of 1839 With Mexico. (29. 1. S. jol., 116; S. doc. 85, 1.) 1859 Feb. 17. U. S. S. Com. on Commerce (Bigler). Rpt. adverse to memorial of J. H. Causten, atty. in fact for legal repres. of Sam’l Smith, Jas. A. Buchanan, et al. (35. 2. S. rpt. 378.) CAUSTEN (SUSAN), WIDOW OF ISAAC CAUSTEN 1847 Jan. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 161.) CAVALCANTI DE ALBUQUERQUE (J. F. DE P.); see PAULA DE CAVALCANTI, ETC. CAVALHO (J. DE LUZ); see LUZ CAVALHO (J. DA) CAVALLIER (EDMUND) 1854 Mch. 27. Affidavit of his knowledge of Del Valle’s instructions for enlistment of men in California. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 37; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 16, 37.) CAVENDISH (VT.) CITIZENS 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial; VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 111.) CAVERLY (Z. B.), OF MASS. Secy. Amer. legation in Peru, 1855-61 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service CAVOUR (CAMILLO BENSO), CONTE DI Ministro Degli Affari Esteri, of Italy during 1st, 2d and 3d Cavour Ministries, 1852-55, 1855-59, 1860- 61; see Italy. Civil service. CAWBY (EDWARD N. S.) 1852 Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Petition; praying Com- pensation for preserving archives of Mexican govt. in Calif. (32. 1. H. jol., 271.) CAYENNE; see RECIPROCITY (COMMERCIAL, ETC.). FRANCE CAYRü, BARAO DE (BENTO DA SILVA LISBOA) Brazilian secretario dos negocios estrangeiros in 3d cabinet of permanent regency under Pedro II in 1846-47 ; see Brazil. Civil service. 1846 Nov. 2. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise). * of Lieut. A. B. Davis. (30. 1. S. ex: doc. 29, 7. Nov. 3. To Same. Declines to release seamen wrong- fully imprisoned with Lieut. Davis, (ib., 20.) — NOV. 9. To Same. Justifying acts of Braz. officials ; sumns imprisonment of Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., — Nov. 12. To Same. In further justification of im- prisonment of Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., 41.) 1847 Feb. 25. To Same. Refusal of imperial audience because acts practiced by Mr. Wise are regarded by Brazilians as offensive. (ib., 52.) May 4. To Same. Adjustment of Davis affair still rººterruption of dipl. relations continues. 10., wº 230 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CAYUGA CO. (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 68.) Sept. 25. To same. Same. (ib., 90.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1838 Feb. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 220.) — Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 441.) — Apr. 9. To Same. Same. (ib., 732.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 340.) — Feb. 4. To Same. Petition praying repeal or modifi- cation of neutrality law; also action in case of Car- oline. (ib., 456.) — Feb. 4. TO Same. DO. ; Hayti. (ib., 456.) 1840 Mch. 30. To Same. DO.; praying congress of na- tions. (26. 1. H. jol., 714.) 1842 Feb. 7. To same. Do.; Vs. Texan annexation. (27. 2. H. jol., 324.) — Mch. 7. To U. S. Senate. Same. (27. 2. S. jol., 204.) — Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial praying adop- tion of principle of arbitration. (27. 2. H. jol., 527.) — Mch. 29. To same. Same. (ib., 617, 629.) 1843 Feb. 21. To Same. Memorial VS. Texan annexation. (27. 3. H. jol., 424.) 1844 Dec. 30. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 147.) 1845 Jan. 20. To same. Same. (ib., 233.) — Dec. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 1. S. jol., 62.) 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 231.) 1847 Feb. 23. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying ter- mination of war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 220.) 1848 Feb. 9. To U. S. House. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 387.) CAZEAU (JOHN B.), CLAIMANT; see AMAZON, AMER. SCHR. CAZENOVE (A. C.), SWISS CONS. AT ALEXANDRIA 1847 May 18. Signs conv. for abolition of droit d’au- baine, etc., betw. Swiss Confederation and U. S. A.; See Switzerland. Treaties. CAZENOVIA (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 170.) 1838 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 205.) — Mch. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 600.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 583, 585.) 1842 Apr. 20. To same. Memorial in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 737.) CECIL CO. (MD.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 5. To U. S. Senate. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 327.) CEDARVILLE (O.) CITIZENS 1852 Feb. 19. To U. S. House. Petition, praying recog- nition of Liberia. (32. 1. H. jol., 370.) CENTER (ALEXANDER J.), SUPT. PANAMA R. R. 1856 Apr. 18. Deposition relative to massacre of Amer- icans at Panama, Apr. 15. (34.1. S. ex. doc. 68, 157.) CENTER (GEORGE), CLAIMANT UNDER FLORIDA TREATY Statutory Measures 1848 Jan. 26. Intr. in Senate (Mason, Com. of Claims), bill (30. 1. S. 107) “for relief of Geo. Center.” (30. 1. S. jol., 134, 549.) Correspondence 1847 Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for losses by destruction of property during Seminole War. (30. 1. S. jol., 53, 108.) praying recognition of CENTERVILLE (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial VS, Texan anº nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 114.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Do.; praying congress of na" tions; presented (Adams, Mass.), and laid on table. (ib., 609.) CENTREVILLE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1500-1818 (SPANISH 0CCUPATION) - See also Spanish American Colonies. 1540. Carlos I, of Spain. Charter to Diego Gutierrez for purpose of settling prov. of Cartago (Costa Rica), conferring upon him title of governor. (84.1. S. ex: doc. 25, 25.) 1574. Felipe II, of Spain. Charter granted to Diego de Artieda, apptg. him governor and capt. gen, of Costa Rica. (ib., 26.) 1719 Mch. 15. Gov. of Costa Rica (de la Haya). Rpt. to ct of Spain describing condition of prov. (ib., 36.) 1796 Feb. 29 [26]. Royal (Sp.) directions establishing San Juan del Norte as a port of entry. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 38, 49.) — Mch. 27. Royal (Sp.) instructions for the further- ance of Zavala's colonizing project. (ib., 50.) 1808 Mch. 31. Royal order abolishing duties and tithes for 10 yrs. on all agricultural products within 10 leagues of either bank of the river of San Juan. (ib., 38.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823-1839 (CONFEDERATION) ARRANGEMENT Biddle Agency. British HOnduras. Civil Service. Congressional Representation. Costa Rica. De Witt Mission. Diplomatic Service. Galindo Mission. Guatemala. E[Onduras. Isthmian Transit. Mexico and Central America. Nicaragua. Salvador. Stephens Agency. Treaties. Biddle Agency (American) Charles Biddle, of Tenn., was apptd. Amer. comr., pursu- ant to provision of , sen. res. of Mch. 3, 1835, to promote inter-oceanic canal communication. See below under Isthmian transit. Panama, for his negotiations. 1835 Mch. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton) calling on Pres. to consider expediency of entering upon nego- tiations with govts. Of Central America and New Granada to undertake to open communication betw. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; agreed to. (25. 2. S. jol., 238.) — May 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Biddle. Instructions on his apptmt. pursuant to Senate res. of Mch. 3, 1835. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 3; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 11; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 243.) — May 1. U. S. State Dept. Circ. (Forsyth) to cons. of U. S. in Mexico, Central America and New Granada directing assistance be given to U. S. specl. agt. Biddle. (ib., 5; ib., 13; ib., 243.) — May 1. Forsyth to Amer. chargé d'affaires in Gua- temala (DeWitt). Instructions for assistance to be given U. S. specl. agt. Biddle. (ib., 4; ib., 13; ib., 244.) — May 1. Same to Amer. Chargé in New Granada (McAfee). Same. (ib., 5; ib., 13; ib., 243.) 1836 Mch. 17. McAfee to ministr. relac. est., Central America (Pombo). Introducing U. S. specl. agt. Biddle. (ib., 27; ib., 34; ib., 266.) Darien Canal ; do. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ...” 231 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823-1839 (CONFEDERATION)—cont’d Biddle Agency (American)—cont’d 1836. Mch. 21. Same to Forsyth. Arrival of specl. agt. of U. S. Biddle; his reception by the govt.; hopeful prospects of his mission. (ib., 26; ib., 33; ib., 265.) — Jly. 19. Forsyth to Biddle. Advice of rumor of personal contract for grant of privilege for trans- isthmian avenue; instructions for rpt.; etc. (ib., 31; ib., 36; ib., 269.) — Sept. 23. Same to McAfee. Reprimanding his of. ficial endorsement of private project of Biddle; etc. (ib., 31; ib., 37; ib., 269.) — Sept. 25. Biddle to Forsyth. Announces his arrival §§ Y. from Carthagena, etc. (ib., 32; ib., 38; ib., — Sept. 26. Forsyth to Biddle. Dept. not advised of his return which is announced in daily papers; rpt. requested. (ib., 32; ib., 38; ib., 270.) - Dec. 5. Same to same. Asking for duplicates of missing letters. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 86; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 324.) - Dec. 9. Amer. chargé at Bogota (McAfee) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Receipt of despatches 33 and 34; surprised that anything in his corresp. as to Panama road could be construed into interference in Biddle project. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 326.) — Dec. 9. Same to same. Substance of interview with Pombo relative to Biddle project. (ib., 326.) - Dec. 14. Biddle to Forsyth. In explanation of his failure to visit route for Nicaragua canal. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 98; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 325.) 1837 Feb. 18. Forsyth to McAfee. Retracting reprimand of Sept. 23, 1826. (ib., 103; ib., 330.) 1853 Mch. 9. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Speech; Bid- dle mission; etc. (32. 3. (speci. sess.), Cong. Globe, app., 247.) - Mch. 10. S. A. Douglas, sen. from Ill. Remarks; Biddle mission; etc. (ib., 257.) British Honduras See also below, Galindo mission. 1834 Dec. 30. Ministr. relac. est., Central America (Al- Varez) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Requesting mediation of U. S. in case of aggression of inhabi- tants of Belize on Central Amer. terr.; etc. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 27, 3; 32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 250.) 1836 Nov. 23. Under Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Grey) to S. Coxe. Definition of boundaries of Br. settlement of Belize. (Gr. Br. H. C. Paper, 391, 1856; in Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 44.) Civil Service For corresp. see under name of incumbent. President Constitution of 1824. 1825-29. Manuel Jose Arce. 1829 Feb.-Apr. Mariano Beltranena. 1829. Francisco Barrundia. 1830-39. Francisco Morazan. Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores 1830. M. J. Ybarra. 1834. M. Alvarez. Congressional Representation; see Aycinema; Azmitia (J. A.) Costa Rica CIVIL SERVICE For corresp. see name of incumbent. Jefe Supremo (Governor) 1824-33. Juan Mora. 1833-35. Jose Rafael de Gallegos. 1835-37. Braulio Carillo. 1837-38. Manuel Aguilar. Ministro General (Secy. of State) 1836. J. J. de Aycinema. CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823-1839 (CONFEDERATION)—cont’d De Witt Mission (American) Charles G. DeWitt, of N. Y., was commissioned Amer. chargé for the Central Amer. confederation in Jan., 1833; left in Feb., 1839; died in the U. S. Soon after ; see also below Stephens mission. 1835 May 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to DeWitt. Instructions; assistance to be given to Amer. SpecI. agt. Biddle. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 4; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 13; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 244.) 1839 Dec. 2. President, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Annual message; clause relating to DeWitt-Alvarez treaty. 1848 Je. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise). Instructions; DeWitt- Alvarez treaty; etc. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 92.) Diplomatic Service Great Britain 1834; J. Galindo, comr. United States 1824-26. Antonio Jose Cañaz, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Aug. 4, 1824; took leave by letter Je. 24, 1826. 1826-28. Pedro Gonzales, chargé d'affaires. Presented credentials Nov. 14, 1826; took leave by letter from N. Y. Mch. 16, 1828. Galindo Mission Juan Galindo, was sent to Gr. Br. as speel. comr. of Central America to negotiate concerning the dis- puted claim to settlement of the Br. in the Bay of Honduras ; see also above Br. Honduras. (vi, Jol VI, J Ol. See also Galindo. On Central America. 1836. Roy. Geogr. Socy., 119.) 1834 Dec. 30. Ministr. relac. est., Central American Con- federation (Alvarez) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (For- syth). Advice of Galindo mission; etc. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 3.) 1835 May 22. Galindo to Forsyth. Arrival in Amer. Of barque Jones from bay of Honduras; transmits three letters relating to object of his visit to U. S. (ib., 3.) Je. 1. Same to Same. Representation. Of Br. Occu- pation of Belize and neighboring terr. (ib., 8.) — Je. 3. Same to Same. Protest agst. reference to Spain of petition of delegate of English settlement in bay of Honduras, asking that same be declared a colony of Gr. Br. (ib., 4.) — Je. 10. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Dickins) to Galindo. Receipt of communications dated May 22, Je. 1, and Je. 13; agt. apptd. by U. S. to collect in- formation concerning projects for uniting Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by means of a railroad or canal [i. e., C. Biddle; see above Biddle agency]. (ib., 10.) — Je. 23. Galindo to Forsyth. Requests him to appt. time for interview. (ib., 11.) Je. 24. Forsyth to Galindo. Receipt of his of 23 inst.; appts. time for interview. (ib., 11.) 1836 Oct. 29. Galindo to Forsyth. Return from Gr. Br.; unsuccessful in establishing claim to Br. Settlement in bay of Honduras. (ib., 11.) 1841 Aug. 6. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to U. S. SpecI. agt. in Central America (Murphy). Instruc- tions to Secure information as to cause of failure of Galindo's mission to London; etc. (ib., 12.) 1842 Jan. 20. Murphy to Webster. Represents cause of failure of Galindo mission to be due to Galindo's Irish birth, and as a Br. Subject could not be re- ceived as repr. of a foreign govt. (ib., 13.) 1853 Mch. 9. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Speech; Ga- lindo mission; etc. (32. 3. (Speci. sess.), Cong. Globe, app., 247.) — Mch. 14. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; Galindo mission; etc. (ib., 263.) 232 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823-1839 (CONFEDERATION)—cont’d Guatemala CIVIL SERVICE Jefe del Estado (Governor) 1824-26. Juan Barrundia. 1826-27. Cirilo Flores. 1827-29. Miriano Aycinema. 1829-30. Juan Barrundia. 1830. Pedro Molina. 1830-31. Rivera Cabezas. 1831-38. Mariano Galvez. 1838 Feb.-Jly. Pedro Valenzuela. 1838-39. Mariano Rivera Paz. 1839 Jan.-Apr. Carlos Salazar. 1839-41. Mariano Rivera Paz. DECREES 1830 Sept. 21 [and Dec. 181. Decree [Barrundia] for basis of treaty with Holland relative to canal across isthmus of Nicaragua. (25. 2. H. ex. doc, 228, 13; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 20; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 251.) Honduras CIVIL SERVICE Jefe del Estado (Governor) 1824-27. Dionisio Herrera. 1827-28. Francisco Morazan. 1828-29. Geronimo Zelaya. 1829. Diego Vijil. 1829-30. Juan Angel Arias. 1830-31. Jose Santos del Valle. 1831-32. Jose Antonio Marquez. 1832-33. Francisco Milla. 1833–36. Joaquin Rivera. 1837. J. M. Martinez. 1837-38. Justo Jose Herrera. 1838. Leon Alvarado. 1838-39. Lino Matute. 1839 Jan.-May. Juan F. Molina. 1839 May-Sept. Jose M. Guerrero. 1839-40. Francisco Zelaya. Isthmian Transit Mch. 17. National Gazette. Strmt. relative to Cen- tral States of America. (3). 2. H. rpt. 145, 383.) — Mch. 26. Courrier des Etats-Unis. Notice Sur la République du Centre-Amérique et la communica- tion océanique par l’isthme de Nicaragua, ou de Panama. (ib., 378.) 1849 Feb. 20. U. S. Select Com. (Rockwell). Rpt. to acc. J. R. 42, of Survey of certain routes for canal or T.r. betw. Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (ib., 1.). Darien Canal 1834 May 22. New Granada. Decree authorizing Con- tract for Opening a carriage-road across isthmus of Panama. Sp. and Engl. text. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 42; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 47; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 280.) 1835 May 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. chargé in New Granada (McAfee). Instructions to aid U. S. Specl. agt. Biddle. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 5.) — May 25. New Granada. Decree declaring cantons of Panama and Porto Bello Open to commerce of all nations for 20 yrs.; Sp. and Engl. text. (ib., 67; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 59; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 294.) May 27. Same. Decree granting privilege of Open- ing ship canal acroSS isthmus of Panama; Sp. and Engl. text. (ib., 47; ib., 51; ib., 283.) 1836 Mch. 27. Ministr. relac. est., Colombia (Gonzales) to Amer. chargé in Colombia (McAfee). Negotiations for constructing road acroSS Panama. (ib., 28; ib., 34; ib., 266.) — May 10. Late Secy. State New Granada (Gual) to Biddle. Reply to inquiry for information as to practicability of trans-isthmian communication via Panama. (ib., 96; ib., 85; ib., 323.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823-1839 (CONFEDERATION)—cont'd. Isthmian Transit—cont’d Darien Canal—cont’d 1836 May 19. Chief clerk, office of Foreign Affairs, New Granada (Llearas) to Biddle. Directed to inform him of petition of citizens proposing to construct r.r. across isthmus of Panama. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 85; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 312.) — May 19. Biddle to Llearas. Protest agst. Considera- tion of petition referred to in his of even date. (ib., 86; ib., 314; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 76.) — May 24. McAfee to ministr. relac. est., New Gra- nada (Pombo). Endorsing Biddle's guaranty for completion of canal across isthmus of Panama. (ib., 29; ib., 35; ib., 268.) — May 25. Pombo to McAfee. Advice of legislative action [on May 22] granting privilege to Biddle in consideration of his security in case of failure to open trans-isthmian canal. (ib., 30; ib., 36; ib., 268.) — May 29. New Granada. Decree granting privilege for an inter-marine communication through the isthmus of Panama; Engl. text. (ib., 87; ib., 77; ib., 314.) — Je. 22. Same. Decree adjudicating the privilege for opening an inter-marine communication through isthmus of Panama; Sp. and Engl. text. (ib., 92; ib., 82; ib., 319.) — Je. 24. McAfee to Biddle. Congratulates him on completion of contract with New Granada for con- struction of road across isthmus of Panama. (ib., 96; ib., 85; ib., 323.) — Je. 28. President of New Granada (Santander) to Biddle. Assurance of confidence in object of Secur- ing inter-marine communication acroSS isthmus of Darien. (ib., 94; ib., 83; ib., 321.) — Je. 30. McAfee to Forsyth. Success of U. S. specl. agt. Biddle in securing canal privileges from New Granada. (ib., 27; ib., 34; ib., 266.) — Sept. 23. Forsyth to McAfee. Reprimanding his official endorsement of private project of Biddle; etc. (ib., 31; ib., 37; ib., 269.) — Dec. 8. McAfee to Pombo. In explanation of infer- ence of govt. of Colombia; instructed to say that Col. Biddle's project was his private concern. (ib., 99; ib., 89; ib., 327.) Dec. 10. Pombo to McAfee. Extent of official partic- ipation of U. S. in Col. Biddle’s project recognized by Colombia. (ib., 102; ib., 90; ib., 329.) — Dec. 16. McAfee to Forsyth. Denies official recog- nition to have been given to Col. Biddle's project for a Panama road. (ib., 100; ib., 89; ib., 328.) 1838 Jan. 14. U. S. House. Memorial from merchants, etc., of N. Y. and Phila. (Aaron Clark, mayor of N. Y. C., Wm. A. Duer, Herman Leroy, Wm. Rad- cliff (N. Y.) and Mathew Carey (Phila.) ); pray- ing that negotiations be opened for construction of canal across isthmus of Darien; presented Feb. 14 (Adams, Mass.); referred to Com. On Roads and Canals. (25. 2. H. jol., 390; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 8.) Nicaragua, Canal 1824. Central American E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Cañaz). A topographical acct. Of the prov. and lake of Nicaragua; together with brief sketch of the productions, etc., of Guatemala. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 98; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 338.) 1825 Feb. 8. Cañaz to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Urging execution of canal acroSS isthmus of Nicara- gua. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 7; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 15; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 245.) — Apr. 18. Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay) to Cañaz. Interest of U. S. in project of Canal across isthmus of Nicaragua. (ib., 9; ib., 16; ib., 246.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 233 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823-1839 (CONFEDERATION)—cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d Nicaragua, Canal—cont’d 1825 Je. 3. G. A. Thompson. Extr. from Thompson’s Guatemala, relative to Br. and Dutch propositions for construction of Canal via Nicaragua route. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 390.) 1826 Feb. 10. Clay to Amer. chargé in Central America (Williams). Instructions to secure information rel- ative to trans-isthmian communication pursuant to negotiations opened by the Central American min. Cafíaz. (ib., 6; ib., 14.) — Sept. 25. National Intelligencer. Stnt. relative to Nicaragua canal. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 375.) 1830 Sept. 3. Actg. Amer. Cons. at Guatemala (Savage) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren). Negotiations being conducted by comr. of Netherlands (Verveer) and Guatemala; substance of project. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 10; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 17; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 247.) — Sept. 21 [and Dec. 181. Guatemala. Decree for basis of treaty with Holland relative to canal across isthmus of Nicaragua; Engl. text. (ib., 13; ib., 20; ib., 251.) 1831 Jly. 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to Amer. chargé in Central America (Jeffers). Relative to negotiation of Dutch co. to obtain privilege of con- Structing Nicaragua canal. (ib., 25; ib., 32; ib., 264.) — Aug. 10. Savage to Livingston. Relative to original basis of treaty with Holland for canal across isth- mus of Nicaragua. (ib., 12; ib., 19; ib., 250.) 1836 May 8. Ministro General of Nicaragua (Aycinema). Remarks resp. route for canal by way of Lake Nica- ragua. (25, 3. H. rpt. 322, 96; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 335.) — Sept. 24. Same. Memoir on projected canal through isthmus of Nicaragua. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 50.) — Dec. 14. Specl. agt. of U. S. A. (Biddle) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). In explanation of his fail- ure to visit route for Nicaragua canal. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 98; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 325.) [1838.] [Wm. Radcliff.] Considerations on subject of Communication betw. Atlantic and Pacific oceans by means of a ship canal across isthmus. (ib., 103; ib., 343.) 1838 Mch. 2. U. S. H. Com. on Roads and Canals (Mer- cer) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Call for copy of decree of Central America relative to Nicaragua ship canal. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 10.) — Mch. 3. Forsyth to Mercer. Information called for by com. On 2 inst., and also that called for by House res. of Feb. 17 to be submitted shortly. (ib., 10.) — Mch. 8. A. H. Palmer to Wm. Radcliff. Response to inquiry for information in his possession in refer- ence to facilities for trans-isthmian canal by way of Nicaragua. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 118; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 360.) — Je. 19. C. Bolton to Mercer. Stimt. Of his visit to Nicaragua in 1825; his endeavor to secure charter from Central America for canal project, etc. (ib., 159; ib., 403.) — Oct. 5. Wm. Radcliff to Mercer. Information on several routes for canal from Lake Nicaragua to Pa- cific; with copy of translation of Sp. doc. referred to in letter. (ib., 160; ib., 404.) 1839 Mch. 2. U. S. H. Com. on Roads and Canals (Mer- cer). Rpt. on memorial of Aaron Clark and others praying aid of govt. in construction of trans-isth- mian ship canal. (ib., 1; ib., 230.) Concessions Central American and U. S. Atlantic and Pacific Canal Co, [Palmer contract]. 1826 Je. 14. Canal contract betw. F. GOmez de Arguello, Secy. of State of Central America and Chas. de Beneski, on part of New York Co. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 1.19; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 362.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823–1839 (CONFEDERATION)—cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d Nicaragua, Canal—cont’d Concessions—cont’d 1826 Oct. 5. Copy of deed of trust betw. Aaron H. Palmer and DeWitt Clinton and associates for construction of canal under charter of Je. 14. (ib., 125; ib., 367.) — Dec. 21. A. H. Palmer. Prospectus Soliciting Sub- scriptions to stock of the Atlantic and Pacific Canal co. (ib., 129; ib., 372.) Panama Canal 1833 Aug. 31. Sociedad de los Amigos del Pais de Panama to gov. of prov. of Panama. Detailing plan for r.r. across isthmus of Panama. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 64; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 56; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 290.) 1835 Jan. 8. Secy. Of Baron de Thierry (Vigneti) to So- ciedad de los Amigos del Pais de la Panama. Ad- dress, in name of Baron de Thierry, agst. Construc- tion of r. r. across isthmus of Panama. (ib., 53; ib., 52; ib., 286.) — Mch. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton) calling On President to consider expediency of entering upon negotiations with govts. of Central America and New Granada to undertake to open communication betw. Atlantic and Pacific oceans; agreed to. (23. 2. S. jol., 238.) — May 1. Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth) to U. S. Speci. agt. in Central America (Biddle). Instructions On his appmt. pursuant to Senate res. of Mch. 3, 1835. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 3.) — Dec. 4. Sociedad de los Amigos del Pais de Panama. to Biddle. Rehearsing efforts made to open trans- isthmian communication; offer of aid, etc. (ib., 40; ib., 45; ib., 278.) — Dec. 7. Biddle to Sociedad de los Amigos del Pais de Panama. Propounding certain questions as to condition of country, trans-isthmian communication, etc. (ib., 71; ib., 61; ib., 296.) 1836 Jan. 10. Select Com. Of Sociedad de los Amigos del Pais to Biddle. Reply to his of Dec. 7, 1835. (ib., 72; ib., 62; ib., 297.) — Je. 28. Sociedad de los Amigos del Pais de Panama to Biddle. Congratulatory letter on Success of his mission; expressions of esteem on his departure; etc. (ib., 94; ib., 84; ib., 321.) - — Jly. 19. Forsyth to Biddle. Advice of rumor of personal contract for grant of privilege for trans- isthmian avenue; instructions for rpt.; etc. (ib., 31; ib., 36; ib., 269.) — [Nov. 15]. Biddle to Forsyth. Rpt. pursuant to in- structions of May 1. (ib., 33; ib., 38; ib., 271.) 1837 Jan. 9. President U. S. A. (Jackson). Message on return of specl. agt. (Biddle) to secure information relative to proposed canals betw. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, acroSS isthmus of Panama, declaring to be in- expedient to open negotiations with foreign govts. at present time. (24. 2. S. jol., 100; iii, Mess. and Papers, 272.) 1838 Feb. 17. U. S. House. Res. (Mercer) calling on President for information resp. action of Executive Dept. On Senate res. Of MCh. 3, 1835, agreed to; pre- sented Mch. 14, referred to Com. On Roads and Canals; on motion (Briggs) Ordered that chart ac- companying docS. presented Mch. 14, be litho- graphed and published. (25. 2. H. jol., 461, 613, 739; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 10; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 240.) — Apr. 10. U. S. House. Motion (Briggs, Mass.) to have chart of Country across isthmus of Panama, acc. message of Pres. On inter-oceanic canal, litho- graphed and published with said message; agreed to. (25. 2. H. jol., 739.) 234 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823-1839 (CONFEDERATION)—cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d Panama Canal—cont’d 1838 Dec. 31. U. S. House. Jt. res. (Underwood) calling on President to Open negotiations with Central Amer. for construction of trans-isthmian canal, to make treaties with Central Amer. and to depute an officer of the engr. Corps to Survey a route. (25. 3. H. jol., 170.) 1839 Mch. 2. U. S. House. Res. (Mercer, Com. on Roads and Canals), requesting President to open corresp. with govts. having jurisdiction Over isthmus of Panama, regarding inter-oceanic canal. (ib., 678.) Mexico and Central America 1829 Jly. 9. Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Favorable consideration of re-establishment of U. S. dipl. agency at Guatemala; etc. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 33.) 1830 Sept. 6. Secy. State Central America (Ybarra) to Secy. State of Mexico (Alaman). Protest agst. hos- º attitude of Mexico towards Central Amer. Rep. ib., 76.) —— Oct. 3. Same to Same. Further protest agst. hostile attitude of Mexico. (ib., 75.) 1831 Je. 21. Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). U. S. intervention with Mexico on behalf of Central Amer. Rep. (ib., 74.) — Aug. 20. Butler to Livingston. Mexico’s suspected interference with Central Amer., etc. (ib., 391.) Sept. 12. Same to Same. State of feeling on part of Mexico towards Central Amer. (ib., 395.) Nicaragua CIVIL SERVICE Jefe del Estado (Governor) 1826-28. Manuel Antonio de Cerda. 1830-35. DionisiO Herrera. 1835-37. Jose Zepeda. 1837-38, Jose Nuñez. Salvador CIVIL SERVICE Jefe del Estado (Governor) Vicente Villacorte. Mariano Prado. José M. Carnejo. Mariano Prado. 1833-34. Joaquim San Martin y Ulloa. 1834-35. Carlos Salazar; Jose Gregorio Salazar; quin Escolan; Jose M. Silva. 1835 Apr.-Nov. Nicolas Flspinosa. 1835-36. Francisco Gomez. 1836 Apr.-Sept. Diego Vijil. 1836-39. Timoteo Menendez. 1839-40. Antonio J. Cañas. 1824-26. 1826–29. 1829-32. 1832-33. Joa- Stephens Agency (American) John L. Stephens, of N. Y., was instructed Aug. 13, 1839, to negotiate resp. exchange of treaty of peace, etc., of Jly. 4, 1838, and the adjustment of a claim ; returned to U. S. Aug. 4, 1840, without hav- ing accomplished these objects. (Reg. 1874, p. 65, Dept. State, U. S. A.) 1839 Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Annual message; clause regarding Conv. with Central Amer. for renewal of former treaty [i. e., treaty of 1825, which expired by its own limitation Aug. 2, 1838] and Stephens mission. 1848 Je. 3. Buchanan to Hise. Instructions; Stephens mission; etc. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 92.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1823-1839 (CONFEDERATION)—cont’d Treaties 1838 Jly. 4 [14?]. U. S. A. Conv.for renewal of treaty of 1825. [Signed by Chas. G. DeWitt and M. Alvarez Central Amer. Confederation.] (U. S. A.) This treaty was never ratified; no copy of it was found ; see DeWitt mission. CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED Since 1839, Central America has been non-existent poli- tically. The material relating to the several inde- pendent republics formerly composing the feder- ation, has all been kept together, however, for the convenience of the student. ARRANGEMENT Accessory Transit Co. San Juan del Norte. Virgin Bay Massacre. Bay Islands Colony. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. Clarendon-Dallas Treaty. Clarendon-Herran Convention. Ouseley Mission. Wyke-Cruz Convention. Belize. Bonds. Borland Mission. Boundary Negotiations. British Honduras. Clayton-Bulwer Negotiations. Clarendon-Dallas Negotiations. Castellón Mission. Clarendon-Dallas Treaty. Clarke Mission. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. Colonization. Costa Rica, Republic of. Foreign Policy in Central America. American. British. French. Guatemala, Republic of. Hise Mission, Isthmian Transit. Concessions : American—British—French. Routes : Chiriqui R.R.—Darien Canal—Nicaragua Canal—Panama Canal—Sarapiqui Canal. Jones Mission. Kerr Mission. Marcoleta Mission. Mosquito Territory. British Protectorate. Nicaraguan Protectorate. Murphy Agency. Nicaragua, Republic of. Ouseley Mission. Panama "Riots. Rivas Madifesto. Salvador, Republic of. San Juan del Norte. Nicaraguan Protectorate. British Occupation. Free City. Squier Mission. Statutory Measures. Tigre Island. Treaty Arrangements. Walsh Mission. Webster-Crampton Agreement. Wyke Mission. Accessory Transit Co. 1855 Sept. 10. U. S. atty gen. (Cushing) to U. S. atty. SO. distr. N. Y. (McKeon). Instructions to ascertain the truth of Br. charge that Accessory Transit Co. is fitting troops for service in Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 9.) — Dec. 20. Costa Rican chargé in U. S. A. (Molina) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Complicity of Transit Co. in transporting filibusters; etc. (ib., 57.) 1856 Mch. 3. Ministr. relac. est., Costa Rica (Calvo) to agt. Accessory Transit co. Notice suspending tran- sit of strs. Of co. on river San Juan and Lake Nica- ragua; not responsible for Consequences if notice is disregarded. (ib., 136.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 235 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Accessory Transit Co.—cont’d 1856 Mch. 9. Amer. cons. San Jose, Costa Rica (Hine) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Transit of strs. of Ac- cessory Transit Co. suspended upon river and lake of San Juan and Nicaragua during hostilities. (ib., 77.) — Mch. 17. Pres. Accessory Transit Co. (Wanderbilt) to Marcy. Strmt. of action of govt. of Nicaragua agst. Accessory Transit Co. (ib., 120.) — Mch. 26. Same to Same. Stnt. Of Pres. Of CO. in Car- rying passengers to Nicaragua; refutes certain charges agst. Co.; protest agst. Seizure of property. (ib., 80.) — Apr. 11. Marcy to Hine. Costa Rican decree agst. Accessory Transit co. inoperative because Costa Rica has right of jurisdiction over right bank only to middle of stream of San Juan River; warning agst. infringement of rights of neutrals in Nicara- gua. (ib., 79.) Concession See below under Isthmian transit, etc. SAN JUAN DEL NORTE For bombardment of San Juan and events preceding bombardment; see below, San Juan del Norte. 1853 Feb. 7. City council of Greytown. Ordinance, in part, relative to protection to be afforded Accessory Transit Co. in event of removal of plant to Greytown side of harbor. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 19.) — Feb. 8. Mayor of Greytown (Martin) to agt. Ac- cessory Transit Co. (Baldwin). Copy of city ordi- nance passed by city council on 7 inst. (ib., 19.) [1853 Feb. 8.] Agt. Nicaragua Transit co. (Baldwin). Deposition relative to ordinance of city council of Greytown directing removal of company’s buildings from Punta Arena S. (ib., 13.) 1853 Feb. 8. Baldwin to U. S. com]. agt. San Juan (Stev- enson). Appeal for protection for interests of Ac- cessory Transit Co. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 9. Judge Supreme Ct., Greytown (Geddes) to Baldwin. Relative to application for extension of time in carrying Out res. of Common Council for removal of establishment of Accessory Transit Co. from their present location. (ib., 22.) — Feb. 9. H. B. M. vice-cons. Greytown (Foote) to Baldwin. Extent of assistance in his power to give to controversy with authorities of Greytown. (ib., 27.) Feb. 10. Stevenson to Baldwin. Reply to note of 8 inst. (ib., 21.) — Feb. 11. Baldwin to city Council of San Juan. Prayer for stay of proc. in case of ordinance direct- ing removal of bligs. Of Accessory Transit Co. (ib., 21.) — Feb. 11. City Council of San Juan to Baldwin. Declining to grant stay of proc. requested in his of even date. (ib., 22.) — Feb. 12. Baldwin to City Council of Greytown. Re- news application for stay of proc. on res. directing removal of blags. of Accessory Transit co. (ib., 24.) — Feb. 13. Baldwin to Stevenson. Appeal for inter- ference to prevent destruction of blógs. of Accessory Transit co. (ib., 25.) — Feb. 13. Stevenson to Baldwin. Advising course of action ; controversy with authorities of Greytown. (ib., 26. — Feb. 14. Baldwin to Supreme Ct. Of Greytown. Ap- plication asking stay of proc. On res. of city council directing removal of property Of Accessory Transit co. on Punta Arenas. (ib., 23.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Accessory Transit Co.—cont’d SAN JUAN DEL NoFTE—cont’d 1853 Feb. 14. Atty. for McCerren, part owner in Nicara- gua Transit co. (Wagner), to council of Greytown. Request for stay of proc. in reference to res. Of Feb. 7, directing removal of Nicaragua Transit Co.'s buildings from Punta Arenas. (ib., 14.) — Feb. 14. Greytown City Council. Repeats refusal to grant stay of proc. as requested in his of Feb. 12. (ib., 25.) — Feb. 15. Order of ct. of Greytown to Thos. Baldwin to appear to answer plea of trespass in violation of res. of city council directing removal of blógs. Of Accessory Transit co. from Punta Arenas. (ib., 28.) — Feb. 16. President (Wood) and secy. (Lees) of council of Greytown to comdr. Br. W. I. Sqdn. (Sey- mour). Remonstrance agst. illegal occupation of Punta Arenas by Nicaragua. Accessory Transit Co. (ib., 4.) — Feb. 18. Foote to Crampton. Proc. following re- sistance to de facto govt. of agtS. of Accessory Tran- sit co. (p. 236, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Mch. 2. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to mayor of San Juan (Martin). Remonstrance agst. refusal to grant passage to interior in Nicaragua Transit co. Strs. to certain passengers of Str. Pro- 7metheus. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 5.) — Mch. 3. Martin to Marcy. Representation of late events in Greytown. (ib., 1.) — Mch. 10. Baldwin to capt. U. S. sloop Cyane (Hol- lins). Protest agst. proc. of authorities and citizens of Greytown; craves protection for himself and other Amer. Citizens. (ib., 14.) — Mch. 11. Hollins to Martin. “Cannot permit depre- dations on property of Nicaragua Transit co.” (ib., 16.) — Mch. 11. Martin to Hollins. Shall proceed to eject Nicaragua Transit Co. according to law, unless illeg- ally prevented by superior force. (ib., 16.) — Mch. 14. Baldwin to Hollins. Destruction of prop- erty of Accessory Transit Co. of Nicaragua. (ib., 17.) — Mch. 14. Hollins to citizens of San Juan de Nicara- gua. Warns them agst. further molestation of property or person of Amer. or other citizens. (ib., 32.) — Mch. 14. Comdr. Hollins. General Order, Subse- quent to resignation of municipal authorities of San Juan, agst. molestation of Amer. citizens; passing of boats betw. San Juan and Punta Arenas. (ib., 31.) - Mch. 17. Crampton to Foote. Instructions in case of difficulties betw. municipal authorities of Greytown and Accessory Transit Co. (p. 237, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 18. Hollins to Dobbin. Conduct in defending property of Nicaragua Transit Co. on Punta Arenas. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 11.) — Mch. 27. Hollins to comdr. H. B. M. str. Geyser (Wilson). Extent of his protection of property of Amer. citizens in San Juan. (ib., 34.) — Mch. 28. Wilson to Hollins. Property of Accessory Transit Co. amenable to laws of Greytown; cannot interfere. (p. 245, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 28. Wilson to Hollins. Nature of his instruc- tions relative to jurisdiction of authorities of Grey- town; property of Accessory Transit Co. amenable to laws of Greytown; cannot interfere. (ib., 34.) 236 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Accessory Transit Co.—cont’d SAN JUAN DEL NORTE–cont’d 1853 Mch. 30. Hollins to Dobbin. Representation of his conduct in protecting property of Accessory Transit Co. (ib., 32.) — Apr. 4. Crampton to Clarendon. Attack by author- ities of Greytown on Transit Co.'s station at Punta Arenas; interference of U. S. S. Cyane. (p. 239, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Apr. 4. Dobbin to Hollins. Instructions for pro- tection of rights of Amer. Citizens in vicinity of San Juan. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 6. ) — Apr. 14. Dobbin to Hollins. Instructions for con- duct towards comdr. Geyser subsequent to destruc- tion of bligs. On Punta Arenas; construction of Amer. attitude towards govt. of Greytown. (ib., 7.) 1854 Je. 16. Amer. Coml. agt. at San Juan (Fabens) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Escape to Jamaica of chief instigators of mob violence; possession of Mosquito terr. Suggested as indemnity for losses of Accessory Transit co. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 17; H. ex. doc. 136, 28.) — Je. 24. Fabens to authorities in San Juan del Norte. Demands restoration of property of Accessory Tran- sit co. and redress for outrages committed. (ib., 23; ib., 4.) — Jly. 11. Hollins to Fabens. Requests information as to nature of action of people of San Juan upon demands for redress. (ib., 22; ib., 3.) — Jly. 11. Fabens to authorities in San Juan. De- mands payment of $16,000 for outrages upon Amer. citizens, $8000 for claim of Accessory Transit co.; and apology for indignity offered Mr. Borland. (ib., 23; ib., 5.) VIRGIN BAY MASSACRE 1855 Oct. 23. T. Wales. Deposition relative to attack made on him by Nicaraguans at Virgin Bay. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 30.) — Oct. 23. J. T. Moore. Deposition; Same. (ib., 28.) Oct. 23. J. G. Kendrick. Deposition; same. (ib., 31.) — Oct. 23. Wm. FittS. Deposition; Same. (ib., 30.) Oct. 23. G. R. Slocum. Deposition; same. (ib., 27.) Dec. 13. J. N. Scott. Deposition; Same. (35. 1. S. rpt. 311, 3; H. rpt. 206, 6.) Dec. 30. Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Wheeler) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). U. S. frigate Poto- qmac arrives at San Juan del Norte; copies of papers regarding recent outrages forwarded by fleet sur- geon; officers who ordered attack from Fort San Carlos and at Virgin Bay on Americans have fled from the country. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 66.) 1856 Apr. 15. Employes of Transit co. (Maloney and Cooley). Affidavit relative to killing at Virgin Bay by Costa Rican troops of P. Malone, M. Long, T. Walsh, one Wilson, T. Hannegan, T. Loydd, one Ladd, one Keenan, employes of the Accessory Tran- sit Co. (ib., 129.) — May 2. Marcy to chargé d'affaires of Costa Rica in |U. S. (Molina). Protest agst. murder of Americans at Virgin Bay by troops of Costa Rica. (ib., 147.) May 6. Molina to Marcy. Relative to his of May 2; notice of murder of 9 Costa Ricans by forces of Schlesinger. (ib., 148.) Bay Islands Colony British and Honduran claims to sovereignty. 1852 Mch. 20. Warrant for erecting the islands of Ruatan, etc., in the Bay of Honduras, into a colony, under the name of Bay Islands, and for granting a charter to the said colony. (Gr. Br. H. C. Paper 141, in 1856; Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 44.) º CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Bay Islands Colony—cont’d 1852 Jly. 17. H. B. M. col. Secy., Belize (Gore). Proc- lamation announcing Br. jurisdiction over “Colony of Bay Islands.” (32. 2. S. rpt. 407, 2.) CLAYTON-BULWER TREATY Anglo-Amer. negotiations. For discussion of the declaration exempting Br. Hon- duras and dependencies from operation of Clayton- Bulwer treaty ; see below, Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. Declaration. 1852 Dec. 28. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.), Calling for information regarding establishment of new Br. colony in C. A., and regarding affairs there in general. (32. 2. S. jol., 57.) 1853 Jan. 10. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Cramp- ton) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Debate in Senate on Cass res. of Dec. 28, 1852, etc. (p. 204, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Jan. 12. S. R. Mallory, sen. from Fla. Remarks; concerning Br. seizure and colonization of Bay of Islands, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32., 2., 270.) — Jan. 12. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Remarks; Viola- tion of Clayton-Bulwer treaty involved in Br. Seizure of Bay of Islands. (ib., 268, 269.) — Jan. 16. Crampton to Malmesbury. Apparent object of Cass in intr. res. of Dec. 28. (p. 209, Corresp. With U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Jan. 19. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; On Cass res. concerning colonization in No. Amer. by European powers; doctrine asserted in Monroe's message of Dec., 1823, with reference to Sp.-Amer. affairs; proposition of Gr. Br., etc. (ib., app., 100.) — Jan. 19. A. Dixon, sen. from Ky. Remarks; Violation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty involved in Br. Seizure of Bay of Islands; during consideration of S. res. 69, declaratory of views of U. S. resp. colonization. On No. Amer. continent by European powers, etc. (ib., 102, 103.) — Jan. 19. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Remarks; On violation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty involved in Br. seizure of Bay of Islands; during consideration of S. res. 69. (ib., 103.) — Jan. 19. A. Dixon, sen. from Ky. Do.; on Violation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty involved in Br. Seizure of Bay of Islands; during consideration of S. res. 69. (ib., 102-03.) — Jan. 25. U. S. Senate. Motion (Dixon, Ky.) to refer to Com. on Foreign Relations, jt. res. S. R. 69, with instructions to rpt. regarding alleged violation of Monroe doctrine and Clayton-Bulwer treaty by Gr. Br. in Mosquito coast affair; etc. (32. 2. S. jol., 133; 32. 2. S. misc. doc. 18.) — Jan. 26. J. Davis, sen. from Mass. Remarks; on S. res. 69; in favor of Dixon's motion of 19 inst. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 2 sess., app., 133.) — Jan. 26. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; docs. acc. President’s message of Jan. 4, resp. estab- lishment of new Br. colony in Central Amer.; etc. (ib., 132, 134.) — Jan. 26. J. R. Underwood, Sen. from Ky. Remarks; res. concerning colonization in No. Amer. by Euro- pean powers; establishment of Br. Colonies on Coast of Central Amer. (ib., 132.) — Jan. 26. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; Bay of Islands colony, etc. (ib., 125, 126, 129.) — Jan. 26. W. C. Dawson, sen. from Ga. Remarks; on S. res. 69; in favor of Dixon's motion to refer to Com. on Foreign Relations with instructions to inquire as to violation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty involved in establishment of Bay of Islands Colony. (ib., 133-34.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 237 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Bay Islands Colony—cont’d CLAYTON-BULWER TREATY-cont’d 1853 Jan. 27. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Explanation of former remarks on Bay of IS. colony. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 416.) w — Jan. 27. W. P. Mangum, Sen. from N. C. Remarks; S. res. 69; alluding to Bay of Islands colonization; etc. (ib., 414, 417.) — Jan. 27. J. Davis, Sen. ffon Mass. Remarks; reply to Bell, concerning Davis's remarks of Jan. 26, rela- tive to Bay of Islands colony. (ib., 415.) — Feb. 11. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt.; establishment of new Br. colony in Central Amer.; Clayton-Bulwer declaration. (32. 2. S. rpt., 407.) — Mch. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling on Pres, for propositions of Apr. 30, 1852, for settling conflicting claims betw. Honduras and Gr. Br. [i. e., Webster-Crampton agreement]; and for information in resp. to Bay Islands. (32. 2. S. jol., 337, 347; ix, S. ex. jol., 47, et seq.; Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 245.) — Mch. 10. Same. Remarks; Br. right to Bay Is. colony; etc. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 257.) — Mch. 15. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; reply to Clayton’s charge that Mason had made a mistake in location of Bay IS.; referring to stric- tures on rpt. of Com. on Foreign Relations of Feb. 11. (ib., 270-271.) — Mch. 15. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; reply to Mason of Mch. 14, resp. rpt. of Comi. On Foreign Relations of Feb. 11; on second part of his res. Of Mch. 7; Mason’s remarks of even date on lo- cation of Bay Is...; Douglas’ Opposition to Clayton- Bulwer treaty; etc. (ib., 267-71.) — Mch. 21. E. Everett, Sen. from Mass. Speech; Sec- ond part of Clayton res. of Mch. 7. (ib., 284-290.) — Mch. 21. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; Sec- ond part of Clayton res. of Mch. 7. (ib., 290.) — Mch. 21. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; reply to Everett of even date. (ib., 290.) — Sept. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Buchanan). Instructions; Br. Occupation of Bay Is.; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 49; H. ex. doc. 1, 49.) 1854 Jan. 6. Buchanan to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Strmt. ; review of Br. Operations in Bay Is., etc.; legality of operations. (34.1. S. ex. doc. 1, 55; H. ex. doc. 1, 55.) — Jan. 10. Buchanan to Marcy. Br. claim to Ruatan; etc. (ib., 52; ib., 52.) — May 2. Clarendon to Buchanan. Counter-stmt. to his of Jan. 6. (ib., 80; ib., 80.) — Je. 12. Marcy to Buchanan. Refuses to admit Clarendon’s construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty as outlined in his note of May 2; Amer. views of status of Bay Is. and Ruatan. (ib., 67; ib., 67.) — Jly. 22. Buchanan to Clarendon. Remarks in reply to strmt. of May 2. (ib., 93; ib., 93.) — Nov. 24. Buchanan to Marcy. Substance of con- ference with Clarendon relative to relinquishing Bay Is. to Honduras. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 246.) 1855 Aug. 6. Marcy to Buchanan. Instructions for set- tlement of Central Amer. questions; Gr. Britain’s withdrawal from Ruatan and other islands off Honduran coast insisted On; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 69; H. ex. doc. 1, 69.) — Sept. 11. Buchanan to Clarendon. Stnt. regarding Bay of Is., etc., solicited; obligations imposed by conv. of 1850. (ib., 73; ib., 73.) - — Sept. 11. Buchanan to Marcy. TranSmits copy o note to Clarendon of even date; anxiety as to its re- ception by Pres. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 73.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Bay Islands Colony—cont’d CLAYTON-BULWER TREATY-cont’d 1855 Sept. 28. Clarendon to Buchanan. Reply to note of 11 inst. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 76; H. ex. doc. 1, 76.) — Oct. 4. Buchanan to Marcy. Clarendon’s reply to note of 11 ult. (ib., 75; ib., 75.) CLARENDON-DALLAs TREATY Anglo-Amer. negotiations; see below Clarendon-Dallas Treaty. 1856 Feb. 12. J. P. Benjamin, sen. from La. Remarks; denying Br. right to Bay Is., along with Belize. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess., 394.) – Feb. 12. H. Wilson, sen. from Mass. Remarks; denouncing Br. claim to Bay Is. (ib., 394.) — Feb. 12. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Remarks; maintenance of peaceable attitude regarding Br. en- Croachments in Central Amer.; favoring reference of question to Com. on Foreign Relations. (ib., 395.) -— Feb. 20. Same. Do.; Br. encroachment in Central Amer. are in violation of her treaties with Spain, and of rights of said states. (ib., 469.) — Feb. 20. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; Construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Central Amer.; Br. claim to island of Roatan. (ib., 470.) — Feb. 20. H. Wilson, sen. from Mass. Remarks; denying Br. right to Roatan. (ib., 468.) Feb. 20. J. J. Crittenden, sen. from Ky. Remarks; denying Br. claim to Roatan Is., along with Belize. (ib., 469.) — Mch. 31. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton) to Clarendon. Clayton's declaration, previous to signing treaty of Apr. 19, 1850, resp. Ruatan being de jure and de facto a Br. possession. (p. 303, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 14. Same. Do.; denying that he had ever ad- mitted right of Gr. Br. to Roatan. (Cong. GIobe, 34 Cong., 1 sess., 1206.) — May 14. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; on Clayton-Bulwer treaty and Central Amer. affairs; On controversy concerning island of Roaton, and Crampton’s letter; with letter. (ib., 1205-1206.) — May 14. H. Fish, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; reply to Clayton on Crampton’s letter of Mch. 31, con- cerning Br. title to island of Roatan. (ib., 1207.) — May 14. L. Cass, sen, from Mich. Remarks; deny- ing Br. right to Bay Is. (ib., 1206.) May 24. Marcy to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas). Instructions for resuming corresp. on Central Amer. questions; interpretation of treaty of Apr. 19, 1850; colony of Bay Is., etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 82.) CLARENDON-HERRAN CONVENTION Anglo-EIonduran ; signed Aug. 27, Honduras. Treaties. 1857 Feb. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Yulee) requesting President to communicate to Senate a copy of conv. betw. Gr. Br. and Honduras relating to Island of Ruatan. (x, S. ex. jol., 184, 185.) — May 9. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier). Clarendon- Herran conv. relative to Bay Is...; dept. has no copy; one is desirable. (p. 43, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — May 10. Napier to Cass. Relative to Clarendon- Herran conv. concerning Bay Is. (ib., 43. ) 1856 ; see below, 238 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Bay Islands Colony—cont’d OUSELEY MISSION Br. negotiations ; see also below, Ouseley mission, and under Honduras, below. 1857 Nov. 19. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) to H. B. M. Speci, comr. in Central Amer. (Ouseley). Instructions; negotiations with Honduras resp. Bay IS. (p. 64, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Dec. 8. Pres. U. S. (Buchanan). Annual message (1st) [clause relating to difficulties betw. Gr. Br. and Honduras]. 1858 Oct. 5. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier). Instructions; exact representation to Amer. govt. of his instructions resp. Bay Is. and Honduras (p. 129, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) WYEE-CRUZ CONVENTION Anglo-Honduran ; signed Nov. 28, 1859; see also below, Honduras. Treaties. 1859 Aug. 4. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons). Delay in negotiating Br. abandonment of Bay of Is.; etc., new mission to be sent to Central Amer. (p. 266, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Aug. 22. Lyons to Russell. Substance of interview With CaSS On Subject of Russell’s despatch of 4 inst.; Amer. Satisfaction. (ib., 289.) — Oct. 1. Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. min. res. in Guatemala (Clarke). Instructions; negotia- tions betw. Gr. Br. and Honduras for Br. relinquish- ment of Bay Is. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 119.) — Nov. 28. Conclusion of Wyke-Cruz treaty; see be- low, Honduras, Foreign Relations; do. Treaties. 1860 Feb. 18. Cass to Clarke. Disapproval of his mis- understanding of Anglo-Amer. relations in regard to Central Amer. questions. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 122.) Je. 12. U. S. Senate. Res. (Anthony, R. I.), calling upon PreS. for copies of certain papers and de- spatches relative to settlement of Bay Is. Question with Gr. Br. (36. 1. S. jol., 621.) Belize; see below, British Honduras Bonds (British) See also below, Salvador. Foreign relations (Br.). 1849 Apr. 26. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston) to Envoy of Honduras and Nicaragua, at Brussels (Castellón). Postponement of arrangement for pay- ment of arrears of interest due to holders of Br. bonds of Central Amer., Nicaraguan and Honduran envoy in Belgium. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 276.) Borland Mission (American) Solon Borland, of Ark., was commissioned Amer. E. E. and M. P. to Salvador Apr. 18, 1853. He was also accredited to Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, but did not present his credentials to Salvador. He left Nicaragua Apr. 17, 1854; re- signed to take effect Je. 30, 1854. 1853 Dec. 5. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual meS- sage; clause relating to min. to Central Amer. (Bor- land). Boundary Negotiations: British Honduras-Guatemalan 1857 Je. 24. H. B. M. Supt. at Belize (Stevenson) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Outline of Br. proposal for boundary betw. Guatemala and Br. Honduras. (p. 173, Corresp. re Central Amer. ; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, W. 68.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Boundary Negotiations: British Honduras-Guatemalan- cont’d - 1859 Feb. 15. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- bury) to H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Wyke). Explanation resp. Br. proposal for Settle- ment of boundary betw. Guatemala and Br. Hon- duras. (ib., 175.) — Feb. 16. Same to same. Instructions on apptmt. as plenipotentiary to negotiate conv. with Guatemala for definition of boundaries of Br. Honduras. (ib., 171.) — Mch. 31. Wyke to Malmesbury. Receipt of instruc- tions of 16 ult. (ib., 239.) — Apr. 2. H. B. M. specl. comr. in Central Amer. (Ouseley) to Malmesbury. Has sent to Wyke full powers to negotiate with Guatemala resp. boundary with Br. Honduras. (ib., 233.) — Apr. 30. Wyke to Malmesbury. Reporting signa- ture of conv. with Guatemala resp. boundary of Br. Honduras. (ib., 250.) — Je. 16. Malmesbury to Lyons. Return of Ouseley and Wyke to Gr. Br.; conclusion of treaty with Guatemala resp. Br. Honduras. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 126.) — Je. 30. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell) to H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Hall). In- structions to advise Guatemala of Br. Satisfaction at conclusion of boundary conv.; to inquire how stipu- lation resp. construction of road to Atlantic should be carried out. (ib., 257.) — Aug. 2. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Russell. Substance of interview with CaSS resp. Br. negotiations with Guatemala for Settlement of Honduras boundary. (ib., 267.) — Sept. 17. Hall to Russell. Ratification of boundary conv. with Guatemala. (ib., 300.) — Sept. 17. Guatemalan ministro general (Aycinema.) to Hall. Best means of executing art., in boundary conv., relative to road construction. (ib., 301.) — Oct. 22. Wyke to Russell. Guatemalan govt. has urged on govts. of Nicaragua and Honduras settle- ment of pending questions with Gr. Br. (ib., 304.) Boundary Negotiations: Costa Rica-Nicaraguan See also below, Webster-Crampton agreement. a. Sovereignty of San Juan river; b. of terr. of Guana- caste, or Nicoya. a. San Juan River Sovereignty, etc. Costa Rican claim : Right of dominion over all country lying on so. bank of river from Atlantic Ocean to Lake of Nicaragua, and on that part of aforesaid lake comprised between Fort San Carlos and river La Flor, and right to joint navigation of San Juan river and of Lake of Nicaragua. Nicaraguan claim : Denies validity of Costa Rican claim and maintains counter-claim of exclusive tºol over above mentioned territories, river and a RQ. - b. Guanacaste Guanacaste, or Nicoya, territory lying between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific. Boundary claimed by Costa Rica extended from Tortuga Point on the lake to the no. point of Salinas Bay on the ocean. Nicaragua claimed line from Fort San Carlos on the lake, skirting so. boundary of the lake, and ending in SO. point of S. Elena Bay on the ocean. District between the two lines comprised Guana- caste terr., jurisdiction over which was claimed both by Costa Rica and by Nicaragua. 1849 Je. 23. Specl. Comr. from Nicaragua, to Gr. Br. (Castellón) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Pal- merston). Supporting his contention that port of San Juan is Nicaraguan property and representing that Gr. Br. cannot justly intervene to secure pay- ment of arrears due on bonds of Central Amer. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 278.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 239 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Boundary Negotiations: Costa Rica-Nicaraguan—cont’d b. Guanacaste—cont’d 1849 JIy. 7. SpecI. comr. from Nicaragua to Gr. Br. (Castellón). Rpt. on state of Nicaragua; history of º Rica-Nicaraguan boundary dispute, etc. (ib., - Dec. 14. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (LaW- rence) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Opinion on ultimate Br. attitude in Nicaragua Controversy; on return of Central Amer. chargés from continent Will reopen subject of boundary; has caused a col. lection of books and maps on Central Amer. to be made for State Dept. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 27, 53.) 1850 Jan. 25. Same to same. Substance of conferences With Nicaraguan rep. (Marcoleta) and Costa Rican agt. (Molina) as to possible attitude of those coun- tries towards submission to arbitration of Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary dispute, etc. (ib., 58.) - Feb. 21. Min. from Costa Rica to Gr. Br. (Molina) to Lawrence. Costa Rica will accept any arrange- ment by which pending boundary question betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica will be settled by arbi- tration betw. Gr. Br. and U. S.; offers to negotiate treaty with U. S. (ib., 72.) - Feb. 22. Lawrence to Molina. Note of Feb. 21 trans- mitted to Washington for instructions. (ib., 72.) - May 30. Lawrence to Clayton. Advises plan for Settling Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary dispute; etc. (ib., 100.) — Aug. 5. Molina to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Costa Rica willing to submit ques- tion of her right to terr. in dispute, to arbitration of Gr. Br. and U. S. A. (p. 65, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) - Aug. 5. Same to Lawrence. Same. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 102.) - Aug. 6. Lawrence to Molina. Substance of note of Aug. 5, transmitted to Washington for instructions. (ib., 104.) - Aug. 16. Lawrence to Secy. State U. S. A. (Web- ster). Review of pending Central Amer. negotia- tions in U. S. legation at London ; urges attention to. Molina's communication of Aug. 5; believes Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary dispute to be Only ob- Stacle in way of construction of Nicaragua canal. (ib., 101.) - Aug. 30. Palmerston to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bulwer). To submit substance of Molina note of Aug. 5, to Amer. govt. (p. 67, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) – Sept. 27. Bulwer to Webster. Communicating sub- stance of Molina proposal of Aug. 5. ( ib., 68.) — Sept. 29. Bulwer to Palmerston. Substance of in- terview with Webster resp. Molina proposal of Aug. 5. (ib., 68.) — Oct. 15. Lawrence to Webster. Transmits Mar- * note and copy of reply. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, .) — Oct. 18. Palmerston to Bulwer. Approval of note of 27 ult, to Webster resp. Molina proposal of Aug. 5. (p. 89, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 1851 Feb. 6. Lawrence to Webster. Costa Rican and Nicaraguan ministers' removal to Washington; Molina's promise of Suppression of canal grant to Br. SubjectS if U. S. would guarantee to Costa Rica her rights in pending dispute as to jurisdiction over San Juan; his reply. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 106.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Boundary Negotiations: Costa Rica-Nicaraguan—cont’d b. Guanacaste—cont’d 1851 Mch. 28. Molina to Webster. Stimt. of conflicting claims of Costa Rica and Nicaragua; influence of U. S. besought to prevent collision. (34.1. S. ex: doc. 25, 19.) — May 4. Webster to Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr). Instructions for representation to Nicara- gua that U. S. cannot undertake to guarantee SOV- ereignty of line of proposed canal until course with reference to San Juan River, etc., shall be settled. Mss. Instr. Am. St. Repr. in iii, Wharton. Int. Di- gest, 15.) — May 8. Molina to Webster. Transmits copies of certain ancient docs. relating to boundary question betw. Costa Rica and Nicaragua; claim to port of San Juan maintained; mediation of U. S. and Gr. Br. relied upon. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 25.) — May 8. Same to same. Justice of Costa Rican claims to jurisdiction over port of San Juan. (ib., 41.) — Je. 6. Webster to Kerr. Instructions; represent to Nicaraguan govt. that U. S. cannot guarantee SOV- ereignty of line of canal until boundary difficulties with Costa Rica are settled; any action of Nicaragua hostile to Costa Rica, will not be viewed with in- difference. (ib., 47.) — Je. 10. Webster to Molina. Receipt of note a CCOm- panied by docs. relative to Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary. (ib., 49.) — Je. 21. Molina to Webster. Strmt. Of Costa Rican claims with respect to river San Juan and disputed terr. of Guanacaste. (ib., 49.) Oct. 30. Marcoleta to Webster. Proposals for mu- tual concessions by Nicaragua and Costa Rica, for settlement of disputed boundaries. (ib., 54.) — Nov. 11. Webster to Marcoleta. Doubts possibility of lasting results from proposed negotiations, in unsettled State of Central Amer. (ib., 55.) — Dec. 1. Crampton to Palmerston. Delay in nego- tiations for settlement of difficulties betw. Nicaragua. and Costa Rica. (p. 102, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Dec. 5. Marcoleta to Webster. Asserts right of Nicaragua to right bank of river San Juan, and its liberty to dispose of lands agst. pretensions of Costa Rica. (ib., 58.) 1852 Apr. 6. Molina to Webster. Desires further time to receive instruction relating to request of ship canal co. for two sections of land on Costa Rica side of river of San Juan. (ib., 62.) — Apr. 8. Webster to Molina. President of U. S. A. unwilling to conclude pending arrangement in mat- ter of ship canal Co., without cooperation and con- sent of Costa Rica; Suggests Speedy arrangement. (ib., 62.) Apr. 9. Molina to Webster. Assumes responsibility of agreeing to stipulation regarding grant of two sections in Costa Rica to ship canal co. under cer- tain herein-mentioned conditions. (ib., 63.) — Apr. 15. Webster to Molina. Regret at conditions imposed for land grant to ship canal co. (ib., 64.) — Apr. 19. Molina to Webster. Suggests modification of arrangement for cession of land to ship canal co. (ib., 65.) — Apr. 21. Marcoleta to Webster. Nicaraguan pro- posal for Settlement of Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary; etc.; with copy of projet. (ib., 66.) 240 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Boundary Negotiations: Costa Rica-Nicaraguan—cont’d b. Guanacaste—cont’d 1852 Apr. 29. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to specl. envoy U. S. to Costa Rica (Walsh). Instructions; to present to Costa Rica plan for navigation by Nicara- gua of San Juan River; to communicate intention of U. S. and Gr. Br. to protect such navigation in event % gate Rica’s refusal to accede to said plan. (ib., — May 4. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Hunter) to Specl. envoy, U. S. A. (Walsh). Ship canal co. to be permitted to locate four sections of land on so, side of San Juan River. (ib., 80.) — May 5. Same to Molina. Ship canal co. to be per- mitted to locate four sections of land on Costa Rica bank of San Juan River. (ib., 81.) — May 8. Molina to Hunter. Questions whether Costa Rica will be disposed to surrender absolutely right of Steam navigation of Colorado and San Juan rivers and of Lake Nicaragua. (ib., 82.) May 13. Hunter to Kerr. Suggests two slight modifications of proposition to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (ib., 82.) — May 14. Webster to Lawrence. Proposal to Costa Rica and Nicaragua for adjustment of boundary dis- putes, etc. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 95.) 1855 [sic, i.e., 52] May 19. Hunter to Molina. Willing to limit right of Steam navigation on San Juan River, etc., to Ship Canal Co., to duration of franchise re- ferred to. (ib., 83.) 1852 May 27. Walsh to Kerr. Outlines plans, and ex- presses desire to have treaty acceded to by Nicara- gua and Costa Rica before his return to Washington in Jly. (ib., 97.) Je. 8. Lawrence to Webster. Reply to his note of May 14. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 96.) — Je. 11. Ministr. relac. est., Costa Rica (Calvo) to Speci. COmrs. Of U. S. A. and Gr. Br. (Walsh and Wyke). Reply to note of 10 [sic, i.e., 16] inst trans- mitting Copy of propositions of govts. Of U. S. and Gr. Br. for final settlement of difficulties relative to limits betw. Costa Rica and Nicaragua. (ib., 88.) — Je. 16. Calvo to comrs. of U. S. and Gr. Br. (Walsh and Wyke). Relative to conv. of Apr. 30, 1852, betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. for settlement of dispute betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica; copy of res. Of Pres. of Costa Rica consenting to Anglo-Amer. propositions for adjustment of boundary. (ib., 89.) Je. 17. Walsh and Wyke to Calvo. Receipt of note of 16 inst. (ib., 91.) Je. 22. Costa Rica. Decree confirming assent to ConV. betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. for adjustment of *ary betw. Costa Rica and Nicaragua. (ib., Je. 23. Kerr to Castellón. Settlement of dispute With Costa Rica recommended; etc. (ib., 97.) — Je. 24. Walsh and Wyke to Calvo. Receipt of decree of 22 inst. (ib., 92.) — Jly. 1. President U. S. A. (Fillmore) to U. S. Sen- ate. Message; false rpt. of compact with Gr. Br. advising Costa Rica and Nicaragua on matters af- fecting their boundaries. (v, Mess. and Papers, 155.) — Jly. 24. Kerr to speci. envoy U. S. to Costa Rica. (Walsh). Acct. of his proc. in carrying out instruc- tions relative to adjustment of Costa Rican and Nicaraguan boundary difficulty. (ib., 96.) — Jly. 28. Kerr to Webster. Guanacaste question; etc. (ib., 93.) — Aug. 3. Castellón to Kerr. Military force de- spatched to “Old Castle '’ to prevent Smuggling carried on at San Juan by ship canal Co. (ib., 120.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Boundary Negotiations: Costa Rica-Nicaraguan—cont’d b. Guanacaste—cont’d 1852 Aug. 6. Molina to Hunter. Urges consideration, in final adjustment of treaty, of interests of Costa Rica. (ib., 116.) — Aug. 12. Webster to Molina. Readiness of U. S. to look after Costa Rica’s interests in final adjustment of treaty. (ib., 117.) — Aug. 16. Castellón to Kerr. Absolves U. S. from charge of lack of good faith in treaty negotiations for settlement of matters in dispute betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (ib., 118.) — Nov. 2. Marcoleta to actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Conrad). Boundary question to be settled with Costa Rica. Solely; basis of Such Settlement stipu- lated; etc. (ib., 123.) - 1853 Mch. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton) resp. agree- ment betw. Gr. Br. and Costa Rica, relative to Settle- ment of territorial controversies betw. States and govts. bordering on river San Juan. (iX, S. ex. jol., 46, 53-54, 58, 61, 69, 74, 75, 83.) — Sept. 26. Molina to Marcy. Stnt. Of attitude of Costa Rica regarding differences with Nicaragua and Mosquito coast; good offices of U. S. besought in conferences with Br. representatives. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 136.) — Oct. 14. Marcy to Molina. U. S. desirous that ques- tions of boundary and jurisdiction betw. Central Amer. States be settled among themselves. (ib., 137.) — Dec. 17. Same to same. Reply to his of Dec. 13 [not found prid.] ; maintains that agreement With Nicaragua, co. to carry U. S. mail implies no ex- pression of opinion as to which of two states, Nicara- gua or Costa Rica, has right to grant, or has granted, privilege of transit to that Co. (ib., 141.) 1857 Oct. 9. Napier to Cass. Relations betw. Costa Rica and Nicaragua; transit route; and protection of Central Amer. Coast from lawless invasion. (p. 52, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Oct. 12. Napier to Clarendon. Amer. negotiations with Nicaragua, relative to San Juan transit route; Costa Rican claims to use of San Juan River. (ib., 52.) — Oct. 20. Cass to Napier. Reply to his note of 9 inst; existing relations betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica; TJ. S. has regarded sovereignty of San Juan River to belong to Nicaragua, etc. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 112.) — Dec. 26. Amer. com/. agt. at San Juan (Cottrell) to Comdr. U. S. S. Fulton (Almy). Rumor that Costa Rica has abandoned pretensions to forts San Carlos and Castillo and consents to Nicaraguan Occupation of Guanacaste; etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 8.) — Dec. 28. Cottrell to comdr. Home Sqdn., U. S. N. (Paulding). Costa Rica has withdrawn all preten- sions from Nicaraguan terr. (ib., 9.) British Honduras For discussion of the declaration exempting Br. Hon- duras from operation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty ; see below, Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. Declaration. See also below, Murphy agency. 1843 Nov. 10. Member of Central Amer. Congress from Guatemala (Azmitia). Memoir on public sentiment in Central Amer. On Subject of Belize. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 5.) BOUNDARY See above, Boundary Negotiations. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 241 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d British Honduras—cont’d CLAYTON-BULWER NEGOTIATIONS 1849 Dec. 29. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). Instructions to obtain, from Lord Palmerston, disavowal of acts of interference of Br. subjects in Honduras; if re- fused, Squier treaty will be submitted to Senate for ratification. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 313.) 1850 Mch. 1. Clayton to Amer. cons. at Belize (Hemp- stead). Under existing circumstances deemed advis- *:: discontinue cons. at Belize. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. — Jly. 22. Actg. Amer. cons. at Guatemala (Savage) to Clayton. Efforts of H. B. M. chargé (Chatfield) to obtain cession of Belize. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 79.) 1853 Feb. 11. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt.; establishment of new Br. colony in Central * Clayton-Bulwer declaration. (32. 2. S. rpt. 7. — Feb. 11. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Motion to print 2000 extra copies of S. rpt. 407, on establishment of new Br. colony in Central Amer. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 2 sess., 567.) — Feb. 11. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Remarks unfavorable to rpt. of Com. on Foreign Relations of even date on Br. colony in Central Amer. (ib., 567.) — Mch. 9. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Speech; criticism of that part of rpt. of Com. On Foreign Re- lations of Feb. 11, resp. boundaries of Br. Honduras; etc. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 247.) — Mch. 14. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; re- ply to Clayton of Mch. 9, resp. rpt. of Com. On For- eign Affairs of Feb. 11; etc. (ib., 263.) — Mch. 15. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; reply to Mason of Mch. 14, resp. rpt. of Com. on For- eign Relations of Feb. 11; on second part of his res. of Mch. 7; Mason’s remarks of even date on location of Bay Is...; Douglas’ opposition to Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (ib., 267-71.) — Mch. 21. E. Everett, sen. from Mass. Clayton-Bul- wer treaty; Br. settlement at Belize; etc. (ib., 284.) — J1y. 2. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Buchanan). Affairs in Central Amer.; Gr. Britain’s conduct regarding Belize; in- structions to induce her to abandon unfounded pre- tensions and abandon treaty stipulations. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 42; H. ex. doc. 1, 42.) — Sept. 11. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clar- endon). Amer. govt. desires truth of rpt. that sup- port has been offered to Guatemala in any claim to belize and adjacent terr. (p. 258, Corresp. with U. S. º Central Amer; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60. — Sept. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Bu- chanan. Instructions; Br. Occupation of Belize and Bay Is...; U. S. will regard claim of sovereignty over Belize as an infringement of Monroe doctrine. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 49; H. ex. doc. 1, 49.) — Dec. 30. Marcy to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Nicara- gua (Borland). Gr. Br. obliged, by Clayton-Bulwer treaty, to abandon Central Amer. protectorates and possessions except Belize, because outside Central Amer. boundaries. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 142.) 1854 Jan. 6. Buchanan to Clarendon. Strmt.; review of Br. operations in Br. Honduras, etc.; legality of op- erations. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 55; H. ex. doc. 1, 55.) — Jan. 7. Crampton to Clayton. Believes Br. Hon- duras is situated in Mexico and not in Central Amer.; impression in regard to boundaries of Cen- tral Amer. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 SeSS., app., 89.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-II&61] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d British Honduras—cont’d CLAYTON-BULWER NEGOTIATIONS-cont’d 1854 Jan. 10. Buchanan to Marcy. Right to retain Belize maintained by Gr. Br.; asks instructions on Sundry matters; strmt. for Earl of Clarendon relative to Amer. contention of fallacy of Br. claims to any part of Central Amer. terr. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 52; H. ex. doc. 1, 52.) — May 2. Clarendon to Buchanan. Counter Strmt. to his note of Jan. 6. (ib., 80; ib., 80.) — Je. 12. Marcy to Buchanan. Refuses to admit Clarendon’s construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty as prospective merely; U. S. views of status of Belize explained; etc.; instructions regarding negotiations. (ib., 67; ib., 67.) — J1y. 22. Buchanan to Clarendon. Reply to Strmt. Of May 2. (ib., 93; ib., 93.) 1855 Feb. 16. Buchanan to Marcy. Central Amer. ques- tions not settled owing to suspension of public busi- ness since ministerial crisis. (ib., 69; ib., 69.) — Aug. 6. Marcy to Buchanan. Instructions for Settle- ment of Central Amer. questions; Br. possessions at Belize to be restricted to terms of Sp. grant. (ib., 69; ib., 69.) — Sept. 11. Buchanan to Br. min. of Foreign Affairs (Clarendon). Strnt. Tegarding Belize, etc., solicited; obligations imposed by conv. of 1850. (ib., 73; ib., 73.) Sept. 11. Buchanan to Marcy. Transmits copy of note to Clarendon of even date; anxiety as to its reception by Pres. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 73.) — Sept. 28. Clarendon to Buchanan. Reply to note of 11 inst.; prospective nature of conv. of 1850 upheld. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 76; H. ex. doc. 1, 76.) — Oct. 4. Buchanan to Marcy. Lord Clarendon’s re- ply to note of 11 ult. (ib., 75; ib., 75.) CLARENDON-DALLAS NEGOTLATIONS 1856 May 24. Marcy to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas). Instructions for resuming corresp. on Central Amer. questions; interpretation of treaty of Apr. 19, 1850; possession of Belize; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc., 82.) Canal Negotiations; see below, Isthmian Transit Castellón Mission 1844 Joint mission from Honduras and Nicaragua to courts of Gr. Br., France and Belgium to negotiate for settlement of Mosquito sovereignty ; see below, Mosquito Territory. 1849 Mission from Nicaragua to Gr. Br. to represent Nica- raguan claim to sovereignty over Greytown, etc.; see below, Mosquito Territory. Clarendon—Dallas Treaty Anglo-Amer. treaty of 10 articles and 3 separate articles. Art. 2, defines limits of Mosquito terr.; art. 3, regu- lates Nicaraguan relation to Mosquito terr.; art. 4, regulates Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary dispute, navigation of San Juan river and sovereignty of Greytown ; art. 5, regulates customs at port of San Juan ; art. 6, refers Nicaragua-Mosquito boundary to arbitration. Separate art. 1, cedes Br. protectorate over Mosquito terr.; art. 2, Br. Honduras exempt from operations of Clayton-Bulwer treaty ; art. 3, recognizes Hon- duras sovereignty over Bay Is... colony. See also Bay Island Colony, British Honduras, Isthmian Canal (Nicaragua) and Mosquito terr. Text 1856 Oct. 17. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. Treaty resp. Central Amer. (ratifications not exchd.; signed at London by Clarendon and G. M. Dallas); Engl. and Sp. text in full in Corresp. resp. Central Amer. 1856/60, p. 24. (Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68; Amer. ratification proc. in X, S. ex. jol., U. S. A.) 16 242 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clarendon-Dallas Treaty-cont’d Correspondence 1857 Mch. 12. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Substance of remarks of Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass), with reference to treaty of Oct. 17, 1856. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 106.) & — May 29. Cass to Napier. Rejection of Br. draft of amended Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (ib., 109.) 1858 Oct. 5. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury) to Napier. Instructions; communications to Amer. govt. resp. Ouseley mission and Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (p. 129, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) 1859 Sept. 22. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. min. res. accredited jtly. to Costa Rica and to Nicaragua (Dimitry). Amer. views resp. Clarendon-Dallas treaty; etc. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 117.) Art. 2 Boundary of Mosquito Territory See below, Mosquito Territory. Art. 4 Costa Rica-Nicaraguan Boundary See above, Boundary Negotiations. Separate art. 1 Cession of Br. protectorate over Mosquito terr.; see below, Mosquito Territory. Separate art. 2 Br. Honduras exempt from operation of Clayton-Bulwer - treaty ; see above, British Honduras and below, Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Separate art. 3 Honduran sovereignty over Bay Is. Colony recognized ; See above, Bay Is. Colony. - Clarke Mission (American) Beverly L. Clarke, of Ry., was commissioned min. res. for Guatemala in 1858; Was also accredited to & Honduras ; died in Guatemala. Mch. 17, 1860. 1859 Oct. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS) to Amer. min. res. in Guatemala (Clarke). Instructions; negoti- ations betw. Gr. Br. and Honduras for Br. relin- guishment of Bay Is. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 119.) 1860 Feb. 18. Cass to Clarke. Disapproval of his mis- understanding of Anglo-Amer. relations in regard to Central Amer. questions. (ib., 122.) Clayton-Bulwer Treaty Anglo-Amer. treaty of 9 articles for construction , of Nicaragua canal ; see also below, under Isthmian transit. Text 1850 Apr. 19. Conv. betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. relative to a ship canal by way of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Mosquito coast, or any part of Central Amer. [Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty]; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776- 1887,” p. 440 (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47); Amer. ratifica- tion proc. in viii-ix, S. ex. jol., 186. Correspondence, etc. 1849 Nov. 8. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (LaW- rence) to Br. Secy. Foreign Affairs (Palmerston). Request for reply to certain therein stated ques- tions relative to neutrality of inter-Oceanic Com- munication, etc. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 45; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 65; H. ex. doc. 1, 65.) Nov. 13. Palmerston to Lawrence. Reply to queries of 8 inst. (ib., 46; ib., 66; ib., 66.) — Dec. 14. Lawrence to Palmerston. Itepresentation of political condition of Central Amer. and plans for inter-oceanic communication. (32. 2. S. ex, doc. 27, 54.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1850 Feb. 3. Same to same. Conflict of proposed plan for inter-oceanic communication by way of Nicăra- gua and Mosquito terr.; transmits project of ConV. on subject. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 61.) — Feb. 13. Same to same. Objections to proposed conv, by some members of Amer. Cabinet resp. MOS- quito; suggestions thereon. (p. 40, Corresp. With U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Feb. 22. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Law- rence) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Comment on copy of proposed Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 70.) — Mch. 8. Palmerston to Bulwer. Reply to his of 3 ult. ; instructions to sign Conv.; exchg. Of ratifica- tions. (47. J. S. ex. doc. 194, 65.) — Apr. 19. Clayton to Bulwer. Projet of treaty betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 318.) — Apr. 22. President U. S. A. (Taylor) to U. S. Senate. Message transmitting treaty of Apr. 19, 1850, betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. (32. 2. S. jol., 365; V, Mess. and Papers, 42.) — Apr. 28. Bulwer to Palmerston. Pointing out dif- ferences betw. Clayton-Bulwer treaty and original project; etc. (pp. 52, 55, Corresp. with U. S. re Cen- tral Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 22. U. S. Senate. Res. (Ring, Ga.), to ratify treaty of Apr. 19, 1850, with Gr. Br. (32. 2. S. jol., 367.) May 24. Palmerston to Bulwer. Entirely approving of chgs. in Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (p. 57, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 30. Lawrence to Clayton. Palmerston’s ap- proval of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; apprehends no difficulty in finally settling Central Amer. question; etc. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 100.) — Je. 8. Palmerston to Bulwer. Instructed, at time of ratification of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, to give in a declaration exempting H. M. settlement at Honduras from engagement of treaty; Copy of declaration. (p. 59, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Je. 14. Palmerston to Bulwer. Sending Queen’s ratification of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; again in- Structing him as to declaration to be made to Clay- ton. (ib., 60.) — Je. 25. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Clayton. Corresp. with govts. Of Salvador and Hon- duras relative to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 324.) - Jly. 4. Bulwer to Clayton. Receipt of his of even date, assenting to declaration of 29 ult. [see below]; . deems himself now authorized to exchg. ratification of treaty of Apr. 19. (48. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 5.) 1853 Jan. 13. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.) calling on Pres. for corresp. in respect to Squier treaty, of 1850, and to Webster-Crampton agreement of 1852, and to corresp. with Gr. Br. relative to construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (32. 2. S. jol., 89, 94.) — Jan. 19. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton). Intention of Gr. Br. to adhere strictly to treaty of Apr. 19, 1850; not to assume Sovereignty in Central Amer.; position of Greytown and Mosquito terr. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 2.) — Jan. 27. Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett) to President of U. S. (Fillmore). Submission of corresp. called for by Senate res. of Jan. 13 relative to Squier treaty, Webster-Crampton agreement, etc., is not compatible with public interest. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 28.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 243 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-L1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1853 Feb. 14. J. R. Underwood, repr. from Ky. Remarks; reply to Douglas, on Clayton res. of Mch. 3, 1835; concerning colonization in No. Amer.; opposition to Monroe doctrine involved in Stipulations for neu- trality of Isthmus previous to Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 177.) — Mch. 9, 10. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Speech; Clayton-Bulwer treaty, indicating his course in ne- gotiation of Same; charges of Cass; rpt. of Com. On Foreign Relations on corresp. With Br. min., Br. settlements at the Balize, etc.; Hise and Squier treaties with Nicaragua, Monroe doctrine; with re- marks in reply to Douglas and Mason; Douglas’ op- position to treaty with Mexico. (ib., 247, 257-258, 260, 262, 266.) — Mch. 15. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; re- ply to Clayton of even date resp. Douglas’ Support of Hise treaty and opposition to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Cong. Globe, 32. 3., app., 267-71.) — Mch. 15. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; reply to Mason of Mch. 14, resp. rpt. of Com. On For- eign Relations of Feb. 11; On Second part of his res. of Mch. 7; Mason’s remarks of even date on location of Bay Is...; Douglas’ opposition to Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (ib., 267-71.) — Mch. 16. Same. Remarks; attack on Douglas’ Op- position to Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (ib., 276-78.) — Dec. 5. Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Marcoleta) to Marcy. Repudiates misconstruction of Nicaragua's attitude toward treaty of Apr. 19, 1850, arising from certain communications. (34. 1. S. ex, doc. 25, 137.) — Dec. 12. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.), calling on President for any Corresp. and instructions to |U. S. min. in England, On any Subject growing Out of treaty of Washington of Jly. 4, [i. e., Apr. 19), 1850. (33. 1. S. jol., 30.) 1854 Jan. 3. T. G. Pratt, Sen. from Md. Remarks; reply to Clayton, on docS. communicated Jan. 3, in answer to Cass's res. of Dec. 12, 1853; with speci. reference to opinion of Queen’s Advocate, Harding, of Apr. 15, 1853. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 sess., 109.) — Jan. 3. L. Cass, Sen. from Mich. Remarks; on docS. communicated Jan. 3, in answer to his res. Of Dec. 12, 1853, calling for corresp. with Gr. Br. On subjects growing Out of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; Commenting On opinion of atty. gen. Johnson, of Dec. 30, 1853. (ib., 107, 110.) — Jan. 3. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. DO.; On cor- resp. With Gr. Br. concerning construction of Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty; protocol to treaty of 1848 with Mexico. (ib., 107-110.) — Jan. 6. Buchanan to Clarendon. Stnt.; review of Br. Operations in Br. Honduras, Bay IS., Mosquito terr.; legality of operations; etc. (34. 1. S. ex, doc. 1, 55; H. ex. doc. 1, 55.) — Jan. 11, 12. L. CaSS. Speech; on docS. communi- cated Jan. 3 in answer to his res. of Dec. 12, 1853, chiefly in reply to Clayton’s speech of Mch. 9, and in vindication of views originally expressed by him (Cass) on Senate’s construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty at time of ratification. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 sess., app., 61, 92, 93.) Jan. 12, 16. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Speeches; in reply to Cass on Clayton-Bulwer treaty, corresp. with Gr. Br. On construction of same in regard to settlements at the Balize, Mosquito protectorate and Bay Is. colony; Monroe doctrine; Mexican protocol; with further remarks. (ib., 89, 94, 102.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1854 Jan. 16. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; in re- ply to Clayton, concerning alleged contradictions in Cass's speech of Jan. 11. (ib., 100, 103.) — May 2. Clarendon to Buchanan. Counter Strmt. to his note of Jan. 6. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 80; H. ex. doc. 1, 80.) — May 5. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Marcy. Copy of Clarendon’s stnt. On Central Amer. ques- tions. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 65.) & — Je. 12. Marcy to Buchanan. Refuses to admit Clarendon’s construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty as prospective merely; U. S. views of status of Belize explained; status of Bay IS. and Ruatan; in- Structions regarding negotiations. (ib., 67; H. ex. doc. 1, 67.) g — JIy. 22. Buchanan to Clarendon. Reply to stnt. Of May 2. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 1, 93; H. ex. doc. 1, 93.) 1855 Feb. 28. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; on mail str. apprm. bill; arrangement of 1850 with Gr. Br. for free navigation in indirect trade and Sub- sequent rivalry. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., app., 310, 311, 3.12.) — Nov. 2. Buchanan to Marcy. Clarendon Suggests arbitration for settlement of Central Amer. ques- tions. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 246.) — Nov. 9. Same to Same. Arbitration again suggested by Clarendon as best mode of Settling Central Amer. questions. (ib., 247.) — Nov. 10. Clarendon to Crampton. Arbitration sug- gested for settlement of Central Amer. questions arising from Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 250.) Dec. 31. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage; clause relating to questions arising out of negotiations with Gr. Br. regarding Central Amer. — Dec. 31. L. Cass, Sen. from Mich. Remarks; de- nouncing perverted construction, by Gr. Br. Of Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty, as regards Sphere of influence in Central Amer. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess. 109.) — Dec. 31. J. B. Weller, Sen. from Calif. Remarks; President’s message and construction of Clayton- Bulwer treaty in regard to Central Amer., etc. (ib., 109.) — Dec. 31. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; favoring maintenance of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and preservation of peaceful attitude. (ib., 108.) — Dec. 31. J. M. Clayton, Sen, from Del. Remarks; President’s message and construction of Clayton- Bulwer treaty in regard to Central Amer., incl. reply to Seward, etc.; with motion to print extra copies of corresp. With Br. min. (ib., 107, 108, 110.) 1856 Jan. 10. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling on President for copy of letter of Jan. 19, 1853. (34. 1. S. jol., 55.) — Jan. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling on President for corresp. relating to Webster-Cramp- ton agreement and treaty of Apr. 19, 1850; etc. (ib., 57.) — Jan. 24. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; Clayton-Bulwer treaty and Central Amer. affairs; Russell’s letter of Jan. 19, 1853, and other corresp. on subject; with letter and motion to print extra copies of same. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 283, 285, 286.) — Jan. 24. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; Clayton-Bulwer treaty; Opposed to discussion of Central Amer. question during pending negotiations. (ib., 285.) Jan. 31. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Speech; denouncing perversion by Br. govt. of Clayton-Bul- yº,” as regards Central Amer. affairs. (ib., 244 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1856 Feb. 5. Buchanan to Marcy. Clarendon expresses hope in House of Lords that U. S. will consent to Submit Central Amer. questions to arbitration. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 247.) — Feb. 8. Same to Same. Interview with Lord Clar- endon; Br. offers of arbitration of Central Amer. questions not considered by U. S. because too in- formally and indefinitely made. (ib., 248.) — Feb. 8. Clarendon to Crampton. Buchanan main- tains that offer of arbitration for construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty was never made officially known to him; explanations on subject. (p. 297, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer. in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Feb. 12. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; pending negotiations on questions arising out of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; unfavorable to further de- bate on Subject. (Cong. Globe, 34, 1., 394.) — Feb. 20. J. Bell, sen. from Tenn. Remarks; causes of embarraSSment of negotiations with Gr. Br. re- garding Central Amer. (ib., 471.) — Feb. 25. D. L. Yulee, sen from Fla. Remarks; ar- bitration in relation to Clayton-Bulwer treaty offered by Gr. Br. (ib., 493.) — Feb. 27. A. C. M. Pennington, repr. from N. J. Remarks; adoption of res. calling for corresp. with Gr. Br. touching Clayton-Bulwer conv. (ib., 521.) — Feb. 27. Crampton to Marcy. Explains failure to forward Clarendon’s despatch suggesting arbitration in relation to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 250.) — Feb. 27. U. S. House. Res. (Pennington, Com. On Foreign Affairs) calling on President for uncom- municated corresp. with Gr. Br. touching Clayton- Bulwer conv.; agreed to. (34. 1. H. jol., 609.) Feb. 28. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.), calling on President for information and corresp. regarding Br. offer to refer construction of conv. of Jly. 4, 1850, to arbitration of friendly power; agreed to. (34. 1. S. jol., 146.) Feb. 28. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; on res. Of even date. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 258.) — Mch. 4. Crampton to Clarendon. Explaining fail- ure to communicate to Amer. govt. Br. Offer of arbi- tration on construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (p. 298, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 13. A. G. Brown, Sen. from Miss. Speech; de- fending Buchanan’s course in regard to Clayton- Bulwer treaty; etc. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess., 647.) Mch. 17. Marcy to President, U. S. A. (Pierce). Corresp. relating to Clayton-Bulwer conv. already prtd. for Senate and for public information; dupli- cate copies will not be desired by House. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 75.) — Mch. 26. Clarendon to Crampton. Regret at failure to communicate Br. offer of arbitration in matter of Clayton-Bulwer treaty to Amer. govt. (p. 303, Cor- resp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 1. L. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; Nicaraguan affairs; res. Calling for corresp. with min. to Nicaragua; Clayton-Bulwer treaty, etc. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 1071, 1072.) — May 24. Marcy to E. E. and M. P. of U. S. to Gr. Br. (Dallas). Instructions for resuming Corresp. On Central Amer. questions; interpretation of treaty of Apr. 19, 1850; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 82.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1856 Je. 19. J. A. Pearce, sen. from Md. Remarks; de- nouncing Br. encroachments in Central Amer. through unwarranted construction of Clayton-Bul- wer treaty. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess., 1421.) Je. 19. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; Clayton-Bulwer treaty; Clarendon’s stimt. On terms of treaty in regard to Central Amer.; his proposition to refer question to arbitration, etc. (ib., 1419, 1421, 1422.) Je. 19. R. Toombs, sen. from Ga. Remarks; abro- gation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty preferable to its reference to arbitration. (ib., 1422.) Je. 26. Clarendon to Dallas. Reply to note of Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Marcy) of 24 ult. (p. 7, Further Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 1857 Je. 22. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier) to Clarendon. Probability of an attempt being made to set aside Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (47.1. S. ex: doc. 194, 112.) r — Oct. 27. Same to same. Substance of Conference with Cass resp. Clayton-Bulwer treaty; his objec- tions to submitting questions at issue to arbitration. (p. 62, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Oct. 27. Same to same. Renewal of proposal to re- fer controverted points of Clayton-Bulwer treaty to arbitration. (ib., 63.) — Nov. 13. Clarendon to Napier. Approval of his language to Cass resp. arbitration; instructed to renew offer to refer questions at issue to decision of any European power selected by U. S. A. (ib., 63.) — Nov. 20. Same to same. Explaining Br. Views resp. Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (ib., 64.) — Nov. 30. Napier to Cass. Renews offer to refer Con- troverted points in Clayton-Bulwer treaty to arbi- tration. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194,125.) — Dec. 5. Same to same. Transmits and comments on Clarendon’s despatch of 20 ult. (p. 73, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, W. 68.) — Dec. 7. Napier to Clarendon. Has repeated to Amer. govt. offer to refer Clayton-Bulwer treaty to arbi- tration. (ib., 63.) 1858 Jan. 22. Clarendon to Napier. Cannot make any proposal to U. S. A. resp. Clayton-Bulwer treaty until answer to offer to refer question to arbitration is recd. (ib., 78.) Jan. 27. W. T. Avery, repr. from Tenn. Speech; denouncing Clayton-Bulwer treaty; favoring Ameri- canization of Central Amer.; etc. (Cong. Globe, 35 cong., 1 SeSS., 445.) — Feb. 15. Napier to Cass. Requests definitive answer to Br. proposal to submit controverted points in treaty of 1850; resp. Central Amer. affairs, to arbi- tration of any European power which U. S. Should select. (47.1. S. ex. doc. 194,128.) — Feb. 17. Same to same. Requests reply to notes resp. H. B. M. proposal to refer Clayton-Bulwer treaty to arbitration. (p. 80, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Mch. 9. Napier to Clarendon. Explanation of Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass), resp. delay in replying to H. B. M. overtures concerning arbitration of Clayton- Bulwer treaty. (ib., 82.) — Mch. 10. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- bury) to Napier. Repeats, in substance, Clarendon's note of Jan. 22. (ib., 82.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 245 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1858 Mch. 22. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of con- versation with Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS), on disposition of Br. govt. to concur in proposal to Set aside Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 129.) — Apr. 6. Cass to Napier. Requests full and definite Stmt. of arrangements by which it is proposed that Ouseley mission shall carry into effect Clayton- Bulwer treaty according to Amer. interpretation of it. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 107.) — Apr. 8. Malmesbury to Napier. Instructions; pro- cedure pending Amer. action on Br. proposal to refer Clayton-Bulwer treaty to arbitration. (p. 85, Cor- resp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Apr. 12. Napier to Malmesbury. Comment on Cass' note of 6 inst. (ib., 87.) Apr. 12. Napier to Cass. Reply to his note of 6 inst. (ib., 92.) — May 4. Intr. in House (Clingman, Com. on For- eign Affairs); jt. res. (35. 1. H. J. res. 28) “con- cerning Clayton-Bulwer treaty.” (35. 1. H. jol., 734.) — May 6. D. Ritchie, repr. from Penn. Remarks; Central Amer. affairs, on circumstances leading to adoption of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and on abroga- tion of treaty. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1999, 2001, 2002.) — May 6. T. L. Clingman, repr. from N. C. Remarks; Central Amer. affairs and abrogation of Clayton- Bulwer treaty. (ib., 2001, 2002.) — May 11. Wm. Smith, repr. from Va. Remarks; abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 2064.) — May 11. J. A. Quitman, repr. from Miss. Remarks; declaring that CaSS-Yrissari treaty [concluded NOV. 1857 with rep. of Nicaragua] conflicts with Clayton- Bulwer treaty, as authorizing occupation of portion of Central Amer. by U. S. forces. (ib., 2065.) — May 11. J. B. Clay, repr. from Ky. Remarks; Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty and res. Of 4 inst., providing for abrogation of treaty. (ib., 2066, 2067.) — May 11. H. F. Clark, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; inquiring as to conflict of Yrissari treaty with Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 2065.) May 11. D. E. Sickles, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; res. On Sub- ject, Cass-Yrissari treaty; relations with Central Amer. (ib., 2063-67.) — May 14. Same. Do.; taking up Clayton-Bulwer treaty res. (ib., 2147.) — Je. 9. W. Smith, repr. from Va. Remarks; opposing apprin. for ten sloops of war, as powerless to effect abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (xxxvi, ib., 2863.) — Je. 9. J. H. Savage, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; urging abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty and con- struction of additional war vessels. (ib., 2862.) — Jly. 28. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of con- ference with Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS), resp. Ouseley mission; disappointed at Amer. proposal to abrogate Clayton-Bulwer treaty as corollary to con- cessions conveyed by Ouseley mission. (p. 99, Cor- resp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 18. Malmesbury to Napier. In consequence of Amer. declaration resp. abrogation of Clayton-Bul- wer treaty, further overtures must be left to cabinet at Washington. (ib., 23.) — Aug. 18. Same to same. Instructions; manner of communication to Amer. govt. independent proc. of Ouseley mission, because of Amer. rejection of modi- fication, arbitration and abrogation of Clayton-Bul- wer treaty. (ib., 124.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1858 Sept. 9. Napier to Malmesbury. Rpts. haying communicated to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) note of Aug. 18, concerning abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; substance of Cass' comment on Same. (ib., 126.) — Nov. 8. Cass to Napier. Stimt. relative to Anglo- Amer. negotiations concerning Central Amer. Since ratification of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 137.) — Dec. 6. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. — Dec. 8. Malmesbury to Napier. Proposed Br. Course for settlement of various questions arising from Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (p. 158, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Dec. 8. Same to same. Comment on Cass' note of Nov. 8, etc. (ib., 155.) — Dec. 13. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clingman, N. C.), Call- ing on Pres. for corresp. with Gr. Br. and Nicaragua. resp. termination or preservation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (35. 2. S. jol., 48, 60.) — Dec. 13. T. L. Clingman, sen. from N. C. Remarks; explaining res. of even date. (Cong. Globe, 35 Cong., 2 sess., 46.) Dec. 13, 16. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; opposed to Clingman res. of 13 inst. (ib., 47, 104-6.) Dec. 16. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Remarks; favoring delay in action on Clingman res. (ib., 104.) — Dec. 16. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; favoring reference to Com. on Foreign Relations of Clingman res. (ib., 104.) — Dec. 16. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Remarks; Ob- jecting to preamble to Clingman res. of 13 inst. (ib., 105.) — Dec. 16. T. L. Clingman. Remarks; urging adop- tion of his res. Of 13 inst. (ib., 104.) — Dec. 16. J. Collamer, Sen. from Wt. Remarks; Op- posing Clingman res. (ib., 105.) — Dec. 31. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of Con- ference with Cass on Communication of MalmeS- bury’s note of 8 inst. (p. 164, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) 1859 Jan. 12. A. G. Jenkins, repr. from Va. Speech; favoring abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 340.) Feb. 7. J. B. Clay, repr. from Ky. Speech; rela- tions with Gr. Br. in regard to Central Amer.; Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (ib., app., 87.) — Feb. 18. J. L. Seward, repr. from Ga. Remarks; unfavorable to message of Dec. 6 recommending measure authorizing use of public forces to protect Amer. citizens on routes across isthmus, etc.; on Clingman res. Of Dec. 13, 1858; etc. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 1119-1120.) 1860 Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to Settlement of contro- versy regarding Clayton-Bulwer treaty. ARTICLE 1 Colonization; etc. See below, Foreign policy, etc. under this paragraph. 1853 Apr. 15. Queen’s advocate (Harding) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Opinion on Clayton’s construction of art. 1, Clayton-Bulwer treaty quoted during a Speech in U. S. Senate. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 2.) May 27. Clarendon to Crampton. Views of Br. govt. relative to construction of art. 1, Clayton-Bul- wer treaty. (ib., 6.) See also Declaration 246 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d ARTICLE 1–Cont’d Colonization; etc.—cont’d 1853 May 28. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion that there is nothing in conv. betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. Of Apr. 19, 1850, which forbids Gr. Br. Or U. S. to inter- vene, if either of them see fit, by alliances, influence, or even arms, in affairs of Central Amer. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 436.) — Dec. 15. Crampton to Marcy. Comment on queen’s advocate's opinion on Clayton’s interpretation of art. 1, Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 3.) ARTICLE 4 Free Ports at Canal Termini; etc. See below, Isthmian Transit. Nicaragua Canal. ARTICLE 6 Treaty stipulations with Central American states ; dif- ferences as to right over territory, etc. 1855 Oct. 4. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Amer. Con- struction of art. 6, conv. of 1850, upheld; Central Amer. States not intended to become jt, parties to Conv. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 78; H. ex. doc. 1, 78.) DECLARATION Exempting. Br. Honduras and dependencies from opera- tion of Clayton-Bulwer treaty ; annexed by Bulwer to ratifications of treaty. See also above, Bay Islands Colony and British Honduras; do. below, Foreign Policy, Mosquito terr. See also art. 1, under this paragraph. Text 1850 Je. 29. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bul- wer). Declaration that Clayton-Bulwer treaty does not apply to Br. Settlement in Honduras Or to its dependencies. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 12, 3; Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 237.) Correspondence, etc. 1850 Jly. 4. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bulwer). Assenting to Br. declaration exempting Br. Honduras and its dependencies from Operation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 12, 2; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 1.19; H. ex: doc. 1, 119.) — JTy. 4. Chrm. Com. On Foreign Relations, U. S. A. (King) to Clayton. Senate understood Clayton- Bulwer treaty did not incl. Br. Honduras. (p. 208, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Barlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — JIy. 4. Clayton to W. R. Ring. Construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty Concerning Br. Honduras. (ib., 208.) — Jly. 5. Clayton. Memorandum in regard to dec- laration of Sir Henry L. Bulwer; exchg. of ratifica- tions of treaty of Apr. 19. (32. 2. S. rpt. 407, 15; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 12, 4.) 1853 Jan. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett) to Pres. Of U. S. A. (Fillmore). Rpt. On corresp. relative to Br. settlement in Honduras. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 12, 1.) — Jan. 6. L. Cass, Sen. from Mich. Remarks; opposed to that construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty ex- cluding from its operation Br. Honduras and de- pendencies; Occasioned by doc. Communicated in reply to his res. Of Dec. 28, relative to Bay of Is. colony. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 237-238.) — Jan. 6. S. P. Chase, Sen. from O. Remarks; opposed to that construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, excl. from its operation Br. Honduras and dependencies. (ib., 238.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d DECLARATION.—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1853 Jan. 6. J. Davis, sen. from Mass. Remarks; Con- struction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and dependencies. (ib., 238.) — Jan. 6. S. W. Downs, sen, from La. Remarks; Cen- suring Clayton and opposed to that construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty excl. from its operation Br. Honduras and dependencies. (ib., 237.) — Jan. 6. J. B. Weller, Sen. from Calif. Remarks; re- ply to Downs, concerning Clayton as Secy. Of State; during debate on construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, etc. (ib., 238.) — Jan. 10. S. Borland, sen. from Ark. Remarks; endorsing views of Cass and Downs on construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and dependencies; also in explanation of his vote agSt. ratification of treaty. (ib., 253.) — Jan. 10. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; chiefly in reply to Seward, on construction of Clayton-Bul- wer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and depend- encies; etc. (ib., 250, 252, 253.) Jan. 10. S. P. Chase, sen. from O. Remarks; in re- ply to Seward, on Chase’s stnt. Of Jan. 6, relative to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 249.) — Jan. 10. J. A. Pearce, Sen. from Md. Remarks; in reply to Downs, Cass and Weller, defending Clayton and supporting that construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, excl. from its operation Br. Honduras and dependencies, etc. (ib., 247, 251, 253, 254.) — Jan. 10. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; in reply to Cass, Downs, Chase and Weller, defend- ing Clayton and Supporting that construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, excl. from its operation Br. Honduras and dependencies, etc. (ib., 248, 249, 251.) — Jan. 10. S. W. Downs, Sen. from La. Remarks; in reply to Pearce and Seward, vindicating his position on construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and dependencies; etc. (ib., 251.) — Jan. 10. P. Soulé, Sen. from S. C. Remarks; Con- struction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and dependencies; his objections to word- ing of art. 1, expressed previous to ratification, and reply of King thereto. (ib., 253.) — Jan 10. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Debate in Senate on Cass res. of Dec. 28, 1852; attack on Clayton for alleged con- cealment of Bulwer corresp. resp. declaration ap- pended to Clayton-Bulwer treaty; Clayton’s defence. (p. 204, Corresp. With U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Jan. 10. S. Borland, Sen. from Ark. Remarks; en- dOrsing views Of CaSS and DOWns on Construction. Of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and dependencies; also in explanation of his vote agst. ratification of treaty. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 253.) — Jan. 12. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Remarks; construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in connection with Br. colony at the Balize, etc. (ib., 270, 271.) – Jan. 12. S. Borland, sen. from Ark. Remarks; ad- dressed to Underwood relative to construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and Bay of Islands. (ib., 271.) — Jan. 12. L. Cass, Sen. from Mich. Remarks; op- posed to that construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, excl. from its operation Br. Honduras and depend- encies; origin of the debate, (ib., 269.) — Jan. 12. W. P. Mangum, sen. from N. C. Remarks; debate concerning Clayton-Bulwer treaty in con- nection with Br. colony in Central Amer. (ib., 272.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 247 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d DECLARATION.—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1853 Jan. 12. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Questions ad- dressed to Underwood, relative to construction of ºver treaty in regard to Br. Honduras. (ib., 271. — Jan. 12. P. Soulé, Sen. from S. C. Remarks; con- struction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and dependencies; his objections repeated in executive Session, to wording of 1 art. and reply to same, etc. (ib., 266, 267.) — Jan. 12. J. A. Pearce, Sen. from Md. Remarks; re- ply to Soulé and Downs, on construction of Clayton- Bulwer treaty, in regard to Br. Honduras and de- pendencies, etc. (ib., 267, 268.) — Jan. 12. J. P. Hale, sen.“from N. H. Remarks; con- Struction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras, etc. (ib., 270.) — Jan. 12. S. W. Downs, sen. from La. Remarks; op- posed to construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, ex- cluding from its Operation Br. Honduras and de- pendencies. (ib., 268.) — Jan. 25. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.), to in- Struct Com. On Foreign Relations to inquire into declaration annexed to treaty of Apr. 19, 1850, with Gr. Br. (32. 2. S. jol., 129, 139.) — Jan. 27. W. P. Mangum, sen. from N. C. Remarks; declaration annexed to ratification on part of Gr. Br. Of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 414, 417.) — Jan. 27. J. Bell, Sen. from N. H. Remarks; unfa- Vorable to Cass res. of Jan. 25. (ib., 415-417.) - Jan. 27. L. Cass, Sen. from Mich. Remarks; in reply to Bell, on Cass res. of Jan. 25. (ib., 415.) - Jan, 27. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; Clayton-Bulwer treaty and res. of 25 inst, concern- ing declaration annexed to ratification on part of Gr. Br., etc. (ib., 416.) - Jan. 27. S. Borland, Sen. from Ark. Remarks ; re- # ; Bell, defense of Cass res. of Jan. 25. (ib., 416, — Jan. 27. J. P. Hale, sen, from N. H. Remarks ; Op- posed to Cass res. of Jan. 25. (ib., 417-418.) - Mch. 18. Crampton to Russell. Clayton's defence agst, attack in matter of ratification of Clayton-Bul- Wer treaty. (p. 235, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 21. Same to Clarendon. Further rpt. of Clay- ton’s defence. (ib., 238.) Colonization See also below, Foreign Policy. TREATY STIPULATIONS 1850 Apr. 19. Gr. Br. conv. relative to a ship canal by way of Nicaragua, etc. [Clayton-Bulwer treaty], art. 1. Fortification, colonization or assumption of do- minion in any part of Central Amer. For discussion see above, Clayton-Bulwer treaty. STATUTORY MEASURES 1853 Jan. 4. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Cass, Mich.), res. (32. 2. S. R. 69), “declaratory of views of U. S. on colonization on N. A. continent by European powers, and respecting Cuba.” (32. 2. S. jol., 70.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1853 Jan. 25. U. S. Senate. Motion (Dixon, Ky.), to refer to Com. on Foreign Relations S. R. 69, with instructions to rpt. regarding alleged violation of Monroe doctrine and Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (32. 2. S. jol., 133; 32. 2. S. misc. doc. 18.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-L1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Colonization—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1853 Jan. 26. W. P. Mangum, sen. from N. C. Remarks; debate on res. concerning colonization in No. Amer. by European powers. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 131-32. — Jan. %. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Remarks; in favor of Dixon's motion to refer S. res. 69 to Com. On Foreign Relations, etc. (ib., 132.) — Jan. 26. W. C. Dawson, sen. from Ga. Remarks; On S. R. 69; in favor of Dixon's motion. (ib., 133-34.) — Jan. 26. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; chiefly in reply to Cass and favorable to S. R. 69; etc. (ib., 125-26, 129.) Jan. 26. J. Davis, sen. from Miss. Remarks; On S. R. 69; etc. (ib., 133.) — Jan. 26. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; on S. R. 69; etc. (ib., 132, 134.) 1858 Feb. 16. U. S. Senate. Res. (Houston, Texas), to instruct Com. On Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of establishing protectorate over Central Amer. (35. 1. S. jol., 189, 583.) — Feb. 16. S. Houston, Sen. from Texas. Remarks; on res. of same day. (Cong. Globe, 35 Cong., 1 SeSS., 735.) — Feb. 17. W. M. Gwin, sen. from Calif. Remarks; favoring reference of Houston res. to Select COm. (ib., 736.) — Feb. 17. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; ob- jections to Houston res. Of 16 inst. (ib., 736.) Feb. 17. R. Toombs, sen. from Ga. Remarks; favor- ing Houston res. Of 16 inst. (ib., 736.) Feb. 17. H. Wilson, sen. from Mass. Remarks; de- claring Houston res. Of 16 inst. Would encourage filibustering. (ib., 735.) Colonization: British See also above, Bay Is. Colony ; British Honduras and below, Mosquito Territory. Costa Rica (Republic) For º State of Costa Rica, see above, under Confedera- IOIl. 1848 Sept. 5. Ministr. relac. est. Costa Rica (Calvo) to Secy State, U. S. A. (Buchanan.) Decree of Aug. 30, erecting Costa Rica into a sovereign and inde- pendent state. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 131.) ALIENS IN; See ALIENAGE, ETC. BOUNDARY; See forward, BouTVDARY NEGOTIATIONS CIVIL SERVICE Jefe Supremo (President) Juan Mora. Jose Rafael de Gallegos. Braulio Carillo. Manuel Aguilar. Ley de Garantias of 1841 Braulio Carillo. Constituent Assembly 1842 Apr.-Sept. Francisco Morazan. 1842-44. Jose Maria Alfaro. Constitution of 1844 Francisco Maria Oreamuno. Jose Maria Alfaro. Constitution of 1847 Jose Maria Castro. Juan Rafael Mora. Constitution of 1859 Jose Maria Montealegre. 1824-33. 1833-35. 1835-37. 1837-38. 1838-42. 1844-45. 1845-47. 1847-49. 1849–59. 1859-63. 248 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Costa Rica (Republic)—cont’d CIVIL SERVICE—cont’d Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores 1848-56. J. B. Calvo. Dates are those covering period of corresp. in this index, not term of service. CLAIMS WS. COSTA RICA (AMERICAN) Treaty Stipulations 1860 Jly. 2. U. S. A. ConV. concerning adjustment of claims of citizens of U. S. Obsolete. Text in 48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47, 227. Amer. ratification proc. in xi, S. ex. jol., 247. Concluded Jly. 2, 1861; ratifications exchanged at Washington Nov. 9, 1861; proclaimed Nov. 11, 1861. Signed by A. Dimitry (U. S.) and M. J. Carazo and F. M. Iglesias (Costa Rica). Statutory Measures 1861 Feb. 20. Act to carry into effect conventions betw. the U. S. and New Granada and Costa Rica. (xii, St. L. 12, 145.) Commission to Adjust Claims Sessions held in Washington, Feb. 8-Nov. 6, 1862; um- pire, Joseph Bertinatti ; decision in favor of U. S. Amer. comrs. ; , C. Huson, of N. Y. (xi, Sen. exec. jol.), succeeded by B. F. Rexford, of N. Y. (xii, ib.), C. A. Peabody, counsel for claimants. Costa Rican comrs. : Luis Molina, comr. ; J. M. Car- lisle, counsel. Correspondence, etc. 1859 Dec. 19. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; Clause relating to claims agst. Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 1860 Dec. 3. Same. Same; clause relating to claims agSt. Costa Rica. * 1861 Feb. 13. W. M. Gwin, Sen. from Calif. Remarks, in U. S. Senate, favoring ample salary for Comr. Under conv. with Costa Rica, and opposing limitation of period to settle claims, to nine months. (Cong. Globe, 36. 2., 884.) — Mch. 2. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Message resp. expediency of authorizing extension of time for ratification of treaty of 1860 with Costa Rica. (xi, S. ex. jol., 294.) — Mch. 12. Res. advising extension of time for ex- change of ratification of claims conv., Signed at San Jose, Jly. 2, 1860. (ib., 295.) Ms. of logbook and account book of str. La Virgin, used as evidence before mixed commission under conv. of 1860 with Costa Rica, is deposited in U. S. Bureau of Rolls and Library. (28, Van Tyne and Leland. Guide to archives, etc.) TREATY PROVISIONS; see CONSULAR SERVICE CONSULS IN; see U. S. A. CONSULAR SERVICE DECREES 1852 Je. 22. (Mora.) Confirming assent to conv. betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. for adjustment of boundary betw. Costa Rica and Nicaragua; Engl. text. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 91.) 1856 Feb. 25. (Mora.) Calling extra session of Congress; Engl. text. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 68, 133.) Feb. 27. (Mora.) Conferring authority on Pres, of Costa Rica to take active measures against Nica- ragua; Engl. text. (ib., 133.) — Feb. 28. (Mora.) Authorizing Costa Rican forces to expel invading powers of Nicaragua from Nica- ragua and from Central Amer.; Engl. text. (ib., 134.) — Mch. 1. Proclamation (Mora) calling his country- men to arms agains invaders of Nicaragua; Engl. text. (ib., 136.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Costa Rica (Republic)—cont’d DECREES.–cont’d 1856 Mch. 7. (Mora.) Decree conferring executive power upon Vice pres. Don Francisco Maria Oreamuno; Engl. text. (ib., 135.) - [Apr.]. (Mora.) Decree declaring death to all fili- * taken with arms in hand; Engl. text. (ib., DIPLOMATIC AGENTS IN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE TJnited States 1851-55. Felipe Molina, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Mch. 24, 1851; died in Washing- ton, Feb. 1, 1855. 1855-57. Luis Molina, chargé d'affaires. Presented credentials Je. 14, 1855; on Nov. 24, 1857, presented credentials as special envoy ; see below. 1857-66. Napoleon Escalante and Luis Molina, ES. E. and MS. P. Presented credentials, on a special mission of friend- ship, Nov. 24, 7. Mr. Escalante took leave Apr. 10, 1858. Mr. Molina remained as E. E. and M. P. until Aug. 22, 1866, when he transmitted his letter of recall. Special Missions 1848-50 J. de Marcoleta was chargé in Gr. Br., France and Belgium, and jointly with Nicaragua. See also M. J. Carazo and F. M. Yglesias. ExTERRITORIALITY; see that title FORCED LOANS; see that title FOREIGN RELATIONS See also below, Treaties. 1848 Oct. 23. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft). Instructions for preventing Br. acceptance of Costa Rican offer to place that state under Br. protection. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 221.) 1849 Jan. 15. Agt, of Howard and co., N. Y. (Brown) to Buchanan. Recognition by U. S. desired by Costa Rica. (ib., 130.) — Mch. 9. Bancroft to Buchanan. Conference with minister of Costa Rica; not intention to place Costa Rica, under Br. protection. (ib., 223.) 1850 Mch. 2. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bul- wer) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton), asks if H. B. M. Cons. gen. (Chatfield) has made a treaty with Costa Rica taking that Republic under Br. protection. (p. 46, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 22. Palmerston to Bulwer. Reply to his of 2 inst.; Gr. Br. has made no such treaty. (ib., 46.) — Apr. 29. Bulwer to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton.) Gr. Br. has no intention of entering into treaty With Costa Rica for taking that state under Br. protec- tion. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, p. 323.) — Apr. 30. Clayton to Bulwer. Receipt of his of 29 inst. (ib., 323.) — Oct. 8. Bulwer to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Assertions attributed to Squier resp. alleged treaty for Br. protection over Costa Rica. (p. 91, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) - — Oct. 10. Bulwer to Palmerston. Substance of cor- resp. with Webster of 8 inst. (ib., 91.) 1851 Feb. 6. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Law- rence) to Webster. Advice of Costa Rican and Nic- araguan ministers' removal to Washington. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 106.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 249 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Costa Rica (Republic)—cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS-cont’d 1857 Aug. 29. Anonymous communication relative to proposition of Costa Rica to Nicaragua to unite un- der one govt. With a pres. named by people. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 39.) FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN (Squier Mission) 1849 Oct. 20. Ministr. relac. est., Costa Rica (Calvo) to Squier. Protest agst, tone of demand for infor- mation preliminary to entering upon treaty negotia- tions. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 60.) — Dec. 13. Squier to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). State of affairs in San Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica. (ib., 50.) FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISH (Ouseley Mission) 1858 Aug. 9. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malm esbury) to Ouseley. Instructions; negotiations with Costa Rica. (p. 112, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) - Aug. 9. Same to same. Instructions; anticipating alterations desired by Costa Rica, in draft treaties transmitted on even date. (ib., 120.) - Dec. 16. Same to same. Pressing conclusion of treaty with Costa Rica. (ib., 161.) — Dec. 16. Ministr. relac. est., Costa Rica (Toledo) to Ouseley. Congratulations on his apptmt.; invi- tation to visit Costa Rica, etc. (ib., 179.) 1859 Jan. 14. Ouseley to Toledo. Reply to his note of 16th ult. (ib., 179.) — Apr. 1. Ouseley to President of Costa Rica (Mora). Address on presenting his credentials. (ib., 232.) — Apr. 1. Mora to Ouseley. Address on receiving his credentials. (ib., 238.) — Jly. 1. Ouseley to Malmesbury. State of treaty ne- gotiations with Costa Rica. (ib., 285.) FOREIGN RELATIONs: NICARAGUAN See above, Boundary negotiations: Costa Rica-Nicara- guan ; d.o. below, under Nicaragua. Foreign Rela- tions : Costa Rican. *TREATIES 1849 Mch. 27. Belgium. Treaty of amity, etc., negotiated betw. Costa Rican comr. (Marcoleta) and Belgian ministr. des affaires étrangères (d’Hoffschmidt); *ºned ; Fr. and Span. text. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 1851 Jly. 10. U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; [in force]; Engl. text. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 222.) Concluded. Jºy. 19, 1851; ratifications exchanged at Washington May 26, 1852; proclaimed on the same day. , Signed by Webster (U. S.) and Molina (Costa Rica). [1858.] Gr. Br. Draft treaty of friendship, etc., as au- thorized to be executed by H. B. M. specl. comr. (Ouseley). (p. 113, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) —. Draft Conv. of accession to treaty of Gr. Br. with Nicaragua relative to Mosquito Indians, etc., as authorized to be executed by H. B. M. specl. comr. (Ouseley). (ib., 113.) 1860 Jly. 2. U. S. A. Claims conv.; see above, Claims. Filibustering; see below, Nicaragua Foreign Policy in Central America On the east coast see Bay Islands Colony, Br. Honduras, Mosquito terr., San Juan del Norte ; on the West coast see Salvador and Tigre Is. See also above, Clayton-Bulwer treaty art. 1 and same Declaration. For negotiations with individual republics see also under name of republic. 1852 Dec. 6. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual message; clause relating to affairs in Central Amer. CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Foreign Policy in Central America—cont’d 1853 Jan. 13. Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett). Affairs in Central Amer. ; unsettled state of Honduras and Nicaragua; inter- national dissensions in Guatemala. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 134.) — May 19. Crampton to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Relative to So. Amer. corresp. ; transmits Br. doCS. On Panama canal. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 2.) 1854 Mch. 28. T. S. Bocock, repr. from Va. Speech; relations with Spain and Gr. Br. in regard to Cuba. and Central Amer. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 SeSS., app., 422.) 1856 Feb. 20. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; map of Central Amer., prepared under supervision of State Dept.; res. to print same; with amdmt. provid- ing 200 copies for State Dept. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 465.) Foreign Policy in Central America: American See also Borland Mission ; do. Hise Mission ; Squier Mission ; Isthmian transit. 1849 JIy. 12. Nicaraguan chargé in Gr. Br. (Castellón) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft). Pro- posing annexation of Honduras, San Salvador and Nicaragua to U. S. A. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 301.) — Jly. 14. Bancroft to Castellón. Assurance of inter- vention of U. S.; advice as to iocal dissensions, etc. (ib., 303.) — Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Taylor). Annual meS- sage; clause relating to negotiation of treaties with several Central Amer. republics. 1853 Feb. 18. President U. S. A. (Fillmore) to Congress. Message recommending placing of dipl. relations with Central Amer. States On higher and more effi- cient footing. (32. 2. H. joi., 306; S. jol., 212; W. MeSS. and Papers, 188.) 1857 Dec. 8. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to friendly relations with Amer. Tepublics. — Dec. 13. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Comment on that part of President Buchanan’s an- nual message of Dec. 8, 1857, resp. Central Amer. negotiations. (p. 74, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) 1859 Feb. 15. J. P. Benjamin, Sen. from La. Speech; State of our relations with Central Amer., etc. (Cong. Globe, 35 Cong., 2 SeSS., pt. 2, app., 166.) 1850 Jan. 6. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bul- wer) to Palmerston. Amer. govt. willing to send same instructions to agtS. in Central Amer. as Gr. Br.; viz., not to counteract intentions of resp. govts. (p. 29, Corresp. With U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) — Mch. 8. Palmerston to H. B. M. ConS. gen. in Cen- tral Amer. (Chatfield) and H. B. M. cons., Grey- town (Green). Instructions to cooperate with Amer. agts. to carry out instructions of resp. govts. (ib., 43.) — Mch. 28. Bulwer to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Resp. Br. instructions to Central Amer. agts. to co- operate with Amer. agtS. in Central Amer. (ib., 47.) Aug. 6. Bulwer to Palmerston. Expedient that U. S. and Gr. Br. Should come to understanding as to what states are incl. in term Central Amer. (ib., 66.) — Sept. 11. Palmerston to Bulwer. Definition of term Central Amer. (ib., 67.) 1851 Jan. 28. Same to Same. Instructions to urge Amer. govt. to concur with H. M. govt. to maintain peace in Central Amer. (ib., 95.) 250 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Foreign Policy in Central America: American—cont’d 1851 May 19. Bulwer to Palmerston. Points resp. Cen- tral Amer. and Mosquito Verbally settled betw. him and Webster. (ib., 96.) — Aug. 12. Same to Same. Prospect of Settling Cen- tral Amer. and Mosquito questions. (ib., 101.) — Sept. 5. Palmerston to Bulwer. Approval of his conduct of Central Amer. negotiations. (ib., 101.) 1852 Jan. 23. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Granville) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton). Instructions; to express to U. S. govt. wish of H. M. govt. for resumption of COnferences on Central Amer. questions. (ib., 123.) 1853 Jan. 19. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton). Intention of Gr. Br. to adhere strictly to treaty of Apr. 19, 1850; not to assume sovereignty in Central Amer.; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 3, 2.) 1856 Feb. 28. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; favoring peaceful settlement with Gr. Br. of Central * question; etc. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess., 1858 Nov. 14. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Explanatory of his conduct in Central Amer. nego- tiations with the U. S. (p. 144, Corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Dec. 5. Same to Same. Substance of interview with President of U. S. A. resp. Amer. policy towards Central Amer. (ib., 162.) 1859 Aug. 16. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell). Substance of interview with President of U. S. A.; Comment made by him resp. delay in Central Amer. negotiations. (ib., 287.) — Sept. 27. Same to same. Substance of interview With Cass resp. relations betw. Amer. and Br. pleni- potentiaries in Central Amer. (ib., 294.) Foreign Policy in Central America: British See also above, Bay Islands Colony ; British Honduras; Gº-Bulwer Treaty ; and below, Isthmian F3LDSlt. 1848 Dec. 20. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Br. designs on e. and w. coasts of Central Amer.; etc. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 100.) 1849 Nov. 8. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Law- rence) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmer- ston). Inquiry regarding Br. colonizing intentions in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mosquito COast, Or any part of Central Amer. and prospect of neutrality of ship canal or railway. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 45; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 65; H. ex. doc. 1, 65.) — Nov. 13. Palmerston to Lawrence. Reply to in- quiries of 8 inst. regarding Br. plans in Central Amer.; neutrality of ship Canal guaranteed. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 27, 46; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 66.) Dec. 14. Lawrence to Palmerston. Political con- dition of Central Amer. and plans for inter-Oceanic communication. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 54.) 1857 Feb. 5. T. L. Clingman, sen. from N. C. Speech; denouncing Br. policy in Central Amer; etc. (Cong. Globe, 34. 3., app., 176.) 1858 Nov. 25. Secy. State U. S. A. (CaSS) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason). Reaffirming Monroe doctrine On occasion of avowed intentions of French and Br. govts. towards Nicaragua. (MSS. InSt. France. Repr. in iii, Wharton. Int. Digest, 2.) — Dec. 4. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- bury). Amer. suspicions resp. Br. and French policy in Central Amer. (p. 161, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Foreign Policy in Central America: British—cont’d 1859 Feb. 15. Malmesbury to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons). Br. policy and intentions resp. Central Amer. question. (ib., 167.) Foreign Policy in Central America: French See also below, Isthmian Transit. 1858 Nov. 28. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). interview with French min. in U. S. A. (Sartiges) ; policy of France toward Central Amer. (p. 159, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Dec. 4. Same to same. Amer. Suspicions resp. Br. and French policy in Central Amer. (ib., 161.) Greytown; see below, San Juan del Norte Guanacaste Sovereignty; see above, Boundary Negotiations Guatemala (Republic) For i. state of Guatemala see above, under Confedera- 1OIl. ALIENS IN; see ALIENAGE, ETC. ASYLUM To VESSELs; see that title Bound ARY; see above, BounDARY NEGOTIATIONS CIVIL SERVICE Jefe del Estado (President) 1824-26. Juan Barrundia. 1826-27. Cirilo Flores. 1827-29. Mariano Aycinema. 1829. Juan Barrundia. 1829-30. Pedro Molina. 1830–31. Rivera Cabezas. 1831-38. Mariano Galvez. 1838 Feb.-Jly. Pedro Valenzuela. Jly.-Jan., 1839. Mariano Rivera Paz. 1839 Jan.-Apr. Carlos Salazar. — Apr.-Dec. 1841. Mariano Rivera Paz. Constituent Assembly 1841-42. Venancio Lopez. 1842-44. Mariano Rivera Paz. 1844-47. Rafael Carrera. Joaquin Duran, Vicente Cruz, ad int., 1845 1848 Jan.-Feb. Vicente Cruz. — Feb.-Sept. Rafael Carrera. ..— Sept.-Nov. Juan Antonio Martinez. — Nov.-Dec. Jose Bernardo Escobar. 1848-51. Mariano Paredes. Acta Constitutiva of 1851 1852-65. Rafael Carrera. Ministro General 1859. Pedro de Aycinema. Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores 1849. J. M. Rodrigues. CONSULS IN; see U. S. A. CoNSULAR SERVICE DESERTERS; see that title DIPLOMATIC AGENTS IN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE TJnited States 1851-55. Felipe Molina, chargé d'affaires. Presented credentials Jly. 10, 1851 ; presented creden- tials as M. P. Je, 21, 1852; died in Washington Feb. 1, 1855. s 1855-68. Antonio Jose de Irisarri, M. P. Presented origials Sept. 4, 1855; died in the U. S. €. 10, & ExTERRITORIALITY; see that title INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 251 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-II861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Guatemala (Republic)-cont’d EMBARgo; see that title FOREIGN RELATIONS See also below, Treaties. 1853 Jan. 13. Amer, chargé in Nicaragua. (Kerr) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett). International dissensions in Guatemala. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 134.) FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN (Hise Mission) 1848 Oct. 26. Hise to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Political and commercial condition of Guatemala; en route to his post at city of Guatemala. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 96.) 1849 Mch. 20. Same to same. Guatemala has ratified treaty with U. S. (ib., 103.) 1850 Mch. 19. Pres. U. S. A. (Taylor) to U. S. Senate. Message transmitting Hise treaties with Guatemala and Nicaragua. (v, Mess. and Papers, 33.) (Kerr Mission) 1851 May 26. Pres. U. S. A. (Fillmore). Authorizes and empowers John B. Kerr to exchange ratifications of treaty of Mch. 3, 1849, with Guatemala. (33. 1. S. rpt. 172, 3.) (Clarke Mission) See above, Clarke mission. FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISH (Wyke Mission) 1859 Sept. 30. Wyke to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell). Arrival at Guatemala; his intended movements. (p. 299, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) Oct. 11. Wyke to President of Guatemala (Car- rera). Address on presenting his credentials. (ib., 302.) — Oct. 11. Carrera to Wyke. Address on receipt of his credentials. . (ib., 303.) NATIONALITY OF WESSELS ; see VESSELS NEUTRALITY NEGOTIATIONS; see that title SHIPWRECK REGULATIONS; see that title TREATIES - 1849 Mch. 3. U. S. A. general conv. of peace, etc. [Hise- Rodriguez treaty] [obsolete; terminated by notice Nov. 4, 1874] ; Engl. text in “Treaties, etc., 1776- 1887,” p. 508. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) 1857. Gr. Br. Draft conv. relative to boundary of Br. Honduras; i. e., draft of Wyke-Aycinema conv. (p. 174, Corresp. re Central Amer. in Gr. Br. Parlt. Pa- pers, 1860, V. 68.) 1859 Apr. 30. Gr. Br. Treaty relative to boundary betw. H. B. M. settlement and possessions in Bay of Hon- duras and territories of Guatemala; signed by Wyke (Gr. Br.) and Aycinema (Guatemala). (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 146.) Hise Mission (American) Elijah Hise, of Ky., chargé in Guatemala, commissioned Cºl. , 1848 ; authorized to conclude treaty of commerce with Salvador ; took leave of that govt. Je. 19, 1849, and of the govt. of Guatemala, Je. 21, 1849. See also below, Isthmian Transit (Nicara- gua Canal); and also above, under Guatemala, and below, under Honduras, Nicaragua and Salvador for the prid. acct. of his negotiations with those republics. 1848 Je. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise). Instructions for treaty negotiations with Guatemala; review of previous treaty arrangements betw. U. S. and Guatemala, and TJ. S. and Central Amer. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 92.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-IIS61] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Hise Mission (American)—cont’d 1848 Dec. 20. Hise to Buchanan. Certain Central Amer. states publish protests agst. Br. occupation of MOS- quito terr.; ports of San Salvador blockaded by Br. man-of-war Champion; proposes to treat with all states of Central Amer. equally with Nicaragua; etc. (ib., 100.) 1849 Mch. 3. Signs treaty of peace, etc., with Guatemala; See below, Guatemala. — Je. 21. Signs canal treaty with Nicaragua; See below, Nicaragua. Treaties. — Je. 23. Amer. Chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Concerning Hise's treaty negotiations; etc. (ib., 147.) 1850 Jan. 15. U. S. Senate. Res. (Douglas, Ill.), calling on Pres. for copies of instructions of late Secy. State to late chargé to Guatemala; corresp. of latter re- garding treaties with Central Amer. states; and Corresp. regarding Mosquito Kingdom and right of Way, through Lake Nicaragua, from ocean to ocean. (31. 1. S. jol., 80, 116.) — Feb. 13. W. R. Ring, Sen. from Ala. Remarks; President’s message of even date. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 355-56.) — Feb. 13. S. A. Douglas, sen. from Ill. Remarks; Same. (ib., 356.) 1853 Feb. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (Douglas, Ill.), calling on PreS. for corresp. betw. Mr. Hise and State Dept., State Dept. and Central Amer. states, and copies of any Conv. with said states entered into by Hise. (32. 2. S. jol., 173.) GUATEMALAN NEGOTIATIONS See below, Guatemala. HONDURAN NEGOTIATIONS See below, Honduras. NICARAGUAN NEGOTIATIONS See below, Isthmian Transit. Nicaragua. SALVADORAN NEGOTIATIONS See below, Salvador. Honduras For the state of Honduras see above, under Confedera- Nicaragua Canal, and 1853 Jan. 13. Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett). Unsettled State of Honduras and Nicaragua, etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 134.) CIVIL SERVICE Jefe (President) 1839-40. Francisco Zelaya. Constitution of 1839 1840-47. Francisco Ferrera. Constitution of 1848 1847-52. Juan Lindo. 1852-55. Trinidad Cabañas. 1855. S. Bueso; Francisco Aguilar. 1856-62. Santos Guardiola. Ministr. relac, est. (Secºy. State) 1847. S. Guardiola. 1849, J. M. Moncada. 1850. J. M. Roja.S. 1856. J. M. Medina. Jefe politico del Departamento de Comayagua (Gov. of Comayagwa) 1859, F. Cruz. COMMERCE; see RECIPROCITY (COMMERCIAL, ETC.) 252 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Honduras—cont’d DECREES 1849 Oct. 9. (Lindo.) Ceding Tigre Is. to U. S.; Engl. text. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 19.) — Oct. 28. (Lindo.) Interdicting communication with the British; Engl. text. (ib., 47.) DIPLOMATIC AGENTS IN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE TJnited States 1851. I. Gomez. 1854. Jose F. Barrundia, E. E. and M. P. Presentigºdentials May 29, 1854; died in N. Y., Aug. 1857-60. Leon Alvarado, specl. mission of friendship. Presented credentials Apr. 16, 1857; took his departure a few days afterward. On Mch. 9, 1860, he re- turned ; took leave Mch. 28, 1860. 1860-67. Luis Molina, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Sept. 24, 1860; withdrew on leave Oct. 19, 1867. Special Mission Jointly with Nicaragua. 1844. Francisco Castellón to courts of Gr. Br., France and Belgium; See above, Castellón Mission. FOREIGN RELATIONS See also below, Treaties. FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN 1849 Jly. 12. Nicaraguan chargé in Gr. Br. (Castellón) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft). Pro- posing annexation of Honduras, Salvador and Nica- ragua to U. S. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 301.) (Hise Mission) 1849 Feb. 28. Hise to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). San Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras to send comrs. to Guatemala to treat with U. S. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 102.) — May 25. Same to same. Negotiation with comrs. of Honduras and Nicaragua resp. conclusion of com]. reciprocity treaties. (ib., 103.) Sept. 15. Hise to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Conclusion of treaties of amity and commerce with Honduras and Nicaragua, etc. (ib., 104.) (Squier Mission) 1849 Aug. 20. Squier to Clayton. Arrival and reception at Leon; Br. designs; natural advantages of bay of Fonseca or Conchagua; Br. determination to pos- SeSS Tigre IS.; Suggestions relative to Amer. Control of Is. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 151.) Nov. 20. Clayton to Squier. Proposed treaty with Honduras. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 96.) — Dec. 13. Squier to Clayton. State of affairs in San Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica. (ib., 50.) 1850 Je. 25. Squier to Clayton. Corresp. with govts. Of Salvador and Honduras relative to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 324.) (Alvarado Mission) 1860 Apr. 5. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to U. S. Senate; message; treaty of friendship, etc., betw. U. S. and Honduras, signed Feb. 28. (V, Mess. and Papers, 585.) FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISH 1849 Oct. 17. Ministr. relac. est., Honduras (Moncada) to H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Chatfield). Protest agst. occupation of part of Truxillo by Br. ship Plumper. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 20.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Honduras—cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISH-cont’d (Clarendon-Herran Treaty) 1857 Feb. 28. H. B. M. chargé in Guatemala (Wyke) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Hondu- ran ratification of treaty of Aug. 27, 1856; antici- pated rejection of convs. of same date. (p. 39, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Mch. 27. Same to same. Refusal of Honduras to ratify Clarendon-Herran convs.; modifications pro- posed. (ib., 40.) (Ouseley Mission) 1857 Oct. 22. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Napier) to Clarendon. Substance of interview with Presi- dent of U. S. on Ouseley mission to Honduras, etc. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 114.) 1859 May 30. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Asks instructions for apprising Amer. govt. of Br. inten- tions resp. negotiations with Honduras. (p. 250, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Je. 16. Malmesbury to Lyons. Intentions resp. ne- gotiations with Honduras; in consequence of Mr. Wyke’s return on leave, they must be delayed. (ib., 255.) * — Jly. 5. Lyons to Malmesbury. Will advise Amer. govt. of substance of despatch of 16 ult. (ib., 258.) (Wyke Mission) 1859 Nov. 22. Wyke to President of Honduras (Guardi- ola). Address on presenting his credentials. (p. 305, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Pa- pers, 1860, v. 68.) — Nov. 22. Guardiola to Wyke. Address on receiving his credentials. (ib., 305.) Nov. 23. Wyke to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell). Arrival at Comayagua and reception by president of Honduras. (ib., 304.) — Nov. 28. Wyke to Hammond. Has signed treaty with Honduras. (ib., 306.) Nov. 29. Wyke to Russell. Comment on modifica- tions intr. in treaty with Honduras, signed 28 inst. (ib., 307.) & 1860 Jan. 26. Russell to Wyke. Approves of proc. resp. Honduras treaty. (ib., 311.) — Mch. 4. Wyke to Russell. Ratification of Honduras treaty. (ib., 320.) TREATIES 1849 Sept. 28. U. S. A. Protocol temporarily ceding Tigre IS. to the U. S. (p. 31, Corresp. with U. S., re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 1856 Aug. 27. Conv. with Gr. Br. relative to Mosquito Indians, and to rights and claims of Br. subjects; signed at London by Clarendon (Gr. Br.) and Her- ran (Honduras). Engl. and Sp. text. (p. 18, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 27. Conv. with Gr. Br. relative to Bay Is...; signed at London by Clarendon (Gr. Br.) and Her- ran (Honduras). Engl. and Sp. text. (ib., 21.) 1859 Gr. Br. Draft treaty [transferring to Honduras the sovereignty of the Bay Is. and of so much of Mos- quito Terr. as lies within Honduras frontier, and settlement of Br. claims]. (ib., 270.) Nov. 28. Gr. Br. Treaty resp. Bay Is., Mosquito Indians, and rights and claims of Br. Subjects; signed by Wyke (Gr. Br.) and Cruz (Honduras). (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 148.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 253 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Honduras—cont’d TREATIES—cont’d 1860 Mch. 28. U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., signed in Washington by Cass (U. S. A.) and Alvarado (Honduras); ratifications not exchgd.; proc. in xi, S. ex. jol. Isthmian Transit º n. d. A. v. Humboldt. Extr. rel. to inter-oceanic com- munication from v. 6, of his Personal Narrative of Travels. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 185.) n. d. J. L. Stephens. Rpt. of survey of route for canal from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. [extr. from his Cen- tral Amer., etc., V. 1, ch. 191. (ib., 204.) 1830 Dec. 3. Amer. actg. Cons. at Guatemala (Savage) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Disturbances in Holland; impossibility of carrying into effect project of opening canal by Dutch govt. (ib., 249.) 1845 Feb. 19. J. A. Wright, repr. from Ind. Remarks; presenting petition of Thos. E. Clinton, praying in- Quiry into project of inter-Oceanic ship canal. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 308.) 1849 May 18. Col. topogr. engrs. U. S. A. (Abert) to F. Markoe. Views of different routes for connecting Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 641.) — Je. 30. Amer. chargé in Sardinia (Niles) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Despatch on subject of ship canal for uniting Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with project for treaty. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 7.) — Dec. 4. Pres. U. S. A. (Taylor). Annual message ( 1 St); clause relating to canal routes across isth- mus of Tehuantepec and Panama. 1850 Memphis Conv. to U. S. Congress. Memorial pray- ing Congress to cause to be surveyed several routes for a r.r. from Mississippi valley to Pacific Ocean, and also to aid and encourage such private com- panies as may project communications by ship canal across isthmus of Telluantepec, Panama, or Nicara- gua. (31. 1. H. rpt. 439, 1.) Jan. 10. Lieut. U. S. Natl. Observatory (Maury) to C. C. Mills. Opinion on subject of a r.r. to Pacific and a ship Canal across isthmus as works of national defence. (ib., 28.) — Aug. 1. Intr. in House (Stanton, Com. on Naval Af- fairs); bill (H. R. 368) providing for certain hy- drographical and other surveys. (31. 1. H. jol., 1217.) — Aug. 1. U. S. Com. On Naval Affairs (Stanton). Rpt., to acc. H. R. No. 368, on memorial of Memphis conv. (31. 1. H. rpt. 439, 1.) 1851 Dec. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Gwin, Calif.), calling On PreS. for despatch from late chargé to Sardinia. (Niles), to Secy. State (Clayton), of Je. 30, 1849, relating to inter-oceanic canal. (32. 1. S. jol., 34, 39.) 1854 Dec. 4. Pres. U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual message (2d); clause relating to inter-oceanic canals. 1856 May 15. President U. S. A. (Pierce) to U. S. Con- gress. Message relating to inter-oceanic routes of transit through Central Amer., etc. (34. 1. S. jol., 329; 34.1. S. ex: doc. 68, 1; V, Mess. and Papers, 368.) — Nov. Capt. U. S. Corps topogr. engrs. (Cram). Mem- oir on ocean routes betw. Atlantic and Pacific ports of U. S. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 51.) 1859 Feb. 18. Pres. U. S. A. (Buchanan) to U. S. Con- gress. Message; protection of Amer. citizens and property in transit acroSS isthmus routes, and in Central Amer. generally. (35. 2. S. jol., 337; H. jol., 456.) — Dec. 19. Pres. U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to protection of Amer. citizens and property in transit acroSS isthmian routes. CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d 1860 Apr. 5. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to U. S. Senate. Message; treaty of friendship, etc.; betw. U. S. and Honduras signed Feb. 28; reviewing Amer. policy in case of isthmian transit. (V, Mess. and Papers, 585.) CONCESSIONS: AMERICAN 1860 Feb. 27. S. F. Dunlap. Communication in relation to charter granted U. S. citizens by Nicaragua, grant- ing them exclusive right of steam navigation in Said country. (36. 1. S. jol., 191, 221.) Accessory Transit Co. (White Contract) See also above, Accessory Transit Co. 1851 Aug. 14. Charter granted by Nicaragua to Acces- sory Transit co; signed by F. Chamorro, M. Mayorga and J. L. White. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 100.) 1852 Feb. 27. Lawrence to Webster. Rpt. of Col. Childs looked for with interest. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 90.) Je. 21. Nicaragua. Decree (Estrada) assigning Nicaraguan claim agst. Accessory Transit Co. to Manning, Gleuton and co. (ib., 110.) Je. 23. Agreement betw. Nicaragua and Manning, Gleuton and Co. (ib., 111.) Je. 30. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Affairs (Malmes- bury) to Lawrence. Lieut. Col. Aldrich and Mr. Jas. Walker apptd. by Br. govt. to examine Col. Childs’ rpt. on ship canal to be constructed through Nicara- gua. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 97.) Jly. 2. Lawrence to Webster. Malmesbury’s note relative to apptmt. of engrs. to examine rpt. Of Col. Childs’ resp. canal to be constructed through Nicara- gua; copy of reply. (ib., 97.) Jly. 2. Lawrence to Malmesbury. Acknowledges receipt of his of 30 ult. (ib., 97.) Jly. 16. Jas. Walker and Edw. Aldrich. Rpt. upon rpt. of Col. Childs on canal to be constructed through Nicaragua. (ib., 99.) — Jly. 16. Malmesbury to Lawrence. TranSmits rpt. of Lieut. Col. Aldrich and Jas. Walker. (ib., 98.) Jly. 17.*. Lawrence to Malmesbury. Acknowledges receipt of his of 16 inst. (ib., 98.) Aug. 13. Lawrence to Webster. Transmits further corresp. With Malmesbury relative to Col. Childs’ rpt. (ib., 98.) Oct. 27. Marcoleta to Crampton. Proposal of Amer. Canal co. to Nicaragua for modification of Original contract for constructing inter-oceanic Canal; asks what protection he would give to canal of Smaller dimensions than that mentioned in Clayton-Bul Wer treaty. (p. 199, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) 1853 Feb. 9. Crampton to Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett). Inquiry concerning competency and intentions of Amer. canal Co. (ib., 215.) 1855 Je. 9. Ministr. relac. est. Nicaragua (Mayorga). Instructions to comrs. Tejada and Lacayo to settle dispute pending betw. Nicaragua and Accessory Transit Co. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 105.) — Aug. 2. SpecI. comrs. Of Nicaragua (Lacayo and Tejada) to comrs. Accessory Transit Co. Modifica- tions in proposition of CO. during settlement of claims of Nicaragua. (ib., 102.) — Oct. 23. Representative of Nicaragua to vice-pres. Accessory Transit Co. (Lord). Rejecting proposi- tion for settlement of Nicaraguan claims; apptmt. of arbitrators asked for. (ib., 104.) Oct. 26. Pres. Accessory Transit co. (Lord) to Nicaraguan representative. Request for copy of in- Structions to Nicaraguan comrs. (Tejada and La- cayo). (ib., 104.) 254 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d CONCESSIONS: AMERICAN–cont’d Accessory Transit Co. (White Contract)—cont’d 1855 Nov. 14. Comrs. of Accessory Transit co. Apptmt. of arbitrators to settle disputes pending betw. Co. and Nicaragua. (ib., 104.) 1856 Feb. 18. Nicaragua prov. govt. Decree (Rivas) re- Voking charter of Accessory Transit co. (ib., 106.) — Feb. 22. Nicaraguan comrs. (Kewen and Alden) to agt. Of transit cos. (Scott). Request for inventory Of assets of two canal cos. (ib., 113.) – Feb. 22. Accessory Transit co. Inventory of var- ious properties of co. (ib., 113.) — Mch. 19. Secy. Accessory Transit co. (Lea). Cer- tificate of annual payments of co. to Nicaragua, 1849- 54. (ib., 108.) 1858 Je. 29. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bul- Wer) to ming. director, Nicaraguan Canal co. (White). Reply to his note of 27 inst. (p. 62, Cor- resp. With U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) [NOTE: Books referred to in above corresp.] Rpt. On inter-oceanic ship canal from San Juan del Norte to Brito. Nicaragua, O. W. Childs and J. D. Fay. 1852. For corresp. on this rpt. see below, under Nicaragua, letters from Je.-Aug., 1852. Copy of map of survey accompanies Davis' rpt. (39. 1. S. ex. doc. 62). American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Co. (White Contract) 1849 Aug. 27. Contract betw. Nicaragua, and the Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Co. of N. Y. [for con- struction of Nicaragua, Canal; signed by H. Zepeda, G. Juares and D. L. White.] (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 173.) — Oct. 15. Crampton to Palmerston. Substance of conference with Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) On White contract; etc. (p. 5, Corresp. with U. S. A. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Nov. 4. Same to same. Contract betw. an Amer. CO. and Nicaragua, for construction of inter-oceanic canal by way of river San Juan and lake of Nicara- gua. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 59.) 1850 Mch. 9. Act of incorporation of Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal co. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 84.) — Apr. 11. Charter of Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal co. as amended. (ib., 84.) 1851 Nov. 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (PCerr). Concessions of Nicara- gua, to Atlantic-Pacific Canal Co. regarded as lawful; encouragement of transit by stnbts. On San Juan River recommended. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 55.) — Nov. 20. Ministr. relac. est. Costa Rica (Molina) to Webster. Relative to his communication to agt. Of Atlantic-Pacific Ship Canal Co., protesting agst. OC- cupation by that co. of certain lands belonging to Costa Rica. (ib., 56.) — Nov. 20. Molina to agt. Atlantic-Pacific Ship Canal co. (White). Protest agst. Occupation by co. of cer- tain lands belonging to Costa Rica. (ib., 57.) — Nov. 25. Webster to Molina. Acknowledges receipt Of note of 20 inst. (ib., 58.) 1856 Feb. 18. Nicaragua, proV. govt. Decree (Rivas) re- voking charter of Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal co. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 106.) Feb. 22. Nicaraguan COmrS. (Kewen and Alden) to agt. of transit cos. (Scott). Request for inventory of assets of two coS. (ib., 113.) Nicaragua Steam, Co. (Brown Contract) 1849 Mich. 14. Agreement betw. Nicaragua and Nicara- gua, Steam co. of N. Y., for establishment of com- CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d CONCESSIONS: AMERICAN–cont’d Nicaragua Steam, Co. (Brown Contract)—cont’d munications betw. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; signed by J. T. Muñoz and D. T. Brown. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 141.) 1849 Apr. 22. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise) to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Salinas). Contract with Nicaragua. Steam co. is ineffectual, etc. (ib., 160.) — May 25. H. B. M. Vice-cons. at Leon (Manning) to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Salinas). Protest agst, agreement with D. T. Brown. (ib., 149.) —— May 26. Salinas to Manning. Contestation in mat- ter of agreement with D. T. Brown. (ib., 150.) — Je. 10. Agt. Of Howard and Co. of N. Y. (Brown) to Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier). Information relative to natural means of Communication betw. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through State of Nicara- gua. (ib., 138.) — Je. 23. Squier to Clayton. Br. protest agst. Brown contract; etc. (ib., 147.) Panama, R.R. Co. 1848 Dec. 11. W. H. Aspinwall and others to U. S. Con- gress. Memorial praying aid from U. S. govt. to Con- struct r.r. across isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H."jol., 77; S. jol., 51, 60, 94; H. rpt. 26, 21.) — Dec. 11. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks, in Senate, presenting memorial of W. H. Aspinwall and others praying for exclusive right to transport govt. troops, mails, etc., on their proposed r.r. acroSS isthmus of Panama. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 20.) — Dec. 14. Intr. in Senate (Benton, Com. On Military Affairs), bill (31. 1. S. 352) “to make compensation for transportation of troops and Supplies, for limited time, over isthmus of Panama.” (30. 2. S. jol., 64.) — Dec. 14, 18, 19. T. H. Benton, Sen. from MO. Re- marks; support of S. 352. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 40, 49, 51, 59-60.) — Dec. 18. S. Breese, Sen. from Ill. Do.; on S. 352. (ib., 50, 52.) — Dec. 18. J. H. Clarke, sen. from R. I. Same. (ib., 51.) — Dec. 18. J. A. Dix, sen. from N. Y. Same. (ib., 52.) — Dec. 18. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. Same. (ib., 50.) — Dec. 18. R. Johnson, sen. from Md. Same. (ib., 51.) — Dec. 18, 19. S. Cameron, sen. from Penn. Same; contracts with New Granada for right of Way. (ib., 52, 59, 60.) — Dec. 18, 19. W. Allen, Sen. from O. Same. (ib., 51, 59, 60.) — Dec. 19. U. S. Senate. Res. (Baldwin, Conn.), to instruct Com. on Military Affairs to inquire into particulars of contract betw. New Granada, and Messrs. Aspinwall, Stephens, and Chauncey, in re- gard to construction of proposed r. r. acroSS isthmus Of Panama. (30. 2. S. jol., 69.) — Dec. 19. J. C. Wescott, sen. from Fla. Same. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 59.) *mºsºmº Pºlº. H. S. Foote, Sen. from Miss. Same. (ib., 59-61. — Dec. 19. S. W. Downs, sen. from La. Same. (ib., 59.) ſºmºmº Pºlº. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Same. (ib., 60-61. — Dec. 28. Contract betw. New Granada, and Panama. R.R. Co. for construction of r.r. Over isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 26, 42.) — Dec. 29. Aspinwall and others to chrm. Com. Mili- tary Affairs (Davis). Advice of forfeiture of con- tract by Panama Co. and of assignment of concession ºval and aSSociates [i. e., Panama R. R. co.] 10. , 4.l. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 255 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d - Isthmian Transit—cont’d CONCESSIONS: AMERICAN–cont’d Pana/ma R.R. Co.—cont’d 1849 Jan. 6. W. L. Dayton, sen. from N. J. Same; Te- huantepec route; etc. (Cong. Globe, 30, 2., 460-62.) – Jan. 16. Intr. in House (King, Com. on Naval Af- fairs), bill (30. 2. H. R. 721) “ to make compensa- tion for transportation of troops, etc., for limited time, over isthmus of Panama.” (30. 2. H. jol., 257.) — Jan. 16. U. S. Com. on Naval Affairs (King). Rpt.; to acc. bill H. R. 721, on memorial of Wm. H. Aspin- Wall, J. L. Stephens, and H. Chauncey praying aid from govt. of U. S. to construct r.r. across isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 26, 1.) — Jan. 29. S. A. Douglas, sen. from III. Do.; offering * as Substitute for S. 352. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 382. — Jan. 29. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Do.; on Douglas’ offer of substitute for S. 352. (ib., 382-83.) *-*g º; 29. T. H. Benton, Sen. from Mo. Same. (ib., 383. — Jam. 30. H. S. Foote, sen. from Miss. Do.; on S. 352; route across Isthmus of Tehuantepec; etc. (ib., 398, 401-402.) Jan. 30. J. C. Westcott, Sen. from Fla. Same. (ib., 401-402.) — Jan. 30, 31. S. W. Downs, sen. from La. Same. (ib., 399, 411.) — Jan. 30, 31. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Same. (ib., 402, 411.) * — Jan. 31. Jefferson Davis, sen. from Miss. Same. (ib., app., 312.) — Jan. 31. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Same. (ib., 411.) — Jan. 31. W. Allen, Sen. from O. Same. (ib., 413.) —º 31. J. M. Niles, Sen. from Conn. Same. (ib., — Jan. 31. Jefferson Davis, sen. from Miss. Same; Tehuantepec route; etc. (ib., 412-14.) — Jan. 31. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Same. (ib., 414.) — Jam. 31. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Same. (ib., 413.) — Feb. 6. H. S. Foote, sen. from Miss. Same. (ib., 459-461.) — Feb. 6. S. A. Douglas, sen. from Ill. Same; in re- ply to Foote. (ib., 459.) — Feb. 6. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Speech; same. (ib., 457, 461, 463.) — Je. 10. Chief engr. Panama R.R. (Hughes) to of. ficers Panama R.R. Co. (Aspinwall and others). Rpt. relative to a r.T. across Isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 670.) 1850 Jan. 9. Panama R.R. Co. to U. S. Senate. Memorial; proposing to carry U. S. mails to Pacific gratis, on Condition of monopoly of govt. transportation on completion of road. (31. 1. S. jol., 66, 156.) — Jan. 9. D. S. Dickinson, Sen, from N. Y. Remarks; On memorial of Panama. R.R. co. of even date. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 126.) 1857 Jly. 9. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier). Conditions of Br. protection to trans-isthmian con. cessions. (p. 47, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 2. Napier to Clarendon. Communicates Clar- endon’s note of 9 ult, to Amer. govt. (ib., 47.) SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d CONCESSIONs: BRITISH Pacific Steam Co. 1849 Feb. 17. Contract with Pacific Steam co. for estab- lishment of communication betw. Atlantic and Pa- cific oceans; signed by F. Castellón and Wm. Wheel- Wright. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 247.) CONCESSIONS: FRENCH Belly Contract (French, Co.) 1858 May 1. Conv. [Rivas conv.] was concluded on this day betw. Belly, director-gen. of a French Co. for opening the Nicaragua route and the president of Nicaragua (Martinez) and the president of Costa Rica (Mora). Jly. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Lamar). Instructions relative to complaints of U. S. agst. govts. of Nicaragua and Costa Rica; Belly contract, etc. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 51.) * — Nov. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas) to Cass. Opposition to Belly project; Belly patron- ized neither by France nor England; etc. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 2.) Panaºma Co. (French, Co.) 1847 May 10. New Granada President [Mosquera]. De- cree approving contract betw. New Granada and Panama, co. for construction of an iron r.T. acroSS isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 26, 26.) ROUTES: CHIRIQUI R.R. 1852 Oct. 20. Chiriqui, prov. Ordinance [Romero] grant- ing privilege to S. Agnew for colonizing at Golfo Dulce. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. doc. 41, 57.) — Dec. 31. Same. Ordinance [Romero] fixing limitS of privilege granted to Agnew. (ib., 58.) - 1853 May 4. Same. Res. relative to privilege granted to Agnew. (ib., 59.) 1854 JIy. 17. Bocas del Toro, distr. Chiriqui. Acuerdo; concession of vacant lands and a privilege for canal to Messrs. J. R. Morel and co. (ib., 60.) 1856 Dec. 3. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. speci. ComrS. to negotiate transit across isthmus (Morse and Bowlin). Instructions; treaty negotia- tions with New Granada for transit via Panama. route, with copy of project for conv. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 19.) 1859 Apr. 8. E. E. and M. P. of New Granada in U. S. (Herran). Strmt. relative to various concessions in Chiriqui. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 41, 62.) — May 21. Indenture made betw. U. S. and Chiriqui Improvement co. and Ambrose W. Thompson. (ib., 55.) Sept. 19. U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Opinion that act of govt. of New Granada, conceding to Chiriqui Co. excl. right to construct r. r. across Isthmus of Pan- ama, must be construed so as to give that right Within true geographical boundaries of isthmus. (ix, Op. attyS. gen., 391.) 1860 Je. 18. S. R. Mallory, Sen. from Fla. Remarks; op- posing apprn. for Carrying Out Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 3116.) Je. 18. H. B. Anthony, Sen. from N. Y. Do.; same. (ib., 3114.) Je. 18. D. Clark, Sen. from N. H. Do.; same. (ib., 31.17.) Je. 18. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Do.; sug- gesting Substitution of Word “President * for Words “ U. S. govt.” in act to execute Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 3120.) Je. 18. Same. Do.; urging apprin. to carry out Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 3114.) 256 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-L1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: CHIRIQUI R.R.—cont’d 1860 Je. 18. W. P. Fessenden, sen. from Me. Remarks; offering Substitute bill for carrying into effect Chiri. qui-Thompson contract. (ib., 3112.) - Je. 18. J. H. Hammond, sen. from S. C. Remarks; favoring apprp. for execution of contract with Chi- riqui co. (ib., 31.10.) - Je. 18. P. King, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; opposing Chiriqui-Thompson contract apprin. (ib., 31.15.) — Je. 18. J. R. Doolittle, sen, from Wis. Remarks; opposing Chiriqui contract apprp. (ib., 31.10.) — Je. 19. F. H. Morse, repr. from Me. Remarks; fa- ºf Chiriqui-Thompson contract apprp. (ib., 72. — Je. 19. J. M. Harris, repr. from Md. Remarks; fa- sº Chiriqui-Thompson contract apprp. (ib., ..) - Je. 19. W. M. Dunn, repr. from Ind. Remarks; #. ºwly under Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., Je. 19. T. Stevens, repr. from Pa. Remarks; intro- ducing amdmt. to appt. comr. to examine r.T. and Coal propositions of Chiriqui co. (ib., 3173.) - Je. 19. C. B. Sedgwick, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; Supporting his substitute for Sen. amdmts. provid- ing apprn. for carrying out Chiriqui-Thompson con- tract. (ib., 3172.) — Jly. 2. Costa Rica. [Montealegre.] Decree approv- ing treaty of friendship, etc., betw. New Granada and Costa Rica; contract betw. Costa Rica and Thos. F. Meagher, agt. for A. W. Thompson, for con- Struction of r. r. across isthmus of Panama via Chiri- qui route. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 41, 64.) — Dec. 31. Geologist Chiriqui commission (Evans). Stmt. of examinations of coal deposits on lands of Chiriqui Improvement co. (ib., 45.) 1861 Jan. 6. Capt. U. S. N., Comdg. Chiriqui commission (Engle) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Rpt. of Survey of route for r.r. across Isthmus of Chiriqui. (ib., 2.) Jan. 16. U. S. topogr. engr., in charge topogr. div. Chiriqui commission (Morton) to comdr. Chiriqui commission (Engle). Rpt. ; practicablity of r.r. Over Isthmus of Chiriqui. (ib., 4.) Jan. 22. Lieut. U. S. N., hydrogr. Chiriqui com- mission (Jeffers) to Engle. Rpt. ; survey of harbors at termini of proposed road across isthmus of Chiri- qui. (ib., 42.) * Jan. 31. D. E. Sickles, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; declaring that Chiriqui grant includes right to build r.r. (Cong. Globe, 36, 2., pt. 1, 673.) — Jan. 31. J. S. Phelps, repr. from Mo. Remarks; Opposing Morse amdmt. to Senate amdmt. to de- ficiency bill, for fulfilment of Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 671.) — Jan. 31. D. E. Sickles, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; reply to Phelps, maintaining right of U. S. to acquire rights outside of their jurisdiction. (ib., 675-76.) Jan. 31. J. M. Harris, repr. from Md. Remarks; asking whether Chiriqui grant includes right to make r. r. (ib., 673.) — Feb. 1. J. H. Campbell, repr. from Penn. Remarks; Seeking information as to character of coal men- tioned in Chiriqui contract. (ib., 693.) Feb. 1. F. H. Morse, repr. from Me. Remarks; coal mentioned in Chiriqui contract is fitted for use by U. S. strmrs. (ib., 693.) — Feb. 1. E. B. Pottle, repr. from N. Y. Speech; pro- posing that no part of sum provided for in amdmt. to deficiency bill for executing Chiriqui-Thompson CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: CHIRIQUI R.R.—cont’d Contract, be paid until completion of therein speci- fied railway. (ib., 692.) 1861 Feb. 1. J. Sherman, repr. from O. Remarks; ques- tioning possibility of redress in event of embezzle- ment and peculation by A. W. Thompson, in matter of Chiriqui contract. (ib., 693.) — Feb. 2. F. H. Morse, repr. from Me. Remarks; road proposed under Chiriqui-Thompson contract within jurisdiction of Costa Rica. (ib., 718.) - – Feb. 2. J. S. Phelps, repr. from Mo. Remarks; denying that lobbyists are at work to defeat Senate amdmt. for carrying out Chiriqui-Thompson con- tract. (ib., 716.) Feb. 2. A. G. Porter, repr. from Ind. Remarks; introducing amdmt. to deficiency bill insisting on Confirmation, by Costa Rica, of franchises secured for U. S. by Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 717.) Feb. 2. C. L. Scott, repr. from Calif. Remarks; Supporting Senate amdmt. to deficiency bill, making apprp. to carry Out Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 716.) — Feb. 2. D. E. Sickles, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; doubt as to present jurisdiction of Costa Rica. Over location of road proposed under Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 718.) — Feb. 2. B. Stanton, repr. from O. Remarks; op- posing apprp. to carry out Chiriqui-Thompson con- tract. (ib., 716.) — Feb. 4. F. H. Morse, repr. from Me. Remarks; re- ply to Stevens regarding value of coal deposits in Chiriqui grant. (ib., 731.) Feb. 4. Same. Speech; on commerce betw. Atlantic and Pacific, by transit across Isthmus of Chiriqui, coal Supply, etc.; favoring ratification of Chiriqui- Thompson contract. (ib., app., 289.) Feb. 4. C. B. Sedgwick, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; favoring apprin. to carry into effect Chiriqui-Thomp- Son Contract, and to build proposed rwy. (Cong. Globe, 36 cong., 2 sess., 134.) — Feb. 4. J. Sherman, repr. from O. Remarks; pro- ducing evidence as to impossibility of constructing r.r. proposed under Chiriqui grant. (ib., 733.) — Feb. 4. T. Stevens, repr. from Penn. Remarks; op- posing Senate amdmt. to deficiency bill, to carry out Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 730.) — Feb. 4. J. M. Harris, repr. from Md. Remarks; favoring apprp. to carry into effect Chiriqui-Thomp- Son contract. (ib., 732.) Feb. 4. W. S. Holman, repr. from Ind. Remarks; introducing amdmt. to deficiency bill, agst. pymt. Of money to carry into effect Chiriqui-Thompson con- tract until confirmation of rights and franchises thereunder by Costa Rica. (ib., 735.) — Feb. 4. W. A. Howard, repr. from Mich. Remarks; denying that U. S. govt. is obliged to enter into Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 734.) — Feb. 4. W. Irvine, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; in- quiring whether there is any obligation for U. S. to mine coal, within Chiriqui grant. (ib., 731.) — Feb. 25. W. P. Fessenden, Sen. from Me. Remarks; provision for carrying out Chiriqui-Thompson con- tract should be made in Separate bill, and not as amdmt. to deficiency bill. (ib., 1175.) — Feb. 25. J. S. Green, Sen. from Mo. Remarks; ex- plaining his amdmt. to clause of deficiency bill for carrying out Chiriqui-Thompson Contract; impor- tance of Chiriqui grant. (ib., 1172.) — Feb. 25. R. W. Johnson, Sen. from Ark. Remarks; doubt as to advisability of ratifying Chiriqui- Thompson contract. (ib., 1173.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 257 # * CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-II861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: CHIRIQUI R.R.—cont’d 1861 Feb. 25. D. Clark, Sen. from N. H. Remarks; pro- posing amdmt. to deficiency bill making assent of New Granada essential to efficacy of Chiriqui- Thompson contract. (ib., 1175.) — Feb. 25. J. Collamer, Sen. from Vt. Remarks; in- quiring as to jurisdiction of U. S. in foreign terr. over purchases under Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 1174.) — Feb. 25. J. A. Pearce, Sen. from Md. Remarks; op- posing ratification of Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 1174.) RouTES: DARLEN CANAL 1840 Mch. 4. Indiana citizens. Memorial remonstrat- ing agst. Construction of proposed ship-canal acroSS isthmus of Darien; etc. (26. 1. S. jol., 214; 26. 1. S. doc. 244.) Mch. 23. Delaware citizens. Memorial praying that TJ. S. cooperate with other govts. to survey isthmus of Darien. (viii, Cong. Globe, 281, 341.) 1843 Feb. 27. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Proposal to amend amdmt. providing for agt. to ascertain terms for use of Darien canal by citizens of U. S. (xii, Cong Globe, 360.) 1849 Nov. 19. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Affairs (Palmer- ston) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Law- rence). Proposal for jt. Survey of Isthmus of Darien. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 48.) — Nov. 22. Lawrence to Palmerston. Relative to pro- posal of 19 inst.; stnt. Of undertaking in progreSS for inter-oceanic communication. (ib., 49.) — Nov. 23. Lawrence to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay- ton). Br. proposal for jt. Survey of Isthmus of Da- rien; probable effect of proposal for treaty betw. Gr. Br. and Nicaragua, etc. (ib., 47.) — Dec. 14. Clayton to Lawrence. Approval of reply to Br. proposal for jt. Survey of Isthmus of Darien; proposition for Cooperation with New Granadan min. to obtain Br. guaranty of neutrality of Isthmus of Darien. (ib., 53.) 1853 Dec. 17. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdr. Home sqdm., U. S. N. (Newton). Comdr. U. S. S. Cyane (Hollins) ordered to Carthagena, Isthmus of Darien, with Lieut. Strain’s party. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63.) 1854 Dec. 4. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Dobbin). Annual rpt.; clause relating to Lieut. Strain’s Darien expedition. 1856 May 28. Intr. in House (Peck, Mich.), jt, res. (34. 1. H. J. res. 19) “for relief of personnel of Darien Exploring Expedition.” (34. 1. H. jol., 1061.) — Aug. 14. J. B. Weller, Sen. from Calif. Remarks; in support of amdmt. Of Com. on Commerce to civil apprin, bill, authorizing exploration and verification of surveys made of ship canal near Isthmus of Darien; also inquiries concerning Mason amdmt., providing for compilation and prtg. of treaties betw. U. S. and foreign countries. (Cong. Globe, 34.1. 2131, 2151, 2152.) — Aug. 15. R. M. T. Hunter, Sen. from Va. Remarks; Senate, opposing except as independent proposition apprin. for Survey of route for ship canal near Isth- mus of Darien. (ib., 2130.) — Aug. 15. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; urging apprn. for Survey of route for ship canal near Isthmus of Darien. (ib., 2130.) — Aug. 15. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; in support of amdmt. to civil apprin. bill, authorizing exploration and verification of Surveys made of ship canal near Isthmus of Darien; etc. (ib., 2131, 2149, 2150.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: DARIEN CANAL–Cont’d 1857 Feb. 16. U. S. Senate. Res. (Brodhead, Pa.) to in- struct Com. On Commerce to inquire into re-Survey of canal route across isthmus of Darien. (34. 3. S. jol., 209, 214.) — Mch. 3. Act making apprns. for naval service for yr. ending Je. 30, 1858 [clause enabling War and Navy Depts. to make survey [i. e., Michler survey] : º canal near isthmus of Darien]. (ii, Stat. L., 43. 1858 Nov. 13. N. Michler to col. topogr. engrs. U. S. A. (Abert). Partial rpt. of survey of Isthmus of Da- rien. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 1, 1293.) — Aug. 15. R. Brodhead, Sen. from Penn. Remarks; Same. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess., 2131.) 1859 Feb. 15. E. Ward, repr. from N. Y. Speech; im- portance of Atrato ship canal to commerce of U. S. and other nations. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., app., 125.) NOTE: The following books are referred to in the above corresp. Official Explorations San Miguel-Caledonia route (American) History and Prospects of Inter-oceanic Communication by the Amer. Isthmus. Read by Lt. Strain before the N. }: Hist. Socy., Je. 17, 1856. N. Y., 1856. 27 Report of Exploration of Isthmus of Darien to Secy. of the Navy. By Lieut. I. G. Strain. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 1, 417 ; H. ex. doc. 1, 417.) (British) Gisborne (L.). Isthmus of Darien in 1852. Jol. of the expedition of inquiry for junction of the A. and P. Oceans. Lond., 1853; do. Phila., 1854. 8°. Official rpt. of proc. of the exploring party under Comdr. J. C. Prevost, H. B. M. Virago, sent to cross the 1sthmus of Darien. (Jol. Roy. Geogr. Socy., v. 24.) Map of survey accompanies Davis’ rpt. (39. 1. S. ex. doc. 62.) Atrato route (American) Report of Survey for Inter-oceanic Canal near Isthmus of Darien. By N. Michler, n. p. 457 pp. 8°. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 9.) Kelly Surveys 1st, 1852 (Trautwine, surveyor) Rough Notes of an Exploration for an Inter-oceanic Canal Route by Way of Rivers Atrato and San Juan. By J. C. Trautwine. Phila., 1854, 96 pp., maps and pls. 8° (extr. Jol. Franklin Institute). 2d, 1853 (Lane and Porter, surveyors) 3d, 1854 (Lane and Kennish, surveyors) Practicability and Importance of a Ship Canal to Con- nect Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with a History of the Enterprise from its First Inception to the Completion of the Survey. N. Y., 1855. Kelley (F. M.). On the Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the Practicability of a Ship Canal Without Locks, by the Valley of the Atrato. Lond., 1856. 8°. A collection of 19 Spanish documents, from the archives in Bogota, dating from 1757 to 1788, and relating to the isthmus of Darien is reprinted in Davis’ rpt. of 1870. (41. 2. H. ex: doc. 113.) Cullen (E.). The Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal. Lond., 1852, 64 (iy) pp., 2 maps, 8°: ... ed. 2. Lond., 1853, xii, 204 pp., 3 Imaps, 8°. Airan (A.). Canal interOceanique par l’isthme du Darien . . . . Par., 1860, 203 pp., 6 pls., 8°. ROUTES: NICARAGUA CANAL n.d. Wittich (Wm.), prof. at London University. Com- parison betw. Voyages to be made through canal of Nicaragua and those actually made Via Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 625.) 1826 Nov. 24. Amer. chargé in Central Amer. (Wil- liams) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Cañaz enter- tains no doubt of practicability of contemplated canal. (ib., 247.) 17 258 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: NICARAGUA CANAL –cont’d 1830 Aug. 29. Amer. actg. Cons. in Guatemala (Savage) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren). Dutch envoy in Central America will probably obtain grant for a canal through Nicaragua. (ib., 247.) 1838 Jan. A. Clark and others to U. S. Cong. Opening of navigable communication betw. Atlantic and Pacific oceans by means of a ship Canal across isthmus which connects No. and So. Amer. (ib., 237.) 1842 Feb. 4. Amer. Specl. agt. in Central Amer. (Mur- phy) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Prospect of uniting Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a navigable canal or r.r. through state of Nicaragua. (28. 1. H. ex, doc. 77, 5.) ROUTES: NICARAGUA CANAL (AMERICAN NEGOTIATIONS) Hise Convention 1849 Apr. 22. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise) to ministr. relac. est. Nicaragua (Salinas). Further request to send a comr, with power to treat; declares contract made with Nicaragua. Steam co. to be in- effectual. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 160.) — Je. 21. Specl. ConV. [Hise conv.] betw. U. S. and Nicaragua [right of construction of Nicaragua ca- nal]. Engl. text. Failed of approval both by Nicara- gua and by the U. S.; signed on part of Nicaragua by Buenaventura Selva and on part of U. S. by Elijah Hise. (ib., 110.) — Sept. 15. H. B. M. chargé ad int. Gr. Br. in U. S. (Crampton) to H. B. M. Secy. Foreign Affairs (Pal- merston). Substance of conference with Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) relative to Hise conv. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 55.) — Sept. 17. Same to Same. Substance of conference with Clayton resp. proposed inter-oceanic passage via Nicaragua; Amer. disapproval of Hise treaty. (p. 1, Corresp. with U. S. A. re Central Amer. in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Sept. 24. Clayton to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). Specl. [Hise] conv. negotiated betw. U. S. and Nicaragua. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 17.) Oct. 1. Crampton to Palmerston. Substance of Clayton’s remarks on Hise conv.; Mosquito claim, etc. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 56.) 1853 Mch. 9, 10, 15, 16, 21. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; opposition to Clayton-Bulwer treaty; in favor of Hise treaty; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 256-58, 260, 267-71, 274-76, 290.) Squier Convention 1849 Je. 23. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Arrival and recep- tion at Granada; Br. protest agst. Brown contract; etc. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 147.) — Aug. 12. Squier to Cons. gen. Of France in Central Amer. Amer. guaranty to projectors of Nicaragua canal; terms of treaty resp. Canal; Suggests treaty arrangement betw. France and Nicaragua. (ib., 163.) — Aug. 15. Squier to Director of Nicaragua (Ra- mirez). Applications for exclusive rights expected to follow opening of Nicaragua Canal. (ib., 168.) — Sept. 10. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Clayton. Contract with Amer. A. and P. Canal Co.; speci. provisions of treaty with Nicaragua; etc. (ib., 168.) — Oct. 10. Same to same. Observations On route of proposed canal across isthmus of Nicaragua; re- sources, climate, etc., of country. (ib., 187.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: NICARAGUA CANAL (AMERICAN NEGOTIATIONS)— Cont’d Squier Convention—cont’d 1849 Oct. 12. Lawrence to Clayton. Comment on pro- posed Nicaraguan treaty. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 23.) — Oct. 15. Crampton to Palmerston. Substance of conference with Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) on Squier treaty and on White contract with Nicara- gua. (p. 5, Corresp. With U. S. A. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) — Nov. 9. Palmerston to Crampton. Substance of con- versation with Amer. E. E. and M. P. at Paris (Rives) resp. proposed inter-oceanic passage. (p. 6, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Nov. 19. Palmerston to Lawrence. Proposing jt. survey of Nicaragua with reference to construction of inter-oceanic passage. (ib., 8.) — Nov. 22. Lawrence to Palmerston. Reply to his of 19 inst. (ib., 10.) — Dec. 4. President U. S. (Taylor). Annual message; clause relating to negotiation of treaty with Nicara- gua for protection to those engaged in constructing inter-Oceanic Canal. ROUTES: TIONS) NICARAGUA CANAL (ANGLO-AMERICAN NEGOTIA- Clayton-Bulwer Treaty 1850 Jan. 6. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bul- wer) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Suggests conclusion of conv. With U. S. for Con- struction of inter-oceanic canal without entering into Mosquito question. (p. 29, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Jan. 25. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Law- rence) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Sub- stance of conferences with Nicaraguan repr. (Mar- coleta) and Costa Rican agt. (Molina) as to possible attitude of those countries towards Anglo-Amer. negotiations for canal construction; the submission to arbitration of Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary dispute, etc.; nature of replies. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 58.) Apr. 28. Bulwer to Palmerston. Nature of changes in project of treaty resp. construction of Canal betw. Atlantic and Pacific oceans; reasons for adopting them. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 85.) — Jly. 8. Bulwer to Palmerston. Substance of con- ference with Clayton as to limits of free zone at either end of proposed ship canal. (p. 65, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Oct. 4. Palmerston to Bulwer. Defining neutral Zone at both ends of proposed inter-Oceanic Canal. (ib., 67.) — Oct. 28. Same to same. Arrangement to be made for carrying out intention of Clayton-Bulwer treaty as regards seaport towns at each end of canal. (ib., 92.) — Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual message (1st); clause relating to Nicaragua Canal. 1851 Feb. 6. Lawrence to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Advice of Costa Rican and Nicaraguan ministers' re- moval to Washington; Molina’s admission of grant for canal to Br. subjects to be withheld if U. S. would guarantee to Costa Rica her rights in pend- ing disputes; his reply. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 106.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 259 * CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: NICARAGUA CANAL (ANGLO-AMERICAN NEGOTIA- TIONS)—cont’d Clayton-Bulwer Treaty—cont’d 1851 Je. 6. Webster to Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr). Instructions; to represent to Nicaraguan govt. that U. S. Cannot guarantee sovereignty of line of Canal to her until her differences with Costa Rica, resp. boundary, shall be settled; and that any action of Nicaragua, hostile to Costa Rica will not be viewed with indifference. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 47.) Webster-Crampton Agreement 1851 Sept. 5. Palmerston to Crampton. To state to Amer. govt. that H. B. M. govt. is anxious to co- operate for construction of inter-oceanic passage. (p. 102, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 1852 Mch. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Law- rence) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Recom- mends interest of capitalists in canal project be solicited. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 90.) — Je. 16. Amer. and Br. comrs. (Walsh and Wyke) to ministr. relaC. est. Costa Rica (CalVO). Advan- tages to Costa Rica from construction of proposed canal and compliance with Anglo-Amer. proposals. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 87.) In the Br. Parlt. Papers this letter is dated Je. 10. — Je. 23. Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr) to min- istr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Castellón). Outlines advantages in construction of Nicaraguan canal; settlement of dispute with Costa Rica recommended. (ib., 97.) — JIy. 6. Castellón to Kerr. Protest agst. aggression committed on Nicaragua by individuals or com- panies from U. S. (ib., 100.) Clarendon-Dallas Treaty 1856 May 15. President U. S. A. (Pierce) to U. S. Con- greSS. Message; inter-Oceanic routes of transit through Central Amer., and action of Gr. Br. in assuming Sovereignty over terr. claimed by Nicara- gua. (34. 1. S. jol., 329; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 1; V, MeSS. and Papers, 368.) 1857 Je. 18. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Substance of Conference with President of U. S. A. relative to transit route across Central Amer.; Costa Rican and Nicaraguan concessions to Br. in- terests. (p. 46, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) Oct. 12. Same to Same. ASSured that Amer. Cabinet will shortly receive Mr. Yrissari in quality of min. from Nicaragua, and that treaty will be negotiated with him for protection of inter-oceanic passage by San Juan River similar to that contracted betw. Gr. Br. and Honduras for guarantee of rvy. across Nicaragua. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 112.) — Nov. 24. Same to Same. Substance of conference with Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) resp. Amer. treaty with Nicaragua for protection of San Juan transit route. (p. 68, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) ROUTES: NICARAGUA CANAL (BRITISH NEGOTIATIONS) 1858 Oct. 14. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- bury) to H. B. M. Specl. comr. in Central Amer. (Ouseley). Authorized to introduce certain altera- tions resp. transit route in Nicaraguan treaty. (p. 132, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d RouTES: NICARAGUA CANAL (BRITISH NEGOTIATIONS)— cont’d 1858 Oct. 14. Malmesbury to Napier. Ouseley to be in- structed to accede to wishes of Nicaragua as to transit of troops across Nicaragua; instructed not to consult U. S. A. in these matters. (ib., 132.) — Oct. 16. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Instructions to secure right of transit for Br. troops by Nicaraguan route. (ib., 133.) — Oct. 26. Malmesbury to Ouseley. In case of modify- ing articles resp. transit route in Nicaraguan treaty, Gr. Br. to be placed on footing of most favored na- tion. (ib., 133.) — Nov. 8. Napier to Malmesbury. U. S. A. determined to secure right of sending forces for protection of transit route. (ib., 137). — Nov. 10. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Instructions; to advise Nicaragua of expediency of granting Same power concerning landing of troops to Gr. Br. and to France as is insisted on by U. S. A. (ib., 135.) Nov. 16. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Br. govt. can give no territorial guarantee to Nicaragua, or to Costa Rica in case of inter-oceanic communication. (ib., 135.) — Dec. 6. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message (2d); clause relating to Nicaraguan route of inter-oceanic communication. Dec. 24. Malmesbury to Napier. Authorized to make textual communication to Amer. govt. of Br. views resp. Central Amer. transit route. (p. 162, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt, Papers, 1860, v. 68.) 1859 Feb. 15. Napier to Malmesbury. Has communi- cated Br. views resp. transit route to Amer. govt.; Cass’ comment. (ib., 176.) ROUTES: NICARAGUA CANAL (FRENCEI NEGOTIATIONS) See also above, Concessions. 1858 Jiy. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Lamar). Instructions; Belly contract, etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 2, 51; H. ex. doc. 2, 51.) 1859 Apr. 12. Cass to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason). Instructions for representation to Count Walewski of attitude of U. S. in case of Nicaragua. (Mss. Inst. France. Repr. in iii, Wharton. Int. Di- gest, 16.) — Apr. 24. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Departure of President of Costa Rica (Mora) to meet President of Nicaragua (Martinez) at Rivas, to be present at inauguration of Belly canal works. (p. 246, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Apr. 28. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Instructions resp. Belly canal project and arrest of Amer. citi- zens; seizure of strs. belonging to White co. (ib., 213.) — May 5. Cass to Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Jerez). Reiterates doctrine published in his note of Jly. 25, 1858, to Lamar. (Mss. Notes, Central Amer. Repr. in iii, Wharton. Int. Digest, 16.) — May 16. Lyons to Malmesbury. Has communi- cated to Amer. govt. Br. instructions to Ouseley resp. M. Belly and seizure of White co’s. strs. (p. 241, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, W. 68.) Books referred to in above corresp. Canal of Nicaragua : or a project to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by means of a canal. By N[apoleon], LIouis] B[onaparte]. Lond., 1846. 8° [repr. in Belly. A travers l’Amérique Centrale, v. 21. Same. ... n. t. p. and without the introduction, in 30, 2. H. rpt. 145, 591. 260 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d RouTES: PANAMA CANAL Treaty Stipulations 1846 Dec. 12. Treaty of peace, amity, navigation and commerce betw. New Granada, and U. S., art. 35. Isthmus of Panamaa; protection of property of citi- zens of U. S.; guarantee of neutrality by U. S., etc., in force; Engl. text, in Treaties, betw. U. S. and other powers, 1776-1887, 195.) Correspondence 1787 Dec. 11. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Jeffer- son) to Amer. chargé in Spain (Carmichael). Sur- vey of isthmus of Panama by Sp. govt. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 331.) 1788 May 27. Jefferson to Carmichael. Rpt. of survey of isthmus of Panama. (ib., 332.) [1826 May 8.] Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay) to envoys, etc., of U. S. to Congress at Panama (Anderson, Sergeant and Poinsett). Advantage of canal from Atlantic to Pacific oceans. (ib., 330.) [1831.] J. A. Lloyd. Extr. from his notes resp. isthmus of Panama, communicated to Royal Geogr. Socy. (ib., 385, 455.) 1836 Dec. 9. Amer. Chargé at Bogota (McAfee) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Receipt of despatches 33 and 34; surprised that anything in his corresp. as to Panama road could be construed into inter- ference, on part of govt. of U. S., in Col. Biddle's project. (ib., 326.) — Dec. 9. Same to same. Substance of interview with Mr. Pombo relative to Biddle project. (ib., 326.) 1839 Jan. 22. W. Radcliff to Amer. Chargé in New Gra- nada (Semple). Project of assn. of citizens of N. Y. City for establishment of line of steam packets betw. N. Y. and port of Callao. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 77, 5.) — Apr. 8. Semple to Secy. State, New Granada (Her- ran). Br. proposition resp. isthmus of Panama; assn. Of citizens of N. Y. have in View project of establishing line of packets betw. that city and port of Callao to pass through isthmus of Panama. (ib., 3.) — Apr. 12. Herran to Semple. Reply to his of 8 inst. (ib., 4.) — Apr. 15. Semple to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Corresp. with Secy. State of New Granada relative to proposed line of packets across Isthmus of Pan- ama. (ib., 2.) 1840 Feb. 3. W. A. Duer and others. Memorial praying surveys may be authorized by U. S. to ascertain practicability of constructing canal acroSS Panama. (viii, Cong. Globe, 162; 26. 1. S. jol., 152.) — Mch. 23. J. M. Clayton and others to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying authorization of Surveys to in- vestigate practicability of inter-oceanic Canal across isthmus of Panama, and invitation to foreign govts. to cooperate in constructing. (26.1. S. jol., 258, 327.) 1842 May 20. Chief clerk Dept. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Amer. chargé Bogota (Blackford). Projects of facilitating communication betw. Atlantic and Pa- cific oceans by means of a canal or r.T. acroSS isth- mus of Panama. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 77, 61.) 1843 [Sept.]. Colombia. Instructions to M. M. Mosquera, Colombian chargé at London, on Subject of Panama canal. (ib., 9; 29. 1. S. doc. 339, 4; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 419.) Sept. 30. Ministr. relac. est., New Granada (OS- pina) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Upshur). Conclusion of treaty betw. principal maritime nations relative to communication betw. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. (ib., 7; ib., 3; ib., 418.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: PANAMA CANAL–cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1843 Oct. 9. Ministr. relac, est., New Granada (Acosta) to Blackford. Copy of note of Sept. 30, from min. of Foreign Affairs of New Granada (Ospina) to Secy. State U. S. A. (ib., 8; ib., 3; ib., 418.) — Oct. 14. Blackford to Acosta. Receipt of his of 9 inst. (ib., 8; ib., 3; ib., 418.) Oct. 20. Blackford to Upshur. Colombia and the isthmus of Panama. (ib., 6; ib., 2; ib., 417.) Nov. 3. Blackford to Upshur. Abstr. Of instructions given to M. Mosquera, Granadan chargé at London, on subject of Panama canal. (ib., 8; ib., 4; ib., 419.) 1844 Feb. 2. Amer. chargé in Colombia (Blackford) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Upshur). Isthmus of Panama being surveyed by two French engrs. (29. 1. S. doc. 339, 5; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 420.) [1845.] N. Garella. Project of a canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans across isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 506.) —. Same. Comparison betw. proposed canal acroSS isthmus of Panama and projects submitted with re- gard to isthmus of Tehuantepec and of Nicaragua. (ib., 572.) —. Same. R. r. across isthmus of Panama. (ib., 581.) 1845. N. Garella. Memoranda, from his rpt. of a survey across isthmus of Panama. (ib., 70.) — Sept. 1. Wm. Nelson to Amer. chargé Colombia (Bidlack). Overland communication across isth- mus of Panama. (29. 1. S. doc. 339, 6; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 421.) Dec. 17. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia, (Wheaton) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). In- quiry into advantages of Various inter-oceanic canals. (ib., 6; ib., 422.) — Dec. 23. Bidlack to Buchanan. Transmits letter from Mr. Nelson containing information in relation to Communication across isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 421.) — Dec. 24. Wheaton to Buchanan. Transmits plan for establishment of a r.T. across isthmus of Panama by Salomon and Co. (ib., 454.) 1846 Feb. 18. U. S. Senate. Res. (Evans, Me.), direct- ing Secy. State to communicate any information recd. from ministers abroad, on subject of canal acroSS Panama, etc. (29. 1. S. jol., 157, 164.) 1847 Je. 8. Protocol of conference betw. Secy. Of Foreign Relations of New Granada (Mallarino) and atty. of Panama co. (Klein). (30. 2. H. rpt. 26, 40.) 1848 Dec. 22. U. S. Senate. Res. (Johnson, Md.), calling on Pres. for copy of despatch from Mr. Wharton [sic, Wheaton] to Secy. State, concerning communication betw. Atlantic and Pacific. (30. 2. S. jol., 79, 86.) 1849 Jan. 4. Col. topogr. engrs. U. S. A. (Abert) to repr. from Ga. (King). Estimate of cost of a r.r. and equipments at Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 26, 24.) Feb. 6. J. H. Alexander. Memoir on routes of COm- munication betw. Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 34.) — Mch. 2. S. Cameron, Sen. from Penn. Remarks; in support of his amdmt. to naval apprin. bill, H. R. 699, authorizing construction of plank road over Isthmus of Panama. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 653.) — Mch. 2. J. H. Clarke, Sen. from R. I. Do.; on projects for crossing isthmus of Panama, etc.; fa- vorable to Cameron amdmt. to H. R. 699. (ib., 653.) — Mch. 2. W. P. Mangum, Sen. from N. C. Do.; op- posed to Cameron amdmt. to H. R. 699. (ib., 654.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 261 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: PANAMA CANAL–cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1849 Jly. 2. W. F. Maury to chrm. U. S. Select com. On trans-isthmian communication (Rockwell). Rela- tive to Panama rvy. ; commercial resources of Gulf of Mexico, and probable effects upon prosperity of Country of a good commercial thoroughfare betw. Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 649.) — JIy. 10. J. L. Stephens to Rockwell. Copy of rpt. of Col. Hughes on r. r. across isthmus of Panama. (ib., 669.) — Oct. 19. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Gr. Br. favorably inclined towards Amer. inter-oceanic canal propo- Sition, provided neutrality of communication is as- sured. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 24.) — Nov. 8. Lawrence to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Inquiry regarding Br. colonizing intentions in Central Amer., and prospect of guar- antee of neutrality of ship canal or rwy. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 45; 34.1. S. ex. doc. 1, 65; H. ex. doc. 1, 65.) — Nov. 13. Palmerston to Lawrence. Reply to in- quiries regarding Br. plans in Central Amer.; neu- trality of ship canal guaranteed. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 66; H. ex. doc. 1, 66.) — Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Taylor). Annual mes- sage (1st); clause relating to inefficient means pro- vided by New Granada for transporting U. S. mail across isthmus of Panama. - 1850 Jan. 9. Panama R.R. CO. to U. S. Senate. Memor- ial; proposing to carry U. S. mails to Pacific gratis, on condition of monopoly of govt. transportation. On completion of road. (31. 1. S. jol., 66, 156.) 1851 Feb. 10. U. S. Senate. Res. (Davis, Miss.), Calling on Pres. for corresp. regarding taxation of U. S. citi- zens by govt. of New Granada when in transit acroSS isthmus of Panama, and mail service of U. S. at said isthmus. (31. 2. S. jol., 161.) 1856 Apr. 30. U. S. House. Res. (Herbert, Calif.), to direct Com. on Foreign Affairs to inquire into legis- lation necessary to secure lives and property Of Amer. citizens passing Over isthmus of Panama. (34. 1. H. jol., 909.) — May 8. U. S. House. Res. (Pennington, Com. On Foreign Affairs), calling on Pres. for information regarding recent disturbance at Panama, inter- ruption of routes of inter-oceanic transit, and pro- tection of Amer. interests in Same; agreed to. (ib., 940.) — Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage (4th); clause relating to neutrality of any means of transit across isthmus of Panama. 1857 May 31. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Instructed to inquire whether U. S. A. is prepared to agree to general guarantee on part of powers interested in trans-isthmian transit. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 112, 150.) — Aug. 24. Same to Same. Proposition for jt. conv. betw. U. S., England and France for securing neu- trality of Panama route. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 151; 56. 1. S. doc. 237, 212.) — Sept. 10. Cass to Napier. Views of Pres. concern- ing proposition for jt. ConV. betw. U. S., England and France for securing neutrality of Panama route. (ib., 151; ib., 213.) 1859 Feb. 18. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Con- gress. Message; protection of Amer. citizens and property while in transit across isthmus route betw. Our Atlantic and Pacific possessions. (35. 2. S. doc. 33; H. ex. doc. 100; V, Mess. and Papers, 538.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Isthmian Transit—cont’d ROUTES: PANAMA CANAL–Cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1859 Feb. 18. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks unfavorable to message of even date; on Clingman res. of Dec. 13, 1858, calling for corresp. relative to Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 1119, 1120.) — Feb. 18. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; On message of even date; in connection with S. 500, authorizing use of public forces in certain cases; reply to Clingman on occupation of Central Amer. ; motion to print message. (ib., 1118, 1119, 1123.) — Feb. 18. J. P. Benjamin, sen. from La. Remarks; urging granting of power to Pres. to protect Amer. citizens and property in transit across isthmian routes. (ib., 1119.) Feb. 18. T. L. Clingman, sen. from N. C. Remarks; suggesting difficulties attending adoption of Presi- dent’s recommendation to give him power to protect lives and property of U. S. citizens crossing isthmian routes. (ib., 1118.) Feb. 18. J. Davis, Sen. from Miss. Remarks; Oppos- ing proposition to grant Pres. power to protect U. S. citizens and property in transit across Isthmus Of Panama. (ib., 1123.) — Feb. 18. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; support of message of even date; in favor of Con- ferring such authority as a general rule. (ib., 1122, 1123.) — Feb. 18. W. P. Fessenden, sen. from Me. Remarks; opposing proposition to give PreS. power to protect U. S. citizens and property in transit acroSS isth- mian routes. (ib., 1120.) — Feb. 19. S. Mallory, Sen. from Fla. Remarks; Op- posing present consideration of protection of Amer. citizens and property in transit acroSS isthmian routes. (ib., 1141.) — Feb. 19. R. W. Johnson, Sen. from Ark. Remarks; same. (ib., 1141.) Feb. 19. J. R. Doolittle, Sen. from Wisc. Remarks; same. (ib., 1140.) — Feb. 19. J. A. Bayard, jr., Sen. from Del. Remarks; same. (ib., 1140.) Feb. 19. J. Shields, Sen. from Minn. Remarks; same. (ib., 1141.) 1861 Feb. 2. D. E. Sickles, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; declaring r.r. rates across Panama to be excessively high. (ib., 717.) RouTES: SARAPIQUI CANAL 1849 Sept. 14. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Comment on Br. press disclosure of possible inter-Oceanic communi- cation by way of Sarapiqui River. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 27, 14.) Jones Mission (American) In 1858 (?) William Carey Jones, of D. C., was sent as special agent from the U. S. to Central America. 1859 Feb. 8. U. S. Senate. Res. (Brown, Miss.), calling on Pres. for instructions to and Corresp. Of Wm. Carey Jones, specl. agt. Of U. S. to Central Amer., and corresp. serving as possible basis for “declara- tion ” of Juan R. Mora and Tomas Martinez of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, agst. actions of U. S. officials in those countries. (35. 2. S. jol., 285.) See also below, Rivas Manifesto. Kerr Mission (American) John B. Kerr, of Md., commissioned Aumer. chargé in Nicaragua, Mch. 12, 1851; left Nicaragua Je. 1, 1853; see below, Nicaragua. Kerr was also au- thorized to negotiate with Guatemala and Salvador; see under names of these republics. 262 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Marcoleta Mission J. de Marcoleta, was chargé jointly for Costa Rica and Nicaragua in Gr. Br., France and Belgium, 1848–50. 1849 Mch. 27. Signs treaty of amity, etc., with Belgium for Costa Rica; see below, Costa Rica. Treaties. Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate 1839 Jan. 24. Copy of grant of “Mosquito King ” to Sam- uel Shepherd & co. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 145.) 1842 Oct. 24. H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Chat- field) to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Orosco). Br. recognition of State of Mosquito; etc. (ib., 24.) — Nov. 15. H. B. M. cons. gen, in Central Amer. (Chat- field) to Secy. State Nicaragua (Orosco). Inquiry into nature of alliance betw. Gr. Br. and Mosquito nation. (ib., 26.) — Nov. 18. Orosco to Chatfield. Nicaraguan grounds ; denying existence of Mosquito state; etc. (ib., — Nov. 19. Orosco to Chatfield. Refutes Br. conten- tion of existing alliance betw. Gr. Br. and Mosquito nation; etc. (ib., 34.) CASTELLóN MISSION: NICARAGUAN 1844 1844 Sept. 28 [25]. Envoy of Honduras and Nicaragua at Brussels (Castellón). Circ. to foreign ministers informing them Of his representation to Lord Aber- deen of the grounds upon Which Honduras and Nicaragua claim possession of so-called Mosquito terr. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 40.) Copy of note on p. 40 is in English text ; on p. 225 in French text. ... English copy is dated Sept. 28 ; French copy Sept. 25. Oct. 22. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (King) to Castellón. Acknowledges receipt of his of Sept. 28. (ib., 43.) 1847 Sept. 10. H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Chatfield) to Secy. State of Honduras (Guardiola) and of Nicaragua (Salinas). Terr. to which MOS- quito P&ing is, in Br. Consideration, entitled. (ib., 44.) Oct. 14. Salinas to Chatfield. In support of the rights of Nicaragua to the SO-Called Mosquito terr. (ib., 44.) Nov. 12. Ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Buitrago) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Application for mediation with Gr. Br. relative to her invasion of the Mosquito terr. (ib., 11.) 1848 Mch. 26. J. A. Dix, sen. from N. Y. Speech; Br. aggressions to Mosquito Coast at Belize, in Yucatan; etc. (Cong. Globe, 30 cong., 1 SeSS., 558.) — May 4. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston) to E. E. and M. P. New Granada, in Gr. Br. (MOS- Quera). Reply to his of Apr. 29, resp. course pursued by Br. Govt. with regard to Mosquito terr. (53. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, pt. 1, 284.) CASTELLóN-MARCOLETA MISSION: NICARAGUAN 1848 1848 Nov. 5. Castellón to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Bu- chanan). Apptd. chargé from Nicaragua to court of London to sustain rights of Nicaragua to Mos- quito terr.; asks Amer. Support. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 91.) Nov. 17. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ban- croft) to Buchanan. Will cultivate acquaintance of Peruvian min. On his arrival in London and ex- plain to him influences which will sway Br. govt. in its decision on Nicaraguan question. (ib., 221.) — Dec. 20. Amer. Chargé in Guatemala (Hise) to Buchanan. Certain Central Amer. States publish protests agst. Br. Occupation of Mosquito terr.; etc. (ib., 100.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d CASTELLóN-MARCOLETA MISSION: NICARAGUAN-cont’d 1848—cont’d 1849 Jan. 11. Ministre des affaires étrangères, Belgium (Hoffschmit) to Nicaraguan chargé in Belgium (Marcoleta). Agrees to mediate betw. England and Nicaragua. (ib., 222.) — Jan. 12. Bancroft to Buchanan. Rpt. of conferences With Castellón and Marcoleta. (ib., 222.) Jan. 20. Castellón to Palmerston. Nicaraguan Op- position to Br. occupation of Mosquito terr., etc.; ºmitable adjustment of existing differences. (ib., 237.) Feb. 7, Bancroft to Buchanan. Belgium has under- taken mediating office betw. England and Nicaragua. (ib., 222.) — Mch. 19. Castellón to Palmerston. Inquiry as to Mr. Christie's authority to fix boundary of Mosquito terr.; etc. (ib., 252.) — Mch. 31. Bancroft to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Copies of various papers addressed by representa- tives of Nicaragua to Br. govt. (ib., 225.) — May 2. Clayton to Bancroft. Instructions prelimi- nary to presentation of views of Amer. govt. to Gr. Br. relative to Br. Occupation of Mosquito terr. (ib., 230.) — May 3. Clayton to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua. U. S. will intercede with Gr. Br. relative to invasion of Mosquito terr.; instructions forwarded to U. S. min. at London. (ib., 132; Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 255.) May 5. Castellón to Palmerston. Repeating his representation of Feb. 9. (ib., 250.) — May 30. Bancroft to Clayton. Comment on in- structions of May 2. (ib., 232.) — Je. 29. Bancroft to Clayton. Importance of MOS- quito affair. (ib., 334.) — Jly. 2. H. Gaussen to H. B. M. Vice-cons. in Nicara- gua (Manning). Communication made public by General Muñoz alluding to Br. subjects as cause of present revolution in Nicaragua. (ib., 162.) — Jly. 16. Palmerston to Castellón. Attempt to prove Nicaragua's groundless claim to Mosquito terr. (ib., 180, 304.) — Jly. 17. Palmerston to Castellón. Mr. Christie's conduct in negotiating boundary of Mosquito terr. is approl. by govt. (ib., 309.) — Aug. [?]. Bancroft to Clayton. Conference with Palmerston relative to Br. Occupation of San Juan and of Br. negotiation with Nicaraguan ministers to London and Belgium. (ib., 234.) — Aug. 16. Clayton to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives). Instructions for representation to Pal- merston relative to Br. claim, and title of Mosquito King, to Mosquito terr. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 13.) — Sept. 5. Chatfield to Secy. State Nicaragua. Strmt. showing nature of connection which has existed betw. Gr. Br. and Mosquito nation since middle of 17th century. (ib., 61.) — Sept. 10. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Clayton. Conference with Castellón, relative to Pal- merston’s disregard of Amer. position in Central Amer. situation; etc. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 168.) — Sept. 20. H. B. M. under Secy. State for Foreign Affairs (Addington) to Rives. Lord Palmerston ap- points Monday, Sept. 24, at 5 o'clock as time for interview. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 17.) Sept. 21. Rives to Clayton. Prospective interview with Palmerston; analysis of Br. docS. relative to Br. claim to Mosquito terr. (ib., 15.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 263 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d CASTELLóN-MARCOLETA MISSION: NICARAGUAN-cont’d $ 1848—cont’d 1849 Sept. 25, Rives to Clayton. Rpt. of conference with Palmerston relative to Br. claim to Mosquito terr. (ib., 18.) — Oct. 1. H. B. M. chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Cramp- ton) to Palmerston. Substance of Clayton's remarks on Hise conv.; Mosquito claim, etc. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 56.) — [Oct. 2 (?)]. London Daily News. Central Amer. and Mosquito terr. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 35.) — Oct. 3. Rives to Clayton. Conference with Lord Palmerston on subject of Mosquito terr. (ib., 23.) — Oct. 20. Clayton to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). Instructions relative to Br. claim to Mosquito terr. (ib., 24.) — Oct. 27. Marcoleta to Palmerston. Strmt. of grounds upon which Nicaragua bases her right to possession of Mosquito terr., disputed by Gr. Br. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 43.) — Nov. 8. Lawrence to Palmerston. Request for re- ply to certain therein stated queries relative to Mos- quito question, etc. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 45; 34. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 65; S. ex. doc. 1, 65.) — Nov. 13. Palmerston to Lawrence. Reply to queries of NOV. 8. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 46; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 66.) — Dec. 10. Clayton to Lawrence. Protest agst, recog- nizing Mosquito as a sovereign state. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 51.) — Dec. 14. Lawrence to Clayton. Opinion on ultimate Br. attitude in Nicaragua controversy; on return from Continent of Central Amer. chargés will re- Open Subject of boundary; has caused a collection of books and maps on Central Amer. to be made for State Dept. (ib., 53.) CLAYTON-BULWER TREATY: ANGLO-AMERICAN 1850 1850 Jan. 5. Palmerston to Lawrence. Translation of letter which Br. chargé in Guatemala, addressed to govt. of Nicaragua, On Sept. 5. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 60.) — Jan. 6. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Bulwer) to Palmerston. Best Way to bring Anglo-Amer. ques- tions with respect to Nicaragua and Mosquito terr. to conclusion is by conv. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 60.) — Jan. 15. Lawrence to Palmerston. Returns Sp. translation of Mr. Chatfield’s note to Nicaraguan govt. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 67.) — Jan. 15. U. S. Senate. Res. (Douglas, Ill.), calling on Pres, for copies of corresp. regarding Mosquito kingdom and right of Way, through Lake Nicaragua, from ocean to ocean; etc. (31. 1. S. jol., 80, 116.) — Jan. 23. Lawrence to Palmerston. Requests him to appoint an hour for interview at Lawrence’s resi- dence. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 67.) — Feb. 8. Lawrence to Clayton. Memorandum of interview with Palmerston on subject of Mr. Chat- field’s movements in Central Amer. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 315.) — Feb. 13. President U. S. A. (Taylor) to Congress. Message; promising to communicate information called for by res. Of 28 ult. [i. e., Jan 15], regarding Mosquito kingdom, as Soon as expedient. (31. 1...S. jol., 149; H. jol., 529.) 0. — Mch. 19. Adm. Br. sqdn. in Pacific (Hornby) to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Salinas). Protest agst. anti-Br. articles in public press of Nicaragua. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 73.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito. Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d CLAYTON-BULwÉR TREATY: ANGLO-AMERICAN–Cont'd 1850—cont’d 1850 Jan. 24. Palmerston to Lawrence. Reply to his of 23 inst. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 68.) — Mch. 22. Salinas to Hornby. Denies publication of unjust articles in public press of Nicaragua; declare interference with liberty of the press to be uncon- stitutional. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 74.) — Apr. 5. Lawrence to Clayton. Protest agst. failure to receive instructions relative to Central Amer. ; improbability of Br. cession of protection of Mosqui- toes. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 72.) — Apr. 15. Palmerston to Marcoleta. Protesting Sp. claim to Mosquito terr.; maintains legality of Br. sovereignty. (ib., 98.) — Apr. 19. Lawrence to Clayton. Copy of note from Palmerston to Marcoleta. (ib., 98.) — Apr. 28. Bulwer to Palmerston. Settlement of Mosquito question. (p. 56, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 28. Palmerston to Bulwer. Views of H. B. M. govt. as to Mosquito; etc. (ib., 58.) Je. 3. Bulwer to Palmerston. Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton), considers that private rights should be respected in any settlement of Mosquito question. (ib., 61.) Je. 7. Lawrence to Clayton. Substance of Confer- ence with Palmerston relative to establishing some form of govt. over Mosquito terr.; Br. desire to con- clude Central Amer. negotiations. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 101.) — Jly. 1. Bulwer to Palmerston. Does not believe Nicaragua would consent to cession of part of Mos- quito terr., incl. Greytown, to Costa Rica. (p. 61, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Aug. 16. Chatfield to Salinas. Integrity of Mosquito nation asserted; Nicaragua advised to come to set- tlement with Gr. Br. thereupon. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 7.) — Sept. 10. Ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Salinas) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Tenders thanks for friendly offices of U. S.; cooperation of Central Amer. States in matter of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; will be greatly facilitated by accomplishment of pending efforts for union of Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. (ib., 5.) Sept. 16. Salinas to Chatfield. Objects to use of term “ Kingdom * as applied to Mosquito nation. (ib., 8.) Sept. 21. Salinas to Webster. Protests agst. asser- tion, by Br. govt. of integrity of Mosquito nation. (ib., 6.) Sept. 23. Salinas to Chatfield. Rights of Nicaragua to MOSquito terr. asserted. (ib., 11.) - Oct. 12. H. B. M. vice-cons. at Realejo (Foster) to Salinas. Surrender of protection of Mosquito nation by Gr. Br. not intended by late treaty; amicable set- tlement of difference urged. (ib., 14.) — Nov. 13. Salinas to Webster. Strmt. of Br. pre- tensions to Mosquito terr. curtailing sovereignty of Nicaragua; maintains right of Nicaragua to port of San Juan and vicinity. (ib., 12.) Dec. 5. Chatfield to Salinas. Strmt. of boundaries of Nicaragua recognized by Gr. Br.; sovereignty of Mosquito upheld. (ib., 23.) 1851 Feb. 24. Marcoleta to Webster. Requests to know whether U. S. intends to recognize existence of sov- ereign state of Mosquito. (ib., 16; Cong. Globe, 322, app., 78.) 264 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d *- Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d CLAYTON-BULWER TREATY: ANGLO-AMERICAN–Cont’d 1850—cont’d 1851 May 7. Marcoleta, to Webster. Intentions of Gr. Br. to evade treaty of 1850; good offices of U. S. be- sought to maintain friendly relations. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 21.) — May 19. Bulwer to Palmerston. Points resp. Mos- quito, etc., verbally settled betw. him and Webster. (p. 96, Corresp. With U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Je. 3. Marcoleta to Webster. Relative to reply to Lord Palmerston’s note to Castellón, relating to disputed Mosquito terr. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 41.) — Je. 6. Webster to Amer. Chargé in Nicaragua. (Kerr). Instructed to assert, if questioned, that U. S. has not recognized Mosquito kingdom. (ib., 49.) — Je. 21. Costa Rican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Molina). Memorandum on Mosquito coast. (ib., 52.) — Je. 25. Palmerston to Bulwer. Reply to his note of 19 ult. (p. 98, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Aug. 12. Bulwer to Palmerston. Prospect of set- tling Mosquito, etc., questions. (ib., 101.) — Sept. 5. Palmerston to Bulwer. Approval of his conduct of Central Amer. negotiations. (ib., 101.) 1853 Mch. 1. S. A. Douglas, sen. from Ill. Construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty as regards Mosquito pro- tectorate; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 941.) WEBSTER-CRAMPTON AGREEMENT: ANGLO-AMERICAN 1853 1852 Jan. 23. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Granville) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton). Instructions; to express to U. S. govt. wish of H. M. govt. for resumption of conferences on Mosquito question, etc. (p. 123, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) Jan. 23. Same to Same. Future protection of MOS- quito Indians. (ib., 124.) — Feb. 13. Granville to Marcoleta. Power to nego- tiate in case of Nicaragua, conferred upon Br. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Crampton); referred to Cramp- ton. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 61.) -— Mch. 8. Crampton to Granville. Substance of Con- versation with Webster on Greytown and Mosquito question, encloses memorandum of plan of settle- ment drawn up at Webster’s request. (p. 131, Cor- resp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 22. Crampton to Malmesbury. His sug- gestions for settlement of Central Amer. and Mos- quito questions are before the Secy. of State (Web- ster). (ib., 142.) — Mch. 28. Project of agreement for settlement of Mosquito question, entered into betw. Crampton, Webster and Molina. (ib., 144.) — Mch. 28. Crampton to Malmesbury. Present posi- tion of Mosquito question, enclosing project of agree- ment for its settlement. (ib., 142.) — Apr. 19. Lawrence to Clayton. Historical inquiry into Br. claim of protectorate Over Mosquito terr., forwarded on being advised of transfer of negotia- tions from London to Washington. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 73.) — Apr. 23. Malmesbury to Crampton. Br. govt. pre- pared to assent to arrangement of Mch. 28, resp. Mosquito question; mode of carrying out arrange- ment; course to be taken if Nicaragua refuses as- CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d WEBSTER-CRAMPTON AGREEMENT: ANGLO-AMERICAN–cont’d 1853—cont’d sent. (p. 147, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 1852 Apr. 30. Webster to Amer. chargé in Nicaragua. (Kerr). Instructions; to lay before Nicaragua plan of adjustment of differences formulated by Gr. Br., U. S. and Costa Rica, involving restoration to her of Greytown and Mosquito coast, on payment of certain sum to Mosquito Indians. (p. 77, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) - — Apr. 30. Webster and Crampton. Basis of a conv.for settlement of differences betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica, proposed by U. S. and Gr. Br. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 73.) May. 14. Webster to Lawrence. Adjustment Of controversy betw. Gr. Br. and Nicaragua in regard to terr. claimed by Mosquito Indians; etc. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 95.) May 17. Crampton to Malmesbury. Comment on indemnity article in Webster-Crampton agreement. (p. 159, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) May 17. Same to same. Reply to his note of 23 ult. resp. proposed alterations in Webster-Crampton ar- rangement; jurisdiction of San Juan River; per- petuity of renunciation by Costa Rica of right of navigating that river; instructions to Wyke. (ib., 162.) — Je. 8. Lawrence to Webster. Reply to his no. 77 of May 14. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 96.) — Je. 18. Malmesbury to Crampton. Reply to his note of 3 ult.; regret at So wide departure from Original project; to endeavor to obtain amdmts. resp. clearer definition of Mosquito boundary, cessions of terr. to Nicaragua, terr, incl. in Black River grants, and Compensation to be given Mosquito. (p. 164, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Jly. 13. Kerr to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Cas- tellón). Explains how, by suggested amdmts. to proposed treaty, future complications may be avoided in regard to grants of land within Mosquito terr. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 99.) Jly. 28. Kerr to Webster. Dispute with Gr. Br. relative to Mosquito terr.; etc. (ib., 93.) Oct. 22. Salinas to Foster. Right of Nicaragua to Mosquito terr. asserted; Br. Occupation violation of treaty of Washington. (ib., 15.) Oct. 28. Actg. Secy. State U. S. A. (Conrad) to Marcoleta. Declares that, in spite of rejection by Nicaragua of arrangement with Gr. Br. regarding MOSquito nation, any proposition emanating from that govt. will be received. (ib., 122.) — Nov. 2. Marcoleta to Conrad. Reasons for rejection of arrangement with Gr. Br. regarding Mosquito nation; modifications suggested to art. 1 and 2, treaty of Apr. 30, 1852; etc. (ib., 123.) — Nov. 29. P. F. Madrid to ministr. relac. est., New Granada. Claim of New Granada to dominion of Mosquito coast. (53. 2. H. ex. doc. 1., pt. 1, 283.) 1853 Jan. 10. U. S. House. Motion (Meade, Va.), to Suspend rules to enable him to introduce res. calling On PreS. for all unpublished corresp. with govt. of Nicaragua since Mch. 4, 1849. (32. 2. H. jol., 117.) — Jan. 10. U. S. Senate. Res. (Davis, Mass.), calling On PreS. for corresp. betw. U. S. govt. and Palmer- ston, relative to Central Amer., and especially Mos- quito Coast. (32. 2. S. jol., 83.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 265 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d WEBSTER-CRAMPTON AGREEMENT: ANGLO-AMERICAN–cont’d 1853—cont’d 1853 Jan. 19. Russell to Crampton. New conv.for settle- ment of MOSquito question to be proposed in lieu of one rejected by Nicaragua; bases of arrangement. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 2.) — Feb. 7. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks and proposal to print 2000 extra copies of letter from Lawrence to Clayton of Apr. 19, 1852, comprising history of affairs of Gr. Br. in relation to Mosquito terr. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 529.) — Feb. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett) to Pres. U. S. A. (Fillmore). Rpt. embodying substance of recent communications from Br. min. relative to affairs of Central Amer. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 44, 1.) — Feb. 18. President U. S. A. (Fillmore) to Congress. Message, transmitting, with favorable comment rpt. of Secy. of State (Everett) of 16 inst. (W, Mess. and Papers, etc., 188.) — Mch. 21. E. Everett, sen. from Mass. Clayton- Bulwer treaty; Mosquito protectorate; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. Specl. sess., app., 284.) — Apr. 29. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) to Crampton. Instructions to call attention of Amer. govt. to corresp. with Mr. Webster on Mosquito ques- tion and to terms of Pres. Fillmore’s message of Feb. 18, 1853. (p. 246, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 27. Same to same. Br. views resp. nature of engagements of Gr. Br. under Clayton-Bulwer treaty Concerning relations with Mosquito and Central Amer.; to advise Amer. govt. of subject of despatch. (ib., 247.) – Je. 13. Crampton to Clarendon. Has advised Amer. govt. Of Substance of despatch of 27 ult. ; comment of Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). (ib., 252.) — Aug. 14. Same to same. Considerations which prompted him to read despatch of 22 ult, to Marcy. (ib., 257.) — Sept. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Buchanan). Instructions in matter of negotiations betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. re- garding Br. claim to protectorate over Mosquito terr.; her occupation of Belize and Bay of Islands; TJ. S. will regard claim of sovereignty Over Belize as an infringement of Monroe doctrine. (34. 1. S. ex doc. 1, 49; H. ex. doc. 1, 49.) — Sept. 26. Molina to Marcy. Strmt. of attitude of Costa Rica regarding differences with Nicaragua and Mosquito coast; good offices of U. S. besought in conferences with Br. representatives; charges Squier with Nicaraguan favoritism. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 136.) — Dec. 1. Marcy to Buchanan. Mosquito Indians to be placed in Same relation to Nicaragua as U. S. Indians to Amer. govt.; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 50; H. ex. doc. 1, 50.) — Dec. 5. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- sage (1st); clause relating to differences with Gr. Br. regarding Central Amer. — Dec. 6. Marcoleta to Marcy. Strmt. Of conditions to which Nicaragua would submit for settlement of matters in dispute (San Juan del Norte, Mosquito coast, land grants). (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 138.) . — Dec. 30. Marcy to Amer. E. E. .and M. P. in Central Amer. (Borland) Gr. Br. obliged, by Clayton-Bulwer treaty, to abandon Central Amer. protectorates and possessions, except Belize, because outside Central Amer. boundaries. (ib., 142.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d WEBSTER-CRAMPTON AGREEMENT: ANGLO-AMERICAN–Cont'd 1853—cont’d 1853 Dec. 30. U. S. atty. gen. (Johnson). Opinion. On construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, as applied to Br. protectorate over Mosquito terr. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 14.) 1854 Jan. 5. [19, extr.] Buchanan to Marcy. Central Amer. negotiation not pressed owing to unsettled condition of cabinet in consequence of Palmerston’s resignation. (34.1. S. ex. doc. 1, 52; H. ex: doc. 1, 52.) Jan. 6. Buchanan to Clarendon. Stnt.; review of Br. Operations in Mosquito terr.; legality of Opera- tions. (ib., 55; ib., 55.) — Jan. 10. Buchanan to Marcy. Treatment of MOS- quito Indians, etc.; asks instructions on Sundry matters for Clarendon relative to Amer. Contention of fallacy of Br. claims to any part of Central Amer. terr. (ib., 52; ib., 52.) — May 2. Clarendon to Buchanan. Counter-stmt. to his note of Jan. 6. (ib., 80; ib., 80.) — JIy. 22. Buchanan to Clarendon. Reply to Strmt. Of May 2. (ib., 93; ib., 93.) — Aug. 2. Marcy to Marcoleta. In event of Nicaragua claiming right of protection Over persons at San Juan she must acknowledge responsibility for acts of those persons. (MSS. Notes Central Amer. Repr. in iii, Wharton. Int. Digest, 15.) 1855 Feb. 16. Buchanan to Marcy. Central Amer. ques- tions not settled owing to suspension of public bus- iness since ministerial crisis. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 69; H. ex. doc. 1, 69.) CLARENDON-DALLAS TREATY: ANGLO-AMERICAN 1856 1855 Aug. 6. Marcy to Buchanan. Instructions for settlement of Central Amer. questions; groundless- ness of Br. protectorate over Mosquito Indians; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 69; H. ex. doc. 1, 69.) — Sept. 11. Buchanan to Clarendon. Stnt. regarding Mosquito protectorate Solicited; obligations im- posed by convention of 1850. (ib., 73; ib., 73.) — Sept. 11. Buchanan to Marcy. Transmits copy of note to Clarendon of even date; anxiety as to its reception by Pres. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 73.) Sept. 28. Clarendon to Buchanan. Reply to note of 11 inst.; prospective nature of conv. of 1850 upheld. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 76; H. ex. doc. 1, 76.) — Oct. 4. [no. 95, extr.] Buchanan to Marcy. Claren- don’s reply to note of 11 ult. (ib., 75; ib., 75.) 1856 Jan. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling on President for corresp. relating to Mosquito In- dians, etc. (34. 1. S. jol., 57.) — May 15. President U. S. A. (Pierce) to U. S. Con- greSS. Message relating to inter-Oceanic routes of transit through Central Amer., and action of Gr. Br. in assuming Sovereignty Over terr. claimed by Nica- ragua. (ib., 329; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 1; V, Mess. and Papers, 368.) — May 24. Marcy to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas). Instructions for resuming corresp. On Central Amer. questions; interpretation of treaty of Apr. 19, 1850; Mosquito protectorate; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 82.) — Aug. 27. Memorandum signed by Clarendon and Dallas, agreement for conclusion of treaty for settle- ment of Central Amer. questions. (p. 1, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Oct. 13. Dallas to Clarendon. Reasons for proposed Hºuon of boundary in Mosquito reservation. ib., 5. 266 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-L1861] conFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d CLARENDON-DALLAS TREATY: ANGLO-AMERICAN–Cont’d 1856—cont’d 1857 Feb. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Yulee, Fla.), calling on President for any treaty or negotiation betw. Gr. Br. and Costa Rica, Salvador, Guatemala, or Nicara- gua, resp. boundaries or other subjects involved in late negotiation betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. (x, S. ex. jol., 184-185.) — Mch. 21. Cass to Dallas. Instructions in case of Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (p. 32, Corresp. re Cen- tral Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Mch. 23. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Clarendon. Ratification of Clarendon-Dallas treaty subject to certain alterations. (ib., 30.) — Apr. 1. Clarendon to Napier. Approving language used to Cass resp. Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (ib., 30.) — Apr. 7. Dallas to Clarendon. Proposed Amer. al- terations in Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (ib., 30.) — Apr. 17. Clarendon to Napier. Br. Objections to Clarendon-Dallas treaty as modified by U. S.; draft of amended treaty enclosed. (ib., 33.) — Apr. 24. Same to same. Enclosing full powers for negotiation of Clarendon-Dallas treaty; etc. (ib., 39.) — May 3. Napier to Clarendon. Substance of Con- versation with Cass resp. rejection of modifications in Clarendon-Dallas treaty; English version of treaty not likely to be accepted; etc. (ib., 39.) — May 6. Napier to CaSS. Br. reasons for rejecting modifications introduced into Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (ib., 42.) — May 12. Napier to Clarendon. Substance of cor- resp. With Cass resp. Br. reasons for rejecting modi- fications introduced into Clarendon-Dallas treaty; draft of amended treaty; Clarendon-Herran conv. relative to Bay Is. (ib., 41.) — May 27. Debate in H. B. M. House of Commons on non-ratification of Clarendon-Dallas treaty; Disraeli and Palmerston participating. (Hansard, ser. 3, V. cxlv., 1003.) — May 28. Clarendon to Napier. Approval of his lan- guage to President U. S. A., and to Cass resp. Clar- endon-Dallas treaty. (p. 44, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — May 29. Cass to Napier. Rejection of Br. draft OI amended Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (47. 1. S. ex doc. 194, 109.) — Je. 7. Napier to Clarendon. Advice of Amer. Te- jection of Br. draft of amended Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (p. 44, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) OUSELEY MISSION: BRITISH 1858/9 Nicaraguan Negotiations See also below, Ouseley mission. 1858 Feb. 16. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- bury) to H. B. M. Specl. comr. in Central Amer. (Ouseley). Disapproves subordination of Mosquito Conv. to general treaty; importance of concluding Mosquito Conv.; One treaty cannot be ratified with- out the other. (p. 170, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 9. Same to Same. Instructions; course to be pursued towards Mosquito king. (ib., 120.) — Aug. 18. Same to Same. Authorized to substitute draft, enclosed of art. 3, in Nicaraguan treaty resp. Mosquito Indians, should Nicaragua object to art. previously proposed. (ib., 124.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d .OUSELEY MISSION: BRITISH-cont’d 1858/9—cont’d Nicaraguan Negotiations—cont’d 1858 Nov. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Substance of Con- ference with Malmesbury relative to termination of Mosquito protectorate by treaty; etc. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 2.) — Dec. 15. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Napier) to Cass. Correcting Dallas’ rpt. of conversation with Malmesbury relative to Ouseley’s negotiations with Nicaragua for termination of Mosquito protectorate. (ib., 4.) — Dec. 12. Ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Zeledon) to Ouseley. Inquires as to his authority to include Mosquito question in proposed Anglo-Nicaraguan negotiations. (p. 169, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) 1859 Jan. 1. Ouseley to Zeledon. Prepared to negoti- ate concerning Mosquito terr. (ib., 170.) Jan. 18. Ouseley to Zeledon. Inquiry; possible ac- ceptance by Nicaragua of Br. draft of Mosquito treaty. (ib., 185.) — Jan. 22. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Delay in nego- tiations resp. Mosquito question.; Nicaraguan govt. engrossed with preparations for defence agst, the filibusters. (ib., 185.) — Jan. 22. Zeledon to Ouseley. Br. draft of Mosquito treaty being considered by Supreme govt. (ib., 186.) Jan. 24. Ouseley to Zeledon. Reply to his note of 18 inst. (ib., 206.) — Feb. 3. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Delay in settle- ment of Mosquito conv., intends to proceed to Costa Rica. (ib., 205.) - Feb. 16. Same to same. Difficulty in negotiation of Mosquito conv. On acct. of anticipated filibustering attack; intended departure for Costa Rica. (ib., 206.) º — Feb. 25. Same to same. Nicaragua, on 21 inst.; ratifies Ouseley-Zeledon treaty. (ib., 208.) — Mch. 8. Zeledon to Ouseley. Proposes certain al- terations in Mosquito conv. (ib., 227.) — Mch. 22. Ouseley to Zeledon. Urges immediate con- clusion of Mosquito conv.; position of negotiation On his departure for Costa Rica. (ib., 225.) — Mch. 23. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Necessity for conclusion of Mosquito conv.; general treaty cannot be ratified without it. (ib., 204.) — Mch. 29. Ouseley to Zeledon. Conclusion of MOS- quito conv. (ib., 247.) — Mch. 30. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Substance of cor- resp. with Zeledon resp. immediate conclusion of Mosquito conv. (ib., 225.) — Apr. 2. Same to same. Delay in concluding MOS- quito conv. with Nicaragua. Owing to embarraSSment caused by filibusters. (ib., 231.) — Apr. 4. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Malmesbury. Dissatisfaction of Amer. govt. with Ouseley-Zeledon treaty. (ib., 21.1.) — Apr. 12. Zeledon to Ouseley. Basis upon which Nicaragua is agreed to Settle Mosquito conv. (ib., 262.) — Apr. 14. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Delay in negoti- & ation of Mosquito conv. with Nicaragua; to press for its conclusion; not to admit important altera- tions in the treaties. (ib., 209.) — Apr. 18. Ouseley to Zeledon. Urging immediate signing of Mosquito conv. (ib., 244.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 267 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d OUSELEY MISSION: BRITISH-cont’d ſº 1858/9—cont’d Nicaraguan Negotiations—cont’d 1859 Apr. 21. Malmesbury to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons). Steps taken resp. clauses in- troduced by Ouseley in Ouseley-Zeledon treaty and delay in concluding Mosquito conv. (ib., 213.) — Apr. 23. Ouseley to Malmesbufy. Comment on Nicaraguan proposals for modification of Br. draft of Mosquito conv. (ib., 245.) — Apr. 28. Same to same. Further explanations resp. delay in conclusion of Mosquito conv. (ib., 246.) — Apr. 28. H. B. M. chargé in Guatemala (Wyke) to Malmesbury. Nicaragua refuses to ratify Mosquito conv. (ib., 250.) — Apr. 30. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Substance of in- terview with Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Dallas) resp. progress of Ouseley negotiations; Amer. objections to “armed expeditions * clause in Ouseley-Zeledon treaty; charge that clause occasioned defeat of Cass- Irissari treaty. (ib., 225.) - — May 6. Malmesbury to Lyons. Instructions to call attention of Amer. govt. to delay in Br. negotiations in Central Amer., caused by filibusters. (ib., 234.) — May 9. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Reply to his ex- planation of Mch. 31. (ib., 235.) — May 10. Lyons to Malmesbury. Substance of inter- view with Cass resp. Br. rejection of Ouseley-Zeledon treaty because of filibustering clause; etc. (ib., 239.) — May 13. Zeledon to Ouseley. Compromise in Anglo- Nicaraguan proposals for negotiation of Mosquito conv.; etc. (ib., 261.) May 13. Ouseley to Zeledon. Conclusion of MOS- quito conv. (ib., 256.) — May 25. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Comment on Nicaraguan proposals resp. modifications in Br. • draft of Mosquito conv. (ib., 240.) — May 30. Lyons to Malmesbury. Substance of con- versation with Cass on Ouseley treaty. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 125.) -— Je. 7. Ouseley to Zeledon. Reply to his note of 13 ult.; Gr. Br. not disposed to modify Mosquito conv. (p. 261, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) Je. 7. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Substance of cor- resp. With Zeledon resp. rejection of Mosquito conv. (ib., 259.) — Je. 15. Zeledon to Ouseley. Further stnt. Of ob- jections to Ouseley proposals for Mosquito conv. (ib., 291.) — Je. 15. Same to Same. Itemized strmt. of Nicaraguan gºtons to Br. proposal for Mosquito conv. (ib., — Je. 21. Lyons to Malmesbury. Substance of con- ference with CaSS resp. Nicaraguan apprehensions of inability to protect Mosquitia agst. filibusters and consequent unwillingness to conclude Mosquito conv. (ib., 258.) — Jly. 5. Same to Same. Substance of conversation with Cass relative to Ouseley treaty; abandonment Of * protectorate, etc. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 127. Costa Rican Negotiations 1859 Apr. (?). President of Costa Rica (Mora) to Ouseley. Takes passage for San Juan del Sur in French ship Andromede; will return in H. B. M. S. Viacen. (p. 242, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt, Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Apr. 2. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Substance of con- ference with President Mora resp. cooperation with Br. proposals On Mosquito, etc., question. (ib., 231.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839–I1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Mosquito Territory: British Protectorate—cont’d OUSELEY MISSION: BRITISH-cont’d 1858/9—cont’d Costa Rican Negotiations—cont’d 1859 Apr. 17. Ouseley to Mora. Importance of prompt settlement by Costa Rica of Mosquito question. (ib., 243.) — Apr. 23. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Substance of conference with President Mora resp. early Con- clusion of Mosquito and Greytown question. (ib., 241.) — JIy. 2. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Illness of Señor Toledo; Don Lorenzo Montàfar apptd. plenipoten- tiary in his place. (ib., 285.) — Jly. 26. Same to same. Influence of Costa Rica in arrangement of Mosquito conv. (ib., 292.) — Sept. 1. Ouseley to Russell. Progress of negotia- tions resp. Mosquito conv. (ib., 294.) WYKE MISSION: BRITISH 1859/60 Honduran, Negotiations 1859 JIy. 19. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell). Sub- stance of interviews with President of U. S. A. and Secy. State; anxiety expressed by them for Speedy settlement of Central American negotiations. (p. 263, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 4. Russell to Lyons. Delay in negotiating Br. abandonment of Mosquito protectorate, etc.; new mission to be sent to Central Amer. (ib., 266.) — Aug. 15. Russell to Wyke. Instructions for nego- tiation with govt. of Nicaragua; Strmt. of what has already been done, with a view to settlement of question in discussion with that Republic. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 128.) — Aug. 22. Same to same. Substance of interview with Cass on subject of Russell’s despatch of 4 inst.; Amer. satisfaction. (p. 289, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Nov. 28. Conclusion of Wyke-Cruz treaty; See above, Honduras. Foreign Relations; do. Treaties. 1860 Jan. 28. Conclusion of Zeledon-Wyke treaty ; see below, Nicaragua. Foreign Relations; do. Treaties. Mosquito Territory: Nicaraguan Protectorate 1860 Jan. 28. Wyke to Russell. Comment on Mosquito conv. with Nicaragua. (p. 314, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Mch. 31. Ministro-gen., Nicaragua (Cortez) to Wyke. Modification of Mosquito conv. (ib., 323.) — Apr. 2. Wyke to Russell. Modifications introduced by Nicaraguan congress in Mosquito treaty before ratification. (ib., 320.) Je. 10. Russell to Wyke. Receipt of Nicaraguan treaties; approval of proc. (ib., 324.) — Jly. 24. Marcoleta to Russell. Arrival in London to exchg. ratifications of Nicaraguan treaties; mod- ifications intr. (ib., 324.) Murphy Agency William S. Murphy, of Ohio; instructed, Aug., 1841, to inquire into result of efforts of Honduras to secure withdrawal of British settlers from Belize, etc. 1841 Aug. 6. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Murphy. Application by Central Amer. for mediation of U. S. in terr. controversy with Gr. Br.; refusal of U. S. to grant it; instructions to Secure information as to cause of failure of Galindo's mission to London. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 12.) 268 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- | CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Murphy Agency—cont’d 1842 Jan. 20. Murphy to Webster. Cause of failure of Galindo mission in London, fact that Galindo, being by birth an Irishman and a Br. Subject, could not be received as representative of foreign govt. (ib., 13.) 1848 Je. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise). Instructions; Murphy mission; etc. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 92.) Nicaragua For *. state of Nicaragua see above, under Confedera- OIl. 1853 Jan. 13. Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Unsettled state of Hondu- ras and Nicaragua, etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 134.) ALIENS IN; See ALIENAGE, ETC. BOUNDARY; see above BOUNDARY NEGOTIATIONS CIVIL SERVICE Director Supremio (President) Constitution of 1838 1839 Je. Patricio Rivas, ad int. — Jly. Joaquin COSío, ad int. — Oct. Hilario Ulloa, Senator in charge. — Nov. Tomas Valladares, ad int. 1840 Sept. Patricio Rivas, ad int. 1841-43 Apr. 1. Pablo Buitrago, director supremo. 1843. Juan de Dios Orozco, ad int. 1843-45. Manuel Perez, director Supremo. 1845 Jan. 20-Apr. 4. Blas Antonio Saenz, director Su- premo. 1845-47. Jose Leon Sandoval. director Supremo. 1847. Miguel Morales, director Supremo. 1847-49. Jose Guerrero, director Supremo. 1849-51. Norberto Ramirez, director Supremo. 1851-53. Jose Laureano Pineda, director Supremo. Legitimate GOvernment (Conservatives; legitimists; seat at Granada) 1853-55. Fruto Chamorro, director Supremo. 1855-56. Jose Maria. Estrada, director Supremo. Provisional Government (Liberals; Democrats; seat at Leon) Je. 11, 1854-Sept. 2, 1855. F. Castellón. Sept. 2, 1855-Oct. 28, 1855. Nazarío Escoto. Oct. 28, 1855-Jan. 14, 1857. Patricio Rivas. Walker Government Jly. 12, 1856-May 1, 1857. Junta Consultiva, Jan. 14, 1857-Je. 24, 1857. Gobierno Binario Je. 24, 1857-Nov. 15, 1857. [Restoration] Constitution of 1858 Nov. 15, 1857-Mch. 1, 1867. Tomás Martinez, director Su- premo. 1859. Fernando Guzman, Vice-president. Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores Constitution of 1838 1841-43. Simon Orozco. 1843-44. Francisco Castellón. 1845–57. Jose Montenegro. 1847-49. Pablo Buitrago. 1849-50. 2 1851-52. Francisco Castellón. 1853-56. Nicasio del Castillo. SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d CIVIL SERVICE—cont’d Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores—cont’d Provisional Government Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 1855. Norberto Ramirez. Nov. 1, 1855-Jan. 8, 1856. Máximo Jerez. 1856 Mch. 18-(?). Sebastian Salinas. Sept. 12, 1856-[Jan. 14, 1857]. Pedro Cardenal. Walker Government [1856-57.] F. Ferrer. [Restoration] Constitution of 1858 Nov. 17, 1857-?. Gregorio Juarez. 1858. ROSalio Cortez. [1859]-?. Pedro Zeledon. Ministro de HQ Cienda Constitution of 1838 1848. F. Castellón. Director of Colonization Walker Government 1855. J. W. Fabens. CoMMERCE; see RECIPROCITY (CoMMERCIAL, ETC.) DECREES: LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT 1850 Mch. 9. Ramirez. Incorporating Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Ship-Canal co.; Engl. text. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 66.) 1852 Je. 21. Estrada, depy, president. Assigning Nica- raguan claim agSt. Accessory Transit CO. to Man- ning, Glenton & Co.; Engl. text. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 110.) Jly. 14. Pineda. Rejecting Webster-Crampton ar- rangement; Engl. text. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 103.) 1855 Oct. 22. Estrada. Appointing Jose Sacaza, Fran- cisco Dueñas, Fulgencio Vegas, Juan T. Ruiz, and Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, Es. E. and Ms. P. near govts. Central Amer.; Luis Molina E. E. and M. P. to England, France and Spain; Min. of War (Castillo) in charge of dept. of relations ad int.; Engl. text. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 144.) — Oct. 25. Estrada. Manifesto to govts. Of Central Amer. and civilized world, protesting agst, treaty of peace of Oct. 23, conclusion of which he claims was result of force of circumstance; prays interven- tion of Central Amer. States in affairs of Nica- ragua; Engl. text. (ib., 145.) 1856 Jan. 25. Estrada. Manifesto to govts. and people of Central Amer. relative to invasion of Wm. Walker; Engl. text. (ib., 142.) 1857 Aug. 31. Martinez. Declaring agreement with Mar- itime Canal co. canceled in event of aid Supplied to invading filibusters; Engl. text. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 12.) TXECREES: PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT 1855 Nov. 1. Rivas. Appointing Maximo Jerez as Minis- ter of Interior and Foreign Relations ad int., to suc- ceed Norverto Ramirez; Engl. text. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 24.) — Nov. 28. Do. Relative to colonization; Engl. text. (ib., 61.) 1856 Feb. 18. Do. Revoking charters of Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal co., and of Accessory Transit co.; Engl. text. (ib., 106.) — Mch. 10. Rivas. Call for volunteers. (ib., 122.) — Mch. 11. Declaration of War agst. Costa Rica. (ib., 123.) INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 269 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d DECREES: WALKER GOVERNMENT 1855 Oct. 13. [Walker.] Manifesto to Nicaraguans upon having taken possession of Granada. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 22.) 1855 Oct. 23. Treaty of peace betw. Gen. Wm. Walker and Don Ponciano Corral; see below, Filibustering. — Dec. 22. Director dept. of colonization, proV. govt. of Nicaragua (Fabens). Circular inviting immigra- tion. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 60.) 1856 Mch. 10. Walker to adj. gen., Walker govt. (Thomp- son). Declaration of hostilities agst. Other Central Amer. states. (ib., 124.) DIPLOMATIC AGENTS IN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Central America. 1855 Oct. 22. Decree of legit. govt. (Estrada), apptg. José Sacaza, Francisco Dueñas, Fulgencio Vegas, Juan T. Ruiz, and Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, Es. E. and Ms. P. near govts. Central Amer., etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 144.) Great Britain In 1849 J. de Marcoleta acted as chargé in Gr. Br., with authority to treaty with Belgium. TJnited States (Legitimate government) 1849-50. Eduardo Carcache, chargé d'affaires. Presented credentials Dec. 24, 1849; took leave by letter from New York, JIy. 8, 1850. 1851. See Gomez (I.). 1851-56. Jose de Marcoleta, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Feb. 22, 1851; Dec. 30, 1852, Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett) declined further official communication with him ; Dec. 17, 1853, he presented new credentials; his last communica- tion was dated Apr. 26, 1856. (Provisional Government) 1855. Parker H. French, minister. Dec. 19, 1855, French requested an apptmt. with Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy), in order to present his cre- dentials. Mr. Marcy replied on the 21st, decliniug to open negotiations. 1856. Parker H. French, minister. On Feb. 4, French again requested an apptmt. with Secy. Marcy, and was, on Feb. 6, again refused. 1856. Augustin Vijil, E. E. and M. P. Transmitted credentials May 14, 1856; announced intended absence Je. 28, 1856, leaving John P. Heiss, secy. of legation, in charge of legation. [Restoration] 1856-59. Antonio Jose de Irisarri, E. E. and M. P. Transmitted copy of credentials May 14, 1856 ; not recognized until Oct. 17, 1857; transmitted letter of recall Jan. 4, 1859. 1858-59. Maximo Jerez, E. E. and M. P. Sent on special mission to continue pending treaty ne- gotiations; presented credentials Oct. 8, 1858; pre- Sented new credentials as permanent minister Jan. 11, 1859. 1859-67. Luis Molina, chargé d'affaires. First note to Secy. State dated Aug. 30, 1859; pre- sented credentials as E. E. and M. P. Mch. 16, 1861; took Jeave Sept. 30, 1867. Special Missions (1844, Jointly with Honduras) Francis Castellón to courts of Gr. Br., France and Belgium ; see Castellón. 1849 F. Castellón on special mission to Gr. Br. to negotiate Nicaraguan claim to sovereignty over Greytown, etc. : see above, Mosquito Territory. J. de Marcoleta, chargé jointly with Costa Rica, in France a la Belgium ; see above, Marcoleta Mission. CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FILIBUSTERING Statutory Measures See also Neutrality. 1858 Jan. 25. Intr. in Senate (Mason, Com. On Foreign Relations); bill (35. 1. S. 85) “supplementary to act of Apr. 30, 1818, for punishment of certain crimes agst, the U. S.” (35. 1. S. jol, 128; 35. 2. S. jol., 50.) Feb. 3. Intr. in House (Bocock, Com. on Naval Af- fairs) joint res. (31. 1. H. Res. 7) “expressive of the opinion of CongreSS . . in relation to arrest of Walker . . . .” (35. 1. H. jol., 290.) 1859 Jan. 11. Intr. in Senate (Mason, Com. On Foreign Relations) bill (35. 2. S. 500) “authorizing PreS. to use public force of U. S. in stated cases.” (35. 2. S. jol., 125.) Correspondence, etc. Fabens-Kinney Expedition 1854/5 1854 Jan. 16. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing) to U. S. atty. no. distr. California (Inge). Instructions to prevent fitting out of filibustering expedition in Calif. agst. Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 7.) 1855 Apr. 25. Same to U. S. atty. So. distr. New York (McKeon). Instructions to institute legal proc. agst. H. L. Kinney and J. W. Fabens. (ib., 9.) — Apr. 28. McKeon to Cushing. Indictment of H. L. Rinney and J. W. Fabens for setting on foot filibus- tering expedition agst. Nicaragua. (ib., 8.) — May 25. Cushing to McKeon. Instructions for de- tention of str. United States, engaged in prepara- tions for filibustering expedition agst. Nicaragua. (ib., 9.) —Je. 29. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to Fabens. De- clines to countenance Fabens' enterprise and to rec- ognize that his party has political power in Nica- ragua. (MSS. Dom. Let. Repr. Wharton’s Digest, iii, 602.) — Aug. 24. Cushing. Opinion that expenditures in- curred by order of State Dept. to prevent departure Of the Strs. United States and Ocean Wave, chartered by Kinney and Fabens, for alleged expedition agst. Nicaragua, are chargeable to funds of that Dept. (vii, Op. attys. gen., 398.) 1857 Feb. 7. Same. Opinion in case of U. S. vs. J. W. Fabens, accused of enlisting troops within so. distr. of New York for military service in Central Amer. (viii, ib., 375.) Feb. 8. Same. Opinion regarding prosecution of parties engaged in recruiting troops at New York, for military service in Central Amer. (ib., 376.) Walker Expedition (First) 1855/6 1855 Je. 2. Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Marcoleta) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Repre- sentation of departure of Walker with armed com- panions from San Francisco for Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 21.) Je. 5. Marcy to Marcoleta. Advices at Washington indicate Walker’s purpose in Nicaragua is to enter military service of Nicaragua; U. S. Gannot interfere in that case. (ib., 21.) — Jly. 1. American min. res. in Nicaragua (Wheeler) to Marcy. Reports of capture of Rivas and San Juan del Sur by Walker and 400 men. (ib., 22.) — Oct. 13. Walker (Wm.). Manifesto to Nicaraguans upon having taken possession of Granada. (ib., 22.) — Oct. 14. Wheeler to Marcy. Capture of Granada by Yº, Walker, and flight of President Estrada. (ib., 22. 270 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-L1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (First)—cont’d 1855/6—cont’d 1855 Oct. 17. Comdr.-in-chief of army, legitimate govt. of Nicaragua (Corral) to Wheeler. Threatening his personal safety, etc. (ib., 25.) Oct. 18. Wheeler to Corral. Reply to his of Oct. 17; protest agst. detention, (ib., 26.) — Oct. 23. Wheeler to Marcy. Capture of Granada by Wm. Walker; Min. of Foreign Affairs (Don Mateo Mayorga) shot; first Engl. newspaper published in Nicaragua. (ib., 24.) — Oct. 23. Treaty of peace betw. Gen. Wm. Walker and Don Ponciano Corral; Engl. text. (ib., 33.) Oct. 25. Pres. legitimist govt. of Nicaragua (Es- trada). Manifesto to govts. Of Central Amer. and of civilized world protesting agst, treaty of peace of Oct. 23, conclusion of which he claims was result of force of circumstance; prays intervention of Central Amer. states in affairs of Nicaragua. (ib., 145.) Oct. 25. Copy of resolutions of citizens of Granada. which U. S. min. (Wheeler), in company with min. of War (Juan Ruiz), carried to camp of Gen. Corral. (ib., 38.) — Oct. 30. Wheeler to Marcy. Conclusion of treaty of peace betw. gen. of democratic party of Nicaragua. (Walker) and gen. of legitimate party (Corral) ; arrival of provisional Pres. (Rivas) ; federal union of San Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua; murder at Virgin Bay of N. Carroll, J. L. Boyce, and Wm. De Bois. (ib., 32.) — Nov. 2. Wheeler to ministr. relac. est. proV. govt. of Nicaragua (Jerez). Notice of discontinuance of political intercourse, ostensibly because of retention in Dept. of Rivas of comdr.s. (Castillo and Xatruche), charged with his forcible detention from Oct. 15 to 17. (ib., 54.) Nov. 8. Wheeler to Marcy. Organization of pro- visional govt.; names of cabinet members; Gen. Corral executed on charge of treason; murder of Mrs. A. White and child, one Howard, and H. P. Davis. (ib., 37.) Nov. [10]. Wheeler to Pres. of Nicaragua (Rivas). Congratulatory address on his accession. (ib., 40.) — Nov. [10]. Rivas to Wheeler. Reply to his congratu- latory address of even date. (ib., 41.) — Nov. 30. M. P. Guatemala and Salvador in U. S. (Irisarri) to Marcy. Protest agst. non-interference of U. S. in conduct of invaders of Nicaragua and agst, recognition by U. S. of de facto govt. of Nica- ragua. (ib., 42.) — Dec. 6. Marcy to Irisarri. Contends that hostile character of persons departing from U. S. for Nica- ragua was unknown to authorities of U. S.; instruc- tions forbidding political intercourse with de facto govt. of Nicaragua, received after U. S. min. had pre- sented himself to this govt. (ib., 43.) — Dec. 6. Costa Rican chargé in U. S. A. (Molina) to Marcy. Calls upon govt. of U. S. to proclaim its dis- approval of de facto govt. of Nicaragua; protest agst. recognition of same by U. S. min. Wheeler. (ib., 48.) — Dec. 8. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Proclamation agst. participation of Amer. citizens in military op- erations in Nicaragua. (V, Mess. and Papers, 388.) — Dec. 8. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Circular to distr. attyS. in principal ports of U. S., directing sup- pression of enterprises to fit expeditions agst, Nica- ragua. (ib., 10.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (First)—cont’d 1855/6—cont’d 1855 Dec. 10. Marcy to Molina. Reply to his of Dec. 6; disclaimer of charge that recent revolution in Nica- ragua, Was due solely to armed intervention of citi- zens of U. S. (ib., 49.) — Dec. 11. U. S. atty. so, distr. New York (McKeon) to Cushing. No evidence in New York State of pro- jected invasion of Nicaragua. (ib., 10.) Dec. 14. Cushing to U. S. atty. no. distr. California . (Inge). Further instructions on subject of illegal military expedition fitting out from Calif. agst. Nica- ragua. (ib., 11.) Dec. 17. U. S. atty. e. distr. Louisiana (McCoy) to U. S. customs collector, New Orleans (Porter). In- structed to search the General Scott, suspected of complicity in filibustering expedition agst. Nica- ragua. (ib., 12.) — Dec. 20. Molina to Marcy. Protest agst, indiffer- ence of U. S. govt. to filibusters; complicity of Nica- ragua. Transit Co. in transporting filibusters; op- erations of French, Fry and Kewen. (ib., 57.) — Dec. 24. Cushing to McKeon. Instructions to detain str. Northern Light; str. suspected of complicity in filibustering expedition agst. Nicaragua. (ib., 12.) 1856 Jan. 6. Marcoleta to Marcy. Reorganization of natl. govt. of Nicaragua in dept. of Segovia under ex-Pres. Estrada; Salvador and Honduras Sympa- thize with Estrada; Costa Rica and Guatemala fur- nished troops; efforts of Walker to retain control. (ib., 66.) — Jan. 10. H. B. M. vice-cons., Realejo (Manning) to Secy. Relac. Est. prov. govt. Nicaragua (Jerez). Sym- pathies of Br. govt. (ib., 73.) Jan. 14. Cushing to U. S. distr. atty. N. J. (Can- non). Instructions for inquiry into published accts. alleging fitting out of filibustering expedition in New Jersey agst. Nicaragua. (ib., 14.) —Jan. 16. McKeon to Cushing. Representation of in- dictment of persons therein named by U. S. circ. ct. so. distr. N. Y. for setting on foot military expedi- tion agst. Nicaragua. (ib., 15.) — Jan. 25. President legitimate govt. of Nicaragua (Estrada). Manifesto to govts. and people of Cen- tral Amer. relative to invasion of Wm. Walker. (ib., 142.) — Feb. 4. Inge to Cushing. No organized filibustering expedition fitting out in Calif. agst. Nicaragua. (ib., 15.) — Mch. 10. Walker to adj. gen. Walker govt. (Thomp- son). Declaration of hostilities agst. Other Central Amer. States. (ib., 124.) — Mch. 10. Call (Rivas) upon country for armed Vol- unteers. (ib., 122.) — Apr. 1. Inge to Cushing. Stnt. of prosecutions in- Stituted in no. distr. Of Calif. for Violation of act of 1818. (ib., 17.) — Apr. 10. McCoy to Cushing. Str. Charles Morgan, bound for Nicaragua, suspected of complicity in filibustering expedition, searched; no violation of law discovered. (ib., 18.) — Apr. 25. Marcy to Molina. Protest agst, interfer- ence in his of Apr. 8 of want of good faith of U. S. in executing neutrality laws; refers to attempts be- ing made to prosecute offenders agst. those laws. (ib., 137.) — Apr. 26. Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Mar- coleta) to Marcy. Relative to manifesto of Oct. 25, #; issued by legitimate govt. of Nicaragua. (ib., INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 271 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d IFILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (First)—cont’d 1855/6—cont’d 1856 May 1. U. S. Senate. Res. (Weller, Calif.) calling for all corresp. with min. at Nicaragua not already communicated. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 1069.) — May 1. J. B. Weller (sen. from Calif.). Remarks; Nicaraguan affairs; recognition of new govt. by U. S.; reply to charges agst. Gen. Walker; on Pan- ama riots; on res. Calling for corresp. with min. to Nicaragua, etc. (ib., 1069-1072.) — May 1. S. A. Douglas (sen. from Ill.). Remarks on the Nicaraguan question; res. calling for corresp. with min. to Nicaragua; Clayton-Bulwer treaty, etc. (ib., 1071-72.) — May 1. A. P. Butler (sen. from S. C.). Remarks; scouting idea that U. S. can be involved in war, owing to irresponsible filibusters like Walker in Nicaragua. (ib., 1072.) — May 1. W. H. Seward (sen. from N. Y.). Do; favor- ing passage of res. Calling for corresp. With U. S. min. to Nicaragua. (ib., 1070.) — May 2. Molina to Marcy. Reply to his of Apr. 25. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 140.) — May 15. President U. S. A. (Pierce) to U. S. Con- gress. Message; inter-oceanic routes of transit through , Central Amer.; recognition of de facto govt. of Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. jol., 329; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 1; v, Mess. and Papers, 368.) — May 15. J. J. Crittenden (sen. from Ky.). Re- marks; President’s message of even date; denying power of Pres, without sanction of Cong. to receive min. from de facto govt. of Nicaragua. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 1 sess., 1227.) — May 15. J. M. Mason (sen. from Va.). Remarks; reply to Crittenden on President’s message of even date concerning Central Amer. affairs; recogni- tion of new govt. in Nicaragua. (ib., 1227-28.) Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- sage (4th); clause relating to condition of affairs in Nicaragua. — Dec. 17. P. Walker (repr. from Ala.). Speech; de- nouncing Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and urging recog- nition of Walker’s govt. in Nicaragua. (Cong. Globe, 34 cong., 3 SeSS., app. 99.) 1857 Feb. 8. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion regard- ing prosecution of parties engaged in recruiting troops at N. Y., for military service in Central Amer. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 376.) — Jiy. 18. Anonymous communication relative to Rivas and Walker separation; Gen. Jerez named gen.-in-chief of Nicaraguan forces before Granada. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 38.) — Nov. 12. C. F. Henningsen to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Relative to convention and siege of Rivas; claims that interference of Capt. Davis, U. S. S. St. Mary’s, reversed issue of campaign; appeal for re- dress. (ib., 15.) Walker Expedition (Second) 1857/8 For discussion arising out of arrest of Walker, see also under Neutrality. 1857 Sept. 14. M. P. Guatemala and Salvador to U. S. (Irisarri) and chargé Costa Rica to U. S. A. (Mo- lina) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS). Expedition now in course of preparation in U. S. under orders of Walker. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 4.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1857 Sept. 18. Cass. Circ. instructions relative to pre- vention of military expeditions fitting out in U. S. agst. Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 7; H. ex. doc. 24, 4, 49; S. rpt. 20, 2; H. rpt. 74, 2, 9.) — Sept. 28. U. S. customs collector, Mobile (Sanford) to Cass. Receipt of instructions of 18 inst. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 5.) — Sept. 29. Wm. Walker to Cass. Denies charge that he has violated neutrality laws of U. S. (ib., 6.) — Sept 30. U. S. marshal e. distr. La. (Kennedy) to Cass. Receipt of communication of 18 inst. (ib., 7.) — Oct. 1. U. S. customs collector, New Orleans (Hatch) to Cass. Receipt of letter of 18 inst. (ib., 7.) — Oct. 2. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey) to Comdr. U. S. sloop Saratoga (Chatard). Instructions; un- lawful military expeditions from U. S. agst. Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (ib., 49.) — Oct. 3. Toucey to comdr. U. S. str. Fulton (Almy). Instructions for suppressing unlawful military ex- peditions from U. S. agst. Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica; order to proceed in Fulton to Chiriqui. (ib., 50; S. ex. doc. 13, 8.) — Oct. 3. Toucey to Comdr. Home Sqdn., U. S. N. (Paulding). Copy of circ. from State Dept. in rela- tion to unlawful expeditions from U. S. agst. Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica; also copy of instructions given to Lieut. Almy. (ib., 50; ib., 8.) Oct. 6. Almy to Toucey. Receipt of despatch of 3 inst. (ib., 50; ib., 9.) [1847] Oct. 7. Almy to Toucey. Inquiries regarding possible exigencies arising Out of prosecution of in- structions relative to expeditions from U. S. agSt. Mexico, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. (ib., 51; ib., 9.) — Oct. 8. Cass to U. S. atty., e. distr, La. (Clack). Expected that mere cooperation with certain other officers of U. S. will be sufficient for purpose of pre- venting unlawful expedition agst. Nicaragua or Costa Rica. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 8.) Oct. 8. Irisarri to Cass. Relations of Nicaragua and U. S. relative to Walker expedition. (ib., 7.) Oct. 12. Toucey to Almy. Reply to his of 7 inst. (ib., 52; S. ex. doc. 13, 10; S. rpt. 20, 2.) * — Oct. 13. Toucey to Cass. U. S. Str. Fulton, about to Sail from Washington, directed to touch at Mobile and New Orleans en route for Central Amer. ; Navy Dept. Suggests that revenue cutters at New Orleans and Mobile might be advantageously employed. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 9.) — Oct. 14. Almy to Toucey. Fulton about to depart for Mobile and New Orleans, en route to Chiriqui. (ib., 52; S. ex. doc. 13, 11.) Oct. 20. Paulding to Toucey. Receipt of despatch of 5 inst.; complains because Fulton was not sent direct to him. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 53.) — Oct. 26. Almy to Toucey. Arrival of Fulton. ..at Mobile. (ib., 54; S. ex. doc. 13, 12.) — Oct. 29. Almy to Toucey. Arrival of Fulton at New Orleans; substance of interviews With U. S. dist. atty. at Mobile; On Subject of fitting out of unlawful military expeditions. (ib., 54; ib., 13.) — Oct. 30. U. S. atty., middle distr. Tenn. (Childress) to Cass. Information; expedition agst. Nicaragua. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 9.) 272 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1857 Nov. 1. Almy to Toucey. Substance of conversa- tions with U. S. distr. atty., and with collector of customs at New Orleans in relation to fitting out of unlawful military expeditions. (ib., 55.) — Nov. 6. Toucey to Paulding. Reply to his of 20 ult. (ib., 56; S. ex. doc. 13, 14.) — Nov. 10. U. S. distr. atty., S. C. (Conner) to Cass. Information concerning one Mackey reported to be enlisting men to go to Nicaragua. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 13.) — Nov. 10. Yrisarri to Cass. Contradicts assertions of W. Walker; protests agst. contemplated expedi- tion of colonization and peace to Nicaragua under his leadership. (ib., 10.) — Nov. 11. U. S. customs collector, New Orleans (Hatch) to Cass. Gen. Walker arrested under pro- visions of act of 1818. (ib., 14.) — Nov. 12. Clack to CaSS. Gen. Walker left New Or- leans yesterday; nothing can be done without a str. to watch supposed rendezvous betw. New Orleans and Mobile. (ib., 14.) — Nov. 13. U. S. customs collector, Mobile (Sanford) to inspector of customs, Mobile (Smith). Order to examine Str. Fashion. (ib., 41.) — Nov. 13. Cass to Clack. All proper measures under law to be taken to arrest filibusters. (ib., 22.) — Nov. 13. Cass to U. S. marshal, New Orleans (Ken- nedy). Carry into effect instructions given by distr. atty. relative to pursuit of filibusters. (ib., 22.) — Nov. 13. Hatch to Cass. Advisable to transmit Walker’s letter, though believed that he has gone to Nicaragua from some islands on coast of Mississippi. (ib., 22.) — Nov. 14. Sanford to Cass. Explanation; granting clearance to and permitting departure of Fashion. (ib., 39.) — Nov. 14. Smith to Sanford. Examination of Str. Fashion. (ib., 41.) — Nov. 14. Cass to Hatch. Expected that officers of U. S. will act unitedly and use their best efforts to arrest expedition to Nicaragua. (ib., 22.) — Nov. 16. Cass to Conner. Commends perSeverance in efforts towards detecting filibusters. (ib., 24.) — Nov. 16. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Departure of Walker expedition for Central Amer. coast; action of U. S. govt. (p. 67, Corresp. re Cen- tral Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) Nov. 16. Conner to Cass. Asks authority to arrest one Mackey, member of Walker expedition. (35. 1. IH. ex. doc. 24, 23.) — Nov. 16. U. S. atty. so. distr. Alabama (Requier) to Cass. Str. Fashion arrives from New Orleans; Wm. Walker suspected of being on board. (ib., 23.) — Nov. 16. Toucey to comdr. U. S. frigate Susque- hanna (Sands). Fitting out of unlawful expeditions in U. S.; order to proceed to San Juan del Norte. (ib., 56; S. ex. doc. 13, 14.) — Nov. 17. Paulding to Toucey. Arrival of Fulton at Boca del Toro; anticipated arrival of Walker. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 57.) — Nov. 18. Hatch to Cass. Clearance for str. Fashion, having on board Wm. Walker and party. (ib., 24.) — Nov. 19. Cass to Clack. Regret at escape of expe- dition to Nicaragua. (ib., 25.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1857 Nov. 23. Clack to Cass. Detention at New Orleans and subsequent release of str. Fashion carrying Walker party in expedition agst. Nicaragua. (ib., 26.) — Nov. 25. U. S. marshal e. dist. La. (Kennedy) to U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Departure of Walker and his followers from New Orleans. (ib., 81.) — Nov. 27. Chatard to Paulding. Landing of Walker and his followers. (ib., 58; S. ex: doc. 13, 16; S. rpt. 20, 3.) * — Nov. 27. Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb) to San- ford. Disapproves of proc. in regard to Fashion. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 41.) — Nov. 28. Hatch to Cass. Str. Fashion expected at Mobile for purpose of taking on additional men. (ib., 27.) — Nov. 30. S. S. Wood to Paulding. Landing Of Walker. (ib., 61; S. ex. doc. 13, 19.) TNov. 30. Chatard to Walker. Warns him not to seize Engl. mail from Costa Rica. (ib., 61; ib., 19, 25.) Nov. 30. Kennedy to Black. Corrects certain stntS. in his of 25 inst. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 82.) Nov. 30. U. S. comi. agt. San Juan del Norte (Cott- rell) to Cass. Wm. Walker, with about 200 men, ar- rived off harbor of San Juan del Norte on 24 inst. (ib., 27.) — Nov. 30. Walker to Paulding. Remonstrates agst. *: of comdr. Chatard, U. S. sloop Saratoga. ib., 60.) —— Dec. 1. Chatard to Walker. Threat to shoot Officers of U. S. sloop Saratoga. (ib., 63, 67; S. ex. doc. 13, 20, 25.) — Dec. 1. Clack to CaSS. No further information resp. Walker expedition. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 2. Walker to Paulding. Conduct of Comdr. Chatard. (ib., 63.) — Dec. 2. Chatard to Walker. Notifies him that his men. On Point Arenas are in Way Of shot; and he may have to fire to bring vessels to. (ib., 64, 67; S. ex. doc. 13, 22, 25.) — Dec. 2. Cass to Sanford. Instructions for detain- ing str. Fashion. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 28.) — Dec. 2. Walker to Paulding. Further protest agst. conduct of Comdr. Chatard. (ib., 63.) — Dec. 3. Paulding to Toucey. Rpts. arrival of Engl. Str. Dee with information of landing of Walker and his followers at Point Arenas. (ib., 58.) — Dec. 3. De Saussure. Deposition in preliminary in- vestigation for commitment of T. J. Mackey for vio- lating neutrality laws of U. S. (ib., 29.) — Dec. 4. Chatard to Paulding. Communications with Walker. (ib., 66; S. ex. doc. 13, 24.) — Dec. 6. G. Cilley, lieut. U. S. N., to Chatard. In- dignities offered him by Walker. (ib., 73; ib., 31.) — Dec. 7. Sanford to Cobb. Steps taken for arrest and prosecution of Fashion; in defence of his actions in permitting departure of Fashion. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 42.) Dec. 7. Paulding to Walker. Demands his Sur- render. (ib., 65.) Dec. 7. Chatard to Paulding. Transmits corresp. with Walker. (ib., 66.) — Dec. 7. Conner to Cass. Preliminary investigation for Commitment of T. J. Mackey for violation of neutrality laws; i. e., participation in Walker ex- pedition. (ib., 28.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 273 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1857 Dec. 8. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message (1st); clause relating to filibustering ex- peditions agst. Central Amer. states. Discussion arising under a resolution of reference of this part of Buchanan’s message was concerned entirely with the doctrine of neutrality in general; see Neutrality. — Dec. 10. Conner to Cass. Advice of escape of capt. Mackey. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 31.) — Dec. 11. J. Leefe to H. B. M. cons. San Juan (Green). Complaint agst. filibusters who took pos- Session of his premises on Colorado Is., in Mosquito terr. On 25 ult. and occupied them until 29 ult. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 12.) — Dec. 11. Paulding to Toucey. Arrival at San Juan del Norte; surrender and embarkation of Walker and his followers. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 62.) — Dec. 11. Paulding to U. S. Marshal so. distr. of N. Y. gºnders). Consigns Walker to his custody. (ib., — Dec. 11. Cass to Conner. State Dept. has no legal proof of military character of Walker expedition to Nicaragua; possible that sufficient evidence may be obtained for conviction of Capt. Mackey. (ib., 33.) — Dec. 11. Cottrell to Cass. ©Advice of capture of Walker and his followers by comdre. Paulding, U. S. S. Wabash. (ib., 32.) — Dec. 12. Cottrell to Paulding. Complaints agst. Col. Anderson of Walker's filibustering party, on Colorado Is. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 12.) — Dec. 12. Paulding to comdr. U. S. frigate Susque- hanºma (Sands). Instructions; cruise of Fulton. (35. 1. H. ex, doc. 24, 75.) — Dec. 13. Yrisarri to Cass. Expedition about to sail from Mobile to reinforce the one which has suc- ceeded in landing in Nicaragua. (ib., 33.) — Dec. 14. Paulding to Toucey. Saratoga sailed from San Juan del Norte on 12 inst., for Norfolk, Va., having on board 150 of Walker's followers; Walker will embark on next str. for New York. (ib., 68.) Dec. 14. Pres. Amer. A. and P. Canal co. (Steb- bins) to Cass. Fears interruption in transit betw. New York and California, via Nicaragua from Walker and his followers. (ib., 34.) — Dec. 14. Cass to U. S. atty. e. distr. La. (Semmes). Instructions to detain str. Fashion. (ib., 34.) — Dec. 15. Paulding to Toucey. Reasons for arresting and sending Walker and his followers to U. S. (ib., 68; S. ex. doc. 13, 26; S. rpt. 20, 5.9 — Dec. 16. Cass to Semmes. Further instructions to detain str. Fashion and to suppress illegal expedi- tions agst. Central Amer. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 35.) — Dec. 16. Clack to Cass. Question of forfeiture of Walker's bond. (ib., 35.) — Dec. 16. Sanford to Cobb. Circumstances under which he refused to grant a clearance to Schr. Queen of the South. (ib., 45.) — Dec. 16. Cobb to Sanford. Approves of steps taken for arrest and prosecution of Fashion. (ib., 44.) — Dec. 18. Paulding to Toucey. Describes landing of naval forces at Point Arenas for arrest of Gen. Walker. (ib., 70.) — Dec. 18. Paulding to Toucey. Has liberated about 40 prisoners who were on board str. Morgan which was seized by Gen. Walker. (ib., 70.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1857 Dec. 18. Same to same. Transmits list of Such ar- ticles found in Walker’s camp, at Point Arenas, as were embarked on Saratoga; also a list of those em- barked on board Wabash. (ib., 71.) — Dec. 18. Paulding to Toucey. Arrival of Susque- hanna at San Juan del Norte on 13 inst. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. Toucey to Paulding. Receipt of de- spatches; instructions resp. unlawful expedition; to suspend comdr. Chatard. (ib., 76; S. ex. doc. 13, 34.) — Dec. 20. F. P. Anderson to Sands. Wishes to be in- formed if men under his command will be inter- fered with should they enter harbor of San Juan del Norte. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 5.) Dec. 22. Sands to Anderson. Reply to his of 20 inst. (ib., 6.) — Dec. 22. Toucey to comdr. U. S. sloop-of-war James- town (Kennedy). Ordered to San Juan del Norte; to rpt. to flag officer Paulding; instructions in re- lation to unlawful expeditions. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 77; S. ex. doc. 13, 35.) — Dec. 23. Frank P. Anderson. Desires to turn Str. Ogden, in his charge, over to U. S. to be held for benefit of whom it may concern. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 6.) — Dec. 23. Cobb to Sanford. Approves of action in refusing to grant clearance to Schr. Queen of the South. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 46.) — Dec. 24. Anderson to Sands. Surrenders to U. S. under protest. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 6.) — Dec. 24. Hatch to Cass. Precautions taken to pre- vent filibustering expeditions agst. Nicaragua. Or Central Amer.; detention of str. Fashion. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 36.) — Dec. 26. [extr., private.] B. S. Cottrell. Anderson evacuated Castillo; etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 8.) Dec. 26. Cobb to U. S. customs collector, Galveston (Stuart). Instructions; enforce laws of U. S. ap- plicable to expeditions agst. foreign countries. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 46.) — Dec. 28. Sands to Paulding. Circumstances under which remainder of men composing late expedition of Walker were captured. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 5.) Dec. 30. Yrisarri to Cass. Proc. Of COmdre. Pauld- ing agst. Walker justifiable; etc. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 37.) — Dec. 30. Almy to Paulding. Arrival of Fulton at Aspinwall with 45 men of Walker expedition on board; list of names. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 7.) 1858 Jan. 1. Chatard to Toucey. Arrival of Saratoga at Norfolk with Gen. Walker’s party; list of their names and list of Stores taken. On board belonging to them. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 77; S. ex. doc. 13, 35.) — Jan. 2. Paulding to Toucey. Arrival of Fulton at Aspinwall with 45 of Walker’s men captured by capt. Sands, on San Juan River on 24 ult.; will sail with prisoners for Key West and there await orders as to their disposition. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 4.) — Jan. 2. Cass to Hatch. Exertions to prevent viola- tion of neutrality act not to be relaxed. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 38.) — Jan. 4. Toucey to comdt. U. S. navy yd., Portsmouth (Dornin). Instructions to permit men of Walker’s expedition, brought to Norfolk in Saratoga, to leave º govt. has no authority to detain them. (ib., 80. 18 274 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1858 Jan. 4. U. S. House. ReS. (Clingman, Com. On For- eign Affairs), calling on Pres. for information in relation to seizure of Walker and followers in Nica- ragua. (35. 1. H. jol., 121.) — Jan. 4. H. Marshall, repr. from Ky. Remarks; fa- voring inclusion, in res. regarding arrest of Gen. Walker, of call for information as to promised pro- tection by U. S. of inter-oceanic Nicaragua route. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 180.) — Jan. 4. U. S. House. Res. (Kelsey, N. Y.), calling On Pres. for information regarding attitude of Nic- aragua on Walker seizure. (35. 1. H. jol., 123.) — Jan. 4. U. S. Senate. ReS. (Fitzpatrick, Ala.), call- ing on Pres. for corresp. and Orders to U. S. naval forces on coast of Central Amer. regarding Walker arrest. (35. 1. S. jol., 74.) Jan. 4. T. L. Clingman, repr. from N. C. Remarks; seizure of Walker; res. Calling for information rela- tive to same, and to relations with Gr. Br. in regard to Central Amer. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 178-179.) — Jan. 4. D. Ritchie, repr. from Penn. Remarks; seizure of Walker. (ib., 178-179.) Jan. 4. Geo. W. Jones, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; calling on President for information and instruc- tions relative to Walker. (ib., 178.) Jan. 4. H. Marshall, repr. from Ky. Remarks; fa- voring inclusion, in res. regarding Walker arrest, of call for information as to promised protection by TJ. S. of inter-oceanic Nicaragua route. (ib., 180.) — Jan. 4. J. Cochrane, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; importance of ascertaining status of Gen. Wm. Walker at time of departure from U. S. (ib., 179.) — Jan. 4. G. A. Grow, repr. from Pa. Remarks; Op- posing discussion of Walker arrest, until transmis- sion of information called for. (ib., 178.) Jan. 4. J. H. Savage, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; opposing discussion of Walker arrest, until trans- mission of information relating to Same. (ib., 179.) Jan. 5. L. M. Keitt, repr. from S. C. Remarks; de- nying that President has power, under neutrality laws, to cause arrest on high seas of Suspected fili- busters, etc. (ib., 197.) — Jan. 5. G. Grow, repr. from Penn. Remarks; assert- ing power of President to arrest on high Seas any ex- peditions in violation of neutrality laws of U. S. (ib., 201.) — Jan. 5. O. Lovejoy, repr. from Ill. Remarks; pro- testing agst, attempts to elevate character of Gen. Wm. Walker. (ib., 201.) Jan. 5. B. Stanton, repr. from O. Remarks; dis- puting strmt. that President has no power to cause arrest, on high seas, of persons violating neutrality laws of U. S. (ib., 201.) — Jan. 6. D. E. Sickles, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; concerning neutrality laws and arrest of Walker in Nicaragua. (ib., 207.) — Jan. 6. J. A. Gilmer, repr. from N. C. Remarks; defending seizure and arrest, on high SeaS, of Gen. Wm. Walker. (ib., 214.) — Jan. 6. T. S. Bocock, repr. from Va. Remarks; de- nying allegations of neglect and maltreatment of Walker's men by officers of comdre. Paulding. (ib., 214.) Jan. 6. B. Stanton, repr. from O. Remarks; declar- ing that Walker broke his recognizance on leaving shores of U. S. (ib., 214.) — Jan. 6. A. H. Stephens, repr. from Ga. Remarks; denouncing Walker arrest. (ib., 213.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1858 Jan. 7. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to U. S. Senate. Message relative to arrest of W. Walker and associates. (35. 1. S. jol., 88; V, MeSS. and Papers, 466; 35. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 1.) — Jan. 7. E. Thayer, repr, from Mass. Speech; pro- poses broadening of inquiry into neutrality laws, to include Amer. colonization, etc., in Nicaragua. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 227.) — Jan. 7. Cass to Buchanan. No complaint made by govt. of Nicaragua agst. govt. of U. S. On acct. of ar- rest of W. Walker and his followers. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 26, 1.) * — Jan. 7. G. B. Adrain, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; urging more stringent neutrality laws and defend- ing Walker arrest. (ib., 229.) — Jan. 7. J. J. Crittenden, sen, from Ky. Remarks; President’s message concerning Walker arrest by comdre. Paulding in Nicaragua. (ib., 218.) — Jan. 7. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; arrest of Wm. Walker by comdre. Paulding in Nica- ragua; President’s message on Subject, etc. (ib., 223.) — Jan. 7. A. G. Brown, Sen. from Miss. Remarks; de- nouncing Walker arrest, and conduct of comdre. Paulding in gaid affair. (ib., 218.) — Jan. 7. S. R. Mallory, Sen. from Fla. Remarks; de- fending conduct of comdre. Paulding in manner of arresting Gen. Wm. Walker. (ib., 221.) — Jan. 7. J. A. Pearce, Sen. from Md. Remarks; de- nouncing Walker expedition agst. Nicaragua, and defending his arrest. (ib., 224.) — Jan. 7. G. E. Pugh, Sen. from O. Remarks; denying power of President to go beyond jurisdiction of U. S. to enforce neutrality laws. (ib., 220.) — Jan. 7. R. Toombs, sen. from Ga. Remarks; de- nouncing Walker arrest. (ib., 220.) — Jan. 7. J. R. Doolittle, sen. from Wisc. Remarks; phases of neutrality laws of U. S. from standpoint * Of Countries Suffering from violations thereof; doubting illegality of Walker arrest. (ib., 221.) Jan. 7. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. President’s meS- sage concerning Walker arrest; and execution of neutrality laws; with motion to print message and docs. (ib., 216-219.) — Jan. 11. A. H. Stephens, repr. from Ga. Remarks; denying that Gen. Wm. Walker is guilty of crime agst. U. S. (ib., 251.) — Jan. 11. W. S. Groesbeck, repr. from O. Remarks; Walker arrest; neutrality laws, etc. (ib., 249-251.) — Jan. 12. T. S. Bocock, repr. from Va. Remarks; urging reference to Com. on Naval Affairs, of sub- ject of conduct of comdre. Paulding in connection with Walker arrest. (ib., 254.) — Jan. 12. T. L. Clingman, repr. from N. C. Remarks; moving reference to Com. on Naval Affairs, of sub- ject of conduct of Comdre. Paulding, in connection with Walker arrest. (ib., 254.) — Jan. 12. J. Cochrane, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; Suggesting reference to Com. On Foreign Affairs of Subject of conduct of Comdre. Paulding in connection with Walker arrest. (ib., 254.) — Jan. 13. E. B. Pottle, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; denouncing filibustering expeditions to Central Amer. and policy of territorial aggrandizement. (ib., 277.) — Jan. 13. J. B. Clay, repr. from Ky. Remarks; neu- trality laws and arrest of Walker in Nicaragua; in support of President's message on subject. (ib., 275.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 275 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1858 Jan. 13. R. Smith, repr. from Ill. Remarks; deny- ; feat of comdre. Paulding to arrest Walker. (ib., — Jan. 13. S. R. Curtis, repr. from Ia. Speech; de- nouncing filibustering expeditions to Central Amer.; upholding conduct of Comdre. Paulding in arresting Walker and associates. (ib., 273.) — Jan. 13. W. Montgomery, repr. from Penn. Speech; upholding course of President in directing Walker arrest. (ib., 281.) — Jan. 13. A. G. Brown, Sen. from Miss. Remarks; in- troducing as amdmt. to Doolittle res. Of even date, res. Condemning comdre. Paulding for unauthorized º of Gen. Wm. Walker and aSSOciates. (ib., — Jan. 14. Geo. W. Palmer, repr. from N. Y. Re- marks; maintaining that neutrality laws are suffici- ently stringent, and upholding conduct of comdre. Paulding in arresting Walker. (ib., 300.) — Jan. 14. W. Montgomery, repr. from Penn. Re- marks; upholding Walker arrest. (ib., 291.) — Jan. 14. A. H. Stephens, repr. from Ga. Speech; denouncing Walker arrest and conduct of Comdre. Paulding. (ib., 290.) — Jan. 15. Paulding to Toucey. Arrival at Havana; was visited at San Juan by Gen. Jerez, who thanked him, in name of president of Nicaragua, for remov- ing Walker and party from Punta Arenas. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 9.) — Jan. 16. H. B. M. SpecI. comr. in Central Amer. (Ouseley) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Claren- don). Substance of conference with President of U. S. A. resp. filibustering attempt in Central Amer. (p. 79, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Jan. 18. Toucey to Paulding. Receipt of de- spatches; transmits copy of President’s message on capture of Walker and companions. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 9.) — Jan. 19. Same to same. Receipt of despatch no. 148; º !” N. Y. should this reach him at Key West. 10., l'U. — Jan. 20. Same to same. Corrects clerical error in despatch of 19 inst. (ib., 11.) — Jan. 21. Paulding to Toucey. Arrival at Key West; transmits certain papers. (ib., 11.) — Jan. 21. G. E. Pugh, Sen. from O. Speech; on jt. res. to present medal to comdre. Paulding, denouncing capture, by latter, of Walker and associates. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., pt. 1, 362.) — Jan. 21. C. C. Clay, jr., Sen. from Ala. Remarks; favoring reference of jt. res. for presenting medal to comdre. Paulding for arrest of Walker to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 356.) — Jan. 21. A. G. Brown, Sen. from Miss. Speech; pro- posing Substitute for res. to present medal to capt. Paulding, denouncing capture, by latter, of Walker. (ib., 360.) — Jan. 25. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt., to acc. bill (S. 85) relative to Walker arrest; with res. Condemning arrest of Walker outside Amer. jurisdiction by Amer. authorities. (35. 1. S. rpt. 20.) — Jan. 25. Intr. in Senate (Mason, Com. on Foreign Relations) bill (35. 1. S. 85) “supplementary to act of Apr. 20, 1818, for punishment of certain crimes against U. S.” (35. 1. S. jol., 128.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1858 Jan. 25. Paulding to Toucey. Prisoners taken on San Juan River by capt. Sands delivered to custody of marshal of distr. of Key West; will sail for Aspin- wall. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 14.) — Jan. 25. Toucey to Paulding. Receipt of despatch of Jan. 15. (ib., 14.) — Jan. 25. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; dissenting from construction given to neutrality laws in rpt. of Com. on Foreign Relations on Walker arrest. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 378.) — Jan. 25. S. Foot, sen. from Wt. Remarks; rpt, of Com. on Foreign Relations on Walker arrest; Com- mending conduct of Paulding. (ib., 378.) — Jan. 28. Amdmt. intended to be proposed by Mr. Slidell to res. at end of S. rpt. 20, of 25 inst. (35. 1. S. rpt. 20.) — Jan. 28. J. Slidell, Remarks; Doolittle res. Of Jan. 13, 1858, favorable to Brown amdmt. of Jan. 13, with res. authorizing Pres. to suspend neutrality laws, offered as substitute to res. of Com. On For- eign Relations, etc. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 461-62.) — Jan. 28. J. A. Pearce, sen. from Md. Speech; de- nouncing scheme of Walker, and extenuating Con- duct of comdre. Paulding in arresting him on high seas. (ib., 457.) — Feb. [?]. Paulding to Toucey. Arrival of Wabash at N. Y. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 15.) — Feb. 2. Toucey to Paulding. Ordered to N. Y. (ib., 15.) Feb. 3. Same to same. Receipt of despatch of 21 ult. (ib., 15.) — Feb. 3. U. S. Com. on Naval Affairs (Bocock). Ma- jority and minority rpt., to acc. jt. res. no. 7, on ar- rest of W. Walker. (35. 1. H. rpt. 74, 1.) — Feb. 3. W. Barksdale, repr. from Miss. Remarks; rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs on arrest of Walker. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 556.) Feb. 7. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; on Walker arrest and on President’s message in relation to subject. (ib., 219, 220, 223.) Feb. 20. Toucey to Paulding. Receipt of despatch of Feb. [?]. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 17.) — Feb. 20. Paulding to Toucey. Asks for instructions as to disposition of stores and arms taken on board Wabash and Saratoga at Puntas Arenas; regrets that no sentiment entertained by dept. as to his course has reached him. (ib., 17.) — Feb. 22. Same to same. Receipt of letter of 20 inst. (ib., 18.) — Mch. 12. Toucey to Paulding. Reply to his of 20 ult. (ib., 9.) — Mch. 17. Paulding to Toucey. Encloses despatch of Dec. 18, which has just reached him; requests that envelope may be placed on file, as information it affords will exonerate him from serious imputation of having disobeyed an Order given by command of Pres. (ib., 19.) — Mch. 17. D. Ritchie, repr. from Penn. Remarks; dissenting from rpt. of Com. On Foreign Affairs on Walker arrest. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1165.) — Mch. 17. T. L. Clingman, repr: from N. C. Re- marks; publication of rpt. of Com. On Foreign Af- fairs on Walker arrest. (ib., 1165.) — Mch. 19. Same to Same. Receipt of letter of 12 inst. about disposition of Stores and Views of dept, as to his course. (ib., 20.) 276 INDEX TO UNITED STATES, DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1858 Mch. 27. Toucey to Paulding. Comdt. of navy yd. at N. Y. instructed in relation to stores and arms brought to U. S. in Wabash, (ib., 21.) — Mch. 29. Gen. of Nicaraguan forces (Jerez) to Paulding. Relieving him of all blame or responsi- bility for landing at Point Arenas for arrest of Walker. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 2.) — Mch. 31. Ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Cortez) to Paulding. Approval of arrest of Walker, accom- plished by landing at Point Arenas; exonerated from all responsibility. (ib., 4.) — Apr. 1. Toucey to Paulding. Reply to his of 17 ult. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 21.) — Apr. 8. J. Slidell, Sen. from La. Speech; opposed to res. directing presentation of medal to comdre. Paulding for arrest of Walker; career of Walker; neutrality laws and in Support of his res. authoriz- ing suspension of same, offered as amdmt. to res. Of Com. on Foreign Relations. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1538.) — Apr. 28. D. Ritchie, repr. from Penn. Remarks; denying that Com. on Foreign Affairs has pub- lished any rpt. On conduct of Comdre. Paulding in arresting Walker. (ib., 1855.) — Apr. 28. A. R. Wright, repr. from Ga. Remarks; asking for Submission of rpt. of Com. On Foreign Af- fairs On conduct of Paulding in arresting Walker, said rpt. having been published several months be- fore such submission. (ib., 1855.) — May 4. W. Barksdale, repr. from Miss. Remarks; unfavorable to res. of Com. on Foreign Affairs at end of S. rpt. 20 of Jan. 25, on arrest of Wm. Walker by comdre. Paulding. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1944.) — May 5. Paulding to Toucey. Prays publication of letter from Gen. Jerez of Mch. 29. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 1.) — May 5. T. L. Clingman, repr. from N. C. Remarks; Central Amer. affairs; arrest of Walker by Comdre. Paulding; Clayton-Bulwer treaty; etc. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977.) — May 19. U. S. Senate. Res. (Doolittle, Wisc.), call- ing on Pres. for all corresp. and orders not yet Com- municated connected with arrest of Walker and as- sociates, corresp. betw. Comdre. Paulding and Navy Dept. since arrest, etc. (35. 1. S. jol., 479.) — May 25. M. Taylor, repr. from La. Speech; de- nouncing arrest of Walker and associates. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., app., 418.) — May 31. G. S. Hawkins, repr. from Fla. Speech; denouncing arrest of Walker; declaring American- ization of Central and Sp. Amer. to be inevitable. (ib., 461.) — May 31. A. R. Wright, repr. from Ga. Speech; de- nouncing capture and arrest of Walker; maintain- ing right of expatriation. (ib., 458.) — May 31. W. Winslow, repr. from N. C. Speech; up- holding conduct of Paulding in arresting Walker; denouncing filibustering expeditions. (ib., 502.) — May 31. G. S. Hawkins, repr. from Fla. Speech; denouncing Walker’s arrest; Americanization of Central and Sp. Amer. inevitable. (ib., 461.) — JIy. 25. Cass to Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (La- mar). Instructions; filibustering; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 2, 51; H. ex. doc. 2, 51.) — Sept. 20. Napier to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Desirability of a Nicaraguan and Costa Rican force being stationed at Punta Arenas CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d to call in foreign assistance in case of renewed fili- bustering expedition. (p. 129, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) 1858 Oct. 8. Malmesbury to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in France (Cowley). Instructions to request co-opera- tion of French govt. for protection of Central Amer. coast agst, filibusters. (ib., 130.) — Oct. 11. Malmesbury to Nicaraguan chargé (Mar- coleta). Instructions given to H. B. M. naval forces to assist in protection of Nicaraguan coast agst. filibusters. (ib., 130.) — Oct. 27. Malmesbury to Napier. Substance of con- Versation with Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas) resp. filibustering expeditions. (ib., 134.) — Oct. 30. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Procla- mation agst. filibustering expeditions to Nicaragua. (v, Mess. and Papers, 496.) — Nov. 9. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of in- terview with Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass), resp. Br. intention to protect Central Amer. coasts agst. filibusters; Amer. objections. (p. 137, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Nov. 12. Same to Same. Substance of Conference with Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) resp. Br. intention to protect Central Amer. Coasts; bearing of Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty on question. (ib., 142.) — Nov. 17. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Rumors of fili- bustering expedition in preparation. (ib., 160.) — Nov. 19. Malmesbury to Napier. Br. Satisfaction with President Buchanan’s proclamation agst, fili- busters. (ib., 139.) — Nov. 19. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Measures taken by Amer. naval comdr. at Greytown for frustration of filibustering expeditions. (ib., 160.) — Nov. 23. H. B. M. chargé in Guatemala (Wyke) to Malmesbury. Guatemalan Satisfaction at Br. prom- ise to prevent landing of filibusters. (ib., 165.) Nov. 26. Malmesbury to Napier. Justifying Br. conduct resp. filibustering expeditions. (ib., 139.) — Nov. 26. Same to Same. Substance of conference with Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Dallas) resp. Br. inten- tion to protect Central Amer. coast agst, filibus- ters. (ib., 141.) Nov. 27. Napier to Malmesbury. Amer. proc. for prevention of filibustering expeditions. (ib., 159.) — Dec. 3. Malmesbury to Napier. Approving line of argument pursued by him resp. Br. protection of Central Amer. Coast. (ib., 154.) — Dec. 9. Napier to Malmesbury. Departure of a fili- bustering expedition under Walker. (ib., 163.) — Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Res. (Doolittle, Wisc.), call- ing on Secy. Navy for copies of corresp. betw. Pres. of Nicaragua and comdre. Paulding in relation to Capture of Wm. Walker and associates. (35. 2. S. jol., 81.) 1859 Jan. 11. W. Barksdale, repr. from Miss. Remarks; opposed to conduct of Comdre. Paulding in Nicara- gua. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 316.) — Jan. 12. T. F. Bowie, repr. from Md. Speech; oppos- ing filibustering in Central Amer. and elsewhere. (ib., 346.) — Jan. 14. Ministr. gen, Nicaragua (Cortez) to Ouseley. Nicaraguan precautionary measures to prevent anticipated landing of Walker. (p. 181, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) . INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 277 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1859 Jan. 17. Ouseley to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Zeledon). Intelligence recd. of movement of fili- busters. (ib., 182.) — Jan. 18. Ouseley to Cortez. Reply to his note of 14 inst.; extent to which Gr. Br. is prepared to co- operate. (ib., 181.) — Jan. 18. Zeledon to Ouseley. Asks H. B. M. co- operation in protection agst. filibusters. (ib., 184.) — Jan. 28. S. Foot, Sen. from Vt. Remarks; asking for opportunity to Speak on questions connected with Walker arrest; instructions to sqdn. in Gulf of Mexico and S. 85, authorizing suspension of neu- trality laws. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 655–56.) — Jan. 29. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Intentions of U. S. officers resp. filibusters. (p. 184, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Jan. 31. J. J. Crittenden, repr. from Ky. Remarks; defence of Walker arrest; no breach of neutrality involved. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 693.) — Jan. 31. S. Foot, Sen. from Vt. Speech; vindication of Walker arrest; rpt. of Com. on Foreign Relations on message of Jan. 7, 1858; with res. of commenda- tion offered as Substitute for Second res. Of Com. On Foreign Relations, of Jan. 25, 1858, and for Doo- little res. of Jan. 13, 1858. (ib., 688.) — Jan. 31. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; reply to Slidell, relative to S. 497; on Walker arrest; Foot's speech and res. of even date, and Doolittle’s res. of Jan. 13, 1858, relative to subject. (ib., 687- 88, 694.) – Jan. 31. Same. Notice of intention to offer Doo- little's res. of Jan. 13, 1858, as substitute for Foot's res. of Jan. 30, 1859; with motion to print former. (ib., 711-12.) — Feb. 6. Ouseley to comdr. H. B. M. Str. Viacen (Lam- bert). Instructions; to prevent landing of filibus- ters on Nicaraguan and Costa Rican coast. (p. 207, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Mch. 1. R. M. T. Hunter, Sen. from Va. Remarks, in U. S. Senate, objecting to amdmt. of Doolittle to navy bill, for reimbursement of capt. H. Paulding for expenses in connection with capture and arrest of Gen. Wm. Walker, as not from any committee and as private claim. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 1527.) — Mch. 1. P. King, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; favor- ing provision, in navy bill, for capt. Paulding, on acct. of possible lawsuits arising from Walker ar- rest. (ib., 1527.) — Mch. 1. G. E. Pugh, Sen. from O. Remarks; illegal- ity of action of Paulding in arresting Walker. (ib., 1527.) — Mch. 1. J. A. Bayard, jr., Sen. from Del. Remarks; opposing provision in navy bill for capt. Paulding, for possible lawsuits arising from capture and ar- rest of Walker. (ib., 1527.) — Mch. 29. H. B. M. cons., San Jose, C. R. (Wallis) to Malmesbury. Movements of Walker and the filibus- ters. (p. 233, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Mch. 30. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Movement of Walker and the filibusters. (ib., 229.) — Apr. 1. Ministr. relac. est., Costa Rica (Toledo) to Ouseley. Requests Br. protection agst. filibusters. (ib., 283.) — Apr. 1. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Similarity of French and English instructions to naval Comdr.s. resp. filibusters. (ib., 231.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FILIBUSTERING—cont’d Walker Expedition (Second)—cont’d 1857/8—cont’d 1859 Apr. 9. Under Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Ham: mond) to Secy. H. B. M. Admiralty. Adequate naval force to be permanently stationed on Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central Amer. (ib., 209.) May 5. Cass to Jerez. Reiterating doctrine pub- lished in his note of Jly. 25, 1858, to Lamar. (MSS. Notes. Central Amer. Repr. in iii, Wharton. Int. Digest, 16.) — May 30. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Malmesbury. Substance of conference with Presi- dent of U. S. A. resp. filibustering; Amer. Conten- tion that failure of Cass-Irisarri treaty, Owing to Br. non-support is cause of continued filibustering expeditions; Amer. preventive measures. (p. 248, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) Je. 28. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Alarm of Nica- ragua at anticipated filibustering attacks. (ib., 283.) — Aug. 15. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell) to H. B. M. specl. comr. in Central Amer. (Wyke). Protection to be afforded by Br. naval forces agst. filibusters during his mission. (ib., 280.) — Oct. 6. Lyons to Russell. Renewed attempts of Walker to set out agst. Nicaragua; Amer. attempts to frustrate expedition. (ib., 295.) 1860 Jly. 26. Russell to comrs. H. B. M. Admiralty. In- structions; protection of Central Amer. coast agst. filibusters. (ib., 328.) FOREIGN RELATIONS See also below, Treaties. FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN 1849 JIy. 12. Nicaraguan chargé in Gr. Br. (Castellón) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft). Pro- posing annexation of Honduras, Salvador and Nica- ragua to U. S. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 31.) 1854 Feb. 21. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Nicara- guan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Marcoleta). U. S. unable to cooperate with Nicaragua in negotiating treaty with Gr. Br.; such a step would be acknowl- edgment of sovereign rights of Gr. Br. Over parts of Central Amer. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 145.) 1855 Dec. 19. P. H. French to Marcy. Requests apptmt. to present credentials as min. of prov. govt. of Nica- ragua to U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 56.) Dec. 21. Marcy to French. Declines to open dipl. relations with present govt. of Nicaragua. (ib., 57.) — Dec. 24. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion that a person coming to this govt. as pretended dipl. min. of foreign state, and not recognised or received as such, has no dipl. privilege except of transit, and that by comity not of right. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 471.) — Dec. 24. Cushing to McKeon. Instructions relative to non-recognition of credentials from provisional Pres. Of Nicaragua (Rivas) to Col. Parker H. French; suspicion that Col. French is involved in filibustering expedition agst. Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 13.) Dec. 26. McKeon to Cushing. Warrant issued by U. S. comr. agst. P. H. French for political offence. (ib., 13.) — Dec. 27. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion that Parker H. French, claiming to be dipl. agt. of Nica- ragua, but not recognised as such, is discharged from prosecution for unlawful recruiting, on condi- tion of leaving U. S. (viii, Op. attys. gen., 473.) 278 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN–Cont’d 1855 Dec. 27. Cushing to McKeon. Instructions for pro- ceeding in charge agst. P. H. French. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 14.) 1856 Jan. 18. French to Marcy. Protest agst, refusal to recognize him as M. P. of Nicaragua to U. S. (ib., 71.) — Jan. 22. President prov. govt. of Nicaragua (Ri- vas). Order suspending dipl. relations with U. S. (ib., 74.) Feb. 4. French to Marcy. Again asks apptmt. to present credentials. (ib., 75.) — Feb. 6. Marcy to French. Again declines to recog- nize French as min. from Nicaragua to U. S. (ib., 76.) t May 14. Vijil to Marcy. Presents credentials as ; of prov. govt. of Nicaragua to U. S., etc. (ib., 9. 1857 Dec. 30. E. E. and M. P. legit. govt. of Nicaragua in U. S. A. (Yrisarri) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Confirmed by Martinez govt. as E. E. and M. P. Nicaragua to U. S., etc. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 37.) Dec. 6. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message (2d); clause relating to injuries to U. S. citizens in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Hise Mission Commissioned for Guatemala, with general powers; see also above, Hise mission. 1849 Jan. 12. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise) to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Salinas). Request- ing apptmt. Of comr. With power to treat. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 158.) — Feb. 8. Hise to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Salvador and Nicaragua, to send COmrs. to Guate- mala to treat with U. S. (ib., 101.) Feb. 14. Hise to Salinas. Repeating substance of his of Jan. 12. (ib., 159.) Feb. 28. Hise to Buchanan. Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras to send comrs. to Guatemala to treat with U. S. (ib., 102.) — Apr. 22. Hise to Salinas. Further request to send comr. With power to treat; declares contract made with Nicaragua Steam co. to be ineffectual. (ib., 160.) — May 25. Hise to Buchanan. Rpt. of negotiations with comrs. of Honduras and Nicaragua resp. con- clusion of com]. reciprocity treaties. (ib., 103.) — Je. 20. Hise to Amer. ConS. at Leon (Living- ston). His successor (Squier) to be apprised of con- clusion of treaty with Nicaragua. (ib., 161.) Je. 21. Signs conv. With Nicaragua relative to right of construction of Nicaragua Canal; see be- low, Treaties. (ib., 110.) — Sept. 15. Hise to Clayton. Conclusion of gen. treaties with Honduras and Nicaragua; confer- ences with Nicaraguan chargé to U. S. legation at Guatemala. (Selva); conclusion of treaty with Nic- aragua; analysis of treaty. (ib., 104.) — Sept. 17. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Pal- merston). Amer. disapproval of Hise treaty, etc. (p. 1, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) Oct. 1. Same to same. Amer. govt. proposes to abandon Hise treaty and to conclude simultane- ously with Gr. Br. new treaty with Nicaragua; ap- prehends difficulty from connection betw. Gr. Br. and Mosquito terr. (ib., 2.) 1850 Mch. 19. President U. S. A. (Taylor) to U. S. Sen- ate. Message transmitting Hise treaties with Guate- mala and Nicaragua. (v, Mess. and Papers, 33.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN–Cont’d Hise Mission—cont’d 1850 Jly. 23. J. W. Houston, repr. from Del. Remarks; on Hise treaty with Nicaragua during consideration of President's message of JIy. 18. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1440.) 1853 Mch. 9. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Speech; Douglas’ charges agst. Clayton of suppression of Hise treaty, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 247.) — Mch. 9. S. A. Douglas, sen. from Ill. Remarks; Clayton’s reference of even date to Douglas’ charge agst. him for suppression of Hise treaty. (Cong. Globe, 32. 3., app., 256.) — Mch. 10. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; reply to Douglas of even date on Hise treaty. (ib., 257.) Mch. 10. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; on that part of Clayton’s speech of 10 inst. resp. Douglas’ charge agst. Clayton of having suppressed Hise treaty, etc. (ib., 257.) — Mch. 15. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Reply to Douglas of Mch. 10, etc. (ib., 267.) — Mch. 15. S. A. Douglas, sen. from Ill. Remarks; reply to Clayton of even date resp. Douglas’ Sup- port of Hise treaty and opposition to Clayton-Bul- wer treaty. (ib., 267-71.) — Mch. 16. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; reply to Butler of even date, and Douglas’ attitude resp. Hise treaty, etc. (ib., 276-78.) — Mch. 16. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; reply to Clayton of Mch. 15; d.o. to Butler of even date. (ib., 271.) — Mch. 16. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Remarks; reply to Clayton-Douglas controversy resp. Hise treaty. (ib., 274.) Squier Mission Commissioned for Guatemala, with general powers ; see also below, Squier mission. 1849 Je. 23. Squier to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Arrival and reception at Granada; Br. protest agst. contract with D. T. Brown; action regarding Mr. Hise's treaty negotiations. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 147.) — Je. 23. Squier to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Sa- linas). Hise’s unauthorized proc. in negotiating treaty with Nicaragua; request that no action be taken by comr. of Nicaragua upon inchoate treaty. (ib., 150.) — Aug. 12. Squier to cons. gen. of France in Central Amer. Amer. guaranty to projectors of Nicara- gua canal; terms of treaty resp. canal; Suggests treaty arrangement betw. France and Nicaragua. (ib., 163.) — Aug. 20. Squier to Clayton. Arrival and reception at Leon; Br. designs; natural advantages of bay of Fonseca, or Conchagua; Br. determination to possess Tigre Is...; suggestions relative to Amer. control of Is. (ib., 151.) — Sept. 3. Signs treaty with Nicaragua; see below, Treaties. — Sept. 10. Squier to Clayton. Details relative to contract with Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Canal co.; speci. provisions of treaty with Nicaragua; conference with Mr. Castellón, returned Nicaraguan envoy in England, relative to Palmerston’s disre- gard of Amer. position in Central Amer. situation. (31. H. ex. doc. 75, 168.) — Dec. 31. Nicaraguan chargé in U. S. A. (Carcache) to Clayton. Solicits ratification of treaty concluded Sept. 3, 1849. (ib., 312.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 279 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FoREIGN RELATIONs: AMERICAN–Cont’d Squier Mission—cont’d 1850 Jan. 2. Clayton to Carcache. Treaty of Sept. 3, 1849, to be ratified upon approval by the Senate. (ib., 313.) — Mch. 19. President U. S. A. (Taylor) to U. S. Senate. Message transmitting Squier treaties with Nicaragua, and Salvador, and Hise treaties with Guatemala and Nicaragua. (v, Mess. and Papers, 33.) - — Mch. 31. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bul- wer) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Comment on communication of Squier treaty to Senate of U. S. A., by Mr. Clayton; inconvenience of his proc. (p. 48, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) — Apr. 28. Same to Same. Substance of corresp. with Clayton resp. communication of Squier treaty to Senate, etc. (ib., 52, 55.) — May 10. Palmerston to Bulwer. Reply to his of Mch. 31, etc. (ib., 49.) — Je. 17. Clayton to Supreme Director of Nicaragua. (Ramirez). Nicaraguan govt. besought to make new treaty or to change Squier treaty, as sov- ereignty of state is affected. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 3.) — Sept. 27. Bulwer to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Web- Ster). Memorandum of amdmts. to Squier treaty. (p. 70, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Sept. 29. Bulwer to Palmerston. Substance of his amdmts. to Squier treaty. (ib., 69.) — Oct. 28. Palmerston to Bulwer. Approving mem- orandum resp. alterations to be made in Squier treaty; review of treaty. (ib., 93.) 1853 Jan. 13. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass., Mich.), calling on Pres, for corresp. in respect to Squier treaty of 1850, etc. (32. 2. S. jol., 89, 94.) Jan. 27. Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett) to President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Submission of corresp. called for by Senate res. of Jan. 13, relative to Squier treaty, etc.; is not compatible with public interest. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 28.) — Mch. 9. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Speech; Hise gºsauer treaties; etc. (32. 2. Cong. Globe, app., 247. — Mch. 16. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; * publication of Squier treaty, etc. (ib., 276-78. — Sept. 26. Costa Rican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Molina) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Charges Squier with Nicaraguan favoritism, etc. (34. 1. S. ex, doc. 25, 136.) Kerr Mission 1851 Mch. 31. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Molina. Kerr commissioned Amer. chargé to Nicaragua; establishment of peaceful relations among Central Amer. states recommended. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 20.) — May 26. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Author- izes and empowers John B. Kerr to exchange ratifi- cations of treaty of Mch. 3, 1849, with Guatemala, and of that of Jan. 2, 1850, with Salvador, (33. 1. S. rpt. 172, 3.) — Nov. 20. Webster to ministr. relac. est. Nicaragua. Announces that John B. Kerr has been apptd. Amer, chargé to Nicaragua. (ib., 4.) 1852 Apr. 30. Webster to Kerr. Instructions to lay be- fore Nicaraguan govt. plan of adjustment of dif- ferences formulated by Gr. Br., U. S., and Costa Rica, involving restoration to her of Greytown and Mosquito Coast. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 77.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN–cont’d Wheeler Mission 1854-57. John H. Wheeler, of N. C., min. res... commis- sioned Aug. 2, 1854; resigned Mch. 2, 1857. See also above, Filibustering, 1st Walker expedition. 1854 Oct. 23. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (Newton). Order to convey Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Fabens in Columbia to Greytown. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 64.) — Nov. 12. Wheeler to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Reception by Pres. of prov. govt. (Rivas); D. Bu- enaventura Selva, succeeds Gen. Corral as Min. Of War; prospect of Costa Rica and Honduras coming into Union; gratified at presence of U. S. Str. of War Massachusetts (Swartwout) at San Juan del Sur; Walker’s threat to Kinney offering aid. (ib., 39.) 1855 Je. 20. A treaty was signed betw. Nicaragua and U. S. repr. ; see below, Treaties. — Oct. 25. Nicaragua. Copy of res. of citizens of Granada which Wheeler, in company with min. Of war (Ruiz) carried to camp of Gen. Corral. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 38.) — Nov. 8. Wheeler to Marcy. Organization of proV. govt. ; names of cabinet members; Gen. Corral eXe- cuted on charge of treason; murder of Mrs. A. White and child, one Howard, and H. P. Davis. (ib., 37.) — Nov. 8. Marcy to Wheeler. Instructions forbidding political intercourse with de facto govt. of Nicara- gua; remarks relative to cause of his detention by Nicaraguans; nature of instructions to national vessels sent to coasts of Nicaragua. (ib., 35.) Nov. 10. Wheeler to Pres. prov, govt. of Nicaragua. (Rivas). Congratulatory address on his accession. (ib., 40.) Nov. 10. Rivas to Wheeler. Reply to his congratu- latory address of even date. (ib., 41.) Nov. 13. Ministr. relac. est. prov. govt. Nicaragua, (Jerez) to Wheeler. Recall of Nicaraguan min. to TJ. S. (Marcoleta). (ib., 42.) — Nov. 13. J. W. Fabens. Affidavit of aid rendered him by Col. J. H. Wheeler in ascertaining rights of claimants of Greytown agst. U. S. (35. 1. H. rpt. 206, 8.) — Dec. 6. Marcy to Irisarri. Contends that hostile character of persons departing U. S. for Nicaragua was unknown to authorities of U. S.; instructions forbidding political intercourse with de facto govt. of Nicaragua, received after U. S. min. had pre- sented himself to this govt. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 43.) — Dec. 7. Marcy to Wheeler. Instructions to discon- tinue communication with assumed rulers of Nica- ragua. (ib., 51.) Dec. 8. Min. in U. S. of Nicaraguan legit. govt. (Marcoleta) to Marcy. Declines to recognize recall by de facto govt. of Nicaragua; alleges recognition of de facto govt. in Nicaragua by U. S. min. Wheeler to have been premature. (ib., 46.) Dec. 10. John McCarthy, citizen, to Wheeler. Cer- tifies that mercantile interests of Amer. Citizens in Nicaragua demanded recognition of de facto govt. by U. S. min. (ib., 55.) Dec. 15. Wheeler to Marcy. In defence of his rec- ognition of de facto govt. of Nicaragua. (ib., 51.) — Dec. 24. Wheeler to Marcy. Colonizing efforts of Nicaragua; immigration increasing; friendly atti- tude of Salvador and Honduras towards Nicaragua. (ib., 59.) 1856 Jan. 8. Marcy to Wheeler. Directs that full and accurate information of political state of Nicaragua be forwarded. (ib., 68.) 280 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN–cont’d Wheeler Mission—cont’d 1856 Jan. 15. Wheeler to Marcy. Assurance by a resi- dent of 30 yrs. recently returned from tour of Nica- ragua (Br. Vice-cons. Manning) of approval of po- litical affairs of Nicaragua by inhabitants. (ib., 71.) — Jan. 25. Wheeler to Marcy. Opposition of Guate- mala to existing govt. of Nicaragua; resignation of Jerez strengthens Walker's position; strength of Nicaraguan army; recognition of Nicaraguan govt. by Br. Vice-cons. (ib., 72.) Feb. 26. Wheeler to Marcy. Revocation of charter of Accessory Transit co.; has visited portions of Nicaragua privately; general satisfaction with pres- ent govt.; negotiations betw. Nicaragua and Eng- land to settle Mosquito question. (ib., 77.) — Mch. 31. Wheeler to Marcy. D. Sebastian Salinas apptd. min. foreign relations, vice Jerez; further changes in cabinet; seat of govt. transferred from Granada to Leon; relative to decrees for elections and meeting of Congress. (ib., 125.) Cass-Yrisarri Treaty 1857 Nov. 16. Treaty of friendship, etc. [Cass-Yrisarri treaty]; see below, Treaties. — Dec. 11. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier). Ap- proving language to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) resp. CaSS-Yrissari treaty; H. B. M. govt. do not think it necessary to interfere. (p. 70, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) 1858 Jan. 11. Napier to Clarendon. Substance of con- ference with Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass), resp. Cass- Yrisarri treaty; opportunity afforded by Walker’s defeat, etc., for making more definite communication by H. B. M. govt. Tesp. objects of Ouseley mission. (ib., 78.) Jan. 16. H. B. M. specl. comr. in Central Amer. (Ouseley) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Claren- don). Substance of conference with President of L. S. A. resp. Cass-Yrisarri treaty. (ib., 79.) Jan. 29. Clarendon to Napier. Instructed to explain his language to Cass as reported in despatch of 11 inst. (ib., 78.) Feb. 16. Napier to Clarendon. Pending Amer. negotiations with Nicaragua, no bar to execution of instructions given to Ouseley. (ib., 80.) Feb. 22. Same to same. Reply to his note of Jan. 29. (ib., 81.) — May 11. H. F. Clark, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; in- quiry as to conflict of Yrisarri treaty with Clayton- Bulwer treaty. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 2065.) May 11. J. A. Quitman, repr. from Miss. Remarks; declaring that Cass-Yrisarri treaty [concluded Nov., 1857 with repr. of Nicaragua] conflicts with Clayton- Bulwer treaty as authorizing occupation of portion of Central Amer. by U. S. forces. (ib., 2065.) — May 11. D. E. Sickles, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; Cass-Yrisarri treaty, and relations with Central Amer. (ib., 2063- 67.) — May 18. W. M. Gwin, sen. from Calif. Remarks; on introducing jt. res. (S. 42) for adjustment of dif- ficulties with New Granada, Central Amer. and Mex- ico; deprecating delay in redressing outrages on Amer. citizens in foreign countries; referring par- ticularly in case of Central Amer. to Nicaraguan interference in progress of treaty negotiations. (ib., 2197.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN–Cont'd Cass-Yrisarri Treaty—cont’d 1858 Sept. 20. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of con- ference with Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Jerez) resp. modification of Cass-Yrisarri treaty. (p. 128, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, W. 68.) — Oct. 4. Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Jerez) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Informs him of apptmt. as E. E. and M. P. of Nicaragua to U. S., with specl. charge to carry on treaty negotiations now pending betw. two countries. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 65.) — Oct. 25. Napier to Malmesbury. Negotiations with Nicaragua, concerning Cass-Yrisarri treaty. (p. 134, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) 1859 May 30. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Malmesbury. Amer. contention that fail- ure, owing to Br. non-support, of Cass-Yrisarri treaty is cause of continued filibustering expeditions, etc. (ib., 248.) Lamar-Zeledon Treaty 1859 Mch. 16. Lamar-Zeledon treaty signed; see below, Treaties. — Apr. 18. Lyons to Malmesbury. Substance of inter- View with Cass concerning Ouseley negotiations; comment on Lamar treaty, based on Cass-Yrisarri treaty. (p. 234, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) – Apr. 25. Same to same. Substance of interview With Cass on conclusion of treaty with Nicaragua Superseding Cass-Yrisarri treaty; expeditious ter- mination of whole Central Amer. question desirable. (ib., 235.) — Jly. 5. Same to same. Conference with Cass; Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Central Amer. (Lamar) to return; no diplomatic agt. to be accredited to Nicaragua until offending clause shall have been removed from Amer. treaty with Nicaragua. (ib., 259.) — Dec. 19. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to U. S. Senate. Message transmitting treaty of Mch. 16, 1859, with Nicaragua. (xi, S. ex. jol., 109.) — Dec. 19. Same. Annual message; clause relating to treaty with Nicaragua. FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISH 1848 Mch. 7. Loch treaty signed; see below, Treaties. 1849 Jly. 9. H. B. M. actg. vice-cons. at Leon (Manning) to Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier)., Protest agst. public accusations agst. Br. as cause of revolu- tion in Nicaragua. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 161.) — Jly. 10. Squierto Manning. Declines to make com- munication on subject of his note of Jly. 9. (ib., 162.) 1850 Mch. 31. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bul- wer) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton) advises that Gr. Br. make treaty with Nicaragua similar to that which will be made by U. S. A. (p. 48, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60. ) 1851 May 5. Same to same. Has stated to Marcoleta that he will negotiate coml. treaty with Nicaragua. (ib., 96.) — May 22. Palmerston to Bulwer. Approval of pro- posed negotiation with Nicaragua. (ib., 96.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 281 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISH-cont’d 1859 Apr. 17. Marcoleta to Malmesbury. Wants to know whether Nicaraguan treaties have been read; and of terms of postal treaty. (p. 211, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Apr. 23. Malmesbury to Marcoleta. Reply to his note of 17 inst. (ib., 213.) Ouseley Mission See also below, Ouseley Mission. 1858 Aug. 9. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury) to H. B. M. specl. comr. in Central Amer. (Ouseley). Instructions anticipating alterations desired by Nicaragua in draft treaties transmitted on even date. (p. 120, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 9. Same to same. Instructions; negotiations with Nicaragua. (ib., 100.) — Dec. 16. Same to same. Pressing conclusion of treaty with Nicaragua. (ib., 161.) — Dec. 2(?). President of Nicaragua (Martinez) to Ouseley. Reply on reception of Ouseley’s credentials. (ib., 177.) * — Dec. 28. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Arrival in Nica- ____ragua;-eopy of speech delivered on presentation to president Martinez of Nicaragua. (ib., 166.) 1859 Jan. 3. Same to same. Nicaraguan min. of foreign affairs, D. Pedro Zeledon, apptd. to negotiate with him. (ib., 169.) — Jan. 8. Same to same. Progress of his negotiations in Nicaragua; alterations he has agreed to in the general treaty. (ib., 178.) — Jan. 18. Same to same. Signing of general treaty with Nicaragua. (ib., 179.) — Jan. 19. Same to same. Modification adopted in art. xx of general treaty with Nicaragua. (ib., 180.) — Mch. 23. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Comment on gen- eral treaty of Jan. 18; treaty rejected; encloses amended copy of treaty. (ib., 195.) — May 10. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Malmesbury. Substance of interview with Cass resp. Br. rejection of Ouseley-Zeledon treaty because of filibustering clause, etc. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 125.) — May 11. Marcoleta to Malmesbury. Receipt of ratſ- fied treaty of Jan. 18. (p. 237, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — May 14. Malmesbury to Marcoleta. Br. rejection of original general treaty with Nicaragua. (ib., 237.) — May 30. Lyons to Malmesbury. Substance of con- ference with Cass; Amer. negotiations with Nic- aragua; objections to certain clause in art. xxii of Ouseley-Zeledon treaty. (ib., 249.) — Je. 10. Ouseley to Zeledon. Second Br. draft for treaty of commerce, etc. (ib., 263.) — JIy. 1. Ouseley to Malmesbury. State of treaty negotiations with Nicaragua. (ib., 285.) Wyke Mission See also below, Wyke mission. 1859 Nov. 29. H. B. M. Specl. comr. in Central Amer. (Wyke) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell). Intention to proceed to Nicaragua. (p. 310, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Dec. 24. Wyke to actg. President of Nicaragua (Guzman). Address on presenting credentials. (ib., 311.) — Dec. 24. Guzman to Wyke. Address on receiving credentials. (ib., 312.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua–cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISII—cont’d Wyke Mission—cont’d 1860 Jan. 10. Wyke to Russell. Progress of negotiations in Nicaragua. (ib., 313.) Jan. 28. Wyke-Zeledon treaty signed; see below, Treaties. — Feb. 11. Same to Same. Comment on Coml. treaty concluded with Nicaragua; d.o. on Amer. Lamar- Zeledon treaty. (ib., 318.) — Feb. 11. Ministr. relac. est. Nicaragua (Zeledon) to Wyke. Stipulating retention of certain words in art. 21 of com]. treaty, provided same words are retained in Lamar-Zeledon treaty. (ib., 319.) — Feb. 11. Wyke to Zeledon. Reply to his note of even date. (ib., 319.) — Mch. 31. Ministr. gen. Nicaragua. (Cortez) to Wyke. Modification of comi. treaty. (ib., 322.) — Apr. 2. Wyke to Russell. Modifications introduced by Nicaraguan Congress in com/. treaty before rati- fication. (ib., 320.) — Je. 10. Russell to Wyke. Receipt of Nicaraguan treaties; approval of proc. (ib., 324.) — Jly. 24. Marcoleta to Russell. Arrival in London to exchg. ratifications of Nicaraguan treaties; mod- ifications introduced. (ib., 324.) FOREIGN RELATIONS: COSTA RICAN See also above, Boundary Negotiations. 1856 Feb. 25. Costa Rica. Decree (Mora) calling extra session of Congress. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 133.) — Feb. 27. Costa Rica. Decree (Mora) conferring au- thority on Pres. of Costa Rica to take active meas- ures agst. Nicaragua. (ib., 133.) Feb. 28. Costa Rica. Decree (Mora) authorizing Costa Rican forces to expel invading powers of Nicaragua from Nicaragua and from Central Amer. (ib., 134.) — Mch. 12. Nicaragua. Declaration (Rivas) of war agst. Costa Rica. (ib., 123.) — Mch. 17. Wheeler to Marcy. Costa Rica rejects Nicaraguan commission to establish amicable rela- tions; Costa Rica, issues proclamation agst. Nica- ragua; Nicaragua declares War agst. Costa Rica; increase of Nicaraguan army. (ib., 121.) – Apr. 8. Molina to Marcy. Costa Rica declares war agst. Nicaragua; army under command of Pres. Mora marches against Nicaragua; executive power transferred to vice-pres. Oreomuno; protest agst. Amer. indifference to violation of neutrality laws by usurping power of Nicaragua. (ib., 131.) — Apr. 17. Wheeler to Marcy. Nicaragua-Costa Rica war continues; account of battles fought; losses; jeopardy of Americans; Central Amer. states de- cline to aid Costa Rica in a war; Salvador, Hon- duras and Guatemala assure Nicaraguan comrs. Of neutrality; Augustine Vijil apptd. M. P. Nicaragua to U. S. (ib., 125.) 1857 Aug. 29. Anonymous communication relative to proposition of Costa Rica to Nicaragua to unite un- der one govt. with a preS. named by people. (35. 1. H. ex: doc. 24, 39.) PRESENTS TO ALIENS: See PRESENTS, ETC. TREATIES 1848 Mch. 7. Gr. Br. Treaty concluded by Capt. Loch, on part of Gr. Br., with the comrs. of Nicaragua, resp. occupation of the port of San Juan; signed on part of Gr. Br. by Loch; on part of Nicaragua by Juan José Zavala, Francisco Castellón, and José Maria Estrada; Sp. and Engl. text. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 84.) 282 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Nicaragua—cont’d TREATIES-cont’d 1849 Je. 21. U. S. Specl. Conv. [Hise conv.] relative to right of construction of Nicaragua canal; Engl. text; failed of approval both by Nicaragua and U. S.; signed on part of Nicaragua by Buenaventura Selva, and on part of U. S. by Elijah Hise. (ib., 110.) — Sept. 3. U. S. Treaty of amity, etc. [Squier treaty]. Text not found in Amer. papers. Sp. and Engl. text given in full in Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60, 72. Treaty failed of ratification. 1855 Je. 20. U. S. Treaty of amity, etc.; signed at Gra- nada; text not found; Amer. ratification proc. in x, S. ex. jol. 1857 Nov. 16. U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc. [Cass- Yrisarri treaty] failed of ratification; Engl. text. (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 117.) s [1858.] Gr. Br. Draft treaty relative to Mosquito In- dians, and rights and claims of Br. subjects, as authorized to be executed by H. B. M. speci. comr. (Ouseley). Engl. text. (p. 108, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) —. Gr. Br. Draft treaty of friendship, etc., as au- thorized to be executed by H. B. M. speci. comr. (Ouseley). Engl. text. (ib., 102.) 1859 Gr. Br. Draft treaty relative to Mosquito Indians, and to rights and claims of Br. subjects. (ib., 275.) Jan. 18. Gr. Br. Treaty of friendship, etc., signed at Leon by Ouseley and Zeledon. Engl. text. (ib., 186.) — Mch. 16. U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc. (Lamar- Zeledon treaty); text of treaty not found; ratifica- tions not exchd. Amer. ratification proc. in Xi, S. ex. jol. [Mch. 23]. Gr. Br. Draft treaty of friendship, etc., replacing Ouseley-Zeledon treaty of Jan. 18. Engl. text. (p. 197, Corresp. re Central Amer. ; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) 1860 Jan. 28. Gr. Br. and Nicaragua. Treaty relative to Mosquito Indians, and to rights and claims of Br. subjects (Wyke-Zeledon treaty; Engl. text). (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 151.) Nicoya Sovereignty; see above, Boundary Negotiations Ouseley Mission; British See also above, Bay Islands Colony, Isthmian Transit (Routes. Nicaragua Canal); Mosquito terr.; also under Nicaragua, Filibustering, 2d Walker expedi- tion ; and under Costa Rica and Honduras for the prtd. acct. of his negotiations with these republics. 1857 Oct. 22. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Substance of conference with President of U. S. A., resp. Ouseley apptmt. (p. 58, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Oct. 24. Same to same. Further conversation with President of U. S. A. resp. Ouseley mission. (ib., 60.) — Oct. 30. Clarendon to Ouseley. Instructions On apptmt. (ib., 48.) — Oct. 30. Clarendon to Napier. Advice of Ouseley apptmt. (ib., 52.) — Nov. 20. Same to same. Explaining Br. Views resp. Clayton-Bulwer treaty and Ouseley mission. (ib., 64.) — Nov. 23. Napier to Clarendon. Arrival of Ouseley; memorandum on object of his mission to be for- Warded to Amer. govt. (ib., 68.) — Nov. 23. Ouseley to Clarendon. Advice of intr. to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass), and of audience with President U. S. A. (ib., 67.) — Nov. 25. Clarendon to H. B. M. chargé in Guate- mala (Wyke). Notice of Ouseley apptmt. (ib., 66.) SOLVED–cont’d Ouseley Mission; British—cont’d 1857 Nov. 30. Napier to Cass. Object of Ouseley mis- sion; nature of proposed negotiations in Central Amer. (ib., 70.) — Dec. 11. Clarendon to Napier. Approval of proc. in communicating object of Ouseley mission to Amer. govt. (ib., 69.) 1858 Feb. 17. Napier to Cass. Requests reply to notes resp. Ouseley mission; etc. (ib., 80.) — Apr. 6. Cass to Napier. Requests full and definite stmt. of arrangements by which it is proposed that Ouseley mission shall carry into effect Clayton-Bul- wer treaty according to Amer. interpretation of it. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 107.) — Apr. 12. Napier to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Comment on Cass’ note of 6 inst. (p. 87, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Apr. 12. Napier to Cass. Reply to his note of 6 inst. (ib., 92.) — Jly. 15. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Instructed to leave Washington for Central Amer. at once. (ib., 99.) — Jly. 28. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of con- ference with Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass), resp. Ouseley mission; disappointed at Amer. proposal to abrogate Clayton-Bulwer treaty as corollary to concessions conveyed by Ouseley mission. (ib., 99.) — Aug. 18. Malmesbury to Napier. Instructions; manner of communicating to Amer. govt. independ- ent proc. of Ouseley mission because of Amer. re- jection of modification, arbitration and abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 124.) — Aug. 25. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Necessity for CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] conFEDERATION DIS- negotiations being concluded by end of Nov. (ib., 125.) — Sept. 17. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of conference with Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) on Br. note of 18 ult. Concerning intentions of Ouseley mis- sion. (ib., 126.) - Oct. 5. Malmesbury to Napier. Instructions; com- munications to Amer. govt. resp. Ouseley mission and Clarendon-Dallas treaty. (ib., 129.) — Oct. 26. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Instructed to hasten negotiations. (ib., 134.) — Nov. 15. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of con- versation with Cass resp. limited nature of instruc- tions to Ouseley. (ib., 155.) — Dec. 8. Malmesbury to Napier. Comment on Cass' note of Nov. 8; Br. intentions resp. Ouseley mission. (ib., 155.) — Dec. 16. Malmesbury to Ouseley. H. B. M. chargé in Guatemala (Wyke) to take his place in case of illness. (ib., 160.) 1859 Jan. 18. Signs treaty of friendship, etc., with Nicaragua; see below, Nicaragua. Treaties. — Feb. 8. Ouseley to Zeledon. Advice of departures for Costa Rica. (p. 208, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Mch. 16. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Instructions to return when treaties with Nicaragua and Costa Rica are concluded; they cannot be ratified without the Mosquito conv. (ib., 195.) Mch. 31. Ouseley to Malmesbury. Explaining delay in his negotiations. (ib., 230.) Apr. 11. Napier to Malmesbury. Substance of re- marks by President of U. S. A. concerning result of Ouseley mission, on presentation of his letter of re- call. (ib., 214.) — Apr. 12. Cass to Dallas. H. B. M. Central Amer. negotiations; dissatisfaction of Amer. govt.; in- structions given Jly. 25 ult., to Amer. envoy in Cen- tral Amer. (Lamar). (ib., 215.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 283 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Ouseley Mission; British—cont’d 1859 Apr. 16. Malmesbury to Ouseley. Instruction to return as soon as treaties are signed. (ib., 210.) — May 30. Lyons to Malmesbury. Desirable, that be- fore intended departure of Ouseley becomes gener- ally known in U. S., he should be able to state dis- tinctly intention of Br. govt. resp. treaty which re- mains to be negotiated with Honduras. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 126.) — Jly. 1. Ouseley to Malmesbury. State of treaty ne- gotiations with Costa Rica and Nicaragua. (p. 285, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 15. Russell to Ouseley. Notice of his recall and apptmt. of Wyke as his successor. (ib., 281.) — Aug. 18. Russell to Ouseley. Dissatisfaction at failure of his negotiations; to cease from all further sº and to return to England without delay. (ib., 286. — Sept. 22. Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Dimitry). Views of U. S. in regard to Ouseley-Zeledon, Dallas-Clarendon trea- ties, etc. (46. 2. S. ex. doc. 112, 117.) — Sept. 29. Ouseley to Russell. Further explanation of delay in negotiations. (p. 297, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) Panama Riots See also J. Marks, J. Sellwood, and Colombia Claims. 1856 Apr. 15. T. de Sabla to Amer. cons. Panama (Ward). Strmt. relative to massacre of Americans at Panama, Apr. 15. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 161.) — Apr. 18. W. Nelson. Stnt. of riot at Panama, Apr. 15. (ib., 168.) — Apr. 18. A. J. Center. Deposition relative to Pan- ama maSSacre. (ib., 157.) — Apr. 18. Amer. Cons. Panama (Ward) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Representation of murder of 15 Americans at Panama, on Apr. 15. (ib., 154.) — Apr. 19. Chief engr. Panama R.R. co. (Totten) to Pres. Panama R.R. (Hoadley). Stnt. of riot at Panama on Apr. 15. (ib., 166.) — May 1. Hoadley to Marcy. Praying action of party of govt. in case of recent riots at Panama. (ib., 165.) May 1. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdr. ; ; S. Cyane (Robb). Ordered to Aspinwall. (ib., 64. — May 1. Dobbin to comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Paulding). Cyane ordered to Aspinwall. (ib., 65.) — May 1. Dobbin to comdr. U. S. S. St. Mary’s (Baily). Ordered to remain at Panama with St. Mary’s So long as presence is necessary for pro- tection of Amer. citizens and property. (ib., 65.) — May 1. Dobbin to Paulding. Important that vessels of Home Sqdn. Should be in Vicinity of San Juan and Aspinwall during deranged condition of affairs now distracting that region. (ib., 65.) — May 1. Dobbin to comdr. U. S. navy yard, Pensa- cola (Rousseau). Ordered to Send Fulton to Aspin- wall. (ib., 64.) — May 1. J. B. Weller, Sen. from Calif. Remarks; on Panama riots; etc. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 1069-72.) — May 3. Marcy to Ward. Instructions for following up riot of Panama of Apr. 15. (ib., 174.) — May 3. Marcy to Amer. min. res. in Colombia (Bowlin). Instructions for representation to govt. of New Granada of claims of U. S. pursuant to mas- sacre of Americans at Panama, Apr. 15. (ib., 175.) — May 5. Dobbin to Paulding. Important that Aspin- wall and San Juan del Norte should receive as much attention of vessels of Home Sqdn. as is consistent with public interests. (ib., 65.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Panama Riots 1856 May 8. U. S. House. Res. (Pennington, Com. On Foreign Affairs), calling on Pres. for information regarding recent disturbance at Panama; etc. (34. 1. H. jol., 940.) — May 13. Dobbin to Paulding. Ordered to San Juan de Nicaragua with frigate Potomac. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 65.) — May 13. Dobbin to comdr. U. S. frigate Susque- hanna (Sands). Ordered to San Juan to watch Over interests of U. S. citizens until relieved by vessel of Home sqdn. (ib., 66.) Aug. 11. S. R. Mallory, sen. from Fla. Remarks; favoring apprin. for compensation to Surgeons at Panama for care of wounded Americans during recent riots. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 2025.) — Aug. 11. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Do.; Same. (ib., 2025-26.) — Aug. 11. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Do.; Opposing apprn. for compensation to Surgeons at Panama for care of wounded Americans, during recent riots. (ib., 2025.) 1859 Jan. 11. U. S. Senate. Res. (Davis, Miss.), calling On PreS. for corresp. and information in relation to Outrages on U. S. citizens on isthmus of Panama, New Granada. (35. 2. S. jol., 126.) — Jan. 14. U. S. Com. Foreign Affairs (Branch). Favorable rpt. on S. 427, for relief of T. W. Ward, late U. S. cons. at Panama, for services and ex- penses in procuring testimony in reference to out- rages on Amer. Citizens in Panama riot. (35. 2. H. rpt., 100) Rivas Manifesto 1858 May 1. Presidents of Nicaragua (Martinez) and of Costa Rica (Mora). Manifesto; placing the two republics under guarantee of European law and under protection of France, England and Sardinia. (Engl. text in 35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 62; Engl. and Sp. text, p. 122, Corresp. re Central Amer. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) Called “Rivas Manifesto ” : also, “Belly Manifesto.” — Jly. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to min. res. U. S. in Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Lamar). In- structions; Rivas manifesto; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 2, 51; H. ex. doc. 2, 51.) — Sept. 16. President of Costa Rica (Mora) to La- mar, Renounces Sentiments expressed in Rivas dec- laration of May 1, in reference to U. S. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 64.) Sept. 25. Martinez to Lamar. Disavows sentiments expressed in declaration of May 1, in regard to U. S. (ib., 66.) Sept. 29. Lamar to Cass. President of Costa Rica. has apologized for unmerited offence offered to govt. and people of U. S. in “Rivas Manifesto.” (ib., 64.) Oct. 28. Lamar to Cass. Copy of letter received from Pres, of Nicaragua, in relation to “Rivas Man- ifesto * of May 1. (ib., 66.) 1859 Feb. 8. U. S. Senate. Res. (Brown, Miss.), calling on Pres. for corresp. serving as possible basis for declaration of Mora and Martinez, etc. (35. 2. S. jol., 285.) Salvador (Republic) For the state of Salvador see above, under Central Amer- ica, 1823-1839 (confederation). ALIENS IN; see ALIENAGE, ETC. CIVIL SERVICE Jefe (President) Constituent Assembly 1840. Norberto Ramirez. 284. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Salvador (Republic)—cont’d CIVIL SERVICE—cont’d Jefe (President) Constitution of 1841 1841-42. Juan Lindo. 1842. Pedro Arce; Escolastico Marin. 1842-43. Juan Jose Guzman. 1843-44. Pedro Arce. 1844-46. Francisco Malespin. 1846. Eugenio Aguilar. 1848-52. Doroteo Vasconcelos. 1852. Francisco Dueñas. 1854. Jose Maria de San Martin. 1856-58. Rafael Campo. 1858-59. Miguel Santin del Castillo. 1860-65. Gerardo Barrios. Ministro de relaciones esteriores 1849-50. Raphael Pino. CoNSULS IN; see U. S. A. CONSULAR SERVICE DECREES 1850 Apr. 18. (Vasconzelos.) Construing contract of Nov. 12, 1849. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 94.) — Sept. 3. (Vasconzelos.) Manifesto on Br. reclama- tions. (ib., 81.) EMBARGO; see that title DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Nicaragua. 1849. A. Morales, M. P. United States 1851. I. Gomez. 1853-55. Felipe Molina. Presented credentials as M.P., Oct. 17, 1853; died in Washington, Feb. 1, 1855. 1855-63. Antonio Jose de Irisarri. Presented credentials as M. P., Sept. 4, 1855 ; gave notice of termination of mission Mch. 11, 1863. Special Commission to adjust Br. claims. 1849. J. M. Montoya; J. A. Alvarado. See also below. FOREIGN RELATIONS See also below, Treaties. FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN 1849 Jiy. 12. Nicaraguan chargé in Gr. Br. (Castellón) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft). Proposing annexation of Honduras, Salvador and Nicaragua to U. S. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 301.) Hise Mission 1849 Feb. 8. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Hise) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). San Salvador and Nicaragua to send comrs. to Guatemala to treat with U. S. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 101.) Feb. 28. Same to same. San Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras to Send comrS. to Guatemala to treat with U. S. (ib., 102.) Squier Mission 1849 Aug. 1. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to ministr. relac. est. Salvador (Pino). Invitation to negotiate treaty of amity and commerce with the U. S. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 163.) Oct. 23. Same to same. Application for recognition as dipl. repr. of U. S. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 10.) Dec. 13. Squier to Clayton. State of affairs in San Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica. (ib., 50.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[18611 CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Salvador (Republic)—cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: AMERICAN–Cont’d 1850 Jan. 2. Signs treaty of amity, navigation and com- merce, betw. Salvador and U. S.; see below, Treaties. — Mch. 19. President U. S. A. (Taylor) to U. S. Senate. Message transmitting Squier treaties with Nicaragua and Salvador, etc. (V, Mess. and Papers, 33.) — Je. 25. Squier to Clayton. Corresp. with govts. Of Salvador and Honduras relative to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 324.) Kerr Mission 1851, May 26. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Authorizes and empowers John B. Kerr to exchange ratifica- tions of treaty with San Salvador of Jan. 2, 1850. (33. 1. S. rpt. 172, 3.) FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISH 1848 Dec. 20. Amer. chargé in Guatemala. (Hise) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Ports of San Sal- vador blockaded by Br. man-of-war Champion ; etc. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 100.) 1849 Oct. Documents published to manifest to the people of Salvador with what justice the govt. refused to recognize the Br. claims. (31. 2. S. ex: doc. 43, 26.) — Oct. Copy of agreement betw. min. of state (Pino) and H. B. M. vice-cons. (Idigoras) to adjust Br. claims agst. Salvador. (ib., 35.) — Oct. 18. Comrs. to examine Br. claims (F. Dueñas, M. Barberena, I. Menendez, D. Villacoste) to min. of state (Pino). Report. (ib., 38.) — Oct. 21. Pino to H. B. M. cons. gen, in Central Amer. (Chatfield). Disputing justice of Br. claims. (ib., 36.) — Oct. 26. Chatfield to Pino. Because of unsatisfac- tory answer to his demands for reclamation, port of La Union will be blockaded from this day; Is. of Mianguera, Conchaguita, Punta de Sacate and Perez have been seized. (ib., 55.) — Nov. 2. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Secy State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Seizure of Mian- guera, Punta de Sacate, Martin Perez and Concha- guita Is... by the Br.; rumor of intended seizure of port of La Union and entire gulf coast of San Sal- vador. ( ib., 12.) — Nov. 3. Pino to comrS. authorized to treat with H. B. M. cons. (Chatfield) on subject of Br. claims on San Salvador (Montoya and Alvarado). Instruc- tions. (ib., 56.) — Nov. 8. Squier to Clayton. Br. claims on Salvador, etc. (ib., 25.) — Nov. 12. Agreement betw. Chatfield and Montoya and Alvarado, whereby Salvador recognizes undis- puted Br. claims, etc. (ib., 57.) – Nov. 13. Montoya and Alvarado to ministr. relac. est. Honduras (Moncada). In explanation of agree- ment with Br. cons. of Nov. 12. (ib., 59.) — Nov. 24. President of Salvador (Vasconzelos) to Salvadorean M. P. in Nicaragua (Morales). Attitude in case of Chatfield agreement of Nov. 12. (ib., 59.) — Nov. 28. Honduran M. P. in Nicaragua (Guerrero) to Squier. Protest agst. terms of conv. of comrs. of Salvador and Br. cons. (ib., 63.) - Dec. 13. Morales to Squier. Protest agst, terms of conv. of comrs. of Salvador and Br. cons. (ib., 62.) 1850 Mch. 20. Comdr.-in-chf. Br. naval forces in Pacific (Hornby) to Pino. Demanding confirmation of pend- ing Br. proposals. (ib., 70.) – Mch. 27. Pino to Hornby. Protest agst. Br. aggres- sions in Salvador. (ib., 71.) — Apr. 18. President of Salvador (Vasconzelos). De- cree construing contract of Nov. 12. (ib., 94.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 285 pº CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Salvador (Republic)—cont’d FOREIGN RELATIONS: BRITISH-cont’d 1850 Apr. 18. Pino to Chatfield. Certain unrecognized claims; denies formal character of agency of Idi- goras. (ib., 92.) — Aug. 6. Chatfield to Pino. Making certain demands for satisfaction. (ib., 84.) – Aug. 17. Pino to Chatfield. Reply in detail to de- mands for satisfaction. (ib., 86.) — Sept. 3. President of Salvador (Vasconzelos). Man- ifesto on Br. reclamations. (ib., 81.) – Sept. 21. Actg. Amer. cons. at Guatemala (Sav- age) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Br. demands for reclamations on Salvador. (ib., 80.) 1851 Jan. 16. U. S. Senate. Res. (Shields, Ill.), calling On PreS. for information touching blockade of Sal- Vador coast by Gr. Br., invasion of Guatemala, and other matters relating to Central Amer. (31.2. S. jol., 89.) — Jan. 16. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; favor- able to Shields res. (Cong. Globe, 31. 2., 264.) — Jan. 16. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Remarks; favor- able to Shields res. (ib., 264.) – Jan. 16. J. Davis, sen. from Miss. Remarks; on Shields res. (ib., 264.) — Jan. 16. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Remarks; favorable to Shields res. (ib., 264. ) — Jan. 16. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Remarks; in ex- planation and support of his res. (ib., 263-64.) TREATIES 1850 Jan. 2. U. S. A. treaty of amity, etc.; Squier-Mo- rales treaty; Amer. ratification proc. in viii-ix, S. ex, jol.; Engl. text in 48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47, 945. San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1824–1838 Federal Rule No material relating to this period of Greytown’s history was found in the prid. U. S. documents. San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1838–1848 Nicaraguan Protectorate 1842 Oct. 24. H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Chatfield) to ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Orosco). In explanation of removal of Nicaraguan comandante of San Juan (Quijano) on board Br. ship Tweed; detention of Geo. Bell and four other Englishmen by Nicaragua; etc. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 75, 24.) — Nov. 15. H. B. M. cons. gen. Central Amer. (Chat- field) to Secy. State, Nicaragua (Orosco). Inquiry into foundation of Br. Opinion that south side of port of San Juan is Mosquito and not Nicaragua terr., etc.; refusal to indemnify Nicaragua for re- moval of Quijano. (ib., 26.) — Nov. 18. Orosco to Chatfield. Apptmt of comrs. Zeledon and Juares to negotiate indemnity in case of Quijano; cause of detention of Bell and his associ- ates; etc. (ib., 30.) — Nov. 19. Orosco to Chatfield. Reiterates claim for indemnity for removal of Quijano. (ib., 34.) 1847 Oct. 13. Secy. State, Honduras (Guardiola) to H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central America (Chatfield). fººt agst. Br. invasion of port of San Juan. (ib., 78. — Oct. 25. Councillor of King of Mosquito (Hodgson) to Secy. State of Honduras and Nicaragua (Sa- linas). Demand for removal of Nicaraguan estab- lishment from port of San Juan. (ib., 47.) — Oct. 27. Comdt. port of San Juan de Nicaragua (Bermudes). Arrival of Br. frigate Alarm at port of San Juan. (ib., 47.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-II861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1838–1848—cont’d Nicaraguan Protectorate—cont’d 1847 Oct. 27. Bermudes to comdr. Br. frigate Alarm. Protest agst. cooperation in Br. attempt to Occupy port of San Juan. (ib., 49.) — Nov. 8. Salinas to Hodgson. Declines to Vacate port of San Juan. (ib., 48.) — Dec. 15. President of Nicaragua (Guerrero) to President U. S. A. (Polk). Information of Br. ag- gression on Nicaraguan coast. (ib., 79.) — Dec. 16. Amer. cons. for San Juan de Nicaragua (Livingston) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Rpts. that Br. will take possession of San Juan. (ib., 310.) San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1848-1850 British Occupation 1848 Mch. 7. Gr. Br. and Nicaragua. Treaty concl. by Capt. Loch, on the part of Gr. Br., with the comrs. of Nicaragua [J. J. Zavala, F. Castellón and J. M. Estradal, resp. occupation of port of San Juan [Sp. and Engl. text]. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 84.) — Mch. 13. Secy. State Nicaragua and Honduras (Salinas) to Secy. Br. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Declaration and protest resp. Br. attempt to Occupy port of San Juan. (ib., 87.) — Mch. 17. Salinas to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Bu- chanan). Exposition of movements of Br. in Nicara- guan terr. from 1844 to alleged conclusion of agree- ment betw. Nicaragua and Granville Loch resp. oc- cupation of port of San Juan. (ib., 80.) 1849 Jan. 20. Nicaraguan chargé in Gr. Br. (Castellón) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Nicaraguan Opposition to Br. Occupation of San Juan, etc.; amicable adjustment of existing dif- ferences. (ib., 237.) — Jan. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ban- croft) to Buchanan. Palmerston’s order to call San Juan Greytown. (ib., 222.) — Feb. 9. Castellón to Palmerston. Request that no alteration in State of affairs at San Juan take place until question resp. that town is definitely arranged. (ib., 250.) — Feb. 17. Palmerston to Castellón. “H. B. M. govt. cannot do anything which can be interpreted as ad- mitting any doubt that Greytown belongs exclu- sively to Mosquito terr.” (ib., 224, 250.) — Mch. 5. Castellón to Palmerston. Protest agst. Sub- Stitution of name Greytown for San Juan; proposal for treaty arrangement. (ib., 228.) — Mch. 19. Same to Same. Inquiry as to Mr. Christie’s authority to fix boundary of Mosquito terr.; protest agst. violation of armistice of Mch. 7, 1848, by in- troduction of foreign force into neutral terr. Of San Juan; proposal to Settle difficulty by arbitration. (ib., 252.) — May 3. President U. S. A. (Taylor) to Director of State of Nicaragua (Guerrero). Reply to communi- cation of Dec. 15, 1847. (ib., 132; Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 255.) — Je. 10. Amer. chargé at Guatemala (Squier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Description of har- bor, trade, population, etc., of San Juan. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 133.) — Jly. 9. Castellón to Bancroft. Enclosing copy of his protest of even date to Palmerston agst. Costa Rican treaty by which disputed terr. of port of San Juan is ceded to Gr. Br. (ib., 299.) — Aug. [?]. Bancroft to Clayton. Conference with Palmerston relative to Br. occupation of San Juan; etc. (ib., 234.) 286 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1848-1850—cont’d British Occupation—cont’d 1849 Nov. 13. Palmerston to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). Squier arrangement with Nicaragua to compel Gr. Br. to deliver up Greytown. (p. 8, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Nov. 14. Lawrence to Clayton. Br. disposition to settle Nicaraguan affair. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 27, 45.) — Nov. 22. Lawrence to Palmerston. Reply to his of 13 inst., resp. Squier arrangement. (p. 24, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Nov. 29. Lawrence to Clayton. Rumor that Gr. Br. has sent a fleet to Central Amer. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 50.) — Dec. 10. Clayton to Lawrence. Instructions to urge Br. govt. to relinquish control over Greytown; etc. (ib., 51.) San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1850-1852 Clayton-Bulwer treaty (art. 1) ; withdrawal of Br. occu- pation ; Mosquito sovereignty. 1850 May 10. Palmerston to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in |U. S. A. (Bulwer). Gr. Br. not disinclined to treat with Nicaragua, but cannot admit any pretensions of Nicaragua to Greytown; etc. (p. 49, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 28. Same to same. Br. views as to Greytown; etc. (ib., 58.) — Jly. 1. Bulwer to Palmerston. Proposal of ceding part of Mosquito terr., incl. Greytown, to Costa Rica; believes Nicaragua would not consent. (ib., 61.) Oct. 13. Nicaraguan chargé in Gr. Br. (Marcoleta) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). Protest agst. reported Br. proposal for cession of port of San Juan to Costa Rica. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 104.) — Oct. 15. Lawrence to Marcoleta. Receipt of his note of 13 inst. (ib., 105.) — Oct. 25. Palmerston to Bulwer. Copies of letters from Admiralty resp. conduct of agt. of Amer. Ship Canal co. in inciting Nicaraguans to seize on Grey- town. (p. 90, Corresp. With U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Nov. 13. Secy. State, Nicaragua and Honduras (Sa- linas) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Right of Nicaragua to port of San Juan and vicinity; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 12.) — Nov. 14. Bulwer to Palmerston. Webster’s regret at reported attempt of Amer. Ship Canal Co.'s agt. to incite Nicaraguans to seize Greytown. (p. 94, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 1851 Jan. 22. Palmerston to Bulwer. Instruction; to express hope to Amer. govt. that it will use its in- fluence with Nicaragua to prevent its attacking Costa. (ib., 95.) Feb. 26. Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Marcoleta) to Webster. Protest agst, taking pos- session of San Juan by Br., in name of pretended Mosquito king. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 18.) — Mch. 10. Bulwer to Palmerston. Webster promises his influence to prevent hostilities betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (p. 96, Corresp. with U. S. re Cen- tral Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 19. Bulwer to Palmerston. Points resp. trans- fer of Greytown, etc., verbally settled betw. him and Webster. (ib., 96.) — Je. 25. Palmerston to Bulwer. Reply to his note of 19 ult.; H. B. M. govt. does not object to cession of Greytown to Nicaragua, if cession to Costa Rica CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1850-1852—cont’d is found impossible; arrangement consequent on cession. (ib., 98.) 1851 Jly. 28. Bulwer to Palmerston. Substance of Con- ference with envoys of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and with Webster on Greytown and Central Amer. questions; Nicaraguan proposal. (ib., 98.) — Aug. 15. Palmerston to Bulwer. Approving proc. reported in his note of 28 ult, (ib., 100.) — Aug. 15. Same to same. Terr. sovereignty of MOS- Quito over Greytown will end when that town has been transferred to one of the Central American States. (ib., 101.) — Oct. 30. Capt. B. R. N., comdg. Jamaica div., W. I. station (McQuhae) to comdr. H. B. M. brig Ea;press (Fead). Orders to proceed to Greytown. (ib., 130.) — Nov. Amer. str. Prometheus fired on by H. B. M. brig Ea;press, while under weigh in harbor of San Juan del Norte, forced to turn back to anchor and boarded by an officer of the Ea:press, because the Prometheus master refused to pay port dues at Greytown; see Prometheus. — Nov. 22. Greytown City Council to agt. Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal co. (Geddes). Har- bor, etc., regulations. (p. 118, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual mes- Sage (2d); clause relating to disturbances in Nica- Taglla. Dec. 18. Vice-admr. B. R. R., comdr.-in-chief W. I. station (Seymour) to comdr. H. B. M. Str. Eacpress (Fead). Instructions; to desist from compelling payment of port dues in Greytown. (p. 114, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Dec. 19. Seymour to Secy. H. B. M. admiralty. Ad- Vice of instructions of 18 inst. to comdr. H. B. M. str. Eacpress (Fead). (ib., 112.) - — Dec. 24. Counsel to Amer., etc., Ship Canal Co. (White) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton). Propriety of inducing authorities of San Juan to suspend enforcement of orders resp. port regulations. (ib., 118.) — Dec. 29. Crampton to Palmerston. Rpt. of proc. in Consequence of representations of Atlantic and Pa- cific Ship Canal co. resp. port regulations at Grey- town. (ib., 117.) 1852 Jan. 13. Seymour to H. B. M. Admiralty. Move- ments of Amer. and Br. Vessels at Greytown. (ib., 128.) — Jan. 23. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Granville) to Crampton. Plans for settlement of question resp. Greytown; etc. (ib., 124.) — Feb. 20. Same to same. State of affairs at Grey- town require speedy Settlement of pending ques- tion. (ib., 126.) San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860 Free City “Free Town" See also below, under Statutory Measures. 1852 Feb. 28. Citizens of Greytown. Proc. of public mtg. for purpose of discussing propriety of applying to govt. of Nicaragua for corporate privileges. (p. 138, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 2. H. B. M. senior naval officer at Greytown (Cochrane) to comdr. Jamaican div., H. B. M. W. I. station (McQuhae). Comdr. U. S. S. Decatur (Green) declares his intentions of saluting Nicara- gua flag if hoisted at Greytown. (ib., 159.) * INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 287 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[186i] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860—cont’d Free City “Free Town "–cont’d 1852 Mch. 13. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Parker). Instructions; pro- visionally to recognise de facto govt. at Greytown. (ib., 135.) — Mch. 14. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Gran- ville). Amer. govt. Consents to Br. proposal to re- cognise provisionally the de facto state of things at Greytown. (ib., 134.) — Mch. 14. Atty. for McCerren, part owner in Nica- ragua. Transit Co. (Wagner) to comdr. U. S. S. Cyane (Hollins). Representation of assault by citi- zens of San Juan de Nicaragua; claiming protection. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 31.) — Mch. 18. Crampton to H. B. M. cons. Greytown (Green). Instructions; critical affairs at Greytown. (p. 140, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) -- — Mch. 18. Webster to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Graham). Instructions; mtg. of citizens of Greytown of 28 ult. (ib., 141.) — Mch. 18. Crampton to Fead. Recognition of de facto govt. at Greytown. (ib., 140.) — Mch. 20. H. B. M. actg. cons. Greytown (Foote) to Green. Rpt. of mtg. of citizens of Greytown of 28 ult. (ib., 151.) — Mch. 22. Crampton to Malmesbury. Violent proc. of Amer. citizens at Greytown. (ib., 137.) — Apr. (?). Greytown. Constitution. Copy of con- stitution. (ib., 170.) — Apr. 2. Green to Crampton. Character of persons opposing de facto govt. of Greytown. (ib., 151.) — Apr. 4. Cochrane to Crampton. Anxiety at Grey- town might be allayed by quieting question as to validity of land titles granted by Mosquito govt. (ib., 152.) — Apr. 6. Malmesbury to Crampton. Satisfaction at Webster's instructions of 13 ult.; similar instruc- tions given to vice-adm. Seymour. (ib., 136.) — Apr. 8. Malmesbury to Crampton. Approving his proc. in attempt to upset de facto govt. at Greytown. (ib., 142.) — Apr. 8. Green to Crampton. Affairs at Greytown; land titles granted by Mosquito govt. through H. B. M. agt. (ib., 152.) — Apr. 8. Seymour to Crampton. Comment on al- leged assertion of capt. Green, U. S. S. Decatur, that he would salute Nicaraguan flag if hoisted at Grey- town. (ib., 158.) — Apr. 19. Crampton to Malmesbury. Corresp. with cons. Green and senior naval officer at Greytown resp. recognition of de facto govt. at Greytown. (ib., 150.) Apr. 24. Seymour to Crampton. Advice of coopera- tion at Greytown of Br. and Amer. naval comdr.s. (ib., 164.) — [May]. Greytown. Laws and regulations of the port of Greytown or San Juan del Norte. (ib., 174.) — May 1. Greytown. Mayor. Inaugural address [Martin]. (ib., 174.) — May 2. E. E. and M. P. Nicaragua in U. S. (Mar- coleta) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Protests agst, exclusion of representatives of Nicaragua from negotiations concerning San Juan. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 79.) — May 6. Seymour to Parker. Notice of instructions to conclude arrangement for recognition of de facto govt. of port of San Juan de Nicaragua; comdre. McQuhae apptd. to negotiate. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 28.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860—cont’d Free City “Free Town "–cont’d 1852 May 8. J. de la Rocha to Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr). Strmt. of offences committed by Amer. Citi- zens agst. Nicaragua in San Juan del Norte. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 104.) * — May 28. H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Wyke) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- bury). Arrival at Greytown with Mr. Walsh; strong feeling agst, town being made over to Nicaragua. (p. 167, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — May 28. Amer. specl. envoy to Costa Rica (Walsh) to Webster. Conditions in Greytown. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 84.) — May 31. Green to Crampton. Departure of Mr. Wyke for Costa Rica; adoption of new constitution by inhabitants of Greytown; illustration of admin- istration of law under new constitution; foreign opposition to Nicaraguan rule. (p. 169, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Je. 3. Green to Malmesbury. New constitution adopted by citizens of Greytown; has withdrawn from any direct interference. (ib., 168.) — Je. 5. Amer. cons. Realejo (Boone). Strmt.; form of govt. of San Juan del Norte. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 287.) — Je. 9. Comdr. Jamaican div. Br. W. I. Sqdn. (Mc- Quhae) to comdr. U. S. W. I. sqdn. (Parker). Prop- osition for arrangement for recognition by U. S. Of authorities de facto existing at Greytown. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 29.) — J1y. 3. Actg. H. B. M. cons. Greytown (Foote) to Crampton. Satisfactory proc. of de facto authorities; flag of Mosquito regarded as that of Sovereign au- thority. (p. 188, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — J1y. 16. Malmesbury to Crampton. Future of posi- tioh of Greytown; conditional cession to Nicaragua, etc. (ib., 175.) - — JIy. 18. Crampton to Malmesbury. President of U. S. A. of opinion that clause precluding imposition of import and export duties at Greytown should be inserted in proposed treaty, i. e., Webster-Crampton agreement. (ib., 187.) — Oct. 27. Kerr to Webster. Affairs in San Juan del Norte. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 25, 121.) 1853 Jan. 12. Seymour to Green. Notice of withdrawal of Br. naval forces from Greytown. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 4.) — Jan. 19, Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell) to Crampton. Intention of Gr. Br. to adhere strictly to treaty of Apr. 19, 1850, and not to assume Sover- eignty in Central Amer.; suggestion relative to Anglo-Amer. agreement making Greytown an in- dependent port. (34. 1. S. misc. doc. 12, 2.) Feb. 13. Crampton to Russell. Receipt of despatch of 19 ult., attention of Amer. govt. called to future position of Greytown; Amer. Satisfaction at lan- guage of H. B. M. govt. resp. Greytown. (p. 216, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Feb. 19. President (Wood) and Secy. (Lees) of council of Greytown to Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett). Legislative proc. resulting in retirement of Mos- quito authority and installation of Br. govt. in Mch., 1852. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 2.) — Feb. 21. Crampton to Russell. Substance of further conversation. With Amer. govt. resp. future position of Greytown. (p. 217, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 288 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860—cont’d Free City “Free Town "-cont’d 1853 Mch. 11. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) to Crampton. Approval of his proc. as reported Feb. 21. (ib., 222.) — Mch. 15. Foote to Hollins. No necessity for any al- teration in programme of notice sent for his perusal, further than an allusion to resignation of municipal authorities. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 32.) Mch. 16. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdr. Home Sqdn., U. S. N. (Newton). Order to make occasional visits to port of San Juan del Norte. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 62.) — Mch. 20. Green to Crampton. Has visited Grey- town; rpt. of observations. (p. 244, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 21. Crampton to Clarendon. Collisions at Greytown; Substance of corresp. with French min. and With H. B. M. actg. cons. (Foote). (ib., 235.) — Mch. 31. Res. passed by people of Greytown effect- ing provisional govt. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 37.) — Apr. 1. Hollins to Martin. Extent to which he is instructed to recognize authorities of San Juan. (ib., 39.) — Apr. 1. Martin to Hollins. Enclosing list of officers of prov. govt. (ib., 38.) — Apr. 1. U. S. Coml. agt. San Juan de Nicaragua (Stevenson) to Hollins. Advice of organization ºnal govt. at port of San Juan del Norte. 1D., 36. — Apr. 1. Hollins to Stevenson. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 36.) — Apr. 2. Stevenson to Hollins. Transmits official in- formation of provisional govt. at San Juan de Nica- ragua; requests his recognition of said organization. (ib., 36.) — Apr. 13. Dobbin to comdr. U. S. S. Portsmouth. (Dornin). Approves of his proc. as indicated in letters of 21 ult, and Feb. 9. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63.) — Apr. 15. Dobbin to Newton. Attention again in- vited to orders requiring occasional visits by ves- sels of Home Sqdn. to ports of San Juan de Nicara- gua. (ib., 63.) — Apr. 16. Hollins to Dobbin. Charges agst. U. S. com]. agt. at San Juan (Stevenson). (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 35.) — Apr. 29. Clarendon to Crampton. Instructions for representation relative to recognition of de facto govt. of Greytown by U. S.; renewal of proposals for settling question of Greytown and Mosquito Ringdom. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 4.) — Je. 9. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ingersoll). Instructions rela- tive to Amer. refusal to recognize de facto govt. at San Juan; justice of Amer. pretensions to protec- tion of Amer. property at Punta Arenas, (ib., 8.) — Jly. 22. Clarendon to Crampton. Protest agst. tenor of Amer. instructions of Je. 9; maintains jus- tice of pretensions of de facto govt. of Greytown. (ib., 11.) — Dec. 6. Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Marcoleta) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Strmt. of conditions to which Nicaragua would submit for settlement of matters in dispute (San Juan del Norte, Mosquito coast, land grants). (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 138.) 1854 Jan. 21. E. E. and M. P. Nicaragua in U. S. (Mar- Coleta). Projet of settlement and object of articles of treaty betw. Gr. Br. and Nicaragua relative to port of San Juan del Norte. (ib., 144.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860—cont’d Eree City “Free Town "–cont’d 1854 Jan. 24. Marcoleta to Marcy. Propositions made to govt. of Gr. Br. for final settlement of matters relat- ing to port of San Juan del Norte and Mosquito Coast. (ib., 142.) — May 15. Amer. Coml. agt. San Juan (Fabens) to Marcy. Differences betw. Transit co. and people of town of San Juan del Norte; frequent visits of war Vessels of U. S. to harbor would conduce to peace; acc. by instruments of protest, sworn to before Fabens. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 10; H. ex. doc. 136, 20.) — May 17. Names of volunteers remaining in Punta Arenas to protect Amer. property. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 126, 18; S. ex. doc. 85, 7.) — May 30. Fabens to Marcy. Attempt to seize Mr. Borland; his reception on board Northern Light; San Juan without govt. ; settlement of question of Sovereignty essential to order. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 15; 33. 1. H. ex. doc. 126, 25.) May 30. Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Borland) to Marcy. Stnt. of occurrences in Central Amer.; char- acter of population of San Juan; items of expenses incurred; promises made to men employed; accom- panied by strmt. setting forth arrival of Northern Light; trouble at Nicaragua; his arrest. (ib., 2; ib., 12.) — Je. 3. Marcy to Fabens. Inhabitants of San Juan to be held accountable for outrages committed. (ib., 8; ib., 19.) — Je. 9. Marcy to Fabens. Comdr. Hollins will im- mediately proceed to San Juan; on arrival, requested to be furnished with explanation of punitive steps in cases of felony; apology for insult to Borland de- manded. (ib., 9; ib., 19.) — Je. 10. Dobbin to Newton. Ordered to proceed to San Juan, Carthagena and Aspinwall. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63.) — Je. 10. Dobbin to Hollins. Directed to proceed with Cyane to Greytown, and to consult with Mr. Fabens. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 21; H. ex. doc. 126, 2.) — Je. 12. Dobbin to Hollins. Encloses copy of com- munication from State Dept. to U. S. comi. agt. at San Juan del Norte (Fabens). (ib., 21; ib., 2.) — Je. 22. G. S. Houston, repr. from Ala. Remarks; explanation of amdmt. of Com. on Ways and Means to civil and dipl. apprn. bill (H. R. 48) providing payment for persons employed to protect U. S. citi- zens and property at San Juan de Nicaragua, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 sess., 1481.) BOMBARDMENT 1854 Jly, 12. Hollins to Fabens. Encloses proclamation threatening bombardment if demands of U. S. are not acceded to. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 25; H. ex. doc. 126, 6.) — Jly. 12. Fabens to Hanseatic cons. (Wiedemann). |U. S. S. Cyane will proceed to bombard San Juan del Norte to-morrow in event of town refusing or neglecting to comply with demands made yesterday. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 10, 12.) — Jly. 12. Hollins to comdr. Br. Schr. Bermuda (Jol- ley). In bombarding San Juan, is merely enforcing reparation demanded by U. S. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 26; H. ex. doc. 126, 7.) — Jly. 12. Jolley to Hollins. Protests agst, contem- plated bombardment of Greytown. (ib., 26; ib., 7.) — JIy. 12. Fabens to Hollins. People of San Juan decided not to accede to any demands made; chief instigators of mob evidence in possession of town. (ib., 24; ib., 4.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 289 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-L1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860—cont’d BOMBARDMENT—cont’d 1854 JIy. 14. Fabens to Hollins. Requests permission to convey cons, archives and personal effects on board Cyane, and conveyance for himself to U. S. (ib., 27; ib., 8.) — J1y. 14. Hollins to Fabens. Extends invitation to ºte: archives and effects to Cyane. (ib., 27; ib., — J1y. 15. Fabens to Marcy. Armed force at Point Arenas disbanded; no official reply to communica- tion demanding redress; arrival of capt. Hollins, U. S. S. Cyane; arms and ammunition removed from Station-house by capt. Hollins; bombardment opened 13th inst. (ib., 18; ib., 28.) — JIy. 15. Hollins to Dobbin. Encloses copies of sev- eral communications regarding affairs at Greytown. (ib., 22; ib., 3.) — J1y. 16. Hollins to Dobbin. Narrative of occur- rences at San Juan del Norte; town almost de- stroyed by bombardment and fire; intends to leave for Boston direct. (ib., 28; ib., 9.) — Jiy. 28. U. S. Senate. Res. (Pearce, Md.), calling on Pres, for information resp. bombardment of Grey. town. (33. 1. S. jol., 586.) — Jīy. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Chandler, Pa.), calling On PreS. for information relative to destruction of Greytown. (33. 1. H. jol., 1223.) — Jly. 29. Dobbin to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Transmits copies of order to capt. Hollins, U. S. S. Cyane and information touching recent action at San Juan. (33. 1. S. ex: doc. 85, 20; 33. 1. H. ex: doc. 126, 1.) — Dec. 1: Dobbin to Newton. Comdr. Shaw, Falmouth, ordered to Carthagena, Aspinwall, etc. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 68, 64.) — Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage (2d); clause relating to affairs in Central Amer.; bombardment of Greytown. - Dec. 27. Ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Castillo). Communications from San Juan del Norte to Gra- nada have been obstructed from Je. last to Dec. 16, in consequence of intermediate points having been º by revolutionary forces. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 1855 Jan. 11, L. M. Cox, repr. from Ky. Speech; on policy of administration; Greytown affair, etc.; during consideration of Pacific R.R. bill (H. R. 295). (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 2 sess., app., 70.) — Feb. 26. R. W. Peckham, repr. from N. Y. Re- marks; Censuring course of Executive in destruc- tion of Greytown; during debate on naval apprp. bill (H. R. 579). (Cong. Globe, 33 cong, 2 SeSS., 950-952.) — Nov. 16. Dobbin to comdr. Home sqdn. U. S. N. (Paulding). Ordered to proceed immediately with fº to San Juan del Norte. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 1858 May 4, H. B. M. cons. Greytown (Green) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign office (Malmesbury). Col. Kinney's attempt to Substitute Nicaraguan flag for that of Mosquito at Greytown. (p. 98, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt, Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Je. 8. H. B.M. under Secy, of State (Hammond) to H. B. M. Admiralty. Necessity of Br. ship of war visiting Greytown at intervals. (ib., 98.) — Je. 17. Capt. H. B. M. S. Leopard (Wainwright) to H. B. M. Vice-adm. Stewart. State of affairs at Greytown; receives copy of Rivas manifesto from F. Belly. (ib., 121.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860—cont’d BoMBARDMENT—cont’d 1858 JIy. 27. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey) to comdr. U. S. sloop Savannah (Jarvis). Instructions to pro- ceed to San Juan del Norte, for protection of persons and property of U. S. citizens. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 2.) — Aug. 18. Malmesbury to H. B. M. comrs. admiralty. Instructions to be given for guidance of senior naval officer on Central Amer. station. (p. 123, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Sept. 9. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Malmesbury. Rpts. having communicated, to Amer. govt., H. B. M. instructions to senior naval officer on Central Amer. station. (ib., 125.) — Nov. 18. Citizens of Greytown. Copy of petition ad- dressed to Br. plenipotentiary to Central Amer. (Ouseley) praying aid to maintain independent govt. for port of Greytown. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 20.) — Nov. (?). Ouseley to citizens of Greytown. Reply to petition of Nov. 18 praying maintenance of in- dependent govt. for port of Greytown. (ib., 21.) — Nov. 20. B. S. Cottrell. Relative to public mtg. in San Juan; Sir Wm. G. Ouseley requested to lend aid in maintaining independent govt. for port. (ib., 19.) — Nov. 20. Comdr. U. S. S. Savannah (Jarvis) to comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (McIntosh). Substance of conference with Sir Wm. G. Ouseley; his move- ments; arrival of Washington; relative to town mtg. at Greytown; etc. (ib., 18.) — Nov. 28. Comdr. Br. ship Valorous (Aldham) to McIntosh. Maintains that port of San Juan del Norte is under Br. protection; etc. (ib., 14.) — Nov. 29. McIntosh to Aldham. U. S. has not ac- knowledged Br. protection of port of San Juan; satisfied with explanations of boarding of Amer. vessels; limits of friendly visit, however, exceeded by officers who boarded Washington. (ib., 17.) — Dec. 3. McIntosh to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Substance of conference with capt. Aldham, Valor- ous, and with representative of Br. specl. comr. to Central Amer. (Ouseley) relative to boarding of Washington; rpts. in relation to visitation of Catharine Maria greatly exaggerated; explanation of affair; precarious for his ship to enter river. (ib., 9.) CLAIMS - 1857 Dec. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), calling On Pres. for copies of corresp. betw. State Dept. and Br. and French ministers, regarding losses at bom- bardment of Greytown. (35. 1. S. jol., 45.) 1860 Mch. 30. Intr. in House (Morris, Com. on Foreign Affairs); jt. res. (36. 1. H. J. res., 31) “for apptmt. of comrs. to inquire into destruction of property at Greytown, etc.” (36. 1. H. jol., 632.) — Mch. 30. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Morris). Rpt. to acc. H. J. res. 31 of even date. (36. 1. H. rpt. 281.) American 1854 Jly. 31. Citizens of U. S. resident at San Juan del Norte to U. S. House. Petition for indemnity for destruction of property. (33. 1. H. jol., 1238.) 1856 Mch. 3. S. S. Wood and son to U. S. Senate. Memor- ial; praying indemnity for destruction of property in bombardment of Greytown. (34. 1. S. jol., 151, 157, 159, 167.) — Mch. 19. O. Peter to U. S. Senate. Memorial; pray- ing compensation for property destroyed in bom- bardment of Greytown. (ib., 191, 195.) 19 290 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860—cont’d CLAIMS–cont’d American—cont’d 1856 Mch. 24. S. S. Wood and Son to U. S. House. Pe- tition, praying indemnity for losses by bombardment of Greytown. (34. 1. H. jol., 708.) — May 27. E. Patton to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying indemnity for property destroyed and dam- ages sustained by bombardment of Greytown. (34. 1. S. jol., 360, 363.) — Jly. 11. O. Peter to U. S. House. Petition, praying indemnity for losses by bombardment of Greytown. (34. 1. H. jol., 1190.) - 1859 Jan. 25. Wm. P. Kirkland, solicitor, and S. S. Wood, comr. On behalf of Greytown claimants to TJ. S. Senate. Memorial, praying apptmt. of com- mission to investigate losses sustained in bombard- ment of Greytown. (35. 2. S. jol., 182.) Jan. 27. W. P. Kirkland and S. S. Wood to U. S. House. Petition, in behalf of U. S. citizens and others, asking indemnity for property destroyed at Greytown. (35. 2. H. jol., 264.) — Dec. 19. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to claims agst. Costa Rica. and Nicaragua. — Dec. 21. . W. P. Kirkland and S. S. Wood to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying apptmt. of comm. to in- Vestigate charges upon which Greytown was de- stroyed, etc. (36. 1. S. jol., 18, 152.) 1860 Feb. 14. Kirkland and Woods to U. S. House. Pe- tition, praying indemnity for losses by bombard- ment of Greytown. (36. 1. H. jol., 269.) — Feb. 17. Same to Same. Additional papers pre- sented. (ib., 328.) - — Feb. 28. Same to same. Same. (ib., 392.) — Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to claims agst. Nicaragua, French, 1856 Feb. 14. E. Rellieux to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying compensation for property destroyed at bombardment of Greytown. (34. 1. S. jol., 111, 281.) 1857 Jan. 13. E. E. and M. P. France to U. S. (Sartiges) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Petition and reclamation in behalf of French Subjects in Grey- town. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 9, 2.) Feb. 26. Marcy to Sartiges. Govt. of U. S. is not obliged or required to make compensation for losses occasioned by bombardment of Greytown. (ib., 3.) — Mch. 1. Sartiges to Marcy. Acknowledges receipt of note of Feb. 6. (ib., 11. ) German, 1854 Dec. 20. Wassmann & co. Strmt. of loss of property sustained by F. Lüpking, citizen of Bremen, through bombardment and subsequent firing of San Juan del Norte. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 10, 15, 16.) Dec. 27. Wiedemann & Beschor to min. of Nicara- gua (Castillo). Request certificate whether regular mail betw. San Juan del Norte and Granada has not been interrupted since month of Je. last. (ib., 11.) 1855 Jan. 1. Wiedemann. Losses incurred by MeSSrS. Wiedemann and Beschor in bombardment of Grey- town. (ib., . 13.) — Jan. 19. Geddes, and others. Certificate that con- sulate of Hamburg and Bremen was flying Hamburg flag during bombardment of Greytown. (ib., 13.) — Jan. 20. Cons. of Bremen at San Juan del Norte (Wiedemann) to min. of Bremen, in Washington (Schleiden). Solicits intercession in behalf of claim for damages sustained by undersigned, in Conse- quence of bombardment of San Juan del Norte. (ib., 8.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d San Juan del Norte (Greytown): 1852-1860—cont’d CLAIMS—cont’d German—cont’d 1855 Feb. 13. Wiedemann. Prepared to swear at any time to correctness of stnt. of losses incurred by de- Struction of San Juan. (ib., 12.) — Apr. 17. Wassmann and co. to min. of Bremen in U. S. (Schleiden). Information concerning losses Mr. Lüpking has sustained by bombardment of Grey- town. (ib., 16.) 1855 May 21. Agt. of Wassmann and co. (Knipping) to min. res. Bremen in U. S. (Schleiden). Bombard- ment of Greytown. (ib., 19.) — Oct. 23. Amer. cons, in Greytown (Fabens). Cer- tificate stating that Mr. Wiedemann was informed of capt. Hollins’ intention; and that he called and requested that his house and property should be Spared. (ib., 21.) — Oct. 24. Wiedemann to Schleiden. Rpt. in regard to bombardment of San Juan del Norte. (ib., 21.) — Nov. 6. Schleiden to Marcy. Claims of Bremen citizens for indemnity for losses sustained at San Juan del Norte. (ib., 2.) — Nov. 19. Marcy to Schleiden. Subject of note of 6 inst. taken into consideration. (ib., 20.) — Nov. 23. Schleiden to Marcy. Claims of Bremen citizens. (ib., 20.) — Nov. 24. Marcy to Schleiden. Receipt of note of yesterday. (ib., 22.) — Dec. 21. Pres. Senate of Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (Smidt). Certificate stating that F. W. Lüpking is entitled to all rights and subject to all º of full citizenship of Hanseatic Republic. ib., 23.) 1856 Jan. 28. Schleiden to Marcy. Communicates cer- tificate proving Mr. Lüpking’s citizenship and that Mr. Wiedemann was charged with consulate of Bremen at San Juan del Norte. (ib., 23.) 1857 Dec. 18. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N.Y.), calling On PreS. for copies of any corresp. betw. State Dept. and min. Of Bremen, on Subject of losses by subjects of Hanse Towns at bombardment of Greytown. (35. 1. S. jol., 50.) San Juan River Sovereignty; see above, under Boundary Negotiations - Squier Mission (American) E. George Squier, of N. Y., chargé in Guatemala ; com- missioned Apr. 2, 1849; authorized to conclude treaties of commerce with Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Salvador ; left Nicaragua on leave Je., 1850; removed Sept. 13. See also Isthmian Transit. (Routes: Nicaragua Canal) ; and above, under Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Salva- dor for the prid. acct. of his negotiations with those republics. 1849 May 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Squier. Instructions for conducting his mission in Guate- mala to succeed E. Hise; recognition of independ- ence of several Central American States; Sp. pri- ority of title over Central Amer.; British assump- tion unfounded. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 118.) — Sept. 3. Signs treaty of amity, etc., with Nicara- gua; see below, Nicaragua. Treaties. 1850 Jan. 2. Signs treaty of amity, etc., with Salvador; See below, Salvador. Treaties. — Mch. 2. Squier to Clayton. Arrival of French ves- sel of war Syracuse in port of Realejo; do. Br. flag- ship, Pacific sqdn., Asia. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 66.) — Apr. 18. Squier to ministr. relac. est., San Salvador. Gratified at ratification. Of conv. for reunion of Cen- tral American states. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 325; 31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 77.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 291 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-II861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Squier Mission (American)-cont’d 1850 May 11. Secy. State Honduras and Nicaragua (Sa- linas) to Squier. Receipt of copy of communication addressed to gov. of San Salvador dated Apr. 18. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 326.) — Je. 14. Squier to Salinas. Temporary return to U. S.; J. W. Livingston in charge. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 78.) — je. Ží. Squier to Salinas. J. W. Livingston in charge during his temporary absence. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 327.) — Je. 22. Salinas to Squier. Receipt of communica- tion of 21 inst. (ib., 327.) — Je. 25. Squier to Clayton. Loss of mail by wreck of barque Lucy Ellen; corresp. with govts. of San Salvador and Honduras relative to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 324.) Squier's numerous Central American archaeological pub- lications can be found in public libraries. The appendix to his Nicaragua, etc., contains an ac- Count of the negotiations preceding his own for the conclusion of a canal treaty. This app. is re- rinted in Bancroft's Central Amer., iii. TA list of is publications (N. Y., 1876, 8 pp.) is bound in with the “Catalogue of blºs., ms., etc., belonging to E. G. Squier,” N. Y., 1876. 277 pp. 8°. Statutory Measures 1853 Jan. 4. Intr. in Senate (Cass, Mich.), res. (32. 2. S. ReS. 69) “ declaratory of views of U. S. on coloniza- tion on N. A. continent by European powers,” etc.; See above, Bay Islands Colony. — Dec. 19. Intr. in House (Houston, Com. Of Ways and Means) bill (33. 1. H. R. 48) civil and dipl. ap- prn. bill [clause providing for guard at San Juan de Nicaragua.J. (33. 1. H. and S. jols.) 1858 May 4. Intr. in House (Clingman, N. C.) ; jt. res. (35. 1. H. J. res. 28) “concerning Clayton-Bulwer treaty.” (35. 1. H. jol., 734.) — May 18. Intr. in Senate (Gwin, Calif.) res. (35. 1. S. R. 42) “for adjustment of difficulties with New * Central Amer. and Mexico.” (35. 1. S. jol., 73. — Je. 1. Intr. in Senate (Mason, Com. on Foreign Relations), Substitute for S. 402 “to restrain and redress outrages upon flag and citizens of U. S.,” limiting application of bill to Central Amer. and Mexico. See Neutrality. Tigre Island - 1849 Aug. 13. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Comdr. Pacific Sqdn. U. S. N. (Jones). Br. aggression on West coast of Central Amer.; anticipates blockade of port of Realejo; relative to necessity of vessels of sqdn. touching at Realejo. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 165.) — Aug. 16. Squier to Director of Honduras (Lindo). Br. designs on IS. Of Tigre; suggests apptmt. of a comr. With power to conclude treaty authoriz- ing U. S. to interpose agst. Br. designs. (ib., 166.) — Aug. 20. Squier to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Arrival and reception at Leon; Br. designs; natural advantages of bay of Fonseca, or Conchagua; Br. determination to possess Tigre IS.; suggestions rela- tive to Amer. control of IS. (ib., 151.) — Oct. 16. Chatfield to ministr. relac. est., Honduras (Moncada). Notice of occupation of Tigre Is. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 23.) — Oct. 16. Comdr. port of Amapala, Tigre Is. (Le- chuga) to Lindo. Circumstances attending Br. seiz- ure of Tigre IS. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 219; 31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 5.) — Oct. 16. Paynter to Lechuga. Notice of intent to establish jurisdiction over is. of Tigre. (ib., 220; ib., 6.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Tigre Island—cont’d 1849 Oct. 16. Lechuga to comdr. Br. str. Gorgon (Payn- ter). Protest agst. intention to establish jurisdic- tions over Tigre Is. (ib., 220; ib., 6.) — Oct. 21. Moncada. Appeal to people of Honduras, recounting Br. aggressions at Tigre and Truxillo. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 46.) — Oct. 21. Squier to. Jones. Cession of Tigre IS. to |U. S. (ib., 8.) — Oct. 23. Squier to H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Chatfield). Protest agst. occupation of Tigre Is. (ib., 7.) — Oct. 23. Ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Buitrago) to Squier. Copies of advices recd. of military occu- pation on 16 inst. of Tigre, by Br. naval forces. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 218.) — Oct. 23. Squier to Moncada. Requests Support in maintaining peaceable possession of Tigre IS. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 10.) — Oct. 24. Squier to Jones. Seizure of Tigre IS. by Br. war str. Gorgon. (ib., 9.) Oct. 25. Chatfield to Squier. Denies right of Hon- duras to cede Tigre IS. (ib., 14.) — Oct. 25. Squier to Clayton. Tigre seized by Br. force under Orders from Comdr. Paynter, Br. Str. Gorgon. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 218; 31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 3.) Both of these entries are extracts ; the extr. in the S. doc. is much fuller than that in the H. ex. doc. — Oct. 27. Chatfield to Squier. Cession of Tigre to U. S. by Honduras to be in violation of previous pro- prietary right of Gr. Br. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 21.) — Oct. 27. M. Montealegre to gen.-in-chief of Nicara- gua. Information of Br. installation of C. Dardano as Supt. of IS. of Tigre; distribution of arms among people. (ib., 18.) Oct. 27. Moncada to Chatfield. Renews protest agst. Seizure of Tigre and Truxillo. (ib., 23.) — Oct. 28. Squier to Chatfield. U. S. recognizes Hon- duras as a sovereign state; Br. Seizure of Tigre Is. characterized as an act of War; Substance of Amer. intervention. (ib., 16.) Oct. 29. M. P. Honduras to Nicaragua (Guerrero) to Squier. Cession of Tigre Is...; treaty negotiations betw. Honduras and U. S. (ib., 18.) — Nov. 2. Squier to Chatfield. Sustains defence of right of cession of Tigre Is. (ib., 22.) Nov. 2. Squier to Clayton. C. Dardano apptd. Supt. ; regulations for return of property to owners. (ib., 12.) — Nov. 2. Squier to Clayton. Corresp. With Br. chargé (Chatfield) relative to seizure of Tigre Is...; Dardano apptd. Supt. ; further seizure of islands of Honduras and San Salvador; activity of Br. agts., etc. (ib., 11.) NOW. 6. Guerrero to Squier. Concentration of land forces for purpose of recapturing terr. seized by Br. (ib., 49.) — Dec. 29. Clayton to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). Instructions to obtain from Lord Palmerston, disavowal of acts of interference of Br. subjects in Honduras; if refused, Squier treaty will be submitted to Senate for ratification. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 313.) Dec. 31. U. S. House. Res. (Savage, Tenn.), calling On PreS. for information relative to Br. seizure of IS. of Tigre, in Nicaragua (sic), and of any other Central Amer. terr., etc. (31. 1. H. jol., 209,399.) 1850 Jan. 5. Squier to Clayton. Br. evacuation of Tigre Is. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 64.) 292 INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Tigre Island—cont’d 1850 Jan. 6. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bul- wer) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Substance of corresp. with Clayton resp. occupation of Tigre Is. and Hise and Squier treaties. (p. 28, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Jan. 24. H. W. Hilliard, repr. from Ala. Remarks; on res. calling for information relative to seizure of Is. Of Tigre by Br. govt. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 222.) — Jan. 27. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Law- rence) to Palmerston. Memorandum of conference relative to Br. seizure of Tigre Is. and Br. aggression in Central Amer. generally. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 316.) — Jan. 30. Same to same. Further representation of political condition of Central Amer.; in particular ºve to seizure of Tigre Is. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 69. — Feb. 7. Same to Same. Urges immediate considera- tion of note of Jan. 30. (ib., 70.) — Feb. 13. Palmerston to Lawrence. Br. disapproval of occupation of Tigre Is...; advice of evacuation. (p. 34, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Feb. 13. President of U. S. A. (Taylor). Message relative to Br. Seizure and occupation of Tigre Is. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 42.) — Feb. 28. Lawrence to Clayton. Interview with Palmerston. On Subject of seizure of Tigre Is. and views of Br. govt. with reference to Central Amer. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 38.) — Mch. 2. Bulwer to Palmerston. Amer. govt. disa- vows Squier proc. in obtaining possession of Tigre Is. (p. 46, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Mch. 25. Adm. H. B. M. sqdn. in the Pacific (Hornby) to ministr. relac. est., Honduras (Rojas). TJnauthorized treaty with Mr. Jaurequi; his impris- onment. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 67.) Mch. 28. Rojas to Hornby. Protest agst. Br. aggres- sions in Honduras. (ib., 68.) — Mch. 30. Squier to comdt. of Tigre Is. (Craesma). Order to raise U. S. flag in IS., and to keep it flying. (ib., 75.) — Mch. 30. Squier to Clayton. Corresp. betw. adm. Hornby and Honduras relative to Jaurequi and Chatfield treaty. (ib., 66.) Mch. 31. Squier to Hornby. Rpt. of cession of Tigre IS. to U. S.; anticipating intended Br. reoccupation. (ib., 74.) — May 7. Clayton to Squier. Treaty with Honduras for cession of Tigre IS. disapproved. (ib., 97.) — May 7. Squier to Clayton. Movement of adm. Hornby; comdt. of Tigre Is. ordered to raise Amer. flag. (ib., 69.) — May 20. Bulwer to Palmerston. Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton) does not believe that Squier has taken possession of Tigre Is. (p. 59, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Je. 21. Squier to ministr. relac. est., Honduras (Rojas). Flag of U. S. withdrawn from Tigre; etc. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 324.) — Je. 21. Squier to Rojas. Effect of conclusion of Clayton-Bulwer treaty on Honduras; etc. (ib., 324.) Je. 24. Same to same. Conclusion of Clayton-Bul- wer treaty; its effect on Honduras; Amer. flag With- drawn from Tigre. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 76.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-L1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Tigre Island—cont’d 1850 Je. 25. Squier to Clayton. Corresp. with govts. of Salvador and Honduras relative to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 324.) — Je. 28. Bulwer to Palmerston. Mr. Squier rpts. to Amer. govt. that he has taken possession of Tigre Is...; Clayton's disapproval. (p. 61, Corresp. With U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Dec. 26. Paynter to ministr. relac, est., Honduras (Guardiola). Sir Phipps Hornby, Br. adm. in the Pacific, orders evacuation of Tigre Is. (31. 2. S. ex: doc. 43, 65.) — JIy. 18. President U. S. A. (Fillmore) to U. S. House. Message; seizure by Gr. Br. of Tigre; at- tempts to acquire sovereignty over Central Amer. terr.; and treaties with Central Amer. States. (V, Mess. and Papers, 65; 31. 1. H. jol., 1158; Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 1424.) — JIy. 23. J. H. Savage, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; on President's message of 18 inst. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1439-40.) Treaty Arrangements Only treaties made between foreign governments re- lating to Central American affairs. For treaties made between any one Central American republic and a foreign govt. ; see under name of the republic. 1850 Apr. 19. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. Conv. relative to ship canal by way of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Mosquito coast, or any part of Central Amer. [Clayton-Bulwer treaty]; see above, Clayton-Bulwer treaty. 1852 Apr. 30. U. S. and Gr. Br. Webster-Crampton agreement; see below, Webster-Crampton, etc. 1856 Oct. 17. Gr. Br. and U. S. A. Treaty resp. Central Amer. [Clarendon-Dallas treaty]; see above, Claren- don-Dallas treaty. Virgin Bay Massacre; see above, Accessory Transit Co. Walsh Mission (American) Robt. M. Walsh, of Penn., special envoy sent by Secy. Webster in 1852 with specific purpose of adjusting obstacles to commencement of Nicaragua canal, viz., Costa iº.º. differences ; see also §: Boundary Negotiations and San Juan del 1852 Apr. 29. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Walsh. Instructions. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 70.) — May 27. Walsh to Amer. chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr). Outlines plans; expresses desire to have treaty [i. e., Webster-Crampton agreement] acceded to by Nicaragua and Costa Rica before his return to Washington in Jly. (ib., 97.) — Je. 11. Walsh to Webster. Announces arrival at San José, Costa Rica. (ib., 85.) — Je. 25. Same to same. Relative to corresp. With min. of foreign relations and with legislative body of Costa Rica; full consent given to proposed treaty. (ib., 86.) — Je. 28. Walsh to Kerr. Notice that govt. of Costa ; has given full assent to proposed treaty. (ib., 95. — Jly. 22. Same to Same. Announces intention of re- maining in Granada until Aug. 1. (ib., 96.) — Aug. 15. Walsh to Webster. Announces arrival in N. Y.; inability to proceed to Washington on acct. of illness. (ib., 117.) — Nov. 19. Walsh to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Denial of charges of improper conduct towards govt. of Nicaragua; hatred of that govt. for Costa Rica condemned. (ib., 132.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 293 CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Webster-Crampton Agreement A convention of 7 articles signed at Washington by the Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Webster) .# H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton), on Apr. 30, 1852. - Art. , 1 relates to Mosquito boundary, re- linquishment of Greytown to Nicaragua and Nica- raguan confirmation of land grants made by Mos- quito govt... art. 2, to the voluntary incorporation of Mosquitla with Nicaragua ; art. 3, to the Costa Rica-Nicaraguan boundary and the navigation of the San Juan River; art. 4, to the freedom of ports at, Canal termini; art. 5, to a neutral canal zone; art. 6. to priority of existing contracts for con- struction of canal ; art. 7, to joint Anglo-Amer. protection to the Accessory Transit Co. above, Boundary negotiation ; Isthmian Transit. (Routes : Nicaragua Canal) ; Mosquito terr. 1852 May 3. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Cramp- ton) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Comment on Webster-Crampton agreement; copy enclosed. (p. 153, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) - May 7. Crampton to H. B. M. chargé in Central Amer. (Wyke). Instructions; to accompany Amer. agt. to Central Amer. and urge on Costa Rica and Nicaragua expediency of accepting terms of Web- Ster-Crampton agreement. (ib., 160.) — May 13. Same to same. Alterations proposed by H. B. M. govt. in arts. 1 and 3 of Webster-Crampton arrangement. (ib., 163.) – Je. 25. Ministr. relac. est. Costa Rica (Calvo) to Walsh. Announces acceptance, by Costa Rica, of basis proposed by Gr. Br. and U. S. for adjustment of differences relative to Costa Rica-Nicaraguan bound- ary. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 106.) - Je. 25. Wyke to Crampton. Adhesion of Costa Rica to Webster-Crampton agreement. (p. 188, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Je. 25. Wyke to Malmesbury. Acct. of his proc.; Costa Rican adhesion to Webster-Crampton agree- ment. (ib., 188.) — Je. 25. Walsh to Webster. Relative to corresp. With min. foreign relations and legislative body of Costa Rica; full consent given to proposed treaty. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 86.) – Je. 25. Ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Castellón) to Kerr. Acknowledges receipt of treaty agreed upon by U. S. and Gr. Br. for regulating differences betw. Nicaragua and Costa Rica, in relation to terr. limits. (ib., 101.) – Je. 28. Walsh to Kerr. Notice that govt. of Costa Rica has given full assent to proposed treaty. (ib., 95.) — Jly. 4. Crampton to Malmesbury. Favorable feel- ing of Costa Rica towards arrangements proposed in Webster-Crampton agreement. (p. 180, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Jly. 4. Same to Same. Amer. govt. adopts Br. modi- fications in Webster-Crampton agreement; expla- nation of apparent discrepancy betw. present and former project. (ib., 177.) — Jly. 14. Nicaragua. Decree rejecting Webster- Crampton arrangement. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 103.) — Jly. 18. Crampton to Malmesbury. Adhesion of Costa Rica to Webster-Crampton agreement. (p. 181, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Jly. 20. Castellón to Kerr. Nicaragua refuses to accede to treaty stipulations, but proposes impartial arbitration of questions at issue. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 101.) r See also CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Webster-Crampton Agreement—cont’d 1852 Jly. 26. Wyke to Castellón. Transmits copy of Webster-Crampton conv. (p. 192, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) — Jly. 29. Wyke to Malmesbury. Nicaragua refuses to come to any agreement on terms of Webster- Crampton conv. (ib., 191.) — JIy. 29. Castellón to Wyke. Reply to his note of 26 inst.; encloses copy of modifications which would render Webster-Crampton conv. acceptable to Nica- ragua. (ib., 193.) — J1y. 29. Wyke to Castellón. No hope of Br. accept- ance of modifications proposed in his note of even date. (ib., 198.) — JIy. 29. Castellón to Kerr. Modifications with which basis established at Washington Apr. 30, may be made acceptable to Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 110.) — Jly. 30. Kerr to Webster. Nicaragua unwilling to accede to proposed treaty. (ib., 109.) — Jly. 30. Kerr to Castellón. Receipt of proposed modifications to treaty; expresses hopes for settle- ment of disputes in view of importance of Canal. (ib., 115.) — Jly. 31. Same to same. Requests information as to alleged documentary evidence of want of good faith in proposed treaty. (ib., 114.) Aug. 30. Crampton to Malmesbury. Amer. govt. informed that, as negotiations with Nicaragua are broken off, Gr. Br. is prepared to confer on next best mode of proc. (p. 198, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Sept. 2. Kerr to Webster. U. S. absolved from charge of having compromised its honor through pledge Of protection to Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 117.) — Oct. 16. Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Marcoleta) to actg. Secy. State U. S. A. (Conrad). Inquires whether U. S. is disposed to consider Nica- raguan proposition for modification of Webster- Crampton conv. (ib., 121.) — Nov. 1. Crampton to Malmesbury. Reason why Nicaraguan govt. Tefused to accede to Webster- Crampton agreement. (p. 200, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) à Nov. 11. Costa Rican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Molina) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Dis- appointment in negotiations with Nicaragua; ex- pediency of concluding treaty betw. U. S. and Costa Rica according to tenor of propositions Suggested. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 129.) Nov. 19. Walsh to Everett. Denial of charges of improper conduct towards govt. of Nicaragua; hatred of that govt. for Costa Rica condemned. (ib., 132.) 1853 Jan. 13. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.), calling on Pres. for corresp. in respect to Webster-Crampton agreement of 1852, and corresp. with Gr. Br. relative to construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (32. 2. S. jol., 89, 94.) p Jan. 13. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell) to Crampton. Reply to his note of Nov. 1; instructed to communicate on Subject with Amer. govt. (p. 200, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Jan. 27. Everett to President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Submission of corresp. relative to Webster-Cramp- ton agreement, etc., called for by Senate res. Of Jan. 13, is not compatible with public interest. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 28.) 294 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Webster-Crampton Agreement—cont’d 1853 Feb. 7. Crampton to Russell. Reply to his instruc- tions of 13 ult. (p. 214, Corresp. with U. S. re Cen- tral Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Feb. 13. Same to same. In continuation of his note of 7 inst. (ib., 215.) — Mch. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling on President for propositions of Apr. 30, 1852, for settling conflicting claims betw. Honduras and Gr. Br. [i. e., Webster-Crampton agreement]; and for information in resp. to Bay Islands. (32. 2. S. jol., 337, 347; ix, Sen. ex. jol., 47, et seq.; Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 245.) — Mch. 17. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; con- cerning the first part of Clayton’s res. of Mch. 7, relative to Webster-Crampton agreement. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2. (Speci. SeSS.), app., 280.) — Mch. 17. E. Everett, sen. from Mass. Remarks; support of first part of Clayton res. of Mch. 7. (ib., 280.) — Dec. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Buchanan). Acceptance by Costa Rica of agreement of Apr. 30, 1852, betw. Webster and Crampton; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 50; H. ex. doc. 1, 50.) — Dec. 6. Marcoleta to Marcy. Strmt. Of conditions to which Nicaragua would submit for settlement of matters in dispute (San Juan del Norte, MOSquito coast, land grants). (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 25, 138.) . 1856 Jan. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling on Pres, for copies of sundry corresp. and docS. re- lating to Webster-Crampton agreement, etc.; agreed to. (34. 1. S. jol., 57.) — Apr. 2. Stevenson to Hollins. Acknowledges re- ceipt of note of 1 inst. (ib., 37.) — Apr. 4. Dobbin to Hollins. Order to remain in vicinity of San Juan, or Greytown, as long as neces- sary for protection of Amer. citizens. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63.) Apr. 6. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), call- ing on Pres. for information regarding transaction betw. Capt. Hollins, of sloop of war Cyane, and authorities of San Juan de Nicaragua. (32. 2. S. jol., 359.) — Apr. 10. Crampton to Clarendon. Further corresp. on subject of his note of 4 inst.; good understand- ing betw. H. B. M. cons. and Comdr. U. S. S. Cyane. (p. 243, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Wyke Mission (British). Special embassy to succeed Sir William Ouseley; see above, Ouseley mission. See also above, Mosquito terr.; also below, under Nicaragua, Filibustering, 2d Walker expedition ; see also above, under Guate- mala and Honduras for the prid. acct. of his nego- tiations with those republics. Wyke had acted as H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central America (1852-54) and as chargé in Guatemala (1854-59), before being apptd. special ambassador, to succeed Sir William Ouseley. 1852 Apr. 5. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Arrival in Washington of H. B. M. cons. gen. in Central Amer. (Wyke) ; pros- pect of his being the bearer, jointly with Amer. agt., of proposed basis for treaty with Nicaragua. (p. 146, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Apr. 23. Malmesbury to Crampton Advisable that Mr. Wyke should delay his departure for Central Amer. until he is accompanied by Amer. agt. (ib., 147.) CENTRAL AMERICA, 1839-[1861] CONFEDERATION DIS- SOLVED–cont’d Wyke Mission (British)—cont’d 1859 Feb. 28. Wyke to Malmesbury. Intention to take leave of absence on acct, of ill health. (p. 210, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Apr. 16. Malmesbury to Wyke. Requested to re- main in Central Amer. if possible. (ib., 210.) — Apr. 30. Signs boundary treaty with Guatemala; see below, Guatemala. Treaties. — May 14. Wyke to Malmesbury. Is obliged to re- turn to Europe on acct. of ill health. (p. 255, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt, Pa- pers, 1860, V. 68.) — Aug. 15. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell) to Wyke. Advice of apptmt. as H. B. M. E. E. and M. P., on Special mission to Central Amer. to relieve Ouseley instructions. (ib., 268.) — Sept. 5. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Russell. Has rptd. Wyke apptmt. to Amer. govt. ; newly apptd. Amer. plenipotentiary for Costa Rica and Nicaragua instructed to co- operate with Wyke. (ib. 293.) — Nov. 28. Signs treaty resp. Bay Islands, etc., with Honduras; see below, Honduras. Treaties. 1860 Jan. 9. Russell to Wyke. Approval of his proceed- ings. (p. 306, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Jan. 28. Signs treaty resp. Mosquito, etc., with Nicaragua; See above, Nicaragua. Treaties. CENTRAL AMER. AND UNITED STATES ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC CANAL CO.; see CENTRAL AMER. REPUBLICS. ISTHMIAN TRANSIT CENTRE (GEORGE) 1847 Feb. 19. W. H. Brockenbrough, repr. from Fla. Re- marks; motion to reconsider H. R. 198 for relief of gºmphreys and Geo. Centre. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1852 May 21. S. Borland, sen. from Ark. Remarks in Senate on bill for relief of Geo. Centre, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 1 sess., 1444.) CENTRE (O.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House of Reprs. Memorial vs. - Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) CENTRE CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorials vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 72.) — Sept. 26. Same. (ib., 93.) CERDA (MANUEL ANTONIO) DE Jefe A. estado of Nicaragua. 1826-28 ; see Central Iller. CERES, AMER. SHIP (NORTON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 20.) CERES, SLAVER 1847 Oct. 13. Amer. cons. Rio de Janeiro (Parks) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Sale of slaver Ceres, etc. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 19.) CERTIFICATES OF CONSULS; see U. S. A. CONSULAR SERVICE CESSALPINE, FR, PRIVATEER (LA MOTH) AND BETSEY, AMER. SCHR.; see BETSEY INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 295 CESSION OF TERRITORY; see ANNEXATION CETTO (AUGUSTUS) BARON DE, BAWARIAN E. E. AND M. P. IN GR. B.R. - 1853 Sept. 12. Signs conv. for mutual extradition of criminals . . . . betw. Bavaria and U. S.; see Ba- Varia. Treaties. cEwALLos (PEDRO), MINISTR. DE ESTADo, SPAIN 1802 Apr. 7. To Amer. M. P. in Spain (Pinckney). Refuses to Sell Florida and to admit an Amer. Coml. agt. at New Orleans. (24. 2. S. doc. 49, 15; xiii, Reg. Debates, app., 231.) 1803 Jly. 19. To same. Complains of sale of Louisiana by French to U. S.; declares Floridas never to have been property of French. (ib., 18; ib., 232.) CEYLON Postal Service; see Reciprocity. Postal Privileges. Gr. Br. Colonial CEZAR (LUIS WIDAL), CLAIMANT; see SUSAN, BRIG CHACE (JAMES), CLAIMANT 1850 Jan. 7. Heirs of Chace to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying indemnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 57.) CHALLENGE, AMER, COOLIE SHIP 1858 Jan. 13. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed) to Secy State, U. S. A. (Cass). Employment of Amer. Ships for transportation of Chinese labor- º Cuba; the Challenge, etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 59. CHALLOT, M., MASTER FR. BARQUE GUATIMOZIN 1844 Aug. 20. Depositions; brig Cyrus; see Cyrus. CHALMERS (JOHN), BR. SUBJECT 1835 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Petition of Jno. B., Ho- ratio S., Mary Jane, and Dorothy A. Chalmers, pray- ing for payment of claim in favor of late Rev. John Chalmers, for property destroyed during invasion of city of Washington in 1814. (24. 1. H. jol., 92, 130.) CHALMERS (CHAS. B. AND JOHN), CLAIMANTS 1836 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (24. 2. H. jol., 155.) 1847 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; same. (29. 2. S. jol., 76.) 1850 Jan. 8. To same; same. (31. 1. H. jol., 256.) — Jan. 14. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 72.) — Feb. 11. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 502.) — Apr. 19. To same. Same. (ib., 816.) — May 1. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 316.) 1852 Feb. 26. To U. S. House. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 389 .) 1853 Dec. 13. To same. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 74.) CHALMERS (JOSEPH W.), SEN. FROM MISS. 1846 Jan. 26. Remarks; opposing declaration agst. for- eign interference with Amer. States. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 248.) — Mch. 12. Do.; favoring adoption of res. Of apptmt. of com. of inquiry into libel On Senate, charging collusion with Br. min. in regard to Oregon, lately published in Washington Daily Times. (ib., 489.) — Mch. 24. Speech; on S. res. 1, advising PreS. to give notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon, etc. (ib., app., 556.) CHALMERS (JOSEPH W.), SEN. FROM MISS.—cont’d 1846 Dec. 23. Remarks; on prºg. memorial from Society of Friends of New England, in favor of measures to terminate Mexican war. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., 70.) CHAM CALLAO (COCHIN CHINA) Blockade; see Cochin China CHAMBERLAIN (C.) AMER. CITIZEN 1859 May 1. Amer. cons. City of Mexico (Black) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (McLane). Arrest and imprisonment of Amer. citizens; re- lease of M. Toussig, M. McDonnell, G. Garrie, R. Bryant, C. Chamberlain, M. McCarty; etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, pt. 1, 37.) CHAMBERLAIN (E. M.), REPR. FROM IND. 1855 Jan. 24. Speech; opposed to Clingman’s res. Of Dec. 11, requesting Pres. to tender mediation of U. S. to powers engaged in Eastern war, during con- sideration of French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 2 sess., app., 109.) CHAMBERLAIN (MELLEN), AMER. CITIZEN 1839. Drowned in Danube; mentioned. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 71, 47.) CHAMBERS (EZEKIEL F.), SEN. FROM MD. 1829 Feb. 28. Remarks; in support of Webster res. call- ing on President for instructions to U. S. min. to Panama Congress. (V, Reg. Debates, 68.) — Mch. 3. Speech; support of his motion to print docs. relating to Panama mission transmitted by Pres. (ib., 75.) 1832 Jan. 24-25. Do.; opposing nomination of Van Buren as E. E. and M. P. to Gr. Br., on ground that, in instructions to McLane on colonial trade, he vio- lated honor of nation. (viii, ib., 1314.) — Mch. 28. Remarks; in favor of plan to colonize free negroes on coast of Africa. (ib., 644.) — Apr. 12. Do.; favoring apprin. for mission to Guate- mala. (ib., 772.) — Apr. 13. Do.; maintaining right of Pres, to appt. min. during recess of Senate. (ib., 775.) — Apr. 17. Do.; approving suggestion of Poindexter to discontinue office of min. to Colombia. (ib., 793.) – Apr. 20. Speech; denouncing extravagance of apprms. for foreign intercourse, and objecting to apprins, for Outfits for min, to France and Russia. (ib., 803.) — Je. 13. Remarks; apprehensions as to effects of postponing settlement of French Spoliation claims. (ib., 1082.) — Je. 13. Do.; favoring action on bill for settlement of French spoliation claims. (ib., 1081.) 1834 Apr. 9. Do.; opposing apprin. for clerk to arrange archives of State Dept. (x, ib., 3564.) — Je. 20. Do.; doubting propriety of paying pensions to widows of French seamen killed at Toulon from navy pension fund. (ib., 2042.) CHAMBERS (JAMES W.) 1850 Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for Fr. Spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 323.) CHAMBERSBURG (PA.) CITIZENS 1844 May 18. To U. S. Senate. Memorial in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 288.) 296 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHAMORRO (FRUTO) Director supremo of Nicaragua, 1853–55; see Central America. 1851 Aug. 14. Signs contract on part of Nicaragua, with repr. of Accessory Transit co. (White) for construc- tion of Nicaragua Canal; see Central America. Isth- mian TranSit. Director Supremo of Nicaragua. 1855 Oct. 22. Decree of legit. govt. apptg. Jose Sacaza, Francisco Dueñas, Fulgencio Vegas, Juan T. Ruiz, and Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, Es. E. and Ms. P. near govts. of Central Amer.; Luis Molina, E. E. and M. P. to England, France and Spain; Min. of War (Castillo) in charge of dept. of relations ad int. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 142.) CHAMPAYNE (MARIANNE R.), ADMNX, OF J. R. CHAM- PAYNE & 1841 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (26. 2. H. jol., 131.) 1846 Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 45.) — Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 70.) 1850 Jan. 18. To same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 348.) — Jan. 21. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 94.) CHAMPAIGN CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1844 Feb. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 426.) — Dec. 12. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 65.) CHAMPION, AMER. SCHR. (SHERWOOD) Captured on the high seas by Mexican sqdn. On Apr. 1, 1837. A prize crew was put on board and, under convoy of the Mexican brig of war General Urrea, she was taken to Matamoras. Comrs. under act of Congress of Mch. 3, 1849, decided capture to be illegal. n. d. Summary of claim agst. Mexico. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 58.) n. d. Itemized stnt. of claim on Mexico. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 69.) n. d. Rpt. of Amer. Comrs. of points of difference from Mexican comrs. (ib., 76.) n. d. Stnt. Submitted by Mexican comrs. to Amer. comrs. (ib., 71.) 1837 Apr. 10. Comdr. U. S. sloop Natchez (Mervine) to capt. port of Brazos (Espino). Demands revocation of order of suspension of intercourse with Cha'm- pion. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 39.) — Apr. 11. Capt. Sherwood to comdr. Mervine. Log of Champion, Apr. 2-11, 1837. (ib., 40.) — Apr. 12. Amer. Cons. Matamoras (Smith) to comdr. Mexican forces in Texas (Bravo). Requests copy of declaration of blockade under which Champion and Louisiana were captured. (ib., 5.) — Apr. 15. Espino to Mervine. Refers demand of 10 inst. to Gen. Bravo. (ib., 39.) — Apr. 15. Mervine to Bravo. Protest agst, illegality of capture of Louisiana and Champion. (ib., 41.) — Apr. 16. Smith to Bravo. Defending conduct of the Natchez; protesting agst, seizure of Champion and Louisiana; questions Gen. Bravo’s power to declare a non-intercourse and to make reprisals. (ib., 11.) — Apr. 29. Smith to Forsyth. Copy of proc. relating to capture; sale of her cargo; imprisonment of master, crew and passengers of Champion and Julius Caesar. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 158; H. doc. 3, 163; H. doc. 75, 18.) — May 5. Amer. cons. at Mexico (Jones) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Effect of news of capture of Louisiana and Champion and of Mexican brig Gen. Urrea in Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 29.) CHAMPION, AMER. SCHR. (SHERWOOD)—cont’d 1837 Nov. 24. Forsyth to Martinez. List of papers rela- tive to claim. (25. 2. H. doc. 3, 161.) — Dec. 13. Martinez to Forsyth. Action taken Con- cerning copy of complaint. (25. 2. H. doc. 351, 7.) — Dec. 21. Bravo to Smith. Arrival of Champion, Louisiana and Julius Caesar at port of Matamoras; trial by court martial of crew and passengers Of Julius Caesar. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 17.) 1838 Mch. 2. Martinez to Forsyth. Delay in action on claim of. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 17.) - 1851 Dec. 17. Sherwood to U. S. House. Petition in rela- tion to Mexican indemnities. (32. 1. H. jol., 108.) 1852 Feb. 2. U. S. House. Memorial of Richd. Sherwood, in relation to claim agst. Mexico, for illegal capture of Champion; presented and referred to Com. Of Claims. (ib., 298.) - — Feb. 3. Sherwood to U. S. Senate. Memorial; pray- ing tribunal to revise decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 171.) 1854 Mch. 28. U. S. S. select com. Rpt. in relation to proc. of board of comrs. on claims agst, Mexico; relative to Gardiner, Julius Cabsar, Louisiana and Champion. (33. 1. S. rpt. 182.) CHAMPION, H. B. M. SLOOP (HAYES) 1848. Blockades ports of Salvador; see Central Amer. Salvador. CHAMPLAIN (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial Vs. Texan annex- ation. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) — Feb. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 587.) 1845 Jan. 6. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 171.) 1846 Jan. 2. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 190.) 1850 Je. 15. To U. S. Senate. Memorial in favor of ar. bitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 398.) CHANCE, AMER. VESSEL (FRENCH); see FRENCH (R.) CHANCELLOR, SLAVESHIP (FREEMAN) 1846 Apr. 10. Captured by U. S. brig Dolphin (Pope). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 32.) CHANDLER (ANSON G.), OF ME. Asst. land agt. of Me. in 1824; Amer. cons. for Lahaina, 1856-60; see U. S. A. Consular service. Hawaii. Land Agt. Of Me. 1824 Dec. 25. To gen. land agt. Me. (Irish). Timber depredations in disputed terr. by Br. subjects. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 6.) A mer. Cons. for Lahaima 1856 Oct. 30. To President U. S. A. (Pierce). Cost of living at Lahaina; inadequacy, in absence of fees, of salary of cons. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 261.) CHANDLER (EDWIN W.), OF PENN. Marshal of Amer. cons. court at Bangkok, in 1860; see U. S. A. Consular service. CHANDLER (JOHN), SEN. FROM ME. 1829 Feb. 28. Remarks; in opposition to Webster res. calling on Pres, for instructions to U. S. min. to Panama Congress. (V, Reg. Debates, 70.) CHANDLER (JOHN H.), OF CONN. Amer, cons, at Bangkok, 1860-61; see U. S. A. Consular Sery ICe. INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 297 CHANDLER (JOSEPH R.), OF PENN. Repr. from Penn., 31-33 cong., 1849-55; Com. on For- eign Affairs, 32-33 cong., 1851-55; Amer, min. res. for Two Sicilies, 1858-60. Repr. from Penn. Bills Introduced 1853 Dec. 21. Meade claims. (33. 1. H. R., 58.) 1854 Feb. 15. Lavellette relief. (ib., 266.) 1855 Jan. 16. Relief of A. Belden and co. (33. 2. H. R., 651.) — Feb. 26. Remarks Made 1852 Feb. 13. Remarks; chiefly in reply to Cartter, in support of H. R. 95, for relief of heirs of John Jack- son. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 564-566.) 1854 Jan. 5. Remarks; on res. of thanks to capt. D. S. Ingraham, U. S. N., for extending protection of Amer. govt. to Koszta. (ib., 33. 1., 129.) — Feb. 8. Do.; on same providing compensation to P. Parker, secy. of legation in China, for services as chargé d'affaires from May 24, 1852, to Jan. 31, 1853. (ib., 387.) — Feb. 8. Do.; on amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs to deficiency apprn. bill, providing compensation to F. Dainese, cons. at Constantinople, for discharge of duties from May 16, 1849, to Dec. 20, 1852. (ib., 383.) — Apr. 14. Do.; in explanation and support of bill for settling claims of legal representatives of R. W. Meade under treaty of 1820 with Spain. (ib., 919.) — Apr. 21. Do.; giving history of Meade claim, etc.; replies to Jones. (ib., 966-68, 970.) —de. 16. Do.; bill for settling Meade claims. 425.) — Je. 22. Do.; on amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs Dainese relief. (ib., 791.) (ib., to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, providing compensation. to P. Parker, secy. of legation in China, for services as chargé d'affaires from May 24, 1852, to Jan. 24, 1854. (ib., 1482.) — Je. 30; Jºy. 1. Do.; in explanation and support of bill for settling Meade claims, etc. (ib., 1588, 1595, 1597, 1598.) — Jly. 15. Do.; On H. R. 195, for relief of claimants in case of brig Jane, etc. (ib., 1753, 1754.) – Aug. 1. Do.; relative to 127 Sen. amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, reimbursing Edw. Riddle for sums expended on account of his official position at Industrial Exhibition, London, etc.; opposed to Substitution of name of Geo. Peabody for that of Riddle. (ib., 2056.) 1855 Jan. 23. Do.; concerning claims for French spolia- tions prior to Jly. 31, 1801, and bill providing for satisfaction of same. (ib., 33. 2., 374, 375.) — Feb. 6. Do.; in support of bill to remodel dipl. and cons. Systems of U. S. (ib., 593.) — Feb. 7. Do.; same. (ib., 162.) — Feb. 9. Do.; same. (ib., 648-49.) — Feb. 19. Do.; in Support of Fr. Spoliation bill as an amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill. (ib., 822-23.) — Feb. 21. Amdmt. in Com. of the Whole, to civil and dipl. apprin. bill providing compensation to F. Dai- nese, late cons. at Constantinople, for services from May 16, 1849, to Dec. 20, 1852; with explanatory re- marks. (ib., 872-73.) Reports Made 1853 Dec. 21. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 58; Meade claims. (33. 1. H. rpt. 5.) 1854 Jan. 4. Bogert and Kneeland claim. (ib., 18.) — Feb. 15. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 266, for relief of capt. E. A. F. Lavellette. (ib., 98.) 1855 Feb. 26. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 791; Dainese relief. (33. 2. H. rpt. 138.) CHANDLER (JOSEPH R.), OF PENN.—cont’d Correspondence 1852 Mch. 4. To President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Noth- ing in charges agst. Dainese has diminished confi- dence in him; acc. by copies of corresp. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 212.) & - 1852 Nov. 27. Same. Transmits letter containing trans- lations of commendations of F. Dainese; acº. by letters and affidavits. (ib., 250.) CHANDLER (WILLIAM P.), OF DEL. e ... for Puerto Cabello, 1845–47; see U. S. A. Ame...ia. service. Venezuela ; do. for Tunis, 1854- 57; see same. Tunis. CHANDLER (ZACHARIAH), SEN. FROM MICH. & º º & f 1858 May 31. Remarks; opposing raising Of salaries O mº and cons., by granting pay to certain class on return voyage. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2534.) t 1859 Feb. 17. Speech; opposing bill making appril S. LO facilitate acquisition of Cuba. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 1079.) CHANG, MILITARY COMDR. KOWLOON 1854 Oct. 21. To Amer. cons. Hongkong (Keenan). Is... of Koolan and Choo-Koo-me under SuperVision of Heang-Shan distr. [Kwang Tung prov.]. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 473.) CHANNING, AMER. MERCHANTMAN; see CHINA. SHANG- HAI. CUSTOMS SERVICE CHAOU-TEH-CHEH, ACTG. G0V. PROV. OF KIANG-SU Jly. 23. To Amer, cons. Shanghai (Murphy). Tº isº, on tea in the interior. (p. 40, Silver, etc. (China); Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, V. 43, 1857-58.) 1856 Oct. 5. To taoutae of Shanghai (Lan-Wei-wan). Inconvenient if England and France should COm- mence separate negotiations in Kwang-tung and Amer. should have them in Kiangsoo or Cheh Kiang. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 969.) º Oct. 20. To actg. and late taoutae of Shanghai (Lan and woo). Request of Amer. min. abt. memorial- izing for him that a comr. be apptd. (ib., 972.) CHAPIN (L.D.), CITIZEN 1837. To repr. from N. Y. (Russell). Emigrants arrived in port of N. Y., 1827-37; poor of New York City. (25. 2. H. rpt. 1040, 95.) CHAPIN (VIRGINIUS P.) Amer. coml. agt. for Navigator Is., 185 3–54; see Navi- gator Is. CHAPLIN (JEROME. N.), DEPONENT; see RICE (F. W.) CHAPLIN (CONN.) CITIZENS 1847 Jan. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying meas. ures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 184.) CHAPMAN (CHARLES), REPR. FROM CONN. 1853 Jan. 11. Speech; on H. R. 326, to prevent frauds upon the treasury, and on prosecution of claims agst, govt. by members of Congress; connection of Secy. of Treasury (Corwin) with Gardiner claim and rpt. of select com. on subject. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 109.) — Jan. 11. Brief summary of Speech. (Cong. Globe, 32 cong., 2 SeSS., 259.) Jan. 12. Remarks; connection of Secy. of Treasury (Corwin) with Gardiner claim; during Johnson’s speech on H. R. 326. (ib., app., 65-66.) 298 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS §§§§§- ---º *Sºtº-ºn CHAPMAN (JOHN G.), REPR. FROM MD. 1847 Feb. 27. Speech; tobacco trade, restrictions of for- eign govts.: treaty stipulations on subject, etc.; during debate on H. R. 671, to increase revenue from duties on imports, etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., app., 424.) CHAPMAN (REUBEN), REPR. FROM ALA. Feb. 9-14, 1842, member Com. on Foreign Affairs during 27 cong., 2 sess. 1846 Apr. 17. Speech; on H. R. 7, to protect rights of Amer. citizens in Oregon, etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., app., 545.) —º; 17. Summary of Speech. (Cong. Globe, 29, 1., 5. w CHAPMAN (SARAH) 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Remonstrance agst. annex- ation of Texas. (25. 1. H. doc. 45.) CHAPPELL (A. H.), REPR. FROM GA. 1845 Jan. 13. Remarks; urging annexation of Texas to U. S. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 133.) — Jan. 26. Speech; favoring immediate annexation of Texas to U. S. (ib., app., 270.) CHARLEMONT (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 27. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 163.) CHARLES II., OF ENGLAND 1663 Mch. 12. Grant to Duke of York. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 54.) CHARLES, AMER. SCHR. (MOORE) Boarded by seizing officer in harbor of Pirate cove in # 1839, and detained in default of proper 1CellSe. 1839 Je. 27. Amer. cons., Halifax (Morrow) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Br. seizure for violation of fisheries treaty of 1818. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 3.) — Jly. 15. U. S. Customs collector at Frenchman’s Bay to Forsyth. Seizure of Amer. fishing schr. Charles. (ib., 23; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 82.) — Jiy. 15. Same to same. Solicits interposition in obtaining for capt. Moore, Schr. Charles, restitu- tion of certain property. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 65.) — JIy. 24. Forsyth to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox). Moore, schr. Charles, be returned to him. (ib., 65; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 105.) CHARLES, AMER. SCHR. (STOVER) The Charles was boarded by H. B. M. brig Argus in Shelburne harbor, coast of Nova Scotia, on May 10, 1823, for alleged infringement of act 59 Geo. III, ch. 28, passed in conformity with stipulation of convention betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. of Oct 20, 1818. The schr. was sent to St. Johns, N. B., where she arrived May 20, and was reported for libelling. On the 21st she was manned by a Br. Crew and sent down the bay after smugglers. While thus irregu- larly employed she captured one Amer. vessel, the Dolphin. On Je. 7 the Charles was given up to the collector of customs in St. John’s for legal adjudica- tion. The Br. govt. ordered that any vessel captured by the Charles while irregularly employed in Br. service should be restored to her owners, although liable on other grounds to be condemned. 1823 May 16. Master H. B. M. gunboat Argus (Arabin). Particulars of seizure by Argus of Amer. fishing vessel Charles, on so. coast of Nova Scotia. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 12.) — Je. 1. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Can- ning) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams). Acknowledges letter of 25 ult., in reference to capture of Schr. Charles. (ib., 6.) Request that property of Capt. ' CHARLES, AMER. SCHR. (STOVER)—cont’d 1823 Je. 10. Owner and crew of Charles. Protest agst. comdr. of brig Argus and agst. capture of Schr. Charles. (ib., 4.) — Je. 12. Owner of Charles (Moody) to Adams. Pro- test agst, detention of Charles. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 19; H. ex. doc. 120, 4.) — Je. 25. Adams to Canning. Protest agst. detention ; Amer. Schr. Charles by Br. brig Argus. (ib., 4; ib., 4.) — Aug. 11. Midshipman Argus (Trouch) to comdr. Argus (Dundas). Boarding of schr. Charles. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 9.) — Aug. 11. 1st lieut. Argus (Innes) to Dundas. De- tention of Schr. Charles. (ib., 10.) — Sept. 5. Comdr. H. B. M. ship Salisbury (Fahie) to H. B. M. chargé in U. S. A. (Addington). Informa- tion relative to detention of schr. Charles. (ib., 8.) — Oct. 12. Addington to Adams. Details of detention of Charles by Argus; her employment as Br. Cruiser, etc. (32. 1. S. ex: doc. 100, 5; H. ex. doc. 120, 7.) 1824 Je. 10. Addington to Adams. Restoration of Dol- phin, only Amer. vessel captured by Amer. Schr. Charles during employment as Br. cruiser. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 11.) 1826 Feb. 2. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Brent) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Vaughan). Inquiry rel- ative to decision in case of seizure of Amer. Schr. Charles by Br. brig Argus. (ib., 53; H. ex. doc. 120, 153.) — Feb. 5. Vaughan to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Rpt. of condemnation of Schr. Charles. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 54.) CHARLES, AMER. SLAVER BARK, OF BALTIMORE’ Boarded, on Jly. 19, 1857, at Annobon by H. B. M º ship Prometheus, and a few days later by Myrmi. don, and on Sept. 18 she was driven on shore by H. B. M. sloop Sappho (Moresby). n. d. Mentioned. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 7, 69; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 527.) 1857 Jly. 31. H. B. M. comr., mixed commission, for sup- pression of slavetrade, Loanda (Gabriel) to Secy. IH. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Increase in number of slavers protected by U. S. flag; case of the Charles, etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 21.) — Aug. 1. H. B. M. cons. Lagos (Campbell) to Clar- endon. Advice of particulars of Amer. Slaver bark Charles. (ib., 24.) — Aug. 12. Capt. Br. ship Hecate (Burgess) to Comdre., H. B. M. senior naval officer, coast of Africa (Wise). Advice of company styled Expedition for Africa; case of the Charles. (ib. 35.) — Sept. Capt. Br. ship Sappho (Moresby) to H. B. M. rear-adm. (Grey). Advice of capture of slaver as- sumed to be schr. Charles, etc. (ib., 31.) — Oct. 13. Gabriel to comdre. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Conover). Capture of slavers wearing Amer. colors; Charles by Br. sloop Sappho, etc. (ib., 70; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 528.) — Dec. 24. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Repre- sentation; continuance of slavetrade now confined almost wholly to Cuba; incommensurate means of U. S. to suppress it; cases of capture of slavers Charles and Pauchita by Br. ship Sappho, etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 11.) 1858 Jan. 7. Same to same. Wrecked slaver supposed to be schr. Charles. (ib., 30.) — Mch. 8. Cass to U. S. customs collector, New Or- leans (Hatch). Censure for clearing Charles with suspicious articles in her manifest. (ib., 40.) — Mch. 18. Hatch to Cass. Explains clearance of Charles from New Orleans. (ib., 40.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 299 CHARLES, AMER. SHIP (HOWLAND) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 20.) cHARLEs co. (MD) LEvy court 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying com- pensation for destruction of tobacco warehouse at Cedar Point, Md., during war of 1812. (25. 2. H. jol., 574.) CHARLES MORGAN, AMER. STR. Implicated in first Walker expedition against Nicaragua ; See Central Amer. Nicaragua. CHARLES C. PERKINS, AMER. SLAVER BRIG (BROWN) Seized in port of Havana Jiy. 5, 1858, by Amer, cons., Savage, for violation of slavetrade laws of U. S. On Jly. 6 vessel was sunk in port; subsequently lifted by Amer. Cons. and case turned over to Sp. authorities. n. d. Mentioned [as A. C. Perkins]. 7, 536.) 1858 J1y. 6. Concha to Savage. Announces sinking of brig C. Perkins; desires information regarding brig. (ib., 124.) (36. 2. H. ex. doc. — JIy. 6. Savage to Concha. Sinking of brig G. Per-, kins suspicious; ready to communicate all informa- tion in his possession. (ib., 125.) — Jly. 9. Savage to actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Apple- ton). Encloses copy of affidavits of three seamen resp. brig C. Perkins; and copies of corresp. with capt. gen. of Cuba and Capt. of port of Havana to explain official conduct towards brig. (ib., 114.) — Jly. 12. Same to same. Brig O. Perkins evidently sunk by order of vessel’s owner, Duranon, slave- trader; expects to send witnesses to N. Y. to enable govt. to prosecute bonds of brig. (ib., 130.) — J1y. 14. Same to same. Bark Albertina, sailing 15 inst., will convey to N. Y. two witnesses in case of brig C. Perkins. (ib., 135.) — Jly. 19. Savage to Concha. Brig C. Perkins already afloat; requests to be permitted to be present at discharge, if it be ordered. (ib., 148.) — J1y. 20. Concha to Savage. Invited to witness ver- ification of cargo of C. Perkins. (ib. 149.) — Jly. 22. Br. cons. gen. in Cuba (Crawford) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmesbury). Lyra seized at Key West as slaver; sinking of C. Perkins investigating; etc. (ib., 144.) — J1y. 25. Savage to Appleton. Owner of C. Perkins in prison; etc. (ib., 145.) — Jly. 28. Appleton to Solicitor of the Treasury, U. S. A. (Hillyer). Transmits despatch relating to brig C. Perkins. (ib., 169.) — Aug. 24. Savage to Cass. Cases of Lyra and C. Perkins still pending. (ib., 189.) — Sept. 11. Appleton to Hillyer. Transmits com- munication from ConS. at Havana regarding alleged Amer. Slavers. (ib., 205.) — Sept. 14. Savage to Appleton. Relative to slaver Charles Perkins, etc. (ib. 205.) — Sept. 18. Savage to Concha. Resp. disposition of remainder of sum placed in his hands to induce him to permit C. Perkins to leave port. (ib., 255.) — Sept. 19. Savage to U. S. atty. so. distr. N. Y. (Sedgwick). Case of C. Perkins, etc. (ib., 250.) — Sept. 22. Savage to Concha. Begs leave to place in his hands remainder of sum of $1000 placed to in- duce him to permit C. Perkins to leave port. (ib., 255.) — Sept. 23. Concha to Savage. Agrees to suggested disposition of remainder of money placed into his hands by party interested in C. Perkins. (ib., 256.) * CHARLES C. PERKINS, AMER. SLAVER BRIG (BROWN) —cont’d 1858 Dec. — Sedgwick to Hillyer. Desires information resp. C. Perkins, and as to detention at N. Y. Of Fucitta as witness in said matter. (ib., 287.) 1859 Jan. 31. Appleton to U. S. cons. gen. Cuba (Helm). Requests to be informed whether further detention of C. Perkins witnesses at N. Y. is necessary. (ib., 302. -msºmº-te #. 31. Appleton to Sedgwick. Cons. at Hayana instructed to communicate with him on subject of detention of two witnesses in C. Perkins case. (ib., 301.) e — Feb. 28. Helm to Appleton. Case of C. Perkins still pending; release of two witnesses at N. Y. rec- ommended. (ib., 304.) — Mch. 8. Appleton to Sedgwick. Cons. at Havana advises release of C. Perkins, witnesses, held at N. Y. (ib., 307.) — Oct. 6. Savage to Appleton. Affairs of J. J. Cobb and C. Perkins. (ib., 373.) CHARLESTON (S. C.) Chamber of Commerce 1831 Jan. 13. U. S. House. Memorial; discriminating duties on Sp. and Amer. vessels imposed by govt. of Cuba, and on Portuguese duties on rice, presented (Drayton, S. C.); referred to Com. On Commerce. (21. 2. H. jol., 179.) 1845 Apr. 14. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Losses caused by annulling of Cuban decree of Oct. 7, 1844. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 86, 169.) 1855 Jan. 9. To U. S. House. Proc. in relation to pro- posed mediation of U. S. to terminate Crimean War. (33. 2. H. jol., 159.) Citizens 1844 May 22. To U. S. House. Memorial; in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 950.) 1849 Feb. 8. To same. Do.; praying legislation upon subject of tonnage duties levied on vessels from Spain via Sp. West Indies. (30. 2. H. jol., 409.) — Feb. 8. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 2. S. jol., 193.) 1850 Jan. 16. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 83.) — Jan. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 348.) — Jan. 28. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 112.) 1852 Je. 7. To same. Memorial; praying modification or repeal of certain acts affecting commerce of U. S. with Sp. W. I. (32. 1. S. jol., 454.) Harbor of See U. S. Customs Service. Charleston POrt. CHARLESTON DISTR. (S. C.) CITIZENS 1844 May 21. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 293.) CHARLESTON COLONIZATION SOCY. (WA.) 1844 Feb. 19. To U. S. House, Memorial; for adoption of measures to recognize and protect Amer. col- ony on western coast of Africa. (28. 1. H. jol., 426.) CHARLESTON PACKET, AMER. SHIP (JOHNSON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 21.) CHARLESTON PACKET, AMER. SHIP (CONNELLY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 21.) 300 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHARLESTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Petitions; agst, an- nexation of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) − Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) 1838 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) 1845. Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying altera- tion of naturalization laws. (29. 1. H. joi., 101. ) 1846 Feb. 9. To same. Same; in favor of arbitration. (ib., 371.) 1852 Jly. 30. To same. Petition; praying measures for protection of 30,000 Amer. citizens engaged in fish- eries. (32. 1. H. jol., 973.) 1858 JIy. 5. U. S. coml. agt. in charge of cons. gen, (Savage) to capt. gen. of Cuba (Concha). Finds it his duty to seize brig C. Perkins for violation of laws of U. S., provided such proc. is not infringing on Sp. jurisdiction. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 124.) CHARLOTTE (ME.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 170.) CHARLOTTE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Petitions; in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman's Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) CHARLOTTE (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Petitions; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) – Sept. 27. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 46.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Petitions; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 587.) CHARLOTTE, AMER. BRIG; CLAIM W.S. GR. BR. Seizure, under legal process, by Br. claimant, on coast of Ireland. 1854 Jly. 21. Synopsis of award in case of claim agst. Gr. Br. under conv. of 1853. (34.1. S. ex. doc. 103, 55.) CHARLOTTE, AMER. SCHR. (TRAVERS) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 21.) CHARLOTTE, AMER. SHIP (LOWDER) n. d. Summary of award made by comrS. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 21.) CHARLOTTE, AMER. SLAVER BRIG (LOCKHAIL) n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 540; 556.) 1857 Jly. 31. H. B. M. comr., mixed comm. for suppres- Sion of the slavetrade, Loanda (Gabriel) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Increase in num- ber of Slavers protected by U. S. flag; case of brig Charlotte, etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 21.) 1858 Aug. 23. Comdr. H. B. M. naval forces, African station (Wise) to comdr. U. S. sloop Marion (Brent). Case of Charlotte, etc. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 556.) CHARMING POLLY, BR. BRIGANTINE; see CLAIMS. DAN- ISH. BERGEN PRIZES CHASE (FRANKLIN), OF ME. Amer. cons. for Tampico, 1842-61 ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Mexico. 1858 Jan. 22. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Advice of decree of Jan. 7 of State of Tamaulipas, closing port of Tampico to interior trade; garrison of port ad- heres to plan of Tacubaya; local disorganization. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 56, 2.) CHASE (FRANKLIN), OF ME-cont’d 1858 Feb. 16. To asst. Secy. State (Appleton). Antici- pates attack on Tampico by gov. of state of Tamau- lipas (Garza). (ib., 4.) — Feb. 20. To same. Revolt of troops on garrison at Tampico agst, comdr. Tomas Moreno; scheme of gov. Garza to form separate republic under name of Sierra Madre. (ib., 5.) — Mch. 5. To same. Advice of bando of Rafael Mo- reno of even date calling for volunteers. (ib., 9.) — Mch. 12. To Cass. Decree reducing import duty in port of Tampico, etc.; gov. Garza continues to threaten town. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 11.) — Mch. 27. To Amer. cons. Vera Cruz (Pickett). Tampico in possession of Garza. (ib., 14.) — Apr. 1. To same. Advice of siege of Tampico by Garza; detention of Amer. brigs George E. Pres- cott and Nahum Stetson (Trenis), and Amer. schrs. Virginia Antonetta and Amelia P. Home; passengers of Nahum Stetson imprisoned in Garza e camp; urges presence of vessel of war. (ib., 15.) — Apr. 14. To comdr. U. S. S. Fulton (Almy). Ad- vice of deliverance of supplies to Garza by. Mexican vessel; urges interference. (ib., 18.) — Apr. 25. To Cass. Imprisonment in Garza Camp of capt. Trenis, Nahum Stetson; character of Garza; effect of presence of U. S. S. Fulton. (ib., 17.) For expulsion from Mexico on Je. 7, 1846, and for seizure of schr. Oregon at Tampico. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1848 Apr. 11. U. S. Senate; intr. (Hannegan, Com. on Foreign Relations) res. (30. 1. S. R. 18) “for relief of Ann Chase.” (30. 1. S. jol., 269.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1847 Dec. 20. Ann Chase to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying indemnity for losses at Tampico, at out- break of hostilities betw. U. S. and Mexico. (30. 1. S. jol., 61.) 1848 Apr. 11. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Sevier). Rept. in favor of petition of Mrs. Ann Chase, pray- ing indemnity for loss of property in violation of art. 26, treaty of 1832, with Mexico. (30. 1. S. rpt., 120.) 1853 Dec. 20. F. Chase. Memorial to U. S. Senate; pray- ing to be paid portion of proceeds of sale of Schr. Oregon, seized at Tampico during Mexican War, for violation of revenue laws. (33. 1. S. jol., 48; 230.) 1854 Mch. 2. U. S. Sen. Com. of Claims. Rpt. (Wade), ad- verse to petition of Franklin Chase. (33. 1. S. rpt. 145.) — May 21. F. Chase to U. S. Senate. Additional me- morial, in relation to claim to indemnity for con- fiscation of Schr. Oregon. (33. 1. S. jol., 355.) — May 2. U. S. Senate. On motion (Shields, Ill.), adverse rpt. of Com. of Claims on Chase petition recommitted to said com. (ib., 355.) CHASE (GEORGE M.), OF ME. Amer, cons. for Lahaina, 1854-56; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Hawaii. CHASE (ISAAC), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Cape Town, 1834-50; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Br. dominions. 1840 Jan. 10. U. S. cons, at Cape Town to Amer. cons., Cadiz (Burton). Compensation to Sabina, Sp: brig, for rescue of crew of Amer. ship Cowrier. (27. 2. H. doc. 191, 7.) $ INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 301 CHASE (JAMES) CLAIM 1834 Dec. 16. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Sarah Chase, widow of J. Chase, of Mass.; praying indemnity for losses by French Spoliations. (23. 2. S. jol., 45.) 1847 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Same, (29. 2. H. jol., 129.) — Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 76.) 1850 Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 323.) — Jan. 28. To same. Same. (ib., 407.) CHASE (JOHN, JR.), MASTER AMER. SLAVER SCHR. WILLIAM RIDGWAY; see that title CHASE (LUCIEN B.), REPR. FROM WT. 1845 Dec. 18. Remarks; on reference, to select com., of Mass. res. Of Dec. 15, asking for amdmt of nat- uralization laws, etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 78; d.o., app., 66.) 1846 Feb. 4. Speech; on H. res. 5, of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon, etc. (ib., 307; ib., 234.) CHASE (ORMOND) AMER. CITIZEN Shot at Tepic, Aug. 7, 1859, by order of Gen. Marquez. 1859 Oct. 14. J. W. Hale. Deposition before Amer. ConS., City of Mexico (Black), resp. murder of Chase by gen. Marquez. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, 48.) CHASE (ROBERT F.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Martinique, 1835-37; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. CHASE (SALMON P.) SEN. FROM 0. 1850 Feb. 19. Remarks; on S. res. 8, for relief of J. Hogan. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 392.) — Mch. 27. Speech; Clay’s compromise res. of Jan. 29; title of Texas to terr. east of the Rio Grande. (ib., app., 474.) — May 9. Remarks; presenting proc. of mtg. of citi- zens of Toledo, O., in favor of adoption of measures for acquiring right to free navigation of St. Law- rence River. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 964.) — Aug. 14. Do.; on title of Texas to disputed terr.; during consideration of S. 170, to establish terr. govts. of Utah and New Mexico. (ib., app., 1558- 1559.) 1851 Jan. 31. Do.; unfavorable to Mason amdmt. of Jan. 30 concerning propriety of providing by law for payment of claim in Amistad Case; giving history of case. (Cong. Globe, 31. 2., 401, 402.) — Dec. 12. Do.; favorable to S. res. 4 of welcome to Kossuth and opposed to Borland amdmt. (ib., 90.) 1852 Feb. 18. Do.; in support of his motion to print let- ters from Kossuth to Pres. Of Senate and Pres. Of U. S. (ib., 587, 589.) 1853 Jan. 6. Do.; opposed to that construction of Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty excluding from its operation Br. Honduras and dependencies. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 238.) — Jan. 10. Do.; reply to Seward, on Chase stnt. of Jan. 6. (ib., 249.) — Mch. 3. Do.; Miller amdmt. to naval apprin. bill, H. R. 342, providing for exploration of region east- ward of Liberia, with a view to colonization of free blacks; in favor of striking out that part relating to colonization. (ib., 1064.) 1854 May 1. Do.; on Slidell res. of inquiry concerning expediency of authorizing suspension of neutrality laws. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1024.) — May 17. Do.; reference of Mallory res. of May 16, concerning affairs in Cuba in connection with Sp. policy relative to Africanization of is. ib., 1199.) CHASE (SALMON P.), SEN. FROM 0.—cont’d 1854 Je. 23. Do.; opposed to S. 268, for relief of General Armstrong claimants, on arguments of Bayard, Pratt and Seward. (ib., 1492.) CHASE (SARAH), WIDOW OF JAMES CHASE, CLAIMANT; see CHASE (T.) CHASSEAUD (JASPER), OF FRANCE Amer. cons. for Beyrout, 1835-[39], and 1842-50 ; See |U. S. A. Consular service. Turkish dominions. 1846 Feb. 16. U. S. House; intr. (Seaman, N.Y.) bill (29. 1. H. R. 233) “for relief of John (sic) Chasseaud, late U. S. cons. for Syria and Palestine.” Appré. Aug. 3. (29. 1. H. jol., 403, 742, 1208; ix, St. L., 659.) CHASTAIN (E. W.). REPR. FROM GA. 1854 Je. 9. Remarks; on Amer. policy resp. Cuba, in favor of acquisition; Africanization of Cuba, etc.; during consideration of H. R. 295; alludes to rela- tions with Russia, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1365.) 1855 Feb. 17. Speech; in favor of acquisition of Cuba. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 796; d.o., app., 192.) CHATARD (FREDERICK), OF MD. U. S. N. 1834-61; lieut., 1834-55; comdr., 1855-61. 1848 on duty razee Independence, Pacific sqdn. ; 1857/8 comdr. U. S. sloop Saratoga resigned from Service Apr. 24, 1861. º With Razee Independence 1848 Jan. 12. To comdr. U. S. S. Leacington (Bailey). Proc. of landing at San Blas. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1128.) comdg. U. S. Sloop Saratoga 1857. Nov. 27. To comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (Paulding). Landing of Walker and his followers at San Juan del Norte. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 58; S. ex. doc. 13, 16; S. rpt. 20, 3.) — Nov. 30. To Walker. Warns him not to touch Engl. mail from Costa Rica. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 67; S. ex. doc. 13, 19, 25.) 1858 Jan. 1. To Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey). Arrival of Saratoga at Norfolk with Walker's party; list of names and list of stores taken on board belong- ing to them. (ib., 77; ib., 35.) — Dec. 1. To same. Relative to his threat to shoot officers of U. S. sloop Saratoga. (ib., 63, 67; ib., 20, 25.) — Dec. 2. To same. Notifies him that his men on Point Arenas are in way of shot; and he may have to fire to bring vessels to. (ib., 64, 67; ib., 22, 25.) — Dec. 4. To Paulding. Transmits communications with Walker. (ib., 66; ib., 24.) — Dec. 7. To same. Transmits corresp. With Walker. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 66.) Dec. 18. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey) to Paulding. Ordered to suspend comdr. Chatard from his com- mand, etc. (ib., 76; S. ex. doc. 13, 34.) CHATEAUBRIAND, VICOMTE DE Ministre des affaires étrangères of France during Villete ministry, 1822-24; see I’rance. Civil service. 1823 Oct. 29. To Amer, chargé in France (Sheldon). Reply to his of 13 inst.; answer to proposal to re- strain by conventional stipulations practice of pri- vateering. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 19.) — Oct. 29. To same. Reply to his of 15 inst.; favor- able disposition to adopt Such new provisions as may be found necessary for more effectual sup- pression of slavetrade. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348 (app.), 217.) 302 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHATFIELD (FREDERICK) H. B. M. cons-gen. in Central America, Je., 1833-Feb., e. 1852; succeeded by C. L. Wyk 1842 Oct. 24. To ministr. relac est. Nicaragua (Orosco). Explanation of removal of Nicaraguan officer Qui- jano on board Br. ship Tweed; Br. recognition of state of Mosquito; detention of George Bell and four other Englishmen by Nicaragua. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 24.) — Nov. 15. To same. Inquiry into nature of alliance betw. Gr. Br. and Mosquito nation; into foundation of Br. Opinion that so. side of port of San Juan is Mosquito and not Nicaraguan terr.; refusal to in- demnify Nicaragua for removal of Quijano. (ib., 26.) 1847 Sept. 10. To ministr. relac. est. Honduras and Nic- aragua (Salinas). Instructions relative to terr. to which Mosquito king is, in Br. consideration, en- titled. (ib., 44.) 1849 Sept. 5. To ministr. relac. est. Nicaragua (Bui- trago). Strmt. showing nature of connection which has existed betw. Gr. Br. and Mosquito nation Since middle of 17th century. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 61.) — Oct. 16. To same, Honduras (Moncada). Notice of occupation of Tigre Is. (31. 2. S. ex: doc. 43, 23.) — Oct. 25. To Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier). Denies right of Honduras to cede Tigre Is. (ib., 14.) — Oct. 26. To ministr. relac. est. Salvador (Pino). Because of unsatisfactory answer to his demands for reclamation, port of La Union will be block- aded from this day; Is. of Minaguera Conchaguita, Punta de Sacate and Perez have been seized. (ib., 55.) — Oct. 27. To Squier. Declares cession of Tigre to U. S. by Honduras to be in violation of previous proprietary right of Gr. Br. (ib., 21.) 1850 Aug. 6. To Pino. Making certain demands for Sat- isfaction. (ib., 84.) — Aug. 16. To ministr. relac. est. Nicaragua (Sali- nas). Integrity of Mosquito nation asserted; Nica- ragua advised to come to settlement with Gr. Br. thereupon. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 7.) — Sept. 2. To same. Maintenance of independence of Mosquito justified; alleged depredations upon Nic- araguan merchants by custom-house officers at Greytown. (ib., 9.) Dec. 5. To same. Stnt. of boundaries of Nicaragua. recognized by Gr. Br.; sovereignty of Mosquito up- held. (ib., 23.) CHATHAM (CONN.) CITIZENS 1835 Feb. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations. (23. 2. H. jol., 347.) 1837 Oct. 2. To U. S. House. Memorial; agSt. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 133.) 1838 Dec. 27. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying adoption of principle of arbitration. (25. 3. S. jol., 75.) CHATHAM (MASS.) CITIZENS 1847 Jan. 22. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying meas- ures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 215.) CHATHAM (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial; in favor Of recognizing independence of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 336.) Jan. 21. To same. Memorial; VS. Texan annexa- tion. (ib., 340.) 1842 Mch. 30. To U. S. Senate. Preamble and res., in favor of prisoners at Van Dieman's Land. (27. 2. S. jol., 255.) CHATHAM CO. (GA.) CITIZENS 1844 May 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 295.) * — May 23. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 953.) CHATHAM CO. (N. C.) CITIZENS 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying Con- gress to mediate betw. France and Mexico, and to adopt principle of arbitration. (25. 3. H. jol., 118.) CHATSWORTH, AMER. SLAVER BRIGANTINE (BUR- BANK) 1850 Apr. 8. Senior officer so. div. H. B. M. forces S. W. Coast of Africa (Hastings) to comdr. U. S. S. John Adams (Powell). (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 66, 11.) — Sept. 11. Captured off Ambriz by U. S. brig Perry (Foote). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 32.) CHATTIN ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. HERMOSA; See HERMOSA CHAUNCEY (CHARLES W.), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1822–47; lieut., 1830. Active service in com- mand (1828–47); iš47 comdg. storeship Fredonia. #ºn. Died at Anton Lizardo, Mexico, Aug. CHAUNCEY (HENRY), REPR. of PANAMA R.R. co.; see CENTRAL AMER. ISTHMIAN TRANSIT CHAUNCEY (JOHN S.), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1812-71 ; lieut., 1825: comdr., 1841; capt., w 1855; comdre, on retired list, 1869. Active service in command (1828-61); 1843-45 comdg. U. S. sloop Vandalia. Died Apr. 10, 1871. CHAUNCEY (MARK) AND WILLIAM WINN Chauncey and Winn, seamen on Amer. ‘schr. Esperanza, were imprisoned in Havana for complicity in slave trade. Amer; cons. Savage demanded their release, which was refused by the capt. gen. of Cuba, Concha. 1853 Je. 24. H. B. M. cons. gen, in Cuba (Crawford) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Case of Amer. Schr. Espéranza, slaver. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 28.) 1854 Aug. 22. Chauncey to Amer. actg. cons., Ha- vana (Savage). Stnt. relative to cruise of Espe- Tanza. (ib., 90.) * * 28. Savage. Stnt.; cruise of Esperanza. (ib., 90. Sept. 1. Savage to capt. gen, of Cuba (Pezuela). Petition in behalf of Chauncey and Winn of schr. Esperanza, imprisoned in Havana. (ib., 59.) — Sept. 5. Pezuela to Savage. Imprisonment of Chauncey and Winn. (ib., 59.) Sept. 7. Savage to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Case of slaver Esperanza; asks for instructions. (ib., 88.) — Sept. 11. Same to same. Further advices relative to Esperanza. (ib., 92.) — Sept. 19. Chauncey to Savage. Strmt.; imprison- ment with remainder of crew of Schr. Esperanza, slaver. (ib., 58.) — Sept. 23. Savage to Marcy. Imprisonment of Sea- men belonging to crew of Esperanza. (ib., 58.) — Oct. 7. Amer. actg. cons., Havana (Robertson) to Marcy. Chauncey’s stnt. of the Mary Reed, alias Esperanza; information of certain therein named Brazilian slave traders. (ib., 62.) — Oct. 13. Robertson to capt. gen. of Cuba (Concha). Liberation of Chauncey and Winn. (ib., 64.) — Oct. 20. J. Sunye to Robertson. Capt. gen. Of Cuba declines to surrender Chauncey and Winn. (ib., 65.) — Oct. 22. Robertson to Marcy. Substance of confer- ence with capt. gen. of Cuba relative to liberation of Chauncey and Winn. (ib., 63.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 303 CHAUNCEY (MARK) AND WILLIAM WINN–cont’d 1855 Dec. 15. Robertson to gov. gen. of Cuba (Concha). Appeal for revision of sentence agst. Winn and Chauncey. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 24.) — Dec. 20. Robertson to Marcy. Sentence agst, Winn and Chauncey confirmed; palliation of sentence se- cured. (ib., 24.) 1856 Jan. 8. Chauncey to Robertson. Cannot complain of treatment of Cuban authorities; does not know destination. (ib., 26.) — Jan. 15. Same to Same. Prisoners, after confine- ment of few days, allowed to go at large about Isle of Pines, to seek living; place very poor. (ib., 27.) — Jan. 19. Robertson to Marcy. Has recd. letter from Chauncey dated from Isle of Pines; cannot recon- cile this disposal of prisoners with promise of capt. gen. (ib., 26.) — Feb. 7. Same to same. Clemency of Sp. sovereign may be extended to Winn and Chauncey; etc. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 99, 5; '36. 2. H. ex, doc. 7, 33.) — Aug. 10. Savage to Marcy. Has recd. letter from Winn and Chauncey announcing escape in Isle of Pines; etc. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 44.) — Sept. 3. Same to same. No tidings of Winn and Chauncey recd. by resident of Isle of Pines for six weeks; probably effected escape. (ib., 44.) — Sept. 6. Same to same. Recapture of Winn and Chauncey; now confined in jail at Havana. (ib., 45.) CHAUTAUQUA CO. (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Memorials; agst. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) — Sept. 23. To same. Same. (ib., 85.) 1838 Mch. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 473.) — Feb. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 598.) 1842 Je. 27. To same. Petition in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 1024.) 1844 Mch. 27. To same. Memorial; Vs. Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. H. jol., 686.) 1845 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 167.) — Feb. 4. To same. Same. (ib., 328.) — Feb. 15. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 173.) 1847 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying meas- ures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 375.) CHAVES (P. R. FERNANDEZ); see FERNANDEZ CHAVES CHAZEY (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial; Vs. Texas an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) CHEEVER ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. LYDIA; see LYDIA CHEEVER ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. SALEM; see SALEM CHELMSFORD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Petitions; agst. annexa- tion of Texas, (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) 1838 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) — Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Petitions; of women agst. annexation of Texas. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Petitions; favoring recog- Inition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Memorial; VS. Texan annexa- tion. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) CHELSEA (MASS.) CITIZENS 1844 Dec. 30. To U. S. House. Memorials; vs. Texan an- nexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 145.) CHELSEA (VT.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorials; VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) — Feb. 4. To same. Petitions; favoring recognition of Hayti. (ib., 466.) CHEMUNG CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial; Vs. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 2. H. jol., 441, 444.) 1844 Mch. 12. To same. Petition for aid to Liberia. (28. 1. H. jol., 567.) 1845 Dec. 16. To same. Memorial; vs. Texan annexa- tion. (29. 1. H. jol., 119.) CHENANGO CO. (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House. Petitions agst. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) — Sept. 22. To same. Same. (ib., 82.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 226.) — Feb. 4. To same. Same. (ib., 473.) — Feb. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 583, 598.) 1842 Apr. 14. To same. Memorial; in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 710.) — May 14. To same. Same. (ib., 819.) 1845 Feb. 10. To same. Memorial; Vs. Texan annexa- tion. (28. 2. H. jol., 355, 356.) — Feb. 10. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying meas- ures for annexation of Canadas to U. S. (28. 2. S. jol., 152.) — Feb. 17. To same. Same. (ib., 177.) – Feb. 17. To same. Memorial; vs. Texan annexa- tion. (ib., 177.) – Feb. 17. To same. Petition; praying extension of laws of U. S. over Oregon terr.; presented (Dix, N. Y.), and laid on table. (ib., 177.) 1847 Feb. 23. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying meas- ...) to terminate War with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 402. CHENEY (JOHN C.), MASTER AMER. SCHR. WASHING- TON; see WASHINGTON CHEROKEE CO. (ALA.) CITIZENS 1851 Dec. 29. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying that indemnity be demanded of Sp. govt. for seizure of property of Edward Stiff, U. S. citizen, and his im- prisonment in Cuba. (32. 1. S. jol., 86, 458.) CHEROKEE INDIANS; see TEXAS. REPUBLIC. FRONTIER CHERRY CREEK (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial; Vs. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 93.) CHERRY WALLEY (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; Vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) CHERRYFIELD (M.E.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Petitions favoring rec- ognition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) — Mch. 30. To Same. Petitions; Vs. annexation of Texas. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) CHESAPEAKE, AMER. SHIP 1827 Apr. 21-May 14. Amer. chargé in Peru (Tudor) to ministr. relac. est. Peru (Vidaurre). Representa- tion in case of Chesapeake. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 169.) — May 5. Tudor to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Seiz- ure of Amer. ship Chesapeake, etc. (ib., 165.) See also Shackerly (Peter). 304 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHESAPEAKE CLAIMS Claims under art. 1, treaty of Ghent, for slaves carried away from those parts of Maryland and Virginia § border on the Chesapeake ; see Great Britain. 8.1LI1S, CHESAPEAKE INSURANCE CO., BALTIMORE 1819 Jly. 16. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Strmt. of claim upon Hayti in behalf of Jas. Smith, master schr. Perry. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 11.) CHESEBROUGH (HENRY A.) 1838 Dec. 14. To President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Ar- rest in Canada; praying protection. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 13.) CHESHIRE CO. (N. H.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Memorials; Vs. Texan an- nexation. (26. 1. H. jol., 731.) — Mch. 30. To same. Memorial; in favor of recog- nition of Haiti. (ib., 731.) — May 25. To same. Memorial; praying release of W. L. Mackenzie from imprisonment. (ib., 1005.) 1845 Dec. 15. To same. Memorial; VS. Texan annexa- tion. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) 1847 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying meas- ures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 154.) 1850 Feb. 6. To same. Same; in favor of adoption of principle of arbitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 133.) CHESSON (JOHN B.), CLAIMANT; see ROSS (WM.) CHESTER (BRADDICK), MATE AMER. BRIG LOUISA BEATON; see that title CHESTER (CONN.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 2. To U. S. House. Petitions; agst. annexation of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 133.) CHESTER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 27. To U. S. House. Memorial; VS. Texan an- nexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 163.) CHESTER (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial; vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) \ 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 583.) CHESTER (VT.) CITIZENS 1837. Sept. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial; agst. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 80.) — Dec. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 119.) 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Petitions; favoring rec- ognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) Feb. 4. To same. Petitions; Vs. annexation of Texas. (ib., 466.) 1840 Jan. 21. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; resp. slave- trade. (26. 1. S. jol., 124.) CHESTER CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; agst. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) — Sept. 19. To same. Same. (ib., 72.) Sept. 21. To same. Same. (ib., 80.) — Oct. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 165.) — Dec. 26. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 75.) 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) — Jan. 8. To same. Same. (ib, 236.) — Apr. 16. To same. Same. (ib., 778.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 338.) Feb. 4. To same. Same. (ib., 476.) — Feb. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 610.) — Feb. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 584.) CHESTER CO. (PA.) CITIZENS-cont’d 1845 Dec. 22. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 150.) 1847 Feb. 5. To same. Memorial; praying Congress to vote no more supplies to continue war, and to With- draw army from Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 303.) 1848 Jan. 24. To same. Memorial; praying measures to secure peace with Mexico, to restore conquered provs., and to appt. comrs. to adjust differences with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 277.) — Feb. 28. To same. Same. (ib., 458.) CHESTERFIELD (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Petitions; agst. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) CHESTERFIELD CO. (V.A.) CITIZENS 1844 May 17. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 285.) CHESTERVILLE (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Petitions; agst, annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Memorial; praying adoption of principle of arbitration by congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 223. 238.) 1845 Jan. 27. To same. Memorial; vs. Texan annexa- tion. (28. 2. H. jol., 273.) 1846 Feb. 14. To same. . Memorial; in favor of adoption of principle of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 398.) CHEWALLIE (JNO. A.), CLAIMANT; see GALLEGO (JO- SEPH), HEIRS OF CHEVER (JAMES), JT. CLAIMANT; see CROWNINSHIELD (B.) CHEVES (LANGDON), OF S. C., 1776–1857 Amer. comr. under cony. of 1822 with Gr. Br. ; jt. comr. under act of Mch. 2, 1827, to carry into effect conv. of Nov. 13, 1826; see Claims. British. CHEW' (P. S.), CLERK, U. S. CONS. BUREAU 1848 Jan. 7. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Char- acter of services performed by Amer. cons. at Mexico. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 2.) CHEW (ROBERT S.) OF WA. Chief clerk State Dept. U. S. A., May 8-Nov. 1, 1855. CHEW (SAMUEL), CLAIMANT For building Mexican vessel of war, the Tepeyac. n. d. Strmt. of claim. (27. 2. H. rpt. 1096, 8.) n. d. Synopsis of award of claim agst. Mexico. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 50.) CHEW (WILLIAM), OF PENN. Secy. to Amer, legation in St. Petersburg in 1837; acted as chargé ad int. from JIy. 29, 1839, to Aug. 24, 1840; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1840 Dec. 15. W. W. Chew to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying to be allowed compensation of chargé d'af- faires for services in that capacity near court of St. Petersburg. (26. 2. S. jol., 31.) — Dec. 16. Same to U. S. House. Memorial; ask- ing to be allowed difference betw. compensation of chargé d'affaires and secy. legation. (26. 2. H. jol., 55.) - 1842 Dec. 20. Same to same. Petition; praying com- pensation as chargé d'affaires at St. Petersburg. (27. 3. H. jol., 77.) 1845 Jan. 16. Same to same. Petition for allowance of outfit as chargé d'affaires at court of Russia, from Jly. 23, 1839, to Sept. 21, 1840. (28. 2. H. jol., 246.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 305 º CHEW (WILLIAM), OF PENN.—cont’d 1847 Feb. 24. Same to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying compensation for services in 1839, as chargé at St. I’etersburg. (29. 2. S. jol., 222.) 1852 Mch. 5. Execz. of W. W. Chew to U. S. House. Pe- tition; praying allowance of claim of deceased for outfit as chargé to Russia. (32. 1. H. jol., 431.) 1854 Jan. 16. Same to same. Petition of Mch. 5, 1852, presented (Robbins, Pa.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (33. 1. H. jol., 207.) — Je. 28. Execz. of W. W. Chew to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying allowance of outfit as chargé during time testator acted in said capacity at court of St. Petersburg, 1839 and 1840. (33. 1. S. jol., 462, 566.) – Je. 28. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations. Rpt. (Sli- dell), adverse to petition of execz. of Wm. W. Chew. (33. 1. S. rpt., 370.) CHIARI (MIGUEL) New Granadan ministr., relac., est-, in May, 1840; and Oct., 1840-41 ; see Colombia. Civil Service. CHICAGO (ILL.) CITIZENS 1840 May 19. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying Con- gress to remit fine and imprisonment of W. L. Mac- kenzie. (26. 1. H. jol., 961.) Board of Trade 1860 May 28. Proc. on subject of reciprocal treaty, as connected with western and northwestern interests. (36. 1. H. misc. doc. 89.) CHICHESTER (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Petitions; agst. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1845 Feb. 13. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 382.) CHICKASAW INDIANS See also Texas. Republic. Commissioner of; see Wolf (J.) CHIHUAHUA (CITY) MEXICO 1832 Apr. 17. Amer. citizens to Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Memorial; protesting agst. persecu- tions. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 87.) — Nov. 24. Livingston to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Memorial of Amer. citizens; complaining of persecutions of local govt. (ib., 87.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico Passport Regulations; see that title Taxation of Foreigners; see Mexico. Taxation CHILD (JOHN T.), OF R. I. 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800, referred to select com. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) CHILDRESS (GEORGE C.) Texan jt. comdr., to negotiate for recognition of in- dependence of Texas in 1836; see also Texas. Tip- lomatic service. CHILDRESS (GEORGE C.) AND ROBT. HAMILTON, SPECL, AGENTS TEXAS TO U. S. 1836 May 21. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Re- quest interview in official capacity. (24. 1. S. doc. 415, 2.) cHILDREss (T. B.), U. S. ATTY. MIDDLE DISTR. TENN. 1857 Oct. 30. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). In- formation relating to expedition agst. Nicaragua. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 9.) Frontier. CHILDS (AARON) 1834 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Petition; praying payment for property destroyed by Br. forces in late War. (23. 2. H. jol., 83.) 1838 Jan. 8. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 234, 682.) 1858 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Same. (35. 1. S. jol., 82.) CHILI See also Franklin: Good Return. 1829 Nov. 24. Amer. chargé in Peru (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). News from Chili; pe- tition in behalf of retention of Amer. cons. Wright at Rio. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 251.) — Dec. 9. Same to same. News from Chili, etc. (ib., 253.) Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Army 1831. See Miller (Wm.). Asylum to Wessels; see that title Civil Service Presidente 1848 See Bulnés. Ministro Relaciones Esteriores 1838-43. See Tocornal (Joaquin). 1844. See Irrarrazaval (Raimond). 1845. See Montt (M.) $ Claims vs. Chili: American See Macedonian, Amer. Brig Comandancia General da Marina 1849 Nov. 30. Order relative to contracts of shipment of Chilean mariners on foreign vessels. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 27, 137.) Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Deserters; see that title Diplomatic Agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Diplomátic Service TJnited States 1828-29. Joaquin Campino, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. Presis; credentials Mch. 6, 1828; took leave Je. 3, 1834-35. Manuel Carvallo, chargé d'affaires. Presis; credentials Feb. 18, 1834; took leave Jiy. 7, 1846-54. Mr. Carvallo was accredited envoy extraor- dinary and minister plenipotentiary. Presented credentials as such Aug. 17, 1846; withdrew on leave, Jan. 9, 1854. 1859-60. Juan Bello, chargé d'affaires. Presented credentials Dec. 30, 1859; died in New York, Sept. 17, 1860. 1861-67. F. S. Asta. Buruaga, chargé d'affaires. Presented credentials May 22, 1861 ; took leave Jan. 28, 1867. Embargo; see that title Exterritoriality; see that title Impressment; see Addison, Whaler Nationality of Wessels; see Wessels Navy Comanda'nte General 1850. M. B. Encalada. 20 306 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHILI—cont’d Shipwreck Regulations; see that title Treaties 1832 May 16. U. S. A. General conv. of peace, amity, commerce and navigation; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” 131. (48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47.) Amer. rati- fication proc. in iv, Sen. ex. jol. Signed by Hamm (U. S.) and Bello (Chili). - 1833 Sept. 1. U. S. A. Additional conv. to treaty peace, etc., of 1832; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” 140. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in iv, Sen. ex, jol. Signed by Hamm (U. S.) and Bello (Chili). - 1856 May 27. U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., and extradition; ratifications not exchgd.; Amer. proc. in x, Sen. ex. jol. — Dec. 1. U. S. A. Cons. ConV. (ratifications not exchgd.) ; see Consular Service. 1858 Nov. 10. U. S. A. Conv. concerning submission to arbitration of Macédonian claims; obsolete; see Macedonia?!. CHILI, AMER. WESSEL Suspected of complicity in Mexican filibustering inva- sions ; see Mexico. CHILMARK (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Memorial; agst. annexa- tion of Texas. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) CHILTON (THOMAS), REPR. FROM KY. 1834 Apr. 9. Remarks; in explanation of his amdmt. to apprn. bill, Opposing provision for clerk to arrange State Dept. archives. (x, Reg. Debates, 3575.) — May 1. Do.; favoring apprn. for min. to Gr. Br. and Russia, but objecting to unconstitutional apptmt. of same. (ib., 3901.) 1835 Mch. 2. Do.; indicating inconsistencies in position of Adams on subject of relations with France. (xi, ib., 1631.) CHINA See also Bonin Is. ; Formosa ; Hong Kong ; Kowloon ; Lew Chew. Japan ; Aliens in See also below, Canton ; Foo Chow ; Shanghai. 1854 Aug. 6. Imperial decree relative to reception of foreigners. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 461.) 1855 Feb. 12. Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Position of foreign officers in China; etc. (35. 2. S. ex, doc. 22, 528.) AMERICANS 1844 Jly. 3. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. [obsolete; treaty of 1853 negotiated as a substi- tute]. Art. 18, citizens of U. S. permitted to em- ploy Chinese teachers. Art. 19, protection accorded to citizens of U. S. in China. Art. 24, communica- tions of citizens of both nations to govt. officers; etc. Art. 25, jurisdiction of questions of rights of property and persons in China. 1858 Je. 18. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. [in force]. Art. 11, privileges of citizens of U. S. in China. Art. 12, privileges of citizens residing at open ports. Art. 25, liberty to employ Chinese teachers. Art. 27, jurisdiction of questions of rights of property and persons. Art. 29, citizens of U. S. granted religious freedom in China. See also Emery (C.) and Frazer (G.). CHINA–cont’d Amoy See also below, Anglo-French war; Taiping rebellion. 1855 Oct. 16. A. Stronoch, and others, to H. B. M. and Amer. cons. in Amoy (Morrison and Hyatt). Perse- cution of Christians in villages of Pih-Shuy-Ying and Shi-ma. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 851.) 1856 Jan. 14. Notice issued by scholars and merchants of Amoy warning natives agst, coolie traders. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 76; 35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 670.) — Mch. 4. Amer. cons., Amoy (Hyatt) to Amer. COmr. in China (Parker). Occupancy of Koolungsoo by foreigners settled; Amer. cons, established at that place. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 734.) — Apr. 28. Amer. cons., Amoy (Hyatt) to Amer. comr., China (Parker). Reply to communication of 16 inst. relative to abuse of Amer. flag. (ib., 823.) — Jly. 1. E. Doty, and others, to Morrison and Hyatt. Protection of Christians in Shih-ma, and Pih-Shuy- Ying. (ib., 855.) — Jly. 4. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). sº of trade and of U. S. relations at Amoy. (ib., 847. — JIy. 5. Minutes of a mtg. held on board by U. S. S. Levant in presence of Amer. comr. (Parker) taOutae of Amoy, etc. (Chaou-Yen-Chuen) ; resp. persecution of Christians. (ib., 848.) — Sept. 1. Amer. cons., Amoy (Hyatt) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Expenses, etc., of obtaining coal from Peh-Seh; visit of taoutae on KoolungSOO. (ib., 965.) — Oct. 17. Parker to Hyatt. Reply to despatch of Sept. 1. (ib., 1000.) Dec. 15. Parker to Hyatt. Local disturbances at Canton will not affect other ports; instructions: to transfer property of Amer. ConS. to Rev. Mr. Doty, When leaving Amoy; to pay Sum deducted from duties on Amer. ship Herculean. (ib., 1102.) — Dec. 15. Parker to Comdr. E. I. Sqdn., U. S. N. (Armstrong). Protection of U. S. citizens at Foo Chow and Amoy. (ib., 1090.) CONSULAR CourTS Fees Received 1850. (32. 1. H. misc. doc. 67,. 2.) 1854 Apr. 1-Dec. 31. (34. 1. H. misc. doc. 20, 8.) 1856. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 5.) Disbursements 1856. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 5.) CUSTOMS SERVICE 1853 Mch. 25. Amer. cons., Amoy (Bradley) to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Amer. trade in port of Amoy, 1850-53; clearances of Amer. vessels from Amoy 1847-52. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 116.) 1856 Jan. 5. Amer. cons., Amoy (Hyatt) to Amer. COmr. in China (Parker). Resp. stoppage of duties for losses by burglary and for debt. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1172.) — Dec. 2. Same to same. Events at Canton have pro- duced uneasiness among foreign residents at Amoy; expects to return to U. S. latter part of winter; rela- tive to stopping of duties for claim of $350. (ib., 1100.) — Dec. 15. Parker to Hyatt. Local disturbances at Canton will not affect other ports; transfer for safe- keeping property of U. S. cons. to Rev. Mr. Doty when leaving Amoy; certain Sum deducted from duties on Amer. ship Herculean. (ib., 1102.) 1857 Jan. 21. Same to same. Confirms instructions of Dec. 15; to return money reserved as indemnity for losses by burglary and debt to hae kwan at once. (ib., 1176.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 307 CHINA—cont’d Amoy—cont’d OPIUM TRADE 1858 Jan. 22. Amer. vice-cons., Amoy (Doty) to Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Coolie trade comparatively slight at Amoy; legalization of opium traffic. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 201.) Anglo-French War, 1856–60 1856. Manifesto of Chinese inhabitants of twelve Streets; outside of Taiping gate, Canton, relative to burning of foreign factories. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1127.) [1856.] Gov. gen. of two Kwang provinces (Yeh). Proc- lamation calling on people to kill English and stating punishment for native traitors. (ib., 1126.) 1856 Oct. 17. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to Amer. do. (Parker). Measure adopted to obtain satisfaction for violation of treaties by seizure of Chinese subjects on board Br. Ship [i. e., Arrow] without intervention of cons. functionaries. (ib., 993.) — Oct. 17. Amer. cons., Canton (Perry) to Parker. Relative to seizure of nine Chinamen on board an English lorcha [i. e., Arrow]. (ib., 990.) — Oct. 21. Amer. cons., Canton (Perry) to comdr. U. S. S. Portsmouth. (Foote). Danger of collision betw. Br. forces and Chinese; force at Canton to protect Amer. lives and property. (ib., 1024.) — Oct. 22. Perry to vice-roy Kwang provinces (Yeh). Claims protection, under art. 19, treaty of Wang- Hia, for Amer. lives and property, during Anglo- Chinese hostilities arising out of Arrow incident. (ib., 1025.) — Oct. 25. Secy. French legation in China (de Courcy) to Foote. Thanks him for aid tendered to vice-cons. of France at Canton. (ib., 1079.) — Oct. 27. de Courcy to Parker. Copy of despatch addressed to comdr. of Portsmouth thanking him for offer of protection of an Amer. guard during hostilities which lately have broken out at Canton. (ib., 1079.) — Oct. 27. Yeh. Proclamation offering reward of $30 for each Englishman killed. (ib., 998.) — Oct. 27. Yeh to Perry. As English and Chinese are engaged in fighting, he will not be at leisure to protect residences of Amer. citizens. (ib., 997.) — Oct. 29. Controversy resp. raising of Amer. flag on walls of Canton this day; see Keenan (JaS.). — Oct. 31. Yeh to Perry. Informed that several Amer. men-of-war have entered inner waters; as U. S. and China have long been on friendly terms he hopes they will not be allowed to assist English. (35. 2. S. ex, doc. 22, 998.) — Nov. 1. Perry to Yeh. Requests to be informed whether, in his proclamation offering reward of $30 for each foreigner’s head, he intended to include Americans and if not, that he would issue a procla- mation to that effect. (ib., 1026.) — Nov. 1. Same to Same. Further claim to Chinese protection of Amer. property under Wang Hia treaty. (ib., 1025.) — Nov. 4. Yeh to Perry. Fears that he will be unable to protect Amer. mercantile community. (ib., 999.) — Nov. 10. Perry to Parker. Summary of principal events of last two weeks, at Canton. (ib., 994.) — Nov. 10. Same to Same. State of affairs at Canton. (ib., 1023.) — Nov. 10. Yeh to Perry. Requests that all ships and people of U. S. be informed that they must not sail about waters of Heang Shan, etc. (ib., 1027.) Nov. 11. Parker to comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Armstrong). Critical position of political and com- mercial affairs growing out of present relations of govts. Of Gr. Br. and China. (ib., 999.) 1 CHINA—cont’d Anglo-French War, 1856–60—cont’d 1856 Nov. 13. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Extraordinary state of affairs at Canton. (ib., 984.) — Nov. 14. H. B. M. actg. cons., Canton (Parker) to Br. community of Canton. Notice; rear-adm. Sey- mour sees no immediate prospect of restoration of quiet; security of foreign position will be as Well cared for as heretofore. (ib., 1022.) — Nov. 15. H. B. M. M. P. in China (Bowring) to Parker. Propriety of sending str. to Gulf of Pechelee to communicate to ct. of Peking authentic acct. Of occurrences at Canton. (ib., 1037.) — Nov. 15. Comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Armstrong) to Parker. Desires to consult him on State of af- fairs at Canton. (ib., 1022.) — Nov. 17. Parker to Bowring. Reply to his of 15 inst.; attitude of U. S. in Br. controversy with China, etc. (ib., 1038.) Nov. 17. Armstrong to Yeh. Requests explanation of attack on U. S. flag by Barrier forts and proper guarantee for its future security. (ib., 1029.) — Nov. 18. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to Parker. Policy of Gr. Br. in regard to China; Canton question. (ib., 1040.) — Nov. 18. Bowring to Parker. Br. claim to right of entry into Canton; etc. (ib., 1040.) — Nov. 18. de Courcy to Bowring. Recent events at Canton. (ib., 1080.) Nov. 19. Parker to Perry. Impracticable for Comdre. Armstrong to return force to Canton at present. (ib., 1028.) — Nov. 20. Parker to Bowring. Will Visit Canton to- morrow morning. (ib., 1032.) Nov. 20. Bowring to Parker. Requested to come to Canton with comdre. Armstrong. (ib., 1032.) — Nov. 20. Yeh to Armstrong. Reply to his of 17 inst. (ib., 1030.) — Nov. 20. Armstrong to Yeh. Regrets that reply to communication of 17 inst. is not satisfactory. (ib., 1031.) — Nov. 21. Parker. Memorandum of interview with Sir John Bowring and Sir Michael Seymour. (ib., 1033.) — Nov. 22. Parker to Marcy. State of affairs at Whampoa. (ib., 1019.) — Nov. 25. Proclamation of com. of cooperation of- fering rewards for seizing and killing English. (ib., 1062.) — Nov. 25. Parker to Perry. Comdre. Armstrong will not desist from measures which policy of imperial comr. imposes upon him, till apologies for Outrage to U. S. flag and guarantees for its respect in future are obtained. (ib., 1057.) — Nov. 25. Yeh to Armstrong. Advises, as means of preventing hostile proceedings On part of Chinese, that ships and citizens of U. S. shall Vacate Canton. (ib., 1045.) Nov. 25. Armstrong to Yeh. Flag of U. S. and privileges it carries cannot be withdrawn from any terr. in which it has treaty right; will maintain rights of U. S. and its citizens and punish offences agst, them to utmost of his power. (ib., 1047.) — Nov. 26. Parker to Perry. Cannot leave cons. juris- diction at present without dereliction of duty; wishes to be informed of what transpires at Canton affecting interests of citizens of U. S. (ib., 1058.) — Nov. 28. Yeh to Perry. Further warning to Ameri- cans to vacate Canton. (ib., 1058.) — Nov. 28. Yeh to Armstrong. Renews request that citizens and Ships of U. S. move from Canton be- cause of hostilities existing betw. English and Chi- ; French and Portuguese vacate Canton. (ib., 1047. 308 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Anglo-French War, 1856–60—cont’d 1856 Nov. 29. Armstrong to Yeh. Rights and privileges of Amer. Citizens in China; if Yeh will issue to all his officers orders henceforward to treat Amer. citi- zens with respect and friendliness present difficul- ties will be ended. (ib., 1049.) — Nov. 29. Yeh to Perry. Disclaims responsibility for injury to Americans remaining in Canton dur- ing Br. hostilities. (ib., 1059.) — Dec. 3. Parker to Perry. Instructions to address note to imperial comr. calling his attention to date * three despatches of Nov. 1, were sent in. (ib., .) — Dec. 3. Parker to Armstrong. State of operations connected with barrier forts; requests copies of corresp. relative to firing upon U. S. flag. (ib., 1044.) — Dec. 5. Yeh to Armstrong. Reply to communica- tion of 29 ult. ; neutrality of French and Portuguese in Br. hostilities; asks definition of nature of Amer. flag. (ib., 1052.) Dec. 5. Armstrong to Yeh. Character of U. S. flag; reply to his of even date. (ib., 1053.) — Dec. 6. Perry to Parker. Receipt of communica- tion of 3 inst.; Engl. have retaken French Folly fort and completely destroyed it. (ib., 1061.) – Dec. 8. Armstrong to Parker. Demolition of bar- rier forts completed on 6 inst.; transmits copies of corresp. with Yeh. (ib., 1045.) — Dec. 9. Parker to Perry. State of Amer. relations to Chinese govt. at Macao; resumption of corresp. with imperial comr.; demolition of “Barrier forts,” etc. (ib., 1063.) — Dec. 9. Parker to Perry. forts; etc. (ib., 1063.) — Dec. 9. Armstrong to Parker. Does not see that there is any necessity for further corresp. with im- perial comr. relative to affair of forts. (ib., 1088.) — Dec. 11. Parker to Marcy. Settlement of question of attack upon flag of U. S. by Chinese forts near Canton; controversy betw. Br. and Chinese au- thorities at Canton. (ib., 1042.) — Dec. 12. Armstrong to Yeh. Suggests that he is- Sue proclamation and make known friendly inten- tions towards citizens of U. S. (ib., 1119.) Dec. 13. Parker to Armstrong. Affair of barrier forts. (ib., 1089.) Dec. 17. Perry to Parker. Destruction by fire of principal part of foreign factories at Canton; thinks it is his duty to remain at Canton. (ib., 1092.) — Dec. 17. Armstrong to Parker. Substance of Con- versation with Mr. Perry in relation to his return to Canton. (ib., 1091.) — Dec. 18. Bowring to Parker. Desires to discuss steps desirable to take at Canton. (ib., 1095.) — Dec. 19. Parker to Armstrong. Receipt of note of 17 inst. (ib., 1091.) — Dec. 19. Same to Same. Regret if imperial comr. has been advised of reference of difficulties exist- ing prior to that of barrier forts. (ib., 1120.) — Dec. 20. Parker to Perry. Instructions; official duty resp. cons. flag. (ib., 1093.) Dec. 22. Parker to Bowring. Course which he pro- poses to pursue during present state of affairs at Demolition of barrier Canton. (ib., 1096.) — Dec. 22. Yeh to Parker. Reply to his note of 9 inst. (ib., 1107.) — Dec. 22. Parker to Yeh. U. S. looks to China for indemnification of losses sustained by recent fire in Canton. (ib., 1117.) — Dec. 22. Yeh. to Armstrong. Reply to his note of 12 inst. (ib., 1170.) CHINA–cont’d Anglo-French War, 1856–60—cont’d 1856 Dec. 24. Parker to Bowring. Indemnification for losses sustained in consequence of Br. measures to obtain satisfaction for violation of treaty stipula- tions. (ib., 1098.) — Dec. 24. Imperial rescript; Br. entry into Canton. (ib., 1192.) [1856 Dec. 24.] de Courcy to Bowring. Is at a loss whether to consider burning of factories as an at- tempt agst. French flag or material interests of French govt. (ib., 1097.) 1856 [Dec. 2(?)]. Bowring to Parker. Reply to his of 24 inst. (ib., 1116.) — Dec. 26. Same to same. Govts. Of Gr. Br. and France have determined to take decisive measures for redressing grievances and for obtaining revision of treaties. (ib., 1099.) — Dec. 26. Parker to Armstrong. Reply to note of 19 inst. (ib., 1121.) — Dec. 27. Secy. Amer. legation in China (Williams) to Amer. merchants, etc., in Canton. Resumption of trade at port of Canton during existence of local hostilities not encouraged by tenor of communica- tion now recd. from imperial comr. (ib., 1110.) — Dec. 29. Parker to Yeh. Protests agst. Chinese authorities of Macao being allowed to cut off Sup- plies of food or molest Chinese in employ of foreign- ers. (ib., 1117.) — Dec. 29. Parker to Armstrong. Requests that he postpone departure until it is learned what is to be immediate policy of Chinese towards neutrals and friends. (ib., 1121.) — Dec. 30. Parker to Yeh. Case of the Cwmfa ; prop- erty of Amer. citizens stored in Canton warehouses. (ib., 1118, 1165.) 1857 Jan. 9. Yeh to Parker. Reply to his of 29 ult. (ib., 1149.) — Jan. 13. Parker to Marcy. True cause of burning of factories at Canton; etc. (ib., 1112.) — Jan. 14. Jt. manifesto of residents in associated wards in suburbs of Canton resp. fire in factory Ward on Dec. 14. (ib., 1157.) — Jan. 15. Yeh to Parker. He must look to Engl. and not to Chinese govt. for indemnification for losses of Amer. merchants by fire in Thirteen Factory ward. (ib., 1156.) Jan. 23. Parker to Perry. Instructions to circulate for information of merchants of U. S. enclosed extrS. from corresp. with imperial comr. resp. removal of imported goods from pack-houses at Canton. (ib., 1164.) — Jan. 28. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). State of affairs in China; inadequacy of foreign forces in China to meet exigencies of crisis. (ib., 1152.) — Jan. 30. Parker to actg. Amer. cons., Ningpo (Way). Hostilities at Canton are local; etc. (ib., 1200.) — Jan. 31. Parker to Yeh. Stoppage of foreign trade; aggressions on property of Russell and co., Thos. A Hunt and Co.; capture of Earcelsior; murder of keeper of chop, name unknown, said to belong to U. S. citizen, Dr. Ryder; desecration of graves of Amer. citizens, interred upon Danes Is. (ib., 1184.) — Feb. 2. Marcy to Parker. Suggestion for with- drawal of naval forces from vicinity of Canton Should have been acted on; unfurling of Amer. flag in Canton after entry of Br. forces unwise; en- closes letter from President removing cons. Keenan from office if implicated in latter affair. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 3.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 309 CHINA-cont’d Anglo-French War, 1856-60—cont’d 1857 Feb. 4. Bowring to Parker [and de Courcy]. Trans- mits copy of imperial rescript, forwarded from north, resp. Br. entry into Canton, of Dec. 24, 1856. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1191.) — Feb. 4. Parker to Amer. Cons. Foo-Chow (Jones). Yeh fara. trouble at Canton as local; etc. (ib., 1197. — Feb. [7]. de Courcy to Bowring. Receipt of letter of 4 inst. (ib., 1196.) — Feb. 7. Bowring to Parker. Copy of original imper- ial rescript sent Feb. 4. (ib., 1195.) — Feb. 7. Parker to Bowring. Receipt of note of 4 inst.; satisfied as to authenticity of imperial decree; opinion of imperial comr. as to Amer., French, and other western nations; his stnts, as to results of hostile action of Br. forces inaccurate. (ib., 1194.) — Feb. 10. Parker to Yeh. Has no right to misinter- pret sentiments of U. S. to Emperor, nor to impli- cate U. S. govt. (ib., 1223.) – Feb. 12. Parker to Marcy. Casualties, etc., at Can- ton; policy of imperial comr. Yeh. (ib., 1183.) — Feb. 16. Yeh to Parker. Reply to communication of Jan. 31. (ib., 1224.) — Feb. 27. Keu, actg. magistrate, distr. Hiang-shan, Kwang Tung. Edict calling on Chinese to sub- scribe for war agst. Engl. (ib., 1267.) [1857 Mch. 5.] Memorial to the emperor, assumed to have been written by the then gov. of Chekeang, recd. by H. B. M. vice-cons. at Ningpo, Mch. 5, 1857. (ib., 1230.) w 1857 Mch. 5. Bowring to Parker. Transmits copy of Chinese docs. implicating imperial comr. (ib., 1229.) — Mch. 9. Parker to Bowring. Importance of doc. purporting to be memorial to throne by some high provincial officer, relative to present state of foreign relations, dated [Mch. 5, 1857]. (ib., 1232.) — Mch. 17. Parker to Bowring. Requests evidence resp. burning of factories at Canton in Dec., 1856; #. stopping trade at Canton by Chinese. (ib., 1254.) — Mch. 21. Bowring to Parker. Reply to despatch of 17 inst. requesting information resp. certain aver- ments of Chinese imperial comr. as to proc. of Engl. during late events at Canton. (ib., 1255.) — Mch. 21. Yeh to Parker. Reply to his of Feb. 10. (ib., 1301.) — Mch. 23. Parker to Bowring. Observations on questions in letters of U. S. comr. under date of 17 inst. (ib., 1257.) — Mch. 24. Bowring to Parker. Proposes that Can- ton be taken, and held under jt. military occupa- tion of forces of France, U. S. and Gr. Br. (ib., 1243.) — Mch. 24. Same to Same. Transmits stnt. from Mr. Parkes resp. proc. of Engl. at Canton. (ib., 1257.) — Mch. 26. Parker to Bowring. Receipt of despatch of 24 inst.; unfounded assertions of Chinese im- perial comr. in his despatch of Feb. 16. (ib., 1268.) — Mch. 27. Same to Same. Not in a condition to en- tertain proposition for jt. military occupation for settlement of local question. (ib., 1251.) — Mch. 28. Parker to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Corresp. of U. S. merchants of Canton with comdre. Armstrong requesting protection of local strs. (ib., 1269.) — Mch. 31. Parker to Yeh. Evidence establishing in- accuracy of averments of Feb. 16. (ib., 1298.) — Apr. 11. Yeh to Parker. Denies any agency in stopping trade, burning Amer. property or destroy- ing docks at Whampoa. (ib., 1309.) CHINA-cont’d Anglo-French War, 1856–60—cont’d 1857 Apr. 18. Parker to Yeh. Reply to despatch of Mch. 21; reiterates sentiments expressed in note of Feb. 10. (ib., 1308.) — Apr. 23. Bowring to Parker. Memorandum of in- formation contained in certain papers seized by party of seamen under command of comdr. Elliott, in capture of junks on Apr. 4. (ib., 1330.) — May 1. Yeh to Parker. Expresses good will to- wards U. S. (ib., 1350.) — May 1. Parker to Bowring and Bourboulon. HaS been promised instructions in relation to affairs at Canton. (ib., 1324.) — May 2. Bourboulon to Parker. Satisfaction at in- formation contained in letter of 1 inst. (ib., 1325.) — May 5. Parker to Cass. Entry of English at Can- ton; conduct of gov. gen. towards Americans; policy of Gr. Br. and France. (ib., 1319.) — May 6. Parker to Amer. cons., Hong Kong (Kee- nan). Requests stnt. of facts in relation to his presence at Canton on Oct. 29, 1856. (ib., 1386.) — May 7. Same to same. French min. desires com- pliance on part of U. S. with sentiments of French and Engl. govts., in regard to questions at issue in China; inaccuracy of Yeh’s averments resp. destruc- tion of Amer. property at Whampoa. (ib., 1323.) May 11. Keenan to Parker. Denies having any agency in entrance and presence of Amer. flag at Canton on Oct. 29, 1856. (ib., 1387.) — May 13. Parker to Bowring. Response to expres- Sions of amity. (ib., 1361.) — May 22. Parker to Cass. Evidence in relation to Mr. Keenan’s entering Canton with Amer. flag on Oct. 29, 1856. (ib., 1385.) — May 23. Keenan to Parker. Draught of letter re- questing corresp. in relation to presence of Amer. #, in Canton on Oct. 29, to be withdrawn. (ib., ..) — May 25. Parker to comdr. U. S. S. Levant (Smith). Requests testimony resp. presence of Amer. flag at Canton on Oct. 29. (ib., 1389.) — Je. 5. Smith to Parker. Reply to his note of 25 ult. . (ib., 1390.) — Je. 5. Lieut. U. S. S. Levant (Guthrie) to Smith. Stmt. resp. Mr. Keenan’s taking boat. (ib., 1390.) — Je. 5. Actg. purser U. S. S. Levant (Coale). Affi- davit; landing of Keenan at breach. (ib., 1391.) — Je. 8. Parker to Cass. Chinese at northern ports view Canton difficulties as local; etc. (ib., 1376.) – Je. 9. Memorandum; papers seized on board prin- cipal junks attacked by Br. naval force, on Je. 1. (ib., 1403.) — Je. 11. Keenan to Parker. Testimony; his con- nexion with entrance of Amer. flag into city of Can- ton upon Oct. 29. (ib., 1393.) — Je. 20. Parker to Cass. Presence of Amer. flag in Canton on Oct. 29. (ib., 1383.) — JIy. 31. Parker. Memoranda; interview with Amer. merchants relating to trade at Canton. (ib., 1417.) — Aug. 3. H. B. M. Senior naval officer, China station (Seymour). Notification; that after 7 inst., river and port of Canton will be blockaded by Br. naval force. (ib., 1416.) – Aug. 4. Bowring to Parker. Copy of notice of block- ade of river and port of Canton. (ib., 1415.) — Aug. 7. Parker to Cass. Change in Lord Elgin's plans; declaration of blockade of port of Canton by rear adm. Seymour; affairs at Foo-Chow, Ningpo and Shanghai. (ib., 1413.) — Nov. 10. Amer, comr. in China (Reed) to Cass. Neutrality of U.S. in Canton affair to be maintained; etc. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 16.) 310 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA-cont’d Anglo-French War, 1856–60—cont’d 1857 Nov. 25. Same to Same. Engl. and French deter- *, º inflict chastisement on Cantonese; etc. ib., 19. — Dec. 15. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Approves Of lººtion of hostile measures at Canton; etc. (ib., 53. — Dec. 30. Reed to Cass. Sends latest intelligence tº Canton; severe punishment of Chinese. (ib., 58. 1858 Jan. 3. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Receipt of fºlation of doc. found in Yeh’s archives. (ib., 21. — Jan. 14. Reed to Cass. Bombardment of Canton; city in power of allies and imperial comr. Yeh a cap- tive. (ib., 86.) — Jan. 16. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Original of treaty betw. U. S. and China taken at capture of Yeh; at disposal of U. S. min. (ib., 91.) — Jan. 18. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Requests to be placed in possession of original of treaty betw. U. S. and China, taken at capture of Yeh at Canton in Dec. (ib., 92.) — Jan. 21. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Has or- - dered delivery to U. S. min. of original of treaty betw. China and U. S. (ib., 92.) — Jan. 25. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Receipt of Original treaty of 1844 betw. U. S. and China. (ib., 93.) — Jan. 29. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Encloses transl. of doc. found in Yeh’s archives, in which Visit of Dr. Parker to Shanghai is referred to. (ib., 120.) — Jan. 29. Bowring to Reed. Copy of Hong Kong Gazette extraordinary, announcing raising of block- ade 10 prox. (ib., 130.) — Feb. 6. Gros to Reed. Copy of notification resp. military occupation of Canton, and suspension of hostilities agst. China. (ib., 169.) — Feb. 6. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Copy of notification resp. military occupation of Canton, and suspension, until further notice, of hostile opera- tions agst. China. (ib., 168.) — Feb. 13. Gros to Reed. Receipt of letter of 6 inst., Of copies of corresp. With Yeh and of note to Pekin. (ib., 189.) — Feb. 13. Reed to Cass. Blockade of Canton raised; conduct of allies; etc. (ib., 122.) — Mch. 12. Amer. cons., Canton (Perry) to Reed. Degradation of Yeh, apptmt. of new imperial comr.; foreigners returning to Canton, but trade is slight. (ib., 243.) — Mch. 21. Ho-Kwei-Tsing, vice-roy Kiang provinces to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in China (Elgin and Kin- cardine). Bombardment of Canton; etc. (ib., 231.) — Apr. 3. Reed to Cass. Events following fall of Can- ton; etc. (ib., 220.) — Apr. 3. Same to same. Corresp. of cons. Perry, resp. affairs at Canton; etc. (ib., 241.) 1859 Jan. 28. Williaſhs to Cass. Affairs at Canton; etc. (ib., 545.) — Feb. 25. U. S. Senate. Res. (Hale, N. H.), calling on Secy. Navy for rpt. and letters of Comdr. Jas. Armstrong, with regard to occupation of Canton and capture of barrier'fort in Canton River by U. S. naval forces in Nov., 1856. (35. 2. S. jol., 378.) On the fall of Canton, and its occupation by the allies in Dec., 1857, negotiations were begun at Shanghai for settlement of all differences existing betw. China and countries of allies. For corresp. see below, Foreign negotiations; do. Claims. CHINA—cont’d Anglo-French War, 1856–60—cont’d Blanchard Persecution 1857 Jan. 21. Actg. Amer. vice-cons. Whampoa (Blanch- ard) to Amer. cons. Canton (Perry). Obliged to take refuge on board Br. frigate Sibylle agst. attacks of Chinese. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1167.) — Jan. 26. Perry to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Transmits copy of letter recd. from vice-cons. at Whampoa. (ib., 1167.) Dane's Is. Desecrations 1857 Jan. 21. Actg. Amer. Vice-cons., Whampoa (Blanch- ard) to Amer. Comr. in China (Parker). Graves of men belonging to U. S. sqdn., recently interred on Dane's Is., desecrated by Chinese. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1163.) — Jan. 21. Amer. cons., Canton (Perry) to Parker. Desecration of graves of men belonging to U. S. Sqdn. on Dane's Is. (ib., 1163.) – Jan. 23. Parker to Armstrong. Desecration of graves of men belonging to U. S. sqdn. On Dane's Is. (ib., 1171.) — Jan. 30. Same to same. Copy of Perry’s note of 21 inst., relative to alleged desecration of graves of #. of U. S. Sqdn. On Dane's Is., Whampoa. (ib., 1202.) – Jan. 31. Parker to imperial comr. (Yeh). Stoppage of foreign trade; capture of Ea:celsior; murder of keeper of chop said to belong to U. S. citizen, Dr. Ryder; and desecration of graves of Amer. citizens recently interred upon Dane's Is. (ib., 1184.) — Feb. 2. Armstrong to Parker. Receipt of copy of Perry's rpt. resp. alleged violations of graves at Whampoa, (ib., 1202.) — Feb. 16. Yeh to Parker. Reply to communication of Jan. 31. (ib., 1224.) Ryder Chop 1857 Jan. 9. Amer. actg. cons., Whampoa, (Blanchard) to Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Murder of keeper Of chop, name unknown, supposed to be a native of Netherlands, once occupied by Dr. Ryder, Amer. citizen. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1159.) — Jan. 19. Perry to Amer. COmr. in China (Parker). Same. (ib., 1159.) Jan. 31. Parker to imperial comr. (Yeh). Murder of chop said to belong to U. S. citizen, Dr. Ryder, etc. (ib., 1184.) — Mch. 9. Secy. Amer. legation in China (Williams). to Ryder. Requests that he will forward his cer- tificate of naturalization in conformity to rule of 1855. (ib., 1328.) — Mch. 10. Ryder to Williams. Will send to Texas for his certificate of naturalization. (ib., 1329.) — Mch. 12. Williams to Ryder. Requests return of passport to legation until he can present certificate Of naturalization. (ib., 1329.) — Mch. 31. Ryder to Williams. Declines to deposit passport in legation and doubts Dr. Parker's author- ity to claim it. (ib., 1330.) — Apr. 7. Williams to Ryder. Reply to communica- tion of 31 ult. (ib., 1330.) Annexation 1846 Mch. 5. Citizens of McKean Co. (Pa.) to U. S. House. Petition; praying for annexation of China to U. S. (29. 1. H. jol., 494; 636.) Canton ALIENS 1844 Aug. 15. Amer. comr. in China (Cushing) to Vice- roy of Kwang provs. (Tsiyeng). Modification of regulations for security of citizens of U. S. resident at Canton. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 88.) INDEx To UNITED STATEs DocumENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS - 311 CHINA—cont’d Canton—cont’d ALIENs—cont’d 1844 Aug. 15. Cushing to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun). Reasons for drawing up regulations for security of citizens of U. S. resident at Canton; copy of regu- lations. (ib., 86.) 1845 Apr. 13. Kiying [i. e., Tsiyeng] and Hwën, fūyuen, e to Amer. cons., Canton (Forbes). In reply to a re- quest for right of entry by foreigners to Canton. (xviii, Chinese Repository, 277.) 1853 Apr. 20. Amer. vice-cons., Canton (Spooner) to comdr. U. S. E. I. Sqdn. (Perry). Information of in- jury to flagstaff of French cons.; request for instruc- tions; with copies of ensuing corresp. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 113.) 1856 Feb. 24. Amer. cons., Canton (Perry) to Parker. Hopes that he will make his house hilqrs. during visit to Canton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 756.) — Feb. 25. Parker to Perry. Accepts proffered hos- pitality on visit to Canton. (ib., 757.) — Mch. 5. Parker to Perry. Hopes to arrive at Can- ton on 8 inst. (ib., 757.) — Mch. 8. Parker to Amer. merchants in Canton. Amer. policy in China; revision of treaty of 1844. (ib., 764.) — Nov. 25. Amer. Comr. in China (Parker) to Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Instructions to apply to im- perial comr. to remove restrictions which prevent Chinese scholars rendering services. (ib., 1057.) — Nov. 29. Yeh to Perry. Reply to communication of 25 inst.; obstructions in way of obtaining services of competent Chinese to assist in translation of official corresp. may be removed. (ib., 1158.) Letter referred to is not in prid. corresp. 1857 Mch. 20. Comdr.-in-chief H. B. M. naval forces, China station (Seymour) to Bowring. Reply to questions of U. S. comr. resp. stnt. of Chinese im- perial comr. Yeh. (ib., 1255.) Cumfa, Amer. Str. Fired upon by Chinese from fort , near Heang Shan, betw. Macao and Canton, Oct. 21, 1856. 1856 Dec. 9. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to imperial high comr. (Yeh). Demands apology from fort near Heang Shan for firing upon U. S. str. Cwmfa; pro- tests agst. certain violations of treaty, etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1054.) — Dec. 22. Yeh to Parker. Reply to communication of 9 inst. (ib., 1107.) Manigault and Cunningham While returning from a visit to the temple, Mch. 2, 1851, on the Pāk Wan Shān, betw. "Canton and Whampoa, these two men, Amer. citizens, were as- saulted by native Chinese. 1851 Mch. 3. Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Parker) to Vice-roy Kwang provs. (Sü). Assault on Amer. citizens, L. Manigault and E. Cunningham. (xx, Chinese Repository, 161.) — Mch. 5. Sü to Parker. Reply to his note of 3 inst. (ib., 162.) — Mch. 15. Parker to Sü. Case of Manigault and Cun- ningham. (ib., 162.) — Mch. 23. Sü to Parker. Measures taken to punish *iants of Manigault and Cunningham. (ib., 3.) —Mch. 28. Parker to Sü. Case of Manigault and Cun- ningham. (ib., 163.) F. Terranova, Seaman On Sept. 28, 1821, Terranova was killed by strangling, by Chinese authorities at Canton, after trial on board the Amer. ship Emily, on charge of having caused the death of a Chinese woman. 1821 Nov. 1. Amer, cons, at Canton (Wilcocks) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams). Execution of seaman Ter- CHINA–cont’d Canton—cont’d ALIENS-cont’d E. Terranova, Seaman—cont’d ranova, for alleged murder of Chinese Woman. On board Emily, Amer. ship; with proc. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 9.) 1822 Jan. 30. Same to same. Asks for instructions in cases like that of Emily. (ib., 55.) 1834 Jan. Narrative stnt. of circumstances connected with execution of Terranova. (ii, Chinese Reposi- tory, 423.) - 1836 Sept. Narrative stnt. of trial of Terranova. (v, ib., 223-228.) Williamette, Amer. Str. Fired upon by Chinese on voyage from Hong Kong to Canton in Jan., 1856. 1856 Feb. 12. Master Williamette (Curry) to Amer. cons. Canton (Perry). Probable cause of Chinese firing from their boats on str. Williamette. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 755.) — Feb. 16. Perry to Amer. comr. to China (Parker). Attack on Williamette. (ib., 755.) — Feb. 20. Perry to magistrate of distr. of Nan-Hai (Le N’gan). Requests that conduct of govt. officers #. fired on Williamette be investigated. (ib., 756. — Dec. 9. Parker to Chinese imperial comr. (Yeh). Firing of Williamette; requests that investigation be made; etc. (ib., 1054.) — Dec. 22. Yeh to Parker. Reply to his of 9 inst. (ib., 1107.) ANGLO-FRENCH WAR, 1856-60; see that title CONSULAR COURTS 1854 Dec. 5. Actg. Amer. Vice-cons. Canton (Bancroft) to Amer. Comr. in China (McLane). Cases await- ing decision at Canton; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 500.) 1855 Jan. 12. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Necessity of provision for prison at Canton; etc. (ib., 495.) — Jan. 16. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Testimony as to manner in which Thos. Hunt discharged duties of U. S. marshal at Canton from Jan. 1, 1849, to Dec. 31, 1852. (ib., 586.) 1860 May 26. Act making apprns. for cons. and dipl. ex- penses for yr. endg. Je. 30, 1861; apprin. to defray cost of prison-ship at Canton and for compensation of marshal of cons. court. (xii, St. L., 20.) Fees Received 1856. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 3.) CONSULAR COURTS: CASES TRIED 1849-52. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 106.) 1856. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 4.) Oriental Bank Corporation 1856 Sept. 3. U. S. cons., Canton (Perry). Protest; agst. enjoining sale by agt. of Oriental Bank Corporation (Gray) of property belonging to estate of Nye Bros. and co. assigned to Russell and co. and James Purdon and co. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 987.) — Sept. 10. Mngr. in China of [U. S.] Oriental Bank Corporation (Gray). Protest agst, all illegal in- terference with his proc. in regard to sale of prop- erty either by Oliver H. Perry or by any other per- son. (ib., 988.) — Sept. 17. Perry to Russell & co., and others. With- draws injunction agst. Oriental Bank Corporation, proceeding to sell certain property. (ib., 989.) 312 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA—cont’d Canton—cont’d CONSULAR COURTS: CASEs TRIED–cont’d Oriental Bank Corporation—cont’d 1856 Oct. 9. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring). Notification of Amer. cons. at Canton in reference to a question of prop- erty then under litigation. (ib., 989.) — Oct.19. Bowring to Parker. Receipt of despatch of 9 inst. (ib., 993.) William Taylor Early in 1856, Taylor, a Br. subject, deserter from an Amer. . ship. Ellen Forster (Scudder) was appre- hended at Canton on charge of stabbing a deserter, also a Br. subject, from Amer. ship Comet. 1856 May. H. B. M. cons. Canton (Winchester) to Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Jurisdiction under which Taylor should be tried. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 818.) — May 16. H. B. M. vice-cons. Canton (Bird) to Amer. Vice-cons., Whampoa (Cook). Forwards Tay- lor to him for trial. (ib., 819.) - May 16. Cook to Bird. Returns Taylor as a Br. subject. (ib., 819.) - May 19. Amer. cons. Canton (Perry) to Winches- ter. Has referred question of jurisdiction relative to Taylor. (ib., 820.) - May 20. Perry to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Corresp. resp. Br. subjects, deserters from Amer. vessels at Whampoa. (ib., 818.) - May 22. Parker to Perry. Opinion; jurisdiction in case of Br. Subjects, deserters from Amer. mer- chantmen. (ib., 820.) James McLean Ti T *...",#. #: yrs. Confinement, for killing 1856 Oct. 15. Amer. cons. Canton (Perry). Sentence in case of U. S. vs. James McLean, alias Curley, mariner. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 992.) - Oct. 15. J. H. Smith and others. Concur with Amer, cons. at Canton in finding and sentence in case of U. S. vs. James McLean. (ib., 992.) Oct. 17. Perry to Amer. comr. to China (Parker). Copy of finding and sentence of Amer. cons. court for Canton in case of U. S. vs. James McLean, alias º, mariner, convicted of manslaughter. (ib., 1857 Jan. 19. Comdr. U. S. S. Levant (Smith) to Perry. J. McLean transferred to Levant from U. S. ship Portsmouth, under sentence of U. S. cons. court at Canton, made his escape on 11 inst. (ib., 1167.) Jan. 22. Parker to Perry. Has obtained consent of gov. of Macao to confine J. McLean in jail of * till other arrangements can be made. (ib., 164. Jan. 26. Perry to Parker. Copy of letter from Comdr. Smith, informing him of escape of J. Mc- Lean. (ib., 1166.) See also below : Claims : Drinker case ; Piracy, Science and Staghound; Taiping rebellion, Rapid and Ruparell. CONSULAR COURTS: CLAIMs FoE SERVICES See Cook (J. P.) CONSULS IN; See U. S. A. Consular Service; Netherlands do. CUSTOMS SERVICE 1853 Mch. 10. Amer. cons. Canton (Forbes) to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Return of Amer. trade at port of Canton, 1844-1852; of emigration to U. S., 1849-51. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 106.) CHINA—cont’d Canton—cont’d CUSTOMS SERVICE—cont’d 1856 Feb. 11. Amer. cons. Canton (Perry) to Amer. Comr. in China (Parker). Tabular strmt. of mer- chandise imported into port of Canton from U. S. during years 1854 and 1855; also detailed list of exports from Canton to U. S., Jly. 1, 1855, to Dec. 31, 1855. (35. 2. S. ex. doc: 22, 752.) * — Nov. 1. Perry to vice-roy of Kwang provs. (Yeh). Two Amer. vessels [Saracen and Progressive Age] apply for clearance papers; unless he appoints Some person to receive duties, as required by art. 13, treaty of 1844, will be compelled to allow Amer. Ships to proceed without payment of duties. (ib., 1026.) — Nov. 29. Yeh to Perry. Reply to note of 26 [sic i.e., 1] inst. (ib., 1060.) — Nov. 30. Amer. vice-cons., Canton (D. N. Spooner) to Perry. Order of gov. gen. to stop whole foreign trade, whether of imports or exports. (ib., 1060.) 1859 Apr. 22. Amer. cons. Canton (Perry) to Secy. Amer. legation in China (Williams). Difficulty at- tending arrangement for payment of goods shipped by Chinamen on foreigners’ account; deplores lack of services of interpreter. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 565.) Minnehaha, Amer. Ship 1859 Apr. 9. Amer. cons. Canton (Perry) to Secy. Amer. legation, China (Williams). Reason for re- tention of tonnage dues of Amer. ship Minnehaha. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 562.) — Apr. 19. Williams to Perry. Instructions; tonnage dues of Minnehaha and debenture certificates for liquidation of Amer. claims. (ib., 563.) — Apr. 22. Williams to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Reason for retention of tonnage dues of Amer. ship Minnehaha; management of debenture certificates and disposition of funds. (ib., 561.) OPIUM TRADE 1858 Feb. 18. Amer. cons., Canton (Perry) to Amer. Comr. in China (Reed). Owners of Democratio, not to engage in opium trade at Whampoa; other quarters for cons. difficult to find. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 211.) OPIUM WAR, 1839-42; see below, that title RIOTS, 1844 1844 May. Placard of native gentry published during riots caused by weathervane on Amer. consulate, Canton. (xii, Chinese Repository, 277.) Case of Sue Aman On Je. 16, 1844, the Amer. cons. was attacked by #. of Chinese. In the defence Sue Aman was €0. 1844 Je. See xii, Chinese Repository, 333, for narrative Stmt. of mob near Amer. cons., Canton. – Je. [17?]. Manifesto of citizens of Canton; murder of Sue Aman. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 66.) — Je. 17. Amer. cons., Canton (Forbes) to Amer. comr. in China (Cushing). Assault on Amer. cons. by Chinese. (ib., 63.) — Je. 18. Gov. of Kwang Tung (Ching) [to Cush- ing]. Case of Sue Aman. (xiv, Chinese Repository, 488.) – Je. 18. Sze, magistrate of Hai Nan distr. Kwang Tung. Edict; death of Sue Aman; enjoining quiet. (28. 2. S. ex. doc. 67, 68.) * — Je. 19. Gov. of Kwang Tung (Ching). Edict; in- Vestigation into death of Sue Aman. (ib., 68.) — Je. 21. Cushing to Forbes. Reply to his of 17 inst. (xiv, Chinese Repository, 488.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 313 CHINA–cont’d Canton—cont’d RIOTs, 1844—cont’d 1844 Je. 22. Same to same. Is of opinion that law gov- erning protection of Christian foreigners is to be applied to China; will apply it to case of Sue Aman. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 66.) — Je. 22. Vice-roy of Kwang provs. (Tsiyeng) to Cushing. Murder of Sue Aman at Canton by an Amer. (ib., 44.) — Je. 22. Cushing to Tsiyeng. Protest agst, assault on Amer. citizens and on Amer. cons. at Canton by Chinese. (ib., 46.) — Je. 24. Same to same. Inquiry instituted into murder of Sue Aman. (ib., 45.) — Je. 28. Sze. Proclamation; death of Sue Aman; populace to avoid rioting. (ib., 67.) — Je. 28. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Murder of Sue Aman; rioting at Canton. (ib., 48.) — Jly. 11. Depositions taken before Amer. cons. rel- ative to murder of Sue Aman. (ib., 69.) — JIy. 22. Cushing to Secy. State U. S. A. (Calhoun). . Case of Sue Aman; necessity of provision for govt. º: Americans in China. (xiv, Chinese Repository, 87.) — Jly. 23. Cushing to Tsiyeng. Result of inquiry * Canton riots and murder of Sue Aman. (ib., 73. – Jly. 26. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Inquiries as to result of investigation into murder of Sue Aman. (ib., 93.) – Aug. 8. Same to same. Identity of murderer of Sue Aman. (ib., 95.) – Aug. 20. Cushing to Tsiyeng. Analogy in cases of Sherry and Sue Aman. (ib., 96.) TAIPING REBELLION; see below, that title Civil Service IMPERIAL SERVICE Imperial Com/missioners 1839 Apptd. to stop opium traffic at Canton. Lin Tsihseuh. 1853-54 To negotiate with Amer. comr. in China, Marshall. Yeh, actg. gov. Kwang proVS. Pih-Kwei, gov. of Honan. 1854 Wankien, Shwang and Tseen delegated to meet Br. and Amer. deputies, who were authorized to arrange a mtg. betw. the envoys of their resp. countries and an imperial comr. Tsung-Lun was apptd. comr. to meet the envoys who had come resp. to urge re- vision of treaty of Nanking, and to obtain that sat- isfaction for past aggressions which imperial comr. Yeh had failed to give. Wankien, director gen, Salt collectorate of Chang-lu. Shwang-yui, chintae [gen. Comdg.] Tientsin div., Chinese army of Chih-li. Tseen-Tsze Kaou, taoutae Tientsin. Tsung Lun, min. Of the Court. 1858, April Apptd. to meet foreign envoys at Taku forts and report to Throne. Tau Tingsian, gov. gen, of Chih-li. Tsung Lun, gen. Supt. public granaries and Salt works. Wū, min. of council of interior. 1858, June To negotiate treaty of Tient-sin. Kweiliang, supt. Board of Punishments. Hwashana, pres. Board of Civil Office. Kiying, honorary vice-pres. CHINA–cont’d Civil Service—cont’d IMPERIAL SERVICE—cont’d Imperial Commissioners—cont’d 1858, October Special comrs. to negotiate conv. with U. S. A. and Gr. Br. for the regulation of trade and for the adjust- ment of claims. Kweiliang, Supt. Board of Punishments. HWashana, pres. Board of Civil Office. Twan, member of establishment of General Council. Mingshen, pres. of Ordnance Office. Ho-Kwei-Tsing, vice-roy of Kiang provs. 1859 Apptd., to exchg. ratifications of treaty of Tientsin with U. S. A. KWeiliang:–Hwashana:—Twan. PROVINCIAL SERVICE GOVERNMENT OF CHIH-LI Governor 1858. Tau. 1859. Hangfuh. Taoutae Tientsin and Ho Kien Tao 1859. Sun. GOVERNMENT OF LEANG KEANG Governor-General 1839-40. Lin Tsiseuh. 18|[53-56]. Eleang. 1858. Ho-Kwei-Tsing. Keang Su Province Governor 18|[54-56]. Keih-Urh-Hang-Ah. T'aoûtae Shanghai Tao 1856. Lan-Wei-Wan. 18||54-56]. Woo. Kwang Tung Province Governor 1844. Ching, lieut. gov. Treasurer 1854. Tsuey. GOVERNMENT OF LEANG KWANG Governor-General 18I39-41]. Lin Tsiseuh. 1844. Ching, actg. gov. gen.; Kiying, gov. 18||51-53]. Sü Kwang Tsin. 1853, Yeh, actg. gov. gen. 1854-58. Yeh, gov. gen. 1860. Lau. Commissioner of Customs 1836. Pang. 1839. Yu. Prefects Canton 1839. Choo, prefect. Kwang Chow Foo 1854. Kwó, prefect. 314 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA—cont’d Civil Service—cont’d PROVINCIAL SERVICE—cont’d GovKRNMENT OF LEANG KWANG—Cont'd Magistrates Hai Nan District 1844. Sze, magistrate. Heang-Shan District 1857. Keu, actg. magistrate. See also Kowloon Is. Nan Hae District 1854. Le Gaou, magistrate. Pwan Yu District 1854. Lee, actg. magistrate. GOVERNMENT OF MIN AND CHEH Governor-General 18||54-57]. Wang-E-Teh. FO-Kien Province Taoutole Hing Chuen and Ting Chow Tao 1855. Liang. Prefects Foo Chow 1856. Lin, sub-prefect. Che-Kiang Province T'aoûtae Ningpo, Shan-hing and Tai-Chau tao 1854. Twan, actg. taoutae. Prefects Foo chow tao District 1857. Yeh. Magistrates Min district 1855. Tsai, actg. magistrate. Claims on China AMERICAN Claims for losses sustained by Amer. citizens in conse- quence of hostilities betw. the English and Chinese at Canton, and by the burning of the factories at Canton in Dec., 1856. For synopsis see Moore. Int. Arbitration, 4627; see Negotiations. 1858. Oct.- also below, Foreign Nov., Shanghai, On Nov. 8, 1858, the Amer. comr. in China, Reed, signed a conv. accépting the sum of half a million taels in settlement of claims for destruction of Amer. property at Canton in 1858. The sum was to accrue out of duties collected on Amer. goods and bottoms at three ports of Canton, Shanghai and Foo Chow, the collectors being authorized to issue debentures. n. d. Synopsis of all claims of U. S. citizens agst. China. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 48.) 1857 Apr. 1. Minutes of mtg. held at Amer. legation by repr. of the treaty powers resp. adjustment of difficulties at Canton; etc. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 1280.) — Apr. 2. Memorandum of agreement submitted by H. B. M. comr., Bowring, at jt. conference of treaty powers held at French legation, Macao, Apr. 2, resp. indemnity for losses, etc., at Canton. (ib., 1281.) — Apr. 2. Strmt. by Amer. comr. Parker, resp. sub- ject of jt, conference of treaty powers held at French legation, Apr. 2, in response to Br. memo- randum. (ib., 1282.) — Apr. 2. M. P. of France in China (Bourboulon). Observations upon memorandum of propositions presented by Br. plenipotentiary. (ib., 1284.) May 29. Hong Kong govt. Gazette. Notification; claims. (ib., 1378.) CHINA—cont’d Claims on China—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d 1857 Je. 2. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to H. B. M. M. P. in China (Bowring). Indemnification of claims. (ib., 1378.) . Je. 5. Bowring to Parker. Reply to his of 2 inst. (ib., 1379.) — Je. 22. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton) to Amer, comr. in China (Reed). Claims of U. S. agst. China to be pressed; particulars of expenditure to be specified. (36. 1. S. ex, doc. 30, 12.) — Je. 26. Amer. comr. in China (Reed) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Unless specifically instructed, does not intend to include Amer. claims agst. China in sum total to be demanded by Gr. Br. (ib., 13.) — Je. 29. Cass to Reed. Inclusion of amt. of Amer. claims agst. China in sum to be demanded by Gr. Br. not appril. (ib., 14.) 1858 Feb. 1. Reed to Cass. Encloses memorandum con- taining accts. of claims of U. S. citizens on China; classification of claims; suggests resolute demand for satisfaction of these, enforced by blockade of Chinese ports. (ib., 101.) 1859 Jan. 14. Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Williams) to Cass. Notification of collectors of customs un- der conv. resp. Amer. claims. (ib., 542.) — Jan. 15. Kweiliang to Williams. Collectors of cus- toms to be instructed to act in accordance with conv. for settlement of Amer. claims. (ib., 544.) — Jan. 15. Williams to Kweiliang, etc. Relating to debenture certificates for liquidation of Amer. claims. (ib., 551.) — Jan. 25. Kweiliang to Williams. Explanation of arrangement resp. emission of debenture certifi- cates in liquidation of Amer. claims. (ib., 552.) — Jan. 25. Williams to Amer. Cons., Macao (Smith). Instructions resp. debenture certificates in liquida- tion of Amer. claims. (ib., 554.) — Feb. 12. Williams to Cass. Emission of debenture certificates for liquidation of Amer. claims not yet in operation. (ib., 549.) — Feb. 17. Smith to Williams. Plan proposed resp. debenture certificates at Shanghai. (ib., 555.) — Feb. 25. Williams to Cass. Probable causes of de- lay in emission of debenture certificates of liquida- tion of Amer. claims. (ib., 550.) — Mch. 2. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; ex- planation of S. 606 to carry into effect conv. of Nov. 8, 1858, with China. (Cong. Globe, 35 cong., 2 sess., 1553.) — Mch. 8. Williams to Oliphant & co. Apptmt. as re- ceivers of debenture certificates at Shanghai; in- structions regarding same. (ib., 556.) — Mch. 8. Williams to Smith. Instructions resp. printed debenture notes. (ib., 555.) — Mch, 12. Williams to Cass. Objection to Chinese plan for issue of debenture certificates. (ib., 553.) — Mch. 12. Williams to Kweiliang, etc. Delay in issue of debenture certificates at Canton and Fuhchau not explained. (ib., 557.) — Mch. 23. Amer. vice-cons., Foo Chow (Dunn) to Williams. One-fifth duties can be collected at Fuh- chau without recourse to debenture certificates. (ib., 560.) — Mch. 25. Oliphant & co. to Williams. Receipt of note announcing apptmt. as receivers of debenture certificates at Shanghai. (ib., 559.) — Apr. 5. Williams to Dunn. Use of debenture cer- tificates advised as vouchers; instructions regard- ing them. (ib., 560.) — Apr. 12. Williams to Cass. Working of issue of debenture certificates in liquidation of Amer. claims. (ib., 558.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 315 CHINA—cont’d Claims on China—cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d 1859 Apr. 17. Officer in charge of Chinese maritime revenues at Canton (Hangfuh) to Amer. Cons., Canton (Perry). Transmits copy of despatch resp. liquidation of Amer. claims, recd. from imperial comrs. (ib., 567.) — Apr. 19. Williams to Perry. Instructions; deben- ture certificates for liquidation of Amer. Claims, etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 562.) — Apr. 22. Williams to Cass. Management of deben- ture certificates and disposition of funds; etc. (ib., 561.) — Apr. 28. Williams to Perry. Debenture certificates at Fuhchau. (ib., 568.) — May 4. Williams to Cass. Operation of plan for issue of debenture certificates. (ib., 564.) — Sept. 1. Amer. comr. in China (Ward) to Cass. Believes that Chinese authorities will insist on exchg. of ratifications for Supplemental convs.; steps taken for adjustment of claims. (ib., 617.) 1860 Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to relations With and claims agst. China. Treaty Stipulations 1858 Nov. 8. U. S. Conv.for adjustment of claims of citi- zens of U. S. agst. China. Signed by W. B. Reed (U. S.) and Kweiliang, Hwashana, Ho-Kwei-Tsing, Ming- shen and Twan (China); copy of text in “Treaties, etc., betw. U. S. and Foreign Powers, 1776-1887,” 178. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Statutory Measures 1859 Mch. 2. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. On For- eign Relations), bill (35. 2. S. 606) “to carry into effect treaty of Nov. 8, 1858, with China.” Approl. Mch. 3, 1859. (35. 2. S. jol., 422, 453; xi, St. L., 408.) Commission 1859 Mch. 5. C. W. Bradley, Amer. cons. at Ningpo, and O. E. Roberts, late Amer. cons. at Hong Kong, COmrS. to distribute fund granted by treaty of 1858. (xi, S. ex. jol., 73, 75, 76, 93.) Rpt. of proc. of comrs. in 40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 18 et seq. AMERICAN: CASES BEFORE COMMISSION OF 1858 Caldera, Chilian Bark (Rooney) Left Hong Kong for San Francisco, Oct. 5, 1854. Cargo was shipped by Amer. houses and insured by Amer. underwriters. During the night the vessel was wrecked in a gale off the island of Kowloon, where she was plundered by pirates. 1854 Oct. 14. Rooney. Protest agst. Chinese govt. for plunder of barque Caldera in one of its ports. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 467.) — Oct. 15. Agts. China Mutual and Sun Mutual Ins. cos. of New York (Russell and co.) to Amer. comr. in China (Marsh). Steps to establish claim on Chinese govt. for $36,000 for losses by plunder of Caldera. (ib., 459.) — Oct. 16. Repr. N. Y. Life Ins. Co. (Sturgis) to Russell and co. Relative to plunder of Chilian bark Caldera. (ib., 463.) — Oct. 16. Amer. cons. in Hong Kong (Keenan) to military comdt. at Cowloong, China (Chang). Amer. govt. Will hold Chinese govt. responsible for loss of cargo and damage sustained by its citizens in case of Chilian bark Caldera. (ib., 463; 473.) — Oct. 16. Amer. Vice-cons., Canton (Spooner) to gov. gen. of Kwangtung and Kwang-se (Yeh). At- tack on bark Caldera; protests agst, act of piracy on distressed vessel seeking refuge in harbor on coast; demands indemnity. (ib., 470.) CHINA–cont’d Claims on China—cont’d AMERICAN: CASEs BEFORE CoMMISSION OF 1858—cont’d Caldera, Chilian Bark (Rooney)—cont’d 1854 Oct. 17. Asst. Supt. police, Hong Kong (Caldwell) to Russell and co., and others. Information that mil- itary officer of rank of pachong, named Tsou, Was in command of is. near which Caldera was plun- dered. (ib., 465.) — Oct. 18. Underwriters on cargo of Caldera (Alvord and co.) to Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Re- quest opinion on validity of claim in case of Caldera and advice as to prosecution of claim. (ib., 465.) — Oct. 18. Sturgis to Russell and co. Has come to Macao to collect evidence of character of towns to which cargo of Caldera was carried for storage. (ib., 466.) — Oct. 19. Yeh to Spooner. Reply to communication of 16 inst.; loss of Caldera. (ib., 471.) — Oct. 26. Spooner to Yeh. Renews demand for prop- erty lost in case of Caldera. (ib., 472.) — Nov. 7. Rooney. Deposition. (ib., 469.) — Nov. 16. Russell and co. and others to McLane. Case of Caldera; transmit documents concerning said case. (ib., 460.) — Nov. 27. McLane to Russell and Co., and others. Treaty betw. China and U. S. offers no basis on which to make claim agst. Chinese govt. for pecuni- ary indemnity in case of Chilian bark Caldera. (ib., 474.) — Dec. (?). McLane to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Concerning plunder and piracy of Chilian bark Cal- dera; Suggests measure that may be taken to en- force attention of imposed authorities. (ib., 458.) – Dec. 9. Agts. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co. of N. Y. (Nye Bros. and co.), and others, to McLane. Treaty rºoms covering case of Caldera. (ib., 476; – Dec. 9. Amer. vice-cons., Macao (Nye) to Russell and Co., and others. Informed that teas shipped by Caldera were stored in various houses at Koolan. (ib., 480.) 1855 Mch. 31. McLane to Marcy. Transmits communi- cation in case of bark Caldera. (ib., 491.) – Dec. 3. F. B. Cutting to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Claim in case of Caldera. (ib., 766.) 1856 Mch. 13. Parker to Cutting. Case of Caldera. (ib., 759.) — Mch. 31. Parker to Yeh. Representation in case of Caldera. (ib., 765.) — May 22. Parker to Russell and co., and others. Claim on China for indemnity in case of Caldera. (ib., 821.) * 1858 Oct. 16. Sturgis to McLane. Claim agst. Chinese govt. for losses incurred by plunder of Chilian bark Caldera. (ib., 462.) See also v, Moore. Int. Arb., 4629. Rpt. of comrs. under treaty of Nov. 8, 1858, 40. 3. H. ex: doc 29, 120 et seq. Drinker Case In 1854, S. Drinker, an Amer. citizen, entered into a con- tract with Leang King, Kwa, representing the gentry of the townships of Shâwān and Kau Tong, to rid these places of the pirates [i. e., insurgents] then infesting the neighborhood of Canton. Drinker ac- cepted a commission from Chinese authorities, but was obliged to abandon his contract owing to the interference of the Amer. comr., Drinker protested § the case was up before the comrs.'" court at 8. C&O. 1854 Dec. 5. Actg. Amer. Vice-cons., Canton (Bancroft) to Amer. Comr. in China (McLane). Rpts. that an Amer. citizen is enlisting men and raising muni- tions of War to engage in domestic troubles now disturbing country. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 500.) 316 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–Cont’d Claims on China—cont’d AMERICAN: CASES BEFORE COMMISSION OF 1858—cont’d Drinker Case—cont’d 1854 Dec. 7. S. Drinker to U. S. comr. in China (Mc- Lane). Asks that he may be granted assistance in recovery of his property, taken from him by pirates Dec. 7, 1854, on Whampoa River, near Canton. (ib., 483.) Dec. 8. McLane to comdr. U. S. S. John P. Ken- medy (Glisson). Instructions to obtain information resp. alleged act of piracy Committed on property of Mr. Drinker. (ib., 483.) — Dec. 8. Comdr. U. S. chartered str. Queen (Preble) to Glisson. Concerning Drinker expedition. (ib., 485.) Dec. 8. McLane to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Corresp. With lieut. Glisson concerning Drinker enterprise in behalf of imperial govt. of China. (ib., 482.) — Dec. 9. Drinker to McLane. Requests to be in- formed of distinction betw. entering civil and mil- itary service of govt. of China. (ib., 486.) — Dec. 12. McLane to Drinker. Transmits notifica- tion to Amer. citizens in China, explaining distinc- tion betw. military and civil service. (ib., 487.) 1855 Oct. 25. Leang King Kwa to Amer. cons. at Can- ton (Perry). Claim agst. W. C. Hunter and S. Drinker for $20,000. (ib., 705.) — Dec. 25. U. S. cons. Court, Canton (Perry, cons.). Decision in case of Leang King Kwa Ws. Hunter and Drinker. (ib., 707.) 1856 Jan. 24. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Relative to claim of King Kwa. (ib., 709.) — Jan. 30. R. P. Dana, solicitor, to Parker. Appeal from decision of cons. court, Canton, in case of Leang King Kwa, and others, VS. W. C. Hunter and S. Drinker. (ib., 709.) Feb. 14. Comrs.’ court, Amer. legation, Macao. Ac- tion on appeal from decision of cons. Court, Canton, in case of Leang King Kwa, and others, VS. W. C. Hunter and S. Drinker. (ib., 711.) Feb. 14. Parker to Perry. Views in case of Leang King Kwa, and others, V.S. Drinker and Hunter. (ib., 712.) — Feb. 14. Same to Same. Instructions; case of Leang King Kwa, and others, VS. W. C. Hunter and C. Drinker. (ib., 710.) — Apr. [?]. Leang King Kwa to Perry. Agreement entered into with S. Drinker. (ib., 704.) — Apr. 10. H. W. Hubbell and D. A. Spooner, arbi- trators in case of King Kwa vs. Hunter and Drinker, to Perry. Decision in case of Leang King Kwa Ws. Hunter and Drinker. (ib., 783.) — Apr. 11. Perry to Parker. Transmits decision of arbitrators in case of Leang King Kwa VS. Hunter and Drinker. (ib., 782.) — Apr. 21. Drinker to Parker. Transmits papers con- nected with arbitration held under sanction of Amer. cons. (ib., 784.) — Apr. 23. Parker to Drinker. Reply to his of 21 inst. (ib., 785.) — Dec. 10. Parker to Perry. Instructions to present Drinker claim agst. Leang King Kwa, and others, to distr. magistrate of Nan-hae, etc. (ib., 1063.) See also rpt. of comrs. under treaty of Nov. 8, 1858, 40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 25. Edwards Claim, Attacked and imprisoned by native Chinese of island of Honan on Nov. 17, 1841. 1857 Jly. 29. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (Reed). Requested to investi- gate Edwards claim. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 15.) CHINA-cont’d Claims on China—cont’d AMERICAN: CASES BEFORE Commission of 1858—cont’d Heard Claim, 1857 Jan. 8. A. Heard and co. to Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Forward claim on China. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 51.) 1858 May 27. Secy. Amer. legation in China (Williams) to Heard and co. Asks for amended stnt. of claim vs. China. (ib., 52.) — Je. 16. Heard and co. to Secy. Amer. legation in China (Williams). Forward amended claim. (ib., 53.) Hwºn't Claim, 1857 Jan. 13. T. Hunt and co. to Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Reasons for abandoning their property at Whampoa at large pecuniary loss. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1161.) — Jan. 20. Perry to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Copy of communication from Hunt and co., setting forth how and why they were obliged to abandon their property at Whampoa. (ib., 1161.) — Jan. 21. Hunt and co. to Perry. Destruction of property left by them at Whampoa. (ib., 1169.) — Jan. 25. Perry to Parker. Copy of letter recd. from Hunt and Co. in reference to destruction of property. (ib., 1168.) — Mch. 17. Parker to Hunt and co. Requests evi- dence of destruction of docks and other property at Whampoa by Chinese authorities; etc. (ib., 1260.) - — Mch. 25. Hunt to Parker. Evidence of character of Chinese who destroyed their dock-yard property at Whampoa. (ib., 1296.) — Apr. 5. Aming. Deposition; destruction of dock- yards and blógs. belonging to Hunt and co. (ib., 1328.) — Apr. 25. Perry to Hunt and co. Opinion resp. Meers’ certificate of value of their docks, etc., at Whampoa. (ib., 1327.) — Apr. 25. Perry to Parker. Copy of declaration of Aming resp. destruction of dock-yards and blógs. belonging to Hunt and co., of Whampoa. (ib., 1328.) — Apr. 28. Hunt and co. to Parker. Transmit letter from Amer. cons. Of Canton resp. credit to be given Mr. Meers’ certificate of value of property destroyed by Chinese. (ib., 1327.) 1857-58. Inventories and stimts, of property destroyed and abandoned. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 77-82.) Lighter Ea:Celsior 1857 Jan. 13. Hunt and co. to Amer. cons. at Canton (Perry). Capture of lighter Ea:celsior (90) and cargo, belonging to Hunt and co., by mandarin boats. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1160.) — Jan. 19. Perry to Amer, comr. to China (Parker). Capture of Eaccelsior. (ib., 1160.) — Jan. 31. Parker to imperial high comr. (Yeh). Stoppage of foreign trade; capture of Earcelsior, etc. (ib., 1184.) —Feb. 16. Yeh to Parker. Reply to communication of Jan. 31. (ib., 1224.) — Mch. 17. Parker to Hunt and co. Requests evi- dence of capture of Earcelsior, etc. (ib., 1260.) – Mch. 25. Hunt and Co. to Parker. Evidence of capture of Earcelsior, etc. (ib., 1296.) — Mch. 31. Parker to Yeh. Evidence establishing in- accuracy of averments of Feb. 16. (ib., 1298.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 317 CHINA-cont’d Claims on China—cont’d AMERICAN : CASES BEFORE Com MISSION OF 1858—cont’d Maclay Claim, Maclay was Supt. M. E. missions in China. In 1853 he presented a claim for losses consequent on inter- ference in building project on premises rented at Foo Chow for missionary purposes. 1853 Jan. 3. R. S. Maclay to Amer. chargé in China. (Parker). Resp. pecuniary loss in consequence of being prevented from building on land rented for missionary purposes. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 23.) — Jly. 10. Amer. comr. in China (Marshall) to im- perial comr. Yeh. Lease of Amer. citizens at Foo Chow; etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 225.) — Sept. 16. Yeh to Marshall. Reply to his of JIy. 10. (ib., 283.) 1854 Oct. 3. Amer. Comr. in China (McLane) to Maclay. Receipt of communication of May 18, presenting ºne of claim agst. China. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, ,435.) Communication referred to not found in print. 1859 Jan. 31. R. S. Maclay to Secy. Amer. legation in China (Williams). Forwards acct. of claim on China. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 22.) Purdon Claim, 1857 v. d. Stnts. of property belonging to Jas. Purdon and co, destroyed during Anglo-Chinese hostilities. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 68.) — Feb. 5. Purdon and Co. to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Resp. plunder of their property from pack-house in Honan. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1186.) — Feb. 5. Parker to imperial high comr. (Yeh). China will be held responsible for property lost by Purdon and co. (ib., 1187.) — Feb. 16. Yeh to Parker. Reply to communication of 5 inst. (ib., 1226.) 1858 Feb. 15. Purdon to Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Pillage of pack-house of Purdon and co. at Canton. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 217.) — May 27. Secy. Amer. legation in China (Williams) to Jas. Purdon and co. Asks for amended strmt. of losses. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 74.) – Oct. 9. Jas. Purdon and co. to Williams. Submit amended stnt. of losses. (ib., 74.) Roberts Claim, Roberts was an Amer, clergyman resident in China; see also under Roberts (I. J.). 1858 Aug. 24. Roberts to Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Stmt. of losses during Anglo-Chinese hostilities at Canton. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 19.) — Oct. 5. Roberts to Reed. Stnt. of additional losses incurred at Canton. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 19.) Russell and Co. 1857 V. d. Strmt. Of property held by Russell and co. at Canton, on Oct. 27, 1856. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 56.) 1858 Dec. 17. Amer. cons., Canton (Perry) to Amer. chargé in China (Williams). Russell and co. With- draw claim for merchandise left at Canton at com- mencement of Anglo-Chinese hostilities. (ib., 57.) Consular Courts See that title for treaties establishing courts, acts to carry into effect treaties and congressional dis- cussion of same. For local courts see above, Amoy, Canton, and below, Ningpo, Shanghai and Swatow. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Coolie Trade; see that title Currency 1853 May 14. E. Cunningham and others to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Disadvantage to Amer, trade of absence of authorized currency. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 128.) CHINA-cont’d Currency—cont’d 1853 July 18. Amer. cons., Canton (Forbes) to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). His corresp. with Chi- nese authorities to remove obstacles in the Way of Mexican dollars as currency. (ib., 239.) — Sept. 17. Amer. vice-cons., Canton (Spooner) to Marshall. Question of legalizing Mexican dollars in abeyance; etc. (ib., 295.) 1855 Dec. 11. Gov. gen, two Kwang provs. (Yeh). Edict in relation to currency. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1150.) 1857 Jan. 19. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) Transmits edict of 1855 of authorities of Foo-Chow in relation to currenCy; etc. (ib., 1144.) — Feb. 16. Amer. cons. Foo-Chow to Parker. Intro- duction of Mexican dollars not yet settled; etc. (ib., 1241.) — Mch. 17. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in China (BOW- ring) to Parker. Question of currency at Foo- Chow. (ib., 1262.) — Mch. 20. Parker to Bowring. Currency at port of Foo-Chow. (ib., 1260.) — Mch. 30. Parker to Amer. ConS., Foo-Chow (Jones). Fººtions in relation to currency question. (ib., 1291.) — Apr. 11. Parker to Cass. Question of currency, etc. (ib., 1286.) — Apr. 15. Jones to Parker. Mexican dollar ques- tion; etc. (ib., 1312.) — Apr. 24. Jones to Parker. Mexican dollar question settled. (ib., 1351.) 1858 Jan. 1. Amer. Vice-cons., Foochow (Dunn) to Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Encloses copies of proclamations relative to Mexican dollar question; etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 207.) — Feb. 26. Reed to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Transmits cons, corresp. relating to Mexican dollar question; etc. (ib., 184.) Customs Service (Imperial Maritime Customs) See also below, Foreign negotiations, 1885, Oct.-Nov. Port regulations ; and Treaties for preliminaries to and text Of Conv. TREATY STIPULATIONS 1844 J1y. 3. China and U. S. Treaty of peace, etc. Art. 9, Custom-house officers to be stationed on Vessels of U. S.; art. 10, procedure to be followed by mas- ters of the U. S. on their arrival in Chinese ports; art. 11, custom officers to ascertain the duties to be paid; art. 14, trans-shipment of goods from One vessel of the U. S. to the other. 1858 Je. 18. China and U. S. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 20, customs examinations. CORRESPONDENCE 1855 Feb. 12. Amer, comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). State of duty question; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 528.) 1856 Feb. 4. Keih-urh-hang-ah, gov. of Kiang-Su, to Parker. Coml. affairs at five ports; management thereof devolves upon imperial Comr. and gov. gen. of two Kwang provs. (ib., 696.) — Apr. 5. Parker to Marcy. Failure of Nye Bros. and co., Canton; subject of introducing a “foreign ele- ment * into custom-house at Foo-Chow; abuse of U. S. flag; delay in paying over to Chinese govt. money under McLane award. (ib., 699.) 1858 Oct. 19. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in China (Elgin and Kincardine) to Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Difficulties in way of reducing duty on tea; opium trade. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 511.) 318 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Customs Service (Imperial Maritime Customs)—cont’d TREATY PORTS Amoy, Canton, Foo Chow, Ningpo and Shanghai were opened to Br. trade by art. 2, treaty of Nanking, signed Aug., 1842, and to Amer. trade by treaty of Wang Hia, signed 1844. By the Br, treaty of Tientsin New-chwang, Swatow, Tang-Chow, and Kiung-Chow (in Hainan) and Tai- wan (in Formosa) were ºd to Br. trade in addition to the ports opened in 1842. The Amer. treaty of Tientsin opened the ports of Swatow and Taiwan in addition to those opened by the treaty of Wang-Eſia ; see names of ports. Dane's Is. Desecrations; see above, Anglo-French War Deserters; see that title Diplomatic Agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service; also below, Foreign Negotiations Edicts, Proclamations, etc. IMPERIAL 1844 Apr. 9. Mandate; rescript; concerning Amer. ne: gotiations at Tientsin. (28. 2. S. ex. doc. 67, 29.) — Apr. 22. Mandate; rescript; Amer. treaty negotia- tions to be conducted at Canton. (ib., 30.) — Apr. 22. Edict; rescript; apptmt. of Kiying as Vice-roy of Kwang provs. (ib., 30.) 1853 Jly. 14. Edict; proper rendering into Chinese of the name of the Deity. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 376.) 1854 [Jly. 7]. Decree; Hu-Nai-Chau’s timidity in dealing With the barbarians; intercourse of latter with the rebels, and their unauthorized appearance in the interior; Yeh is to lecture them. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 449.) — IJly. 141. Decree; approving Eleang's conduct, as COmpared With that of Hu Nai-Chau; any conces- Sions made by Hu to the barbarians are to be can- celled; Yeh alone is to deal with them. (ib., 456.) — [Aug. 6]. Edict; reception of foreigners. (ib., 461.) — Nov. 5. Approving suggestions of Tsunglun; re- view of barbarian propositions. (ib., 479.) [1856 Mch. 24.] Decree; instructing Yeh how to deal With foreigners coming to Shanghai to negotiate treaty revision. (ib., 120.) 1856 Dec. 24. Rescript; resp. Br. entry into Canton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1192.) 1858 Jan. 28. Deposing certain officers of Canton for arbitrary conduct towards the barbarians, resulting in Siege of Canton. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 227.) — Jly. [3]. Rescript; ratifying treaties with four powers, made at Tientsin. (ib., 380.) — Jly. [15]. Rescript; Kweiliang, Hwashana, Képie and Mingshen apptd. imperial comrs. to act with Ho-Kwei-Tsing to arrange tariff with Amer. comr. at Suchau, Kiang-Su prov. (ib., 394.) 1859 [Aug. 9]. Rescript; resp. entry of Amer. comr. Ward into Peking. (ib., 606.) PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF LEANG Kw ANG Governor-General Lin Tsiseuh 1839 Mch. 17. Edict; opium trade. 119, 37; 46; 53.) — Mch. 18. Proclamation; regulating foreign trade; Surrender of opium. (ib., 14; 33; 50.) — Mch. 26. Proclamation; delivery of opium. (ib., (26. 1. H. ex, doc. 42.) - Mch. 27. Proclamation; resp. surrender of opium. (ib., 32.) - Mch. 28. Edict; opium in possession of foreign gºnauts to be delivered to Chinese govt. (ib., CHINA–cont’d Edicts, Proclamations, etc.—cont’d PROVINCIAL–Cont’d Gover NMENT OF LEANG Kw'ANG—cont’d Governor General—cont’d Lin TsIseuh—cont’d 1839 Mch. 30. Edict; protest agst, delivery of opium in possession of Amer. agts. (ib., 26.) [1839 Apr.] Proclamation; reopening of trade. (ib., 59.) 1839 Apr. 5. Edict; irregularity in delivery of opium in possession of Americans. (ib., 27.) — Apr. 19. Edict; requiring bonds of foreigners en- gaged in opium trade. (ib., 57.) — May 18. Edict; resp. Amer. ship Robert Fulton, (ib., 65.) & Yeh 1854 Jly. 24. Proclamation; calling for assistance in ar- resting rebels. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 187.) — Jly. 26. Edict; same. (ib., 189.) 1855 Dec. 11. Proclamation; relating to currency. (ib., 1150.) 1856. Proclamation; calling on people to kill Engl. and stating punishment for native traitors. (ib., 1126.) — Oct. 27. Proclamation; offering reward of $30 for each Englishman killed. (ib., 998.) Lau 1860 Jan. 2. Declaration; kidnapping of coolies, etc. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 14.) Kwang Tung Province Governor Ching 1844 Je. 19. Edict; investigation into death of Sue Aman. (28. 2. S. ex. doc. 67, 68.) Pih-KWei 1856 Apr. 29. Proclamation; kidnapping of men and holding them for ransom or enticing them to for- eign countries. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 780; 1131.) Treasu'rer Tsuey 1854 Jly. 17. Proclamation; grain marts and rice junks confiscated by govt. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 185.) Jly. 21. Proclamation; contributions of grain and rice at Tientsin. (ib., 181.) Commissioner of Customs Pang 1836 Jan. 9. Edict; ordering departure of U. S. S. Vin- Cennes from Chinese waters. (iv., Chinese Reposi- tory, 439.) – Je. 3. Edict to hong merchants; resp. arrival of U. S. S. Peacock and Enterprise at Macao. (V, ib., 228.) Yul 1839 Feb. 22. Proclamation to hong merchants; regula- tions for licensed boats plying betw. Canton and Macao (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 119, 4.) — Mch. 19. Edict; forbidding foreigners to go from g Canton to Macao. (ib., 20; 41.) — May 3. Edict to hong merchants; orders examina- tion into character of U. S. S. Columbia and John Adams. (ib., 64.) Prefects Canton Choo, Prefect 1839 Sept. 15. Edict; violation of opium regulations. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 119, 82.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 319 CHINA—cont’d Edicts, Proclamations, etc.—cont’d PROVINCIAL–cont’d GovePNMENT OF LEANG KWANG—cont’d Kwang Tung Province—cont’d Prefects—cont’d Rwang Chow Foo Kwó, Prefect 1854 JIy. 15. Proclamation; offering reward for capture of insurgents, etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 177.) — Jly. 30. Kwó, actg. prefect. Proclamation; tithing system. (ib., 195.) — Aug. 15. Proclamation; postponing customary fes- tivities of Aug. 17 until rebels shall have been quelled. (ib., 199.) Magistrates Hai Nan District Sze, Magistrate 1844 Je. 18. Edict; death of Sue Aman; enjoining quiet. (28. 2. S. ex. doc. 67, 68.) — Je. 28. Proclamation; death of Sue Aman; popu- lace to avoid rioting. (ib., 67.) Heang Shan District Keu, Acting Magistrate 1857 Feb. 24. Edict; recalling Chinese from Hong Kong. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1227.) – Feb. 27. Edict; calling on Chinese to subscribe for War agst. Engl. (ib., 1267.) Nan Hale and Pwan Yu District Le Gaou and Lee, Magistrates 1854 Jly. 27. Proclamation; to guard agst, and to ex- terminate insurgents. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 190.) – Jly. 27. Order to increase no. of implements for extinguishing fires caused by insurgents. (ib., 188.) GOVERNMENT OF MIN AND CHEH Fokien Province Prefects FOO Chow Lin, Sub-Prefect 1856 Jly. 22. Proclamation; disturbance of Jly. 3, at Foo Chow. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 885.) Magistrates Min District Tsai, Acting Magistrate 1855 Aug. 2. Edict; emigration from China. (35. 2. S. ex, doc. 22, 1134.) Embargo; see that title Enlistment; see also above, Claims. Drinker case 1854 Apr. 24. Br., Amer. and French cons. Alcock, Mur- phy and Edan, resp. Declaration; those of their countrymen who enter into military service of Chinese, forfeit all right to protection under their national flags. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 32.) Exterritoriality; see that title See also above, Consular Courts. Foo Chow 1853 Feb. 25. Amer. comr. in China (Marshall) to Rev. D. Maclay. Damages Sustained by Amer. citizens through interference of local authorities at Foo- chow. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 83.) — May 25. Marshall to com. representing Amer, citi- Zens of Fuhchau (Maclay and Cummings). Re- grets exposure of Amer. residents, owing to ab- sence of naval protection; unable to afford relief. (ib., 162.) CHINA–cont’d Foo Chow—cont’d 1854 May 12. Amer. comr. in China (McLane) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Acct. of visit to Foochow during Shanghai mission; etc. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 40.) — May 15. McLane to vice-roy Min and Cheh proVs. (Wang-e-Teh.) Arrival at Foo Chow; desires to meet his excellency in person. (ib., 44.) — May 16. Wang-e-Teh to McLane. Asks him to appt. an interview. (ib., 46.) — May 16. Same to same. Reason why no interview took place; coml. business at Foo-Chow. (ib., 46.) — May 16. Marcy to McLane. Business at Foo- Chow; etc. (ib., 46.) — Aug. 4. McLane to Wang-e-Teh. Makes known fact that he has again visited city of Foo-Chow-FOO. (ib., 273.) 1855 Jan. 12. Amer. cons., Foo-Chow-Foo (Jones) to actg. Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Amer. and Br. af- fairs at Foo-Chow. (ib., 546.) — Jan. 22. Parker to Jones. Reply to despatch of 12 inst. (ib., 547.) 1856 Jan. 17. Jones to Parker. Difficulties at port of Foo-Chow-Foo. (ib., 650.) — Jan. 30. Parker to Wang-e-Teh. Complaint agst. failure to adjust difference betw. China and U. S. at port of Foo-Chow. (ib., 652.) — Jan. 30. Parker to Jones. Affairs at Foo-Chow; case of robbery of May, 1855, not protected by treaty rights; stoppage of duties by cons. not justified without reference to legation. (ib., 651.) — Jan. 31. Jones to Parker. Unsatisfactory state of affairs at Foo-Chow; failure to observe treaty stipu- lations; persecution of Americans; disregard of Vandalia incident; etc. (ib., 677.) — Apr. 8. Same to same. Amer. affairs at Foo-Chow; attitude of present prefect. (ib., 790.) — Apr. 10. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Reply to his of Jan. 30. (ib., 772.) Apr. 16. Parker to Jones. Reply to his of Jan. 31, etc.; state of revenue at Foo-Chow; cons. Salary; case of D. Ferguson; etc. (ib., 789.) — Apr. 23. Same to same. Pleased with improving state of Amer. affairs at Foo-Chow, etc. (ib., 791.) — May 20. Jones to Parker. Reply to his of Apr. 16; Subject of circ. no. 2. (ib., 839.) — Jly. 10. Parker to capt. U. S. S. Levant (Smith). Requests him to come to Foo-Chow. (ib., 886.) — Jly. 10. Jones to Parker. Substance of conversa- tion with prefect of Foo-Chow resp. object of visit to Foo-Chow. (ib., 860.) — Jly. 11. Parker to Marcy. Arrival at Foo-Chow; recent events at that port. (ib., 856.) — Jly. 11. Parker to gov. gen. of Min and Cheh provs. (Wang-e-Teh). Requests personal interview. (ib., 875.) — Jly. 12. Yeh to Jones. Gov. has no leisure to appt. time for interview with Amer. comr. (ib., 861.) — Jily. 13. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Appts. hour for personal interview and delivery of President’s let- ter. (ib., 876.) — Jly. 15. Parker. Minutes of interview with Wang- e-Teh. Cunningham, Agnes and Vandalia cases dis- cussed. (ib., 862.) - — JIy. 24. Parker to Marcy. Acct. Of Visit to Foo- Chow; characterization of Wang-e-Teh. (ib., 857.) — Oct. 31. Jones to Parker. Improvement in affairs at Foo-Chow. (ib., 1035.) — Dec. 23. Jones to Parker. Quiet at Foo-Chow; new - prefect well disposed; etc. (ib., 1125.) 320 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA-cont’d Foo Chow—cont’d ALIENS 1854 Sept. 23. Actg. Amer. Cons. agt., Foo-Chow (Clark) to McLane. Settlement of land by foreigners. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 434.) — Jly. 16. Amer. cons., Shanghai (Fish) and others to Amer. Comr. in China (Parker). Grievances of Amer. citizens at Foo-Chow. (ib., 905.) — Aug. 15. Parker to Fish, and others. note of Jly. 16. (ib., 906.) Howard Cunningham Cunningham, an Amer. citizen, of Boston, was connected with the mercantile house of A. Heard and Co., Foo Chow. He was assaulted by native Chinese in the streets of Foo Chow on Jly. 3, 1856, and died the following day. 1856 Jly. 4. Amer. Cons., Foo-Chow (Jones) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Murder of Cunningham by mob of Chinamen. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 869.) — Jly. 5. A. Heard and Co. to Jones. Request that in- vestigation be made into Cunningham murder. (ib., 870.) — JIy. 10. Russell and co., and others, to Parker. Conviction that unless stringent measures are taken to redress Cunningham murder, their lives and property are insecure. (ib., 871.) — Jly. 12. Parker to Russell and co., and others. Re- ceipt of communication of 10 inst., regarding Cun- ningham murder. (ib., 875.) — Jly. 15. Vice-roy Min Cheh provs. (Wang-e-Teh) and Parker. Conference resp. Cunningham; with draft of proclamation by Parker to be published by prefect of Foo-Chow. (ib., 862.) — Jly. 15. Parker to Russell and co., and others. Viceroy has promised to investigate Cunningham murder. (ib., 876.) — Jly. 16. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Action in case of Cunningham murder, etc. (ib., 877.) — Jly. 17. Parker to Wang-e-Teh. Cunningham mur- der of U. S. citizen; etc. (ib., 878.) — JIy. 18. Jones to Parker. Evidence relative to Cunningham murder. (ib., 872.) — Jly. 19. Parker to Wang-e-Teh. Requests that he will instruct prefect either to issue original draft of proclamation submitted, or so modify one he has issued as to answer purpose for which it is in- tended. (ib., 880.) — Jly. 19. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Resp. proclamation issued by prefect. (ib., 879.) . — Jly. 21. Same to same. Death of Cunningham; etc. (ib., 881.) — Jly. 22. Lin, overseer maritime affairs, Nan-Tae, Foo-Chow. Proclamation; disturbance of Jly. 3 at Foo-Chow. (ib., 885.) — Jly. 22. Parker to Wang-e-Teh. Reply to his of 21 inst. (ib., 881.) Jly. 22. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Overseer of af- fairs of inland rivers at Foo-Chow ordered to issue proclamation; regarding request to Send troops to Nantai. (ib., 884.) — Jly. 24. Same to same. Punishment of certain Chinese guilty of murder of foreigners. (ib., 891.) — JIy. 26. Jones to Parker. Late outrage at Foo- Chow; believes that stringent measures will be necessary before authorities will respect treaty stip- ulations. (ib., 891.) — Jly. 26. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Circumstances under which Cunningham lost his life by hands of Chinese in streets of Foo-Chow on Jly. 3. (ib., 866.) \ — J1y. 29. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Arrest of person implicated in Cunningham murder. (ib., 962.) Reply to CHINA-cont’d Foo Chow—cont’d ALIENS-cont’d Howard Cunningham—cont’d 1856 Aug. 2. Jones to Parker. State of affairs at Foo- Chow; murder of Cunningham; etc. (ib., 892.) — Aug. 9. Same to same. Authorities at Foo-Chow- foo will do nothing in case of Cunningham murder. (ib., 894.) — Aug. 14. Parker to Jones. Note of 24 ult. from Wang, relative to punishment of certain Chinese guilty of murder of foreigners. (ib., 893.) — Aug. 23. Jones to Parker. Has stopped duties on the Samuel Russell, Mandarin and Vancouver, Amer. vessels, at Foo-chow, because of failure to punish Cunningham murderers.' (ib., 959.) — Aug. 26. Parker to Jones. Case of Cunningham murder; etc. (ib., 895.) — Aug. 27. Jones to Parker. Inquiry from “hai quan” resp. stoppage of duties on certain Amer. vessels; etc. (ib., 961.) — Aug. 29. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. One of Cunning- ham murderers, Tung Hwa-Keuen, has confessed; orders given for his trial and punishment. (ib., 962.) — Sept. 9. Jones to Parker. Proc. in Cunningham murder case; etc. (ib., 964.) — Sept. 13. Parker to Jones. Instructions relative to murder of Cunningham; etc. (ib., 963.) — Sept. 24. Jones to Parker. Uncertain if murderer of Cunningham has been arrested; etc. (ib., 1064.) — Oct. 2. Same to same. Promises that murderer of Cunningham shall be punished according to law; feels satisfied that authorities are now in earnest. (ib., 1003.) — Oct. 11. Same to same. Substance of conversa- tion with viceroy on subject of punishment of mur- derers of Cunningham. (ib., 1007.) T — Oct. 12. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Particulars of trial of Tung-Hwa-Kieun. (ib., 1010.) — Oct. 17. Same to Same. Viceroy has complied with promise to issue proclamation relative to murder of Cunningham; states that he will hold duties now due until murderer is punished according to Chi- nese law, unless he receives order to contrary. (ib., 1034.) — Nov. 1. Parker to Jones. Receipt of his note of 11 inst.; etc. (ib., 1012.) — Nov. 3. Same to same. Instructions to pay back duties when murderer of Cunningham is punished according to laws of China; to make no new con- dition. (ib., 1013.) — Nov. 15. W. S. Sloan to Jones. Insecurity of lives and property of U. S. citizens at Foo Chow; murder of Cunningham. (ib., 1067.) 1857 Jan. 23. Parker to Wang-e-Teh. U. S. cons., C. Jones, instructed to pay back duties when specific object for which he has detained duties, i. e., punish- ment of murderer of Curiningham according to laws of China, is attained. (ib., 1176.) — Mch. 16. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Execution of Tung-Hwa-keuen, who killed H. Cunningham. (ib., 1291.) — Mch. 30. Parker to Jones. Instructions to deliver duties detained pending punishment of murderer of Cunningham according to laws of China, to supt. of customs; etc. (ib., 1291.) * — Jly. 28. Jones to Parker. Duties withheld pending settlement of questions arising in consequence of murder of Cunningham paid in full to Chinese offi- cials. (ib., 1420.) R. S. Maclay Claimi See º Claims. American : Cases before Comm. for INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 321 CHINA–cont’d Foo Chow—cont’d' ALIENS-cont’d Robbery of Americans A robbery in the interior of the prov. was committed On Amer. property in May, 1855. The Amer. chargé, Parker, was in the U. S. at the time, and did not return to China until Dec. 31, 1855. In the interim there is a hiatus in the prid. º: ence, and no further information resp. this robbery was discovered. 1855 Je. Amer. cons., Foo Chow (Jones) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Despatch resp. this robbery re- ferred to. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 790.) – Dec. 5. Jones to actg. prefect (Choo). Proposes to stop duties on 15 inst., if money stolen in May last is not refunded. (ib., 649.) 1856 Jan. 30. Parker to Jones. Case of robbery of May, 1855, not protected by treaty rights; etc. (ib., 651.) — Mch. 27. Jones to Amer. chargé in China (Parker). Receipt of notes. Demand on authorities at Foo- Chow for indemnification for money stolen in May last; etc. (ib., 771.) – Apr. 16. Parker to Jones. Instructions resp. rob- bery in interior. (ib., 789.) TJ. S. S. Vandalia 1855 Nov. 9. Comdr. Vandalia (Pope) to comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Abbott). Attack on part of crew of U. S. S. Vandalia, sent on shore at Foo Chow to ar- rest deserters from Amer. ship Panama. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 647.) – Dec. 5. Amer. cons. Foo Chow (Jones) to actg. prefect (Choo). Proposes to stop duties on 15 inst., if offenders in case of Vandalia outrage are not ar- rested. (ib., 649.) — Dec. 19. Jones to Abbott. Case of Vandalia; per- petrators of outrage go unpunished. (ib., 649.) 1856 Jan. 31. Jones to Parker. Disregard of Vandalia incident; etc. (ib., 677.) – Apr. 23. Parker to Jones. Case of the Vandalia; etc. (ib., 791.) – JIy. 15. Wang-e-Teh and Parker. Conference resp. U. S. S. Vandalia; etc. (ib., 862.) – Sept. 13. Parker to Jones. Case of the Vandalia; etc. (ib., 963.) Amer. Pilot Boat Atlanta Driven on shore during gale in Oct., 1856, on island of Hae Tan. Crew was plundered by natives and schr, broken up. 1856 Oct. 31. Jones to Amer. chargé in China (Parker). Case of Atlanta; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1035.) CONSULAR COURTS 1855 Jan. 13. Amer. cons., Foo-Chow-Foo (Jones) to Amer. comr. in China (McLane). No judicial fees recd. to date. (34. 1. H. misc. doc. 20, 8.) — May 19. H. B. M. cons., Foo Chow (Medhurst) to Jones. All complaints agst. Br. subjects must, if case occurred within his distr., be entertained by him. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1290.) 1856. * and disbursements. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 5. CONSULAR COURTS: CASES TRIED Amer. Ship Agnes In June, 1855, three Chinese were killed by sailors of the Agnes at Koo-Keang-Tau, Min distr., Fo-Kien prov. 1856 Jly. 15. Gov. gen. Min and Cheh provs. (Wang-e- Teh) and Amer, comr. in China (Parker). Con- ference resp. Agnes; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 862.) — Jly. 16. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Asks that sailors concerned in outrage be punished; etc. (ib., 877.) CHINA-cont’d Foo Chow—cont’d CoNSULAR Coubts: CASEs TRIED–cont’d Amer. Ship Agnes—cont’d 1856 JIy. 17. Parker to Wang-e-Teh. Claims that cage of Agnes has been legally disposed of by Amer. Cons. court at Foo chow; etc. (ib., 878.) — Jly. 21. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Case of Agnes, etc. (ib., 881.) Burton Assault In 1856, James Burton, Br. subject, , was assaulted on board Amer. brig Progressive Age, near port of Foo Chow. 1856 Aug. 7. Amer. cons., Foo Chow (Jones) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Outrage on Burton. On board of Progressive Age. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 894.) — Aug. 26. Parker to Amer. cons., Shanghai (Mur- phy). Instructions to investigate Burton complaint agst. Amer. brig Progressive Age. (ib., 913.) — Aug. 26. Murphy to Parker. Reply to his note of 26 inst. (ib., 914.) — Aug. 26. Parker to Jones. Burton complaint de- livered to Amer. cons. at Shanghai; etc. (ib., 895.) West Barratry Case Early in 1857, West, a Br. subject, obtained possession of lorcha Rapid, belonging to the Amer. Imercantile house of Heard & co., of Foo Chow, and attempted to commit barratry. H. B. M. cons. at Foo Chow, Medhurst, disclaimed jurisdiction in the case and was supported by H. B. M. comr. Bowring who entered a complaint with the Amer. comr., Parker, agst. the Amer. cons. at Foo Chow, Jones, for his action in the case. 1857 Feb. 13. Amer. cons., Foo Chow (Jones) to H. B. M. cons., Foo Chow (Medhurst). Asks that steps be taken for arrest of West, accused of attempt to com- mit barratry. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1289.) — Feb. 13. Medhurst to Jones. Wishes to be informed under what flag lorcha Rapid sails. (ib., 1289.) — Feb. 13. Jones to Medhurst. Rapid not entitled to fly any national flag. (ib., 1289.) — Feb. 14. Jones to Medhurst. Will not press Sub- ject of arrest of West, nor make further complaints agst. Br. subjects to him. (ib., 1290.) — Feb. 14. Medhurst to Jones. Declines to arrest West. (ib., 1290.) — Feb. 27. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Alleged case of barratry at Foo-Chow; supporting conduct of H. B. M. cons. Medhurst. (ib., 1228.) — Mch. 2. Parker to Jones. Asks for full rpt. in case of barratry at Foo-Chow. (ib., 1241.) — Mch. 2. Parker to Bowring. Reply to communica- tion of 27 ult. (ib., 1229.) Mch. 16. Jones to Parker. Reply to his of 2 inst.; case of lorcha Rapid. (ib., 1287.) — May 14. Jones to Parker. Protest agst. Br. atti- tude in case of lorcha Rapid. (ib., 1364.) — Je. 3. Parker to Bowring. Conduct of Amer. Cons. Jones in case of barratry at Foo-Chow. (ib., 1373.) — Je. 8. Bowring to Parker. Barratry of West at Foo-Chow; doubts as to his nationality. (ib., 1401.) — Je. 22. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS). Case of barratry at Foo Chow; etc. (ib., 1399.) CURRENCY; see above, that title CUSTOMS SERVICE 1855 Dec. 5. Amer. ConS., Foo chow (Jones) to actg. prefect, Foo-Chow-foo (Choo). Purposes stopping all duties due on Amer. Ships from 15 inst., unless redress is made in case of robbery and of Vandalia. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 648.) 1856 Jan. 19. Parker to Jones. Instructions of Secy. State do not authorize stoppage of payment of duties after 15 ult. (ib., 647.) 21 322 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA—cont’d Foo Chow—cont’d CUSTOMS SERVICE—cont’d 1856 Mch. 11. Jones to Parker. New method of collect- ing duties at Foo-Chow. (ib., 736.) — Aug. 27. Same to same. Communication from “hai-quan ’’ inquiring why Amer. Ships departed without paying duties; believes negotiations at Foo-Chow-foo have been seriously injured by rpt. sent to Mr. Medhurst from Sir John Bowring. (ib., 961.) — Sept. 24. Jones. Circular resp. imports and ex- ports in Amer. ships: (ib., 1006.) — Sept. 27. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to Parker. Action of Amer. Cons. at Foo-Chow, stop- ping duties due on four Amer. vessels laden with tea at that port; inquires whether Step has his ap- proval. (ib., 1001.) — Oct. 4. Jones to Parker. Circ. of 24 ult. (ib., 1005.) — Oct. 10. Parker to Bowring. Reply to despatch of 27 ult. (ib., 1002.) — Oct. 13. Wang-e-Teh, gov. gen. Min and Cheh provs., to Parker. Requests that cons. Jones be or- dered to pay full amt. of duties on tea. (ib., 1010.) — Oct. 18. Parker to Jones. Receipt of despatches of 2, resp. Cunningham, and of 4 inst.; U. S. S. Ports- ſmouth will stop at Foo Chow on Way to Shanghai. (ib., 1006.) — Nov. 17. Jones to Parker. Stnt. resp. taking of bonds from Br. subjects shipping in Amer. Ships. (ib., 1067.) — Dec. 1. Parker to Bowring. Duties due by Br. Sub- jects shipping in Amer. vessels at Foo-Chow. (ib., 1071.) — Dec. 3. Bowring to Parker. Concurs with him in opinion that duties due by Br. Subjects for goods shipped in Amer. vessels at Foo-Chow should be paid to Chinese authorities. (ib., 1072.) Dec. 20. Parker to Jones. Bonds for duties given by Br. subjects at Foo-Chow; etc. (ib., 1104.) 1857 Jan. 19. Jones to Parker. Br. merchants have paid in to Chinese Supt. of customs amt. due for duties on Amer. ships; refusal to receive Mexican dollars in payment of duties. (ib., 1196.) Feb. 4. Parker to Jones. Receipt of despatch of Jan. 19; etc. (ib., 1197.) — Feb. 16. Jones to Parker. Receipt of despatch of Dec. 20 and of Feb. 4; prefect Yeh will resume office again in a few days; etc. (ib., 1241.) — Mch. 30. Parker to Wang. Amer. Cons. at Foo Chow instructed to deliver duties held back. (ib., 1292.) Apr. 11. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Stoppage of duties at Foo-Chow; question of Cur- rency; etc. (ib., 1286.) Apr. 24. Jones to Parker. Merchants notified to pay into custom-house all duties due; Mexican dol- lar question settled. (ib., 1351.) — Aug. 3. Parker to Jones. Not aware of any law which gives to revenue debts priority to mortgage. (ib., 1420.) — Oct. 27, Amer. vice-cons., Foochow (Dunn) to Amer chargé ad int., Macao (Williams). Announces apptmt. as vice-cons. at Foochow; collection of im- port duties there. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 32.) — Nov. 9. Same to same. Affairs at Foochow; duties due from Amer. vessels withheld from Chinese govt.; etc. (ib., 33.) — Nov. 19. Amer. comr. in China (Reed) to Dunn. Asks to be informed of his official status, and rpt. of action of Foochow cons. in relation to dues with- held from Chinese govt. (ib., 34.) CHINA–cont’d Foo Chow—cont’d CUSTOMS SERVICE—cont’d 1857 Nov. 19. Bowring to Reed. Protests agst, conduct of U. S. cons. at Foochow in allowing departure of Amer. vessels without payment of duties to Chinese govt. (ib., 35.) Nov. 20. Reed to Bowring. Has already requested cons. at Foochow to rpt. on non-collection of duties from Amer. Vessels. (ib., 36.) 1858 Jan. 15. Reed to Dunn. No vessel to be cleared without paying duties; requests information on state of opium trade at Foo Chow. (ib., 99.) — Jan. 22. Dunn to Reed. Many Br. firms have neg- lected to pay, at Foochow, duties due upon ship- ments per Amer. Vessels; opinion requested on right of ConS. to grant Sailing letter, or Amer. flag, to ves- Sel owned by U. S. citizens, but built elsewhere. (ib., 212.) — Feb. 1. Reed to Dunn. Payment of dues by Br. firms at Foochow; answer to inquiry regarding Yº: owned by Americans, but not built in U. S. ib., 212.) sº Flying Cloud Amer. Boat 1856 Mch. 19. Amer. cons., Foo-Chow (Jones) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Has granted register to D. Ferguson for boat Flying Cloud; will cancel said register on return to Foo-Chow. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 788.) — Apr. 16. Parker to Jones. Register for Flying Cloud to be canceled; apprehends Ferguson to be deserter from U. S. S. Vandalia. (ib., 789.) King and CO. 1857 Je. 3. Amer. Comr. in China (Parker) to Amer. cons. at Foo Chow (Jones). Insolvency of King and co.; payment of duties due Chinese govt. from King and co.; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1365.) Kingfisher, Amer. Merchantman (Crosby) Freighted by Br. subjects ; allowed by Amer. cons. to depart from port of Foo Chow in Oct., 1856, with- out payment of duties due Chinese govt. 1856 Oct. 10. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to Amer. Comr. in China (Parker). Action of Amer. cons. at Foo-Chow in regard to Br. subjects, freight- ers of Amer. merchantman Kingfisher. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1008.) — Oct. 24. Same to same. Protest agst, policy of U. S. cons. at Foo-Chow in exacting bonds from Br. subjects. (ib., 1009.) - — Oct. 28. Parker to Jones. Transmits copy of Bowring despatch of 10 inst. (ib., 1009.) — Nov. 1. Same to same. Comment on Bowring’s note resp. Kingfisher case. (ib., 1012.) — Nov. 11. Jones to Parker. Explanation of bonds taken from Br. subjects to pay duties due on Amer. ship Kingfisher. (ib., 1036.) — NOW. 15. Same to same. Defence of his action in taking bonds for payment of duties from Br. Sub- jects in Kingfisher case. (ib., 1065.) — Dec. 23. Same to same. Expects daily to be noti- fied that duties due on Kingfisher have been paid; etc. (ib., 1125.) - 1857 Feb. 4. Parker to Jones. Receipt of desp. of Dec. 23, 1856; etc. (ib., 1197.) OPIUM TRADE 1857 May 1. Yeh, prefect of Foo Chow, to Amer. cons. at Foo Chow (Jones). Plan for levying duty on opium at Foo Chow. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1354.) — May 5. Jones to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Resp. proposal to levy duty on opium. (ib., 1353.) — Je. 3. Parker to Jones. Legalization of opium; etc. (ib., 1365.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 323 CHINA–cont’d Foo Chow—cont’d OPIUM TRADE—cont’d 1858 Jan. 1. Amer. Vice-cons., Foochow (Dunn) to Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Manner of collecting duties on opium; etc. (36.1. S. ex: doc. 30, 207.) — Jan. 15. Reed to Dunn. Requests information on state of opium trade at Foo-Chow. (ib., 99.) TAIPING REBELLION; see below, that title Foreign Negotiations: See also below, Treaties. 1805 Nov. 25. Amer. Vice-cons., Canton (Carrington) to Secy. State. U. S. A. (Madison). Non-recognition of foreign mins. and cons. by Chinese govt.; commu- nications from foreigners to Chinese govt. made by hong merchants. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 3.) Foreign Negotiations: Allies 1854, October–November (Tientsin; British and American) The Br. and Amer. representatives (Medhurst and Parker, resp.) were instructed to arrange a meet- ing between the foreign envoys and an imperial comr. The men delegated to meet the deputies were Wankien, director general of the salt collectorate of Chang-lu, Shwang-yui, chintae [comdg. gen.] Tientsin division, Chinese army of Chih-li and Tseen-Tsze-Kaou, taoutae of Tientsin. As a result of their labors, Tsung-Lun, a min. Of the court, was appointed to meet the envoys at Tientsin. The meeting took E. Nov. 3, 1854, the entire negotia- tions lasting from Oct. 16 to Nov. 10. 1854 Jly. 28. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to comdr.-in-chief H. B. M. naval forces, China station (Stirling). Hopes that he may be able to reckon on presence of Such of H. B. M. Ships of War as may enable visit to Peiho, should that step be deemed advisable. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 281.) — Jly. 28. Bowring to Amer. comr. in China (Mc- Lane). Copies of corresp. with Br. naval comdr.-in- chief on subject of mtg. at Shanghai on Sept. 15, for proceeding to Peiho. (ib., 280.) — Jly. 28. Stirling to Bowring. Reply to his of same date. (ib., 281.) — Jly. 28. McLane to Bowring. Receipt of note of even date. (ib., 282.) — Oct. 16. McLane to Amer. chargé in China (Par- ker). Instructions to make known to imperial au- thorities his presence off mouth of Peiho, and his Wish to communicate with high authorities of em- pire at Peking; object of mission. (ib., 293.) — Oct. 16. McLane. Memorandum for Chinese au- thorities, detailing grievances in having failed to obtain satisfaction in so. of China. (ib., 295.) — Oct. 16. First rpt. of Amer. and Br. reprS. on em- barking at Taku forts. (ib., 303.) * — Oct. 17. Minutes of first interview of Br. and Amer. with Chinese reprs. (ib., 305.) Acct, of landing and mtg., with Shwang and Tseen-Tsze Kaou : foreign deputies, discouraged from making attempt to reach Pekin ; Shwang powerless to memorialize the throne. Wankien, imperial comr. sent forth for defence of the prov. in time of insur- rection, may undertake to memorialize. — Oct. 18. Minutes of second interview of Br. and Amer. With Chinese reprS. (ib., 307.) Description of Shwang ; arrival of Wankien ; presenta- tion of letter of instructions ; Wankien agrees to memorialize on their subject matter. — Oct. 19. McLane to Parker. Receipt of notes of 17 and 18 inst. [i. e., minutes of 1st and 2d interview]; instructions for further action. (ib., 311.) — Oct. 20. Wankien and Shwang-yui. Memorial; giv- ing an acct. Of their reception of Medhurst and Par- ker; recommend apptmt. of Some high officer as comr. to meet them. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 463.) CHINA—cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1854, October-November—cont’d (Tientsin; British and American)—cont’d 1854 Oct. 20. Wankien. Memorial; suggesting that bar- barians be referred to high authorities of Kiangsu. (ib., 466.) — Oct. 21. Parker to McLane. Impression made by interview with Chinese authorities; with minutes of interview. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 312.) — Oct. 21. Minutes of third interview of Br. and Amer. with Chinese reprs. (ib., 315.) Wankien reports having memoralized. — Oct. 22. McLane to Parker. Conjecture as to na- ture of memorial of imperial authorities. (ib., 316.) — Oct. 23. Same to same. Arrangements for recep- tion by imperial authorities; demand comrs. and a mtg. at Peking. (ib., 317.) — Oct. 24. Parker to McLane. Receipt of note of 23; minutes of fourth interview with imperial authori- ties. (ib., 319.) — Oct. 24. Wankien and Shwang-yui. Memorial; bar- barian chiefs are outside bar; object of their coming is to obtain modifications of treaty; await arrival of Tsunglun. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 467.) — Oct. 24. Minutes of fourth interview of Br. and Amer. with Chinese reprs. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 319.) Wankien declares the business of the deputies ought to be settled elsewhere. — Oct. 25. McLane to Parker. Instructions to Wait no longer than 26 inst. for an answer from Peking. (ib., 322.) — Oct. 25. Parker to McLane. Receipt of note of same date. (ib., 323.) — Oct. 25. Parker and Medhurst to Chinese imperial comrs. (Wän, Shwang and Tseen). Will return on 27 inst. if answer from Peking is not recd. by 26 inst. (ib., 323.) — Oct. 26. Wān, Shwang and Tseen to Parker and Medhurst. Br. and Amer. mins. have acted con- trary to treaty stipulations in visiting port of Tien Tsin; therefore, although throne has been memori- alized, they should return to five ports and await result of reference to imperial comr. to Canton. (ib., 324.) — Oct. 27. Memoranda of Verbal instructions from Sir John Bowring and R. M. McLane to Parker and Medhurst on board the Powhatam. (ib., 325.) Oct. 27. Parker and Medhurst to Wän, Shwang and Tseen. Will wait at Tien Tsin until 29, when reply from Peking may be expected. (ib., 325.) — Oct. 28. Parker to McLane. Delay in receiving an- § from Peking; rescript expected 31 inst. (ib., 326. — Oct. 29. McLane to Parker. Instructions to wait until 31 inst. for answer from Peking, if requested by imperial authorities. (ib., 327.) — Oct. 29. Parker to McLane. Minutes of fifth inter- view with Shwang and Tseen. (ib., 327.) — Oct. 29. Wān, Shwang and Tseen to Parker and Medhurst. High comr. [i. e., Tsung Lun] apptd. to confer with Amer. and Br. comrs. (ib., 330.) Oct. 29. Wankien. Rpt. of interview with Med- hurst and Parker. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 443.) Oct. 29. Minutes of fifth interview of Br. and Amer. with Chinese reprs. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 327.) Receipt of imperial communication ; imperial comr. ap- pointed to meet the foreign envoys. — Oct. 30. Wankien and Shwang-yui. Rpt. to the em- peror of recent proc. of barbarians. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 471.) 324 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1854, October–November—cont’d (Tientsin; British and American)—cont’d 1854 Oct. 31. Minutes Of Sixth interview of Br. and Amer. With Chinese reprs. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 332.) Discussion as to place of meeting of imperial comr. and foreign envoys. — Oct. 31. McLane to Chinese imperial comr. (Tsung Lun). Alterations suggested in treaty of Wang- Hia. (ib., 343.) — Oct. 31. McLane to Parker. Place of mtg. Chinese comr. (ib., 339.) — NOW. 1. Minutes of Seventh interview of Br. and Amer. With Chinese reprs. (ib., 337.) Settle arrangements for mtg. of imperial comr. and foreign envoys. — Nov. 3. Minutes of interview betw. foreign envoys and imperial comr. Tsung Lun. (ib., 340.) — Nov. 4. Tsunglun and colleagues. Confidential memorial to the emperor of interview with McLane and Bowring; recommend emperor to allow them to refer chiefs to high authorities of same jurisdic- tion to which treaty gives them access. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 474.) — Nov. 4. Same to Same. Engl. are taking lead in present movement; they have been kept in dark as to emperor's acquaintance with their proposals; Suggest that they be sent so.; indifference affected about their further proc., , and every precaution taken agst. them. (ib., 478.) — NOV. 5. Imperial decree; approving suggestions of Tsung Lun and colleagues; review of barbarian propositions. (ib., 479.) — Nov. 7. McLane to Parker. Instructions in regard to communication of imperial comr. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 339.) — Nov. 8. Parker to McLane. Answer of imperial comr. was recd. on board Fennimore Cooper. (ib., 339.) — Nov. 8. Tsung Lun to McLane. Reply to his note of 31 ult.; three articles which admit of considera- tion. (ib., 346.) — Nov. 8. McLane to Tsung Lun. Letter of this inst. unsatisfactory; will await President’s instructions to guide him in further execution of his mission. (ib., 348.) — Nov. 10. Tsung Lun to McLane. Reply to desp. of 8 inst. (ib., 349.) — Nov. 10. Parker to McLane. Record of present mis- sion to vicinity of Chinese capital; comment on State of insurrection in no., on existence of two political factions in no.; on unprecedented Success of mission, etc., acc. by minutes of interviews, etc. (ib., 301.) — Nov. 10. Tsunglun and colleagues. Memorial; to emperor, rptg. steps taken in obedience to im- perial decree of Nov. 5. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 481.) — Nov. 10. Same to same. Appearance of M. KleCZ- kowski, French repr. ; his application for release of French missionary; discussions regarding his re- ception and doubts as to his real character. (ib., 484.) — Nov. 11. Members of the Great Council to Yeh, gov. gen. of Two Kiang (Eleang), and gov. of Ki- angsu (Kirhanga). Course taken by Tsunglun; barbarians are easily put off with partial conces- sions; provirſcials to carry out Tsunglun's policy. (ib., 485.) — Nov. 15. Bowring to McLane. Expresses thanks for kind and cordial co-operation experienced dur- ing course of negotiations. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 499.) CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1854, October-November—cont’d (Tientsin; British and American)—cont’d 1854 Nov. 19. McLane to Marcy. Result of conference and corresp. with imperial comr., Tsung Lun; Sug- gests course to be pursued by U. S. govt. (ib., 285.) 1856 Aug. 8. Parker to Yeh. Object of visit of Mr. Mc- Lane to Tien-Tsin in 1854. (ib., 934.) 1858 Oct. 21. Amer. comr. in China (Reed) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Certain Chinese papers found in Canton and till now withheld from him by Br. and French mins., being Chinese rpts. On Amer. and Br. negotiations of 1854. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 438.) 1854, November (Shanghai; British and American) Friendly visit only with gov. of Kiang-su made on re- turn of allies to south of China from Tientsin. 1854 Nov. 17. Keih-Urh-Hang-Ah, gov. of Kiang-Su, to McLane. Proposes to meet him at Br. cons., Shang- hai, at 3 p.m. on 18 inst. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 408.) — Nov. 18. Same to same. Requests an interview. (ib., 408.) — Nov. 18. Minutes of interview betw. Bowring, Mc- Lane, Parker, Medhurst and gov. Keih at Shan- ghai [review of proc. at Tientsin and local matters, i. e., extending wall around Shanghai; proper title of foreign officer in custom house]. (ib., 409.) — Nov. 20. Minutes of interview at Amer. legation, Shanghai, betw. McLane and Keih-Urh-Hang-Ah [copies of Br. and Amer. Tientsin corresp. given to Keih; McLane award resp. duties; capitulating with rebels]. (ib., 411.) — Nov. 20. Keih-Urh-Hang-Ah to McLane. Extr. from letter from mins. of privy council; rebuke for mis- representing purpose of foreigners in coming to Tientsin. (ib., 412.) — Nov. 22. McLane to Keih. Difference in narrative furnished him and narrative and memorandum fur- nished imperial authorities at the no. (ib., 413.) — Nov. 25. Keih-Urh-Hang-Ah to McLane. Requests interview before he embarks. (ib., 415.) — Nov. 26. McLane to Keih. Agrees to interview on board Powhatam at 11 a. m. on 27 inst. (ib., 415.) — Nov. 26. Keih-Urh-Hang-Ah to McLane. Receipt of note of 26. (ib., 415.) — Nov. 27. Minutes of final interview betw. McLane and Keih. (ib., 416.) 1856-57 (Canton; Allies) Gr. Br., under art. 8, supplementary treaty of 1843, claiming an equal right with the U. S. for revision : gº. treaties, proceeded to open negotiations 3 tº U8. Ilt OIl. 1856 Jan. 5. Parker to gov. gen. of two Kwang prows. (Yeh). Apptmt. as Amer. comr. to China. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 633.) — Jan. 19. Same to same. Has been apptd. Amer. comr. to China and bears letter of credence from Pres. to Emperor. (ib., 634.) — Jan. 30. Yeh to Parker. Will forward President’s letter to court if sealed and sent to him. (ib., 635.) — Mch. 8. Parker to Yeh. Renews request for official interview. (ib., 697.) — May 2. Same to same. Notifies him that it is Wish and purpose of govt. of U. S. to avail itself of pro- visions of art. 34, treaty of Wang Hia. (ib., 812.) — May 13. Amer. chargé in China (Parker) to chargé of France in China (de Courcy). Concur- rent action betw. treaty powers with view to Ob- taining revision of existing treaty. (ib., 814.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 325 CHINA—cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1856-57—cont’d (Canton; Allies)—cont’d 1856 May 16. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to imperial comr. (Yeh). Br. govt. will avail itself of right to revise treaty. (ib., 815.) — May 16. Bowring to Parker. Orders recd. from Br. govt. to co-operate with U. S. and French authori- ties for revision of existing relations with China. (ib., 815.) — May 18. de Courcy to Parker. Has not yet recd.in- structions concerning revision of treaty. (ib., 816.) — May 18. de Courcy to Yeh. Asks favored nation privilege, granted under art. 39, treaty of Wham- poa; occasion being Br. and Amer. intention to ne- gotiate for revision of treaty of Wang Hia, and for redress of grievances. (ib., 817.) — Je. 30. Parker to Bowring. Plans in relation to re- vision of treaty with China. (ib., 923.) — Je. 30. Parker to de Courcy. Plans in relation to revision of treaty. (ib., 924.) - — Je. 30. Yeh to Parker. Useless to proceed to Pe- king to revise treaty betw. U. S. and China. (ib., 933.) — Jly. 1. Bowring to Parker. To proceed to Gulf of Pehchele with inadequate force will not advance set- tlement of question of revision of treaties, or place matters on better foundation than they were left by McLane and himself after expedition of 1854. (ib., 925.) — Aug. 10. de Courcy to Parker. Has recd. instruc- tions to act in concert with Amer. and Br. authori- ties in relation to preliminaries for revision of treaties. (ib., 1077.) — Aug. 12. Bowring to Parker. Apprehends that there will not be time for visit to Gulf of Pecheelee during present season. (ib., 958.) — Aug. 21. Same to same. Nature of instructions recol. resp. relations with China. (ib., 957.) — Aug. 25. de Courcy to ministre des affaires étran- gères, France (Walewski). Measures to be adopted in revision of treaty. (ib., 1084.) — Sept. 29. Bowring to Parker. Assistance of Br. fleet in Chinese seas to obtain, in co-operation with other treaty powers, revision of existing treaties with China. (ib., 978.) — Oct. 14. Parker to de Courcy. Position and pros- pects in regard to revision of treaties; suggests jt. mtg. at Shanghai with imperial comr. (ib., 981.) — Oct. 24. de Courcy to Parker. Reply to desp. of 14 inst., regarding revision of treaty of Wang Hia. (ib., 1078.) 1857 Dec. 15. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Withdraws intimation that his delay in going no. was due to Amer. cons.; approves of localisation of hostile measures at Canton. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 53.) 1858, March-April (Shanghai; Allies) Upon the fall of Canton in Dec., 1857, and its occu- pation by the allies, the ministers of Gr. Br., France, Russia and the U. S. at once proceeded to open negotiations at Shanghai for a settlement of all ºnces existing betw. their resp. countries and China. The Amer. comr. arrived at Shanghai Mch. 24, the Br. and French envoys Mch. 26 and Apr. 3, resp., all having been preceded by Count Pontyatine, the Rus- sian comr. The ministers asked that an imperial comr. be sent to meet them at Shanghai. They were told that it was against Chinese custom that, an imperial comr. should negotiate at Shanghai. They were also advised of the apptmt. of a new imperial comr. for Canton to succeed Yeh, and were en- couraged to return to Canton. Hereupon the allies at once proceeded to the Peiho there to negotiate for an audience in Pekin. CHINA—cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, March-April—cont’d (Shanghai; Allies)—cont’d 1858 Feb. 4. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Corresp. with Chinese prime min. resp. proposed course in pursuance of instructions of H. B. M. govt. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 133.) — Feb. 4. Gros to Reed. Corresp. with Chinese prime min. relative to proposed course. (ib., 146.) — Feb. 6. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Finds him- Self able to acquiesce to plans of allies for obtain- ing concessions from China; intends to forward note to authorities at Pekin, explaining attitude of U. S. (ib., 170.) — Feb. 6. Reed to Gros. Concurs in proposed plan of action; intends to forward to imperial authorities at Pekin, note explanatory of attitude of U. S. (ib., 171.) — Feb. 9. Pontyatine to Reed. Thanks for offer made for conveyance of note to supreme council of China; encloses copy of same. (ib., 176.) — Feb. 10. Reed to Supreme Council of State, China. Forbearance of U. S., despite numerous grounds of Complaint agst. China; peaceful appeal to China now preparing, probably the last; claims agst. China must be adjusted. (ib., 171.) — Feb. 11. Reed to gov. gen. of Leang Keang (Ho- Kwei-Tsing) and to gov. prov. of Kiang Su (Chau). Requested to forward enclosed desps. to address of Yuehling, senior Secy. State. (ib., 175.) — Feb. 13. Reed to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Cor- resp. betw. plenipotentiaries of treaty powers in China, relating to letters to Pekin; blockade of Canton raised; conduct of allies vindicated, and that of Yeh denounced; asks permission to urge rights of U. S. vigorously. (ib., 122.) Feb. 22. Reed to Pontyatine. Advice asked resp. disposal of Sqdn. in event of failure of negotiations at Shanghai. (ib., 218.) — Feb. 22. Pontyatine to Reed. Tenders advice rela- tive to disposition of sqdn. in event of failure of ne- gotiations at Shanghai. (ib., 218.) — Feb. 27. Ho-Kwei-Tsing to Reed. Despatches de- livered by Mr. Oliphant forwarded to Pekin without delay. (ib., 227.) — Mch. 21. Ho-Kwei-Tsing and Chau to Elgin and Kincardine. Form of intercourse betw. Br. min. and China; etc. (ib., 231.) — Mch. 21. Ho-Kwei-Tsing to Reed. Communications recd.; intimates that post of min. is at Canton. (ib., 230.) — Mch. 29. Pontyatine to Reed. Has recd. instruc- tions from govt. to use all means for settlement of Chinese complications, without recourse, if possible, to force. (ib., 237.) — Apr. 1. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. In view of unsatisfactory reply to desps., intends to proceed no., to communicate directly with imperial govt. at Pekin. (ib., 237.) — Apr. 1. Reed to Ho-Kwei-Tsing. Unsatisfactory na- ture of alleged message from chancellor Yu; inten- tion of U. S. and other powers to demand access to imperial court. (ib., 246.) — Apr. 2. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Intends to proceed to mouth of Peiho on readiness of sqdn.; U. S. insists on right of Communication with au- thorities at Pekin. (ib., 235.) — Apr. 2. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Encloses draft of letters he intends to transmit to gov. gen. of the two Kiang and gov. of Kiangsu, and to prime min. of China. (ib., 234.) 326 INDEX Té) UNITED STATES LOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, March-April—cont’d (Shanghai; Allies)—cont’d 1858 Apr. 3. Gros to Reed. Yu, in refusing to com- municate with him directly, has annulled art. Of treaty with France; intends to proceed no. at once. (ib., 248.) * Apr. 3. Reed to Ho-Kwei-Tsing. U. S. insists upon right of corresponding with authorities at Pekin; answers to communications unsatisfactory; intends to proceed to mouth of Peiho, to demand revision of treaty betw. U. S. and China, and settlement of claims. (ib., 233.) — Apr. 3. Reed to Cass. Arrival at Shanghai; events following fall of Canton; unsatisfactory answer to despatches to Pekin; plans of European plenipoten- tiaries. (ib., 220.) — Apr. 3. Amer. cons., Shanghai (Freehan) to Reed. Acct. of journey to Loo-Chow and delivery of des- patches to gov. of prov. for transmission to Pekin. (ib., 225.) — Apr. 5. Pontyatine to Reed. Copy of note to be addressed to Yu. (ib., 254.) — Apr. 5. Amer. Vice-cons., Shanghai (Glover) to taoutae of Shanghai (See). Must postpone mtg. with Amer. Comr., owing to latter’s press of busi- ness. (ib., 248.) — Apr. 5. Reed to Gros. Ready to unite with him in claim for fulfillment of treaty concession of direct corresp. with high officers at Pekin. (ib., 250.) — Apr. 6. Gros to Reed. Copies of communications to Chinese officials. (ib., 251.) — Apr. 7. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Copies of notes substituted by him for former notes to Chi- nese authorities. (ib., 255.) — Apr. 7. Reed to Gros. Receipt of copies of Commu- nications to Chinese officials; nearly ready to pro- ceed no. (ib., 253.) — Apr. 7. Reed to Pontyatine. Drafts of letters to be sent to gov. gen. of two Kiang, to gov. Of Kiangsu, and to council of state. (ib., 255.) — Apr. 9. Gros to Reed. Transmits two documents, to be returned when copied. (ib., 256.) — Apr. 10. Reed to Cass. Ready to sail for mouth of Peiho; has refused to communicate With Chinese intendant of Shanghai. (ib., 245.) 1858, April (Tientsin; Allies) The allies met at the Taku forts late in April, to enter into treaty negotiations. Tau Tingsian, gov. gen. of Chih-li, Tsung Lun, gen. Supt. of public granaries, etc., and Wü, a minister of the council, of the in- terior were appointed to meet the allies and to report to the throne. They were not given power to negotiate. 1858 Apr. 23. Gros to Reed. Lord Elgin ready to for- ward his note to Chinese authorities. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 264.) — Apr. 23. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Ready to forward any letter sent on board Furious before hour designated therein. (ib., 262.) — Apr. 23. Same to same. Copy of note intended to be sent to Chinese prime min. (ib., 261.) — Apr. 23. Gros to Reed. Encloses copy of note in- tended to be sent to prime min. Yu. (ib., 262.) — Apr. 23. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Owing to previous arrangements, unable to avail himself of offer resp. notes to Chinese authorities. (ib., 264.) — Apr. 24. Reed to gov. gen. of Chihli (Tau). Re- quested to transmit enclosed desp. to Yu. (ib., 265.) * — Apr. 24. Reed to Russian E. E. and M. P. in China (Pontyatine). Encloses copy of note to Chinese au- thorities. (ib., 265.) CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, April—cont’d (Tientsin; Allies)—cont’d 1858 Apr. 26. Tsung ahd Wü to Gros. Advice of apptmt. as comrs. to meet foreign envoys. (ib., 268.) — Apr. 27. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Has recd. from Chinese officers on shore, communication simi- lar to one sent him by Mr. Reed. (ib., 270.) — Apr. 27. Reed to Pontyatine. Determined to main- tain strict neutrality; ready to proceed to Takoo, to meet Chinese plenipotentiary, if such has been apptd. (ib., 271.) — Apr. 28. Gros to Reed. Receipt of copy of note to Chinese authorities. (ib., 267.) — Apr. 28. Reed to Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS). Ar- rival in Gulf of Pechele; arrival of imperial comr. near mouth of Peiho for purpose of negotiation. (ib., 256.) — Apr. 30. Pontyatine to Reed. Concurs in intention to maintain neutrality; transmits copy of COm- munication to Br. and French mins. (ib., 271.) — May 1. Reed to Tau. Must confer with Br. and French mins, before time can be fixed for interview at Takoo. (ib., 274.) — May 1. Reed to Gros. Encloses copy of answer to request of imperial comr. for designation of time for interview. (ib., 275.) — May 1. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Same. (ib., 275.) — May 2. Gros to Reed. Answer of Tau, herewith en- closed, to request for explanation of his powers, un- Satisfactory. (ib., 278.) — May 2. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Limited powers of Tau do not give promise of intention of China to discuss questions seriously. (ib., 276.) — May 2. Gros to Reed. Receipt of copy of answer to Tau. (ib., 280.) — May 3. Reed. Notes of an interview held at Taku forts by Amer. Comr. Reed and Chinese imperial comrs. Tau, Tsung and Wu. (ib., 281.) — May 4. Tau to Reed. Interview asked, in order that |U. S. min. may mediate on China’s behalf with Br. and French envoys. (ib., 294.) — May 4. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Details of negotiations with Tau; regards his powers as suffi- ciently ample, and is ready to begin negotiations. (ib., 285.) — May 5. Reed to Pontyatine. Thinks it necessary that Chinese should give powers now demanded; nothing else will avert hostilities. (ib., 294.) — May 5. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Proc. in which Tau is authorized to engage, do not bind Chi- nese govt. to anything; ready to enter into negotia- tions with him if powers specified are procured by him within six days. (ib., 288.) — May 5. Gros to Reed. Copy of note intended to be sent to Tau, in effort at conciliation with China. (ib., 290.) — May 5. Pontyatine to Reed. Attitude toward Br. and French mins. commended; encloses copy of let- ter intended to be sent to Tau. (ib., 292.) — May 6. Same to same. Copies of letters to Lord Elgin and to Tau. (ib., 292.) — May 6. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Hopes for peaceful adjustment of pending difficulties with China. (ib., 291) — May 6. Reed to Tau. Efforts at mediation useless if preliminary demands of Br. and French mins. are not met and properly acceded to. (ib., 295.) — May 6. Reed to Pontyatine. HaS concluded to answer Tau’s letter, asking mediation. (ib., 294.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 32? CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, April—cont’d (Tientsin; Allies)—cont’d 1858 May 6. Reed to Cass. Details of occurrences since arrival in Gulf of Pechele; transmits corresp. with Chinese authorities. (ib., 257.) — May 7. Tau to Reed. Chinese comrs. have power to receive President’s letter. (ib., 313.) — May 7. Reed to Tau. Intends to be at Takoo 10 inst.; requests copies of papers from Pekin, if they have arrived; Tau to produce commission and pow- ers at next mtg. (ib., 314.) — May 7. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Expresses thanks for offer to supply him with information resp. future negotiations with Chinese authorities. (ib., 291.) — May 7. Gros to Reed. Attitude on Chinese ques- tion and powers of imperial comr. (ib., 301.) — May 8. Reed to Gros. Explanation of course of con- duct in relation to Tau at Takoo, and intercourse with Chinese comrs. (ib., 304.) — May 8. Tau, and colleagues, to Reed. Gratification at his intention to be present at Takoo, and meet Chinese imperial comrs. (ib., 314.) — May 10. Same to Same. President’s letter brought to Tientsin; to be delivered to Emperor. (ib., 315.) — May 11. Reed to Gros. Interview with Chinese comrs. ; strmt. of his objects; points on which they expressed willingness to treat; believes that claims will not be recognized. (ib., 309.) — May 11. Reed to Tau. Nature of assurances re- garding reception. Of President’s letter unsatisfac- tory; it cannot be forwarded; omission of import- ant points in topics comrs. have power to discuss. (ib., 315.) — May 12. Gros to Reed. Translation of answer to letter to Chinese comrs., in relation to certain pow- ers solicited from China. (ib., 311.) — May 13. Tau to Reed. Reply to his note resp. man- ner of receiving letter from President, and negoti- ations to maintain amicable relations. (ib., 316.) — May 15. Reed to Cass. Strmt. of question at issue in China; nature of powers granted Tau; details of interviews with Chinese comrs. (ib., 297.) — May 16. Tau to Reed. Emperor's instructions resp. manner of receiving President’s letter. (ib., 319.) — May 17. Pontyatine to Reed. Emperor refuses to admit foreign envoys to Pekin; hostilities may be ºnary to produce effect on ct. at Pekin. (ib., 320. — May 18. Reed to Tau. Transmits letter from Presi- dent to Emperor of China. (ib., 320.) — May 19. Reed to Pontyatine. Regrets decision of * not to admit foreign envoys to Pekin. (ib., 321. — May 19. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Intends to make further appeal to ct. of Pekin from point nearer capital; plans to accomplish this. (ib., 324.) — May 19. Gros to Reed. Outlines plans regarding forts at Takoo; annexes copy of summons intended to be sent to Chinese comrs. (ib., 321.) — May 19. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Ready to participate in further appeal to ct. of Pekin from point nearer capital. (ib., 327.) — May 21. Reed to Cass. Capture of Takoo ports by ; ; narration of events leading thereto. (ib., 318. — May 25. Pontyatine to Reed. Vagueness of com- munication from Tau; no resistance to be expected at Tientsin. (ib., 331.) — May 25. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Transmits copy of communication from Tau, etc. (ib., 330.) CHINA—cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, April—cont’d (Tientsin; Allies)—cont’d 1858 May 28. Pontyatine to Reed. No time should be lost by allied plenipotentiaries in starting up river. (ib., 333.) — May 28. Reed to Tau. Insists on fulfillment of promise regarding President’s letter; intends to ac- company Russian min. on nearer approach to capi- tal. (ib., 332.) — May 28. Tau to Reed. Mediation with plenipotenti- aries requested. (ib., 333.) — May 29. Same to same. Apptmt. of officials to in- vestigate affairs at mouth of Tientsin River. (ib., 333.) — May 30. Same to same. Reply to letter of Presi- dent delayed in transmission; requested to have understanding with Russian min. (ib., 334.) — Je. 7. Same to same. Reply to President’s note will soon be forwarded to Tientsin. (ib., 344.) 1858, June (Tientsin; Allies) Eweiliang, supt. of the board of punishments ; HWas- hana, president of the board of civil office, and Kiying, an honorary vice-president, were authorized to meet the allies and to negotiate a treaty. The Amer. treaty of Tientsin was signed on Je. 18, the Br. on Je. 26, the Russian and French on Je. 1/13 and Je. 27, 1858, resp. 1858 Je. 2. Reed to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Possi- bility of successful advance on Pekin. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 329.) — Je. 3. Kweiliang and Hwashana to Reed. Apptg. time for interview at Tientsin. (ib., 341.) — Je. 4. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Accepts invitation to meet them at Tientsin. (ib., 341.) —— Je. 5. Reed to H. B. M. high comr. in China (Elgin and Rincardine). Memorandum of his interview with Kweiliang and Hwashana. (ib., 342.) — Je. 7. Gros to Reed. Encloses note of mtg. Of Je. 6, with imperial comrs. Kweiliang and HWashana. (ib., 343.) — Je. 7. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Encloses memorandum of interview betw. himself and im- perial comrs. Kweiliang and HWashana. (ib., 341.) — Je. 9. Kiying, jt. plenipotentiary with Kweiliang and Hwashana, to Reed. Apptmt. to manage ne- gotiations, and arrival at Tientsin. (ib., 345.) — Je. 9. Kweiliang and HWashana to Reed. Mtg. for settling of articles of treaty. (ib., 345.) — Je. 10. Same to same. Will deliver seaſed reply to President’s note on 11 inst. (ib., 346.) — Je. 11. Kiying to Reed. Apptmt. as plenipotentiary, to act with Kweiliang and Hwashana. (ib., 348.) — Je. 11. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Will be at place apptd. to receive reply to President’s note. (ib., 346.) — Je. 11. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Memoran- dum of second interview with imperial comrs. (ib., 347.) — Je. 12. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Receipt of notice of Kiying’s apptmt. ; copy of reply to Pres- ident’s note requested. (ib., 363.) — Je. 12. Gros to Reed. Has not recd. note from Chi- nese plenipotentiaries on demands of France. (ib., 348.) — Je. 12. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Ap- ptmt. of Kiying as jt. plenipotentiary. (ib., 349.) — Je. 13. Same to Same. Cannot furnish copy of re- § * President's note; notice of interviews. (ib., 49. 328 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, June—cont’d (Tientsin; Allies)—cont’d 1858 Je. 15. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Pro- poses to defer signing of treaty, in view of Kwei- liang's illness. (ib., 364.) — Je. 15. Reed to CaSS. Occurrences connected with negotiations; Stnt. Of his views on concessions to be made by China; intercourse with Kiying, imper- ial comr. who negotiated treaties of 1842 and 1844. (ib., 335.) — Je. 16. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Strmt. regarding certain details of treaty; proposal regard- ing signing. (ib., 364.) — Je. 17. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Treaty to be signed 18 inst.; emendations of art. 22 and 29. (ib., 365.) — Je. 18. Reed to Cass. Notice of signing of treaty and conv. with Chinese imperial comrs. (ib., 350.) — Je. 19. Pontyatine to Reed. Copy of treaty con- cluded betw. Russia and China, Je. 13. (ib., 368.) — Je. 19. Same to Same. Receipt of docS. relating to treaty of Wanghai. (ib., 367.) — Je. 19. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Has signed treaty with Chinese imperial comrs. (ib., 368.) — Je. 19. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Re- turns copy of original treaty betw. U. S. and China found in yamun of imperial comr. Yeh; new treaty to be kept in charge of privy Council at capital. (ib., 366.) — Je. 21. Reed to Pontyatine. Transmits copy of treaty betw. U. S. and China. (ib., 369.) — Je. 21. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Same; no provisions for settlement of Canton claims. (ib., 369.) — Je. 28. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Has signed treaty on behalf of Gr. Br. with Chinese imperial comrs. (ib., 370.) — Je. 30. Kweiliang and colleagues to Reed. Em- peror has examined Stipulations of treaty. (ib., 366.) — Je. 30. Reed to Cass. Forwards, in charge of C. W. Bradley, treaty signed 18 inst.; course of negotia- tions leading thereto; new and modified provisions of treaty. (ib., 351.) — Jly. [3]. Imperial rescript; ratifying treaties with four powers, made at Tienstin. (ib., 380.) — JIy. 4. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Trans- mit Emperor's ratification of treaty with U. S. (ib., 379.) — JIy. 5. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Copy of treaty betw. Gr. Br. and China. (ib., 377.) — JIy. 12. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Receipt of copy of Br. treaty with China; expresses pleasure at privileges accruing therefrom to citizens of U. S., under most favored clause. (ib., 377.) — JIy. 6. Pontiatine to Reed. Copy of treaty signed by four powers with China. (ib., 380.) — Jly. 20. Gros to Reed. Transmits copy of Chinese text of treaty signed Je. 27. (ib., 380.) — Jly. 24. Reed to Gros. Receipt of copy of Chinese text of treaty betw. France and China. (ib., 381.) — Jly. 24. Reed to Cass. Forwards translation of dispatch ratifying treaty betw. U. S. and China. (ib., 379.) — Jly. 27. Reed to Gros. Limitations with which he assents to plan suggested in matter of treaty With China. (ib., 393.) ; — Jly. 29. Reed to Cass. Copies of treaties signed by four powers with China, with remarks on Such pro- visions of them as affect U. S. under most favored clause. (ib., 382.) CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, June—cont’d (Tientsin; Allies)—cont’d 1858 Sept. 3. Cass to Reed. Course of conduct apprd.; allies have probably obtained satisfactory treaty from China, in benefits of which U. S. may partici- pate. (ib., 334.) — Sept. 4. Reed to Cass. Remarks on probable effect º gºeruan of treaty betw. U. S. and China. (ib., 429. — Oct. 16. Cass to Reed. Congratulated upon negoti- ation of treaty of Tientsin; resignation of dipl. trust accepted with regret. (ib., 378.) — Oct. 25. Cass to Reed. Reply to his of Jly. 24 and 29; courtesy to U. S. min. manifested by Pontyatine. (ib., 422.) 1858, Oct.-Nov. (Shanghai; Allies) In addition to Kweiliang and Hwashana, among the imperial comrs. who negotiated the treaty of Tient- sin in Je., Twan, member of the establishment of the General Council, Mingshen, president of the Ordnance Office, and Ho-Kwei-Tsing, vice-roy of Leang Keang provs., were appointed specl. Comrs. to negotiate conventions with the U. S., France and Gr. Br. for the regulation of trade and for the ad- justment of claims. Conventions for the regulation of trade were signed by the U. S. and Gr. Br. Nov. 8, #. by France Nov. 24, 1858. See also above, 8.1LI1S. Alºmerican Negotiations 1858 Aug. 17. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Reed. Portuguese plenipotentiary in China to be invited to participate in negotiations with Chinese au- thorities. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 329.) — Nov. 3. Amer. comr. in China (Reed) to Gov. of Macao (Guimaraës). Portugal could not be invited to treat with China jointly with other powers, as each negotiated separately. (ib., 492.) — Nov. 9. Reed to Cass. Forwards two supplementary conv. With China, viz.: com]. and adjusting claims; consideration of former, embodying revised tariff and new regulations of trade and transit; duties On tea, silk and opium. (ib., 493.) a. Claims 1858 Je. 21. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Com- plaint of Violence on part of foreign soldiers. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 365.) 4. – Je. 22. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. No U. S. citizens concerned in attack on property of citizens at Tientsin; interview requested for discussion of claims of U. S. citizens agst. China. (ib., 373.) – Je. 23. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Rob- bery of people in Tientsin, and clause in treaty about indemnity for claims. (ib., 374.) – Je. 23. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Repeats request for interview regarding claims of Amer. citizens. (ib., 374.) — Je. 25. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Amt. of Amer. claims referred to gov. gen. at Canton. (ib., 374.) — Je. 26. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Re- quests answer to his stnt. of his understanding of arrangement resp. Amer. claims. (ib., 375.) — Je. 27. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Sug- gested addition to stnut. of plan for settlement of Amer. claims deemed proper. (ib., 376.) — Je. 30. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Satis- fied with arrangement for settlement of Amer. claims for losses at Canton. (ib., 376.) — Jly. 1. Reed to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Ar- rangement for prospective liquidation of claims of Amer. citizens for losses at Canton; plan proposed in connection therewith. (ib., 371.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 329 CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, Oct.-Nov.–cont’d (Shanghai; Allies)—cont’d American Negotiations—cont’d a. Claims—cont’d 1858 Jiy. [15]. Imperial rescript; Kweiliang, Hwashana, Képie and Mingshen apptd. imperial comrs. to act with Ho-Kwei-Tsing, to arrange tariff with Amer. comr. at Suchau, Kiang-su prov. (ib., 394.) — Nov. 4. Reed to Kweiliang and colleagues. Plan for settlement of Amer. claims. (ib., 524.) — Nov. 6. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Pro- posal for Settlement of claims of Amer. citizens. (ib., 525.) — Nov. 10. Same to same. Remarks explanatory of Conv. Signed at Shanghai for final adjustment of claims of Amer. citizens. (ib., 520.) b. Tariff 1858 Jiy. 24. Ho-Kwei-Tsing to Reed. Imperial decree resp. arrangement of tariff and com]. matters. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 394.) — Jiy. 29. Reed to Ho Kweitsing. Receipt of com- munication resp. arrangement of com]. and tariff matters. (ib., 395.) — Aug. 25. Ho-Kwei-Tsing to Reed. Cause of failure of imperial comrs. to arrive at Shanghai for re- vision of tariff. (ib., 426.) — Sept. 1. Reed to Cass. Delay in arrival of comrs. to revise tariff; treaty signed by cons. gen. Harris with Emperor of Japan; coolie trade at Amoy greatly fallen off; coolie trade elsewhere. (ib., 422.) — Sept. 4. Reed to Ho-Kwei-Tsing. Delay in arrival of comrs. to revise tariff; cause desired. (ib., 425.) — Sept. 13. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Remarks and suggestions regarding important modifications in tariff. (ib., 503.) — Sept. 15. Reed to Cass. Treaties of different pow- ers with Japan substantially the same; details of new tariff nearly completed; difficulties attending lease of island in Canton River; recommendations : credentials and equipment of successor. (ib., ..) — Oct. 16. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Re- quested to appt. persons to meet Wang and Sieh to discuss tariff. (ib., 441.) — Oct. 18. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Ready to receive them either in Shanghai or on U. S. S. Minnesota, at anchor near Woosung. (ib., 442.) — Oct. 19. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Beg ; before apptg. time to go to his residence. (ib., ..) — Oct. 20. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Has de- clined to send deputies to meet Chinese for revising tariff. (ib., 513.) — Oct. 21. Reed to Kweiliang and Hwashana. Does not consider it expedient to appt. persons for dis- cussion of tariff with Chinese repr. and Lord Elgin. (ib., 442.) — Nov. 1. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Reed. Pro- posing regulations for cons., their granting flags to native boats, equality of officials. (ib., 514.) — Nov. 5. Reed to Cass. Treaties should be framed by China with all com/. powers; tariff and trade regulations not yet completed. (ib., 492.) — Nov. 6. Reed to Elgin and Kincardine. Accepts tariff in part of U. S., and proposes to adopt it by supplementary convention. (ib., 519.) — Nov. 10. Reed to Kweiliang and colleagues. Sug- gests mode of action, how to regulate flags on native boats. (ib., 516.) CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d 1858, Oct.-Nov.–cont’d (Shanghai; Allies)—cont’d American Negotiations—cont’d b. Tariff—cont’d 1858 Dec. 8. Same to same. S. W. Williams to be in charge of legation on his departure; notification Of customs collectors under conv. resp. Amer. Claims. (ib., 543.) British Negotiations 1858 Nov. 6. Elgin and Kincardine to Reed. Sends tariff and regulations of trade arranged betw. Gr. Br. and China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 518.) 1859 Feb. 14. Elgin and Kincardine to Amer. Chargé ad int, in China (Williams). Will forward copy of English tariff and coml. regulations. (ib., 554.) 1859 Kweiliang, Hwashana and Twan were apptd. imperial comrs. to arrange exchg. of ratifications of treaty of Tientsin. Ratifications were exchgd. at Peh-tang: Chih-li prov., Aug. 15, 1859, by Hàngfuh, gov. of Chih-li, and Wan-hi-uh, treasurer of same prov., and the Amer. comr. Ward. 1859 May 28. Amer. comr. in China (Ward) to Kwei- liang, and colleagues. Same authorized to exchg. ratifications of treaty of Tientsin. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 575.) — May 30. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Ward. Ex- chg. of ratifications of treaty must be delayed; reasons therefor. (ib., 575.) — Je. 1. Ward to Kweiliang, and colleagues. Anxious and ready to exchg. ratifications of treaty. (ib., 576.) — Je. 3. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Ward. Relat- ing to time and place of exchg. of treaty ratifica- tions. (ib., 577.) — Je. 5. Ward to Kweiliang, and colleagues. Signifies acceptance of plan proposed for exchg. of treaty ratifications. (ib., 578.) — Je. 11. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Ward. Will leave for capital on 13 inst., for exchg. of ratifica- tions. (ib., 579.) — Je. 12. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bruce) to Ward. Copies of corresp. with imperial comrs. resp. ex- chg. of ratifications at Tientsin. (ib., 580.) — Je. 13. Ward to Cass. Arrival at Shanghai; diffi- culty regarding exchg. of treaty. (ib., 569.) — Je. 24. Ward to gov. gen, prov., Chih-li (King). Arrival at mouth of Peiho River, bearing letter from President to Emperor; requests necessary convey- ances for journey to Pekin. (ib., 590.) — Je. 30. Sun, taoutae of Tientsin and Hokien, in prov. of Chihli, to Ward. Has received imperial com- mands for his safe conduct to Pekin. (ib., 591.) — JIy. 2. Secy. Amer. legation in China (Williams) to Sun. Amer. comr. requests messenger acquainted with channel of Peiho River. (ib., 591.) — JIy. 3. Hàngfuh, gov. gen. of prov. of Chihli, to Ward. Has made arrangements for Safe conduct to Pekin to exchg. ratifications. (ib., 592.) — JIy. 4. Ward to Cass. Obstruction of Peiho River; efforts of Chinese to prevent exchg. Of ratifications at Pekin. (ib., 585.) — J1y. 5. Ward to Hàngfuh. Requests speedy ter- mination of preparations for his Conveyance to Pekin. (ib., 594.) — Jly. 6. Hàngfuh to Ward. Before being conducted to Tientsin, must meet imperial comrs. at Tientsin. (ib., 594.) — Jly. 6. Ward to dipl. agt. at Pekin for Russia (Perowsky). Anxious to reach Pekin; requests any aid or advice in his power. (ib., 610.) 330 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d t Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d British Negotiations—cont’d 1859—cont’d 1859 JIy. 10. Ward to Cass. Intends to remain off Peiho River until permitted to go to Pekin to exchg. ratifications. (ib., 591.) — Jly. 14. Hàngfuh to Ward. Details arrangements made for his conduct to Pekin for exchg. of rati- fications. (ib., 599.) — Jly. 14. Ward to Hàngfuh, etc. Ready to start for Pekin on 20 inst. (ib., 600.) — Jly. 15. Hàngfuh to Ward. Requested to inform Br. and French plenipotentiaries of recent events; disclaim responsibility for battle of Takoo. (ib., 600.) — Jly. 16. Ward to Hàngfuh, etc. Promises to exert himself, after exchg. of ratifications, to adjust difficulties betw. China and England and France. (ib., 601.) — Jiy. 16. Russian comr. in China (Ignatieff) to Ward. Prince Dadeshkalian detained at Pekin four days, for purpose of forwarding Amer. min.’s dis- patches to Shanghai. (ib., 613.) — Jiy. 19. Same to Same. Has recd. letter addressed to predecessor; evasive replies of imperial cabinet to requests for Suitable reception of Amer. min. (ib., 610.) ſh — Jly. 24. Same to same. Offer resp. dispatches to U. S.; Amer. legation not to be permitted at large in * until after exchg. of ratifications. (ib., 612. — Jly. 28. Ward to Ignatieff. Arrival in Pekin. (ib., 612.) — Jly. 28. Ward to Kweiliang, and colleagues. Ar- rival in Pekin. (ib., 602.) — Jly. 29. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Ward. Appt. time for interview, for exchg. of ratifications. (ib., 602.) — Aug. 3. Ward to Ignatieff. Expresses thanks for courtesies extended. (ib., 613.) — Aug. [5]. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Ward. Re- quest to be informed where ratifications of treaty are to be exchd. (ib., 603.) — Aug. 6. Same to same. Will request Emperor to de- termine locality for exchg. of ratifications. (ib., 604.) — Aug. 6. Ward to Kweiliang, and colleagues. Insists upon delivering President’s letter to Emperor in person, and upon exchanging ratifications of treaty at Pekin. (ib., 603.) — Aug. 7. Ignatieff to Ward. Chinese Suspicions resp. collusion of Russians and Americans, acct. for pe- culiar treatment of Amer. min. (ib., 614.) — Aug. 8. Ward to Kweiliang, and colleagues. Course of conduct not due to lack of respect for Emperor. (ib., 605.) — [Aug. 9]. Imperial rescript resp. entry of Amer. comr. Ward into Pekin. (ib., 606.) — Aug. 9. Kweiliang, and colleagues, to Ward. Trans- mit dispatch settling mode of exch.g. of ratifications and delivery of President’s letter. (ib., 606.) — Aug. 9. Same to Same. Desire to confer With Comr. of foreign commerce, Ho, before new COml. regula- tions go into effect. (ib., 608.) - — Aug. 10. Ward to Ignatieff. Expresses thanks for efforts made in his behalf in Pekin; peculiar Course of conduct of comrs. and cabinet. (ib., 616.) — Aug. 10. Ward to Kweiliang, and colleagues. Ex- presses gratification at arrangement for reception of President’s letter. (ib., 607.) — Aug. 10. Same to Same. Accepts proposition to confer with Ho to remove obstacles in Conduct Of trade. (ib., 608.) CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: Allies—cont’d British Negotiations—cont’d 1859—cont’d 1859 Aug. 13. Ward to Hàngfuh. Expects to arrive at Peh-tang on 16 inst., for exchg. of ratifications. (ib., 609.) — Aug. 15. Hàngfuh to Ward. Has arrived at Peh- tang. (ib., 609.) — Aug. 20. Ward to Cass. Interview with imperial comrs. resp. exchg. of ratifications; succeeding events. (ib., 594.) — Aug. 27. Ward to Ho-Kwei-Tsing. Requests issue of proclamation announcing new coml. regulations and arranging details, without delay. (ib., 619.) — Aug. 30. Ho-Kwei-Tsing to Ward. Proclamation of new comi. regulations must await settlement of English and French treaties. (ib., 620.) — Sept. 1. Ward to Cass. Believes that Chinese authorities will insist on exchg. of ratifications for supplemental conv.; steps taken for adjustment of claims. (ib., 617.) — Sept. 5. Ward to Ho-Kweitsing. Insists upon im- mediate proclamation of treaty, and extension of its privileges to Amer. vessels, and full observance of its provisions. (ib., 621.) — Sept. 10. Ho-Kwei-Tsing to Ward. Must lay matter of proclamation of treaty of Tientsin before govt. (ib., 623.) — Sept. 14. Ward to Ho-Kwei-Tsing. Repeats request, with reasons, for undelayed publication of treaty of Tientsin. (ib., 623.) Foreign Negotiations: American Statutory Measures 1843 Jan. 24. Intr. in U. S. House (Adams, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (27. 3. H. R. 720) “providing means of future intercourse betw. U. S. and govt. Of China ’’; appra. Mch. 3, 1843. (27. 3. H. jol., 250, 420, 579; v, Stat. L., 624.) 1857 Feb. 9. Intr. in Senate (Mallory, Com. On Naval Affairs), bill (34. 3. S. 578) “to authorize the con- struction of an armed Str. for the protection. Of Amer. commerce in the China Seas. (34. 3. S. jol., 182.) Correspondence, etc. 1840 Jan. 9. Amer. citizens, residents of Canton, to U. S. House. Memorial, setting forth disadvantages under which they labor, owing to Chinese edicts agst, opium trade, and praying for coml. agt. and naval force to China. (26.1. H. jol., 189; viii, Cong. Globe, 109.) — Feb. 7, U. S. House. Res. (Pickens, S. C.) request- ing Pres. to communicate regarding condition of U. S. citizens in China; Chinese edicts for Suppres- sion of opium trade, and proposed blockade of Chi- nese ports by Gr. Br. (26. 1. H. jol., 368.) — Feb. 17. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Paulding) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Information resp. trade with China. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 119, 71.) — Mch. 16. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; relations of China and U. S., asking whether U. S. is to make common cause with Gr. Br. in reference to recent events in China. (viii, Cong. Globe, 275.) — Mch. 16. F. W. Pickens, repr. from S. C. Remarks; denying that U. S. govt. intends to make common cause with Gr. Br. regarding recent events in China. (ib., 275.) — Apr. 9. Citizens of Salem (Mass.) to U. S. House. Memorial agst. Sending of dipl. agtS. to China until after settlement of differences betw. England and that country. (26. 1. H. jol., 781.) — Apr. 9. Citizens of Boston (Mass.) to Same. Same, (ib., 781.) INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 331 CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1840 Je. 16. Register of the Treasury, U. S. A. (Smith). Stmt. exhibiting value of exports of foreign mer- chandise and domestic produce to China, annually from 1821 to 1839. (26.1. H. doc. 248, 4.) — Je. 17. Treasury Dept. Strmt. of commerce and navigation betw. U. S. and China, 1821-1839. (ib.) — Dec. 15. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.), re- questing PreS. to communicate copies of all docS. in State Dept. Showing origin of any political rela- tions betw. U. S. and China, and regarding cons. at Canton. (26. 2. H. jol., 46, 58.) — Dec. 16. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; Suggesting that information resp. our com]. rela- tions with China might be procured from Navy Dept. (ix, Cong. Globe, 28.) - — Dec. 16. J. C. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks; supporting his res. of 15 inst. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 23. U. S. House. Motion (Everett, Vt.), to re- quest PreS. to communicate copies of all corresp. betw. govts. of U. S. and Gr. Br., relative to any proc. on part of that govt. tending to interrupt our com- merce with China. (26. 2. H. jol., 97.) 1842 Dec. 30. President U. S. A. (Tyler). Message rela- tive to dipl. intercourse with Sandwich Is., and with China. (27. 3. H. doc. 35, 1; 52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 35; iv, Mess. and Papers, 211.) 1843 Jan. 24. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Adams). Rpt. on H. R. 720; measures for improving comi. and political relations betw. U. S. and China. (27. 3. H. rpt. 93.) — Feb. 21. J. C. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks on and amdmt. to bill H. R. 720. (xii, Cong. Globe, 323.) — Feb. 21. H. Everett, repr. from Wt. Remarks; on bill (H. R. 720) providing for com]. intercourse with China. (ib., 325.) — Feb. 21. I. E. Holmes, repr. from S. C. Remarks; urging provision for mission to China. (ib., 325.) — Feb. 21. J. A. Meriwether, repr. from Ga. Re- marks; Opposing Adams amdmt. to bill (H. R. 720). (ib., 323.) — Feb. 22. J. C. Clark, repr. from N. Y. Speech; op- posing large discretionary powers of Pres. and Secy. State in expenditure of proposed apprn. to establish com]. relations with China. (ib., app., 198.) — Mch. 3. T. H. Benton, sen. from Mo. Remarks; op- posing bill H. R. 720. (ib., 391.) 1844 Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Tyler). Annual mes- sage; clause regarding contemplated treaty with Chinese empire. 1845 Jan. 22. Pres. U. S. A. (Tyler) to U. S. Senate. Recommending establishment of dipl. service in China. (28. 2. S. doc. 58, 1; H. ex. doc. 69, 1.) — Dec. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Pres. U. S. A. (Polk). Stnt. of expenditures under act of Mch. 3, 1843, providing means of future intercourse betw. U. S. and China. (29. 1. S. doc. 17.) 1851 Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to continued vacancy in comr- ship. to China; persons to whom office has been offered decline to accept OWing to inadequacy of Salary. 1853 Feb. 7. S. Hernisz, late interpr. to Amer. legation in China, to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying aid to publish work intended to facilitate intercourse betw. U. S. and China. (32. 2. S. jol., 172.) 1857 Feb. 9. U. S. S. Com. on Naval Affairs (Mallory). Rpt. to acc. S. 578, for construction of armed stnr. for protection of Amer. Commerce in China Seas. (34. 3. S rpt. 370.) CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Cushing Embassy May 8, 1843-Aug. 27, 1844 Cushi arrived at Macao in U. S. S. Brandywine in UIS # º left Macao Aug. 27, 1844, arrived in el)., Washington Jan. 4, 1845. Negotiations conducted at Canton by the Amer. Comr. Cushing and the vice-roy of Leang º; proVS., Čhing fliutsäi. Early in the negotiations Ching was succeeded by Kiying. Cushing chose, for some rea- son, to address this official in the Manchu form, i. e., Tsiyeng. See also xiv, Chinese repository, 353–77; 410-23. See also below, Naval operations, 1843-45. (Statutory Measures) 1847 Mch. 3. Act making apprns. for civil and dipl. ex- penses . . . . Je. 30, 1848; apprn. to satisfy outstand- ing claims for [Cushing] mission to China. (ix, St. L., 167.) (Correspondence, etc.) 1843 May 8. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Amer. comr. in China (Cushing). Instructions. (28. 2. S. doc. 138, 1.) — JIy. 12. President U. S. A. (Tyler) to Emperor of China. Purpose of Amer. mission; credentials of comr. C. Cushing. (ib., 8.) 1844 Feb. 27. Cushing to gov. gen. of Kwang Tung and Rwang Se (Ching Liutsäi). Announcing arrival with power to treat. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 2.) — Mch. 19. Ching to Cushing. Undesirable that en- voy proceed to Peking; Chinese-Br. relations; no occasion for treaty betw. China and U. S. (ib., 2.) — Mch. 23. Cushing to Ching. Means whereby Con- summation of mission may be facilitated. (ib., 5.) — Apr. 1. Ching to Cushing. Urging delay in pro- ceeding to Peking; will rpt. envoy’s desires to em- peror. (ib., 7.) — Apr. 1. Cushing to Ching. Request for Copies of certain treaties betw. China and Gr. Br. and betw. China and Portugal. (ib., 8.) — Apr. 4. Same to same. Inquiries as to mode of reaching Peking. (ib., 10.) — Apr. 10. Ching to Cushing. Forwards copies of treaties with Gr. Br. and Portugal. (ib., 8.) Apr. 12. Same to same. Time when emperor's reply may be expected; requests envoy to Wait at legation at Macao. (ib., 10.) — Apr. 13. Cushing to Ching. Brandywine, flagship E. I. Sqdn., U. S. N., proceeds on visit to Wham- poa. (ib., 11.) — Apr. 13. Same to same. Receipt of certain treaties; assurances of friendly interest of U. S. (ib., 9.) — Apr. 16. Same to same. Announces immediate de- parture from Macao to Peking. (ib., 12.) — Apr. 19. Ching to Cushing. Protest agst. presence of Brandywine at Whampoa. (ib., 13.) — Apr. 19. Gov. of Kwang Tung (Ching) to Amer. comr. in China (Cushing). Remonstrates agst. Con- duct of Amer. cons. Forbes in opening his commu- nication of 19 inst. addressed to Cushing. (ib., 15.) — Apr. 20. Same to same. Further protest agst. presence of Brandywine at Whampoa; copy of protest to comdre. Parker. (ib., 16.) — Apr. 21. Same to same. Advises delay before pro- ceeding to Peking until receipt of imperial edict; forbids intercourse with native Officials. (ib., 20.) — Apr. 22. Cushing to Ching. Explanation of cons. Forbes’ Offence; presence of Ships of War, and Br. treaty provision; Brandywine to leave Whampoa. (ib., 19.) — Apr. 24. Same to same. Displeasure at reception. (ib., 21.) — Apr. 29. Gov. gen. of KWang Tung and Kwang Se (Tsiyeng) to Cushing. Apptmt. as imperial comr. to treat at Canton. (ib., 35.) 332 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Cushing Embassy—cont’d May 8, 1843-Aug. 27, 1844—cont’d (Correspondence, etc.)—cont’d 1844 May 4. Ching to Cushing. Explanation of alleged error of date; assurance of friendly disposition. (ib., 24.) - May 4. Same to same. Reviewing previous cor- resp.; apptmt. of Tsiyeng Paou as his successor. (ib., 23.) - May 8. Same to same. Tsiyeng apptd. high comr. : ºnaut negotiations betw. China and U. S. (ib., - May 9. Same to same. Enclosing imperial instruc- tions for conducting intercourse with envoy of TJ. S. (ib., 29.) - May 9. Cushing to Ching. Western custom in dipl. affairs; resigns himself to delay of Chinese routine. (ib., 25.) May 10. Same to same. Pacific sqdn. U. S. N., or- dered to coast of China. (ib., 28.) - May 14. Same to same. Receipt of imperial in- Structions; apptmt. of Tsiyeng. (ib., 31.) — May 27. Cushing to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Progress of negotiations with China. (ib., 31.) May 31. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Proceeds to Macao for a personal interview. (ib., 35.) — Je. 3. Cushing to Tsiyeng. Returns certain cor- resp. because of improper address. (ib., 36.) — Je. 9. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Error in corresp. to be rectified; departure on the 10th for Macao. (ib., 37.) — Je. 12. Cushing to Upshur. Arrival of the St. Louis (Keith) and the Perry (Tilton); death of midship- man Harrison of the Perry. (ib., 33.) — Je. 13. Same to same. Tenor of corresp. with Tsi- yeng augurs for success of mission. (34.) Je. 21. Same to same. Submits projet of treaty. (ib., 41.) — Je. 22. Same to same. Modification of tariff pro- vision in projet of treaty. (ib., 43.) — Je. 22. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Advises postponement of imperial audience. (ib., 42.) — Je. 25. Cushing to Tsiyeng. Yields to imperial de- sire to forego visit to Peking. (ib., 52.) — Je. 27. Same to same. Delivery of personal letter from Pres. of U. S. to Emperor of China. (ib., 53.) — Je. 29. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Revision of draft of treaty. (ib., 51.) — Je. 29. Same to Same. Gratification at decision to forego visit to Peking. (ib., 53.) — JIy. 3. Treaty of peace, etc. [treaty of Wang Hiya], signed by Cushing and Tsiyeng; see below, Treaties. — Jly. 3. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Arrangements for de- livery of personal letter from Pres. of U. S. to Em- peror of China; policy of Chinese govt. relative to reception of foreign ambassadors. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 54.) — Jly. 3. Same to same. Revision of tariff on gin- Seng and lead. (ib., 44.) — Jly. 4. Cushing to the Americans residing in China. Circular note; conclusion of treaty of Wang Hía. (xiii, Chinese Repository, 336.) — Jly. 5. Cushing to Secy. State ad int., U. S. A. (Nel- son). Comparison of treaty of Wang Hiya with Engl. treaty of Nanking. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 77.) — Jly. 8. Same to same. Acct. of negotiations pre- liminary to treaty of Wang Hiya. (ib., 38.) Cushing Embassy–cont’d May 8, 1843-Aug. 27, 1844—cont’d (Correspondence, etc.)—cont’d 1844 Jly. 9. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Revision of tariff on ginseng, lead and spelter. (ib., 75.) – Jly. 9. Cushing to Nelson. Satisfactory character of negotiations with Tsiyeng. (ib., 40.) – Jly. 13. Same to same. Deficiency in organization º º govt. in provision for foreign intercourse. ib., 54. — JIy. 15. Cushing to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun). Negotiations with Tsiyeng; friendly disposition of Tsiyeng; reasons for not going to Peking. (ib., 58.) – Jly. 22. Cushing to Tsiyeng. Approval of tariff revision. (ib., 76.) — Aug. 2. Cushing to Calhoun. Forwards copies of treaty of Wang Hiya. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 76.) — Aug. 19. Same to same. Mode of exchanging rati- fications of treaty of Wang Hiya; difference in trans- lations of treaty. (ib., 92.) – Aug. 23. Same to same. Mode of conveyance of dipl. corresp. in China. (ib., 99.) — Sept. 29. Same to same. Stipulations for dipl. service in China in treaty of 1844. (28. 2. S. doc. 58, 4; H. ex. doc. 69, 5.) 1845 Jan. 22. President U. S. A. (Tyler) to U. S. Senate. Message; com/. treaty with China. (28. 2. S. doc. 58, 1; H. ex. doc. 69, 1; 28. 2. S. jol., 104.) — Feb. 11. U. S. Senate. Res. (Choate, Mass.), re- questing President to communicate instructions given to late comr. to China, and any communica- tions made directly to that govt. (28. 2. S. jol., 158, 171.) — Dec. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Presi- dent U. S. A. (Polk). Expenditure of apprn. under act of Mch. 3, 1843, for dipl. establishment of U. S. in China. (29. 1. S. doc. 17; H. doc. 44.) Everett Embassy Mch. 13, 1845-Je. 28, 1847 Mr. Everett sailed for China with comdre. Biddle in May, 1845. Owing to ill health he was obliged to return before he had completed the voyage to his post. Mr. Everett was “º, the ratified Amer. Copy of the treaty of yº ia, and on Aug. 8, he committed the charge of the exchg. of ratifications to comdre. Biddle, instrusting him, as well, with the temporary discharge of the duties of comr. Early in the summer of 1846 he again set out for China, where he died in the spring of the following year. 1846 Oct. 6. Amer. comr. (Everett) arrives at Macao; his reception in Canton; interview with Kiying. (xv, Chinese Repository, 527.) 1847 [May]. Narrative strmt. of funeral of Amer. comr. Everett. (xvi, ib., 367.) Davis Embassy Jan. 3, 1848-May 25, 1849 1848 Mch. Plymouth sailed from U. S. having on board the Amer. comr. Davis; arrived at Macao Aug. 16. (Ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, U. S. A., 1848.) — Oct. 6. Narrative strmt. of conference with vice- roy Leang Kwang prov. (Sii). (xvii, Chinese Re- pository, 543.) 1849 Jan. 2. Regulations resp. administration of cons. cts. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 72, 8.) 1856 Oct. 16. Amer. comr. in China (McLane) to Chi- nese authorities. Memorandum; etc. Complaint agst, mode of reception of Amer. Comr. Davis; re- fers to Davis corresp. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 299.) INDEx To UNITED STATEs Documents RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 333 CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Marshall Embassy Aug. 4, 1852-Jan. 27, 1854 During a portion of 1853 and 1854 negotiations were conducted at Canton, by the Amer. comrs. Mar- shall and McLane jointly, and the Chinese imperial comr. Yeh, gov. of Canton, and Pih-Kwei, gov. of Ho-nan. See also below, Naval operations. 1853 Jan. 31. Marshall to Pih-Kwei. Requesting apptmt. to present credentials to Emperor. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 13.) — Feb. 3. Marshall to Yeh and Pih-Kwei. Protest agst, indefinite postponement of apptmt. for pre- sentation of his credentials. (ib., 14.) — Feb. 3. Yeh and Pih-Kwei to Marshall. Reply to his of Jan. 31. (ib., 13.) — Feb. 7. Marshall to Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett). Disinclination of Chinese authorities to promote foreign intercourse; charges of neglect of official duty agst. comdre. Aulick in refusing to send Sara- toga. (ib., 9.) — Feb. 8. Marshall to Everett. Conduct of comdre. Aulick; subjects of negotiations to be entered upon; state of Chinese rebellion; ascendancy of authority of rebel chief Teen Tih. (ib., 24.) — Mch. 3. Marshall. Circ. to Amer. cons. in Chi- nese ports requesting Strnt. of Amer. trade at each port resp. (ib., 82.) — Mch. 8. Marshall to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Extent of Br. endeavors to promote coolie trade; suggests propriety of providing official residence for Amer. comrs. to China; of investing comr. With ju- dicial power to determine case of piracy occurring On high seas; of providing interpreters for Amer. cons. in China. (ib., 78.) — Mch. 15. Marshall to senior and comdg officer E. I. Sqdn. U. S. N. (Kelly). Asks conveyance in U. S. S. Susquehanna from Macao to Nankin to communicate his letter of credence through Vice- roy of Lean Keang. (ib., 94.) — Mch. 15. Kelly to Marshall. Susquehanºma to be in readiness to proceed to Nankin 20 inst. (ib., 95.) — Mch. 19. Marshall to Marcy. Comment on internal state of China; Chinese disregard of foreign repre- Sentatives; again urges policy of keeping small strs. for use of Chinese mission. (ib., 87.) — Mch. 28. Amer. comr. in China (Marshall) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Arrival from Macao at Shanghai in U. S. frigate Susquehanna; Nankin still in state of siege; imperial edict declaring rebel vessels lawful prize; hopeful of imperial reception at Pekin. (ib., 97.) — May 26. Same to Same. Leave of P. Parker; neces- sity of providing by apprin. for interpreters for U. S. legation in China; political state of China; copies of Chinese books issued by chief of rebellion brought from Nankin by Br. expedition. (ib., 139.) — May 30. Same to Same. Loss of certain despatches; political state of China; rebels in possession of Amoy; requests instructions relative to customs service of de facto govt. during presence of cons. Of- ficial credited to defunct govt.; information of Americans joining arms with rebels; apprehension that Br. efforts will Secure from new dynasty open- ing of a western Chinese inland port to connect the Yangtse Kiang and Irrawaddy, resulting in annexa- tion of large terr. to Br. India in event of dismem- berment of Chinese empire. (ib., 162.) — Je. Vice-roy Liang Kiang provs. (Eleang) to Em- peror of China. Memorial; transmitting Marshall’s credentials. (ib., 377.) - CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Marshall Embassy—cont’d Aug. 4, 1852-Jan. 27, 1854—cont’d 1853 Je. 2. Marshall to Eleang. Inquiry relative to letter addressed to prime min. of the Ta Tsing empire requesting imperial audience. (ib., 181.) — Je. 8. Amer. comr. in China (Marshall) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Return of Br. Str. Hermes after withdrawal of Amer. and French strs. from de- fence of Shanghai; C. W. Orne apptd. temporary Amer. Cons. agt. at Foochow; confidential advice of corresp. betw. rebel mins. and Br. govt. relative to promoting comi. intercourse. (ib., 175.) — Je. 21. Same to same. Difficulties attending at- tempts to obtain imperial audience; ill advised con- duct of missionaries in intercourse with insurgents; disturbances at Amoy cont'd. (ib., 182.) — Jly. 6. Same to same. Acct. of journey to Knoon- San and cordial reception by gov. gen. of Liang Kiang (Eleang); results anticipated. (ib., 189.) — Jly. 10. Marshall to Yeh. Requests transmission of reply to his letter addressed in Apr. to prime min.; etc. (ib., 225.) — Jly. 10. Same to same. Expediency of intervention in China to prevent Russian and Br. ascendency in Coml. undertakings. (ib., 203.) — Jly. 30. Same to same. Corresp. with Chinese im- perial comr. at Canton about payment of Roberts claim; suggests expediency of establishment of govt. jail. (ib., 223.) - Aug. Marshall to Eleang. Gratified at reception of Credentials; regrets failure to attach imperial sig. nature to reply to President’s letter. (ib., 244.) - Aug. 10. Eleang to Marshall. Imperial message recognizing his credentials; intercourse may be carried on at Shanghai. (ib., 244.) — Aug. 16. Secy. Amer. legation in China (Parker) to Marshall. Recurring to charge of interference in official mail. (ib., 245.) — Aug. 26. Marshall to Marcy. Receipt of imperial acknowledgment of reception of credentials; visit of U. S. comr. to imperial capital declined; failure to establish official residence at Pekin leaves alter- native place of communication either Canton or Shanghai, Shanghai preferred; adoption of code of land regulations for Shanghai; movements of reb- els; Strength of rebel and imperial armies. (ib., 240.) - Aug. 30. Same to Same. Transmitting Chinese acct. of his reception at Kwanshan; evidences of uneasi- ; at Canton at his advances towards Pekin. (ib., 8. – Sept. 16. Yeh to Marshall. Reply to his of JIy. 10. (ib., 283.) — Sept. 21. Marshall to Marcy. Protest agst. absence of U. S. naval force; repeats suggestion for pro- Vision of Small strs.; progress of rebellion; division of Offices of Secy. and interpreter; erection of com- modious jails; revision of law of 1848. (ib., 263.) — Oct. 30. Marshall to Marcy. Adverse comment on conduct of Comdr. Perry; rivalry betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. for China trade; destruction of Chinese cus: toms house; taking of Shanghai by insurgents. (ib., 284.) — Nov. 21. Marshall to Marcy. Arrival at Hong Kong; etc. (ib., 307.) — Nov. 23. Marshall to Yeh. Arrival at Macao; etc. (ib., 338.) — Dec. 5. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage; clause relating to condition of China, and comr. to that country. 334 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA—cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Marshall Embassy—cont’d Aug. 4, 1852-Jan. 27, 1854—cont’d 1853 Dec. 8. Marshall to Marcy. Details of collision betw. Br. residents and imperialists at Shanghai; critical comment on extent of grant of legal power to cons. in China; recommends increase of salaries for cons. in China; erection of suitable prisons; movements of rebels; loss of Lieut. Matthews and 13 seamen attached to Plymouth. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 321.) — Dec. 26. Marshall to Perry. Imperial comr. at Can- ton remains unattentive to Amer. comr.’s presence; unless a communication is recd. from him in certain time, proposes to Suspend payment of duties at Shanghai; asks escort for intended visit to Shang- hai. (ib., 350; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 88.) 1854 Jan. 9. Marshall to Marcy. Policy in favor of Amer. Shipping; news of apptmt. of his successor. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 333.) — Jan. 19. Parker to Marshall. Imperial edict of Jly. 14, 1853. (ib., 376.) Jan. 24. Marshall to Yeh. Notice of his retirement; early arrival of his successor (McLane). (ib., 375.) — Jan. 25. Marshall to Marcy. Details attending Sur- render of office to his successor. (ib., 368.) Feb. 6. U. S. House. Res. (Stephens, Ga.), calling on Pres. for corresp. of late comr. to China (Mar- shall) with State Dept. (33. 1. H. jol., 323.) 1856 Oct. 16. Amer. Comr. in China (McLane) to Chi- nese authorities. Memorandum, etc.; complaint agst, treatment of Amer. Comr. Marshall; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 299.) McLane Embassy Oct. 18, 1853-Dec. 12, 1854 See also the note under the preceding group, i. e., Mar- shall Embassy. In May and June, 1854, comr. McLame conducted ne- gotiations at Shanghai with the vice-roy of the Liang Kiang provs., Eleang. The purpose of these negotiations was to arrange supplementary articles to the treaty of Wang Hia. 1853 Apr. 3. Amer. comr. ad int. in China (Parker) to imperial high comr. (Yeh). Arrival of R. M. Mc- Lane at Hong Kong and his readiness to meet im- perial comr. and to present credentials. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 27.) — Apr. 6. Yeh to Parker. Requests little leisure be- fore apptg. time to receive U. S. comr. (ib., 19, 27.) — Apr. 15. McLane to Yeh. Reasons for postpone- ment of interview are unsatisfactory. (ib., 25.) — May 7. Yeh to McLane. Reply to desp. of 15 ult. (ib., 86.) — Oct. 26. McLane to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Accepts Commission apptg. him comr. to China. (ib., 2.) — Nov. 9. Marcy to McLane. Unrestricted com]. inter- course to be established betw. China and U. S.; to cooperate with Perry in Japanese negotiations; in event of change of govt. or disintegration of China, to present credentials and treat with de facto govts. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 39, 2.) — Dec. 8. McLane to Yeh. Obligations of treaty re- quiring concurrent action with imperial authorities and those of U. S.; apptmt. of Peter Parker as Amer. Vice-Comr. and actg. chargé, and Robert S. Sturgis ; Amer. Vice-cons. at Canton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 89. — Dec. 28. Parker to Yeh. Irregularities in regard to manner of addressing U. S. authorities, in cor- resp. of Chinese authorities. (ib., 510.) CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d McLane Embassy—cont’d Oct. 18, 1853-Dec. 12, 1854—cont’d 1854 Mch. 20. McLane to Marcy. Comdr. U. S. S. Ply- mouth forcibly removes crew of Amer. pilot boat from Chinese war str. Sir Herbert Compton; Chi- nese war junk Clown fires into Amer. pilot boat; etc. (35. 2. S. ex, doc. 22, 3.) — Mch. 20. McLane to Marcy. Arrival at Hong Kong; conference with secy. of legation (Parker); temper of Br. authorities; affairs at Shanghai; Amer. ship Oriental lost in river Min, below. Amoy, on Feb. 25; coolie trade. (ib., 5.) * — Apr. 6. Parker to McLane. Surprise at policy pur- Sued by Chinese imperial min. towards Amer. COmr.; comment on two courses of action which suggest themselves. (ib., 20.) — Apr. 8. McLane to Marcy. Proposes to visit Canton On 14 inst. to open communications with Chinese govt.; requests that two sloops-of-war be detached from E. I. sqdn. to be subject to his control in con- nection with Susquehanna; no decisive change in affairs. (ib., 7.) — Apr. 9. Same to Same. Conduct of imperial comr.; line of conduct which he proposes to pursue in mat- ter. (ib., 15.) — Apr. 19. McLane to Perry. Instructions from Secy. of Navy; confidential despatch with view of his mission; etc. (ib., 234.) e — Apr. 20. Same to same. Result of past relations with China; conduct of imperial comr. towards pub- lic functionaries of foreign govts.: Substance of con- versation with Sir John Bowring. (ib., 21.) — May 9. McLane to Eleang. Request for personal interview to deliver letter, of which he is the bearer, to court of China. (ib., 87.) — May 25. Eleang to McLane. Fixes on first decade fifth moon to be at Kwan-Shan, there to be present at personal interview. (ib., 89.) — May 26. Chaw, speci. comr. A naval officer has been sent to make inquiries resp. anchoring ships in great river. (ib., 60.) — May 28. Eleang to McLane. Fixes date for inter- view. (ib., 88.) — May 29. Hu-Nai-Chau, Chinese director. Men de- siring to visit Nanking must conform to rites and customs. (ib., 62.) — Je. 22. McLane to Eleang. Requests that memorial be sent to emperor for empowering of Comr. to ne- gotiate on com]. relations of China and U. S.; diffi- culties at Shanghai. (ib., 143.) — Je. 24. Eleang. Memorial, reporting visit of U. S. comr. McLane; his success in dissuading Mr. Mc- Lane from proceeding to Peiho. (36. 1. S., ex. doc. 30, 452.) — Je. 29. Eleang to McLane. Communication re- questing that a memorial be sent to emperor has been transmitted to min. at Canton, who has man- agement of comi. affairs with foreign nations; ques- tion of receipt of duties, pending at Shanghai. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 149.) — Jly. 7. McLane to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Result of interview with Vice-roy of Liang Kiang. (ib., 112.) — [Jly. 7]. Imperial decree; Hu Nai-Chau’s timidity in dealing with the barbarians; intercourse of latter with the rebels and their unauthorized appearance in the interior; Yeh is to lecture them. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 449.) — IJly. 14]. Imperial decree; approving Eleang's con- duct, as compared with that of Hu Nai Chau; any concessions made by Hu to the barbarians to be cancelled; Yeh alone to deal with them. (ib., 456.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 335 CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d McLane Embassy—cont’d Oct. 18, 1853-Dec. 12, 1854—cont’d 1854 Jly. 18. McLane to Eleang. Proposes to proceed to mouth of Peiho to communicate to emperor friendly intentions of U. S. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 150.) — JIy. [2(?) J. McLane to Eleang. Will not volunta- rily renew intercourse with Yeh; proposed visit to mouth of Peiho has been postponed. (ib., 152.) — Jly. 22. Eleang to McLane. Needless to go to Tien- tsin; proper that he should return to Canton and there negotiate with Yeh. (ib., 151.) — JIy. 22. McLane to Perry. Receipt of his advice, of May 27, of conclusion of Japanese treaty; nature of his negotiations at Shanghai; co-operates with H. B. M. comr., Bowring. (ib., 237.) — Jly. 27. McLane to Marcy. Substance of conference with vice-roy Eleang resp. local difficulties of Shang- hai; refusal of vice-roy to communicate with em- peror, (ib., 118.) — JIy. 31. Regulations for administration of cons. courts. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 92, 1; H. ex. doc. 125, 1; 35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 448.) — Aug. 20. McLane to Marcy. Receipt of desp. of . May 8; will confer with Sir J. Bowring as to proper mode of proceeding to mouth of Peiho; panic and confusion at Canton. (ib., 169.) — Aug. 20. Eleang to the Emperor. Memorial; re- ceipt of letters from Sir John Bowring. Mr. Mc- Lane's announcement of his intention to accompany that Officer to Peiho, and his own doubts as to ob- jects of visit. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 458.) — Sept. 19. McLane to Marcy. Disposition of U. S. naval forces in China seas. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 231.) — Oct. 2. Regulations for administration of cons. Courts. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 92, 1; H. ex. doc. 125, 1; 35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 451.) — Nov. 10. McLane to Stevens. Manner in which in- Structions of lt. Comdr. Rodgers in placing John Hancock and Fennimore Cooper at his disposal, have been executed. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 254.) — Nov. 18. McLane to Marcy. Corresp. with U. S. Cons. and Vice-cons. at Canton, Amoy and Shanghai On Various Subjects connected with current business of resp. cons. (ib., 263.) — Nov. 23. Award in case of Shanghai duties; see be- low, Shanghai. — Dec. 5. Regulations for administration of cons. courts. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 32, 3; H. ex. doc. 32, 3; 35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 568.) — Dec. 9. McLane to Parker. Authorizes him to act as comr. as well as chargé of U. S. in Chima, until intentions of PreS. in regard to legation are made known. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 498.) 1855 Mch. 13. Parker to Marcy. Corresp. of Amer. Cons., Shanghai (Murphy); illegal use of U. S. flag; pres- ent state of China; rout of rebels at Whampoa. (ib., 569.) — Apr. 12. Parker to McLane. State of his health makes it necessary to leave China. (ib., 686.) — Apr. 12. Parker to J. Miller. Receipt of note of Jan. 19, addressed to R. M. McLane. (ib., 687.) — Apr. 19. McLane to Marcy. Tenders resignation of office of Amer. comr. to China. (ib., 490.) — Apr. 30. Parker to Murphy. Intends to leave China by outgoing mail; comdre. Abbott requested to meet any emergency that may arise affecting public in- terests of U. S. in China until arrival of Mr. McLane. (ib., 687.) — May 4. Parker to Yeh. Leaves China on 10 inst.; Mr. McLane will return in about one month; in CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d McLane Embassy—cont’d Oct. 18, 1853-Dec. 12, 1854—cont’d meantime comdre. Abbott will meet any emergency that may occur affecting two govts. (ib., 688.) 1855 May 4. Parker to Marcy. Departs for U. S. On 10 inst.; archives and other property of legation have been made over to Robert S. Sturgis, Amer. Vice- cons, at Canton. (ib., 609.) 1858 Jan. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foot, Vt.), calling for all corresp. of late comrs. in China (McLane and Parker) with State Dept. (35. 1. S. jol., 86.) 1860 Apr. 18. U. S. Senate. Res. (Anthony, R. I.), call- ing for copy of instruction from State Dept. to Mr. McLane, when apptd. min. to China. (36. 1. S. jol., 409.) Parker Embassy Aug. 16, 1855-Aug. 25, 1857 1855 Sept. 17. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Desires definite instruc- tions resp. affairs of U. S. in China. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 610.) — Sept. 20. Same to same. Revision of treaty on or about JIy. 3, 1856. (ib., 6.12.) — Sept. 25. Same to same. Requests opinion of atty. É) of U. S. on internal condition of China. (ib., 613. - — Sept. 27. Same to same. Necessity for two strs. adapted to Waters of coast of China. (ib., 614.) — Oct. 8. Same to Same. Expects to embark from Boston on 10 inst. (ib., 616.) — Oct. 26. Same to Same. Substance of conversation with Lord Clarendon. (ib., 616.) — Nov. 8. Same to Same. Substance of interview with Count Walewski, French Min. of Foreign Affairs, in regard to China. (ib., 621.) Dec. 31. Parker to Amer. Chargé ad int. in China. (Williams). Instruction to inform imperial comr. charged with superintendence of foreign affairs at Five Ports, of his arrival at Hong Kong and of his apptmt. as Amer. Comr. to China. (ib., 624.) 1856 Jan. 12. Same to Same. Regrets that instructions of 31 ult. have been misapprehended. (ib., 634.) — Jan. 14. Parker to Marcy. Present State of affairs in China; etc. (ib., 622.) In 1856, pursuant to provision of art. 34, treaty of Wang Hia º, recognizing right. of revision after expiration of twelve years, negotiations were opened by the U. S. at Shanghai. — Jan. 19. Parker to gov. of Keang-Su (Keih). Friendly sentiments of U. S. towards China. (ib., 656.) — Feb. Gov. gen. of Leang Keang (Eleang) and Keih to the emperor. Memorial; apprising court of in- tention of Amer. comr. Parker to demand revision of treaty; and of like movement threatened by other treaty powers. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 487.) — Mch. 8. Regulations for administration of cons. ctS. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 6, 7; 35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 776, 809.) — [Mch. 24]. Imperial decree; instructing Yeh how to deal with foreigners coming to Shanghai to nego- tiate treaty revision. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 120.) — Apr. 10. Parker to Marcy. Conduct of comr. Yeh; improvement of affairs at Foo-Chow and Ningpo; coolie trade; state of Kwang-Se. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 760.) — May 7. Parker to Marcy. Revision of treaties with China; expediency of extending jurisdiction of comr. to China to Siam, Cochin-China, Singapore, Java, Manila, Lew Chew, Japan, Corea and Hong Kong; relative to rebellion in China; evils of coolie trade. (ib., 799.) 336 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Parker Embassy–cont’d Aug. 16, 1855-Aug. 25, 1857—cont’d 1856 May 13. Parker to H. B. M. comr. in China (Bow- ring). Inquires whether he has recd. instructions On revision of existing relations betw. treaty powers and China. (ib., 813.) — Je. 4. Parker to Marcy. Corresp. relative to revi- Sion of treaties. (ib., 810.) — Je. 7. Parker to Marcy. Destitute of means to carry out plans relative to revision of treaty; affairs in China. (ib., 834.) — Je. 30. Parker to Perry. Will proceed in morning in U. S. S. Levant for no. ports of China. (ib., 936.) — Je. 30. Parker to Marcy. Plans for visit to no. ports of China. (ib., 846.) — JIy. 1. Parker to Secy. Amer. legation, China (Will- iams). To proceed to Shanghai by first opportunity after arrival of mail expected on or about 24 inst. (ib., 936.) — Aug. 12. Same to same. To come to Shanghai by earliest opportunity. (ib., 935.) — Aug. 12. Lan-Wei-Wan, taoutae of Shanghai, to Parker. His intention to call on 13 inst., to pay his respects. (ib., 914.) — Aug. 12. Parker to Bowring. Reasons for attempt- ing to approach Peking. (ib., 927.) Aug. 13. Minutes of mtg. held at Amer. legation betw. Peter Parker, U. S. comr., and Lan-Wei- Wan. (ib., 915.) — Aug. 18. Minutes of mtg. held at taoutae's ya-mun betw. Peter Parker and Lan-Wei-Wan. (ib., 916.) — Aug. 24. Wang-e-Teh, Vice-roy Min and Cheh provs., to Parker. Letter from privy council, that it is right of imperial comr. and gov. gen. of Leang-Kwang provs. to memorialize throne and manage foreign affairs. (ib., 941.) — Sept. 3. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Revision of treaty and political state of China. (ib., 920.) — Sept. 5. Same to same. Opening and returning of President’s letters by mins. of privy Council; policy of Manchus towards Americans. (ib., 940.) — Sept. 23. Minutes of conversation held on board U. S. Str. San Jacinto betw. Peter Parker, Lan-Wei-Wan. and Woo, late taoutae of Shanghai. (ib., 945.) — Sept. 27. Minutes of interview held with Woo and Lan at their offices by S. W. Williams, secy. of Amer. legation, on behalf of U. S. comr. (ib., 951.) — Sept. 27. Parker. Memoranda of instructions de- livered in person to Dr. Williams on Visiting late and present taoutaes. (ib., 951.) — Sept. 29. Parker to Eleang. Awaits apptmt. of comr, with full powers to negotiate for revision of treaty. (ib., 953.) Sept. 29. Williams to Woo. Amer. min. accepts explanation of petition proposed to be forwarded to Eleang. (ib., 955.) — Oct. 1. Lan to Eleang. Petition requesting him to memorialize throne that comr. with plenipotentiary powers be apptd. to meet Amer. comr. at Shanghai, or Ningpo. (ib., 954.) — Oct. 2. Eleang to Lan-Wei-wan. Fears that envoys of England and France may commence separate ne- gotiations in Kwang-tung while Amer. Comr. is negotiating at Shanghai. (ib., 968.) — Oct. 5. Chaou, actg. gov., prov. of Kiangsu, to Lan- Wei-wan. Inconvenient if England and France should commence separate negotiations in Kwang- tung, and Amer. in Kiangsu or Cheh Kiang. (ib., 969.) CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Parker Embassy–cont’d Aug. 16, 1855-Aug. 25, 1857—cont’d 1856 º 6. Parker to Marcy. Revision of treaty. (ib., 942.) — Oct. 8. Williams to Lan and Woo. Amer. comr. be- lieves apprehension of gov. and gov. gen, that Eng- land and France may commence separate negotia- tions in Canton, whilst Amer. is negotiating at Shanghai, to be groundless. (ib., 970.) — Oct. 14. Parker to H. B. M. comr. in China (Bow- ring). State of negotiations at Shanghai with Chi- nese authorities on revision of treaties; proposes Concurrent negotiations at Shanghai for treaty re- vision. (ib., 979.) — Oct. 18. Parker to Leang. Instructions to wait on Lan, present his compliments and inquire What gov. gen. proposes to do. (ib., 970.) Leang was interpreter. — Oct. 19. Eleang to Lan. Reply to communication resp. request of Amer. comr. to deliberate on Coml. regulations. (ib., 972.) - Oct. 20. Chaou-Teh-Cheh to Lan and Woo. Request of Amer. min. about memorializing for him that comr. be apptd. (ib., 972.) —— Oct. 20. Bowring to Parker. Reply to note of 14 inst. (ib., 981.) — Oct. 22. Leang to Parker. Delay in receiving re- ply of Eleang. (ib., 971.) — Oct. 26. Woo to Leang. Delay in receiving reply of Eleang. (ib., 974.) — Oct. 27. Parker to Eleang. Visit to capital will be postponed to ensuing season. (ib., 977.) — Oct. 27. Parker to Wang. Reply to desp. of Aug. 24, relative to letters of Pres. of U. S. to Emperor of China. (ib., 983.) — Nov. 1. Parker to Bowring. All prospect of plan, defined in communication of 14 ult, succeeding, at an end; embarks on 3 inst. for So. of China. (ib., 982.) — Nov. 1. Parker to Marcy. All prospect of revising treaty during present season at an end. (ib., 967.) — Nov. 8. Parker to Perry. Arrival at Hong Kong; requests to be informed of state of affairs at Canton. (ib., 994.) — Nov. 19. Wang-e-Teh to Parker. Has Sent Presi- dent’s letter to Peking. (ib., 1103.) Dec. 12. Parker to Marcy. Revision of treaty; state of foreign relations with China. (ib., 1081.) — Dec. 27. Parker to Marcy. Events since 12 inst. (ib., 1087.) 1857 Jan. 13. Parker to Marcy. Political aspect of af- fairs in China; mode of warfare pursued by Chi- nese; relations subsisting betw. China and U. S.; true cause of burning of factories at Canton; coolie trade. (ib., 1112.) — Feb. 9. U. S. Sen. Com. on Naval Affairs. Rpt. to acc. S. 578 on memorials of Boston Board of Under- writers, and Chamber of Commerce of New York, relative to protécting our trade with China. (34. 3. S. rpt. 370.) — Feb. 13. Parker to President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Relations of U. S. and China. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 1205.) — Feb. 27. Marcy to Parker. No obligation resting upon China to negotiate revision of treaty at Pekin or vicinity; naval forces on China station not to be increased for aggression. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 5.) — Mch. 4. Regulation for administration of cons, cts. (35. 1. S. ex, doc. 5, 1; H. ex. doc. 9, 2: 35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 1221.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 337 CHINA—cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Parker Embassy–cont’d Aug. 16, 1855-Aug. 25, 1857—cont’d 1857 Mch. 13. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Aspect of political affairs in China; policy of govt.; strength of H. B. M. naval forces of France and #. ; progress of hostilities. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, ..) — Mch. 23. Heard and co., and others, to Parker. Pro- test agst. Comdr. Armstrong’s policy; position of Amer. govt. in China in relation to Gr. Br. and France; evils existing in relation to U. S. cons.; claims of Americans agst. Chinese govt. (ib., 1270.) — Mch. 27. Parker to Cass. Events of past fortnight; coolie tragedies on board ships Gulnare and Henri- # #aria, outbreak of Chinese at Sarawak. (ib., - Apr. 6. Parker to Heard and co., and others. Amer. relations with Chinese. (ib., 1293.) g — Apr. 10. Parker to Cass. Conferences of plenipo- * of treaty powers on 1 and 2 inst. (ib., 1276. – Apr. 11. Same to Same. Surveys of eastern shores to be rendered available to U. S. merchants; prog- ress of insurgents; etc. (ib., 1286.) — Apr. 24. Same to same. Policy of imperial comr.; fears for safety of Foo-Chow; seizure of important rº by Br.; Dutch barque Henrietta Maria. (ib., – May 22. Same to same. Coml. and political in- terests of U. S. in China. (ib., 1346.) – Je. 7. Amer. Vice-cons., Macao (Nye). Mo. circ. rel- ative to affairs in China. (ib., 1379.) – Je. 8. Parker to Cass. Claims agst. Chinese govt.; occurrences of fortnight; Chinese at no. ports view Canton difficulties as local; relative to personal as- Sault made by Amer. cons., Keenan, upon Capt. Arcy of Spitfire. (ib., 1376.) — Jly. 7. Same to Same. Course Lord Elgin is di- rected to pursue; baron de Gros not expected to ar- rive till Oct.; no Amer. national vessel in SO. of China at present. (ib., 1410.) — Aug. 7. Same to Same. Receipt of desp. informing him of apptmt. of W. B. Reed as E. E. and M. P. of U. S. in China; intends to leave China on 25 inst. (ib., 1423.) 1858 Jan. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foot, Vt.), calling for all corresp. of late ComrS. in China (McLane and Parker), with State Dept. (35. 1. S. jol., 86.) Reed Embassy Apr. 18, 1857-Dec. 8, 1858 During 1857 negotiations, continuing negotiations for revision of treaty of wang-Hai, were conducted at Canton by comr. Reed and the imperial comr. Yeh. 1857 May 30. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Reed. In- structions; views of President on mission to China; communications with mins, of Gr. Br., France and Russia; U. S. does not seek legal establishment of opium trade. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 47; 36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 6.) — Sept. 9. Reed to Cass. Arrival at Cape Town on way to China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 15.) — Nov. 10. Same to same. Arrival at Hong Kong; neutrality of U. S. in Canton affair to be maintained; requests copy of Marcy’s letter on Greytown; de- ficiency of war strs. of light draft. (ib., 16.) Nov. 14. Reed to H. B. M. comr. in China (Bow- ring). Announces apptmt. as Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (ib., 31.) — Nov. 14. Reed to H. B. M. high comrS. in China (Elgin and Kincardine). Same. (ib., 28.) CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Reed Embassy—cont’d Apr. 18, 1857-Dec. 8, 1858—cont’d 1857 Nov. 14. Reed to comr. extr. of France in China (de Gros). Same. (ib., 29.) — Nov. 14. Reed to Russian plenipotentiary (Ponty- atine). Business of U. S. legation to be conducted on board Minnesota, harbor of Hong Kong. (ib., 27.) — Nov. 16. Amer. comr. (Reed) to Yeh. Asks for in- terview, looking for renewal of treaty with China. (ib., 24.) — Nov. 24. Yeh to Reed. No place to hold interview; necessity or right to alter treaty betw. China and U. S. denied. (ib., 50.) — Nov. 25. Reed to Cass. English and French de- termined to inflict chastisement on Cantonese; Rus- sian dipl. experiment in no. of China; cons. admin- istration entirely disorganized. (ib., 19.) — Nov. 28. Reed to Yeh. Previous letter neither ac- knowledged nor answered; personal interview again requested; wrongs of Amer. citizens at hands of Chinese authorities must be redressed. (ib., 49.) Dec. (?). Same to same. Regrets decision not to grant interview; want of place not a sufficient rea- son therefor; encloses letter from President to Em- peror; revision of treaty of 1844 necessary. (ib., 52.) — Dec. 8. Yeh to Reed. Reply to desp. of 28 ult. sent, and is unable to explain apparent non-delivery; Americans can have no wrongs to be redressed. (ib., 56.) — Dec. 8. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- sage; chause relating to affairs in China, and comr. to that empire. — Dec. 15. Reed to Cass. Imperial comr. Yeh’s evasion of request for interview, and denial of ne- cessity or right to revise treaty; personal inter- course with officers of high rank indispensable. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 48.) — Dec. 16. Same to Same Encloses letter from Lord Elgin in which he withdraws intimation that his delay in going no. was due to Amer. cons. (ib., 53.) — Dec. 18. Same to same. Declines to grant inter- view; State letter may be trusted to common post; revision of treaty of 1844 unnecessary. (ib., 57.) — Dec. 28. Same to Same. Encloses two communica- tions from Yeh, who refuses to receive him and to negotiate for revision of treaty. (ib., 55.) 1858 Jan. 26. Same to Same. Has recd., after capture of Canton, original treaty with China, Jly. 3, 1844, and tariff annexed; affairs in empire. (ib., 88.) — Feb. 4. Same to same. Copy of Chinese imperial decree showing anxiety of ct. to prevent access to Pekin; imperial govt. not ignorant of occurrences at distant points. (ib., 118.) — Feb. 5. Cass to Reed. Matter of deficiency of war strs. Of light draft on China station referred to Navy Dept.; copies of Marcy’s letter on Greytown trans- mitted. (ib., 19.) Feb. 8. Reed to Russian E. E. and M. P. in China (Pontyatine). Capt. Nicholson, U. S. S. Mississippi, will bear any communication the Russian min. Imay desire to send no. (ib., 176.) — Feb. 10. Reed to Amer. Vice-cons. Shanghai (Free- man). Instructions resp. dispatches to be delivered by Capt. Nicholson at Shanghai. (ib., 183.) — Feb. 13. Reed to Cass. Corresp. betw. plenipotenti- aries of treaty powers in China, relating to letters to Peking; blockade of Canton raised; conduct of allies vindicated, and that of Yeh denounced; asks permission to urge rights of U. S. vigorously. (ib., 122.) 22 338 INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: American—cont’d Reed Embassy—cont’d Apr. 18, 1857-Dec. 8, 1858—cont’d 1858 Feb. 23. Freeman to Reed. Resp. transmission of dispatches by Mississippi to Chinese authorities. (ib., 225.) — Feb. 27. Regulations for administration of cons. cts. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 11.) — Apr. 3. Reed to Cass. Corresp. of cons. Perry, re- garding affairs at Canton; ready to set out for no. (ib., 241.) — Apr. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Bright, Ind.), calling for copy of instructions to Wm. B. Reed, comr. to China. (35. 1. S. jol., 315.) - —- Apr. 8. Regulations for administration of cons. cts. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 21, 1.) — Apr. 28. Cass to Reed. Further instructions resp. affairs in China not yet forthcoming; efforts and suggestions for improvement of cons. Service approl. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 183.) — Je. 25. Cass to Reed. Mr. Williams to act as chargé after departure Of Reed; Sqdn. to abstain from hoS- tile acts; conduct of Comdr. Tattnall apprél. (ib., 244.) — Jly. 13. Reed to Cass. Arrival at Shanghai on re- turn from Tientsin; forwards copy of Br. treaty with China. (ib., 377.) — Nov. 9. Regulations for administration of cons. Cts. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 7.) t — Dec. 6. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to negotiations with China. — Dec. 8. Reed to Kweiliang, and Colleagues. S. W. Williams to be in charge of legation on his depar- ture; etc. (36. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 543.) Dec. 19. Williams to Amer. cons., Shanghai (Smith). Has taken charge of U. S. legation at Macao, on comr. Reed’s departure. (ib., 542.) 1859 Feb. 9. Williams to Elgin and Kincardine. De- parture of Amer. Comr. Reed; encloses copy of Sup- plementary treaty of tariff and com/. regulations betw. China and U. S. (ib., 553.) Ward Embassy Dec. 15, 1858-Dec. 15, 1860 1859 Jan. 28. Amer. Chargé ad int. (Williams) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Acct. of popular movements in China; affairs at Canton. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 545.) May 3. Williams to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in China (Bruce). Congratulates him. On apptmt. as E. E. and M. P. Gr. Br. to China. (ib., 572.) — May 18. Ward to Bruce. Announces apptmt. as Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (ib., 572.) — May 18. Ward to E. E. and M. P. France in China (Bourboulon). Same. (ib., 573.) May 29. Bourboulon to Ward. Receipt of his of 19 inst. (ib., 574.) — Je. 8. Bruce to Ward. Congratulates him. On ap- ptmt. as E. E. and M. P. U. S. to China. (ib., 573.) — Dec. 19. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to relations with China. 1860 Feb. 6. U. S. Senate. Res. (Pearce, Md.), calling for copies of instructions to and corresp. of mins. in China. (36. 1. S. jol., 125.) Elliot Embassy 1837-1841 1840 Jan. 8. Notice of blockade of port of Canton. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 73.) CHINA-cont’d Foreign Negotiations: British Pottinger Embassy 1841-1844 1844 Aug. 26. Amer. comr. in China (Cushing) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun). Misrepresentations of Br. press relative to provisions of Anglo-Chinese treaty; wisdom of com]. stipulations made by Sir Henry Pottinger with China. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 101.) Bonham Embassy 1853 Apr. 28. Marshall to Marcy. H. B. M. str. Hermes, with H. B. M. comr. Bonham and suite, en route from Shanghai to Nankin. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 98.) — Apr.-May. Memorandum of visit of Sir George Bonham to Nanking. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 89.) — May 6. Marshall to Marcy. H. B. M. comr., Bon- ham, returns to Shanghai from Nankin, 5 inst.; comment on visit. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 112.) — May 6. Perry to Dobbin. Return of Bonham mis- * to Shanghai from Nankin. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 19. Bowring Embassy 1852-1859 See also under Bowring. From April to September, 1854, negotiations were Con- ducted at Canton by Mr. Medhurst, Secy. to H. B. M. plenipotentiary, Bowring, and the Chinese impériai comr., Yeh ; the object being revision of the treaty of Nanking, which by sºlº of existing treaties between China, U. S. and France was due On Aug. 29, 1854. 1852 May 8. Bowring to Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Parker). Apptmt. as Br. M. P. in China in addi- tion to office of Supt. of trade; etc. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 108.) 1854 Apr. 24. Bowring to Amer. comr. in China (Mc- Lane). Course of proceeding determined upon; im- perial comr. has been informed that H. B. M. govt. claims right to a revision of existing treaties in Aug. next. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 278.) — May 17. Same to same. Final answer to request for official interview with imperial comr. not yet recd. (ib., 279.) Aug. 22. McLane to Parker. Instructions to com- municate to imperial comr. interest taken by govt. of U. S. in effort now being made for a modification of existing treaties. (ib., 212.) — Aug. 22. Bowring to H. B. M. cons., Foo Chow FOO (Medhurst). Instructions to proceed to Canton and ascertain whether imperial comr. is ready to enter upon negotiations for purpose of revising treaty of Nanking. (ib., 206.) — Aug. 22. Bowring to Yeh Ming Shin. Requests to be informed whether any imperial commands have been recd. On Subject of those modifications Of treaty engagements which course of events has necessi- tated. (ib., 205.) — Aug. 24. McLane to Yeh. U. S. dipl. officials in China desire to co-operate with Br. officials in revis- ing existing treaties. (ib., 214.) — Aug. 24. Parker to McLane. Receipt of instruc- tions of 22 inst.; etc. (ib., 213.) — Aug. 25. Imperial high comr. (Yeh) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in China (Bowring). Officer will be apptd. to confer with Mr. Medhurst on revision of treaty of Nanking. (ib., 206.) } — Aug. 25. Yeh to McLane. Reply to his of 24 inst. (ib., 214.) — Aug. 25. Parker to McLane. Transmits imperial comr.’s reply to note of yesterday; thinks diplomacy # sº J. Bowring is approaching critical point. (ib., 215. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 339 t CHINA–cont’d Foreign Negotiations: British—cont’d : Bowring Embassy—cont’d 1852-1859—cont’d 1854 [sic, prid. 1858] Aug. 28. Bowring to Yeh. Renews inquiry whether he is empowered and ready to en- ter upon negotiations for a revision of existing treaties. (ib., 207.) — Aug. 30. Parker to McLane. The hopes that some- thing might have been effected, by mins. of U. S., France and Gr. Br. in so. of China, were delusive; minutes of interview with reprºs. of imperial comr. Yeh. (ib., 216.) — Sept. 1. Yeh to Bowring. Authorized to discuss only modifications of existing treaties. (ib., 210.) — Sept. 2. Medhurst to Bowring. Substance of con- versation with persons deputed by comr. to discuss subject of revision of treaty of Nanking. (ib., 208.) — Sept. 4. Bowring to Yeh. Reply to his of 1 inst. (ib., 211.) — Sept. 5. Bowring to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Power of imperial comr. for settle- ment of treaty engagements on behalf of his sov- ereign; corresp. with comr. (ib., 203.) — Sept. 10. McLane to Marcy. Refusal of imperial comr. to entertain proposition for enlargement of com]. relations betw. China and foreign nations; to proceed with Br. and French mins. to mouth of Peiho to communicate directly with min. Of State or emperor; desires permission to withdraw from China for few months. (ib., 199.) — Sept. 16. Bowring to McLane. Copy of desp. ad- dressed to Earl of Clarendon, With its sundry enclo- sures. (ib., 203.) Sept. 19. McLane to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Efforts made by Br. min. to obtain revision of Br. treaty; piratical hostilities at Canton. (ib., 200.) — Oct. 2. Same to same. Copy of letter from imperial COmr. at Canton of Aug. 25, 1854; also memorandum of proposed modification of treaty betw. China and |U. S. (ib., 233.) 1857 Nov. 16. Bowring to Reed. Receipt of announce- ment of apptmt. as Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 31.) Elgin Embassy (Special) 1857-1859 1857 Jly. 16. Bruce to Amer, comr. in China (Parker). Change in Lord Elgin's plans. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1415.) — Nov. 19. Elgin and Kincardine to Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Receipt of announcement of apptmt. as Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 29.) Foreign Negotiations: French Lagrené Embassy 1843-1846 1844 Aug. 16. Amer. comr. in China (Cushing) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun). The French mission dis- embarks at Macao; its extent and its instructions. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 88.) Bourboulon Embassy 1851, 1853-1863 From 1853 to 1854 the ambassadorial residence was at Canton, 1855-61 at Macao, 1862-63 at Pekin. 1853 Dec. 18. Bourboulon mission returns to Shanghai from Nankin in Cassini. (33. 2. S. ex: doc. 34, 103.) CHINA—cont’d Foreign Negotiations: French—cont’d Bourboulon Embassy—cont’d 1851, 1853-1863—cont’d 1853 Dec. 24. Comdr. U. S. S. Saratoga (Walker) to comdr. E. I. Sqdn. U. S. N. (Perry). Return of the Oassini, with M. de Bourboulon, from Nanking, Dec. 18; etc. (ib., 103.) [1854.1 Memorandum of visit to Nankin of M. Bourbou- lon. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 92.) 1857 Nov. 17. Bourboulon to Reed. Receipt of announce- ment of apptmt. as Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 32.) Gros Embassy 1857-1862 1857 Nov. 23. Gros to Reed. Receipt of announcement of apptmt. as Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. to China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 30.) Foreign Negotiations: Portuguese See below, Ning po. Foreign Negotiations: Russian Pontyatine Embassy Pontyatine was specially empowered to conclude a treaty with Japan, serving in that capacity from 1852–55; later he was empowered to treat with China. He returned to Russia in 1858. 1855 Feb. 6. Russian E. E. and M. P. in China (Pontya- time) to Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Requests to be informed Of Views in matter of demands for Con- cessions from China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 175.) 1857 Nov. 17. Same to Same. Believes that good under- Standing betw. Russia, and U. S. Will contribute to desirable settlement of present affairs in China. (ib., 28.) 1858 Mch. 29. Reed to Pontyatine. Receipt of note ex- plaining attitude of Russian imperial cabinet On Chinese complications. (ib., 238.) Ignatieff Embassy 1859-1860 For corresp. see under Ignatieff. Foreigners in; see above, Aliens Intervention; see that title Nankin; see below, Taiping Rebellion Naval Operations: American, 1829-1835 See also above, Anglo-French war. Dane's Is. desecra- Before the establishment of the East Indian Sqdn., Chinese waters were visited by ships belonging to the Brazil and Pacific sqdns., resp. - U. S. SLOOP VINCENNES (FINCH); 1829-1830 In 1829, the Vincennes, having been replaced in the Pacific sqdn. by the St. Louis, and acting under Orders from President Adams, began her cruise to the China seas via the Sandwich Is. She returned by way of Cape of Good Hope. The cruise was con- cluded in 1830. . See references in ann. rpts. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Branch), 1829 and 1830. —. Extracts from summary of cruise of U. S. sloop of War Vincennes. (21. 2. S. doc. 1, 202.) TJ. S. FRIGATE POTOMAC (DOWNES), 1832 The Potomac, Pacific sqdn., Downes comdg., arrived in Chinese waters, May 18, 1832. U. S. SLOOP PEACOCK (GEISINGER), 1832 The Peacock, Brazil sqdn., Rodgers, comdg., arrived in Chinese Waters Nov. 8, 1832, from Sumatra and Manila having on board Edmund Roberts, Amer. dipl. agt. to Siam, etc. 340 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861 BEHRING’s STRAITS, NORTH PACIFIC AND CHINA SEAS EXPE- DITION Ringgold, Comdg., 1852-1854 This expedition was authorized by act of Congress, May 3, 1852. For comment on the organization and an- ticipated results of expedition, see ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Kennedy), for 1852. The vessels of this expedition reached Hong Kong early in Je., 1854. Comdre. Ringgold temporarily suspended the specl. duties to which he had been assigned, and, during the absence of comdre. Perry, with the greater part of the E. I. Sqdn. in Japan, he rendered protection, during the siege of Canton, to Amer. citizens having property interests there. Owing to illness comdre. Ringgold was obliged to return to the U. S., and comdre. Perry apptd. the next officer in rank, Lieut. John Rodgers. Expedition sailed from Hong Kong in Sept., 1854, on a surveying cruise, returning in Feb., 1855, with the exception of the Porpoise. This vessel párted com- pany with the Vincennes on Sept. 21 in midchannel betw. Formosa and China, and was not seen again. (Ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, U. S. A., 1855.) Vincennes, sloop (20), (Budd). John Hancock, str. (3), (Rodgers). Porpoise, brig (4), (Davis). John P. Kennedy, supply ship (Collins). Fennimore Cooper, tender (Stevens). 1854 Mch. 18. Ringgold to Amer. comr. in China (Mc- Lane). Offers of conveniences in matter of em- barkation for Canton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 9.) — Mch. 19. McLane to Ringgold. Awaits arrival of Susquehanna; pleased to meet him at Hong Kong. (ib., 9.) — Mch. 25. Same to Same. Will avail himself of offer to extend convenience in matter of presentation at Canton should Susquehanna not return to Hong Kong during next whº.; requests that directions be given to officer in command of U. S. Str. John Ham- cock to accompany him on visit to ports in China no. of Canton. (ib., 9.) — Mch. 25. Ringgold to McLane. Reply to his of this date. (ib., 10.) — May 13. Same to same. Asks to be informed of his plans and if he has pressing necessity for John Han- cock. (ib., 247.) — May 21. McLane to Ringgold. Plans for visit to no. of China. (ib., 248.) — Je. 9. Ringgold to McLane. John Hancock to pro- ceed to Shanghai; necessity for naval force at Hong Kong and Canton. (ib., 249.) Je. 15. Parker to Ringgold. Expresses Satisfaction with promptness of protection rendered to Amer. in- terests in time of danger. (ib., 255.) — Je. 18. Ringgold to Secy. Amer. legation in China (Parker). Spooner note on disturbances at Wham- poa; cannot proceed to Whampoa, unless in case of actual hostilities. (ib., 256.) — Je. 19. Parker to Ringgold. Disturbance betw. Br. and Chinese at Whampoa occasion of cons. Spooner’s note of 17 inst. (ib., 257.) — Je. 20. Same to same. More protection at Canton desirable. (ib., 257.) — Je. 26. McLane to Ringgold. Receipt of note of Je. 9. (ib., 251.) — Jly. 3. Coolie ship Hygeia wrecked on Pratas shoal; rescued by Porpoise; see below, Piracy. — Jly. 6. Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Parker) to Ringgold. Apprehends disturbances at Canton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 258.) — Jly. 7. Same to same. Affairs at Canton more Ser- ious; resp. withdrawal of John Hancock from her anchorage. (ib., 258.) — Jly. 7. Ringgold to McLane. Aspect of affairs at Whampoa; repairs to John Hancock: ; Porpoise On return from rescue of Hygeia to go in pursuit of pirates; etc. (ib., 251.) CHINA–Cont'd Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d BEHRING’s STRAITs, NoFTH PACIFIC AND CHINA SEAs Ex- PEDITION.—cont’d Ringgold, comdg., 1852-1854—cont’d 1854 J1y. 7. Ringgold to Parker. Reply to his of same date. (ib., 259.) — JIy. 7. Same to same. Reply to note of 6 inst. (ib., 260.) — Jiy. 8. Parker to Ringgold. Reply to note of 7 inst.; political affairs of Canton and Fuh-Shan. (ib., 260.) — JIy. 10. Same to same. Requests that aid be sent to cooperate with naval forces off factories in pro- tecting Amer. citizens. (ib., 261.) — Jiy. 10. Ringgold to Parker. Queen despatched to Canton. (ib., 262.) — JIy. 22. McLane to Ringgold. Plans for mission to Peiho. (ib., 22.) Rodgers, comdg., 1855-1856 Vincennes, sloop (20), (Rodgers). John Hancock, str. (2), (Stevens). Porpoise, brig (4), (Bridge). Fennimore Oooper, schr. (Gibson). 1854 Sept. 2. McLane to comdr. U. S. Exploring Expedi- tion (Rodgers). Requests that John Hancock and Fennimore Cooper might be placed at his disposal for operations in no. of China. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 253.) — Sept. 8. Rodgers to McLane. Reply to letter of 2 inst. (ib., 254.) - EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N. Kennedy, comdg., 1835-1836 Peacock, sloop (18), (Kennedy). Enterprise, schr. (10), (Campbell). 1836 Je. 3. Supt. of customs, Kwang Tung (Pang). Edict to hong merchants resp. arrival of U. S. sloop Peacock, and U. S. Schr. Enterprise. (w, Chinese Repository, 228.) Read, comdg., 1837-1839 Columbia, frigate (44), (Read). John Adams, sloop (20), (Wynuan). 1839 Apr. 28. Columbia arrives at Macao. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 119, 24, 64; and Ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, 1839.) — May 3. Comr. of customs, Canton (Yu). Edict to hong merchants; orders examination into character of U. S. S. Columbia and John Adams. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 119, 64.) — Jly. 8. Fleet surgeon, E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Haslett) to comdr. E. I. sqdn. (Read). Recommends de- parture from China. (ib., 76.) — JIy. 8. Read to Amer. merchants at Canton. Rea- Sons for leaving China. (ib., 75.) — Jly. 15. Russell, Sturgis and co., and others, to Read. Request that departure of John Adams be delayed after departure of Columbia. (ib., 77.) — Jly. 28. Read to Amer. merchants at Canton. Reply º request for further delay of sloop John Adams. ib., 78.) — Aug. 1. Read to Paulding. Amer. Imerchants pur- Suing business quietly. (ib., 77.) — Aug. 6. Columbia and John Adams leave Chinese waters for the Sandwich Is., having Suffered much from sickness on board. (Ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, 1839.) Kearney, comdg., 1841-1843 tº Constellation, frigate (36), (Kearney). Boston, sloop (20), (Stringham ; Long). 1842 Reminiscences of a trip up the river of Canton, on board the U. S. frigate Constellation, in the spring of 1842. (xi, Chinese Repository, 329-335; 675.) — Mch. Constellation and Boston arrive at Macao. (ib., 183.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 341 CHINA-cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d Kearney, Comdg., 1841-1843—cont’d 1842 Mch. 31. Kearney. Notice; resp. Amer. vessels en- gaged in Opium traffic. (ib., 239.) — Sept. 28. Boston leaves Chinese waters for Sand- wich *Is. (ib., 576.) — Oct. Constellation “lately went to Chuenpi where she now lies. Kearney lately visited the provincial city and had communication with the gov. by let- ter.” (ib., 576.) 1843 Apr. 21. Constellation leaves Chinese waters for Manila on return home. (xii, ib., 224.) See ºnment on Kearney’s intercourse with native OIHC18.18. — May. Constellation returns to Amoy. (ib., 279.) Parker, comdg., 1843-1845 Brandywine, frigate (44), (Parker). St. Louis, sloop (20), (Cocke ; McKeever). Perry, brig (10), (Dupont ; Paine). Constitution, frigate (44), (Percival). 1844 Feb. Brandywine arrives at Macao; C. Cushing, Amer. E. E. and M. P. on board. (Ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, U. S. A., 1844.) – Apr. 13. Cushing to gov. gen. Leang Kwang (Ching). Brandywine proceeds on a visit to Wham- poa. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 11.) – Apr. 19. Ching to Cushing. Protest agst. presence of Brandywine at Whampoa. (ib., 13.) – Apr. 20. Same to same. Further protest agst, pres- ence of Brandywine at Whampoa. (ib., 16.) — Apr. 22. Cushing to Ching. Brandywine to leave Whampoa; presence of ships of war and Br. treaty provision. (ib., 19.) —º º 6. St. Louis and Perry arrive at Macao. (ib., 1845 Je. 5. Constitution arrives at Macao. (xiv, Chinese Repository, 352.) Biddle, comdg., 1845-1847 Columbus, ship of the line (74), (Wyman). Wincennes, sloop (20), (Paulding). 1845 Aug. 8. Comdre. Biddle entrusted by Amer. comr. Everett With charge of exchg. of ratifications of i. of Wang-Hia; see above, Foreign Negotia- 1OIAS. 1846 Apr. 15. Comdre. Biddle leaves Canton and trans- fers charge of legation to P. Parker, Amer. chargé ad int. (XV, Chinese Repository, 224.) — J i." Columbus and Vincennes are at Amoy. (ib., 324. Geisinger, comdg., 1848-1850 C 88, frigate (44), (Geisi º § º §§ } 2 §§f ) Dolphin, brig (10), §º). Preble, sloop (16), (Glynn). The Preblo, attached to the Pacific sqdn., was ordered £ºsasaki to act in case of the Lagoda ; see La- 1848 Mch. Plymouth sailed from U. S. A., having on board the Amer. comr. Davis; arrived at Macao Aug. 16. (Ann. Tot. Secy. Navy, U. S. A., 1848.) — May. Dolphin sailed from U. S. A. (ib.) — Nov. Plymouth and Preble to visit Manila. (xvii, Chinese Repository, 597.) 1849 Particulars of visit of Dolphin to Formosa. (xviii, ib., 391.) —. Particulars of visit of Dolphin to Lew Chew. (xix, ib., 67.) — Feb. Narrative of visit of vice-roy of Kwang prov. (Sü) to U. S. corvette Plymouth. (xviii, ib., 110.) CHINA—cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d Geisinger, comdg., 1848-1850—cont’d 1849 May 11. Geisinger to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Pres- ton). Reports arrival of Plymouth at Shanghai on 9 inst.; etc. (31. 1. H. ex: doc. 84, 7; 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 8.) * | * — Aug. 21. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston) to Geisin- ger. Order; to convey Mr. Balestier in Plymouth to ports indicated in Balestier's instructions. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong. 2 SeSS., 762.) - These instructions were not carried out by Comdre. Geisinger because the arrival of his successor, comdre. Voorhees, was expected daily. For corresp. see Cochin China. Voorhees, comdg., 1850 Plymouth, sloop (20), (Gedney). St. Mary’s, sloop (20), (Voorhees). Marion, sloop (20), (Glendy). Dolphin, brig (10), (Page). 1849 Oct. 28. St. Mary’s sailed from San Francisco. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 28.) 1850 Feb. 18. St. Mary’s arrived at Macao. (ib., 34.) — Feb. 22. Plymouth sails from Macao with M. Bales- tier for Cochin China, etc. (ib., 5.) Arrives at Macao, JIy. 9, 1850. In 1855 a bill was introduced in congress allowing comdre. Voorhees compensation for expenditures of this and other similar carriages ; see Voorhees (P. F.). 1851 Jan. Comdre. Voorhees returns in Plymouth. (33. 2. Cong. Globe, 762.) Aulick, Comdg., 1851-1853 Susquehanna, frigate (9), (Inman). Saratoga, sloop (20), (Walker). Marion, sloop (20), (Glendy). Dolphin, brig (10), (Page). 1851 Je. Susquehanna sails from Norfolk for E. I. sta- tion by way of Rio de Janeiro. (Ann, rpt. Secy. Navy, U. S. A., 1850.) º 1852 May-Je. Susquehanna engaged in fetching pirates of Robert Bowme from Hong Kong to Canton; see below, Piracy. — Je. Plymouth arrives at Foo Chow. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 22.) 1853 Jan. 17. Marshall to comdre. E. I. sqdn. U. S. N. (Aulick). Requests use of vessel of war from Macao to China. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 18.) — Jan. 31. Aulick to Comdr. Saratoga (Walker). Or- dered to leave Canton for Hong Kong. (ib., 19.) — [i. e., 1852] Feb. 3. Walker to Marshall. Saratoga Ordered to Hong Kong. (ib., 18.) — Feb. 4. Marshall to Aulick. Protest agst. With- drawal of Saratoga from Canton. (ib., 15.) — Feb. 5. Aulick to Marshall. Reason for ordering Saratoga to Hong Kong. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 7. Marshall to Aulick. Further protest agst. order of Jan. 31. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 7. Marshall to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Charges comdre. Aulick with neglect of official duty in refusing to send the Saratoga for his conveyance from Macao to Canton; etc. (ib., 9.) — Feb. 8. Same to Same. Refusal of comdre. Aulick to send Susquehanna to Nankin; etc. (ib., 24.) — Feb. 8. Same to Same. Protest agst. Withdrawal of Saratoga from Canton; recommends placing of Small strs. On E. I. Station. (ib., 16.) — Feb. 22. Same to Same. Court martial of comdr. Yºlº for conveying him from Macao to Whampoa. ib., 28.) — Feb. 25. Aulick to Marshall. Ill health; withdraws from command; Sails for U. S. Mch. 11; transfers charge of Sqdn. to senior officer Kelly. (ib., 75.) — Mch. 11. Comdre. Aulick relinquishes command. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 17.) 342 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA-cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835–1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d Perry, comdg., 1853-54 Mississippi, frigate (10), (Lee). Susquehanna, frigate (9), (Buchanan). Powhatan, frigate (9), (McCluney). Vermont, (74), (Wyman). Macedonian, sloop (20), (Abbott). Plymouth, sloop §). (Kelly). Saratoga, sloop { 0), Vandalia, sloop (20), (Pope). Supply, storeship § (Sinclair). Southampton, stores # (4), (Boyle). Learington, storeship (4), (Glasson). 1852 Nov. 13. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Kennedy) to Perry. Instructions; organization of his command, etc. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 2.) 1853 Mch. 15. Amer. Comr. in China (Marshall) to sen- ior officer comdg. E. I. Sqdn. (Kelly). Asks convey- ance in U. S. S. Susquehanna from Macao to Nankin to communicate his letter of credence through Vice- roy of Lean Keang. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 94.) Mch. 15. Kelly to Marshall. Susquehanna to be in readiness to proceed to Nankin 20 inst. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 95.) — Mch. 18. Susquehanna despatched to Shanghai. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 17.) — Mch. 28. Susquehanna arrives at Shanghai from Macao. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 97.) — Apr. 7. Mississippi arrives at Hong Kong. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 17.) — Apr. 9. Comdr. E. I. Sqdn. (Perry) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin). Arrival at Hong Kong; Com- ment on command as he finds it. (ib., 17.) — Apr. [9]. Plymouth sent to Shanghai to relieve Susquehanna; latter to await Perry’s arrival en route to Japan. (ib., 17.) — Apr. 21. Amer. Comr. in China (Marshall) to Amer. cons., Shanghai (McCartee). Susquehanna. Only TJ. S. vessel of war at Shanghai; Comdre. Perry ex- pected to be in Shanghai, Apr. 26 to 30, with Missis- sippi; Plymouth expected at same time; etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 103.) — Apr. 25. Dobbin to Perry. Repairs to Susquehanna; lieut. J. P. Gillis, of Plymouth, given leave to return home. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 18.) — Apr. 28. Plymouth, arrives at Shanghai. H. ex. doc. 123, 102.) — May 7. Com. of Amer. merchants at Shanghai (Hogg, Beale and Skinner). Protest agst. With- drawal of U. S. naval force. (ib., 130; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 22.) — May 11. Marshall to Perry. Protest agst. with- drawal of U. S. naval force from Shanghai. (ib., 130; ib., 22.) — May 12. Perry to Marshall. Reply to his note of 11 inst. (ib., 131; ib., 23.) — May 13. Marshall to Perry. Necessity of having ship of war at his disposal in order effectually to carry out his instructions. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 123, 132.) — May 15. Comdr. Plymouth (Kelly) to Perry. Has examined charts, etc., of Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pechili; coast and harbors imperfectly known; haz- ardous for vessel of draft of Plymouth to attempt to reach anchorage off mouth of Peiho. (33. 2. S. ex: doc. 34, 27.) — May [16]. Perry to Kelly. Extr.; instructions to survey is. of Lew Chew. (ib., 65.) — May 16. Perry to Marshall. Reply to his note of 13 inst.; not justified in putting vessel of War at Com- mand of comr. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 123, 135; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 27.) (33. 1. CHINA—cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d Perry, comdg., 1853-54—cont’d 1853 May 16. Susquehanna, Plymouth and Mississippi at Shanghai; Susquehanna and Mississippi en route to Lew Chew bound for Japan; Plymouth to remain; Saratoga ordered to Lew Chew from Macao. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 18.) — May 18. Marshall to Kelly. Requests to be in- formed of nature of Orders of his immediate move- ments. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 136; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 41.) — May 18. Kelly to Marshall. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 137; ib., 41.) — May 18. Foreign residents, Wm. Hogg and others, to Marshall. Protest agst. Withdrawal of U. S. naval sqdn. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 137.) — May 18, Marshall to Wm. Hogg and others. Reply to protest of 7 inst.; Susquehanna, and Mississippi despatched upon specl. service; Plymouth, has con- tingent orders. (ib., 138.) ū — May 20. Marshall to Marcy. Protest agst. with- drawal from Shanghai by comdr. Perry of U. S. naval force; resp. stay of Plymouth at Shanghai; etc. (ib., 122.) — May 25. Russell and co., and others, to Kelly. Pro- test agst. departure of Plymouth from Shanghai. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 42.) — May 28. Comdr. U. S. S. Plymouth (Kelly) to Russell and Co., and others. Reply to theirs of 25 inst. (ib., 42.) — May 28. Supply arrives at Lew Chew. (ib., 28.) — Je. 1. Marshall to Marcy. Sailing of U. S. S. Ply- 7mouth, leaves Americans defenceless; copies of COr- resp. of Amer. merchants relative to Sailing of Ply- mouth. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 173.) — Je. 2. Plymouth, leaves Shanghai for Lew Chew; U. S. naval force entirely withdrawn from Shang- hai. (ib., 166, 173.) Je. 2. Susquehanna, Mississippi and Saratoga ar- rive at Lew Chew. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 28.) — Je. 8. Marshall to Marcy. Return of H. B. M. Str. Hermes after withdrawal of Amer. and French StrS. from defence of Shanghai; etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 175.) — Je. 8. Susquehanna, Mississippi, Saratoga and Supply stationary at Lew Chew Is. (ib., 176.) — Je. 14. Susquehanºva and Saratoga arrive at Port Lloyd, Bonin Is. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 29.) — Je. 25. Susquehanna and Saratoga have returned to Lew Chew; comdre. Perry awaits arrival of Coal ship from Shanghai before sailing for Yeddo with Susquehanna, Mississippi, Plymouth, and Saratoga. (ib., 29.) — Je. 26. Kelly to Perry. Pursuant to orders of May 16, remained at Shanghai with Plymouth until Je. 2, when he sailed for Lew Chew. (ib., 40.) — Je. 28. Perry to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Dobbin). Ex- planation of withdrawal of Plymouth from Shang- hai. (ib., 39.) — Jly. 2. Susquehanna, Mississippi, Plymouth, and Saratoga leave Lew Chew. (ib., 45.) — Jly. 8. Susquehanna, Mississippi, Plymouth and Saratoga anchor off Uraga, bay of Yeddo. (ib., 45.) — Aug. 28. Lieut. Comdg. U. S. S. Supply (Sinclair) to Perry. Arrival at Hong Kong from Lew Chew via Amoy. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 295.) — Sept. 2. Perry to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Dobbin). Conditions of vessels under his command; their present employment; events in China. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 34, 64.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 343 CHINA–cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d Perry, comdg., 1853-54—cont’d 1853 Sept. 15. Saratoga only U. S. national vessel at Shanghai. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 256.) — Sept. 21. Marshall to Marcy. Protest agst. absence of U. S. naval force at Shanghai; on return of sqdn. from Japan whole fleet anchored at Cumsingmoon; Saratoga sent to dock in Shanghai; no other U. S. vessel in port When Shanghai was taken by rebels. (ib., 263.) — Sept. 22. Marshall to Perry. Request for naval protection during disturbed period. (ib., 275; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 71.) t — Sept. 26. Perry to Dobbin. State of affairs in China; Shanghai taken by rebels; U. S. S. Saratoga there; two U. S. Vessels near Canton; hears of French mission to Japan; rpts. arrival of Russian adm. at Canton in June; Plymouth and Saratoga to return in spring. (33. 2. S. ex: doc. 34, 69.) — Sept. 27. Storeship Supply in Macao Passage; Sus- quehanna in Whampoa Reach. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 296.) — Sept. 29. Perry to Marshall. Agrees to cooperate in protection of Amer. property, etc., So far as compatible with his instructions; disposition of services of vessels in Sqdn. (ib., 293; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 72.) — Oct. 9. Perry to Dobbin. Corresp. with Amer. comr. Marshall; resp. last advices from Canton and Shang- hai. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 70.) — Oct. 18. Dobbin to Perry. Receipt of despatch of Je. 28; etc. (ib., 43.) — Oct. 28. Same to same. Instructions to cooperate with Amer. Comr. to China in his efforts to estab- lish com]. relations; one war str. to go to Macao to meet Amer. Comr. (McLane) to China and to be subject to his control. (ib., 76.) — Nov. 5. Amer. merchants at Canton to Perry. Re- quest the substitution of a str. for storeship Supply to be withdrawn from Canton with remainder of Amer. Sqdn. (ib., 78.) — Nov. 9. Perry to Amer. merchants at Canton. Re- ply to note of 5 inst.; str. Queen to be stationed off ºwn as substitute for U. S. storeship Supply. (ib., 79. — Nov. 20. Perry to Dobbin. Copy of corresp. with Amer. Imerchants at Canton; has chartered Engl. str. Queen for 6 mos. and placed her in command of lieut. Taylor of the Mississippi; Supply has been at anchor off Canton factory for past three mos.; Lea:- ington, 155 days from N. Y., not yet arrived; awaits her arrival to sail for Japan; suspicious movements there of Russian and French sqdns. (ib., 77.) — Dec. 8. Marshall to Marcy. LOSS of lieut. Mathews and 13 seamen of Plymouth, near Bonin IS. in Oct. last; etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 328.) — Dec. 17. Walker to Perry. Late events at Shanghai. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 87.) — Dec. 21-24. Mississippi Conveys Amer. COmr. Mar- shall from Macao to Canton. (ib., 97.) — Dec. 24. Walker to Perry. Receipt of despatch of 12 and 13 inst.; advice of return of the Cassimi with M. de Bourboulon from Nanking, Dec. 18. (ib., 103.) Despatches referred to not found prid. — Dec. 24. Marshall to Perry. Arrival at Canton in Mississippi; courteous attention of Comdr., and others; imperial comr. remains silent. (ib., 92.) CHINA–cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d Perry, comdg., 1853-54—cont’d 1853 Dec. 26. Marshall to Perry. Imperial comr. at Can- ton remains inattentive to Amer. COmr.’s presence; unless a communication is recd. from him in a certain time, proposes to suspend payment of duties at Shanghai; asks escort for intended visit to Shanghai; proposes to charter str. Confucius for visit to Shanghai. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 350; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 88.) — Dec. 29. Perry to Marshall. Reply to his note of 26 inst ; declines to involve U. S. naval forces in diffi- culties of Amer. dipl. mission with Chinese officials; has no force to detail for visit to Shanghai; if Con- fucius is chartered, escort will be furnished. (ib., 352; ib., 90.) 1854 Jan. 2. Perry to Dobbin. Protest agst. Marshall’s note of 26 ult.; complains of interference of civil officer’s plans with his arrangements for Japan. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 87.) — Jan. 4. Marshall to Perry. Reply to his of Dec. 29, 1853; reasons which make his departure for Shang- hai necessary. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 353; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 95.) Jan. 9. Perry to Dobbin. Intercourse with Engl., French and Russian authorities. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 101.) — Jan. 9. Perry to Dobbin. Protest agst. Marshall’s insistence on having conveyance to Shanghai. (ib., 93.) — Jan. 12. Same to same. I letters recd. from Comdr. Walker (Plymouth) do not bear out vice-cons. Cun- ningham's rpts. Of necessity of increase of naval force at Shanghai. (ib., 102.) Jan. 12. Perry to Marshall. Reply to his of Jan. 4. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 369; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 104.) — Jan. 14. Perry to Dobbin. Reply to letter of Oct. 28. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 105.) Jan. 23. Perry to McLane. Will despatch Susque- han na (Buchanan) from Yeddo, to be at Macao about Mch. 20 or 25. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 5.) — Jan. 25. Perry to Dobbin. Course he has pursued under instructions of Oct. 28. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 106.) — Feb. 1. Macedonian, Vandalia, Southampton and Leasington sail from Lew Chew for bay of Yeddo. (ib., 143.) — Feb. 2. Plymouth sent to Shanghai to relieve Sara- toga; Saratoga to sail for Japan, thence to U. S. (ib., 143.) — Feb. 2. Susquehanºma, Powhatam, and Mississippi coaling at Lew Chew. (ib., 143.) — Feb. 14. Susquehanna, Powhatan, Mississippi, Lea:- ington, Vandalia and Macedonian arrive in bay of Yeddo. (ib., 118.) — Feb. 25. Dobbin to Perry. Instructions for return- ing to U. S. with Sqdn. (ib., 116.) — Mch. 20. Perry. Order instructing any vessel that should arrive at Hong Kong or Macao to remain in that vicinity for purpose of protecting Amer. citi- zens. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 15.) Mch. 20. Perry to Buchanan. Instructions regard- ing Susquehanna; expiration of charter of str. Queen; resp. retention of Str. in Service. (ib., 14.) — Mch. 20. Perry to Buchanan. Ordered to Macao to communicate With U. S. comr. to China from whom instructions will be recd. in regard to movements of Susquehanna. (ib., 12.) — Mch. 22. Perry to McLane. Copies of instructions given to Comdr. Buchanan. (ib., 13.) 344 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d CHINA–cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d IPerry, comdg., 1853-54—cont’d 1854 Apr. 2. Buchanan to McLane. Arrival of Susque- hanºma at Hong Kong. (ib., 11.) — Apr. 3. McLane to Buchanan. Reply to note of yesterday; asks that Susquehanna be ready to sail from Macao to Canton on 14 inst.; and to proceed thence to Shanghai. (ib., 13.) — Apr. 4. Saratoga sails from Japan for U. S. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 145.) — Apr. 19. McLane to Perry. Instructions from Secy. of Navy; confidential despatch with view of his mis- sion; etc. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 234.) — May 1. Buchanan to McLane. Necessary orders is- sued for equipment of Confucius. (ib., 245.) — May 6. McLane to Buchanan. Object for which str. Confucius has been chartered; transmits charter party. (ib., 245.) — May 6. Buchanan to McLane. Reply to note in re- gard to str. Confucius. (ib., 246.) — May 24. Buchanan to comdr. imperial forces at Chaushan (Wu). Arrival of Susquehanna off Chau- Shan; Amer. Comr. to China on board, and desires to Send communication to Eleang, gov. gen, of Liang Kiang. (ib., 56.) — May 26. Same to same. Demands full apology for Shot fired from land battery at Susquehanna on approaching city of Chin-Kiang-Fin, (ib., 57.) — May 26. Wu to Buchanan. Apology for shot fired at Susquehanna. (ib., 59.) May 28. Buchanan to comdr.-in-chief, military forces at Nanking. Arrival of Susquehanna off city of Nanking. (ib., 58.) — May 28. Kiang-ping-sin, a comdr. at the barrier forts, to Buchanan. Reply to request to be allowed to go to so. gate to visit pagoda. (ib., 61.) — May 30. Buchanan to comdr.-in-chief, military forces at Nanking. Declines further intercourse for present. (ib., 58.) — May 30. Lin and Lo. Chinese magistrates, to Bu- chanan. Ordered to memorialize eastern king. (ib., 62.) May 30. Same to same. Men of Susquehanna must conform to local rules and customs. (ib., 60.) [Jly. 18]. Macedonian and Supply leave Japan for Formosa. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 160.) — [Jly. 18]. Mississippi, Powhatan and Southampton leave Japan. (ib., 160.) — Jly. 29. Perry to McLane. Powhatan can take place of Susquehanna if desires to have str. at his dis- posal. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 241.) — Aug. 18. Perry to McLane. Asks whether it is nec- essary that Powhatan should sail within few days or at all in present month. (ib., 240.) Aug. 18. Perry to Comdr. U. S. frigate Powhatan (Cluney). Order to place Powhatam at disposal of McLane. (ib., 239.) — Aug. 19. McLane to Perry. Reply to his of 18 inst. (ib., 241.) — Aug. 20. McLane to Perry. Objects to last para- graph of order of Aug. 18 limiting his disposition of str. Powhatam. (ib., 240.) — Aug. 25. McLane to Perry. Reply to his of 29 ult. (ib., 241.) — Aug. 28. Perry to McLane. Removal from Sus- quehanna to Powhatan. (ib., 242.) — Aug. 28. McCluney to Perry. Powhatan will be ready for sea on Thursday next [i. e., Aug. 31]. (ib., 243.) Perry, comdg., 1853-54—cont’d 1854 Aug. 28. McCluney to Perry. Accommodations in- tended for Mr. McLane on board Powhatan will be in readiness for his reception on Thursday next. (ib., 243.) — Aug. 29. McLane to Perry. Reply to note of 28 inst. (ib., 243.) — Sept. 1. Perry to McCluney. Order to receive Mr. McLane on board Powhatan to-morrow. (ib., 244.) — Sept. 2. McLane to Perry. Expresses satisfaction derived from services of Susquehanna in perform- ance of duties as comr. to China. (ib., 244.) — Sept. 2. Buchanan to McLane. Reply to note of even date. (ib., 247.) — Sept. 3. Perry to McLane. Receipt of communica- tion of yesterday. (ib., 246.) Abbott, comdg., 1855-1856 See also below Taiping rebellion. Macedonia?t, sloop (#): Powhatan, frigate (9), gºuney). Wandalia, sloop (20), (Pope). John P. Kennedy, storeship (Glisson). Susquehanna, frigate (9), (Buchanan). Mississippi, frigate (10), (Lee). Plymouth, sloop (22), (Kelly). Southampton, storeship (4), (Boyle). Supply, storeship (4), (Sinclair). Leavington, storeship (4), (Glasson). San Jacinto, frigate (13), (Bell). Levant, sloop (20), (Smith). 1854 Sept. 6. Comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Abbott) to McLane. Requests expression of views as to re- chartering Queen. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 262.) — Sept. 7. McLane to Abbott. Retaining Queen. (ib., 263.) — Sept. 16. McLane to Abbott. Instructed to take charge of interests of U. S. citizens at Canton; trans- mits copies of Canton riot proclamation; hopes of ficers of John P. Kennedy and Queen will be in- structed to give effect to proclamation. (ib., 219.) — Oct. 16. Abbott to McLane. Resp. his proclamation; its effect on insurgents; cruise of Queen in Search of pirates. (ib., 235.) — Oct. 25. San Jacinto sails from N. Y. to relieve Macedonian. (Ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, U. S. A., 1854.) — Nov. 13. Levant sails from N. Y. to join E. I. Sqdn. (ib.) 1855 Jan. 11. Plymouth, returning, enters Norfolk. (Ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, U. S. A., 1855.) — Feb. 12. Supply, returning, enters N. Y. (ib.) — Feb. 16. Leavington, returning, enters N. Y. (ib.) — Feb. 17. Parker to Abbott. Requests use of str. Queen to convey him to Macao and then to Hong Kong. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 585.) — Feb. 19. Abbott to Parker. Reply to his note of 17 inst. (ib., 586.) — Mch. 10. Susquehanna, returning, enters Phila- delphia. (Ann. rpt. Secy. Navy, 1855.) — Mch. 31. Southampton, returning, enters N. Y. (ib.) — Apr. 23. Mississippi, returning, enters N. Y. (ib.) — Apr. 30. Parker to Abbott. Requests him to meet any emergency that may arise affecting interests of U. S. in China until arrival of Mr. McLane. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 687.) — Nov. 19. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin) to Parker. Receipt of communication of 28 ult, in regard to naval force deemed advantageous for interests of U. S. in East India and China Seas. (ib., 757.) Letter referred to not found prid. 1856 Jan. 12. Parker to Gwathimey. Requests convey- ance in Macedonian to Macao. (ib., 673.) INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 345 CHINA—cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—Cont'd Abbott, comdg., 1855-1856—cont’d 1856 Jan. 13. Lt. Comdg. U. S. S. Macedonian (Gwath- mey) to Parker. Reply to note of 12 inst. (ib., 673.) — Jan. 14. Comdr. U. S. S. Macedonian (Pope) to Parker. Reply to application for conveyance to Macao in Macedonian. (ib., 674.) Armstrong, comdg., 1856-57 San Jacinto, frigate (13), (Bell). Portsmouth, sloop (22), (Foote). Levant, sloop (20), (Smith). Minnesota, frigate (40), (Du Pont). Mł88488tppi, frigate { 11), (Nicholson). Germantown, sloop (22), (Page). 1856 Je. 27. Parker to Armstrong. Accepts offer placing U. S. S. Levant at his disposal; desires to visit no. ports of China before entering upon negotiations for revision of treaty. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 929.) — Je. 28. Armstrong to Comdr. U. S. S. Levant (Smith). Order to afford P. Parker, Amer. comr. to China, conveyance to Shanghai. (ib., 931.) — Jly. 21. Parker to capt. U. S. S. Levant (Smith). Requests him to proceed to anchorage near “White Dogs.” (ib., 886.) — Jly. 31. Parker to Armstrong. Asks when San Jacinto may be available to proceed to Gulf of Pechele. (ib., 931.) — Aug. 11. Armstrong to Parker. Expects to be at Canton about Sept. 10. (ib., 932.) — Aug. 12. Parker to Armstrong. Plans resp. co- Operation in carrying out interests of U. S. govt. (ib., 932.) 1857 Feb. 24. Parker to Armstrong. Requests that he visit him at earliest moment practicable. (ib., 1210.) — Mch. 5. Parker to Armstrong. Expediency of af- fording Amer. Strs. that protection which presence of flag-ship will be able to render. (ib., 1235.) — Mch. 7. Armstrong to Parker. Movement Sug- gested in communication of 5 inst. not advisable. (ib., 1236.) — Mch. 18. Russell and co., and others, to Armstrong. Urge protection of local strs. running betw. Hong Kong and Macao. (ib., 1272.) — Mch. 19. Armstrong to Russell and co., and others. Declines to comply with request of 18 inst.; reasons for refusing. (ib., 1272.) — Mch. 23. A. Heard and co., of Canton, to Parker. Protest agst. policy of comdre. Armstrong; etc. (ib., 1270.) — Je. 12. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey) to comdr. E. I. sqdn. (Armstrong). Increase of sqdn. in China; con- Sultation with min. Reed relative to movements of sqdn. recommended. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 11.) Tattnall, comdg., 1857-1858 Mississippi, frigate (11), (Nicholson). Minnesota, frigate (4Q), (Du Pont). Powhatam, frigate (9), (Pearson). Germantown, sloop (22), (Page). San Jacinto, frigate (13), (Bell). Portsmouth, sloop (22), (Foote). Levant, sloop (20), (Smith). 1858 Feb. 4. Amer. comr. in China (Reed) to Tattnall. Necessary to charter Small Str. of light draught for accomplishment of objects of mission. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 180.) — Feb. 6. Same to same. Requested to charter str. of light draught at once; communication, in conjunc- tion with those of other plenipotentiaries, to be sent to Pekin, by way of Shanghai, in a national vessel. (ib., 181.) CHINA-cont’d Naval Operations: American, 1835-1861—cont’d EAST INDIA SQUADRON, U. S. N.—cont’d Tattnall, comdg., 1857-1858—cont’d 1858 Feb. 7. Tattnall to Recd. Has chartered light- draught str. and made arrangements requested. (ib., 182.) — Feb. 10. Reed to capt. U. S. S. Mississippi (Nich- olson). Requested to deliver enclosed dispatches to Chinese authorities at Shanghai for immediate transmission to Pekin. (ib., 182.) — Mch. 26. Tattnall to Reed. Sends copy of order to Capt. Du Pont of Minnesota, authorizing him to wear Amer. ensign at main, within waters of mis- Sion. (ib., 239.) — Mch. 29. Reed to Tattnall. Approves of order to Capt. of Minnesota resp. Amer. flag; portion of local naval force of U. S. desired, to accompany him on mission to mouth of Peiho. (ib., 239.) — Apr. 2. Tattnall to Reed. Regrets unsatisfactory reply of Chinese ct.; disposition of sqdn. Inot defi- nitely settled. (ib., 295.) – Apr. 29. Nicholson to Reed. Receipt of letter rela- tive to plans for communicating with Chinese au- thorities. (ib., 297.) — Apr. 29. Reed to Nicholson. Apptmt. with Tau at Takoo. (ib., 296.) — May 19. Reed to comdr. U. S. S. Minnesota (Du Pont). Str. Antelope to be protected from injury in event of hostilities, and to be kept strictly neutral. (ib., 328.) Stribling, comdg., 1859 Hartford, sloop (16), º: John Adam.8, sloop (20), (Mason ; Berrien). Saginaw, str., (3), (Schenck). Powhatan, frigate (11), (Pearson). Mississippi, frigate (11), (Nicholson). Germantown, sloop (22), (Page). Dacotah, sloop (6), (Radford). Vandalia, sloop (20), (Lee). Naval Operations: British Stirling, comdg. 1853 Apr. 22. Cassini (La Plass) leaves Shanghai for Ningpo. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 103.) 1854 May 4. Military defence of foreign quarter in Shanghai ieft to comdrs. of H. B. M. brig Grecian, strs. Encounter and Stya, Fr. Str. Colbert, and U. S. sloop Plymouth. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 30.) — Dec. 22. Stirling and comdr. E. I. sqdn. U. S. N. . (Abbott) to Br. M. P. to China (Bowring) and actg. Amer. comr. to China (Parker). Measures pro- posed for defence and protection of foreign interests at Canton. (ib., 511.) 1856 Jan. 1. Stirling. Public notice of arrangements made for protection of commerce, by affording con- voys at stated periods for vessels trading on coast of China. (ib., 627.) Neutrality Negotiations; see that title Ningpo 1853 Apr. 26. Actg. Amer. Cons., Ningpo (McCartee) to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Reassurance agst. alarm at threatened assault upon foreigners at Ningpo. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 104.) — May 19. McCartee to Portuguese cons., Ningpo (Marques). Interference with police by Portuguese persons. (ib., 157.) — May 19. McCartee to Marshall. Alarm of for- eigners dispelled; Portuguese interference. (ib., 156.) — May 20. Marques to McCartee. Interference of Portuguese with police of Ningpo. (ib., 160.) 346 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Ningpo-cont’d 1853 May 25. Marshall to McCartee. In absence of usual protection urges prudence in intercourse with for- eigners. (ib., 160.) 1854 Apr. 24. McCartee to Amer. Cons., Shanghai (Mur- phy). Conduct of Portuguese at Ningpo. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 39.) — May 12. McLane to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Acct. Of Visit to Ningpo during Shanghai mission; etc. (ib., 40.) — May 30. McCartee to McLane. Movements on as- Suming apptmt. as cons. at Ningpo; pirate fleet in port. (ib., 421.) — May 30. Same to Same. Intendant has declined to continue mo. pay of pirate fleet; declares that they are no longer in pay of Chinese govt. (ib., 422.) — Je. 3. Same to same. Rumors that Portuguese and Canton pirates intend to attack each other; shooting of Chinaman by H. Miller, an Amer., on board The Peking. (ib., 422.) — JIy. [1(?)]. McLane to McCartee. Instructions to continue to act as friendly mediator betw. Portu- guese cons. and Chinese intendant. (ib., 429.) — Jly. 8. McCartee to McLane. Cantonese greatly ex- Cited Over demand of Portuguese cons.; intimidating aspect of Portuguese corvette. (ib., 424.) — JIy. 10. Same to same. Representation of attack of Portuguese man-of-war and lorchas on vessels under command of taoutai's volunteer force. (ib., 425.) -º; 14. Same to Same. Cantonese pirates. (ib., — Jly. 14. Twan, actg. intendant, Ningpo, Shauhing, and Tai-chau circuit, to McCartee. Requests opinion of Amer. comr. resp. justice of demand of Portu- guese ConS., Marques, for Compensation for damages arising from disturbance betw. Portuguese and Cantonese volunteers. (ib., 427.) — Aug. 1. McCartee to McLane. Dispute betw. Can- tonese and Portuguese authorities. (ib., 430.) — Sept. 30. Same to same. Affair betw. Portuguese Cons. (Marques) and intendant amicably settled; attack upon an is. below Chusan. (ib., 432.) — Oct. 6. McCartee to McLane. Case of F. Bomont, Amer. Shot by Portuguese; requests instructions in regard to this and similar cases. (ib., 436.) Oct. 10. McLane to McCartee. Reply to letter of 6 inst., concerning Amer. citizens engaged in busi- ness of convoying country Vessels of Chinese. (ib., 437.) 1855 Feb. 19. McCartee to Amer. Comr. in China. (Parker). Recommends Suppression of systematic plunder carried on under guise of “convoying.” (ib., 737.) — Mch. 24. Same to Same. Affairs in Ningpo; arrest of two Br. subjects engaged with rebels; Cantonese Triads fraternizing with foreigners associated with Shanghai rebels. (ib., 689.) 1856 Apr. 10. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Improvement of affairs at Ningpo; etc. (ib., 760.) — May 14. McCartee to Parker. Information relating to Ningpo; manner of carrying on trade in China; Official style and designation to be adopted by Amer. cons. Officers in intercourse With those of Chinese empire; case of James Donelly; case of Gilfillan, and Woodman. (ib., 840.) — May 26. Parker to McCartee. Limits of Ningpo; habit of throwing ballast in Yung, or river of Ningpo; foreign ships which have no cons. Of their own nation at Ningpo. (ib., 831.) — May 27. U. S. citizens resident in Ningpo, China, to TJ. S. House. Memorial, praying measures to pre- vent use of Amer. flag to cloak participation of Amer. citizens in opium trade. (34. 1. H. jol., 1048.) CHINA—cont’d Ningpo-cont’d 1856 Jly. 7. Parker to McCartee. Proposes to proceed to Ningpo in morning. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 896.) — Jly. 31. McCartee to Parker. Unusual no. of Can- ton west coast junks now in port of Ningpo; etc. (ib., 896.) — Aug. 26. McCartee to Parker. Affray betw. Canton- ese and Fuh-Kien men on 19 inst.; clearance of brig- antine Melita. (ib., 899.) 1857 Jan. 15. Actg. Amer. cons., Ningpo (Way) to Parker. Critical position of Amer. Citizens at Ningpo. (ib., 1198.) — Jan. 15. E. C. Lord, and others, Amer, residents of Ningpo to Parker. Request presence of man-of-war; or other means for their protection. (ib., 1199.) — Jan. 30. Parker to Way. U. S. S. Portsmouth under orders to visit Ningpo and other ports; hostilities at Canton quite local. (ib., 1200.) — May 15. French, Amer. and Br. cons. at Ningpo (Edan, Way and Meadows, resp.). Memorandum; recommending measures for re-establishment of order at Ningpo. (ib., 1367.) — May 21. Way to Parker. Portuguese and Canton- ese hostilities at Ningpo; Portuguese cons. power- less; cons. memorandum of 15 inst. (ib., 1366.) — May 30. Parker to Way. Reply to his of 21 inst.; action of gov. of Macao resp. lorchas. (ib., 1371.) — J1y. 4. Way to Parker. Acct. Of recent affair betw. Portuguese and Cantonese and French. (ib., 1422.) CONSULAR COURTS Expenditures 1856. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 7.) Fees Received 1856. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 6.) CONSULAR COURTS: CASES TRIED (James Donelly, alias Dublin) 1856 May 14. Actg. Amer. cons., Ningpo (McCartee) to Parker. Criminal suit agst. Jas. Donelly, deserter from Amer. ship at Chin-hai; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 840.) (Gilfillan and Woodman) Arrested in Ningpo in 1856 on charge of burglary and assault. The nationality of the offenders was not proven, but, claiming Amer. citizenship, they Were tried and sentenced by the U. S. cons, ct. On the night after their sentence the men escaped. 1856 Jan. 6. Amer. Vice-cons., Shanghai (Fish) to Amer. . comr. in China (Parker). Case of Woodman and Gilfillan; doubt as to jurisdiction of vice-cons. in similar cases; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 676.) — Feb. 16. Parker to Fish. Instructions in case of Gilfillan and Woodman. (ib., 744.) — Mch. 6. Fish to Parker. Awaits decision in case of Woodman and Gilfillan; etc. (ib., 746.) — Apr. 2. Parker to Fish. Instructions for trial of Woodman and Gilfillan. (ib., 747.) — Apr. 16. Fish to Parker. Case of Woodman and Gilfillan transferred to Ningpo. (ib., 794.) — May 14. Actg. U. S. cons., Ningpo (McCartee) to Parker. Case of Gilfillan and Woodman; etc. (ib., 840.) (United States vs Charles Jackson) Barsby ASSault on Fºſſ, ſº gº ºf: of robbery. He was tried in U. S. cons. ct-, Ningpo. 1858 Feb. 15. Amer. cons. at Ningpo (Bradley). Indict- ment of Jackson. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 86.) — Feb. 28. Bradley to actg. Amer. cons., Shanghai (Freeman). Sends Jackson, convicted of assault and robbery, from Ningpo to Shanghai, under charge of U. S. marshal. (ib., 85.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 347 CHINA-cont’d Ningpo-cont’d CoNSULAB CourTS: CASES TRIED–cont’d (United States vs. Charles Jackson)—cont’d Barsby Assault—cont’d 1858 Mch. 1. Freeman to Bradley. Jackson imprisoned in marshal’s house; lack of U. S. jails in Chinese ports. (ib., 90.) — Mch. 13. Bradley to Secy. State U. S. A. (CaSS). C. Jackson, convicted of assault and robbery, confined by request on H. B. M. S. Cormorant, at Ningpo; sent to Shanghai, where he escaped from marshal; importance of jails and interpreters. (ib., 83.) Smith Assault See below, Shanghai. Consular Court. 1856 Aug. 15. Actg. Amer. cons., Ningpo (McCartee) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Case of Amer. brigatine Melita. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 897.) — Aug. 23. Parker to McCartee. Instructions; case of Melita; etc. (ib., 897.) — Aug. 26. McCartee to Parker. Clearance of Melita; , arrangement with custom house authorities; etc. (ib., 899.) Opium Trade See also below, Opium War; Shanghai; Swatow ; do. above, Canton ; Foo Chow. 1840 Mch. 16. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; Opposed to co-operating with Gr. Br. upholding her recent conduct in China relative to opium trade. (viii, Cong. Globe, 275.) 1842 Mch. 31. Comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Kearny). Notice; resp. Amer. Vessels engaged in Opium traffic. (xi, Chinese Repository, 239.) 1844 Jan. 12. U. S. House. Res. (Phoenix, N. Y.), direct- ing Secy. State to rpt. On prosecution of contraband Opium trade on China coast, by vessels under Amer. flag, participation therein of cons. officers, and instructions to dipl. and cons. Officers for its Sup- pression. (28. 1. H. jol., 212.) 1856 May 27. Amer. citizens in Ningpo (China) to U. S. House. Memorial, praying measures to prevent use of Amer. flag to cloak participation of Amer. citizens in opium trade. (34. 1. H. jol., 1048.) 1857 May 30. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (Reed). U. S. does not seek legal establishment of opium trade; etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 6.) 1858 Feb. 26. Reed to Cass. Transmits cons. corresp. relating to opium trade; etc. (ib., 184.) — Aug. 9. Amer. Comr. in China (Reed) to Amer. vice-cons., Shanghai (Glover). Makes inquiries resp. mode of conducting opium trade. (ib., 500.) — Aug. 28. Thos. Walsh to Reed. Suggestions in favor of legalizing opium trade. (ib., 508.) — Aug. 31. Glover to Reed. Details resp. opium trade at Shanghai. (ib., 501.) — Oct. 19. H. B. M. high comr. in China (Elgin and Kincardine) to Reed. Opium trade. (ib., 511.) Opium War, 1839-1842 See also above, Canton. 1838 Dec. 12. Intended execution of a Chinese; riot in front of foreign factories at Canton. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 119, 8.) 1839 Feb. 22. Comr. of customs, Canton (Yu). Procla- mation to hong merchants; regulations for licensed boats plying betw. Canton and Macao. (ib., 4.) — Feb. 24. Hong merchants of Canton to Chamber of Commerce. Violation of regulations governing li- censed passage boats. (ib., 3.) CHINA-cont’d Opium War, 1839-1842—cont’d 1839 Feb. 26. Same to same. Gov. of Canton orders de- struction of licensed boats refusing to be examined. (ib., 5.) — Feb. 28. Chamber of Commerce of Canton to hong merchants. Explanation of refusal of examination of licensed passage-boats. (ib., 6.) — Mch. 5. Amer. cons., Canton (Snow) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Canton riots. (ib., 2.) — Mch. 17. Lin, gov. gen. of two Kwang provinces. Edict; addressed to hong merchants; Opium trade. (ib., 17, 37, 46, 53.) — Mch. 18. Same. Edict addressed to foreigners regul- lating opium trade; commanding surrender of opium. (ib., 14, 33, 50.) — Mch. 19. Yu. Edict; forbidding foreigners to go from Canton to Macao. (ib., 20, 41.) — Mch. 22. Snow to Forsyth. Edict of imperial Comr. to foreigners and hong merchants. (ib., 18.) — Mch. 26. Wm. S. Wetmore, and others, to Snow. Address from foreigners to imperial comr. in reply to his edict on subject of opium. (ib., 31.) — Mch. 26. Lin to foreigners. Proclamation; delivery of opium. (ib., 42.) — Mch. 27. Same to hong merchants. Proclamation; surrender of opium. (ib., 32.) — Mch. 28. Same. Edict; opium in possession of merchants to be delivered to Chinese govt. (ib., 25.) — Mch. 29. Snow to Lin. Edict of 28 inst. complied with; opium in possession of Amer. agtS. delivered to Br. owners. (ib., 26.) — Mch. 30. Lin. Edict; agst. delivery of Opium in possession of Amer. agts. (ib., 26.) [1839 Apr.] Lin. Proclamation; re-opening of trade. (ib., 59.) 1839 Apr. 1. Snow to Lin. Maintains that delivery, as per his of Mch. 29, was regular. (ib., 27.) — Apr. 5. Lin. Edict; alleging irregularity in de- livery of opium in possession of Americans. (ib., 27.) – Apr. 6. Snow to Lin. Declares that opium was de- livered by Americans to Br. Supt. as Br. property. (ib., 28.) — Apr. 9. Same to same. Impossible to give required bonds. (ib., 32.) — Apr. 19. Snow to Forsyth. Acct. of events in Can- ton connected with foreign trade. (ib., 21.) — Apr. 19. Lin. Edict; requiring bonds of foreigners engaged in opium trade. (ib., 29, 57.) — Apr. 21. Snow to Lin. Impracticable for his coun- trymen to give bonds required by new regulations. (ib., 30.) — May 8. Choo, prefect of Canton. Edict; punish- ment of foreigners for dealing in Opium. (ib., 61.) — May 13. Snow to Forsyth. Trade in China. (ib., 60.) May 18. Same. Edict; Amer. ship Robert Fulton. (ib., 65.) — May 22. Same to same. Affairs in China. (ib., 62.) — JIy. 13. Snow to Forsyth. Resp. Amer. trade at Canton. (ib., 67.) — Jly. 23. Comdr. E. I. Sqdn. U. S. N. (Read) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Paulding). State of affairs at Can- ton. (ib., 72.) — Aug. 29. Snow to Forsyth. Outrages at Hong Kong; attacks on foreigners at Macao, etc. (ib., 67.) — Sept. 12. Capt. H. B. M. S. Volage (Smith). Notice of intention to blockade port of Canton. (ib., 84.) — Sept. 15. Choo to SnOW. Edict; charging violation of opium regulations. (ib., 82.) — Sept. 16. Capt. Smith. Notice; blockade of Can- ton will not be established. (ib., 85.) 348 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Opium War, 1839–1842—cont’d 1839 jº, ; Snow to Forsyth. Intercourse with China. ib., 81. — Sept. 25. Same to same. Chinese edicts protesting agst. presence of Amer. Ships in Chinese waters; opium trade. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 55.) — Oct. 21. Same to Same. Amer. trade in Chinese waters; copies of edicts relative to bonds, certain ships and bills of exchg. (ib., 60.) — Nov. 27-30. Same to same. Purchase of Engl. ships by Americans for China trade; copy of edict closing trade with Engl. (ib., 65.) 1840 Jan. 9. Amer. citizens resident in Canton to U. S. House. Memorial; protest agst. Chinese edicts agst. Opium trade; praying despatch of com/. agt. and naval force to China. (26. 1. H. jol., 189.) — Jan. 11. Same to Same. Further restrictions on Amer. trade; Opium trade; copies of edicts pro- hibiting transhipment of Br. goods; Br. blockade of river and port of Canton. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 69.) — Jan. 13. Snow to Smith. Protest agst. proposed blockade of Canton. (ib., 74.) — Jan. 31. Snow to Forsyth. Br. blockade of Canton relinquished; rumor of determination to expel Engl. from Macao. (ib., 72.) — Feb. 5. Citizens of Ipswich (Mass.) to U. S. House. Petition, praying prohibition of exportation of Opium to China. (26. 1. H. jol., 280; viii, Cong. Globe, 164.) - — Feb. 7. U. S. House. Res. (Pickens, S. C.), that President communicate condition of Amer. citizens in China; full information of commerce betw. 1821 and 1839; if Gr. Br. has given information of block- ade in Chinese ports, etc. (viii, Cong. Globe, 172.) — Mch. 16. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; Br. Imisconstruction of Amer. Congressional action resp. China. (ib., 275.) — Mch. 16. F. W. Pickens, repr. from S. C. Remarks; reply to Cushing of even date. (ib., 275.) — Apr. 9. U. S. House. Communication from mer- chants interested in China trade, containing late intelligence not before made public. (ib., 311.) — Apr. 14. Snow to Forsyth. War betw. China and Gr. Br. expected; etc. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 81.) — May 27. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Steven- son) to H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Rep- resentation, on behalf of Amer. citizens, protesting agst. possible interference with Amer. Shipments by prosecution of order in council of Apr. 3, 1840, au- thorizing reprisals upon Vessels and property of Chinese subjects. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 34, 2.) — Je. 10. Snow to Forsyth. Arrival of Br. ships in Chinese waters. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 81.) — Je. 22. Comdre. H. B. M. E. I. Sqdn. (Bremer). Notice; blockade of river and port of Canton. (ib., 82.) Je. 25. Palmerston to Stevenson. Prosecution of order in council of Apr. 3, 1840, authorizing reprisals upon vessels and property of Chinese subjects to be confined to Chinese vessels. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 34, 3.) — Nov. 19. Same to Same. Notice of blockade of river and port of Canton. (ib., 3.) Snow Detention By order of the imperial comr., Lin, P., W. Snow, the Amer. cons. in Canton, was imprisoned in that city during Mch.-May, 1839, on the false charge of having been engaged in the opium traffic. 1844 Je. 26. Amer. comr. in China (Cushing) to Vice-roy of Kwang provs. (Tsiyeng). Demands Satisfaction for detention of cons. U. S. at Canton (Snow). (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 50.) — Je. 29. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Detention of U. S. Cons. Snow. (ib., 51.) - CHINA–cont’d Opium War, 1839–1842—cont’d Morrison, Amer. Ship (Benson) On May 22, 1841, a boat's crew from the Morrison was fired on at Canton, and the officer, three passengers and all the crew, with one exception, were taken prisoners. The exception was a seaman, Sherry, son of the harbormaster of New York, who was killed. 1844 Je. 25. Amer. Comr. in China (Cushing) to vice- roy of two Kwang provs. (Tsiyeng). Protest agst. murder of Sherry and imprisonment of part of crew of Amer. ship Morrison. (28. 2. H. doc. 67, 48.) — Je. 29. Tsiyeng to Cushing. Explanation of mur- der of Sherry and imprisonment of his companions of the Morrison. (ib., 49.) — Jiy. 27. Same to same. Result of investigation into assault upon Americans at Whampoa; death of Sherry. (ib., 93.) — Aug. 20. Cushing to Tsiyeng. Analogy in cases of Sherry and Sue Aman. (ib., 96.) 1852 Dec. 14. Comdr. E. I. sqdn. U. S. N. (Perry) to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Kennedy). Morrison fired on from Japanese batteries. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 12.) Piracy 1854 May 31. Amer. cons., Hong Kong (Keenan) to comdr. U. S. surveying sqdn. (Ringgold). Fear lest Niobe and Valparaiso may have encountered pirati- cal fleet as did Dutch ship Paul Johan. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 221.) — Sept. 18. Amer. cons., Hong Kong (Keenan) to McLane. Copies of docs. relating to three cruises of Porpoise under command of Lieut. H. Rolando; viz., in search of the Niobe and Valparaiso, rescue of the Hygeia, and attack on pirates in Sam Cock Bay. (ib., 221.) — Sept. 18. Lieut. U. S. S. Vincennes (Rolando) to Keenan. Attack on piratical junks in Sam Cock Bay by Porpoise in company with four Portug. lorchas and two Fr. launches. (ib., 226.) 1856 Mch. 20. N. Y. C. Chamber of Commerce to U. S. House. Memorial praying protection agst, piracy in China Sea. (34. 1. H. jol., 702.) Hygeia, Coolie Ship (Dible) Left Hong Kong for San Francisco, May 30, 1854, with 530 £aº, wrecked on Pratas Shoal Je. 10 ; rescued jiy 3, by U. S. S. Porpoise (Rolando). Left Hong Kong for San Francisco, Oct. 5,1854. During the night vessel was wrecked in a gale off island of $ºn. and plundered by pirates. See above, Claims. 1854 Je. 24. Amer. cons. in Hong Kong (Keenan) to capt. U. S. S. John P. Kennedy (Collins). Wreck of Hygeia on Pratas Shoal; condition of her pas- sengers. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 223.) — Je. 25. Collins to Keenan. Receipt of letter of 14 inst. (ib., 224.) — Je. 26. Comdr. Expedition to No. Pacific Ocean (Ringgold) to Keenan. Lieut. Comdg. Rolando, to proceed to Pratas Shoal to rescue and render as- sistance to sufferers of Hygeia. (ib., 224.) — JIy. 5. Acknowledgment of passengers and char- terers of Hygeia of services rendered by U. S. S. Porpoise. (ib., 225.) Paragon; see that title Paul Johan, Dutch Vessel 1854 May 30. Hong Kong Register. Representation of attack by piratical junks upon Dutch vessel Paul Johan on 14 inst. (35. 2. S. ex, doc. 22, 222.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 349 CHINA—cont’d Piracy—cont’d Amer. Merchantman Robert Bowne (Bryson) Left Amoy Mch. 21, 1852, with 410 coolies, bound for S. F. On Mch. 30, when 300 miles e. of Formosa, coolies mutinied, killed capt., officers and some seamen, and landed on one of the Magicosima group, after having plundered the vessel. 1852 Apr. 22. Amer. Cons., Amoy (Bradley) to Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Parker). Rpt. of case of piracy on board Amer. merchantman Robert Bowne. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 96.) — Apr. 27. Amer. Vice-cons., Shanghai (Cunning- ham) to Parker. Stnt. resp. revolt of coolies on board Robert Bonone. (ib., 11.) — Apr. 28. J. Smith. Deposition relative to revolt of coolies on board. (ib., 104.) — Apr. 28. J. Valentine. Same. (ib., 102.) — May 6. Parker to H. B. M. Supt. of trade Hong Kong (Bowring). Acknowledgment of assistance by Br. vessels in capturing perpetrators of outrage on board Amer. Ship Robert Bowme. (ib., 107.) — May 8. Bowring to Parker. Gratified at receipt of his of May 6. (ib., 108.) — May 15. Comdr. H. B. M. sloop Lily (Sanderson) to H. B. M. cons., Amoy (Sullivan). Circumstances attending capture of coolies of Robert Bowme. (ib., 110.) — May 17. Stnt. of seamen of Robert Bowne. (ib., 116.) — May 18-19. Bradley to Parker. Relative to punish- ment of coolie pirates of Robert Bowme. (ib., 112.) — May 19. Amer. Vice-cons., Hong Kong (Anthon) to Parker. Case of ship Robert Bowne. (ib., 106.) — May 21. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Rpt. of case of piracy on high seas on board Amer. merchantman Robert Bowne (Bryson); with cor- resp. (ib., 94.) — May 25. Parker to comdr. E. I. sqdn. U. S. N. (Aulick). Requests services of Susquehanna to bring pirates of Robert Bowme from Hong Kong to Canton. (ib., 114.) — May 28. Aulick to Parker. Sends Susquehanna to fetch Chinese pirates of Robert Bowne. (ib., 116.) — May 28. Parker to Bradley. Instructions; delivery of pirates of Robert Bowne. (ib., 115.) — Je. 4. Bradley to Parker. Witnesses in case of Robert Bowme. (ib., 123.) — Je. 5. Parker to Aulick. Instructions for pro- cedure in case of pirates of Robert Bowme on board the Susquehanna. (ib., 121.) — Je. 8. Aulick to Parker. Examination of pirates of Robert Bowne. (ib., 123.) — Je. 9. Parker to Aulick. Reiterates views of Je. 5 relative to disposal of pirates of Robert Bowne. (ib., 124.) — Je. 14. Parker to Chinese high comr. (Sü). In- quiry as to whether high comr. will receive and punish pirates of Robert Bowme. (ib., 125.) — Je. 17. Sü to Parker. Agrees to receive and punish pirates of Robert Bowme. (ib., 125.) — Je. 17. Parker to Aulick. Advice of trial of pirates of Robert Bowne by Chinese govt. (ib., 126.) — Je. 19. Aulick to Parker. Result of ct. of inquiry organized on board Susquehanna in case of Robert Bowne. (ib., 128.) — Je. 19. Parker to Webster. Proc. agst. Criminals involved in outrage on board Robert Bowme. (ib., 108.) — Je. 20. Same to same. Advice of adverse decision of Chinese ct. of inquiry in case of Robert Bowme; award of Salvage of Robert Bowme. (ib., 127.) — Je. 22. Parker to Chinese comrs. Relative to ct. Of inquiry held on board Susquehanna Je. 17-18; sug- gests arrangements to receive convicted pirates on CHINA-cont’d Piracy—cont’d Amer. Merchantman Robert Bowne (Bryson)—cont’d shore, pending trial to take place on receipt of tes: timony of survivors. (ib., 130.) 1852 JIy. 9. Chinese comrs. to Parker. Decision in case of piracy on board the Robert Bowne. (ib., 131.) — JIy. 12. Parker to Chinese comrs. (Sü and Pih). Protest agst, decision in case of Robert Bowne. (ib., 134. -º-> * 19. Parker to Webster. Asks instructions for further proc. in case of Robert Bowne. (ib., 138.) Science, Amer. bark (Pierce) Early in Dec., 1854, eight seamen were arrested at Whampoa, by U. S. marshal Cook, on the charge of having boarded Amer. bark Science, and forcibly taking ashore the chief officer, Bird. Two of the eight, Sweetman and Mills, claimed to be Br. Sub- jects. 1854 Dec. 2. Chief officer, Science (Bird). Forcible abduction from bark Science; stnt. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 535.) — Dec. 2. U. S. marshal, Whampoa (Cook) to actg. Amer. vice cons., Canton (Bancroft). Arrest of eight men for going on board Science and forcibly removing chief officer Bird. (ib., 534.) — Dec. 25. Master and first mate, Science (Pierce and Bird). Consent to proposition that Lewis, and others, mutineers, etc., on board Science, be ex- empted from prosecution, on condition of their shipping on board U. S. S. Macedonian. (ib., 537.) — Dec. 25. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to capt. L. S. S. Macedonian (Abbott). Lewis, and others, charged with mutiny, etc., on board Science, offer to ship on board U. S. S. Macedonian, and await in- structions on board U. S. str. Queen. (ib., 537.) — Dec. 25. Parker. Assents to adjustment of case of mutineers on board Science, under Sec. 19, act of Aug. 11, 1848. (ib., 536.) — Dec. 25. J. Lewis and others. Agree to ship on board U. S. S. Macedonian rather than Stand trial for mutiny, etc., on board Science. (ib., 536.) — Dec. 25. Parker to U. S. marshal, Whampoa (Cook). Wishes to see capt. Pierce and mate Bird on board Queen immediately. (ib., 535.) — Dec. 29. Parker to H. B. M. comr. in China (Bow- ring). Question of jurisdiction over two English- men, Sweetman and Mills, arrested for having taken part in riot at Whampoa. (ib., 521.) 1855 Jan. 6. Bowring to Parker. Cons. Robertson to communicate in case of Sweetman and Mills. (ib., 522.) — Jan. 8. Parker to Cook. Requests that Sweetman and Mills, concerned in illegal acts on board Science, be delivered to Br. Vice-cons. at Whampoa. (ib., 542.) 1856 Mch. 13. Parker to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Dobbin). Propriety of temporarily increasing naval force of U. S. in China. (ib., 758.) — Apr. 28. Comdr. U. S. S. Vandalia (Rootes) to Parker. Purposes to leave Hong Kong on May 2 for U. S. (ib., 786.) — May 12. Parker to Armstrong. Solicitous of con- ferring with him on matters of public interest; em- barrassment experienced for Want of means of transport in carrying out plans of govt. of U. S. (ib., 822.) Shing fat," Chinese Vessel 1853 Jly. 14. Amer. cons. Ningpo (McCartee) to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Use of Amer. flag by Chinese boats; sale of Chinese vessel Shing fat to U. S. marshal for Shanghai distr. (Johnson). (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 227.) 350 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA-cont’d Piracy—cont’d Shing fat, Chinese Vessel—cont’d 1853 Jly. 18. Marshall to U. S. marshal Shanghai distr. (Johnson). Demands explanation of Sale of Chinese vessel Shing fat. (ib., 228.) — Jly. 19. Marshall to McCartee. Opinion in case of Shing fat, etc.; offers Amer. Cons. at Ningpo to Mc- Cartee. (ib., 228.) Sir Herbert Compton, Chinese Ship of War On Feb. 6, 1854, an Amer. pilot boat was fired upon in port of Shanghai by Sir Herbert Compton, boarded, and her crew forcibly removed. The men were released Mch. 7, by U. S. sloop Plymouth (Kelly). * 1854 Mch. 7. Lt. Plymouth (Guest) to comdr. U. S. sloop Plymouth (PCelly). Manner in which men taken by Sir Herbert Compton were released. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 178.) — Mch. 20. Amer. comr. in China (McLane) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Case of the Compton; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 2.) — Jly. 22. Kelly to U. S. comr. to Japan (Perry). Chinese armed boat Sir Herbert Compton attacks Amer. pilot boat at Shanghai; engagement betw. Br. and Amer. forces and natives at Shanghai; Amer. casualties. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 176.) Staghou?, d, Amer. Merchantman (Behm) D. S. marshal at Whampoa, Cook, on Jan. 1, 1855, ar- rested two Americans, Charles Thompson and J. L. Seymour, for having committed piracy on board Staghou?vd in Dec., 1854. 1854 Dec. 30. Amer. Vice-cons., Canton (Sturgis) to U. S. marshal, Whampoa (Cook). Men who came to Whampoa in Staghou'nd under Amer. protection, and who were engaged in action yesterday, to be arrested. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 537.) 1855 Jan. 1. Sturgis to Amer. Chargé ad int. in China. (Parker). Arrest of Seymour and Thompson, citi- zens of U. S., accused of piracy agSt. native trading junks, and active in late attack agst. govt. forces at Whampoa. (ib., 538.) — Jan. 1. Sturgis to Cook. To apply to Macedonian for assistance in securing people engaged in piracy alongside of Stagh Ownd. (ib., 539.) — Jan. 6. Comrs.’ ct., Amer. legation, Canton. Case of J. Thompson and C. Seymour, charged with piracy and taking part in rebel Service agst. govt. of China. (ib., 540.) * — Jan. 6. Parker to Sturgis. Act of Aug. 11, 1848, contains ample provision for all crimes committed by citizens of U. S. within dominions of China; will hold preliminary investigation in case of Sey- mour and Thompson. (ib., 538.) Jan. 6. Sturgis to Parker. Impossible for him to attend preliminary investigation at 12 o'clock re- lating to Staghou'rld piracy case. (ib., 539.) — Feb. 12. Parker to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Case of Thompson; etc. (ib., 528.) — Feb. 15. Parker to Cook. Instruction to discharge Thompson. (ib., 586.) — Mch. 29. Nye Bros. & co. to Amer. Chargé ad int. in China (Parker). Relative to port charges exacted from ships Nightingale and Staghou'rd at Shanghai after tonnage dues had been paid at Canton. (ib., 685.) Thistle, British Postal Steamer On Dec. 30, 1856, passengers and crew of the Thistle were murdered by assassins taken on at Canton as passengers. Crime was committed within limits of jurisdiction of Hong Kong, and was aided by one Henry Newell, Amer. citizen. 1856 Dec. 3. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to gov. of Macao (Guimaraes). Requests that steps be taken to secure persons guilty of piracy Committed CHINA—cont’d Piracy—cont’d Thistle, British Postal Steamer—cont’d on board Thistle; acc. by docs. implicating H. New- ell, Amer. citizen. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1073.) 1856 Dec. 6. Guimaraes to Amer. chargé in China (Parker). Piracy committed on Thistle; Newell, Amer. citizen, recognized as one of party that Com- mitted crime. (ib., 1072.) — Dec. 6. Parker to Guimaraes. Reply to despatch of 6 inst.; concurs in propriety of delivering Newell to Br. authorities. (ib., 1075.) 1857 Jan. 7. Comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Armstrong) to Parker. Copy of communication to Yeh resp. cap- ture of Thistle. (ib., 1123.) - — Jan. 7. Armstrong to imperial comr., Canton (Yeh). Protest agst, murder of crew of Thistle by band of assassins, put on board at Canton as pas- Sengers. (ib., 1123.) - — Jan. 8. Parker to Armstrong. Is prepared to re- new remonstrance agst, tragedy on board Thistle. (ib., 1124.) — Feb. 7. Yeh to Armstrong. Reply to his of 7 ult. (ib., 1233.) — Feb. 16. Armstrong to Parker. Copy of Yeh’s re- ply to protest of Jan. 7. (ib., 1233.) — Mch. 20. Heard and Co. to Armstrong. Resp. cap- tures of Thistle and Queen; etc. (ib., 1274.) — Mch. 21. Armstrong to Heard and Co. and others. Reply to letters of 20 inst. (ib., 1274.) Wabash, Amer. Ship (Gantt.) Anchored in Macao roads May 22, 1817, with quantity Of Opium on board. On the 26th she was boarded §. Chinese who murdered part of the crew and plundered the ship. 1817 Sept. 22. Amer. cons. Canton (Wilcocks) to Secy. State (Adams). Attack on Wabash. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 7.) Port Regulations See also sub-heading Customs Service under names of treaty ports. 1851 May 10. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Presi- dent U. S. A. (Fillmore). Submits rules and regu- lations for masters, officers and seamen of vessels of U. S. at free ports of China. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 1.) Shanghai 1853 Apr. 28. Marshall to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Advantages of Shanghai over Canton as permanent establishment for Amer. legation. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 98.) ALIENS 1848 Jly. 17. Amer. actg. cons., Shanghai (Wolcott). Notification to Amer. residents in Shanghai. Limits allowed Amer. citizens for exercise and recreation. (xvii, Chinese Repository, 432.) 1849 Je. Narrative stnt. of protest of Amer. ConS., Shang- hai (Griswold) agst. proclamation of intendant of circuit Luh resp. French cons, ground at Shanghai. (xviii, ib., 333.) 1853 May 23. H. B. M. cons., Shanghai (Alcock) to Amer. cons., Shanghai (Cunningham). Local land regulations settled after opening of port in 1842; . copy of draft of new code. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 215.) — Je. 20. Same to same. Further remarks on Subject of his of May 23. (ib., 222.) — JIy. 26. Amer. comr. in China (Marshall) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Municipal regulations for govt. of foreign residents in Shanghai Submitted by Br. cons. to Amer. Vice-cons. (ib., 210.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 351 { CHINA—cont’d Shanghai—cont’d ALIENS-cont’d 1854 Je. 25. Amer. Comr. in China (McLane) to Amer. cons. Shanghai (Murphy). Instructions to issue notification prescribing regulations for govt. of citizens of U. S. in China. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 266.) — Je. 28. Murphy. Notification; regulations for govt. Of gun. of U. S. in China owning vessels. (ib., 267. [1854 Jly.] Code of land regulations for foreigners at Shanghai. (ib., 159.) 1854 J1y. 8. Consuls of the three treaty powers in Shang- hai, Gr. Br. (Alcock), U. S. (Murphy) and France (Edan) to Foreign Community, Shanghai. New code of municipal and land regulations; notice that pub- lic mtg. for foreign land holders is convened for 11 inst. (ib., 158.) — Jly. 11. Minutes of public mtg. of foreign renters of land, held at Br. consulate. (ib., 125.) — Jly. 11. Committee of foreign residents on roads and jetties. Rpt. recommending adoption of meas- ures to insure greater degree of comfort, order and Security to foreign community at Shanghai. (ib., 130.) — Jly. 22. McLane to comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Negotiations with imperial authorities resp. local difficulties at Shanghai; etc. (ib., 237.) — JIy. 22. Comdr. U. S. sloop Plymouth (Kelly) to comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Br. and Amer. collisions with imperialists in Shanghai, Feb.-Jly., 1854; casualties in engagement of Apr. 4. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 176.) — Jly. 27. McLane to Marcy. Substance of conference with Vice-roy Eleang resp. local difficulties at Shang- hai; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 118.) CONSULAR COURT 1855 Jan. 12. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Necessity of provision for prison at Shanghai; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 495.) — JIy. 30. Same (Marshall) to same. Suggests ex- pediency of establishment of govt. jail at Shanghai; etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 223.) 1856 Dec. 26. H. B. M. cons., Shanghai (Robertson) to Amer. cons., Shanghai (Murphy). Crowded state of Br. jail makes other arrangements necessary for disposal of Amer. citizens sentenced to lengthened terms of imprisonment. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 13; 35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 78.) — Dec. 27. Murphy to Robertson. Receipt of letter of 26 inst.; disposition of three men now confined in Br. jail under long sentences. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 13.) 1857 Feb. 1. Murphy to asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Thomas). Want jail at Shanghai; allowance for jail-rent necessary. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 77.) 1858 Sept. 1. Amer. comr. in China (Reed) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS). Memorial of masters of Amer. Ships in port of Shanghai, praying for erec- tion of U. S. jail at Shanghai. (ib., 79.) — Oct. 22. Same to Same. No means to pay jail ex- penses; Amer. ConvictS. in Br. jail discharged and at large. (ib., 82.) — Dec. 27. Murphy to Robertson. Will make pro- vision for long-term prisoners, now confined in Br. jail; appreciates proferred courtesy of room in immediate cases. (ib., 79.) Expenditures 1853 Aug.-Dec. (34. 1. H. misc. doc. 20, 3.) 1854 Mch. 31-Dec. 31. (ib., 6.) 1856 Mch. 31-Dec. 31. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 8.) CHINA—cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CoNSULAR Court—cont’d Fees Received 1850. (32. 1. H. misc. doc. 67, 2.) 1852 Dec. 30. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to U. S. House. Strmts, of judicial fees recd. at U. S. Cons. ct., Shanghai. (32. 2. H. jol., 94.) 1853 Aug.-Dec. (34. 1. H. misc. doc. 20, 3.) 1854 Apr.-Dec. (ib., 6.) 1856 Apr.-Dec. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 8.) CONSULAR COURTS: CASES TRIED 1853. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 588.) 1854 Mch. 1-Dec. 31. (ib., 590; 34. 1. H. misc. doc. 20, 4.) 1854-55. (34. 1. H. misc. doc. 20, 4.) 1856 Mch. 31-Dec. 31. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 8.) TJnited States vs. Charles Jackson Jackson, Amer. citizen, was charged with shooting W. H. Smith, Amer. citizen, in Ningpo, on Jly. 26, 1856. Crime came under sec. 15, act of Aug. 11, 1848, and, pursuant to cons. regulations of Mch. 8, 1856, was removed from jurisdiction of actg. cons. There being no U. S. prison at Ningpo, Jackson was Com- mitted to charge of capt. of U. S. S. Levant, to be transferred to nearest consulate. Case was heard in cons. ct. at Shanghai in Sept., 1856. 1856 JIy. 31. Amer. actg. cons., Ningpo (McCartee) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Evidence in case of C. Jackson; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 896.) — Aug. 9. Parker to Amer. cons., Shanghai (Murphy). Evidence in case of U. S. vs. C. Jackson. (ib., 912.) — Aug. 11. Murphy to Parker. Capt. Smith, Levant, requested to retain C. Jackson on board till Ct. Can be organized. (ib., 913.) — Aug. 15. McCartee to Parker. Case of C. JackSOn; etc. (ib., 897.) —— Aug. 23. Parker to McCartee. Instructions; Case of C. Jackson; etc. (ib., 897.) — Aug. 26. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Visit to Ningpo; affray betw. two Amer. Sailors; importation of Chinese vagrants into Shanghai in foreign vessels. (ib., 888.) — Sept. 30. Amer. cons., Shanghai (Murphy) to Parker. Trial and sentence of C. Jackson. (ib., 1013.) — Oct. 2. Parker to Murphy. Sentence in case of Jackson is just; returns despatch no. 4, addressed to Secy. Of State. (ib., 1014.) See also Mºrº (R. C.) ; Cunningham (E.) and John- son (T. N.), presenting claims for judicial services at Shanghai. CUSTOMS SERVICE 1851 Aug. 28. Amer. Comr. in China (Parker) to Vice- roy Leang Kwang (Sü). Resp. proposals for guard- ing the revenue at Shanghai. (xx, Chinese Reposi- tory, 469.) 1854 Jly. 12. Russell and Co., and others, to McLane. Prefer to accept his offer to mediate with Chinese authorities for adjustment of claims for back duties incurred since Sept. 7, 1853, rather than involve matter in tedious litigation. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 369.) Signed by Russell and co. ; Wetmore and co. ; Bull, Nye and co. ; King and co. ; Heard and co. 1855 Jan. 29. Russell and CO. to Heard and co. In ten- dering receipts for duties on teas purchased before and shipped after Sept. 7, 1853, terms of McLane award of Nov. 23, 1854, are fully complied with. (ib., 723.) — Jan. 30. Wetmore and CO. to Heard and co. In- justice of refusal of Amer. cons. to receive certain duty º in part Satisfaction of McLane award. (ib., 725. 352 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA—cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOMS SERVICE—cont’d 1855 Jan. 30. Bull, Nye and co. to Heard and co. Re- ceipts for duties on tea and McLane award. (ib., 724.) — Mch. 31. Russell and co., and others, to Parker. Propose plan for establishing necessary facilities for entering port of Shanghai. (ib., 607.) Signed by Russell and co. ; Jas. Purdon and co. ; W. C. Hunter; Alvord and co. ; Heard and co. ; Nye Bros. and co. ; H. W. EIubbell. CUSTOMS SERVICE: SUSPENSION OF DUTIES Sept. 7, 1853-Jly. 12, 1854 Shanghai was taken by the Taiping forces on. Sept. 7, 1 , and imperial custom house authority was inoperative from that day to Jly. 12, 1854. 1853 Sept. 9. Amer. cons., Shanghai (Cunningham). Provisional rules for clearing of Amer. ships in absence of custom house establishment. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 271.) — Oct. 8. Vice-roy of Leang Kiang (Eleang) to Mar- Shall. Provisional regulations for clearing of Amer. ships; etc. (ib., 297.) — Oct. 14. Cunningham to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Imperial customs service in Shanghai resumes Operations; Woo, late taoutae, returns as Collector of customs; copy of letter he sends to Amer. Cons.; latter asks instructions as to recog- nition of Woo. (ib., 299.) - — Oct. 14. Marshall to Cunningham. Instructions resp. resumption of official intercourse with Chinese Customs officer at Shanghai. (ib., 300.) — Oct. 19. Cunningham to Marshall. Explanation of alleged transactions with imperialists in violation of treaty stipulations. (ib., 306.) — Oct. 24. Marshall to Cunningham. Instructions; to recall provisional regulations for clearing of Amer. Ships, pursuant to resumption of public func- tions by Chinese officers. (ib., 301.) — Oct. 28. Cunningham to Marshall. Asks instruc- tions in event of arrival of Amer. Ships, Chinese of— ficials having failed to appt. place for transaction of custom house business. (ib., 302.) — Oct. 28. Marshall to Cunningham. Instructions pursuant to his of even date. (ib., 304.) - Oct. 30. Marshall to Marcy. Taking of Shanghai by insurgents; destruction of imperial custom house, etc. (ib., 284.) — Oct. 31. Cunningham to Marshall. Protest of four Amer. firms in Shanghai agst. Amer. recognition of Chinese custom house in present locality. (ib., 312.) — Nov. 1. Marshall to Cunningham. Instructions to refuse demand of Amer. firms in Shanghai not to recognize right of Chinese Supt. of customs to col- lect duties at Shanghai. (ib., 313.) — Nov. 23. Marshall to imperial comr. (Yeh). Asks for conference to adjust customs difficulties at Shanghai. (ib., 338.) — Nov. 26. Marshall to Marcy. Reasons for requiring shippers on U. S. vessels to arrange for ultimate payment of duties due to China before vessels de- parted from Shanghai. (ib., 314.) — Dec. 8. Yeh to Marshall. Declines conference on subject of customs difficulties at Shanghai. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 339.) — Dec. 11. Marshall to Yeh. Presents in detail case of customs difficulties at Shanghai; points out that U. S. A. alone recognized floating custom-house; justice of stopping duties so long as adversary power holds port agst. imperial authority; etc. (ib., 340.) CHINA–cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOMs SERVICE: SUSPENSION of DUTIES-cont’d Sept. 7, 1853-Jly. 12, 1854—cont’d 1853 Dec. 13. Marshall to Cunningham. Cases of Robert and Jennet; ordered to retain all bonds for duties taken since Oct. 4; has called on Yeh to regulate payment of duties by Fr. and Br. at Shanghai; in event of continued silence will order suspension of Amer. payments; etc. (ib., 362.) — Dec. 26. Marshall to comdr. E. I. Sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Order for suspension of payment of duties, at port of Shanghai, to Chinese govt., in event of Cer- tain contingency; asks cooperation of naval forces in possible consequences. (ib., 350; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 88.) — Dec. 26. Marshall to Yeh. Advices from Shanghai; conditions unaltered; asks early reply to his of 11 inst. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 347.) — Dec. 28. Yeh to Marshall. Reply to his of 11 inst. (ib., 347.) — Dec. 31. Marshall to Chinese imperial comr. (Yeh). Renews former protest agst. discrimination agst. Amer. tonnage. (ib., 348.) 1854 Jan. 4. Marshall to Cunningham. Submits, for his guidance, corresp. with Chinese imperial comr. rela- tive to discrimination agst. Amer. tonnage. (ib., 365.) — Mch. 25. Woo. Instructions providing for tempo- rary collection of duties during siege at Shanghai. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 34.) — Apr. 24. Russell and co. to Murphy. Ask if collec- tion of duties at interior stations on part of Chinese officials will be allowed by U. S. govt. (ib., 35.) — Apr. 27. Murphy to McLane. Abandonment of cus- tom house and collection of duties at interior points. (ib., 33.) — Apr. 29. McLane to Murphy. Determination to ad- here to provisions of treaty of Wang Hia as long as Chinese authorities are willing to accept obliga- tions of that treaty and are able to maintain author- ity at Shanghai. (ib., 35.) May 1. Murphy to McLane. Amer. vessels cleared from Chinese custom-house by paying duties in sycee silver up to Apr. 6, after that date by giving bond. (ib., 359.) — May 1. Russell and Co. to McLane. Circumstances under which certain bonds have been deposited in U. S. cons., for clearance of various Amer. vessels to their consignment since Sept. 7, last. (ib., 358.) — May 1. Alcock, Murphy, and Edan to Woo. ES- tablishment of custom-house stations for collection of duties. (ib., 38.) — May 4. Cunningham to McLane. Events concern- ing clearing of Amer. vessels at Shanghai from Sept. 7 to Mch. 6. (ib., 360.) — May 12. McLane to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Reception of imperial supt. of customs at Shanghai and some local officers on board Susquehanna; ob- servations regarding Fuchow and Ning-po. (ib., 40.) — Je. 29. Eleang to McLane. Question of duties pending at Shanghai. (ib., 149.) — Je. 29. Minutes of conference at Shanghai by cons. reprs. of Gr. Br., France and U. S., and Woo, taoutae and supt. of customs, resp. best mode of reorganizing custom house. (ib., 153.) — Je. 30. Hu-Nai-Chau. Suppl. memorial; Amer. and Engl. chiefs refuse to pay duties recd. by them until Shanghai is retaken; conference With Engl. chief, Bowring; etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 447.) [1854 JIy..] Woo, taoutae of Shanghai to Murphy. Ask- ing Amer. comr. to make arrangement for payment of duties at Shanghai, unpaid since Sept. 7, 1853. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 368.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 353 CHINA—cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOMS SERVICE: SUSPENSION OF DUTIES-cont’d Sept. 7, 1853-Jly. 12, 1854—cont’d 1854 Jly. 3. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) to H. B. M. Comr. in China (Bowring). Decision of Br. govt. Concerning Suspended duties at Shanghai. (ib., 282.) – Jly. 6. Alcock, Murphy, and Edan to foreign com- munity, Shanghai. Notification of withdrawal of inland custom-house stations and re-organization of Custom-house administration. (ib., 158.) – JIy. 15. Woo, taoutae of Shanghai, to McLane. Promises to abide by arrangement effected in mat- ter of back duties incurred by Amer. merchants at port of Shanghai, since Sept. 7, 1853. (ib., 369.) — Jly. 19. A. Heard and co. to McLane. Although floating custom-house was recognized by U. S. au- thorities on Oct. 29; no one was ever able to dis- Cover its locality; strmt. of promissory notes for duties issued by them since Sept. 7, last. (ib., 380.) — Jly. 29. McLane to Murphy. Directs that all legal proc. in matter of duties claimed by Chinese govt. ; Sept. 7, 1853, be indefinitely postponed. (ib., – Jly. 29. McLane to Murphy. Instructions to take Inecessary Steps to adjudicate claims of Chinese Supt. of Customs at Shanghai for duties alleged to be due by certain Amer. merchants on acct. of Amer. Vessels and cargoes entered and cleared from Shang- hai since Sept. 7, 1853. (ib., 407.) Jly. 30. Murphy to McLane. Reply to letter of 19 inst.; Strmt. of accts. of Americans having exported or imported in Amer. or Engl. ships, Sept. 7, 1853 to Jly. 12, 1854. (ib., 401.) — Aug. 25. Amer. cons., Shanghai (Murphy) to Mc- Lane. Affairs at Shanghai. (ib., 270.) — Aug. 29. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to Mc- Lane. Copy of Clarendon despatch on subject of sus- pended duties at Shanghai. (ib., 282.) — Sept. 1. McLane to Bowring. Concurs in general principle, Stated by Clarendon, that obligation of merchants to pay duties is reciprocal with obliga- tion of Chinese authorities to collect same and af- ford due protection. (ib., 284.) – Nov. 8. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Instructions referred to in following corresp., have not been found in print. — Nov. 18. McLane to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Corresp. With Br. min. (Bowring) concerning action of his govt. in regard to unpaid duties at port of Shanghai from Sept. 7, 1853 to Jiy. 12, 1854. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 278.) — Nov. 23. McLane. Award; case of payment of duties alleged to be due to imperial govt. by Amer. citizens at port of Shanghai after Sept. 7, 1853. (ib., 387.) Nov. 25. Same to Same. Rpt. of proc. resp. unpaid duties alleged to be due China by Amer. merchants since Sept. 7, 1853. (ib., 349.) — Dec. 9. McLane to Murphy. Payment of duty re- ceipts for notes paid by merchants concerned in Mc- Lane award of Nov. 23. (ib., 502.) — Dec. 10. McLane to Murphy. Referred to below in Murphy to Heard and co.; not found prid. 1855 Jan. 30. Wetmore and co. to Heard and co. Injus- tice of refusal of Amer. Cons. at Shanghai to receive certain duty receipts in part Satisfaction of McLane award. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 725.) — Feb. 16. R. P. Dana to Parker. Refusal of Amer. cons. at Shanghai to comply with instructions to refund to merchants money received on acct. Of duties, at Shanghai. (ib., 576.) CHINA–cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOM'S SERVICE: SUSPENSION OF DUTIES-cont’d Sept. 7, 1853-Jly. 12, 1854—cont’d 1855 Feb. 26. Parker to Murphy. Transmits certified copy of instructions of Secy. State of Nov. 8, 1854. (ib., 577.) — Jan. 30. Bull, Nye and co. to Heard and Co. Cannot see how receipts for duties on teas purchased before and shipped after Sept. 7, 1853, are not in accordance with McLane award. (ib., 724.) — Jan. 31. Actg. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Amer. cons. Shanghai (Murphy). Spirit rather than letter of instructions of Secy. State of Nov. 8, 1854, in regard to question of duties at Shanghai, must be followed. (ib., 532.) Instructions referred to not found. — Feb. 15. Murphy to Parker. Despatch of Secy. State of Nov. 8, 1854, resp. unpaid duties at Shang- hai has not been recd. (ib., 572.) — Feb. 26. Parker to Dana. Reply to communication of 16 inst. (ib., 577.) — Mch. 5. Parker to Murphy. Wishes unconditional instructions of Secy. State carried out, and money recd. under McLane award returned without delay. (ib., 578.) — Mch. 12. Murphy to Parker. Instructions of Secy. State of Nov. 8, 1854, complied with ; returns des- patch of Mch. 5, for signature. (ib., 604.) — Mch. 13. Parker to Marcy. Corresp. of Amer. ConS., Shanghai (Murphy); illegal use of U. S. flag; pres- ent state of China; rout of rebels at Whampoa. (ib., 569.) — Apr. 6. Parker to Murphy. Receipt of despatch of 12 ult. (ib., 605.) 1856 Jan. 6. Amer. Vice-cons., Shanghai (Fish) to |U. S. comr. and M. P. to China (Parker). Settlement of duty question; etc. (ib., 676.) Jan. 14. Murphy to Fish. Instructions in relation to payment to Chinese govt. of McLane award in Case of unpaid duties at Shanghai. (ib., 654.) Jan. 14. Parker to Marcy. Question of unpaid duties at Shanghai. (ib., 627.) — Jan. 18. Parker to imperial high comr. (Reih). Decision of U. S. govt. resp. unpaid duties at port Of Shanghai. (ib., 654.) Jan. 19. Same to same. Payment to Chinese govt. of McLane award in case of unpaid duties at Shanghai. (ib., 653.) Feb. 15. Fish to Parker. Resp. payment of duty money under McLane award; etc. (ib., 740.) Feb. 23. Parker to Fish. Reply to despatch of 15 inst. (ib., 743.) — Mch. 1. Same to same. To Settle Subject of duties if practicable; result of inquiry resp. circ. to cons. regarding salaries; abuse of U. S. flag. (ib., 743.) — Apr. 5. Fish to Parker. Settlement of duty ques- tion. (ib., 792.) Apr. 16. Same to Same. Hopes payment of bills left in his possession by Mr. Murphy will meet with ap- proval. (ib., 795.) Apr. 16. Same to Same. Payments under McLane award of 1854, paid to Chinese authorities. (ib., 793.) — Apr. 29. Parker to Fish. Reply to despatches of 16 and 17 inst. (ib., 798.) — Apr. 30. Fish to Parker. Woo has inquired if prom- issory notes held by him, signed by Heard and co., Bull, Nye and Co., Wetmore and co., Dent, Beale and CO., *::: . McAndrew are included in McLane award. (ib., 832.) — May 26. Parker to Fish. Reply to note of 30 ult. (ib., 833.) 23 354 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA—cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOMS SERVICE: SUSPENSION OF DUTIES-cont’d Sept. 7, 1853-Jly. 12, 1854—cont’d 1856 Je. 30. Fish to Parker. Payment to Chinese supt. of customs of bills left in his custody by R. C. Murphy. (ib., 904.) — Aug. 2. Parker to Fish. Reply to despatch of Je. 30. (ib., 903.) — Aug. 9. Parker to Murphy. Calls attention to trans- fer of duty receipts to Chinese govt. (ib., 912.) — Dec. Lan to Murphy. Receipt for sum awarded by Mr. McLane. (ib., 1180.) — Dec. 18. Same to same. Consider duty question settled. (ib., 1179.) 1857 Jan. 20. Murphy to Parker. Duty question closed h;orianº With terms of McLane award. (ib., (9. Individual Claims (American) 1854 May 20. Heard and co., and others, to McLane. Circumstances under which promissory notes for clearance of Amer. vessels since Sept. 7, were granted. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 353.) Signed by Bull, Nye and co. ; Wetmore and co. ; King and CO. ; A. Heard and co. Bull, Nye and Co. 1854 Jly. 17. List of vessels, with amt. of promissory notes held for duties on shipments since Sept. 7 1853 [to Je. 30, 1854]. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 377.) — Jly. 30. List of duties due. (ib., 405.) H. Fogg lsº 30. List of duties due. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 3. A. Heard and Co. 1854 Apr. 26. A. Heard and co. to Amer. cons. Shanghai (Murphy). Ask assistance in obtaining delivery of 136 cases of goods detained at Kaping by Chinese authorities. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 35.) — JIy. 6. McLane to Heard and co., and others. Duties alleged to be due to Chinese govt. on acct, of Amer. Vessels and cargoes entering and clearing port of Shanghai since Sept. 7, 1853, is question for legal adjudication. (ib., 115, 365.) — JIy. 17. Memorandum of promissory notes given by Heard and Co. for payment of duties since Sept. 7, 1853. (ib., 382.) — Jly. 30. List of duties due. (ib., 404.) 1855 Jan. 24. Murphy to Heard and co. Calls attention to acct. for duties as settled by McLane award. (ib., 716.) — Jan. 24. Heard and co. to Murphy. Adjustment of their acct. (ib., 716.) — Jan. 25. Same to same. Request that question in dispute be submitted to decision of jury of Amer. citizens. (ib., 717.) — Jan. 25. Murphy to Heard and CO. McLane award was explained in letters written from Canton, 9 and 10, ult. (ib., 717.) — Jan. 26. Heard and co. to Murphy. Request distinct reply to proposition to submit question of Validity of certain duty receipts to decision of jury of Amer. citizens or to suspend action until further reference can be made to Mr. McLane. (ib., 719.) — Jan. 26. Murphy to Heard and co. Instructed by Mr. McLane to collect his award and in accordance with his interpretations. (ib., 719.) — Jan. 27. Same to same. Refuses to answer argu- ments in relation to duty receipts in question. (ib., 720.) — Jan. 29. Heard and co. to Murphy. Award of Mr. McLane, dated Nov. 23, 1854. (ib., 721.) | CHINA–cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOMS SERVICE: SUSPENSION OF DUTIES-cont’d Individual Claims—cont’d (American)—cont’d A. Heard and Co.—cont’d 1855 Jan. 30. R. P. Dana to Heard and co. Refusal of U. ; cons. to receive certain duty receipts. (ib., 724, — Jan. 31. Heard and co. to Murphy. Hope that he will accept settlement or wait until dispute On question of validity of certain duty receipts can be decided by Mr. McLane. (ib., 722.) 1856 Feb. 8. A. Heard, jr., to Parker. Walidity of duty receipts tendered by Heard and Co. in part Satis- faction of McLane award. (ib., 713.) — Feb. 10. Parker to Heard and co. Chinese Supt. of customs has given receipt in full for duties cor- resp. With amt. of McLane award. (ib., 1203.) — Feb. 14. Parker to Heard and co. Reply to letter of 8 inst. (ib., 714.) — Feb. 27. Heard and co. to Parker. Receipt of letter of 14 inst. (ib., 715.) Ring and Co. 1854 Je. 13. Ring and Co. to McLane. Duties unpaid at Shanghai, since Sept. 7, 1853, and particularly in re- gard to cases presented in entering and clearing ships Gentoo, Channing and Wild Duck. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 356.) — Jly. 6. McLane to King and CO. Reply to Com- munication of Je. 13. (ib., 363.) Jly. 21. King and Co. to McLane. Stnt. of liabilities in suspense. (ib., 379.) — Jly. 18. Same to Same. Inquire if mediation with Chinese authorities could not be allowed to extend Over notes granted by them for Cargo, by vessels under flag other than Amer. (ib., 378.) — Jly. 21. Memorandum of promissory notes issued [Sept. 22, 1853-Je. 26, 1854]. (ib., 379.) — Jly. 30. List of duties due. (ib., 403.) 1855 Jan. 29. King and Co. to Heard and co. Non-ac- ceptance, by U. S. cons., of duty receipts offered would be great injustice. (ib., 723.) Russell and Co. 1854 Jly. 6. Amer. comr. in China (McLane) to Russell and Co. Views on Subject of duties alleged to be due Chinese govt. on acct. of Amer. vessels and their cargoes entering and clearing from Shanghai Since Sept. 7, 1853. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 365.) — Jly. 20. Russell and co, to McLane. Ground upon which they request exemption from part of duties where they have given bonds; strmtS. of obligation for duties now lying in U. S. cons. (ib., 383.) — Jly. 20. List of bonds in U. S. and Br. Cons. at Shanghai. (ib., 384.) - - — Jly. 30. List of duties due. (ib., 402.) 1855 Jan. 30. Russell and Co. to Parker. Ask informa- tion resp. duties at Shanghai. (ib., 529.) . — Jan. 30. Parker to Russell and co. Reply to note of same date. (ib., 529.) — Jan. 30. Same to same. Question of duties at Shanghai. (ib., 530.) — Feb. 1. Parker to Russell and CO. Transmits extr. of communication to U. S. ConS. at Shanghai on duty question. (ib., 531.) — Feb. 13. Russeli and Co. to Murphy. Protest agst. his refusal to obey instructions of actg. U. S. comr. in China. (ib., 573.) -- — Feb. 26. Russell and co. to Parker. Copy of protest agst. Amer. cons. at Shanghai (Murphy) in regard to question of duties at Shanghai. (ib., 572.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 355 CHINA–cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOM'S SERVICE: SUSPENSION OF DUTIES-cont’d Individual Claims—cont’d º (American)—cont’d Wetmore and Co. 1854 Jly. 15. Wetmore and Co. to Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Duties at Shanghai; strmt. of duties ac- cumulated on their books since Sept. 7, 1853. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 370.) — Jly. 15. Memorandum of notes given for duties by vessels subsequent to Sept. 7, 1853 [to Jly. 10, 1854]. (ib., 375.) — JIy. 30. List of duties due. (ib., 406.) 1855 Feb. 9. Wetmore and co. to Murphy. Request that money paid by them on acct. of McLane award be refunded. (ib., 574.) Feb. 9. Murphy to Wetmore and co. Can take no action in returning to merchants sums collected under McLane award until despatch from Secy. State is recd. (ib., 574.) — Feb. 12. Wetmore and co. to Murphy. Protest agst, course he has adopted. (ib., 575.) — Feb. 14. Wetmore and co. to Parker. Protest agst. Course adopted by Amer. Cons. at Shanghai in re- gard to refunding of money paid under McLane award. (ib., 574.) — Feb. 26. Parker to Wetmore and co. Has sent Amer. cons. at Shanghai an officialized copy of despatch from State Dept., of Nov. 8, 1854, instructing him to cancel certain obligations for unpaid duties at Shanghai. (ib., 575.) (Austrian) Robert, Bark. 1853 Nov. 19. Cunningham to Marshall. Non-payment of duties at port of Shanghai by Austrian barque Rob- ert, when same were demanded of Amer. Vessels; with corresp. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 360.) — Dec. 28. Yeh to Marshall. Custom-house abuses at Shanghai; Austrian barque Robert, and charge of discrimination agst. Amer. tonnage. (ib., 347.) 1854 May 1. Russell and co. to Amer. comr. in China gºne). Robert mentioned. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 58. — May 4. Cunningham to McLane. Robert mentioned. (ib., 361.) — May 20. Amer. merchants in Shanghai to McLane. Robert mentioned. (ib., 354.) — Jly. 15. Wetmore and co. to McLane. Robert men- tioned. (ib., 372.) CUSTOM'S SERVICE: RESUMPTION OF DUTIES 1856 Jan. 25. Parker to Marcy. Position of foreign in- spectors in Chinese custom-house at port of Shang- hai. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 629.) — Jan. 25. Párker to Fish. Apptmt. Of D. O. Vail to take office of inspector in Custom house at Shanghai. (ib., 630.) — Feb. 15. Fish to Parker. Receipt of unofficial letter of Jan. 25; regrets delay in apptmt. of Mr. Vail to Office of inspector of customs. (ib., 741.) — Feb. 15. Same to Same. Apptmt. of D. O. Vail as in- spector of customs at Shanghai. (ib., 742.) — Feb. 23. Parker to Fish. Nomination of Vail as in- spector of customs in place of Capt. Carr. (ib., 745.) — Mch. 20. Lan-Wei-Wan, actg. taOutae of Shanghai, to Fish. Reasons why Mr. Vail cannot be apptd. in-, spector in custom-house at Shanghai. (ib., 797.) — Apr. 5. Same to Same. Apptmt. to custom-house at Shanghai. (ib., 792.) — May 6. Parker to Marcy. Duty question at Shang- hai; foreign inspectorship; abuse of Amer. flag; CHINA-cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOMs SERVICE: RESUMPTION of DUTIES-cont’d treatment to which capt. E. M. Jefferson has been subjected. (ib., 777.) Jº 1856 Aug. 1. Parker to Fish. Arrival at Woosung. (ib., 903.) — Aug. 5. Russell and co., and others, to Parker. Con- tinuation of foreign inspectorship in Chinese Cus- tom-house at Shanghai, in so far as it affects Amer. trade. (ib., 908.) Signed by Russell and co. ; Bull, Nye and co. ; Heard and co. ; F. D. Williams ; H. Fogg and co. — Aug. 25. Parker to Russell and co., and others. Re- ply to communication of Aug. 5. (ib., 910.) — Sept. 4. Russell and co. Stnt. of imports and eX- ports at Shanghai since Jly. 29; present state of China. (ib., 937.) 1857 Mch. 19. Bowring to Parker. Inspectorial system at Shanghai. (ib., 1263.) — Mch. 19. Bowring to M. P. of France in China (de Bourboulon). Same. (ib., 1264.) — Mch. 24. Parker to Bowring. Reply to note of 19 inst. (ib., 1265.) —— Je. 4. Parker to actg. Amer. Vice-cons., Shanghai (Knapp). Calls for corresp. relative to tea and silk trade monopoly by Chinese; attempt to levy an ad- ditional duty on imports and exports at Shanghai. (ib., 1372.) Je. 9. Parker to Russell and co., and others. Time is inopportune for disposing of question in relation to foreign inspectorial System at Shanghai. (ib., 1402.) — Je. 22. Parker to Cass. Inspectorial system of Shanghai; state of affairs in China; etc. (ib., 1399.) Heard and Co. 1858 Aug. 28. Amer. Comr. in China (Reed) to Amer. Vice-cons. Shanghai (Glover). Decision in matter of duties paid by A. Heard and co., Mch., 1857. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 489.) — Sept. 20. Glover to A. Heard and co. Decision of taOutae at Shanghai resp. duty on Otter skins. (ib., 490.) —— Oct. 14. Heard and Co. to Reed. Settlement of claim upon China for excess of duties on otter skins. (ib., 490.) Nightingale and Staghound 1855 Feb. 10. Bull, Nye and Co. to inspector of maritime Customs Shanghai. Protest agst. demand for ton- Image duties on Amer. Ship Nightingale at Shanghai; same having been paid at Canton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 686.) Mch. 29. Nye Bros. and co. to U. S. chargé ad int. in China (Williams). Relative to port charges ex- acted from ships Nightingale and Staghownd at Shanghai. (ib., 685.) Jennet (Mix) "1853 Nov. 29. Amer. cons. Shanghai (Cunningham) to Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Asks instructions relative to clearing of Amer. barque Jennet from port of Shanghai. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 329.) 1854 May 4. Same to same (McLane). Jennet men- tioned. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 361.) Mermaid, Amer. Bark (Smith) On Mch. 26, 1854, Mermaid was damaged in collision with Chinese war-ship Sir Herbert Compton, in port of Shanghai. 1854 Mch. 27. T. W. Dearborn, and others, to Amer. cons., Shanghai (Murphy). Amt. of damages sustained by Mermaid, in collision with Sir Herbert Compton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 684.) — Mch. 30. C. W. Babbitt, and others. Same. (ib., 684.) 356 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHINA–cont’d Shanghai—cont’d CUSTOM'S SERVICE: RESUMPTION OF DUTIES-cont’d Mermaid, Amer. Bark (Smith)—cont’d 1854 Mch. 30. Master bark Mermaid (Smith) to A. Heard and Co. Leaves them as agtS. of Mermaid to prosecute claim for damages. (ib., 683.) May 29. Murphy to Smith. Impossible to recover damages Sustained by Mermaid. (ib., 685.) 1855 Mch. 6. Murphy to A. Heard and CO. Local Officers decline to settle claim of Mermaid because Compton belonged to individual, and not to Chinese govt. (ib., 685.) — Mch. 27. A. Heard and Co. to actg. Amer. Comr. in º (Parker). Submitting case of Mermaid. (ib., 683. 1856 Apr. 15. A. F. Heard to actg. Amer. Vice cons., Shanghai (Fish). Attachment to be placed on duty money for claim agst. Chinese govt. for damage to Mermaid. (ib., 796.) — Apr. 16. Heard and Co. to Fish. Will hold him re- sponsible for amt. of claim of Mermaid. (ib., 796.) — Apr. 17. Fish to Parker. Asks instructions in case of Mermaid. (ib., 795.) 1857 Feb. 5. Murphy to Heard and co. Resp. claim of Mermaid. (ib., 1237.) — Feb. 14. Amer. Cons., Hong Kong (Keenan) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Expenses incurred in suit in Colonial Ct. at Hong Kong in case of Amer. barque Mermaid (Smith). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 75, 6.) — Feb. 18. Heard and Co. to Amer. Comr. in China. (Parker). Claim indemnity for injury to Mermaid. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 1237.) Feb. 23. Parker to Heard and CO. Does not con- sider it expedient to deduct amt. Of claim of Mer- 'm (tid from duties due to Supt. of customs. (ib., 1238.) — Feb. 23. Parker to Amer. Cons., Shanghai (Mur- phy). Instructions resp. claim of Mermaid. (ib., 1238.) — Mch. Intendant, Kiang Soo (Lan) to actg. Amer. cons. (P — Oct. 22. Perry to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason). Case of Cyrus; thinks custom house authorities, U. S. A., not sufficiently rigid in looking after ves- Sels of Suspicious character; etc. (ib., 132.) – Nov. 25. [no. 77.] Comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason). Case of Cyrus ; etc. (ib., 139.) — Nov. 25. Perry to comdr. H. B. M. naval forces w. Coast of Africa (Jones). Requests to be furnished With information in his possession in case of board- ing of Cyrus. (ib., 139.) – Dec. 12. Calhoun to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett). Instructed to represent to Br. govt. Outrage agst. Amer. brig Cyrus by Br. brig-of-war Alert. (29. 1. S. doc. 300, 8.) - 1845 Jan. 20. Everett to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office º Aberdeen). Boarding and search of Cyrus by Alert. ib., 42.) — Jan. 30. Aberdeen to Everett. Investigation into º and search of Cyrus by Alert in progress. ib., 45.) — Sept. 15. Aberdeen to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (McLane). Controverts charges of violent boarding and search of Cyrus by Alert. (ib., 46.) \ INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 467 CYRUS, AMER. BRIG (DUMAS)—cont’d 1846 Jly. 31. Wise to Hamilton. Acct. of outrage upon Cyrus by Br. brigs Heroine and Alert. (30. 1. S. ex, doc. 28, 32.) 1854 Nov. 25. Claim agst. Gr. Br. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 50.) 1855 Feb. 14. Peter C. Dumas to U. S. House. Memorial; for compensation for loss of vessel Cyrus, captured at Cabinda, on coast of Africa, by Br. brig-of-war Alert, in Je., 1844. (33. 2. H. jol., 374.) DABADIE (ALBERT), OF PENN. Amer. Cons. for Venice, 1836-45 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. DABELSTEIN (L. O.), MEXICAN CONS. AT NEW ORLEANS 1851 Apr. 15. To J. P. Benjamin. Reason for refusal of clearance papers for Amer. Schr. Sears. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 97, 53.) DABNEY (CHARLES W.), OF MASS. Amer, cons. for Fayal, 1826-45 ; 1845-6 (?) ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Portuguese dominions. 1836 Je. 6. To U. S. House. Memorial, of Chas. W. Dab- ney, U. S. Cons. for Azores; praying Congress to indicate disposition to be made of testimonial of regard presented him by King of France. (24. 1. H. jol., 943.) 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Petition; heretofore pre- sented Je. 6, 1836; again presented (Cambreleng, N. Y.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (25. 2. H. jol., 112; 556.) 1839 Jan. 16. U. S. House. Motion (Dromgoole), to dis- charge Com. on Foreign Affairs from consideration of petition of Chas. W. Dabney, and to lay said peti- tion on table; agreed to. (25. 3. H. jol., 301.) DABNEY (JOHN B.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Fayal, 1806-26 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Portuguese dominions. 1814 Sept. 26. To Gov. of Azores (Ribeiro). Asks pro- tection for Amer. brig General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 16.) — Sept. 30. To same. Forwards protest of capt. Reid, brig General Armstrong, agst. Portugal for loss of vessel. (ib., 4.) DABORMIDA (GIUSEPPE) Italian ministro degli affari esteri during first Cavour ministry, 1852-55; do. during La Marmora ministry, 1859-60 ; see Italy. Civil service. DACOTAH, U. S. STR. (1858) In cºlon (1858-61) : 1860-61, E. I. sqdn. (Rad- ORC1 ) . DAGGET (H.), MEXICAN WICE-CONS. AT MOBILE 1831 Apr. 4, Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Tor- nel) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Exe- quatur on commission of Dagget. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 661-62.) DAHLGREN (JOHN A.), OF PENN. |U. S. N., 1826-70. Lieut., 1837; comdr., 1855 ; capt., 862; rear-adm., 1863. Died Jiy. 12, 1870. Sea service in command (1828-61) ; 1858, comdg. Ply- mowth, Home sqdn. DAINESE (FRANCIS) Amer. cons. for Constantinople in 1852; see U. S. A. Consular service. Correspondence: American Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) 1850 Je. 19. [unnum.] Application for position of con- sulship at Constantinople; titles for candidacy. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 4.) DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Correspondence (American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Webster) 1851 Jan. 5. [no. 81.] Encloses acct. for contingent ex- penses of cons. from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 1850. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 4.) — Jan. 5. [no. 82.] Strmt. of fees recd. from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1850. (ib., 5.) — Jan. 25. [no. 83.] Business at cons. in 1850; Cur- rent politics in Turkish dominions. (ib., 9.) — Feb. 1. [no. 84.] Has drawn bill of exchg. On Secy. State for amt. of contingent expenses to order of J. A. Porter. (ib., 11.) — Feb. 19. [no. 86.T Application for consulship at Constantinople; stnt. of title thereto. (ib., 11.) — Apr. 1. [no. 87.] To same. Acct. for contingent expenses of cons. from Jan. 1 to Mch. 31, 1851. (ib., 14.) — Apr. 1. [no. 88.] Has drawn upon Secy. State bill of exchg. for contingent expenses, Jan. 1-Mch. 31, 1851, and for disbursements for relief of distressed seamen during 1850. (ib., 14.) — Jly. 1. [no. 89.] Acct. for contingent expenses from Apr. 1 to Je. 30, 1851. (ib., 15.) — JIy. 1. [no. 90.] Bill of exchg. drawn upon Secy. State for contingent expenses, Apr. 1 to Je. 30, 1851. (ib., 15.) — Jly. 15. [no. 91..] Renews application for consul- ship; expenditures unavoidable by reason of Stand- ing of U. S. (ib., 16.) — J1y. 19. [no. 92.] Has claim on Porter for $700; money expended privately for relief of immigrants; declines giving over archives to Homes, waiting for orders from State Dept. (ib., 17.) º — Jly. 25. Ino. 92.] Attempts of Homes and Brown to dismiss him from office of actg. cons. at Constan- tinople; interference of Austrian legation; orders requested. (ib., 182.) Aug. 4. [no. 95.] Outrages of J. P. Brown and H. A. Homes agst. Dainese; refusal to resign archives to Homes; intervention of Austrian legation scouted. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 20. [no. 96.] Has quit Constantinople; por- tion of archives addressed to min. res. Marsh; en- closes circ. issued by Brown, Jly. 17, announcing disgraceful dismissal of Dainese. (ib., 22.) 1852 Jan. 2. [no. 97.] Recapitulation of difficulties in re- lation to U. S. cons. at Constantinople; reimburse- ment of losses requested, and nomination of cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 31.) Jan. 26. [no. 98.] Copies of docs. to be filed with memorial of 22 inst. (ib., 42.) — Feb. 1. [unnum.] Exposé upon formation and ad- ministration of laws in Turkey, preceded by a short explanation as to titles distinguishing several classes of society. (ib., 189.) — Mch. 3. [no. 99.] Repels imputations upon his character by G. A. Porter; investigation challenged. (ib., 197.) — Mch. 22. [unnum.] Requests that C. Vigoureux be permitted to represent him at Constantinople until his return to that place. (ib., 52.) – Apr. 5. [unnum.] Acct, for relief of political refu- gees; application made to Congress for relief. (ib., – May 5. Ino. 104.] Comdre. Stringham has notified Dainese that about Je. 15 a vessel will be in readi- º # Nºte: to convey him to Constantinople. 10., 90. — Aug. 17. [no. 105.] Accidents that prevented his Sailing in Vessel of War to Constantinople; intends to wait at Athens or Syra, for vessel of war; un- authorized actions of Brown and Marsh; requests 468 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Correspondence (American)—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Webster)—cont’d introductory letter from State Dept. to Turkish Min. for Foreign Affairs. (ib., 59.) 1852 Sept. 15. [no. 106.] Copy of communication to Comdre. Stringham; preparing sketch of commerce of Greece. (ib., 60.) t. Oct. 8. [no. 107.] Machinations of leaders of U. S. legation at Constantinople; imputations therein ven- tilated, repelled; is under jurisdiction of U. S.; un- derhand doings of Brown and Homes; requests early transmission of apptmt. to Constantinople, to end difficulties. (ib., 243.) — Oct. 18. Ino. 108.] Copies of letters from Husrew Pasha, late prime min., and Reshid Bey, late chief clerk to ministry of State of Porte, showing that # apptmt. as cons. has met with general approval. ib., 62.) — Oct. 28. [no. 109.] Amer. legation at Constantinople has taken no step regarding Austrian interference; falsehoods fabricated to justify Austrian jurisdic- tion; no war vessel has yet arrived at Syra. (ib., 65.) Nov. 3. [unnum.] Denunciatory letters of Dwight and Johnston; resumé of his career; encloses Cer- tificate of character from Rt. Rev. Archbp. Of Con- stantinople. (ib., 243.) — Nov. 5. Ino. 111..] Interception of letters to Dai- nese by J. P. Brown. (ib., 248.) — Nov. 5. [no. 112.] Intrigues by Amer. legation at Constantinople; legation refuses to present his cons. credentials to Porte; requests permission to return to U. S. until either new min. is sent Or re- ceipt of credentials for direct recognition by Porte. (ib., 66.) — Nov. 10. [unnum.] Requests permission to return home for six mos. (ib., 68.) (Everett) 1852 Dec. 20. [unnum.] Encloses accts. for Services, and for contingent expenses of cons. at Constanti- nople. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 70.) (Marcy) 1853 Mch. 15. [no. 115.] Affairs at Amer. ConS. at Con- stantinople; subsequent events, and revocation of commission, based on a falsehood; reinstatement and relief for losses requested. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 71.) — Apr. 15. Ino. 116.] Submits that drafts of legation at Constantinople be hereafter Suspended, and that cons. fees for 1851 and 1852 be deducted from amt. of said drafts and paid into his hands as soon as practicable. (ib., 77.) — Je. 28. [no. 117.] Requests that no faith be placed in words of Homes; recommendation regarding accts. of Homes. (ib., 257.) — JIy. 20. [no. 118.] Misconstructions in communi- cations corrected; misconduct of officials of Amer. legation at Constantinople; is to be considered an Amer. Since May, 1849; violation of Amer. Cons. by Austrian forces. (ib., 258.) — Aug. 8. [no. 119.] Illegality of arrest of Costa in Turkey by Austrian agts.; arrest made possible by subservience of J. P. Brown. (ib., 261.) — Aug. 13. Ino. 120.] Homes’s claims as actg. Cons. for 1851 and 1852 surreptitious; Submits that no cons. accts. from 1849 to 1852 be paid without rec- ognition and signature by Vigoureux Or Dainese. (ib., 84.) — Oct. 15. [no. 121.] Strmts. Of Marsh resp. J. P. Brown corrected; business at cons. at Constanti- nople decreasing; office of dragoman unnecessary; DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Correspondence (American)—cont’d - Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Marcy)—cont’d acc. by letter from John Reeves, Aug. 13, Com- plaining of persecution by J. P. Brown. (ib., 264.) 1853 Nov. 12. Ino. 122.] Encloses sundry docs. relating to affairs at U. S. cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 270.) — Nov. 20. [no. 123.] Refutation of stnts. in certain letters; official conduct defended; reprehensible ac- tions of Porter and Brown; asks that honor of Amer. cons. be redressed. (ib., 274.) 1854 Feb. 18. [unnum.] Encloses doc. certified at Constantinople, and requests certificate as to genu- ineness of seal and signature thereto; copy of acct. supposed to have miscarried, transmitted. (ib., 87.) 1856 Dec. 10. [unnum.] Protests agst, ex parte proc. of J. P. Brown, as founded on falsehoods; requests copies thereof. (ib., 147.) — Dec. 29. [unnum.] Repeats request to be furnished with copies of any ex parte proc. in which he is concerned, brought before dept. (ib., 152.) 1857 Jan. 16. [unnum.] Protests agst. investigation of his accts., etc., at Constantinople, for reasons therein stated; request for copies of proc. renewed. (ib., 155.) Jan. 17. [unnum.] Papers plundered from Amer. cons. at Constantinople in hands of J. P. Brown. (ib., 162.) Secy. Amer. Legation, Constantinople (Homes) 1851 Jly. 23. Refusal to give up archives without Or- ders from State Dept.; throws upon Homes re- sponsibility for purloining seals. (34. 3. H. ex: doc. 82, 37.) Amer. Cons., Smyrna. (Offley) 1853 Aug. 19. Explanation demanded of use of excep- tionable language regarding him in letter to J. P. Brown. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 272.) -- Late Amer. Cons., Constantinople (Porter) 1852 Jan. 10. Full acct, already in his hands; any re- maining cons, property will be delivered up. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 203.) — Jan. 25. Repels imputations conveyed in letter of 18 inst. (ib., 204.) Amer. Legation, Constantinople 1852 Oct. 5. Notice of appearance of two defamatory articles, in name of Austrian employés at Con- Stantinople; action by U. S. legation besought. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 62.) Corr. (Austrian) 1851 Jly. 26. To director Austr. Cancelleria (Baum). Not having recd. orders from State Dept. declines sur- rendering archives and property of Amer. cons. On mere request. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 38.) – Aug. 4. To Austrian cons. gen. (Mihanovich). Protests agst, violation of his domicile and acts of º; and agst. illegal Austrian interference. ., 39.) Corr. (Executive) 1852 Sept. 8. To comdr. Mediterranean sqdn.., U. S. N. (Stringham). Requests sending of vessel-of-war to Syra to convey him to Constantinople; encloses doc. giving light on matters relating to U. S. cons. at Constantinople. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 60.) – Oct. 6. Warning to public agst. new calumny of Austrian agts. in Constantinople. (ib., 281.) INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 469 DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1853 Apr. 30. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Outrages at Amer. Consulate at Constantinople; encloses com- mendatory letter from Husren Mehmet. (ib., 255.) Claim, etc. See also, Dainese vs. Hale, U. S., 13; Dainese vs. United States, 15, C. C., 64. STATUTORY MEASURES 1855 Feb. 26. Intr. in U. S. House (Chandler, Com. on Foreign Affairs) bill (33. 2. H. R. 791) “for relief of Francis Dainese.” (33. 2. H. jol., 469.) 1856 Aug. 8. Intr. in U. S. House (Pennington, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (34. 1. H. R. 562) “for relief of Francis Dainese.” (34. 1. H. jol., 1403; 34. 3. H. jol., 288.) 1858 Mch. 5. Intr. in U. S. House (Burlingame, Com. on Foreign Affairs) bill (35. 1. H. R. 339) “for relief of Francis Dainese.” (35. 1. H. jol., 457.) — Dec. 13. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Crittenden, Ky.), bill (35. 2. S. 464) “for relief of Francis Dainese.” (35. 2. S. jol., 50.) 1859 Dec. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Crittenden, Ky.), bill (36. 1. S. 14) “for relief of Francis Dainese ’’; appré. Je. 15, 1860. (36. 1. S. jol., 25, 289, 670; xii, St. L., 859.) . 1860 Feb. 15. Intr. in U. S. House (Burlingame, Mass.), bill (36. 1. H. R. 9) “for relief of Francis Dainese.” (36. 1. H. jol., 291.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1850 May 10. Residents of Constantinople. Memorial; recommending apptmt. of F. Dainese as cons. at Constantinople. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 13.) — May 17. Memorial, of Amer. citizens residing in Turkey; in favor of apptmt. of F. Dainese, as cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 12.) Je. 15. Amer. min. res. in Turkey (Marsh) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Encloses letter from cer- tain persons at Smyrna, recommending apptmt. Of F. Dainese as cons. at Constantinople; refers to J. P. Brown. (ib., 182.) — Je. 15. E. St. J. Neale. Certifies to claims of F. Dai- nese to post of cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 13.) — Oct. 6. Amer. cons. at Constantinople (Porter) to Dainese. Representations of Marsh resulted in With- drawal of nomination as cons. to Tripoli; certificate of character requested; desires accts. from Apr. 1 to Sept. 30. (ib., 208.) — Oct. 17. Same to same. Conduct as actg. Cons. appré.; detained in U. S. by non-payment of Mexican claims; misrepresentations of Marsh; advances of money to refugees not appra. (ib., 41, 211.) — Dec. 17. Amer. chargé ad int. in Turkey (Brown) to Porter. Bad reputation of Dainese; advises placing Homes in charge of consulate. (ib., 226.) 1851 Jan. 23. Same to same. Dainese's cons. books and accts. not given up; believes he was a Spy in Sir Stratford Canning’s employ. (ib., 230.) — Mch. 1. Porter to Dainese. ISSue of passports to refugees illegal; charge for asst. will not be allowed; permission granted to expend $500 for support of cons. (ib., 205.) — Mch. 28. Same to same. Requested to make Over to H. A. Homes the archives of Amer. ConS. at Con- stantinople. (ib., 185.) — Apr. 1. Same to same. (Confidential.) Further increase in cons. charges to be avoided; detained in U. S. by Mexican claims; expects to leave Je. 1. (ib., 206.) — Jly. 17. Amer. chargé ad int. (Brown). Circ. to Turkish “Bureaux’’ offices relative to dismissal of - F. Dainese. (ib., 22.) DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Claim, etc.—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1851 JIy. 22. H. A. Homes to Dainese. Authorized by G. A. Porter, Amer. cons. at Constantinople, to take charge of cons. and perform its duties. (ib., 184.) — JIy. 24. Dir. Austrian Cancellaria, Constantinople (Baum) to Dainese. Invites surrender of archives and property of U. S. cons. to H. A. Homes. (ib., 38.) — JIy. 24. Director of Turkish passport office (Civi- nis) to Dainese. Frank intercourse betw. passport office and cons. of U. S. under Dainese. (ib., 45.) — JIy. 30. Sardinian min. res. in Turkey (Tecco) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in Turkey (Canning). Re- quests aid in favor of F. Dainese, and views of Brown’s conduct. (ib., 49.) — Aug. 4. Austrian cons. gen. (Mihanovich) to Dai- nese. Final warning to surrender all property of Amer. cons. to Homes, under threat of personal arrest. (ib., 39.) — Aug. 14. Homes to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Refusal of Dainese to give up archives until threat- ened with imprisonment by Austrian chancery; nar- ration of course of conduct promised; accepts ap- ptmt. of Amer. vice-cons. for Constantinople from Mr. Porter. (ib., 21.) — Aug. 20. J. Reeves to Dainese. Requested to call attention of State Dept. to claim agst. Turkey; machinations of J. P. Brown; return of Marsh awaited. (ib., 200.) — Aug. 29. Homes to Webster. Affair with Dainese; intervention of Austrian chancery; counter circ. issued by Dainese to chanceries of legations; petty efforts to secure testimonials; letter to KOSSuth. (ib., 24, 117.) Wording of two copies varies. — Sept. 1. P. Z. Constantinides to Homes. Dainese has not paid him his salary as dragoman since Jan. 1, 1850; requests relief. (ib., 140.) — Sept. 25. Homes to Porter. Results of displacement of Dainese as cons. ; evidence of corruption in his conduct of cons. ; ridiculous charges in accts. (ib., 227.) Sept. 25. Homes to Webster. Encloses copy of de- º of dragoman to cons. agst. Dainese for $540. ib., 23.) Sept. 29. W. R. Page to Webster. Suspicions of Mr. Dainese that his despatches have been intercepted well founded; generous sacrifices and able services of Dainese. (ib., 24.) Oct. 6. Porter to Webster. Henry A. Homes apptd. Vice-cons. in place of F. Dainese, removed. (ib., 29.) Oct. 14. Brown to Porter. Dainese left Constan- tinople to escape imprisonment for debt; Marsh re- fused approval of conduct as Vice-cons. (ib., 228.) — Oct. 28. Porter to Webster. Suggests that accts. Of F. Dainese be made through him as cons. (ib., 30.) Nov. 11. Brown to Porter. Marsh annuls any ex- pressions of his favorable to Dainese. (ib., 229.) — Nov. 15. Homes to Porter. Some cons. papers still in Dainese's possession; presence of permanent cons. necessary. (ib., 229.) — Nov. 23. Brown to Porter. Dainese's cons. books and accts. not given up; believes he was a spy in Sir Stratford Canning’s employ. (ib., 230.) — Dec. 17. Webster to Page. Dainese expected soon; gratification at passage of first Amer. str. through Straits of Gibraltar and at receipt of first firman of Ottoman Porte to an American str. to cruise along coast of Turkey. (ib., 30.) 1852 Jan. 5. Porter to Dainese. Requested to make out and forward acct. agst. him; to order delivery of cons. papers and property to Homes. (ib., 203.) 470 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS { DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Claim, etc.—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1852 Feb. 20. Porter to Webster. Exposition of charac- ter of F. Dainese; intends to resume duties of cons. in Apr. (ib., 195.) — Feb. 26. Porter to President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Objections to Dainese as Amer. Cons. at Constanti- nople; qualifications of Homes therefor. (ib., 194.) — Mch. 4. J. R. Chandler to Fillmore. Nothing in charges agst. Dainese has diminished confidence in him; acc. by copies of corresp. (ib., 212.) — Mch. 6. Webster to Porter. Requested to present proofs to Sustain charges agst. Dainese. (ib., 225.) — Mch. 9. Porter to Webster. Evidence in support of charges agst. Dainese. (ib., 225.) — Mch. 19. Webster to Porter. Directed by President to issue Commission to F. Dainese as cons. at Con- stantinople. (ib., 231.) — Mch. 19. Webster to Dainese. Apptmt. as cons. for Constantinople; prid. copy of general instructions transmitted. (ib., 51.) — Mch. 22. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Hunter) to Dainese. Permission granted to C. Vigoureux to act as Vice-cons. until return of Dainese to Constanti- nople. (ib., 52.) Mch. 31. Dainese to U. S. Senate. Memorial; pray- ing reimbursement of money expended for relief of Louis Kossuth and other refugees in that city in 1849, 1850, and 1851. (32. 1. S. jol., 321.) — Apr. 9. Webster to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Graham). Requests that U. S. vessel convey F. Dainese to Con- stantinople from Spezzia or some other Mediter- ranean port. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 52.) — Apr. 13. Graham to Webster. Comdre. Stringham instructed to hold vessel of Mediterranean Sqdn. in readiness to convey Dainese from Spezzia to Con- stantinople. (ib., 53.) — Apr. 24. Brown to Fillmore. In charge of lega- tion at Constantinople since Jly.; appeal to Aus- trian chargé agst. conduct of Dainese; bad reputa- tion of latter; W. Woodman recommended for cons. (ib., 233.) — Apr. 24. Homes to Webster. Encloses extr. from letter denunciative of Dainese; Amer. Citizen de- sirable for cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 232.) — Apr. 25. Amer. actg. Vice-cons., Constantinople (Vigoureux) to Webster. G. P. Marsh, Amer. min. res. near Constantinople, refuses to recognize either him or F. Dainese. (ib., 54.) May 3. Hunter to Dainese. Navy Dept. notified of readiness of Dainese to embark at Naples for Con- stantinople Je. 15. (ib., 55.) — May 3. Hunter to Graham. Mr. Dainese to be ready to embark from Naples for Constantinople Je. 15, if convenient to Navy Dept. (ib., 55.) May 4. Brown to Webster. Apptmt. of Dainese, cause of regret to legation and Americans at Con- stantinople; outline of his career. (ib., 225.) — May 5. Homes to Webster. Has drawn. On govt. for $140; portion of archives still detained unlaw- fully by F. Dainese. (ib., 56.) — May 17. Marsh to Vigoureux. Archives of Amer. cons. not delivered up because of absence of official notice either of Porter’s dismissal, or of Dainese's apptmt. (ib., 120.) — Oct. 3. C. Vigoureux. Deposition and cons. Certifi- cate, testifying facts of violation of Amer. ConS. at Constantinople. (ib., 271.) — Oct. 12. Vigoureux to Amer. legation, Constanti- nople. Communication from F. Dainese dated Syra, 5 inst. (ib., 62.) DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Claim, etc.—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1852 Oct. 16. Vigoureux to Webster. Amer. legation con- tinues refusal of surrender of cons. archives and º ºntº exercise of duties of official functions. 10., 6.L. – Oct. 16. Vigoureux to Dainese. Amer. legation at Constantinople sends back official communications § * Vigoureux and Dainese without reply. (ib., — Oct. 28. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Conrad) to Dainese. Revocation of commission as Amer. cons. at Constantinople in view of doubtful result of ap- plication for exeguatur. (ib., 64.) — Nov. 5. Dainese to Webster. Intrigues of Amer. legation at Constantinople; legation refuses to pre- Sent his cons. Credentials to Porte; requests permis- Sion to return to U. S. until either new min. is sent, Or receipt of credentials for direct recognition by Porte. (ib., 66.) — Nov. 22. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Kennedy). Conveyance of Dainese to Constantinople rendered unnecessary by revoca- tion of his commission as cons. (ib., 69.) — Nov. 26. Kennedy to Everett. Comdg officer of Mediterranean sqdn. informed of revocation of Dai- nese commission. (ib., 69.) – Nov. 27. J. R. Chandler to President Fillmore. Transmits letter containing translations of com- mendations of F. Dainese; accompanied by letters and affidavits. (ib., 250.) — Dec. 20. Vigoureux to Everett. Encloses acct. Of F. Dainese, from Oct. 1. (ib., 69.) Dec. 20. Dainese to Everett. Accts. for services and for contingent expenses of cons. at Constanti- nople. (ib., 70.) 1853 Jan. 8. Amer. cons, agt., Syra (Evangelides) to Amer. despatch agt., London (Miller). Despatch, i. e., letter of Conrad to Dainese, Oct. 28, 1852, left by F. Dainese at Syra, for J. P. Brown forwarded according to latter's orders to Miller. (ib., 70.) — Mch. 15. Homes to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Affairs at Amer. Cons. at Constantinople; subse- Quent events and revocation of commission based On a falsehood; reinstatement and relief for losses requested. (ib., 71.) — Mch. 23. Homes to Everett. Acct. for expenses to date; has resigned to Amer. chargé the Office of actg. Cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 79.) – Apr. 15. Dainese to Marcy. Submits that drafts of legation at Constantinople be hereafter suspended, and that cons. fees for 1851 and 1852 be deducted from amt. of said drafts and paid into his hands as Soon as practicable. (ib., 77.) — May 4. Repr. from Conn., member Com. on For- eign Affairs (Ingersoll) to Marcy. F. Dainese has requested him to examine originals or copies of Charges agst. him. (ib., 256.) — Je. 1. W. N. Churchill. Certificate testifying to faithful services of F. Dainese at Constantinople cons. (ib., 42.) — Je. 29. Homes to Marcy. Affairs at Amer. Cons. in Constantinople; apprn. from which he would have been reimbursed for cons. expenses exhausted; re- lief requested. (ib., 78.) — Jly. 11. Marcy to Dainese. Citizenship necessary for apptmt. as cons., particularly at Constantinople; treaty stipulation to that effect with Turkey. (ib., 83.) — Aug. 20. Homes to Marcy. Facts in refutation of letter in “Washington Republic " of Aug. 16, signed by F. Dainese, regarding Amer. flag in Constanti- nople and cons. archives. (ib., 85.) INDEx To UNITED STATEs Documents RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 471 DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Claim, etc.—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1853 Sept. 1. Same to same. Requests to be furnished with copy of Such letter as may be written to lega- tion at Constantinople resp. his connection with cons., 1851. (ib., 85.) — Oct. 12. Amer. cons., Smyrna (Offley) to Dainese. Apology for uncalled-for use of Dainese's name. (ib., 273.) 1854 Jan. 13. Dainese to U. S. House. Petition; praying compensation for services as actg. cons. at Constan- tinople. (33. 1. H. jol., 197.) — Feb. 8. J. R. Chandler, repr. from Penn. Remarks; on amdmt. Of Com. on Foreign Affairs to deficiency apprin. bill providing compensation to F. Dainese, cons. at Constantinople, for discharge of duties from May 16, 1849, to Dec. 20, 1852. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 383.) Mch. 2. Marcy to Dainese. Congress has made no apprin. for payment of cons, in Turkey; acct for services returned therefore unaudited. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 88.) — Jly. 13. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying com- pensation for cons. Services at Constantinople from May 16, 1849, to Dec. 20, 1852. (33. 1. S. jol., 499.) — JIy. 17. Chrm. U. S. Com. of Foreign Relations (Ma- son) to Marcy. Encloses memorial with acc. papers of F. Dainese, late Amer. cons. at Constantinople. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 88.) — Jly. 25. Marcy to Mason. Claims of F. Dainese; relief of Hungarian refugees; claims for contingent expenses, services and travelling expenses not well founded. (ib., 90.) — Jly. 29. Dainese to Comptr. of Treasury, U. S. A. (Whittlesey). Expenditures of Marsh and writer for relief of refugees; stnt. Of facts in justification of writer’s claim for indemnification. (ib., 287.) Aug. 23. Same to Same. Explanation of nature of his claim. (ib., 291.) — Aug. 29. Same to same. Encloses official doc. certi- fied by Secy. State, establishing fact of violation of U. S. cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 292.) — Sept. 6. Comptr. of Treasury, U. S. A. (Whittlesey) to Marcy. Accts. Of F. Dainese, and Vouchers for two items therein. (ib., 290.) — Sept. 7. Marcy to Whittlesey. Will approve acct. of Dainese, if he makes affidavit to Correctness of charges therein. (ib., 291.) — Sept. 7. Dainese to Whittlesey. Requests written Stmt. that his claim should be paid, and return of papers acC. two recent communications. (ib., 293.) — Sept. 8. Whittlesey to Dainese. Payment of acct. rests upon decision of Secy. State. (ib., 293.) — Sept. 9. Same to same. Secy. State will approve acct, for disbursements to refugees, if affidavit is made to correctness of charges therein. (ib., 294.) — Sept. 12. Same to Same. Returns all dispensable papers recd. from him regarding claim. (ib., 294.) Sept. 12. Whittlesey to Marcy. Dainese's affidavit transmitted; to designate fund to be charged with balance due. (ib., 294.) — Sept. 13. Whittlesey to 5th Auditor, U. S. A. (Pleasanton). Transmits copies of Sundry letters; acct. of Dainese apprél. by Secy. State, and to be paid out of apprin. for contingent expenses of missions abroad. (ib., 295.) — Sept. 25. Dainese to Whittlesey. Requests copy of W.’s letter to Secy. State relative to claim for ex- penditures for refugees. (ib., 295.) 1855 Feb. 21. G. S. Houston, repr. from Ala. Remarks; on Chandler amdmt. of even date to civil and dipl. apprn. bill (H. R. 569). (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 873.) * DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Claim, etc.—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1855 Feb. 21. J. R. Chandler, repr. from Penn. Amdmt., in Com. of the Whole, to civil and dipl. apprn. bill providing compensation to F. Dainese, late cons. at Constantinople, for services from May 16, 1849, to Dec. 20, 1852. (ib., 872-73.) Feb. 21. T. L. Clingman, repr. from N. C. Do.; relative to Chandler amdmt. of even date. (ib., 873.) — Feb. 22. Porter to Marcy. Claims compensation for judicial service at Constantinople from Aug. 11, 1848, to time of recall, three years and six months; Dainese making claims under false representation. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 94.) Feb. 26. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Chandler). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 791, for relief of Francis Dai- nese. (33. 2. H. rpt. 138.) — Mch. 2. A. G. Brown, sen. from Miss. Remarks; unfavorable to amdmt. of Finance Com. to civil and dipl. apprp. bill (H. R. 569) striking out provision for payment of draft of F. Dainese. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 1091-93.) — Mch. 2. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Do.; same. (ib., 1093.) – Mch. 2. J. Cooper, sen. from Penn. Do.; Same; favorable. (ii)., j 091, 1093.) – Mch. 2. L. A. Douglas, sen. from III. Do.; Same. (ib., 1092-93.) Mch. 2. H. S. Geyer, sen. from Mo. Do.; same; Opposed. (ib., 1091, 1093.) – Mch. 2. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Do.; Same. (ib., 1092.) — Mch. 2. J. S. Pearce, sen. from Md. Do.; same. (ib., 1091.) — Mch. 2. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Do.; same. (ib., 1093.) — Mch. 2. J. B. Weller, sen. from Calif. Do.; same. (ib., 1092.) — Mch. 3. Dainese to U. S. Congress. Protest. agst. denial by Sen. Douglas, of facts of record at State Dept. resp. claims. (34. 3. H. ex: doc. 82, 313.) — Oct. 25. Dainese to Whittlesey. Copy of accts. ; re- questing audit of same under act of Aug. 11, 1848, “to carry into effect certain provisions contained in respective treaties betw. U. S. and China, and U. S. and Ottoman Porte.” (ib., 296.) — Oct. 27. Whittlesey to Dainese. Acctg. Officers can- not afford relief under existing laws. (ib., 298.) — Nov. 24. Dainese to Whittlesey. Construction of act of Aug. 11, 1848, resp. apprins. for cons. in Tur- key; latter to be placed on same footing with those of China; requests audit of acct., and presentation Of Same to Congress in estimate. (ib., 299.) Nov. 26. Whittlesey to Dainese. Application not within jurisdiction of acctg. officers; authority of Congress indispensable. (ib., 314.) 1856 Jan. 6. Marcy to Dainese. Accts. for expenditure unsatisfactory, requiring investigation, now con- ducting by Mr. Brown. (ib., 153.) – Feb. 26. Dainese to U. S. House. Petition; praying Compensation for losses and expenditures. (34. 1. H. jol., 596.) — Mch. 19. Private letter. His acquaintance with Kossuth. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 169.) – Apr. 1. Marsh to 5th Auditor, U. S. A. (McConnell). Stmt. of relief extended by Dainese to refugees; Very Small Sums thus expended; claims therefor exorbitant. (ib., 172.) — Apr. 23. McConnell to Whittlesey. Adjustment of acct, betw. U. S. and F. Dainese; of two vouchers Fºntº, one is a forgery; claim unfounded. (ib., 167. 472 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Claim, etc.—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1856 Jly. 24. Marsh to McConnell. No applicant for passport ever mentioned having received aid from Dainese; C. Hanson, in enclosed letter to J. P. Brown, denies having received $2,500, or any part thereof, for relief of Hungarian or other refugees. (ib., 174.) — Aug. 8. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Penning- ton). Rpt. in favor of H. R. 5 granting indemnity to Dainese for services, losses, etc., while actg. as Amer cons. at Constantinople. (34. 1. H. rpt. 337.) — Aug. 8. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Thomas) to Whittlesey. No requisition made by Dainese for draft of $2,467.61. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 175.) — Aug. 8. Whittlesey to A. Hyde. Information sought resp. drafts drawn by F. Dainese in favor of Cor- COran and Riggs. (ib., 315.) — Aug. 8. Whittlesey to Marcy. Requests to be in- formed whether Dainese drew on him at Constan- tinople for $2,467.61, or on State Dept., and if so, when. (ib., 315.) — Aug. 8. Hyde to Whittlesey. No evidence that F. Dainese drew on State Dept., Dec. 20, 1852, in favor of Corcoran and Riggs, for $2,467.61. (ib., 176.) — Aug. 9. E. Whittlesey. Results of investigations in matter of claim of F. Dainese; U. S. not indebted to him in any Sum; acc. by copies of drafts. (ib., 317.) — Aug. 11. Whittlesey to Hyde. Information sought resp. certain drafts of F. Dainese. (ib., 316.) — Aug. 12. Whittlesey to Thomas. Certain informa- tion therein indicated is to be obtained from State Dept. in further investigation of Dainese claim. (ib., 96.) — Aug. 12. Hyde to Whittlesey. No evidence found of receipt by letter, from any source, of drafts of Oct. 10 and Dec. 30, 1852, drawn by F. Dainese in favor of Corcoran and Riggs. (ib., 176.) — Aug. 19. Thomas to Whittlesey. Information re- garding apptmt., etc., of F. Dainese. (ib., 177.) — Aug. 30. Whittlesey to Thomas. Unfavorable de- cision in matter of claim of F. Dainese; copies of sundry drafts drawn by Dainese on State Dept.; copy of Dainese's acct. (ib., 96.) — Sept. 12. Dainese to Whittlesey. Explanation of grounds for claims presented; misrepresentations corrected, and calumnious stnts. Of Marsh and Brown disproved. (ib., 156, 322.) Sept. 22. Marsh to Thomas. AcctS. Of F. Dainese and of other papers relative to pretended claims of his agst. U. S. (ib., 100.) — Oct. 12. Brown to Marcy. Promises to furnish State Dept. with evidence of extensive frauds of F. Dai- nese upon U. S. (ib., 107.) — Oct. 27. Brown to Marcy. Depositions taken show- ing frauds perpetrated by Dainese upon U. S.; Vigou- reux refuses to depose under oath. (ib., 108.) – NOV. 8. P. Z. Constantinides. Deposition concern- ing F. Dainese, before J. P. Brown. (ib., 142.) — Dec. 2. C. Vigoureux. Deposition concerning F. Dainese, before J. P. Brown. (ib., 1. 25.) – Dec. 8. Brown to Marcy. Examination of Dainese claims; his accts. fraudulent and forged. (ib., 110.) — Dec. 9. U. S. Senate. On motion (Geyer, Mo.), F. Dainese given leave to withdraw memorial and pa- pers. (34. 3. S. jol., 34.) 1857 Jan. 16. Thomas to Brown. Reminded that no cons. can authorize any person to act as cons. agt., Vice- cons., or depy. cons., until apptmt. has recd. ap- proval of State Dept. (34. 3. H. ..ex. doc. 82, 609.) DAINESE (FRANCIS)—cont’d Claim, etc.—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1857 Jan. 16. Thomas to Dainese. Directed to deposit any portion of archives of consulate at Constanti- * Still in his possession, in State Dept. (ib., – Feb. 6. U. S. House. Res. (Letcher, Va.), calling for copies of papers in State Dept. relating to Dai- nese claim. (34, 3. H. jol., 368.) — Feb. 7. Marcy to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Guth- rie). Requests copies of papers connected with Dai- nese claims, giving information requested by House. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 163.) — Feb. 7. Marcy to Homes. Information requested regarding alleged disbursements, which have al- ready been paid, of Dainese for support of refugees or other purposes. (ib., 163.) — Feb. 12. Actg. Secy. Treasury (Washington) to Marcy. Encloses copies of papers on file in Treasury Dept. relating to Dainese claim. (ib., 164.) Feb. 13. Homes to Marcy. Information resp. Valid- ity of Dainese claims; Webster’s revocation of his commission an implied condemnation of these claims. (ib., 177.) — Mch. 3. Marcy to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Transmits copies of additional papers relating to accts., claims and difficulties at Constantinople. (ib., 180.) — Dec. 19. U. S. House. Notice (Greenwood, Ark.) of bill for relief of Francis Dainese, ex-U. S. cons. at Constantinople. (35. 1. H. jol., 95.) 1858 Jan. 18. Dainese to U. S. House. Petition presented (Clingman, N. C.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 185.) — Mch. 5. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Burlin- game). Rpt. in favor of H. R. 339 on Dainese me- morial. (35. 1. H. rpt. 144, 1.) 1859 Dec. 22. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Critten- den). Rpt. to acc. S. 14, in favor of claim of F. Dai- nese. (36. 1. S. rpt. 1.) — Dec. 22. U. S. Senate. On motion (Crittenden, Ky.), rpt. of Com. on Foreign Relations on Dainese claim ordered printed. (36. 1. S. jol., 25.) 1860 Mch. 29. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Burlin- game). Favorable rpt. to acc. S. 14, on memorial of F. Dainese, late cons. at Constantinople, praying compensation and indemnity for Services, expenses, and losses. (36. 1. H. rpt. 262.) DALE (HENRY G.), OF N.Y.; see GALE (HENRY G.) DALE (JOHN M.), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1812-52. Lieut., 1818; comdr., 1839. Died at Philadelphia, Dec. 15, 1852. DALE (RICHARD), CLAIMANT; see DENMARK. CLAIMS. BERGEN PRIZES DALE, U. S. SLOOP, 1839 In commission (1839–61): 1840, Pacific sqdn. (Gauntt) ; 1842-43, do. (Dornin); 1847, do. (McKean) ; 1848, do. º: 1849, do. (Rudd) ; 1851-52, Afri- can sqdn. (Pearson) ; 1853, do... (Lardner) ; 1854- 55, do. (Whittle) ; 1856-59, do. (McBlair). (McBlair Comdg.) 1857 Sept. 20. Boards French slaver Clara, off Black Point Bay, w. African coast; see Clara. — Sept. 23. McBlair to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Cruise betw. Porto Grande and Loango. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 62; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 520.) — Oct. 9. McBlair to comdr. African Sqdn., U. S. N. (Conover). Movements of Dale since Aug. 18. (ib., 65; ib., 523.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 473 DALE, U. S. SL00P, 1839—cont’d (McBlair Comdg.)—cont’d 1857 Oct. 19. Conover to McBlair. Instructions for cruising; Cooperation with Br. cruisers. (ib., 74; ib., 532.) — Nov. 6. Captures Amer. Slaver bark William J. Lewis, in Congo River; see William, J. Lewis. 1859 Jan. 9. McBlair to Conover. Movements of Dale Since Aug. 16; Amer., French, and Br. African trade compared. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 540.) DALEY (MARTIN), HEIRS OF 1858 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 82.) DALLAS (ALEXANDER GRANT) 1858 Oct. 18. Commission apptg. him pres. of council of Hudson’s Bay co.'s terr. (36.1. H. ex. doc. 77, 13.) DALLAS (ALEXANDER JAMES), OF PENN. L. S. N., 1805-44. Lieut., 1810; comdr., 1817; capt., 1828. Sea service in command (1828-44) : 1835-38, comdg. W. I. sqdn. ; 1843-44, comdg., Pacific sqdn. President of the naval court of inquiry in case of the General Urrea; see General Urrea. Died on § U. S. frigate Savannah in Callao Bay, Je. 3, Comdg. W. I. Sqdn. 1836 Apr. 26. To Amer. cons., Tampico (Robertson). Capt. Jackson, U. S. S. Jefferson, actg. with W. I. Sqdn., visits Tampico and coast of Mexico to render assistance to Amer. commerce. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 23.) DALLAS (GEORGE MIFFLIN), OF PENN., 1792-1864. º U. S. sen. from Penn., 1831-33; Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia, 1837-39; see also, U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. Vice-president, U. S. A., 1844-49; Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br., 1856-61 ; see also, L. S. A. Diplomatic service. E. E. and M. P. in Russia. Correspondence (Diplomatic) AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) 1837 Je. 27. [unnum. extr.] Inability to find maps of Forrester's Is., from which to verify capt. Blinn's acct. of Amer. brig Loriot. (25. 3. S. doc. 1, 50.) — Aug. 16. [unnum. extr.] Inability to secure in- formation from which to verify location of harbors mentioned in Capt. Blinn's protest; probable com- plexity arising from Russia's construction of treaty of 1824. (ib., 51.) — Sept. 8. [unnum. extr.] Information secured that no Russian Settlements had been made at harbors ºn and TateSky at time of Loriot incident. — Oct. 6. [unnum. extr.] Trade, manufacture, and Consumption of tobacco in Russia. (26.1. H. ex: doc. 229, 47.) - Dec. 12. [unnum. extr.] Further information on Subject of tobacco consumption and growth in Rus- sia. (ib., 49.) 1838 Jan. 14. [unnum. extr.] Interview with Count de Nesselrode, relating to Loriot incident; probable at- titude of Russia toward negotiations for renewal of art. 4, treaty of 1824. (25. 3. S. doc. 1, 55.) – Mch. 19. [unnum. extr.] Transmits copies of notes relating to Loriot incident. (ib., 57.) – Apr. 16. Dunnum. extr.) Russian attitude in matter of reciprocity of trade on n. W. coast; asks for in- structions. (ib., 65.) DALLAS (GEORGE MIFFLIN), OF PENN., 1792-1864—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Russia—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Forsyth)—cont’d 1838 May 13. [unnum. extr.] Definitive strnt. from Count Messelrode that Amer. privileges no. of 54° 40' no. latitude have ceased since April, 1834. (ib., 71.) — JIy. 4. [unnum. extr.] Ukase establishing excise upon tobacco. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 50.) — Aug. 11. [unnum. extr.] Translation has not been completed of ukase establishing an excise upon to- bacco. (ib., 50.) 1839 Jan. 6.. [unnum. extr.] No translation of régie of tobacco established by Russia has been made or is contemplated; its provisions are deemed merely local in interest. (ib., 51.) — Jan. 20. [unnum, extr.] Transmits copy of Journal de St. Petersburg, containing copy of ukase of Dec. 14, 1838, raising duties on foreign tobacco. (ib., 51.) RUSSIAN Ministre des Affaires Étrangères (Nesselrode) 1837 Aug. 15/27. Recapitulates substance of treaty of 1824; Loriot incident. (25. 3. S. doc. 1, 53.) — Dec. 16/28. Urges resumption of negotiation for re- newal of art. 4, treaty of 1824. (ib., 56.) 1838 Mch. 5/17. Protests agst. injustice of refusal to ad- mit Loriot claim. (ib., 60.) — Mch. 14/26. Regret at non-renewal of art. 4, treaty of 1824; information solicited with regard to Rus- sian regulations admitting Amer. Vessels into har- bors of Russian possessions on n. W. Coast. (ib., 71.) Vice-President of U. S. A. 1848 JIy. 17. To A. Wattémare. Thanks of U. S. Senate for efforts in establishing system of int. exchg. (30. 1. H. misc. doc. 99, 5.) E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. Correspondence (Diplomatic) AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) 1856 Dec. 19. [no. 34, extr.] Substance of conference with Lord Clarendon; restoration of Resolute. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 43, 1; S. ex. doc. 24, 1.) 1857 Jan. 23. [no. 39.] Receipt of sword from Foreign Office for Comdr. Hartstene, in recognition of act of bringing over Resolute. (34. 3. S. misc. doc. 51, 2.) — Jan. 23. Ino. 40.] Receipt of two swords, from H. B. M. Secy. State for Foreign Affairs, for lieut. Trenchard and master Morrison, U. S. str. Viacen, in acknowledgment of rescue of Br. bark Adieu. (ib., 3.) — Jan. 30. [no. 41, extr.] Encloses check for £60, 18s, for petty officers and crew of Viacen, amt. raised by Glasgow insurers of Adieu.. (ib., 4.) — Feb. 17. Ino. 43, extr.] Receipt of despatches and circ. of Jan. 31, on emigration. (35. 1. S., ex. doc. 26, 10.) (CaSS) Mch. 26. [no. 48, extr.] Interviews with Lord Clar- :* jew emigrant abuses. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. — Oct. 9... [no. 75.1 Censure of capt. Moresby, Sappho, charged with seizure of Panchita; orders given by admiralty to prevent repetition of similar act. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 61, 13.) 474 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 1)ALLAS (GEORGE MIFFLIN), OF PENN., 1792-1864—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gºr. Br.—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Cass)—cont’d 1858 May 11. [no. 102.] Recognition by Br. govt. of Machado claim. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 83.) — Je. 1. [no. 104.] Interview with Lord Malmesbury regarding Systematized assaults by Br. cruisers upon Amer. Commerce off Cuba, in Mexican Gulf, and off W. Coast of Africa; alleged excuse for these is fraud- ulent use of U. S. flag by foreign vessels for prose- cution of slavetrade. (ib., 85.) — Je. 4. [no. 106.] Unsatisfactory nature of Br. re- plies to Strmt. Of Outrages on Amer. vessels; radical sentiment in favor of abandoning exercise of right of Search in furtherance of slavetrade suppression; will communicate fresh cases to Lord Malmesbury. (ib., 91.) — Je. 8. [no. 108.] Attacks upon Amer. vessels; sub- stance of conversation with Lord Malmesbury rela- tive to right of Search. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 34.) — Je. 18. [no. 111..] Strmt. Of Amer. cons. at Havana as to authenticity of Amer. papers of Cortez, should take form of affidavit, (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 203.) Je. 18. [no. 111, extr.] Transmits notes recd. from Earl of Malmesbury, resp. schr. Cortez, seized by Br. gunboat Forward ; contempt shown by comdr. Vesey for Amer. rights. (ib., 97.) — Je. 26. [no. 113.] Br. govt. urges adoption by U. S. of suggestions of Mr. Blythe, Amer. Cons. at Havana, regarding Cuban slavetrade; doubts whether these new cons, powers can be granted without legisla- tion. (ib., 107.) — Jly. 9.. [no. 115, extr.] Transmits letter from Lord Malmesbury, announcing decree of Vice-admiralty ct. of Jamaica, condemning Schr. Cortez as lawful prize to H. B. M. gunboat Forward, for being en- gaged in slavetrade. (ib., 112.) — J1y. 13. Lord Malmesbury resp. Br. meddling with Amer. commerce; right to reparation retained. (ib., 131.) Jly. 30. [no. 118.] Will forward blue book contain- ing corresp. relating to right of visit and search as Soon as issued. (ib., 169.) — Aug. 27. [no. 121, extr.] Claim of Owners of Caro- line for redress for Outrages incident to seizure and detention by H. B. M. S. Allecto, presented before Br. govt. (ib., 192.) — Sept. 16. Ino. 123.] Br. espionage over Amer. ship- ping at Havana brought to attention of govt. ; re- Sents reply Of Lord Malmesbury to his note present- ing claim for redress in case of Caroline. (ib., 235.) — Oct. 8. [no. 128, extr.] Encloses copy of note from Lord Malmesbury, commenting on lack of accts. Vouchers, and items in case of Mary Warney claim. (ib., 262.) — Oct. 12. Ino. 132.] Evidence submitted in Mary Warney claim not sufficiently specific as to nature and amt. of damage. (ib., 264.) — Oct. 28. [no. 135.] Has apprised Br. govt. that further prosecution of Cortez claim was deemed un- necessary. (ib., 275.) — Oct. 29. [no. 134.] Additional papers in Support of Caroline claim sent to Lord Malmesbury; desires original letter to capt. Gibbs, by Comdr. Hunt (Alecto). (ib., 277.) - Nov. 4. [unnum. extr.] Has apprised Lord Malmes- bury of intention to cease prosecution of Corté2 claim. (ib., 279.) [no. 116.] Transmits communication to DALLAS (GEORGE MIFFLIN), OF PENN., 1792-1864—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Bºr.—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Cass)—cont’d 1858 Nov. 26. [no. 138, extr.] Substance of conference with Lord Malmesbury relative to termination of Mosquito protectorate by Ouseley treaty; opposition to Gen. Walker; to Belly project; Mr. Belly patron- ized by neither France nor England; rumor that Anglo-French fleet had orders to proc. to Gulf of Mexico declared unfounded. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 2.) — Dec. 16. [no. 145, extr.] Transmits Br. corresp. relative to abuse of Amer. flag in African slavetrade. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, pt. 1, 52.) — Dec. 24. Ino. 146, extr.] Receipt of despatches touching on use of Amer. flag by slavers. (ib., 56.) 1859 Feb. 4. [no. 151, extr.] Transmits copy of note to Lord Malmesbury resp. capture of Lydia Gibbs, cap- tured off coast of Africa by H. B. M. cruiser Trident. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 302.) - — Mch. 3. [no. 162.] Has protested to Br. govt. agst. detention and Visit of Amer. brig Anglo-Saacom by H. B. M. Str. Archer (ib., 304.) — Mch. 18. Ino. 168.] Has recd. voluminous corresp. repelling Caroline claim as unfounded. (ib., 315.) — Mch. 18. [no. 168, extr.] Encloses copy of Br. and French naval instructions to officers employed in suppressing slavetrade. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, 77.) – Mch. 25. [no. 169.] Transmits copy of note from Lord Malmesbury, repelling Caroline claim as un- founded; evidence in rebuttal desired of Messrs. Ellis and Cobb. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 315.) — Apr. 22. [no. 176.] Transmits corresp. relating to capture and burning of Rufus Soulé. (ib., 327.) — May 6.. [no. 183.] Lord Malmesbury has disposed of testimony in cases of Kate Ellen and Isabella, as Valueless; has reiterated desire of Br. govt. to Stop interference with bona fide Amer. vessels. (ib., 329.) — May 6. [no. 184.] Grounds alleged by Lord Malmes- bury for capture of Lydia Gibbs. (ib., 332.) — Sept. 1. [no. 206, extr.] Encloses copy of note to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office, relating to Orion. (ib., 359.) – Sept. 14. [no. 209.] Transmits copy of note in reply to Complaint of conduct of lieut. Burton in boarding and detaining Orion. (ib., 371.) — Oct. 31. [no. 217, extr.] Inducement to urge Orion Case further, removed by enclosed despatch. (ib., 377.) – Dec. 19. [no. 231, extr.] Transmits note from Lord Russell, relating to capture and burning of Rufus Soulé. (ib., 381.) 1860 Mch. 1. [no. 244.] Abuse of arrangement resp. U. S. merchantmen 'showing their flags on meeting armed vessels. (ib., 393.) — Mch. 15. [no. 246.] Requests views of Dept. on answer of Lord Russell to note remonstrating agst. firing into Amazon by H. B. M. S. Virago. (ib., 398.) — May 22. [no. 264.] Jehossee detained under belief that she was at time within Br. jurisdiction. (ib., 430.) — Je. 14. [no. 268, extr.] Official communication not yet recd., relative to transportation of Br. witnesses to Boston from crew of H. B. M. S. Pluto. (ib., 436.) — Je. 18. [no. 270, extr.] Transmits note of Lord Russell announcing compliance with request of U. S. distr. atty. for Mass. for witnesses from H. B. M. S. Pluto in Orion case. (ib., 438.) — Jly. 27. [no. 279.] Transmits copy of note from Lord Russell, resp. Rufus Soulé. (ib., 444.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 475 DALLAS (GEORGE MIFFLIN), OF PENN., 1792-1864—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.-cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Cass)—cont’d 1860 Jly. 27. [no. 280.] Advice of manner of carrying out instructions in despatch no. 264. (37. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 18.) — Sept. 13. [no. 286.] Has recd. assurance of reply to request for information regarding disposition made by Br. govt. of negroes taken from slavers, and of crews of same. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 457.) (Black) 1861 Jan. 16. [no. 312.] Secy. State, U. S. A. (Black). Case of J. Anderson invokes attempt to defeat op- eration of art. 10, Ashburton treaty; comment; copies of docS. and papers in case. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 11, 4.) BRITISH Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) 1856 May 1. Pending instructions from home govt., with- holds observation on corresp. relating to Br. enlist- ments in U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 80, 2; H. ex: doc. 107, 2.) — Oct. 13. Reasons for proposed modification of boundary in Mosquito reservation. (p. 5, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V. 68.) — Dec. 13. Tenders restoration of Br. barque Res- olute. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 43, 2; S. ex. doc. 24, 2.) 1857 Jan. 21. Sword for capt. Hartstene to be trans- mitted to Secy. Navy, and permission to bestow it Sought. (34. 3. S. misc. doc. 51, 3.) Jan. 24. Receipt of swords offered lieut. Trenchard and Mr. Morrison, of Viacen. (ib., 5.) — Jan. 27. Receipt of check for sum contributed by Glasgow underwriters on Adieu for petty officers and crew of Viacen. (ib., 6.) — Feb. 21. Asks from Br. govt. adoption of such measures as may be considered necessary to shield emigrants from Gr. Br. to U. S. from impositions to which they are now exposed. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 16.) - — Feb. 24. Submits draft of a conv. declaratory of certain principles of maritime law, to the adoption of which he has been specially instructed to invite H. B. M. govt. (Iv, Br. and For. St. P., 599.) — Apr. 7. Proposed Amer. alterations in Clarendon- Dallas treaty. (p. 30, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Apr. 25. Has been instructed to suspend negotia- tions on subject of his letter of Feb. 24. (iv., Br. and For. St. P., 602.) — Sept. 16. Seizure of Amer. barque Panchita by H. B. M. sloop Sappho. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 61, 9.) (Malmesbury) 1858 May 10. Appreciation of recognition by Br. govt. of Machado claims. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 85.) — Je. 3. U. S. A. not satisfied with Br. reply to com- plaints of detention of Amer. vessels; palliative measures promised by Gr. Br. will not suffice to prevent recurrence of Outrages; discontinuance de- manded. (ib., 93.) — Jly. 7. Enumeration of features of each case of recent Br. interference with Amer. commerce; right to reparation retained. (ib., 132.) DALLAS (GEORGE MIFFLIN), OF PENN., 1792-1864—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.-cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office—cont’d (Malmesbury)—cont’d 1858 Aug. 24. Presents, together with features of case, claim of owners of Caroline for detention by H. B. M. S. Allecto. (ib., 193.) — Sept. 11. Alleged “offensive ’’ expressions in com- munication presenting claim of owners of Caroline vindicated. (ib., 240.) – Oct. 9. Copies of docs. bearing upon Mary Varney claim. (ib., 264.) — Oct. 20. Additional evidence in Caroline claim. (ib., 277.) . — Oct. 25. In view of conviction that Cortez was not entitled to papers or colors she sailed under, further prosecution of claim deemed unnecessary. (ib., 276.) — Dec. 19. Has apprised U. S. govt. of insufficiency of U. S. force for suppression of slavetrade. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, 56.) 1859 Jan. 18. Calls attention to alleged practice on part of Br. naval Officers on African station, regarding Suspected Amer. Slavers. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 330.) – Jan. 31. Facts regarding capture of Lydia Gibbs by H. B. M. cruiser Trident. (ib., 303.) — Feb. 20. Transmits papers recounting visit and examination of Amer. brig Anglo-Saacon by H. B. M. S. Archer, on homeward Voyage from Coast of Africa. (ib., 305.) — Apr. 12. Copy of rpt. from Navy Dept. of capture and burning of Rufus Soulé; investigation urged. (ib., 327.) - (Russell) 1859 Aug. 29. Requests investigation of alleged miscon- duct of lieut. Burton toward Amer. bark Orion in Congo River. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 360.) 1860 Mch. 1. Uncalled-for aggreSSion of H. B. M. S. Virago (Dunn) in firing upon Amer. ship Amazon (Hovey), near Isle of Wight. (ib., 393.) — Apr. 30. Detention of Jehossee by H. B. M. S. Falcon violation of rights of friendly nation. (ib., 431.) — May 7. Presents to Br. govt. 4 vols. Of Amer. State Papers. (ib., 431.) — Je. 5. Requests to be informed whether witnesses from H. B. M. S. Pluto can be had by U. S. distr. Ct. at Boston, in trial of master and mates Of Orion. (ib., 437.) – Jly. 16. Expresses thanks of U. S. govt. for assist- ance rendered by H. B. M. S. Odin in suppressing mutiny On board Amer. merchantman Staghouºd. (37. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 19.) — Aug. 27. Requests information regarding disposi- tion made of negroes taken from captured slavers, and of crews of same. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 457.) Corr. (Executive) 1856 Oct. 17. Signs treaty with Gr. Br. resp. Central Amer.; see Central Amer. — Aug. 27. Memorandum signed by Clarendon and Dallas; agreement for conclusion of treaty for set- tlement of Central Amer. questions. (p. 1, Corresp. re Central Amer.; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, W. 68.) DALLAS (PHILIP N.), OF PENN. Secy. Amer. legation in London, 1856-61 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. DALLING (BENJAMIN); see DARLING (BENJAMIN) 476 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DALMATIE (N. J. de D. SOULT), DUC DE, MARéCHAL DE FRANCE Min. of War, Nov. 2, 1830-Mch. 13, 1831, under Lafitte ministry; do. Mich. is, 1831.6ct. ii., is 33, under Périer ministry ; president, of the conseil, 1st term, Oct. 11, 1832-Jly. 18, 1834; do. 2d term, Mch. 12, 1839-Mch. 1, 1840; see France. Civil service. 1839 Sept. 26. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Cass). System in force in France concerning consumption of tobacco. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 20.) — Nov. 18. To same. Receipt of letter of 28 ult. (ib., 39.) DALRYMPLE (C. J.), H. B. M. COMR. AT HAVANA UNDER MIXED COMMISSION FOR SUPPRESSION OF SLAVE- TRADE; see SLAVETRADE. CUBAN WATERS DALTON (WILLIAM), OF ME.; DEPONENT IN N. E. BOUNDARY CONTROVERSY; see N. E. BOUNDARY CON- TROVERSY. 1827 NEGOTIATION DALTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) — Sept. 26. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 94.) DALWICHT (J. V.), MIN. OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, GRAND DUCHY OF DARMSTADT 1857 May 4. To Amer. Cons., Frankfort-on-the-Main (Ricker). Sale of tickets for inland journeys in |U. S. A. prohibited by grand ducal govt. of Darm- stadt. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 20.) DAMAS, BARON DE Ministre des affaires étrangères of France during Villèle ministry, 1824-28 ; see France. Civil service. DAMMERT (J. L.) 1832 Dec. 25. To Syndic of Hamburg (Siveking). Stnt. relating to character of passengers sent to U. S. A. in brig Dorothea. (28. 2. S. doc. 42, 3.) DANA (EDMUND TROWBRIDGE), OF BOSTON, ET AL. In Nov., 1852, three Amer. citizens, Dana, Dingle and Ramsay, complained to the U. S. chargé in Prussia (Fay) of outrageous treatment at the hands of the police Of Heidelberg. Intervention of the E. E. and M. P. from Baden to Prussia (Meysenberg) was sought. On investigation the facts were found to be at variance with the allegations of the injured parties. 1852 Nov. 15. Dana to Amer. chargé in Prussia (Fay). Outraged at treatment recd. by police of Heidelberg. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 60, 23.) Nov. 18. Ramsay to Fay. Submits stnt. protesting agSt. treatment recol. from police. (ib., 23.) — Nov. 20. Fay to E. E. and M. P. of Baden in Prus- sia (Meysenberg). Soliciting intervention in pre: senting to knowledge of prince regent of Baden, case of three Amer. gentlemen, Dana, Dingle, and Ramsay, at Heidelberg, resp. injuries recd. from several employees of police. (ib., 20.) 1853 Feb. 4. Meysenberg to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Barnard). Result of inquiries instituted by Order of min. of interior, is at variance with alle- gations relative to treatment recd. by three Amer. citizens at Heidelberg. (ib., 27.) — Mch. 14. Barnard to Meysenberg. Injustice of de- cision in case of arrest of three Amer. citizens at Heidelberg by govt. of Baden. (ib., 29.) — Mch. 15. Barnard to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Transmits copy of letter from baron Meysenberg, in answer to complaint for maltreatment of three Amer. citizens at Heidelberg, and reply. (ib., 27.) DANA (EDMUND TROWBRIDGE), OF BOSTON, ET AL- cont’d 1853 Mch. 18. Meysenberg to Barnard. Astonished at reply to letter of Feb. 4; steps to establish truth in matter concerning Messrs. Dana, Dingle, and Ram- Say, shall be taken at Heidelberg, under advice of lawyer. (ib., 38.) — Mch. 26. Barnard to Meysenberg. Reply to note of 18 inst. (ib., 37.) — Nov. Ramsay, Dana, and Dingle. Stnt, relative to their arrest. (ib., 24.) DANA (JOHN W.), OF ME. Jt. comr. of Me. under art. 4, Ashburton treaty ; see N. E. Boundary Controversy. Commissioned Amer. chargé in Bolivia, 1853; min. res. do., 1854-59. Nomination as Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Bolivia, 1856, withdrawn ; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Min. ReS. in Bolivia 1858 May 13. Signs treaty of peace, etc., betw. Bolivia and U. S. A.; see Bolivia. Treaties. DANA, RICHARD P. 1855 Jan. 30. To Heard and co. Opinion in regard to refusal of Amer. cons. to receive certain duty re- ceipts. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 724.) Feb. 16. To actg. Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Refusal of Amer. ConS. at Shanghai to comply with instructions to pay back to merchants money which he had recd. on acct. of duties at Shanghai. (ib., 576.) 1856 Jan. 30. To same. Appeal from decision of Amer. cons., Canton, in case of Leang King Kwa, and others, vs. W. C. Hunter and S. Drinker. (ib., 709.) DANA AND Co. MERCHANTS, OF BOSTON, ENGAGED IN LOBOS IS. GUANO TRADE; see GUANO. PERUWIAN TERR. BENSON CLAIM DANBURY (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) DANCY (JOHN S.), OF N. C. Amer. cons. for Dundee in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British dominions. DANDSON (SIMON), AMER. CITIZEN 1859 Dec. 17. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright). Case of Dandson, now serving in Pruss. army, to be investigated. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 149.) 1860 Jan. 17. Wright to minist. d. auswärtigen angele- genh., Prussia (Schleinitz). Requests immediate in- vestigation of case of Darnston (or Dandson), al- leged to be serving in Pruss. army. (ib., 150.) — Mch. 3. Schleinitz to Wright. Stnt. of facts in case of Davidson; long since discharged from Pruss. army. (ib., 151.) — Mch. 7. Wright to Cass. Dandson (Davidson) long since discharged from military service in Prussia. (ib., 150.) DANE CO. (WISC.) CITIZENS 1850 Mch. 19. To U. S. Senate. In favor of arbitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 222.) Pº IS. DESECRATIONS; see CHINA. ANGLO-FRENCH WAR INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 47? DANIEL (JOHN M.), OF WA. Amer. chargé in Sardinia, 1853-54; min. res. do. 1854- Nomination as E. E. and M. P. do. in 1856, Withdrawn; see also, U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Chargé d'Affaires 1853 Oct. 10. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Dipl. full dress at ct. of Sardinia. (36.1. S. ex. doc. 31, 7.) DANIEL (JOHN REEVES JONES), REPR. FROM N. C. 1845 Jan. Speech; favoring annexation of Texas to U. S. A. (xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 288.) — Jan. 24. Remarks; arguing Constitutionality of ad- mission of Texas into Union by proposed methods. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 189.) 1846 Apr. 10. Do.; favoring adoption of res. calling upon Secy. State for stnt. of payments since Mch. 4, 1841, for contingent expenses of foreign intercourse. (Cong. Globe, 24. 1., 650.) - Apr. 13. Do.; favoring occupation of Oregon by U. S. A. to 54° 40'. (ib., 665.) - Apr. 14. Do.; correcting rpts. of his position on Oregon question. (ib., 668.) 1850 Sept. 3. Speech; Texas boundary bill, S. 307; title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande. (ib., 31. 1., app., 1315.) DANIEL (PETER W.), OF WA. Amer, jt. comr. to examine claims under Neapolitan in- demnity of 1832; see Two Sicilies. Claims. DANIEL, AMER. FISHING SCHR. Boarded by H. B. M., brig Ringdove (Tarlton) in Bay of Fundy in 1839. 1839 JIy. 20. S. Thayer to 2d Comptr. Treasury, U. S. A. (Parris). Seizure of Daniel by Br. authorities for yºuon of treaty of 1818. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, DANIELS (JOHN), MASTER AMER. WESSEL IRRESIST- IBLE; see IRRESISTIBLE DANIES (NICHOLAS), OF RIO HACHA Amer. Cons. for Rio Hacha in 1859; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Colombia. DANISH INDEMNITY, CONV. OF 1830; see DENMARK. CLAIMS DANOUILLE (ALEXANDER), OF STA. MARTA Amer, cons. for Sta. Marta, 1832-39; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Colombia. DANUBE (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 228.) DANUBE, AMER. BRIG 1829 Dec. 9. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Viesca). Outrage on Danube in port of Mazatlan. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 306.) DANVERS (MASS.) CITIZENS 1887 Dec. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 120.) 1838 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) —º 12. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., — Dec. 18. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 104.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 227.) – Jan. 21. To same. Same. (ib., 349.) – Feb. 18. To same. Same. (ib., 608.) DANVERS (MASS.) CITIZENS-cont’d 1840 Mch. 30. To same. In favor of arbitration. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) & — Mch. 30. To same. Praying recognition of Haiti. (ib., 719.) 1842 Feb. 7. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 325.) 1845 Dec. 27. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 163.) 1848 Jan. 17. To Same. Praying measures to Secure peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 262.) DANVILLE (KY.) CITIZENS 1836 Je. 29. Memorial in favor of general objects of Amer. Colonization Socy. (24. 1. S. jol., 496.) DANVILLE (WT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 67.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 472.) — Feb. 4. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) DARBY (JOSEPH), COMDR. H. B. M. SCHR. VICTORY; see VICTORY DARDANELLES (THE) 1830 May 7. Treaty of commerce, etc., betw. U. S. and Ottoman Porte. Art. 7; passage of the Dardanelles. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Turkish Dominions. DARDANO (CARLOS) 1849 Nov. 2. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Dardano apptd. Supt. of Tigre Is. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 12.) DARDEN (REDMOND J.) 1857 Jan. 15. Affidavit as to aid rendered by col. J. H. Wheeler to distressed Americans at attack on city of Granada, 1856. (35. 1. H. rpt. 206, 9.) DARGAN (EDWARD S.), REPR. FROM N. C. 1846 Feb. 5. Speech; H. res. 5, of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 315; d.o., app., 144.) 1847 Jan. 7. Remarks; on Mexican war, during debate on H. R. 576, to raise, for limited time an additional military force. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., 134.) DARIEN (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate. Petition in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. S. jol., 113.) DARIEN CANAL; see CENTRAL AMERICA DARKE CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1850 Jly. 19. U. S. House. Praying measures for removal of colored population of U. S. to Africa, and Sup- port there for one year. (31. 1. H. jol., 1147.) DARLING [DALLING] (BENJAMIN), MASTER BR. SLOOP MARY; see MARY DARLING (TIMOTHY), OF ME. Amer, cons. for Nassau, N. P., 1842-45 ; 1851-53; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. DARLINGTON DISTR. (S. C.) CITIZENS 1844 Apr. 17. Res. in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. doc. 261.) — May 20. To U. S. Senate. Same. 2.89.) — May 20. To U. S. House. Same. 945.) (28. 1. S. jol., (28. 1. H. jol., 478 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DARMON (DAVID) Amer, cons. for Jerusalem and Jaffa in 1833; see U. S. A. Consular service. DARMSTADT (CITY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Germany DARMSTADT (GRAND DUCHY) Civil Service Minister d. Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten (Secy. State) 1857; see Dalwicht (J. C.). DARNSTON (S.); see DANDSON (S.) DARRAGH (CORNELIUS), REPR. FROM PENN. 1844 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Remarks; introducing res. calling for docS. in matter of payment of instal- ments of Mexican indemnity. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 77.) 1845 Dec. 17. Do.; opposing revision of naturalization laws. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 69.) 1846 Jan. 3. Do.; opposing surrender of any part of Oregon. (ib., 131.) — Feb. 9. Speech, favoring notice to Gr. Br. of end of jt. occupancy of Oregon. (ib., 345; app., 168.) — May 12. Remarks; favoring prosecution of war agst. Mexico. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 809.) Je. 20. Speech; on H. R. 384, reducing duty on imports, etc., and on Oregon question. (ib., app., 721.) — Dec. 10. Do.; on President’s annual message and Mexican war. (ib., 29. 2., 20, 21.) 1847 Feb. 22. Remarks; on H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse, on Wilmot proviso, etc., during debate on army apprin. bill, H. R. 597. (ib., 477.) DARTMOUTH, EARL OF, BR. SUBJECT; CLAIM VS. U. S. A. For lands granted him in East Florida. 1854 Jan. 10. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 72.) DARTMOUTH<(MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1842 Feb. 7. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 325.) 1844 Apr. 24. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 849.) DARTMOUTH COLLEGE STUDENTS 1837 Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Memorial agst. annexa- tion of Texas to U. S. (25. 1. S. jol., 64.) DASH, AMER. SCHR. (WILLS) 1810 Sept. 10. U. S. collector of customs, Norfolk (Smith) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Smith). Strmt. Of claim upon Haiti for seizure. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 17.) DASHIELD ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. INDEPEND- ENCE; see INDEPENDENCE DASHIELL (HENRY), CLAIMANT 1846 Dec. 19. Mary, widow of Henry Dashiell, to U. S. House. Praying indemnity for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 75.) — Dec. 21. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 58.) g — Dec. 22. Same to same. Same. (ib., 62.) 1849 Dec. 31. Same to U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 196.) 1850 Jan. 14. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 71.) | DAULBY (RICHARD), MASTER AMER. BRIG FIDELIA 1859 Je. 21. Deposition relative to discovery of Key Verd and subsequent removal of guano from is. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 6.) DAUPHIN (JOHN), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1832 Jan. 5. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (22. 1. H. R. 211) “for relief of Jane, admx. of John Dauphin ‘’; appra. Mch. 2, 1833. (22. 1. H. jol., 154; 22. 2. H. jol., 71, 491; Vi, St. L., 551.) Correspondence, etc. 1830 Jan. 18. U. S. House. Docs. relating to claim of widow and children of J. Dauphin arising from Cap- ture of schr. Mary, presented (Cambreleng, N. Y.) ; referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (21. 1. H. jol., 171.) — Feb. 25. U. S. House. Res. (Cambreleng) that Com. on Foreign Affairs be instructed to inquire into expediency of authorizing adjustment of claim. (ib., 340.) — Mch. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 211 petition of heirs of J. Dau- º praying adjustment of claim. (21. 1. H. rpt. 301. 1832 Jan. 5. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. in favor of claim of Jane Dauphin, admix, of John Dauphin. (22. 1. H. rpt. 140.) DAUPHIN CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1836 Feb. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial praying apprin. for colonization in Africa of free and manumitted negroes. (24. 1. H. jol., 414, 503.) 1837 Sept. 22. To same. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 83.) 1838 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 583.) 1844 May 30. To same. In favor of Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 986.) DAVEIS (CHARLES STUART), OF ME. In 1827 Daveis was apptd. agt. of Me. to obtain in- formation resp. rights of property betw. Me. and New Brunswick. In 1838 he was apptd. specl. messenger from Me. to Washington to look after state's interest in pending boundary dispute. º Agent of Me. to New Brunswick 1827 Nov. 5. Secy. State, Me. (Nichols) to DaVeis. Notice of apptmt. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 94.) 1828 Jan. 31. To Gov. of Me. (Lincoln). Rpt., aggres- sions upon rights of Me., and of individual citizens thereof, by inhabitants of New Brunswick. (ib., 104.) — Oct. 13. To same. Application for relief of family of J. Baker. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 87.) Special Messenger of Me. in Washington 1838 Aug. 1. To Gov. of Me. (Kent). Rpt.; performance of his duties as specl. messenger of Me. to further settlement of n. e. b. negotiations. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 48.) DAVENANT (DALMAS) Amer. cons. for Is. of Stancho, 1835-[37] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Turkish dominions. DAVENPORT (ANTHONY), EXCRS. OF 1850 Jan. 17. To U. S. House. Praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 337.) DAVENPORT (EDWARD J.), PETITIONER; see MISSOURI CITIZENS - INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 479 DAVENPORT (HENRY), H. B. M. COLLECTOR CUSTOMS, SIDNEY, CAPE BRETON 1844 Dec. 23. To comdr. Sylph (Dodd). Capture of U. S. Schr. Argus. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 99.) DAVENPORT (SOPHIA), CLAIMANT; WARD), HEIR OF DAVEZAC (AUGUSTE), OF LOUISIANA Secy. of Arner. legation in Netherlands, Aug. 11, 1829; acted as chargé ad int. from May 2 to about Dec. 30, 1831, when he presented credentials as chargé, for which he was commissioned Oct. 15, 1831; left Jly. 15, 1839; see also, U. S. A. Diplomatic service. see JONES (ED- Correspondence 1836 Aug. 19. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Case of brig Mary. (25. 2. S. doc. 13, 9.) — Sept. 9. [unnum.] To same. Same. (ib., 10.) Sept. 23. [unnum.] To same. Same. (ib., 10.) 1837 May-Sept. [unnum. extr.] To same. Same. (ib., 11.) Jly. 25. [unnum. extr.] To same. Modification of duties. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 153.) — Dec. 15. [extr.] To same. Minister of Foreign Af- fairs has promised to lay subject of high duties on Md. tobacco in Netherlands before Minister of Fi- nance; quantity and quality of tobacco grown in Netherlands. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 46.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1840 Je. 5. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Buchanan, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (26. 1. S. 366) “for relief of Auguste Davezac” [and others]. (26. 1. S. jol., 411; 456.) CORRESPONDENCE 1839 Feb. 25. U. S. House: Item for outfit and Salary to a chargé to Holland proposed for general apprm. bill; inquiry made whether present minister, Mr. Davizac, was recalled and whether rumors of his being a defaulter were well founded; motion to strike out item. (vii, Cong. Globe, 219.) — Feb. 25. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Remarks; concerning Davezac, chargé to Holland. (ib., 219.) 1840 Feb. 6. Davezac to U. S. House. Memorial, praying to be allowed difference betw. Salary of Secy. Of le- gation and chargé, from Jan. 14, 1831, to Oct. 14. (26. 1. H. jol., 351.) — May 18. Davezac to U. S. Senate. Praying compen- sation for duties performed as chargé of U. S., in Netherlands. (26. 1. S. jol., 374.) DAVID (EDOUARD), CARPENTIER AND OTHERS 1856 Nov. 29. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; to justify commencement of process in extradition of One David, it must appear that criminal acts charged were committed within territorial jurisdiction of France. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 215.) 1857 Jan. 10. Same. Do.; question of issue of mandate for institution of proc. in extradition, on demand of French govt., in case of Sundry persons, and among others, Edouard David. (ib., 306.) — Jan. 10. Same. Do.; recommending authority be given to France to institute process of extradition for crime of forgery, as agst. persons accused of de- frauding No. R.R. Co. (ib., 307.) — Feb. 27. Same. Do.; clerical error in warrant for institution of proc. in extradition agst. Carpentier and others, fugitives in N. Y. from penal justice of France, is of no acct., such a doc. not being a judi- cial paper in any sense. (ib., 420.) DAVID C. FOSTER, AMER. SCHR. (CANFIELD) Detained off w. coast of Africa May 2, 1850, by H. B. M. brig Wolverine. 1850 May 13. Canfield to comdr. U. S. S. Bainbridge (Slaughter). Acct. of boarding by H. B. M. brig Wolverine. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 66, 45.) — May 28. Slaughter to comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Gregory). Boarding of David O. Foster. (ib., 44.) DAVIDGE (WILLIAM H.), PRES. PACIFIC MAIL STEAM- SHIP CO. 1858 Nov. 16. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Claims compensation for transportation of 74 destitute Americans from Victoria, B. C., to San Francisco. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 12, 2.) — Nov. 29. To same. Transmits acct, for transpor- tation of destitute Americans from Victoria to San * early settlement by Congress hoped. 10., 2. DAVIDSON (HUNTER), OF WA. Lieut. U. S. N., on duty U. S. sloop Dale, African sqdn. 1857 Oct. 12. To comdr. Dale (McBlair). Seizure of brigantine Bremen by H. B. M. str. Vesuvius. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 8, 73; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 531.) DAVIDSON (ROBERT B.), OF TENN. Amer. Cons. for Rio Grande in 1850; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. Brazil. DAVIDSON (T.), OF MASS. Amer. com/. agt. for Nuevitas, [1829-31] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. DAVIDSON CO. (TENN.) CITIZENS 1836 Je. 27. To U. S. House. Proc. of mtg. of citizens in favor of immediate recognition of independence of Texas. (24. 1. H. jol., 1100.) DAVIES (HENRY), COMDR. H. B. M. STR. FORWARD; see FORWARD DAVIESS CO. (KY.) CITIZENS 1840 Dec. 21. To U. S. House. Two memorials of tobacco planters, praying reduction of duties on tobacco. (26. 2. H. jol., 86.) - DAVIS (ALONZO B.), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1831-54. Lieut., 1841-54. Sea service in com- mand (1831-54) : comdg. brig Porpoise (10) in the Behring Sea Expedition, 1853-54. Died at Wil- mington, Md., Sept. 19, 1854. Arrested in Oct. 1846, at Rio Janeiro by Brazilian au- thorities; ordered released on Nov. 2, on protest of E. E. and M. P. U. S., in Brazil (Wise). Release of seamen wrongfully imprisoned with him was re- fused and after a vigorous corresp., an “amende honorable" was made by Brazil. During adjust- ment of Davis affair dipl. relations were suspended. 1846 Oct. 31. Davis to comdr. U. S. S. Saratoga (Shu- brick). Rpt. of seizure and imprisonment. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 10.) - Nov. 1. Chaplain U. S. S. Columbia (Lambert) and lieut. Comdg. marines U. S. N. (Stark) to comdr. Brazil Sqdn., U. S. N. (Rousseau). Outrage on lieut. Davis at Rio Janeiro. (ib., 11.) — Nov. 1. Depositions (Macoduck, Lennan, Halliday and Watlington) relative to outrage upon Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., 11.) — Nov. 2. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to ministr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Cayru). Protest º women imprisonment of Lieut. A. B. Davis. ib., 7. Nov. 2. Cayru to Wise. Lieut. A. B. Davis ordered released. (ib., 17.) Nov. 2. Wise to Cayru, Declines to accept release of Lieut. Davis on conditions made. (ib., 17.) 480 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DAVIS (ALONZO B.), OF PENN.—cont’d 1846 Nov. 2. Wise to Rousseau. Outrage upon Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., 16.) — Nov. 2. Wise to Rousseau. Relative to his declina- tion to accept release of Lieut. Davis. (ib., 18.) — Nov. 3. Cayru to Wise. Declines to release seamen Wrongfully imprisoned with Lieut. Davis. (ib., 20.) — Nov. 4. Wise to Cayru. Demands release of seamen Wrongfully imprisoned with Lieut. Davis. (ib., 18.) — Nov. 4. Wise to Cayru. Reviews occasion which Was Cause of imprisonment of Lieut. Davis and sea- men of Saratoga. (ib., 21.) — NOV. 5. Wise to Rousseau. Protest agst, Brazilian attitude in case of Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., 27.) NOV. 5. Lambert, Stark and Davis. Depositions gºve to imprisonment of Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., — NOV. 9. Cayru to Wise. Justifying acts of Brazilian Officials in causing imprisonment of Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., 33.) — NOV. 10. Wise to Cayru. Maintains imprisonment of Lieut. A. B. Davis was unjustifiable. (ib., 36.) Nov. 12. Cayru to Wise. In further justification of imprisonment of Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., 41.) — Nov. 16. Wise to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Rpt. of Wrongful imprisonment of Lieut. A. B. Davis. (ib., 2.) 1847 Jan. 21. Brazilian Minister at Washington (Lis- boa) to Buchanan. “Amende honorable" in case of Davis affair. (ib., 134.) — Feb. 2. Buchanan to Lisboa. “Amende honorable" in Case of Davis affair is satisfactory. (ib., 135.) Feb. 2. Buchanan to Wise. Settlement of Davis af. fair; approval of conduct. (ib., 133.) — Feb. 4. Brazilian Secy. State (Cayru). Collection Of paperS resp. prosecution of Davis; evidence of Brazilians, etc. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 11.) — Apr. 22. Wise to Buchanan. Adjustment of Davis affair. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 107.) May 4. Cayru to Wise. Adjustment of Davis affair Still pending; interruption of dipl. relations con- tinues. (ib., 109.) — May 7. Wise to Buchanan. Further action in Davis affair deferred pending arrival of Mr. Tod. (ib., 107.) — May 31. Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Sousa e Olieveira) to Brazilian chargé in U. S. (Leal). Instructions for presenting the Davis affair to Secy. State U. S. A. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 2.) Aug. 30. Buchanan to Leal. Inquiry into Davis affair pursuant to his delivered instructions. (ib., 28.) — Sept. 9. Leal to Buchanan. Trial of M. Driscoll, seaman of Saratoga; With copies of docs., evidence, etc. (ib., 41.) — Nov. 15. Buchanan to Leal. Trial of M. Driscoll, seaman of the Saratoga, with copies of the depo- sitions of A. B. Davis and H. A. Wise. (ib., 60.) DAVIS (CHARLES H.), OF MASS. TJ. S. N., 1823-77. Lieut., 1831 ; comdr., 1854; capt., 1861; comdre., 1862; rear-adm., 1863. Died Feb. 20, 1877. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1857- 59, comdg. U. S. sloop St. Marys, Pacific Sqdn. DAVIS (CHARLES W.), OF D. C. Amer. cons. for Guaymas, 1832-[37] ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Mexico. In iš61 apptd. Secy. to Amer. comr. on mixed commission to adjust claims vs. New Granada ; see Colombia. Claims. DAVIS (DANIEL) 1852 Mch. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying tri- bunal to review decisions of late Mexican Claims commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 255.) DAVIS (ELIZABETH), WIDOW OF CHAS. B. DAVIS 1841 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Petition, praying re- muneration for property destroyed by Br. in city of Washington. (26. 2. H. jol., 130.) 1843 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (27.3. H. jol., 152.) 1851 Feb. 27. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 2. S. jol., 224.) DAVIS (GARRETT) Repr. from Ky., 26-29 cong., 1839–47; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 29 cong., 1845-47. 1845 Jan. 14. Remarks; maintaining that Texas could not be annexed to U. S. otherwise than by treaty- making power. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 137; app., 338.) – Jan. 31. Do.; favoring notice to Gr. Br. of end of jt. Occupancy of Oregon terr., but opposing Oregon bill. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 227.) 1846 Feb. 7. Speech; opposed to res. of notice and as- Sertion of claim to whole of Oregon; authority to give notice belongs to treaty-making power only; hist. and grounds of titles; position and conduct of President; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 335; app., 363.) – May 11. Remarks; relations with Mexico and on bill authorizing President to repel invasion. (xv, ib., 791.) May 14. Speech, charging President with acts of aggression and war directed agst. Mexico on his own responsibility; denouncing bill to prosecute existing War as designed to justify President’s action; claim to disputed terr. betw. rivers Nueces and Rio Grande, etc. (ib., 823; app., 916.) — May 15. Amdmt. to bill to Supply deficiencies of ap- prns., providing for settlement of claims of B. S. Green and W. B. Blackford, chargés to Mexico and Venezuela, respectively. (XV, Cong. Globe, 829.) — Je. 2. Speech; opposed to bill Suppl. to act provid- ing for prosecution of war with Mexico. (ib., 903.) Aug. 6. Remarks; on bill to carry into effect conv. of Mch. 17, 1841, and provide for adjudication of claims agst. Peru. (ib., 1204.) — Aug. 8. Do.; in favor of negotiating peace with Mexico on basis of adjustment of claims of U. S. citizens and settlement of boundary line, and Op- posed to appropriation for purchase of peace and cession of California. (ib., 1215.) — Aug. 8. Amdmt. to bill providing for apprin. to negotiate peace with Mexico. (ib., 1217.) — Dec. 22. Speech in Com. of the Whole, censuring conduct of President, etc. (ib., 29. 2., 65.) 1847 Feb. 3. Speech; on President’s management of Mexican war, including Davis's views in favor of purchasing California, etc. (ib., app., 307.) — Feb. 26. Do.; on conduct of President in regard to war with Mexico., etc.; during debate on S. 160, making provision for additional number of general officers. (ib., 29. 2., 518.) — Dec. 22. Do.; censuring conduct of President as regards Mexican war and examining StrmtS. in meS- sage of Dec. 8, relative to title to disputed terr. betw. rivers Nueces and Rio Grande; causes of War, etc. (ib., app., 104.) DAVIS (GEORGE T.), REPR. FROM MASS. 1852 Jan. 23. Speech; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 46; charges agst. Secy. State (Webster) in con- nection with mode of payment, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 373.) DAVIS (H.), AMER. CITIZEN 1844. Death of, while traveling in Austria. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 71, 62.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 481 DAVIS (H), U. S. CUSTOMs collector, FRENCH CREEK, N. Y. 1888 May 30. To G.C. Sherman. Destruction of Br. str. Sir Robert Peel, on night of May 29. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 3.) DAVIS (H. P.), AMER. CITIZEN 1855 Nov. 8. Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Wheeler) : i. º S. : (Marcy). Organization of onal govt.; murder of H. P. Davis; etc. e 1. S. ex. doc. 168, 37.) etc. (34 DAVIS (HENRY), CLAIMANT 1829 Dec. 23. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying in- demnity for Haytian spoliations. (21. 1. H. *85.) −. 31. º S. º on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Verse rpt. on petition of H. Davis; laid on table. (21. 1. H. jol., 117.) le 1830 Apr. 3. To Congress of U. S. Stnt. of claim upon Hºl for seizure of gunpowder. (27.3. H. doc. 36,) – JIy. 16. C. Cox. to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Bu- ren). Claim upon Haiti for seizure of Schr. Mary 4nn (Haynes). (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 20.) DAVIS (HENRY WINTER), REPR. FROM MD. 1856 Apr. 11. Remarks; favoring passage of bill for re- lief of J. S. Pendleton. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 890.) 1859 Jan. 31. Speech; supporting his res. for OCCupation of Cuba until settlement, by Spain, of debts and dif- ferences. (ib., 35. 2., 703.) * Mch. 2. Remarks; opposing project of naval ex- pedition to Paraguay, to settle differences with said country. (ib., 1605.) 1860 * 30. Do.i º: reference to Com. of Claims Of adverse rpt. from Court of Claims on * - ſº R. W. Meade. (ib., 1462.) petition of DAVIS (J. CULVER), OF TEXAS. Amer. cons. for Zacatecas in 1860; see U. S. Service. Mexico. e U. S. A. Consular DAVIS (JAMES) Amer. cons. for Santa Fe, Mexico. 1830 Sept. 20. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Brent) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Apptmt. of. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 65.) DAVIS (JAMES), MASTER AMER. BRIG RUFUs soul E; See RUFUS SOULE DAVIS (JAMES), OF ALA. Amer, cons. for Guazacualco in 1830; do. for Santa F 1830-34; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. €, DAVIS (JEFFERSON), OF MISS. Repr. from Miss. in 29 cong., 1845-47; sen. from Miss., 1847-51 ; Segy. Of War, U. S. A., 1853–57; sen. from Miss., 1857-61. Representative from Miss. Bills Introduced 1846 Jan. 16. Bill directing mode of settlement of accts. of Thomas Ap C. Jones. (29. 1. H. R. 122.) – Feb. 10. Bill directing mode of settling claims of Chas. G. Ridgely. (29. 1. H. R. 214.) Remarks by 1845 Dec. 18. Remarks; opposing reference of Mass. res. for revision of naturalization laws, to select com. (Cong. Globe, 29 cong., 1 sess., 81.) 1846 Feb. 4. Do.; favoring passage of bill to enable President to receive certain property, ceded by Texas. (ib., 309.) | DAVIS (JEFFERSON), OF MISS.—cont’d Representative from Miss.-cont’d Remarks by—cont’d 1846 Feb. 6. Speech; H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (ib., 318; app., 212.) – Apr. 17. Remarks; pointing out objections to bill to protect Amer. citizens in Oregon during period of jt. Occupation. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 687.) Reports 1846 Jan. 5. Minority rot. on abrogation of treaty of Oct., 1818, with Gr. Br., affecting Oregon Terr. (29. 1. H. rpt., 34.) – Jan. 8. Rpt., adverse to petition of Seth Sweetzer. (29. 1. H. rpt. 36.) — Jan. 16. Rpt. ; to acc. H. R. 122, directing mode of Settlement of accts. Of Thomas Ap C. Jones. (29. 1. H. rpt. 108.) Feb. 12. Rpt. adverse to petition of Alex. H. Everett. (29. 1. H. rpt. 256.) — Feb. 17. Rpt. adverse to res. relative to allowing outfit to comr. to Sandwich Is. (29. 1. H. rpt. 288.) Senator from Miss. (1st term) 1848 Feb. 3. Remarks; in reply to Bell, on Mexican war and S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., app., 195.) Mch. 17. Do.; reply to Calhoun on S. 26, termina- tion of Mexican war, boundary of Texas, levying of taxes in Mexico, etc. (ib., 30. 1., 497-99.) — Apr. 6. Do.; on S. res. 15 and 17, tendering Con- gratulations to people of France. (ib., app., 467.) — May 5. Do.; on S. 243, to enable President to take temporary military occupation of Yucatan, on Br. interference in Cuba, etc. (ib., 729-30; app., 599-601.) May 8. Do.; on S. 243. (ib., app., 607.) 1849 Jan. 10. Do.; on petition of D. P. Bedinger, of Jan. 9, asking annual apprin. for transportation of free persons of color to Liberia; etc. (ib., 30. 2., 209.) — Jan. 31. Do.; on S. 352, to make compensation for transportation of troops and supplies over isthmus of Panama; Tehuantepec route; etc. (ib., 412, 414; app., 312.) Feb. 27. Do.; unfavorable to Hale amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 692, providing increased compensation to ministers to England, France and Russia. (Cong. Globe, 30. Cong., 2 SeSS., 602.) 1850 Feb. 13, 14. Speech; on Clay compromise res. Of Jan. 29; validity in new territories of Mexican laws prohibiting slavery; slavetrade; title of Texas to terr. e. Of the Rio Grande. (ib., 31. 1., app., 149.) — May 15. Remarks; title of Texas to terr. e. Of the Rio Grande; validity, in new territories, of Mexican laws prohibiting slavery; during consideration of compromise bill, S. 225. (ib., 31. 1., 1004-1005.) — Je. 4. Do.; unfavorable to S. res. 19, for relief of S. Colt and B. F. Morse. (ib., 1124-1125.) — Je. 7. Do.; title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande, etc.; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., 1161.) — Je. 8. Do.; boundary of Texas declared in res. Of annexation; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., app., 794.) - – Je. 18. DO.; Validity of Mexican laws in new terri- tories; during consideration of his amdmt. to S. 225. (ib., 916, 917, 920.) - Jly. 25. Do.; title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., 1436.) — Aug. 6. Do.; on Rusk res. of Aug. 1, proposing pur- chase of 1000 copies of Disturnell map acc. treaty of 1848 with Mexico. (ib., 31. 1, 1531.) - 31 482 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DocumENTs RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DAVIS (JEFFERSON), OF MISS.—cont’d Senator from Miss.-cont’d (1st term)—cont’d 1850 Aug. 21. Do.; unfavorable to Mangum res. of Aug. - 6 authorizing publication by Palmer of “A com- prehensive view of principal independent maritime countries of the East,” and subscription for 5000 copies. (ib., 1624.) — Aug. 26. Do.; Same. (ib., 1669.) — Aug. 26. Do.; on S. 127, to make compensation to W. Colton. (ib., 1661.) — Sept. 4. Do.; favorable to S. 127, to make com- pensation to W. Colton. (ib., app., 1333.) — Sept. 17. Do.; on title of Hudson’s Bay co. to lands in Oregon; occasioned by consideration of H. R. 250, to create office of surveyor general of public lands in Oregon, etc. (ib., 31. 1, 1839.) — Dec. 30. Do.; on corresp. with Austria concerning * of U. S. agt. to Hungary. (ib., 31. 2., 135- 1851 Jan. 16. Do.; on Shield res. calling for information touching difficulties betw. Br. authorities and San Salvador, etc., in connection with Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 264.) — Jan. 22. Do.; opposed to Clay res. of inquiry of Jan. 20, concerning legislation to prevent employ- ment of Amer. Vessels and seamen in slavetrade, etc. (ib., 307.) — Mch. 12. Do.; unfavorable to S. 4, for relief of Amer. Colonization Socy., submitting res. relative to signing of bill; with letter concerning treatment Of recaptured negroes from barque Poms. (ib., app., 423-425.) Secy. of War, U. S. A. 1854 Jan. 12. To gen. Wool, U. S. A. Instructions to maintain int. obligations by preventing unlawful expeditions, Indian incursions, etc. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 6; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 16, 7.) — Apr. 14. To same. Instructions; unlawful expe. ditions sailing from coast of California. ib., 52.) (ib., 52; Senator from Miss. (2d term) 1858 Jan. 7. Remarks; denying power of President to go beyond jurisdiction of U. S. to enforce neutrality laws. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 217.) 1859 Jan. 6. Do.; denies that adverse rpts. had never been made on French spoliation claims. (ib., 35. 2., 235.) Jan. 7. Speech, opposing passage of French Spolia- tions Bill. (ib., 258; app., 262.) — Jan. 10. Speech; same. (ib., 35. 2., 278.) — Feb. 15. Remarks; in reply to Crittenden, declar- ing that President is not to have custody over apprn. to facilitate acquisition of Cuba. (ib., app., 160.) — Feb. 18. Do.; opposing proposition to grant Presi- dent power to protect U. S. citizens and property in transit across isthmus of Panama. (ib., 35. 2., 1123.) — Feb. 19. Do.; proposing larger apprin. for n. W. boundary commission. (ib., 1154.) 1860 Mch. 26. Do.; urging application of any unex- pended balance of apprin. for n. W. boundary com- mission, to Survey and marking of boundary betw. ; MtS. and Lake of the Woods. (ib., 36. 1., 350.) – Mch. 29. Do.; opposing bill suppl. to act of Aug. 18, 1856, for protection of U. S. citizens who may discover deposits of guano. (ib., 1425.) — May 24. Do.; opposing bill to dispose of captured Africans at Key West. (ib., 2303.) DAVIS (JEFFERSON), OF MISS.—cont’d Senator from Miss.-cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1860 Je. 18. Do.; declaring that desire for revival of slavetrade exists in no. as well as in so. (ib., 3107.) — Dec. 31. Do.; opposing proposition to grant use of portion of gallery of Senate to foreign mins. (ib., 36. 2., 210.) DAVIS (JOHN), OF MASS., 1787-1854 Repr., from Massachusetts, 19 cong. to 1 sess., 23 cong. (1825-34) ; Governor of Massachusetts, 1834-35; U. S. sem. from Massachusetts, Dec. 7, 1835-Jan., 1841; Governor of Massachusetts., 1841-43; U. S. #3 from Massachusetts, Mch. 24, 1845-Mch. 3, Representative from Mass. 1832 Mch. 15. U. S. House. Remarks; support of his motion to strike out apprn, for salary of min. to Colombia. (viii, Reg. Debates, 2167.) — Je. 8. U. S. House. Do.; agst. apptmt. of new Com- mission under conv. With France, and Suggesting Danish commission to perform its duties. (ib., 3340.) . 1834 Apr. 30. U. S. House. Speech; denouncing extrav- agance in connection with foreign missions, and opposing apprin. for mins. to Gr. Br. and Russia. (x, ib., 3878.) May 1. U. S. House. Remarks; explanation of his amdmt. to apprn. bill, objecting to application of apprn. for salaries of mins. to Gr. Br. and Russia. to pay said officials if unconstitutionally apptd. by President. (ib., 3895.) — May 9. U. S. House. Speech; supporting his amdmt. to apprn. bill, making payment of salaries of mins. to Russia and Gr. Br. provisional upon con- firmation of said nominations by Senate. (ib., 4016.) Senator from Mass. (1st term) 1836 Mch. 23. Remarks; on resolves of legisl. of Mass. regarding Maine boundary; expressing hope of early action on subject. (xii, Reg. Debates, 958.) — Mch. 24. Do.; in reply to Shepley, maintaining that aid of U. S. is necessary to enforce rights of Me. and Mass. agst. foreign aggressions. (ib., 961.) — May 2. Do.; intr. resolve of legisl. of Mass. agSt. introduction of foreign paupers, and recommending its reference to Com. on Commerce. (ib., 1378.) 1837 Jan. 14. Do.; expressing willingness to postpone for few days res. Calling for copies of corresp. re- garding independence of Texas. (xiii, ib., 419.) — Jan. 18. Do.; opposing bill to anticipate payment of indemnities stipulated in treaties with France and Two Sicilies. (ib., 522.) 1838 Jan. 5. Do.; urging importance of preserving neu- trality on Canadian frontier. (vi, Cong. Globe, 79.) — Je. 18. Speech maintaining claims of U. S. to dis- puted terr. on n. e. frontier. (ib., app., 538.) — Je. 20. Do.; favoring reference of bill for Survey and determination of n. e. boundary to Select Com- mittee. (ib., 464.) 1839 Feb. 25. Do.; maintaining right of Me. to terr. disputed by Gr. Br. (vii, ib., 218.) — Feb. 26. Do.; on Maine boundary question and dif- ficulties betw. Maine and authorities of New Bruns- wick. (ib., app., 212.) — Feb. 27. Do.; opposing proposed arrangement betw. Maine and New Brunswick regarding jurisdiction Over terr. in dispute. (ib., 259.) — Mch. 1. Do.; insisting that Maine is actually in- vaded. (ib., 315.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 483 DAVIS (JOHN), OF MASS., 1787-1854—cont’d Senator from Mass.-cont’d (1st term)—cont’d 1840 Jan. 17. Do.; favoring call on President for in- formation as to steps taken for removal of Br. troops from disputed terr. (viii, Cong. Globe, 127.) — Dec. 28. Do.; in Support of memorial, praying re- peal of act of 1830 regulating comi. intercourse with certain Br. colonies. (ix, ib., 59.) Governor of Mass. (2d term) 1842 Apr. 17. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Disposi-. tion of Mass. to bring n. e. boundary dispute to an issue. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 67; H. ex. doc. 2, 64; xii, Cong. Globe, 13.) – Apr. 27. To Same. Expediency of apptmt. of agt. to confer with authorities of U. S. upon conven- tional line in n. e. boundary dispute. (ib., 68; ib., 66; ib., 13.) Senator from Mass. (2d term) 1846 Feb. 4. Remarks; favoring passage of Goddard relief bill. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 305.) — Apr. 28. Do.; same. (ib., 737.) — May 11. Do.; favoring reference of message of President in relation to hostilities with Mexico, to Com. On Military Affairs and to Com. on Foreign Relations. (ib., 786.) — Aug. 10. Do.; opposing proposed restrictive pro- vision in bill making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 1220.) — Dec. 23. Do.; on prig. memorial from Socy. of Friends, of New England, in favor of measures to terminate Mexican war. (ib., 29. 2., 69-70.) 1847 Feb. 25. Speech; on Mexican war and S. 105, mak- ing further apprin. to bring the war to speedy and honorable conclusion. (ib., 506; app., 416.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; on S. res. 14, authorizing em- ployment of U. S. S. Macedonian in transporting provisions to famishing poor of Ireland and Scot- land, etc. (ib., 559.) 1848 Mch. 20. Do.; on proposed mission to Rome, pro- vided for in deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 135. (ib., 30. 1., 510.) — Apr. 19. Do.; on S. 128, to carry into effect pro- Visions in treaties with China and Ottoman Porte giving certain judicial powers to mins. and cons. of U. S. (ib., 648-49.) ~. — May 11. Speech; in Senate, partly in reply to Cass, on S. 243, to enable Pres. to take military oc- cupation of Yucatan; and on message of Apr. 29, concerning appeal of Yucatan for aid, in connection with Br. aggressions, Monroe doctrine, and treaty with Mexico. (ib., 761; app., 620.) — Aug. 11. Remarks; on S. 313, to carry into effect certain stipulations of treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico. (ib., 30. 1., 1068.) 1850 Feb. 14. Do.; on memorial from Socy. Of Friends of New Jersey, and other states, praying adoption of measures for suppression of slavetrade, etc. (ib., 363-364.) — Mch. 5, 6. Do.; in reply to Cooper, on corresp. with Br. min. in regard to reciprocal trade, communi- cated by message of Mch. 5. (ib., 464, 470, 472.) — Je. 7. Do.; on title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande, etc.; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., 1158-1160.) — Je. 14. Do.; on title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande, in connection with n. e. boundary question; during consideration of compromise bill S. 225. (ib., app., 879.) DAVIS (JOHN), OF MASS., 1787-1854—cont’d Senator from Mass.-cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1850 Je. 28. Speech; same. (ib., 879.) — J1y. 22. Remarks; presenting tribute from Hun- garian exile to U. S. govt. in memory of late Presi- dent. (ib., 31. 1., 1432.) — Sept. 5. Do.; in explanation of his res. Concerning expediency of repealing so much of act of Aug. 11, 1848, as extends jurisdiction of comr. and cons. in China to Macao. (ib., 600.) Sept. 19. Do.; in support of amdmt. of Com. On Foreign Relations to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 334, providing for expenses of agt. of Sublime Porte. (ib., 1873, 1874.) — Sept. 24. Do.; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 388, favorable to payment through agency of bankers, unfavorable to alleged contract with G. D. Marks. (ib., app., 1377.) 1851 Jan. 22. Do.; relative to Clay res. of inquiry of Jan. 20, concerning legislation to prevent employment of Amer. vessels and seamen in slavetrade, etc. (ib., 31. 2., 307.) — Jan. 22. Do.; in support of French Spoliations bill, S. 101; unfavorable to Rusk amdmt. to 1 section, striking out words relating to cases of transfer and inserting provision agst. payment to any assignee Or insurer. (ib., 311.) 1852 Jan. 2. Do.; on memorial of Industrial Congress of City of New York, praying recall of Amer. min. to France, etc. (ib., 185.) Jan. 23. Do.; in explanation and Support of S. 69, for relief of E. Baldwin, and others. (ib., 363.) — Mch. 11. Do.; favorable to Seward res. Of Feb. 12, resp. payment of expenses of reception, etc., of Kos- suth. (ib., 717, 721, 722.) — May 20. Do.; unfavorable to Rusk amdmt. to de- ficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 207, providing that nothing in provision for marking Mexican boundary line shall be construed as Sanctioning departure from certain point designated in treaty. (ib., 1404.) — Jly. 16. Do.; favorable to S. 336, for relief of Thom. J. Page. (ib., 1812.) — Jly. 16. Do.; on S. 296, for relief of legal repre- sentatives of W. Colton. (ib., 1810.) Jly. 23. Do.; favorable to Mason res., calling for corresp. with Gr. Br. since conv. of 1818, touching No. Amer. fisheries, and for information concerning naval force to protect right of Amer. citizens agst. enforcement of alleged rights of Gr. Br. (ib., 1891.) — Aug. 3. Do.; on President’s message of Aug. 2, transmitting docs. in relation to No. Amer. fisheries; opposed to making reciprocity of trade a subject of negotiation; construction of Conv. of 1818 with Gr. Br. in regard to fishery limits and terms used; etc. (ib., 897.) — Aug. 5. Do.; in favor of printing papers in rela- tion to No. Amer. fisheries; during consideration of President’s message of Aug. 2. (ib., 2075, 2076.) — Aug. 12. Do.; concerning debate on President’s message of Aug. 2, transmitting docS. in relation to No. Amer. fisheries. (ib., app., 910.) — Aug. 14. Do.; asking Opportunity to speak on points connected with President’s message of Aug. 2. (ib., 32. 1., 2216.) — Aug. 25. Do.; On constitutionality of amdmt. of Finance Com. of Aug. 24 to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 196, providing for full mission to China, etc. (ib., 2340.) 1853 Jan. 6. DO.; on construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and dependencies. (ib., 32. 2., 238.) 484 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DAVIS (JOHN), OF MASS., 1787-1854—cont’d Senator from Mass.-cont’d (2d term)—cont’d 1853 Jan. 26. Do.; on S. res. 69, declaratory of views of U. S. resp. colonization of No. Amer. continent by European powers, etc.; in favor of Dixon motion to refer to Com. On Foreign Relations with instruc- tions to inquire as to violation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty involved in establishment of Bay of Is... col- Ony. (ib., app., 133.) — Jan. 27. Do.; in reply to Bell, concerning Davis re- marks of Jan. 26, relative to Bay of Is. colony. (ib., 32. 2., 415.) — Feb. 12. Do.; in explanation and support of S. 609, to regulate rights of fishing, etc., betw. Br. No. Amer. provinces and U. S. (ib., 582.) - Mch. 1. Do.; in explanation and support of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 337, pro- posing reciprocal fishery rights betw. Br. No. Amer. provinces and U. S., and on Mallory amdmt. to amdmt., providing agst. interference with state jurisdiction; including replies to Mallory, Toucey, etc. (ib., 953-57.) DAVIS (JOHN A.), OF TENN. U. S. N., 1823-54. Lieut., 1833. Sea service in com- Imand, (1828-54). : , 1849, comdg. U. S. brig. Perry, Fºl sqdn. Died at Washington, D. C., Jan. 14 y DAVIS (J. C. BANCROFT), OF MASS., 1822-1907 secy, of Amer; legation in Gr. Br. 1849-52; see also S. A. Diplomatic service. 1850 Jan. 11. [unnum.] To Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay- ton). State of Mr. Lawrence's illness. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 58.) Sept. 24. Substance of conference with French postal authorities relative to proposed tripartite arrangement. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 32, 13.) Oct. 8. Substance of conference with E. J. Thayer ** proposed tripartite postal arrangement. ib., 15. Claim of 1852 Feb. 25. Davis to U. S. House. Petition, praying in- Crease of Salary to meet extraordinary expenses during 1851. (32. 1. H. jol., 385.) 1853 Jan. 20. Davis to U. S. House. Petition, praying for additional compensation. (32. 2. H. jol., 161.) DAVIS (JOHN W.), OF IND. Amer. comr. in China, 1848–50; see also, U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. 1849 Jan. 26. To comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Geisinger). Requests him to detail portion of sqdn. under his command to obtain release of 15 seamen of whaler Lagoda, held by authority of Japanese govt. near Nagasaki. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 84, 4; 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 5.) Feb. 18. To President of U. S. A. (Fillmore). In explanation of his draft of the regulations for cons. cts. of U. S. in China. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 72, 2.) 1850 Jan. 28. To Spkr. U. S. House. Receipts and ex- penditures of Amer. consulates in China. (31. 1. H. misc. doc. 46.) 1852 Feb. 1. [unnum.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Web- ster). Expenses of official residence of U. S. dipl. representative in Canton. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 18.) DAVIS (JONATHAN) 1837 Dec. 12. To U. S. House. Petition, praying remun- eration for property taken by Br. during late War. (25. 2. H. jol., 51.) DAVIS (REUBEN), REPR. FROM MISS. 1858 Je. 7. Speech; supporting his res. for arrest of all Br. Vessels visiting Amer. merchantmen in Mexican and Cuban waters. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., app., 494.) 1859 Feb. 5. Remarks; opposing passage of bill for re- lief of H. Leef and J. McKee. (ib., 32. 1., 846.) DAVIS (TIMOTHY), REPR. FROM IA. 1858 May 10. Remarks; favoring passage of bill for re- lief of certain Hungarians on lands in Iowa. (xxxv, Cong. Globe, 2036.) DAVIS (TIMOTHY), REPR. FROM MASS. 1858 May 22. Speech; urging payment of French spolia- tion claims. (xxxv, Cong. Globe, 2341.) DAVIS (W. WALLACE); see ROSARIO (F.G.), PORTUGUESE SUBJECT DAVIS (WARREN R.), REPR. FROM S. C. 1834 Apr. 30. Remarks; opposing apprn. for mins. to Gr. Br. and Russia, until nomination of Said officers by Executive, and confirmation by Senate. (X, Reg. Debates, 3874.) DAVIS (WILLIAM), AND OTHERS, OF PLYMOUTH 1829 Dec. 28. U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800, referred to Select Committee. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) DAVISSON (CLARENDON), OF MO. Amer. cons. for Bordeaux in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. DAVISSON (GILBERT), MASTER AMER. WESSEL HAR- RIET; see FALKLAND IS. DAVY (ALBERT), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Kingston-upon-Hull, 1827-42 ; do. for Leeds, 1843-[59] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. 1836 Aug. 30. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Deportation of paupers from Gr. Br. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 11; 25. 2. H. doc. 370, 11; ib. H. rpt. 1040, 27.) DAWSET ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG GEORGE WASH- INGTON; see GEORGE WASHINGTON DAWSON (JOHN B.), OF LA. Repr., from Louisiana, 27-28 - cong., 1841-45 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 28 cong., 1843-45. DAWSON (PHILIP), B.R. SUBJECT; CLAIM VS. U. S. A. For money due on Texas bonds issued prior to admission. 1854 Nov. 29. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 63.) DAWSON (WILLIAM) 1828 Sept. 6. To secy. State U. S. A. (Adams). Meric claim agst. Haiti. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 46.) DAWSON (WILLIAM C.), OF GA. Repr., from Georgia, 24-27 cong., 1836-41 ; sen. from Georgia, 1849-55. Representative from Ga 1840 May 2. Remarks; urging withholding of Salaries of chargés to Belgium and Naples. (viii, Cong. Globe, 374.) 1841 Je. 21. Do.; expressing confidence that adminis- tration would act on complaints agst. Amer, cons, at Havana, Trist. (x, ib., 85.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 485 DAWSON (WILLIAM C.), OF GA.—cont’d Senator from Ga. 1850 Jan. 30. Remarks; unfavorable to Seward res, of Jan. 9, concerning propriety of granting lands to Hungarian exiles, etc. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 264-65.) — Aug. 21. Do.; On Mangum res. of Aug. 6 authorizing publication by Palmer of “A comprehensive view of principal independent maritime countries of the ; and Subscription for 5000 copies. (ib., 1623- 1624. 1851 Dec. 3. Do.; unfavorable to S. res. 1, reception, etc., of Kossuth. (ib., 32. 1., 21-22.) — Dec. 11. Do.; opposed to S. res. 4 of welcome to Kossuth, and to doctrine of intervention. (ib., 71.) 1852 Jan. 2. Do.; memorial of Industrial Congress of City of New York, praying recall of Amer. min. to France, etc. (ib., 184-185.) — Apr. 1. Do.; opposed to Borland res. of Mch. 31, calling for information concerning object of naval expedition to Indian Ocean and Japan. (ib., 946.) — Jly. 23. DO.; favorable to Mason res., calling for corresp. with Gr. Br., since conv. of 1818, touching No. Amer. fisheries, and for information concerning naval force to protect rights of Amer. fishermen agst. enforcement of alleged rights of Gr. Br.; in- cluding reply to Toucey. (ib., 1893-1894.) — Aug. 12. Do.; concerning debate on President’s message of Aug. 2, transmitting docs. in relation to No. Amer. fisheries, etc. (ib., app., 910.) 1853 Jan. 26. Do.; on S. res. 69, declaratory of views of U. S. resp. colonization of No. Amer. continent by European powers, etc.; in favor of Dixon motion to refer to Com. On Foreign Relations with instruc- tions to inquire as to violation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty involved in establishment of Bay of Is... col- ony. (ib., 32. 2., app., 133-134.) 1854 Jan. 19. Do.; Gwin res. of inquiry in regard to ex- tent of naval force on Pacific coast in 1853, etc.; unlawful expedition from California to invade Mex- ico. (ib., 33. 1., 209.) — Jan. 23. Do.; concerning visit and public treatment of Papal Nuncio, and on Cass res. calling for corresp. with Papal States touching mission to U. S. (ib., 33. 1., 224.) Jly. 26. Do.; in support of Toombs amdmt. provid- ing full outfit to R. C. Schenck, for services as E. E. and M. P. On Specl. missions to Uruguay and Argen- tine Confederation offered as Substitute for amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Relations to civil and dipl. apprn, bill, H. R. 48, providing compensation to Schenck and Pendleton for specl. services. (ib., 1938.) 1855 Jan. 19. Do.; reply to Stuart, in support of S. 481, for relief of capt. Thomas Ap Catesby Jones. (ib., 33. 2., 325.) — Jan. 26. Do.; opposed to S. 268, for relief of claim- ants of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 409, 410, 413.) — Feb. 20. Do.; on Speeches of CaSS and Mason Con- cerning interference by European powers and Clar- endon declaration as to understanding betw. France and England. (ib., 833-834.) — Mch. 3. Do.; on discrimination of House agst. amdmt. to H. R. 569, compensating J. S. Pendleton and G. P. Marsh for Specl. dipl. Services. (ib., 1149.) DAY (CHARLES ROOD), MATE AMER. BARQUE REIN- DEER; see REINDEER DAY (J. LAWRENCE) 1842 Aug. 2 and 5. To R. R. Gurley. Improvement in Monrovia. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 145.) 1843 Mch. 6. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Out- rage agst. Amer. barque Rhoderick Dhu by Br. brigantine Spy. (29. 1. S. doc. 300, 3.) º DAY (WILLIAM), OF PENN. Amer, cons. for Lyons, 1849-50; 1854–57; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. DAYLEY (J.), MASTER AMER. BRIG EDWIN; see EDWIN DAYTON ( ) 1828 Apr. 12. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Dr. Dayton, head of party of Amer. citizens invading state of Coahuila and Texas. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 233.) DAYTON (AARON 0.), OF N. J. Chief clerk State Dept. U. S. A., 1837-38 ; see U. S. A. Civil Service. DAYTON (W. L., J.R.), OF N. J. Secy. Amer. legation in Paris, 1861-65; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. - DAYTON (WILLIAM LEWIS), OF N. J., 1807-64 Sen. from New Jersey, 1842-51 ; Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France, 1861:64; see also, U. S. A. Diplomatic Service. 1844 Feb. 23. Speech, opposing adoption of res. for terminating jt. occupancy of Oregon terr. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 314; app., 274.) – Feb. 26. Speech; same. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 321.) 1845 Feb. 24. Speech; opposing H. jt, res. for admis- Sion of Texas into Union. (xiv, ib., 332; app., 387.) 1846 Feb. 25. Remarks; favoring temporary postpone- ment of consideration of Oregon question. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 424.) — Mch. 3. Speech; deprecating aggressive attitude of U. S. in Oregon question. (ib., 450.) 1847 Jan. 27. Do.; on H. R. 576, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force; and on Mexican war. (ib., 29. 2., app., 196.) — Feb. 27. Remarks; on S. 184, to provide some re- lief to suffering people of Ireland and Scotland, and On Mason Substitute providing for employment of naval force for the purpose. (ib., 29. 2., 534.) 1848 Mch. 21. Do.; on provision for new missions to Rome, etc., in deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 135. (ib., 30. 1., app., 403.) — Apr. 6. DO.; On S. res. 15 and 17, tendering con- gratulations to people of France; etc. (ib., 459.) — Apr. 11. Speech; on war and treaty with Mexico; during debate on S. 158, for ascertaining and paying California claims. (ib., 496.) — Jly. 28. Remarks; on S. 136, giving effect to treaty stipulations with foreign govts. for apprehension and delivering up of certain offenders. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 1008.) — Aug. 11. Do.; On S. 313, to carry into effect certain stipulations of treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico. (ib., 1067.) 1849 Jan. 6. Do.; on S. 352, to make compensation for transportation of troops and Supplies over isthmus of Panama; Tehuantepec route; etc. (ib., 30. 2., 460.) — Jan. 10. Do.; on reference to Judiciary Com. Of petition of D. W. Bedinger, of Jan. 9., asking annual apprin. for transportation of free persons of color to Liberia; etc. (ib., 206, 208, 209, 210.) — Feb. 10. Do.; Concerning protocol annexed to treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico; during debate on President's message of Feb. 9. (ib., 501.) 1850 Feb. 14. Do.; presenting memorial from Socy. of Friends of New Jersey, and other states; praying adoption of measures for suppression of slavetrade; with reply to King, etc. (ib., 31. 1., 362-364.) — Je. 11. Speech; on compromise bill, S. 225 and title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande. (ib., app., 810.) 486 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DAYTON (WILLIAM LEWIS), OF N. J., 1807-64—cont’d 1850 Je. 14. Remarks; in reply to Rusk and Berrien, on title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande, etc.; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., 875, 877, 878.) — Aug. 6. Do.; unfavorable to Rusk res. of Aug. 1, proposing purchase of 1000 copies of Disturnell map acc. treaty of 1848 with Mexico. (ib., 31. 1., 1531.) — Aug. 21. Do.; favorable to Mangum res. of Aug. 6 authorizing publication by Palmer of “A compre- hensive view of principal independent maritime Countries of the East,” and subscription for 5000 copies. (ib., 1623.) — Sept. 19. Do.; on amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Rela- tions to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 334, provid- ing for expenses of agt. to Sublime Porte. (ib., 1875.) — Sept. 23. Do.; in explanation and support of Foote amdmt. to H. R. 334, providing balance due and un- paid to Peter Parker, secy. of legation to China; for extra services. (ib., 1932.) DEACON (DAVID), OF N. J. U. S. N., 1799-1840. Lieut., 1807; comdr., 1814; capt., 1826. Died at Burlington, N. J., Feb. 22, 1840. Sea service in command (1828-40) ; 1834-36, comdg. U. S. frigate Brandywine, Pacific sqdn. DEAL (JAMES), HEIRS OF 1850 Jly. 3. To U. S. House. Memorial praying indem- nity for losses by French spoliations. (31. 1. H. jol., 1076.) DEALE (JAMES) 1834 Jan. 2. To U. S. Senate. Memorial praying indem- nity for losses by French Spoliations. (23. 1. S. jol., 71.) DEAN ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP NORTH AMERICA; see NORTH AMERICA DEAN (EZRA), REPRESENTATIVE FROM O. 1845 Jan. 9. Speech, urging annexation of Texas to U. S. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 121.) Jan. 10. Do.; Same. (ib., app., 102.) DEAN (GILBERT), OF N. Y. Repr. from New York, .32-33 cong., 1851-54 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 33 cong., 1853-54. Apptd. Amer. agt. under New Granadan claims conv. of 1857; see Colombia. Claims. 1851 Dec. 31. Remarks, support of Carter res. of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Louis Kossuth to House, offering amdmt. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 176.) 1852 Aug. 4. Do.; Evans amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 196, requiring levy of reciprocal light duties, etc. (ib., 2072.) 1853 Dec. 21. Do.; reply to G. Smith, On conduct of administration in relation to rescue of Koszta by capt. Ingraham. (ib., 33. 1., 78-79.) 1854 Jan. 5. Do.; recommending immediate passage of res. of thanks to capt. Ingraham for rescue of Roszta, etc. (ib., 128.) — Jan. 11. Do.; res. of thanks to capt. D. S. Ingraham, U. S. N., for rescue of Martin Koszta from illegal imprisonment on Austrian brig Hussar. (ib., 154- 57; app., 81.) — Mch. 16. Do.; seizure of Black Warrior at Havana. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 650.) — Apr. 3. Amdmt. incl. annexation of Cuba in res. calling for negotiations with Gr. Br. relative to an- nexation of Canadas to U. S. (ib., 845.) — Apr. 10. Remarks on his res. concerning rights of neutrals, etc. (ib., 884.) DEAN, (THOMAS), MASTER AMER. BRIG OSPREY; see OSPREY DEAN (WILLIAM) Secy. to Amer. embassy in Cochin China and Siam, 1850. 1850 Feb. 21. Amer. cons. at Singapore (Balestier) to Dean. Tender of apptmt. as secy, to Amer. embassy to Cochin China and Siam. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 49.) — Mch. 22. Dean to Balestier. Accepts apptmt. as º # Amer. embassy in Cochin China and Siam. 10., 49. DEAN (WILLIAM H.), MASTER AMER. BARQUE EVADNE 1857 Dec. 19. Examination in case of Peru vs. Schuyler Livingston and others, U. S. cir. Ct., N. Y., rela- tive to libel of barque Evadne. (35. 1. S. misc. doc. 267, 2.) DEAN, AMER. SHIP (COTTLE) m. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 24.) DEANE (JOHN G.), SPECL, AGT. OF ME. TO MADAWASKA SETTLEMENT 1831 Nov. 2. To gov. of Me. (Smith). History of Mada- waska settlement. (22.1. S. doc. 3, 17.) DEANE (J. G.) AND KAVANAGH (EDWARD), AGTS. OF ME. 1831 Aug. 26. To gov. of Me. (Smith). Rpt. of agts. ap- ptd. to ascertain no. of persons in disputed terr.; title to land, etc. (22. 1. S. doc. 3, 22.) DEANE (SILAS), OF CONN. Politº, and financial agt., U. S. A., to France, 1776- Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1841 Feb. 17. Intr. in Senate (Smith, Com. on Revol. Claims) bill (26. 2. S. 255) “for settlement of accts. of Silas Deane.” (26. 2. S. jol., 187.) 1842 Feb. 3. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Phelps, Com. On Revol. Claims) bill (27. 2. S. 155) “for settlement of accts. of Silas Deane ‘’; appra. Aug. 11, 1842. (27. 2. S. jol., 138, 398, 565; vi., St. L., 857.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1776 Mch. 2. Commission as com]. and political agt. Of U. S. in France. (27. 2. H. rpt. 952, 9.) — Mch. 3. U. S. Continental Congress. Instructions relative to commission as com]. and political agt. of U. S. to France. (ib., 9.) — Oct. 23. U. S. Continental Congress. Commission of Silas Deane as ambassador to France. (ib., 11.) 1835 Jan. 12. U. S. House. Petition of H. Alden, repre- sentative of S. Deane, praying settlement of claims of latter for compensation for dipl. Services in France. (23. 2. H. jol., 196.) 1838 Feb. 14. U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 407.) 1840 Dec. 30. U. S. Senate. Same. (26. 2. S. jol., 67.) Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane. Phila- delphia, 1855. 201 pp. 8°. DEARBORN (H. W.), AND OTHERS 1857 Mch. 27. To Amer. cons., Shanghai (Murphy). Estimate of damages to Mermaid by collision with Sir Herbert Compton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 684, 1317.) DEARBORN (HENRY A. S.), REPR. FROM MASS. 1832 Mch. 16. Remarks; favoring increase in apprn. for Turkish mission. (viii, Reg. Debates, 2189.) — Je. 8. Do.; favoring two-year limit to commission under conv. with France. (ib., 3344.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 487 DEAS (FITZ ALLEN), OF S. C. U. S. N., 1821-49. . . Lieut., 1830. Died at Charleston, S. C., §§ 31, 1849. Sea service in command (1828- 49) : 1848, comdg. U. S. str. Scourge, Home sqdn. DEATH AND BURIAL OF FOREIGNERS; see ALIENAGE, ETC. - DEBEssi (JAMES JOSEPH), OF FRANCE Amer. cons. for Rochelle, 1825-35; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. fºrench dominions. DE BOIS (WILLIAM) 1855 Oct. 30. Amer. min. res. Nicaragua (Wheeler) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Murder at Virgin Bay of Wm. De Bois; etc. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 68, 32.) DE BRAUN (C. A.), MILITARY COMDT. OF PALEMBANG 1853 Feb. 6. To gov. gen., Dutch E. Indies. Circum- stances attending arrest of Amer. Schr. and crew Flirt; sent to Batavia under escort. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 60.) DEBTS (STATE) 1842 Aug. 29. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benton) requesting President to inform Senate whether any conferences took place betw. Amer. negotiator and Br. min. in relation to payment, assumption, or guaranty of State debts by U. S. (vi, Sen. exec. jol., 142; 27. 2. S. jol., 700.) — Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benton, Mo.), re- questing President to inform Senate of any confer- ence betw. negotiators of late Br. treaty regarding assumption of State debts by U. S. (27. 3. S. jol., 40, 44.) * — Dec. 23. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Presi- dent, U. S. A. (Tyler). No proposition made by late Specl. min. from Gr. Br. to U. S. for assumption of state debts by the general govt. (27. 3. S. doc. 15.) DEBTS OF ALIENS; see ALIENAGE, ETC. DEBTS DE CAMP (JOHN), OF FLA. U. S. N., 1827-75. Lieut., 1838; comdr., 1855; capt., 1862; comdre., 1867; retired list, 1868; rear-adm., 1870. Died Je. 24, 1875. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1861, comdg. U. S. African Sqdn. DECATUR (STEPHEN), COMDR. U. S. N.; see MASHOUDA (ALGERINE BRIG) DECATUR CO. (IND.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 226.) 1852 Jan. 24. To Same. In favor of arbitration. (32. 1. H. jol., 256.) DECATUR, U. S. SLOOP, 1839 In commission (1839-61) : 1840-41, Brazil sqdn. (Og- den) ; 1842-43 do. (Farragut) ; 1843-45, African sqdn. (Abbot) ; 1848-49, do. (Byrne) ; 1851-52, Home sqdn. (Green) ; 1853, Eastern sqdn. (Whit- tle) ; 1854-55, Pacific sqdn. (Sterett) ; 1856 do. (Gansevoort ; Middleton) ; 1857, do. (Middleton) ; 1858-59, do. (Thatcher). Abbot comdg. 1843 Sept. 10. Comdr. African sqdn. U. S. N. (Perry) to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Henshaw). Rpts. mtg. with Macedonian (Mayo); and hourly expects Decatur; proposed movements. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 13.) — Oct. 12. Same to same. MoVements of Macedonian, Decatur, Porpoise and Saratoga. (ib., 18.) — Dec. 22. Perry to comdr. Decatur (Abbot). Orders to proceed along coast in direction of equator. (ib., §3.) storeship Relief, DECATUR, U. S. SLOOP, 1839—cont’d Abbot comdg.—cont’d 1844 Feb. 12. Perry to Henshaw. Movements of Decatur and Saratoga; short of provisions; etc. (ib., 64.) — Apr. 18. Comdr. Decatur (Abbot). Rpt. of cruise along coast of Africa. (ib., 105.) — May 18. Perry to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Mason). Transmits extr. from rpt. of comdr. Abbot, of his late cruise to leeward coast in Decatur. (ib., 105.) — Je. 12. Perry to Abbot. Instructions for cruise along coast of Africa. (ib., 124.) — Nov. 6. Abbot to Perry. Rpt. of proc. of Decatur since Je. 28. (ib., 140.) — Nov. 25. Perry to Mason. Transmits copy of rpt. of comdr. Abbot, of cruise of Decatur along coast as far as Benguela. (ib., 140.) Whittle Comdg. 1853 Jly. 9. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdt. Navy Yard, Boston (Gregory). Order to send De- Catur to Portsmouth, there to await further orderS of dept. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 21, 2.) — Jly. 23. Comdr. Eastern sqdn., U. S. N. (Shubrick) to comdr. Decatur (Whittle). Instructions for cruise of Decatuºr. (ib., 10.) — Jly. 24. Shubrick to Dobbin. Princeton, Fulton º Decatur have left anchorage at Portsmouth. ib., 9.) — Sept. 16. Whittle to Dobbin. Rpt. of cruise of De- Catur. (ib., 25. ) DECHAMP, (ADOLPHE), F.TRANGERES 1845 Nov. 10. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., betw. Belgium and U. S.; see Belgium. Treaties. See also, Belgium. Civil Service. DECLARATION OF PARIS; see PARIS CONFERENCE DE COUS ( ), MASTER FRENICH BARQUE GUATI- MOZIN; see GUATIMOZIN DEDHAM (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol. 69.) — Sept. 25. To same. Same. (ib., 88.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 604.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1842 Jan. 24. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 272.) Feb. 7. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 325.) 1844 Apr. 16. To U. S. Senate. Memorial agst. interna- tional copyright law. (28. 1. S. jol., 235.) 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) MINISTRE DES AFFAIRES DEER ISLAND (ME.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 30. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 176.) DEERFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) — Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 170.) 1838 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 220.) 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) 1847 Dec. 30. To Same. Praying measures to secure peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 166.) DEERFIELD (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162, 165.) 488 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DEERFIELD (N. H.) CITIZENS-cont’d 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Memorial in favor of recogni- tion of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) 1847 Jan. 25. To U. S. Senate. Praying measures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 128.) DEFERRARI (DOMENICO(?)) Italian ministro degli affari esteri during Gioberti ministry in 1849 ; see Italy. Civil service. DEFFAUDIS (BARON), MINISTER OF FRANCE TO MEXICO 1838 Apr. 15. Rules for govt. of commander of French naval forces in giving effect to blockade of Mexican ports. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 5.) DEFIANCE, AMER. SHIP; ENGAGED IN PERUWIAN GUANO TRADE; see GUANO DE FORREST (WILLIAM H.), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1855 Feb. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Seward, N. Y.), res. (33. 2. S. R. 46) “authorizing Secy. Treasury to pay to owner thereof value of powder destroyed by order of comdre. Hollins, U. S. N.” (33. 2. S. jol., 298, 365.) Correspondence, etc. 1855 Jan. 16. De Forrest to U. S. House. Petition, for compensation for powder destroyed at Punta Arenas by Capt. (sic) Hollins. (33. 2. H. jol., 184, 428.) —— Feb. 22. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 2. S. jol., 299.) — Feb. 28. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. R. 46, for relief of Wm. H. De Forrest. (33. 2. S. rpt. 548.) — Mch. 2. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; in explanation of res. authorizing payment to W. H. De Forrest for gunpowder destroyed by comdr. Hollins, U. S. N. at Punta Arena, near Greytown. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 1095.) — Mch. 2. B. Fitzpatrick, Sen. from Ga. DO.; Same; correcting strmt. of Mason. (ib., 1095.) — Mch. 2. J. A. Pearce, Sen. from Md. Do.; on S. res. 46, authorizing payment to De Forrest for powder de- stroyed at Punta Arenas. (ib., 1095.) Mch. 2. J. B. Weller, Sen. from Cal. (ib., 1095.) — Dec. 31. De Forrest to U. S. Senate. Memorial, pray- ing indemnity for property destroyed in bombard- ment of Greytown. (34. 1. S. jol., 24.) DE FRIAS (A.), CLAIMANT; see MICHEL (C.), EXECR. DEGOLLADO (SANTOS) Mexican ministr. relac. est. during Juarez ministry, 1860 ; see Mexico. Civil service. DE HASS (WILLS), OF WA. Amer-cons. for Merida, 1850-54 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico. DO.; Same. DE HAVILAND (JOHN), OF PENN. Secy. Amer. legation at Madrid, 1861; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. DE HORSEY (ALGERNON F. R.), COMDR. H. B. M. STR. DEWASTATION 1854 Aug. 1. To senior officers comdg. H. B. M. W. I. sta- tion (Henderson). Rpt. of visit to Aves Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 93; 36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 133.) DE KALB, BARON 1848 May 3. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Brent) to U. S. Senate. Receipt from Amer. cons. at Paris (Walsh) of portrait of baron de Kalb, as gift to Congress from surviving family. (30. 1. S. jol., 310.) — May 5. Same to same. (30. 1. H. jol., 772.) | DE KALB CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1840 Apr. 15. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying libera- tion of Wm. L. MacKenzie, Canadian refugee, for violation of neutrality laws. (26. 1. S. jol., 308.) 1844 Jan. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 264.) DE KALB CO. (IND.) CITIZENS 1850 Feb. 12. To U. S. House, Petition; suppression of Slavetrade. (31. 1. H. jol., 511.) DE KAY (GEORGE C.) 1847 Feb. 24. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying equip- ment of U. S. S. Macedonian to transport supplies to people of Ireland. (29. 2. S. jol., 223.) 1848 Je. 12. To same. Petition, praying reimbursement of money expended by him on acct. of frigate Mace- donian while employed in transporting provisions for relief of distressed population of Scotland and Ireland. (30. 1. S jol., 376.) DELAFIELD (JOSEPH), MAJ. U. S. A., 1790-1875 Agt. of U. S. from 1821 to 1828 under arts. 6 and 7, treaty of Ghent. 1824 Oct. 25. Determination of place of departure of northern boundary line from Lake Superior to the n. W. (25. 2. H. doc. 451, 124.) 1826. Extr. from so much of argument as relates to northern boundary line from Lake Superior to Rainy lake. (ib., 24.) 1842 Jly. 20. To D. Fraser. Topography of country betw. Lake Superior and Lake of the Woods. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 102; H. ex. doc. 2, 100; xii, Cong. Globe, 21.) DELANO ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG PHOEBE; see PHOEBE DELANO ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP EXERTION; see EXERTION DELANO (CHARLES), REPR. FROM MASS. 1847 Feb. 2. Speech; on Mexican war, during debate on civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 599. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., app., 278.) DELANO (JAMES) 1840 Feb. 17. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying com- pensation for vessel captured by French, and, after recapture by U. S. vessel, sold under order of U. S. ct. for so. distr. of N. Y. (26. 1. S. jol., 178.) — Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (26. 1. H. jol., 714.) DELANO (PAUL) MASTER AMER. SHIP SUSAN; see SUSAN DELANO (PAUL H. D.) Amer. Cons. for Talcubuano 18ſ 39]-45; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Chili. DELANO (THOMAS), HEIRS OF 1845 Jan. 13. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (28. 2. S. jol., 81.) - DELANO (WARREN) 1840 Apr. 14. Amer. Cons., Canton (Snow) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). War betw. China and Gr. Br. expected; has gone to Macao; Delano left in charge of consulate. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 81.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 489 DELANTI (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. In behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) DELASSUS (DON CARLOS DEHAULT), CLAIMANT Delassus was the last Spanish governor of the fort and distr. of Baton Rouge, holding office from Dec. 27, 1808 to Sept. 23, 1810. On Sept. 23, the fort was captured by Americans. Delassus was taken pris- oner. Money belonging to the Spanish govt., and to Delassus, was seized and applied to the purposes of the provisional govt. then established. The claim is for reimbursement of this money. Statutory Measures 1830 Feb. 25. Intr. in Senate (Benton), bill (21 cong., S. 111) “for relief of Don Carlos Dehault Delassus.” (21. 1. S. jol., 155, 213.) — Dec. 15. Intr. in Senate (Johnston, La.), bill (21. 2. S. 10) “for relief of Don Carlos Dehault De- lassus.” (21. 2. S. jol., 39, 43, 116.) 1831 Dec. 23. Intr. in Senate (Johnston, La.), bill (22. 1. S. 21) “for relief of Don Carlos D. Delassus ”; appré. Jly. 13, 1832. (22. 1. S. jol., 39, 68, et. Seq.; vi, St. L., 513.) * 1834 Mch. 19. Intr. in Senate (Brown, Com. on Claims), bill (23. 1. S. 123) “for relief of D. Carlos Dehault Delassus.” (23. 1. S. jol., 188, 355.) 1836 Mch. 30. Intr. in Senate (Naudain, Com. on Claims), bill (24. 1. S. 192) “for relief of D. Carlos Dehault Delassus ”; approl. Jly. 2. (24. 1. S. jol., 252, 541; vi., St. L., 672.) 1838 Apr. 24. Intr. in Senate (Nicholas, La.), bill (25. 2. S. 315) “for relief of D. Carlos Dehault Delassus.” (25. 2. S. jol., 375, 477.) — Dec. 28. Intr. in Senate (Mouton, La.), bill (25. 3. S. 148) “for relief of D. Carlos Dehault Delassus.” (25. 3. S. jol., 79, 276.) 1840 Feb. 26. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mouton, La.), bill (26. 1. S. 241) “for relief of D. Carlos Dehault De- lassus.” (26. 1. S. 241, 469.) Correspondence, etc. n.d. Delassus to U. S. Congress. Claim for repayment of money seized when fort of Baton Rouge was taken for U. S. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 3.) n. d. P. Thomas to U. S. Congress. Petition for himself and men he commanded, in taking fort of Baton Rouge, on morning of Sept. 23, 1810. (ib., 12.) 1810 Oct. 29. Committee of conv. of Florida. Res.; money found in house occupied by Mr. Delassus and among archives of govt., at time of taking posses- Sion of fort of Baton Rouge. (ib., 10.) — Dec. 10. Chas. Tanneret to Delassus. Stnt. Of money and other articles, removed from premises of Delassus. (ib., 4.) 1814 Aug. 16. Min. of royal finance, Baton Rouge (Leon- ard). Certificates offered in evidence of Delassus claim. (ib., 5.) 1820 Dec. 12. P. Hicky. Deposition stating that in Oct. 1810, $1333 was taken out of desk of Delassus, then gov. of Baton Rouge, by order of conv. of Florida. (ib., 7.) — Dec. 15. F. Herault and B. T. Beauregard. Deposi- tion; from time Sp. govt. removed from New Or- leans to Baton Rouge, until yr. 1810, Gilberto Leon- ard was employed, by Sp. govt. in capacity of chief of Treasury Dept. (ib., 8.) 1823 Nov. 10. Comdr. of Florida conv. troops (Thomas) to T. Metcalf. Resp. his services during conv. in Florida, and his petition to Congress. (ib., 11.) — Dec. 29. J. Poret. Deposition; Sum of $6000 taken when fort of Baton ROuge Was taken possession of for U. S. (ib., 10.) 1824 Jan. 15. P. Hicky. Certifies that gen. Thomas de- livered to com. of Florida conv., $6000 taken as the DELASSUs (DON CARLOS DEHAULT), CLAIMANT—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d Ring's money, and used for support of Conv. troops. (ib., 10.) 1824 Jan. 17. C. G. Johnson. Certifies that $6000, taken on morning of Sept. 23, 1810, when fort Baton Rouge was taken, was used for support of ConV. troops. (ib., 9.) — Apr. 22. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams) to Chrm. Com. of Claims (Williams), Philemon Thomas petition. (ib., 21.) — Oct. 4. C. D. Delassus. Sum of $1333, taken out of his desk, belonged to him exclusively. (ib., 7.) — Dec. 30. Secy. War, U. S. A. (Calhoun) to chrm. Com. of Claims (Ruggles). Delassus petition. (ib., 8.) 1826 Feb. 2. P. Thomas. Certifies that money taken from Delassus house was used for troops then employed. (ib., 9.) — Feb. 17. Derbigny. Strnt.; Delassus claim. (ib., 9.) 1830 Mch. 30. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Taze- well). Rpt. adverse to bill (S. 111) for relief of Delassus; with remarks on the rpt. and comment on papers therein mentioned by W. W. Gurley. (21. 1. S. doc. 119; 25. 2. S. doc. 401, 13.) 1832 JIy. 5. U. S. Com. of Claims (Whittlesey). Rpt. on Delassus claim. (22.1. H. rpt. 500.) 1833 May 27. Delassus to U. S. Congress. Asks that money seized when fort and distr. of Baton Rouge were taken for U. S. in 1810, be paid him. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 2.) 1834 Jan. 17. DeLassus to U. S. Senate. Same. (23. 1. S. jol., 101.) 1835 Feb. 25. U. S. House. Opinions of Supreme Ct. Of |U. S., delivered at Jan. term, 1835, in case of De- lassus, and others. (23. 2. H. jol., 447.) 1836 Feb. 9. U. S. Senate. Motion (Porter, La.) to re- fer petition of C. D. Delassus, on files of last Con- gress, to Com. on Claims. (24. 1. S. jol., 150.) — Mch. 1. U. S. House. Opinion of Supreme Ct. Of U. S., delivered at Jan. term, 1835, by Chief Justice Marshall, in case of Delassus, Chouteau, and others. (24. 1. H. jol., 435.) 1838 Feb. Delassus to U. S. Congress. Requests exam- ination of petition of May, 1833. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 1.) — Apr. 12. Fifth Auditor U. S. A. (Pleasonton) to col. Benton. Claim of Philemon Thomas for $6000 not on enclosed list of claims agst. late conv. of West Florida. (ib., 22.) 1843 Feb. 2. U. S. Senate. Motion (Conrad, La.), to refer to Com. Of Claims petition of C. Dehault De- lassus, On files of Senate. (27. 3. S. jol., 143, 177, 187.) DE LAUNAY ( ) Italian ministro degli affari esteri in 1849; see Italy. Civil service. DELAWAN (CHARLES H.), OF N. Y. Amer. Cons. for Sydney, N. S., in 1843 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. Amer. Coml. agt., for St. Thomas, W. I., 184 (7]-[49] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Danish dominions. DELAWARE See also Newcastle Co. Citizens 1840 Mch. 23. Memorial, praying that U. S. cooperate with other govts. to survey isthmus of Darien. (viii, Cong. Globe, 281, 341.) 1844 Apr. 29. Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 255.) — Apr. 30. Same. (ib., 258.) May 6. Same. (ib., 263.) 1845 Dec. 29. Same. (29. 1. S. jol., 71.) 490 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DELAWARE-cont’d Citizens—cont’d 1846 Dec. 16. To U. S. Senate. Petition for speedy termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. S. jol., 48.) — Dec. 24. To same. Same. (ib., 68.) 1847 Jan. 6. To same. Same. (ib., 85.) — Jan. 25. To same. Same. (ib., 128.) — Jan. 27. To same. Same. (ib., 136.) 1851, Mch. 1. To Same. Vs. passage of bill providing for free navigation of St. Lawrence, and for reciprocal trade with Canada. (31. 2. S. jol., 233.) 1854 May 16. To same. Praying measures to effect re- ºon in price of Peruvian guano. (33. 1. S. jol., 393.) g#". To U. S. House. Guano trade. (33. 1. H. jol., 1855 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate. Praying mediation of U. S. to terminate Crimean war. (33. 2. S. jol., 146.) — Jan. 24. To U. S. House. Same. (33. 2. H. jol., 239.) Jan. 25. To U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 2. S. jol., 162.) IN U. S. Consul,AR SERVICE See Chandler (W. P.) ; Garesche (J. P.) ; Gilpin (T. W.), ; Martin. (H.) : Merritt (J.); Mönges (J. A.); Nicholson (G. W. S.) ; Robeson (T. W.) ; Rodney (T. M.); Worrell (E.). IN U. S. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE See Bayard (R. H.) : Clayton (J. M.) ; McLane (L.). IN U. S. NAVAL SERVICE (CoMDG.) See º (S. F.) ; Jones (J.); Shubrick (I.); Tilton Legislature 1841 Feb. 18. Res. in favor of law providing for com- pensation for French Spoliations committed prior to 1800. (27. 2. S. doc. 39; 27. 2. H. rpt. 16, 33; H. ex. doc. 44.) 1842 Jan. 10. Preamble and res. in favor of law granting indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (27. 2. S. jol., 77.) Jan. 18. Res.; Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 224.) 1845 Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 187.) DELAWARE (WISC.) CITIZENS 1850. Mch. 25. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying adop- tion of principle of arbitration. (31. 1. H. jol., 711.) DELAWARE, AMER. BRIG (BARTLETT) 1824 May 26. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams) to Amer. COml. agt., Port-au-Prince (Armstrong). Claim of Gilmore and Oliver agst. Haiti; confiscation of brig Delaware. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 24.) DELAWARE, U. S. S., 1820 In Commission (1826-61) : 1828-29, Medn. sqdn. (Crane); 1833 do. (Báliard) ; 1834-35 do. (Nicho. Son) ; 1841-42, Brazil sqdn. (McCauley) ; 1843, Medn. sqdn. (do.) DELAWARE CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Praying recognition of Baiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 607.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 83.) 1854 Feb. 15. To same. Petitions agst. paying for Amistad negroes. (33. 1. H. jol., 381.) DELAWARE CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 284.) 1840 Feb. 6. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 362.) — Mch. 16. To same. Same. (ib., 631.) DELAWARE CO. (0.) CITIZENS-cont’d 1840 Mch. 16. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. 631.) 1841 Dec. 15. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 72.) DELAWARE CO. (PA) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 23. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 85.) — Oct. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 137.) — Dec. 13. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 41.) Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) 1838 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 102.) Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 284.) — Feb. 13. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 223.) — Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 445.) — May 21. To same. Same. (ib., 936.) — Je. 25. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 490.) 1846 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 190.) — Je. 24. To same. Same. (ib., 1002.) 1847 Jan. 18. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying meas- ures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 107.) 1850 Jan. 22. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (31. 1. H. jol., 384.) — Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 96.) DE LEDERER (LEWIS) BARON DE; AUSTRIAN CONS. IN NEW YORK 1829 Aug. 27. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., betw. Austria and U. S.; see Austria. Treaties. DELEHANTY (FLORENCIO) 1828 May 23. Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. to Mexico (Poinsett) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo). Amer. citizenship of F. Delehanty. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 243.) - — Jly. 15. Poinsett to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Same. (ib., 242.) - DE LEON (EDWIN), OF S. C. Amer. cons.-gen. in Egypt, 1854-61 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. 1854 Apr. 18. [9, extr.] To Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Extent of his intervention on behalf of expulsion of Greeks from Turkey. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 12, 2.) — Apr. 20. To vekil to Min. of Foreign Affairs, Tur- key (Mahmoud Bey). Petition of certain Greek Subjects praying extension of order for expulsion. (ib., 10.) —— Apr. 29. To Amer. min. res. in Turkey (Spence). Advice of called mtg. in Greek consulate relative to expulsion of Greeks from Turkey. (ib., 7.) — May 4. [10, extr.] To Marcy. Further rpt. on Amer. intervention in behalf of Greeks expelled from Turkey. (ib., 4.) – Je. 1. To Spence. Tacit acquiescence of authori- ties in Egypt to allow well disposed Greeks to re- main under protection of foreign cons. (ib., 15.) – Je. 4. [11, extr.] To Marcy. Advice that through Amer. mediation Greeks have received tacit per- mission to remain in Egypt under protection of foreign cons. (ib., 13.) – Jly. 6. [12, extr.] To same. Settlement of Greek question. (ib., 15.) 1858 Jan. 29. [45.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Ad- vice of his journey to Jaffa to assist Amer. cons. (Gorham) in quelling outrages on Amer. Citizens. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 9.) — Feb. 4. To Amer. cons. gen., Turkey (Brown). Resp. his intervention in the Dickson affair at Jaffa. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 22. [46.] To Cass. Result of his mission to Jaffa in behalf of W. Dickson. (ib., 18.) (ib., INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 491 p DE LEON (EDWIN), OF S. C.—cont’d 1858 Feb. 23. To Brown. Retires from participation in Dickson affair at Jaffa. (ib., 28.) — Mch. 6. [47.] To Cass. Result of efforts in behalf of Dickson at Jaffa. (ib., 23.) Claim of 1859 Feb. 22. De Leon to U. S. House. Petition of De Leon, and other Amer. cons. in Turkish dominions, º payment for judicial services. (35. 2. H. jol., DELFT, DUTCH ship 1851 Jan. 28. Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Parker) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Advice that Dutch ship Delft has returned to Batavia from Japan bringing about 30 foreign sailors. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 73.) DELGADo (Josł) 1850 Nov. 27. Mentioned in connection with 2d Lopez filibustering expedition agst. Cuba. doc. 41, 83.) DELICIA, SLAVER BRIG Captured off Cabenda, Dec. 21, 1859, by U. S. S. Constel- lation. 1860 May 4. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Capture of Delicia by U. S. S. Constellation; information desired of course of action of U. S. in cases of capture in flagrante. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 420.) º 26. Memorandum of capture of Delicia. (ib., DELIGHT, AMER. BRIG Double claim. vs. Mexico, viz., illegal exaction of cus- toms duties at San Blas in Mch., 1825; and seizure and detention of cargo at Sisal, Šept., 1826, because of alleged want of cons. certificates. n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 47; H. doc. 3, 49.) n.d. Synopsis of award. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 50.) 1828 JIy. 19. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Claim Submitted to Supreme Ct. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 245.) - Aug. 2. Poinsett to Cañedo. Protest agst. irregu- larity in trial of Amer. brig Delight, etc. (ib., 246.) — Oct. 7. Cañedo to Poinsett. Mexican tariff and Coml. regulations; case of brig Delight. (ib., 260.) — Oct. 9. Poinsett to Cañedo. Indemnity for seizure of cargo of Delight, etc. (ib., 261.) 1829 JIy. 9. Secy. State U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Poin- Sett. Instructions relative to claim. (ib., 33.) 1833 Apr. 26. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to Amer. Chargé in Mexico (Butler). Claim agst. Mex- ico. (ib., 103.) DELISLE ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. POLLY; see POLLY DELLI (EUGENE) 1860 Mch. 22. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), call- ing for information concerning expulsion of Eugene Delli, native of Prussia and naturalized U. S. citi- Zen, from that country. (36. 1. S. jol., 281.) DELMONTE (MANUEL T.), MIN. FOREIGN AFFAIRS DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1850 Jan. 24. To Amer. Specl. agt. in Dominican Repub- lic (Green). Application of govt. for Amer. inter- vention to secure peace with Hayti. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 16.) - Feb. 22. To same. Application for jt. mediation of England, France and U. S. to secure peace with Hayti. (ib., 19.) (31. 2. S. ex. DEL VALLE (LUIS MARIA); see WALLE (L. M.) DEL DEMBINSKI (C.), JT. MEMORIALIST; see PROCHASKI (C.) DEMERARA, B.R. GUIANA Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British Dominions DEMOCRATIA, AMER. VESSEL ENGAGED IN OPIUM TRADE; see CHINA. CANTON. OPIUM TRADE DEMUELENAERE (F. A.) Belgian ministre, des affaires étrangères, 1831-32; do. 1834-37; 1841; see Belgium. Civil service. DE MUN (JULIUS), JT. CLAIMANT; see CHOUTEAU (A. P.) AND DE MUN (J.) sº DENHAM (CHARLES L.); see DENMAN (C. L.) DENHAM (H. B.), COMDR. H. B. M. SHIP HERALD; see HERALD DENIA, SPAIN Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service; Spanish Dominions DENISON (AMOS), CLAIMANT 1851 Feb. 10. To U. S. House. Petition of Lois, widow of Amos Denison, praying for compensation for Serv- ices and for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (31. 2. H. jol., 247.) DENISON (C. W.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Demerara 1854-55 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British dominions. 1855 Jan. 29. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying reim- bursement of expenses incurred in procuring Sta- tistical data in So. Amer. for Patent Office, under directions of State Dept. (33. 2. S. jol., 166.) DENMAN (CHARLES L.), OF CALIF. Amer. cons. for Acapulco, 1854-58 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1856 May 23. Intr. in U. S. House (Burlingame, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (34. 1. H. R. 365) “for re- lief of Chas. L. Denman *; approl. Jan. 17, 1857. (34. 1. H. jol., 1038, 1439; xi, St. L., 487.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1856 Feb. 27. U. S. House. Communication from Secy. State, transmitting papers in case of Chas. L. Den- man, Amer, cons. at Acapulco, claiming reimburse- ment of money advanced for passage of two Amer. citizens from Acapulco to San Francisco. (34. 1. H. jol., 606.) — May 23. U. S. Com. On Foreign Affairs (Burlin- , game). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 365, for relief of Chas. L. Denman. (34. 1. H. rpt. 144.) 1858 Feb. 17. Denman to U. S. House. Petition, praying compensation for Services as cons. at Acapulco, Mexico. (35. 1. H. jol., 395, 457.) See also Sereme, Amer. bark; Hülsemann (L.). DENMAN (JOSEPH), COMDR. H. B. M. SLOOP WANDERER 1841 Oct. 6. To gov. of Monrovia (Roberts). Requests grounds for Seizure of property of master of Br. brig Ranger (Dring), at Bassa Cove, by Liberian authorities. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 115, 116.) – Oct. 7. To Same. Attempts to supplant Br. trade with Liberia cannot be viewed with indifference; denies right of authorities to seize property of Dring at Bassa Cove. (ib., 118.) Oct. 21. To Same. No further obstructions to Br. trade º be permitted on strength of grounds cited. (ib., 119.) 492 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DENMARK Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Civil Service Udenrigsminister (Secretaries of Foreign Affairs) 1824-30. H. E. Schimmelmann. Feb. 10, 1830-May 16, 1831. P. C. Stemann. May 17, 1831-Mch. 30, 1842. H. Krabbe-Carisius. Mch. 30, 1842-Nov. 2, 1848. H. A. Criminil-Reventlow. Nov. 16, 1848-Nov. 10, 1850. A. W. v. Moltke. Nov. 10, 1850-Oct. 2, 1851. H. C. de Reedtz. Oct. 18, 1851-Dec. 1, 1854. C. A. Bluhme. Dec. 1854. W. H. B. v. Scheel-Plessen apptd.; did not Serve. Dec. 12, 1854-Apr. 17, 1857. L. N. Scheele. May, 1857-Jly., 1858. O. W. Michelsen. Jly., 1858-Feb., 1860. C. C. Hall. Claims vs. Denmark: American GENERAL CLAIMS Treaty Stipulations 1830 Mch. 28. Conv. with U. S. relating to indemnities and claims; Engl. text in “Treaties, etc., 1776- 1887,” p. 235. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratifica- tion proc. in iv, sen. exec. jol. Concluded Mch. 28, 1830 ; ratifications exchd. at Wash- ington, Je. 5, 1830 ; proclaimed Je. 5, 1830. Signed by Wheaton (U. S.) and Schimmelman and Stemann (Denmark). – Dec. 30. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (21. 2. H. R. 523) “to pro- Wide for adjustment of claims of persons entitled to indemnity under conv. betw. U. S. and Denmark, of Mch. 28, 1830 °; approl. Feb. 25, 1831. (21. 2. H. jol.; iv, St. L., 446; vii, Reg. Debates, app., 19.) Commission Comrs. : G. Winchester (Md.) ; J. Hoyt (N. Y.) and S. Simpson (Penn.) apptd. Dec. 9, 1830 (iy, Sen, ex. jol.) ; W. J. Duane (Pa.) apptd. Mch, 2, 1831, to succeed S. Simpson, rejected (ib.). Secy. : R. ºlton (N. Y.) apptd. Mch. 2, 1831 (iv, Sen. €X. JOI.). Correspondence Erving Mission See v, Moore. Int. Arbitration, 4550. Wheaton Mission See also, v, Moore. Int. Arbitration, 4553. 1827 May 31. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Amer. chargé in Denmark (Wheaton). Instructions on his de- parture as chargé from U. S. to Denmark. (22. 1. IH. doc. 249, 2.) 1828 Jly. 26. Wheaton to Uden rigsminister, Denmark (Schimmelmann). Representation of Danish indem- nity claims. (ib., 12.) — Dec. 29. Schimmelmann to Wheaton. Representa- tions of Amer. Claimants admitted to Danish Coun- cil of State. (ib., 14.) — Dec. 31. Wheaton to Clay. Proc. in Danish indem- nity claims. (ib., 10.) 1829 Jan. 12. Schimmelmann to Wheaton. Min. Of Jus- tice authorized to negotiate on business of Amer. claims. (ib., 15.) — Jan. 31. Wheaton to Clay. Attitude of Danish min- istry towards Amer. claims. (ib., 14.) — Apr. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Wheaton. Instructions relative to prosecution of Danish claims represented by John Connell. (ib., 16.) — May 11. Same to same. In structions as to form of arrangement for settlement of Danish claims. (ib., 17.) 3. — Aug. 27. Substance of protocols of conference betw. Amer comr. and Danish comrs. (ib., 19, ) | DENMARK–Cont'd Claims vs. Denmark: American—cont’d GENERAL CLAIMs—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d Wheaton Mission—cont’d 1829 Oct. 17. Wheaton to Van Buren. Refusal of King to augment sum offered as a compromise in settle- ment of Danish claims. (ib., 18.) – Dec. 8. President of U. S. A. (Jackson). Annual meSSage; clause referring to progress in adjustment of claims agst. Denmark. 1830 Jan. 9. Wheaton to Van Buren. Protocol of con- ference with Danish comrs. (ib., 22.) — Jan. 13. Van Buren to Wheaton. Instructions rel- ative to settlement of Danish claims; disappoint- º at unsatisfactory proposal of Denmark. (ib., — Feb. 25. Wheaton to Danish comrs. Copy of note expressing disappointment of govt. of U. S. A. at unsatisfactory proposal of Denmark. (ib., 40.) See also, Baltimore (Md.).; Newburyport (Mass.) ; New Hampshire; Portland (Me.) ; Salem (Mass.) citi- ZeRS. - INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS 1829 Feb. 24. U. S. House. Additional rpt. of spoliations on commerce of U. S. A.; claims vs. Denmark. (20. 2. H. doc. 143, 29.) Baltiſm.Ore Ins. Co. 1834 Apr. 4. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying re- examination of claim for indemnity for Danish spo- liations. (23. 1. S. jol., 209.) & Bergen Prizes General Statutory Measures 1837 Feb. 13. Intr. in U. S. House (Pinckney, S. C.), res. (24. 2. H. res. 24.) “requesting President to assert and prosecute claim of U. S. upon Denmark for prizes made by John Paul Jones in 1779.” (24. 2. H. jol., 385; xiii, Reg. Debates, 1754.) 1846 Feb. 10. Intr. in U. S. House (Maclay, Com. on Naval Affairs), bill (29. 1. H. R. 200) “for relief of heirs of John Paul Jones.” (29. 1. H. jol., 377; 29. 2. H. jol., 382, 384.) — Dec. 21. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Atchison, Mo.), bill (29. 2. S. 30) “for relief of John Paul Jones.” (29. 2. S. Jol., 60; 202.) 1847 Dec. 9. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hannegan, Ind.), bill (30. 1. S. 1) “for relief of heirs of J. P. Jones’; approl. Mch. 21, 1848. (30. 1. S. jol., 41, 229; ix, St. L., 214, 711.) 1848 Aug. 8. Intr. in U. S. House (King, Com. on Revo- lutionary Claims), bill (30. 1. H. R. 637) “for relief of heirs of John Jackson.” (30. 1. H. jol., 1194.) 1852 Jan. 13. Intr. in U. S. House (Tuck, Com. on Revo- lutionary Pensions), bill (32. 1. H. R. 95) “for relief of heirs of John Jackson "; approl. Jly. 3. (32. 1. H. jol., 202, 348, 373, 846, 852, 866.) Correspondence 1836 Dec. 27. U. S. House. Res. (Pearce, R. I.) ; calling for information relative to claim of U. S. A. upon Denmark for three prize ships, Betsey, Union, and Charming Polly, captured by John Paul Jones dur- ing Revolutionary war, carried into port of Bergen, and unlawfully delivered to Br. authorities. (24. 2. H. jol., 130.) 1837 Jan. 30. U. S. House. DocS. resp. prize-money ob- tained by late John Paul Jones; presented (Pinck- ney, S. C.); referred to Com. on Revolutionary Claims. (ib., 308.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 493 DENMARK–Cont'd Claims vs. Denmark: American—cont’d INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS-cont’d Bergen Prizes—cont’d General—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1837 Feb. 13. H. L. Pinckney, repr. from S. C. Remarks; introducing jt. res. requesting President to prose- cute John Paul Jones claims agst. Denmark. (xiii, Reg. Debates, 1754.) 1838 Jan. 12. U. S. House. Res. (Cushing, Com. on For- eign Affairs); requesting President to consider pro- priety of negotiating with Denmark regarding ships Union, Betsey, and brigantine Charming Polly, be- ing prizes taken by John Paul Jones, and delivered to Br. govt. (25. 2. H. jol., 259, 310; vi. Cong. Globe, 122, 134.) — Jan. 20. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; in Support of res. concerning claims agst. Denmark for value of prizes taken by Paul Jones. (vi, Cong. Globe, 122.) — Jan. 20. T. Taliaferro, repr. from Va. Do.; favoring opening of negotiations with Denmark for Settle- ment of John Paul Jones claims. (ib., 122.) 1844 Apr. 22. U. S. House. Motion (Newton, Va.); call- ing for information regarding claims on Denmark for prizes made by John Paul Jones, and status of claimants. (28. 1. H. jol., 843.) — May 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun) to Presi- dent of U. S. A. (Tyler). Claims agst. Denmark for prizes furnarº to Br. govt. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 264, 1. — Dec. 23. U. S. House. Res. (Holmes, S. C.); main- taining justice of claims agst. Denmark for prizes delivered to Gr. Br. in 1779, and calling for in- formation as to progress of negotiations regarding same. (28. 2. H. jol., 129.) 1847 Dec. 8. E. A. Hannegan, Sen. from Ind. Remarks: urging consideration of S. 1 for relief of heirs of John Paul Jones. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 13.) — Dec. 14. J. B. Bowlin, repr. from Va. Remarks; same. (ib., 25.) — Dec. 14. J. Pollock, repr. from Mo. Remarks; same. (ib., 25.) 1848 Feb. 11. D. A. Starkweather, repr. from O. Speech; same. (ib., app., 187.) — Feb. 18. H. Putnam, repr. from N. Y. DO.; Same. (ib., 482.) — Feb. 21. T. H. Benton, sen. from Mo. Remarks; same. (ib., 30. 1., 381, 383.) — Feb. 21. A. P. Bagby, Sen. from Ala. Do.; Same. (ib., 382.) — Feb. 21. J. W. Bradbury, Sen. from Me. Do.; Same. (ib., 383.) — Feb. 21. S. Cameron, Sen. from Penn. Do.; Same. (ib., 382.) — Feb. 21. E. A. Hannegan, Sen. from Ind. Do.; same. (ib., 381-83.) — Feb. 21. W. P. Mangum, Sen. from N. C. Do.; Same. (ib., 382.) — Feb. 21. G. E. Badger, Sen. from N. C. Do.; Same. (ib., 383.) 1852 Feb. 13. D. K. Cartter, repr. from O. Do.; opposed to H. R. 95, for relief of heirs of John Jackson. (ib., 32. 1., 563-64.) Bergen Prizes Individual Brooke Claim; Alexander Claimant 1835 Dec. 16. U. S. House. Petition of Lucy Alexander and others, heirs of Dr. Lawrence Brooke; praying for allowance due their deceased ancestor, on acct. i of certain prizes captured by Bon Homme Richard, DENMARK–cont’d Claims vs. Denmark: American—cont’d INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS-cont’d Bergen Prizes—cont’d Individual—cont’d Brooke Claim; Alexander Claimant—cont’d Capt. Paul Jones, on board which vessel said Brooke Was Surgeon. (24. 1. H. jol., 61; 119.) 1838 Jan. 3. U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 199.) — Jan. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Rpt. On petitions of W. C. Parke, heir of claimant in Case of Amer. frigate Alliance; N. Gunnison, do., frigate Bon Homme Richard; and Lucy Alexander, Same. (25. 2. H. rpt. 389.) – Dec. 14. U. S. House. Alexander memorial; pre- Sented (Taliaferro, Va.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (25. 3. H. jol., 90.) 1840 Jan. 4. U. S. House. Same; referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs, under general order of day. (26. 1. H. jol., 182.) 1842 Aug. 28. U. S. Com. on Revolutionary Claims (Parmenter). Rpt. on petition of Janette Taylor and Lucy Alexander. (27. 2. H. rpt. 1058.) Burbank Claim; Taylor Claimant 1848 Feb. 2. U. S. House. Petition, of Sally Taylor, sole heir of John Burbank, late of sqdn. of John Paul Jones; praying payment of share of prize-money due. (30. 1. H. jol., 344; 728.) Caffery Claim; Stanford Claimant 1848 Mch. 28. U. S. House. Petition, of Elizabeth Stan- ford, Widow of John Caffery; praying pymt. of prize- money due for captures under John Paul Jones. (30. 1. H. jol., 624; 896.) Clark Claim 1845 Feb. 4. Ephraim Clark to U. S. House. Petition; for Share of prize-money due him as seaman on board Ship in Sqdn. of John Paul Jones. (28. 2. H. jol., 328.) 1848 Feb. 2. U. S. House. Petition, of Edw. Clark et al.; praying payment of share of prize-money for cap- * * during Revolutionary war. (30. 1. H. jol., ; 8. Dale Claim 1847 Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. Memorial, of legal repr. of Richd. Dale; praying payment of prize-money for ºre made under John Paul Jones. (29. 2. S. jol., – Feb. 17. U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 372.) Fanning Claim 1838 Dec. 20. U. S. House. Memorial, of Edw. Fanning, brother of lieut. Nathaniel Fanning, U. S. N., pray. ing payment of prize-money due his bro., from prizes captured by John Paul Jones. (25. 3. H. jol., 130; Wii, Cong. Globe, 56.) – Dec. 22. U. S. Senate. Memorial, of N. Fanning; praying payment of prize-money due heirs of Na. thaniel Fanning, for prizes made under John Paul Jones. (25. 3. S. jol., 68; 321.) 1840 Jan. 6. U. S. Senate. Memorial, of Lavinia Smith, heir of Nath’l Fanning; praying payment of prize. money due her deceased father for prizes made under John Paul Jones, and that gold medal be Struck in commemoration of his services. (26. 1. S. jol., 74; viii, Cong. Globe, 102.) – Feb. 6. U. S. House. Petition, of heirs of lieut. Nathaniel Fanning; asking that medal be given for his act of bravery on board Good Man Richard un- der Paul Jones, and for prize-money. (viii, Cong. Globe, 171.) 494 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DENMARK–cont’d Claims vs. Denmark: American—cont’d INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS-cont’d Bergen Prizes—cont’d Individual—cont’d Frederick Claim 1848 Mch. 30. U. S. House. Petition, of Wm. Frederick, on behalf of heirs of W. Joseph Frederick, et al.; praying payment of prize-money due for captures un- der John Paul Jones. (30. 1. H. jol., 635; 728.) Goodwin Claim 1848 Feb. 2. U. S. House. Petition, of Lewis Goodwin et al., heirs of Aaron Goodwin; praying payment of prize-money due for captures made under John Paul Jones. (30. 1. H. jol., 344; 728.) Gunnison Claim 1837 Sept. 11. U. S. Senate. Petition, of Nathaniel Gun- nison, of Portsmouth, N. H.; praying pymt. of prize money due his deceased father, for captures made by Bon Homºme Richard during Revolutionary war. (25. 1. S. jol., 29.) Dec. 11. U. S. House. Same; heretofore presented, referred to Com. On Commerce, under general Order of day. (25. 2. H. jol., 40; 153.) —— Dec. 12. U. S. House. Same; praying to be paid his portion of prize-money made by ship BOn Homºme Richard, at present withheld by U. S. (25. 2. H. jol., 49.) Dec. 12. U. S. House. Same; praying CongreSS to assume payment of prize-money due from Denmark for prizes made by Bon Hom/me Richard, and to ap- point comr. to distribute same. (25. 2. H. jol., 49; 259; 1173.) 1838 Jan. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Rpt. on petition of N. Gunnison, claimant in case of frigate Bon Homºme Richard; etc. (25. 2. H. rpt. 389.) 1841 Dec. 14. U. S. Senate. Motion (Woodbury, N. H.); to refer petition of Nathaniel Gunnison, on files of Senate, to Com. on Commerce. (27. 2. S. jol., 23; 44; 49.) Hammitt Claim 1848 Feb. 2. U. S. House. Petition, of Abigail Goodwin, heir of Thomas Hammitt; praying payment of prize money due for captures made under John Paul Jones. (30. 1. H. jol., 344; 728.) Jackson Claim 1835 Feb. 2. U. S. House. Spkr. presented memorial of Jos. Jackson, of England, heir of Jno. Jackson, de- ceased, praying to be paid sum of $300, promised lat- ter by Paul Jones; as also to be paid pension due his father. (23. 2. H. jol., 308.) 1836 Apr. 12. U. S. Com. on Revolutionary Claims (Murrill). Rpt. adverse to petition of Jackson heirs. (24. 1. H. rpt. 566.) 1848 Mch. 16. U. S. House. Petition of heirs of John Jackson. (30. 1. H. jol., 575.) — Aug. 8. U. S. Com. on Revolutionary Claims (King). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 637, for relief of Jack- son heirs. (30. 1. H. rpt. 819.) 1851 Dec. 15. U. S. House. Petition of John Jackson’s heirs. (32. 1. H. jol., 85.) 1852 Feb. 13. T. Y. Walsh, repr. from Md. Remarks; favorable to H. R. 95, for relief of heirs of John Jackson. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 566.) — Feb. 13. H. S. Walbridge, repr. from N. Y. Same. (ib., 566.) — Feb. 13. W. E. Howard, repr. from Texas. Same. (ib., 566.) - — Feb. 13. R. I. Bowie, repr. from Md. Same. (ib., 565.) DENMARK–Cont'd Claims vs. Denmark: American—cont’d INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS-cont’d Bergen. Prizes—cont’d Individual—cont'd Jackson Claim—cont’d 1852 Feb. 13. J. R. Chandler, repr. from Penn. Same. (ib., 564-66.) — Feb. 13. R. Goodenow, repr. from Me. Same. (ib., 562-64.) — Feb. 13. C. F. Cleveland, repr. from Conn. Same. (ib., 563-66.) — Feb. 13. J. S. Millson, repr. from Va. Same; un- favorable. (ib., 563-66.) mºmºmºmºs ; 13. W. F. Hunter, repr. from O. Same. (ib., 565. Jones Claim 1842 Dec. 27. U. S. House. Petition, of heirs of John Paul Jones; praying payment of prize money due comdre. Jones. (27. 3. H. jol., 96.) 1843 Jan. 10. U. S. House. Same. (ib., 168.) — Feb. 16. U. S. House. Motion (Parmenter) to dis- charge Com. on Revolutionary Claims from so much of memorial of heirs of John Paul Jones as relates to surrender by Danish govt. of certain prizes to govt. of Gr. Br., during Revolutionary war, and to refer the memorial to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 381.) May 31. Secy. State ad int., U. S. A. (Legare) to Amer. chargé in Denmark (Irwin). Instructions for urging upon Danish govt. consideration of claim of reprs. of comdre. J. P. Jones. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 264, 3.) * — Jly. 27. Irwin to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Instructions relative to claim of reprS. of J. P. Jones. (ib., 3.) — Aug. 23. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wheaton) to Upshur. Effect of conv. of 1830 upon claim of J. P. Jones; principles of public law appli- cable to claim. (ib., 4.) — Nov. 21. Upshur to Irwin. Transmits letter of H. * relative to claim of reprs. of J. P. Jones. ib., 4.) 1847 Dec. 15. U. S. House. Petition of Jones heirs pre- sented (Rockwell, Mass.), and referred to Com. Of Claims. (30. 1. H. jol., 77.) Lowdon Claim 1837 Jan. 23. U. S. House. Petition of John Lowdon and others, heirs of late John Paul Jones; praying to be allowed their respective portions of value of prizes captured by said Jones. (24. 2. H. jol., 269.) Nutter Claim 1848 Mch. 30. U. S. House. Petition of James P. Nutter, for himself and others; praying payment of prize money due for captures made under John Paul Jones. (30. 1. H. jol., 635.) Parke Claim 1836 Apr. 11. U. S. House. Memorial, of Wm. C. Parke, sole heir of Matthew Parke; praying compensation for prize money due latter, as officer of frigate Alli- ance, on account of prize captured by said vessel in 1779, alleged to have been given up by U. S. to Den- mark. (24. 1. H. jol., 661; 1224.) — Dec. 19. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing); to refer memorial of Wm. C. Parke, referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs at last session, and not finally acted upon, to same com. (24. 2. H. jol., 75; 554.) 1837 Mch. 1. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Rpt. on petition of W. C. Parke, and proposing res. requesting Pres, to prosecute claim agst. Denmark for value of three prizes made by J. P. Jones. (24. 2. H. rpt. 297.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 495 DENMARK–Cont'd Claims vs. Denmark: American—cont’d INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS-cont’d Bergen Prizes—cont’d Individual—cont’d Parke Claim—cont’d 1837 Dec. 12. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing, Mass.); to take from files petition of Wm. C. Parke, relative to prizes made by J. P. Jones, and refer it to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (25. 2. H. jol., 50.) 1838 Jan. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Rpt. on petitions of W. C. Parke, heir of claimant in case of Amer. frigate Alliance; etc. (25. 2. H. rpt. 1853 Jan. 12. U. S. Senate. Memorial, of Wm. C. Parke; praying distribution of unclaimed balance of J. P. Jones prize money. (32. 2. S. jol., 88.) — Dec. 13. U. S. Senate. Same; praying for distri- bution of unclaimed balance of prize money due heirs of J. P. Jones. (33. 1. S. jol., 38; 273.) 1854 Mch. 21. U. S. Senate. Com. Of Claims (Pratt). Rpt. adverse to petition of Wm. C. Parke. (33. 1. S. rpt. 180.) Stacy Claim 1848 Feb. 2. U. S. House. Petition, of Samuel Stacy, et al.; praying payment of prize money due for cap- tures under J. P. Jones. (30. 1. H. jol., 344; 728.) Taylor Claim 1835 Dec. 16. U. S. House. Sundry docs. relating to me- morial of Janette Taylor, one of heirs of J. P. Jones, deceased. (24. 1. H. jol., 61.) — Dec. 22. U. S. Senate. Same. (24. 1. S. jol., 49.) — Dec. 23. U. S. Senate. Motion (Naudain, Com. of Claims); that said com. be discharged from further consideration of petition of heirs of J. P. Jones, and * it * referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. ib., 55. - Dec. 29. U. S. House. Motion (Jarvis, Com. on Na- Val Affairs); to discharge said committee from con- sideration of case of Janette Taylor, and to refer her petition to Com. on Revolutionary Claims. (24. 1. H. jol., 119.) 1836 Feb. 1. U. S. Senate. Motion (King, Com. on For- eign Relations); that Com. on Foreign Relations be discharged from further consideration of petition of Janette Taylor, niece of late J. P. Jones, and that it be referred to Secy. State. (24. 1. S. jol., 129.) – Feb. 24. U. S. Senate. Vice-President laid before Senate rpt. of Secy. of State on petition of Janette Taylor, niece of J. P. Jones, in compliance with res. of 1 inst. (ib., 183.) — Dec. 12. U. S. House. Petition, of Janette Taylor, in behalf of herself and other reprs. of J. P. Jones; praying payment of balance due for money advanced by J. P. Jones for benefit of U. S. during Revolution- ary war. (24. 2. H. jol., 38.) 1837 Dec. 12. U. S. House. Petition of Dec. 12, 1836, again presented. (25. 2. H. jol., 48.) 1838 Dec. 14. U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 85.) 1840 Jan. 4. U. S. House. Memorial; referred under general order of day to Com. on Revolutionary Claims. (26. 1. H. jol., 164.) — Dec. 14. U. S. House. Petition; presented and re- ferred under order of 10 inst. to Com. on Revolu- tionary Claims. (26. 2. H. jol., 35.) 1841 Dec. 14. U. S. House. Petition; presented and re- ferred under order of Dec. 13 to Com. On Revolu- tionary Claims. (27. 2. H. jol., 61.) 1842 Aug. 28. U. S. Com. on Revolutionary Claims (Par- menter). Rpt. on petition of Janette Taylor and Lucy Alexander. (27. 2. H. rpt. 1058.) | DENMARK–cont’d Claims vs. Denmark: American—cont’d INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS-cont’d Bergen Prizes—cont’d Individual—cont’d Taylor Claim—cont’d 1842 Dec. 12. U. S. House. Petition; presented and re- ferred under order of 8 inst. to Com. on Revolution- ary Claims. (27. 3. H. jol., 45.) 1844 Jan. 15. U. S. House. Motion (Holmes, S. C.); to take memorial and papers of Janette Taylor, and other heirs of J. P. Jones, presented to 24 Cong., 2 sess., from files, and to refer same to Com. on Revo- lutionary Claims. (28. 1. H. jol., 228.) — Dec. 26. U. S. House. Petition and papers hereto- fore presented, Jan. 12, 1844; presented and re- ferred to Com. on Revolutionary Claims. (28. 2. H. jol., 135; 196.) Chesapeake Insurance Co. 1834 Apr. 4. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying re- examination of claim for indemnity for Danish Spo- liations. (23. 1. S. jol., 209.) Columbia Insurance Co. See below, N. Y. City Insurance cos. Henrick Claimants 1830 Mch. 28. Hollins (J. S.) and others, to U. S. Con- gress. Petition; praying for relief in case of Danish brig Henrick. (21. 2. H. doc. 65, 1.) 1831 Feb. 23. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. in case of brig Henrick; adverse; laid on table. (21. 2. H. rpt. 100.) 1832 Jan. 9. New York City. Citizens. To U. S. House. Memorial; amt. due on acct. of brig Henrick may be added to sum to be distributed under conv. (22. 1. H. jol., 163.) — Jan. 30. Philadelphia, Pa. Citizens. To U. S. House. Same. (ib., 260.) 1842 Dec. 28. U. S. House. Memorial, of sundry claim- ants under Danish treaty; praying compensation for loss occasioned by recapture of Danish brig Henrick. (27. 3. H. jol., 109.) Hope Claimants Hope, Amer. brig (Meek), captured by Danish govt. ves- sel in 1810 on voyage bound from St. Petersburg to Marblehead ; R. and J. Hooper, claimants. 1831 Jan. 24. U. S. House. Memorial, of claimants un- der late conv. betw. U. S. A. and Denmark, pre- sented (Crowinshield, Mass.); referred to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (21. 2. H. jol., 207.) N. Y. City Insurance Cos. In 1829 the United Insurance co. of N. Y. presented claims for the following vessels, ships Washington, Olive Branch, and brig Jane, and the Columbia In- surance co. for the following, ships Egeria, Wash- ington, Swift, Concordia, Minerva, Olive Branch, Pittsburg, Resolution, and brigs Nimrod, Agent, Nancy, and Statira. (20. 2. H. doc. 143, 29.) 1831 Jan. 18. New York City Insurance cos. to U. S. House. Memorial; of claimants under late conv. betw. U. S. A. and Denmark. (21. 2. H. jol., 190.) Tenant Claim!, 1834 Apr. 4. Thos. Tenant and others to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying for reexamination of claim for indemnity for Danish spoliations. (23. 1. S. jol., 209.) 1835 Dec. 30. Same to same. Same. (24. 1. S. jol., 68.) 1836 Feb. 16. U. S. Sen. Com. on Judiciary (Buchanan). Rpt. adverse to Tenant petition. (ib., 165.) 496 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DENMARK–Cont’d Claims vs. Denmark: American—cont’d INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS-cont’d -- Thompson Claim. 1834 Je. 20. S. H. Thompson, of Alabama, to Congress of U. S. A. Petition; praying full indemnity be made to him by U. S. A. for Spoliations by Denmark On his property. (23. 1. S. ex. doc. 513; 23. 1. S. jol., 330.) United I'm Sºrance Co. See above, N. Y. City Insurance cos. Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) Consular Service; Treaty Provision; see Consular Service: International Regulations Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Denmark Crown 1846 May 16. Proclamation. Sundry modifications in Sound dues. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 108, 36.) Diplomatic Agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Diplomatic Service In U. S. A. 1803-30. Peter Pederson, cons. Acted as chargé ad int. from Jly. 803, to Je. 28, 1815, when he pre- sented credentials as min. res. Announced intention to leave for Europe J ly. 31, 1830. 1830-54. Steen Bille, chargé. Arrived in the United States about Aug. 28, 1830. Took temporary leave Jly. 21, 1852; and final leave, by letter, Mch. 17, 1 º 1852-57. Torben Bille, cons.-gen. Acted as chargé ad int. from Jiy. 21, 1852, to Mch. 17, 1854, when he presented credentials as chargé. Took leave Sept. 8, 1857. 1857-62. Waldemar Rudolph Raasloff, chargé. Pre- sented credentials Dec. 26, 1857. Left Oct. 15, 1862, by order of his govt. on a mission to China ; legation left in charge of Count Piper, min. res. of Sweden and Norway. Impressment; see that title Neutrality Negotiations; see that title Port Regulations; see that title Slavetrade; see that title Subjects of Denmark in U. S. A. Consular Service See Albers (J. H.) : Rainals (E. L.) ; Rainals (H. T. A.) ; Hainals (J.); Saâbye (H. R.). Treaties 1827 Oct. 16. Conv. With Turkey concerning navigation of Black Sea; Engl. text, (22. 1. H. ex. doc. 250, 60.) 1830 Mch. 28. Claims conv. With U. S. A.; See above, Claims. 1857 Apr. 11. Conv. with U. S. A., exempting Amer. ves- sels from Sound and Belts dues; Engl. text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 238. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47). Concluded Apr. 11, 1857; ratifications exchd. at Washington Jan. 12, 1858; proclaimed Jan. 13, 1858. Signed by Cass (U. S. A.) and Bille (Den- mark). Amer. ratification proc. in x, Sen. ex. jol. See also Sound dues. DENMARK (IOWA) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 583.) DENMARK (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 600.) DENMARK (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 26. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 666.) 1845 Dec. 9. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 67.) DENNER (JOB) MASTER AMER. SCHR. PALLAS; see PAL- LAS DENNIS (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 164.) 1842 Feb. 7. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 324.) – Feb. 7. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (ib., 325.) DENNISON (GILBERT), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Panama, 1831-33; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Colombia. DENNISON (THOMAS) Amer. cons. for Bristol, 1834-40 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. DENNYSVILLE (ME.) CITIZENS 1850 Je. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying adop- ; g principle of arbitration. (31. 1. H. jol., 0. DENSTUN (ALEXANDER), BRIG. GEN., PERU 1852 Dec. 13. Certifies to arrival of Sarah Chase at Lobos Is...; warned agst. loading guano; capt. noti- fied of abandonment of protection by U. S. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 256.) DENT (LEWIS), OF CALIF. Amer. cons. for Guaymas, 1859-61; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Mexico. DE OSMA (JOAQUIN JOSE), see OSMA (J. J.) DE DE PEYSTER (FREDERICK), AND CO. 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800; re- ferred to select com. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) DEPIERRE (VICTOR B.) 1852 Je. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to J. B. Nones. Services of Victor B. Depierre may be law- fully claimed on entering French jurisdiction, as French govt. does not acknowledge right of natives to renounce allegiance. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 55.) DEPLAIGNE (JEAN), FRENCH SUBJECT, RESIDENT IN MEXICO 1852 Jly. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for loss of property seized by naval force of U. S. after Surrender of Frontera de Tobasco. (32. 1. S. jol., 510.) 1854 Jan. 4. U. S. Senate. On motion (Gwin, Calif.), pe- tition; of Jean Deplaigne, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Naval Affairs (33. 1. S. jol., 78); on motion (Gwin), com. discharged, and petition referred to Com. on Foreign Relations, Feb. 2 (ib., 150); on mo- tion (Weller), com. discharged, Apr. 25 (ib., 343); on motion (Gwin), leave given to withdraw petition and papers, May 8 (ib., 380). DE PUY (HENRY W.), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for Carlsruhe, 1855-57; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Germany. 1857 May 20. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton) to Amer. cons. gen. at Frankfurt (Ricker). Name of De Puy, late cons. at Carlsruhe, erased from Cons. list. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 9.) DERBES (ALEXANDER), OF LA. Amer, cons. for Marseilles, 1858-61 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. French dominions. DERBIGNY (PETER) 1826 Feb. 17. Stnt. relative to claim of Delassus. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 9.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 497 DERBY (CONN.) CITIZENS 1835 Feb. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial, of merchants of Derby, Chatham, and New Haven, Conn.; praying #ºnly for French spoliations. (23. 2. H. jol., 47.) 1845 Dec. 15. To Same; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) DERELICTS; see SHIPWRECKS DERING (HENEAGE H.) AND OTHERS, BR. SUBJECTS; CLAIM W.S. U. S. A. For sums due on bonds issued by terr. govt. of Florida. 1854 Dec. 14. Claim agst, the U. S. A. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award; and rpts. of decisions of COmrS. and arguments of counsel. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 64; 246.) DERKHEIM (MARCUS) Amer. cons. for Bremen, 1840-41 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. DE RONCERAY (CHARLES); see RONCERAY (C.) DE DEROSE (JOHN J.), HEIRS OF 1847 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Petition; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (30. 1. H. jol., 118.) DE ROUSSEY, AMER. SCHR., SEIZURE; see COXE (R. S.) DERRICK (WILLIAM S.), OF PENN. Chief clerk State Dept., U. S. A., Apr. 24, 1843-Apr. 9, 1844 (under Webster and Legaré) and Apr. 5, 1849- May 15, 1852 (under Clayton and Webster) ; from Je. 21-24, 1843, acted as Secy. State ad int. Died in Office in 1852. Correspondence (Consular) HAVANA, Owen, Consul 1851 Sept. 29. [unnum.] Instructions for rpt. upon Lo- gº ºuen. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 69; H. ex. doc. Corr. (Diplomatic) BRITISH H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox) 1843 Je. 19. Request for copies of surveys, plans, etc., for Maine, in order to enable her to carry into effect art. 4, treaty of Washington. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 30.) (Bulwer) 1851 Mch. 29. Receipt of two notes of yesterday. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 88.) FRENCEI E. E. and M. P. France in U. S. A. (Boislecomte) 1850 Oct. 23. President declines to exercise authority in case of Surrender of seamen of U. S. frigate Com- Stitution, charged with murder of boatman of Mar- Seilles, who have taken refuge in Sardinian juris- diction. (Mss. Notes, France. Repr., extr. ii, Whar- ton’s Digest, 799.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives) 1851 Sept. 17. [no. 33.] Instructions to carry out pro- Visions of conv. betw. Portugal and U. S. relating to arbitration submission of case of General Arm- Strong. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 88.) DERRICK (WILLIAM S.), OF PENN.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d MEXICAN Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Smith) 1851 May 17. [no. 65.] Instructions for protest agst. de- tention by Mexico of passengers of str. Gold Hunter, en route from San Francisco to Tehuantepec. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 97, 67.) May 24. [no. 67.] Protest agst, refusal of Mexico to land passengers from Tehuantepec co.'s Str. Gold Hunter. (ib., 68.) (Letcher) 1851 Sept. 10. [no. 75.1 Protest agst. determination of Mexico to withdraw exeguatur of U. S. A. cons. On Isthmus of Tehuantepec. (32. 1. S. ex: doc. 97, 95.) 1852 Feb. 27. [unnum. extr.] Comment on his postpone- ment of Tehuantepec treaty. (ib., 126.) SPANISEI E. E. and M. P. of Spain in U. S. A. (Argaiz) 1841 Oct. 21. Receipt of letter of 17 inst. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 146, 3.) (Calderon de la Barca) 1850 Nov. 4. No evidence found of renewed attempts to organize within distr. of La. military expedition agst. Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 79.) 1851 Aug. 30. Outrages alleged to have been committed lately agst. Spaniards in New Orleans. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 42.) Sept. 6. Capture of Lopez; protest agst. execution of Crittenden’s party. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 66; H. ex. doc. 2, 66.) — Sept. 13. Requests explanation of detention of U. S. mail str. Falcon. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 130.) Corr. (Executive) 1850 Oct. 15. U. S. atty. e. distr. La. (Hunton). Instruc- tions to make inquiry into allegations resp. attempt to set on foot military expedition agst. Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 79.) — Oct. 19. To J. West. Advices from Sp. govt. to ef- fect that proc. in case of West et al., in Cuba, have been conducted in accordance with laws of country. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 52.) — Oct. 28. To Secy. War, U. S. A. ad int. (Graham). Secy. State (Webster) concurs in arrangement pro- posed for transfer of services of lieut. Col. Graham during work of boundary demarcation under art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 121, 76.) 1851 Mch. 31. To same. Under circumstances Stated, govt. of U. S. A. declines to act further in case of West et al. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 46, 53.) —Aug. 23. Comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Parker). In- structions for inquiry into circumstances attending execution of Amer. citizens at Havana; into firing Over U. S. mail str. Falcon by a Sp. Str. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 28; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 28.) — Aug. 28. Hunton. Instruction relative to outrage agst. Spaniards in New Orleans. (ib., 41; ib., 41.) — Sept. 1. To Same. Instruction to ascertain amt. of loss Mr. Laborde may have Sustained in New Orleans mob. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 43.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1856 May 9. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Brodhead, Com. of Claims), bill (34. 1. S. 294), “for relief of Ann B. Derrick, widow of W. S. Derrick.” (34. 1. and 2. S. jol., 314; 358.) 32 498 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DERRICK (WILLIAM S.), OF PENN.—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1856 May 9. U. S. S. Com. on Claims (Brodhead). Rpt. to acc. S. 294 in favor of memorial of Mrs. A. P. Der- rick, widow of W. S. Derrick, late chief clerk of State Dept. (34. 1. S. rpt. 164.) DERRY (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) DE RUYTER (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1850 Jly. 20. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying em- ployment of public vessel to convey delegates from U. S. to Peace Conv., Frankfort. (31. 1. S. jol., 463.) 1851 Jan. 22. To same. Petition; praying adoption of principle of arbitration. (31. 2. S. jol., 101.) DE SAUSSURE (DOUGLAS B.) 1857 Dec. 3. Deposition in case of T. J. Mackey, Con- cerned in second Walker expedition. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 29.) DESBORDES (PAUL), DEPONENT IN CASE OF BRIG CYRUS; see CYRUS DESERTERS See also, Seamen. Statutory Measures 1829 Feb. 20. Intr. into U. S. Senate (Woodbury, Com. on Commerce), bill (20. 2. S. 95) “to provide for ap- prehension and delivery of deserters from vessels belonging to Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen and Hamburg, in ports of U. S.”; approl. Mch. 2. (iv., St. L., 359.) 1854 Aug. 3. Intr. in U. S. House (May, Com. On Ju- diciary), bill (33. 1. H. R. 534) “concerning ap- prehension and delivery of deserters from foreign vessels in U. S. ports"; appra. Feb. 24, 1855. 1. H. jol., 1336; 33. 2. H. jol., 337, 473; X, St. L., 614.) 1856 Aug. 5. Intr. in U. S. House (Pennington, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (34. 1. H. R. 549) “to regulate dipl. and cons. systems of U. S.”; clause relat- ing to duties of consuls regarding deserters; ap- pra. Aug. 18. (34. 1. H. jol., 1372, 1465, 1531; xi, St. L., 62.) Treaty Stipulations 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 31. Powers of cons. to arrest deserters. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 30; authority to require assistance of country for ap- prehension of deserters. 1832 May 16. Chili. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 29. Powers of cons. to arrest deserters. -- — Dec. 18. Russia. Treaty of commerce, etc., in force, art. 9; authority to require assistance of country for apprehension of deserters. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 32. Same. — Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 28. Same. 1837 Dec. 22. Greece. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 13. Same. 1838 Nov. 26. Sardinia. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 17. Same. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 32. Same. 1840 May 20. Hanover. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 6. Same. — Aug. 26. Portugal. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 11. Same. (33. DESERTERS–cont’d Treaty Stipulations—cont’d 1844 Jly. 3. China. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 29; au- thority to apprehend mutineers and deserters. 1845 Nov. 10. Belgium. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 17; powers of cons, to arrest deserters. — Dec. 1. Two Sicilies. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 8; authority to require assistance of country for apprehension of deserters. 1846 Je. 10. Hanover. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 9. Same. - Dec. 12. New Granada. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 33. Same. 1847 Dec. 9. Mecklenburg Schwerin. Treaty of com- merce, etc., art. 9. Same. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala. Conv. of peace, etc., art. 31. Same. — Dec. 29. Hawaii. Treaty of friendship, etc., art, 10. Same. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 33. Same. — May 4. New Granada. Cons. Conv., art. 3. Same. 1851 Jly. 26. Peru. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 27. Same. 1853 Feb. 23. France. Cons. conv., art. 9. Same. 1855 Jan. 22. Netherlands. Cons. conv., art. 10. Same. — Oct. 1. Two Sicilies. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 20. Same. 1858 May 13. Bolivia. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 34. Same. Je. 18. China. Treaty of peace, etc., art. 18. Same. — Jly. 17. Belgium and U. S. A. Treaty of Commerce, etc., art. 15. Same. — Jly. 29. Japan. Treaty of commerce, etc., art. 9. Same. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 26. Same. Correspondence 1827 Dec. 21. Comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle) to adm. Comdg. Brazil naval forces (Guedes). Amer. policy relative to delivery of deserters; regarding Seaman Ring. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 203.) - Dec. 22. Guedes to Biddle. Reply to his of 21 inst.; declaration relative to future policy of Bra- Zilian govt. in case of deserting seamen. (ib., 205.) 1853 Oct. 14. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing). Opinion; act for apprehension of deserters from certain for- eign Vessels cannot be applied to case of Danish mariner of ship Saga, until there be an express pro- Vision of treaty betw. Denmark and U. S. A. for res- tºon of deserting Seamen. (Vi, Op. attyS. gen., 1856 Mch. 27. H. B. M. Colon. Secy., Hong Kong (Mer- cer) to Amer. Cons., Hong Kong (Keenan). Growth of desertions of Br. soldiers to Amer. whalers. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 113, 45.) * – Apr. 8. Keenan to Mercer. As means of preventing desertion in future, suggests that govt. Supply every Whaler arriving in port with copy of ordinance no. 2, of 1852. (ib., 46.) – Apr. 9. Mercer to Keenan. Encloses copies of ordi- nance 2, of 1852, for distribution among Amer. Whalers. (ib., 47.) – May 9. Keenan to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Assistance given in search for Br. deserters on Amer. Vessels; forwards bills incurred in defence Of ºn. rights and protection of U. S. citizens. (ib., 43. 1856 Aug. 26. Mercer to Keenan. Conveys thanks of H. B. M. govt. for assistance rendered in recovering certain deserters from Br. garrison. (ib., 57.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 499 DESERTERS–cont’d Correspondence-cont’d Cases See Brookline; Canton Packet; Castro (M.); Donelly (J.) ; Macedonian ; , New England; Panama; Reim- deer; Taylor (Wm.); Wilmington. DE SILVER (ROBERT P.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Macao, 1849-56; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Portuguese dominions. DESPATCH, AMER. SHIP (BENNERS) n, d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 24.) DESPATCH, BR. BRIG (E. BALDWIN, own ER) Statutory Measures 1834 May 12. Intr. in Senate (Webster, Com. on Fin- ance), bill (23. 1. S. 170) “for relief of owners of brig Despatch.” (23. 1. S. jol., 260.) – Dec. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Shepley, Me.) bill (23. 2. S. 45) “authorizing refunding of discriminat- ing duties on brig Despatch, and cargo.” (23. 2. S. jol., 46, 171.) 1835 Dec. 28. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Webster, Com. on Finance), bill (24. 1. S. 35) “for relief of owners of brig Despatch and cargo.” (24. 1. S. jol., 63, 78.) 1837 Jan. 4. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Davis, Mass.), bill (24. 2. S. 98) “for relief of owners of brig Despatch and cargo.” (24. 2. S. jol., 88, 231.) 1838 Jan. 4. Intr. in U. S. Senate (King, Com. on Com- merce), bill (25. 2. S. 120), “for relief of owners of brig Despatch and cargo.” (25. 2. S. jol., 109, 255.) — Dec. 12. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Davis, Mass.), bill (25. 3. S. 56) “for relief of owners of brig Des- patch "; appré. Feb. 6, 1839. (25. 3. S. jol., 43, 225; vi, St. L., 747.) 1840 Jan. 13. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Davis, Com. on Com- merce), bill (26. 1. S. 158) “for relief of owners of brig Despatch.” (26. 1. S. jol., 103; 324.) 1841 Jan. 11. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Webster, Mass.), bill (26. 2. S. 193) “for relief of owners of Br. brig Despatch.” (26. 2. S. jol., 96; 175.) 1850 Apr. 15. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Davis, Mass.), bill (31. 1. S. 193) “for relief of Enoch Baldwin, et al.” (31. 1. S. jol., 279.) 1851 Dec. 17. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Davis, Mass.), bill (32. 1. S. 69) “for relief of Enoch Baldwin, et al.’ (32. 1. S. jol., 72; 152.) Correspondence 1835 Jan. 15. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hill, N. H.); to request Secy. Treasury to communicate information relating to claim of owners of brig Despatch. (23. 2. S. jol., 96.) — Feb. 14., Same. Vice-President communicates rpt. from Secy. Treasury (Woodbury) in relation to claim of owners of brig Despatch for restitution of amt. paid for discriminating duties. (23. 2. S. jol., 162.) Dec. 21. Same. Motion (Shepley, Me.) ; to refer rpt. of Secy. Treasury of last session, on claim of owners of brig Despatch and cargo, with acc. docs., to Com. on Finance. (24. 1. S. jol., 44.) — Dec. 28. U. S. S. Com. on Finance (Webster). Rpt. to acc. S. 35, for relief of owners of brig Despatch. and cargo. (24. 1. S. doc. 29.) 1849 Jan. 18. U. S. Senate. Petition, of E. Baldwin; praying return of discriminating duties paid by him on cargo of rum. (30. 2. S. jol., 133.) 1850 Mch. 19. U. S. Senate. On motion (Davis, Mass.), petition of Enoch Baldwin, on files of Senate, re- ferred to Com. on Commerce. (31. 1. S. jol., 223.) DESPATCH, BR. BRIG (E. BALDWIN, OWNER)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1852 Jan. 23. J. Davis, sen. from Mass. Remarks; in explanation and support of S. 69, for relief of Enoch Baldwin et al. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 363.) — Jan. 23. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Remarks; unfavorable to S. 69, for relief of Enoch Baldwin and others. (ib., 362-63.) DETENTION OF PERSONS; see ALIENAGE, ETC. DETENTION OF PROPERTY; see CAPTURE DETROIT (ME.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 22. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 150.) DETROIT (MICH.) CITIZENS 1844 May 3. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 262.) 1845 Feb. 3. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying an- nexation of Canada. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 151.) 1850 Feb. 25. To U. S. House. Petition; praying for free navigation to U. S. citizens of St. Lawrence River. (31. 1. H. jol., 597.) 1852 Jan. 28. Proc. of mtg. in favor of application by |U. S. A. to govt. of Gr. Br. for liberation of Smith O’Brien and Thomas T. Meagher, and associates. (32. 1. S. jol., 157.) — Mch. 6. Proc. of mtg. sympathizing with O’Brien, Mitchell and others, imprisoned at Van Dieman’s Land. (32. 1. H. jol., 438.) DETROIT, BR. BRIG 1849, Mch. 3. For widow of J. McDonald, share of sum granted by Congress for distribution as prize-money among captors of Br. brig Detroit; act making apprins. for civil and dipl. expenses, Je. 30, 1850. (ix, St. L. 9, 354.) DEUX AMIS, BRIG (CHASSAING); formerly AMER. BRIG- ANTINE VENUS; see VENUS 1853. Charged with attack on Amer. Schr. Arannah ; See A ran nah. DEWASTATION, H. B. M. STR. North Amer. and West India Station (De Horsey, Comdg.) See De Horsey. DEWENS (CHARLES), CLAIMANT; see ERIE, AMER. SHIP DEVEREAUX ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. JEFFERSON; see JEFFERSON DEVERENENY (D), CLAIMANT; see DoDGE (P), Fr.ECRs. DEVEREUx (HUMPHREY); see DoDGE (P.) Ez AL. DEVEREUX (JAMES), CLAIMANT; see NAWARRE, AMER. BRIG DEVEREUX (JAMES) AND OTHERS; CLAIMANTS; see OSPREY, AMER. BRIG DEVEREUX (JOHN), CLAIMANT; see GLOBE, AMER. BARK DEVEREUX (THOMAS P.), ADMR. OF GEO. POLLOCK, CLAIMANT; see POLLOCK (G.) DEVINE (PATRICK I.), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for Sagua la Grande, 1844-45 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions ; do. for Cork in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. 500 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DEVNHAGEN AND GROVERMAN, CLAIMANTS 1846 Dec. 22. To U. S. House. Memorial, of A. Grover- man, Surviving partner of Devnhagen and Grover- man; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 87.) 1850 Jan. 9. To Same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 271.) DEWEY (HENRY B.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Para, 1853-57 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Brazil. DEWIT ( ), CANADIAN CITIZEN 1841 Oct. 11. U. S. atty. gem. (Legare). Opinion; in mat- ter of Dewit, fugitive from justice, demanded of Gov. of N. Y. by gov. gen. of Canada. (ii, Op. attys. gen., 1410; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 1410.) DE WITT (CHARLES G.) Amer. chargé in Central America, 1833-39 ; see also, . S. A. Diplomatic service. [1838 Jly. 4.] Signs treaty with Central Amer. for re- newal of treaty of 1825; see Central Amer. Treaties. DE WITT (GREEN), TEXAN COLONIST; see TEXAS DEWITT (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 169.) 1847 Dec. 20. To Same. Memorial; praying measures to Secure peace with Mexico, and opposed to annex- ation of Mexican terr. (30. 1. H. jol., 114.) DE WITT CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1845 Jan. 22. To U. S. House; in favor of recognition of Haiti. (28. 2. H. jol., 247.) — Jan. 22. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 246.) DE WOLF (JOHN J.) Amer. cons. for Sydney, L. S. A. Consular service. Cape Breton, 1837-43 ; see British dominions. Claim of 1840 Dec. 16. De Wolf to U. S. House. Memorial; pray- ing relief on acct. of expenses incurred owing to speedy revocation of apptmt. as cons. for port of Sydney, Cape Breton. (26. 2. H. jol., 57.) 1841 Dec. 14. U. S. House. De Wolf petition presented (Cranston, R. I.), and referred to Com. On Com- merce. (27. 2. H. jol., 56.) 1842 Mch. 8. U. S. House. Motion (Medill, O.); to dis- charge Com. Of Claims from consideration of De Wolf petition and to refer same to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (27. 2. H. jol., 500; 1282.) — Aug. 13. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Stuart). Apptmt. as U. S. cons. at Sydney, N. S., not granted by Br. govt.; claim on U. S. for expenses and loss of time, rpt. (27. 2. H. rpt. 994.) — Dec. 17. U. S. House. De Wolf petition presented (Cranston, R. I.), and referred under order of 8 inst. to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (27.3. H. jol., 72.) 1843 Dec. 20. U. S. House. De Wolf petition, hereto- fore presented Dec. 16, 1840, presented (Potter, R. I.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (28. 1. H. jol., 84; 244.) 1844 Jan. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Ingersoll). Tèpt. adverse to claim of John J. De Wolf. (28. 1. H. rpt. 43.) 1852 Dec. 13. De Wolf to U. S. Senate. Petition; pray- ing indemnity for losses in consequence of Suspen- Sion as cons. at Sydney, N. S. (32. 2. S. jol., 32.) 1853 Dec. 13. U. S. Senate. On motion (Allen, R. I.), De Wolf petition, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (33. 1. S. jol., 39; 343.) 1858 Feb. 11. U. S. Senate. On motion (Simmons, R. I.), De Wolf petition, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Claims. (35. 1. S. jol., 181.) DEXTER (A.A.), CLAIMANT 1850 Mch. 5. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 633.) DEXTER (EDWARD), MASTER AMER. SCHR. BETSEY; See BETSEY DEXTER (PETER B.) Texas provisional comr, to mark Texas-U. S. boundary : see Texas. (Republic) Boundary. DEXTER (SAMUEL) 1843 Jan. 23. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (27. 3. S. jol., 120.) DIAMOND, AMER. BRIG (MANSON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act tº carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 24.) DIAS (DOMINGO), 2° JEFE DE LA ESCUADRA. WENE- ZOLANA 1854 Dec. 3. License to persons therein named to take guano from Aves Is. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 9.) DIAS (F. J.); see PROVA, PORT. SCHR. DIAs (Joseph L.); see ROBINSON (F.) AND CO. DIAS DE CARWALHO (JOSE PEDRO) Brazilian secretario do imperio in 9 cabinet of regency of Pedro II, 1848; see Brazil. Civil service. DIAZ (MANUEL), CALIF. MERCHANT 1847 May 25. Declaration relative to neutral vessels admitted into Monterey from non-blockaded Mex- ican ports. (31. 1. H. rpt. 16, 20.) DIAZ (NICOLAS ANTONIO) 1833. To comdte. gen. marine, Peru (Soroa). Repre- sentation of permits being granted by port capts. along coast to foreign vessels to fish at Lobos Is. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 94.) DIAZ (NICOMEDES PASTOR) Spanish secretario de estado during, 38 ministry under Isabel II, 1856; see Spain. Civil Service. DIBLE ( ), MASTER coolTE SHIP HYGEIA; see that title DICK, AMER. BRIG (O'SULLIVAN) Statutory Measures 1834 Jan. 14. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (23. 1. H. R. 184) “for settle- ment of claim of Mary O'Sullivan.” (23. 1. H. jol., 199; 403.) — Dec. 16. Intr. in U. S. House (Wayne, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (23. 2. H. R. 572) “providing for settlement of claim of Mary O'Sullivan.” (23. 2. H. jol., 97.) 1835 Jan. 21. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Porter, Com. on Foreign Relations), bill (23. 2. S. 116) “to provide for settlement of claim of Mary O’Sullivan.” (23. 2. S. jol., 109; 202.) - — Dec. 31. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Porter, Com. on Foreign Relations), bill (24. 1. S. 53) “to provide for settlement of claim of Mary O'Sullivan ’’; appré. Jly. 2, 1836. (24. 1. S. jol., 72, 152, 537; vi., St. L., 679.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 501 DICK, AMER. BRIG (O’SULLIVAN)—cont’d Correspondence, etc. n. d. Stnt. of case of Mrs. O'Sullivan and opinion of atty. gen. Butler. (34. 3. S. misc. doc. 45, 80.) 1830 Feb. 22. Mary O’Sullivan to U. S. House. Memo- rial; praying indemnity for seizure of vessel in port of Buenos Ayres. (21. 1. H. jol., 321.) 1834 Dec. 8. U. S. Senate. Vice-President communicated rpt. from Secy. Treasury on claim of Mary O’Sulli- van, for seizure and detention of brig Dick, prop- erty of her late husband, by Amer. cons. at Guaya- quil, in 1823. (23. 2. S. jol., 30; 65.) — Dec. 10. U. S. House. Memorial, of Mary O’Sulli- van, widow of John O’Sullivan; praying indemnity for losses occasioned by unwarranted detention of brig Dick on voyage to Buenos Ayres, in 1822. (23. 2. H. jol., 56.) — Dec. 30. U. S. Senate. Motion; to refer rpt. of Secy. Treasury on claim of Mary O'Sullivan to Com. on Foreign Relations. (23. 2. S. jol., 65.) 1835 Jan. 21. U. S. A. Com. on Foreign Relations (Por- ter). Rpt. to acc. S. 116 in favor of petition of Mary O’Sullivan. (23. 2. S. doc. 65.) — Dec. 31. U. S. A. Com. on Foreign Relations (Por- ter). Rpt. to acc. bill S. 53 in favor of Mary O'Sul- livan, praying remuneration for seizure of brig Dick in port of Buenos Aires. (24. 1. S. doc. 36.) 1836 Jly. 2. U. S. Senate. Motion (Porter, La.); that Mary O’Sullivan be given leave to withdraw her petition and papers. (24. 1. S. jol., 535.) 1837 May 20. U. S. atty. gen. (Butler). Opinion; claim of Mrs. O’Sullivan, widow and execz. of John O’Sul- livan, for compensation for losses sustained in Con- sequence of act. of J. M. Forbes, comi. agt. of U. S. A. at Buenos Ayres, in detaining vessel of Said John O’Sullivan, in 1823, and causing her to be sent to the U. S. (i, Op. attys. gen., 1110; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 1110; 36. 1. S. rpt. 93, 271 (extr.).) DICKERSON (IRA), CLAIMANT 1840 Feb. 5. To U. S. House. Memorial, of Matilda, widow of Ira, D.; praying remuneration for prop- erty destroyed by Br. in 1813. (26. 1. H. jol., 294.) 1841 Dec. 14. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 53; 499.) 1858 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Same. (35. 1. S. jol., 77.) DICKERSON (MAHLON), OF N. J. Secy. of Navy, U. S. A., 1834-38. 1837 Feb. 11. To splxr. U. S. House. Value of Lord Nel- son at time of her capture, and value of her cargo. (24. 2. H. rpt. 243, 2; 25. 2. H. rpt. 64, 2; 26. 1. S. doc. 430, 2.) 1838 Jan. 4. To capt., U. S. N. (Jones). Reply to com- munication of 18 ult. (29. 1. H. rpt. 108, 20.) — Jan. 8. President of U. S. (Van Buren). Proc. of ct. of naval inquiry to examine into facts con- nected with capture of Mexican brig General Ur- rea. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 30.) DICKEY (JOHN), REPR. FROM PENN. 1848 Mch. 7. Remarks; object of his amdmt. Striking out all but mission to Naples from item in de- ficiency apprp. bill, H. R. 135, providing for outfits of chargés to Naples, Bolivia, Guatemala, etc.; with amdmt. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 436.) — Mch. 8. Do.; on proposed missions to Rome, etc., provided for in deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 135. (ib., 443.) DICKEY (WILLIAM C.), MASTER AMER. BARK LYRA; see LYRA DICKINS (ASBURY), OF N. C. Chief clerk, State Dept., U. S. A., 1833–36; Secy. Sen., U. S. A., 1836-61. Chief Clerk, State Dept., U. S. A. Correspondence (Diplomatic) CENTRAL AMERICAN Central Amer. SpecI. Comr. to Gr. Br. (Galindo) 1835 Je. 10. Receipt of communications dated May 22, Je. 1, and Je. 3; agt. apptd. by U. S. A. to collect in- formation concerning projects for uniting Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by means of r.r. or canal. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 10.) MEXICAN Mexican Chargé in U. S. A. (Castillo y Lanzas) 1834 Oct. 20. Recognition of Don Francisco Pizarro Martinez as cons. for Mexico at New Orleans. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 698.) 1835 May 11. Receipt of note announcing withdrawal by his govt. of power to negotiate, etc. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 147.) Je. 4. Note recd. stating additional art. to treaty of limits agreed upon by negotiators, etc.; tran- script probably left out by mistake and would be very acceptable, as no word has been received from Mr. Butler. (ib., 148.) — Oct. 2. Inquiry regarding authentication of papers of ship John, of Philadelphia, seized at Campechy. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 705.) — Oct. 10. Seizure of Mexican armed Schr. Correo de Meacico; decision reserved pending rpt. from atty. of U. S. A. for e. distr. of La. (ib., 710.) Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Gorostiza) 1836 JIy. 26. Reply to his of 21 inst.; punishment prom- ised of persons guilty of violating neutrality laws. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 179; 24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 40.) — Aug. 1. Regrets that frank explanations of the President have failed to reconcile Mexican govt. as to object of authority given Gen. Gaines for tem- porary occupation of position beyond boundary of U. S. A.; assurances that it would cease with the exigency that made it necessary. (ib., 180; ib., 44.) — Aug. 1. Powerless to take any action in editorial in the “Globe.” (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 749.) — Aug. 4. From despatches dated Je. 28, learns that Gen. Gaines’ headquarters are at Camp Sabine, in La. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 181; 24. 2. H. ex. doc. , 46.) — Aug. 16. Transmits copy of rpt. from distr. atty. of Ky, in newspaper stnt. referred to by Mr. Goro- stiza on 21 inst. (ib., 182; ib., 51.) — Aug. 23. No communication has been recd., up to 22 inst., showing any portion of Gen. Gaines’ troops had crossed the Sabine. (ib., 182; ib., 51.) Sept. 28. On return of President, note of 27 inst. will be presented. (ib., 192; ib., 87.) — Oct. 13. President cannot consistently recall in- Structions to Gen. Gaines; failure of Mexico to re- strain Indians; no news of troops at Nacogdoches; satisfaction that Mexico will not employ Indians in war, though contrary to the rpts. of Gen. Gaines. (ib., 193; ib., 89.) — Oct. 20. Transmits passports as requested; Presi- dent regrets that a mistaken view of measures which it is his duty to adopt for defense of frontier should lead Mr. Gorostiza to terminate his mission. (ib., 196; ib., 101.) 502 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DICKINS (ASBURY), OF N. C.—cont’d Chief Clerk, State Dept., U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d MEXICAN–Cont'd Amer. Chargé in Mexico (Butler) 1835 May 16. [no. 90.] Discharge of A. J. Raines, Amer. cons. at Monterey. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 154.) — Jly. 9.. [no. 97.] Apptmt. of J. A. Parker as Amer. cons. at Brazoria, Texas. (ib., 156.) — Jly. 10. [no. 98.] Seizure of brig Ophir at Cam- pechy. (ib., 156.) — Jly. 11. [no. 99.] Seizure of Amer. Schr. Martha at Brazoria, Texas. (ib., 157.) — Sept. 28. [no. 101.] Request for copy of judicial proc. Of Mexican ctS. in case of Robert Wilson. (ib., 157.) (Ellis) 1836 Aug. 9. [no. 19.] Apptmt. of T. R. Gray, Amer. cons. at Tabasco. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 182.) Aug. 19. [no. 20.] MOVements of Mexico towards obtaining foreign aid for subjugation of Texas; Mr. Butler's letter of recall. (ib., 182.) |PORTUGUESE Portuguese Chargé in U. S. A. (Figaniere e Morao) — May 15. Reiterates that suspension of discrim- inating duties is not feasible. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 134, 7.) Amer. Chargé at Lisbon (Kavanagh) 1835 May 20. Ino. 4, extr.] Instructions to press Gen- eral Armstrong claim agst. Portugal. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 23.) RUSSIAN Russian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Krüdener) 1835 Je. 3. Acknowledgment of note of advice of ex- piration of art. 4, treaty of Apr. 5/17, 1824. (25. 3. S. doc. 1, 26.) SPANISH Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness) 1834 Oct. 18. Ino. 68.] To apply to Sp. govt. for an exe- quatur for Amer. cons. for Alicante (Renshaw). (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 50.) Corr. (Executive) 1836 Jly. 27. To U. S. atty., Miss., Natchez. Complaint from Mexican min., founded on newspaper para- graph, that 200 men commanded by Gen. Wilson are On Way to Texas; if true, grounds for belief that neutrality of U. S. is violated; inquire, rpt., and prevent similar cases in future. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 40; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 179.) Secy. Senate 1848 Jly. 6. To A. Wattemare; consents to cooperate in system of int. exchg. (30. 1. H. misc. doc. 99, 6.) 1850 Jan. 22. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Proc. of Senate on nomination of J. G. Schwarz as Amer. cons. at Vienna. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 71, 3.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1854 Feb. 23. Intr. in Senate (Brodhead, Com. Of Claims), bill (33. 1. S. 230) “for relief of Asbury Dickins.” (33. 1. S. jol., 207, 247.) DICKINS (ASBURY), OF N. C.—cont’d Secy. Senate—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE 1854 Feb. 13. Dickins to U. S. Congress. Asks allowance of difference betw. salary of chief clerk and that of head of dept. While he performed duties of head of State Dept. and of Treasury Dept. by authority of President. (33. 1. S. rpt. 124, 1.) — Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying al- lowance of extra compensation. (33. 1. S. jol., 193.) — Feb. 23. U. S. Com. Of Claims (Brodhead). Rpt. to º: S. * in favor of memorial of Asbury Dickins. ib., 1. — Jiy. 26. J. B. Weller, Sen. from Calif. Proposition to pay Asbury Dickins for actg. as Secy. of State, or Secy. Of Treasury under Gen. Jackson, offered as amdmt. to amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Relations to gen. apprn. bill, providing for Wm. Hunter. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1934.) DICKINS (FRANCIS A.) Jt. counsel with Cornelius P. Van Ness for Amer. claim- # under conv. of 1839 with Mexico; see Mexico. 8.1LIlS. DICKINSON (ANDREW B.), OF N. Y. Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua, 1861-63; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service. DICKINSON (DANIEL S.), SEN. FROM N. Y. 1845 Feb. 3. Remarks; favoring reference to Com. on Foreign Relations of petition for annexation of Canada to U. S. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 232.) — Feb. 22. Speech; favoring annexation of Texas to U. S. (ib., 329; app., 321.) — Mch. 3. Remarks; opposing prºg. of 5000 extra copies of rpt. from Com. On Judiciary resp. natu- ralization frauds. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 389.) - 1846 Jan. 27. Do.; urging occupation and settlement of all Oregon. (ib., 29. 1., 254.) — Feb. 24, 25. Do.; Oregon question, McLeod case, etc., during debate on S. res. 1, advising President to give notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827. (ib., 415,422; app., 321.) — Mch. 16. Remarks; on libel on Senate, published in Washington Daily Times, charging collusion with Br. min. in regard to Oregon. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 501.) # — Apr. 7-8. Do.; reply to Webster’s defence of Wash- ington treaty. (ib., 621, 628.) — Apr. 9. Speech; reply to Webster, on treaty of 1842 with Gr. Br.; n. e. boundary; right of search; and destruction of str. Caroline. (ib., app., 537.) 1847 Mch. 1. Do.; Mexican war, S. 105, making further apprn. to bring war to honorable conclusion; Upham anti-slavery amdmt. of even date. (ib., 29. 2., 552; app., 444.) — Dec. 20. Remarks; on consideration of his res. of Dec. 14, resp. acquisition of terr., etc., and Calhoun res. of Dec. 15, agst. conquest of Mexico, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 54, 56.) 1848 Jan. 12. Speech; on his res. of Dec. 14, resp. ac- quisition of terr., etc. (ib., 157; app., 86.) — Apr. 6. Remarks; on S. res. 15 and 17, tendering congratulations to people of France. (ib., 591; ib., 456.) — Je. 19. Do.; stating object of S. 7, to amend act for regulation of seamen on U. S. vessels. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 854.) — Je. 23. Do.; opposed to S. 137, for obtaining testi- mony in relation to Florida claims. (ib., 870.) 1849 Jan. 10. Do.; on reference to Judiciary Com. of pe- tition of D. P. Bedinger, of Jan. 9, asking annual apprin. for transportation of free persons of color to Liberia, etc. (ib., 30. 2., 206.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 503 DICKINSON (DANIEL S.), SEN. FROM N. Y.-cont’d 1849 Feb. 26. Do.; unfavorable to Hale amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 692, providing increased compensation to mins. to England, France, and Russia. (ib., 596, 597.) 1850 Jan. 9. Do.; presenting memorial of Panama R.R. co., asking that Secy. of Navy be authorized to con- * § transportation of supplies, etc.. (ib., 31. — Apr. 16. Do.; favorable to Cass amdmt. of Apr. 15, to deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 332, striking Qut pro- vision for chargé to Austria, etc. (ib., 746.) — Je. 4. Do.; on S. res. 19, for relief of Saml. Colt and B. F. Morse. (ib., 1124.) — Sept. 19. Do.; unfavorable to amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Relations to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 334, providing for expenses of agt. to Sublime Porte. (ib., 1875.) — Sept. 23. Do.; unfavorable to Foote amdmts. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 334, providing com- pensation to J. P. Brown, Secy. and dragoman of legation to Turkey, and to T. S. Fay, secy. of lega- tion to Prussia, for Services as actg. chargés; also on Foote amdmt. providing for expenses of specl. agt. to Venezuela, New Granada and Ecuador, to settle claims agst, former govt. of Colombia. (ib., 1930, 1932, 1933.) — Sept. 24. Do.; in support of H. R. 388; on alleged contract with I. D. Marks for payment of instal- ments, etc. (ib., 1960; app., 1373-77, 1380.) 1851 Feb. 20. Do.; in explanation and support of me- morial from Mayor and Common Council of Brook- lyn, N. Y., praying establishment of line of strs. to western coast of Africa. (Cong. Globe, 31. 2., 623.) DICKINSON (IRA); see DICKERSON (IRA) DICKINSON (MATILDA), CLAIMANT; see DICKERSON (IRA) DICKINSON (R.), REPR. FROM O. 1848 Aug. 2. Remarks; on S. 137, providing for obtain- ing testimony in relation to Florida claims. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 1026.) DICKSON (JAMES), CLAIMANT; see HOGG (J.) DICKSON (JOHN), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1832 Apr. 2. Remarks; favoring reading of Br. memorial : ºnauen of negroes. (viii, Reg. Debates, 2340. 1834 Apr. 9. Do.; opposing provision in apprn. bill for clerk for arrangement and preservation of archives of State Dept. (x, ib., 3552.) DICKSON (WALTER), AMER. CITIZEN, RESIDENT OF JAFFA 1858 Jan. 16. Depositions of Dickson and of members of his family of attack on his house at Jaffa on Jan. 11. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 3.) — Jan. 17. Amer. cons, at Jerusalem (Gorham) to Amer. cons. gen., Turkey (Brown). Attack on house of W. Dickson, Amer. citizen at Jaffa; murder of F. Steinbeck, Prussian with Amer. letters of protection. (ib., 2.) — Jan. 29. Amer. cons. gen. in Egypt (De Leon) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Advice of his journey to Jaffa to assist U. S. cons. (Gorham) in quelling outrages on Amer. citizens. (ib., 9.) — Feb. 3. Gorham to Cass. Proc. in Jaffa Subsequent to attack on house of W. Dickson. (ib., 13.) — Feb. 4. De Leon to Brown. Relative to his inter- vention in Dickson affair at Jaffa. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 16. Gorham to Brown. Imprisonment of per- sons attacking house of W. Dickson at Jaffa. (ib., 14.) DICKSON (WALTER), AMER. CITIZEN, RESIDENT OF JAFFA.—cont’d 1858 Feb. 17. Brown to Cass. Circumstances of attack on house of W. Dickson at Jaffa. (ib., 16.) — Feb. 17. Brown to Gorham. Transmits vizierial letter relative to crime at Jaffa. (ib., 16.) — Feb. 22. De Leon to Cass. Result of his mission to Jaffa in behalf of W. Dickson. (ib., 18.) — Feb. 23. De Leon to Brown. Retires from partici- pation in Dickson affair at Jaffa. (ib., 28.) — Feb. 26. Gorham to Brown. Arrest of last of per- petrators in Dickson outrage at Jaffa. (ib., 22.) — Mch. 6. De Leon to Cass. Result of efforts in be- half of Dickson at Jaffa. (ib., 23.) — Mch. 24. Brown to Cass. Transmits second vizier- ial letter in Dickson affair ordering execution of persons implicated. (ib., 28.) — Apr. 15. Cass to De Leon. Approval in dept. Of conduct of Dickson affair. (ib., 30.) — Apr. 16. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton) to Gorham. Approval in dept. of conduct of Dickson affair. (ib., 29.) — Apr. 24. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.); Calling for corresp. concerning outrages agst. family of Mr. Dickinson (sic), Amer. citizen residing at Jaffa, Palestine. (35. 1. S. jol., 381.) DIDIER (HENRY), JOINT CLAIMANT; (THOMAS) DIDO, AMER. SLAVER BRIG (PHILLIPS) 1838 Nov. 12. Lt. Comdg. H. B. M. brig Wizard (Birch) to comdre. Sulivan. Abuse of Amer. flag by Dido. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 190; H. ex. doc. 115, 129; 27. 3., H. rpt. 283, 606.) DIEGO PAREDES (VICTORIANO DE) Colombian chargé in U. S. A., 1852-55; see Colombia. Diplomatic service. DIEHL (ISRAEL S.), OF CALIF. Amer. cons. for Batavia in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. Netherlands. DIELMATH, FRENCH GOVT. STR. n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 521, 524.) DIEZ DE BONILLA (MANUEL) Ministr. relac. est., Mexico, 1853-55, during 8th Sta. Anna administration ; 1859, during 1st Miramon administration. 1854 Jan. 17. To French chargé in Mexico (Dano). Complaint agst. operations of Raousset. (33. 2. S. ex, doc. 16, 43; 35. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 43.) DIFFENDORFFER (DAVID R.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Paso del Norte, 1851-[61] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico. DIGGS (BEVERLY), CLAIMANT; see ROSS (JOHN) DILIGENCIA, SP. WESSEL 1840 Jan. 20. Sp. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Argaiz) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Representation of instances of exaction of tonnage duty on Sp. vessel Diligencia, etc. (26. 1. S. doc. 257, 14.) DILIGENT, AMER. FISHING SCHR. Boarded J '# 26, 1824, off Two Is, harbor, Grand Menan, by H. B. M. sloop Dotterel (Hoare). 1824 Nov. 8. Master H. M. sloop Dotterel (Jones) to comdr. Dotterel (Hoare). Seizure of Amer. fishing Schr. Diligent; etc. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 24; H. ex. doc. 120, 24.) See TENANT 504 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DILIGENTE, PORTUGUESE BRIG 1838 Oct. 23. Lt. comdg. H. B. M. brig Brisk (Kellett) to rear-adm. Elliot. Rpt. of case of brig Diligente (Paqueta de la Boverde; also Ferro2 Africano) and Amer. Schr. Mary Hooper, slavers, boarded by Br. brig Brisk. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 186; H. ex. doc. 115, 125; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 602.) DILLER (ISAAC R.), OF ILL. Amer. cons. for Bremen, 1857-61 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. 1858 May 7. To Amer. cons. at Oldenburg (Thyen). Desires replies to several questions relating to mil- itary Service in Oldenburg. (36. 1. S. ex, doc. 38, 129.) – Sept. 13. To Amer. cons. gen., Frankfort o. M. (Richer). Cost of living at Bremen consulate; in- adequacy of Salary; sources of expenditures; in- Creasing trade and emigration. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 44, 7.) – Dec. 8. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Informa- tion regarding postage rates and mails at Bremen. (ib., 10.) Claim of 1860 Mch. 2. U. S. House. Notice (Love, Ga.); of motion for leave to introduce bill to increase salary of Isaac N. Diller, U. S. cons. at Bremen. (36. 1. H. jol., 427.) — Mch. 12. U. S. House. Res. (Love, Ga.); to in- quire into expediency of bill to increase salary of Isaac N. Diller, Amer. cons. at Bremen. (ib., 504.) DILLINGHAM (PAUL, JR.), REPR. FROM VT. 1845 Dec. 17. Remarks; favoring reference of Mass. res- olutions for revision of naturalization laws to Com. On Judiciary. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 70.) 1847 Feb. 12. Remarks; on H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse, and On Mexican War. (ib., 29. 2., 401.) DILLON (PATRICE) During the trial in 1854 of Louis del Valle, then Mexi- can cons. in San Francisco, for complicity in the French fiilibustering expeditions, both sides de- manded the testimony of Dillon, then French cons. A recent conv. With France *::::::A; any COm- pulsory citation, a request was made for Dillon’s attendance. He refused, was forcibly brought into court, upon which he struck his flag. Soon after this Dillon, was arrested, but the jury disagreeing on the evidence the case was dismissed by the U. S. ; see Mexico. Filibustering invasions. DILLON (ROMAINE), OF N. Y. Secy. Amer. legation in Brazil, 1858-61; d.o. in Sar- dinia, 1861-62 : here, acted as chargé ad int., Apr.- Je., 1861 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. DIMITRY (ALEXANDER), OF LA. Secy. to Amer. comrs. On Mexican claims commission under conv. of 1839 ; see Mexico. Claims. Amer. min. res. in Costa Rica, 1859-61; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Secy. to Claims Com/mission. 1840 Je. 16. Apptmt. of A. Dimitry as secy. to Amer. comrs. On Mexican Claims Commission of 1839. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 177.) A mer. Min. Res. in Costa Rica. 1860 Jly. 2. Signs conv. concerning adjustment of claims of citizens of the U. S., betw. Costa Rica and U. S.; See Costa Rica. Treaties. DIMON (JOHN F.) 1852 Feb. 4. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Expenses of Official residence of U. S. diplomatic repr. in Lima. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 46.) DIMOND (F. H.), OF R. I. Amer. cons. for Teneriffe, 1856-I58] ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Spanish dominions. DIMOND (FRANCIS MOOR), OF R. I. Amer. coml. agt. for Port-au-Prince, 18 [29-37] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Haiti. Amer. cons. for Vera Cruz, 1842-[46], 1848-49; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Mexico. 1837 Apr. 1. Apptmt. of T. S. Swain as cons. com/. agt. of U. S. for Port-au-Prince. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 82.) DINGLE (W. B.), OF S. C., JOINT COMPLAINANT; see DANA (E. T.) DINSMOORE ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP THOMAS JEF- FERSON; see THOMAS JEFFERSON . DIOMATARI (JOHN D.), OF GA. Amer, cons. for Athens, 1850-51, and again in 1858; see L. S. A. Consular service. Greece. Claim of 1852 Apr. 20. Diomatari to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing reimbursement of money expended by him for public service as Amer. Cons., 1850 and 1851, at Athens. (32. 1. H. jol., 618, 677.) — Apr. 20. Same to same. Same. (ib., 618.) — May 6. Additional papers in Diomatari claim. (ib., 677.) 1854 Jan. 16. Same to same. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 207.) — Jiy. 13. U. S. Senate. Docs. in relation to Dioma- tari claim to compensation for diplomatic Services while U. S. cons. at Athens, presented (Mason, Va.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (33. 1. S. jol., 500.) 1856 Dec. 19. Diomatari to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing reimbursement for money expended during service as cons. in Greece, 1850 and 1851, at Athens. (34. 3. H. jol., 123.) 1857 Dec. 16. Same to same. Same. (35. 1. H. jol., 76.) DIPLOMATIC AGENTS; see AMBASSADORS DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 1776-1783 ed. 1 Statutory Measures 1830 Mch. 18. Clause in Sundry civil bill, appropriating $31,300, to enable the Secy. of State to execute a contract with Jared Sparks made by Henry Clay, to print and publish the foreign corresp. of the U. S., 1776-83. (iv., St. L., 382.) — May 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Everett, Com. On Library), bill (21. H. R. 471) “for distribution of certain books therein mentioned ”; approl. May 26. (ib., 407.) 1833 Jan. 28. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), jt. res. (22. H. J. Res. 18), “to place thirty copies of Diplomatic Correspondence at disposal of Secy. of State ’’; approl. Mch. 2. (ib., 669.) Correspondence, etc. 1830 Apr. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to splºr. of House (Stevenson). Letter stating that 1000 copies of each of first 3 vols. of Dipl. Corresp. have been delivered and are deposited in Library of Con- gress, subject to disposition of Congress, agreeably to jt. res. of Mch. 27, 1818, and Apr. 21, 1820. (21. 1. H. jol., 544.) — May 5. U. S. House Com. on Library (Everett). Rpt. to acc. jt. Tes. for distribution of diplomatic corresp. of Amer. Revolution. (ib., 607.) — May 17. U. S. House Com. on Library (Everett). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 471 for distribution of certain books therein mentioned. (ib., 607.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 505 DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 1776-1783—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d ed. 2 1856 Dec. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to chrm. House Com. of Ways and Means (Campbell). Rec- ommending apprn. for purchase of 500 copies of Diplomatic Correspondence of Revolution, 1776-1783. (34.3. H. ex: doc. 13; 35. 1. H. ex. doc. 14, 1.) 1857. J. C. Rives, prtr., to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Desires that Com. of Ways and Means be asked for apprin. for $15,000 for prºg. Diplomatic Corresp. *; Revolution, 1776-1783. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 14, 2. — Feb. 13. Marcy to Campbell. Amt. necessary to be appropriated for purchase of 500 copies of stereo- typed ed. Of Diplomatic Correspondence of Revolu- tion, 1776-1783, is $15,000. (34. 3. H. misc. doc. 65; 35. 1. H. ex. doc. 14, 2.) — Dec. 16. Cass to spkr. of House (Orr). Request tllat an apprin. be made for purchase of 500 copies of Diplomatic Correspondence from 1776 to 1783, for use of State Dept. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 14, 1.) 1858 Dec. 17. Cass to chrm. Com. of Ways and Means (Phelps). Requests apprin. for purchase of 500 copies of Diplomatic Correspondence of Revolution. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 80.) DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES d. 1 €01. Statutory Measures 1832 Mch. 9. Intr. in U. S. House (Verplanck, Com. On Library), bill (22. 1. H. R. 457) “making apprin. for publication of certain diplomatic Correspond- ence.” (22. 1. H. jol., 454.) Provision transferred to gen. apprp. bill. — May 5. Clause in sundry civil bill appropriating $12,000 to enable the Secy. Of State to cause to be printed a selection from diplomatic corresp. of U. S., 1783-89. (iv., St. L., 513.) 1834 Je. 4. Intr. in U. S. House (Everett, Com. on Library), res. (23. 1. H. J. Res. 6) “providing for distribution of Diplomatic Corresp. of U. S., 1783– 1789 °; approl. Je. 18, 1834. (ib., 743.) Correspondence, etc. 1830 Dec. 22. U. S. House. Motion (Verplanck); that Com. on Library be instructed to inquire into ex- pediency of publishing diplomatic corresp. of Con- tinental Congress from 1783 to 1789. (21. 2. H. jol., 91.) 1831 Feb. 10. U. S. Com. on Library (Everett). Rpt. to acc. jt. res. relative to diplomatic corresp. 1783- 1789. (ib., 290.) 1832 Mch. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to Ver- planck. List of corresp. and other papers in State Dept. resp. foreign affairs of U. S. from treaty of peace 1783 till adoption of present Constitution of U. S. (22. 1. H. rpt. 356, 2.) — Mch. 9. Jt. Com. on Library. Rpt. on H. R. 457, making apprin. to publish diplomatic corresp. from 1783 to 1789. (ib., 1.) 1834 May 9. Livingston to U. S. Senate. Selection from diplomatic corresp. of U. S., 1783-1789, printed, and 965 sets at disposition of Congress; referred to Jt. Com. on Library. (23. 1. S. jol., 254.) — May 13. U. S. House. Letter from Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston), stating that 965 sets of “Diplomatic Corresp. of U. S., 1783-1789,” are at disposal of Congress, laid on table (23. 1. H. jol., 621); on motion of Wayne (Ga.), referred to Com. on Library (ib., 624); res. (Everett, Com. on Li- brary) providing for distribution of same, ordered engrossed and read third time. (ib., 693.) DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES–cont’d ed. 2 Statutory Measures 1837 Mch. 3. An act making apprins. for civil and dipl. expenses of govt. for 1837 (apprin. for furnishing dipl. corresp. to certain House members). (V, St. L., 170.) Correspondence 1836 Je. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Ingersoll, Pa.); to di- rect clerk to furnish new members of House with copies of Diplomatic Corresp. (24. 1. H. jol., 1112.) — Jly. 4. U. S. House. Res. (Evans, Me.); authoriz- ing clerk to pay out of contingent fund amt. of expense incurred in furnishing new members with Copies of Diplomatic Corresp. (ib., 1223.) ed. 3 Statutory Measures 1856 Aug. 18. Act making apprns. for legisl., exec., and judicial expenses of govt. . . . Je. 30, 1857; (apprn. to enable Secy. State to purchase 500 copies of Dip- lomatic Correspondence of U. S.). (xi, St. L., 105.) Correspondence 1856 Mch. 19. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to chrm. U. S. House Com. Ways and Means (Campbell). ASks apprin. for purchase of Diplomatic Correspond- ence of U. S., 1783 to 1789. (34. 1. H. misc. doc. 70.) DIPLOMATIC SERVICE; see NAME OF COUNTRY; and AMBASSADORS DIRECTOR, AMER. SCHR. (HASKELL) The Director was seized by the H. B. M. rev. cutter John and Louisa Wallace (Stephens), autumn of 1840 in Gulf of St. Lawrence for alleged trespass upon Br. fishing grounds. 1846 Dec. 10. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bancroft). Instructions in case of seizure of Amer. Schrs. Director and Pallas for alleged trespass upon fishing grounds. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 106; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 153.) 1855 Jan. 13. Claim agst. Gr. Br. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 56.) 1856 Jly. 19. Haskell to U. S. House. Memorial; pray- ing compensation for losses by seizure and deten- tion of Schr. by Br. armed vessel. (34. 1. H. jol., 1235.) DISNEY (DAVID T.), REPR. FROM O. 1850 Sept. 18. Remarks; in explanation and support of his amdmt. to Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 388, providing for payment by Secy. of Treasury. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1851, 1853, 1856.) 1851 Dec. 31. Do.; favorable to Cartter res. of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Louis Kossuth to House; question of intervention, etc. (ib., 32. 1., 172, 173.) 1852 Jan. 20. Do.; in reply to Houston, Marshall, and Dunham, on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 46; charges of corruption in connection with mode of payment, etc. (ib., 316, 317, 320, 321.) Jan. 28. Do.; on H. R. 46; charães agst. Secy. of State (Webster), in connection with mode of pay- ment, etc. (ib., 411, 413.) 1854 Jan. 11. Speech; in support of H. res. 7, of thanks, etc., to Capt. Duncan N. Ingraham; on legal right of Koszta to Amer. protection, and Secy. of State Marcy’s letter of Sept. 26, 1853, on subject. (ib., 33. 1., 151; app., 114.) Jly. 21. Remarks; Bayly res. calling for any com- munication to com. of inquiry, by Benj. E. Green, or others, reflecting on character of T. H. Bayly. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1836.) 506 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DISNEY (DAVID T.), REPR. FROM 0.—cont’d 1855 Jan. 24. Speech; in favor of French Spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (ib., 33. 2.; app., 122.) — Feb. 12. Remarks; H. res. 47, to fulfill stipula- tions of art. 9, treaty of 1819 with Spain. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 695.) DISPUTED TERRITORY; i. e., LAND CLAIMED BOTH BY GR. B.R. AND THE U. S. A. DURING N. E. BOUNDARY NEGOTIATIONS; see N. E. BOUNDARY CONTRO- VERSY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA See also Georgetown ; Washington, D. C. Residents 1836 Je. 6. Proc. of public mtg. in favor of recognition of independence of Texas. (24. 1. H. jol., 944.) 1837 Feb. 13. To U. S. House. Petition; praying for recognition of independence of Texas. (24. 2. H. jol. 392, 399; xiii, Reg. Debates, 1754.) — Feb. 13. To U. S. Senate. Same. (24. 2. S. jol., 242; 24. 2. S. doc. 172.) IN CONSULAR SERVICE, U. S. A. See Bayloe (C. G.) ; Carothers (A. G.) ; Clements (A. H.) ; Davis (C. W.) ; Elliott (J.) ; Fleischmann § L.) ; Heap (D. P.) ; , Hebbe (G. C.) ; Johnson H. D.) ; Ringgold (F. M.) ; de Ronceray (C.) ; Sla- cum (G. W.) ; West (G. R.) ; Williams (B. B.). IN DIPLOMATIC SERVICE, U. S. A. See Brent (W., jr.) ; Eames (C.); Mann (W. G.) ; Sea- ton (G.) ; Swan (T., jr.). IN NAVAL SERVICE, U. S. A. (COMDG.) See Bolton (W. C.) ; Brent (T. W.) ; Finch (W. B.) ; Forrest (F.) ; Mason (M.) ; Porter (W. D.). Society for the Colonization and Civilization of Africa; see Negroes. Colonization DISTURNELL (JOHN) 1850 Aug. 1. U. S. House. Res. (Rusk, sen. from Texas) ; that Secy. Of State purchase 1000 copies of Dis- turnell map acc. treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, pro- viding cost does not exceed $1.00 per copy. (31. 1. H. jol., 516, 523, 588.) — Aug. 6. T. J. Rusk, Sen. from Texas. Remarks; in support of his res. of Aug. 1, proposing purchase of 1000 copies of Disturnell’s map, acc. treaty of 1848 with Mexico. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1531.) — Aug. 6. D. R. Atchison, Sen. from Mo. Remarks; On Rusk res. Of Aug. 1, proposing purchase of 1000 copies of Disturnell’s map acc. treaty of 1848 with Mexico. (ib., 1531.) — Aug. 6. Jefferson Davis, sen. from Miss. Do.; on Rusk res. Of Aug. 1. (ib., 1531.) — Aug. 6. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. Do.; Opposed to Rusk res. of Aug. 1. (ib., 1531.) — Aug. 6. R. C. Winthrop, sen. from Mass. Do.; unfavorable to Rusk res. of Aug. 1. (ib., 1531.) — Aug. 6. W. L. Dayton, Sen. from N. J. Remarks; unfavorable to Rusk res. of Aug. 1. (ib., 1531.) DIX (JOHN A.), SEN. FROM N. Y. 1845 Feb. 4. Remarks; presenting petition for annexa- tion of Canada upon admission of Texas. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 237.) * Dec. 18. Do.; reference to Com. on Foreign Rela- tions, of French spoliations petitions. (ib., 29. 1, 75.) 1846 Jan. 26. Speech; on manner of concluding Mexi- can war and on acquisition of terr.; during debate on S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force. (ib., 30. 1., 250; app., 175.) DIX (JOHN A.), SEN. FROM N. Y.-cont’d 1846 Feb. 18, 19. Speech; on S. res. 7, advising Presi- dent to give notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abro- gate Conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (ib., 29. 1., 388, 401; ib., 312.) — Apr. 6. Remarks; denying any hostility toward ºr. of Washington treaty. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., — Apr. 27. Do.; reply to Clayton, on French spolia- tions bill. (ib., 728; app., 514.) 1847 Mch. 1. Speech; position of non-slaveholding states regarding acquisition of terr. and on S. 105, making further apprn. to bring war with Mexico to Speedy and honorable conclusion; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., 541.) 1848 Mch. 21. Remarks; on proposed mission to Rome, provided for in deficiency apprn, bill, H. R. 135; etc. (ib., 30. 1., app., 406.) — Mch. 26. Speech; on S. 158, for ascertaining and paying California claims, and on Br. aggressions on Mosquito coast, at Balize, in Yucatan, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 558.) — May 17. Speech; on S. 243, to enable President to take temporary military occupation of Yucatan; in connection with relations with Mexico and en- croachments of Gr. Br.; also in support of his amdmt. of May 16. (ib., 777; app., 637.) — Dec. 18. Remarks; On S. 352, to make Compensa- tion for transportation of troops and supplies over Isthmus of Panama. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 52.) — Dec. 19. Do.; on S. 263, Canadian reciprocity bill. (ib., 61.) 1849 Jan. 8. Same. (ib., 182.) — Jan. 23. Same. (ib., 327.) DIXEY ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. TWO BROTHERS (1st voyage); see TWO BROTHERS DIXMONT (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 65.) DIXON ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. EXPERIMENT; see EXPERIMENT DIXON (ARCHIBALD), SEN. FROM KY. 1853 Jan. 19. Remarks; on violation of Clayton-Bulwer treaty involved in Br. seizure of Bay of Islands; during consideration of S. res. 69, declaratory of views of U. S. respecting colonization on North Amer. continent by European powers, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 102, 103.) DIXON (DAVID), OF MISS. Amer. cons. for San Antonio, 1826-30; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. 1855 Jan. 19. Do.; in support of S. 481, for relief of capt. Thomas Ap Catesby Jones. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 325.) DIXON (JAMES), OF CONN., 1814-73 Repr. from Conn., to 29-30 cong., 1845-1849; U. S. sena- tor 1857-1869, Representative from Connecticut 1845 Dec. 30. Speech; on naturalization laws and native Amer. party. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 116; app., 68.) Senator from Connecticut 1846 Apr. 10. Remarks; favoring adoption of res. call- ing upon Secy. of State for strmt. of payments since Mch. 4, 1841, for contingent expenses of foreign intercourse. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 649.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 507 DIXON (JAMES), OF CONN., 1814-73—cont’d Senator from Connecticut—cont’d 1847 Feb. 9. Speech; on Mexican war, acquisition of terr. and Wilmot proviso; during debate on H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of for- eign intercourse. (ib., 29. 2., app., 332.) 1848 Jan. 24. Do.; on Mexican war and course of Presi- dent, during debate on annual message. (ib., 30. 1., app., 164.) 1859 Feb. 18. Remarks; favoring passage of bill for relief of E. George Squier. (ib., 35. 2., 1107.) — Feb. 25. Speech; opposing passage of bill making apprns. to facilitate acquisition of Cuba. (ib., 35. 2., 1332.) DIXON (JOHN) n. d. Mentioned in connection with filibustering expe- dition agst. Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 54.) DOANE ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG TWO MARIAS; see TWO MARIAS DOANE (NATHANIEL), CLAIMANT 1832 Mch. 23. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying in- demnity for losses by French spoliations. (22.1. S. jol., 203.) 1850 Jan. 9. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, of Prudence Doane, widow of Nathaniel D., praying indemnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 66.) — Jan. 9. T. Smith, Sen. from Conn. Remarks; pre- senting memorial of Prudence Doane, widow of Nathaniel Doane, asking indemnity for French Spo- liations prior to 1800. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 127.) — Jan. 31. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 437.) DOBBIN (DANIEL), COMDR. U. S. R. C. ERIE; see ERIE, U. S. R. C. DOBBIN (JAMES COCHRANE), OF N. C., 1814-57 Repr. from North Carolina, to 29 cong., 1845-47 ; secy. of the navy, U. S. A., 1853-57. Representative from N. C. 1846 Jan. 15. Speech; On H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 211; app., 107.) 1847 Feb. 11. Do.; on Wilmot proviso and H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 29. 2., 383.) Secretary of the Navy 1853 Mch. 16. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (New- ton). Ordered to make occasional visits to port of San Juan del Norte. ( 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 62.) — Apr. 4. To comdr. U. S. S. Cyane (Hollins). Instruc- tions for protection of rights of Amer. citizens in vicinity of San Juan. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 6; 34. 1. S. ex, doc. 68, 63.) — Apr. 13. To comdr. U. S. S. Portsmouth (Dornin). Receipt of letters of Feb. 9, and 21 ult.; approves of his proc. as indicated therein. (ib., 7; ib., 63.) — Apr. 14. To Hollins. Instructions for conduct towards comdr. Br. Str. Geyser Subsequent to de- struction of bligS. On Punta Arenas; construction of Amer. attitude towards govt. of Greytown. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 7.) — Apr. 15. To Newton. Instructions relative to pro- tection of Amer. trade interests betw. Atlantic and Pacific coasts of U. S. (ib., 9; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63.) — Apr. 25. To comdr. E. I. Sqdn. U. S. N. (Perry). - Repairs to Susquehamma; lieut. J. P. Gillis of Ply- amouth given leave to return home. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 18.) DOBBIN (JAMES COCHRANE), OF N. C., 1814-57—cont’d Secretary of the Navy—cont’d 1853 Je. 1. To Newton. Ordered to convey Hon. S. Bor- º to San Juan del Norte. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63.) — Je. 8. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N., (Dulany). Ordered to direct comdrs. of vessels under his com- mand to touch at Panama as frequently as may be practicable, for purpose of affording protection to Amer. Citizens and interests. (ib., 63.) — Jly. 2. To comdr. U. S. str. Princeton (Eagle). Ordered to proceed to navy yard at Portsmouth, N. H., there to await further orders of dept. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 21, 2.) — Jly. 2. To comdr. U. S. str. Fulton (Watson). Same. (ib., 2.) — JIy. 9. To comdt. Navy Yard, Boston (Gregory). Ordered to send Decatur to Portsmouth, there to await further orders of dept. (ib., 2.) — JIy. 12. To Newton. Instructions regarding sloop Cyane. (ib., 2.) – Jly. 14. To comdr. U. S. sqdn. for eastern coast of U. S. (Shubrick). Instructions in regard to cruise º, and bays frequented by U. S. fishermen. 10. , 3. — Jly. 23. To same. Receipt of his of JIy. 20; further instructions in regard to cruise. (ib., 8.) — Jly. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Directions to Comdr. home Sqdn. to send man-of-war to assist actg. cons. at Havana in efforts to effect liberation of certain seamen. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 86, 243.) — Jly. 28. To Same. Copy of letter recd. from comdr. Gerry, comdg. U. S. sloop of war Albany, dated Jly. 15, relative to certain of crew of barque Jasper. (ib., 244.) — Aug. 13. To Shubrick. Approves of course as indi- cated in despatch no. 11. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 21, 15.) — Sept. 5. To Perry. Receipt of his of Je. 2, 1853. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 29.) — Sept. 20. To Newton. Instructions in regard to movements of Albany and Columbia. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 21, 36.) — Sept. 24. To Shubrick. Receipt of 22 inst.; to pro- ceed to Washington, and resume duties as member of Lighthouse Board. (ib., 35.) Oct. 18. To Perry. Receipt of despatches of Je. 25. and Je. 28. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 43.) — Oct. 28. To same. Instructions to cooperate with Amer. Comr. in China in his efforts to establish Commercial relations; to dispatch one of war strs. of his Sqdn. to Macao to meet Amer. comr. to China to be subject to his control. (ib., 76.) — Nov. 14. To same. Instructions; mission to Japan. (ib., 57.) — Nov. 19. To same. Receipt of despatches, 18, 19 and 20. (ib., 68.) — Dec. 17. To Hollins. Ordered to Carthagena, Isth- mus of Darien, with Lieut. Strain's party. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63.) 1854 Jan. 13. To Perry. Unfavorable reply to his of Oct. 24. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 76.) – Feb. 25. To same. Instructions for returning to U. S. with sqdn. (ib., 116.) — May 3. To J. Slidell, Sen. from La. Although it is usual for U. S. ministers to be conveyed in ships of i. IlO i. is made by govt. for expenses of eir maintenance whilst on board. (Cong. 33. 2., 761.) (Cong. Globe, - May 11. To chief U. S. Bureau of Constructi (Lenthall). Instructions to cause nº tiºn pairs to be made to Albany immediately. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 63, 2.) — May 30. To Perry. Reply to his of Jan. 25. S. ex: doc. 34, 112.) (33. 2. 508 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS & DOBBIN (JAMES COCHRANE), OF N. C., 1814-57—cont’d Secretary of the Navy—cont’d 1854 Je. 10. To Newton. Ordered to San Juan, Cartha- gena and Aspinwall. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 63, 4; 34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 63.) — Je. 10. To Hollins. Directed to proceed with Cyane to Greytown, and to consult with Mr. Fabens. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 21.) — Je. 12. To Same. Encloses copy of communication from State Dept. to Joseph W. Fabens, U. S. coml. agt. at San Juan del Norte. (ib., 21.) — Je. 17. To Newton. Ordered to send a vessel of Home Sqdn. to Grand Turk to inquire into circum- Stances of imprisonment of Amer. cons, at Turk’s IS. (Nelson). (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 63, 5.) — Jly. 29. To President U. S. A. (Pierce). Copies of Orders to Capt. Hollins, U. S. S. Cyane, and informa- tion touching recent action at San Juan. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 20.) — Sept. 2. To Newton. Approves of instructions given to Comdr. Gerry; instructed to continue cruis- ing among windward West India islands. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 63, 7.) — Sept. 19. To Perry. Receipt of treaty with Japan and notes acc. it; Senate unanimously ratified treaty and Will return ratifications through comdr. Adams. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 180.) — Oct. 23. To Newton. Ordered to convey Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Fabens in Columbia to San Juan or Greytown. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 64.) — Dec. 1. To Newton. Comdr. Shaw Falmouth Or- dered to Carthagena, Aspinwall, etc. (ib., 64.) – Dec. 26. To Same. Lieut. U. S. Str. Fulton, (Mitchell) ordered to search for Albany, “to Carthagena, Aspinwall, Gulf of Darien, into Bay of Guatemala, along Mosquito coast and Honduras, etc.” (ib., 64.) 1855 Apr. 3. To comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Crabbe). Instructions regarding change of destination of the JameStown and assignment to Home sqdn. under Comdr. McCauley, owing to Spanish aggressions in Cuban waters; sqdn. weakened by fever on frigate Columbia. (35. Cong., sp. sess., S. ex. doc. 1, 7.) — Apr. 10. To comdr. Home. sqdn, U. S. N. (Mc- Cauley). Instructions on proc. to the West Indies in Str. San Jacinto in command of sqdn. ; speci. mention of El Dorado; Spanish exercise of right of Visit and Search, etc. (ib., 2.) — Apr. 17. To Crabbe. Instructions on relieving comdr. Mayo in command of African Sqdn. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 16.) * — Oct. 20. To comdr. Pacific sqdn. U. S. N. (Mer- vine). Instructions to visit and examine guano is- lands. (34. 1. S. misc. doc. 60, 11.) — Nov. 16. To comdr. Home sqdn. U. S. N. (Paulding). Ordered to proceed immediately with Potomac to San Juan del Norte. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 64.) — Nov. 19. To Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Re- ceipt of communication of 28 ult. in regard to strength and character of naval force deemed ad- vantageous and judicious for interests of U. S. in East India and China Seas. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 757.) 1856 Mgh. 10. To President U. S. Senate (Bright). Transmits corresp. in compliance with res. Of Sen- ate of 4 inst. calling for Copies of instructions given to comdre. McCauley, while temporarily in com- mand of Home Sqdn. (35. Sp. Sess., S. ex. doc. 1, 1.) — May 1. To Comdr. U. S. ship Cyane (Robb). Ordered to proceed to port of Aspinwall. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 64.) — May 1. To comdr. U. S. ship St. Mary’s (Baily). Ordered to remain at Panama, with St. Mary’s so Iong as presence of ship is necessary for protection of Amer. citizens and property. (ib., 65.) DOBBIN (JAMES COCHRANE), OF N. C., 1814-57—cont’d Secretary of the Navy—cont’d 1856 May 1. To Paulding. Important that vessels of Home Sqdn. should be in vicinity of San Juan and Aspinwall during deranged condition of affairs there. (ib., 65.) — May 1. To same. Cyane to proceed without delay to port of Aspinwall. (ib., 65.) — May 1. To comdr. Navy yard, Pensacola (Rous- seau). Ordered to send Fulton to Aspinwall im- mediately. (ib., 64.) — May 5. To Paulding. Important that Aspinwall and San Juan del Norte should receive as much of attention of vessels of Home sqdn. as possible, con- sistent with public interests. (ib., 65.) — May 13. To Capt. U. S. frigate Susquehanºma (Sands). Ordered to San Juan to watch over inter- ests of U. S. until relieved by vessel of Home sqdn. (ib., 66.) — May 13. To Paulding. Ordered to proceed to San Juan de Nicaragua, with Potomac. (ib., 65.) DO COULTO (PETER I.), DEPONENT IN CASE OF BRIG CYRUS; see CYRUS DR. FRANKLIN, AMER, WHALER n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 524.) DODD (PHILIP S.), MASTER H. B. M. BRIG SYLPH; see SYLPH DODDRIDGE (PHILIP), REPR. FROM WA. 1832 Apr. 28. Remarks; agst. apprin. for mission to France. (viii, Reg. Debates, 2647.) DODGE (AUGUSTUS CAESAR), OF I.A., 1812-13 Delegate from Iowa to 26-29 cong. (1839–47) ; U. S. sen. from Iowa, 1848-Feb. 8, 5; E. E. and M. P. U. S. in Spain, Feb. 9, 1855-Mch. 12, 1859. See also U. S. A. Spain. Delegate from Iowa 1846 Feb. 7. Speech; on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of August. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., app., 344.) — Feb. 10. Communication, jointly with M. L. Martin, approving course of U. S. govt. in vindicating claims to Oregon terr. (29. 1. H. jol., 379.) Martin was at this time delegate from Wisconsin terr. iplomatic service. Senator from Iowa 1852 Apr. 15. Remarks; on his amdmt. to French Spolia- tions bill, S. 64, relative to expenditure of Surplus in Treasury authorized by the apprin. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1082.) 1854 Feb. 9. Do.; in Senate, opposed to French spolia- tions bill, S. 36. (ib., 33. 1., 390.) A mer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain, 1858 No. 15. [no. 96, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass), Spain’s declared intention merely that of protect- ing her subjects in Mexico; Spain has rejected prof- fered intervention of England and France; trans- mits translation of memorandum of observations of minister of state. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 11, 6.) DODGE (HENRY), OF WISC. Member U. §ºom. on Foreign Relations, Dec. 19, 1850- Cſl., 1850l. DODGE (JOHN) 1831 Sept. 7. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Stmt. of claim agst. Haiti. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 22.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 509 DODGE (JOSHUA), OF MASS. Amer. cons, for Marseilles, 1820-30 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. French dominions. 1834-40, Amer. cons. for Bremen ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. In 1837 Dodge was apptd. speci. agt. to collect informa- tion in the several states of Germany (except Austria) in regard to the culture and consumption of tobacco ; see also, Tobacco. Correspondence Amer. Oonsul, Bremen 1835 Feb. 1. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Suggestions relative to prevention of ºlºration of paupers into U. S. (28. 2. S. doc. 42, ..) 1836 Sept. 5. To Secy. Treasury U. S. A. (Woodbury). Deportation of emigrants. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 2.) — Dec. 15. [unnum.] To Forsyth. Practices by which consular fees at Bremen have systematically been diminished. (25. 2. S. doc. 21, 2; H. rpt. 200, 5.) Special Agent - 1837 Oct. 4. E. E. and M. P. U. S. in Prussia (Wheaton) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Transmits copy of instructions given to Mr. Dodge. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 64.) — Oct. 25. Same to same. Mr. Dodge has set off for Hanover by way of Magdeburg, at which town he intends to stop to study its commercial resources. (ib., 67.) — Nov. 11. Ino. 1, extr.] Dodge to Wheaton. Informa- tion respecting tobacco-trade in Magdeburg. (ib., 67.) Dec. 13. Ino. 21 To same. Difference betw. Han- overian and Prussian tariffs resp. tobacco; manner in which Bremen merchants make their in Voices. (ib., 58.) 1838 Mch. 21. Wheaton to Forsyth. Mr. Dodge directed to proceed to Carlsruhe, Stuttgart and Munich. (ib., 68.) e 1839 Aug. 31. [unnum.] To Wheaton. Resp. demand of U. S. for reduction in duties on leaf-tobacco of that country, consumed in Zoll-Verein. (ib., 86.) 1840 Mch. 16. To chrm. Select Com. on Tobacco (Jeni- fer). Rpt. of legislation, etc., of foreign countries on tobacco. (ib., 155.) 1841 Jan. 14. To Wheaton. Counter reply to memoir of Baron de Werther on his rpt. of Aug. 31, 1839. (27. 1. S. doc. 55, 18.) Claim of For services see special agt. STATUTORY MEASURES 1846 Dec. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Archer, Com. On For- eign Relations), bill (29. 2. S. 38) “ for relief of Joshua Dodge.” (29. 2. S. jol., 64, 84.) — Jly. 8. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Archer, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (29. 1. S. 229) “for relief of Joshua Dodge.” (29. 1. S. jol., 390.) 1848 Apr. 26. Intr. in U. S. House (Marsh, Com. On For- eign Affairs), bill (30. 1. H. R. 443) “for relief of Joshua Dodge.” (30. 1. H. jol., 736.) — Aug. 12. [Act making apprins. for civil and dipl. expenSeS . . Je. 30, 1849] ; apprn. for Joshua Dodge, late tobacco agent to Europe. (ix, St. L., 300.) CORRESPONDENCE 1842 Dec. 22. C. J. Ingersoll, repr. from Penn. Remarks; intended to be made, defending his amdmt. appro- priating $5000 for pay of commercial agt. to Europe. (xii, Cong. Globe, 77.) 1846 Jan. 12. Dodge to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying additional compensation for Services as special agent to Europe, in relation to duties on Amer. to- bacco. (29. 1. S. jol., 95.) DODGE (JOSHUA), OF MASS.—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE—cont’d 1846 Jan. 29. Same to U. S. House. Memorial, praying compensation for extra services as Special tobacco agt. of U. S. to Europe. (29. 1. H. jol., 320.) — Dec. 15. Same to U. S. Senate. Motion (Archer, Va.), to refer petition of Joshua Dodge, on files of Senate, to Com. of Claims. (29. 2. S. jol., 46.) 1847 Dec. 30. Same to U. S. House. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 170.) DODGE (PICKERIN), CLAIMANT 1847 Jan. 5. To U. S. House. Memorial of H. DeVereux, execr. of P. Dodge, et al., praying indemnity for Erench spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 135.) 1850 Jan. 3. To same. Petition of Robt. Stone, Wm. B. Parker, and D. Devereneny, execrS. praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 215.) DOERING (C. H.), AMER. WICE-CONS. AT OLDENBURG 1860 Jan. 12. [no. 1, extr.] To asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton). Case of J. Schierberg, arrested at Damme, Oldenburg, on claim of military Service; efforts in his behalf; has been assured by authori- ties of dropping of further proc. in matter and of release of Schierberg. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 219.) DOHERTY (RICHARD) Br. Comr. at Sierra Leone under mixed commission for suppression of slavetrade ; see Slavetrade. African. DOHNA (COUNT), PRUSSIAN MINISTER AT COPEN- HAGEN 1818 Je. 26. To Amer. Cons. gen. for Denmark (Forbes). Request for delivery of Stromsky, alias Stürmer, anticipating proc. to be instituted agst. him in Prussian courts. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 32.) — Jly. 28. To same. Demands that imprisoned Sea- men detained at Copenhagen be not removed until confronted with Stromsky, alias Stürmer. (ib., 36.) Aug. 17. To same. Transportation of Stromsky, alias Stürmer, from Dantzig to Copenhagen. (ib., 42.) DOLCINEA, PORT. SLAVER SCHR. (DA LUZ CAVALHO) Detained Oct. 31, 1836, in 4° 16' no. and 3° 44' e., by H. B. M. sloop Pelican (Popham). 1838 Dec. 5. Br. comrs. at Sierra Leone (Macaulay and Doherty) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmer- ston). Capture of Port. Schr. Dolcinea, slaver, by Br. sloop Pelican. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 211; H. ex. doc. 115, 151.) 1839 Dec. 5. Macaulay and Doherty to Palmerston. Rpt. of case of Portuguese schr. Dolcimea, captured by H. M. sloop Pelican, and condemned at Sierra Leone as slaver. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 628.) DOLLY, AMER. BRIG (HOLDEN) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 24.) DOLORES, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. (CANAL) 1836 Oct. 17. Br. comrs. in Cuba for suppression of Slavetrade (Schenley and Madden) to Amer. cons. Havana (Trist). Amer. Schrs. Anaconda, Viper, Emanuel and Dolores to Sail as slavers under Amer. #, (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 3, 147; H. ex. doc. 115, 6, 510 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS . DOLORES, B.R. SLAVER SCHR. n. d Mentioned. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, 146, v. 10, 562.) DOLPHIN, AMER. BRIG (SMITH) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 24.) DOLPHIN, AMER. SLOOP (SMITH) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 25.) DOLPHIN, H. B. M. BRIG (HOLLAND) 1839 Aug. 12. Boards Amer. slaver schr. Catharine off Lagos; see Catharine. — Aug. 26. Boards Amer. Slaver schr. Butterfly off W. Coast of Africa; see Butterfly. 1840 Sept. 14. Boards Amer. Slaver bark Jones in Br. port of St. Helena; see Jones. DOLPHIN, U. S. BRIG, 1836 In commission, (1836-61) : 1836, Brazil sqdn. (Mc- Kenney) ; 1837, do. (Abbot) ; 1838, do. (Mºkenzie): 1839-41, cruising On African coast; 1841, specl. Service coast of New Granada; 1842, Home sqdn. (Knight) ; 1843, do. (Bruce) ; 1845-46, African Sqdn. (Pope) ; 1848-49, E. I. sqdn. (Ogden) ; 1850- 51, do. (Page) ; 1856-57, African sqdn. (Thompson); 1858, Home sqdn. (Maffitt) ; 1858-60, Brazil sqdn. (Steedman). African Cruise 1841 Feb. 4. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Gratification at presence of Dolphin on African coast. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 207; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 8.) African Sqdn. (Pope Comdg.) 1846 Apr. 10. Captures Amer. slave ship Chancellor; see Chancellor. E. I. Sqdn. (Ogden Comdg.) 1849 Particulars of visit of Dolphin to Lew Chew. (xix, Chinese Repository, 67.) Particulars of visit of Dolphin to Formosa. (xviii, ib., 391.) DOLPHIN, U. S. SCHR., 1821 In commission (1828-61) : 1829-30, Pacific sqdm. (Zant- zinger) ; 1831, do. (Long) ; 1832, do. (Craig) ; 1833-34, do. (Voorhees). DOMERCQ (B. JUAN), SP. SUBJECT, CLAIMANT W.S. U. S. A. Statutory Measures 1851 Jan. 28. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Norris, Com. Of Claims), bill (31. 2. S. 429) “for relief of Don B. Juan Domercq.” (31. 2. S. jol., 124.) 1852 Feb. 24. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Brodhead, Com. Of CIaims), bill (32. 1. S. 245) “for relief of Don B. Juan Domercq, Sp. subject.” (32. 1. S. jol., 229, 377.) 1854 Jan. 18. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Brodhead, Com. Of Claims), bill (33. 1. S. 142) “for relief of Don B. Juan Domercq, Sp. subject.” (33. 1. S. jol., 111, 153.) 1855 Feb. 15. Intr. in U. S. Senate, bill (33. 2. S. 142) “for relief of B. J. Domercq; ” approved Feb. 14, 1856. (33. 2. S. jol., 262; x, St. L., 855.) Correspondence, etc. 1850 Aug. 5. U. S. Senate. Docs. in relation to claim of D. Juan Domercq, Sp. subject residing in Mexico, to compensation for tobacco taken by U. S. troops during Mexican war. (31. 1. S. jol., 521.) DOMERCO (B. JUAN), SP. SUBJECT, CLAIMANT W.S. U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1851 Jan. 28. U. S. Com. On Claims (Norris). Rpt. to acC. S. 429 in favor of memorial of Don B. Juan DOmercq. (31. 2. S. rpt. com, 255.) — Dec. 16. U. S. Senate. On motion (Gwin, Calif.), docs. On file of Senate, relating to Domercq claim, referred to Com. of Claims. (32. 1. S. jol., 65.) 1854 Jan. 4. U. S. Senate. On motion (Gwin, Calif.), docs. On file of Senate, relating to Domercq claim, referred to Com. of Claims. (33. 1. S. jol., 78.) – Jan. 18. U. S. S. Com, of Claims. Rpt. (Brodhead), to acc. S. 142, for relief of Don B. Juan Domercq, a Sp. Subject. (33. 1. S. rpt. 49.) DOMICIL (NATIONAL); see ALLEGIANCE DOMINICA; see SANTO DOMINGO DOMINICK (FRANCIS W.), CLAIMANT; AMER. BRIG DOMINICK TERRY, AMER. SHIP (FLEMING) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 25.) DONATH (JOSEPH) 1817 Nov. 22. To J. Boothroyd. Claim agst. Haiti. 3. H. doc. 36, 24.) DONEHUE (PATRICK) 1852 Feb. 3. To U. S. Senate. Petition in behalf of citi zens of N. Y., praying interposition of U. S. in favor of oppressed of other nations. (32. 1. S. jol., 170.) DONNELL (RICHARD S.), REPR. FROM N. C. 1849 Feb. 19. Speech; on bills to establish terr. govt. in California and New Mexico; on protocol to treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico, etc.; during debate on H. R. 684, to provide for execution, in part, of 12 art. of treaty. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., app., 236.) DONELLY (JAMES) - 1854 May 14. Actg. Amer. cons., Ningpo (McCartee) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Criminal suit in Ningpo agst. Donelly, deserter from Amer. Ship; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 840.) DONELSON (ANDREW J.), OF TENN. Amer. chargé in Texas, 1844-45; Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia, 1846-48 ; d.o. in Germany, 1848-49; See U. S. A. Diplomatic service. see BRUTUS, (27. Chargé in Teacas 1845 Je. 3. Buchanan to Donelson. President declines to permit return until question of annexation shall have been finally settled. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 134.) — Jly. 28. Same to same. Leave of absence granted. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 45; H. ex. doc. 2, 137.) Correspondence (Diplomatic) AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun) 1844 Nov. 24. [unnum.] Substance of conversation with Pres. Houston resp. Amer. attitude towards Texas. (Rpt. on dipl. archives of Dept. of State, 1789-1840, p. 69.) Rpt. published by $º. Institution of Washington, 1904. . . See also Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Texas. Edited by Geo. P. Garrison. 3 vols. Ann. rept. Amer. Hist. Assoc. 1907 v. 2; do. 190S v. 2. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 511 DONELSON (ANDREW J.), OF TENN.—cont’d Chargé in Teacas—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Buchanan) 1845 Mch. 20. [unnum.] Gratification at apptmt. as Secy. of State; awaits instructions relative to se- curing assent of Texas to measure of annexation recently passed by Congress. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 45; H. ex. doc. 2, 31.) — Mch. 24. [unnum.] Receipt of despatches by Mr. Waggaman. (29. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 45; H. ex. doc. 2, 31.) — Mch. 28. [unnum.] Advice of French and Br. activity at seat of govt. of Texas. (ib., 46; ib., 32.) – Apr. 1. [unnum. extr.] Effect of visit of English and French ministers to seat of govt. of Texas; atti- tude of Texan president and cabinet toward im- mediate action on joint res. (ib., 47; ib., 32.) — Apr. 3. [unnum. extr.] Aspect of affairs in Texas. (ib., 51; ib., 38.) — Apr. 12. [no. 18, extr.] Pres. of Texas (Jones) on sub- ject of substance of conference with annexation. (ib., 52; ib., 39.) — Apr. 16. [no. 19.] Transmits answer made by Secy. State of Texas to note of 31 ult. and proclamation issued by President Jones for extra Session of Congress. (ib., 53; ib., 39.) — Apr. 16. Ino. 20.] Confident of acceptance of pro- posals for annexation of Texas. (ib., 55; ib., 42.) — May 6. [no. 22, extr.] Substance of conference with actg. Secy. State of Texas relative to protection of U. S. in event of Mexican invasion. (ib., 56; ib., 43.) — May 11. [no. 23, extr.] Br. fleet supposed to be bound for Havana; effect of presence of fleet on Mex- ican attitude towards Texas. (ib., 57; ib., 45.) May 22. [no. 24, extr.] Accts. in New Orleans papers of departure of capt. Elliott from Vera Cruz, with proc. of Mexican Chambers on affairs of Texas. (ib., 59; ib., 46.) — May 24. [no. 25, extr.] State of negotiation for annexation of Texas. (ib., 59; ib., 46.) — Je. 2. Ino. 26.] Br. policy in Texas. (ib., 65; ib., 52.) — Je. 4. [no. 27.] Protection of Texas from foreign in- vasion. (ib., 67; ib., 54.) — Je. 11. Ino. 28.] Proposed negotiation betw. Texas and Mexico. (ib., 68; ib., 55.) — Je. 13. Ino. 29.] Copy of communication to govt. of Texas, in answer to application for troops of U. S. if Mexico invades Texas. (ib., 69; ib., 56.) — Je. 19. Ino. 30.] Effect of course of Texan adminis- tration on subject of annexation, etc. (ib., 64; ib., 61.) — Je. 23. [no. 31.] Govt. of Texas consents to proposals contained in joint res.; preliminary treaty with Mexico rejected; consent of conv. to proposals con- fidently anticipated; military and naval movements anticipating Mexican aggression. (ib., 83; ib., 73.) — Jly. 2. [no. 32.] Laws passed by congress of Texas during last session on Mexican invasion; boundary question left for treaty arrangement. (ib., 91; ib., 79.) — Jly. 2. [unnum.] J. Buchanan. Troops under Gen. Taylor ordered to western frontier of Texas. (ib., 90; ib., 78.) — Jly. 6.. [no. 33.] Acceptance by congress of propos- -als was unanimous; right to repel Mexican advances commences when her troops pass the Rio Grande. (ib., 96; ib., 84.) — Jly. 7. [no. 34.] Transmits res. adopted by const. tº. praying protection of frontiers. (ib., 100; ib., 8.) DONELSON (ANDREW J.), OF TENN.—cont’d Chargé in Teacas—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Buchanan)—cont’d 1845 JIy. 11. [no. 35.] Criticism of Pres. Jones’ proclama- tion of Je. 4, 1845; necessity of establishing the Rio Grande as boundary. (ib., 101; ib., 88.) — Jly. 22. [no. 36.] Employment of U. S. troops within limits of Texas. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 92.) — Jly. 24. [no. 37.] Advice of common opinion in Texas that govt. will be obliged to declare war agst. Mexico. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 109; H. ex. doc. 2, 96.) — Aug. 14. [unnum.] Advice of disposition of forces on frontier of Texas. (ib., 110; ib., 97.) — Aug. 14. [unnum.] Expectation of atty. gen. Allen (Texas) that U. S. would look favorably upon pre- liminary treaty with Mexico; position relative to boundary in which U. S. is placed by that negotia- tion; departure for U. S. (ib., 111; ib., 99.) TEXAN Atty. Gen. Of Texas, ad int. Secy. State (Allen) 1845 Mch. 31. Proposals for annexation of Texas to U. S. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 48; H. ex. doc. 2, 34.) — Apr. 16. Call for special session of congress. (ib., 56; ib., 43.) — May 24. Confident that protection will be afforded Texas by U. S. in event of Mexican invasion. (ib., 62; ib., 49.) — Je. 11. Observations on Mexican proc.; reply to note of 24 ult. On subject of protection which U. S. would be expected to afford Texas. (ib., 69; ib., 56.) Je. 13. Inquiry into alleged objections to proposals contained in joint res. ; possible action of the conv. relative to debt and public lands of Texas. (ib., 76; ib., 65.) — Je. 23. Gratification at acceptance of proposals for annexation. (ib., 86; ib., 77.) — Je. 30. Protection of Texas agst. invasion guar- anteed by U. S. (ib., 95; ib., 82.) — Jly. 16. Stnt. of conditions of U. S. joint res. for annexation remaining to be fulfilled; action of mili- tary force of U. S. on western frontier of Texas. (ib., 108; ib., 95.) — Aug. 5. Troops ready to act for defence of Texas. (ib., 111; ib., 98.) — Aug. 14. Communication from Secy. State of U. S. and letter from comr. of Indian Affairs relative to Robertson claim. (29. 1. H. ex. doc., 104.) Aug. 14. Question of annexation of Texas to U. S.; relations with French and Br. govts. (29. 1. S. doc., 1, 114; H. ex. doc. 2, 101.) Prest. ConSt. ConV. Of Texas (Rusk) 1845 J1y. 6. Gratification at acceptance of proposals. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 99; H. ex. doc. 2, 87.) Corr. (Executive) 1845 Je. 22. To comdr. U. S. S. Princeton (Stockton). Instructions for cautionary measures in employ- ment of force to repel Mexican invasion. (29.1. S. doc. 1, 86; H. ex. doc. 2, 77.) — Je. 28. To brig. gen. U. S. A. (Taylor). Instruction; transportation of troops en route to western fron- tier of Texas; offensive attitude to be avoided. (ib., 105; ib., 93.) - Jºy. , 7. To same. Directions for action pending definite instructions from War Dept., in event of Mexican invasion. (ib., 107; ib., 88.) 512 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DONELSON (ANDREW J.), OF TENN.—cont’d Chargé in Teacas—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1845 Jly. 24. To same. Instructions for immediate re- moval of troops to western frontier of Texas. (ib., 109; ib., 97.) E. E. and M. P. in Germany 1848 Aug. 5. President U. S. A. (Polk) to U. S. Senate. Message nominating A. J. Donelson, of Tenn., E. E. and M. P. to Germany. (iv., Mess. and Papers, 605.) 1854 May 23. W. S. Ashe, repr. from N. C. Remarks; apptmt. and extra allowance of Donelson; etc. (Cong. Globe, 33 cong., 1 sess., 1268.) — May 23. J. S. Phelps, repr. from Mo. Do.; same. (ib., 1268.) Correspondence Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) 1849 May 7. [tinnum.] Objections to armament of ves- Sel in U. S., to be used in war agst. Denmark, are highly approved by Prussian govt. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 59; H. ex. doc. 5, 59.) — May 9. [unnum.] Substance of conversation with Count Bulow relating to determination of U. S. govt. in regard to armament of str. United States. (ib., 59; ib., 59.) May 17. [unnum.] Opinion of Prussian cabinet on lººken of neutral obligations of U. S. (ib., 60; ib., 60. — Je. 22. [no. 14, extr.] Substance of conversation With min. Jochmus on subject of str. United States. (ib., 61; ib., 61.) — Jly. 5. [no. 17.] Conversations with minister of Foreign Affairs on corresp. betw. State Dept. and baron von Roenne in case of str. United States. (ib., 62; ib., 62.) — J1y. 16. [no. 19, extr.] Information of conclusion Of *use betw. Prussia and Denmark. (ib., 63; ib., 63. Sept. 2. [no. 30, extr.] Receipt of despatch no. 34. (ib., 64; ib., 64.) Minist. d. AuSW. Angelegenheiten, Prussia (Jochmus) 1849 Je. 21. Meaning of “Caution ” in case of str. United States. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 62; H. ex. doc. 5, 62.) DONELSON (JOHN, JR.), OF TENN. Surveyor to run boundary betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; See Mexico. Boundary. 1849 J ly. 20. U. S. atty. gen. (johnson). Opinion; claim made by Mr. Donelson, minister to Germanic con- federation, to be allowed a full outfit, is valid. (ii, Op. attyS. gen., 2032; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, v. 2, 2032.) DONKER CURTIUS (D.) 1836 Mch. 27. To Cuthbert. Relative to Amer. brig Mary captured by French privateer Remom/mee. (25. 2. S. doc. 13, 6.) DONNA MARIA SEGUNDA, PORT. FRIGATE 1850 Nov. 7. Special comr. U. S. A. to Cochin-China (Balestier) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Blowing up of Portuguese frigate Donna Maria Segunda at Macao, etc. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 107.) DONNA PAULLA, BRAZILIAN FRIGATE 1825 Je. 20. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to minist. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Inhambupe). Impressment of two Amer. seamen (Forbes and Staat) on board Donna Paulla. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 23.) — Je. 28. Inhambupe to Raguet. Provisional orders for delivery of two Amer. Seamen impressed on board Donna Paulla. (ib., 23.) DONNELL (JOHN), AND OTHERS 1829 Dec. 28. U. S. Senate. Petition praying indemnity ; French Spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50. DONNET (ARMAND T.) Actg. Amer. cons. in Lisbon ; chargé ad int. Aug. 27, 1840-Feb. 13, 1841, and from Apr. 19-Dec. 24, 1841. 1851 Dec. 8. To Amer. chargé in Portugal (Haddock). Expenses of Official residence of U. S. dipl. represen- tative in Lisbon. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 33.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1845 Feb. 12. Intr. in U. S. House (Ellis, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (28. 2. H. R. 605) “for relief of Armand T. Donnet.” (28. 2. H. jol., 369.) 1848 Aug. 12. Act making appropriations for civil and diplomatic expenses for year ending Je. 30, 1849; clause providing apprn. for A. T. Donnett, for diplo- º services as chargé to Portugal. (ix, St. L., 84.) CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1844 May 30. Donnet to U. S. House. Petition for com- pensation for Services as acting chargé in Portugal, from Apr. 19, 1841, to Dec. 24, 1841. (28. 1. H. jol., 986.) — Dec. 16. Same to same. Petition of May 30, 1844, again presented. (28. 2. H. jol., 83, 311.) 1845 Feb. 3. Com. On Foreign Affairs (Ellis). Rpt. favoring claim for compensation for dipl. Services. (28. 2. H. rpt. 91.) Dec. 17. Donnet to U. S. House. Petition of Dec. 16, 1844, again presented. (29. 1. H. jol., 120.) 1848 Apr. 3. Same to Same. Memorial presented and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (30. 1. H. jol., 647.) DONNISON ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ISIS; see ISIS DOOLITTLE (JAMES R.), SENATOR FROM WISC. 1858 Jan. 7. Remarks; phases of neutrality laws of U. S. from Standpoint of Countries Suffering from viola- tions thereof, and doubting illegality of capture and arrest of Gen. Wm. Walker by comdr. Paulding. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 221.) — Jan. 14. Do.; recommending postponement of bill for relief of Wm. K. Jennings, et al. (ib., 289.) Jan. 21. Speech; supporting jt. res. to present medal to comdr. Paulding for capture of gen. Walker. (ib., 356.) 1859 Feb. 9. Remarks; opposing taking up of bill for acquisition of Cuba, and characterizing Said bill as wholly impracticable. (ib., 35. 2., 906.) — Feb. 11. Speech; grounds of acquisition of Cuba, its terms and advantages, but declaring present OC- casion premature. (ib., 964.) Feb. 16. Remarks; favoring apprin. for Support, for one year, and education of captured Africans. (ib., 1056.) — Feb. 19. Do.; urging that economy in apprn. for dipl. service be tempered by consideration of in- creased cost of living. (ib., 1147.) — Feb. 19. Do.; opposing proposition to grant Presi- dent power of protecting U. S. citizens and property in transit across Isthmian routes. (ib., 1140.) — Mch. 1. Do.; offering amdmt. to Navy Bill, provid- ing for reimbursement of capt. Hiram Paulding for expenses in connection with capture and arrest of gen. Wm. Walker. (ib., 1527.) 1860 Je. 18. Do.; opposing apprin. to execute contract with Chiriqui company for coal. (ib., 36. 1., 3110.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 513 D00LITTLE (JAMES R.), SENATOR FROM WISC.—cont’d 1861 Mch. 1. Do.; opposing adoption of jt. res. to per- mit Comdre. H. Paulding to accept sword and grant of land from Nicaragua, and favoring jt. res. for refunding his expenditures in suing certain indi- viduals. (ib., 36. 2., 1305.) DORCAS C. YEATON, AMER. BARK (POTTE) Boarded in 22° 13' lat., 71° 31' long., Jan. 23, 1858, by feruvian str. Tumbeg (Dueñas). 1858 Mch. 27. Peruvian min. res. in U. S. A. (Osma) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Boarding of Dorcas C. Yeaton (Potte) by Peruvian str. Tumbez (Dueñas); etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 69, 2.) – May 22. Cass to Osma. Withdraws claim in case of Dorcas C. Yeaton; etc.; urges claim for indem- nity. (ib., 17.) DORCHESTER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 21. To U. S. House of Repres. Memorial vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 80.) – Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) — Dec. 12. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 65.) 1838 Feb. 14. To same. Same. (ib., 441.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 605.) *=º * 18. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. 610. 1840 Mch. 30. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1846 Mch. 4. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 486.) (ib., DORCHESTER (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 596.) DORCHESTER, AMER. schR. (WHITE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 26.) DORNIN (THOMAS ALOYSIUS), OF MD. U. S. N., 1815-74. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841; capt., 1855; comdre. on retired list, 1862. Died Apr. 22, 1874. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1841, schr. Shark, Pacific sqdn. ; 1842-43, schr. Dale, do. ; 1852-55, sloop , Portsmouth, do. ; 1860-61, frigate San Jacinto, African sqdn. DORR (CHARLOTTE), WIDOW OF LATE ANDREW C. DORR 1846 Dec. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 75.) 1847 Jan. 16. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 105.) DORR (EBEN MAY), U. S. SPECIAL CUSTOMS INSPECTOR 1850 May 23. To collector of customs, Astoria (Adair). Seizure of Albion and of Cadborough. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 30, 6.) DORR (EBEN RITCHIE), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Buenos Aires, 1834-36 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Argentine Rep. ; 1842-46 do. for Valparaiso ; see same. Chili. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1848 Aug. 12. Appropriation for E. R. Dorr, for dipl. services; act making appros. for civil and dipl. ex- penses for year ending Je. 30, 1849. (ix, St. L., 300.) DORR (EBEN RITCHIE), OF MASS.—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1848 Mch. 27. Dorr to U. S. House. Petition, praying compensation for services as chargé of U. S. in Chili. (30. 1. H. jol., 619.) — J1y. 18. W. Duer, repr. from N. Y. Amdmt. in com. of the Whole, to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, providing for compensation of Dorr, cons. at Valparaiso, for services during absence of chargé. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 948.) 1852 Apr. 15. Dorr to U. S. House. Petition, praying compensation for dipl. services as cons. at Buenos Ayres from 1834 to 1838. (32. 1. H. jol., 592.) — Apr. 15. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (32. 1. S. jol., 354.) 1853 Dec. 14. U. S. Senate. On motion (Mason, Va.), petition of Eben R. Dorr, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (33. 1. S. jol., 43, 183.) 1854 Feb. 14. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Slidell). Rpt. adverse to petition of Eben R. Dorr. (33. 1. S. rpt. 106.) DORR (R. L.) 1860 Feb. 14. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying that Secy. State be authorized to demand of Br. govt. in- demnity for violation, by its subjects, of rights of Samuel G. Dorr, under U. S. patent. (36. 1. S. jol., 149, 252.) DORSET (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Memorial, praying recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 604.) — Feb. 18. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. 598.) DORSET, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. n. d. Mentioned. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, 147.) DORSETT (FIELDER), HEIRS OF 1847 Jan. 15. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. S. jol., 101.) Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Memorial of S. H. Dor- sett, praying indemnity for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 176.) 1850 Jan. 14. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of W. N. Dor- Sett, et al., praying indemnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 72.) — Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Petition of Jane H. T. Greenfield, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 391.) — Feb. 7. To same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 486, 521.) DORSEY (JOHN) 1846 Feb. 16. To U. S. House. Petition, praying com- pensation for destruction of property by Br. in war of 1812. (29. 1. H. jol., 401, 491.) DORSEY (JOHN E.), CLAIMANT 1846 Dec. 16. To U. S. House. Memorial of Ann C., execz. of John E. Dorsey, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 58.) 1847 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of repres. pray- ing indemnity for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. S. jol., 82.) 1849 Dec. 31. To same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 196.) DORWIN (CANFIELD), OF WT. Amer. cons. for Montreal, 1854-55; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. British dominions. (ib., 33 514 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs DOS AMIGOS, BRIG; see TWO FRIENDS DOTTEREL, H. B. M. SLOOP (HOARE) 1824 Je. 16. Takes Amer. Schr. Pilgrim off Grand Menan; See Pilgrim. — Jly. 6. Detains Amer. Schr. Rebecca off Nova Scotian Coast; See Rebecca. — JIy. 15. Detains Amer. Schr. William, off Nova Scotian Coast; See William. — Jly. 15. Detains Amer. fishing schr. Galeon, off Nova Scotian coast; see Galeon. — Jly. 25. Boards Amer. Schr. Ruby off Two Island harbor, N. S.; see Ruby. — Aug. 29. Detains Amer. Schr. Madison during pass- age to Halifax; see Madison. Nov. 9. Takes Amer. Schr. Hero off Grand Menan; See HerO. DOTY (E.), AMER. WICE-CONS. IN CHARGE AT AMOY 1857 Dec. 31. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed). Temporary filling of consulate since departure of T. H. Hyatt for U. S., and of J. T. Wilson, to date, under commission from U. S. legation. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 96.) Dec. 31. To same. Spanish cons. attests all coolies sent from Amoy. (ib., 97.) 1858 Jan. 22. To same. Coolie trade comparatively slight at Amoy; legalization of opium traffic. (ib., 201.) — Feb. 5. To same. Arrival of Wandering Jew at Amoy ; rpt. of Conversation with Capt. Tarleton. (ib., 202.) DOTY (E.), AND OTHERS 1856 Jly. 1. To H. B. M. actg. cons. at Amoy (Morrison) and to Amer. Cons., Amoy (Hyatt). Request pro- tection for Christians of Shih-ma, and Pih-Shuy- Ying. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 855.) DOUCE (AUGUST), CLAIMANT 1852 Aug. 3. U. S. Senate. Memorial of Eleanore Mio- ton, widow of Douce, praying indemnity for prop- erty destroyed by mob in city of Mexico. (32. 1. S. jol., 567.) DOUGHTY (WILLIAM), MASTER AMER. SCHR. ARGUS; See ARGUS DOUGLAS (CHARLES), OF ALA. Amer. cons. for Guazacualco, 1828-30; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. 1829 Jan. 14. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo). Douglas commission. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (an- nex), 270.) DOUGLAS (DANIEL), OF CONN. 1832 Feb. 13. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying indem- nity for losses by French spoliations. (22. 1. H. jol., 334.) Douglas (SIR HOWARD), LIEUT. GOV. OF NEW BRUNS- WICK 1825 Oct. 24. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Vaughan). Remonstrance agst. conduct of J. Bacon and J. Baker, agts. of Mass. and Me. resp., in dis- puted terr. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 9.) 1827 Apr. 13. To same. Measures taken to discontinue depredations in disputed terr. complained of by Amer. authorities. (ib., 24.) Oct. 4. To same. Representation of gov. Of Me. asserting undue exercise of jurisdiction in disputed terr. by authorities of New Brunswick. (ib., 26.) — Nov. 15. To Gov. of Me. (Lincoln). Declines to give information in case of J. Baker. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 100.) DOUGLAS (SIR HOWARD), LIEUT. GOV. OF NEW BRUNS- WICK–Cont’d .* 1828 May 12. To Vaughan. Relative to decision of ct. in case of J. Baker. (20. 2. H. doc. 90, 50.) — Dec. 11. To same. Occupation, by Americans, of Mars Hill as a military post. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 16.) 1829 Feb. 11. To same. Timber depredations in disputed terr. (ib., 13.) DOUGLAS (JAMES), GOV. WANCOUVER'S IS. 1855 Jly. 26. Stnt. and valuation of sheep, property of Hudson’s Bay co., forcibly seized on Mch. 30, 1855, by sheriff of Whatcom co., Wash. terr. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 77, 8.) — Sept. 28. W. J. Smith. Losses incurred by Hud- Son’s Bay Co. in consequence of intrusion of sheriff Barnes, with armed posse of Whatcom co. (34. 1. S. rpt. 251, 5.) 1856 Mch. 6. To Gov. of Washington terr. (Stevens). Communicated with Robinson regarding supplies; objection to payment in scrip; bills of exchg. on #,” Treasury suggested. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. , 6. — Mch. 7. To same. Capt. Robinson required at Port Townsend; has purchased supplies from private funds. (ib., 7.) 1858 Nov. 15. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier). Copies of corresp. with Gov. Stevens; aid furnished Wash. terr. from his private funds. (ib., 10.) 1859 Aug. 2. Proclamation; maintains right of Br. Sov- ereignty Over San Juan IS.; protests agSt. Occupa- tion of is. by any other power. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 53.) — Aug. 3. To Council and House of Vancouver’s Is. Message; possession of disputed terr. Of San Juan Is...; with reply. (ib., 72.) — Aug. 13. To brig. gen., U. S. A., comdg. Dept. of Oregon (Harney). Reply to his of 6 inst.; main- tains right of Br. Occupation of San Juan; requests withdrawal of Amer. troops. (ib., 69.) Claim vs. U. S. A. STATUTORY MEASURES 1858 May 12. Intr. in U. S. House (Faulkner, Com. on Military Affairs), bill (35. 1. H. R. 566) “to refund certain sum to Jas. Douglass, gov. of Vancouver’s Is., for help accorded Washington Terr. in late Indian war.” (35. 1. H. jol., 788.) Correspondence, etc. 1856 Feb. 7. Gov. of Washington terr. (Stevens) to Douglas. Requested to furnish R. S. Robinson with supplies needed for volunteer operations; reim- bursement by U. S. promised. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 72, 5.) — Feb. 29. Same to same. Intention to purchase In- * goods at Victoria, on faith of U. S. govt. (ib., 5. § ch. Same to same. Lt. Huger instructed to pro- cure supplies from Hudson Bay Co., at Victoria, for prosecuting Indian war; payment to be by Congres- sional apprn. (ib., 6.) — Mch. 1. Commissary and quartermaster I. B. W. T. V. (Robinson) to Douglas. Urgent need of supplies for volunteers; assistance of gov. besought. (ib., 5.) — Mch. 9. Stevens to Douglas. Drafts upon Treasury possible only for sums already appropriated; securi- ties offered are safe; U. S. A. Will make apprinS. to cover expenditures. (ib., 8.) — May 2. Robinson to Douglas. Certainty of con- gressional apprn. to cover cost of Supplies fur- nished; offers govt. Scrip as payment to make claim secure. (ib., 8.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 515 DOUGLAS (JAMES), GOV. WANCOUVER'S IS.—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d ,1858 Nov. 12. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Presses claim of Gov. Douglas for reimbursement for ad- vances to Gov. of Wash. terr. (Stevens) on acct. of U. S. govt. (ib., 2.) 1859 Jan. 12. Napier to Cass. Requests to be informed whether any steps have been taken towards reim- bursement of Gov. Douglas, V. I. (ib., 10.) — Jan. 27. Secy. War, U. S. A. (Floyd) to President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Recommends repayment to Gov. of Vancouver’s Is. (Douglas) of $7000 advanced by him to Gov. of Washington terr. (Stevens). (ib., 1.) — Jan. 29. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to U. S. Congress. Recommends immediate apprin. for re- payment with interest to Gov. of Vancouver’s Is. (Douglas) of $7000 advanced by him to Gov. of Washington terr. (Stevens) for ammunition and stores for U. S. forces during late Indian war. (ib., 1.) DOUGLAS (JAMES) 1838 Dec. 23. To repr. from Brazoria, in Texan legisla- ture (Wharton). Information relative to alliance betw. Cherokees and Mexican authorities. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 40.) DOUGLAS (JONATHAN) 1859 Jan. 5. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- pensation for property taken and damage inflicted by U. S. and Br. troops in war of 1812. (35. 2. H. jol., 138; 284.) DOUGLAS (STEPHEN ARNOLD) Repr. from Illinois, 28-29 cong., 1843-47. Sen. from Il- linois, 1847-61 ; member Com. on Foreign Relations, 1849-Dec. 19, 1850, 1851-61. Representative from Ill. 1844 Je. 3. Remarks; defending Clay’s attitude on title to and occupation of Oregon, in reply to Hardin. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 639.) 1845 Jan. 3. Do.; insisting on obligation of U. S. to re- Spect demand of Texas for admission into Union under treaty of 1803. (xiv, ib., 88.) Jan. 6. Do.; insisting on obligation of U. S. to admit Texas when she demands fulfilment of treaty of 1803. (ib., 95.) — Jan. 6. Speech; favoring annexation of Texas to U. S. (ib., app., 65.) — Jan. 31. Remarks; favoring passage of Oregon bill. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 225.) — Dec. 30. Speech; opposing reference of subject of naturalization laws to select com. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 113.) 1846 Jan. 12. Remarks; moving recommitment of bill to protect rights of Amer. settlers in Oregon terr. to Com. on Territories. (ib., 189.) Jan. 27. Speech; urging notification of Gr. Br. Of end of jt. occupancy of Oregon, and occupation and settlement of same by U. S. (ib., 258.) — Mch. 13. Remarks; opposing cession of any part of Oregon to Gr. Br. (ib., 497.) — Apr. 17. Speech; favoring passage of bill to pro- tect Amer. citizens in Oregon during period of jt. occupation. (ib., 685.) — Aug. 6. Remarks; declaring that bill establishing terr.govt. in Oregon defined boundaries. (ib., 1200.) — May 13. Speech; on Mexican War, etc., during de- bate on H. R. 49, making apprinS. for Support of army. (ib., 815; app., 903.) 1847 Mch. 3. Do.; on S. 105, making further apprin. to bring war with Mexico to speedy and honorable con- clusion; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., app., 440.) Douglas (STEPHEN ARNOLD)—contid Senator from Ill. Remarks by * 1848 Jan. 3. Remarks; on Calhoun res., of Dec. 15, agst. conquest and incorporation of Mexico by U. S.; etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 92.) Feb. 1. Speech; on Mexican war and S. 26, to raise for a limited time, an additional military force. (ib., app., 221.) — Mch. 17. Remarks; on return of Santa Ana to Mexico, terr. indemnity, etc., in reply to Clayton's charges agst. President, during debate on S. 26. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 501-2.) — Mch. 30. Do.; on S. res. 15, tendering congratula- tions to the French people. (ib., 569.) — Dec. 11. Do.; presenting memorial of W. H. Aspin- wall and others, praying for exclusive right to trans- port govt. troops, mails, etc., on their proposed r.T. across Isthmus of Panama. (ib., 30. 2., 20.) – Dec. 19. Do.; on S. 352, to make compensation for transportation of troops and supplies over Isthmus of Panama; etc. (ib., 60, 61.) 1849 Jan. 8. Do.; on Canadian reciprocity bill, S. 263. (ib., 185.) Jan. 29. Do.; offering amdmt. as substitute for S. 352; with amdmt. (ib., 382.) — Jan. 30, 31. Do.; on S. 352; route across Isthmus of Tehuantepec; etc. (ib., 402, 411.) Feb. 6. Remark, in Senate, in reply to Foote, on S. 352. (ib., 459.) 1850 Jan. 30. Remarks; unfavorable to Seward res. of Jan. 9, concerning propriety of granting lands to Hungarian exiles, etc. (ib., 31. 1., 263, 265, 266, 267.) — Feb. 13. Do.; relative to President’s message of even date, in answer to call for corresp., etc., Con- cerning Central Amer.; rptd. recent conv, with Nica- ragua. (ib., 356.) — Mch. 14. Speech; on terr. question; Validity in new terr. of Mexican laws prohibiting slavery; dur- ing debate on President’s message of Feb. 13. (ib., app., 371.) — Apr. 11. Remarks; free navigation of St. Law- rence River, etc. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 701, 702.) — Je. 4. Do.; favorable to S. res. 19, for relief of Saml. Colt and B. F. Morse. (ib., 1124.) — Je. 7. Do.; on title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande, etc.; during consideration of compromise bill, S. 225. (ib., 1160.) — Sept. 11. Do.; on bill to refund to Amer. Coloniza- tion Socy. Imoneys expended in providing for re- captured Africans. (ib., 1804.) Sept. 21. Do.; on S. 352, providing for free naviga- tion of St. Lawrence and reciprocal trade with Canada. (ib., 1908.) – Dec. 19. Request to be excused from serving on Com. on Foreign Relations. (ib., 31. 2., 94.) Dec. 31. Remarks; explaining his vote to print extra copies of corresp. with Austria concerning mission of U. S. agt. to Hungary. (ib., 152.) 1851 Jan. 16. Do.; favorable to Shields res. calling for information on difficulties betw. Br. authorities and San Salvador, etc.; in connection with Clayton- Bulwer treaty. (ib., 264.) Feb. 11. Do.; on presenting petition from Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of Washington, D. C., praying establishment of line of strs. to west- ern coast of Africa. (ib., 574.) – Dec. 11. Do.; favorable to res. for reception of Kossuth; proper policy of U. S. A. towards foreign republics; Engl. diplomacy and intrigue, etc. (ib., 32. 1., 70.) $ _º-ººººº. Dec. 16. Do.; proper title for Kossuth in res. pro- viding com. to wait upon him, etc. (ib., 106.) 516 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DOUGLAS (STEPHEN ARNOLD)—cont’d Senator from Ill.—cont’d Remarks by—cont’d 1851 Dec. 17, 18. Do.; in reply to Hale, denying a sec- tional division of opinion concerning validity, in new terr., of Mexican laws prohibiting slavery. (ib., 119, 125.) - — Dec. 23. Speech; on compromise measures; Wil- mot proviso in connection with two-million bill, three-million bill, and treaty with Mexico, (ib., app., 67.) 1852 Jly. 19. Remarks; favorable to Bell res. of Apr. 26, calling for copy of memoir of landing of U. S. troops at Vera Cruz in 1847, by lieut. Wm. G. Tem- ple, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1834.) 1853 Feb. 14. Speech; on res. Concerning colonization in No. Amer. by European powers, and concerning Cuba; reasons for opposing ratification of Clayton- Bulwer treaty; Bay of Islands colony; annexation of Cuba, etc.; With replies to Cass. (ib., 32. 2., app., 170, 174, 175, 176.) — Mch. 1. Amdmts. to general apprn. bill, Striking out Salary and outfit of min. to Central Amer., etc.; with explanatory remarks; construction of Clay- ton-Bulwer treaty as regards Mosquito protectorate. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 941.) — Mch. 9. Remark; Clayton’s reference of even date to Douglas’ charge agst. him for suppression of Hise treaty. (ib., 32. 3. (specl. sess.), app., 256.) — Mch. 10. Remarks; on that part of Clayton's speech of 10 inst. resp. Douglas’ charge agst. Clayton of having suppressed Hise treaty; Br. right to Bay Is...; Biddle mission. (ib., app., 257.) Mch. 15. Do.; reply to Clayton of even date. resp. Douglas’ support of Hise treaty, and opposition to Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., app., 267-71.) — Mch. 16. Do. reply to Clayton of Mch. 15; d.o. to Butler of even date. (ib., app., 271.) • — Mch. 21. Do.; reply to Everett of even date. (ib., app., 290.) 1854 Jan. 23. Do.; concerning visit and public treat- ment of Papal Nuncio. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 224.) Feb. 2. Do.; in Support of res. calling for com- munications from Amer. legation at Constantinople resp. seizure of Koszta. (ib., 313.) Jly. 26. Do.; Opposed to Toombs amdmt. to amdmt. of Com. On Foreign Relations to general apprin. bill, providing compensation to R. C. Schenck, late E. E. and M. P. to Brazil, and another, for specl. missions to Uruguay, etc.; mission to Greece of Marsh, min. to Turkey; question of outfits for specl. missions. (ib., 1938.) — Jly. 27. Do.; in support of final amdmt. of Mason reinstating clause for discontinuing outfits in amdmt. Of Com. On Foreign Relations to general apprn. bill, providing increase of salaries of mins. to Gr. Br. and France; opposed to outfits in gen- eral. (ib., 1960.) 1855 Mch. 2. Do.; favorable to amdmt. of Com. On Finance to general apprn. bill, Striking out com- pensation to Francis Dainese, late cons. at Constan- tinople, for judicial services, etc. (ib., 33. 2., 1092, 1093.) 1856 Feb. 20. Resignation from Com. on Foreign Rela- tions. (ib., 34. 1., 465.) — May 1. Remarks; on Nicaraguan affairs; res. Call- ing for corresp. with min. to Nicaragua; Clayton- Bulwer treaty, etc. (ib., 1071, 1072.) 1857 Jan. 21, 22. Do.; favorable to bill to expedite tele- graphic communication for use of govt. in foreign intercourse, on Seward amdmts. Concerning amt. to be paid and Br. contract, on Pugh amdmt. provid- ing for treaty of neutralization, etc. (ib., 34. 3., 395, 397, 420, 421.) DOUGLAS (STEPHEN ARNOLD)—cont’d Senator from Ill.—cont’d Remarks by—cont’d § 1858 Jan. 7. Do.; on arrest of Wm. Walker by comdre. Paulding in Nicaragua; President’s message on * Subject, etc. (ib., 35. 1., 223.) — Jan. 25. Do.; dissenting from construction given to neutrality laws in rpt. of Com. on Foreign Rela- tions on arrest of Wm. Walker. (ib., 378.) — Apr. 21. Do.; concurrence in Mason's remarks On difficulties with Paraguay. (ib., 1705.) May 5. Do.; indorsing res. of Com. on Foreign Re- lations relative to difficulties with Paraguay. (ib., 1963.) — May 18. Do.; prig. of papers relative to seizure of proceeds of cargo of brig Macedonian. (ib., 2198.) — May 29. Do.; Br. aggressions upon Amer. Vessels in Gulf of Mexico, recommending that President be empowered to put an end to aggressions and to authorize capture of offending vessels; useleSSneSS of resolving on subject, etc. (ib., 2496.) Je. 7. Do.; Br. aggressions agst. Amer. Vessels in Gulf of Mexico; on S. 402 to restrain and redress outrages agst. Amer. citizens, on amdmt. limiting application of bill to Central Amer. States, etc. (ib., 2736, 2744-47.) — Je. 15. Do.; res. concerning Br. aggressions on Amer. vessels in Gulf of Mexico, etc. (ib., 3054, 3055.) 1859 Feb. 17. Do.; reply to Mason, on resp. powers of Executive and Senate in regard to creation of mis- sion abroad and apptmt. of mins., occasioned by Pugh amdmt. to cons. and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 666. (ib., 35. 2., 1088-90.) Feb. 18. Do.; support of message recommending legislation authorizing President to employ public forces for protection of Amer. citizens on routes across isthmus, etc., and in favor of Conferring such authority as a general rule. (ib., 1122, 1123.) 1861 Feb. 19. Do.; in support of H. res. 5, authorizing adjustment of accts. of J. R. Clay, min. to Peru, and providing compensation for losses through Sale of drafts; general rule in such cases, etc. (ib., 36. 2., 1014.) — Feb. 22. Do.; opposed to provision leaving Com- pensation of U. S. marshals, distr. attyS., etc., to discretion of President in amdmt. of Finance Com. to civil apprin. bill, H. R. 895, providing for execu- tion of acts for suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 1116.) — Feb. 22, 25. Do.; in explanation and Support of amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Relations to H. R. 895, providing compensation to C. J. Helm, cons. gen, at Havana, for certain extra expenses incurred in his office, etc. (ib., 1121, 1122, 1169.) Reports by 1858 Feb. 9. Difficulties with Paraguay, in regard to U. S. str. Water Witch, and other matters. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60.) DOUGLAS, AMER. BRIG (BAKER) Boarded in 4° 30' no., 3’ 45° e., Oct. 21, 1839, by H. B. M. brig Termagant (Seegram). 1840 Aug. 21. Amer. cons., Havana (Trist) to . Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Rpt. of case of brig Dougias; with depositions, copies of papers, etc. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 352.) — Aug. 22. Same to same. Copy of endorsement made on register of brig Douglas. (ib., 360.) — Aug. 28. Actg. Secy. State (Martin) to E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. in Gr. Br. (Stevenson). Instructions for representation in case of Douglas. (ib., 65; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 542; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 34.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 517 DOUGLAS, AMER. BRIG (BAKER)—cont’d 1840 Nov. 13. Stevenson to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Detention of Douglas by Br. sloop- of-war Termagant. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 67; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 35.) — Nov. 19. Palmerston to Stevenson. Reply to rep- resentation in case of forcible boarding of Douglas. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 70.) — Dec. 22. A. A. Frazer, claimant in case Douglas, to Forsyth. Strmt. relative to detention of Douglas by Br. sloop Termagant. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 39.) 1841 Mch. 1. Stevenson to Palmerston. Representation in case of seizure of Douglas by Termagant. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 34, 3.) — Aug. 5. Palmerston to Stevenson. Reply to protest agst. search and detention of Douglas by Terma- gant. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 22; H. ex: doc. 2, 17; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 731; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 52; xi, Cong. Globe, app., 5.) — Aug. 9. Stevenson to Palmerston. Seizure and de- tention of Douglas, Iago and Hero by Br. cruisers employed on African coast in Suppressing Slave- trade. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 21; xi, Cong. Globe, app., 6.) 1842 Nov. 12. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Aberdeen). Fur- ther enquiry into case of detention of Douglas. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 109.) — Nov. 18. Everett to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Misrepresentation by Lord Palmerston in Case of detention of Douglas. (ib., 107.) - Dec. 29. Aberdeen to Everett. Acct. Of OWners of Douglas to be settled. (ib., 118.) — Dec. 30. Everett to Webster. Settlement of accts. of Tigris, Douglas and Seamew to be entrusted to practical merchant. (ib., 115.) 1843 Feb. 2. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox) to Webster. Detention of Douglas by Termagant. (ib., 11.) — Aug. 8. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur) to Everett. Instructions for settlement of acct. of Douglas. (ib., 167.) 1848 Jan. 25. U. S. Senate. Memorial, of Baker and Frazier, owners of Douglas; praying indemnity for losses by illegal seizure and detention of Douglas by Br. govt. (30. 1. S. jol., 132.) — Feb. 2. U. S. Senate. Res. (Westcott, Com. of Claims) to refer to Secy. Of State memorial of Baker and Frazier, owners of brig Douglas, with instructions to communicate docs. and to rpt. thereon. (30. 1. S. jol., 149.) 1850 May 28. U. S. Senate. On motion (Norris, N. H.), memorial of A. A. Frazier and rpt. of Secy. of State thereon, on files of Senate, referred to Com. Of Claims. (31. 1. S. jol., 362.) 1852 Jan. 5. U. S. Senate. On motion (Norris, N. H.), memorial of A. A. Frazier and Alvin Baker, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Milit. Affairs. (32. 1. S. jol., 94.) 1854 Nov. 25. Claim agst. Gr. Br. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 53.) DOUGLAS, AMER. SCHR. 1834 Oct. 29. Min. relac. est., Mexico (Lombardo) to Amer, chargé in Mexico (Butler). Advice of cour- tesy shown Amer. Schrs. Douglas and Flibberti- gibbet, arriving in port of San Blas without proper forms and clearances. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 542.) Douglass (GEORGE), compG. H. B. M. S. LEVANT; see LEVANT - - DOUGLASS (GEORGE H.), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG KENTUCKY; see KENTUCKY DOUGLASS (SAMUEL J.), U. S. CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, KEY WEST * 1850 May 22. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Meredith). Arrival of Creole at Key West; seizure of Said Ves- sel. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 129.) DOUGLASS (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 17. H. V.S. Texas. (29. 1. H. jol., 122.) DOUGLASS ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG GEORGE; see GEORGE DOWALE (D. H.) Amer. cons. for Sabanilla, 1853-54 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Colombia. Hudson (Mass.) tabled. DOVE (BENJAMIN MORE), OF WA. U. S. N., 1826-1868. Lieut., 1839; comdr., 1855; capt., retired, 1867. Died Nov. 19, 1868. Sea service in ; and (1826–61): 1860, comdg. Relief, Home Sqdn. DOWER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) — Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate; Same. 217.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; in favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 23. H. jol., 604.) (25. 2. S. jol., DOWER (N. H.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 442.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 587.) 1845 Feb. 28. To same; same. (28. 2. H. jol., 532.) — Dec. 15. To same; same. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) 1847 Jan. 8. To same. Memorial; praying measures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 148; 193.) 1852 Dec. 22. To U. S. Senate; in favor of arbitration. (32. 2. S. jol., 48.) DOWER (O.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House; in favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) DOVER (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 38.) — Dec. 18. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) DOW (JESSE ERSKINE) Statutory Measures 1838 Apr. 19. Intr. in U. S. House (Anderson, Com. on Naval Affairs), bill (25. 2. H. R. 751) “for relief of Jesse E. Dow.” (25. 2. H. jol., 793.) Correspondence, etc. 1836 May 10. U. S. House. Petition, of Jesse E. Dow, who was entrusted by comdr. of Amer. sqdn. off Lisbon, Port., with despatches to Navy and State Depts. ; praying that his expenses home may be al- lowed him. (24. 1. H. jol., 799; 1115.) — Dec. 15. Dow to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying Compensation for Services as bearer of despatches. (24. 2. S. jol., 38; 67; 94.) 1838 Jan. 3. U. S. Senate. On motion (Niles, Conn.), J. E. Dow given leave to withdraw petition and pa. pers. (25. 2: S. jol., 103.) 518 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DOW (JESSE ERSKINE)—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1838 Jan. 3. Dow to U. S. House. Petition; praying compensation for bearing despatches from Comdr. of Mediterranean sqdn. to U. S. in 1836. (25. 2. H. jol., 201.) — Apr. 19. U. S. H. Com. on Naval Affairs (Ander- son). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 751, for relief of Jesse E. Dow. (25. 2. H. rpt. 806.) 1849 Feb. 17. Dow to U. S. Senate. Memorial; propos- ing to build road across isthmus of Tehuantepec, on condition that U. S. govt. will transport its mails, etc., over said road. (30. 2. S. jol., 225.) DOWDELL (JAMES F.), REPR. FROM ALA. 1859 Jan. 25. Remarks; opposing apprn. for execution of laws for suppression of slavetrade. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 595.) Jan. 25. Do.; opposing apprin. for Support of Cap- tured Africans for one year. (ib., 596.) DOWLING (ROBERT), OF IOWA Amer. cons. for Cork, 1859-61; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. DOWNER (THOMAS P.), CLAIMANT; see INDUSTRY, AMER. BRIG DOWNES (ALBERT E.), OF MASS. U. S. N., 1818-43. Lieut., 1827-43 ; comdg. U.S. Schr. §pus when she was lost in 1843, with all on O8. TCi. See also Grampus. Claim STATUTORY MEASURES 1852 Feb. 18. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Badger, Com. On Naval Affairs), bill (32. 1. S. 224) “to amend and extend provisions of act of Je. 15, 1844, for relief of widows and orphans of officers, etc., of U. S. Schr. Grampus.” (32. 1. S. jol., 215, 428.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1852 Feb. 18. U. S. S. Com. on Naval Affairs (Badger). Rpt. to acc. S. 224, for relief of Martha L. Downes [widow of John D.] (32. 1. S. rpt. 80.) May 21. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Remark; in favor of S. 224. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1425.) — May 21. J. R. Underwood, Sen. from Ky. Remark; on S. 224. (ib., 1425.) DOWNES (JOHN), OF N. Y., 1786-1854 U. S. N., 1802-54. Lieut., 1807; comdr., 1813; Capt., 1817. Died Aug. 11, 1854, at Charlestown, Mass. 1828-30, comdr U. S. frigate, Java, Medn. sqdn. ; iš3i, comdr. U. S. frigate Potomac, Pacific Sqdn; 1332.34, comdg. Pacific sqdn. ; 1837-42 and 1850-52, comdt. Boston navy yard. . Je. if, Tiš15, U. S. S. Epervier (Downes), captured Mashowda ; see Mashowda. Comdg. U. S. Navy Yard, Boston 1849 Aug. 25. To Secy. U. S. Navy (Preston). Receipt of letter of 21 inst. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 73; S. ex: doc. 13, 159.) DOWNES (MARTHA L.), CLAIMANT; see DOWNES (A. E.) DOWNING (C.) 1839 Feb. 8. To U. S. Senator from N. H. (Hubbard). Practice of Indians in destroying property occupied by U. S. troops during Florida invasion; comment on bill for relief of J. J. Bulow. (25. 3. S. doc. 196, 1; 28. 1. H. rpt. 58, 50.) DOWNING (SAMUEL W.), OF N. J. U. S. N., 1811-54. Lieut., 1817 : comdr., 1837; Capt., 1847; cashiered, Sept. 11, 1854; comdr. U. S. Schr. Enterprize, Brazilian sqdn., 1831-333 do. U. S. sloop Fairfield, Medn. ..sqdn., 1843-45; do. U. S. sloop Jamestown, Brazilian’sqdn., 1851-54. DOWNING (THERESA M.), CLAIMANT; see MILLER (JOS. J.), HEIRS OF DOWNS (SOLOMON. W.), SENATOR FROM LA. 1848 Jan. 31. Speech; on S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force, and on Mexican war. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 271.) — Jan. 31. Do.; with app., submitting extr. from newspapers, etc., relative to conquest and annexa- tion of Mexico; Br. encroachments, etc. (ib., app., 137.) — Mch. 31. Remarks; in reply to Baldwin, on S. res. 15, tendering congratulations to the French people. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 571; app., 454.) — Apr. 6. Do.; on S. res. 15 and 17, tendering Con- gratulations to people of France; etc. (ib., app., 458.) — Dec. 19. Do.; on S. 352, to make compensation for transportation of troops and supplies Over Isthmus of Panama; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 59.) 1849 Jan. 8. Do.; Canadian reciprocity bill, S. 263. (ib., 30. 2., 186.) Jan. 30, 31. Do.; on S. 352; route across isthmus of Tehuantepec; etc. (ib., 30. 2., 399, 411.) 1850 Feb. 18. Speech; on Clay’s compromise res. Of Jan. 29; title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande, etc. (ib., 31. 1., app., 165.) — Apr. 11. Remarks; presenting memorial of A. P. Brittingham, praying compensation for Vessel and cargo seized and condemned by Mexican authori- ties in 1835. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 702.) 1852 Jan. 2. Do.; concerning memorials of persons claiming indemnity for losses sustained in Mex- ico; presenting memorials of J. W. Zacharie, Edw. J. Forstall, and Nathan C. Folger. (ib., 32. 1., 183.) Jan. 2, Do.; in explanation of memorials of Edw. J. Forstall and Nathan C. Folger, relative to awards on their claims agst. Mexico by boards of comrS., and of memorial of J. W. Zacharie, praying estab- lishment of tribunal for reviewing decisions of late board. (ib., 183.) - — Jan. 19. Do.; concerning memorial of Jonas P. Levy, complaining of loss of proofs of his claims agst. Mexico by officers of govt., etc. (ib., 298.) — Jan. 21. Do.; presenting petitions of D. N. Pope and A. J. Brame, praying apptmt. of tribunal to review decisions of late board of comrs. for settle- ment of claims agst. Mexico, including replies to Mangum and Hab. (ib., 328-30.) — Feb. 18. Do.; chiefly in reply to Badger, favorable to prºg. of letters from Kossuth to President of Senate and President of U. S. (ib., 588-89.) — Feb. 25. Do.; in support of his motion to refer to select com. memorials in relation to proc. of board of comrs. on claims agst. Mexico. (ib., 630.) 1853 Jan. 6. Do.; censuring Clayton and opposed to that construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty ex- cluding from its operation Br. Honduras and de- pendencies. (ib., 32. 2., 237.) Jan. 10. Do.; in reply to Pearce and Seward, win- dicating his position on construction of Clayton- Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras and de- pendencies; etc. (ib., 251.) — Jan. 12. Do.; opposed to construction of Clayton- Bulwer treaty, excluding from its operation Br. Honduras and dependencies. (ib., 268.) — Feb. 2. Speech; on res. of Com. on Foreign Rela- tions of Aug. 30, 1852, resp. right of way across isthmus of Tehuantepec; Sustaining Mason’s views on subject, and in favor of compelling Mexico to adhere to pledges under Garay grant. (ib., app., 138.) Downs (WILLIAM C.), MASTER AMER. SHIP MILES; see MILES INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 519 DOWSON ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG ST. MICHAELS; see ST. MICHAELS DOXEY (JOSEPH. C.), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1846 Apr. 6. Intr. in U. S. House (Rockwell, Com. of Claims), bill (29. 1. H. R. 358) “for relief of Joseph C. Doxey. (29. 1. H. jol., 632.) Correspondence, etc. 1841 Dec. 14. To U. S. House. Petition; asking re- ºfton for losses in late war. (27. 2. H. jol., 53, 500. DOYLE (PATRICK) AND WALL (SAMUEL) 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying pay- ment for prizes captured in war with Tripoli. (25. 2. H. jol., 172.) DRACUT (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) 1846 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; in favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 346.) DRAPER (LORENZO), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Paris, 1841-44; do. for Havre, 1850-53 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. DRAWBACK; see MEXICO. CUSTOMS SERVICE DRAYTON (WILLIAM), OF S. C., 1776-1846 Amer. cons. for l’Orient in 1815; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. . . . Repr. from South Carolina from 19-22 cong., 1825-33. Representative from S. C. 1828 Dec. 30. Speech; in support of bill for occupation and settlement of Oregon terr.; explaining status of terr. under conv. with Gr. Br., and urging pro- tection of U. S. citizens and interests therein. (V, Reg. Debates, 141.) — Dec. 31. Remarks; introducing amdmts. to bill for occupancy of Oregon River, providing for ex- ploration and Survey of terr. (ib., 147.) 1829 Jan. 6. Do.; opposition to Taylor amdmts. to bill for Occupancy of Oregon River, objecting to large apprn. for exploration of disputed and distant terr. (ib., 168.) — Jan. 27. Do.; in support of his modification to his amdmt. to bill for occupancy of Oregon River, re- garding protection of U. S. citizens. (ib., 189.) — Feb. 28. Do.; in opposition to proposed military road in Maine, denying its necessity or expedience of its construction. (ib., 385.) 1830 May 26. Do.; in support of contention that mes- sage of President relative to commercial relations with Gr. Br. be referred to Com. On Commerce. (ib., 1137.) 1831 Mch. 1. Do.; maintaining legality of Turkish mis- sion and urging payment of its members. (Wii, ib., 835.) — Dec. 13. Do.; favoring reference of subject of French spoliation claims to Select com. (viii, ib., 1433.) 1832 Apr. 2. Do.; explaining objections to reading of Br. memorial for colonization of negroes. (ib., 2334.) — Apr. 27. Do.; favoring specific apprin. for mission to France. (ib., 2631.) — Apr. 28. Do.; favoring apprn. for mission to France. (ib., 2641.) DRESDEN (SAXONY) ** Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Germany DREW ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG CAROLINE; see CAROLINE DREW (JAMES A.) 1853 Jan. 29. To U. S. House. Petition; praying [in- demnity] for injuries sustained by action of depy. marshal of Wisc. (32. 2. H. jol., 203.) – Dec. 13. To same. Petition of Jan. 29, 1853, again presented. (33. 1. H. jol., 73.) - DREXEL (FRANCIS M.) Drexel, citizen of the U. S., German by birth, and a portrait painter by profession, arrived in Lima in the autumn of 1826. On suspicion of being a spy he was immediately apprehended, stripped, searched and his belongings subjected to the harshest treat- Iſleſłt. 1826 Dec. 21. Amer. cons., Lima (Tudor) to min. of Foreign Affairs of Peru (Pando). Protest agst. Outrage upon F. M. Drexel, Amer. citizen. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 135.) - Dec. 22. Pando to Tudor. Explains mistake which caused arrest of F. M. Drexel. (ib., 135.) DRIGGS (SETH), CLAIMANT 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying aid of govt. to obtain satisfaction of claim agst. Co- lombia, for vessel and cargo captured by vessel of that govt., Nov., 1828. (25. 2. H. jol., 584, 869.) 1840 Dec. 16. To same. Same. (26. 2. H. jol., 55.) 1860 May 2. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; complaining of delays and expense attending transactions with Venezuelan officials, and praying clearer definition Of powers and duties of U. S. mins. abroad. (36. 1. S. jol., 424.) DRIGGS (SETH BEACH), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Cumana, Barcelona and Is. of Margarita in 1840; do. for Caracas in 1853 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. Venezuela. * DRING ( ), MASTER BR. BRIG RANGER, CLAIMANT; See LIBERIA. BRITISH INTERFERENCE DRINKARD (W. R.), ACTG. SECY. WAR, U. S. A. 1859 Sept. 3. To brig. gen. U. S. A., Comdg. dept. of Oregon (Harney). Comment on Harney’s action in maintaining Amer. authority Over San Juan IS. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, p. 43.) Sept. 16. To comdr.-in-chief, U. S. A. (Scott). Gratification at promptness of his response to as- Sume command of U. S. forces on Pacific coast; in- structions. (ib., 57.) DRINKER (JOSEPH D.), CLAIMANT; see SKYRIN (JOHN), HEIRS OF DRINKER (S.), AMER. CITIZEN In 1854, Drinker entered into a contract with Leang King Kwa, representing the gentry of the townships of Shāwān, and Kau Tong, prov. of Kwang-tung, China, to rid these places of the pirates [i. e., in- surgents] then infesting the neighborhood of Can- ton. Drinker accepted a commission from Chinese authorities, but was obliged to abandon his con- tract, owing to the interference of the Amer. comr. Drinker protested, and the case was up before the comrs.’ ct. Sut Macao ; see China. Claims. DRINKWATER (WEST), JOINT CLAIMANT; see MARY, SLOOP - DRISCHOW ( ), OF MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ 1853 Dec. 2. Signs declaration of accession to the conv. for the extradition of criminals . . . betw. the U. S. and Prussia; see Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Treaties. 520 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DRISCOLL (CORNELIUS F.), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG HOPE; see HOPE 1845 May 8. Trial of; mentioned. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 178.) — May 8. Wise to comdr. U. S. brig Bainbridge (Twiner). Instructions for seizure of C. F. Dris- coll; etc. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 180.) — Nov. 24. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Driscoll a fugi- tive on African coast. (ib., 210.) DROIT D'AUBAINE; see ALIENAGE, ETC. PROPERTY DROMGOOLE (GEORGE C.), OF WA. Repr. from Virginia, 24-26 cong., 1835-41 ; and 28-29 §: 1843-47 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, Bills Introduced 1837 Feb. 18. Bill for relief of legal reprs, of Benj. Hodges. (24. 2. H. R., 941.) — Feb. 28. Bill for relief of Cornelius Manning. (24. 2. H. R., 962.) 1838 Jan. 4. Bill for relief of Benjamin Hewitt. (25. 2. H. R. 304.) — Jan. 4. Bill for relief of Benj. Hodges. (ib., 305.) — J ; 4. Bill for relief of Cornelius Manning. (ib., 306. — Mch. 6. Bill for relief of repr. of Aaron Vail. (ib., 614.) 1839 Jan. 4. Bill to carry into effect conv. for marking boundary betw. U. S. and Texas. (25. 3. H. R. 975.) Remarks, etc. 1840 May 1. Motion; in Com. of the Whole, to strike out apprin. for full min. to Spain. (viii, Cong. Globe, 372.) May 2. Remarks; opposing motion to strike out item for salaries to chargés to Belgium and Naples. (ib., 373.) Je. 9. Do.; on amdmt. of Com. On Foreign Affairs, providing for sale of presents from Emperor of Morocco and Imaum of Muskat, and application of proceeds. (ib., 454.) — Jly. 10. Do.; on Naylor's amdmt. to Senate res. providing for disposal of presents from Emperor of Morocco and Imaum of Muscat. (ib., 519.) 1845 Jan. 22. Do.; Opposing motion to refer bill for an- nexation of Texas to U. S. to Com. Of Whole. (xiv, ib., 174.) Jan. 24. Speech; urging immediate annexation of Texas to U. S. (ib., 186; app., 300.) 1846 Apr. 9. Do.; favoring adoption of res. calling upon Secy. State for strmt. of contingent expenditures for foreign intercourse since Mch. 4, 1841. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 637.) — May 19. Do.; favoring apprm. for prosecution of war agst. Mexico. (ib., 841.) 1847 Jan. 23. Do.; in House, on boundary of Texas and H. R. 602, to provide for establishment of additional post routes in Texas. (ib., 29. 2., 242, 243.) Feb. 23. Remarks; on army apprin. bill, H. R. 597, and prosecution of Mexican war. (ib., 488.) Speech not found in app. as stated on p. 491. Reports Made 1837 Feb. 18. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 941, on petition of legal reprs. of Benj. Hodges. (24. 2 H. rpt. 241.) — Feb. 28. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 962, on case of Cornelius Manning. (ib., 291.) 1838 Feb. 6. Rpt. adverse to petition of Geo. W. Biscoe. (25. 2. H. rpt. 533.) — Mch. 6. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 614, for relief of repr. of Aaron Vail. (ib., 637.) DROMG00LE (GEORGE C.), OF WA.—cont’d Reports Made—cont’d 1838 Je. 13. Rpt., recommending discharge of Com. from subject of annexation of Texas. (vi, Cong. Globe, 449.) The E. life of Geo. C. Dromgoole. By E. J. Wood- ouse. (John P. Branch Historical Papers of Ran- dolph-Macon College, no. 4, Je., 1904, pp. 260-85.) DROUYN DE L'HUYS (EDOUARD), 1805–81 French min. of foreign affairs; serving three terms under the republic, viz.: 1 term under the Odilon Barrot ministry, Déc. 20, 1848-Je. 2, 1849; 2 term, Jan, 9- 24, 1851; 3 term, Jly. 28-Dec. 2, 1852; see also, France. Civil service. 1852 Nov. 29. To E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. to France (Rives). Decision of arbiter in case of General Armstrong rendered. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 24, 2.) — Dec. 10. To same. Apptg. time for delivery of de- cision of arbiter in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 3.) 1854 Nov. 1. To same (Mason). Mr. Soulé, min. Of U. S. A. to Spain, free to pass through France. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 26; H. ex. doc. 1, 26.) 1855 Mch. 15. Substance of note of this day to French legation in Venezuela, relative to French claims to Aves Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 6.) DRUEY (HENRY) 1850 Nov. 25. Signs conv. of friendship, commerce, and extradition, betw. Swiss Confederation and U. S. A.; See Switzerland. Treaties. DRUM (AUGUSTUS), REPR. FROM PENN. 1854 Jan. 13. Remarks; favorable to H. R. 133, to Secure rights of citizenship to children of U. S. citizens born abroad; recommending further amdmt. of nat- uralization laws. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 171.) 1855 Feb. 21. Do.; in support of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 569, authorizing payment to Jas. Keenan, cons, at Hong Kong, of sum expended for relief of shipwrecked Amer. citizens. (ib., 33. . 2., 873.) DRUMMOND (RICHARD) 1828 Jan. 21. To U. S. House; petition on behalf of owners, etc., of private armed schr. Roger for re- funding of certain duties paid on prizes captured by said schr. during war of 1812. (20. 1. H. jol., 195.) DRUMMOND, AMER. BRIG (BUTLER) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 26.) DRURY (MATILDA) 1836 Mch. 29. To U. S. House. Petition; praying re- muneration for tobacco burned by Br. at Tracy’s Landing, during late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 584.) DRYER (THOMAS J.), OF OREGON Amer. comr. for Hawaii, 1861-1863; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. DUAN, AMER. SLAVER BRIG (FOSTER) 1844 Feb. 12. Amer. cons., Rio de Janeiro (Slacum) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Strmt. in case of brig Duan. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 43, 25.) DUANE (WILLIAM J.), OF PA. Amer. jt. comr. to examine claims under Danish in- demnity of 1830 to succeed S. Simpson, rejected ; See Denmark. Claims. •. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 521 DUANESBURG (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) DUARTE DE ARANJO GONDIM (A. J.) Secy. Brazilian legation in U. S. A., chargé ad int. in ; see Brazil. Diplomatic service. DUBERGIER (DUFOUR), PRES. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, BORDEAUX 1857 Mch. 24. To Amer. cons. U. S. A. at Bordeaux (Miller). Bordeaux is free from operations of emi- grant agts. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 17.) DUBLIN (IRELAND) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British Dominions DUBLIN (PA.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 476.) DUBOIS (H. C.) Min. res. of Netherlands in U. S. in 1856. Presented Credentials May 6 ; left on leave "..}ug. 20, 1856. Transmitted letter of recall by note dated The Hague, Noy. 15, 1856; see also, Netherlands. Diplo- matic service. * Early in 1856 Thos. Keayng was killed in Willard’s Hotel, Washington, D. C., by P. T. Herbert. The Dutch min. was the only impartial witness of the act. An application was made by the distr. atty., through the Secy. of State to Mr. DuBois, to appear #. testify. He declined, pending advice from his 1856 May 9. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Dubois. Testimony requested in trial for murder of P. T. Herbert. (34. 3. S. ex: doc. 21, 2.) — May 9. Dubois to Marcy. Invitation to testify, as * representative, in Herbert trial declined. 10. , 9. — May 9. U. S. distr. atty. D. C. (Key) to Marcy. Requests enforcement of measures to obtain evi- dence of H. Dubois, min. from Netherlands, charged with murder of T. Keating. (ib., 2.) — May 9. Marcy to Key. Mr. Dubois, min. from Neth- erlands, deems it necessary to consult other mem- bers of dipl. body before consenting to testify in Herbert trial. (ib., 3.) — May 11. Dubois to Marcy. Refuses, on ground of int. law, and U. S. Constitution, to testify in trial of P. T. Herbert. (ib., 3.) — May 13, Marcy to Key. H. Dubois refuses to ap- pear as witness in trial of P. T. Herbert. (ib., 4.) — May 15. Dubois to Marcy. Protests agst, misrep- resentations of conduct in matter of Keating mur- der. (ib., 5.) — May 15. Marcy to Amer. min. res. at Hague (Bel- mont). Instructions for representation in case of º in refusing to testify in trial of P. T. Herbert. ib., 6.) — Je. 7. Belmont to Min. For. Aff., Netherlands (Van Hall). Requests permission for Mr. Dubois to tes- tify in ct, in trial of P. T. Herbert for murder. (ib., 9.) — Je. 9. Van Hall to Belmont. Permission to Mr. Dubois to testify in ct. refused, on ground of in- compatibility with official position; declaration un- der oath allowed. (ib., 12.) — Je. 9. Belmont to Van Hall. Appearance of Mr. Dubois in ct, absolutely required to make his tes- timony available. (ib., 9.) — Je. 10. Belmont to Marcy. Min. of For. Aff. Van Hall approves of conduct of min. resident Dubois, and extends permission to him to testify only be- fore State Dept. (ib., 7.) DUBOIS (H. C.)—cont’d 1856 Je. 21. Dubois to Marcy. Authorized by home govt. to make declaration under oath at State Dept. (ib., 13.) — Je. 25. Marcy to Dubois. Declaration under oath at State Dept., not acceptable as evidence; appear" ance in open ct., and submission to cross-examina- tion, absolutely required by common law. (ib., 14.) — Je. 25. Marcy to Key. Opinion requested on avail- ability of Mr. Dubois' declaration under oath at State Dept., should it be taken. (ib., 15.) — Je. 27. Key to Marcy. Mr. Dubois' proposed dec- laration under oath cannot be accepted as evidence on trial of P. T. Herbert. (ib., 15.) ti d ath — Je. 30. Marcy to Dubois. Declara IOIl lin €I O not available as evidence in trial of P. T. Herbert. (ib., 15.) Senate. Res. (Slidell, La.); calling 1857 Jan. 2. U. S. Senate. Hes. y * / 3 for copies of all corresp. with govt. of Netherlands in relation to refusal of her dipl. agts. to appear be- fore cts. of justice of U. S. to testify. (34. 3. S. jol., 65.) DUBS (ROLAND), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Maracaibo, 1847-54; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Venezuela. DUBS (WILLIAM J.), OF PENN Amer. cons. for Maracaibo, 1834–42; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Venezuela. DUCHATEL, COMTE Ministre int. des affaires étrangères of France, 1840; see France. Civil service. DUCKENFIELD, BR. WESSEL; CLAIM WS. U. S. For return of discriminating duties levied on vessel. 1854 Mch. 13. Claim agst, the U. S. under ConV. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 76.) Duckwitz, MINISTER OF COMMERCE AND MARINE, GERMAN EMPIRE 1849 Jan. 25. To comdr. Home Sqdn., U. S. N. (Parker). Naval assistance desired by German govt. (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 1, 21; H. ex: doc. 5, 21.) DUCOING (THEODORE), CLAIMANT Claim for forced loan and seizure of property. n, d. Claim agst. Mexico; synopsis of award. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 50.) n, d. Stint. of case. (27. 2. H. rpt. 1096, 8.) 1845 Dec. 22. To U. S. agt. apptd. to receive 1st instal- ment under Mexican claims comm. (Voss). Sub- stance of conversation betw. Shannon and VOSS resp. arrangement with Messrs. Tayleur, Jamison and co. (33. 2. H. rpt. 142, 36; Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 155, 158.) DUDLEY (LORD), JOHN WILLIAM WARD Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office during Goderich and Wel- lington ministries, 1827-28; see also, Gr. Br. Civil Service. 1827 Aug. 11. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Gal- latin). Directions given to carry into effect meas- ures for establishment of lighthouse, etc., in Ba- hama channel. (20. 1. S. doc. 19, 14.) — Oct. 1. To same. Gr. Br. declines to remove inter- dict on Amer. shipping under act of 1825. (20. 1. H. doc. 259, 42.) — Dec. 27. Amer. chargé in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). Re- ceipt of note confirming apptmt. as chargé of U. S. at ct. of Gr. Br. (21. 1. H. ex. doc. 66, 12.) 522 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DUDLEY (T. E.), AND WILSON (J.C.) 1837 Nov. 18. Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Mar- tinez) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Adverse to Dudley and Wilson claim for robbery of property by Camanche Indians. (25. 2. H. doc. 3, 131.) DUDLEY AND PICKMAN, OWNERS AMER. BRIG ALERT; see ALERT DUDLEY MANN (A.), OF OHIO; see MANN (A. DUDLEY) DUE WEST (S. C.) CITIZENS 1853 Feb. 10. To U. S. Senate, Petition; praying meas- ures to secure right of public worship to U. S. citi- Zens abroad. (32. 2. S. jol., 184.) DUELLING; see FOLLIN (G.) AND WILCOCKS (J. S.) DUENAs (FRANCISCO) Salvadoran comr. to adjust Br. claims, in 1849; see Central Amer., 1839-[61]. Salvador. In 1852, jefe of Salvador; see same. In 1855 Nicaraguan E. E. and M. P. to One of the Central Amer. govts. ; see Central Amer., 1839-I61]. Nicaragua. Diplo- matic service. DUENAs (IGNACIO), MASTER PERUVIAN STR. TUMBEZ; See TUMBEZ DUER (JOHN K.) 1859 Mch. 30. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Amer. vessel J. J. Cobb now on coast of Africa, in Congo River, for slaves. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 574.) DUER (WILLIAM), OF N. Y. Representative from N. Y. Dec. 6, 1847-Mch. 3, _1851.3 member Committee on Foreign Affairs 1847-1849, 30 congress. Amer. cons. at Valparaiso 1851-1854. Representative from N. Y. 1848 Feb. 14. Speech; on Mexican war; annexation of Texas as origin of war; motives and conduct of President; loan bill; etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 344; app., 313.) — Apr. 3. Remarks; on Cummins res. of even date, tendering sympathy and congratulations to the French people, etc. (ib., 578-79.) — Apr. 12. Do.; on H. R. 180, to amend act to provide for transportation of mail betw. U. S. and foreign countries, etc. (ib., 621.) º — Apr. 14. Amdmt. to bill for settling claim of legal representatives of R. W. Meade, agt. for claims agst. Spain. (ib., 632.) Jly. 18. Amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, pro- viding for compensation of Eben Ritchie Dorr, cons. at Valparaiso, for services during absence of chargé. (ib., 948.) 1849 Jan. 24. Remarks; on apprn. to carry out terms of treaty with Mexico relative to newly acquired terri- tories. (ib., 30. 2., 350.) 1850 Aug. 15. Speech; on President’s message of Aug. 6; title of Texas to terr. e. Of Rio Grande, etc.; dur- ing debate on general apprin. bill, H. R. 334. (ib., 31. 1., app., 1169.) 1851 Feb. 28. Remarks; in support of Canadian reci- procity bill H. R. 18, etc. (Cong. Globe, 31. 2., 750, 751.) Consul at Valparaiso 1852 Aug. 27. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Chile (Pey- ton). Facts relating to imprisonment of Wm. N. Stewart, Amer. citizen, for murder, at Valparaiso, and irregularities attending same. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 27, 4.) — Aug. 30. To judge criminal ct., Valparaiso (Her- guenigi). Request for copies of depositions taken in case of Stewart, confined on charge of murder. (ib., 6.) DUER (WILLIAM), OF N. Y.-cont’d Consul at Valparaiso—cont’d 1852 Aug. 31. To Peyton. Relative to certain papers in Case of imprisonment of Stewart. (ib., 10.) - Sept. 2. To Herguenigi. Requests copies of exam- inations taken in case of Stewart, and of deposi- * taken by Duer and left in office of judge. (ib., – Sept. 3. To Peyton. Substance of testimony of Witnesses examined by him in case of Stewart, and Whose depositions were destroyed by judge of crim- inal ct. at Valparaiso. (ib., 11.) – Sept. 6. To Herguenigi. Insists upon written an- SWer to his communication of 2 inst. regarding Stewart. (ib., 14.) — Oct. 14. To Peyton. Calls attention to Sundry mis- Statements in letter of Chilian min. Of Foreign Af- º º relative to imprisonment of Stewart. ib., 24. — Nov. 16. To judge of letters, Valparaiso (Santo Melo). Trend of testimony taken by him points to innocence of Stewart, or to justification of his deed as act of self-defence. (ib., 37.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1854 Je. 15. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Slidell, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (33. 1. S. 401) “for relief of Wm. Duer.” (33. 1. S. jol., 436.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1854 Je. 8. Duer to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying re- muneration for expenses of defending Wm. N. Stew- art, U. S. citizen, agst. criminal prosecution by Chilian authorities. (33. 1. S. jol., 425.) — Je. 15. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Slidell). Rpt. to acc. S. 401, for relief of Wm. Duer. (33. 1. S. rpt. 307.) — Je. 15. J. B. Weller, sen. from Calif. Amdmt. insert- ing words “necessary actual * in bill providing for expenses incurred by Wm. Duer while cons. at Valpa- raiso in 1852, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1403.) DUER (WILLIAM A.), JOINT MEMORIALIST; see CEN- TRAL AMERICA. ISTHMIAN TRANSIT 1837 Feb. 4. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying protec- tion to foreign authors. (24. 2. S. jol., 203; xiii, Reg. Debates, app., 248.) DUFFY (JOHN), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Galway, 1854-55; see U. S. A. Consular - service. British dominions. 1856 Dec. 24. U. S. House. Petition, of Felix (sic) Duffy, late cons. at Galway; praying remuneration for losses sustained. (34. 3. H. jol., 158.) DUFRERE (L.), MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF HAYTI 1851 Feb. 21. To agts. of France, Gr. Br. and U. S. A. Hayti appoints a commission to confer with agts. relative to Dominican peace. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 113, 20.) — Feb. 24. To same. Insists upon conference betw. Haytian Commission and agts. of three powers rela- tive to subject of note of Feb. 11. (ib., 21.) — Mch. 11. To same. Exposé of Mch. 4 to be sub- . mitted to Haytian congress. (ib., 25.) — Mch. 26. To specl. agt. of U. S. A. to Hayti (Walsh). Refusal of U. S. to recognise Haytian cons. at Bos- ton (Clark). (ib., 28.) — Apr. 19. To agtS. of the three powers. Definitive an- Swer rejecting propositions for peace establishment with Dominica. (ib., 35.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 523 DUKE (NATHANIEL W.) U. S. N., 1822-52. Lieut., 1831. Died Jiy. 8, 1852. Sea service (in command), 1831-52 : 1848, comdg. Heola, Home sqdn. DULANY ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG CATO; see CATO DULANY (BLADEN), OF WA. U. S. N., 1809–56. Lieut., 1814; comdr., 1831; capt., 1841. Died at Washington, D. C., Dec. 31, 1856. Comdg. U.S. sloop Boston, W. I. sqdn., 1836-37; comdg. U. S. frigate dumberland. Home sqdn., 1846; do. U. S. frigate St. Lawrence, facific sqdn., 1852; comdg. Pacific sqdn., 1853-4; comdg. U. S. frigate St. Lawrence, Pacific sqdn., 1855. DULCINEA, PORT. SCHR.; see DOLCINEA DULING (THOMAS), MASTER; see WASHINGTON'S BARGE DULLYE. (EUGENE) 1858 Sept. 21. Amer. min. in Prussia (Wright) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Cases of Dullyé and Heune; suggests decisive action by U. S. govt. in vindicat- ing inviolability of U. S. citizen in Germany. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 112.) — Dec. 10. Cass to Wright. Difficulties attending compulsory enlistments in Prussian army; cases of Dullyé and Heune; details regarding Prussian army and certificates of emigration requested. (ib., 116.) 1859 Jan. 18. Wright to Cass. Suggests arrangement whereby Amer. citizens residing in Prussia shall not be ordered out without notice or trial; cases of Dullyé and Heune; facts about Prussian army or- ganization; hopes for removal of restrictions. (ib., 122.) DUMAS (JOHN F.), CLAIM; ABIGAIL DUMAS, CLAIMANT French Claim 1851 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, of Amelia and Louisa Dumas, execrS. of Abigail Dumas; praying indemnity for vessel and cargo captured by French privateer in 1803. (31. 2. S. jol., 170.) 1852 Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Petition; praying allow- ance of certain claim for indemnity agst. French govt. (32. 1. H. jol., 271.) — Dec. 13. To U. S. House. Petition; praying indem- nity for seizure and pillage of Amer. brig Rose by French privateer Felicity, owned by his father, Jno. F. Dumas, under treaty of 1819 with Spain [sic; 1831 with France (?) J. (32. 2. H. jol., 42.) 1855 Jan. 31. To U. S. House. Petition, of Jno. F. Du- mas; to be paid residue of award by Bd. of Comrs. under treaty of Jiy. 4, 1831, with France. (33. 2. H. jol., 272.) Spanish Claim 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying pay- ment for claims arising out of Sp. Spoliations, under treaty of 1819. (25. 3. H. jol., 118.) 1840 Jan. 4. To same. Memorial; referred under gen- eral order of day to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (26. 1. H. jol. 182; 759. ) — Feb. 6. To same. Memorial; praying indemnity for damages sustained by capture and detention of brig Molly by Sp. privateer Tiger, of Mahon, Is. Of Minorca. (ib., 349.) 1842 Jan. 10. To U. S. House. Petition; presented (In- gersoll, Pa.), and referred under order of Dec. 13 last, to Com. on Foreign Affairs (27. 2. H. jol., 152); adversely reported on (Adams), Apr. 12. (ib., 690.) 1851 Jan. 24. To U. S. House. Petition; praying relief for claim formerly agst. Sp. govt. (31. 2. H. jol., 180.) 1852 Jan. 13. To U. S. House. Petition, of J. F. Dumas, jr.; praying apptmt. of com. On claims of his father agst. Sp. govt. (32. 1. H. jol., 198.) DUMAS (JOHN F.), CLAIM; ABIGAIL DUMAS, CLAIMANT —cont’d - Spanish Claim—cont’d 1852 Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for capture and detention of brig Molly by Sp. privateer in 1810. (32. 2. S. jol., 36.) 1853 Dec. 8. To U. S. House. Petition; asking Compen- sation for claims upon Spain previous to cession of Fla. (33. 1. H. jol., 51.) DUMAS (P. C.), MASTER AMER. BRIG CYRUS; see CYRUS DUMESTE (JOHN), CLAIMANT 1846 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial, of Wm. A. Ridgely, agt. for estate of J. Dumeste, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 70.) — Dec. 21. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, of reprS. of J. Dumeste, praying indemnity for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. S. jol., 58.) 1850 Jan. 14. To same; same. (31. 1. S. jol., 72.) — Mch. 8. To U. S. House. Petition, of Elizabeth G. Ridgely, heirs of J. Dumeste, and Catharine V. Dor- sey; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 647.) DUMMERSTOWN (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 21. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 80.) DUNANT (E.), HEIRS AND LEGAL REPRS. OF 1852 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Petition of W. F. Lynch, for himself and others, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (32. 1. H. jol., 364.) DUNBAR ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ELIZA; see ELIZA DUNBAR (EDWARD E.) - 1857 Aug. 27. To Amer. vice-cons., Mazatlan (Smith). Information resp. massacre of four Americans at his home, near Sonoyta, in Gadsden Purchase. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 58.) DUNBAR MASSACRE; see AINZA (J.) DUNBARTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 May 21. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 929.) DUNBARTON (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1846 Jan. 12. To same; same. (29. 1. H. jol., 229.) DUNCAN (ABNER L.), CLAIMANT; see NICHOLSON (JOHN) DUNCAN (ALEXANDER), REPR. FROM 0. 1841 Jan. 26. Speech; in favor of amdmt. of naturaliza- tion laws. (ix, Cong. Globe, app., 266.) 1845 Jan. 29. Speech; favoring passage of bill to estab- lish terr. govt. in Oregon. (xiv, ib., 216; app., 174.) DUNCAN (DANIEL), REPR. FROM OHIO Member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 30 cong., 1847-49. 1848 Jly. 24. Speech; establishment of civil govt. in New Mexico during Mexican war; annexation and boundary of Texas, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., app., 943.) DUNCAN (KINSBURY), JOINT CLAIMANT; see MARY, AMER. SLOOP 524. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DUNCAN (SILAS), OF N. J. U. S., N.; 1809-34. Lieut., 1814; comdr., 1829. Died at White Sulphur Springs, Va.; Sept. 14, 1834. Sea Service in command (1828-34); i831, comdg. U. S. sloop Leavington, Brazil sqdn. DUNCAN (WILLIAM), TRUSTEES OF 1831 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- º #,” by French spoliations. (21. 2. S. JOl., we 1850 Jan. 7. To same; same. (31. 1. S. jol., 57.) DUNDEE (SCOTLAND) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British Dominions DUNHAM (CYRUS L.) 1852 Jan. 20. Remarks; favorable to Mexican indem- nity bill, H. R. 46; on charges of corruption in con- nection with mode of payment, etc., including reply to Disney. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 319-21.) — Aug. 7. Do.; in explanation of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprm. bill, H. R. 196, providing for ar- rearages incurred for running and marking, Mex- ican boundary line; offered as addition to clause relating to boundary line. (ib., 2134.) 1853 Feb. 28. Do.; on that part of 10 Sen. amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 337, providing compen- Sation to capt. Hiram B. Bangs, master of bark Rienzi, and Horatio I. Sprague, cons. at Gibraltar, for transportation to U. S. and previous mainten- ance of prisoners captured in Cuba and carried to Spain, not citizens of U. S. (ib., 32. 2., 913.) 1855 Feb. 12. Do.; relative to H. res. 43, to fulfill stipu- lations of art. 9, treaty of 1819 with Spain. (ib., 33. 2., 694.) DUNHAM (ELISHA) 1838 Feb. 19. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (25. 2. S. jol., 237.) DUNHAM (ELISHA) AND BOARDMAN (GEORGE) 1836 Dec. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (24. 2. H. jol., 75.) DUNHAM (JACOB) 1840 Jan. 21. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying re- muneration for property captured by pirates, and sold under authority of U. S. after recapture by U. S. vessel. (26. 1. S. jol., 124; 152.) DUNHAM (JOHN), HEIR OF DANIEL DUNHAM, AND PAT- RICK FANNING, HEIR OF JOHN THURSTON 1846 Dec. 22. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 87.) DUNKIRK (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1841 Dec. 15. H. res. in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 71.) DUNLAP (JOHN), CLAIM 1847 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial, of Mary D. Adam, heir of John Dunlap; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 171.) — Dec. 20. To same. Petition, of Mary D. Adam, atty. for heirs of John Dunlap; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (30. 1. H. jol., 118.) 1850 Jan. 7. To U. S. Senate; same. (31. 1. S. jol., 56.) — Jan. 11. To U. S. House. Petition; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 285.) DUNLAP (RICHARD G.) Texan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1839-40; see Texas. Diplomatic service. 1839 May 29. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Pur- Suant to instructions of President of Texas, ex- plains conduct of Gen. Rusk in entering terr. of U. S. with armed force. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 21.) — Je. 29. To same. Mexican conspiracy agst. Texas under Canalizo. (ib., 28.) — Sept. 15. To same. Changes in members of U. S.- Texan boundary commission. (27. 2. S. doc. 199, 6; H. ex. doc. 51, 6.) 1840 Feb. 24. To same. Representation of sundry claims of citizens of Texas agst. U. S. for property stolen by Cherokee Indians. (32. 2. S. ex doc. 14, 48.) — Mch. 27. To same. Evidence to be furnished of loss of property claimed by citizens of Texas. (ib., DUNLAP (ROBERT P.), GOV. OF MAINE 1837 Apr. 30. To President of U. S. A. (Van Buren). Urging survey of n. e. boundary. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 31, 5; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 99; iii, MeSS. and Pa- pers, 349.) — Je. 19. To same. Praying measures be adopted to effect release of E. Greely. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 18; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 105.) — Je. 27. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Solicits copies of all docs. in Dept. of State on the n. bound- ary, excepting such as were furnished in 1827, etc. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 107.) — Je. 27. To President Van Buren. Copy of letter from Sir John Harvey, lieut. Gov. of New Bruns- wick, and letter from J. A. Maclauchlan to Sir John Harvey, in relation to arrest and imprisonment of E. S. Greely. (ib., 104.) — Jly. 3. To Forsyth. Protest agst, refusal to act in case of E. S. Greely; incorporation of Madawaska; laws providing for enumeration. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 19; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 105.) — Jly. 28. To Van Buren. Request to have the treaty line upon n. e. limits of Me. to be run and marked. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 25.) - — Sept. 18. To same. Release of E. S. Greely. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 3.) DUNLAP (SAMUEL F.) 1860 Feb. 27. To U. S. Senate. Communication in rela- tion to charter to U. S. citizens by Nicaragua, grant- ing them exclusive right of steam navigation in Said country. (36. 1. S. jol., 191; 221.) DUNLOP (WILLIAM) 1834 Jan. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for losses by French Spoliations. (23. 1. S. jol., 85.) 1850 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 233.) 1858 Feb. 19. To same; same. (35. 1. H. jol., 405.) DUNN (GEORGE G.), REPR. FROM IND. 1848 Jly. 28. Speech; on H. R. 201, to establish terr. govt. in Oregon; on annexation of Texas; instructions to Slidell in 1845; treaty of Texas with Santa Anna, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., app., 969.) DUNN (THOMAS), OF R. I. Amer. vice-cons. for Foo Chow, 185ſ 71-61; cons. in 1861 ; See U. S. A. Consular service. China. 1857 Oct. 27. Amer. chargé ad int., Macao (Williams). Apptmt. as vice-cons. at Foochow; collection of im- port duties there. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 32.) — Nov. 9. To same. Affairs at Foochow; duties due from Amer. vessels withheld from Chinese govt.; requests man-of-war as protection agst. plundering bands from Canton. (ib., 33.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 525 DUNN (THOMAS), OF R. I.-cont’d 1858 Jan. 1. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed). Manner of collecting duties on opium; encloses copies of proclamations relative to Mexican dollar question. (ib., 207.) — Jan. 22. To same. Many Br. firms have neglected to pay, at Foochow, duties due upon Shipments per Amer. Vessels; opinion requested on right of cons. to grant sailing letter, or Amer. flag, to vessel owned by U. S. citizens, but built elsewhere. (ib., 212.) 1859 Mch. 23. To Williams. One-fifth duties can be col- lected at Fuhchau without recourse to debenture certificates. (ib., 560.) DUNN (THOMAS H.), OF MISS. Amer, cons.-gen. for Havana in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. DUNNELL (MARK H.), OF ME. Amer. cons. for Vera Cruz in 1861; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Mexico . DUNSTABLE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 15. To U. S. House.; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 58.) — Sept. 25. To U. S. Senate; same. 42.) DUPAGE (ILL.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) — Feb. 18. To same; same. (ib., 585.) DUPAGE CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1844 Dec. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 65.) 1845 Feb. 12. To same; same. (28. 2. H. jol., 368.) 1847 Feb. 26. To same; praying measures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 437.) DU PERREE (P.), CAPT. OF MILITIA, MADAWASKA 1818 Sept. 5. To J. M. Bliss. Advice of Amer. intrusion in Madawaska. (20. 1. S. doc. 130, 30.) 1819 Feb. 20. To atty. gen. New Brunswick (Wetmore). Details of Amer. aggressions. (ib., 31.) DU PONCEAU (PETER S.), AND OTHERS 1838 Mch. 19. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying that a COm. of inquiry may be apptd. to inquire into ex- pediency of int. Copyright law, before that measure shall be adopted. (25. 2. S. jol., 296; 327.) DUPONT (SAMUEL FRANCIS), OF DEL., 1803-65 U. S. N., 1815-63. Comdr. 1842; capt., 1855. Died in Philadelphia in 1865. , 1843-44, comdg., U. S. brig Perry, E. I. Sqdn: ; 1847-48, comdg., U.S. S. Cyane, Pacific sqdn. ; 1858-59, comdg. U.S. frigate Minne- 80ta, E. I. Sqdn. Comdg. U. S. S. Cyane 1848 Feb. 16. To comdr. U. S. Pacific sqdn. (Shubrick). Rpt. of operations at San Jose. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1138.) — Feb. 22. To same. Receipt of notes of 11 and 12 inst. (ib., 1143.) — Mch. 25. To same. Rpt. of expedition to Santanita. (ib., 1149.) — Apr. 6. To same. Rpt. of expedition to Santiago; capture of Mauricio Castro; etc. (ib., 1152.) — Apr. 29. To same. Operations of Cyane on coast of Lower California. (ib., 1155.) DUPONY ( ). MASTER AMER. SCHR. IAGO; see IAGO DUQUESA DE BRAGANZA, SLAVER; see VENUS (25. 1. S. jol., DURAN (JOAQUIN) Jefe del estado ad int. of Guatemala in 1845; see Cen- tral America. Guatemala. DURAN (MIGUEL); see BARRIO (J. M.) DEL DURAND (J.), BORDUZAT (A. M.) AND OTHERS: CLAIMANTS 1837 Dec. 11. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Mex- ican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Martinez). Claim for loss of property in sacking of the Parian. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351, 5.) — Dec. 13. Martinez to Forsyth. Action taken Con- cerning copy of complaint for loss of property in sacking the Parian. (ib., 7.) DURAND (JAMES), MASTER AMER. SCHR. CORTES; see CORTES DURANGO, AMER. BRIG; see POCKET, AMER. BRIG DURANT (EDWARD), HEIRS OF 1850 Jan. 3. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. S. jol., 44.) DURHAM (J. B.), MASTER AMER. BARK ADRIATIC; see ADRIATIC DURHAM (CONN.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) 1845 Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate; same. (28. 2. S. jol., 187.) DURHAM (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same; same. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) — Dec. 29. To U. S. Senate; in favor of arbitration. (29. 1. S. jol., 72.) DURIGHELLO (A.) Amer. cons. for Aleppo, 1835-[39] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Turkish dominions. DURKEE ( ), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG TWO FRIENDS; see TWO FRIENDS 1854 May 26. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 72.) DURNFORD (ELIAS), BR. SUBJECT; CLAIM VS. U. S. For lands granted him in Florida. DUTCH EAST INDIES 1854 Jan. 10. Claim agst. the U. S. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 103, 72.) Governor, 1852-53; see Van Twist (Duymaer) See also, Sumatra. DUTCHESS CO. (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 88.) — Dec. 18. To same; same. (25. 2. H. jol., 123.) 1845 Jan. 20. To same; same. (28. 2. H. jol., 236. ) — Dec. 19. To same; same. (29. 1. H. jol., 147.) P; see RECIPROCITY (COMMERCIAL); Do. SOUND DUVAL (CATHERINE), EXECX. OF JAMES DUVAL, CLAIM- ANT; see SALLY DANA, AMER. BRIG 526 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS DUVAL (JOHN), AMER. CITIZEN 1859 May 1. Amer, cons., City of Mexico (Black) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (McLane). Arrest and imprisonment of certain therein named U. S. citizens in Mexico; murder at Tacubaya of Amer. citizens Duval, Lamon and Richie. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, 37.) DUVANT (EDWARD), HEIRS OF 1850 Jan. 9. To U. S. House. Petition; praying in- demnity for French Spoliations. (31. 1. H. jol., 270.) DUXBURY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate; same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House; in favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719; 730.) 1843 Jan. 30. To same. Petition; favoring reciprocity with foreign nations. (27. 3. H. jol., 275.) 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) DUXBURY (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) * D’WOLF (JOHN J.), OF R. I. Amer. cons. for Sydney, 1837-43 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. DWYER (GEORGE R.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Mozambique in 1854; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Portuguese dominions. DWYER (JAMES), AMER. CITIZEN Detained in 1827 on board a Brazilian man of War in port of Rio de Janeiro on alleged suspicion of being a deserter from Brazilian service. 1827 Mch. 12. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Detention of two Amer. Sea- men, Dwyer and Cook; passports ordered; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 96.) DYE ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. EXCHANGE; see EX- CHANGE DYER (THOMAS) 1838 Jan. 29. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying re- muneration for property lost on board U. S. ship Adams, destroyed at Hampden, Me., during war of 1812. (25. 2. H. jol., 326.) E. A. CHASE, AMER. BARK n.d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 541.) EADUS (WILLIAM), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1836 May 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Fuller, Com. of Claims), bill (24. 1. H. R. 632) “for relief of Wm. Eadus.” (24. 1. H. jol., 835.) Correspondence, etc. 1836 Feb. 3. To U. S. House. Docs. relating to case of Wm. Eadus. (24. 1. H. jol., 284.) — Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Petition, praying com- pensation for property destroyed by Br. during late war. (ib., 507.) EAGLE (HENRY), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1818-82. Lieut., 1827; comdr., 1844; capt., 1855; comdre., 1862; retired list, Jan. 1, 1863; comdr. schr. Shark, Pacific sqdn., 1842-44; do. str Princeton, Home sqdn., 1855. y º EAGLE, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. (LITTIG) Boarded off Bahia, Sept. 16, 1838, by H. B. M. brig Wizard (Birch). In 1839 captured by H. B. M. sloop Lily (Reeve). 1838 Nov. 12. Comdr. H. B. M. brig Wizard (Birch) to Sulivan. Eagle suspected of having slaves on board. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 191; H. ex, doc. 115, 130; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 607.) 1839 Feb. 12. H. B. M. comrs. on Mixed Commission, Sierra Leone (Macaulay and Doherty) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Abstract of papers found on board brig Eagle. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 157.) — Mch. 12. Comdr. H. B. M. brigantine Buzzard (Fitzgerald). Declaration respecting detention of slaver Eagle. (27.3. H. rpt. 283, 573.) — Apr. 2. Comdr. H. B. M. sloop Lily (Reeve) to Wood. Capture of Eagle, slaver, by Lily. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 197; H. ex. doc. 115, 137; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 614.) — Apr. 5. Comdr., H. B. M. Navy (Tucker) to Fitzger- ald. Instructions to bring slavers Eagle and Clara to Amer. port. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 572.) — Je. 12. Fitzgerald to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox). Arrival at New York with slavers Eagle and Clara, furnished with fictitious paperS. (ib., 570.) Je. 18. Fox to actg. Secy. State U. S. A. (Vail). Representation of capture of slavers Eagle and Clara, by Comdr. Fitzgerald on west coast of Africa; requests information as to course of U. S. (ib., 569; 26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 93.) — Je. 20. Vail to Fox. Proc. instituted agst. individ- uals implicated in case of vessels Eagle and Clara. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 99; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 575.) — Aug. 9. U. S. atty. so. dist. N. Y. (Butler) to Vail. Decision in case of vessels Eagle and Clara. (ib., 102; ib., 578.) EAMES (CHARLES), OF N. Y. Amer. comr. to EHawaiian Is. in 1849. Met H. H. M. plenipotentiary, Mr. Judd, at San Francisco, and there concluded a treaty of amity, etc.; resigned Oct. 22, 1849. Amer. min, res. in Venezuela, 1854- 58; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Comºr, to Hawaii 1849 Feb. 15. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason) to comdr. U. S. frigate Savannah (Voorhees). Instructions to afford passage in U. S. frigate Savannah to C. Eames, Amer. Comr. to Sandwich IS. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 762.) 1850 Sept. 27. J. A. McClernand, repr, from Ill. Re- marks; in Com. of the Whole favorable to 33d Sen. amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, providing for outfit of Chas. Eames, late comr. to Sandwich Is., etc. (ib., 31. 1., 1985-86.) — Sept. 30. Act making apprins. for civil and dipl. ex- penses for year ending Je. 30, 1851 [for Charles Eames, for additional compensation as late comr. to Sandwich Is...]. (ix, St. L., 523.) Min. ReS. in Venezuela. 1857 Je. 12. Ministr. relac. est., Venezuela (Gutierrez) : Eames. Forwards passports. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 234.) — Sept. 4. Secy. Venezuelan legation in U. S. A. (Ribas) to CaSS. Disclaims responsibility on part of Venezuela in act of U. S. minister (Eames) in ab- Senting himself from Caracas. (ib., 277.) Correspondence (Diplomatic) AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) 1855 Apr. 7. [no. 9..] Receipt of communication regard- ing occupation of Aves islands by Venezuelan govt. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 5.) INDEX TO UNITED STATEs DocumENTs RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 527 EAMES (CHARLES), OF N. Y.-cont’d Min. Res. in Venezuela—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Marcy)—cont’d 1855. Apr. 26. Ino. 10.] Venezuelan govt. has no right to Aves islands; occupation by that govt. caused by pecuniary considerations; validity of claims seri- ously impaired by agreement made by representa- tives of company with capt. Dias of Venezuelan navy. (ib., 5.) - Aug. 1. [no. 12.] Venezuela framing regulations permitting exportation of guano to Venezuela and foreigners on equal terms; Venezuelan armed ves- Sels ordered to execute laws agst. trespassers on Aves islands. (ib., 12.) — Oct. 15. [no. 13.]. Succeeded in securing new con- tract for J. D. F. Wallace; its satisfactory stipula- tions; European efforts to secure Venezuelan guano deposits; Br. opposition to guano contract with any Amer. Co. (ib., 16.) Nov. 27. [no. 16, extr.] In need of proper data relative to amt. to be claimed as indemnity in Shel- ton guano claim. (ib., 20.) # 1856 Feb. 12. In. 17.] Transmits copy of Philadelphia Guano co. contract relating to guano; paucity of details concerning amt. of damages claimed de- plored. (ib., 21.) — Mch. 15. [no. 20.] Holland demands surrender of Aves island by Venezuela within three days; opposes cession on ground of Pickrell [Philadelphia Guano co.] contract, and priority of Amer. possession. (ib., 26.) — Oct. 9. [no. 22.] Advice of conclusion of Wallace guano contract; relative to Dias report and to pro- test of Br. chargé, (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 152.) 1857 Jan. 7. Ino. 30.] In support of his contention of Venezuela’s fraudulent assumption of title to Aves Is. (ib., 162.) — Feb. 28. Ino. 35.] Comment on despatches received in Aves IS. cases; business to be actively pressed. (ib., 196.) (Cass) 1857 Apr. 1. [no. 36.] Loss of dept. despatches; main de- fense of Venezuela to Aves Is. title is Dias agree- ment; Gutierrez and the Wallace contract. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 198.) — Je. 13. [no. 38.] Failure of Venezuela to recognize obligation to conclude adjustment of claim; his de- mand on V. for immediate commitment; irrelevancy of reply of Gutierrez; conviction that W. purposed ultimately to refuse all reparation weakened by re- ply to his of Je. 11. (ib., 228.) — Oct. 31. Ino. 40.] Substance of conference with minister of foreign affairs of Venezuela (Gutierrez) relative to Aves Is. claim. (ib., 283.) — Nov. 3. [no. 41.] Conferences with Venezuelan Of- ficials concerning Aves Is... claim. (ib., 372.) — Dec. 3. [no. 42.] Advice of apptmt. of. M. Briceno as special comr. to settle Aves Is. claim. (ib., 375.) 1858 Feb. 24. Ino. 43.] Advice of his attitude towards govt. of Venezuela in construing intention of Ven- ezuelan special mission to U. S.; construction frus- trated by Venezuela note to govt. of U. S., ignoring legation in Venezuela. (ib., 382.) — Mch. 25. Ino. 48.] Advice of withdrawal of both Venezuelan missions in Washington. (ib., 394.) — May 13. [no. 55.] Character of new govt. of Ven- ezuela disposes hope of Satisfactory adjustment of Aves Is. claim. (ib., 427.) – Jly. 7. Ino. 59.] Advice of proc. in Aves Is. case. (ib., 435.) EAMES (CHARLES), OF N. Y.-cont’d Min. Res. 377 TVenezuela—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d VENEZUELAN Ministr. de relac. est., Venezuela. (Aranda) 1855 Sept. 24. Views of U. S. govt. on question of guano islands; President of Venezuela, ready to enter upon negotiations for amicable settlement of Wallace COn- tract. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 17.) (Gutierrez) 1856 Mch. 6. Desires information within three days re- garding truth of rpt. of Holland’s demand of cession of Aves Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 27.) — Mch. 8. Holland’s demand for cession of Aves is- land opposed on ground of prior Amer. possession; pending claims, and Pickrell [Philadelphia Guano co.] contract. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 20. Urging prompt and satisfactory adjust- ment of Aves Is. claim. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 163.) 1857 Mch. 31. Strmt. of Amer. claim to Aves Is...; review of Venezuelan claim to jurisdiction over island. (ib., 204.) May 29. Urges propriety of immediate determina- tion on part of Venezuela of Aves IS. claim; in event of failure to receive definitive answer by Je. 6, will proceed to U. S. to lay case before govt. (ib., 231.) Je. 11. Demands passports in order to present Aves Is... negotiation to govt. of U. S. in person. (ib., 234.) — Nov. 2. Waives request for formal presentation of Aves Is. claim; satisfied that Venezuela will ar- range an early conclusion of claim. (ib., 373.) Nov. 21. Inquiry as to determination arrived at in Aves IS. claim. (ib., 376.) Nov. 30. Comment on Briceno mission; signifi- cance in general of a special mission; relative to Venezuelan counter claim in Aves IS. case. (ib., 378.) (Flerrera) 1858 Je. 21. Presents further corresp. in Aves Is. case; requests that he be authorized to advise his govt. that case is received by new govt. upon basis of an admitted claim. (ib., 437.) —— Jly. 3. Reply to his of Jly. 1. (ib., 440.) Corr. (Executive) 1857 Sept. 1. To comptroller of the Treasury, U. S. A. (Medill). State of currency and rates of exchange in Venezuela. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 125, 18.) EARLVILLE (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Apr. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 737.) — Apr. 22. To same. Same. (ib., 745.) EARLY (THOMAS), CLAIMANT; see MARTHA, AMER. SCHR. EAST (GEORGE) 1852 Mch. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying tri- bunal to review decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 256.) EAST BLOOMFIELD (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 83.) 1846 Mch. 4. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 485.) EAST BRADFORD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 229.) 528 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EAST BRIDGEWATER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch, 12. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 599.) Dec. 20. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 112.) — Dec. 20. To Same. Memorial in favor of recognition of republic of Hayti. (ib., 11.1.) 1840 Mch. 30. To Same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 219; 730.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) EAST BROOKFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 77.) — Sept. 25. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 42.) — Sept. 26. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 93.) EAST FLORIDA CLAIMS; see SPAIN. CLAIMS. FLORIDA EAST GREENWICH (R. I.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 78.) — Dec. 29. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 227.) EAST HADDAM (CONN.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 2. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 133.) EAST-HADDAM PEACE SOCIETY 1838 Dec. 1. Memorial to Congress, recommending medi- ation of U. S. between Mexico and France. (25. 3. H. doc. 171.) 1839 Jan. 21. Memorial, praying Cong. to mediate betw. France and Mexico, and to adopt principle of arbi- tration. (25. 3. H. jol., 347.) EAST HAMBURG (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1854 Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate. Petition agst. admission into U. S., duty free, of agric. products of Canada. (33. 1. S. jol., 193.) EAST HARTFORD (CONN.) CITIZENS 1845 Feb. 14. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 170.) EAST LYME (CONN.) CITIZENS 1842 Mch. 29. To U. S. House. For suppression of Afri- can slavetrade. (27. 2. H. jol., 629.) EAST MACHIAS (M.E.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) *==ºmºge * 30. To Same; VS. Texan annexation. 718. EAST MEDWAY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) — Sept. 26. To same. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 94.) EAST NEEDHAM (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) EAST WINDSOR (CONN.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 77.) Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) — Sept. 25. To same. Same. (ib., 42.) (ib., EASTMAN ( ), “JUDICIERO" 1833 Feb. 27. Amer. cons., Tabasco (Pope) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston). Attack On Amer. Cons. (Pope) over the signature of Judiciero; imprison- ment of Eastman. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 101.) EASTMAN (PHILIP); JT. COMR. OF ME. UNDER ART. 4, ASHBURTON TREATY; see N. E. BOUNDARY CONTR0– VERSY EASTON (ME.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial, complaining of conduct of Br. naval officer toward colony of Liberia, and praying recognition of sovereignty of Said colony. (29. 1. H. jol., 87.) EASTON (PA.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 18. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying recog- nition by U. S. of independence of Liberia. (29. 1. S. jol., 55; 99.) EASTPORT (ME.) CITIZENS 1843 Feb. 3. To U. S. Senate. In favor of negotiation of reciprocity treaties. (27. 3. S. jol., 145.) Mch. 1. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying for * reciprocity with foreign nations. (27.3. H. jol., 499.) 1847 Jan. 21. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying meas- ures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 118.) EATON (C. HOOPER) Amer cons. for Lyons, 1848-1441; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. EATON (ELIZABETH), CLAIMANT; see EATON (WM.) EATON (JAMES), MASTER AMER. SHIP CONGRESS; see CONGRESS Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. in Spain, 1836-1840; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1837 Aug. 10. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State U. S. A. (For- Syth). Rumors concerning commercial treaty betw. England and Spain. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 35.) Claim of 1843 Mch. 27. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to audi- tor of the Treasury, U. S. A. (Pleasonton). Opin- ion of Pres. that claim of J. H. Eaton is just. (28. 2. H. rpt. 50, 3.) 1844 Sept. 21. Same to same. Allowances for expenses of mission of J. H. Eaton at Madrid. (ib., 2.) — Dec. 28. Pleasonton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cal- houn). Extr. from settlements of accts. of J. H. Raton and C. P. Van Ness. (ib., 4.) EATON (WILLIAM) Amer. cons. for Tunis, 1797-1803; see U. S. A. Consular iº. U. S. naval agt. for Barbary States, Claim of (as Consul) 1831, Jan. 10. Elizabeth Eaton, widow of John Eaton, to U. S. House. Petition, praying settlement of accts. of late gen. Wm. Eaton, as cons. of U. S. at Tunis. (21. 2. H. jol., 161.) — Feb. 23. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Crawford). º report on petition of Elizabeth Eaton. 1D., ..) 1843 Mch. 27. Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster) to Fifth Auditor, U. S. A. (Pleasonton). Opinion of Presi- dent that claim of Eaton is just. (28. 2. H. rpt. 50, 3.) 1844 Dec. 28. Pleasonton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cal- houn). Extr. from settlements of accts, of Eaton and Van Ness. (ib., 4.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 529 EATON"(WILLIAM)—cont'd Claim of (as Navy Agt.) STATUTORY MEASURES 1836 Dec. 8. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Benton, Mo.), bill (24. 2. S. 6) “for relief of heirs of Gen. Wm. Eaton.” (24. 2. S. jol., 30; 143.) CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1836 Dec. 12. To U. S. Senate. Petition of heirs of gen. Wm. Eaton, praying compensation for services and Sacrifices on coast of Barbary, in 1804 and 1805. (24. 2. S. jol., 31.) EATON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 284.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 583; 587.) EATON CO. (MICH.) CITIZENS 1846 Je. 24. To U. S. House; in favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 1002.) EAYRES (GEORGE WASHINGTON), MEXICO Claim for seizure of ship Mercury on California coast in 1813. n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 53.) EBEY (ISAAC N.) 1854 Jan. 7. To gov. of Washington terr. (Stevens). Nature and extent of Hudson’s Bay co’s.. possessions at Fort Vancouver and Puget's Sound Agric. Co's. possessions at Cowlitz. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 37, 15.) ECHAVARRIA (José IGNACIO DE), Gov. OF HAVANA 1858 Jiy. 18. To U. S. com]. agt., Havana (Savage). Requested to designate Some reliable person to take charge of brig Nancy, in View of immediate impris- onment of capt. and crew. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 149.) — Jly. 18. To same. Officer appointed to take charge of Nancy. (ib., 150.) — Jly. 19. To same. Requests roll of brig Nancy, or authenticated copy of it, or information of its where- abouts. (ib., 152.) — Jly. 20. To Same. Capt. of Nancy can be communi- cated with on 21st inst., after which rest of seamen may be seen. (ib., 155.) — Jly. 21. To same. Has made arrangements for pres- ence of capt. and mate of Nancy at unloading of brig. (ib., 156.) — JIy. 22. To same. Proc. in case of brig Nancy car- ried on with all possible activity. (ib., 158.) — Jly. 22. To same. Requests to be informed of true name of capt. of Lºlºra, and of all obtainable data in connection with matter. (ib., 167.) — Jly. 23. To same. Proc. in case of brig Nancy ter- minated; transmits inventory of her cargo. (ib., 161.) - — Oct. 15. To same. Coöperation requested in sifting evidence resp. destination and object of bark Arden- mes. (ib., 271.) ECHO, SLAVER BRIG 1844 Mch.-Apr. Movements near port of Onin; taken as prize by Br. brig Wasp ; murder of prize crew. (29. 1. H. rpt. 690, 69.) 1858 Dec. 6. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey). Annual re- port; clause referring to capture of Echo by U. S. brig Dolphin (Maffit) on north coast of Cuba, Aug. 31, 1858. 1859 Jan. 24. U. S. Senate. Res. (Crittenden, Ky.), call- ing for report of Thomas Rainey, Specl. dipl. agt. of CLAIMANT WS. * ECHO, SLAVER BRIG-cont’d U. S. to coast of Africa, relative to Africans. Cap- tured from slave brig Echo and sent to Liberia in U.S. steam frigate Niagara. (35. 2. S. jol., 179.) 1860 Mch. 13. Jno. J. McRae, repr. from Miss. Remarks: opposing payment of sum claimed by U. S. marshal for distr. of S. C., in case of Echo Africans, from any unexpended balance of apprp. of $75,000 made last year in consular and dipl. bill. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 1138.) — Mch. 14. J. J. Jones, repr. from Ga. Remarks; pro- posing, as amdmt. to cons. and dipl. bill, that no part of apprp. for suppression of slavetrade be applied towards education and maintenance of Echo Afri- cans. (ib., 1153.) - — Mch. 14. J. H. Reagan, repr. from Texas. Remarks, denying existence of legal provision for education Of Echo Africans. (ib., 1154.) — Mch. 14. W. P. Miles, repr. from S. C. Amdmt. to cons. and dipl. apprin. bill providing payment to U. S. marshal for distr. of S. C. for services in case of Echo Africans. (ib., 1152, 1154.) — May 19. Robt. Mallory, repr. from Ky. Remarks; urging prompt action on question of disposal of Echo negroes. (ib., 2194.) — May 24. Stephen R. Mallory, sen. from Fla. Re- marks; defending his amdmt. to bill resp. provision for captured negroes at Key West, providing for their services in U. S. as apprentices before being returned to African coast. (ib., 2308.) — May 24. Geo. E. Pugh, sen. from O. Remarks; urg- ing immediate action on bill for disposal of captured Africans at Key West. (ib., 2303.) — May 31. Jno. H. Reynolds, repr. from N. Y. Re- marks; favoring consideration and passage of bill for removal of captured Africans at Key West. (ib., 2500.) ECHURIA (MANUEL); see MARY JANE PECK, SCHR. ECKELL (SAMUEL), OF TENN. Amer. cons. for Talcahuano, 1851-54; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Chili. 1852 Aug. 10. To gov. of Talcahuano (Lorenas). Re- quests information regarding bonds exacted from masters of Amer. vessels for return of Chilean sea- men embarking in Amer. Vessels. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 27; 139.) — Aug. 11. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Chili (Pey- ton). Transmits copy of order issued in Apr., 1851, regulating shipment of Chilean mariners on foreign vessels. (ib., 138.) ECKERT (GEORGE), ADMR. OF J. ECKERT 1832 Jan. 9. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying indem- nity for losses by French Spoliations. (22. 1. S. jol., 64.) 1846 Dec. 23. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 90.) 1847 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 76.) 1850 Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 412.) ECLIPSE, AMER. SCHR. (LANE) Seized at Tabasco on Mch. 19, 1836, J. Swazey, J. Curtis, J. Farnham, W. Lewis, claimants. n. d. Claim agSt. Mexico; Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 60.) n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 88; H. doc. 3, 92.) 1836 Je. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Ellis). Detention by Mexican Mºrities at Tabasco. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 182. — Sept. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico. (Monasterio). Rep- resentation. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 32.) 34 530 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ECUADOR Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Asylum to vessels; see Asylum, Right of Civil service President 1853. Urbina. Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores 1839-[44]. Antonio Morales. Ministro de Hacienda, 1839. L. de Saá. Consular service; treaty provisions; see analysis of treaties concluded with U. S., under Consular service Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Decrees 1853 NOW. 26. Declaring Amazonian waters of Ecuador free to all nations. (33. 1. H. misc. doc. 22, 12.) Deserters; see that title Diplomatic agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service Diplomatic service United States 1853-54. José Villamil, chargé ; presented credentials Je. 10, 53; took leave Apr. 13, 1854. 1860-61. Antonio Flores, chargé ; presented credentials about Dec. 5, 1860; informed Department Mch. 22, 1861, of his intended departure to assume diplo- matic functions in Europe. Embargo; see that title Exterritoriality; see that title Foreign Relations Brazil 1853 Oct. 17. President of Ecuador (Urbina) to Bra- zilian E. E. and M. P. in Ecuador (Lisboa). Coop- eration of Ecuador in promoting navigation of Ama- zon River. (33. 1. H. misc. doc. 22, 11.) — Oct. 17. Lisboa to Urbina. Same. (ib., 11.) United States 1838 Jan. 8. President U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Senate Of U. S. Message; negotiations for renewal of ex- pired treaty with Colombia regulating intercourse with Ecuador; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations. (v, Sen. Exec. jol., 119; 120.) — Je. 7. President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Message; giving authority to chargé of U. S., about to be apptd. for Peru, for negotiation of new and liberal treaty of commerce with Ecuador. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 477.) 1841 Dec. 7. President U. S. A. (Tyler). Annual mes- sage; clause regarding failure of attempted treaty of commerce with Ecuador. 1842 Dec. 7. Same. Annual message; clause regarding consummation of treaty betw. U. S. and Ecuador. Nationality of vessels; see Wessels Shipwreck regulations; see that title Treaties 1839 Je. 13. U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. Engl. text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 255. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in V, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Je. 13, 1839; ratifications exchd. at Quito Apr. 9, 1842; proclaimed Sept. 23, 1842. Signed by Pickett (U. S.) and Saa (Ecuador). Terminated Aug. 25, 1892, on notice given by Ecuador. EDAN (B.), FRENCH CONSUL AD INT. SHANGHAI; see also ALCOCK (R.) EDAN (B.), R. WAY AND T. T. MEADOWS 1857 May 15. Memorandum; recommending measures for reestablishment of order at Ningpo. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1367.) EDEN (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 137.) EDES (RICHARD A.), OF KANSAS Amer. cons. for Pernambuco in 1860; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Brazil. EDGAR (JOHN I.), OF TENN. Amer. cons. for St. Thomas in 1861; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Danish dominions. EDGAR CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1847 Feb. 2. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- ures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 295.) . EDGARTOWN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 164.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) — Feb. 18. To same. Memorial, praying recognition of Hayti. (ib., 604.) 1845 Feb. 3. To Same; VS. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 316.) — Feb. 15. To same. Same. (ib., 397.) EDGECOMB (ME.) CITIZENS 1846 Feb. 16. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 401.) EDGERTON (ALFRED P.), REPR. FROM 0. 1852 Jan. 22. Remarks; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 46; opposed to transactions with bankers for payment of instalments, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 356, 357.) — Aug. 28. Do.; in behalf of Olds; concerning inves- tigation of charges agst. Secy. Of Treasury (Corwin) in connection with Gardiner claim; in favor of sit- ting of select committee. (ib., 2414.) 1855 Mch. 3. Do.; opposed to 46 and 47 Senate amdmtS. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 569, compensating Geo. P. Marsh, late min. res. to Ottoman Porte, for Special services, and John P. Brown as actg. chargé. (ib., 33. 2., 1165, 1166.) - EDMOND, ENGLISH SHIP (LOVITT) n.d. Wreck on Japan coast mentioned. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 74.) EDMONDS (THOMAS), CLAIMANT 1838 Mch. 1. To U. S. House. Memorial of execrS., pray- ing indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (25. 2. H. jol., 509.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Memorial of Nicholas E., execr. of Thos. E.; same. (26. 1. H. jol., 714.) 1847 Jan. 25. To same. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 228.) Jan. 27. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 136.) 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 196.) 1850 Jan. 3. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 44.) EDMUNDS (ME.) CITIZENS 1850 Je. 21. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (31. 1. H. jol., 1040.) EDNA, AMER. BARK Claims of, see Brazil. EDNEY (BAILEY M.), OF N. C. Amer. cons. for Palermo, 1850-51 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. Claims, 1849, unadjusted claims. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 531 EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES 1860 Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Annual message; clause relating to recent visit of Prince of Wales to U. S. º EDWARD, AMER, WHALER (BARKER) 1847 Dec. 15. Lieut. U. S. N. (Heywood) to comdr. Pa- cific sqdn. (Shubrick). Services rendered by cap- tains of whalers Magnolia (Simmonds) and Edward (Barker). (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1122.) EDWARD, AMER. WESSEL (SNOW, LEWIS) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 26.) EDWARD BURLEY, AMER. SCHR. 1843 Aug. 3. Comdr. U. S. African sqdn. (Perry) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Murder of mate of Schr. Edward Burley by natives of Berriby and Sinoe. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 244, 2.) EDWARDs ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG BRUTUs; see BRUTUS EDWARDS (ALFRED H. P.), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Philippine Is., 1832-38 and 1848-54; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. 1833 Apr. 17. Actg. Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Brent) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness). In- Structions to solicit from govt. of Spain execuatur for Amer. cons. of U. S. for Manilla (Edwards). (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 35.) EDWARDS (ALFRED PIERREPONT), AMER. CITIZEN 'Attacked and imprisoned by native Chinese of is. of Honan on Nov. 17, 1841 ; see China. Claims. EDWARDS (AMORY) Amer, cons. for Buenos Aires, 1841-45 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Argentine Republic. EDWARDS (CHARLES) 1855 Oct. 19. To U. S. atty. SO. distr. N. Y. (McKeon). “Lifting ” of libel agst. owners of Maury urged. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 236.) EDWARDS (CHARLES HOWARD), OF N. J. Clerk to comr. under conv. With Brazil ; see Brazil. laims. EDWARDS (ELIZABETH), CREDITOR OF BIAYS (JAS.); see BIAYS (JAS.) EDWARDS (HENRY W.) ET AL. 1843 Dec. 20. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. 1. S. jol., 39.) EDWARDS (JAMES), ADMR. AND CLAIMANT; see WAN- TON (EDWARD M.) EDWARDS (JOHN C.), MASTER AMER. BRIGANTINE WYOMING; see WYOMING EDWARDS (LUTHER) 1848 Apr. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying adop- tion of principle of arbitration. (30. 1. H. jol., 747.) EDWARDS (THOMAS), EXECR. OF 1850 Jan. 11. To U. S. House. Petition, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 285.) (28. EDWIN, AMER. BRIG (DAYLEY) Boarded off Ambrìse, JIy. 22, 1839, by H. B. M. sloop Columbine (Elliott). 1839 Oct. 16. Amer. cons. at Rio de Janeiro (Slacum) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Depositions, etc., in case of boarding of Amer. brig Edwin by officers of Br. Sloop Columbine. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 12.) 1840 Jan. 3. Forsyth to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Stevenson). Instructions for representation of boarding of Amer. brig Edwin by officer of Br. sloop Columbine (Elliott). (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 11; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 488; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 12.) – Feb. 5. Stevenson to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Representation of boarding of Edwin by Br. Columbine. (26. 2. H. ex: doc. 115, 24; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 13.) – Feb. 15. Palmerston to Stevenson. Case of Amer. brig Edwin; remonstrance agst. indifference to con- flººd abuse of Amer. flag. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 5. – Feb. 17. Stevenson to Palmerston. Defends re- monstrance agst. forcible boarding of Amer. brig Edwin ; protest agst. Br. interference in Amer. ad- ministration of laws governing slavetrade. (ib., 26.) – Apr. 22. 2d lieut. Columbine (Tatham) to comdr. Columbine (Elliot). Circumstances under which Edwin was boarded by Columbine. (ib., 61.) – Aug. 17. Palmerston to Stevenson. Representations concerning detention of Edwin by Columbine; with letter of lieut. Tatham. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 30.) Sept. 17. Stevenson to Palmerston. Misapprehen- º *: to Br. proc. in case of detention of Edwin. ib., 15.) EDWIN, AMER. BARK n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 540.) EFFINGHAM (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) EGEA (JOSE), SLAVE TRADER 1854 Oct. 11. H. B. M. cons. gen. for Cuba (Crawford) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton ). Information regarding slavetrade expedition of D. Jose Egea. preparing in N. Y. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 38; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 14.) — Oct. 20. Crampton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Attempt of D. Jose Egea. to organize slave trading expedition in port of New York. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 38.) Oct. 23. H. B. M. cons. at N. Y. (Barclay) to U. S. atty. So. distr. N. Y. (McKeon). Copy of despatch resp. meditated slavetrade expedition from N. Y. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 14.) Oct. 23. McKeon to collector of customs, N. Y. (Red- field). Copy of communication from A. Barclay, Br. consul at N. Y., of same date resp. contemplated slavetrade expedition from New York. (ib., 14.) — Oct. 24. Redfield to McKeon. Has invited surveyor to unite with him in detecting and stopping pur- chase of vessel for slavetrade contemplated by D. Jose Egea. (ib., 13.) 1855 May 2. McKeon to Marcy. Prevention of D. Jose Egea’s slavetrade expedition from N. Y. (ib., 12.) EGGLESTON (E. S.), OF MICH. Amer. cons. for Cadiz in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. EGNAUD (PAUL); see EYNARD (P.) EGNEW (NANCY), WIDOW OF GEO. EGNEW 1836 Dec. 28. To U. S. House. Petition, praying remun- eration for property destroyed by Indians during late war with Gr. Br. (24. 2. H. jol., 132.) 532 INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EGYPT Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular service. Turkish dominions Greeks in; see Turkey. Expulsion of Greeks EHLER (JOHN), CLAIM VS. MEXICO For forced loan in 1829. n.d. Claim agst. Mexico; summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 55.) EHLERS (, ), MASTER AMER. BRIG MARIANA; see MARIANA EHRENHOFF (J.), CONSUL FOR SWEDEN AND NORWAY AT TANGIER 1842 Sept. 14. To C. W. Morgan. Dismissal of vice-gov. gºneer (27. 3. H. ex: doc. 22, 5; H. ex. doc. 2, EICHOFF (FRHR. W.), PRESIDENT AUSTRIAN HOFKAM- MER 1838 Apr. 6. To Amer. Special agt. to Austria (Niles). Free development of intercourse betw. U. S. and Austrian monarchy object most wished for by Aus- tiºn administration of finance. (27. 2. S. doc. 246, 1839 Feb. 1. To same. Amt. of Amer. tobacco which Austrian régie has determined to employ during period from Jan. 1, 1839 to Apr. 1840. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 146.) EINERSHEIM (MARKT), OF BAWARIA, COUNT F. R. DE RECHTEREN LIMPURG 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying bounty in land for services in French army in Revol. War under Rochambeau, or some equivalent grant. (25. 3. H. jol., 220; 679.) EITS (JOHN H.), RESIDENT OF BREMEN 1859 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Papers, testing alleged in- Vention for preventing destruction of vessels by fire. (35. 2. H. jol., 175.) Jan. 13. To U. S. Senate. Letter from Secy. State to chrm. Com. On Commerce, communicating copy of letter from min. res. at Bremen regarding proposi- tion of J. H. Eits, citizen of Bremenhaven, for test- ing invention for preventing destruction of vessels by fire. (35. 2. S. jol., 132; 167.) 1861 Jan. 25. U. S. H. Com. on Commerce. Rpt. (Nixon), adverse to petition of J. H. Eits. (36. 2. H. rpt. 54.) EL CAIRO, SPANISH BRIG 1860 JIy. 28. Comdr. U. S. S. Wyandotte (Stanly) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (.. £º Chase of Spanish brig El Cairo; Amer. ba}k Millaudon lands cargo on Je. 29. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 623.) EL DORAD0, U. S. MAIL STR. In 1852 a landing at Havana was refused her by au- sºles of Cuba owing to presence of fever on Detai: and searched in Cuban waters in Mch., 1855, by Spanish frigate Ferrolona. f 1852 Oct. 27. Actg. Amer. cons., Havana (Morland) to acting Secy. State, U. S. A. (Conrad). Treatment of strs. El Dorado and Cornelia by Cuban authorities. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 21.) 1855 Mch. 28. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to E. E. and M. P. of Spain to U. S. (de Cueto). Limits of right of visit and search; case of El Dorado. (35. Sp. SeSS., S. ex. doc. 1, 4.) — Mch. 28. Same to same. Firing of El Dorado by Ferrolona; violation of right of visit and search. (ib., 4.) EL DORAD0, U. S. MAIL STR.—cont’d 1855 Apr. 3. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Dobbin) to Comdr. African sqdn. U. S. N. (Crabbe). Instructions re- garding change of destination of the Jamestown and assignment to Home sqdn. under comdr. Mc- Cauley, owing to Spanish aggressions in Cuban waters; sqdn, weakened by fever on frigate Colwm- bia. (ib., 7.) —— Apr. 10. Dobbin to comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (MC- Cauley). Instructions on assuming command of Home sqdn.; relative to visitation or search of U. S. vessels in Cuban waters; case of the El Dorado, etc. (ib., 2.) — Dec. 31. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual meS- sage; clause relating to arrest and search of Str. Eldorado. 1856 Mch. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Houston) calling for copies of all instructions given to comdre. McCauley and to comdre. Crabbe recently ordered to West Indies. (34. 1. S. jol., 155.) — Mch. 10. Dobbin to President U. S. Senate (Bright). Transmits corresp. in compliance with res. Of Sen- ate of 4 inst. (35. Sp. Sess. S. ex. doc. 1, 1.) 1857 Dec. 8. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to Outrage on Amer. El Dorado, and recommending satisfaction of A mistad claims. 1858 Je. 15. J. Slidell, sen. from La. Motion to print in- structions to comdre. McCauley on occasion of proc. to West Indies in 1855, incl. Marcy-letter of Mch. 28, to Spanish minister, relative to visit and search of El Dorado by Ferrolona, quoted by Mallory in de- bate on British aggressions upon Amer. Vessels in Gulf of Mexico. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1, sp. sess., 3054.) Note.—One vol. of letters resp. mission of comdre. McCauley is in Naval War Records Office, Washing- ton, D. C. (Van Tyne & Leland, Guide, etc., 129.) , ELBER (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 165.) ELBERFELD (GERMANY) Chamber of Commerce 1839. Extr. of rpt. Concerning commercial relations of U. S. with Germany. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 79.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Germany ELDER (P. L.), DIRECTOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, LüBECK 1857 Jly. 17. To Amer. cons., Frankfort-o-Main (Ricker). Police instructed to warn emigrants from Lübeck to U. S. against booking for inland places. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 39.) ELDERKIN (G.), CLAIMANT; see ESCAMBIA, AMER. SCHR. ELDREDGE (EDWARD), CONSIGNEE AMER. BRIG OS- PREY; see OSPREY ELDREDGE (JOSEPH. C.), ACTG. SECY. STATE, TEXAS 1845 Nov. 10. Strmt. of results of elections held in Texas On Oct. 13, for ratification or rejection of annexation and constitution adopted by conv, for State of Texas. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 16, 26.) ELDRIDGE ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG JANE MARIA; see JANE MARIA ELEANG 18||53-56], gov. gen. Leang Reang provinces, China. 1853. To Emperor of China. Memorial transmitting Amer. Comr.’s (Marshall) credentials. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 377.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 533 ELEANG—cont’d 1853 Aug. 10. To Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Im- perial message recognizing his credentials; inter- course may be carried on at Shanghai. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 244.) – Oct. 8. To same. Recognition of his intercession in riots at Shanghai; provisional regulations for clear- ing of Amer. ships, etc. (ib., 297.) 1854 May 25. To same (McLane). Fixes on first decade fifth moon to be at Kwan-Shan, there to be present at personal interview. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 89.) —º 28. To same. Fixes date for interview. (ib., — Je. 24. Memorial reporting visit of Amer. comr., McLane, and his success in dissuading Mr. Mc- Lane from proc. to Peiho. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 452.) — Je. 29. To McLane. Request that a memorial be Sent to Emperor, transmitted to minister at Canton who has management of commercial affairs with foreign nations; question about receipt of duties, pending at Shanghai. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 149.) — Jly. 22. To same. Considers it needless to go to Tien-tsin; thinks it proper that he should return to Canton and there negotiate with comr. Yeh. (ib., 151.) – Aug. 20. Memorial reporting receipt of letters from Sir John Bowring; Mr. McLane’s announcement of his intention to accompany that officer to Peiho and his own doubts as to objects of Visit. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 458.) 1856 Feb. Memorial apprising court of intention of Amer. Comr., Parker, to demand revision of treaty; and of like movement threatened by other treaty powers. (ib., 487.) Oct. 2. To intendant of circuit at Shanghai (Lan). Fears that envoys of England and France may com- mence Separate negotiations in Kwang-tung while Amer. Comr. is negotiating at Shanghai. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 968.) Oct. 19. To same. Reply to communication resp. request of Amer. COmr. to deliberate upon commer- cial regulations. (ib., 972.) ELEANOR, AMER, BARK 1843 Oct. 28. Comdr. H. B. M. sloop Ferret (Oake). Boarding of Amer. barque Eleanor. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 79.) — Dec. 1. Oake. Br. brigantine Bonetta heard that Volador had taken her slaves at West bay and Amer. barque Eleanor had landed slave cargo at Gallinas. (ib., 79.) 1844 Mch. 4. Comdr. U. S. naval forces, W. coast of Af- rica (Perry) to comdr. H. B. M. naval forces, w. coast of Africa (Foote). Denies right of vessels of war, other than those of U. S., to detain, search, or visit Amer. vessels in time of peace; relative to re- marks in resp. to Amer. barque Eleanor and Schrs. Illinois and Shakspeare. (ib., 79.) ELEANOR, AMER. SCHR. (GOVER) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 27.) ELEANOR, AMER. SCHR. (WILLIAMS) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 27.) ELEANOR, AMER. SHIP (TAYLOR) n, d. Summary of award made by comrS. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jiy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 27.) ELEANOR, AMER. SHIP 1858 Jan. 4. U. S. Senate. Petition of heirs of Andrew Knox, praying indemnity for capture and condem- nation of ship Eleanor by Br. under Berlin and Milan decrees in 1810. (35. 1. S. jol., 71.) — Jan. 4. U. S. Senate. Petition of Benj. S. Pope, praying indemnity for capture and condemnation of ship Eleanor and cargo. (ib., 72.) ELECTRA, H. B. M. STR. (MORRIS) 1857 Aug. 28. Captures Amer. slaver Eliza Jane 12 m. no. of Cabinda; see Eliza Jame. ELECTRA, U. S. STORESHIP, (2), 1846 In commission (1846-61) : Home sqdn., 1848 (Semmes). ELGEE (CHARLES LE DOUX), OF LA. Secy. Amer. legation in Mexico, 1859-60 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. ELGIN AND KINCARDINE, LORD (JAMES BRUCE, 8TH EARL OF ELGIN AND 12.TH EARL OF KINCARDINE), 1811-1863 1842-46, governor of Jamaica ; 1846-54, gov.-gen. Of Canada ; May, 1854, on specl. mission to U. S. ; 1857-59, high comr. to China. Gov. Gen. Of Canada 1851 Je. 7. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Bulwer). Favorable acknowledgment of recommendations made by F. Hincks Jan. 6. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 91; H. ex. doc. 2, 90.) Special Mission to U. S. 1854 Je. 5. Signs treaty extending the right of fishing and regulating commerce ... betw. Gr. Br. and U. S.; see Reciprocity. Fisheries, etc. High Comr. to China 1857 JIy. 3. To Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Apptmt. as Br. high comr. to China; course he is directed to pursue. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1411.) — Jly. 6. Parker to Elgin and Kincardine. Receipt of despatch of 3 inst.; invites his attention to cor- resp. with Sir John Bowring resp. Amer. claims for losses suffered in consequence of local hostilities. (ib., 1411.) — Nov. 19. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed). Receipt of announcement of apptmt. as Amer. E. E. and M. P. to China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 29.) — Dec. 15. To same. Withdraws intimation that his delay in going north was due to Amer. Consul; ap- proves of localisation of hostile measures at Canton. (ib., 53.) 1858 Jan. 16. To same. Original of treaty betw. U. S. and China taken at capture of Yeh; at disposal of U. S. minister. (ib., 91.) — Jan. 21. To same. Has ordered delivery to U. S. minister of Original of treaty betw. China, and U. S. (ib., 92.) Jan. 29. To same. Encloses translation of docu- ment found in Yeh’s archives, in which visit of Dr. Parker to Shanghai is referred to. (ib., 120.) Feb. 4. To same. Corresp. with Chinese prime min- ister, relative to proposed course in pursuance of instructions of H. M. govt. (ib., 133.) Feb. 6. To same. Encloses copy of notification resp. military occupation of Canton, and suspension, un- til further notice, of hostile operations agst. China. (ib., 168.) — Apr. 1. To same. In view of unsatisfactory reply to dispatches, intends to proceed north, to communi- cate directly with imperial govt. at Pekin. (ib., 237.) — Apr. 2. To Same. Encloses draft of letters he in- tends to transmit to gov. gen. of the two Kiang proVS. and gov. Of Kiangsu, and to prime minister of China. (ib., 234.) 534 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ELGIN AND KINCARDINE, LORD (JAMES BRUCE, 8TH EARL OF ELGIN AND 12TH EARL OF KINCARDINE), 1811-1863—cont’d High Comºr. to China—cont’d 1858 Apr. 23. To same. Transmits copy of note intended to be sent to Chinese prime minister. (ib., 261.) — Apr. 23. To same. Ready to forward any letter sent on board Furious before hour designated therein. (ib., 262.) — Apr. 27. To Same. HaS received from Chinese of- ficers on shore, communication similar to one sent him by Mr. Reed. (ib., 270.) — May 2. To same. Limited powers of Tau do not give promise of intention of China to discuss ques- tions seriously. (ib., 276.) — May 5. To Same. Proc. in which Tau is authorized to engage do not bind Chinese govt. to anything; ready to enter into negotiations with him, however, if powers Specified are procured by him within six days. (ib., 288.) 4. — May 7. To same. Expresses thanks for offer to Supply him with information respecting future ne- gotiations with Chinese authorities. (ib., 291.) — May 19. To same. Intends to make further appeal to court of Pekin from point nearer capital; plans to accomplish this. (ib., 324.) — Je. 7. To same. Encloses memorandum of inter- view between himself and imperial comrs. Kwei- liang and HWashana. (ib., 341.) — Je. 28. To same. Has signed treaty on behalf of Great Britain with Chinese imperial comrs. (ib., 370.) — Jly. 5. To same. Transmits copy of treaty betw. Gr. Br. and China. (ib., 377.) — Oct. 19. To same. Showing difficulties in Way of reducing duty on tea; opium trade. (ib., 511.) Nov. 6. To Same. Sends tariff and regulations of trade arranged betw. Gr. Br. and China. (ib., 518.) 1859 Feb. 14. To Amer. chargé ad int. in China (Will- iams). Will forward copy of English tariff and Com- mercial regulations. (ib., 554.) ELIAS (JOSE), PREFECT OF SAN IGNACIO, MEXICO 1857 Mch. 23. Gov. of Sonora (Pesqueira). Information concerning filibusters. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 21.) — Mch. 27. To same. Thinks that enemy is marching into interior; distr. of San Ignacio has neither arms nor munitions of subsistence or of war. (ib., 21.) ELIOT (SAMUEL A.), OF MASS. Repr. from Massachusetts, 1850-51 ; member Com. On Foreign Affairs, 31 cong., 1850-51. ELIZA, AMER. BRIG (GALLOP) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 27.) ELIZA, AMER. BRIG (MACEY) n, d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 28.) ELIZA, AMER. SCHR. (MORTON) Seized at Beaver harbor, N. S., Je. 9, 1839, by H. B. M. schr. Victory (Darby). 1839 Je. 27. Amer. cons. at Halifax (Morrow) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Seizure by Br. govt. for violation of treaty of 1818 relating to fisheries. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 3.) 1840 Jan. 13. E. Ingraham to U. S. House. Petition, praying indemnity for unlawful seizure and deten- tion of Schr. Eliza by provincial schr. Victory, of Nova Scotia, in 1839. (26. 1. H. jol., 201.) ELIZA, AMER. SHIP (DUNBAR) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 27.) ELIZA, AMER. SHIP (VICKERY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of . Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 29.) ELIZA JANE, AMER. VESSEL (PHILLIPS) Claim is for overcharge of tonnage duty at Vera Cruz. n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 62; H. doc. 3, 64.) ELIZA JANE, AMER. SLAVER Boarded, Aug. 24, 1857, in 5° 30' so. and 11° 45' e., by H. B. M. Allecto (Hunt) ; captured 12 m. no. of Cabenda by H. B. M. str. Electra, Aug. 28, 1857. 1857 Oct. 5. Gov. of Sierra Leona (Hill) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Capture of slaver Eliza Jane by Br. sloop Alecto (Hunt). (35. 1. S. eX. doc. 49, 25.) — Oct. 9. Comdr. U. S. S. Dale (McBlair) to comdr. U. S. African sqdn. (Conover). Capture of Eliza Jane by H. B. M. str. Electra, Aug. 28; etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 7, 65.) - — Dec. 24. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Napier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Slavetrade now confined almost wholly to Cuba; incommensu- rate means of U. S. to suppress it; cases of capture of slavers Eliza Jane and Onward by Br. ship Allecto, etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 11.) ELIZA MERRITHEW, AMER. BRIG Searched in Gulf of Mexico, in 1858, by Br. armed vessel not named. 1858 May 22. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to U. S. Cus- toms collector, Belfast, Me. (Smart). Instructions to Secure information of boarding of Eliza Merrithew by Br. vessel not named. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 38; S. ex. doc. 61, 28.) ELIZA AND DANIEL, AMER. BRIG (HALL) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 31.) ELIZABETH, AMER. BARK 1851 Jly. 28. Comdr. U. S. S. St. Mary's (Magruder) to Rev. J. Calvert and D. Whippy. Constituting them a board of arbitration in case of Amer. Whaler Elizabeth, lost at Lavaka, Feb., 1846, and in case of robbery of Mr. Williams. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 180; 34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 13.) 1853 Jan. 1. U. S. commercial agt., Feejee Is. (Williams) to U. S. comr. in China (Marshall). Representation of delay in settling claim for spoliation and that of Amer. bark Elizabeth, left to arbitration by Capt. Macgruder, U. S. S. St. Mary’s, in 1851; requests protection of U. S. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 179.) 1854 Feb. 23. Amer. consul, in New Zealand (Williams) to capt. Amer. ship-of-war in Feejee Is. Advice that Tui Viti and Ban people are only parties concerned in robbery of barque Elizabeth. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 16.) ELIZABETH, AMER. SCHR. (FARRALL) n. d. Summary of award made by comrS. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 29.) ELIZABETH ANN, AMER. BRIG n. d. Claim agst. Peru; synopsis of claim and stnt. of award. (v, Moore. Int. Arbitration, 4600; 4605.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 535 ELIZABETH ANN, AMER. BRIG-cont’d 1825 Je. 4. Amer. cons., Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Siege of Callao continues; case of Amer. brig Elizabeth Ann, etc. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 59.) — Je. 8. Same to same. Change in Peruvian minis- try; case of Elizabeth Ann; exaction of militia service from Amer. citizens; etc. (ib., 60.) ELIZABETHTOWN (N.J.) CITIZENS 1854 Apr. 5. To U. S. House. Petition, praying meas- ures to secure religious liberty to U. S. citizens abroad. (33. 1. H. jol., 603.) ELKINS (SAMUEL), CLAIMANT; see COX (N.) ELLEN, AMER. BARK 1858 Aug. 23. Comdr. H. B. M. S. Vesuvius (Wise) to comdr. U. S. sloop Marion (Brent). Case of Amer. brig Charlotte; Amer. barks Venus and Ellen. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 556.) ELLEN, SLAVER BRIG (LIND) 1857 Feb. 11. H. B. M. cons., Loando (Gabriel) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Movements of slaver brig Ellen (Lind). (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 18.) ELLEN, NORWEGIAN BARK (JOHNSON) 1858 Feb. 8. Vice-cons. Of Sweden and Norway at Nor- folk, Va. (Robertson) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass.) Requests that amt. paid to U. S. navy yard at Gos- port for repairs of barque Ellen be refunded. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 61, 2.) — Feb. 11. Cass to chrm. U. S. House Com. Ways and Means (Jones). Recommending that an apprn. be made to refund amt. paid by Dr. Robertson to navy yard at Gosport for repairs of Norwegian barque Ellen. (ib., 1.) ELLEN FORSTER, AMER. SHIP (SCUDDER); see TAYLOR (WM.) ELLENBURGH (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 2. To U. S. House; (29. 1. H. jol., 190.) ELLICOT (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. In favor of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) ELLICOTT (ANDREW) Amer, comr. under art. 3, treaty of San Lorenzo el Real. 1800 Mch. 22. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Pickering). Rpt. of U. S. comr. under treaty of San Lorenzo el Real. (20. 1. S. doc. 104, 9.) ELLIOT (SIR CHARLES), 1801-1875 1837-1841, H. B. M. M. P. in China ; 1842-46, chargé in Texas. vs. Texan annexation. M. P. in Chima 1840 Jan. 8. Notice of proposed blockade of port of Canton. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 71, 73.) Chargé in Teacas 1845 May 22. Amer. chargé d'affaires in Texas (Donel- son) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Effect of part played by Capt. Elliott as mediator between Mexico and Texas. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 59.) — Je. 2. Same to same. Character of mediation of Capt. Elliott; Mexican troops concentrating on the Rio Grande; effect of presence of Capt. Stockton’s squadron. (ib., 65.) ELLIOT (SIR CHARLES), 1801-1875—cont’d 1845 Je. 15. Buchanan to Donelson. Directions for proc. in event of Mexican invasion of Texas; re- proof of conduct of Capt. Elliott. (ib., 42.) ELLIOT (GEORGE), COMDR. H. B. M. SLOOP COLUMBINE 1839 Jan. 1. Return of slavers searched and detained by Br. vessels on African Station, Oct.-Dec., 1838. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 196.) — Feb. 6. To First Secy. H. B. M. Admiralty (Wood). Requests instructions in case of vessels seized un- der Amer. colors with slaves on board. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 188; H. ex. doc. 115, 127; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 604.) — Feb. 13. Wood (C.). Continued abuse of Amer. flag by slave traders. (ib., 189; ib., 128; ib., 605.) 1840 Apr. 30. To Secy. Admiralty. Report of circum- stances under which Amer. brig Edwin was boarded by Br. sloop Columbine. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 61.) ELLIOT (GEORGE T.), CLAIMANT; see LOUISIANA, AMER. SHIP ELLIOTT (JESSE D.), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1804-45. Lieut., 1810; comdr., 1813; *g: 1818. Died at Philadelphia, Dec. 10, 1845. €3. service in command (1828-38) : comdg. W. sqdn., 1830-32; comdg. Medn. sqdn., 1835-37. Comdg. Cyane, Brazil Sqdn. 1826 Dec. 26. To Vice-Admiral Portuguese naval forces at the La Plata (Guedes). Desires to be informed of pretext on which schr. Armstrong and ship Pac- tolus are held in custody of armed force of Brazil. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 122.) 1; 28. To same. Receipt of letter of 27 inst. (ib., 1827 Mch. 3. [extr.] To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (South- ard). Transmits copy of corrected translation of letter recd. from adm. Guedes. (ib., 122.) Comdg. W. I. Sqdn. 1830 Jly. 11. To Secy. of Navy, U. S. A. (Branch). Ar- rival at Pensacola, for supplies, of Sp. Schr. Feniac, in care of lieut. J. P. Wilson. (21. 2. H. ex. doc. 54, 5; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 467.) — Aug. 8. To same. Commission sent by which de- position of Capt. and officer of Kremlin can be had. (ib., 6; ib., 468.) – Aug. 9. To same. Case of slaver Fenia. (21. 2. H. ex. doc. 54, 8.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1845 Feb. 18. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Bayard, Com. on Naval Affairs), bill (28. 2. S. 133) “for relief of Jesse D. Elliott.” (28. 2. S. jol., 182.) 1847 Jan. 18. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Cameron, Com. on Naval Affairs), bill (29. 2. S. 100) “for relief of Jesse D. Elliott.” (29. 2. S. jol., 109.) 1848 Jan. 12. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Yulee, Com. on Naval Affairs), bill (30. 1. S. 80) “for relief of legal reprs. of Jesse D. Elliott.” (30. 1. S. jol., 106.) CORRESPONDENCE 1845 Feb. 8. Elliott to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying reimbursement of certain expenses incurred while Comdg. Mediterranean sqdn. (28. 2. S. jol., 148.) — Dec. 29. U. S. Senate. On motion (Fairfield, Me.), petition of Jesse D. Elliott, on files of Senate, re- ferred to Com. on Naval Affairs. (29. 1. S. jol., 73.) 1846 Dec. 16. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 49.) 1847 Jan. 18. U. S. S. Com. on Naval Affairs (Cameron). Rpt. to acc. S. 100, for relief of Jesse D. Elliott. (29. 2. S. rpt. 74.) 536 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ELLIOTT (JESSE D.), OF PENN.—cont’d 1847 Dec. 20. U. S. Senate. On motion (Fairfield), pe- tition of Jesse D. Elliott, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Naval Affairs (30. 1. S. jol., 62); on mo- tion (Sturgeon, Pa.), leave given legal reprs, to withdraw petition and papers, May 3, 1848. (ib., 310.) 1848 Apr. 14. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Remarks; on S. 80, for relief of legal representatives of capt. Jesse D. Elliott. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 636.) — Apr. 14. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Do.; same. (ib., 636.) — Apr. 14. S. Cameron, Sen. from Penn. Do.; same. (ib., 636.) — May 16. To U. S. House. Petition of Calvin Blythe, execr. of Elliott, praying reimbursement of expen- ditures for entertaining, on board flag-ship Consti- tution, in Mediterranean, King of Greece and others. (30. 1. H. jol., 807.) 1849 Jan. 8. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 2. S. jol., 107; 251.) Dec. 24. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Frances C., widow of J. D. Elliott, presented (Sturgeon, Pa.), and referred to Com. on Naval Affairs (31. 1. S. jol., 14.)"; on motion (Sturgeon), leave given to withdraw pe- tition and papers, Jan. 16, 1850. (ib., 85.) 1852 Feb. 3. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Frances Elli- ott, presented (Cass, Mich.), and referred to Com. on Naval Affairs. (32. 1. S. jol., 172.) ELLIOTT (JONATHAN), 1784-1846 1828 Jan. 21. To Amer. comr. to Venezuela (Scott). Relative to Scott’s services and hospitality to in- habitants of Caracas during distress caused by earthquake, 1812. (20. 2. H. rpt. 72, 17.) The American Diplomatic Code 1834 Dec. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Poindexter, Miss.), res. to procure 50 copies of Amer. Diplomatic Code for use of Senate. (23. 2. S. jol., 55; 88; 160.) — Je. 12. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Wilkins, Penn.), res. to procure 150 copies of Elliot’s Amer. Diplomatic Code for use of Senate. (23. 1. S. jol., 314, 406.) 1836 Feb. 3. U. S. Senate. Motion (Robbins, R. I.) to authorize Com. On Library to inquire into expe- diency of purchasing, for distribution, such number of copies of Elliot’s Diplomatic Code as Congress may direct. (24. 1. S. jol., 135.) Je. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Howard, Com. On Foreign Affairs), directing clerk to subscribe and pay for out of contingent fund, 300 copies of Elliot’s Diplo- matic Code, to be disposed of as directed. (24. 1. H. jol., 1113.) ELLIOTT (JONATHAN), OF D. C. Amer. coml. agt. for Sto. Domingo [1849-52] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Sto. Domingo. 1850 Jly. 8. Elliott to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying reimbursement of expenses in Supporting refugees who sought protection of American flag during late civil war in St. Domingo. (31. 1. S. jol., 440.) — Jly. 8. W. R. King, sen. from Ala. Explanation of memorial of Jonathan Elliott, commercial agt. at San Domingo, asking reimbursement of expenses incurred in maintaining refugees. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1355.) 1851 Feb. 28. J. A. Pearce, sen. from Md. Remarks; in explanation of amdmt. of even date of Finance Com. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 461, providing for reimbursement of Jonathan Elliott, Consul at San Domingo city, for expenses in maintaining ref- ugees. (ib., 31. 2., 804.) 1852 Aug. 27. P. Soulé, sen. from La. Do.; in explana- tion and support of his amdmt. of even date to civil and dipl. apprin. bill H. R. 196, providing compen- ELLIOTT (JONATHAN), OF D. C.—cont’d sation to Jonathan Elliott, commercial agent at St. Domingo, for maintaining refugees. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 2402.) 1852 Aug. 31. Apprn, for indemnity to J. Elliott, Com- mercial agt. U. S. at Santo Domingo, for mainte- nance of refugees at Santo Domingo; act making ap- prin. for civil and dipl. expenses for year ending Je. 30, 1853. (x, St. L., 94.) ELLIS (CHARLES) Secy. to Amer. legation in Mexico, 1837-39 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. ELLIS (CHESELDEN), OF N. Y. Repr. from New York during 28 cong., Dec. 4, 1843- Mch. 3, 1845; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 1844-45. Bills Introduced 1845 Feb. 12. For relief of Armand T. Donnet. (28. 2. H. R. 605.) Feb. 12. For relief of Benj. E. Green. (28. 2. H. R. 606.) Remarks Made 1845 Jan. 24. Remarks; favoring annexation of Texas to U. S. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 189; app., 138.) Reports Made 1845 Feb. 3. Report, favorable to petition of Armand T. Donnet. (28. 2. H. rpt. 91.) — Feb. 3. Report, favorable to petition of Benj. E. Green. (28. 2. H. rpt. 90.) ELLIS (FRANCIS M.), OF OHIO Amer. cons. for Buenos Aires, 1854-55; see U. S. A. Consular service. Argentine Republic. ELLIS (GEORGE W.), OF ME. Amer. cons. for Bomba tered On duties o SCI WICe. apptd. in 1846, but never en- º office ; see U. S. A. Consular British dominions. ELLIS (HENRY), GOV. OF NOVA SCOTIA 1761 Apr. 1. Commission of George III. to Henry Ellis, #º, governor of Nova Scotia. (20. 1. S. doc. ELLIS (JOSEPH C.), OF MO. Amer. cons. for Maracaibo, 1844-45; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Venezuela. ELLIS (POWHATAN), OF LA. Amer, chargé in Mexico, 1835-36 ; Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S., in Mexico, 1839-42;. see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service. Mexico. The Ellis corresp. continues that of Anthony Butler, his predecessor. A mer. Chargé in Meacico 1836 Jan. 8. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Ellis. Apptmt. as Amer. chargé in Mexico. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 159.) Jan. 29. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Ellis. Instructions on assuming office as U. S. chargé in Mexico. (ib., 159.) Correspondence (Consular) TAMPICO; ROBERTSON, CONSUL 1836 Je. 29. Case of schr. Jefferson adjusted. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 20; S. doc. 160, 129; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 235.) VERA CRUZ; BURROUGH, CoNSUL 1836 Nov. 15. Comment on reinstatement of Gomez. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 31; H. ex. doc. 139, 30; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 206.) – Dec. 3. Gratified to learn Amer. Seamen have been discharged. (xiv, Reg. Debates, pt. 2, app., 208.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 537 ELLIS (POWHATAN), OF LA.—cont’d Amer. Chargé in Meacico—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic) AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) 1836 Apr. 30. Ino. 1, extr.] Anxiety of Americans con- cerning claims upon Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 591.) — May 28. [no. 3, extr.] Long forbearance on part of |U. S. in resisting Mexican violence and aggression has weakened influence of Amer. chargé in Mexico; recommends change of policy. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 591.) — Je. 23. [unnum. extr.] Unsatisfactory answer of Mexico to demand for satisfaction in case of Hannah Elizabeth; proposes to inform Mexico that U. S. will not submit to these aggressions. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 4; S. doc. 160, 112; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 230.) — JIy. 12. [unnum. extr.] Relative to case of U. S. Schr. Jefferson and imprisonment of Lieut. Osborn. (24. 2. H. ex: doc. 105, 7; S. doc. 160, 116; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 231.) — JIy. 16. Ino. 10.] Enclosing protest to Monasterio agst. enforcement of forced loan. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 592.) — JIy. 16. Inclined to accept apology offered in case of W. A. Slacum. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 21; S. doc. 160, 130.) — Aug. 20. [no. 14.] Enclosing letter of Monasterio relative to supposed movement of gen. Gaines upon Nacogdoches; contemplates avoidance on part of Mexico of consideration of boundary question. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 593.) — Aug. 21. Ino. 15.1 Enclosing corresp. with Monas- terio concerning col. Butler’s immunities as return- ing diplomatic agt. of U. S. (ib., 595.) — Aug. 22. [no. 16.] Circumstances attending de- parture of col. Butler from Mexico. (ib., 597.) — Aug. 26. [unnum. extr.] No prospect of Settle- ment of claims agst. Mexico; continued persecution of Americans; advocates adoption of decisive meas- ures on part of Amer. govt. (ib., 601.) — Sept. 7. [unnum. extr.] U. S. citizens protest agst. embargo laid by this govt.; Amer. merchants will enter claim agst. Mexican govt.; awaits instructions. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 248.) — Sept. 7. [unnum. extr.] Forced loan of Je. 16 en- forced. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 55; S. doc. 160, 166.) — Oct. 4. [unnum. extr.] Documents relative to blockade of port of Matamoras by proclamation of Pres. Burnet. (ib., 602.) — Oct. 4. [unnum. extr.] Encloses corresp. relative to outrage on Amer. consul and two citizens of U. S. at Matamoras. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 240.) Oct. 5. [unnum.] Case of Schr. Peter D. Vroom ; d.o. brig Aurora. (24. 2. H. ex: doc. 105, 37; Xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 241; 24. 2. S. doc. 160, 146.) — Oct. 11. [unnum.] Advice of manner in which in- structions of Jly. 20 have been carried out. (ib., 28; S. doc. 160, 138; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 238.) — Oct. 11. [unnum. extr.] Expects little Satisfaction in adjustment of Amer. claims by Mexico. (ib., 42; ib., 152; ib., 243.) — Oct. 15. [unnum.] Transmits note to minister of foreign affairs regarding outrage on Seamen U. S. S. Natchez; note of Mr. Burrough, containing informa- tion on which he acted; no reply recd.; insults, if suffered to pass, will continue. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 248.) — Oct. 25. [unnum.] Reports that if delay in recog- nising Amer. claims continues he will demand his passports. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 42; S. doc. 160, 152; xiv, Reg. Debates, pt. 2, app., 243.) ELLIS (POWHATAN), OF LA.—cont’d Aſmer. Chargé in Meacico—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Forsyth)—cont’d 1836 Oct. 25. [unnum.] Advice of intention to demand passports pending certain action on part of Mexico. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 42.) — Nov. 5. [no. 36.J Résumé of controversy regarding departure of col. Butler from Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 604.) — Nov. 10. [no. 38.] Nature of his interview when presenting President Jackson’s letter of condolence on death of President of Mexico. (ib., 619.) — Nov. 10. [unnum.] Improbability of Mexican set- tlement of Amer. grievances; anticipates early re- turn to Washington. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 45; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 243.) — Nov. 30. [unnum. extr.] In reply to note Sept. 26 has recd. from minister of For. Aff. wholly unsatis- factory document; unless something favorable oc- curs will demand passports in three or four days. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 244.) — Dec. 6. ſunnum.] Transmits copies of all docu- ments relating to seizure and imprisonment at Vera. Cruz of eight seamen of U. S. sloop Natchez (Mervine). (ib., 198.) — Dec. 9. [unnum. extr.] Arrival of Gorostiza; govt. paper announces that his conduct in U. S. has recd. approval of competent authorities, (xiv, Reg. De- bates, app., 244.) — Dec. 14. [unnum.] Has demanded passports; pro- ceeds to Washington at once. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, # *. Reg. Debates, app., 246; 24. 2. S. doc. 160, Dec. 21. [unnum. extr.] No reply to his of 7 inst. to Monasterio demanding passports. (ib., 51; ib., 246; ib., 161.) — Dec. 22. [unnum.] Encloses balance of corresp. With actg. minister of foreign affairs which led ºmand of passports. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., Dec. 23. Ino. 44, extr.] Transmits corresp. relative to apptmt. Of T. R. Gray, as Amer. cons. Of U. S. for Tabasco, etc. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 620.) — Dec. 23. [unnum. (44?) extr.] Copies of corresp. relating to schrs. Bethlehem and Peter D. Vroom, brig Aurora and to case of W. Hallet and Z. Hull. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 217.) — Dec. 27. [unnum.] Forwards copies of notes from Monasterio on withdrawal of Gorostiza, from Wash- ington and inquiry as to cause of Ellis’ proposed departure; views inquiry in light of discourteous refusal of passports. (ib., 220.) 1837 Jan. 12. [unnum.] Advice of his departure from Mexican capital on 28 ult.; hopes to reach Washing- ton with archives by Feb. 1. (ib., 249.) MEXICAN Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio) 1836 May 30. Capture of Hannah Elizabeth and impris- onment of Capt. and Crew; demands release, ample damages and apology for insult to flag of U. S. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 4; S. doc. 160, 112; xiv, Reg. De- bates, app., 230.) — Je. 16. Case of schr. Jefferson. (ib., 17; ib., 125; ib., 233.) — Je. 25. Accepts explanation in case of schr. Jef- ferson. (ib., 20; ib., 129; ib., 234.) — Je. 27. Apptmt. Of W. D. Jones as Amer. cons. for city of Mexico. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 602.) 538 INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs ELLIS (POWHATAN), OF LA.—cont’d A mer. Chargé in Mea;ico—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d MEXICAN–Cont’d Ministr. relac. est., Mexico—cont’d (Monasterio)—cont’d 1836 Jly. 1. Protest agst. enforcement of forced loan authorized by act of Mexican congress, Je. 16, 1836. (ib., 592.) — Jly. 18. Expresses ignorance of movement of gen. Gaines upon Nacogdoches; having no instructions, declines to open discussion. (ib., 594.) —— JIy. 28. Usage in U. S. of limit of protection granted to dipl. agts. (ib., 596.) — Aug. 16. Necessary to await instructions from Washington relative to demand for satisfaction for alleged irregular conduct of col. Butler. (ib., 601.) Sept. 9. Case of injury to Messrs. Hallet and Hull. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 35; S. doc. 160, 144; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 240.) Sept. 15. Case of Peter D. Vroom. (ib., 37; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 241; S. doc. 160, 147.) — Sept. 20. Proc. in admiralty court at Campeche, concerning brig Awrora. (ib., 40; S. doc. 160, 150.) Sept. 26. Enumerating various injuries to Amer. citizens; urging redress. (ib., 29; ib., 138; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 238.) Oct. 14. Boarding of brig Fourth of July. (ib., 58; ib., 168; ib., 248.) Oct. 20. Advice of intention to demand passports in event of prolonged inattention to his note of Sept. 26. (ib., 42; ib., 153; ib., 243.) — Oct. 24. Early delivery to his govt. of corresp. betw. Mexico and col. Butler before his departure from Mexico. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 618.) Nov. 2. Apptmt. of T. R. Gray as Amer. cons. Of U. S. for port of Tabasco. (ib., 620.) — Nov. 2. Enclosing authenticated copy of letter of recall of col. Butler. (ib., 621.) Nov. 2. Requesting apptmt. for delivery of Presi- dent Jackson’s letter of condolence. (ib., 619.) — Nov. 4. Limit of period during which he will wait for answer to his notes of Sept. 26 and Oct. 20. (24. 2. H. ex: doc. 105, 45; S. doc. 160, 156; xiv, Reg. De- bates, app., 244.) — Nov. 14. Representation in case of Schr. Bethlehem, seized at Campeche. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 71; H. ex. doc. 139, 68.) Nov. 16. Representation in case of Natchez. (ib., 31; ib., 30; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 206.) — Nov. 18. Asking immediate release of J. B. New- hall, twice impressed into Mexican naval Service, during Aug., 1836, on board Mexican brig of War, Privilegio. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 351 (annex), 622.) Dec. 7. Examination of reply of Nov. 15 on subject of various claims against Mexico. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 62; H. ex. doc. 139, 60; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 213.) — Dec. 22. Demands his passport and an escort. (ib., 70; ib., 67; ib., 217.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mearico Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) 1841 Dec. 16. [unnum. extr.] Report, later contradicted, of murder of three prisoners taken in Santa Fe ex- pedition. (27.2. S. doc. 325, 17; H. ex: doc. 49, 6.) 1842 Jan. 27. [unnum. extr.] Release of F. Combs, taken in Santa Fe expedition. (27.2. S. doc. 325, 19.) — Feb. 17. [unnum. extr.] Behalf of certain therein named persons represented to have been taken in Santa Fe expedition. (ib., 19.) | ELLIS (POWHATAN), OF LA.—cont’d A mer. E. E. and M. P. in Mea;ico—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Webster)—cont’d 1842 Feb. 26. [unnum. extr.] Protest agst. prolonged detention of Amer. citizens taken in Santa Fe expe- dition. (ib., 61.) — Apr. 9. [unnum. extr.] Arrest of J. Tagno for at- tempt to aid Texan prisoners to escape. (ib., 75.) — Apr. 28. [unnum. extr.] Release of certain therein * persons taken in Santa Fe expedition. (ib., (Black) 1842 Apr. 25. Order for disposal of liberated persons taken in Santa Fe expedition. (27.2. S. doc. 325, 90.) MEXICAN Ministr. Relaciones Esteriores (Cañedo) 1839 Nov. 6. Claims on part of U. S. agst. Mexico not embraced in convention of 1839. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 181.) (Bocanegro) 1842 Jan. 10. Behalf of F. Combs taken in Santa Fe ex- pedition. (27. 2. S. doc. 325, 21.) — Feb. 2. Behalf of G. W. Kendall taken in Santa Fe expedition. (ib., 26.) Feb. 5. Behalf of certain therein named persons taken in Santa Fe expedition. (ib., 29.) — Feb. 10. Relative to promised release of certain persons taken in Santa Fe expedition. (ib., 38.) — Feb. 14. Behalf of G. W. Kendall taken in Santa Fe expedition. (ib., 45.) — Feb. 24. Relative to G. W. Kendall taken in Santa Fe expedition. (ib., 68.) — Mch. 17. Imprisonment of J. Tagno. (ib., 80.) — Apr. 11. Release of certain therein named persons taken in Santa Fe expedition. (ib., 86.) — Apr. 18. Notice of recall. (ib., 87.) Ministr. de Guerra y Marina (Tornel) 1842 Feb. 7. Gratification at release of G. Van NeSS, taken in Sante Fe expedition. (27. 2. S. doc. 325, 32.) — Apr. 23. Gratification at liberation of certain per- Sons taken in Sante Fe expedition. (ib., 90.) ELLIS (THOMAS G.), OF MISS. Nominated secy. to Amer. legation in Mexico, in 1839, by mistake ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. ELLIS (THOMAS H.), OF WA. Secy. Amer. legation in Mexico, 1839-41 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. ELLIS (WESPASIAN), OF MO. Amer. chargé in Venezuela, 1844-45; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. ELLIS AND COBB, OWNERS AMER. BRIG CAROLINE; see CAROLINE ELLISBURG (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 104; 105.) - ELLISON (FRANCIS B.), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1819-84. Lieut., 1828; comdr., 1850; Capt., * 1857; 1864, retired; 1867, comdre. on retired, list. Died Jan. 25, 1884. Sea service in command (1828- 61) i comdg. U. S. sloop Leavington, Medn. Sqdn., 1844. INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs 539 ELLISON, BALL AND HAMMOND, COUNSEL FOR 1852 Je. 15. To U. S. House. Petition of W. G. Swethen, agst. passage of act to amend act establishing Bra- zilian commission. (32. 1. H. jol., 812.) ELLSWORTH (HENRY L.), OFFICER OF AMER. COLONIZA- TION SOCY. 1842 Feb. 3. To U. S. House. Letter suggesting propri- ety of apprin. of $5000 to provide for Africans re- captured from slavers. (27. 3. H. jol., 304.) ELLSWORTH (HENRY W.), OF IND. Amer. chargé in Sweden, 1845-49; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. ELLSWORTH (J. S.) 1853 Feb. 5. To U. S. House. Petition, praying imme- diate recall of Japan expedition. (32. 2. H. jol., 242.) ELLSWORTH (OLIVER), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Quito in 1851 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Bcuador. ELLSWORTH (WILLIAM W.) 1831 Mch. 1. Remarks; in opposition to striking out items for payment of Turkish mission. (Wii, Reg. Debates, 835.) — Dec. 13. Do.; urging reference of memorials for satisfaction of French Spoliation claims to select committee. (ib., viii, 1433.) 1832 Je. 8. Do.; favoring two year limit for-commission under conv. with France. (ib., 3342.) ELMER (LUCIUS Q. C.) 1844 Mch. 18. Remarks; opposing res. to terminate joint occupancy of Oregon Terr. as inexpedient." (xiii, Cong. Globe, 402.) 1845 Jan. 25. Do.; asks to be excused from voting on question of annexing Texas. (xiv, ib., 193.) ELMORE (FRANKLIN H.), REPR. FROM S. C. 1837 Oct. 9. Remarks; supporting his res. to print 10,000 additional copies of Sundry docs. and corresp. rela- tive to independence of Texas, and Mexican bound- ary. (xiv, Reg. Debates, 1356.) — Oct. 10. Same; favoring rptg. of 10,000 additional copies of Sundry docS. and corresp. regarding in- dependence of Texas and Mexican boundary. (ib., 1373.) 1838 May 22. Do.; amending Cushing motion to com- mit subject of occupation of Oregon terr. to com. On Foreign Affairs. (vi, Cong. Globe, 401.) ELMORE (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House; vs. Texan anexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) ELMSLIE (ADAM W.), H. B. M. WICE-CONS., CANTON 1854 Nov. 24. To atty. for agtS. China Mutual InS. CO., Boston, etc. (Sturgis). Informed that force col- lected in Fuhshan Passage was formerly a part of piratical sqdn. cruising on west coast and that now it is in imperial service. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 481.) ELSINORE (DENMARK) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular service. Danish dominions ELVIRA, AMER. WESSEL 1854 Mch. 14. Claim agst. Gr. Britain under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34.1. S. ex. doc. 103, 59.) ELVIRA, NEW GRANADAN BARQUE (ALLEY) 1855 Proc. in U. S. consular court (Jenkins’) Naviga- tor Is. agst. U. S. commerical agt. Van Camp; case of barratry mentioned. (35. 2. H. rpt. 212, 6.) ELWELL (PAINE), EXECRS. OF Claim of CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1850 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Petition, praying indemnity # rena Spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 215. — Feb. 16. U. S. Senate. Memorial of Jonathan Ely, legal repr. of Edw. Ely, praying settlement of ac- counts of Edward Ely. (36. 1. S. jol., 166.) – Apr. 17. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 411, to authorize settlement of ac- counts of Edward Ely, deceased, late U. S. consul at Bombay. (36. 1. S. rpt. 411.) 1860 Je. 14. Wm. Bigler, sen. from Penn. Remarks; asking consent of Senate to take up bill to settle acctS. of Edward Ely. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 2971.) STATUTORY MEASURES 1860 Apr. 17. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. on For- eign Relations) bill (36. 1. S. 411) “to authorize Settlement of accounts of Edward Ely, deceased, late Consul of U. S. at Bombay ”; approved Je. 22, 1860. (36. 1. S. jol., 402; 659; 741; xii, St. L., 868.) ELY (EDWARD), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Bombay, 1850-58; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British dominions. ELY (JOHN), ET AL. 1844 Jan. 2. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying indem- º : French Spoliations prior to 1800. (28. 1. S. jol., 51.) ELYRIA (O.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 230.) EMANUEL, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. 1836 Oct. 17. H. B. M. comrs. mixed commission, Havana . (Schenley and Madden) to Amer. consul, Havana (Trist). Amer. Schr. Emanuel, etc., to sail as slaver under Amer. flag. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 3, 147; H. ex: doc. 115, 6, 255.) |EMBARGO 1810. Haiti; see Haiti. Claims. 1836. Mexico; see Texas (Coahuila and Texas). Treaty Provision 1824 Oct. 3. Colombia and U. S. Navigation and com- merce, art. 5. Indemnity to vessels detained by em- bargo. 1825 Dec. 5. Central America and U. S. Commerce and navigation, art 7. Same. 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. Commerce and naviga- tion, art. 7. Same. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. Commerce and naviga- tion, art. 8. Citizens of contracting parties not liable to embargo. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. Commerce and naviga- tion, art. 5. Same as Colombia. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. Navigation and commerce, art. 8. Same as Mexico. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. Navigation and com- merce, art. 8. No embargo without indemnification. 1844 Jky. 3. China and U. S. Amity and commerce [Treaty of Wang Hiya], art. 28. Same as Mexico. 1846 Dec. 12. New Granada and the U. S. Navigation and commerce, art. 8. Same as Ecuador. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. Commerce and navi- gation, art. 7. No embargo or detention for military purposes without indemnification. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. Navigation and com- merce, art. 8. Same as Guatemala. 540 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS | EMBERSON (JOHN), COMDG. CO. OF TEXAN RANGERS 1839 Sept. 2. To Secy. War of Texas (Johnston). Con- templated invasion of Texas by Cherokees. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 47.) EMBREE (ELISHA), REPR. FROM IND. 1848 May 3. Speech; on H. R. 297, to amend act to raise for a limited time, an additional military force; on claim of U. S. to whole of Oregon; annexation of Texas; Mexican war, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., app., 549.) EMDEN (HANOWER) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany EMERALD, AMER. BRIG (McKENZIE) Seized while under sail 6 hrs. out from Canso, Sept. 22, 839, for non-payment of light-duty. 1839 Sept. 24. McKenzie. Deposition relative to forcible exaction of light dues from Schr. Emerald. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 20; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 79.) — Sept. 26. Amer. cons. Pictou (Primrose) to proV. secy. Nova Scotia (George). Seizure of Emerald by Br. authorities in strait of Canso. (ib., 20; ib., 79.) EMERSON (EDWARD), AGT. OF U. S. CONSUL ST. J OHN’S, P. R. (MASON) 1833 Oct. 5. To Secy. of State, U. S. A. (McLane). Com- mercial condition of port of St. John's. (23. 1. H. ex. doc. 170, 15.) Claim of 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Petition of Emerson heirs, praying indemnity for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 196.) * > — Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol, 39.) EMERSON (JOSEPH), OF N. Y. S. 1831 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Petition, praying inter- vention of U. S. to obtain from France payment for certain services rendered said govt. in 1796. (21. 2. H. jol., 128; 397.) — Mch. 2. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Polk). Rpt. on petition of Joseph Emerson; adverse; laid on table. (21. 2. H. rpt. 110.) EMERY (CHARLEs) AND FRAZER (GEORGE), AMER. SHIPBUILDERS Establishment of Emery and Frazer was situated Op- posite Hong Kong in Chinese terr., and Chinese govt. objected to its presence. 1844 (JIy.). Gov. gen. of Leang Kwang (Tsiyeng) to Amer. comr. in China (Cushing). Protest agst. shipbuilding establishment erected by two citizens of U. S. opposite Hong Kong. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 80.) Aug. 8. Emery and Frazer to Cushing. Protest agst, order of Chinese govt. to remove their ship- building establishment opposite Hong Kong. (ib., 82.) Aug. 10. Cushing to Emery and Frazer. Asking for information relative to shipbuilding establishment. (ib., 83.) — Aug. 13. Same to same. U. S. govt. has no power to protect their establishment. (ib., 83.) — Aug. 14. Cushing to Tsiyeng. Praying period of six mos. be granted to Emery and Frazer for re- moval of their works. (ib., 85.) — Aug. 14. Emery and Frazer to Cushing. Pledge themselves to remove within six months. (ib., 84.) EMIGRANTE 1856 Dec. 6. Amer. cons. for Havana (Blythe) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Arrival at Havana of Emigrante from Macao via Manilla and St. Helena, with 320 coolies. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 46.) EMIGRATION; see ALIENAGE, ETC. (IMMIGRATION): AL- LEGIANCE EMILY, AMER. SHIP (COWPLAND) On Sept. 28, 1821, F. Terranova, seaman Amer. ship Emily, was killed by strangling by Chinese au- thorities at Canton. Terranova had been tried on board the Emily on the charge of having caused the º of a Chinese woman. See China. Canton. ©IlS. EMIN UL MOLK FARRUKH KHAN 1856 Dec. 13. Signs treaty of friendship, etc., betw. U. S. and Persia; see Persia. Treaties. EMMA LINCOLN, SLAVER n.d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 850.) EMMELINE, AMER. SHIP (MURDOCK) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 29.) EMMERSON (JOSEPH), AND OTHERS, OF SCARBOROUGH 1829 Dec. 28. U. S. Senate. Petition praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800 referred to Se- lect Committee. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) EMONS (FREDERICK), CONFEDERATE OF WILLIAM WALKER'S AID, H. P. WATKINS n. d. Mentioned. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 68, 17.) EMORY (FREDERICK); AssociateD witH WALKER DURING MEXICAN FILIBUSTERING EXPEDITION; see MEXICO. FILIBUSTERING INWASIONS EMORY (L. WINDER), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Acapulco, 1860-61; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Mexico. EMORY (WILLIAM HELMSLEY), OF MD., 1811-87, BRIG. GEN. U. S. A. Apptd. astronomer on Mexican boundary commission under art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 ; in 1852 commissioned surveyor and in 1854 apptd. comr. ; see also, Mexico. Boundary. Correspondence 1844 Apr. 13. Memoir to accompany his map of Texas. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 55; H. ex. doc. 271, 55.) Emory was, at this time, lieut. in the U. S. corps of topographical, engineers. The memoir and , map were transmitted by Pres. Tyler to the Senate on Apr. 26, in compliance with Senate res. of Apr. 22, and on Apr. 29 they were ordered prid. in confi- dence for the use of the Senate. 1848 Jan. 3. To Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). In- struments in possession of State Dept. for running the Mexican boundary. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 34, 20.) 1849 Feb. 4. To same. Instruments received from maj. gºam for use in running Mexican boundary. (ib., — Mch. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Change in route selected to reach San Diego. (ib., 25.) Sept. 15. To same. Asks to be relieved as chief #ºnomer Mexican boundary commission. (ib. 28. — Nov. 21. Clayton to Emory. At his request relieved from duties as astronomer, etc., of U. S. commis- * under art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. (ib., — Nov. 28. Clayton to Emory. Withdraws consent to relieve him of duties as astronomer, etc. (ib., 12.) — Dec. 13. U. S. Secy. of War (Crawford) to Clay- ton. Bt. Lt. Col. McClellan ordered to relieve W. H. Emory on Mexican boundary commission. (ib., 12.) — Dec. 16. To U. S. comr. Mexican boundary survey (Weller). Recommends modification in gen. Condé's proposition for running certain portion of the Mexi- can boundary line. (ib., 36.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 541 EMORY (WILLIAM HELMSLEY), OF MD., 1811-87, BRIG. GEN. U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1850 Mch. 1. To Secy. Interior U. S. A. (Ewing). Report of proceedings pursuant to instructions of Jan. 8. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 34, pt. 2, 8.) — Apr. 2. To Same. Report of progress; want of funds; “eastward ” move of the expedition; re- organization of the commission. (ib., 13.) 1855 Jan. 22. To Mexican comr. (Salazar). Requests Mexican govt. to place force upon boundary line equivalent to that which has been placed there by U. S. (34.1. S. ex. doc. 57, 8.) — Jan. 27. To Secy. U. S. Interior Dept. (McClelland). Suggests expediency of furnishing Mexican comr. with means and deducting Sum from three millions still due. (ib., 7.) EMPáRAN (JOSE DE) Mexican ministr. relac. est., 1860; Juarez ministry; see Mexico. Civil service. ENCALADA (MANUEL BLANCO), COMANDANTE GENERAL DE MARINA, CHILI 1850 May 18. To ministr. relac. est., Chili (Varas). Judicial information for verification of facts rela- tive to transfer of four seamen from Addison; acc. by sworn stnts. from sundry Chilean officials. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 27, 130.) 1851 Mch. 21. To same. Denies implication that Aiddi- son impressments were results of artifice to obtain sailors for the Chile. (ib., 128.) ENCOMIUM, AMER. BRIG (SHEFFIELD); see COMET, ETC. ENDEAVOUR, AMER. SCHR. (POWER) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 29.) ENDICOTT ( ), MASTER AMER. BARK LINTIN; see LINTIN ENDICOTT (JAMES B.), COMDG. AMER. SHIP RUPARILL 1854 Nov. 13. Property stolen by pirates who prowl about mouth of Canton River, has been frequently offered for sale at Cumsingmoon and points adja- cent. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 474.) 1855 Jan. 19. To Amer. chargé in China (Parker). Re- quest in regard to case agst. Malay prisoners will be complied with; prefers to be officially notified if it is wished that Spark should discontinue tow- ing. (ib., 560.) — Feb. 5. To Same. Requests to be informed whether it is intention of comdre. Abbott to afford protec- tion to Spark, if molested or captured while towing boats or junks loaded with merchandise. (ib., 557.) ENDLICH (JOHN), OF PENN. Amer, cons. for Basle, 1857-61 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Switzerland. ENFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 228.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719; 730.) 1846 Jan. 12. To same; VS, Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 228.) . ENGELBRECHT (CHAS.), CLAIMANT; see SEAVEY (WM.), ASSIGNEE OF D'ENGESTROM, count, sweBISH SECY, OF STATE 1817 Aug. 15. To Amer. chargé in Sweden (Hughes). Pedersen to be delivered to person designated to receive him. (26. 1. H. ex: doc. 199, 17.) ENGLAND Citizens in U. S. Consular Service; see Fox (Robert W.); Fox (Thos. W.) ENGLE (FREDERICK), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1814-68. Lieut., 1825 ; comdr., 1841; Capt., 1855; comdre., retired, 1862; rear-adm., retired, 1866. , Died Feb. 12, 1868. Sea service in com- mand (1828-61) : 1846-47, comdg. Princeton, Eſome sqdn. ; 1847-49, comdg. Princeton, Medn. Sqdn. ; 1856-58, comdg. Wabash, Home sqdn. ENGLISH (GEORGE BETHUNE), SPECIAL AGT. U. S. TO TURREY 1823 Apr. 2. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams) to English. Authorized to proceed to Orient for purpose of Ob- taining commercial, etc., information. (22. 1. H. doc. 250, 12.) Aug. 6. To Adams. Secured copy of treaty ex- isting betw. France and the Porte. (ib., 12.) Dec. 27. To same. Turkish port duties; prospect of Amer. commerce with Turkey, etc. (ib., 13.) 1824 Feb. 8. To same. Rpt. of conference with chief of Turkish marine as to practicability of U. S. effect- ing treaty of commerce with Turkey. (ib., 14.) — May 14. To same. Prospect of a treaty betw. Tur- key and the U. S. (ib., 18.) - ENLISTMENT (VOLUNTARY RECRUITING) See also Allegiance ; Impressment; Neutrality ; Alienage (Military service). American 1838 Je. 28. H. Everett, repr. from Wt. Remarks; op- posing employment of military force on northern frontier, and enlistment of foreigners. (vi, Cong. Globe, 484.) 1841 Oct. 22. U. S. A. atty. gen. (Legaré). Opinion; validity of enlistment of aliens. (ii, Op. attyS. gen., 1416; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 1416.) 1854 May 30. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing). Opinion; under law of U. S., officers of army employed in recruiting service, are not restricted to enlistments of citizens of U. S., but may lawfully enlist persons not naturalized as citizens of U. S. (vi, Op. attys. gen., 474.) — Dec. 5. U. S. House. Notice (Sollers, Md.) of bill to prevent enlistment of persons of foreign birth in U. S. army and navy. (33. 2. H. jol., 40.) British 1855 Mch. 22. U. S. distr. atty so. distr. N. Y. (McKeon) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Notice of receipt of handbill for formation, by Br. govt. of foreign legion in Nova Scotia. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 80.) — Mch. 23. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing) to McKeon. Handbill proposing recruitment for Br. army ille- gal; steps advised for punishment of all persons engaged in such enlistments. (ib., 81.) — Mch. 23. McKeon to U. S. marshal, so. distr. N. Y. (Hillyer). Instructed to preserve inviolate Amer. neutrality laws. (ib., 82.) — Mch. 24. McKeon to Cushing. Marshal of so, distr. N. Y. Officially addressed to preserve inviolate Amer. neutrality laws. (ib., 81.) — Mch. 29. U. S. atty. e. distr. Pa. (Van Dyke) to Cushing. Four persons apprehended in Phila. on charge of maintaining recruiting station. (ib., 87.) — Apr. 12. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Crampton). Proc. in resp. to proposed Br. enlistments in U. S. approved. (ib., 7.) 542 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ENLISTMENT (VOLUNTARY RECRUITING)—cont’d British—cont’d 1855 Je. 9. Marcy to President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Protests agst. attempted Br. enlistments in U. S. with countenance of authorities. (ib., 7.) — Je. 13. Comr. circ. ct., distr. Mass. (Woodbury) to Marcy. Various complaints agst. Br. recruiters; details of organization of “foreign legion ” in Nova Scotia; enlistment at Boston, N. Y. and Philadel- phia. (ib., 219.) — Je. 18. M. Kieckbach. Affidavit relative to means employed by colonial govt. of Nova Scotia to retain men within jurisdiction of U. S., there to be entered or enlisted for Br. army. (ib., 221.) — Je. 18. McKeon to Marcy. Affidavit made by M. Kieckbach before U. S. comr. (Morton) relating to means employed by Colonial govt. of Nova Scotia. to retain men within jurisdiction of U. S., there to be entered or enlisted for Br. army. (ib., 221.) — JIy. 6. Buchanan to Clarendon. Instructions to ascertain extent of complicity of Br. colonial offi- cials in enlistments in U. S.; charges of complicity in Fr. enlistment agst. lt. gov. of Nova Scotia. (ib., 10. — Jly. 11. M. F. Strobel to Crampton. Request for money to quit U. S.; implicates Crampton in Br. enlistments in U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 80, 12; H. ex. doc. 107, 12.) — J1y. 13. Buchanan to Marcy. British enlistments in U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 10.) - Jly. 15. Marcy to Buchanan. Continued activity in Br. enlistments in U. S.; U. S. desires to be in- formed of measures adopted by Gr. Br. in matter. (ib., 13.) — JIy. 16. Clarendon to Buchanan. All proc. for enlistment stopped, in view of unauthorized viola- tions of neutrality. (ib., 16.) — JIy. 18. Buchanan to Clarendon. Receipt of note of U. S. of Jly. 16, relating to Br. recruitment in TJ. S. (ib., 26.) — Jly. 20. Buchanan to Marcy. Copy of note from Lord Clarendon on Br. enlistments in U. S. (ib., 15.) — Aug. 3. Buchanan to Marcy. Br. govt., according to Lord Palmerston, has put end to enlistment of forces at Halifax. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 9. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; en- listment of troops within U. S. by Br. govt. is a hostile attack on its national Sovereignty and a violation of settled principle of law of nations. (vii, Op. attys. gen., 367.) Sept. 5. Marcy to Crampton. Br. enlistments in U. S., whether countenanced by Br. authorities or not, construed as disrespect for terr. Sovereignty and municipal enactments of U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 18.) — Sept. 7. Crampton to Marcy. Defers extended re- ply to communication concerning Br. enlistments in U. S., until in possession of views of Gr. Br. (ib., 21.) — Sept. 8. Marcy to Buchanan. Corresp. relating to Br. enlistments in U. S.; position of U. S. on ques- tion reiterated. (ib., 22.) Sept. 10. Van Dyke to Cushing. Twenty bills of indictment pending agst. persons accused of re- cruiting for Crimean war. (ib., 88.) Sept. 12. Cushing to Van Dyke. Expediency of trying only part of cases Suggested; Br. govt. Shel- tering agts. from conviction as malefactors. (ib., 88.) — Sept. 12. Cushing. Opinion; indictments pend- ing agst, persons charged with recruiting for mili- tary service of Gr. Br. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 468.) ENLISTMENT (VOLUNTARY RECRUITING)—cont’d British—cont’d 1855 Sept. 17. Same. Opinion; Br. consuls have no right, on trial of parties charged with recruiting soldiers in U. S. for service of Br. govt., to interpose by letter, but may appear as witnesses or by coun- Sel in aid of defense of parties indicted. (ib., 469.) — Sept. 17. Cushing to Van Dyke, Br, consul at Phila. not to be suffered to interfere in any way in trials of persons accused of recruitment for Br. army. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 89.) — Sept. 27. Van Dyke to Cushing. E. C. Perkins not guilty, and H. Hertz found guilty of recruitment for Br. army. (ib., 90.) — Sept. 27. Clarendon to Buchanan. No Br. officials have disregarded injunctions of neutrality in mat- ter of enlistments in U. S. (ib., 23.) — Sept. 28. Buchanan to Clarendon. Receipt of note of Sept. 27; forbears to make comments in absence of instructions warranting it. (ib., 25.) — Sept. 28. Buchanan to Marcy. Doubts whether E. E. and M. P. Gr. Br. to U. S. (Crampton) will be able to remove unfavorable impression caused by Br. recruitment in U. S. (ib., 22.) — Sept.-Oct. U. S. distr. ct. for e. distr. Pa. Trial of H. Hertz and E. C. Perkins, charged with hiring and retaining persons to go beyond jurisdiction of U. S. with intent to enlist in Br. “foreign legion ” for Crimea. (ib., 100.) — Oct. 1. Marcy to Buchanan. Rpt. of trial of Hurtz (sic), for violation of neutrality laws in matter of enlistments; Crampton and several other officials deeply implicated. (ib., 26.) — Oct. 3. Buchanan to Marcy. Reply to charges of Lord Clarendon of violations of neutrality laws by |U. S. in supplying ammunition and arms to Russia. (ib., 27.) — Oct. 13. Marcy to Buchanan. Reply of Lord Clar- endon not satisfactory; refutation of Br. counter- charges; impeachment of neutrality of U. S. unjus- tified. (ib., 29.) — Oct. 16. McKeon to Cushing. Joseph Wagner found guilty of attempting enlistments for Br. army. (ib., 82.) Oct. 17. McKeon to Cushing. Parties agst. whom indictments have been found, being but instruments of foreign power, nothing can be gained from proS- ecution of individual cases. (ib., 84.) — Oct. 20. Cushing to McKeon. Untried offenders accused of Br. recruiting in U. S. to be disposed of as appears proper, excepting all officially connected with Br. govt. (ib., 84.) — Oct. 30. Buchanan to Marcy. Explains neglect to take action on enlistment question by assurances of * govt. that all such proceedings had been stopped. ib., 28.) Nov. 1. McKeon to Cushing. Wagner, found guilty of Br. recruitment, sentenced to two years impris- onment, and to payment of fine of $100. (ib., 85.) Nov. 2. Buchanan to Marcy. Interview with Lord Clarendon; Crampton denies all complicity in re- cruitment transactions; rpt. of Russian privateer fitting out at New York unfounded. (ib., 34.) Nov. 9. Buchanan to Marcy. Substance of confer- ence with Lord Clarendon relative to seizure and examination of barque Maury, alleged Russian pri- Vateer, at New York; no truth, according to Lord º in rpt. that fleet was sent to menace U. S. ib., 36. – Nov. 16. Clarendon to Crampton. Charges made by U. S. agst. Br. officers; more distinct charges requested; hostile attitude of U. S.; stnt. of Br. position on question of enlistments in U. S.; sov- ereignty and municipal enactments of U. S. not INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 543 ENLISTMENT (VOLUNTARY RECRUITING)—cont’d British—cont’d transgressed; facts relating to recruiting in No. Amer. (ib., 38.) 1855 Nov.-1856 Mar. Affidavits resp. witnesses in case of # Hert. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 80, 17; H. ex. doc. 107, - Dec. 11. McKeon to Cushing. List of criminal com- plaints entered in so. distr. of N. Y. agst. persons accused of recruiting for Br. army. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 86.) – Dec. 18. U. S. atty. so. distr. Ohio (Jewett) to Cushing. List of criminal complaints agst. persons accused of recruiting for Br. army, and disposition of cases. (ib., 95.) – Dec. 19. Van Dyke to Cushing. List of criminal complaints agst. persons accused of recruiting for Br. army in e. distr Pa.; notes on cases tried. (ib., 91.) — Dec. 24. U. S. distr. atty., Mass. (Hallett) to Cushing. Rpt. of legal proc. agst. persons accused of Br. recruiting. (ib., 96.) — Dec. 28. Marcy to Buchanan. Instructions for representation of reply to Lord Clarendon’s win- dication of Br. proc. in recruiting in U. S.; full re- view of corresp. thereto, complicity of Crampton, Strobel and Hertz; recall of Crampton demanded; also of Rowcroft and Matthew, Br. consuls at Cin- cinnati and Philadelphia. (ib., 43.) – Dec. 31. President U. S. A. (Pierce) Annual mes- Sage (3d); clause commenting on British foreign enlistment acts and on violation of neutrality in en- listment in U. S. A. of recruits for British service in the Crimea. 1856 Feb. 1. Buchanan to Marcy. Substance of con- ference with Lord Clarendon relative to Crampton’s alleged complicity in Br. recruitment in U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 65.) Feb. 12. Buchanan to Marcy. Correcting certain Stmts. relative to enlistment for Br. army within U. S. with which he is charged by Palmerston. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 74, 1.) - Feb. 19. Buchanan to Marcy. Refusal of Palmer- Ston to lay on table in Commons, corresp. relative to ..Br. recruitment in U. S.; effect of demand for recall of Br. dipl. and cons. officers, (ib., 3.) cº – Feb. 20. Clarendon to Buchanan. Difference con- cerning corresp. on Br. recruitment in U. S. (ib., 5.) – Feb. 22. Buchanan to Marcy. Difference betw. Clarendon and Buchanan concerning corresp. on Br. recruitment in U. S. (ib., 4.) – Feb. 22. Buchanan to Clarendon. Difference con- jºins corresp. on Brit. recruitment in U. S. (ib., — Feb. 25. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.), calling for corresp. with Gr. Br. in regard to recruiting for Br. army in U. S. (34. 1. S. jol., 132.) — Feb. 25. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Remarks; characterizing discussion on recruiting for Br. army in U. S., before communication of corresp. º Same, as premature. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 495. — Feb. 25. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Do.; favoring adoption of res. Of even date. (ib., 491.) — Feb. 25. H. Hamlin, sen. from Me. Do.; asking information regarding Br. explanation of recruit- ing for Br. army in U. S. (ib., 494.) — Feb. 25. D. Yulee, sen. from Fla. Do.; inquiry as to truth of Br. assertion that U. S. has sanctioned plan of recruiting for Br. army in U. S., etc. (ib., 493.) — Feb. 25. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; sup- port of res. Of even date. (ib., 489, 493-95.) ENLISTMENT (VOLUNTARY RECRUITING)—cont’d British—cont’d 1856 Feb. 27. Cushing to President U. S. (Pierce). Con- siderations of law applicable to enlistment of troops within U. S. by Br. govt. in so far as facts concern personal action of Br. minister and Br. consuls in L. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 68.) — Feb. 28. J. M. Mason, sen. fr. Va. Motion to print extra copies of corresp. with Gr. Br. in regard to enlistment of soldiers in U. S. for British army; with remarks. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 528.) — Feb. 29. Same. Remarks; corresp. concerning en- 1istment of soldiers in U. S. for Br. army and Viola- tion of neutrality laws involved; with motion to print extra copies of above documents and those relating to alleged offer of arbitration. (ib., 539, 541.) Mch. 3. Clarendon to Buchanan. Takes exception to certain strmts. in his of Feb. 22. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 74, 7.) — Mch. 10. Buchanan to Clarendon. In reply to his of Mch. 3. (ib., 8.) — Mch. 13. A. G. Brown, sen. from Miss. Speech, defending course of Amer. min. in England (Bu- chanan) in regard to enlistment, etc., question. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 647.) — Apr. 30. Clarendon to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas). Reply to Secy. Marcy’s despatch of Dec. 28, 1855, relative to Br. enlistments in U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 80, 3; H. ex. doc. 107, 3.) — May 1. Dallas to Clarendon. Pending instructions from home govt. withholds observations on Corresp. relating to Br. enlistments in U. S. (ib., 2; ib., 2.) May 27. Marcy to Dallas. In reply to Clarendon’s note of Apr. 30; satisfied with disclaimer of Br. govt. ; declines to accept explanations in behalf of Br. Officials; passports to be sent to Crampton; exeguaturs of consuls Mathew, Barclay and ROW- croft to be revoked. (ib., 31; ib., 31.) — May 27. U. S. atty. gen. Cushing. Opinion; pas- Sages in Official communications of Br. minister (Crampton) to his govt. as they appear in “Papers relative to recruiting in U. S.,” recently presented to Parliament, which contain palpable errors of Statement touching official action of Atty. Gen. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 476.) — May 29. J. M. Mason, sen. fr. Va. Remarks; dis- missal of Br. Minister for violation of neutrality and enlistment laws; corresp. concerning Same, etc. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 1339-41.) — Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to enlistment of Soldiers in U. S. for foreign service. China; see that title Mexican 1844 Sept. 30. Atty. gen. U. S. A. (Nelson). Opinion; enlistment of Seamen or others for marine service On Mexican Strs. in port of N. Y. is a violation of Sec. 2, act of 1818. (iv., Op. attyS. gen., 1336; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, pt. 2, 1692.) See also Lara (J.). ENOSBURG (WT.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 160.) ENSIGN (ELISHA), HEIRS OF 1858 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 82.) ENSOR ( ), CAPT. AMER. BRIG CREOLE; see CREOLE ENTERPRISE, AMER. BRIG (SMITH); see comeT, ETC. 544 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS ENTERPRISE, AMER. SCHR. (NICHOLson; SHANTON) 1845 Sept. 4. Charter party. (30. 1. S. ex: doc. 28, 85.) - Oct. 4. Nicholson to mate schr. Enterprise (Shan- ton). Instructions for taking charge of schr. En- gree during Voyage on African slave coast. (ib., 1846 Feb. 12. T. Shanton. Deposition relative to move- ments of Schr. Enterprise on slave coast, 1844-45; Sale of vessel to Fonseca. (ib., 79.) — Feb. , 14. Master Schr. Enterprise (Nicholson). Deposition relative to transactions concerning schr. Enterprise, 1844-45. (ib., 88.) ENTERPRISE, AMER. SLAVER scHR. (ROBINSON) 1858 Sept. 14. Amer. Vice-cons. gen., Havana (Savage) to Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton). Relative to slaver Enterprise (Disney); etc. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 205.) — Oct. 24. Same to same; case of Enterprise (Dis- ney); etc. (ib., 268.) - Nov. 15. Amer, consul gen., Havana (Helm) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Sale of Ardennes by her master (Marsh) to A. Pelletier, who also pur- chased Enterprise; convinced that vessels will go to Jacksonville and there be disposed of according to law. (ib., 279.) — Nov. 15. Helm to collector of Customs, Jackson- Ville, Florida (Ledwith). Schr. Enterprise to sail for Jacksonville, 16 inst.; master (Robinson) in- structed to deliver all ship's papers. (ib., 281.) - Dec. 3. Van Dyke to Cass. J. Disney ready to make º Statement regarding Ardennes and Enterprise. ib., 282.) * ENTERPRISE, U. S. BRIG 1817 Dec. 17. Secy. Navy, U. S. (Homans) to comdg. naval officer, New Orleans (Patterson). U. S. ship John Ad- ams (Henley) Ordered to Gulf of Mexico, with brigs Prometheus and Enterprise and schr. Lyna, for bet- ter protection of our commerce and revenue, as Well as to prevent introduction of slaves into our territory. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348 (app.), 60.) ENTERPRISE, U. S. SCHR. (10), 1831 In commission (1831-61) : Brazil sqdn. 1831-33; d.o. (Campbell), 1834 ; Sqdn. §§º: 1835-36 ; , . Pacific sqdn. (Glendy), 837-38 : Brazil sqdn. (Goldsborough), 1840-41; do (Wilson), 1842; d.o. (Watson), Išā344. E. I. Sqdn. 1836 Je. 3. Supt. of customs, Kwang Tung (Pang). Edict to hong merchants resp. arrival of U. S. S. Peacock and Enterprise at Macao. (V, Chinese Re- pository, 228.) ( Pºwhº y ENTERPRIZE, AMER. BRIG (BROWN) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 30.) ENTERPRIZE, AMER. SCHR. (HALL) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 30.) EOLIAN, AMER. BRIG (JORDAN); see JORDAN (A. M.) EPERVIER, H. B. M. SLOOP 1814 Apr. 29. Captured by U. S. sloop Peacock; see War- rington (L.). EPERVIER, U. S. S. (DOWNES); CAPTURES ALGERINE BRIG MASHOUDA (HAMMIDA); see MASHOUDA EPPING (J. P. M.), OF S. C. t Amer. cons. for Oldenburg, in 1856; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Germany : do, for Elsinore in 1858; See Same. Danish dominions. Claim of 1859 Jan. 12. Epping to U. S. House. Petition, asking remuneration for services as Amer. consul at Olden- burg, Germ. (35. 2. H. jol., 174; 342.) — Feb. 5. U. S. Com. Foreign Affairs (Hopkins). Adverse rpt. on memorial of J. P. Epping, late con- Sul at Oldenburg, praying for payment of difference in compensation arising from change of salary to fee system. (35. 2. H. rpt. 167.) EQUATOR, AMER. BRIG (TULLOCK) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 30.) ERDMANN (DEIDRIEK); DEPONENT IN NATCHEZ; see NATCHEZ ERIE, AMER. SHIP n. d. Claim under Brazilian indemnity of 1849; J. G. Whitehorne and others, claimants; Synopsis of award in Moore. Int. Arbitration, v. 5, 4623. (53. 2. H. misc. doc., v. 39, 4623); do. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 116.) ERIE, AMER. SLAVER (GORDON) 1860 Apr. 11. Amer. cons. gen. at Havana (Helm) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Suspicions regarding Erie (Gordon); suggests as means of Suppressing slavetrade that all Amer. Vessels cleared at custom house be despatched at U. S. consulate general. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 417; 596.) — Apr. 30. Capt. gen. of Cuba (Serrano) to Helm. Erie granted permission to sail; Br. cruiser at lib- erty to pursue her. (ib., 426.) — May 5. Helm to Serrano. Protests agst. proc. in case of Erie; warning Br. consul, to set Br. cruiser after her, ill advised. (ib., 427.) — May 8. Cass to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Despatch relating to Erie; clearance of Amer. ves- sels from Havana; opinion of atty. gen. On deten- tion of suspected slavers. (ib., 423.) — May 16. Helm to Cass. Course of Spain on subject of slavetrade; case of Erie; Suspicions respecting White Cloud; suggests stationing of naval str. at Havana. (ib., 425.) r — May 19. Toucey to comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Inman). Suspicious character of ship Erie; clear- ance of Amer. vessels from Havana. (ib., 596.) — Aug. 14. Inman to Toucey. Capture of Erie, Triton and Storm, King; regarding bark White Cloud. (ib., 601.) — Aug. 16. Inman. Comdr.S. of Sqdn. are to consider that Amer. vessels sailing from Havana for coast of Africa are suspicious; Scrutiny is enjoined in ex- amination of such vessels. (ib., 603.) ERIE, U. S. REVENUE CUTTER (DOBBIN) 1838 Jan. 4. Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury) to Capt. Dobbin. Ordered to Buffalo to aid in suppress- ing rising of Canadian insurgents. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 52.) Jan. 5. Woodbury to Secy. State, U. S. A. (For- Syth). Ordered to Buffalo to aid in suppressing Canadian insurgents. (ib., 54.) CASE OF INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 545 ERIE, U. S. S., 1813 In commission (1828-61) : U. S. sloop (18), 1845-50, Storeship (8) ; 1828, W. I. sqdn. (Turner) ; 1829. 30, do. (Conner) ; 1831, do. §cº. 1834, Brazil §º (Percival) ; 1835-36, do. (*#:}; 1838, : I. sqdn. (Smoot) ; 1839, do. #Tº ; 1845, African sqdn. (Turner) ; 1846.4 ,, . Pacific sqdn. § ; 1848, do. (Watson); 1849, Medn, sqdn. McBlair); 1850, do. (Porterj. Mediterranean Sqdn. [1849-50.] Injures Br. ship Herald; see Herald. West India Sqdn. 1833 Mch. 2. Act for support of govt.; apprp. to indem- nify capt. Turner, U. S. S. Erie, for expense of Carrying Netherlands minister from New York to Curaçao. (iv., St. L., 626.) ERIE CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 13. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 49.) — Sept. 22. To same. Same. (ib., 82.) — Oct. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 137.) 1838 Jan. 15. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 285.) — Mch. 12. To same. Memorial, praying Cong. to demand Satisfaction for attack by Br. forces, on str. Caroline, during disturbances on Niagara frontier. (25. 2. H. jol., 584; 25. 2. H. ex. doc. 248.) 1839 Feb. 11. To same. In favor of recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 522.) — Feb. 11. To same. Memorials, praying repeal or modification of neutrality law of Mch. 11, 1838. (ib., 522.) – Feb. 11. To same. Proc. of public meeting, in favor of repeal of neutrality law of last session; and also demanding satisfaction from Br. govt. for burn- ing of str. Caroline. (ib., 522.) — Feb. 18. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 583.) 1845 Jan. 23. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 251.) — Feb. 3. To same. Same. (ib., 315.) — Feb. 19. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying provi- Sion for annexation of Canada to U. S. in any plan for annexation of Texas. (28. 2. S. jol., 184.) — Dec. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 69.) Dec. 31. To same. Same. (ib., 179.) 1850 Jan. 28. To U. S. Senate. In favor of arbitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 111.) – Apr. 15. To same. Same. ERIE CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 231.) 1848, Mch. 7. To same. Petition, praying apprin. of any lands to be acquired from Mexico to colonization of colored people of U. S. (30. 1. H. jol., 513; 531; 817.) 1850 Mch. 18. To same. Petition, praying measures to Secure free navigation of St. Lawrence River. (31. 1. H. jol., 682.) ERIE CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 74.) 1838 Feb. 14. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 441.) 1844 May 28. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 1. S. jol., 305.) 1847 Feb. 15. To U. S. House. Praying measures to ter- minate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 353.) 1848 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 173.) ERNST (CHRISTIAN) 1859 JIy. 4. U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Opinion; Hano- verian govt. cannot justify arrest of Mr. Ernst, nat- uralized citizen of U. S., by showing that he emi- grated contrary to laws of that country. (ix, Op. attyS. gen., 356.) (ib., 280.) ERNST (CHRISTIAN)—cont’d 1859 J1y. 8. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright). Case of Ernst, natu- ralized U. S. citizen, recently forced into Hanoverian service; doctrine of perpetual allegiance a relic of barbarism; rights conferred on foreigner by natu- ralization; limits of foreign jurisdiction over natu- ralized U. S. citizens; case of Ernst to be presented to Hanoverian minister at Berlin. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 132.) –– Aug. 6. Wright to Cass. Full pardon granted F. A. Hoffman; desires copy of opinion of atty. gen. in case of C. Ernst. (ib., 137.) – Aug. 6. Wright to chargé of Hanover at court of Berlin (Reitzenstein). Furnishes copy of despatch from U. S. relating to compulsory enlistment of C. Ernst in Hanoverian army; requests him to apply to govt. for full power to treat in matter. (ib., 139.) — Aug. 10. Wright to Cass. Corresp. regarding Ernst; no Amer. citizens in Prussian army; Statz was last, and is now released. (ib., 138.) – Aug. 11. Reitzenstein to Wright. Will communi- Cate result of investigations to be made by Hano- Verian officers in case of C. Ernst, before submission of matter to King. (ib., 141.) – Aug. 11. Wright to Reitzenstein. Additional facts relative to C. Ernst, who visited Hanover as U. S. citizen; his immediate discharge demanded. (ib., 139.) — Aug. 13. Wright to Cass. State Dept. will be promptly apprized of any steps in case of C. Ernst. (ib., 140.) — Aug. 16. Reitzenstein to Wright. Despatches re- lating to C. Ernst communicated to Hanoverian min. of war; if Ernst had immediately appealed from enrollment to latter official, necessity for com- plaint to U. S. govt. would have been obviated. (ib., 142.) — Aug. 20. Wright to Cass. C. Ernst discharged from Hanoverian army. (ib., 141.) - Aug. 20. Reitzenstein to Wright. Strmt. of facts discovered by Hanoverian officials regarding C. Ernst; reasons for arrest; to preserve friendly re- lations, Hanover grants him full pardon. (ib., 143.) – Aug. 24. Wright to Cass. Expects additional in- formation as to arrest and treatment of C. Ernst. (ib., 142.) – Sept. 15. Cass to Wright. Gratification at release and pardon of C. Ernst by Hanoverian govt.; hopes for arrangements making future disagreements im- possible. (ib., 147.) ERSKINE (DAVID), OF SWEDEN Amer. cons. for Stockholm, 1818-36; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Sweden. ERWING (GEORGE W.), OF MASS., 1771-1850 Commissioned secy. of Amer. legation in Spain Nov. 22, 1804. Acted as chargé ad int. from Jan. 12, 1805. Direct and official relations with Spain were broken off in 1808, and were not renewed until 1814. Mr. Erving, however, remained until Feb., 1810. M. P. in Spain Aug. 10, 1814-Apr. 29, 1819. In Mch., 1881, Mr. Erving was apptd. chargé to Turkey, but declined the office, (x1, Niles’ Reg., 63.) See also, U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1816 Mch. 11. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Monroe) to Erving. Instructions on apptmt. as minister of U. S. at Ma- drid. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 277, 43.) 1818 Nov. 28. Same (Adams) to Erving. Apptmt. of Successor. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 17.) Correspondence (Consular) CADIZ, Hackley, Consul 1810 Feb. 6. Necessary that measures be immediately taken with respect to Amer. ships detained for breach of embargo laws of U. S., in order to avoid all further expenses. (21. 1. H. rpt. 298, 10.) 35 546 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs ERWING (GEORGE W.), OF MASS., 1771-1850—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic) AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Smith) 1810 Feb. 17. [unnum.] Cases of Franklin, Acushnett and Vigilant. (21. 1. H. rpt. 298, 7.) (Adams) 1817 Apr. 6. [no. 30, extr.] Defects of instructions to Mr. Onis empowering him to treat particularly on question of boundaries; course which U. S. will take influenced by England; England’s offer to Spain for relinquishment of slavetrade. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 277, 3.) — Apr. 6. [Private and Confidential.] Personal con- siderations of Mr. Onis and Mr. Pizarro involved in treaty of 1819 with Spain. (ib., 3.) — Aug. 27. [no. 41.] Criticism of projet of treaty of 1819; Spanish misconception of obligations of U. S. as neutral between Spain and her colonies. (ib., 4.) — Aug. 27. [Private.] Spain regrets transfer of nego- tiations of treaty of 1819 to Washington; conference With Pizarro on boundary question; Spain’s inten- tion to open colonial trade; preponderance of Rus- sian influence; England’s agreement to pay certain sum for settlement of slavetrade question; Florida cession determined on. (ib., 6.) Sept. 3. [no. 43.] Mr. Noeli, Spanish messenger, entrusted with Amer. dispatches. (ib., 8.) Sept. 10. [no. 44.] Interview with Mr. Pizarro on non-presentation of counter-project to treaty of 1819; Spain’s intention to include claims under convention of 1802 in treaty of 1819; charges Spain with protecting privateering. (ib., 9.) — Sept. 10. [no. 44, P. S.] Preparations for expedi- tion under gen. O’Donnel (count Abispal) against the colonies. (ib., 11.) — Oct. 1. [no. 45.1 Spain’s contemplated invasion of Portugal; grounds for Spanish hopes for mediation of allies in her colonial disputes. (ib., 11.) Oct. 2. Ino. 46.] Asks for leave of absence. 12.) 1818 Jan. 10. [no. 59.] Uncertainty as to purpose of TJ. S. COmrs. to South America.; British desire to avert Amer. recognition of Spanish colonies; general Sup- position that mediation of allies has been con- Summated; appointment by Brazil of Special comr. to negotiate with Spain and the mediators. (ib., 13.) — Mch. 16. [Private.] Appointment of Serra as at- taché of Spanish legation in Washington; relation of his apptmt. to certain land grants in Florida; supposed to carry additional instructions. (ib., 16.) — Apr. 26. [Private.] Urges greater latitude for Mr. Onis in treaty negotiations; withdrawal of that pro- posal of project regarding Br. consent to cession of terr.; confusion of Red River with Colorado in boundary negotiations. (ib., 17.) Je. 12. Ino. 72.] Conference with Mr. Pizarro rel- ative to western boundary, Cession of Florida, and French spoliation claims. (ib., 19.) Je. 14. [no. 73.] Further conference with Mr. Pi- Zarro relative to western boundary, cession of Flor- ida and French spoliation claims. (ib., 22.) — Je. 26. [no. 75.] Return of archives of colony of La. (ib., 24.) — Je. 30. [no. 76.] Spain finally determined not to agree on Colorado as western boundary; Certain concessions in case of French spoliation claims if Colorado is conceded as boundary. (ib., 24.) Jly. 13. [no. 77.] Conferences with Mr. Pizarro relative to a guaranty, and to Colorado River bound- ary; motives for ratifying the old convention. (ib., 25.) (ib., ERWING (GEORGE W.), OF MASS., 1771-1850—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Adams)—cont’d 1818 Jly. 16. Ino. 80.] Order given for delivery of La. documents. (ib., 27.) — Jly. 22. [Confidential.] Ratification of conv. of 1802; Spain determines to cede Florida; payment to be * in cession of territory or in claims. (ib., 27.) ſe — Aug. 7. [no. 83.] Spain’s effort to suspend negotia- * tion of ratification of conv. of 1802 based on certain proposal relative to boundary. (ib., 30.) — Aug. 17. [no. 87.] Spain regards gen. Jackson’s occupation of Pensacola as an act of hostility; in- sistence on guaranty. (ib., 31.) — Aug. 27. [no. 89.] Spain suspends all negotiation until satisfactory explanation is made of Jackson’s occupation of Pensacola. (ib., 32.) Sept. 11. [Private.] France; negotiations betw. Spain and U. S. relative to an amicable adjustment of affair of Pensacola; Spain sends protest to cer- tain European courts agst. Occupation of Pensacola. (ib., 33.) — Sept. 1 [i. e., 20I.. [no. 93.] Pizarro discharged; ban- ished to Valencia; succeeded by Marquis Yrujo. (ib., 33.) Oct. 22. [no. 94.] Certain European events; prob- able alliance betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. in event of a rupture with Spain, propitiate success of negotia- tions with Spain. (ib., 36.) 1819 Jan. 4. [no. 95.] Disappointment in President’s message of Nov. 17, 1818; unfavorable effect on pending negotiations, if Congress adjourns without concluding treaty or without definite action in re- gard to Floridas; acknowledgment of independence of Sp. Amer. republics at present undesirable. (ib., 37.) Jan. 25. [no. 96.] Effect of Spain’s decree of Jan. 14, 1819; proposed loan to fit out great expedition º So. Amer.; probable early retirement of Yrujo. ib., 38.) — Feb. 11. [no. 97, extr, I Yrujo proprietor of certain lands in Florida; transmits list of applications for land grants in Florida. (ib., 39.) — Mch. 4. [no. 98.] Distrust of conciliatory profes- sions of Yrujo toward U. S. (ib., 40.) — Apr. 28. [no. 100, extr.] News of treaty received; alarm at movements of persons interested in Ala- gon and Puñon Rostro land grants; takes leave of Spanish court; intimates probability of hav- ing Russians for neighbors in California. (ib., 41.) SPANISH Secr. de Estado, Spain (Pizarro) 1818 Je. 22. Archives relating to La. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 277, 50.) Curry. (I. M.). Diplomatic services of George William 1. ving. Cambr., 1890. 32 pp. 8°. [Repr. from Proc. Mass. Historical Socy.] ERWING (R. AUGUSTUS), OF CONN. Secy. Amer. legation in Russia, 1854-55; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. ERWING'S GRANT (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162; 165.) 1838 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. 220.) * ESCALANTE (ALFONSO) Spanish E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1855-56; see Diplo- matic service. (25. 2. S. jol., INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS S47 ESCALANTE (NAPOLEON) E. E. and M. P. Costa Rica in the U. S., 1857-58; see , Central America. Costa Rica. ESCALUS, AMER. BRIG (ROGERS) n. d. Movements near port of Onin during Mar., 1845. (29. 1. H. rpt. 690, 44-85.) ESCAMBRIA, AMER. SCHR.; CLAIM VS. MEXICO Seized at Matagorda in 1826; cargo confiscated, captain and others imprisoned. n. d. Claim agst. Mexico; summary of claim; T. Powell and G. Elderkin claimants. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 59.) ESCOBAR (JOSE BERNARDO) Jefe del estado of Guatemala Nov.-Dec., Central Amer. Guatemala. ESCOLAN (JOAQUIN) Jefe del estado of Salvador, 1834-35; see Central Amer. Salvador. 1848; see ESCUDERRA, SP. WESSEL 182(?). Captured by Braz. brig Aprehendedor during blockade of Buenos Ayrean Coast. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 27.) ESNARD (CHAS. PETER W.) On Jan. 22, 1850, Esnard, an Amer. citizen, was ar- rested in Vegas, dept. of Alacranes, Cuba, and im- prisoned for nine days in the Spanish prison of Havana, on the alleged ground of having been absent from Cuba in Jly., 1849, without a passport. 1850 Jan. 22. Stnt. resp. his arrest and imprisonment. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 86, 148.) Jan. 24. Amer. cons. at Havana (Campbell) to gov. of Cuba (Alcoy). Asks cause of arrest of Amer. cit- izen, C. R. V. ESnard. (ib., 147.) Jan. 26. Alcoy to Campbell. ESnard detained Sub- ject to judicial investigation. (ib., 148.) — Feb. 1. Campbell to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Arrest and imprisonment in Havana of C. P. V. Esnard, Amer. citizen. (ib., 146.) ESPAILLAT (SANTIAGO) 1849. Elected president of St. Domingo; declines to serve. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 3.) ESPANA (CARLOS), SPANISH CONSULAT NEW ORLEANs Was arrested by state authorities in New Orleans early D. Allg., 49, on charge of assault and false im- prisonment of Juan Garcia, alias Rey, political refugee from Cuba. Examination in relation to the charge was held by U. S. comr. Cohen, who required accused to give bail for his appearance at next term of circ., ct. for, that distr., to commence 3d Mond.: Dec., 1849. Bill of indictment laid before the grand jury by the atty. for e. distr. of Louisiana was ig- nored. On Jan. 4, 1850, Pres. Taylor, by proclama- tion, revoked the exeguatur on commission by Es- paña. See, Garcia (Juan). See º New Orleans. Riots : Laborde (J. I.), Garcia 1849 Aug. 27. Min. res. Of Spain in U. S. (Calderon de la Barca) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Praying freedom from molestation for Spanish consul Es- paña. º case of Garcia, alias Rey. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 43. 1850 Jan. 4. Clayton to Calderon de la Barca. Grand jury ignores bill of indictment against Spanish con- Sul España presented by U. S. Dist. Atty. Hunton. (ib., 58.) — Jan. 4. President of U. S. (Taylor). Proclamation revoking exeguatur of commission to Spanish cons. at New Orleans (España). (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 59; v, Mess. and Papers, 50.) Jan. 9. Calderon de la Barca to Clayton. Com- ment on revocation of exeguatur to Spanish consul at New Orleans (España). (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 13, 60.) ESPANA (CARLOS), SPANISH CONSULAT NEW ORLEANS —cont’d 1850 Jan. 9. Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. in Spain (Bar- ringer) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Concern nanifested in Madrid about arrest and trial of D. Carlos de España for alleged abduction of Rey, alias Garcia. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 139.) ESPELETA Y ENRILE (JOAQUIN), CAPT. GEN. OF CUBA, 1838–1840 1838 Dec. 14. To Amer. Consul Havana (Trist). Protest against proceeding in case of brig Thomas. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 270.) — Dec. 15. To same. Crew of brig Thomas to be Se- cured. (ib., 273.) 1839 Jan. 15. To same. Opinion in case of brig Thomas. (ib., 347.) ESPERANZA, AMER. SLAVER SCHR., FORMERLY THE MARY REED; see CHAUNCEY (M.) AND WINN (W.) ESPIEGLE, H. B. M. SLOOP (HANCOCK) 1854 Je. 27. Boards Amer. slaver brig Grey Eagle in Bahia Honda; see Grey Eagle. ESPINO (JOSE MARIA), CAPT. OF PORT OF MATAMORAS 1837 Apr. 15. To comdr. U. S. ship Natchez (Mervine). Refers demand for revocation of order of suspen- Sion of intercourse with Amer. Schr. Champion, to Gen. Bravo. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 39.) — Je. 29. Receipt for delivery of General Urrea. (ib., 45.) ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTERAS (JUAN JOSE) relac. est., Mexico, 1826-28; see Mexico. Seryl Ce. 1828 Jan. 23. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett). Complaint of Amer. citizens of Vera Cruz agSt. Order demanding inventory of Stock in trade. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 187.) — Jan. 23. To same. Nationality of Don Vicente de Lara. (ib., 186.) — Feb. 7. To same. Reply of Secy. Of Treasury of Mexico to complaints agst. new tariff. (ib., 187.) Feb. 29. To same. Transmitting copies of new tariff. (ib., 195.) — Mar. 8. To same. Apptmt. of Don Juan de Dios Cañedo, Secy. State for Foreign Relations of Mex- ico. (ib., 199.) Sec. Civil ESPINOSA (NICOLAS) Jefe del estado of Salvador in 1835; see Central Amer. Salvador. ESSEX, AMER. Sg|HR., CLAIM FOR SEIZURE; see CoT- TRILL (T. B.) ESSEX (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 74.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 338.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) ESSEX CO. (MASS.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 344.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) ESSEX CO. (N.J.) 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 38.) 548 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs ESSEX CO. (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial vs. Texan an- nexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 68.) — Sept. 19. To same. Same. (ib., 73.) 1838 Mch. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 84.) 1851 Jan. 28. To same. Remonstrating against passage of Canada reciprocity bill. (31. 2. H. jol., 201.) Jan. 30. To same. Same. (ib., 211.) — Feb. 10. To same. Same. (ib., 247.) ESSEX CO. (VT.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 285.) 1844 Apr. 22. To U. S. Senate. 248.) Same. (28. 1. S. jol., ESSEX CO. ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, MASS. 1841 Aug. 24. U. S. House. Suppression of foreign slave- trade. (27. 1. H. jol., 411.) ESTCOURT (JAMES BUCKNALL BUCKNALL), MA.J. GEN. BRITISH ARMY, 1802-55 Br. comr. under art. 6, Ashburton treaty ; see Northeast boundary controversy. 1848 Jan. Memorandum relating to tracing and mark- ing of Oregon boundary; estimate of expenses and force. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 96; H. ex. doc. 2, 96.) ESTEVA (JOSE IGNACIO) 1826 Jly. 10. Signs treaty of amity, etc., betw. Mexico and U. S. A.; see Mexico. Treaties. 1828 Jan. 12. Signs treaty of limits betw. U. S. A. and Mexico; see Mexico. Boundary. ESTEVA (DON JOSE IGNACIO), JOINT AUTHOR; see CA- MACHO (DON SEBASTIAN) ESTEWAN (JOSE), SECY. TO GOV. OF CUBA 1854 Jan. 10. To commercial agt. of U. S., Havana (Rob- ertson). Necessary information in case of Pedro Raices given to Spanish minister in Washington. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 142.) Feb. 28. To same. Orders for confiscation of cargo of Black Warrior. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 4; 33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 36.) — Mch. 1. To Amer. Consul, Matanzas (worrell). Receipt of communication of 25 ult. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 136.) ESTHER, AMER. SHIP n.d. Claim agst. Peru; synopsis of claim and stnt. of award. (V, Moore. Int. Arbitration, 4595, 4604.) 1824 Aug. In port of Callao. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 28.) Oct. In port of Lima. (ib., 35.) ESTRADA (ALWARO FLOREZ), DEPONENT IN MEADE CASE; see MEADE (R. W.) ESTRADA (ANTONIO), JUDGE OF THE MARINE COURT, CUBA, 1859 1859 Je. 6. Decree; proc. in case of J. J. Cobb. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 615.) Je. 20. To U. S. cons., Havana (Savage). Requests copy of documents given to Capt. J. S. Went of bark J. J. Cobb, for voyage to Rio Congo. (ib., 344.) — Je. 21. To same. Stnt. Of Spanish law of Salvage. (ib., 344.) — Jly. 29. To Cons. gen. in Cuba (Helm). Case of derelict J. J. Cobb passed on by marine court to commission of royal audiencia pretorial. (ib., 355.) ESTRADA (JOSE MARIA) Director supremo of Nicaragua, 1855-56; see Central Amer. Nicaragua. 1848 Mch. 7. Signs treaty on part of Nicaragua with Capt. Loch, H. B. M. Alarm, respecting occupation of port of San Juan. (31. 1. H. ex, doc. 75, 84.) Director Supremo 1855 Oct. 25. Manifesto to govts. Of Central America and of civilized world, protesting against treaty of peace of Oct. 23, conclusion of which he claims was result of force of circumstances; prays interven- tion of Central American states in affairs of Nica- ragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 145.) 1856 Jan. 25. Manifesto to govts. and people of Central America, relative to invasion of Wm. Walker. (ib., 142.) ESTRADA (JOSE MARIA G. DE); see GUTIERREZ DE ESTRADA ESTRADA (JOSE R.), PREFECT OF MONTEREY, CAL. 1842 Oct. 25. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Jones). Publication of general order. (27. 3. H. doc. 166, 42.) § ETHERIDGE (EMERSON), REPR. FROM TENN. 1854 Jan. 26. Remarks; concerning rescue of Martin Koszta by capt. Duncan N. Ingraham, endorsement of his conduct by Administration, etc.; during Con- sideration of President’s annual message. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 253.) 1855 Feb. 19, 21. Do.; President’s message vetoing French spoliations bill, H. R. 117; with correction of report of same. (ib., 33. 2., 816, 866.) ETNA (0.) CITIZENS 1847 Jan. 19. To U. S. House. Praying measures to ter- minate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 184.) ETTING (REUBEN), CLAIMANT; see RUTTER & ETTING, CLAIMANTS EUDORUS, AMER. SCHR. (SEAMAN) n. d. Mentioned. (35. 2. H. rpt. 212, 2.) EUFAULA (ALA.) CITIZENS 1844 May 29. To U. S. Senate. In favor of Texan annex- ation. (28. 1. S. jol., 309.) EUGENIE, FRENCH VEssEL 1827 Mch. 13. E. E. and M. P. of France in U. S. A. (Ma- reuil) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Claim for re- payment of duties under conv. of 1822. (20. 1. H. doc. 240, 11.) – Mch. 20. Clay to Mareuil. Same. (ib., 12.) EUNICE, AMER. SHIP (MANLY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 30.) EUPHRATES, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. (MOLAN) Detained, Je. , 17, 1839, in 5". 52... no. and 10° w. by H. B. M. brigantine Dolphin (Holland). 1840 Jly. 24. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Steven- Son) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Papers rel- ative to Amer. Schr. Euphrates, slaver, having paper signed by Amer. Cons. at Havana. (26. 2. H. ex, doc. 115, 41.) - Aug. 19. Forsyth to Stevenson. Instructions for representation in case of schr. Euphrates. (ib., 56.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS . 549 EURYDICE, H. B. M. SLOOP (TARLETON) Q. 1856 Apr. 16. Detains Amer. Str. Orizaba in port of San Juan del Norte; see Orizaba. EUSTIS (GEORGE) [1859 Jan.] To chief clerk, Dept. of State, U. S. A. (Ap- pleton). Application for apptmt. as Amer. cons. at Tehuantepec; encloses stnt. of affairs at Tehuan- tepec.; Amer. population increasing; consul should be paid salary of $2000 or $3000, instead of fees alone. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 95.) EUSTIS (GEORGE, JR.), REPR. FROM LA. 1859 Jan. 24. U. S. House. Remarks; favoring increase of contingent fund for foreign missions. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 552.) EVADNE, AMER. BARK (DEAN) 1857 Dec. 19. W. H. Dean. Examination in case of Peru vs. Schuyler Livingston and others, U. S. circuit court, N. Y., relative to libel of barque Evadne. (35. 1. S. misc. doc. 267, 2.) 1858 Je. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to U. S. Senator from N. Y. (Seward). Protest agst. libel of cargo of Amer. barque Evadne in port of N. Y. by Peruvian minister. (ib., 1.) — Je. 2. U. S. Senate. Papers relative to cargo of guano received by Schuyler Livingston in barque Evadne, libelled at instance of Peruvian minister, sold, and proceeds deposited in U. S. Trust Co., to abide decision of court. (35. 1. S. jol., 577.) EVANGELIDES (C.), AMER. CONS. AGT, SYRA 1853 Jan. 8. To U. S. despatch agt., London (Miller). Despatch letter of Conrad to Dainese, Oct. 28, 1852, left by F. Dainese at Syra, for J. P. Brown, for- warded, according to latter’s orders, to Miller. (34. 3. H. ex. doc., 82, 70.) EVANS (ALEXANDER), REPR. FROM MO. 1848 Apr. 12. Remarks; retaliatory bill, H. R. 180, to amend act to provide for transportation of mail betw. U. S. and foreign countries, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 620.) 1849 Mch. 2. Do.; on S. 313, to carry into effect certain stipulations of treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico; opposed to Ingersoll's amdmt. of even date. (ib., 30. 2., 660, 662.) 1852 Jan. 28. Do.; on H. R. 63, for relief of Amer. citi- zens imprisoned and pardoned by Queen of Spain; in support of his amdmt. providing that no ship of war be sent for prisoners. (ib., 32. 1., 416-417.) — Aug. 4. DO.; Support of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 196, requiring levy of recip- rocal light duties, etc.; with corresp. of Abbott Lawrence, E. E. and M. P. to Gr. Br., and viscount Palmerston on subject in 1850-1851. (ib., 2069-2071.) EWANS (CHARLES) 1854 Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. On motion (Morton, Fla.), memorial of Charles Evans, et al., claimants for losses by military occupation of Fla.. in 1814 by U. S., on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (33. 1. S. jol., 192.) EVANS (CHARLES EDWARD) See also Evans (Henry L.). 1857 Aug. 6. Amer. vice-cons., Mazatlan (C. B. Smith) to E. Lofler. Inquiries as to whereabouts of boy (C. Ev- ans), spared from massacre at Caborca. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 56.) — Aug. 19. H. Gabilondo to Smith. Delivery of C. Evans. (ib., 57.) EVANS (CHARLES EDWARD)—cont’d 1857 Aug. 31. J. A. Robinson to Smith. Passage ob- tained for C. Evans, survivor of Crabbe party, Oll * brig Ypala, and capt. given $35 for passage. ib., 57.) — Aug. 31. J. M. Vincent to Smith. Arrangements * for passage of C. Evans on brig Ypala. (ib., 6.) — Sept. 14. Deposition; execution of Crabbe expedi- tion by Mexican authorities. (ib., 64.) —— Sept. 14. C. B. Smith to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Forsyth). Massacre at Dunbar's house; boy Evans; declarations of J. Ainza. (ib., 55.) EVANS (GEORGE) 1849 Apr. 10. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Pro- posal for negotiation of sale to U. S. of Hudson's Bay co.'s rights in Oregon. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 20, 13.) EVANS (GEORGE H.) 1844 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying for settlement of Oregon terr. on agrarian plan. (28. 1. H. jol., 217.) EWANS (GEORGE R.), OF ME., 1797-1867 Repr. from Maine to 21-26 cong. (1829-41) ; sen, from Maine, 27–29 cong. (1841–47); member of Mexican Claims Com. under act of Mch. 3, 1849 ; see Mexico. Claims. Nomination as Amer. chargé in Nicaragua in 1851, withdrawn; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. Representative from Me. 1834 May 1. Remarks; in opposition to apprn. for min- isters to Gr. Br. and Russia. (x, Reg. Debates, 3892.) – Dec. 24. Do.; favoring res. calling for docs. re- garding n. e. boundary, and encroachments on terr. of Maine. (xi, ib., 857.) 1835 Feb. 7. Do.; opposing resort to arms in case of France until after failure of negotiation. (ib., 1233.) - Mch. 2. Do.; favoring Archer res. regarding rela- tions with France, and opposing declarations pred- icated upon doubtful contingencies. (ib., 1594.) 1838 Feb. 6. Do.; supporting draft of bill for surveying n. e. boundary according to provisions of treaty of 1783. (vi, Cong. Globe, 168.) — Feb. 8. Do.; on n. e. boundary, continuing those of yesterday. (ib., 170.) — May 29. Do.; favoring reference of message of President regarding claims of Me. for aggressions on boundary, etc., to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 415; app., 521.) 1839 Feb. 26. Speech, defending conduct of Me. in mat- ter of n. e. boundary negotiations. (vii, ib., 224; app., 226.) -- Feb. 28. Do.; affirming definite claim of Gr. Br. to exclusive jurisdiction in terr, disputed by Me., pend- ing settlement. (vii, Cong. Globe, 232.) Mch. 1. Speech, advocating passage of bill giving President additional power for defence of U. S. (ib., 236; app., 275.) - Mch. 2. Remarks; making amends for severity of his strictures on Saltonstall's stand on question of Maine boundary. (ib., 242.) Senator from Me. 1842 Apr. 30. Remarks; explaining reasons for making apprºs. for outfits of chargés to New Granada, Swe. den, Belgium, and for half outfit to chargé to Hol- land. (xi, Cong. Globe, 459.) —. Apr. 30. Do.; explaining amdmts, providing for increase in salary of consul at Paris. (ib., 459.) - May 3. Do.; defending apprps, for despatch agts. apptd. by President. (ib., 469.) tº-º-º: May 4. Do.; protesting agst. unnecessary restric- tion of contingent fund for foreign missions to legal purposes. (ib., 473.) 550 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EWANS (GEORGE R.), OF ME., 1797-1867—cont’d Senator from Me.—cont’d 1843 Feb. 22. Do.; in reply to Benton, favoring apprin. for support of captured Africans returned to Africa. (ib., xii, 328.) — Feb. 23. Do.; deprecating futile discussion of con- struction of Ashburton treaty, and defending main- tenance of African squadron. (ib., 334.) 1844 Je. 13. DO.; favoring apprn. for Outfit to David Porter, late min. res. to Turkey, to be paid to his legal reprs. (xiii, ib., 675.) — Je. 13. Do.; favoring keeping of consul at Sar- dinia, mission of higher grade being useless. (ib., 673.) 1845 Feb. 27. Do.; explaining reasons for sending only chargés to Austria and Brazil. (xiv, ib., 357.) — Feb. 28. Do.; opposing Benton’s proposition resp. payment of Mexican indemnities. (ib., 368.) — Mch. 3. Do.; Opposing postponement of previous or- ders to consider Oregon bill. (ib., 387.) 1846 Mch. 9-10. Speech; examining, historically, title of U. S. to Oregon, and declaring it dubious. (ib., 29. 1., 467; 475.) — Mch. 11. Remarks; explaining his misconstruction of Breese's views on Oregon question. (ib., 481.) 1847 Feb. 23. Speech; on S. 105, making further apprin. to bring war with Mexico to speedy and honorable conclusion; on S. 260, of last session, appropriating two millions to conclude treaty with Mexico, and on the war. (ib., 29. 2., 480.) EVANS (HENRY F.) 1836 Je. 6. To U. S. House. Petition, praying remuner- .ation for losses sustained during war of 1812. (24. 1. H. jol., 943; 1041.) EVANS (HENRY L.) See also Evans (Charles E.) 1857 Aug. 28. W. F. Evans to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Inquiry concerning his brother, H. L. EV- ans, member of Crabbe party. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 68.) :* — Oct. 20. Cass to W. F. Evans. Additional items of information respecting Dr. Evans. (ib., 76.) — Nov. 3. W. F. Evans to Cass. Forwards letter ad- dressed to Mr. Park, from whom it is hoped more particulars of death of Dr. Evans can be obtained. (ib., 77.) — Nov. 7. Cass to Forsyth. Relative to letter from W. F. Evans to John W. Parks. (ib., 77.) Nov. 27. L. W. Evans to President U. S. A. (Bu- chanan). Certain inquiries regarding his brother, H. L. Evans, supposed to have been murdered by Mexicans at Altar. (ib., 78.) — Dec. 12. Cass to W. F. Evans. Transmits copy of letter from L. W. Evans, which contains particulars in regard to H. L. Evans. (ib., 80.) Dec. 12. Cass to L. W. Evans. Information concern- ing deceased Dr. Evans. (ib., 78.) Dec. 21. Evans (W. F.) to Cass. Does not doubt that his brother, Dr. H. L. Evans, was murdered by Mexi- cans; asks whether this matter will be laid before Congress. (ib., 80.) Dec. 25. L. W. Evans to Cass. Supposed State Dept. was in possession of more information Con- cerning deceased Dr. Evans than it is; asks for a passport to visit Mexico. (ib., 81.) 1859 Feb. 3. To U. S. House. Petition of legal reprS. of H. L. Evans, praying intervention of U. S. govt. to obtain redress for injuries inflicted by govt. of Mexico. (35. 2. H. jol., 324.) 1860 Feb. 28. To same. Same. (36. 1. H. jol., 393.) EVANS (J. L.) 1855 Feb. 16. Remarks; favorable to S. 215, for settling claim of legal representatives of Rich. W. Meade. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 767.) EVANS (L. W.), CORRESPONDENT; BROTHER OF H. L. EVANS, MEMBER OF CRABBE FILIBUSTERING PARTY IN SONORA; see EVANS (H. L.) Eºs (MAURICE) & CO.; BR. SUBJECTS; CLAIM VS. For overcharge of duties on wines, etc., imported via New York, 1850-51. 1854 Jly. 1. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 62.) EVANs (RoxANA), CLAIMANT; see LEWIS (DAVID) EVANS (W. F.), CORRESPONDENT; BROTHER OF H. L. EVANS, MEMBER OF CRABBE FILIBUSTERING PARTY IN SONORA; see EVANS, (H. L.) EVANS (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 137.) EVANSVILLE (IND.) CITIZENS 1850 Mch. 11. To U. S. House. Recognition of Liberia and suppression of slavetrade. (31. 1. H. jol., 653.) EVE (ELIZABETH), CLAIMANT; see EVE (JOSEPH), WIDOW OF EVE (JOSEPH) Amer. chargé in Texas, 1841-43 ; see also, U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1843 Jly. 9. Amer. Chargé in Texas (Murphy) to Secy. State, ad int., U. S. A. (Legare). Death of Judge Eve. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 74.) Correspondence (Diplomatic) AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) 1841 Nov. 29. [no. 10, extr.] Further representation of general Complaint against Indian depredations. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 70.) 1842 Jan. 2. [no. 11, extr.] Complaints agst. Indian depredations and suggestion for erection of military posts on frontier. (ib., 71.) Mch. 10. [unnum.] Advice of Operations of invad- ing Mexican army. (Rpt. On dipl. archives of Dept. of State, 1789-1840, 67.) Rpt. pub. by Carnegie Institution, 1904. — Je. 11. [no. 17, extr.] Outrages reported upon In- dians of U. S. due to outlaws inhabiting eastern cos. of Texas; govt. of Texas to enforce law to preserve peace. (ib., 78.) — Nov. 1. [no. 30, extr.] Proc. in case of white boy captured in Texas by Comanches. (ib., 89.) 1843 Jan. 15. [no. 34, extr.] Proc. pursuant to instruc- tions of Jan. 11, concerning relations betw. the Choctaws and Texas. (ib., 101.) TEXAN President of Texas (Houston) 1842 Oct. 20. Reasons for not attending council of In- dians at Waco. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 90.) Secy. of State, Texas (Jones) 1841 Dec. 20. Attack on Indians of U. S. by citizens of Texas. (32. 2. S. ex, doc. 14, 72.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 551 EVE (JOSEPH)—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d TEXAN–cont’d Secy. of State, Texas—cont’d (Jones)—cont’d 1842 May 9. Further representation of depredations upon Indians of U. S. by citizens of Texas. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 271, 4; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 79.) — May 9. Rescue of crew and passengers of Amer. Schr. Sylph by comdr. Moore, Texan navy. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 271, 4.) "- — Jly. 2. Protest agst, capture of U. S. neutral vessel during blockade of Mexican ports by Texas, as vio- lating art. 21, treaty betw. U. S. and Mexico of 1831. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 271, 6.) (Terrell, Actg. Secy.) 1842 Sept. 5. Interference by Texan militia officer with Choctaws of U. S. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 84.) (Waples, do.) 1842 Oct. 29. Publicity given to capture of white boy in Texas by Comanches. (32. 2. S. ex, doc. 14, 90.) (Jones) 1842 Dec. 18. Second reclamation of white boy captured in Texas by Comanches. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 95.) 1843 Jan. 2. Provisional acceptance of invitation to at- tend council of Texan comrs. and Indians. (ib., 100.) Jan. 11. Depredations agst. Indians of U. S. by citi- zens of Texas. (ib., 102.) Corr. (Executive) 1842 Apr. 20. To S. C. Roberts. Citizenship of certain therein named persons who accompanied Texan ex- pedition. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 271, 2.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1854 Aug. 3. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (33. 1. S. 490) “for relief gºes W. Eve.” (33. 1. S. jol., 632; 33. 2. S. jol., 224. 1855 Mch. 3. Apprin. to settle accts. in favor of Betsey W. Eve, wife of J. Eve, late U. S. chargé to Texas; act making appropriation for civil and dipl. ex- , penses for year ending Je. 30, 1856. (x, St. L., 668.) CORRESPONDENCE 1851 Jan. 14. U. S. House. Petition of Elizabeth Eve, widow of J. Eve, late chargé of republic of Texas, praying compensation for expenses of said mission. (31. 2. H. jol., 142.) 1853 Jan. 14. To U. S. Senate. Same. (32. 2. S. jol., 96.) 1854 May 31. U. S. Senate. On motion (Rusk, Texas), petition of Betsey W. Eve, on files of Senate, re- ferred to Com. on Foreign Relations (33. 1. S. jol., 422); additional doc. presented (Rusk), and simi- larly referred, Jly. 29. (ib., 595.) — Aug. 3. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt., to acc. S. 490, for relief of Betsey W. Eve. (33. 1. S. rpt. 387.) EVELETH (EBENEZER), MASTER AMER. SHIP ALLE- GHANY; see ALLEGHANY EVELINA, AMER. BRIG; CLAIM VS. GR. B.R. For damage caused by H. B. M. ship Winchester running foul of above vessel in English channel in 1833. 1855 Jan. 8. Claim agst. Gr. Britain under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 58.) EVELINA, AMER. SCHR. (OLIVER) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 30.) EVENS (BENJAMIN), OF PENN. Appointed Amer. cons. for Campeche in 1830 ; nomina- §: withdrawn; see U. S. A. Consular Service. exico. EVERETT (ALEXANDER HILL), OF MASS., 1792-1847 Amer. chargé in the Netherlands, Je. 27, 1818-Apr...?, 1824. É. E. and M. P. U. S. to Spain, Mch. 9, 1825. Jly. 27, 1829. Confidential agt. for U. S. in Cuba, 1840. Amer. comr. to China, to negotiate treaty of commerce, 1845. Correspondence (Diplomatic) Chargé in the Netherlands 1823 Nov. 7. To min. foreign relations, Netherlands (Nagell). Copies of acts of U. S. for suppression of slavetrade; desire of President of U. S. to obtain co- operation of Netherlands; and to establish concert to render slavetrade equivalent to piracy. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348 (app.), 218.) E. E. and M. P. in Spain, AMERICAN [1827.] To Lewis (David). Records in case of brig James Lawrence should be obtained from Havana; Success of appeal of Jas. Ray probable. (20. 1. H. rpt. 247, 3.) 1829 Jly. 21. To Fifth Auditor, U. S. Treasury (Pleason- ton). Further explanation of certain items in con- tingent expenses. (21. 1. H. ex. doc. 37, 10.) President, U. S. A. (Adams) 1825 Nov. 30. On cession of Cuba. In : The Everett letters on Cuba. Bost., 1897. 14, 22 pp., 12°. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) 1825 Sept. 25. [unnum.] Substance of conversation with Mr. Zea. Bermudez On Subject of relations of U. S. with Cuba. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 24.) 1827 Aug. 17. [unnum. extr., confid.] Clay. Plan con- ceived by govt. of England for effecting revolution in Canary Is. and in Cuba. (ib., 19.) Dec. 12. Ino. 3, confid.]. Substance of conversation with Mr. Salmon in regard to plan of Br. govt. to revolutionize Cuba and Canaries. (ib., 21.) SPANISH Secretario del Estado (Duke del Infantado) 1825 Nov. 6. Proposal for conv. for settlement of Span- ish spoliation claims. (20. 2. H. doc. 56, 2.) Nov. 30. Submits projet of conv. for settlement of Spanish spoliation claims. (ib., 3.) 1826 Jan. 20. Representation praying recognition of in- dependence of Sp. Amer. colonies; offering media- tion of U. S. (20. 1. H. doc. 276, 5.) — May 8. Gratification at apptmt. of Gonzalez Salmon and de Heredia as COmrS. to arrange Convention for settlement of Spanish Spoliation claims. (20. 2. H. doc. 56, 7.) (Gonzalez Salmon) 1826 Sept. 10. Submits second revised projet of conv. for settlement of Spanish spoliation claims. (20. 2. H. doc. 56, 8.) 1827 Dec. 10. Confidential memorandum relating to proc. of Gr. Br. in regard to Cuba. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 22.) 1828 Feb. 13. Remonstrance agst, decision adverse to negotiation of Spanish Spoliation claims. (20. 2. H. doc. 56, 13.) — Feb. 13. [extr.] Acct. of capture and condemna- tion proc. in case of brig James Lawrence; facts point to flagrant violation of neutrality and perver- sion of justice. (20. 1. H. rpt. 247, 8.) 552 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EVERETT(ALEXANDER HILL), OF MASS., 1792-1847—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d SPANISH-cont’d Confidential Agt, in Cuba 1840 Feb. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Everett. Instructions for inquiry into charges agst. Amer. cons. at Havana (Trist). (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 468.) — Mch. 4. Same to same. Same; further instructions. (ib., 469.) — Mch. 18. Same to same. Instructions; taking pos- session of Amer. consulate at Havana. (ib., 471.) — Je. 1. Everett to H. B. M. comr, mixed court, Ha- vana (Kennedy). President has ordered investiga- tion into conduct of Amer. cons. at Havana (Trist). (26. 2. H. ex, doc. 115, 224; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 701.) — Je. 5. To same. Requests information as to slave- trade from Cuba. (ib., 225; ib., 702.) Jly. 21. To Forsyth. Confidential rpt. pursuant to instructions in case of Trist, (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 471.) 1841 Feb. 18. Amer. cons., Havana (Trist) to Forsyth. Examination of A. H. Everett's rpt of Jly. 21, 1840. (ib., 503.) Com/r. to China, Mr. Everett sailed for China with conndre. Biddle in the Columbus in May, 1845. Owing to ill health he was obliged to return before having completed the voyage to his post. Mr. Everett was cºing the ratified treaty of Wang Hia, and on Aug. 8, he committed the charge of the exchange of ratifica- tions to comdre. Biddle, entrusting him, as well, with the temporary discharge of the duties of comr. Early in the summer of 1846 he again set out for China, where he died in the spring of the following year. 1846 Oct. Extr. from China Mail; acct. of interview betw. Kiying and Mr. Everett. (.xv, Chinese Repos- itory, 624.) — Oct. 6. Everett arrives at Macao; his reception in Canton; interview with gov. Kiying. (ib., 527.) 1847. Narrative stnt. Of funeral of Amer. comr. EV- erett. (xvi, ib., 367.) Correspondence (Executive) 1846 Oct. 26. [no. 12.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Bu- chanan). Rejection of overtures of U. S. by govt. of Japan for commercial Convention. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 67.) Nov. 9. [no. 14, extr.] To same. Dutch operations in Japan. (ib., 68.) 1847 Jan. 5. [no. 19, extr.] To same. Further attempts to open treaty negotiations with Japan. (ib., 69.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1830 May 29. Act providing for settlement of accts. Of certain dipl. functionaries [A. H. Everett, etc.]. (vi, St. L., 436; vi, Reg. Debates, app., xxxi.) 1836 Apr. 12. Intr. in U. S. House (Mason, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (24. 1. H. R. 554) “for relief of Alexander H. Everett.” (24. 1. H. jol., 686.) 1838 Feb. 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Howard, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (25. 2. H. R. 555) “for relief of Alex. H. Everett.” (25. 2. H. jol., 458; 25. 3. H. jol., 380.) 1840 Mch. 5. Intr. in U. S. House (Howard, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (26. 1. H. R. 111) “for relief of Alex. H. Everett.” (26. 1. H. jol., 506; 991.) 1842 Jly. 21. Intr. in U. S. House (Cushing, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (27. 2. H. R. 526) “for relief of Alex. H. Everett.” (27. 2. H. jol., 1128; 27. 3. H. jol., 89.) 1845 Jan. 24. Intr. in U. S. House (Bayly, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (28. 2. H. R. 529) “for relief of Alex. H. Everett.” (28. 2. H. jol., 253.) EVERETTCALEXANDER HILL), OF MASS., 1792-1847—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1829 Jly. 21. Everett to Fifth Auditor, Treasury, U. S. A. (Pleasonton). Further explanation of certain * in contingent expenses. (21. 1. H. ex. doc. 37, 0). — Oct. 22. Pleasonton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Abstr. of such contingent items charged in acct. of A. H. Everett, Amer. min. at Madrid, from Jly. 31, 1825, to Dec. 31, 1827, as cannot be allowed in set- tlement of his accts. at Treasury but by special sanc- tion of Secy. of State. (ib., 18.) — Oct. 22. Clay to Pleasonton. Objects to allowing certain contingent expenses of A. H. Everett. (ib., - 9.) — Dec. 11. Pleasonton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Abstr. of such of contingent expenses of A. H. Everett, late Amer. E. E. and M. P. to Spain, as require sanction of State Dept. before they can be admitted to his credit in settlement of his accts. at Treasury. (ib., 8.) - 1830 Dec. 30. Estimate to comply with provisions of act of May 29, 1830. (21. 2. H. doc. 10, 26.) 1831 Jly. 16. Secy. State (Livingston) to Everett. Claim for office rent expenses. (27. 2. H. rpt. 911, 3.) – Aug. 5. U. S. atty. gen. (Taney). Opinion; min- ister to Madrid is not entitled to charge for office rent. (27. 2. H. rpt. 911, 4; i, Op. attyS. gen., 778; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, v. 1, 778.) 1836 Mch. 21. U. S. House. Petition of Alex. H. Everett, relative to Settlement of accts, as late Amer. min- ister to Spain. (24. 1. H. jol., 537.) — Apr. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Mason). Rpt. on claim of A. H. Everett for expenditures when minister from U. S. at Madrid. (24. 1. H. rpt. 562; 27. 2. H. rpt. 911, 6.) 1837 Feb. 21. U. S. Senate. Petition, praying allowance of an item in his accounts, as minister to Spain. (24. 2. S. jol., 269.) — Dec. 12. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing, Mass.), to take from files petition of Alex. H. Everett, in ref- erence to account as minister to Spain, and to refer Same to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (25. 2. H. jol., 50.) 1838 Feb. 17. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs. Report on claim of A. H. Everett for expenditures when min- ister from U. S. at Madrid. (25. 2. H. rpt. 565; 27. 2. H. rpt. 911, 2.) 1840 Jan. 4. U. S. House. Everett memorial referred under general order of day to Com. on Foreign Af- fairs. (26. 1. H. jol., 182.) –Mch. 5. U. S. Com. On Foreign Affairs. Rpt. on claim of A. H. Everett for expenditures when minister from U. S. at Madrid. (26. 1. H. rpt. 107; 27. 2. H. rpt. 911, 1.) — Je. 3. U. S. Committee on Foreign Relations. Rpt. adverse to allowance for office rent for U. S. lega- tion at Madrid. (26. 1. S. doc. 511.) 1842 Jan. 10. U. S. House. Everett petition presented (Cushing, Mass.), and referred, under order of Dec. 13 last, to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (27. 2. H. jol., 152.) 1844 Sept. 21. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Pleas- Onton. Allowances for expenses of mission at Ma- drid. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 50, 2.) — Dec. 16. U. S. House. Everett petition, to authorize payment of certain contingent expenses incurred during residence as minister to Spain. (28. 2. H. jol., 84.) 1845 Jan. 20. Everett to U. S. repr. from Va. (Bayly). Outlining history of his claim to substantiate insist- ence on payment of claim for office rent, etc. (28. 2. H. rpt. 50, 5.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 553 EVERETTALEXANDER HILL), of MAss, 1792-1847—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1845, Jan. 24. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs. Rpt. in favor of payment of certain allowance of claim for compensation for diplomatic -services. (28. 2. H. rpt. 50.) - Feb. 28. R. Choate, sen. from Mass. Amdmt. to gen. apprin. bill providing for office expenses of A. Everett at court of Spain; with remarks. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 368.) - - Dec. 9. U. S. House. Everett petition, heretofore presented Dec. 16, 1844, presented (Winthrop, Mass.) and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs (29. 1. H. jol., 68); adversely reported on (Davis), Feb. 12, 1846. (ib., 388) 1846 Feb. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs. Adverse rpt. on Everett claim. (29. 1. H. rpt. 256.) 1848 Aug. 5. U. S. Senate. Memorial of Everett repre- Sentatives, praying to be allowed, in settlement of accts., certain items for office rent, expenses and differences of exchange. (30. 1. S. jol., 534.) — Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Petition of Lucretia, widow of A. H. Everett, praying final settlement of accounts of her late husband. (30. 2. H. jol., 75.) 1849 Jan. 10. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 2. S. jol., 114.) – Dec. 27. U. S. Senate. Motion (Davis, Mass.) to re- fer to com. on Foreign Relations petition of widow of Alex. H. Everett, on files of Senate. (31. 1. S. jol., 34.) 1850 Jan. 10. U. S. House. Everett petition presented (Winthrop, Mass.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (31. 1. H. jol., 276.) 1861 Jan. 3. U. S. House. Petition of Lucretia O. Ev- erett, widow of A. H. Everett, praying for relief. (36. 2. H. jol., 140.) EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865 Repr. from Massachusetts, 19-23 cong., 1825-35 ; mem- ber Com. on Foreign Affairs, 1825-35; chrm., 1827- 29 ; Amer. E. E., and M. P. in Gr. Br., 1841-45 ; Secy. State, U. S. A., 1852-53 ; sen. from Massa- chusetts, 1853-54 ; member Com. on Foreign Rela- #: 1853-54 ; resigned seat in Senate, May 22, Representative from Mass. Bills Introduced 1828 Feb. 1. Relief of heirs of Caron de Beaumarchais. (20 Cong., H. R. 252.) 1829 Jan. 21. Relief of inhabitants of terr. of Florida. (20 Cong., H. R. 385.) — Jan. 23. Bill for settlement of accts. of S. Sit- greaves. (20 Cong., H. R. 391.) — Feb. 10. Relief of Alexander Scott. H. R. 428.) — Feb. 11. Relief of owners of ship Alleghany. (20 Cong., H. R. 431.) 1831 Jan. 25. Relief of J. Burnham. (21. 2., H. R. 575.) 1833 Feb. 19. For relief of Philip Bessom. (22. Cong., H. R. 742.) — Dec. 17. Same. (23 Cong., H. R. 31.) 1834 Apr. 3. Bill making compensation for certain dipl. services, and for other purposes. (ib., H. R. 404.) 1835 Jan. 13. Bill authorizing payment of outfit, and reimbursement of certain expenditures to Nathaniel Niles. (ib., H. R. 634.) — Feb. 10. Bill for relief of capt. John Downes. (ib., H. R. 727.) Remarks 1828 Dec. 23. Remarks; occupation of Oregon River. (v, Reg. Debates, 126.) — Dec. 29. Speech; same. (ib., 132.) — Dec. 31. Remarks; same. (ib., 146.) (20 Cong., EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d Representative from Mass.-cont’d Remarks—cont’d 1829 Jan. 6. Speech; same. (ib., 171.) — Feb. 10. Remarks; apprn. for dipl. expenses of current year. (vi, ib., 559.) — Feb. 28. Do.; maintains expediency of apprin. to enable President to construct military road through disputed terr. (v, ib., 385.) º 1830 Feb. 10. Do.; defending apparent increase in ap- prn. for dipl. expenses as inevitable. (ib., 559.) — May 26. Do.; favoring reference of President’s message relative to Br. colonial trade, to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (vi, ib., 1137.) 1831 Dec. 13. Do.; favoring reference of memorials for Settlement of French spoliation claims to select com- mittee. (viii, ib., 1433.) 1832 Mch. 15. Do.; favoring apprn. for minister at Bo- gota. (ib., 2.168.) — Mch. 16. Do.; favoring increased apprin. for Turk- ish mission. (ib., 2192.) f Apr. 27. Do.; explaining payment of outfits for ministers from contingent fund in absence of spe- cific apprins. (ib., 2626.) – Apr. 28. Do.; opposing apprn. for mission to France. (ib., 2638.) – Je. 8. Do.; reply to Archer, favoring two year limit for work of commission under conv. with France. (ib., 3341.) - Je. 8. Do.; opposing Jewett amdmt. regarding com- pensation of comrs. under conv. with France. (ib., 3345.) 1834 Dec. 19. Do.; favoring reference of question of dis- position of presents from Emperor of Morocco to Committee on Judiciary. (xi, ib., pt. 1, 761.) 1835 Jan. 21. Do.; electing chrm. of Committee on For- eign Relations. (ib., 1027-28.) — Feb. 4. Motion to refer French spoliation bill to Committee on Foreign Relations. (ib., 1169.) – Feb. 7. Do.; favoring further delay in legislation regarding relations with France. (ib., 1238.) – Feb. 21. Stnt., submitted in committee on Foreign Affairs, relative to French spoliations bill, favor- ing Satisfaction of said claims. (ib., 284; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 105.) – Feb. 26. Do.; favoring reference of President’s Imessage regarding relations with France, to com- mittee on Foreign Affairs, and opposing discharge Of Committee from consideration of said subject. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1507-08, 1510.) — Feb. 27. Do.; asking permission to introduce mi- nority rpt. from committee on Foreign Affairs re- garding relations with France. (ib., 1517.) — Mch. 2. Speech; urging preservation of peace with France. (ib., 1571.) Reports, Resolutions, etc. 1827 Dec. 27. Res. calling upon President for recent tºº. betw. U. S. and Brazil. (20. 1. H. jol., 95; 1828 Jan. 3. Adverse rpt. on petition of Ysabel O. de Valverde. (20. 1. H. rpt. 49.) Jan. 8. Rpt.; Meade claim. (20. 1. H. rpt. 58.) Jan. 28. Rpt.; petition of Lewis Neth; adverse. (20. 1. H. jol., 226.) - Feb. 1. Rpt.; relief of heirs of Caron de Beaumar- chais. (20. 1. H. rpt. 220.) — Feb. 5. Additional documents in Meade case. (20. 1. H. jol., 248.) * - Mch. 7. Rpt.; Alex. Scott claim; adverse. (20. 1. H. rpt. 182.) — Mch. 7. Henderson claim; adverse. (ib., 183.) Mch. 18. Joseph Burnett claim; adverse. (ib., 198.) — Apr. 29. J. S. Smith claim; adverse. (ib., 239.) 554. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d Representative from Mass.-cont’d Reports, Resolutions, etc.—cont’d 1828 May 6. Brig James Lawrence claim. (ib., 247.) EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont'd Correspondence—cont’d AMERICAN–COnt’d — May 17. Copy of note of Minister of U. S. to Spain of Jan. 20, 1826. (20. 1. H. jol., 770.) — May 21. H. Huttleston claim. (20. 1. H. rpt. 265.) — May 21. J. D. Barry claim. (ib., 262.) — May 21. On petition of G. Blankinship; adverse. (ib., 264.) — May 21. Groning and Kelley, James Riley, et al., claim. (ib., 263.) Nov. 25. Memorial of Condy Raguet. (ib., 212.) — Nov. 25. Res, providing for prºg. of maps of north- ern and northwestern boundary of U. S. (20. 1. H. jol., 445.) iº — Dec. 30. Adverse rpt. on petition of G. T. Beyer. (20. 2. H. rpt. 25.) — Dec. 30. On memorial of James Devereux and oth- ers. (ib., 24.) 1829 Jan. 9. On petition of Joseph Krittmann. (ib., 39.) Jan. 23. Res. to refer message of President in case of John Baker to committee on Foreign Affairs. (20. 2. H. jol., 196.) Jan. 23. Case of S. Sitgreaves. (20. 2. H. rpt. 54.) — Jan. 24. Unfavorable rpt. On petition of Lewis Neth, (ib., 55.) —— Feb. 10. Memorial of Alexander Scott. (ib., 72.) — Feb. 11. Memorial of owners of ship Alleghany. (ib., 75.) Feb. 13. Unfavorable rpt. on memorial of certain claimants under art. 1, treaty of Ghent. (ib., 79.) Feb. 16. Memorials of George Taylor and Edward Dexter on French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 82.) —º 26. Petition of Arredondo of East Florida. ib., 99.) Feb. 28. On S. 95, “An act to provide for appre- hension of deserters from foreign vessels in ports of U. S.” (20. 2. H. jol., 354.) — Feb. 28. Res. to acc. S. res. “in relation to Survey and laying out a military road in Maine.’ (ib., 354.) — Feb. 28. Memorial of capt. John Burnham. (20. 2. H. rpt. 102.) 1831 Jan. 25. Rpt. On bill for relief of J. Burnham. (21. 2. H. rpt. 45.) Dec. 13. Memorial of Amer. Socy, for Encouraging Settlement of Oregon Terr. (22. 1. H. jol., 44.) 1832 Dec. 6. Calling on President for instructions given to ministers in France on subject of . Spoliations. (22. 2. H. jol., 25.) 1833 Dec. 17. Rpt. on Bessom claim. (23. 1. H. rpt. 92.) 1835 Feb. 10. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 727, on petition of Capt. John Downes for relief. (23. 2. H. rpt. 102.) — Feb. 21. Strmt. in favor of S. 5, making Satisfaction for claims of U. S. citizens for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 15; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 103.) Feb. 27. Minority rpt. of com. on Foreign Affairs on failure of France to execute convention of Jly. 4, 1831. (23. 2. H. jol., 466.) E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) 1841 Dec. 28. [unnum. extr.] Br. disclaimer of right to search Amer. vessels. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 192, 5.) — Dec. 28. [unnum. extr.] Br. order admitting rough rice from U. S. at same duty as from western Af- rica. (28. 1. H. ex: doc. 278, 3.) Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d UWebster)—cont’d 1841 Dec. 28. [unnum. extr.] Outrage upon Amer. barque Lintin; change in tenor of Br. corresp. rela- tive to right of search. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 80.) — Dec. 31. [unnum. extr.] Br. decision to send Lord Ashburton to U. S. with power to make final settle- ment of all matters in dispute. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 192, 6; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 88.) 1842 Mch. 1. [unnum. extr.] Interview with Lord Aber- deen relative to refunding duties on rough rice; and application of Mr. Brodhead, agt. of N. Y. state, to make copies of documents in Br. archives. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 5.) — Mch. 23. [unnum. extr.] Gr. Br. to indemnify owners of Tigris. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 94.) — Mch. 23. [unnum. extr.] Interprets Br. Omission to engage in argument relative to refunding duty On rough rice. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 7.) — Je. 1. [unnum.] Bearing of agreement betw. Paine and Tucker, on decision to indemnify owners of Tigris. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 96.) — Je. 1. [unnum. extr.] Gross amt. claimed on re- stored duty on rough rice; proportion on Amer. acct. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 15.) — Je. 17. . [unnum.] Owners of Seamew to be indem- nified. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 97.) — Je. 30. [unnum. extr.] Relative to Cargo of Sea- "mew. (ib., 100.) — Jly. 1. [no. 16, extr.] U. S. commercial agt. to Sandwich Is. (Brinsmade), intrusted with letters from King of those islands to sovereigns of Gr. Br. and France, of purport similar to that of which he was bearer to President of U. S. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 104.) — Aug. 10. [unnum. extr.] Br. general customs act of 1842 establishes equality of duty on all rough rice imported. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 16.) Oct. 19. [unnum. extr.] Popular Br. reception of Ashburton treaty. (27. 3. S. doc. 223, 45.) — Oct. 19. [unnum. extr.] Protest agst. delay in making rpts. on African seizures. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 106.) — Nov. 2. [unnum. extr.] Attitude of French and Br. press in regard to Ashburton treaty. (27. 3. S. doc. 223, 46.) — Nov. 18. [unnum. extr.] Misrepresentation by Lord Palmerston in case of detention of Amer. brig Douglas. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 107.) — Dec. 30. [unnum. extr.] In criticism of Br. negoti- ations relative to Amer. claims for excess of duty exacted on rough rice. (28. 2. H. ex: doc. 278, 25.) Dec. 30. [unnum. extr.] Settlement of accts. Of Tigris, Douglas and Seamew to be entrusted to prac- tical merchant. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 115.) 1843 Jan. 28. [unnum. extr.] Enclosing rpt. of J. Hil- lard on accounts of Seamew and Tigris. (ib., 128.) — Feb. 3. [unnum. extr.] Lord Aberdeen and Special mission. (27. 3. S. doc. 223, 46; xii, Cong. Globe, 331.) — Mch. 28. [no. 34, extr.] Substance of conference with Lord Aberdeen; Gr. Br. opposed to any en- croachment in Is...; Gr. Br. and France prepared to recognize independence of Sandwich Is. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 107.) — Mch. 28. [unnum. extr.] Hopes to obtain reversal of unfavorable decision in case of Amer. barque Jones. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 131.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 555 EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d w (Webster)—cont’d 1843 Mch. 31. Extr, describing Oswald’s map marked with line of treaty of Utrecht and with red line giv- ing n. e. boundary of U. S. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1766; 31. 1. S. ex. doc. 71.) (Legaré) 1843 Je. 1. [no. 40, extr.] Substance of conference with Lord Aberdeen relative to report of cession of sov- ereignty of Sandwich Is, to Gr. Br., and reported possession of islands by Lord George Paulet of ship of war Carysfort. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 107.) — Je. 3. [no. 41.1 Substance of conversation with Lord Aberdeen on subject of provisional cession of Sandwich Is... to Gr. Br. ; Aberdeen’s comments on rpts. of cession; conduct of Paulet, etc. (ib., 108.) — Je. 8. [unnum. extr.] Injustice of Br. negotiations relative to Amer. claims for excess of duty exacted on rough rice. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 34.) — Je. 14. [no. 43, extr.] In absence of any official contradiction of editorial in London Times of [Je. 15th I believes that Gr. Br. will disavow provisional cession of Sandwich Is., and will adhere to deter- mination to recognize independence of islands. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 110.) — JIy. 1. [no. 44, extr.] Believes that conduct of Paulet in coercing provisional cession of Sandwich ls. has been disavowed; arrival of Hawaiian joint comr. (Marshall) and of Br. deputy consul in Ha- waii (Simpson). (ib., 112.) — JIy. 1. [unnum. extr.] Attempts to alter provi- sions of Lords' bill to carry into effect art. 10 of treaty of Washington. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 2.) (Upshur) 1843 Aug. 15. Ino. 50, extr.] Note to Lord Aberdeen on seizure of schr. Washington. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 76.) — Aug. 15. Ino. 50, extr.] Reference to conference with Lord Aberdeen on memorial of Hawaiian comrs. ; Franco-British agreement as to recognition of independence of Sandwich Is. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 113.) — Sept. 14. [unnum. extr.] Demand upon Lord Aber- deen for surrender of N. Britton (J. C. Clinton, alias J. Reed), and of A. Pollock, fugitives from justice. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 18.) Sept. 28. [no. 56. extr.] Substance of conference with Hawaiian comr. Richards; suggests mode of adjudication of Br. claims agst. Hawaii. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 114.) — Oct. 16. [unnum. extr.] Strmt. of proc. in case of surrender of N. Britton (J. C. Clinton, alias J. Reed). (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 24.) — Nov. 1. [unnum. extr.] Gratification at expression of disposition of Amer. govt. towards colonists of Liberia. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 162, 3.) Nov. 1. [unnum. extr.] Gr. Br.’s refusal to issue warrant for surrender of A. Pollock, fugitive from justice. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 30.) — Nov. 3. [no. 62.] Interview with Lord Aberdeen on Br. attempt to secure abolition of slavery in Texas; loan proposed by General Hamilton. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 38; H. ex. doc. 271, 38.) - — Nov. 16. [no. 64, extr.] Corresp. wtih A. Smith, Texan chargé, London and Paris, regarding inter- views with Lord Aberdeen on Subject of Br. efforts to abolish slavery in Texas. (ib., 40; ib., 40.) EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Upshur)—cont’d 1843 Dec. 2. [unnum. extr.] Participation of Amer. Citi- zens in slavetrade. (28. 1. S. doc. 217, 2.) — Dec. 14. [no. 70.] Reference of protest agst. Strmt. of “disputed terr. fund * to Lord Aberdeen. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 46.) — Dec. 30. [unnum. extr.] Grievances of Liberian col- onists submitted to Br. govt. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 162, 3.) 1844 Jan. 2. [unnum. extr.] Opinion of atty. and Solici- tor general upon construction of Br. act to Carry into effect art. 10, treaty of Washington. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 32.) (Nelson) 1844 Apr. 24. [no. 114.] Franco-British conv. recogniz- ing independence of Sandwich Is. concluded; ref- erence to official papers, in Journal des Débats of Apr. 20, regarding French usurpation of Tahitian terr. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 115.) (Calhoun) 1844 May 18. [unnum.] Annexation treaty with Texas; Br. parliamentary discussion and press comments. (28. 1. S. doc. 367; 28. 1. H. ex. doc. 271, 100.) — May 26. [no. 130, extr.] Corresp. with Lord Aber- deen on Subject of seizure of Schr. Washington ; discussion of right of Amer. vessels to fish in Bay of Fundy. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 78.) Je. 28. [no. 150.] Opinion of Lord Ashburton that imposition by New Brunswick of export duty on timber does not violate treaty of Washington. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 19.) Oct. 9.. [no. 187, extr.] Copy of note to Lord Aber- deen on seizure of Amer. Schr. Argus. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 84.) — Nov. 4. [no. 204.] Copy of note from Lord Aber- deen in reply to his in case of Argus. (ib., 86.) 1845 Jan. 3. [no. 235.] Favorable conference with Lord Aberdeen relative to duties improperly levied on imported rough rice. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 3.) Mch. 10. [unnum. extr.] Conferences with Lord Clarendon and Lord Aberdeen relative to repay- ment of duties levied on imported rough rice; pro- posal for a reciprocal adjustment of claims betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. (ib., 9.) Mch. 25. Ino. 278, extr.] Corresp. with Br. govt. in cases of Amer. Schrs. Washington and Argus ; con- cession of right of Amer. fishermen in Bay of Fundy applies to waters of n. e. shores of Cape Breton. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 134; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 87.) — Apr. 2. [no. 287.] Comment on corresp. with Br. govt. relative to case of Amer. Schr. Argus. (ib., 140; ib., 93.) (Buchanan) 1845 Apr. 15. [unnum. extr.] Conference with Lord Ab- erdeen; refusal of Br. treasury to admit claim for unjust duties paid on imported rough rice. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 11.) — Apr. 23. [no. 305.] Comment on corresp. with Br. govt. relative to right of Amer. fishermen in Bay of Fundy. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 152; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 105.) — May 26. [unnum. extr.] Conferences with Sir Robert Peel and Lord Aberdeen relative to recip- rocal adjustment of claims between Gr. Br. and U. S.; Br. Opposition to proposal of a judicial issue; Br. Treasury opposition to adjustment of claims on º but a reciprocal basis. (30. 1. H. ex, doc. 38, 556 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d BRITISH Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Aberdeen) 1841 Dec. 20. Outrage on Amer. barque Lintin by Br. ship Herald. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 84.) — Dec. 23. Gratification at conciliatory tone of letter of 20 Dec., relative to right of search. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 192, 10.) — Dec. 23. Solicits permission on behalf of Mr. Brod- head, to obtain from public archives in London copies of documents relating to colonial N. Y. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 108, 4.) — Dec. 30. Refund of high duty paid by importers of rough rice from U. S. and surrender of exchequer bills now held in deposit. (28. 2. H. ex: doc. 278, 3.) 1842 Feb. 21. Reasons for summary proc. in case of Amer. vessel Tigris. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 93.) — Mch. 29. Satisfaction at decision to settle acct. Of Owners of Tigris. (ib., 95.) — May 23. Rpts. ratio of Amer. acct. claimed for re- imbursement on discriminating duty on rough rice. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 15.) — Sept. 16. Representation of capture of Amer. barque Jones by Br. brigantine Dolphin. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 103.) — Sept. 19. Detention of Amer. barque John A. Robb by Br. brig Waterwitch. (ib., 105.) — Nov. 12. Further inquiry into case of detention of Amer. brig Douglas. (ib., 109.) — Nov. 22. Protest agst. delay in deciding cases of Seamew and Tigris. (ib., 113.) 1843 Apr. 2. Reviews prior negotiations similar to pres- ent claim for restored duty on rough rice. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 8.) — May 18. Counter stnt. in case of Amer. barque Jones. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 148.) Je. 5. Requests strict inquiry into particulars of outrage on Amer. barque Rhoderick Dhu by Br. brigantine Spy. (29. 1. S. doc. 300, 5; S. doc. 377, 162.) — Aug. 10. Representation of seizure of Amer. fish- ing schr. Washington; protest agst. Operation of provincial authorities detrimental to Amer. fishery interests. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 120.) Aug. 10. Seizure of Amer. fishing Schr. Washing- ton. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 76.) — Aug. 31. Seaman taken from John A. Robb. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 174.) — Oct. 7. Protest agst, liberation of N. Britton [J. C. Clinton, alias J. Reed]. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 27.) — Oct. 18. Critical examination of Br. agreement ad- verse to reimbursement of duty on rough rice. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 278, 37.) — Nov. 13. Settlement in case of Amer. Vessels Tigris and Seamew. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 183.) Dec. 2. Difficulties in way of Amer. efforts to Sup- press slavetrade. (28. 1. S. doc. 217, 9.) — Dec. 14. Communications from actg. gov. Of Maine pertaining to non-execution of art. 5, treaty of Washington. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 47.) — Dec. 30. Terr. rights of Liberian colonists; Amer. policy towards Liberia. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 162, 4.) 1844 May 25. Protests agst, restriction of his of Apr. 15, to case of Washington; renews representation of proc. of colonial authorities in violation of fishery conv. of 1818; right of Amer. fishermen in waters of Bay of Fundy, etc. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 100, 123.) — May 25. Case of Amer. vessel Washington. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 78.) EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d BRITISH-cont’d Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office—cont’d (Aberdeen)—cont’d 1844 Je. 28. Asks interposition of England in contra- vention of treaty of Washington involved in act of New Brunswick of Mar. 25, 1844, imposing export duty on timber. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 20.) – Oct. 9. Seizure of Amer. fishing schr. Argus by Br. Cutter Sylph. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 84; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 131; H. ex. doc. 120, 84.) – Dec. Proposal to submit settlement of high duties levied upon imported rough rice to Br. courts of law. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 38, 4.) 1845 Jan. 20. Outrage on Amer. brig Cyrus by Br. brig of war Alert. (29. 1. S. doc. 300, 42.) . — Mch. 25. Right of Americans to fish in Bay of Fundy; cases of Amer. Schrs. Washington and Ar- gus. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 136; H. ex. doc. 120, 89.) – Apr. 2. Further representation in case of Amer. Schr. Argus ; extension of concession of rights of Amer. fishermen. (ib., 147; ib., 101.) Secy. State, U. S. A. Correspondence (Consular) HAVANA, Sharkey, Consul 1852 Nov. 30. Ino. 18.] Interruption in commercial in- tercourse betw. Cuba and U. S. caused by affair of Crescent City. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 45.) – Dec. 30. [unnum.] Instructions to ascertain facts of case, in reference to charge agst. D. D. Porter. (ib., 59.) MARSEILLES, Hodge, Consul 1853 Mch. 3. [unnum. extr.] Gratified at acquittal of Allibert, on second trial on charge of being an in- soumis before court-martial at Toulon. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 188.) Corr. (Diplomatic) , BRITISH Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ingersoll) - 1852 Dec. 4. [unnum.] Justifying certain corresp. of his own and of Mr. Webster’s relative to No. Amer. fisheries, to which exception was taken by Gr. Br. (33. Sp. Sess., S. doc. 3, 9.) 1853 Feb. 3. [no. 16.1 Instructions for renewal of nego- tiations on Anglo-Amer. postal arrangements. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 2.) CHILIAN Chilian Chargé in U. S. A. (Carvallo) 1853 Feb. 23. Claimants in case of Macedonian claim object to its reference to arbitration on corresp. Which took place prior to private note of Aug. 26, fixing questions to be resolved. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 416.) – Mch. 3. Protest agst. certain aspersions in his of Feb. 28. (ib., 423.) DANISH Amer. Chargé in Denmark (Grieve) 1852 Nov. 6. Instructions for regular transmission to State Dept. of tabular stnt. of Sound Dues. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 108, 52.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 557 EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d FRENCH French E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Sartiges) 1852 Dec. 1. Reasons for declining invitation of France and England to become party to proposed tri-partite conv. on subject of Cuba. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 13, 15; Mss. Notes, France, repr, i, Wharton’s Digest, 562.) PERUVIAN Amer. Chargé in Peru (Clay) 1852 Nov. 18. Ino. 33.] Conduct in Lobos Is... negotia- tions approved; attempts at antedating charter par- ties to be disclosed to Tirado; charter arrangement for guano loading by foreign vessels approved. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 172.) — Nov. 23. [no. 34.1 Still deemed advisable to with- hold from Peruvian govt. views contained in des- patch transmitted Sept. 21, by Mr. Conrad. (ib., 174.) 1853 Feb. 9. [no. 36.] Encloses letter of A. G. Benson to President and one to Peruvian minister, relating to subject of freighting certain vessels with guano, under arrangement betw. Peru and U. S.; examina- tion of facts directed. (ib., 183.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Peru (Clay) 1854 Aug. 26. [no. 18, extr.] (Hunter.) Analysis of Benson’s claim divests it of importance sought to be imparted to it by claimant. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 210.) Peruvian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (De Osma) 1852 Nov. 16. Note admitting justice of Peruvian pre- tensions to Lobos Is. Quoted. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 11.) — Nov. 16. U. S. acknowledges sovereignty of Peru over Lobos Is...; no protection to be accorded vessels sailing thither for guano. (ib., 169.) — Dec. 1. Encloses copy of letter from A. G. Benson, desiring arrangement permitting liquidation in mat- ter of guano cargoes, and extension of time for pre- Senting charter parties for endorsement; good of- fices besought in Benson’s behalf. (ib., 181.) PRUSSIAN Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia (Barnard) 1853 Jan. 14. [no. 23, extr.] Cases of Meyer and Kracke; doctrine of inalienable allegiance affirmed by U. S. Supreme Court and several state courts; Prussian subject emigrating with “certificate ’ does so at his own risk, and U. S. unable to act in matter. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 53.) SPANISH Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Barringer) 1852 Dec. 4. [no. 66.] Order prohibiting passengers and mail to be landed from any vessel, having purser Smith on board, withdrawn by Capt. gen. of Cuba. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 47.) 1853 Jan. 12. [no. 71, extr.] Instructions to renew claim for indemnity in case of schr. North Carolina. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 29, 20.) — Feb. 4. [no. 73.) Instructions relative to affair of Crescent City. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 69.) EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794–1865—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d SPANISH-cont’d Spanish Min. Res. in U. S. A. (Calderon de la Barca) 1852 Nov. 15. Copy of affidavit made by purser of Cres- cent City (Smith), in which he makes general dis- claimer. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 36.) 1853 Feb. 5. Proposes to negotiate commercial treaty with Spain. (ib., 81.) Amer. Min. Res. in Turkey (Marsh) 1853 Feb. 5. [no. 24.] Instructions for representing Amer. views of trial of Dr. J. King. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 12, 5.) Corr. (Executive) 1852 Nov. 13. To H. Maxwell. Requests him to bring certain facts involving violation of Cuban port laws to knowledge of owners of Crescent City. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 35.) — Nov. 19. To Dana and co. Arrangement betw. U. S. and Peru would include any vessels ordered Aug. 4, and sailing from San Francisco prior to Aug. 24, provided vessel is placed at disposal of agts. of Pe- ruvian govt. in U. S. before Je. 1, 1853. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 227.) — Nov. 22. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Kennedy). Con- veyance of Dainese to Constantinople rendered un- necessary by revocation of his commission as cons. (34. 3. H. ex: doc. 82, 69.) — Nov. 27. To Fifth Auditor of the Treasury, U. S. A. (Pleasonton). Accts. Of G. P. Marsh, min. res. to Turkey. (ib., 286.) Dec. 10. To A. G. Benson. Mr. De Osma declines making any special arrangements in regard to Ves- sels of company, without instructions from govt. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 228.) — Dec. 10. To Dana and co. Michael Angelo chartered for freight of guano from Lobos Is. (ib., 228.) — Dec. 21. To Magoun and Son. Osma’s list of Vessels lost or mislaid; in duplicate list Manlius does not appear. (ib., 229.) 1853 Jan. 3. To President of U. S. (Fillmore). Rpt. on corresp. relative to Br. settlement in Honduras. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 12, 1.) Jan. 8. To J. Brooks. Refers him to certain docS. * resp. oath of domiciliation required to be taken by residents in Cuba. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 125.) — Jan. 19. To President, U. S. A. (Fillmore). Rpt. in reference to claims on Spain in cases of barque Georgiana and brig Susan Loud. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 25.) — Jan. 27. To same. Production of corresp. relative to Squier treaty, and Webster-Crampton agreement called for by Sen. res. of Jan. 13, not compatible with public interest. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 28.) Feb. To same. Rpt. on pending fishery negotiations betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 34; H. doc. 40.) — Feb. 9. To A. G. Benson. Letter of 7 inst. trans- mitted to U. S. chargé at Lima. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 229.) — Feb. 16. To President U. S. (Fillmore). Rpt. em- bodying substance of recent Communications from Br. minister relative to affairs of Central America. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 44, 1.) — Feb. 23. Signs conv. concerning the rights and privileges of consuls, betw. France and U. S.; see Consular Service. See also Hunter, (W.) for corresp. as actg. secy. during Mr. Everett’s term. 558 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EVERETT (EDWARD), OF MASS., 1794-1865—cont’d Senator from Mass. 1854 May 29. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va.; Remarks; Everett's resignation from Senate. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1324.) Bills Introduced 1854 Feb. 16. Bill for Settling Meade claim. 215.) — Mch. 16. Bill making compensation to John B. Kerr for dipl. services in Central America. (ib., 282.) — Apr. 18. Bill further to carry into effect art. 9, Florida treaty, resp. losses of Sp. subjects in West Florida. (ib., 336.) — Apr. 27. Bill to make compensation to Henry Cronchey for extra services. (ib., 358.) (33. 1. S. Remarks by 1853 Mch. 17. Remarks; support of first part of Clayton res. of Mch. 7. (32. 3. (sp. sess.), Cong. Globe, app., 280.) — Mch. 21. Speech; second part of Clayton res. of Mch. 7. (ib., 284.) 1854 Apr. 27. Do.; in explanation of bill making com- pensation to Henry Cronchey for performing cleri- cal duties of secy. of legation at London during Va- cancy of that office. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1003.) — Jan. 23. Remarks; visit and public treatment of papal nuncio, favorable to res. Calling for any cor- resp. with Papal States touching a mission to U. S. (ib., 224.) Reports by 1854 Feb. 16. Rpt. to acc. S. 215, for settling Meade claim. (33. 1. S. rpt. 109.) Mch. 16. Rpt., to acc. S. 282, making compensation to John B. Kerr. (ib., 172.) — Apr. 18. U. S. Senate. Report, to acc. S. 336, further to carry into effect art. 9, Florida treaty, respecting losses of Sp. subjects in West Fla. (ib., 215.) — Apr. 27. Rpt., to acc. S. 358, to make compensation to Henry Cronchey for extra services. (ib., 445.) EVERETT (HORACE), OF WT., 1780-1851 Representative from Vt., Dec. 7, 1829-Mch. 3, 1843, 21–27 cong. ; member Committee on Foreign Affairs, 1839-1843 (26-27 cong.). Bills Introduced 1842 Mch. 19. Settlement of Meade claim. (27. 2. H. R. 306.) Remarks by 1834 May 1. Protest agst. apprin. for ministers to Gr. Br. and Russia, if same be unconstitutionally apptd. by President, independently of Senate. (X, Reg. De- bates, 3894.) — May 9. Denying right of President to appoint min- isters without concurrence of Senate. (ib., 4017.) 1838 Je. 28. Opposing employment of military force on northern frontier, and enlistment of foreigners. (Vi, Cong. Globe, 484.) 1839 Feb. 26. Speech; insisting that n. e. boundary dis- pute is betw. U. S. and Gr. Br., and that Br. troops be withdrawn until production of proof of agree- ment regarding exclusive jurisdiction of Gr. Br. over said terr. pending settlement of Controversy. (vii, ib., app., 232.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; opposing bill giving additional power to President in case of invasion as unneces- sary. (ib., Cong. Globe, 242; app., 286.) 1840 May 2. Do.; urging reduction of expense of mis- sions to Prussia and Austria. (viii, ib., 373.) — JIy. 9. Do.; favoring introduction of bill to repair and furnish with supplies ship of Imaum of Muscat about to return. (ib., 517.) EVERETT (HORACE), OF WT., 1780–1851—cont’d Remarks by—cont’d 1841 Feb. 13. Speech; on cases of McLeod and Caroline; Opposed to rpt. of committee on Foreign Affairs as uncalled for; stnt, of facts gathered from official documents and review of corresp. with Br. minister. (ix, ib., 173; app., 374.) — Je. 21. Remarks; opposing res. calling for informa- tion and corresp. regarding seizure of (alleged) Amer. Slavers by Br. cruisers. (x, Cong. Globe, 85.) — Jly. 21. DO.; need of home sqdn. in present state of relations with Gr. Br. (ib., 239.) — Aug. 31. Do.; Floyd res. on McLeod case. (ib., 411.) Sept. 3. Speech; McLeod case; burning of Caro- line; examining hist. of case, as contained in official documents, with question of international law in- Wolved; resting his argument on conflict betw. Ex- ecutive and state authority. (ib., app., 425.) Sept. 8. Remarks; res. providing for release of U. S. citizens detained in Van Dieman's Land. (x, Cong. Globe, 442.) & 1842 Mch. 21. Do.; asking to be excused from voting on Giddings res. regarding Creole case. (xi, ib., 343.) May 12. Do.; retention of services of despatch agtS.; protest agst, their payment from contingent fund. (ib., 494.) 1843 Feb. 21. Do.; advocating postponement of legisla- tion on Subject of mission to China, until policy of China, with resp. to dipl. agts. is ascertained. (xii, ib., 325.) — Feb. 28. Do.; favoring passage of bill to carry Ash- burton treaty into effect; proposing amdmt. regard- ing visitation of supposedly Amer. vessels by Afri- Can Squadron. (ib., 369.). Reports by 1842 Mch. 19. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 306, for settlement of Meade claim. (27. 2. H. rpt. 457.) EVERETT (ISAAC), CLAIMANT; see BARNEY (JOSHUA), CLAIM EVERETT (LUCRETIA O.), CLAIMANT; see EVERETT (EDW.), CLAIM EVERETT (SILAS H.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Panama, 1830-31; see U. S. A. Consular service. Colombia. EVIDENCE Consuls and Diplomatic Agents; see Exterritoriality Foreign Judgments STATUTORY MEASURES 1853 Dec. 15. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Sumner, Mass.), bill (33. 1. S. 27) “to provide for execution, by U. S. Courts, of commissions to take testimony issuing from courts of friendly nations.” (33. 1. S. jol., 47; 184; 191.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1844 Jly. 8. U. S. atty. gen (Nelson). Opinion; extradi- tion treaty with France provides for mode and man- ner of evidence upon which surrender shall be made. (ii, Op. attys, gen., 1688; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 1688.) 1854 Feb. 16. J. A. Bayard, sen. from Del. Remarks; in reply to Stuart, in support of amdmt, of Judiciary committee to S. 27; with special reference to proviso to sec. 1, stipulating for reciprocity. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 433.) — Feb. 16. C. E. Stuart, sen. from Mich. Remarks; on substitute of Judiciary committee for S. 27; op- posed to proviso to sec. 1, stipulating for reciprocity, etc. (ib., 433.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 559 º EVIDENCE—cont’d Foreign Judgments—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1854 Feb. 16. J. P. Benjamin, sen. from La.; Remarks; on substitute of Judiciary committee for S. 27; op- posed to unconstitutional extension of judicial power involved. (ib., 434.) 1857 Feb. 11. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; amt. of evidence on which cons. in foreign port is author- ized to arrest a person and send him to U. S. for trial. (viii, Op. attys. gen., 380.) EWING (ANDREW), REPRESENTATIVE FROM TENN. 1850 Apr. 18. Speech; on admission of California; valid- ity, in new terr., of Mexican laws prohibiting slav- ery; title of Texas to terr. east of the Rio Grande. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., app., 450.) — Aug. 16. Do.; on President’s message of Aug. 6; title of Texas to terr. east of the Rio Grande; dur- ing debate on general apprn. bill, H. R. 334. (ib., 1589; app., 1109.) — Sept. 18. Remarks; opposed to Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 388, and to payment through agency of bankers. (ib., Cong. Globe, 1854-1855.) — Sept. 20. Speech; naval apprin. bill, H. R. 235; pro- posed line of mail Strs. to African coast and colo- nization of Liberia, etc. (ib., 1887.) EWING (EDWIN H.), REPRESENTATIVE FROM TENN. 1846 Jan. 17. Remarks; favoring apprn. for distribution of money collected for U. S. citizens from Peru. (ib., 29. 1., 217.) — Jan. 29. Speech; on H. res. 5, of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon, etc. (ib., app., 189.) — Aug. 8. Remarks; terms of proposed peace with Mexico. (ib., Cong. Globe, 1216.) 1847 Jan. 28. Do.; on Mexican war; during debate on naval apprin. bill, H. R. 596. (ib., 292; app., 268.) EWING (JOHN), REPR. FROM IND. 1834 May 9. Remarks; favoring proviso regarding pay- ment of Salaries of ministers to Gr. Br. and Russia, making it dependent upon concurrence of Senate in apptmt. of Said officials. (x, Reg. Debates, 4017.) EWING (JOHN H.), REPRESENTATIVE FROM PENN. 1847 Mch. 3. Remarks; on S. 105, making further apprp. to bring war with Mexico to speedy and honorable conclusion; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., app., 439.) EWING (PRESLEY), REPRESENTATIVE FROM KY. 1851 Dec. 30. Remarks; unfavorable to Cartter res. of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Louis Kossuth to House; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 167.) 1852 Apr. 24. Do.; in favor of U. S. policy of non-inter- vention; during consideration of homestead bill, H. R. 7. (ib., 1182; app., 531.) — Apr. 24. Do.; homestead bill H. R. 7, and Amer. progress; in favor of U. S. policy of non-interven- tion. (ib., app., 531.) 1854 Apr. 25. Do.; support of his res. calling for in- formation concerning measures taken to secure ac- knowledgment of rights of neutrals by Br. and French govts., and concerning Br. interference in Black Warrior affair. (ib., 33. 1., 985-86.) — Jly. 1. Do.; in favor of H. R. 58, for settling Meade claims. (ib., 1597-99.) EWING (THOMAS), 1789-1871 Sen. from Ohio, 1831-37 : Secy. of Interior, U. S. A., 1849-50 ; sen. from Ohio, 1850-51. Senator from Ohio (1st Term) 1832 Jan. 24-25. Speech; agst. nomination of M. Van Buren as E. E. and M. P. to Gr. Br. (viii, Reg. De- bates, 1335.) Secy. of the Interior 1849 Aug. 9. To Secy. of the Navy, U. S. A. (Preston) and to Secy. Treas. (Meredith). Information rela- tive to Col. White's expedition for invasion of Cuba. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57.) — Dec. 19. To J. B. Weller. Business of Mexican boundary commission transferred from State to In- terior Dept.; Weller’s dismissal. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 34, 15.) — Dec. 28. To C. L. Weller. Again declines to make payment of drafts presented on account of Mexican boundary commission. (ib., 16.) 1850 Jan. 8. To W. H. Emory. Instructions as tempo- rary head of Mexican boundary commission to suc- ceed J. B. Weller. (ib., 17.) – Apr. 29. To same. Instructions for completion of Survey of boundary between Pacific Ocean and Gila River. (ib., pt. 2., 19.) — Je. 1. To President U. S. (Taylor). Alleged revo- lutionary movements in Cuba. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 134.) Senator from Ohio (2d Term) 1850 Sept. 4. Remarks; offering amdmt. to S. 127, to make compensation to Walter Colton. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., app., 1332-33.) — Sept. 19. Do.; amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Rela- tions to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 334, provid- ing for expenses of agt. of Sublime Porte. (ib., 31. 1., 1873.) — Sept. 21. Do.; unfavorable to S. 352, providing for free navigation of St. Lawrence and reciprocal trade with Canada. (ib., 1908.) Sept. 24. Do.; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 388, and alleged contract with J. D. Marks for pay- ment of instalments. (ib., app., 1374, 1379.) 1851 Jan. 27. Do.; in explanation of memorial from members of Ohio conv., praying establishment of line of strs. to Liberia. (ib., 31. 2., 343.) EXCELLENT, BRIGANTINE SLAVER 1850 Apr. Captured off Ambriz by U. S. S. John Adams (Powell). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 32.) EXCELSIOR, LIGHTER, BELONGING TO THOMAS HUNT & CO., OF WHAMPOA; see CHINA. CLAIMS EXCHANGE, AMER. BRIG (JENKINS) 1826. Mch. 20. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Claims in case of brig Ez- ſºve being prosecuted; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 19. — Dec. 22. Same to same. Decision for damages in favor of Eacchange; etc. (ib., 69.) 1827 Jan. 17. Raguet to Ministr. Negoc. Estrang., Bra- Zil (Inhambupe). Comment on cases of Spermo and Eacchange; etc. (ib., 84.) — Mch. 12. Raguet to Clay. Cases of Eachange, Ruth; passports ordered; etc. (ib., 96.) EXCHANGE, AMER. SCHR. (DYE) n, d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France Of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 31.) 560 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EXEQUATUR; see CONSULAR SERVICE EXERTION, AMER. SHIP (DELANO) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 31.) EXETER (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 138.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) 1845 Dec. 9. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 65.) EXETER (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 3. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) EXILES Hungarian; see Hungary Irish; see Meagher (T. F.); O'Brien (S.) Polish; see Polish Exiles EXPATRIATION, RIGHT OF; see ALLEGIANCE “EXPEDITION FOR AFRICA ’’ 1857 Aug. 12. Capt. H. B. M. S. Hecate (Burgess) to comdre. Wise. Advice of a company styled “Expedi- tion for Africa, ’’; case of the Charles. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 35.) 1858 Jan. 17. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Napier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Particulars of re- vival of African slavetrade under fraudulent as- Sumption of U. S. flag; avowed existence in Cuba of Co. styled “Expedition of Africa ’’ to promote slave- trade; etc. (ib., 34.) t EXPEDITIONS AGAINST FOREIGN POWERS; see FILI- BUSTERING EXPERIMENT, AMER. SCHR.; see KNIGHT (GEO. J.) EXPERIMENT, AMER. SCHR. (DIXON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 31.) EXPERIMENT, AMER. SHIP (MONCRIEF) Captured in 1805 on voyage from New York to Jamaica by French privateer under Spanish colors; im- mediately recaptured by H. B. M. cruiser Wolf, and carried into Jamaica. Sold under decree of Br. Ct. of admiralty on libel filed for salvage by captors. Claim presented to comrs. under act of Mch. 3, 1821, and again to commission under treaty of 1831 With France. Statutory Measures 1846 JIy. 24. Intr. in U. S. House (Rockwell, Com. Of Claims), bill (29. 1. H. R. 527) “for relief of Robert Roberts.” (29. 1. H. jol., 1146.) 1849 Jan. 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Rockwell, Com. Of Claims), bill (30. 2. H. R. 2) “for relief of Robert Roberts.” (30. 2. H. jol., 268.) Correspondence, etc. 1836 Mch. 14. R. Roberts to U. S. House. Petition for indemnity for capture of ship Ea:periment by French privateer, under Sp. colors, in 1815. (24. 1. H. jol., 508; 1224.) 1838 Mch. 12. Same to U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 584; 869.) — May 11. U. S. com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Adverse rpt. on Roberts claim. (25. 2. H. rpt., 874.) 1840 Feb. 5. R. Roberts to U. S. House. Memorial, pray- ing relief on acct. of capture of ship Eacperiment, which claim was rejected by Spanish commission on EXPERIMENT, AMER. SHIP (MONCRIEF)—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d ground of being French capture; and by French commission on ground of being Spanish capture. (26. 1. H. jol., 298.) 1843 Dec. 16. Same to same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 59.) 1846 Feb. 3. Same to same. Memorial, praying indem- nity for loss of ship Experiment, captured by Sp. privateer, recaptured by Br. cruiser, and condemned at Jamaica, in 1805. (29. 1. H. jol., 340.) — Jly. 24. U. S. H. Committee of Claims. Rpt. in favor of petition of owner (Roberts) for indemnity in case of detention of Ea:periment by Br. ship-of- war Wolf. (29. 1. H. rpt. 805, 1.) 1847 Dec. 13. Same to same. Praying indemnity for losses through capture of his ship Ea:periment in 1805; either from French or Spanish indemnity funds. (30. 1. H. jol., 66.) 1850 Jan. 8. Same to same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 255.) 1852 Dec. 23. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (32. 2. S. jol., 52.) 1853 Dec. 13. Same to U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 73.) 1856 May 16. U. S. Court of Claims. Report. Robert Roberts vs. The United States. (34. 1. H. rpt. C. C. 4.) EXPERIMENT, U. S. SCHR. (12), 1831. In commission (1831-61) : W. I. sqdn. (Paine), 1833-34. EXPRESS, AMER. SLOOP (PENYARD) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 31.) EXPRESS, H. B. M. BRIG (FEAD) 1851 Nov. Fires on Amer. Str. Prometheus in harbor of San Juan del Norte; see Prometheus. EXPULSION; see ALIENAGE, ETC.; ARBITRATION EXTERRITORIALITY Immunity of dipl. and cons. officers. See also Asylum, right of. 1835 Sept. 16. U. S. atty. gen. (Butler). Opinion; immu- nities of foreign consuls in U. S. under law of na- tions and constitution and laws of U. S. (31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 961; i, Op. attys. gen., 961.) 1844 Sept. 29. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Cush- ing) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun). Origin and development of privilege of exterritoriality. (28. 2. S. doc. 58, 4; H. ex. doc. 69, 5.) 1857 Mch. 30. U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Opinion; rec- lamation of slave, employed by Austrian Minister without owner's authority, is not a breach of dipl. privilege. (ix, Op. attys. gen, 7.) Borneo 1850 Je. 23. Borneo and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 9; judicial exterritoriality granted to U. S. for cases in which Amer. citizens are concerned; see Borneo. Treaties. China See China. Consular Courts. - 1858 Je. 18. China and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 10; privileges of U. S. consuls in China. Colombia 1850 May 4. New Granada and U. S. A. Conv. concern- ing rights and privileges of consuls; art. 3; consuls may cause Order to be maintained; may decide on ºutes betw. Officers and crew; see Consular serv- Ce. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 561 EXTERRITORIALITY-cont’d Evidence TREATY STIPULATIONS 1850 May 4. New Granada and U. S. A. Conv. concern- ing rights and privileges of consuls; art. 5; when presence is required in courts, consuls to be sum- moned in writing; see Consular service. 1853 Feb. 23. France and U. S. A. Conv. concerning rights and privileges of consuls; art. 2; consuls never to appear as witnesses before the courts; see Consular service. CORRESPONDENCE 1855 Sept. 17. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion that Br. Consuls have no right, on trial of parties charged with recruiting soldiers in U. S. for service of Br. govt., to interpose by letter; but may appear as wit- nesses or by counsel in aid of defense of parties in- dicted. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 469.) Case& (Burrough, 1836) In Nov., 1836, the Amer. cons. at Vera Cruz, Burrough, was asked by the military comdt. of the plaza at Vera Cruz, Gen. Gomez, to appear in court and testify in case of the Natchez; see Natchez. (Coleman) W. E. Coleman, cons., summoned before alcalde of Tabasco because of refusal to legalize certain docu- ments; see Coleman (W. E.). (Du Bois, 1856) Early in 1856 a case of homicide occurred in Washing- ton, D.C., of which act the Dutch min. was the only impartial witness. An application was made by the distr. atty., through the Secy. State to Mr. DuBois, to appear and testify. He declined, pending advice from his govt. Provisional consent was secured ; see DuBois (H. C.). France CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1830 Sept. 8. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Berrien). Opinion; adverse to claim of cons. jurisdiction asserted by M. Roux de Rochelle, E. E. and M. P. of France in U. S. A. (i, Op. attys. gen., 730; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 730.) TREATY STIPULATIONS 1853 Feb. 23. France and U. S. A. Convention concern- ing rights and privileges of consuls; art. 8; consuls authorized to arbitrate disputes betw. officers and crew; see Consular Service. Greece 1837 Dec. 10/22. Greece and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 12; consuls and vice-consuls or commer- cial agents may arbitrate disputes betw. officers and crew; see Greece. Treaties. Hanover 1840 May 20. Hanover and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 6; consuls empowered to arbitrate disputes between officers and crew of merch. vessels; see Hanover. Treaties. • 1846 Je. 10. Hanover and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 9; consuls, Vice-consuls, commercial agts. and vice-commercial agtS. have power to judge and arbitrate; see Hanover. Treaties. Hanseatic Republics 1852 Apr. 30. Hanseatic Republics and U. S. A. Conv. concerning rights and privileges of consuls; art. 1; consuls authorized to arbitrate disputes; see Con- Sular service. Japan See Japan. Consular Courts. EXTERRITORIALITY-cont’d Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1846 Dec. 9. Mecklenburg-Schwerin and U. S. A. Dec- laration of accession to treaty of commerce and nav- igation with Hanover of 1846; art. 9; authority to consuls to arbitrate disputes; see Mecklenburg- Schwerin. Treaties. Military Service and Taxation 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; art. 30; consuls, and persons attached to their service, exempt from public service and taxation. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 29; consuls and vice-consuls and perSons at- tached to their service, exempt from compulsory military service and from taxation. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 31; consuls, secretaries and persons at- tached to service of consuls exempt from taxation. — Nov. 30. Peru, Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc.; art. 27; consuls, Vice-consuls and persons at- tached to their service exempt from public service and taxation. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 31; consuls, secretaries and persons attached to consuls exempt from all taxes. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala, and U. S. A. ConV. of peace, etc.; art. 30; consuls and persons attached to their service exempt from public service and from taxa- tion. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 32; consuls and perSons attached to their service exempt from public service and taxation. — May 4. New Granada and U. S. A. Cons. Conv.; art. 5; consuls and secretaries exempt from public service and taxation, if not natives of country where they reside. 1851 Jly. 26. Peru and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; art. 36; consuls and persons attached to their service exempt from public Service and taxation reciprocally. 1853 Feb. 23. France and U. S. A. Cons. conv.; art. 2; consuls general, consuls, Vice-consuls or consular agtS. exempt from military duty and payment of taxes, unless citizens of country in which they re- Side, or in commerce or property Owners. 1855 Jan. 22. Netherlands and U. S. A. Cons. Conv. [obsolete; abrogated, 1879; superseded by conv. of 1879]; art. 13; consuls general, consuls and Vice-con- suls, not subjects of Netherlands and not exercising any calling, exempted from military Service and taxation; cons. gen., etc., not subjects, and exercis- ing commerce, liable to all obligations of Subjects of Netherlands. 1858 May 13. Bolivia and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 33; consuls and persons attached to their Service not citizens of the country in Which they reside, exempt from taxation. Morocco 1836 Sept. 16. Morocco and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 20; settlement of disputes betw. Ameri- cans; consul power to Settle. — Sept. 16. Art. 21; crimes; consular jurisdiction; See Morocco. Treaties. Most Favored Nation Privileges 1828 May 1. Prussia and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 10; most favored nation privileges ac- corded to consuls, Vice-consuls, etc. Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; art. 27; most favored nation privileges and im- munities accorded public ministers. Dec. 12. Same. Art. 28; most favored nation priv- ileges and immunities accorded consuls and vice- Consuls. 36 562 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EXTERRITORIALITY –Cont’d Most Favored Nation Privileges—cont’d 1829 Aug. 27. Austria and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 10; most favored nation privileges and powers accorded consuls, Vice-consuls, agents and commissaries. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 28; most favored nation immunities accorded consuls and vice-consuls. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc. [ob- solete; terminated Jan. 20, 1850, on notice from Chilian govt.] ; art. 25; most favored nation priv- ileges accorded to public ministers. — May 16. Art. 28; consuls, vice-consuls and persons' attached to their service exempt from public service and taxation. — Dec. 18. Russia and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 8; most favored nation privileges accorded to consuls and vice-consuls. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 29; most favored nation privileges ac- corded consuls and Vice-consuls. — Sept. 16. Morocco and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 23; most favored nation privileges ac- corded consuls of U. S. — Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc.; art. 24; most favored nation privileges ac- corded envoys, ministers and public agents. — Nov. 30. Art. 25; most favored nation privileges accorded consuls and Vice-consuls. 1838 Nov. 26. Sardinia and U. S. A. Treaty of Com- merce, etc.; art. 15; most favored nation privi- leges accorded to consuls, Vice-consuls and commer- cial agtS. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 28; most favored nation favors and immunities accorded envoys, ministers and public agts. — Je. 13. Art. 29.; most favored nation privileges ac- corded consuls and Vice-consuls. 1840 Aug. 26. Portugal and U. S. A. Treaty of Com- merce, etc.; art. 10; consuls, vice-consuls, agtS. and commissaries accorded most favored nation privi- leges and powerS. 1845 Nov. 10. Belgium and U. S. A. Treaty of Com- merce, etc.; art. 17; most favored nation privileges accorded consuls and Vice-consuls. — Dec. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Treaty of Com- merce, etc.; art 8; most favored nation privileges accorded to consuls, vice-consuls and commercial agtS. 1846 Dec. 12. New Granada and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 29; most favored nation favors and immunities accorded envoys, ministers and public agtS. — Dec. 12. Art. 30; most favored nation privileges and immunities accorded consuls and vice-consuls. 1847 Dec. 9. Mecklenburg-Schwerin and U. S. A. Dec- laration of accession to treaty of commerce and navigation with Hanover of 1846; art. 9; most fa- vored nation privileges accorded consuls, Vice-con- suls, commercial agtS. and Vice-commercial agts. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc.; art. 27; exemptions of envoys. Mch. 3. Art. 28; most favored nation privileges and immunities accorded consuls and Vice-consuls. Dec. 20. Hawaii and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; art. 10; most favored nation privileges and powers accorded consuls, vice-consuls and commer- cial agents not exercising commerce. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 30; most favored nation privileges and immuni- ties accorded consuls and vice-consuls. — Nov. 25. Switzerland and U. S. A. Conv. of friend- ship, etc.; art. 7; most favored nation privileges ac- corded consuls and vice-consuls. EXTERRITORIALITY-cont’d Most Favored Nation Privileges—cont’d 1851 Jly. 10. Costa Rica and U. S. A. Treaty of friend- ship, etc.; art. 10; most favored nation privileges : exemptions accorded diplomatic agents and con- SUllS. 1853 Feb. 23. France and U. S. A. Cons, conv.; art. 12; most favored nation privileges and immunities ac- corded consuls-general, consuls, vice-consuls or con- Sular agts. — Jly. 27. Argentine Republic and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; art. 11; diplomatic agents and consuls accorded most favored nation privileges and immunities. 1855 Jan. 22. Netherlands and U. S. A. Conv. concern- ing the rights and privileges of consuls of the U. S. in Dutch colonies; art. 14, most favored nation priv- ileges accorded consuls-general, consuls and vice- Consuls. — Oct. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Convention of amity, etc.; art. 18; most favored nation privileges and immunities accorded to consuls, Vice-consuls and Commercial agents. 1856 Dec. 13. . Persia and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; art. 2; ambassadors or diplomatic agts. ac- corded most favored nation prerogatives and immu- nities. — Dec. 13. Art. 7; most favored nation privileges and immunities accorded to consuls. 1858 May 13. Bolivia. Treaty of peace, etc.; art. 30; envoys, ministers and other public agtS. accorded most favored nation privileges and immunities. — May 13. Art. 31; consuls and vice-consuls accorded most favored nation privileges and immunities. — Jly. 17. Belgium and U. S. A. Conv. of commerce, etc.; art. 15; usual privileges and protection reci- procally accorded to consuls and vice-consuls. 1859 Feb. 4. Paraguay and U. S. A. Treaty of friend- ship, etc.; art. 12; most favored nation privileges and immunities accorded diplomatic agents and Consuls. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 26; most favored nation privileges and powers accorded consuls or Vice-consuls not carry- ing on trade. * Muscat 1833 Sept. 21. Muscat and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 9; judicial powers of consuls; see Muscat. Treaties. Netherlands 1855 Jan. 22. Netherlands and U. S. A. Conv. concern- ing rights and privileges of consuls in Dutch colo- nies; art. 12; consuls authorized to arbitrate, etc.; See Consular service. Non-exemption 1837 Dec. 10/22. Greece and U. S. A. Treaty of com- merce, etc.; art. 12; consuls, vice-consuls and com- mercial agts. not exempt from operation of local law. Pacific Islands 1856 Organization of consular court at Apia by U. S. Commercial agt. Jenkins; apptmt. of clerk, marshal, aSSociate judges, etc. (35. 2. H. rpt. 212, 2.) 1857 Jan. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Weller, Calif.), Com. On Foreign Relations to inquire into extension of So much of act of Aug. 11, 1848, as confers judicial powers upon consuls over Various islands in Pacific. (34. 3. S. jol., 68.) See also Elvira ; St. Mary’s. Persia 1856 Dec. 13. Persia and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; art. 5; disputes; criminal offences; see Persia. Treaties. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 563 EXTERRITORIALITY-cont’d Portugal 1840 Aug. 26. Portuguese and U. S. A. Treaty of com- merce, etc.; art. 10; consuls authorized to arbitrate disputes; see Portugal. Treaties. Prussia 1828 May 1. Prussia and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 10; consuls to have right to sit as judges and arbitrators in differences betw. captains and crews of vessels; see Prussia. Treaties. 1845 Dec. 2. President U. S. (Polk). Annual message; clause relating to art. 10, of subsisting treaty with Prussia. See also Boru 88ia. Russia 1832 Dec. 18. Russia and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 8; Same as art. 10, treaty 1828, Prussia and U. S.; see Russia. Treaties. Siam - See Siam. Consular Courts. Subsequent to Termination of Function See Barrozo Pereira (J.); Butler (Anthony). Turkey r - See also Turkey. Consular Courts. 1830 May 7. Turkey and U. S. A. Treaty of commerce, etc.; art. 2; protection to consuls. Two Sicilies 1855 Oct. 1. Two Sicilies. Conv. of amity, etc.; art. 19; consuls authorized to arbitrate; see Two Sicilies. Treaties. United States STATUTORY MEASURES 1846 Mch. 14. Intr. in U. S. House (Ingersoll, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (29. 1. H. R. 297) “more ef- fectually to provide for enforcement of certain pro- visions in treaties of U. S.”; approved Aug. 8, 1846. (29. 1. H. jol., 520; 1249; 1291; ix, St. L., 78.) [Em- powering U. S. distr. and circuit courts to carry into effect awards of foreign consuls, etc., in civil causes.] CoRRESPONDENCE 1857 Jan. 7. U. S. Senate. Res. (Iverson, Ga.); Com. On Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of ex- tending provisions of Sec. 8, act of Aug. 18, 1856, to Such persons as Were apptd. U. S. ministers abroad Subsequent to passage of act of Mch. 1, 1855, to re- model diplomatic and consular systems of U. S. (34. 3. S. jol., 74.) — Feb. 12. Atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Opinion regarding power and duty of consul in regard to crimes committed within his jurisdiction by citizens of the U. S.; etc. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 51.) Venezuela 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 26; consuls and Vice-consuls authorized to arbitrate; see Venezuela. Treaties. Violations MEXICO William, A. Slacuºm, Arrested in Mexico City, Feb. 27, 1836; see Slacum (W. A.). Thomas Savage Official courier, U. S. A., robbed of despatches by comdt. of fortress of Perote, Mexico ; see Savage. UNITED STATES Marie, 1849 Marie, attaché of the legation of France in the U. S., upon desiring to quit, his lodgings, was forcibly prevented from removing his family, and effects, and was threatened with violence by the hotel keeper; see Marie. EXTRADITION See also Deserters; Impressment. Austria 1856 JIy. 3. Austria and U. S. A. Extradition conv.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 29. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in X, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Jly. 3, 1856; ratifications ex- changed at Washington, Dec. 13, 1856; proclaimed Dec. 15, 1856. Signed by Marcy (U. S.) and Hülse- mann (Austria). M. T. Gºerk, Application of the Austrian min. on behalf of govt. of Hesse for surrender of Maria Gerk, charged with murder, declined on ground of insufficient evidence ; see Gerk (M. T.). Baden 1856 Mch. 10. Baden and U. S. A. Extradition conv. (ratifications not exchanged; Amer. ratification proc. in x, Sen. exec. jol.). 1857 Jan. 30. Baden and U. S. A. Extradition conv.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 41. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in x, Sen. exec. jol., 239. Concluded Jan. 30, 1857; ratifications ex- changed at Berlin Apr. 21, 1857; proclaimed May 19, 1857. Signed by Vroom (U. S.) and Bieberstein (Baden). Bavaria 1853 Sept. 12. Bavaria and U. S. Extradition conv.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 47. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in ix, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Sept. 12, 1853; ratifications ex- changed at London, Nov. 1, 1854; proclaimed Nov. 18, 1854. Signed by Buchanan (U. S.) and de Cetto (Bavaria). Belgium 1853 Feb. 11. Belgium and U. S. Extradition treaty. Ratifications not exchanged. Amer. ratification proc. in ix–x Sen. exec. jol. 1855 Jly. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. min. res. in Belgium (Seibels). In absence of treaty, ex- tradition may be asked as an act of courtesy. (Mss. Inst. Belgium. repr. extr., ii, Wharton. Digest, 745.) Brazil 1845 Sept. 27. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise). In absence of treaty stipulation, One govt. is not under obligation to Surrender fugitive from justice to another govt. (Mss. Inst., Brazil. repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, Digest, 746.) Porpoise, Aſmer. Brig The Porpoise arrived at the port of Rio de Janeiro from port of Quellimane, coast of Africa, on Jan. 23 1845. Upon evidence of violation of the laws of the U. S. for the suppression of the slavetrade, the brig and crew were detained by U. S. frigate Rari- tan (Turner). On Feb. 3, 1845, the U. S. min. demanded of Brazil the extradition of the master, mate and cargo of the brig. Brazil refused the demand on ground of non-existence of extradition treaty betw. the two countries. . The brig was finally delivered by the Brazilian min. of marine to the Amer. cons. Comdr. Turner thereupon, in right of first seizure, demanded the delivery of the brig from the cons. The demand was granted and the accused were Sent to the U. S. for trial. See Porpoise. Bremen 1853 Sept. 6. Declaration of accession of Bremen to the extradition conv. betw. Prussia and the U. S. Concluded Sept. 6, 1853; ratifications , exchanged at Washington, Oct. 14, 1853 ; proclaimed, Oct. 15, 1853; signed by Smidt and Breuls (Bremen). Chili 1856 May 27. Chili and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc., and extradition (ratifications not exchanged; see Chili). 564 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EXTRADITION.—cont’d Denmark Saga, Deserter Application for the surrender of a deserting seaman from Danish ship Saga had been made by the Danish min. in Aug., 1853. On Oct. 14, 1853, U. S. atty.-gen. Cushing rendered an adverse opinion. France 1834 Aug. 23. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to French E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Lerrurier). No extradition to foreign state without treaty. (Mss. Notes, France. repr. (extr.) ii. Wharton, Digest, 744.) 1840 May 29. Same to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Cass). Instructions in case of absconding cashier of the Schuylkill Bank, Phila., and extent to which Cass is to act in securing his surrender. (ib., 81.1.) 1843 Nov. 9. France and U. S. A. Extradition conv. Engl. text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 348. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in vi, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Nov. 9, 1843; ratifications ex- changed at Washington Apr. 12, 1844; proclaimed Apr. 13, 1844. Signed by Upshur (U. S.) and Pageot (France). 1844 Jly. 8. U. S. atty. gen. (Nelson). Opinion; treaty with France, providing for surrender of persons ac- cused of crimes therein enumerated, prescribes as well mode and manner of evidence upon which Such surrender shall be made. (ii, Op. attyS. gen., 1688; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 1688.) — Jly. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Ring). No extradition to foreign state without treaty. (Mss. Inst. France. repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton. Digest, 744.) — Dec. 4. Calhoun to French M. P. ad int. in U. S. (Pageot). Construction of certain provisions of French-American extradition conv. (ib., 819.) 1845 Feb. 24. France and U. S. A. Extradition conv.; being an additional art. to the treaty of Nov. 9, 1843; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 349. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in Vi, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Feb. 24, 1845; ratification exchanged at Paris Je. 21, 1845; proclaimed Jly. 24, 1845. Signed by Calhoun (U. S.) and Pageot (France). 1847 Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Res. (Dayton, N. J.), in- structing com. on Judiciary to inquire into legisla- tion necessary to give effect to treaties with Gr. Br. and France for extradition of criminals fugitive from justice. (30. 1. S. jol., 67.) 1850 Oct. 23. U. S. actg. Secy. State (Derrick) to E. E. and M. P. France in the U. S. (Boisle.comte). Presi- dent declines to exercise authority in case of Sur- render of seamen of U. S. frigate Constitution charged with murder of boatman of Marseilles, and who have taken refuge in Sardinian jurisdiction. (Mss. Notes, France. repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, Digest, 799.) 1856 Feb. 28. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Adverse opin- ion on question presented by Mr. Joseph, who seeks extradition of parties indicted under Statute of Calif., and who have taken refuge in France. (vii, Op. attyS. gen., 643.) - 1858 Feb. 10. France and U. S. A. Extradition conv., being an additional article to the conv. of NOV. 9, 1843, and Feb. 24, 1845; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776- 1887,” p. 354. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratifica- tion proc. in x, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Feb. 10, 1858; ratifications exchanged at Washington Feb. 12, 1859; proclaimed Feb. 14, 1859. Signed by Cass (U. S.) and Sartiges (France). EXTRADITION.—cont’d France—cont’d Atalanta On a voyage from Marseilles to New York mutiny broke out on board the Atalanta, while the ship was on the high seas. She was forced to put back to Mar- seilles. On her arrival in port and on the applica- tion of the Amer. cons. the criminals were impris- oned on shore. After having been released, six of the prisoners were again forcibly taken from on º; * Atalanta and placed in confinement; see :Ollºl,0. David Carpentier, and Others Accused of defrauding Northern R.R. co, through forg- ery. Atty.-gen. Čushing, on Jan. 10, 1858, handed down an opinion advising that authority be given º to institute extradition process ; see David N. Lucillon Application was made in 1855 º, the French chargé in the U. S., Boilleau, for authority to pursue extra- dition of Lucillon ; see Lucillon. Plattsburg, Amer. Ship Lemººt of mutinous Plattsburg crew fled to France. is surrender was demanded by the then Amer. min. (Gallatin) ; see Plattsburg. Germany 1848 Jly. 28. President U. S. A. (Polk) to U. S. Senate. Message; inability to ratify conv. for mutual de- livery of fugitive criminals, with Prussia and Ger- manic Confederation. (iv., Mess. and Papers, 600; Vii, Sen. exec. jol., 462.) 1850 Feb. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Caze- nove. No extradition to foreign state without treaty. (Mss. Notes, Germ. repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, Di- gest, 744.) Great Britain 1794 Nov. 19. Great Britain and U. S. A. Treaty of am- ity, etc.; art. 27; extradition; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 379. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) 1798 Mch. 14. C. Lee to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Randolph). Requisition from Br. minister is not authorized by art. 27, treaty of 1794, unless persons demanded are charged with crime committed within jurisdic- tion of Gr. Br. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 52.) 1826 Je. 19. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Gallatin). Instructions for negotiating stipulations for mutual surrender of * and of runaway slaves. (20. 2. H. doc. – Dec. 21. Gallatin to Clay. Substance of conference With Huskisson relative to negotiation for surren- der of runaway slaves. (ib., 3.) 1827 Feb. 24. Clay to Gallatin. Renews instructions relative to surrender of fugitive slaves. (20. 2. H. doc. 19, 3.) — May 24. Clay to Gallatin. Ky, resolutions praying Opening of negotiations with Gr. Br. for surrender of fugitive slaves. (ib., 4.) — Jly. 5. Gallatin to Clay. Gr. Br. declines to enter * *uation for Surrender of fugitive slaves. 10., 4. — Sept. 26. Gallatin to Clay. Reason for Br. refusal to accede to proposal for surrender of fugitive Slaves. (ib., 4.) 1828 May 9. U. S. House. Res. (McHatton) that Presi- dent be requested to open negotiation with Br. govt. to effect arrangement for surrender of fugitive slaves who have taken refuge in Canadian prov- inces. (20. 1. H. jol., 715; 720.) — Je. 13. Clay to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Barbour). Instructions for renewing proposal for surrender of fugitive slaves. (ib., 5.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 565 EXTRADITION.—cont’d Great Britain—cont’d 1828 Sept. 6. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Brent) to Porter. In absence of treaty, extradition may be asked as an act of courtesy. (Mss. Dom. Let, repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, Digest, 745.) - Oct. 2. Barbour to Clay. Substance of conference With Lord Aberdeen relative to proposal for sur- render of fugitive slaves. (20. 2. H. 19, 5.) — Dec. 5. U. S. House. Res. (McHatton) calling for information as to state of negotiation with Gr. Br. ; ºnder of fugitive slaves. (20. 2. H. jol., 29; 1829 Jly. 21. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Vaughan). In absence of treaty, extradition may be asked as an act of Courtesy. (Mss. Notes, For. Leg. repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, Digest, 745.) 1831 Aug. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to gov. of Canada. Same. (ib., 745.) - 1834 Nov. 29. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Price. No extradition to a foreign state without treaty. (ib., 744.) 1837 Jly. 28. Same to Rogers. No extradition to foreign state without treaty. (ib., 744.) 1840 Feb. 10. U. S. House. Res. (Davis, Ky.) request- ing President to urge upon Br. govt. importance of treaty stipulation for surrender of fugitive slaves by Canadian authorities, on requisition of U. S. cit- izen adjudged to be owner of such slaves. (26. 1. H. jol., 385; viii, Cong. Globe, 182.) 1841 Dec. 22. U. S. Senate. Res. (Woodbridge, Mich.) directing Com. on Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of entering into arrangements with govt. of Gr. Br. for mutual arrest of fugitives over no. and n. W. boundaries. (27. 2. S. jol., 47.) 1842 Aug. 9. Great Britain and U. S. A. Treaty to settle . . . . boundaries, etc. [Ashburton treaty..] Text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 432. (48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in vi, Sen. exec. jol., 131. Art. 10; extradition of criminals. [In force; provision extended by Blaine-Pauncefote conv. of Jly. 12, 1889.] — Aug. 9. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Ash- burton) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Con- firmation by Parliament of art. 3 [sic, i. e., 10] of treaty of 1842. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 107; H. ex. doc. 2, 105; xii, Cong. Globe, 23.) — Aug. 11. President U. S. A. (Tyler) to U. S. Sen- ate. Message transmitting treaty of Aug. 9, 1842, with Gr. Br. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 19.) 1843 Jly. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Legaré). Attempts to alter provisions of Lords’ bill to carry into effect art. 10, treaty of Washington. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 2.) — Aug. 8. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur) to Everett. Impossible for U. S. to Sanction Lord Aberdeen’s construction of art. 10, treaty, of Washington. (ib., 3.) — Aug. 22. British act for giving effect to art. 10 treaty of Washington. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 33.) — Aug. 29. U. S. atty. gen. (Nelson). Opinion; Ex- ecutive shall not issue his warrant for surrender of fugitives under art. 10, of treaty of Washington, except in certain cases. (ii, Op. attys, gen, 1629; 31. 2. H. ex, doc. 55, 1629.) — Nov. 14. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett). Instruction to obtain opinion from law officers of the crown as to construction to be placed on British act giving effect to art. 10, treaty of Washington. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 31.) — Nov. 27. Opinion of attorney and solicitor general * of Gr. Br. upon construction of British act giving effect to art. 10, treaty of Washington. (ib., 33.) EXTRADITION.—cont’d Great Britain—cont’d 1844 Jan. 2. Everett to Upshur. Opinion of attorney and solicitor general upon construction of British act to carry into effect art. 10, of treaty of Washing- ton. (ib., 32.) — Jan. 30. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benton, Mo.), calling for information in relation to surrender by Gr. Br., under treaty of 1842, of slaves committing crimes and escaping from U. S. to Br. dominions. (28. 1. S. jol., 93; 96.) — Jan. 30. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benton, Mo.); opinion that President ought to give notice to Br. govt. of immediate termination of art. 10, treaty of 1842, for surrender of fugitive criminals. (ib., 93; 120.) — Feb. 14. Senate of U. S. Res. providing for ter- mination of art. 10, Ashburton treaty. (28. 1. S. doc. 125.) — Feb. 19. Upshur to President of U. S. (Tyler). Construction of art. 10, treaty of Washington. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 1.) — Feb. 22. U. S. Senate. Res. (Archer, Va.), calling for corresp. in relation to interpretation of art. 10, treaty of 1842, with Gr. Br. (28. 1. S. jol., 133; 135.) — Feb. 23. W. O. Allen, sen. from O. Remarks; fa- Voring adoption of res. calling for corresp. and in- formation relative to construction and execution of art. 10, Ashburton treaty. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 311.) Mch. 19. Secy. State, U. S. A., ad int. (Derrick) to President Tyler. Interpretation of art. 10, treaty of Washington. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 1.) — Aug. 7. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun) to Everett. Art. 10, Ashburton treaty, requires criminality of act charged to be judged of by laws of country within whose jurisdiction act was committed; evi- dence on which fugitive’s surrender is demanded, should be law of place where he is found. (Mss. Inst. Gr. Br. repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, Digest, 818.) 1847 Feb. 16. Missouri General Assembly to U. S. Sen- ate. Memorial, praying measures to enable Owners of slaves escaping from Mo. into Canada to institute proc. for their recovery. (29. 2. S. jol., 195.) — Feb. 27. Same to U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 439.) — Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Res. (Dayton, N. J.), in- structing Com. On Judiciary to inquire into leg- islation necessary to give effect to treaties with Gr. Br. and France for extradition of criminals fu- gitive from justice. (30. 1. S. jol., 67.) 1859 Dec. 19. Kentucky. Res. relating to treaties for surrender of fugitives from labor. (36. 1. H. mis. doc. 60.) 1860 Mch. 2. Ohio citizens to U. S. House. Petition, praying for treaty with Gr. Br. for delivery of fugi- tive slaves escaped into Canada. (36. 1. H. jol., 421.) – Mch. 23. Tennessee Legislature. Res. relative to negotiation of treaty with Gr. Br. for surrender of fugitive slaves. (36. 1. H. misc. doc. 88.) John Anderson, Fugitive slave ; charged with murder in Missouri in 1860. Fled to Canada, where, through efforts of officials of Missouri, he was imprisoned in town of Brantford. Ensuing proc. for his surrender in- volved construction of art. 10, Ashburton treaty. He was tried but was released on a technicality; see Anderson (J.). N. Britton, J. C. Clinton, alias Reed Application for the surrender of Britton, forger, was made to Br. govt. by the U. S. min. in Sept., 1843. Declined on ground of non-compliance with require. ments of 6 and 7 Vict. ch. 76 ; see Britton Öğ. W. Brown, Fugitive from justice of state of Ohio, alleged to have taken refuge in Canada, 1854; see Brown (W.). 566 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs * EXTRADITION.—cont’d Great Britain—cont’d Geere?, Murder J. H. Geeren, a settler of Key Biscayne, Fla., was mur- dered in Sept., 1843. The seven negroes implicated in the deed fled to Br. jurisdiction, viz., Nassau, Reclamation was made by the U. S. to the colonial governor for delivery of the fugitives, under art. 10, Ashburton treaty. On Dec. 29, 1843, the colonial court delivered an opinion refusing to issue the warrant on ground of lack of evidence; See Geeren (J. H.). Hamilton, On Apr. 21, 1854, U. S. atty.-gen. Cushing submitted an adverse opinion on proposed claim agst. Gr. Br. for Surrender of Hamilton, on ground that constructive larceny is not among causes of extradition provided by art. 10, treaty of 1842; see Hamilton. Alleazander Heilbron, U. S. atty.-gen. Cushing submitted three different opin- º in extradition case of Heilbron ; see Heilbron Aleaxander McLeod See Canada. Insurrection, 1837-38. A. Pollock; Application for the surrender of Pollock, charged by the Bank of America with embezzlement, was ºãe to the Br. govt. by the Amer. min. in Sept., 1843. Denied on ground that embezzlement was not one of the offences provided for by art. 10, Ashburton treaty ; see Pollock (A.). D. Quick Charged with murder of J. S. Vangorden in Pike County, Penn., in 1842. Fled to Canada. Extradition de- manded Oct. 23, 1843, Br. min, replying, Nov. 22, that, upon production of requisite testimony, Quick would be ordered delivered ; see Quick (D.). Denison Rogers Charged with murder of his wife in Plainfield, N. Y. ; escaped to Br. terr., Extradition demanded Oct. 13, 1843, Br. min. replying Nov. 22, that, upon pro- duction of the requisite testimony, Rogers would be delivered ; see Rogers (D.). Ezra Selleck, Accused of passing counterfeit money in Lansing, N. Y. #adition demanded Dec. 1, 1843; see Selleck - James Walker Indicted for forgery committed in Albany, N. Y. ; fled to Canada ; Surrender demanded Dec. 37. 1843; the Br. min. replying that docs. had been forwarded to gov.-gen. of Canada ; see Walker (J.). Anson Wing Charged with larceny committed in New York State; fled to Br. provinces. U. S. atty.-gen. Cushing de- livered an opinion in case on Aug. 19, 1853; see Wing (A.). TWOOd, 1857 Je. 22. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton) to Howard. Insufficiency of an indictment under art. 10, Ashburton treaty, referring to case of Wood. gº; Dom. Let. repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, Digest, 24. f Hanover 1855 Jan. 18. Hanover and U. S. A. Extradition conv.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 528. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in ix, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Jan. 18, 1855; ratifications ex- changed at London Apr. 17, 1855; proclaimed May 5, 1855. Signed by Buchanan (U. S.) and Killman- segge (Hanover). Hawaii 1849 Dec. 20. Hawaii and U. S. A. Treaty of friendship, etc.; art. 14; extradition of criminals; see Hawaii. Treaties. EXTRADITION.—cont’d Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1853 Nov. 26. Mecklenburg-Schwerin and U. S. A. Dec- laration of accession to extradition conv. betw. U. S. and Prussia; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 658. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Dated Nov. 26, 1853; proclaimed Jan. 6, 1854. Signed by v. Bulow (Meck- lenburg-Schwerin). Mecklenburg-Strelitz “g 1853 Dec. 2. Mecklenburg-Strelitz and U. S. A. Decla- ration of accession to the extradition conv. betw. U. S. and Prussia; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 660. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Dated Dec. 2, 1853; proclaimed Jan. 26, 1854. Signed by Kandorff and Duschow (Mecklenburg-Strelitz). Mexico 1827 Dec. 27. U. S. House. Res. (Brent), calling for information in regard to measures taken to appre- hend citizens of U. S. absconding to Mexico to es- cape payment of debt, and steps taken to establish boundary betw. Texas and La.; information trans- mitted Jan. 15, 1828. (20. 1. H. jol., 96; 173.) 1828 Jan. 14. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to President |U. S. (Adams). Rpts., in response to H. res., that no arrangement for delivery of persons absconding from U. S. exists between Mexico and U. S.; that it is inexpedient to publish corresp. relating to Mex- ican boundary. (21. 1. H. doc. 61, 4.) 1831 May 26. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Objection of Mexican govt. to art. in treaty providing for pursuit and rec- lamation of fugitive slaves. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 383.) 4. — Nov. 23. Butler to same (Livingston). Approval by the Senate of the treaty; Chamber of Deputies reaffirms the rejection of the fugitive slave article [art. 34]. (ib., 407.) — Dec. 6. Same to same. Senate Sustains its ap- proval of art. 34, of the treaty [re fugitive slaves]; writer is inclined to suppress art. if objections to it tend to defeat treaty. (ib., 409.) 1834 Je. 29. Butler to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Lombardo). Possible attitude of U. S. govt. in de- . livery of Mexican criminals seeking refuge in U. S.; citing precedent of robbery of jewels of Princess of Orange. (ib., 528.) - — Jly. 5. Lombardo to Butler. Renewal of request for information relative to possible attitude of U. S. govt. in delivery of Mexican criminals seeking ref- uge in U. S. (ib., 529.) 1835 Apr. 11. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Castillo). Inquiry re- garding power of local Mexican authorities to Sur- render persons now in Mexican province of Texas who have committed forgeries agst. pension laws of U. S. (ib., 703.) — Apr. 13. Ministr. de relac. est., Mexico (Gutierrez de Estrada) to Butler. Delivery of criminal con- cealed in house of William Parrott, U. S. consul at Mexico, ordered. (ib., 561.) — Apr. 13. Butler to Gutierrez de Estrada. Doubt that William Parrott, Amer. cons. at Mexico, has concealed a criminal in his house. (ib., 562.) — Apr. 14. Castillo to Forsyth. Same. (ib., 703.) — Sept. 4. Castillo to Forsyth. Mexico declines to surrender persons who, having committed forgeries agst. pension laws of U. S., fled to Mexican proV. of Texas. (ib., 704.) 1839 Feb. 18. S. Forbes and John Thomas to U. S. House. Memorial remonstrating agst. passage of any in- ternational law for mutual exchange of fugitives from justice, by U. S. and Texas. (25.3. H. jol., 602.) INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 567 ExTRADITION.—cont'd Mexico—cont’d 1850 Jan. 8. Texas Legislature. Res. in favor of an ar- rangement betw. U. S. and Mexico for mutual sur- render of criminals, robbers, persons held in bond- age, or fugitives from justice. (31. 1. S. mis. doc. — Apr. 17. Texas Legislature. Res., urging measures for arrangement with Mexico for mutual surrender of fugitives from service, or of escaped criminals. (31. 1. S. jol., 287.) — Jly. 20. Mexico and U. S. A. Conv. for mutual sur- render of fugitive criminals [7 articles; unratified; signed by Clayton (U. S. A.) and de la Rosa (Mex- ico]. Sp. text in ii, Mexico. Derecho internac., 167. Amer. ratification proc. in viii-ix, Sen. exec. jol. — Jly. 20. President U. S. A. (Fillmore) to Senate TJ. S. A. Message; conv. betw. U. S. A. and Mexico for the extradition of fugitives from justice. (viii, Sen. exec. jol., 207.) º 1852 Je. 26. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to President (Fillmore). Urging that attention of Senate be di- rected to necessity for extradition compact betw. Mexico and U. S. A. (ib., 408; v, Mess. and Papers, 154.) — Je. 26. President Fillmore to U. S. Senate. Mes- sage; rpt. of Secy. Webster on unratified extradi- tion conv. with Mexico. (W, Mess. and Papers, 154.) S. Harden, and Others Five persons of this name fled from Maury County, Tenn., to Mexican prov. of Texas in 1827, for the murder of I. N. Porter and W. H. Williamson. The treaty for the mutual surrender of fugitives had not yet been ratified, and, in giving instructions for the reclamation of the Hardens, the U. S. govt. ex- pressed doubts of its right to expect surrender. The comdt.-gen. of the dept. in which the criminals had taken refuge, declined to surrender them ; see Harden (S.) and others. Martin, and Shaw Accused of bank robbery in New Orleans in 1833. Ap- lication for Surrender of criminals was denied. In Je. 16, 1834, the Mexican Secy. State offered to deliver the men if the U. S. would commit itself to make reciprocal surrender of Mexican offenders seeking refuge in the U. S.; see Martin (S.). Netherlands 1856 May 29. Netherlands and the U. S. A. Conv. for the mutual delivery of criminals, fugitives from justice in certain cases, and for other purposes [in- Operative; Dutch govt. objected to usual course pur- Sued by U. S. A. of including Senate amdmts. in act of ratifications only]. Amer. ratification proc. in x, Sen. exec. jol. 1857 Aug. 21. Netherlands and U. S. A. Conv. for the mutual delivery of criminals, fugitives from justice in certain cases, and for other purposes. Inopera- tive; Amer. ratification proc. in x, Sen. exec. jol. — Dec. 17. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to U. S. Senate in executive session. Message transmitting extradition conv. of Aug. 27; explaining reasons for failure of exchange of ratifications of similar con- vention of May 29, 1856. (x, Sen. exec. jol., 276.) Jewels of the Princess of Orange In 1831 the Dutch min. made application for the sur- render of the person upon whom a portion of the stolen jewels were found. Atty.-gen. Taney deliv- ered several opinions in the case ; see Netherlands. Crown jewels. Norway; see below, Sweden and Norway Oldenburg 1853 Dec. 30. Oldenburg and U. S. A. Declaration of ac- cession to extradition conv. betw. U. S. and Prussia; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 793. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Signed Dec. 30, 1853; proclaimed Mch. 21, 1853. Signed by v. Rössing (Oldenburg). EXTRADITION.—cont’d Portugal Triompho On Apr. 16, 1833, U. S. atty.-gen. Taney delivered an opinion adverse to the application of the Portuguese min. for the delivery of two seamen guilty of piracy on board the Portuguese brig Triompho; see Tri- ompho. Prussia 1845 Jan. 29. Prussia and U. S. A. Extradition ConV. (not ratified by U. S. A.; proc. in vii, Sen. exec. jol.). 1852 Je. 16. Prussia and U. S. Extradition conv.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 921. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer.' ratification proc. in ix, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Je. 16, 1852; ratifications ex- changed at Washington May 30, 1853; proclaimed Je. 1, 1853. Signed by Webster (U. S.) and Gerolt (Prussia). Plattsburg, Aſmer. Ship; see that title R. Sachs Sachs, Prussian citizen, was guilty of crime of forgery. Atty.-gen. U. S. A. (Cushing), handed down an Opin- ion in the case on Oct. 7, 1854; see Sachs (R.). Schaumburg-Lippe 1854 Je. 7. Schaumburg-Lippe and U. S. A. Declaration of accession to extradition conv. betw. U. S. and Prussia; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 983. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Dated Je. 7, 1854; proclaimed Jly. 26, 1854. Signed by Sauer and Werner (Schaum- burg-Lippe). Siam 1856 May 29. Siam and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 3. Offenders to be mutually surrendered; see Siam. Treaties. Spain 1842 Je. 21. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Sp. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Argaiz). In absence of treaty, delivery of criminals is a matter of comity or courtesy. (Mss. Notes, Spain. repr. (extr.), ii, Wharton, Digest, 745.) Manuel Castro An opinion in the case of Castro, deserter at Key West from the Spanish schr. San Juan Bautista, was rendered by atty.-gen. Black on Sept. 24, 1857 ; see Castro (M.). William, Engs Seamen of William Engs were confined in the prison of Madrid on acct. Of mutinous conduct on board the William Engs while that vessel was in Spanish ter- ritory. Their surrender was demanded by comdr. U. S. sloop Boston (Babbitt) ; see William Engs. Sweden and Norway See also Plattsburg. 1860 Mch. 21. Sweden and Norway and U. S. A. Extra- dition conv.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 1066. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Concluded Mch. 21, 1860; ratifications exchanged at Washington Dec. 20, 1860; proclaimed Dec. 21, 1860. Signed by Cass (U. S.) and Wetterstedt (Sweden and Nor- Way). Amer. ratification proc. in xi, Sen. exec. jol. Superseded as to Norway by treaty of Je. 7, 1893, and as to Sweden by treaty of Jan. 14, 1893. Switzerland 1846 Sept. 15. Switzerland and U. S. A. Conv. for the mutual Surrender of criminals. Ratifications not eXchanged. Amer. ratification proc. in Wii, Sen. exec. jol. 1850 Nov. 25. Switzerland and U. S. Conv. of friend- ship, etc.; art. 13, extradition of criminals ; See Switzerland. Treaties. §68 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS EXTRADITION.—Cont’d Two Sicilies 1855 Jan. 13. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. of amity, etc.; art. 21, extradition of criminals; see Two Sicilies. Treaties. — Dec. 31. President U. S. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage; clause relating to extradition treaty with Two Sicilies. United States (Federal) STATUTORY MEASURES 1848 Feb. 11. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Dayton, Com. on Judiciary), bill (30. 1. S. 136) “giving effect to certain treaty stipulations for mutual extradition of fugitives *; approved Aug. 12, 1848. (30. 1. S. jol., 169; 505; 592; ix, St. L., 302.) — Je. 23. Intr. in U. S. House (Ingersoll, Com. On Judic.), bill (30. 1. H. R. 577) “for giving full effect to treaties of extradition.” (30. 1. H. jol., 947; 30. 2. H. jol., 488.) 1860 May 26. For expenses incurred in bringing home persons charged with Crime; act making apprns. for cons. and dipl. expenses for year ending Je. 30, 1861. (xii, St. L., 20.) Je. 7. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Bayard, Com. On Ju- diciary), bill (36. 1. S. 497) “to amend act for giv- ing effect to treaty stipulations for delivery of cer- tain offenders ”; approved Je. 22. (36. 1. S. jol., 579; 742; xii, St. L., 84.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1841 Dec. 14. John W. King to U. S. House. Memorial; in favor of amdmt. to Constitution of U. S., for transportation and colonization of criminals. (27. 2. H. jol., 53.) 1848 Je. 23. J. R. Ingersoll, repr. from Penn. Remarks; object of H. R. 577, for giving full effect to treaties of extradition. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 868.) — J1y. 28. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Remarks; On S. 136, giving effect to treaty stipulations with foreign govts. for apprehension and delivering up of certain offenders. (ib., 1008.) — Jly. 28. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Same. (ib., 1008.) — Jly. 28. W. L. Dayton, sen. from N. J. Same. (ib., 1008.) — Jly. 28. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Same. (ib., 1008.) — Jly. 28. W. R. King, sen. from Ala. Same. (ib., 1008.) 1853 Dec. 13. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; where court of one of the states assumes to take, by habeas corpus out of hands of U. S. marshal, a per- son held by him as fugitive from crime committed in foreign country and under reclamation by treaty, U. S. may protect their marshal in maintenance of laws and in discharge of public faith towards re- claiming foreign govt. (vi, Op. attyS. gen., 227.) Dec. 16. Same. Opinion; marshal of U. S., when called upon to serve process for arrest of alleged fugitive from service, has no absolute right to de- mand a bond of indemnity as consideration of mak- ing service. (ib., 229.) 1854 Je. 3. Same. Opinion; in case of suits agst. U. S. marshals for lawful acts done by them in extradi- tion of fugitives from service, the Pres. may author- ize employment of counsel in their behalf. (ib., 500.) 1855 Jan. 19. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benjamin, La.), to instruct Com. on Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of legal provision for execution of ex- tradition treaties. (33. 2. S. jol., 143.) — Jan. 19. J. P. Benjamin, sen. from La. Remarks; on res. of even date. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 327.) EXTRADITION.—cont’d United States—cont’d (Federal)—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1855 Jly. 26. U. S. atty, gen. (Cushing). Opinion; in matter of subsisting treaties betw. U. S. and foreign govts, for extradition of fugitives from justice. (viii, Op. attys. gen., 519.) 1857 Feb. 11. Same. Opinion; amt. of evidence on which cons. in foreign port is authorized to arrest a per- son and send him to U. S. for trial. (ib., 380.) — Feb. 12. Cushing to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) Opinion; power and duty of cons. in regard to crimes committed within his jurisdiction by citi- zens of U. S.; cons. at Havana, justified in detaining perSOn Suspected of having Committed Crime on *ard for remission to U. S. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 51.) — Feb. 18. Same. Opinion; it is duty of U. S. to pro- vide place of imprisonment for persons detained for extradition at instance of foreign govts. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 396.) 9 — May 29. U. S. State Dept. Circular no. 3 to consu- lar officers of U. S., transmitting opinion of atty. gen. On power and duty of consul in regard to crimes committed within his jurisdiction by citi- zens of U. S. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 66.) 1858 May 5. U. S. House. Res. (Clingman, Com. on For- eign Affairs) disclaiming right of U. S. to seize of fender agst. laws on foreign territory. (35. 1. H. jol., 738.) — Oct. 29. U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Opinion; extra- dition laws do not require proc. agst. foreign Crim- inal or deserting seaman to be either carried On or approved, by attorney of U. S. for proper district. (ix, Op. attyS. gen., 246.) 1860 Apr. 4. Kentucky Legislature. Res.; treaties for ºneer of fugitives from labor. (36. 1. S. jol., — Je. 7. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; inquiry as to reciprocal nature of bill to amend act providing for extradition of certain offenders. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 2724.) — Je. 7. J. A. Bayard, sen. from Del. Remarks; on bill, S. 497, to amend act to give effect to certain treaty stipulations for apprehension and delivery of cer- tain offenders. (ib., 2724.) — Nov. 15. U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Opinion; in mat- ter of payments of expenses in cases of extradition. (ix, Op. attys, gen., 465.) Beaver, H. B. M. Sloop On Nov. 25, 1817, U. S. atty.-gen. Wirt delivered an ad- verse opinion on the defence of capt. Felix (Beaver) in the case of seizure and detention by force, in port of New Orleans of a Br. subject charged with desertion ; see Beaver. TWilliaſm, Calder chargº with forgery committed in Gr. Br. emanded of U. S. Atty.-gen. Cushin Opinion in case on Aug. 31, 1853; see Christina Cochrane In 1843 application was made by the Br. min. for the surrender of Christina. Cochrane, alias Gilmour, charged with murder in Scotland of her husband. The evidence was heard in the distr. Ct. of New York, and a warrant for surrender was issued by the judge of that court; see Cochrane (C Dewit U. S. atty.-gen. Legaré, on Oct. 11, 1841, Submitted an opinion, on demand of gov.-gen. of Canada, for Sur- render of Dewit ; see Dewit. Rodney French French was charged with murder of J. Cannon, Br. subject, on board the Amer. vessel Ohance, of which he was at the time master, while on the high Seas: see French (R.). Extradition delivered an alder (Wm.). INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 569 EXTRADITION.—cont’d United States—cont’d (Federal)—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d Wm. Manning On Nov. 22, 1817, U. S. atty, gen. Wirt delivered an adverse opinion on the application of the British minister for the delivery of Manning for trial in England on charge of mutiny on board a British merchantman on the high seas; see Manning. William Tyler As U. S. º marshal, Tyler attempted to execute a writ of attachment agst, the Amer. brig Concord (Jones), following her into Canadian waters. Jones, in resisting the execution, was shot. Subsequently the Br. min. demanded the extradition of Tyler. On Jly. 28, 1859, U. S. atty.-gen. Black handed down an opinion in case of surrender of Tyler; see Tyler (Wm. H.). TWetherºpaac Charged with murder committed in Canada ; fled to TJ. S. U. S. atty.-gen. Cushing delivered an opinion in case on Dec. 18, 1856; see Wetherwax. (State) 1837 Jly. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Rogers. Circumstances under which U. S. has sanctioned ef- forts of a state executive to obtain Surrender of fugitive from justice. (Mss. Dom. Let. Tepr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, 809.) 1839 Aug. 7. Same to Spencer. Legislation in N. Y. State for surrender of fugitive criminals; attitude of gov. Clinton; act of Apr. 5, 1822, etc. (ib., 810.) — Aug. 7. Same to Spencer. In absence of treaty, or legislative authority, President cannot call upon gov. of a state to Surrender fugitive to another country. (ib., 745.) Venezuela 1856 Jly. 10. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of com- fmerce, etc., and extradition. Not ratified by U. S.; See Venezuela. 1860. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc.; art. 27; extradition of criminals; see Venezuela. Trea- ties. Württemberg 1853 Oct. 13. Württemberg and U. S. A. Declaration of accession to extradition conv, betw. U. S. and Prus- sia; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 1146. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Dated Oct. 13, 1853; proclaimed I)ec. 27, 1853. Signed by v. Neurath (Wüttemberg). EXTRATERRITORIALITY; see EXTERRITORIALITY EYNARD (PAUL) Amer. cons. for Malta, 1830-34; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. Name misspelled, viz., Egnaud, in rpt. Of nomination in iv, Exec. jol. EZPELETA; see ESPELETA FABENS (JOSEPH WARREN), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Cayenne, 1844-45, and again in 1848; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. U. S. comi. agt. for San Juan del Norte, 1853-54 ; See U. S. A. Consular service. Nicaragua. On April 24, 1855, a letter, signed by Fabens, was pred. in the N. Y. Herald, on the strength of which U. S. atty.-gen. Cushing directed that proc. agst. Fabens and H. L. Kinney be begun for violation of sec. 6, of neutrality act of Apr. 20, 1818. On organization of the Rivas-Walker govt. in Nicaragua, Fabens ap- pears as an official of that govt. See also Nicar- agua. Filibustering, etc. U. S. Com/mercial Agt., San Juan del Norte 1854 May 15. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Differ- ences betw. Transit co. and people of town of San Juan del Norte; frequent visits of war vessels of U. S. to harbor would conduce to peace; accompa- nied by instruments of protest sworn to before Fa- bens. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 10; H. ex. doc. 136, 20.) FABENS (JOSEPH WARREN), OF MASS.—cont’d U. S. Commercial Agt., San Juan del Norte—cont’d 1854 May 30. To same. Attempt to seize person of Amer. Minister Borland. (ib., 15; ib., 25.) — Je. 16. To same. Escape to Jamaica of chief insti- gators of mob violence; possession of Mosquito terr. suggested as indemnity for losses of Accessory Transit co. (ib., 17; ib., 28.) — Je. 24. To authorities in San Juan del Norte. De- mands restoration of property of Accessory Transit Co. and redress for outrages committed. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 23.) — Jly. 11. To same. Demands payment of $16,000 for outrages upon Amer. citizens, $8000 for claim of Accessory Transit co., and apology for indignity of— fered Mr. Borland. (ib., 23.) * — JIy. 12. To Hanseatic cons. (Wiedemann). U. S. S. Cyane will bombard San Juan del Norte to-morrow on refusal or neglect of town to comply with de- mands made yesterday. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 10, 12.) — Jly. 12. To comdr. U. S. S. Cyane (Hollins). People of San Juan decided not to accede to any demands made; chief instigators of mob violence in posses- Sion of town. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 24.) – Jly. 14. To same. Requests permission to convey Consular archives and personal effects on board Cyane, and conveyance for himself to U. S. (ib., 27.) — Jly. 15. To Marcy. Armed force at Point Arenas disbanded; no official reply to communication de- manding redress; arrival of capt. Hollins, U. S. S. Cyane, who has removed arms and ammunition from station-house; bombardment opened 13 inst. (ib., 18; H. ex. doc. 136, 28.) 1855 Oct. 23. Certificate stating that Mr. Wiedemann was informed of capt. Hollins’ intention and that he made request for safety of property. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 10, 21.) — Nov. 13. Affidavit of aid rendered him by col. J. H. Wheeler in ascertaining rights of claimants of Grey- town agst. U. S. (35. 1. H. rpt. 206, 8.) Dir. Dept. Colonization, Nicaragua 1855 Dec. 22. Circular inviting immigration. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 60.) FABENS (SAMUEL E.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Cayenne in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. FABER (CONRAD W.), JOINT CLAIMANT; see UNITED STATES FABIUS (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) FACTOR, AMER. BRIG (BEALE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 31.) FADDEN (JOHN), HEIRS OF 1854 Jan. 18. To U. S. House. Petition, praying indem- nity for property seized and confiscated by Br. dur- ing war of 1812. (33. 1. H. jol., 236.) FAGALDE ( ), COMDR. DOMINICAN FLEET 1850 Feb. Death of. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 17.) FAGAN (JOHN), AND OTHERS 1838 May 2. to U. S. Senate. Memorial agst. passage of international copyright law. (25. 2. S. jol., 384.) 570 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS # FAGOAGA (FRANCISCO) Aug. 20-Dec. 26, 1832, ministr. relac. est. of Mexico. 1832 Aug. 21. To Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Protest agst, action of Vera Cruzana Submitted to Secy. of War. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 449.) — Sept. 12. To same. Imprisonment of J. Johnson at Jalapa for seditious conduct. (ib. 451.) — Sept. 22. Same. Communication from gov. of Vera Cruz relative to arrest of J. Johnson. (ib., 454.) — Nov. 9. To same. Exeguatur D. N. Smith, Amer. cons. at port of Matamoras. (ib., 459.) — Nov. 22. To same. Reservation of burial-place, called the Cuchilla, for foreigners not professing exclusive religion of state. (ib., 460.) Nov. 24. To same. Order exempting citizens of TJ. S. from Service in local militia and from payment of contribution for non-service. (ib., 460.) — Dec. 4. To same. Exemption of citizens of U. S. from “forced loan * exacted of foreigners, not prac- ticable. (ib., 461.) — Dec. 5. To same. Requisite justice, in matter of robbery of official corresp. by gov. of castle of Pe- rote, promised. (ib., 463.) FAHIE (W. C.), COMDR. BR. SHIP SALISBURY 1823 Sept. 5. To H. B. M. chargé in U. S. (Addington). Detention of Schr. Charles. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 8.) FAHS (CHARLES F.), ASST. SURGEON, U. S. N. 1854 Je. 1. To Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Tour to Porcelain tower, Nanking. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 76.) FAIR (ELISHA Z.), OF ALA. Amer. min. res. in Belgium, Je. 14, 1858-May 8, 1861. 1858 Dec. 9.. [no. 4, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Necessity of U. S. consulate at Ghent; transmits note to that effect from minister of For- eign Affairs (De Vriere). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 62.) FAIR AMERICAN, AMER. SCHR. (WILSON, CLAIMANT) Seized in port of Refugio in 1826 on ground of absence of cons. Certificate. n. d. Claim agst. Mexico; Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 51.) n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 48; H. doc. 3, 50.) 1828 Aug. 2. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett) to minstr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo). Pro- test agst, irregularity in trial of Fair American and brig Delight. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 246.) Oct. 7. Cañedo to Poinsett. Mexican tariff and commercial regulations; cases of Fair American and brig Delight. (ib., 260.) $. — Oct. 9. Poinsett to Cañedo. Indemnity for seizure of cargoes of brig Delight and Schr. Fair American. (ib., 261.) 1830 Apr. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Claim of T. Wilson for seizure by Mexican authorities of Fair American at port of Refugio. (ib., 62.) 1846 Feb. 4. Wilson to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying payment of award under conv. with Mexico. (29. 1. S. jol., 133.) FAIR AMERICAN, AMER. SHIP (HOBSON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 31.) FAIR HAVEN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 228.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) FAIRBANKS (JASON), DEPY. MARSHAL NO. DISTR. N. Y. 1838 May 30. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Ad- vice of destruction by Americans of Br. Str. Sir Robert Peel. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 440, 2.) — May 30. To U. S. atty, no. distr. N.Y. (Benton). Advice in case of Sir Robert Peel. (ib., 4.) FAIRFAX (ARCHIBALD B.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1823-61. Lieut., 1832; comdr., 1855; dis- missed Apr. 18, 1861. Sea service in command : 1856, comdg. U. S. sloop Cyane, Home sqdn. FAIRFAX (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 38.) 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) — Feb. 4. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) FAIRFIELD ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP MARGARET; see MARGARET FAIRFIELD (GEORGE H.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Port Louis in 1856-I58] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. 1857 Feb. 20. [unnum.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Mauritius most expensive place in the world to live in; asks $250 yearly for office expense. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 48.) 1858 Feb. 17. [no. 5, extr.] To same. Not guilty of vio- lation of sec. 5, act of Aug. 18, 1856; recd. informa- tion of said act Jan. 28, 1857. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 13.) — JIy. 8. [unnum. extr.] To same. Necessity for al- lowance for clerk hire; or augmentation of salary of consul. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 50.) Claim of 1857 Oct. 16. Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Decision in case of Amer. ship Robert Harding; collector at Boston authorized to issue a new register to Robert Harding on pay- ment of fees due consul; intimates that cons. at Mauritius (Fairfield) is engaged in commercial pursuits. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 90, 12.) — Oct. 17. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton) to Fairfield. Encloses copy of letter from Secy. Treas- ury communicating decision in case of Robert Hard- ing, and intimating violation by cons. at Mauritius of sec. 5, act of Aug. 18, 1856. (ib., 12.) FAIRFIELD (GEORGE I.), OF ME. Amer, cons. for Buenos Aires 1847-48; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Argentine Republic. FAIRFIELD (JOHN), OF ME. Repr. from Maine, Dec. 7, 1835-Dec. 24, 1838 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs 1837-1888 (25 ºff; ; Governor of Maine, iº9.43; Sen. from Maine, Dec. 4, 1843-Dec. 24, 1847. Representative from Me. Bills Introduced sº 1838 Jan. 9. Bill for settlement of acctS. of Edmund Roberts. (25. 2. H. R. 359.) Feb. 2. Bill for relief of Alex. Scott. (ib., 512.) Remarks, etc. 1838 Mch. 8. Speech on subject of n. e. boundary, urging survey and marking of same. (vi, Cong. Globe, app., 196.) f May 29. Remarks; reply to Evans, favoring Amer. proposal for settlement of n. e. boundary dispute. (vi, Cong. Globe, 415; app., 334.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 571 * FAIRFIELD (JOHN), OF ME-cont'd Representative from Me.—cont’d Reports Made 1838 Jan. 9. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 359, for settlement of accts, of Edmund Roberts. (25. 2. H. rpt. 317.) — Feb. 2. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 512, for relief of Alex. Scott, (ib., 518.) Governor of Me. 1839 Jan. 23. Message reporting depredations commit- ted by Br. citizens in disputed territory. (25. 3. H. doc. 222, 6; S. doc. 270, 8; 26. 1. S. doc. 107, 25.) — Feb. 15. To House of Representatives of Me. Rpt.; abduction of land agt. (McIntire). (25. 3. S. doc. 270, 11; 25. 3. H. doc. 222, 8.) — Feb. 18. To Me. Legislature. Proc. consequent upon proclamation of gov. of New Brunswick (Har- vey) of Feb. 13, 1839. (ib., 9; ib., 9.) — Feb. 18. To President U. S. (Van Buren). Com- plaint agst. depredations committed by Br. citizens within disputed terr.; seizure of R. McIntire, G. G. Cushman, and T. Bartlett. (ib., 6; ib., 5.) Feb. 19. To lt. gov. of New Brunswick (Harvey). Refuses to withdraw force of men from disputed terr. (ib., 17; ib., 15.) — Feb. 19. To President Van Buren. Requesting that troops be ordered to frontier to repel invasion of disputed terr. (ib., 7; ib., 14.) — Feb. 21. To gov. Harvey. Delivery of Br. Subjects under arrest for trespass in disputed terr. refused. (ib., 4; ib., 24; 34.) — Feb. 21. To Me. legislature. Message; release of McIntire; reinforcement of land agt.’s forces; draught of 2000 men. (ib., 2; ib., 22; 39.) — Feb. 22. To President Van Buren. Interposition of federal govt. in difficulties with New Brunswick. (25. 3. H. doc. 222, 34; S. doc. 271, 1.) — Nov. 21. To Actg. Secy State, U. S. A. (Vail). An- Swering complaints of Br. minister as to alleged encroachments by U. S. on disputed terr. and justi- fying action on part of Maine. (26. 1. S. doc. 107, 50; viii, Cong. Globe, 134.) — Dec. 12. To gov. Harvey. Asking confirmation of rptS. as to Stationing of Br. troops within terr. dis- puted with Maine. (ib., 54; ib., 136.) — Dec. 23. To President Van Buren. Invasion of Maine by Br. troops stationed at Temiscouata Lake; protection of U. S. govt. besought. (ib., 54; ib., 135.) 1840 Feb. 15. To same. Information relative to armed troops of Me, in disputed terr; with depositions of citizens of Me. (26. 1. S. doc. 266, 5; viii, Cong. Globe, 248; iii, Mess. and Papers, 574.) 1842 May 27. To same (Tyler). Apptmt. of E. Kava- nagh, E. Kent, W. P. Preble and J. Otis as comrs. of Me. to confer with authorities of U. S. upon conven- tional line in n. e. boundary dispute. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 69; H. ex. doc. 2, 66; xii, Cong. Globe, 13.) In House doc. date of letter is May 25. Senator from Me. 1844 Apr. 26. To President of U. S. (Tyler). Presenting protest of Maine delegation in Congress and of Sen- ators from Mass., agst. imposition by New Bruns- wick of export duty on timber. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 14.) 1845 Feb. 13. Remarks; presenting res. of legislature of Maine, favoring annexation of Texas and occupa- tion of Oregon. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 277.) — Dec. 18. Do.; moving reference of certain French spoliations petitions to select committee. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 75.) FAIRFIELD (JOHN), OF ME-cont'd. Senator from Me.—cont’d Reports Made—cont’d 1846 Apr. 8. Speech; in Senate in reply to Webster, on treaty of 1842 with Gr. Br.; n. e. boundary. (ib., app., 621.) — Apr. 10. Do.; denouncing negotiations that re- sulted in, and terms of treaty of Washington of 1842, regarding n. e. boundary. (ib., Cong. Globe, 644.) 1847 Feb. 24. Remarks; on S. res. 14, authorizing em- ployment of U. S. ship Macedonian, in transporting provisions for famishing poor in Ireland and Scot- land. (ib., 29. 2., 505.) — Feb. 27. Do.; in Senate, on S. 184, to provide Some relief for suffering people of Ireland and Scotland. (ib., app., 430.) Mch. 2. Remarks; in Senate, on S. res. 14. (ib., 29. 2., 559.) FAIRFIELD, U. S. SLOOP (20), 1828 In commission (1828-61) ; 1828-30, , Medn. Sqdn. (Paſ- ker) ; 31, W. I. sqdn. (Elliott) ; 1833-35, Pacific sqdn. (Lavalette) ; 1838, Brazil sqdn. (Mayo) ; 1838, do. (Purviance) ; 1839, do. (Boardman) ; 1841, Medn. sqdn. (Tatnall); 1842-43, do. (Bige- low) ; 1843-45, do. (Downing). FAIRFIELD CO. (CONN.) CITIZENS 1845 Jan. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 236.) — Feb. 1. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 309.) FAIRHAVEN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 164.) 1840 Mch. 16. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 631.) 1842 Mch. 29. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 626.) FAIRLAMB (ANNETTA. M.), CLAIMANT; see MILLER (J. J.), HEIRS FAIRY, AMER. SLAVER SLOOP 1859 Mch. 21. Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb) to U. S. customs collector, New Orleans (Hatch). Resp. at- tempt of sloop Fairy to land Africans on coast of Louisiana; relative to fitting out of revenue cutter Robert McClelland (Morrison). (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 639.) FALCKE (BARON GEORGE FREDERICK DE) 1846 Je. 10. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., betw. Han- Over and U. S.; see Hanover. Treaties. FALCON (José), MINISTR. RELAC. EST., PARAGUAY 1854 Oct. 21. To comdr. Str. Water Witch (Page). Re- turns his of Oct. 16. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, 47; S. ex: doc. 11, 40; H. ex. doc. 2, 40.) FALCON, AMER. SHIP (TODD) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 32.) FALCON, SPAN. VESSEL 1816 Mch. 21. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Monroe) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Erving). Seizure and detention in Port du Passage, in 1812, of the Falcon, prize to U. S. S. President. (28. 2. H. ex, doc. 42, 4.) FALCON, H. B. M. SHIP (FITZ ROY) 1859 Jan. Boards Amer. Slaver brig Jehossee in 6° 47 n., 1° 9’ e.; see Jehossee. 572 FOREIGN AFFAIRs INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING To FALCON, U. S. MAIL STR. (RODGERS) - Boarded off Bahia Honda Aug. 16, 1850, by Spanish war Str. Allmandares. - — Aug. 17. Comdr. Falcon (Rodgers) to Owen. Com- plaint; insult offered to flag of U. S. by Sp. war str. Almandares during recent voyage of Falcon from Chagres to Havana. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 128.) — Aug. 17. U. S. Commercial agt., Havana (Owen) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Stnt. relating to complaint of lieut. Rodgers (Falcon). (ib., 127.) — Aug. 23. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Derrick) to comdr. U. S. N. (Parker). Instructions for inquiry into execution of Amer. Citizens at Havana, and into firing over U. S. mail str. Falcon by Spanish str. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 28.) — Sept. 6. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Conference with Capt. gen. of Cuba relative to exe- cution of Amer. citizens at Havana; firing over and boarding of U. S. str. Falcon; release of W. S. Haynes, J. A. Kelly and H. Sandford [Summers], members of Lopez expedition. (ib., 30.) — Sept. 13. Derrick to E. E. and M. P. Spain in U. S. (Calderon de la Barca). Requests explanation of detention and visitation of U. S. mail str. Falcon. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 130.) 1851 Sept. 29. Calderon de la Barca to Derrick. Deten- tion of U. S. mail str. Falcon by Sp. war str. Alman- dares. (ib., 131.) FALCON, U. S. SCHR. (1), CAPTURED 1846 In commission (1846-61) : 1848, Home sqdn. (Glasson). FALCONER (JONATHAN) 1846 Dec. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 83.) * 1847 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 76.) 1850 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 533.) — Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 167.) FALCONER (THOMAS) 1842 Feb. To E. E. and M. P. U. S. to Mexico (Ellis). Behalf of G. W. Kendall, taken in Santa Fe expedi- tion; shooting of McAlister, Golphin and Griffith, prisoners taken in Santa Fe expedition; acct. of Suf- fering of prisoners. (27. 2. S. doc. 325, 49.) FALES (EBENEZER E.), MASTER; see CALHOUN, AMER. SHIP FALKLAND (LOUIS BENTINCK-CARY), WISCOUNT, LIEUT. GOW. OF NOVA SCOTIA 1844 Dec. 17. To Secy. H. B. M. Colonial Office (Stan- ley). Charges relative to treatment of skipper and crew of Argus by their captors. (32.41. H. ex: doc. 120, 95; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 142.)- 1845 Jan. 2. To same. Corresp. betw. Secy. of Nova Sco- tia and comdr. of Sylph (Dodge), at time Amer. schr. Argus was captured. (ib., 96; ib., 143.) FALKLAND IS. (MALVINAS IS.) Full corresp. betw. Buenos Aires and the U. S. concern- ing the seizures which precipitated the attack of the #ºn, is prtd. in ii, Br. and For, St. Papers; 311-441. - - * Decree, Je. 10, 1829, creating a comandancia militar in the Maivinas (Arg. Reg. official, v. 2, 238); Feb. 8, 1832, instruction of min. of For- . eign Affairs of Argentiira--(Garcia) to capt. of the - easington . Balcarce, Feb. 14, port of Soledad concerning attack of the (ib., 287); message of Pres - 1832, on attack of the Leavington (ib., 288). - 1831 Dec. 6. President U. S. (Jackson). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to outrages upon Amer. ves- sels at Falkland Is. - litica y . e FALKLAND IS. (MALVINAS IS.)—cont'd 1832 Jan. 26. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to Amer. chargé at Buenos Aires (Baylies). Instructions; right of U. S. to fisheries in waters of Falkland Is., seizure of Amer. vessels, Breakwater (Carew), Harriet (Davisson), and Superior (Congar) by * $6. Lewis Wernet at Soledad. (32.1. S. ex. doc. 109, 8.) & — Feb. 14. Same to same. Instructions for suppres- “ sion of piracies committed by Lewis Vernet; U. S. sloop of war Leavington (Duncan) sails to Falkland Is., Harriet, Amer. vessel; captured by Vernet, is º y Amer. cons. at Buenos Aires (Slacum). (ib., 15. . . .” - - — Apr. 3. Same to same. Instructions for justifying piracies committed by L. Vernet. (ib., 16.) - — Dec. 3. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Annual suppression, by U. S. sloop of war Leavington, of report; clause relating to seizure of Amer. Sealing • Vessels. 1833 Dec. 3. President U. S. (Jackson). Annual meS- sage; clause relating to outrages upon Amer. Ves- Sels at Falkland IS. - - FALL RIVER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. . Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) 1847 Feb. 6. To same. Praying measures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 309.) FALLON (THOMAS), CAPT. U. S. A. UNDER GEN. FRE- MONT 1846 J ty. 12. To comdr. U. S. S. Portsmouth (Mont- gomery). Capt. Frémont has not yet arrived at San Jose; proposes to hoist Amer. flag at San Jose; Cas- tro's march to lower country. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 660; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1026.) FALMOUTH, ENG. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service FALMOUTH (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; vs. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) - - 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 204.) — Feb. 12. 217.) Texan annexation. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., FALMOUTH (SLAVE SHIP) - 1860 Jly. 1. Amer. cons., Cape de Verde (Morse) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Comdr. of U. S. S. Portsmouth alleges, equipment for slave trade as - º, º: Seizure of Falmouth. (36.” 2. H. ex. doc. *-, FALMOUTH, U. S. SLOOP, 1827 In commission . (1828-61) : 1828-30, W. I. *:::: (Mor- gan); 1831-33, Pacific sqdn. (Gregory) ; 1834, W. I. i. (Rousseau) ; 1837-39, Pacific º: (Mc- eever); 1842-43, Home sqdn. (McIntosh); 1843- 45, Homé sqdn. (Šands); i346, do. (jarvis); i35ö. 51, Pacific sqdn. (Pettigru) ; 1851 do... (Pearson) ; 1852 do. (McIntosh); E. I. sqdn. (Kelley); 1855, #; sqdn. (Shaw); 1857-58, Brazil sqān. (Far: T8...IlCl). - Pacific Sqdn., Pettigru Comdg. See Fiji Is. - - • Home Sqdn., Shaw Comdg. 1854 Dec. 1. secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin) to Newton. Comdr. Shaw (Falmouth), ordered to Cartagena, Aspinwall, etc. (34. 1. S. doc. 68, 64.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 573 FAME, AMER. BRIG (PURRINGTON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 32.) FAME, AMER. BRIG (STONE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 32.) FAME, AMER. BRIG (WIAL) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 32.) FAME, AMER. SCHR. (SMALL) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jiy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 32.) FAME, AMER. SLAVER BARK (MARKS) Charge of double piracy agst. Marks of abstracting ves- sel from lawful owners, and engaging in slavetrade. Cargo of slaves landed at Ilha Grande in Aug., 1847. See also, Holland (Wim. T.). 1847 Aug. 14. Depositions relative to movements of Amer. barque Fame, 1847. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 15.) — Aug. 20. Amer. consul, Rio de Janeiro (Parks) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Rpt. of participa- tion in slavetrade-6f Amer. ship Fame; commend- able service of lieut. Strain (U. S. S. Bainbridge), etc.; inadequacy of Amer. Sqdn. (ib., 5.) — Aug. 31. Same to same. Detention of Amer. Ves- sels Yeoman and Fame. (ib., 18.) — Aug. 31. Same to same. J. H. Plunkett, first mate of Fame, sailing under assumed name of John Hard- ing, sent home on charge of piracy. (ib., 14.) — Oct. 12. Brown (P.) Deposition relative to asso- > - ciation of J. H. Plunkett and W. Brown with move- ments of barque Fame. (ib., 20.) — Oct. 13. Parks to Buchanan. Return of J. H. Plun- kett, first mate of barque Fame; etc. (ib., 19.) 1848 Aug. 25. Parks to Buchanan. Protest agst. de- cision in case of Brown of Fame. (ib., 29.) FANNING (NATHANIEL), CLAIM OF; see DENMARK. CLAIMS. BERGEN PRIZES FANNING (PATRICK), CLAIMANT; see DUNHAM (JOHN) FANSHAWE (ARTHUR), COMDG. H. B. M. NAVAL FORCES, WEST AFRICA STATION 1850 May 13. To comdr. So, div., Brit. forces, West Af- rica station (Hastings). Co-operation betw. Br. and Amer. naval Comdr.S. on African coast; no departure from instructions to admiralty authorized; doc- trine of flag as proof of nationality. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 7.) FARAGUET (C.), ENGR. BRIDGE AND CANAL CORPS, FRANCE 1853 Nov. 10. Memoir in regard to cubic measurement of guano on northern island of the Chincha; pre- pared in behalf of Peruvian Guano Commission. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 25, 14.) FARAN (JAMES J.), REPR. FROM 0. 1845 Dec. 18. Remarks; opposing revision of natural- ization laws. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 80.) 1846 Apr. 13. Do.; questioning Adams as to origin of title of U. S. to Oregon. (ib., 663.) — Apr. 14. Speech; on H. R. 7, to protect rights of Amer. citizens in Oregon, etc., and on Oregon ques- tion. (ib., 669; app., 609.) - | FARIA (ANTONIO CANDIDO) DE Chargé of Portugal in U. S. A. in 1839; see Portugal. iplomatic service. FARLAND ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. NIMROD; see NIMROD FARMERSVILLE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1847 Feb. 10. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- ures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 326.) FARMINGTON (CONN.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying rec- ognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 604.) Feb. 18. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 598.) — Feb. 18. To same. Memorial; praying congress of nations. (ib., 609.) 1840 Feb. 5. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 280.) — Feb. 5. To same. Memorial; praying recognition of Hayti. (ib., 280.) 1846 Feb. 4. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 347.) — Feb. 11. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 385.) 1850 Mch. 5. To U. S. Senate. In favor of arbitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 194.) — Dec. 30. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 2. H. jol., 88.) — Dec. 30. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 2. S. jol., 54.) FARMINGTON (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 26. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 95.) 1845 Dec. 22. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 150.) 1846 . 14. To same. In favor of arbitration. 398.) 1847 Jan. 16. To same. Memorial; praying measures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 176.) FARMINGTON (MICH.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 64.) FARMINGTON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 22. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 83.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 227.) — Feb. 4. To same. Same. (ib., 474.) FARNHAM (JONATHAN), CLAIMANT; see ECLIPSE, AMER. SCHR. (ib., FARNHAM (PUTNAM. I.), CLAIMANT; see FELICIDADE, SUMACA; JONES, BARK FARNHAM (THOMAS S.) 1840 Jan. 4. To Secy. War, U. S. A. (Poinsett). Br. grants of portion of Oregon terr. to Hudson’s Bay co. (27. 3. S. doc. 102, 2.) FARNSWORTH (ADDISON) 1856 Apr. 11. To U. S. House. Petition, praying com- pensation for property lost while in discharge of official duties for govt. at Vera Cruz. (34. 1. H. jol., 810.) FARNUM (GEORGE M.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Port Louis, 1852-54 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. British dominions. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1854 May 29. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. on Foreign Relations), bill (33. 1. S. 387) “for relief of Geo. M. Farnum, commercial agt. at Port Louis.” (33. 1. S. jol., 414; 33. 2. S. jol., 223.) ! 574. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FARNUM (GEORGE. M.), OF MASS.—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1854 Mch. 1. Farnum to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying reimbursement of expenditures on acct. of destitute Amer. citizens. (33. 1. S. jol., 225.) — May 29. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 387, for relief of Geo. M. Farnum, com- mercial agt. at Port Louis. (33. 1. S. rpt. 293.) See also Blyth and Greene, FARRAGUT (DAVID G.), OF TENN. U. S. N., 1810-70. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841; capt., 1855; rear-adm., 1862; vice-adm., 1864; adm., 1866. Died Aug. 14, 1870. Sea service in command (1828- 61) : 1838, U. S. sloop Erie, W. I. sqdn. ; 1842-43, sloop Decatur, Brazil sqdn. ; 1859-60, sloop Brook- lyn, Home sqdn. Comdg. Erie 1838 Aug. 27. To comdr. French naval forces in Gulf of Mexico (Bazoche). Inquiry as to any changes in Conduct of blockade of Mexican ports, as proclaimed Apr. 15, 1838. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 40.) FARRALL ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. ELIZABETH; see ELIZABETH FARRAND (EBENEZER), OF N. J. D. S. N., 1823-61. Lieut., 1831; comdr., 1854; resigned, Jan. 21, 1861. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1848-50, Schr. Flirt, Home sqdn. ; 1857-59, sloop Falmouth, Brazil sqdn. Comdg. Flirt 1849 Sept. 3. To comdr. U. S. S. Albany (Randolph). Persons on Round Is. decline to leave in accordance with agreement. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 93.) Sept. 4. To same. Party on Round Is...; 90 have ap- plied for transportation to New Orleans. (ib., 91.) — Sept. 24. To same. Believes Round Is. party will disperse within a week. (ib., 107.) FARRIS (WATSON), SEAMAN, AMER. BRIG LEONIDAS Arrested in port of Rio de Janeiro in 1826, while in act of embarking, on ground of failure to pay export duty on money which he was carrying. 1826 Oct. 5. Amer. chargé, Brazil (Raguet) to minist. negoc. estrangr., Brazil (Inhambupe). Declines to continue discussion in case of Amer. Seaman be- longing to brig Leonidas. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 55.) — Oct. 13. Same to same. Remonstrance agst. im- prisonment of Amer. Seaman (Farris) belonging to brig Leonidas. (ib., 56.) Oct. 31. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Sur- render of one of seamen of brig Leonidas (Farris); etc. (ib., 53.) — Oct. 31. Inhambupe to Raguet. Proc. in case of Farris already pending before judicial authorities; govt. cannot interfere; remonstrance agst, tenor of corresp. (ib., 63.) — Nov. 27. Raguet to Clay. Case of Amer. Seaman Farris; cargo of Leonidas sold. (ib., 63.) — Dec. 4. Same to same. Proc. in case of seaman Farris; etc. (ib., 64.) * FARWELL ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. MARY CARVER; see MARY CARVER FASHION, AMER. STR. Implicated in second Walker expedition agst. Nicaragua ; see Central Amer. Nicaragua. FATIO (F. P.) 1854 Je. 8. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; extraor- dinary expenses incurred by Fatio in support of his family, at St. Mary’s, after retiring from Florida on destruction of his house, do not come within any rule applicable to ascertainment of damages under tº for cession of Florida. (vi, Op. attys. gen., 0. FAULKNER (CHARLES), MASTER BRIG BRAZIL; see BRAZIL. FAULKNER (CHARLES J.), OF WA. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France, 1860-61; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. FAUNCE (JOHN), OF MASS. L. S. R. M., capt., 1855; 1859, comdg. U. S. R. M. str. Harriet Lane, Brazil sqdn. FAUQUIER CO. (WA.) CITIZENS 1844 May 13. To U. S. Senate. In favor of Texan, an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 275.) FAURES (F. B.), OF PENN. 1829-31, Amer. com/. agt. for Guadeloupe ; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. FAVIER (J. W.) 1855 Sept. 27. English colony in Fijee Is. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 26.) FAVORED NATION CLAUSE; see MOST FAVORED NATION CLAUSE º FAWN, FRENCH BRIG 1826 Apr. 12. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. & State, U. S. A. (Clay). Entry of French brig Fawn into Buenos Ayres settles doctrine of right to ex- clude neutrals from blockaded ports. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 20.) FAWN, AMER. schR. (YouNG) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 32.) FAY (THEODORE S.), OF N. Y. In Dec., 1838, commissioned seg; Amer. legation in Gr. Br. ; did not take office. cy. Amer. Iegation in Prussia, 1837-1853; chargé ad int. Nov. 16, 1841- Apr. 13, 1842; JIy. 18-Oct. 18, 1848 ; May 12-23, 1346; j'an ig'Déc. 10, i550; Aug. Ti5, 1851-f -Je. 2 1852; Amer. min. res. and E. E. and M. P. in Switz: erland Mich. ió, 1853.jiy. 1, 186i. See also tſ. S. A. Diplomatic service. Secy. to Amer. Legation in Prussia 1852 May 13. To minist. d. ausw. Angelegenheiten, Prus- sia (Manteuffel). Case of Mr. Behne, threatened with compulsory enrollment in Prussian army; he desires to remain some time in Prussia. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 18.) May 15. [no. 98, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Cases of Messrs. Gustavus Behne and Leopold, threatened with compulsory enlistment in Prussian army. (ib., 18.) — Oct. 26. Ino. 103, extr.] To same. Efforts of Amer. E. E. and M. P. (Barnard) in case of B. Meyer; Prus- sian reply refuses him right of sojourn at Pader- born, under pain of compulsory enlistment, and de- clares U. S. should never naturalize any native of Prussia, unless furnished with permit of emigration. (ib., 47.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 575 FAY (THEODORE S.), OF N. Y.-cont’d Secy. to Almer. Legation in Prussia—cont’d 1852 Nov. 20. To E. E. and M. P. Baden in Prussia, (V. Meysenberg). Soliciting intervention in present- ing to knowledge of prince regent of Baden case of three Amer. gentlemen ( Dana, Dingle and Ram- Say) at Heidelberg relative to certain injuries re- ceived from several employees of police. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 60, 20.) Amer. min, res. and E. E. and M. P. in Switzerland Correspondence (Diplomatic) AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) 1853 Je. 30. [no. 3, extr.] Contrast of comment on full dress of dipl. ceremony betw. Switzerland and vari- ous European courts. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 31, 5.) — Oct. 17. [no. 25.] Mr. Gootmann, Amer. citizen, ordered twice by authorities of Chaux de Fonds to quit country, on ground of being Israelite merchant. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 2.) 1854 Feb. 14. [no. 42.] Encloses letter from A. H. Goot- mann, who has been permitted to remain at Chaux de Fonds. (ib., 6.) 1856 Apr. 16. [no. 167.] Municipality of Chaux de Fonds one of very few that persist in system of exclusion regarding right of domicil; requests instructions regarding case of A. H. Gootmann; acc. by communi- cation to federal council and certificate of character of Gootmann. (ib., 7.) 1857 Feb. 17. Ino. 222, extr.] Receipt of circ. of Jan. 31 upon emigration. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 10.) — Mch. 3. [no. 227, extr.] Federal council decides to issue circ. to each cantonal govt. inviting it to take proper measures to put an end to abuses to which emigrants are subjected. (ib., 11.) — Mch. 4. [no. 227, extr.] Federal council of Switzer- land recommends Swiss govts. to prohibit Sale of tickets, or conclusion of contracts for inland Amer. travel by agts. (ib., 11.) — Mch. 10. [no. 228.] Subject of circ. of Jan. 31 upon emigration. (ib., 12.) (Cass) 1857 Je. 11. [no. 243, extr.] Frauds and injuries prac- ticed upon emigrants in Europe by Sale of inland passage tickets. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 21.) — Je. 18. Ino. 245.] Advice of Swiss reply to his notes of Je. 8 and 10 relative to sale in Switzerland of inland passages to Amer. emigrants. (ib., 25.) Je. 23. Ino. 247.] Article on emigration published in “Der Kolonist "; opposition will naturally appear in Switzerland to attempt to procure prohibition of sale of inland passage tickets; with copy of article. (ib., 26.) — J1y. 7. [no. 248, extr.] Possibility of suppressing opposition to extermination of frauds agst. emi- grants as far as Switzerland is concerned. (ib., 30.) — Jly. 17. [no. 251, extr.] Cantons reply to federal circular with assurance of exertion to suppress traf- fic in Amer. inland passage tickets. (ib., 35.) — JIy. 22. [no. 253, extr.] Distribution of his “sec- ond warning ”; special mission of Mr. Murray; Sal- utary effects anticipated; general comment on ef- forts to suppress booking of emigrants in Switzer- land. (ib., 40.) — Sept. 3. [no. 254, extr.] Suspects that “Kolonist" is interested in misleading emigrants; articles pub- lished in it against Castle Garden. (ib., 42.) — Oct. 10. [no. 258, extr.] Comment on charges against Castle Garden, and efforts to secure official reply from Switzerland. (ib., 61.) FAY (THEODORE S.), OF N. Y.-cont’d Amer. min. res. and E. E. and M. P. in Switzerland—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Cass)—cont’d 1857 Oct. 13. Ino. 258.] Clause regarding Jews in treaty with Switzerland unavoidable without revision of Swiss federal constitution. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 11.) — Nov. 23. [no. 263, extr.] Has recd. no instructions regarding Swiss discrimination against Jews; real demand of Jews is that Switzerland alter her con- stitution. (ib., 12.) Nov. 23. [no. 263 extr.] Advice of passage of law in Canton of Glarus imposing fine on persons con- cluding emigration contracts. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 62.) — Dec. 1. [no. 264, extr.] Interview with President Fornerod, Switz.; immediate change in constitution out of question. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 13.) — Dec. 7. [no. 267, extr.] Encloses copy of short pre- liminary note to Federal Council on subject of dis- criminations against Jews; failure of similar effort of French legation in 1852. (ib., 14.) — Dec. 15. [no. 269, extr.] Extent of Swiss emigra- tion, 1834-57. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 63.) — Dec. 21. [no. 271.] Copy of despatch from Lord Clarendon to Br. minister (Gordon) at Berne, ap- proving course of U. S. in protesting against dis- * of Jews in Switzerland. (36. 1. H. ex: doc. 76, 15. 1858 Jan. 19. [no. 275, extr.] Serious meaning of change in Swiss constitution; undue pressure by foreign powers would be resented; discriminations against Jews will probably disappear in course of time, * more liberal interpretations of law. (ib., 16. — Mch. 9.. [no. 279, extr.] Answer by Switzerland, to note delayed by non-arrival of information sought from cantons; public opinion in Switz, changing on Subject of restrictions complained of. (ib., 17.) — Mch. 26. [no. 282, extr.] Mr. Gootmann will com- municate information required; representation of facts and arguments desired from member of Jewish convention in U. S. on subject; interview with Pres. Furrer, who explained delay in replying to official note. (ib., 17.) — Apr. 13. [no. 284, extr.] Act of intolerance by Basle-Ville agst. Israelite Amer. citizen, S. Mühl- hauser, in refusing him permission to practice busi- neSS of Optician there; encloses copy of decree and complaint of Same to writer; necessity of caution - in Sounding matter. (ib., 18.) May 8. [no. 290, extr.] Interview with Pres. Fur- rer; three cantons failed to send information re- garding discriminations; action promised in case of Mühlhauser. (ib., 22.) — Je. 1. [no. 293.] Answers of all 22 cantons, in mat- ter of Jews, received; note from Federal Council asserts futility of further demands for annulment of restrictions; application of Muhlhauser rejected. (ib., 24.) — Je. 19. Ino. 295, extr.] Information, along lines ºln suggested, requested of Jews in U. S. (ib., 30. — Jly. 6. Ino. 296, extr.] Failure of Persian-Swiss treaty drawing public attention to defect in Swiss constitution; this may induce change of opinion regarding disabilities of Jews. (ib., 31.) Jly. 20. [no. 297, extr.] Rpts. of cantons on legis- lative restrictions against Jews. (ib., 32.) 576 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FAY (THEODORE S.), OF N. Y.-cont’d A mer. mim, res. and E. E. and M. P. in Switzerland—cont’d FAY (THEODORE S.), OF N. Y.-cont’d Amer. min. res. and E. E. and M. P. in Switzerland—cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. State, U.S. A.—cont’d (Cass)—cont’d 1858 Oct. 28. Ino. 314.] Case of discrimination in can- ton of Thurgan; President Furrer made no objec- tions to proposed personal intercourse with leading magistrates of most illiberal cantons. (ib., 57.) — Nov. 3. [no. 315, extr.] Occupied in preparing note upon Amer. Israelites; causes of antipathy in some cantons. (ib., 59.) — Nov. 9.. [no. 316, extr.] Irrationality of Swiss ob- jection to Alsatian Jews; proposes visit to Alsatia, to complete table of Jewish statistics. (ib., 60.) Nov. 15. [no. 317, extr.] Switzerland, as a whole, ignorant of extent of sectional prejudice agst. Jews; Swiss plea of ruinous influence of Jews upon trade; intends to approach each cantonal govt. with note regarding Jews. (ib., 61.) — Nov. 30. [no. 319, extr.] Some restrictions are in Violation of cantonal constitutions; encloses letter from Nordmann to Block, requesting translation of º *r. questions into French or German. ib., 62. 1859 Jan. 13. [no. 329, extr.] Note on Israelite question nearly completed; Jewish dead must be transferred across Swiss frontier. (ib., 63.) Jan. 20, [no. 331.] Reply recd. from Rabbi Nord- mann; absurdity of charges against Alsacian Jews; will make attempt to supply gaps in materials for note regarding Israelites. (ib., 64.) Jan. 26. Ino. 333.] Rabbi Nordmann has promised introduction to president of Hebrew Central Con- sistory at Paris. (ib., 65.) — Apr. 5. [no. 345, extr.] Govt. of Schaffhausen has somewhat modified Jewish legislation; note to can- tonal govts. On subject now translating into French and German; additional information to be em- bodied in second note. (ib., 66.) — Je. 3. [no. 355..] Encloses copy of last and cor- rected draft of Israelite note. (ib., 67.) — Oct. 6.. [no. 367, extr.] Note on Israelites widely circulated in Switzerland; probable remodelling of cantonal legislation. (ib., 97.) — Oct. 26. Ino. 369.] Gives Synopsis of debate of grand council of canton of Zurich, which has de- clared itself disposed to change legislation against Israelites. (ib., 97.) Nov. 1. [no. 370, extr.] Prompt action of canton Basle-Land on Israelite question; next attempt may succeed. (ib., 99.) Dec. 13. [no. 374, extr.] Interest of French and Br. ambassadors in Israelite note; President Staempfli thinks restrictions will be abolished gradually. (ib., 100.) 1860 Feb. 10. [no. 377, oxtr.] Movement of public opin- ion in favor of Israelites perceptible. (ib., 101.) SWISS Federal Council, Switzerland 1853 Aug. 31. A. H. Gootmann refused permission to re- side in canton of Neufchatel by municipal council of Chaux de Fonds, because of Hebrew persuasion. (36. 1. H. ex: doc. 76, 3.) 1856 Mch. 27. Requests intervention of federal council to obtain for A. H. Gootmann permis de séjour in canton of Neufchatel. (ib., 8.) — Apr. 19. Receipt of note announcing decision of Neufchatel in favor of application of Gootmann for permit of sojourn in canton. (ib., 10.) Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d SWISS—cont’d Federal Council, Switzerland—cont’d 1857 Feb. 19. Abuses of emigrants to Amer. and how they may be removed. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 12.) Je. 8. Solicits information as to point where sale of inland passage tickets for U. S. has been actually Stopped. (ib., 21.) Je. 10. Sale, in Switzerland, of inland passage tickets to Amer. emigrants. (ib., 22.) — Jly. 7. Article in “Kolonist " agst. Castle Garden; emigration office of Steimann Drevet again adver- tises determination to continue booking in Europe. (ib., 31.) — Jly. 22. Copies of second warning to emigrants transmitted for cantonal distribution. (ib., 41.) — Dec. 3. Requests names of cantons discriminating against Jews, and nature of Such legislation as ap- plicable to Amer. Israelites. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 14.) - * 1858 Apr. 19. Note of Dec. 3, last, unanswered; case of S. Mühlauser; requests information regarding ex- tent of discriminations against Jews. (ib., 19.) — May 29. Explanation of views on subject of dis- criminations agst. Jews; possibility of middle course suggested. (ib., 25.) Corr. (Executive) 1854 Feb. 14. To A. H. Gootmann. Can obtain right of domicil only by treaty, and one is now negotiating between U. S. and Switzerland, independent of Sec- tarian considerations. (36. 1. H. ex: doc. 76, 7.) 1856 Apr. 9. To same. Necessary to procure additional consent of authorities of commune to complete Wa- lidity of permis de séjour accorded by canton. (ib., 11.) 1857 Je. 10. Copy of warning to No. Amer. emigrants via New York; inserted in Swiss jols. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 26, 23.) — Jly. 22. To Amer. cons. at Bremen, Hamburg, and Havre (Diller, Ames and Vesey). Requests that in- quiries be made of emigrants embarking for N. Y. whether advised not to land at Castle Garden, and whether booked in Europe or to be booked on board ship. (ib., 42.) — Jly. 22. To Amer. cons. in Switzerland (Endlich, Bolton and Goundie). Asks that publicity be given to warnings to emigrants and emigration bureaus. (ib., 41.) — Jly. 27. Second warning of Amer. legation at Berne to emigrants. (ib., 36, 50.) 150 cop. prid. separately. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1851 Mch. 3. Apprin. for Theodore S. Fay, Secy. legation to Prussia, for services as chargé; act making apprns. for civil and dipl. expenses for year ending Je. 30, 1852. (ix, St. L., 598.) 1853 Mch. 3. Apprn. for payment to Theodore S. Fay, for difference in salary for dipl. services; act mak- ing apprns. for civil and dipl. expenses for year end- ing Je. 30, 1854. (x, St. L., 203.) CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1850 Je. 8. Fay to U. S. House. Petition, praying com- pensation for services as chargé at Berlin. (31. 1. H. jol., 992.) — Aug. 21. J. A. McClernand, repr. from Ill. Re- marks; on amdmt. to general apprm., providing for compensation to T. S. Fay, secy. Of legation in Prus- sia, for services as acting chargé. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1617.) INDEx To UNITED STATES DoCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 577 FAY (THEODORE S.), OF N. Y.-cont’d Almer, min, res. and E. E. and M. P. in Switzerland—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1850 Sept. 23. W. R. King, sen. from Ala. Do.; opposed to Foote amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprp. bill, H. R. 334, providing compensation to Fay. (ib., 1932.) " – Sept. 23. Foote (H. L.). Amdmt. to general apprn. bill, providing compensation to Fay, Secy. Legation : Frum, for Services as actg. chargé. (ib., 1930- — Sept. 23. R. C. Winthrop, sen. from Mass. Re- marks in support of Foote amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 334. (ib., 1932.) 1852 Feb. 5. Fay to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying compensation for services as chargé. (32. 1. S. jol., 181.) — Aug. 26. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; support of amdmts. of Com. on Foreign Relations providing for outfit and salary of minister res. at Frankfort-on-the-Main; Fay (T. S.), etc. (32. 1., Cong. Globe, 2377, 2379-80.) — Dec. 13. Fay to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying to be allowed difference betw. Salary of Secy. legation and chargé, for time of service in latter capacity. (32. 2. S. jol., 31.) 1853 Feb. 19. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Remarks; in explanation of amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, providing for compen- sation to Fay, secy. legation in Gr. Br. for services as chargé. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 718, 721.) — Feb. 19. F. McMullen, repr. from Va. Remarks; opposed to amdmt. of com. on Foreign Affairs to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 337, providing com- pensation to Fay. (ib., 719.) FAYETTE CO. (KY.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 276.) 1852 Jan. 26. To U. S. Senate. Same. (32.1. S. jol., 149.) FAYETTE CO. (0.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 23. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 85.) — Dec. 14. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 83.) 1838 Jan. 15. To same. Same. (ib., 284.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) — Feb. 4. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (ib., 466.) 1840 May 18. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) 1847 Feb. 2. To same. Petition, praying immediate ter- mination of war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 295.) FAYETTE CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) — Mch. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 599.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Memorial, favoring congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 609.) FAYETTEVILLE (N. C.) CITIZENS; (N. C.) FEAD (W. F.), COMDR. H. B. M. STR. EXPRESS 1851 Dec. 8. To Comdre. McQuhae. Rpt. of Prometheus affair. (p. 113, Corresp. With U. S. re Central Amer- ica; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Actg. Chrm. City Council of Greytown 1851 Dec. 8. To capt. Amer. ship Prometheus (Bald- win). Port regulations of Greytown to be ob- served. (p. 119, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer- ica; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 1852 Jan. 3. To comdr. Home sqdn. U. S. N. (Parker). Reply to his note of 2 inst. (ib., 129.) See WILMINGTON FEARN (WALKER), OF ALA. Secy. Amer. legation in Mexico, 1856-[59] ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. FEATHERSTON (W. S.), REPR. FROM MISS. 1848 Jan. 24. Speech; on President's message of Jan. 12, in response to call for instructions concerning return of Santa Ana to Mexico, instructions to Slidell, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., app., 172.) 1850 Sept. 20. Do.; on H. R. 367, to establish line of war strs. to African coast, etc.; during considera- tion of naval apprin. bill, H. R. 235. (ib., 31. 1., 1892.) FEES OF CONSULS See U. S. A. Consular Service. Compensation FEIJO (DIOGO ANTONIO) Brazilian secretario do imperio in 1 cabinet of permanent ;. under Pedro II in 1832; see Brazil. Civil Service. FEILD ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ARGO; see ARGO FELCH (ALPHEUS), SEN. FROM MICH. 1852 Apr. 12, 14. Speech; opposed to French spoliations bill, S. 64; including history of claims, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 564.) — Apr. 15. Remarks; on claims for French spolia- tions; during Bradbury’s speech on S. 64. (ib., 499.) — Mch. 12. Do.; announcing intention of presenting his * on French spoliations bill, S. 64. (ib., 32. 1., 773. FELICIDADE, SUMACA OF BUENOS AYRES n. d. Claim agst. Brazil under 1849 indemnity; P. I. Farnham and others claimants; synopsis of award in Moore. Int. Arbitration, v. 5, 4621. (53. 2. H. misc. doc. v. 39, 4621.) Do. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 115.) FELICIDADE, AMER. SHIP 1847 Feb. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Seizure and Con- demnation during Buenos Ayrean blockade. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 95.) FELICITÉ, FRENCH PRIVATEER, AND ROSE, AMER. BRIG (DUMAS); see DUMAS (J. F.) FELIPE II, OF SPAIN 1574. Charter granted to Diego de Artieda, appointing him governor and capt. gen. of Costa Rica. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 26.) FELIX, AMER. SCHR. (ROSS) Seized in harbor of Soto la Marina, Sept. 7, 1825, by Mexican vessel Tampico, on ground of carrying Spanish goods. E. J. Forstall and J. Johnston, claimants. n. d. Itemized strmt. of claim on Mexico. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 70.) n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 58.) n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 46; H. doc. 3, 48.) 1836 May 31. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Ellis). Seizure of by Mexican authorities. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 180.) 1843 Feb. 6. Forstall to U. S. House. Memorial in behalf of bondholders of Bank of Pensacola, Fla. (27. 3. H. jol., 319.) 1851 Dec. 30. To U. S. House. Petition of James John- son, admr. of J. P. Wallace, in relation to Mexican indemnities. (32. 1. H. jol., 140.) * 1852 Jan. 2. Forstall to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying tribunal to revise decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 89.) — Mch. 3. Forstall to U. S. House. Petition in rela- tion to Mexican indemnities. (32. 1. H. jol., 417.) 37 578 INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs FELLOWS (NATHANIEL), OF BOSTON 1828 Feb. 14. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying in- demnity for losses sustained by French Spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 1. S. jol., 156.) 1829 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) FENDALL (P. R.), U. S. ATTY., D. C. 1852 Mch. 25. To President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Opin- ion concerning fraudulent abstraction of certain papers from Dept. of State. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 98, 3.) FENIANS See Bergen (J.) and Ryan (R. F.) ; Meagher (T. F.) ; Öğien (S.) ; Treason. ) 8 g ( ) FENIMORE COOPER, U. S. SCHR. (3), PURCHASED In commission : 1852-54 No. Pacific expedition (Stev- ens) ; 1855, do. (Gibson). FENIX, SPAN. SLAVER SCHR. Captured Je. 5, 1830, off Cape Haiti, Sto. Domingo, by U.S. schr. Grampus (...) for depredations com- mitted on Amer. brig Krem, leans and libelled. 1830 Je. 4. Master Amer. brig Kremlin (Hall). Deposi- tion; hostility of Sp. slave vessel Fenia. (21. 2. H. ex. doc. 54, 4; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 466.) — Je. 5. Comdr. U. S. Schr. Grampus (Mayo). Cir- cumstances attending Seizure of Fenia. (ib., 3; ib., 466.) — Jly. 11. Comdr. W. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Elliott) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Branch). Notice of arrival at Pensacola, for supplies of Fenia, in care of lieut. J. P. Wilson. (ib., 5; ib., 467.) — Jly. 16. Atty. Gen. U. S. A. (Slidell) to Elliott. Opinion; to libel Fenia; will be most prudent course to pursue for protection of capturing officer, facts represented being such as will entitle him in any court to costs, etc., for justifiable seizure. (ib., 6; ib., 469.) Jly. 20. Same to Secy. Of State (Van Buren). Opin- ion in case of Sp. Slave vessel Fenia. (ib., 2; ib., 464.) — Jiy. 20. Comdr. Grampus (Wilson) to Sp. Cons., New Orleans (Villaloton). Arrival at New Orleans of Fenia, taken possession of Je. 4, 1830, by U. S. Schr. Grampus, for alleged piratical attempt on Amer. brig Kremlin. (ib., 8; ib., 470.) — Jly. 21. Same to Elliott. Arrival of Fenia; at New Orleans on Jly. 19; conflicting positions in which affair seems to be placed, viz.: vessel has been li- belled for piracy, crew set at liberty, and negroes libelled by owners. (ib., 7; ib., 469.) — Jly. 23. Villaloton to Wilson. Regret that capt. and crew of Fenia, have not been carried to Sp. port, to be tried by national tribunal for offence com- mitted against Sp. laws. (ib., 8; ib., 471.) JKy. 27. Wilson to Elliott. Question relative to Fenia, still remaining, is whether negroes are free, or whether they revert to owners of vessel. (ib., 7; ib., 470.) — JIy. 30. Exparte proc. in Court of U. S., e. distr. of Louisiana, in case of Spanish schr. Fenia; and cargo of slaves; Opinion of court that negroes must be retained by marshal at expense of govt., until further or otherwise instructed. (ib., 11; ib., 473.) — Aug. 8. Elliott to Branch. Commission sent, by which deposition of capt. and officer of Kremlin can be had. (ib., 6; ib., 468.) — Aug. 9. Same to same. Communications relative to case of Fenia. (21. 2. H. ex. doc. 54, 8.) — Aug. 18. U. S. A. atty. gen. (Berrien). Opinion that case of Africans found on board Phoenia (sic) captured by U. S. Schr. Grampus and brought into in. Taken to New Or- FENIX, SPAN. SLAVER SCHR.—cont’d port of New Orleans does not come Within pro- visions of act of Mch. 3, 1819, prohibiting slave- trade. (ib., 9; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 471; i, Op. attys. gen., 721; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, v. 1, 721.) 1830 Dec. 20. Nicholson to Berrien. Propriety of pass- ing act to meet case of Africans lately sent into New Orleans by U. S. Schr. Grampus. (21. 2. H. ex. doc. 54, 10; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 473.) 1831 Jan. 14. Branch to President U. S. A. (Jackson). Case of Fenia, captured by U. S. Schr. Shark (sic), and carried into port of New Orleans. (21. 2. H. ex. doc. 54, 1.) FENNER (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 443.) FENTON (CHARLES W.), OF N. J. Amer. cons. for Southampton in 1850; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. FENWICK (FRANCIS C.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Nantes, 1821-39; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. FENWICK (JOHN R.) Amer. cons. for Paris in 1841; apptmt. rejected ; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. FENWICK (MICHAEL), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1836 Jan. 12. Intr. in U. S. House (Forester, Com. On Claims), bill (24. 1. H. R. 122) “for relief of R. and C. Brooke”; approved Jly. 1, 1836. (24. 1. H. jol., 169, 657, 1182; vi., St. L., 661.) 1837 Jan. 18. Intr. in U. S. House (Forester, Com. Of Claims), res. (24. 2. H. res. 21) “to grant relief to Robt. and Caroline Brooke, legal representatives of Robt. Fenwick.” (24. 2. H. jol., 234; 250.) 1838 Feb. 6. Intr. in U. S. House (Chambers, Com. Of Claims), bill (25. 2. H. R. 520) “for relief of legal representatives of Michael Fenwick”; approved Mch. 3, 1839. (25. 2. H. jol., 361; 25. 3. H. jol., 379, 391, 717; vi., St. L., 759.) Correspondence 1835 Dec. 16. R. and C. Brooke to U. S. House. Petition, praying indemnity for houses burnt by enemy dur- ing late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 49.) 1836 Dec. 12. Same to same. Same. (24. 2. H. jol, 37; 134.) 1837 Dec. 13. Same to same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 73.) FERGUSON (ALEX.) 1854 Sept. 6. Deposition; order of justice of peace for- bidding peons to work at sawmill of U. S. and P. Navigation co. without permission of Pres. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, 85.) — Sept. 14. Do.; taking of inventory of property of U. S. and P. Navigation co. (ib., 86.) & FERGUSON (DAVID), ALIAS DON Deserter from U. S. S. Vandalia; see China ; Foo Chow Customs service; case of Flying Cloud. FERGUSON (JAMES) 1842 JIy. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Char- acter of country betw. Lake of the Woods and Lake Superior. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 104; H. ex. doc. 2, 102; xii, Cong. Globe, 22.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 579 FERGUSSON (ROBT.), OF LATE FIRM OF HENDERSON, FERGUSSON, AND GIBSON 1850 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to- 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 533.) — Feb. 18. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 159.) FERNANDEZ ( ), SLAVEDEALER n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 534.) FERNANDEZ (FRANCISCO WITAL), MEXICAN MILITARY COMDT., DEPT. OF TAMAULIPAS 1836 Feb. 5. Order imposing restrictions on inhabitants of Matamoras. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 174.) — Feb. 17. To Amer. cons. Matamoras (Smith). Ar- rest of Hallett and Hall. (ib., 174.) º FERNANDEZ (JOSE Z.), JUDGE OF MONTEREY, CALIF. 1842 Nov. 16. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Jones). Courts ordered open to hear indemnification claims of American citizens following events of Apr., 1840. (27. 3. H. doc. 166, 92.) FERNANDEZ DEL CASTILLO (PEDRO) Mexican comr. under claims conv. of 1839; see Mexico; Claims. . FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO (IGNACIO), OWNER OF SP. BRIG SABINA 1841 Sept. 23. To U. S. House. Stimt. of rescue of crew of Amer. Ship Courier by Spanish brig Sabina. (27. 2. H. doc. 191, 5.) FERNANDEZ CHAVES (PEDRO RODRIGUEZ) Brazilian chargé in U. S. A., 1840–41; see Brazil. Diplo- matic Service. FERRAUD (J. B.) Amer. cons. for Panama, 1833-38; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Colombia. FERRAZ (A. M. D.A. S.); see MUNIZ DA SILVA FERRAZ (A.) FERRAZ (L. P. D0 C.); see PEDREIRA DO CONTO FERRAZ FERREGROS (MANUEL), ESTERIORES, PERU 1850 Apr. 6. To Amer. chargé in Peru (Clay). Offers payment in bar Silver on account of amt. due on Peruvian indemnity. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 40.) MINISTRO DE RELACIONES FERREIRA FRANÇA (ERNESTO) Brazilian min. res. in U. S. A., 1838-39 ; see also, Brazil. Diplomatic service. Brazilian secretario dos ne- gocios estrangeiros in 4 cabinet of regency of Pedro II, 1844; see Brazil. Civil service. 1845 Jan. 28. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise). Detention of brig Porpoise by Amer. Officers il- legal; demand for her release. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 104.) Feb. 1. To Same. Further demand for reclamation in case of brig Porpoise. (ib., 110.) Feb. 4. To same. In absence of treaty stipulations request for extradition of brig Porpoise refused. (ib., 129.) – Feb. 26. To same. Demand for presence of certain of crew of Porpoise to act as witnesses. (ib., 151.) Mch. 3. To same. Transmits documents from min- ister of justice in explanation of demand for certain of crew of Porpoise. (ib., 153.) FERREIRA (FRANCIS P.), ADMR.; see PASS (FRANCIS) FERREIRA (JOAQUIM LEAL), COMDR. BRAZ. FRIGATE INDEPENDENCIA OU MORTE 1826 Aug. 23. To ministr. da Marinha, Brazil (Par- anagoa). Capture of Amer. brig Ruth. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 49.) FERREIRA (JOAQUIM PEDRO DE) 1841 J1y.-Sept. Translation of certified copy of evidence taken before Portuguese vice consul at Rio de Ja- neiro, proving death of Ferreira. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 43, 4.) — Sept. 4. Slacum (G.) Certificate of evidence of death of J. P. Ferreira on board the Bella Uniao, Portuguese, formerly the Sophia, Amer. brig. (28. 1. S. doc. 217, 13.) FERREIRA BRACKLAMI (JOSE ANTONIO), MINISTRO DOS NEGOCIOS ESTRANGEIROS, PORTUGAL, 1831; see POR- TUGAL. CIVIL SERVICE FERRER (ACHILLE) Chargé ad int. Two Sicilies in U. S. A., 1856-59; See Two Sicilies. Diplomatic service. FERRER (FERMIN) Ministr. relac. est. of Walker govt. in Nicaragua, 1856- 57; see Central Amer. Nicaragua. Civil service- FERRER (JOAQUIN MARIA) Spanish secretario de estado during 14 ministry under Isabel II, 1840-41 ; see Spain. Civil service. FERRERA (FRANCISCO) Jefe del estado of Honduras, 1840-47 ; see Central Amer. Honduras. FERRET, H. B. M. BRIG-OF-WAR On Aftiºn slave coast, 1845. (29. 1., H. rpt. 690, p. FERRIS (CHARLES G.) OF N. Y. Repr. from New York, Dec. 1, 1834-Mch. 3, 1835; 1841- 43 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 1841. 1841 Sept. 7. Remarks; support of res. from Com. On Foreign Affairs suggesting negotiations with Gr. Br. for release of U. S. citizens detained in Van Die- man’s Land or elsewhere for participation in Cana- dian insurrection. (x, Cong., Globe, 439.) Sept. 8. Same. Same. (ib., 442.) FERRISBURG (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) — Sept. 27. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 46.) — Oct. 2. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 133.) — Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 587.) 1848 Apr. 11. To same. Memorial, praying measures to secure peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 675.) FERROLONA, SP. FRIGATE; see EL DORADO, U. S. MAIL STR. FERRONAYS, COMTE DE LA Ministre des affaires étrangères of France during Martignac ministry ; see France. Civil service. FERROZ AFRICANO, PORT. SLAVER; see DILIGENTE FESSENDEN (JOHN M.) Amer: cons. for Dresden in 1850; declined apptmt. ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. 580 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FESSENDEN (WILLIAM PITT) Repr. from Maine, 27 cong., 1841-43 ; sen. from Maine, 1854-64. Representative from Me. 1842 Feb. 8. Remarks; recommending printing of me- morial from Portland, Me., in relation to trade with Br. Colonies. (xi, Cong. Globe, 217.) — Mch. 21. Do.; asking to be excused from voting on res. Of Giddings regarding Creole case. (ib., 343.) — Je. 8. Do.; commenting on futility of negotiations to secure equitable commercial reciprocity with Br. tºº. and Suggesting legislation therefor. (ib., Senator from Me. 1854 May 31. Remarks; on propriety of publishing Works Compiled by U. S. dipl. agts. abroad. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1346, 1347.) 1855 Jan. 26. Do.; stating grounds of his opposition to S. 268, for relief of claimants of private armed brig General Armstrong. (ib., 33. 2., 404, 405, 407.) — Feb. 9. Do.; Opposed to S. 268; in favor of com- pensation for gallantry of officers and crew. (ib., 645, 646.) 1856 Mch. 6. DO.; Stating conditions regulating termi- nation of treaty with Denmark resp. sound dues. (ib., 34. 1., 602.) — Jly. 22. Do.; urging importance of more care- fully considering bill for protection of discoverers of guano deposits. (ib., 1699.) — Jīy. 24. Do.; suggesting necessary amdmts. to bill for prºtection of discoverers of guano deposits. (ib., 1739. — Dec. 16. Do.; introducing bill for more effectual punishment of certain crimes agst. U. S. (ib., 34. 3., 127.) 1857 Jan. 19. Do.; opposing apprn. for consular pupils. (ib., 366.) — Feb. 17. Do.; favoring passage of bill for more ef- fectual punishment of certain crimes agst. U. S., fixing penalties for assault and manslaughter within admiralty jurisdiction of U. S. (ib., 714.) 1858 Jan. 5. Do.; favoring reference of French spolia- tions bill to select committee. (ib., 35. 1., 186.) —— Jan. 5. Do.; favoring reference of bill for relief of Alex. J. Atocha, and papers in case, to Court of Claims. (ib., 191.) — Je. 1. Do.; opposing paying cons.-gen. at Constan- tinople, salary of dragoman, for Such time as he shall act as such. (ib., 2573.) — Je. 9. Do.; opposing present action on res. for dis- criminating postage rates, as premature. (ib., 2843.) 1859 Jan. 12. Do.; opposing passage of bill to equalize compensation of U. S. ministers to France and Eng- land during specified period. (ib., 35. 2., 324.) — Feb. 4. Do.; opposing passage of bill for relief of owners, etc., of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 815.) — Feb. 9. Do.; favoring postponement of debate on A mistad and Cuban bills until after disposal of ap- prin. bills. (ib., 904.) — Feb. 16. Do.; favoring apprin. for Support for one year, and education, of captured Africans. (ib., 1054.) — Feb. 18. Do.; opposing proposition to give Presi- dent power to protect U. S. citizens and property in transit across Isthmian routes. (ib., 1120.) — Feb. 19. Do.; supporting his amdmt. to cons. and dipl. bill, regulating fees for invoices and certificates under reciprocity treaty, to be charged by U. S. cons. officers in Br. No. Amer. provinces. (ib., 1151.) Feb. 25. Do.; opposing passage of bill making ap- prns. to facilitate acquisition of Cuba. (ib., 1354.) — Mch. 1. Do.; opposing provision, in navy bill, for capt. H. Paulding, on acct. of possible lawsuits aris- ing from capture and arrest of gen. Wm. Walker. (ib., 1527.) FESSENDEN (WILLIAM PITT)—cont’d Senator from Me.—cont’d 1860 May 14. Do.; opposing adjournment to witness landing of Japanese embassy. (ib., 36. 1., 2091.) — May 24. Do.; urging passage of bill to dispose of captured Africans at Key West. (ibº, 2304.) — Je. 14. Do.; Supporting proposed apprin. to execute art. 4, treaty of 1842, to quiet land titles in Maine. (ib., 2975.) — Je. 16. Do.; denying that speculation upon govt. will arise, to obtain money for return of captured negroes to Africa, and defending treatment of Cap- tured Africans by Gr. Br. (ib., 3068.) Je. 18. Do.; offering substitute bill for carrying into effect Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 3112.) Je. 18. Do.; urging apprin. to carry out Chiriqui- Thompson contract. (ib., 3114.) 1861 Jan. 25. Do.; favoring passage of bill for relief of Jno. H. Wheeler, late min. res. at Nicaragua, for losses by exchange, etc. (ib., 36. 2., 556.) Feb. 1. Do.; declaring cons. gen. at Simoda, Japan, unneccessary, and favoring apprp. for cons. there. (ib., 688.) — Feb. 22. Do.; defending apprin. for return of cap- tured Africans, and remuneration of marshals en- gaged in said service. (ib., 1115.) — Feb. 22. Do.; opposing amdmt. to deficiency bill for settlement of accts. of Chas. J. Helm, cons.-gen. Of U. S. at Havana, as private claim. (ib., 1121.) — Feb. 25. Do.; declaring that provision for carrying out Chiriqui-Thompson contract should be made in separate bill, and not as amdmt. to deficiency bill. (ib., 1175.) FETTYPLACE (WM.), CLAIMANT 1836 Mch. 24. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying to be allowed amt. of indemnity under recent treaty with France, erroneously rejected by late board of comrs. (24. 1. S. jol., 239; 252.) — Apr. 11. Same to U. S. House. Petition, praying compensation for loss of Schr. Reward and Cargo, captured off coast of France in 1808, by French pri- vateer. (24. 1. H. jol., 661.) — Apr. 25. Same to same. In behalf of himself and others, praying full indemnity for cargo of Schr. Reward, captured by French privateer in 1808. (24. 1. H. jol., 753.) 1837 Dec. 11. U. S. House. Petition of Wm. Fettyplace, heretofore presented, referred to Com. on Commerce, under general order of day. (25. 2. H. jol., 40.) 1839 Jan. 21. U. S. House. Petition, heretofore pre- sented, again presented (Saltonstall, Mass.), and referred to Com. on Commerce (25. 3. H. jol., 349); unfavorably reported on (Mason), Feb. 6. (ib., 486.) FICALHO (MARQUES DE), INTERINO MINISTRO DOS NEGOCIOS ESTRANGEIROS, PORTUGAL, 1831; see POR- TUGAL. CIVIL SERVICE FICKLIN (ORLANDO B.), REPR. FROM ILL. 1845 Jan. 23. Speech, favoring annexation of Texas to U. S. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 182.) 1846 Feb. 6. Speech, opposing arbitration of Oregon question, and Br. pretensions to Said terr. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 325; app., 171.) 1847 Jan. 9. Speech; on Mexican war, etc., during de- bate on H. R. 576, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force. (ib., 29. 2., 153; app., 99.) 1848 Mch. 2. Speech; on Mexican war, etc.; during de- bate on deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 135. (ib., 30. 1., 417; app., 355.) FICOUELMONT (KARL LUDWIG), GRAF Austrian Staatskanzler u. minister d. auswärtigen, in 1848; see Austria. Civil service. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 581 FIDELIA, AMER. BARQUE (DAULBY); see DAULBY (R.) FIDELITY, AMER. SCHR. CLAIM VS. GR. B.R. For seizure at Sierra Leone on charge of smuggling. 1854 Oct. 11. Claim agst. Gr. Britain under convention : sº ; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, FIELD (PHINEAS A.), WIDOW OF 1858 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Olivia Field, praying indemnity for property destroyed by Br. in war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 76.) FIELD (R. S.), ET AL. 1856 Jan. 31. U. S. Senate. Petition, praying measures for protection of U. S. citizens engaged in guano trade; presented (Thomson, N. J.), and referred to Com. On Foreign Relations (34. 1. S. jol., 76); Jan. 20, 1857; com. discharged from consideration of pe- tition. (34. 3. S. jol., 105.) FIGANIERE (F. F. DE LA), PORTUGUESE CONS. AT N. Y. 1849 Apr. 27. To Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Seizure of Amer. brig Susan (Milford) off Cape Frio by U. S. brig Perry and imprisonment of Portu- guese passengers on board said vessel. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 176.) — May 5. To same. Requests release of two colored women among passengers on board Amer. brig Susam ; with list of Portuguese passengers on board. (ib., 177.) FIGANIERE (J. D’ALMEIDA) DE LA; see D'ALMEIDA DE LA FIGANIERE FIGANIERE (LUIS FREDERICO DE), BRAZILIAN WICE- CONS. IN N. Y. 1854 Jan. 13. Notice prohibiting foreign flags from en- tering Amazon. (33. 1. H. misc. doc. 22, 21.) FIGANIERE E MORAO (JOAQUIM CESAR DE) Portuguese chargé in U. S. A., 1835-38. Min. res. do., 1840-54; E. E. and M. P. do., 1854-66; see also, Portugal. , Diplomatic service. Chargé 1835 Apr. 9. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Propo- sition for exemption of Portuguese produce from payment of discriminating duties. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 134, 4.) — Apr. 23. To same. Decree of Apr. 18, 1834, covers both directly and indirectly imported merchandise. (ib., 5.) — May 4. To same. Renewed request for reciprocal exemption from discriminating duties. (ib., 7.) — Nov. 25. To same. Further application for suspen- Sion of discriminating duties. (ib., 9.) Minister-Resident Correspondence AMERICAN Secy State (Webster) 1841 Nov. 18. Bill concerning duties and drawbacks re- ported House of Repr. at last session of congress. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 146, 5; 27. 3. H. ex. doc. 202, 2.) 1842 Feb. 17. Receipt of letter of 9 inst. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 146, 11.) — Apr. 8. Comment on bill reported by Committee on Manufactures, Mch. 31, altering duties on imports. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 202, 8.) — Apr. 18. Representation of effect of exorbitant valuation placed on Portuguese currency in com- puting duties on Portuguese importations. (ib., 10.) FIGANIERE E MORAO (JOAQUIM CESAR DE)—cont’d Minister-Resident—Cont’d Correspondence-cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd Secy. State—cont’d (Webster)—cont’d 1842 Je. 28. Duty on Madeira wines in revenue bill re- ported by Committee of Ways and Means. (ib., 12.) — JIy. 18. Proposed duty on Portuguese wines in re- cent revenue legislation. (ib., 14.) — Aug. 25. Intended alterations U. S. tariff of duties on imports as affecting Portugal. (ib., 17; 28. 1. H. ex. doc. 41, 3.) — Oct. 10. Urges early consideration of note on Sub- ject of reduction of duties on wines of Portugal. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 41, 5.) — Nov. 10. Urges issuance of instructions to regu- late levying of duties on Wines of Portugal in ac- cordance with treaty stipulations as violated by provision of H. R. 472. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 202, 19; 28. 1. H. ex. doc. 41, 6.) 1843 Jan. 16. Protest against delay in settling subject of duties on wines of Portugal. (ib., 10; ib., 26.) — Jan. 21. Representation of discrimination against wines of Portugal. (ib., 27; ib., 11.) (Upshur) 1843 Jly. 3. Exemption of wines of Portugal from duties imposed upon them by act of Aug. 30, last. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 41, 21.) Jly. 10. Capture of slave belonging to A. S. Timas, island of Maio, by Amer. whaling barque Romulus; with acc. docs. (28. 1. S. doc. 217, 30.) — Jly. º Receipt of note of 6 inst. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 41, 22. — Oct. 13. Further representation of discrimination against wines of Portugal. (ib., 22.) — Oct. 19. Demand for prosecution of barque Romw- lus on grounds stated therein. (28. 1. S. doc. 217, 35.) — Nov. 23. Abduction of slave by Amer. Whaling barque Pantheon off town of Praya, Is. of Santiago; with acc. docs. (ib., 38.) — Dec. 17. [Private.] Opinion of Mr. Kavanagh in relation to construction of treaty of 1840, (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 41, 24.) — Dec. 17. Protest agst. ignorance of pending ques- tion of duties on wines of Portugal in recent of- ficial documents. (ib., 25.) 1844 Jan. 2. Receipt of note of Dec. 21. (ib., 28.) (Calhoun) 1844 Apr. 3. Protest agst. ad Valorem duties; urging passage of H. R. 118 to carry into effect treaty with Portugal. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 224, 1.) (Buchanan) 1846 Je. 24. Ad valorem duties on Portuguese wines in bill pending in House violate art. 3, treaty of 1840. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 219, 1.) (Clayton) 1849 Nov. 9. Exposé of case of General Armstrong. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 89.) 1850 Mch. 12. Due attention by Portuguese govt. to Amer. claims. (ib., 91.) — Mch. 25. Communication to Amer. chargé in Por- tugal on Subject of pending Amer. claims to be made shortly. (ib., 92.) — Apr. 27. Relative to certain claims of Amer. citi- zens against Portuguese govt. (ib., 92.) — May 20. Relative to subject of Miles and Bolton claims. (ib., 98.) — May 25. Negotiation for settlement of Portuguese claims against govt. of U. S. (ib., 179.) 582 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs' FIGANIERE E MORAO (JOAQUIM CESAR DE)—cont’d Minister-Resident—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d Secy. State—cont’d (Clayton)—cont’d 1850 May 30. Representation of case of Susan. 182.) — Je. 6. Reply to note of 30 ult. on subject of claims of citizens of Portugal agst, govt. of U. S. (ib., 185.) — Je. 21. Claim of passengers of brig Susan. (ib., 189.) — Je. 25. Case of schr. Colonel Blum. (ib., 100.) — Je. 27. Portuguese claim arising out of capture of brig Susan. (ib., 192.) — Jly. 9. Regret that U. S. declines Portuguese offer to refer contested claim of General Armstrong as well as all other claims to decision of an independ- ent third power. (ib., 101.) (Webster) 1850 Aug. 6. Asks present view entertained by U. S. in respect to actual state of question between Portu- gal and U. S. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 109.) — Aug. 9. Copy of note addressed by Count Tojal to Mr. Clay on Je. 20 last. (ib., 110.) Nov. 7. Portuguese claims agst. Amer. govt. aris- ing from captures of Portuguese vessels with their cargoes in 1816-1828; by privateers fitted out and equipped in ports of U. S.; with list of vessels. (ib., 193.) — Nov. 16. Invites attention to Portuguese claim in case of Amer. brig Susan, (ib., 200.) 1851 Feb. 4. Maintains Portuguese claims in case of brig Susan. (ib., 201.) PORTUGUESE 1842 Sept. 1. To cons. agts. of Portugal in U. S. Circular respecting U. S. tariff law of Aug. 20, 1842. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 202, 23.) Treaties Concluded 1851 Feb. 26. Signs treaty providing for the payment of certain claims of American citizens, between Portu- gal and U. S.; see Portugal. Claims. FIGUEIRA (FORTUNATO J.), CLAIMANT; see MYSTIC, AMER. BARK FIGUEROA (JOSE WASQUEZ), MINISTR. DE HACIENDA, SPAIN 1812 May 10. To R. Meade. Reply to letters of Apr. 29, May 1 and 5. (22. 1. H. rpt. 316, 165; 23. 1. H. rpt. 167, 167; 24. 1. S. doc. 236, 183.) — May 10. To treasurer general of Spain (Soret). Reasons why sum due to R. Meade cannot be paid out of money brought by ship Standard. (ib., 120; ib., 122; ib., 136.) —— Je. 3. To same. Regency of Spain do not think themselves obliged to effect agreement made with Meade with moneys brought from Havana by brig Correo Cazador, they not proceeding from national rents. (ib., 120; ib., 122; ib., 137.) — Jly. 4. To R. Meade. Reply to his of May 27 and Je. 27. (ib., 158; ib., 160; ib., 175.) — Jly. 16. To Soret. Order to procure provisions for troops. (ib., 125; ib., 127; ib., 142.) — Aug. 16. To same. Order to place at disposal of director of provisions two millions of reals wellon in bills received from comrs. of municipality, junta and consulado of Cadiz. (ib., 121; ib., 123; ib., 137.) — Aug. 20. To R. Meade. Advice of alteration in mode of payment of three bills issued in his favor. (ib., 92; ib., 94; ib., 107.) (ib., FIGUEROA (JOSE WASQUEZ), MINISTR. DE HACIENDA, SPAIN–cont’d 1812 Aug. 20. To same. Treasurer General informed that he must procure Meade assistance on account of his claims against royal treasury. (ib., 93; ib., 94; ib., 108.) — Aug. 20. To Soret. Order to make detailed acct. of urgent objects in which ten millions dollars received from municipality of Cadiz are to be employed. (ib., 121; ib., 123; ib., 137.) — Aug. 23. To R. Meade. Reply to his of 20 inst. (ib., 98; ib., 100; ib., 114.) — Sept. 6. To regency of Spain. Stnt. in consequence of representation published by R. Meade. (ib., 127; ib., 129; ib., 144.) FIJI ISLANDS 185 (?). Report by D. Whippy of acts of violence that have taken place since his residence upon Fiji Is. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 32.) [1851 (?)] 1853 Mch. 10. Rev. J. Calvert to comdr. U. S. sloop Falmouth (Petigru). Tui Viti’s reply to letter of Mch. 6, and nature of his promises in Williams’ claim. (ib., 36.) 1851 Je. 11. Thomas F. McDonell to Amer, cons. (Wil- liams). Fine imposed for robbery of property at Nukulan. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 11.) — Jly. 28. Comdr. U. S. S. St. Mary’s (Magruder) to Calvert and Whippy. Constituting them a board of arbitration in case of Amer. whaler Elizabeth, lost at Lavaka, Feb. 1846, and in case of robbery of Mr. Williams. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 180; 34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 13.) 1852 Dec. 6. Williams to capt. of first U. S. vessel of war arriving at Fiji Is. Threat of chief of Ban (Tui Viti) to burn property of J. Magown. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 115, 10.) 1853 [Oct. 2]. Amer. vice-cons. at Ovalan (Whippy) to rev. James Calvert. Deprecatory comment on his letter of Oct. 7.., relating to affair at Mulacca, Sept., 1853, and its consequences. (ib., 30.) Oct. 7. Rev. James Calvert. Description of affairs * Mulacca, Fiji Is., Sept. 1853, and its consequences. ib., 27.) * 1854 Feb. 23. Williams to capt. Amer. ship-of-war in Fiji Is. Advice that Tui Viti and Ban people are Only parties concerned in robbery of barque Eliza- beth. (ib., 16.) — Nov. 8. Comdr. H. M. S. Herald (Denham) to Whippy and White, residents at Ovalan. Invites them to meet king of Ban (Tui Viti) on board Herald on 9 inst. (ib., 19.) 1855 Sept. 7. Williams to comdr. U. S. S. John Adams (Boutwell). Informs him of arrival at Rewa on 10 ult.; headquarters of agency at Rewa destroyed by natives. (ib., 9.) — Sept. 16. Charles Pickering. Deposition that he acted as interpreter for U. S. commercial agt. at Fiji Is. (Williams) in purchase of quantity of land #ºn chief of Rewa, including Is. of Lanthala. (ib., — Sept. 17. Wesleyan missionary, Fiji Is. (Calvert) to Boutwell. Information concerning property Stolen by Fijians from Amer. consul (Williams) in Jly., 1849. (ib., 17.) — Sept. 25. Boutwell, to Chief of Ban (Tui Viti). De- mands restoration of property of Amer. citizens, or its value with interest, etc. (ib., 14.) — Sept. 27. Same to same. Demands $30,000, or value, # * paid within twelve months from date. (ib., — Sept. 27. J. V. Favier. Information on subject of English colony in Fiji Is. (ib., 26.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 583 FIJI ISLANDS—cont’d 1855 Sept. 27. Master of cutter Wave (Stewart) to Boutwell. Cutter Wave forcibly boarded by four large Tonga canoes. (ib., 16, 49.) — Sept. 28. Inventory of property belonging to Fººd Whippy at Lavaka, destroyed Sept., 1853. (ib., — Sept. 29. Calvert to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Particulars of depredations committed on whaler Elizabeth burnt at Ovalan; property said to be stolen by natives from J. B. Williams. (ib., 69.) — Sept. 29. Fiji chief (Yago Damu) to Boutwell. Williams claim with comdr. Boutwell’s comment on letter. (ib., 22.) — Oct. n. d. Boutwell (E. B.). Examination of chief of Ovalan. Questions to ascertain if Tui Viti, king of Feejee, consulted him before he promised to cede Is... of Ovalan to English. (ib., 35.) — Oct. 1. Boutwell to Calvert. Considers chief of Ban responsible for all robbery, mischief, etc., that has taken place for last ten years at Feejee IS. (ib., 1:8.) — Oct. 1. Williams to Calvert. Relative to his claim. (ib., 20.) — Oct. 1. Whippy to Williams. Arbitration of claims has not taken place. (ib., 21.) — Oct. 2. Boutwell to Fiji chief (Yago Damu). De- mands payment of indemnity, or security that it will be paid. (ib., 22.) º — Oct. 2. Boutwell to Whippy. Request to collect $1500 from Tui Levuka, chief of Ovalan. (ib., 25.) Oct. 3. Ratu Mara and others, chiefs of Ban, ad- mit justice of Williams’ claim and other Amer. citizens, and promise to pay amt. demanded within year from date. (ib., 34.) * — Oct. 6. Williams to comdr. U. S. S. St. Mary’s (Bailey). Proc. of comdr. of John Adams for ad- justment of claims of U. S. citizens. (ib., 52.) — Oct. 6. Nui Tui Vou, and others. Agree to pay to T. Ryder value of sundry articles stolen by people of Vatalili. (ib., 50.) — Oct. 9. Calvert to capt. U. S. S. St. Mary’s (Bailey). Affairs now pending betw. Ban and Amer. Consul (Williams). (ib., 65.) — Oct. 10. Declaration by Amer. cons. Williams of property destroyed at Nukulan and elsewhere in Fiji Is. (ib., 36.) — Oct. 10. Boutwell to Bailey. Requests him to re- main and settle claims of citizens of U. S. agst. Fiji Is. (ib., 55.) — Oct. 10. Bailey to Boutwell. claims of U. S. citizens. (ib., 53.) Oct. 10. Tui Levuka, chief of Lavaka. Promise to pay all claims made by comdr. Boutwell, and to maintain peace with foreigners. (ib., 64.) — Oct. 11. Boutwell to Wesleyan missionary (Water- house). Informs him that claim of $30,000 has been made on king of Fiji. (ib., 63.) — Oct. 11. D. Whippy. Deposition relative to burning of town of Lavaka. (ib., 48.) — Oct. 11. Bailey to Boutwell. Reply to his of 10 inst. (ib., 55.) — Oct. 11. J. Waterhouse to Boutwell. Requests, on behalf of Yago Damu, that he will permit claims made on chiefs of Ban to be decided by arbitration of certain officers of U. S. S. John Adams. (ib., 58.) — Oct. 11. Boutwell to lieut. and actg. master U. S. S. John Adams (Sartori and Badger). Directs them to attend in cabin of U. S. S. John Adams to hear tes- timony in relation to claims of Amer. citizens, in order that they may be able to judge of amount each claimant is entitled to according to evidence given in each case. (ib., 58.) — Oct. 12. Boutwell to Lambert. Directs him to at- tend in cabin of U. S. S. John Adams to hear testi- Investigation of FIJI ISLANDS—cont’d mony in several cases of indemnity due Amer. citizens for losses sustained at Feejee Islands. (ib., 59.) 1855 Oct. 14. Sartori and Badger to Boutwell. Opinion that claim of D. Whippy is correct at $6000; and that Messrs. Chamberlain and co. Sustained a loss of $7000, by burning of Lavaka; and capt. Dunn of $300 by destruction of his beche le mer house at Ana- nas; and that claim of Shattuck and McComby amounting to $1000 is just. (ib., 60.) — Oct. 15. Deposition of J. Waterhouse, Wesleyan missionary, Fiji Is., relative to destruction of town of Lavaka. (ib., 41.) — Oct. 15. Sartori and Lambert to Boutwell. Opinion that amount of loss in cases of barque Elizabeth and brig Tim Pickering was $5000. (ib., 60.) — Oct. 16. Williams (J. B.). Declaration relative to value of property at Namuka, previous to destruc- tion. (ib., 41.) — Oct. 16. Sartori and Lambert to Boutwell. Opinion that Messrs. Wilkinson and co. Sustained a loSS, at Is... of Namuka, of $4000. (ib., 61.) — Oct. 16. Sartori and Lambert to Boutwell. Opinion that Amer. cons. New Zealand (Williams) is en- titled to sum of $18,331. (ib., 61.) — Oct. 16. Sartori and Lambert to Boutwell. Opin- ion that Charles Rounds sustained a loss of $155 by robbery of his tools and other articles at Randava. (ib., 62.) — Oct. 16. Sartori and Lambert to Boutwell. Opinion relative to claim of John Ryder. (ib., 62.) Oct. 18. Sartori and Lambert to Boutwell. Respon- Sibility for outrages committed on Amer. Citizens and property by natives of Fiji Is. (ib., 63.) — Oct. 18. Boutwell to Sartori and Lambert. Opin- ion as to proper person to receive money found due to Amer. citizens for losses sustained in Fiji Is. (ib., 67.) — Oct. 19. Whippy to Boutwell. Substance of con- versation with clerk on U. S. S. St. Mary's. (ib., 65.) — Oct. 19. Whippy to Boutwell. Declares that stnt. of Rev. [J.] Calvert, of Oct. 9, is untrue. (ib., 66.) — Oct. 23. Vunivalu, or Tui Viti, chief of Ban. Agree- Iment in regard to payment of claims of Amer. citi- zens. (ib., 68.) Oct. 27. Executive Officer U. S. S. John Adams to Boutwell. Burning of town of Namuka. (ib., 73.) — Oct. 30. Lambert to Boutwell. Report of expedi- tion to burn town of Lassalassa. (ib., 75.) — Oct. 31. Actg. master U. S. S. John Adams (Bad- #º # postwal Rpt. of burning of town of Wutia. 1 O., ſl. Oct. 31. Sartori to Boutwell. Rpt. of expedition to town of Navua. (ib., 74.) — Nov. 2. Williams to Boutwell. Believes that if John Adams had sailed from Fiji Is... without satis- faction having been obtained, citizens of U. S. would lº been exposed to renewed acts of violence. (ib., — Dec. 22. Boutwell to comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Mervine). Operation of U. S. sloop of War John Adams at Fiji Is. (ib., 2.) FILHO (J. DE A. P.); see ALMEIDA PEREIRA FILHO (J.) DE FILIBUSTERING 1843 Mch. 3. U. S. House. Motion (Adams) to suspend rules to enable him to introduce from committee on Foreign Affairs, res. urging provision by law for punishment of invasion of terr. of foreign peaceful nation by any naval or military officer of U. S. (27. 3. H. jol., 576.) 584 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FILIBUSTERING—cont’d 1849 Aug. 21. U. S. customs collector, Mobile (Walker) to secy. Treasurer, U. S. A. (Meredith). Requests instructions as to power of collectors to detain VeS- sels about to depart from U. S. with evident hostile intentions against a foreign country. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 126.) 1855 Dec. 10. Costa Rican chargé in U. S. A. (Molina). Acknowledges obligation of U. S. A. to prevent fili- bustering. (Mss. Notes. Cent. Amer. (repr.) iii, Wharton’s Digest, 602.) 1856 Apr. 1. U. S. atty. no. distr., Calif. (Inge) to atty. gen. U. S. A. (Cushing). Strmt. of prosecutions in- stituted in no. distr. of Calif. for violation of act of 1818. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 17.) 1858 Jan. 5. H. Maynard, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; favoring reference of subject of filibustering and neutrality laws to select com. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 200.) — Jan. 5. J. A. Quitman, repr. from Miss. Do.; favor- ing references to select com. of five, of part of meS- sage of President relating to filibustering, and neu- trality laws. (ib., 194.) Expeditions 1829. Lara expedition from Mexico to Cuba; see Lara J 1835/6. Military operations in Louisiana in favor of Texas; see Louisiana. 1836. Mejia expedition from Mexico agst. Tampico; See Mejia (J. A.). Military operations in Mississippi in favor of Texas; see Mississippi. 1837/8. Patriot war in Canada; see Canada. Insurrec- tion. 1849/50. Lopez expedition from New Orleans to Cuba; see Cuba. 1853. Watkins expedition fitting out in California; See Watkins (H. P.). 1854. Walker expedition from California to Mexico; See Mexico. 1854. Raousset-Dillon-del Valle expedition from Califor- nia to Mexico; see Mexico. 1854/7. Fabens-Kinney-Walker expedition from U. S. A. to Nicaragua; see Central America. 1857. Crabb expedition from U. S. A. to Mexico; See Mexico. See also California; do. Neutrality. FILISOLA (VICENTE) 1837 Je. 28. To comdr. U. S. S. Vandalia (Crabb). AC- knowledging restoration of General Urrea. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 45.) Je. 28. To capt. of the port, Matamoras (Espino). Instructions; to receive General Urrea. (ib., 45.) 1838 Dec. 31. M. P. Texas in U. S. A. (Jones) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Forsyth). Journal of Miracle; In- dian and Mexican conspiracy agst. Texas under Filisola. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 14, 11.) See also Texas. Canalizo expedition. FILLMORE (EUNICE), WIDOW OF LATE COL. SEPTA FILL- MORE 1840 Feb. 5. To U. S. House. Petition, praying remun- eration for injuries to property by Br. in 1814. (26. 1. H. jol., 294; 473.) FILLMORE (MILLARD), OF N. Y., 1800-1874 Repr. from New York, Sept. 4, 1837-Mch. 3, 1843; Pres. of U. S., Jy. 22, 1850-Mch. 4, 1853. Representative from N. Y. 1838 Jan. 5. Remarks; supporting his amdmt. to How: ard res. regarding capture of General Urrea, to in- clude information regarding trouble on Canadian frontier. (vi, Cong. Globe, 76.) FILLMORE (MILLARD), OF N. Y., 1800-1874—cont’d Representative from N. Y.-cont’d 1838 Feb. 16. Do.; opposing bill to punish certain crimes agst. U. S. (ib., 185.) — Feb. 22. Do.; favoring recommitment of bill to punish certain crimes agst. U. S. to Com. on Judici- ary. (ib., 196.) — Mch. 2. Do.; moving to strike out part of neu- trality bill making it applicable to coterminous territories only. (ib., 206.) 1839 Mch. 1. Speech; on bill giving Pres, additional power for defence of U. S., etc. (vii, ib., app., 282.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; in support of his amdmt. to bill giving Pres. additional power in case of invasion. (vii, ib., 243.) 1841 Feb. 13. Speech, urging recommitment, for more pertinent treatment, of rpt. of Com. on Foreign Af- fairs, on burning of str. Caroline. (ix, ib., 174.) — Aug. 27. Remarks; defending status of, and ap- prns. for missions to Sardinia and Naples. (X, ib., 393.) 1842 May 12. Remarks; defending increased apprn. for contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, and pro- testing agst. payment therefrom of unauthorized special agtS. (xi, ib., 494.) President of U. S. A. 1850 Jly. 18. Message to U. S. House, transmitting in- formation and docs. regarding seizure by Gr. Br. of island of Tigre; attempts to acquire Sovereignty over Central Amer. territory; and treaties with Central Amer. States. (V, Mess. and Papers, 65; Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 1424.) — Jly. 20. Message to Senate U. S. A., transmitting, and relative to, conv. betw. U. S. A. and Mexico for the extradition of fugitives from justice. (viii, Sen. exec. jol., 207.) — Aug. 6. To U. S. Congress. In reference to Texas boundary. (31. 1. H. ex, doc. 82.) -- — Nov. 1. Proclamation suspending discriminating duties of tonnage and impost on vessels of Chili, and on its produce, manufactures and merchandise imported into U. S. (v, Mess and Papers, 76; ix, St. L., 1004.) — Dec. 2. Annual message (1st). Nicaragua canal ; Tehuantepec railroad ; settlement of Portuguese claims ; settlement of Brazilian claims ; commercial treaty with Peru ; treaty with Hawaii ; St. Domingo. (Mess. and Papers of Pres., 5, 77.) 1851 Feb. 13. To U. S. Senate. Message relative to conv. with Swiss Confederation, Nov. 25, 1850. (v, Mess. and Papers, 98.) — Feb. 25. To same. Message transmitting and rela- tive to Conv. betw. Mexico and the U. S. A. for the protection of a transit across isthmus of Tehuante- pec. (viii, Sen. exec. jol., 297.) — Apr. 25. Proclamation agst, filibustering expedi- tions to Cuba. (v, Mess. and Papers, 111; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 37; S. ex. doc. 1, 27.) — May 10. To Emperor of Japan (Komei). Proposal for establishing friendly commercial intercourse. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 82.) — May 26. Authorizes and empowers John B. Kerr to exchange ratifications of treaty of Jan. 2, 1850, with San Salvador. (33. 1. S. rpt. 172, 3.) — May 26. Authorizes and empowers John B. Kerr to exchange ratifications of treaty of Mch. 3, 1849, with Guatemala. (ib., 3.) — Oct. 22. Proclamation resp. an apprehended in- vasion of Mexico. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 82; S. ex. doc. 1, 82; V, Mess. and Papers, 1.12; x, St. L., 1177.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS §85 FILLMORE (MILLARD), OF N. Y., 1800-1874—cont’d President of U. S. A.—cont’d 1851 Dec. 2. Annual Message (2nd). Filibustering expedition to Cuba; reciprocal trade, U. S. and Canada ; boundary line betw. Oregon and Br. possessions ; claims agst. Bortugal partly paid ; Pres. of French Republic accepts post of arbiter in case of General Armstrong; reception of Kossuth ; France and Hawaii; Tehuantepec railroad ; inter- Oceanic canals ; comr. to China. — Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Message relative to seiz- ure at San Juan del Norte of Amer. str. Prometheus by Brit. Sloop Ea;press; with documents. (32. 1. S. eX. doc. 6, 1.) 1852 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Message suggesting ex- pediency of prompt action in case of apprin. for Cuban prisoners. (32. 1. S. jol., 98.) — Mch. 19. To President of Mexico (Arista). Urges Speedy adjustment of Tehuantepec affair. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 97, 157.) — Apr. 27. Commission of R. C. Schenck and John S. Pendleton to negotiate treaty with Argentine Confederation. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1939.) — Apr. 29. Commission of R. C. Schenck as E. E. and M. P. to Brazil. (ib., 1939.) — May 5. To U. S. Senate. Message recommending extension of period for exchanging ratifications With Guatemala, of treaty of peace, etc. (v, Mess. and Papers, 150.) — Je. 14. U. S. Congress. Message relative to com- munication from Spain (Calderon de la Barca) claiming indemnity for certain Spanish subjects injured by mob in New Orleans. (32. 1. H. jol., 833; S. jol., 474; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 113, 1; S. ex. doc. 86, 1; V, Mess. and Papers, 152.) —Je. 22. To U. S. Senate. Message transmitting ex- tradition conv. betw. U. S. and Prussia and other states of Germanic Confederation. (viii, Sen. exec. jol., 403; 438; 450.) – Je. 26. To U. S. Senate. Message transmitting re- port of Secy. of State (Webster) on unratified extra- dition convention with Mexico. (W, Mess. and Pa- pers, 154.) — Jly. 1. To U. S. Senate. Message relative to false rpt. of Compact with Gr. Br. advising Costa Rica and Nicaragua on, matters affecting their bound- aries. (V, Mess. and Papers, 155.) — JIy. 2. To U. S. Congress. Message submitting to favorable consideration of congress claim of U. S. consul for reimbursement of expenses incurred in transportation of foreigners concerned in Lopez ex- pedition. (32. 1. S. jol., 510.) — Aug. 14. To U. S. Senate. Message declining to give information on propositions by king of Sandwich Islands to transfer sovereignty to U. S. (W, Mess. and Papers, 159.) — Aug. 27. To Same. Message transmitting conv. betw. U. S. and Belgium for regulating right of in- heriting and acquiring property. (viii, Sen Exec. jol., 447; 448.) — Nov. 12. To Hugh Maxwell. Affair of Crescent City question to be settled betw. U. S. and Spain. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 49.) — Nov. 13. To Emperor of Japan. Friendship, com- merce, supply of coal and provisions, and protec- tion for our shipwrecked people, objects of Commo- dore Perry’s visit to Yeddo. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 9.) — Dec. 6. Annual Message (3rd). Protection of Br. fisheries on N. A. coast agst. U. S. and France; affairs in Cuba ; Tehuantepec railroad ; Nicaragua canal ; claims upon Venezuela acknowl- edged ; relations with S. A.; comi. intercourse with Asia. FILLMORE (MILLARD), OF N. Y., 1800–1874—cont’d President of U. S. A.—cont’d 1853 Jan. 17. To Congress of U. S. A. MeSSage recom- mending payment of Amistad claims. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 19, 1; H. ex. doc. 20, 1; v, Mess. and Papers, 184.) — Feb. 3. To U. S. Senate. Message relative to Con- vention with Swiss Confederation, in a new draft. (V, Mess. and Papers, 187.) — Feb. 18. To Congress, U. S. A. Message; trans- mitting with favorable comment the report of Secy. of State (Everett) of 16 inst. (ib., 188.) — Feb. 18. U. S. Senate. Transmits conv. betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. for establishment of international Copy- right. (ix, Sen. Exec. jol., 35.) FILLMORE’S RANGERS n. d. Mentioned in connection with second filibustering expedition against Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 53.) FINCH (WILLIAM B.) OF D. C., LATER W. C. BOLTON U. S., N. (as Finch), 1806-31; as Bolton, 1831–49. Lieut., 1813; comdr., 1820; capt., 1831. Died at Genoa, Feb. '22, isł9. Sea service in command (1828-49) : 1828-30, U. S. sloop Vincennes, Pacific sqdn. ; 1838, U. S. frigate Constitution, Medn. Sqdn. ; 1839-40, frigate Brandywine, do. ; 1848, comdg. African sqdn. ; 1849, comdg. Medn. Sqdn. ; 1837, member naval ct. of inquiry in case of General Urrea ; see General Urrea. n. d. Extracts from summary of cruise of U. S. sloop of war Vincennes in 1829. (21. 2. S. doc. 1, 202.) FINCH (WM. T.) 1852 Jan. 2. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying donation in land or money. (32. 1. S. jol., 90.) Jan. 2. J. R. Underwood, Sen. from Ky. Remarks; on petition from William T. Finch, foreign refugee, praying for grant of land, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 183.) FINCHEM (JNO.) 1827 Aug. 6. Ministr. negoc. estrang. Brazil (Queluz) to Amer, cons. (Wright). Two sailors, Finchem and Perry, placed at disposal of Comdr. Amer. forces in Rio de Janeiro. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 165.) — Aug. 27. Capt. U. S. N. Biddle to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Southard). Allegation agst. Seamen Perry and Finchem. (ib., 164.) FINE (JOHN), OF N. Y., 1784–1867 Repr. from New York to 26 cong., Dec., 1839-Mch., 1841; member Com. On Foreign Affairs, 1840-41. FINLAND CITIZENS IN U. S. CONSULAR SERVICE; see FRENCKALL (RAYNOLD) FINLAY (ROBERT A.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Vera Cruz in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico. FIORA (JAMES), OF N. Y. Amer. Cons. for Manchester in 1846 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. British dominions. FIREBRAND, AMER. WESSEL 1816 Nov. 23. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Monroe) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Erving). Instructions to demand reparation for Spanish attack on U. S. ves- sel of war Firebrand. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 42, 12.) 1817 Apr. 25. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Rush) to Erving. Disappointment at failure of attempt to conclude differences with Spain; instructions rela- º: to firewana; President’s neutrality message. ib., 13. 586 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FIREFLY, H. B. M. STR. (TUDOR) 1850 Mch. 21. Boards Amer. bark Navarre off Ambrise; See Navarre. (Day) 1857 Aug. Captures Amer. Slaver bark William, Clarke in Bight of Benin; see William Clarke. FISH ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP BROTHERS; see BROTHERS FISH (GEO. B.), EXECR. OF 1852 Mch. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial of David B. Baylis, in relation to Mexican indemnities. (32. 1. H. jol., 489.) FISH (HAMILTON), 1808-93 Repr., from New York to 28 cong., Dec. 4, 1834-Mch. 3, 1845; Sen. from New York, 1851-1857; member Com. on Foreign Relations, 1853-57. Senator 1855 Feb. 20. J. P. Benjamin, sen. from La. Remarks, Vindicating action of Fish, member of Com. on For- eign Relations, in regard to passengers on board immigrant vessels and S. 489 relative to subject. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 825.) Bills Introduced 1857 Jan. 21. Relief of Anton L. C. Portman. (34. 3. S. jol., 513.) —jan. 21. Relief of John H. Wheeler. (34. 3. s. 514) Remarks 1856 May 14. Remarks; Clayton-Bulwer treaty, being reply to Clayton on Crampton’s letter concerning Br. title to island of Roatan. (Cong. Globe, 34. cong., 1. sess., 1207.) Reports 1857 Jan. 21. Portman. Rpt., to acc. S. 513, for relief of A. L. C. (34. 3. S. rpt. 315.) Jan. 21. Rpt., to acc. S. 514, for relief of J. H. Wheeler. (34. 3. S. rpt. 316.) — Mch. 3. Rpt., adverse to petition of J. C. Tucker. (34. 3. S. rpt. 444.) FISH (M. W.) Amer, actg. cons. for Shanghai in 1856; see also, U. S. A. Consular Service. 1856 Mch. 12. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Fish, Confirms apptmt. as Vice cons. for Shanghai, during absence of R. C. Murphy. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 748.) — Apr. 2. Same to same. Reply to that part of note of Mch. 6 which relates to salary. (ib., 748.) Correspondence 1856 Jan. 6. To Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Rela- tive to settlement of duty question; case of Wood- man and Gilfillan; doubt as to jurisdiction of vice- cons. in similar cases. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 676.) — Feb. 15. To same. Duty money awarded by Mr. McLane; asks information as to manner of draw- ing salary. (ib., 740.) Feb. 15. To same. Receipt of unofficial letter of Jan. 25; regrets delay in apptmt. of Mr. Vail to office of inspector of customs. (ib., 741.) — Feb. 15. To same. Apptmt. of D. O. Vail as an in- Spector of customs at Shanghai. (ib., 742.) — Mch. 6. To same. Awaits decision in case of Wood- man and Gilfillan; payment of his salary; state of duty question. (ib., 746.) — Apr. 5. To same. Receipt of despatch of Mch. 1, and of circular relative to cancelling of boat regis- ters. (ib., 793.) FISH (M. W.)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1856 Apr. 5. To same. Apptmt. to custom-house at Shanghai. (ib., 792.) — Apr. 5. To same. Settlement of duty question. (ib., 792.) — Apr. 16. To same. Payments under award by R. M. McLane, Nov. 23, 1854, paid to Chinese authorities. (ib., 793.) - — Apr. 16. To same. Case of Woodman and Gilfillan. (ib., 794.) — Apr. 16. To Same. Hopes payment of bills Sterling left in his possession by Mr. Murphy, will meet with approval. (ib., 795.) — Apr. 17. To same. Asks instructions in regard to case of Mermaid. (ib., 795.) — Apr. 30. To same. Woo has inquired if promissory notes held by him, signed by firms of Augustine Heard and co., Bull, Nye and co., Wetmore and co., Dent, Beale and co., and J. McAndrew, are included in award of R. M. McLane. (ib., 832.) — Je. 30. Return of suits from Mch. 31 to Jly. 1; re- ceipts and disbursements in U. S. cons. court, Shanghai, China, from Mch. 31 to Jly. 1, 1856. (35. 1. H. mis, doc. 2, 8.) Je. 30. To same. Letters and proclamation on sub- ject of allowing ships to bring Chinese passengers to Shanghai. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 900.) — Je. 30. To Same. Reports payment to Chinese Supt. of customs of bills sterling left in his custody by R. C. Murphy. (ib., 904.) FISH (M. W.) AND OTHERS 1856 J1y. 16. To U. S. comr. to China (Parker). Griev- ances of U. S. citizens at Foo-Chow. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 905.) FISH (SAMUEL) 1838 May 1. To U. S. House. Petition, praying compen- sation for provisions furnished in 1828, to agt. of U. S. employed in erection of govt. house for Colon- ization Society, on western coast of Africa. (25. 2. H. jol., 827.) FISHER (DAVID), REPR. FROM 0. 1848 Feb. 9. Speech; Mexican war, H. R. 104, to author- ize a loan, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 322; app., 297.) Mch. 7. Do.; on Mexican war, in support of his amdmt. inserting provision for transportation of army from Mexico to U. S. in item of deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 135, providing for expenses, etc., of quartermaster’s dept.; with amdmt. (ib., 30. 1., 437.) FISHER (GEORGE P.), OF [DEL.; D. C.(?)] Amer. comr. under Brazilian claims conv. of 1849. viii, Sen. exec. jol., Fisher is accredited to D. C. ; V, Moore. Internat. arb., 4609, to Del. 1851 Jan. 10. To Congressman Underhill. Synopsis of character of claims before commission. V, MOOre, Int. Arbitration, 4613. (53. 2. H. misc. doc. v. 39, 4613.) 1852 Feb. 2. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Dif- ficulties in settlement of claims agst. Brazil. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 1.) FISHER (JAMES C.), AND OTHERS 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) FISHER (John W.), of N. J. Amer. cons. for Guadeloupe in 1843; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. French dominions. * INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 587 FISHER (RAPHAEL) 1859 Jan. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). J. Orthaus and R. Fisher forced lately to enter Pruss. army; latter relieved; case of former still in abeyance. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 130.) FISHERIES; see RECIPROCITY (FISHERY RIGHTS) FISHKILL (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 444.) FISHTOWN 1844. Jan. 3. Comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry) to comdr. U. S. brig Porpoise (Craven). Order to Survey anchorage at Fishtown, near Cape Palmas. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 54.) — Jan. 12. Perry to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Henshaw). Receipt of communication directing him to cause Survey to be made of anchorage of Fishtown, near Cape Palmas. (ib., 54.) FISK (ABIJAH), CLAIMANT; see LEWIN JONES, AMER. SCHR. . FISKE (GEORGE B.), CLAIMANT; see SUPERIOR, AMER. SCHR. FISKE (JOHN); see PEARSON (JOHN), EXECUTORS OF FITCH ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ALDEBARAN; see ALDEBARAN FITCH (C. W.), CLAIMANT; see HENSHAW (D.) FITCH (GRAHAM N.), OF IND. * Repr. from Indiana, 31-32 cong., 1849-53 ; Sen. do.. 1857-61. Representative 1852 Mch. 8. Speech; President’s annual message; cen- Suring policy in relation to the invasion of Cuba, etc.; during debate on homestead bill, H. R. 7. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 699; app., 268.) Senator 1859 Jan. 27. Remarks; favoring prºg. Of 5000 extra copies of rpt. of Com. on Foreign Relations on ac- quisition of Cuba. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 622.) 1860 Je. 12. Do.; opposing passage of bill for relief of Geo. P. Marsh. (ib., 36. 1., 2857.) — Je. 14. Do.; objecting to passage of bill for relief of Jno. P. Brown. (ib., 2956.) FITCH (PELATIAH), HEIR OF 1850 Jan. 10. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of Eleanor Ann Shaw, praying indemnity for French spolia- tions. (31. 1. S. jol., 68.) FITCHBURG (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) 1838 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) 1846 Feb. 12. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 390.) FITTs (WILLIAM), OF GA. 1855 Oct. 23. Deposition relative to attack made on him by Nicaraguans at Virgin Bay. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 30.) FITZ (ALBERT) 1850 Jan. 15. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying com- pensation for services as sp. agt. of U. S. to Br. W. I. in 1841. (31. 1. S. jol., 79; 309; 417.) FITZ (ALBERT)—cont’d 1850 Apr. 25. U. S. committee on Foreign Relations (King). Adverse rpt. on Fitz memorial praying compensation for services as special agt. of U. S. to West India Is. (31. 1. S. rpt. 111.) 1851 Jan. 8. To same. Same. (31. 2. S. jol., 70.) 1852 Feb. 12. To U. S. House. Same. (32.1. H. jol., 340.) FITZ CLARENCE (ADOLPHUS), COMDR. H. B. M. FRIGATE PALLAS; see PALLAS; TERCEIRA FITZGERALD (CHARLES), COMDG. H. B. M. BRIGANTINE BUZZARD See also Buzzard. 1839 Mch. 12. Declaration; detention of Slaver Eagle. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 573.) — Mch. 18. Do.; Slaver Clara. (ib., 574.) — Je. 12. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox). Arrival at New York with slavers Eagle and Clara furnished with fictitious papers. (ib., 570.) FITZGERALD (E. H.), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1850 Apr. 11. Intr. in U. S. House (Thomas, Com. Of Claims), bill (31. 1. H. R. 238) “for relief of Major E. H. Fitzgerald.” (31. 1. H. jol., 777.) 1851 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Praying relief from pay- ment of $2000 of public moneys stolen from him in 1848. (32. 1. H. jol., 88.) 1853 Dec. 13. Same to same. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 74.) FITZGERALD (WILLIAM ROBERT SEYMOUR WESEY) H. B. M. Under Secy. of State for Foreign Affairs, Feb. 26, 1858-Je. 19, 1859. 1858 Sept. 14. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dal- las). Extr. despatch, with copies of enclosures, from Mr. Crawford, H. M. cons. at Havana, answering charges of Br. espionage over Amer. Vessels there. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 236.) — Sept. 30. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Mal- mesbury). Mary Warney claim. (ib., 263.) FITZHUGH (ALEXANDER), ADMR. OF J. W. BRONAUGH, CLAIMANT; see BRONAUGH FITZHUGH (ANDREW), OF WA. U. S. N., 1811-50. Lieut., 1816; comdr., 1837; §: 1843. Died in Fairfax County, Va., Oct. 2, 1850. Sea service in command (1828-50) : 1837, comdg. sloop Comcord, W. I. sqdn. ; 1841, sloop Levant, do. ; 1843-44, brig Savannah, Pacific sqdn. ; 1846, str. Mississippi, Home Squin. FITZHUGH (MARGARET), CLAIMANT; see HUDSON (JOHN) FITZPATRICK (BENJAMIN), SEN. FROM ALA. 1854 May 31. Remarks; propriety of publishing works compiled by U. S. dipl. agents abroad; Occasioned by motion to print extra copies of letter from chargé at Paris on European penal codes, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1346, 1347.) — Jiy. 27. Do.; in Support of Clayton amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprp. bill H. R. 48, providing same com- pensation to clerks in State Dept. as is paid to others, for year ending Je. 1854, etc. (ib., 1958-1959.) 1855 Mch. 2. Do.; On S. res. 46, authorizing payment to Wm. H. De Forrest for powder destroyed at Punta Arenas; correcting strmt. of Mason. (ib., 33. 2., 1095.) 1856 Apr. 1. Do.; favoring careful consideration of res. to amend act of Mch. 1, 1855, to remodel dipl. and cons. System of U. S. (ib., 34. 1., 787.) — Apr. 18. DO.; Opposing passage of bill for relief of Sam’l A. Morse, et al. (ib., 963.) ty 588 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FITZPATRICK (BENJAMIN), SEN, FROM ALA.—cont’d 1859 Mch. 3. Do.; favoring entering into contract with Carlos Butterfield, et al., for postal and commercial intercourse With Mexico, under arrangements with Said govt. (ib., 35. 2., 1621.) FITZPATRICK (RICHARD), OF TEXAS Secy. Amer; legation in Argentine Republic, Je, 25, 1856- Mch. 27, 1857; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Argentine Republic. , Amer. cons. for Matamoras, 1858-61 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. Sécy. A mer. Legation in Argentine Republic 1856 Nov. 10. To ministr. relac. est., Paraguay (Vaz- quez). Mission to Paraguay solely for purpose of exchanging ratifications of treaty betw. U. S. and Paraguay Mch. 4, 1853. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, 54; S. ex. doc. 11, 47; H. ex. doc. 2, 47.) — Nov. 18. To same. Amdmts, made by U. S. Senate to treaty of Mch. 4, 1853, only corrections, and not alterations, either of sense, or of obligations of. parties. (ib., 56; ib., 49; ib., 49.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1858 May 14. Intr. in U. S. House (Orr, S. C., Spkr.), bill (35. 1. H. R. C. C. 86) “for relief of Richard Fitzpatrick.” (35. 1. H. jol., 807.) 1860 Feb. 6. Intr. in U. S. Senate. (Iverson, Com. On Claims), bill (36. 1. S. C. C. 130) “for relief of Rich- ard Fitzpatrick.” (36. 1. S. jol., 127; 353.) FITZROY (ARTHUR G.), COMDR. H. B. M. S. FALCON See also Falcon. 1860 Jan. 21. Stnt. relative to boarding of Amer. brig Jehossee. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 589.) «» FITZWILLIAM (MASS.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 229.) FITZWILLIAM (N. H.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 442.) 1840 Mch. 30. Same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) 1846 Jan. 12. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 231.) 1847 Feb. 8. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying meas- ures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 175.) 1856 Apr. 15. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (34. 1. H. jol., 825.) FLAG; see CONSULAR SERVICE; MEXICO. CONSULATES FLAG AS PROOF OF NATIONALITY; SEARCH; “FREE SHIPS, ETC.”; PAPERS See WISIT AND WESSELS; SHIPS FLAG COWERS CARGO; see “FREE SHIPS, FREE GOODS" FLAGG (EDMUND), OF MO. Amer. cons. for Venice, 1850-54; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. FLEETWOOD, AMER. BRIG (YOUNG) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 33.) FLEIscHMANN (CHARLEs L.), OF D. C. Amer. cons. for Stuttgart, 1850-53 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Germany. FLEMING ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP DOMINICK TERRY; see DOMINICK TERRY FLEMING (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 444.) FLEMINGSBURG (KY.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 3. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 319.) FLEMMING (L. J.), DEPY. U. S. ATTY. NO. DISTR. FLA. 1858 Dec. 9. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Facts in connection with Ardennes; convinced it was fitted out for a slaver; has libelled Capt. Pelletier. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 284.) FLENNIKEN (ROBERT P.) Amer. chargé in Denmark, Jan. 11, 1847-Sept. 15, 1849. Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) 1848 Sept. 8. [no. 45, extr.] Sound dues; suggesting that question be formally presented to Danish govt. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 108, 37.) — Nov. 24. [unnum.] Substance of conference with count Maltke on subject of treaty in relation to Sound and Belt Dues. (ib., 42.) — Dec. 20. Ino. 53.] Result of conference with Count Maltke gives impression of favorable issue to Amer. negotiations for abolition of Sound Dues; negoti- ations may be prolonged. (ib., 49.) 1849 Feb. 13. [no. 57, extr.] Until peace is established between Denmark and Germany, subject of treaty relating to Sound Dues cannot be resumed. (ib., 51.) (Clayton) 1849 May 23. [no. 69, extr.1 Terms of note to baron V. Roenne were recd. by Count Moltke with pleasure. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 65; H. ex. doc. 5, 65.) — Je. 5. Ino. 70, extr.] Danish govt. gratified with determined measures taken by U. S. in maintain- ing neutrality with that country. (ib., 67; ib., 67.) — Je. 21. [no. 71, extr.] Arrival of United States at Liverpool. (ib., 67; ib., 67.) — Aug. 1. [no. 76, extr.] As soon as existing armis- tice with Germany is fully carried into effect, will call attention of Denmark to subject of treaty for abolition of Sound Dues. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 108, 52.) DANISH TJáenrigs Minister (Maltke) 1848 Nov. 24. Points to be embraced in negotiation with Denmark in relation to abolition of Sound and Belt Dues. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 108, 45.) 1849 May 21. Note addressed by Secy. State, U. S. A. to German envoy at Washington on subject of Str. United States. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 66; H. ex. doc. 5, 66.) FLERRERA (MIGUEL), MINISTRO RELAC. EST., WENEZ- UELA 1858 Jiy. 1. To min. res. of U. S. A. (Eames). Admis- sion that V. is ready to terminate by equitable ad- justment Aves Is. claim. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 439.) FLETCHER ( ARROW ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ARROW; see INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 589 FLETCHER (GEORGE W.), OF ALA. Amer. cons. for Gººge; in 1853; do. for Aspinwall, 1854–57; see U. S. A. Consular service. Colombia. Consul at A&pinwall 1857 Apr. 3. [no. 34, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Has resigned Aspinwall consulate because of inadequacy of salary; high cost of living. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 68, 36.) Claim of 1856 Jan. 28. Fletcher to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying for increase of salary. (34. 1. S. jol., 71.) 1857 Jan. 20. U. S. Senate. On motion (Weller), Com. On Foreign Relations discharged from further con- sideration of petition of Geo. W. Fletcher, and same referred to Com. on Commerce. (34. 3. S. jol., 105.) — Feb. 20. U. S. S. Com. on Commerce (Dodge). Rpt. on petition of Geo. W. Fletcher. (34. 3. S. rpt. 398.) FLETCHER AND OTWAY 1833 Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Memorial praying indem- nity for losses by French spoliations. (22. 2. S. jol., 167.) FLETCHER (JOHN W.), REPRESENTATIVES OF 1841 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Petition of George, Edward C., and Charles Fletcher, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (26. 2. H. jol., 131.) FLETCHER (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 38.) FLEUROT (GABRIEL F.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Martinique, 1844-52; do. for Bordeaux, 1857-61 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. FLIBBERTIGIBBET, AMER. SCHR. 1834 Oct. 29. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Lombardo) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Courtesy shown Amer Schrs. Douglas and Flibbertigibbet, arriving in port of San Blas without proper forms and clear- ances. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 542.) FLIRT, AMER. SCHR. (GIBSON); see GIBSON (WALTER MURRAY) FLIRT, U. S. SCHR. TRANSFERRED FROM WAR DEPT. In commission : 1846, Home sqdn. ; 1848–50, do. (Far- rand). 1849 Aug. 23. Comdt. U. S. navy yard Pensacola (New- ton) to lieut. U. S. Schr. Flirt (Farrand). Order to prepare for Sea With all possible despatch. (31. 1. S. ex, doc. 57, 83.) — Aug. 27. Newton to Comdr. U. S. S. Albany (Ran- dolph). In receipt of letter of 23 inst; lieut. Comdg. Flirt (Farrand) has orders to report to you; str. General Taylor preparing to join Albany; doubt propriety of interference to stop adventurers. (ib., 83.) — Aug. 28. Newton to Farrand. Orders to proceed to Cat º, º report to Comdr. of Albany (Randolph). (ib., 84. — Aug. 28. Newton to Farrand. Orders to proceed to sea at once and be governed by accompanying sealed orders which are to be opened after bar has been crossed and pilot discharged. (ib., 85.) — Aug. 29. Comdr. U. S. S. Albany (Randolph) to capt. U. S. N. (Newton). Arrival of schr. Flirt and Str. General Taylor. (ib., 80.) See #. Cuba. Insurrections, 1849-50. White expe- ition. FLOOD (GEORGE H.), OF 0. Amer. chargé in Texas, 1840–41; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. FLOOD (IORGEN A.), OF NORWAY Amer. cons. for Porsgrund, 1845-46; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Norway. FLORA, AMER. BRIG 1826 Dec. 4. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Seizure of Amer. brigs Flora and Constitution ; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 64.) FLORA TEMPLE, AMER. COOLIE SHIP; see COOLIE TRADE FLORENCE (THOMAS B.), REPR. FROM PENN. 1854 Jiy. 1. Remarks; in favor of H. R. 195, for relief of Sarah K. Jenks and legal reprs. of Hartshorne R. Thomas in matter of brig Jane. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1753, 1755, 1756, 1757.) 1855 Jan. 23, 27. Do.; favorable to French Spoliations bill, H. R. 117, etc. (ib., 33, 2., 374, 428, 429, 432.) 1856 Dec. 30. Do.; opposing apprin. for cons, pupils. (ib., 34. 3., 213.) 1857 Feb. 4. Do.; opposing provision for cons. assist- ants to commission to China. (ib., 572.) 1860 Je. 4. Do.; asking whether provision for cons. at Cologne is intended. (ib., 36. 1., 2611.) FLORENCE, ITALY Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service FLORENCE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) 1840 May 18. To same. Memorial, praying remission Of fine imposed on W. L. Mackenzie, and his release from imprisonment. (26. 1. H. jol., 946.) FLORENCE, AMER. SHIP Claim agst. Brazil under 1849 indemnity ; F. A. Gray, claimant ; synopsis of award in Moore. Int, Arbi- tration, v. 5, 4622 (53. 2., H. misc. doc., W. 39, 4622) ; d.o. (35. 2., S. ex. doc. 18, 115). FLORES (CIRILO) Jefe del estado of Guatemala, 1826-27 ; see Central Amer. Guatemala. FLORES (MANUEL) 1839 May 22. E. Burleson to Secy. War of Texas (John- ston). Document taken in skirmish with party of Mexicans, revealing conspiracy against Texas; M. Flores, leader of Mex. volunteers in expedition agst. Texas under Canalizo; killed. (32. 2. S. ex: doc. 14, 33.) FLORES (T. DE), MINISTRO DE GUERRA Y MARINA, PERU 1825 Feb. [26]. To Amer. consul, Lima (Tudor). Case of Capt. Lombard referred to proper authority. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 54.) FLORIDA: BRITISH OCCUPATION 1763 Oct. 7. George III, of England. Proclamation es- tablishing governments of Quebec, East Florida, West Florida and Grenada. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 57.) FLORIDA: SPANISH OCCUPATION 1796 Sept. 14. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Pickering) to U. S. A. Comrs. and Surveyor for running and mark- ing boundary betw. U. S. and East and West Florida (Ellicott and Freeman). Instructions. (20. 1. S. doc. 104, 7.) 590 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FLORIDA: SPANISH OCCUPATION.—cont’d 1797 Jan. 26. Atty. gen. U. S. A. (Lee) to Secy. of State (Randolph). Opinion; violation of terr. rights of Spain in Florida; arrest of D. Onofrio Gutierrez y Rosa, commandant of Amelia Is., illegal. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 51.) 1800 Mch. 22. Ellicott to Secy. State U. S. A. (Picker- ing). Relative to rpt. of U. S. comr. under treaty of San Lorenzo el Real. (20. 1. S. doc. 104, 9.) 1802 Apr. 17. Secy. of State of Spain (Cevallos) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Pinckney). Refuses to sell Florida. Or to admit an Amer. commercial agt. at New Orleans. (24. 2. S. doc. 49, 15; xiii, Reg. De- bates, app., 231.) 1803 Feb. 17. Pinckney to Cevallos. Proposes to pur- chase the Floridas; copy of propositions. (ib., 16; ib., 231.) — Jly. 19. Cevallos to Pinckney. Complains of sale of Louisiana by French to U. S.; declares Floridas sº to have been property of French. (ib., 18; ib., 1810 Oct. 27. President U. S. A. (Madison). Proclama- tion; terr. So. of Mississippi Terr. and eastward of river Mississippi and extending to river Perdido. (25. 2. S. doc. 410, 19.) — Dec. 1. Gov. of Mississippi terr. (Claiborne) to Comdr. U. S. troops, Washington, Mississippi terr. (Covington). Requests force of 200 men to proceed to post of Point Coupée. (25. 2. H. doc. 463, 3.) — Dec. 2. Same to same. Requests that 700 to 800 men be immediately embarked at Natchez, and de- scend to post of Point Coupée. (ib., 5.) Dec. 2. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Smith). Spanish force from La Vera Cruz expected daily at rºcola Mobile invested by armed citizens. (ib., —— Dec. 2. Covington to Claiborne. Necessary arrange- ments made for Speedy movement of troops. (ib., 5.) — Dec. 2. Gov. gen. province of West Florida (V. Folch) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Smith). Proposition for regulating evacuation of province. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 18.) — Dec. 3. Claiborne to Smith. Measures to carry out President’s instructions. (25. 2. H. doc. 463, 5.) — Dec. 3. Claiborne to Col. Cushing. Requests that enclosed copies of proclamation of Oct. 27, by Pres- ident be distributed among inhabitants residing be- low boundary of Mississippi terr., and west of river Perdido. (ib., 6.) Dec. 3. Same to Covington. Receipt of letter of 2 inst. (ib., 6.) Dec. 5. Same to Audley L. Osborne. Instructions to ascertain sentiments of citizens of St. Francis- ville, Fla., toward U. S. govt. (ib., 7.) — Dec. 5. Same to Smith. Conditions existing at Baton Rouge; Florida Assembly, etc. (ib., 7.) — Dec. 6. Gov. of Florida (Skipwith) to member late Florida convention (Johnson). Instructions to de- mand of Claiborne explicit avowal of views and in- tentions, and of orders received from President of U. S. resp. people and terr. of Florida. (ib., 11.) — Dec. 6. Osborne to gov. Miss. terr. (Claiborne). Result of inquiries in neighborhood of St. Francis- ville. (ib., 10.) — Dec. 7. Claiborne to Smith. Disposition manifested by people of St. Francisville toward U. S. govt. (ib., 8.) — Dec. 14. Folch to comdr. Fort Stoddart (Sparks). Receipt of letter of 12 inst. (ib., 15.) — Dec. 16. Sparks to Claiborne. Reply to communi- cation of 3 inst. (ib., 15.) Dec. 20. Claiborne to gov. gen. of Cuba (Somerue- los). Determination of President to take possession of country as far as river Perdido. (ib., 15.) FLORIDA: SPANISH OCCUPATION.—cont’d 1810 Dec. 21. Sparks to Claiborne. Movements of R. Kemper; effect of President proclamation of Oct. 27; strength of Fort Stoddart, etc. (ib., 17.) — Dec. 21. Same to same. Necessary orders issued resp. forces and militia. (ib., 16.) — Dec. 23. Claiborne to Smith. Posts still in posses- Sion of Spanish authorities. (ib., 13.) — Dec. 27. Same to Folch. Hopes he will not think it his duty to oppose measures of President. (ib., 18.) — Dec. 27. Same to Sparks. Receipt of letter of 16 inst. (ib., 19.) —º, ; Same to Cushing. Attitude of gov. Folch. lD., lö. — Dec. 28. Same to Sparks. Instructions for defence agst. attacks of R. Kemper and associates on in- habitants of Mobile distr. (ib., 19.) 1811 Jan. 15. U. S. A. Act to enable President of U. S. A., under certain contingencies, to take possession of terr. east Of the Perdido and South of Ga. and Miss. terr.; text. (20. 2. H. rpt. 99, 9; 22. 1. H. rpt. 223, 7; 23. 1. H. rpt. 368, 7.) — Jan. 15. U. S. Congress. ReS. relative to temporary occupation of Spanish prov. of East Florida; text. (ib., 9; ib., 6; ib., 6.) — Jan. 26. Secy. State U. S. A. (Smith) to comrs. to carry into effect act relative to East Fla. (Matthews and McKee). Instructions. (ib., 14; ib., 11; ib., 11.) Mch. 3. U. S. A. Act concerning act to enable Presi- dent of U. S. to take possession of country east of the Perdido, and south of Ga. and Miss. terr.; text. (20. 2. H. rpt. 99, 10; 22. 1. H. rpt. 223, 7.) — Sept. 5. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (FoS- ter) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Monroe). Protest agst. negotiations for delivery of East Fla. to U. S. by gov. Mathews. (ib., 10; ib., 8; 23. 1. H. rpt. 368, 8.) — Nov. 2. Monroe to Foster. Measures adopted by U. S. for cession, or forcible occupation, of East Flor- ida. (20. 2. H. rpt. 99, 11; 22. 1. H. rpt. 223, 9; 23. 1. H. rpt. 368, 9.) 1812 Apr. 4. Monroe to Gen. Matthews. Occupation of Amelia, Is. violation of instructions; reiterates eS- sential points in instructions. (20. 2. H. rpt. 99, 16; 22. 1. H. rpt. 223, 13; 23. 1. H. rpt. 368, 13.) — Apr. 10. Same to gov. of Ga. (Mitchell). Powers committed to gen. Matthews for arranging cession of East Florida, revoked, and to be committed to Mitchell; instructions. (ib., 17; ib., 14; ib., 14.) — May 27. Same to same. Further instructions rela- tive to cession of East Florida. (ib., 19; ib., 14; ib., 14.) — JIy. 30. Director of E. Florida (McIntosh) to Mon- roe. Representation of situation of East Florida. (ib., 19; ib., 16; ib., 16.) 1814 Oct. 6. Monroe to Amer. M. P. in Spain (Erving). Instructions on his apptmt.; Spain to prevent land- ing of Br. troops in Florida; objections agst. official conduct of Mr. Onis. (28. 2. H. doc. 42, 3.) 1816 May 30. Same to same. Review of prior negotia- tions to settle boundary; rpt. of misrepresentations by Mr. Onis relative to invasion of Sp. provinces by Amer. troops; etc. (ib., 7.) 1817 Nov. 11. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams) to Erving. Occupation of Amelia Is...; of Galveston; etc. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 277, 45.) • 1818 Mch. 16. Erving to Adams. Apptmt. Of Serra as attaché of Sp. legation in Washington; relation of his apptmt. to certain land grants in Florida; Sup- posed to carry additional instructions. (ib., 16.) — Aug. 17. Same to same. Spain regards gen. Jack- son’s occupation of Pensacola as an act of hostility; insistence on guaranty (ib., 31.) — Aug. 27. Same to same. Spain suspends all nego- tiation until satisfactory explanation is Imade of Jackson's occupation of Pensacola. (ib., 32.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 591 FLORIDA: SPANISH OCCUPATION.—cont’d 1818 Sept. 11. Same to same. Negotiations betw. Spain and U. S. relative to amicable adjustment of affair of Pensacola; Spain sends protest to certain Euro- pean courts agst. occupation of Pensacola. (ib., 33.) 1819 Feb. 11. Same to same. Yrujo proprietor of Cer- tain lands in Florida; transmits list of applications for land grants in Florida. (ib., 39.) — Apr. 28. Same to same. News of treaty received; alarm at movements of persons interested in Alazon and Puñon Rostro land grants; takes leave of Span- ish court; intimates probability of having Russians for neighbors in California. (ib., 41.) Convention 1810 Oct. 29. Res. of committee of Fla. ConV. relative to money found in house occupied by Delassus, and among archives of govt., at time of taking possession of Baton Rouge. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 10.) Claims; see Spain. Claims FLORIDA: AMERICAN OCCUPATION (Territory) 1828 Feb. 13. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to President of U. S. A. (Adams). Instructions to U.S. comr. un- der treaty of San Lorenzo el Real (Ellicott) and Comment on rpt. of comrs. (20. 1. S. doc. 104, 5.) 1835 Jan. 27. U. S. House. Motion (Johnson, La.) to instruct Com. On Foreign Affairs to inquire into ex- pediency of providing for execution of art. 8, Florida treaty, so far as it relates to land betw. Mississippi and Perdido rivers. (23. 2. H. jol., 283.) 1838 Jan. 3. Sherlock S. Gregory to U. S. House. Me- morial, praying that inquiry may be instituted into justice of claim to terr. purchased of Spain under treaty for cession of Florida. (25. 2. H. jol., 202.) — May 28. U. S. House. Res. (Garland, Va.) direct- ing Secy. State to communicate information regard- ing claim of Spain to terr. betw. Mississippi and Perdido rivers. (ib., 982.) Citizens 1840 Mch. 16. To U. S. House. Memorial of Spanish in- habitants praying indemnity for losses by depre- dations of U. S. troops in 1814. (26. 1. H. jol., 598.) 1844 May 20. Cuyahoga co. (O.) citizens to U. S. House. Petition, praying negotiations for exchange of Flor- idas for Canada. (28. 1. H. jol., 945.) Archives Pursuant to provision of act of Mch. 3, 1825 (iv. St. L., 126), the President was authorized to appoint keep- ers of the public archives of Florida. The expendi- ture for transcription and care was provided for by annual apprºn... in a clause of the sundry civil bill, viz., 1828-35 (iv, St. L.), 1836-44 (v, St. L.), 1846 (ix, St. L., 92). SpecI. apprins. to secure additional archives from Havana were provided in sundry civil bills passed, Mch. 3, 1835 (iv., St. L., 769), and Mch. 3, 1841, (v, St. L., 431). Pursuant to provision of act of Mch. 3, 1849 (ix, St. L., 354), the archives were turned over to the state, 1830 Mch. 9. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. to Spain (Van Ness). Re- newal of application to Spanish govt. for authentic copies of certain rpts., called “Residencias ” made by Sp. govs. of Florida at termination of their of. ficial functions. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 16.) — May 25. Same to Same. Instructions; to apply to Sp. minister for order to capt. gen. of Cuba to de- liver to authorized agt. of U. S. original docs. be- longing to archives of late Sp. provinces of East and West Florida, which ought to have been delivered up to the U. S. under art. 2, treaty of 1819. (ib., 21.) —— Aug. 2. Van Ness to Secy. State, Spain (Salmon). Papers for which Mr. Rowan has been sent; Florida archives. (ib., 73.) FLORIDA: AMERICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d (Territory)—cont’d Archives-cont’d 1830 Aug. 25. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Object of Mr. Rowan’s visit to Madrid; endeavors to secure possession of Florida archives; papers de- nominated “Residencias.” (ib., 68.) * 1832 Jan. 18. Van Ness to Secy. State ad int., Spain (Calomarde). Requests explanation of delay in fur- nishing answer to applications made in note of Aug. 2, 1830. (ib., 89.) — Jan. 25. Van Ness to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Living- ston). Existing relations with Spain; Louisiana and Fla. papers; apptmt. of J. de Anduaya as Secy. State of Spain. (ib., 88.) — Feb. 15. Calomarde to Van Ness. Reply to appli- cation for La. papers and order to capt. gen. Of Cuba for delivery of those belonging to archives of Fla. (ib., 94.) — Feb. 20. Van Ness to Livingston. Fla. and La. papers; corrects error in name of newly apptd. Secy. of State of Spain in his of Jan. 25, viz., Count of Al- cudia for that of J. de Anduaya. (ib., 90.) 1833 Mch. 24. Livingston to Van Ness. Instructions; copies of papers from Sp. archives; Florida ar- chives; etc. (ib., 32.) — Sept. 27. Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane) to Van Ness. Instructions; papers in possession of Widow of Vincente S. Pintado, late surveyor general of La. and Fla., consisting of maps, plans, records, etc., of land titles in ceded colonies. (ib., 37.) — Nov. 30. Same to Secy. State, Spain (Zea Ber- mudez). Papers and documents belonging to ar- chives of Florida, which should have been delivered to U. S. under art. 2, treaty of cession. (ib., 149.) 1834 Mch. 26. Same to Secy. State, Spain (Rosa). De- livery of archives of Florida; copy of inventory of papers. (ib., 161.) — May 14. Same to McLane. Relations of U. S. With Spain; conference with D. Jose M. Zamora relative to Florida archives; etc. (ib., 167.) — May 16. Rosa to Van Ness. Reply to demand for papers belonging to public archives of Florida still in possession of widow of surveyor, Pintado. (ib., 159.) — Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Jackson). Annual meS- Sage; clause announcing withholding of Florida archives at Havana. 1836 Mch. 10. E. E. and M. P. Spain to U. S. A. (Cal- deron de la Barca) to J. M. White. Copies of certain Spanish documents relating to cession of Floridas. (24. 2. S. doc. 49, 2; xiii, Reg. Debates, app., 225.) 1839 Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Downing, deleg. from Fla.), to instruct Com. on Territories to inquire into expediency of increasing salaries of keeper of pub. lic archives in Florida. (25. 3. H. jol., 414.) (State) Archives 1853 Jan. 8. Florida legislature. Res. in favor of apptmt. of agt. to examine archives of Cuba and copy all mss. relating to early history of Florida or any other of U. S. (32. 2. S. misc. doc. 17; 32. 2. S. jol., 125.) Citizens 1840 Mch. 16. To U. S. House. Petition of Spanish in- habitants praying compensation for losses sustained in 1814. (26. 1. H. jol., 598.) 1844 Je. 3. To same. Petition for enforcement of art. 10, Ashburton treaty. (28. 1. H. jol., 999.) 1845 Dec. 19. To same. Memorial, praying indemnity for losses by depredations of U. S. troops in 1814, Mººre presented Mch. 16, 1840. (29. 1. H. jol., 592 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FLORIDA: AMERICAN OCCUPATION.—cont’d (State)—cont’d Citizens—cont’d 1846 Jan. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for losses through destruction of property by hostile Indians in Seminole war. (29. 1. S. jol., 109.) — May 22. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for losses by military occupation of Florida by U. S. in 1814 and 1818. (29. 1. S. jol., 308.) 1850 Jan. 10. To same. Memorial, praying indemnity for losses by military occupation of Fla. by U. S. in 1814. (31. 1. S. jol., 69.) 1852 Mch. 22. To same. Memorial, praying payment of awards of judge in their favor, under art. 9, treaty with Spain. (32. 1. S. jol., 295.) IN CONS. SERVICE, U. S. A. See Colvin (A. W.) ; Sanchez (R. L.). IN DIPLOMATIC SERVICE, U. S. A. See Peden (J. A.) ; Smith (B.). IN NAVAL SERVICE (IN COMMAND), U. S. A. See Brent (T. W.) ; De Camp (J.) ; Mitchell (J. K.) ; Stevens (H. K.). Land Grants See Dartmouth, Earl of ; Durnford (E.) ; Whyte (Thos.) ; Rogers (J. H.). FLORIDA (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) FLORIDA (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 583.) FLORIDA, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. (WILLIAMSON) Boarded off Galinas, Jan. 13, 1839, by H. B. M. brig Saracen (Hill). 1839 Jan. 31. H. B. M. comrs., mixed commission, Sierra Leone (Macaulay and Doherty) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Rpt. in case of Schr. Florida; abstr. of papers of schr. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 198; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 614.) — Feb. 12. Same to same. Destruction of Schr. Flor- ida. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 197; H. ex. doc. 115, 140; 27. 3. H. rpt., 283, 617.) FLORIDA BONDS; see DERING (H. H.), ETC. FLORIDA CLAIMS; see SPAIN. CLAIMS FLORIDA TREATY; see SPAIN. TREATIES. 1819 FLORIN (JUAN), MEMBER OF SP. COMMISSION TO SET- TLE MEADE CLAIM; see MEADE FLOURNOY (J. J.) 1848 Jan. 24. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying Iſlea,S- ures for establishment of tribunal for adjustment of international disputes. (30. 1. S. jol., 127.) 1852 Apr. 6. To U. S. House. Petition, praying for col- onization of free people of color in Africa, and rec- ognition of independence of Liberia. (32. 1. H. jol., 562.) FLOWERY (PETER), MASTER AMER. BARK WILLIAM AND FRANCIS; see WILLIAM AND FRANCIS FLOYD (JOHN), REPR. FROM VA. 1828 Dec. 23. Speech; in support of bill for occupancy of Oregon river, reviewing commercial importance of Oregon terr. and aggressions of Gr. Br. therein. (V, Reg. Debates, 125; 192.) — Dec. 31. Same. (ib., 147.) FLOYD (JOHN B.), OF WA. Secy. of War, U. S. A. Mar. 6, 1857-Jan. 18, 1861. 1858 Jan. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Trans- mits all information in possession of War Dept. relating to col. Crabb and associates. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 82.) - 1859 Jan. 27. To President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Rec- Ommends repayment to gov. Vancouver's Is. (Doug- las), of $7000 advanced by him to gov. Wash. terr. (Stevens). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 72, 1.) FLOYD (JOHN G.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1841 Sept. 2. Remarks; his res. on McLeod case. (x, Cong. Globe, 421.) w FLOYD (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 340.) FLUGEL (JOHN G.), OF GERMANY Amer. cons. for Leipzig, 1839-54; see also, U. S. A. Con- sular service. Germany. 1839 Nov. 22. To Postmaster General U. S. A. (Kendall). Praying increase in remuneration and privileges. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 20, 3.) 1840 Oct. 19. Flügel and Powers, Amer. cons. Basel to U. S. House. Memorial praying revision of laws rela- tive to verification of invoices. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 20.) 1840 Nov. 9. [To Secy. of State, U. S. A., Forsyth.] Praying revision of consular regulations governing Salaries, fees, etc. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 20, 2.) 1841 Je. 21. Same to same. Same. (27. 1. H. jol., 170.) FLUSHING (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 69.) FLYING CLOUD, AMER. BOAT; see CHINA. FOO CHOW. CUSTOMS SERVICE FLYING EAGLE, SLAVER n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 520.) 1856 Nov. 12. H. B. M. comr. mixed commission, etc., Loanda (Jackson) to capt. U. S. S. St. Louis (Liv- ingston). Doc. relative to case of Flying Eagle. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 61.) - 1857 Feb. 14. Comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Crabbe) to Secy. Navy (Dobbin). Cruise of Jamestown along coast of Africa; hostilities betw. inhabitants of Cape Palmas and one of native tribes; case of Flying Eagle. (ib., 59; 36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 519.) Each of these extr. contains matter not included in the other. That relating to the Flying Eagle is simi- larly quoted in each extr. FLYING FISH, AMER. SHIP Claim agst. Peru ; synopsis of award. Arbitration, 4605.) FLYING FISH, H. B. M. SLOOP (PATEY) 1850 Mch. 28. Boards Amer. slaver brig Louisa Beaton off Cabinda; see Louisa Beaton. (W, Moore. Int. FOGELGREN ALIAS (N. P. PEDERSEN), SEAMAN ON BOARD PLATTSBURG; see PLATTSBURG FOGG (GEORGE S.), OF ILL. Amer. min. res. in Berne, 1861; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. . FOGG (H.), AMER. TRADING FIRM, SHANGHAI; see CHINA. SHANGHAI. CUSTOMS, ETC. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 593 FOGNO (JOHN M.) 1852 Aug. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying ref- erence of his memorial and papers to Select Com- mittee on subject of Mexican claims. (32. 1. S. jol., 617.) FO-KIEN PROV. (CHINA) T'aoûtae Hing and Ting tao 1855; Liang. FO-KIEN AND CHE-KIANG PROVINCES, CHINA Governor 18||54-57]. See Wang-E-Teh. FOLCH (VICENTE), GOV. GEN. PROVINCE WEST FLORIDA 1810 Dec. 2. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Smith). Proposi- tion for regulating evacuation of province. (25. 2. S. doc. 401, 18.) — Dec. 14. To comdr. Fort Stoddart (Sparks). Re- ceipt of letter of 12 inst. (25. 2. H. doc. 463, 15.) FOLGER ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. MARY; see MARY FOLGER (NATHAN), CLAIMANT; see JULIUS CAESAR, AMER. SCHR. FOLGER (OBED), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for Payta, 1833-34 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Peru. FOLLIN (AUGUSTIN F.), ALLOTTEE UNDER LAND GRANT OF 1817 TO FRENCH EMIGRANTS; see RAVISIES (F.), ASSIGNEE FOLLIN (GEORGE) AND WILCOCKS (JAMES SMITH) 1829 Jan. 3. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Prose- cuted for duelling; information of residence re- Quested. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex) 266.) — Jan. 8. Poinsett to Cañedo. Prosecuted for duel- ling; attitude of American minister. (ib., 261.) FOLLINS (A.) Amer. Cons. for Amoa and Truxillo, 1843-[61] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Honduras. FOLSOM (ARTHUR), OF ILLINOIS Coml. agt, of U. S. for Cape Haitien, 1861] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. FOLSOM (GEORGE), OF N. Y. Amer, chargé in Netherlands, May 4, 1850-Oct. 20, 1853. 1851 Dec. 16. Iunnum. extr.] Secy. State, U. S. A. (Web- ster). Expenses of official residence of U. S. diplo- matic representative at The Hague. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 17.) FONSECA (JOSE URBANO) Mexican ministr. encargado relac. est. ; ministry; see Mexico. Civil service. FonSECA (MANUEL PINTO) DE, SLAVEDEALER n.d. Mentioned. (30. 2. H. ex: doc. 61, 108; 31. 2. S. ex. doc. 6, 24.) 1846 Feb. 12. T. Shanton. Deposition relative to move- ments of Schr. Enterprise; sale of Schr. to Fonseca. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 79.) — Feb. 16. To second mate of Amer. brig Kentucky (Boyle). Deposition relative to charter of Amer. brig Kentucky to Fonseca by Weetman for slave- trade: movements of Porpoise on Slave coast 1843- 44. (ib., 71.) * 1852, Arista FONSECA (MANUEL PINTO) DE, SLAVEDEALER—cont’d 1846 JIy. 31. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to H. B. M. Min. in Brazil (Hamilton). Reputation of Fonseca. (ib., 19.) See also, Pons ; Porpoise. FONSECA LIMA E SILVA (MANOEL) DA Brazilian secretario do imperio in 3 Feijo cabinet under Pedro II, 1836; see Brazil. Civil service. FonsecA MAGAHAES (RODRIGO DA), INTERIN0 MINIS- TRo Dos NEGOCIOS ESTRANGEIROS, 1840-42; see POR- TUGAL. CIVIL SERVICE Font (Josł) 1854 Aug. 28. Stimt. relating to closing of cigar factory of U. S. and P. Navigation co. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, 83.) FONTENILLE DE JEAUMONT (M. DE), MEMORIALIST; see ROCHAMBEAU CLAIM FONTSVILLE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Petitions in favor of pris- oners at Van Dieman's Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) FOO CHOW (CHINA) Consuls in; see U. S. Consular Service. China. Foote (ANDREW H.), OF CONN. U. S. N., 1822-63. Lieut. 1830; comdr., 1852; capt., 1861'; rear-adm., 1862. . . Died Je. 26, 1863. Sea service in command. (1830-61); 1850-1, Comdg. Portsmouth, E. I. Sqdn. 1850 Apr. 10. To comdr. U. S. S. John Adams (Powell). Boarding of Amer. vessels Catharine and Navarre. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 66, 27.) Foote (HENRY GRANT), H. B. M. ACTG. CONS. GREY- TOWN * 1852 Mch. 20. To Green. Rpt. of mtg. of citizens of Greytown of 28 ult. (p. 151, Corresp. with U. S. A. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — JIy. 3. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton). Satisfactory proc. of de facto authori- ties; flag of Mosquito regarded as that of Sovereign authority. (ib., 188.) 1853 Feb. 9. To agt. Accessory Transit co. (Baldwin). Extent of assistance it is in his power to give in controversy with authorities of Greytown. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 27.) — Feb. 18. To Crampton. Proc. following resistance to de facto govt. of agtS. of Accessory Transit co. (p. 236, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Mch. 15. To comdr. U. S. S. Cyane (Hollins). Sees no necessity for any alteration in programme of notice sent for his perusal, further than an allu- sion to resignation of municipal authorities. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 32.) FOOTE (HENRY STUART), 1800-1880 Senator from Miss., Dec. 1847-52; member Com. on Foreign Relations, 1849-51. Resigned in 1852, his successor Walker Brooke, taking his seat on Mch. 11, 1852 Bills Introduced 1851 Jan. 15. Relief of Benj. Rush. (31. 2. S. 408.) Jan. 15. Relief of John P. Brown. (31. 2. S. 409.) — Jan. 22. To reorganize State Dept. (31. 2. S. 421.) — Jan. 29. Relief of lieut. comdg. W. D. Porter, U. S. N. (31. 2. S. 431.) 38 594 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FOOTE (HENRY STUART), 1800–1880—cont’d Remarks, etc. 1848 Jan. 19, 20. Speech; Mexican war and S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force, partly in reply to Calhoun’s Speech of Jan. 4. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 209, 217; app., 122.) — Jan. 24. Remarks; in reply to Clayton, relative to Stmt. in C's. Speech of Jan. 12 On Mexican War, etc., during debate on S. 26. (ib., 30. 1., 235.) — Feb. 2. Do.; in reply to Bell, on proposed treaty with Mexico, etc. (ib., app., 191.) — Feb. 4. Inquiries, in Senate, addressed to Bell, relative to proposed treaty with Mexico; during debate on S. 26. (ib., 30. 1., 303.) — Feb. 16. Remarks; concerning effect of newspaper articles on Mexican war, circulated in Mexico dur- ing debate on H. res. 4, of thanks to gen. Taylor. \ib., 367.) * — Mch. 20. Do.; on proposed mission to Rome, pro- vided for in deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 135; etc. (ib., 510, 512.) — Mch. 30. Do.; on S. res. 15, tendering congratula- tions to the French people. (ib., 570.) — Apr. 6. Do.; on S. res. 15 and 17, tendering Con- gratulations to the people of France. (ib., 591; app., 455.) — Apr. 29. Do.; on Calhoun’s remarks on President’s message, of even date, concerning appeal of Yuca- tan for aid, etc. (ib., 713; app., 591.) May 4. Do.; in reply to Calhoun, on S. 243, to en- able President to take temporary military Occupa- tion of Yucatan; on message of Apr. 29, Mexican War and annexation of Texas. (ib., app., 591, 592, 594, 595.) — May 5. Do.; in reply to Crittenden, on S. 243; President’s message of Apr. 29; and On Monroe doctrine. (ib., app., 601.) — May 8. Remarks, in Senate, on S. 243. (ib., 606.) — May 12. Do.; addressed to Badger on appeal of Yucatan for aid. (ib., 30. 1., 764.) — May 17. Do.; in reply to Underwood, on S. 243, and on Calhoun’s party politics, expressed in his views on Mexican war, mission to Rome, Congratu- lations to the French people, etc. (ib., app., 642.) — Dec. 19. Do.; on S. 352, to make compensation for transportation of troops over Isthmus of Panama; etc. (ib., 30. 2., 59-61.) 1849 Jan. 5. Do.; on Miller res. of Dec. 18, calling for information relative to negotiations with Spain for purchase of Cuba. (ib., 162.) — Jan. 12. Do.; in reply to Niles, on acquisition of terr.; during debate on deficiency apprp. bill, H. R. 665. (ib., 235.) Jan. 30. Do.; on S. 352; route across isthmus of Tehuantepec; etc. (ib., 398, 401, 402.) — Feb. 6. Remarks, in Senate, on S. 352, etc. (ib., 459, 460, 461.) — Feb. 10. Do.; President’s message, of Feb. 9, and acc. docs. concerning protocol annexed to treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico. (ib., 497-502.) Feb. 26. Do.; on Mangum amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 692, providing for a full mission to Chili. (ib., 595, 596.) — Feb. 27. Do.; unfavorable to Hale amdmt. to H. R. 692, providing increased compensation to ministers to England, France and Russia. (ib., 603.) 1850 Jan. 4. Speech; reply to Seward, during debate on proposition to suspend dipl. relations with Austria; conduct of J. W. Webb, chargé, etc. (ib., 31. 1., 103.) — Jan. 7. Remarks; relative to Cass res. Of Dec. 24, 1849, concerning expediency of suspending dipl. re- lations with Austria, and Hale amdmt., of even date, including Russia. (ib., 117.) FOOTE (HENRY STUART), 1800-1880—cont’d Remarks, etc.—cont’d 1850 Jan. 8. Speech; in reply to Clay, in support of res. of inquiry concerning expediency of suspending dipl. relations with Austria [as an expression of Sympathy for Hungary]; and opposed to Hale amdmt. including Russia; suppression of mission to Germany, etc. (ib., app., 43.) — Jan. 29. Remarks; maintaining title of Texas to terr. east of the Rio Grande; during consideration of Clay compromise res. (ib., 31. 1., 247.) - — Jan. 31. Do.; in reply to Hunter, on expediency of Suspending dipl. relations with Austria, showing no violation of international law to be involved; res. Of Sympathy to Hungary as substitute; reply to Smith, etc. (ib., app., 87, 89, 90.) — Feb. 5. Proposition concerning res. relative to sus- pension of dipl. relations with Austria, etc.; with a.mdmtS. to res. Of Cass, expressing sympathy for Hungary and providing grant of land for refugees. (ib., 31. 1., 293.) — Feb. 13. Amdmt. reducing amt. for Services of clerk in bill to carry into effect conv. of Jan. 27, 1849, with Brazil. (ib., 354.) — Mch. 6. Remarks; on corresp. With Br. minister in regard to reciprocal trade Communicated by meS- Sage of Mch. 5. (ib., 472.) — Apr. 16. Amdmt. Concerning reestablishment of mission to Germany, proposed to Cass amdmt. to deficiency apprin. bill, striking out outfit for chargé to Austria; with remarks in Support of Cass amdmt., etc. (ib., 745, 746.) — May 9. Remarks; in support of res. calling for in- formation concerning measures in relation to inter- ference of Russian minister with rights of Kos- ciusko's heirs. (ib., 695.) — May 15, 16. Speech; on compromise bill, S. 225; Validity in new territories, of Mexican laws abolish- ing slavery. (ib., app., 579, 582.) Je. 5. Remarks; in reply to Yulee concerning de- bate on President’s message relative to Cuban ex- pedition, alluding to Webster’s remarks of May 21. (ib., 31. 1., 1130.) Je. 8. Do.; right of U. S. to acquire terr.; validity, in new terr., of Mexican laws prohibiting slavery; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., app., 795, 796.) — Je. 13. DO.; in Support of res. Of Com. On Foreign Relations, authorizing publication by Palmer of “A comprehensive view of principal independent maritime countries of the East ’’ and subscription for Same, for use of Senate. (ib., 31. 1., 1203, 1204.) — Je. 18. Do.; validity of Mexican laws in new terr.; Opinions of Webster and Calhoun on subject; oc- casioned by Jefferson Davis’s amdmt. to S. 225. (ib., 915-917.) — Je. 27. Do.; concerning opinions of Clay, Calhoun, etc., on Validity, in new terr., of Mexican laws pro- hibiting Slavery; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., 992.) — JIy. 2. Remarks explanatory of res. to inquire into expediency of appointing Special agt. to Dominican Republic, etc. (ib., 31. 1., 1329.) — Jly. 23. Do.; during debate on compromise bill, relative to validity of Mexican laws on slavery in terr. acquired by treaty of 1848. (ib., app., 1417, 1418, 1419.) — Aug. 21. Do.; in support of Mangum res. of Aug. 6, authorizing publication by Palmer of work on maritime countries of the East, and subscription for 5000 copies. (ib., 31. 1., 1623, 1624.) — Aug. 26. Do.; opposed to bill making compensation to Walter Colton for expenses incurred while ad- miralty judge of prize court at Monterey, Cal. (ib., 1660, 1661.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 695 F00TE (HENRY STUART), 1800-1880—cont’d Remarks, etc.—cont’d 1850 Aug. 26. Do.; in support of Mangum res. of Aug. 6, authorizing publication by Palmer, etc.; on Rusk res. Of Aug. 1, proposing purchase of map; Green- how's History of Oregon. (ib., 1666, 1669.) — Sept. 4. Do.; reversing his former opposition to bill for relief of Walter Colton. (ib., app., 1660-61.) — Sept. 19. Do.; in explanation and support of amdmt. to general apprp. bill, providing for ex- penses of agt. at Sublime Porte. (ib., 31. 1., 1873, 1874, 1875.) — Sept. 23. Amdmts. to general apprn. bill, provid- ing compensation to J. P. Brown, secy. and drag- Oman of legation in Turkey, for services as actg. chargé; also to H. La Reintrie for services as secy. Of legation to Chili, etc.; balance due to P. Parker for Services [as actg. chargé in China]; compensation to T. S. Fay, secy. of legation to Prussia, for services aS actg. chargé; payment of claim of R. M. Walsh, Secy. Of legation to Mexico, for services as actg. chargé; providing for expenses of special agt. to Venezuela, New Granada and Ecuador, to collect amounts due On claims of Amer. citizens agst, for- mer govt. of Columbia; with remarks in support and explanation of amdmts. (ib., 1930-33.) 1851 Jan. 22. Do.; reply to Hale, during debate on res. of inquiry concerning legislation to prevent employ- ment of Amer. Vessels and seamen in slavetrade, etc.; his reasons for opposing Hale amdmt. concern- ing practical operation of laws for suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 31. 2., 305, 308.) — Jan. 22, 23. Do.; on bill for satisfaction of claims for French spoliations prior to Jly. 31, 1901, opposed to amdmtS. striking out 11 section, etc. (ib., 312, 318, 319.) — Feb. 5. DO.; urging adoption of res. recommend- ing provision for international arbitration in trea- ties with other nations. (ib., 31. 2., 437.) — Feb. 28. Do.; in support of amdmt. to general ap- prin. bill providing for assistant secy. and clerks in State Dept.; Buchanan’s report of Mch. 16, 1846, on reorganizing Dept., Sanctioned by Webster; reply to Turney, etc. (ib., 800-802.) — Mch. 3. Amdmt.S. to general apprn. bill, providing for clerks in State Dept.; also for salary and outfit of full minister to Central Amer. and for salary of secy. of legation; with explanatory remarks. (ib., 824, 825.) — Mch. 11. Motion to print corresp. in relation to lib- eration of Kossuth and his companions; with re- marks, partly in reply to Hale, in support of motion. (ib., app., 416.) — Dec. 1-4. Remarks; in Support of S. res. 1, in rela- tion to reception of Kossuth, etc., including replies to Dawson, Hale and Underwood; withdrawal of res. (ib., 32. 1., 5, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30.) — Dec. 9, 10, 11, 12. Do.; including replies to Clemens and Badger; Webster’s views on intervention. (ib., 42, 46, 53, 63, 66, 70, 71, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90.) FOOTE (JOHN), COMDR. H. B. M. SQDN., W. COAST OF AFRICA 1844 Feb. 6. To comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Reply to his of Jan. 5; cases of Amer. trader Illi- nois and Amer. Schr. Shakspeare. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 71.) — Mch. 3. To same. Transmits letters charging T. W. Hunt (Shakspeare) with illegal use of flag of U. S. A. (ib., 74.) — May 15. To same. Copy of instructions for carrying out objects of treaty betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. of 1842; relative to subject of joint Cruising. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 114; 35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 21.) FOOTE (SAMUEL AUGUSTUS) Sen. from Connecticut, 23 cong., 1827-33; repr. do., 1833-34. Senator from Conn. 1832 Jan. 24-25. Remarks; opposing nomination of M. Van Buren as E. E. and M. P. to Gr. Br. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1327.) - Apr. 13. Do.; suggesting amdmt., making outfit available, if min. to France were apptd. by and with advice and consent of Senate. (ib., 776.) — Apr. 19. DO.; opposing payment of outfit for min. to France from contingent fund. (ib., 798.) — Je. 23. Remarks, attributing disordered condition Of papers in State Dept. to removals of clerks. (ib., 1123.) Representative from Conn. 1834 Apr. 9. Remarks; opposing apprin. for clerk to ar- range archives of State Dept. for preservation. (X, Reg. Debates, 3572.) — Apr. 30. Do.; in support of his motion to strike Out apprns. for salaries of ministers to Gr. Br. and Russia, as posts had not been filled last year, nor # ºwn. for them gone back to surplus fund. (ib., 0. F00T (SOLOMON), 1862-66 Repr. from Vermont, 28-29 cong., Dec., 1843-Mch., 1847; Sen. from Vermont, 32-39 cong., 1 sess., Dec., 1851- #e3866; Inember Com. on Foreign Relations, 9. [-º]}}. Representative from Vt. Remarks 1846 Feb. 6. Speech; in House, on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 230; app., 248.) — Jly. 16. Speech; origin and causes of Mexican war, during debate on H. R. 491, making apprns. for sup- port of Volunteers, etc. (ib., 1106; app., 1098.) 1847 Feb. 10. Do.; on Mexican war, during debate on H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 29. 2., app., 335.) Senator from Vt. Bills Introduced 1858 Jan. 14. Relief of Frederick A. Beelen. (35. 1. S. 61.) — Mch. 31. Relief of Frances Ann McCauley. (35. 1. S. 223.) Remarks 1855 Mch. 2. Remarks; in support of his amdmt., in- Creasing amt. in amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Rela- tions to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 569, com- pensating Geo. P. Marsh, late min. res. at Ottoman Fº for Special services. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 100. — MCh. 3. DO.; on discrimination of House agst. his amdmt. to H. R. 569, compensating Marsh for special Services. (ib., 1149.) 1856 Feb. 7. Do.; urging passage of bill directing pay- ment to Geo. P. Marsh for judicial services while min. res. to Ottoman Porte. (ib., 34. 1., 374.) — Apr. 4. Speech; urging passage of bill for relief of Geo. P. Marsh. (ib., 818.) – Apr. 18. Do.; moving striking out, from bill for relief of Geo. P. Marsh, of part relating to judicial Services, and increasing amt. of compensation pro- vided for therein. (ib., 963.) — Apr. 24. Do.; favoring passage of bill for relief of Geo. P. Marsh. (ib., 1019.) 1858, Jan. 25. Remarks; rpt. of Com. on Foreign Rela- tions in regard to arrest of Wm. Walker by comdre. Paulding in Nicaragua, commending conduct of Paulding. (ib., 35. 1., 378.) 596 INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs F00T (SOLOMON), 1802-66—cont’d Senator from Vt.—cont’d Remarks—cont’d 1858 Feb. 18. Do.; decree relative to judicial powers of consuls, transmitted for revision by late comr. in China. (ib., 756.) * 1859 Jan. 28. Do.; asking for opportunity to speak on questions connected with arrest of Wm. Walker by comdre. Paulding, instructions to sqdn. in Gulf of Mexico and S. 85, authorizing suspension of neu- trality laws. (ib., 35. 2., 655, 656.) — Jan. 31. Speech; in vindication of arrest of Wm. Walker by comdre. Paulding; rpt. of com. on For- eign Relations upon message of Jan. 7, 1858, quoting letters of Oct. and Dec. 1857 from secy. of Navy (Toucey), lieut. Almy and Paulding; with res. of Commendation, offered as substitute for 2 res. of committee of Jan. 25, 1858, and for Doolittle’s res. of Jan. 13, 1858, relative to subject. (ib., 688.) — Feb. 10. DO. : opposed to S. 497; with amdmt. in- Serting Words to prevent payment to Spain before ratification by both govts. of treaty for purchase of Cuba. (ib., 934.) — Feb. 24. Do.; unfavorable to S. 497, making apprin. for acquisition of Cuba by negotiation, and endors- ing Seward’s speech of even date. (ib., 540.) Feb. 26. Do.; in explanation of H. R. 361, providing additional compensation to Wm. Rich, late secy. of legation in Mexico, for services as acting chargé. (ib., 1406.) 1860 Mch. 20. Do.; announcing intention of expressing his views on S. 230, declaratory of acts for carrying into effect art. 9, treaty of 1819, with Spain. (ib., 36. 1., 1254.) — Mch. 21. Speech; S. 230; question of claims for in- juries resulting from operations of Amer. forces in East Florida in 1812 and 1813. (ib., 1269.) — Mch. 30. Remarks; favoring passage of bill for relief of Aaron H. Palmer. (ib., 1446.) — Je. 11. Motion to take up S. 230; with remark con- cerning same. (ib., 2809.) Je. 12. Do.; moving that bill for relief of Geo. P. Marsh be put on its passage. (ib., 2857.) Reports 1857 Dec. 22. Claim of G. P. Marsh. (35. 1. S. rpt. 2.) 1858 Jan. 14. To acc. S. 61, for relief of F. A. Beelen. (35. 1. S. rpt. 8.) — Mch. 31. To acc. S. 223, for relief of F. A. McCauley. (35. 1. S. rpt. 145.) FOOTE (THOMAS M.), OF N. Y. Amer. chargé in New Granada, 1849-50 : Amer. chargé in Austria, 1852-53 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. FORBES (ALEXANDER) JOINT CLAIMANT; see WILLIAM, SCHR. FORBES (JOHN) CLAIMANT 1851 Feb. 15. U. S. Senate. Memorial of legal reprs. of Forbes, praying execution of art. 9, treaty of 1819 with Spain. (31. 2. S. jol., 181; 212.) — Feb. 24. U. S. S. Com. on Judiciary (Downs). Rpt.; memorial of legal representatives of John Forbes, deceased. (31. 2. S. rep. Com. 314.) FORBES (JOHN M.), OF N. Y. AND MASS. Amer. cons. gen. for Denmark, 1816-23; secy. Amer. le- gation in Buenos Aires, 1823-25 ; actg. chargé, 1824- 25; apptd. to Denmark as from New York to Buenos Aires as from Massachusetts (iii, Exec. jol., U. S.) ; Amer. chargé do., 1825-31 ; see also U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. Consul General in Denmark: 1817 Aug. 25. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Adams). Rpt. of detention of sailors of Amer. Schr. Plattsburg at Copenhagen. (26. 1. H. ex: doc. 199, 26.) FORBES (JOHN M.), OF N. Y. AND MASS.—cont'd 1818 Mch. 27. To E. E. and M. P. Prussia in Denmark (Dohna). Surrender of Stromsky, alias Stürmer; right of jurisdiction of U. S. (ib., 28.) — Apr. 4. To Adams. Conferences with Prussian minister relative to surrender of Stromsky, aliaS Stürmer. (ib., 28.) — Je. 27. To Count Dohna. Declines to surrender Stromsky, alias Stürmer. (ib., 34.) — Jly. 30. To same. Declines to make engagement to detain imprisoned seamen pending surrender of Stromsky, alias Stürmer. (ib., 37.) — Jiy. 30. To Adams. Delay of Prussian govt. in con- ducting proceedings against Stromsky, alias Stür- mer. (ib., 35.) — Aug. 4. To Count Dohna. Detention of U. S. S. Hornet to await Prussian decision in case of Strom- Stromsky, alias Stürmer. (ib., 37.) — Aug. 5. To Adams. Conferences with Capt. Read, U. S. S. Hornet, relative to proc. against Stromsky, alias Stürmer. (ib., 38.) — Sept. 5. To same. Report of confrontation of Stromsky, alias Stürmer, on board U. S. ship Hor- net. (ib., 40.) Chargé at Buenos Aires 1828 Jan. 31. Comdr. U. S. Brazilian sqdn. (Biddle) to comdr.-in-chief naval forces of Brazil in River Plata (Guedes). Requests that he will furnish Amer. chargé to Buenos Ayres (Forbes) with nec- essary documents for his return to Buenos Ayres in next Br. packet. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 215.) — Jan. 31. Guedes to Biddle. TranSmits documentS requested in his of same date. (ib., 216.) FORBES (PAUL S.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Canton, 1843-[55] ; sic; Forbes is still writing in capacity of cons. in 1857] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. China. 1843 Je. 12. Secy, of State, U. S. A. (Legaré) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. to China (Cushing). In- Structions to inquire into rumor that Amer. cons. at Canton (Forbes), is to be associated with firm engaged in opium trade. (28. 2. S. doc. 138, 7.) 1844 Apr. 19. Actg. gov. gen. of Leang Kwang prov. (Ching) to E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. to China (Cush- ing). Remonstrates agst. certain conduct of Amer. cons. (Forbes). (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 15.) — Apr. 22. Cushing to Ching. Explanation of cons. Forbes’ offence; presence of ships of war and Br. treaty provision; Brandywine to leave Whampoa. (ib., 19.) Correspondence 1844 Je. 17. To Amer. comr. in China (Cushing). As- Sault upon Amer. consulate by Chinese. (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 63.) 1846 Aug. 11. To Imperial comr. (Kiying). Resp. disturb- ances at Canton induced by Compton, Br. Subject. (p. 94, Papers relating to the riot at Canton in Jly., 1846; Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1847, v. 40.) 1847 Apr. 7. To gov. of Hong Kong (Davis). Sugges- tions on retirement of Br. troops from Canton. (p. 28, Corresp. relative to operations in the Canton River, Apr., 1847; Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1847, v. 40.) 1853 Mch. 10. To Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Return of Amer. trade at port of Canton, 1844-1852; of cases tried by cons. Court; of emigration to U. S. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 106.) — Jly. 18. To Same. Corresp. with Chinese authori- ties to remove obstacles in way of Mexican dollars as currency. (ib., 239.) 1857 Jly. 21. To actg. Amer. chargé in China (Parker). Rpt. of conference with imperial comr. Kiying º Roberts’ Canton Claim. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 21. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 597 *. FORBES (R. B.), AND OTHERS 1839 May 25. To U. S. Congress. Memorial of American citizens, merchants in China, for a commercial agt. to be sent to China to negotiate a commercial treaty. (26. 1. H. doc. 40.) FORBES (ROBERT M.) AND CO. 1852 Jan. 26. To U. S. House. Petition, praying review of action on their claim by late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. H. jol., 258.) FORBES (SAMUEL), AND JOHN THOMAS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial, remonstra- ting agst. passage of any international law for mu- tual exchange of fugitives from justice, by U. S. and Texas. (25. 3. H. jol., 602.) FORBES (WILLIAM), JOINT CLAIMANT; see WILLIAM FORBES (WILLIAM), CLAIMANT; see PARKER (J. A.) FORCED LOANS See also Mexico. Treaty Stipulations 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 9. Military Service, loans and taxes; see Mexico. Treaties. 1845 Dec. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. Treaty of com- merce, etc. art. 6. Exemptions from military serv- ice and forced loans; see Two Sicilies. Treaties. 1849 Dec. 9. Hawaii and U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 8. Military service, forced loans and taxes; see Hawaii. Treaties. 1851 Jly. 10. Costa Rica and U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 9. Exemption from military service and forced loans; See Costa Rica. TreatieS. 1853 Jly. 10. Argentine Republic and U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 10. Military service, forced loans, taxes; see Argentine Republic. Treaties. 1855 Oct. 1. Two Sicilies and U. S. Conv. of amity, etc., art. 5. Exemptions from military service and forced loans; See Same. 1859 Feb. 4. Paraguay and U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc., art. 11. Military Service, forced loans, and taxes; see Paraguay. Treaties. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. Treaty of amity, etc., art. 2. Exemptions from military Service and forced loans; see Venezuela. Treaties. FORD (RICHARD), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG WIL- LIAM D. MILLER; see that title FOREIGN JUDGMENTS; see EVIDENCE FOREIGNERS; see ALIENAGE, ETC. FOREMAN (CHARLES), CLAIMANT 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Petition, praying remun- eration for destruction of property by Br. in 1813. (29. 1. H. jol., 101; 206.) 1846 Dec. 29. To same. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 110.) FOREST (TOM), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BREMEN; see BREMEN FORESTER, H. B. M. BRIGANTINE (CAMPBELL) 1838 Mch. 22. Detains Amer. Slaver Schr. Rebecca off Galinas; See Rebecca. 1839 Jan. 4. Boards Amer, slaver schr. Hazard in 5° 43' n.; see Hazard. FORESTER, H. B. M. BRIG (NORCOCK) 1839 Aug. 18. Boards Amer. brig Mar/ (Tomlinson) off Galinas; see Mary. 1840 Oct. 15. Boards Amer. slaver bark William and Francis (Flowery) off w. coast of Africa; see Wil- liam, and Francis. — Dec. 8. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Stevenson). Blockade at New Cess maintained by Br. Ship For- ester; etc. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 89.) FORESTI (FELIX E.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Genoa in 1853; did not obtain exeguatur ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. FORMOSA 1849. Particulars of visit of U. S. brig Dolphin to For- mosa. (xviii, Chinese Repository, 391.) 1855 Je. 27. Agreement entered into by G. A. Potter with taoutae or intendant of circuit in Formosa, about carrying on trade in island. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1218.) 1856 Sept. 1. Amer. cons. Amoy (Hyatt) to Amer. COmr. in China (Parker). Expenses, etc., of obtaining coal from Peh-Seh Coal mines; etc. (ib., 965.) — Oct. 17. Parker to Hyatt. Reply to despatch of Sept. 1. (ib., 1000.) 1857 Feb. 10. Amer. Vice cons., Macao (Nye) to Parker. Loss of ship Highflyer on so. part of Formosa; in- formation relative to Formosa. (ib., 1203.) — Feb. 12. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Subject of Formosa; etc. (ib., 1183.) —— Feb. 27. Parker. Memoranda of conversation with comdre. Armstrong on subject of Formosa. (ib.,, 1210.) — Mch. 7. Parker to W. M. Robinet. Receipt of pri- vate communication of 2 inst., in relation to For- mosa, present exports and future development. (ib., 1217.) Mch. 10. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS). Resp. Formosa. (ib., 1208.) — Mch. 10. Robinet to Parker. Agreement to carry On trade at Formosa was entered into with gov. Of Formosa, transmits translation of extr. of agree- ments. (ib., 1217.) Mch. 21. Parker to H. B. M. comr. in China (Bow- ring). Protests agst. Br. govt. taking possession or assuming control over Formosa. (ib., 1247.) — Mch. 21. Parker to Robinet. Suggests that he ex- ercise utmost discretion and maintain due reserve in replying to any inquiries that may be addressed to him upon Subject of Formosa. (ib., 1246.) — Mch. 21. Robinet to Parker. Substance of con- Versation with admiral Seymour about Formosa. (ib., 1246.) — Mch. 23. Comdre. E. I. sqdn. U. S. N. (Armstrong) to Parker. Amer. citizen has for a long time carried On Commercial relations with Formosa, and main- tained settlements there under protection of flag of U. S.; proposes to detail officer of sqdn. to inquire into circumstances of reported outrage upon Amer. ship. (ib., 1249.) — Mch. 24. Bowring to Parker. Reply to despatch of 21 inst. in relation to Formosa; etc. (ib., 1243.) Mch. 24. Parker to Armstrong. Reply to communi- cation of 23 inst. (ib., 1250.) — Mch. 25. Parker to Armstrong. Has recd. reply from Sir John Bowring to his communication of 21 inst. (ib., 1250.) — Mch. 26. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. (Cass). Resp. Formosa. (ib., 1245.) 598 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FORMOSA, SLAVER SCHR. 1841 Dec. 22. New Orleans Insurance co. to U. S. Sen- ate. Memorial, praying measures to obtain from Br. govt. payment of value of slaves insured by them as property of U. S. citizen, who was wrecked at sea and set at liberty by Br. authorities at Nassau. (27. 2. S. jol., 45.) — Dec. 22. W. C. Rives, Sen. from Va. Remarks; me- morial of New Orleans Insurance Co. relative to seizure of slaves on Amer. Vessel, Formosa, at Nas- sau, N. P., and on precarious state of relations with Gr. Br., referring to cases of Creole and Enterprise. (xi, Cong. Globe, 47, 48.) — Dec. 22. W. C. Preston, Sen. from S. C. Do.; Same. . (ib., 47.) — Dec. 22. A. Barrow, Sen. from La. Do.; moving reference to Com. On Foreign Relations of memorial regarding seizure of slaves from Amer. ship by Br. authorities, at Nassau, N. P. (xi, Cong. Globe, 47.) — Dec. 22. J. C. Calhoun, sen, from S. C. Do.; same. (ib., 47.) — Dec. 22. W. C. Preston, Sen. from S. C. Do.; ad- vocating caution in negotiations with Gr. Br. regard- ing Seizure of slaves from Amer. ship at Nassau, N. P. (ib., 47.) FORNEY (JOHN Z.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Cape Verde Is., 1852-55; see U. S. A. Consular service. Portuguese dominions. FORREST (BLADEN) Amer. cons. for Chagres, 1843-48 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Colombia. FORREST (FRENCH), OF D. C. U. S. N., 1811-61. Lieut., 1817; comdr., 1837; capt., 1844 ; dismissed, Apr. 19, 1861. Sea service in com- mand (1828-61) : 1839, comdg., St. Louis, Pacific sqdn. ; 1841, same ; 1847, comdg. Raritam, Home sqdn. ; 1856-58, comdg. Brazil sqdn. FORREST (JOSEPH) 1821, apptd. clerk to comrs. U. S. A. under art. 11, Hºrº, treaty ; see Spain. Claims ; also Meade FORREST (RICHARD), AGT. STATE DEPT., U. S. A., FOR CHARTER OF SHIP ALLEGHANY; see ALLEGHANY 1825 Aug. 1. To A. Scott. Compensation claim for ex- penses incurred during Venezuelan mission, 1811. (20. 2. H. 72, 10.) FORSTALL (EDMUND J.), CLAIMANT; see FELIX, AMER. SCHR. See also, MEXICO. CLAIMS FORSTER ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG PEACE AND PLENTY; see PEACE AND PLENTY FORSTER ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG PERSEVERANCE; See PERSEVERANCE FORSYTH (JOHN), OF ALA. Amerisis E. and M. P. in Mexico, JIy. 21, 1856-Oct. 20, Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, UT. S. A. (Marcy) 1856 Nov. 15. [no. 8.] Disinclined to enter into dispute of claimants for Tehuantepec transit privileges. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 72, 36.) (CaSS) 1857 Apr. 24. [no. 32, extr.] Mexican papers filléd with rumors of filibustering expedition from California under gen. Crabb agst. Sonora; asks instructions. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 2.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF ALA.—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Cass)—cont’d 1857 Apr. 25. [no. 33.1 Published accounts of Crabb invasion of Sonora. (ib., 4.) — Apr. 28. [no. 34.] Two Amer. citizens, A. Ainza and R. Biven, arrested; cases laid before govt. of Mexico. (ib., 35.) — Apr. 30. [no. 35.] Information of engagement betw. troops of Sonora, and advance of Crabb forces resulting in overthrow of invaders. (ib., 36.) — May 7. [no. 37.] Information recd. in city of Mex- ico from Guaymas, that 59 prisoners of Crabb ex- pedition, taken at Caborca, have been shot. (ib., 37.) — Je. 1. [no. 40.] Execution of H. A. Crabb and his companions at Caborca, in dept. of Sonora. (ib., 38.) — Jiy. 8. [no. 44, extr.] Particulars of Crabb massa- cre. (ib., 44.) — JIy. 27. [no. 46, extr.] No reply recd. from Min- ister of Relations to note on massacre at Caborca; Satisfactory evidence of massacre of four Americans at Dunbar's house not yet obtained. (ib., 49.) — Sept. 3. [no. 47.] Transmits copies of corresp. with Mexican govt. on Crabb invasion. (ib., 50.) — Sept. 15. [no. 48.] Rpt. of success of agts. Of Louisi- ama Tehuantepec co. (ib., 50.) — Sept. 26. [no. 51, extr.] Massacre of four Ameri- cans at Dunbar's house on Sonora frontier. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 54.) — Oct. [no. 54, extr.] Efforts to obtain list of names of Americans massacred at Caborca, not yet Suc- cessful. (ib., 76.) 1858 Apr. 3. [unnum. extr.] Depredations of gov. Garza at Tampico; his methods; firing of the Virginia Antonetta by his orders; gov. of Vera Cruz (Zan- ora) refuses payment of order on Vera Cruz cus- tom house in favor of G. N. Olcott, New York. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 13.) — Je. 17. [no. 78.] Banishment of foreigners who suf- fered themselves to be embargoed. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 1, 41; H. doc. 2, 41.) ^. — Je. 19. [no. 79, extr.] Note recd. from Mr. Cuevas in reply to his of 17 inst. (ib., 44; ib., 44.) — Je. 25. [no. 80, extr.] Banishment of Mr. S. Migel, an Amer. citizen. (ib., 46; ib., 46.) — Aug. 12. [no. 87, extr.] Reply of Mr. Castillo to note in relation to contribution imposed by decree of May 18, and to imprisonment of J. Ainsa. (ib., 48; ib., 48.) — Aug. 31. [no. 88, extr.] Orders of Pres. of Jly. 15 have been obeyed. (ib., 50; ib., 50.) — Nov. 22. Ino. 91, extr.] Copies of corresp. with Mexican govt. (ib., 50; ib., 50.) MEXICAN (Montes) 1857 Apr. 23. Imprisonment of A. Ainza and R. Biven. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 50.) — Apr. 28. Peaceable citizens of U. S. Settled in Sonora, are not to be confounded with guilty in- Vaders of Mexican soil. (ib., 35.) (Fuente) 1857 May 30. Military execution of 75 Amer. citizens in Sonora. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 39.) (Tejada) 1857 Je. 25. Calls attention to case of A. Ainza. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 51.) — Jly. 30. Arrest of J. Ainza; demands immediate re- lease if he was arrested upon U. S. terr. (ib., 52.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 599 FORSYTH (JOHN), OF ALA.—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d MEXICAN–Cont'd (Tejada)—cont’d 1857 Aug. 1. Requests that letter under fovt. frank be fºrmitted to J. Ainza, prisoner at Guaymas. (ib., — Sept. 5. Submits draft for proposed treaty relative to neutrality of right of transit over Tehuantepec road. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 72, 51.) — Sept. 15. Protest agst, violation of art. 8, treaty of 1853, by certain provisions in arrangement with Louisiana Tehuantepec co. (ib., 53.) (Cuevas) 1858 Je. 17. Warns Mexican govt. that if any Amer. citi- Zen is Subject to an arbitrary expulsion for submit- ting to be embargoed, that that govt. will take step upon peril of its responsibility to sovereignty of |U. S. (35. 2. S. doc. 1, 42; H. doc. 2, 42.) (Castillo y Lanzas) 1858 Oct. 20. Inability of Mexico to assign to him cus- tomary escort of foreign ministers. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 50.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA. Amer. M. P. in Spain, Feb. 16, 1819–Mch. 2, 1823; see also, U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Repr. from Geor- ia, 1823-27; sen. from Georgia, 1829-34; member om. on Foreign Relations, 1831-34; Secy. State, U. S. A., Je. 27, 1834-Mch. 4, 1841. Amer. M. P. in Spain 1822 Nov. 20. [no. 51, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Relative to policy of other govts. in re- gard to Cuba. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 3.) — Dec. 13. Ino. 53, extr.] To Same. Information that Spanish sqdn. in Gulf of Mexico is about to be re- inforced. (ib., 4.) 1823 Feb. 10. [no. 58, extr.] To same. Substance of con- * with San Miguel in regard to Cuba. (ib., 121. 1824 May 19. Deposition; Meade claim. (33. 1. S. rpt. 109, 30; 33. 1. H. rpt. 5, 30.) Representative from Ga. Remarks 1824 May 19. Stimt. in case of Meade claim. (27. 2. H. rpt. 457.) Senator from Ga. Bills Introduced 1832 Apr. 16. To exempt vessels of Portugal from pay- ment of duties on tonnage. (22. 1. S. 178.) Remarks 1831 Feb. 25. Speech; in support of Kane amdmt. to apprin. bill, for payment of salaries and outfits of Turkish commission, and upholding course of Pres. in apptg. said commission. (vii, Reg. Debates, 292.) 1832 Jan. 24-25. Remarks; in defence of M. Van Buren. (viii, ib., 1379.) – Apr. 5. Do.; Webster motion to print Br. act of Parlt of Apr. 22, 1831, and on corresp. With Gr. Br. relative to trade betw. U. S. and colonies. (ib., 709.) — Apr. 12. Do.; maintaining necessity of mission to Guatemala, and favoring appropriation therefor. (ib., 772.) — Apr. 13. Do.; favorable to provision in general apprp. bill for minister to Belgium and opposed to applying contingent fund for payment of outfits. (ib., 783.) — Apr. 13. Do.; on apptmt. of minister to Russia dur- ing recess of Congress; opposed to drawing outfit from contingent fund. (ib., 778.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cofit’d Senator from Ga.-cont’d Remarks—cont’d 1832 Apr. 13. Do.; in reply to Miller motion to Strike out apprin. for outfit for min. to France. (ib., 774.) — Apr. 17. Do.; relative to provision in general ap- prn. bill for agts. for claims in London and Paris. (ib., 792.) — Apr. 19, 20, 23. Do.; concerning return of W. C. Rives, E. E. and M. P. to France; favorable to speci- fic provision in general apprin. bill for Outfit of new minister. (ib., 799, 812, 816, 817, 832.) — Apr. 20. Do.; denying possibility of effecting SaV- ing by cutting off apprns. for outfits for ministers to France and Russia. (ib., 812.) — Apr. 23. Do.; defending manner of informing Sen- ate of prospective return of U. S. min. to France (Rives). (ib., 832.) 1833 Jan. 10. Do.; in support of his res. for temporary clerks in State Dept. to furnish copies of docS. de- posited by Sp. claimants, to claimants under ConV. with France. (ix, ib., 79.) — Jan. 19. Do.; favoring employment of clerks to make copies of evidence submitted to Sp. treaty Comrs. (ib., 123.) 1834 Jan. 21. Do.; objecting to answer from State Dept. to res. Of Senate calling for information regarding presents to U. S. officials from foreign powers. (x, ib., 329.) Secy. State, U. S. A. Corresp. as Secy. State is preceded by that of Louis McLane ; see McLane. Correspondence (Consular) PONCE, Gallaher, consul 1840 Mch. 4. [unnum.] Instructions to renew request for restitution of duty of extraction upon proceeds of estates of L. A. Harang, deceased. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 180.) - Corr. (Diplomatic) BRITISH Amer. Chargé in Gr. Br. (Vail) 1834 Aug. 2. [unnum.] Instructions; in case of Enco- 7mium ; and renewed representation in case of Comet. (24. 2. S. doc. 174, 5.) 1835 Mch. 28. [unnum.] Instructions in case of Enter- prize. (ib., 6.) 1838 Apr. 3. [unnum extr.] Instructions for inquiry into imprisonment of Amer. citizens in Canada. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 39, 2.) 1840 Jly. 15. [unnum. extr.] Compensation to Sabina, Sp. brig, for rescue of crew of Amer. ship Contrier. (27. 2. H. doc 191, 2.) — Jly. 15. Ido.] Instructions relating to views of U. S. in regard to Cuba. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 35.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Stevenson) 1836 May 19. [unnum. extr.] Instructions for urgent representation in case of Comet, Encomium, and Enterprise. (24. 2. S. doc. 174, 7.) 1837 Mch. 27. [unnum. extr.] Instructions to accept Br. terms for Settlement of claims on acct. Of Slaves taken from Comet, Encomium and Enterprise. (25. 3. S. doc. 216, 3.) Jly. 12. Tunnum. extr.] Measures to obtain release of E. S. Greely. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 4; iii, Mess. and Papers, 406.) — Sept. 28., ſunnum.] Release of E. S. Greely. (ib., 7; ib., 409.) 600 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d (Stevenson)—cont’d 1838 Mch. 12. [unnum.] Instructions to cease agitation of question of Amer. Slaves shipwrecked in West Indies; to ascertain Br. attitude on immediate nego- tiation for conv. to regulate disposition of Amer. slaves carried by force into Br. Colonies. (25. 3. S. doc. 216, 11.) — Je. 6.. [unnum.] Suggesting certain propositions which might facilitate arrangements for conv. to regulate disposition of Amer. Slaves carried by force into Br. Colonies. (ib., 11.) Nov. 28. [unnum. extr.] Urging immediate action on part of Gr. Br. to Settle claims for slaves ship- wrecked in West Indies. (ib., 12.) 1839 Jly. 17. Instructions to represent to Br. govt. Out- rage Committed on Susan by H. M. brig Grecian. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 485.) — Sept. 11. [unnum. extr.] Instructions required on Subject Of his note of Jly. 2; govt. is in conference with Br. minister. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33, 2.) Sept. 16. [no. 59.] Instructions; disposition of amt. Of indemnity to be paid by Br. govt. for slaves formerly belonging to Comet and Encomium. (26. 1. S. doc. 119, 9.) — Sept. 19. [no. 60.] Requests that all evidence re- garding individual ownership and title to negroes in cases of Comet and Encomium, be transmitted to Dept. of State. (ib., 10.) — Oct. 30. [unnum.] Requests that application be made to Br. govt. for certain papers relating to Ship- wrecked slaves in cases of Comet and Encom/iu/m. if they are not among various papers in legation at London. (ib., 10.) 1840 Jan. 3. [no. 64.] Instructions for representation of forcible boarding of Amer. brig Edwin by officer of Br. sloop Columbine. (26. 2. H. ex: doc. 115, 11; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 488; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 12.) Jan. 25. [unnum.] Instruction relative to Br. Com- plaints agst. Amer. consul Trist for protection of slavetrade; certain blanks requested. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 157; 27.3. H. rpt. 283, 500; H. ex. doc. 115, 23.) — Mch. 18. [no. 67.] Instructions; Amer. brig Mary detained by Br. brig Forester. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 31; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 508; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 19.) — JIy. 8. [no. 73.] Instructions; detention of Amer. barque Susan by Br. sloop Grecian; formal protest agst, manner of Br. exercise of right of Search. (ib., 39; ib., 516; ib., 26.) — Aug. 19. [no. 75.1 Instructions in case of Schr. Euphrates. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 56; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 533.) — Aug. 28. Ino. 76 (Martin).] Instructions in case of Amer. brig Douglas. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 65.) Dec. 3. [no. 82.] Instructions for representation of forcible boarding of Amer. Schr. Iago by officer of Br. brig Termagant; with copies of depositions, etc. (ib., 71; 27.3. H. rpt. 283, 548; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 38.) — Dec. 26. [unnum.] Instructions relative to de- tention of Amer. Schr. Hero by Br. brig Lyma;. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 567; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 39.) 1841 Feb. 20. [do..] Instructed to represent that remon- Strance agst, illegal proceedings of Nova Scotia to- wards Amer. fishermen be presented to Parliament. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 66; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 106.) — Mch. 1. [unnum.] Instructions for procedure in case of Amer. vessel Tigris. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 41.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d (Stevenson)—cont’d 1841 Mch. 2. Ino. 90.] Instructions for procedure in case of detention of Amer. barque Jones by Br. brigantine Dolphin, and of Amer. brig Tigris, ship Seamew, and William and Francis. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 34, 3; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 41.) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughn) 1835 Apr. 28. [unnum.] Reasons which prevent Presi- dent’s approval of Br. proposal for conventional line of boundary; insists on tracing line according to treaty of 1783; Cannot accept opinion relative to rivers falling directly into Atlantic. (24. 1. S. doc. 414, 46.) H. B. M. Chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Bankhead) 1836 Jan. 18. Measures adopted to mitigate cause for complaint relative to encroachments of Amer. fish- ing vessels. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 58; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 58.) — Feb. 3. Tender of mediation of Gr. Br. in Settle- ment of difficulties between France and U. S. ac- cepted on condition. (24. 1. S. doc. 187, 4; H. ex. doc. 116, 4; xii, Reg. Debates, 567.) — Feb. 16. Br. Offer of mediation and French readi- ness to pay instalment on indemnity due. (ib., 8; ib., 8; ib., 587.) — Feb. 29. Urges establishment of that part of n. e. boundary concerning which parties are in accord; comment on Br. rejection of Amer. proposals; Presi- dent will Solicit Maine's consent to make St. John’s River the boundary between Maine and New Bruns- wick. (24. 1. S. doc. 414, 60.) — Mch. 5. Comment on Br. rejection of St. John’s River as line of boundary; request for further de- tails of modified proposal for a commission of Sur- vey. (ib., 63.) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox) 1837 Mch. 23. Protest agst. projected railroad betw. Quebec and St. Andrew's. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 29; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 109.) — Dec. 2. Acknowledging advice of march of H. M. 43d regiment through disputed territory. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 24.) 1838 Jan. 5. Measures in progress to prevent terr. ag- gression on Canadian frontier. (ib., 28; iii, Mess. and Papers, 404.) Jan. 5. Notification of attack on U. S. Str. Caroline. (25. 2. H. doc. 73, 5.) Jan. 19. Outrage on persons and property of cer- tain citizens of U. S. at Schlosser, from province of |Upper Canada. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 460.) — Jan. 24. Doubts interference of people of Mich. in Canadian frontier disturbances. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 4.) — Feb. 6. Character of St. John and Restigouche rivers, in question of northwestern boundary. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 436; 25. 2. S. doc. 319, 7.) — Feb. 7. Northwestern boundary. (ib., 439; ib., 11.) — Feb. 7. Reply to note of 10 ult. (25. 2. S. doc. 319, 11.) — Feb. 8. Gen. Scott ordered to seat of disturbance at Plattsburg and Champlain. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 5.) INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 601 FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.—cont’d (Fox)—cont’d 1838 Feb. 13. Capture and destruction of Caroline by Canadian force on Amer. side of Niagara river. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 465.) — Feb. 23. Arrest of Amer. citizens in Amer. terr. by armed Canadian troops. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 10.) Apr. 3. Apptmt. of A. Vail, special comr. to inquire into imprisonment of Amer. citizens in Canada. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 39, 2.) — Apr. 27. Invites conference on arrangement for establishment of joint commission of survey, etc., On basis of original Amer. proposition. (25. 2. H. doc. 380, 7; S. doc. 451, 7; vi, Cong. Globe, 406; iii, MeSS. and Papers, 473.) — Je. 12. Measures adopted by Secy. of War to main- tain peace on northern frontier. (25. 2. H. doc. 440, 16.) — Nov. 15. Precautions taken to suppress conspiracy agst. govt. of Upper and Lower Canada. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 6.) 1839 Jan. 28. Trial in Upper Canada of H. Hastings for assault and battery committed in Michigan. (ib., 13.) — Feb. 25. Jurisdiction of disputed terr. (25. 3. H. doc. 222, 19; S. doc. 270, 21.) — Feb. 27. Memorandum of Br. and Amer. under- standing of agreement as to jurisdiction of disputed terr. (25. 3. H. doc. 222, 39; S. doc. 271, 7.) — Jly. 24. Request that property of capt. Moore, Schr. Charles, be returned to him. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 65; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 105.) — Dec. 24. Replying to complaints of Br. minister as to alleged encroachments of Me. on disputed n. e. terr. (viii, Cong. Globe, 137.) 1840 Jan. 16. Calling attention to provisions of agree- ment betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. relating to n. e. bound- ary dispute and pointing out violation of same by Br. military operations. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 138.) Jan. 28. Gratified at Br. assurance of preservation of tranquillity in disputed terr. (ib., 152; iii, Mess. and Papers, 570.) — Feb. 12. Objections to Conventional Anglo-Amer. agreement for mutual exercise of right of search and suppression of slavetrade. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 226; H. ex. doc. 115, 166; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 5; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 644.) Letter in S. doc. 377 is extr. ; other copies in full. — Mch. 6. Substance of information from gov. of Maine relative to Br. military movements in dis- puted terr. (26. 1. S. doc. 266, 11; iii, Mess. and Papers, 576; viii, Cong. Globe, 249.) — Mch. 25. Reviews previous corresp. on disturb- ances in disputed terr. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 582; viii, Cong. Globe, 291.) — Apr. 1. [unnum.] Requests further documentary evidence in case of Schr. Rebecca. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 177; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 654.) * — Je. 26. Explains why U. S. declined to accept Br. draft of conv. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 597; viii, Cong. Globe, 491.) — JIy. 25. Apptmt. of Renwick, Cleveland, and Tal- cott, comrs., to survey of region adjacent to dis- puted terr. (29. 1. S. doc. 274, 2.) — Aug. 13. Submits counter draft of conv. for ap- ptmt. of commission to survey line of boundary betw. Canada and New Brunswick. (29. 1. S. doc. 274, 13.) — Dec. 26. Demand for release of McLeod refused. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33, 3.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.—cont’d * (Fox)—cont’d 1840 Dec. 31. In support of former remonstrance in Case of str. Caroline. (26. 2. H. ex: doc. 33 (annex), 2; iii, Mess. and Papers, 624.) 1841 Feb. 11. Cause of delay in prosecution of Criminal proc. against Amer. vessel Tigris. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 725; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 10.) — Feb. 13. Hopes original papers in case of Slaver Rebecca may be obtained from Br. govt. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 725.) — Mch. 1. Protest agst. detention of Tigris by Br. brig Waterwitch. (ib., 726; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 10.) CENTRAL AMERICAN Amer. Chargé in Central America. (De Witt) 1835 May 1. Instructions for assistance to be given U. S. Specl. agt. Biddle. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 4; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 13; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 244.) Amer. Speci. Agt. in Central America (Biddle) 1835 May 1. Instructions on his apptmt., pursuant to Senate res. of Mch. 3, 1835. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 228, 3; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 11; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 243.) 1836 Jly. 19. Advice of rumor of personal contract for grant of privilege for trans-isthmian avenue; in- Structions for rpt., etc. (ib., 31; ib., 36; ib., 269.) — Sept. 26. Dept. not advised of his return which is announced in daily papers; rpt. requested. (ib., 32; ib., 38; ib., 270.) — Dec. 5. Asking for duplicates of missing letters. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 86; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 324.) Central American Comr. to Gr. Br. (Galindo) 1835 Je. 24. Receipt of his of 23 inst.; appoints time for interview. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 11.) CHILLAN Amer. Chargé in Chili (Pollard) 1840 Dec. 14. [no. 21.] Perkins claim agst. Chili for seiz- ure of money. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 3.) COLOMBIAN Amer. Chargé in New Granada. (McAfee) 1835 May 1. Instructions to aid U. S. speci. agt. Biddle. (25. 2. H. ex: doc. 228, 5; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 13; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 243.) 1836 Sept. 23. Reprimanding his official endorsement of ºte project of Biddle; etc. (ib., 31; ib., 37; ib., 1837 Feb. 18. [unnum., extr.] Retracting reprimand of Sept. 23, 1826. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 103; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 330.) CUBAN Amer. Special Agt. in Cuba. (Everett) 1840 Feb. 1. Instructions for inquiry into charges agst. Amer. ConS. at Havana (Trist). (26. 2. H. ex: doc. 115, 468.) — Mch. 4. Further instructions for inquiry into * agst. Amer. cons, at Havana (Trist). (ib., — Mch. 18. Instructions relative to taking posses- Sion of Amer. consulate at Havana. (ib., 4.7i.) 602 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d FRENCEI Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Livingston) 1834 Nov. 6.. [no. 43.] Reliance on intention of adminis- tration to present law for appropriating funds to execute treaty, to new chambers; subject to be placed before Congress. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 17; Xi, Reg. Debates, app., 115.) 1835 Feb. 13. [unnum.] In case law is rejected by Chamber, and if congress adjourn without prescrib- ing Some course of action, frigate to be despatched to bring you back to U. S. (23. 2. S. doc. 145, 10; H. ex. doc. 174, 12; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 168.) — Feb. 24. [no. 49.] Despatches delayed; Pres. ap- proVeS Conduct in unpleasant position; Serurier terminated his career, and Mr. Pageot in charge; is mistaken in Supposing Serurier gave explanation of Cause of postponement since rejection of law; last note of Serurier subject of special instructions; if law is rejected war ship will meet you at Havre; if passed retire to England and place Mr. Barton in charge. (23. 2. S. doc. 145, 12; H. ex: doc. 174, 12; Xi, Reg. Debates, app., 168.) — Mch. 5. Instructions to call attention of minister of foreign affairs to exceptionable language in letter of M. Sérurier, relative to French indemnity. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 210.) — Je. 30. Communicating acceptance by Pres. of Liv- ingston’s resignation of his dipl. post in France. (24. 1. S. doc. 1, 41; H. doc. 2, 41; iii, Mess. and Papers, 185.) Amer. Chargé ad int. in France (Barton) 1835 Sept. 14. Instructions, in relation to final action in * of French indemnity. (iii, Mess. and Papers, Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Cass) 1840 May 29. To Cass. Instructions in case of abscond- ing cashier of the Schuylkill Bank, Phila. and ex- tent to which CaSS is to act in Securing his Sur- render. Mss. Inst. France. ii, Wharton, Digest, 811.) E. E. and M. P. Of France in U. S. A. (Serurier) 1834 Aug. 23. No extradition to foreign state without treaty. (Mss. Notes, France. repr. (extr.) ii, Whar- ton, Digest, 744.) 1835 Feb. 23. Official information of recall received. (23. 2. S. doc. 145, 13; H. ex. doc. 174, 13; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 169.) (Pageot) 1835 Je. 29. Announcing apptmt. of Messrs. de Roths- child of Paris as agts. to receive payments from France under treaty of 1831. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 198.) — Dec. 3. Restoring copy of Duke de Broglie's letter, and explaining why he cannot make use of it. (ib., 199.) 1836 Jan. 2. Acknowledging communication announcing his recall by French govt. (ib., 201.) E. E. and M. P. Of France in U. S. A. (Pontois) 1838 Jly. 19. [unnum.] Protest agst. changes in rules governing French blockading squadron. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 7.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d FRENCH-cont’d E. E. and M. P. of France in U. S. A.—cont’d (Pontois)—cont’d 1838 Jly. 24. Orders for restitution of prize schr. Lone. Withheld pending information from collector at port of New Orleans. (ib., 13.) — Sept. 1. Absence of President cause of delay in taking action in case of prize schr. Lone. (ib., 16.) 1839 Jan. 2. Protest agst, refusal by adm. Baudin of right of entry of Amer. military packet-boats into ports of Mexico. (ib., 28.) — Jan. 9. Satisfaction at rescinding of decision pro- hibiting admission of Amer. mail-packets into ports of Mexico. (ib., 32.) MEXICAN • Amer. Chargé in Mexico (Butler) 1834 Jly. 7. [unnum.] Introducing Chevalier Morelli, Neapolitan cons. gen. in U. S. A. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 145.) — Jly. 10. [no. 78.1 Commission of M. Burrough as Amer. cons. at Vera Cruz, and of W. S. Parrott as Amer. cons. at City of Mexico. (ib., 146.) — JIy. 24. [no. 79.] Claim of widow of S. D. Young, Col. U. S. A. (ib., 146.) — Aug. 1. [no. 80.] Attack of Mexican armed Schr. Tampico upon Amer. brig Paragon. (ib., 146.) — Aug. 11. Ino. 82.] Outrage at Tabasco upon Amer. brig Industry. (ib., 146.) — Aug. 22. Ino. 83.] Forwarding copy of reply of Martinez de la Rosa, to department’s circular of Apr. 20, 1833, concerning recognition of independence of Sp. Amer. Colonies. (ib., 147.) — Aug. 27. [no. 84.] Information desired as to aver- Sion of Mexican govt. to issue exeguaturs; advised of charges of Mr. Wilcocks. (ib., 150.) — Sept. 27. [no. 85.] Claim of P. C. Greene. (ib., 150.) — Nov. 11. Ino. 86.] Recognition by Spain of in- dependence of Sp. Amer. colonies. (ib. 150.) 1835 Jan. 14. Ino. 87.] Apptmt. of J. Stryker as Amer. cons. at Goliad, Texas. (ib., 152.) — Mch. 23. [no. 88.] Apptmt. of F. Slaughter, Amer. cons. at Galveston, and of R. S. Hicks, Amer. ConS. at Tabasco. (ib., 153.) — Mch. 24. [no. 89.] Apptmt. of S. Haight Amer. cons. at Campeachy. (ib., 153.) — May 16. [no. 90 (Dickins).] Discharge of Austin J. Raines, Amer. cons. at Monterey. (ib., 154.) Je. 26. [no. 92.] Instructions to rpt. on Mexican claims and on representation of Amer. Cons. at Matamoras (Smith) relative to act passed by Mex- ico, Oct. 24, 1833, providing for reduction of import duties on merchandise conveyed in Mexican vessels. (ib., 154.) — Jly. 1. [no. 93.] Disposition of archives of U. S. legation at Mexico. (ib., 155.) — Jly. 2. Anxious to secure desirable alteration in boundary with Mexico; President is resolved no means of an equivocal character shall be used to accomplish it; negotiations not expected to Succeed and must be brought to a close at once that the re- sult may be known to congress. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 131.) — Jly. 2. [no. 94.1 Copies of corresp. with Mexico desired. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 155.) — Jly. 3. [no. 96.1 Information desired of T. Reily, Amer. cons. at Aguatulco; of H. Gregg, Amer. Cons. at Acapulco and of J. S. Langham, Amer. Cons. at Chihuahua. (ib., 155.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 603 FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d MEXICAN–Cont'd Amer. Chargé in Mexico—cont’d (Butler)—cont’d 1835 Jly. 9. [no. 97 (Dickins).] Apptmt. of J. A. Par- ker as Amer. cons. at Brazoria, Texas. (ib., 156.) — JIy. 10. [no. 98 (Dickins).] Seizure of brig Ophir at Campechy. (ib., 156.) — Jly. 11. [no. 99 (Dickins).] Seizure of Amer. Schr. Martha at Brazoria, Texas. (ib., 157.) — Aug. 6. President directs that Port of St. Francis be an addition to your negotiations relative to Texas; boundary described. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 131.) — Sept. 28. [no. 101 (Dickins).] Request for copy of judicial proc. of Mexican courts in the case of the Robert Wilson. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 157.) — Oct. 27. [no. 102.] Apptmt. of C. Bush, Amer. Cons. at San Blas and Mazatlan. (ib., 158.) — Dec. 16. [no. 104.] Notification of nomination of successor to Butler. (ib., 158.) Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis) 1836 Jan. 8. [unnum.] Notification of nomination as chargé at Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 159.) Jan. 29. [unnum., extr.] Case of Correo de Mea:- ico. (ib., 162.) — Jan. 29. [no. 2..] Instructions on his assuming of- fice as chargé of U. S. at Mexico. (ib., 159.) — Jan. 29. [no. 3..] Further instructions on his as- Suming office as chargé. (ib., 160.) — Feb. 3. [no. 4..] Capture of Hannah Elizabeth. (ib., 164.) — Mch. 21. Ino. 5.] Apptmt. of W. D. Jones as Amer. cons. for city of Mexico. (ib., 170.) — Mch. 22. Ino. 6..] Instructions concerning enclo- sure of capt. Holbrook relative to seizure of Amer. ship John. (ib., 170.) — Mch. 23. Ino. 7..] Outrage upon W. Hallett and Z. Hall. (ib., 171.) — Apr. 14. Ino. 9..] Outrage upon W. A. Slacum. (ib., 175.) — May 17. Ino. 10.] Seizure of Amer. brig Jane and Amer. Schr. Compeer by Mexican authorities. (ib., 177.) — May 31. [no. 11.] Claim of representative of J. P. Wallace upon Mexico. (ib., 180.) — Je. 8. Ino. 13.] Communicating Pres. Jackson’s letter on death of Gen. Barrazan. (ib., 180.) — Je. 16. [no. 14.] Claim of brig Jane and of J. F. Lund. (ib., 181.) — Je. 16. Ino. 15.] Detention by Mexican authorities of Amer. Schr. Eclipse at Tabasco. (ib., 182.) — JIy. 20. [unnum.] Instructions for representation in case of Schr. Northampton; protest agst. Mexican aggressions; reviewing cases for claims agst. Mex- ico occurring since 1831. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 24; S. doc. 160, 133; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 236.) — Aug. 9.. [no. 19 (Dickins).] Apptmt. of Thomas R. Gray, Amer. cons. at Tabasco. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 182.) — Aug. 19. [no. 20 (Dickins).] Movements of Mexico towards obtaining foreign aid for Subjugation of Texas; Mr. Butler's letter of recall. (ib., 182.) — Sept. 1. [no. 21.] Deficiency of archives of Amer. legation in Mexico; protection to be afforded to Mr. Butler after cessation of his ministerial functions. (ib., 183.) — Nov. 16. Ino. 22.] Instructions relative to Presi- dent’s disapproval of Mr. Butler’s corresp. with Mexican govt. (ib., 184.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d MEXICAN–Cont'd Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico—cont’d (Ellis)—cont’d 1836 Dec. 9.. [no. 23, extr.] Approving conduct of Ellis. (ib., 184.) — Dec. 9. [unnum. extr.] Instructions in case of Amer. brig Fourth of July. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 58; S. doc. 160, 169; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 249.) — Dec. 10. [unnum.] Instructions for representation in case of Gorostiza’s termination of his mission; of Amer. invasion of Texas; Gorostiza pamphlet. (ib., 47; ib., 157; ib., 244.) — Dec. 20. [unnum.] Instructions relative to forced lºsuthorized by act of Je. 16. (ib., 56; ib., 166; ib., 248. —— Dec. 21. [no. 26.] Detention of capt. Rogers, Schr. Nelson, at Laguna by Mexican authorities. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 185.) 1837 Jan. 18. [no. 28.] Transcript ordered of certain of Mr. Butler's papers. (ib., 185.) Jan. 18. [no. 29.] Commission of J. G. McCall, as Amer. Cons. at Tampico, Mexico. (ib., 186.) 1839 May 3. [unnum. extr.] Instructions for inquiry into claims of certain therein named cases under Mexican Claims Commission of 1839. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 179.) Mexican Chargé in U. S. A. (Castillo y Lanzas) 1834 Aug. 21. Enclosing reply of Martinez de la Rosa, Secy. of State of Spain, to note of M. P. U. S. to Spain on subject of recognition of independence of former Sp. Amer. Colonies. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 696.) — Nov. 10. Negotiations to be opened with Spain looking to definite settlement by Spain of independ- ence of former Sp. Amer. Colonies. (ib., 698.) — Dec. 11. Some mis-apprehension; Butler, Amer. chargé, was empowered to negotiate new article to treaty; power was delayed; unneccessary to nego- tiate here. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 145.) 1835 Jan. 9. U. S. prefers to negotiate in Mexico, to avoid delays, Mr. Butler’s Overtures will soon bring results that will be sent to Mr. Castillo. (ib., 146.) — Jan. 23. Recognition of Don Pedro Gonzalez y Aquila, as Vice-consul for Mexico for port of New York. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 701.) Jan. 30. Reasons for declining to agree to Mexico’s construction of reciprocity provisions of treaty of 1832. (ib., 701.) Apr. 11. Inquiry regarding power of local Mexican authorities to Surrender persons now in Mexican province of Texas who have committed forgeries agst. pension laws of U. S. (ib., 703.) — Jly. 21. Only with consent of Senate can President exchange ratifications; when the Senate gives its consent Mr. Castillo will be apprized. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 149.) — Oct. 21. Urging restoration of Order and cessation of irregularities in administration of law. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 713.) — Oct. 22. Alleged encroachment of Creek Indians on Texan terr. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 10.) — Oct. 27. Copy of Castillo’s note relating to seizure of Mexican armed Schr. Correo de Meacico with en- closures transmitted to attorney of U. S. for e. distr. of La. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 716.) — Oct. 29. Questions Castillo's right to impute ir- regularities on part of U. S. in their commercial in- tercourse with other nations. (ib., 718.) 604 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d MEXICAN–cont’d Mexican Chargé in U. S. A.—cont’d (Castillo y Lanzas)—cont’d 1835 Dec. 8. Pres, unable to take action in case of COr- Teo de Meacico pending decision of judicial tribunal now hearing case. (ib., 721.) — Dec. 17. Term of court for hearing case of Correo de Meacico having commenced, department can take no further action. (ib., 724.) 1836 Jan. 23. Requests personal interview on subject of Seizure of crew of Wrecked Schr. Hannah, Elizabeth. (ib., 726.) Jan. 25. Exeguatur on commission of D. G. J. Marallano as vice-cons. for Mexico at St. Louis, re- turned. (ib., 726.) — Jan. 28. Seizure of crew of Hannah, Elizabeth, by Mexican armed Schr. Bravo, or Montezuma. (ib., 727.) — Feb. 1. News that passengers and Crew of Hannah, Elizabeth, have been liberated. (ib., 729.) — Feb. 1. Senate has consented to ratification for a second additional article to treaty; President is ready whenever Mr. Castillo presents himself. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 149.) — Feb. 13. Copy of rpt. of proc. agst. Messrs. Thomp- son and Ocampo. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 730.) — Apr. 18. Transmits exeguatur on commission of S. Mercado as cons. for Mexico at port of N. Y. (ib., 735.) — Je. 6. Acknowledging notes of May 13 and of Je. 3 concerning change in form of govt. of Mexico. (ib., 744.) 1837 Feb. 2. Relations of U. S. with Mexico; return of Mr. Ellis. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 128; H. doc. 3, 133.) — Mch. 1. Govt. disapproves of Butler’s letters to gen. Tornel. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 750.) — Mch. 17. Vindication of apptmt. of dipl. represen- tative of U. S. to Texas. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 135; H. doc. 3, 137.) Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (GOrostiza) 1836 Mch. 24. Makes apptmt. to present Gorostiza to Pres. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 733.) Mch. 28. Requests list of attachés and of domestics of Mexican legation. (ib., 734.) Apr. 1. To carry out obligations of art. 3 of treaty, it will be sufficient for their resp. agtS., at the time of exchange of ratifications of second additional article, to mark, by joint explanatory notes, the ex- plicit understanding of the two govts. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 149.) — Apr. 13. Mr. Gorostiza’s powers not sufficient; ex- pected that he will invite Mr. Castillo to Washington for purpose for which he is especially empowered. (ib., 151.) — Apr. 18. Date for mtg. of exchange of ratifications; copy of declaration. (ib., 151.) — May 27. Note placed before President, and in- structed to assure Mr. Gorostiza no decision will be made by this govt. except founded on such rules as governed it in disputes betw. Spain and Spanish America. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 33; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 178.) — Je. 4. Acknowledging note of May 31 enclosing an- nouncement of death of Pres. Barragan. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 744.) — Jly. 12. Receipt of copy of Mexican law declaring void any agreement made by gen. Santa Anna as prisoner of war. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 37; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 179.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d MEXICAN–cont’d Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A.—cont’d (Gorostiza)—cont’d 1836 Aug. 31. Copy of letter from President to gov. of Tenn., on 6 inst. disapproving requisition of gen. Gaines for military force; requests copy be sent to Mexican govt. (ib., 57; ib., 184.) — Aug. 31. U. S. has already given directions for pro- tection of commerce in Gulf of Mexico; Same course of strict neutrality will be pursued as in case of Spain and measures proposed would be inconsist- ent with this policy. (ib., 55; ib., 183.) — Sept. 16. Distr. atty. Of Tenn. already directed to preserve neutral relations; no sufficient grounds for further instruction; copy of letter from agt. in Miss. (ib., 63; ib., 186.) — Sept. 17. Letter from President makes it import- ant that the Secy. of State should see Mr. Gorostiza as early as practicable. (ib., 80; ib., 199.) Sept. 20. Vessels of the So. Amer. provinces were admitted into ports of U. S. under their own or any other flag; such having been course of this govt. not deemed compatible with strict neutrality to exclude vessels of Texas. (ib., 78; ib., 189.) (Monasterio) 1837 May 18. Explanation of advertisement of capt. Dulany, U. S. ship Boston, in New Orleans Bee, to convoy American vessels to certain ports of Mexico and of Texas. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 149; H. doc. 3, 153.) — May 18. [extr.] Illegality of blockade by notifica- tion. (Mss. Notes. Mex. iii, Wharton’s Digest, 372; 49. 1. S. misc. doc. 162.) (Martinez) 1837 Oct. 14. Apptmt. to receive Mr. Martinez. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 154; H. doc. 3, 158.) — Nov. 24. Forwarding additional paperS relative to claims of Amer. citizens for transmission, to Mex- ico. (ib., 154; ib., 159.) yº — Dec. 11. Claims of Amer. citizens agst. Mexico; briefs of Powell, Turnage, Schr. Louisiana, and Malcolm, Sandeman and co. claims. (25. 2. S. doc. 14, 2; H. ex. doc. 351, 3.) — Dec. 12. Replying to his of Dec. 11. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 6.) — Dec. 30. Receipt of Mexican decree of May 20, 1837. (ib., 10.) 1838 Jan. 3. Brig Mary. (ib., 10.) — Feb. 7. Treasury circular, Feb. 2, 1838, to collectors, naval officers and surveyors. (ib., 14.) — Mch. 6. Seizure of cochineal belonging to and ar- rest of Charles Turner. (ib., 17.) — Apr. 7. Claim of J. Belden. (ib., 19.) — Apr. 21. Accepting proposition of arbitration on reclamations of U. S. on Mexico. (ib., 20.) # — Apr. 25. Reply of comr. Mervine to Navy Dept. in- quiry. (ib., 22.) — May 1. Receipt of communication relative to en- counter of Mexican brig of war Iturbide With Amer. stmbt. Columbia. (ib., 757.) — May 10. Accepts proposition naming Prussia as arbiter to settle claims of U. S. agst. Mexico. (ib., 757.) — May 12. [unnum.] Disproving strmt. made con- cerning index to certain documents. (ib., 758.) (Cañedo) 1840 Aug. 15. Apptmt. of Amer. Comrs. On Mexican Claims Commission of 1839. (27.2. S. doc. 320, 172.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 605 -3. FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont'd Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d PORTUGUESE Amer. Chargé in Portugal (Kavanagh) 1835 May 20. [no. 4, extr. (Dickins).] Instructions to preSS claim agst. Portugal in case of brig General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 23.) – Oct. 22. [no. 6..] Relative to documents transmitted by Capt. Reid bearing on claim of brig General Arm- Strong. (ib., 27.) 1836 J1y. 2. Ino. 13.] Disappointment at delay in set- ;: claims of Amer. citizens agst. Portugal. (ib., 29. – Sept. 21. Ino. 16, extr.] Directions for procedure in prosecuting claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 31.) RUSSIAN Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia. (Wilkins) 1835 Jly. 30. [unnum.] Instructions to negotiate re- newal of stipulations of art. 4, treaty of 1824 with Russia. (25. 3. S. doc. 1, 30.) (Dallas) 1837 Apr. 19. [unnum. extr.] Repeating instructions given to Mr. Wilkins Jly. 30, 1835, to negotiate re- newal of stipulations of art. 4, treaty of 1824 with Russia. (25. 3. S. doc. 1, 33.) — Nov. 3. [unnum.] Analysis of construction of art. 4, treaty of 1824.) (ib., 36.) Russian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Krüdener) 1835 Je. 24. [unnum.] Deprecates cessation of trading privileges by expiration of art. 4, treaty of 1824 with Russia and suggests renewal of article. (25. 3. S. doc. 1, 26.) — Jly. 21. [unnum.] Declining to make official pub- lication of expiration of art. 4, treaty of 1824 with Russia.; requesting information with regard to Russia’s proceedings in event of non-renewal of art. (ib., 28.) SARDINIAN Amer. Special Agt. in Sardinia (Niles) 1838 May 2. [unnum.] Instructions for negotiation of commercial arrangement with Sardinia. (29. 1. S. doc. 118, 8.) Amer. Chargé in Sardinia. (Rogers) 1840 Je. 6.. [no. 3..] Instructions resp. commercial re- lations of U. S. with Sardina. (29. 1. S. doc. 118, 26.) Sardinian Chargé in U. S. A. (Colombiano) 1840 Je. 10. Transit of unmanufactured Amer. tobacco across terr. of Sardinia. (29. 1. S. doc. 118, 33.) SPANISH Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness) 1834 Jly. 1. [no. 62.] Notice of his apptmt. as Secy. of State. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 44.) — Jly. 28. [no. 63.] Instructions relative to bill for countervailing discriminating duties in Cuba and Porto Rico; not to go into operation till Mch., to give Spain time to repeal or modify duties. (23. 2. H. ex: doc. 120, 2; 24. 1. S. doc. 7, 45; xi, Reg. De- bates, app., 160.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Diplomatic)—cont’d SPANISH-cont’d Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain—cont’d (Van Ness)—cont’d 1834 Aug. 1. Ino. 64.] Accts. of legation. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 47.) — Aug. 6.. [no. 65.] Arrangements which have been made with N. M. Rothschild, at London, for trans- acting business of U. S. as their banker in Europe. (ib., 47.) — Aug. 29. Ino. 66.] Trade with Cuba. (ib., 48.) — Oct. 8. [no. 67.] Instructions to apply to Spanish govt. for exeguatur for Amer. Cons. at Minorca. (Rich). (ib., 49.) — Oct. 18. [no. 68 (Dickins).] Request to apply to Spanish govt. for an exeguatur for Amer. cons. for alicante (Renshaw). (ib., 50.) — Nov. 18. [no. 69, extr.] Recognition by Spain of South Amer. states. (ib., 50.) — Dec. 18. [no. 70.] Publication in London, etc., newspapers of portion of corresp. With Sp. govt.; contingent expenses of mission. (ib., 51.) 1835 Jan. 6.. [no. 71.] Instructions for transmitting de- spatches by way of Havre. (ib., 51.) — Jan. 10. [no. 72.] Missing papers in case of claim for capture of schr. Mosquito. (ib., 52.) Spanish E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Tacon) 1834 JIy. 25. Law on duties in Cuba and Porto Rico. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 120, 6; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 162.) (Argaiz) 1840 Feb. 28. Requests that authorities of Porto Rico re-examine demand for duty upon proceeds of prop- erty of L. A. Harang, deceased. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 178.) — May 9. Maintains decision in regard to reclama- tion for Amistad and cargo. (26. 2. S. doc. 179, 11.) TEXAN Amer. Chargé in Texas (La Branche) 1839 Jan. 8. [no. 17.] Instructions for remonstrance agst. invasion of territory of U. S. by Texan forces under Gen. Rusk. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 17; Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 968.) Sept. 9. Ino. 23.] Instructions for representations of protest agst. another violation of terr. of U. S. by military officer of Texas. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 43.) Texan M. P. in U. S. A. (Wharton and Hunt) 1837 Mar. 21. Measures taken to Suppress Indian hos- tilities on Texan frontier; concentration of troops at Nacogdoches not feasible. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 5; Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 967.) (Hunt) 1837 Aug. 25. U. S. cannot consider proposition for an- nexation of Texas because of her treaty obligations with Mexico. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 40, 10; 28. 1. S. doc. 341, 113; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 121.) (Jones) 1838 Dec. 2. Complaints agst. Indian hostilities referred to Secy. of War. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 9.) 1839 Mch. 11. U. S. Secy. War instructed to prevent com- * of Indians of U. S. with those of Texas. 606 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d TEXAN–cont’d Texan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Dunlap) 1839 Jly. 17. Information of disposition of Indians of U. S. to wage war upon Texas referred to Secy. War of U. S. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 41.) 1840 Feb. 26. Texan claims for reimbursement of prop- erty Stolen by Cherokees to be referred to comr. Indian Affairs on receipt of evidence of loss; govt. º: responsible for thefts committed by Indians. ib., 50.) Texan Chargé in U. S. A. (Bee) 1841 Jan. 23. Indian depredations referred to War Dept.; govt. powerless to interfere in peaceable migrations of Indians; measures taken to prevent hostile ag- gression. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 55.) Corr. (Executive) 1834 Jly. 3. To Pres. of U. S. (Jackson). In favor of claim of E. Roberts. (25. 2. H. rpt. 317, 3.) — Sept. 23. Counsellors of Indian Stream Settlement. Canadian disturbances; N. H. jurisdiction. (25. 3. H. rpt. 176.) — Nov. 29. To Price. No extradition to a foreign state without treaty. (Mss. Dom. Let, repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton. Digest, 744.) Dec. 17. To L. Garvis. Corresp. relating to claim of E. Roberts for additional compensation as U. S. agt. in the Indian Ocean. (25. 2. H. rpt. 317, 2.) — Dec. 27. To President Jackson. French relations; no authority given to successor of Mr. Rives to en- ter into corresp. with French govt. except to urge prompt delivery of papers stipulated for in art. 6 and to apprise govt. of arrangements for first in- stallment. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 108.) -— Dec. 27. To same. Corresp. with France on merits of convention of 1831. (ib., 877.) 1835 Jan. 5. To same. State of correspondence on n. e. boundary. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 62; xi, Reg. Debates, 930.) — Jan. 5. To same. Rpt. on state of negotiations rela- tive to claims agst, Mexico. (xi, Reg. Debates, 929.) — Feb. 5. To same. No corresp. relative to French indemnity treaty has taken place with France Since that given to House, Dec. 27 last. (ib., 1219.) — Feb. 24. Chrm. U. S. House Committee on Com- merce (Sutherland). Letter from consul at Ponce and extract of letter from commercial agt. at Gua- yama relative to increase of duties to disadvantage of Amer. commerce. (ib., app., 163.) — May 26. To capt. S. C. Reid. Instructions to Mr. Kavanagh, Amer. chargé at Lisbon. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 24.) — Je. 18. To President Jackson. Relating to nego- tiations in matter of French indemnity. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 209.) — Je. 28. To T. P. Barton. Same. Relative to French indemnity. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 193.) — Sept. 15. To capt. Reid. List of papers relative to brig General Armstrong on file in State Dept. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 254.) — Oct. 27. To gov. of La. (White). Instructions to interfere in movements in favor of cause of Texas. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 3.) — Oct. 27. To H. Carleton. Instructions to interfere in movements in favor of cause of Texas. (ib., 4.) — Nov. 11. To W. A. Slacum. Instructions to ob- tain information in regard to inhabitants of Oregon. (25. 2. S. doc. 24, 3; 25. 3. H. rpt. 101 (suppl.), 29.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1836 Jan. 11. To I. Hill. (25. 3. H. rpt. 176, 8.) * — Jan. 13. To President Jackson. Corresp. and pa- pers called for by Senate, relating to French affairs. (Xii, Reg. Debates, 167.) — Feb. 24. To Same. Number of claims allowed in French indemnity, 1567; not allowed, 1581; books of comrs. give no information on rejected claims nor reasons for rejection. (24. 1. S. doc. 204; xii, Reg. Debates, 663.) Feb. 27. To same. Discriminating duties on Amer. vessels abolished by Portugal, April 18, 1834. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 224.) – Feb. 27. To same. Through error of clerks mis- taking vessels for claims, rpt. sent to Senate is in- Correct; request acc. rpt. to be substituted. (xii, Reg. Debates, 663.) — Apr. 23. To Secy. War. U. S. A. (Cass). Memoran- dum of Substance of official conference on 20 inst. With Gorostiza, E. E., etc., of Mexico. (ib., 3514.) — Apr. 26. To splºr. of House. List of awards of COmrs. On claims arising under conv. With Two Sicilies. (24. 1. H. doc. 242.) — Je. 3. To chrm. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Mason). Alex. Hammett petition. (25. 2. H. rpt. 566, 1; 26. 1. H. rpt. 342, 1.) g 1837 Jan. 25. To President Jackson. Copies of and extr. from Such papers as are deemed necessary to show political relations betw. U. S. and Mexico; since re- turn of agt. no additional news of Texas. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 229.) — Feb. 6. To same. Copies of papers betw. U. S. and Mexico which have been received since 17 inst.; list of unsatisfied claims and papers. (ib., 197.) — Feb. 13. To U. S. Senate. Submits corresp. in re- gard to Meade claim in compliance with Senate res. of 4 inst. (24. 2. S. doc. 169.) — May 27. To R. Greenhow. Instructions for carry- ing despatches to Mexico. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 108; H. doc. 3, 112.) — May 27. To L. G. Cuevas. Settlement of existing claims of U. S. agst. Mexico. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 105; H. doc. 3, 108.) — Je. 26. To gov. of Me. (Dunlap). Measures taken to effect release of E. Greely. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 19; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 105.) — Jly. 14. To same. Note forwarded to Mr. Steven- Son of the arrest of Greely; Br. min. has opened a COrresp. With lieut. gov. of New Brunswick which it is expected will lead to his release without waiting for Br. govt. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 106.) — Jly. 14. To same. Reasons for refusal to act in case of E. S. Greely. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 22.) — Jly. 19. To same. Strmt., on part of U. S., of case re- ferred, in pursuance of conv. Sept. 29, 1827; en- closes list of documents of House concerning n. e. boundary. (ib., 107.) — JIy. 25. To Rogers. Circumstances under which U. S. has sanctioned efforts of a state executive to obtain surrender of fugitive from justice. (Mss. Dom. Let, repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton, 809.) — JIy. 28. To Rogers. No extradition to foreign state without treaty. (ib., 744.) & — Aug. 17. To gov. Dunlap. Request to have treaty line of n. e. limits of Maine run and marked. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 26; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 108.) — Aug. 25. To same. Operations on projected r. r. betw. Quebec and St. Andrew’s to be discontinued. (ib., 29; ib., 109.) - Indian Stream Settlement. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 607 FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d º 1837 Sept. 25. To President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Submits copies of letters and documents requested by House, on 13 inst, relating to corresp. betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. on n. e. boundary, since Je. 15, 1836; also all corresp. betw. U. S. and gov. of Maine On Same. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 98.) —— Sept. 26. Gov. Dunlap. Release of E. S. Greely; exercise of jurisdiction within disputed terr. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 3; iii, Mess. and Papers, 406.) — Sept. 29. To President Van Buren. Tobacco trade betw. U. S. and foreign countries. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 371.) — Sept. 29. To same. Instructions given to dipl. reprs. of this country to procure abolition or modi- fication of existing duties; copy of dispatches re- ceived communicated. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 152.) Sept. 30. To same. Copies of corresp. betw. Texas and U. S. relating to annexation. (ib., 117.) — Oct. 2. To Same. Copies of corresp. on boundary question betw. the U. S. and Mexico; on cession of terr. by Mexico to U. S. (ib., 124.) — Nov. 13. W. A. Slacum’s account. (25. 2. S. doc. 24, 25.) — Dec. 2. To President Van Buren. State of rela- tions betw. U. S. and Mexico. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 29; H. doc. 3, 31.) — Dec. 5. To gov. Dunlap. Advising him of march of H. M. 43d regiment through disputed terr. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 25.) — Dec. 7. To distr. attys. of Vt. and Mich., and of no. distr. Of N. Y. Instructions to prevent territorial aggression on Canadian frontier. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, — Dec. 7. To govs. of N. Y., Vt. and Mich. Vigilance to prevent terr. aggression on Canadian frontier. (ib., 29.) — Dec. 18. To S. Wright, Jr. Precautionary measures to prevent Amer. interference in Canadian insur- rection. (ib., 33.) º — Dec. 20. To D. Kellogg. Organization of Canadian insurgents in Vt. (ib., 39.) — Dec. 21. To N. S. Benton. Operations of McKen- zie and Rolfe in Buffalo. (ib., 41.) . Dec. 22. To President Van Buren. Relating to oc- cupation of territory of U. S. West of Rocky Mts. and bordering on Pacific, by foreign powers. (iii, JMess. and Papers, 397.) — Dec. 23. Occupation by foreign powers of U. S. º west of Rocky Mts. (Mess. and Papers, 3, 398. — Tec. 27. To gov. Jenison (Vt.). Satisfaction at promptness of suppression, in Vt., of movements in favor of Canadian insurgents. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 50.) 1838 Jan. 5. To Benton. Directing his removal to Buf- falo until rising of Canadian insurgents shall have subsided. (ib., 53.) Jan. 6. (Fairfield.) In favor of claim of E. Rob- erts. (25. 2. H. rpt. 317, 6.) — Jan. 8. To President Van Buren. Forwarding corresp. of U. S. since 1829 concerning relations with Mexico and Canada. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 1.) — Jan. 8. To same. Seizure of Mexican brig General Urrea. (25. 2. H. doc. 75.) — Jan. 8. To same. All corresp. relating to Canadian frontier disturbances has been submitted. (25. 2. H. doc. 76.) — Jan. 25. To same. Measures taken for release of L. S. Greely. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 1; iii, Mess. and Papers, 405; vi., Cong. Globe, 145.) FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1838 Feb. 9. To chrm. U. S. Com. on Expenditures in State Dept. Amt. of apprps. for expenses of State Dept., and payments therefrom, 1829-1837. (25. 2. H. rpt. 931, 6.) — Feb. 23. To same. Comparative stimt. of present expenses of [U. S.] missions abroad. (ib., 8.) — Mch. 1. To gov. Kent (Me.). Information relating to question of n. e. boundary. (iii, MeSS. and Pa- pers, 442; 25. 2. S. doc. 319, 14.) — Mch. 3. To chrm. U. S. H. Com. on Roads and Canals (Mercer). Information called for by com- mittee on 2 inst., and also that called for by House res. of Feb. 17 to be submitted shortly. (25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 10.) — Apr. 4. To President Van Buren. Destruction of Caroline at Schlosser, Dec. 29, 1837, and murder of citizens of U. S. On board. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 459.) — Apr. 25. To same. Title or occupation of terr. of TJ. S. beyond Rocky Mts. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 359.) — May 1. To same. Attack on Columbia. (25. 2. H. doc. 360, 1.) — May 2. To chrm. of U. S. Committee on Commerce (Phillips). Comment on Montgomery plan for re- vision of U. S. consular system. (25. 2. H. doc. 467.) — May 8. To gov. Rent. Agrees to arrangement for joint commission of Survey and exploration of n. e. boundary on bases of Original Amer. proposition. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 38; iii, Pres. Mess., etc., 474.) — May 10. Deportation of paupers to U. S. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 1; H. rpt. 1040, 41.) — May 26. To R. Williams. Apptmt. of a joint com- mission contemplated for purposes of exploration and survey only. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 45.) — May 30. To President Van Buren. State of corresp. of U. S. relating to annexation of Texas. (25. 2. H. doc. 409.) May 30. To same. Information requested concern- ing claims for seizure of ship Mary of Baltimore. (vi, Cong. Globe, 425.) - — May 31. To same. All corresp. betw. U. S. and Texas for annexation of that republic has been com- municated to House. (ib., 425.) Je. 4. To Same. Claim of children of P. Shackerly. (25. 2. H. doc. 418.) —— Je. 8. To A. Leggett. Explicit stnt. Of objections to course pursued by govt. in regard to claims agst. Mexico. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 9.) • — Je. 18. To President Van Buren. Corresp. in case % i. For Peel and Telegraph. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 2. Jly. 3. Rpt. in response to H. res. of Mch. 21, 1838, requesting copies of all corresp. and instructions relating to Mexico since treaty of 1828. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 2.) — Dec. 4. To Speaker of House of Representatives (Polk). Abstract of contingent expenses of State Dept.; StrmtS. of expenditures for n. e. executive building, etc. (25. 3. H. doc. 3.) 1839 Feb. 2. To President Van Buren. Expiration of time limited for exchange of ratifications of con- vention between the U. S. and Mexico; soliciting ap- proval of Senate of extension on comditions referred to in letter. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 514; V, Sen. exec. jol., 193.) — Feb. 5. To same. Caroline claims. doc. 183, 1.) — Feb. 8. To same. Canadian frontier disturbances; review of corresp. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 1.) — Feb. 20. To same. Blockade of Mexican ports by France. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 1.) (25. 3. H. ex. 608 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Corr. (Executive)—cont’d 1839 Feb. 26. To gov. of Me. (Fairfield). Attitude to be observed in difficulties betw. Me, and New Bruns- wick. (25. 3. H. doc. 222, 17; 25. 3. S. doc. 270, 18.) — Aug. 7. To Spencer. In absence of treaty or legis- lative authority Pres. cannot call upon gov. of a state to Surrender fugitive to another country. (Mss. Dom. Let. repr. (extr.) ii, Wharton. Digest, 745.) — Aug. 7. To Same. Legislation in N. Y. State for surrender of fugitive criminals; attitude of gov. Clinton; act of Apr. 5, 1822, etc. (ib., 810.) — Oct. 2. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Violation of “free port ’’ provisions of 3 and 4 Gul. iv, cap. 59, Aug. 28, 1833. (27. 2. H. rpt. 650, 47.) Oct. 23. (Overton.) Revised instructions relative to Nueces and Sabine rivers in Texas boundary survey. (27. 2. S. doc. 199, 7; H. ex. doc. 51, 7.) 1840 Jan. 2. To gov. Fairfield. Alleged occupation by Br. troops of a portion of the disputed terr. (26. 1. S. doc. 107, 55; viii, Cong. Globe, 136.) — Feb. 27. To same. Movements of Br. troops in disputed terr. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 575.) — Mch. 12. Rpt., in response to H. res. Of Mch. 9, that no measures have been taken to verify Br. Survey of topography of disputed terr., etc. (26. 1. H. doc. 134; iii, Mess. and Papers, 579; viii, Cong. Globe, 270.) — Apr. 8. To Overton. Instructions in event of Tex- an Comrs.’ refusal to cooperate. (27. 2. S. doc. 199, 9; H. ex. doc. 51, 46.) — Apr. 14. To capt. Reid. Status of claim of brig General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 37.) — Apr. 20. To A. Mouton. Payment of claim of Mrs. M. E. Mudd for indemnity for Slaves, on board Comet. (27. 2. H. doc. 242, 4.) — Apr. 23. To chrm. Sen. Com. of Claims (Hubbard). Propriety of allowing Crooks claim. (26. 1. S. doc. 430, 3.) — May 7. To Barclay and Livingston. Acknowledges letter concerning presents from Imaum of Muscat; President denies satisfaction through first Visit of vessel from Sultan’s dominions, but under consti- tutional provisions is precluded from accepting gifts. (viii, Cong. Globe, 414.) — Aug. 19. To Amer. Comrs. Mexican Claims Com- mission, 1839. Names of Mexican comrs. appointed. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 167.) — Aug. 27. To Secretaries Mexican Claims Com- mission, 1839. Documents in possession of State Dept. relative to claims within sphere of commis- Sion. (ib., 173.) — Nov. 30. Renwick (J.). Relative to apprin. for continuing Operations on Survey of n. e. boundary. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 5.) — Dec. 30. To A. C. Bradley. Transcripts of deposi- tions in State Dept. in case of Caroline. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 187, 7.) — Dec. 30. To distr. atty. Niagara, co. Same. (ib., 6.) 1841 Feb. 19. To gov. of N. Y. (Seward). Corresp. in case of Alex. McLeod. (ib., 7.) — Mch. 2. To President Buchanan. Impracticable to furnish information relative to claims of U. S. upon Haiti, contemplated by H. Res. of Feb. 12. (26. 2. H. ex: doc. 107.) Treaties, etc., concluded 1825 Dec. 26. Signs arrangement providing for the reception in one payment of the balance of the in- demnity . . . betw. Two Sicilies and U. S.; see Two Sicilies. Claims. 1838 Apr. 25. Signs conv. for marking the boundary betw. Texas and U. S.; see Texas. Boundary. FORSYTH (JOHN), OF GA.—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d Treaties, etc., concluded—cont’d 1839 Jan. 19. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., betw. Netherlands and U. S.; see Netherlands. Treaties. — Apr. 11. Signs conv.for adjustment of claims of citizens of U. S. agst. Mexico; see Mexico. Claims. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1858 May 20. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Polk, Com. on For. eign Relations), bill (35. 1. S. 388) “for relief of legal reprs. of late John Forsyth.” (35. 1. S. jol., 489; 497.) 1860 Apr. 3. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Polk, Com. on For: eign Relations), bill (36. 1. S. 368) “for relief of legal reprs. of late John Forsyth.” (36. 1. S. jol., 336.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1858 Jan. 19. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of Forsyth heirs, praying adjustment of certain erroneous charges in settlement of accts., and refunding of amt. (35. 1. S. jol., 113; 490.) — May 20. U. S. Senate. Com. on Foreign Relations (Polk). Rpt. to acc. S. 388, for relief of legal reprS. of late John Forsyth. (35. 1. S. rpt. 266.) 1859 Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. On motion (Iverson, Ga.), memorial of heirs of John Forsyth, on files of Sen- ate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (36. 1. S. jol., 18.) º 1860 Apr. 3. U. S. Senate. Com. on Foreign Relations (Polk). Rpt. to acc. S. 368, for relief of legal reprs. of late John Forsyth. (36. 1. S. rpt. 167.) FORSYTH (JOHN, JR.), DISTR. ATTY. ALA. 1835 Nov. 18. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Vio: lation in Ala. of act of Apr. 20, 1818, in favor of cause of Texas. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 10.) FORT (GLOWINA) 1854 Jan. 18. To U. S. House. Petition, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1801. (33. 1. H. jol., 237.) FORT COVINGTON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 226.) e 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 84.) FORT SMITH (ARK.) CITIZENS Memorials; see Slavetrade FORT TOWSON, AMER. STMBT. (SCOTT); see TEXAS. RED RIVER CUSTOMS SEIZURE FORT YUMA; see MOWRY (S.) FORTITUDE, AMER. SCHR. (STANNARD) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 33.) FORTUNATO (GIUSTINO) 1845 Dec. 1. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., betw. Two Sicilies and U. S.; see Two Sicilies. Treaties. FORWARD (WALTER), OF PENN. Seeyagi, he Treasury, U. S. A., Sept. 13, 1841-Mch. 1, 1841 oct. 23. to actg. Secy. State, U. S. (Derrick). Re- mission of duties upon cargoes of two Sp. vessels recently arrived at Charleston from port of Malaga. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 146, 3.) & INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 609 FORWARD (WALTER), OF PENN.—cont’d 1842 May 6. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Due regard paid to existing treaty stipulations betw. Portugal and U. S., in duties proposed to be levied. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 202, 12.) 1843 Jan. 10. To same. Decision on duties charged in º # º * Wines of Portugal. (ib., 24; 28. 1. H. ex. doc. — Feb. 22. To same. Rpt. of First Comptr. of Treas. resp. duties charged on certain Belgian vessels. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 202, 38.) FORWARD, H. B. M. STR. (DAVIES) 1858 Feb. 19. Boards Amer. bark Clara Windsor off w. Coast of Africa; see Clara Windsor. — Apr. 9. Boards Amer. brig A. A. Chapman 3 m. from the Moro; see A. A. Chapman. — Apr. 15. Boards Amer. Schr. Cortes halfway betw. Havana and Matanzas; see Cortes. FOSDICK (M.) 1848 Mch. 1. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying modi- †ºn of naturalization laws. (30. 1. H. jol., 481; 198.) FOSSE (CHATRY) DE LA Secy, legation France in U. S. A., actg. chargé, Aug.-Nov., 1842; see France. Diplomatic service. FOSSE (PETER), MASTER AMER. BRIG JANE; see JANE FOSTER (ANDREW), CLAIMANT; see LOUISIANA, AMER. SHIP FOSTER (AUGUSTUS JOHN), H. B. M. E. E. AND M. P. IN U. S. A. * 1811 Sept. 5. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Monroe). Pro- test agst. negotiations for delivery of East Fla. to U. S. by gov. Matthews. (20. 2. H. rpt. 99, 10; 22. 1. H. rpt. 223, 8; 23. 1. H. rpt. 368, 8.) FostER (CHARLEs), ADMR. of 1851 Dec. 9. To U. S. House. Petition, praying indem- nity for damages from Mexican govt. (32. 1. H. jol., 53.) 1852 Jan. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying tri- bunal to review decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 130.) FOSTER (ELISHA) 1836 Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Petition, praying com- pensation for property destroyed by Br. during late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 507; 534; 556.) FOSTER (EPHRAIM. H.), SEN. FROM TENN. 1844 Jan. 25. Remarks; amdmt. to res. regarding opera- tions of consular officers; aliens in consular service. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 188.) 1845 Jan. 13. U. S. Senate. Remarks, introducing joint resolutions declaring terms on which Cong. will admit Texas into Union as State. (xiv, ib., 127.) — Feb. 3. Do.; objecting to reception of petition of citizens of Detroit for simultaneous annexation of Texas and Canada. (ib., app., 151.) FOSTER (EZEKIEL), CLAIMANT; see SUPERIOR, B.R. BRIG FOSTER (GEORGE T.), CLAIMANT; see LOUISIANA, AMER. SHIP FOSTER (HENRY A.), SENATOR FROM N. Y. 1845 Feb. 3. Remarks; opposing memorial for annexa- tion of Canada as prerequisite to execution of an- nexation of Texas. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 233.) FOSTER (HENRY) D.), REPR. FROM PENN. 1846 Feb. 9. Remarks; opposing Oregon compromise, and favoring notice to Br. govt. of end of joint oc- cupancy. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 336.) FOSTER (J.) AND PETER T. WOSE 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Petition; correction of error in distribution of indemnity under French treaty. (26. 1. H. jol., 712.) FOSTER (JAMES) 1846 Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. Docs. in relation to claim of Jas. Foster to indemnity for illegal seizure and con- demnation of vessel and cargo, by persons acting under authority of Br. govt. in Upper Canada. (29. 1. S. joi., 153.) FOSTER (JANE H.), CLAIMANT; see BAIRD (WM.), HEIRS OF FOSTER (JOHN) H. B. M. WICE-CONSUL AT REALEJO 1850 Oct. 12. To ministr. relac. est., Nicaragua (Sa- linas). Surrender of protection of Mosquito nation by Gr. Br. not intended by late treaty; amicable settlement of differences urged. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 14.) FOSTER (JOHN), STEWARD AMER. BARK NAVARRE; see NAVARRE FOSTER (LAFAYETTE S.), SEN. FROM CONN. 1856 Je. 10. Remarks; supporting his res. for issue of register to Br. bark Resolute, found derelict, and relinquished to salvors by Br. govt. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 1380.) — Je. 24. Do.; favoring passage of jt. res. for res- toration of bark Resolute to Br. govt. (ib., 1462.) 1861 Feb. 19. Do.; urging adoption of jt. res, for adjust- ment of accts. of J. Randolph Clay, U. S. min. to Peru. (ib., 36. 2., 1014.) FOSTER (ROBERT W.) 1832 Feb. 13. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying in- demnity from Brazil for oppression, loss of prop- erty, etc. (22. 1. H. jol., 334.) FOSTER (STEWART); see FOSTER (CHARLES), ADMR. OF FOSTER (THOMAS F.), REPR. FROM GA. 1834 Dec. 24. Remarks; approving resistance of Me. to proposed cession of part of her terr. to Gr. Br. (xi, Reg. Debates, 866.) FOSTER (WILLIAM) 1854 Aug. 30. To Amer. minister in Mexico (Gadsden). Facts connected with case of F. W. Rice. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 33.) 1855 Dec. 17. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying com- pensation for services in opening port of Manzanillo. (34. 1. S. jol., 17.) 1856 Feb. 6. U. S. Senate. On motion (Seward), Com. on Commerce discharged from consideration of pe- tition of Wm. Foster, and petition referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (34. 1. S. jol., 93.) — Feb. 6. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; moving references of papers of Wm. Foster to Com. on Foreign Relations. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 361.) — Apr. 23. U. S. Committee Foreign Relations (Ma- son). Adverse rpt. on petition of W. Foster, praying compensation for Services and expenses in obtain- ing opening of port of Manzanillo, Mex. (34. 1. S. rpt. 141.) 39 610 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FOSTER (WILLIAM A.) 1852 Feb. 4. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Peru (Clay). Expenses of official residence of U. S. dipl. repre- sentative in Lima. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 45.) FOSTER W.S. NEILSON One of the earliest cases arising out of the Louisiana cession ; argued by Richard S. Coxe. 1850 Je. 7. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Remarks; re- ply to Mason on decision of Supreme Court in case of Foster vs. Neilson, arising under Louisiana treaty and decided in 1829. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1164.) — Je. 7. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; rule of Supreme Court in case of Foster vs. Neilson arising under Louisiana treaty; etc. (ib., 1164.) FOULKES (C.), MASTER AMER. SHIP TROPIC BIRD; see TROPIC BIRD FOUNTAIN CO. (IND.) CITIZENS 1844 Mch. 16. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 597.) FOUQUA (ALBERT G.), CLAIMANT; see MARTHA, AMER. SCHR. FOUR BROTHERS, AMER. SCHR. (GROZIER) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 34.) FOURIER DE BACOURT (L. A. A.); see BACOURT FOURTH OF JULY, AMER. BRIG (ROGERS) Illegally taken possession of by authorities of Vera Cruz, # . 3. Claim presented to Mexican Claims Com- HºllSS10II. n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 91; H. doc. 3, 95.) 1836 Oct. 8. Amer. cons., Vera Cruz (Burrough) to Amer. Chargé in Mexico (Ellis). Outrage on Amer. brig Fourth of July in port of Vera Cruz. (24. 2. H. doc. 105, 57; S. doc. 160, 167.) — Oct. 14. Ellis to ministr. de relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio). Boarding of brig Fourth of July. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 58.) — Dec. 4. Same to same. Advice of forcible taking of Amer. brig Fourth-of-July and hoisting of Mexican flag; demands immediate restoration and Satisfac- tion. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 248.) — Dec. 9. Forsyth to Ellis. Instructions in case of Amer. brig Fourth of July, (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 58; S. doc. 160, 169.) 1839 May 3. Same to same. Instructions for inquiry into claim of brig Fourth of July; presented by Ellis in his of Nov. 6, 1839. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 180.) FOWLE (WM.) AND SONS 1844 Mch. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying dis- continuance of provisions in conv. with foreign na- tions, for equalizing tonnage duties. (28. 1. S. jol., 177.) FOWLER ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP LOUISA CECILIA; see LOUISA CECILIA FOWLER (ORIN), REPR. FROM MASS. 1850 Mch. 11. Speech; slavery in New Mexico and Cali- fornia; acquisition of Texas, etc., in connection with Slavery extension; during debate on President’s message of Feb. 13. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., app., 254.) 1852 Mch. 31. Speech; on slavery question; foreign policy in regard to doctrine of non-intervention, Japan expedition, Kossuth, etc.; during debate on homestead bill, H. R. 7. (ib., 32. 1., 941; app., 394.) FOWLER (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial in favor of rec- ognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 336.) 1845 Dec. 29. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 170.) * FOX (CHARLES I.), OF MICH. Amer. cons. for Aspinwall, 1857-60; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Colombia. 1858 Feb. 15. Fox to U. S. Senate. Communication, ask- ing increase of salary. (35. 1. S. jol., 185; 232.) FOX (GEO. W.), ADMNX. OF; see KING (A.) Fox (HENRY STEPHEN) H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. to U. S., Mch. 16, 1836-Feb. 21, 1844. Correspondence Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) 1837 Mch. 28. Railroad betw. Quebec and St. Andrews, and boundary line betw. U. S. and British posses- sions in N. A. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 369; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 110.) — Aug. 24. Discontinuance of operations connected with railroad betw. Quebec and St. Andrews. (ib., 369; ib., 110; 25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 32.) — Nov. 28. March of H. M. 43d regiment of light in- fantry from New Brunswick to Lower Canada through disputed territory. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 24.) 1838 Jan. 4. Invasion of terr. of Upper Canada by Americans established at Navy Is. under command of Van Rensselaer. (ib., 26.) — Jan. 10. Maintains that Amer. construction of award of King of Netherlands in matter of n. e. boundary is incorrect. (25. 2. S. doc. 319, 2; iii, Mess. and Papers, 432.) — Jan. 10. Comment on proposed commission to be. appointed in consequence of abandonment of award of King of Netherlands in matter of n. e. boundary; declares a convention to be a necessary preliminary. (ib., 3; ib., 433.) — Jan. 24. Meditated invasion of Upper Canada by armed force from Mich. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 3.) — Feb. 6. Preparations at Plattsburg and Champlain for hostile invasion of Lower Canada. (ib., 4.) — Feb. 16. Declines to enter into controversy on Sub- ject of alleged outrage on Caroline. (25. 3. H. ex. doc. 183, 2.) — May 1. In absence of instructions declines offer of conference of Apr. 27. (25. 2. S. doc. 451, 7; H. doc. 380, 8; vi, Cong. Globe, 406.) — Nov. 3. To actg. Secy. State (Vail). Conspiracy among citizens of U. S. to conquer Upper and Lower Canada. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 6.) — Nov. 25. To Forsyth. Br. naval armament on the lakes to be extended. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 163, 2.) 1839 Jan. 29. To Forsyth. On receipt of copy of present- ment of grand jurors of western district of Upper Canada against H. Hastings. (ib., 14.) — Feb. 23. Protest agst. invasion of disputed terr. by armed force from Me. (25. 3. S. doc. 270, 20; H. doc. 222, 18.) — Feb. 25. Protest agst. attitude relative to juris- diction of disputed terr. (25. 3. S. doc. 270, 23; H. doc. 222, 21; same, annex, 1.) — Feb. 27. Memorandum of British and American understanding of agreement as to jurisdiction of dis- puted territory. (25. 3. H. doc. 222, 39; iii, Pres. { meSS., etc., 526.) — Je. 18. To Vail. Capture, by Br. ship Buzzard (Fitzgerald), of slavers Eagle and Clara sailing under Amer. Colors On West Coast of Africa; re- quests information as to course of U. S. (26. 2. H. doc. 115, 93; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 569.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 611 FOX (HENRY STEPHEN)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Forsyth)—cont’d 1839 Jly. 5. To same. Report of capture, by Br. ship Harlequin, of brig Wyoming, slaver, Sailing under Amer. Colors. (ib., 99; ib., 576.) — JIy. 30. To same. Col. Mudge and Mr. Featherston- haugh appointed to survey disputed territory. (26. 1. S. doc. 107, 56.) — Oct. 30. To Forsyth. Increase of slavetrade under abuse of Amer. flag; conventional agreement be- tween Gr. Br. and U. S. for mutual exercise of right of Search. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 165; H. ex. doc. 115, 104; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 581; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 4.) — Nov. 2. Complaining of encroachments by Maine on territory in dispute. (viii, Cong. Globe, 136; 26. 1. S. doc. 107, 57.) 1840 Jan. 12. Unsatisfactory explanations as to en- croachments by Me. on m. e. terr.; justification of Br. Operations in view of intention of Me. to revoke provisional agreements. (ib., 137; ib., 62.) — Jan. 24. Reported encroachment of presence of British troops in disputed territory unfounded. (26. 1. S. doc. 107, 1; S. doc. 266, 1.) Jan. 26. Giving information regarding Br. move- ments in n. e. terr. and protesting agst. acts of Me. (viii, Cong. Globe, 152; iii, Mess. and Papers, 568.) — Mch. 7. Denying rumors of Br. preparations for hostilities in disputed terr. (ib., 249; ib., 577; 26. 1. S. doc. 266, 12.) — Mch. 13. Defending military preparations of Gr. Br. because of aggressive attitude of Me. in matter of n. e. boundary. (ib., 291; ib., 581; 26. 1. S. doc. 319, 1.) — Mch. 26. Upholds Gr. Britain’s course of defence agst. aggressions of Me. (ib., 292; ib., 586; ib., 6.) — Mch. 30. Papers relative to slaver Rebecca, and her use of Amer. colors. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 648; 26. 2. H. ex, doc. 115, 171.) — Apr. 19. Representation of meditated establish- ment, betw. Cuba and Africa, of regular companies for joint purposes of piracy and slavetrade; list of vessels under Amer. flag sailed from Havana for Africa during 1838; d.o. arrived at Havana from Africa, 1839. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 188.) — Je. 22. Remarks on rpt. and map presented to Gr. Br. by comrs. employed to survey disputed terr. (viii, Cong. Globe, 491; iii, Mess. and Papers, 595; 26. 1. S. doc. 580.) — Jly. 28. Submits draught of conv. for apptmt. of commission of Survey and arbitration; reviews ne- gotiations made for a similar convention since 1833. (29. 1, S. doc. 274, 3.) — Aug. 15. Gratification at cooperation of Br. brig Wolverine and Amer. Schr. Grampus in suppression of African slavetrade. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 177; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 655; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 6.) — Aug. 16. Urges claim of Br. Sloop Harlequin, cap- tor of Amer. ship Wyoming. (ib., 180; ib., 657; ib., 6.) — Aug. 17. Regrets modifications made in Amer. counter draft for apptmt. Of Commission of Survey and arbitration, (29. 1. S. doc. 274, 20.) — Aug. 17. Proposes renewal of arrangement provid- ing agst. local collision in disputed terr. (ib., 21.) — Aug. 18. Detention of Amer. Schr. Sarah Anne, by Br. ship Bonetta. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 184; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 661; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 7.) — Aug. 19. Extent of slavetrade carried on by vessels illegally flying Amer. flag. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 665.) FOX (HENRY STEPHEN)—cont’d & Correspondence-cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Forsyth)—cont’d 1840 Aug. 20. Encloses copy of apostolical letter of Pope Gregory XVI, enjoining all Catholics to abstain from crime of trading in slaves. (26. 2. H. ex: doc. 115, 192; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 669.) wº — Aug. 21. Detention of Perry Spencer, engaged in slavetrade, and furnished with Amer. pass. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 194; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 7.) — Dec. 13. Demand for liberation of Alex. McLeod. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33, 2.) — Dec. 29. Imprisonment of A. McLeod of Upper Canada, at Lockport, N. Y., for alleged complicity in destruction of Caroline, Dec. 29, 1837. (iii, MeSS. and Papers, 623; 26. 2. H. ex. doc. 33 (annex), 1.) 1841 Jan. 20. Representation of obligations which re- quire President of U. S. to liberate Africans taken on board schr. A mistad. (26. 2. S. doc. 179, 28.) — Feb. 1. Further documentary evidence touching case of Rebecca, and use of Amer. flag by Slavers. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 197; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 674.) — Feb. 4. Proc. of mixed court of commission at Sierra Leone upon slavers Laura, Asp, Lark, Mary Cushing, Butterfly and Catharine; gratification at presence of U. S. ship of war Dolphin on African coast. (ib., 207; ib., 684; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 8.) — Feb. 5. Proc. in criminal prosecution of Amer. VeS- sel Tigress charged with having been engaged in slavetrade. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 247; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 9.) (Webster) 1841 Mch. 12. Br. demand for immediate release of Alex. McLeod. (27. 1. S. doc. 1, 13; H. ex. doc. 1, 13.) — Sept. 29. Reply to letter of 28 inst. relating to ar- rest of James Grogan. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 44.) — Oct. 21. Arrest of J. Grogan. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 20; H. ex. doc. 2, 45.) * — Nov. 26. Arrest and subsequent release of J. Gro- gan. (ib., 20; ib., 45.) 1842 Nov. 15. U. S. minister in London empowered to treat for final settlement of Oregon boundary. (29. 1. S. doc. 1, 139; H. doc. 2, 139.) 1843 Feb. 2. Detention of Amer. Vessel Douglas by Br. sloop-of-war Termagant. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 11.) — Mch. 3. Defers reply pending information from New Brunswick relative to non-execution of art. 5, treaty of Washington. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 49.) — Mch. 31. Information from atty. gen. of New Brunswick that, pursuant to Orders of Lord Ash- burton, proc. upon bonds belonging to disputed terr. fund were suspended in Oct. 1842. (ib., 49.) — Apr. 25. Abstract acct. of disputed terr. fund. (ib., 50.) (Upshur) 1843 Je. 25. Effort to secure copies of surveys, plans, etc., for Maine. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 110, 30; 32. 2. S. rpt. 361, 7.) — Je. 25. Provisional occupation of Sandwich IS. un- authorized; etc. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 111.) — JIy. 24. Demand for surrender of C. Gilmour (Cochran), fugitive criminal. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 2.) — Aug. 9. Authority of U. S. over colony of Liberia. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 162, 7.) — Nov. 21. Delivery of negroes charged with com- mission of murder in terr. of Florida. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 9; H. doc. 160, 2.) — Nov. 22. Order for arrest of D. Rogers, fugitive from justice. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 15.) — Nov. 22. Order for arrest of D. Quick, fugitive from justice. (ib., 15.) — Dec. 28. Delivery of J. Walker fugitive from jus- tice U. S. (28. 1. S. doc. 210, 17.) 612 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FOX (ROBERT W.), OF ENGLAND Amer. cons. for Falmouth, 1819-54; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. British dominions. FOX (THOMAS W.), OF ENGLAND Amer. cons. for Plymouth, 1823-54 ; 1859; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British dominions. FOX, AMER. BRIG (CULLEN) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 33.) FOXBOROUGH (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 604.) FOY (JAMES), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Dublin, 1850-54; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. FRAILEY (JAMES MADISON), OF MD. L. S. N., 1828-77. Lieut., 1841 ; comdr., 1861; capt., 1866; comdré., 1870.” Died" Sept. 26, 1877. Še. service in command (1841-61); 1861, comdg. Re- lease, Medn. Sqdn. FRAMESTOWN (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) FRAMINGHAM (MASS.) CITIZENS 1828 Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Amer. Colonization Socy. (20. 1. H. jol., 221.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) FRANÇA (ERNESTO F.); see FERREIRA FRANÇA FRANCE 1848 Feb. 24. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rush) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Events in Paris following change of Guizot ministry. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 53, 2.) — Feb. 27. French Minister of Foreign Affairs (La- ? martine) to Rush. Felicitations of provisional govt. ; his apptmt. as minister of foreign affairs. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 32, 6.) — Feb. 28. Rush to Lamartine. Recognition as min- ister of foreign affairs of provisional govt. of France. (ib., 2.) — Mch. 4. Rush to Buchanan. Participation in in- auguration of republican govt.; his address to pro- visional govt. of France. (ib., 5.) — Mch. 14. Same to same. Restoration of order under provisional govt.; provision for unemployed; Eu- ropean dipl. corps remains in Paris. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 53, 11.) — Mch. 29. Same to same. Elections under provi- sional govt.; financial difficulties; members of pro- visional cabinet. (ib., 7.) — Mch. 31. Buchanan to Rush. Approval of attitude towards provisional govt.; instructions for further intercourse; application of Amer. State Sovereignty system to France. (ib., 3.) — Apr. 3. President of U. S. (Polk) to Congress. Overthrow of French monarchy. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 32, 1.) — Apr. 18. Rush to Buchanan. Events in Paris of 22 and 23 of February. (30. 2. S. ex. doc. 53, 17.) — Apr. 27. Same to Same. Conference with Lamar- tine on presenting letter of credence to provisional govt. (ib., 24.) — May 10. Same to same. Opening of national as- sembly. (ib., 24.) FRANCE—cont’d 1848 Dec. 5. President U. S. A. (Polk). Annual mes- Sage; clause relating to establishment of French - Republic, and efforts to form German Confederation. 1851 Dec. 3-24. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Coup d’état and tºns events. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 19, 1; H. ex. doc. 34, 1. 1852 Jan. 1. Same to same. Work of commission con- Sultative. (ib., 18; ib., 19.) 1858 Feb. 19. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS). Official advice of Fr. colonial system of negro importation. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 55.) Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Allegiance; see that title Argentine Blockade; see Argentine Republic Citizens in U. S. Consular Service See Campbell (A.); Chasseaud (J.); Debessé (J. J.) ; Paimboeuf (L.) ; Privat (T.). Citizens in U. S. Diplomatic Service See Antoine (J. B. C.). Civil Service See also below, Sovereigns. 1828-1861 CHARLES X, KING OF FRANCE AND OF NAVARRE 16 Sept., 1824-29 Jly., 1830 Ministère de Villèle (14 Dec. 1821-4 Jan., 1828) Affaires Étrangères Montmorency, vicomte de, 14 Dec., 1821. Chateaubriand, Vicomte de, 28 Dec., 1822. Damas, baron de, 4 Aug., 1824. Intérims: 1822 Aug. 29-Dec. 28. de Villèle, président du conseil, ministre des finances. Ministère Martignac (4 Jan., 1828-8 Aug., 1829) Affaires Étrangères Ferronays, comte de la, 4 Jan., 1828. Laval-Montmorency, duc de, 24 Apr., 1829. Portalis, comte de, 14 May, 1829. Intérims: 1828 Aug. 3. M. de Rayneval, ministre de l’état. 1829 Jan. 11. Comte Portalis, ministre de la justice. Ministère Polignac (8 Aug., 1829-29 JIy., 1830) Polignac, prince de, 8 Aug., 1829. PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT Jly. 29–31, 1830 Ministère Mortemart (Jly. 29, 1830) Affaires Étrangères Mortemart duc de, président du conseil, Jly. 29, 1830. Ministère of Jºy. 31, 1830 Affaires Étrangères Bignon, baron,* JIy. 31, 1830. CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY p Jly. 31, 1830-Feb. 24, 1848 [LIEUTENANCE GóNáRALE DU Roy AUME] Jly. 31-Aug. 9, 1830 Duc de Orléans proclaimed lieutenant général Jly. 31. Ministère of Aug. 1, 1830 Affaires Etrangères Jourdan, maréchal comte,” Aug. 3, 1830. * With title “commissaire provisoire.” INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 613 FRANCE—cont’d Civil Service—cont’d 1828-1861—cont’d CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY-COnt’d [LOUIS PHILIPPE I, KING OF THE FRENCH] Aug. 9, 1830-Feb. 24, 1848 Ministère of Aug. 11, 1830-[Oct. 28] Affaires Étrangères Molé, comte, Aug. 11, 1830. Ministère Lafitte (Nov. 2, 1830-Mch. 13, 1831) Affaires Étrangères Maison, maréchal, marquis, Nov. 2, 1830. Sébastiani, comte, lieutenant général, Nov. 17, 1830. Intérims: 1831 Dec. 25-1832, Mch. 13. M. Casimir Périer, prési- dent du conseil, ministre de l’intérieur. Ministère Casimir Périer (Mch. 13, 1831-Oçº. 11, 1832) Affaires Étrangères - Sébastiani, comte, lieutenant général, 17 Nov., 1830. Intérims: 1382 Aug. 12-Sept. 9. comte d’Argout, ministre du com- merce et des travaux publics. Premier Ministère Soult (Oct. 11, 1832-JIy. 18, 1834) Affaires Étrangères Broglie, duc Achille de, Oct. 11, 1832. Rigny, Vice-amiral, comte de, Apr. 4, 1834. Ministère Gérard (JIy. 18-Nov. 10, 1834) Affaires Étrangères Rigny, Vice-amiral, comte de, Apr. 4, 1834. Ministère Bassano; Ministère des Trois Jours (Nov. 10-18, 1834) Affaires Étrangères Bresson. Intérims: • 1834 Nov. 10-18. baron Bernard, ministre de la guerre. Ministère Mortier (Nov. 18, 1834-Mch. 12, 1835) Affaires Etrangères Rigny, Vice-amiral, comte de (2d term), Nov. 18, 1834. Ministère de Broglie (Mch. 12, 1835-Feb. 22, 1836) Affaires Etrangères Broglie, duc Achille de (2d term), président du conseil, Mch. 12, 1835. Premier Ministère Thiers (Feb. 22-Sept. 6, 1836) Affaires Étrangères Thiers, président du conseil, Feb. 22, 1836. Premier Ministère Molé (Sept. 6, 1836-Apr. 15, 1837) Affaires Étrangères Molé, comte, président du conseil (2d term), Sept. 6, 1836. Second Ministère Molé (Apr. 15, 1837-Feb. 2, 1839) Affaires Étrangères Molé, comte, président du conseil, Sept. 6, 1836. The chamber of deputies was dissolved Feb. 2, the final resignation of the ministry was not submitted until Mch. 8, 1839. Ministère du 31 mars, 1839 Affaires Étrangères Montebello, duc de, Mch. 31, 1839. Deuaième Ministère Soult (May 12, 1839-Mch. 1, 1840) Affaires Étrangères Soult, maréchal, duc de Dalmatie, président du conseil, May 12, 1839. FRANCE—cont’d Civil Service—cont’d 1828-1861—cont’d CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY-cont’d [Louis PHILIPPE I, KING OF THE FRENCH]—cont'd. Aug. 9, 1830-Feb. 24, 1848—cont’d Deuaième Ministère Thiers (Mch. 1-Oct. 29, 1840) Affaires Étrangères Thiers, président du conseil (2d term), Mch. 1, 1840. Troisième Ministère Soult (Oct. 29. 1840-Sept. 19, 1847) Affaires Étrangères Guizot, député, membre de l'Académie Française, Oct. 29, 1840. Intérims: 1845 Apr. 27-Je. 3. comte Duchâtel, ministre de l’inté- rieur. — Jly. 27-Aug. 31. Do. Ministère Guizot (Sept. 19, 1847-Feb. 23, 1848) Affaires Étrangères Guizot, député, membre de l'Académie Française, Oct. 29, 1840. Ministère Odilon Barrot (Feb. 24, 1848) Affaires Etrangères None. SECOND REPUBLIC Feb. 24, 1848-Dec. 2, 1852 [PROVISIONAL GovKRNMENT, FEB. 24-MAY 4, 1848] Ministère Provisoire Dupont de l’Eure (Feb. 24-May 11, 1848) Affaires Etrangères de Lamartine, m. de l’Acad. Franç., Feb. 24, 1848. [AssEMBLEE NATIONALE CONSTITUENTE] May 4, 1848-May 26, 1849 Ministère du 11 Mai, 1848-[28 juin, 1848] Affaires Etrangères Bastide, Jules, représentant du peuple, May 11, 1848. Ministère Cavaignac (Je. 28-Dec. 20, 1848) Affaires Étrangères Bedeau, général de division, June 29, 1848. Bastide, Jules (2d term), représentant du peuple, JIy. 17, 1848. [LOUIS-NAPOLéON BONAPARTE PRESIDENT DE LA RéPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE] Dec. 20, 1848-Dec. 2, 1852 Premier Ministère Odilon Barrot (Dec. 20, 1848-Je. 2, 1849) Affaires Etrangères Drouyn de Lhuys, représentant du peuple, Dec. 20, 1848. Second Ministère Odilon Barrot (Je. 2-Oct. 31, 1849) Affaires Étrangères de Tocqueville, Je. 2, 1849. Ministère du 31 Octobre, 1849-[3 janvier, 1851] Affaires Étrangères de Rayneval, Oct. 31, 1849. de la Hitte, général de division, Nov. 17, 1849. Intérims: 1849 Oct. 31. Général d'Hautpoul, ministre de la guerre. Ministère du 9 janvier, 1851-[19 janv., 1851] Affaires Etrangères Drouyn de Lhuys (2d term), député, Jan. 9, 1851. 614 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Civil Service—cont’d 1828-1861—Cont’d SECOND REPUBLIC–COnt’d [LOUIS-NAPOLEON BONAPARTE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE]—cont’d Dec. 20, 1848-Dec. 2, 1852—cont’d Ministère du Transition du 24 janvier, 1851 Affaires Étrangères Brenier, baron, conseiller de état, Jan. 24, 1851. Administration des Postes Thayer, E. T. Ministère du 10 avril, 1851-[Oct. 14, 1851] Affaires Étrangères Baroche, représentant du peuple, Apr. 10, 1851. Ministère du 26 Octobre, 1851-[3 déc., 1851] Affaires Étrangères Turgot, marquis, Oct. 26, 1851. Ministère du 8 décembre, 1851 Affaires Etrangères Turgot, marquis, Oct. 26, 1851. Ministère du 22 janvier, 1852-[2 déc., 1852] Affaires Etrangères Turgot, marquis, Oct. 26, 1851. Drouyn de Lhuys (3d term), Vice-président du Sénat, Jly. 28, 1852. SECOND EMPIRE Dec. 2, 1852-Sept. 4, 1870 * Napoleon III, Emperor of the French Dec. 2, 1852-Sept. 4, 1870 + Affaires Eſtrangères Walewski, comte, sénateur, May 7, 1855. Thouvenel, Jan. 4, 1860. - Drouyn de Lhuys (4th term), sénateur, Oct. 15, 1862. Intérims: 1860 Jan. 5-24, Baroche, président du conseil d’état. Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity The following entries include only that material which Was published within the period of this index. FEDERAL (Statutory Measures) 1829 Feb. 11. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Chambers, Select Com.), bill (20. 2. S. 86) “to provide for satisfaction of claims due to certain Amer. citizens for spolia- tions on commerce prior to 1800.” (20. 2. S. jol., 118.) 1830 Feb. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Livingston, Select Com.), bill (21. Cong., S. 103) “to provide for satis- faction of claims due certain Amer. citizens for Spoliations committed prior to 1800.” (21. 1. S. jol., 148, 244.) 1831 Dec. 20. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Wilkins, Pa.), bill (22. 1. S. 9) “to provide for the satisfaction of claims due to Amer. citizens for spoliations com- mitted on their commerce prior to 30th Sept., 1800.” (22. 1. S. jol.) 1832 Dec. 11. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Wilkins, Pa.), bill (22. 2. S. 4) “to provide for satisfaction of claims due to Amer. citizens for Spoliations committed prior to 1800.” (22. 2. S. jol.) 1833 Dec. 10. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Webster, Mass.), bill (23. 1. S. 8) “to provide for satisfaction of claims due to certain American citizens for spolia- tions committed on their commerce prior to 30 Sept., 1800.” (23. 1. S. jol.) 1834 Dec. 9. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Webster, Mass.), bill (23. 2. S. 5) “for satisfaction of claims for French spoliations.” (23. 2. S. and H. jol.) * Officers are listed here only for the period covered by the Index, 1828-61. * FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d (Statutory Measures)—cont’d 1838 Jan. 20. Intr. in U. S. House (Howard, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (25. 2. H. R. 449) “for satis- faction of claims for French spoliations prior to 1800.” (25. 2. H. jol., 304.) Text of bill is given in 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 3. 1840 Apr. 4. Intr. in U. S. House (Cushing, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (26 H. R. 319) “for satisfac- tion of claims for French spoliations prior to 1800.” (26. 1. H. jol.; 27. 2. H. jol.) 1841 Dec. 29. Intr. in U. S. House (Cushing, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (27. H. R. 57) “for satisfac- tion of claims for French spoliations prior to 1800.” (27. 2. H. jol.; 27. 3. H. jol.) 1842 Jan. 28. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Choate, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (27. 2. S. 148) “for satis- faction of claims for French spoliations prior to 1800.” (27. 2. S. jol., 129.) 1843 Jan. 5. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Archer, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (27. 3. S. 64) “for satisfaction of claims for French spoliations prior to 1800.” (27. 3. S. jol., 76.) 1844 May 29. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Choate, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (28. 1. S. 180) “for ascer- tainment of claims of Amer. citizens for French spoliations prior to Jly. 31, 1801.” (28. 1. S. jol., 309.) —Apr. 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Ingersoll, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (28. 1. H. R. 339) “to provide for ascertainment of claims for French Spoliations prior to Jiy. 31, 1801.” (28. 1. H. jol., 804.) — Dec. 23. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Choate, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (28. 2. S. 47) “to provide for ascertainment of claims for French Spoliations prior to Jly. 31, 1801.” (28. 2. S. jol., 55.) 1846 Feb. 2. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Clayton, Select Com. on Claims for French spoliations), bill (29. 1. S. 68) “to provide for ascertainment of claims for French spoliations prior to Jly. 31, 1801.” (29. 1. S. jol., 128; 334.) — Dec. 21. Intr. in U. S. House (Seaman, N.Y.), bill (29. 2. H. R. 561) “to provide for the ascertain- ment and satisfaction of claims of American citi- zens for spoliations committed prior to July 31, 1801.” (29. 2. H. jol., 78; 322.) 1847 Feb. 10. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Morehead, Select Com. on French Spoliations), bill (29. 2. S. 156) “for satisfaction of claims for French spoliations prior to 1800.” (29. 2. S. jol., 181.) 1848 Jan. 4. Intr. in U. S. House (Smith, Com. On For- eign Affairs), bill (30. 1. H. R. 21) “for ascertain- ment and satisfaction of claims for French Spolia- tions prior to 1800.” (30. 1. H. jol., 191.) 1850 Feb. 5. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Smith, Select Com. on subject), bill (31. 1. S. 101) “for ascertainment and satisfaction of claims for French Spoliations prior to 1800.” (31. 1. S. jol., 132; 31. 2. S. jol., 110.) — Je. 14. Intr. in U. S. House (Buel, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (31. 1. H. R. 318) “for ascertainment and satisfaction of claims for French Spoliations.” (31. 1. H. jol., 1008.) 1851 Dec. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Bradbury, Me.), bill (32. 1. S. 64) “for ascertainment and Satisfac- tion of French spoliation claims.” (32. 1. S. jol., 66; 362.) — Dec. 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Tuck, N. H.), bill (32. 1. H. R. 31) “for ascertainment and Satisfac- tion of claims of Amer. citizens for French Spolia- tions.” (32. 1. H. jol., 112.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 615 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont'd FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont’d (Statutory Measures)—cont’d 1853 Dec. 20. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hamlin, Me.), bill (33. 1. S. 36) “for ascertainment and satisfaction of claims for French spoliations prior to JIy. 31, 1801.” (33. 1. S. jol., 55; 187.) — Dec. 22. Intr. in U. S. House (Disney, O.), bill (33. 1. H. R. 71) “to provide indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1801.” (33. 1. H. jol., 132.) 1854 Jan. 4. Intr. in U. S. House (Bayly, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (33. 1. H. R. 117) “for ascertain- ment of claims for French spoliations prior to 1801.” (33. 1. H. jol., 163; 33. 2. H. jol., 253.) 1857 Mch. 3. Intr. in U. S. House (Pennington, Com. on Foreign Affairs, bill (34. 3. H. R. 865) “for ascer- tainment and satisfaction of French spoliation claims.” (34. 3. H. jol., 689.) 1858 Jan. 5. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Fessenden, Me.), bill (35. 1. S. 45) “for satisfaction of French spolia- tion claims.” (35. 1. S. jol., 79; 35. 2. S. jol., 77, 121.) — Jan. 18. Intr. in U. S. House (Florence, Pa.), bill (35. 1. H. R. 80) “for ascertainment and satisfac- tion of French spoliation claims.” (35. 1. H. jol., 190.) — Jan. 20. Intr. in U. S. House (Davis, Mass.), bill (35. 1. H. R. 192) “for ascertainment and satis- faction of French spoliation claims.” (35. 1. H. jol., 212.) — May 5. Intr. in U. S. House (Clingman, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (35. 1. H. R. 552) “for ascer- tainment and satisfaction of French spoliation claims.” (35. 1. H. jol., 738; 35. 2. H. jol., 311.) 1860 May 4. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Crittenden, Ky.), bill (36. 1. S. 428) “for ascertainment and satisfaction of French spoliation claims.” (36. 1. S. jol., 428.) — Feb. 15. Intr. in U. S. House (Florence, Pa.), bill (36. 1. H. R. 26) “for ascertainment and satisfac- tion of French spoliation claims.” (36. 1. H. jol., 294.) — Mch. 29. Intr. in U. S. House (Royce, Com. On For- eign Affairs), bill (36. 1. H. R. 510), “for ascertain- ment and satisfaction of French spoliation claims.” (36. 1. H. jol., 617.) (Correspondence) n. d. List of memorialists to Congress, during 19, 20, 22 and 23 CongreSSes, on acct. Of French Spoliations committed prior to 1800. (24. 2. H. doc. 184.) n. d. List of memorialists during 19-26 congresses. (26. '1. H. rpt. 343, 41; 27. 2. H. rpt. 16, 46.) 1797 Jiy. 15. Secy. State U. S. A. (Pickering) to Amer. Es. E. and Ms. P. in France (Pinckney, Marshall, Gerry). Instructions. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 40; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 295.) 1799 Oct. 22. Pickering to Amer. ES. E. and Ms. P. in France (Ellsworth and Murray). Instructions. (ib., 51; ib., 300.) 1800 Apr. 7-Oct. 4. Es. E. and Ms. P. from U. S. (Ells- worth, Davie and Murray) to Ms. P. of France (Bonaparte, Fleurieu, Roederer). Rpts. of confer- ences, extr. from journals, etc. (ib., 64; ib., 306.) — Apr. 8-Sept. 14. Ms. P. of France to Es. E. and Ms. P. of U. S. Rpts. of conferences, etc. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 64.) 1801 Aug. 4. Ministre des Affaires étrang., France (Tal- leyrand) to French chargé in U. S. A. (Pichon). Ratification of treaty of 1800. (ib., 108; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 324.) — Dec. 18. [extr.] Secy. State, U. S. A. (Madison) to Amer. M. P. in France (Livingston). Treaty of 1800 with France. (ib., 109; ib., 325.) (Correspondence)—cont’d 1802 Jan. 13. Livingston to Madison. French interpre- tation of Amer. reluctance to renew treaty of 1778. (ib., 110; ib., 325.) — Apr. 17. Livingston to Talleyrand. Relative to in- demnities. (ib., 110; ib., 325.) — Apr. 22. U. S. special committee (Giles). Rpt. (25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 6.) 1804 Feb. 6. Madison to Pinckney. Instructions for ex- change of ratifications of treaty with France. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 116.) 1805 Mch. 7. Agt, under art. 10, conv. of 1800 (Skip- with) to Madison. RptS. Of adjudication of claims of Amer. citizens for French spoliations. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 24.) 1807 Feb. 18. U. S. Select Committee (Marion). Rpt. adverse to memorials of merchants of Charleston, S. C. (22. 1. S. doc. 51, 84; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 13.) 1818 Mch. 3. U. S. Com. on Claims (Roberts). Rpt. ad- Verse to memorial of merchants of Portsmouth, N. H., and others. (ib., 1; ib., 13.) 1822 Jan. 31. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Russell). Rpt. adverse to claims of A. Mactier, G. W. Dashiell, and A. Stewart, for injuries due to French spolia- tions prior to 1800. (ib., 85; ib., 16.) 1824 Mch. 25. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (For- syth). Rpt. adverse to claims of merchants of Salem and Gloucester (Mass.), Alexandria (D. C.), Wash- ington (N. C.), and Kennebunk (Me.), for injuries due to French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 90; ib., 21; 35. 1. S. rpt. 53, 47.) 1827 Feb. 8. U. S. Select Committee (Holmes). Rpt. On petitions of Joseph EmerSon, and others, praying remuneration for losses Sustained by French spoli- ations prior to 1800. (22. 1. S. doc. 51, 4; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 23.) 1828 May 21. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. adverse to Blenkinship, etc., claim. (25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 69.) — May 24. U. S. Select Committee (Chambers). Rpt. On several petitions and memorials of persons who have lost property by French Spoliations prior to the year 1800, praying for indemnity from U. S. (20. 1. S. [rpt.] 206; 22. 1. S. doc. 51, 65; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 70.) 600 extra cop. ordered prid. (20. 1. S. jol., 475.) 1829 Feb. 11. U. S. Select Committee (Chambers). Rpt. On bill fixing amount to COver indemnities for losses sustained by injuries to their commerce, prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. doc. 76; 22. 1. S. doc. 51, 64; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 83.) — Feb. 16. U. S. Com. On Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. adverse to memorials of G. Taylor and E. Dexter, claimants for French spoliations. (20. 2. H. rpt. 82; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 84.) — Feb. 24. U. S. House. Additional rpt. of Spoliations on commerce of U. S. (20. 2. H. doc. 143.) 1830 Feb. 22. U. S. Sen. Select Committee (Livingston). Rpt. to acc. S. 103, on memorial of F. R. Glavary and others, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. doc. 68, 1; 22. 1. S. doc. 51, 49; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 88; 31. 1. S. rpt. 44, 6; H. rpt. 355, 6; 32. 1. S. rpt. 26, 4; 35. 1. S. rpt. 53, 12.) — Dec. 22. U. S. House. Res. (Drayton) that Com. on Foreign Affairs be instructed to inquire into expe- diency of making compensation to Amer. citizens for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. H. jol., 77.) 616 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 3331 Dec. 13. J. K. Polk, repr. from Tenn. Motion to refer memorial on French spoliations prior to 1800 to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1433.) — Dec. 13. Geo. McDuffie, repr. from S. C. Remarks, opposing reference of subject of French spoliation claims to Select Com. (ib., 1437.) — Dec. 13. E. Everett, of Mass. Do.; favoring refer- ence of memorials for settlement of French Spolia- tion claims to Select Com. (ib., 1433.) — Dec. 13. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Remarks, favoring postponement of discussion of French Spoliation claims. (ib., 1433.) — Dec. 13. M. Hoffman, repr. from N. Y. Do.; favor- ing reference of memorials for Settlement of French Spoliation claims to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 1434.) — Dec. 13. W. W. Ellsworth, repr. from Conn. Do.; urging reference of memorials for satisfaction of French spoliation claims to Select Com. (ib., 1433.) — Dec. 13. W. Drayton, repr. from S. C. Do.; favor- ing reference of subject of French spoliation claims to Select Com. (ib., 1433.) Dec. 13. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. DO.; favor- ing reference of subject of French spoliation claims to Select Com. (ib., 1434.) — Dec. 22. U. S. House. Motion (Drayton) that Com. On Foreign Affairs be instructed to inquire into ex- pediency of making compensation for losses by French spoliations. (22. 1. H. jol., 95.) 1832 Je. 13. W. Wilkins, Sen. from Penn. Remarks; justice of French spoliation claims. (viii, Reg. De- bates, 1082.) — Je. 13. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. DO.; urging lack of sufficient time for final action as reason for not taking up bill for settlement of French Spolia- tions claims. (ib., 1081.) — Je. 13. J. Tyler, sen. from Va. Do.; adverse to al- lowing claims for French spoliations. (ib., 1083.) — Je. 13. J. Holmes, sen. from Me. Do.; maintaining justice of French spoliations claims. (ib., 1083.) — Je. 13. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Do.; reason for having voted to take up French spoliations bill. (ib., 1081.) — Je. 13. E. F. Chambers, sen. from Md. Do.; favor- ing action on bill for settlement of French spolia- tion claims. (ib., 1081–1082.) Dec. 6. U. S. House. Res. (Everett), calling for instructions given to ministers in France on Sub- ject of spoliations; laid on table. (22. 2. H. jol., 25, 33; ix, Reg. Debates, 821.) -— Dec. 11. John McHenry to U. S. House. Communi- cation to show that U. S. are not responsible for spoliations committed on commerce of U. S. by French cruisers prior to 1800. (22. 2. H. jol., 31.) 1834 Je. 19. P. Sprague, sen. from Me. Remarks; in support of bill providing for indemnification of Amer. citizens for French spoliations prior to Sept. 30, 1800. (x, Reg. Debates, 2038, 2040.) — Je. 19. H. Clay, sen, from Ky. Do.; explanatory of bill to provide for indemnification of Amer. citizens for French spoliations prior to Sept. 30, 1800. (ib., 2039.) — Dec. 2. President U. S. (Jackson). Annual meS- sage; clause relating to proc. in French legislative chambers, in regard to Spoliation claims. — Dec. 17. J. Tyler, Sen. from Va. Remarks; that U. S. govt. should share in profits as well as losses of ensurers of French spoliation claims. (xi, Reg. De- bates, 18.) | FRANCE—cont'd Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; FEDERAL–Cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1834 Dec. 17. E. Shepley, sen. from Me. Do.; defending trustWorthiness of rpts. of select com. on French ſºlations and maintaining justice of claims. (ib., — Dec. 17. W. C. Preston, sen. from S. C. Do.; favor- ; Satisfaction of French spoliation claims. (ib., — Dec. 17. T. H. Benton, sen. from Mo. Do.; denounc- ing loose verbiage of rpt. of select com. on French Spoliations, and asking time for examination of varieties of claims. (ib., 19.) — Dec. 17. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Do.; tending to show that by treaty of Sept. 30, 1800, with France, U. S. released that country from obligation to pay in- demnities for spoliations. (ib., 15..) – Dec. 22. E. Shepley, sen. from Me. Speech; in favor of bill providing indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 36.) – Dec. 23. I. Hill, sen. from N. H. Do.; agst. Satis- faction of claims for French spoliations. (ib., 47.) 1835 Jan. 5. A. Robbins, sen. from R. I. Do.; favoring ºt of French spoliation claims, bill, S. 5. 10., 9’ſ. — Jan. 8. S. Wright, sen. from N. Y. Do.; opposing bill making compensation for French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 117.) — Jan. 8. J. P. King, Sen. from Ga. Do.; opposing bill making compensation for French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 143.) gººmsºmº § 9. T. H. Benton, sen. from Mo. Same. (ib., 152. — Jan. 12. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Do.; favor- ing bill making compensation for French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 162.) — Jan. 13. S. Prentiss, sen. from Wt. Same. (ib., 195.) – Jan. 13. Geo. Bibb, sen. from Ky. Do.; opposing bill making compensation for French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 179.) – Feb. 4. A. Vanderpoel, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; favoring reference of French spoliation bill to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 1170.) - Feb. 4. J. Speight, repr. from N. C. Do.; urging ac- tion on French spoliation bill. (ib., 1170.) – Feb. 4. C. C. Cambreleng, repr, from N. Y. Same. (ib., 1169.) — Feb. 4. A. Mann, jr., repr. from N. Y. Do.; urging that French Spoliation bill be laid on table because of press of business. (ib., 1168.) – Feb. 4. E. Everett, repr. from Mass. Motion to re- fer French spoliation bill to Com. on Foreign Af- fairs. (ib., 1169.) — Feb. 21. U. S. House. Motion (Cambreleng) that Com. On Foreign Affairs be discharged from further consideration of bill (S. 5) to create a commission for adjustment of French spoliation claims prior to 1800. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1456; 23. 2. H. jol., 426.) – Feb. 21. C. C. Cambreleng repr. from N. Y. Strmt. Opposed to S. 5 making satisfaction for claims of citizens of U. S. for French spoliations prior to 1800. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 1; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 129; xi, Reg. Debates, 277; app. 284; 35. 1. S. rpt. 53, 48.) 3000 extra copies ordered prid., Feb. 24. – Feb. 21. E. Everett, repr. from Mass. Stnt. in favor of S. 5 making satisfaction for claims of U. S. citizens for French spoliations prior to 1800. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 15; 25. 2. H. rpt. 445, 103; xi, Reg. De- bates, app., 284.) 3000 extra copies ordered prid., Feb. 24. — Dec. 23. I. Hill, Sen. from N. H. Speech; Senate on French Spoliation claims. (xi, Reg. Debates, 47.) 1803 Indemnity—cont’d INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 617 FRANCE—cont’d * Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1836 Jan. 18. U. S. Senate. Motion (Shepley, Me.) to give leave to withdraw from files of Senate all pe- titions for indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (24. 1. S. jol., 103.) — Feb. 13. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing, Mass.) to refer memorials on files of Senate and House for in- demnity for French spoliations, and not disposed of, to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (24. 1. H. jol., 340.) — Feb. 16. U. S. Senate. Motion (Hill, N. H.) to re- Quest President to communicate information resp. number and amt. of claims for French spoliations, presented to comrs. and rejected, and reasons for said rejection. (24. 1. S. jol., 166.) — Jly. 4. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing), that Com. on Foreign Affairs be discharged from further Con- sideration of memorials of Sundry persons praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800; and also, res. of Md. on same subject; and from con- sideration of all other matters not finally acted On by said committee, and that memorials and papers appertaining thereto, be laid on table. (24. 1. H. jol., 1224.) 1837 Mch. 3. U. S. House. Abstr. of petitioners, on acct. of French spoliations, whose claims were surren- dered to France for national purposes, in conv. of 1800, and whose memorials are now before Congress. (24. 2. H. jol., 586; xiii, Reg. Debates, 2141.) — Mch. 3. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Remarks; presenting abstr. of claimants on acct. of French spoliations prior to 1800. (xiii, Reg. Debates, 2141.) — Sept. 21. Same; on presenting petitions of claim- ants on acct. of French spoliations prior to 1800. (xiv, ib., 698.) — Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Motion (Linn, Mo.), to refer petition of number of citizens of St. Louis, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800, to Com. on Judiciary. (25. 2. S. jol., 68.) 1838 Jan. 20. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Howard). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 449. (25. 2. H. rpt. 445.) — Mch. 12. Interstate convention. Petition of dele- gates on subject of French spoliations prior to 1800. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 239.) — Mch. 26. Agt. for claimants (Causten) to U. S. House. Memorial stating that certain information placed on House Jol., session of 1832, relative to French spoliations, has been found to be erroneous. (25. 2. H. doc. 292.) — Apr. 2. U. S. Senate. Rpt. of Secy. Treasy., in re- lation to French and Neapolitan indemnities, in compliance with res. of Feb. 16. (25. 2. S. jol., 332.) 1839 Jan. 22. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Remarks; action of House on bill for payment of French Spoli- ations prior to 1800. (vii, Cong. Globe, 139.) — Jan. 24. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Motion to take up bill on French spoliation claims prior to treaty of 1801. (ib., 144.) — Jan. 24. C. C. Cambreleng, repr. from N. Y. Do.; opposing taking up of French Spoliations bill. (ib., 144.) — Jan. 24. B. C. Howard. Do.; in reply to Cambre- leng, urging consideration of French spoliations bill. (ib., 144.) 1840 Apr. 4. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 319 in favor of claims renounced by U. S. in 1800. (26.1. H. rpt. 343, 1; 27. 2. H. rpt. 16; viii, Cong. Globe, 305.) — Apr. 4. F. W. Pickens. Stimt.; i. e., minority rpt. of com. on Foreign Affairs on H. R. 319. (ib., 29; ib., 28; ib., 305.) te FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity-cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1841 Dec. 14. U. S. House. Cushing (Mass.), by leave, gave notice of motion for leave to introduce bill for satisfaction of claims on acct. of French Spoliations, prior to 1800. (27. 2. H. jol., 45.) — Dec. 29. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cushing). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 57. (27. 2. H. rpt. 16, 1.) 1842 Jan. 12. U. S. Senate. Motion (Buchanan, Pa.), to refer to Com. on Foreign Relations, res. adopted at mtg. of citizens of Phil., urging settlement of claims for French spoliations prior to 1800. (27. 2. S. jol., 83.) — Dec. 13. U. S. House. Proc. of mtg. of claimants upon U. S. for French spoliations prior to 1800, held in Balt., Dec. 5, 1842. (27. 3. H. jol., 53.) 1843 Feb. 1. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; res. to close debate on bill providing indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (xii, Cong. Globe, 231.) — Feb. 3. Same. Motion to take up res. On Subject of French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 241.) — Feb. 22. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Com. On For- eign Affairs), to end debate on H. R. 57, for Satis- faction of French spoliation claims, so as to enable committee to rpt. on amdmt.S. to said bill. (27. 3. H. jol., 428.) 1844 Jan. 29. U. S. House. Motion (Holmes), to dis- charge Com. on Commerce from consideration of pe- tition of citizens of Bangor (Me.), for indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800, and to refer same to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (28. 1. H. jol., 320.) 1845 Feb. 10. R. Choate, Sen, from Mass. Remarks; On bill S. 180; origin and nature of claims, etc.; with amdmt., submitted as substitute for original bill, providing a direct apprn. fund for satisfaction of claims. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 267.) — Feb. W. S. Archer, sen. from Va. Speech; reply to McDuffie, supporting bill S. 180. (xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 319.) — Feb. 17. Geo. McDuffie, Sen. from S. C. Remarks; opposing French spoliations bill, S. 180. (ib., 296.) Feb. 20. Geo. McDuffie, Sen. from Ga. Remarks; jºins passage of bill, S. 180. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 14. — Feb. 20. R. Choate, Sen. from Mass. Do.; in reply to McDuffie, on bill, S. 180; and on Choate’s amdmt. to same. (ib., 314-315.) — Feb. 20. W. S. Archer, sen. from Va. Speech; in reply to McDuffie, in support of bill, S. 180; review- ing history of case, quoting authority of treaties in favor of claims, etc. (ib., app., 319.) — Dec. 17. U. S. House. Memorial, praying indemnity for final spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 1. H. jol., 120. — Dec. 18. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Remarks; favoring reference of French spoliations petitions to select com. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 75.) — Dec. 18. J. Speight, sen. from N. C. Do.; opposing settlement of French spoliation claim. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. J. W. Miller, sen. from N. J. Do.; favor- ing reference of French spoliations petitions to se- lect committee. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. W. P. Mangum, sen. from N. C. Do.; favor- ing reference of French spoliations petitions to Com- mittee on Foreign Relations. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. W. H. Haywood, sen. from N. C. Do.; reference of French spoliations petitions. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. J. Fairfield, sen from Me. Do.; moving reference of certain French spoliations petitions to select committee. (ib., 75.) 618 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1845 Dec. 18. J. A. Dix, sen. from N. Y. Do.; reference to Com. on Foreign Relations, of French spoliations petitions. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Do.; favoring reference of French spoliations petitions to select committee. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. W. S. Archer, sen. from Va. Do.; favor of reference to select committee of petitions from Portland, Me., praying indemnification for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. W. Allen, sen, from O. Same. (ib., 75.) — Dec. 18. U. S. Senate. Motion (Dix, N.Y.), to refer all petitions and memorials, heretofore presented, for payment of claims for French spoliations prior % º to select committee on subject. (29. 1. S. jol., 1846 Feb. 10. U. S. House. Memorials, and res. of State legislatures, relative to payment of claims for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 1. H. jol., 380.) — Apr. 10. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling for information regarding claims for French spolia- tions prior to 1800. (29. 1. S. jol., 236.) — Apr. 11. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; explaining his res. of 10 inst. (ib., 660.) Apr. 22. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Do.; defend- ing provisions of bill to make indemnities for French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 710.) — Apr. 23. Same; Senate, favoring passage of French spoliations bill. (ib., 718.) — Apr. 23; 24. Speech; on S. 68, to provide for ascer- tainment and Satisfaction of claims for French Spoliations prior to Jiy. 31, 1801. (ib., app., 854.) — Apr. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Presi- dent of U. S. Senate (Dallas). List of all claims for French spoliations prior to Jiy. 31, 1801, exhibiting date of capture and decision in each case. (29. 1. S. doc. 313.) — Apr. 27. J. A. Dix, Sen. from N. Y. Speech; on S. 68. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 728; app., 514.) — May 21. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Speech; fa- Voring passage of S. 68. (ib., 29. 1., 848.) Jly. 30. J. R. Thurman, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; opposing passage of S. 68. (ib., 1170.) Jly. 30. W. F. Giles, repr. from Md. Do.; favoring passage of S. 68. (ib., 1170.) — Aug. 8. President U. S. A. (Polk) to U. S. Senate. Veto message on S. 68. (29. 1. S. jol., 513; iv, Mess. and Papers, 466.) Aug. 8. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Speech; Pres- ident’s message of Aug. 8, returning S. 68. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., app., 1161.) — Aug. 10. D. Webster, Sen. from Mass. Remarks; favoring passage of S. 68 over veto of President. (ib., 29. 1., 1219.) - Aug. 10. J. T. Morehead; Sen. from Ky. Speech; same. (ib., 1220.) — Aug. 10. J. W. Huntington, sen. from Conn. Re- marks; same. (ib., 1220.) — Aug. 10. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; on veto message of President on S. 68. (ib., 1219.) — Aug. 10. T. H. Benton, sen. from Mo. Speech; On President’s message of Aug. 8, returning S. 68. (ib., app., 898.) — Dec. 17. U. S. Senate. Motion (Clayton, Del.), to discharge Com. of Claims and Com. on Foreign Re- lations from further consideration of memorials on subject of indemnity for French spoliations, and to refer same to select committee to be apptd. by Vice- President. (29. 2. S. jol., 53.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1847 Jan. 16. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Remarks; memorial praying indemnity for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., 191.) — Feb. 10. U. S. Select committee (Morehead). Rpt. to acc. S. 156 on memorials and petitions from citi- zens of the U. S. (29. 2. S. doc. 144; 35. 1. S. rpt. 53, 2.) — Dec. 20. U. S. House. Res. (Smith, Conn.), to refer all memorials for payment of indemnities for French spoliations prior to 1800, to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (30. 1. H. jol., 121.) 1848 Dec. 20. U. S. House. Tuck (N. H.) gave notice of motion for leave to introduce bill for ascertain- ment and satisfaction of claims for French Spolia- tions prior to 1800. (30. 2. H. jol., 125.) 1849 Jan. 5. R. C. Schenck, repr. from O. Remarks; On H. R. 412, and on H. R. 561. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 170- 171.) — Dec. 31. U. S. House. Petition of citizens of U. S., praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 196.) — Dec. 31. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Remarks; memorials from Mass. towns concerning indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 91.) 1850 Jan. 8. To U. S. House. Memorials of citizens of |U. S. (31. 1. H. jol., 255.) — Jan. 9. W. R. King, sen. from Ala. Remarks; ref- erence to select committee of French Spoliation claims. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 127.) Jan. 9. U. S. Senate. On motion (Smith, Conn.), memorials on subject of French Spoliations referred to select committee of five. (31. 1. S. jol., 66.) — Jan. 14. To U. S. House. Memorials of citizens of U. S. (31. 1. H. jol., 307.) — Jan. 28. Same. (ib., 416.) 1850 Feb. 5. U. S. select committee (Smith). Rpt. of majority and minority to acc. S. 101. (31. 1. S. rpt. 44, 1.) — Feb. 5. U. S. Select Committee. Rpt. of minority (Hunter) on memorials of sundry citizens of U. S. asking indemnity for spoliations by French prior to Jly. 31, 1801. (32. 1. S. rpt. 26, 19.) — Mch. 5. N. Y. City Chamber of Commerce. Res. recommending claims to early consideration of Congress. (31. 1. S. misc. doc. 69.) Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Memorials of U. S. citi- zens. (31. 1. H. jol., 661.) — Mch. 14. Same. (ib., 672.) — Je. 14. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Buel). Fa- vorable report to acc. H. R. 318 on sundry memor- ials, etc., praying compensation; list of reports pre- sented on this subject from 1802 to 1850; Edw. Liv- ingston’s report, Feb. 22, 1830, on the Glavery and other petitions. (31. 1. H. rpt. 355, 1.) — J1y. 23. U. S. House. On motion (McLane, Md.), Com. on Commerce discharged from consideration of petitions of U. S. citizens for indemnity for French spoliations, and same laid on table (31. 1. H. jol., 1169); on motion (McLane), vote reconsid- ered, and petitions referred to Com. Of Whole on state of Union, Jly. 24. (ib., 1175.) — Aug. 1. U. S. House. On motion (McClernand), Com. on Foreign Affairs discharged from further consideration of petitions regarding French Spolia- tions, and same referred to Com. of Whole on State of Union (31. 1. H. jol., 1217); on motion (Buel), similar order made in regard to Sundry other me- morials of like tenor, Aug. 1, (ib.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 619 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1851 Jan. 16, 17. T. Smith, sen. from Conn. Speech; favorable to S. 101. (Cong. Globe, 31. 2., app., 115.) — Jan. 20. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Do.; op- posed to S. 101. (ib., 83.) — Jan. 21. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Do.; in re- ply to Hunter; favorable to S. 101. (ib., 88.) — Jan. 22. T. J. Rusk, sen. from Texas. Remarks; in support of his amdmt. to sec. 1 of S. 101; striking out words relating to cases of transfer and insert- ing provision against payment to any assignee or insurer. (ib., 31. 2., 309-311.) Jan. 22. I. P. Walker, sen. from Wisc. Do.; in support of Rusk amdmt. to sec. 1 of S. 101. (ib., 31. 2., 309; 311.) — Jan. 22. John Davis, sen. from Mass. Do.; in Sup- port of French spoliations bill, S. 101; unfavorable to Rusk amdmt. to sec. 1. (ib., 311.) — Jan. 22. H. Clay, Sen. from Ry. Do.; favorable to Rusk amdmt. to sec. 1 of S. 101. (ib., 310.) Jan. 22. A. P. Butler, Sen. from S. C. Do.; Same. (ib., 311.) — Jan. 22. J. W. Bradbury, Sen. from Me. Do.; un- favorable to Rusk amdmt. to sec. 1 of S. 101. (ib., 310.) — Jan. 22. S. Borland, sen. from Ark. Do.; on Rusk amdmt. to sec. 1 of S. 101. (ib., 310.) — Jan. 22. J. McP. Berrien, Sen. from Ga. Do.; Op- posed to Rusk amdmt. to sec. 1. of S. 101. (ib., 309; 311.) — Jan. 22; 23. H. S. Foote, Sen. from Miss. Do.; On S. 101; opposed to amdmts. Striking out Sec. 11, etc. (ib., 312, 318, 319.) — Jan. 23. H. Hamlin, sen. from Me. Do.; favorable to French spoliations bill, S. 101; correcting news- paper error attributing to him Hunter’s speech of Jan. 20. (ib., 317.) Jan. 23. S. Borland, sen. from Ark. Do.; unfavor- able to S. 101; in Support of his amdmt. to sec. 1, incl. reply to Hale, etc. (ib., 317, 318.) — Jan. 23. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. Do.; unfavor- able to Borland amdmt. to Sec. 1 of S. 101. (ib., 318.) — Jan. 23. J. W. Bradbury, sen. from Me. Do.; in reply to Borland; in support of French spoliations bill, S. 101; unfavorable to Borland amdmt. to sec. 1. (ib., 318.) — Feb. 24. J. A. McClernand, repr. from Ill. Speech; on French spoliation claims; unfavorable to pro- posal to indemnify claimants. (ib., 663; app., 195.) — Feb. 24. H. D. Moore, repr. from Penn. Remarks; in reply to McClernand; favorable to S. 101; during debate on general apprp. bill, H. R. 461. (ib., app., 199.) — Feb. 24. J. A. King, repr. from N. Y. Do.; in reply to McClernand; in favor of indemnifying sufferers by French spoliations prior to 1800; during debate On general apprin. bill, H. R. 461. (ib., app., 199.) — Dec. 15. U. S. House. Notice (Tuck, N. H.) of bill to provide for ascertainment and satisfaction of claims of Amer. Citizens for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (32. 1. H. jol., 96.) 1852 Jan. 6. U. S. Senate. On motion (Bradbury, Me.), memorials on subject of French Spoliations prior to 1800, on files of Senate referred to select committee on subject. (32. 1. S. jol., 97.) Jan. 14. U. S. Select Committee (Bradbury). Majority and minority rpt. to acc. S. 64 to provide for satisfaction of claims for Spoliations prior to 1800. (32. 1. S. rpt. 26, 1.) * FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1852 Mch. 12. A. Felch, sen. from Mich. Remarks; an- nouncing intention of presenting his Views On French spoliation bill, S. 64. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 773.) — Apr. 12. S. Borland, sen. from Ark. Remarks; un- favorable to S. 64. (ib., 1048.) — Apr. 12. J. W. Bradbury, sen. from Me. Do.; in support of S. 64; incl. reply to Borland. (ib., 1048.) — Apr. 12. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Do.; relative to S. 64. (ib., 1048.) — Apr. 12. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. DO. ; On S. 64; with amdmt. concerning certificates of Stock. (ib., 1048.) — Apr. 12; 14. A. Felch, sen. from Mich. Speech; Op- posed to S. 64, incl. history of claims, etc. (ib., app., 564.) — Apr. 12, 14. J. W. Bradbury, sen. from Me. Re- marks; French spoliation claims; during Felch's speech on S. 64. (ib., app., 568, 572-574.) — Apr. 14. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Do.; relative to French Spoliations bill vetoed by President Polk; during Felch’s speech on S. 64. (ib., app., 572.) — Apr. 15. A. Felch, sen. from Mich. Do.; on claims for French spoliations; during Bradbury’s speech on S. 64. (ib., app., 499.) — Apr. 15. A. C. Dodge, sen. from Ia. Do.; on his amdmt. to S. 64; expenditure of surplus in Treas- ury authorized by apprin. (ib., 32. 1., 1082.) Apr. 15. J. W. Bradbury, sen. from Me. Speech; in reply to Felch, in support of S. 64. (ib., app., 499.) Apr. 15. S. Borland, Sen. from Ark. Remarks; On S. 64. (ib., 1083.) Apr. 15. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Do.; offer- ing amdmt. to proviso in sec. 1 of S. 64, inserting “assignee * in place of “claimant,” etc. (ib., 1082.) — Apr. 15. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Do.; on S. 64. (ib., 1082.) * — Apr. 15. G. E. Badger, Sen. from N. C. Do.; in re- ply to Hale, on S. 64. (ib., 1082.) — Apr. 28. Mass. General Court. Res. ; in favor of payment of claims. (32. 1. S. misc. doc. 77 ; H. misc. doc. 56.) — May 3. T. H. Bayly, Sen. from Va. DO.; on re- ferring S. 64. (ib., 1238.) — May 4. Mass. General Court. Res. ; French Spoli- ations. (32. 1. S. jol., 389.) — May 4. C. Sumner, sen. from Mass. Do.; in ex- planation of MaSS. res. in favor of payment of claims for French spoliations prior to Sept. 30, 1800. (ib., 1239.) — May 5. Mass. General Court. Res.; French spolia- tions. (32. 1. H. jol., 672.) 1853 Dec. 15. U. S. House. Notice (Disney, O.), of bill to indemnify certain Amer. Citizens for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (33. 1. H. jol., 103.) — Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. On motion (Hamlin, Me.), memorials relating to French spoliation claims re- ferred to select committee of five. (33. 1. S. jol., 59.) 1854 Feb. 8. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; favorable to Dodge amdmt. to French spoliations bill, providing for attorney to resist unjust claims, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 377.) — Feb. 9. J. Pettit, sen. from Ind. Do.; reasons for his vote in favor of French spoliations bill, S. 36. (ib., 390.) — Feb. 9. H. Hamlin, sen. from Me. Do.; denying ; opposition to French spoliation claims. (ib., — Feb. 9. A. C. Dodge, Sen. from Ia. Do.; opposed to French spoliations bill, S. 36. (ib., 390.) 620 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1854 Feb. 9. T. G. Pratt, sen. from Md. Do.; in reply to Dodge, in favor of French spoliations bill, S. 36. (ib., 390.) — Feb. 14. J. Pettit, sen. from Ind. Do.; in favor of S. 36; obligations of U. S. govt. toward claimants. (ib., 416.) — Feb. 14. J. B. Weller, sen. from Cal. Do.; concern- ing his vote on S. 36. (ib., 417.) Apr. 18. Me. citizens to U. S. House. Petition, for passage of French spoliation bill; Com. on Foreign Affairs. (33. 1. H. jol., 654.) 1855 Jan. 23. J. R. Chandler, repr. from Penn. Remarks; Concerning French spoliation claims and bill, H. R. 117. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 374, 375.) — Jan. 23. T. H. Bayly, sen. from Va. Do.; on H. R. 117. (ib., 372, 375.) — Jan. 23. G. R. Riddle, repr. from Del. Do.; on H. R. 117. (ib., 374.) — Jan. 23. J. Perkins, jr., repr. from La. Do.; on Polk's Veto of bill providing for satisfaction of French Spoliation claims. (ib., 374.) — Jan. 23. L. M. Keitt, repr. from S. C. Do.; favor- able to H. R. 117. (ib., 375.) — Jan. 23. T. L. Clingman, repr. from N. C. Same. (ib., 373.) — Jan. 23, 27. E. A. Warren, repr. from Ark. Same. (ib., 373, 426,427.) — Jan. 23, 27. F. B. Cutting, repr. from N. Y. Same; claims of insurance companies. (ib., 372, 430.) — Jan. 23, 26, 27. I. Washburn, repr. from Me. Same. (ib., 373, 374, 418, 420, 425, 426, 432.) — Jan. 23, 26, 27. R. W. Peckham, repr. from N. Y. DO.; On H. R. 117; offering proviso relative to cases of transfer, etc. (ib., 373, 419, 420, 424, 430.) — Jan. 23, 26, 27. J. L. Orr, repr. from S. C. Do.; on H. R. 117; opposing its passage in any form, etc. (ib., 372-374, 419, 428-429.) — Jan. 23, 26, 27. J. Letcher, repr. from Va. Do.; On H. R. 117; opposed to payment of interest in Cases of transfer, and in support of his amdmt. ex- ºne insurance companies. (ib., 375, 418-420, 429- — Jan. 23, 27. H. Hibbard, repr. from N. H. Do.; op- posed to H. R. 117. (ib., 372-373, 375, 426.) — Jan. 23, 27. T. B. Florence, repr. from Penn. Do.; favorable to H. R. 117. (ib., 374, 428-429, 432.) — Jan. 24. D. T. Disney, repr. from O. Speech; in favor of H. R. 117. (ib., app., 122.) — Jan. 24. T. H. Benton, repr. from Mo. Do.; op- posed to H. R. 117; claims of insurers and assignees, etc. (ib., 118.) — Jan. 24, 25. J. L. Orr, repr. from S. C. Remarks; addressed to Disney and Phillips, relative to H. R. 117. (ib., 125, 127.) — Jan. 25. P. Phillips, repr. from Ala. Speech; in favor of H. R. 117. (ib., 126.) — Jan. 25. J. L. Orr, repr. from S. C. Do.; opposed to H. R. 117; denying obligation to indemnify claim- ants; origin of claims. (ib., 141.) Jan. 25. J. S. Millson, repr. from Va. Do.; opposed to H. R. 117; in favor of confining relief to private claimants. (ib., 144.) — Jan. 26. D. B. Wright, repr. from Miss. Remarks; on H. R. 117, in support of his amdmt. relative to distribution of apprn. (ib., 33. 2., 422.) — Jan. 26. Wm. Smith, repr. from Va. Do.; on H. R. 117, in support of his motion to strike out proviso relative to cases of transfer. (ib., 419–420.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1855 Jan. 26. J. L. Seward, repr. from Ga. Do.; in Sup- port of his amdmt. to H. R. 117, relative to distribu- * apprin. among claimants and assignees. (ib., 422. - — Jan. 26. J. Perkins, jr., repr. from La. Amdmt., to French spoliations bill, with explanatory remarks. (ib., 418.) — Jan. 26. F. McMullin, repr. from Va. Do.; in re- ply to Wright, opposed to H. R. 117, and defending claim agtS. (ib., 422.) — Jan. 26. B. Craige, repr. from N. C. Do.; on H. R. 117; opposed to Smith amdmt. Striking out proviso relative to case of transfer. (ib., 420-421.) Jan. 26. Geo. Bliss, repr. from O. Do.; on H. R. 117. (ib., 421.) Jan. 26. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Do.; on House and Senate bills providing for satisfaction of claims for French spoliations prior to Jly. 31, 1801; and on amdmts. to same. (ib., 418-419, 421- 422.) — Jan. 26, 27. M. Walsh, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; opposed to H. R. 117. (ib., 420, 426, 428.) — Jan. 26, 27. P. Phillips, repr. from Ala. Do.; in support of H. R. 117, and his amdmt., providing apprn. for full discharge of claims. (ib., 418-419, 421, 425, 429.) — Jan. 26, 27. S. W. Parker, repr. from Ind. Do.; in support of his amdmts. to H. R. 117. (ib., 421-422, 427, 431.) — Jan. 26, 27. G. W. Jones, repr. from Tenn. Do.; on H. R. 117; opposed to whole bill, but showing im- portance of proviso relative to cases of transfer. (ib., 420, 430-431.) — Jan. 26, 27. G. S. Houston, repr. from Ala. Do.; on H. R. 117. (ib., 418, 420, 431.) — Jan. 26, 27. W. S. Barry, repr. from Miss. Do.; op- posed to H. R. 117. (ib., 422, 424, 431.) — Jan. 27. J. L. Taylor, repr. from O. Do.; in favor of H. R. 117, opposed to Letcher proviso agst. payment of insurers, etc. (ib., 429.) — Jan. 27. L. D. Campbell, repr. from O. Do.; favor- able to H. R. 117. (ib., 425, 428.) — Jan. 27. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Do.; on H. R. 117 and amdmts. (ib., 424, 428, 430-432.) — Jan. 27. S. P. Benson, repr. from Me. Do.; in favor of H. R. 117. (ib., 427.) Jan. 27. T. S. Bocock, repr. from Va. Do.; opposed to H. R. 117. (ib., 427.) — Jan. 27. J. C. Breckinridge, repr, from Ky. Do.; opposed to H. R. 117. (ib., 427.) — Jan. 27. T. L. Clingman, repr. from N. C. Do.; of- fering amdmt. to H. R. 117. (ib., 427.) — Jan. 27. F. P. Stanton, repr. from Tenn. Do.; on Millson amdmt. to H. R. 117; claims of insurance Companies. (ib., 430.) — Jan. 27. W. Preston, repr. from Ky. Do.; favorable to H. R. 117; opposed to Houston amdmt. (ib., 431.) — Jan. 27. J. S. Millson, repr. from Va. Do.; in Sup- port of his amdmt. to H. R. 117; claims of insurance companies. (ib., 429–430.) — Jan. 27. S. Mayall, repr. from Me. Speech; on H. R. 117; in favor of full restitution to rightful claim- ants. (ib., app., 116.) — Jan. 27. C. Lyon, repr. from N. Y. Do.; in favor of H. R. 117. (ib., 426.) — Jan. 27. J. Kerr, repr. from N. C. Do.; in Support of H. R. 117. (ib., 425.) — Jan. 27. W. P. Harris, repr. from Miss. Do.; on H. R. 117; in favor of guarding bill by provisions agst, future apprns. (ib., 426.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 621 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont'd (Correspondence)—cont’d 1855 Jan. 27. A. B. Greenwood, repr. from Ark. Do.; opposed to H. R. 117. (ib., 433.) — Feb. 1. T. J. Rusk, sen. from Texas. Do.; opposed to H. R. 117. (ib., 510.) — Feb. 6. J. S. Wells, sen. from N. H. Speech; same. (ib., 583, 585.) — Feb. 6. C. E. Stuart, Sen. from Mich. Remarks; Opposed to proviso relative to cases of transfer in French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (ib., 588.) — Feb. 6. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Do.; on H. R. 117; in support of his amdmt. providing for publicity in proc. of board of comrs. (ib., 586, 587.) — Feb. 6. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Do.; in re- ply to Hunter, in favor of H. R. 117. (ib., 587.) — Feb. 6. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Do.; in support of his amdmt. to H. R. 117; striking out interest allowed to transferees; with amdmt. (ib., 587.) — Feb. 6. H. Hamlin, sen. from Me. Do.; in favor of H. R. 117. (ib., 586.) — Feb. 6. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Do.; on French Spoliation bill, unfavorable to Hunter amdmt. providing for publicity in proc. of comrs., etc. (ib., 585, 587.) — Feb. 6. A. P. Butler, Sen. from S. C. Do.; unfavor- able to H. R. 117; in favor of striking out proviso relative to cases of transfer. (ib., 588.) — Feb. 6. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Do.; in reply to Hunter and Mason; favorable to H. R. 117; on Hunter amdmt. stipulating for publicity in proc. of comrs., and on proviso relating to cases of trans- fer. (ib., 587; 588.) — Feb. 17. President, U. S. A. (Pierce) to U. S. House. Veto message on H. R. 117. (W, Mess. and Papers, 307; 33. 2. H. jol., 397.) — Feb. 17. P. Phillips, repr. from Ala. Do.; relative to consideration of President’s message, vetoing H. R. 117, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 803.) — Feb. 17. T. G. Hunt, repr. from La. Same. (ib., 803.) — Feb. 17. C. Hughes, repr. from N. Y. Same. (ib., 803.) — Feb. 17. W. Barksdale, repr. from Miss. (ib., 803.) — Feb. 17. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Same. (ib., 801-803.) - —— Feb. 17, 19. L. D. Campbell, repr. from O. Same; censuring message. (ib., 802, 815.) — Feb. 19. A. R. Sollers, repr. from Md. Do.; offer- ing H. R. 117, as amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 569, and censuring President’s message. (ib., 818, 819, 821.) — Feb. 19. L. M. Keitt, repr. from S. C. Do.; opposed to Sollers offer of H. R. 117, as amdmt. to H. R. 569; on message of President’s veto of H. R. 117. (ib., 822.) — Feb. 19. G. W. Jones, repr. from Tenn. Do.; op- posed to Sollers offer of H. R. 117, as amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., 820-822.) — Feb. 19. J. R. Chandler, repr. from Penn. Do.; in support of H. R. 117 as an amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill. (ib., 822-823.) —– Feb. 19. T. H. Bayley, repr. from Va. Further re- marks relative to French Spoliation claims veto. (ib., 815.) — Feb. 19. L. D. Campbell, repr. from O. Do.; sus- taining Sollers offer of H. R. 117 as amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., 820, 821.) — Feb. 19. I. Washburn, repr. from Me. Do.; in sup- port of Sollers offer of H. R. 117 as amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., 820, 821.) Same. FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1855 Feb. 19. J. L. Taylor, repr. from O. Do.; censuring President’s message vetoing H. R. 117, and sustain- º: Sollers offer of bill as amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., ..) — Feb. 19. O. S. Seymour, repr. from Conn. Do.; op- posed to Sollers offer of H. R. 117, as amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., 820.) — Feb. 19. J. L. Orr, repr. from S. C. Do.; discussion of President’s message vetoing H. R. 117. (ib., 815.) — Feb. 19. Same. Do.; in reply to Chandler, opposed to Sollers offer of H. R. 117, as amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., 820.) Feb. 19. A. Oliver, repr. from N. Y. Do.; opposed to Sollers offer of H. R. 117, as amdmt. to H. R. 569, etc. (ib., 821.) — Feb. 19. Same. Do.; consideration of President's message vetoing H. R. 117. (ib., 815.) — Feb. 19. A. E. Maxwell, repr. from Fla. Do.; in favor of H. R. 117; on President’s veto message; Opposed to Sollers offer of bill as amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., 822.) - Feb. 19. J. Kerr, repr. from N. C. Do.; opposed to Sollers offer of H. R. 117 as amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., 819.) — Feb. 19, 21. E. Etheridge, repr. from Tenn. Do.; message of President vetoing H. R. 117; with cor- rection of rpt. of same. (ib., 816, 866.) Feb. 26. I. Washburn, repr. from Me. Speech; on President's message of Feb. 17, vetoing H. R. 117, during consideration of Indian apprin. bill H. R. 555. (ib., app., 262.) Dec. 19. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Do.; present- ing memorials praying indemnity for French spolia- tions prior to 1800; veto message of Pierce on bill for payment of claims. (ib., 34. 1., 49.) 1856 Jan. 3. Maine legislature. Res., condemnatory of course of President of U. S. in vetoing French spolia- tion bill. (34. 1. S. misc. doc. 12.) Jan. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling for copy of rpt. of adjudications by bd. of Amer. Comrs., at Paris, for settlement of French spoliation claims, and for other specified information relating thereto. (34. 1. S. jol., 57.) Jan. 26. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Remarks; on House bill for satisfaction of French spoliation claims; Substitute and amdmts. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 418-419, 421-422.) — Feb. 19. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to U. S. Sen- ate. Rpt. relative to existence of reports and papers for adjudication of claims of Amer. citizens for spo- liations committed by the French prior to 1800. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 24.) — Apr. 14. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), calling for Original jol. of proc. of bà. of Amer. comrs. at Paris to audit and liquidate claims of U. S. citizens agst. France. (34. 1. S. jol., 252; 303.) — May 5. J. M. Clayton. Remarks; in support of res. of Apr. 14. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 1103.) — Jly. 1. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to President U. S. Senate (Bright). List of decisions made in Case of French Spoliation claims by board of Amer. comrs. at Paris, apptd. to carry into effect treaty of Apr. 30, 1803. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 87.) — Jly. 2. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; on proc. of Amer: comrs. under conv. of Apr. 30, 1803; bills for Satisfaction of claims; vetoes of Polk and Pierce. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 1537.) 1857 Mch. 3. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cadwala. der). Rpt. of minority, on satisfaction of French Spoliation claims. (34. 3. H. jol., 689.) 622 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–COnt’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1858 Jan. 5. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; chiefly in reply to Mason, concerning reference of bill providing for satisfaction of claims for French Spoliations prior to Jly. 31, 1801. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 186-187.) — Jan. 5. H. Hamlin, sen. from Me. Do.; favoring reference of French spoliations bill to select com- mittee. (ib., 187.) — Jan. 5. W. P. Fessenden, sen. from Me. Do.; favor- ing reference of French spoliations bill to select committee. (ib., 186.) — Jan. 5. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Do.; in reply to Fessenden; in favor of referring to Com. on Foreign Relations bill providing for satisfaction of claims for French spoliations prior to Jiy. 31, 1801. (ib., 186-187.) — Jan. 5. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Do.; favoring reference of French spoliations bill to select com- mittee. (ib., 187.) — Jan. 12. U. S. House. Notice (Davis, Mass.), of bill to provide for ascertainment and satisfaction of claims for French spoliations prior to 1801. (35. 1. H. jol., 166.) — Jan. 15. U. S. House. Notice (Florence, Pa.), same. (ib., 179.) — Feb. 4. U. S. Sen. Select Com. On French spoliation claims (Crittenden). Rpt. to acc. S. 45, for ascer- tainment and satisfaction of such claims. (35. 1. S. rpt. 53.) May 6. W. Barksdale, repr. from Miss. Remarks; opposed to French spoliation bill. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 2002.) — May 22. S. Davis, repr. from Mass. Speech; urging payment of French Spoliation claims. (ib., 2341.) — Dec. 20. J. J. Crittenden, sen, from Ky. Remarks; urging consideration of S. 45. (ib., 35. 1., 139.) 1859 Jan. 6. J. Davis, Sen. from Miss. Do.; denying that adverse rpts. had never been made on French Spolia- tion claims. (ib., 35. 2., 235.) Jan. 6, 7. J. J. Crittenden, sen. from Ky. Do.; in Support of S. 45; progress of bill, origin and history of claims, etc.; with remarks concerning Davis. (ib., 234-235, 258-259.) Jan. 7. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Do.; asking permis- Sion for Davis to speak on French Spoliation bill. (ib., 258.) — Jan. 7. J. Davis, sen. from Miss. Speech; opposing passage of French Spoliations bill. (ib., app., 262.) — Jan. 7. Same. Remarks; denying French Spoliation claims to be well founded. (ib., 258.) — Jan. 10. J. J. Crittenden. Speech; in reply to Davis, in support of claims for French spoliations, and S. 45; with letters from W. C. Preston and B. W. Leigh, of Jan. 29, 1844, and Aug. 17, 1846, giving opinion of Chief Justice Marshall, etc. (ib., 281.) Jan. 10. J. Davis, sen. from Miss. Do.; opposing French spoliations bill. (ib., 278.) — Feb. 1. J. Letcher, repr. from Va. Remarks; re- viewing history of French spoliations bill, and urg- ing reference of same to Com. of Whole on state of Union. (ib., 728.) Feb. 1. A. H. Stephens, repr. from Ga. Do.; deny- ing necessity and obligation of referring French Spo- Iiations bill to Com. of Whole on state of Union. (ib., 729.) — Feb. 1. G. S. Houston, repr. from Ala. Do.; in- sisting on reference of French spoliations bill to Com. Of Whole. (ib., 728.) — Feb. 1. A. Burlingame, repr. from MaSS. Do.; prog- ress of H. R. 552. (ib., 727-728.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d (Correspondence)—cont’d 1860 Feb. 10. U. S. House. Notice (Florence, Pa.), of motion for leave to introduce bill for ascertainment and Satisfaction of French spoliation claims. (36. 1. H. jol., 239.) — Mch. 23. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Royce). Favorable rpt. on bill H. R. 510, providing for ascer- tainment and satisfaction of Amer, claims for French spoliations prior to Jiy. 31, 1801. (36. 1. H. rpt. 259.) — Mch. 29. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Royce). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 510, for ascertainment and satis- faction of French spoliation claims. (ib.) — Mch. 29. H. Royce, repr. from Vt. Remarks; de- claring present French spoliations bill to be exactly similar to that of last congress. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 1432.) — Mch. 29. G. S. Houston, repr. from Ala. Do.; de- claring present French spoliations bill to be exactly Similar to that of last session. (ib., 1432.) — Mch. 29. L. O’B. Branch, repr. from N. C. Do.; re- ferring bill providing for satisfaction of claims for Fº Spoliations prior to Jly. 31, 1801. (ib., 1431- 1432. Mch. 29. I. Washburn, repr. from Me. Do.; urging postponement of bill for satisfaction of French spo- liation claims. (ib., 1431.) — Mch. 29. W. Barksdale, repr. from Miss. Do.; de- claring present French spoliations bill to be exactly similar to that of last congress. (ib., 1432.) (Memorials) 20 congress, 1 session (Senate) See Breuil (C. F.) : Brickell (J. J.) : Dudley and Pick- man : Fellows (N.) : Fry (B.) : Haskell (I. and S.) : Leonard (J.), : Ray (J.) : Saportas (A.) : Stewart (#): Tagart (J.) : Tittermary (R.) : Whitesides 20 Congress, 2 Session (Senate) See Adams (S.): Bissell (N. ‘’’: Bowers (J.) : Card W. R.) : Geyer (F. W.) : Goelet (P.) : Granbery (M.) : Green (S.): Hall (G. W.) : Haskins (G.) : Hays . (J.) : Johnston (M. S.) : King (J.) : McDon- ald (A.) : McKinzie (C.) : Maund (T.) : Morgan and Rice : Morris (T.) : Murray (J. B.) : Rogers # : Shaw (W.) : Skinner (R.) : Smith (J.) ; Smith (P.) : Taylor (G.) : Torrey (W. T.) : Tunno (A.) : Vanuxem (J.). (House) See Taylor (G.). 21 congress, 1 Session (Senate) See Adams (S.) : Alert, #: tº : Andrews (J. H.) : Barney ( :}; : Bartlett (Wm.) : Barton (T. B.) : Bissell (N. C.) : Blount (J. G.) : Bowers (J.) : Breuil (C. F.) : J. J.) : Brooks (P. C.) : Caldwell (J.) : Case (W. R.) : Child (J. T.) : Clason (I.) : Crosby (J.) : Davis (Wm.) : DePeyster (F.) : Donnell (J.) : Emmerson (J.) : Fellows (N.) : Fisher (J. C.) : Fry B.) : Fuller (N.) : Gardner (P.) : . Geyer (F. § : ibbs (W. H.) : Glavarry Sº, (#. W.) : Hartshorne Goodrich (J.) : Granbery ( (G. W.) : Hallam (G.) : Hart i. (R.) : Harvey (H.) : Haskins (G.) ; Hays ( Henshaw (D.) : Hogg (J.) : Booper (Wm.) : ington (J.) : Jackson (R.) : Johnston (M. S.) : Ken- (S. G.) : Kennebunkport (Me.) Citizens : King (ſº : Leonard (J.) : Lewis (P. B.) : Little O.) : McKenzie (D.) : e (J.) : Maund (T.) : Miller (J.) : Moody (J.) : Mor- gan (J.) : Morgan and Price : Morris (T.) : Murray (H.) : Newport (R. I.) Citizens : Nones (D. B.) : Norris (J. W.) : Patton (R.) : Pearce (W.) : Pot- tinger (T. P.) : Riley (J.) : Rogers (Ann) : Rose #5 : Rotch (W.) : Rutter and Etting : Salem Alexander (D.) : 8." * INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 623 FRANCE—conta Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d (Memorials)—cont’d 21 congress, 1 session—cont’d (Senate)—cont’d º, Citizens : Sands (C. and J.) : Sasportas (C.) : Seaward (J. H.) : Shaw (Wm.) : Sims (J.) : Skinner (R.) : Smith (I.) : Smith. (P.) : Smith (R.) : Stewart (A.) : Stewart (J.) : Stone (L.) : Storer (W.) : Taggart (H.) : Wattles (N.) : Whiteside Wood (A.). J.) : Torrey (W. T.) : Van Noorden (P.) : Wilson (A.) : 21 congress, 2 session (Senate) See Adams (J.) : Blaney (A.) : Bronaugh (J. W.) : Cam- eron (W.) : Duncan (W.) : Griffith (S.) : Hackelton (J.) : Halsey (T. L.) : Laroche (G. F. de) : McClure (T.) : Respass (W.) : Skipwith (F.) : Sproul (W.) : Stewart (J.) : Truxton (T.) : Watson (B. M.) : Young (J.) : Vanuxem (J.). -- 22 congress, 1 Session (Senate) See Bartlett (W.) : Borden (B.) : Cameron (W.) : Chris- See tophers (J.) : Coffin (S.) : Collins (C.) : Craft (W.) : Cutts § : Dickson (J.) : (N.) : Eckert G.) : ancis (D.) : Hasty : Higinbotham (T.) : Hill (M. L.) : Lockwood (W.) : Massey (C.) : Meades (J.) : Millikin : Pennsylvania mer- chants : Pote (W.) : Potter (J.) : R. I. Legislature : Riddle (J.) : Robinson (F.) and co. : Robinson (W.) : Rogers (A.) : Rutter and Etting: Simpson (S.) : #th (R.) : Taylor (G.) : West (N.) : White (C. Doane (House) Chever (J.) : Christophers (J.) : Connecticut Citi- zens : Crowninshield (B.) : uglas (D.) : Backley (R. S.) : Norfolk, Va., Citizens : Taylor (G.) : Town- send (M.) : Walley (T. and S.). 21 congress, 2 Session (Senate) See Bailey (J.) : Baltimore (Md.) Citizens: Barney (J.) : Bowne (R.) : º (j. B.) : Fletcher and Ötway : Gaylord (W.) : McCausland (M.) : Marrast (J.) : Minturn (W.) : Philadelphia (Pa.) Citizens: Ports- mouth (N. H.) : Rhinelander (W.) : Sanford (T.) : Smith (J.) : Thompson (W.) : Thurston (J.). (House) See Baltimore (Md.) : Boston (Mass.) : Simpson (S.). See Ashley (W.) : Bartlett See See 23 congress, 1 Session (Senate) §§ : Bronaugh (J. W.) : Buchanan and Young : Cammack (W.) : Care (É.j : Conyngham, Nesbitt and co. : Cowper (J.) : Cox {}; Craft {W}\; Cunningham (J. B.) : Deale (J.) : Dunlo (W.) : Frost (J.) : Fry C.) & ſº e p - ) : Hilton (H.) : McCausland (M.) : Mann and Foltz : Muschett (J.) : New York State Citizens : O’Hara (D.) : Pearce (D.) : Potter (J.) : Ramsay (J.) : Respass AW) : Rutter and Etting : Sheffield (A.) : Smith (F.) : Thorburn Wils. Whittle (C.) : . Wil- lock (T.) : Wilson (A.) : Wilson (W.) : Young (J.). 23 congress, 2 session (Senate) Massachusetts. Citizens. (House) Abbot (S.) : Alexandria (Va.) : Baltimore (Md.) : Boston (Mass.) : Concord (N. H.) : Derby (Conn.) : Gloucester (Mass.) : Greensborough (Ala.) : New Bedford (Mass. Conn.) : New Or- leans (La.) : New York City : Newport (R. I.) : Norwich (Conn.).; Philadelphia (Pa.) : Portland (Me.) : Portsmouth (N.H.) : Pottinger (T. B.) : Providence (R. I.) : St. Louis º (Mass.) : Stewart (J.) : Talladega (Ala.) : Wash- ington (D. C.), : Wilkinson County (Miss.) : Wil- mington (N. C.) : Zanesville (O.). : New Haven FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–Cont'd (Memorials)—cont’d 24 congress, 1 session (Senate) See Hººgº (O.) : Fettyplace (W.) : Karthaus (P. A.) : hio Citizens. & See also, Davenport (Edward J.) : Hinton (Joseph B.) : See See See Insurance Co. of Pa. : Maryland Insurance co. : New Haven Insurance co. : New York State Citizens : Portsmouth (N. H.) : Providence (R. I.) Citizens : Taylor (George) : Virginia Citizens: Vowell (Thos.). (House) Beverly (R.) : Fitzhugh (A.): Hatch (H.) : Hen- shaw (D.) : Holmes (J. L.) : Kelly (*#) : Mc- Culloch (S.) : Mass. Citizens : N. Y. City Citizens : Ohio Citizens : Portsmouth, N. H., Citizens : Rob- erts (R.) : Woodruff (A.). 24 congress, 2 session (House) Borden (J. W.) : Bowhag (W. P.) : Brickell (S.) : Chalmers (C. B.) : Dunham (E.): French. Spolia- tion Claims Conv., N. Y. City : Gloucester Citizens : Hatch (H.) : Hinton (J. B.) : Kinnard (S. G.) and Anderson (J.) : Marine Ins. co. Of Alexandria : Mass. Citizens : Missouri Citizens : Newburyport Citizens : Philadelphia, Pa., Citizens : Pomeroy (S. W.) : Portsmouth, N. H., Citizens: Taylor. (G.) : |Union Bank of Md. : Van Grover (J.) : Virginia. Citizens : Vowell (T.). 25 congress, 1 session (Senate) Baltimore Ins. co. : Cotton (P. and A. J.) : Ins. Co., of Baltimore : U. S. Ins. Co., of N. Y. (House) Marine See Borden (J. W., jr.) : Hatch (H.) : Mussi (J.). See See 25 congress, 2 session (Senate) Brier (W.) : Dunham (E.) : McIntosh (G.) : Nor- wood (J.) : Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce : St. Louis Citizens : Taylor (G.) : Whittle (F.). (House) Baltimore Board of Trade : Causten (J. H.) : Ed- monds (T.) : French Spoliation Claims Conv. : Hatch (H.) : McCoy (J.) : Marine Ins. co., of Alex- andria : Norfolk, Va., Citizens : North (S.) : Penn- sylvania Citizens : Philadelphia, Pa.. Citizens : do. Chamber of Commerce : Roberts (R.) : Scranton (J.) : Taylor (G.) : Williams (J.). 25 congress, 3 session (Senate) See New Hampshire General Court: Taylor (G.). (House) See Hatch (H.). 26 congress, 1 session (Senate) See Delano (J.) : Taylor (G.). See (House) Baltimore Board of Trade : Clarke (E.) : Delano (J.) : Edmonds , (T,) : Gray (F. C.), et al.: Hatch (H.) : Marchand (D.) : Milbery (S.) : Pennsylvania Citizens : Roberts (R.) : Taylor (G.) : Vose (P. T.) and Foster (J.) : Vowell (T.) : Whitney (J. H.). 26 congress, 2 Session (Senate) See Moody (J. M.) and Loring (J.) : Taylor (G.). (House) Barry (J. D.) : Bissell (B.), et al. : Bronaugh (J. See W.) : Champayne (M. R.) : Fletcher (J. W.), repr. of : Hatch (H.) : Irwin (T., jr.) : Morgan (J.) : Philadelphia Citizens : Taylor (G.). 624 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d * (Memorials)—cont’d 27 congress, 2 session (Senate) See N. Y. State Citizens. (House) See Bargrain (A.L.) : Bass (H.) : Boyinton (J.) : Cow- per (J.) : Griswold (G.) : Hatch (C.) : Hatch (H.) : łºńſk) : Taylor (G.) : Torrey (C. F.) : Weils ... }, et all. 27 Congress, 3 session (Senate) See Baltimore ºbºe; Boston (Mass.) Citizens : Dexter (E.) : Dexter (S.) : N. Y. State Citizens : Philadelphia (Pa.) Citizens: Portsmouth (N. H.) Citizens; Raymond (J.) : Smith (W.) : Taylor (G.). (House) See Deyereux. (T. P.) : Dexter. (E.) : Hatch (H.) : Maine Citizens : Marchand (L. I.).) : N. Y. State Citizens : Newburyport (Mass.) Citizens: Philadel. phia (Pa.) Citizens : Norfolk (Va.) Citizens: Ports- mouth (Va.) Citizens: Smith (W.j: Taylor (G.). 28 congress, 1 session (Senate) See Allen (P.), et al. : Bourne (E. E.), et al.: Clarke (A.); et al. : Connecticut Citizens: Cutts (T.) : Ed. wards (H. W.) : Ely (J.), et al. : French Spoiiation Claims Conv. : Hatch (Č.). admr. of : Kennebunk (Me.) Citizens : ; Citizens : Millikin (J.) : Mitchell (J.) : Neal (J.), admr. of, et al.: Newport (R. I.) Citizens ; Philadelphia (Pa.) Citizens: Fort. land (Me.) Citizens : Rhode Island Citizens : Springer (M.), et al.: Taylor (G.): Thomas (j), et al.; Towne (R.), et al. : Vanuxem (J.), heirs of: Wellfleet (Mass.) : Wyatt (B.). (House) See Adams (S.) : Bangor (Me.) : Banks (B.) : Borden W. and J.) : Coombs (P.) : Cyrus : French Spolia- tion Claims, Cony, :, Hammond (H.) : McKeen (J.), et al. : Maine Citizens: Massachusetts Citizens : New Haven (Conn.) : Newburyport (Mass.) : New- port (R. I.) : No. Yarmouth (Me.) : Ohio Citizens : Pearson (J.), exec. of : , Portland (Me.) : Puffen N.) : Rhode Island Citizens : Snyder (J., jr.): Taylor. (G.) : Thomas (J.), et al. : Vanuxem (L.) : Weld (H.). 28 congress, 2 session (Senate) See Delano (T.), heirs of : Hatch (H.) : McLellan (T.) : Manning (J.), heirs of : Marchand (L. D.) : Morse (E.) : Ropes (H.) : Sherburne (C. A.), et al.: Port- land (Me.) Citizens : Taylor (G.). (House) See Hatch (H.) : Taylor (G.). 29 Congress, 1 session (Senate) See French Spoliation Claims Conv. : McLellan (T.) : Taylor (G.) : York (Me.) Citizens. (House) See Allen (P.), et al. : Kortright (N. G.) : Philadelphia (Pa.) Citizens: Taylor (G.). 29 Congress, 2 session (Senate) See Anderson (J.), et al. : Banks (W. G.) : Barney (J. and L.) : . Barney (J.) : Beatty (C. C.) : Bentalon (P.) : Bishop (S. N.) : Blagge (B.) : Boss (J. S. and N. G.) : Brown (T.) : Bunner (E.) : Burte (J.) : Chase (J.) : Chalmers (J.) : Champayne (M. R.) : Colt (R.) : Cook (S.) : Cooper (J. B.) : Cotten (A. J.) : Dashiell (H.) : Dorr (C.) : Dorsett (F.) : Dor- sey, (J. E.) : Dumeste (J.) : Eckert (G.) : Edmunds (T.) : Falconer (J.) : Fitch (C. W.) : Gardner (C.) : Gilmor. (R.) : Goodrich (J.) : Halsey (T. L.) : Ham- FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont'd FEDERAL–cont’d (Memorials)—cont’d 29 congress, 2 session—cont’d (Senate)—cont’d mond (P.) : Hartshorne º : Hogg (T. D.) : John- Ston º: S.) : Kearney (J.) : Inox (G.) : [orn (J. J.) ; Latting (J.) : Leonard (J.) : Leroy, (H Lester {º}; Livingston (J.) : Lowry (W.) : caulay (A.) : McClintock (J.) : McKim (A.) : Mc- Lellan (T.) : Macy (O.) : Manning (*) : Marchand (L.) : Marine Ins. co. (Balto.) : artin (E.) : Maryland Ins. co. : Massy (J.) : Mastin (J.) : Maule (R.) : Melville (D.) : Miller (J.) : Miller (J. J.) : Morgan (J. C.) : Neal (J.) : : Patrick (J.) : Respass (W.) : R and Etting : Seaward §: Simpkins łó); Smith (M.) : #5'i Stouffer (H.) : Taylor (G.) : & .) Thompson ſº : Van Wyck (W.) : Varick §3 : Warfield (G. F.) : Wheeler (B.) : White (G.) : Wood (W.) : Yellott (J.). (House) See Barney (J.), : Besse (C.) : Biays (J.) : Billings (A.) : See Blagge (S.) : . Bowers (J.) : Bowers (J.) : Brazer J.) : Brown (S.) : Brown (T.) : Burke (J.) : Clarke (J.) : Cook {S} : Crowinshield (B.) : Devuhagen and Groverman : Dodge (P.) : Dumeste . (J.) : Dunlap (J.) : Dunham (J.) : Edmonds (T.) : Fry (B.) : Gibson (J.) : Hempstead (J.) : Holmes (P.) : EIomes B.) : Hudson Mili Knox (G.) : Korn (J. J.) : eech (W.) : iller (J. J.) : Marine Ins. co. §º: Lobdell (E.) : McCreery (W.) : Patrick J.) : Respass (W.) : Robertson (J.) : Ross §: Ross .) : Rutter and Etting : Simpkins (C.) : Smith (T.) : Stewart (A.) : Teirnan (L.) : Thomp- son (H.) : Thorndike (I.) : Townsend (M.) : Van- j ( § Wardrobe (J.) : White (J.) : White- SICIeS ( P. ) . 30 congress, 1 session (Senate) Corby (T. M.) : Franklin: Hatch (H.) : Haven (N. A.) : Ladd (A.) : Ladd (E.). (House) See Allº (P.) : Clark (P.) : Derose (J.J.) : Haven (N: See : Hodgson (W.) : . Jamison (R.) : Marchand (L.) : O’Brien (R.) : Smith (R.) : Taylor (G.) : Walker (R.) : Willison (W.) : Zachariah (S.). 31 congress, 1 session (Senate) Alexandria (Va.) : Allyn (R.) : Arnold (T.) : At- kins (A.) : Baltimore Ins. Co.: *g (H.) : Bar- y : Barney : Bartlett (S.) : W.) : Bell (J.) : Bentalon (P.) : Besse (S. G.) : & R. C.) : Boss (J. L.) : Bristol (R. I.) : Burt (J. M.) : Burt (J. W.) : Caldwell (J.) : Cam- : Carlton (M.) : Carpenter (S.) : Carr (P.) : Chace (J.) : Chalmers (J.) : Champagne (J. R.) : Charleston (S. C.) : Clarke (A.): Coffin (M.) : Çook (S.): Corringham and Nesbit: Courtney (R.), : Cox (J.) : Crawford (J.) : Crosby (J.) : Dashiell (H.) : Doane (N.) : Dorsett (W. N.), et al. : Dume- ste (J.) : Duncan (W.) : ºn}} (J.) : Durant º 3. Edmunds (T.) : Emerson (E.) : Falconar (J.) : Farmington (Conn.) : Fergusson (R.) : ...Fitch (C. W.) : Fitch (P.) : Francis (D.) : Franklin: Fraser (T.) : Gairdner (J. and E.) : Gaylord (M.) : Geyer F. W.) : Geyer (J.) : Gibbs (L.) : Gibbs (W. C.) : Glassell (A.) : Griffith (S.) : Griswold (G.) : Halsey T. L.) : Ham (W.) : Hamilton Co. (O.) ; Hammond P.) : Hartshorne §: Hatch (M.) : Hathaway T. V.) : Henshaw (D.) : Hill_(S.) : Hooker § : owland (C.) : Huntington #: EIuntress (D.) : Jones (E.): Joynes (T. R.) : Kennard (S. G.) : K. dall (E. M.), et al. : Kingsbury (J.) : Knal (L.) : Konig (F) : Latting (j): feet (&) : Little (Oj : Lockwood (W. G.) : Ludlow §º Lunt (N. Macaulay (A.) : McDonald (J. C. W. and J. E.) : McKim (A. and R.) ; Mactier (A.) : Marchand {#} : Marine fris. co. : Alexandria (Va.) : Marrast (J.) : Maryland Ins. Co.: Megee, (W. F.) : Melcher_(W.) : Miller (J.) : Millikin (J.) : Moosly (J.) : Morton (P.) : Munnikhuysen (J.) : Nantucket (Mass.) : Neth (L.) : New Haven Ins. Co.: New York City Chamber of Commerce : Nickels (W. S.) : Nones B.) : Norman (T. W.) : North (R.) : O’Brien (R.) : 'Hara (D.) : Page (B.) : Page (S.) : Portsmouth *. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 625 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d (Memorials)—cont’d 31 congress, 1 session—cont’d (Senate)—cont’d (N. H.) : Proctor (J.) : Respass (W.) : Riley (J.) : Ring (T.) : Robinson (J.) : Ross (J.) : Rosset (J. D. D.) : Rotch (W.) and sons : Rotch (W., jr.) : Rutter and Etting: Sanbornton (N. H.) : Sasportas Savage (T.) : Shanks (P.) : Shaw (T. M.) : : Sims (J.) : Skipwith (F.) : Skyrin h (J.) : Smith (R.) : Snow (S.) : S ) and co. : Stewart (A.) : Stewart (J.) : Stone (L.) : Taylor (G.) : Taylor Šºš Tittermary (J.), et al. Thacker (E. H.) : U. S. Citizens : Van- uxem (J.) : Vasse (A.) : Vinal (D.) : Vowell (...) : Walker (D.) : Warfield (G., G. F., G. T., and W. B.) : Warfield (W. H.) : Warren Ins. Co. of R. I. : Wil- liams (J.) : Wilson (D.) : Yerby (E.) : Young (J.). (House) See Adams (S.) : Allyn (R.) : Arnold (T.) : Atkins (A.) : Barnes (R.) : Barney (H.) : Bartlett (S.) : Bell (J.) : Bentalon (P.) : Besse (J.) : Blays (J.) : Bil- lups (J.) : Blagge (S.) : Bioslandry (R. C.) : Bolton (C.) : Bramble (J.) : Brazer (J.) : Burt (J. M.) : Cameron (G.) : Care (P.) : Carpenter (S.) : Car- teret County (N. C.) : Chalmers (J.) : Chalmers (S.) : Chambers (J. W.) : Champayne (J. R.) : Charleston (S. C.) : Chase (J.) : Christophers (J.) : Church (J. B.) : Cincinnati (O.) : Clarke (A.) : Collins (C.) : Conyngham (D. H.) : Cook (#) : Corby (T. M.) : Courtenay (R.) : Crawford (J.) : Crosby (J.) : Dashiell (H.) : Davenport (A.) : Deal J.) : Dexter (A. A.) : Doane (N.) : Dodge (P.) : orsett (F.) : Dorsey (J. E.) : Dumeste (J.) : Dun- lop (J.) : Dunlop Ş .) : Durant (E.) : Eckert (J., jr.) : Edmunds (N.) : Edwards (T.) : Elwell {{...} : Emerson (E.) : Falconar (J.) : Fergusson (R.), : Francis (D.) : Fraser (T.) : Gairdner (J.) : Galt §: : $º R.) : Geyer (F. W.) : Glassell (A.) : lavarry (F. R.) : Goodhue (B.) : Griffith (F. R.) : Griffith (S.) : Groveman (A.) : Ham (W.) ; Ham- mond (P.) : Hartshorn (R.) : Hatch (M.) : Hatha- way (T. V.) : Henshaw (D.) : Higenbotham (T.) : Hill (S.) : . Hodgson (W.) : Homes (B.) : Hooker ë (; º; .) : Howland (C.) : Huntington J.) : Huntress (D.) : Jacobs (H.) : Jeffery (A.) : Jenkins (E.) : Jones (E.) : Kearney (J.) : Kiddall E. M.) : Kims (G.) : Kingsbury (J.) : Knap (A.) : Konig (F.) : Latting (J.) : Leonard (J.) : Leroy (L.) : Little (O.) : Lobdell (E.) : Louisiana Citi- zens : McCandless (R.) : Macauley (A.) : McCaus- land (M.) : McClintock (J.) : Maine Citizens : Man- chester (I.) : Marchand (L.) : Marine Ins. co. (Alex.) : Marrast (J.) : Mastin (J.) : Meigs co. (O.) : Melcher (W.) : Mille (T.) : Miller (J.) : Mil- likin (J.) : Moody (G. B.) : Morris (J.) : Munnik- huysen (J.) : Mussi (J.) : Nantucket (Mass.) : Neth § New Haven (Conn.) : New York State and ity Citizens ; New York City Chamber of Com- merce; Nichols (W. S.) : Nones (B.) : Norman (T. W.) : O’Brien (R.) : Owings (C. D.) : Page (S.) : Philadelphia (Pa.) Citizens : Pickman (D. Z.) : Pierce (J.) : Pollard (G.) : Porter (J.) : Prescott B.) : Ramay (J.) : §§ (J.) : Ring (T.) : Robin- son (J.) : Robinson (N. N.) : Rogers (E. P. and E.) : Rogers (M. G. H.) : Rogers (P.) : Ross (J.) : Ross W.) : Rotch (W.) : Russell (J. W.) : Rutter and Etting: Salem (Mass.) : Sayward (J.) : Seavey (W.) Seaward (C.) : Shaw (T. M.) : Sheafe (T.) : Shoemaker (E.) : Simpkins (C.) : Simpson (J.) : Skyrin (J.) : Smith (R.) : Snow (B.) : Sonn- tag (W. L.) and co. : Stone (L.) : Storer (J.) : Stuart and Barr : Swift (A. P.) : Taft (W. S.) : Taylor (G.) : Taylor (S.) : Tittermary (R.) : Van- uxem (J.) : Vowell (J. C.) : Vowell (T.) : Walker (D.) : Walker (R.) : Walker (S. P.) : Wardrobe (J.) : Warfield (G. F.) : Warfield (W. H.) : Warren (R. I.) Ins. co. : Williams (J.) : Wilson (D.) : Wins- low (F.) : Wright (H. A.) : Yerby (E.) : Yerby (W. W.) : Yerger (J.) : Young (J.). 31 congress, 2 Session (Senate) See McWilliams (C.) : New York State Citizens : Proud- fit (J.) : Taylor (G.). (House) See McWilliams (C.) : New York State Citizens : Sas- portas (A.) : Taylor (G.). FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1803 Indemnity—cont’d FEDERAL–cont’d STATE (Memorials)—cont’d 32 congress, 1 session (Senate) See Latting (J.) : Payne (A. W. H.) : Philadelphia : Sage (E.). (House) See Borden (J. W.) : Corby (M.) : Crary (A.) and son : Crary (F.) : Dumas (J. F.): Dunant (E.) : Gallego - J.) : Marchand (L.) : Nantucket Citi- zens: Page à .) : Page (H. E.) : Pennsylvania Citi- Zens : Philadelphia Citizens : Prager (A.) : Rangeby (J.) : Sage (E.) : Starkweather (D. A.). 32 congress, 2 session (House) See Allen (A. W.) : Bartlett (E.) : Bosse (M.) : EIall (E.) : Murray (J. A.). 33 congress, 1 session (Senate) See Buchanan (A.): Sonntag (W. L.). (House) See Adams (S.) : Adams W. A.): Beverly (Mass.) Citi- Žens: Buchanan (A:) : Fort. (G.) : Keating (O.) : LOW (C.).; , Pennsylvania. Citizens : Pomeroy (L. W.) : Rathbone (T.) : Salem (Mass.) Citizens : Truxton (T.) : Wasse (A.) : White (EI.). 33 congress, 2 session (House) See Pºss (A.) : Philadelphia (Pa.) Citizens : Vietch 34 congress, 1 and 2 session (Senate) See Corby (T. M.) : Gibbs (G.) : Hodgson (W.) : Oldden (J.) : Prayer (S.) : . Reinoudt (P.) : , Seavey (W.) : Shorb (J.) : Smith (J. A.) : Wasse (A.) : Von Kapff and Anspach. (House) See Gibbs (G.) : Lemont (S.) : Mereen (J. F.) : Phila- delphia (Pa.) Citizens : Reinoudt (P.). 35 congress, 1 session (Senate) See Montgomery, (J. and R.) : Page (B.) : Robinson (A. S.) : Swan (J.) : Wild (D.). (House) See Dunlop (W.) : Goad (A. C.) : New Hampshire Citi- zens : Page (B.) : Pennsylvania Citizens : Wild (D.). 35 Congress, 2 session (Senate) See Gelston (D. and C.) : Page (B.) : Rathbone (J. C.). (House) See Boston (Mass.) Citizens: New York City Citizens: Mullowny (J.) : Page (B. and H ) 36 congress, 2 session (Senate) See Sinclair (J.). 37 congress, 1 session (Senate) See Sinclair (J.). (Statutory Measures) See Mºś º: h ſº Louisiana : aime . Maryland : Massachusetts : New H : Ohio : Rhode Island. : ew Hampshire 40 626 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity Brown Negotiation 1823 Dec. 23. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams) to J. Brown. General instructions to E. E. and M. P. to France; claims of U. S. citizens on France for indemnity; French pretensions to special privileges in ports of Louisiana and a refusal to connect the two claims; turning away of frigate Congress from Cadiz. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., 202; 22. 2. H. doc. 147, 1.) 1824 Aug. 14. Same to same. Instructions for renewal of indemnity on French spoliations; willing to dis- cuSS, but not to admit Louisiana privileges; in fur- ther delay will see only determination on part of France to deny justice to claimant. (ib., 203; ib., 1.) 1827 May 28. Same (Clay) to same. Instruction to again demand satisfaction for French spoliations, and to present a brief review of treatment by that govt. since overthrow of Napoleon; to refer Louisiana privileges to arbitration. (ib., 203; ib., 5.) — Sept. 8. Brown to Clay. Interview with Baron de Damas on French spoliation claims; reason of U. S. for refusing to connect claim with Louisiana privi- leges; offers to arbitrate same; France declines to arbitrate; neither able nor bound to pay; France not conciliatory. (ib., 224; ib., 49.) — Dec. 19. Brown to baron de Damas. Citizens of |U. S. urge settlement of claims; review of the ques- tion; proposing arbitration in Louisiana question. (ib., 226; ib., 58.) — Dec. 28. Brown to Clay. Offer to arbitrate the Louisiana question receives no reply; copy of note sent with renewal of proposal. (ib., 225; ib., 58.) 1828 Feb. 27. Same to Same. Baron de Damas sends no reply to letter of Dec. 19; resumption of subject with his successor, Count de la Ferronnays; shows a friendly spirit and proposes interview later. (ib., 229; ib., 62.) May 12. Same to same. Minister of Foreign Affairs intimates that Amer. claims would have had more success if urged with European claims; stated U. S. were neutrals and could not properly become par- ties. (ib., 230; ib., 63.) — May 17. Clay to Brown. Instructions to return to U. S. at option; to leave Sheldon in charge of affairs; if French govt. refuses to consent to references pro- posed on Louisiana privileges, agree to her inter- pretation of that article. (ib., 209; ib., 18.) — JIy. 26. Brown to ministre des affaires etrang., France (Ferronnays). Surprise expressed at ob- jections made by France; any postponement is due to France alone. (ib., 231; ib., 66.) — Jly. 29. Brown to Clay. Council has not taken up negotiations, though urged by him to settle at once. (ib., 231; ib., 64.) — Nov. 12. Same to same. Diversity of opinion resp. Amer. claims; neutrality of U. S. in wars involving France before the restoration strong argument in favor of U. S. (ib., 232; ib., 67.) Rives Negotiation 1829 JIy. 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Rives. General instructions; claims of U. S. citizens for French spoliations; schedule of claims arranged in different classes; French pretensions to Louisiana. privileges. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., 210; 22. 2. H. doc. 147, 18.) — Nov. 7. Rives to Van Buren. Interview with Prince de Polignac on spoliation claim; called attention to duties levied on Amer. vessels at intermediate ports; Prince expressed friendship, etc. (ib., 232; ib., 68.) Nov. 19. Same to same. Urgent foreign and do- mestic interests will delay adjustment of claims; political changes in France. (ib., 233; ib., 70.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d Rives Negotiation—cont’d 1829 Dec. 10. Rives to Polignac. Hopes sufficient time has elapsed to examine subject of conference on Dec. 2. (ib., 235; ib., 74.) — Dec. 17. Rives to Van Buren. Conference with Polignac; emphasized discontent in U. S.; argued agst, irresponsibility of France; cited cases of pay- ment, etc. (ib., 233; ib, 71.) 1830 Jan. 7. Same to same. Fuller strmt. of cases of European indemnity cited before Polignac in inter- View of Dec. 17; no important political changes; Chambers convoked for March 2. (ib., 235; ib., 75.) — Jan. 13. Rives to Polignac. Renews demand of U. S. for indemnity; measure of compensation can- not be received by U. S.; awaits limits of redress France is prepared to offer. (ib., 236; ib., 78.) — Jan. 16. Rives to Van Buren. U. S. refuses to rec- Ognize distinction made under Berlin and Milan decrees; Polignac consents to make proposal in writing. (ib., 235; ib., 75.) — Jan. 28. Same to same. Polignac unprepared to dis- CuSS claims; establishment of more friendly rela- tions with other powers. (ib., 237; ib., 80.) — Feb. 16. Same to same. In conference, Polignac. agreed that if U. S. would give time for payment, France would make just acknowledgment of claims; proposal to limit redress to one class of cases only; agreed that France would indemnify “in all cases Where property had not been definitely condemned and for all vessels and cargoes destroyed at sea "; mixed commission proposed. (ib., 238; ib., 80.) Feb. 17. Rives to Polignac. Desirous of suggesting arrangement to meet French views; full power to conclude conv. (ib., 242; ib., 89.) — Feb. 25. Rives to Van Buren. French attitude agst. U. S.; desirable to know views of President on sug- gestions made regarding Berlin and Milan decrees; article might be framed to cover claims that con- § with those granted the powers. (ib., 239; ib., — Mch. 4. Project of conv., on French spoliation gº. drawn up by Rives. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., — Mch. 20. Rives to Polignac. Expressing satisfac- tion at prospect of speedy solution of claims; re- questing verbal conference on Louisiana question. (ib., 244; 22. 2. H. doc. 147, 94.) — Mch. 21. Rives to Van Buren. Presented projet of ConV.; exception taken to lack of notice of French claims; assurances that U. S. are agreeable to recip- rocal adjustment of claims of French subjects. (ib., 243; ib., 92.) * Mch. 23. Polignac to Rives. Conference not neces- Sary; question no longer to be determined; agreed that art. 8 be understood as France understood it; sº remains only to settle indemnity. (ib., 244; ib., — Mch. 26. Rives to Polignac. U. S. can never admit Construction of art. asserted by French; U. S. has already proposed amicable settlement and will pay all claims on principle of perfect reciprocity. (ib., 244; ib., 96.) — Mch. 27. Same to same. Again stating in detail Stand taken by U. S.; footing of most favored na- tions in the U. S. is that of reciprocity. (ib., 245; ib., 96.) Mch. 28. Rives to Van Buren. Polignac's introduc- tion of Louisiana, question only once mentioned in Conferences. (ib., 244; ib., 94.) — Mch. 29. Polignac to Rives. Receipt of project of treaty. (ib., 243; ib., 93.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 627 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d Rives Negotiation—cont’d 1830 Apr. 2. Van Buren to Rives. Approval of reply to observations of Polignac; suggests more accurate examination of President's message by the Prince; negotiations begun. (ib., 217; ib., 33.) — Apr. 6. Rives to Van Buren. Interview with Poli- gnac; adherence to French view of Louisiana treaty; difference betw. an ordinary commercial and a political treaty; refuses arbitration by a foreign power; prefers mixed commisison; intimation to settle both claims by this tribunal. (ib., 245; ib., 98.) — Apr. 30. Van Buren to Rives. Instruction convey- ing satisfaction that negotiations are begun; ap- proval of conv. proposed; objection to a mixed com- mission; allowed to submit Louisiana privilege to a mixed commission; stnt. Of French tonnage to Louisiana, 1815 to 1829. (ib., 217; ib., 35.) — May 12. Mechin to Rives. Mr. Dubouzet attaches undue importance to negotiations conducted with previous ministries; important to enlighten Com- mission on negotiations of that period. (ib., 247; ib., 103.) — May 18. Rives to Van Buren. Conference with Baron Deffaudis; injustice of uniting two claims; irresponsibility of France; friendship of King only could secure settlement; proposition would be un- favorably recd. by U. S. (ib., 246; ib., 100.) — May 20. Polignac to Rives. Misunderstanding in regard to Stand taken by U. S. on Louisiana treaty; France demands recognition of claim; right to re- ject U. S. Spoliation claims; negotiations suspended. (ib., 250; ib., 109.) — May 20. Rives to Polignac. Suggestions for a set- tlement; in lieu of Louisiana claim reduction of duties on French wine; cotton to enter France free of duty; etc. (ib., 249; ib., 106.) — May 20. Rives to Van Buren. Prospect of Louisi- ana treaty dubious; suggestion of reduction of du- ties on French wines favorably received; indem- nity impossible without some accommodation in rec- ognition of Louisiana claim. (ib., 248; ib., 103.) — May 26. Rives to Polignac. Surprise at suspension of negotiations; conferences of later date intimated; again states exact position of U. S. on both ques- tions. (ib., 252; ib., 112.) — May 29. Rives to Van Buren. Misapprehension of Louisiana claims; distinct acknowledgment of U. S. claim accomplished. (ib., 250; ib., 108.) — May 31. Polignac to Rives. Suggestions for termi- nating Louisiana claim engage attention; France declines to exchange privilege secured to her for- ever except for an advantage equally perpetual. (ib., 255; ib., 119.) Je. 2. Rives to Polignac. Concession suggested would be binding on U. S. for a fixed term; perpet- ual rate of duty incompatible with freedom that govts. reserve; conciliatory sentiments expressed will find favor in U. S. (ib., 255; ib., 120.) — Je. 8. Rives to Van Buren. Rpt. of commission hurried and ill considered; times unfavorable for Amer. efforts. (ib., 254; ib., 118.) — Je. 15. Polignac to Rives. France never admitted spoliation claims to be incontestable; French right to demand settlement of Louisiana claim; meaning of art, 8; analogy in position of U. S. with that of allies in 1814 and '15. (ib., 256; ib., 122.) — Je. 25. Rives to Polignac. Cannot concur in view expressed in letter of 15th; misapprehension of spirit of Amer. objection to Louisiana claim. (ib., 258; ib., 126.) * — Je. 25. Same to same. Full cooperation in work which promises desirable results for both countries; FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d Rives Negotiation—cont’d subject of negotiation to be presented through pro- jet of treaty answering to that presented in Mch. (ib., 262; ib., 126.) 1830 Je. 29. Rives to Van Buren. Reinstatement of nego- tiations; unfavorable time to push negotiations. (ib., 256; ib., 121.) — JIy. 17. Rives to Van Buren. Projet still delayed; urges it be sent soon; France refuses to pay Amer. claims unless U. S. recognises French claim under treaty. (ib., 264; ib., 135.) — Jly. 23. Rives to Polignac. Calls attention to un- settled question of claims; termination depends on promised projet. (ib., 265; ib., 141.) — Jly. 30. Rives to Van Buren. Political situation in Paris. (22. 2. H. doc. 147, 139.) — Aug. 8. Same to same. Needs new letters of Cre- dence at once; liberal party more opposed to U. S. claims than royalists. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., 265; 22. 2. H. doc. 147, 142.) — Aug. 18. Same to same. King most friendly to U. S.; unable to present claims till letter of credence comes; proposition may be made for transaction en bloc; advice for pro rata abatement on special claims. (ib., 266; ib., 145.) — Sept. 8. Same to same. Change in ministry delays prosecution of claims; prospect of adjustment de- pends on reduction of Amer. demands. (22. 2. H. doc. 147, 147.) — Sept. 18. Same to same. Opposed to suggestion of French foreign minister for an ex parte commis- Sion; favors either a mixed commission or settle- ment by round sum. (ib., 149.) – Sept. 20. Rives to ministre des affaires etrang., France (Molé). Renews spoliation claims; late min- istry promises projet of an adjustment; through numerous postponements high degree of sensibility exists in U. S. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., 269; 22. 2. H. doc. 147, 152.) — Sept. 27. Van Buren to Rives. Instructions trans- mitting credential letter of President; expected new govt. in France will be favorable to speedy settle- ment of indemnity. (ib., 219; ib., 39.) Sept. 29. Rives to Van Buren. Nothing done with claims; ministry very cautious; impression claims are not a national affair; possible changes of min- istry. (ib., 268; ib., 151.) — Oct. 16. Van Buren to Rives. If France pays in grOSS Sum, claims must be settled by Congress; hopes U. S. may satisfy French govt. of superior fitness of independent adjustment of Louisiana priv- ileges. (ib., 220; ib., 39.) — Oct. 19. Molé to Rives. King has named special commission to examine all reclamations and to lay down basis of project; admits principle which is basis of reclamations. (ib., 272; ib., 157.) — Oct. 19. Rives to Van Buren. Formation of com- mission to consider claims. (ib., 270; ib., 154.) — Nov. 8. Rives to Van Buren. Cordially received by King; promises relative to French claims; change of ministry. (ib., 272; ib., 158.) 3. — Nov. 8. Van Buren to Rives. Instructions showing regret if France persists in counseling negotiation for claims and Louisiana privileges; for conclusion of conv. Stipulating reasonable reduction of duties on French wines. (ib., 220; ib., 41.) Dec. 14. T. H. Benton, sen. from Mo., to U. S. Sen- ate. Statement relative to French grants. 1. Grant On Arkansas to Mr. Law; 2. grant near old Fort ºute on the Alabama. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., 222. 628 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d Rives Negotiation—cont’d 1830 Dec. 18. Rives to Van Buren. Presents tabular stmt. of amt. of claims to commission; reply to in- timation that U. S. is pushing France while em- barrassed. (ib., 273; 22. 2. H. doc. 147, 160.) — Dec. 22. Van Buren to Rives. Instructions Con- veying hope of settlement with France; claims of Caron de Beaumarchais, privateer Vengeance, etc., will be settled; U. S. is at loss to understand “claims of French to lands in La.”; U. S. unchanged in re- gard to Amer. claims. (ib., 221; ib., 42.) 1831. France and U. S. Projet of conv. for a just and amicable termination of discussion relating to French Spoliation claims. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., 285). — Jan. 18. Rives to Van Buren. Audience with King to present President’s letter. (ib., 274; 22. 2. H. doc. 147, 162.) — Jan. 31. Rives to ministre des affaires etrang., France (Sebastiani). Ample time afforded for ex- amination of U. S. claims; final adjustment should no longer be delayed. (ib., 275; ib., 165.) Q — Feb. 8. Rives to Van Buren. Will renew pressure to accelerate action of commission; prejudicial ef- fect of backwardness of new govt. (ib., 275; ib., 164.) — Feb. 18. Same to Same. French commission favor- able to principle of Amer. claims. (ib., 275; ib., 165.) — Mch. 10. Same to same. Obtained report presented by minister Polignac to King in Oct., last, with pro- posal of renewal of negotiations; Louisiana obstacle removed, now embraces Whole maSS of reclama- tions. (ib., 276; ib., 166.) — Mch. 30. Same to same. Nature of Opinion of Com- mission; opinion of majority excites surprise; mi- nority recognize all claims; both agree on Louisiana treaty. (ib., 276; ib., 168.) — Apr. 7. Van Buren to Rives. Instructions contain- ing res. Of House relating to Beaumarchais claim; no objection to claim being deducted from the amt. for claims to Amer. citizens, provided Sum allowed by France is commensurate. (ib., 223; ib., 46.) — Apr. 14. Rives to Van Buren. France still unpre- pared to discuss claims. (ib., 277; ib., 169.) — Apr. 21. Rives to Sebastiani. Urging speedy settle- ment of claims. (ib., 279; ib., 174.) — Apr. 28. Rives to Van Buren. Proposition to settle claims agst. France again delayed. (ib., 278; ib., 171.) May 7. Same to same. Sums offered in payment of claims agst. France; French opposition on mixed commission. (ib., 280; ib., 176.) — May 29. Same to same. France adverse to mixed commission; conferences relative to delay in con- cluding negotiations. (ib., 282; ib., 180.) Je. 13. Rives to Sebastiani. Submitting projet of a conv. (ib., 285; ib., 187.) — Je. 14. Rives to Van Buren. Council adds one more million; unequivocal ultimatum; urges securing this proposition; projet approved with exception of art. 5 renouncing French claims; Beaumarchais claim. (ib., 283; ib., 184.) — Je. 15. Sebastiani to Rives. Presenting 16 notes of IFrench claims agst. the U. S., properly compre- hended in the negotiations now going on. (ib., 286; ib., 191.) — Je. 19. Rives to Sebastiani. Observations in rela- tion to the French reclamations. (ib., 291; ib., 201.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d Rives Negotiation—cont’d 1831 Je. 25. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to Rives. Instructions showing disappointment at not receiv- ing news of some offer to settle claims; hope of a special messenger. (ib., 223; ib., 47.) — Je. 29. Rives to Livingston. Conferences with Minister of Foreign Affairs on reduction of duties on French wines accepted in lieu of Louisiana claim; duties on U. S. cotton. (ib., 294; ib., 208.) TREATY 1831 Jly. 4. Conv. concerning claims and duties on wines and cottons. Concluded JIy. 4, 1831; ratifications exchanged at Wash- ington, Feb. 2, 1832; proclaimed Jly. 13, 1832. Signed by W. C. Rives (U. S.) and H. Sebastiani (France). English text in “Treaties, etc. betw. U. S. and forei powers 1776-1887,” p. 345. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) French and English parallel text in 22. 1. H. doc. 126. Amer. ratification proc. in iv, Sen. exec. jol. Statutory Measures 1832 Feb. 17. Intr. in House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (22. 1. H. R. 415) “to carry into effect convention between U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831 °; approved Jly. 13. (iv., St. L., 574.) 1833 Jan. 18. Intr. in Senate (Smith, Com. on Finance); joint res. (22. 2. S. Joint Res. 2.) “authorizing de- livery of certain papers in Dept. of State to comrS. for settling claims under treaty with France ’’; ap- proved Feb. 19. (ib., 668.) - — Feb. 15. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Smith, Com. on Fi- nance), bill (22. 2. S. 119) “to authorize Secy. of Treasury to put at interest instalment received un- der treaty with France of July 4, 1831.” (22. 2. S. jol., 184.) — Mch. 2. An act making apprins. for the civil and dipl. expenses of govt. 1833 [clause providing: in- stalments under treaty of indemnity with France to be loaned]. (iv., St. L., 628.) 1834 Feb. 28. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (23.1. H. 330) “to extend time for discharge of duties of comrs. for carrying into effect conv. with France ’’; approved Je. 14. (ib., 679.) 1835 Feb. 4. Intr. in U. S. House (Cambreleng, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (23. 2. H. R. 704) “further to extend time allowed for execution of duties of COm- mission for carrying into effect convention with France.” (23. 2. H. jol., 321.) * — Feb. 27. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Clay, Com. On For- eign Relations), bill (23. 2. S. 173) “further to ex- tend time for execution of duties of commission to carry into effect conv. with France ’’; approved Mch. 3. (ib., 778.) 1836 Mch. 21. Intr. in U. S. House (Cambreleng, Com. on Ways and Means), bill (24. 1. H. R. 438) “to authorize Secy. Treasy. to adjust claim of Bank of U. S. for damages on bill of exchange on French govt.” (24. 1. H. jol., 546.) — May 6. Intr. in U. S. House (Howard, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (24. 1. H. R. 611) “for anticipat- ing payment of indemnities accruing to citizens of U. S. under convention with France, Jly. 4, 1831, etc.” (ib., 779; 895.) — Je. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Wright, N. Y.), bill (24. 1. S. 302) “for anticipating payment of indem- nities accruing to U. S. citizens under conv. With France of Jly. 4, 1831, etc.” (24. 1. S. jol., 440; 489.) — Dec. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Wright, N. Y.), bill (24. 2. S. 46) “for anticipating payment of indem- nities under conv. with France, etc.” (ib., 60, 62, 306; 24. 2. H. jol., 578.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 629 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY—cont’d Commission (American) Comrs. : , T. H. Williams, G. W. Campbell, J. K. Kane, apptd. Jly. 14, 1832 (iv, Sen. exec. jol.) ; R. M. Saunders apptd. Jan. 21, 1834, in place of Williams, ºng #: Secy. à . E. Frost, apptd. J1y. 14, 1832 (iv, Sen. exec. Ol. ). Clerk: J. H. Wheeler, apptd. Jly. 14, 1834 (ib.). 1834 Feb. 22. Secy. Amer. Commission (Frost) to chrm. Com. Foreign Affairs (Archer). Strmt. of business of commission 1832-1834, to acc. H. R. 330, 23 cong- reSS. (23. 1. H. rpt. 293.) - Je. 7. Comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty with France to Vice Pres. of U. S. (Van Buren). Rpt. of claims recognized, rejected and suspended. (23. 1. S. doc. 417.) 1835. List of several awards made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty with France of 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 7.) 1836 Jan. 14. Analysis of awards made by late com- mission under treaty with France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. S. doc. 161, 30; H. ex. doc. 117, 86.) Correspondence 1831 JIy. 8. Rives to Livingston. On treaty of JIy. 4. (ix, Reg. Debates, app., 296; 22. 2. H. doc. 147, 212.) – Aug. 4. Livingston to Rives. Instructions urging news by every packet; if some specific offer has not been made signify to French ministry President’s disappointment, and the national unfriendly feel- ing at this delay. (ib., 223; ib., 48.) — Sept. 9. Actg. Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Brent) to Rives. Arrival of Mr. Draper with treaty of JIy. 4; arrival of Mr. Stephens with duplicates; congratu- lations on conclusion of treaty. (ib., 224; ib., 48.) — Sept. 26. Livingston to Rives. Satisfaction of President at success of treaty. (ib., 224; ib., 49.) 1832 Feb. 4. Livingston to Rives. Senate unanimously advises ratification of conv.; exchange effected. (xi, ib., app., 109; 23. 2. H. ex: doc. 40, 3.) – Feb. 24. Same to same. Advises application to French govt. for evidence in support of claims of Amer. Citizens, as promised in art. 6, of conv.; authorized to inform French govt. this arrangement Will be reciprocal; all documents to same effect in archives at Paris should be transmitted to State Dept. (ib., 109; ib., 4.) — Je. 8. W. W. Ellsworth, repr. from Vt. Remarks; favoring two year limit for commission under conv. with France. (viii, Reg. Debates, 3342.) — Je. 8. R. H. Wilde, repr. from Ga. Do.; against proposition for per diem allowance to comrs. under conv. with France. (ib., 3345.) — Je. 8. C. A. Wickliffe, repr. from Ky. Do.; favoring amdmt. to bill for executing conv. with France, re- garding compensation of comrs. (ib., 3345.) — Je. 8. Davis, repr. from Mass. Do.; agst, apptmt. of new commission under conv. with France, and sug- º Danish Commission perform duties. (ib., 3340. — Je. 8. Geo. Burd, repr. from Penn. Do.; in opposi- tion to authorization of Danish Commission to act on claims under conv. with France. (ib., 3341.) — Je. 8. J. K. Polk, repr. from Tenn. Do.; in reply to Everett, protesting agst. two year limit to commis- sion under conv. with France. (ib., 3341.) — Je. 8. D. J. Pearce, repr. from R. I. Do.; suggesting amdmt. to bill to carry into effect conv. With France regarding claims, and protesting agst. limitation of present commission to two years. (ib., 3340.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1832 Je. 8. F. G. Jewett, repr. from N. Y. Do.; in Sup- port of his amdmt. to bill to execute conv. With France, regarding compensation of comrs. (ib., 3344.) - — Je. 8. E. Everett, repr. from Mass. Do.; opposing Jewett amdmt. regarding compensation of COmrS. under conv, with France. (ib., 3345.) — Je. 8. E. Everett, repr. from Mass. Do.; in reply to Archer, favoring two year limit for work of Com- mission under conv. with France. (ib., 3341.) — Je. 8. I. C. Bates, repr. from Mass. Do.; Suggesting that time should be allowed claimants under Conv. with France to Secure and present papers from abroad. (ib., 3343.) Je. 8. J. K. Polk, repr. from Tenn. Do.; on carry- ing into effect conv. with France of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., 3341.) Je. 8. J. Reed, repr. from Mass. Do.; urging fair consideration of all French claims, and agst. fixed time limit to commission under conv. With France. (ib., 3342.) — Je. 8. H. A. S. Dearborn, repr. from Mass. DO.; favoring two year limit to commission under ConV. with France. (ib., 3344.) — Je. 8. D. L. Barringer, repr. from N. C. Do.; agst. proposition to pay comrs. under conv. with France on per diem basis. (ib., 3346.) Je. 8. W. S. Archer, repr. from Va. Do.; On carry- ing into effect conv. with France of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., 3340, 3341, 3344, 3347.) — Je. 8. N. Appleton, repr. from Mass. Do. ; favoring two year limit for commission under conv. With France. (ib., 3342.) — Je. 20. Rives to Sebastiani. Representation in con- formity with art. 6, conv. of 1831; for communica- tion of Such documents Of French govt. as relate to claims; enclose a schedule of those necessary at this time. (xi, ib., app., 115; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 18.) Oct. 4. Actg. Secy. Of State (Brent) to Rives. Claimants under conv. await French documents ap- plied for. (ib., 109; ib., 4.) Oct. 20. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Niles) to ministr. des affaires étrangères (Broglie). Rep- resentation of art. 6, treaty of 1831, and unanswered note of Je. last containing schedule of papers needed; urges importance of documents to Amer. commission in deciding claims. (ib., 115; ib., 19.) Nov. 15. Broglie to Niles. Demand for delivery of various documents according to treaty of 1831 has Occasioned many questions, which King’s govt. Can- not decide until termination of researches now pro- ceeding. (ib., 116; ib., 20; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 92.) — Dec. 29. Same to Same. Regret to send an incom- plete answer to demand on subject of art. 6, treaty of 1831; part has been obtained; encloses two lists of names and values of Amer. vessels seized or sold at Antwerp and Bayonne. (ib., 116; ib., 21; ib., 92.) 1833 Jan. 2. D. Webster, Sen. from Mass. Remarks; dis- claiming necessity for action of Congress upon ques- tion of papers of Spanish claimants in State Dept. (ix, Reg. Debates, 38.) — Jan. 2. U. S. Senate. Res. (Holmes), to instruct Com. On Foreign Relations to inquire into expedi- ency of permitting French claimants to use evidence and docs, presented to comrs. under late treaty with Spain. (ib., 38.) 630 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS tº FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1833 Jan. 2. P. Sprague, sen. from Me. Remarks; sup- porting res. directing inquiry into granting use of docs, presented by late Spanish claimants to present French claimants. (ib., 38.) — Jan. 2. J. Holmes, sen. from Me. Remarks in sup- port of his res. of even date. (ib., 38.) — Jan. 10. U. S. Senate. Res. (Forsyth) that Com. on Finance be instructed to provide by apprp. for tem- porary clerks in State Dept. during continuance of Commission under treaty with France; agreed to. (22. 2. S. jol., 72.) — Jan. 10. J. Holmes, sen. from Me. Remarks; ex- pressing doubt as to legality, as evidence, before commission under conv. with France, of copies of docS. in State Dept., to be furnished applicants there- for. (ix, Reg. Debates, 80.) Jan. 10. J. Forsyth, Sen. from Ga., to U. S. Senate. Do.; in support of his res. of even date. (ib., 79.) — Jan. 19. P. Sprague, sen. from Me. Do.; favoring delivery by Secy. State to comrs. under French treaty of papers submitted to comrs. under Sp. treaty. (ib., 125.) — Jan. 19. N. Smith, sen. from Conn. Remarks in favor of Forsyth res. of 10 inst. (ib., 122.) iš 19. N. Silsbee, Sen. from Mass. Same. — Jan. 19. E. K. Kane, sen. from Ill. Same. (ib., 123.) — Jan. 19. J. Forsyth, sen. from Ga. Same. (ib., 123.) — Jan. 21. Niles to Broglie. Tabulated list of Amer. vessels seized, or sold, at Antwerp and Bayonne of great use; still necessary to have original ships’ papers; U. S. awaits impatiently answer to Mr. Rives’ demand of Je. 20. (xi, ib., app., 116; 23. 2. H. ox. doc. 40, 21.) Jan. 31. Broglie to Niles. Doubts if ships’ papers required are in archives of govt.; decision in regard to their delivery in principle subordinate to that with regard to demand of Mr. Rives. (ib., 116; ib., 22; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 93.) Feb. 8. Livingston to Niles. Instructions to ap- prise France of bill drawn by Congress upon Min- ister of Finance, for first installment with interest, etc.; full power to assignee in France to receive payment and give receipt to French govt. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 5.) — Feb. 23. French E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Ser- urier) to Livingston. Effect of President’s message. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 115.) — Mch. 13. Livingston to Amer. Chargé in France (Harris). Instructions to Mr. Niles to deliver over to him books and archives of U. S. legation; to urge prompt delivery of documents required of the French by conv. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 109; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 5.) — Mch. 21. Niles to Broglie. Secy. Of Treasury of TJ. S. has negotiated draft On French govt. for amt. of first installment due under 1831 treaty; to be pre- sented by assignee in France with full power to give receipt. (ib., 117; ib., 22.) Mch. 26. Broglie to Niles. Astonished at course pursued by U. S.; mode for receiving payment irreg- ular, etc. (ib., 117; ib., 23; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117.) — Mch. 28. Niles to Broglie. Notification of bill drawn by Secy, of U. S. Treasury on France for first installment due under 1831 treaty; bill presented, payment refused and in consequence protested; France responsible for losses incurred. (xi, Reg. De- bates, app., 118; 23. 2. H. ex: doc. 40, 24.) (ib., FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-COnt’d Correspondence—cont’d 1833 Apr. 16. Broglie to Niles. Unable to comply with request to have certificate affixed to list of Amer. Vessels destroyed; Suggests that Amer. Commission draw up exact statement of claims. (ib., 118; ib., 26; 24. 1. H. ex, doc. 117, 95.) — Apr. 26. Livingston to Serurier. Bills drawn on French govt. for payment of first installment of 1831 indemnity remitted to Paris; no apprn. Imade by Chambers; apprehensions of delay. (xi, Reg. De- bates, app., 134; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 62.) — May 18. Actg. Secy. of State (McLane) to Serurier. Inquiry relative to delay of French govt. to provide for payment of first installment, under late conv., due Feb. 2, last. (ib., 135; ib., 63.) — May 19. Serurier to McLane. Regret at unsuitable mode of demanding payment; financial claim of a treaty demands sanction of chamber to be effective. (ib., 135; ib., 63; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 97.) — May 26. Harris to Broglie. Reflections relative to treaty of Jly. 4, 1831; principal causes of complaint and amt. of claim.S. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 119; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 27.) — Je. 3. McLane to Serurier. Regret at unsatisfactory explanation of cause of delay; mode used by U. S. in demanding payment was in accord with treaty, not unusual among nations, and no excuse for non- payment. (ib., 136; ib., 65.) — Je. 3. McLane to Livingston. Instructions; failure of France to provide for payment of first install- ment; insist upon execution of treaty and a pay- ment of all expenses caused to U. S. by delay. (ib., 110; ib., 5.) — Je. 9. Serurier to McLane. In explanation of mis- apprehension of tenor of previous COrresp. as ex- pressed in his note of Je. 3. (ib., 140; ib., 74; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 98.) — Je. 18. McLane to Amer. chargé in France (Har- ris). Corresp. betw. State Dept. and Serurier rela- tive to protested draft; Mr. Livingston about to take full charge of Subject; U. S. maintains right to re- ceive payment and refutes Broglie’s objections. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 110; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 7.) — Je. 24. McLane to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Livingston). Hesitation of France to give docu- ments, according to treaty, not understood; no Ob- jection to Mr. Harris' plan; authorized to return all documents except decrees of French courts. (ib., 111; ib., 8.) — Jiy. [?]. Broglie to Harris. In explanation of delay in executing treaty of 1831. (ib., 123; ib., 37; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 99.) — Jly. 1. Harris to Broglie. Protest agst. Continued delay in putting before chamber subject of treaty; suggests this may weaken good will existing betw. U. S. and France. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 122; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 35.) — Jly. 25. McLane to Livingston. Instructions to rep- resent to French govt. deep disappointment and in- jurious effect of failure to execute treaty; ConV. should be treated as final. (ib., 111; ib., 9.) — Aug. 31. Serurier to McLane. Justifying delay; mode of demand still deprecated. (ib., 140; ib., 75; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 101.) — Sept. 5. McLane to Serurier. Disappointment has increased since Greek loan required interposition of chambers; no misapprehension as to treaty making power. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 141; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40; 77.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 631 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d t 1833 Sept. 10. Serurier to McLane. Begs to correct er- ror in regard to Greek loan; protests formally agst. So absolute an enunciation of duties imposed on French legislature. (ib., 142; ib., 79; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 102.) – Sept. 27. McLane to Livingston. Notes received from French minister to State Dept. since departure. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 111; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 9.) — Oct. 4. Livingston to Secy. State, U. S. A. (For- Syth). Conference with King relative to conv. of #", º Reg. Debates, app., 1220; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. – Oct. 5. Same to Broglie. Instructed to ask official explanation of French govt. and demand fullest ex- ecution of 1831 treaty; U. S. feel entirely exempt from Violating usages in mode of demanding pay- ment due; U. S. considered faith of French govt. irrevocably pledged and acknowledges no right of any branch of that govt. to destroy these pledges. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 124; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 38.) — Oct. 12. Broglie to Serurier. Protest agst, desire that King's govt. should hasten convocation of Chambers; willing to present projet de loi day after Chambers are constituted. (ib., 143; ib., 81.) – Oct. 23. Broglie to Livingston. Aware call for pay- Iment Was according to letter of conv.; still think U. S. mode of procedure irregular; positive assur- ance given that law will be laid before Chambers on first day of next session. (ib., 126; ib., 44; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 104.) - Nov. 11. Livingston to Broglie. Assurances of good will from French govt. would have effect in U. S.; Still repel charge of premature demand; failure to execute after repeated promises, another cause of Complaint. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 127; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 45.) — Nov. 20. Broglie to Livingston. Complaints unjust regarding art. 6, Council of State have examined papers and report would soon be in. (ib., 129; ib., 49; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 105.) — Dec. 3. President U. S. A. (Jackson). Annual mes- Sage; clause relating to failure of France to furnish U. S. With certain documents; clause relating to failure of France to pay instalment due under late treaty. — Dec. 11. McLane to Livingston. Unable to accept Suggestion to Suspend act of Congress executing conv.; true policy is to fulfill Our engagements, and to exact similar performance from others; to pre- Vail on King to obtain such a law as will authorize payment of installments without again resorting to Chambers. (xi, Reg. Debates, 111; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 10.) 1833-34. Proc. and discussions in French Chamber of - Deputies, on subject of treaty betw. France and U. S. (23. 1. H. doc. 2, 393.) 1834 Jan. 4. Livingston to Broglie. Regret at failure to communicate documents, so often promised, required by art. 6, of treaty; no reasonable ground for delay, report having been declared ready. (xi, Reg. De- bates, app., 129; 23. 2. H. ex: doc. 40, 51.) — Mch. 7. Livingston to Broglie. Regrets to an- nounce to U. S. further delay for presenting rpt. Of the commission on conv.; time approaches for U. S. Congress to adjourn, and delay may be injurious if law is not reported. (ib., 130: ib., 51.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity-cont’d TREATY—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1834 Mch. 15. McLane to Livingston. Insist upon Com- munication of documents under art. 6, of conv.; endeavor to convince French ministry that their interpretation cannot be regarded as literal execu- tion of treaty. (ib., 112; ib., 11.) — Apr. 28. Ministre des affaires étrangères, France (Rigny) to Livingston. Requested minister of Jus- tice to deliver documents which have been agreed upon for U. S. (ib., 130; ib., 52.) — May 2. Livingston to Rigny. Certain paper re- fused to Mr. Sedgwick at Dept. of Justice; U. S. ex- pects records, etc., to be furnished free of expense, as understood by art. 6. (ib., 130; ib., 52.) — May 7. L. Williams, repr. from N. C. Remarks; favoring recommitment of bill to carry Out ConV. with France, with instructions to limit its opera- tions to. six mos. (x, Reg. Debates, 3973.) — May 7. R. H. Wilde, repr. from Ga. Do.; favoring continuance of commission to adjudicate and Settle claims agst. France. (ib., 3973.) — May 7. J. M. Wayne, repr. from Ga. Do.; On Carry- ing into effect conv. with France, of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., 3973.) May 7. J. Reed, repr. from Mass. Do.; favoring bill to execute conv. with France, on ground that much of evidence was yet in French courts. (ib., 3972.) — May 7. J. J. McKay, repr. from N. C. Do.; Suggest- ing futility of continuing commission under conv. with France longer than two yrs., in view of re- fusal of French Chambers to carry out Said conv. (ib., 3972.) — May 7. J. W. Huntington, repr. from Conn. Do.; favoring extension of time to comrs. under ConV. with France, to enable claimants to procure requi- site testimony. (ib., 3972.) — May 7. T. Burges, repr. from R. I. Do.; denying necessity of continuing commission under conv. with France longer than two yrs. (ib., 3972.) — May 7. D. L. Barringer, repr. from N. C. Do.; fa- voring postponement of bill to execute conv. with France; dearth of materials before comrs. (ib., 3972.) — May 7. W. S. Archer, repr. from Va. Do.; on carry- ing into effect conv. with France of JIy. 4, 1831. (ib., 3971, 3974-3975.) — May 7. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Do.; favor- ing continuance of commission under conv. with France regarding claims. (ib., 3974.) — May 7. W. S. Archer, repr. from Va. Same. (ib., 3971.) — May 8. Rigny to Livingston. Secy. Council of state authorized to deliver documents to person ap- pointed. (xi, ib., app., 131; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 53.) — May 10. Livingston to Rigny. Order for papers complied with; encloses further list of documents necessary for Holland vessels seized in 1810. (ib., 131; ib., 54.) — May 17. McLane to Livingston. Surprise at ex- traordinary rejection of bill by Chamber of Depu- ties for carrying conv. into effect; if explanations are not satisfactory, will not conceal fact that such measures will be adopted as will vindicate right and honor of country. (ib., 113; ib., 13.) — May 29. McLane to Livingston. Additional infor- mation of late despatches little calculated to di- minish dissatisfaction; will wait reasonable time for explanations before making communication to Con- gress. (ib., 113; ib., 13.) 632 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1834 May 30. Same to same. Proc. and discussions in gºmber of Deputies relative to conv. (ib., 113; ib., — Je. 5. Serurier to McLane. Unexpected rejection by chamber of law for granting funds for executing treaty of 1831. (ib., 143; ib., 81; 24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 107.) — Je. 27. McLane to Livingston. Treaty must be carried out to the letter; refutes stnts, concerning Mr. Barlow. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 114; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 15.) — Je. 27. McLane to Serurier. Rejection of law to Carry treaty into effect endangers good feeling betw. Countries; unable to understand cause after many aSSurances of King and ministers. (ib., 143; ib., 83.) Jly. 26. Livingston to Rigny. Urges consideration of treaty at next session of chamber; another lapse of time would lead to estrangement betw. the na- tions; ordinary proc. should give way to extraord- inary circumstances of present case. (ib., 131; ib., 55.) — Jly. 29. Same to same. Assurances of his majesty’s desire to fulfill treaty received with pleasure; ut- most concern would be felt if projet de loi be not presented this session. (ib., 132; ib., 56.) — Jly. 31. Rigny to Livingston. Impossible to present law at this session. (ib., 132; ib., 56; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 109.) — Aug. 3. Livingston to Rigny. Utmost reliance placed on assurance of his majesty; in this state of things something more would seem to be required than general assurances that they will redeem pledged faith of nation; even some degree of na- tional interest ought to give way to exigencies of such a case; these reflections show light in which matter is received by U. S. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 132; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 57.) — Aug. 7. Rigny to Livingston. Unable to find in any engagement of French minister at Washington any- thing at variance with what has been communi- cated; should appreciate system of prudence and procrastination of King's govt. is for protection of treaty; timely assembling of chambers would be unfavorable. (ib., 133; ib., 59; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 110.) — Aug. 8. Rigny to Livingston. Minister of Foreign Affairs wishes to consult Amer. documents indicated in annexed note. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 134; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 61.) — Sept. 5. Rigny to Barton. Copies from archives of the Council of State of decision of Council of Prizes and of Imperial decision resp. Amer. Vessels. (ib., 134; ib., 61.) — Nov. 6. Forsyth to Livingston. Reliance on inten- tion of administration to present law for appropri- ating funds to execute treaty to new Chambers; Subject to be placed before Congress. (ib., 115; ib., 40.) — Nov. 22. Livingston to Forsyth. Cause of delay in carrying into effect treaty of 1831. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1220; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 136, 2.) – Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Jackson). Annual mes- Sage; Clause relating to state of relations with France. – Dec. 6. Livingston to Forsyth. Endeavors to obtain decision relative to treaty of 1831. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1221; 23. 2. H. ex. doc. 136, 3.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1884 Dec. 9. J. M. Wayne, repr. from Ga. Speech; on carrying into effect conv. with France of Jiy. 4, 1831. (xi, Reg. Debates, 772.) — Dec. 9. N. H. Claiborne, repr. from Va. Remarks; favoring postponement of legislation regarding re- lations with France until after further action by * Chambers on treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., — Dec. 9. W. S. Archer, repr. from Va. Do.; urging reference of Subject of relations with France to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 774.) — Dec. 9. A. S. Clayton, repr. from Ga. Speech; favor- ing postponement of legislation regarding relations With France until after further action by French Chambers on treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., 763.) – Dec. 9. R. M. Johnson, repr. from Ky. Remarks; defending attitude of President on subject of rela- tions with France, and urging reference of subject to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 776.) — Dec. 10. U. S. House. Res. (Foster, Ga.), calling for corresp. relative to refusal of French govt. to provide for execution of treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (23. 2. H. jol., 64; 130.) Dec. 14. U. S. House. Res. (Fulton) that 5000 Copies of proc. in French Chamber of Deputies on Subject of treaty betw. U. S. and France, be printed for use of House. (23. 2. H. jol., 90.) Modified to read “10,000 copies.” (ib., 98.) — Dec. 18. U. S. Sen. Com. on Finance (Tyler). In- quiry into affairs of Bank of the U. S.; course adopted by U. S. bank in exacting damages on the iºn bill, i. e., H. R. 330. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 99. — Dec. 22. Livingston to Forsyth. Rpt. on prospect of executing conv. of 1831. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1221.) — Dec. 23. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clay), with remark, Calling for instructions to mission to France and corresp. with French govt. relative to treaty of Jiy. 4, 1831. (ib., 45.) —º 23. H. Clay. Remarks; res. of even date. (ib., – Dec. 27. Forsyth to Jackson. French Relations; no authority given to those who succeeded Mr. Rives to enter into corresp. with French govt. except to urge prompt delivery of papers stipulated for in art. 6, and to apprise govt. of arrangements for first in- stallment. (ib., 877; app., 108.) — Dec. 29. J. Calhoun, Sen. from S. C. Remarks; de- Sire for prºg. Of debates of French Chambers on treaty regarding claims. (xi, Reg. Debates, 78.) 1835 Jan. 6. Com. on Foreign Relations (Clay). Rpt. that it is inexpedient at this time to pass law vesting in President any authority to make reprisals upon French property in case of non-payment of indem- nity of 1831. (ib., 208; 23. 2. S. doc. 40.) — Jan. 6. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Do.; rpt. and res. of Com. on Foreign Relations on relations with France, urging prompt publication of Same. (xi, Reg. Debates, 104-106.) * — Jan. 6. A. Porter, sen. from La. Remarks; in Sup- port of Poindexter motion to print 20,000 copies rpt. and res. Of Committee on Foreign Relations concerning relations with France. (xi, Reg. Debates, 106, 107.) — Jan. 6. S. Wright, sen. from N. Y. Do.; Opposed to prtg. more than 5000 copies of rpt. of Com. On For- eign Relations regarding reprisals upon French property. (ib., 107.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 633 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1835 Jan. 6. F. A. Tallmadge, sen. from N. Y. Do.; urg- ing postponement of consideration of rpt. on re- lations with France until after further news of ac- tion by French Chambers on subject of spoliations. (ib., 104.) — Jan. 6. W. C. Preston, sen. from S. C. Do.; favor- ing wide dissemination of rpt. of Com. on Foreign Relations regarding reprisals upon French property, but desiring reduction of proposed number to 10 or 15,000. (ib., 106.) — Jan. 6. G. Poindexter, sen. from Miss. Do.; favor- ing prºg. of 20,000 copies of rpt. of Com. on For- eign Relations regarding measures of reprisal upon French property. (ib., 105.) — Jan. 6. J. C. Calhoun, Sen. from S. C. Same. (ib., 106.) — Jan. 11. Livingston to Forsyth. President’s mes- Sage causes sensation; Congress waits before it acts; think law will be carried; energetic language of meSSage will have effect and has already raised us in estimation of powers. (23. 2. S. doc. 145, 6; H. ex. doc. 174, 2; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 164.) — Jan. 13. Rigny to Livingston. Unprepared for Pres. Jackson’s message; will ask for apprin. ; recall of M. Serurier to France; leave to you to take such measures yourself as Seem natural consequences. (ib., 4; ib., 6; ib., 166; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 112.) Jan. 13-14. Same. Do.; on rpt. and res. of Com. On Foreign Relations; President’s message of Dec. 2; with criticism of King amdmt. altering phraseology of res. (xi, Reg. Debates, 199, 200, 203, 213.) — Je. 14. Livingston to Forsyth. Effect of President’s message; corresp. With de Rigny; his mission closed; responsibility of ending dipl. relations; law presented today and no doubt will pass. (ib., app., 165; 23. 2. S. doc. 145, 2; H. ex. doc. 174, 4.) Jan. 14. Livingston to Rigny. Undersigned sees with surprise the President’s message to Congress; no Suggestions can be followed but those of his own govt.; if directed to quit French terr. will ieave kingdom without delay. (ib., 167; ib., 9; ib., 10.) — Jan. 14. Louis Philippe, King of the French. De- cree authorizing Minister of Finance to carry into effect arts. 1 and 2, treaty of 1831, with U. S. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 91.) — Jan. 14. D. Webster, Sen. from Mass. Remarks; op- posing legislation. (ib., 205.) — Jan. 14. B. W. Leigh, Sen. from Va. Same. Reg. Debates, 209.) — Jan. 14. H. Clay, Sen. from Ky. Do.; same. (ib., 200.) — Jan. 14. J. P. King, Sen. from Ga. Same. (ib., 202.) — Jan. 14. N. P. Tallmadge, Sen. from N. Y. Same. (ib., 213.) Jan. 14. W. R. King, Sen. from Ala. Same. (ib., 209.) — Jan. 14. A. Cuthbert, Sen. from Ga. Do.; urging unanimous Vote on inexpediency, at present time, of legislation regarding reprisals upon French prop- erty. (ib., 208.) — Jan. 14. H. Clay, Sen. from Ky. Do.; objecting to , form of King amdmt. of res. regarding legislation on reprisals upon French property. (ib., 203.) — Jan. 14. J. Buchanan, Sen. from Penn. Do.; oppos- ing, until further information from France, any legislation regarding reprisals upon French prop- erty. (ib., 206.) (xi, FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1835 Jan. 15. Livingston to Forsyth. Corresp. pursu- ant to notice of recall of Serurier; law introduced today by an exposé throwing blame on M. Serurier and me; if rejected, not improbable that ships may be seized in anticipation of our reprisals. (ib., app., 167; 23. 2. S. doc. 145, 8; H. ex. doc. 174, 8.) — Jan. 16. Same to same. Law for effecting payment of 25,000,000 francs to U. S. has been presented, with Condition that U. S. shall have done nothing to af- fect French interests; interest not mentioned. (ib., 168; ib., 10; ib., 11.) Jan. 26. J. M. Patton, repr. from Va. Res. concern- ing execution of conv. with France of JIy. 4, 1831. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1067; 1236.) — Jan. 26. U. S. House. Motion (Patton, Va.), that Order of business be suspended, to enable him to move resolution that execution of treaty of JIy. 4, 1831, With France, ought to be insisted on, but that legislative action is not now necessary. (23. 2. H. jol., 279, 280.) - Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.), calling for further corresp. in relation to failure of French ; to carry out treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., 286; - Jan. 29. Livingston to Rigny. Reply to note of Jan. 13. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 273; 24. 1. S. doc. 62, 17 ; H. ex. doc. 67, 16.) - Feb. 5. Forsyth to Jackson. No corresp. relative to French indemnity treaty has taken place with France Since that given to the House Dec. 27, last. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1219.) Feb. 6. President Jackson to U. S. House. Dis- patches from Amer. minister in Paris relative to treaty of 1831; residue of dispatches of that minister cannot be laid before House at Present. (ib., 1219.) Feb. 7. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Motion to in- Struct Com. On Foreign Affairs to report forthwith on relations with France. (ib., 1222.) - Feb. 7. A. S. Clayton, repr. from Ga. Remarks ; Op- posing Adams motion. (ib., 1225.) Feb. 7. C. C. Cambreleng, repr. from N. Y. Same. (ib., 1235.) —º, 7. W. S. Archer, repr. from Va. Same. (ib., —º, 7. G. R. Gilmer, repr. from Ga. Same. (ib., —º, 7. T. L. Hamer, repr. from O. Same. (ib., —º, 7. R. M. Johnson, repr. from Ky. Same. (ib., Tć.”ſº B. Sutherland, repr. from Penn. Same. -** Feb. 7. A. Stewart, repr. from Penn. DO.; urging granting of Short time to Com. on Foreign Affairs to Tpt. On relations with France. (ib., 1232.) - Feb. 7. J. M. Patton, repr. from Va. DO.; favoring very early rpt. from Com. on Foreign Affairs, re- garding relations with France. (ib., 1236.) — Feb. 7. J. McKinley, repr. from Ala. Do.; opposing further delay in action on relations with France. (ib., 1226.) - Feb. 7. R. T. Lytle, repr. from O. Do. ; Adams motion. (ib., 1228.) — Feb. 7. G. R. Evans, repr., from Me. Do.; opposing resort to arms in case of France, until after failure of negotiation. (ib., 1233.) —º 7. di º: repr. from Mass. Do.; favoring urther delay in legislation regarding relati * France. (ib., 1238.) & Telation S With favoring 634 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-Cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1835 Feb. 13. Forsyth to Livingston. In case law is re- jected by chamber, if Congress adjourn without pre- Scribing some course of action, a frigate will be de- Spatched to bring you back to U. S. (ib., app., 168; 23. 2. S. doc. 145, 11; H. ex. doc. 174, 12.) s — Feb. 21. Citizens of Beverly, Mass., to U. S. Con- greSS. Memorial Suggesting propriety of a non-inter- course with France. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 131.) — Feb. 21. J. Buchanan, Sen. from Pa. Remarks; protesting agSt. discussion of relations with France On mere motion to print memorial. (xi, Reg. De- bates, 576.) — Feb. 21. B. W. Leigh, sen. from Va. Do.; regret at publication of Livingston letter advising high tone in intercourse with France. (ib., 574.) Feb. 21. G. Poindexter, Sen. from Miss. Do.; favor- ing prèg. of memorials regarding relations with France and protesting agst, retaliatory measures. (ib., 572.) Feb. 21. N. Silsbee, repr. from Mass. Do.; on pre- Senting memorials regarding relations with France. (ib., 571.) Feb. 21. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Do.; protest- ing agst. discussion of relations with France on mere motion to print memorial. (ib., 575.) — Feb. 23. Serurier to Forsyth. Notice of recall. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 169; 23. 2. S. doc. 145, 13; H. ex. doc. 174, 13.) — Feb. 23. Forsyth to Serurier. Official information, of recall of Serurier, received. (ib., 169; ib., 13; ib., 13.) — Feb. 23. Serurier to Forsyth. Protest agst, ref- erence President’s message to relations with France. (24. 1. S. doc. 63, 4; H. ex. doc. 117, 114.) — Feb. 24. Forsyth to Livingston. Despatches de- layed; President approves conduct in unpleasant position; Serurier terminated his career, and Mr. Pageot in charge; is mistaken in Supposing Mr. Serurier gave any explanation, last note of Mr. Ser- urier subject of special instructions; if law is re- jected War ship will meet you at Havre; if passed retire to England, place Mr. Barton in charge. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 168; 23. 2. S. doc. 145, 12; H. ex. doc. 174, 12.) — Feb. 25. President Jackson to CongreSS. MeSSage relative to instructions to Mr. Livingston to quit France if an apprn. to fulfill conv. be refused. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1507; 23. 2. S. jol., 194.) — Feb. 26. U. S. House. Res. (Cambreleng), opposed to further negotiation in relation to treaty of 1831; in favor of discharging Com. On Foreign Affairs from further consideration of subject, etc. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1507.) Feb. 26. U. S. House. Res. (Adams) in favor of rights of claimants under treaty of 1831; of resump- tion of negotiation concerning treaty and opposed to hostile legislation agst. France. (ib., 1508.) — Feb. 26. J. G. Watmough, repr. from Penn. Re- marks; favoring printing of docS. regarding rela- tions with France. (ib., 1511.) — Feb. 26. J. B. Sutherland, repr. from Penn. Same. (ib., 1511.) — Feb. 26. R. Coulter, repr. from Penn. DO.; On Cambreleng res. of even date. (ib., 1509.) — Feb. 26. J. M. Patton, repr. from Va. Do.; asking whether Cambreleng res. of even date to discharge Com. On Foreign Affairs from considering relations with France had been agreed upon since reception FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont'd TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d of message and docs. now communicated by Presi- dent. (ib., 1510.) 1835 Feb. 26. J. McKinley, repr. from Ala. Do.; oppos- ing prºg. of docs. regarding relations with France, until after consideration of same by Com. On For- eign Affairs. (ib., 1510.) — Feb. 26. R. T. Lytle, repr. from O. Do.; favoring reference of res. offered regarding relations with France to Com. on Foreign Affairs, with instructions to report them. (ib., 1511.) — Feb. 26. R. P. Letcher, repr. from Ky. Do.; suggest- ing Withdrawal of res. regarding relations With France until after consideration of dOCS. now COm- municated. (ib., 1510.) — Feb. 26. S. Jones, repr. from Ga. Do.; favoring rººt docs. regarding relations with France. (ib., 1511. — Feb. 26. E. Everett, repr. from Mass. Do.; favor- ing reference of message of Pres. regarding rela- tions with France to Com. on Foreign Affairs, and opposing discharge of Com. from consideration of said subject. (ib., 1507.) — Feb. 26. R. Coulter, repr. from Penn. Do.; explain- ing course of Com. on Foreign Affairs regarding relations with France and favoring reference of message of President to said com. (ib., 1509.) Feb. 26. T. Burges, repr. from R. I. Do.; favoring prtg. of docs. regarding relations with France. (ib., 1512.) — Feb. 26. W. S. Archer, repr. from Mass. Do.; de- nouncing course of members of Com. on Foreign Af- fairs in agreeing separately to res., and demanding rpt. from Com. as whole regarding relations with France. (ib., 1508.) — Feb. 26. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. ReS. up- holding claims of U. S. citizens under treaty of Jly. 4, 1831, and requesting President to renew negotia- tions during recess of Congress, is expedient. (ib., 1508.) — Feb. 26. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks; favoring prig. of docS. regarding relations With France. (ib., 1511.) — Feb. 27. T. Burges, repr. from R. I. Do.; favoring discussion of relations with France in Com. Of Whole on state of Union. (ib., 1520.) — Feb. 27. S. Beardsley, repr. from N. Y. Do.; oppos- ing proposition to discuss relations with France in Com. Of Whole on state of Union. (ib., 1521.) — Feb. 27. A. Stewart, repr. from Penn. Do.; urging immediate action on subject of relations with France. (ib., 1521.) Feb. 27. J. Reed, repr. from Mass. Do.; favoring reference of subject of relations with France to Com. Of Whole on state of Union. (ib., 1523.) — Feb. 27. G. Grennell, jr., repr. from Mass. Do.; favoring reference of subject of relations with France to Com. of Whole on state of Union. (ib., 1521.) — Feb. 27. R. Coulter, repr. from Penn. Same. (ib., 1520.) — Feb. 27. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Penn. Same. (ib., 1518.) — Feb. 27. R. Coulter, repr. from Penn. Do.; urging deliberation on subject of relations with France. (ib., 1520.) — Feb. 27. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cambre- leng). Rpt. with res. of majority and minority of committee. (ib., 1515; app., 177; 23. 2. H. rpt. 133.) INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 635 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1835 Feb. 27. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.), assert- ing justice of indemnity granted by treaty of Jly. 4, 1831, with France, and expressing opposition to retaliatory or hostile measures toward France. (23. 2. H. jol., 466.) — Feb. 27. U. S. House. Res. (Coulter, Penn.), to refer rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs to Com. of Whole. (ib., 466.) — Feb. 27. U. S. House. Motion (Beardsley, N. Y.), to amend Coulter res. to refer minority report of Said Com. to Whole House, to effect that considera- tion of said rpt. be made order of day, 28 inst.; de- cided in negative. (23. 2. H. jol., 467; 468; 469.) — Feb. 27. E. Everett, repr. from Mass. Do.; asking permission to introduce minority rpt. from Com. On Foreign Affairs regarding relations with France. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1517.) — Feb. 28. C. C. Cambreleng, repr. from N. Y. Re- marks; res. insisting upon maintenance and exe- cution of treaty of Jiy. 4, 1831, with France. (ib., 1531; 1558.) — Feb. 28. W. S. Archer, repr. from Va. Speech; in- troducing res. agst. any action on treaty of 1831 with France, in expectation of satisfactory action by France on same. (ib., 1537.) — Feb. 28. T. Burges, repr. from R. I. Remarks; dis- paraging any hasty action on relations with France that might embarrass succeeding Congress. (ib., 1561.) — Feb. 28. R. Coulter, repr. from Penn. Speech; con- fident that France will execute treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., 1562.) — Feb. 28. F. W. Pickens, repr. from S. C. Speech; in support of Archer res. (ib., 1545.) — Feb. 28. J. M. Patton, repr. from Va. Remarks; in reply to Archer and Pickens, opposing res. to de- fer action on relations with France. (ib., 1554.) — Feb. 28. T. T. Bouldin, repr. from Va. Do.; in favor of res. Of Adams, favoring resumption of negotia- tions with France and opposing any legislation hos- tile to said govt. (ib., 1554.) — Feb. 28. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Speech; in Support of his res. favoring resumption of negotia- tions with France regarding treaty of JIy. 4, 1831, #. ºwoºns legislation hostile to France. (ib., — Feb. 28. R. Coulter, repr. from Penn. Do.; on exe- cution of conv. with France of JIy. 4, 1831. (ib., - 1562.) — Feb. 28. U. S. House. Mason, Com. of Whole House, reported that committee had come to no res. On ma- jority and minority rpts. of Com. on Foreign Affairs, On state of relations betw. U. S. and France. (23. 2. H. jol., 484.) On motion (Cambreleng, N. Y.), com. discharged from further consideration, Mch. 2. (ib., 494.) — Mch. 2. C. C. Cambreleng, repr. from N. Y. Res. in House, insisting On maintenance and execution of treaty of Jly. 4, 1831, with France. (xi, Reg. De- bates, 1633.) — Mch. 2. H. A. Wise, repr. from Va. Remarks; fa- voring measures for defence to provide for possible trouble with France. (ib., 1622.) — Mch. 2. A. S. Clayton, repr. from Ga. Speech, rec- ommending holding up of action on relations with France until further news. (ib., 1595.) — Mch. 2. T. Chilton, repr. from Ky. Remarks; in- dicating inconsistencies in position of Adams on subject of relations with France. (ib., 1631.) FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1835 Mch. 2. G. N. Briggs, repr. from Mass. DO.; up- holding justice of claims agst. France and favoring declaration by House, of same. (ib., 1621.) — Mch. 2. H. Binney, repr. from Penn. Speech; rec- ommending leaving subject of relations With France free and clear for deliberations of next CongreSS. (ib., 1606.) — Mch. 2. S. Beardsley, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; insisting on execution, by France, of treaty of 1831. * (ib., 1621.) — Mch. 2. W. S. Archer, repr. from Va. Do.; depre- cating inconsistent attitude of Adams on Subject of relations with France. (ib., 1631.) Mch. 2. Wm. Allen, repr. from O. Speech; trouble with France; deprecating conciliatory Spirit dam- aging to Amer. claims. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1577.) — Mch. 2. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Do.; in ex- planation of his res. regarding amicable attitude in matter of relations with France. (ib., 1622.) — Mch. 2 J. G. Watmough, repr. from Penn. Re- marks; favoring laying on table of Subject of rela- tions with France. (ib., 1618.) — Mch. 2. J. B. Sutherland, repr. from Penn. DO.; favoring vindication of national honor at any cost in difficulty with France. (ib., 1594.) — Mch. 2. Wm. Schley, repr. from Ga. Do.; urging insistence upon execution by France of treaty of 1831. (ib., 1615.) — Mch. 2. J. Robertson, repr. from Va. Speech; in- troducing res. upholding good faith of France in matter of treaty of 1831, and recommending dis- charge of Com. on Foreign Affairs from further con- sideration of subject of reprisals upon her COm- merce. (ib., 1560.) Mch. 2. S. M. Moore, repr. from Va. Do.; introduc- ing res. insisting upon full execution by France of treaty of JIy. 4, 1831. (ib., 1590.) — Mch. 2. J. Y. Mason, repr. from Va. Remarks; in- sisting that treaty with France is binding compact. (ib., 1617.) Mch. 2. J. Love, repr. from Ky. Do.; Opposing res. regarding relations with France as useless, as final action by French Chamber is in order. (ib., 1590.) Mch. 2. S. Jones, repr, from Ga. Res., expressing belief in good faith of France in matter of treaty of 1831, and maintaining inexpediency of present leg- islation on subject. (ib., 1633.) Mch. 2. A. G. Hawes, repr. from Ky. Remarks; de- fending position of Adams on subject of relations with France. (ib., 1631.) — Mch. 2. B. Hardin, repr. from Ky. Do.; opposing hostile measures in matter of claims agst. France. (ib., 1630.) — Mch. 2. B. Gorham, repr. from Mass. Do.; denying that war with France is inevitable. (ib., 1631.) — Mch. 2. G. R. Gilmer, repr. from Ga. Do.; advocat- ing granting of sufficient time to France to realize nature and justice of claims under treaty of JIy. 4, 1831. (ib., 1599.) — Mch. 2. E. Everett, repr. from Mass. Speech; urg- ing preservation of peace with France. (ib., 1571.) — Mch. 2. G. R. Evans, repr, from Me. Remarks; favoring res. Of Archer regarding relations with France, and opposing declarations predicated upon doubtful contingencies. (ib., 1594.) — Mch. 3. H. Clay, repr. from Ky. Do.; relations with France and payment of indemnity stipulated by treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., app., 733.) 636 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims ”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1835 Mch. 3. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Clay). Rpt. on message of President of Feb. 25. (ib., 271; 23. 2. S. doc. 150.) — Mch. 5. Forsyth to Livingston. Instructions to call attention of minister of foreign affairs to exception- able language in letter of M. Serurier, relative to French indemnity. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 210.) — Apr. 18. Livingston to Broglie. Calls attention to certain paragraph in Serurier’s letter of Feb. 23, and offensive use of Word pretender. (24. 1. S. doc. 63, 6.) — Apr. 25. Livingston to Broglie. Explanations made before returning from France, in matter of French indemnity, to restore mutual good understanding. (24. 1. S. doc. 1, 33; H. ex. doc. 2, 33; iii, Mess. and Papers, 178.) — Je. 18. Forsyth to President U. S. A. (Jackson). Negotiations in matter of French indemnity. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 209.) — Je. 28. Forsyth to actg. Amer. Chargé in France (Barton). French indemnity. (ib., 193.) — Je. 29. Livingston to Forsyth. Tenders resignation of his dipl. trust in France. (24. 1. S. doc. 1, 41; H. ex. doc. 2, 41; iii, Mess. and Papers, 184.) — Je. 29. Forsyth to Pageot. Apptmt. of Messrs. de Rothschild of Paris as agtS. to receive payments from France under treaty of 1831. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 198.) Je. 29. Livingston to Forsyth. Receipt of pass- ports. (ib., 213.) — Je. 29. Pageot to Forsyth. Receipt of Commission announcing apptmt. of Messrs. de Rothschild of Paris, as agts. for U. S. in matter of French indem- nity. (ib., 198.) Je. 30. Forsyth to Livingston. President accepts Livingston’s resignation. (24, 1. S. doc. 1, 41; H. eX. doc. 2, 41; iii, Mess. and Papers, 185.) Jly. 14. W. R. King, sen. from Ala. Remarks; urg- ing undivided vote on inexpediency of legislation at present time regarding reprisals on French prop- erty. (xi, Reg. Debates, 209.) Sept. 14. Forsyth to Barton. Instructions in rela- tion to final action in matter of French indemnity. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 194.) — Oct. 24. Barton to Broglie. Conversation relative to prompt fulfilment of treaty provisions. (24. 1. S. doc. 62, 7 ; H. ex. doc. 67, 7.) — Oct. 26. Broglie to Barton. Corrects representation of conversation relative to prompt fulfilment of treaty provisions. (ib., 9; ib., 9; S. doc. 161, 2; H. ex. doc. 117, 117.) Nov. 6. Barton to Broglie. Notice of recall. (24. 1. S. doc. 62, 10; H. ex: doc. 67, 10.) — Nov. 8. Broglie to Barton. Comment On his recall. (ib., 11; ib., 11; H. ex. doc. 117, 118.) — Dec. 1. Pageot to Forsyth. Regret at refusal to re- ceive certain corresp. bearing on treaty relations. (ib., 12; ib., 12; ib., 118.) — Dec. 3. Forsyth to Pageot. Restoring copy of de Broglie’s letter, and explaining why he cannot make use of it. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 199.) — Dec. 5. Pageot to Forsyth. Comment on return of de Broglie's despatch of Je. 17. (24. 1. S. doc. 62, 15; H. ex. doc. 67, 14; doc. 117, 119.) — Dec. 7. President U. S. A. (Jackson). Annual meS- age; clause regarding relations with France, and her refusal to pay instalments under late treaty. FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1835 Dec. 11. Pageot to Forsyth. Relations betw. France and U. S. Owing to state of negotiations for settle- Hº! of French indemnity. (iii, Mess. and Papers, – Dec. 30. Forsyth. Rpt. of proc. of comrs. under act of congress to carry into effect treaty of 1831. (24. 1. S. doc. 161, 26; H. ex. doc. 117, 4.) 1836 Jan. 2. Pageot to Forsyth. Notice of recall. (24. 1. S. doc. 62, 15; H. ex. doc. 67, 15; H. ex. doc. 117, 119.) Letter in doc. 117, is dated Jan. 9. — Jan. 2. Forsyth to Pageot. Acknowledges com- munication announcing his recall by French govt. (iii, MeSS. and Papers, 201.) — Jan. 12. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clay, Ky.), calling for information resp. negotiations for execution of treaty of Jly. 4, 1831, with France. (24. 1. S. jol., 92.) — Jan. 12. H. Clay, repr. from Ky. Remarks; intro- ducing res. Calling for information regarding recent OVertures by French govt. for Settlement of difficul- ties. (xii, Reg. Debates, 103.) Jan. 13. Forsyth to Jackson. Corresp. and papers called for by Senate res. of 12 inst. (ib., 167.) — Jan. 15. President U. S. A. (Jackson). Message transmitting docs. called for by res. Of 12 inst.; recommends retaliatory measures; referred to Com. On Foreign Relations. (24. 1. S. jol., 98; iii, Mess. and Papers, 188; 24. 1. S. doc. 62, 1; H. ex: doc. 67; Xii, Reg. Debates, 163; 24. 1. H. jol., 189.) Jan. 18. J. Y. Mason, sen. from Va. Motions refer- ring message on execution of conv. with France, JIy. 4, 1831, to Committee on Foreign Relations. (xii, Reg. Debates, 2218.) — Jan. 18. J. Buchanan, sen. from Penn: Remarks; favoring adoption of retaliatory measures agst, France recommended in message of President Jan. 15. (ib., 168.) — Jan. 18. J. C. Calhoun, sen. from S. C. Speech; op- posing retaliatory measures agst. France. (ib., 169.) — Jan. 27. H. B. M. chargé in U. S. A. (Bankhead) to Forsyth. Tender of mediation of Gr. Br. in settle- Iment of difficulties between France and U. S. (ib., 581; 24. 1. S. doc. 187, 2; H. ex. doc. 116, 2.) — Jan. 27. Chrm. Com. Of Foreign Relations (Clay) to Forsyth. Genuineness of de Broglie’s letter of Je. 17, 1835, copy of which appeared in Globe of Jan. 22. (24. 1. S. doc. 157, 1.) Feb. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Hill, N. H.), calling for information regarding claims rejected by comrs. under treaty of 1831. (xii, Reg. Debates, 366.) Feb. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clay, Ky.), calling for Certain docS. resp. claims agst. France, and discrim- inating duties imposed by that country. (ib., 366; (24. 1. S. jol., 137.) — Feb. 3. Forsyth to Bankhead. Tender of mediation of Gr. Br. in Settlement of difficulties between France and U. S. accepted on condition. (xii, Reg. Debates, 567; 24. 1. S. doc. 187, 4; H. ex. doc. 116, 4.) — Feb. 8. President U. S. A. (Jackson) to U. S. House. Gr. Br. has offered to mediate for adjustment of dis- pute betw. U. S. and France; recommends adoption of measures for proper defence of seaboard. (24. 1. S. jol., 145; H. jol., 317; xii, Reg. Debates, 390, 2502; 24. 1. S. doc. 128; H. ex. doc. 103; iii, Mess. and Pa- pers, 213.) — Feb. 10. U. S. Senate. Clay (Ky.) laid on table corresp. between himself and Secy. State, relative to authenticity of de Broglie letter to Amer. chargé to France (Pageot), dated Je. 17, 1835, and pub- lished in “Globe,” Washington. (24. 1. S. jol., 154.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 637 FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY-cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1836 Feb. 12. New Jersey Legislature. Resolutions ap- proving measures of Executive regarding relations with France. (24. 1. S. doc. 181.) - Feb. 15. Bankhead to Forsyth. French govt.’s de- Clared readiness to pay instalment due on Amer. in- demnity makes Br. mediation unneccessary. (24. 1. ãº. 187, 8; H. ex. doc. 116, 7; xii, Reg. Debates, – Feb. 16. Forsyth to Bankhead. British offer of mediation and French readiness to pay instalment On indemnity due. (ib., 8; ib., 8; ib., 587.) - Feb. 17. Ohio Legislature. Res. approving course pursued by Executive in intercourse with France concerning execution of treaty of 1831. (24. 1. S. doc. 212.) – Feb. 18. New Jersey Legislature. Res. approving course of administration, in relation to France. (24. 1. S. jol., 172.) — Feb. 22. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Remarks; ter- mination and conduct of controversy with France relative to execution of treaty of JIy. 4, 1831; offer of mediation from Gr. Br.; difficulties in dipl. inter- course with France and Gr. Br. occasioned by im- pºle language of President. (xii, Reg. Debates, 88.) — Feb. 22. President U. S. A. (Jackson) to U. S. Con- greSS. Transmits corresp. regarding mediation of Gr. Br. in dispute betw. U. S. and France, and de- termination of France to execute late treaty. (24. 1. H. jol., 379; 24. 1. S. doc. 187; H. ex. doc. 116, 1; iii, Mess. and Papers, 215; xii, Reg. Debates, 580; 24. 1. S. jol., 179.) — Feb. 23. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.), to re- quest PreS. to communicate docs. and corresp. resp. execution of treaty of Jly. 4, 1831, with France. (24. 1. H. jol., 287.) — Feb. 24. Forsyth to Jackson. Number of claims al- lowed 1567; not allowed 1581; books of Comrs. give no information on rejected claims nor reasons for rejection. (24. 1. S. doc. 204; xii, Reg. Debates, 663.) — Feb. 27. Same to Same. Through error of clerks mistaking vessels for claims rpt. sent to Senate is incorrect; request acc. rpt. to be substituted. (xii, Reg. Debates, 663.) Mch. 1. Preamble and res. Ohio Legislature, declar- ing approbation of policy of administration in nego- tiations with France. (24. 1. S. jol., 193.) — Mch. 16. U. S. House. Res. (Mason, Va.), to print 5000 copies of report of Secy. State, of decrees of comrs. apptd. under treaty of indemnity with France. (24. 1. H. jol., 521.) — Mch. 16. J. Y. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks, rec- ommending publication of doc. containing list of claimants and awards under conv. With France, Jly. 4, 1831. (xii, Reg. Debates, 2800.) — Mch. 16. J. R. Ingersoll, repr. from Penn. Same. (ib., 2799.) — Mch. 16. G. Lee, repr. from N. Y. Same. (ib., 2799.) — Mch. 16. C. Johnson, repr. from Tenn. Same; op- posed. (ib., 2799.) — May 10. President U. S. A. (Jackson) to U. S. Congress. Message announcing payment, by France, of four instalments under treaty, to U. S. agt.; re- ferred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (24. 1. H. jol., 803; S. jol., 340; 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 254; xii, Reg. De- bates, 1426; 3594; iii, Message and Papers, 227.) — Je. 27. S. Wright, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; in favor of bill anticipating payment of indemnities Correspondence—cont’d due claimants under French and Neapolitan treaties. (xii, Reg. Debates, 1881.) 1836 Dec. 5. President U. S. (Jackson). Annual mes- sage; clause regarding relations with France. Dec. 27. Citizens of Philadelphia. Memorial pray- ing payment of awarded indemnity may be antici- pated. (24. 2. S. doc. 63.) 1837 Jan. 5. U. S. Senate. Motion (King, Ala.), Com. On Finance to inquire into propriety of authorizing Secy. Treasy. to pay equitable commissions to attor- neys of persons, sums awarded to whom under treaty with France, were taken for debts due by them to U. S. (24. 2. S. jol., 93.) — Jan. 12. U. S. Senate. Motion (Wright, N. Y.), to discharge Com. On Finance from further considera- tion of memorial of citizens of Philidelphia, in rela- tion to payment of indemnity under late treaty with France, and that memorial be printed. (24. 2. S. jol., 107.) Jan. 18. J. Davis, Sen. from Mass. Remarks; Op- posing bill S. 46. (xiii, Reg. Debates, 522.) — Jan. 18. H. Clay, Sen. from Ky. Same. (ib., 513.) — Jan. 18. J. Buchanan, Sen. from Penn. Do.; favor- ing S. 46. (ib., 521.) — Jan. 18. S. Wright, sen. from N. Y. Do.; explaining S. 46. (ib., 513.) — Jan. 18. J. C. Calhoun, Sen. from S. C. Do.; Op- posed to S. 46. (ib., 516.) Jan. 18. J. Buchanan. Do.; in support of S. 46, and in explanation of his former opposition to bill. (ib., 521, 523.) — Jan. 19. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Do.; opposi- tion to S. 46. (ib., 523.) — Jan. 19. U. S. Senate. Motion (Grundy, Tenn.), to discharge Com. On Judiciary from consideration of memorial of citizens of Baltimore, Md., on anticipa- tion of payment of indemnities under treaty with France. (24. 2. S. jol., 137.) 1838 Feb. 16. U. S. Senate. Motion (Tallmadge, N. Y.), to direct Secy. Treasy. to report On payment of French and Neapolitan indemnities. (25. 2. S. jol., 233.) — Mch. 30. U. S. Secy. Treasury (Woodbury). Rpt. in response to Sen. res. Of Feb. 16, on relation to pay- ment of French and Neapolitan indemnities. (25. 2. S. doc. 351.) 2009;ional copies ordered for Senate. (25. 2. S. jol., — May 28. U. S. House. Res. (Grennell, Mass.), re- questing Secy. Treasy. to report on payment of in- demnity undér convention of Jly. 4, 1831, with France. (25. 2. H. jol., 974.) Je. 4. Secy. Treasury (Woodbury) to splxr. U. S. House. Amt. of moneys received from France under treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (25. 2. H. doc. 417.) 1839 Jan. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Menefee, Ky.), direct- ing Secy. Treasy. to report regarding debtors to U. S. under treaty with France of Jiy. 4, 1831. (25. 3. H. jol., 408.) — Mch. 1. Comptroller Treasury U. S. A. (Barker) to Secy. Treasury U. S. (Woodbury). Payments under treaty with France of 1831; submitted in response to House resolution of Jan. 28. (25. 3. H. doc. 246.) 1840 Apr. 6. U. S. House. Res. (Grinnell, N. Y.), direct- ing Secy. Treasy to communicate stnt. Of instal- ments and dividends declared, under late treaty of indemnity with France. (26. 1. H. jol., 776.) — Apr. 10. Strmt. of instalments received. (26. 1. H. ex, doc. 183.) 638 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Claims: “French Spoliation Claims”; 1831 Indemnity—cont’d TREATY—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1841 Jly. 28. L. Woodbury, sen. from N. H. Remarks; eXcess of claims over amt. of French and Neapolitan indemnities. (x, Cong. Globe, 258.) 1846 Apr. 13. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), direct- ing Secy. State to communicate regarding rejection, by comrs. under treaty of Paris of 1831, of any claims § frºm Spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 1. S. jol., — Apr. 13. D. Webster, Sen. from Mass. Do.; explain- ing Clayton res. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 659.) — Apr. 13. W. Allen, Sen. from O. Do.; favorable to adoption of Clayton res. (ib., 660.) Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) Conscription; see Alienage, etc. Military Service Consular Service CHINA Shanghai 1854. A. Laguerre. 1857. Edan (B.). MEXICO Campeche 1848. Villereque (L.) de. Vera Cruz 1830. Carrere. SPAIN Havana. 1858. Menton (C. de R.) UNITED STATES San Francisco 1854. Dillon (P.). URUGUAY Montevideo 1838. Baradere. TREATY PROVISIONS; see CONSULAR SERVICE: INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS TREATY PROVISIONS; see CONSULAR SERVICE Consuls in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. CONSULAR SERVICE Decrees, etc. 1826 Feb. 5. Ordinance authorizing importation of Cer- tain articles into Martinique and Guadeloupe, in ships of all nations. (22. 1. H. doc. 21, 4.) 1835 Jan. 14. Decree (Louis Philippe). Authorizing minister of Finance to carry into effect art. 1 and 2, treaty of 1831 with U. S. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 91.) 1848 May 28. Decree of national assembly in response to res. of U. S. congress, tendering congratulations of Amer. to French people. (30. 1. H. ex. doc. 81.) Deserters; see that title Diplomatic Agents in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Diplomatic Service CHINA 1853-55. A. de Bourboulon, M. P. 1856. R. de Courcy, chargé. 1857-60. J. B. L. Gros, E. E. and M. P. GREAT BRITAIN 1843. Comte de Sainte-Aulaire, E. E. and M. P. MEXICO 1838. Baron Deffaudis, M. P. FRANCE—cont’d Diplomatic Service—cont’d PARAGUAY 1857. E. Guillemot, chargé. TEXAS 1846. A. de Saligney, chargé. UNITED STATES 1822-30. Count de Menon, secy. of legation. Acted as chargé d'affaires ad int. from Je. 29, 1822, to Aug. 3, 1834, and from Jīy 13, 1827, to about jiy. 12, 1830. 1824-27. Baron de Mareuil, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Aug. 3, 1824; took leave by letter, Je. 30, 1827. 1830-31. Roux de Rochelle, E. E. and M. P. Forwarded from New York, Jly. 4, 1830, his credentials, and also the Baron de Minville's fetter of recall ; took leave Mch. 7, 1831. 1831-35. Mr. Serurier, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Mch. 7, 1831; recalled ; presented Mr. Pageot as chargé ad int. by letter Feb. 23, 1835. 1837-39. Ed. Pontois, E. E. and M. P. Presºlentials Apr. 14, 1837; left on leave Apr. 1835-40. A. Pageot, secy. of legation. - Acted as chargé ad int. from Feb. 23, 1835, to Jan. 2, 1 , when he withdrew by order of his govt. ; pre- sented credentials as chargé Nov. 19, 1836; took leave as such Apr. 14, 1837. Again acted as chargé ad int. from Apr. 22, 1839, to Jiy. 2, 1840. 1840-42. L. Ad. A. Fourier de Bacourt, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials JIy. 3, 1840; left on leave about Aug. 5, 1842. —. Chatry de la Fosse, Secy. of legation. Acteº, chargé ad int. from about Aug. 5 to Nov. 14, 1842-50. A. J. Y. Pageot, M. P. From Nov. 14, 1842, to about Jan., 1848. Presented cre- dentials as E. E. and M. P. 1848 ; services ter- minated Mch. 29, 1848. 1848-49. G. T. L. Poussin, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Aug. 5, 1848. The U. S. govt. de- §º to hold corresp. with Mr. Poussin Sept. 14, 1848-50. A. de Bourboulon, Secy. of legation. Acted as chargé ad int. from Mch. 29 to Aug. 5, 1848, and from Mch. 2 to Mch. 18, 1850. See also, Marie (J.), attaché during this time. 1850-51. E. A. O. Sain de Boisiecomte, E. E. and M. P. Presº credentials Mch. 18, 1850; took leave May 6, —. Mr. de Gilibert, chancelier. Acted as chargé ad int. from May 6 to May 29, 1851. 1851-59. Count de Sartiges, E. E. and M. P. Presº credentials May 29, 1851 : left about May 20, —. G. de Boilleau, Secy. Of legation. Acted as chargé ad int. from about Je. 9, 1855, to about Apr. 30, 1856. 1859-64. Henri Mercier, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Jly. 4, 1860. The last communi- cation from Mr. Mercier, Dec. 26, 1863. —. Vicomte Jules Treilhard, secy. of legation. Acted as chargé ad int. from May 23, 1859, to Jly. 4, 1860, and from about Dec. 31, 1863, to Mch. 2, 1864. Expatriation; see Allegiance Exterritoriality; see that title Extradition; see that title Foreign Relations AMERICAN - (Statutory Measures) 1848 Mch. 29. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Allen, O.), resolu- tion (30. 1. S. R. 15) “tendering congratulations of American to French people’’; approved Apr. 13, 1848. (30. 1. S. jol., 244, 259, 280; ix, St. L., 336.) INDEX TO, UNITED STATES DocumENTs RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 639 FRANCE—cont’d Foreign Relations—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd (Statutory Measures)—cont’d 1848 Apr. 6. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hannegan, Com. On Foreign Relations), resolution (30. 1. S. R. 17) “tendering congratulations of U. S. to pepple of France.” (30. 1. S. jol., 257.) (Correspondence, etc.) 1776 Mch. 3. U. S. Continental Congress. Instructions relative to commission as commercial and political agent of U. S. to France. (27. 2. H. rpt. 952, 9.) 1797 JIy. 15. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Pickering) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Pinckney, Marshall, and Gerry). Instructions. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 40; Xi, Reg. Debates, app., 295.) 1842 Apr. 15. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Speech; ſºon with France; etc. (xi, Cong. Globe, 426- 429. — Je. 20. E. E. and M. P. France to U. S. (Bacourt) to Secy State, U. S. A. (Webster). Views of French govt. on establishment of steamship line betw. Havre and N. Y. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 251, 1.) — Je. 22. Webster to Bacourt. Reply to letter of 20 inst. (ib., 251, 2.) * 1848 Mch. 30. J. C. Calhoun, Sen. from S. C. Remarks; on S. res. 15, tendering congratulations to the French people. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 568, 569, 578.) {º * 30. L. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Same. (ib., 569. *º * 30. H. S. Foote, sen. from Miss. Same. (ib., 570. — Mch. 30. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. Same; and offering amdmt. (ib., 568.) — Mch. 30. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Same. (ib., 569, 570.) — Mch. 30–31. W. Allen, Sen. from O. Same. 567, 569; app., 453.) — Mch. 31. R. S. Baldwin, Sen. from Conn. Same. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., app., 553, 554.) — Mch. 31. S. W. Downs, Sen. from La. Same. (ib., app., 454.) — Apr. 3. President U. S. A. (Polk) to U. S. House. Message; gratification at overthrow of French mon- archy, and establishment of republic. (30. 1. H. jol., 748; S. jol., 250.) — Apr. 3. T. H. Bayly, Sen. from Va. Remarks; on Cummin res., of even date. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1. 577, 578; app., 523, 524.) — Apr. 3. A. P. Bagby, Sen. from Ala. Remarks; on S. res. 15. (ib., 30. 1., 580.) — Apr. 3. J. P. Cummins, repr. from O. Res. tender- ing sympathy, etc., to French people. (30. 1. H. jol., 648.) — Apr. 3. Same. Remarks; res. Of even date. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 575.) — Apr. 3. W. Duer, repr. from N. Y. Do.; on Cum- min res. of even date. (ib., 578, 579.) — Apr. 3. J. R. Giddings, repr. from Ohio. Do.; on Cummin res., of even date. (ib., 576-579.) — Apr. 3. W. T. Haskell, repr. from Tenn. Do.; Cummin res., of even date; With his res. on Subject. (ib., 574, 576, 577.) — Apr. 3. H. W. Hilliard. Motion to refer res. of sym- pathy regarding late revolution in France to Com. on Foreign Affairs; with remarks. (ib., 572, 573.) — Apr. 3. C. J. Ingersoll. Remarks; favorable to res. of sympathy regarding late revolution in France. (ib., 574, 575.) — Apr. 3. J. A. McClernand, repr. from Ill. Do.; Cummin res., of even date. (ib., 573; app., 557.) — Apr. 3. J. M. Niles, sen, from Conn. Do.; on S. res. 15. (ib., 30. 1., 580.) - (ib., FRANCE—cont’d Foreign Relations—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d (Correspondence, etc.)—cont’d 1848 Apr. 6. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rush). Passage by Sen- ate of joint res. tendering congratulations of Amer. to French people. (30. 1. S. ex: doc. 53, 16.) — Apr. 6. W. Allen, sen. from Ohio. Remarks; on S. res. 15 and 17; etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 591; app., 455, 458.) — Apr. 6. R. S. Baldwin, Sen. from Conn. Same. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., app., 457.) — Apr. 6. H. S. Foote, sen. from Miss. Same. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 591; app., 455.) — Apr. 6. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Same. (ib., app., 466.) — Apr. 6. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Same. (ib., 465.) — Apr. 6. J. J. Crittenden, sen. from Ky. Same. (ib., 466,467.) w — Apr. 6. J. Davis, sen. from Miss. Same. (ib., 467.) — Apr. 6. W. L. Dayton, Sen. from N. J. Same. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 591; app., 459.) — Apr. 6. D. S. Dickinson, Sen. from Conn. Same. (ib., 591; app., 456.) — Apr. 6. L. W. Downs, sen. from La. Same. (ib., 591; app., 458.) — Apr. 6. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Same. (ib., 591; app., 456, 457.) — Apr. 6. E. A. Hannegan, sen. from Ind. Same; in support of S. res. 17. (ib., app., 457, 464.) — Apr. 6. S. Houston, Sen. from Texas. Do.; On res. 15 and 17. (ib., 464.) — Apr. 6. H. W. Johnson, Sen. from Ga. Same. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 592; app., 462, 463.) — Apr. 6. J. M. Niles, Sen. from Conn. Same. (ib., 591; app., 456-457.) — Apr. 6. S. S. Phelps, sen. from Wt. Same. (ib., app., 463, 466.) — Apr. 6. J. R. Underwood, Sen. from Ky. Same. (ib., 464.) — Apr. 6. W. P. Mangum, Sen. from N. C. Motion to strike out Allen res. of congratulation to French people and to insert that of Com. on Foreign Rela- tions. (ib., 30. 1., 591.) — Apr. 7. Same. Remarks; on S. res. 15 and 17. (ib., 593.) — Apr. 10. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Speech, in reply to Ashmun, on S. res. 15; on Cummins res. Of Apr. 3, etc. (ib., 601; app., 524.) — Apr. 10. J. D. Cummins, repr. from Ohio. Do.; his res. of Apr. 3. (ib., 30. 1., 599.) — Apr. 10, 11. G. Ashmun, repr. from Mass. Speech; in reply to Bayly, on S. res. 15; Cummins res. of Apr. 3. (ib., 599, 601, 613.) — Apr. 11. J. G. Palfrey, repr. from Mass. Remarks; on S. res. 15 with amdmt. (ib., 609, 610.) — May 31. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.), calling for copy of all corresp., not communicated, betw. Secy. State and Amer. minister at Paris, since recent change in govt. of France. (30. 1. S. jol., 363.) 1849 Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Taylor). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to resumption of dipl. inter- course with France, after slight interruption thereof. 1852 Jan. 2. N. Y. City Industrial Congress to U. S. Sen- ate. Memorial, praying recall of Amer. min. to France, and suspension of dipl. intercourse with that govt. (32. 1. S. jol., 90.) — Jan. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Fr. (Rives). Instructions; con- duct towards new govt. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 19, 19; H. ex. doc. 34, 19.) — Mch. 8. Same to same. Certain corresp. of Rives, relative to rights of French authorities, the tenor of 640 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANCE—cont’d Foreign Relations—cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d (Correspondence, etc.)—cont’d Which is called into question: by Sartiges. (33. sp. sess. S. doc. 7, 2.) 1852 Mch. 31. Rives to Webster. In justification of his Corresp., the tenor of which has been questioned by Sartiges. (ib., 2.) 1853 Jan. 6. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.), calling for Copies of any further corresp. regarding recent revo- lution in France. (32. 2. S. jol., 80; 108.) Jan. 18. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks ; OIl res. of 6 inst. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 330.) 1854 Oct. 20. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Extraordinary proc. Of French govt. in prohibiting Amer. minister ; jºin from entering France. (33. 1. S. ex: doc. 1, — Oct. 27. Mason to ministre des affaires étrangères, France (Drouyn de L'Huys). Requests reasons for prohibition agst, entry into France of Mr. Soulé. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 23; H. ex. doc. 1, 23.) — Nov. 1. Drouyn de L'Huys to Mason. Mr. Soulé, minister of U. S. to Spain, free to pass through France. (ib., 26; ib., 26.) — Nov. 6. Mason to Drouyn de L'Huys. Receipt of letter of Nov. 1, in regard to passage of Mr. Soulé through France. (ib., 27; ib., 27.) Nov. 11. Mason to Marcy. Result of corresp. with French govt. in regard to passage through France of ñº, minister accredited to Spanish govt. (ib., 24; — Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage; Clause regarding sundry misunderstandings with France. 1857 Dec. 8. Same. Annual message; clause relating to relations with France. BRAZILIAN; see BRAZIL. CLAIMS CHINESE; see CHINA JAPANESE 1858 Nov. 12. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Transmits copy of treaty between France and Japan; movements of Baron Gros; condition of French and Spanish ex- pedition to Cochin China. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 529.) MEXICAN : See MEXICO. BLOCKADE Free Ships, Free Goods Declarations; see that title Impressment; see that title Interference; see that title Intervention; see that title Medals y 1850. A. Vattemare. Catalogue of 1021 historical medals of France from time of Charles VIII, 1494, to 1849, incl., presented by France to U. S. (31. 1. S. misc. doc. 126, 50.) Navy CoMMANDERS; see LE BLANC (L.); TROMELIN (L. DE) WESSELS; see DIELMATH: GRONDEUR: LE LAURIER: TOUR- IMIENTE Neutrality Negotiations; see that title Postal Privileges; see Reciprocity (Postal), etc. Presents to aliens; see Presents, etc. Privateering; see that title Shipwreck Regulations; see that title Slavetrade Suppression; see Slavetrade FRANCE—cont’d Sovereigns 1764. See Louis XV. 1830. See Louis Philippe. 1852. See Louis Napoleon. Tobacco Trade; see that title Treaties [1740 May 31.] (4 Rabi I, 1153.) Turkey. Copy of treaty forwarded as basis for Amer. agt. in negotia- tion of treaty with Turkey. (22. 1. H. doc. 250, 21.) 1762 Nov. 3. Spain. Preliminary conv, betw. kings of France and Spain for cession of Louisiana to latter. (24. 2. S. doc. 49, 3.) 1763 Feb. 10. Spain and England. Definitive treaty of peace and amity between kings of France, Spain and England; art. 7. (ib., 6.) 1800 Sept. 30. U. S. A. Conv. of peace, etc. Copy of pro- ject of a treaty; dated Apr. 18, 1800. (23. 2. H. rpt. 121, 68.) Oct. 1. Spain. Text of treaty of St. Ildefonso. (23. 2. S. doc. 56, 24.) — Oct. 1. Spain. Preliminary and secret treaty for enlargement of territories of Duke of Parma and restoration of La. to France. (24. 2. S. doc. 49, 10.) 1801 Mch. 21. Spain. Treaty of Aranjuez for elevation of Duke of Parma to throne of Tuscany and restoration of La. to France. (ib., 14.) 1803 Apr. 30. U. S. A. Claims conv.; see Claims. 1828 Aug. 21. Brazil. Copy of conv. relative to claims; French text. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 184.) 1831 Jly. 4. U. S. A. Conv. concerning claims and duties On wines and Cottons; See above, Claims; Reci- procity (Commercial). 1839 Jly. 12. Sandwich Is. Treaty signed by Kame- hameha III and capt. C. Laplace, comdg. French frigate Artémise. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 33.) — Jly. 17. Same. ConV. concluded between Kame- hameha III and C. Laplace. (ib., 34.) — Sept. 25. Texas. Treaty of amity, etc. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 98, 5; 29. 1. S. doc. 375, 6.) 1841 Dec. 20. Quintuple treaty; see that title. 1843 Nov. 9. U. S. A. Extradition conv.; see Extradition. 1843 Nov. 28. Gr. Br. Reciprocal engagement to preserve independence of Sandwich Is. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 60; 116.) 1845 Feb. 24. U. S. A. Additional article to treaty of Nov. 9, 1843; see Extradition. 1846 Mch. 26. Sandwich Is. Treaty of peace, etc. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 64.) 1852. Tri-partite conv. betw. Gr. Br., France and U. S. A. for purchase of Cuba; see Cuba. 1853 Feb. 23. U. S. A. Consular conv.; see Consular service. 1854 Dec. 12. Gr. Britain. Conv. additional to conv. of Apr. 3, 1843, relative to post office arrangements (Engl. text). (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 66.) 1858 Feb. 10. U. S. A. Additional art. to extradition conv.; see Extradition. — Oct. 9. Japan. Peace, friendship, etc. [English text.] (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 529.) FRANCE, IS. OF Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service FRANCES, AMER. SHIP 1847 Feb. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Seizure and con- demnation during Buenos Ayrean blockade. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 95). FRANCES ANN, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. n. d. Cargoes exported in, Rio de Janeiro to Africa, 1845-46. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 126.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 641 FRANCES AND ELIZA, BR, VESSEL; CLAIM VS. U. S. For seizure at New Orleans, in 1819, and sale under judgment of U. S. distr. Ct. 1834 Jan. 25. President U. S. A. (Jackson) to U. S. House. Message; claim of owners of Br. ship Francis and Eliza. (23. 1. H. jol., 255.) 1835 Jan. 19. U. S. House. Motion (Foster, Ga.), to re- fer part of message of Pres. of Jan. 25, 1834, in re- lation to claim of Herring and Richardson, to Com. on Judiciary. (23. 2. H. jol., 237.) — Mch. 3. U. S. H. Com. on Judiciary (Foster). Rpt. adverse to claim of Herring and Richardson, Br. subjects, for indemnity for sale of ship Frances and Eliza. (23. 2. H. jol., 515.) 1836 Jan. 12. U. S. House. Motion (Mason, Va.), to refer message of President of Jan. 25, 1834, with acc. docs., concerning claim of owners of ship Francis and Eliza, to Com. on Judiciary. (24. 1. H. jol., 174.) — Mch. 25. U. S. H. Com. on Judiciary (Martin). Rpt. adverse to claim of Herring and Richardson (24. 1. H. jol., 560.) 1852 Feb. 9. U. S. House. Petition of C. Richardson, repr. of owners of Francis and Eliza, praying relief on acct. of seizure, condemnation, and forfeiture of said ship to U. S. in 1819. (32. 1. H. jol., 327.) 1854 Nov. 29. Claim agst. the U. S. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 60.) FRANCESTOWN (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 67.) 1845 Feb. 13. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 382.) FRANCIA (JOSEPH DE LA) 1836 Apr. 22. U. S. Senate. Petition of de la Francia, sole heir of Henry de la Francia, praying compen- sation for certain arms and munitions of war fur- nished conventional govt. of Florida, previous to cession of Floridas to U. S. (24. 1. S. jol., 302.) FRANCIS (DANIEL), CLAIMANT 1831 Dec. 22. U. S. Senate. Petition praying indemnity for losses by French Spoliations. (22.1. S. jol., 35.) 1850 Feb. 18. U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 543.) — Feb. 19. U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 164.) FRANCIS, AMER. SCHR. 1828 Oct. 13. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Bra- zilian ministro do negoc. estrang. (Aracaty). Fran- cis detained at Montevideo. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 119.) — Oct. 19. Same to Same. Representation in cases of Schr. Francis, etc. (ib., 121.) FRANCIS AND MARY, AMER. SHIP (HITCH) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 34.) FRANCISCO (MARTIN) 1833 Mch. 23. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston). Protest agst, re- fusal to grant letters of protection to M. Francisco, citizen of U. S. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 477.) FRANCO (B. DE S.); see SOUZA FRANCO (B.) DE FRANKFORD (PA.) CITIZENS * 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 170.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 474.) FRANKFORT (N. H.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) FRANKFURT-0.-M., GERMANY Civil Service; see Wariner ( ), Burgomaster Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Impressment; see that title Peace Congress; see Arbitration FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN), AMER. COMR. IN FRANCE 1785 Je. 19. To Barclay. Inadequacy of salaries of min- isters of U. S. abroad. (22. 2. H. doc. 94, 10; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 89.) FRANKLIN (SIR JOHN); see RESOLUTE, BR. BARQUE: KANE (E. H.) FRANKLIN (WILLIAM), MASTER AMER. BRIG ANDREW RING; see GARCIA (JUAN) FRANKLIN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 165.) 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 344.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Favoring recognition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1842 Jan. 21. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 254.) FRANKLIN (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 444.) 1839 Feb. 18. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) FRANKLIN (VT.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 346.) Jan. 21. To same. In favor of recognition of inde- pendence of Hayti. (ib., 337.) FRANKLIN, AMER. BRIG (LARRABEE) On May 25, 1835, two seamen of the Franklin revolted. In pursuing them, the capt. (Larrabee) accidentally shot and killed one of them. The capt. was subse- Quently confined in the fort of Bahia Honda. 1835 May 28. Amer. Cons., Havana (Trist) to capt. gen. of Cuba (Tacon). Facts in Case of Capt. Larrabee, brig Franklin. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 158.) — Je. 15. Same to same. Requests that orders be given for putting Marrion and Buzzle, Seamen brig Franklin, at his disposal. (ib., 159.) — JIy. 9. Same to Same. AskS release of Capt. Larra- bee, brig Franklin. (ib., 160.) — Sept. 29. Trist to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Particulars in case of Franklin. (ib., 151.) FRANKLIN (WILLIAM), MASTER ANDREW RING 1849 Aug. 3. Deposition as to presence of Garcia, alias Rey, on the Andrew Ring. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 24.) FRANKLIN, AMER. SHIP 1858 Apr. 20. U. S. House. Res. (Buffington, Mass.), call- ing for corresp. With govt. of Chile in case of de- tention of Amer. Vessels Good Retwºrm, and Franklin, at port of Talcahuano in 1832. (35. 1. H. jol., 653.) FRANKLIN, AMER. SHIP (BRADSHAW) Detained at port of San Pedro, Calif., under order of Comdg. gen., Don Jose M., de Echandia, on charge 3. **. Case decided by Mexican Claim On V., & n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. H. doc. 3, 54; S. doc. 1, 52.) n.d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 54.) 1828 Apr. 16. Ministro de relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Franklin charged with contraband trading. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 230.) 41 642 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANKLIN, AMER. SHIP (HYATT) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 34.) 1847 Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Memorial of C. Bradbury, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (30. 1. S. jol., 66.) 1850 Feb. 19. Same. (ib., 164.) FRANKLIN, AMER. SHIP (QUOESBERG); see HACKLEY (R. S.) FRANKLIN ASSN. (MASS.) 1838 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) FRANKLIN CO. (M.E.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 236.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 92.) 1847 Dec. 20. To Same. Memorials, praying measures to secure peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 118.) 1850 Mch. 15. To U. S. Senate. In favor of arbitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 212.) — Apr. 29. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 857.) FRANKLIN CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying pro- tection against aggression from Upper and Lower Canada. (25. 3. H. jol., 456.) 1844 Dec. 30. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. H. jol., 147.) FRANKLIN CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 284.) FRANKLIN CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1848 Feb. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- ures to Secure peace With Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 415.) FRANKLIN CO. (VT.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying repeal of neutrality law, and demanding Satisfaction for burning of str. Caroline. (25. 3. H. jol., 606; 674.) 1847 Feb. 17. To same. Memorial, praying measures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 373.) FRANKLIN INSTITUTE 1854 Mch. 1. U. S. House. Memorial, praying Congress to adopt measures to assimilate valuation of coins of U. S. and Gr. Br. (33. 1. H. jol., 437.) FRANKLINVILLE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation, (25. 2. H. jol., 443.) * FRANKLYN, AMER. BRIG; see KENTUCKY, AMER. BRIG FRASER (DANIEL), COLORED BR. SUBJECT 1824 Jan. 20. Capt. Br. vessel Marmion (Petrie) to Pres. Board of Trade of Gr. Br. (Huskisson). Com- plaint agst. enforcement of act of S. C. prohibiting entry of negroes. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 119, 4.) — Jly. 12. H. B. M. chargé in U. S. A. (Addington) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Further representa- tion in case of Br. vessel Marmion. (ib., 5.) 1830 Dec. 15. H. B. M. cons., S. C. (Ogilvy) to Sheriff, Charleston (Steedman). Imprisonment of D. Fraser, colored Br. Subject, in port of Charleston. (ib., 16.) OF CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS (28. 2. FRASER (DANIEL), COLORED BR. SUBJECT-cont’d 1830 Dec. 17. Atty. gen., S. C. (Legaré) to Steedman. Declines to take action in case of D. Fraser. (ib., 17.) — Dec. 26. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughan) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Case of D. Fraser, colored Br. subject, seized in port of Charleston, pursuant to laws of U. S. (ib., 15.) 1831 Jan. 15. Same to Same. Circumstances attending release of Fraser. (ib., 18.) FRASER (ROBERT WILSON), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Halifax, N. S., 1853–58; in 1856 Fraser was named for consul to Newcastle but the nomi- nation was not confirmed ; see U Service. British dominions. FRASER (THOMAS), CLAIMANT 1850 Jan. 9. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. S. jol., 66.) — Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 391.) FRASIER (GEORGE) 1854 Jly. 24. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for losses by seizure and confiscation of prop- erty, and imprisonment by Mexican authorities, in 1840. (33. 1. S. jol., 551; 633.) — Aug. 3. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations. Rpt. (Mason), on petition of Frasier. (33. 1. S. rpt. 393.) 1858 Jan. 18. To U. S. Senate. Petition, as before. (35. 1. S. jol., 109, 227.) FRAZAR (A.A.); see below, FRAZIER FRAZER (ROBERT W.); see FRASER (R. W.) FRAZIER ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP RODNEY; see ROD- NEY . S. A Consular FRAZIER (A. A.), OWNER AMER. BRIG DOUGLAS; see DOUGLAS FRAZIER (CHARLES M.) 1834 Dec. 23. To U. S. House. Petition of Chas. M. Fra- zier, praying compensation for house and other property destroyed by Br. forces in late war. (23. 2. H. jol., 119.) O Fºr (NALBR0), CLAIMANT; see CASPIAN, AMER. BRI FREAN (THEODORE), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Belfast in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British dominions. FREAN (WILLIAM), CLAIMANT 1861 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Petition of Eugene Frean, On behalf of Wm. Frean, praying indemnity for loss of Schr. McKim. (36. 2. H. jol., 146; 286.) FREDELL (JOHN), MASTER AMER. BARK WILLIAM G. LEWIS; see WILLIAM G. LEWIS FREDERICA 1848 Mch. 27. C. Rauch. Deposition; his connection with the Frederica. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 31.) FREDERICK, AMER. BRIG (LANE) 1824 Feb. 18. Viceroy of Peru (Serna) to comdr. Amer. ship Franklin (Stewart). Relative to order to re- store property captured by the Quintanilla. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 18.) — Feb. 18. Same to gov. of Chiloe. Order to restore property captured from brigs Frederick, etc., by the Quintanilla. (ib., 19.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 643 FREDERICK, AMER. BRIG (LANE)—cont’d 1824 Apr. 1. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Detention of Amer. brig Frederick; etc. (ib., 5.) – Sept. 18. Same to same. Libels agst. him and his purchase of Frederick; etc. (ib., 29.) 1827 Oct. 23. Comdr. U. S. S. Boston (Hoffman) to Guedes. Protest agst. detention of register of Fred- erick; etc. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 174.) — Oct. 23. Guedes to Hoffman. Register of the Fred- erick; etc. (ib., 175.) FREDONIA (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Petitions in favor of pris- Oners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) FREDONIA, U. S. STORESHIP (1846) In commission (1846-61) : , 1847, Home sqdn. (Chaun- cey) ; 1848, do. (Neville) ; 1849-50, Pacific sqdn. (do.) ; 1860, do. (Watson). FREE SHIPS, FREE GOODS Treaty Stipulations, 1828 Dec. 12. Brazil and U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc. Art. 14. Free ships, free goods; free ships; free persons; principle to be applied only to those powers Who acknowledge it. Art. 15. Enemy’s flag Will not protect neutral property. Art. 17. Privilege of neu- tral trade with enemy in goods not contraband. 1830 May 7. Ottoman Porte and U. S. Treaty of com- merce, etc. Art. 5. U. S. flag to be respected. 1831 Apr. 5. Mexico and U. S. Treaty of amity, etc. Art. 16. Security to vessels Sailing to and from an enemy’s port; free ships, free goods and persons. Art. 17. Where neutral flag protects enemy’s prop- erty. 1832 May 16. Chili and U. S. A. General conv. of peace, etc. Art. 12. Free ships, free goods; privilege to be accorded only to nations which accede to doctrine. Art. 13. Neutral property not protected by enemy’s flag covering enemy’s property. Art. 15. Privilege of neutral to trade with enemy in goods not contra- band. 1836 Jan. 20. Venezuela and U. S. Treaty of peace, etc. Art. 15. Both parties at liberty to trade with those at enmity with either; free ships make free goods; free ships to make free persons. Art. 16. If neutral flag protects enemy’s property, the neutral property on enemy’s vessel shall be considered enemy’s prop- erty. — Nov. 30. Peru-Bolivia and U. S. Conv. of peace, etc. Art. 11. Citizens of both parties at liberty to trade with the enemies of either. Free ships to make free goods, contraband of War excepted. All persons On board a free ship to be free. Proviso. Art. 12. Qualification of principle as to neutral property. Art. 14. All kinds of merchandise, except contra- band, free. 1839 Je. 13. Ecuador and U. S. Treaty of peace, etc. Art. 15. Right of neutrals to trade with enemy. Art. 16. Enemy's flag will not protect property of a neutral. 1846 Dec. 12. New Granada and U. S. Treaty of peace, etc. Art. 15. Privileges of neutrals in time of War. Art. 16. Enemy's flag Will not protect goods of a neutral. 1849 Mch. 3. Guatemala and U. S. General conv. of peace, etc. Art. 14. Navigation and trade in time of war. Free ships, free goods. Art. 15. Neutral prop- erty in an enemy’s vessel. 1850 Jan. 2. Salvador and U. S. Treaty of amity, etc. Art. 15. Liberty of commerce in time of War; free ships, free goods; similar provision as to persons; limitation of the principle. Art. 16. Enemy’s ship to make enemy’s goods; knowledge of declaration of War. FREE SHIPS, FREE GOODS—cont’d Treaty Stipulations—cont’d 1851 J1y. 26. Peru and U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc. Art. 21. Trade with enemies. Art. 22. Neutral goods—enemies' vessels. Art. 24. All other goods free, except to places beseiged or blockaded. 1854 Jly. 22. Russia and U. S. A. Conv. as to rights of neutrals at sea. Art. 1. Free ships, free goods; neu- tral property. 1855 Jan. 13. Two Sicilies and U. S. A. Conv. as to rights of neutrals at Sea. Art. 1. Free ships, free goods; neutral property. 1856 Jly. 22. Peru and U. S. A. Conv. declaring princi- ples of rights of neutrals at Sea. Art. 1. Free ships, free goods; neutral property. 1858 May 13. Bolivia and U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. Art. 15. Freedom of navigation. 1860 Aug. 27. Venezuela and U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc. Art. 14. Free ships make free goods; persons. Correspondence; etc. AMERICAN 1826 Nov. 14. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to min- istr. de negoc. estrang., Brazil (Inhambupe). Amer. doctrine of flag covering property; application of. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 65.) 1854 Apr. 10. U. S. House. Res. (Dean, N.Y.), maintain- ing that “free ships make free goods "; calling upon President for information as to arrangements to pºet neutral commerce of U. S. (33. 1. H. jol., ..) — Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Pierce) Annual message (2d); clause advocating renewal of effort to estab- lish doctrine of “free ships, free goods” as princi- ple of international law. 1856 Je. 16. U. S. Senate. Res. (Brown, Miss.), calling for copy of instructions to late min. to England (Buchanan) on subject of free ships making free goods, and latter’s letter to Lord Clarendon on said Subject. (34. 1. S. jol., 380.) BRAZILLAN 1828 Jan. 24. Brazilian Admiral (Guedes) to capt. U. S. N. (Biddle). Opinion relative to right of bellig- erent cruiser to search merchant vessels. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 207.) – Jan. 25. Biddle to Guedes. Reply to letter of 24 inst.; takes exception to his opinion. (ib., 208.) Corresp. relative to exaction of bonds of neutral vessels by Brazil during Argentine blockade is entered un- der Argentine Rep. Blockade. BRITISH 1826 Je. 19. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Gallatin). Instructions; two Subjects on which to negotiate with Gr. Br., viz.: abolition of privateering, principle of “free ships, free goods,” etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 35.) 1828 Je. 13. Clay to same (Barbour). U. S. willing to treat On Subjects comprised under first general head of instructions to Mr. Gallatin; etc. (ib., 37.) 1854 Feb. 24. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Bu- chanan) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Substance of observations made to Lord Clarendon in regard to adoption by powers of Europe, of rule “free ships make free goods.” (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 103, 7.) - Mch. 28. Great Britain. Declaration to neutrals in regard to rule which will be observed in existing War With Russia; Gr. Br. waives right to seize neu- tral property on enemy's ships, unless it be contra- band; neutral property, not contraband, found on enemy’s ships, not to be confiscated; etc. (ib., 2.) – Apr. 13. Marcy to Buchanan. Course Gr. Br. has determined to pursue in event of European war in regard to neutral commerce is entirely satisfactory to this govt. as to two points, viz., free ships make free goods, except contraband; and that neutral 644 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FREE SHIPS, FREE GOODS—cont’d Correspondence; etc.—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d property, not contraband, found on enemy’s ship is not liable to confiscation. (ib., 12.) 1854 Apr. 28. Marcy to E. E. and M. P. Gr. Br. in U. S. A. (Crampton). President expresses satisfaction that principle “free ships make free goods,” is to have qualified Sanction by practical observance in pres- ent War by both Gr. Br. and France; U. S. desirous to unite With other powers in a declaration that it Shall be observed by each hereafter as a rule of in- ternational law. (ib., 4; 34.1. S. ex. doc. 35, 5.) FRENCH 1854 Apr. 28. E. E. and M. P. France in U. S. A. (Sarti- ges) to Marcy. French declaration of rights of neu- trals in War between allies and Russia is identical With that published by Gr. Br. on Mch. 28. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 103, 3.) MEXICAN 1828 Feb. 4. Protocol of conference between Mexican and Amer. plenipotentiaries to negotiate treaty of amity, etc., of Feb. 14, 1828, on subject of principle of free Ships make free goods. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 193.) — Feb. 6. Mexican treaty plenipotentiaries (Cam- acho and Esteva) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Proposed addition relative to principle “free ships make free goods” to art. 16, treaty of 1831. (ib., 190.) — Feb. 8. Poinsett to Camacho and Esteva. Explains Amer. understanding of principle “free ships make free goods.” (ib., 191.) — Feb. 10. Protocol of conference betw. Mexican and Amer. plenipotentiaries to negotiate treaty of amity, etc., of Feb. 14, 1828, on subject of art. 16, principle of “free ships, free goods.” (ib., 199.) — Apr. 13. Comdr. U. S. naval forces in Gulf (Ridge- ley) to Poinsett. Protest agst, proclamations issued in Vera Cruz by capt. Porter, directing trial in port Of Vera Cruz of vessels having on board effects be- longing to enemies of Mexico, and offering com- missions to privateers. (ib., 207.) — May 12. Poinsett to Ridgeley. Unfortunate tenor of proclamations issued in Vera Cruz by capt. Porter at time when treaty is pending with Mexico which declares converse principles. (ib., 208.) — May 13. Ministro relac. est., Mexico (Cañedo) to Poinsett. Provisions of Spanish law resp. priva- teering still in force; temporary precautions Ob- served by Mexico pending advice of Spain’s attitude toward principle of neutral flag covering enemy’s goods. (ib., 211.) — May 14. Poinsett to Cañedo. Claims that treaty of San Lorenzo is paramount to Spanish laws on which proclamations issued by capt. Porter, Nov. 27, 1827, are founded. (ib., 209.) — Je. 3. Same to same. Reply to his of May 13; claims exemption of U. S. from operation of regulation directing confiscation of enemy’s goods on neutral vessels; maintains that treaty of San Lorenzo is paramount to existing law. (ib., 212.) RUSSIAN 1833 May 22. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia (Bu- chanan) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Livingston). Doubt- ful whether Russia would be willing to establish by treaty principle “free ships free goods.” (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 64.) 1854 May 9. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to E. E. and M. P. U. S. in Russia (Seymour). If opportunity occurs, President requests that views of Emperor be ascer- tained on doctrine “free ships, free goods, except articles contraband of war.” (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 103, 22.) FREEBURN (WILLIAM), SEAMAN BARK JASPER; see JASPER FREEDMEN; see NEGROES, COLONIZATION OF; LIBERIA FREEDOM (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 May 21, To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 922.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 228.) FREEDOM, AMER. SCHR. (MURRAY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 35.) FREEDOM, AMER. SCHR. (SMITH) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 35.) FREEHOLD (PA.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 441.) FREELON (THOMAS W.), OF WT. U. S. N., 1812-47. Lieut., 1820; comdr., 1841. Died May 10, 1847. Sea service in command (1828–47) : 1845, comdg. Preble, African sqdn. FREEMAN ( ), MASTER SLAVER SHIP CHANCELLOR; See CHANCELLOR FREEMAN (ALBERT L.) A mer. Vice-Cons., Shanghai 1856 Jan. 26. Amer. Comr. in China (Reed) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Transmits consular corresp.; no reply received from Mr. Freeman to whom post of Vice-cons. Shanghai has been tendered. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 93.) 1858 Jan. 15. Reed to Freeman. Apptd. vice-cons. Of U. S. at Shanghai; requests information respecting coolie ships, currency, and inspectorate system. (ib., 94.) Correspondence 1858 Jan. 22. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed). Cannot accept Vice-consulship at Shanghai owing to business engagements. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 190.) — Jan. 26. To Carleton. Warned agst. loading Wan- dering Jew with coolies within jurisdiction of port of Shanghai; demands release of Chinese subjects on board against their will. (ib., 196.) — Jan. 26. To Reed. Stnt. of events since Jan. 22, when P. S. Forbes took charge of Vice-consulate at Shanghai; transfer by Forbes in favor of Thos. Walsh; case of Wandering Jew. (ib., 190.) — Jan. 26. To H. B. M. cons. at Shanghai (Robertson). Will communicate results of further examination of Wandering Jew. (ib., 198.) — Jan. 28. To Chinese intendant of Soo, etc., distr. (See). 117 coolies, illegally placed on board Wan- dering Jew, handed over to Chinese officers. (ib., 196.) — Jan. 29. To H. B. M. cons., Shanghai (Robertson). Removal of illegally detained coolies from Wander- ing Jew and warning to capt. against transporting coolies to Cuba. (ib., 199.) • — Feb. 6. To Reed. Investigation of Wandering Jew: proves use of illegal means to ship coolies; latter re- moved and delivered to Chinese authorities. (ib., 193.) — Feb. 23. To game. Relating to transmission of dis- patches by Mississippi to Chinese authorities. (ib., 225.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 645 FREEMAN (ALBERT L.)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1858 Mch. 1. To Amer. cons., Ningpo (Bradley). C. Jackson imprisoned in marshal’s house; lack of § 5. jails in Chinese ports. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, wºmmº-º Apr. 3. To Reed. Acct. of journey to Loo-Chow, and delivery of dispatches to gov. of province for transmission to Pekin. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 225.) FREEMAN (JAMES E.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Ancona, 1840-49; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. FREEMAN (M. M.) AND CO. 1859 Nov. 23. To U. S. customs collector, N.Y. (Schnell). Nature of Voyage of brig Tavernier. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 607.) FREEMAN (RICHARD), SEAMAN U. S. S. NATCHEZ Deposition; see Natchez FREEMAN (WILLIAM H.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Nuevitas, 1842-43 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions; do. for Curagoa, 1843- 51 ; see Same. Dutch dominions. FREEPORT (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. . (25. 2. H. jol., 123.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. (25. 3. H. jol., 581.) — Feb. 18. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (ib., 573.) 1841 Feb. 2. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (26. 2. S. jol., 151.) — Feb. 2. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (ib., 151.) FREETOWN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 77.) — Sept. 21. To same. Same. (ib., 81.) 1846 Jan. 12. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 228.) FREIRE (AGOSTINHO JOSE) Interino ministro do negocios estrangeiros, Portugal 1832-33; 1833-34; see Portugal ; Civil Service. FRELINGHUYSEN (THEODORE), SEN. FROM N. J. 1832 Jan. 24-25. Remarks; opposing nomination of M. Van Buren as E. E. and M. P. to Gr. Br. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1384.) FREMANTLE (STEPHEN G.), COMDR. H. B. M. SHIP JUNO; see JUNO FREMONT (JOHN CHARLES) Amer. comr. under art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ; see Mexico. Boundary. 1848 Aug. 22. To A. Wattemare. Forwards books and natural history Specimens for distribution on ac- count of System of international exchange. (30. 1. H. misc. doc. 99, 50-51.) 1849 Aug. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Acknowl- edging apptmt. as U. S. comr. of Mexican boundary commission. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 34, 28.) FRENCH (ABEL), OF N. Y. Amer, cons. for Aix-la-Chapelle, 1856-60; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. 1856 Feb. 23. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Vroom). Encloses certificate of naturalization of Geo. Schlem- mer. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 98.) FRENCH (B. B.); DEPUTY ATTY. FOR LANG AND DELANO IN AVES IS. GUANO CASES; see GUANO FRENCH (HENRY F.); ATTY. FOR LANG AND DELANO AND FOR WHEELWRIGHT AND COBB, IN AVES IS. GUANO CASES; see GUANO FRENCH (PARKER H.), MINISTER OF THE PROVISIONAL GOVT. OF NICARAGUA ACCREDITED TO THE U. S. IN 1855; AND AGAIN IN 1856; see also, CENTRAL AMERICA. 1855 Nov. 8. Amer. minister in Nicaragua (Wheeler) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). P. H. French apptd. minister of hacienda of de facto govt. of Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 37.) — Nov. 23. Provisional President Nicaragua (Rivas). Nomination of P. H. French as M. P. Nicaragua to |U. S. (ib., 56.) — Nov. 30. Wheeler to Marcy. Apptmt. of P. H. French as M. P. Nicaragua to U. S., with copy of decree making appointment. (ib., 45.) — Dec. 20. Costa Rican chargé in U. S. A. (Molina) to Marcy. Protest agst. indifference of U. S. govt. to filibusters; complicity of Nicaragua. Transit Co. in transporting filibusters; operations of French, Fry and Kewen. (ib., 57.) — Dec. 24. U.S. Atty. Gen. (dishing). Opinion; a person coming to this govt. as pretended dipl. min- ister of foreign state, and not recognized or received as such, has no dipl. privilege except of transit, and that by comity, not of right. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 471.) — Dec. 24. Cushing to U. S. atty. So. distr. N. Y. (Mc- Keon). Instructions relative to non-recognition of credentials from provisional Pres. of Nicaragua (Rivas) to French; suspicion that latter is involved in filibustering expedition against Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 13.) — Dec. 26. McKeon to Cushing. Warrant issued by # S. comr. against French for political offence. (ib., 13.) — Dec. 27. Cushing to McKeon. Instructions for pro- ceeding in charge agst. French. (ib., 14.) — Dec. 27. Same. Opinion; P. H. French claiming to be dipl. agt. of Nicaragua, but not recognized as such, is discharged from prosecution for unlawful recruiting on condition of leaving U. S. (viii, Op. attys. gen., 473.) 1856 Feb. 6. Marcy to French. Again declines to rec- ognize him as minister from Nicaragua, to U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 76.) Correspondence 1855 Dec. 19. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Request for apptmt. to present credentials as minister for Nicaragua to U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 56.) 1856 Jan. 18. To Same. Protest agst, refusal to recognize him as M. P. Of Nicaragua to U. S. (ib., 71.) — Feb. 4. To Same. Again asks apptmt. to present Credentials. (ib., 75.) FRENCH (RODNEY), MASTER AMER. WESSEL CHANCE 1829 Sept. 10. U. S. atty. gen. (Berrien). Opinion; case of alleged murder on high seas of J. Cannon by R. French, citizen of U. S., at time master of Amer. vessel Chance. (i, Op. attyS. gen., 655; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 655.) FRENCH EMIGRANT ASSOCIATION 1836 Meh. 21. To U. S. House. Motion (Lyon, Ala.), to instruct Com. On Public Lands to inquire into land grant to French Emigrant Association. (24. 1. H. jol., 544.) 646 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRENCH GUIANA 1831 Dec. 5. Decree regulating imposition of public con- tributions of the colony. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 37, 6; S. ex. doc. 37, 4.) issº, Dec. * Decree regulating levy of duties. (ib., 4; b., 5. FRENCH INDEMNITY TREATY, CLAIMS FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMANTS CONVENTION, N. Y. C. 1836 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial of convention of delegates from different parts of U. S., held in N. Y. City, Oct. 14, 1836, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (24. 2. H. jol., 87.) 1838 Mch. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 580.) 1843 Dec. 27. To same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 124.) 1844 Jan. 9. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1845 Dec. 18. To same. Same. (29. 1. S. jol., 56.) FRENCKALL (RAYNOLD), OF FINLAND Amer. cons. for Helsingfors in 1850; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. Russia. - 1831; see FRANCE. FRESTADINO (A. W., J.R.), OF SWEDEN Amer. conse for Stockholm in 1860; see U. S. A. Con- Sular sºvice. Sweden. FREY-HEROSéE (FREDERICK), DIRECTOR DEPT. of COMMERCE, ETC. 1850 Nov. 25. Signs convention of friendship, etc., betw. Swiss Confederation and U. S.; see Switzerland. Treaties. FRIAS (ANTONIO DE), CLAIMANT; EXECR. FRIAS, DUQUE DE Spanish secretario de estado during 9 ministry under Isabel II, 1838; see Spain. Civil service. see MICHEL (C.), FRIAS (JOAQUIN) Spanish secretario de estado during 19 ministry under Isabel II, 1843; see Spain. Civil service. FRIBURG, CANTON. COUNCIL 1858 Mch. 18. To Swiss Federal Council. Declaration, in reply to circular of Mch. 10, that only restriction agst. Jews in force in canton is that imposed by federal constitution; no cantonal legislation. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 40.) FRICKARD (JOHN) 1858 May 10. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying re- muneration for IOSSes Sustained in Florida war. (35. 1. H. jol., 757.) FRIEND OF CHINA; see TARRANT (W.) FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF 1840 Apr. 17. To Congress of U. S. Memorial, praying adoption of measures for suppression of slavetrade. (26.1. H. doc. 211; S. doc. 491.) 1848 Feb. 10. D. P. King, repr. from Mass. Remarks; memorial of Socy. of Friends of New England, pray- ing for speedy termination of war with Mexico. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 329.) — Feb. 10. H. Cobb, repr. from Ga. Same. (ib., 329.) — Feb. 10. T. J. Henley, repr. from Ind. Same. (ib., 330.) Memorials of the Society ASSOCIATION 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 84.) FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF-cont’d Memorials of the Society—cont’d ASSOCIATION.—cont’d 1846 May 6. Socy. of Friends of New England to U. S. Congress. Memorial on subject of war and praying adoption of measures that will tend to perpetuate peace. (29. 1. S. doc. 386, 1.) 1847 Jan. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying meas- ures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 115.) —— Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 224.) 1848 Jan. 10. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 1. S. jol., 98.) YEARLY MEETING 1845 Feb. 22. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 198.) Baltimore 1847 Jan. 18. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying meas- ures for termination of war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 108.) — Jan. 25. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 228.) Indiana. 1837 Dec. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 83.) 1844 Je. 6. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 1. S. jol., 329.) 1846 May 7. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 766.) – May 20. To same. Memorial, praying peaceable ad- justment of dispute with Gr. Br. regarding Oregon terr. (29. 1. H. jol., 834.) 1847 Jan. 19. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying meas- ures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 112.) — Jan. 27. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 237.) — Dec. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 1. S. jol., 69.) Louisiana. 1848 Feb. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- ures to secure peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 461.) New England 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) — Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) 1845 Feb. 5. To same. Same. (28. 2. S. doc. 127.) 1846 Je. 10. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying adop- tion of principle of arbitration. (29. 1. S. jol., 338.) — Dec. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- ures for Speedy termination of war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 49.) — Dec. 17. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, for speedy termination of Mexican war. (29. 2. S. jol., 53; 66.) — Dec. 29. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 107.) 1848 Jan. 4. To Same. Same. (30. 1. H. misc. doc. 21.) — Feb. 3. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 1. S. jol., 151.) New York and Vermont 1838 Feb. 5. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 202.) — Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 443.) 1845 Jan. 4. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 168.) — Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 70.) 1846 Apr. 6. To U. S. Congress. Memorial, praying for measures that will tend to perpetuate peace. (29. 1. S. doc. 38, 2.) — Apr. 10. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. S. jol., 235.) 1848 Mch. 25. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- ures to secure peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 611.) New York City 1846 Apr. 20. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 690.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 647 FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF-cont’d Memorials of the Society—cont’d YEARLY MEETING—cont’d North Carolina. 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 445.) 1847 Dec. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying meas- º to terminate war with Mexico. (30. 1. S. jol., 1848 Jan. 25. To U. S. House. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 290.) Ohio and Pennsylvania 1837 Sept. 4-9. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. S. doc. 42.) Pennsylvania, N. J., Del., and Md. 1844 Apr. 23. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 250.) 1847 Jan. 20. To Same. Memorial, praying measures for terminating war with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 114.) Philadelphia 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 119.) 1844 Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 63.) 1845 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 163.) — Dec. 8. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 1. S. jol., 37.) 1847 Jan. 22. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- § to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 215. 1854 Jan. 30. To Same. In favor of arbitration. (33. 1. H. jol., 279.) QUARTERLY MEETING Massachusetts 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) New York and Vermont 1837 Sept. 23. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 41.) — Sept. 25. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 91.) — Dec. 18. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 123.) 1838 Feb. 12. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 217.) Ohio 1847 Jan. 27. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- ures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 235.) 1848 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 172.) MONTHLY MEETING New Garden, Pa. 1848 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. In favor of arbitration. (30. 1. S. jol., 95; 46.) — Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 207.) — Jan. 7. To same. Memorial, praying immediate termination of war with Mexico, opposed to acquisi- tion of terr., and praying adoption of principle of arbitration. (ib., 207.) FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF PROGRESSIVE Yearly Meeting PENNsyLVANIA, 1854 Apr. 26. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying adop- tion of principle of arbitration. (33. 1. S. jol., 346.) 1856 Mch. 18. To same. Same. (34. 1. S. jol., 189.) — Je. 24. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (34. 1. H. jol., 1104.) FRIENDS, AMER. FISHING SCHR. Boarded, º: 26, 1824, off Two Is... harbor, Grand Manan, by H. B. M. sloop Dotterel (Hoare). 1824 Nov. 8. J. Jones, master Dotterel, to comdr. Of Dotterel (Hoare). Rpt. on seizure of Amer. fishing Schr. Friends, etc. (32. 1. S. ex: doc. 100, 24; H. ex. doc. 120, 24.) FRIENDSHIP (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 229.) FRIENDSHIP, AMER. BRIG (SMITH) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 36.) FRIENDSHIP, AMER. BRIG (STAUNTON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 36.) FRIENDSHIP, AMER. SCHR.; see BELL (N.H.) FRIENDSHIP, AMER. SCHR. (BANCROFT) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 36.) FRIENDSHIP, AMER. SHIP n. d. Claim agst. Peru; Synopsis, claim and Strmt. Of award under convention of 1841. (Moore. Int. Arbi- tration, 5; 4599; 4604.) - FRIES (GEORGE), REPR. FROM O. 1846 Feb. 7. Speech; H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 332; app., 286.) FRIES (HENRY), OF OHIO Amer. cons. for Foo Chow, 1849-50 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. China. FRISBY (ELIZABETH), CLAIMANT; see BIAYS (JAS.) FRONTE (RAIMOND), MASTER AMER. SLAVER SCHR. SARAH ANNE; see that title FROST ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. MADISON; see MADISON FROST (CHAS. N.), JT. CLAIMANT; see BERRY (JOS. A.), ET AL. FROST (H. A.) 1851 Jan. 30. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying modifi- cation of patent laws. (32. 1. S. jol., 129.) FROST (J. W.) 1839 Aug. 5. To representative from La. (Garland). Forcible arrest in Shreveport, by Texan military officers, of men on charge of desertion. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 43.) FROST (JOHN), REPRES. OF 1834 Jan. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying indem- nity for losses by French spoliations. (23. 1. S. jol., 85.) FROST (JOHN E.) Atty, for claimants under art. 1, treaty of Ghent; see Bouligny (D.) and Frost. Secy, to commission §: Conv. of 1831 with France ; see France. all IIlS. 648 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs FROST (JOHN T.) 1850 Aug. 5. To U. S. House. Petition, praying for Com- pensation for house burnt by Br. in Washington, in 1814. (31. 1. H. jol., 1227.) FROST (OLIVER) 1845 Feb. 3. To U. S. House. Petition, praying remunera- tion for certain duties paid at St. John’s, N. B. (28. 2. H. jol., 310; 427.) FROTHINGHAM (F. G.), CLAIMANT; see WAVE, AMER. BARK FRY ( ), IMPLICATED IN FIRST WALKER EXPEDI- TION AGAINST NICARAGUA; see CENTRAL AMERICA FRY (BENJAMIN), OF R. I. 1828 Mch. 26. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying indem- nity for losses sustained by French Spoliations. (20. 1. S. jol., 256.) 1829 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1846 Dec. 17. D. Melville, admr. of B. Fry, to Same. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 54.) 1847 Feb. 1. Same to U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 292.) FRY (CHRISTOPHER) 1834 Jan. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying indem- nity for losses by French spoliations. (23. 1. S. jol., 85.) FRYE (JED), CLAIMANT; see FELICIDADE, SUMACA FRYE (NATHAN AUGUSTUS), MASTER AMER. BRIG TIGRIS; see TIGRIS FRY (WILLIAM H.), OF N. Y. Nominated secy. Amer. legation in Italy, Mch. 25, 1861 ; did not proceed to his post; see also, U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. * FUCHOW, CHINA Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service FUENTE (JUAN ANTONIO DE LA) Mexican ministro de relaciones esteriores, 1853 during Ceballos ministry; 1856-57 during Comonfort minis- try; 1859 during Juarez ministry ; see Mexico. Civil service. FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE; see EXTRADITION FULLER (BELCHER, JR.), ADMR. OF ESTATE OF BELCHER FULLER 1847 Jan. 5. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 136.) FULLER (ELBRIDGE GERRY), OF N. Y. Nomination as Amer. cons. for Halifax, N. S., not con- sented to ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. FULLER (HENRY M.), OF PENN., 1820-60 Repr. from Pennsylvania in 32 and 34 cong., 1851-53 and 1855-57 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 34 Cong., 1855-57. 1852 Jan. 2. Remarks; favorable to Cartter res. Of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Louis Kossuth to House; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 191.) FULLER (NATHAN), EXECR. OF B. FULLER 1829 Dec. 22. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 40.) FULLER (NATHAN), HEIR AND AGT. FOR OTHER HEIRS OF BELCHER AND NATHAN FULLER 1847 Feb. 1. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying indem- ; ; rena Spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. JOl., 2.92. FULLER (THOMAS), H. B. M. CONS. ACAPULCO 1852 Jly. 2. To H. B. M. minister in Mexico (Doyle). Acct. Of proc. agst. Amer, cons. at Acapulco (Rice). (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 17, 16; 33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 5.) 1854 Aug. 29. To Amer. min., Mexico (Gadsden). Case of Rice. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 32.) isºr, º To Doyle. Departure of Rice for Panama. FULLER (THOMAS J. D.), REPR. FROM ME. 1852 Aug. 4. Remarks; on Evans amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 196, requiring levy of recipro- cal light duties, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 2072.) 1853 Feb. 22. Speech; opposed to H. R. 360, establishing reciprocal trade with Br. No. Amer. colonies; On Clingman amdmt. Of Feb. 17; with remarks in reply tººk etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 777; app., 197, —º 24. Do.; concerning H. R. 360, etc. (ib., 32. 2., 24. 1854 Jan. 13. Do.; favorable to H. R. 133, to secure rights of citizenship to children of U. S. citizens born abroad. (ib., 33. 1., 170.) — Feb. 8. Do.; Opposed to amdmt. Of Com. on For- eign Affairs to deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 49, pro- Viding Compensation to Parker, secy. of legation to China, for services as chargé. (ib., 387.) — Dec. 15. Do.; in support of H. R. 103 for relief of F. Clark. (ib., 33. 2., 60.) — Dec. 26. Do.; offering res., calling for returns of consuls, etc., made in reply to State Dept. circular of Oct. 8, 1853. (ib., 131.) 1855 Jan. 23. Do.; on H. R. 651, for relief of Saml. A. Belden and co. (ib., 371.) — Jan. 26. Do.; explaining object of H. res. 20, au- thorizing notice to terminate reciprocity treaties of commerce and navigation in certain cases. (ib., 414.) FULTON (ROBERT), OF N. Y.; SECY. TO AMER. COMMIS- SION ADJUDICATING DANISH INDEMNITY OF 1830; see DENMARK. CLAIMS FULTON (WILLIAM S.), SEN. FROM ARK. 1843 Jan. 6. Remarks; favoring passage of bill for relief of U. S. citizens recently made residents of Texas # ºuement of boundary line. (xii, Cong. Globe, 7. FULTON (ILL.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) FULTON (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Memorial VS. Texan annexa- tion. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) §: FULTON, U. S. STR., 1837 In commission (1837-61) : 1852, Home Sqdn. (Ben- ham) ; 1854, do. (Watson) ; 1855-56, do. (Mitchell) ; go. (Tilghman); 1857-59, Brazil sqdn. Home sqdn., Watson Comdg. 1853 JIy. 2. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdr. Fulton (Watson). Order to proceed to navy yard at Portsmouth, there to await further order of dept. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 21, 2.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 649 FULTON, U. S. STR., 1837—cont’d Home Sqdn., Watson comdg.—cont’d 1853 JIy. 24. Comdr. U. S. eastern sqdn. (Shubrick) to Dobbin. Princeton, Fulton and Decatur have left anchorage at Portsmouth. (ib., 9.) — Aug. 1. Same to same. Rpt. of lieut. M. J. Watson, of Visits to ports of Castine and Machias; intends to Ieave Fulton in Bay of Fundy, to follow in two or three days to Halifax. (ib., 11.) – Aug. 1. Watson to Shubrick. Rpt. of visit to Cas- tine and Machias. (ib., 12.) — Aug. 6. Watson to Shubrick. Fisheries at Lubec, Me., and St. John., New Brunswick. (ib., 14.) —iº 2. Same to Same. Rpt. of proc. of Fulton. ib., 34.) Home Sqdn., Mitchell comdg. 1856 May 1. Dobbin to comdt. Navy-yard, Pensacola (Rousseau). Ordered to send Fulton to Aspinwall immediately. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 64.) Brazil Sqdn., Almy comdg. 1857 Oct. 3. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey) to Almy. In- Structions for suppressing unlawful military expe- ditions from U. S. agst. Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica; order to proceed in Fulton to Chiriqui. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 50; S. ex. doc. 13, 8.) — Oct. 26. Almy to Toucey. Arrival of Fulton at Mobile. (ib., 54; ib., 12.) – Dec. 30. Almy to Paulding. Arrival of Fulton at Aspinwall with 45 men of Walker expedition on board; list of names. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 63, 7.) FULTON CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1844 Jan. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 240.) — Dec. 12. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 65.) 1845 Feb. 21. Same. (ib., 433.) FULTON CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1843 Jan. 30. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (27. 3. H. jol., 276.) FUNCHAL, IS. OF MADEIRA Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Portuguese Domin- ions FUR SEAL ARBITRATION (RUSSO-AMERICAN) see RECI- PROCITY, FISHERY RIGHTS FURMAN (G.) AND OTHERS 1837 Feb. 20. U.S. congress. Memorial, praying passage * international copyright law. (24. 2. S. doc. 192. FURNAGE (R. R.), CLAIMANT; see MARTHA, AMER. SCHR. FURRER (D.), MEMBER SWISS FEDERAL COUNCIL 1859 Oct. 25. Amer. min. res. in Switzerland (Fay). Transmits debate in general council of Zürich, re- garding Israelites; hopes example will not be with- out consequences. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 99.) FURTADO (AUGUST) Amer, cons. for Bayonne, 1847-53; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. G. W. LEWIS, AMER. BARK 1860 Jly. 1. Amer. Cons. Matanzas (Martin) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Taking of G. W. Lewis, with cargo of slaves, by Sp. Cruiser. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 440.) GAAM ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP JANUS; see JANUS GABILONDO (H.) 1857 Aug. 19. To Amer. cons. Mazatlan (Smith). Deliv- ery of C. Evans. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 64, 57.) GABOON RIVER 1844 Nov. 18. Comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason). Enclosing corresp. from comdr. Tattnall relative to rumors of French occupation of Gaboon river. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 137.) GABRIEL (EDMUND), H. B. M. COMR. MIXED COMMISSION FOR SUPPRESSION OF SLAVETRADE, LOANDA; see SLAVETRADE. AFRICAN COAST GABRIEL, SLAVER BRIG; see TWO FRIENDS GADSDEN (JAMES) Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. to Mexico, 1853–56; see also, U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1853 Dec. 30. Signs treaty relative to boundary, transit of persons . . . betw. Mexico and U. S.; see Mexico. Tehuantepec canal. 1854 Feb. 26. [no. 21.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Transmits communication from R. A. Wilson in rela- tion to case of F. W. Rice. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 24.) — Aug. 2. To gen. Wool, U. S. A. Relative to advices to Mexican minister of foreign relations of expedi- tion preparing at San Francisco to embark in aid of Raousset. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 2; 35. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 107.) Sept. 2. Ino. 39.] To Marcy. Additional docs. in relation to claim of F. W. Rice. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 32.) 1855 Jan. 8. Signs treaty betw. Mexico and the U. S. A. for protecting rights of neutrals at Sea [inopera- tive] ; see Neutrality. Sept. 5. [no. 41, extr.] To Marcy. Transmits com- munication from asst. minister of relations explain- ing why copy of proc. in case of Rice cannot be pro- cured. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 36.) GADSDEN TREATY; see MEXICO. TREATIES. 1853 GAGE (ALBERT), MASTER AMER. BARK W. H. CHAND- LER; see W. H. CHANDLER GAGE (FRANKLIN), OF ME. Amer. cons. for Cardenas in 1843; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. GAGE (JAMES), MASTER AMER. KETCH BROTHERS; see BROTHERS GAHAGAN (D.), CLAIMANT; see LEGGETT (A.) GAINES (MARCUS JUNIUS), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Tripoli, 1849-61; see U. S. A. Consular service. Tripoli. GAINES (RICHARD M.), U. S. ATTY., MISS. DISTR. 1836 May 1. To Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Vio- lation in Miss. of act of Apr. 20, 1818, in favor of cause of Texas. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 23.) — Aug. 20. To Forsyth. Reply to letter of actg. Secy. State U. S. A. (Dickins) of Jly. 27, 1836. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 64; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 186.) GAIRDNER (JAS.), ADMR. OF 1850 Jan. 11. To U. S. House. Praying indemnity for losses by French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 285.) — Jan. 14. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1, S. jol., 73.) GAITHER (MARGARET), CLAIMANT; see KoRN (JOHN JACOB) 650 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GALAN (JOSE MIGUEL) Argentinian minist. relac. est. ad int. in 1853; see Ar- gentine Republic. Civil service. GALATEA, AMER. SHIP 1831 Jan. 22. U. S. House. Res. (Hodges), calling for information relative to illegal capture of Galatea by Portuguese blockading squadron, on Jly. 4, 1829. (21. 2. H. jol., 203; 229.) GALATZA (MOLDAVIA) Consul in; see U. S. A. Consular Service; Turkish Dominions GALAWIS (JOSE MARIA) New Granadan ministr. relac. est. in 1848; see Colom- bia. Civil service. GALAXY, AMER. SCHR. (SHAW) Shaw imprisoned in Dec., 1829, by the authorities of Tabasco ; cargo detained, etc. n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 53.) n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 57; H. doc. 3, 60.) GALE ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. PRESIDENT; see PRESIDENT GALE (HENRY D.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Velasco in 1840; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Texas. GALE (WM. R. B.) 1846 Jan. 13. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying com- pensation for services as bearer of despatches from * consulate at Tunis to U. S. (29. 1. S. jol., 98; 82. GALEN (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 108.) GALEON, AMER. FISHING SCHR. Detained by Br. sloop Dotterel, on Jly. 15, 1824, while at anchor off the coast of Nova Scotia, for alleged infringement of the treaty of 1818. [1824 Nov.] Evidence of Towneau, midshipman and crew of Br. sloop Dotterel’s yawl, relative to deten- tion of Amer. fishing schr. Galeon. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 31.) 1824 Nov. 8. Master Dotterel (Jones) to comdr. Dotterel (Hoare). Rpt. On seizure of Amer. fishing Schrs. Rebecca, Galeon, etc. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 100, 24; H. ex. doc. 120, 24.) GALESBURG (ILL.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 583.) GALIANO Y ENRIQUEZ DE NAVARRA (MARTIN) ALCALDE MAYOR SEGUNDO, HAWANA 1852 Sept. 4. Manifesto prohibiting return of Wm. Smith to Havana on any of co.’s ships. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 40.) — Nov. 16. To Drake and co. Order of Sept. 4, for- bidding entrance of Crescent City in port of Havana should she convey Wm. Smith, will be enforced. (ib., 44.) GALINDO (JUAN), CENTRAL AMER. COMR. IN GR. B.R. 1835 May 22. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Ar- rival in Amer. barque Jones from bay of Honduras; transmits three letters relating to object of his visit to U. S. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 27, 3.) — Je. 1. To same. British occupation of Belize and neighboring terr. (ib., 8.) Gºo (JUAN), CENTRAL AMER, COMR. IN GR. B.R.— cont? 1835 Je. 3. To same. Protesting agst, reference to Spain of petition of delegate of English settlement in bay of Honduras asking that same be declared a colony of Gr. Br. (ib., 4.) — Je. 23. To Same. Requests him to appoint time for interview. (ib., 11.) 1836 Oct. 29. To same. Return from Gr. Br.; unsuccess- ful in establishing claim to Br. settlement in bay of Honduras. (ib., 11.) GALL (ALOIS D.), OF IND. Amer. cons. for Antwerp, 1854-59; see U. S. A. Consular service. Belgium. GALLAGHER (JOHN), OF. MD. |U. S. N., 1809-42. Lieut., 1813; comdr., 1825; Capt., 1835. Died Nov. 1, 1842. Sea service in command (1813-42) ; 1829, comdg., Vandalia, Brazil sqdn. ; 1836, comdg. North Carolina, Pacific sqdn. GALLAHER (JAMES C.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Ponce in 1837-ſ07] ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Spanish dominions. 1838 Nov. 23. [no. 11.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (For- syth). Calls attention to claim made by Porto Rico upon property of foreigners leaving Is. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 224.) 1839 Feb. 4. To Intendente de la Isla de Puerto Rico (Valle). Asks that collection of duty on property of L. A. Harang, deceased, be suspended until under- standing of govts. of U. S. and Spain may be had on subject. (ib., 177.) — Mch. 2. [unnum. extr.] To Forsyth. Exaction of 15% on value of property of L. A. Harang, deceased, by intendant of Porto Rico. (ib., 176.) 1840 Apr. 6. To gov. and capt. gen. of Porto Rico. Asks repayment of money exacted from M. D. Harang by authorities of Porto Rico. (ib., 181.) — Apr. 11. [no. 18, extr.] To Forsyth. Receipt of let- ter of 4 ult. (ib., 180.) GALLATIN (ALBERT), OF PENN. Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. to France, 1815-23 ; d.o. in Gr. Br., 1826-27 ; see also, U. Š.TA. Diplomatic service. In 1828 nominated Amer. agt., etc., in n. e. boundary negotiations ; see N. E. Boundary Controversy. 1827 negotiations. E. E. and M. P. in France Correspondence FRENCH Ministre des affaires étrangères (Richelieu) 1817 Jan. 31. Request for surrender of Lemolgat impli. cated in murder on board Amer. Schr. Plattsbºrg. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 4.) — Feb. 20. Requests that Lemolgat be delivered up to Amer. consul at Nantes. (ib., 5.) — Apr. 23. Withdraws demand for surrender of Lemolgat. (ib., 6.) E. E. and M. P. in Gºr. Br. Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) 1826 Aug. 19. [unnum. extr.] Substance of conversation With gºulas on Br. colonial trade. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 3. — Aug. 28. [unnum. extr.] Order in council for inter- dicting intercourse in Amer. vessels betw. U. S. and Br. colonies in So. Amer. and West Indies. (ib., 6.) — Sept. 13. [unnum. extr.] Substance of conference with Canning on Subject of intercourse with Br. colonies. (ib., 7.) INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 651 GALLATIN (ALBERT), OF PENN.—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Clay)—cont’d isº, ºt 14. [unnum.] Act of Congress of 1823. (ib., — Sept. 20. [unnum.] Requests to be instructed whether in event of renewal of conv. of 1825, a pro- posal for intercourse betw. U. S. and European dominions of Gr. Br. should be accepted. (ib., 9.) — Sept. 22. Lunnum.] Relating to refusal of Gr. Br. to negotiate on subject of colonial trade. (ib., 9.) — Oct. 21. Iunnum.] Act of Parlt. repealing restric- tions on indirect and circuitous intercourse in Amer. vessels betw. U. S. and Br. West Indies. (ib., 11.) — Oct. 27. [unnum.] Br. Iaws concerning colonial trade. (ib., 12.) — Nov. 5. [unnum.] Impression from tenor of con- versation with Canning resp. colonial intercourse. (ib., 17.) — Nov. 14. [unnum. extr.] Relations with Gr. Br. (ib., 17.) — Nov. 16. [no. 26.] Substance of conference with Br. plenipotentiaries relative to n. W. boundary. (20. 1. H. doc. 199, 14.) — Nov. 20. [unnum.] Communications on colonial in- tercourse. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 18.) — Nov. 25. [no. 29.] Substance of 1st and 2d con- ferences with Br. plenipotentiaries relative to set- tlement of n. W. boundary. (20. 1. H. doc. 199, 17.) — Dec. 2. [no. 31, extr.] Substance of 3d conference relative to n. W. boundary. (ib., 24.) Dec. 5. [unnum. extr.] Br. draft of conv. propos- ing continued joint occupancy of n. W. terr. (ib., 26.) — Dec. 9.. [no. 34, extr.] Substance of private con- ference with Lord Melville relative to establishment of lighthouse, etc., in Bahama channel. (20. 1. S. doc. 19, 9.) — Dec. 12. [unnum. extr.] Substance of 4th and 5th conferences relative to n. W. boundary. (20. 1. H. doc. 199, 28.) Dec. 20. [unnum.] Protocols of 2d to 7th confer- ence, Br. draft and statement of claims relative to n. W. terr. (ib., 28.) — Dec. 21. [unnum. extr.] Substance of conference with Huskisson relative to negotiation for Sur- render of runaway slaves. (20. 2. H. doc. 19, 3.) 1827 Mch. 29. Ino. 63, extr.] Requesting copy of draught of conv. resp. maritime rights; art. 12 and 13 to be used as counter-projet in case Br. govt. Should be disposed to make proposal on that Subject. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 111, 36.) — Mch. 29. [unnum. extr.] Mr. Canning considers corresp. on colonial intercourse as final. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 18.) — Apr. 21. [unnum. extr.] Observations resp. Colo- nial intercourse. (ib., 19.) — Apr. 28. [unnum. extr.] Disposition of Br. govt. on subject of colonial intercourse. (ib., 19.) — May 13. [unnum. extr.] Renewal of conferences. (ib., 20.) — May 21. [unnum. extr.] Negotiations on subject of colonial intercourse. (ib., 20.) — May 29. [unnum. extr. Substance of 8th conference relative to n. W. boundary. (20. 1. H. doc. 199, 31.) — Je. 4. [unnum.] Disposition of Gr. Br. in regard to negotiation on colonial intercourse. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 22.) — Je. 8. [no. 84.1 Delay in transmitting to Amer. legation favorable rpt. made by Br. admiralty on establishment of lighthouse, etc., in Bahama Chan- nel. (20. 1. S. doc. 19, 12.) GALLATIN (ALBERT), OF PENN.—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d AMERICAN–Cont'd Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Clay)—cont’d 1827 Je. 13. [unnum.] Bill brought into House of Com- mons affecting commercial relations of U. S. (22.1. S. doc. 132, 23.) — Je. 20. [unnum. extr.] Br. provisional assent to re- newal of art. 3, conv. of 1818. (20. 1. H. doc. 199, 32.) — Je. 23. [unnum.] His objections to Br. declaration relative to art. 3, conv. of 1818, and to proposed ad- ditional art. of commercial conv.; with copy of Ob- jections as presented to Br. plenipotentiaries. (ib., 32.) — Je. 27. [unnum. extr.] Substance of conference rel- ative to Br. declaration relative to art. 3, conv. of 1818. (ib., 34.) — Jly. 5. [unnum. extr.] Gr. Br. declines to enter into negotiation for surrender of fugitive slaves. (20. 2. H. doc. 19, 4.) — Jly. 20. [unnum. extr.] Renewal of commercial conv. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 24.) — Jly. 28. [unnum. extr.] Substance of conversation with Canning. (ib., 26.) — Aug. 7. [unnum.] Conv. just concluded, renewing art. 3, conv. of 1818. (20. 1. H. doc. 199, 36.) — Aug. 14. [unnum. extr.] Policy of Gr. Br. towards U. S. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 26.) — Aug. 21. [unnum.] Chances for change in policy of Gr. Br. towards U. S. (ib., 27.) — Sept. 14. [unnum.] Substance of conversation with Huskisson on colonial intercourse. (ib., 28.) — Sept. 17. [no. 115.] Substance of conference with Lord Dudley on colonial trade. (20. 1. H. doc. 259, (40.) — Sept. 21. [unnum. extr.] Believes it best to leave intercourse by land Or inland navigation with No. Amer. Br. provinces to be regulated by laws of each country respectively. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 29.) — Sept. 21. [unnum. extr.] Br. plenipotentiaries de- cline to entertain proposal relative to navigation of St. Lawrence River founded on right claimed by TJ. S. (20. 1. H. doc. 43, 31.) — Sept. 26. [unnum. extr.] Reason for Br. refusal to accede to proposal for surrender of fugitive slaves. (20. 2. H. doc. 19, 4.) — Sept. 28. [unnum. extr.] Awaits answer to note of Aug. 17 to Lord Dudley. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 30.) — Oct. 1. [unnum.] Substance of negotiation with Br. plenipotentiaries relative to navigation of St. Lawrence River. (20. 1. H. doc. 43, 32.) — Oct. 1. [unnum. extr.] Navigation of river St. Lawrence. (22. 1. S. doc. 132, 30.) — Oct. 3. [unnum.] Answer of Lord Dudley to notes of Je. 4 and Aug. 17. (ib., 30.) — Oct. 4. [unnum. extr.] Avails himself of permis- sion to return to U. S. (ib., 31.) — Nov. 30. [unnum.] Observations made by Huskis- Son on colonial intercourse. (ib., 32.) BRITISH Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Canning) 1826 Dec. 28. Reviews corresp. relative to Br.-Amer. trade; U. S. prepared to negotiate for regulation of Br. colonial trade. (20. 1. H. doc. 259, 10.) 1827 Jan. 3. Representation relative to establishment of lighthouse, etc., in Bahama channel. (20. 1. S. doc. 19, 10.) 652 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN-AFFAIRS GALLATIN (ALBERT), OF PENN.—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br.-cont’d Correspondence-cont’d BRITISEI—cont’d ū Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office—cont’d (Dudley) 1827 Je. 4. Representation pursuant to Secy. Clay's in- Structions of Apr. 11, relative to colonial trade. (20. 1. H. doc. 259, 34.) — Je. 7. Further request for information relative to application for establishment of lighthouse, etc.; in Bahama channel. (20. 1. S. doc. 19, 13.) - Aug. 7. Inquiry as to Br. disposition to remove interdict on Amer. shipping under act of 1825, upon passage of law by U. S., carrying certain provisions therein stated. (20. 1. H. doc. 259, 38.) — Oct. 3. Protest agst, decision expressed in his of Oct. 1. (ib., 50.) GALLEGO (JOSEPH), HEIRS OF 1852 May 25. To U. S. House. Petition of John A. Chev- allie, for himself and co-heirs, praying indemnity ; frena Spoliations prior to 1800. (32. 1. H. jol., GALLEGOS (JOSE RAFAEL DE), 1785-1851 Jefe Supremo of Costa Rica, 1833-35; see Central Amer. GALLINDO (J.); see GALINDO (J.) GALL0 (LEWIS), OF SPAIN Amer. cons. for Santander in 1859; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Spanish dominions. GALLOP ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG ELIZA.; see ELIZA GALT (ALEX.), ET AL. 1850 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Petition of Ann P. Swift, A. Jeffery, Alex. Galt, and Wm. R. Galt, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 311.) GALVAo (MANOEL ANTONIO) Brazilian secretario do imperio in 3 Aranjo Lima cabinet of Pedro II, 1839; see Brazil. Civil service. GALVESTON (MEXICO AND TEXAS) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico; do. Texas GALVEZ (MARIANO) Jefe del estado of Guatemala, 1831-38 ; see Central Amer- GALWAY (IRELAND) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British Dominions GAMA (BERNARDO JOSE DA), WISCONDE DE GAYANA Brazilian secretario do imperio in 9 cabinet of Pedro I ; do. in cabinet of provisional regency under Pedro II, in 1831 ; see Brazil. Civil service. GAMA (C. M. LOPES); see LOPES GAMA, ETC. GAMAGE (EDWARD), OF S. C. Amer. cons. for Florence, 1842-50; do. for Florence and Leghorn, 1850-52; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. GAME (M. P.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Guayaquil in 1848; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. Ecuador. GANNECLIFFT, AMER. BRIG n. d. Mentioned. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 217 and passim.) | GANNETT (W.) 1826 Jly. 2. Amer. consul, Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Death of J. Wilson, W. Gannett, and I. Jones, Amer. citizens. (24. 2. H. ex, doc. 167, 95.) GANON (N.) U. S. MARSHAL, NO. DISTR. N. Y. 1837 Dec. 28. To President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Dis- turbances in N. Y. State and Canada, and measures taken to suppress them. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 399.) GANSEVOORT (GUERT), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1823-68. Lieut., 1837; comdr., 1855; Capt. 1862. Died Jly. 15, iš68 sea service in comman (1837-61) : 1856, comdg. Decatur, Pacific sqdn. GANTOIS AND PAILHET 1844 Aug. 16. To Wm. Topham. Instructions for landing slaves on board brig Sooy. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 148, 43.) GANTT (C. L.), MASTER AMER. SHIP WABASH; see WA- BASH GARAVINI (C.), OF ALGIERS Amer. cons. for port of Algiers, 1836-38; see U. S. A. Consular service. GARAY (JOSE DE), TEHUANTEPEC CANAL CONCESSION; see MEXICO GARCIA (BALDOMER0) Argentinian ministr. relac. est. ad int. in 1859; see Ar- gentine Republic. Civil service. GARCIA (CARLOS) Ministr. relac. est. of Mexico, 1833, under 1 Santa Anna administration ; see also, Mexico. Civil Service. 1833 Apr. 29. To Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Or- der for delivery of effects consigned to Amer. lega- tion, and detained at Vera Cruz. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 478.) — May 29. To same. Complaint agst. collector of CuS- toms at Matamoras referred to Secy. Of Treasury. (ib., 479.) — Je. 19. To same. Petition agst. expulsion of Benito from state of Oaxaca. (ib., 504.) —— Je. 21. To same. Protest agst. proposed conv. of free people of color in Phila. for purpose of divert- ing emigration from Liberia to Texas. (ib., 479.) — Sept. 4. To same. Redress promised in case of outrage upon Don José M. del Barrio, M. P. of Cen- tral America in Mexico, by Don Miguel Duran, Capt. Gutierrez, and others. (ib., 485.) — Sept. 16. To same. Note relative to detention of Amer. vessel Robert Wilson at Vera Cruz referred to Secy. of Treasury. (ib., 486.) — Sept. 17. To same. Note relative to detention of property of H. J. Kelly at Vera Cruz referred to Secy. of Treasury. (ib., 487.) — Sept. 21. To same. General settlement of claims of Amer. citizens agst. Mexico not feasible. (ib., 489.) — Sept. 23. To same. Delay in settling claim of J. Baldwin caused by insurrection in Tehuantepec.; assurance that action of Mexican govt. in this case has been in conformity with provisions of federal constitution. (ib., 489.) — Sept. 25. To same. T. Ramon del Moral and C. Navarro apptd. Mexican comr. and Surveyor resp. for establishing boundary. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 37; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 138.) — Oct. 2. To same. Enclosing instructions from War Dept. for proceeding in case of outrage by gov. of fortress of Perote upon official courier of U. S. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 491.) INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 653 GARCIA (CARLOS)—cont’d 1833 Oct. 9. To same. Minister of Justice instructed to take action in matter of detention of Amer. Ship Robert Wilson. (ib., 495.) — Oct. 24. To same. Adverse to a conference for Set- tlement of claims of Amer. citizens upon govt. of Mexico. (ib., 502.) — Oct. 28. To same. Reports relative to detention of Amer. ship Robert Wilson submitted to Vice Presi- dent. (ib., 503.) — Oct. 29. To same. Reasons for expulsion of Benan- cio Benito, Amer. citizen, from state of Oaxaca. (ib., 503.) — Nov. 13. To same. Requesting instruction for de- livery of documents relative to payment for cargo of Amer. ship Louisa. (ib., 506.) — Nov. 23. To same. Transmits rpt. of judge of dis- trict of Vera Cruz [Rool relative to detention of Amer. ship Robert Wilson. (ib., 507.) — Nov. 26. To Same. Documents relative to payment of cargo of Amer. Ship Louisa delivered to A. Miller. (ib., 510.) — Dec. 8. To same. Enclosing rpt. of gov. of state of Vera Cruz [Vasquez] relative to case of J. Baldwin. (ib., 510.) GARCIA (JUAN), ALIAS REY Juan Garcia, alias Rey, was a turnkey of the prison at Havana in 1849. He assisted two persons, [C. Villaverde and * & Isnaga] held On charge of treason agst. Spain, to escape. He fled to New Orleans, arriving in Je., 1849. On the night of JIy. 5, 1849, under orders of the Spanish cons. at New Orleans (España), he was forcibly put on board the Amer. schr, Mary Ellen (McConnell) and transported to Havana, arriving Jly. 17. While in quarantine he was transferred from the Mary Ellen to the Amer. brig Andrew Ring (Franklin). On Jly. 30 he was removed from the Andrew Ring by Spanish authorities and imprisoned in Havana. Through the efforts of the Amer. cons. (Campbell) he was released on Aug. 17 and sent to New Orleans in brig Salvadora, arriving Aug. 28, 1849, and held as a witness in the case of U. S. vs. Carlos España, ; see also, España (C.) ; New Orleans. Riots. 1849 Je. 28. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Amer. cons. Havana (Campbell). Contingent instructions relative to seizure by Sp. consul at New Orleans, of Cuban refugee Garcia, alias Rey. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 14.) — Jly. 27-Aug. 13. Examination in case of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 61.) — Jly. 28. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston) to Comdr. U. S. Navy-yard, Pensacola (Newton). Orders to disclose matter contained in communication from U. S. distr. atty at New Orleans to comdre. Parker of Home sqdn. (ib., 157.) — Jly. 28. Clayton to U. S. distr. atty., New Orleans (Hunton). Instructions relative to information in case of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 3.) — Jly. 30. Campbell to gov. gen. of Cuba (Alcoy). Report of case of Garcia, alias Rey, Cuban refugee, abducted in New Orleans. (ib., 20.) — Jly. 31. Campbell to Clayton. Proc. in case of forci- ble abduction of Cuban refugee Garcia, alias Rey, by Spanish consul at New Orleans. (ib., 16.) — Aug. 2. Alcoy to Campbell. Reiterates he has no power to permit Amer. Consul to see Garcia. (ib., 23.) — Aug. 2. Span. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Calderon de la Barca) to Clayton. Representation of case of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 42.) — Aug. 2. Campbell to Clayton. Reports refusal by Cuban gov. of audience with Garcia. (ib., 21.) — Aug. 3. Hunton to Clayton. Proc. before state tri- bunal of La, against Don Carlos de España, Spanish consul, in case of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 3.) — Aug. 6. Report of an examination of Garcia, alias Rey, before the gov. gen. of Cuba. (ib., 30.) GARCIA (JUAN), ALIAS REY—cont’d 1849 Aug. 8. Campbell to Clayton. Proof of imprison- ment and incommunication at Havana of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 25.) — Aug. 9. Alcoy to Calderon de la Barca. Review of case of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 45.) — Aug. 18. Alcoy to Campbell. Notice of liberation of Garcia. (ib., 39.) Aug. 18. Campbell to Clayton. Manner in which instructions of JIy. 28, have been carried out. (ib., 37.) — Aug. 20. Clayton to Campbell. Instructions for pro- cedure in case of Garcia, alias Rey; comment On conduct of Spanish authorities. (ib., 33.) — Aug. 20. Campbell to Clayton. How liberation of Garcia was effected. (ib., 38.) — Aug. 25. T. B. Huger to comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Parker). Substance of conversation with Amer. cons. at Havana (Campbell) relative to abduction of Rey, or Garcia. (ib., 161.) — Aug. 27. Calderon de la Barca to Clayton. Praying freedom from molestation for Spanish consul ES- paña in case of Garcia, alias Rey. (ib., 43.) — Aug. 28. Clayton to Calderon de la Barca. Repre- sentation in case of Garcia that President will main- tain faith of treaties, but also inviolability of every person under protection of Amer. laws. (ib., 52.) — Aug. 29. Hunton to Clayton. Arrival of Garcia, alias Rey, by brig Salvadora from Havana. (ib., 8.) — Sept. 6. Comdr. U. S. Home sqdn. (Parker) to Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Preston). Rey, or Garcia, who was forcibly taken away from New Orleans, was sent back, Aug. 19; etc. (ib., 160.) — Dec. 31. U. S. Senate. Res. (Downs, La.), calling for copies of corresp. regarding abduction of Rey, alias Garcia, from New Orleans by Spanish consul there. (31. 1. S. jol., 41; 62.) 1850 Jan. 9. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Barringer) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Concern mani- fested in Madrid about arrest and trial of D. Carlos de España for alleged abduction of Rey, alias Gar- Cia. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 139.) GARCIA (MANUEL JOSE) Argentinian ministr., relac. est. in 1832-33 ; see Argen- tine Republic. Civil service. GARCIA (MIGUEL), GOV. OF STATE OF GUERRERO 1852 Sept. 13. To ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Arroyo). Proc. pending agst. Smith and Boon, Amer. citizens imprisoned at Acapulco. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 17, 20.) GARCIA DE SALAS (FRANCISCO), COMDR. SPAN. BRIG OF WAR NERVION; see NERVION GARCIA DEL RIO (JUAN) Colombian int. ministro de relaciones esteriores in 1831 ; see Colombia. Civil Service. Minister of Finance, Peru-Bolivian Confederation 1836 Nov. 30. Signs conv. of peace, etc., betw. Peru- Bolivia and U. S.; see Peru-Bolivia. Treaties. GARCIA Y TASSARA (GABRIEL) Spanish E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1857-67 ; see Spain. Diplomatic service. 1860 Dec. 31. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Black). Repre- Sentation of obstruction to business at Charleston customs office. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 5, 5.) 1861 Jan. 19. To same. Obstruction of channels through bar in harbor of Charleston. (ib., 10.) GARDINER (ELEANOR), (Henry), ADMNX. OF CLAIMANT; see GARDINER 654 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GARDINER (GEORGE A.), MEXICAN CLAIMANT 1846 Oct. 24. To prefect dept. of Rio Verde (Verastegui). Protests agst. law of expulsion of Oct. 21. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 114.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1852 Dec. 7. Intr. in U. S. House (King, Select Com. On Gardiner Claim), bill (32. 2. H. R. 326) “to prevent frauds upon Treasury of U. S.”; approved Feb. 26, 1853. (32. 2. H. jol., 34; 130; 348; x, St. L., 170.) CORRESPONDENCE 1848 Jly. 1. Luis Guyman to prefect dept. of Rio Verde (Verastegui). Approves of authorization of books and documents of G. A. Gardiner. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., app., 114.) — Jly. 3. Verastegui to Gardiner. Encloses answer resp. authorization of his books and documents by prefecture. (ib., 114.) 1849 Apr. 30. Waddy Thompson to Gardiner. Instruc- tions for obtaining evidence in regard to his claim. (ib., 32. 2., 293.) 1851 Nov. 9. C. Markoe. Deposition in Gardiner case. (32. 2. H. rpt. 1., 125.) — Nov. 11. W. Goyeneche to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Letcher). Gardiner claim. (ib., 123.) — Nov. 12. Letcher to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Secy. of legation (Smith) sent to obtain testimony in Gardiner case; report of further testimony. (ib., 122.) Dec. 27. Bowes to Letcher. Information relative to Mears and Gardiner claims. (ib., 127.) — Dec. 28. Letcher to Webster. Progress of agtS. in taking testimony in Mears and Gardiner case. (ib., 124.) 1852 Jan. 4. Same to same. Comment on information of C. E. Bowes, on Mears and Gardiner claims. (ib., 126.) — Feb. 16. Same to same. Depositions taken by G. W. Slacum resp. awards obtained by G. A. Gardiner and J. H. Mears. (ib., 127.) Mch. 5. E. B. Olds, repr. from O. Speech; charg- ing Secy. Of Treasury (Corwin) with dishonorable dealing in connection with Gardiner claim, etc.; during debate on Homestead bill, H. R. 7. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 264.) — Mch. 5. L. D. Campbell, repr. from O. Remarks; denying Olds’ charges agst. Secy. of Treasury (Cor- win), in connection with Gardiner claim; during debate on Homestead bill, H. R. 7. (ib., 266-267.) — Apr. 24. Same to same. Witnesses who proceed to U. S. to testify in Gardiner trial. (32. 2. H. rpt. 1, 128.) Apr. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Olds, O.), calling for rpts. from George Slacum, agt. to investigate Har- gous, Gardiner, and other claims, agSt. Mexico, rpts. from U. S. min. to Mexico (Letcher), and informa- tion relating to trial of Gardiner. (xxiv, Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1207.) — May 7. G. W. Slacum to Webster. Statement sup- plementing his of Jan. 31, to R. P. Letcher, relative to Gardiner claim. (32. 2. H. rpt. 1, 120.) — Je. 11. U. S. Senate. Res. (Soulé, La.), Calling upon Secy. State for information in relation to Gardiner claim, adjudicated by Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 469.) * — Je. 15. Letcher to Webster. Difficulty in obtaining witnesses in Gardiner case. (32. 2. H. rpt. 1, 129.) — Je. 15. Webster to U. S. Senate. In response to Sen. res. of Je. 11, declines to furnish information re- garding Gardiner claim on ground of public policy. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 83.) GARDINER (GEORGE A.), MEXICAN CLAIMANT—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE—cont’d 1852 Je. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Olds, O.), for apptmt. of Select Com. to investigate connection of Secy. Treas- ury (Corwin) with Gardiner claim. (xxiv, Cong. Globe, 1629.) * – Aug. 12. L. D. Campbell, repr. from O. Speech; on Gardiner and Galphin claims; vindication of Secy. Corwin, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32, 1., app., 1030.) — Aug. 23. U. S. House. Res. (Olds, O.) for apptmt. of select Com. to investigate connection of Secy. Treasury (Corwin) with Gardiner claim. (xxv, Cong. Globe, 2301; 32. 1. H. jol., 1063.) — Aug. 23. E. B. Olds, repr. from O. Speech; on res. of even date; in reply to Campbell’s speech of Aug. 12; with further remarks. (xxv, Cong. Globe, 2301, 2304, 2305.) — Aug. 23. L. D. Campbell, repr. from O. Remarks; in reply to Olds. (ib., 2304, 2305.) — Aug. 24. U. S. House. Duncan (Mass.) on own mo- tion, excused from serving on select com. to investi- gate Gardiner claim. (xxiv, Cong. Globe, 23.12.) — Aug. 28. U. S. House. Res. (Edgerton, O.), giving Select Com. on Gardiner Claim leave to sit during vacation, to send for papers and persons, and to ex- amine witnesses under oath. (ib., 2418; 32. 1. H. . jol., 1115; 11.19; 1121.) — Aug. 28. U. S. House. Johnson (Tenn.), submitted rpt. in writing from select com. to investigate con- nexation of Thos. Corwin, Secy. Treasy., with Gar- diner claim. (32. 1. H. jol., 1115.) — Aug. 28. A. Johnson, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; proc. of Select com. to investigate charges agst. Secy. Treasury, Corwin, in connection with Gardiner claim; with letters from Corwin of Aug. 24 and 26. (xxiv, Cong. Globe, 2413, 2414.) Aug. 28. A. P. Edgerton, repr. from O. Remarks; in behalf of Olds; concerning investigation of charges agst. Secy. Treasury, Corwin, in connection with Gardiner claim; in favor of sitting of select com. (ib., 2414.) — Aug. 28. M. P. Gentry, repr. from Tenn. Same. (ib., 2414.) — Aug. 28. W. A. Richardson, repr. from Ill. Re- marks; in Support of his amdmt., including inves- tigation of other cases, etc., in Edgerton res. of even date. (ib., 2418.) — Aug. 30. U. S. Senate. Res. (Soulé, La.), to con- tinue Select Com. On Mexican Claims during en- Suing recess of Senate. (ib., 2463.) — Aug. 30. J. P. Hale, Sen. from N. H. Remarks; on Soulé res. of even date. (ib., 2403.) — Aug. 30. P. Soulé, Sen. from La. Do.; on proc. of Select Com. On Mexican Claims, and in explanation of his res. Of even date. (ib., 2463.) — Oct. 7. U. S. special committee (Johnson, Tenn.). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 326, on connection of U. S. Secy. Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim; with copy of proceedings, depositions, etc. (32. 2. H. rpt. 1, 2.) — Dec. 7. P. King, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; ex- plaining origin of H. R. 326, to prevent frauds upon the Treasury. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 23.) 1853 Jan. 6. E. B. Olds, repr. from O. Speech; on con- nection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim, and on H. R. 326 to prevent frauds upon the Treasury. (ib., app., 67.) — Jan. 6. B. Stanton, repr. from O. Remarks; ad- dressed to Olds, relative to connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim; during con- sideration of H. R. 326, to prevent frauds upon the Treasury. (ib., 32. 2., 243.) — Jan. 6. P. King, repr. from N. Y. Do.; in explana- tion of H. R. 326. (ib., 242.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GARDINER (GEORGE A.), MEXICAN CLAIMANT—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE—cont’d 1853 Jan. 11. N. Barrere, repr. from O. Speech; prose- cution of claims agst. govt. by members of Congress; connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gar- diner claim; during consideration of H. R. 326 to prevent frauds upon Treasury. (ib., app., 111.) — Jan. 11. B. Stanton, repr. from O. Remarks; dis- cussion of connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin; with Gardiner claim; during consideration of H. R. 326 to prevent frauds upon the Treasury. (ib., 32. 2., 259.) – Jan. 11. C. Chapman, repr. from Conn. Speech; on H. R. 326, to prevent frauds upon the Treasury, and on prosecution of claims agst. govt. by members of Congress; connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim and rpt. of select committee on Subject. (ib., app., 109.) — Jan. 12. B. Stanton, repr. from O. Remarks; con- nection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim; during Johnson’s Speech on H. R. 326. (ib., 66.) — Jan. 12. C. Chapman, repr. from Conn. Remarks; connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gar- diner claim; during Johnson’s speech on H. R. 326. (ib., 65, 66.) Jan. 12. A. Johnson, repr. from Tenn. Speech; in explanation and support of H. R. 326, to prevent frauds upon the Treasury, etc. (ib., 64.) — Jan. 12. A. H. Stephens, repr. from Ga. Remarks; On connection of Gen. Thompson, with Gardiner claim; during consideration of H. R. 326, to prevent frauds upon the Treasury. (ib., 65.) Jan. 12. J. L. Orr, repr. from S. C. Remarks; on connection of Gen. Waddy Thompson with Gardiner claim; during consideration of H. R. 326, to prevent frauds upon the Treasury. (ib., 65.) — Jan. 13. F. P. Stanton, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; On his appearance, in behalf of constituents, before Mexican Claims Commission, connection of Secy. Of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claims; and on H. R. 326 to prevent frauds upon the Treasury. (ib., 218.) — Jan. 13. A. H. Stephens, repr. from Ga. Speech; on H. R. 326, connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim, etc.; in defense of Corwin; with reply to Johnson. (ib., 217.) — Jan. 13. J. L. Orr, repr. from S. C. Remarks; on connection of Gen. Thompson and Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim, in defence of Thomp- son, during consideration of H. R. 326. (ib., 32. 2., 293-294.) — Jan. 13. V. E. Howard, repr. from Texas. Do.; on his appearance in behalf of constituents, before Mex- ican Claims Commission; on H. R. 326 to prevent frauds upon the Treasury; connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim, in defence of Corwin. (ib., app., 218.) — Jan. 13. J. S. Phelps, repr. from Mo. Remark; on his connection, in behalf of a constituent, with Mex- ican Claims Commission during consideration of H. R. 326 to prevent frauds upon the Treasury. (ib., 218.) — Jan. 13. A. Johnson, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; on connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gardiner claim during consideration of H. R. 326. (ib., 32. 2., 292-294.) — Jan. 13. P. King, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; on connection of Secy. Of Treasury, Corwin, with Gar- diner claim and on H. R. 326. (ib., 295, 296.) — Mch. 21. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to U. S. atty. D. C. (Fendall). Advice that in spite of solicita- GARDINER (GEORGE A.), MEXICAN CLAIMANT—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE—cont’d tions of U. S. State Dept., Mexican minister declines to participate in judicial proceedings against G. A. Gardiner. (ii, Moore. Internati. Arb., 1260.) 1853 Apr. 15. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; in- vestigation and prosecution of fraudulent claims preferred by and paid to Gardiner, under treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. (viii, Op. attyS. gen., 427.) 1854 Mch. 6. U. S. House. Res. (Perkins, La.), to in- struct Com. on Judiciary to inquire into propriety of legal proceedings for recovery of any sums paid out on claim of Gardiner and Mears against Mexico. (33. 1. H. jol., 459.) — Mch. 28. U. S. select com. of the Senate (Soulé). Rpt. in relation to proc. of board of comrs. on claims agst. Mexico; relative to Gardiner, Julius Caesar, Louisiana and Champion. (33. 1. S. rpt. 182.) — Aug. 31. U. S. House. Res. (Stanton, Tenn.), to request Pres. to institute test proc. agst. persons in- volved in prosecution of claims of Geo. A. Gardiner and Jno. H. Mears agst. Mexico. (33. 1. H. jol., 1331.) 1855 Mch. 2. R. Toombs, sen. from Ga. Remarks; in Support of Mallory amdmt. to H. R. 569, replying to Bayard’s charge of Gardinerism, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 1111, 1113.) Argument of P. R. Fendall, U. S. atty. for the D. C., on the trial of G. A. Gardiner, in the criminal court of the D. C., Mch. term, 1853, for false swearing. Washington, 1853. 8°. GARDINER (HENRY), ADMNX. OF 1836 lbec. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying com- pensation for property destroyed during late war with Gr. Br. (24. 2. H. jol., 79; 166.) 1856 Mch. 24. To same. Same. (34. 1. H. jol., 708.) 1858 Dec. 13. To U. S. Senate. Same. (35. 2. S. jol., 45.) GARDINER (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 474.) — Feb. 4. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (ib., 457.) GARDINER, AMER. SCHR., CLAIM W.S. MEXICO Seizure at Tabasco, Apr., 1837; condemnation without cause ; ill-treatment of officers and crew. O. Bradstet, claimant. n.d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 56.) 1837 Nov. 24. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Martinez). Papers sub- mitted. (25. 2. H. doc. 3, 160.) 1838 Mch. 2. Martinez to Forsyth. Receipt of documents relating to claim by Secy. Of State. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 17.) GARDNER ( LEXINGTON GARDNER ( WEYMOUTH GARDNER (BENJAMIN), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Palermo, 1825-37; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Italy. GARDNER (CALEB), HEIRS OF 1847 Jan. 26. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. S. jol., 132.) ), MASTER AMER. SHIP LEXINGTON; see ), MASTER AMER. SHIP WEYMOUTH; see 656 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GARDNER (FERDINAND) Amer. cons. for Cape de Verde Is., 1837-48 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Portuguese dominions. 1844 Oct. 26. To comdr. U. S. A. African sqdn. U. S. N. (Perry). Advice of revocation of law exacting pay- ment of duties upon U. S. public property tran- shipped in port from hired transport or store ship directly to a vessel of war. (28. 2. S. doc. 150, 136.) GARDNER (JOHN), JOINT AGT. OF PRINCIPAL CLAIMANTS AGST. BRAZIL; see MAXWELL, WRIGHT AND CO. GARDNER (PAUL) AND SONS, OF NANTUCKET 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) GARDNER (WILLIAM H.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1814–70. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841; capt., 1855 ; comdre. retd., 1862. Died Dec., 1870. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1838 comdg. Consort, Speci. Service ; 1844 comdg. Lawrence, Home sqdn. ; 1850-52 comdg Vandalia, Pacifié sqdn. ; 1859-60 comdg. Roanoke, Home sqdn. GARDNER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 58.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) 1842 Jan. 21. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 254.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) 1847 Jan. 25. To Same. Memorial, praying measures to terminate War with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 228.) GARDOQUI (DIEGO), MINISTRO DE HACIENDA, SPAIN 1796 Feb. 29. [no. 26.] Spanish royal directions estab- lishing San Juan del Norte as a port of entry. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 38; 49.) — Mch. 27. Royal instructions for furtherance of Zavala’s colonizing project. (ib., 50.) GARELLA (NAPOLEON) n. d. Project of a canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans across isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 506.) n. d. Comparison betw. proposed canal across isthmus of Panama and projects submitted with regard to isthmuses of Tehuantepec and of Nicaragua. (ib., 572.) n. d. Railroad across isthmus of Panama. (ib., 581.) 1845 Memoranda from his report of a Survey acroSS Isthmus of Panama. (ib., 70.) GARESCHE (JOHN P.), OF DEL. Amer. cons. for Matanzas, 1855-[58] ; see U. S. A. Com- sular service. Spanish dominions. 1860 Feb. 17. Amer. cons. gen., Cuba (Helm) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Result of investigation re- garding Rufus Soule; consul at Matanzas (Gar- esche), cleared of complicity in matter. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 390.) GARLAND (R.) 1838 Dec. 28. To President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Texas invasion of Louisiana. (25. 3. H. doc. 71, 2.) 1839 Jan. 3. To same. Further corresp. relating to Texan invasion of Louisiana. (ib., 3.) GARNETT (MUSCOE R. H.), REPR. FROM VA. 1858 May 10. Remarks; in reply to attack of Bliss on bill for relief of Wm. K. Jennings, et al. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 2040.) *. GARNETT (MUSCOE. R. H.), REPR. FROM VA—cont’d 1859 Jan. 19. Do.; opposing apprp. for mission to Rome. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 460.) - Jan. 25. Do.; apropos of apprp. for salary of T. Harris, min, res. to Japan, denying power of Presi- dent, without previous legislation, to appt. ambassa- dors, etc. (ib., 591.) — Jan. 26. Do.; opposing retaliatory measures with º to tobacco trade with foreign nations. (ib., — MCh. 2. Do.; suggesting sale of vessels purchased for Paraguay expedition on adjustment of difficulties with said country. (ib., 1607.) 1860 Apr. 23. Do.; objecting to preamble to Burlingame res. to instruct Com. on Foreign Affairs to inquire into expediency of raising mission to Sardinia to first class. (ib., 36. 1., 1824.) 1861 Feb. 15. Do.; declaring that mission to Japan was tº: as reward for Townsend Harris. (ib., . 2., 932. GARRETT (JOAO BAPTISTA DE ALMEIDA); see ALMEIDA GARRETT GARRIE (GEORGE), AMER. CITIZEN 1859 May 1. Amer. cons. city of Mexico (Black) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (McLane). Arrest and im- prisonment of Amer. citizens; release of M. Tous- sig, M. McDonnell, G. Garrie, R. Bryant, C. Cham- lºan. M. McCarty; etc. (36. 1. S. ex, doc. 2, pt. 1, GARROW (N.), U. S. MARSHAL N. DISTR. N. Y. 1837 Dec. 21. To U. S. distr. atty. n. distr. N. Y. (Ben- ton). Citizens of Rochester supplying arms to Cana- dian insurgents. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 47.) — Dec. 21. To same. Enlistment of men at Buffalo to aid Canadian insurgents. (ib., 46.) — Dec. 28. To President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Cana- dian frontier disturbances. (25. 2. H. doc. 64.) GARSED (JOSHUA, JR.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Kingston-upon-Hull in 1842; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. GARTRELL (LUCIUS J.), REPR. FROM GA. 1860 Je. 4. Remarks; proposing amdmt. to bill to regu- late dipl. and cons. Systems, providing for consul at Hanover. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 2611.) GARZA (JUAN JOSE DE LA), GOV. OF TAMAULIPAS 1858 Apr. 25. Amer. cons., Tampico (Chase) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Imprisonment in Garza Camp of capt. Trenis (Nahum Stetson); character of Garza; effect of presence of U. S. S. Fulton. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 17.) — May 3. E. E. and M. P. Mexico to U. S. A. (Robles) to CaSS. Proc. contemplated agst. Garza as Soon as Mexico regains control over insurgent forces. (ib., 21.) GASPE BASIN (CANADA) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service; British Dominions GATEWOOD (JAMES M.), CLAIMANT 1852 Mch. 1. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying tri- bunal to revise decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 239.) — Apr. 13. To U. S. House. Memorial in relation to Mexican indemnities. (32. 1. H. jol., 583.) GATTON (ROBERT R.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Mazatlan, 1850-55; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Spanish dominions. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 657 GAUNTLET, AMER. VESSEL (BORLAND) 1855 Aug. 22. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; in Case of two Amer. shipmasters, capt. Borland, of Gauntlet and capt. Stetson, of Alleganian who re- fused, on entering port of Malta, to deposit their registers with consul. (vii, Op. attys. gen., 395.) GAUNTT (CHARLES), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1811-55. Lieut., 1817; comdr., 1837; capt., 1847. Died Aug. 21, 1855. Sea service in command (1828-55) : , 1841, comdg. Dale, Pacific sqdn. ; 1851, Comdg. Raritan, do. GAUSSEN (H.), BR. SUBJECT 1849 J1y. 2. H. B. M. actg. cons., Leon (Manning). On Communication from Gen. Muñoz that Br. subjects Were cause of revolution in Nicaragua. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 162.) GAVALAN, BRIG; see GENERAL MORALES AMER. BRIG GAY (PAYTON) Amer. cons. for Campeche in 1837; do. for Martinique 1837-40 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions, GAYANA, WISCONDE DE; see GAMA (B. J. DA) GAYLE (RICHARD H.), OF ALA. Amer. cons. for Montevideo in 1858 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Uruguay. GAYLORD (MOSES), HEIRS OF 1850 Jan. 9. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French Spoliations. (31. 1. S. joi., 66.) GAYLORD (WILLIAM), ADMR. OF AARON GAYLORD 1833 Jan. 10. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for losses by French spoliations. (22. 2. S. jol., 71.) GEAUGA CO. (0.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 72.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 64.) 1838 Jan. 22. To same. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 158 ) — Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 445.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. In favor of recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 456.) — Feb. 4. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 466.) — Feb. 4. To same. Petition, praying repeal or modi- fication of neutrality law. (ib., 456.) — Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 3. S. jol., 255.) 1844 Je. 12. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 1087.) 1845 Jan. 18. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 229; 230.) GEDDES (JAMES) 1853 Feb. 9. To agt. Accessory Transit Co. (Baldwin). Application for extension of time in carrying out res. passed by common council for removal of es- tablishment of Accessory Transit Co. from their pres- ent location. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 22.) GEDDES (JAMES), AND OTHERS - 1855 Jan. 19. Certificate that consulate of Hamburg and Bremen was flying Hamburg flag during bombard- ment of Greytown. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 10, 13.) GEDDINGS ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG SUKEY; see SUKEY GEDNEY ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG WASHINGTON; see WASHINGTON GEDNEY (THOMAS R.), OF S. C. U. S. N., 1815-57. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841. Died Nov., 1857. Sea service in command (1828-57) : 1848-50, comdg. Plymouth, E. I. Sqdn. GEEREN (JOHN H.), SETTLER OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLA. Geeren was murdered in Sept., 1843. The Seven negroes implicated in the deed fled to Br. jurisdiction, yiz., Nassau, N. P. Reclamation was made by the U. S. to the colonial gov. for delivery of the fugitives under art. 10, Ashburton treaty. On Dec. 29, 1843, the colonial court delivered an opinion refusing to issue the warrant on ground of Iack of evidence. 1842 Mch. 29. Otsego Co. (N. Y.) citizens to U. S. House. Petition, praying inquiry into imprisonment of M. Washington and others, at Nassau, N. P., and that Imeasures be taken for their liberation. (27. 2. H. jol., 629.) 1843 Nov. Superior court so. distr. terr. Fla. Indictment and acc. affidavits agst. eight negroes for robbery and murder of J. H. Geeren. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 10.) — Nov. 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox). Flight of negro murderers of J. H. Geeren to Bahama IS.; delivery of fugitives to govt. Of U. S. (ib., 8.) Nov. 21. Fox to Upshur. Reply to his note of 20 inst. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 9; H. ex. doc. 160, 2.) Nov. 24. Upshur to Fox. Flight of negro murderers of J. H. Geeren to Bahama Is...; delivery of fugitives to govt. of U. S. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 8.) — Nov. 25. Upshur to U. S. marshal so. distr. Fla. (Browne). Instructions for reclaiming and bring- ing back to U. S., certain negroes concerned in Geeren murder. (ib., 9; H. ex. doc. 160, 3.) — Nov. 30. Upshur to Fox. Requests surrender to U. S. under provisions of art. 10, treaty of Washing- ton, of certain negroes. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 160, 2.) — Dec. 17. Browne to Upshur. Receipt of instructions of 25 ult. (ib., 4.) — Dec. 25. Browne to gov. of Bahama IS. (Cockburn). Reclaiming certain fugitive negro criminals believed to have taken refuge in Is. Of Nassau. (28. 1. S. doc. 235, 30; H. ex. doc. 160, 5.) Dec. 25. Cockburn to Browne. Warrant for Sur- render of certain fugitive criminals to be issued upon receipt of requisition. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 31; H. ex. doc. 160, 6.) — Dec. 26. Browne to Cockburn. Names of fugitive Criminals reclaimed. (ib., 31; ib., 6.) — Dec. 26. Cockburn to Browne. Warrant issued to Chief justice of Colony, authorizing necessary meas- ures for fulfilling provisions contained in act of 6 and 7 Vict., ch. 96. (ib., 31; ib., 6.) — Dec. 29. Bahama IS. Colonial Court. Opinion ad- Verse to demand as made by U. S. in case of reclama- tion of certain fugitives. (28. 1. H. ex: doc. 160, 7.) — Dec. 30. Browne to Cockburn. Tenders thanks for Courtesy shown him during proc. for reclamation of certain fugitives. (ib., 8.) — Dec. 31. Cockburn to Browne. Receipt of Com- munication of 30 inst. (ib., 8.) 1844 Jan. 5. Browne to Upshur. Rpt. of legal proc. in the Bahamas, consequent upon demand for Surren- der of certain criminals. (28. 1. S. doc. 135, 29; H. ex, doc. 160, 4.) — Feb. 15. U. S. House. Res. (Levy, Fla.), Calling for information resp. late demand upon Br. govt. for Surrender of certain fugitive criminals from Flor- ida, under art. 10, of treaty of Washington. (28. 1. H. jol., 397.) 1845 Jan. 31. U. S. House. Motion (Levy, Fla.), re- questing Pres, to transmit corresp. with Br. govt. resp. surrender of fugitive criminals from Florida, under treaty of Washington. (28. 2. H. jol., 304.) GEHRDING (GEORGE. F.), OF GERMANY Amer. Cons. for Mannheim, 1843-48 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Germany. 42 658 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GEISINGER (DAVID), OF MD. U. S. N., 1809-60. Lieut., 1814; comdr., 1829; capt., 1838. Tijied Mch. 5, iè60 sea serviće in command (1828-60) : 1832-33, Comdg. Peacock, Brazil sqdn. ; 1841, comdg. Brandywine, Medn. sqdn. ; 1844-45, Comdg. Columbia, do. ; 1848-39, Comdg. E. I. Sqdn. Comdg. E. I. sqdn. 1849 Jan. 26. To Amer. comr. in China (Davis). Reply to his of even date. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 84, 4; 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 5.) Jan. 27. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason). Comdr. Glynn instructed to proceed in Preble to Nagasaki to demand release of Amer. seamen imprisoned there. (ib., 1; ib., 2.) — Jan. 31. To comdr. U. S. S. Preble (Glynn). Or- ders to proceed to Nagasaki to demand release of 15 Seamen, survivors of shipwrecked crew of whaler Lagoda, imprisoned at that place by Japanese govt.; instructions for cruise. (ib., 5; ib., 6.) May 11. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston). Ar- rival of Plymouth at Shanghai on 9 inst.; Preble Visited Nagasaki, and relieved from confinement, Seamen of whaler Lagoda and an adventurer named Ranald McDonald. (ib., 7; ib., 8.) — Je. 18. To same. Transmitting deposition of liber- ated seamen of whaler Lagoda ; reported that in- stead of being shipwrecked mariners, men deserted ship. (ib., 7; ib., 8.) — Nov. 21. To Amer. cons., Singapore (Balestier). Resp. instructions of Aug. 21; proposes delay pend- ing arrival Of comdre. Voorhees. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 26.) Nov. 27. To same. Anticipates early arrival of Comdre. Voorhees. (ib., 27.) Dec. 18. To same. Reply to his of 17 inst.; proposes that he await arrival of comdre. Voorhees. (ib., 27.) GEISSE (PHILIP), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Nüremberg in 1846 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Germany. 1856 Feb. 27. To U. S. House. Petition, praying addition of his consulate to list of salaried consulates. (34. 1. H. jol., 606.) GELLINS (JOSEPH), DEPONENT IN CASE OF SIR ROBERT PEEL; see CANADA. INSURRECTION 1837/8 GELSTON (DAVID AND COTTON), HEIRS OF 1859 Jan. 10. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of Roland Gels- ton, for himself et al., praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (35. 2. S. jol., 119.) GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER. PRIVATEER (REID) On Sept. 26, 1814, the General Armstrong put into the neutral port of Fayal, Azores, within Portuguese jurisdiction. In the evening a Br. sqdn. entered port. Later an attempt was made by four boats belonging to the sqdn. to examine the Amer. priva- teer. The boats were fired upon and retreated. At midnight the privateer was attacked by boats of the sqdn. and a fight ensued. The claim for indemnity agst. Portugal was first pre- sented by Secy. Monroe in 1815 and corresp. was ineffectually carried on till 1818. It was revived by actg. Secy. Dickins in 1835 and prosecuted till 1850, when Portugal offered to refer claim to arbitration. The offer was accepted, and on Nov. 30, 1852, the award was made by the arbiter. The decision was contested by the claimants, and the case carried to the Court of Claims. The findings of the court were adverse and the claim was finally rejected. In 1878 the claim was revived as a claim for relief agst. the U. S. The bill to pay the claim was intro- duced in the Sen. during 1 sess., 47 cong., and be- came a law May 1, 1882, without the President’s approval. Statutory Measures 1834 Mch. 29. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Southard, Com. On Naval Affairs), bill (23. 1. S. 131) “authorizing dis- tribution of sum of money among officers and Crew of brig General Armstrong ”; approved Je. 30, 1834. (23. 1. S. jol., 199; vi, St. L., 603.) GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER. PRIVATEER (REID)—cont’d Statutory Measures—cont’d 1840 Jly. 20. Bill making apprins. for the naval service for the year ending Je. 30, 1840; providing for prize money, brig General Armstrong. (v, St. L., 401.) 1854 Mch. 10. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Slidell, Com. on Foreign Relations), bill (33. 1. S. 268) “for relief of claimants of brig General Armstrong.” (33. 1. S. jol., 248; 440; 270.) — May 29. Intr. in U. S. House (Perkins, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (33. 1. H. R. 347) “for relief of claimants of private armed brig General Arm- strong.” (33. 1. H. jol., 948; 33. 2. H. jol., 157.) 1858 Apr. 19. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (35. 1. S. 273) “for relief of owners, officers and crew of brig General Arm- strong. (35. 1. S. jol., 357.) 1859 Jan. 7. Intr. in U. S. House (Hopkins, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (35. 2. H. R. 774) “for relief of owners, officers, and crew of brig General Arm- strong.” (35. 2. H. jol., 147.) Correspondence 1814 Sept. 26. Comdr. Br. Naval Forces at Port of Fayal (Somerville) to gov. of Azores (Ribeiro). General Armstrong has fired upon boat belonging to one of the ships of British squadron; determines to seize General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 17.) — Sept. 26. Amer. consul at Fayal (Dabney) to Ri- * Asking protection for General Armstrong. ib., 16.) — Sept. 26. Ribeiro to Somerville. Requests no act of hostility be committed against Amer. brig Gen- eral Armstrong. (ib., 17.) — Sept. 27. H. B. M. con. at Fayal (Greaves) to Ri- beiro. Comdr. Of Br. forces to send brig to fire on General Armstrong; warning agst. Portuguese in- terference. (ib., 19.) — Sept. 27. Comdr. General Armstrong (Reid). Pro- test agst. Comdr.S. of Br. ships engaged in attack on General Armstrong, when lying in neutral friendly port, and agst. govt. of Portugal for inability to pro- tect and defend neutrality of their port and harbor. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 6.) — Sept. 27. Ribeiro to Somerville. Demands cessa- tion of hostilities. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 18.) — Sept. 27. Ribeiro to Somerville. Further demand for cessation of hostilities. (ib., 18.) — Sept. 28. Ribeiro to Aranjo Acevedo. Detailed ac- count of attack on brig General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 12; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 8.) — Sept. 30. Dabney to Ribeiro. Forwards protest of Capt. Reid, General Armstrong, agst. Portugal for loss of vessel. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 4.) — Oct. 4. Ribeiro to Aranjo de Acavedo. Br. Sqdn. sails from port of Fayal, Oct. 3; delivery of seaman who was subject of controversy. (ib., 19.) — Dec. 22. Minister For. Aff., Portugal (Aguiar) to E. E. and M. P. Gr. Br. in Portugal (Strangford). Proc. of Br. Sqdn. anchored at Fayal under com- mand of B. Lloyd. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 21; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 12.) — Dec. 23. Aguiar to Sumter. Assurance that Portu- guese gov. will take steps to make proper reclama- tion for violation of neutrality. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 22.) 1815 Jan. 1. Sumter to Aguiar. Violation of neutrality committed by Br. in attacking General Armstrong. (ib., 7.) — Jan. 3. Monroe to Sumter. Instructions for press- ing claim agst. Portugal in case of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 20.) — Jan. 8. Sumter to ministers of U. S. in Europe. Sends copies of corresp. relative to case of brig General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 20.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 659 GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER.PRIVATEER (REID)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1818 Mch. 14. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams) to M. P. Portugal to U. S. A. (Corréa de Serra). Case of * General Armstrong. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 1834 Feb. 19. U. S. Senate. Petition in behalf of officers and crew of late private armed schr. General Arm- Strong, praying compensation for losses by attack * * by enemy at Fayal, in 1814. (23. 1. S. jol., 7. – Je. 2. Secy. State, U. S. A. (McLane) to Reid. Situ- ation of Portugal unfavorable to consideration of claim. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 23.) 1835 May 20. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Dickins) to Amer. chargé at Lisbon (Kavanagh). Instructions to press claim against Portugal in case of brig Gen- eral Armstrong. (ib., 23.) — May 26. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Reid. Hºnº to U. S. chargé at Lisbon (Kavanagh). ib., 24.) – Sept. 10. Reid to Forsyth. Forwards documents relative to claim. (ib., 24.) Sept. 15. Forsyth to Reid. List of papers relative to brig General Armstrong on file in State Dept. (ib., 254.) – Oct. 22. Forsyth to Kavanagh. Documents trans- mitted by Capt. Reid bearing on claim of brig Gen- eral Armstrong. (ib., 27.) 1836 Jan. 30. Kavanagh to Forsyth. Rehearses inci- dents attending destruction of brig General Arm- strong; reasons for withholding claim. (ib., 29.) — Sept. 21. Forsyth to Kavanagh. Directions for procedure in prosecuting claim of brig General Arm- Strong. (ib., 31.) 1837 Feb. 14. Kavanagh to secr. negoc. estrang. Portugal (Sa da Bandeira). Presents claim for damages sus- tained by several citizens of U. S. in port of Fayal from English naval force during late war between Said states and Gr. Br.; case of General Armstrong. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 13.) — Feb. 17. Same to same. Presents claim for loss of brig General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 32.) — Mch. 18. Kavanagh to Forsyth. Portuguese Min- ister of Foreign Affairs declares claim of brig Gen- eral Armstrong inadmissable. (ib., 33.) — May 24. Same to same. Copies of representations made by Gen. Sumter in case of brig General Arm- strong are missing. (ib., 34.) — Sept. 4. Same to Same. Present situation of claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 34.) 1838 Apr. 6. Same to same. Purport of conversations With Portuguese ministers of foreign affairs relative to claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 36. ) 1840 Mch. 9. U. S. Senate. Motion (Tallmadge, N. Y.), to instruct Com. on Finance to inquire into expedi- ency of re-appropriating balance of former apprin. to officers and crew of late private armed brig Gen- eral Armstrong. (26. 1. S. jol., 229.) — Mch. 9. DocS. in relation to case of brig General Armstrong; submitted (Tallmadge, N. Y.), and re- ferred to Com. On Finance. (ib., 230.) s — Mch. 29. Reid to Pres. U. S. A. (Van Buren). So- licits attention to claim of brig General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 37.) — Apr. 14. Forsyth to Reid. Status of claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 37.) 1841 Je. 12. Reid, sen., to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Protest agst. lapse of activity in pressing claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 37.) — Nov. 10. Reid, Jr., to Webster. Protest urging speedy adjudication of claim of brig General Arm- strong. (ib., 38.) GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER. PRIVATEER (REID)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1842 Jan. 15. Webster to Amer. chargé, Lisbon (Bar- row). Instructions for pressing claim of brig Gen- eral Armstrong. (ib., 40.) — May 25. Barrow to ministr. negoc. estrang., Por- tugal (Terceira). Urging adjudication of claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 412.) — May 31. Terceira, to Barrow. Assurance that Case of General Armstrong will be amply investigated. (ib., 42.) — Je. 10. Barrow to Webster. Little hope of favorable consideration by Portugal of claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 41.) — Aug. 18. Webster to Barrow. Instructions to renew claim of James Hall. (ib., 42.) — Sept. 6. Webster to Reid, jr. State of negotiations in claim of General Armstrong. (ib., 43.) — Nov. 2. Reid, jr., to Webster. Protest agst. delay in negotiating claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 14.) — Nov. 15. Barrow to Webster. Corresp. with Portu- guese Minister of Foreign Affairs (Gomes de Cas- tro) relative to claim of General Armstrong. (ib., 44.) 1843 Feb. 9. Portuguese Minister Foreign Affairs (J. Gomes de Castro) to Barrow. Claims of James Hall and General Armstrong. (ib., 44.) — Mch. 20. Barrow to Webster. Anticipates unfav- Orable answer to claim of James Hall and General Armstrong. (ib., 47.) — May 17. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Legaré) to Reid, jr. No final reply in claim of brig General Armstrong has been received. (ib., 48.) — Aug. 3. Gomes de Castro to Barrow. Claim of Gen- eral Armstrong is unjust. (ib., 48; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 14.) — Sept. 16. Barrow to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Concludes not to resume discussion with Portugal in case of brig General Armstrong until instructed to do so. (ib., 48.) Nov. 24. Reid, jr., to Upshur. AskS that Mr. Le- garé’s successor be instructed to press claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 50.) Nov. 26. Upshur to Reid, jr. Small hope of chang- ing unfavorable Opinion of Portugal in claim of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 50.) — Dec. 15. Reid, jr., to Upshur. Protest agst. reply of Portugal in case of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 53.) 1844 Jan. 10. Upshur to Reid, jr. State Dept. unwilling to renew application in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 54.) — Jan. 29. Reid, jr., to Upshur. Protest agst, unwill- ingness of State Dept. to renew application in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 58.) — Apr. 21. Same to Calhoun. Requests resumption of corresp. in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 58.) 1845 Jan. 8. U. S. Senate. Res. (Johnson, La.), request- ing PreS. to communicate copies of corresp. in case of brig General Armstrong agst. govt. of Portugal. (28. 2. S. jol., 77; 179.) — Dec. 11. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Presi- dent of U. S. A. (Polk). Corresp. which has re- tarded adjustment of claim of brig General Army- strong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 1.) 1846 May 19. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Ather- ton). Restatement of case of General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 349.) — Je. 9. W. S. Archer, Sen. from Va. Remarks rela- tive to Johnson amdmt. to res. of Com. on Foreign Relations concerning General Armstrong claim. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 942.) 660 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER. PRIVATEER (REID)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1846 Je. 9. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Do.; favoring reference of General Armstrong case to Secy. State. (ib., 942.) — Je. 9. C. G. Atherton, Sen. from N. H. Do.; favoring action by Secy. State on General Armstrong claim. (ib., 942.) — Je. 9. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Same. (ib., 942.) 1848 MCh. 27. S. C. Reid to U. S. Senate. Memorial in behalf of owners of General Armstrong. (30. 1. S. jol., 235.) f 1849 Apr. 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Amer. chargé at Lisbon (Hopkins). Instructions relative to General Armstrong, etc. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 17.) Je. 28. Hopkins to Secr. negoC. eStrang., Portugal (Tojal). Representation of General Armstrong claim. (ib., 20.) — Sept. 29. Tojal to Hopkins. Rejecting, on part of Portuguese govt., claim of General Armstrong. (ib., 33.) — Nov. 2. Amer. Chargé in Portugal (Clay) to Tojal. Urges Portuguese govt. to reconsider General Arm- strong claim. (ib., 40.) Nov. 9. Min. res. Portugal in U. S. A. (Figaniere) to Clayton. Exposé of General Armstrong case. (ib., 89.) 1850 Mch. 2. Clayton to Clay. Provision for his return in event of unfavorable reply to Amer. demand for final decision in case of pending claims. (ib., 67.) Mch. 8. Same to same. Instructions relating to claims of citizens of U. S. agst. govt. of Portugal. (ib., 68.) — Mch. 9. Tojal to Clay. Grounds upon which Por- tugal refuses indemnification in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 49.) — Mch. 12. Figaniere to Clayton. Due attention to Amer. claims by Portuguese govt. (ib., 91.) Mch. 15. Clay to Tojal. Maintains his position in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 53.) — Mch. 25. Figaniere to Clayton. Communication to Amer. chargé in Portugal on subject of pending Amer. claims to be made shortly. (ib., 92.) — Apr. 15. Tojal to Clay. General Armstrong claim; proposes to submit case to arbitration of third power. (ib., 56.) Apr. 24. Clay to Tojal. Declines proposition to refer case of General Armstrong to arbitration. (ib., 60.) — Apr. 27. Figaniere e Morao to Clayton. Claims of Amer. citizens agst. Portuguese govt. (ib., 92.) — Apr. 30. Clayton to Figaniere e Morao. Settlement of Amer. citizens agst, govt. of Portugal. (ib., 97.) — May 15. Tojal to Clay. Conciliation in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 61.) — May 16. Clay to Tojal. Reply to his of 15 inst. re- lating to General Armstrong. (ib., 65.) — May 20. Figaniere e Morao to Clayton. Miles and Bolton claims. (ib., 98.) — May 24. Clayton to Figaniere e Morao. Receipt of note of 20 inst. (ib., 99.) Je. 20. Clay to Tojal. Has no proposition to make in regard to affairs pending betw. U. S. and Portugal. (ib., 67.) — Je. 20. Tojal to Clay. Requests that points in re- gard to claims pending betw. U. S. and Portugal be communicated in note. (ib., 66; 111.) Je. 21. Clay to Tojal. Adjustment of claims of citizens of U. S. agst. Portugal. (ib., 69.) — Jly. 2. Tojal to Clay. Requests to be informed of amt. of each claim referred to in note of 21 ult. (ib., 72.) — JIy. 2. Clay to Tojal. Amt. of claims of citizens of |U. S. agst. Portugal. (ib., 72.) GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER.PRIVATEER (REID)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1850 Jly. 6. Tojal to Clay. Portuguese govt. offers to pay claims presented by govt. of U. S. with exception of General Armstrong. (ib., 73.) — Jly. 7. Clay to Tojal. Declines Portuguese proposi- tion to pay all other claims except that of General Armstrong and to refer it to arbitration. (ib., 77.) — Jly. 9. Figaniere e Morao to Clayton. Regret that U. S. declined Portuguese offer to refer contested claim of General Armstrong, as well as all other claims, to decision of an independent third power. (ib., 101.) — J º 10. Tojal to Clay. Reply to note of 7 inst. (ib., 79. — Jly. 11. Clay to Tojal. Formal demand for pass- ports. (ib., 80.) ºsmºs- #. 13. Tojal to Clay. Transmits passports. (ib., 81. — Aug. 6. Figaniere e Morao to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Asks view entertained by U. S. resp. State of question betw. Portugal and U. S. (ib., 109.) — Aug. 7. I. E. Holmes, repr. from S. C. Remarks; in Support of his res. of even date; General Arm- strong claim. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1. 1534, 1535.) — Aug. 7. U. S. House. Res. (Holmes, S. C.) calling for information regarding Portuguese claims. (31. 1. H. jol., 1240.) — Aug. 9. Figaniere e Morao to Clayton. Copy of note from Count Tojal to Clay. (32. 1. H. ex, doc. 53, 110.) — Aug. 10. Webster to Figaniere e Morao. Receipt of note of 6 inst. (ib., 111.) — Aug. 23. Webster to Clay. Advisable to accept Portuguese proposition to pay several claims pro- ferred by U. S. govt. with exception of General Arm- strong claim. (ib., 83.) — Sept. 5. Reid, jr., to Webster. Proposition to refet claim of owners of brig General Armstrong to King of Sweden for arbitration. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 405.) 1851 Jan. 7. Webster to Amer. chargé in Portugal (Had- duck). Instructions to postpone departure for Lis- bon. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 83.) — Feb. 24. Webster to Hadduck. Requests that he re- pair to Washington to receive final instructions previous to proceeding to Lisbon. (ib., 84.) — Mch. 19. Same to same. Ratification of ConV. Con- cluded on 26 ult. (ib., 84.) – Mch. 20. Same to same. Instructions relating to Signing of protocol with arbiter selected by Portu- gal in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 85.) – Je. 28. Hadduck to Webster. Exchange of ratifica- tions of conv. concluded on Feb. 26, 1ast. (ib., 86.) – Jly. 12. Webster to Hadduck. Copies of corresp. relating to General Armstrong, covering years 1814 and 1815. (ib., 86.) — Jly. 17. Hadduck to Webster. Two alterations made ill form of protocol. (ib., 87.) Sept. 5. Webster to Figaniere e Morao. U. S. ac- cepts Portuguese offer to pay certain claims, propo- Sition to refer case of General Armstrong to arbi- tration. (ib., 112.) — Sept. 17. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Derrick) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives). Instruc- tions to carry out provisions of conv. betw. Portu- gal and U. S. relating to Submission of case of Gen- eral Armstrong to arbitration. (ib., 88.) — Oct. 16. Rives to Webster. Minister of foreign af- fairs informed of choice of Pres. of French republic as arbiter. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 88.) Nov. 5. Rives to President of French republic. Ac- cepts office of arbiter tendered to him by U. S. and Portugal, under conv, of Feb. 26, last. (ib., 88.) — Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to selection of President of INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 661 GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER. PRIVATEER (REID)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d French Republic as arbiter in case of General Arm- Strong. 1852 Apr. 3. Rives to ministre des affaires étrangères, France (Turgot). Index of corresp. in case of Gen- €ral Armstrong to be laid before president of France for decision. (35. 1. S. rpt. 194, 4.) – Apr. 7. Rives to Webster. Same. (ib., 3.) — Jly. 27. U. S. Senate. Res. (Jones, Ia.), calling for copies of corresp. since message of Dec. 15, 1845, in relation to Gen. Armstrong claim. (32. 1. S. jol., 552; 605.) — Nov. 29. Ministre des affaires étrangères, France (Drouyn de l’Huys) to Rives. Decision of arbiter in case of General Armstrong rendered. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 24, 2.) — Nov. 30. President, France (Louis Napoleon). . Copy of award in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 4 — Dec. 10. Drouyn de l’Huys to Rives. Apptg. time for delivery of decision of arbiter in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 3.) — Dec. 11. Rives to Drouyn de l’Huys. Acknowledges invitation for apptmt. to receive award of arbiter in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 3.) — Dec. 13. Rives to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Proc. attending delivery of award in case of General Armstrong. (ib., 1.) 1853 Jan. 14. U. S. Senate. Res. (Jones, Ia.), requesting PreS. to communicate award of Emperor of France in case of General Armstrong. (32. 2. S. jol., 96.) Feb. 23. U. S. Senate. Res. (Underwood, Ky.), call- ing for corresp. betw. U. S. and Portugal, relating to General Armstrong. (32. 2. S. jol., 228.) — Dec. 10. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Rpt. relative to General Arm- strong claim. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 7, 1.) 1854 Jan. 12. Reid, jr. Stnt. of case of brig General Armstrong, captured in neutral port of Fayal, by Br. Sqdn., Capt. R. Lloyd, Comdr., on 26 and 27 Sept., 1814. (33. 1. S. misc. doc. 14, 12.) – Jan. 12. Same to U. S. Congress. Memorial in be- half of General Armstrong claimants. (ib., 1; 33. 1. S. jol., 115.) Jan. 19. J. Slidell, Sen. from La. Remarks; in Support of Reid petition. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 206.) — Jan. 27. Reid to U. S. House. Petition for indem- nity. (33. 1. H. jol., 274.) — Feb. 11. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to chrm. Com. On Foreign Relations (Mason). Case of Gen- eral Armstrong. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1494; 33. 2., 405.) — Mch. 10. U. S. Committee on Foreign Relations (Slidell). Rpt. to acc. S. 268 on memorial of Sam C. Reid, jr. (33. 1. S. rpt. 157; H. rpt. 139, 3; 35. 1. S. rpt. 194, 5.) — May 29. U. S. Foreign Affairs Committee (Perkins, jr.). Rpt.; to acc. bill H. R. no. 347, in favor of memorial of S. C. Reid, jr., in behalf of claimants in case of General Armstrong. (33. 1. H. rpt. 139, 1.) — Je. 23. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Remarks; in support of bill S. 268. (Cong. Globe. 33. 1., 1487, 1489, 1490, 1492, 1494.) — Je. 23. J. Slidell, sen. from Miss. Same. (ib., 1487, 1490-1491, 1493.) — Je. 23. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Same. (ib., 1491, 1493-1494.) — Je. 23. R. Toombs, Sen. from Ga. Same; in reply to Clayton, Opposed to S. 268. (ib., 1488.) — Je. 23. C. C. Clay, Sen. from Ala. Remarks; on Seward’s argument in favor of S. 268. (ib., 1493.) — Je. 23. S. P. Chase, Sen. from O. Remarks; opposed to S. 268; on arguments of Bayard, Pratt and Sew- ard. (ib., 1492.) $ GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER. PRIVATEER (REID)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1854 Je. 23. J. Bell, sen. from Tenn. Remarks; in favor of S. 268. (ib., 1492-1493.) — Je. 23. T. G. Pratt, sen. from Md. Remarks; in re- ply to Slidell and Clayton, opposed to S. 268. (ib., 1490-1491.) — Je. 23. J. A. Bayard, sen. from Del. Remarks; in favor of S. 268; doubt as to non-liability of U. S., in- cluding reply to Chase. (ib., 1491-1492.) 1855 Jan. 26. Same. Do.; stating grounds for his Vote in favor of S. 268; replies to Dawson and Stuart. (ib., 33. 2., 406, 408, 411, 413.) — Jan. 26. A. G. Brown, sen. from Miss. Remarks; in support of S. 268. (ib., 403, 405.) — Jan. 26. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Do.; on S. 268. (ib., 413.) — Jan. 26. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Do.; in Sup- port of S. 268; replies to Fessenden, Bayard, etc. (ib., 402-403, 407-408, 410, 412.) — Jan. 26. J. C. Jones, sen. from Tenn. Do.; unfavor- able to S. 268. (ib., 402-403.) — Jan. 26. S. Houston, Sen. from Texas. favor of S. 268. (ib., 413–414.) — Jan. 26. C. E. Stuart, Sen. from Mich. DO.; reasons for his opposition to S. 268. (ib., 403, 412.) — Jan. 26. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Do.; in favor of S. 268. (ib., 407-408.) — Jan. 26. W. P. Fessenden, sen. from Me. Do.; grounds of his opposition to S. 268. (ib., 404, 405, 407.) — Jan. 26. W. C. Dawson, sen. from Ga. Do.; unfav- Orable to S. 268. (ib., 409, 410, 413.) — Jan. 26. J. B. Weller, sen. from Cal. Do.; partly in reply to Jones in support of S. 268; With Sub- stitute for bill. (ib., 402, 403, 409, 410, 413.) — Feb. 2. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Do.; Con- cerning S. 268, endorsing views of Benjamin, etc. (ib., 545.) — Feb. 2. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Do.; in reply to Benjamin, in support of S. 268. (ib., 539, 542.) — Feb. 2. J. P. Benjamin, Sen. from La. DO.; reaSOnS for his opposition to S. 268. (ib., 537, 538, 539, 542, 544.) Feb. 2. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Do.; in reply to Benjamin, in support of S. 268. (ib., 537, 544.) — Feb. 9. J. A. Pearce, sen. from Md. Speech; Op- posed to S. 268. (ib., app., 158.) Feb. 9. J. Slidell, sen. from Miss. Remarks; rela- tive to S. 268. (ib., 158.) — Feb. 9. I. Toucey, sen. from Conn. Do.; unfavorable to S. 268. (ib., 33. 2., 646.) Feb. 9. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Do.; in re- Do.; in ply to Fessenden and Pearce, on S. 268. (ib., 646; app., 158.) Feb. 9. J. Bell, sen. from Tenn. Do.; in support of S. 268. (ib., 645.) Feb. 9. J. P. Benjamin, sen. from La. Do.; relative to S. 268, alluding to bill introduced by Webster in 1834. (ib., 645.) — Feb. 9. W. P. Fessenden, sen. from Me. Do.; op- posed to S. 268; in favor of Compensation for gal- lantry of officers and crew. (ib., 645, 646.) — Nov. 20. Marcy to solicitor Court of Claims (Blair). Transmits extr. from despatch of Mr. Rives to en- able him to repel Strmt. that corresp. in case of Gen- eral Armstrong Was not duly laid before arbiter. (35. 1. S. rpt. 194, 3.) 1856 Feb. 18. U. S. Senate. On motion (Jones, Ia.), leave granted to withdraw memorial of S. C. Reid, in be- half of owners of General Armstrong. (34. 1. S. jol., 115.) 662 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GENERAL ARMSTRONG, AMER. PRIVATEER (REID)—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d 1858 Feb. 1. Court of Claims. Rpt. adverse to claimants brig General Armstrong vs. the United States. (35. 1. H. rpt. C. C. 149; 35. 1. H. jol., 262; 35. 1. S. jol., 148; 163; 357.) — Apr. 19. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 273 on rpt. from Court of Claims in case of “ claimants of brig General Armstrong agst. U. S. (35. 1. S. rpt. 194, 1.) 1859 Feb. 4. J. P. Benjamin, sen. from La. Remarks; favoring passage of bill for relief of owners, etc., of brig General Armstrong, but intending to oppose it if placed on ground of national obligation. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 818.) — Feb. 4. D. Clark, Sen. from N. H. Do.; opposing inclusion of owners, in bill for relief of crew, etc., of General Armstrong, if former had no part in the achievement making relief for latter proper. (ib., 819.) — Feb. 4. A. G. Brown, Sen. from Miss. DO.; favoring passage of bill for relief of owners, officers, and crew of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 812.) — Feb. 4. W. P. Fessenden, sen. from Me. Do.; op- posing passage of General Armstrong relief bill. (ib., 815.) — Feb. 4. J. J. Crittenden, Sen. from Ky. DO.; in re- ply to Fessenden, in support of claim and S. 273 for relief of owners, officers and crew of General Arm- strong. (ib., 817-819.) — Feb. 4. R. Toombs, Sen. from Ga. Do.; Opposing passage of bill S. 273. (ib., 814.) — Feb. 4. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Do.; doubting justice of General Armstrong claim. (ib., 812.) — Feb. 4. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Do.; in Support of S. 273; and rpts. of Com. on Foreign Relations of 1854 and 1858 on subject. (ib., 812-816, 819.) — Feb. 4. W. H. Seward, son. from N. Y. Do.; favor- able, relative to S. 273. (ib., 813, 818, 819.) 1860 Mch. 30. G. W. Hughes, repr. from Md. Do.; favor- ing reference to Com. Of Claims of adverse rpt. from Court of Claims on General Armstrong. (ib., 36. 1., 1462.) GENERAL BRAVO, MEXICAN ARMED SCHR.; see HANNAH ELIZABETH GENERAL BROWN, AMER. SHIP n, d. Claim against Peru; synopsis of claim and stnt. of award. (Moore. Int. Arbitration, 5; 4598; 4605.) 1825 Je. 4. Amer. cons., Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Cases of Amer. Ships General Brown, etc. (24. 2. H. ex: doc. 167, 59.) — Je. 8. Same to same. Change in Peruvian min- istry; case of General Brown and Elizabeth Ann; etc. (ib., 60.) GENERAL CARRINGTON, AMER. SHIP 1824 JIy. 11. Amer. cons., Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, TJ. S. A. (Adams). Continued blockade of port of Callao; Amer. ship General Carrington, taken in port of Quilca; capture of the Quintanilla; etc. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 20.) — Aug. 24. Same to same. Military operations in Peru; blockade of port of Callao raised; Nancy and General Carrington condemned. (ib., 25.) — Sept. 18. Same to same. Case of the Nancy and General Carrington; State of Peru; etc. (ib., 29.) GENERAL EATON, AMER. SHIP (PLACE). n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 36.) * GENERAL GEDDES, AMER. SCHR. (MORRISON); see GUER- RERO, SP. BRIG GENERAL DE KALB, AMER. SLAVE WESSEL 1853 Jan. 7. Comdr. Br. sloop Harlequin (Wilmot) to Comdre. U. S. brig Bainbridge (Manning). Cases of sº and General De Kalb. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, — Jan. 21. H. B. M. comr. mixed commission, Loando, for Suppression of slavetrade under treaty of 1842 (Jackson) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- *). Advice in case of General De Kalb, etc. (ib., 20. — Apr. 1. Comdr.-in-chief of Br. naval forces on West coast of Africa (Bruce) to Secy. Admiralty. Prac- tice of masters of Amer. Vessels selling their ships On Coast of Africa, to be employed as slavers; case of General De Kalb, etc. (ib., 23.) — May 30. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Cramp- ton) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Advice of slaves having been carried from African coast in * Vessels Silenus and General De Kalb. (ib., 20. GENERAL MIRAMON, MEXICAN WESSEL OF WAR 1860 Mch. 8. Comdr. U. S. S. Saratoga (Turner) to capt. |U. S. S. Savannah (Jarvis). Acct. of capture of two Mexican war vessels off harbor of Vera Cruz. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 5.) — Mch. 11. Jarvis to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Efforts of Br. govt. to effect armistice in Mexico; capture of two Mexican vessels at Antigual; etc. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 3.) — Mch. 29. President U. S. A. (Buchanan) to U. S. Senate. Message; response to Sen. res. of 21 inst., communicating rpt. of Secy. Navy, acc. by copies of instructions to U. S. naval officers On coasts of Mex- ico, for protection of persons and property of U. S. citizens, and copies of rpts. of Capt. Jarvis and Comdr. Turner of capture of two Mexican War strs. (ib., 1.) — Mch. 29. Toucey to President of U. S. A. (Bu- chanan). Instructions given to officers of the navy to protect persons and property of Amer. citizens during existing civil war in Mexico; approval of conduct of Officers making capture of Mexican Strs. Marquis de la Habama and General Miramon. (ib., 1.) — Oct. 16. U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Opinion; Amer. cons. at Vera Cruz (Pickett) entitled to fees as comr. for taking depositions in an admiralty proceeding agst. captured strs. Miramon and Marquis de la Habama in a U. S. distr. court. (ix, Op. attyS. gen., 464.) GENERAL MORALES AMER. BRIG, FORMERLY GAVALAN (ROSS) - Forcibly seized by authorities of Vera Cruz on Mch. 22, #9. J. W. Breedlove and Gourly and co., claim- n.d. Claim agst. Mexico; summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 54.) n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 60; H. doc. 3, 62.) 1830 Aug. 15. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to min- istr. relac. est., Mexico (Alaman). Shipment of gun- powder by Amer. brig General Morales. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 343.) Sept. 4. Alaman to Butler. Detention and Seizure of General Morales. (ib., 352.) 1833 Nov. 23. Secy. State U. S. A. (McLane) to Butler. Claim agst. México for seizure of General Morales (ib., 113.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 663 GENERAL PICKNEY, SLAVER (PIERCE) 1857 Feb. 11. Br. comr., Mixed Commission for suppres- Sion of slavetrade (Gabriel) to Secy. H. B. M. For- eign Office (Clarendon). Slavetrade now almost Wholly confined to Cuba; case of Gen. Pickney (Pierce); etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 18.) — Dec. 24. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Na- pier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Continuance Of Slavetrade now confined almost wholly to Cuba and incommensurate means of U. S. to suppress it; cases of capture of slaver General Pickney (Pierce) by Port. sloop Sierra di Pilar (Silva); etc. (ib., 11.) GENERAL QUINTANILLA, PERUVIAN WESSEL 1824 Feb. 13. Viceroy of Peru (Serna) to comdre. of |U. S. S. Franklin (Stewart). Demands declaration of intentions towards Peru; protest agst. pursuit of General Quintanilla. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 17.) GENERAL SCOTT 1855 Dec. 17. U. S. Atty. e. distr., La. (McCoy) to Col- lector Customs New Orleans (Porter). Instructed to search the General Scott, suspected of complicity in filibustering expedition against Nicaragua. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 12.) GENERAL TAYLOR, AMER. STR. (PEARSON) See also, Cuba. Filibustering, etc. Lopez expedition. 1849 Aug. 27. Comdt. U. S. Navy yd., Pensacola (New- ton) to comdr. U. S. S. Albany (Randolph). In re- ceipt of letter of 23 inst.; str. General Taylor prepar- ing to join Albany; doubt propriety of interference to stop adventurers. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 83.) — Aug. 28. Newton to comdr. U. S. str. General Tay- lor (Pearson). Order to proceed to sea and to follow instructions in acc. parcel which is not to be opened until bar is crossed and pilot discharged. (ib., 86.) — Aug. 28. Newton to Randolph. Sends Str. General Taylor under command of Pearson to join Albany. (ib., 85.) — Aug. 29. Randolph to Newton. Arrival of Schr. Flirt and str. General Taylor. (ib., 80.) – Sept. 5. Same to same. Transmits communica- tions to be forwarded to Secy. Navy (Preston); reason for detaining General Taylor. (ib., 95.) GENERAL TERAN, MEXICAN BRIG OF WAR 1837 Apr. Captures Amer. Schr. Louisiana; see Louis- iana. — Apr. 12. Captures Amer. Schr. Julius Caesar; see Julius Caesar. GENERAL URREA, MEXICAN BRIG OF WAR (MACHIN) 1837 Apr. Captures Amer. Schr. Champion; see that title. Seizure of 1837 Apr. 10. Amer. cons. at Matamoras (Smith) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). General Urrea lying off port of Matamoras with two prizes, Amer. Schrs. Champion and Louisiana. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 2.) — Apr. 18. General-in-chief army of Mexico (Bravo) to Smith. An embargo is laid on all Amer. vessels in port of Matamoras, in retaliation of seizure of General Urrea. (ib., 14.) — Apr. 18. Same to Same. Protest agst. certain cir- cumstances attending seizure of General Urrea. (ib., 15.) — Apr. 19. Smith to Bravo. Defending challenged circumstances attending seizure of General Urrea; questions authority to declare embargo upon prop- erty of Amer. citizens in ports of Texas. (ib., 15.) GENERAL URREA, MEXICAN BRIG OF WAR (MACHIN)— cont’d Seizure of—cont’d 1837 Apr. 22. Smith to Forsyth. Blockade of ports of Texas; recapture of Amer. Schr. Louisiana and cap- ture of Mexican brig General Urrea by Amer. Sloop of war Natchez. (ib., 2.) — May 5. Amer. cons. at Mexico (Jones) to Forsyth. Effect of news of capture of Amer. Schrs. Louisiana and Champion and of Mex, brig Gen. Urrea in Mex- ico. (ib., 29.) Je. 14. Comdr. U. S. S. Vandalia (Crabb) to lieut. U. S. N. (Moor). Ordered to provision General Urrea, and Mexican flag to be hoisted aboard her. (ib., 44.) — Je. 27. Crabb to gen. comdg. Mexican Army of North (Filisola). Notice of restoration. Of General Urrea to Mexican authorities. (ib., 43.) — Je. 28. Filisola to Crabb. Acknowledges restOra- tion of General Urrea. (ib., 45.) — Je. 28. Filisola, to capt. port of Matamoras (ES- pino). Instructions to receive General Urrea. (ib., 45.) — [Je. 28.] Espino. Receipt for delivery of. (ib., 45.) — Je. 29. Crabb to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dickerson). Delivery of General Urrea to Mexican authorities. (ib., 42.) — JIy. 1. Smith to Forsyth. General Urrea Ordered to be restored to Mexican authorities. (ib., 29.) 1838 Jan. 5. U. S. House. Res. (Howard, Com. On For- eign Affairs), calling for information regarding capture of Mex. vessel of war General Urrea, by U. S. sloop of War Matchez. (25. 2. H. jol., 226.) Jan. 5. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Remarks; opposing as unnecessary and irrelevant, amdmt. to res. On capture of General Urrea. (Vi, Cong. Globe., 77.) Jan. 5. T. L. Hamer, repr. from O. DO.; desire to help amdmtS. to Howard res. regarding General Urrea district; etc. (ib., 77.) — Jan. 5. M. Fillmore, repr. from N. Y. Do.; Sup- porting his amdmt. to Howard res. regarding cap- ture of General Urrea. (ib., 76.) Jan. 5. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Do.; Support- ing amdmtS. to res. from Com. On Foreign Affairs resp. General Urrea, calling for instructions re- garding neutrality of U. S. in Mexican and Canadian troubles. (ib., 76-77.) — Jan. 8. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dickerson) to Pres. of U. S. A. (Van Buren). Copy of proc. of naval court of inquiry to examine into facts connected with capture of Mexican brig General Urrea. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 30.) GENESEE (N. Y.) CONGREGATIONAL ASSN. 1853 Feb. 10. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying meas- ures to secure to U. S. citizens abroad right of public worship. (32. 2. S. jol., 183.) GENESEE CO. (MICH.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 165.) 1847 Jan. 30. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying meas- ures for fºrmination of War with Mexico. (29. 2. S. jol., 148. GENESEE CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 165.) 1838 Jan. 8. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 236.) — Mch. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) 1839 Feb. 4. To Same. Memorial, praying recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 456.) — Feb. 4. To Same. Petition, praying repeal or modi- fication of neutrality law. (ib., 456.) 664 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GENESEE CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS-cont’d 1840 May 18. To same. Petition, praying release of Wm. L. Mackenzie. (viii, Cong. Globe, 402.) 1841 Je. 12. Proc. of mtg. on subject of burning of Str. Caroline. (27. 1. H. jol., 98.) 1845 Jan. 22. To U. S. House. Petition, praying that in- ternational slavetrade may be interdicted. (28. 2. H. jol., 247.) — Jan. 22. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 246.) — Dec. 31. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 179.) GENEVA (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1850 Dec. 18. To U. S. Senate. In favor of arbitration. (31. 2. S. jol., 43.) — Dec. 19. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 2. H. jol., 72.) GENEVA (O.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Petition, protesting agst. admission of “aliens and foreigners” from Texas and elsewhere, to seats in Congress. (29. 1. H. jol., 102.) GENEVA, CITY (SWITZERLAND) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Switzerland GENEVA, CANTON. COUNCIL 1858 Mch. 24. To Swiss Federal Council. Declaration, in reply to circular of Mch. 10, that there exists in the canton no restriction agst. Jews; refers to gra- tuitous concessions made by council in 1853 and 1857 of land to Jews for purpose of building thereon a temple. (36. 1. H. ex: doc. 76, 56.) GENOA (ITALY) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service; Italy GENT00, AMER. MERCHANTMAN; see CHINA. SHANGHAI. CUSTOMS SERVICE GENTRY (MEREDITH P.), OF TENN., 1809-66 - • ? . 2, 1839- Repºłºś. Mich. 3, 1853; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 31 cong., 1850-51. 1846 Feb. 5. Speech; on H. res. 5. of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon, on negotiations, etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 313; app., 178.) — May 11. Remarks; favoring, at present time, only defensive operations in trouble with Mexico. (ib., 29. 1., 792.) — Dec. 16. Speech; on President’s annual message and Mexican war. (ib., 29. 2., 45; app., 56.) — Dec. 21. Explanation, in House, relative to his speech of Dec. 16, on President’s annual message, etc., with remarks in reply to S. Jones. (ib., 56, 59, 60; ib., 91, 92.) — Dec. 22. Remarks; in reply to Martin, relative to Gentry's speech of Dec. 16, on President’s annual message, etc. (ib., 65; ib., 116.) 1849 Feb. 19. Do.; on Schenck amdmt. to H. R. 684, to provide for execution in part of treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico; on surrender of terr, (ib., 30, 2., 558.) 1850 Je. 10. Speech; on admission of California; an- nexation of Texas and Mexican War. (ib., 31. 1., app., 832.) 1851 Dec. 30. Remarks; favorable to Cartter res. Of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Kossuth to House, etc., including reply to Stephens. (ib., 32. 1., 164, 166.) GENTRY (MEREDITH P.), OF TENN., 1809–66—cont’d 1852 Feb. 27. Do.; on S. res. 20, extending time of com- mission under conv. with Brazil. (ib., 649.) — Aug. 5. Do.; On amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 196, providing Compensation to D. S. Carr, for expenses incurred in dipl. service. (ib., 2095.) – Aug. 28. Do.; Concerning investigation of charges agSt. Secy. Of Treasury, Corwin, in connection with Gardiner claim; in favor of sitting of select com- mittee. (ib., 2414.) GEOFFREY (JOHN PASCAL), MASTER LORCHA RAPID; see RAPID GEORGE (RUPERT D.), SECY. PROV. NOVA SCOTIA 1839 Sept. 3. To Amer, cons, at Pictou (Primrose). Measure taken to justify seizure of Amer. Schr. Amazon. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 20; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 78.) Nov. 9. To same. Instructions issued regulating exaction of light dues in Canso strait; case of Alma- 2On remains under consideration. (ib., 22; ib., 81.) 1844 Dec. 13. To P. Dodd. Requests explanation of proc. On Occasion of Seizure of Amer. fishing vessel Argus. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120., 97.) GEORGE, AMER. BRIG (BRAY, OR HALE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 37.) GEORGE, AMER. BRIG (DOUGLASS) n, d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 36.) GEORGE, AMER. SLOOP (REYNOLDS) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 37.) GEORGE I, OF ENGLAND 1719. Commission to col. Richard Phillips as governor of Nova Scotia. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 56.) GEORGE II, OF ENGLAND 1749 Apr. 29. Commission to Hon. Edward Cornwallis as Governor of Nova Scotia. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 57.) GEORGE III, OF ENGLAND 1761 Apr. 1. Commission to Henry Ellis, Esq., as gov ernor of Nova Scotia. (20. 1. S. doc. 171, 58.) 1763 Oct. Draught of commission to Montague Wilmott, Esq., as governor of Nova Scotia. (ib., 59.) Oct. 7. Proclamation establishing govts. of Que- bec, East Florida, West Florida and Grenada. (ib., 57.) [1773 Je. 2..] Commission to Francis Legge as governor of Nova Scotia. (ib., 60.) GEORGE CROOKS, AMER. SCHR. Boarded, in Je., 1839, while anchored at Cabinda, by H. B. M. ship Columbine (Elliott). 1840 Apr. 22. 2d Lieut. Br. sloop Columbine (Tatham) to comdr. Br. sloop Columbine (Elliott). Rpt. of boarding of George Crooks by Columbine. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 63.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 665 GEORGE D. SMOUSE 1856 Dec. 30. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to atty. gen. - U. S. A. (Cushing). Transmits copy of testimony in Case of disappearance of John Brown, steward of bark Geo. D. Smouse, Boston, on passage from Mo- bile to Havana; consul Blythe desires information On certain legal point. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 48.) GEORGE E. PRESCOTT, AMER. BRIG 1858 Apr. 1. Chase to Pickett. Siege of Tampico by Garza; detention of Amer. brig George E. Prescott, etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 15.) GEORGE STOCKHAM, AMER. BRIG Searched in Gulf of Mexico in 1858 by Br. vessel not named. 1858 May 22. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to U. S. cus- toms collector Bath, Me. (Berry). Instructions to Secure information relative to boarding of Amer. brig George Stockham ; etc. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 37; S. ex. doc. 61, 29.) GEORGE WASHINGTON, AMER. BRIG (DAWSET) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 37.) GEORGE WILLIAM JONES, AMER. SLAVER BRIG 1860 May 5. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Lyons) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Circumstances at- tending boarding of Geo. Wm. Jones, under Amer. Colors by boats of H. M. S. Arrogant (Edmonstone). (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 421.) – May 14. Cass to Lyons. Receipt of despatch re- garding boarding of Geo. Wm. Jones; requested to urge upon attention of Lord John Russell neces- sity of Orders against such proceedings, (ib., 424.) GEORGE AND MARTHA, AMER. BARK (SAYERS) 1833 Je. 28. U. S. State Dept. Circular to U. S. minis- ters and consuls abroad on behalf of G. Randall and Others, owners, relative to anticipated appropria- tion by Sayer of barque George and Martha. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 106.) GEORGETOWN (D. C.) MAYOR, ALDERMEN, AND COUNCIL 1851 Feb. 20. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying establishment of line of strs. to Western coast of Africa. (31. 2. S. jol., 196.) GEORGETOWN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Petitions against Slave- trade between U. S. and Texas. (25. 3. H. jol., 599.) 1846 Feb. 9. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 371.) GEORGIA See also Clarke Co.; Jackson Co.; Macon. Archives 1827 Dec. 17. U. S. House. Res. (Gilmer) that Com. Of Ways and Means be instructed to inquire into pro- priety of making apprn. to defray expense of copy- ing documents in Plantation, etc., Office. (20. 1. H. jol., 62.) Citizens of IN U. S. CoNSULAR SERVICE See Diomatari (J. D.); Calhoun (J. S.).; Green (Duff) ; Hayne (J. B.); Hutton (J. S.) ; Kimball (G. W.) ; Owen (A. F.) : Wambersie (J.). GEORGIA—cont’d Citizens of—cont’d IN U. S. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE See Baber (A) ; Berrien (J. McP.) ; Forsyth (J.) ; Grieve (M.); Haralson (H. A.).; Hill (J.) ; Jack- son (H. R.) ; Jackson (J.) ; King (J. P.) ; King (Y. P.) ; McIntosh (J. Mc.); Meriwether (J. A.) ; Stiles (W. H.) : Toombs (R.) ; Ward (J. E.) ; Ward º: §) ; Wayne (J. M.) ; Wilde (R. H.) ; Yancey IN U. S. NAVAL SERVICE (in command) See º (J. *}; Harrison (G. Wº McIntosh (J ...) : Mañtt (j.’Njº faine' (i.); Neweiſ (i. M.) ; Shields (W. F.) ; Tattnail (J.). Legislature 1827 Dec. 19. Res. protesting agst. unconstitutionality of federal apprms, to aid Amer. Colonization Socy. (20. 1. H. jol., 273.) The jt. rpt. of which these resolutions were the accom- paniment is prid. in full in Ga. Sen. jol. ann. Sess., 1827, p. 236. 1828 Feb. 4. Res. opposing apprn. of money by congreSS to aid Amer. Colonization Socy. (20. 1. S. jol., 133, 153.) — Dec. 10. Remonstrance agst. federal aid to the Amer. Colonization Socy. (20. 2. H. jol., 157.) GEORGIA (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 23. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 41.) GEORGIANA, AMER. BARQUE Implicated in Lopez expedition ; see Cuba. Filibustering. Lopez, etc. GEORGIANA, AMER. SLOOP 1853 Sept. 22. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; ex- penditures for ransom of crew and passengers of wreck of Amer. sloop Georgiana, held prisoners by Indians of Queen Charlotte's Is., do not come within scope of apprp.s. for relief of Amer. Seamen. (vi, Op. attys. gen., 126.) 1854 Aug. 4. Act making apprns. for civil and dipl. ex- penses for year ending Je. 30, 1855 [apprin. to re- lease crew of Georgiana from captivity on Queen Charlotte's Is...]. (x, St. L., 565.) GEORGIANA, AMER. WESSEL Boarded at Punta de Lobos, Jan. 24, 1858, by Peruvian str. not named. 1858 Mch. 27. Peruvian min. res. in U. S. A. (de OSma) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Claims right of visit in case of Georgiana and Lizzie Thompson; etc. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 69, 2.) — May 15. U. S. atty. gen. (Black) to CaSS. Opinion; case of Seizure of Amer. Vessels Georgiana and Lizzie Thompson; adverse to contentions of Peru. (ib., 27.) — May 22. Cass to de Osma. Dissents from claim of right of visit in case of Georgiana and Lizzie Thomp- son; urges claim for indemnity; etc. (ib., 17.) GERK (MARIA THERESA) 1854 Nov. 2. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; mere notification by Mr. Hülsemann of Austrian legation, in behalf of govt. of elector of Hesse, of escape of One Maria. T. Gerk, Said to be convicted of murder within terr. of said elector is not sufficient evidence of case to justify preliminary action of Pres. (vii, Op. attyS. gen., 6.) GERMANTOWN (PA.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 474.) 666 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GERMANTOWN, U. S. SLOOP, 1846 An commission (1846-61) : 1848-50 (Lowndes) ; 1851, African sqdn. (Knight) ; 1842- 53 do. (Nicholas) ; 1853-57, Brazil sqdn. (Lynch). Home sqdn., Lowndes comdg. 1849 Aug. 21. Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Preston) to comdr. U. S. S. Germantown (Lowndes). Orders to proceed to Havana, in charge Of Certain despatches addressed to U. S. Consul at Havana and to deliver Said des- patches in person to Said consul. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 71; S. ex. doc. 13, 157.) — Aug. 21. Preston to comdt. U. S. Navy yard, Boston (Downes). Orders to have enclosed packet delivered to comdr. Lowndes (Germantown) with all practicable despatch. (ib., 71; ib., 157.) — Aug. 25. Downes to Preston. Receipt of letter of 21 inst. (ib., 73; ib., 159.) — Aug. 28. Sails from Boston under orders to sup- press Lopez expedition. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 160.) — Sept. 26. Lowndes to Preston. Arrival at Havana and delivery of despatches intrusted to his care, ad- dressed to Amer. cons. Havana (Campbell). (ib., 163.) 1850 May 15. Preston to Lowndes. Order to repair to Havana; instructions relative to alleged revolution- ary movement in Cuba. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 57.) May 16. Preston to Newton. Order to prepare Germantown and Viacen for immediate service. (ib., 63.) — May 17. Preston to capt. U. S. S. Saranac (Tatt- nall). Probable that he may find Albany, German- town and Viacem, at Havana. On his arrival there. (ib., 60.) African sqdn., Nicholas Comdg. 1852 Nov. 3. Captures slaver Schr. Advance at Porto Praya. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 32.) 1853 Jan. 23. Captures slaver schr. Rachel P. Brown at Porto Praya. (ib., 32.) GERMANY See also Bavaria ; Brunswick and Lüneburg ; Hanover ; Hanseatic Republic ; Hesse ; Mecklenburg-Schwerin ; Nassau ; Prussia ; Saxony. 1849 Jan. 24. Parker to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason). Creation of German navy; present state of affairs in Germany. (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 1, 20; H. ex: doc. 5, 20.) Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Taylor). Annual meS- sage; clause relating to confederation of German States. Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Civil Service Minister of Com/merce and Marine 1849. Duckwitz. Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) Consuls in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. ConSULAR SERVICE. GERMANY Diplomatic Agents in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Diplomatic Service TJNITED STATES 1849-50. Baron von Roenne, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials January 26, 1849; took leave February 20, 1850. Foreign Affairs AMERICAN 1848 Aug. 12. Intr. in U. S. House (C. J. Ingersoll, Pa.), jt. res. (30. 1. H. J. res. 41) “tendering congratula- tions of Cong. to German confederation.” (30. 1. H. jol., 1261.) 1850 Jan. 28. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foote, Miss.), to es: tablish diplomatic relations with Germanic Con. federation. (31. 1. S. jol., 114; 458.) & Home Sqdn. | GERMANY–cont’d Impressment; see that title Neutrality Negotiations; see that title Presents to Aliens; see Presents, etc. Privateering; see that title Subjects of IN U. S. CONSULAR SERVICE See Flügel (J. G.) ; Gehrding (G. F.) ; Kahl (F.) ; Kohl- saat (D.) ; Lindner (L.) ; Mohr (G.) ; Obermeyer @ j non- (E.) ; Schwarz (J. G.) ; Wickelhausen Tobacco Trade; see that title GEROLT (FREDERICK CHARLES JOSEPH VON) Prussian min. res. in U. S., Dec., 1844-48 ; , 1849- 50 ; E. E. and M. P. do., Nov., 1854-Jan., 186S ; see also, Prussia. Diplomatic service. 1845 Jly. 7. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Case of Borussia. (29. 1. H. rpt. 422, 2.) 1852 Je. 16. Signs conv. for the extradition of criminals betw. U. S. and Prussia and other States of the Germanic Confederation; see Prussia. Treaties. 1853 Jly. 11. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Extr. from laws and constitution of Prussia bearing upon liabilities of emigrants who have become citizens of U. S., on voluntarily returning to Prussia. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 70.) GERRISH ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG RETRIEVE; see RETRIEVE GERRY (JAMES T.), OF MASS. |U. S. N., 1815-54. Lieut., 1826 ; comdr., 1842. Lost at sea in the Albany, Sept., 1854. Sea service in com- mand (1826-54) : 1845, comdg. Somers, sqdn. ; 1853-54, comdg. Albany, do. 1852 Dec. 15. To comdr. U. S. naval station, Boston (Gregory). Cruise of Albany. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 63, 11 Home 1853 Jly. 15. To gov. and capt. gen. of Cuba (Cañedo). Innocence of seamen of bark Jasper; requests that they be placed at disposal of U. S. govt. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 232.) — Jiy. 18. To same. Urges importance of granting request of U. S. commercial agt. at Havana to be permitted to take depositions of Amer. Seamen of bark Jasper, prisoners in royal jail. (ib., 231.) — Nov. 7. To comdr. Home sqdn. U. S. N. (Newton). Report of cruise of U. S. S. Albany. (33. 1. H. eX. doc. 21, 38.) 1854 May 4. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin). Main- mast of Albany condemned as unseaworthy. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 63, 2.) — Sept. 28. To Newton. Rpt. of cruise of Albany. (ib., 8.) GERSTNER (F. A.), CHEVALIER DE 1839 Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying to be allowed copyright for any publications he may make in U. S. on subject of internal improvements, for space of five years. (26.1. S. jol., 61; 117.) GERTRUDES, SP. SLAVER n. d. Mentioned. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, 141, 557.) GETTYSBURG (PA.) CITIZENS 1845 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas- ures for annexation to U. S. of Africa, including Barbary States and country of Hottentots. (28. 2. H. jol., 415.) 1854 Apr. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying meas- ures to secure religious liberty to U. S. citizens abroad. (33. 1. S. jol., 304.) — May 3. To U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 709.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 667 GEVERS (J. C.) Chargé Netherlands in U. S. A., 1842-45; E. E. and M. #: do., 1854-55; see Netherlands. Diplomatic Service. GEYER (F. W.), CLAIMANT 1829 Jan. 30. U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indemnity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. jol., 101.) — Dec. 28. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1850 Jan. 3. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 47.) — Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 409.) GEYER (H. S.), SEN. FROM MO. 1855 Mch. 2. Remarks; opposed to amdmt. of Finance Com. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 569 Strik- ing out provision for payment of draft of F. Dain- ese, late cons. at Constantinople. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 1091, 1093.) GEYER (JOHN), HEIRS OF 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. S. jol., 38.) GEYSER, H. B. M. STR. (WILSON); see WILSON (THOS.) GHENT (BELGIUM) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Belgium GHENT, TREATY OF; see GR. BR. TREATIES, 1814 GHOLSON (R. D.), GOV. OF WASH. TERR. 1859 Aug. 11. To gen. U. S. A., Comdg. dept. of Oregon (Harney). Prepared to cooperate in anticipated emergency. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 66.) — Aug. 21. To same. Request for ammunition. (ib., 85.) GIBBS (BRADFORD), MASTER AMER. BRIG CAROLINE; see CAROLINE GIBBS (ELLEN M.), CLAIMANT; see HATCH (C.) GIBBS (GEORGE), LEGAL REPRS. OF 1855 Dec. 19. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (34. 1. S. jol., 20.) 1856 Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (34. 1. H. jol., 674.) GIBBS (HOWARD), AMER. CONS. AGT, NUEVITAS 1854 Nov. 17. To Amer. actg. cons. Havana (Robertson). Advice of landing two cargoes of negroes. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 66.) GIBBS (KINGSLEY B.), CLAIMANT; see KINGSLEY (Z.) GIBBS (LAURA), CLAIMANT; see GIBBS (GEO.) EXECX, OF GIBBS (LYDIA) 1850 Apr. 23. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 305.) GIBBs (NATHAN P.), MASTER BRIG JOHN R. DOW 1854 Apr. 6. To P. S. Shelton. Relative to discovery of Aves Is. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 72.) — Dec. 3. To same. Advice of forcible ejection from Aves Is...; of return to Boston. (ib., 69.) — Dec. 25. To Same. Landing of second co. of Wen- ezuelans on Aves IS. (ib., 69.) – Dec. 26. To Same. Advice of shipments of guano from Aves Is. (ib., 70.) 1855 Jan. [?]. 'Certificate of Venezuelan occupation of Aves Is. in Dec. 1854. (ib., 69.) GIBBS (NATHAN P.), MASTER BRIG JOHN R. DOW–cont’d 1856 Apr. 2. Deposition relative to Venezuelan occupa- tion of Aves. Is. and subsequent events. (ib., 112.) — Apr. 12. Answers to questions proposed by attor: ney of Shelton, Sampson and Tappan, in matter of claims against Venezuela for dispossession from “Shelton ’’ isle. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 62.) GIBBS (W. H.) 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition, for Man and Foltz, praying indemnity for French Spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 52.) GIBBS (WILLIAM) DEPONENT; see NATCHEZ GIBBS (WILLIAM C.), ET AL. 1850 Jan. 7. To U. S. Senate. Praying indemnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 56.) GIBBS (WILLIAM P.) 1855 Aug. 23. Declaration relative to fraudulent repre- sentation of nature of Dias agreement to N. P. Gibbs. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 107.) GIBRALTAR 1847 Feb. 4. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Saunders). Possibility of England relinquishing Gibraltar. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 121, 42.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British Dominions GIBSON (ABRAHAM P.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for St. Petersburg, 1819-50 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Russia. 1843 Dec. 22. To U. S. House. Petition, praying Com- pensation as acting chargé from J1y. 2 to NOV. 16, 1841. (28. 1. H. jol., 102.) 1845 Dec. 22. Tú same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 150.) GIBSON (JOHN), ET AL. 1846 Dec. 14. U. S. House. Memorial Of James Gibson, admr. of estate of John Gibson, et al., praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 50.) GIBSON (MILNER), MEMBER H. B. M. HOUSE OF COM- MONS 1854 Mch. 17. Extr. from speech; views on subject of rights of neutrals. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., app., 258.) GIBSON (WALTER MURRAY), COMDR. AMER. SCHR. FLIRT 1853 Jan. 22. To Amer. comr. in China (Marshall). Representation of his imprisonment by authorities of Java; with acc. legal papers, etc. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 30.) See also Anderson (S. C.) ; Pendleton (S. C.). —Feb. 6. Military comdt. of Palembang (De Braun) to gov. gen. of Dutch E. Indies. Circumstances at- tending arrest of Amer. Schr. and crew Flirt sent to Batavia under escort. (ib., 60.) — Feb. 22. Marshall to comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Aulick). Decree of superior court of Java in case of Gibson; Suggests propriety of securing fair hear- ing, etc., for Gibson. (ib., 72.) — Feb. 25. Gibson to Marshall. Trial before court of justice of Batavia. (ib., 89.) — Feb. 25. Aulick to Marshall. Withdrawal from Command prevents action on his part in case of Gibson; transmits corresp. in his possession rela- tive to case. (ib., 75.) — Mch. 3. Marshall to Secy. State U. S. A. (Everett). Imprisonment of W. M. Gibson. (ib., 29.) 668 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GIBSON.WALTER MURRAY), COMDR. AMER. SCHR. FLIRT —cont’d 1853 Aug. 8. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. chargé Netherlands (Belmont). Instructions for representation of case of W. M. Gibson. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 2.) — Aug. 22. Gibson to Marcy. Facts relative to seizure of Flirt, and imprisonment of himself and crew by authorities of Dutch E. India. (ib., 3.) — Aug. 23. Gibson to Marcy. Modification of Sentence in case of charge of treason against master and CreW of Flirt; praying consideration of case of mate Graham. (ib., 12.) — Sept. 6. Marcy to Belmont. Escape of W. M. Gib- son; instructions to press claim. (ib., 3.) — Oct. 17. Belmont to Minister Buitenlandsche Zaken Netherlands (Van Hall). Case of W. M. Gibson; urging claim. (ib., 16.) — Oct. 18. Belmont to Marcy. Relative to his repre- sentation of case of W. M. Gibson. (ib., 13.) — Dec. 6. Gibson to Marcy. Solicits action on part of U. S. govt. to obtain repossession of log and papers of Flirt. (ib., 16.) — Dec. 13. Marcy to Belmont. Instructions for re- covery of certain papers in case of Gibson from govt. of Netherlands. (ib., 16.) — Dec. 23. Belmont to Marcy. Substance of Confer- ences with Dutch govt. in case of W. M. Gibson; his claim in general. (ib., 17.) 1854 Jan. 4. Belmont to Van Hall. Solicits Surrender to govt. of U. S. of certain papers and log of Schr. Flirt. (ib., 18.) Jan. 9. Belmont to Marcy. Progress rpt. in case of Gibson. (ib., 18.) — Jan. 11. Van Hall to Belmont. Demand of W. M. Gibson for restitution of certain papers; asserts that Gibson’s stnt. will be proven to be erroneous. (ib., 21.) — Jan. 15. Belmont to Van Hall. Is in receipt of documentary evidence corroborating W. M. Gibson’s stmt. (ib., 21.) — Jan. 20. Belmont to Marcy. Substance of Con- ferences with Dutch govt. in case of Gibson; restitu- tion of certain papers. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 6. Belmont to Marcy. Explains cause of delay on part of Dutch govt. in act in case of W. M. Gib- son. (ib., 22.) — Feb. 25. Van Hall to Belmont. Opinion of govt. of Netherlands in case of Gibson claim; copies of pro- cès verbaux and decrees of colonial court of justice in proc. agst. Gibson. (ib., 24.) — Feb. 28. Belmont to Marcy. Substance of confer- ences with Dutch govt. in Gibson case; expects un- favorable reply to claim of Gibson. (ib., 22.) — Mch. 4. Belmont to Van Hall. Protest agst. adverse decision in case of W. M. Gibson. (ib., 43.) Mch. 5. Belmont to Marcy. Reply of Van Hall to his of Oct. 17, in Gibson case. (ib., 23.) — Mch. 25. Gibson to Marcy. With copy of examina- tion of seaman H. Jones, Schr. Flirt, in Superior court of N. Y. (ib., 47.) — May 25. J. L. Orr, repr. from S. C. Remarks; pre- senting proc. of public meetings at Anderson and Pendleton, S. C., in reference to Schr. Flirt and im- prisonment of capt. Gibson. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1312.) — May 26. To Marcy. Review of his claim agst, Dutch govt.; occasioned by contents of despatch of Amer. chargé in Netherlands (Belmont) Mch. 5. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 16, 89.) — Je. 3. Marcy to Belmont. Instructions to press Gibson claim; to urge immediate reparation; de- sire for amicable settlement; advice of Gibson’s decision to proceed to the Hague. (ib., 89.) — Je. 29. Van Hall to Belmont. Refutation of Strmts. of W. M. Gibson; denies justice of claim. (ib., 95.) Glasgºwalter MURRAY), COMDR. AMER. schR. FLIRT -COIl 1854 Jly. 4. Belmont to Van Hall. Disclaimer of argu- ments in his of Je. 29. (ib., 103.) & – Jly. 7. Belmont to Marcy. Asks instructions in case of Gibson claim in event of refusal of govt. of Nºeriana. to make reparation demanded. (ib., — Aug. 21. Van Hall to Belmont. Demand of govt. of Netherlands for restitution of certain papers in case of Gibson claim. (ib., 114.) — Sept. 7. Same to same. In reply to his of Jly. 4, in case of Gibson claim; govt. of Netherlands persists in refusing claim. (ib., 116.) Sept. 9. Belmont to Marcy. Demand of govt. of Netherlands for restitution of certain papers in case of Gibson claim. (ib., 113.) — Sept. 9. Belmont to Van Hall. Inadmissibility of argument in his of Sept. 7, upon which refusal to grant claim of Gibson was based. (ib., 118.) — Sept. 23. Belmont to Marcy. Objections raised by govt. Netherlands agst, expression in his of Sept. [9] in case of Gibson; with copies of corresp. (ib., 118.) — Sept. 29. Same to same. Corresp. With govt. of Netherlands concerning Dutch claim for restitution of certain papers in Gibson case; nature of debate in Second Chamber resp. Dutch conduct of case. (ib., 121.) — Oct. 3. Marcy to Belmont. Explains failure to send definite instructions in event of refusal of govt. of Netherlands to grant Gibson claim. (ib., 128.) — Oct. 13. Belmont to Marcy. Further corresp. With govt. of Netherlands concerning Dutch demand for restitution of certain papers in case of W. M. Gibson; with copies of corresp. (ib., 129.) — Oct. 25. Belmont to Marcy. Reply to his of Oct. 3. (ib., 123.) — Nov. 11. Gibson to Marcy. Suggests armed re- prisals as appropriate means of redress for refusal of Dutch govt. to grant indemnity in case of his claim. (ib., 134.) 1856 Apr. 15. Gibson to U. S. House. Petition, praying compensation for losses sustained by confiscation of his vessel at Sumatra by Dutch govt. (34. 1. H. jol., 825; 1346.) — Aug. 2. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Stanton). Rpt. in case of Gibson reeommending renewal of negotiations with Holland to secure indemnity; With app. containing reprints of previous corresp. (34. 1. H. rpt. 307.) 1857 Jan. 28. Res. in U. S. Senate (Wilson, Mass.) to instruct Com. on Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of sending comr. to East Indies to in- vestigate claims of Netherlands to Sovereignty Over said islands and to form treaties with independent States; agreed to. (34. 3. S. jol., 137; 310.) — Feb. 10. Gibson to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying U. S. govt. to press his claim agst. Netherlands for illegal imprisonment and consequent losses in East Indies, and praying protection of rights of Amer. citizens in those seas. (34. 3. S. jol., 184.) 1858 Mch. 3. U. S. Senate. On motion (Pearce, Md.), memorial of Walter M. Gibson, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (35. 1. S. jol., 229.) - — May 29. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Hopkins). Report on memorial of W. M. Gibson. (35. 1. H. rpt. 511.) GIBSON (WILLIAM), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1841-7. Lieut., 1855 ; lieut. Comdr., 1862; comdr., retired 1867; comdre., . Died Oct., i887. Sea service in command (1855-61) ; 1855, comdg. Fennimore Cooper on speci. Service in Behr- ing Straits, etc. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 669 GIBSON (PA.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) GIDDINGS (JOSHUA R.), OF OHIO Repr. from Ohio from 26 to 35 cong., 1839-59; Amer. cons, gen. for Canada in 1861 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar Service. 1843 Jan. 14. Speech on bill for relief of people of West Fla.; moving recommitment of same, for insertion of proviso agst, payment for slaves killed or carried off by Amer. army. (xii, Cong. Globe, app., 80.) — Feb. 13. Do.; on his motion to reconsider vote upon final passage of bill for relief of owners of slaves lost from on board Comet and Encomium. (ib., 194.) 1844 Apr. 18. Remarks; opposing compensation for Am- istad negroes, and prºg. of 10,000 extra copies of rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs in relation to A mistad. (xiii, ib., 534; app., 500.) — May 21. Do.; opposing annexation of Texas as Scheme to extend and perpetuate slavery. (ib., 613; app., 704.) 1845 Jan. 21. Remarks; Same. (xiv, ib., 169.) Jan. 22. Speech; same. (ib., app., 342.) 1846 Jan. 5. Do.; on H. res. 5, notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Ore- gon; annexation of Texas and slavery. (ib., 29. 1., 139; app., 72.) — May 12. Do.; annexation and boundary of Texas, and War with Mexico. (ib., app., 641.) — J1y. 14. Do.; annexation of Texas and Mexican war. (ib., 826.) — Dec. 15. Do.; so much of President’s annual mes- Sage as relates to War with Mexico. (ib., 29. 2., 34; app., 47.) 1847 Feb. 13. Do.; on Wilmot proviso, during debate on H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 421; app., 403.) 1848 Jan. 4. Remarks; on so much of President’s an- nual message as relates to payment to Spanish govt. for distribution of award among claimants in Ami- Stad case, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 101.) — Feb. 28. Speech; on deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 135, Mexican war, etc. (ib., 393; app., 380.) — Apr. 3. Remarks; on Cummins res., of even date, tendering sympathy and congratulations to the French people, etc. (ib., 576-579.) — Aug. 2. Do.; on S. 137, providing for obtaining tes- timony in relation to Fla. claims. (ib., 1026.) 1849 Feb. 17. Speech; on relation of federal govt. to slavery; slavetrade and cases of Comet and Creole; during debate on H. R. 684, to provide for execution in part of art. 12 of treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with. Mexico. (ib., 30. 2., app., 124.) 1850 Aug. 12. Speech; on Texas boundary bill, etc.; title to terr. e. of the Rio Grande; during debate on general apprin. bill, H. R. 334. (ib., 31. 1., 1561; app., 1124.) 1851 Dec. 30, 31. 1852 Jan. 2. Remarks; favorable to Cartter res. Of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Louis Kossuth to House; etc. (ib., 32. 1., 162, 178, 179, 187.) 1852 Jan. 20. Do.; in explanation of his remarks of Dec. 31 concerning Taylor’s Opposition to intro- duction of Kossuth and Support of res. of sympathy with France; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 46; etc. (ib., 322-324, 326.) — Jan. 28. Speech; on duty of U. S. govt. in maintain- ing law of nations; during debate on H. R. 63, for relief of Amer. citizens imprisoned and pardoned by Queen of Spain. (ib., app., 143.) — Dec. 14. Speech; on annexation of Cuba, in con- nection with slavery question, favorable to peace- able acquisition. (ib., 32. 2., app., 38.) GIDDINGS (JOSHUA R.), OF OHIO-cont’d 1853 Dec. 21. Do.; on that part of President's annual message relating to Amistad case; opposed to claim, etc. (ib., 33, 1., app., 52.) 1854 Mch. 16. Do.; on President's message of Mch. 15, concerning seizure of Black Warrior, at Hayana, censuring character of message and policy of admin- istration in regard to relations with Spain; With further remarks in reply to Bayly. (ib., 33. 1., 647, 649–651; app., 415.) º — Mch. 17. Remarks; in reply to Jones, Concerning Giddings’ reference to newspaper Strmts. Of La. res. censuring Executive for non-interference to prevent emancipation in Cuba. (ib., 33. 1., 660.) º — Apr. 21. Do.; opposed to H. R. 58, for Settling Meade claim. (ib., 971.) — Je. 27. Do.; opposed to H. R. 405 to enable Pres. to fulfill art. 3 of treaty of Dec. 30, 1853, with Mex- ico; on call for information concerning treaty, etc. (ib., 1541, 1542.) — Dec. 11. Speech; on Executive policy; policy in re- lation to Cuba and San Domingo; during consid- eration of President’s annual message. (ib., 33. 2., app., 31.) 1855 Feb. 12, 14. Questions, in House, addressed to Stan- ton, concerning H. res. 47, to fulfill art. 9 of treaty of 1819 with Spain. (ib., 33. 2., 693, 736.) 1858 Je. 7. Speech; opposing jt. res. proposing hostilities with England, on acct. of her exercising right of visitation, and branding as piracy, indulgence by U. S. citizens in African slavetrade. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., app., 541.) 1859 Jan. 15. Remarks; denouncing prostitution of U. S. flag to purposes of slavetrade. (ib., 35. 2., 395.) — Jan. 27. Do.; opposing apprp. for acquisition of Cuba. (ib., 637.) — Feb. 5. Do.; seizure of bark of H. Leef and J. Mc- Kee in So. Amer. (ib., 849.) GIESE (BARON DE), SECY. OF STATE OF BAVARIA 1836 Apr. Declaration relative to duties payable on withdrawal of property of Br. from Bavaria. (26. 2. S. doc. 1, 33.) GIFFORD (Z. C.), DEPONENT; see CREOLE, AMER. BRIG GILBERT (GEO.), CLAIMANT 1846 Dec. 22. To U. S. House. Memorial of Nathaniel Gilbert, execr. of estate of . . . praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 87.) GILBERT (JAMES), MASTER AMER. BARK JONES; see JONES GILBERT (JNO.), WIDOW OF 1852 Feb. 25. To U. S. House. Petition of Eunice Gilbert, praying indemnity for property destroyed by Br. in 1812. (32. 1. H. jol., 384.) GILBERT (NATHANIEL), CLAIMANT; see BILLINGS (AL- PHEUS) GILES (EBENEZER), MASTER AMER. SHIP ACUSHNETT; See ACUSHNETT GILES (WILLIAM FELL), REPR. FROM MD. 1845 Dec. 17. Remarks; opposing reference of Mass. res. for revision of naturalization laws, to select com. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 70.) 1846 Jan. 9. Speech; on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (ib., 174; app., 80.) 670 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GILES (WILLIAM FELL), REPR. FROM MD.—cont’d 1846 Apr. 15. Speech; opposing further negotiation with Br. govt. regarding Oregon, as useless. (ib., 29. 1., 675.) — Jly. 30. Remarks; favoring passage of French spoliations bill. (ib., 1170.) 1847 Feb. 11. Speech; on Wilmot proviso and H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 29. 2., 386.) GILES (WILLIAM FELL, JR.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Geneva in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular service. Switzerland. GILFILLAN ( ) Tried in cons. Ct., Ningpo, 1856; see China. Ningpo. GILFORD (N. H.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) GILIBERT ( ) DE Chancelier legation of France in U. S. A. ; actg. chargé, May 6-29, 1851; see France. Diplomatic service. GILL (R. W.), CLAIMANT; see BIAYS (JAMES), TRUSTEE OF GILL (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) — Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 40.) — Sept. 27. To U. S. House. Same. (25.1. H. jol., 100.) GILLESPIE (EUGENE F.) 1847 Nov. 23. To C. Heywood. Requests that he inter- cede with capt. B. Simmons (Magnolia) and capt. J. Barker, (Edward) to remain off San José until arrival of reinforcement. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1123.) GILLETT (RANSOM H.), SOLICITOR, U. S. TREASURY 1848 May 29. To Secy. of State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Nationality of property seized in case of second Macedonian claim. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 302.) GILLETT (SOLOMON) 1858 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 77.) GILLIAM (ALBERT M.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for San Francisco in 1843; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Mexico. GILLIAM (JONATHAN P.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Monterey, 1837-43 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar Service. Mexico. Nominated Sept. 18 as William P., correction made Dec. 13, 1837. GILLIAM (WILLIAM P.); see GILLIAM (J. P.) GILLIN (JOHN J.) 1856 Apr. 15. Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Wheeler) to President of Costa Rica (Mora). Protest agst. shooting of I. Rose and J. J. Gillin, natives of U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 127.) GILLMER (JOHN S.) 1845 Je. 26. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise) to Amer. cons. Bahia (Tyler). Regrets sailing of Cal- hown; gratified at his severed connection with J. S. Gillmer. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 208.) — JIy. 10. Tyler to Wise. Evidence agst. J. S. Gill- mer; further inquiry into slavetrade. (ib., 209.) GILLMER (JOHN S.), OF MD. Amer. Cons. for Bahia in 1850; see U. S. A. Consular service. Brazil. 1856 Jan. 30. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Trous- dale). Advice of capture of slaver schr. Mary E. iº Brazilian brig Olinda. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. — Feb. 1. [no. 30.] To Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Slaver Mary E. Smith captured by Braz. brig-of-war Olinda; has communicated facts to Mr. Trousdale, minister at Rio. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 32.) — Feb. 12. Ino. 31.] To same. Has recd. note from Capt. of Mary E. Smith (Cranwick); notice in “Dia- rio da Bahia " of landing of captured Africans ap- pended. (ib., 34.) GILMAN (EPHRAIM) 1835 Jan. 5. To U. S. House. Petition of Ephraim Gil- man, praying to be paid for property taken and de- stroyed by Br. forces during late War with Gr. Br. (23. 2. H. jol., 163.) GILMAN AND CO., AGTS. PROVISIONAL ASSIGNEES ES- TATE OF MESSRS. RICHARDS, CHINA 1856 Jly. 12. To Amer. comr. to China (Parker). Case of Messrs. Richard and Co. plaintiffs, and Messrs. Wetmore and Co., defendants, decided on Je. 4, last by U. S. cons. court in favor of defendants. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 886.) GILMANTON (N. H.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 442.) 1842 Feb. 7. To same. In favor of recognition of Hayti. (27. 2. H. jol., 325.) GILMER (JOHN A.), REPR. FROM N. C. 1858 Jan. 6. Remarks, defending seizure and arrest, on high seas, of Gen. Wm. Walker, by comdre. Pauld- ing. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 214.) GILMER (ROBERT), CLAIMANT 1846 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 70.) 1847 Jan. 18. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 108.) GILMER (THOMAS W.), OF WA. Repr. to 27 and 28 cong., serving from May 31, 1841, to Feb. 15, 1844 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 27 cong., 1841-44, when he was apptd. secy. Of the flºg illed by the bursting of a gun on board . § isº. Princeton, near Washington, D. C., Feb. Representative from Va. 1835 Feb. 7. Remarks; agst, requiring immediate rpt. from Com. on Foreign Affairs regarding relations with France. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1242.) — Mch. 2. Do.; advocating granting of sufficient time to France to realize nature and justice of claims under treaty of Jly. 4, 1831. (ib., 1599.) 1841 Je. 21. Do.; expressing hope that Amer. ConS. at Havana (Trist) would be acquitted from all charges. (x, Cong. Globe, 85.) — Aug. 27. Do.; favoring apprns. for missions to Sardinia, and Naples, but recommending retrench- ment in expenditures for dipl. intercourse. (ib., 394.) 1842 Feb. 3, 4. Do.; design to remove J. Q. Adams from chairmanship of Committee on Foreign Affairs. (xi, Cong. Globe, 208, 211; app., 975-976.) — May 30. Do.: danger of war with Mexico and Gr. Br., and attitude of European nations towards U. S. (xi, Cong. Globe, 551.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 671 GILMER (THOMAS W.), OF WA.—cont’d Representative from Va.-cont’d 1842 May 26. Remarks concerning danger of war with Mexico and Great Britain. (ib., 543.) Secretary of the Navy 1844 Feb. 29. President U. S. A. (Tyler) to U. S. Con- greSS. MeSSage announcing death of secretaries Upshur and Gilmer. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 158.) GILMORE (ALFRED) Apptd. Amer. cons. for Bordeaux in 1853; declined apptmt. ; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. GILMORE (ROBERT), AND OTHERS, CLAIMANTS; see AURORA, AMER. BRIG; DELAWARE, AMER. BRIG GILMOUR, CHRISTINA COCHRANE, ALIAS GILMOUR; see COCHRANE (CHRISTINA) GILPIN (H. D.), ATTY. GEN. U. S. A. 1840 Dec. 14. Opinion; right of purchaser of Amistad to a register. (ii, Op. attys. gen., 1371; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 1371. GILPIN (THOMAS WILLIAM), of DEL. Amer. cons. for Belfast, 1830-40, and 1845–48; see |U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. 1836 Sept. 1. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Deportation of emigrants. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 5.) GINNATTY (THOMAS), ALIEN 1850 Sept. 20. To U. S. Senate. Praying to be allowed to hold real estate purchased by him. (31. 1. S. jol., 652.) 1850 Sept. 24. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Butler, Com. on Judiciary), bill (31. 1. S. 358) “to authorize Ginatty to hold and transmit eertain real estate ’’; approved Sept. 26. (31. 1. S. jol.; x, St. L., 804.) — Sept. 24. A. P. Butler, sen. from S. C. Remarks; in explanation and Support of S. 358, to authorize Thomas Ginnatty to hold and transmit certain real estate. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1960.) GIOBERTI (VINCENZO), 1801-52 Italian ministro degli affari esteri, Civil Service. 1849; see Italy. GIRO (WILLIAM LEACH) Amer. cons. for Alicante in 1853; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Spanish dominions. GLAHN (BONIFAZ) 1857 Jly. 3. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Vroom). Stnt. of facts regarding arrest at Weisen- fels, and compulsory enlistment in Prussian army; asks assistance in recovering rights. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 110.) — Jly. 11. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Vroom) to Glahn. Powerless to act in securing release, as he is within Prussian jurisdiction. (ib., 111.) — Jly. 14. Vroom to Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass). Compulsory enlistment in Prussian army of Glahn, claiming to be U. S. citizen; powerless to secure re- lease. (ib., 109.) — Sept. 19. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright) to Cass. Requests information of cases similar to that of Glahn. (ib., 112.) GLAMORGAN, AMER. SLAVER BRIG 1854 Mch. 10. Captured off Congo River by U. S. brig Perry (Page). (35. 2. H. ex: doc. 104, 32.) GLAMORGAN, AMER. SLAVER BRIG-cont’d 1854 Mch. 28. Br. comrs., Mixed Commission for Sup- pression of slavetrade under treaty of 1842 (Jack- son and Gabriel) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Detention of Amer. brig. Glamorga?! and bark Milanden, slavers. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 33.) — Je. 26. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Cramp- ton) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Detention of Amer. vessel Glamorgan, slaver, by Amer. brig Perry (Page). (ib., 32.) Aug. 2. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; introducing S. 488, to change name of Amer.-built brig Glamorgan to that of Wizard. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 2078.) GLANTZ (CHARLES W. F.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Stettin, 1857-58; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. GLARUS, CANTON. COUNCIL 1858 Mch, 19. To Swiss Federal Council. Declaration in reply to circular of Mch. 10, that only restriction agSt. Jews, in force in canton, is consent to right of establishment, no legislation on subject. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 39.) GLASGOW (EDWARD J.), OF MO. Amer. cons. for Guaymas, 1840-42; do. for Chihuahua in 1847; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. GLASGOW (SCOTLAND) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British Dominions GLASSELL (ANDREW), HEIRS OF 1848 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (30. 2. H. jol., 77.) — Dec. 14. To U. S. Senate. Same. (30. 2. S. jol., 64.) 1850 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 232.) — Jan. 7. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 56.) GLASSON (JOHN J.), OF N. Y. U. S. N., 1823-82. Lieut., 1837; comdr., active, 1855; retired, 1864; comdré., retired, 1867. Died Mch., 1882. Sea service in command (1837-61) : 1848, gºls, ſºon, Home sqdn. ; 1854, comdg. Leavington, ... l. SQCIIl. Comdg. Falcon 1848 Apr. 2. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Mason). Proc. of Falcon at Selam; urges Amer. intervention. (30. 1. S. ex, doc. 43, 29.) GLAWARRY (FRANCIS R.), OF NEW ORLEANS 1829 Dec. 22. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 40.) 1830 Feb. 22. U. S. S. select com. (Livingston). Rpt. to acc. petition of George R. Glavery and others, suf- ferers by French spoliations prior to Sept. 30, 1800. (21.1. S. doc. 68, 1; 21. 2. S. doc. 32, 1; 31. 1. S. rpt. 44, 6; H. rpt. 355, 6; 32. 1. S. rpt. 26, 4.) isºft 20. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., GLAZIER ( SAMUEL GLEASON (HARVEY), OF LA. Amer. cons. for Chagres, 1850-53; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Colombia. ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. SAMUEL; see GLEN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG IRIS; see IRIS 672 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GLEN AND CO., BR. SUBJECTS; CLAIM W.S. U. S. For seizure of merchandise at S. F. 1854 Oct. 18. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 71.) GLENBURN, AMER. BARK (TOBERHAM) Boarded in Cuban Waters bound for Havana from Ant- werp, Apr. 15, 1858, by H. B. M. str. Basilisk. 1858 Apr. 29. Amer. Cons. Havana (Blythe) to actg. Secy. State U. S. A. (Appleton). Case of Amer. brig A. A. Chapman; barque Glenburn (Toberham) ; etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 20; H. ex. doc. 132, 4.) — May 22. Cass to U. S. customs collector Bath, Me. (Berry). Instructions to secure information rela- tive to boarding of Amer. barque Glenburn and ship Grotto by Br. armed vessel not named. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 37; S. ex: doc. 61, 29.) GLENDY (WILLIAM M.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1818-73. , Lieut., 1827; comdr., 1847; capt., 1855; comdr., 1862. Died Jiyi, 1873. Sea, service in command (1828-61) : 1837-38, comdg. Enterprize, Pacific sqdn. ; 1850-52, comdg. Marion, E. I. sqdn. GLENN (JOHN), JOINT TRUSTEE IN CLAIM OF D. SMITH; see THOMAS (PHIL. E.) GLENN (JOHN) AND D. M. PERRINE, CLAIMANTS; see IMEXICAN CO. OF BALTIMORE GLENTWORTH (HORATIO DE V.), OF N. Y. Amer. Cons. for Rome in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. t GLIDDON (GEORGE R.) Amer, cons. for Cairo, 1837-L39] ; see also, U. S. A. Consular service. 1858 Apr. 30. U. S. House. Memorial of Anne, widow of G. R. Glidden, praying compensation for services of late husband. (35. 1. H. jol., 717.) GLIDDON (JOHN), OF ENGLAND Amer. cons. for Alexandria, 1835-44 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar Service. 1842 May 9. To U. S. House. Petition, praying payment of certain expenses incurred in discharge of consu- lar functions. (27. 2. H. jol., 794.) 1844 May 4. To same. Petition, praying extra compen- sation for services rendered while consul at Alex- andria, Egypt. (28. 1. H. jol., 876.) 1845 Dec. 18. To Same. Petition, heretofore presented May 4, 1844, presented (C. J. Ingersoll, Pa.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (29. 1. H. jol., 124.) GLISSON (OLIVER S.), OF IND. L. S. N., 1826-90. Ilieut., 1837; comdr., 1855; capt., 1862; comdre., 1866; rear-adm., 1870. Died Nov., 1890. Sea service in command (1837-61) : 1848, comdg. Reefer, Home sqdn. GLOBE, AMER. BARK Claim agst. Brazil under 1849 indemnity ; J. Devereux, claimant ; synopsis of award in v, Moore. Int. Arbi- tration, 4621 (53. 2., H. misc. doc., v. 39, 4621 ; do. 35. 2., S. ex. doc. 18, 115). GLOBE, AMER. BRIG 1833 Dec. 10. Agt. for claimants (Law) to comrS. un- der treaty with Naples. Request for sufficient grant of time to obtain necessary papers in case of brig Globe. (23. 1. H. doc. 179, 3.) GLOBE, AMER. SHIP 1824 Dec. Wm. Coffin, and others, to Pres. U. S. A. (Monroe). Late mutiny on board Globe. (29. 1. H. rpt. 108, 9.) GLOBE, AMER. SHIP (AUSTIN) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 38.) GLORY, AMER. SHIP (BAILY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 38.) GLOUCESTER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1835 Feb. 10. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying in- demnity for French spoliations. (23. 2. H. jol., 354.) 1836 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (24. 2. H. jol., 132.) 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 74.) — Dec. 18. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 123.) —- Dec. 18. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 120.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 227.) — Mch. 1. To U. S. Senate. In favor of recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. S. jol., 305.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (26. 1. H. jol., 719; 730.) 1842 Jan. 21. To House. In favor of recognition of Hayti. (27. 2. H. jol., 254.) 1843 Feb. 24. To same. Petition, for aid in colonization of free blacks on coast of Africa. (27.3. H. jol., 456.) GLOUCESTER (R. I.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) GLOUCESTER CO. (N. J.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 28. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 107.) 1838 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) 1839 Jan. 16. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 3. S. jol., 129.) — Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 474.) 1847 Feb. 8. To U. S. Senate. Praying adoption of prin- ciple of arbitration. (29. 2. S. jol., 174.) GLOWER ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG PERSEVERANCE; See PERSEWERANCE GLOWER (GEORGE B.), AMER. WICE-CONS., SHANGHAI 1858 Apr. 5. To taoutae of Shanghai (See). Must post- pone meeting with Reed, owing to latter’s press of business. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 248.) — Jly. 13. To Amer. Cons. Ningpo (Bradley). Mem- oranda of extra charges at Shanghai consulate; salary inadequate. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 92.) — Aug. 31. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed). Details respecting opium trade at Shanghai. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 501.) — Sept. 20. To A. Heard and co. Decision of Taoutae at Shanghai resp. duty on otter skins. (ib., 490.) GLOVER (S. E.), ET AL, SHIP-MASTERS, OWNERS, AND MERCHANTS OF N. Y. 1840 Feb. 5. To U. S. House. Petition, praying for in- vestigation into official conduct of N. P. Trist, while consul at Havana. (26. 1. H. jol., 291.) GLOVER (WILLIAM R.), OF KY. Amer. Cons. for Montere (1850-55) and for Vera Cruz (1852-54) ; see U. . A. Consular Service. Mexico. GLOVER (WM. R.) AND MATHER (THOS. W.) 1854 Je. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying indem- nity for property seized and confiscated by authori- ties of Mexican govt. in 1850. (33. 1. S. jol., 445.) —- Je. 24. To U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 1053.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 673 GLOWER (WM. R.) AND MATHER (THOS. W.)—cont’d 1854 Jly. 29. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to chrm. of Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Information resp. cases of James Selkirk and Mather and Glover. (33. 2. S. rpt. 536, 1.) 1855 Feb. 4. U. S. Foreign Relations Com. (Mason). Rpt. relative to petitions of Mather and Glover and of James Selkirk, praying indemnity for property seized and destroyed by authorities of Mexico. (33. 2. S. rpt. 536.) GLYNN (JAMES), OF CONN. D. S. N., 1815-71. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841; Capt., active, 1855; comdre., 1867. Died May 13, 1871. Sea service in command (1828-61) ; 1849-50, comdg. Preble, Pacific sqdn. ; 1861, comdg. Macedonian, Home sqdn. Comdg. Preble 1849 Apr. 18-26. Memoranda of interviews with Japa- nese officials. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 84, 28; 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 28.) — Apr. 19. To gov. of Nagasaki. Demands release of 16 Amer. seamen. (ib., 43; ib., 43.) º ——— Apr. 22. To supt. Dutch Trade, Decima (Levy’s- sohn). Reply to his of even date. (ib., 43; ib., 43.) 1851 Feb. 24. To Messrs. Howland and Aspinwall. Pros- pect of establishing a line of Strs. betw. Asia and America. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 57.) — Je. 10. Pres. U. S. A. (Fillmore). Remarks upon project of opening intercourse between U. S. and Japan; necessary Dutch and British conciliations before treaty negotiations can be begun; comment on unfavorable effect on Commodore Biddle's Visit to Japan on interests of U. S. (ib., 74.) GOBLET (A.) Belgian ministre intérimaire des affaires étrangères, 1832-33 ; see Belgium. Civil service. - GODEFROY, AMER. BARK 1488 empty bags confiscated by port authorities of Mººsa because of failure to include same in mani- €St. 1854 May 26. Minister of Foreign Relations of Spain (Calderon de la Barca) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. to Spain (Soulé). Digest of claims of U. S. pending against Spain, viz.: barque Godefroy; etc. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 92.) GODFREY (JOHN A.), OF CALIF. Amer. cons. for Guaymas, 1856-[58] ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Mexico. GODFREY, PATTISON AND CO., BR. SUBJECTS; CLAIM VS. U. S. FOT Fºment of duties levied contrary to treaty of 1855 Jan. 13. Claim agst, the U. S. under convention of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 103, 66.) —. Rpts. Of decisions of comrs. and arguments of Counsel. (ib., 301.) GODON (SYLVANUS WILLIAM), OF PENN. U. S. N.; 1819-79. Lieut., 1836; comdr., 1855; capt. 862; comdre., 1863; rear-adm., 1866. #idº; iſ,..., 1879. Sea service in , command (1836-61) : 1860-61, comdg. Mohican, African sqdn. GOELET (PETER), EXECR. OF PETER B. GOELET 1829 Feb. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. jol., 159.) — Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) GOERLITZ (FREDERICK) 1859 Dec. 2. To Secy. Navy U. S. A. (Toucey). Annual report; clause referring to liberation of Goerlitz, in Oct. 1858, through efforts of comdr. Davis, U. S. sloop St. Mary’s. GOFF ( : ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. HAWK; see HAWK GOGGIN (W. L.), REPR. FROM WA. 1848 Feb. 1. Speech; chiefly in reply to Rhett and Bed- inger, on Mexican war, course of Pres., and message of Jan. 12 in response to call for instructions Con- cerning return of Santa Ana to Mexico, etc.; during debate on annual message. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 276; app., 267.) — Apr. 12. Remarks; on H. R. 180, to amend act to provide for transportation of mail betw. U. S. and foreign countries, etc., retaliative measure with re- spect to Gr. Br. (ib., 30. 1., 619–622.) — Je. 21, 22. Remarks; on boundary of Texas; during debate on H. R. 260, to establish post routes. (ib., 859-860, 862.) GOLD (PETER), CLAIMANT; see WHITE (JOSEPH) GOLD HUNTER, AMER. STR. (MOTT) In service of Tehuantepec R.R. co. ; communication. See Mexico. Tehuantepec canal. GOLDEN EAGLE, AMER. COOLIE SHIP; see COOLIE TRADE GOLDEN ERA, AMER. BARQUE; ENGAGED IN PERUVIAN GUANO TRADE; see GUANO GOLDEN RULE, AMER. BARK 1855 Oct. 29. Amer. min. resident at Naples (Owen) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Suggests propriety of bestowing testimonials of gratitude upon foreign Subjects saving wrecked Amer. vessels and crews; Cases of Amer. barque Parama; do. Golden Rule. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 80.) GOLDING (ISAAC T.), OF N. J. Amer. cons. for Laguayra in 1853-[57] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Venezuela. Originally nominated as John T. Golding. GOLDSBOROUGH (LOUIS M.), OF MD. U. S. N., 1812-77. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841 : capt., 1855; rear-adm., 1862. . . Died Feb. 20, 1877. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1840-41, comdg. Enterprise, Brazil sqdn. ; 1853, comdg., Levant, Medn, sqdn. ; 1859-61, comdg. Congress, Brazil sqdn. GOLDSBURY (SAMUEL) 1838 Jan. 29. To U. S. House. Petition, praying indem- nity for property captured and condemned by Ne- apolitan govt. in 1807. (25. 2. H. jol., 327; 781.) — Apr. 17. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Howard). Adverse rpt. On claim of petitioner for Share in fund provided by Naples. (25. 2. H. rpt. 799.) GOLIAD (MEXICO) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico GOLLEDGE (RICHARD), SECY. TO GOV. WANCOUVER'S ISLAND 1858 Oct. 8. To U. S. specl. agt. to Victoria (Nugent). Gov. has constitutional authority to assign counsel for imprisoned Amer. citizens from resident mem- bers of Amer. bar; will submit question of consider- ation of law officers of colony. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 29, 21; H. ex. doc. 111, 21.) Oct. 14. To same. Crown solicitor's opinion that executive has no power to assign counsel from mem- bers of Amer. bar resident in Victoria for impris- oned Amer. citizens. (ib., 22; ib., 22.) 43 674 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GOLLEDGE (RICHARD), SECY. TO GOV. WANCOUVER'S ISLAND–cont’d 1858 Nov. 9. To same. Gov. finds he must adhere to de- cision regarding assignment of counsel; encloses Copy of rules of court bearing upon subject; all per- Sons accused of crimes tried by jury; accompanied by rules of Supreme Court of civil justice of Van- couver’s Is., resp. admission of practitioners, and copy of letter from Justice of the Peace, etc. (Pem- berton), to Gov. Douglas alleging ignorance of any convictions of Amer. citizens without Counsel. (ib., 24; ib., 24.) GOMES DE CASTRO (JOSE JOAQUIM), WISCONDE DE CASTRO Ministro dos negocios estrangeiros, Portugal, 1842-46 ; 1848-49. See also, Portugal. Civil service. 1842 Nov. 11. To Amer. chargé in Portugal (Barrow). Amer. duties on productions of Portugal. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 202, 21.) 1843 Feb. 9. To same. Claims of J. Hall and brig Gen- eral Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 44.) — Aug. 3. To same. General Armstrong claim is un- just. (ib., 48; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 14.) GOMEZ (EMANUEL) n. d. Claim agst. Brazil under 1849 indemnity. (V, Moore. Int. Arbitration, 4621; 53. 2. H. misc. doc., 4621.) Do. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 115.) Rejected on ground that it was included in claim of brig President Adams : see President Adams. GOMEZ (FRANCISCO) Jefe del Estado of Salvador, 1835-36 ; see Central America. GOMEZ (GREGORIO), COMMANDANT OF PLAZA AT VERA CRUZ 1836 Jan. 21. Ministr. de relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis). Case of Schr. Jefferson; removal of Gen. Gomez. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 18; S. doc. 160, 127.) — May 3. To Amer. cons., Tampico (Robertson). De- clines to permit Amer. Schr. Jefferson to enter port of Tampico. (ib., 10; ib., 118; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 231.) — May 5. To same. Relative to imprisonment of Lieut. Osborn. (ib., 13; ib., 121; ib., 232.) — Nov. 8. To Amer. cons. at Vera Cruz (Burrough). Summons to appear in court on behalf of imprisoned Amer. seamen. (24. 2. S. ex. doc. 160, 22; H. ex. doc. 139, 21; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 204.) — Nov. 10. Burrough to Ellis. Continued impris- onment of Amer. Seamen; Gen. GOmeZ Comman- dant of plaza; etc. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 15; H. ex. doc. 139, 15.) GOMEZ (IGNACIO), M. P. HONDURAS TO U. S. 1851 Jan. 31. To Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Webster). Ap- ptmt. as chargé of Salvador, Nicaragua and Hon- duras to U. S.; inquiry as to reception. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 97.) Feb. 7. Webster to Gomez. Assures cordial recep- tion to Gomez as chargé of Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras. (ib., 98.) GOMEZ (JUAN MARIA) New Granadan ministr. relac. est. in 1845; see Colom- bia. Civil Service. GOMEZ PEDRAZA; see PEDRAZA GonçALVES MARTINs (FRANCISCO), BARāo DE S. LouRENgo Brazilian secretario do imperio in 11 cabinet of regency of Pedro II, 1852 : see Brazil. Civil service. GONDIM; see DUARTE DE ARANJO GONDIM GONZALEZ (AMBROSIO JOSE) Implicated in Cuban insurrection of 1850; see Willa- Verde (C.). GONZALEZ (ANTONIO) Spanish secretario de estado during 15 ministry under Isabel II, 1841-42 ; see Spain. Civil service. GONZALEZ (CELESTINO) 1852 Apr. 13. To U. S. House. Petition, praying indem- nity for property destroyed in Mexico by Amer. army after suspension of hostilities. (32. 1. H. jol., 583.) 1853 Dec. 13. To same. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 74.) GONZALEZ (FLORENTINO) New Granadan ministr. relac. est. in 1836; see Colom- bia. Civil service. 1836 Mch. 27. To chargé U. S. in Colombia (McAfee). Negotiations for constructing road across Panama. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 28; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 34; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 266.) GONZALES (PEDRO) Chargé Central Amer. Confederation in the U. S., 1826- 28 ; see Central America. GONZALES ANGULO (BERNARDO) Ministr., relac. est., Mexico, 1832-33, during Gomez- Pedraza administration ; d.o. in 1833, during 1 Santa Anna administration; see also, Mexico. Civil serv- ICé. 1833 Jan. 2. To Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Ac- Cession of M. G. Pedraza to presidency; congratula- tions of diplomatic corps invited. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 464.) — Jan. 19. To Same. Pres. directs that established practice of transmitting certificates for issuing let- ters of safety be continued. (ib., 465.) — Jan. 21. To same. Returns, with exeguatur, com- mission of J. James, as Amer. cons. for Vera Cruz. (ib., 465.) — Jan. 25. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston). An- nouncing apptmt. of A. de Iturbide as successor to J. M. Montoya, chargé of Mexico at Washington. (ib., 682.) — Jan. 26. To Butler. Retirement of Don José M. Montoya; Don Augustin Iturbide appointed as Suc- cessor. (ib., 465.) — Feb. 14. To same. Mexico to appoint comrS. to carry into effect provisions of treaty of limits. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 32; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 136.) — Feb. 19. To Same. Rectification of misconduct of gov. of fortress of Perote upon a govt. courier, re- ferred to Secy. Of War. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 470.) — Feb. 21. To same. Receipt of note of 16 inst.; re- peats note of 14. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 137.) — Feb. 23. To Same. Pres. directs that corresp. con- cerning Outrages committed upon J. Baldwin be re- ferred to gov. of Vera Cruz. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 470.) — Feb. 27. To same. Sends copies of treaties of com- merce and limits betw. Mexico and U. S. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 137.) — Mch. 2. To same. Advices of intention of colonists of dept. of Bejar to Secede from state of Coahuila; requests that precautionary measures be taken to prevent assistance from inhabitants of adjacent Amer. states. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 471.) — Mich. 2. To same. Application of D. José Rivera to reside in Mexico denied under law relative to ex- pulsion of Spaniards. (ib., 471.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 675 GONZALES ANGULO (BERNARDO)—cont’d 1833 Mch. 8. To same. Expulsion of F. Arguelles from Mexico under law for expulsion of Spaniards be- Cause of deception practiced by him in obtaining papers of citizenship from U. S. (ib., 471.) – Mch. 8. To same. Reply of gov. of Vera Cruz rela- ãº, to outrages committed upon J. Baldwin. (ib., — Mch. 16. To same. Apptmt. of D. Jose M. Castaños, as Vice-cons. of U. S. for San Blas, not favored by Mexican govt. (ib., 474.) — Mch. 16. To same. Letter of safety granted to J. Capsson. (ib., 474.) — Mch. 16. To same. Order for delivery of effects of Amer. legation detained at custom house of Vera Cruz given. (ib., 475.) — Apr. 15. To Secy. of State, U. S. A. (McLane). Ap- ptmt. Of D. Joaquin M. Castillo as chargé of Mexico in U. S. (ib., 685.) GONZALEZ BRAVO (LUIS) Spanish secretario de estado during 21 ministry under Isabel II, 1843-44; see Spain. Civil service. GONZALEs SALMóN (MANUEL) Secretario de estado of Spain, 1826-32; see also, Spain. Civil Service. 1828 Jan. 16. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. in Spain (Everett). Spain declines to enter into negotia- tions for Settlement of spoliation claims. (20. 2. H. doc. 56, 10.) 1830 Aug. 10. To same (Van Ness). Note taken into consideration will shortly give answer; Spain as anxious as U. S. to see this question settled har- moniously, etc. (xi, Reg. Debates, app., 247.) — Oct. 31. To same. Demands of U. S. cannot be com- plied with; King has ratified previous decision; unsupported blockades of Gen. Morales not consid- ered by his majesty’s govt.; equality of circum- Stance not the same in Gr. Br. and U. S. (23. 2. S. doc. 147, 38; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 248.) 1831 Je. 10. To same. King receives favorably Amer. COmmunication concerning Sp. recognition of inde- pendence of Sp. Amer. colonies. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 668.) GONZALEZ DE LA WEGA (JOSE M.) Secy. Mexican legation in U. S. A.; actg. chargé, Jan.- May, 1852; see Mexico. Diplomatic service. GONZALEZ DE LA VEGA (JOSE M.), CHARGE AD INT., MEXICO IN U. S. 1852 Jan. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Protest against disorganized condition of U. S. Mexican boundary commission. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 120, 2.) — Mch. 25. To same. Preliminary declaration of Mexico’s stand in Tehuantepec affair; reply to note of Apr. 30, 1851. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 97, 140.) GONZALES Y AQUILA (PEDRO), MEXICAN WICE-CONS. FOR. N. Y. 1835 Jan. 21. E. E. and M. P. Mexico in U. S. A. (CaS- tillo) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Apptmt. of D. Pedro Gonzalez y Aquila. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 760.) — Jan. 23. Forsyth to Castillo. Recognition of D. Pedro Gonzalez y Aquila as Vice-cons. Mexico for N. Y. (ib., 701.) — Nov. 10. To distr. atty., so. distr. N. Y. (Price). Calling attention to a mtg. at the Shakespeare Hotel, N. Y. City, Nov. 7, 1835, in favor of aiding the cause of Texas. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 7.) Nov. 13. To same. Notification of a meeting held at Tammany Hall, N. Y. C., Nov. 12, 1835, in favor of cause of Texas. (ib., 8.) GOOCH (DANIEL W.), REPR. FROM MASS. 1859 Jan. 26. Remarks; favoring apprp. for support of captured Africans for one year. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 619.) — Mch. 2. Do.; opposing extravagance of contract made for use of vessels for Paraguay expedition. (ib., 1604.) GOOCH (WILLIAM B.) U. S. com/. agt. for Aux Cayes; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Haiti. GOOD (ALEXANDER. C.), CLAIMANT; see SWAN (JNO.), HEIRS OF GOOD FRIENDS, AMER. BRIG (HARLOW) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 38.) GOOD HOPE, AMER. BRIG; SEIZURE; see COXE (R. S.) GOOD RETURN, AMER. WESSEL 1858 Apr. 20. U. S. House. Res. (Buffinton, Mass.), call- ing for corresp. with govt. of Chile in regard to de- tention of Amer. Vessels Good Return and Franklin at port of Talcahuano in 1832. (35. 1. H. joi., 653.) GOODENOW (ROBERT), REPR. FROM ME. 1852 Feb. 13. Remarks; in support of H. R. 95, for re- lief of heirs of John Jackson. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 562-564.) — Aug. 5. Remarks; in Support of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 196, providing increase of salary of comr. to Sandwich Islands. (ib., 2094.) GOODHUE (BENJ.), EXECR. OF 1850 Jan. 3. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 216.) GOODRICH ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP BRUTUS; see BRUTUS GOODRICH ( ), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG YAN- KEE; see YANKEE GOODRICH (AARON), OF MINN. Secy. Amer. legation in Belgium, 1861-69 ; in 1862 and thereafter acted as chargé ad int. ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. GOODRICH (CHARLES S. J.), OF MASS. Amer. cons, for Lyons, 1852-54 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. GOODRICH (EDMUND) [SIC], H. B. M. COMR. BRIT. AND PORTUGUESE MIXED COMMISSION FOR SUPPRESSION OF SLAVETRADE UNDER TREATY OF 1842; see SLAVE TRADE. AFRICAN GOODRICH (JAMES), AND OTHERS, OF NEW HAVEN 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1846 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 70.) GOODRICH (SAMUEL J.), OF N. Y. Amer. Cons. for Paris, 1851-54 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. GOODRIDGE (S.W.) AND CO., OF N. Y. 1855 Jan. 9. Amer. Comr. in China (Parker). Award in case of S. W. Goodridge and co., N. Y. vs. Gow Kwa, Canton, former claiming of latter $1840.34, amount of loss by damage on matting per Countess of Seal- field. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 545.) 676 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GOODWIN (ALBERT), TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDITION; see TEXAS. SANTA FE EXPEDITION GOODWIN, CLARK AND CO., CLAIM w.S. MEXICO For non-performance of certain contracts on part of Mexican govt. n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 55.) GOODYEAR (CHARLES), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1846 Jan. 16. Speech; on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., app., 109.) G00TMANN (A. H.), AMER, CITIZEN 1853 Aug. 25. Gootmann to Amer. min. res. in Switzer- land (Fay). Business interests and personal safety endangered by refusal of right of residence, by Chaux de Fonds, on ground of Hebrew persuasion; accompanied by two notices to quit town. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 4.) — Aug. 31. Fay to President of Federal Council, Switzerland. Gootmann refused permission to re- Side in Canton of Neufchatel by municipal council Of º de Fonds because of Hebrew persuasion. (ib., 3. — Sept. 16. Switzerland Federal Council to Fay. Mu- nicipality of Chaux de Fonds notified of Gootmann Case, and requested to Consider note of min, res. Of U. S.; reasons for action of authorities. (ib., 5.) — Oct. 17. Fay to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Gootmann, Amer. citizen, twice ordered by authori- ties of Chaux de Fonds to quit country, on ground of being Israelite merchant. (ib., 2.) 1854 Feb. 10. Gootmann to Fay. Requests to be informed of result of endeavors to obtain for him domicil at Chaux de Fonds. (ib., 6.) — Feb. 14. Fay to Gootmann. Can obtain right of domicil only by treaty, and One is now negotiating betw. U. S. and Switzerland, independent of Sec- tarian considerations. (ib., 7.) — Feb. 14. Fay to Marcy. Encloses letter from A. H. Gootmann, who has been permitted to remain at Chaux de Fonds. (ib., 6.) 1856 Mch. 27. Fay to Swiss Federal Council. Requests intervention of federal council to obtain for A. H. Gootmann permis de Séjour in Canton of Neufchatel. (ib., 8.) — Apr. 7. Swiss Federal Council to Fay. Govt. of Neufchatel must respect will of municipalities in right of domicil, despite liberal principles of Can- ton; permission of residence to Mr. Gootmann in canton can be granted by cantonal authorities. (ib., 9.) — Apr. 9. Fay to Gootmann. Necessary to procure ad- ditional consent of authorities of commune to com- plete validity of permis de séjour accorded by can- ton. (ib., 11.) — Apr. 9. Fay to Swiss Federal Council. Receipt of note of 7 inst. (ib., 10.) — Apr. 16. Fay to Marcy. Municipality of Chaux de Fonds one of very few that persist in System of ex- clusion regarding right of domicil; requests in- structions regarding Gootmann case; acc. by Com- munication to federal council and certificate of character of GOOtmann. (ib., 7.) GORDON ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. ARGOS; see ARGOS GORDON (ALEXANDER G.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1818-49. Lieut., 1827; comdr., 1849, Died Oct. 11, 1849. Sea service in command (1828-49) : 1848-49, comdg. Porpoise, African sqdn. GORDON (EDWARD), MASTER SCHR. HUMBOLDT; see HUMBOLDT GORDON (GEORGE HAMILTON); see ABERDEEN (LORD) GORDON (GEORGE W.), OF N. H. Amer. Cons. for Rio de Janeiro, 1843-45; see U. S. A. Consular service. Brazil. 1844 Sept. 19. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise). Amer. brig Supposed to be Sooy. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 148, 36.) — Sept. ; To same. Information relating to Sooy. (ib., 38. — Sept. 27. To Amer. cons. Bahia (Tyler). Requests information in regard to brig Sooy. (ib., 50.) — Sept. 28. To Wise. Brig Sooy. (ib., 38.) — Oct. 21. To same. Brig Sooy. (ib., 49.) 1845 Jan. 28. To same. Strnt. of occurrences on board brig Porpoise Jan. 24, 1845, in port of Rio de Janeiro. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 99.) — Apr. 26. To Tyler. Transactions of brigantine Washington’s Barge and brig Albert on Mch. 14, 1845. (29. 1. H. rpt. 690, 38; 30. 2. H. ex: doc. 61, 188.) - GORDON (JAMES, J.R.) Amer. cons. for Payta in 1835; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Peru. GORDON (JAMES B.) Amer. cons. for Yagºso, 1860-61; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. hili. GORDON (JAMES WRIGHT), OF MICH. Amer. cons. for Pernambuco, 1850-54; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Brazil. GORDON (M. S.), MASTER AMER. BRIG SARAH GEORGE; see that title GORDON (NATHANIEL), MASTER AMER. SLAVER CAM- ARGO; see that title GORDON (NATHANIEL), MASTER AMER. SLAVER ERIE; See ERIE GORDON (SAMUEL), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1843 Feb. 21. To U. S. House. Speech, on bill making apprn. for commercial intercourse with China; de- ſºns administration. (xii, Cong. Globe, app., 162. 1845 Dec. 18. Remarks; opposing revision of naturaliza- tion laws. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 80.) 1846 Jan. 14. Speech on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul conv. of Aug. 6, 1827; urging termination of joint occupancy of Oregon, and measures for its occupation and settlement. (ib., 202; app., 115.) — Jan. 17. Remarks; opposing apprn, for distribution gºne, collected for U. S. citizens from Peru. (ib., — Apr. 15. Do.; favoring passage of bill protecting Amer. settlers in Oregon until end of joint occu- pancy. (ib., 677.) — Dec. 24. Do.; on President’s annual message and Mexican war. (ib., 29. 2., 82; app. 52.) 1847 Feb. 11. Do.; on Wilmot proviso and H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 29. 2., 388.) GORDON (WILLIAM L.), OF. W.A. U. S. N., 1809-34. Lieut., 1814; comdr., 1828. Died Apr. 5 (ann. rpt. secy. navy), May 25 (Hamersly, ed. jº 1834. Sea service in command (1828- 34) : 1831 comdg. Ontario, Medn. sqdn. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 677 GORDON, AMER. SCHR. Fired § by H. B. M. sloop Stya, in Gulf of Mexico in 1858 May 29. Secy. State U. S. A. (Cass) to U. S. cus- toms collector, Savannah (Boston). Instructions to Secure information of firing of Amer. Schr. Gordon by Br. Str. Stya. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 44.) GORE (AUGUSTUS FREDERICK), H. B. M. COLONIAL SECY. BELIZE 1852 Jly. 17. Proclamation; announcing Br. jurisdic- tion over “Colony of Bay Islands.” (32. 2. S. rpt. 407, 2.) GOREE, MARQUISE DE LA; see ROCHAMBEAU CLAIM GORGON, H. B. M. STR. (PAYNTER); see also, PAYNTER (T. A.) * GORGON, B.R. SHIP (PAYNTER) 1849 Oct. 25. Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Tigre Is. Seized by Br. force under order from comdr. Paynter, Br. Str. Gorgon. (31. 2. H. ex. doc. 75, 218; S. ex: doc. 43, 3.) Both of these entries are extracts ; the extr. in the S. doc. is much fuller than that in the H. doc. GORHAM (BENJAMIN), REPR. FROM MASS. 1828 Dec. 30. Speech; in opposition to bill authorizing occupation and settlement of Oregon terr., urging nature of country, and unsettled questions of juris- diction and title, as deterrents. (W, Reg. Debates, 137.) 1835 Mch. 2. Remarks; denying that war with France is inevitable. (xi, ib., 1631.) GORHAM (J. WARREN), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Jerusalem, 1858-60; see also U. S. A. Consular service. Turkish dominions. 1858 Jan. 17. To Amer. cons. gen. Turkey (Brown). Attack on house of W. Dickson, Amer. Citizen at Jaffa; murder of F. Steinbeck, Prussian with Amer. letters of protection. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 54, 2.) — Feb. 3. [no. 4.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (CaSS). Proc. in Jaffa subsequent to attack on house of W. Dickson. (ib., 13.) — Feb. 16. To Brown. Imprisonment of persons at- tacking house of W. Dickson at Jaffa. (ib., 14.) — Feb. 26. To same. Arrest of last of perpetrators in Dickson outrage at Jaffa. (ib., 22.) GORHAM (ME.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 9. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying meas- ures for congress of nations. (26. 1. S. jol., 229.) GoRMAN (A. G.), CLAIMANT; see GLOSSELL (ANDREW), ATTY. FOR EXECR. OF GORMAN (WILLIS), REPR. FROM IND. 1850 Aug. 30. Speech; on Texas boundary bill, S. 307; title to terr. e. of the Rio Grande; etc. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1716; app., 1204.) GOROSTIAGA (JOSE BENJAMIN), MINISTRO DE HACI- ENDA, ARGENTINE REPUBLIC 1853 JIy. 10. Signs treaty on part of Argentine with U. S. for free navigation of rivers of Paraná and Uruguay; see Argentine Republic. Treaties. — JIy. 27. Signs treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation on part of Argentina With U. S.; See Sarºle. GOROSTIZA (MANUEL EDUARD0) DE Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S., Mch.-Oct., 1836; see also, Mexico. Diplomatic service. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico, 1838-39, under 2 Bustamente admin- istration ; 1839, under 2 Sta. Anna and 3 Busta- mente administration. Ministro de hacienda, Mexico, 1842-43 ; see Mexico. Civil service. E. E. and M. P. Mea;ico to U. S. A. 1836 Jan. 19. President ad int. of Mexico to President of U. S. A. (Jackson). Señor M. E. Gorostiza accred- ited, E. E., etc., from Mexico near govt. of U. S. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 733.) — Jan. 19. Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Monas- terio) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Same. (ib., 725.) — Jan. 26. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler) to For- syth. Apptmt. of D. Miguel [sic] Gorostiza, as E. E. from Mexico to the U. S. (ib., 576.) — Mch. 8. Mexican chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Cas- tillo) to Forsyth. Don M. E. de Gorostiza, M. P., etc., for Mexico near govt. of U. S. arrives in N. Y. (ib., 732.) — Mch. 24. Gorostiza to Forsyth. Requests audience for delivery of his letters. (ib., 733.) — Mch. 24. Forsyth to Gorostiza. Makes apptmt. to present Gorostiza to the President. (ib., 733.) — Dec. 9. Amer. chargé in Mexico (Ellis) to Forsyth. Arrival of Gorostiza; paper announces that his con- duct in U. S. has recd. approval of competent au- thorities. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 244.) — Dec. 10. Forsyth to Ellis. Instructions for repre- Sentation in case of Gorostiza’s termination of his mission; of Amer. invasion of Texas; Gorostiza pamphlet. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 47; S. doc. 160, 157.) — Dec. 21. Ministr. de relac. est., Mexico (Monas- terio) to Ellis. Approves of withdrawal of Gorostiza. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 83; H. ex: doc. 139, 80.) Dec. 27. Ellis to Forsyth. Forwards copies of notes from Monasterio on withdrawal of Gorostiza from Washington; inquiry as to cause of Ellis’ proposed departure, views inquiry in light of discourteous refusal of passports. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 220.) Correspondence Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) 1836 Mch. 24. Requests audience for delivery of his let- ters. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 733.) — Mch. 28. Hectifying ambiguity in terms of second additional art. Of treaty of limits. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 83; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 149.) — Mch. 29. TranSmits list of attachés and of domes- tics of Mexican legation. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 734.) — Apr. 4. Conclusion of second additional art. Of treaty of limits. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 86; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 150.) — Apr. 4. Efforts of F. Huston to enlist volunteers in Ky. to increase forces of Texan insurgents. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 256, 13.) — Apr. 5. Prepared to sign 26 additional art. to treaty of limits of 1835. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 734.) — Apr. 18. Mr. Castillo has arrived for purpose of ex- changing ratifications on second additional art. Of treaty of limits. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 151.) — Apr. 23. Reply to Verbal communication in confer- ence of Apr. 20, 1836; contest in Texas. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 256, 18.) — Apr. 28. Jurisdiction over terr. of Texas; Gen. Gaines not to proceed beyond limits of U. S. (ib., 22.) — May 4. Position of troops under Gen. Gaines. (ib., 24.) — May 9. Protest agst. instructions to Gen. Gaines to proceed to Nacogdoches. (ib., 26.) 678 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GOROSTIZA (MANUEL EDUARDO) DE—cont’d E. E. and M. P. Mea;ico to U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Forsyth)—cont’d 1836 May 10. Protest agst. publication, on Apr. 21, of memorandum of conference of Apr. 20. (ib., 27.) — May 14. Objecting to orders given to Gen. Gaines to advance on Nacogdoches, allowing troops of friendly power to enter terr. of another, etc.; denying sus- picions of U. S.; and existence of Texas Republic. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 28; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 176.) — May 24. Amazed that measures are in progress to recognize independence of Texas; total disregard of rights of neighboring power; etc. (ib., 32; ib., 177.) — May 31. Transmits letter of Pres. of Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 742.) — Jly. 9. New Comrs. Of so-called govt. of Texas are about to arrive, and may bring some agreement with Gen. Santa Anna; calls attention to 3rd art. of law of Mexican Congress of May 20th last, declaring all Such agreement void ab initio; encloses copy of law. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 35; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 178.) — Jly. 21. Resp. StrmtS. published in Morning Courier, etc., of N. Y., of Jly. 20, concerning a body of Ken- tuckians commanded by Col. Wilson, en route to Texas; asks enforcement of neutrality laws. (ib., 38; ib., 179.) Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Dickins) © 1836 Jly. 28. Protest agst. editorial in “Globe '’ of Jly. 28, imputing to Pres. Of U. S. remarks derogatory to Pres. of Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 749.) — JIy. 28. Protests again in name of govt. agst. U. S. troops in Mexican terr. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 43; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 180.) — Aug. 2. Asks if despatches have been recd. from Gen Gaines; confirming strmt. in New Orleans “Ga- zette,” that general has crossed the Sabine and is with his troops at Nacogdoches. (ib., 46; xiv, ib., app., 181.) — Aug. 3. Maintains that Pres. of U. S. has been calumniated by editorial in the “Globe.” (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 750.) — Aug. 4. Further protest agst. U. S. troop on Mexi- can terr. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 181; 24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 48.) — Aug. 10. Requests, in case fresh despatches arrive announcing that Gen. Gaines has crossed Sabine, that he may be informed. (ib., 182; ib., 50.) — Aug. 21. Urges U. S. to prevent blockade of port of Matamoras on grounds of piracy; Texas, as yet un- recognized, has no authority to Commission Vessel of War. (ib., 183; ib., 54.) — Aug. 26. Gratified at learning Gen. Gaines had not crossed Sabine as late as 22nd. (ib., 183; ib., 56.) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) 1836 Sept. 3. President’s disapproval of requisition of Gen. Gaines will be recd. With Satisfaction in Mex- ico; will President withdraw authority to advance on Nacogdoches? (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 185; 24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 61.) — Sept. 9. Fears Gen. Dunlap is raising troops in Tenn. for Texas; calls attention of Dept. to fact. (ib., 185; ib., 63.) — Sept. 10. Has little doubt that Mexican terr. has been violated by U. S. troops; res. of the President Will determine if goodwill is to exist betw. the two countries; if adverse, determines existence of his mission. (ib., 186; ib., 66.) GOROSTIZA (MANUEL EDUARDO) DE—cont’d E. E. and M. P. Mearico to U. S. A.—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Forsyth)—cont’d 1836 Sept. 12. Protest agst. admittance, at port of N. Y., of So-called Texan flag; encloses copies of replies to protests addressed to customs collector; etc. (ib., 187; ib., 71.) – Sept. 18. Makes apptmt. for 21st or 22nd inst. (ib., 199; ib., 80.) — Sept. 23. Calls attention to rpts. on Texan re- lations betw. Gen. Houston and Gen. Dunlap; as they are undenied, relies on Dept. of State to inform him if cause for alarm. (ib., 192; ib., 84.) — Sept. 27. Finds stnt. of Secy. Of State substanti- ally correct; agrees that if Mexico incited the In- dians agst. U. S., in such a case only would U. S. be justified in occupying temporarily Mexican terr. (ib., 192; ib., 86.) Actg. Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Dickins) 1836 Oct. 1. Fears confirmed; Gen. Houston’s proclama- tion. On pretext of Indians to send reinforcements to U. S. troops, etc.; easy for troops of both to frater- nize and battle agst. Mexicans; entreats that note be placed before President as speedily as possible. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 192; 24. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 88.) — Oct. 15. Views invasion of Mexican terr. by U. S. troops as an offense to Mexico without provocation; considers his mission closed and requests passports. (ib., 195; ib., 96.) Secretario de Hacienda, Mearico 1843 Jan. 30. Signs conv. further providing for payment of awards . . . betw. Mexico and U. S.; see Mexico. Claims. GOROSTIZA PAMPHLET 1836 Dec. 10. Forsyth to Ellis. Instructions in case of Gorostiza’s termination of his mission; Gorostiza, pamphlet; etc. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 47; S. doc. 160, 157.) 1837. Correspondencia que ha mediado entre la legacion extraordinaria de Mexico y el departamento de es- tado dos Estados Unidos, sobre el Paso de Sabina por las tropas que mandada el General Gaines [Goro- Stiza pamphlet]. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 190, 2.) — Nov. 18. Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Mar- tinez) to Forsyth. Defends publication of “Goros- tiza pamphlet.” (25. 2. H. doc. 3, 119.) Dec. 18. U. S. House. Res. (Adams, Mass.), call- ing for copy and translation of pamphlet alleged to have been circulated by late min. from Mexico (Gor- OStiza) before departure from U. S. (25. 2. H. jol., 108; 487.) 1838 Jan. 11. U. S. House. Res. (Adams) that Presi- dent be requested to communicate a copy and trans- lation of pamphlet printed and circulated by late minister from Mexico (Gorostiza) and name of ºuonary who furnished copy. (vi, Cong. Globe, — Jan. 11. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Motion to amend res. on libellous pamphlet of ex-minister from Mexico (Gorostiza) with remarks in defense § minister who communicated pamphlet. (ib., 93- 94. — Jan. 11. C. E. Haynes, repr. from Ga. Remarks; fa- Voring withholding of name of foreign officials who º copy of Gorostiza’s pamphlet to State Dept. (ib., 95.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 6.79 GOROSTRZA PAMPHLET-cont’d 1838 Jan. 11. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Speech; Supporting his res. calling for copy and source of pamphlet circulated by late min. from Mexico (Gor- Ostiza) before departure. (ib., 93.) — Jan. 13. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; in Support of res. concerning pamphlet of ex-minister from Mexico. (ib., 100.) - Jan. 18. Same. Same. (ib., 119.) — Feb. 2. B. C. Howard, repr. from Md. Do.; in reply to Adams, opposing publication of name of foreign officials who sent copy of Gorostiza’s pamphlet to State Dept. (ib., 154.) — Feb. 2. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Do.; Sup- porting his res. regarding copy and source of Gor- Ostiza’s pamphlet. (ib., 154.) — Mch. 19. U. S. House. Motion (Adams) to have map acC. Gorostiza pamphlet, printed. (ib., 242; 25. 2. H. jol., 626.) GORTON ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. ANN BALLARD; See ANN BALLARD GOSFORD (EARL OF), GOV.-IN-CHIEF OF CANADA, AUG. 1835-FEB., 1838 1835 Dec. 26. To H. B. M. chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (Bankhead). Encroachments by fishermen of U. S. on limits of Br. fisheries. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 55.) GOSHEN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Feb. 11. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 157.) 1847 Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Praying measures to ter- minate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 224.) GOSHEN (N.H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) GOSHEN (VT.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. H. jol., 1126.) GOSS (GEORGE G.) 1850 Mch. 11. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying pur- chase of burial-ground near city of Mexico, used for interment of Amer. Citizens during occupation of that city by U. S. army. (31. 1. S. jol., 204; 214.) 1851 Oct. 25. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Letcher). Delay in work on Amer. cemetery near city of Mexico. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 84, 9.) 1852 Feb. 26. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Land purchased and improved for Amer. cemetery in city of Mexico. (ib., 10.) 1860 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying com- pensation for services and expenses in establishing an Amer. Cemetery near city of Mexico. (36. 1. H. jol., 268.) — Mch. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 486.) GOSSLER (GUSTAWUS), PRUSSIAN CONSUL AT BOSTON 1844 Je. 8. To comr. U. S. circuit court, Mass. distr. (Curtis). Refusal of crew of Borussia to sail under command of O. F. Hartwig. (29. 1. H. rpt. 422, 4.) GOTHENBURG (SWEDEN) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Sweden and Nor- way GOUGH (R.S.), DEPONENT IN CASE OF CYRUS; see CYRUS GOULD (J.), U. S. CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, ROCHESTER, N.Y. 1837 Dec. 21. To U. S. distr. atty., Little Falls (Benton). Citizens of Rochester joining Canadian insurgents at Navy Is. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 47.) — Dec. 22. To same. Removal of pieces of State ar- tillery to Navy Is. (ib., 45.) GOUNDIE (GEORGE H.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Basel, 1845-50 ; do. for Zürich, 1854-61 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Switzerland. Consul at Basel 1846 Mch. 27. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. Of State U. S. A. (Buchanan). Deportation of criminals and pauperS. (29. 2. S. doc. 161, 1.) 1849 Jan. 11. To U. S. House. Petition, praying allow- ance of $100 per annum for office rent. (30. 2. H. jol., 235.) Consul at Zürich, 1855 Mch. 3. To U. S. customs collector, port of N. Y. (Redfield). Notice of transportation. Of pauperS from canton Argovia; another company to be Sent shortly. (34. 1. H. rpt. 359, 145.) — Mch. 12. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). High cost of living in Zürich; unable to keep family there. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 49, 5.) — May 8. [no. 14, extr.] To same. Preponderance of business at Zürich consulate over that at Basle or Geneva. (ib., 6.) 1858 Jan. 25. Ino. 2, extr.] To same (Cass). Protest agst. denial of payment of office rent to consuls al- lowed to trade; trading privilege in inland consu- late valueless. (ib., 4.) 1859 Jan. 12. Strmt. relative to duties and expenses of consulate at Zürich; praying correction of certain inequalities in Swiss consulates and allowance of deficiency. (ib., 3.) s GOURLY (J.) AND CO., CLAIMANT; see GENERAL MO- RALES, AMER. BRIG GOUVERNEUR (SAMUEL L., JR.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Foo Choo, 1859-61; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. China. GOUVERNEUR (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 228.) GOVER ( EANOR GOVERNOR GORE, AMER. SHIP (WADDELL) n. d. Summary of award made by COmrS. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 38.) ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. ELEANOR; see EL- GOVERNOR MORTON, AMER. COOLIE SHIP; see COOLIE TRADE GOVERNOR STRONG, AMER. SHIP (LORD) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 38.) GOWER (GRANVILLE GEORGE LEVESON), 2D EARL GRAN- WILLE; see GRANVILLE (LORD) GOYENECHE (WILLIAM) 1851 Nov. 11. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Letcher). Gardiner claim. (32. 2. H. rpt. 1, 123.) 680. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GRACE, AMER. SHIP (LINZEE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 39.) GRACE ANN, AMER. SCHR. - 1826 Mch. 20. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Raguet) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clay). Seizure of schr. Grace Ann; order prohibiting carrying of cargoes of foreign pro- º ports of Buenos Ayres; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. GRAEBE (CHARLES), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Hesse-Cassel in 1835; do. for Hanover and Hesse-Darmstadt. 1844-54 (Westphalia and Prussian Rhine provinces, 1846–50) ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. 1836 Sept. 8. To Secy. of the Treasury U. S. A. (Wood- º). Deportation of emigrants. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, GRAEF (ARNOLD), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Dresden in 1854; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. GRAFF (ELIE BEATTY), OF MD. Amer, cons. for Nassau, N. P., in 1850; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. GRAFF (FREDERICK), SUPT. FAIRMOUNT WATERWORKS 1853 Nov. 5. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Testi- mony as to good character of Wm. Freeburn, late of bark Jasper. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 268.) GRAFFAN (J. A.), MATE AMER. VESSEL GEORGIANA; see CUBA. INSURRECTIONS. GRAFTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1842 Mch. 29. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 626.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) GRAFTON (VT.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 8. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 236.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House.; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 604.) GRAHAM (GEORGE) 1818 Sept. 9. To Secy. of State (Adams). Possession of Galveston by U. S. is only way by which Smuggling can be effectually suppressed. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 72.) GRAHAM (JAMES D.), MAJ. U. S. TOPOGR. ENGINEERS Amer. jt. comr. under act of JIy. 20, 1840, to survey boundary betw. Maine and New Hampshire and Br. provinces; see N. E. Boundary controversy, 1827 arbitl’ation. Astronomer to Amer. Commission to run boundary betw. Mexico and U. S. under art. 1, Gadsden treaty ; see Mexico. Boundary. 1840 Feb. 16. To U. S. Mexican boundary comr. (Over- ton). Rpt. of conference with Texan boundary comr. (Hunt). (27. 2. S. doc. 199, 16; H. ex: doc. 51, 15.) GRAHAM (JOHN), AMERICAN COMR. TO SOUTH AMERICA; see SOUTH AMERICAN COMMISSION GRAHAM (JOHN), MASTER STR. UNITED STATES; see that title GRAHAM (JOHN), MASTER BARQUE PONS; see PONS GRAHAM (JOSEPH), OF OHIO Amer. cons. for Buenos Aires in 1845; and from 1848 to §I." U. S. A. Consular service. Argentine Re- pull)ilC. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1854 JIy. 28. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (33. 1. S. 479) “for relief of Joseph Graham.” (33. 1. S. jol., 587; 33. 2. S. jol., 437.) 1856 May 23. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (34. 1. S. 333), “for relief of Joseph Graham ”; approved Mch. 3, 1857. (34. 1. S. jol., 353, 482; xi, St. L., 511.) CORRESPONDENCE * 1854 Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Petition, praying for Com- pensation as chargé at Buenos Ayres. (33. 1. H. jol., 207.) — JIy. 13. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying Com- pensation for diplomatic Services while U. S. consul at Buenos Ayres. (33. 1. S. jol., 500.) — JIy. 28. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 479 in favor of Graham petition of 13 inst. (33. 1. S. rpt. 377.) 1856 Apr. 25. U. S. Senate. Memorial of J oseph Graham, praying compensation for diplomatic services at fuenos Ayres. (34. 1. S. jol., 281.) — May 23. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. in favor of S. 333 providing for payment of dipl. services in the Argentine Republic. (34. 1. S. rpt. 187.) 1857 Jan. 24. U. S. Com. Foreign Affairs (Sherman). Favorable rpt. on memorial of J. Graham for Com- pensation as chargé at Buenos Ayres during absence of Mr. Pendleton on special mission to Paraguay and Uruguay. (34. 3. H. rpt. 147.) Joint Memorialist; see Brent (G. L.) and Graham (J.) GRAHAM (WILLIAM A.), OF N. C. Sen. from North Carolina, 1840-43; secy. navy, U. S.A., 1850-52. Senator from N. C. 1840 May 2. Remarks; favoring striking Out item for salaries to chargés to Belgium and Naples. (Viii, Cong. Globe, 373.) 1842 Jan. 11. Do.; defending use of word slave in Créole resolution. (xi, ib., 116.) Secretary of the Navy 1851 Apr. 4. To comdr. U. S. Mediterranean sqdn. (Mor- gan). Instructions for embarkation of Kossuth and associates for U. S. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 78, 23.) — May. To comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Laval- lette). Instructions on relieving Comdr. Gregory in command of African sqdn. (35. 2. H. ex: doc. 104, 14.) — Dec. [?]. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Parker). Instructions resp, Prometheus affair. (p. 110, Cor- resp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, V. 60.) 1852 Feb. 21. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Re: turns despatch from Amer. cons. at Havana, dated Feb. 9, 1852, in case of Thrasher. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 120.) — Apr. 13. To same. Comdre. Stringham instructed to hold vessel of Mediterranean sqdn. in readiness to convey F. Dainese from Spezzia to Constanti- nople. (34. 3. H. ex: doc. 82, 53.) — Je. 8. To same. Vessel of Pacific sqdn. Ordered to Lobos Is. to protect citizens of U. S. resorting thither. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, pt. 2, 8.) — Je. 16. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (McCauley). Instructed to send vessel to Lobos islands for pro- tection of U. S. citizens and commerce. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 3.) * INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 681 GRAMPUS, U. S. SCHR., 1821 In commission $18.4% 1828-29. W. I. sqdn. (Lati- ; , 1830, do. (Mayo) ; 1831, do. (Tattnall) ; 1833-33, do.'(Smoot); #34, do. (White); 1835, do. (Ritchie) ; 1836, do. (McIntosh) ; 1837, do. (Peck) ; 838, do. (Paine) ; 1839, do. E. coast U. S. (do.) ; 1840-41, African coast service (do.) ; 1842, Home sqdn. (Van Brunt) ; 1843, do. (Downes). łost in 1843. See *bowne, (A. E.). 1830 Je. 4. Captures Span. slaver Fenia; ; see Fenia. 1832. Captures Mexican schr. Montezuma; see that title. 1840 Jan. 3. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Paulding) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Grampus ordered to con- vey Amistad negroes to Cuba. (26.1. H. ex. doc. 185, 68.) — Mch. 11. Copy of agreement exchanged betw. comdr. Wm. Tucker, H. B. M. ship Wolverine, and lieut. Jno. S. Paine, U. S. Schr. Grampus, for Sup- pression of slavetrade. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 58.) — Mch. 12. Comdr. H. M. sloop Wolverine (Tucker) to rear admiral, H. M. Navy (Elliot). Arrival of Grampus at Sierra Leone to assist in Suppression of slavetrade and illicit use of Amer. flag. (27. 3. H. doc. 283, 655.) — Aug. 15. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Gratification at cooperation of Br. brig Wolverine and Amer. Schr. Grampus in suppression of African slavetrade. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 177; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 6.) 1841 Aug. 9. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Steven- son) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Agreement betw. Paine and Tucker for Suppression of slavetrade, probably unauthorized on part of U. S. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 57.) —— Aug. 17. Palmerston to Stevenson. Copy of agree- ment betw. capt. Tucker (Wolverine) and lt. Paine (Grampus). (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 22.) — Aug. 18. Stevenson to Webster. Agreement betw. Payne and Tucker for suppression of slavetrade. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 51.) 1842 May 2. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Agree- ment with W. Tucker Comdg. H. B. M. sloop Wolver- ine, relative to detention of vessels engaged in slave- trade. (27. 3. S. doc. 1, 107; H. ex. doc. 2, 105; xii, Cong. Globe, 23.) 1844 Je. 15. An act for relief of widows and orphans of officers, seamen and marines of U. S. Schr. Grampus, and for other purposes. (V, St. L., 665.) GRANADA (SPAIN) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service; Spanish Dominions GRANBERY (MARY), ADMX. OF JAS. GRANBERY 1829 Jan. 26. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. jol., 91.) — Dec. 22. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 40.) GRANBY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 8. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 236.) GRANBY (N.H.) CITIZENS * 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) GRANBY (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 27. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 162.) GRANGER (FRANCIS), OF N. Y. Repr., from New York to 24, 26-27 cong., 1835-37, 1839- 43; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 26-27 cong., 1839-43. Bills Introduced 1840 Apr. 30. For relief of Chas. G. Ridgely. (26. 1. H. R. 399.) GRANGER (FRANCIS), OF N. Y.-cont’d Remarks made 1836 May 31. Land grants to Polish exiles. Debates, 4103.) 1841 Jan. 4. Trial of Alex. McLeod, and attitude of British govt. (ix, Cong. Globe, 80.) — Feb. 13. Unfavorable to rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs relative to burning of Caroline and demand for liberation of Alex. McLeod; with special refer- ences to case of McLeod. (ib., 171, 173.) 1843 Feb. 2. Asking to be excused from Voting On res. regarding invasion of Mexican terr. by capt. T. Ap C. Jones. (xii, ib., 235.) Reports made 1840 Apr. 30. To acc. H. R. 399, for relief of Chas. G. Ridgely. (26. 1. H. rpt. 498.) GRANT CO. (IND.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 170.) 1850 Feb. 6. To U. S. Senate. In favor of arbitration. (31. 1. S. jol., 133.) GRANTHAM (HENRY A.), AMER. CONS. AGT., YARMOUTH, N. S. 1839 Je. 18. To comdr. U. S. R. C. Hamilton (Sturgis). Stmt. of seizure of Amer. fishing schrs. Independ- ence, Magnolia, Java and Hart by Br. Vessel Victory. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 28; 32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 59; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 86.) GRANTHAM (N. H.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) GRANWILLE (GRANVILLE G. L. GOWER), 2D EARL GRAN- WILLE (xii, Reg. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office during Russell ministry, 1851-52; see Great Britain. Civil service. 1851 Dec. 30. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). Disavows responsibility of Br. govt. in Case of Amer. Str. Prometheus. (32. 1. S. ex: doc. 30, 5.) 1852 Jan. 2. To Same. Reply to his note of even date. (p. 108, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) — Jan. 10. To Same. Representation in case of Amer. Str. Prometheus; apology. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 7.) — Jan. 23. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton). Approves proc. rptd. in his note of 4 inst. (p. 126, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer- ica; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Jan. 23. To same. Instructions; to express wish of H. M. govt. for resumption of conferences on Central American and Mosquito question. (ib., 123.) — Jan. 23. To Same. Plans for settlement of question resp. Greytown; future protection of Mosquito In- dians. (ib., 124.) — Feb. 13. To E. E. and M. P. Nicaragua to U. S. A. (Marcoleta). Power to negotiate relative to Nicara- gua Conferred upon Br. E. E. and M. P. to U. S. A. (Crampton); referred to Crampton. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 25, 61.) — Feb. 20. To Crampton. State of affairs at Grey- town requires speedy settlement of pending QUIeS- tion. (p. 126, Corresp. with U. S. re Central Amer- ica; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) GRANVILLE (ILL.) CITIZENS 1847 Feb. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying meas. j to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 682 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GRANVILLE (0.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 446.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) — Feb. 18. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (ib., 608.) GRANVILLE (VT.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) — Feb. 4. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 472.) GRASH (H. F.); TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDITION; see TEXAS. SANTA FE EXPEDITION GRATZ (HYMAN), CLAIMANT; see ORIENT, AMER. BRIG GRAUBüNDEN, CANTON. councIL 1858 Mch. 19. To Swiss Federal Council. Declaration, in reply to circular of Mch. 10, that only restrictions agSt. Jews in force in canton are art. 1, ordinance of 1852, on right of establishment, and the resolution of Council of Apr. 27, 1857, extending privileges to Swiss Jews. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 76, 52.) GRAVES (WILLIAM J.), REPR. FROM KY. 1840 May 2. Remarks; favoring striking out of item for Salaries to chargés to Belgium and Naples. (viii, Cong. Globe, 373.) GRAVINA AND RESUESENZ (MICHAEL), PRINCE OF COMITINI 1845 Dec. 1. Signs treaty of commerce, etc., betw. Two Sicilies and U. S.; see Two Sicilies. Treaties. 1855 Oct. 1. Signs conv. of amity, etc., betw. Two Sicilies and U. S.; see same. GRAY ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG PIZARR0; see PIZARRO GRAY (ANDREW B.), OF TEXAS Amer. surveyor for running boundary betw. Mexico and U. S. A. under art. 5, treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ; See Mexico. Boundary. GRAY (FRANCIS A.), CLAIMANT W.S. BRAZIL; see FLOR- ENCE, AMER. SHIP GRAY (FRANCIS C.) ET AL., EXECRS. OF WM. GRAY 1840 Je. 13. To U. S. House. Petition, praying indemnity for French Spoliations prior to 1801. (26. 1. H. jol., 1115.) GRAY (FRANKLIN C.) 1852 Mch. 11. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying tri- bunal to review decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 267.) GRAY (HIRAM), SEN. FROM N. Y. 1838 Jan. 8. Remarks; Opposing any course regarding Carolina outrage tending to embroil U. S. With Gr. Br. (vi, Cong. Globe, 82.) GRAY (JAMES W.), CLAIMANT; see GRAY (JOHN) GRAY (JOHN), CLAIMANT 1836 Feb. 20. To U. S. House. Memorial of Eliza Beard and others, relative to claim in favor of David Beard, heir of J. Gray, for property destroyed at Detroit by Br. during late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 407.) 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 120.) 1838 Dec. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 86; 255; 519.) 1840 Feb. 6. To U. S. House. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 335.) GRAY (LUCY G.) 1858 Jan. 12. To U. S. House. Petition, praying competi- sation for property destroyed by enemy in 1814. (35. 1. H. jol., 163; 223.) GRAY (SAM), MNGR. IN CHINA OF U. S. ORIENTAL BANK ASSN.; see CHINA. CANTON. CONSULAR COURTS GRAY (THOMAS R.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Tabasco, 1836-37; do. for Velasco, 1837; See U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. DO. for Trinidad de Cuba, 1837-39 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. 1836 Aug. 9. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Dickins) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Ellis). Apptmt. Of Gray. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 182.) — Nov. 2. Ellis to ministr. de relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio). Apptmt. of T. R. Gray as consul of |U. S. for port of Tabasco. (ib., 620.) — Nov. 5. Monasterio to Ellis. Exeguatur attached to commission of T. R. Gray as consul of U. S. for Ta- basco. (ib., 620.) — Dec. 23. Ellis to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Corresp. relative to apptmt. of T. R. Gray as consul of U. S. for Tabasco, etc. (ib., 620.) GRAYSON (PETER W.) Speci. jt. comr. Texas in U. S. A. in 1836; see Texas. Diplomatic service. GRAYSON (WILLIAM) 1828 Nov. 25. To Scott. Compensation claim for ex- penses incurred during Venezuelan mission. (20. 2. H. 72, 21.) GREAT BARRINGTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 10. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 75.) — Dec. 15. To same. Same. (ib., 108.) 1847 Feb. 12. To same. Memorial, praying measures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 336.) GREAT BRITAIN See also England; Ireland; Scotland. Admiralty VeSSels See Alecto ; Alert; Alfred; Antelope; Argus ; Basilisk; Bloodhound ; Bonetta; Brisk ; Buzzard; Champion 3 Columbine ; Contest, Cyclops ; Cygnet ; Devastation 3 Dolphin ; Dotterel; Earl Spencer; Electra ; Eper- vier; Espiegle ; Eurydice; Ea:press ; Falcon ; Ferret; Firefly ; Flying Fish; Forester; Forward; Geyser; Gorgon, Harlequin ; Hecate ; Herald, Heron : Hya- cinth, Iris ; Jasper; Jehossee : Juno ; Levant : Lyma; ; Medusa ; Odin, ; Pallas : Pelican ; Persiºn 3 Plumper; Pluto ; President ; Prometheus ; Pylades ; Racer; Rattler; Ringdore ; Sappho, Saracen: Sharp- shooter; Spy; Stya: ; Sylph; Talbot; , Tarleton; Teazer; Termagant ; Tribune; Trident; Triton ; Walorous ; Vesuvius; Viper; Wanderer; Water- witch; Winchester; Wizard; Wolf; Wolverine. Commanding Officers See Bowden (Wm.); Brodhead (H.) ; Bruce (H.W.) ; Burgess (G. F.) ; Burton (R.H.) ; Campbell (C.Y.) ; Close (F. A.) ; Cochrane (A. A.); Cockburn (G.) ; Cumming (Ä.) ; Darby (J.); Davies (H.) : Day (G. F.) ; De Horsey (Á. F. R.) ; Denham (H. B.) ; Denman (J.) ; Douglas (G.) ; Elliott (G.) ; Fan- shawe (A.); Fead (W. F.); Fitz Clarence (A.).; Fitzgerald (C.) ; Fitz Roy (A. G.) ; Fremantle (S. G.) ; Gage (W. H.) ; Grubbe (W. J. H.) ; Hancock (G.); Hastings (G. F.) ; Hay (J.) ; Hayes (J. M.) ; © B. 9 o . T. P.) ; Bornby (P.) ; Jolliffe (W. K.) ; Jones (W.) ; Kellett (A.) ; Lake (W. T.) ; Layton (H.) ; McKenzie (S. C.) ; McQuhae (P.).; Matson (H. j.) ; Morris (Wm.); Nolloth (M. S.) ; Oake (J.); Patey (G. E.) ; Paynter (T. A.) ; Peel (F.) ; Popham (B.) ; Robson (C. R.) ; Seymour. (G. F.) ; Seymour (M.); Spencer (J. W. S.); Stirling (J.) ; Tarleton (R.) : Truscott (W. H.) ; Tucker (W.) ; Tudor (J.) ; Vesey (C.); Warren (W.) ; Wilson (E.) ; Wise (C. A.). INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 683 GREAT BRITAIN–Cont'd Admiralty—cont’d Secy. of the Admiralty 1852. W. A. B. Hamilton. Surgeons See Rose (F. A.). Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Allegiance; see that title Civil Service COLONIAL SERVICE British Honduras Secretary 1852. A. F. Gore. Canada. Governor 1835-38. Earl of Gosford. Hong Kong Governor 1848-53. G. Bonham. Secretary 1853. F. Harvey. 1855. W. T. Mercer. Attorney General 1855. W. T. Bridges. Supt. of Police 1855. C. May. CUSTOMS SERVICE Collectors (Sidney, Cape Breton) 1844. Davenport (H.). FOREIGN OFFICE The names of the Secretaries of State for Foreign Af- fairs, 1827-1861, and of those Under-Secretaries only Who appear in this Index as correspondents. Goderich Ministry Sept. 5, 1827-Jan. 25, 1828 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State John William Ward, Viscount Dudley and Ward, after- wards Earl of Dudley, Apr. 27, 1827. Wellington Ministry Jan. 25, 1828-Nov. 22, 1830 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Lord Dudley, Apr. 27, 1827. Georº, Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, Je. 2, Grey Ministry Nov. 22, 1830–Jly. 18. 1834 . Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Hemºs,ohn Temple, 3d Wiscount Palmerston, Nov. 22, Melbourne Ministry Jly. 18-Dec. 26, 1834 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Lord Palmerston, Nov. 22, 1830. Duke of Wellington, Nov. 15, 1834. Peel Ministry Dec. 26, 1834-Apr. 18, 1835 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Duke of Wellington, Nov. 15, 1834. GREAT BRITAIN–cont’d Civil Service—cont’d FoREIGN OFFICE—cont’d $ Melbourne Ministry Apr. 18, 1835-Sept. 6, 1841 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Lord Palmerston, Apr. 18, 1835. Lord Aberdeen, Sept. 2, 1841. Peel Ministry Sept. 6, 1841-Jly. 6, 1846 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Lord Aberdeen, Sept. 2, 1841. IJnder Secretaries of State Charles J. Canning, Viscount Canning, Sept. 4, 1841. Henry U. Addington, Mch. 4, 1842. * Russell Ministry . Jly. 6, 1846-Feb. 27, 1852 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Lord Palmerston, J1y. 6, 1846. Earl Granville, Dec. 26, 1851. Derby Ministry Feb. 27-Dec. 28, 1852 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Earl of Malmesbury. Aberdeen Ministry Dec. 28, 1852-Feb. 10, 1855 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Lord John Russell, Dec. 28, 1852. TEarl of Clarendon, Feb. 21, 1853. Palmerston Ministry Feb. 10, 1855-Feb. 25, 1858 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Earl of Clarendon, Feb. 21, 1853. Derby Ministry Feb. 25, 1858-Je. 18, 1859 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Earl of Malmesbury, Feb. 26, 1858. Palmerston Ministry Je. 18, 1859-Nov. 6, 1865 Foreign Secretariat Secretary of State Earl Russell, Je. 18, 1859. HOME OFFICE Secretary 1850-52. Sir George Grey. IRISH OFFICE Secretary 1848. Sir W. M. Somerville. Under-Secretary 1848. T. N. Redington. POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT Postmaster General 1847-50. Clanricarde. 1851. W. L. Maberly. 1853-55. Canning. 684 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GREAT BRITAIN–Cont’d Civil Service—cont’d QUEEN’s BENCH Queen’s Advocate 1853. J. D. Harding. REGISTRAR OF TRADE, CHINA 1853-54. W. H. Medhurst, Jr. Claims vs. Great Britain American ART. 7, TREATY OF 1783 1850 Mch. 6. U. S. Senate. Res. (Hunter, Va.), calling for information on Subject of claims of Amer. Citi- zens for slaves deported by officers of Br. govt., etc. (31. 1. S. jol., 198; 31. 1. Cong. Globe, 469.) — Mch. 6. W. R. King, Sen. from Ala. Do.; on Hunter res. of even date. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 469-470.) — Mch. 6. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Remarks; in explanation of his res. of even date. (ib., 470.) — Apr. 15. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to U. S. Senate. Non-existence of additional information rel- ative to claims of Amer. citizens agst. Gr. Br. for slaves deported in violation of treaty of Sept. 3, 1783. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 46.) ART. 7, TREATY OF 1794 n. d. Sir John Nicholl. Opinion, as British comr. under art. 7, treaty 1794, on indemnification to claimants. (20. 1. H. 256, 7.) ART. 1, TREATY OF 1814 Includes only that material printed betw. 1828 and 1861. For synopsis of entire arbitration see i, Moore. In- ternati. Arbitr., 350. Bills Introduced 1828 Feb. 22. Intr. in Senate (Seymour, Com. On Ju- diciary), bill (20. S. 96) supplementary to “An Act to provide for adjustment of claims of persons en- titled to indemnification under art. 1, treaty Of Ghent, etc.”; approved May 15, 1828. (iv., St. L., 269; iv, Reg. Debates, app., XV.) 1831 Mch. 2. Act for support of govt. [clause provid- ing payment for property lost, captured or de- stroyed by the enemy, the balance of apprp. made by act of Mch. 3, 1825]. (iv., St. L., 459.) Correspondence, Reports, etc. Convention of Je. 30/Jly. 12, 1822 [1825 Feb. 25.] Langdon Cheves, Amer. comr. under art. 1, treaty of Ghent. Remarks; claim of U. S. agst. Gr. Br. under conv. of St. Petersburg. (36. 1. S. rpt. 93, 26.) 1826 May 17. Atty. gen. U. S. A. (Wirt). Opinion; Con- struction of award of Emperor of Russia under treaty of Ghent. (20. 1. H. doc. 256.) Conv. of Nov. 13, 1826 Langdon Cheves, Jas. Pleasants and . Henry Sewall, comrs. under act of Mch. 2, 1827, to carry into ef- fect conv. of 1826. n.d. List of claims of citizens of U. S. agst. Gr. Br. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 4.) 1828 Feb. 5. Attys. for claimants under art. 1, treaty of Ghent (Bouligny and Frost). Reasons which in- duce them to ask, that term assigned for closing of commission under conv. of London, should be ex- tended. (20. 1. H. rpt. 208, 2.) — Mch. 5. H. L. White, sen. from Tenn. AmdmtS. to bill S. 96; with remarks. (iv., Reg. Debates, 410.) — Mch. 5. L. W. Tazewell, sen. from Va. Remarks; opposed to bill S. 96. (ib., 407.) — Mch. 5. U. S. House. Res. (Clark) that Com. Of Claims be discharged from consideration of peti- GREAT BRITAIN–cont’d Claims vs. Great Britain—cont’d American—cont’d ART. 1, TREATY OF 1814—cont’d Correspondence, Reports, etc.—cont’d Conv. of Nov. 13, 1826—cont’d tions of M. Moughan, S. Williams and M. L. Wil- liams, and that they and all claims under art. 1, treaty of Ghent, be placed on definitive lists deliv- ered to comrs. (20. 1. H. jol., 378; 514.) 1828 Mch. 8. U. S. House. Res. (Taliaferro) directing Com. on Foreign Affairs to obtain certain informa- tion in regard to S. 96. (20. 1. H. jol., 392.) — Mch. 10. Agt. for claimants under art. 1, treaty of Ghent (Neale) to U. S. House. Memorial before COmrS. under art. 1, treaty of Ghent on behalf of Va. and Md. claimants. (20. 1. H. doc. 190.) – Mch. 10. U. S. House. Debate on Taliaferro res. Of Mch. 8. (iv., Reg. Debates, 1830.) In opposition : Carson § C.), Moore (Ala.), Wilde (Ga.), Livingston (La.), Haynes (Ga.), Taylor In favor : Taliaferro (Va.), Owen (Ala.). — Mch. 14. Chrm. H. Com. on Judiciary (Wickliffe) to comrs. under art. 1, treaty of Ghent (Cheves, Pleasants and Sewall). Requests opinion upon pro- priety of passage of bill extending time of Board of which they are members. (20. 1. H. rpt. 208, 2.) — Mch. 18. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Adverse rpt. on petition of J. Burnett claiming re- imbursement under art. 1, treaty of Ghent. (20. 1. H. rpt. 198.) — Mch. 19. Pleasants to Wickliffe. Reply to note of 14 inst. (20. 1. H. rpt. 208, 4.) — Mch. 19. Cheves to Wickliffe. Same. (ib., 6.) — Mch. 19. Comrs. art. 1, treaty Ghent (Pleasants and swap to Wickliffe. Reply to note of 14 inst. (ib., ..) — Mch. 22. U. S. H. Com. on Judiciary. Rpt. on S. 96; recommending striking out of sec. 1, relating to extension of time of bq. of comrs. under art. 1, treaty of Ghent; with acc. corresp. which influenced de- cision of committee. (20. 1. H. rpt. 208.) — Apr. 12. U. S. House. Memorial of agts. of claim- ants of Ga. and La., under art. 1, treaty of Ghent, praying passage of S. 96. (20. 1. H. jol., 539.) — Apr. 14-17. U. S. House. Motion (Wickliffe) to dis- charge Com. On Judiciary from further considera- tion of S. 96; debated. (iv., Reg. Debates, 2314-55.) In opposition : Barbour (Va.), Gilmer (Ga.), Wilde In tº: º (Va.), Taliaferro (Va.), Archer (Va.), Weems (Md.). May 14. L. W. Tazewell, sen. from Va. Remarks; explaining his opposition to Johnston’s motion rela- tive to amdmts. to bill S. 96. (ib., 786–787.) Dec. 29. U. S. H. Com. on Judiciary (Barbour). Rpt. adverse to petition of merchants of Alexandria praying for indemnity under art. 1, treaty of Ghent. (20. 2. H. rpt. 18.) 1829 Feb. 13. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Everett). Rpt. adverse to memorial of certain Virginia claim- ants under art. 1, treaty of Ghent; with copy of memorial and partial list of Wa. claimants who have received indemnity. (20. 2. H. rpt. 79.) 1834 Apr. 12. A. Ward, repr. from N. Y. Speech; urging extension to Revol. war of cases under provisions of bill providing compensation for property lost, cap- tured or destroyed by enemy during war of 1812. (x, Reg. Debates, 3629.) — Apr. 12. H. Hubbard, repr. from N. H. Remarks; favoring Ward amdmt. extending to Revol. war ap- plication of bill providing compensation for property lost, captured or destroyed by enemy during war of 1812. (ib., 3635.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 685 $ GREAT BRITAIN–cont’d Claims vs. Great Britain—cont’d American—cont’d ART. 1, TREATY OF 1814—cont’d Correspondence, Reports, etc.—cont’d Conv. of Nov. 13, 1826—cont’d 1840 Mch. 17. U. S. Senate. Motion (Norvell, Mich.), to instruct Com. of Claims to inquire into expediency of making provision to compensate inhabitants of Mich. for property taken or destroyed by Br. during late war, and to refer memorial of legisl. council of Mch. 14, 1834, on files of Senate, to same com. (26. 1. S. jol., 249; 318.) Claimants See Albert Gallatin ; J. Anderson ; A. Armstrong ; G. Armstrong ; B. Arnold ; G. Ash ; W. Baird; J. Barnes ; J. W. Barron ; C. Bateman ; , J. Beacham ; H. Beard ; J. Beardon ; N. H. Bell ; G. W. Biscoe ; H. Bogardus ; C. Boomer; J. Bloome; J. J. Bulow ; J. Burke ; E. Button ; Caledonia; D. Cannon ; , J. Chalmers; Charles Co., Md. ; A. Childs ; F. Chortie ; J. Coe : I. Colt ; Comet; L. Cook; J. B. Cooper; E. Corwin ; J. Cox; W. and J. Crooks; M. Daley ; E. Davis ; J. Davis ; A. Denison ; M. Dickerson ; J. Dorsey ; J. Douglas ; J. C. Doxey ; R. Drummond; M. Drury : T. Dyer; W. Eadus ; N. Egnew ; E. En- sign ; H. F. Evans ; J. Fadden ; M. Fenwick; P. A. Field ; E. Fillmore ; Florida Citizens; C. Foreman ; E. Foster ; C. M. Frazier ; J. T. Frost; H. Gardiner ; E. Gardner ; J. Gilbert ; S. Gillett; E. Gilman ; J. Gray; L. G. Gray; D. Griffin ; G. Griffin ; J. Had- dock; A. W. Hamilton ; J. Hanning ; A. H. Hans- borough ; G. W. Hansborough ; T. Hanson ; S. Hard- esty; W. Harmon ; J. Harrison ; E. Hart; C. Haw- ley ; B. J. Heard ; J. H. Heidelbeck ; S. Hersey : B. Hewitt; S. Hilton ; W. Hodson ; C. Hogg ; S. Hop- kins ; J. Hosking ; C. House ; J. D. Hoyt ; J. Huf- fington ; S. Hughes ; J. Ireland; J. Ives; J. Janney : J. B. Jerome ; R. Johnson ; J. O. Jones; J. E. Kil- gore; W. Kilgore; A. King ; W. Knaggs ; G. J. Knight ; H. Lacroix ; D. Landow ; B. Lanfiant ; J. Latta ; Z. Lawrence ; C. G. Layton ; J. Libby ; R. Lindsay; J. M. Linville; J. Loranger ; C. W. C. Ludlow ; J. Mackall ; M. S. Moffitt ; C. Manning ; J. Martin ; W. Martin ; M. Maughan ; A. McCallum ; H. McCarty: J. McDowell ; J. McDuckett; G. Mc- Gahan ; J. Meads ; A. Miller ; W. Miller ; J. A. Parker ; B. Porter ; J. Pattison : E. Pennington ; G. Pierce ; L. Pierce ; S. P. Pitts : G. Plummer ; J. Radcliffe : R. Ransom ; G. Reeder; D. Reese; D. Renner ; W. G. Ridgely ; J. Roberts; W. G. Roberts ; G. Robins; A. Robinson ; J. Robinson ; J. Roice ; J. Roop ; E. Rudd ; P. Ryker: W. Sadler ; R. Sanford ; J. Schieffelin ; J. Sewall; S. Sholes; J. Sibley ; J. E. Smith ; O. Smith ; W. G. Smith ; A. Somer- ville; W. Somerville ; J. F. Sothoron ; D. Spalding ; J. Spalding ; M. Spalding ; R. Spaulding : J. Spragg ; J. Stow ; C. L. Strandberg ; I. Swain : B. Todd : A. Turner ; G. Vallere ; H. Van Dyke : J. Van Horn ; H. Waller; J. Watson : J. B. Webb : J. West : W. Wickham ; D, and J. Wilkinson; M. L. Williams; S. Williams : W., Wilson ; H. A. Wise; D. Wooster; E and J. Worthington ; R. Young. TREATY OF 1853 See also i, Moore. Internatl. Arb., 398. Text of Treaty 1853 Feb. 8. Conv. for the settlement of claims; con- cluded Feb. 8, 1853; ratifications exchanged at Lon- don Jly. 26, 1853; proclaimed Aug. 20, 1853. Signed by J. R. Ingersoll (U. S.) and Lord John Russell (Gr. Br.). Text in “Treaties, etc., betw. U. S. and foreign powers, 1776-1887,” p. 445. (48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proceedings in ix, Sen. exec. jol. 1854 Jly. 17. Conv. extending duration of claims com- mission under conv. of Feb. 8, 1853. Concluded JIy. 17, 1854; ratifications exchanged at London, Aug. 18, 1854; proclaimed Sept. 11, 1854. Signed by W. L. Marcy (U. S.) and J. F. Crampton (Gr. Br.). Amer. ratification proc. in ix, Sen. exec. jol. Statutory Measures 1854 Dec. 15. Intr. in U. S. House (Houston, Com. of Ways and Means), bill (33. 2. H. R. 569) “making appropriations for civil and dipl. expenses of govt. GREAT BRITAIN–cont’d Claims vs. Great Britain—cont’d American—cont’d TREATY OF 1853—cont’d (Statutory Measures)—cont’d for year ending Je. 30, 1856, clause providing appril. for comr. and agt. under treaty with Gr. Br.”; ap- proved Mch. 3, 1854. (33. 2. H. jol., 76, 461, 587; ix, St. L., 668.) 1855 Feb. 23. Intr. in U. S. House (Houston, Com. of Ways and Means), bill (33. 2. H. R. 790) “to exe- cute conv. of Feb. 8, 1853, on subject of claims betw. U. S. and Gr. Br.”; approved Mch. 3, 1855. (33. 2. H. jol., 449, 559; x, St. L., 703.) Commission Mixed commission ; sessions held in London, Sept. 15. 1853-Jan. 15, 1855. Amer. comr. N. G. Upham : Br. comr., E. Hornby ; Amer. agt., Jno. A. Thomas : Br. agt., Jas. Hannen ; umpire, Joshua Bates. n. d. Proceedings of the comrs. for the adjustment of claims under the convention with Great Britain of Feb. 8, 1853. Wash., 1856. viii, 478, p. 8° (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103.) 185 (?). Br. agt. under mixed comm. of 1853 (Hannen) to U. S. comr. and Br. comr., London comm., 1853 (Upham and Hornby). Protest in claim of William Cook and others, natives of U. S., to property of Frances Mary Shard, deceased. (ib., 461.) 1853 Mch. 21. N. G. Upham, Amer. comr., nominated and apptd. (ix, Sen. exec. jol., 84; 89; 101.) Oct. 13. Upham and Hornbv, comrs. under treaty with Gr. Br., 1853, to Van Buren. Apptmt. as um- pire. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 103, 455.) — Oct. 22. Van Buren to Hornby and Upham. De- clines appointment as umpire. (ib., 456.) — Oct. 31. Upham to Hornby. Proposes apptmt. of J. Bates as umpire, in place of Buchanan, declined. (ib., 457.) — Nov. 1. Hornby to Upham. Concurs in apptmt. Of J. Bates, as umpire on claims conv. of 1853, to suc- ceed Buchanan, declined. (ib., 458.) — Nov. 1. Upham and Hornby. Communicate his ap- rººment as umpire on claims conv. of 1853. (ib., 58. — Nov. 2. Bates to Upham and Hornby. Accepts ap- ptmt. of umpire. (ib., 459.) 1854 Je. 9. Upham and Hornby to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Buchanan). Propose extension of term of commission under conv. of 1853. (ib., 460.) 1856 Aug. 11. Rpt. of decisions of commission of claims under conv. of Feh. 8, 1853, betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103.) Correspondence 1853 Je. 29. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; salary of Amer. Comr. commenced on talking oath of office as required by conv. betw. U. S. and Gr. Br., con- cluded at London Feb. 8, 1853. (vi, Op. attys, gen., 65.) - Dec. 5. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage; clause relating to claims of U. S. citizens agst. Gr. Br., and of Br. subjects agst. U. S. 1855 Jan. 6. C. Ready, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; urg- ; founderation of H. R. 790. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 04. - Feb. 21. Upham to U. S. House. Petition for com- pensation for services of latter, and additional com- pensation for former. (33. 2. H. jol., 423.) — Feb. 23. G. W. Jones, repr. from Tenn. DO.; relative to H. R. 790, to carry into effect convention of Feb. 8, 1853, with Gr. Br. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 909.) 686 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs GREAT BRITAIN–cont’d Claims vs. Great Britain—cont’d American—Cont'd TREATY OF 1853—cont’d 1855 Mch. Correspondence—cont’d 3. U. S. Senate. Res. (Wells, N. H.), calling for rpt. Of comrS. for adjustment of claims, under conv. of Feb. 8, 1853, betw. U. S. and Gr. Br., etc., 390 See See : and for printing of same for Senate. (33. 2. S. jol., ..) (American Claims) : Amelia ; Argus ; Atwood (G. W.) ; Brookline ; Caro- line Knight : Charlotte ; Cicero ; Comet ; Cook; Creole ; Cyrus ; Director; Douglas ; Elvira ; Eºn- comium ; Enterprise ; Evelina; Fidelity; Hermosa; Hero ; John ; John A. Robb : Jones ; Joseph Cow- perthwait; Jubilee : Julius and Edward ; Lawrence ; Levin Lank; McClure (J.) ; Maria Dolores ; Olive Branch : Only Son: ; Pallas; Robert; Rogers (N. L.) ; Rosanna ; Schieffelin (H. H.) ; Tigris ; Sea- mew ; Volusia ; Washington; Young (J.). (British Claims) Albion ; Anglo-Mexican Mint co. ; Baker and co. ; Baron Renfrew ; Black (W.) ; Bottomley (W.) ; Bradbury (S.) ; Broadstreet (W.) ; Butterfield and Bros. ; Calmont and co. ; Carteret (Lord) ; Clarke . R.) ; Confidence; Cotesworth, Powell and Pryor: Crosthwaite; Dartmouth (Earl of) ; Daw- son (P.) ; Dering (H. W.) ; Duckenfield; Durnford (E.) ; Evans (M.) ; Frances and Eliza; Glen and co. ; Godfrey, Pattison and co. ; Gr. Western Steamship co. ; Green (C.) ; Hall (C. B.) ; Herald ; Holford (J.) ; Houghton (G.) ; Hudson's Bay co. ; Irene; James Mitchell; Johnston (S. C.) ; Joseph Albine ; Kenworthy (C.) ; Kerford and Jenkin ; Lady Shaw Stewart ; Laurent (T. and B.) ; Lobach and co. ; Lord Nelsom.; McCalmont and Greaves; McGlinchy (W.) ; Mary Anne; McLeod (A.) ; Miller and Mack- intosh ; Murphy (P. B.) ; Oldfield (J. P.) ; Patter- son (W.) ; Pearl; Platt and Duncan ; Potts (J.) ; Prosperity; Rider (T,) ; Hºrs (J. H.) : Science ; Shaw (G. and S.) ; Shaw (J.) ; Shipowner’s Socy. ; Sir Robert Peel; Taylor (J., jr.) ; Uhde {º}; Union ; Watson (F.) ; Wood (Å. T.) ; Whyte (T.) ; Wilson (J.). Claims vs. Salvador British See Central America. Salvador. Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) Consular Service 1853 Jan. 24. Secy. Brit. Supt. trade, Hong Kong (Har- vey). List of establishment of Chinese interpreters employed by Brit. govt. in its Chinese consulates. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 123, 86.) 1855 Mch. 17. H. B. M. cons. Canton (Robertson) to Amer. comr. to China (Parker). Has handed over charge of Br. consulate at Canton to Vice-cons. Elmslie pending Mr. Alcock’s arrival. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 606.) 1857 NOV. Secy. 3. Amer. cons. Constantinople (Brown) to State, U. S. A. (CaSS). Information relative to Br. consulate at Constantinople. (35. 2. H. ex doc. 68, 68.) REGISTER Brazil Bahia, 1843. E. Porter, cons. 1856. J. Morgan, ConS. Pernambuco 1845. H. A. Cowper, cons. Rio de Janeiro 1845. R. Hesketh, COnS. Central A merica. 1833-52. F. Chatfield, cons. gen. 1852 C. L. Wyke, COnS. gen. GREAT BRITAIN–cont’d Consular Service—cont’d REGISTER—cont’d China, Canton 1854. A. V. Elmslie, vice-cons. 1856. H. S. Parkes, cons. - Foochow 1854-58. W. H. Medhurst, jr., cons. Shanghai 1853. R. Alcock, cons. 1854-58. W. H. Mehhurst, jr., cons. Hawaii, [1843.] A. Simpson, cons. Meacico Acapulco 1852. T. Fuller, cons. Nicaragua Greytown 1853. H. G. Foot, cons. Leon 1849. T. Manning. Realejo 1850. J. Foster, Vice-cons. Perºſ, Lima 1834. B. H. Wilson, cons. Portugal Boa Vista. 1837. J. Rendall, cons. Fayal 1814. W. Greaves, cons. Lagos 1857. A. Campbell, cons. Santa Cruz 1839. R. Bartlett, cons. Salvador San Salvador 1849. M. Idigoras, cons. Samoa. Apia. 1854. G. Pritchard, cons. Santo Domingo Sto. Domingo 1849. R. Schomburg. Spain, Cuba. 1853. J. T. Crawford, cons. gen. Turkey Varna 1850. E. St. J. Neale, cons. United States Charleston [1830.] W. Ogilvy, cons. 1858. Bunch, cons. Cincinnati [1855-56.] C. Rowcroft, cons. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 687 GREAT BRITAIN–Cont’d Consular Service—cont’d REGISTER—cont’d United States—cont’d New York 184?. J. Buchanan, cons. 1842-56. A. Barclay. . Philadelphia 1849. W. Peter, cons. [1856.] G. B. Mathew. TREATY ARRANGEMENTS; NATIONAL REGULATIONS Consuls in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. CONSULAR SERVICE Crimean War; see that title Diplomatic Agents in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Diplomatic Service BRAZIL 1843. H. Hamilton, minister. CENTRAL AMERICA 1859. C. L. Wyke, specl. ambassador. CHILI [1850-51.] H. S. Sullivan; see Potter (Z. W.). CHINA 1837-41. C. Elliot, M. P. 1841-44. H. Pottinger, E. E. and M. P. 1852-59. J. Bowring, M. P. 1859. F. W. A. Bruce, E. E. and M. P. TEXAS - 1845. C. Elliot, chargé. UNITED STATES 1815-16. A. St. J. Baker, chargé. 1816-19. C. Bagot, E. E. and M. P. 1825-35. C. R. Vaughan, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials and Mr. Canning’s letter of recall Aug. 20, 1825. Ileft on leave May 7, 1831. Re- turned Mch 29, 1833. Took leave Sept. 19, 1835. C., Bankhead, Secy. of legation, acted as chargé ad interim from May 7, išší. to Mch. 29, 1833, and from Sept. 20, 1835, to Mch. 15, 1836. 1836-44. H. S. Fox, E. E. and M. P. Presiſ: credentials Mch. 16, 1836. Took leave Feb. 21, See CONSULAR SERVICE: INTER- 1842. Right Honorable Lord Ashburton; on special mis- SIOIl. 1844-47. R. Pakenham, E. E. and M. P. Presgººdentials Feb. 21, 1844. Took leave May 1849-51. Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Dec. 24, 1849. Left Washington on leave Aug. 12, 1851. 1852-56. J. F. T. Crampton, E. E. and M. P. As secy. Of legation acted as chargé ad int. May 21, 1847, to Dec. 24, 1849, and from Aug. 13, 1851, to Feb. 14, 1852, when he presented credentials as E. E. and M. P., and also Sir Henry Bulwer's letter of recall. The U. S. govt, discontinued dipl. inter- course with him May 28, 1856, and sent him his passports on that day. P. Griffith, Secy, of legation ; acted as chargé ad int. from jly. 4 to JIy. 25, 1853, and from Aug. 14 to Sept. 8, 1854. John Savile Lumley, secy. of legation ; acted as chargé ad int. from May 3 to Je. 3, 1855. 1854. Earl of Elgin and Kincardine; special mission. 1857-59. Lord Napier, E. E. and M. P. Presºdentials Mch. 16, 1857. Took leave Apr. 1859-64. Lord Lyons, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials Apr. 12, 1859. Left on leave Dec. william fouglas Irvine, secy, of legation ; acted as chargé ad int. from Jiy. 28 to Oct. 27, 1860. GREAT BRITAIN–Cont’d Enlistment; see that title Expatriation; see Allegiance Extradition; see that title Fishery Negotiation; see Reciprocity (Fishery Rights) Foreign Affairs AMERICAN See also Arbitration ; Canada ; Central America : En- listment; Interference; Mediation ; Northeastern Boundary Controversy ; Northern Boundary Con- troversy; Oregon; Reciprocity; Slavetrade : Texas : f # Hºndary; Visit and Search. Edward, Prince O 3.16:S. Statutory Measures 1843 Jan. 19. Intr. in U. S. House (Cushing, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (H. R. 697) “to provide for carrying into effect treaty of Aug. 9, 1842 with Gr. Br.”; approved Mch. 3, 1843. (27. 3. H. jol., 222, 496, 556; V, St. L., 623.) Treaties See below. Correspondence 1841 Dec. 31. E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. in Gr. Br. (Everett) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Br. decision to Send Lord Ashburton to U. S. with power to make final settlement of all matters in dispute. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 192, 6; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 88.) 1842 Jan. 29. Webster to Everett. Gratification at ap- ptmt. of Lord Ashburton as special minister to U. S. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 192, 11.) — Feb. 8. La. legislature. Res. of protest agst. British aggression. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 116.) — Mch. 30. W. C. Preston, Sen. from S. C. Remarks; protesting agst. fixing day of adjournment before further action on state of foreign relations, particu- larly with England. (xi, Cong. Globe, 370.) Apr. 1. Belmont Co. (O.) citizens to U. S. Senate. , Petition, praying adoption of such measures in ad- justment of controversy betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. as may comport with honor and welfare of U. S. (27. 2. S. jol., 262.) Apr. 25. Lowndes Co. (Ala.) citizens to U. S. Sen- ate. Proc. of mtg. on questions in dispute with Gr. Br. (ib., 311.) May 9. Logan (O.) citizens to U. S. House. Proc. on expediency of immediate settlement of all con- tested questions with Gr. Br. (27. 2. H. jol., 793.) — May 26. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; commenting on unsettled state of relations with Mexico and Gr. Br., and showing necessity of ade- quately large army. (xi, Cong. Globe, 542.) — May 26. T. W. Gilmer, repr. from Va. Remarks; danger of war with Mexico and Gr. Br. (ib., 543.) — May 30. Same. Do.; danger of war with Mexico and Gr. Br. ; attitude of European nations towards |U. S. (ib., 551.) — Aug. (?). L. Woodbury, sen. from N. H. Speech on Several points arising in discussion of Ashburton treaty, defending same. (xii, ib., app., 27.) — Aug. 11. President U. S. A. (Tyler) to U. S. Senate. Message; results of negotiations recently had with Br. minister, regarding boundaries, African slave- trade, extradition, interference of colonial authori- ties of Br. W. I. With Amer. vessels, outrage on str. Caroline, and impressment. (27. 2. S. jol., 689; 27, 3. S. doc. 1, 19; H. doc. 2, 17; iv, Mess. and Papers, 162.) — Aug. 17 and 19. W. C. Rives, sen. from Va. Speech; defending Ashburton treaty; urging ratification. (xii, Cong. Globe, app., 59.) Aug. 18. C. M. Conrad, Sen, from La. Do.; object- ing to Ashburton treaty. (ib., 56.) — Aug. 19. J. Buchanan, sen. from Penn. DO.; op- posing ratification of Ashburton treaty. (ib., 101.) 688 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GREAT BRITAIN–cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d e Correspondence—cont’d 1842 Aug. 22. Webster to Everett. Amer. ratification of Ashburton treaty. (27. 3. S. doc. 223, 44.) — Aug. 23. U. S. Senate. Res. (Crittenden, Ky.), to remove injunction of secrecy as to late treaty with Gr. Br., and proc. of Senate thereon. (27. 2. S. jol., 699.) — Aug. 29. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benton, Mo.), same. (ib., 700.) — Aug. 30. U. S. Senate. Res. (Buchanan, Pa.), Same. (ib., 701.) — Sept. 17 (29). Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Russia. (Todd) to Webster. Russian attitude towards Ash- burton treaty. (27. 3. S. doc. 223, 47.) — Oct. 19. Everett to Webster. Popular Br. reception of Ashburton treaty. (ib., 45.) — Nov. 2. Same to same. Attitude of French and Br. press in regard to Ashburton treaty. (ib., 46.) —— Nov. 16. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wheaton) to Webster. Prussia’s reception of Ash- burton treaty. (ib., 47.) — Dec. 29. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benton, Mo.), calling for corresp. With U. S. ministers abroad in relation to late treaty with Gr. Br. (27. 3. S. jol., 62; 64.) 1843 Jan. 19. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; introducing bill to carry into effect Ashburton treaty. (xii, Cong. Globe, 176.) — Feb. 3. Everett to Webster. Lord Aberdeen and the special mission. (27. 3. S. doc. 223, 46; xii, Cong. Globe, 33.) — Feb. 13. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benton, Mo.), calling for copy of commission to Daniel Webster, Secy. State, to treat with Lord Ashburton, late special minister from Gr. Br. to U. S. (27. 3. S. jol., 170; 174.) Feb. 22. Amy Taft to U. S. House. Petition, praying peaceful adjustment of all differences betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. (27. 3. H. jol., 437.) Feb. 24. U. S. Senate. Res. (Benton, Mo.), calling for copy of despatch from Mr. Everett of Feb. 3 inst., to Secy. State, and copy of despatch of Lord Aber- deen, of Dec., 1841, to Secy. State, and copy of an- swer of latter to same. (27. 3. S. jol., 213; 219.) Feb. 28. J. McKeon, repr. from N. Y. Same. (xii, Cong. Globe, 368.) — Feb. 28. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Speech; fa- voring passage of bill to carry into effect treaty of Washington. (ib., 329; 368; 370; app., 214.) 1844 Feb. 23. W. R. King, sen, from Ala. Do.; insisting that Ashburton treaty of 1842 be called treaty of Washington. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 311.) — Feb. 23. J. Buchanan, Sen. from Penn. Remarks; designation of treaty of Aug. 9, 1842. (ib., 311.) — Mch. 20. J. C. Rives, Sen. from Va. Do.; in reply to Buchanan, correcting misstatements as to history of Ashburton treaty. (ib., 413.) — Mch. 20. J. Buchanan, sen. from Penn. Speech; views on disputed points in history of Ashburton treaty. (ib., 411.) — Je. 12. U. S. Senate. Res. (Walker, Miss.), calling for information as to passage by Gr. Br. of act ex- tending criminal jurisdiction to U. S. (28. 1. S. jol., 345.) — Je. 12. R. J. Walker, sen. from Miss. Remarks; supporting his res. of even date. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 667.) — Je. 12. W. S. Archer, sen. from Va. Do.; urging that Walker res. relative to Br. presumption be laid on table. (ib., 667.) — Je. 12. S. Jarnagin, sen. from Tenn. DO.; reply to Walker showing impropriety of adopting res. Of latter regarding Br. presumption. (ib., 667.) GREAT BRITAIN–cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1844 Je. 14. W. S. Archer, sen. from Va. Do.; urging lateness of Session as reason for laying on table Walker res. (ib., 678.) — Je. 14. R. Choate, Sen. from Mass, Do.; agst. ex- pediency of adopting Walker res. (ib., 678.) — Je 14. R. J. Walker, sen. from Miss. Do.; urging adoption of his res. (ib., 678.) 1845 Feb. 1. S. Cary, repr. from Me. Remarks; de- nouncing provisions and manner of execution of treaty of Washington. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 230.) — Feb. 1. I. E. Morse, repr. from La. Do.; in reply to Cary, defending treaty of Washington and deprecat- ing desire of extending territory of U. S. (ib., 231.) 1846 Apr. 3. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Do.; comment- ing on allusions unfavorable to Ashburton treaty. (ib., 29. 1., 599.) – Apr. 6. Same. Speech; defending terms of Wash- ington treaty. (ib., 609; 617.) Apr. 6. J. A. Dix, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; deny- ing any hostility toward framers of Washington treaty. (ib., 610.) — Apr. 7. D. S. Dickinson, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; in reply to Webster’s defence of Washington treaty. (ib., 621.) — Apr. 7. W. Woodbridge, sen. from Mich. Do.; de- fending provision of Washington treaty, regarding pººrvation of peace on northern frontier. (ib., 620. — Apr. 8. D. Webster, Sen. from Mass. Remarks; de- fending terms of Washington treaty. (ib., 628.) — Apr. 8. D. S. Dickinson, Sen. from N. Y. Speech; reply to Webster’s defence of treaty of Washington. (ib., 628.) 1848 Jan. 3. U. S. House. Res. (Ingersoll, Com. on Foreign Affairs), requesting Pres, to inform House whether U. S. govt. has taken notice of offensive language used by Br. Secy. Of Foreign Affairs in House of Commons. (30. 1. H. jol., 182.) 1856 Mch. 10. A. Iverson, sen. from Ga. Remarks; fa- voring bill providing for increase of military and deprecating fear of resentment of Gr. Br. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1. 623.) — Mch. 10. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Speech; same. (ib., 620.) — Mch. 10. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; same. (ib., 627.) * — Mch. 10. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Do.; opposing bill for increase of military and urging arbitration of differences with Gr. Br. (ib., 623.) 1858 Je. 7. S. Cameron, sen. from Penn. Do.; express- ing doubt as to England’s desire to enter upon war with U. S. (xxx, Cong. Globe, 2741.) BRAZIL 1828 Mch. 31. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor). Instructions relative to treaty of 1827 between Gr. Br. and Brazil. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 18.) CENTRAL AMERICA; see that title CHINA; see CHINA MEXICO; see that title SIAM - 1856 Je. 10. H. B. M. comr. in China (Bowring) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Official copy of ratified treaty betw. Gr. Br. and Siam [text of treaty not prtd. here]. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 928.) Free Ships, Free Goods Declarations; see that title House of Commons 1857 JIy. 14. Res, to address the Queen in behalf of suppression of slavetrade. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 49, 6.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 689 GREAT BRITAIN–Cont'd Interference; see that title Intervention; see that title Neutrality Negotiations; see that title Orders in Council 1830 Nov. 5. Promulgating recent commercial arrange- ment establishing direct intercourse betw. U. S. and British No. Amer. colonies. (vii, Reg. Debates, app., CXcii.) 1854 Apr. 15. Waiving certain rights of belligerents according to declaration of Mch. 28. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 103, 6.) Postal Privileges; see Reciprocity. Postal, etc. Presents to Aliens; see Presents Privateering; see that title Quarantine Regulations; see that title Slavetrade Suppression; see Slavetrade Statutes 1803 Aug. 11. Extending jurisdiction of courts of jus- tice in provinces of Lower and Upper Canada to trial and punishment of persons guilty of crimes and offences within certain parts of No. Amer. ad- joining said provinces; printed pursuant to S. Res. Calling for copies of Br. acts extending Br. jurisdic- tion Over country west of Rocky mts. (28. 2. S. doc. 38, 1.) 1821 Jly. 2. Regulating fur trade and establishing crim- inal and civil jurisdiction within certain parts of No. Amer.; printed pursuant to S. Res. calling for copies of Br. acts extending Br. jurisdiction over country west of Rocky mts. (ib., 3.) 1854 Mch. 28. Declaration to neutrals in regard to rule which will be observed in existing war with Russia. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 103, 2; Cong. Globe, 33 cong. 1 - SeSS., app., 569.) 1855 Aug. 14. Regulation of Chinese passenger ships. (18 and 19 Vict. c. civ.) (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 661.) Subjects of IN U. S. A. CONSULAR SERVICE See Campbell (R.) ; W. Carroll ; H. Cronckey ; J. Glid- don; G. Moore ; C. A. Murray : C. Simmons. Tobacco Trade; see that title Treaties 1783 Sept. 3. Spain. Definitive treaty of peace; text. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 14.) 1786 Jly. 14. Spain. Conv. . . . , text. (ib., 21.) 1794 Nov. 19. U. S. A. Treaty of amity, etc. (Jay treaty); see Northeastern boundary controversy. 1814 Dec. 24. U. S. A. Treaty of peace, etc. (treaty of Ghent) art. 1; see above, Claims. Art. 4; see North- eastern boundary controversy. 1817. Jly. 28. Portugal. See Slavetrade. — Sept. 23. Spain. See Slavetrade. 1818. U. S. A. Fisheries, boundary, restoration of slaves; art. 3; see below, 1827 Aug. 6. [1823 Je..] U. S. Draught of conv. for suppression of African slavetrade and its denomination as piracy. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 207.) 1827 Aug. 6. U. S. Conv. relative to terr. on n. W. coast W. of the Rocky mts., continuing in force art. 3, conv. of Oct., 1818; see N. W. Boundary Controversy. — Aug. 6. U. S. Conv. continuing in force for ten years, conv. regulating commerce of Jly. 3, 1815; see Reciprocity (Commercial). — Sept. 29. U. S. Conv. providing for submission to arbitration of dispute concerning n. e. boundary; see Northeast Boundary Controversy. 1836 Nov. 16. Sandwich IS. Articles made and agreed on at Honolulu by Kamehameha VI and Edward Russell. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 33.) 1840 Nov. 13. Texas. Treaty of commerce, etc., signed by Lord Palmerston and J. Hamilton; [text]. (28. 2. H. .ex, doc. 98, 2; 29. 1. S. doc. 375, 11.) GREAT BRITAIN–Cont’d Treaties—cont’d 1841 Mch. 2. Prussia. Conv. of commerce and naviga- tion. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 1, 32.) — Dec. 20. Quintuple treaty; see that title. 1842 Aug. 9. U. S. Treaty to settle and define bounda- ries; for final suppression of African slavetrade; and for giving up of criminals fugitive from justice (Ashburton or Webster-Ashburton treaty); text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 432. (48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47; xii, Cong. Globe, 29.) Concluded Aug. 9, 1842; ratifications exchanged at London Oct. 13, 1842; proclaimed Nov. 10, 1842. Signed by Webster (U. S.) and Ashburton (Gr. Br.). Amer. ratification proc. in vi, Sen. exec. jol., 131. Arts. 1-6, see Northeast Boundary Controversy. Arts. 8-9, see Slavetrade. Art. 10, see Extradition. See also above, Foreign Affairs. American. 1843 Nov. 28. France. Reciprocal engagement to pre- Serve independence of Sandwich Is. (52. 2. S. ex doc. 77, 60; 116.) *º Sandwich Is. Conv. of commerce, etc. 1D., 61. 1846 Je. 15. U. S. Treaty in regard to limits westward of Rocky Mts.; in force; see Northwest Boundary Controversy. 1848 Mch. 7. Nicaragua. Treaty concluded by capt. Loch, On the part of Gr. Br., with the comrs. of Nicaragua, resp. occupation of port of San Juan; in Sp. and English. Signed on part of Great Britain by Gran- Ville G. Loch; on part of Nicaragua by Juan José Zavala, Francisco Castellon and Jose Maria Estrada. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 84.) — Dec. 15. U. S. Conv. for improvement of commu- nication by post. Ratifications not exchgd. Amer. ratification proc. in viii, Sen. ex. jol. 1850 Apr. 19. U. S. Conv. relative to a ship canal by Way of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Mosquito Coast, Or any part of Central America. [Clayton-Bulwer treaty]; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 440. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in viii- ix, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded April 19, 1850; ratifi- cations exchanged at Washington Jly. 4, 1850; pro- claimed Jly. 5, 1850. Signed by Clayton (U. S.) and Bulwer (Gr. Br.) See Central America. — Dec. 9. U. S. Protocol of Conference held at For- eign Office, Dec. 9, 1850, ceding Horse-shoe Reef to U. S.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 444. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Signed by Abbot Lawrence (U. S.) and Palmerston (Gr. Br.). 1852 Tri-partite conv. betw. Gr. Br., France and U. S. A., for purchase of Cuba; see Cuba. — Apr. 30. U. S. Webster-Crampton agreement; see Central America. 1853 Feb. 8. U. S. ConV. for Settlement of claims; See above, Claims. Feb. 17. U. S. A. International copyright Conv. (not ratified by U. S.); see Copyright. 1854 Je. 5. U. S. Treaty extending right of fishing and regulating Commerce and navigation betw. U. S. and British possessions in North America; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 448. (51. 1. S. ex. doc. 57.) Concluded Je. 5, 1854; ratifications ex- changed at Washington Sept. 9, 1854; proclaimed Sept. 11, 1854. Signed by Marcy (U. S.) and Elgin and Kincardine (Gr. Br.). Amer. ratification proc. in ix, Sen. exec. jol. Art. 1-2; see Reciprocity; Fishery rights. Art. 3-4 ; see Reciprocity ; Commercial privileges ; see also Andrews (I. D.). See also : Van Tyne and Leland. Guide to archives of govt. in Wash., p. 28. re mem. of ms. paper resp. this treaty. In the New York Public Library are some letters written to Robt. Toole by Rufus Choate and Fletcher Webster, in 1858, resp. Andrews and this treaty. 44 690 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GREAT BRITAIN–Cont’d Treaties—cont’d 1854 Jly. 17. U. S. Conv. extending duration of Claims Commission under convention of Feb. 8, 1853; see above, Claims. – Dec. 12. France. Conv. additional to conv. of Apr. 3, 1843, relative to post office arrangements [Engl. text]. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 66.) 1856 Aug. 27. Honduras. Conv. relative to Mosquito Indians, and to rights and claims of Br. Subjects; signed at London by Clarendon (Gr. Br.) and Her- ran (Honduras). Engl. and Sp. text. (p. 18 in Cor- resp. re Central America; Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) — Aug. 27. Same. Conv. relative to Bay Is...; signed at London by Clarendon (Gr. Br.) and Herran (Hon- duras). Engl. and Sp. text. (ib., 21.) — Aug. 27. Same. Additional article to treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation between Gr. Br. and Honduras; signed by Clarendon (Gr. Br.) and Herran (Honduras). (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 105.) Oct. 17. U. S. A. Treaty resp. Central America; ratifications not exchgd.; see Central America. 1857. Guatemala. Draft conv. relative to boundary of Br. Honduras; i. e. draft of Wyke-Aycinema conv. (p. 174, Corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) [1858.] Costa Rica. Draft conv. of accession to treaty of Gr. Br. with Nicaragua, relative to Mosquito In- dians, etc., as authorized to be executed by H. B. M. specl. Comr. (Ouseley). (ib., 113.) —. Costa Rica. Draft treaty of friendship, etc., as authorized to be executed by H. B. M. special comr. Ouseley). (ib., 113.) —. Nicaragua. Draft treaty of friendship, etc., as au- thorized to be executed by H. B. M. Special comr. (Ouseley). Engl. text. (ib., 102.) —. Same. Draft treaty relative to Mosquito Indians, and rights and claims of Br. Subjects, as authorized to be executed by H. B. M. specl. comr. (Ouseley). Eng. text. (ib., 108.) 1859. Honduras. Draft treaty [transferring to Hondu- ras the Sovereignty of Bay Is., and of so much of Mosquito terr. as lies within Honduras frontier, and settlement of Br. Claims]. (ib., 270.) —. Nicaragua. Draft treaty of friendship, etc., re- placing Ouseley-Zeledon treaty of Jan. 18. Eng. text. (ib., 197.) —. Same. Draft treaty relative to Mosquito Indians, and to rights and claims of Br. Subjects. (ib., 275.) Jan. 18. Same. Treaty of friendship, etc.; signed at Leon by Ouseley and Zeledon. Engl. text. (ib., 186.) — Apr. 30. Guatemala. Treaty relative to boundary betw. H. B. M. settlement and possessions in Bay of Honduras and territories of Guatemala; signed by Wyke (Gr. Br.) and Aycinema (Guatemala). (47. 1. S. ex. doc. 194, 146.) — Nov. 28. Honduras. Treaty respecting Bay Islands, Mosquito Indians and rights and claims of Br. Sub- jects; signed by Wyke (Gr. Br.) and Cruz (Hondu- ras). (ib., 148.) 1860 Jan. 28. Nicaragua. Treaty relative to Mosquito Indians and to rights and claims of Br. Subjects; Wyke-Zeledon treaty. (ib., 151.) GREAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP CO., BR. SUBJECT; CLAIM W.S. U. S. For return of duties on coal entered at Boston and COn- Sumed on outward voyage. GREAVES (WILLIAM), H. B. M. CONS. AT FAYAL 1814 Sept. 27. Gov. of the Azores (Ribeiro). Comdr. Of Br. forces to send brig to fire on General Arm- strong; warning agst. Portuguese interference. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 19.) 1854 Dec. 14. Claim agst. the U. S. under convention of 1853; synopsis of award; rpts. of decisions of comrs. and arguments of counsel. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 64; 328.) GRECIAN, H. B. M. SLOOP (SMYTH) 1839 Apr. 9. Boards Amer. ship Susan (Thomson); see Susan. GREECE Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Citizens in U. S. Cons. Service; see York (A. S.) Civil Service Secretary of Foreign Affairs 1842. Christides. 184|3-44]. Rizo Nerulos. 1848. Jean Colettis. Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) Consular Service; Treaty Provisions; see Consular Service. International Regulations. Consuls in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. CONSULAR SERVICE Customs Regulations 1837 Dec. 22. Treaty of commerce, etc., with U. S. Art. 10, Custom house regulations. Deserters; see that title Diplomatic Agents in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Diplomatic Service GREAT BRITAIN 1837. S. Tricoupi; E. E. and M. P. Exterritoriality; see that title Foreign Affairs AMERICAN See also King (J.). 1827 May 5. President National Assembly of Greece (Sissing) to President of U. S. (Adams). Letter of thanks for assistance rendered to that country by U. S. (20. 1. H. ex: doc. 2, 32.) — Je. 15-27. Capo d’Istrias (Count) to President of U. S. (Adams). Transmitting letter from President ; National Assembly of Greece (Sissing). (ib., 1855 Dec. 31. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- sage; clause relating to settlement of difficulty With Greece regarding Amer. cons, at Athens. Port Regulations; see that title Shipwreck Regulations; see that title Treaties 1837 Dec. 10-22. U. S. Treaty of commerce, etc.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 502. (48.2. S. ex: doc. 47.) Concluded Dec. 10-22, 1837; ratifications ex- changed at London Je. 13-25, 1838; proclaimed Aug. 30, 1838. Signed by Stevenson (U. S.) and Tricoupi (Greece). Amer. ratification proc. in v, Sen. ex. jol. GREELY (EBENEZER S.) 1837 Je. 12. To Gov. of Me. (Dunlap). Further reclama- tion for release. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 31, 18; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 105; iii, Mess. and Papers, 360.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 691 GREELY (EBENEZER S.)—cont’d 1837 Je. 12. Lt. Gov. New Brunswick (Harvey) to Gov. Dunlap. Conditions on which Greely will be re- leased. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 16.) — Je. 19. Dunlap to President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Praying measures be adopted to effect release of Greely. (ib., 18.) – Je. 26. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Dunlap. Measures taken to effect release of Greely. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 19; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 105.) — Jly. 3. Dunlap to Forsyth. Protest agst, refusal to act in case of Greely, etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 19.) — Jly. 12. Forsyth to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Stevenson). Measures to obtain release of Greely. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 4.) — Jly. 14. Forsyth to Dunlap. Reasons for refusal to act in case of Greely. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 31, 22.) – Aug. 10. Stevenson (A.) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Release of Greely; exercise of jurisdiction within disputed terr. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 5.) —i.e. #. Stevenson to Forsyth. Release of Greely. ib., 5. - Sept. 18. Gov. Dunlap to President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Release of Greely. (ib., 3.) – Sept. 26. Forsyth to Gov. Dunlap. Release of Greely; exercise of jurisdiction within disputed terr. (ib., 3.) —iº, #. Forsyth to Stevenson. Release of Greely. lf)., l. - Nov. 8. Stevenson to Palmerston. Release of Greely; exercise of jurisdiction within disputed terr. (ib., 8.) —i.*.* Stevenson to Forsyth. Release of Greely. 1838 Jan. 9. U. S. House. Res. (Davee, Me.), to request Pres, to communicate measures taken, and corresp. regarding imprisonment of Greely; amended (Cush- ing, Mass.), to include corresp. regarding terr. in dispute between Me. and Gr. Br.; agreed to as amended. (25. 2. H. jol., 246.) – Jan. 25. Forsyth to Van Buren. Corresp. and docs. Concerning Greely, now imprisoned in New Bruns- Wick; also corresp. betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. resp. Wardenship, occupation, etc., of that part of state of Me, claimed by Gr. Br. (25. 2. H. doc. 126, 1; vi, Cong. Globe, 145.) – Feb. 7. U. S. House. Motion (Evans, Me.), to refer message of Pres. of 29 ult. [sic, 26; i. e. message transmitting H. doc. 126], regarding imprisonment of Greely by authorities of New Brunswick, to Com. On Foreign Affairs, with instructions to report bill to provide for surveying n. e. boundary, according to treaty of peace of 1783; laid on table. (25. 2. H. jol., 369; 610.) — Feb. 20. U. S. House. Motion (Evans, Me.), to have printed, for use of House, 3000 extra copies of message of Pres. Of Jan. 20 [sic 26; see note in entry under Feb. 7], relating to imprisonment of Greely by Br. authorities of N. B. (25. 2. H. jol., 483.) — Feb. 26. Stevenson to Palmerston. Pressing for answer to previous inquiries into arrest of Greely. (26. 1. S. doc. 107, 7.) — Mch. 12. Palmerston to Stevenson. Approval of proc. in matter of arrest of Greely. (ib., 9.) — Mch. 12. Resolve of state of Maine in favor of Greely claim. (25. 2. H. doc. 380, 6; S. doc. 451, 5.) — Mch. 20. Stevenson to Palmerston. Protest agst. approval of proc. in matter of arrest of Greely; etc. (26. 1. S. doc. 107, 11.) — Apr. 28. Gov. of Maine (Kent) to President U. S. A. (Van Buren). Claims of Ebenezer S. Greely, John GREELY (EBENEZER S.)—cont’d Baker, and others, and to northeastern boundary. (25. 2. S. doc. 451, 2; H. doc. 380, 2; 25. 3. H. doc. 181, 34; iii, Mess. and Papers, 470.) 1838 May 19. President U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Senate |U. S. A. Letter from gov. of Me. enclosing resolves of legislature claiming reimbursement of moneys paid to Greely, etc. (vi, Cong. Globe, 406.) — May 23. President U. S. A. (Van Buren) to U. S. Congress. Communicates res. of legislature of Me. regarding Greely claims, and also sundry docS. re- garding n. e. boundary. (25. 2. H. jol., 949; S. jol., 412.) 1839 Jan. 7. Greely to U. S. House. Petition, praying compensation for damages sustained in Consequence of arrest and imprisonment by Br. authorities While taking census of people of Madawaska. (25. 3. H. jol., 223.) 1840 Jan. 4. U. S. House. Greely memorial referred un- der general order of day to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (26. 1. H. jol., 182.) 1850 Feb. 28. Greely to U. S. House. Petition, praying indemnity for damages on acct. of imprisonment by govt. of New Brunswick. (31. 1. H. jol., 620.) GREEN ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP POLLY; see POLLY GREEN (A. M.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Velasco in 1842; do. for Galveston in 43; see U. S. A. Consular service. Texas. GREENE (ALBERT C.), SEN. FROM R. I. 1848 Feb. 18. Speech; on Mexican war, President’s pol- icy of annexation by conquest, and S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 379; app., 341.) GREEN (BENJAMIN E.), OF KY. Secy. Amer. legation in Mexico, 1843-45; Mch.-Sept., 1844, acted as chargé ad int. ; speci. agt. U. S. to Dominican Republic. 1849-50. Secy. A mer. Legation in Mearico Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun) 1844 May 16. [no. 4, extr.] Instalment due Apr. 30 on Mexican indemnity has not been paid. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 13; H. ex. doc. 144, 14.) May 30. [unnum. extr.] No payment made on fifth instalment due on Mexican indemnity. (ib., 14; ib., 15.) Je. 7. Ino. 3, extr.] Mexico’s confidence in rejec- tion of treaty of annexation. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 57.) — Je. 15. Ino. 4, extr.] Mexico’s inability to devise plan to raise money called for by Santa Anna to carry on war agst. Texas; troops massing on no. frontier. (ib., 60.) – Je. 21. Ino. 8, extr.] In explanation of his note of Je. 20 to Mr. Bocanegra. (ib., 75.) – Je. 28. Ino. 9..] Proposition for forced loan in Mexico rejected; to raise revenue by increase of duties. (ib., 79.) — Dec. 17. [unnum.] Non-payment of instalments due on claims of U. S. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 19, 32); claims used as pretext for Mexico’s forced loans. (28. 2. H. ex: doc. 19, 32; 29. 1. S. doc. 85, 15; xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 34; 32 cong. 1 sess., 359.) 1845 Jan. 25. [unnum.] Rpt. on several instalments made on Mexican indemnity. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 20; H. ex. doc. 144, 20.) — Jan. 25. [unnum. extr.] Leniency of U. S. govt. toward Mexico in connection with payment of in- demnity. (29. 1. S. doc. 85, 18.) 692 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GREEN (BENJAMIN E.), OF KY—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Bibb) 1844 Dec. 18. Non-payment of three instalments then due on Mexican indemnity; order for suspension of payments. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 25; H. ex. doc. 144, 26.) MEXICAN Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores, Mexico (Bocanegra) 1844 May 4. Solicits overdue payment on fifth instal- ment of Mexican indemnity. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 14; H. ex. doc. 144, 14.) — May 18. Requests immediate payment to E. Voss of fifth instalment due on Mexican indemnity. (ib., 15; ib., 15; Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 358.) - May 23. Notice that treaty of annexation of Texas has been signed. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 52.) – May 31. Protest agst, misinterpretation of his note of May 23. (ib., 58.) — Je. 10. In further protest of misinterpretation of his note of May 23. (ib., 65.) – Je. 20. Points out that if doctrine that acknowl- edgment by mother country alone gives independ- ence and national sovereignty to a people who have thrown off allegiance is maintained, then Mexico's contention as to beginning of her own independence is in error. (ib., 75.) — Je. 24. Reason to believe that for purposes of de- fence, U. S. is sending troops by Sea, and land to Texan frontiers. (ib., 78.) – Je. 26. Maintains that Texas is sovereign and in- dependent. (ib., 81.) —d ly. 4. }* upon right of Texas to independence. ib., 84. — JIy. 12. Reviews Amer. contentions regarding Texan independence. (ib., 89.) (Monasterio) 1844 Jly. 24. Further protest agst. non-payment of in- stalment due on Mexican indemnity. (28. 2. S. doc. 81, 16; H. ex. doc. 144, 16; 33. 2. H. rpt. 142, 28.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1845 Feb. 12. Intr. in U. S. House (Ellis, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (28. 2. H. R. 606) “for relief of Benj. E. Green.” (28. 2. H. jol., 369.) — Mch. 3. An Act making apprns. for civil and dipl. expenses for year ending Je. 30, 1846; apprin. for compensation to Benj. E. Green, while chargé d'af- faires in Mexico. (V, St. L., 763.) 1846 Aug. 10. Act making apprins. for civil and dipl. expenses of govt. for year ending Je. 30, 1847; ap- prn. for payment of balance due Benj. E. Green, for services in Mexico. (ix., ib., 96.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1845 Jan. 3. Green to U. S. House. Petition for pay as actg. chargé d'affaires at Mexico. (28. 2. H. jol., 166.) Dec. 15. Same to same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 107.) 1846 Jan. 27. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 1. S. jol., 118.) — May 16. U. S. House. Res. (Brodhead, Pa.), direct- ing Secy. State to communicate regarding payments for dipl. services to Benj. E. Green and Wm. B. Blackford. (29. 1. H. jol., 820.) Charges Agst. Thos. H. Bayly; see Mexico Claims. 1848 GREEN (BENJAMIN E.), OF KY-cont’d Special Agt. to Sto. Domingo 1849 Sept. 27. [no. 2, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay- ton). Overthrow of President of Sto. Domingo (Santana); presidency of Jimenes; Haytian inva- sion under Soulouque; defeat of invading army by Santana; overthrow of Jimenes; presidency of Baez; resolution of govt. praying French protection in consideration of Bay of Samana; acknowledged preference for Amer. annexation; Brit. negotiations with Dominica, etc. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 2.) — Oct. 6. [no. 2, extr.] To same. Substance of Con- ference with Dominican Secy. Foreign Affairs (del Monte); question of Amer. protection broached. (ib., 7.) — Oct. 24. [no. 3, extr.] To same. Dominica aban- dons idea of French protectorate; resumed on pres- entation of Amer. credentials; application refused by France owing to Brit. interference; general Con- dition of Dominica; comment on Amer. protection. (ib., 9.) 1850 Jan. 28. [no. 5.] To same. Growth of Sentiment in Dominica of Amer. alliance; comment on Barrot- Baez arrangement; visits to Sp. fleet under Comdr. Aravalo. (ib., 12.) — Feb. 19. [no. 8, extr.] To same. Substance of Con- ference with Pres, of Dominica relative to antici- pated Haytien invasion; joint mediation of France, England and U. S.; etc. (ib., 17.) GREEN (CHARLES), BR. SUBJECT; CLAIM VS. U. S. For seizure of merchandise at S. F. e 1854 Oct. 10. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 70.) GREENE (CHARLES C.), OF R. I. Amer. cons. for Coquimbo in 1860; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Chili. GREEN, (DAVID R.), ET AL., OWNERS AMER. SHIP JUNIOR 1860 Mch. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying Com- pensation for expenses incurred, damages sustained, and services rendered under direction of Amer. Con- sul in 1859. (36. 1. H. jol., 519.) GREEN (DUFF), OF GA. Amer. cons. for Galveston, 1844-45; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Texas. 1844 Mch. 11. U. S. House. Res. (Schenck, O.), request- ing PreS. to communicate regarding status of Duff Green as agt. of U. S. in foreign countries. (28. 1. H. jol., 561.) 1845 Feb. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Dayton, N. J.), same. (28. 2. S. jol., 131.) — Feb. 6. Secy. State (Calhoun) to President U. S. A. (Tyler). Official position held by Duff Green near govt. of Texas. (28. 2. S. doc. 83.) 1850 Mch. 12. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Rep- resentation of advantages accruing to U. S. A. from immediate payment of installments due to Mexican govt. by U. S. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 339.) 1852 Jan. 20. To repr, from Ky. (Grey). Connexion of B. E. Green with payment of instalment due by Mexico to our citizens as indemnity under treaty of 1844. (33. 2. H. rpt. 142, 23; Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 341.) — Jan. 30. To same. Stnt. in reply to remarks of T. H. Bayly. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 155.) charges Agst. T. H. Bayly; see Mexico. Claims INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 693 GREEN (EDMUND), AND OTHERS, MEMORIALISTS; see PHILADELPHIA (PA.), CITIZENS GREENE (GEORGE W.), OF R. I. Amer. cons. for Rome, 1836-45; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. GREEN (HETTY), CLAIMANT; see GREEN (P. C.) GREEN (JAMES), H. B. M. CONS., GREYTOWN, AND CHRM, CITY CouncIL, GREYTOWN AND BR. CONSUL; See also GREYTOWN 1852 Apr. 2. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton). Character of persons opposing de facto govt. of Greytown. (p. 151, Corresp. With U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) -- -— Apr. 8. To same. Affairs at Greytown; land titles granted by Mosquito govt. through H. B. M. agt. (ib., 152.) — May 31. To same. Departure of Mr. Wyke; adop- tion of new constitution by inhabitants of Grey- town; illustration of administration of law under new constitution; foreign opposition to Nicaraguan rule. (ib., 169.) — Je. 3. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Malmes- bury). New constitution adopted by citizens of Greytown; has withdrawn from any direct inter- ference. (ib., 168.) 1853 Mch. 20. To Crampton. Has visited Greytown; rpt. of observations. (ib., 244.) 1858 May 4. To Malmesbury. Col. Kinney’s attempt to substitute Nicaraguan flag for that of Mosquito at Greytown. (p. 98, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. papers, 1860, V. 68.) GREEN (JAMES S.), OF MISSOURI Repr. from Missouri, 30-31 cong., 1847-51. Amer. chargé in Colombia, 1853-54; apptd. min. res. in Je., 1854, but did not present credentials; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. Sen. from Missouri, 1857-61. Representative from Mo. 1848 Jan. 25. Speech; on Mexican war and course of President; during debate on annual message. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 238; app., 146.) 1851 Feb. 25, 26. Remarks; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 460, opposed to contract arranged by Secy. Of State with Br. and Amer. bankers for payment of instalments. (ib., 31. 2, 685, 698-699.) Senator from Mo, 1857 Feb. 28. Remarks; opposing granting permission to Thos. H. Seymour, E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. to Russia, to accept gift from Emperor. (Cong. Globe, 34. 3., 1029.) 1858 Je. 7. Do.; Supporting his res. authorizing. Presi- dent to issue letters of marque and reprisal in event of continuation of outrages on U. S. citizens by foreign powers. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2748.) — Je. 9. Do.; inquiring whether res. for discriminat- ing postage rates do not conflict with postal treaty with Gr. Br. (ib., 2843.) 1860 Mch. 26. Do.; favoring apprin. for min. to Para- guay. (ib., 36. 1., 1348.) — Je. 16. Do.; opposing proposition for additional strs. on coast of Africa to prevent importation of slaves. (ib., 3069.) 1861 Jan. 25. Do.; favoring passage of bill for relief of Jno. H. Wheeler, late min, res. at Nicaragua, for losses by exchange, etc. (ib., 36. 2., 556.) — Feb. 22. Do.; opposing apprms. for return of cap- tured Africans as extravagant. (ib., 1115.) GREEN (JAMES S.), OF MISSOURI—cont’d Senator from Mo.—cont’d 1861 Feb. 25. Do.; explaining his amdmt. to clause of deficiency bill for carrying out contract with Chi- riqui Improvement co. and Ambrose W. Thompson, and expatiating on importance of Chiriqui grant. (ib., 1172.) GREEN (JAMES W.), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Lima in 1854; see U. S. A. Consular service. Peru. GREEN (JOHN W.), OF WA. 1821 apptd. comr. U. S. A. under art. 11, Florida treaty ; see Spain. Claims. GREEN (NATHANIEL) 1842. Employed as U. S. despatch agt. (27. 2. S. doc. 253, 1.) GREEN (PARDON C.), CLAIMANT For supplies furnished Mexican brig of war Hermon at Key West, in 1828. n. d. Claim agst. Mexico for supplies furnished brig Hermon; synopsis of award. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 50.) 1834 Sept. 27. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Claim for stores fur- nished by P. C. Green to brig Hermon. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 150.) GREEN (SAMUEL), CLAIMANT; see WARDROBE (J.) GREEN (WILLIAM), OF WA. U. S. N., 1818-61: ..., Lieut., 1827; comdr., 1847; re- signed May 6, 1861. Sea service in command (1828- 61) : 1851-52, comdg. Decatur, Home sqdn. GREEN AND CO., BANKERS, PARIS, DEFAULT OF; see WESEY (W. H.) GREENE (O.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 160.) 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) 1840 May 18. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) GREENE CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) GREEN CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. Petitions vs. Texas. See Auburn (N. Y.) Citizens. GREENE CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1832 Jan. 30. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying Con- gress to grant aid to Amer. Colonization Socy.; pre- sented (Vance, O.); referred to Select Committee. (22. 1. H. jol., 267.) 1833 Feb. 25. To same. Petition; praying Congress to aid the Amer. Colonization Socy. in colonizing free people of color On coast of Africa; laid on table. (22. 2. H. jol., 399.) 1837 Sept. 18. To same; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) — Dec. 14. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 82.) 1838 Jan. 22. To U. S. Senate; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. S. jol., 160.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 584, 598.) 1844 Feb. 9. To same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 426.) 1850 Jan. 30. To same. Praying recognition of inde- pendence of Liberia. (31. 1. H. jol., 433.) 1851 Dec. 18. To same. Same. (32. 1. H. jol., 119.) 694 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS © GREEN BAY (WISC.) CITIZENS 1854 Mch. 15. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying meas- ures to secure religious liberty to U. S. citizens abroad. (33. 1. S. jol., 260.) GREENFIELD (JANE H. T.), CLAIMANT; see DORSETT (F.), HEIRS GREENFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) — Sept. 25. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 42.) —º 27. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 1839 Jan. 21. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 349.) — Feb. 18. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 598.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1845 Dec. 9. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 67.) GREENFIELD (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1845 Feb. 13. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 165.) GREENFIELD (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 9. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 67.) 1846 Jan. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 229.) GREENFIELD (O.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 284.) GREENHOW (ROBERT) 1837 May 27. Secy State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Green- how. Apptmt. as U. S. courier to Mexico; instruc- tions. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 108; H. doc. 3, 112, 560.) — Je. 27. Comdr. U. S. S. Vandalia to gen. Filisola. Greenhow on board the Vandalia. (25. 2. H. doc. 75, 43.) GREENHOW (WASHINGTON), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Buenos Aires in 1847; declined apptmt. ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Argentine Republic. GREENLAND (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) GREENMAN (EDWARD) 1857 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying remunera- tion for sufferings and privations during impress- ment into Br. naval service in War of 1812. (34. 3. S. jol., 67.) GREENSBOROUGH (ALA.) CITIZENS 1835 Feb. 9. To U. S. House. Praying indemnity for French spoliations. (23. 2. H. jol., 346.) 1846 Mch. 4. To same. Memorial; praying amendment of naturalization laws so as to prevent foreigners from holding property or to become citizens. (29. 1. H. jol., 486.) GREENSBOROUGH (WT.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 443.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 84.) | GREENWICH (CONN.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) GREENWOOD (A. B.), REPR. FROM ARK, 1855 Jan. 27. Remarks, in House; stating his opposition to French spoliations bill, H. R. 117; etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 433.) 1856 Dec. 30. Do.; opposing apprp. for consular pupils. (ib., 34. 3., 214.) — Dec. 30. Do.; opposing apprn, for office-rent of cons. officers not allowed to trade, and for preserva- tion of cons. archives. (ib., 216.) GREGG (A.) 1855 Jan. 9. To Amer. chargé in China (Parker). Re quests advice in regard to affording surgical aid to wounded of both belligerent parties; designs of rebels upon Canton. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 544.) GREGG (BENJAMIN) 1853 Dec. 13. To U. S. House. Petition; praying in- demnity for damages sustained during war of 1812. (33. 1. H. jol., 74.) GREGG (DAVID L.), OF ILL. Amer. comr. to Hawaii, 1853–58; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1854 Jly. 26. Ino. 48, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). State of negotiations for annexation of Hawaii to U. S. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 119.) — Aug. 7. Ino. 51, extr.] To same. State of affairs in Hawaii; has SuccCeded in arranging terms of treaty of annexation with minister of foreign rela- tions; treaty meets approval of Crown Prince and cabinet. (ib., 120.) — Sept. 15. [no. 52, extr.] To same. Copy of treaty of annexation of Hawaii to U. S.; terms of treaty; etc. (ib., 121.) — Oct. 2. [no. 54.] To same. Substance of remarks of H. B. M. cons.-gen. Miller agst. annexation of Hawaii Is. during audience with Hawaiian govt.; no progress since 15 ult. in regard to treaty of an- nexation. (ib., 125.) — Dec. 19. [no. 61, extr.] To same. Death of King Kamehameha III 15 inst.; accession of Prince Royal Alexander Litholiho, under style of Kame- hameha IV proclaimed on same day. (ib., 127.) — Dec. 29. [no. 64, extr.] To same. Opinion that present head of govt. is disposed to preserve inde- pendence of Hawaii; anticipates notification to ef- fect that negotiations for annexation to U. S. are no longer to be entertained. (ib., 128.) 1857 Oct. 17. [no. 242, extr.] To same (Cass). ConS. at Hilo dependent solely on fees for compensation. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 23.) GREGG (HARVEY), OF IND. Amer. cons. for Acapulco, 1825-[37] ; see also U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. 1835 JIy. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Information Wanted of Gregg. (25.”2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 155.) GREGORY XVI 1839 Dec. 3. Letter admonishing all Catholics to ab- stain from crime of trading in slaves. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 192.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 695 GREGORY (FRANCIS H.), OF CONN. U. S. N., 1809-66. Lieut., 1814; comdr., 1828; capt., 1838; rear-adm., išč. died oct. 4, 1 6. Še. service in command (1828-61) : 1831-33, _comdg. Falmouth, Pacific sqdn. ; 1844-46, comdg. Raritan, Brazil sqdn. ; 1850-51, comdg. African sqdn. Comdg. African Sqdn. 1850 Je. 8. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston). Board- ing of Amer. brig Bridgeton (Joseph) by H. B. M. sloop Contest (Spencer). (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 66, 41.) — Je. 8. To same. Capture of Amer. bark Navarre (Clark) by Br. cruiser; recommendations for greater efficiency of U. S. African sqdn. (ib., 1.) Comdr. Navy-yard, Boston 1854 Nov. 21. To Dobbin. Condition of U. S. S. Albany. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 63, 10.) GREGORY (SHERLOCK S.) 1838 Jan. 3. U. S. House. Memorial; praying that in- quiry may be instituted into justice of claim to territory purchased of Spain under treaty for ces- sion of Floridas. (25. 2. H. jol., 202.) — Feb. 14. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 441.) GRENNELL (GEORGE, JR.), REPR. FROM MASS. 1835 Feb. 27. Remarks; favoring reference of subject of relations with France to Com. Of Whole on state of Union. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1521.) 1837 Sept. 13. Do.; favoring passage of Adams res. call- ing for sºrrºw. regarding Mexican boundary. (xiv, ib., 610. 1838 Dec. 18. Do.; in support of memorial praying Con- gress to open international relations with Hayti. (vii, Cong. Globe, 47.) GRESHAM, AMER. BRIG (SMITH) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 37.) GREY (BENJAMIN E.), REPR. FROM KY. 1851 Dec. 31. Remarks; support of Cartter res. of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Louis Kossuth to House; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 181.) 1852 Jan. 21, 22. Do.; in reply to Bayly’s charge agst. Benj. E. Green, as agt. for receiving instalment of indemnity under treaty of 1843 with Mexico; during consideration of Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 46. (ib., 341-342, 357-361.) — Feb. 9. Speech; same. (ib., app., 154.) 1854 Dec. 5. Remarks; in support of Sollers res. of Dec. 4, calling for information concerning mtg. of Amer. ministers at Ostend; Greytown affair. (ib., 33. 2., 9-11.) GREY (FREDERICK W.) 1859 Dec. 16. To comdr. African sqdn., U. S. N. (Con- over). Case of Rufus Soulé. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 599.) GREY (SIR GEORGE) Secy. H. B. M. Home Office, 1846-52, 1855-66. Under-Secy. H. B. M. Colonial Office 1836 Nov. 23. To S. Coxe, Esq. Definition of boundaries of Br. settlement of Belize. (Gr. Br. H. C. Paper 391, 1856; in Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 44.) Secy. H. B. M. Home Office 1850 Oct. 16. Despatch; encouragement of immigration from U. S. to Br. West Indies. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 29, 3.) 1852 Feb. 20. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. in Gr. Br. (Lawrence). In explanation of his despatch of Oct. 16, 1850. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 99, 2.) GREY EAGLE, AMER. SLAVER BRIG Boarded by H. B. M. ship Espiegle (Hancock) in Bahia. Honda, Je. 27, 1854, and sent as prize to mixed Ct. in Havana. 1854 Je. 29. H. B. M. cons. gen. for Cuba (Crawford) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Cap- ture of Amer. brig Grey Eagle by Espiegle. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 35.) — Jly. 7. Amer. actg. cons., Havana (Robertson) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Arrival in Havana of Grey Eagle as Spanish prize. (ib., 85.) — Jly. 20. Crawford to Clarendon. Further despatch relative to Grey Eagle. (ib., 36.) — Jiy. 20. Robertson to Marcy. Proc. in mixed court of justice investigating case of captured brig Grey Eagle. (ib., 85.) — Aug. 28. Amer. actg. cons., Havana (Savage) to Marcy. Efforts to secure evidence in case of Grey Eagle. (ib., 86.) — Sept. 6. Same to same. Further rpts. Of efforts to secure evidence in case of Grey Eagle. (ib., 87.) — Sept. 12. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Cramp- ton) to Marcy. Capture of Grey Eagle by Espiègle. (ib., 35.) — Sept. 25. Secy. Mixed Court of Justice, Havana (Valedes) to Amer. cons. in charge (Savage). Cer- tain papers in case of Grey Eagle. (ib., 61.) Sept. 27. Savage to Marcy. Case of Grey Eagle pending in mixed court of justice in Havana. (ib., 61.) GREYTOWN CITY COUNCIL 1851 Nov. 22. To agt. Amer. Atlantic and Pacific Ship- canal co. (Geddes). Harbor, etc., regulations. (p. 118, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) 1852 Jan. 3. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Parker). Reply to his note of 2 inst. (ib., 130.) Citizens 1852 Feb. 28. Proc. of public mtg. for purpose of dis- cussing propriety of applying to govt. of Nicaragua. for corporate privileges. (p. 138, Corresp. With U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, v. 60.) Constitution. 1852 Apr. (?). Copy of Constitution. (p. 170, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) Mayor 1852 May 1. Inaugural address [Martin]. (p. 174, Cor- resp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) Ordinances 1852 [May]. Laws and regulations of the port of Grey- town or San Juan del Norte. (p. 174, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) GREYTOWN BOMBARDMENT; see CENTRAL AMERICA. NICARAGUA GRIDER (HENRY), REP. FROM KY. 1846 May 18. Speech; arraigning course of administra- tion in prosecution of war with Mexico. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 838.) — Aug. 8. Remarks; favoring passage of bill making further provision for expenses of foreign inter- course. (ib., 1214.) * GRIEWE (MILLER), OF GA. Amer. chargé in Denmark, 1852-[53] ; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. 696 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs GRIEVE (ROBERT), OF SCOTLAND Amer, cons. for Leith, 1834-52 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. 1836 Aug. 23. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Woodbury). Deportation of emigrants. (24. 2. S. doc. 5, 10.) GRIFFIN (CHARLES JOHN), AGT. HUDSON'S BAY CO. 1859 JIy. 30. To capt. U. S. A. stationed at San Juan (Casey). On ground that San Juan Is. is Hudson’s Bay Co.'s property, requests Casey and his co. to withdraw. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 48.) . . GRIFFIN (GREENBURY), EXECRS. OF 1835 Feb. 9. To U. S. House. Praying remuneration for loss of packet sloop Jefferson, captured by enemy during late war with Gr. Br., while engaged in transportation of U. S. mail. (23. 2. H. jol., 344.) 1844 Apr. 5. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 1. S. jol., 215.) 1854 Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 500.) GRIFFIN, AMER. BARQUE; CLAIM OF; see BRAZIL. CLAIMS, 1849, UNADJUSTED CLAIMS GRIFFING (DAVID) 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Praying to be paid for sloop destroyed by Br. forces during late war. (25. 3. H. jol., 118; 351.) GRIFFITH (FRANCIS R.) 1847 Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Memorial, of C. D. Ow- ings’ heirs; praying indemnity for French spolia- tions prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 224.) 1850 Mch. 8. To U. S. House. Memorial of C. D., S. R., and C. H. Owings, and F. R. Griffith; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 647.) GRIFFITH (JOHN), FOR AMER. CONS., SMYRNA (OFFLEY) 1853 Je. 24. To Amer. chargé ad int. Turkey (Brown). Representation of case of M. Koszta. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 40, 3; H. ex. doc. 91, 9.) GRIFFITH (PHILIP) Secy. H. B. M. legation in U. S. A. ; actg. chargé, 1853- 54 ; see Gr. Br. Diplomatic service. GRIFFITH (STEPHEN) 1831 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for losses by French spoliations. (21. 2. S. jol., 122.) 1850 Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 408, 409.) Jan. 28. To U. S. Senate. (31. 1. S. jol., 112.) — Jan. 30. To same. Same. (ib., 121.) GRIFFITHS (WILLIAM HARRISON HOLLIER) Amer. com/. agt. for Mauritius, 1840-43 ; see U. S. A. consular Service. British dominions. GRIFFON, AMER. BARQUE (HALSTED) 1853 Je. 13. Amer. chargé ad int. in Brazil (Coxe) to ministr. negoc. estrang., Brazil (Soarez de Souza). Presents petition of capt. Halsted (Griffon), for res- toration of merchandise seized by custom-house authorities of Rio, on ground of involuntary trans- gression of laws; absence of criminal intention on part of captain. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 88, 21.) — JIy. 13. Coxe to Soarez de Souza. Protests agst. order for sale of goods seized from Griffon, before decision of emperor on petition for restoration of same is known. (ib., 22.) GRIFFON, AMER. BARQUE (HALSTED)—cont’d 1853 Jly. 18. Soarez de Souza to Coxe. Goods seized from Griffon belong to clerks making seizure, ac- COrding to fiscal regulations; petition for restora- tion of same declared of no effect. (ib., 23.) — Jly. 23. N. Sands and co. to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Facts in case of seizure of cargo of Grif- fon by Brazil. authorities. (ib., 23.) — Jly. 30. Coxe to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Circumstances attending seizure of cargo of Grif- fon, Summary of stnt. of case as presented to Em- peror, for exercise of pardoning power; case pre- º every feature requisite for claim agst. Brazil. ib., 17.) 1854 Jly. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Mason, Va.), calling for copies of corresp. betw. late Amer. chargé at Brazil (Coxe) and Brazil, govt., concerning seizure of cargo of Griffin. [sic] and imprisonment of George Marsden, Amer. citizen. (33. 1. S. jol., 475.) GRIGSBY (JOHN), CAPT. U. S. A., COMDR. MILITARY POST AT SONOMA 1846 Jly. 16. To capt. Montgomery. Asks instructions in case of therein named murderers of two Ameri- cans at Sonoma. (29. 2. S. doc. 1, 665; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1032.) GRIGSBY (JOHN WARREN), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Bordeaux, 1841-50; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. French dominions. GRIMAN (A. G.), ET AL., CLAIMANTS; see GLASSELL (ANDREW), HEIRs of GRIMES (JAMES W.), SEN. FROM IOWA 1860 Mch. 30. Remarks; opposing claim of Aaron H. Palmer. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 1448.) — May 4. Do.; stating objections to bill for relief of legal reprs. of J. E. Martin, (ib., 1920.) 1861 Jan. 25. Do.; moving postponement of bill for re- lief of O. H. Berryman and others. (ib., 36. 2., 555.) GRINALDS (SOUTHEY), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Puerto Cabello, 1847-50 ; 1851-56; see U. S. A. Consular service. Venezuela. GRINNELL (JAMES), REPR. FROM MASS. 1849 Feb. 19. Remarks; offering amdmt. to H. R. 684, to provide for execution in part of art. 12, treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 555.) GRISNER (HENRY) 1852 May 25. To U. S. Senate. Praying apptmt. of tri- bunal to review decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 430.) GRISONS, CANTON; see GRAUBüNDEN GRISWOLD (CHARLES), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Manila in 1856; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. GRISWOLD (GAYLORD) 1850 Feb. 5. To U. S. Senate. Praying indemnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 130.) GRISWOLD (GEO.), ET AL. 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 697 GRISWOLD (JOHN N. A.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Shanghai, 1848-54; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. China. See Xvii, Chinese Repository, 544, for acct. of visit to taOutae of Shanghai on apptmt. of Griswold. 1851 Feb. 19. To Amer. chargé in China (Parker). Acct. of fees recd. during 1850. (32. 1. H. misc. doc. 67, 2.) GRISWOLD (NATHANIEL L.), AND OTHERS 1844 Feb. 8. To U. S. Congress. Praying revision of Commercial treaties betw. U. S. and foreign govts. e (28. 1. S. doc. 138.) GRISWOLD (CONN.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) GROESBECK (WILLIAM S.), OF OHIO, 1815-97 Representative from Ohio, 35 congress, 1857-59; mem- ber Com. on Foreign Affairs, 1857-59; 35 cong., 1 and 2 sess. Bills Introduced 1858 Mch. 12. Relief of Wm. Rich. (35. 1. H. R. 361.) Reports Made 1858 Mch. 12. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 361, for relief of Wm. Rich. (35. 1. H. rpt. 170.) Remarks Made 1858 Jan. 11. Arrest of Wm. Walker by comdre. Pauld- ing in Nicaragua, neutrality laws, and rescue of KOSzta by Capt. Ingraham. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 249-251.) — Jan. 14. Neutrality laws. (ib., 290-291.) 1859 Jan. 26. Favorable to clause in cons. and dipl. apprn. bill providing for suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 35. 2., 616-617.) GROGAN (JAMES W.), AMER. CITIZEN Abducted from Alburg. Vt., on the night of Sept. 9, 1841, by armed Canadian invaders. Was Surrendered on demand of U. S., in October. Release was formerly acknowledged by Secy. of State Webster on Nov. 27. 1841 Sept. 28. Actg. Secy. of State (Webster) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Fox). Case of seizure of J. W. Grogan. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 18; H. ex. doc. 2, 44.) — Sept. 29. Fox to Webster. Reply to letter of 28 inst. (27. 2. H. ex: doc. 2, 44.) – Sept. 29. Gov. of Vt. (Jenison) to Webster. Ter- ritorial invasion by armed Canadians; abduction ; # w Grogan. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 17; H. ex. doc. — Oct. 5. Webster to Jenison. Representations ad- dressed to H. B. M. minister in regard to outrage committed in Alburg. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 42.) — Oct. 12. Jenison to Webster. Grogan surrendered ; gamian authorities. (ib., 43; 27. 2. S. doc. 1, 8. — Oct. 18. Webster to Jenison. Receipt of letter of 12 inst. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 43.) — Oct. 21. Fox to Webster. Arrest of Grogan. (ib., 45; S. doc. 1, 20.) — Nov. 26. Same to same. Arrest and subsequent re- lease of Grogan. (ib., 45; ib., 20.) — Nov. 27. Webster to Fox. Release of Grogan by Br. govt. acknowledged. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 209; H. ex. doc. 2, 47.) — Dec. 7. President U. S. A. (Tyler). Annual mes- Sage; clause regarding seizure of Grogan by in- Vaders from Canada. GRONDEUR, FRENCH WAR STR. 1857 Nov. 13. Comdr. U. S. S. Dale (McBlair) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Toucey). Grondeur arrives off Loando Oct. 29; etc. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 7, 78.) GROS (JEAN BAPTISTE LOUIS), 1793-1870 1857-60, comr. extraordinary of France in China ; on Mch. 7, 1860, was given title of ambassador extraor- dinary to negotiate the peace of 1860. 1858 Feb 4. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China. (Reed). Corresp. with Chinese prime minister relative to proposed course. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 146.) — Feb. 6. To same. Sends copy of notification resp. military occupation of Canton, and Suspension of hostilities agst. China. (ib., 169.) — Feb. 13. To same. Receipt of letter of 6, and copies of corresp. with Yeh, and of note to Pekin. (ib., 189.) — Apr. 3. To same. Yu, in refusing to communicate with him directly, has annulled art. of treaty with France; intends to proceed north at once. (ib., 248.) — Apr. 6. To same. Transmits copies of communi- cations to Chinese officials. (ib., 251.) — Apr. 9. To same. Transmits two documents, to be returned when copied. (ib., 256.) — Apr. 23. To same. Encloses copy of note intended to be sent to prime minister Yu. (ib., 262.) — Apr. 23. To same. Lord Elgin ready to forward his note to Chinese authorities. (ib., 264.) — Apr. 28. To same. Receipt of copy of note to Chi- nese authorities. (ib., 267.) — May 2. To same. Answer of Tau, here with en- closed, to request for explanation of his powers, unsatisfactory. (ib., 278.) — May 2. To same. Receipt of copy of answer to Tau. (ib., 280.) May 5. To same. Transmits copy of note intended to be sent to Tau, in effort at conciliation with China. (ib., 290.) — May 7. To same. Explains his past and present attitude on Chinese question and powers of im- perial comr. (ib., 301.) — May 12. Transmits translation of answer to letter to Chinese comrs., in relation to certain powers solicited from China. (ib., 311.) — May 19. To same. Outlines plans regarding forts at Takao; annexes copy of summons intended to be sent to Chinese comrs. (ib., 321.) — Je. 7. To same. Encloses note of meeting of Je. 6, with Kweiliang and Hwashana. (ib., 343.) —— Je. 12. To Same. Has not recd. note from Chinese plenipotentiaries on demands of France. (ib., 348.) — Jly. 20. To same. Transmits copy of Chinese text of treaty signed Je. 27. (ib., 380.) GROSVENOR (ABEL M.), HEIRS OF; see HEACOCK (R. B.) GROSVENOR (JOHN), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Canton, 1826-35; see U. S. A. Consular service. China. GROTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) — Sept. 22. To same. Same. (ib., 83.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Praying recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 349.) – Jan. 21. To same; Vs. Texan annexation. H. jol., 341.) (25. 3. GROTON (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 603.) 1845 Feb. 13. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 382.) 1846 Jan, 29. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 321.) 698 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GROTTO, AMER. SHIP Searched in Gulf of Mexico in 1858 by Br. vessel not named. 1858 May 22. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to U. S. customs collector, Bath, Me. (Berry). Instructions to Secure information relative to boarding of Amer. ship Grotto by Br. armed vessel not named; etc. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 37; S. ex. doc. 61, 29.) GROWER (MARTIN), REPRESENTATIVE FROM N. Y. 1845 Dec. 18. To U. S. House. Remarks; naturalization laws, denouncing Spirit of Native Americanism. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 82.) 1846 Jan. 26. Speech; on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, rela- tive to Oregon; etc. (ib., app., 123.) GROVERMAN (A.), CLAIMANT; see DEVNHAGEN AND GROVERMAN GROVES ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ALCIOPE; see ALCIOPE GROVES (NATHANIEL), SEAMAN AMER. SHIP NATCHEZ; See NATCHEZ GROW (GALUSHA A.), REPR. FROM PENN. 1851 Dec. 31. Remarks; in reply to McMullin, in de- fense of Kossuth and his mission to U. S., during consideration of Cartter res. Of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Kossuth to House. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 180.) 1854 Aug. 1. Do.; unfavorable to 128 Senate amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 48, reimbursing Edw. Riddle for sums expended on acct. of his of ficial position at Industrial Exhibition, London. (ib., 33. 1., 2055.) 1855 Jan. 16. DO.; unfavorable to H. R. 651, for relief of Sam’l A. Belden and co. (ib., 33. 2., 277–278.) 1858 Jan. 4. Do.; opposing discussion of arrest of Gen. Walker, until transmission of information called for. (ib., 35. 1., 178.) Jan. 5. Do.; asserting power of President to arrest on high seas any expeditions in Violation of neu- trality laws of U. S. (ib., 201.) 1859 Mch. 2. Do.; denying authority of Secy. Navy to charter vessels for Paraguay expedition. (ib., 35. 2., 1606.) GROZIER ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. FOUR BROTH- ERS; see FOUR BROTHERS GRUBBE (WALTER T. H.), COMDR. H. B. M. STR. TEAZER; see TEAZER GRUND (FRANCIS I.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Bremen in 1842; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany ; do. for Antwerp, 1844-46 ; see same. , Belgium ; do. for Havre, 1859-61 ; see same. French dominions. 1842 Feb. 10. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). German emigrants to U. S. (28. 2. S. doc. 42, 6.) GRUNDY (FELIX), OF TENN., 1777-1840 Serg; from Tenn., 1829-38; U. S. Attorney-General, Senator from Tenn. 1832 Jan. 18. U. S. Senate. Remarks; Sprague res. call- ing for information and corresp. regarding n. e. boundary; questioning expediency of same. (viii, Reg. Debates, 108.) 1837 Jan. 14. DO.; recommending postponement of res. calling for copies of corresp. in relation to inde- pendence of Texas. (xiii, ib., 419.) GRUNDY (FELIX), OF TENN., 1777-1840—cont’d Atty. Gen., U. S. A. 1838 Oct. 11. Opinion; case of Amer. vessel Lone en- tered and cleared from port under blockade; cap- tured by vessel belonging to French blockading Sqdn. (ii, Op. attyS. gen., 1218; 25. 3. H. doc. 211, 50; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 1218.) — Dec. 11. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Con- firming opinion of date of Nov. 23, 1838, of U. S. atty. e. distr. La. (Slidell) in case of Schr. Lone. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 54.) — Dec. 18. Opinion; liability of this govt. under art. 9 of treaty of 1819, to make remuneration for slaves killed, carried off, or detained by troops of U. S. (ii, Op. attys. gen., 1227; 31. 2. H. ex. doc. 55, 1227.) 1839 Jan. 12. Opinion; case of capture of brig Thomas while in port of Havana by U. S. vessel Ontario under advice of Amer. Consul at Havana. (ib., 1236; ib., 1236.) — Nov. Opinion; case of Amistad being demanded with negroes by Spanish minister under art. 9 of treaty of 1795, betw. Spain and United States. (ii, Op. attys. gen., 1289; 26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185, 57; H. ex. doc. 199, 71; 31. 2. H. ex, doc. 55, 1289.) GUADALOUPE, SLAVER n. d. Mentioned. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, 146.) GUADALUPE HIDALGO, TREATY OF; see MEXICO, TREA- TIES. 1848 GUADELOUPE Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) France Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service, French Dominions GUAL (PEDRO) 1817 Jan. 5. S. Bolivas. Commission of Gen. de Clemente and Peter Gual to negotiate certain contracts in U. S. (33. 1. H. rpt. 18, 3.) Late Secy. State of New Granada 1836 May 10. To U. S. speci. agt: in Central America (Biddle). Reply to inquiry for information as to practicability of trans-isthmian communication via Panama. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 228, 96; 25. 3. H. rpt. 322, 85; 30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 323.) GUANO Statutory Measures 1854 JIy. 31. Intr. in U. S. House (Riddle, Select Com. on guano trade), bill (33. 1. H. R. 509) “regulating, in part, trade between U. S. and Peru.” (33. 1. H. jol., 1240.) 1856 Apr. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Seward, N. Y.), res. (34. 1. S. R. 15) “concerning discovery of guano islands.” (34. 1. S. jol., 257; 34. 3. S. jol., 106.) — May 26. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Seward, N. Y.), bill (34. 1. S. 339) “to authorize protection to U. S. citi- zens who may discover deposits of guano"; ap- proved Aug. 18, 1856. (34. 1. S. jol., 359, 643; xi, St. L., 119; 36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 239.) 1860 Feb. 24. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Gwin, Calif.), bill (36. 1. S. 218) “to amend act of Aug. 18, 1856, to authorize protection to be given to U. S. citizens who may discover deposits of guano.” (36. 1. S. jol., 189.) – Mch. 6. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Fessenden, Me.), bill (36. 1. S. 248) “supplemental to act entitled ‘Act to authorize protection to be given to U. S. citizens who may discover deposits of guano,” apprél. Aug. 18, 1856.” (36. 1. S. jol., 221.) — Mch. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hamlin, Com. On Commerce), bill (36. 1. S. 303), “supplemental to act of Aug. 18, 1856, for protection of discoverers of guano deposits.” (ib., 283, 319; 36. 2. S. jol., 361.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 699 GUANO—cont’d * Correspondence, etc. 1852 Dec. 29. Md. legislature to U. S. House. Res. pray- ing arrangements with guano producing countries to break up monopoly in said article. (32. 2. H. jol., 89.) 1853 Jan. 4. Same to same. Con. res., praying arrange- ments with countries producing guano to destroy monopoly in said article. (ib., 101.) 1854 Feb. 6. T. G. Pratt, sen. from Md. Remarks; in explanation of Md. res. praying for removal of mon- Opoly in guano trade. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 336.) — Feb. 24. Md. legislature to U. S. House. Jt. res. relative to monopoly in importation of guano. (33. 1. H. jol., 414.) — Je. 10. Citizens of Delaware to U. S. House. Me- morial relative to trade in guano. (ib., 977.) 1856 Jan. 31. Citizens of U. S. to U. S. Senate. Petition, of R. S. Field, et al.; praying measures for protec- tion of Amer. citizens engaged in guano trade. (34. 1. S. jol., 76; 34. 3. S. jol., 105.) $. — Feb. 19. Rappahannock River Agric. and Mech. Secy. of Wa. to U. S. House. Petition on guano. (34. 1. H. jol., 560.) — Jly. 22. W. P. Fessenden, sen. from Me. Remarks; urging importance of more carefully considering bill S. 339. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 1699.) — JIy. 22. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Do.; Sug- gesting amdmt. to bill S. 339. (ib., 1699.) — JIy. 22. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Do.; request- ing reason for laying down special rule for protec- tion of citizens who may discover deposits of guano. (ib., 1697.) — Jly. 22. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Do.; favor- able to bill S. 339; Hunter amdmt. to amdmt. Of Com. On Foreign Relations, etc. (ib., 1697, 1699- 1700.) — Jly. 22. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Do.; on bill S. 339; with amdmt. to amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Relations, etc. (ib., 1698-1700.) — Jiy. 22. R. Toombs, sen. from Ga. Do.; denying that guano islands should belong to discoverers and that U. S. must protect them in their rights. (ib., 1697.) — Jly. 22. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Do.; urg- ing passage of bill S. 339. (ib., 1697.) — Jly. 24. Same. Do.; favoring passage of original bill for protection of U. S. citizens discovering guano deposits. (ib., 1740.) — Jly. 24. J. P. Benjamin, Sen. from La. Do.; amdmts. to bill S. 339. (ib., 1741.) — Jly. 24. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va.; Do.; on bill S. 339, as amended by Com. on Foreign Relations; on FeSSenden amdmt. to Same, etc. (ib., 1740-1743.) — Jly. 24. W. P. Fessenden, sen. from Me. Do.; amdmts. to bill S. 339. (ib., 1739.) 1860 Mch. 26. H. Hamlin, Sen. from Me. Remarks; favoring passage of bill S. 248. (ib., 36. 1., 1352.) — Mch. 26. R. M. T. Hunter, Sen. from Va. Do.; objections to provisions for inspection of guano in bill S. 248. (ib., 1353.) - — Mch. 26. D. L. Yulee, Sen. from Fla. Do.; opposing bill S. 248 as increasing number of federal offenses. (ib., 1352.) — Mch. 26. S. R. Mallory, Sen. from Fla. Do.; object- ing to provision for designation of guano ports by Secy. Treasury in bill S. 248. (ib., 1354.) — Mch. 26. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Do.; S. 303; law of 1856. (ib., 1347-1349, 1354.) — Mch. 29. Same. Do.; On S. 303, and on Hamlin amdmt., limiting authority of President to use pub- lic force for protection of guano island; opposed to repeal of act of 1856; with amdmt. to bill confirm- ing it to assigns who are citizens of U. S., etc. (ib., 1425-1426.) GUANO—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1860 Mch. 29. H. Hamlin, Sen. from Me. DO.; propos- ing amdmt. to bill for regulating guano trade, etc. (ib., 1424.) — Mch. 29. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Do.; de- fending Hamlin amdmt. to bill S. 303. (ib., 1425.) — Mch. 29. D. L. Yulee, sen. from Fla. Do.; amdmt. to bill S. 303, resp. issue of certificates. (ib., 1425.) — Mch. 29. J. Davis, sen. from Miss. Do.; opposing bill S. 303. (ib., 1425.) 1861 Mch. 2. J. Cochrane, repr. from N. Y. Do.; favor- ing passage of bill S. 303. (ib., 36, 2., 1414.) British Territory 1857 Je. 2. U. S. atty. gen. (Black). Opinion; certain facts must be established to justify President in * a guano island to U. S. (ix, Op. attyS. gen., [1859 May 24.] W. F. Kendall to U. S. Congress. Dispos- Session, by Br. authorities, of his occupancy of guano deposit discovered on Key Verd. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 2.) 1859 Je. 21. Master Amer. brig Fidelia (Daulby). De- position relative to discovery of Key Werd and Subsequent removal of guano from island. (ib., 6.) — Je. 29. Kendall to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). º of guano from Key Verd; asks advice. 1D., 6. – Je. 30. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton) to Kendall. President abstains from recognizing priv- ileges provided for by act of Aug. 18, 1858, on cer- tain conditions. (ib., 7.) – Jly. 1. Gov. of Bahama Is. (Bayley) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Lyons). Removal of guano in Amer. vessels from Key Verd, terr. claimed by Bahama govt. (ib., 8.) — JIy. 11. Lyons to Cass. Extraction of guano in Amer. Vessels from Key Werd, terr. claimed as pos- Session of colonial govt. of Bahamas. (ib., 9.) — Jly. 14. Appleton to Kendall. Advice that Key Verd is claimed by Br. govt. (ib., 8.) . —dº sº Cass to Lyons. Reply to his of 11 inst. 1D., 9. – Jly. 27. Kendall to Cass. Denies claim of Gr. Br. to Key Werd Is. (ib., 10.) — Sept. 5. Kendall to Cass. Transmits depositions, etc., in Support of his claim to right of possession of Key Werd Is. (ib., 11.) — Dec. 14. U. S. Atty. Gen. (Black). Opinion that President has no right to annex guano island called Cayo Verde or put W. J. Kendall in possession of it, until dipl. question raised by Br. minister shall be finally settled, and not then unless in our favor. (ix, Op. attys. gen., 406; 36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 22.) 1860 Feb. 9. Appleton to Amer. cons., New Providence (Merritt). Instructed to supply information as to Br. jurisdiction exercised over Key Werd previous to visit of capt. Daulby, Nov., 1858. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 23.) — Feb. 24. San Francisco (Cal.) citizens to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying amdmt. of act of Aug. 18, 1856, in relation to discovery of deposits of guano upon certain islands. (36. 1. S. jol., 188.) — Apr. 16. Kendall to U. S. Senate. Memorial; pray- ing indemnity for property seized and confiscated by alleged authority of Br. govt., and for value of guano on island claimed under act of Aug. 11, 1856. (ib., 394; 679.) — Apr. 30. Merritt to Cass. Br. jurisdiction over Key Verde. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280, 24.) 700 INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs GUANO—cont’d British Territory—cont’d 1860 Je. 16. U. S. Committee on Foreign Relations (Ma- son). Rpt. relative to Kendall claim for disposses- Sion by Br. authorities of occupancy of guano de- posit discovered by him on Key Verd. (36. 1. S. rpt. 280.) Navassa g 1859 Jan. 25. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Va.), bill (35. 2. S. 531) “to allow Edward K. Cooper and assigns exclusive right of occupying island of Na- vassa, to obtain guano.” (35. 2. S. jol., 185.) — Feb. 18. U. S. Com. Foreign Relations (Mason). Adverse rpt. on S. 531. (35. 2. S. rpt., 379.) Neutral Territory 1855 Oct. 3. The American Guano co, to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Memorial; praying authority to work guano islands. (34. 1. S. misc. doc. 60, 9.) Oct. 12. Baker (M.). Deposition of discovery of guano islands. (ib., 8.) 1856 May 20. Counsel for Amer. Guano co. (Wood). Stmt. of rights for discovery of guano islands; and on powers of govt. (ib., 2.) May 21. American Guano go. to U. S. Congress. Praying recognition of guano islands by U. S. (ib., 2.) — May 26. Amer. Guano Co. to U. S. Senate. Pray- ing measures to assert jurisdiction of U. S. over certain guano islands, and recognition of title of petitioners to same. (34. 1. S. jol., 357.) 1858 Mch. 10. N. Y. State citizens to U. S. Senate. Pray- ing measures to secure information regarding al- leged discoveries of guano in Jarvis and Baker’s islands, in Pacific. (35. 1. S. jol., 242; 624.) — Mch. 11. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), call- * ing for information relative to guano discoveries in 1855, and discovery of same in Jarvis and Baker’s islands. (ib., 246.) Apr. 9. Brooklyn (N. Y.) citizens to U. S. House. Discovery of guano islands of Pacific. (35. 1. H. jol., 607.) — Apr. 15. N. Y. S. citizens to U. S. House. Same. (ib., 622.) Peruvian Territory n. d. S. Tavara. Substance of a memoir on guano trade translated from Span. text of Deputy Don Santiago Tavara. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 47.) 1832 Aug. 21. Webster to de Osma. Grounds upon which claim of Peru to sovereignty of Lobos Islands may be resisted. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, 7; 34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 5, 36.) Extr. only on p. 5, S. rpt. 397 : letter in full on p. 36, S. rpt. 397, and in S. doc. 109. 1833 Sept. 6. Peru. President decree (Campo-Redondo, vice-pres., pres. ad int.) restricting coast and island fisheries to Peruv. citizens; foreign vessels warned. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 941.) Sept. 30. Amer. chargé in Peru (Larned) to min- istr. relac. est., Peru . (Tirado). Protests agst. de- cree prohibiting foreigners from fishing on Peruv. shores and islands. (ib., 98.) Nov. 25. Atty. gen, of Peru. Opinion; notification necessary to decree prohibiting fishing by foreign vessels. (ib., 100.) — Dec. 18. Ministr. relac. est., Peru (Rio) to Larned. Two copies of new commercial regulation trans- mitted; suggestions asked for improvement of Com- mercial legislation. (ib., 102.) 1834 Mch. 5. Private secy, to atty, gen., Peru (Villa). Exclusion of foreign vessels from fishing rights to be maintained. (ib., 101.) 1840 Aug. 5. Peru. President [Gamara]. Decree rela- tive to sea fisheries on Peruvian coast. (ib., 146.) GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d 1842 Feb. 22. Peru. Treasury Dept. Declaration; an- nulling claim to right of guano deposits made by certain therein named persons of Dept. of Libertad. (ib., 151.) — Mch. 12. Same. Decree annulling guano Sales made by prefect of Dept. of Moquegna. (ib., 151.) — Mch. 21. Peru. President [Menendez]. Decree regulating extraction and sale of guano. (ib., 152.) 1849 Aug. 11. Amer. chargé in Peru (Clay) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Depleted condition of Peruvian treasury; monopoly of export of guano given to an English house until 1852. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 34.) 1850 Apr. 26. Clayton to Clay. Instructions for prevent- ing renewal of contract by Peru with subjects of other nations affecting price of guano, etc. (ib., 6; H. rpt. 347, 19.) — May 11. Clay to Clayton. Reduction of balance due on Peruvian indemnity; arrangement for pro- ceeds from sales of guano. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 39.) — May 30. Chrm. State Agric. Socy, of Md. (Walsh) to Clayton. Desirability of opening negotiations to Secure to Amer. citizens benefits of Peruvian guano trade. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 7; 33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 21.) — Je. 5. Clayton to Walsh. Measures taken to re- move restrictions upon guano trade between Peru and U. S.; cause of high cost of Peruvian guano in TJ. S. (ib., 7; ib., 21.) — Je. 6. Clayton to Peruvian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Tirado). Desirability of removing restrictions on guano trade. (33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 32.) — Je. 7. Clayton to Peruvian minister at Washing- ton (Tirado). Inquiry as to existing restrictions upon export of guano from Peru to U. S. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 2.) – Je. 10. Tirado to Clayton. Claims guano is not monopolized; requests certain information looking to more advantageous Supply of guano in U. S. (ib., 3; 33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 32.) – Je. 10. U. S. Senate. Res. (Pratt, Md.), calling for information regarding status of U. S. citizens with respect to guano trade, under existing treaties of U. S. with Peru. (31. 1. S. jol., 386.) — Je. 10. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Remarks; favorable to Pratt res. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1172.) Je. 10. T. G. Pratt, sen. from Md. Do.; submitting res. Calling for information relative to footing of |U. S. citizens with respect to guano trade under treaties with Peru, etc. (ib., 1172.) , — Je. 20. Clayton to Tirado. Suggesting benefits ac- cruing from open trade in guano. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 59, 6; 33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 36.) — Je. 27. Clayton to U. S. Senate. Treaty stipula- tions betw. Peru and U. S., and footing on which citizens of U. S. are placed concerning guano trade. (ib., 2; ib., 31.) — Aug. 12. Clay to Clayton. No prospect of opening trade in guano betw. Peru and U. S. unless discrim- inating duty is placed on the article. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 80; 33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 20.) — Oct. 20. Clay to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Peruvian decree of Oct. 4, granting guano monop- oly; strmt. of contracts previously made, etc. (33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 22.) — Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual message; clause relating to importation of Peru- Vian guano. 1851 Feb. 8. Clay to Webster. Change of Peruvian min- istry taking place Apr. 20, 1851, may affect Amer. guano interests favorably; operations of new Con- tractors. (33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 27.) INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 701 GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d 1851 Dec. 22. Same to same. Endeavors to induce Peru to change system of disposing of guano; indiffer- ence of ministry to subject, etc. (ib., 29.) 1852 May 7. Peru. President [Echenique]. Decree es: tablishing local jurisdiction for Lobos and Chincha Is. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 130.) — Sept. 18. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Conrad) to J. C. Jewett. Rights to load guano on account of Pe- ruvian govt. may be obtained at Lobos or other guano islands. (ib., 381.) — Sept. 25. Conrad to Dana and co. Michael Angelo will probably obtain freight from Peruvian govt. from either Lobos or Chincha IS. (ib., 222.) 1853. Quantity of guano exported to U. S. during 1853 in foreign vessels. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 13.) — Aug. 30. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Peru (Clay). Instructions for representation to obtain release of guano monopoly. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 70, 2; H. rpt. 347, 48.) — Nov. 11. Clay to Marcy. Income from sale of guano furnishes interest to liquidate Peruvian national debt; delicate matter to negotiate. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 70, 3.) — Dec. 3. Marcy to Clay. Instructions; to suggest ºlon of contract with guano monopolists. ib., 5. — Dec. 5. President U. S. A. (Pierce). Annual mes- Sage; clause relating to guano trade, and claims of U. S. citizens therein concerned agst. Peru. 1854 Feb. 6. Md. legislature. Res. favoring arrange- ment with Peru to remove monopoly in sale of guano. (33. 1. S. jol., 158; 178; 386.) — Feb. 13. U. S. House. Res. (Craige, N. C.), calling for information regarding present state of negotia- tions with Peru for removal of restrictions upon exportation of guano. (33. 1. H. jol., 370.) — Mch. 9. Md. Agric. Socy. Res.; Peruvian guano trade. (ib., 468.) — Mch. 18. Peruvian chargé ad int. in U. S. A. (OSma) to Peruvian ministr. relac. est. Loading and trans- portation of guano. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 24.) May 10. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; On Md. res. relative to guano trade; former treaty with Peru on subject defeated by British capitalists. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1144.) — May 16. Delaware citizens to U. S. Senate. Pray- ing measures to effect reduction in price of Peru- vian guano. (33. 1. S. jol., 393.) May 16. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; in explanation of petition from citizens of Delaware. (Cong. Globe, 33, 1., 1194.) — Je. 10. G. R. Riddle, repr. from Del. Remarks; in support of memorial of agric. Societies and citizens of Delaware, praying for arrangement With Peru relative to guano trade. (ib., 1370.) — JIy. 10. Stevensville (Va.) Agric. Club to U. S. Senate. Praying measures to reduce cost of Peru- vian guano. (33. 1. S. jol., 486.) * — Jly. 25. U. S. House. On motion (Fuller, Me.), Com. on Commerce discharged from consideration of memorial of citizens Of Thomaston, Me., relative to demand of redress from Peru, and Same referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (33. 1. H. jol., 1203.) Entry of petition not found. — Jly. 31. U. S. Select Committee (Riddle). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 509 on memorial of citizens of Delaware praying govt. of U. S. to effect arrangement with Peru by which Peru will cede to U. S. one of her guano islands, or remove restrictions existing upon Amer. vessels. (33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 1.) — Aug. 24. Clay to Marcy. Influence of Br. Capitalists over guano trade overrated; greater part of guano carrying done in Amer, bottoms; Barreda Contract; GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d negotiation with Peru for change difficult 3. Peru would sell Chincha Is. for sixty or eighty Imillions. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 3.) [1856.] Guano; report on Peruvian supply and export of guano, chiefly from Chincha Is. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 47, 699.) gº — Mch. 14. C. B. Calvert to Marcy. Action of Md. Agric. Soc. in matter of Peruvian guano trade to- gether with copy of communication of Socy. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 25, 25.) & — Mch. 18. Marcy to Clay. Requests information rel- ative to alleged privileges of Spanish Amer: States in procuring guano from Peruvian Is. (ib., 32.) — Mch. 26. Clay to Marcy. Peru's contract With Gibbs and sons and Barreda and Bro. for exportation Of guano; opportunity for U. S. citizens to offer pro- posals for same privilege. (ib., 33.) Apr. 18. Clay to Marcy. Alleged privilege of Span- ish Amer. States in matter of purchase of Éliano non-existent; U. S. on equality with other mation.S. (ib., 35.) — Aug. 11. Clay to Marcy. Change in present Sys- tem of sale and exportation of guano exceedingly unlikely; Barreda contract to expire Aug., 1856. (ib., 37.) 1857. Carlos Barroilhet. Substance of some remarks on guano trade, translated from a pamphlet in the Span. language, published in 1857. [i. e. (?), Opus- culo sobre el huano, dedicado a la nacion peruana. Paris, 1857. 104 pp. 8°.] (ib., 44.) — Feb. 12. Clay to Marcy. Barreda contract Surren- dered and export of guano to U. S. free. (ib., 39.) — Sept. 10. Clay to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Dis- cussions in national conv. of Peru relative to guano; rpt. that price of guano is to be raised; encloses information from various sources on guano trade. (ib., 40.) Oct. 7. Peru. Council of Ministers. Decree accept- ing resignation of Barreda guano contract. (ib., 6.) — Oct. 12. Clay to Cass. Surrender of Barreda Con- tract; close competition for new contract; decision in matter rests with conv. (ib., 60.) — Oct. 29. Peru. Council of Ministers. Copy of Con- tract between Peru and Zaracondequi and Co., Don Juan de Ugarte and Jose Vicente Oyague and Co., for export and sale of guano in U. S. as Submitted to the national conv.; conv. adjourned Without giv- ing formal approval to contract; see decree of Oct. 7. (ib., 63.) — Dec. 29. Peru. Council of Ministers. Decree pro- viding for execution of Zaracondequi and Co., etc., contract of Oct. 29, subject to approval of Conven- tion. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 68.) 1858 Jan. 12. Clay to Cass. Zaracondequi, Ugarte and Oyague contract for export and Sale of guano in U. S. made Oct. 29, 1857. (ib., 63.) — Aug. 9. Clay to Cass. Tables published by minister of finance in relation to guano trade of Peru, 1841- 57. (ib., 69.) [1859.] Statistical table resp. export of Peruvian guano, 1840–56. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 4, 461.) Transl. from Peru. Memoria de hacienda y Comercio, pub., 1858. CHINCHA IS. See p. 706. LOBOS IS. 1833 Jly. 2. N. A. Diaz to Comdt. gen. marina, Peru (Soroa). Granting of permits by port captains along coast to foreign vessels to fish at Lobos Is. (34. 3. S rpt. 397, 94.) — Jly. 6. Soroa to ministr, guer. y mar., Peru. Out- rages committed by foreign vessels illegally fishing at Lobos Is. On strength of permits granted by port Captains; case of Amer. brig Anna Watan. (ib., 95.) 702 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOS IS.—cont’d 1834 Apr. 1. H. B. M. cons. gen., Lima (Wilson) to ministr. relac. est., Peru (Corbacho). Br. ship Compladora not warned by any Peruvian war ves- Sel to desist from fishing on Lobos Is...; capt. of port of Paita Suggested bribe for permission to Com- pladora to proceed; bribe refused. (ib., 145.) 1847 Oct. 11. E. C. Carter to ministr. da hacienda, Peru. Results of reconnoissance and general survey of Peruvian guano islands. (ib., 156.) 1852 2. Comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (McCauley). Proclamation; his instructions to abstain from pro- tecting any vessels of U. S. visiting Lobos Is. for purposes forbidden by Peruvian decrees. (ib., 6; 165.) — Jan. 2. Master Amer. bark Philomela (Jewett) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Inquiry as to right of U. S. to remove guano deposits from Lobos Is. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, pt. 2, 4.) — Jan. 5. Webster to Jewett. Amer. citizens, remov- ing guano from Lobos Is... will have protection of U. S. (ib., 5.) — Jan. 22. Peruvian chargé in U. S. A. (Osma) to Webster. Strmt. ; Lobos Is. (ib., 1.) — May 7. Peru. President. Decree; see above. — Je. 5. Webster to Jewett. U. S. in duty bound to protect citizens of U. S. who may visit Lobos Is. for purpose of obtaining guano. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 2.) — Je. 5. Webster to Secy. of Navy, U. S. A. (Graham). Advantage to be derived from protection to Amer. Citizens resorting to Lobos Is. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, 5.) t — Je. 8. Graham to Webster. Vessel of Pacific sqdn. Ordered to Lobos Is. to protect citizens of U. S. re- sorting thither. (ib., 8.) — Je. 16. Graham to McCauley. Instructed to send VeSSel of Sqdn. to Lobos Is. for protection of U. S. citizens and commerce. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 3.) — Je. 25. de Osma to Webster. Protest agst, gather- ing of guano at Lobos Is... by U. S. citizens and pro- tection afforded them by U. S. govt.; sovereignty claimed by Peru. (ib., 30.) — Jly. 3. Same to same. Requests declaration in writing of denial by U. S. of Peru's exclusive right in and possession of Lobos Is. (ib., 32; 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, 4.) — Aug. 3. de Osma to Amer. chargé in Peru (Clay). Illegality of proposed guano trade by U. S. citizens from Lobos Is. and of protection accorded them in view of Peru’s sovereignty. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 48.) — Aug. 5. Clay to de Osma. Asks whether armaments Stated to be preparing by Peruvian govt. are to be directed agst. commerce and citizens of U. S. (ib., 50.) g — Aug. 5. Same to Same. Has recal. no communica- tion from U. S. regarding Lobos Is. or guano trade; believes sovereignty Over them to be wested in Peru. (ib., 49.) — Aug. 6. de Osma to Clay. Peru not preparing arma- ments agst. commerce and citizens of U. S. (ib., 52.) — Aug. 7. Clay to Webster. Peru’s sovereignty over Lobos Is... is established both by priority of discovery and possession. (ib., 42.) Commented upon by Actg. Secy. State, Conrad, in his of Sept. 21. — Aug. 9. U. S. Senate. Res. (Hamlin, Me.), calling for corresp. with Peru regarding Lobos Is., and copy of instructions to officer in command of Amer. sqdn., on subject of vessels loading with guano there. (32. 1. S. jol., 576.) — Aug. 9. Clay to Tirado. Explanations of de OSma. regarding armaments now preparing in Peru Satis- factory. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 53.) GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOS IS.—cont’d 1852 Aug. 9. de Osma. Protest agst, conduct of U. S. in affording protection to guano gatherers at Lobos Is...; Peru's sovereignty maintained. (ib., 33; 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, 4.) — Aug. 16. Jewett to Webster. Encloses papers re- lating to operations in procuring guano from Lobos IS.; requests keeping of continued armed force at Lobos Is. for protection of commerce (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 211.) — Aug. 18. Clay to McCauley. U. S. vessel of war required at Lobos de Afuera to preserve order; his presence in Raritan at Callao besought. (ib., 57.) — Aug. 18. U. S. Senate. Res. (Hale, N. H.), Com. on Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of re-annexing Lobos Is. (32. 1. S. jol., 611.) — Aug. 21. Webster to Jewett. Resistance agst. Pe- ruvian authority Over Lobos IS. Will not be Coun- tenanced by U. S. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, pt. 2, 3.) — Aug. 21. Webster to Osma. Claim of Peru to SOV- ereignty over Lobos Is... contested; right of U. S. citizens to gather guano there maintained (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 5, 36; 32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, 7.) — Aug. 24. Webster to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Ken- nedy). President directs suspension of Navy Dept. orders relative to Lobos Is. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 109, pt. 2, 3.) Aug. 25. Clay to Webster. Means of preventing collision betw. vessels expected to arrive at Lobos Is. and Peruvian troops stationed there. (34. 3 S. rpt. 397, 55.) — Aug. 25. Kennedy to McCauley. Instructed to sus- pend, until further orders, execution of order of Je. 16, 1852, protecting U. S. guano gatherers at Lobos Is. (ib., 6.) — Aug. 25. Kennedy to Webster. President’s direc- tions that comdre. McCauley suspend order of Je. 16, and refrain from aiding U. S. citizens at Lobos Is., complied with. (ib., 218.) — Aug. 30. Webster to Clay. Fuller information re- quested regarding jurisdiction of Spain and Peru over Lobos Is...; right of Peru to drive away U. S. vessels not admitted; policy of Peru regarding ex- portation of guano condemned. (ib., 57.) — Sept. 10. Jewett to President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Solicits protection of govt. for property embarked in guano enterprise undertaken under guaranty of protection. (ib., 218.) — Sept. 18. Clay to McCauley. Presence of war Ves- sel of U. S. absolutely required at Callao to protect |U. S. citizens. (ib., 88.) — Sept. 18. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Conrad) to J. C. Jewett. Rights to load guano on account of Peruvian govt. may be obtained at Lobos or other guano islands. (ib., 381.) — Sept. 21. Conrad to Magoun and son. Peru dis- posed to give freight to U. S. vessels, sailing for Lobos Is... betw. Je. 5 and Aug. 24 last. (ib., 219.) – Sept. 21. Tirado to Clay. Protest agst, freighting of Vessels in U. S. to ship guano at Lobos Is. (ib., 64.) – Sept. 21. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Conrad) to Clay. In view of arrival of new minister, de Osma, instructions contained in despatch not to be made known to Peruv. govt. until further notice. (ib., 59.) — Sept. 21. Conrad to Clay. U. S. has no desire to encroach on rights of Peru; guano monopoly granted by Peru impolitic; presumption of title of Peru to Lobos Is. bound to be respected; Comment on despatch no. 105. (ib., 759.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 703 GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOS IS.—cont’d 1852 Sept. 22. Jewett to Conrad. Relies on govt. to pro- vide permission to load on his own acct. all ships chartered, despite revocation of order for protec- tion of Amer. citizens at Lobos Is...; heavy expendi- tures of Mr. Benson; arrangement proposed by Peru inadequate to cover up losses. (34. 3. S. rpt. 219.) — Sept. 23. Clay to Tirado. Protest agst. gratuitous assumptions of Peruv. govt. regarding freighting of guano vessels in U. S.; licentiousness of press crit- icized. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 67.) — Sept. 25. Conrad to Dana and Co. Michael Angelo will probably obtain freight from Peruvian govt. from either Lobos or Chincha Is. (ib., 222.) — Oct. 1. Conrad to Clay. Instructed to ask Peruv. govt. to allow vessels that sailed for Lobos Is., in consequence of letter of Aug. 7, 1852, to load with guano on their own acct. (ib., 9; 61.) — Oct. 1. Clay. Announcement to masters, captains, or owners of vessels belonging to citizens of U. S. Violence not to be used to obtain guano at Lobos Is...; vessels to be chartered for purpose at Callao, by Peruv. govt. (ib., 88.) — Oct. 2. Clay to McCauley. Presence requested at Callao in Raritan, for consultation, before proc. to Lobos Is. (ib., 105.) — Oct. 4. Clay to Tirado. Requests copies of docu- ments and papers on which Peru founds its claim to exclusive Sovereignty over Lobos Is. (ib., 89.) —— Oct. 7. de Osma to Webster. Refusal of protection by U. S. to guano seekers commended; claims of Peru to SOVereignty Over Lobos Is...; grounds for common possession held by others disputed; history of guano-gathering affair, exhibiting Peru’s acts of sovereignty. (ib., 69.) — Oct. 9. Conrad to de Osma. Hope that vessels sail- ing betw. Je. 12 and Aug. 24, date of revocation of Order for protection of Lobos Is... guano seekers, be permitted to load on their own acct. (ib., 10; 81.) — Oct. 9. Tirado to Clay. Sovereignty over Lobos Is. maintained; right to visit islands for purpose of fishery could never have been such as to establish right of possession; case of Mr. Larned. (ib., 90.) — Oct. 11. Clay to Webster. Steps taken to prevent collision betw. guano seeking ships and Peruv. au- thorities at Lobos Is...; convinced of Peru’s sov- ereignty; Mr. Larned did not deny jurisdiction of Peru. (ib., 82.) — Oct. 12. Same to Same. Intention to advise comdre. McCauley to proceed to Lobos Is., to prevent collf- Sion betw. guano Vessels and Peruv. authorities. (ib., 103.) — Oct. 13. Clay to McCauley. Presence of war vessel at Callao necessary, in view of possible disturbance at Lobos Is. (ib., 105.) — Oct. 19. Clay to Webster. Raritan sailed 13 inst. for Lobos Is...; Peruv. govt. informed. (ib., 103.) — Oct. 19. Tirado to Clay. Presence of U. S. frigate Raritan at Lobos Is. Will prevent infraction of laws of Peru. (ib., 104.) — Oct. 20. Tirado to Amer. cons., Paita (Ruden). Information requested concerning fishing by foreign vessels at Lobos Is., and whether unlicensed foreign vessels have gone thither since regulations of 1833. (ib., 162.) — Oct. 21. Ruden to Tirado. No knowledge of formalities necessary to authorize vessels to pro- ceed to Lobos Is. for taking of seals; nor licenses issued in behalf of “Anglo-American vessels "; confident that no Such vessels have visited Lobos Is, since 1833. (ib., 162.) GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOS IS.—cont’d 1852 Oct. 23. Tirado to Clay. Extended examination of sovereignty and dominion of Peru over Lobos Is. (ib., 113.) — Oct. 25. Clay to Tirado. Admits unquestionable right of Peru to Lobos Is...; comment on this dec- laration by U. S. committee on claims (Wade, chrm.) of 34th Congress. (ib., 11.) — Oct. 25. Clay to Tirado. Right of Peru to SOV- ereignty and possession of Lobos Is. perfect and unquestionable. (ib., 164.) — Oct. 25. Clay to Webster. Claim of Peru of prior discovery of Lobos Is., and right to exclusive juris- diction over them examined, to advantage of Peru. (ib., 106.) Nov. 2. Clay to comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Du- Iany). Presence of vessels of war at Lobos Is. necessary; as comdre. McCauley has sailed for home, propriety of sailing to Lobos Is. Suggested. (ib., 165.) — Nov. 11. Clay to Webster. Peru not disposed to allow vessels sailing for Lobos Is... before revoca- tion by U. S. of order of protection, to load With guano on their own acct. (ib., 166.) — Nov. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett) to de Osma. Acknowledges sovereignty of Peru OVer LO- bos Is...; no protection to be accorded Vessels Sailing thither for guano. (ib., 11; 169.) — Nov. 17. de Osma, to Everett. Gratification over recognition of Peru’s sovereignty over Lobos Is... by U. S., arrangements for permitting foreign Vessels to load with guano on acct. of Peru. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 61, 2; 34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 12, 171.) — Nov. 18. Everett to Clay. Course of conduct in Lobos Is. negotiations approVed; attempts at ante- dating charter parties to be disclosed to Tirado; charter arrangement for guano loading by foreign vessels approved. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 172.) — Nov. 23. Same to same. Still deemed advisable to withhold from Peruv. govt. Views contained in des- patch transmitted Sept. 21, by Mr. Conrad. (ib., 174.) — Dec. 4. de Osma to Everett. Terms of agreement of Nov. 17 not to be altered. (ib., 234.) — Dec. 6. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual message; clause relating to Peru's SOVereignty Over Lobos Is. — Dec. 16. Clay. Announcement to masters, cap- tains, or owners of vessels beonging to citizens of U. S., that U. S. recognizes Peruvian sovereignty over Lobos Is. and prohibiting removal of guano by citizens of U. S. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 176.) Dec. 17. Tirado to ministr. de hacienda, Peru. Ar- rangement with U. S. relating to vessels sailing for Lobos Is... under promises of protection by U. S. (ib., 179.) — Dec. 18. Tirado to Clay. Gratification at recogni- tion by U. S. of Peru’s sovereignty over Lobos Is...; conduct of Peruvian minister at Washington re- garding guano loading arrangements for foreign vessels approved. (ib., 177.) — Dec. 20. Clay to Tirado. Appreciation of liberality of Peruv. govt. in ordering that vessels fitted out by citizens of U. S. to load at Lobos Is... shall be chartered for acct. of Peru. (ib., 180.) — Dec. 21. Clay to Everett. Settlement of question of title to Lobos Is. of utmost commercial import- ance to Peru, quoted. (ib., 13.) 1853 Apr. 11. Same to same. No losses will accrue to anyone from Lobos Is. Question. (ib., 14.) — Nov. 11. Clay to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Guano representations to be made, upon his as- Sumption of duties of foreign office, by D. José G. Paz Soldan. (33. 1. H. rpt. 347, 50.) 704. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS - GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOS IS.—cont’d 1855 Feb. 24. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), call- ing for copies of all docS. in relation to settlement of Lobos Is... controversy. (33. 2. S. jol., 313.) 1856 Mch. 17. Marcy to chrm. Sen. Com. Claims (Brod- head). Every effort to be made to place before Senate as early as possible, corresp. relating to Lobos Is. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 27.) 1857 Feb. 18. Jewett to Webster. Requests informa- tion as to right to take guano from Lobos Is. (ib., 1.) 1858 Apr. 24. Jewett to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying measures to secure indemnity from Peru for failure to keep agreement with U. S. regarding Lobos Is. (25. 1. S. jol., 380.) 1859 Jan. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Slidell, La.), calling for any corresp. With Peru on guano trade, regula- tion of Same, disadvantages therein of Amer. ves- sels, etc. (35. 2. S. jol., 103.) 1860 Feb. 21. U. S. Senate. Res. (Hale, N. H.), calling for information relating to state of claims of U. S. Citizens agst. Peru in matter of vessels sent to Lobos IS. for guano. (36. 1. S. jol., 179; 185.) – Feb. 21. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; asking that res. Calling for information resp. state of guano claims agst. Peru lie over. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 850.) – Feb. 23. Same. Do.; unfavorable to res. of Feb. 21. (ib., 860.) LOBOs Is...: BENson CLAIM Includes claims of Dana and co. and Magoun and co. Statutory Measures 1855 Feb. 17. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Seward, N. Y.), res. (33. 2. S. 42) “authorizing Secy. Treasury to settle claim of Alfred G. Benson.” (33. 2. S. jol., 282.) 1857 Feb. 18. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Wade, Com. of Claims), bill (34. 3. S. 606) “for relief of Alfred G. Benson.” (34. 3. S. jol., 221.) Correspondence, etc. 185 (?). Contractor of N. Y. for removal of Lobos Is. guano deposits (Benson) to Barreda and bro. Trans- mits indorsed in triplicate original copies of char- ter-parties of ships named therein. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 280.) 1852 Jly. 10. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Ma- goun and son, Boston. Navy Dept. Ordered vessel to Lobos IS. to afford protection to guano gatherers. (ib., 3.) — Jly. 22. Master Philomela, N. Y. (Jewett) to capt. vessel Sarah Chase (Calebs). Sailing instructions; agreement made with A. B. Howe, of Honolulu, Jiy. 3, 1852; list of stores sent per Sarah Chase by A. B. Howe from Sandwich Is. (ib., 214.) Sept. 21. Ministr. relac. est., Peru (Tirado) to Amer. chargé in Peru (Clay). Amer. ship Manlius Ordered from Lobos IS. to Callao to be chartered by Peruv. govt. for shipping of guano; U. S. pro- tection of trespassers protested. (ib., 65.) — Sept. 23. Dana and co. to President U. S. A. (Fill- more). Hope that U. S. will require of Peru to ab- stain from interference with ships that sailed to Lobos Is. under guaranty of protection given by U. S. (ib., 221.) — Sept. 24. Magoun and son to actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Conrad). Arrangement proposed by Peru not fully understood by them, because of ambiguity in use of word “freight.” (ib., 222.) — Sept. 25. Clay to Webster. Manlius the first Amer. vessel to arrive at Lobos Is. since Peruvian title was doubted; warned by authorities not to load at LO- GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOS IS. : BENSON CLAIM—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d bos Is., came to Callao to be regularly chartered; similar steps recommended in other cases; comdre. McCauley written for. (ib., 62.) 1852 Sept. 25. Clay to Tirado. Arrival of Manlius at Lobos Is...; no official communication recd. from U. S. regarding Lobos Is...; rpt. of preconcerted arrange- ment with Raritan for protection discredited. (ib., 67.) — Oct. 1. Dana and Co. to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Web- ster). Hope that U. S. will require of Peru to re- frain from interference with Michael Angelo and other vessels that sailed under guaranty of protec- tion to Lobos Is. for guano. (ib., 223.) — Oct. 2. Same to actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Con- rad). More definite information requested relative to interference of Peru regarding vessels that sailed to Lobos Is. for guano under guaranty of protec- tion. (ib., 224.) — Oct. 7. Magoun and son to Conrad. Enclose letter from capt. Baker (Manlius); has been ordered away from Lobos de Afuera by Peruvian man-of- War. (ib., 225.Y * — Nov. 11. Magoun and son to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Owing to revocation of U. S. order for protection, owners of Manlius desire to know whether Peru and U. S. will arrange to redeem promises of protection to vessels loading guano. (ib., 226.) — Nov. 19. Everett to Dana and co. Arrangement betw. U. S. and Peru would include any vessels ordered Aug. 4 and sailing from S. F. prior to Aug. 24, provided she is placed at disposal of agtS. of Peruv. govt. in U. S. before Je. 1, 1853. (ib., 227.) Nov. 27. Benson to Everett. Injurious effect of suspension of decree protecting U. S. guano gath- erers at Lobos Is. (ib., 15; 227.) — Dec. 1. Everett to Peruvian E. E. and M. P. Peru to U. S. (de Osma). Encloses copy of letter from A. G. Benson desiring arrangement permitting liquidation in matter of guano cargoes and ex- tension of time for presenting charter-parties for endorsement; good offices besought in Benson’s be- half. (ib., 181.) - Dec. 2. Everett to Magoun and son. de Osma’s list of vessels lost or mislaid; in duplicate list Manlius does not appear. (ib., 229.) — Dec. 10. Everett to Benson. de Osma declines making any special arrangements in regard to VeS- sels of co, without instructions from govt. (ib., 228.) — Dec. 10. Everett to Dana and co. Michael Angelo chartered for freight of guano from Lobos Is. (ib., 228.) — Dec. 11. Magoun and son to Everett. Request to know whether Manlius is included in Osma’s list furnished State Dept., 17 ult. (ib., 229.) — Dec. 13. J. O. Caleb. Requests all captains of ves- sels chartered by Benson or Jewett to proceed to Callao to be chartered by Peruv. govt. (ib., 257.) — Dec. 13. Caleb to Benson. Notice of arrival, in Sarah Chase, at Lobos Is.; encounter with Peruv. authorities; instructions requested. (ib., 257.) — Dec. 13. Brig. gen., Peru (Denstun). Certifies to arrival of Sarah Chase at Lobos Is...; Warned agst. loading guano; captain notified of abandonment of protection by U. S. (ib., 256.) 1853 Jan. 8. Benson and F. Barreda and bro. Agree- ment relative to removal of guano from Lobos Is. (ib., 186.) — Jan. 9. Benson to Barreda and bro. Acknowledges receipt of $4100 from Barreda and bro. (ib., 279.) INDEx To UNITED STATES DocumENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 705 GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOS IS.: BENSON CLAIM—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1853 Jan. 15. Barreda and bro. to Benson. Ready to accept endorsement on charter-parties of therein- mentioned vessels, provided such proofs are pre- sented on arrival of each of them in U. S. (ib., 280.) — Jan. 19. Benson to Caleb. All funds to be paid over to Barreda and bro. at Callao. (ib., 236.) — Jan. 24. Amer. chargé in Peru (Clay) to Everett. Peru unwilling to take for acct. Stores brought in Sarah Chase; exemption from port or tonnage duties claimed by Benson denied by Peru; some dues paid by other vessels in lawful trade. (ib., 182.) Jan. 28. Benson to de Osma. Acceptance of charter- parties requested in cases of Golden Era, J. W. Paige, Berlin, Defiance. (ib., 237.) — Feb. 2. Peru. Decree of Pres. ratifying agreement betw. A. G. Benson and Barreda and bro. of Jan. 8, 1853. (ib., 21.) — Feb. 5. de Osma to Benson. No claim to indem- nity, there having been no power to annul contract of vessels made with claimant. (ib., 237.) — Feb. 7. Benson to de Osma. Requests acceptance only of ships whose owners shall request Barreda and bro. to Cancel charters made with them after revocation by U. S. of order of protection to guano gatherers. (ib., 235.) — Feb. 7. Benson to President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Requests influence to secure acceptance of vessels mentioned if coming under terms of agreement of Nov. 17, 1852. (ib., 237.) — Feb. 9. Everett to Benson. Letter of 7 inst. trans-, mitted to Amer. chargé at Lima. (ib., 229.) — Feb. 9. Everett to Clay. Encloses letter of A. G. Benson to President and One to Peruv. Iminister, re- lating to subject of freighting certain vessels with guano, under arrangement betw. Peru and U. S.; examination of facts directed. (ib., 183.) — Feb. 21. Benson to Clay. Guano loading affair de- tailed; requests observance by Peru of agreement of Nov. 17 last; payment of $20 for every ton of guano delivered in U. S. from chartered ships; keeping of all contracts with claimant. (ib., 16; 230.) — Feb. 21. de Osma to Benson. Disposal of Vessels Golden Era, J. W. Paige, Berlin and Defiance on Nov. 17, not justifiable. (ib., 236.) — Feb. 21. Tirado. Decree; ratifying agreement betw. A. G. Benson and Barreda and bro. of Jan. 8, 1853. (ib., 192.) — Feb. 25. Clay to Everett. Agreement betw. Benson and Barreda and bro., Balt. agtS. of Peruv. govt., in view of which his request for interference to prevent being charged any commissions upon freights, cannot be entertained. (ib., 184.) — Mch. 25. Same to same. Encloses agreement of Jan. 8 betw. Benson and Barreda and bro. relative to vessels chartered by former to load With guano at Lobos Is. (ib., 186.) — Mch. 25. Same to Same. Govt. not to be expected to take cognizance of cases of Golden Era, J. W. Paige, Berlin and Defiance as presented by Benson. (ib., 189.) — Mch. 30. Tirado to Clay. Peru has decided to take for its own use stores in Sarah Chase. (ib., 191.) — Mch. 30. Tirado to ministr. de hacienda, Peru. Instructions for valuation and purchase of stores in Sarah Chase. (ib., 192.) — Apr. 11. Clay to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Peruv. govt. agreed to take stores of Benson's Sarah Chase at fair valuation, copy of decree for which GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LoBos Is. : BENSON CLAIM—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d is enclosed; without vessels chartered by Benson, guano carrying vessels could not have met demand. (ib., 190.) 1853 Apr. 26. Benson to Marcy. Requests aid of govt. in sustaining rights under arrangement of Nov. 17, 1852; arrival of Golden Era at Balt. with cargo of guano from Chincha Is. (ib., 236.) — May 7. Peru. Decree of govt.; obligation to freight for acct. of firm of Benson ceases in case captains refuse to submit to agreement of Jan. 8. (ib., 21; 194.) — May 7. Tirado.' Wessels Alioth and Hampden (Ben- son and co.) newly chartered for acct. of govt. at current market rate, because of refusal of captains on arrival at Callao to comply with charter-parties. (ib., 194.) — May 14. Clay to Tirado. Requests that cargo of guano taken by Defiance be considered given under Charter by Jones and Johnson with Benson, and that Subsequent charter of Barreda and bro. be cancelled. (ib., 195.) May 14. Same to same. U. S. cannot assume any responsibility in premises in matter of questions * between Barreda and bro. and Benson. (ib., 195. — May 20. Clay to Marcy. Neither U. S. nor Peru Can assume responsibility for losses of Benson, by refusal of captains to fulfil charter-parties made with him. (ib., 193.) — Jly. 11. Legal adviser of A. Benson (Prime) to Marcy. Stnt. of case of Benson; protection asked agSt. losses on outlays and risks incurred. (ib., 238.) Oct. 5. Benson to Marcy. Agt. Of Peru refers to acct. for charter of guano vessels; appeals to govt. for aid. (ib., 240.) º — Oct. 15. Marcy to Benson. His agreement with Barreda broS., Jan., 1853, not recognized by U. S.; any violation of its terms must be adjusted by ar- bitration or legal proc. (ib., 22; 241.) — Oct. 18. Benson to Marcy. Asks State Dept. to exert itself to secure twenty dollars per ton freight for vessels mentioned and to interpose with Peru for that object. (ib., 243.) — Nov. 1. R. W. Trundy. Deposition; vessels char- tered by A. G. Benson, for guano. (ib., 257.) — Nov. 7. S. F. Tracy to Benson. de Osma, engaged to request agtS. for guano of Peru in Balt. to make advance on delivery to them of duly endowed char- ter-parties; list of Wessels chartered for Lobos Is. (ib., 260.) — Nov. 15. Benson to Marcy. Stnt. regarding origin, progress and present State of expedition to Lobos Is... in Pacific Ocean. (ib., 245.) — Nov. 22. Benson to asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Mann). Requests that stnt. Submitted to Dept. of State may not be transmitted to Peru until dupli- cate is presented to Dept. (ib., 261.) — Nov. 23. Marcy to Clay. Encloses papers in sup- port of Benson claim agst. Peru, for losses sustained through violation of agreement betw. Peru and TJ. S. by govt. agtS. and certain subsequent private agreements. (ib., 23; 196.) 1854 Mch. 9. Benson to Marcy. Requests copy of ar- rangement betw. Peru and U. S. entered into Nov. 17, 1852. (ib., 262.) Mch. 15. Marcy to Benson. Transmits copy of so much of de Osma’s note of Nov. 17, 1852, as em- braces arrangement under which a certain class of U. S. vessels were to be permitted to load guano at Lobos Is. (ib., 262.) 45 706 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOs Is...: BENSON CLAIM—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1854 Je. 1. Clay to Marcy. Peruv. govt. has fulfilled stipulations of arrangement of Nov. 17, 1852, and Benson’s pretensions are invalid; extended pres- entation of case. (ib., 197; 204.) — Aug. 26. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Hunter) to Clay. Analysis of Benson claim divests it of import- ance sought to be imparted to it by claimant. (ib., 210.) — Oct. 24. Clay to Marcy. Informed that Benson has satisfactorily arranged matters in dispute, with Barreda and bro. (ib., 210.) — Dec. 9. Benson to Marcy. Stnt. of present state of guano ventures; interposition of U. S. with Peru besought to secure fulfilment of agreement of Nov. 17. (ib., 263.) — Dec. 15. Marcy to Benson. Affair of guano cargoes entrusted to Mr. Clay, in View of his intimate ac- quaintance there with. (ib., 266.) 1855 Jan. 15. Benson to U. S. House. Petition, praying indemnity for losses sustained in attempting to obtain guano from Lobos Is. (33. 2. H. jol., 180.) — Feb. 1. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 2. S. jol., 177.) — Mch. 2. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; op- posed to Benson claim. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 1086.) — Mch. 2. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. DO.; in Sup- port of S. R. 42; with amdmt. providing for settle- ment by Secy. State. (ib., 1086.) — Mch. 3. Same. Do.; Benson claim; amdmt. to gen. apprin. bill, H. R. 569, authorizing Secy. of State to adjust claim. (ib., 1122.) — Mch. 3. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Do.; Benson claim; opposed to Clayton amdmt. to general apprin. bill, H. R. 569. (ib., 1122.) — Mch. 3. J. Slidell, Sen. from La. Do.; unfavorable to Clayton amdmt. (ib., 1122.) — Mch. 3. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Do.; favor- able to Clayton amdmt. to H. R. 569. (ib., 1122.) — Mch. 20. Jewett to Marcy. Requests information as to prospects of obtaining rights belonging to Benson and Jewett under agreement with Peru. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 267.) — Apr. 6. Dana and Co. to Marcy. Requests influ- ence in Settling claim agst. Peru in case of Michael Angelo. (ib., 268.) — Apr. 6. Benson to Marcy. Stnt. of guano claims, which he suggests to consideration of State Dept. (ib., 270.) — Apr. 13. Marcy to Dana and co. State Dept. will take action in Michael Angelo case if Mr. Clay dis- covers that Peru violated stipulations of contract. (ib., 270.) — Apr. 24. Barreda and bro. to Marcy. Feel them- selves bound to abide issue of any trial before U. S. courts instituted by Benson; explanation of terms of agreement. (ib., 278.) — Apr. 27. Marcy to Benson. Judicial investigation necessary to Settle justice of claims agst. Peru; Barreda and bro. willing to abide issue of trial in a U. S. Court. (ib., 283.) 1856 Mch. 10. U. S. Senate. On motion (Seward, N.Y.), Benson memorial on files of Senate, referred to Com. of Claims. (34. 1. S. jol., 167.) 1857 Feb. 18. U. S. Com. Claims (Wade). Favorable rpt. to acc. S. 606 on Benson memorial, claiming compensation for losses sustained in prosecution of guano enterprises undertaken under protection subsequently withdrawn. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397.) GUANO—cont’d Peruvian Territory—cont’d LOBOS IS.: BENSON CLAIM—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1858 Mch. 8. U. S. Senate. On motion (Seward, N. Y.), Benson memorial, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Claims. (35. 1. S. jol., 234.) — May 3. Benson to U. S. House. Memorial; relative to guano islands in Pacific. (35. 1. H. jol., 724.) 1860 Mch. 5. Same to same. Memorial; praying in- demnity for losses and damages growing out of im- portation of guano from Lobos Is. (36. 1. H. jol., 439.) CHINCHA IS. 1841 Dec. 8. Peru. Contract of Peruvian govt. with F. Quiroz and A. Allier for extraction of guano. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 148.) 1842 May 10. Peru. President (Menendez). Decree en- forcing the Quiroz, Allier, etc., guano contract. (ib., 155.) 1849 Je. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Amer. chargé in Peru (Clay). Instructions to secure ar- rangement for application of proceeds of Sales of Chincha IS. guano in U. S. towards payment of Pe- ruvian indemnity. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 5.) 1852 May 7. Peru. President. Decree; see above. — Nov. 11. Clay to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Movements of comdre. McCauley; Golden Era char- tered by Peruv. govt. to take cargo of guano from Chincha Is. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 164.) Dec. 21. Clay to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Guano loading arrangement approved; all charter- parties of vessels claiming benefit of arrangement, subjected to examination previous to chartering them to load at Chincha islands. (ib., 174.) 1853 Apr. 26. Benson to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Requests aid of govt. in sustaining rights under arrangement of Nov. 17, 1852; arrival of Golder. Era at Baltimore with cargo of guano from Chin- cha Is. (ib., 236.) — May 3. Marcy to Benson. Note that Golden Era is included in arrangement with Peru relating to difference of freight quoted. (ib., 22; 238.) — Nov. 10. Engr. Bridge and Canal Corps, France (Faraguet). Memoir, in regard to cubic measure- ment of guano on northern island of the Chincha; prepared in behalf of Peruvian Guano Commis- sion. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 25, 14.) — Nov. 15. Peru. [Guano Commission.] Rpt. of commission appointed to measure the guano of the Chincha Is. (ib., 13.) — Nov. 30. Same. (ib., 18.) 1853-54. No. of Amer. vessels and their tonnage des- * from Chincha Is. during 1853 and 1854. ib., 12.) 1854 Jan. 11. Clay to Marcy. Limited amt. Of guano remaining at the Chinchas; supply cannot last over 20 yrs. (ib., 2.) —Mch. 13. N. H. citizens to U. S. House. Petition, praying redress be demanded from govt. of Peru for outrages committed agst. Amer. Seamen at Chin- cha Islands. (33. 1. H. jol., 493.) — Mch. 17. Same to same. Same. (ib., 520.) 1855 Mch. 2. Peru. Ministerio de Hacienda. DeCree; vessels in ballast may proceed from all foreign countries direct to port of Pisco to load guano at the Chincha Is. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 207.) 1857 Sept. 30. Peru. Council of Ministers. Decree; or- dering vessels bound for Chincha to load with guano to return to Callao for final clearance. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 25, 62.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 707 GUANO—cont’d - Peruvian Territory—cont’d CHINCHA IS.—cont’d 1857 Oct. 12. Clay to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). De- Cree; Ordering vessels bound for Chincha Is... to load * gº to return to Callao for final clearance. b., 62. – Dec. 19. Master Amer. barque Evadne (Dean). Examination in case of Peru vs. Schuyler Living- ston and others, U. S. circuit court, N. Y., relative to libel of barque Evadne. (35. 1. S. misc, doc. 267, 2.) 1858 Je. 1. S. Livingston to U. S. Senator from N. Y. (Seward). Protest agst, libel of cargo of Evadne in port of N. Y. by Peruvian minister. (ib., 1.) Venezuelan Territory AVES IS.: AMERICAN CLAIM Treaty Stipulations 1859 Jan. 14. Conv. for settlement of Aves Is. claims; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 1129. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Concluded Jan. 14, 1859; ratified Feb. 26, 1861; signed by Turpin (U. S.) and Sanojo (Venezuela). Amer. ratification proc. in Xi, Sen. exec. jol. Correspondence, etc. (Monagas’ Administration) 1854 Dec. 13. Agreement betw. agts. Of Lang and De- lano, and of Shelton and Sampson and Tappan (N. P. Gibbs and C. H. Lang) and comdr. Venezue- lan véssel of war (Dias) to abandon Aves Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 11.) 1855 Jan. 24. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. min. res. in Venezuela (Eames). Instructed to bring case of expulsion of Amer. citizens from Aves Island; U. S. expects citizens to be indemnified for losses, if Venez. has no fair title to sovereignty to island in question. (ib., 4.) — Apr. 7. Eames to Marcy. Receipt of communica- tion regarding occupation of Aves Is. by Venez. govt. (ib., 5.) — Apr. 26. Eames to Marcy. Venezuelan govt. has no right to Aves Is...; occupation by that govt. claimed by pecuniary considerations; Validity of claims seriously impaired by agreement made by representatives of co. with capt. Dias of Venezuelan navy. (ib., 5.) — Je. 20. Marcy to Eames. U. S. maintains that Venez. had no right to Aves Island; that dispos- session of U. S. citizens was unjustifiable; that she is justly bound to indemnify them. (ib., 11.) — Jly. 23. Venezuela. Dept. of Revenue. Decision relative to measures to be adopted for preventing trespasses on guano deposits of Venezuela. (ib., 14.) — JIy. 28. Ministr. relac. est., Venezuela (Aranda) to Eames. Dept. decision of JIy. 23. (ib., 14.) — Aug. 1. Eames to Marcy. Venez, framing regula- tions permitting exportation of guano to Venez. and foreigners in equal terms; Venez. armed ves- sels ordered to execute laws agst, trespassers on Aves Is. (ib., 12.) — Oct. 20. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin) to comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Mervine). Instructions to visit and examine guano islands. (34. 1. S. misc. doc. 60, 11.) — Dec. 20. Marcy to Eames. Wallace contract; agree- ment to abandon Aves. IS. extorted from Capt. Gibbs under duress; consequently claimants justified in expecting Venezuelan indemnity. (34. 3. S. ex: doc. 25, 21.) 1856 Jan. 11. M. Taylor to Venezuelan cons. āt Phila. (Keefe). Inquiry as to intention of notice of 19 ult. to include Aves Is... within jurisdiction of Venez- uela. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 92.) ! GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d º AVEs Is... AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d (Monagas’ Administration)—cont’d 1856 Jan. 30. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Thomas) to Eames. Copies of papers likely to be of use in claims agst. Venez. for guano losses. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 21.) — Mch. 24. Marcy to Sanford. Effect of proposed judicial proc. on dipl. negotiations in case of Aves IS. claims; corresp. betw. Dept. and Amer. legation in Venezuela relative to claim. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 110.) - Dec. 20. Eames to ministr. relac. est., Venezuela. (Gutierrez). Urging prompt adjustment of Aves Is. claim. (ib., 163.) --- 1857 Jan. 9. U. S. Senate. Res. (Bell, N. H.), calling for information relative to ejectment by Venezuela of Amer. citizens from Aves Is. (34. 3. S. jol., 77.) Feb. 28. Eames to Marcy. Comment on despatches received in Aves Is. cases; business to be actively pressed. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 196.) - Mch. 31. Eames to Gutierrez. Stnt. of Amer. claim to Aves Is...; review of Venezuelan claim to jurisdiction over island. (ib., 204.) - Apr. 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Eames. Delay in prosecution of guano claims explained by loss of Marcy despatch no. 37. (ib., 197.) — Apr. 1. Eames to Cass. Loss of dept. despatches; main defense of Venezuela to Aves Is. title is Dias agreement; Gutierrez and the Wallace contract. (ib., 198.) – May 25. Cass to Eames. Discovery of missing des- patches 44-46; approval of his note to Venezuelan minister of foreign affairs of Mch. 31. (ib., 227.) – May 29. Eames to Gutierrez. Propriety of imme- diate determination on part of Venezuela of Aves Is. claim; in event of failure to receive definitive an- SWer by Je. 6, will proceed to U. S. to lay case be- fore govt. (ib., 231.) — Je. 2. Gutierrez to Eames. Argues necessity of extension of time for consideration of Aves Is. claim. (ib., 232.) – Je. 11. Eames to Gutierrez. Demands passports in Order to present Aves. Is... negotiation to govt. of U. S. in person. (ib., 234.) — Je. 12. Gutierrez to Eames. Forwards passports. (ib., 234.) — Je. 13. Eames to Cass. Failure of Venezuela to recognize obligation to conclude adjustment of claim; his demand for immediate commitment; ir- relevancy of reply of Gutierrez; conviction that Venezuela purposes ultimately to refuse all rep- aration weakened by reply to his of Je. 11. (ib., 238.) — Aug. 10. Sanford to Cass. Protest agst. Suspension of AVeS IS. negotiation; suggests again sending agt. of claimants to Venezuela in public vessel and clothed with authority to conclude adjustment of claim, and, in event of failure, that U.S. suspend diplomatic intercourse with Venezuela; comment On Venezuela's insistence on validity of Dias capit- ulation; will demand issuance of letters of reprisal ; Mºnemes refuses payment of indemnity. (ib., — Aug. 31. Cass to Eames. Instructions for conclu- sion of Aves. Is. claim. (ib., 272.) — Sept. 4. Chargé of Venezuela in U. S. (Ribas) to CaSS. Disclaims responsibility on part of Venezuela in act of U. S. minister (Eames) in absenting him- self from Caracas. (ib., 277.) – Sept. 11. Cass to Ribas. Denies justice of Venez- uelan title to jurisdiction over Aves Is...: further 708 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d (Monagas’ Administration)—cont’d delay in adjusting claim dangerous to amicable re- lations betw. U. S. and Venezuela. (ib., 278.) 1857 Sept. 18. Ribas to Cass. Substance of note of 11 inst to be at once reported to Venezuelan govt. (ib., 279.) — Oct. 6. Cass to Eames. Relative to his departure for Venezuela; Substance of corresp. with Vene- Zuelan chargé concerning Aves Is. case. (ib., 283.) – Oct. 31. Eames to Cass. Substance of conference With minister of foreign affairs of Venezuela (Gu- tierrez) relative to Aves Is. claim. (ib., 283.) — Nov. 2. Eames to Gutierrez. Waives request for formal presentation of Aves. Is... claim; satisfied that Venezuela will arrange an early conclusion of claim. (ib., 373.) Nov. 2. Gutierrez to Eames. Will take an early Opportunity to arrange personal interview with president. (ib., 373.) Nov. 3. Eames to Cass. Conferences with Vene- Zuelan officials concerning Aves Is... claim. (ib., 372.) — Nov. 3. Gutierrez to Eames. Illness of President of Venezuela, Suspends negotiation in Aves Is. claim. (ib., 376.) — Nov. 21. Eames to Gutierrez. Inquiry as to de- termination arrived at in Aves Is... claim. (ib., 376.) (Castro Administration) 1858 May 12. Ministr. relac. est., Venezuela (Toro) to Eames. Extends cordial sentiments of new govt. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 428.) — May 13. Eames to Cass. Character of new govt. of Venezuela disposes hope of satisfactory adjustment of Aves Is. claim. (ib., 427.) — Je. 21. Eames to ministr. relac. est., Venezuela (Flerrera). Presents further corresp. in Aves Is. case; requests that he be authorized to advise his govt. that case is recd. by new govt. upon basis of an admitted claim. (ib., 437.) — Jly. 1. Flerrera to Eames. Admission that Venez- uela is ready to terminate by equitable adjustment Aves Is. claim. (ib., 439.) — Jly. 3. Eames to Flerrera. In reply to his of Jly. 1. (ib., 440.) tºg- ; 7. Eames to CaSS. Proc. in Aves Is. case. (ib., 435. — Jly. 31. Cass to Sanford. Favorable disposition of present govt. of Venezuela to Aves Is. case. (ib., 440.) — Aug. 24. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton) to Amer. min. res. in Ven. (Turpin). Instructions; prosecution of Aves Is. case. (ib., 441.) — Aug. 31. Representatives of Lang and Delano (Cotting and Lang) to Cass. Amt. of sum accept- able as compromise in Aves Is. claim. (ib., 443.) — Sept. 8. Sanford to Cass. Terms of compromise of several claimants in Aves Is. case. (ib., 444.) — Sept. 15. Cass to Turpin. Instructions; terms of compromise of several claimants in AVeS IS. Case. (ib., 446.) — Oct. 17. Turpin to ministr. relac. est., Venezuela. (Sanojo). Basis of compromise of several claim- ants in Aves IS. case. (ib., 449.) — Oct. 23. Turpin to Cass. Difficulties in making ul- timatum of proposals of Several claimants in Aves Is... case. (ib., 447.) — Oct. 27. Sanojo to Turpin. Invitation to confer at seat of provisional govt., Valencia, as to equity of proposed basis of compromise in Aves Is. Case. (ib., 451.) GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d (Castro Administration)—cont’d 1858 Dec. 1. Turpin to Cass. Reasons for declining in- vitation of Oct. 27. (ib., 450.) — Dec. 9. Sanford to Cass. Making further conces- sions in compromise in Aves IS. claim. (ib., 452.) — Dec. 10. Cass to Turpin. Instructions to conclude adjustment of Aves Is. claim without further de- lay, pursuant to advice of atty. Of claimants (San- ford) of 9 inst. (ib., 453.) 1859 Jan. 14. Turpin and Sanojo. Agreement for Sat- isfaction of several claimants in Aves IS. case. (ib., 458.) — Feb. 4. Sanojo to Turpin. Approval of Aves Is. agreement by conv. of Venezuela upon Suppression of art. 3, sec. 2; and on consent to certain stipula- tions as to payment of interest. (ib., 460.) — Feb. 8. Turpin to Cass. Agreement effected with Venezuela in Aves Is. case. (ib., 456.) — Feb. 8. Turpin to Sanojo. Consents to modifica- tions suggested in Aves Is. agreement. (ib., 460.) — Mch. 4. Appleton to Sanford. Final settlement of Aves Is. claim. (ib., 461.) — Apr. 8. Sanford to Appleton. In reply to his of Mch. 4. (ib., 461.) — Oct. 17. Sanford to Cass. Request that Turpin- Sanojo conv. receive official sanction of Senate of U. S. (ib., 470.) — Oct. 22. Cass to Sanford. Amer. minister resident in Venezuela (Turpin) instructed to forward orig- inal Turpin-Sanojo conv. (ib., 472.) Special Claims 1. Copeland Claim, 1857 Dec. 17. P. S. Shelton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Claim of F. Copeland for Spoliation on Aves Is. invalid. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 381.) 2. Lang and Delano Claim. Lang & Delano }º: 2.Il Wheelwright & Cobb H. F. French, atty. Lang and Delano Claim On Jly. 15, 1854, Capt. Jas. Wheeler, agt. of Lang and Delano, merchants, Boston, arrived in the brig Mahala N. Connery on Aves Is. ; Capt. N. P. Gibbs, agt. for P. S. Shelton, etc., arrived on the same day. Although Gibbs recognized his prior right (see note under Shelton claim) he agreed, in order to avoid difficulty, to divide the island and the guano and they staked it off. Each Co. erected Structures and a wharf. On Dec. 13, 1854, the occupants of the island were forcibly ejected. For details see below note under Shelton Claim. Wheelwright and Cobb Claim This firm made an agreement with Lang and Delano in Nov., 1854, to purchase a cargo of guano, and char- tered the brig Pamola (Wass) to transport the cargo from Aves Is. On the arrival of the Panola at the island, the captain found the Venezuelan govt. in possession. 1854 Je. 20. Lang and Delano. Agreement with James D. Wheeler to carry on guano trade. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 142.) - Aug. 29. Lang and Delano to atty. gen., U. S. A. (Cushing). Request to be informed of their right to Aves Is., valuable to them for guano. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 2.) — Sept. 12. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Lang and Delano. Cannot guarantee justice of claim to Aves Is., but suggests taking of depositions of discov- erers of island in their employ. (ib., 3.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 709 GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Special Claims—cont’d 2. Lang and Delano Claim—cont’d 1855 Mch. 2. Wheelright and Cobb to Marcy. Loss sus- tained through occupation of Aves Is... by Venezuela. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 11.) — May 12. H. F. French to Marcy. Claim of Wheel- right and Cobb for damages for loss of Voyage of brig Panola by illegal conduct of Venezuelan govt. ; Br. pretensions to Aves Is. (ib., 10.) — Je. 8. Late master of brig Mahala N. Connery (Wheeler). Deposition as to discovery of guano on Shelton’s isle. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 85; 36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 65.) — Je. 15. Same. Do.; U. S. flag hoisted and kept fly- ing on Shelton’s Is. and declaration of comdr. Br. str. Devastation on Amer. rights. (ib., 85; ib., 66.) Je. 22. French to Marcy. Request for information relative to state of negotiation in case of AVeS IS. claim. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 39.) — Je. 30. Same to same. Presents claim for indem- nity agst. Venezuela in consequence of occupation of Aves Is. (ib., 73.) — Dec. 17. French to Marcy. Requests information as to state of Aves Is... negotiation. (ib., 77.) — Dec. 20. Marcy to French. Shelton claim still un- der consideration; contract on behalf of Phila. Guano co. reserves anterior claims of Shelton, etc. (ib., 78.) 1856 Jan. 18. French to Marcy. Amt. Of claim of his clients agst. Venezuela in Aves Is. affair. (ib., 94.) — May 7. J. Wheeler. Deposition; priority over claim of P. S. Shelton and Sampson and Tappan agst. Venezuela. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 86.) — Jly. 3. Sanford to Marcy. Wheeler claim in Aves Is... case; conflict of Lang and Delano claim with interests of Shelton claim. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 140.) 1858 Feb. 18. U. S. Senate. Res. (Wilson, Mass.), calling for papers and corresp. in cases of Lang and De- lano and Wheelwright and Cobb, resp. Aves Island. (35. 1. S. jol., 200.) — Sept. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to Amer. min. res. in Venezuela (Turpin). Basis of compromise of Lang and Delano claim in Aves IS. case. (ib., 444.) — Sept. 27. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Appleton) to Sanford. Absence of proof in dept., of losses of Lang and Delano as represented in letters of 2 and 8 inst. (ib., 446.) 1859 Jan. 14. Sanford to Cass. Papers enclosed in sup- port of Lang and Delano claim. (ib., 454.) — Jan. 22. Appleton to Turpin. Instructions; proofs in support of Lang and Delano claim. (ib., 455.) — Feb. 7. Cass to Turpin. Penfield deposition. (ib., 456.) 3. Philadelphia Guano Co. Claim, 1st Contract (Wallace Contract) John F. D. Wallace, Amer. citizen, acting both for him- self and for certain Philadelphians associated with him, signed a contract with Venezuela on Dec. 21, 1854, by which he and his associates were given exclusive right, for fifteen years, to take away the guano from Aves Is. 2d Contract (Pickrell Contracts) On Sept. 29, 1855, the govt. of Venezuela signed three contracts with Jno. F. Pickrell, agt. of the Phila. Guano co., viz., (1) annulling the Wallace contract, and (2) granting the exclusive right for 15 years to the Phila. Co. to take away guano from all islands of the republic where the substance may exist, and (3) making certain reservations in its own behalf. GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVEs Is...: AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Special Claims—cont’d 3. Philadelphia Guano Co. Claim—cont’d 1854 Dec. 21. J. D. F. Wallace. Copy of guano conces- sion on Aves Is. from Venezuela. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 154.) 1855 Jly. 28. Venezuela. Dept. of Foreign Relations. Decision; revocation of Wallace concession; and declaration establishing regulations for export of guano. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 14.) - Jly. 28. Ministr. relac, est., Venezuela (Aranda) to Amer. min. res. in Venezuela. (Eames). Relative to dept. decision of even date. (ib., 13.) - Sept. 24. Eames to Aranda. Views of U. S. govt. On question of guano islands; president of Venezuela ready to enter on negotiations for amicable settle- ment of Wallace contract. (ib., 17.) — Sept. 29. Contract betw. Secy. of Treasury (Gu- tierrez) and Secy. of Foreign Affairs (Aranda), on the part of Venezuela, and J. F. Pickrell, agt. of Phila. Guano co., annulling Wallace contract of Dec. 21, 1854. (ib., 22.) - Sept. 29. Two contracts betw. Gutierrez and Aranda, on the part of Venezuela, and Pickrell, agt. Phila. Guano Co., granting, first, exclusive right to Phila. Guano co. to dig guano in all islands of the republic where the substance may exist, and, sec- Ond, making certain reservations in behalf of the govt. (ib., 22.) – Oct. 15. Eames to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Succeeded in securing new contract for J. D. F. Wallace; its satisfactory stipulations; European efforts to Secure Venezuelan guano deposits; Br. Opposition to guano contract with any Amer. Co. (ib., 16.) – Dec. 19. Venezuelan cons. at Phila. (Keefe). Notice that all ports of entry in any Caribbean Is... under Venezuelan jurisdiction, excepting Margaritta Is., are closed to foreign commerce unless authorized by Philadelphia Guano co. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 83.) – Dec. 24. Philadelphia Guano co. Notice prohib- iting all Wessels not authorized by co. from visiting guano islands in Caribbean sea under jurisdiction of Venezuela. (ib., 83.) 1856 Jan. 12. Sanford to Marcy. Protest agst. indiffer- ence to implied jurisdiction by Phila. Guano co. Over Aves Is. as per its notice of 24 ult. (ib., 85.) - Jan. 13. Sanford to Pierce. Repetition in sub- stance of his of 12 inst. to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). (ib., 91.) — Jan. 20. Venezuela. Dept. of Finance. Extr. from rpt. of Secy. Of Finance to Congress, containing an acct. Of Cooperation of U. S. minister (Eames) in obtaining contract of Phila. Guano co. (ib., 170.) – Feb. 12. Eames to Marcy. Transmits copy of Phil- adelphia Guano Co. contract relating to guano; de- plores paucity of details concerning amt. of dam- ages claimed. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 21.) – Mch. Philadelphia Guano co. Extr. from printed pamphlet published by co. commented on by San- ford to Marcy in his of Mch. 8. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 108.) – Mch. 8. Sanford to Marcy. Advice of operations of Phila. Guano co, on Aves Is...; of royalty paid by Co. to Venezuela; asks assent of dept. to institute Suit in chancery agst. Phila. Guano co. (ib., 103.) – Oct. 9. Eames to Marcy. Advice of conclusion of Wallace guano contract; relative to Dias rpt. and to protest of Br. chargé. (ib., 152.) 710 INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Special Claims—Cont’d 4. Shelton Claim, Philo S. § helton }* e 8 Il 3. Sampson & Tappan H. S. Sanford, atty. In Apr., 1854, Capt. N. P. Gibbs, brig John R. Dow, agt. of P. S. Shelton, merchant, of Boston, discovered and took possession of Aves Is. On his way to Boston, to report his discovery, Gibbs visited the guano islands in the Gulf of Mexico, where P. S. Shelton was at the time chiefly interested. The Shelton guano trade in the gulf was under the Superintendence of Jas. Wheeler. Here Gibbs in- formed Wheeler, as agt., of his discovery. Wheeler and Gibbs sailed for New Orleans in the John R. Dow, Wheeler then preceding Gibbs to Boston. Fail- ing to induce Shelton to send vessels to the Aves, un- til Gibbs should arrive, Wheeler gave private infor- mation to Lang and Delano, who fitted out a vessel and sent him to the island as their agt. Gibbs, mean- while, had been sent by Shelton, and landed at Aves On Jly. 15. 1854. He proceeded to erect buildings, a wharf, etc. On Dec. 13, 1854, the occupants of the island were forcibly ejected by a Venezuelan man-of-war, the Amer. flag was struck, and Venez- uelan colors were substituted. Early in Jan., 1855, º, Pºsented his claim for redress to the govt. O € U. S. 1854 Apr. 6. Gibbs to Shelton. Discovery of Aves Is. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 72.) — Dec. 3. Same to same. Advice of forcible ejection from Aves Is...; of return to Boston. (ib., 69.) – Dec. 25. Same to same. Landing of second co. of Venezuelans on Aves Is. (ib., 69.) — Dec. 26. Gibbs to Shelton. Shipment of guano from Aves Is. (ib., 70.) 1855 Jan. ( ). Gibbs. Certificate of Venezuelan occu- pation of Aves Is. in Dec., 1854. (ib., 69.) Jan. 15. Sampson and Tappan and P. S. Shelton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Representation of owners of brig J. R. Dow (Gibbs); of act of pos- session in Jly., 1854, of Aves Is. by capt. Gibbs; reasons why Venezuela has no title to the Is. (ib., 5.) — Jan. 29. Same to same. Stnt. of damages on acct. of forcible ejection from Aves Is. by Venezuelan govt. (ib., 6.) — Feb. 20. Master of ship James N. Cooper (Nich- ols). Protest agst. losses sustained by ship by rea- son of Venezuelan occupation of Aves Is. (ib., 70.) Feb. 26. Shelton to Marcy. Further representa- tion in case of ejection from Aves Is. (ib., 8.) — May 14. Same to Same. Again solicits attention to claim to Aves Is. (ib., 16.) — Je. [?]. Same to same. Memorial, in full, relative to his claim to Aves Is. (ib., 42.) — Je. 20. Shelton. Memoranda for State Dept. Con- cerning discovery, occupation, and Complications in matter of Shelton’s Isle. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 38.) — Sept. 10. Marcy to Amer. min. res. in Venezuela (Eames). Shelton’s memoranda in reference to his claims upon Venezuela, guano contract of Cer- tain Phila. Co. (ib., 15.) — Nov. 27. Eames to Marcy. In need of proper data relative to amt. to be claimed as indemnity in Shelton guano claim. (ib., 20.) — Dec. 24. Sanford to Marcy. Exposition of Shelton claim to Aves Is. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 78.) [1856.] J. McCabe. Deposition in support of Shelton claim for indemnity, etc. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 8; 36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 137.) 1856 Sanford. Copy of bill submitted with memorial: “declaratory of rights of U. S., and of citizens thereof who have discovered, or may discover and occupy derelict guano and other islands . . . . and for maintaining such rights.” (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 93.) GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Special Claims—cont’d 4. Shelton Claim—cont’d 1856 Jan. 3. Sanford to Marcy. Persons interested in Shelton claim propose sending agt. to Venezuela; govt. protestation, similar to that accorded Pick- rell, agt., Phila. Guano co., requested. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 81.) — Jan. 4. Marcy to Shelton. Request for strmt. of losses to cover all elements of claim; suggests advantage, to all claimants, of Strmt. of gross amt. of all claims. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 5. Sanford to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Notice of Dec. 24, 1855, of Philadelphia Guano co., prohibiting visit to guano islands in Caribbean sea, under Venezuelan jurisdiction, except on part of vessels authorized by said co.; protest agst. im- plied jurisdiction of Venezuela over Shelton’s (i. e., Aves) Is. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 5. Sanford to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Same. (ib., 84.) — Jan. 7. Marcy to Sanford. Same facilities accorded agt. of Phila. Guano Co. (Pickrell) are to be ac- corded agt. to be apptd. by Shelton, etc., claimants. (ib., 84.) — Jan. 9. Same to same. Maintains that notice of Phila. Guano co. of Dec. 24, 1855, has no bearing on Shelton claim. (ib., 85.) — Feb. 1. Sanford to Marcy. Transmission of corresp. in Shelton claim to Amer. minister in Caracas (Eames). (ib., 96.) — Feb. 6. Marcy to Sanford. No objection to carry- ing on Corresp. directly with U. S. legation in Venez- uela; contrary to usages of dept. to furnish copy of pending corresp. (ib., 102.) — Feb. 12. Sanford to Marcy. Claimants under Shelton claim agst. Venezuela, conclude not to Send agt. to Venezuela until they are in possession of all Corresp. passed betw. U. S. govt. and Amer. min- ister to Venezuela (Eames). (ib., 99.) — Feb. 20. Marcy to Eames. Further instructions relative to claim of Sampson and Tappan and Philo S. Shelton agst. govt. of Venezuela. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 26.) — Apr. 2. H. J. Sanford. Questions to be put to Capt. Gibbs in claim of P. S. Shelton, G. R. Sampson, and L. W. Tappan in relation to Aves, or Shelton, Is. (ib., 59.) – Apr. 2. N. P. Gibbs. Deposition; Venezuelan occu- pation of Aves Is., and Subsequent events. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 112.) — Apr. 12. Same. Answers to questions proposed by atty. Of Shelton, Sampson and Tappan, in mat- ter of claims agst. Venezuela for dispossession from Shelton Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 62.) – Apr. 19. . Shelton to U. S. Congress. Memorial; requesting passage of act confirming right of me- morialist and associates to Shelton’s Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 35; 36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 128.) — Apr 19. Sanford to Marcy. Congressional confir- mation of Shelton’s ownership of Aves [i. e., Shel- ton’s] Is.; employment of naval force to coerce rep- aration. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 128.) — Apr. 25. S. S. Bourne and S. P. T. Sherman to U. S. Sen, from Mass. (Wilson). Testimony to trustworthiness of strmts. of capt. Gibbs in matter of Venezuelan claims. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 78.) — Apr. 25. S. C. Burgess to U. S. Sen. from Mass. (Sumner). Same. (ib., 76.) — Apr. 25. A. S. Hathaway to Sen. Sumner. Same. (ib., 76.) — Apr. 25. T. Savery to sen. Wilson. Same. (ib., 77.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 711 GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Special Claims—cont’d 4. Shelton Claim—cont’d 1856 Apr. 25. Marcy to Eames. Transmits letter and papers from H. S. Sanford, likely to be useful in prosecuting Shelton claim, and testimony of Capt. Gibbs; requested to transmit copy of capt. Dias’ rpt. of seizure of Shelton Is. (ib., 30.) — Apr. 29. Shelton to U. S. Senate. Memorial; pray- ing indemnity for losses in consequence of action of Venezuela, and for confirmation in title to Shel- ton’s Is. (34. 1. S. jol., 287; 291.) — May 2. Same to U. S. House. Same. jol., 917.) — May 7. R. Thornell. Testimony taken by J. C. Law- rence, notary public, regarding capt. Gibbs and his connection with Aves Is... claims agst. Venezuela. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 78; 36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 133.) — May 22. A. Smith. Deposition; act of possession of a portion of Aves Is. by agt. of P. S. Shelton. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 136.) — Jiy. 8. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Thomas) to Sanford. Disposition of evidence in Shelton claim. (ib., 143.) — JIy. 11. Sanford to Thomas. Evidence in case of Shelton claim; pretensions of Lang and Delano. (ib., 144.) — Jly. 15. Sanford to Marcy. Desire of clients to keep claim distinct from all other claims in Aves Is... case; advice of intention to Solicit from Con- gress grant of letters of reprisal. (ib., 145.) — Jiy. 21. Sampson and Tappan and P. S. Shelton to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Intention to so- licit Congress for grant of letters of reprisal; rela- tive to claim of Lang, and Delano. (ib., 147.) — J1y. 21. Marcy to Sanford. Reply to his of Jly. 11. (ib., 146.) — Aug. 4. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.) calling for corresp. touching claim of Philo S. Shelton to Aves, or Bird, Is. (34. 1. S. jol., 514.) — Aug. 6. J. Herbert. Deposition; support of claim of Sampson and Tappan and P. S. Shelton in AVes Is... case. (36. 2. S. ex: doc. 10, 149.) — Dec. 14. Sanford to President U. S. A. (Pierce). Inquiry as to propriety of deposit of bond under Sec. 2, act of Aug. 18, 1855, in case of Shelton claim; claimants prepared to make deposit. (ib., 156.) Dec. 16. Sanford to Marcy. In Support of applica- tion to President of 14 inst. in behalf of clients under act of Aug. 18, 1855. (ib., 157.) — Dec. 23. Marcy to Sanford. Corresp. With U. S. minister to Venezuela (Eames) in Aves Is. Case. (ib., 159.) — Dec. 27. Sanford to Marcy. Comment on corresp. recd. from Amer. minister to Venezuela in case of Aves Is. claim; protest agst. inactivity of minister. (ib., 159.) 1857 Jan. 20. U. S. Senate. On motion (Weller), Com. on Foreign Relations discharged from consideration of petition and papers of P. S. Shelton. (34. 3. S. jol., 105.) — Jan. 21. U. S. Senate. Res. (Fish, N. Y.), to print memorial of P. S. Shelton with corresp. on said case transmitted by President. (ib., 112.) — Jan. 26. Sanford to Marcy. Memorandum of claim vs. Venezuela of P. S. Shelton and Sampson and Tappan in event either of retention or of restora- tion of Aves. Is. (ib., 173.) — Jan. 31. Shelton to Marcy. Advice of arrival of agt. of Phila. Guano co. (L. de la Cova); and of new contract of co. with Venezuela; Substance of nature of contract. (ib., 180.) (34. 1. H. GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVEs Is...: AMERICAN CLAIM—cont’d Special Claims—cont’d 4. Shelton Claim—cont’d 1857 Feb. 3. Marcy to Eames. Strmt. of claim of P. S. Shelton and Sampson and Tappan as now Submitted to º used as basis of demand upon Venezuela. (ib., 181. — Apr. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). to Eames. Telative to Shelton claim. (ib., 226.) — Aug. 16. Sanford to Cass. Brief on Special re- prisals as a rightful and peaceful remedy in Case of P. S. Shelton and Sampson and Tappan Vs. Venez- uela; with list of authorities. (ib., 242.) — Aug. 20. Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Guthrie) to Sanford. Denies stnts. imputed to him and derog- atory to interests of Shelton claim. (ib., 275.) — Aug. 31. Sanford to Cass. Venezuelan publication of communication by L. de Cova charging remarks derogatory to Shelton claim to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Guthrie). (ib., 275.) — Sept. 4. Cass to Eames. Guthrie denial of utter- ; of strmts. unfavorable to Shelton claim. (ib., 276. — Dec. 15. Cass to Eames. Tentative instructions relative to damages in Shelton claim; conferences with H. S. Sanford; no intention to transfer nego- tiation to Washington. (ib., 380.) 1858 Feb. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foster, Conn.), call- ing for all corresp. and docs. On file in State Dept. in case of P. S. Shelton, and Sampson and Tappan, respecting “Shelton’s ” or “Aves * Is., not yet com- municated. (35. 1. S. jol., 197.) AVES IS.: VENEZUELAN COUNTERCLAIM 1856. President Monagas, of Venezuela, Submitted a message to Congress on the guano controversy. —. In the report of the Secy. of Foreign Affairs, of Venezuela, for 1856, the subject of the guano claims is treated in a manner Very nearly identical With same in Briceño memoir of Mch. 1, 1858; see below. — Jan. 12. Keefe to Taylor. Aves IS. is in possession of and under jurisdiction of Venezuela. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 92.) — Jan. 16. Atty. for P. S. Shelton, etc. (Sanford) to Marcy. Venezuelan consul’s Strmt. maintaining Ven- ezuelan jurisdiction over Aves Is. (ib., 93.) 1857 Sept. 21. Ministr. relac. est., Venezuela (Gutierrez) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Early transmission of Venezuelan counterclaim in Aves Is. Case. (ib., 280.) — Oct. 31. Gutierrez to Cass. Counterclaim of Ven- ezuela in Aves Is. case. (ib., 287.) 1. Dias Agreement Signed on Dec. 13, 1854, by Domingo Dias, Venezuelan naval officer, on the one part, and on the other part by N. P. Gibbs (agt. of Sampson and Tappan), by P. S. Shelton and by C. H. Lang (agt. of Lang and De- lano). In this agreement agts. Of the claimants declare the island to belong to Venezuela, agree to defend and guard, Venezuelan occupation, and that, for this purpose, they place all arms and force under the flag of Venezuela. In subsequent litigation it was claimed that this agree- ment was extorted under duress, which fact, it was maintained by the govt. of the U. S. in pressing this claim, was sufficient ground to invalidate the in- strument, and to impart to the claimants a right to expect from, the Venezuelan govt. an indemnification. 1854 Dec. 3. 2° jefe de la escuadra Venezolana (Dias). License to persons therein named to take guano from Aves Is. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 9.) — Dec. 13. Agreement betw. agts. of Lang and De- lano and of Shelton and Sampson and Tappan (N. P. Gibbs and C. H. Lang) and comdr. Venezuelan vessel of war (Dias). to abandon Aves Is. (34, 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 11.) 712 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: VENEZUELAN COUNTERCLAIM—cont’d 1. Dias Agreement—cont’d 1855 Je. 14. Marcy to Shelton. Asks explanation of art. 4, Dias agreement, acknowledging Venezuela's own- ership of Aves Is. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 25.) — Je. 20. Late master Carlo Mariaran (Safford). De- position; fraud in case of Dias agreement. (ib., 65.) — Je. 20. Shelton to Marcy. Dias agreement. (ib., 26.) — Je. 24. Shelton to Marcy. Further representation relative to Dias agreement. (ib., 40.) — Aug. 23. W. P. Gibbs. Declaration; fraudulent representation of nature of Dias agreement to N. P. Gibbs. (ib., 107.) 1856 Aug. 14. Marcy to Eames. Prosecution of guano claims urged; Venezuela has no title to AVeS IS.; agreement betw. capts. Gibbs and Dias illegal. (34. 3. S. ex: doc. 25, 31.) 1857 Jan. 2. Marcy to Eames. Information to be de- manded of Venezuela regarding conduct of Capt. Dias; further procrastination in settlement of claims reprehended; opposite papers transmitted. (ib., 33.) — Jan. 7. Eames to Marcy. In Support of his con- tention on Venezuela’s fraudulent assumption of title to Aves Is. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 162.) — Feb. 27. Gutierrez to Eames. Maintains validity of Dias contract; Venezuelan jurisdiction Over Aves Is., etc. (ib., 200.) — May 28. Same to same. Invites presence, during declarations to be exacted of D. Dias and Lt. Pe- reiro. (ib., 230.) 2. Briceño Mission 1857 Nov. 23. Gutierrez to Eames. Protest agst. impli- cation of neglect of Aves IS. claim; refers to Vari- ous efforts on part of Venezuela to expedite con- clusion; apptmt. of special comr. Briceño. (36. 2. S. ex, doc. 10, 377.) — Nov. 30. Eames to Gutierrez. Comment on Bri- cefio mission; significance in general of a special mission; Venezuelan Counterclaim in Aves Is. Case. (ib., 378.) — Dec. 3. Eames to Cass. Apptmt. of M. Briceño as Special comr. to settle Aves Is... claim. (ib., 375.) 1858 Feb. 18. Gutierrez to Eames. Desire of Venezue- lan govt. to transfer prosecution of Aves Is... ne- gotiation to Washington. (ib., 383.) — Feb. 24. Briceño to Cass. Transfer of Aves IS. ne- gotiation to Washington; proposes to repel charges Of yºu! procrastination on part of Venezuela. (ib., 384. — Feb. 24. Cass to Briceño. Disappointment at non- committal renewal of Aves IS. negotiation by Ven- ezuelan minister of Foreign Affairs (Gutierrez). (ib., 381.) — Feb. 24. Eames to Cass. Advice of his attitude towards govt. of Venezuela in construing intention of Venezuelan special mission to U. S.; construc- tion frustrated by Venezuelan note to govt. of U. S. ignoring legation in Venezuela. (ib., 382.) Feb. 26. Cass to Briceño. U. S. govt. considers Aves Is. Question closed except in resp. to amt. Of indemnity to be paid claimants; transfer of ques- tion to U. S. not entertained by U. S. (ib., 385.) — Feb. 27. Briceño to Cass. Impossible to conclude Aves Is. claim with U. S. minister in Caracas; rec- ommends transfer of question to U. S. (ib., 385.) — Mch. 1. Same to same. Memoir justificatory of conduct of Venezuela on Aves Is. Question. (ib., 397.) GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: VENEZUELAN COUNTERCLAIM—cont’d 2. Briceño Mission—cont’d 1858 Mch. 4. Cass to Briceño. In reply to his of Feb. 27. (ib., 389.) — Mch. 8. Briceño to Cass. Substance in writing of observations at Conference of 6 inst. relative to Aves Is... claim. (ib., 391.) - 4. — Mch. 24. Ministr. relac, est., Venezuela (Urrutia) to Eames. Withdrawal of Venezuelan missions in Washington; Aves Is... negotiations to be continued in Caracas. (ib., 395.) — Mch. 25. Eames to Cass. Withdrawal of both Ven- ezuelan missions in Washington. (ib., 394.) — Apr. 7. Briceño to Cass. Declines to admit conclu- sion of Aves Is... negotiation. (ib., 396.) — Apr. 13. Agt. Shelton claimants (Sanford) to Cass. Comment on Briceño memoir; on character of new Venezuelan administration; legislation clothing ex- ecutive of U. S. with plenary power in Aves Is. case. (ib., 420.) — Apr. 25. Briceño to Cass. Apology for publication of his memoir of Mch. 1. (ib., 423.) — Apr. 27. Cass to Briceño. Publication of his mem- oir of Mch. 1. (ib., 423.) — May 10. Cass to Eames. Instructions for procedure in Aves IS. case pursuant to failure of Briceño mis- sion. (ib., 425.) — May 10. Cass to Urrutia. Failure of Briceño mis- sion; Aves Is. case referred back to Venezuela; lia- bility of Venezuela, having been admitted, satis- factory adjustment anticipated. (ib., 424.) The Aves Is. case, with the corresp. relative thereto, and discussion on law and facts; H. S. Sanford, atty. for claimants. Wash., 1861. AVES IS.: BRITISH IN 1854 Aug. 1. Comdr. H. B. M. sloop Devastation (De PHorsey) to comdre. H. B. M. Termagant (Hender- son). Rpt. of visit to Aves Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 93; 36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 133.) 1855 May 5. H. F. French to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Landing of Br. ship Race Horse on Aves IS. in 1835. (36. 2. S. ex. doc 10, 10) 1856 Apr. 11. Under Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Ham- mond) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas). Letter dated Aug. 1, 1854, from comdr. De Horsey (Devastation) to comdre. Henderson, reporting visit to Aves Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 93; 36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 132.) AVES IS.: DUTCH CLAIMS 1855 Mch. 3. Dutch chargé in Venezuela. Substance of note of even date to Venezuelan govt. relative to Dutch claims to Aves Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 6.) 1856 Mch. 6. Eames to ministr. relac. est., Venezuela (Gutierrez). Desires information within 3 days regarding truth of rpt. of Holland’s demand of ces- sion of Aves Is. (ib., 27.) — Mch. 7. Gutierrez to Eames. Admits truth of rpt. of Holland’s demand of cession of Aves Is... within 3 days. (ib., 28.) - - Mch. 8. Eames to Gutierrez. Holland’s demand for cession of Aves Is. opposed on ground of prior Amer. possession; pending claims, and Pickrell (Philadelphia Guano co.) contract. (ib., 28.) — Mch. 15. Eames to Marcy. Holland demands sur- render of Aves Is... by Venezuela, within 3 days; op- poses cession on ground of Pickrell (Philadelphia. Guano co.) contract, and priority of Amer. posses- sion. (ib., 26.) INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 713 GUANO—cont’d Venezuelan Territory—cont’d AVES IS.: FRENCH CLAIMS 1855 Mch. 15. Ministre des affaires étrangères, France (Drouyn de l'Huys). Substance of note of even date to French legation in Venezuela relative to French claims to Aves Is. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 6.) GUARDIOLA (SANTOS) Ministr. relac. est., Honduras, [1847]. Jefe del estado of Honduras, 1856-62 ; see also Central America. 1847 Oct. 13. To H. B. M. cons. agt., Central America (Chatfield). Protest agst. Br. invasion of port of San Juan. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 78.) 1859 Nov. 22. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. on speci. mis- sion in Central America (Wyke). Address on re- ceiving his credentials. (p. 305, Corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, W. 68.) GUARDOQUI 1796 Feb.29 [26]. Royal directions establishing San Juan del Norte as a port of entry. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 38; 49.) — Mch. 27. Royal instructions for the furtherance of the Zavala colonizing project. (ib., 50.) GUATEMALA; see CENTRAL AMERICA GUATIMOZIN, FRENCH BARQUE (CHALLOT); see CHAL- LOT (M.) 1844 Je. 2. Extr. from log-book of Guatinozin of Bor- deaux. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 148, 16.) — Je. 25. Death of De Cous, master; succeeded by second mate, M. Challot. (ib., 7.) GUAYAMA (PUERTO RICO) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Spanish Dominions GUAYAMAS (MEXICO) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico Military Comdt. 1847. See Campuzano (A.) GUAYAQUIL (ECUADOR) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Ecuador GUAZACUALCO (MEXICO) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico GUEDES (DON RODRIGO PINTO); see PINTO GUEDES (R.) GUENET (CHARLES), ASSIGNEE'S CLAIM; see JULIUS CAESAR, SCHR. GUEREDIAGA (RAMON DE), SLAVE DEALER 1858 Aug. 9. Amer. Vice-cons. gen., Havana (Savage) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Documents relating to brig Nancy; interest therein of de Guerediaga, and in Lydia Gibbs and Lyra ; instructions re- quested. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 171.) —Sept. 14. Savage to Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Ap- pleton). Relative to slavers Nancy, etc.; slave deal- ers Guerediaga, Cabargo, Gregorio Tejedor; etc. (ib., 205.) GUERNSEY CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1838 Mch. 5. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 549.) 1840 May 18. To U. S. House; in favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) GUERRA (JOSE MORENO DE), DEPONENT IN MEADE CLAIM; see MEADE (R. W.) GUERRA (JUAN), GOVERNOR OF TAMAULIPAS 1830 Aug. 30. To ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Alaman). Suspension of law imposing contribution upon sub- jects of certain nations. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 363.) GUERRERo (José), PRESIDENT OF NICARAGUA Director supremo of Nicaragua, 1847-49. 1847 Dec. 15. To President of U. S. A. (Polk). Br. ag- gression on Nicaraguan coast. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 79.) 1849 Oct. 29. M. P. Honduras to Nicaragua, to Amer. chargé in Guatemala (Squier). Cession of Tigre IS.; treaty negotiation betw. Honduras and U. S. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 18.) — Nov. 6. To same. Concentration of land forces for purpose of recapturing territory seized by British. (ib., 49.) Nov. 28. To same. Protest agst. terms of conv. of comrs. of San Salvador and Br. consul. (ib., 63.) GUERRERO (JOSE M.) Jefe del estado of Honduras in 1839; see Central Amer- ICăl. GUERRERO (VICENTE RAMON), 1783–1831 2 constitutional president of Mexico ; served from Jan. 12 to Dec. 18, 1829. 1829 Mch. 31. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Bocanegra) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Ceremonies to be observed at inauguration of. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 277.) - — Nov. 17. To President of the U. S. A. (Jackson). Apptmt. of Col. José Maria Tornel, M. P. and of col. José Antonio Mexia, as secy. Of legation of Mexico in U. S. (ib., 639.) GUERRERO (STATE), MEXICO Governor 1852. M. Garcia. GUERRERO, SPAN. SLAVER BRIG 1828 Mch. 15. U. S. collector customs, St. Augustine (Cornell) to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Rush). Land- ing in Amer. Schr. General Geddes (Morrison) of slaves taken from stranded Sp. brig Guerrero. (20. 1. H. doc. 262.) — Apr. 30. President U. S. A. (Adams) to U. S. Con- gress. Message relative to landing of negroes at Key West, from Sp. Slaver stranded within jurisdic- tion of U. S., referred to Com. on Judiciary. (20. 1. S. jol., 344.) Nov. 27. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard). Annual report; clause with further information relative to message of President Adams of Apr. 30, and land- ing of stranded Africans at Key West. See also Anderson (S.). GUERRIERE, U. S. FRIGATE, 1814 (1828-61) : In commission (Thompson). 1829 Apr. 16. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Bra- Zilian Minister of Interior Dept. (Pereira). Protest agst. Seizure of Specie landed from Guerriere. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 188.) – Apr. 29. Pereira to Tudor. Specie seized from Guerriere must undergo forms of law, authorized to draw amt. from treasury. (ib., 192.) - Apr. 30. Tudor to Pereira. Declines to draw from treasury amt. Seized from Guerriere; suggests an- other means of restitution. (ib., 193.) 1829-31, Pacific sqdn. 714 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GUEST (JOHN), LT. U. S. SLOOP PLYMOUTH 1854 Mch. 7. To comdr. Plymouth (Kelly). Manner in Which men taken by Sir Herbert Compton were re- leased. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 34, 178.) GUIDO (TOMAs) Argentinian ministr. de gobierno y relaciones esteriores, 1828-29; do. de relaciones esteriores, guerra y marina, 1833-34; see Argentine Republic. Civil Service. GUILFORD (CONN.) CITIZENS 1845 Feb. 27. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 486.) GUILFORD (ILL.) CITIZENS 1852 Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying adoption of principle of arbitration. (32. 1. S. jol., 191.) GUILFORD CO. (N. C.) CITIZENS 1850 May 27. To U. S. House. Petition; praying em- ployment of national vessel to convey delegates from U. S. to Peace Conv., Frankfort. (31. 1. H. jol., 971.) Gºof (EUGENE), CHARGE OF FRANCE IN PARA- GUAY [1857.] Concurs in public opinion that President Lopez monopolizes all to profit of his family, and will not permit serious rivalry in commercial transactions, which embrace all branches. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, 64.) GUIMARAES (ISIDORO FRANCISCO), GOV. OF MACAO 1853 Sept. 12. Order regulating shipment of Chinese emigrants that leave Macao. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 691.) 1855 Feb. 24. To Amer, comr. in China (Parker). Pur- pose of visit of Mr. Gonçalvez to Whampoa is to Secure for Portuguese flag equal recognition. On Canton River with that of other nations. (ib., 592.) — Mch. 2. To same. Ho-Alock has not performed promise to give signal for rice he said he would buy; assures him of determination to prevent any con- veyance of arms or ammunition to Canton. (ib., 592.) — Mch. 8. To same. Br. admiral agrees that naval forces at Whampoa will afford protection to Por- tuguese flag; shall follow advice about propriety of acting in affair of recovery of plunder of lorcha no. 3. (ib., 594.) — J1y. 14. Edict; authorizing prosecution of Portu- guese subjects engaged in purchase of Chinese chil- dren; applying full power of law prohibiting Slave- trade. (ib., 692.) Nov. 10. Order relating to Chinese emigration. (ib., 693.) 1856 Dec. 6. To Parker (P.) Piracy committed on Br. craft of Hong-Kong in Cap-Suy-moon; informs him that H. Newell, citizen of U. S., was apprehended and recognized as one of party that committed Said crime. (ib., 1072.) GUIMARAES (MANUEL ANTONIO); INVOLVED IN CASE OF SLAVER HERALD; see HERALD GUIPUZCOANA, MEX. BARQUE 1842 Oct. 19. Actg. gov. of Monterey (Alvarado) to gov. of California (Micheltorena). Seizure of Gwi- puzcoana. (27. 3. H. doc. 166, 20.) GUITHERME DOS REIS (MANOEL) Consul-gen. Brazil in U. S. A.; actg. chargé ad int. Feb.-Dec., 1833; see Brazil. Consular service. GUIZOT (FRANgois P. G.) Ministre des affaires étrangères France, 1840-48; see France. Civil Service. 1842 May 26. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). France and the quintuple treaty. (27. 3. S. doc., 223, 32; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 200.) GULF OF MEXICO; BRITISH AGGRESSIONs on AMER. COMMERCE; see VISIT AND SEARCH GULNARE, BR, COOLIE SHIP; see COOLIE TRADE GUN (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 341.) Jan. 21. To same. Memorial for recognition of independence of Hayti. (ib., 337.) GUNNISON (NATHANIEL), CLAIM OF; see DENMARK, CLAIMS. BERGEN PRIZES GURLEY (H. H.), REPR. FROM LA. 1828 Dec. 23. To U. S. House. Speech; introducing amdmt. to bill for occupation of Oregon River, to secure certain privileges to co. desiring to engage in settlement of terr. (v, Reg. Debates, 126.) — Dec. 31. Same. (ib., 145.) GURLEY (R. R.), SECY. AMER. COLONIZATION SOCIETY 1842 Dec. 22. To Secy State, U. S. A. (Webster). So- liciting interposition with Gr. Br. and France to prevent interference with rights and interests of colony of Liberia. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 162, 12.) 1843 Mch. 18. To same. Nature and extent of protec- tion expected for colonists of Liberia from govt. of U. S. (ib., 15.) 1844 Feb. 2. To President of U. S. A. (Tyler). Relation of Amer. Colonization Society to colony of Liberia. (ib., 10.) Special Agent, U. S. A. 1850 Feb. 15. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Re- sults of observations during recent visit to Liberia, and to colony founded by Colonization Society and state of Maryland at Cape Palmas. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 75, 1.) — Sept. 2. U. S. House. Resolution (Silvester, N. Y.), for result of mission of R. R. Gurley to Liberia, and for his rpt., on file in State Dept.; motion to receive same denied. (31. 1. H. jol., 1356.) — Sept. 27. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Remarks; favor- able to printing of extra copies of Gurley report. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 2033.) 1851 Feb. 6. Gurley to U. S. House. Memorial; praying apprin. for purchase of books, etc., for use of govt. of Liberia. (31. 2. H. jol., 236.) Feb. 6. Gurley to U. S. Senate. Same. (.31. 2. S. jol., 149.) 1858 Nov. 30. To President of U. S. A. (Buchanan). Contract made by Amer. Colonization Society. With govt. for support of Africans sent to Liberia by Niagara. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 68.) GUSTAVUS (O.) CITIZENS 1840 May 18. To U. S. House; in favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) GUTHRIE (JAMES), SECY. TREASURY, U. S. A. 1854 Mch. 1. To splxr. of House (Boyd). Salaries, etc., of Amer. dipl. agts. at foreign courts, since Mch. 4, 1853. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 67.) — Dec. 1. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Measures taken to apply provisions of reciprocity treaty to Nova Scotian ports. (33. 2. H. misc. doc. 21, 1.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 715 ſº GUTHRIE (JAMES), SECY. TREASURY, U. S. A.—cont'd 1855 Feb. 9. To chrm. Com. on Commerce (Fuller). Rec- Ommends that provision similar to that contained in act of 1802, be made for sick Amer. seamen at Havana. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 874.) 1856 Apr. 23. To U. S. House. Communication in rela- tion to tariff on tobacco. (34. 1. H. jol., 876.) — Apr. 28. To chrm. U. S. House Com. on Ways and Means (Campbell). Suggests propriety of paying foreign ministers according to standard of value of gold dollar, whether paid at U. S. Treasury or place of residence of minister or consul. (34. 3. H. misc. doc. 8, 2.) 1857 Aug. 20. To agt., P. S. Shelton, and Sampson and Tappan claim (Sanford). Denies stnts. imputed to him and derogatory to interests of Shelton claim. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 275.) GUTHRIE (JOHN JULIUS), LT. U. S. SLOOP LEWANT 1857 Je. 5. To comdr. Levant (Smith). Strmt.; taking of boat by Keenan. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1390.) GUTIERRES (L.), SPAN. CONS. AT HONG KONG . 1857 Dec. 17. To Amer. cons., Hong Kong (Keenan). Permits copy to be made of royal ordinance of Col- onization of Mch. 22, 1854; acc. by copy of Or- dinances. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 71.) . GUTIERREZ (DIEGO) 1540. Carlos I, of Spain. Charter granted to Diego Gutierrez for purpose of settling province of Car- tago (Costa Rica), and conferring upon him title of gov. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 25.) GUTIERREZ (JACINTO), MINISTR. RELAC. EST., WENEZ- UELA 1856 Mch. 7. To Amer. min. res. in Venezuela (Eames). Admits truth of rpt. of Holland’s demand of cession of Aves island within three days. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 28.) 1857 Feb. 27. To Same. Maintains validity of Dias con- tract; Venezuelan jurisdiction over Aves Is., etc. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 200.) — May 28. To same. Invites presence during declara- tions to be exacted of D. Dias and Lt. Pereiro. (ib., 230.) — Je. 2. To Same. Argues necessity of extension of time for consideration of Aves Is. claim. (ib., 232.) — Je. 12. To same. Forwards passports. (ib., 234.) — Sept. 21. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). An- nounces early transmission of Venezuelan Counter claim in Aves Is. case. (ib., 280.) — Oct. 31. To same. Counter claim of Venezuela in Aves Is. Case. (ib., 287.) — Nov. 2. To Eames. Will take an early opportunity to arrange personal interview with president. (ib., 373.) — Nov. 3. To same. Illness of president of Venezuela suspends negotiation in Aves IS. claim. (ib., 376.) — Nov. 23. To same. Protest agst. implication of neg- lect of Aves IS. claim; refers to various efforts On part of Venezuela to expedite conclusion; apptmt. of special comr. Briceño. (ib., 377.) 1858 Feb. 18. To Same. Desire of W. govt. to transfer prosecution of Aves IS. negotiation to Washington. (ib., 383.) GUTIERREZ (JOSE IGNACIO (?)); see BARRIO (J. M.) DEL GUTIERREZ (JUAN MARIA) Argentinian ministr; relac. est., 1854-56; see Argentine Republic. Civil service. GUTIERREZ DE ESTRADA (JOAQUIM) 1848 Apr. 28. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Affairs in Campeche. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 7.) GUTIERREZ DE ESTRADA (Josł. MARIA) Ministr. relac. est, Mexico, 1835, 1 St. Anna administra- tion, and under Barragan administration. Correspondence AMERICAN Amer. Chargé in Mexico (Butler) 1835 Jan. 23. To Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Ap- ptmt. as Secy. of State of Interior and Exterior Re- lations; reinstatement of D. Jose Maria Ortiz Mon- asterio as chief clerk. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 549.) 3. — Jan. 27. To same. Congress grants permission to D. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to temporarily re- tire from the presidency; general D. Miguel Barra- gan named president ad int. (ib., 550.) — Feb. 6. To same. Suggesting methods for expedit- ing business of diplomatic corps with the president. (ib., 550.) — Feb. 7. To same. Impracticable to treat at once relative to limits; negotiation transferred to Wash- ington. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 39; xiv, Reg. De- bates, app., 138.) — Feb. 8. To same. Revolt in South completely quieted. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 551.) — Feb. 16. To same. Copy of communication ad- dressed to gov. of Oaxaca directing that judgment in favor of John Baldwin be complied with. (ib., 552.) — Feb. 18. To same. Necessary measures being taken to act upon consent of Spain to treat upon question of acknowledging independence of former Spanish colonies. (ib., 553.) — Feb. 21. To same. Asking precaution to prevent emigration of Indian tribes from Amer. into Mexi- can terr. (ib., 554.) — Mch. 17. To same. Approval of nomination of D. José Maria Casteños and William A. Slacum as vice- cons. Of the U. S., for ports of San Blas and Guay- mas. (ib., 556.) — Mch. 29. To same. J. M. Blasco and Gutierrez ap- ptd. treaty comrs. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 42, 42; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 139.) — Apr. 3. To same. Exeguatur for commission to John Stayher, as consul of U. S. for Goliad. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 557.) Apr. 13. To Same. Delivery of criminal concealed in house of William Parrott, Amer. cons. at Mexico, ordered. (ib., 561.) — Apr. 25. To same. Suspension of proc. of magis- trate of Austin, state of Coahuila and Texas, agst. chargé of the U. S. (ib., 562.) Treaties Signed 1835 Apr. 3. Signs second additional article to treaty of limits of January 12, 1828, betw. Mexico and U. S.; See Mexico. Treaties. GUTIERREZ Y ROSA (ONOFRIO) 1797 Jan. 26. Atty. gen. U. S. A. (Lee) to Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Randolpin). Opinion; violation of terr. rights of Spain over Fla.; arrest of D. Onofrio Gutierrez y Rosa, comdt. of Amelia Is., illegal. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 51.) GUTOWSKI (ARTHUR ALEXANDER RUDOLPH. V.) 1852 Je. 25. To Amer. M. P. in Prussia (Barnard). Pro- test agst. Order contradicting sojourn in Posen, Prussia; appeals for aid as Amer. citizen. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 23.) 716 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DoCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS GUTOWSKI (ARTHUR ALEXANDER RUDOLPH. V.)—cont’d 1852 Je. 30. Barnard to Gutowski. Desires more par- ticulars regarding residence in Europe; will apply to ministry in his behalf. (ib., 24.) — Jly. 1. Barnard to Minist. d. Auswärtigen Ange- legenheiten, Prussia (Manteuffel). Applies for per- mission to Dr. Gutowski to reside a year in Posen, Prussia. (ib., 24.) — Jly. 13. Barnard to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Cases of Gutowski, Hormann, and Meyer, Amer. citizens denied privilege of residence and threatened With compulsory enlistment in Prussian army; ef- forts in their behalf. (ib., 22.) — JIy. 14. Barnard to Manteuffel. Encloses Dr. Gut- Owski’s petition to minister of interior and cer- * of guarantee from Count Skorzewski. (ib., 1. ** — Jly. 20. Barnard to Webster. Forwards copy of ºr to Manteuffel in case of Dr. Gutowski. (ib., 1.) — Aug. 3. Barnard to Gutowski. No reply recd. as yet to petition to Prussian govt. ; in View of his re- quest to be admitted as Prussian citizen, U. S. can- not of right claim to interpose. (ib., 42.) — Aug. 10. Barnard to Webster. Forwards copy of letter to Dr. Gutowski, in reply to one urging action upon his petition to Prussian govt. (ib., 42.) — Nov. 30. Manteuffel to Barnard. Doubts whether Gutowski is Prussian subject by birth; inaccuracies in his stntS.; Order denying him permis de séjour in Posen not to be revoked. (ib., 50.) GUZMAN (FERNANDO), WICE-PRESIDENT OF NICA- RAGUA 1859 Dec. 24. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. on speci. mis- Sion in Central America (Wyke). Address on receiv- ing his credentials. (p. 312, Corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) GUZMAN (JUAN JOSE) Jefe of Salvador, 1842-43 ; see Central America. GUZMAN (LUIS) 1848 Jly. 1. Prefect dept. of Rio Verde (Verastegui). Approves of authorization of books and documents of G. A. Gardiner. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 114.) GWATHMEY (WASHINGTON), OF WA. L. S. N., 1832-61. Lieut., 1843; dismissed Apr. 17, 1861. Temporarily in command of U. S. S. Mace- donian, 1856. 1856 Jan. 13. To Amer. M. P. to China (Parker). Re- ply to communication of 12 inst. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 673.) GWATHMEY (W.) AND STIRLING (JAMES) 1855 Jan. 2. To chief of insurgent force in Blenheim Reach. Trust that he will observe rules and pre- cepts of humanity in mode of waging war. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 524.) GWIN (W. M.), SEN. FROM CALIF. 1850 Sept. 23. Remarks; favorable to Foote amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 334, providing for expenses of speci. agt. to Venezuela, New Granada and Ecuador to settle claims agst. former govt. of Colombia. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1933.) — Sept. 24. Do.; favorable to Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 388. (ib., app., 1378.) 1852 Apr. 1. Remarks; opposed to Borland res. Of Mch. 31, calling for information concerning object of naval expedition to Indian Ocean and Japan. (ib., 32. 1., 943, 948.) Je. 3. Do.; favorable to S. 440, for relief of Wm. Money. (ib., 1522.) GWIN (W. M.), SEN. FROM CALIF.—cont’d 1852 Jly. 19. Do.; in reply to Mason, on Mason res. call- ing for corresp. with Mexico in regard to right of § from Isthmus of Tehuantepec, etc. (ib., 1833- 834. — Jly. 26. Do.; concerning prºg. of rpt. of Secy, of In- terior communicating information in relation to Mexican boundary commission. (ib., 1920.) — Aug. 26. Do.; unfavorable to amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Relations to civil and dipl. apprp. bill, H. R. 196, providing for outfit and salary of min. res. at Frankfort-o-M. (ib., 2379.) — Dec. 23. Do.; relative to Mason. res., calling for official notes from Br. and French ministers, in- viting U. S. to become a party to tripartite Cuban ConV. (ib., 32. 2., 146.) 1853 Jan. 26. Do.; practical application of S. res. 69, de- claratory of views of U. S. resp. colonization of No. Amer. Continent by European powers, etc. (ib., app., 132-133.) 1854 Jan. 16. Do.; in support of Pearce res. concerning expediency of presenting testimonials to Comdr.S. and crews of Br. ship Three Bells, Amer. bark Rilby and ship Antarctic for rescue of surviving of- ficers, passengers and crew of str. San Francisco; also on Shield’s substitute. (ib., 33. 1., 174–175.) Jan. 19. Do.; in reply to Pettit, Shields and Mason, on President’s proclamation concerning unlawful expedition from California, to invade Mexico, and in support of his res. of inquiry in regard to extent of naval force on Pacific coast in 1853, etc.; CenSur- ing administration. (ib., 207-210.) Jan. 24. Do.; unfavorable to Mason res., proposing adjournment as a mark of respect to deceased Rus- sian minister, Bodisco, and to enable Senators to attend his funeral. (ib., 242-243.) — Apr. 24. Do.; on S. res. 9, manifesting Sense of Congress towards rescuers of survivors from Wreck of str. San Francisco; in explanation and Support of his substitute, providing testimonials only; etc. (ib., 974-977.) — May 24, Do.; relative to Benjamin’s remarks On res. of La. legislature concerning recent policy of Spanish govt. in reference to Cuba, etc. (ib., 1299.) 1855 Jan. 7. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Case of F. W. Rice, late Amer. consul at Acapulco. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 38, 37.) — Jan. 17, 19. Remarks; partly in reply to Stuart, in support of S. 481, for relief of capt. T. A. C. Jones. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 292-293, 320-321, 323.) Feb. 20. Do.; concerning Hamilton Fish in con- nection with emigrant passenger bill S. 489. (ib., 826.) 1858 Feb. 17. Do.; favoring reference of res. resp. pro- tectorate by U. S. over Mexico and Central America, to select com. (ib., 35. 1., 736.) — May 18. Do.; introducing jt. res. for adjustment of difficulties with New Granada, Central America and Mexico; deprecating delay in redressing Outrages on Amer. citizens in foreign countries; referring particularly, in case of Central America, to Nicara- guan interference in progress of treaty negotiations. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2197.) — May 24. Do.; urging reference to Com. on Foreign Relations of memorial of P. McD. Collins, praying compensation for commercial researches in no. Asia and explorations of Amoor River. (ib., 2347.) — May 31. Do.; declaring res. agst. Br. aggressions upon Amer. vessels in Gulf of Mexico to be declara- tion of war without provision for preparation. (ib., 2531.) — Je. 1. Do.; urging action on bill resp. Outrages on Amer. citizens and property. (ib., 2564.) • INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 717 GWIN (W. M.), SEN. FROM CALIF.—cont’d 1859 Jan. 21. Do.; apropos bill for relief of Thos. Laurent, expressing doubt whether foreigners can bring suits in Court of Claims. (ib., 35. 2., 508.) — Feb. 16. Do.; favoring retention of apprn. for Sal- ary of cons. at Simoda. (ib., 1052.) 1860 Je. 16. Do.; proposing conv. with Gr. Br. for mu- tual return of captured negroes to Africa. (ib., 36. 1., 3068.) 3 * 1861 Feb. 13. Do.; favoring ample salary for comr. un- der conv. with Costa Rica, and opposing limitation of period to settle claims, to 9 mos. (ib., 36. 2., 884.) — Feb. 19. Do.; favoring adoption of res. for adjust- ment of accts. of J. R. Clay, Amer. min. in Peru. (ib., 1014.) º GWINN (JOHN), OF MD. U. S. N., 1809-49. Lieut., 1816; comdr., 1837; capt., 1842. Died Sept. 4, iš49. sea service in command (1828-49) : 1839, comdg. Vandalia, W. I. sqdn. ; 1845, comdg. Potomac, Home sqdn. ; 1849, comdg. Constitution, Mediterranean sqdn. H. N. GAMBRIL, SLAVER SCHR. (JEFFERSON) 1853 Nov. 3. Captured off Congo River by U. S. S. Con- stitution (Mayo). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 104, 32.) HAALILIO (TIMOTEO) AND RICHARDS (WILLIAM), AGTS. OF HAWAII TO U. S. A. Haalilio was specl. comr. from Hawaii to U. S. A., 1842- 44; see also Hawaii. Diplomatic service. 1842 Dec. 14. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Establishment of treaty negotiation, and of dipl. re- lations. (27.3. H. doc. 35, 4; 52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 37.) HABANERO, SP. BRIG 1850 Jan. In Dominican waters. 14.) HABBETT (MOHAMET), CLAIMANT; see CARAMALLI, EX- BASHAW OF TRIPOLI, REPR. OF HEIRS OF HABEAS CORPUS See also : A mistad; Bergen and Ryan ; Extradition ; and discussion of remedial justice bills under Canada. Insurrection. Caroline, etc. 1842 JIy. 7. Berrien. Remarks, in U. S. Senate, object- ing to extension of right of habeas corpus proposed in bill to provide further remedial justice in district courts of U. S. (xi, Cong. Globe, 729.) — Jly. 7. C. M. Conrad, sen. from La. Remarks; fa- voring amdmt. to bill to provide further remedial justice in distr. Courts of U. S., extending applica- tion of habeas corpus. (ib.) 1847 Mch. 23. Buchanan to U. S. atty. N. Y. (Butler). Practice of issuing writs of habeas corpus by state courts to pass legality of detention of fugitives. (Mss. Dom. Let. repr. extr. 2 Wharton. Digest, 825.) 1853 Dec 20. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; case of person, claimed as fugitive from foreign justice, under examination before a comr. of U. S., it is right of marshal of U. S. to refuse to have body of party before state court on habeas corpus, and it is duty of courts and other authorities of U. S. to protect marshal in such refusal. (vi, Op. attyS. gen., 237.) HABEN (JOHN) NATURALIZED AMER. CITIZEN 1854 Feb. 21. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Vroom) to Minist. d. Ausw. Angelegeheiten, Prussia (Man- teuffel). Arrest and imprisonment, at Saarlouis of Haben, on ground of emigration without permit; requests for facts and proceedings in case. (36. 1. S. ex, doc. 38, 79.) — Feb. 26. Manteuffel to Vroom. Has written to min- ister of interior in case of arrest of Haben, at Saar- louis. (ib., 80.) (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, HABEN (JOHN), NATURALIZED AMER. CITIZEN-cont’d 1854 Feb. 28. Vroom to Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy). Imprisonment at Saarlouis, of Haben, naturalized U. S. citizen; no reply yet recd. to communication to min. of foreign affairs. (ib., 78.) — Apr. 25. Manteuffel to Vroom. Reasons for arrest of J. Haben, at Saarlouis; on escape; has been ad- judged and fined, by seizure of property in Prussia, as deserter. (ib., 81.) — May 2. Vroom to Marcy. Facts in case of arrest of J. Haben, naturalized U. S. citizen, at Saarlouis; since return to Syracuse, after escape, no ground for claim for indemnity. (ib., 80.) HABERSHAM (RICHARD W.) Representative from Ga. to 26th and 27th congress. serving from Mch. 4, 1839, until his death on Dec. 2, 1842. 1842 Jan. 21. Remarks; characterizing as hoax petition for removal of J. Q. Adams from chrmship. of Com. On Foreign Affairs. (xi, Cong. Globe, 158.) — Jan. 22. Do.; explaining nature of petition asking for removal of Adams from chair of Com. on For- eign Relations. (ib., 163.) HABERSHAM CO. (GA.) Citizens 1842 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. Petition, praying House to remove J. Q. Adams from head of Com. On For- eign Affairs, and substitute another member of House in his place. (27. 2. H. jol., 260; 271.) Democratic Assn. 1844 Je. 14. To U. S. House. In favor of Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. H. jol., 1108.) HABEST (HENRY), SEAMAN U. S. S. NATCHEZ. DEPOSI- TION: see NATCHEZ HABICHT (C. EDWARD) Swedish, etc., actg. cons.-gen. in U. S. A.; actg. chargé, 1845-46 : 1849; 1850-51 ; 1852-53 ; 1856-58, Apr. Nov., 1861; see Sweden and Norway. Consular and Diplomatic service. HACKELTON (JAMES), CLAIMANT 1831 Feb. 1. U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indemnity for losses by French spoliations. (21. 2. S. jol., 122.) HACKLEY (RICHARD S.) Statutory Measures 1830 Mch. 16. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (21. 1. H. R. 357) “for relief of Richard S. Hackley.” (21. 1. H. jol., 421.) 1831 Dec. 19. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (22. 1. H. R. 43) “for relief * ‘is shackley ”; approved Mch. 15, 1832. (vi, St. ., 481. Correspondence 1809 Aug. 24. Master of Acushnett (Giles). Receipt for Sum of $240 due for wages as capt. of Acushnett, in possession of consulate of U. S. at Cadiz for breach of embargo laws. (21. 1. H. rpt. 298, 7.) 1810 Feb. 6. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Erving) to Amer. vice-consul Cadiz (Hackley). Necessary that measures be immediately taken with resp. to Amer. Ships detained for breach of embargo laws of U. S. in order to avoid all further expenses. (ib., 10.) — Feb. 17. Same to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Smith). Cases of Franklin, Acushnett, and Vigilant. (ib., 7.) — Mch. 8. Comdr. Amer. ship Franklin (Palmer). Acct. of disbursements amtg. to $1778.57 is true and legal, and has been paid by R. S. Hackley for use and benefit of Franklin. (ib., 5.) - 718 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS . HACKLEY (RICHARD S.)—cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1829 Dec. 10. Hackley to U. S. Congress. Petition for reimbursement of expenses, etc., on Franklin and Acushnett not yet refunded. (ib., 3.) 1830 Mch. 16. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. in favor of Hackley petition for reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of Franklin and Acushnett. (ib., 1.) 1831 Dec. 15. U. S. House. Motion (Cambreleng) that Hackley petition of Dec. 15 [sic, i. e., 10], 1829, be re- ferred to Com. on Foreign Affairs; ordered. (22. 1. H. jol., 54.) HACKLEY (WILLIAM R.), U. S. ATTY. SO. DISTR. FLA. 1850 May 22. To solicitor of the Treasury (Clark). Ac- ct. of landing, at Key West, of followers of gen. Lopez from Amer. Str. Creole; pursuit by Sp. Str. Pizarro. (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 57, 47.) 1855 May 8. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Notice of finding of abandoned brigantine Horatio; sus- pected of having landed cargo of Slaves on coast of Cuba. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 16.) HADDAM (CONN.) 1837 Oct. 2. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 133.) HADDOCK (JONATHAN) 1835 Dec. 29. U. S. House. Petition, praying remunera- tion for loss sustained by latter, by burning of his dwelling house by enemy during late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 92.) 1858 Jan. 5. U. S. Senate. Petition of Sally M. Judson, praying indemnity for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 77.) HADDUCK (CHARLES B.), OF N. H. Amer. chargé in Portugal, Dec. 10, 1850-Je. 30, 1854. 1851 Jan. 7. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Hadduck. Instructions to postpone departure for Lisbon. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 83.) Correspondence 1851 Je. 28. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Exchange of ratifications of conv, con- cluded on Feb. 26, last. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 86.) — Jly. 17. [unnum. extr.] To Same. Two alterations made in form of protocol. (ib., 87.) — Dec. 8. [no. 10.] To Same. Expenses of Official resi- dence of Amer. dipl. representative in Lisbon. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 93, 31.) HADLEY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) 1851 Jan. 6. To same. In favor of arbitration. (31. 2. H. jol., 111.) — Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 2. S. jol., 65.) HADLEY (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 230.) HAEGER ( ANDERS ), MASTER SWEDISH BRIG ANDERS; see HAFFSCHMIDT (C.) DE Belgian ministre des affaires étrangères, 1847-52; see Belgium. Foreign Affairs. HAGAN (JOHN), ET AL. 1847 Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of J. Hagan, E. Lackett, and S. Johnson, praying compensation for Slaves liberated from Creole by authorities at Nas- Sau. (29. 2. S. jol., 213.) 1848 Jan. 19. To same. On motion (Downs, La.), me- morial of John Hagen, E. Lackett, and S. Johnson, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Rela. tions. (30. 1. S. jol., 121.) HAGAN (MALACHI), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1839 Jan. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Tipton, Com. of Claims), bill (25. 3. S. 200) “for relief of Malachi Hagan.” (25. 3. S. jol., 129.) — Dec. 30. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, N. H.), bill (26. 1. S. 106) “for relief of Malachi Hagan.” (26. 1. S. jol., 59.) 1840 Dec. 21. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, Com. of Claims), bill (26. 2. S. 95) “for relief of Malachi Hagan.” (26. 2. S. jol., 48.) Correspondence, etc. 1838 Jan. 2. Hagan to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying remuneration for property destroyed by U. S. troops in Florida war. (25. 2. S. jol., 96; 224.) — Dec. 11. U. S. Senate. On motion (Merrick, Md.), petition of Malachi Hagan, on files of last session, referred to Com. of Claims. (25. 3. S. jol., 37; 56; 106.) 1840 Dec. 15. U. S. Senate. On motion (Hubbard), pe- tition of M. Hagan referred to Com. of Claims. (26. 2. S. jol., 31.) - 1843 Dec. 27. U. S. Senate. On motion (Woodbury), pe- tition of M. Hagan, on files of Senate, referred to Com. Of Claims. (28. 1. S. jol., 48.) 1844 Dec. 23. U. S. Senate. On motion (Woodbury, N. H.), leave given M. Hagan to withdraw petition and paperS. (28. 2. S. jol., 54.) 1846 Mch. 2. Hagan to U. S. House. Petition (Brocken- brough, referred to Com. on Military Affairs. (29. 1. H. jol., 474.) 1848 Jan. 12. Hagan to U. S. House. Petition, heretofore presented Jan. 2, 1838, presented (Giddings, O.) and referred to Com. of Claims. (30. 1. H. jol., 228; 354.) HAGARTY (JAMES), OF N. Y. Amer. Cons. for Liverpool, 1842-44; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British dominions. HAGEDORN (C. F.), BAVARIAN CONSUL AT PHILA. 1853 Feb. 11. To U. S. Senate. Petition, offering mutual exchange of public docs. (32. 2. S. jol., 187.) HAGNER (PETER), 3D AUDITOR, U. S. TREASURY DEPT. 1842 Aug. 22. To Secy. War, U. S. A. (Spencer). Rpt. on Hernandez claim. (28. 1. H. rpt. 58, 6.) HAGUE (NETHERLANDS) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Dutch Dominions HAIDEE, SLAVER 1858 Sept. 19. Amer. Vice-cons. gen., Havana (Savage) to U. S. atty. So. distr., N. Y. (Sedgwick). Sends Witnesses to testify in case of Haidee. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 250.) — Sept. 20. Savage to Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Ap- pleton). Copies of affidavits showing that ship Haidee brought cargo of negroes to Cuba. (ib., 244.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 719 HAIGHT (SAMUEL), OF N. Y. Amer. cons, for Campeche, 1835-37; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico; do. for Antwerp, 1842-44 ; see same. Belgium ; do. for Azores, 1845-46 ; see same. 3 Portuguese dominions. 1835 Mch. 24. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Apptd. Amer. Cons. at Campeche. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 153.) — Dec. 16. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio) to Butler. Return of commissions of S. Haight, etc. (ib., 566.) HAINES (ELIAS H.), OF OHIO Nomination as Amer, cons. for Spezzia, withdrawn ; See U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. HAITI Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Civil Service Secretary of State 1817. Comte de Limonade. 1838. B. Ingimac. 1851. I. Dufrere. Claims See also : Arve : Barker (J.) ; Boothroyd (J.) ; Chega- peake : Insurance co., Balt. ; Church (S.); Dash; Davies (H.) : Delaware: Dodge (J.) ; Donath (J.) ; Lewis (J.) ; Mary; Meric (J.); U. S. Insurance co. ; Wurtz (M. and W.). 1811 Jan. 3. Haiti. General Order of the army confiscat- ing certain property of American citizens. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 6.) 1816 Dec. 30. Boothroyd, claimant, to Amer. Coml. agt., Cape François (Tyler). Amer. property confiscated by Haiti in 1811; names of Amer. vessels upon which embargo was laid by Haiti in Oct., 1810. (ib., 115.) 1817 Jan. 29. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Monroe) to S. Tyler, Esq. Confiscation of Amer. property by Haiti in 1811. (ib., 116.) 1840 Feb. 5. Citizens of U. S. to U. S. House. Memorial, praying indemnity for Seizure and Sequestration of property by Hayti in 1811. (26. 1. H. jol., 280.) — Mch. 16. U. S. Insurance co. and Insurance co. of Pa.. to U. S. House. Same. (ib., 599.) 1841 Feb. 12. U. S. House. Motion (Cushing, Mass.), re- questing President to communicate docs. and in- formation regarding claims of U. S. citizens on govt. of Hayti. (26. 2. H. jol., 273.) — Mch. 2. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to President U. S. A. (Buchanan). Impracticable to furnish in- formation relative to claims of U. S. upon Haiti, sºlated by H. res. of Feb. 12. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 107. 1842 Dec. 30. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Presi- dent of U. S. A. (Tyler). List of claims of citizens of U. S. upon Haiti in response to House res. of Feb. 12, 1841. (27. 3. H. doc. 36.) 1846 Feb. 16. U. S. House. Motion (King, Mass.), to refer message of President and acc. papers, of Dec. 21 [sic i. e., 31], 1842, in relation to claims of U. S. citizens upon Hayti, to Com. on Foreign Affairs, with instructions to consider expediency of obtain- ing payment of Said claims. (29. 1. H. jol., 402.) Papers referred to are included in secy. Webster's note of Dec. 30, 1842. 1848 Mch. 13. U. S. House. Motion (King, Mass.), to re- fer 27 cong. 3 Sess. H. doc. 36, regarding claims of U. S. citizens agst. Hayti, to Com. On Foreign Af- fairs; agreed to. (30. 1. H. jol., 542.) 1850 Jan. 30. King (Daniel P.), member of Mass. House to U. S. House. Presented H. doc. 36, 27 cong. 3 sess., regarding claims of U. S. citizens against Hayti. (31. 1. H. jol., 433.) HAITI—cont’d Claims—cont’d 1850 JIy. 2. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foote, Miss.) to in- struct Com. on Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of apptg. Specl. agt., or comr., to DO- minican republic, and of placing at disposal of Pres. competent naval force to coerce payment of claims of U. S. citizens agst. Hayti. (31. 1. S. jol., 435; 458.) — JIy. 2. D. Webster, sen. from Mass. Remarks; res. of even date. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1328.) 1853 Jan. 13. P. Soulé, sen. from La. Remarks; on his res. of even date. (Cong. Globe, 32. 2., 330.) — Jan. 18. U. S. Senate. Res. (Soulé, La.), calling for information relative to claims agst. Hayti, and condition of St. Domingo. (32. 2. S. jol., 108.) Consular Service 1851 Jan. 18. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) to Speci. agt. U. S. in Hayti (Walsh). Reciprocal recognition of consuls betw. U. S. and Hayti. (32. 1. S. ex: doc. 113, 8.) —Mch. 14. Walsh to Haytian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Dufrere). Unanswered note concerning ap- ptmt. of Haytian cons. at Boston (Clark); etc. (ib., 27.) Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Haiti Foreign Affairs AMERICAN See also, below, recognition. 1832 Jan. 13. B. McEvers to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Liv- ingston). Behalf of Weston claim for loss Sustained by revocation of contract for transmission of emi- grants from U. S. to Haiti. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 103.) 1838 Je. 4. U. S. citizens to U. S. House. Memorial, pray- ing apptmt. of dipl. and commercial agts. to republic of Hayti, for purpose of preserving friendly rela- tions betw. that country and U. S. (25. 2. H. jol., 1026.) 1844 Feb. 24. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur) to Chrm. Of House Committee on Foreign Affairs (Ingersoll). U. S. has no other than commercial agtS. in Haiti; with stations. (28. 1. H. rpt. 428.) 1852 Jly, 14. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Remarks; in support of his res., of even date, calling for corresp. of R. M. Walsh, while actg. as comr. to Hayti. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1769.) SANTO DOMINGO 1850 Jan. 24. Minister Foreign Affairs, Sto. Domingo (Delmonte) to specl. agt. U. S. A. (Green). Appli- cation of govt. for Amer. intervention to secure peace with Hayti. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 12, 16.) — Feb. 19. Green to Secy. State U. S. A. (Clayton). Substance of conference with President of Dominica, relative to anticipated Haytian invasion; joint mediation of France, England and U. S. (ib., 17.) — Feb. 22. Delmonte to Green. Application for joint mediation of England, France, and U. S. to secure peace with Hayti. (ib., 19.) — Dec. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Bulwer) to H. B. M. cons. at Port-au-Prince (Usher). In- structions; mediation of U. S., France and Gr. Br. to establish peace betw. Hayti and Dominican re- public. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 113, 5.) Dec. 19. Cons. gen. of France (Rayband) and of Gr. Br. (Usher) to minist. foreign affairs of Hayti (Tiberon). Note proposing alternative to peace treaty with Dominica. (ib., 15.) — Dec. 21. E. E. and M. P. France to U. S. A. (Bois- lecomte) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Instruc- tions for mediation of U. S. A., France and Gr. Br. to establish peace between Hayti and Dominican republic. (ib., 8.) 720 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HAITI—cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d SANTO DOMINGO—COnt’d 1851 Jan. 10. U. S. Specl. agt. to Haiti (Walsh) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Rpt. of mission to St. Domingo. (ib., 37.) — Jan. 18. Webster to Walsh. Instructions relative to mediation of U. S., France, and Gr. Br. to estab- lish peace betw. Hayti and Dominican republic. (ib., 3.) — Feb. 5. Walsh to Webster. Audiences with minister of foreign affairs (Tiberon) and with emperor of Hayti; political state of Hayti. (ib., 9.) Feb. 11. Agts. Of France, Gr. Br. and U. S. A. to minist. Of foreign affairs of Hayti. Request cata- gorical answer to proposition for peace treaty or its alternative. (ib., 15.) — Feb. 14. Walsh to Webster. Rpt. of conference with Haytian minister of foreign affairs relative to treaty of peace with Hayti. (ib., 11.) — Feb. 21. Minister of foreign affairs of Hayti (Du- frere) to agts. of France, Gr. Br. and U. S. A. Hayti appoints a Commission to Confer with agtS. relative to Dominican peace. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 21. Agts. Of France, Gr. Br. and U. S. to Dufrere. Will treat with Haytian commission only of peace or a truce; decline to discuss. (ib., 20.) — Feb. 24. Dufrere to agts. Of France, Gr. JBr. and U. S. Insists upon conference betw. Haytian com- mission and agts. Of three powers relative to Sub- ject of note of Feb. 11. (ib., 21.) — Feb. 27. Agts. Of the three powers to Dufrere. Promising to Submit to commission causes and object of res. of three powers. (ib., 21.) — Mch. 3. Walsh to Webster. Nature of audiences with Haytian minister of foreign affairs relative to peace relations with Dominica. (ib., 16.) — Mch. 4. Agts. of three powers to Haytian Com- mission. Cause and object of res. of powers of Feb. 11. (ib., 24.) — Mch. 11. Dufrere to agts. Of three powerS. Exposé of Mch. 4, to be submitted to Haytian CongreSS. (ib., 25.) — Mch. 13. Agts. Of the three powers to Dufrere. Protest agst. convening of Congress. (ib., 25.) Mch. 14. Walsh to Dufrere. Unanswered note Con- cerning apptmt. of Haytian cons. at Boston (Clark), and proposition of three powers. (ib., 27.) — Mch. 16. Walsh to Webster. Proc. of Haytian Com- mission and agts. of three powers. (ib., 23.) Mch. 26. Dufrere to Walsh. Refusal of U. S. to recognize Haytian cons. at Boston (Clark). (ib., 28.) Mch. 27. Walsh to Dufrere. Protest agst. Char- acter of note of Mch. 26. (ib., 28.) — Mch. 31. Walsh to Webster. Br. and French agtS. to announce blockade of Haytian ports in case of re- fusāl to make either a peace or truce; execution of Francisque, minister of justice. (ib., 26.) — Apr. 8. Walsh to Webster. Acct. of opening of Hay- tian chambers; Emperor's speech and character; proc. relative to Dominican affairs. (ib., 29.) — Apr. 10. Walsh to Webster. Proc. in Haytian cham- bers on Dominican question; Haytian orders of St. Faustin, St. Anne and St. Olive; Hayti to send agtS. to London, Paris, and Washington to negotiate on Dominican question. (ib., 31.) — Apr. 19. Dufrere to agts. of three powers. Defini- tive answer resp. propositions for peace establish- ment with Dominica. (ib., 35.) – Apr. 23. Walsh to Webster. Definitive answer of Hayti rejecting propositions of three powers. (ib., 34.) — May 6. Walsh to Webster. Arrival at St. Domingo; conference with minister of foreign affairs. (ib., 36.) HAITI—cont’d Recognition 1888 Dec. 17. U. S. House. Motion (Wise, Va.), to recon- sider vote referring petition of citizens of Northfield (Mass.), favoring recognition of Hayti, to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (25. 3. H. jol., 97; 103.) - Dec. 18. H. S. Legare, repr. from S. C. Remarks; objecting to reception of petition, praying Cong. to Open negotiations with Hayti, as proceeding from abolitionists. (vii, Cong. Globe, 48.) Dec. 18. L. Saltonstall, repr. from Mass. Do.; in reply to Legare, denying connection of petition in iºnon to Hayti with abolition movement. (ib., — Dec. 18. G. Grennell, jr., repr. from Mass. Do.; in Support of memorial, praying Congress to open in- ternational relations with Hayti. (ib., 47.) — Dec. 18. U. S. House. Wise (Va.), objects to re- ceiving petition of citizens of Nantucket (Mass.), Offered by Reed (Mass.), in favor of recognition of independence of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 98.) — Dec. 20. U. S. House. Motion (Slade, Vt.), to refer memorial of citizens of West Randolph (Vt.), to Com. On Foreign Affairs, with instructions to re- port bill for recognizing independence of Hayti, and making provision for customary dipl. relations with Said republic. (25. 3. H. jol., 111; 143.) 1839 Feb. 11. U. S. House. Res. (Rives) that clerk of House prepare abstr. of several petitions agst. ad- mission of Texas, and for recognition of Hayti since Commencement of 23d Congress. (ib., 185; 25. 3. H. jol., 513.) — Mch. 2. U. S. House. Res. (Dromgoole, Com. On Foreign Affairs), to discharge said Com. from further consideration of memorials and petitions favoring recognition of independence of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 680.) 1842 Jan. 22. J. Q. Adams, repr. from Mass. Remarks on Opposition to recognition of negro govt. of Hayti. (xi, Cong. Globe, 163.) 1857 May 23. Massachusetts General Court. Res. asking U. S. govt. to recognize independence of Hayti and Liberia. (35. 1. S. misc. doc. 10; S. misc. doc. 16.) — Dec. 18. Same. Res. favoring recognition of Hayti and Liberia as Sovereign States. (35. 1. S. jol., 49.) MEMORIALS PRAYING RECOGNITION 25th congress, 3d session, 1838/9 (Senate) Pennsylvania; see Horsham. (House) Connecticut; see Farmington; Harwinton; Plainfield; Thompson; Winchester. Illinois; see Armstrong co.; Butler co.; Cook co.; Lick; Milton; Sangamon. Indiana; see Laporte Co.; Madison co. Maine; see Bloomfield; Bristol; Calais; Castine; Free- port; Gardiner; Gun; Limerick; Litchfield; Ma- chias; Mercer; Mount Desert; Mount Vernon; Otis- field; Parsonfield; Raymond; Seaville; Sweden; TJnion; Waldo co.; Waterville; Weld; Wilton. Maryland; see that title. Massachusetts; see Acton; Bellingham; Boston; Dan- vers; Dedham; Dorchester; Dover; East Bridge- water; Edgartown; Foxborough; Greenfield; Gro- ton; Hawley; Halifax; Heath; Kingston; Lenox; Leverett; Marshfield; Medway; Mendon; Nan- tucket; Newburyport; North Bridgewater; North Wrentham; Northfield; Oxford; Plymouth; Quincy; Roxborough; Sherburne; Southborough; Stock- bridge; Stoughton; Tisbury; Upton; Uxbridge; Watertown; West Hawley; West Milbury; West- borough; Worcester. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 721 HAITI—cont’d Recognition—cont’d MEMORIALS PRAYING RECOGNITION.—cont’d 25th congress, 3d session, 1838/9–cont’d (House)—cont’d Michigan; see Hillsdale co.; Livingston; Lenox; Spring - Arbor; Sullivan; Sylvan; Washtenaw. New Hampshire; see Bow; Canaan; Hancock; Landuff; Marlborough; New Market; Pittsfield; Portsmouth. New Jersey; see Crosswicks; Newark. New York State; see Allegany co.; Bombay; Boston; Cayuga Co.; Chatham; Colchester; Delaware co.; Erie Co.; Fowler; Genesee co.; Harmony; Hartwick; Hope; Lancaster; Lawrence co.; Lenox; Livonia; Morris; Mount Morris; N. Y. City; Niagara co.; Onondaga Co.; Orleans co.; Otto; Pittsford; Pleas- ant Valley; Salem; Sparta; Steuben co.; Walton; Waterloo; Williamsburg. Ohio; see Austintown; Bazetta; Belmont co.; Bloom- field; Coitsville; Fayette co.; Geauga, co.; Granville; Greene; Hubbard; Huntsburg; Jerseyville; Johns- town; Knox Co.; Liberty; Lordstown; Medina co.; Mesopotamia; Monroe co.; Morven; Mt. Pleasant; Muskingum; New Athens; Portage co.; Reading; Stark co.; Steubenville; Streetsborough; Trumbull Co.; TuscaraWas Co.; Vienna; Youngstown. Pennsylvania; see Bradford co.; Lancaster; Northeast; Philadelphia; Wilkesbarre. Rhode Island; see Little Compton; Tiverton. Vermont; see Addison; Andover; Barton; Bennington; Burlington; Chelsea; Chester; Cornwall; Danville; Dorset; Fairfax; Franklin; Granville; Hardwick; Jamaica; Johnson; Landgrove; Londonderry; Lud- low; Marshfield; Mount Holly; Mount Tabor; North- field; Panton; Randolph; Royalton; St. Alban's; Salisbury; Vershire; Washington; West Randolph; Westmoreland; Weston; Woodstock. Virginia; see that title. 26th congress, 1st session, 1839/40 (Senate) Indiana; see Jefferson co. Michigan; see Oakland co. Pennsylvania; see Beaver co.; Mercer co. (House) Connecticut; see Brookfield; Farmington; Litchfield co.; Plymouth. Illinois; see Henry co. Maine; see Baring; Bloomfield; Cherryfield; Cornville; East Machias; Hodgólon; Kennebec; Machias; Mt. Desert; Phippsburg; Seaville; Waldo Co.; South Bath. Massachusetts; see Acton; Amesbury; Ashburnham; Auburn; Barnstable; Boston; Boylston; Braintree; |Bristol; Brookfield; Cambridge; Carlisle; Chelms- ford; Danvers; Dedham; Dorchester; Duxbury; East Bridgewater; Enfield; Essex; Fairhaven; Franklin; Grafton; Greenfield; Halifax; Hamilton; Holliston; Kingston; Littleton; Lynn; Malden; Mansfield; Marshfield; Mass. Citizens; Medway; Mendon; Millbury; Nantucket; Natick; No. Am- herst; No. and E. Bridgewater; Oxford; Plymouth; Roxbury; Shrewsbury; South Reading; South Wey- mouth; Stoneham; Sudbury; Topsham; Townsend; Upton; Waltham; Waterville; Weld; Westford; Weymouth; Woolwich; Worcester; Wrentham. Michigan; see Kalamazoo Co.; Lenawee Co. New Hampshire; see Cheshire Co.; Deerfield; Fitz- William; Plymouth. New York State; see Crownpoint; Lawrence; Madison co.; Marcellus; N. Y. State; Otsego Co.; Perrinton; Seneca co.; Steuben co.; Tioga Co.; Tompkins Co. HAITI—cont’d Recognition—cont’d MEMORIALS PRAYING RECOGNITION.—Cont'd 26th congress, 1st session, 1839/40—cont’d (House)—cont’d Ohio; see Andover; Berlin; Bristol; Brooklyn; Butler co.; Claridon; Delaware co.; Dover; Fayette Co.; Green; Guernsey co.; Gustavus; Harrison co.; Harts- grove; Hinckley; Knox co.; Logan Co.; Lorain Co.; Medina co.; Mentor; Mesopotamia; Monroe; Mor- gan; New Lyme; Oberlin; Oswell; Portage Co.; Seneca co.; Sheffield; Stark co.; Tallmadge; Trum- bull co.; Windsor; Winsfield. Pennsylvania; see Beaver co.; Mercer co.; Washington CO. Rhode Island; see Gloucester. Vermont; see Barne; Townsend; Waterford. 26th congress, 2d session, 1840/1 (Senate) Indiana; see that title. & Maine; see Freeport. Ohio; see Logan co. (House) Massachusetts; see Ashburnham; Boylston; Marshfield. 27th congress, 2d session, 1841/2 (House) Connecticut; see Middletown. Maine; see Topsham. Massachusetts; see Abington; Acton; Barre; BOSton; Braintree; Brewster; Cambridge; Danvers; Dart- mouth; Dedham; Dennis; Fairhaven; Franklin; Gardner; Gloucester; Grafton; Haverhill; Hollis- ton; Holme's Hole; Leicester; Leominster; Lynn; Medfield; Middlebrook; Millbury; Nantucket; New Bedford; Oxford; Pawtucket; Princeton; Seekonk; South Reading; South Wilbraham; Southborough; Southbridge; Springfield; Upton; Waltham; West Boylston; Weymouth; Worcester; Wrentham. New Hampshire; see Gilmanton. New Jersey; see Newark. Ohio; see Columbiana co.; Delaware Co.; Harrison CO.; Knox co.; Licking co.; Marion Co.; Ohio Citizens; Painesville. 27th congress, 3d session, 1842/3 (House) Massachusetts; see Boston; Concord; Nantucket. Pennsylvania; McKean Co. 28th congress, 1st session, 1843/4 (House) Connecticut; see Woodstock. Maine; see Rennebec Co. Massachusetts; see Brookfield; Nantucket. Ohio; see Morgan CO. Pennsylvania; McKean Co. 28th congress, 2d session, 1844/5 (House) Illinois; see DeWitt co. Massachusetts; see that title. 29th congress, 1st session, 1845/6 (House) Massachusetts; see Ipswich. 32d Congress, 1st Session, 1851/2 (House) Massachusetts; see Boston. New York State; see New York City. 46 722 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HALBACH (ARNOLD) Amer. cons. for Berlin, 1837-ſ39] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. HALDEMAN (JACOB S.), OF PENN. Amer. min, res. in Sweden, 1861-64; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. HALE ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG GEORGE; see GEORGE HALE (JAMES W.) 1852 Apr. 22. H. Hamlin, Sen. from Me. Offering amdmt. of Com. on Post Office and Post Roads to deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 267, providing payment to Jas. W. Hale for discharging duties of despatch agt. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1168.) — Jly. 8. G. Briggs, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; in support of 20th Sen. amdmt. to deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 207, providing payment to Jas. W. Hale for discharging duties of dispatch agt. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1695.) — Jly. 8. G. W. Jones, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; unfavorable to Sen. amdmt. 20 to deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 207. (ib., 1695.) * — Jly. 21. Act to supply deficiencies in appropria- tions for service for year ending Je. 30, 1852; apprn. for payment to James W. Hale for discharging duties as despatch agt. (X, St. L., 17.) HALE (JOHN PARKER) Sen. from New Hampshire, 1847-53, 1855-65. 1847 Dec. 22. Remarks; memorial of Anti-Slavery Friends of Ind., praying adoption of measures to terminate war with Mexico, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 62-63.) Dec. 30. Do.; on S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force; Calhoun res. Of Dec. 15, agst. Conquest and incorporation of Mexico by U. S., etc. (ib., 80.) 1848 Jan. 6. Speech; on Mexican war and S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force. (ib., 122; app., 53.) — Feb. 11. Remarks; on Mexican war in connection with H. res., 4 and 11, of thanks to gen. Taylor, gen. Scott, etc. (ib., 341, 342.) — Mch. 20. Do.; on proposed mission to Rome, pro- vided for in deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 135, etc. (ib., 510-512.) — Mch. 30. Do.; on S. res. 15, tendering congratula- tions to the French people; and offering amdmt. (ib., 568.) — Apr. 6. DO. ; on S. res., 15 and 17, tendering con- gratulations to people of France. (ib., 591; app., 456, 457.) — Apr. 14. Do.; on S. 80, for relief of legal representa- tives of capt. J. D. Elliott. (ib., 30. 1., 636.) — May 4. Do.; on Mexican war, annexation of Texas, S. 243, to enable President to take temporary mili- tary occupation of Yucatan, etc. (ib., app., 591, 594.) — Jly. 28. Do.; on S. 136, giving effect to treaty stipu- lations with foreign govts. for apprehension and de- livering up of certain offenders. (ib., 30. 1., 1008.) Dec. 18. Do.; on S. 352, to make compensation for transportation of troops and Supplies Over Isthmus of Panama. (ib., 30. 2., 50.) 1849 Jan. 9, 10. Do.; on petition of D. P. Bedinger, ask- ing annual apprin. for transportation of free persons of color to Liberia.; reference of same to Judiciary Com., etc. (ib., 189, 190, 207, 208.) — Feb. 10. Do.; on prºg. of President’s message of Feb. 9, etc., concerning protocol annexed to treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico. (ib., 500.) — Feb. 26, 27. Do.; on his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 692, providing increased compen- sation to ministers to England, France and Russia. (ib., 596, 602, 603.) HALE (JOHN PARKER)—cont’d 1850 Jan. 4. Do.; on Cass res. of Dec. 24, 1849, concern- ing expediency of suspending dipl. relations with Austria. (ib., 31. 1., 106.) — Jan. 7. Do.; in reply to Cass, on Cass res. of Dec. º, * rooms to amend it by including Russia. Mch. 11. Question addressed to Webster, concern- ing power of Congress to make a compact with a foreign nation. (ib., 502.) * — Mch. 25. Remarks; in reply to Webster, concerning treaty of 1848 with Mexico. (ib., 591.) — Apr. 16. Do.; on Cass amdmt. of Apr. 15, to de- ficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 332, striking out provision for Outfit of chargé to Austria, etc. (ib., 746.) — Je. 4. Do.; favorable to S. res. 19, for relief of Saml. Colt and B. F. Morse. (ib., 1124.) — Je. 7. Do.; on res. for annexation of Texas in con- nection with question of boundary; during consider- ation of compromise bill, S. 225. (ib., 1158, 1160.) – Je. 10. Do.; concerning his attitude towards an- nexation of Texas; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., 800.) — Jly. 25. Do.; on title of Texas to terr. e. Of the Rio * during consideration of S. 225. (ib., app., 1436. - Aug. 6. Do.; opposed to Rusk res. of Aug. 1, pro- posing purchase of 1000 copies of Disturnell’s map acc. treaty of 1848 with Mexico. (ib., 31. 1., 1531.) – Sept. 23. Do.; opposed to Foote amdmts. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 334, providing compensation to J. P. Brown, Secy. and dragoman of legation to Turkey, for services as acting chargé; also to H. La Reintrie, late secy. to comdre. Shubrick, for serv- ices as Secy. of legation to Chili, etc.; also to T. S. Fay, Secy. of legation to Prussia, for services as acting chargé. (ib., 1930-1932.) — Sept. 24. Do.; opposed to consideration of Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 388. (ib., 1960; app., 1377-78.) 1851 Jan. 22. Do.; unfavorable to Clay res. of inquiry of Jan. 20, concerning legislation to prevent employ- ment of Amer. vessels and seamen in slavetrade, etc.; in Support of his (Hale's) amdmt. of even date, proposing inquiry into practical operation of legis- lation. (ib., 31. 2., 304-305, 308.) Jan. 23. DO.; unfavorable to Borland amdmt. to Sec. 1 of French Spoliations bill, S. 101, striking out Words limiting amt. of payment; etc. (ib., 318.) - Jan. 31. Do.; opposed to Mason res. of Jan. 30, con- Cerning propriety of providing by law for payment of claim in Amistad case. (ib., 401-402.) — Feb. 26. Do.; in explanation of his res. calling for Corresp. With Mexican minister since Feb. 15 on Subject of Mexican indemnity. (ib., 709.) - Dec. 3. Do.; in reply to Dawson and Foote, on S. res. 1, in relation to reception and entertainment of Louis Kossuth, etc. (ib., 32. 1., 22, 23.) - Dec. 9, 11. Do.; in support of S. res. 4 of welcome to Kossuth; etc. (ib., 44, 70.) - Dec. 16. Do.; on Shields res. of Dec. 8, providing for fººtes to introduce Kossuth to Senate. (ib., -Dec. 17, 18. Do.; on sectional division of opinion Concerning Validity, in new territories, of Mexican laws prohibiting slavery. (ib., 119, 125.) 1852 Jan. 21. Do.; on petitions of D. N. Pope and A. J. Brame, praying apptmt. of tribunal to review de- cisions of late board of comrs. for settlement of claims agst. Mexico. (ib., 330.) — Jan. 28. Do.; in support of res. of mtg. at Detroit, Mich., in favor of application to Br. govt. for libera- tion of O’Brien and associates. (ib., 409.) — Mch. 18. Do.; concerning Cass res. of Dec. 15, 1849, in relation to suspending dipl. relations with Aus- tria. (ib., 782.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 723 HALE (JOHN PARKER)—cont’d 1852 Apr. 1. Do.; unfavorable to Borland res. of Mch. 31, calling for information concerning naval expe- dition to Indian Ocean and Japan; including reply to Cass. (ib., 943–945, 947.) −iº, 12. Do.; French spoliations bill, S. 64. (ib., – Apr. 15. Do.; same. (ib., 1082.) – Aug. 30. Do.; on Soulé res., providing for continu- ance of Select committee on Mexican claims and authorizing payment of charges incurred in obtain- ing testimony. (ib., 2463.) – Dec. 21. Do.; on causes of Mexican war, on Oregon question, and on annexation of Cuba; during con- sideration of S. res. 5, authorizing Pres. to confer title of lieut.-general, by brevet. (ib., 32. 2., 108-109.) 1853 Jan. 3. Do.; unfavorable to memorial of Md. Bap- tist Union ASSn., praying that provision be made by treaty for securing liberty of religious worship to Americans abroad. (ib., 183.) Jan. 4. Do.; in reply to Rusk, Shields and Mason, in defence of his res. of Jan. 3, calling for informa- tion concerning movements and conduct of comdre. Morgan, during his command, in 1849-1852, of razee Independence. (ib., 206-207.) Jan. 12. Do.; Same. (ib., 265-266.) —— Jan. 12. Do.; construction of Clayton-Bulwer treaty in regard to Br. Honduras, etc. (ib., 270.) – Jan. 15. Do.; withdrawing his res. Of Jan. 3 rela- tive to conduct of comdre. Morgan. (ib., 312.) — Jan. [18]. Do.; chiefly in reply to Cass in support Of Hale amdmt. resp. Canada, offered as addition to S. res. 69, declaratory of views of U. S. resp. colon- ization on No. Amer. continent by European powers and resp. Cuba. (ib., app., 97, 98, 100.) – Jan. 25. U. S. Senate. Amdmt. (Hale, N. H.), resp. Canada, to S. res. 69 on colonization on No. Amer. Continent. (ib., 118.) – Jan. 26. Do.; on his amdmt. of Jan. 25 to S. res. 69, etc. (ib., 126, 131.) – Jan. 27. DO.; opposed to Cass res. of Jan. 25, dec- laration annexed to ratification, on part of Gr. Br., of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, etc. (ib., 32. 2., 417-418.) — Feb. 7. Do.; mentioning letters recd. in approval of his remarks; alluding to Cass remarks; during consideration of S. res. 69. (ib., app., 160.) — Feb. 12. Do.; on petition from voters of Windham, O., praying adoption of measures to secure rights of public Worship to Americans abroad. (ib., 32. 2., 582.) — Feb. 15. Speech; opposed to res. Of Com. on For- eign Relations of Aug. 30, 1852, resp. right of way across Isthmus of Tehuantepec; position of Webster and minister to Mexico, Letcher, in relation to Garay grant, etc. (ib., app., 160.) 1854 May 14. Remarks; on Bell res. of Apr. 26, calling for copy of memoir of landing of U. S. troops at Vera Cruz in 1847, by lieut. Wm. G. Temple, etc. (ib., 33. 1., 1363.) 1856 Mch. 10. Do.; opposing bill for increase of military and urging arbitration of differences with Gr. Br. (ib., 34. 1., 623.) — May 8. Do.; declaring that treaty with Denmark resp. sound dues can be abrogated only by respective govts. (ib., 1151.) — Jly. 22. Do.; requesting reason for laying down special rule for protection of citizens who may dis- cover deposits of guano. (ib., 1697.) 1858 Jan. 14. Do.; opposing passage of bill for relief of Wm. K. Jennings, et al. (ib., 35. 1., 288.) — Feb. 16. Do.; opposing adoption of jt. res. for re- ception of vice admiral Mehmed Pasha, of Turkish navy. (ib., 718.) HALE (JOHN PARKER)—cont’d 1858 May 31. Do.; opposing reciprocity arrangement as to fees for issue of patents to foreign subjects. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2535.) e 1859 Jan. 19. Do.; opposing apprn. for consular pupils. (ib., 34. 3., 366.) — Jan. 24. Do.; opposing bill making apprm. for ac- quisition of Cuba. (ib., 35. 2., 543.) — Jan. 27. Do.; opposing prtg. of 5000 extra copies of minority rpt. of Foreign Relations Com. On acqui- sition of Cuba. (ib., 622.) — Jan. 28. Do.; urging action on bill for relief of Capt. C. G. Ridgely, and commenting on failure of former measures for his relief. (ib., 643.) — Feb. 4. Do.; doubting justice of claim of OWners, etc., of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 812.) — Feb. 9. Do.; opposing bill making apprins. for ac- quisition of Cuba. (ib., 904.) — Feb. 15. Speech; opposing annexation of Cuba. On terms proposed, and denouncing African slavetrade. (ib., 160.) — Feb. 18. Remarks; opposing passage of bill for re- lief of E. George Squier. (ib., 1107.) — Feb. 19. Do.; favoring accrediting of one minister to Rome and Naples, resp., and favoring Similar proc. in case of So. Amer. republics. (ib., 1146.) — Feb. 21. Do.; favoring payment of salaries of dipl. and cons. officers in terms of gold coinage of U. S., and at their place of residence abroad. (ib., 1178.) 1860 May 21. Do.; suggesting reference to Com. On Naval Affairs, of bill for more effectual suppression of Slavetrade. (ib., 36. 1., 2211.) — Je. 18. Do.; opposing apprin. for additional vessels to suppress African slavetrade. (ib., 3109.) — Dec. 13. Do.; explaining his amdmt. to bill to exe- cute treaty of 1848 with Mexico, to delay effective- ness of said bill until after payment of public debt of U. S. (ib., 36. 2., 84.) — Dec. 17. DO.; Withdrawing his amdmt. to bill to carry out art. 15, of treaty of Feb. 2, 1848, with Mexico. (ib., 98.) 1861 Jan. 25. Do.; asking reading of conclusion of rpt. of Com. On Claims on bill for relief of O. H. Berry- man and others. (ib., 555.) — Jan. 25. Do.; opposing passage of bill for relief of Charles E. Anderson. (ib., 559.) — Jan. 25. Do.; opposing bill for relief of Jno. H. Wheeler, late min. res. at Nicaragua, for losses by exchange, of property, etc. (ib., 556.) — Feb. 19. Do.; opposing adoption of jt. res. for ad- justment of accts. Of J. Randolph Clay, Amer. min- ister to Peru. (ib., 1014.) Feb. 22. Do.; opposing placing of claim of C. J. Helm for settlement of accts. on an apprin. bill. (ib., 1122.) HALE (JOSEPH W.) 1859 Oct. 14. Deposition, before Amer. consul, city of Mexico (Black), resp. murder of Ormond Chase by gen. Marquez. (36. 1. S. doc. 2, pt. 1, 48.) HALE (JOSEPH W.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for St. Thomas, 1842-43 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Danish possessions. HALE (MATTHEW), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG SO- PHIA; see SOPHIA HALE (T. G.), MATE AMER. WESSEL SUSAN LOUD; see CUBA. CONTOY PRISONERs HALE (WILLIAM M.) 1857 Sept. 1. Strmt.; claim of U. S. and Paraguay Navi- gation Co.; petty annoyances to which Americans are subjected. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, 76.) 724. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HALEY (NATHAN) Amer. cons. for Nantes, 1839-40 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. HALIFAX (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 610.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 719; 730.) HALIFAX, N. S. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service HALIFAX (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 21. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 80.) HALL ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG ELIZA AND DANIEL; see ELIZA AND DANIEL • HALL ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. ENTERPRIZE; see ENTERPRIZE HALL ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ROBOREUS; see RO- BOREUS 1844 Oct. 10. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun). Payment of indemnity in case of brig Morris to be paid by Venezuela. (28. 2. H. ex: doc. 6.) HALL (ALLEN A), OF TENN. Amer. chargé in Venezuela, 1841-44. HALL (CARL CHRISTIAN) Secy. of State of Denmark, 1858-60; see Denmark. Civil Sery 1Ce. HALL (CHARLES B.), BR. SUBJECT; CLAIM W.S. U. S. For illegal seizure of goods at Cincinnati by U. S. cus- toms OfficerS. 1854 Mch. 13. Claim agst. U. S. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 71.) HALL (CHARLES CHRETIEN), MINISTER, AD INT, UDEN- RIGSMINISTERIET, DENMARK 1859 Sept. 28. To Amer. min. res. in Denmark (Bu- chanan). Has directed investigation of case of Smidt; if at time of naturalization he was bound to military service in Denmark, his release will be doubtful. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 204.) Oct. 25. To same. Sept. 22, Smidt offered substi- tute before committee of conscription of Duchy of Sleswick, wherein he seems to have taken up resi- dence. (ib., 208.) HALL (CHRISTOPHER J.), MASTER AMER. BRIG KREM- LIN. DEPOSITION; see FENIX, SPAN. SLAVER HALL (CYRENIUS), CITIZEN OF UPPER CANADA In 1817 Hall's schr., Julia, was seized by the customs collector of Venice. Sandusky Bay, upon the pretext of having on board gypsum from Nova Scotia. Statutory Measures 1832 Apr. 24. Intr. in House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (22. 1. H. R. 553) “for relief of Cyren- ius Hall.” (22. 1. H. jol., 643.) 1833 Mch. 2. An act making apprins. for the civil and dipl. expenses of govt. for the year 1833 [apprin. for Cyrenius Hall, a resident of Upper Canada, for a Schr. seized . . . ]. (iv., St. L., 626.) Correspondence, etc. 1830 Nov. 27. Hall to lt. gov. Upper Canada (Colborne). Petition for indemnity for seizure of Schr. Julia in Sandusky Bay, by Amer. authorities; with copies of depositions, indentures, etc. (22. 1. H. ex: doc. 215, 3.) HALL (CYRENIUS), CITIZEN OF UPPER CANADA—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1881 Jan. 28. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughan) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Claim of Cyrenius Hall. (ib., 1.) — Feb. 15. Van Buren to Vaughan. Instructions to present Hall claim to Congress. (ib., 2.) 1832 Jan. 23. President U. S. A. (Jackson) to U. S. House. Message recommending legislative provis- ion in behalf of Hall. (22.1. H. jol., 232.) — Apr. 24. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 553 on message of President in re- lation to claim of C. Hall. (22. 1. H. rpt. 453.) HALL (ELIJAH), HEIRS OF 1852 Dec. 27. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- º º French spoliations prior to 1800. (32. 2. H. jol., 76. HALL (GEORGE B.) Amer. Cons. for Guaymas in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. w HALL (GEORGE W.) ; 1829 Jan. 19. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. jol., 99.) * – Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) HALL (HENRIETTA M.), AND REPR. OF RICHARD HALL 1842 Feb. 14. To U. S. House. Petition, praying compen- Sation for property destroyed by Br. during late war. (27. 2. H. jol., 382; 842.) HALL (ISAAC); see CURTIS (THOS.) AND ISAAC HALL HALL (JAMES), MASTER AMER. SHIP SHEPPARD; see SHEPPARD HALL (JAMES) 1842 Apr. 15. Condition of trade on section of western Coast extending from Cape Palmas to bight of Benin. (27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 78.) — Je. 6. To F. S. Key. Neglect of African colonies by U. S. govt. (ib., 78.) HALL (JAMES) 1843 Mch. 20. Amer. chargé in Portugal (Barrow) to Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Anticipates un- favorable answer to claim of James Hall and brig General Armstrong. (29. 1. S. doc. 14, 47.) – Feb. 9. Portuguese Minister Foreign Affairs (Gomes de Castro) to Barrow. Claims of James Hall and brig General Armstrong. (ib., 44.) HALL (JOHN M.), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Cadiz, 1820-I24] ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Spanish dominions. HALL (JONATHAN PRESCOTT), U. S. ATTY. S.O. DISTR., N. Y. 1849 Sept. 8. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). De- tention of Amer. vessels Sea Gull and New Orleans Suspected of being engaged in expedition agst. Cuba. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 15.) – Sept. 25. To same. Memorandum of discharged cargo of Sea Gull. (ib., 17.) 1850 Je. 28. To same. Opinion that no hostile expedition agst. Cuba carried on from city of N. Y. during pres- ent year. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 73.) HALL (NATHAN K.), U. S. POSTMASTER GENERAL 1851 Je. 21. To Secy. State U. S. A. (Webster). Approval of refusal of Amer. E. E. and M. P. to Gr. Br. to join in postal arrangement between France and Gr. Br. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 32, 29.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 725 HALL (ROBERT), OWNER BR. SHIP UNION; see UNION HALL (THOMAS H.), OF N. C., 178(?)3-1853 Representative from North Carolina from the 15 to 18 cong., 1817-25 ; and from the 20 to 23 cong., 1827- #; ăs ºmber Čom on Foreign Affairs, 23 cong., HALL (WILLARD P), REPR. FROM va. 1848 Jan. 19. Speech; in reply to Tompkins, on Presi- dent’s message of Jan. 12, in response to call for instructions concerning return of Santa Ana to Mexico, instructions to Slidell, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 205; app., 107.) HALL (WILLIAM), H. B. M. CONS. GEN., CENTRAL AMER. 1859 Sept. 17. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Russell). Ratification of boundary conv. with Guatemala. (p. 300, Corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, V, 68.) HALL (ZALMON), ARREST OF; see HALLETT (WILLIAM) AND HALL (ZALMON) HALLAM (GEORGE), AND OTHERS, OF NEW LONDON. 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity ; French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50. HALLER ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG TRIPHENIA; see TRIPHENIA HALL'S STREAM; see NEW HAMPSHIRE. INDIAN STREAM SETTLEMENT HALLETT (BENJAMIN F.), U. S. DISTR. ATTY., MASS. 1855 Dec. 24. To U. S. atty.-gen. (Cushing). Legal proc. agst. persons accused of Br. recruiting. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 96.) 1857 Jan. 5. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Request for certain papers necessary to secure conviction of da Cunha Reis on ground of being part owner in slaver Mary E. Smith. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 48.) - Mch. 31. To same (Cass). Indictment found agst. Da Cunha Reis, for having fitted out Mary E. Smith º, ºlºrade ; friendly cooperation of Brazil govt. HALLETT (JOHN), ADMNX. OF 1852 Feb. 24. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of Margaret P. Hallett, praying tribunal to revise decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 226.) — Mch. 8. To same. Petition of Margaret P. Hallett, praying apptmt. of tribunal to revise decisions of #, Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., HALLETT (WILLIAM) AND HALL (ZALMON), AMER. CITI- ZENS Imprisoned in Matamoras in Feb., 1836, on suspicion of being about to proceed to Texas. n.d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 94; H. doc. 3, 97.) 1836 Feb. 17. Amer. cons. at Matamoras (Smith) to Mex. military comdt. dept. of Tamaulipas (Fernan- dez). Arrest of Hallett and Hall. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 173.) — Feb. 17. Fernandez to Smith. Same. (ib., 174.) — Feb. 18. Smith to Fernandez. Same. (ib., 172.) — Feb. 20. Smith to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Same. (ib., 171.) — Mch. 23. Forsyth to Amer. Chargé in Mexico (El- lis). Same. (ib., 171.) — Sept. 9. Ellis to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Mon- asterio). Injury to Messrs. Hallett and Hall. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 35; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 240.) HALLETT (WILLIAM) AND HALL (ZALMON), AMER. CITIZENS-cont’d 1836 Sept. 26. Same to same. Same. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 31.) — Oct. 4. Ellis to Forsyth. Corresp. in relation to out- rage on Amer. consul and two citizens of U. S. at Matamoras; impossible to conjecture if Satisfactory answers would be recd., so thought it proper to em- brace case in enumerated causes of complaint to Mexican govt. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 240.) — Dec. 4. Gen. José Urrea. Rpt. in case of Hallett and Hall. (24. 2. S. doc. 160, 81; H. ex. doc. 139, 76.) — Dec. 13. Monasterio to Ellis. On rpt. of gen. Urrea in case of Hallett and Hall. (ib., 79; ib., 75.) — Dec. 23. [unnum. (44?) extr.] Ellis to Forsyth. Corresp. relating to case of Hallet and Hall. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 217.) 1839 May 3. Forsyth to Ellis. Instructions for inquiry into claim of Hall and Hallett agst. Mexico. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 181.) Presented by Ellis in his of Nov. 6, 1839. HALLETT (WILLIAM P.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Liverpool in 1845; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HALLOWELL (ME.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) 1838 Jan. 15. To same. Same. (ib., 285.) 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 457.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 92.) — Dec. 22. To Same. Same. (ib., 150.) 1846 Mch. 25. To same. In favor of arbitration. (ib., 579.) e 1851 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (31. 2. H. jol., 164.) HALSEY (THOMAS LLOYD, J.R.) 1830 Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity for losses by French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 2. S. jol., 39.) 1847 Feb. 13. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 337.) — Feb. 13. To U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 187.) 1849 Dec. 31. To same. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 38.) HALSTED (ROBERT MORRIS), MASTER AMER. BARQUE GRIFFON; see GRIFFON HAM (WM.), ADMRS. OF 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 196.) 1850 Jan. 7. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 56.) HAMBR0 (CHARLES I.) Amer. cons. for Copenhagen, 1834-40 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Danish dominions. HAMBURG (GERMANY) Civil Service Syndic 1820. V. Sienen. 1850. C. H. Merck. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Germany HAMBURG (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 69.) HAMER (THOMAS L.) Representative from Ohio, 23-25 congress, 1833-39; member Com. On Foreign Affaires, 24-25 congress, 1835-37. 726 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HAMER (THOMAS L.)—cont’d Bills Introduced 1836 Apr. 9. Relief of A. Scott. (24. 1. H. R. 541.) 1837 Feb. 22. Settlement of accts. of Richd. Harrison, late cons. agt. of U. S. in Spain. (24. 2. H. R. 952.) Remarks made 1835 Feb. 7. Remarks; opposed to instructing Com. On Foreign Affairs to rpt. on relations with France. (xi, Reg. Debates, 1230.) - - 1837 Feb. 21. Do.; opposing postponement of res. from Com. on Foreign Affairs resp. Texas. (xiii, Reg. Debates, pt. 1, 1881.) — Feb. 28. U. S. House. Remarks, favoring appro- priation for min. to Texas, and running of boundary. (ib., 2061.) — Feb. 28. Do.; in favor of recognizing independence of Texas. (ib., 2061.) 1838 Jan. 5. Do.; expressing desire to keep amdmts. to Howard res. regarding General Urrea distinct, and repudiating danger of war with Gr. Br. for violation of neutrality in Canada. (vi, Cong. Globe, 77.) Reports by 1836 Apr. 9. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 541, for relief of A. Scott. (24. 1. H. rpt. 550.) 1837 Feb. 22. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 952, on settlement of accts. Of Richard Harrison, late consular agt. Of U. S. in Spain. (24. 2. H. rpt. 265.) HAMILTON ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR, BALD EAGLE; See BALD EAGLE * HAMILTON ( ), FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE 1854 Apr. 21. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; ad- verse to asking Br. govt. for extradition of One Ham- ilton, charged as fugitive from justice of Indiana, on ground that Constructive larceny is not among causes of extradition provided by treaty betw. Gr. Br. and U. S. (Vi, Op. attyS. gen., 431.) HAMILTON (ALEXANDER) 1798 Aug. 22. [extr.] To Miranda. Sentiments enter- tained by him in regard to alliance betw. Gr. Br., |U. S. and South America. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 350.) — Aug. 22. To R. King. Proposed defensive alliance betw. Gr. Br., U. S. and South America. (ib., 350.) Works, Distribution of; see International Exchange HAMILTON (ALEXANDER, JR.), OF N. Y. Secy. Amer. legation in Spain, 1842-44 ; acted as chargé ad int. Sept. to Nov., 1843; see also U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. HAMILTON (ANDREW JACKSON), TEXAN COMR. IN GR. BR. 1843 Nov. 3. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Gen. Hamilton proposes Br. loan to Texas. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 38.) HAMILTON (ARCHIBALD W.) 1836 Je. 6. To U. S. House. Memorial of Hamilton, na- tive citizen of U. S., and late a captain in Br. army, praying compensation for sacrifices made during late war with Gr. Br., in forfeiting his commission, and on acct. of property confiscated by Br. govt. (24. 1. H. jol., 944.) HAMILTON (HAMILTON), H. B. M. E. E. AND M. P. 1843 Apr. 7. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Aber- deen). List of names of leading slave dealers. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 65.) HAMILTON (HAMILTON), H. B. M. E. E. AND M. P.-cont’d 1844 Oct. 12. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Wise). Case of brig Cyrus. (28. 2. H. ex. doc. 148, 41.) — Oct. 12. To Same. Information respecting capture and character of brig Sooy. (ib., 41.) 1846 Mch. 7. To same. Detention of brig Kentucky. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 222.) — Mch. 24. To same. Implication agst. Mr. Weetman, Br. Subject, for having engaged in slavetrade; ap- proval of zeal in exposing traffic carried on under protection of flag of U. S. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 2.) – May 13. Discriminating tonnage bounty paid un- der British law upon vessels carrying or not carry- ing Slaves. (ib., 135.) HAMILTON (JAMES ALEXANDER), OF N. Y., 1788-1878 Secy. State, ad int., U. S. A., Mch. 4 to 6, 1829. 1829 Mch. 9. Mexican chargé in U. S. A. (Montoya) to Hamilton. Acknowledges notice of his apptmt. pro º as Secy. of State. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 37.) — Mch. 11. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Vaughan). Satisfaction at prompt action of ad- ministration in matter of timber depredations in disputed terr. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 126, 14; 25. 3. H. doc. 222, 8.) HAMILTON (P.) 1812 Apr. 8. To lieut. Comdt. brig Oneida (Woolsey). Instructions to enforce act laying an embargo, etc., passed on 4 inst. (26. 1. S. doc. 430, 3.) HAMILTON (PETER), U. S. ATTY. S.O. DISTR. ALA. 1849 Aug. 4. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Col. White's encampment on Round Is. in Gulf of Mexico. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 4.) HAMILTON (ROBERT) Texan jt. comr. to negotiate for recognition of independ- ence of Texas in 1836; see Texas. Diplomatic Service. HAMILTON (ROBERT) AND CHILDRESS (GEORGE C.) 1836 Je. 10. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Inde- pendence of Texas. (24. 1. S. ex. doc. 415, 18.) HAMILTON (ROBERT M.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Montevideo, 1838-[57] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. 1838 Oct. 21. To Fr. cons. Montevideo (Baradere). Pro- test agst. detention of Amer. barque Madonna by French sqdn. off Montevideo. (25. 3. H. doc. 211, 58.) — Oct. 21. To same. Criticism of explanation of de- tention of Amer. barque Madonna. (ib., 59.) — Oct. 23. To lt. comdt., U. S. brig Dolphin (Mac- kenzie). corrºw. relative to detention of Madonna. (ib., 60. — Oct. 25. Deposition of interview with capt. Segre- tier relative to detention of Madonna. (ib., 60.) — Oct. 29. To Baradere. Satisfaction at happy ter- mination of affair of Madonna. (ib., 62.) 1842 Mch. 12. To comdr. Brazil sqdn. U. S. N. (Morris). Redress from republic of Uruguay for injuries in- flicted upon G. Johnson, U. S. citizen. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 267, 5.) 1849 Jan. 16. To comdr. U. S. ship St. Louis (Cocke). Information relative to Amer. ship Herald. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 6, 23.) 1857 Sept. 4. [no. 15, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Tenders resignation because of impossi- hility of living on salary of consul at Montevideo. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 28.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 727 HAMILTON (ROBERT M.), OF MD.—cont’d Claim of 1851 Jan. 27. Hamilton to U. S. Senate. Memorial, pray- ; somnenºuen for dipl. services. (31. 2. S. jol., - Dec. 11. U. S. Senate. On motion (Pearce, Md.), memorial of Robt. M. Hamilton, on files of Senate, º to Com. on Foreign Relations. (32. 1. S. JOl., b.l. - 1852 Feb. 5. Hamilton to U. S. Senate. Memorial, pray- ing compensation for dipl. services. (ib., 182.) 1854 Jan. 9. U. S. Senate. On motion (Pearce, Md.), me- morial of Robt. M. Hamilton, on files of Senate, re- ferred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (33. 1. S. jol., 86.) Adversely reported on (Slidell), Jly. 1. (ib., 472.) — Jly. 1. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Slidell). Rpt. adverse to petition of R. M. Hamilton. (33. 1. S. rpt. 336; 33. 2. S. rpt., 525, 1.) 1855 Jan. 16. Hamilton to U. S. Senate. Additional docs. presented (Pearce, Md.), and referred, with petition and papers on file, to Com. on Foreign Relations. (33. 2. S. jol., 122.) Adversely reported on (Slidell), Feb. 17. (ib., 280.) — Feb. 17. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Slidell). Rpt. adverse to memorial of Robt. M. Hamilton. (33. 2. S. rpt. 525.) 1856 Apr. 15. Hamilton to U. S. House. Petition, pray- ing compensation for dipl. services; presented (Stewart, Md.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Af- fairs. (34. 1. H. jol., 826.) Adversely reported on (Aiken), Jly. 25. (ib., 1279.) — Jly. 25. U. S. Committee on Foreign Affairs (Aiken). Adverse rpt. on memorial of petitioner, U. S. consul at Montevideo. (34. 1. H. rpt. 292.) 1859 Jan. 29. Hamilton to U. S. Senate. Memorial, pray- ing compensation for dipl. services; presented (Mason, Va.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Re- lations. (35. 2. S. jol., 231.) Adversely reported on (Mason), Feb. 23. (ib., 362.) HAMILTON (W. A. B.), SECY. H. B. M. ADMIRALTY 1852 Jan. 2. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Adding- ton). No accts. of Prometheus affair recd. (p. 108, Corresp. with U. S. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1856, W. 60.) HAMILTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 5. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 350.) 1840 Mch. 30. To Same. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) HAMILTON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1842 Apr. 22. To. U. S. House. Memorial, in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 737; 745.) HAMILTON CO. (0.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 476.) 1840 Feb. 28. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying adop- tion of measures to prevent exportation of slaves from U. S. to foreign countries. (26. 1. S. jol., 207.) 1846 Jan. 12. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 231.) 1850 Apr. 9. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying indem- nity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 265.) — JIy. 2. Petition, praying removal of free negroes willing to emigrate, to Africa, (31. 1. H. jol., 1073.) 1853 Jan. 24. To U. S. House. In favor of arbitration. (32. 2. H. jol., 174.) HAMILTON LITERARY AND THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION, MADISON CO. (N. Y.) - 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 78.) te HAMLIN (EDWARD S.), REPR. FROM 0. 1845 Jan. 9. Remarks; opposing annexation of Texas to U. S. as extension of slavery. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 117.) HAMLIN (ELIJAH L.), OF ME. Land agt. of Maine in 1839. under art. 1, Anglo-Amer. Reciprocity. Fishery rights. 1839 Jan. 1. Extr. from rpt. showing possession and operations of Me. on Aroostook terr. (25. 3. H. doC. 222, 27.) HAMLIN (HANNIBAL), OF ME. Repr. from Maine, 28 to 29 cong., 1843-47 ; Sen. from Maine, 1848-61. Representative from Me. 1845 Jan. 9. Speech, opposing propositions for annexa- tion of Texas. (xiv, Gong. Globe, app., 373.) — Jan. 23. Remarks; favoring compromises to Con- summate annexation of Texas to U. S. (ib., 182.) — Feb. 1. Do.; part of Maine in n. e. boundary nego- tiations. (ib., 231.) Senator from Me. 1846 Jan. 12. Speech; opposing cession of any part of Oregon to Gr. Br. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1, 186.) 1850 Feb. 13. Remarks; relative to S. 87, to carry into effect conv. of Jan. 27, 1849, with Brazil. (ib., 31. 1, 354.) — JIy. 25. Do.; on title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande; during consideration of S. 225. (ib., app., 1434.) — Aug. 21. Do.; in support of Mangum res. of Aug. 6 authorizing publication by Palmer of “A Compre- hensive view of principal independent maritime countries of the East,” and subscription for 5000 copies. (ib., 31. 1., 1623-1624.) — Sept. 4. Do.; favorable to S. 127, to make compen- sation to Walter Cotton. (ib., app., 1332-1833.) 1851 Jan. 22. Do.; on Clay res. of inquiry of Jan. 20, Con- cerning legislation to prevent employment of Amer. vessels and seamen in slavetrade, etc.; unfavorable to Hale amdmt. proposing inquiry into practical operation of legislation. (ib., 31. 2., 308.) — Jan. 23. Do.; favorable to French Spoliations bill, S. 101, correcting newspaper error attributing to him Hunter’s speech of Jan. 20. (ib., 317.) 1852 Feb. 18. Do.; in relation to printing of letters from Kossuth to President of Senate and President of TJ. S. (ib., 32. 1., 586.) — Apr. 22. Do.; offering amdmt. of Com. On P. O., etc., to deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 267, providing pay- ment to Jas. W. Hale for discharging duties of dis- patch agent. (ib., 1168.) — May 12. Do.; unfavorable to Bell res. Of Apr. 26, calling for copy of memoir of landing of U. S. troops at Vera Cruz in 1847, by lieut. Wm. G. Temple, etc. (ib., 1336-1337.) — J1y. 23. Do.; favorable to Mason res., Calling for corresp. with Gr. Br., since conv. of 1818, touching No. Amer. fisheries and for information concerning naval force to protect rights of Amer. fishermen agst, enforcement of alleged rights of Gr. Br. (ib., 1890.) — Jly. 26. Do.; concerning prºg. of rpt. of Secy. of Interior communicating information in relation to Mexican boundary commission. (ib., 1920.) In 1861 nominated comr. treaty of 1854; see 728 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HAMLIN (HANNIBAL), OF ME.-cont’d Senator from Me.—cont’d 1852 Aug. 3, 5. Speech; on President’s message of Aug. 2, transmitting docs. in relation to No. Amer. fish- eries; in favor of maintaining rights of Amer. fish- ermen; origin of those rights; construction of conv. of 1818 with Gr. Br. in regard to limits and terms used; etc. (ib., app., 898, 902.) — Aug. 25. Remarks; unfavorable to amdmt. of Fi- nance Com. to civil and dipl. apprp. bill, H. R. 196, providing compensation to Sp. cons. and other Sp. subjects at New Orleans and Key West for losses by mob violence in 1851. (ib., 32. 1., 2340.) – Aug. 26. Do.; in explanation of his amdmt. to H. R. 196, providing for salary of comr. to Sand- : jº, including allowance for past services. (ib., 77. – Aug. 26. Do.; in explanation and support of his amdmt. to H. R. 196, providing for commercial agt. to explore country on the Paraguay, etc.; with extr. of letter from Secy. of Treasury. (ib., 2376.) 1853 Feb. 15. Do.; in explanation and support of amdmt. of Com. on Commerce to deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 335, providing for additional salary to comr. to Sandwich Is. from Je. 7, 1850, to Jly. 1, 1852. (ib., 32. 2., 621.) — Mch. 1. Do.; unfavorable to Underwood amdmt. to H. R. 337, providing allowance for office rent to D. S. lºcals While cons. gen. at Alexandria. (ib., 959. w — Mch. 1. Do.; favorable to Davis amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 337, proposing reciprocal fishery rights rights betw. Br. No. Amer. provinces and U. S.; opposed to Borland amdmt. to amdmt., proposing reciprocal free trade with govts. Of North and South Amer. (ib., 956, 958.) — Apr. 6. Do.; in explanation of his res., providing for prig. of 5000 additional copies of report of Secy. of State relating to commercial regulations with foreign nations. (ib., 32. 2., app., 319.) 1854 Jan. 24. Do.; in explanation of S. 50 for relief of legal representatives of N. Miller, of Lincolnsville, Me. (ib., 33. 1., 240.) — Jan. 24. Do.; favorable to Mason res., proposing adjournment as a mark of respect to deceased Rus- sian minister, de Bodisco, and to enable senators to attend his funeral. (ib., 242.) — Feb. 9. Do.; on French spoliations bill, S. 36, deny- ing early opposition to claims. (ib., 390.) — Apr. 24. Do.; favorable to S. res. 9, manifesting sense of Congress towards rescuers of Survivors from wreck of str. San Francisco; also on Gwin’s substitute, providing testimonials only. (ib., 975- 976.) — Jly. 1. Do.; in favor of S. 416, for more effectual suppression of slavetrade in Amer. built vessels; etc. (ib., 1591.) — Jiy. 22. Do.; in support of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 48, striking out cons. at Bei- rut, Syria, and creating him cons. gen. of Syria and Palestine, with increased salary. (ib., 1858.) 1855 Feb. 6. Do.; in favor of French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (ib., 33. 2., 586.) 1856 Feb. 25. Do.; asking information regarding Br. explanation of recruiting for Br. army in U. S. (ib., 34. 1., 494.) — Apr. 18. Do.; favoring passage of bill for relief of S. A. Morse, et al. (ib., 964.) May 26. Do.; favoring inclusion of cons. Service in Mason res. for inquiry into revision of dipl. SyS- tem. (ib., 1297.) 1858 Jan. 5. Do.; favoring reference of French Spolia- tions bill to select committee. (ib., 35. 1., 187.) — Jan. 14. Do.; opposing passage of bill for relief of Wm. K. Jennings, et al. (ib., 288.) HAMLIN (HANNIBAL), OF ME.-cont’d Senator from Me.—cont’d 1860 Mch. 26. Do.; favoring apprn, for minister to Paraguay. (ib., 36. 1., 1347.) - Mch. 26. Do.; favoring passage of bill supplemen. to act of Aug. 18, 1856, for protection of U. S. citi- § who may discover deposits of guano. (ib., 352. – Mch. 29. Do.; proposing amdmt. to bill regulating guano trade, etc. (ib., 1424.) — Mch. 30. Do.; proposing to amend bill to carry out art. 15, treaty of 1848, with Mexico, so as to pro- vide for one comr. and a secy. (ib., 1444.) – Dec. 13. DO.; Opposing apptmt. of Solicitor to Mex- ican Claims Commission, as useless. (ib., 36. 2., 83.) — Dec. 17. Do.; proposing reinstatement of Mexican Claims Commission to adjudicate hitherto unpre- sented claims only. (ib., 98.) HAMLIN (NATHANIEL), CLAIMANT IN CASE OF BRIG TOUCAN; see TOUCAN HAMM (JOHN), OF 0. d * Amer. chargé U. S. in Chili, 1830-33; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1831 Je. 20. [To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston).] Inadequacy of salaries of U. S. ministers abroad. (22. 2. H. ex. doc. 94, 11; ix, Reg. Debates, app., 89.) 1832 May 16. Signs general conv. of peace, etc., betw. Chili and U. S.; see Chili. Treaties. 1833 Sept. 1. Signs an additional and explanatory ConV. to the treaty of peace, etc., May 16, 1832; See Same. HAMMETT (ALEXANDER), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Naples, 1809-60 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1836 Je. 28. Intr. in U. S. House (Mason, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (24. 1. H. R. 730) “for relief of Alexander Hammett.” (24. 1. H. jol., 1116.) 1838 Feb. 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Howard, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (25. 2. H. R. 556) “for relief of Alex. Hammett.” (25. 2. H. jol., 458; 25. 3. H. jol., 380.) - 1840 Apr. 4. Intr. in U. S. House (Clifford, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (26. 1. H. R. 318) “for relief of Alex. Hammett.” (26. 1. H. jol., 759.) 1842 Feb. 11. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Preston, S. C.), bill (27. 2. S. 159) “for relief of Alex. Hammett’’; ap- proved Aug. 11, 1842. (27. 2. S. jol. 159, 438, 565; vi, St. L., 850.) 1850 Sept. 30. Act making apprins. for civil and dipl. expenses for year ending Je. 30, 1851; apprn, for Alex. Hammett for services as chargé at Naples. (ix, St. L., 523.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. (1836 Mch. 7. Hammett to U. S. House. Petition for compensation for services rendered U. S. (24. 1. H. jol., 477.) — Je. 3. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to chrm. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Mason). Relative to peti- tion of Alex. Hammett. (25. 2. H. rpt. 566, 1; 26. 1. H. rpt. 342, 1.) — Je. 28. U. S. Committee on Foreign Affairs (Ma- son). Rpt. in favor of petition of Alex. Hammett. (ib., 1; ib., 1.) 1837 Dec. 11. Hammett to U. S. House. Petition, here- ſtofore presented, referred to Com. on Foreign Af- fairs, under general order of day. (25. 2. H. jol., 39.) 1838 Feb. 17. U. S. Committee on Foreign Affairs (How- ard). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 556, in favor of petition of Alex. Hammett. (25. 2. H. rpt. 566, 1.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 729 HAMMETT (ALEXANDER), OF MD.—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1840 Jan. 4. U. S. House. Hammett memorial referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs under general order of day. (26. 1. H. jol., 182.) º - Apr. 4. U. S. Committee on Foreign Affairs (Clif- ford). Report to acc. H. R. 318, in favor of petition of Alex. Hammett. (26. 1. H. rpt. 342, 1.) 1841 Dec. 14. Hammett to U. S. House. Petition pre- Sented (Adams, Mass.), and referred under order º; * to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (27. 2. H. jol., 63. 1849 Jan. 19. U. S. Senate. Res. (King, Ala.); instruct- ing Com. on Foreign Relations to inquire into pro- priety of allowing to Alex. Hammett pay of chargé d'affaires for time he discharged duties of that sta- tion at Naples... (30. 2. S. jol., 137.) — Feb. 26. W. R. King, Sen. from Ala. Amdmt. to gen. apprin. bill providing compensation to Ham- mett for services as chargé at Naples from May 20, 1847, to Je. 21, 1848. (Cong. Globe, 30. 2., 596.) 1850 May 22. Hammett to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing compensation for services as chargé at Naples. (31. 1. H. jol., 955.) HAMMETT (WILLIAM H.), OF MISS. Representative from Miss. 1843-45 ; member Com. On For. Aff. 28 cong., 1 and 2 sess., 1844-45. Bills Introduced 1845 Jan. 13. To authorize sale of two Arabian horses, gift from Imaum of Muscat to U. S. consul at Zan- zibar. (28. 2. H. R. 520.) – Mch. 3. To authorize Sale of two Arabian horses, gift from Imaum of Muscat to U. S. Consul at Zanzi- bar. (ib., 649.) Remarks, etc., by 1844 Dec. 27. Remarks; inquiring of chrm. of Com. on Foreign Affairs, when question of annexation of Texas would be considered. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 68.) 1845 Jan. 20. Speech; opposing annexation of Texas. (ib., 158.) — Feb. 1. Amdmt. to bill to establish territorial govt. Over Oregon, abrogating conv. With Great Britain of Aug. 6, 1827. (ib., 232.) — Mch. 1. Remarks; Opposed to reduction of mission to China and in favor of apprin. for M. P. (ib., 385.) HAMMOND (EDMUND, LORD) Under Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office, 1854-56. 1856 Apr. 11. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dal- las). Letter dated Aug. 1, 1854, from comdr. De Horsey, H. M. S. Devastation, to comdre. Hender- son, reporting visit to Aves islands. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 93; 36. 2. S. ex, doc. 10, 132.) 1858 Je. 8. To Secy. H. B. M. Admiralty. Necessity of Br. ship of war visiting Greytown at intervals. (p. 98, Corresp. re Central America; in Gr. Br. Parlt. Papers, 1860, v. 68.) 1859 Apr. 9. To same. Adequate naval force to be per- manently stationed on Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central America. (ib., 209.) HAMMOND (ELI E.) AND JERWIS (S.), CLAIMANTS Seizure of morchandise in Sta. Fe in summer of 1828. n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 54; H. doc. 3, 56.) n. d. Summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 53.) HAMMOND (HENRY), HEIRS OF 1843 Dec 20. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (28. 1. H. jol., 80.) HAMMOND (JAMES H.), SEN. FROM S. C. 1858 May 31. Remarks; deprecating rashness in acting on subject of Br. aggressions on Amer. Vessels in Gulf of Mexico. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2530.) — Je. 7. Do.; favoring increase of navy for adequate protection of Amer. commerce agst. Br. aggres- Sions. (ib., 2735.) 1859 Feb. 16. Do.; affirming general desire in South to suppress African slavetrade. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 1057.) 1860 Feb. 7. Do.; favoring adoption of jt. res. for relief of comdr. H. J. Hartstene, for expenses on acct. Of bark Resolute. (ib., 36. 1., 688.) — Feb. 7. Do.; favoring adoption of jt. res. to permit capt. Wm. B. Shubrick to accept sword from Presi- dent of Argentine Confederation. (ib., 688.) — Je. 16. Do.; opposing purchase of strs. to Suppress slavetrade as conducive to speculations upon govt. for benefit of Colonization Socy. and colony of Li- beria, because of apprin. for return of captured ne- groes. (ib., 3067.) — Je. 18. Do.; opposing proposition for additional strs. on coast of Africa, as tending to increase in slavetrade. (ib., 3101.) — Je. 18. Do.; favoring apprn. for execution of Con- tract with Chiriqui co., for coal. (ib., 3110.) HAMMOND (JERWIS S.), CLAIMANT; see HAMMOND (ELI E.) HAMMOND (PHILIP), HEIRS OF 1847 Jan. 16. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. S. jol., 105.) 1849 Dec. 31. To same. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 37.) 1850 Feb. 27. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 616.) HAMMOND (RICHARD P.), U. S. CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, S. F. 1854 Aug. 16. To gen. Wool, U. S. A. Arrival of J. D. Blair and Lathrop in S. F. by str. Polynesiaſm from Honolulu, with view of organizing agst. present govt. of Sandwich Is. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 101.) HAMPDEN (ME.) CITIZENS See also Portland (Me.). 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 441.) HAMPDEN, AMER. WESSEL: EMPLOYED IN PERUWIAN GUANO TRADE; see GUANO HAMPDEN CO. (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) HAMPSHIRE Co. (MASS.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) HANCOCK (A. M.), OF KY. Amer. cons. for Malaga in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Spanish dominions. HANCOCK (GEORGE), COMDR. H. B. M. SLoop ESPIEGLE; See ESPIEGLE HANCOCK (ILL.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 233.) HANCOCK (ME.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 344.) 730 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HANCOCK (N. H.) CITIZENS º 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Memorial; praying recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 607.) HANCOCK (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) HAND ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. CAROLINE; see CAR- OLINE HANDY (EDWARD LLOYD), OF MD. U. S. N., 1826-61, Lieut., 1837; comdr., 1855, Dismissed, Je. 14, 1861. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1849-50, comdg. Southampton, Pacific sqdn. HANDY (WILLIAM) AND ROTCH (WILLIAM), SURVIVING OWNERS OF SHIP FOX 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition praying indem- º tº, French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. joi., 50. 1846 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 57.) 1849 Dec. 27. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 31.) — Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Memorial of Wm. Rotch, jr. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 197.) — Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 37.) 1850 Jan. 15. To same. Same. (ib., 79.) — Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 323.) HANGFUH, GOV. GEN. OF PE-CHIH-LI PROV., CHINA 1859 Apr. 17. To Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Copy of dispatch resp. liquidation of Amer claims, received from imperial comrs. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 567.) — JIy. 3. To Amer. Comr. in China (Ward). Has made arrangements, according to imperial com- mands, for Safe conduct to Pekin, to exchange ratſ- fications. (ib., 592.) — Jly. 6. To same. Before being conducted to Tien- tsin, must meet imperial comrs. at Tientsin. (ib., 594.) * — Jly. 14. To Same. Details arrangements made for his conduct to Pekin for exchange of ratifications. (ib., 599.) — Jly. 15. To Same. Requested to inform Br. and French plenipotentiaries of recent events; disclaims responsibility for battle of Takoo. (ib., 600.) — Aug. 15. To same. Has arrived at Peh-tang. (ib., 609.) HANNA ( See ORION HANNA (JOHN SMITH) 1845 Feb. 27. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying that Texas may not be annexed to U. S.; presented (Pearce, Md.), and ordered printed. (28. 2. S. jol., 213; 28. 2. S. doc. 142.) HANNAH, AMER. BRIG (SMITH) n. d. Summary of award made by comrS. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 39.) HANNAH, AMER. SCHR. One of the Brazilian prize claims under indemnity of 1849 ; see also Brazil. Clainns. 1828 Aug. 23 [24]. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Brazil (Aracaty). Case of schrs. Hannah and Amity; etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 79.) Oct. 13. Same to same. Hannah condemned at Montevideo. (ib., 119.) — Oct. 19. Same to Same. Cases of Schrs. Tell-tale, Hannah and Francis. (ib., 121.) ), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BARK ORION; HANNAH, AMER. SCHR.—cont’d 1829 Mch. 23. Same to same. Cases of Hannah, Adams and Tell-Tale; etc. (ib., 179.) — Apr. 23. Tudor to Brazilian Minister of Interior Dept. (Pereira). Urges settlement in case of Han- ... mah, etc. (ib., 190.) – Apr. 27. Pereira to Tudor. Report in case of Han- wah, etc. (ib., 191.) — Dec. 8. Cedula in case of Hannah, etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 255.) HANNAH, AMER. SCHR. (BESSOM); see BESSOM (P.) HANNAH AIDY, AMER, WESSEL n. d. Stranded near port of Batavia. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 112.) HANNAH ELIZABETH, AMER. SCHR. Stranded in Nov., 1835, near Matagorda, Texas. While in that condition she was fired upon by the Mexican armed schr. Bravo, and her master, mate, three sea- men and five passengers carried to Matamoras and imprisoned. n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 85; H. doc. 3, 88.) 1835 Dec. 20. Amer. cons. at Matamoras (Smith) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Capture of Hannah Elizabeth. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 163.) 1836 Jan. 1. Smith to Forsyth. Affidavits and corre- spondence. (ib., 165.) — Jan. 23. Forsyth to Mexican chargé in U. S. A. (Castillo). Requests personal interview on subject of seizure of Hannah, Elizabeth. (ib., 726.) — Jan. 25. Castillo to Forsyth. Declines to grant in- terview. (ib., 726.) — Jan. 28. Forsyth to Castillo. Case of seizure of crew of Hannah Elizabeth. (ib., 727.) — Jan. 30. Castillo to Forsyth. Intimating that Han- nah, Elizabeth was carrying contraband goods to Texas. (ib., 728.) — Feb. 1. Forsyth to Castillo. Passengers and crew of Hannah, Elizabeth, have been liberated. (ib., 729.) — Feb. 3. Castillo to Forsyth. News of liberation of passengers and crew of Hannah Elizabeth; etc. (ib., 729.) — Feb. 3. Forsyth to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Ellis). Corresp. relating to capture of Hannah Elizabeth. (ib., 164.) — May 30. Ellis to Actg. Minister Foreign Aflairs, Mexico (Monasterio). Capture of Hannah, Elizabeth and imprisonment of Capt. and Crew in time of peace; demands release, ample damages and apology ; * to flag of U. S. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 230. — Je. 23. Ellis to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Unsatisfactory answers of Mexico to demand for satisfaction in case of Hannah, Elizabeth; proposes to inform Mexico that U. S. Will not submit to these aggressions. (ib., 230.) — Sept. 26. Ellis to Monasterio. Representation. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 105, 31.) 1839 May 3. Forsyth to Ellis. Instructions for inquiry into claim of schr. Hannah Elizabeth. (27. 2. S. doc. 320, 180.) Presented by Ellis in his of Nov. 6, 1839. HANNEGAN (EDWARD A.) Repr, from Indiana, 23 and 24 cong., Dec. 2, 1833-Mch. 3, 1837; U. S. Senator from 28 to 30 cong., Dec. 4, 1843-Mch. 3, 1849; member Com. on Foreign Rela- tions, 30 cong., 1-2 sess., 1847-49; E. E. and M. P U. S. to Prussia, 1849-50; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Sel’WICe. Representative from Indiana Bills and Resolutions 1848 Apr. 6. Res. tendering congratulations of U. S. to people of France. (30. 1. S. R. 17.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 731 HANNEGAN (EDWARD A.)—cont’d Representative from Indiana—cont’d Bills and Resolutions—cont’d 1848 Apr. 11. Jt. res. for relief of Ann Chase. (30. 1. S. R. 18. — May 4. Bill to enable President of U. S. to take temporary military occupation of Yucatan. (30. 1. S. 243.) Remarks, etc., Made 1844 Feb. 23. Speech; urging adoption of res. to termi- nate joint occupancy of Oregon terr. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 312; app., 243.) — Feb. 26. Remarks; correcting misstatements of his remarks on Oregon terr. by Dayton. (ib., Cong. Globe, 322.) 1845 Dec. 30. Remarks; in reply to Haywood, on Han- negan’s res. of Dec. 29, concerning Oregon. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 109; app., 46.) 1846 Jan. 21. Do.; declaring Oregon notice to Gr. Br. to be peace measure. (ib., 29. 1., 227.) — Jan. 27. Do.; urging danger from Oregon issue as reason for passing bill to increase navy. (ib., 255.) — Feb. 16. Speech; opposing surrender of any por- tion of Oregon to Gr. Br., and favoring notice of end of joint occupancy. (ib., 370.) — Feb. 18. Remarks; explaining his attitude on late question of annexation of Texas. (ib., 388.) — Feb. 26. Do.; explaining his proposed amdmt. to Oregon res. (ib., 435.) — Mch. 5. Do.; denying that President desires to terminate Oregon dispute by compromising on 49° n. 1. (ib., 459.) — Apr. 1. Do.; maintaining title of U. S. to all of Oregon. (ib., 583.) 1847 Feb. 26. Do.; on Mexican war and S. 105, making further apprin. to bring the war to speedy and hon- orable conclusion. (ib., 29. 2., 515.) — Feb. 27. Do.; on S. 184, to provide some relief for suffering people of Ireland and Scotland. (ib., 534.) — Dec. 8. Do.; urging consideration of S. 1, for relief of heirs of John Paul Jones. (ib., 30. 1., 13.) 1848 Jan. 10. Do.; relative to res. Submitted by him concerning annexation of Mexico, etc. (ib., 136.) — Jan. 24. Do.; concerning right of Mexico to cede terr. to U. S., and res. Calling for information con- Cerning extent and Value of public domain in Mex- ico, etc. (ib., 231, 233.) — Feb. 21. Do.; on S. 1, for relief of heirs of John Paul Jones. (ib., 381-383.) — Mch. 20. Do.; unfavorable to Benton amdmt. to deficiency apprn. bill, providing for M. P. to Papal States; with amdmt. Substituting min. res.; im- portance of missions to Austria, Belgium, Portugal and Switzerland. (ib., 509.) — Mch. 21. Amdmt. Striking out, from deficiency ap- prn. bill, words “Papal States * and inserting pro- vision for min. res.; with explanatory remarks. (ib., app., 403, 404.) — Apr. 6. Remarks; in support of S. res. 17, tender- ing congratulations to people of France. (ib., 30. 1., 591-592; app., 457, 464.) — Apr. 29; May 4, 5, 8. Do.; chiefly in reply to Cal- houn, on President’s message concerning appeal of Yucatan for aid, and in support of bill providing for temporary Occupation of peninsula, urging im- mediate action of Senate; England’s absorption of Isthmus, designs on Cuba and Yucatan; Monroe doc- trine. (ib., 713, 728-29, 738; app., 591, 595, 599, 606- 607.) — May 17. Do.; in reply to Dix, Underwood and Niles, relative to information concerning close of war in Yucatan, appeal to U. S. for aid, etc. (ib., 778; app., 640-642.) HANNEGAN (EDWARD A.)—cont’d Representative from Indiana—cont’d Remarks, etc., Made—cont’d 1848 Aug. 4. Amdmt. to apprm. bill providing compen- sation to comdre. Biddle for dipl. services in China. (ib., 1039.) tº — Aug. 5. Amdmts. to apprm. bill, providing COIT- pensation to S. Prevost, cons. at Lima, for dipl. ser: vices; to C. G. Anderson, for services as actg. chargé at Paris during absence of minister; and to w. W. Blackford, late chargé to New Granada; providing also for marking boundary betw. U. S. and Mexico, and paying commissioners. (ib., 1043.) tº 1849 Feb. 5. Remarks; mode of introducing res. Calling for instructions to A. H. Sevier and N. Clifford, M. P. to Mexico, prior to ratification of treaty, Corre- spondence, etc. (ib., 30. 2., 442.) feb. 8. Do.; in explanation of and opposed to H. amdmt. to bill for relief of legal representatives of W. A. Slacum. (ib., 482.) — Mch. 3. Do.; in explanation of H. amdmt. to bill to carry into effect art. 5, treaty with Mexico, for establishing boundary line. (ib., 667.) HANNEGAN (T.) 1856 Apr. 15. C. Maloney and A. B. Cooley. Affidavit; killing at Virgin Bay by Costa Rican troops of T. Hannegan and others. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 68, 129.) HANNEN (JAMES) Br. agt, under Anglo-Amer. claims conv. of 1853 ; see Gr. Britain. Claims. HANNIBAL (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 2. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 49.) 1844 Mch. 26. To same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 684.) HANNING (JOHN) 1836 Apr. 11. To U. S. House. Petition; praying re- muneration for property lost upon Niagara fron- tier during late war with Gr. Br. (24. 1. H. jol., 662; 960.) HANOVER, GERMANY Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Commerce; see Reciprocity (Commercial, etc.) Consular Service TRADING PRIVILEGE OF CONSULS 1840. See Consular Service: International Regulations. Trading Privileges. 1846. See Same. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Deserters; see that title Diplomatic Agents in AMERICAN ; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Diplomatic Service Great Britain 1855. A. V. Kielmansegge. Prussia 1840. A. de Berger. 1859-61. A. W. W. Reitzenstein. Extradition; see that title Exterritoriality; see that title Foreign Affairs AMERICAN 1858 May 15. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Seward, N. Y.), res. (35. 1. S. R. 37) “authorizing President to notify govt. of Hanover of expiration of art. 11 of treaty of Je. 10, 1846.” (35. 1. S. jol., 461.) 732 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HANOWER, GERMANY–cont’d Shipwreck Regulations; see that title Treaties 1840 May 20. U. S. Treaty of commerce, etc.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 518. (48. 2. S. ex: doc. 47.) Concluded May 20, 1840; ratifications ex- changed at Berlin Nov. 14, 1849; proclaimed Jan. 2, 1841. Signed by Wheaton (U. S.) and De Berger (Hanover). Amer. ratification proc. in V, Sen. exec. jol. 1846 Je. 10. U. S. Treaty of commerce, etc.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 523. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Concluded Je. 10, 1846; ratifications ex- changed at Hanover Mch. 5, 1847; proclaimed Apr. 24, 1847. Signed by Mann (U. S.) and Falcke (Han- over). Amer. ratification proc. in vii, x, Sen. exec. jol. 1855 Jan. 18. U. S. Extradition conv., etc.; see Extra- dition. - HANOWER (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 88.) — Dec. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 60.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) HANOWER (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jöl., 596.) 1842 Jan. 20. To same; in favor of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) HANOVER, AMER. SCHR. n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 541.) HANSBROUGH (ALEX. H.) 1840 Feb. 6. To U. S. House. Memorial, on behalf of himself and others; praying remuneration for loss of Schr. destroyed by Br. in late war. (26. 1. H. jol., 340; 808; 918.) HANSBROUGH (GEO. W.), ET AL. 1856 Jly. 17. To U. S. House. Same. 1225.) HANSCOM (ALFRED H.), OF MICH. Amer. cons. for Rio Grande, 1854-57 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Brazil. (34. 1. H. jol., HANSEATIC REPUBLICS Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Consular Service TREATIES 1852. See Consular Service: Consuls International Regulations Nicaragua. 1855. H. Wiedemann. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Diplomatic Service AMERICAN 1828. M. P. Vincent Rumpff. Empowered to negotiate treaty of friendship, etc. Exterritoriality; see that title Treaties 1828 Je. 4. U. S. Additional art. to conv. of friendship, etc., with free Hanseatic republics of Lübeck, etc., of Dec. 20, 1827; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 537. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Amer. ratification proc. in iii, Sen. exec. jol. 1852 Apr. 30. U. S. A. Consular conv.; see Consular Service. HANSON (THOS.) 1835 Feb. 9. To U. S. House. Petition; praying remun- eration for wagon and team pressed into service of §§ during late war with Gr. Br. (23. 2. H. jol., HANSON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 63.) - 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 77.) HANTSMAN (HENRY), MASTER SPAN. SLAVER SCHR, LAURA; see LAURA HAPPY COUPLE, AMER. BRIG (CRAIG) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 39.) HARALSON (HUGH ANDERSON) Repr. from Georgia, 28-31 cong., 1843-51; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 31 cong., 1 and 2 sess., 1849-51. 1845 Jan. 23. Speech; favoring propositions for annexa- tºº,” Texas to U. S. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 180; app., — Jan. 25. Remarks; same. (ib., 190.) 1846 Feb. 9. Speech; on H. res. 5, of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (ib., 29. 1., 343; app., 267.) — May 11. Remarks; urging offensive measures agst. Mexico. (ib., 793.) – JIy. 16. Do.; vindicating course of President in matter of war with Mexico. (ib., 1106; app., 864.) 1849 Feb. 28. Do.; on S. 343, to provide for carrying into effect art. 5, treaty with Mexico, for establish- ing boundary line; on Schenck amdmt., etc. (ib., 30. 2., 620-622.) 1850 Jan. 29. Motion; to discharge Committee on For- eign Affairs from consideration of memorial of H. J. Turner, for compensation for seizure of ship Vigilant. (ib., 31. 1., 238.) - May 2. Remarks; res. concerning free navigation of St. Lawrence River, and on reciprocity of trade with Canada. (ib., 893.) – Aug. 10. Speech; on territorial question; title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande; during debate on general apprp. bill, H. R. 334. (ib., 31. 1., app., 1065.) HARANG (LOUIS ALEXANDER), HEIRS OF, CLAIMANTS Claim was agst. Spanish govt. for duties exacted by authorities of Ponce, Porto Rico, on estate of L. A. Harang, deceased. Claim originated in 1839, and, after pending for some time in colonial tribunals, was transferred to govt. at Madrid. Point at issue was construction of art. 11, treaty of 1795. De- cision in case unfavorable to claimants. 1839 Feb. 4. Amer. consul Ponce (Gallaher) to inten- dente of Porto Rico (del Valle). Asks that collection of duty On property of L. A. Harang be suspended until understanding of govts. of Spain and U. S. may be had on subject. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 177.) – Feb. 27. del Valle to Gallaher. Claim of D. Ha- rang. (ib., 182.) — Mch. 2. Gallaher to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Exaction of 15% on value of property of L. A. Ha- #; deceased, by intendant of Porto Rico. (ib., 76. – Mch. 2. M. D. Harang. Protest agst. forcible pay- ment of duty on property contrary to art. 11, treaty of Oct. 27. 1795. (ib., 177.) 1840 Feb. 28. Forsyth to E. E. and M. P. Spain in U. S. (D’Argaiz). Requests that authorities of Porto Rico re-examine demand for duty on pro- ceeds of property of L. A. Harang, deceased. (ib., 178.) INDEX, TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 733 HARANG (LOUIS ALEXANDER), HEIRS OF, CLAIMANTS- cont’d 1840 Mch. 2. D'Argaiz to Forsyth. Reply to his of Feb. # fºuns to application of M. D. Harang. (ib., - Mch. 4. Forsyth to Gallaher. Instructions to re- new request for restitution of duty exacted on pro- ceeds of Harang estates. (ib., 180.) - Apr. 6. Gallaher to gov. gen. of Porto Rico. Asks repayment of money exacted from M. D. Harang by authorities of Porto Rico. (ib., 181.) - Apr. 11. Gallaher to Forsyth. Receipt of letter of 4 inst. (ib., 180.) - Apr. 18. Gov. of Porto Rico (Lopez de Banos) to Gallaher. Chargé of Spain near govt. of U. S. can Settle Harang claim with intendente in all that con- cerns exaction of duties. (ib., 183.) - Dec. 24. D'Argaiz to Forsyth. Observations rela- tive to Harang claim. (ib., 183.) 1841 Apr. 27. Amer. chargé in Spain (Vail) to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain (De Ferrer). Requests directions be given to authorities of Puerto Rico for repayment of money exacted of M. D. Harang. (ib., 188.) – May 2. Vail to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Copy of note addressed to Minister of Foreign Af- fairs in behalf of claim of M. D. Harang. (ib., 188.) - Jly. 24. Vail to Webster. Nature of reply recd. to interposition in behalf of claim of M. D. Harang. (ib., 189.) – Sept. 1. Webster to Vail. Instructions to bring claim of M. D. Harang to attention of Spanish govt. (ib., 190.) – Nov. 2. Same to same. Result of closer examina- tion of Harang claim, on colonial treasury of Puerto Rico. (ib., 190.) 1842 Jan. 31. Webster to Vail. If view taken by in- tendente of Puerto Rico relative to Harang claim be confirmed by Spanish govt., claimants will have to abide by decision of colonial tribunal. (ib., 192.) — Jly. 30. Webster to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Irving). Instructions to again address Spanish govt. On Harang claim. (ib., 192.) – Sept. 24. Irving to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain (Almadora). Representation of case of M. D. Harang, Amer. citizen. (ib., 193.) – Oct. 8. Irving to Webster. Harang claim. (ib., 192.) – Oct. 22. Almadora to Irving. Harang claim now pending in courts of Puerto Rico. (ib., 195.) — Nov. 5. Irving to Webster. Copy of note from Al- madora in reply to application in favor of Harang claim. (ib., 195.) 1844 Apr. 30. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun) to Irving. Instructions to obtain final decision on claim of M. D. Harang. (ib., 196.) — May 29. Same to same. Transmits certain papers reSp. Harang claim on govt. of Spain. (ib., 196.) — Jly. 14. Irving to Calhoun. Documents forwarded relative to Harang claim throw no new light on case. (ib., 197.) 1845 Aug. 9. Irving to Minister of Finance, Spain (Mon). Claim for indemnification of losses sus- tained by citizens of U. S. by nullification of Cuban decree of Oct., 1844. (ib., 199.) — Aug. 12. Irving to ministr. relac. est., Spain (Mar- tinez de la Rosa). Claims long promised explicit answer in case of M. D. Harang. (ib., 198.) — Aug. 13. Mon to Irving. Business referred to in note of 9 inst, undergoing investigation. (ib., 200.) — Aug. 23. Irving to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Bu- chanan.) Copy of note addressed to Mr. Martinez de la Rosa concerning Harang Case; also of note to Mon relative to nullification of Cuban decree and his reply, (ib., 197.) HARANG (LOUIS ALEXANDER), HEIRS OF, CLAIMANTS- cont’d 1847 Sept. 7. Secr. Estado, Spain (Caballero) to actg. chargé U. S. A., Madrid (Reynolds). Cites Spanish laws covering Harang case. (ib., 202.) º — Dec. 6. Buchanan to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Saunders). Instructions relative to Harang claim. (ib., 200.) 1848 Feb. 8. Saunders to Buchanan. Brief recital of Harang case. (ib., 201.) 1849 JIy. 7. Saunders to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Sundry docs. recd. from atty. for heirs of Harang in support of claim upon Spanish govt. (ib., 203.) — Jly. 10. Saunders to ministr. relac. est., Spain (Pidal). Protest agst. decision of royal Council in Harang case as in conflict with treaty of 1795, and solicits reconsideration of question. (ib., 204.) — JIy. 14. Pidal to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Barringer). Construction given to art. 11, treaty of 1795, by decision of royal council in Harang case. (ib., 205.) — JIy. 23. Saunders to Pidal. Interpretation given to art. 11, treaty of 1795. (ib., 207.) — Sept. 17. Pidal to Barringer. Claim of Harang heirs positively denied by Treasury Dept. (ib., 209.) — Sept. 25. Saunders to Clayton. Harang claim im- portant as bearing on construction of art. 11, treaty of 1795. (ib., 203.) 1852 Nov. 8. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Barrin- ger) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Communi- cation to C. De Selding, agt. for Harang heirs, in claim agst. Spanish govt. (ib., 210.) 1853 Feb. 10. Barringer to Minister of State of Spain (Alcoy). Presents claim of Harang heirs and asks prompt and favorable consideration. (ib., 211.) — Feb. 17. Alcoy to Barringer. Adverse decision of Spanish govt. in case of Harang claim. (ib., 212.) — Feb. 20. Barringer to Alcoy. Reply to note of 16 inst. on subject of Harang claim. (ib., 213.) — Feb. 23. Barringer to Secy. State, U. S. A. (EV- erett). Final decision of Spanish govt. again re- jects claim of Harang heirs. (ib., 211.) — Mch. 4. Barringer to Alcoy. Construction of stipu- lations of art. 11, treaty of 1795. (ib., 216.) — Mch. 8. Barringer to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Communicates further corresp. relative to Harang claim. (ib., 215.) — Mch. 16. Alcoy to Barringer. In reply to his of Mch. 4, declines to accept Amer. Construction of art. 11, treaty of 1795 relative to claim of Harang heirs. (ib., 219.) — Mch. 19. Barringer to Alcoy. Comment on Spanish construction of art. 11, treaty of 1795, relative to claim of Harang heirs. (ib., 221.) — Mch. 24. Alcoy to M. P. U. S. in Spain (Barringer). Acknowledges note of 19 inst. relative to Harang claim. (ib., 223.) — Mch. 26. Barringer to Marcy. Transmits final cor- resp. with Spanish govt. on Harang claim. (ib., 218.) 1854 May 26. Secy. State of Spain (Calderon de la Barca) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Soulé). Digest of claims of U. S. pending agSt. Spain; Ha- rang claim, etc. (33. 2. H. ex. doc. 93, 92.) HARBOR REGULATIONS; see PORT REGULATIONS HARDEMAN CO. (TENN.) CITIZENS 1844 May 24. To U. S. Senate; in favor of Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 298.) Je. 4. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 1001.) HARDEN (BEN. ROWAN), OF KY. Commissioned secy. Amer, legation in Chili; did not Teach his post ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service, 734 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HARDENS, THE Five persons of this name fled from Maury Co., Tenn., to Mexican prov. of Texas in 1827, for the murder of I. N. Porter and W. H. Williamson. The treaty for the mutual surrender of fugitives had not yet been ratified, and, in giving instructions for the reclamation of the Hardens, the U. S. govt. ex- pressed doubts of its right to expect surrender. The comdt. gen, of the dept. in which the criminals had taken refuge declined to surrender them. 1825-26. State of Tennessee vs. Swan Harden and oth- ers. Judicial proc. of the state of Tennessee. (25. 2 H. doc. 351 (annex), 20.) 1827 Mch. 30. M. A. Heard to military comdt. Nacog- doches (Ahumada). Demands Surrender of the Har- dens. (ib., 19.) — Mch. 30. Ahumada, to Heard. Declines to take a C- tion in surrender of the Hardens. (ib., 30.) — Apr. 5. M. A. Heard. Acct. of journey into proV- ince of Texas to secure custody of Hardens. (ib., 18.) 1828 Apr. 1. J. K. Polk, repr. from Tenn., to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Asks aid of U. S. govt. to secure surrender of Hardens (ib., 18.) Apr. 15. Clay to Polk. Treaty of 1828 with Mex- ico, making first provision for mutual Surrender of criminals, not yet having been ratified, U. S. has no right to demand surrender of the Hardens. (ib., 31.) — Apr. 21. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Instructions to apply to government of Mexico for Surrender of Hardens. (ib., 17.) — Apr. 21. Polk to Clay. Requesting application be made to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico for Sur- render of the Hardens. (ib., 31.) — Je. 3. Poinsett to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Ca- fiedo). Surrender of the Hardens requested. (ib., 213.) — Je. 7. Cañedo to Poinsett. Surrender of the Har- dens. (ib., 214.) — Je. 23. Gov. of State of Coahuila and Texas (Vie- scar) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Surrender of Hardens. (ib., 216.) — Jly. 11. Cañedo to Poinsett. Proc. for delivery of the Hardens. (ib., 215.) — JIy. 12. Poinsett to Clay. Corresp. relative to ar- rest of the Hardens. (ib., 215.) HARDESTY (SAMUEL) 1836 Apr. 22. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- pensation for certain slaves carried away from shores of Chesapeake Bay by Br. Ships during late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 741.) HARDIN (BENJAMIN), REPR. FROM KY. 1834 Apr. 9. Remarks; opposed to apprin. for clerk to arrange archives of State Dept. for preservation, and expressing opposition to creation of permanent clerkship by apprn. bill. (x, Reg. Debates, 3569.) 1835 Jan. 17. Do.; opposing bill for benefit of repre- sentatives of R. W. Meade. (xi, ib., 1006.) — Mch. 2. Do.; opposing hostile measures in matter of claims agst. France. (ib., 1630.) 1837 Feb. 28. Do.; opposing recognition of independ- ence of Texas or running of boundary until consent of Mexico is assured. (xiii, ib., 2064.) HARDIN (JOHN J.), REPR. FROM ILL. 1844 Je. 3. Remarks; favoring increase of terr. from Texas and Oregon. (xiii, Cong., Globe, 639.) 1845 Jan. 15. Do.; opposing annexation of Texas to U. S. (xiv, ib., 141; app., 274.) — Feb. 1. Do.; favoring passage of Oregon bill, but only upon notice to Gr. Br. of end of joint occu- pancy. (ib., 231.) HARDIN CO. (KY.) CITIZENS 1844 Je. 5. To U. S. House; in favor of Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. H. jol., 1007.) HARDING ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP UNITED STATES; See UNITED STATES HARDING (C. F.) 1857 Je. 9. To Amer. cons., Hong Kong (Keenan). Stmt.; his connexion with presence of Amer. flag in Canton on Oct. 29. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1394.) HARDING (J. D.), QUEEN'S ADVOCATE 1853 Apr. 15. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Claren- don). Opinion on Clayton's construction of art. 1, Clayton-Bulwer treaty, during speech in U. S. Sen- ate. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 2.) HARDWICK (CONN.) CITIZENS 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 114.) HARDWICK (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 441.) 1848 Jan. 25. To same. Memorial; praying measures to secure peace with Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 290.) HARDWICK (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 25. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 90.) 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; in favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. joi., 466.) HARFORD (PHINEHAS R.) 1831 Oct. 12. Deposition; elections at Madawaska. (22. 1. S. doc. 3, 14.) HARGOUS (LOUIS EUGENE) 1842 Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- pensation for Services rendered to Amer. citizens at Vera Cruz, in absence of consul. (27. 2. H. jol., 527; 1203.) 1848 Apr. 1. To same. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 646.) HARGOUS (PETER AMADEUS) Repr. of persons interested in Garay grant in construc- tion of Tehuantepec canal ; see Mexico. HARGOUS BROTHERS 1855 Dec. 29. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). List of papers exhibiting payment of $750,000, for which they hold drafts drawn by Mexican govt. upon Secy. of Treasury of U. S. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 46.) HARING (HARO) 1856 Nov. 10. Amer. citizen (Statz) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Vroom). Will not petition King because unwilling to acknowledge legality of en- forced military service; case of Haring; interces- sion in his behalf requested; will lose no time in making direct appeal to U. S. govt. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 105.) — Nov. 29. Vroom to Statz. Review of efforts to Se- cure release, vindicating him from charge of inac- * in matter; case of Haring not apposite. (ib., 105. HARLAN (JAMES), SEN. FROM IOWA 1858 May 3. Remarks; favoring immediate considera- tion of bill for relief of Hungarian settlers upon certain lands in Iowa. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1914.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 735 HARLAN (JAMES), SEN. FROM IOWA—cont’d 1860 Je. 18. Do.; opposing larger apprm. than $300,000 for additional vessels to aid in suppressing African slavetrade. (ib., 36. 1., 3109.) HARLEQUIN, H. B. M. SLOOP (RUSSELL) 1840. Detains Amer. brig Wyoming on African coast; see Wyoming. HARLOW ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG GOOD FRIENDS; See GOOD FRIENDS HARMANSON (JOHN H.), REPR. FROM LA. 1847 Feb. 12. Speech; Mexican war, H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign inter- course, and Wilmot proviso. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., app., 358.) HARMON (WILLIAM) 1835 Feb. 16. U. S. House. Res. (Kinnard), instructing Com. On Claims to inquire into expediency of al- lowing W. Harmon compensation for horse lost by him in military service of U. S. during late war with Gr. Br. (23. 2. H. jol., 397.) HARMONY (PETER), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1830 Apr. 23. Intr. in U. S. House (Cambreleng, Com. on Commerce), bill (21 cong., H. R. 436) “for relief of Peter Harmony.” (21. 1. H. jol., 560.) 1836 Feb. 10. Intr. in U. S. House (Cambreleng, Com. fof Ways and Means, bill (24. 1. H. R. 310) “for relief of Peter Harmony”; approved Mch. 3, 1837. (24. 1. H. jol., 321; 24. 2. H. jol., 200, 203, 597; vi, St. L., 694.) Correspondence, etc. n. d. Brief of case. (25. 2. S. doc. 1, 40; H. doc. 3, 42.) n. d. Claim agst. Mexico; synopsis of award. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 50.) 1836 Mch. 16. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio) ty to Amer. Chargé in Mexico (Butler). Action taken . in matter of expulsion of Mr. Harmony. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 586.) HARMONY (R.), ET AL. 1846 Feb. 10. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying pay- ment of awards under convention with Mexico. (29. 1. S. jol., 141.) HARMONY (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) - Feb. 4. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) 1842 Feb. 14. To same. Praying interference of Con- gress in behalf of Amer. citizens now prisoners at Van Dieman's Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 373.) HARMONY, AMER. BRIG (HOWES) n, d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 39.) HARMONY, AMER. BRIG (JOY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 39.) HARMONY, SCHR.; see ROBERTS (T.) HARNEY (WILLIAM S.), BRIG. GEN. U. S. A., COMDG. DEPT. OF OREGON 1859 JIy. 19. To comdr.-in-chief, U. S. A. (Scott). Rpt. of operations on San Juan Is.; etc. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 109.) & — Aug. 6. To gov. Vancouver Is. (Douglas). Receipt of protest of 2 inst.; Amer. interests on San Juan Is. demand protection of U. S. military force; Com- mand now there to remain pursuant to instructions of govt. (ib., 54.) — Aug. 7. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Long). Advice of gov. Douglas’ proclamation of 2 inst.; comment; requests additional naval force be Or- dered to San Juan. (ib., 55.) — Aug. 7. To adj. gen., U. S. A. (Cooper). Advice of action taken in consequence of threatening at- titude of British Amer. citizen resists forcible seiz- ure by British. (ib., 45.) — Aug. 7. To brig. gen., U. S. A., comdg. Dept. of California (Clarke). Asks transmission of his of even date to comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (ib., 55.) — Aug. 8. To Cooper. Explaining his maintenance of Amer. civil jurisdiction in San Juan Is. (ib., 56.) — Aug. 16. To Amer. comr. n. W. boundary Survey (Campbell). Rpt. concerning Amer. Occupation of San Juan Is. (ib., 67.) — Aug. 18. To Cooper. In continuation of rpt. of Aug. 8. (ib., 59.) — Aug. 24. To Douglas. Reply to his of 13 inst.; de- clines to withdraw Amer. troops from San Juan IS. (ib., 71.) —. Aug. 25. To Cooper. Substance of corresp. with gov. of Vancouver’s Is. (Douglas); comment. (ib., 68.) – Aug. 29. To Cooper. Substance of his corresp. with gov. of Vancouver’s Is...; opinion on Amer. title to San Juan. (ib., 77.) — Aug. 30. To Cooper. Comment on capt. Casey's rptS. of 22 inst.; strength of Amer. position on San Juan IS. (ib., 79.) — Sept. 14. To Cooper. Outrage on Amer. citizens at Vancouver’s Is...; with affidavits. (ib., 81.) — Oct. 10. To Secy. War, U. S. A. (Floyd). Reply to his note of Sept. 3. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, v. 2., 86.) 1860 Mch. 5. To quartermaster gen., U. S. A. (Jesup.). Copies of corresp. with agt. of Hudson’s Bay co. (Work). (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 98, 2.) - Apr. 10. Gov. of Washington terr. (Gholson). State of affairs at San Juan. (ib., 20.) — Apr. 11. Asst. adj. gen., hdqrs. of army, N. Y. C. Complaints agst, conduct of capt. L. C. Hunt, U. S. A., towards certain citizens of San Juan Is. (ib., 15.) HARPER (ALEXANDER), REPR. FROM O. 1847 Feb. 13. Speech; on Mexican war, and H. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., 421; app., 202.) HARPER (CHARLES CARROLL), OF MD. Secy. Amer. legation in France, 1829-30; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. HARPER (JAMES), REPR. FROM PENN. 1884 Apr. 9. Remarks; maintaining that Subject of clerk hire in State Dept. for arrangement of archives be- longed of right to Com. on Expenditures in the SeV- eral Depts., and not to Com. on Ways and Means. (X, Reg. Debates, 3573.) HARPER (S. H.) 1849 Sept. 7. U. S. customs Collector, New Orleans (Peters) to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Meredith). Expenses incurred in sending person to Pascagoula. and Round IS. to obtain reliable information in Te- º persons on Said island. (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 736 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HARPER (S. H.)—cont’d 1849 Sept. 20. Meredith to Peters. Authorized to pay acct. of S. H. Harper, for expenses incurred in per- formance of official duties. (ib., 125.) HARPER (WILLIAM W.), ADMR. OF S. B. HARPER; CLAIM- ANT IN CASE OF SCHR. HOPE; see HOPE HARPERSFIELD (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) HARRIET, AMER. BRIG 1845-46. Cargoes exported in from Rio de Janeiro to Africa. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 119.) HARRIET, AMER. SCHR. (SALISBURY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 40.) HARRIET, AMER. SHIP (OTIS) 1853 Apr. 7. Otis. Strmt. relating to search of ship flºº by Br. str. not named. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 6, 83. HARRIET, AMER. SLAVER n. d. Mentioned. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 219.) HARRIET, AMER. VESSEL (DAVISSON); SEIZED IN FALKLAND IS.; see FALKLAND IS. HARRIET LANE, U. S. R. M. In commission, U. S. N., 1859, Brazil sqdn. (Faunce). 1859 Oct. 26. Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb) to col- lector, N. Y. (Schell). Instructions for fitting out of Harriet Lane. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 641.) Nov. 2. Cobb to capt. Harriet Lane (Faunce). In- structions for cruise. (ib., 642.) Nov. 2. Cobb to A. Schell. Instructions to Supply Harriet Lane with guns. (ib., 643.) 1860 May 23. Capt. and officers of Harriet Lane to U. S. House. Memorial; praying for additional pay while lattached to Paraguay expedition. (36.1. H. jol., 902.) — Je. 13. Same to U. S. Senate. Memorial, for him- Self and other officers; praying increase of Com- pensation during period of service in Paraguay ex- pedition. (36. 1. S. jol., 646.) HARRIS ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. CLARINDA; see CLARINDA HARRIS ( ), CAPT. n. d. Mentioned in connection with filibustering expe- dition against Cuba. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 53.) HARRIS (C. A.), SECY, OF WAR AD INT., U. S. A. 1836 JIy. 25. To gov. of Tenn. (Cannon). Despatches from gen. Gaines transmitted; President will issue such orders as he thinks circumstances require; disbursing officer to be sent to avoid delay if con- firmed. (xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 185; 24. 2. H. ex: doc. 2, 60.) 1837 Feb. 20. To U. S. Land Comr. (Whitcomb). Advice that rights of Myott reservees are not impaired by Polish selection under act of Je. 30, 1834. (25. 3. S. doc. 56, 13.) HARRIS (HENRY), AMER. CONS. AGT. MATANZAS 1854 Feb. 25. To Amer. cons., Matanzas (Worrell). Pro- test of Geo. W. Thorndyke agst. Outrage perpe- trated by Sp. vessel on Schr. Lamartine. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 134.) HARRIS (ISHAM G.), REPR. FROM MD. 1850 Apr. 9. Speech; on admission of California; Va- lidity, in new territories, of Mexican laws abolish- ing slavery. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., app., 443.) 1851 Dec. 31. Remarks; Cartter res. of Dec. 22, provid- ing for introduction of Kossuth to House, and in support of his amdmt., declaring U. S. policy in regard to entangling alliances. (ib., 32. 1., 175.) HARRIS (JAMES), 3D EARL OF MALMESBURY; see MALMESBURY HARRIS (J. MORRISON), REPR. FROM MD. 1860 Je. 19. Remarks; favoring apprn. to carry Out Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 3174.) 1861 Jan. 31. Do.; asking whether Chiriqui grant in- cludes right to make railroad. (ib., 36. 2., 673.) Feb. 4. Do.; favoring apprin. to carry into effect Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 732.) HARRIS (LEAVITT), OF N. J. Amer. chargé in France, Mch, to Oct., 1833; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1833 May 26. Ministre des affaires étrangères, France (Broglie). Submits reflections relative to treaty of JIy. 4, 1831; principal causes of complaint and amt, of claims. (23. 2. H. ex. doc. 40, 27; Xi, Reg. Debates, app., 119.) — Jly. 1. To same. Protest agst. continued delays in putting before chambers subject of treaty. Sug- gests this may weaken good-Will existing between U. S. and France. (ib., 35; ib., 122.) HARRIS (SAMPSON W.) Repr. from Alabama, 30 to 34 cong., Dec. 6, 1847-Mch. 3, # à gººmber Com. on Foreign Affairs, 33 cong., •löð o. Remarks, etc. 1850 Je. 10. Speech; admission of California, etc.; an- inexation of Texas in connection with title to terr. east of the Rio Grande. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., app., 778.) e 1854 Jan. 5. Remarks; res. of thanks to capt. D. S. Ingra- ham, U. S. N., for rescue of Koszta from illegal im- prisonment on Austrian brig Hussar, in connection with question of Koszta's citizenship. (ib., 33. 1., 132, 134.) — Aug. 2. Remarks; offering amdmt., increasing clerical force in State Dept., as addition to 162 Sen- ate amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprp. bill, H. R. 48. (ib., 2074.) Reports 1854 Feb. 15. Rpt. adverse to petition of widow of D. S. McCauley. (33. 1. H. rpt. 95.) HARRIS (TOWNSEND), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Ningpo, 1854-55; see U. S. A. Consular service. `Amer. cons. gen. in Japan, 1855-59; min. res. do. 1859-62; see U. S. A. Diplomatic-service. U. S. Consul General in Japa?, Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1857 Mch. 3. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Seward, Com. On Commerce), bill (34. 3. S. 645) “for relief of Town- send Harris.” (34. 3. S. jol., 310.) 1858 Apr. 13. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Seward, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (35. 1. S. 254) “for relief of Townsend Harris.” (35. 1. S. jol., 335; 500.) 1860 Mch. 13. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (36. 1. S. 274), “for relief of T. Harris, his heirs, or legal reprs.”; approved Feb. 18, 1861. (36. 1. S. jol., 244, 461; 36. 2. S. jol., 259; xii, St. L., 884.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 737 , HARRIS (TOWNSEND), OF N. Y.-cont’d U. S. Consul General in Japan—cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1857 Feb. 27. Harris to U. S. Senate Memorial; praying Compensation for services as comr, to negotiate treaty with Siam. (34. 3. S. jol., 268; 34. 3. S. misc. doc. 52.) — Mch. 2. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Seward. Recommends payment of claim of late cons. gen. in Japan (Harris) for compensation for negotiating treaty betw. U. S. and Siam; to acc. S. 645. (34. 3. S. misc. doc. 55.) 1858 Jan. 19. Harris to U. S. House. Memorial; pray- ing for compensation as comr. for negotiating com- mercial treaty with Siam. (35. 1. H. jol., 200.) — Apr. 2. U. S. Senate. On motion (Seward, N. Y.), memorial of T. Harris, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (35. 1. § jol., 310; 335.) * - — Apr. 13. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Sew- ard). Rpt. to acc. S. 254, for relief of T. Harris. (35. 1. S. rpt. 176.) — Apr. 16. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; favorable to bill, S. 254. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1625.) — Apr. 16. J. Slidell, Sen. from La. Do.; opposed to bill, S. 254. (ib., 1625.) May 21. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Amdmt. changing words “his authorized atty.” to “any atty. of said Harris,” etc., in bill, S. 254. (ib., 2281.) 1860 Mch. 7. U. S. Senate. On motion (Seward, N. Y.), memorial of T. Harris, on files of Senate, referred to Com. On Foreign Relations. (36. 1. S. jol., 225.) — Mch. 13. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Ma- son), to acc. S. 274, for relief of T. Harris, or his heirs or legal reprs. (36. 1. S. rpt. 138.) 1861 Feb. 15. E. J. Morris, repr. from Penn. Remarks; favoring passage of bill for relief of Townsend Harris, or his heirs or legal reprs. (Cong. Globe, 36. 2., 932.) — Feb. 15. M. R. H. Garnett, repr. from Va. Do.; declaring that mission to Japan was established as reward for T. Harris. (ib., 932.) — Feb. 15. J. Cochrane, repr. from N. Y. Do.; sup- porting bill for relief of T. Harris' reprs. (ib., 932.) Correspondence 1858 Sept. 4. To comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Tattnall). Requests conveyance for Japanese ambassador to U. S. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 4.) – Sept. 6. [no. 29.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Japanese embassy to U. S. A.; making suggestions for transportation in U. S., such as is accorded for- eign ambassadors in Japan. (ib., 2.) Presents to STATUTORY MEASURES 1858 Dec. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Va.), res. '(35. 2. S. R. 55) “authorizing Townsend Harris and H. C. J. Hensken to accept certain presents from Queen of Gr. Br.” (35. 2. S. jol., 59.) 1859 Jan. 6. Intr. in U. S. House (Hopkins, Va.), jt, res. (35. 2. H. J. res. 45) “authorizing Townsend Har- ris, U. S. Consul gen. at Japan, and H. C. J. Hens- kin, his interpreter, to accept presents from Queen of England”; approved Jan. 25, 1859. (35. 2. H. jol., 140, 195, 257; xi, St. L., 440.) CORRESPONDENCE 1857 Feb. 27. Harris to U. S. Congress. Memorial; praying compensation for diplomatic services in negotiating treaty with Siam, while consul general in Japan (34. 3. S. misc. doc. 52.) HARRIS (TOWNSEND), OF N. Y.-cont’d U. S. Consul General in Japan—Cont’d Presents to—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE—cont’d 1857 Mch. 2. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Seward. Recommends payment of claim of late consul gen. in Japan (Harris) for compensation for negotiating treaty between U. S. and Siam; to acc. S. 645. (ib., 55.) 1858 Dec. 5. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Napier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Request, to acc. .jt. res. S. 55, for permission to Amer. cons. gen. in Japan (Harris) and his interpreter (Henskin) to accept Snuff box from H. B. M. for good offices to Earl of Elgin. (35. 2. S. misc. doc. 10, 1.) — Dec. 7. Cass to Napier. Reply to his of 5 inst. (ib., 2.) — Dec. 20. U. S. House. Notice (Hopkins, Va.), of motion for leave to introduce jt. res. authorizing Townsend Harris, Amer. Cons. gen. at Japan, and H. C. J. Heusken, his interpreter, to accept Snuff boxes from Queen of England. (35. 2. H. jol., 85.) 1859 Jan. 14. G. W. Hopkins, repr. from Va. Remarks; explanatory of res. (S. no. 45) authorizing Har- ris and H. C. J. Henskin to accept presents from Queen of England. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 389.) 1861 Feb. 15. M. R. H. Garnett, repr. from Va. Re- marks; declaring that mission to Japan was estab- lished as reward for Harris. (ib., 36, 2., 932.) Feb. 15. E. J. Morris, repr. from Penn. Do.; rela- tive to S. bill, 274, providing compensation to Har- ris for Services as Special comr. to negotiate treaty with Siam, concluded May 29, 1856. (ib., 932.) Treaties Signed 1856 May 29. Signs treaty of amity, etc., betw. Siam and U. S.; see Siam. Treaties. 1857 Je. 17. Signs treaty regulating intercourse of Amer. citizens with Japan; see Japan. Treaties. 1858 JIy. 29. Signs treaty of amity, etc., betw. Japan and |U. S.; See Japan. Treaties. Min. Res. U. S. in Japan. Correspondence 1859 Jan. 29. [no. 6..] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Japanese desire postponement of ratifications of treaty of Yedo. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 4.) — Feb. 2. To comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Tattnall). ºnent of departure of Japanese embassy. ib., 6. – Feb. 15. Ino. 7..] Cass. Difficulties of communica- tion; cites delay in receiving comdre. Tattnall’s note of Oct. 27. (ib., 5.) - Mch. 23. [no. 13.] To same. Arrival at Simoda Of U. S. S. Mississippi (Nicholson) to convey Jap- anese embassy to U. S.; departure of embassy post- poned; relative to treaty negotiations; postpone- * º; ratification; Br. efforts to secure embassy. ib., 7. - Nov. 15. Ino. 52.] To same. Time fixed for de- parture of Japanese embassy; list of embassy; ex- pediency of certain arrangements. (ib., 11.) Claim of 1859 Jan. 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) to chrm. H. Com, of Ways and Means (Phelps). Requests ap- prin. for salary of Amer. min. res. to Japan (Har- ris). (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 63, 1.) — Jan. 25. J. W. Sherman, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; Opposing proposition to make apprp. for Salary of Townsend Harris, apptd. min. res. to J apan by Pres- ident. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 591.) 47 738 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HARRIS (TOWNSEND), OF N. Y.-cont’d Min. Res. U. S. in Japan—cont’d Claim of—cont’d 1859 Jan. 25. M. R. H. Garnett, repr. from Va. Re- marks; apropos of apprin. for salary of T. Harris, min. res. to Japan, denying power of President, Without previous legislation, to appt. ambassadors, etc. (ib., 59.) — Jan. 25. G. W. Hopkins, repr. from Va. Amdmt. in Com. of the Whole, to consular and dipl. apprn. bill, providing for salary of min. res. at Japan; with remarks relative to apptmt. Of Townsend Harris. (ib., 590-91.) HARRIS (WILEY P.), REPR. FROM. MISS. 1854 Je. 28. Remarks; on H. R. 405, to enable President to fulfill art. 3, treaty of Dec. 30, 1853, with Mexico. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1564.) 1855 Jan. 27. Do.; French spoliations bill, H. R. 117, in favor of guarding bill by provision agst. future ap- prns. (ib., 33. 2., 426.) HARRIS (WILLIAM A.), OF WA. Amer. ºrgº in the Argentine Confederation, 1846-51 ; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. HARRISBURG (PA.) CITIZENS 1854 Apr. 18. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying meas- ures to secure religious liberty to U. S. citizens abroad. (33. 1. S. jol., 326.) HARRISON (BETSEY), CLAIMANT; see HARRISON (JO- NAS), WIDOW OF . HARRISON (GEORGE W.,), OF GA. U. S. N., 1832-61. Lieut., 1842; resigned Apr. 17, 1861. Sea service in command (1842-61) : 1860, comdg. Release, Home sqdn. HARRISON (GEORGE W.), MIDSHIPMAN U. S. BRIG PERRY 1844 Je. 12. Amer. comr. in China (Cushing) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Arrival of the Perry (Tilton); death of midshipman Harrison, of the Perry; etc., (28. 2. S. doc. 67, 33.) HARRISON (JAMES F.), U. S. N. 1856 Aug. 30. Res. authorizing acceptance of certain medals from foreign govts.: Surgeons Williamson and Harrison gold medals awarded by France; etc. (xi, St. L., 151.) HARRISON (JONAS), WIDOW OF 1858 Jan. 5. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Betsey Harri- son; praying indemnity for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 77.) HARRISON (RICHARD), OF WA. Amer. cons. for Cadiz, 1790-[93] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. Claim of - STATUTORY MEASURES 1837 Feb. 22. Intr. in U. S. House (Hamer, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (24. 2. H. R. 952) “for settle- ment of accts, of R. Harrison, late cons. agt. Of U. S. in Spain.” (24. 2. H. jol., 505.) 1838 Jan. 12. Intr. in U. S. House (Howard, Com. On Foreign Affairs), bill (25. 2. H. R. 404) “for settle- ment of accounts of Richard Harrison "; approved Jly. 7, 1838. (25. 2. H. jol., 260, 1055, 1308; vi., St. L. 734.) CORRESPONDENCE 1836 Dec. Harrison to U. S. Congress. Memorial; pray- ing compensation for Services as acting consular agt. of U. S. at Cadiz. (22. 2. H. rpt. 265, 10.) HARRISON (RICHARD), OF WA.—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE—cont’d 1836 Dec. 20. Harrison to U. S. House. Memorial; pray- ing remuneration for services rendered as actg. con- Sul at Cadiz during revolutionary war, under and by Virtue of John Jay, then minister to Spain. (24, 2. H. jol., 87.) 1837 Feb. 22. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Rpt. in . favor of Harrison claim for allowance for consular services. (22. 2. H. rpt. 265.) — Sept. 27. Harrison to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing early action on application made at last ses- sion of Congress for settlement of claims for ser- vices as cons. and commercial agt. at Cadiz, Spain, during revolutionary war. (25. 1. H. jol., 102.) — Dec. 7. Harrison to U. S. Senate. (25. 1. S. jol., 544.) 1838 Jan. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs. Favorable rpt. on Harrison claim to acc. H. R. 404. (25. 2. H. rpt. 381.) HARRISON (ROBERT), AND OTHERS, CLAIMANTS East Florida claim under art. 9, treaty of 1819; see also aims. Spanish. Statutory Measures; see Spain. Claims Correspondence 1855 Jan. 26. U. S. H. Com. On Judiciary (Stanton). Rpt. to acc. J. R. 47, in favor of Harrison claim under art. 9, treaty of Florida. (33. 2. H. rpt. 33.) 1856 Aug. 12. Harrison to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying reference of his claim under art. 9, treaty of 1819 with Spain, to Court of Claims. (34. 1. S. jol., 571; 591.) 1857 Dec. 7. Court of Claims. Robert Harrison vs. The |United States. (35. 1. H. R., C. C. no. 127.) 1858 May 17. U. S. S. Com. on Claims (Clarke). Rpt. to acc. S. 373, on rpts. of Court of Claims in case of R. Harrison; etc. (35. 1. S. rpt. 258.) 1860 Feb. 20. U. S. S. Com. on Claims (Foote). Rpt. to acc. S. 230 on petitions of certain claimants under treaty of 1819, concurring in rpt. of May 17, 1858. (36. 1. S. rpt. 93.) HARRISON (ROBERT MONROE), OF WA. Amer. cons. for St. Bartholomew's 1827-31; see U. S. A. Consular service. Sweden and Norway ; do. for Kingston, 1831-59; see same. British dominions. 1831 Je. 28. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston). Protest agst. laws of Jamaica govern- ing deportation of paupers. (25. 2. H. doc. 370, 2; H. rpt. 1040, 12.) Claim of ſ1847 Jan. 25. Harrison to U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying indemnity for damages sustained as Surety of U. S. citizens, prosecuted by Jamaica authorities. (29. 2. S. jol., 128.) HARRISON (SAMUEL B.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Bolivar (Truxillo) in 1827; see U. S. A. Consular service. Peru. 1827 Jan. 8. Amer. cons., Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Apptmt. of Harrison. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 144.) HARRISON (WILLIAM HENRY), OF O. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Colombia, 1828-29; see U. S. A. Pºmatic service. President U. S. A., Mch.-Apr., E. E. and M. P. in Colombia Statutory Measures 1830 Apr. 23. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (21 cong., H. R. 437) “for relief of W. H. Harrison.” (21. 1. H. jol., 560.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 739 HARRISON (WILLIAM HENRY), OF 0.—cont’d E. E. and M. P. in Colombia—cont’d Correspondence 1830 Mch. 30. Harrison to U. S. House. Owing to Causes which he could not control, he was unable to reach U. S. within prescribed period of three months, and praying allowance for detention. (21. 1. H. jol., 479.) President U. S. A. 1841 Mch. 15. To atty. gen., U. S. A. (Crittenden). In- structions; case of Alex. McLeod. (29. 1. H. ex: doc. 187, 11.) HARRISON CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 78.) 1838 Feb. 5. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 203.) — Mch. 12. To U. S. House. Same. (25 2. H. jol., 600.) 1839 Feb. 9. To U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 3. S. jol., 216.) — Feb. 9. To same. Praying recognition of Hayti. (ib., 217.) 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. Same. (26.1. H. jol., 730.) 1842 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (27. 2. H jol., 131.) — Mch. 14. To same. Same. (ib., 527.) — May 9. To same. Same. (ib., 795.) 1844 Apr. 3. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 211.) 1845 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 74.) 1847 Jan. 27. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying meas- ures to terminate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 235.) HARRISVILLE (O.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 11. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 84.) HART (ELI), HEIRS OF 1858 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Frances E. Lay, and Mary Atkins; praying indemnity for prop- erty destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (35. 1. 3. S. jol., 82.) A HART (JOEL), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Leith, 1817-34; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HART (JOSEPH. C.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Teneriffe, 1854-56; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. \Spanish dominions. HART (RICHARD W.), ADMR, OF WM. HART 1829 Dec. 22. To U. S. Senate. Praying indemnity for losses by French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 40.) HART (WILLIAM, J.R.), OF CAL. . Nominated Amer. cons. for Port Louis in 1854; declined apptmt. ; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. HART, AMER. SCHR. (TUCK) n, d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 40.) HART, AMER. SCHR. (TURNER) The Hart was seized on May 30, 1839, while at anchor in the Tusket Is., by the comdr. of the Br. sloop Vict- ory (Darby) for an alleged infraction of the treaty of 1818. 1839 Je. 18. Amer. ConS. agt., Yarmouth, N. S. (Grant- ham) to comdr. U. S. R. C. Hamilton (Sturgis). Seizure of Amer. fishing Schr. Hart, etc. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 86, 28; 32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 59; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 86.) HART, AMER. SCHR. (TURNER)—cont’d 1839 Je. 18. Amer. cons. at Halifax (Morrow) to gov. of Nova Scotia (Colin Campbell). Seizure of Amer. schr. Hart, etc., in ports of Nova Scotia. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 6; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 64.) — Je. 27. Morrow to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Same. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 3.) — Jly. 10. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Vail) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Fox). Seizure by Br. govt. vessel Victory of fishing boats belonging to citizens of U. S. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 59.) HARTFORD (CONN.) CITIZENS See also, Norwich (Conn.). 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 77.) 1838 Jan. 25. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of D. F. Rob- inson and others, of Hartford, Conn.; agst. passage of international copyright law. (25. 2. S. jol., 171; vi, Cong. Globe, 135.) 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying insti- tution of code of international law, and board of arbitrators for international disputes. (25. 3. H. jol., 222.) — Jan. 21. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 347.) 1844 May 20. To same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 944.) — May 21. To U. S. Senate. In favor of Texan an- nexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 293.) — May 22. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 1. S. jol., 294.) 1845 Feb. 4. To same; in favor of Texan annexation. (28. 2. S. jol., 131.) — Feb. 10. To same. Same. (ib., 152.) — Feb. 10. To same. Petition praying measures for occupation and settlement of Oregon terr. (ib., 152.) — Dec. 15. To U. S. House; in favor of arbitration. Dixon (Conn.) Com. For. Aff. (29. 1. H. jol., 102.) 1854 Feb. 27. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying measures to secure religious liberty to U. S. citizens abroad. (33. 1. S. jol., 215.) HARTFORD (O.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 14. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 83.) 1845 Jan. 20. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 234.) HARTFORD (WT.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) HARTFORD Co. (Conn.) CITIZENs 1845 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Petition; praying nego- tiations for cession of Canadas to U. S. in event of annexation of Texas. (28. 2. H. jol., 415.) HARTLAND (M.E.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 123.) HARTLAND (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 66.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 226.) 1845 Dec. 31. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 179.) HARTLY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 205.) HARTMANN (JOHN) Amer, cons. for Baracoa, in 1843; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Spanish dominions. 740 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HARTSGROVE (O.) CITIZENS 1840 May 18. To U. S. House; in favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) HARTSHORN ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP RADIUS; see RADIUS HARTSHORN (S.), CLAIMANT; see HENRY THOMPSON, AMER. SHIP HARTSHORNE (ELIZA), ET AL. 1847 Feb. 1. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. S. jol., 154.) HARTSHORNE (RICHARD), AND OTHERS 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1850 Jan. 21. To same. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 93.) — Jan 28. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 411.) HARTSTENE (HENRY J.), OF S. C. U. S. N., 1828-61. Lieut., 1840; comdr., 1855. Re- signed Jan. 9, 1861. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1853, comdg. U. S. mail str. Ohio; see also Ohio; 1861, comdg Pawnee, Home sqdn. Correspondence - Comdg. Ohio 1853. Mch. 10. To Amer. cons., Havana (Sharkey). Pro- test agst, conduct of Cuban authorities in quaran- tining U. S. mail str. Ohio. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 86, 76.) - Mch. 11. To same. Unjust treatment of Sp. authori- ties in Havana in detention of vessel Ohio. (ib., 77.) — Mch. 18. To agt. U. S. M. S. S. co., N.Y. (Roberts). Pºnton of Ohio by authorities of Havana. (ib., Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1859 Jan. 14. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hammond, Com. on Naval Affairs), res. (35. 2. S. R. 70) “for relief of Comdr. H. J. Hartstene, U. S. N.” (35. 2. S. jol., 139.) 1860 Feb. 7. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hammond, Com. on Naval Affairs), res. (36. 1. S. R. 11) “for relief of Comdr. H. J. Hartstene, U. S. N.”; approved Mch. 27. (36. 1. S. jol., 130, 306; xii, St. L., 872.) — Mch. 12. Intr. in U. S. House (Carter, N. Y.), jt. res. (36. 1. H. J. res. 13) “for relief of lieut. Comdg. Hartstene, officers, and men.” (36. 1. H. jol., 499.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1859 Jan. 12. Hartstene to U. S. Senate. Petition; pray- ing allowance, in settlement of accts. of certain ex- penses incurred on acct. of Resolute. (35. 2. S. jol., 128.) — Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. On motion (Mallory, Fla.), petition of H. J. Hartstene on files of Senate, re- ferred to Com. on Naval Affairs. (36. 1. S. jol., 17.) 1860 Feb. 17. W. Winslow, repr. from N. C. Remarks; favoring passage of jt. res. for relief of comdr. Hart- º * * of barque Resolute. (Cong. Globe, Presents to Restoration of the Resolute STATUTORY MEASURES 1857 Feb. 25. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Slidell, Com. on Foreign Relations), res. (34. 3. S. res. 56) “allowing Comdr. Hartstene, et al., of str. Viacen, to accept certain tokens of acknowledgment from Gr. Br.”; ap- proved Mch. 3, 1857. (34. 3. S. jol., 255, 271, 334; xi, St. L., 255.) HARTSTENE (HENRY J.), OF S. C.—cont’d Presents to—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1857 Jan. 20. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Dallas). Trans- mits sword for comdr. Hartstene, who brought over Resolute. (34. 3. S. misc. doc. 51, 2.) — Jan. 21. Dallas to Clarendon. Sword for Capt. Hartstene to be transmitted to Secy. Of Navy and permission to bestow it sought. (ib., 3.) — Jan. 23. Dallas to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Announces receipt of sword from Foreign Office for Comdr. Hartstene in recognition of act of bringing over Resolute. (ib., 2, 3.) — Feb. 24. Marcy to J. Slidell, Sen. from La. En- closes despatches from Mr. Dallas On presentation by Br. govt. of certain tokens to comdr. Hartstene and others, str. Viacen. (34. 3. S. misc. doc. 51.) — Feb. 27. J. Slidell, sen. from La. Remarks; ask- ing consideration of res. of Com. On Foreign Rela- tions allowing comdr. Hartstene and others, of U. S. str. Viazen to accept tokens of acknowledgment from Br. govt. (Cong. Globe, 34. 3., 924.) HARTWICK (N.Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 2 . To U. S. House; memorial in favor of recognition of Haiti. (25. 3. H. jol., 336.) — Jan. 21. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 340.) HARWARD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. . (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) 1845 Feb. 10. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 355.) HARVEY (FREDERICK), SECY. BR. SUPT. TRADE, HONG KONG 1853 Jan. 24. List of establishment of Chinese inter- preters employed by Brit. govt. in its Chinese con- sulates. (33. 1. H. ex: doc. 123, 86.) HARVEY (HENRY) AND OTHERS * 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800, referred to Select Committee. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) HARVEY (JAMES E.), OF PENN. Amer. min. res. in Portugal 1861-69 ; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic Service. HARVEY (JOHN), LT. GOV. OF NEW BRUNSWICK 1837 Je. 12. To gov. of Me. (Dunlap). Conditions upon which E. Greely will be released from prison. (25. 1. H. ex: doc. 31., 16; iii, Mess. and Papers, 358.) 1838 Oct. 1. To same (Kent). Guarantees non-inter- ference with topographical work of comrs. apptd. to run n. e. boundary line. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 78.) 1839 Feb. 13. To same (Fairfield). Requests with- drawal of force of men from disputed terr. (25. 3. S. doc. 270, 15, 1139; H. doc. 222, 13.) — Feb. 13. Proclamation ordering draughting of men pursuant to invasion of terr. by citizens of Me. (ib., 18, 1140; ib., 13.) — Feb. 18. To gov. Fairfield. Requests withdrawal of armed force from disputed terr.; delivery of Br. Subjects under arrest for trespass; release of James Maclauchlan. (ib., 3, 1157; ib., 23, 34.) — Dec. 19. To gov. Fairfield. In explanation of rpt. that Br. troops have been stationed in disputed terr. (26.1. S. doc. 107, 55; viii, Cong. Globe, 136.) HARVEY (REUBEN, SR.) Amer. consul for Cork, 1827-31. See U. S. A. Consular . Service. British dominions. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 74.1 HARVEY (REUBEN, JR.) Amer. cons. for Cork, 1831-36; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British dominions. HARWINTON (CONN.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 2. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 133.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 472.) —º t; Fo same. Praying recognition of Hayti. ib., 466. HARWOOD (ANDREW A.), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1818-84. Lieut., 1827; comdr., 1848; Capt., 1835; comāre., 1862; rear-aēm., 1864. Died Aug. 28, 1834. Śēa service in command (1828-61) : 1853-55, comâg dumberland, Mediterranean sqón. HASKELL (E.), MASTER AMER. SCHR. DIRECTOR; see DIRECTOR HASKELL (IGNATIUS AND SOLOMON), OF MAINE 1828 Apr. 1. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying in- demnity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 1. S. jol., 267.) HASKELL (WILLIAM T.), REPR. FROM TENN. 1848 Mch. 21, 22. Remarks; on corresp. of gen. Scott and Mexican war. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 517, 523; app., 436.) — Apr. 3. Do.; on Cummins res. of even date, ten- dering sympathy to the French; etc.; with his res. on subject. (ib., 30. 1., 574, 576, 577.) HASKIN (JOHN B.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1858 Jan. 6. To U. S. House. Remarks; in vindication of arrest of gen. Wm. Walker by comdre. Paulding. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 212.) HASKINS (GOVERT), FOR NICHOLAS HASKINS AND CO 1829 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for losses sustained by French Spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. jol., 65.) — Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) HASLETT (JOHN), FLEET SURGEON, E. I. SQDN., U. S. N. 1839 Jly. 8. To comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Read). Recommends departure from China. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 119, 76.) HASSAUREK (FREDERICK), OF 0. Amer. min. res. in Ecuador, 1861-66; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. HASSLER (FERDINAND E.) Amer. cons. for Panama, 1838-41 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Colombia. HASTINGS (DONALD), SECOND MATE AMER. BRIG THOMAS ACHORN 1858 May 24. Deposition; boarding of brig by Br. ves- sel not named; do. of J. Hastings, master. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 132, 41.) HASTINGS (GEORGE F.), SENIOR OFFICER SO. DIV. H. B. M. FORCES S. W. COAST OF AFRICA 1849 Dec. 2. To H. B. M. Comdr.-in-chief (Fanshawe). Boarding of Amer. brigantine Casco by H. B. M. str. Pluto (Jolliffe). (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 66, 14.) 1850 Jan. 10. Stnt. of boarding of Amer. bark Pilot by H. B. M. Str. Pluto (Jolliffe). (ib., 33.) — Jan. 11. To Fanshawe. Acct. of boarding of Pilot. (ib., 14.) - — Apr. 8. To comdr. U. S. S. John Adams (Powell). Reply to his of Apr. 7.; advice of boarding of bark Pilot and brigantine Chatsworth. (ib., 11.) HASTINGS (GEORGE F.), SENIOR OFFICER SO. DIV. H. B. M. FORCES S. W. COAST OF AFRICA—cont’d 1850 Apr. 9. To Powell. Reply to advices of boarding of Amer. vessels Louisa Beaton, Navarre and Cath- arine. (ib., 25.) — Apr. 11. To Powell. In regard to bark Catharine; Amer. doctrine of right of visit and search. (ib., 29.) — Apr. 17. To rear adm. Br. Navy (Fanshawe). Sub- stance of conference with comdr. U. S. S. John Ald- ams (Howard), relative to illegal use of Amer. flag by slavers. (34. 1. H. ex: doc. 105, 5.) — Apr. 18. To Powell. Rpt. on boarding of Amer. brigantine Louisa Beaton. (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 66, 38.) HASTINGS (HIRAM P.) Amer. cons. for Trinidad, 1840-43; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Colombia. HASTINGS (HOWLAND), CANADIAN CITIZEN Corresp. indicates that in 1839 Hastings was tried, con- demned and sentenced by a tribunai of Upper Canada for an offence committed within the juris- diction of the U. S. 1839 Jan. 28. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox). Trial in Upper Canada of Howard Hastings for assault and battery committed in Michigan. (25. 3. H. doc. 181, 13.) — Jan. 29. Fox to Forsyth. On receipt of copy of presentment to grand jurors of W. dištr. of Upper Canada agst. Hastings. (ib., 14.) — Feb. 28. Forsyth to Fox. Explanation of Hastings’ trial requested. (ib., 13.) HASTINGS (JOHN), MASTER AMER. BRIG THOMAS ACHORN; see THOMAS ACHORN 4. HASTINGS (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 27. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 162.) HASTY (ROBERT), EXECR. OF 1832 Feb. 24. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying in- demnity for losses by French spoliations. (22. 1. S. jol., 151.) HATCH (CROWELL), CLAIMANT 1834 Dec. 9. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for losses by French spoliations. (23. 2. S. jol., 32.) 1835 Dec. 16. To U. S. House. Petition of Henry Hatch; praying relief in relation to claims due estate of late Crowell Hatch. (24. 1. H. jol., 59.) 1836 Dec. 12. To same. Same. (24. 2. H. jol., 46.) 1837 Sept. 30. To same. Same. (25. 1. H. jol., 131.) — Dec. 29. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 172; vii, Cong. Globe, 64.) 1838 Dec. 17. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 97; vii, Cong. Globe, 41.) 1840 Jan. 13. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 201.) — Dec. 16. To same. Same. (26. 2. H. jol., 56; 118.) 1841 Dec. 14. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 46.) 1842 Jan. 24. To same. Petition, Ellen M. Gibbs, daugh- ter of C. Hatch; praying indemnity for French spo- liations prior to 1800. (ib., 272.) – Dec. 14. To U. S. House. Petition of H. Hatch; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (27. 3. H. jol., 61.) 1843 Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 1. S. jol., 33.) 1844 Dec. 10. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 55.) — Dec. 17. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 2. S. jol., 38.) 1846 Dec. 21. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, of S. Blagge, heir of C. Hatch; praying indemnity for French spo- liations prior to 1800. (29. 2. S. jol., 57.) 742 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs HATCH (CROWELL), CLAIMANT—cont’d 1847 Jan. 5. To U. S. House. Same. (29. 2. H. jol., 136.) — Dec. 30. To U. S. Senate. Petition of H. Hatch; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (30. 1. S. jol., 80.) 1850 Jan. 8. To U. S. House. Petition of S. Blagge. (31. 1. H. jol., 256.) HATCH (F. H.), U. S. CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, NEW OR- LEANS 1857 Oct. 1. To Secy, of State, U. S. A. (Cass). Receipt of letter of 18 inst.; information requested will be promptly communicated. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 7.) — Nov. 11. To Same. Gen. Wm. Walker arrested un- der provisions of act of 1818. (ib., 14.) — Nov. 13. To Same. Advisable to transmit Walker’s letter, though believed that he has left for Nicara- gua from some islands on coast of Miss. (ib., 22.) — Nov. 18. To same. Clearance for Nicaragua. Str. º having on board Wm. Walker and party. ib., 24.) — Nov. 28. To same. Str. Fashion expected at Mobile for purpose of taking on additional men. (ib., 27.) — Dec. 24. To Same. Precautions taken to prevent filibustering expeditions agst. Nicaragua or Central America; and relative to detention of str. Fashion. (ib., 36.) 1858 Mch. 18. To same. Explains clearance of Charles and Louis McLane from New Orleans. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 40.) HATCH (HENRY), HATCH (C.) ADMR. OF CROWELL HATCH; see HATCH (HENRY); JOINT MEMORIALIST; see BULFINCH (C.) HATCH (ISRAEL T.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1859 Jan. 25. To U. S. House. Remarks; opposing ap- prn. for salary of cons. gen. at Quebec. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 592.) 1860 Mch. 28. Rpt. in reference to operations of reci- procity treaty with Gr. Br. (36. 1. H. ex: doc. 96, 2.) HATCH (MARK), HEIRS OF 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. S. jol., 39.) 1850 Jan. 4. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 225.) HATFIELD (LUTHER H.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Bombay in 1858; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HATFIELD (MASS.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch, 30. To U. S. House; in favor of arbitration. (26. 1. H. jol., 720.) 1845 Dec. 15. To Same; VS. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 105.) HATHAWAY ( see CORNELIA HATHAWAY (A. S.) - 1856 Apr. 25. To U. S. senator from Mass. (Sumner). Trustworthiness of stnts. of capt. Gibbs in matter of Venezuelan claims. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 25, 76.) HATHAWAY (ELISHA, JR.) Amer. cons. for Hobart Town in 1843; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. ), MASTER AMER. WESSEL CORNELIA; HATHAWAY (GEO. W.) 1852 Feb. 4. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying tri- bunal to revise decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 176.) - Feb. 24. To U. S. House. Memorial; in relation to Mexican indemnities. (32. 1. H. jol., 381.) HATHAWAY (T. V.), ADMNR. OF 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of representa- tives of T. W. Hathaway, praying indemnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 39.) 1850 Jan. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial of B. T. Bock- over; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 413.) HATTERSCHEIDT (JOHN P.), OF KANSAS Amer. cons. for Moscow in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. Russia. HAUTERIVE (BLANC DE LAMAUTTE, COMPTE DE), MIN- ISTRE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES, FRANCE 1833 Oct. 11. To U. S. delegate from Fla. Terr. (White). Limits of La. on borders of the Floridas. (23. 2. S. doc. 56, 17.) D'HAUTPOUL ( ) Ministre int. des affaires étrangères of France, 1849; See France. Civil service. HAVANA (CUBA) Alcalde 1852. M. Galliano. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Spanish Dominions HAVEN (N. A.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for St. Iago, Cape de Verde Is., 1855-[57] ; iºns . S. A. Consular service. Portuguese domin- 1848 Jan. 18. A. Ladd to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (30. 1. H. jol., 264.) — Feb. 29. To U. S. Senate. Petition of A. and E. Ladd, reprs. of N. A. Haven; praying final action on French spoliation claims. (30. 1. S. jol., 193; 200.) HAVEN (S. G.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1854 May 25. Remarks; on 52 Sen. amdmt. to deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 271, compensating M. Papprenitza, an Austrian, for losses by mob violence at New Or- leans in 1851, on scale accorded to Sp. Subjects in civil and dipl. apprn. bill for 1853. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1319.) – Je. 27. Speech; partly in reply to J. G. Jones, op- posed to H. R. 405, to enable President to fulfill art. 3, treaty of Dec. 30, 1853, with Mexico, and on treaty: with previous remarks, reply to Keitt, etc. (ib., 1535-1537, 1540, 1549.) - Je. 28. Remarks; in support of Benton proviso to H. R. 405, stipulating for communication of pa- pers connected with negotiation of treaty, and of- fering amdmt. to proviso. (ib., 1564.) – Aug. 1. Do.; in favor of 128th Sen. amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprp. bill, H. R. 48, reimbursing E. Riddle for sums expended on acct. of his official position at Industrial Exhibition, London. (ib., 2056.) 1855 Jan. 26. Do.; in favor of H. res. 20, authorizing notice to terminate reciprocity treaties of Com- merce and navigation in certain cases. (ib., 33. 2., 414.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 743 HAVEN (S. G.), REPR. FROM N. Y.-cont’d 1856 Dec. 30. Do.; opposing apprin. for cons. pupils. (ib., 34. 3., 212.) – Dec. 30. Do.; opposing apprin. for office rent of cons. officers not allowed to trade. (ib., 215.) 1857 Feb. 4. Do.; opposing provision for cons. aSSts. to Commission to China. (ib., 573.) HAVERHILL (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. - (25. 1. H. jol., 74.) — Oct. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 164.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Praying Congress to mediate betw. France and Mexico, and to adopt principle of arbitration of international disputes. (25. 3. H. jol., 222.) — Feb. 18. To same. Petitions agst. Slavetrade be- tween U. S. and Texas. (ib., 599.) 1840 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Praying measures for congress of nations. (26. 1. S. jol., 75.) — Mch. 30. To U. S. House; in favor of arbitration. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1842 Mch. 29. To same. In favor of Haitian recogni- tion. (27. 2. H. jol., 676.) 1845 Dec. 22. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 149.) 1846 Dec. 30. To same. Praying measures for terminat- ing war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 113.) HAVERHILL (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1838 Jan. 15. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 285.) HAVILAND (SAMUEL F.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Coquimbo, 1839-60; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Chili. HAVRE (FRANCE) . Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French Dominions HAWAII 1849 Dec. 4. President U. S. A. (Taylor). Annual meS- sage; clause relating to independence of Sandwich IS. 1851 Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual message; clause relating to independence of Sand- wich IS. 1854 Dec. 19. Amer. Comr. in Hawaii (Gregg) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Death of King Kameha- meha III 15 inst.; accession of Prince Royal Alex- ander Litholiho to throne; styled Kamehameha IV; proclaimed on Dec. 15. (52. 2. S. ex: doc. 77, 127.) Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Asylum to Wessels; see that title Consular Service TRADING PRIVILEGE OF CONSULS 1849. See Consular Service: International Regulations. Trading Privileges Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Deserters; see that title Diplomatic Agents in AMERICAN; see U. S. A. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Diplomatic Service U. S. A. 1842-44. Haalilio and William Richards, Specl. Comrs. Dec., 1842, apptd. to obtain from U. S. recognition, of independence of Sandwich Is. Last communication dated Jly. 1, 1844. * HAWAII-cont’d Diplomatic Service—cont’d U. S. A.—cont’d 1849-50. James J. Jarves, specl. comr. Credentials dated Aug. 24, 1849. G. P. Judd was as- sociated with J. J. Jarves as specl. comr. and E. E., Sept. 10, 1849, but proceeded at once to Europe. Last communication dated May 30, 1850. 1855. W. L. Lee, E. E. and M. P. Presented credentials JIy. 10, 1855. tion dated Sept. 22. 1855. 1856-57. E. H. Allen, E. E. Presented credentials about Aug. 22, 1856; took leave about Mch. 15, 1857. 1859-60. Schuyler Livingston, chargé d'affaires. Credentials dated May 28, 1859. Last communication dated Apr. 20, 1860. Exterritoriality; see that title Extradition; see that title Filibustering Expeditions 1854 Aug. 16. U. S. customs collector, S. F. (Hammond) to Gen. Wool, U. S. A. Arrival of J. D. Blair and Lathrop in S. F. by str. Polynesian, from Hono- lulu, with View of organizing agst. present govt. of Sandwich Is. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 101.) — Aug. 17. Wool to Hammond. Reply to his of 16 inst. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 102.) Sept. 25. Gen. Wool, U. S. A. to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Gadsden). Has information of expeditions fitting agst. Sandwich IS.; encloses Copy of instructions. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 16, 107; S. ex. doc. 25, 3; 35. 1. H. ex. doc. 88, 107.) — Sept. 29. Adj. gen., U. S. A. (Cooper) to Secy. War, U. S. A. Corresp. resp. anticipated hostile ex- pedition agst. Sandwich Is. (35. 1. H. ex: doc. 88, 101.) Forced Loans; see that title Foreign Affairs AMERICAN Last communica- Statutory Measures 1843 Jan. 24. Intr. in U. S. House (Adams, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (27.3. H. R. 721) “to provide for future intercourse betw. U. S. and govt. of Ha- waii.” (27. 3. H. jol., 250.) Correspondence 1825 Apr. 5. A. Mitchell and others to President U. S. A. (Adams). Petition soliciting assistance of govt. in protection of Amer. commerce in Sandwich IS. (29. 1. H. rpt. 108, 11.) & — May 24. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard) to comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Hull). Instructions; visit to Sandwich Is. (ib., 8.) [1826.] G. Howland and others to President Adams. Petition; requesting that one or more vessels be or- dered to Sandwich and Society Is... with instructions to render protection to Amer. Shipping. (ib., 12.) 1826 May 25. Comdr. Hull to comdr. U. S. S. Peacock (Jones). Instructions; cruise to Sandwich Is. (ib., 13.) – Dec. 27. Hawaii. Regulations adopted, and en- forced, for purpose of raising revenue to discharge debts * to citizens of U. S. (ib., 18; 28. 2. H. rpt. 92, 18. 1842 Jly. 1. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Arrival of Amer. Coml. agt. to Sandwich Is. (Brinsmade), intrusted with letters from King of those islands to sovereigns of Gr. Br. and France, of purport similar to that of which he was bearer to President of U. S. (52. 2. S. ex, doc. 77, 104.) 744 INDEx TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HAWAII-cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1842 Dec. 14. Agents of Hawaii to U. S. (Haalilio and Eichards) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Treaty negotiations, and establishment of dipl. relations. (27. 3. H. doc. 35, 4; 52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 37.) — Dec 19. Webster to Haalilio and Richards. No necessity for treaty negotiations; dipl. service to continue to be administered by consul. (ib., 6; ib., 40.) — Dec. 30. President U. S. A. (Tyler). Message; dipl. intercourse with Sandwich Is., and with China. (ib., 1; ib., 35; iv, Mess. and Papers, 211.) — Dec. 31. C. Cushing, repr. from Mass. Remarks; favoring prig. of message of President communicat- ing corresp. betw. Secy. State and certain agts. Of Hawaiian govt. (xii, Cong. Globe, 103.) 1843 Jan. 24. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Adams). Measures to acc. H. R. 721, for improving commer- cial and political relations. (27. 3. H. rpt. 93.) — Mch. 10. Kamehameha III to President U. S. A. (Tyler). Advice of provisional cession of islands to Gr. Br.; appeal for interposition with Gr. Br. to grant to authorities of Sandwich Is. an impartial hearing, and to procure justice for them. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 49; 104.) — Mch. 11. Wm. Hooper to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Transmits doc. from King of Sandwich IS. to President U. S. A., announcing proVisional cession of islands to Gr. Br., etc. (ib., 49.) Mch. 15. Webster to Amer. comr. in Sandwich Is. (Brown). Instructions relative to mission to Sand- wich Is. (ib., 56.) — Mch. 23. Webster to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Everett). Course adopted by U. S. in regard to Sandwich Is. has for sole object preservation of independence of those Is. (ib., 106.) 1844 Sept. 4. Case of John Wiley vs. Hawaiian govt. (ib., 62.) 1845 Jan. 20. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun) to Brown. Instructions in case of John Wiley; transmits full powers to conclude treaty with Hawaiian Is. (ib., 63.) 1848 Aug. 28. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Amer. comr. in Hawaii (Ten Eyck). Instructions relative to policy of U. S. in regard to Hawaiian Is. (ib., 65.) 1850 Dec. 2. President U. S. A. (Fillmore). Annual message; clause relating to treaty with Hawaii. 1851 Jly. 14. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster); instruc- tions to Amer. comr. in Hawaii (Severance); course of U. S. in regard to Hawaiian Is. (ib., 95.) — JIy. 14. Same to same. Private instructions rela- tive to policy of U. S. in regard to Hawaii. (ib., 97). 1852 Je. 7. Senate U. S. A. in executive Session. Res. (Weller) calling for information relative to any propositions for cession of sovereignty of Sandwich Is... to U. S. (viii, Sen. exec. jol., 396; 399.) — Aug. 6. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), re- questing President to inform Senate of any propo- sitions by King of Sandwich Is. to transfer SOV- ereignty to U. S. (32. 1. S. jol., 572.) — Aug. 14. President U. S. A. (Fillmore) to Senate. Message declining to give information on proposi- tions by King of Sandwich Is... to transfer Sov- ereignty to U. S. (v, Mess. and Papers, 159.) 1853 Dec. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), call- ing for any corresp. betw. U. S. govt. and King of Sandwich Is. (33. 1. S. jol., 6; 56.) 1854 Jan. 4. I. Washburn, repr. from Me. Speech; policy in regard to Sandwich Is. in favor of annexation during consideration of annual message of Presi- dent. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., app., 55.) HAWAII-cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d AMERICAN–Cont’d Correspondence—cont’d 1854 Apr. 4. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. comr. in Hawaii (Gregg). Instructions for negotiating annexation of Sandwich Is. to U. S. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 117.) - Jly. 12. Washington Terr. Legisl. Assembly to U. S. House. Memorial; relative to annexation of Sandwich Is... to U. S. (33. 1. H. jol., 1128.) – Jly. 26. Gregg to Marcy. State of negotiations for annexation of Hawaiian Is. to U. S. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 119.) – Aug. 7. Same to same. Affairs in Hawaiian Is...; has succeeded in arranging terms of treaty of an- nexation with minister of foreign relations; treaty º approval of Crown prince and cabinet. (ib., — Sept. 15. Same to same. Copy of treaty of annexa- tion of Hawaiian Is. to U. S.; terms of treaty; etc. (ib., 121.) - — Oct. 2. Same to same. Substance of remarks of Br. ConS. gen. (gen. Miller), agst. annexation of |Hawaiian IS. to U. S., during audience with Ha- waiian govt.; no progress since 15 ult, in regard to treaty of annexation. (ib., 125.) — Dec. 29. Same to same. Opinion that present head of govt. is disposed to preserve independence of Ha- ‘waii; anticipates notification to effect that negotia- tions for annexation to U. S. are no longer to be entertained. (ib., 128.) - 1855 Jan. 31. Marcy to Gregg. Policy of U. S. in rela- tion to future of Sandwich Is...; objections of Presi- dent to draft of treaty of annexation. (ib., 129.) ANGLO-FRENCH 1843 Aug. 15. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Ev- erett) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Reference to conference with Lord Aberdeen on memorial of Hawaiian comrs.; Franco-British agreement as to recognition of independence of Sandwich Is. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 113.) — Nov. 28. Reciprocal engagement betw. France and Gr. Br. to preserve independence of Sandwich IS. (ib., 60; 116.) 1844 Apr. 24. Everett to Secy. State, U. S. A., ad int. (Nelson). Franco-British conv. recognizing inde- pendence of Sandwich Is. concluded; reference to official papers in Journal des Debats of Apr. 20 re- garding French usurpation of Tahitian terr. (ib., 115.) * 1855 Feb. 20. J. B. Weller, sen. from Calif. Remarks; interposition of France and England to defeat Amer. treaty for annexation of Sandwich IS. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 832, 834-835.) BRITISH 1843 Feb. 11. Capt. Br. ship Carysfort (Paulet) to gov. of Oahu (Kekuanoa). Wishes to be informed whether king has been notified that his presence is required at Oahu, and earliest day on which he may be expected. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 43.) — Feb. 11. Kekuanoa to Paulet. Receipt of letter; king will be sent for. (ib., 43.) — Feb. 16. Paulet to King of Sandwich Is. (Kame- hameha III). Demands private interview. (ib., 43.) — Feb. 17. Same to same. Refuses to hold communi- cation with Dr. G. P. Judd; copy of his demands upon govt. of Sandwich Is. (ib., 44.) — Feb. 17. Kamehameha III and Kekauluohi to Pau- let. Decline private interview; written communi- cations will be given due consideration; Dr. Judd apptd. confidential agt. in case business is of pri- vate nature. (ib., 44.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 745 HAWAII-cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d 1843 Feb. 17. Paulet. Prepared to make an attack upon Oahu at 4 p. m. on 18 inst. in event of demands not being complied with by that time. (ib., 46.) – Feb. [18]. Kamehameha III and Kekauluohi to ~~~~ Paulet. Sir George Simpson and William Richards commissioned M. P. and E. E. to Gr. Br.; his de- mands complied with under protest. (ib., 45.) — Feb. 18. Paulet to Kamehameha III. Receipt of his of even date; appts. hour for interchange of Sa- lutes; expects to be informed at what hour interview will be granted on 20 inst. (ib., 46.) — Feb. 18. Kamehameha III to Paulet. Will grant interview on 20 inst. at 11 a. m. (ib., 46. ) — Feb. 25. Paulet. Proclamation announcing provi- sional cession of Hawaiian Is. (ib., 48.) — Feb. 25. Kamahameha III and Kekauluohi. Cession of Hawaii to Paulet, representing H. B. M. (ib., 47.) — Mch. 7. Actg. Amer. Coml. agt. at Oahu (Hooper) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Copies of cor- resp. betw. Paulet and King of Sandwich Is...; char- acter of demands made on that govt. by Paulet; king has ceded islands to Gr. Br. (ib., 41.) — Mch. 28. Everett to Webster. Substance of con- ference with Lord Aberdeen; Gr. Br. opposed to any encroachment in Is...; Gr. Br. and France pre- pared to recognize independence of Sandwich Is. (ib., 107.) — Je. 1. Everett to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Legare). Substance of conference with Aberdeen relative to rpt. of cession of sovereignty of Sandwich Is. and reported possession of islands by Paulet. (ib., 107.) — Je. 3. Same to same. Substance of conversation with Aberdeen on subject of provisional Cession of Sandwich Is... to Gr. Br. ; Aberdeen’s comments on reports of cession; conduct of Paulet, etc. (ib., 108.) — Je. 13. Legare to Everett. Policy of non-interVen- tion of U. S.; governments de facto accepted as governments de jure; instructions to prevent con- summation of British purpose of conquests in Ha- waii; France cooperates with U. S. (ib., 109.) — Je. 14. Everett to Legare. In absence of any offi- cial contradiction of editorial in London Times of [Je. 15?], believes that Gr. Br. will disavow pro- visional cession of Sandwich Is. and will adhere to determination to recognize independence of islands. (ib., 110.) — Je. 24. Kamehameha III and Kekauluohi. Protest agst. proc. of Paulet. (ib., 51.) — Je. 25. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Fox) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Provisional OC- cupation of Sandwich Is. unauthorized; etc. (ib., 111.) — JIy. 1. Everett to Upshur. Believes that conduct of Paulet in coercing provisional cession of Sand- wich Is. has been disavowed; arrival of Hawaiian joint comr. (Marshall) and of Br. deputy consul in Hawaii (Simpson). (ib., 112.) — JIy. 5. Upshur to Fox. Reply to his of 25 ult, ex- planatory of attitude of Br. govt. towards Sandwich Is. (ib., 112.) — JIy. 11. Comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Kearney). Protest agst, cession of Sandwich Is. to Paulet. (ib., 53.) — JIy. 26. Comdr.-in-chief H. B. M. naval forces in Pacific (Thomas) to Kekuanoa. Requests personal interview with Kamehameha III, for purpose of conferring with H. M. on subject of provisional ceS- sion of his dominions. (ib., 54.) **-- HAWAII-cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d BRITISH-cont’d 1843 Jly. 31. Comdr. Thomas. Declaration in relation to events which transpired at Sandwich Is. and consequent upon visit of Br. ship Carysfort in Feb., 1843. (ib., 54.) — Aug. 15. Wm. Hooper to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Up- shur). Restoration of sovereignty of Sandwich Is. º rear-adm. Thomas; acts of Paulet unauthorized. ib., 51.) — Sept. 28. Everett to Upshur. Substance of con- ference with Hawaiian comr. Richards; suggests mode of adjudication of Br. claims agst. Hawaii. (ib., 114.) — Oct. 26. Amer. comr. in Hawaii (Brown) to Upshur. Has visited King of Sandwich Is. in U. S. S. Cyane on 25 inst.; comment on conduct of adm. Thomas, Successor to Paulet. (ib., 58.) — Nov. 4. Same to same. In continuation of his of Oct. 26; rpt. of visit to premier and king of Sand- wich Is., etc. (ib., 58.) - 1854 Jan. 31. U. S. Senate. Res. (Clayton, Del.), call- ing for copies of corresp. With govts. Of Gr. Br. and Sandwich Is. relating to said islands. (33. 1. S. jol., 144; 152.) 1855 Feb. 20. J. M. Clayton, sen. from Del. Remarks; Clarendon declaration concerning understanding betw. France and England, defending interposition to defeat treaty for annexation of Sandwich IS. to U. S.; etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 834-836.) FRENCH 1840 May 18. U. S. House. Memorial, of U. S. citizens resident in Sandwich Is...; protesting agst. course of French naval officer [i. e., capt. Laplace, French frigate l’Artémise], who arrived at said islands in Jly., 1839, with orders to redress certain grievances Complained of by France agst. King of islands. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) 1849 Aug. 23. Comdr. French naval forces in Pacific (Tromelin) to Amer. cons. Honolulu (Turrill). Will reclaim by force what he has demanded of Hawaiian govt., if no answer to his demands is received by 3 p. m., Aug. 25. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 70.) — Aug. 24. Turrill to Tromelin. Protest agst, threat- ened bombardment, etc. (ib., 71.) — Aug. 25. Tromelin to Turrill. Surprised at con- tents of his of 24 inst. (ib., 72.) — Aug. 25. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hawaii (Wyl- lie) to Turrill. Copies of peremptory demands made by adm. and cons. Of France, and replies to same; friendly mediation of President of U. S. with govt. of France requested. (ib., 73.) — Aug. 25. Turrill to Wyllie. Reply to his of even date. (ib., 74.) — Aug. 27. Turrill to Tromelin. Reply to his of 25 inst. (ib., 73.) Aug. 31. Amer. comr. in Hawaii (Ten Eyck) to comdre. Jones. Advice of proceedings of French at Honolulu. (ib., 68.) — Sept. 3. Ten Eyck to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Bu- chanan). Difficulties betw. authorities of Sandwich Is. and French. (ib., 66.) — Sept. 4. Turrill to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Proc. of Tromelin agst. Hawaii. (ib., 69.) 1850 May 30. Hawaiian comrs. in U. S. A. (Judd and Jarves) to Clayton. Copies of certain documents relative to late difficulties between France and Ha- waii; request friendly interposition of U. S. towards ºrs Settlement of difficulties with France. ib., 82. 746 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs HAWAII-cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d FRENCH-cont’d 1850 Je. 3. Clayton to Judd and Jarves. Reply to note of 30 ult. (ib., 82.) — Jly. 5. Clayton to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives). Instructions in regard to relations betw. France and Hawaii. (ib., 83.) — Sept. 12. Rives to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Receipt of despatch no. 15 from State Dept. ; etc. (ib., 84.) 1851 Mch. 10. Kamehameha and Keoni Ana. Proclama- tion placing Hawaii Is. under protection of U. S. until difficulties with France are settled. (ib., 84.) — Mch. 11. Amer. comr. in Hawaii (Severance) to Webster. Negotiations betw. French authorities and govt. of Sandwich Is...; Hawaiian govt. Contem- plates annexation to U. S.; etc. (ib., 85.) — Je. 19. Webster to Rives. Instructions on subject of difficulties betw. France and Hawaii. (ib., 93.) Je. 21. Hawaii. Legislative council. Joint res. giv- ing King authority to place islands under protec- tion of some friendly state, if France persists in following course now pursued by her. (ib., 94.) — Jly. 8. Rives to Webster. Substance of communi- cations to Ministers of Foreign Affairs of France (de la Hitte and Drouyn de Lhuys) resp. differences betw. France and Hawaii. (ib., 94.) — JIy. 22. Same to same. Substance of Conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs (Baroche) of France in relation to Hawaii. (ib., 99.) Oct. 30. Same to same. Advice of observations of M. Viel-Castel on Amer. intervention in difficulties betw. France and Hawaii. (ib., 100.) 1853 Dec. 16. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Mason). Instructions; to ascertain course of France in case of attempt on part of U. S. to add Hawaii to their possessions by negotiation or other peaceable means. (ib., 102.) Shipwreck Regulations; see that title Treaties 1826 Dec. 23. U. S. Articles of arrangement concluded at Oahu betw. Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, of U. S., and Kauikeaouli, King of the Sandwich Is. (28. 2. H. rpt. 92, 19; 29. 1. H. rpt. 108, 19; 52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 31.) 1836 Nov. 16. Gr. Br. Articles made and agreed on at Honolulu by Kamehameha III and Edward Russell. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 33.) 1839 JIy. 12. France. Signed by Kamehameha III and capt. C. Laplace, comdg. French frigate l'Artémise. (ib., 33.) — Jly. 17. France. Conv. concluded betw. Kameha- meha III and C. Laplace. (ib., 34.) 1844 Feb. 12. Gr. Br. conv. of commerce, etc. (ib., 61.) 1846 Mch. 26. France. Treaty of peace, etc. (ib., 64.) 1849 Dec. 20. U. S. Treaty of friendship, etc.; text in “Treaties, etc., 1776-1887,” p. 540. (48. 2. S. ex. doc. 47.) Concluded Dec. 20, 1849; ratifications ex- changed at Honolulu, Aug. 24, 1850; proclaimed Nov. 9, 1850. Signed by Clayton (U. S.) and Jarves (Haw. Is.). Amer. ratification proc. in viii, Sen. ex. jol. 1855 J1y. 20. U. S. Treaty [of annexation]; (not rati: fied); proc. in x, Sen. exec. jol., U. S. A.; copy of treaty as drafted in Honolulu in 1854 in 52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 123. HAWES (ALBERT G.), REPR. FROM KY. 1834 Apr. 9. Remarks; in reply to Lincoln, favoring apprin. for clerk for one year to arrange archives of State Dept. (x, Reg. Debates, 3559.) HAWES (ALBERT G.), REPR. FROM KY—cont’d 1835 Mch. 2. Do.; defending position of Adams on Subject of relations with France. (xi, ib., 1631.) HAWES (HORACE), OF PENN. Amer, cons. for Society Is., 1847-50 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. French dominions. HAWES (RICHARD), OF KY, 1797-1877 Repr. from Kentucky in 25-26 cong, Sept. 4, 1837-Mch. is: º member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 26 cong., HAWK, AMER. BRIG (BOND) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 40.) HAWK, AMER, SHIP (BROWN) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 41.) HAWK, AMER. SCHR. (GOFF) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to Carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 40.) HAWKEN (SAMUEL) AND BRYAN (MULLANPHY.) 1846 Apr. 8. To U. S. House. Petition; praying protec- tion of U. S. citizens in Oregon terr. (29. 1. H. jol., 649.) – Apr. 10. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying ex- tension of laws of U. S. over Oregon terr. to 54° 40' n. l. (29. 1. S. jol., 236.) HAWKINS (CHARLES E.) COMDR. MEXICAN NATIONAL BRIG HERMON; see also HERMON 1828 Feb. 20. To U. S. customs collector, Key West (Pinkney). Notice that he will refit the Reyna A malia in port of Key West in custody of a customs officer. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 351 (annex), 630.) — Feb. 21. To same. Denial of charge of neutrality violation. (ib., 631.) — Feb. 28. Deposition; capture of Spanish brig Reyna Amalia. (ib., 628.) — Je. 24. To comdr. U. S. S. Natchez (Budd). Ar- rives at Key West on 20 inst. (20. 2. S. doc. 1, 175.) HAWKINS (GEORGE S.), REPR. FROM FLA. 1858 May 31. Speech; denouncing arrest of Gen. Wm. Walker, and declaring Americanization of Central and Spanish Amer. to be inevitable. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., app., 461.) HAWLEY (BETSEY), CLAIMANT 1840 Feb. 5. To U. S. House. Petition; praying aid of (sic) govt. in collecting certain prize-money due her late brother, capt. Isaac P. Hawley, from So. Amer. republics. (26. 1. H. jol., 291; 749.) 1848 Mch. 20. To same. Petition, heretofore presented Feb. 5, 1840, presented (Hubbard, Conn.), and re- ferred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (30. 1. H. jol., 587.) — Apr. 18. To same. Petition; praying examination of archives of State Dept. for docs. relating to Set- tlement of estate of capt. Isaac P. Hawley, Who died at Porto Bello. (30. 1. H. jol., 698.) 1856 Mch. 3. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying for authority, through State Dept., to collect effects of her husband (sic), Isaac P. Hawley, who died in Colombia, S. A. (34. 1. S. jol., 150.) — JIy. 8. To U. S. House. Petition; complaining of conduct of certain officials of State Dept. (34. 1. H. jol., 1170.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 747 HAWLEY CATHARINE 1854 Mch. 10. To U. S. House. Petition; for indemnity ; * committed by Br. in 1814. (33. 1. H. jol., 481. HAWLEY (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 227.) — Jan. 7. To same. Praying recognition of independ- ence of Hayti. (ib., 222.) HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Liverpool, 1853-57; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. British dominions. HAXTON (W, M.) Amer. cons. for Bathurst in 1834; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HAY (LORD JOHN), CAPT. H. B. M. S. ODIN; see ODIN HAYA (DIEGO DE LA), GOW. OF COSTA RICA 1719 Mch. 15. Rpt. to court of Spain describing condi- tion of province. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 36.) HAYDEN (AARON), ET AL., OWNERS OF STR. ADMIRAL 1850 May 6. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying pas- Sage of law imposing just and uniform tax upon alien passengers. (31. 1. H. jol., 881.) — May 6. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 322.) 1852 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Petition, heretofore pre- sº May 6, 1850, again presented. (32. 1. H. jol., 236. HAYES (JOHN M.), COMDR. H. B. M. SLOOP CHAMPION; See CHAMPION HAYES (ISAAC AUSTIN) Amer. cons. for Rio Grande, 1830-39 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Brazil. n. d. Claim under Brazilian indemnity of 1849, arising out of false imprisonment by Brazil; P. B. Hayes, claimant; Synopsis of award in Moore Int. Arbitra- tion, V 5, 4622 (53. 2. H. misc. doc., v 39, 4622); do. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 115). HAYES (JOHN L.) 1860 Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying meas- ures to Secure international reciprocity in rights of patentees. (36. 1. S. jol., 169; 268.) HAYES (PATRICK BARRY), CLAIMANT; see HAYES (I. A.); HAYES, ENGERER AND CO. HAYES (WILLIAM R.), OF WT. Amer, cons. for Barbadoes, U. S. A. Consular service. 1842-47 ; 1850-52; see British dominions. HAYES, ENGERER AND CO. n. d. Claim against Brazil under 1849 indemnity; P. B. Hayes, claimant; synopsis of award in Moore. Int. Arbitration, v. 5, 4619 (53. 2. H. misc. doc., v. 39, 4619); do. (35. 2. S. ex doc. 18, 114.) HAYNE (ARTHUR P.), SENATOR FROM S. C. 1858 May 29. Remarks; favoring adoption of res. agst. Br. aggressions on Amer. ships in Gulf of Mexico. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2497.) – Je. 12. Do.; favoring passage of bill for relief of captors of Br. brig Caledonia. (ib., 2998.) HAYNE (JAMES B.), OF GA. Amer. cons. for Turk’s Is., 1858-60; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. British dominions. HAYNE (ROBERT Y.), SEN. FROM S. C. 1829 Feb. 28. Remarks; in opposition to Webster res. calling upon President for copies of instructions to U. S. ministers to Panama Congress. (V, Reg. De- bates, 64.) — Mch. 3. Speech; urging deferring prºg. of dOCS. relating to Panama mission, transmitted by Con- gress until after reference to, and rpt. from, Com. on Foreign Relations. (ib., 77.) 1832 Jan. 18. Remarks; in favor of claim of personal representatives of col. John Laurens. (viii, ib., 112.) — Mch. 28. Do.; in opposition to plans for removing free blacks to Africa. (ib., 642.) — Apr. 13. Do.; in reply to motion of Clay to Strike from apprin. bill provision for min. to Belgium. (ib., 782.) — Apr. 19. Do.; favoring postponement till next SeS- sion of apprn. for outfit for min. to France, after confirmation of nomination by Senate. (ib., 800.) — Apr. 20. Do.; in opposition to apprn. for Outfit for min. to France. (ib., 816.) HAYNES (CHARLES E.), REPR. FROM GA. 1837 Sept. 13. Remarks; explaining his opposition to Adams res., virtually ordering President to trans- mit all corresp. regarding Mexican boundary. (xiv, Reg. Debates, 613.) — Dec. 26. Do.; objecting to instructions to Com. On Foreign Affairs regarding compromising of Mexican claims. (vi, Cong. Globe, 54.) 1838 Jan. 8. Do.; defending letter of Secy. State (For- syth) on Outrage on str. Caroline, agst. imputation of vagueness. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 11. Do.; favoring withholding of name of foreign Official Who Sent copy of Gorostiza’s pam- phlet to State Dept. (ib., 95.) — Feb. 16. Do.; opposing motion to postpone bill for punishment of certain crimes agst. U. S. (ib., 185.) Feb. 22. Do.; opposing recommitment of bill to punish certain crimes agst. U. S. to Com. On For- eign Affairs. (ib., 196.) HAYNES (JOHN), MASTER AMER. SCHR. MARY ANN; see MARY ANN HAYNES (JOHN), U. S. MARSHAL ALABAMA TERR. 1818 J1y. 22. To U. S. Comptroller (Anderson). Proc. in Jly. term in Alabama. General Court in case of U. S. V.S. Merino and cargo, schr. Louisiana and cargo and Constitution and cargo. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348 (app.), 62.) HAYNES (WILLIAM SCOTT), MEMBER OF LOPEZ EXPE- DITION; see CUBA. LOPEZ EXPEDITION (2d); CONTOY PRISONERS HAYS (JUDAH) 1828 Dec. 15. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying in- demnity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. jol., 32.) 1829 Dec. 28. To same. Same. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) HAYTI; see HAITI HAYWARD (ELIJAH), COMR. GEN. LAND OFFICE, U. S. A. 1834 Jly. 23. To land officers in Illinois and Michigan. Regulations for making selections under act grant- . land º certain exiles from Poland. (25. 3. S. OC. 56, 2. HAYWOOD (WILLIAM H.), OF N. C. Commissioned Amer. chargé in Belgium, in 1837, declined apptmt. ; see U. Diplomatic service. 748 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HAYWOOD (W. H., J.R.), SEN. FROM N. C. 1845 Jan. 14. Speech; supporting his bill for annexa- tion of Texas. (xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 154.) — Dec. 18. Remarks; reference of French spoliations petitions. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 75.) — Dec. 30. Do.; denouncing interference, at present time, by Senate, in Oregon negotiations. (ib., 110; app., 45.) 1846 Jan. 12. Do.; proposing further postponement of res. to terminate joint occupancy of Oregon. (ib., 29. 1., 182.) — MCh. 4, 5. Speech; on S. res. 1, advising President to give notice to Gr. Br. to annul conv, of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; on President’s ann. mes- Sage; etc. (ib., 456, 458; app., 369.) HAZARD (SAMUEL F.), OF R. I. U. S. N., 1823-67. Lieut., 1837; comdr., 1855; 'capt., 1862. Died Jan. 15, 1867. Sea service in com: mand (1837-61); 1860-61; comdg. Pocahontas, Home sqdn. HAZARD, AMER. SCHR. (BURLEIGH) Seized at sea Apr. 15, 1827, by Buenos Airean privateer, then captured by Brazilian blockading sqdn. and Sent to Montevideo for adjudication. 1827 Apr. 19. Comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle) to Comdr. naval forces of Brazil in River Plata (Gue- tº: Detention of Hazard. (20. 1. H. ex: doc. 281, — Apr. 20. Guedes to Biddle. Detention of Hazard 3. blockade of port of River Salado; etc. (ib., 155.) May 25. Portuguese Secy. State (Queluz) to Amer. cons. (Wright). Is about to refer affair of Hazard to emperor. (ib., 164.) — Aug. 3. Biddle to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard). Hazard restored; etc. (ib., 163.) 1828 Sept. 11. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Case of Hazard; etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 85.) HAZARD, AMER. SCHR. (BARKER) Boarded Jan. 4, 1839, in 5° 43' n. by H. B. M. brigantine Forester (Campbell). 1839 Jan. 31. Br. comrs. for suppression of slavetrade at Sierra Leone (Macaulay and Doherty) to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmerston). Capture of Ha2- ard by Forester; abstr. of papers of Schr. (26. 2. S. doc. 125, 201; H. ex. doc. 115, 141; 27. 3. H. rpt. 283, 618.) hºck (REUBEN B.), AND HEIRS OF ABEL M. GROSVE- OR 1846 Mch. 20. To U. S. House. Petition; praying in- demnity for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (29. 1. H. jol., 567.) HEAD (SIR FRANCIS BOND), LIEUT. GOW. UPPER CANADA 1837 Dec. 23. To H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Fox). Invasion of Upper Canada by Americans established at Navy IS. under command of W. L. McKenzie. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 26.) 1838 Jan. 8. To same. Review of disturbances in Upper Canada, and especially of burning of Caroline. (iii, Mess. and Papers, 461.) HEALD (REBECCA) 1848 Mch. 29. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying Com- pensation for property destroyed by Br. during War of 1812. (30. 1. S. jol., 243.) HEAP (DAVID PORTER), OF D. C. Amer. cons. for Constantinople in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. Turkish dominions. HEAP (SAMUEL D.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Tunis, 1825-42; 1845-50 and 1853–54; See U. S. A. Consular service. Tunis. 1840 Jan. 8. Iunnum.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (For- syth). Copy of circular issued by Bey of Tunis pro- hibiting importation of tobacco into that country. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 229, 115.) Claim of 1838 Feb. Register of Treasury, U. S. A. (Smith). Stimt. of payments out of Treasury on acct, of intercourse with Barbary Powers during 1837; i. e., accts. of Amer. cons. at Tunis (Heap), 1836-37; etc. (25. 2. H. doc. 149, 1.) - 1856 Jly. 15. To U. S. House. Memorial of Margaret, widow of S. D. Heap; praying for allowance of ex- penses of return to U. S. (34. 1. H. jol., 1204.) HEARD AND CO., CHINA MERCHANTS Canton House b 1856 Feb. 8. To Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Valid- ity of duty receipts tendered by Heard and Co. in part satisfaction of McLane award. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 713.) — Feb. 27. To same. Receipt of letter of 14 inst. (ib., 715.) 1857 Jan. 8. To Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Forward claim on China. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 51.) — Feb. 18. To Parker. Claim upon Chinese govt. for indemnity for injury to Amer. barque Mermaid. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1237.) — Mch. 20. To comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Arm- strong). Regrets that he cannot comply With re- quest; relative to captures of Thistle and Queen. (ib., 1274.) — Mch. 23. To Parker. Protest agst. Comdre. Arm- strong's policy; position of U. S. govt. in China in relation to Gr. Br. and France; evils existing in relation to U. S. consulates; Amer. claims agst. China. (ib., 1270.) 1858 Je. 16. To Secy. Amer. legation in China (Will- iams). Forward amended claim. (40. 3. H. ex. doc. 29, 53.) Foochow House — JIy. 5. To Amer. cons., Foo-Chow (Jones). Re- quest that investigation into murder of Howard Cunningham be made. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 870.) 1857 Lorcha Rapid, belonging to Heard and CO. taken possession of by Br. subject; see China. Foo Chow. Consular CourtS. Shanghai House See also : China. sell and CO. 1854 Apr. 26. To Amer. cons., Shanghai (Murphy). Ask assistance in obtaining delivery of 136 cases of goods detained at Kaping by Chinese authorities. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 35.) — May 20. To Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Cir- cumstances under which promissory notes for clear- ance of Amer. vessels since Sept. 7 last were granted. (ib., 353.) Signed by Bull, Nye & co. ; Wetmore & co. ; King & Co.; Heard & co. — JIy. 19. To same. Floating custom-house recognized by U. S. authorities on Oct. 29; no one able to dis- cover its locality; stnt. of promissory notes for duties issued by them since Sept. 7 last. (ib., 380.) 1855 Jan. 24. To Murphy. Adjustment of their account. (ib., 716.) — Jan. 25. To same. Request that customs dispute be submitted to decision of jury of Amer. citizens. (ib., 717.) -: Shanghai. Customs service ; do. Rus- INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 749 HEARD AND CO., CHINA MERCHANTS–cont’d Shanghai House—cont’d 1855 Jan. 26. To same. Request distinct reply to note of 25 inst., or to suspend action until further ref- erence can be made to Mr. McLane. (ib., 719.) — Jan. 29. To same. McLane award dated Nov. 23, 1854. (ib., 721.) — Jan. 31. To same. Hope that he will accept settle- ment or wait until customs dispute can be decided. ib., 722. —%. º To actg. Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Submitting case of Mermaid. ' (ib., 683.) 1856 Feb. 27. To Parker. Receipt of letter of 14 inst. ib. - —". 15. To actg. Amer. Vice-cons., Shanghai (Fish). Attachment to be placed on duty money for claim against Chinese govt. for damage to Mermaid. (ib., 796.) — Apr. 16. To same. Will hold him responsible for amt. of Mermaid claim. (ib., 796.) 1858 Oct. 14. To Amer. comr. in China (Reed). Settle- ment of claim upon China for excess of duties on otter skins. (36.1. S. ex: doc. 30, 490.) HEARD (BENEDICT J.), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1852 Je. 8. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Pratt, Com. of Claims), bill (32. 1. S. 444) “for relief of Benedict J. Heard.” (32. 1. S. jol., 459.) - 1854 Feb. 9. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Clay, Com. Of Claims), bill (33. 1. S. 198) “for relief of Benedict J. Heard.” (33. 1. S. jol., 172; 33. 2. S. jol., 165.) Correspondence, etc. 1836 Mch. 14. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying re- muneration for property destroyed by Br. during late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 507; 799.) 1838 Jan. 8. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 234.) 1850 May 1. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol, 316.) 1851 Dec. 11. U. S. Senate. On motion (Pratt, Md.), memorial of Benedict J. Heard, on files of Senate, referred to Com. of Claims. (32. 1. S. jol., 52.) 1853 Dec. 13. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 39.) HEARD (GEORGE W., J.R.), OF MASS. Secy. Amer. legation in China, 1860-61; see U. S. A. Diplomatic service. HEARD (MORGAN A.), MAJOR U. S. A. 1827 Mch. 30. To military comdt. of prov. of Texas (Ahumada). Demands surrender of the Hardens. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 19.) — Apr. 5. To J. B. Porter. Acct of journey into prov- ince of Texas to secure custody of the Hardens. (ib., 18.) HEARSEY (SOLOMON); see HERSEY (S.) HEARTT (PHILIP T.), OF N. Y. º Amer. cons. for Glasgow, 1854-58; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HEATH (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 75.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 598.) —º,” same. Praying recognition of Hayti. ib., º HEBARD (W.), REPR. FROM WT. 1852 Aug. 5. Remarks; in support of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 196, providing ad- ditional salary for min. res. at Turkey. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 2095-2096.) HEBBE (G. C.), OF D. C. Amer. cons, for Aix-la-Chapelle, 1854-56; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. HEBREWS; see JEWS HEBRON (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) 1838 Jan. 3. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) 1839 Feb. 18. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 603.) HECATE, H. B. M. SHIP (BURGESS) 1857 Dec. Captures Amer, slaver Niagara in Loanda; see Niagara. HECLA, U. S. BOMB WESSEL (1846) In commission (1846-61) : 1848, Home sqdn. (Duke). HECQUET, GEN. COMDG. NINTH MILITARY DIV., FRANCE 1852 Oct. 22. To Amer. cons., Marseilles (Hodge). Has suspended execution of judgment of imprisonment agst. Allibert, as insoumis; further action within competency of govt. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 177.) HEDGE (ISAAC. L.), ADMNR. OF ESTATE OF B. HEDGE 1846 Dec. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 75.) HEIDELBACH (JOHN H.) 1851 Feb. 24. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for goods destroyed by Br. in war of 1812. (31. 2. H. jol., 335.) HEILBRON (ALEXANDER) 1854 Jan. 30. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; in case of Heilbron, charged as fugitive from justice of Gr. Br., and liable to extradition under treaty º Said govt. and the U. S. (Vi, Op. attyS. gen., 70. — Feb. 13. Same. Do.; on application made to Su- preme Court of N. Y. for warrant by which Heilbron, now in hands of marshal of U. S., may be taken from Br. agt. after being delivered to him by mar- shal. (ib., 290.) 1855 Aug. 23. Same. Do.; on claim of marshal of U. S. for SO. distr. Of N. Y. for expenses incurred in extra- dition of Heilbron. (vii, ib., 396.) See also : Fish to Hoffman, May 22, 1876. 1876; ii, Wharton. Digest, 764.) HEIRS OF ALIENS; see ALIENAGE, ETC. PROPERTY HEISS (JOHN P.) Secy. legation, during Vijil embassy, of Nicaragua in U. S., in 1856; see Central America. Nicaragua. HELEN. M. FIELDER n. d. In port of Rio de Janeiro. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 77.) HELEN MAR 1854 Je. 19. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of J. Selkirk, OWner; praying Settlement of claim agst. Mexico for destruction of his vessel by Mexican authorities. (33. 1. S. jol., 442.) — Je. 19. To U. S. House. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 1016.) — JIy. 29. Secy. State U. S. A. (Marcy) to chrm. of Com. On Foreign Relations (Mason). Information resp. case of James Selkirk, etc.(33. 2. S. rpt. 536, 1.) 1855 Feb. 14. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. On petition of James Selkirk, etc. (33. 2. S. rpt. 536.) (For. Rel., 750 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HELENA, AMER. SHIP (SMITH) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 41.) HELM (CHARLES J.), OF KY. Amer. commercial agt. for St. Thomas, W. I., 1851-[58] ; See U. S. A. Consular service. Danish dominions. Amer. Cons.-gen. for Cuba, 1858-61; see same. Spanish dominions. Consular Agt. St. Thomas 1856 Aug. 18. Apprp. for reimbursement of consular agt. at St. Thomas for landing and storing cargo of barque Amelia; in act making apprins. for legisla- tive, executive and judicial expenses for year end- ing Je. 30, 1850. (xi, St. L., 102.) Consul-general for Cuba. Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) 1858 Nov. 15. Ino. 48, extr.] Sale of Ardennes by her master (Marsh) to A. Pelletier, who also purchased Enterprise; convinced that vessels will go to Jack- sonville and there be disposed of according to law. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 279.) — Nov. 29. [no. 51.] Inadequate Salary of cons. at Havana; labor and responsibility of office; great quantity of translation necessary; exceedingly high cost of living; clerk hire and office rent and furni- ture; sundry recommendations made. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 59.) — Dec. 27. Ino. 54.] J. J. Cobb, of N. Y., Sailed for Africa 20 inst.; requests instructions relative to issue of papers in such cases, and future action in premises. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 292.) Actg. Secy. State (Appleton) 1859 Feb. 28. [no. 3..] Case of C. Perkins still pending; release of two witnesses at N. Y. recommended. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 304.) Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass) 1859 Mch. 15. [no. 5.] Encloses copy of protest entered at consulate at request of capt. J. Williams, brig Nancy, agst. Sp. govt.; copy of Survey of brig, and of hitherto untransmitted corresp. relating to Same. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 308.) — Je. 24. [no. 23.] Abandoned bark, J. J. Cobb, ap- parently a slaver, brought into port of Havana by capt. Symmes, of Cumberland; requests to be fur- nished with some authority on derelict property. (ib., 341.) — Aug. 3. [no. 30.] Encloses translations of two com- munications from marine court of Havana. On Sub- ject of bark J. J. Cobb. (ib., 354.) 1860 Feb. 17. [no. 4.] Result of investigation regarding Rufus Soulé; cons. at Matanzas, Garesché, cleared of complicity in matter. (ib., 390.) — Feb. 22. [no. 5.] Representation of G. de Liafio, naturalized Amer. citizen, by order of gov. of Sagua. la Grande, with view of forcing him into military service of Spain. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 54, 2; S. ex: doc. 38, 224.) — Feb. 28. Ino. 7..] Proc. Suspended in case of G. de Liańo. (ib., 6; ib., 228.) — Mch. 12. Ino. 10.] Information relating to Rufus - Soulé, fraudulent sale and transfer of slavers, and abuse of Amer. flag. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 396.) HELM (CHARLES J.), OF KY—cont’d Consul-general for Cuba—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d AMERICAN–cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (CaSS)—cont’d 1860 Mch. 13. [no. 11.1 Encloses despatch from Amer. º: * (Martin), relating to Rufus Soulé. 10. , º — Apr. 11. Ino. 18.] Suspicions regarding Erie (Gor- don); Suggests, as means of suppressing slavetrade, that all Amer. vessels cleared at custom-house, be ºwned at U. S. consulate-general. (ib., 417; – May 16. Ino. 26.] Course of Spain on subject of Slavetrade; case of Erie; suspicions resp. White Cloud; Suggests stationing of naval str. at Havana. (ib., 425.) – May 30. [no. 32.] Copy of communication to capt.- gen. Of Cuba, touching slavetrade. (ib., 435.) – Oct. 22. [unnum.] Mr. Morrell entitled to register ; * J. J. Cobb as bona fide Amer. property. (ib., 63. ASSt. Secy. State (Trescot) – Oct. 25. On arrival at Havana, will report all facts touching shipment of crew of slaver City of Norfolk. On board Crusader, to be landed in U. S. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 465.) CUBAN Gov. Gen. of Cuba, (Concha) 1858 Nov. 30. Requests to be informed of intentions tººls Nancy, Capt. and crew. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, & – Dec. 18. Cannot detain J. J. Cobb without definite proof of sale of vessel. (ib., 295.) – Dec. 22. J. J. Cobb cleared on representations of Mora, Alfonso and Co., and Hamel and co., that ship had not been Sold, and will not engage in slavetrade. (ib., 298.) 1859 Feb. 10. Forwards copy of protest entered at re- quest of Capt. Williams, of brig Nancy, agst. Sp. govt., claiming damages for seizure and detention of Vessel, and imprisonment of crew. (ib., 314.) - Jly. 27. Abandonment of J. J. Cobb on high seas made her derelict property, just as if she had never been engaged in slavetrade and claim of capt. Symmes cannot be gainsaid. (ib., 355.) (Serrano) 1860 Jan. 18. Requests discharge of Gabino de Liafio from obligation to military service on strength of tº: feated (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 225; H, ex. doc. 4, 3. – Feb. 28. Gratified at decision to suspend proc. agst. Liafio and to submit case to Sp. govt. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 230.) — May 5. Protest agst. proc. in case of Erie; warning to Br. consul, to set Br. cruiser after her, ill advised. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 427.) – May 29. In interests of suppression of slavetrade, Suggests that clearances from custom-house be re- garded as evidence of legality of voyage; and that vessels be despatched from Amer. consulates in Cuba upon presentation of such clearance. (ib., 436.) Judge Marine Court, Havana, (Estrada) — Je. 18. Ownership of derelict bark claimed by capt. Symmes; requests immediate sale of cargo, and steps for preservation of vessel. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 345.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HELM (CHARLES J.), OF KY—cont’d Consul-general for Cuba—cont’d Correspondence-cont’d CUBAN–Cont’d Judge Marine Court, Havana—cont’d (Estrada)—cont’d 1860 Je. 21. Copy of documents given to bark J. J. Cobb, On Sailing for Africa. (ib., 346.) – Je. 23. Affair of J. J. Cobb salvage claim; holds that in absence of proof of ownership in accordance with laws of U. S., finder is entitled to bark and cargo. (ib., 346.) Intendant of Army and Treasury, Cuba. (Wall) 1860 May 11. Requests information respecting cargo of American bark White Cloud. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 429.) Corr: Executive 1858 Nov. 15. To U. S. customs collector, Jacksonville, Fla. (Ledwith). Schr. Enterprise to sail for Jack- sonville, 16th inst.; master (Robinson) instructed to deliver all ship’s papers. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 281.) — Dec. 15. To Mora, Alfonso and co. J. S. Vent placed in command of J. J. Cobb ; before issuing clearance, demands written assurance as to legality of Voyage. (ib., 297.) 1860 Feb. 20. To Amer. Cons. at Matanzas (Martin). Asking that G. de Liafio be instructed not to pay the bond demanded of him by Sp. govt. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 227; H. ex. doc. 54, 5.) Claim of 1860 Dec. 20. Helm to U. S. House. Petition; praying reimbursement of expenses incurred in public ser- vice. (36. 2. H. jol., 105.) 1861 Feb. 22. H. M. Rice, sen. from Minn. Remarks; denying that Helm claim for settlement of accts. is private claim. (Cong. Gobe, 36. 2., 1122.) — Feb. 22. W. P. Fessenden, Sen. from Me. Do.; op- posing amdmt. to deficiency bill for settlement of accts. of Helm, as private claim. (ib., 1121.) — Feb. 22. J. P. Hale, sen. from N. H. Do.; Same. (ib., 1122.) — Feb. 22. R. W. Johnson, sen. from Ark. Do; de- fending placing of Helm claim for settlement of accts. in apprn. bill as in order. (ib., 1122.) — Feb. 28. J. M. Howard, repr. from Mich. Do.; in- sisting on private nature of Helm claim, for settle- ment of accts., and opposing reference of same to Secy. State. (ib., 1299.) * Feb. 28. J. W. Stevenson, repr. from Ky. Do.; favoring settlement of accts. Of Helm. (ib., 1299.) HELSINGFORS, RUSSIA Consul in; see U. S. A. Consular Service HEMPHILL (JOHN), SEN. FROM TEXAS 1860 Je. 16. Remarks; opposing proposition for addi- tional strs. On coast of Africa, to further suppres- sion of slavetrade. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 3069.) HEMPSTEAD (CHRISTOPHER), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Belize in 1847-L48] ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. British dominions. 1847 Mch. 3. President U. S. A. (Polk). Apptmt. of Hempstead as consul for port of Belize. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 310; Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 252.) 1848 Feb. 12. [unnum.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Bu- chanan). Commission with H. B. M. exeguatur has arrived: has commenced to act as cons. for Belize. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 311.) HEMPSTEAD (CHRISTOPHER), OF N. Y.-cont’d 1848 Mch. 7. Buchanan to Hempstead. Reply to in- quiries resp. his commission. (ib., 311.) — Aug. 29. Same to same. Receipt of his of 29 ult. (ib., 312.) - HEMPSTEAD (JOSIAH) 1846 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Petition of D. Buck, execr. of J. Hempstead; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 53.) HENDERSON (ALEXANDER), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Londonderry in 1858; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. British dominions. HENDERSON (D. P.), OF KY. Amer. cons. for Carrara in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. HENDERSON (FRANCIS), REPRESENTATIVE OF J. LAU- RENS; see LAURENS (J.) HENDERSON (JAMES PINCKNEY) Jt. Texan.comr. with Isaac Van Zandt to negotiate an- nexation of Texas; see Texas. Annexation. HENDERSON (JOHN), SEN. FROM MISS. 1842 Je. 10. Remarks; favoring fortification of point on Gulf of Mexico near source of commerce. (xi, Cong. Globe, 607.) 1845 Feb. 20. Speech; favoring adoption of res. for an- nexation of Texas to U. S. (xiv, ib., app., 406.) — Feb. 27. Do.; suggesting that Congress prescribe terms of admission to Texas. (ib., 361.) HENDERSON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 585.) HENDRICKS (WILLIAM), SEN. FROM IND. 1834 May 12. Remarks; in opposition to bill for relief of Polish exiles, favoring sale of land to them at minimum price, but objecting to gifts. (x, Reg. Debates, 1721.) HENLEY (JOHN D.), OF MD. U. S. N., 1799-1835. , Lieut., 1807; comdr., 1813; Capt., 1817. Died on board U. S. S. Vandalia, 1835. Seá sº à command (1828-35): 1833-34, comdg. . I. SQCIIl. Comdg. U. S. S. John Adams 1818 Jan. 24. Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Crowninshield). English brig Neptune, of London, detained for vio- ºn of the slave act. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348 (app.), HENLEY (T. J.) 1846 Feb. 4. Remarks; favoring return to Texas of all public property within her limits. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 309.) 1848 Jan. 26. Speech; in reply to Tompkins and Bar- roW, on Mexican war, etc.; during debate on Presi- dent's annual message. (ib., 30. 1., 246; app., 248.) Feb. 10. Remarks; on memorial of Society of Friends of New England, praying for speedy termination of War with Mexico. (ib., 30. 1., 330.) - Apr. 6. Do.; in reply to Clingman, on Houston res. Of Feb. 7, calling for unpublished Corresp. betw. Secy. War and gen. Scott and gen. Taylor, and betw. Scott and Amer. comr. in Mexico (Trist); and betw. Secy. State and Trist; and on publication of same. (ib., 583-586.) 752 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HENNIKER (N. H.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 3. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 204.) 1845 Jan. 7. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 175.) HENNINGSEN (C. F.) 1857 Nov. 12. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Conv. and Siege of Rivas; claims that interference of capt. Davis, U. S. S. St. Mary’s, reversed issue of cam- paign; appeal for redress. (35. 1. H. ex. doc. 24, 15.) * HENRIETTA (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation; presented by Childs (N. Y.) tabled. (25. 3. H. jol., 584.) 1842 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Petitions; in behalf of prisoners at Van Dieman’s Land. (27. 2. H. jol., 237.) HENRIETTA, AMER. SHIP (NICHOLS) n. d. Summary of award made by comrS. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 41.) HENRIETTA MARIA, DUTCH COOLIE SHIP; see C00LIE TRADE HENRIQUES (JOSEPH AUGUSTUS) Amer. cons. for Melbourne, 1852-54; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. British dominions. HENRY ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP MARS; see MARS HENRY (BERNARD), OF PA. Cons. of U. S. for Gibraltar, 1816-32 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. British dominions. HENRY (HENRY), OF PENN. U. S. N., 1812-57. Lieut., 1817 : comdr., 1837; capt., 1847. Died Jly. 26, 1857. Sea service in command (1828-57) : 1844-45, comdg., Plymouth, Mediterran- ean sqdn. ; 1845-46, comdg. same, Brazil Sqdn. HENRY (JOHN), MASTER AMER. BRIG MARY ELIZA- BETH; see MARY ELIZABETH HENRY (LOUIS D.), OF N. C. Comr. under act of Je. 7, 1836 (v, St. L., 34), to carry into effect conv. of 1834 with Spain; see Spain. Claims. HENRY, AMER. BRIG Detained with Amer. brig Jane at Matamoras in 1836. n. d. Mentioned. (36. 2. H. ex: doc. 7, 544.) HENRY, AMER. BRIG (SCHULTZ) Movements on African slave coast following Jan., 1844. (29. 1. H. rpt. 690, p. 65.) HENRY, AMER. SCHR. n. d. Claim agst. Peru; synopsis of claim and Strmt. Of award. (v, Moore. Int. Arbitration, 4601; 4605.) HENRY CO. (ALA.) CITIZENS 1844 May 22. To U. S. House. In favor of Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. H. jol., 950.) HENRY CO. (ILL.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (26. 1. H. jol., 730.) & — Mch. 30. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (ib., 731.) HENRY CO. (IND.) CITIZENS 1842 Mch. 14. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (27. 2. S. jol., 220.) 1845 Jan. 20. To U. S. House. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 234.) 1850 Sept. 11. To same. Petition; praying measures for Suppression of African slavetrade, and to pro- mote emigration of colored race to Liberia. (31. 1. H. jol., 1444.) 1851 Mch. 1. To same. In favor of arbitration. (31. 2. H. jol., 388.) - HENRY CO. (TENN.) CITIZENS - 1844 Je. 4. To U. S. House. In favor of Texan annexa- tion. (28. 1. H. jol., 1001.) HENRY THOMPSON, AMER. SHIP; CLAIM W.S. MEXICO For seizure of articles of cargo on board at Vera Cruz, in Jan., e n. d. Claim agst. Mexico; summary of claim; S. Harts- horn and Williams and Lord, claimants. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 59.) HENSHAW (DANIEL), CLAIMANT 1836 May 19. To U. S. House. Memorial of heirs of Daniel Henshaw, late of Md., praying indemnity for final Spoliations prior to 1800. (24. 1. H. jol., 852. 1846 Dec. 16. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of C. W. Fitch, on behalf of Henshaw heirs; same. (29. 2. S. jol., 48.) 1850 Jan. 15. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 311.) Jan. 16. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 83.) — Feb. 4. To same. Same. (ib., 127.) HENSHAW (DAVID), OF MIDDLEBURY, VT. 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) HENSHAW (J. P. K.) 1847 Jan. 2. To U. S. House. Memorial, in behalf of heirs of David Henshaw; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 129.) HENSKEN (H. C. J.); see HEUSKEN HEPBURN (JAMES), CLAIMANT; see CLEOPATRA, AMER. SHIP HERALD, AMER. BRIG n. d. Claim agst. Peru; synopsis of award under con- vention of 1841. (V, Moore. Int. Arbitration, 4604.) 1826 J1y. 26. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Boarding of Herald at Cal- lao; revolt in the interior; etc. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 97.) HERALD, AMER. SCHR. MURDOCK n, d. Summary of award made by Comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 41.) HERALD, AMER. SLAVER (BARKER) Fraudulently sold to Brazilian subject Guimaraes, Jan, 15, 1849, in port of Paranagua. Refitted and sailed from Rio as Joaquina Guimaraes. Her surrender was demanded by Tod, Amer. E. E. and M. P. Corresp. does not relate Brazilian action on demand. 1849 Jan. 16. Amer. cons. at Montevideo (Hamilton) to comdr. U. S. S. St. Louis (Cocke). Information relative to Herald. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 6, 23.) — Jan. 16. E. Phipps. Deposition in Case of Amer. ship Herald. (ib., 22.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 753 HERALD, AMER. SLAVER (BARKER)—cont’d 1849 Jan. 30. Clerk of customs of city of Paranagua (Pinto Castaño de Souza). Affidavit of sale of Herald. (ib., 19.) - Je. 8. First officer of Herald (Scranton). Deposi- tion in case of Amer. ship Herald. (ib., 20.) — Oct. 3. Amer. cons., Rio de Janeiro (Kent) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Brazil (Tod). Informa- tion relative to Herald. (ib., 16.) - Oct. 3. Secy. Amer. Legation at Rio de Janeiro (Morgan) to Secy. Foreign Affairs of Brazil (Olinda). Case of Herald, sailing under Brazilian Colors as Joaquina Guimaraes. (ib., 12.) 4. — Oct. 3. J. R. M. Mulloney, lieut. U. S. A. tion in case of Herald. (ib., 19.) wº-a-mººr º 6. Tod to Olinda. Transfer of Herald. (ib., 12. — Oct. 16. Tod to Castaño de Souza. Representation in case of Herald. (ib., 13.) — Oct. 17. Tod to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Case of Herald, sailing under Brazilian colors as Joaquina Guimaraes. (ib., 11.) 1850 Mch 18. Same to same. Further rpt. in case of Herald. (ib., 30.) HERALD, B.R. SHIP; CLAIM VS. U. S. For injuries recd. at Marseilles from U. S. sloop Erie. 1854 Mch. 13. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 71.) HERALD, BRITISH SHIP (BEAN) 1841 Jly. 24. Boards Amer. bark Lintin in Tayha roads near Macao; see Lintin. 1854 Nov. 8. To D. Whippy and white residents at Ova- lan. Invites them to meet king of Ban (Tui Viti) * * Herald on 9 inst. (34. 1. H. ex: doc. 115, 9. HERAULT (FRANCIS) AND BEAUREGARD (B. T.) 1820 Dec. 15. Deposition; from time Sp. govt. removed from New Orleans to Baton Rouge until 1810, Gil- berto Leonard was employed by Sp. govt. in ca- rº,” Chief of treasury dept. (25. 2. S. doc. , 8. HERBEMONT (A.), OF S. C. Amer. Cons. for Genoa, 1854-58 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. 1857 Mch. 27. [no. 2, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Doubts whether letter to chief authorities of Genoa. On Subject of emigration will do much good. (35. 1. S. ex: doc. 26, 18.) HERBERT (JOSEPH) 1856 Aug. 6. Deposition; claim of Sampson and Tappan and P. ; Shelton in Aves Is. case. (36. 2. S. ex. doc. 10, 149. HERBERT (P. T.), TRIAL OF; see DU BoIS (H. C.) HERCULES, AMER. SHIP (SNOW) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 41.) HEREDIA (Josí DE), MEMBER OF SUPREME councIL of FINANCE, SPAIN 1833 Jan. 17. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness). Authorized by King to confer with him on subject of claims. (23. 2. S. doc. 147, 78; xi, Reg. Debates, app., 265.) 1834 Feb. 17. Signs conv. for the Settlement of claims betw. Spain and U. S.; see Spain. Claims. Deposi- HEREDIA (NARCISSO), CONDE DE OFALIA; see OFALIA HERKIMER CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 68.) — Sept. 20. To same. Same. (ib., 78.) — Sept. 23. To same. Same. (ib., 85.) 1838 Mch. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) 1839 Feb. 4. To same. Same. (25. 3. H. jol., 473, 474.) 1841 Dec. 14. To same. Memorial for suppression of foreign slavetrade. (27. 2. H. jol., 46.) 1842 Jan. 20. Petition; vs. Texan annexation; see Cort- land Co. (N. Y.) Citizens. HERMAZAS (MARQUIS DE LAS), MEMBER OF SPAN. COM- MISSION TO SETTLE MEADE CLAIM; see MEADE HERMON, MEX. BRIG (HAWKINS); see also GREEN (P. C.) 1828 Feb. 20. Hawkins to U. S. customs collector, Key West (Pinkney). Notice of entry into port of Key West with prize Reyna Amalia. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 629.) — May 17. Ministr. relac est., Mexico (Cañedo) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poinsett). Her- "mon embargoed at Key West. (ib., 241.) — Je. 22. Pinkney to comdr. U. S. S. Natchez (Budd). Requests him to compel instantaneous departure of Hermon from port of Key West, by use of force should same be necessary. (20. 2. S. doc. 1, 175.) – Je. 23. Budd to Hawkins. Requests that as soon as Supply of water and provisions be obtained he leave port of Key West. (ib., 175.) — Je. 24. Hawkins to Budd. Arrived at Key West on 20 inst. (ib., 175.) — Je. 27. Pinkney to Budd. To compel instantaneous departure of Hermon from waters of U. S. (ib., 176.) — JIy. 7. Same to same. Directs seizure of Hermon. for violation of revenue laws of U. S. (ib., 176.) – JIy. 10. Same to same. Has recd. information that Mexican private armed Schr. Molestadore and Her-, 7mom are in neighborhood Of Rey West; directs him to detain all Vessels violating laws. (ib., 176.) — Aug. 11. Comdr. W. I. Sqdn., U. S. N. (Ridgely) to Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Southard). Circumstances connected with transactions of Hermon and Moles- tadore. (ib., 174.) — Aug. 16. Cañedo to Poinsett. Presentation of case of Hermon. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 253.) — Aug. 18. Ridgely to Poinsett. Circumstances of seizure of Hermon. (ib., 254.) — Aug. 21. Poinsett to Cañedo. Assuring full satis- faction, if justified, in Case of Hermon and Moles- tadora. (ib., 254.) Sept. 7. Poinsett to Ridgely. Complaining of in- Sufficient information in case of Molestadora and Hermon. (ib., 256.) HERMOSA, AMER. SCHR. (CHATTIN); CLAIM VS. GR. B.R. For damage in liberating slaves forced on the Bahamas by stress of weather. 1842 Aug. 18. U. S. Senate. Res. (Conrad, La.), calling for all docS. and corresp. On file in State Dept. con- nected with liberation of certain slaves, property of Amer. citizens, from wreck of schr. Hermosa by colonial authorities at Nassau. (27. 2. S. jol., 695; vi, Sen. exec. jol., 126.) — Aug. 24. U. S. Senate. Motion (Conrad, La.) to direct Secy. Senate to return to State Dept. original papers relative to Hermosa. (27. 2. S. jol., 700.) 1855 Jan. 11. Claim agst. Gr. Br. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award; rpts. Of decisions of comrs. and arguments of counsel. (34. 1. S. ex: doc. 103, 57; 238.) 48 754 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HERNANDEZ (JOSEPH M.), CLAIMANT Brig.-gen. in command 2 brigade, Fla. militia. Statutory Measures 1838 Jly. 6. Intr. in U. S. House (Whittlesey, Com. of Claims) bill (25. 2. H. R. 877) “for relief of J. M. THernandez.” (25. 2. H. jol., 1255.) 1839 Jan. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Tipton, Com. Of Claims), bill (25. 3. S. 232) “for relief of J. M. Hernandez.” (25. 3. S. jol., 148.) — Dec. 30. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, N. H.), bill (26. 1. S. 107) “for relief of JOS. M. Hernandez.” (26. 1. S. jol., 59; 509.) 1840 Dec. 21. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, Com. Of Claims), bill (26. 2. S. 93) “for relief of J. M. Her- nandez.” (26. 2. S. jol., 48; 210.) 1844 Jan. 24. Intr. in U. S. House (Cobb, Com. of Claims), bill (28. 1. H. R. 90) “for relief of Jos. M. Hernandez.” (28. 1. H. jol., 287.) 1852 Aug. 9. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Wade, Com. Of Claims), bill (32. 1. S. 516) “for further relief of Joseph M. Hernandez.” (32. 1. S. jol., 577.) Correspondence, etc. 1838 Feb. Hernandez to U. S. Congress. Petition, acc. by exhibits of evidence; praying to be reimbursed for losses attending occupancy of his plantations as military posts. (27. 3. H. rpt. 104, 6; 28. 1. H. rpt. 58, 9.) — Mch. 20. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (25. 2. S. jol., 298; 437.) — Mch. 23. Same to U. S. House. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 647.) — Jly. 6. U. S. H. Committee on Claims (Whittle- sey). Rpt. in favor of H. R. 877 for relief of J. M. Hernandez. (25. 2. H. rpt. 1043.) — Jan. 9. U. S. Senate. Additional docs. relating to claim. (25. 3. S. jol., 106.) Jan. 9. T. H. Benton, sen. from Mo. Remarks; presenting additional evidence in case of gen. Her- nandez. (vii, Cong. Globe, 110.) . Jan. 22. U. S. S. Com. on Claims (Tipton). Re- port to acc. S. bill, 232, in favor of petition of gen. Hernandez. (25. 3. S. doc. 130; 28. 1. H. rpt. 58, 52; vii, Cong. Globe, 138.) — Feb. 7. J. S. Williams, Certificate; destruction of property on plantation of gen. Hernandez. (25. 3. S. doc. 196, 2; 28. 1. H. rep. 58, 51.) — Feb. 8. A. Canfield. Same. (25. 3. S. doc. 196, 2.) 1840 Feb. 7. U. S. Senate. Additional docS. in relation to Hernandez claim. (26. 1. S. jol., 163.) — Dec. 15. Same. Motion (Hubbard, N. H.), to refer petition of J. M. Hernandez, on files of Senate, to Com. Of Claims. (26. 2. S. jol., 31.) 1842 Jan. 19. Same. Motion (King, Ala.) Same. (27. 2. S. jol., 100.) — Aug. 22. Third Auditor U. S. Treasury Dept. (Hag- mer) to Secy. War, U. S. A. (Spencer). Report on Hernandez claim. (28. 1. H. rpt. 58, 6.) — Dec. 14. Hernandez to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing indemnity for losses of property taken for pub- lic use or destroyed during Florida War. (27. 3. H. jol., 61; 256.) 1843 Jan. 26. U. S. Com. of Claims (Cowen). Report and minority report (Tomlinson) adverse to peti- tion of J. M. Hernandez. (27. 3. H. rpt. 104, 1; 47.) — Dec. 14. U. S. Senate. Motion (King, Ala.) to refer petition of J. M. Hernandez, on files of Senate, to Com. Of Claims. (28. 1. S. jol., 30.) — Dec. 18. Hernandez to U. S. House. Petition, pre- sented (Holmes, S. C.), and referred to Com. of Claims (28. 1. H. jol., 71); adversely reported on (Vance), Jan. 19, 1844 (ib., 259); minority report, acc. by H. R. 90, submitted (Cobb), Jan. 24 (ib., 287). HERNANDEZ (JOSEPH M.), CLAIMANT—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1844 Jan. 19. U. S. H. Com. on Claims (Vance). Rpt. and minority report (Cobb, to acc. H. R. 90) ad- verse to petition of Hernandez. (28. 1. H. rpt. 58, 1.) 1852 Apr. 8. Hernandez to U. S. Senate. Memorial in behalf of claimants to indemnity under art. 9, of treaty of 1819 with Spain, praying Congress to au- thorize appeal to Supreme Court of U. S. or to make provision for equitable settlement of claims. (32. 1. S. jol., 338.) — Apr. 21. Hernandez to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing fulfilment of stipulations of treaty ceding Fla. to U. S. (32. 1. H. jol., 621.) 1854 May 1. U. S. Senate. On motion (Morton, Fla.), memorial of Joseph M. Hernandez, in behalf of claimants under art. 9, treaty of 1819, with Spain, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Re- lations (33. 1. S. jol., 353); on motion (Slidell, La.), Com. discharged, and memorial referred to Com. On Judiciary, Aug. 2. (ib., 622.) — May 2. Hernandez to U. S. House. Petition, hereto- fore presented Apr. 21, 1852, presented (Hughes, N. Y.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (33. 1. H. jol., 704.) Agt. for Estate of Francis Pellier 1840 Feb. 6. To U. S. House. Petition; praying reversal of decision of Secy. Treasury on certain claim, made under act of Je., 1834; presented (Downing, Fla.) and referred to Com. on Claims (26.1. H. jol., 339); adversely reported on (Giddings), Feb. 29. (ib., 472.) HERNDON (THOMAS N.), OF N. C. Amer. cons. for Galveston, in 1845; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Texas. HERNDON (WILLIAM L.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1828-57. Lieut., 1841; comdr., 1855. Lost at sea, Sept. 12, 1857. Sea service in command (1828-57) : 1848, comdg. Iris, U. S. Home sqdn. Comdg. Iris 1848 Mch. 16. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Substance of conversation with military comdt. of Sisal (Aguar) on Indian insurrection in Yucatan; Span. and Cuban assistance, etc.; gives passage to family of late gov. of Yucatan (Lopez); etc. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 20.) Claim of 1858 May 5. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Remarks; res. to benefit widow of comdr. Herndon, in ac- knowledgment of his conduct in command of str. Central America during hurricane of Sept. 12, 1857. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1961.) – May 5. J. Slidell, sen. from La. Do.; opposed to res. to benefit widow of comdr. Herndon. (ib., 1960.) HERNISZ (STANISLAS), LATE INTERPR. TO AMER. LE- GATION IN CHINA 1853 Feb. 7. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying aid of Congress to publish work intended to facilitate intercourse betw. U. S. and China. (32. 2. S. jol., 172.) HERO, AMER. SCHR. (SIMMONS) One of the prize claims under the Brazilian indemnity of 1849; see also Brazil. Claims. 1828 Mch. 19. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay) to Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor). Case of schr. Hero; etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 13.) — Aug. 9. Tudor to Secy. Foreign Affairs, Brazil (Aracaty). Remonstrance in case of schr. Hero; etc. (ib., 65.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HERO, AMER. SCHR. (SIMMONS)—cont’d 1829 Jan. 22. Tudor to Clay. Satisfactory award in case of Panther and Hero; etc. (ib., 145.) — Nov. 30. Cedulas in case of Panther and Hero. (ib., 256.) HERO, AMER. SCHR. Taken by H. B. M. sloop Dotterel off Grand Meman on Nov. 9, 1824, for violation of treaty of 1818. [1824 Nov.] Evidence of crew of Dotterel's tender rela- tive to detention of Amer. fishing Schrs. Hero and Pilgrim. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 35.) 1824 Nov. 9. Mate of Dotterel (Bothus) to comdr. of Dotterel (Hoare). Strmt. relative to detention of Amer. fishing schrs. Pilgrim, and Hero. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 26; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 26.) 1839 Feb. 28. Amer. cons., Halifax (Morrow) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Hero seized by Br. govt. for alleged violation of fisheries regulations. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 3.) HERO, AMER. SCHR. (O'CONNELL) Boarded off w. coast of Africa, Aug. 9, 1840, by H. B. M. brig Lyma (Brodhead). 1840 Nov. 28. Amer. cons., Havana (Trist) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Protest of outrage on Hero. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 466.) — Dec. 26. Forsyth to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Stevenson). Instructions relative to deten- tion of Hero. (29. 1. S. doc. 377, 39.) 1841 Feb. 27. Stevenson to Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Of- fice (Palmerston). Detention of Hero; etc. (27. 1. H. ex. doc. 34, 4; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 43.) — Aug. 5. Palmerston to Stevenson. Stnt. in case of complaint agst. Lyma; for detention of Hero. (27. 2. S. doc. 1, 24; H. ex. doc. 2, 19; 29. 1. S. doc. 377, 54; xi, Cong. Globe, app., 5.) — Aug. 9. Stevenson to Palmerston. Detention of Hero., etc., by Br. cruisers employed on African coast in suppressing slavetrade. (27. 2. H. ex. doc. 2, 21; xi, Cong. Globe, app., 6.) 1854 Nov. 25. Claim agst. Gr. Br. under conv. of 1853; synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 54.) HEROINE, AMER. SCHR.; IMPLICATED IN LOPEZ EX- PEDITION; see CUBA HEROINE, BR. BRIG (FOOTE) 1846 Apr. 1. Boards Amer. brig Cyrus on West coast of Africa; see Cyrus. HERON, H. B. M. BRIG (TRUSCOTT) 1858 JIy. 9. Captures Amer. brig Mary Elizabeth off St. Thomas; see Mary Elizabeth. HERRAN (JUAN VICTOR), M. P. OF HONDURAS IN GR. B.R. 1856 Aug. 27. Signs additional article to treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation; see Central America. Honduras. Treaties. — Aug. 27. Signs conv. with Gr. Br. relative to Mos- quito Indians and Br. claims; see Central America. Honduras. Treaties. — Aug. 27. Signs conv. with Gr. Br. relative to Bay Is...; see Central America. Honduras. Treaties. HERRAN (PEDRO A.) New Granadan ministr. relac. est., 1838-39; see Colom- bia. Civil service. Colombian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1847-49; 1855- 63; see Colombia. Diplomatic service. Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores 1839 Apr. 12. To Amer. chargé in New Granada (Sem- ple). Reply to his of 8 inst. (28. 1. H. ex. doc. 77, 4.) HERRAN (PEDRO A.)—cont’d Colombian E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. 1857 Sept. 10. Signs conv. concerning the adjustment of claims agst. New Granada, betw. New Granada and U. S.; see Colombia. Claims. HERRERA (DIONISIO) Jefe del estado of Honduras, America. Honduras. Jefe del estado of Nicaragua, America. Nicaragua. 1824-27; see Central 1830-35; see Central HERRERA (JOSE J. DE) 1847 Aug. 25. To ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Pacheco). Declines apptmt. on commission to hear proposi- tions for peace which govt. of U. S. wishes to make through their comr. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 41; H. ex. doc. 8, 41.) HERRERA (JUSTO JOSE) Jefe del estado of Honduras, 1837-38 ; see Central Amer- ica. Honduras. HERRERA (RAMON), OF CHILI 1849 Dec. 11. Relative to insult to wife of Amer. ConS. Valparaiso, Potter, by Br. min. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 16.) HERRING AND RICHARDSON, B.R. SUBJECTS, CLAIM- ANTS; see FRANCES AND ELIZA HERSEY (SOLOMON) 1836 Dec. 27. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- pensation for property destroyed by Br. during late war. (24. 2. H. jol., 124; 190.) 1837 Dec. 29. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 175; 866.) 1846 Je. 15. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 969.) 1848 Jan. 11. To same. Same. (30. 1. H. jol., 219.) HERSEY (STEPHEN), MASTER AMER. BRIG BARRIAN; see BARRIAN HERTZ (HENRY), IMPLICATED IN BR. ENLISTMENTS IN U. S. A. IN 1854-55; see ENLISTMENT HERVEY (GEORGE), MEMORIALIST; see JAMES MITCH- ELL, BR. SHIP HERZFELD (GUSTAVUS AND MAXIMILIAN) 1856 May 2. Minist, d. auSW. angelegenheiten, Prussia (Manteuffel) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia. (Vroom). Regency of Düsseldorf report that G. and M. Herzfeld emigrated from Prussia to avoid mili- tary service; in state of things, expulsion justifia- ble. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 101.) — May 10. Vroom to G. and M. Herzfeld. Decree of expulsion from Prussia on ground of emigration to avoid military service stayed for three months. (ib., 102.) — May 13. Vroom to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Pruss. Min. Foreign Affairs has replied that Herz- felds are ordered to leave Prussia because of emi- gration to avoid military service. (ib., 100.) # (ROBERT), BRITISH CONSUL AT RIO DE JA- EIR 1845 Jan. 23. Circular prohibiting British subjects from engaging in slavetrade. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 28, 66; 30. 2. H. ex. doc. 61, 159.) HESPERUS, AMER. SHIP 1829 May 13. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. of Foreign Affairs, Brazil (Aracaty). Claims for ex- ceSS duty on Ships Hesperus, etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 202.) — May 18. Aracaty to Tudor. Returns of duties in case of Hesperus, etc. (ib., 204.) 756 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HESSE, DUCHY Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Civil Service Minister of Foreign Affairs 1829. M. du Bos; baron du Thiel. Foreign Affairs AMERICAN 1844 Dec. 23. President U. S. A. (Tyler) to U. S. Senate. Message; informality in date of exchange of ratifi- cations of conv. for mutual abolition of droit d’au- baine. (vi, Sen. exec. jol., 363.) Treaties 1844 Mch. 26. U. S. ConV. for abolition of droit d’au- baine, etc. (in force); text in “Treaties, etc., 1776- 1887,” p. 562. (48. 2. S. ex, doc. 47.) Amer. ratifica- tion proc. in vi, Sen. exec. jol. Concluded Mch. 26, 1844; ratifications exchanged at Berlin, Oct. 16, 1844; proclaimed May 8, 1845. Signed by Wheaton (U. S.) and Schaeffer-Bernstein (Hesse). HESSE-CASSEL, ELECTORATE OF Civil Service Minister of Foreign Affairs 1829. M. de Schminke. 1857. W. Meyer. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Germany Diplomatic Agents in; see U. S. A. Diplomatic Service Treaties 1846 May 2. U. S. A. Conv. for abolition of droit d’au- baine; not ratified by U. S. A.; Amer. proc. in Wii, Sen. exec. jol. HESSE-DARMSTADT, GRAND DUCHY Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Germany HESSE-HOMBURG, LANDGRAVIATE Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Germany HETTY, AMER. SCHR. (WOODBURY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 43.) HEUDEBERT (JAMES), OF FRANCE Amer. cons. for Lyons, 1849-52 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. 1860 Feb. 20. Heudebert to U. S. House. Petition; pray- ing additional compensation for Services as consul at Lyons. (36. 1. H. jol., 406.) — Mch. 1. Same to U. S. Senate. Same. (36. 1. S. jol., 201; 210). — Mch. 1. Same to U. S. House. Same. (36. 1. H. jol., 411.) — Je. 19. Same to same. Same. (ib., 1140.) HEUNE (JOHN) 1858 Sept. 21. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Cases of Eugene Dullyé and John Heune; suggests decisive action by U. S. govt. in vindicating inviolability of U. S. citizen in Germany. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 112.) — Dec. 4. Wright to Cass. John Heune, notwithstand- ing payment of fine, refused admittance into Prus- sia; severity of rules recently established. (ib., 114.) — Dec. 10. Cass to Wright. Difficulties attending So- lution of question of ending compulsory enlistments in Prussian army; cases of Dullyé and Heune; de- tails regarding Prussian army and certificates of emigration requested. (ib., 116.) HEUNE (JOHN)—cont’d 1859 Jan. 18. Wright to Cass. Suggests arrangement Whereby Amer. citizens residing in Prussia shall not be ordered out without notice or trial; cases of Dullyé and Heune; transmits information relating to emigration from Prussia; cases of Marcus Coll- man and Otto S. Rhein; facts about Prussian army ºn: hopes for removal of restrictions. ib., 122. - HEUSKEN (H. C. J.), PRESENTS TO Statutory Measures 1858 Dec. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Va.) res. (35. 2. S. R. 55) “authorizing Townsend Harris and H. C. J. Heusken to accept certain presents from Queen of Gr. Br.” (35. 2. S. jol., 59.) 1859 Jan. 6. Intr. in U. S. House (Hopkins, Va.) jt. res. (35. 2. H. J. res. 45) “authorizing Townsend Har- ris, U. S. consul gen, at Japan, and H. C. J. Heuskin, his interpreter, to accept presents from Queen of England ”; approved Jan. 25. (35. 2. H. jol., 140, 195, 257; xi, St. L., 440.) Correspondence, etc. 1858 Dec. 5. H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Napier) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Requests exertion of his influence in obtaining for U. S. cons, gen. in Japan (Harris) and his interpreter (Heusken) per- mission to accept snuff box from H. B. M. for good Offices to Earl of Elgin. (35. 2. S. misc. doc. 10, 1.) —º º Cass to Napier. Reply to his of 5 inst. ., 2. - Dec. 20. U. S. House. Notice (Hopkins, Va.) of motion for leave to introduce jt. res. authorizing Harris, U. S. cons, gen. at Japan, and H. C. J. Heus- kin, his interpreter, to accept snuff boxes from Queen of England. (35. 2. H. jol., 85.) 1859 Jan. 14. G. W. Hopkins, repr. from Va. Remarks; explanatory of res., S. R. 45, authorizing Harris and Herskin to accept presents from Queen of Eng- land. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 389.) *: l HEWETT ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP ASIA; see ASIA HEWETT (BENJAMIN), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1834 Apr. 18. Intr. in U. S. House (Archer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (23. 1. H. R. 436) “to reim- burse B. Hewitt.” (23. 1. H. jol., 533.) 1836 Mch. 25. Intr. in U. S. House (Mason, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (24. 1. H. R. 500) “for relief of Benj. Hewitt.” (24. 1. H. jol., 563.) 1838 Jan. 4. Intr. in U. S. House (Dromgoole, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (25. 2. H. R. 304) “for relief of Benjamin Hewitt.” (25. 2. H. jol., 218.) 1839 Jan. 25. Intr. in U. S. House, bill (25. 3. H. R. 173) “for relief of Benj. Hewitt’’; approved Mch. 3, 1839. (25. 3. H. jol., 375, 389, 719; vi., St. L., 771.) Correspondence, etc. 1833 Feb. 4. U. S. House. On motion (Jenifer, Md.), Com. Of Claims instructed to inquire into expedi- ency of allowing compensation to Benj. Hewitt, for ** Slave taken during late war. (22. 2. H. jol., 1834 Apr. 18. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Archer). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 436, in favor of claim. (24. 1. H. rpt. 500, 1; 23. 1. H. rpt. 415.) 1836 Feb. 29. U. S. House. Petition of Benj. Hewett, Mºnted heretofore Feb. 4, 1833. (24. 1. H. jol., – Mch. 25. U. S. Committee on Foreign Affairs (Ma- son). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 500, in favor of claim of B. Hewitt. (24. 1. H. rpt. 500.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 757 HEWETT (BENJAMIN), CLAIMANT—cont'd Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1837 Dec. 11. U. S. House. Petition, heretofore pre- sented, referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs, under general order of day. (25. 2. H. jol., 39.) HEWETT (W. N. W.) 1860 Feb. 4. To comdr. U. S. corvette Portsmouth, (Colhoun). Detention of Amer. brigantine Virgin- ian. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 593.) HEYNE (JOHANN GOTTFRIED) 1850 Je. 19. Amer. cons., Hamburg (Bromberg) to Po- lizei Administration, Hamburg (Loblicht). Pre- sumes error attends refusal of permission to Heyne to follow calling in Hamburg. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 175.) — Je. 21. Deposition, stating facts establishing U. S. citizenship, and refusal by police authorities of permission to exercise trade in Hamburg. (ib., 173.) — Je. 22. Bromberg to Syndicus of Hamburg (Merck). Case of Heyne, refused permission by police authorities of Hamburg to practise trade therein. (ib., 174.) — JIy. 2. Bromberg to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Nothing done by Hamburg authorities in cases of Schuster and Heyne. (ib., 175.) HEYWOOD (CHARLES), COMDR. U. S. FORCES AT SAN JOSE, LOWER CAL. 1847 Nov. 19. To gen. W. Mexia and others. Refuses to comply with their summons for surrender of San Jose; is prepared to defend flag of U. S. (30. 2. H. ex. doc. 1, 1116.) — Nov. 25. To comdr. Pacific sqdn., U. S. N. (Shu- brick). Rpt. of proc. at San Jose since 8 inst. (ib., 1112.) — Nov. 25. To capts. whalers Magnolia (Simmons) and Edward (Barker). Offers letter of E. F. Gil- lespie for their consideration. (ib., 1124.) `N. — Nov. 25. To E. F. Gillespie. Reply to his of 25 inst. (ib., 1126.) — Dec. 8. To Shubrick. State of affairs at San Jose. (ib., 1118.) — Dec. 15. To same. Services rendered by captains of whalers Magnolia (Simmons) and Edward (Bar- ker). (ib., 1122.) — Dec. 18. To same. Services of Californians in de- fence of San José previous to attack of 19 ult. (ib., 1126.) 1848 Feb. 21. To same. Rpt. of operations at San Jose. (ib., 1143.) — Feb. 22. To Same. Enemy encamped at Santanita. (ib., 1146.) HIBBARD (HARRY), REPR. FROM N. H. 1851 Dec. 15. Remarks, in House, in reply to Marshall; on H. R. 22, authorizing payment into treasury of California of certain revenues upon imports col- . lected since ratification of treaty of 1848 with Mex- ico and prior to admission of California as a state. (Cong. Globe, 32, 1., 102.) 1852 Jan. 6. Remarks; Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 46; mode of payment, etc. (ib., 216.) 1854 Aug. 1. Do.; 124th S. amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprp. bill, H. R. 48, providing compensation to R. C. Schenck, late E. E. and M. P. to Brazil, and J. S. Pendleton, late chargé to Argentine Confed- eration, for special services, offering amdmt, limit- ing compensation to expenses incurred. (ib., 33. 1., 2054.) 1855 Jan. 23, 27. Do.; opposed to French Spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (ib., 33. 2., 372-73, 375, 426.) HIBERNIA, AMER. BRIG (STEWART) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 43.) HICKEY (willLAM), constitution of THE U. S.; see INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE HICKORY CREEK (ILL.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 8. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 236.) HICKS ( (BRIG) HICKS (RADCLIFFE), ESTATE OF, CLAIMANT; see CAN- ADA, AMER. SHIP; LOUISA, D0. HICKS (ROBERT S.) Amer. cons. for Tabasco, 1835-36; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Mexico. 1835 Mch. 23. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) to Amer. chargé in Mexico (Butler). Hicks appointed U. S. consul at Tabasco, Mexico. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 153.) — Dec. 16. Ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Monasterio) to Butler. Return of commission of R. S. Hicks, etc. (ib., 566.) ), MASTER AMER. BRIG UNION; see UNION HICKY (PHILIP), DEPONENT IN DELASSUS CLAIM; see DELASSUS (C. DE LA. H. DE) HIDALGO, MEXICAN BOAT, LEGGETT, OWNER; see LEG- GETT (A.), CLAIM HIGGINBOTHAM (RODERICK T.) 1852 Mch. 8. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying tri- bunal to review decisions of late Mexican Claims Commission. (32. 1. S. jol., 255.) HIGGINS, JOHN (OF N. Y.; PENN. 2) Amer. cons. for Cork in 1854; transferred same year to Belfast, served here in 1858; See U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HIGGINSON (CHARLES) Amer. Cons. for Payta, 1834-35; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Peru. HIGGINSON (JAMES B.), OF MASS. Amer. Cons. for Calcutta, 1843-47 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HIGGINSON (STEPHEN, JR.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Padang in 1860; see U. S. A. Consular Service. Dutch dominions. HIGH SEAS; see COLLISIONS-AT-SEA; PIRACY; MU- TINY; CAPTURE; VISIT AND SEARCH HIGHFLYER, AMER. SCHR.; see TENANT (THOS.) HIGHFLYER, AMER. SHIP 1857 Feb. 10. Amer. Vice-cons., Macao (Nye) to Amer. comr. in China (Parker). Loss of Highflyer, on SO. part of Formosa; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1203.) — Feb. 10. Parker to Nye. Reply to note of 10 inst. (ib., 1205.) - HIGHLAND CO. (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 583.) 758 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs HIGHLAND CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 15. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 284.) — Feb. 14. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 446.) 1840 Mch. 30. To same. Same. (26. 1. H. jol., 731.) 1845 Dec. 15. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 102.) 1854 Mch. 20. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying rec- 'ºon of independence of Liberia. (33. 1. S. jol., 267. — Jiy. 19. To same. Praying measures to secure re- ligious liberty to U. S. citizens abroad. (33. 1. S. jol., 520.) HIGINBOTHAM (RICHARD S.), OF MD. Amer. Comi. agt. for St. Christophers and Antigua 18 [39] ; for Aux Cayes, Haiti, 18ſ 39] ; see U. S. A Consular service. y - 1843 Mch. 3. An act making apprns. for civil and dipl. expenses of govt. for fiscal year ending June 30, 1844. [Apprn. for late commercial agent at St. Christopher’s.] (v, St. L., 641.) HIGINBOTHAM (THOMAS), CLAIMANT 1832 Mch. 2. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying in- demnity for losses by French spoliations. (22. 1. S. jol., 165.) 1850 Jan. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 348.) HILAND, AMER. SCHR. (YEATON) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 43.) HILDEBRAND (WILLIAM), OF WISC. Amer. cons. for Bremen, 1854–57; see U. S. A. Consular service. Germany. * HILDRETH (RICHARD), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Trieste in 1861 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Austria. HILL ( PILGRI HILL (HENRY), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Bahia de San Salvador, 1809-[20] ; see |U. S. A. Consular service. Brazil. wº MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG PILGRIM; see Claim of 1833 Dec. 23. Hill to U. S. House. Memorial; praying remuneration for losses Sustained in payment of bills drawn in his favor by capt. Biddle for Sup- plies furnished U. S. S. Hornet. (23. 1. H. jol., 114.) 1834 Feb. 12. U. S. House. Motion (White, Fla.) that Com. On Naval Affairs be discharged from consid- eration of Hill memorial. (23. 1. H. jol., 321.) — Apr. 30. U. S. House Com. on Claims (Gholson). Rpt. adverse to petition of Hill for reimbursement of losses sustained while acting as consul at San Salvador, Brazil. (23. 1. H. rpt. 435.) 1835 Jan. 5. U. S. House. Hill memorial of Dec. 23, 1833, presented (Fillmore, N. Y.). (23. 2. H. jol., 163.) — Jan. 26. U. S. House Com. of Claims (Banks). Ad- verse rpt. on petition of H. Hill. (ib., 279.) 1836 Feb. 5. U. S. House Com. of Claims (Grennell). Adverse report on claim of H. Hill. (24. 1. H. rpt. 292.) 1837 Dec. 12. U. S. House. Petition of H. Hill of Dec. 23, 1833, again presented. (25. 2. H. jol., 51.) — Dec. 22. U. S. House Com. of Claims (Chambers). Adverse rpt. on Hill claim. (25. 2. H. jol., 134.) HILL (HENRY), OF N. Y.-cont’d Claim of—cont’d 1838 Feb. 14. Hill to U. S. House. Petition as before. (25. 2. H. jol., 396.) — Dec. 21. U. S. House Com. of Claims (Russell). Adverse rpt. on Hill claim. (25. 3. H. rpt. 36; vii, Cong. Globe, 60.) HILL (ISAAC) U. S. sen. from New Hampshire, 1831-36 ; Governor of New Hampshire, 1836-39. Senator from N. H. 1834 Dec. 23. Speech; agst. satisfaction of claims for French Spoliations. (xi, Reg. Debates, 47.) 1836 Jan. 4, 6. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). In- dian stream settlement. (25. 3. H. rpt. 176, 7.) — Feb. 3. U. S. Senate. Res. Calling for information regarding claims rejected by comrS. under treaty of 1831. (xii, Reg. Debates, 366.) Governor of N. H. 1837 Jan. 30. To President of U. S. (Jackson). Ex- penses incurred by N. H. in maintaining her juris- diction over terr. known as Indian Stream agst. Br. aggression. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 155.) HILL (JOSHUA), OF GA. Repr. from Georgia, 35-36 cong., 1857-61; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 36 cong., 1859-61. Bills Introduced - 1860 Mch. 29. For relief of E. Geo. Squier. (36. 1. H. R. 511.) Remarks, etc. 1860 Mch. 14. Amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, striking out apprin. for Suppression of slavetrade; with remarks and withdrawal of amdmt. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 1155.) Reports Made 1860 Mch. 29. Report to acc. H. R. 511, for relief of E. d Geo. Squier. (36. 1. H. rpt. 263.) HILL (MARK LANGDON) 1832 Feb. 9. U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indemnity for losses by French spoliations. (22.1. S. jol., 123.) HILL (SAMUEL), HEIRS OF 1850 Jan. 7. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. S. jol., 56.) — Jan. 18. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 348.) HILL (STEPHEN J.), GOV. OF SIERRA LEONE 1857 Oct. 5. To Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Clarendon). Advice of capture of slaver Eliza Jane by Br. sloop Alecta (Hunt). (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 25.) 1858 Nov. 24. To comdr. Br. ship Alecto (Hunt). Dis- posal of cargo of Caroline. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 318.) — Dec. 13. To Secy. H. B. M. Colonial Office (Lytton). Stmt. of cargo brought to port by brig Caroline. (ib., 323.) HILL (WORSLEY), COMDR. H. B. M. BRIG SARACEN; see SARACEN HILLIARD (HENRY WASHINGTON), OF ALA. Amer. chargé in Belgium, 1842-44; see U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. *g. from Alabama, 29-31 cong., 1845-51 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 30-31 cong., 1847-51. Representative from Ala. Bills Introduced 1848 Jan. 12. Bill to regulate dipl. intercourse of U. S. with foreign nations. (30. 1. H. R. 66.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 7.59 HILLIARD (HENRY WASHINGTON), OF ALA.—cont’d 2. Representative from Alla.-cont’d Remarks, etc. 1846 Jan. 6. Speech; opposing pretensions of Gr. Br. to Oregon. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 147; app., 112.) - Apr. 9. Remarks; favoring passage of res. calling for Strmt. of payments since Mch. 4, 1841, for con- tingent expenses of foreign intercourse. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 639.) — Apr. 10. Do.; in nature of personal explanation, explaining high opinion entertained of Mr. Webster at home and abroad. (ib., 647.) — Jly. 16. Do.; defending objects of prosecuting war agst. Mexico. (ib., 1107.) 1847 Jan. 5. Speech; on Mexican war, etc., during de- bate on H. R. 576, to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force. (ib., 29. 2., 118; app., 226.) Mch. 3. Remarks; on amended S. res. 14, authoriz- ing employment of U. S. ships Macedonian and Jamestown in transporting provisions for famish- ing poor of Ireland and Scotland. (ib., app., 441.) 1848 Mch. 4. Amdmt. to bill to supply deficiencies in apprns., providing for full minister to Rome; with remarks. (ib., 30. 1., 430.) — Mch. 30. Speech; concerning objects of war with Mexico, mission of Slidell and acquisition of New Mexico and California. (ib., 565.) — Apr. 3. Motion to refer res. of sympathy regard- ing late revolution in France to Committee on For- eign Affairs; with remarks. (ib., 572, 573.) — Apr. 6. Remarks; addressed to Henley, on Houston res. Of Feb. 7, calling for unpublished corresp. betw. Secy. War and gen. Scott and gen. Taylor, and betw. Scott and U. S. Comr. (Trist), and Trist and Secy. State. (ib., 583.) – Apr. 27. Do.; on publication of corresp. of gen. Scott, etc., called for in Houston res. of Feb. 7, and on President’s instructions to Slidell. (ib., 689- 690, 692-693.) — Apr. 29. Do.; on consideration of President’s mes- Sage, of even date, concerning appeal of Yucatan for aid, etc. (ib., 711.) — Jly. 18. Amdmts. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, giving to Secy. legation at Paris (Martin) com- pensation of chargé for services during vacancy of mission, and similar compensation to Dr. Parker for services in China. (ib., 948.) — JIy. 18. Amdmts, to civil and dipl. apprp. bill, pro- viding for Austrian and Turkish missions. (ib., 948.) — Jly. 18. Amdmts. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, pro- viding for compensation of J. R. Clay, Secy. Of lega- tion to Austria, for services during absence of min- ister. (ib., 948.) — Jly. 24. Speech; President’s messages resp. treaty with Mexico, policy relative to Oregon question and Mexico, etc.; public character of Cass. (ib., 990; app., 938.) 1849 Jan. 24. Remarks; on apprn. for carrying out terms of treaty with Mexico relative to newly ac- quired territories. (ib., 30. 2., 349.) — Feb. 10. Speech; on govts. for new territories; Texas boundary question and its settlement under treaty of 1848 with Mexico. (ib., app., 103.) 1850 Jan. 24. Remarks; on res. Calling for information relative to seizure of Tigre by British. (ib., 31. 1., 222.) — Feb. 21. Motion to take up bill for relief of Con- rad W. Tabler and others, bondsmen in case of War str. built for German empire. (ib., 409.) — Aug. 7. Remarks; on res. Calling for instructions concerning claims agst. Portugal; and on reported presence of U. S. naval force at Portugal to enforce claims. (ib., 1533-1535.) HILLIARD (HENRY WASHINGTON), OF ALA.—cont’d Representative from Ala.-cont’d Remarks, etc.—cont’d 1850 Aug. 21. Amdmt. to general apprin. bill, providing salary for full minister to China; with remarks. (ib., 1620.) — Aug. 28. Speech; on Texas boundary; views of D. S. govt. on subject previous to and during Mex- ican war; instructions to Slidell, and occupation of disputed terr.; stipulations of art. 9, treaty of 1848; etc. (ib., app., 1189.) 1851 Feb. 25. Remarks; in defense of Webster during debate, in Com. Of the Whole, on Mexican indemnity bill. (ib., 31. 2., 687-688.) Reports Made 1848 Jan. 12. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 66, to regulate dipl. in- tercourse of U. S. with foreign nations. (30. 1. H. rpt. 80.) HILLS ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG OCEAN; see OCEAN HILLSBOROUGH (IND.) CITIZENS 1850 Aug. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying meas- ures to encourage emigration of negroes from U. S. to Africa. (31. 1. S. jol., 487.) HILLSDALE CO. (MICH.) CITIZENS 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 600.) 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House. In favor of Haitian rec- Ognition. (25. 3. H. jol., 348.) HILLYER (A. T.), U. S. MARSHAL 1855 Oct. 19. To U. S. atty., N. Y. (McKeon). Rpt. on examination of cargo of Maury; no ammunition on board. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 234.) HILLYER (JUNIUS) Repr. from Georgia to 32 and 33 cong. (1851-55). tor U. S. Treasury, 1857-61. Solici- Representative from Ga. 1854 Jan. 5. Remarks; favorable to H. res. 7, of thanks, etc., to Capt. Ingraham, but Opposed to reasoning of Bayly and Orr on subject. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 129, 134.) — Jly. 15. Do.; on H. R. 195, for relief of Sarah K. Jenks and legal representatives of H. R. Thomas, in matter of brig Jame; etc. (ib., 1754.) Dec. 5. Do.; in support of Sollers res. of Dec. 4, calling for information concerning meeting of Amer. ministers at Ostend. (ib., 33. 2., 10.) Solicitor of the Treasury, U. S. A. 1858 Dec. 7. To U. S. Actg. Secy. State (Appleton). In- formation possessed by J. Disney can be communi- cated through distr. atty. as well as to Secy. State in person. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 283.) — Dec. 21. To same. Copies of communications resp. * Sent to U. S. atty. at Jacksonville. (ib., 88. — Dec. 21. To same. Copy of letter resp. Wanderer sent to U. S. distr. atty. at Savannah, Ga. (ib., 289.) 1860 Je. 8. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Cobb). Meas- ures taken for suppression of slavetrade. (ib., 625.) HILO, IS. OF, HAWANA Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service HILTON (HALE) 1833 Dec. 19. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for losses by French spoliations. (23. 1. S. jol., 54.) 760 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HILTON (SAMUEL) 1838 Apr. 13. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying re- muneration for property destroyed and taken by Br. during late war. (25. 2. S. jol., 355; 359.) 1850 Dec. 19. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 2. H. jol., 72.) HIMMALEH, AMER. SLAVER BRIG 1841 Sept. 14. Amer. Consul at Rio de Janeiro (Slacum) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Case of brig Him maleh, etc. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 43, 10.) HINCKLEY (O.) CITIZENS 1840 May 18. To U. S. House. In favor of Haitian rec- ognition. (26. 1. H. jol., 944.) HINCKS (F.), CANADIAN INSPECTOR GENERAL OF CUS- TOMS 1851 Jan. 6. To chrm. U. S. House Com. Of Commerce (McLane). Commercial regulations to be estab- lished betw. U. S. and Br. No. Amer. provinces. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 1, 84; H. ex, doc. 2, 84.) HINDERWELL (RICHARD) 1850 May 23. To J. Lidgett. Circumstances of seizure of Br. vessel Albion by Amer. citizens. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 29, 15.) HINE (MARQUIS L.), OF N. Y. Amer. Cons. for San Jose in 1852; see U. S. A. Consular service. Costa Rica. 1856 Mch. 9.. [no. 7..] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Transit of strs. of Accessory Transit co. Suspended On river and lake of San Juan and Nicaragua dur- ing hostilities. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 77.) HINES (WILLIAM E.), OF R. I. Amer. cons. for Mozambique, 1852-54; see U. S. A. Consular service. Portuguese dominions. In 1857, - gen. cashier U. S. and Paraguay Navigation co. 1857 Aug. 10. Deposition; claim of U. S. and P. Naviga- tion Co. On govt. of Paraguay; aggressive attitude Of Paraguayans towards Americans. (35. 1. S. rpt. 60, 74.) HINGHAM (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) — Oct. 12. To same. Same. (ib., 63.) Dec. 29. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 170.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) 1850 Je. 21. To same. In favor of arbitration. (31. 1. H. jol., 1040.) HINKS ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. RUTHY; see RUTHY HINTON ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. LITTLE JOHN; see LITTLE JOHN HINTON (JOSEPH B.), CLAIMANT; see SIMPKINS (C.) HIPP (W. C.) 1858 Feb. 24. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for property destroyed by Nicaraguans. (35. 1. H. jol., 416.) HIRAM, AMER. BRIG (HULL) n, d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 43.) HIRAM, AMER. BRIG (LOUGHEAD) n. d. Summary of award made by comrS. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. ( 24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 43) HISE (ELIJAH), OF KY. Amers, chargé in Guatemala, 1848-49; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. 1849 May 2. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Hise. Recall; apptmt. of E. G. Squier as his successor. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 117.) • Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) 1848 Oct. 26. [unnum. extr.] Political and commercial condition of Guatemala; en route to his post at city of Guatemala. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 96.) — Dec. 20. [unnum. extr.]. Certain Central Amer. states publish protests agst. Br. occupation of Mos- quito terr.; Br. designs on east and coasts of Central America; ports of San Salvador blockaded by Br. man-of-war Champion; proposes to treat with all states of Central America equally with Nicaragua. (ib., 100.) 1849 Feb. 8. [unnum. extr.] San Salvador and Nicarā- gua to send comrs. to Guatemala to treat with U. S. (ib., 101.) — Feb. 28. Ino. 6, extr.] San Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras to send comrs. to Guatemala to treat with U. S. (ib., 102.) — Mch. 20. Ino. 7, extr.] Guatemala has ratified treaty with U. S. (ib., 103.) May 25. Ino. 8, extr.] Negotiation with comrs. Of Honduras and Nicaragua resp. conclusion of Com- mercial reciprocity treaties. (ib., 103.) (Clayton) 1849 Sept. 15. Iunnum.] Conclusion of treaties of amity and commerce with Honduras and Nicaragua; Con- ferences with Nicaraguan chargé to U. S. legation at Guatemala (Selva); conclusion of treaty With Nicaragua; analysis of treaty. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 104.) Amer. Consul, Leon (Livingston) 1849 Je. 20. To U. S. consul at Leon (Livingston). His successor, E. G. Squier, to be apprised of conclusion of treaty with Nicaragua. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 161.) NICARAGUAN ſº Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores (Salinas) 1849 Jan. 12. Requesting apptmt. Of comr. With power to treat. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 158.) — Feb. 14. To Salinas. Repeating substance of his of Jan. 12. (ib., 159.) — Apr. 22. Further request to Send a comr. with power to treat; declares contract made with Nica- ragua. Steam co, to be ineffectual. (ib., 160.) Treaties Signed 1849 Mch. 3. Signs general conv. of peace, etc., betw. Guatemala, and U. S.; see Central America. Guate- mala. - — Je. 21. Signs conv, with Nicaragua relative to right of construction of Nicaragua canal; see Cen- tral America. Isthmian transit. HITCH ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP FRANCIS AND MARY; see FRANCIS AND MARY & HITCHCOCK (ROBERT B.), OF CONN. U. S. N., 1825-88. Lieut., 1835; comdr., 1855; *g; 1862; comdre., 1862. Died Mch. 24, 1888, Sea Service in command §8. : 1853, comdg. Relief, i. sqdn. ; 1858-60, comdg. Merrimack, Pacific SQCIn. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 761 HITTE ( ), DE LA Ministre des affaires étrangères of France, 1849; see France. Civil service. HO-KWEI-TSING, WICE-ROY OF KIANG PROVINCES, CHINA SpecI. comr. in 1858 to negotiate conv. with U. S. A. for regulation of trade and for adjustment of claims. Correspondence 1858 Feb. 27. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in China (Reed). Dispatches delivered by Mr. Oliphant for- warded to Pekin without delay. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 227.) — Mch. 21. To same. Communications recd.; inti- mates that post of minister is at Canton. (ib., 230.) — Jly. 24. To same. Imperial decree relative to ar- rangement of tariff and commercial matters. (ib., 394.) — Aug. 25. To same. Cause of failure of imperial comr. to arrive at Shanghai for revision of tariff. (ib., 426.) 1859 Aug. 30. To same (Ward). Proclamation of new commercial regulations must await settlement of English and French treaties. (ib., 620.) — Sept. 10. To same. Must lay matter of proclama- tion of treaty of Tientsin before govt. (ib., 623.) Treaties Signed 1858 Nov. 8. Signs conv. for adjustment of claims of citizens of U. S. agst. China; see China. Claims. — Nov. 8. Signs conv. for regulation of trade betw. China and U. S.; see China. HOADLEY (DAVID), PRESIDENT PANAMA R. R. 1856 May 1. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Praying action on part of govt. in case of recent riots in Panama. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 165.) HOAR (SAMUEL), REPR. FROM MASS. 1836 May 16. Remarks; expressing opposition to annex- ation of Texas. (xii, Reg. Debates, 3730.) — Dec. 22. Do.; favoring prºg. of 20,000 copies of message of President relative to independence of Texas. (xiii, ib., 1141.) 1837 Feb. 28. Do.; denying independent character of Texas. (ib., 2063.) HOARE (RICHARD), COMDR. H. B. M. SLOOP DOTTEREL 1824 Sept. 2. To Br. rear-adm. (Lake), Capture of Amer. Schr. Pilgrim of Grand Menan for treaty Vio- lation; with copies of affidavits. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 18; 32. 2. S. ex. doc. 100, 16.) — Sept. 2. To same. Detention of Amer. fishing Schr. Madison. (ib., 20; ib., 18.) — Nov. 25. To same. Investigation into Br. Seizure of Amer. fishing vessels; denies charge of having converted detained Amer. vessels prior to adjudica- tion. (ib., 22; ib., 22.) HOBART TOWN, WAN DIEMAN'S LAND Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular. Service HOBSON ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP FAIR AMERICAN; see FAIR AMERICAN HOBSON (GEORGE G.) Amer. cons. for Yagºso, 1834-42 ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. hili. HOCKING CO. (0.) CITIZENS 1846 Feb. 26. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying adop- tion of measures recommended in last annual mes- Sage of President regarding Oregon terr. (29. 1. H. jol., 463.) HOCKLEY (GEORGE W.), SECY. WAR AND MARINE OF TEXAS 1842 Aug. 16. To C. A. Warfield. Instructions to Col. Warfield for line of march to Santa Fe. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 117.) HODGDON (JOHN) Amer. cons. for Rome in 1853; see U. S. A. Consular service. Italy. HODGDON (ME.) CITIZENS 1840 Mch. 30. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (26. 1. H. jol., 718.) — Mch. 30. To same. In favor of Haitian recogni- tion. (ib., 719.) HODGE (JOHN L.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Marseilles, 1850-56; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. French dominions. 1851 Sept 29. To capt. U. S. frigate Mississippi (Long). Decision of prefet of Bouches du Rhône, regarding flºrians on board Mississippi. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. — Sept. 30. To same. Regret at publication of official letter concerning Kossuth addressed to Hodge in Socialist paper called “Peuple.” (ib., 5.) — Oct. 14. [unnum.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Web- ster). Details of visit of Kossuth at port of Mar- seilles. (ib., 7.) 1852 Oct. 16. To gen. Comdg. 9th milit. div. (Hec- quet). Strmt. of case of Allibert, U. S. citizen im- prisoned as insoumis; maintains right of naturali- zation; arrest of Allibert Violation of international law. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 182.) Oct. 25. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in France (Rives). Transmits documents in case of Allibert, U. S. citizen imprisoned as insoumis. (ib., 185.) — Nov. 16. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). De- tention of Allibert, U. S. citizen, at Fort St. Nicho- las, as an insoumis; appeal to E. E. and M. P. U. S. in France (Rives) has elicited no reply. (ib., 176.) — Nov. 20. To Amer. Vice-cons. at Toulon (Trou- chet). Allibert to be afforded all possible aid in court-martial at Toulon. (ib., 179.) — Nov. 22. To Everett. Transmits and describes doc- uments in Case of Allibert; desires definite instruc- tions. (ib., 180.) — Dec. 31. To same. Acquittal of Allibert on second trial before court-martial at Toulon. (ib., 187.) 1853 Apr. 12. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Grati- fied at approval of course in case of Allibert, ex- pressed by late Secy. (Everett). (ib., 188.) HODGE (WILLIAM L.) 1850 May 7. To President U. S. A. (Taylor). De- parture of Lopez and his force from New Orleans for Cuba. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 50.) HODGES (BENJAMIN), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1837 Feb. 18. Intr. in U. S. House (Dromgoole, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (24. 2. H. R. 941) “for relief of legal representatives of Benj. Hodges.” (24. 2. H. jol., 457.) 1838 Jan. 4. Intr. in U. S. House (Dromgoole, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (25. 2. H. R. 305) “for relief of Benjamin Hodges.” (25. 2. H. jol., 218; 25. 3. H. jol., 377; 390.) 1846 Jly. 13. Intr. in U. S. House (Rhett, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (29. 1. H. R. 506) “for relief of legal reprS. of Benj. Hodges, deceased.” (29. 1. H. jol., 1071.) 762 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HODGES (BENJAMIN), CLAIMANT—cont’d Statutory Measures—cont’d 1848 Jan. 12. Intr. in U. S. House (Rhett, Com. on For- eign Affairs), bill (30. 1. H. R. 68) “for relief of legal reprS. of Benj. Hodges, deceased.” (30. 1. H. jol., 224; 824.) 1860 Mch. 8. Intr, in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. on Foreign Relations), bill (36. 1. S. 259) “for relief of Wm. K. Jennings et al.” (36. 1. S. jol., 230.) Correspondence, etc. 1835 Feb. 16. U. S. House. Memorial of Catharine, Widow of Benj. Hodges; praying Congress to award her value of negro man, property of said Hodges, º off by Br. during late war. (23. 2. H. jol., 1836 Apr. 11. To same. Same. (24. 1. H. jol., 662.) Dec. 20. To same. Same. (24. 2. H. jol., 87.) 1837 Feb. 18. U. S. Com. On Foreign Affairs (Drom- goole). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 941 in favor of petition of reprs. Of Hodges. (24. 2. H. rpt. 241.) — Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Hodges petition, hereto- fore presented, referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (25. 2. H. jol., 39.) 1840 Jan. 4. U. S. House. Hodges memorial referred under general order of day to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (26. 1. H. jol., 182.) 1846 Feb. 27. U. S. House. Hodges memorial, heretofore presented Apr. 11, 1836, referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (29. 1. H. jolº, 464.) — Je. 13. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Rhett). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 506, in favor of petitioner for compen- sation for loss of slave taken by the British. (29. 1. H. rpt. 767.) 1847 Dec. 15. U. S. House. Hodges petition, referred to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (30. 1. H. jol., 79.) 1848 Jan. 12. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Rhett). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 68, in favor of petitioner for com- pensation for loss of slave taken by the British. (30. 1. H. rpt. 81.) — May 13. J. A. Woodward. Remarks on H. R. 68. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 764.) 1851 Jan. 15. U. S. House. Hodges petition, heretofore presented Jan. 4, 1840, referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (31. 2. H. jol., 143.) 1852 Feb. 6. U. S. House. Hodges petition, heretofore presented Jan. 4, 1840, referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (32. 1. H. jol., 321.) 1854 Jan. 16. U. S. House. Hodges petition, heretofore presented Jan. 4, 1840, referred to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (33. 1. H. jol., 207.) — Mch. 25. Permanent under secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Addington). Question of true ownership of property seized by Br. cruisers. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., app., 570.) 1856 Apr. 23. U. S. Com. Foreign Relations (Mason). Favorable rpt. on petitions of B. Hodges and oth- ers. (34. 1. S. rpt. 142.) — Apr. 29. U. S. House. Hodges petition, referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (34. 1. H. jol., 900.) 1858 Jan. 5. U. S. Com. On Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. in favor of S. 29, allowing compensation to B. Hodges and others. (35. 1. S. rpt. 5.) 1860 Mch. 8. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Ma- son). Rpt. to acc. S. 259 in favor of petitions of B. Hodges and others. (36. 1. S. rpt. 125.) HODGES (BENJAMIN M.) Statutory Measures 1853 Dec. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Clay, Com. of Claims), bill (33. 1. S. 61) “for relief of Hodges and Lansdale.” (33. 1. S. jol., 62; 293.) 1856 May 2. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Wade, Com. of Claims), bill (34. 1. S. 278) “for relief of W. G. HODGES (BENJAMIN M.)—cont’d Statutory Measures—cont’d Ridgely, and Hodges and Lansdale, or their legal reprs.” (34. 1. S. jol., 296; 355.) - 1861 Feb. 8. Intr. in U. S. House (Tappan, Com. of Claims), bill (36. 2. H. R. 978) “for relief of Hodges and Lansdale.” (36. 2. H. jol., 286.) Correspondence 1850 Jan. 28. U. S. Senate. Petition of Benj. M. Hodges; praying compensation for tobacco destroyed by enemy in 1814. (31. 1. S. jol., 113.) 1851 Dec. 11. U. S. Senate. On motion (Pratt, Md.), memorial of Hodges and Lansdale, on files of Sen- ate, referred to Com. Of Claims. (32. 1. S. jol., 52.) 1853 Dec. 13. U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 39.) — Dec. 22. U. S. S. Com. of Claims (Clay). Rpt. to acc. S. 61, for relief of Hodges and Lansdale. (33. 1. S. rpt. 14.) 1854 Feb. 17. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Remarks; on S. 61, for relief of Hodges and Lansdale, and of legal reprS. of R. and A. E. Johnson; opposed to bill as carrying principle of indemnification too far, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 440-441.) — Feb. 17. T. G. Pratt, sen. from Md. Do.; in sup- port of S. 61, for relief of Hodges and Lansdale and legal reprS. of R. and A. E. Johnson; explaining principle of bill and facts of case. (ib., 441.) Feb. 17. S. Adams, Sen. from Miss. Do.; correct- ing Shields in regard to principle of S. 61; favorable to bill. (ib., 440.) Feb. 17. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Do.; inten- tion to Speak in opposition to S. 61, with reply to Pratt concerning principle involved. (ib., 440-41.) — Mch. 10. Same. Do.; in Senate, Opposed to S. 6L. (ib., 593.) — Mch. 17. Same. Speech; reasons for opposition to S. 61. (ib., app., 393.) Mch. 17. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Remarks; in reply to Bayard, relative to S. 61. (ib., 395.) — Mch. 24. T. G. Pratt, sen. from Md. Speech; in Support of S. 61, and in reply to Bayard’s Speech of Mch. 17; with further remarks. (ib., 33. 1., 728, 735.) — Mch. 24. J. A. Bayard, Sen. from Del. Remarks and speech; in reply to Pratt and Bayard of Mch. 17 on S. 61. (ib., 729, 731, 732.) 1856 May 2. U. S. S. Com. of Claims (Wade). Rpt. to acc. S. 278, for relief of Wm. G. Ridgely, and Hodges and Lansdale, or their legal reprs. (34. 1. S. rpt. 151.) 1860 Jan. 9." U. S. Senate. On motion (Pearce, Md.), memorial and papers of Hodges and Lansdale, on files of Senate, referred to Com. of Claims (36. 1. S. jol., '65); adversely reported on (Mallory), Mch. 7 (ib., 227). — Mch. 7. U. S. S. Com. on Claims (Mallory). Rpt. adverse to memorial of Hodges and Lansdale. (36. 1. S. rpt. 120.) 1861 Feb. 8. U. S. H. Com. of Claims (Tappan). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 978, for relief of Hodges and Lansdale. (36. 2. H. rpt. 64.) HODGES (JOHN H.) Statutory Measures 1843 Mch. 1. Intr. in U. S. House (Childs, Com. On Com- merce), bill (27. 3. H. R. 832) “for relief of Jno. H. Hodges.” (27. 3. H. jol., 497.) Correspondence, etc. 1842 Aug. 10. U. S. House. Petition; praying refund- ing of sum which U. S. consul at Plymouth, Eng., compelled captain of ship Ulysses to pay to Amer. citizens among crew, after condemnation of Said ship as unseaworthy. (27. 2. H. jol., 1251.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 763 HODGES (JOHN H.)—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1843 Mch. 1. U. S. House of Repr. Hodges petition pre- Sented (Kennedy, Md.), and referred to Com. on Commerce. (27. 3. H. jol., 223.) — Mch. 1. U. S. Com. on Commerce. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 832 in favor of petition of John H. Hodges. (27. 3. H. rpt. 280.) 1846 Feb. 19. U. S. House. Hodges petition, heretofore presented Aug. 8, 1842, presented (Giles, Md.), and referred to Com. on Commerce. (29. 1. H. jol., 436.) HODGES AND LANSDALE CLAIM; see HODGES (B. M.) HODGKINSON (A. B.), COMDR. H. B. M. SHIP VIPER; see also WIPER 1858 Aug. 15. To comdr. U. S. S. Marion (Brent). Re- ply to inquiries in case of St. Andrews. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 561.) — Oct. 23. To comdr. U. S. S. Vincennes (Totten). Reply to inquiries relative to capture of Rufus Soulé. (ib., 570.) — Oct. 26. To same. Reply to his of 23 inst. (ib., 572.) HODGSON (GEORGE), COUNCILLOR OF KING OF MOS- QUITO 1847 Oct. 25. To Secy. State, Honduras and Nicaragua (Salinas). Demand for removal of Nicaraguan es- tablishment from port of San Juan. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 47.) HODGSON (WM.), CLAIMANT 1847 Dec. 20. To U. S. House. Petition of Cassius F. Lee, trustee of Wm. Hodgson; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (30. 1. H. jol., 118.) 1850 Jan. 8. To same. Petition of C. F. Lee and J. C. Vowell; praying indemnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. H. jol., 256.) 1855 Dec. 19. To U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (34. 1. S. jol., 20.) HODGSON (WILLIAM B.), OF WA. Dragoman for Amer. legation near Sublime Porte in 32 ; Amer. cons. for Tunis in 1842; see U. S. A. Consular service. Tunis. Claim of 1836 Je. 22. Hodgson to U. S. House. Petition; praying allowance, in settlement of acctS., as actg. ConS. at Algiers, of sum turned over, with effects of consu- late, to his successor, Maj. Henry Lee. (24. 1. H. jol. 1077.) HODSON (WILLIAM), CLAIMANT Statutory Measures 1840 Feb. 3. Intri in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, Com. of Claims), bill (26. 1. S. 199) “for relief of Jas. Tongue, and admint. of Wm. Hodson, deceased.” (26. 1. S. jol., 150.) • 1842 Feb. 9. Intr. in U. S. House (Williams, Com. of Claims), bill (27. 2. H. R. 90) “for relief of Jas. Tongue, John Scrivener, and legal reprs. Of Wm. Hodson, deceased ”; approved Aug. 27. (27. 2. H. jol., 335, 656, 1431; vi., St. L., 866.) Correspondence, etc. • 1836 Mch. 29. U. S. House. Petition; praying to be paid for warehouse at Tracy’s landing, in said state, burned by Br. during late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 584.) — Apr. 25. Same. (ib., 751; 1060.) 1840 Jan. 13. U. S. Senate. Same. (26. 1. S. jol., 101; 283.) HODSON (WILLIAM), CLAIMANT—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1841 Dec. 29. U. S. House. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 106.) 1842 Je. 9. U. S. Senate. Additional docs. in relation to bill (H. R. 90) for relief of Jas. Tongue, John Scriv- ener, and legal reprs. of Wm. Hodson. (27. 2. S. jol., 383.) HOFF (HENRY), OF S. C. D. s, N., 1823-78. Lieut... 1831 ; comdr., 1854; Capt., 861 ; comdre., 1862; rear-adm., 1867. Died Dec. 25, 1878. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1856-57, comdg. Independence, Pacific sqdn. ; 1858 Comdg. John Adams, do. HOFFMAN (B. V.), OF N. Y. TJ. S. N., 1805–34. Lieut., 1812; comdr., 1817; capt., 1829. Died Dec. 10, 1834. Sea service in com- mand (1828-61) : 1828, comdg. Boston, Brazil sqdn. 1826 Jly. 17. [extr.] To comdr. U. S. S. Cyane (Elliott). Two SchrS. from Balt., eaptured by blockading sqdn., under Suspicious circumstances, have been released. (20. 1. H. ex. doc. 281, 122.) 1827 May 13. To comdr. Brazil sqdn., U. S. N. (Biddle). Amer. Schr. Montezuma sent to Monte Video by blockading sqdn. (ib., 163.) — May 25. To same. Three Amer. Vessels sent to Monte Video under suspicious circumstances; re- leased immediately; no prospect of peace. (ib. 163.) — Jly. 8. To admiral Brazil sqdn. (Pinto Guedes). Requests to be informed of cause of detention of Amer. brig President Adams. (ib., 169.) r— Jly. 18. To same. Protest agst. delay in replying to note of 8 inst. (ib., 171.) — Jly. 20. To same. Detention of Amer. brig Niles. (ib., 172.) Jly. 20. To same. Solicits permission for master and passengers in Amer. brig President Adams to take out private baggage, papers, etc., subject to º inspection as he may please to direct. (ib., 72. – Sept. 6. To same. Amer. seamen serving on board Brazilian fleet whose terms of service have expired, etc.; case of President Adams, etc. (ib., 173.) Oct. 23. To same. Protest agst. endorsement of register of brig Caspian and forcible seizure and de- tention of register of brig Frederick. (ib., 174.) — Oct. 28. To same. Solicits information on endorse- ment of registers of Amer. vessels while lying at anchor in port; alleged detention of Amer. citizens On board fleet under his command; and withhold- ing personal effects of crew of brig President Ald- ams. (ib., 176.) HOFFMAN (HENRIETTA), (PHILIP), CO-HEIRESS OF HOFFMAN (MICHAEL), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1831 Dec. 13. Remarks; favoring reference of memori- als for Settlement of French spoliation claims to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1434.) HOFFMAN (OGDEN), OF N. Y. Repr. from New York, 1837-41; member Com. on For- eign Affairs, 1837-39, 25 cong., 2-3 sess. Bills Introduced 1838 May 23. Bill for relief of Thos. Ap C. Jones. (25. 2. H. R. 806.) Remarks 1838 May 24. Libellous letters on N. Y. City in Presi- dent's message concerning introduction of foreign paupers. (vi, Cong. Globe, 408.) 1839 Mch. 1. In support of bill for resisting exclusive *iction of Gr. Br. over disputed terr. (vii, ib., CLAIMANT; see ROGERS 764 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HOFFMAN (OGDEN), OF N. Y.-cont’d Reports 1838 May 23. Report, to acc. H. R. 806, on memorial of Thos. Ap C. Jones. (25. 2. H. rpt. 920.) HOFFMANN (FRANCIS A.) 1855 Feb. 13. To Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia. (Vroom). Encloses letter to be delivered to King of Prussia, praying permission to revisit native country. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 38, 88.) — Mch. 19. Vroom to Hoffman. Petition for permis- sion to revisit Prussia has been presented. (ib., 88.) — Mch. 19. Vroom to Prussian Minister Foreign Af- fairs (Manteuffel). Enclosed petition of F. A. Hoff- mann, U. S. citizen, to be forwarded to King of Prussia; hopes prayer for permis de Séjour will be granted. (ib., 88.) — Sept. 17. Manteuffel to Vroom. Hoffmann has been notified of decision of minister of foreign affairs adverse to petition to King, under circumstances cited. (ib., 89.) 1859 Apr. 9. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Wright) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Cass). Application of F. A. Hoffmann before prince regent; has not been ar- rested, and full pardon hoped for (ib., 131.) — Je. 4. Same to same. Pardon of F. A. Hoffmann, though advised by ministerial officers, still with- held by prince regent; has hopes for ultimate Suc- cess. (ib., 131.) — Aug. 6. Same to same. Full pardon granted F. A. Hoffmann; etc. (ib., 137.) D'HOFFSCHMIDT DE RESTEIGNE (CONSTANT) Ministre des affaires étrangères of Belgium ; see Belgium. Civil Service. - 1849 Jan. 11. To Nicaraguan chargé in Belgium (Mar- coleta). Agrees to mediate betw. England and Nic- aragua. (31. 1. H. ex. doc. 75, 222.) — Mch. 27. Signs treaty of amity, etc., betw. Belgium and Costa Rica; see Belgium. Treaties. - HOGAN (JOHN), OF N. Y. Confidential agt. of U. S. to Dominican republic in 1845; See also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Sto. Domingo. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1848 Jly. 25. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mangum, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (30. 1. S. 330) “for relief of John Hogan.” (30. 1. S. jol., 493.) — Aug. 12. Appropriation for J. Hogan for Services as political agt. in St. Domingo; clause in act mak- ing apprin. for civil and dipl. expenses for year end- ing Je. 30, 1849. (ix, St. L., 284.) 1850 Feb. 13. Intr. in U. S. Senate (King, Com. On For- eign Relations), res. (31. 1. S. res. 8) “for relief of John Hogan.” (31. 1. S. jol., 150.) CORRESPONDENCE 1845 Oct. 24. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan) to Hogan. Compensation allowed as late special agt. to Domi- nican republic. (33. 1. H. rpt. 310, 2.) - — Oct. 30. Same to same. Several charges for ex- penses while special agt. for Dominican govt. Can- not be allowed. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 310, 3.) 1846 Mch. 12. Hogan to U. S. House. Petition; praying compensation for services, and full remuneration of pecuniary expenses. (29. 1. H. jol., 517.) — Dec. 16. Hogan to U. S. Senate. Same. (29. 2. S. jol., 47.) 1848 Feb. 14. U. S. House. Hogan petition, heretofore presented Mch. 12, 1846, presented (Duer, N. Y.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (30. 1. H. jol., 408.) HOGAN (JOHN), OF N. Y.-cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE—cont’d 1848 Mch. 13. U. S. House. Res. (Palfrey, Mass.), call- ing for copies of instructions to and corresp. of John Hogan, employed in Hayti by U. S. in 1844 and 1845. (ib., 541.) — Mch. 17. U. S. Senate. On motion (Mangum), me- morial of John Hogan, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (30. 1. S. jol., 218.) — Aug. 4. W. P. Mangum, Sen. from N. C. Amdmt. to general apprin. bill providing payment of claim of John Hogan, U. S. agt., for services in St. Do- mingo, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 1038.) — Aug. 10. C. J. Ingersoll, repr. from Penn. Re- marks; calling attention to Sen. amdmt. for pay- ment of compensation to Hogan for expenses in- curred in St. Domingo. (ib., 1058.) 1849 Feb. 8. Buchanan to McClelland. Hogan claim. (33. 1. H. rpt. 310, 4.) 1850 Jan. 24. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), to authorize Secy. State to audit claims of Hogan, for services and losses as confidential agt. of U. S. in St. Domingo, and to pay balance out of contingent fund for foreign intercourse. (31. 1. S. jol., 105; 120.) — Feb. 19. W. R. King, Sen. from Ala. Remarks; opposed to Mangum amdmt. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 392.) — Feb. 19. S. P. Chase, Sen. from O. Do.; on S. res. 8. (ib., 392.) — Feb. 19. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Do.; favor- . able to S. res. 8. (ib., 392.) — Feb. 19. T. Smith, sen. from Conn. Do.; unfavor- able to S. res. 8. (ib., 392.) Feb. 19. W. P. Mangum. Amdmts, limiting amt. in res. for relief of John Hogan. (ib., 392.) 1852 Feb. 6. U. S. Senate. On motion (Fish, N. Y.), docs. on files of Senate, relating to claim of Jno. Hogan, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (32. 1. S. jol., 185.) 1853 Jan. 24. U. S. House. Hogan petition, praying for relief. (32. 2. H. jol., 174.) 1854 Jan. 19. U. S. House. Petition of Mrs. Jno. Hogan, J. W. Hogan, and M. Hogan, for relief for Services of late Jno. Hogan as confidential agt. of U. S. at St. Domingo. (33. 1. H. jol., 245; 1149.) — Jan. 19. U. S. H. Com. of Claims (Edgerton). Rpt. adverse to petition of reprs. of Jno. Hogan. (33. 1. H. rpt. 310.) — Jly. 15. U. S. H. Com. of Claims. Rpt. adverse to memorial of Hogan heirs. (ib., 1.) HOGAN (MICHAEL), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Valparaíso, 1823-34; see U. S. A. Con- Sular Service. Chili. Statutory Measures 1833 Feb. 20. Intr. in U. S. House (Wayne, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (22. H. R. 747) “for relief of M. Hogan.” (22. 2. H. jol., 370.) — Mch. 2. Appropriation for M. Hogan, for Services at Chili; act making apprins. for civil and dipl. ex- penses of govt. for year ending Je. 30, 1833. (iv., St. L., 626.) t 1836 Dec. 26. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Southard, Com. On Naval Affairs), bill (24. 2. S. 55) “for relief of Wm. Hogan, admr. of Michael Hogan.” (24. 2. H. jol., 64; 143.) 1838 Jan. 3. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Southard, Com. On Naval Affairs), bill (25. 2. S. 118) “for relief of Wm. Hogan, admr. of M. Hogan.” (25. 2. S. jol., 104; 388.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 765 HOGAN (MICHAEL), OF N. Y.-cont’d Statutory Measures—cont’d 1840 Mch. 9. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Strange, Com. on Naval Affairs), bill (26.1. S. 261) “for relief of Wm. Hogan, admr. of M. Hogan, deceased.” (26. 1. S. jol., 230; 458.) 1847 Mch. 3. Intr. in U. S. House (Daniel, Com. of Claims), bill (29. 2. H. R. 695) “for relief of Wm. #ºn. admr. of Michael Hogan.” (29. 2. H. jol., 1848 Jan. 12. Intr. in U. S. House. (Daniel, Com. of Claims), bill (30. 1. H. R. 40) “for relief of Wm. Hogan, admr. of Michael Hogan ”; approved Aug. 14. (30. 1. H. jol., 221, 491, 1293; ix, St. L., 742.) Correspondence, etc. 1832 Dec. 17. Intr. in U. S. House. Motion to refer peti- tion of M. Hogan, presented Feb. 6, 1832, to Com. On Foreign Affairs. (22. 2. H. jol., 69.) 1833 Jan. 8. Intr. in U. S. House. Same. jol., 152.) — Feb. 20. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Wayne). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 747 in favor of claim of Michael Hogan for reimbursement for diplomatic services. (22. 2. H. rpt. 105.) 1835 Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Motion (Tallmadge, N. Y.) to refer petition of admr. of Michael Hogan, on files of last Congress, to Com. on Naval Affairs. (24. 1. S. jol., 45.) 1836 Dec. 21. U. S. Senate. Motion (Wright, N. Y.) to refer petition and papers of Wm. Hogan, admr. of M. Hogan, on files of Senate, to Com. on Naval Af- fairs. (24. 2. S. jol., 52.) 1837 Dec. 14. U. S. Senate. Motion (Southard, N. J.), to refer petition of Wm. Hogan, on files of Senate, to Com. on Naval Affairs. (25. 2. S. jol., 45.) 1840 Jan. 13. U. S. Senate. Motion (Southard, N. J.), to refer petition of Wm. Hogan, admr. of M. Hogan, deceased, on files of Senate, to Com. On Naval Af- fairs (26. 1. S. jol., 101); on motion (Southard), leave given to withdraw petition and papers, Jiy. 18. (ib., 524.) 1846 Feb. 6. U. S. House. Memorial of Wm. Hogan; praying payment of certified debt due from U. S.; presented (Grover, N. Y.), and referred to Com. of Ways and Means (29. 1. H. jol., 358); on motion (Jones), Com. discharged, and petition referred to Com. of Claims, Mch. 5 (ib., 489); supplem. me- morial presented (Grover), Mch. 30, and similarly referred. (ib., 613.) 1847 Dec. 15. U. S. House. Petition of Wm. Hogan, pre- sented (Daniel, N. C.) and referred to Com. of Claims. (30. 1. H. jol., 77.) 1851 Feb. 10. Same. Presented (Brooks, N. Y.) (31. 2. H. jol., 247.) 1854 Mch. 16. U. S. House. Petition of Wm. Hogan, for relief; presented (Wheeler, N. Y.), and referred to Com. of Claims. (33. 1. H. jol., 517.) HOGAN (WILLIAM) Amer. cons. for Nuevitas, 1843-44; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Spanish dominions. HOGE (JOSEPH P.), REPR. FROM OREGON 1846 Jan. 30. Speech; H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul Conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon, etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 280; app., 205.) — Jan. 31. Remarks; explaining his apparent mis- statement of Yancey’s views on Oregon question. (ib., 29. 1., 286.) Hogg (CATHARINE) AND BURNSIDE (THos.) 1836 Apr. 11. U. S. House. Memorial; praying indem- nity for property destroyed by Br, during late war. (24. 1. H. jol., 662.) (22. 2. H. HOGG (JOHN), AND OTHERS 1829 Dec. 28. U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800, referred to Select Committee. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1832 Mch. 22. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Jas. Dickson, in behalf of trustees of Hogg. (22. 1. S. jol., 198.) 1847 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of Thos. D. Hogg, heir of John Hogg; same. (29. 2. S. jol., 76.) HOGG (JOHN S.), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Trinidad in 1861; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. HOGG (THOMAS D.), CLAIMANT; see HOGG (J.) HOGG (WILLIAM) AND OTHERS, OF SHANGHAI; see SHAN- GHAI. FOREIGN RESIDENTS HOGGATT (L. Q.), ET AL., CORRESP. COM. OF OREGON EXPEDITION 1843 Dec. 21. To U. S. House. Petition, heretofore pre- sented Mch. 29, 1842, i. e., in name of Morse (O.), and others; presented (Owen, Ind.), and referred to com. on terr. (28. 1. H. jol., 90.) HolaBIRD (w. s.), U. S. ATTY. DIST. CONN. 1839 Sept. 5. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Trial of negroes taken on schr. A mistad. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 185, 39.) Sept. 9. To same. Offence of negroes on board Amistad without jurisdiction of distr. cts. (ib., 39.) — Sept. 21. To same. Proc. in case of Schr. A mistad. (ib., 40.) — Nov. 5. To same. Forwards copies of Amistad’s papers. (ib., 42.) HOLBROOK (AMORY), U. S. ATTY. FOR OREGON 1850 JIy. 16. To solicitor U. S. Treasury (Clark). Proc. agst. Br. ship Albion for violation of revenue laws of U. S. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 30, 2.) — Oct. 16. To Secy. Interior, U. S. A. (Stuart). Facts in case of Albion. (ib., 7.) Nov. 20. To same. Forfeiture and Sale of Spars taken on board Albiom. (ib., 10.) — Nov. 25. To Clark. Seizure of spars from Albion cut on Amer. soil; asks instruction for procedure agst, trespassers upon govt. timber land in Oregon terr. (ib., 8.) HOLBROOK (BENJAMIN), MASTER AMER. SHIP JOHN; CLAIMANT W.S. MEXICO; see LEGGETT (A.) HOLDEN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG DOLLY; see DOLLY HOLDEN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Dec. 29. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 169.) 1845 Jan. 28. To Same. Same. HOLDERBY (JOSEPH B.), OF N. C. Amer. cons. for Dundee. 1858-61 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. British dominions. (28. 2. H. jol., 284.) HOLDERNESS (ROBERT) 1858 Dec. 22. To U. S. House. Petition; relative to Mexican spoliations. (35. 2. H. jol., 104.) HOLDERNESS (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) — Oct. 16. To Same. Same. (ib., 205.) 1845 Feb. 11. To same. Same. (28. 2. H. jol., 366.) HOLDING (JOHN W.), OF MD. Amer, cons. for Santiago de Cuba, 1845-50 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. 766 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HOLDRIDGE (JOHN), MASTER AMER, WHALING BARK ROMULUS; see ROMULUS HOLFORD (JAMES), BR. SUBJECT; CLAIM VS. U. S. For ºy due on bonds issued by Texas prior to admis- SIOIl. 1854 Nov 29. Claim agst, the U. S. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 63.) HOLGATE (SAMUEL), ADMR, OF 1851 Dec. 11. To U. S. House. Petition; praying in- demnity for property confiscated in 1815 by comdre. McDonough. (32. 1. H. jol., 81.) 1853 Dec. 13. To same. Same. (33. 1. H. jol., 74.) HOLLAND (EDWARD), LT. COMDG. H. B. M. BRIG DOL- PHIN; see DOLPHIN HOLLAND (WM. T.), CLERK TO AMER, CONS. AT RIO DE JANEIRO Statutory Measures 1848 Feb 9. Intr. in U. S. House (Crowell, Com. of Claims), bill (30. 1. H. R. 212) “for relief of Wm. T. Holland ”; approved Jly. 24. (30. 1. H. jol., 385, 605, 1094; ix, St. L., 724.) Correspondence, etc. 1848 Jan. 24. Petition, to U. S. House, of Wm. T. Hol- land; praying compensation and allowance for ex- penses as Witness in case of slavetrading on board whaler Fame. (30. 1. H. jol., 276.) — JIy. 15. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Remarks; ex- planation and Support of bill from House, for relief of Holland. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 942.) HOLLAND (WT.) CITIZENS 1838 Jan. 8. To U. S. House; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 236.) HOLLAND PATENT (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 77.) HOLLANDER (M.) Amer. cons. for Sedan, 1846-50 ; see U. S. A. Consular Service. French dominions. HOLLIDAY (JOHN), TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDITION; See TEXAS. SANTA FE EXPEDITION HOLLIDAY (JOHN), DEPONENT 1846 Nov. 1. Outrage upon lieut. A. B. Davis. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 29, 13.) HOLLIN (GEORGE) Mexican vice-cons. for Philadelphia in 1833; see Mexico. Consular service. HOLLINGSWORTH ( see SALLY HOLLINGSWORTH (J.) U. S. com], agt. for St. Eustacia, 1829-33 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Dutch dominions. HOLLINS (GEORGE N.), OF MD. U. S. N., 1814-61. Lieut., 1825 ; comdr., 1841; capt., 1855. Dismissed Je. 6, 1861. Sea service in com- mand (1828-61) : 1853-54, comdg. Oyame, EIome sqdn. ; 1860, comdg. Susquehanna, do. ; 1860-61, comdg. do., Mediterranean sqdn. Comdg. Cyane 1853 Mch. 11. To Mayor of San Juan (Martin). “Can- not permit depredations on property of Nicaragua Transit co.” (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 8, 16.) ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. SALLY; HOLLINS (GEORGE N.), OF MD.—cont’d Comdg. Cyane—cont’d 1853 Mch. 14. General order, subsequent to resignation of municipal authorities of San Juan, agst, molesta- tion of Amer. citizens; relative to boats passing betw. San Juan and Punta Arenas. (ib., 31.) — Mch. 18. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Dobbin). Rep- resentation of his conduct in defending property of Nicaragua Transit co, on Punta Arenas. (ib., 11.) — Mch. 27. To comdr. H. B. M. str. Geyser (Wilson). Defining extent of his protection of property of Amer. citizens in San Juan. (ib., 34.) — Mch. 30. To Dobbin. Representation of his conduct in protecting property of Accessory Transit co. (ib., 32.) — Apr. 1. To U. S. commercial agt., San Juan del Nºte (Stevenson). Reply to his of even date. (ib., 36. - — Apr. 1. Martin. Extent to which he is instructed to recognize authorities of San Juan, (ib., 39.) — Apr. 16. To Dobbin. Charges agst. U. S. commer- cial agt. at San Juan (Stevenson). (ib., 35.) — Sept. 18. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Shu- brick). Proc. of Cyane since Aug. 7. (33. 1. H. ex. doc. 21, 34.) 1854 Jly. 11. To U. S. coml. agt. at San Juan (Fabens). Requests information as to nature of action of peo- ple of San Juan upon demands for redress. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 85, 22.) — JIy. 12. To same. Encloses proclamation threat- ening bombardment if demands of U. S. are not ac- ceded to. (ib., 25.) — J1y. 12. To comdr. Br. Schr. Bermuda (Jolley). In bombarding San Juan, is merely enforcing repara- tion demanded by U. S. (ib., 26.) — JIy. 14. To Fabens. Extends invitation to transfer archives and effects to Cyane. (ib., 27.) — Jly. 15. To Dobbin. Encloses copies of several com- munications regarding affairs at Greytown. (ib., 22.) — J1y. 16. To same. Narrative of occurrences at San Juan del Norte; town almost destroyed by bom- bardment and fire; intends to leave for Boston di- rect. (ib., 28.) HOLLINS (J. SMITH), AND OTHERS 1830 Mch. 28. To U. S. Congress. Petition; praying re- lief in case of Danish brig Henrick. (21. 2. H. doc. 65, 1.) HOLLIS (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) HOLLISTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 65.) — Dec. 12. To same. Same. (25. 2. H. jol., 65.) 1839 Jan. 7. To same. Praying adoption of principle of #ation by congress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 1840 Mch. 30. To same; favoring recognition of Hayti. (26. 1. H. jol., 719.) 1842 Mch. 29. To same. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 626.) 1845 Dec. 11. To same; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1. H. jol., 76.) - 1846 Je. 17. To same. In favor of arbitration. (29. 1. H. jol., 984.) 1847 Feb. 22. To same. Praying measures to termi- nate war with Mexico. (29. 2. H. jol., 398.) HOLMAN ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG STAR; see STAR INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 767 HOLMAN (JESSE B.), OF ALA. - Secy. Amer. legation, in Chili, 1850-53; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1854 Jly. 28. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (33. 1. S. 477) “for relief of J. B. Holman.” (33. 1. S. jol., 587; 33. 2. S. jol., 223.) — Aug. 4. Appropriation for payment to James (sic) B. Holmans, for dipl. Services; act. making appro- priations for civil and dip. expenses for year end- ing Je. 30. 1855. (x, St. L., 565.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1854 Jan. 30. Holman to U. S. House. Petition for ex- tra, compensation for Services as secy. Of legation to Chili. (33. 1. H. jol., 279.) — Je. 22. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Va. Remarks; rela- tive to amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, providing payment to Jesse B. Holman [James B. Hollmans], secy. legation in Santiago de Chili, for discharge of clerical duties. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1481.) — Jly. 13. Holman to U. S. Senate. Same. (33. 1. S. jol., 499.) — Jly. 28. U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations (Mason). Rpt. to acc. S. 477 in favor of memorial of J. B. Holmans. (33. 1. S. rpt., 375.) 1856 May 7. U. S. Court of Claims. Report. J. D. Hol- man, executor, vs. The United States. (35. 1. S. misc. doc. 98, 3.) 1857 Jan. 10. B. Stanton, repr. from O. Remarks; claim of J. D. Holman, executor of J. B. Holman, late Secy. of legation to Chili, for extra Services performed by him from Feb. 16 to Je. 24, 1850. (Cong. Globe, 34. 3., 285.) HOLMAN (WM. S.), REPR. FROM ALA. 1861 Feb. 4. Remarks; amdmt. to deficiency bill agst. payment of money to carry into effect Chiriqui- Thompson contract until confirmation of rights and franchises thereunder by Costa Rica. (Cong. Globe, 36. 2., 735.) HOLME (E. F.), LIEUT. H. B. M. SLOOP FLYING FISH 1850 Apr. 18. To comdr. Flying Fish (Patey). Rpt. of boarding Amer. brigantine Louisa Beaton. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 66, 39.) HOLMES ( ), MASTER AMER. SCHR. BETSY; see BETSY HOLMES (ELIAS B.), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1846 Je. 18. Speech; Mexican war, during debate on H. R. 384, reducing duty on imports, etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., app., 952.) HOLMES (GIDEON S.), OF MASS. Amer. cons, for Cape of Good Hope, 1850-55 and 1856- ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British domin- OL18. HOLMES (HENRY A.), OF N. Y. Amaer. cons. for Laguna, 1848-52; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. HOLMES (ISAAC EDWARD), OF S. C., 1796-1867 Repr. from South Carolina, 1839-51, 26-31 cong. ; mem- ber Com. on Foreign Affairs, Feb. 9-14, 1842. 1841 Sept. 7. Remarks; in reply to Adams, favoring intercession of U. S. govt. for Van Dieman’s Land prisoners. (x, Cong. Globe, 440.) 1842 May 11. Do.; favoring provision for full outfit for chargé to Holland. (xi, ib., 491.) HOLMES (ISAAC EDWARD), OF S. C., 1796-1867—cont’d 1843 Feb. 21. Do.; urging provision for mission to China. (xii, ib., 325.) 1845 Jan. 14. Speech; favoring annexation of Texas to U. S. (xiv, ib., 135; app., 106.) 1846 Jan. 29. Speech; on H. res. 5, of notice to Gr. Br. to annul conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (ib., 29. 1., app., 165.) Apr. 9. Remarks; opposing adoption of res. Call- ing for stnt. of payments since Mch. 4, 1841, for contingent expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 29. 1., 640.) — Apr. 14. Do.; opposing passage of bill for Occupa- tion of Oregon by U. S. as violation of conv. With Gr. Br. (ib., 670.) — May 6. Do.; favoring repeal of discriminating duty on Java coffee imported in U. S. vessels. (ib., 770.) — May 11. Do.; favoring reference of subject of dec- laration of war agst. Mexico, to Com. on Foreign Relations, to windicate attitude of U. S. (ib., 792.) — Aug. 8. Do.; favoring passage of bill making fur- ther provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 1211.) 1847 Mch. 3. Do.; on amended S. res. 14, authorizing employment of U. S. ships Macedonian and James- town in transporting provisions to famishing poor of Ireland and Scotland. (ib., 29. 2., app., 441.) 1848 Jan. 13. Do.; on President’s message of Jan. 12, in response to call for instructions in regard to return of Santa Ana to Mexico; instructions to Slidell, etc. (ib., 30. 1., 167.) — Apr. 14. Do.; advocating H. R. 67, for settling claim of legal reprs. of R. H. Meade. (ib., 631.) — Apr. 29. Do.; on President’s message, of even date, concerning appeal of Yucatan for aid; Monroe doc- trine, etc. (ib., 711.) — Je. 28. Speech; on memorial praying for custom- house at Charleston; Calhoun’s course, during de- bate on Oregon question, in opposition to 54° 40'. (ib., 30. 1., 878; app., 806.) — Aug. 10. Remarks; Trist’s letter of Aug. 7, trans- mitting papers relative to treaty with Mexico, etc. (ib., 30. 1., 1058.) 1850 Jly. 18. DO.; on title of Texas to terr. e. Of the Rio Grande, etc.; during consideration of rpt. of Com. on Elections in case of H. N. Smith. (ib., 31. 1., 1401.) — Aug. 7. Do.; in support of his res. calling for in- formation concerning claims agst. Portugal; Gem- eral Armstrong claim. (ib., 1534, 1535.) 1851 Feb. 25, 26. Do.; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 460, etc. (ib., 31. 2., 685; 701.) HOLMES (JAMES L.), CLAIMANT; see LOBDELL (E.) HOLMES (JOHN), CLAIMANT 1829 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition of A. McDonald, admr. of J. Holmes; praying indemnity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. (20. 2. S. jol., 65.) HOLMES (JOHN), OF MASS., 1773–1843 Amer. comr. under art. 4, treaty of Ghent ; see North- east boundary controversy. U. S. sen. from Maine, 1820-27, 1829-33. 1829 Mch. 3. Remarks; in support of Chambers’ motion to print docS. relating to Panama mission transmit- ted by President. (v, Reg. Debates, 76.) 1831 Dec. 20. Do.; intr. res. of inquiry on part of mes- º; President relating to West India trade. (viii, 10. , 9. Dec. 22. Speech; in reply to Smith, explaining damage Wrought by Br. discriminating duties on trade of U. S. with West Indies. (ib., 24.) 768 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HOLMES (JOHN), OF MASS., 1773–1843—cont’d 1832 Jan. 24-25. Do.; in support of his res. proposing inquiry into conduct of late Secy. State (Van Bu- ren). (ib., 1310.) — Apr. 6. Remarks; on Br. law imposing duties on imports from U. S. into Br, colonies. (ib., 71.1.) Apr. 9. Speech; denouncing negotiations and re- Sulting arrangements with Gr. Br. regarding colo- nial trade. (ib., 740.) — Apr. 12. Remarks; in favor of apprin. for mission to Guatemala, as Senate had created said mission. (ib., 770.) — Apr. 13. Do.; directed agst. practice of President Of Sending ministers abroad during recess of Senate. (ib., 774.) — Apr. 17. Do.; objecting to continuance of mission to non-existent govt. of Colombia. (ib., 793.) – Apr. 19. Do.; favoring payment of outfit for min. to France from contingent fund. (ib., 800.) – Je. 13. Do.; maintaining justice of French spolia- tion claims. (ib., 1083.) 1833 Jan. 2. Do.; in support of his res. to grant use of evidence and docs. Submitted by late Spanish claim- ants, to present French claimants. (ix, ib., 38.) — Jan. 10. Do.; expressing doubt as to legality as evidence before commission under conv. with France Of copies of docs. in State Dept., to be furnished ap- plicants therefor. (ib., 80.) HOLMES (PELHAM), CLAIMANT; see LOBDELL (E.) HOLMES (VALENTINE), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Belfast, 1851-54; 185 [5]-56; see U. S. A. Consular service. dominions. HOLMES CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1843 Dec. 26. To U. S. House. Memorials; for immediate occupation of Oregon terr. by U. S. (28. 1. H. jol., 113.) HOLMES’S HOLE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1842 Feb. 7. To U. S. House. In favor of recognition of Haiti. (27. 2. H. jol., 325.) HOLSEY (HOPKINS), REPR. FROM GA. 1837 Sept. 13. Remarks; opposing res. of Adams calling for all corresp. regarding Mexican boundary. (xiv, Reg. Debates, 612.) * 1838 Jan. 11. Do.; denying charges agst. U. S. of violat- ing neutrality with Mexico. (vi, Cong. Globe, 99.) Feb. 16. Do.; opposing bill to amend act for pun- ishment of certain crimes agst. U. S. (ib., 185.) Feb. 16. Do.; moving recommitment of bill to pun- ish certain crimes agst. U. S. to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 185.) — Feb. 21. Do.; favoring passage of bill to amend acts to punish certain crimes agst. U. S. (ib., 193.) — Mch. 2. Do.; supporting provision of neutrality bill making it applicable to coterminous territories only. (ib., 206.) do. for Galway, British HOLT ( HOLT (ZEBEDIAH. S.), CLAIMANT; see ATKINS, (A.) HOLTZ (CHARLOTTE B.), CLAIMANT; see HOTZ (P.) HOMANS (JAMES L.), LIEUT. U. S. N. 1838 Feb. 5. To gen. Comdg. U. S. forces at Detroit (Brady). Bands of men, called “Patriots,” are on way from Ohio, with war material, to invade Can- ada; Indians said to be with them. (vi, Cong. Globe, 184.] ), MASTER AMER. BRIG MOLLY; see MOLLY HOMER (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 2. H. jol., 441.) — Mch. 12. Same, (ib., 600.) HOMER, AMER. BRIG 1826 Jly. 17. Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. in Brazil (Ra- guet) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clay). Arrival at Buenos Aires of Amer brig Homer and of ship Cor- sair; etc. (20. 1. H. doc. 281, 22.) — Oct. 31. Same to same. Seizure for breach of block- ade of Amer. brig Homer; etc. (ib., 53.) 1827 Feb. 7. Same to same. Capture and subsequent re- º of Amer. Schrs. Homer and Armstrong; etc. ib., 80.) HOMES (BARZILLAI), CLAIMANT 1846 Dec. 28. To U. S. House. Memorial of T. C. Wales, heir of B. Holmes; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 101.) 1850 Jan. 10. To same. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 276.) HOMES (HENRY A.), OF MASS. Secy. Amer. legation U. S. in Turkey, 1851-[1853] ; Homes also discharged consular duties in Constan- tinople from Jhy., 1851 to Mch., 1853; see U. S. A. Consular service. Turkish dominions. Correspondence: Consular Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster) 1851 Jly. 17. [unnum.] Ready to enter upon discharge of duties of cons. at Constantinople until arrival of G. A. Porter. (34. 3. H. ex. dog. 82, 16.) — Aug. 14. [no. 2..] Refusal of Dainese to give up archives until threatened with imprisonment by Austrian chancery; narration of course of conduct promised; accepts apptmt. of vice-cons. for Constan- tinople from Mr. Porter. (ib., 21.) Aug. 29. [no. 3, extr.] Strmt. of affair with Dainese; intervention of Austrian chancery; counter-circular issued by Dainese to chanceries of legations; petty efforts to secure testimonials; letter to KOSSuth. (ib., 24; 117.) Wording of two copies, varies. — Sept. 25. [no. 4.] Copy of demand of dragoman to consulate agst. Dainese, for $540. (ib., 23.) — Nov. 15. [no. 5.] No arrivals or departures of Amer. merchantmen during last three mos.; bill drawn on Secy. State for expenses of consulate for three mos. ending Oct. 17. (ib., 30.) 1852 Feb. 10. [no. 6..] Has drawn on U. S. govt. for $120, for expenses of consulate at Constantinople. (ib., 51.) — Apr. 24. [unnum.] Encloses extr. from letter re- munciative of Dainese; Amer. citizen desirable for consulate at Constantinople. (ib., 232.) — May 5. [no. 7..] Has drawn on govt. for $140; por- tion of archives still detained unlawfully by F. Dai- nese. (ib., 56.) — Je. 5. [no. 9..] Strmt. of grounds on which he Sup- poses his drafts to have claim to be honored; re- quests authority to draw for usual cons. expenses. (ib., 57.) — Sept. 4. [no. 13.] Requests measures for his relief; l, unable to pay expenses of consulate, or relieve dis- tressed seamen. (ib., 59.) (Everett) 1853 Mch. 23. [no. 18.] To same. Encloses acct. for ex- penses to date; has resigned to chargé of U. S. lega- tion, the office of actg. cons. at Constantinople. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 77.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 769 HOMES (HENRY A.), OF MASS.—cont’d Correspondence: Consular—cont’d Secy. State, U. S. A.—cont’d (Marcy) 1853 Je. 29. [unnum.] Strnt, resp. affairs at U. S. con- Sulate in Constantinople; apprn. from which he would have been reimbursed for cons. expenses ex- hausted; relief requested. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 78.) — Aug. 20. [unnum.J. Facts in refutation of letter in Washington “Republic " of Aug. 16, signed by F. Dainese, regarding U. S. flag in Constantinople, and cons. archives. (ib., 85.) — Sept. 1. [unnum.] Requests to be furnished with copy of such letter as may be written to legation at Constantinople resp. his connection with consulate, 1851. (ib., 85.) 1857 Feb. 13. [unnum.] Information resp. validity of claims of F. Dainese; Webster’s revocation of his commission an implied condemnation of these claims. (ib., 177.) Corr.: Executive • 1851 Jly. 22. To actg. Amer. cons. at Constantinople (Dainese). Authorized by G. A. Porter, Amer. cons. at Constantinople, to take charge of consulate and perform its duties. (ib., 184.) — Sept. 9. To Kossuth. Resp. extent of accommoda- tion to be had on Mississippi. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 78, 37.) — Sept. 25. To late Amer. Cons. at Constantinople (Porter). Results of displacement of Dainese as cons.; evidence of corruption in his conduct of consulate; ridiculous charges in accts. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 227.) — Nov. 15. To Same. Some cons. paperS Still in Dai- nese's possession; presence of permanent consul necessary. (ib., 229.) Claim of 1851 Sept. 25. Amer. chargé ad int., Turkey (Brown) to Amer. cons., Constantinople (Porter). Difficulty Homes experienced in Securing cons. corresp. from * his bad reputation. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, — Oct. 6. Porter to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Homes apptd. Vice-cons. in place of F. Dainese, re- moved. (ib., 29.) 1852 Oct. 8. Dainese to Webster. Machinations of lead- ers of Amer. legation at Constantinople; imputa- tions therein Ventilated repelled; is under jurisdic- tion of U. S.; underhand doings of Brown and Homes; requests early transmission of appoint- ment to Constantinople, to end difficulties. (ib., 243.) — Dec. 24. Porter to Webster. Requests honoring of drafts of H. A. Homes, vice-cons. at Constantinople. (ib., 249.) 1853 Je. 28. Dainese to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Requests that no faith be placed in words of Homes; recommendation regarding accounts of Homes. (ib., 257.) — Jly. 9. Marcy to Homes. No funds at disposition of Dept. for payment of alleged claim; draft for relief of Amer. Seamen will be paid. (ib., 81.) — Aug. 13. Dainese to Marcy. Homes’ claims as actg. cons. for 1851 and 1852 surreptitious; submits that cons. accts, from 1849 to 1852 be paid without recognition and signature by Vigoureux or Dai- nese. (ib., 84.) 1854 Mch. 20. Homes to U. S. Senate. Petition; pray- ing remuneration for expenses incurred while actg. cons. at Constantinople. (33. 1. S. jol., 268.) HOMES (HENRY A.), OF MASS.—cont’d Claim of—cont’d 1856 Sept. 29. Marsh to Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Thomas). Requests that copy of any decision that may have been had upon question of validity of Homes’ apptmt. be forwarded to him. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 107.) — Nov. 19. Marsh to Marcy. Requests to be informed whether decision was made by State Dept. as to le- gality of apptmt. of Homes, and if so, that he be Supplied with copy. (ib., 108.) — Nov. 25. Thomas to Marsh. Validity of apptmt. of #ºes upheld; circumstances attending same. (ib., 09.) — Dec. 8. Same to same. H. A. Homes recognized as actg. cons. at Constantinople from Dec. 20, 1852, to Mch. 23, 1853. (ib., 110.) HONDURAS; see CENTRAL AMERICA HONG KONG 1854 Je. 9. Comdr. U. S. Surveying Sqdn., no. China SeaS (Ringgold) to Amer. comr. in China (McLane). Ne- cessity of naval force at Hong Kong; etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 249.) 1856 Jan. 2. Hong Kong. Diplomatic dept. Resp. “ pub- lic notice ’’ of Br. naval commander-in-chief of ar- rangements made for protection of commerce. (ib., 626.) — Jan. 14. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Controversy betw. Amer. cons. at Hong Kong (Keenan) and colonial authori- ties; etc. (ib., 622.) 1857 Feb. 24. Kiii, sub-prefect and actg. distr. magis- trate of Hiang-shan. Edict recalling Chinese from Hong Kong. (ib., 1227.) Civil Service Colonial Secretary 1855. W. T. Mercer. Attorney General 1855. W. T. Bridges. Supt. of Police 1855. C. May. Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service Poisoning 1857 Jan 16. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Comdr. E. I. Sqdn., U. S. N. (Armstrong). Copy of protest agst. use of poison as means of warfare; copy of reply of imperial comr. to protest of 30 ult. agst. disturbing peace of Macao. (35. 2. S. ex: doc. 22, 1148.) — Jan. 16. Parker to Imperial Comr., Canton (Yeh). Protests agst. use of poison as means of war. (ib., 1146.) – Jan. 16. French comr. in China (de Courcy) to Yeh. Attempt to poison inhabitants of Hong Kong. (ib., 1147.) — Jan. 19. Parker to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Means by which Chinese carry on war; poisoning of bread supplied to public at Hong Kong; currency edict of Yeh, Dec. 11, 1855. (ib., 1144.) - Jan. 20. Armstrong to Parker. Officers and men of Levant ill from poison put in bread by Chinese baker. (ib., 1169.) – Feb. 3. Yeh to Parker. Expresses surprise at in- formation contained in communication of 16 ult. (ib., 1187.) – Feb. 12. Parker to H. B. M. Comr. in China (Bow- ring). Copy of despatch recd. from Yeh of 3 inst., in reply to his of 16 ult., protesting agst, use of poison as a means of justifiable warfare. (ib., 1227.) – Feb. 12. Parker to Marcy. Administration of poi- son to foreigners in bread; etc. (ib., 1183.) 49 770 INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING To FOREIGN AFFAIRS HONG KONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1857 May 29. Govt. notification in relation to subject of claims. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1378.) HONG KONG REGISTER 1854 May 30. Attack made by piratical junks upon Dutch Vessel Paul Johan on 14 inst. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 222.) HONOLULU Consuls in; see U. S. A. Consular Service HONORÉ, SLAVE 1829 Mch. 30. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- Sett) to ministr. relac. est., Mexico (Bocanegra). Detention at Vera Cruz of slave Honoré, property of Amer. citizen. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (annex), 276.) HOOK (L.) Br. comr. at Sierra Leone under Mixed Commission for Suppression of Slavetrade ; see Slavetrade. HOOKER (HOMER), HEIRS OF 1850 Jan. 22. To U. S. House. Petition; praying indem- nity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 384.) HOOKER (HORACE), HEIRS OF 1850 Jan. 10. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying in- demnity for French spoliations. (31. 1. H. jol., 276.) — Jan. 16. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 83.) HOOKER (SAMUEL B.), MASTER AMER. SLAVER CLARA; see CLARA HOOKSETT (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) HOOPER (WM.), ACTG. AMER. COMMERCIAL AGT. AT OAHU 1843 Mch. 7. [no. 22.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Web- ster.) Copies of corresp. betw. capt. Paulet and King of Sandwich Is...; character of demands made on that govt. by capt. Paulet; king has ceded islands to Gr. Br. (52. 2. S. ex. doc. 77, 41.) — Mch. 11. [no. 23.] To Same. Transmits doc. from King of Sandwich Is. to President of U. S., an- nouncing provisional cession of islands to Gr. Br.; etc. (ib., 49.) — Aug. 15. [no. 28.] To Same. Announces restora- tion of sovereignty of Sandwich IS. by rear-adm. Thomas; acts of capt. Paulet unauthorized. (ib., 51.) HOOPER (WM. AND NATHANIEL), OF MARBLEHEAD 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying in- demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) HOOVER (FREDERICK) 1845 Dec. 22. To U. S. House. Petition agst. admis- sion of Texas as slave State. (29. 1. H. jol., 150.) HOOVER (JAMES), SEAMAN U. S. SHIP NATCHEZ; DE- PONENT; see NATCHEZ HOPE (G. W.) - 1845 Jan. 29. To under secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Canning). Transmits information relating to Case of Argus. (32. 1. H. ex: doc. 120, 96.) HOPE AND Co., ET AL. 1842 Jly 7. To U. S. House. Memorial of Edmund J. Forstall, in behalf of messrs. Hope and co., of Am- sterdam, et al., bondholders of Bank of Pensacola, Fla.; presented (Edw. D. White, Fla.), and re- ; to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (27. 2. H. jol., 1062. 1845 Dec. 19. To U. S. House. Memorial, heretofore pre- sented Jly. 7, 1842, presented (C. J. Ingersoll, Pa.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (29. 1. H. jol., 146.) 1847 Feb. 24. U. S. House. Ingersoll moved to discharge Com. on Foreign Affairs from consideration of memorial of Hope and co., of Amsterdam, Nether- lands, and to refer same to Com. On Judiciary. (29. 2. H. jol., 415.) HOPE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying rec- ognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 608.) HOPE, AMER. SLAVER BRIG (DRISCOLL) Corresp. is confined to stnt. showing operations of Hope in Aug. and Sept., 1843, betw. coasts of Brazil and Africa. 1844 Feb. 12. Amer. cons. at Rio de Janeiro (Slacum) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Upshur). Depositions in case of brig Hope; etc. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 43, 25.) HOPE, AMER. SCHR. (ADAMS) n, d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 44.) HOPE, AMER. SCHR. (MOORE) Fined by customs authorities of Maranham in Sept., 37; claimant Wm. W. Harper; synopsis of claim in V, Moore, Int. Arbitration, p. 4614, 0 (53. 2. H. misc. doc. v. 39, p. 4614, 4620) ; d.o. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 18, 115). HOPE, AMER. SCHR. (NOBLE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 44.) HOPE, AMER. SCHR. (PRADY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of JIy. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 44.) HOPEDALE (MASS.) CITIZENS 1844 Dec. 30. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (28. 2. H. jol., 147.) HOPEWELL (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 227.) HOPEWELL, AMER. BRIG (SHEPARD) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 44.) HOPKINS ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP NEPTUNE; see NEPTUNE Hºs ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP VICTORY; see WIC- R HOPKINS (EDWARD A.), OF WT. Amer. cons. for Asuncion, 1851-[53] ; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Paraguay. INPEx To UNITED STATEs DocumENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs 771 HOPKINS (GEORGE W.), OF WA., 1804–61 Amer... chargé in Portugal, 1847-49; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Repr., from Virginia, 1857-59; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 1857-59, 35 cong., 1 and 2 sess. Amer. Chargé in Portugal Correspondence PORTUGUESE Ministr. do Negocios Estrangeiros (Saldanha) 1848 Mch. 21. Invites attention to case of Amer. ship Miles. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 132.) (Gomes de Castro) 1848 Nov. 7. Case of Amer. ship Miles. doc. 53, 133.) 1849 Mch. 10. Claim of Amer. Schr. Colonel Blum agst. Portuguese govt. (ib., 152.) (Tojal) 1849 Je. 28. Claim of Amer. privateer General Arm- strong. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 20.) — Jly, 19. Claim of James Hall, master Amer. ship Sheppard. (ib., 117.) — Jly. 25. Certain claims of citizens of U. S. agst. govt. of Portugal; case of ship Miles. (ib., 152.) Representative from Va. Bills and Resolutions Introduced 1858 May 29. Bill for relief of Wm. Hunter. (35. 1. H. B. 618.) 1859 Jan. 7. Bill for relief of owners, officers, and crew e of brig General Armstrong. (35. 2. H. R. 774.) — Feb. 5. Jt. res. permitting capt. M. F. Maury and prof. A. D. Bache to accept gold medals from Sar- dinian govt. (35. 2. H. J. res. 52.) — Mch. 3. Jt. res. for relief of A. Dudley Mann. (35. 2. H. J. res. 58.) Remarks, etc. 1858 Jan. 27. Remarks; concerning cons. and dipl. ap- prin. bill. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 638.) # (32. 1. H. ex. 1859 Jan. 14. Do.; explanatory of res. (S. no. 45) au- thorizing T. Harris, cons.-gen. at Japan, and H. C. I. Herskin, his interpreter, to accept presents from Queen of England. (ib., 389.) – Jan. 25. Amdmt. to cons. and dipl. apprin. bill, pro- viding for salary of min. res. at Japan, with re- * relative to apptmt. of T. Harris. (ib., 590, 591. Reports 1858 May 29. Rpt. to acc. H. R. 618, for relief of Wm. Hunter. (35. 1. H. rpt. 479.) May 29. Rpt., adverse to petition of Jonas P. Levy. (ib., 510.) — May 29. Rpt., adverse to petition of Walter M. Gibson. (ib., 511.) 1859 Feb. 5. Rpt., adverse to petition of H. T. A. Rai- nals. (35. 2. H. rpt. 166.) — Feb. 5. Rpt., adverse to petition of J. B. M. Epping. (ib., 167.) — Mch. 3. Rpt., to acc. H. J. res. 58, for relief of A. Dudley Mann. (ib., 254.) HOPKINS (J. PAGE), OF WA. Amer, cons, for Tabasco in 1857; see U. S. A. Consular service. Mexico. HOPKINS (SILAS) 1858 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying indem- nity for property destroyed by Br. during war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 82.) HOPKINS (WILLIAM F.), OF MD. Amer. cons. for Kingston, Jamaica, in 1859; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HOPKINTON (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 15. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 58.) • — Sept. 22. To U. S. Senate. Same, (25. 1. S. jol., 39.) HOPKINTON (N. H.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 9. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 162.) HOPKINTON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 21. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 340.) HOPKINTON (R. I.) CITIZENS 1839 Jan. 7. To U. S. House; VS. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 228.) HOPNER (C. C.), CAPT. MEXICAN SCHR. MOLESTADORE; See MOLESTADORE HOPPENSTEDT (H.) 1848 Feb. 29. To comdr. Home sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Revolution of Indians in Yucatan. (30. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 3.) HORATIO, SLAVER BRIG 1854 Nov. 1. U. S. atty. SO. distr. N. Y. (Benedict) to depy. Surveyor U. S. custom-house, N. Y. (McKeon). Has sent officer to examine Horatio on clearing for African coast. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 13.) — Nov. 10. Surveyor Custom-house, N. Y. (Cochrane) to McKeon. Horatio has sailed without delivery of register. (ib., 13.) — Nov. 11. McKeon to collector of customs, N. Y. (Redfield). Information that Horatio has sailed from N. Y. with foreign flags, equipped for slave- trade; requests rpt. of measures taken in Redfield’s office in concert with surveyor of port. (ib., 12.) 1855 May 8. U. S. atty., so. distr. Fla. (Hackley) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Notice of finding of abandoned brigantine Horatio; suspected of having landed cargo of slaves on coast of Cuba (ib., 16.) — May 8. J. McGuire. Strmt. relative to brigantine Ho- ratio before J. Hanan, U. S. Consul for St. Domingo. (ib., 17.) — May 10. McKeon to customs collector, N. Y. (Red- field). Requests copies of Ship’s papers of Horatio. (ib., 20.) — May 10. Redfield to McKeon. Cannot furnish pa- pers of Horatio before 11 o’clock, May 11. (ib., 21.) — May 11. McKeon to Redfield. Additional informa- tion wanted resp. Horatio; requests explanation of absence of master’s oath, collector’s certificate and notarial certificate of nationality of ship’s equipage on crew list. (ib., 21.) — May 11. Redfield to McKeon. Encloses copies of papers of Horatio. (ib., 21.) — May 12. Same to same. Encloses copies of papers requested in communication of 11th. (ib., 22.) — May 17. Asst. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Hunter) to McKeon. Encloses copy of letter in relation to discovery of Horatio having been abandoned at sea; suspicion that she had landed cargo of slaves on coast of Cuba. (ib., 15.) * — May 18. Actg. atty., so distr. N. Y. (Joachimsen) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Strmt. of facts In º Of #Oratio; copies of papers relating thereto. ib., 16. — May 19. Hunter to Hackley. U. S. distr. atty. at N. Y. has asked for Sworn stimts, of parties within ºlºr, reach resp. finding of brig Horatio. (ib., 772 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HORATIO, SLAVER BRIG-cont’d 1855 May 19. Hunter to Joachimsen. Has requested Mr. Hackley to transmit to U. S. atty., N. Y. City, affidavits resp. Horatio. (ib., 23.) – Je. 7. Hunter to Hackley. Has transmitted copy of communication from capt. Skinner, resp. Horatio, to distr. atty. in N. Y. (ib., 24.) HORN (A. J. S.), DEPONENT IN CASE OF CORDORWA, AS- SOCIATE OF WALKER; see MEXICO. FILIBUSTERING INVASIONS HORNBY (EDMUND) Br. comr., under . Br. claims conv. of 1853; see Gr. Britain. Claims. HORNBY (GEOFFREY PHIPPS), CAPT. H. B. M. S. TRIBUNE 1859 Aug. 3. To capt. U. S. A., stationed at San Juan Is. (Pickett). Proposes consultation on board Tribune relative to landing of Amer. troops on San Juan. (36. 1. S. ex. doc. 2, 50.) - Aug. 3. To same. Substance of declarations and prºposals made in conference earlier in day. (ib., — Aug. 3. To same. Proposal of even date accepted. (ib., 51.) HORNBY (PHIPPS), ADMIRAL BR. PACIFIC SQUADRON 1850 Mch. 19. To Secy. Foreign Relations of Nicaragua (Salinas). Protest agst. anti-Br. articles in public press of Nicaragua. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 43, 73.) – Mch. 20. To Secy. State, San Salvador (Pino). º: confirmation of existing Br. proposals. – Mch. 25. To Secy. State of Honduras (Rojas). Un- authorized treaty with Mr. Jaurequi; his imprison- ment. (ib., 67.) HORNELLSVILLE (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1838 Feb. 14. To U. S. House; vs. annexation of Texas. (25. 2. H. jol., 441.) — Apr. 9. To same. Same. (ib., 732.) 1845 Dec. 15. To same. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 104.) HORNER (JAMES H.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Sabanillo, 1856-59; see U. S. A. Consular service. Colombia. HORNET, U. S. SLOOP (1803) In commission (1828-61): 1828, W. I. sqdn. (Claxton); 1829-30, do. (Morris). HORMANN (CHRISTIAN) 1852 JIy. 3. Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Prussia (Bar- nard) to minist. d. Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten (Manteuffel). Application for proper redress in case of Hormann, unwarrantably imprisoned at Minden, and provisionally discharged. (36. 1. S. ex, doc. 38, 26.) — Jly. 3. Barnard to Hormann. Has prepared com- munication to Prussian min. of foreign affairs in his behalf. (ib., 25.) — Jly. 13. Barnard to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Cases of Gutowsky, Hormann, and Meyer, Amer. citizens; denied privilege of residence and threat- ened with compulsory enlistment in Prussian army; efforts in their behalf. (ib., 22.) 1853 Feb. 15. Barnard to Manteuffel. Explains attitude of U. S. govt. on question of compulsory enlistment of naturalized Prussian Subjects returning to Prus- sia, in cases of emigration without certificate; cases of Hormann, Meyer, and Kracke; ground of humanity in similar cases urged by U. S. govt. for exemption from military service or penal discipline. (ib., 57.) HORSE-SHOE REEF; CESSION OF; see GREAT BRITAIN. TREATIES, 1850, DEC. 9 HORSHAM (PA.) CITIZENS 1838 Dec. 20. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 112.) 1839 Mch. 1. To U. S. Senate. Praying recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. S. jol., 305.) HOSKINS (JEREMIAH) 1850 Apr. 3. To U. S. House. Petition; praying indem- nity for losses sustained during war of 1812. (31. 1. H. jol., 745.) HOSMER (RUFUS), OF MICH. Amer. cons.-gen. for Germany in 1861; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. Germany. HOTZ (PETER, JR.) Amer. cons. for Valencia in 1830; see also U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. 1831 May 17. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness). Notice of revocation of commission of U. S. consul at Va- lencia (Hotz). (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 28.) 1832 Je. 8. Van Ness to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Living- ston). Conduct of Peter Hotz, jr.; temporary apptmt. of Thomas Trenor; etc. (ib., 104.) HOTZ (PETER), CLAIMANT 1851 Dec. 16. To U. S. House. Petition of Charlotte B., admix. Of Peter Hotz. (32. 1. H. jol., 103.) iº 1852 Jan. 7. To U. S. Senate. Same; praying tribunal to revise decisions of late Mexican Claims Com- mission. (32. 1. S. jol., 101.) HOUGH (H.), AND OTHERS 1840 Jan. 13. To U. S. Congress. Petition of citizens of Ky.; praying adoption of measures to promote settlement of Oregon terr. (26. 1. S. doc. 172.) HOUGHTAILING (J. B.), TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDI- TION; see TEXAS. SANTA FE EXPEDITION HOUGHTON (GEORGE), BR. SUBJECT; CLAIM VS. U. S. For return of specie **** to claimant taken On board pirate vessel by U. S. vessel of war. 1855 Jan. 2. Claim agst. U. S. under conv. of 1853; Synopsis of award; rpts. and decisions of comrs. and arguments of counsel. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 103, 68; 161.) HOUGHTON (MARY H.), ADMX. OF H. A. HOUGHTON, CLAIMANT; see WRIGHT AND HOUGHTON HOUGHTON (WARREN D.), TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPE- DITION; see TEXAS. SANTA FE EXPEDITION HOUND, AMER. COOLIE SHIP (PECK); see COOLIE TRADE HOUND, AMER. SLAVER SCHR. Boarded Aug. 3, 1839, on w. coast of Africa, by H. B. M. brig Waterwitch (Matson). 1839 Oct. 9. Lieut. Br. brig Water witch (Matson) to First Lord of the Admiralty (Elliot). Account of boarding of Amer. slaver Schr. Hound. (26. 2. H. ex. doc. 115, 28.) HOUND, AMER. SCHR. (QUAIL) 1818 Apr. 16. M. and W. Wurtz to U. S. Senator from N. J. (Dickerson). Claim agst. Haiti for seizure of Schr. Hound. (27. 3. H. doc. 36, 104.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 773 HOUSE (CONRAD) 1837 Jan. 16. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- pensation for property destroyed by Br. during late war. (24. 2. H. jol., 208; 519.) HOUSTON (FELIX), GENERAL OF TEXAN ARMY 1836 Mch. 4. Letter relative to arrangements to take emigrants to Texas from Ky. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 256, 14.) – Apr. 4. Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. (Goro- stiza) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Efforts of F. Houston to enlist volunteers in Ky. to increase * of Texan insurgents. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 256, 13. – Apr. 22. U. S. distr. atty., Ky. (Sanders) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Military organization in favor of cause of Texas; charge agst. Houston. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 23.) — Dec. 13. To Secy. War of Texas (Johnston). Information of treaty betw. Indians and Urea agst. Texas. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 37.) 1838 Dec. 24. To same. Alliance betw. Cherokees and Mexico for conquest of Texas. (ib., 41.) HOUSTON (GEORGE S.), REPR. FROM ALA. 1845 Jan. 22. Remarks; opposing clauses of bill (P. King) for annexation of Texas to U. S., relative to lands and slavery. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 173.) 1846 Jan. 17. Do.; opposing provision for distribution of money collected from Peru, for claims of U. S. citizens. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 216.) — Feb. 6. Speech; on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon, etc. (ib., 320; app., 279.) — Apr. 17. Remarks; in reply to Chapman, relative to Houston amdmt., of Apr. 13, to H. R. 7, to pro- tect rights of Amer. citizens in Oregon, etc. (ib., app., 547.) 1848 Jan. 13. Do.; chiefly in reply to Adams, on Presi- dent’s message of Jan. 12., in response to call for instructions concerning return of Santa Ana to Mexico, instructions to Slidell, etc. (ib., 30. 1., 168- 69; app., 69.) – Apr. 27. Do.; in reply to Clingman, on his res. of Feb. 7, Calling for unpublished corresp. of gen. Scott, gen. Taylor, Trist, etc.; and on letters with- held. (ib., 30. 1. 688-690, 693.) 1849 Feb. 5. Do.; on Stephens res. of Feb. 3, with vari- ations. (ib., 30. 2., 450-52; app., 86-89.) 1851 Dec. 15. Remarks, in House; in reply to Marshall, On H. R. 22, authorizing payment into treasury of California of certain revenues upon imports col- lected since ratification of treaty of 1848 with Mex- ico and prior to admission of California as a state. (ib., 32. 1., 101.) 1852 Jan. 6. Do.; in explanation and support of Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 46; etc. (ib., 215.) – Jan. 20. Do.; in reply to McMullin and Disney, favorable to H. R. 46; on charges of corruption in fººtion With mode of payment, etc. (ib., 316- 317. * — Jan. 24. Do.; in support of H. R. 46; on mode of payment, etc. (ib., 385-387.) — Jan. 28. Explanation concerning former remarks relative to H. R. 46, etc. (ib., 411.) — Mch. 26. Remarks; on amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs to deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 207, relative to relief of Amer. citizens lately imprisoned and pardoned by Queen of Spain. (ib., 894.) — Aug. 5. Do.; unfavorable to Hebard amdmt. to H. R. 196, providing additional salary for min. res. at Turkey. (ib., 2096.) — Aug. 5. Do.; on amdmt. of Com. On Foreign Af- fairs to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 196, provid- HOUSTON (GEORGE S.), REPR. FROM ALA.—cont’d ing outfit and increased salary for comr. to China; advocating reform in system of compensating for- eign ministers. (ib., 2094.) 1852 Aug. 5. Do.; on amdmts. to H. R. 196, providing compensation to C. M. Ingersoll, late Secy. Of lega- tion at Russia, for services as acting chargé; also compensation to D. S. Carr for expenses incurred in diplomatic service. (ib., 2095.) 1853 Feb. 16. Do.; on item in civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 337, providing for compensation of Secy. Of State, etc. (ib. 32. 2., 655.) * — Feb. 19. Do.; in explanation of item in H. R. 337, providing for salary of comr. to Sandwich Is. (ib., 722.) — Feb. 19. Do.; opposed to Stanton amdmt. authoriz- ing full mission to Switzerland, offered as proviso to clause of H. R. 337 providing for chargéships. (ib., 718.) — Feb. 19. Do.; concerning his amdmt. to H. R. 337, providing for a clerk to U. S. legation at London. (ib., 718.) — Feb. 28. Do.; in support of his amdmt., providing for relief of Cuban prisoners, not citizens of U. S., pardoned by Queen of Spain and transported to D. S.; offered as Substitute for all but 1st item of 10th Senate amdmt. to H. R. 337. (ib., 913.) — Mch. 2. Do.; in favor of 54th and 55th Senate amdmts. to H. R. 337, providing outfit and salary of a comr. to China. (ib., 1045.) 1854 Je. 22. Do.; in explanation of amdmt. of Commit- tee on Ways and Means to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 48, providing payment for persons employed to protect U. S. citizens and property at San Juan de Nicaragua, etc. (ib., 33. 1., 1481.) — Je. 26. Do.; urging consideration of H. R. 405, to enable President to fulfill art. 3, treaty of Dec. 30, 1853, with Mexico. (ib., 1520.) — Je. 26. Do.; on Peckham and Benton res. of even date resp. negotiation of Gadsden treaty. (ib., 1519.) — Je. 27. Do.; on res. of Peckham and Benton of Je. 26, calling for corresp. concerning treaty of Dec. 30, 1853, with Mexico; liability of U. S. under treaty of 1846; during consideration of H. R. 405. (ib., 1538, 1541-1542.) — Je. 28. Brief summary of Speech in House Com. of the Whole; with remarks on conversation with Benton concerning call for paperS relative to treaty of 1853 with Mexico. (ib., 1561-1563.) — Je. 28. Speech; in support of H. R. 405; on treaty of 1853, with Mexico, and call for information con- cerning same; etc. (ib., 1561-63; app., 1064.) 1855 Jan. 26, 27. Remarks; on French spoliations bill, JH. R. 117. (ib., 33. 2., 418, 420, 431.) — Feb. 12. Do.; relative to H. res. 47, to fulfill stipu- lations of art. 9, treaty of 1819, with Spain. (ib., 694.) — Feb. 21. Do.; on Chandler amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 569, providing payment of draft of F. Dainese, late U. S. cons. Of Constanti- nople. (ib., 873.) 1856 Aug. 6. Do.; on construction of Sec. 1, act of Mch. 1, 1855, for remodeling dipl. and cons. Systems of L. S. (ib., 34. 1., 1948.) - 1858 Dec. 13. DO.; declaring, apropos meSSage of Pres- ident transmitting copy of treaty with Siam, that all apprns. for execution of treaties have to be re- ported and passed in bills by themselves. (ib., 35. 2., 68.) 1859 Feb. 1. Do.; insisting on reference of French spo- liations bill to Com. Of Whole. (ib., 728.) 1860 Mch. 29. Do.; declaring present French spoliations bill to be exactly similar to that of last session. (ib., 36. 1., 1432.) * 774 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HOUSTON (JOHN W.), REPR. FROM DEL. 1850 Jly. 23. Remarks; on Hise treaty with Nicaragua; during consideration of President’s message of Jly. 18. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1440.) 1851 Feb. 26. Do.; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 460, and mode of paying instalments. (ib., 31., 2., 700.) HOUSTON (SAMUEL) President Republic of Texas, 1841-44. Texas, 1846-59. President of Republic of, Teacas 1843 Je. 15. Proclamation. Independence of Texas; Cessation of hostilities with Mexico; armistice. (28. 1. S. doc. 341, 83; H. ex. doc. 271, 83.) 1844 Feb. 16. To President U. S. A. (Jackson). Annex- ation of Texas to U. S. (28. 1. H. ex. doc 271, 110.) Senator from Teacas 1846 Apr. 15. Speech; on S. res. 1, advising President to give notice to Gr. Br. to annul conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 672; app., 637.) – May 12. Remarks; expressing conviction that war existed with Mexico. (ib., 798.) 1847 Feb. 19. Speech; on Mexican war, Texas, etc., dur- ing debate on S. 105, making further apprn. to bring the war to speedy and honorable conclusion. (ib., 29. 2., 455; app., 218.) 1848 Apr. 6. Remarks; on S. res. 15 and 17, tendering congratulations to people of France. (ib., 30. 1., app., 464.) — May 8. Speech and remarks; on S. 243, to enable President to take temporary military occupation of Yucatan; Monroe doctrine; annexation of Texas, ** of England. (ib., 738; app., 603, 606- 607. 1850 Jan. 30. Remarks; relative to Seward res. of Jan. 9, concerning propriety of granting lands to Hun- garian exiles, etc. (ib., 31. 1., 262.) — Feb. 8. Speech; on Clay compromise res. Of Jan. 29; title of Texas to terr. east of the Rio Grande. (ib., app., 97.) — Feb. 8. Do.; in support of his res. Of Jan. 14, Con- cerning slavery in the territories; title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande. (ib., 97.) - Je. 4. Remarks; favorable to S. res. 19, for relief of Saml. Colt and B. F. Morse. (ib., 31. 1., 1125.) — Je. 13. Do.; in reply to Seward, on title of Texas to terr. e. Of the Rio Grande; during consideration of compromise bill, S. 225. (ib., app., 865.) — Jly. 3. Speech; on military occupation of Santa Fé, etc.; title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande; during debate on Cass res. of Je. 27. (ib., app., 1712.) — Jly. 26. Remarks; on title of Texas to terr. e. Of the Rio Grande; during consideration of amdmtS. to S. 225. (ib., app., 1438.) 1853 Jan. 26. Do.; asking privilege of Speakng on S. res. 69, declaratory of views of U. S. resp. col- Onization of North Amer. Continent by European powers and resp. Cuba. (ib., 32. 2., app., 133.) — Mch. 2. Speech; unfavorable to S. res. 69, de- claratory of views of U. S. resp. colonization on No. Amer. continent by European powers and resp. Cuba; mission of Kossuth; invasion of Cuba, etc.; during debate on post office apprn. bill, H. R. 350. (ib., 32. 2., 1015.) 1854 Jan. 16. Remarks; favorable to Pearce res. Con- cerning expediency of presenting testimonials to comdr.s. and crews of Br. ship Three Bells, Amer. bark Kilby and ship Antarctic for rescue of Sur- vivors of str. San Francisco. (ib., 33. 1., 175.) U. S. Sen. from HOUSTON (SAMUEL)—cont’d Servator from Teacas—cont’d 1855 Jan. 19. Do.; in support of S. 481, for relief of Capt. Thom. Ap C. Jones. (ib., 33. 2., 324.) - Jan. 26. Do.; in favor of S. 268, for relief of claim- ants of brig General Armstrong. (ib., 413–414.) - Mch. 3. Do.; in support of Rusk amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 569, authorizing pay- ment to Mexico of part of apprn. for running boundary line. (ib., 1121.) 1858 Feb. 16. Do.; explaining objects of his res. for investigation by Com. on Foreign Relations, of ex- pediency of protectorate by U. S. over Mexico and Central Amer. (ib., 35. 1., 735.) – Apr. 20. Speech; supporting his res. to refer to select com. subject of protectorate by U. S. over Mexico. (ib., 1680.) In this speech, as the last šuºylving member of cong. present at the reading of Monroe's message of Dec., 1823, Houston sketches the influences attending the promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine. — Apr. 30. Do.; favoring reference to select com. of res. regarding protectorate by U. S. over Mexico. (ib., 1891.) — Je. 1. Do.; urging establishment of protectorate : over Mexico by U. S. (xxxvi, ib., 2565.) — Je. 2. Do.; same. (ib., 2630.) 1859 Feb. 28. Speech; in nature of personal vindication, reviewing his connection with affairs in Texas. (ib., 32. 2., 1433.) Houston’s farewell address in the Sen. HOVE (HENRY), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for Santiago de Cuba in 1835; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. HOVEY (HENRY R.), MASTER AMER. SHIP AMAZON; see AMAZON HOWARD ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP SCIENCE; see SCIENCE HOWARD ( ), AMER, CITIZEN 1855 Nov. 8. Amer. min. res. in Nicaragua (Wheeler) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Murder of Mrs. A. White and child, one Howard, and H. P. Davis. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 68, 37.) HOWARD (BENJAMIN C.), OF MD., 1791-1872 Repr., from Maryland, 1835-39 ; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, is 35.39, 34 and 35 cong. Bills Introduced 1836 Feb. 16. Resp. discriminating duties upon Dutch and Belgian vessels and cargoes, and to refund part of duty paid by Belgian vessel Antimous. (24. 1. H. R. 348.) - May 6. Anticipating payment of indemnities ac- Cruing to citizens of U. S. under convention with France, Jly. 4, 1831, and that with Two Sicilies, Oct. 14, 1832. (24. 1. H. R., 611.) — May 17. Relief of Thos. L. L. Brent. (24. 1. H. R. 634.) — Dec. 28. To carry into effect treaty of limits, betw. U. S. and Mexico. (24. 2. H. R. 781.) 1837 Jan. 13. Fixing Compensation of public ministers and consuls general. (24. 2. H. R. 836.) — Jan. 17. Relief of comdre. Chas. D. Ridgely. (24. 2. H. R. 846.) 1838 Jan. 12. Settlement of accounts of Richard Harri- son. (25. 2. H. R. 404.) — Jan. 20. Satisfaction of claims for French spolia- tions prior to 1800. (25. 2. H. R. 449.) — Jan. 27. Relief of Chas. G. Ridgely, (25. 2. H. R. 486.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 775 HOWARD (BENJAMIN C.), OF MD., 1791-1872—cont’d Bills Introduced—cont’d isº 17. Relief of Alex. Hammett. (25. 2. H. R. —º: º Relief of Alexander H. Everett. (25. 2. H. . 555. — Mch. 1. To amend act in relation to crimes agst. U. S., appré. Apr. 20, 1818. (25. 2. H. R. 595.) 1839 Jan. 16. For settlement of accts. of N. H. (25. 3. H. R. 1038.) — Feb. 28. Granting President additional powers in cases of invasion. (25. 3. H. R. 1176.) 1sº 5. Relief of Alex. H. Everett. (26. 1. H. R. 11.) Remarks by 1831 Dec. 13. Remarks; favoring postponement of dis- cussion of French spoliation claims. (viii, Reg. Debates, 1433.) 1836 Dec. 22. Remarks; favoring prtg. of 20,000 copies of message of President, relative to independence of Texas. (xiii, ib., 1144.) 1837 Jan. 14. Do.; reporting progress, but no conclu- sion, from Com. on Foreign Affairs resp. message of President in relation to Texas. (ib., 1386.) — Feb. 13. Do.; explaining delay of Com. on Foreign Affairs in reporting on recognition of independence of Texas. (ib., 1754.) — Feb. 21. Do.; expressing willingness to have con- sideration of rpt. of Foreign Affairs Com. regarding , Texas postponed. (ib., 1880.) — Feb. 24. Presents rpt. of Committee on Foreign Affairs concerning relations with Mexico, with re- marks. (ib., 1912, 1915-1916.) — Mch. 3. Remarks; presenting abstract of claimants on acct. of French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 2141.) — Sept. 13. Do.; opposing Adams’ res. Calling for all corresp. regarding boundary with Mexico. (xiv, ib., 605; 610.) — Sept. 21. Do.; on presenting petitions of claimants on acct. Of French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 698.) — Oct. 10. Do.; favoring prig. of 10,000 additional copies of whole corresp. regarding independence of Texas, and Mexican boundary. (ib., 1375.) — Dec. 26. Do.; opposing reference of subject of com- promising of Mexican claims to select com. (vi, Cong. Globe, 54.) * — Dec. 28. Do.; pointing out misstatements in me- morial of N. Y. Peace Society regarding compromis- ing of Mexican claims, and opposing instructions to Com. on Foreign Affairs in relation thereto. (ib., 62.) 1838 Jan. 5. Do.; opposing as unnecessary and irrele- vant, amdmts. to res. from Com. on Foreign Af- fairs regarding capture of General Urrea. (ib., 77.) — Jan. 8. Do.; suggesting reference to Com. Of Ways and Means of message of President regarding Str. Caroline. (ib., 82.) — Jan. 11. Do.; Supporting his amdmt. to res. of Adams, and objecting to disclosure of name of for- eign official communicating copy of Gorostiza’s pam- phlet to Secy. State. (ib., 94.) — Jan. 11. Motion to amend res. On libellous pam- phlet of ex-Minister from Mexico, Gorostiza, with remarks in defense of minister who communicated pamphlet. (vi, Cong. Globe, 93, 94.) — Jan. 19. Motions concerning bill for preservation of neutrality on frontier, amending act of 1818, for punishment of crimes agst. U. S. (ib., 120.) — Jan. 27. Notice concerning Senate bill to preserve neutrality on frontiers. (ib., 145.) — Feb. 2. Remarks concerning res. On pamphlet of ex-minister to Mexico. (ib., 154.) HOWARD (BENJAMIN C.), OF MD., 1791-1872—cont’d Remarks by—cont’d 1838 Feb. 16. Motion and remarks concerning neutral- ity bill and Canada frontier disturbances. (ib., 184-86.) — Feb. 17. Remarks; neutrality bill and relations with Canada. (ib., 187.) — Feb. 20. Motion to amend sec. 1, of neutrality bill. (ib., 191.) — Feb. 21. Remarks; favoring passage of bill to amend acts for punishment of crimes agst. U. S. (ib., 192.) — Feb. 22. Do.; on recommitting neutrality bill to Committee on Foreign Affairs. (ib., 196.) — Feb. 23. Do.; submitting substitute for bill to amend acts to punish certain crimes agst. U. S. (ib., 197.) — Feb. 24. Amdmt. to neutrality bill. (ib., 198.) — Mch. 1. Motion urging immediate consideration of neutrality bill. (ib., 203.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; favoring passage of bill reported from Com. on Foreign Affairs on neutral relations. (ib., 205.) — Mch. 2. Do.; supporting provision of neutrality bill making it applicable to coterminous territories only. (ib., 206.) Mch. 13. Motion to make apprin. for outfit of chargé to Peru. (ib., 236.) — Mch. 23. Remarks; favoring apprn. for relief of Amer. Seamen abroad. (ib., 255.) – Apr. 12. Do.; in reply to Yell, regarding necessity of action regarding Texas boundary. (ib., 302.) – Apr. 22. Do.; in reply to Cushing, on proposed in- quiry relative to occupation of Oregon and preven- tion of foreign intermeddling with U. S. Indians, and on terminating conv. of 1818 with Gr. Br. as provided for in conv. of 1828. (ib., app., 570.) – Apr. 24. Do.; concerning outrage upon Amer. Str. Columbia. (vi, ib., 324.) – May 22. Speech, suggesting amdmt. of instructions to Com. on Foreign Affairs regarding rpt. On occu- pation of Oregon terr. (ib., 570.) — May 22. Do.; in reply to Cushing, on motion of lat- ter to commit subject of Occupation of Oregon terr. to cºm. on Foreign Affairs with instructions. (ib., 401. – May 29. Speech on Evans proposition to refer to Com. on Foreign Affairs so much of message of President regarding n. e. boundary as relates to remuneration of Greely, Baker, and others, and re- pudiating Br. claims to disputed terr. (ib., app., 387.) — May 29. Remarks; n. e. boundary question. (vi, ib., 415.) — May 29. Speech; on res. from Me. legislature claiming reimbursement of moneys paid to E. S. Greely and others for losses incurred at Madawaska, and providing for survey of n. e. boundary line, and on pending negotiation with Gr. Br. for joint com- mission of Survey. (ib., app., 387.) — Je. 14. Remarks; on annexation of Texas. ib., 451.) — Je. 15. Do.; favoring adoption of rpt. of Com. On Foreign Affairs regarding annexation of Texas. (ib., 453.) — Je. 29. Do.; reply to Biddle, promising early rpt. from Com. on Foreign Affairs on claims agst. Mex- ico. (ib., 485.) — Jly. 17. Do.; prºg. corresp. concerning relations with Mexico. (ib., 502.) 1839 Jan. 10. Motion relative to petition of John Cow- per, agt. for claimant under treaty with Spain of Feb. 22, 1819. (Wii, ib., 112.) (vi, 776 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HOWARD (BENJAMIN C.), OF MD., 1791-1872—cont’d Remarks by—cont’d 1839 Jan. 17. Remarks; explaining propriety of dis- charging Com. On Foreign Affairs from memorials for congress of nations. (ib., 130.) – Jan. 17. Amdmt. to memorial from Mass. on cre- ating Congress of nations, to settle international disputes. (ib., 130.) — Jan. 17. Remarks; memorials relating to congress of nations and to interposition of U. S. betw. Mex- ico and France. (ib., 130.) – Jan. 22. DO.; Concerning action of House on bill for payment of French spoliations prior to 1800. (ib., 139.) – Jan. 24. Do.; in reply to Cambreleng, urging con- sideration of French spoliations bill. (ib., 144.) — Jan. 24. Motion to take up bill on French spolia- tion claims prior to treaty of 1801. (ib., 144.) — Feb. 25. Motion to print 5000 extra copies of rpt. on tobacco trade with foreign nations. (ib., 219.) – Feb. 25. Remarks; concerning Auguste Davezac, chargé to Holland. (ib., 219.) – Feb. 28. Do.; on position of gov. of New Brunswick with regard to disputed terr. (ib., 233.) — Feb. 28. Do.; offering to accept Adams amdmt. to rpt. of Com. on Foreign Affairs, regarding Br. juris- diction over terr. disputed by Me. (ib., 283.) – Mch. 1. Speech; advocating passage of bill giving President additional power for defence of U. S., to resist any attempt on part of Gr. Br. to enforce ex- clusive jurisdiction over contested terr. (ib., app., 262.) - — Mch. 1. Remarks; explaining that bill giving President additional powers in case of invasion will not embroil U. S. in war with Gr. Br. (ib., 235.) — Mch. 1. Speech; in reply to Biddle and in support of bill for resisting exclusive jurisdiction of Gr. Br. over disputed terr. (ib., app., 262.) — Mch. 1. Remarks; in support of bill for resisting exclusive jurisdiction of Gr. Br. over disputed terr., etc. (ib., 236.) — Mch. 2. DO.; relative to bill for resisting exclusive jurisdiction of Gr. Br. Over disputed terr., etc. (ib., 242-243.) Reports 1836 Jan. 26. Unfavorable rpt. on memorial of Colin Mickle and Antonio de Frias. (24. 1. H. rpt. 209.) — Feb. 16. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 348, on discriminating duties On Belgian vessels and cargoes. (24. 1. H. rpt. 333.) — May 17. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 634, on case of Thos. L. L. Brent. (24. 1. H. rpt. 675.) 1837 Jan. 17. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 846, on memorial of comdre. Chas. D. Ridgely. (24. 2. H. rpt. 113.) — Feb 24. Rpt. on relations betw. U. S. and Mexico. (24. 2. H. rpt. 281.) — Mch. 2. Rpt. on memorial of citizens of New Bed- ford, Mass., praying free carriage of letters to U. S. citizens in Gr. Br. (24. 2. H. rpt. 311.) 1838 Jan. 12. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 404, for settlement of accts. of Richard Harrison. (25. 2. H. rpt. 381.) — Jan. 27. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 486, for relief of Chas. G. Ridgely. (25. 2. H. rpt. 489.) — Feb. 17. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 555, for relief of Alex. H. Everett. (25. 2. H. rpt. 565.) Feb. 17. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 556, for relief of Alex. Hammett. (25. 2. H. rpt. 566.) — Apr. 17. Rpt., adverse to petition of Samuel Golds- bury. (25. 2. H. rpt. 799.) — Jly. 3. Rpt. On case of ship Mary and cargo. (25. 2. H. rpt. 1041.) 1839 Jan. 16. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 1038, for settlement of accts. Of N. H. (25. 3. H. rpt. 176.) HOWARD (BENJAMIN C.), OF MD., 1791-1872—cont’d Reports—cont’d 1839 Feb. 28. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 1176, on Maine-bound- ary war. (25. 3. H. rpt. 314.) 1840 Mch. 5. Rpt., to acc. H. R. 111, for relief of Alex. H. Everett. (26. 1. H. rpt. 107.) HOWARD (G. THOMAS) Statutory Measures 1850 Je. 6. Howard to U. S. Senate. Petition; praying Compensation for Services as bearer of despatches from gov. of Texas to U. S. govt., announcing annex- ation. (31. 1. S. jol., 377; 558.) — Aug. 30. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hunter, Com. On Foreign Relations), bill (31. 1. S. 327) “for relief of G. Thomas Howard.” (31. 1. S. jol., 592.) 1851 Dec. 16. U. S. Senate. On motion (Houston, Texas), memorial of G. Thomas Howard, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (32. 1. S. jol., 65.) 1852 Jan. 27. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Norris, Com. on For- eign Relations), bill (32. 1. S. 163) “for relief of G. Thomas Howard.” (32. 1. S. jol., 156; 297.) — Mch. 2. J. A. Bayard, sen. from Del. Remarks; on S. 163, for relief of G. Hºn. Howard. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 728.) HOWARD (JOHN C.), TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDITION; See TEXAS. SANTA FE EXPEDITION HOWARD (JOHN T.) 1842 Mch. 24. Md. legislature. Res. requesting inter- vention of President in behalf of Amer. citizens, prisoners at Santa Fe in Mexico, and others. (27. 2. H. doc. 154; 27. 2. H. jol., 590.) HOWARD (J.) AND SON 1848 May 16. U. S. Senate. Memorial; praying that privileges accorded Amer. Strs. trading to Havana, be granted Spanish strs. trading betw. that port and U. S.; presented (Dix, N. Y.), and referred to Com. on Commerce. (30. 1. S. jol., 339.) HOWARD (TILGHMAN A.), OF IND., 1797-1844 Repr., from Indiana in 26 cong., Dec. 2, 1839-Aug. 1, 1840; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 26 cong., 1839-40. Amer. chargé in Texas, 1844; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Amer. Chargé in Teacas 1844 Je. 7. Nominated chargé of U. S. to Texas, vice W. S. Murphy, rejected; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations; consented to Je. 11, 1844. (vi, Sen. exec. jol., 310; 314.) — Aug. 6. To Secy. State of Texas (Jones). Present emergency no obligation on U. S. to carry out as- Surance that military aid would be given during pendency of the treaty. (28. 2. S. ex. doc. 1, 29; xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 2.) — Aug. 7. [confidential.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Calhoun). Copy of letter from Secy. Of State Texas (Jones), documents and letter to him from Secy. of War, together with Howard’s reply to Mr. Jones. (xiv, Cong. Globe, app., 2.) Death of 1844 Sept. 17. Calhoun to Donelson. (28. 2. S. doc. 1, 36.) HOWARD (W. E.) 1850 Je. 11. Speech; agst. admission of California, etc.; prominent facts in history of title of Texas to the source of the Rio Grande. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., app., 772.) — Jly. 17. Do.; on rpt. of Com. on Elections in case of H. N. Smith; title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande. (ib., 976.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 777 | HOWARD (W. E.)—cont’d 1850 Jly. 18. Remarks; on art. 9 of treaty of 1848 with Mexico, concerning admission of Mexicans as citi- Zens of U. S., etc.; during consideration of report of Com. on Elections in case of H. N. Smith. (ib., 31. 1., 1402.) – Aug. 3. Do.; concerning treaty obligations to Con- trol Indians on Mexican frontier; occasioned by Johnson amdmt. to Indian apprm. bill, providing for Indian treaties, etc. (ib., 1517.) — Aug. 6. Do.; on title of Texas to terr. e. of Rio Grande; during consideration of President’s mes- sage of even date. (ib., 1528.) 1851 Feb. 26. Do.; on Mexican indemnity bill, H. R. 460. (ib., 31. 2., 701.) 1852 Feb. 13. Do.; in support of H. R. 95, for relief of heirs of John Jackson. (ib., 32. 1., 566.) — JIy. 6. Speech; in favor of 5th Sen. amdmt. to de- ficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 207, providing that noth- ing in provision for marking Mexican boundary line shall be construed as Sanctioning departure from certain line designated in treaty; etc. (ib., app., 776.) — Jly. 7. Remarks; in favor of 5th Sen, amdmt. to H. R. 207; etc. (ib., 32. 1., 1679.) – Aug. 7. Do.; in explanation and support of his amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 196, pro- viding that initial point on Rio Grande, of Mexican boundary line, be fixed according to map acc. treaty of 1848, etc. (ib., 2135.) 1853 Jan. 6. Speech; on duty of U. S. to take possession of Cuba; policy of administration in relation to treatment of Lopez prisoners and Thrasher case; during consideration of deficiency apprin. bill, H. R. 335. (ib., 32. 2., app., 79.) — Jan. 13. Remarks; on his appearance, in behalf of constituents, before Mexican Claims Commission; on H. R. 326, to prevent frauds upon the treasury; connection of Secy. of Treasury, Corwin, with Gar- diner claim, in defense of Corwin. (ib., 289, 294- 295; app., 218.) HOWARD (WILLIAM A.), REPR. FROM MICH. 1859 Jan. 27. Remarks; favoring separate votes on apprns. for certain foreign missions. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 638.) – Feb. 26. Do.; Opposing Senate amdmt. to consular and dipl. bill, providing agst, exceeding apprins. therein. (ib., 1423.) — Mch. 2. Remarks; opposing proposition to sell Vessels of Paraguay expedition on adjustment of differences with said country. (ib., 1607.) 1861 Feb. 4. Do.; denying that U. S. govt. is obliged to enter into Chiriqui-Thompson contract. (ib., 36. 2., 734.) * — Feb. 28. Do.; private nature of claim of Thos. J. Helm, Amer. cons. gen. at Havana, for Settlement of accts., and opposing reference of same to Secy. State. (ib., 1299.) HOWARD AND CO., N.Y.; see BROWN (D. TILDEN) HOWDEN (J. W.) Amer. Cons. for Bermuda in 1854; see U. S. A. Consula service. British dominions. Oil Sull&I’ HOWE (GEORGE), OF PENN. Amer; com/. agt. for Cape Haitien, 18137] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. HOWE (GEORGE), SECOND MATE WHALE SHIP LAW- RENCE; see LAWRENCE HOWE (ISAAC. R.) 1840 Jan. 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition for a congress of nations. (viii, Cong. Globe, 103.) Howe (J. T.), MASTER AMER. BARK WARREN WHITE; See WARREN WHITE HOWE (SAMUEL G.) 1832 Apr. 23. U. S. House. Res. (Pearce) calling for information in case of imprisonment of S. G. HOWe by authorities of Berlin. (22. 1. H. jol., 634, 668.) — May 1. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Livingston) to Pres- ident U. S. A. (Jackson). Dept. not in possession of any information relative to imprisonment in Ber- lin of Howe, citizen of U. S. (22.1. H. ex: doc. 224.) HOWE (THOMAS M.), REPR. FROM PENN. 1854 Jly. 1. Remarks; relative to H. R. 58, for settling claims of legal representatives of R. W. Meade. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 1597.) HOWELL (J. S.), MASTER AMER. BRIG THOMAS; see THOMAS HOWELL (WM.) AND SON; OWNERS SPAN. BRIG RES- TORADOR; see RESTORADOR HOWES ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG HARMONY; see HAR- MONY HOWES (ALLEN), MASTER AMER. SCHR. MOBILE; DE- PONENT; see MOBILE HOWISON (NEIL M.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1823-48. Lieut., 1832. Died Feb. 23, 1848. Sea service in command (1828–47) : 1846-47, comdg. Shark. Pacific sqdn. HOWLAND ( ), MASTER AMER. SHIP CHARLES; see CHARLES HOWLAND (CORNELIUS), EXECR. OF 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Memorial Of Edward W. Howland; praying indemnity for French Spolia- tions prior to 1800. (31. 1. H. jol., 197.) $850 Jan. 15. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 79.) HOWLAND (G. G. AND T.), CLAIMANTS Claim is for quantity of white wax seized at Alvarado, in Oct., 1825, on pretext of its being of Spanish Origin. - n. d. Claims agst. Mexico; summary of claims. H. doc. 291, 52; 53.) (27. 2. HOWLAND (GIDEON) AND OTHERS [1826.] To President U. S. (Adams). Petition; request- ing that one or more vessels be ordered to Sandwich and Society Is... with instructions to render protec- tion to Amer. shipping. (29. 1. H. rpt. 108, 12.) HOWLAND AND ASPINWALL, OF N. Y. Owners of certain drafts drawn by Mexico on U. S Treasury on acct. of sum due under Mesilla trea ; See Mexico. Boundary. ty HOYT (JESSE), OF N. Y. Amer jt. . comr. to examine claims under Danish in- demnity of 1830; see Denmark. Claims. HOYT (JOSEPH D.), WIDOW OF 1858 Jan 6. To U. S. Senate. Petition of Polly Hoyt; praying indemnity for property destroyed by Br. in war of 1812. (35. 1. S. jol., 82.) 778 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HU-NAI-CHAU, CHINESE SPECIAL COMR. 1854 May 29. Order that men desiring to visit Nanking must conform to Chinese rites and customs. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 62.) – May 30. Order that men of Susquehanna must conform to rules and customs. (ib., 60.) — Je. 30. Supplemental memorial relative to position of rebels and squatters; object of English barbari- ans in offering to drive away Shanghai rebels; Amer. and English chiefs refuse to pay duties re- ceived by them, until Shanghai is retaken; relative to conference with English chief [Bowring]. 1. S. ex. doc. 30, 447.) HUBBARD (G. EUSTIS), OF MASS. Coml. agt. of U. S. for Cape Haitien, 181551-[59] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. (36. HUBBARD (HENRY), REPR. FROM N. H. 1834 Apr. 12. Remarks; favoring Ward amdmt. ex- tending to Revol. War application of provisions of bill providing compensation for property lost, cap- tured, or destroyed by enemy during war of 1812. (x, Reg. Debates, 3635.) 1838 Jan. 19. Remarks; opposing claim of execz. Of R. W. Meade. (vi, Cong. Globe, 121.) HUBBARD (HENRY G.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons. for St. John’s, P. R., 1845-46; see U. S. A. Consular service. Spanish dominions. HUBBARD (JOHN), OF MAINE U. S. comr. under art. 1, treaty of 1854, with Gr. Br. ; see Reciprocity. Fisheries. HUBBARD (SAMUEL D.), POSTMASTER GENERAL, U. S. A. 1853 Jan. 11. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Everett). Basis upon which existing postal conv. betw. U. S. and Gr. Br. was negotiated. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 45.) — Jan. 14. To same. Non-execution of art. 12, postal conv. of 1848; and to advantages accruing to Eng- land under U. S. postage law of 1851. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 32, 43.) Jan. 26. To same. Importance of renewal of ne- gotiations with Gr. Br. On Subject of postal ar- rangements; anticipates contingency of denouncing postal conv. of Dec. 15, 1848. (33. 2. S. ex. doc. 73, 2.) — Feb. 1. To same. Character of modification of postal treaty with Gr. Br. (ib., 3.) HUBBARD (SARAH) 1848 Mch. 23. To U. S. Senate. Petition; praying com- pensation for property taken and destroyed by en- emy during war of 1812. (30. 1. S. jol., 231; 262; 332.) HUBBARD (O.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 4. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 3. H. jol., 466.) — Feb. 4. To same. In favor of Haitian recognition. (ib., 466.) HUBBARDSTOWN (MASS.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 58.) 1839 Feb. 18. To U. S. House. Memorial; favoring con- gress of nations. (25. 3. H. jol., 609.) HUBBELL (HENRY W.), AND SPOONER (D. N.) 1853 Nov. 5. To comdr. E. I. sqdn., U. S. N. (Perry). Suggest that str. be substituted in place of storeship Supply. (33. 2. S. ex: doc. 34, 78.) HUBBELL (HENRY W.), AND SPOONER (D. N.)—cont’d 1856 Apr. 10. To Amer. cons., Canton (Perry). Decision in case of King Kwa vs. Hunter and Drinker. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 783.) HUBOLTER (WILLIAM) Amer. cons. for Laguna, 1854-[55] ; see U. S. A. Con- Sular service. Mexico. • HUCKINS (DANIEL M.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Cape Town in 1859; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. British dominions. HUDSON (CHARLES), REPR. FROM MASS. 1845 Jan. 20. Speech; opposing annexation of Texas to U. S. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 159; app., 333.) 1846 May 14. Speech; on Mexican War, denying that war was brought about by Mexico, during debate on H. R. 49, making appros. for Support of army. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 824; app., 912.) — Dec. 16. Do.; on President’s annual message and Mexican war. (ib., 29. 2., 48.) 1847 Feb. 13. Do.; on Mexican war, during debate on JH. R. 622, making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 418; app., 366.) 1848 Feb. 15. Do.; on financial conditions, introduced by general remarks on Mexican war; during debate on H. R. 104, to authorize a loan. (ib., 30. 1., 355.) — Aug. 8. Do.; on boundary of Texas; including ne- gotiations with Mexico on subject, etc. (ib., app., 924.) - HUDSON (HENRY), AMER. SEAMAN 1824 Jly. 11. Amer. cons. at Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Death of H. Hudson, Amer. seaman; etc. (24. 2. H. ex: doc. 167, 20.) HUDSON (JOHN), CLAIMANT 1847 Jan. 23. To U. S. House. Memorial, of Sarah W. et al., heirs of John Hudson, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (29. 2. H. jol., 224.) HUDSON (JONATHAN), CLAIMANT 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition of T. B. Pot- tinger, admr. of Hudson; praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 50.) 1835 Feb. 9. To U. S. House. Same. (23. 2. H. jol., 346.) HUDSON (RATCLIFFE), TAKEN IN SANTA FE EXPEDI- TION; see TEXAS. SANTA FE EXPEDITION HUDSON (WILLIAM HOLLY), OF CONN. Amer. cons. for Buenos Aires, 1855? [There is no record of the apptmt. in the executive jols. The entry is, however, found in the Blue Book for 1855.] 1856 Jan. 9. Ino. 9, extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Press of business at U. S. consulate at Buenos Ayres; if salary is not increased, urges al- lowance of expenses. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 27.) HUDSON (WILLIAM L.), OF N. Y. ** U. S. N., 1816-62. Lieut., 1826; comdr., 1842; capt., 1855. Died Oct. 15, 1862. Sea Service in command (1828-61) : 1850-52, comdg. U. S. S. Vincennes, Pacific sqdn. Presents to 1858 Dec. 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mallory, Com. on Naval Affairs), res. (35. 2. S. R. 58) “authorizing capts. Wm. L. Hudson and J. R. Sands to accept tes- timonials from Gr. Br.” (35. 2. S. jol., 86.) 1860 Feb. 23. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mallory, Fla.), res. (36. 1. S. R. 16) “permitting capts. W. L. Hudson and J. R. Sands to accept certain testimonials from Gr. Br. ”; approved, May 9. (36. 1. S. jol., 184, 443; xii, St. L., 116.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 779 HUDSON (WILLIAM L.), OF N. Y.-cont’d Presents to—cont’d 1861 Feb. 14. U. S. Senate. Res. (Pearce, Md.), to in- struct Com. on Foreign Relations to inquire into propriety of authorizing capt. Wm. L. Hudson, U. S. N., to accept testimonial from Emperor of Russia. (36. 2. S. jol., 228.) — Feb. 26. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hale, N. H.), res. (36. 2. S. J. res. 65) “authorizing capt. Wm. L. Hudson, U. S. N., to accept, for his wife, gift from Emperor of Russia, ’’; approved Mch. 2. (36. 2. S. jol., 312, 392; xii, St. L., 252.) HUDSON (O.) CITIZENS 1837 Oct. 12. To U. S. Senate; Vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 64.) HUDSON, AMER. SHIP (BOSTWICK) m. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 44.) HUDSON, AMER. SLAVER BRIG * 1840 Sept. 10. Secy. H. B. M. Foreign Office (Palmer- ston) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Gr. Br. (Steven- son). Notice of arrival in Havana of Amer. brigs Caballero and Hudson, etc., slavers, from Africa. (26. 2. H. ex, doc. 115, 65.) HUDSON, U. S. FRIGATE (1826) In commission (1828-61) : 1829-30, Brazil sqdn. (Cas- SIIl j . 1829 Jan. 15. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to min- istr. dos negocios estrang., Brazil (Aracaty). Ex- oneration from payment of duty on money shipped on board Hudson; etc. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 163.) — Feb. 3. Aracaty to Tudor. Duties on money shipped on board Hudson have been refunded. (ib., 165.) HUDSON'S BAY CO. See also Oregon ; Puget Sound Agricultural co. ; San Juan Is. 1850 May 28. S. R. Thurston, delegate from Oregon terr. Remarks; rights of Hudson’s Bay co. and Puget Sound Agricultural co. to lands in Oregon; during debate on H. R. 250, to create office of surveyor general of public lands in Oregon, etc. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1079.) — May 28. J. B. Bowlin, repr. from Va. Remarks; same. (ib., 1079.) — Sept. 13. Jefferson Davis, sen. from Miss. Re- marks; Same. (ib., 1839.) 1854 Jly. 22, 25, 27. R. M. T. Hunter, sen. from Va. Do.; in support of amdmt. of Finance Com. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 48, providing for settlement of claims of Hudson’s Bay Co., etc., in Washington and Oregon terr., under treaty of 1846 with Gr. Br. (ib., 33. 1., 1857, 1906, 1958.) — Aug. 1. J. S. Phelps, repr. from Mo. Remarks; op- posed to Sen. amdmt. 180 to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 48, providing for settlement of claims of Hudson’s Bay Co., etc., in Washington and Oregon terr., arising under treaty of 1846 with Gr. Br. (ib., 2068.) — Aug. 1. J. A. McDougall, repr. from Calif. Do.; in support of Sen. amdmt. 180 to H. R. 48. (ib., 2067-2068.) — Aug. 1. Same. Do.; urging Settlement of Hudson Bay co.'s claim in Washington terr., during consid- eration of Sen. amdmt. 166 to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 48. (ib., 2064.) — Aug. 1. C. Lancaster, delegate from Wash. terr. Do.; in support of Sen. amdmt. 180 to H. R. 48. (ib., 2068-2069.) HUDSON'S BAY CO.-cont’d 1855 Mch. 2. R. Brodhead, sen. from Penn. Do.; un- favorable to amdmt. of Com. on Foreign Relations to H. R. 569, providing for extinguishment of claims of Hudson's Bay co. and Puget Sound Agric. Co. in Washington and Oregon terr. under treaty of 1846 with Gr. Br. (ib., 33. 2., 1093.) — Mch. 2. J. Slidell, sen. from La. Do.; Same. (ib., 1094.) — Mch. 2. R. Toombs, sen. from Ga. Do.; Same. (ib., 1093.) — Mch. 2. J. M. Mason, sen. from Va. Do.; in ex- planation and support of amdmts. of Com. On For- eign Relations to general apprm. bill, providing for extinguishment of claims of Hudson’s Bay Co. and Puget Sound Agric. Co. to rights in Washington and Oregon, etc. (ib., 1093-94, 1096-1101.) Claims of For (a) seizure of str. Beaver in Dec., 1851, in Oregon on charge of violation of revenue laws ; (b) seizure of Schr. Cadborough , (c) for obstruction by Amer. revenue officers of rights of transportation of Ves- sel Prince of Wales. drawback on goods paid at Astoria in 1852; for supplies furnished volunteers raised in Oregon. 1850 May 23. U. S. special customs inspector (Dorr) to collector customs, Astoria (Adair). Seizure of All- bion and of Cadborough. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 30, 6.) — Aug. 6. Adair to Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. Trans- mits report of speci. inspector (Dorr) apptd. to ex- amine reported violations of revenue laws at Puget Sound; explanation in regard to goods imported in Cadborough from Victoria to Nisqually, seized by Dorr and subsequently released.; etc. (ib., 5.) For HUFFINGTON ( ), MASTER AMER. SLAVER BRIG CABALLER0; see CABALLERO HUFFINGTON (JNO.) 1855 Jan. 19. To U. S. House. Petition for compensation for property destroyed by Br. in 1814. (33. 2. H. jol., 200.) HUFFNAGLE (CHARLES), OF PENN. Amer. cons. for Calcutta, 1847-53; d.o. cons.-gen., 1853- 61. Died in office ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. 1856 Nov. 3. [no. 13.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Protest agst. exaction, by Treasury Dept., of differ- ence betw. receipts and legal salary of Mr. Lewis, who acted for writer as cons. at Calcutta; insists that Salary should remain $5000. (35. 2. H. ex. doc. 68, 29.) Claim of 1859 Feb. 21. To U. S. House. Memorial; praying reim- bursement of money paid for defence of Amer. Sea- men. (35. 2. H. jol., 443.) HUGER (DANIEL E.), OF SOUTH CAROLINA Member U. S. Com. on Foreign Relations, 28 cong., sp. sess., 1845. HUGER (DANIEL ELLIOTT), OF S. C. U. S. Sen. from South Carolina, yice John C. Calhoun, re- signed, to 28 cong., 1843-45 ; member Com. on For- eign Relations, 28 cong., speci. sess., 1845. HUGER (THOMAS B.), FLAG-LIEUT. U. S. HoME SODN. 1849 Aug. 25. To Comdr. Home Sqdn. (Parker). Sub- stance of conversation with Amer. cons. at Havana (Campbell) relative to abduction of Rey, or Gar- cia. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 161.) 780 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HUGHES (CHARLES), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1854 Aug. 1. Remarks; in support of 128th Senate amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill H. R. 48, reim- bursing E. Riddle for sums expended on acct. of his official position at Industrial Exhibition, London, etc. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 2057.) 1855 Feb. 17. Do.; relative to consideration of Presi- dent’s message, vetoing French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (ib., 33. 2., 803.) HUGHES (CHRISTOPHER), OF MD. 1828 Dec. 11. Nominated E. E. and M. P. of U. S. at Court of Netherlands; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations Dec 16; reported Jan. 2, 1829. (iii, Sen. exec. jol., 620, 622, 629.) 1830 Feb. 12. Nominated chargé of U. S. at Court of SWeden, in place of John J. Appelton, recalled; re- ferred to Committee on Foreign Relations Feb. 15; consented to Mch. 3. (iv., ib., 58, 59, 64.) 1842 Apr. 28. Nominated chargé of U. S. to Netherlands, in place of H. Bleecker, recalled; referred to Com- mittee on Foreign Relations; reported May 2, 1842; consented to May 9, 1842. (vi, ib., 57, 61, 62, 64.) HUGHES (CHRISTOPHER, JR.), OF MD. Secy. Amer. legation in Sweden, 1816-1819; acted as chargé ad int., Apr.-Dec., 1817. Amer. chargé in the Netherlands 1825-30. His nomination as E. E. and M. P. to the same post in 1828 was not ratified. Amer. chargé in Sweden, 1830-41. Amer. chargé in the Netherlands 1842-45 ; see also U. S. A. Diplomatic service. Secy. A mer. Legation in Sweden * 1817 May 22. [unnum. extr.] Secy. State, U. S. A. (Rush). Sailor Pedersen, of schr. Plattsburg, con- fesses share in murders on board Schr.; recom- mendations. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 199, 12.) — May 22. To Swedish Secy. Foreign Affairs (Enge- ström). Requests delivery of Pedersen, charged with share in murders on board Plattsburg. (ib., 13.) — May 28. [unnum.] Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Imprisoned sailors of Plattsburgh. (ib., 12.) — Jly. 26. [unnum.] To same. Proc. in Swedish courts in case of Pedersen. (ib., 15.) — Aug. 18. To Amer. cons., Gottenburg (Murray). Instructed to receive Pedersen. (ib., 17.) — Sept. 1. [unnum. extr.] To Adams. Surrender of Pedersen. (ib., 19.) — Sept. 4. [unnum.] To Same. Transportation on board Amer. brig Joseph secured for Pedersen. (ib., 19.) HUGHES (GEORGE), OF MASS. Coml. agt. of U. S. for Miguelon, 1853-61; see U. S. A. Consular service. French dominions. HUGHES (GEORGE W.) Chief engr. Panama R.R. in 1849; repr. from Maryland, 36 cong., 1859-61. - Chief Engr. Panama R.R. 1849 Je. 10. To officers Panama R.R. co. (Aspinwall and others). Rpt. On r.r. acroSS isthmus of Panama. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 670.) Representative from Md. 1860 Mch. 30. Remarks; favoring reference to Com. Of Claims of adverse rpt. from Court of Claims on pe- tition of owners and officers of brig General Arm- strong. (Cong. Globe, 36. 1., 1462.) HUGHES (HOLKER), CLAIMANT; see HUGHES (SAMUEL), LEGAL REPR. OF HEIR OF HUGHES (HUMPHREY), CLAIMANT; see MORNING STAR, SLOOP º: HUGHES (JAMES), REPR. FROM MD. 1859 Jan. 22. Remarks; supporting bill to indemnify Henry Leef and John McKee for illegal seizure of certain bark. (Cong. Globe, 35. 2., 532.) – Jan. 26. Do.; favoring apprin. for support of cap- tured Africans for one year. (ib., 617.) — Feb. 5. Do.; stating history of case of H. Leef and J. M'Kee, and urging passage of bill for their re- lief. (ib., 844.) HUGHES (JAMES LLOYD), AMER. CITIZEN Forcibly detained in Mexican artillery service at Vera Cruz in 1829. 1829 Apr. 30. Secretario de relac. est., Mexico (Boca- negra) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Mexico (Poin- sett). Release of Hughes, detained in Mexican ar- tillery service at Vera Cruz. (25. 2. H. doc. 351 (an- nex), 280.) HUGHES (JAMES M.), REPR. FROM MD. 1844 Jan. 24. Remarks; in reply to Thomasson’s mis- statements, regarding importarice and value of Ore- gon terr. (xiii, Cong. Globe, 187.) HUGHES (JOHN), CAPT. AMER. BRIG WILLIAM; see WILLIAM HUGHES (K.) 1851 Dec. 15. To U. S. House. Petition; praying com- pensation for expenses incurred at Port Praya, and in consequence of sickness contracted on coast of Africa, during absence from Sqdn. by command of Comdre. Perry. (32. 1. H. jol., 87.) HUGHES (SAMUEL), LEGAL REPR. OF HEIR OF 1852 Dec. 14. To U. S. Senate. Memorial of Holker Hughes; praying indemnity for property destroyed by enemy during war of 1812. (32. 2. S. jol., 34.), HULL ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG HIRAM; see HIRAM HULL (DAVID) 1852 Feb. 20. To U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying estab- lishment of tribunal to review decisions of late bd. of comrs. for claims against Mexico. (32. 1. S. jol., 219; 228.) - - — Mch. 5. To U. S. House. Memorial, in relation to Mexican indemnities. (32. 1. H. jol., 431.) HULL (ISAAC), OF CONN. U. S. N., 1798-1843. Comdr., 1804; capt. 1806. Died Feb. 13, 1843. Sea service in command (1828-43) : 1838-40, comdg. Mediterranean Sqdn. Comdg. Pacific sqdn. 1826 May 25. To Capt. U. S. S. Peacock (Jones). In- structions relating to cruise to Sandwich Isl. (29. 1. H. rpt. 108, 13.) Comdg. Mediterranean sqdn. 1841 Mch. 25. To comdr. Brandywine (Bolton). Ordered to quit the Mediterranean. (27. 1. S. ex. doc. 33, 5.) HULL (JOSEPH B.), OF CONN. U. S. N., 1813-90. Lieut., 1825; comdr., 1841; capt., 1855; comdre. retd., 1862. Died Jan. 17, 1890. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1843-44, 1846-47, comdg. Warren, Pacific sqdn. ; 1856-59 comdg. St. Lawrence, Brazil sqdn. INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 781 HULME (THOMAs), of PENN. Amer. consul for Sedan, 1841-45; see U. S. Consular ser- vice. French dominions. HüLSEMANN (Johan GEORGE) Austrian chargé d'affaires ad int. Oct. 21, 1841-Dec. 5, 855, when he presented credentials as minister resi- dent. Embarked for Europe on leave Je. 4, 1863; See also Austria. Diplomatic service. Chargé d'affaires 1852 May 3. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Hunter) to Hülsemann. Accepts his announced intention to leave U. S. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 92, 4.) — May 14. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), re- questing President to communicate copy of note of Apr. 29, 1852, from Austrian chargé (Hülseman), on occasion of his withdrawal from diplomatic post. (32. 1. S. jol., 411; 452.) — Je. 8. Webster to Amer. chargé in Austria (Mc- Curdy). Instructions for representation in case of withdrawal of Austrian chargé (Hülsemann). (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 92, 4.) º Correspondence 1842 Aug. 31. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Duty imposed on wines of Austria, imported in bottles, by tariff recently adopted by Congress. (27. 3. H. ex. doc. 202, 38.) º 1850 Sept. 30. To same. Protest; representing Amer. mission to Hungary to be violation of Amer. policy of non-intervention. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 9, 2.) 1852 Apr. 29. To same. Announces his intention to leave U. S. on acct. of Hungarian sympathy expressed by Secy. of State. (ib., 3.) [1853.] Relative to instructions received by comdr. Amer. Sloop of War St. Louis (Ingraham) in regard to releasing Koszta. (Cong. Globe, 33. 1., 153.) 1853 Aug. 5. To same (Marcy). Certain alterations, specifying territorial limits of consular jurisdiction, necessary, according to laws of Austria, in com- mission to W. Robertson as Amer. consul at Trieste. (33. 1. H. ex, doc. 100, 41.) — Aug. 29. To same. Difficulties between agts. Of two govtS. at port of Smyrna in Koszta case. (33. 1. S. ex. doc. 1., 25; H. ex. doc. 1, 25.) Treaties Signed 1848 May 8. Signs conv. relative to disposal of property betw. Austria and U. S.; see Austria. Treaties. Min. res. Austria in U. S. A. Correspondence 1857 Dec. 8. To Secy. of State, U. S. A. (Cass). Asks that necessary communications be made to Congress for purpose of procuring sum which M. Papprenitza claims as indemnity for destruction of his property On Aug. 21 and 22, 1851. (35. 1. H. ex, doc. 16, 2.) Treaties Signed 1856 Jly. 3. Signs conv. for extradition of criminals, betw. U. S. and Austria; see Extradition. HüLSEMANN (LOUIS), AMER. CITIZEN Hülsemann, resident of Guaymas, was unjustifiably seized and imprisoned there by Mexican authorities in 1854. He was afterwards sent, in chains, to Mazatlan. Subsequently released through efforts of Amer... cons. at Acapulco, Denman. - 1856 May 23. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Burlin- game). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 365 in support of claim of Denman, Amer. Consul at Acapulco, for reimburse- ment for assistance rendered Hülsemann, etc. (34. 1. H. rpt. 144.) HULSEMANN LETTER; LETTER WRITTEN BY DANIEL WEBSTER TO THE CHEWALIER HULSEMANN, DEC. 21, 1850; see WEBSTER HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER W.) n.d. Extr. from v. 1, ch. ii, bk. 1, and v. 4, ch. xii, bk. 5, of his Political Essay on Kingdom of Spain relative to canal via isthmus of Tehuantepec. (30. 2. H. rpt. 145, 169.) n.d. Extr., relative to interoceanic communication, from v. 6 of his Personal Narrative of Travels. (ib., 185.) HUMBOLDT, SCHR. (GORDON) 1855 Jly. 17. U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Opinion; dis- charge, by Mr. Gordon, comdr. Humboldt, of certain seamen at Rio, by his own authority and without intervention of consul of U. S. (Wii, Op. attyS. gen., 349.) HUMPHREY (H. B.), OF MASS. Amer. consul for Alexandria in 1846; see U. S. A. Con- sular service. HUMPHREY (JAMES) Representative from N. Y. and member Com. On Foreign Affairs 1859-1861, 36 Congress. Bills introduced 1860 Apr. 6. Relief of A. L. C. Portman. (36. 1. H. R. 587.) Remarks 1861 Feb. 16. Remarks; urging passage of bill S. 543, to carry into effect conventions with New Granada and Costa Rica for payment of indemnity to U. S. citi- zens. (Cong. Globe, 36. 2., 967.) Feb. 28. Do.; declaring that claim of Thos. J. Helm, Amer. cons. gen. at Havana, is before Com. on For- eign Affairs as private claim. (ib., 1299.) Reports 1860 Apr. 6. To acc. H. R. 587, for relief of A. L. Port- man. (36. 1. H. rpt. 351.) HUMPHREYS (GAD) Claimant under art. 9, treaty of 1819, for losses sus- tained in West Florida in 1814. Statutory Measures 1837 Feb. 8. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Ewing, Com. Of Claims), bill (24. 2. S. 205) “ for relief of Gad Humphreys.” (24. 2. S. jol., 226.) 1838 May 22. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, Com. Of Claims), bill (25. 2. S. 333) “for relief of Gad Humphreys.” (25. 2. S. jol., 409.) 1839 Jan. 10. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, Com. Of Claims), bill (25. 3. S. 185) “for relief of Gad Humphreys.” (25. 3. S. jol., 111; 149.) 1840 Jan. 14. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, Com. of Claims), bill (26. 1. S. 165) “for relief of Gad Humphreys.” (26. 1. S. jol., 107.) — Dec. 21. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Hubbard, Com. Of Claims), bill (26. 2. S. 94) “for relief of Gad Humphreys.” (26. 2. S. jol., 48.) 1846 Feb. 10. Intr. in U. S. House (Yell, Com. on Milit. - Affairs), bill (29. 1. H. R. 198) “for relief of Gad Hºrse. et al.” (29. 1. H. jol., 377; 29. 2. H. jol., 1848 Apr. 28. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Mason, Com. of Claims), bill (30. 1. S. 238) “ for relief of Gad Humphreys.” (30. 1. S. jol., 304.) 1852 Feb. 24. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Jones, Com. on Milit. Affairs), bill (32. 1. S. 246) “for relief of Gad Humphreys.” (32. 1. S. jol., 229; 428.) Correspondence, etc. 1831 Dec. 12. Humphreys to U. S. House. Petition, pray- ing indemnity for losses by relinquishing lands and tºpºnents to Seminole Indians. (22. 1. H. jol., ; 717.) 782 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HUMPHREYS (GAD)—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1835 Jan. 14. U. S. Senate. Motion (White, Fla.), to authorize Secy. War to investigate merits of claim of Gad Humphreys to indemnity. (23. 2. S. jol., 92.) — Jan. 15. Same. Same, to give Gad Humphreys leave to withdraw docS. in relation to his claim for damages by extension of northern boundary of Seminole Indians. (ib., 94.) 1837 Jan. 26. U. S. Senate. Humphreys petition as be- fore presented. (24. 2. S. jol., 162.) — Dec. 26. Humphreys to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying compensation for property burnt by U. S. troops in Florida. (25. 2. S. jol., 75.) 1838 Dec. 10. U. S. Senate. Humphreys petition, pre- sented. (25. 3. S. jol., 32; 56; 106.) 1840 Dec. 15. U. S. Senate. On motion (Hubbard), pe- tition of Gad Humphreys referred to Com. Of Claims. (26. 2. S. jol., 31.) 1843 Jan. 28. U. S. House. On motion (Trumbull), Com. On Judiciary discharged from petition of Gad Hum- º and petition laid on table. (27. 3. H. jol., 1844 Feb. 27. U. S. House. Humphreys petition as before presented. (28. 1. H. jol., 483.) 1845 Dec. 10. U. S. House. Same. (29. 1. H. jol., 74.) — Dec. 10. U. S. Senate. On motion (Berrien), leave given Gad Humphreys to withdraw petition. (29. 1. S. jol., 41.) 1847 Feb. 19. Wm. H. Brockenbrough, repr. from Fla. Remarks; on motion to reconsider H. R. 198, for relief of Gad Humphreys and Geo. Centre. (Cong. Globe, 29. 2., 462.) — Dec. 15. U. S. Senate. Humphreys petition, praying indemnity for losses by destruction of property during Seminole War, presented. (30. 1. S. jol., 53; 105; 121.) 1852 Jan. 10. U. S. Senate. On motion (Morton, Fla.), petition of Gad Humphreys, on files of Senate, re- ferred to Com. of Claims. (32. 1. S. jol., 109; 158.) — May 21. S. Borland, Sen. from Ark. Remarks; On progress of S. 246, for relief of Gad Humphreys, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1444.) 1854 Jan. 4. U. S. Senate. On motion (Mallory, Fla.), petition of Gad Humphreys, on files of Senate, re- ferred to Com. of Claims. (33. 1. S. jol., 78.) * HUMPHREYS (HENRY B.), OF MASS. Amer. cons. for Alexandria in 1846; see U. S. A. Consutar service. Turkish dominions. HUMPHREYS (LETITIA), ADMX.; see HARRISON (R.); ATKINSON (A.) HUNGARY Aliens in; see Alienage, etc. Citizens, in U. S. A. Dipl. Service; see Breisach (L.R.) Foreign Affairs 1850 Feb. 20. A. W. Buel, repr. from Mich. Amdmt. to first of the res. referring President’s message to ap- propriate committees providing for inquiry Con- cerning triumph of Hungarian independence and neglect of Pres. to recognize same; with speech. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., app., 143, 394.) 1852 Jan. 9. Alabama legislature. Res. in relation to policy to be pursued by U. S. in intercourse with foreign nations. (32. 1. H. misc. doc. 7.) — Jan. 12. N. Y. City citizens to U. S. Senate. Peti- tion, praying intervention of U. S. in behalf of Hun- gary. (32. 1. S. jol., 111.) — Jan. 13. Trenton, N. J., citizens to U. S. Senate. Proc. of mtg., favoring intervention of U. S. in behalf of people of Hungary. (ib., 115.) HUNGARY-cont’d Foreign Affairs—cont’d 1852 Jan. 21. Maine legislature. Res. in relation to Kossuth and doctrine of non-intervention. (32. 1. S. misc. doc. 25; H. misc. doc. 8.) — Jan. 28. C. H. Williams, repr. from Tenn. Ques- tions concerning propriety of interference to protect Hungary, etc.; during speech of Giddings. (Cong. . Globe, 32. 1., app., 145.) — Jan. 28. A. Johnson, repr. from Tenn. Same. (ib., 144-45.) * — Jan. 30. New Jersey legislature. Res. in relation to Kossuth and doctrine of national non-interven- tion. (32. 1. H. misc. doc. 6; S. misc. doc. 26.) t — Apr. 6. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Speech, on doctrine of non-intervention; resolutions occasioned by intervention of Russia between Austria and Hungary; history of U. S. policy on subject, Monroe doctrine, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 401.) — Apr. 13. J. Bell, sen. from Tenn. Do.; on S. res. 13, reaffirming doctrine of non-intervention, favor- able to that doctrine; etc. (ib., 439.) * — Jly. 2. J. Wells, repr. from N. Y. Speech; on policy of intervention to prevent interference of despotic govts. with efforts of other nations to secure free govt., etc. (ib., 787.) AMERICAN Stiles Mediation 1848 Nov. 29. Kossuth to Amer. chargé in Austria (Stiles). Application to negotiate an armistice betw. Hungary and Austria. (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 43, 9.) — Dec. 2. Stiles to Kossuth. Conditional Consent to act as intermediary betw. Hungary and Austria. (ib., 9.) — Dec. 3. Same to same. Rpt. of conference with prince Windischgrätz. (ib., 10.) — Dec. 12. Stiles to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Buchanan). Intervention betw. Hungary and Austria. (ib., 7.) 1849 Feb. 2. Buchanan to Stiles. Approval of his con- duct in intervention betw. Hungary and Austria. (ib., 11.) Mann Agency 1849 Jan. 18. A. D. Mann. Copy of commission as Amer. agt. to Hungary. (31. 1. S. ex: doc. 43, 6.) Je. 18. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton) to Hungar- ian minister of foreign affairs. Introducing A. D. Mann, agent U. S. to Hungary. (ib., 6.) — Je. 18. Clayton to Mann. Instructions for his mis- sion to Hungary. (ib., 3.) 1850 Jan. 15. U. S. Senate. Res. (Douglas, Ill.), calling for copy of instructions to and corresp. of agt. of U. S. to visit Hungary during her recent war with Austria. (31. 1. S. jol., 80; 231.) — Mch. 22. John Bell, sen. from Tenn. Remarks; in support of Douglas res. of Jan. 15, calling for corresp. with U. S. agent to Hungary, during recent war with Austria, etc. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 587.) — Mch. 28. President U. S. A. (Taylor) to U. S. Sen- ate. Message transmitting copy of instructions to late agt. to Hungary and corresp. with late chargé to Austria; laid on table and ordered printed. (31. 1. S. jol., 247; v, Mess, and papers, 41; 31. 1. S. ex: doc. 43, 1.) — Sept. 30. Austrian chargé in U. S. A. (Hülsemann) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). Protest repre- senting Amer. mission to Hungary to be violation of Amer. policy of non-intervention. (31. 2. S. ex: doc. 9, 2.) — Dec. 16. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass, Mich.), calling , upon Pres. for corresp. between State Dept. and Austrian chargé respecting agt. of U. S. to Hungary during recent struggle. (31. 2. S. jol., 37; 58.) 6 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 783 HUNGARY-cont'd Foreign Affairs—cont’d AMERICAN-Cont'd Mann Agency—cont’d 1850 Dec. 21. Webster to Hülsemann. In defence of Amer. mission to Hungary, represented to be a violation of Amer. policy of non-intervention. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 9, 4.) – Dec. 30. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; on corresp. with Austria called for by his res. of Dec. 16. (Cong. Globe, 31. 2., 135.) — Dec. 30. H. Clay, sen. from Ky. Do.; on corresp. with Austria concerning mission of U. S. agt. to Hungary; unfavorable to publishing extra copies. (ib., 136.) — Dec. 30. Jefferson Davis, Sen. from Miss. Do.; on corresp. with Austria concerning mission of U. S. agt. to Hungary. (ib., 135-136.) — Dec. 30. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Do.; commending corresp. with Austria Concerning mis- Sion of U. S. agt. to Hungary, called for by Cass res. of Dec. 16. (ib., 135.) — Dec. 30. W. P. Mangum, Sen. from N. C. Do.; con- cerning corresp. With Austria regarding Hungarian affairs, and in support of his amdmt. to increase number, in motion for prtg. extra copies of corresp.; with amdmt. (ib., 135, 138.) — Dec. 30, 31. T. J. Rusk, sen. from Texas. Do.; in Support of his motion to print 5000 copies of corresp. with Austria concerning mission of U. S. agt. to Hungary, etc. (ib., 135-136, 152.) —- Dec. 30, 31. I. P. Walker, Sen. from Va. Do.; Op- posed to prtg. extra copies of corresp. with Austria concerning mission of U. S. agt. to Hungary, etc. (ib., 135-136, 152-153.) – Dec. 31. S. A. Douglas, Sen. from Ill. Do.; explain- ing his vote to print extra copies of corresp. with Austria concerning mission of U. S. agt. to Hungary. (ib., 152.) e — Dec. 31. G. E. Badger, sen. from N. C. Do.; favor- able to prtg. extra copies of corresp. with Austria fºrmins mission of U. S. agt. to Hungary. (ib. 152. RUSSIAN 1850 May 9. I. P. Walker, Sen. from Va. Remarks; in explanation and Support of his res. of May 1 calling for information relative to memorial of Ladislaus Wankowitz and Gaspard Tochman against Russian Minister. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 964, 965.) – May 9. J. Shields, sen. from Ill. Do.; in support of Walker res. Of May 1. (ib., 965.) — May 9. J. McP. Berrien, sen. from Ga. Do.; un- favorable to Walker res. of May 1. (ib., 964.) 1852 Jan. 15. U. S. House. Notice (Conger, Mich.), of jt. res. in reference to doctrine of non-intervention, and interference of Russia in Hungary's struggle , for liberty. (32. 1. H. jol., 218.) — Feb. 17. Iowa citizens to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying measures to end interference of Russia in Hungary’s struggle for liberty. (32. 1. S. jol., 210.) Quarantine Regulations; see that title Recognition 1852 Feb. 13. Westfield (N. Y.) Agriculture, Literary and Scientific Socy. to U. S. House. Res. in favor of recognition of independence of Hungary. (32. 1. H. jol., 347.) STATUTORY MEASURES 1850 Jan. 29. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Seward, N. Y.), bill (31. 1. S. 86) “granting land to Hungarian and other political refugees from Europe.” (31. 1. S. jol., 119.) HUNGARY-cont’d Recognition—cont’d STATUTORY MEASURES-cont’d 1850 Feb. 6. Intr. in U. S. House (Buel, Mich.), bill (31. 1. H. R. 47) “granting land to Hungarian political refugees.” (31. 1. H. jol., 475.) 1851 Dec. 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Bowne, N. Y.), jt. res. (32. 1. H. jt. res. 3) “granting land to certain Hungarian citizens.” (32. 1. H. jol., 113.) 1858 Apr. 29. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Harlan, Ia.), bill (35. 1. S. 300) “for relief of Hungarian settlers upon lands in Iowa ”; approved May 11. (35. 1. S. jol., 398; 414; 440; xi, St. L., 287.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1849 Dec. 13. Kossuth to Amer. min. res. at Constanti- nople (Marsh). Acknowledges offer of protection; solicits consideration for his aid, Maj. Böck. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 14.) — Dec. 24. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass) instructing Committee on Foreign Relations to inquire into ex- pediency of suspending diplomatic relations with Austria. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 75.) 1850 Jan. 4. L. Cass, Sen. from Mich. Speech; on SuS- pending dipl. relations with Austria; in support of his res. of inquiry, of Dec. 24, 1849, concerning sub- ject, etc. (ib., app., 54.) — Jan. 5. Amer. chargé in Turkey (Brown) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Situation of Kossuth and his compatriots in Turkey. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 14.) — Jan. 9. U. S. Senate. Res. (Seward, N. Y.), con- demning conduct of Austria and Russia in War with Hungary, and directing Com. on Public Lands to inquire into propriety of setting apart portions of public domain for political refugees from Hungary, and Europe generally. (31. 1. S. jol., 67; 216; Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 128.) — Jan. 12. Clayton to Marsh. Offering protection of Amer. flag to Kossuth and his compatriots. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 13.) Jan. 12. Indiana legislature. ReS. in relation to Hungary. (31. 1. S. misc. doc. 88.) — Jan. 19. Marsh to Clayton. Requests leave for Hungarian refugees to enter military service of Servia; refused provisions of Porte. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 81, 3.) - — Jan. 28. Md. citizens. Memorial to U. S. Senate, praying participation in benefits of any land grants to Hungarian exiles. (31. 1. S. jol., 113; 129.) — Jan. 28. N. Y. State legislature. Jt. res., praying reservation of portion of public domain for Hunga- rian exiles. (31. 1. H. jol., 409.) — Jan. 30. W. H. Seward, Sen. from N. Y. Remarks; on his res. of Jan. 9; in connection with Cass res. of Dec. 24, 1849, with reply to Douglas, etc. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 263-264; 267.) — Jan. 30. W. C. Dawson, Sen. from Ga. Do.; unfav. orable to Seward res. of Jan. 9. (ib., 264-265.) Jan. 30. S. Douglas, sen. from Ill. Do.; same. (ib., 263; 265-267.) Jan. 30. S. Houston, sen. from Texas. Seward res. of Jan. 9. (ib., 262.) – Jan. 31. H. S. Foote, sen. from Miss. Remarks; in reply to Hunter, on expediency of suspending dipl. relations with Austria, showing no violation of in- ternational law to be involved; res. of sympathy to Hungary as substitute; reply to Smith, etc. (ib., app., 87, 89-90.) — Jan. 31. T. Smith, sen. from Conn. Remarks; on proposition to suspend diplomatic relations with Austria. (ib., 31. 1., 89-90.) – Jan. 31. R. Hunter, sen. from Va. Remarks; on proposition to suspend diplomatic relations with Austria. (ib., 84-87.) Do.; on 784 INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING To FOREIGN AFFAIRs HUNGARY-cont’d Recognition—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1850 Feb. 5. U. S. Senate. Res. (Foote), combining res- olutions of Soulé and Cass with one of his own, the whole expressing sympathy for Hungarian patriots, instructing Committee on Relations to inquire into expediency of suspending diplomatic relations with Austria, and the grant of public land to Hungarian exiles. (ib., 293.) — Mch. 14. Marsh to Clayton. Means of transporta- tion of Hungarian refugees from Turkey. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 43, 1.) - — Mch. 25. Same to Same. Turkish conditional con- ºt for transportation of Hungarian refugees. (ib., ..) — Apr. 8. Indiana gen. assembly. Res., urging U. S. govt. to intercede With Austria, and Russia for amelioration of condition of Hungarian patriots. (31. 1. S. jol., 261.) — Apr. 18. Marsh to Clayton. Austria accepts terms of internment of Hungarian refugees offered by the Porte; resumption of dipl. relations betw. Austria. and the Porte. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 81, 3.) — May 1. U. S. Senate. Res. (Walker), calling for information relative to memorial of Ladislaus Wankowitz. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 883.) — Jly. 22. St. Louis (Mo.) citizens. Petition to U. S. Senate, praying reservation of portion of public lands in that state for benefit of Hungarian refu- gees, now residing in U. S. (31. 1. S. jol., 465.) — Jly. 22. John Davis, Sen. from Mass. Remarks; presenting tribute from Hungarian exile to U. S. govt. in memory of late President. (Cong. Globe, 31. 1., 1432.) — Aug. 19. Marsh to Clayton. Feeling of the Porte at failure of Amer. govt. to supply transportation of Hungarian refugees from England to U. S. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 81, 4.) — Sept. 23. U. S. Senate. Res. (Cass., Mich.), calling for copy of corresp. betw. State Dept. and Turkish govt. regarding Hungarian exiles. (31. 1. S. jol., 661.) — Oct. 17. Amer. cons. at Constantinople (Porter) to actg. Amer. cons. at Constantinople (Dainese). Ad- vances of money to refugees not approved; etc. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 41; 211.) Copy on p. 41 is extr. Only. 1851 Mch. 1. Same to same. Issue of passports to refu- gees illegal; etc. (ib., 205.) — Jly. 1. Kossuth to Dainese. Expresses gratitude for aid afforded Hungarian emigrants. (ib., 44.) — Dec. 3. L. Cass, sen. from Mich. Remarks; in Sup- port of S. res. 1, in relation to reception and enter- tainment of Kossuth, etc., incl. reply to Underwood wood concerning interference. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 24, 26-27.) — Dec. 9-12. H. S. Foote, Sen. from Miss. Do.; On res. relative to reception of Kossuth, etc., incl. replies to Clemens and Badger; Webster’s views on interven- tion. (ib., 42, 46, 53, 63, 66, 70, 71, 85-88, 90.) — Dec. 10. C. Sumner, Sen. from Mass. Do.; in Sup- port of S. res. 4, of welcome to Kossuth, etc.; op- posed to policy of intervention. (ib., 50.) — Dec. 11. W. C. Dawson, Sen. from Ga. Do.; opposed to S. res. 4 of welcome to Kossuth and to doctrine of intervention. (ib., 71.) Dec. 12. S. R. Mallory, Sen. from Fla. Do.; in Sup- port of S. res. 4, of welcome to Kossuth, etc.; ques- tion of intervention. (ib., 82.) — Dec. 15. W. R. Smith, repr. from Ala. Speech; on S. res. 4, of welcome to Kossuth; U. S. policy of non- intervention, etc.; introducing his res. Concerning Kossuth. (ib., app., 101.) HUNGARY-cont’d Recognition—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1851 Dec. 16. J. P. Walker, sen. from Wisc. Do.; favor- able to Shields res. of Dec. 8, providing for commit- tee to introduce Kossuth to Senate; U. S. policy of non-intervention, etc. (ib., 32. 1., 104.) — Dec. 17. U. S. Senate. Res. (Walker, Wisc.), to in- struct Com. On Foreign Relations to inquire into expediency of open declaration of policy of non- intervention. (32. 1. S. jol., 71; 106.) — Dec. 18. J. P. Walker, sen. from Wisc. Remarks; on his res. of Dec. 17; proposing negotiations with foreign govts. on subject. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 129.) — Dec. 20. New York City Industrial Congress to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying interposition of U. S. in behalf of oppressed of other nations. (32. 1. S. jol., 79.) — Dec. 30. J. Brooks, repr. from N. Y. Remarks; ex- plaining his vote for Venable res. to invite Kossuth to seat in House, offered as amdmt. to [and Substi- tute for] Cartter res. of Dec. 22, providing for in- troduction of Kossuth to House in favor of non- flºrence with other govts. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 161. — Dec. 30, 31. T. H. Bayly, repr. from Wa. Remarks; res. providing for introduction of KOSSuth to House in connection with U. S. policy of non-intervention; with amdmt. expressive of that policy, etc. (ib., 162, 177, 180.) — Dec. 30, 31. D. K. Cartter, repr. from O. Do.; on his res. of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Kossuth to House, objecting to discussions on in- tervention, etc., in connection with same. (ib., 161, 175.) — Dec. 30, 31. A. W. Venable, repr. from N. C. Do.; unfavorable to Cartter res. of Dec. 22, providing for introduction of Kossuth to House, offering amdmt. opposed to intervention in affairs of Europe, etc. (ib., 160, 178.) — Dec. 31. C. H. Williams, repr. from Tenn. Do.; same; opposed to policy of intervention. (ib., 176.) — Dec. 31. F. P. Stanton, repr. from Tenn. Do.; fa- vorable to Cartter res. of Dec. 22, in support of his amdmt. concerning interference of U. S. to prevent intervention of despotic powers. (ib., 177.) — Dec. 31. D. T. Disney, repr. from O. Do.; favorable to Cartter res. of Dec. 22, question of intervention, etc. (ib., 172-173.) — Dec. 31. W. M. Churchwell, repr. from Tenn. Do.; on Cartter res. Of Dec. 22; in support of his amdmts. declarative of U. S. doctrine of non-intervention, etc. * (ib., 174, 179.) — Dec. 31. W. H. Bissell, repr. from Ill. Do.; favor- able to Cartter res. of Dec. 22; unfavorable to Churchwell amdmt. declarative of U. S. doctrine of non-intervention, etc. (ib., 175.) 1852 Jan. 2. H. Bell, repr. from O. Do.; favorable to Cartter res. of Dec. 22; in favor of policy of non- intervention, etc. (ib., 191.) — Jan. 2. R. K. Meade, repr. from Va. Do.; favorable to Cartter res. of Dec. 22; opposed to policy of intervention. (ib., 194.) — Jan. 2. H. D. Moore, repr. from Penn. Do.; favor- able to Cartter res. of Dec. 22; opposed to policy of intervention. (ib., 196.) — Jan. 13. Trenton (N. J.) citizens. Proc. of public mtg. in relation to intervention in affairs of foreign govts. (32. 1. H. jol., 198.) - — Jan. 15. Alabama legislature. Preamble and res. relative to foreign policy of U. S. (32.1. S. jol., 121.) — Jan. 21. Maine legislature. Res. in relation to Kossuth and doctrine of non-intervention. (32. 1. S. misc. doc. 25; H. misc. doc. 8.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 785 HUNGARY-conta Recognition—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1852 Jan. 23. R. W. Anderson to U. S. House. Letter in relation to domestic and foreign policy of U. S. (32. 1. H. jol., 247.) – Feb. 2. Alabama legislature. Res. relative to policy of U. S. govt. in intercourse with foreign nations. (ib., 306.) — Feb. 2. New Jersey legislature. Res., urging adop- tion of joint res. to authorize dipl. agts. of U. S. in Europe to declare desire of U. S. to abide by doctrine of non-intervention. (32. 1. S. jol., 167.) — Feb. 2. R. F. Stockton, sen. from N. J. Remarks; unfavorable to N. J. res. in relation to Kossuth and doctrine of national non-intervention. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 438.) — Feb. 2. J. W. Miller, sen. from N. J. Do.; intention to respond to N. J. res., in relation to Kossuth and doctrine of national non-intervention. (ib., 439.) — Feb. 3. Donehue petition to U. S. Senate in be- half of citizens of New York, praying interposition of U. S. in favor of oppressed of other nations. (32. 1. S. jol., 170.) — Feb. 4. J. H. Clarke, Sen. from R. I. Explanation, concerning postponement of consideration of S. res. 13 reaffirming doctrine of non-intervention. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 459.) — Feb. 9. Same. Speech; in support of S. res. 13. (ib., app., 136.) — Feb. 9. Sharon (Pa.) citizens. Petition to U. S. Senate, praying avowal of principle of “interven- tion * for “non-intervention.” (32. 1. S. jol., 191.) — Feb. 9. Hungarian refugees of Scott Co., Ia. Peti- tion to U. S. Senate, praying to be included in any measure of relief to be passed for benefit of their brethren at New Buda, Ind. (ib., 191.) — Feb. 10. L. Cass, Sen. from Mich. Remarks; on S. res. 13, reaffirming doctrine of non-intervention; on his amdmt. of Clarke's speech of Feb. 9, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 158.) — Feb. 11. J. R. Underwood, sen. from Ky. Remarks; res. Of Sympathy to exiled Irish patriots; ques- tion of intervention. (ib., 32. 1., 530.) — Feb. 11. Same. Do.; opposed to memorial of C. Prochaski and C. Dembinski, praying for interven- tion with Russia in behalf of certain convicts in Siberia; doctrine of intervention in general. (ib., 524.) — Feb. 11. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Do.; unfavor- able to res. of sympathy for exiled Irish patriots, O’Brien and Meagher; U. S. policy of non-interfer- ence; self appointed mission of Kossuth. (ib., 530.) — Feb. 12. J. Clemens, Sen. from Ala. Do.; on S. res. 13, etc. (ib., app., 179.) — Feb. 23. Pittsburg (Pa.) citizens. Petition to U. S. Senate, praying declaration by Cong. of principle of non-intervention. (32. 1. S. jol., 222.) — Feb. 25. C. Andrews, repr. from Me. Speech; in favor of Me. res. Of Jan. 16, extending invitation to Kossuth, etc.; question of intervention. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 208.) — Feb. 26. J. W. Miller, sen. from N. J. Speech; in support of S. res. 13. (ib., app., 212.) — Feb. 26. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Intention to address Senate in vindication of his amdmt. of Jan. 20 to S. res. 13. (ib., 32. 1., 638.) — Feb. 26. Penn. citizens. Petition to U. S. House, urging recognition of principle of non-intervention. (32. 1. H. jol., 389.) — Feb. 27. Delaware general assembly. Res., upon doctrine of intervention. (32. 1., H. misc. doc. 34.) HUNGARY-cont’d Recognition—cont’d CoBRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1852 Mch. 6. Penny citizens. Petition to U. S. House, urging recognition of principle of non-intervention. (32. 1. H. jol., 434.) — Mch. 8. Same. Same. (ib., 443.). —º. 8. Same. Same to U. S. Senate. (32.1. S. jol., 56.) — Mch. 9. W. H. Seward, sen. from N. Y. Speech; on S. res. 13; in support of his amdmt. of Jan. 20, protesting agst. Russia's treatment of Hungary, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 243.) — Mch. 9. J. C. Jones, sen. from Tenn. Remarks; asking opportunity to express his opinions on ques- tion of non-intervention. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 703.) — Mch. 15. Penn. citizens. Petition to U. S. House, urging recognition of principle of non-intervention. (32. 1. H. jol., 470.) — Mch. 17. Tioga Co., Pa., citizens. Petition to U. S. House, praying recognition of principle of non- intervention. (ib., 481.) — Mch. 17. Susquehannah Co., Pa., citizens. Same. (ib., 481.) — Mch. 18. J. C. Jones, sen. from Tenn. Speech; in favor of S. res. 13; on Cass's speech of Feb. 10; Seward’s of Mch. 9; and their amdmts. of Jan. 20, etc.; with further remarks in reply to Cass. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1. app., 303, 310.) — Mch. 19. Penn. citizens. Petition to U. S. House, urging recognition of principle of non-recognition. (32. 1. H. jol., 489.) — Mch. 22. P. Soulé, sen. from La. Speech; on S. res. 13; favorable to Cass amdmt. of Jan. 20; invasion of Cuba, intervention of France and England, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 349.) — Mch. 22. Penn. citizens. Petition to U. S. Senate, praying declaration by Congress of doctrine of non- intervention. (32. 1. S. jol., 293; 295.) — Mch. 31. O. Fowler, repr. from Conn. Speech; for- eign policy in regard to doctrine of non-interven- tion, etc., during debate on homestead bill. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 394.) — Mch. 31. U. S. citizens to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying for declaration, by Congress of principle of non-intervention. (32. 1. S. jol., 321.) — Apr. 6. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Va. Speech on doc- trine of non-intervention; resolutions occasioned by intervention of Russia betw. Austria and Hungary, etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 401.) — Apr. 12. Penn. citizens. Petition to U. S. Senate, praying declaration by Congress of doctrine of non- intervention. (32. 1. S. jol., 346.) — Apr. 13. J. Bell, sen. from N. H. Speech; on S. res. 13; favorable to that doctrine; etc. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 439.) — Apr. 24. P. U. Ewing, repr. from Ky. Remarks; in favor of U. S. policy of non-intervention; during gºeration of homestead bill, H. R. 7. (ib., app., - Apr. 28. J. Cooper, Sen. from Penn. Speech; on S. res. 13, favorable to that doctrine; reviewing Bell’s Speech of Apr. 13; on invasion of Cuba, intervention of France and England, etc. (ib., 551.) - Apr. 28. S. Borland, sen. from Ark. Remarks; in- Vasion of Cuba; during Cooper’s speech on S. res. 13. (ib., 560.) - May 22. MaSS. general court. Res. in relation to national intervention. (32. 1. H. misc. doc. 61.) – May 31. Penn, citizens. Petition to U. S. House, urging recognition of principle of non-intervention. (32. 1. H. jol., 761.) 50 786 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS - HUNGARY-cont’d Recognition—cont’d CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1852 Je. 24. Mass. general court. Res. in relation to national intervention. (ib., 836.) — Jly. 2. J. Wells, repr. from N. Y. Speech; on policy of intervention to prevent interference of despotic govts. With efforts of other nations to secure free govt. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., app., 787.) Aug. 30. Ohio citizens. Petition to U. S. House, in relation to foreign intervention. (32. 1. H. jol., 1121.) 1854 Jly. 29. Dainese to Comptroller Treasury, U. S. A., E. Whittlesey. Expenditures of Marsh and writer for relief of refugees; Strmt. Of facts in justification of Writer’s claim for indemnification. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 287.) — Sept. 9. Whittlesey to Dainese. Secy. State will approve acct, for disbursements to refugees, if af- fidavit is made to Correctness of charges therein. (ib., 294.) 1856 Apr. 1. Marsh to Fifth Auditor U. S. Treas. (Mc- Connell). Stnt. of relief extended by Dainese to refugees; very small sums thus expended; claims therefor exorbitant. (ib., 172.) — Jly. 24. Same to Same. No applicant for passport ever mentioned having recd. aid from Dainese; C. Harson, in enclosed letter to J. P. Brown denies having received $2500 or any part thereof for relief of Hungarian or other refugees. (ib., 174.) — Oct. 28. List of refugees who recd. passports from Amer. legation at Constantinople. (ib., 146.) 1857 Feb. 7. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) to Homes. Requests information regarding alleged disburse- ments of Dainese for Support of refugees or other purposes, and which have already been paid. (ib., 163.) 1858 May 3. J. Harlan, Sen. from Ia. Remarks; favor- ing immediate consideration of bill for relief of Hungarian Settlers upon certain lands in Iowa. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1914.) — May 4. R. W. Johnson, Sen. from Ark. Do.; ob- jecting to passage of bill for relief of Hungarians in Iowa, unless amended So as to confine its provisions to them. (ib., 1930.) — May 4. Geo. W. Jones, sen. from Ia. Do.; favoring passage of bill for relief of Hungarians in Iowa. (ib., 1930.) May 4. A. G. Brown, Sen. from Miss. Do.; oppos- ing passage of bill for relief of certain Hungarians in Iowa. (ib., 1930.) May 10. W. R. W. Cobb, repr. from Ala. Do.; Suggesting necessary amdmt. to bill for relief of certain Hungarian settlers on lands in Iowa. (ib., 2036.) May 10. S. R. Curtis, repr. from Ia. Do.; favoring immediate passage of bill for relief of certain Hun- garian settlers on lands in Iowa. (ib., 2037.) — May 10. T. Davis, repr. from Ia. Do.; Same. (ib., 2036.) — May 10. E. B. Washburne, repr. from Ill. Do.; Same. (ib., 2037.) * HUNNEWELL (BARNABAS), AMER. CITIZEN Pursuant to notice of the justice of the peace of Penob- scot Co., Me. (Williamson), a town election was held in Madawaska, in the disputed terr. in August, 1831. B. Hunnewell, J. Wheelock and D. Savage were prominent in setting up the authority of Me. They were arrested by order of the gov. of New Brunswick and imprisoned. They were released in Nov., 1831, following representation of Secy. of State U. S. A., Livingston ; see N. E. Boundary Con- troversy. HUNT (FRANCIS INGALLS), AMER. CITIZEN Captured in 1829 on board a merchantman flying the colors of one of the South American states. The capt. Thos. Cullen, also captured, was an Amer. citizen. Cargo and part of the crew were Br. Noth- ing definite as to case of Hunt appears in the prtd. corresp. 1830 Jan. 25. Actg. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Brent) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. U. S. A. to Spain (Van Ness). Application soliciting release of F. I. Hunt, detained as prisoner at Coruña, Spain. (24. 1. S. doc. 7, 16.) — May 20. Van Ness to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren). Case of F. I. Hunt; nature of claim for his release; etc. (ib., 58.) HUNT (HIRAM P.) Representative from N. Y., 24th, 26th–27th congress, 1835-37, 1839-43; member, Committee on Foreign Affairs, 27th Congress, 1841-43. 1841 Jly. 8. Speech; reviewing history of Caroline af- fair and McLeod case; defence of course of present administration, and opposed to Floyd res. Of June 23, calling for information relative to imprisonment and release of McLeod. (x, Cong. Globe, app., 422.) HUNT (JAMES), COMDR. H. B. M. SLOOP ALECTO See also Alecto. 1857 Sept. 15. To Secy. H. B. M. Admiralty (Osborne). Captain of slaver brig Onward. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 49, 26.) — Oct. To same. Boarding of slaver bark Clara B. Williams. (ib., 38.) — Oct. 16. To same. Capture of slaver Louis McLane; association of Don Silva with slaver. (ib., 36.) 1858. Stnt. in reply to charges preferred agst him in regard to Amer. brig Caroline. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 320.) HUNT (L.C.), COMDG.U. S. TR00PS, SAN JUAN IS. 1860 Mch. 27. Actg. adj. gen. U. S. A. (Pleasanton). Ad- vice of landing of detachment of Br. marines on north end of San Juan Is., conformably to proposi- tion of lieut. gen. Scott, for establishing joint mili- tary occupation; requests instructions. (36. 1. H. ex. doc. 98, 16.) HUNT (MEMUCAN) Texan E. E. and M. P. in U. S., 1837-1838; see also Texas. Diplomatic service. Texan Comr., Texas boundary commission in 1840; see Texas. Boun- dary. Teacan E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. Correspondence AMERICAN Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth) 1837 Jly. 18. Indian depredations on Texan frontier continue. (32. 2. S. ex. doc. 14, 6; Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 967.) — Aug. 4. Proposition for annexation of Texas; with view of factious struggles of Mexico, and an ex- position of history of Texas. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 40, >2; 28. 1. S. doc. 341, 103; xiv, Reg. Debates, app., 117.) — Sept. 12. In defence of his proposition for annex- ation of Texas. (ib., 14; ib., 115; ib., 122.) Treaties Signed 1838 Apr. 25. Signs conv. for marking boundary, betw. Texas and U. S.; see Texas. Boundary. r Teacan com/r. Teacas Boundary Com/mission 1840 Feb. 15. To Amer. Comr. Texas Boundary Comm. (Overton). Apptd. boundary comr. on part of Texas. (27. 2. S. doc. 199, 19; H. ex. doc. 51, 18.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 787 HUNT (MEMUCAN)—cont’d Teacan com/r. Teacas Boundary Commission—cont’d 1840 Feb. 24-Mch. 16. To same. Corresp. relative to con- * of provisions of treaty of 1828. (ib., 21; ººms May is. To same. Proposal of second proposition # marking Texan boundary. (ib., (annex), 3; ib., tºº May 16. To same. Renounces claim to Sabine pass. (ib., 4; ib., 53.) HUNT (SARAH A.), JT. PETITIONER; see BONNYCASTLE (ANN. M.) HUNT (STEPHEN W.), AND CALEB WILLIAMS 1838 May 21. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying re- mission of duties on goods taken from wreck of French whale-ship Adolphe, at St. Elena, on coast of Patagonia. (25. 2. H. jol., 922.) HUNT (THEODORE), REPR. FROM LA. 1856 Jan. 16, 17, 18. Remarks; in support of H. R. 651, for relief of Saml. Belden and co. (Cong. Globe, 33. 2., 277, 285, 314.) — Feb. 17. Do.; relative to consideration of Presi- dent’s message, vetoing French spoliations bill, H. R. 117. (ib., 803.) — Jan. 23. Do.; Chiefly in reply to Millson, in support of H. R. 651. (ib., 369-371.) HUNT (THOMAS) 1855 Jan, 16. Amer. comr. in China (Parker) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy). Testimony as to manner in which Hunt discharged duties of U. S. marshal at Canton from Jan. 1, 1849 to Dec. 31, 1852. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 586.) HUNT (THOMAS) AND CO., OF CANTON; CLAIM ON CHINA; see CHINA. CLAIMS HUNT (THOMAS W.), MASTER AMER. SLAVER SCHR. SHAKESPEARE; see SHAKESPEARE HUNT (WASHINGTON), REPR. FROM N. Y. 1845 Jan. 31. Remarks, denouncing annexation of Texas, and opposing Oregon Bill. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 225.) — Dec. 29. Speech; urging revision of naturalization laws. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 105; app., 64.) 1846 Feb. 6. Do.; on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to an- nul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon; etc. (ib., 330; app., 238.) — May 19. Remarks; favoring appra, for prosecution of war with Mexico. (ib., 29. 1., 842.) — May 20. Speech; on Mexican war, annexation of Texas, etc., during debate on H. R. 49, making ap- prns. for support of army, (ib., app., 934.) — Aug. 8. Remarks; favoring peace with Mexico, but opposing passage of bill making further provision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., 29. 1., 1214.) — Dec. 23. Speech; President’s annual message and Mexican war. (ib., 29. 2., 71.) 1847 Feb. 13. Do.; on Wilmot proviso and Mexican war; during debate on H. R. 622, making further pro- vision for expenses of foreign intercourse. (ib., app., 363.) HUNT (WILLIAM E.), OF N. J. U. S. N., 1823-60. Lieut., 1832; comdr., 1855. Lost in the trevant ; last heard from Sept. 18, 1860; regarded as lost by Navy Dept., Je. 30, 1861. Sea service in command (182861) : 1845-47 comdg. Porpoise, Home sqdn. ; 1859-61 comdg. Levant, Pacific sqdh. HUNTER (CHARLES G.), OF N. J. U. S. N., 1824-55. Lieut., 1834. Dismissed Jan. 29, 1855. Sea service in command (1834-55) : 1847-49 comdg. Taney, Mediterranean sqdn. ; 1853-54 conndg. Bain- bridge, Brazil sqdn. Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1852 Mch. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Stockton, Com. On Naval Affairs), bill (32. 1. S. 294) “for relief of Chas. G. Hunter’”; approved May 11, 1852. (32. 1. S. jol., 279; 377; 404; x, St. L., 30.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. - 1852 Apr. 23. J. Clemens, sen. from Ala. Remarks; in support of S. 294. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 1181.) — May 3. W. H. Polk, repr. from Tenn. Remarks; in favor of S. 294, for relief of Chas. G. Hunter. (ib., 1231.) HUNTER (PHOEBE), CLAIMANT W.S. MEXICO F lies f ished Mexi i le f in- Or ;in:". º §6. exico during struggle for in n. d. Claim agst. Mexico; summary of claim. (27. 2. H. doc. 291, 54.) - HUNTER (ROBERT M. T.) Representative from_Va., 25th-27th, and 29th congress, 1837-43, 1845-47; member Com. on Foreign Affairs, 27th congress, 1841-42. Senator from Va., 1847-61 ; Imember Com. on Foreign Relations, 1849-50. Representative from Va. 1846 Jan. 10. Speech; on H. res. 5 of notice to Gr. Br. to annul and abrogate conv. of Aug. 6, 1827, relative to Oregon, etc. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., app., 89.) Senator from Va. Bills Introduced 1850 Aug. 30. Relief of G. Thos. Howard. (31. 1. S., 327.) Remarks, etc. 1848 Feb. 7. Speech; on Mexican war, policy of con- quest, S. 26, to raise, for a limited time, an addi- tional military force, etc. (Cong. Globe, 30. 1., 310; app., 272.) 1849 Jan. 8. Remarks; on Canadian reciprocity bill, S. 263. (ib., 30. 2., 184-185.) - Jan. 23. Same. (ib., 331.) 1850 Jan. 31. Speech; unfavorable to Cass res. of Dec. 24, 1849, concerning expediency of suspending dipl. relations with Austria; etc. (ib., 31. 1., app., 84.) — Mch. 6. Remarks; in explanation of his res. call- ing for information concerning corresp. and negoti- ations on Subject of claims of Amer. citizens for *::: gºvered by officers of Br. govt., etc. (ib., 31. - Mch. 25. Speech; on the territorial question; cases of Creole, Annistad, etc.; during debate on Presi- dent's message of Jan. 21. (ib., app., 375.) - Jºy. 18. Do.; on compromise bill, S. 225; validity, in new terr., of Mexican laws prohibiting slavery; title of Texas to terr. e. of the Rio Grande. (ib., 1382.) - Sept. 11. Remarks; colonization of free negroes on African coast, recommending postponement of bill ſºlet of Amer. Colonization Socy. (ib., 31. 1. - Sept. 19. Remarks; in support of amdmt. to gen. apprin. bill, providing for expenses of agt. to Sub- lime Porte; with letter of J. P. Brown, dragoman at Constantinople. (ib., 1872.) 1851 Jan. 20. Speech; on claims for French Spoliations; opposed to S. 101, providing for satisfaction of same, (ib., 31. 2., app., 83.) - Feb. 28, Mch. 3. Remarks; on amdmt. of Finance Com. to civil and dipl. apprin. bill, H. R. 461, author- izing Secy. Of Treasury to issue stock for payment of claims agst. Mexico, under art. 15 of treaty of 1848. (ib., 31. 2., 804, 826.) 788 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HUNTER (ROBERT M. T.)—cont’d Senator from Va.-Cont’d Remarks, etc.—cont’d 1851 Mch. 3. Do.; favorable to amdmt. of Finance Com. to naval apprin. bill, H. R. 474, providing for re- moval of wreck from harbor of Gibraltar. (ib., 834.) 1852 Jan. 23. Do.; unfavorable to S. 69, for relief of Enoch Baldwin and others. (ib., 32. 1., 362-63.) — Apr. 22. Do.; in support of amdmt. of Finance Com. to deficiency apprn. bill, H. R. 207, reimburs- ing W. E. Anderson for coming from Rio Janeiro to testify agst. certain persons alleged to have been en- gaged in slavetrade. (ib., 1167.) — May 20. Do.; favorable to Rusk amdmt. to defi- ciency apprn. bill, H. R. 207, providing that nothing in provision for marking Mexican boundary line shall be construed as Sanctioning departure from certain point designated in treaty. (ib., 1405.) — Aug. 26. Do.; unfavorable to Hamlin amdmt. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 196, providing for commercial agt. to explore country on the Paraguay, etc. (ib., 2376.) — Aug. 26. Do.; unfavorable to Hamlin amdmt. to H. R. 196, providing for salary of comr. to Sandwich Is., incl. allowance for past services. (ib., 2377.) — Aug. 27. Do.; favorable to Mason amdmt. to H. R. 169, prohibiting use of apprin. for marking Mexican boundary until southern line of New Mexico be fixed according to map acc. treaty of 1848. (ib., 2407.) 1853 Feb. 26. Do.; in explanation of amdmt. of Finance Com. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 337, provid- ing for expenses attending expected Visit of War Str. from Sultan of Turkey. (ib., 32. 2., 877.) 1854 JIy. 1, 5. Do.; on S. 416, for more effectual Sup- pression of slavetrade, etc.; unfavorable to Pettit amdmt., providing apprn. to enable Amer. Coloniza- tion Socy. to establish line of strs. to African coast, etc. (ib., 33. 1., 1593, 1604.) — J1y. 22, 25, 27. Do.; in support of amdmt. of Fi- nance Com. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 48, providing for settlement of claims of Hudson’s Bay Co., etc., in Washington and Oregon terr., under treaty of 1846, with Gr. Br. (ib., 1857, 1906, 1950.) — JIy. 26, 27. Do.; unfavorable to Clayton amdmt. to H. R. 48, providing same compensation to clerks in State Dept. as is paid to others, for yr. ending Je. 1854. (ib., 1934, 1935, 1958.) 1855 Feb. 6. Do.; on French spoliations bill, H. R. 117; in support of his amdmt. providing for publicity in proc. of bi. of comrs. (ib., 33. 2., 586-87.) — Mch. 2. Do.; on amdmt. of Finance Com. to civil and dipl. apprn. bill, H. R. 569, reimbursing Edw. Riddle for sums expended on acct. of his official po- sition at Industrial Exhibition, London. (ib., 1088.) — Mch. 2. Do.; in explanation of amdmt. Of Finance Com. to H. R. 569, providing for salaries of minis- ters, secretaries of legation, certain consuls, etc., in pursuance of estimate under act to remodel dipl. and consular systems, and on Marcy's letter in connec- tion with same. (ib., 1106.) 1856 JIy. 22. Do.; suggesting amdmt. to bill for protec- tion of discoverers of guano islands, authorizing compensation to same for said discoveries. (ib., 34. 1., 1699.) — Aug. 11. Do.; opposing apprn. for compensation to surgeons at Panama for care of wounded Americans, during recent riots. (ib., 2025.) — Aug. 11. Do.; declaring private bill necessary for provision for additional salary, during specified pe. riod, to J. Hosford Smith, late consul at Beirut. (ib., 2026.) cº, — Aug. 15. Do.; opposing, except as independent prop: osition, apprin. for survey of route for ship canal near isthmus of Darien. (ib., 2130.) HUNTER (ROBERT M. T.)—cont’d Senator from Va.-cont’d Remarks, etc.—cont’d 1857 Jan. 19. Do.; favoring appropriation for consular pupils. (ib., 364.) 1858 Jan. 5. Do.; favoring reference of bill for relief of A. J. Atocha, and papers in case, to Court of Claims. (ib., 35. 1., 189.) – Feb. 16. Do.; opposing res. for reception of vice- adm. Mehmed Pasha, of Turkish navy. (ib., 718.) - May 31. Do.; favoring reciprocity arrangements resp. fees for issue of patents to foreign subjects. (xxxvi, Cong. Globe, 2535.) – Je. 7. Do.; opposing addition of small vessels to navy, as useless for prevention of foreign aggres- sions on commerce of U. S. (ib., 2731.) —— Dec. 16. Do.; favoring delay in action on res. call- ing for corresp. regarding Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (ib., 35. 2., 104.) 1859 Feb. 9. Do.; favoring treatment of Cuban question in Separate bill, and favoring present debate on said bill. (ib., 906.) — Feb. 16. Do.; explaining certain amdmts, to cons. and dipl. bill, and defending apprn. for support of captured Africans for one year. (ib., 1052.) — Feb. 17. Do.; opposing adoption of Pugh amdmit. to Consular and dipl. bill, providing for reduction of number of foreign ministers, and accrediting of Several to two countries. (ib., 1088.) — Feb. 19. Do.; urging economy in expenditures for dipl. and cons. Service, but favoring retention of Vice-consuls at many places, as necessary for exe- cution of reciprocity treaties. (ib., 1145.) — Feb. 21. Do.; showing injustice of present system of paying salaries of dipl. officers in terms of gold coinage of U. S. (ib., 1175.) — Mch. 1. Do.; objecting to amdmt. of Doolittle to navy bill, for reimbursement of capt. H. Paulding for expenses in connection with capture of Wm. Walker, as not from any committee and as private claim. (ib., 1527.) — Mch. 3. Do.; objecting to acceptance of amdmt. to civil apprin. bill, providing for postal and commer- cial intercourse with Mexico in shape of contract with Amer citizens. (ib., 1621.) 1860 Mch. 26. Do.; urging separate provision for sur- vey of boundary betw. Rocky Mts. and Lake of the Woods, and opposing defrayal of expenses of same from any balance of apprp. for n. W. boundary Com- mission. (ib., 36. 1., 1350.) — Mch. 26. Do.; stating objections to provisions for " inspection of guano in bill supplementary to act of Aug. 18, 1856, for protection of U. S. citizens dis- Covering deposits of guano. (ib., 1353.) * — Mch. 29. Do.; defending Hamlin amdmt. to bill Supplementary to act of Aug. 18, 1856, for protec- tion of U. S. citizens who may discover deposits of guano. (ib., 1425.) — Mch. 30. Do.; fund for settlement of claims agst. Mexico. (ib., 1444.) HUNTER (ROBERT R.), OF N. Y. Amer. cons., 1823-42 for Southampton ; see U. S. A. consular service. British dominions. HUNTER (THOMAS T.), OF WA. U. S. N., 1828-61. Lieut., 1841; comdr., , 1856. Dis- missed Apr. 23, 1861. Sea service in command (1841-61) : 1859, comdg. Westernport, Brazil sqdn. HUNTER (WILLIAM), OF R. I. Am... chargé in Brazil, 1834-41; see also U. S. A. Diplo- matic service. 1838 Apr. 16. [unnum. extr.] To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Modification of sec. 2, act of 1792, con- INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 789 ** HUNTER (WILLIAM), OF R. I.-cont’d - Cerning registry of ships, to prevent possibility of Amer. Ships being employed in slavetrade. (28. 1. S. doc. 217, 9.) - 1840 Apr. 14. To Amer. cons. at Rio Janeiro (Slacum). In event of reversion of brig Pilgrim to original owner she is entitled to Amer. register. (29. 1. H. ex. doc. 43, 13.) HUNTER (WILLIAM, JR.), OF R. I. Chief Clerk, U. S. Dept. of State, 1852, May 17-1855, May 8 ; Assistant Secy. State, U. S., 1855, May 8- Nov. 1; chief clerk, U. S. Dept. of State, 1855, Nov. 1-1866, Jly. 27. Correspondence (Diplomatic) AUSTRIAN Austrian Chargé in U. S. A. (Hülsemann) 1852 May 3. [unnum.] Accepts his announced intention to leave U. S. (32. 1. S. ex. doc. 92, 4.) BRITISEI H. B. M. E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Crampton) 1852 Jly. 14. Acknowledges receipt of note of 5 inst. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 120, 108.) CHILIAN Chilian Chargé in U. S. A. (Carvallo) 1852 May 24. Contends that consideration of second Macedonian claim as one of maritime capture is Wrong; in further criticism of points raised in his of Dec. 26; agrees to settle by arbitration; suggests either King of Sweden or Denmark as umpire. (35. 1. S. ex. doc. 58, 393.) COSTA RICAN Costa Rican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Molina) 1852 May 5. Ship canal company to be permitted to locate four sections of land on Costa Rican bank of San Juan River. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 81.) 1855 [sic, i. e., 1852] May 19. Willing to limit right of Steam navigation on San Juan River, etc., to ship tººl co., to duration of franchises referred to. (ib., Amer. Special Envoy in Costa Rica (Walsh) 1852 May 4. Ship canal co. to be permitted to locate 4 Sec. Of land on So. side of San Juan River. (34.1. S. ex. doc. 25, 80.) MEXICAN Mexican E. E. and M. P. in U. S. A. (Almonte) 1855 Aug. 7. Sum of $100,000 will, on Almonte's requisi- tion, be advanced to comr. on part of Mexico through Maj. Emory, comr. on part of U. S. (ib., 17.) NICARAGUAN Amer. Chargé in Nicaragua (Kerr) 1852 May 4. [unnum.] Ship canal co. permitted to lo- cate 4 sec. of land on so. bank of San Juan River. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 25, 80.) — May 13. [no. 13.] Suggests two slight modifica- tions of proposition to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. (ib., 82.) HUNTER (WILLIAM, JR.), OF R. I.-cont’d Correspondence (Diplomatic)—cont’d PERUVIAN Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Peru (Clay) 1854 Aug. 26. [Ino. 18, extr.] Analysis of Benson claim, divests it of importance sought to be imparted to it by claimant. (34. 3. S. rpt. 397, 210.) TUREISH Amer. Actg. Consul, Constantinople (Dainese) 1852 Mch. 22. [unnum.] Permission granted C. Wi- goureux to act as vice-cons. until return of Dainese to Constantinople. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 52.) — May 3. [unnum.] Navy Dept. notified of readiness of Dainese to embark at Naples, for Constantinople, Je. 15. (ib., 55.) Corr. (Executive) 1852 Mch. 25. To chrm. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Bayly). Stnt. of expenses incurred in relieving necessities of members of Lopez expedition Who were released in Spain. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 894.) — May 3. To Secy. U. S. Navy (Graham). Mr. Dain- ese to be ready to embark from Naples, for Constan- tinople, Je. 15, if convenient to Navy Dept. (ib., 55.) 1855 May 17. To U. S. atty. so. distr. N. Y. (McKeon). Copy of letter in relation to discovery of Horatio, abandoned at Sea; suspicion that she had landed cargo of slaves OL Coast of Cuba. (36. 2. H. ex. doc. 7, 15.) — May 19. To U. S. atty., SO. distr. Fla. (Hackley). U. S. distr. atty. at N. Y. City, has asked for Sworn stmt.S. of parties within Hackley’s reach, respecting finding of brig Horatio. (ib., 23.) — May 19. To U. S. actg. atty., so. distr. N. Y., (Joachimsen). Has requested Mr. Hackley to trans- mit to U. S. distr. atty., N. Y. city, affidavits respect- ing Horatio. (ib., 23.) — Je. 7. To Hackley. Has transmitted copy of com- munication from Capt. Skinner, resp. Horatio, to distr. atty. in N. Y. (ib., 24.) — Aug. 3. To Howland and Aspinwall. Secy. of Treasury will decide question in regard to accept- ance of draft of Mexico. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 16.) — Aug. 4. To Secy. Treasury, U. S. A. (Guthrie). Suggests precaution in Securing apprin. of $100,000 to defray expenses of commission on part of Mexico for surveying boundary. (ib., 16.) — Aug. 7. To Howland and Aspinwall. Preferred that advance of $100,000 be made upon requisition of gen. Almonte to Mexican comr. through comr. on part of U. S. (ib., 17.) — Oct. 12. To U. S. atty. gen. (Cushing). Barque Maury alleged to have been fitted out at N. Y. to cruise agst. Br. vessels. (34. 1. S. ex. doc. 35, 227.) Claim of *. STATUTORY MEASURES 1856 May 23. Intr. in U. S. House (Pennington, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (34. 1. H. R. 361) “for relief of Wm. Hunter, chief clerk of State Dept.” (34. 1. H. jol., 1038.) 1858 May 29. Intr. in U. S. House (Hopkins, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (35. 1. H. R. 618) “for relief of Wm. Hunter.” (35. 1. H. jol., 963.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1854 JIy. 24. Hunter to U. S. Senate. Petition, praying compensation for services as actg. Secy. State, under apptmt. of President, during absence of head of that dept. (33. 1. S. jol., 551.) 790 INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS HUNTER (WILLIAM, J.R.), OF R. I.-cont’d Claim of—cont’d CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.—cont’d 1856 Mch. 31. Hunter to U. S. House. Same. (34. 1. H. jol., 757.) — May 23. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Penning- ton). Rpt. in favor of bill H. R. 361 allowing pay for extra service. (34. 1. H. rpt. 140.) — Aug. 14. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Wa. Remarks; Support of amdmt. of Com. On Foreign Relations to civil apprin. bill, authorizing payment to Wm. Hun- ter, chief clerk of State Dept., for services as Secy. of State, etc. (Cong. Globe, 34. 1., 2149, 2151-52.) – Aug. 15. J. M. Clayton, Sen. from Del. Do.; Same. (ib., 2131, 2149-50.) 1858 Mch. 31. U. S. Senate. On motion (Brown, Miss.), petition of Wm. Hunter, on files of Senate, referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. (35. 1. S. jol., 298.) — May 17. Hunter to U. S. House. Memorial, hereto- fore presented Mch. 31, 1856, presented (Sickles, N. Y.), and referred to Com. on Foreign Affairs. (35. 1. H. jol., 830.) — May 29. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Hopkins). Rpt. to acc. H. R. 618 in favor of memorial of Wm. Hunter. (35. 1. H. rpt. 479.) HUNTER (WILLIAM F.), REPR. FROM O. 1852 Jan. 22. Remarks; in reply to Grey, relative to payment of indemnity instalment under treaty of 1843 with Mexico; during debate on H. R. 46. (Cong. Globe, 32. 1., 360.) — Feb. 13. Remarks; unfavorable to H. R. 95, for re- lief of heirs of John Jackson. (ib., 565.) HUNTER (WILLIAM M.), OF PENN. IJ. S. N., 1809-49. Lieut., 1813; comdr., 1826; capt., 1837. Died Mch. 5, 1849. Sea service in command (1828-49) : 1828-30 comdg. Leavington, Mediterra- nean Sqdn. HUNTER (WILLIAM W.), OF LA. U. S. N., 1822-61. Lieut., 1830; comdr., 1853. Resigned Apr. 29, 1861. Sea service in command (1828-61) : 1848-49, comdg. Alleghany, Mediterranean sqdn. ; 1854, comdg. St. Lawrence, Pacific sqdn. Comdg, Alleghany 1849 Sept. 7. To Secy. Navy, U. S. A. (Preston). Pas- sage to Pensacola; reports repairs necessitating docking of Alleghany. (31. S. ex. doc. 57, 97.) — Sept. 18. To comdr. U. S. S. Albany (Randolph). Information obtained in New Orleans concerning Round Is. expedition. (ib., 100.) — Sept. 21. To Preston. Arrival of Alleghany at Pensacola; men assembled at Round IS. preparing military expedition to be carried on from U. S. agst. Cuba. (ib., 105.) HUNTERDON CO. (N.J.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 20. To U. S. Senate; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. S. jol., 38.) HUNTINGDON (E.), MASTER AMER. SLAVER SCHR. ON- TARIO; see ONTARIO HUNTINGDON CO. (PA.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1838 Mch. 12. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 2. H. jol., 599.) — Mch. 26. To same. Same. (ib., 667.) HUNTINGTON (G.) 1850 Jly. 1. To U. S. Senate. Praying enactment of inter- national copyright law. (31. 1. S. jol., 431.) HUNTINGTON (JABEZ), OF NORWICH 1829 Dec. 28. To U. S. Senate. Petition, praying indem- nity #, French spoliations prior to 1800. (21. 1. S. jol., 31. 1850 Jan. 8. To same. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 63.) — Jan. 11. To U. S. House. Same. (31. 1. H. jol., 284.) HUNTINGTON (JABEZ WILLIAMS) Representative from Conn. 1829-1834; Senator from Conn. 1840-1847. Representative from Conn. 1834 May 7. Remarks; favoring extension of time to comrs. under conv, with France, to enable claimants to procure requisite testimony. (x, Reg. Debates, 3972.) Senator from Conn. 1841 Je. 11. Speech, defending conduct of administra- tion in case of McLeod. (x, Cong. Globe, app., 253.) 1842 Apr. 30. Remarks; Suggesting existence of State reasons for meditated transfer to Holland of chargé to Sweden. (xi, Cong. Globe, 459.) — May 11. Do.; favoring passage of bill to provide further remedial justice in courts of U. S. (ib., 488.) 1843 Jan. 24. Do.; opposing bill for occupation and settlement of Oregon terr., as violation of treaty of 1818 with Gr. Br. (xii, ib., 194.) 1844 Jan. 9. Do.; withdrawing, after correction of his misconception, objection to consideration of res. re- questing Pres. to notify Br. govt. of termination of art. 3, treaty of 1818. (xiii, ib., 121.) — Jan. 24. Do.; inquiring whether Semple res. call- ing for information regarding operations of consuls and commercial agtS. abroad, included stnts. Of sums received for relief of Seamen discharged in foreign ports. (ib., 181.) - Jan. 25. Do.; on his amdmt. to res. regarding oper- ations of cons. officers, to secure, if possible, greater economy in expenditures for relief of seamen dis- charged abroad. (ib., 188.) 1845 Feb. 21, 22. Speech; opposing propositions for an- nexation of Texas to U. S.; denying power of con- greSS to annex foreign terr. (xiv, ib., 323, 328; app., 397.) — Mch. 3. Do.; opposing postponement of previous orders, to consider Oregon bill. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 388.) – Dec. 22. Speech; opposing annexation of Texas. (Cong. Globe, 29. 1., 89.) 1846 Apr. 13. Do.; declaring that, if notice to Br. govt. regarding Oregon be given it be with overtures for amicable adjustment of dispute. (ib., 660; app., 627.) — Apr. 27. Remarks; favoring reference of Oregon jºustion bill to com. on territories. (ib., 29. 1., 728. — May 11. Do.; favoring reference of message of President in relation to hostilities with Mexico, to Com. On Military Affairs and Com. on Foreign Rela- tions, and making inquiry as to readiness of Mexico to listen to proposals of peace. (ib., 788.) – May 12. Do.; favoring striking out of preamble to bill to prosecute war with Mexico. (ib., 803.) – Aug. 10. Do.; favoring passage of French spolia- tions bill, over veto of President. (ib., 1220.) w HUNTINGTON (VT.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) HUNTON (LOGAN), U. S. ATTY. E. DISTR. L.A. 1849 Aug. 3. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Clayton). Proc. before state tribunal of La. agst. Don Carlos de España, Sp. Consul, in case of Garcia, alias Rey. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 3.) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 791 HUNTON (LOGAN), U. S. ATTY. E. DISTR. L.A.—cont’d 1849 Aug. 7. To same. Rpt. of Col. White's expedition; object unknown. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 57, 4.) - Aug. 29. To same. Arrival of Garcia, alias Rey, by ºis Salvadora from Havana. (31. 1. S. ex. doc. 13, 1850 Mch. 6. To Sp. cons. at New Orleans (Laborde). Will take measures to prevent aggressions by Amer. citizens on Cuba; Amer. strs. Fanny and Mary Burke. (31.1. S. ex. doc. 57, 26.) — May 14. To Clayton. Denies criminal character of emigration from U. S. to Cuba. (ib., 25.) — May 18. To Laborde. Suit instituted agst. him by owners of Schr. Heroine. (ib., 31.) — May 19. To Clayton. Erroneous character of in- formation from cons. Laborde relative to Amer. Schr. Heroine. (ib., 42.) — Oct. 24. To Secy. State, U. S. A. (Webster). No evidence of attempts to organize military expedition against Cuba in New Orleans. (31. 2. S. ex. doc. 41, 80.) 1851 Sept. 8. To mayor of New Orleans (Crossman). Requests stnt. of facts connected with outrages alleged to have been committed on Sp. consul and other Sp. residents of New Orleans. (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 2, 51.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1860 May 31. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Pugh, Com. on Ju- diciary), bill (36. 1. S. 482) “for relief of Logan Hunton.” (36. 1. S. jol., 543.) CoRRESPONDENCE 1860 May 22. Hunton to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying compensation for prosecuting suits agst. Narcisso Lopez, John Henderson, et al., for violation of neu- trality laws. (36. 1. S. jol., 492.) HUNTRESS (DANIEL), ADMRS. OF 1849 Dec. 31. To U. S. House. Praying indemnity for loss by French spoliations. (31. 1. H. jol., 197.) 1850 Jan. 4. To U. S. Senate. Same. (31. 1. S. jol., 52.) HUNTSBURG (0.) CITIZENS 1839 Feb. 18. Petitions favoring recognition of Hayti. (25. 3. H. jol., 608.) — Feb. 18. Petitions against annexation of Texas. (ib., 584; 598.) HUNTSMAN (ADAM), REPR. FROM TENN. 1836 May 13. Remarks; in reply to Adams, regarding injustice of his imputations agst. gen. Jackson in matter of negotiation of Florida treaty of 1819. (xii, Reg. Debates, 3706.) 1837 Feb. 27. Speech; favoring apprin. for dipl. agt. to Texas, and running of boundary line. (xiii, ib., 2049.) S - HURON (N. Y.) CITIZENS 1845 Dec. 10. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (29. 1, H. jol., 75.) HURON, AMER. SHIP 1824 Je. 7. Amer. cons. Lima (Tudor) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Adams). Case of ships America, Huron and Rimac, etc. (24. 2. H. ex. doc. 167, 9.) HURON CO. (O.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 18. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 69.) 1848 Mch. 2. To same. Petition, praying colonization of free negroes of U. S. on any terr. to be acquired from Mexico. (30. 1. H. jol., 486; 531.) HURON CO. (O.) CITIZENS-cont’d 1848 Mch. 2. To same. Praying colonization of people of color of U. S. upon terr. to be acquired from Mexico. (ib., 486.) HURTADO (JOSE MARCELINO) Colombian comr. under New Granadan claims conv. of 1857; see Colombia. Claims. HURTADO (JOSE MARIA) Colombian comr. and M. P. in U. S. A., 1861-63; See Colombia. Diplomatic service. HUSON (CALVIN), OF N. Y. Amer. comr. under Costa Rican claims conv. of 1860; see Costa Rica, Claims. HUSSAR, AMER. VESSEL One of the Brazilian prize claims under the indemnity of 1849; see also Brazil. Claims. 1829 Mch. 12. Amer. chargé in Brazil (Tudor) to Secy. State for Foreign Affairs, Brazil (Aracaty). Urgent representation of delay in liquidation of claims; case of Amer. vessel Hussar. (25. 1. H. ex. doc. 32, 170.) — Mch. 16. Aracaty to Tudor. Delay in liquidating Amer. claims; case of Hussar. (ib., 171.) — Mch. 17. Tudor to Aracaty. Delay in liquidating Amer. Claims; case of the Hussar. (ib., 173.) — Dec. 8. Cedulas in case of Budget, Hannah, Spermo, Hussar, Amity and Ruth. (ib., 255.) HUSSEY ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG SAINT TAMMANY; See SAINT TAMMANY HUTCHINSON ( ), MASTER AMER. BRIG PARAGON; see PARAGON HUTCHINSON (ISRAEL PEMBERTON), OF PA. Cons. for Lisbon, 1812-43; see U. S. A. Consular service. Portuguese dominions. 1826 Aug. 4. To owners of brig Osprey (J. Devereux and others). Arrangements for payment of Bahia claims. (20. 2. H. rpt. 24, 20.) 1833 Feb. 11. To Amer. chargé, Lisbon (Brent). Facts relating to case of Amer. ship Sheppard (Hall). (32. 1. H. ex. doc. 53, 115.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1837 Jan. 17. Intr. in U. S. House (Cramer, Com. on Foreign Affairs), bill (24. 2. H. R. 849) “for relief of J. P. Hutchinson.” (24. 2. H. jol., 227.) 1844 Mch. 12. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Archer, Com. on Foreign Relations), bill (28. 1. S. 106) “for relief of J. P. Hutchinson, late U. S. consul at Lisbon.” (28. 1. S. jol., 161; 303.) 1845 Mch. 3. Apprp. for compensation to I. Pemberton Hutchinson, for dipl. services at Lisbon; an Act making apprins. for civil and dipl. expenses for year ending Je. 30, 1846. (v, St. L., 763.) CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1836 Dec. 19. Hutchinson to U. S. House. Memorial, praying remuneration for expenses incurred in serv- ice of U. S. govt. (24. 2. H. jol., 75.) 1837 Jan. 17. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Cramer). #, in favor of Hutchinson petition. (24. 2. H. rpt. 1838 Mch. 30. U. S. Com. on Foreign Affairs (Legaré). Adverse report on Hutchinson petition for pro rata allowance charge ad interim at Lisbon. (25. 2. H. ex. doc. 749.) 1842 Feb. 3. Hutchinson to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying remuneration for services rendered and ex- penses incurred as diplomatic agt, near govt. of Portugal. (27. 2. S. jol., 137.) 792 INDEX To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRs HUTCHINSON (ISRAEL PEMBERTON), OF PA.—cont’d Correspondence, etc.—cont’d 1842 Feb. 14. Same to U. S. House. Same. (27. 2. H. jol., 373.) - 1844 Feb. 3. Same to same. Same. (28. 1. H. jol., 337.) — Feb. 5. To U. S. Senate. Same. (28. 1. S. jol., 101.) 1845 Feb. 28. J. Buchanan, Sen, from Pa. Remarks; fa- vorable to amdmt. to gen. apprn, bill, providing compensation to Hutchinson for dipl. services at Lisbon. (xiv, Cong. Globe, 367.) — Feb. 28. W. S. Archer, sen, from Va. Do.; explana- tion and Support of amdmt. to general apprin. bill, providing compensation to Hutchinson for dipl. services at Lisbon. (ib., 367-68.) HUTTON (JOHN S.), OF GEORGIA Amer. cons. for Hanover in 1860 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Germany. HUTTON (ROBERT), OF NEWFOUNDLAND U. S. consul for Maracaibo, 1845-47 ; see U. S. A. Consu- lar service. Venezuela. HUYGENS (C. D. E. J. BANGEMAN) E. E. and M. P. Netherlands in U. S. A., 1825–32; see Netherlands. Diplomatic service. HUYGENS (R. BANGEMAN) Secy. legation Netherlands in U. S. A.; actg. chargé, 1832-33 ; see Netherlands. Diplomatic service. HUYLER (GEORGE) Amer. cons. for Nassau, N. P., 1834-40 ; see U. S. A. Consular service. British dominions. HWASHANA, PRESIDENT, BOARD OF CIVIL OFFICE, CHINA Special comr. in 1858 to negotiate conv. With U. S. A. for regulation of trade and for adjustment of claims. 1858 Nov. 8. Signs conv. for regulation of trade, betw. China and U. S.; see China. Treaties. — Nov. 8. Signs conv. for adjustment of claims of citizens of U. S. agst. China; see China. Claims. — Je. 18. Signs treaty of peace, etc., betw. China and U. S.; see China. Treaties. HYACINTH, H. B. M. SLOOP (WARREN) 1839 Nov. 2. Battle with Chinese war junks. (26. 2. H. ex, doc. 71, 60.) HYADES, AMER. SHIP (SAVAGE) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex: doc. 117, 44.) HYATT ( FRANKLIN ), MASTER AMER. SHIP FRANKLIN; see HYATT (THOMAS HART), OF N.Y. Amer. cons. for Belfast ; apptd. Feb. 1848; but did not serve, having been transferred to Morocco. Amer. cons. for Tangier 1848-I50] ; see U. S. A. Consular service. Morocco. Do. for Amoy, 1854-61 ; see same. China. Consul at Al'm Oy 1854 Apr. 15. Amer. comr. in China (McLane) to Chi- nese imperial comr. (Yeh). Informs him of apptmt. of T. H. Hyatt, Amer. consul for Amoy, etc. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 271, 488.) HYATT (THOMAS HART), OF N. Y.-cont’d Consul at Amoy—cont’d Correspondence AMERICAN - Secy. State, U. S. A. (Marcy) 1855 May 1. [unnum. extr.] Criticism of defect in Amer. laws regulating carriage of passengers in merchant Vessels, in that carriage from foreign ports, to ports of U. S. Only, is regulated; coolie trade not affected. (34. 1. H. ex. doc. 105, 66.) Amer. Comr, in China (McLane) 1854 Mch. 30. Arrives at Amoy; condition of cons. archives. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 420.) (Parker) 1855 Feb. 11. Judicial fees recd. from Apr. 1, 1854, to Dec. 31. (34. 1. H. misc. doc. 20, 8.) 1856 Jan. 5. Stoppage of duties for losses by burglary and for debt. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1172.) — Jan. 12. Difficulty of securing site for building at Amoy. (ib., 636.) – Mch. 4. Question in regard to occupancy of Koo- lungsoo by foreigners seems virtually settled; U. S. Consulate established at that place. (ib., 734.) — Mch. 27. No registers to vessels granted at con- Sulate at Amoy ; has no personal knowledge of oc- currence of such abuses to U. S. flag as those of which circular no. 2, of Feb. 29 complains. (ib., 787.) — Apr. 3. Withholds Sanction from decrees and regu- lations for judicial jurisdiction by acting cons. Or vice-cons. of U. S. in China. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 6, 2; 35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 804.) — Apr. 28. Reply to communication of 16th inst. rela- tive to abuse of Amer. flag. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 823.) — May 2. Withdraws objection to judicial jurisdic- tion by Vice-consuls. (34. 3. S. ex. doc. 6, 3; 35. 2. S. ex, doc. 22, 805.) — Sept. 1. Obtaining coal from Peh-Seh coal mines; relative to visit of taoutae on Koolungsoo. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 965.) — Dec. 2. Events at Canton have produced uneasiness among foreign residents at Amoy; expects to re- turn to U. S. latter part of winter; stopping of duties for claim of $350. (ib., 1100.) — Dec. 31. Receipts and disbursements of U. S. cons. court of Amoy for year 1856. (35. 1. H. misc. doc. 2, 5.) 1857 Feb. 12. Rev. E. Doty has declined to take charge of U. S. Consulate at Amoy during his absence; Sug- gests apptmt. of Dr. Hunter as U. S. Vice-cons. (35. 2. S. ex. doc. 22, 1239.) — May 12. Gives reasons for apptg. Mr. Wilson as vice-cons. at Amoy and for not liquidating back duties. (ib., 1357.) — May 18. Reply to despatch of 13 inst. (ib., 1373.) Claim of STATUTORY MEASURES 1858 Apr. 16. Intr. in U. S. Senate (Slidell, Com. on For- eign Relations) bill (35. 1. S. 270) “for relief of T. Hart Hyatt.” (35. 1. S. jol., 352.) CoRRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1858 Apr. 2. Hyatt to U. S. Senate. Memorial, praying compensation for judicial services under act of Aug. 11, 1848. (35. 1. S. jol., 310; 352.) — Apr. 16. J. M. Mason, Sen. from Wa. Remarks; in explanation and support of bill S. 270. (Cong. Globe, 35. 1., 1626.) — Apr. 16. U. S. Committee on Foreign Relations (Slidell). Rpt. to acc. S. 270 in favor of petition of T. Hart Hyatt. (35. 1. S. rpt. 192.) INDEx To UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 793 HYDE (ANTHONY), AGT. FOR CORCORAN AND RIGGS 1856 Aug. 8. To Comptroller, U. S. Treasury Dept. (Whittlesey). No evidence that F. Dainese drew on State Dept., Dec. 20, 1852, in favor of Corcoran and Riggs for $2,467.61. (34. 3. H. ex. doc. 82, 176.) - Aug. 12. To same. No evidence found of receipt by letter from any source of drafts of Oct. 10 and Dec. 30, 1852, drawn by F. Dainese in favor of Corcoran and Riggs. (ib., 176.) HYDE (ARCHIBALD W.) 1837 Dec. 11. To U. S. Senator from N. Y. (Wright). Protection afforded to Canadian insurgents by citi- zens of Vt. (25. 2. H. doc. 74, 32.) HYDE (J. BURROWS) 1848 Apr. 11. To U. S. House. Memorial, praying amdmt. of patent laws, so as to place English in- Ventors on same footing as other foreigners in ob- taining patents in U. S. (30. 1. H. jol., 675; 727.) — Apr. 17. To same. Memorial, praying that all for- eign inventors be placed on equal footing as regards obtaining of letters patent for their inventions in U. S. (30. 1. H. jol., 695.) 1854 Mch. 7. To Same. Petition, praying amdmt. of pat- ent laws in relation to inventions by foreigners. (33. 1. H. jol., 460.) HYDE DE NEUVILLE (JEAN GUILLAUME) E. E. and M. P. France to U. S., 1816–22 ; see also France. Diplomatic service. 1821 Mch. 2. To Amer. Colonization Socy. France agrees to colonization in that part of Guiana, which belongs to her, of free agriculturists; and wishes to receive them chiefly from U. S., in case nothing should exist to ºppose this intention. (21. 1. H. rpt. 348, app., 253. | HYDE PARK (vt.) CITIZENS 1837 Sept. 19. To U. S. House; vs. Texan annexation. (25. 1. H. jol., 73.) HYDER ALLY, AMER. FISHING SCHR. Seized at Beaver harbor, N. S. in 1839, for violation of treaty of 1818. 1839 Je. 27. Amer. cons. at Halifax (Morrow) to Secy. State, U. S. A. (Forsyth). Seizure by Br. govt. for violation of treaty of 1818 relative to fisheries. (26. 1. H. ex. doc. 186, 3.) HYGEIA, COOLIE SHIP (DIBLE) Left Hong Kong for San Francisco, May 30, 1854, with 530 passengers; wrecked on Pratas Shoal 3, by U. S. S. Piracy. June 10 ; rescued JIy. (Rolando) ; see China. HYPERION, AMER. BRIG 1829 Oct. 10. Secy. State, U. S. A. (Van Buren) to Amer. E. E. and M. P. in Spain (Van Ness). Illegal exac- tion of tonnage duty of $1 per ton upon brig Hy- * by authorities of Port Mahon. (24. 1. S. doc. 3 Porpoise , 13.) 1831 Feb. 22. Van Ness. To Secy. State, Spain (Sal- mon). Case of Amer. brig Hyperion. (ib., 105.) — JIy. 9. Salmon to Van Ness. Minister of Finance justifies proc. of revenue officers at Port Mahon, in relation to Amer. brig Hyperion. (ib., 106.) — Aug. 20. Van Ness to Salmon. Facts relating to claim of Hyperion. (ib., 107.) * HYPSIA AND JANE, AMER. BRIG (MATTERLY) n. d. Summary of award made by comrs. under act to carry into effect treaty betw. U. S. and France of Jly. 4, 1831. (24. 1. H. ex. doc. 117, 45.) HYSLOP (ROBERT), CLAIMANT; see KNOX (GEORGE) INDEX TO UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 1828–1861 IN THREE PARTS PART I–A TO H BY A DE LA ID E R. H ASSE CHIEF OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS DIVISION, NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY WASHINGTON, D. C. 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