* * * * * * * * * … s... " º '* * , * , ; * *** ste . : *sº * : * : , ºr ** ******. *** * § º ** **- sº ..º. ** **, *....… … . . . . º, & Y" ... is . * *- : ; ºr - a . ºf . g * * * ºf a s º zº ... " " ' " 3. * * * * * * > ... tº . . . & º ; : . . * * * * * * : *rs ** LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ~). ~, ** , , , , , ***** … * s; A * →/,r } ***** * *\ ….. ;· ·+****** * ; - * ·, - ، * }} * *{, çº- } * ;* *…*", ***>). Ķ ~| 7| 3.-, }‘, ! *** ~~~ -... * (~~~~ * } -، * * * > *, * * -- " " ... S.- -*…*.*, *.*.*.*.*.*.*, -- s <---assºsº.º.º.º.º. …, x^***** ~~~~ ****** B Y: s : ; : *} ** , ...” *r '. *, f º l 1 * * ! k * + *********.*.x-ºck - | p | ſ i : [ 2 J # 14 NEwcASTLE CoILECTIONs, by John Bell, of Gateshead: St. Nich- olas' Church, All Saints, and St. Anne's, the Literary and Philosophical Society, General History of the Town, &c. &c., in eleven thick portfºlios. a...e.…s.º.º. ºr “… . . . . . . sº ºf ' ' ' -- ºrs Nīyāšîă"Cößss, by John Beli, of Gateshead: The , - . Great Fire, General History, broadsides, &c. &c., in five thick --~~~~~º---..…, , , *** *** 16 Nºstii, Cofiñºríoss, by John Beſi, of Gateshead; School- ; ; :ds wº- : ; / £) ; : ſ , masters' Association, Horticultural Society, All Saints' Church, : ; ; ; School of Medicine, Sayings and Doings of Dr. Philpotts, in --~~~ºpºse..….sº-ºººo- *-- -t = • * * * * ~r -T- ~rºr Tºrº wº-ſi - Kºś2 &$#&º.º.º. º ºs :::...s...}}".” ‘’’’ ‘‘ ‘-i-, - ... ' ' ' ' ' ' " § / r". Tº Loca #; of jöhn Béiſ, ºf Gatesheadſ: Banks and Bank. ‘. } © g g tº w i ; : ing, Cholera, County. Rate Disputes, Railways, &c., in six :- **º-º-º: *...* , , * thick portfolios. . . . . “ . . . " ... * * , ,” “...ºr . . . “ºº--...- : 6 ;4 * 18 Collection for a History of the Newcastle Press, by John Bell, * – f – of Gateshead-in-thyee V8 § 5 º *: ****** &ºezzº º $º Fºlgºët: *S****** ºxa-Sº... * * - 19 Collections by John Bell, of º head: tºvº S Visit to º is i Newcastle, High Level Bridge projects, Parochial Registration, ; : : Banks of the Derwent, Shotley Bridge, &c., Archæological * F. A. g º - --~#wºº #::::::: *** ****Fºrf”frºyº-Aºxº~ **-1 v *# : . mouth Elections, South Shields, in six portfolios, a large and ** trº- - - :+ *s : *% 21 Collections by John Bell, of Gateshead: Newcastle Infirmary, Por- tarlington Estates, The Grey family of Howick, Shipwrecked . Mariner's Society, Newcastle Collections, Literary Clubs, &c., *** * * ... ... in eight portfolios or parcels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; , ; , ; 22 Collections by John Bell, of Gateshead: Burning of the Exchange, / 2 Tithes, Choral Society, Savings Bank, Quackery, North Bri- ; : ; ton, 1769; The Whisperer, 1770; and the Scotchman, 1772; ; : Agricultural Societies of Northumberland and Durham; in ~ *-ºs seven-portfºliº ºngºls,…, ** * +. # : ~. *.*->. .# *- * ,.*. -º- : ; ; ; / " 23 RAILways, by John Bell: The Brandling Junction, North ;4 . Shields, York and Newcastle, Great Western, &c., in eight ~. ...i * *N. i 5-sº |0. tºº------… '-º-º: ...R. Tººrºº: - trº-º-º-º-º: *,2,…..". --> <-------> *s-->~~ -- . . . . . . . i/- ; ; 24 Original Surveyanā Papers relating to Tancred's Charity, Whix- $5 ley Hall, Yorkshire, Collection as to Sale of Estates in York- --~~~~shiº,99]ºtiºn.gº.igus ºppºsiº in portfºliº, . . . / 25 Sūrīānī- Collection of views, newspaper, extracts, local ; : ; ; publications, and other matter relating to this flourishing port, ; , ......…..by John Bell, of Gatºshºgd, in thigº.gººg Pºliº..…. , , , , , 36 Suspººfſrºotſºni, Docks: A Collection of Twenty-seven 8 Private Acts of Parliament relating thereto, some scarce, in ! 27 DARLINGTON.—A Čollection of views, topographical notices, news- paper extracts, local publications, and other matter relating to 3.22.Éhistown, 99pisºdin tygºthick quºſº portfolio: { I...º. ººzºº ..." *r & gº + a $º * . ." , -, -º----~~€ººk, '''. A. $ cal notices, and other local matters relating to this ancient .# , ºtown, by John, Rall-of-gateshead, in thigh quartosportfolio. ... - 4.6 : 4. | : }; #~:::::::::#Sºº-ºº: in:#pºrtfoliºs-ºs- ~r. ****-tº-: . . . . . # 20 Collections by John Bell, of Gateshead: History of Shields, Tyne- tº Gurious gathering, Jarrow. Alkali Works… . . 28 HARTLEpoor.—A Collection of views, newspaper extracts, histori- gº. “sº-º; -ºººººººººº-ºº: * *-* * : ***.*.*.*.* -...} &# º”. “ . . --- t g". → * > $º. " ... . . * - * - . . . . • * . - ; •v [ 3 ] . . . . . . . . 29 GATESHEAD.—A Collection of views, topographical notices, news- paper extracts, local publications, and other matters relating: d to this enterprising borough, by John Bell, of Gateshead, in : three thick quarto portfolios, with some valuable MSS. and // -- other additigº.º. Added.h ãº. ºlk-i-d-: 30-tº-prºnºr Öf ### y, a ; ióſ, òſ manuscript and printed matter, topographical and miscellane! ous, relating to the several parishes, assorted into separaté * † * - *** * * ####.ºrºa DUREEAM.-Paroch Triº, e County, compiled by the Tata *** * al; W. I. Bell—a magnificent series in nine thick imperial quartó portfolios. A compilation from every available source on th * . history, topography, biography, cstates, &c. &c. of the county; . ; • with a vast quantity of fine prints and engravings. The wholò A. § 2. § 4. classified in parishes alphabetically, and contained in six port: ; folios, one being devoted entirely to the Bishops, a second and 3 . third to the city of Durham and the town of Sunderland—in : ſ all 9. g ~~~~~ 32 Trºiſſºr COTECTIONS=A pºſſó. CŞăing many hundred: "º views, private engravings, topographical extracts, &c., relating ;3 * to this county, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ *-*tart- tºrcóñºs =Eight targe airth ºffiosofiñáñitº" º tºº.º. scripts, maps, prints, portraits, historical, topographical and ! biographical notices, &c., gathered for assortment into the y 6 . parochial history. *, w x tº Much original and curious matter—numerous manuscripts, drawings, and, : * private prints, being the individual accumulations of the late Mr. Bell.i. t i 34 DURHAM CoELECTIONs.—A large folio portfolio containing a great; ; 6 : number of fine prints, maps, extracts, and illustrative matter, : § } : 24 ''. *... = ** **** *...*.*.*.*.*, *, *, *: *. *** * . • *.*.*.*. ºr. *S*~~& - ...< *, ****.*.*. §§ —alsº kathºgº º gºpºggiºlºgy… 35 DURHAM.–ATarge Collection of fºrfiº. lating to this county: Estate settlements, construction of turnpike roads, division of common lands, local railways, and; 3 } * - {{ •; ! -3 * * * º: sº $3. ;: } # ** * t * miscellaneous.—About 220 acts, some of great rarity. § & - ... 3 º & A gentleman who has looked these through, says, such another series; , * could not at almost any cost be found. Some of the acts were marked ; ; g separately at two guineas by the late Mr. Thorp of London. ; : i *... fl. - Lººf it - isºtºrº - xº~...~~;-- " -- ~...: ' ". . ..., --. 37 DURHAM.—A large Collection of printed particulars of estates for . . s sale by auction, and other matter, printed and manuscript, , , , illustrative of the landed interest of the county, assorted into . //&’ parishes, and included in two thick imperial folio covers. tº Some hundreds of these useful “books of reference' for the conveyancer : and land agent. . ... " : * , , t *; . ? &g • ? ******** * ~ *-*.:” ‘’’ ‘’’’ ‘‘ “ ----> -- - - --> --> . . . . . .x: '... --.' -- ~~~~. ----, -, *, ... …..… - '-' -- - -: , ... ... . .xy - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." r | * | 4 | 38.I)uPHAM.—Particulars of estates offered for sale by public auction, another Series, in a large portfolio Some inches thick, ... º:-: gº* #i i!•c.* --- 39 NoRTHERN ANTIQUITIES.–Essays on the Roman Castramentation of North Britain, the Great Wall, &c., imperial folio, in cover; ; Boswell's Antiquities of the Northern Counties, large folio, in —- gover: Manuscript. Rental offh9 Antrim estate, 1810. ...-...-...- : . 40 CHOLERA AT NEWCASTLE, GATESHEAD, SHIELDs, &c.—The original ; : Correspondence of the Local Authorities, Medical men, and § others, with the Committee of the Privy Council, concerning the visitation of this epidemic in Newcastle, Durham, Gates- ... head, Sunderland, and other towns and districts in Northum- berland and Durham, in 1832, in two thick foolscap portfolios Y.t A.* i ; : * containing several hundred letters, communicating panacea for ; : : the diseaso, accounts of its progress, and modes adopted to bat- —— tle thereWith. - , * **** * ~ * *s p → **** * ~ * * * *.e. ; ; : 41 ACTs of THE RAILWAY KING-A large Collection of miscellaneous $2 # matter relating to the career of George Hudson, Esquire, as . . . magnate of the railway interest, by John Bell, of Gateshead; 42 Topographics, Tracts—History of Durham, Account of Aln- --~~~~mouth-and-many ºthers in thickºrºportfolig---~~~~ § 3 ; 43 DURHAM.—A Manuscript Book of Rates for the County, and a —z-arºº ... - $ º 2 ; : Copy of the Tax raised upon the Papist's Estates in the said 4. . ; County, with a Schedule of the yearly value of all the Papist's ; : Estates. - * : tº A curious and interesting old volume, of historical value, but without ––. **-------~~~~~~~~~~~~ % 4. : ; 44 DURHAM.—A large Collection of pamphlets and tracts relating to º ºff t this county, political, topographical, agricultural, &c., in a x. gº g 's & to ---------º-º-º-º-º-o-º-º-º---> 2-x^**S*-***** **** sº * - - --~~~~...~. -----, --> w-…---...-->4:cº-----as re. Sevsº-------> **** - - z - * ** * { º, * t * *: *; - t : 6 # 45 DURHAM.—A large, Collection of pamphlets and tracts, of politi- i cal, topopraphical, and general interest, in three thick 8vo *. & & f {* # *- sº-º-º-º-º::s -- º , - ". . . . . ..(30YêI.S.. . * - - - - - - - -, . . . . . . . . ~...~~~..."--,-4xº~~~~ *-ºs--, -, -w ºr ~".:*-**** ***.p: “..."--...--><:: *-* : *.*.*.*, ºr *-* ... . . . . . . * -, . . . ~~~ § 2 & ; 46 DURHAM.—Greenwood’s Map of the county of Durham, mounted % ** º e g 34- V ºf on cloth and in a book-formed case, lottered, in excellent con- # * * dition. ; * 4. : 4- 47. Durham MAPs AND PLANs.—Colling's Map of the County, plans of ~$º º-s, dogkš, building ground riyori, Śgºgmºmanuscript-in,8!.3%, s (); 48 DURHAM.—Two large Plans of the City of Durham, large Plans 2 / g *~~~~ § ~~~~.A. - - --------, #. × ?? ſ M. - of Darlington and Hartlepool, and others, in all.17: ... ; : A9 DURIAN. EA Fargo series of the Calendars of the prisoners to be tried at Durham Assizes, a curious lot, in quarto portfolio; and the like series of the Accounts of the County Treasurer for ~~~~ many years, in thick quarto portfolio. …— …, 50 DURHAM.—Collections relativo to the city of Durham, comprising views of the public buildings, historical and descriptive extracts, original papers, and other local matter, included in two thick quarto portfolios, and the like collection relative to the town of Stockton, in one portfoilo, all meatly mounted—3. 3. * 7 -| *****------> --~~~~~~~~~~ Is...} ... trº'ss”- “...sº-> **::"; 2-ºx-º-º-º-º:*::: *zzºsº -: *** & * e Muses Threnodie; or Mirthful Mournings ; § ** *:: * ~ *Y*-*A*-w, "*** t Fº } §: y ſ § !. # ? § # } * š. g i. t - t # 3 ; : 2.… ...; * -º- *--> * -º- +. : H {4 R * 3 #. 2. : !", r § 63 – Another Copy, lºgo paper, 2 vols., hiſ morocco. i_i ^i_*. : iſoº (, * ...'...**- :- A royal *. 8YQ, 1820 § i/ * : • ** •" - 3. * * . . . . . . ******** 64 Account of the Discovery at Hexham of a Brass Wessel, containing a number of the Anglo-Saxon Coins called Stycas, : 4to, 1834-3 --~~~~… plaſgºwiſh Soyºral guttings inserted------~~~~ 65 Dona Ignez de Castro, a Tragedy from the Portuguese of Nicola Luiz, scarce, Newc. 1808. — Camoens's Poems, by ...Lord Strºngford, portrait, 824. Trrº. º. *** --------> <--~~53 & . . . . . . . . ;-, t'ºt, º!. IgngZ de Castro.º. •J * *** s * t arº § $ § 3- . § ~66 – fusiºnärſſûâţă, Partſ."Selection of Sonneſs, (2 copies) T. Nowo. 1845. — Adamson's Sonnets, Newc. 1845. — Dona; ; g-arº swº-ºº: .; 2. As-ºxx. 3 ... * *-*...*&^* … Mawg, 18083, ºs *A*t.s:- 1 7 Adamson (Wm.) Eight Discourses, Wo. Shields 1789. — Law, ; R [*- … Yºu. --~. ºr *..." ! º .# * * *: 3. Prº ***** 4. * * * & ,-4 s ** **-*.***** * Y ; / 6 ! *. 7. N. § *3 Curr and Green's Controversial Pamphlets, Newc. — Hayes; / ; 7 (Rev. C.) Farowell Discourse at St. John’s, Wowo. 1837. —; ; Clarke on the Morning and Evening Service, Durh. 1808. — i ; *...**** - " - - - And 3 others. ------- --~~~~~}- ºf 6 J.58. Addisºn (G.G.) the Temple Church, plates....…. isis: Tiě * { i ; . # * [ 6 | § ! . . 7 ić ; 69 AFsop's Fables, in Italian, curious outs, wants title, calf. * ; … Small 49- + : 70 ÅTalse jew; or, a Wonderful Discovery of a Scot, Baptised at i ** * London for a Christian, Circumcised at Rome to act a Jew, ; : re-baptised at Hexham for a Believer, but found out at New- . / ; : castle to be a Cheat. Printed for Wm. London, Bookseller, : 7. " . 'n Newcastle, 1653. — The Converted Jew; or, the Substance ..., ; : ; , of the Declaration and Confession which was made in theft!" Publique Meeting House at Hoxham, the 14 Moneth, the 5 : s º day, 1653, by Joseph Ben Israel, Gateshead, Printed by S. B., # * * two extremely rare Tracts, in One Yol. Small 4to. hf. bound. ; : 71 — Another Edition, London 1654. — The Converted Jew, 3. # Gateshead, S. B. in one vol. Small 4to.—With long MS. Note :----4----'44' 48% ºf bound.…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 72 Agricultural Customs, Report of Select Committee of the House - ...Qf Commons on, cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . folio, 1848 gricultural Society, Northumberland, Reports, Journal, &c. of, t in a Portfolio:---------- -******* *** ***.**** *-* - * *** * → --r-,- enyº. ...<-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : 6 ... 74 Aikin (John) Description of the County round Manchester, plates, tº:----… hf.calf 4to, 1795. i. *-*- ~~f~~~~ º § sº ~ºr --> -- . . . .” --- - a º § 73 # § * * * *w Ž 4’ * - s } ~. *: i % 75 —— History of the Environs of London, maps and plates, some . . . . . . . . extra, calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . royal 4to, 1811. Z– …-76 += Memoir of by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols. 1823. * * lºº & 77 Aikin (Miº Poems, galālī77, and 5 offers......... / 2. 78 Aisabić (Rºy W. G.) Translation of the Gospel of John, ; , ; *- : vellum, gilt. ---..., 1837. . "79 Aiton (Wim.) Inquiry into the Pedigree, Descent, and Public i/ Transactions of the Chiefs of the Hamilton Family. *80°Afºnsíſo (Märky Fööms, find portrait, and extra one inserted, - ...4.0.1772.- * "†" "STARºman (j. Y.) Gisºry of Wiltshiro words, 1843 - £y. 4, , , water's Sheffield Dialect, 1839 — Ray (John) Collection : of English Words, 1674. — Hunter's Hallamshire Glossary. —--~~~~~~~ *- i 82 Akerman (J. Y.) Wiltshire Tales, 1853. — Devonshire Dialogue ; with Glossary, by Mrs. G. Watkin, 1839. — Specimen of f : Cornish Provincial Dialect, by Uncle Jan Treenoodle, 1846. — __i.….Wilbraham's Cheshire Glºssary. … … … 1826 “,”83 Alani Prioris Cantuariensis Postca Abbatis Tewkesberiensis : / ; Scripta quae Extant. Edita J. A. Giles. Private print. ***** zºº, -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ºxº~...~~...~...~...~ *...stv.cº-º-º-º-tºa-ºººº--~~~~~~~~~ ~9aon, -1 84 6-- : -84 Album. (The) of the Philopoetists, MS.--~~~~~~~4to, 1816– i 85 Alderson (R.) Lines, Newc. 1825, and other Local Poems in ome ; 2 } • & . volume. — Houston's (Thos.) Epistle from Silly Billy to Gen- { - eral Bonaparte, Newc. 1803. — Stockdale's (Rev. P.) Poems, } ; : Alnw. 1800. — Tadical Monday, Newc. 1821. - ...< . ~#~~~~~~ wºn: “r”---tº-sºº -- - - - - - - cº-ºw - : a = n. ** –, a -a < *; * * ***** * * •,• * , re- * * - º - -- - -- ~ * * ~ * frº - - - - * * * * * * 4. - - . 86 Alexander (W.) Treatise on Bathing, with Analyses of the Mineral ſ / !. Springs of Scarborough, Scarb. 1832. — Walker's Analysis - i of Dimsdale and Croft Waters, Durham 1828.-And 3 others. *" ; : ; § | 7 || 87 Alexander (Wm.) Meditations and Letters, wrote during his `38 - Account of, while in Brison, Wowo. Tiš3. "I’ſſi of: BOOKS AND TRACTS PRINTED AT THE PRIVATE PRESS OF GEORGE 89 Confinement in Newgate, Newc. — Account of the Private and Public Behaviour of Wm. Alexander while in Prison 4 : at the Place of Execution, Newc., 1783—in one vol. ht. C81ſ. Jas. and Geo. Wolfe, and John Eden, Durh, 1820. — Life, &c. of Robt. Thompson, executed at Carlisle, Newc. 1791. — Pengilly's Sermon on O'Neil, executed at Newcastle, § 1816, * - * , - - ------, 2--~~ * ~ -...-----, * ~... •-,-2. --~" -* * * - - - - - - - - - - - > *, * . . . i**** *.*.*.*, , --- *.*.*.*.*, * > *-*"...rs Yº: -; ALLAN, Esq., AT THE GRANGE, DARLINGTON. : ISGELLANEOUS Tracts. Containing, Life of Bishop; Trevor, with portrait. — Legend of St. Cuthbert. — i. Collections relating to Gretham Hospital. — Refounda-i tion Charter of Gateside Hospital. — Proceedings in ; Parliament for electing Members for Durham. — Founda- tion Charter and Endowment of Durham Cathedral. — Statutes : of the Cathedral. — Lease of Salt Meadows, and Tolls of: Gateshead. — Act for the Restitution of the Bishoprick of Dur- ham. – And several other Tracts—lyol, hf. bound, uncut. 4to.;...-- 90 – Anothor Collection, in 1 vol. half bound. From the Mains- i. ***.*.*.*- - •- > *.*.* *...-- ~~~2,5- 91 Collectanea ad Statum Civilem et Ecclesiasticum Comitatus Dun- i. ~~~~-4to. * * forth Library. 4to. : f tº This volume contains also Noble on the Coins of Durham. ... t çlmgnsis,...With MS. Notes. …, 92 Sketch of the Life of Bp. Trevor, portrait, hf. calf.... 4to, 1776: T93 Legend of St. Cuthbert, long MS. Note, hf. calf. ----- " … :: *-* * * * * **,'º';... -- ~ *... . . . . . . . . º , , , " ".- : - :----, *. … . . . . . . . . --, -, - ºr-- ~. sº-ºº: 95 Pennant (Thos.) Miscellanies, portrait, hf. morocco. 4to. —t MS. Notes, Cuttings, &c., inserted, hf. calf. 4to, 1769 tº One of the rarest of the Allan Tracts. : & “These Miscellanics (28 pages) I printed at the request, and for the private use of my worthy friend Thos. Pennant, Esq., G.A.” (Autograph . Note by Geo. Allan.) : --- ***** 2. ** * > *xt “... **** * *- *T*. *Y***w- re-ºr" rºr.”-º. (.3°r. ** hf calf. ...... 4to, 1777... ... 94 Collections relative to St. Edmund's Hospital, Gateshead, long" wº. º. º. º.º.4°E * * * ~ * º ~~~ -- ... • ---, --~ *-* * * * *** - S -- ~~, ºr-.S. A. - -, -, ºr * * : **- -* * *- : * * * *** * * * * * “. . . . .” - * * . . ~ * ~ : ...-- -* * * * * 3. * - * > 96 Foundation Charter of Durham Cathedral. – Endowment of . Durham Cathedral. — Statuta et Ordinationes Ecclesiæ Cathe- dralis Dunelmensis. – Order of the Privy Counsell respecting # * the Dean and Chapter of Durham and their Tenants. – Cer- ? tificate for renowing the Chapter Leases. – Proceedings of . Dean and Chapter against their Tenants. – And others—2 vols...with MS, Notes. * -- ***.----- • --~~~~. 97 Lotter of Cromwell to Wm. Lenthall for crecting a College at . St. Cuthbert, unbound. ..., ~Y , - .* ~ . . . . . " w - s.s...:..wº- - - - - -n:.. "...--...-- " -- ~~~, ... ‘’’’ ‘’’ ‘’’ - . . . . . . . . . * * - - * . “..A." Durham, &c. — Life of Bp. Trevor, portrait. — Legend of * 1 ſ. n - •] - '. -. : sº º § ;| --, -- . . ~~ ** § --- - - - ~. - *- * * ** --- * W. t - & * x *, e. . ‘S’, $. r; - . . . . " :S ‘’ * : h ; 439 {5 * f . . . $4 - *, * *:: : 4. w ! |- Yinn &Z. “º .." k •Y 3 ** . A tº . ~ ---, ---º. º t 3. * * *** ; 3. i. t ‘s .* * <: 3 * y’ { ; *...?!, • *.” ** &: *: s' wº ** § . #4, - s -- -:) ‘. $4 * *** “, uf ry * | "...' º •' ºr *...* * w f : •w * !. *- º | 3. .. # ** 3. A * J º w 3. º, 3. i '; ! {{ ** Y. ’. Y. *r 9 y º wº, * > '#' * :*** --> --> -: }. * } * t ‘. . % . f Ye • *-* § iy y ; 6 99 Allan (Geo) and Tunstall (M.) Memoirs of, from Fox's Museum - [ 8 J 98 Allan Press. A Catalogue of Books and Tracts printed at the Private Press of George Allan, Esq., by J. T. Brockett, hf. cf. royal 8vo, Newc. 1818 tº With numerous additions in MS. by Mr. Bell. : ******-- ...Qatalogue, £grägå halfgalſ, -- {, 1827. flºš ~# ** * Sfcº. & - r - - - e - *** - & * 2. Iſ Allºmºnºpºlºgiand $’ IUI iseriºd. Blyth, 1818. TTU2 ATſen (Thos.) History of the Counties of Surrey and Sussex, º 2 vols. fine plates from Drawings by Whittock, half calf. royal 8V2,..1829. ††† Editiºn ºffs gºes *~ -º. -- # - r Tö3 riffistºry of the CŞüſſy of Surrey, ºſsº. t ------- ~~~~r: - I • **w-a-. - -royal SYO,-1831 ... 104 — History of the County of York, 3 vols, plates on India *— #-as-------r-44& 9 *— # ? 105. Allibond º alt.— ºve sºrºr/yrexºs ºstrº.ºrrx: • - 1 - - - -- - (J.) Seasonable Sketch of an Oxford Reformation. 1717 3 : ! s '6 TOS-ATHETEE) Britiºn, RößRTsºrantiquities, and Tolk: - Løre of Worcestershire. 1856 t§ - f : 3. '', w º * - - -- 3. i. …r.º.º. ... tº **s-rººzz- •,• r, e- - ** tº : §: . . . . - ." * “ . . . **~~~ ------> w 3. I. ; s - t / j / * t . * . Mºsº. -r *Tiê7 Aſſivicſ.” Manuscript Survey, Report and Memoranda relative * to the Tithes of the Township of Alnwick, sold under Act. ...of Parliament in 1826, 1 Vol...folio, lettered…............ ſ —— Manuscript Memoranda, as to Survey of the Lands within ...-------the Township of Alnwick, in lifolio Volume.------…--- 109 Alnwick and Hulme Abbeys. A History of these Foundations, ; compiled from various sources, by Thomas Bell, partly manu- w -" W script, in 4to Volume, cloth, lettered. i.- X:y i. 3 6 –4–.f ; º: § 3. & ¥. %. * * TT10: Alnwick, Prudhoe, and Warkworth, Illustrations of hiſ morocco, * gilt leaves. royal 4to, 1847 & A magnificent volume, printed; for private distribution by His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. Presentation Copy to Mr. Bell, with the Duke's autograph. - - ** **. …, xx-xx-Y.- : *** *** ****** * * *****- ** **, *.cs -- 3.Y."...tº ; :-., -ºx. …," *…*-** ~~~ x; ..'; . . ***… --> **~~~~Ao Tii Alnwick, a Descriptive and Historical View of plates, Alnw. .…..yºusº-ºo-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: :* - ... Alºe. 1792. / 2 ; quam Huldericus Schmidel, Straubingensis ab Anno 1534, usque ad annum 1554, in Americam vel noum Mundum, iuxta Brasiliam et Rio della Plata, confecit, 4to. portrait, * º -> º - - --~~~~ ... 1822 - Alnwick Castle, Description of plate, 4lºw. 1846. £2. º TT1? Ainwick Castle, with other Poems, cloth. “. . 'y. …, . . - - 3. , " *:: 3. ~~~~ "...~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ + ºr r-, ºr sº rºw: --Sºº." º-º-r - royal 8yo, New York 1836 ; / ; * 113 Alnwick Magazine; or Northumberland Intelligencer, Nos. 1, } i. 3, 4, in 1.Volume, 80gree........... '-º'------- . . .” - N'-. . * Y, ‘. . . ,” º - - - ---, ****** º” f ' ' ' ' ' " sº - *** *** * * : * : *; º ; 114 America. Vera Historia Admirandae, cuiusdam nauigationis, $. 4. ! ; __ map, and curious plates, calf. Moriberga, 1599 ! /a perial and Dependent States, in reference to the Dispute be- ~ J. * ~~~~42.-------sºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: – 115 = Egy, ºr poſitiºnſ, ºn the Intºſs of Im- - tween this Country and her American Colonies, Newc. 1777. —Price's Observations on Civil Liberty; and tho Justice and º Policy of the War with America. — An Appeal to the Jus-, tice and Interests of the People of Great Britain in the present Disputes with America, 1776.-2 vols. - *...* ~ * ***.*.*.*.** < xº~~~~~~~... t.' " ...:*...*.*, *, *, *-**---- | 9 | … 116 Ames (Joseph) Catalogue of English Hºds, gºlf.----- 1748. I17 Amos (A.) the Great Øyer of Poisoning. The Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the Poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury fº # **,x*xrºtºzºtºcoº £3. - * * * 2: ºry-ºr ~~ - ~~~ $ - - wº- ~. 1846 $. º ...--Alb.:--Angthºrºpy.….~~~~~~…~~~~}}#94- 11:9 Anacreon's Odes, translated by Wm. Richardson (of North Twº ºt ...120. Angiºgt Histºrig, Balladºgſ gºlé by ſiegłękºgfºº. 1897.i.…? *iši Khāśń (Gºpi) # # Highlands and - #: sº . ... Sgotland, ſhºp, 1824—and 6 ofber Guide Books…}…i...i..…. 122 Anderson Črmºš Account of the present State of the #ebrides; # , - and Western Coasts of Ścotland, calf, Edinb. 1785. — His- #2, # torical Essay, showing that the Crown and Kingdom of Scot-3 #"; . land is impºrial and independent, gºlf.3%. 1393,...….i. i-i- the State ºf the Highlandº" 6" i "123 Anderson (John) Prize Essay on ti Scotland, particularly in 1745. lº. - Edinb. 1827. TI34 E. Históriaſ Account of the Family of Fraser, plates.T #9. Jºb, 1825 i. i. 2 125 Ånderson (Robt.) Boetical Works, with fife by Tºšānāerson, "T 3 iss 3 2. A 2 vols. Carlisle 1820. — Poems on various Subjects, Ibid. 127 Andrewes (Bp.) Life and Death of, by Henry Isaacson, portrait. : ~~~~1829- alº-Anºther ºpy--~~~~4%i-4*. Tº Angus (Rev. W. ff.) Memoir of, by Cox, 1834. – Burdăkin's #. Memoir of Robert Spence, York 1840. — Heaton's Memoir: * As of John Dungett, of Newcastle, 1883, - - - - - ~~~~~~rera-ºr wºrrºr-º- +Tº wer- r ! yºgº ww. Angling. The Tråtyść ºf Fyºgºwºh an Angle. Attri: ; "" ; , , buted to Dame Juliana Beoners, reprinted from the Book of $2. St. Albans, portrait. …W. Pºglá27.i.… i.i.… TāTFEGESTATE of Angling. = Salter's Troller's Guide, iš20.3 c. — A Discourse of Fish and Fish Ponds, 1713. —Bowlker's (3 { % * Art of Angling, 1839.-----. ~~~~~~~~ 132 — Blakey's Angler's Song Book, 1855. — Smith's Catalogue : 3- 3 of English Writers on Angling (2 oopies), 1856. — Charl- –––––9:54:ton's Art of]Fishin Jºga, Motö Slºſºlskº-º-º-º- kx. Sºº-ºº::s --~~~~ il:33 Mackintosh’s §Modern Fisher, Derby. — Bowlker's Art of %. } . Angling, 1792. — Best's Art of Angling, 1814. — The Fisher #7 Boy, a Poem. - And 4 others. ~~~~~~ I34 Anglorum Speculum, or the Worthies of England in Church : #3 ; ** – ~1684: … T35 Annesley (Jāmes) Abstract of the Case of Dublin 1754. — The Genuine Speech of Simon Lord Lovat in Westminster Hall. § — Foster’s Account of the Behaviour of the Earl of Kilmar- TI36 Anstey (C.) New Bath Guide, edited by J. Britton, plates by: Cruiks 18324. sºrº: ^*137 Anstey's New Bath Guide, 1773. – Probert's Gododin. :-} tºr ſ*.*.* . --- tº: ---, $. ** x *ś | 25 “. **S 34- zººsººke-º: Lister's Rustic Wreath, Leeds 1834. — Richardson's (E); § . . Poems, York 1806,-Pulman's Rusſie Sketches, 1853---------- C ; ; ; # ... 3 [ Io 138 Anstis (John) Observations Introductory to an Historical Essay . . . . . upon the Knighth99d of the Bath, hf. galf..….#9, 1723. *- 439-a- sº gº ºalſ…º.º. 140 E. Another Copy,hfrussia. isºtºººººoººsh ºxtº: 4:9, 1725. 141 Answer to the Paper delivered by Mr. Ashton at his Execution --to-Sir-Francis Child; together. With the Paperitself.4%, 1690- 142 Antidote against Melancholy, a Collection of Merry Songs, with Music. :------~~~~ *.*.** *** -- sº *-**-*t sº-a-ravº.º. º.º. 4 + 2* 1749 143 Antiquarian Tifférary comprising speciñóñs of Architecture, &c., 7 vols. numerous plates. ... 1815-18, TATATEquarian Repertory, edited by Francis Grose and Thomas" # / Jy. Astle, 4 vols., plates. Wol. I., II., and IV. uncut. : - , , ––– 4to, 1779-84 TT5 Antiquarian Söößty, Newcastle, First Répôt ºf, with various" -*: it }} * . § º 6 Memoranda respecting the early Proceedings of the Society, º $60/66......... ..., …-------4tº, Aeº.1814– †- / . 146 Névéastle, Catalogue of the MSS. Books and Antiquities, * , " . . ---.… Yewe, 1889. ... / 3 I47 Antiquitates Salisburſensis, Salist." Tiff. -"Account of Old ; 6 ; : and New Sarum, Ibid. 1834. — Rutter's Description of --~~~~ *------~~~~~~~~~~~~ * : 3 3 * 148 Antonini Iter Britanniarum, comment, illust Thomae Gale, → . **--—--~ * * .3.3. 149 - Another cºpy, GäIf...Ato, 1709 "T, ºft". 150 Aram (Eugéne) Trial and Life of, with Specimens of an Anglo- W. #/ i3 g Celtic Lexicon. Richmond 1832 '• *, *. * ; : T 151 Archæologia Aliāfiá, 4 vols. (Wanting WöI. I. Part 2.) Duplicate of Vol. III. Part 1, plates. – Catalogue of MSS., Books, &c. — First Report of the Antiquarian Society, scarce. NA-º …~49, W& 4.1816-55- ; , lººkies ºctºrºººººººº-ºº:3&º: º;3-isºs, e s T53 tº: Voi...ºf aniff, with numerous Ms. Notes on the margin * -A. & 3 3. ; : 2 £ ; — by the Rºy...J. Hodgson.…~~~49, Wº...1822-32 - / ſ3 153 —— New Series, Part 1 to 15, Newe, 1856-60.- Proceedings, W.7; ; No. 1 to 12. — Tradesmen's Tokens. – Catalogue of the <--- s 83 - Wº ~#~~~<ā-sº-sºciº-v **s-, -sººks ºs crºscºwº-dºse.--Sºº-ººrº ºxsºr', ºr--- " " -- “... ." l a. 9. --~~ t" £ ; : ; ; 154 Archæological Association, Report of the Proceedings at the Aſ ‘. . . First General Meeting at Canterbury, September, 1844, ; ; ; plates. 1845 * & Only 150 Copies printed. - - - ; º : 155 Archeological Institute. Memoirs chiefly illustrative of the 2 #2 : : History and Antiquities of Northumberland, communicated - - to the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute, held j ; * at Newcastle, August 1852, 2 vols., hf. morocco, gilt leaves. 1858 --~~~~~~~& Rºsentatiº.gºv.ſºhºſhikºfºthºhaland to Mr. Bell. # § # e e & º - º & 2 º w 3 #6 156 –- Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of ; ; ; Wiltshire and the City of Salisbury, communicated to the ~4----. ... Mºting of the Institute, 1849, plates. - 1851 # § § ******* s: tº•ºwawºrow-cºsts tº ººzººlººwººaº Sºgºşeşş- ; ; ; º f 157 Archaeological Institute. Memoirs illustrative of the History and - Antiquities of Bristol and the Western Counties, co º [. C 0. U- - D º O C - º - * *.*.*. º: º: £4. Bººlºº 158 Archaeologist, and Journal of Antiquarian v. Copies.) 1842. — Archæological Library, Wol. I, c Archæologi Quºlº 21, Y. A Cº . T55. Tº TE Bºº rº-rºmºrrºr-T-TT; anºuiſings Islatiº *ś *~1.i. #47 - Guide, | Instructions for the Use ºw-i-tº- . -- - - *-Hºi ºf Aº i º 3.T IETFETTºmºrrºr-tºnrºg-r-ţ-r- from Ancient Histories and Records, that William-of Nor- $./ # /C} mandy made no absolute Conquest of England by the Sword. . ; # 3 * * --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------------- ~~~~~------~~~~~~~~ … 1682 *...*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* ** -- ****. T55 Argyle. Añº Brºſs Expañātiºn of the Life, or a Prophecie"; "+" of the Death of the Marquis of Argyle, with Diverse Verses # / ; thereupon; composed in Scottish Rhyme by C. C., his Lord- - - - - shipp's old Servitor. Small 4to, 1656, Reprint ; ; ; Tºmºrºgºtárgé"Cómºtiºri; ºthick {: /O. 6. -42 volume.galf. AA- --~~~~~~~~ Targe Collection of Arms, mounted in an 8vo volume, , ; 2 #3 . —iº -----a ºrces”; ******************* ~3- º, tººk º: *r-sº-sº 165 Armstrong (A. W.) Poeticaſ Works, Worth Shields, 1816. — ; ; , , ; Trotter (Dr. Thos.) Sea Weeds, Poems, port. Newc. 1829. — ; #2 § - And 6 others. * -- a-- - -- * *-. --- *** -- ~~~~~ * * ~~~~~~~~4-4-z- TööTATſºng's Map ºf Nörümbörjand, Companion to, ſongjſs. ; ; ; 3 ~s-ºººººººº---------, -º-º-º: 167 - Map of the Coity ºf Durham, in cloth and in case. Ij68. - 168 Arnott (Hugo) Collection and Ábridgment of celebrated Crimi-": ". º & ...nal Trials.gišºgtland, 1888.9.17% ºf gºlf 49.4%).78% º i >. - ſ: # ºr "...vº.x vº- # º w- & § : #º Dictiºnary, àºjīnī, calf. ºzº: sº ºtºs fºr: sº-º-ºry*::: - 77 i. ń º I * ~. f *- - * * £44. sº y §§ºr. M *** *** **--> Tºrriſ; wºrkºiyāºr” #3 & rºl Astrºy, Witchcraft, &c., a Collection of Cuttings relating to, ; ;2 # 6. sº §§§§ ******* gºs º Yºğ9sº Kºsºe, *** * Tººwººfsjöß. Wäß’” & e e * = & ** J º a new Doctrine of Nativities. 1792 $ ______ w * **-** * * w-r- ~~ - *** -...----, --, +------- ~ T wr - - -------------- • *g TT3 AEE (GE) Worthies of wºrland; or Hoàble persons Z, * º, 174 Atkinson (Henry) New Method of extracting the Roots of ; ; ; Equations; with several Notices of him, Cuttings, and a 3 : : 6 ºx-ºs. .98tºlogue gºis. Ii § { Yº…~~~~~#9.3% 1831, ck: zº **** º Tºš. Aubrey.º. §§§ **ś;;. ººººººººººººººººººººº.” 696. •. *** 176 Aungier (6.j .) and Antiquities of Syon Monastery, * , º D º Cl - 177_Autobiog 94-3.sº Jºy Jääämäänd. 9thº. lºsiº.3% ~sº 178 Avison (Chas) Essay on Musica #pression, ong #sº —iałº-gºlf. —---~~~~4%- 179 -- on Musical Expression, if calf, 1782. - Another copy, ; : * ! ! fººt-tº-3-ºx $º wºri ſº &i -* . :: s ; & i wº.~24;" ºn sº-º-. Fasº.--> -- ~~ - *. vºy: **, i t-3 { ;- -i- º. second edition, 1753. – Remarks on Mr. Avison's Essay on Musical Expression- 1-2 ºrw: , , , -, - - - - - - -, ºr * alf 53 *-** gº ºwlſº C D - 17. º * re-rº- - * *-º-º-º- 'º y^ f *. ... I 1.4-2. -- 7"-- *-* Ar A- ºr-ºr º ºri, y, zººs. ---. --T- * K \ º: * * - º ." ". r’ “. :* : ** * * & * § * [ T 2. I : 4 * § & • *, !" $s . º é : 180 Avon, a Poem, in three parts, long MS. Note by Mr Bell. - * *, ~4to, Birm. J. Baskeruille 1758– ; 186*Aytoun (Sir Robt.). Poems, edited by Chas. Roger, Edinb. 1844 - ". . — McArthur's (Jos.) Ruins of Linlithgow, 6iasg., 1798. * : And other Poems; in one volume. — The County Town, a . Satire 1849. — Cathering of Cleves, and Hernani, translated -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ºby Jºrdiº-Es-Gower---~~~~~ ... 1832 s 181 Ayloff (W)6 overnment of the Passions, according to the Rules ~~~~ -* * igion. …, ... Bérwich 1793 ===-gf.Rºon and Religiºn. … sºft 182 Bacon (Francis Lord) Sylva Sylvarum, or a Natural History, … in Ten Centuries, fortrait and engrated title. ... ſºlio, º. 1833- Another copy, calf. . . . . . foliº, 1635– 184 Bailey (John) General View of the Agriculture of the County of Durham, map and plates, and cuts by Bewick, half galf, * -º-º: ~ ~~~. ;º--~~ . . .x... ." .4 , , , ; : " : * * * * JVewc. 1810. H.185. Anºther gory, half galf.....…............Ibid. 1810 º sº *** făiºs yºs $. ** rºº-ºº: »s--sº-sºº. ...ir. re-ºs-xx. - * * * *, * * sº ---, - 2 - - - ~tº ey’s View of the Agriculture of Durham, 3 copies, 2 un- ~~~~ … sºund…:- ~~~~ **--~~~ * : ~~~~~~~~~~ Sºº's "rººt i 3 * 187 Bailey and Culley, View of the Agriculture of Northumberland. -/ — Agriculture of Cumberland. — Granger's Agriculture of ~~~~ º cº ..sk. º **ºw.cºre Duſhamºglºſéâzığ. Yglº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: --~~4% 1794. - > -- - -t:*: ... ** ºf ººº- #º-#E. º #º . 189 ---- eneral View Jºfthe Agriculture of Northum º; 1800 of the Agriculture of No humberland,T ſl:I ſiſi. * . — Gimberland, and Westmoreland, plates, ht.cf…Weldº. 1797- / 100–Anºtherº. --~~~~}*- ZººZºº Bailliºn) Lectures on the Revelation, ºf calf. News. ~gº-tº- F& Single Sermons by, haſ calf, Nº. 7 Y- Brown * . 3 * (Rev. Alex.) Two Sermons, in Groat Market Chapel, 1817, and Clavering Place Chapel, 1820. — Gellatly (Rev. D.) * ...— Discourse at the Castle Garth Chapel, Gatesh, 1897........ 2--- 6 193 Baillie (Capt., Lt-Governor of Greenwich Hospital) Solemn ~2-8–Appeal ºtherubiº, reditºgº.------...ſº, 1779. 194 Baines (Edw.) History, Directory and Gazetteer of the County º gf Langaster, 2.Yºls..........--------, 4&ºp09!!824 * 155 Baines. History of the Wars of the French Revolutiºn, 2 vols. º w; ~in-l. 4:lates. …4.0, 1817 _____: ; 2 - 196 Baines (Henry) Flora of Yorkshire. * IB40- aſ TT57 BālāF(D.T.) Biographia Dramàtica, continued by Reed and jäjäger (Rev. J.) Tife of Sir Thomas Bernard, ºrirât. TSIQ 39 fºr’s Reflections upºn fºſſing,"äIf, fºr: Afitàints (Marcus Aur.) Meditations, translated by the Rev. R. Graves, *w * * calf, Bath, 1792. — An Essay on Tragedy, 1824. — Ars g ; : Catchpolaria, or the Art of Destroying Mankind. —— zººsºrºszo ~~~~ ~. Bdinb. 1775 200 Bakewell (Robt.) Introduction to Mineralogy, plates. 1819 ; é ºf "2Urbäſe (Johny Théºgâf the Englishvāričs, 2 parts, Hüſſ v letter, wellum, title mounted and a few leaves repaired, f; H||ſº - - ... 156 YJones, 3 vols. half russia. ' 1812 Băţă # * ~ *-r rºx **-ei.e. ~º--—-------------, * * *-*.*.*.*. - *** *. ** * Łº ºs *** ********** **-* -ºxº~ x2 = . ~...~...~~~ 2. * *~~ - ~, -, * * * *** *~ * ~ *** **.*.*.*.* is . * * *. * - - - * * * - - • * - -- - - * * … *** *- : ***.*.*** - " -- ~~~~~ : *.s ***** *** a “ - * **, . *, *-i > < * ~ * ~...~. • £º's * }. Í 13 202 Balfour ...} Contemplations, with other Poems, Edinb. 1820 : — Rannie (John) Poems, Aberdeen 1791. — Huntley (R.W.) : .........Chayenage, a Tale of the gotswold, 1843. ; 203 Balguy (Rev. John) Collection of Tracts, Moral and Theolog: __gical, calf.(2.99pies): ~~~ - 1734 204 Baſr(Chas.) Historicaſ Account of Winchester." ! ; / ;i 2 ſ mg-wº zºgºn &º * - -- *.x - -, *.*.* -- - roys 879.83%hººl{} i-Z...... * 2:... a ..., zei.” Sºº-ºº::::::::::::::::"...cº-º-º-º: ,-,-, -, -, *- : * * * *********º: - #:gºººººº-º-o::s ~30; ºffiéº" ** #, ſº I p er C0py. 206 Ballads (Early) iſlustrative of History, Traditions, and Cus." toms, edited by Robert Bell, 1856. — Roscoe's (Wm. S.) Poems, 1834. – Hutchinson (Jas.) The Pilgrim of India, and other Poems, 1847. - * r . : 2. 2. % 6 307 Baiads and sºngs. A large Collection of Broadside Égliads," / / | { h * -y:* ºsºft § § ### Sºº-ººººººººººº “º. 208 ellques of Ancier, *śćtry, collecteå by Thos. Bell, 2 völgºº #ſ...' ' 4to. - # * , : * , tº An extremely curious Collection of Broadside Ballads, all printed by 7 4. J. White, Newcastle, early in the last century, many of them illus- : trated with old wood-cuts. They are now very rare, and difficult to !. …g.9% With:…All Agºſly.ºggalºg.99.4% pºpe, * $ º was fºr sº - -, - rºa rº-rº ºrvº. 209.--— Songs and Poems relating to the Town and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, or Incidents connected therewith, col- lected by Thos. Bell, 2 vols. 4to. - iſ 9. tº An extensive Collection of Local Songs, chiefly in the Newcastle Dia- t lect; they are mostly Broadsides, some with wood-cuts, and all neatly. mounted. There are also some in manuscript. - : : r }. {, 210 — Songs and Poems relating to the County of Northum-j-, berland, collected by Thomas Bell, 3 vols. 4to. 3 -- ſº. Another curious Collection of Local Broadside Poetry, including many _____ by Tom Whittle, neatly mounted. ~~~~ *** * 3rreºsºgºrºgºths Cºyof Bihamºor, ºr lected by Thos. Bell, 4to. - y .5 - tº A uniform Collection to the above, including many in MS. t 212 Balloons. Account of the attempted Ascent in a Balloon by W. , Lunardi, at Newcastle, MS., by T. Bell, with Cuttings and . " : f five to Green's Ascents in Newcastle, in g : 1 Vol. . !--- -- * ~~ 214 – Account of three Aeriaſ Voyages made by M. Garnerin. Tº — Account of Sadler's Voyage from Bristol, 1810, and his 3 Voyage across the Irish Channel from Dublin, 1812, hf. cf. : : — Aeronautica; or Sketches illustrative of the Theory and Practice of Aerostation, plates, 1838. } *-assºrs —M º 4. £; r 8, §§º *Sºrºº ~esºsºkº-º-º: *** 213 —— Collections rela **** x ~ **, *---- sº a fººtºººººººººº; sººººººººººººººººººº...Sºººººººººººº. * ~ *- ~4- - ~&tº Théºpână'. # 㺠Globe,” invented by Montgolfier, 1783. —Cavallo (T.) History and * Practice of Ærostation, plates, calf, 1785. — Mason (Monk); ' ' Aeronautica, or Sketches illustrative of the Theory and Prac- g” ice of * 7 l $ - * k - - *.*.*.*-*.** tice 9 Aºtiº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- ſ :’ - - { º ; : | 14 | ; 3 216 Balloons. Lunardi, (V.). Account of the first Aerial Voyage in § England, portrait, 1784. — Lunardi (Vincent) Account of º five Aerial Voyages in Scotland, portrait, old red morocco ... gilt, 1786. . . -; h ; 6 218 Bamburgh Castle Library, Catalogue of 4to, Durham 1799 2 : tº With long MS. Notes by Mr. Bell. *- #.; *-:* ** *S**śs. J. **** Bobbin's Tummus and Mary; with his Rhymes, and an en- \ - * d l ... …larged Glošary..… -** *. --- -3: - - - . . . .221 Bank Charter, Digest of the Evidence before the Committee of ; /b, 1832, 1833. — Bank Notes. Report of the Committee of the y Society of Arts, relative to preventing Forgery, plates. -, * ~ * ~ ***...*, *-i-... . . " ...: ' , ; ;- F - ... . . . . . . ***'. i / . 5" 222 Banks. Memoranda relative to the several Banks established ... ... .º.º. in Newcastle. Durham, &c. ... ". . . . . . . . . 4to, . 3 : ; 223 Banks (T.C.) History of the Dormant and Extinct Peerage of ...?.............. England, Vol. I. (all published). . . . . …, royal 8vo, 1812 ". . . 2: 224 Statement of the Case of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and - ~ ***.*.*.*- Sº? § ºt- w • * * w wº w w - - ...sº: ~...~~~~~ *-* *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *-*-********* ********** …1832 Y - , * ... - - : / 225 —— Manual of Nobility, 1807. — Hansard’s Pocket Peerage, t ; — Broun’s Baronetage, 1844. — Stockdale's Peerage, ------— Q -- " - . ." - - - - : / ! 3 226 Bannatyne (Richard) Journal of the Transactions in Scotland, . / 6 227 Bannatyne Club. Chronica de Mailross E Codice Unico in b : . Bibliotheca Cottoniana Servato, nunc iterum in Lucem Edita, . . . . . . facsimiles. . . . . - ......................, 4to, Edinb, 1835 4, 228 Banson (Wm.) The Merchant's Penman, scarce. * . *. a t? } . . . "229 — System of Practical Arithmetic, Nº. 1767. Tº sabourn #2 :6 (R.) Latin Grammar, Ibid. 1733. — Banson (Wm.) Arith- : ; : metical Exercise, Ibid. 1709. — Hutton (Chas.) Arithmetic, * { * ... }.........…. first edition, 1764. — and 6 other local School Books. . . . . . . . , , , , 230 Barber (J.) Arms of the Subscribers to the Print of the Statue ; i/() . of James II., cut and mounted into an 8vo. vol. half bound. * º - “ . . ; º -, * * ****:::sº-, --- * : *-* , º, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~~~. . Mewe, 1743. , fºre # / ; / 231 Barber (Mrs., of Longford) Memorials of, private print. ; : . . . . . . . …º.º.º., sº sº, º 60%68%. 18% / t 3 #232 Barclay (Robt.) The Anarchy of the Ranters and other Liber- --~~~~~~~~~~~ -* .. times, the Hierarchy of the Romanists, &c., refuted. ~", " .. " 17 3 3 2. ; 6 #238 —- Catechism and Confession of Faith, long MS. Note, Newe. - --ºv f * . . . Propositions of Barclay's Apology, Sund, 1817. . . # *.i.2.1234. Barclays of Urie, Genealogical Account of the 1812. { % l º ." t -- - --- - - oblong 4to, Newc. 1702 1759. — The True Christian Divinity as set forth in Eight --- ~% -, - * ~. - -- ~~~~ r 3 - J. ... ...— ... ...,’-º, ...,'... ..s.º. 1 ºr ", , …s.º.º. --'4-s:--,' 2", . . . . . . * * * * * * * *** * * * *** ****, *- : *** * * º • *xs. | 217 Barlow (T. W.) Cheshire; its Historical and Literary Associa- *** - “N **********, *, * , .4 § < - s *z.:- ºxº: ~ recº-I.s.º.:*, * * *-*.-- ~~ : * ~ ************ *." fºr, ". . .x r → . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ;-- N ... • . * * . . " . , , -r-,-,-,- “. º * . . . . . . . : / 3. &’ 219 Bamford (Samuel) The Dialect of South Lancashire, or Tim 3. f : Cſ ; Sºº's -- -' ºr .- :---- ... . . . . .:*:..". -- *s, *... . . . - --- . .'; -, -, -, --, * ***. --~. " - " - ... 1854. * 5, ,” “s . / ; é 220 Bamfylde-Moore Carew, King of the Beggars, The Life and * *Adventures of With a Dictionary.9f the Qant Language, 1782.... . ...~~~…~" royal,8vo, 1819.....; • *s---- 4. [ 15 J 235 Bardwell (Thos.) Practice of Painting and Perspective made ; easy, plates, calf, 4to, 1756. — Barry (James) Inquiry into the Obstructions to the Acquisition of the Arts in England, ; , ; 2 : 6 hf calf, 1775. - Massoul (Constant de) Treatise on the Art -*… --~~~~~~~~~ 286 Bºw.ºrigina Tºpºgraphical Accºrrºzzº Rºº-ºº: ſdale and the Valley of the Yore, plates. . . . . . .1856 ºé, • , - . 287 Barlow (T. W.) Cheshire and Lancashire Historical Collector, 2. . 3 i - * { 2 vols, Manch. 1853-55. — Barlow’s History of the Church : at Holmgå Chapel, Cheshire, Manch. 1853. ~~~ i *-i-º-º-º-º-ku-te--- f -' ź ‘. . łł .. *2.4 >{ - º.- : . . . . .-- ~3, ººº-ſº, $: - the North of England. f 238 Barnaby's (Dºğiºurneys to "235 Barnari (Thos.) An Historical Character relating - tº the Höly tº ++ .*.*.*.*.*.*.* and exemplary Life of Lady Elizabeth Hastings, calf. ; ; / ; 9. - :*:-ºf-' is . . . cººrºººººººº cº-º-º-º-ºººººººº-º-º:2:::::::::::::::::::::::…Jeeds.1742..., --~~~~ rº, 240 Barnard (Rev. E. W.) Fifty Select Poems of M. A. Flaminio, , ; imitated by, edited by Archdeacon Wrangham, half calf. / ; -- - - - - - -, * *s . * * * * * * * ~... - . . . .”- “ ºrº- . . . ~~. . . . . . . . . . . . ". ... Chester. 1829 º : ...} 241 Barnard Castle, Report to the Board of Health, on Sewarage, ; Drainage, &c., plates, 1850. — Historical Account of the . . . . . . . Castle of Barnard, 1852, in 1 vol.…. … º. ºº is 242 Barnet (John) Trial of, for Forgery, Newc. 1830; with nume- rous Autographs, Cuttings, Broadsides, &c., relative to Barnet --~~~~2nd his ſº mi . -in-l. Yokº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: :*.*:::::…'... . . . . . . . . ." S.-: *::::: 243 Barker's List of Plays. – Massinger's City Madam, wants title, --~~"*** ------~~~~~~~. "343 Bărăş’ (Edw.j-Gaſſéry ºf Emiéâţānā Popular Men, 1851. – Wilson's Biography of the Blind, Birm. 1835. — Griffin's Memoir of Capt. James Wilson, portrait, I819. — Memoirs ? - :{> ‘. §yº -, -*~ º→ *4." |+ - 6 *: i i -* * -*- • *.." ;} 2. % of a Smuggler, Sidmouth.1837.…. . . . . . … ... … . . . . . . 245 Barrington (Bp.) Sermons, Charges, and Tracts (2 copies). 1811 , , ; 246 — Charges at Durham and Sarum. — Letters between him ; ; and Percival Stockdale, in 1 vol., calf, V. Y. — Barring- ; / ton (Bp.) Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham : at the Primary. Visitation, hſ. calf, Bath 1792, … . . . . 247 —— Charge at his Primary Visitation, 1792. – Wisitation Charge, 1797, and other Pamphlets—in lyol........…. . . . . . ...-a, - 248 Barrington (Viscount) Political Life of, by his Brother, the Bp. , , , , A of Durham, large paper, additional portrait and MS. Genealo- . . . . © … -- ºgies inserted, 4to.…. …~~~~~~1814 ºx- ºr 249 –– Political Life of, compiled by his Brother, the Bishop of ; ; / a Durham. ..s.l…...... … - 1815 & . Theological Works, with Life by Rev. G. Townsend, 3 , vols. 1828. — Barrington (Wiscount) Essay on the several k …~~...... Dispensations of God to Mankind, 1732. . . . . . . . . . . 25i Barrington (Hon. Daines) Miscellanies, 4to, 178ſ. - Barring- 2, . ton, The Possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted. . . 2 º * **** *-*…* -º-º-o-º-º-vo.….. - ** ***-- ~. --~ *** --- " ' " : " --. > * - 1818 … . ** - 250 . . . . . . . * * * -- ~ * ~ $1. - * • ‘: ---. .... • * : - - - - - - - - • * $. w 252 Barwick (John) Wita, portrait, calf, scarce. 1721 ; ; / . 3. *. ‘.. **. '? . 3 ; : •-f + 3 - :* # • * .." : a º º / § 3 '. ... }. —— ... * .* º 2. : ** 2 § • 2 * t ~ t * -- - * § Y, R & [ 16 J 258 Barwick (John) Vita, large paper, portrait, calf, sº. In ? **, ***- : —” “As yº-> *…[9% : §Y9 **º- *ičğ. 255 — Funeral Sermon on the Death of the Bishop of Durham (Dr. Cosins), with a Brief of his Life, Dignities, Benefactions, Principal Actions, and Sufferings, rare, pſºr&#..…s-1973. *: *...*- <ºscºwººaxe-3- 4- - - - - - -- ~~~~.” - several ‘pages by Mr. iBell. - *** * * .% ... curacies of half gºlf….… . . . . . … 1834. : 253 Baskerville (John) Memoir of, with an account of the several # Works which issued from his Press, and the Fate of his : Types, together with a Brief Account of English Letter § Foundries, collected by Thos. Bell... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 259 Bates (Thos.) Letter to the Bp. of Durham on the Sale of Rid- 3 ley Hall Estate, Autograph Letter inserted. ... • Newd, 1880. * 260 Bath Abbey Church, History and Antiquities of, by John ; Britton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; royal 8vo, 1825. 261 Battely (John) Opera Posthuma; viz., Antiquitates Rutupinae ! et Antiquitates S. Edmundi Burgi ad annum 1272, perductae, … . .4to, Ozon. 1745- 262 —— Antiquitates Rutupinae, royal 8vo, Owon. 1711. – Bat- teley's Antiquities of Richborough and Reculver, 1774, ; 263 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, and Deeds, a Descriptive Cata- i.........logue of, on Sale by Thos. Thorpe (2 copies), ... . . . . . 1835_ 64 Bayley (T.H.) Fifty Lyric Ballads, private print. 4to, Bath 1829 . . . . . - Bayley's Weeds of Witchery, plates, cloth. roy. 8vo, l837– ; 265 Bayldon (J.) Art of Waluing JRents and Tillages, 1824. — 3. JBaily (Francis) Tables for Purchasing and Renewing of ...— .......I.eases, half.calf-lè12.--~~~~~~~ r ! (266 Beatson (Robt.) Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain : and Ireland, 2 Yols, calf.----------------------. 1788 ; 267 Beaumont (John) Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, 1705 268 Beauvais' Essay on the Means of Distinguishing Antique from Counterfeit Coins, translated by J. T. Brockett, hiſ morocco, w ~armr- *-*.*ſ------ ~~~~~~~~~...~~%. 1819– § 269 Beckmann's History of Ancient Institutions, Inventions, and * ... Discoveries, 2 Yols..... 1823 ... ...ºgs gºd plates, calf..… : j # % / * Z, . 270 Bede {Yenerable) Works, Latin and English, by Giles, Wol. II. . i ºf • *-***:: *-*. to r, ſº ºf :cº:*: X → Yºr, ...,...….Sºdºk-lè18- } ; - i - [ 17 J . . . . 275 Bedfordshire, Illustrations of, by Rev. J. D. Parry, plates, 4to. º 270 psiºn. Tºm, ºriginº." 1815. – The Spirits of the Wind, Ibid, 1845.-Hails (W.A.) . * T. • ,- 1 * - Nuga Poeticæ, Gatesh. 1806. — Oliver (Wm.) Local Songs, 4Jºškºgå.84% ºgyglº X9 %3% º J. C.) Treatise upon Falconery. º ºr. ~r ºf . REPRINTS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS BY JOHN BELI, NEWCASTLE. * - P-------f ==~:eº ; ; : ££frºß . . ; ; º *- i v ELL (John) Rhymes of Northern Bards, being a curious Collection of old and new Songs and Poems, peculiar to Newcastle, Northumberland, and Durham, hf. calf, cºſts. i * & º Newc. 1812 , tº A fine paper copy, only eight of which were printed. Presentation : copy to Mr. Bell from the Editor, his brother. It contains several MS. additions, and has bound at the end, “Marshall’s Newcastle Song- . ster.” — “Ritson's Bishopric Garland,” the original edition, very rare. i —And “The Whimsical Love of Thomas Whittle.” § .* 's t; y -".::--:+.A.- ; º ; * - tº-dºº-ºº:-- * - - -..." * ****** - ~~~. A *-ºf-zººxt sº **************** ºsºvºº-º-º-º-º- 230 - Rhymes of Northern Bards, interſèaved with writing paper,"; - * \\ .* * , * and plates inserted, uncut, 86arcé. £d.1812.3. ~~~~~ -- ***.*.**śºrºº: **śsºsºsºvº'º 281 ——- Rhymes †††rºtºrs: Nº. owł. Ibid. 1812. Ibid. 812 - - .* ," / 2. º - ...w *::::A; **śsº * -t..." - º * : ** > . . Fº 33; —— Rhymes of Nºën Bărăş, #&#&tº beginning. . . ; Ibid. 1812 , * *./ > -ww. y 355Tº Cºſmºpſºasº NEWSºngs ºf a New." Castle Man, printed on parchment, the only copy done. . -, - P- ºr *. ~4% 1816 wº ** si re ***-- *-*...* - - *****~~~ -A-W- …*.*… D • * J }, 284 - Custom House Garland, ſinge paper, ºff few printed..." " ~x=z^*: *** * :- *** * jº§s J i § 3. 6. .A-. ; : $.. º $. * 5% 3. § ..' J. # § • * ** *: * * * #. * 3. - sº *. 8 3. * s jº, - - . 3 : t 285 Bell (John) The Custom House Garland, printed on agure paper, +2 – -calf gilt, only 19.4%--~~~~~~~~~A* 1949– t - º - 2.É.-28& ther copy, printed on ,0?/ſ4.420.42%%--------~~~~~ .# J%, 1816 f 2 2, 287 Custom Hºuse Garland, fine ºper, with Broadsides, Cuttings, . ... T.Y...º.º.º. relative fatha-Custom Housellispute. ht, calf. Ibád. 1816 2 : 288’ Figures in Rhyme, addressed to Northumbrians, fine paper. --~~~~ 2- -- arº-, -ºs.ºr-r's ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~Ibid. 1814 . . 289 Floods, Bell's Account of, with cuttings, &c. inserted, hf. - **** — --~~~~/bâd, 1816. calf-searce. Y----ºr *- : *. zº-ºr --- * ~ * * ~ *-* ~~ º: 290 - Garland of Bells, largé $fine paper, only 9 printed. Jºd. 1815 291 — Long Pack, a Northumbrian Tale, edited by John Bell, i.......lºgº.g4!er, only 5.40pies printed.--~~~~~~... ſº.1817. 292 —— Figures in Rhyme (4 copies). — Genuine Tom Whittell (3 copies). — The Long Pack (3 copies), on different papers. =. Account of Floods.4/ſºng paper. *.*.*a*.*, **** *-ºs- ; r 3. * s tº- - y- *r r ". 3. * * * ~ **-*.x, ~~~~~~ <----, -e. ***-*...* ~ * , ...Yol, hf. • * russia, 3/fºg/ft, 4.4%, .* * ~ *** * * *---, -w ºr, ** = -- ~~ * ~ * Newg, --- 181 4, &c. . 2. : 6 ; 295*—— Catalogue of his Private Library, Coins, &c.; also of his *: ; D : Stock-in-Trade, sold in 1818, with Prices and Purchasers’ * . Names, hf. russia. ‘. i. tº Dr. Dibdin, in his Northern Tour, describing his Visit to Mr. John i. Bell says, “And here be it allowed me to make honourable mention of *. : another Gateshead Genius, of one, who, pursuing an honourable pro- rº- º º k fession (that of a surveyor) with activity and distinction, yet contrives - s i. to find time for the collection of some of the most singular and amus- | ; i ing tracts—in the character of hallads, broadsides, fly-tails, stitched, s } and bound, treatises—especially in illustration of Gateshead and New- .. castle. Unimportant as such acquisitions may at first sight appear, º . } : yet many of them are essential to the laborious topographer ; and : . § Mr. Bell is yet the historian of the “Lower Empire” of the North. | ~~~~~ - + - s * … - - - - . . . . Tº . -, - - - - - - - , ,, . . . . ~~ *--~~...~~~---------------,-- f / ; ; 296 Bell (Dr. Andw.) Elements of Tuition, 1808. — Another Copy, ~~~~! - 1813. - Blakey (R.) Essay On...I'ree, Will, Edinb. 1831. f 4.--------~~~~ - - - * **, * * * **** *** **-tº- |} ; : 297 Bell (Archd.) Count Clermont, &c. Edinb. 1841. — Burns (R.) . 2 t Letters to Clarinda, &c., 1812. — Three Days at Killarney, . . . . . and other Poems, 1828, - and 2 others. . . . . . . . . . . - § 298 Bell (Sir Chas.) Bridgewater Treatise: The Hand its Mechan- - 9 : ...ismºnd Vij Bºwmentsºevincing Design, ºf gilt 1887 * 2L.A .. 299 –- Nervous System of the Human Body, 4to, 1836 – Bell . . . .T.º.º......-- (Sir Chas.) Engrayings of the Arteries, roy, 8vo, 1810. ..., . s 300 —— System of Operative Surgery, 2 vols. in 1, plates, hf. calf, e / Edinb. 1807. — Bell (John) on the Nature and Cure of Wounds, hf. calf, Ibid. 1795. * ~ &rº- ºr ºx ºrº sº. 4. >. -- wº—-- ~~~~~~~…~~~~~~~~~~x-ra" ºr ~~~~ --rºw. -- ~~~~~~~. 9. — * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.xºse. - * 3. - - {2. S." Wºº " - } É & ^º Rºſº §: º -º º sees rºº tº \ - º - º Wºº) º:§§§ - S. º s: ºr nºt ‘. Ş. . .” Nº ºr "t Nº. º.º. º - A gº- £º º, SECOND DAY'S SALE, TUESDAY, October 16th. sº §UTLER's Lives of the Saints, in numbers, and - * * •º-º-º- - zyz º s { § . . ; 3. t :- - .. ‘:- t It. :- - ." P: $ *}. ,” 4. * ar. s §§ : * ". . *r * . 302 ContFSTED ELECTIONS AND NORTHERN POLI- º * TICAL UNION. — An immense parcel of I ~broadsides-º. - *~~~~~ 2, 308 Transactions of the Horticultural Society, ; ; ; ; …and 9th ºngºl-------~~~~~~~~ 304 NEWCASTLE CollBCTIONs.—The New Corn Market, Popery, &c. : { 2. : =A large parcel. A-Le - 4.31 305 NewcastEE Collectrons.—Biography, ETECtions, COTECTăţion, ". 6. º IFreemen, Shipping, &c. &c.—A great mass of information in 3 : D : six impreial 4to portfolios. … tºº 306 Newcasiºr COEECrºss, by William Garrêt. - Attormies,” Baunted Houses, Princess Charlotte, Churches, &c. &c.—A ge parcel, º 4. / º.w J y -- : –––. Curious.Controve Š194; #. #Tirsºr Sºº- -Yaaksinäi-TRACTs, gal gºd Tºpographigglin, SX2.Églig. 814 YonksHIRE TRACTs-Topographical in Syo, folio....….Y. –318. 307 Newcasize CoELECTIONS, by John BET, of Găţāghāā, chrömöſs” ºr gically arranged, being the remainder of the series, Lot 13, ; ; —- sold.Yesterday:Eleven thigkfºolsºap portfºlios. : 1. 308 Newcastie Collections—Peter Putright, History of "Točáſ".”.”7" Newspapers, Antiquarian Society, &c.—Six thick foolscap * 7. 6. ~~~~portfolios ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 309 NEwcASTLE Collectrons.—Four large folio portfolios, contain- ; ; , , , ing many hundred local views, a great deal of manuscript . ſ º matter, &c. &c., by Thomas-Bell.--~~~~ ******~~~~~~~* **** 310 NEwcASTLE CollBCTIONS.–Churches, &c.—A very large collec- iſ, tion of views, drawings, extracts, &c., in three thick quarto ſº- partfolias. 311 YorksHIRE TRACTs.—Tracts on Local Dialects. – Local Guides. —Topographical and Historical Pamphlets. – Early Ser- , 8vo. * t . - Tº . Sºrºra-Rºystºº ºf 312 Teacts—Stockdale's Thoughts on Bull-baiting, fetters an C޺ſº ; : [ 20 $., •, 315 LOCAL TRACTs.—Paddy's Progress; or the Rise and Fall of Capt. Stoney. — Poetic Trifles, by John Hodgson, junior, of Whelpington. — Poems by Ellen Atkinson, private print. — Case of John Nelson, 1744. — The Willage Pedagogue, &c. &c., in SY9, fºlio. - vº sº. "316"Toº Tºors: Fenwick's Treasure Trove in Northumberland. — Sykes' Tynemouth Bathers. — Sykes' Coronation of George IV.-Sykes' Death of George IV. — Darnell’s Lines on the Death, of Lord Collingwood, &c. &c., in large 8vo. fol. --~~~317 LogaLTRActs—Thomas Grieveson's Letter to Weatherley. = I Account of the Insurrection at Hexham, 1761. — History of John Gilpin. — History of the Great Fire in Newcastle. — Nimmo's Letter as to the Chapel in the Close. — History of Wingate Sp8;...&_&g, in 8vo, folio. - 318 ANTIQUARIAN TRACTs.-Hartshorne's Swans and Swan Marks in Lincolnshire.—Hartshorne's Account of Caernarvon Castle.— . Maclauchlan's Roman Roads and Camps.—Hart's Antiquities of Norfolk. — Doubleday's Letter on Ancient Northumber- land Music.-Morpeth County Meeting in 1821, &c. &c, 879. * - y r west-sº-c->~~~~~~~~ - --- Y t 320 Logai, TRACTs.-Mary Dawes Blackett's Monitress. – Lines on . - -, r . ! t *- : • * - * ‘. *. * , i 3.19 Loº Tººrs. Biºt's Ghost, a Poem, 1777 – Murray's • I * (Rev. James) Fast, a Poem, 1778. — Mary Heron's Tales, &c., 1792. — Happiness, a Poem, 1773. — History of the Rye House Plot, by Ford, Lord Grey, 1754, &c. &c., 8vo. ... the Death of Byron, by W. G. Thompson. — Houston's Poems. —The Song of Solomon in the Newcastle Dialect. — Memoir of John Gibson of Sandhoe. — Description of Alnwick Castle. ... = Memoir of General Havelock, &c. &c., 8vo. I w * 7. º, s 32Tioga, TRACTs.-Vision of Mirza to Mrs. Bowes, of Gibside - --- , , , ºr - - - "". " . .ex. - G The Long Pack, a Northumbrian Tale.— Notices of Eminent Men educated at the Newcastle Grammar School. — Tracts. on Provincial Dialects. – Early Local Sermons on public –98985ions, &c. &c., in 839 folio, T3% iodºfºrs. Bañe's fiscourse on the Death of the Papacy. — The Haunted House at Willington. — Barne's Observa- tions on Scotch Marriages. – The Field of the Cloth of ...Gold at Eglintoun, &c. &c...in Syo folio.....…... 323 Local TRACTs.- The Hiltons of Hilton Castle, printed by "; 't R ^- * * -: # 4 rºr- w * t-}t--- Richardson. — Notices of the Parish and Church of Long Benton. — The Haunted House at Willington. — Memoirs of Rev. Robert Gray, Rector of Sunderland. — Brockett on Treasure Trove. — Account of the Opening of Scotswood Jºiº-º-º-ºlia---~~~~~~~~~ 334-wif.º. Thompson's Correspondence with William Garret, and Specimens of his Poems. – Sykes' Reprints and Prints, -*.*.*.*.*—--~~~~**** 325 EARLY TRActs.--A short Catechism with the A.B.C. to be taught unto children, 1710. — The Secret History of Arlus and Adolphus, Ministers of State to the Empress of Grandeu- Sula, 1640. — The Judgement of Nations on the Power of I 2, : ...t Kings and the Rights of the People, 1710. — Burnett's Letter; . ; to the Earl of Halifax, 1715. — Authenticated Memoirs of . . Cardinal Wolsey, 1781. – Mackintosh's Collection of Gaelic . . * Proverbs, 1819. — Poetical Works of the late Charles Earl . of Halifax, 1716.-In. Small 8vo, folio... ... . #. 326 TRACTs RELATING To AMERIGA.—Lord Chatham's Sentiments on: " " ". r *****-*--~~~~~~~ ***~~~ 327 Locai, TRActs.-Defence of the Mayor and Burgesses of New-" " . ... …Blacketſ. & & #9. 328 NoFTHUMBERLAND TRACTs.—The Will of a certain Northern.” “ the American Measures, 1776. — A Declaration by the Re- . presentatives of the United Colonies setting forth the neces- : , , ; sity of taking up Arms, – An Appeal to Great Britain on the y present disputes with America.--Life of Commodore Paul." Jones. – Copy of a Letter from Rev. Mr. Brell to Rev. Mr. Barber, on extraordinary Work of God in Connecticut, &c.; &c.-Aparcel. w { * ~ * ~ * , a ~~ * : .*, *xº~ wºrkseºzºsº castle against the Accusations of Gardiner and Adherents, in 1653. — Narrative of the Great Flood in 1771. — Tracts on ; ; , ; the Improvement of the Tyne. — Lines on the Death of Lord . . 3 º Collingwood. — Berwick Burgess Roll, 1806, and Poll Book: " : for 1820. — March's Sermon before the Corporation of New- castle, in 1676. — Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter - Vicar, 1765. — Poetical Essays by J. B., 1765. — Poems by - Rev. P. Stockdale, 1773. — Bamburgh Castle Library Rules. . . JT 3 — Maddison's Sermon before the Trinity Corporation, 1760. “’ — Poems by Rev. George Burdon, M.A. — Winch on the - * * Geology of Northumberland, &c. &c., 4to. º j t { 329 Strawberry Hill, Description of the History of the Sale, and . 3. * ~ *-- - other Memoranda, in 4to portfolio. .* W. --> -- **** -- 4. *~~~~ “” --->4-44׺- 330 ARCHEofogical, TRACTs.-List of Monumental Brasses remain- " . 331 ARöſſeological TRACTs.-A Voice from Stonehenge. — Dic- 332 o ſº 2 * large parcel. *...* * * ~ *-*:::- - ".…..vx rs2. - *: Av-, *: *-i-º-º-º-º-º: **** ro-Sirk-tº-ºº-º-º-º-ºxº~ * ~ * * * * ~~~~ : - - - ing in England. — Architectural Works of William of Wyke- fº . . ham. — Markland on Sepulchral Memorials. – Words to : * * * Church Builders. — Rickman's Architecture, with Dr. -: Browel's additions, &c. &c., in 8vo folio. * * ! * * Y º * * t •- ***, - •: rºw:-------5'-- -- r-4- --~~~~. *. tionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. – The Archæolo- : gist, in numbers. — Transactions of the Kilkenny Archæolo- gical Society. — Who built the Roman Wall? by a Cum- brian. — History of Glastonbury Abbey. — The Topographer and Genealogist. —- The Churches of London, &c. &c.—A .(y. --- º: s *** RIGINAL TRACTS AND REPRINTs. – Farrer’s Discourse on the Great Flood, 1771. — John Bell's Figures in Rhymes, by II. B. — Thomas Bigge's Enquiry into important Facts. – Totton's Sermon on the Insurrection at Hexham in 1761. — Narrative relating to Erection of Hexham Bridge and Smea- ton’s Memoir thereon. — Hall's Tracts as to the Establish- ment of St. Luke's Hospital in Newcastle. — A Leaf from the Pilgrimage of Grace. — Lord William Howard’s Manu- Script, &c., 8vo. - f . w --, -, --- ~~~. . . . . ~~~~...~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*…*&^*}^*, *~~~~~~~~~~4***** *S***k sta.ſ.º. rºvº Jº-f..”.”.tvºri-, *-*~ ******wº-sº->ese-º-º-º-º-º: ºvº, ºbºs. -º 4. r : 3. [ 22 J sº '. 3-, - - .- º .. * - . : º - - **--~~ ºrrº. ~ : * x “. 3. & ...” .* $. $ & t : i * * | * - - - % ‘. .. **** 333 ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND OTHER TRACTs.—Meeting of the Archaeolo- gical Institute in Newcastle, 1822. — Boucher's Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words.-Heraldry from the Encyclop. Britan. — Notes on Ancient Church Architecture, &c., &c., 4to. !---------------~~~~~ ***********S********-** -, - … c......v.e. ...~.: .….~...aw.e-ses---. 334 LoCAL TRACTs.—Houston’s Term Day, a Poem. — Report on Tyne Bridge, 1772. — Reprint of Moulton's Will, 1772 — Poems on Celebrated Beauties. – Memoir of Rev. Robert Wasney. — Rev. George Bruce's Sermon, 1744. — County Meeting Proceedings, 1784. — The Pitman's Pay, &c. &c., large.879:... --~~~~ :****** ******.*.*.*.*.******* **, *r-i- . . . . . . . . …... 335 RADCLIFFE PAPERS.—A Folio containing come hundreds of let- ters to and from William Radclyffe, Rouge Croix, Herald's College, London; draft pedigrees and genealogical notes, chiefly relating to Yorkshire families; original and copies of wills, family letters; and papers relating to Lord Melville's __trial; draft 9mblazonment of goats of arms,. &c. …............ ... - 336 GREY, EARL GREY OF HowICK.—A folio containing autographs, historical matter, and biographical notices of the several mem- bers of this right honorable family, including the first earl, the successful general in the American war; the illustrious __... premier; and his noble, successor.--~~~~~~~~~. ...— 337 BowFs PAPERS.—Manuscript original letters of and to the fam- ily of Bowes of Streatlam and Gibside, Durham, between 1696 and 1728, with curious information as to the collieries - Worked by that family.;...] Yol, folio, cloth, and lettered. . . .” --- 338 NEWCASTLE CORONERS’ INQUESTs.-The original inquisitions as signed by the coroners for the county of Newcastle-upon- Tyng betwººn.1788 and 1807, lºygl, folio, halfbound.…. . . . . "T"335 Noºrºº Avrogºrrisºoriginai'ietters and official /0. º signatures of magistrates, officials, literati, and gentry of the - locality, with MS. biographical notices by Thomas Bell at- …~~~~~tached to many; a Yeryºthick folio Volºgloth and lettered…~~ ; , 340 NoFTHUMBERLAND AUTOGRAPHs.—A volume stitched ready for - ; 4 binding of original letters and signatures from documents of . . . county magistrates, Newcastle aldermen and tradesmen, -— lºgglguth915.3% º-rare-are--~~~rºr-sa-ºn-ºr ******Y&-ºº: "ºº"... • , , , , ; , , , ºr,. . .e. ºve-. TT. 341 Misceſſiºneous TRActs.-Heraldic Visitation of Westmoreland, ` / 2 ; by Sir R. St. George, large paper. — Armorial Bearings in / 4- ; the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle, mounted in 4to, 2 . . ; vols, — Case of Henry Creagh Isaacson, 1778, &c. &c., in – 4to folio. ~~~~\x-2 r.º.º.w….,asara..…..”...wºssº -e-, ****-*** ********** : *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* *** wº.”vºitº-ºxº~~...~ * * * ****** *, '--> , aſ 342 YoRKSHIRE TRACTs.—York Musical Festival. — Catalogue of iſ 3: . Bretton Priory Library. — Attempt to ascertain the Age of : -; f St. Margaret's, York. — Grant of the Manor of Greetham. — i – History of the Fortifications of York, &g. &c., in 4to, folio. #Tº T343 Topogrºñroxi, TRACTs.-Dickson's Reprint of the Northumber- ; , , ; land Pipe Rolls. – Wise's Observations on Berkshire Anti- * : . . . quities. – British Topography. — Phoenix Britannicus; or -á- -----Reprint at are and durious-Tracts--&c. &c., in 4to.folio, [ 23 J . 344 Local TRACTs.-Forms of Prayer for special days of Fast and Thanksgiving. — The Calf's Will, a poem. — Heroic Epistle i. to the Duchess of Devonshire's Cow. — Female Oratory. — , , Northumberland County Treasurer's Accounts, &c. &c., in , :/0. #9 fºlio. - - - * * \; 3. Testament, York 1823. — Bell (Rev. John) The Wanderings : of the Human Intellect; or a New Dictionary of the various …~~9kisſiºn-Sºº 1914-----~~~~~~~~ 347 Bell Hº.) Examinations of the Objections against the Bill j : for better Regulating the Forms of Process in the Courts of . : Law in Scotland, Edinb. 1825. — Bell (Robt.) Treatise on 3 & Leases, Ibid. 1803. — Spottiswood's Observations upon Divers * Titles of the Law of Scotland, Ibid. 1734. — Bell (T. H.) : Essay on the Principles and Progress of Society, Alnwk. 1 8 1 8. & Sº. ~~~ Erzºz. …º.º.w.…r.º.º.º., K,...sºta'º -ss-crºs' '...wºs, -38 ºr ºrº-ºr-as ~~~~~~~~~ *~~~ 348 Belſ (John) Account of a Bronze Statue of James II, supposed s to have formerly stood on the Sandhill, Newcastle, 1830. — . . 6 Sykes' Account of the same Statue, also of the Statue of . * * * Charles II., 2 different editions, with several cuttings and MS. ****~~~~~~~~~~~~4%-------- ~#49-º-º-talogue of Books on-Sale…--~~~\ºtº, 1795—º. 350 Bell (J. G.) Genealogical Account of the Descendants of John of ; ; ; ; Gaunt, 2 port, and plate of Arms, private print, folio, 1855 ; 7 } 6 =Another goſſy. . . . …rº as mºmummasºmmºng * 345 NELL (John) Discourses on the Nature and Cureof Wounds, . . . 4. ºf calf, royal 8vo, Edinb. 1795. —Bell (John) Letters . . ; on the Education of a Surgeon, &c., Ibid. 1810. ($) — Bell (Benj.) Treatise on Ulcers, Ibid. 1787. — . . ; F---- §:#!.....Bgll (Bºnjº). Trºfiñº.9A. Hydrºgelº, ſºlº..….. 346 Böll (Deborah). A Short Journal of her Labours and Travels in Ti the Work of the Ministry, 1762. — Bell's The Great Day of , , , , the Lord; or Scripture Testimony respecting Things to come, & 4. 1855. — Bell (Rev. John) Sermons on the History of the Old */ s rºº t ...t f wº- 351 *** **-s “2::::::::: *s---...~~~~ * Žºº"-14&\}:sſ.xx,S.cº.zººs fºº’īºeº *** a *ºsº, *** 352. : Aïč tºjº. -A4% ºxºcº&s fº - • *-*.*-w ºvy - *** *, r** ~. - r :* § !.... .ºz. . . ;-ºººººººº-ºº::sºrrº”“Tºrsº-ºrvºsºrºrº “ºfº”“; **** * 353 Bell (Thos. C.) Account of the Roman"Station, Rutupie, in Tº". Kent, plates, &c. inserted. 4to, Newc. 1831 &T C & Presentation Copy from the Author, with MS. Notes by the late Mr. * * * Bell. e { i ; * * ********:: *Sºº-ºº-ººrºº rººtsº tººee-ºº-ºº: **** #: *ses : 354 Bell's Highlands of sºn. by a Pedestrian, Newc. 1843. — . . . . e - * 5, • Another copy, on coloured paper, wants title. — Bell’s His- i. #3 : torical Memorials of Presbyterianism in Newcastle-upon- ; ; * : * º Tyne, hf. calf, Newc. 1847. — Bell's Catalogue of Plays, { % MS., 4to, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 355 Belſ (John) Observations on Italy, 2 vols, plates. ‘. #3 § - ~~~~~~~~~~~-ºº-º-º-º: ; : 356 Bell (John) Travels from St. Petersburgh to various parts of • ! Asia, maps, Edinb. 1806. —Bell (Major James) Letters from - 13 : Wetzler, written in 1817, 1821. — Bell (Henry G.) Selec- |- tions of the most Remarkable Phenomena of Nature, hf. bd. ; : Iºdinb. 1827. — Bell (Major Thos.) Essay on Military First ; : Principles, calf, 1770. — -35T-BomtDr. Jägy sermonsºretisgºw; 1790:-Beit (Brºwmº- on the Communion, 1780. — Bell (Rev. Wm.) Enquiry into the Divine Missions of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, calf, 1761. — Bell (Wm.) Enquiry into the Divine Missions of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, calf, 1761. – Bell t (Rºy. Thos.) Sermons, calf-ºg-1803-ºxº~...~~ •. 358 Bell (Rev. Thos.) View of the Covenants of Works and Grace, Glasg. 1814. — Bell (Miss), otherwise Sharpe. A most cir- : cumstantial Account of that unfortunate young Lady, who died at Marybone, Oct. 4, 1760, hf. calf, Wotes and cuttings ; : . *nserted, 1760. — Bell (George) Descriptive and other Mis- ... j…'.…:*::=ºllaneºus ºiecesin-Mersº-calf.gilhººk 1835.....….. - ; 3 ſ 3 359 Bell (H. N.) Huntingdon Peerage; to which is prefixed a Ge- ~ : . . nealogical and Biographical History of the House of Hastings, -i...…4.01%---~~~~~~~~~~~~~40, 1820 tº 360 – Another. ſ t } ~~}< º;wº-º-º--wr- 4. $ f * t j –869-Augſber-ºpy---~~~~~~~~~~~~#9, 1820– 361 Bell (Thomas) The Dolefull Knell of Thomas Bell, That is a ; full and sounde answer to his Pamphlet, Intituled the Popes Funeral. (By Father Parsons, the Jesuit). ht, calf, rare. 2 3 —ºr ~ ww cºw--- r -------------. --~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~-Ragné. 1607. ! Roma Restituta, sive Antiquitatum Romanarum Compen- dium ºglutum, galf. ... Glasg. 1672 ~ *363"|Belfºrt& Jöß"Fugitive Pieces, written during a Résidence- - 6 in Foreign Parts, private print, 1829. — Bell (Rev. John) New System of the World, 1788. — Bell (Rev. John) Wan- derings.gfthe Human Intellegº, Aſºgº...1814..…....... 334 Bell (J.) English Grammar and Construction of Prose, 2 vols. r calf, Glasg. 1769. — Bell (Lt. Col. John) Defence, on his . Trial at Bangalore, 1810. — Petrie's Statement of Facts delivered to Lord Minto, 1810. — Bell (G. H.) Treatise on Cholera, Edinb. 1832. r ºrkºtº, ºr ********* > . . . ~~~~~~ T365 Bell (Major James) Tables of Universal History, from Bredow, . 3. *.** . A ºr folio, 1824 ~ 366 Beiſ (Jos.) Treatise on Confectionary, Nºmo. iśī7. ~ Marshali" 3 . . (Eliz.) Young Ladies' Guide in the Art of Cookery, Ibid. ; -) (9 1777. — Smith (Mary) Complete Housekeeper, and Pro- fessed Cook, Ibid. — Thacker (John) Art of Cookery, Ibid. - 1758. : ----- a--, --...----> * *.*A* vessºrºr.-, ºr ºr ****** ***-***~~ :: *r---------~~~~...~ *- :-wev. 367 Beſſ (The) its Örigin, History, and Üses, 1847. – Beil Ring." ing. Campanalogia Improved; or the Art of Ringing made ---...}*Y. galf.1733...…, car-w 68 Beilers (john) Proposals for raising a Coſſedge of ſndustry." for all useful Trades and Husbandry, half calf. small 4to, 1696 w 'tf 3 : ! $ r i ...; > t * s: 3 - f - ****** - - ºi. **.*. --> *.*.* - - { % * | * * w , -ºxºº. rº-ºr-º------- ** J. * * r ** º 5. ſ ſ .*.* -: .* f r - |: *tº- ** : : **** **** ****** *-> ~s. x - *Ty w" " "...wº- ºr-. ** ~ *-*.* f * & 24- r - ºv: --~~7 *~~. - [ 25 J 369 Beltz (G. F.). Review of the Memorials of the order of the 7: Garter, half morocco. royal 8vo, 1841 . ... Z 5. 370 Belzoni (G.) Narrative of Operations and RégentTISCOVETGs” in Egypt and Nubia, Brussels 1835. — Barrow (John) Wisit to Iceland, 1835. — Addison (G. A.) Indian Reminiscences, i. 1837 37TBETHEITC.S.T. Report of the Committee of COFFESFORIENCG confirmed by the Directors (of the E. I. Company) relative to Mr. Benfield, with several Cases and Opinions of Counsel, i. x: ~ - Jºš...a...:” tºº--~~~~~~~~4%. 1189. 372 Bennet (Rev. Benj, of Newcastle) Christian Oratory, 2 yöſsºr"; Memorial of the Reformation. — Discourses on the Truth of . the Scripture. — Discourses against Popery — 5 wº & 373 — Defence of the Memorial of the Reformation, 1732, calf.” — Mr. Benjamin Bennet's Presbyterian Prejudice further . Display’d, by a Gent, calf, Newc. 1726. — Bennet (B.) . Occasional Hymns, chiefly for the Lord's Day and Lord’s &c 1. - Yols.hgſf.gºlf, g s. -----------…sº-ce-ºº: uniform, ſing seſ, garge. Table-calf. Alid, 14%. 374 Bennet (B.) Occasional Hymns, (2 copies), Newc. 1722. Sermons on sundry Texts, preached at Newcastle, Small 4to. — Bennet (Benj.) Devout Meditations from the Chris- 375 tian Oratory, 1812. — Bennet (Benj.) Sermon on the Death & of, by J. Worthington, half calf, cuttings inserted, 1727. — Bennet (Benj.) Occasional Hymns, Newc. 1722, and other Tracts=in-l-Yol, * * *-s ºr.<^* into the Sacrament of Baptism, 1817. ze ~ 377 Bentley (Eliz.) Genuine Pöéticaſ Compositions, ŽoržTVöröſö, 1791. — Smith (Charlotte) Elegiac Sonnets, 1789. — Letters from Simpkin the Second to his Brother in Wales—in 1 vol. Jºº-º-º-º-- *...**** ***.* Qalf- ******s $ººººººººººººººshaºSººszczºtkºskº 378 Benwel Willage, A most pleasant Description of "intermixed with several Diverting Incidents, both Serious and Comical, (by Rev. C. Ellison) calf, fine copy, rare, long MS. Note by º rºg-º-o-º-º-º-º; c. -º-º-º-º-º: ſº - gilgd, wants last leaf of index.ſºrizãº. 3. - tly an appanage of the Abbot of Tyne- . mouth, Manuscript Survey, valuation, and other Papers re- ... ....…Mr. Bell. - 379 — Another copy, soi 380 Benwell Estate, former *** * ,g a Yºº '-ºxºs. lative thereto, 1sol-folia, lettered - 381 Berkeley Manuscripts. Lives of the Berkeleys, and a copious History of the Castle and Parish of Berkeley, by Rev. T. D. Fosbroke, bds. uncut. ~4ter 1821 ºi Yºkº * •r-sa- « * -º-º-ºrº - ***-ºry ºr- Jº fºr rººt F. the Trinity, &c., 1722. — Bennet (Benj.) Christian Oratory, or the Devotion of the Closet display’d, portrait, 1757. — . . 376 Benson (Rev. G.) Chronology of Ötº Sºgiº, Autograph". Note inserted, 1819. — Benson's Two Introductory Dis- ; courses at the Hulsean Lecture, 1820 — Benson's Enquiry . * 3. ---., -- ~...~~ : ss --ºr, ri-º-º: * zºn * Abstracts and Extracts of Smyth's . * 3. i – —º 3s i % ºr ºscºsº. ºf * vºº-º-º-ºs----- 2'." # * y-----~ y [ 26, | 882 Bernard (Sir Thos.) Life of, by his Nephew, the Rev. James #illiers tº half-salt.gilt-º-º-ººººº…1819 382°Berdärd (Sir Thos.) Life of, by the Rev. J. Baker, portrait, hf. cf.; 1819. — Bernard (Sir Thos.) The Barrington School; âûllistºlian-Qi-ºº-Systerº-0+ ed:#8 seaetion;-eak{r£eskSlä- 383 Berry (Wm.) Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Sussex r - **--A- *— -- . -- ------, - * **, *, *.*.*. . . ; “...º. -.” …folio, 1830 884 —- Pedigrees of the Families of the County of Hants, 2 parts. --~~~~ <+ º-º-º-º-º- - -as to **** --------…--~~~~ foliº, 1883– .#85-Introduction toleraldry, plates..…... 1810 T386 - Genealogica Antiqua, or Mythological and Classical Täblès, 80mpiled from the gºt Ayſh9;.….......fºliº, 1840 387-Genealogical Antiqua, (2 copies). folio, 1816 388 EGenealogica Antiqua, (2 cºpies)...I. folio. TST6 - ñWICE Museum, OFMonthly Intelligencer, 3 vöſs, härfälf. il'ſ hºl...ſº **-***º-s-te’s --Y.,'" .º.º.º. , t. Yº *— 4 **tesy --~~~~geº-ºkºl 350 Berwick (Rev. Edward) fives of Marcus Valerius Messala Corvinus, and Titus Pomponius Atticus, half calf, Edinb. 1813. — Apology for the Life of Major General G 9 written by himself, 1792. — Atterbury (Bp.) Memoirs of the Life and Conduct of 1723. — Life of the Duke of Berwick, 1740. fºr sºyº-kiss'sſ-ºº-ººrºº º *** *- --- T391 Besley (Rev. Dr.) Desultory Notices of the Church and Vicar- 㺠aº ; age of Long Benton, private print, hſ, cf. , 4to, Newc. 1848 : 4. 6 393 Beveridge's (Bp.) Ecclesia Anglicana, &c. The Doctrine of 3 * * the Church of England in her Articles, 2 vols, best edition. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~...~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1849 : 394 Bewick (Rev. Wm.) Miscellany Poems, by Way of Letters, ----- 800/'6é. ... New8.1741 T355 - Letters and Miscellany Poems, second edition, calf, with ** * * * W. º 's .491/1.4.8s. Adãº.38% Iºd, 1742 * - --- * { ºn w-r-f -w - º - - sºrrºw "º sºv --> - --- rºs. r ** *g **- ºw ** ; * ~ * * - 2. 396 — Another copy. - Ibid. 1742 i. . . . ~. wr---ºr, - 7 "r r wº wo-spºrºz, * ~~EN~wº-º-º-º-º- t . . º º & t r \ ! & : º * '*. º * º, t i t x zº * § }. * * : | . 3 $ * , * { w n & g § * 3 w 3 * § . 3 *.. * : ; # & ** ; ; ; ; i § | & 3 ; ! ; ; | [ 27 J WoRKs of THOMAS AND JoHN BEWICx. - +. & ºf Aew S. * … 2 : º, Sºrº . º.º. a lºs º sº º - * * “gº , * ... Yº .." = \ \º º º ºš º * tº. w ...º.º. º. *: - * ºr º 2 : º ºsºs # º R. "Sºº ſº Rºº. 5533'NS} * T #2 - ºº::$ K- * * * - … ºººº... 2-& sº º' ' tº ºr . . > -ºº ºlº §§ - º/ *. * . Lº ſº. * *-ºs --> º ºr ºf º: - º * * * 23' º: - #3 tº * Zº sº M: º 2. # ** zººſ ºs ºf: i =ſſ&ſºs: - :-. ====#| -s; == tº sº #=º:=#####º ºzº - Bºº & aelae. N § Nº. §§ º ăii. .* ‘. . . . w - ** º, tº 2'ſ | $ Rºº. Wºº ~ Nº - s Ǻ % i. º S. º Ø S § 22 º * ; 397 RITISH Birds, first edition, fine thick paper, Newc. . . - 1797-1804. —History of Quadrupeds, fine paper, with . . . Letter inserted, 1800. — Select Fables, 1820–4 vols. . - & C} fine copies, half russia, uncut, top edges gilt. & o {3}. The copy of the Birds has the very rare Addenda, which was printed . " ; afterwards, inserted. , ''." 398 British Birds, second edition, large paper, 2 vols. fine elegn copy, h g= half calf, portrait inserted. . royal 8yo, Neºpg. 1805 . * *A*- fº.º. sº ****ºqrºsº.ºr % º 399 =— sixth edition, 2 vols, bds ºut. A bºd. 1826 2 2. tº The last edition superintended by Bewick himself. º . ; 1 * >>~~~~is **.*.*.*.*.**autº-sººkwºrkers: yºz *****sº-º-º-º: **'. -: we wºvº, *****º::::::::::::::::::. *-***** - * *~. - g 5) '. - : 401 Supplement to the British Birds, largest paper, bds. % ºf * / . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ *.*.*.*.*… #53 tº Another cºpy.º.º.º.º.º. 182tºriº T403, Guadrupeds, first edition, fifjússia, S㺠Tüd. Ingo / 72 404 —- #;ºf a few leaves veryºnestyliſſaſa; º;ºº- 99th, 4%- gº roy, Śwo, iii. Tº Z (24. 405 —— second edition, large paper, Calf gilt, scărăg." ~~~~ roy, 8vo, Ibid. 1791 ; / /2 & This fine copy has several cuts belonging to subsequent editions in- ; , serted ; also a portrait, several cuttings, &c., including some re- ; * , specting the Durham cattle, with two fine guts. persºn-ºxº's *-*... • * ~ ***: * £-- e. w tºwaºbºse-ºut-ºxº ; f** *-*. - % ------------. r § 3. * $ f t, i : sº . . ; *xvy-> * *-xùsrººts- zerºsºe, sºrº" ºr 4 ºrº---ves ºx, ºeº-ºº: *...* } *** g- is-w $: x? .** 406 — fifth edition, largest paper, russia, fine copy. * R& i ºf wºº. . . . Aº: & § . #ºº. §ººl; ****śaºs-Saxº~~}~~AN.-sº: impº 8X2,...Ibid. ...! 80 T.: 1.4, -13.x. , */ - ā-xx-x- _407 --- Another copy, €, Ilī, Qali. . . . . . …!???...; ** *-a gºº e * wºxº tº * - *s-rºsegºsºsºvº-erºs-3-º-º-tº’Nºrts ºf arºsy-sº *f; ~ sº <---assº sºyººrs:-r-r- 408. *— Another copy imperfect. ~...~~~4 ** * * º 409 - the cuts only, without letter-press, fine impressions. § ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~ º ºr. .*.*. º …w ..Ibid. 1824. F. yº 5** *****Sºº-ºº-ººººº-ººººº... An ºx º' º: * i %: ~. w ºratºr- * g • **--~~ ſ * * : * * * * ***** - .* | . k ; [ 28 I 410 Quadrupeds, the cuts only, fine impressions, calf. 12mo, º, & This was originally an 8vo., but was unfortunately cut down in binding. ~} : : 411 Quadrupeds, British Birds, and Wignettes, the cuts only, printed . on 4to. paper, without letter-press, fine impressions, 4 vols. - … ~~~~~~inbound-º-º: tº fºssº:----ºr rwº ºf -*****#9; JMewe, 1824–25 =27. Tºrºus vigºs, the-cuts-only --> 4to, Ibid. 1827 49. 413 AEsop's Fables, first edition, large paper, with the original Re- } ...--~ceipt, fine-copy, calf-very seareer--royal-8vor-Rºd-1818 414 Select Fables, first edition, fine copy, hf. calf, very rare. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~4* 17*. 415 Select Fables, with outs engraved by T. and J. Bewick previous . - to 1784, with a Memoir and Catalogue of their Works, por- ~~~~ *;----e. . **º-º: .. A.- a zºº trait...bds…uncut, searce.ºrºs.--~~~~ ..?-ºxº~~ . S < *, +3. -Ibid.1820– 2. . 6 t 416 — Another copy, largest paper, bds, uncut, very scarce.,..., *y. wº7. § . 3. f: 3. *~zº, …:*:: sº-s-- <2<--------~~~~ > *f-rº * - - - <-- sº-º-º-º- ~~~~~imp. 8vo; Ibid.-1820– : . 417 Chillingham Wild Bull, fine early impression on paper, with /% the figured border. 1789 tº Early impressions of this fine cut, which Bewick considered his chef d’oeuvre, are very rare. After a few copies had been taken off, the block split into pieces; it was repaired, but subsequent impressions . 's all show the mark of the damage, and have not the border. Copies . . . . …...............…son Yellum.9f-this cut have sold for £20,….…. . . . i d wºr- / ſ/ - 418 one of the later impressions, with descriptions of the Cat- ...A..….….tle and Engraviags from various works. * * * ~~~~~ 419 Lion, large cut of, one of the cuts done for Pidcock's Menagerie, ſºprº, ºr/?gre...------...- …, 420"Waiting for Death, a large cut by T. Bewick, his last work, remºve-º-º-rººrººº-º-º-º-º: ...and...unfinished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…~1882. . /6 § 421 Lion, Tiger, Elephant, and Zebra, with the portrait of Bewick wº *— f • :.: :*#h by Nesbit, and cut of the old Exchange, all printed on vellum, …~~~~~very scarce.… cºrrºw. --~~~~~~~~~ * i i / 422 Goldsmith and Parnell's Poems, beautifully printed by Bulmer, " ; ! ... ----- With guſs & 7.4% J. Bºwlºlº-gary-scarce.--~~~4to, 1795– s& Á 423 — Another copy, second edition, calf gilt, gilt leaves, scarce, 39 7 - --Super roy, 879, 1803– ; : y : 424 Somerville's Chase, beautifully printed by Bulmer, with fine cuts / 0. 6 ; by T. Bewick, eactra cut by Bewick and facsimile inserted, very . . . . . ; -*…~~~~~~~~~~~ *.4799- . * 3:25 Goldsmith and Parnell's Poems. – Somerville's Chase, fine outs ...~.º.ºk-in...] Y9]..…...…........Joy...SY9, 1803 *426 Hüttön (Chas.) Treatise on Mesuration, the diagrams engraveſ | on wood by T. Bewick, and the first work illustrated by him, ——ººdºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-3tºº. 1779. : : # 427 Consett (Mattw.) Tour through Sweden, Lapland, &c., plates 72 .. i engraved on copper by T. Bewick, calf, scarce. -***-*-ºs-ºs- ;: “cº-ºº-ººººº-º-º-o-ancº- ...-------. “ſº .#9, Stockton 1789 t C § ; 428 Emblems of Mortality, fine impressions of the outs, with extra ** $ g - - % § ; title inserted, uncut, very rare. - 1789 : . $º “This copy has finer impressions of the cuts than Mr. Brockett's tha" f ! y sold for £1. 14s, and certainly much cleaner.”—Note inside. --...- ..........— …+,-,-,-,-,-,-users --~~~~~~~~<-sazewosº.ºws---4-ºxº~...º.º.º.”“”“--~~~~~ H * : § § ; ! .# i . . ~4 S. M. Was AllOſilºlºſ:0DXa-ſka...ºlls 430 — Another copy, third edition, outs by Bewick. : z 431 Tooking Glass § 13 Miñā, ºff, by Jºn Bºrrºr-rigg “g- * Tº Ralph Rev. J. Pºems. Els by T. Bewijk. £arlislettes-º-º: jº. ~353-prººtſtrºyārytºnfărătăţājºyºrºv-º-º-º- iſ bound.º.º. " " 'Nºnº. 1798 2. 434 − Another copy, third edition, outs by Bºžňā Clößnell,” -“” . ...* : .3 ~~~~...~%%,..…...... 343.32.4.8%.9% half.jpg|9999. 1814 //? tºº º *****śºk: ;sº It’sº & ** *:: irtysºsº. ;&ºtº-º-º-º-ºxºg-- *** *: '.…' …, ..º.º.º.º. $4%. >\, sº- 452 Newcastie Almanaciº 1736, with a View of the Óláfixchange.” y ‘tº O ..." C ’27, '6. !. + } c. * ** * • * * * * vº-º: * -AY *. sºlº - 4!. 453 Hieroglyphic Bible, fººmſºfºo of the outs by Boºk, • ****{{#94 ºrablems:of Aſentality rewºszágºſławick-in-lºok-i. 454 Hudson (John) Florist's Companion, with tail-pieces by T.; *… --~~~~~~~~Bowiekº *zºrºwt-ºxºsº. Wºrºdiºrº A404. ſº 24/l.--Dić//l. :;t ** Lif i • *- :-" x- ºr. --Arr-- r : v- Frrºf-w *Nºr:--, --~~~~ 455 Goldsmith's Poetical Works, cuts by T. Bewick. ; : 2 : 6 t - -----...-- ~ tr. ** - ºve... • -z. … …, x ax: “…sº, º axº~~~~~<-N-ºxº~~~~~.e.--~~ ~~~~~6%lowee&#er-4899;…. ~fºr ºrrºr--a tº • * > . g .456 Trusler (Dr.) Progress of Man and Society, cuts by John Bewick........ ~-s-- ºr rºw-º,-ºr-º-º-º-º-º-ºr- 2. t J r . . . i I 3o J i #4s, Bewickiana. A curious Volume of Collections relative to Bew- ~ * : : ick and his Works, comprising Atkinson's Memoir, with por- 5" /(2 trait, and other Notices of him; Impressions of various por- traits of Bewick; Cuttings; Specimens of many of his Cuts; * i. Autographs, and numerous MS. Memoranda by Mr. Bell re- º i specting the different Works, particularly the early editions º : 9f the Quadrupeds. --~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~£9– * é 458 Specimens of the Works of Thomas Bewick, with Biographical *. . and Literary Extracts relating to him, 2 portraits, facsimile ºf Jeſſeſ.麺gloth…~~ ******** ºr 4.5-ser...shºre-ºrº ~~~~#P-37%. , ,- é £459 Bell (J. G.) Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of Works illus- i. / 3 ; . • trated by Thomas and John Bewick, with the Addenda, port. ~~~~~~~~...~ : *d ºuts, 80&ce.…~~~…~~~~~ imp. 879, 1831. / 7. .459% Another copy, with Addenda, presentation from the Author, …,..., 4..… Inbºund, With several illustratiºns. …imp. 8x9, 1834. ...…+39, º Angthºr:ggpy, large paper, with the Addenda, imp, 4to, 1851– #6'ſ The Howdy and the Upgetting, two Tales in the Tynesidê Đia. lect, as related by Thomas Bewick, large paper, printed on *writing paper, portrait:--~~~~ --~~~~~~. ..…-1850- 462 Portraits (Four) of Thomas Bewick. After Kirkley, 1798. — ! After Murphy, India proof, 1816. — After Ramsay, India - . - proof, 1817. – On wood by Nesbit, printed on wellum.....…~ : 2 ! 3 463 Fox (G. T.) Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, plates and cuts --~~~~~94&44.2% ºf Salt ... Melod. 1827 T464 Facsimile of a Letter of Thomas Bewick's, 3 copies 7onsºn- ~-ºl--~~~ *~~ . t 465 Miscellaneous Cuts, &c. by Béwick and others: A pāfēet: "* . ‘ſ ; º * t } . … 3.--> *: ... • **, *- : *. ;.... ſººt. , $9.1% º 33-Yº..”.” ãº. & : # / * .* . 7 ; .*º- ºr tº: & º S. i.Z.º......g66. Pamphlets, various, ºthºtº . -- ~~~~~~~~~~...~. A 2. ; : 467 Nāšîăş of Birds, Qāāārūpéds, Fishes, Reptiles, &c.; 7.J. % .--— Children's Books, 28% gº." {{#ſºft ,’ Alnwick , , , , #68. A Number of Cuts from Bewick's variºus Wöks, and grim- – perfect copy of the Quadrupeds. - % ; º “The name of Thomas Bewick is a household woºd;’ ºffigºgº- i ; º are to be found in every region where the language of England is } i spoken, or her literature cultivated. There are few works which ; : have been so universally diffused as those of Bewick. They are read s : studied, admired, and appreciated by intellects of every grade, and by ‘. i ; persons of all ages—by the young, by the middle-aged, and by the . { old. Those who worship nature, and those who worship art, agree in , y ; the admiration of the volumes of Bewick.”—British Quarterly Review. º § { * ; | : : { § º : y & --~~~ - - . . . ~ * * • * * s ºr-. ~eº i. t ... … ... ... - %4&ºzzzzº. “3- ºz tº: 8 a. *A. i. º.º.º.º. ~gº- ::1: ; ; ; , ; Yº •--- 3.1% ºf Kºlgº ... - * * 2. - p * , ; - * * tº . . . . . 3 * * * * : * ~ * > 2 | 6 º 4. 6 8 8. - 2. • ºr t Y4-4. *; - $ [ 3 I l - º' 469 BIBLE (Holy) Baskerville's Beautifully-printed edition, plates. ; ; /3- -, .. *º-º-º-º-º-errºrcºalºgº.!772..…. 470 — Biblias Sacra: The first Version of the Swiss Reformed ``" †Z 2T Church. thick folio, 1543 . . sº --- * , --, -ºx.º. * **** -------- --º'-ºxºº.º.º. 471- Biblia Sacra, large paper, (imperfect). TSIIS, Tº T54GT7 4. * g *** *********"...:*...*& ºrt: x**... ... f. , . Y. * - - - - . . . . * * * -- - - - -, -, t - 2 :**.*:... : *, *g. &c.-- . . . . .” ' ' -- ‘. . - * * Tºº-Biblia Sacra. Beža. foliº, 1639: . . . . . -** * * ** Fºº “” ***** ***śrº' g tº **-*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*gº, -vº º ºs. º º v * * ~ * ' ' ' ' ' ' -- “”, “ ” “... . . . .” “wºrs. ... v: "th. . . …, *... *** * > t >e-,----> * 473 — Breeches Edition, filăţă Iºffer. 4tó; 1611” --, -º-º-º: - f . !, t . . . $3. Very rare, in a perfect state; this copy has the Genealogies. ... } - * *- ****************in Rºssº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-gº sº….. …g., ; : * - * * r d - f * *3 * -- . . . . ." % ***'...'... ... .474.— Biblia Sagra, rare, but imperfect. ..., 4to, London 1585., Z2. 475 — Orton's Éxposition of the Öld Testament, 6 vols, gait,”,”,” heat. 1783 : ; 6 é ~476"—in Tütah, mājjīāgātā plates, calf ºut futumpy:-------- t" ~~~~~~~~~~~~22:…thick Small 879, 1783...; 2 . - #11 ..? *******-*.*-º-º-º-º-tºurs. -- 4. 477 — in Arabic, hf. russia, long MS. Note, soarce, 4to, Wowo, 18] I ". - & Edited by Vicar Carlyle and the Rev. H. Moises, " .. , - - - - , , ###;&ºr; exagenārān; or the Recollections” f --- --- ************3. ofa, e §§I. ife * < bººk…” ºšiºſº tºº J º- ~ ~~~~ Isº-º-º-º: sº … I'0sºde Iſſºde Leyde.º.1798, 8vº.......…. it’ll 48T = Simpson's Literáturčºfitaly, 1851:Böäter Wek's History ". / º, 6 ~ --~~of Spanish Literature.1847...…..…..........'....” 482 #. Pºinting Machine, a Companion to the Library, 1834.”: , - "A". 1 * } , ** { .* - g - * S- “.… . . . . . .--. - .. $ §§- w **: i ! | ** “…sºssº sº.ºxº~3 -, * * * t Y - rºuxwººd *... * * * . . .” ---> - **, *…* : , * ~ *,\xi~, re-ºſ-ºws 4to, Oxford 1746 ... 3". £ºd º \gford 1746. §2. -ſºº gº •sº 2. § - ** ** — Turner's Contents of Manuscript Volumes in his Library, -rº-' ºr ~~~~private priºt, 185l. as ** *, *.*.*.*.*, *, ** ****-, *, *.* …” -*.*.*.* ***, r*:x:--> x^** * ~ -- . . . . S 483 Bibliosophia; or Book-Wisdom, containing some Account of the ^: , ſº l - f | - ) Pride, Pleasure, and Privileges of that glorious Vocation, -& : -----ºº-ºº-----------~~~~}*~~~~ * # 5TTTamamºtºrwäry Iristºry-3rºfigã, 6-ysis ºrgatrº Newc. 1751. — Blennerhassett's The Universal and Eternal . : *: * ---. ---------> wº-r System, Ibid. 1752. . ------ *** * º 513 BloméfléIT(RGW. F.) History of Norwich, 2 vols, paſſ. 18 ! 3 ºr ~#4 Biºiſºfºrº in Tüß-º 3-? Volume, cuts, some by Bewick, calf. V. Y. s . The Fariñer's Boy, second edition, ºff Nāşşiţ, hīmā: T. jº 516 Blount (Thos.) Antiční Tenures of Land, and jocular Customs " " ...," ***** --~~~~~ 1979–3. 517 ñºrºtº-yº ſigrº" 3. 5ts Brºtºcºrtsmºg Bääß Erištěříčárºsimtar-----~~~~ * * ar; - Edº. 1780____. 519 Blythe (Rev. Mr.) Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, 2 vols. "T": in I, hiſ calf. * - *-ºſ------- 5TTºrºnºymºtºrºpºrº, “ Shakspeare, pluſes, boards, uncut. 4to, 1824 : - ty ; ~ 521. Tºg twº.) ThöSiâuggler's Fatā, and other Tales, Nº. 1837. §º tº -— Blamire (Miss S.) Poctical Works, Jºdinb. 1842. — Bloom- : field (Robt.) Farmer's Boy, outs, calf, 1802. — Besey (C. J.) 2 6. The Muse in the Fidgets; or, What next? calf, 1822. — : # Rowles (Rev. W. L.) Grave of the Last Saxon, a Poem, . ; . 533Tºgº (Dºrsyträß pºſſiy tºgyrºrestºs-tº- / -:% r. 1834 & ‘.... ..”: sº. "...” - A.Y. º.º.º. '*'. • - &" tr. * * • 3. 3. ƺ :7. * * s ~ 5 IS 6. § *. º * * :* r- -* -13: ... r.” * yº,Asº *** # 4. - rv *~s %kyº e 6 *º- *-- :* ->.& $ * § º, A ; xt s 533 Böbbin (Tim) Misceſſancous Works, viz., His vices of the Tân º' cashire Dialect; His Poem of the Flying Dragon and the Man of Heaton, port, and plates, half calf. 1806 & At the end is bound with it, Specimens of the Yorkshire Dialect, with g . . •es a Glossary of Yorkshire Words—Knaresborough 1810, ... *-*.*. *—- • * > --> ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... "... . .….,y-ro...ºu.----------> -------. *****, r*... ------s-º'-º'-Arº-" ºr " " -: ************** ---...--&r-sº wº- º - - - x .* §. 524 — Lancashiro Dialect; and Poems, plates by Cruikshank. 1833 . ; - ? > 525 ſoccaccio's becameron, port…..... 1820.3. -- ******* * * v-->~~, **:: ***** **, *-i-r - - - • §. --- f - ... * <>3:- ~...~…~ **~~~~zºtºr: **** ~~~$7 t S. • Tvr -- ~... • ***** **: t ters: e. - Yº sºrºrºk-sºº's, - | 526 Bohun (R.) Discourse concerning the Origine and Properties of : § § 4. **** f : # ….Wind...----. --~~~4671-4------. 527 Boisgelin (Louis de) Ancient and Modern Malta, 2 vols, plates, # / #4. 528 Bolingbroke (Lord) Remarks on the History of England, calf, ; t / i 1747. — Bolingbroke's Dissertation upon Parties, 1739– - #3 and 4 others. -- +.: Y # * k- ... -- ~...~…~~~~~~~...~~~xte: “Rºx'=:::::: x=gssºs.sºsºvas... ºr “sº tº . * * ***** ~-i- rºvvºrºnº-º-º-º: : [ 34 l 529 Bolton (S.) The Extinct Peerage of England, calf, 1769. — r Ashmole (Elias) History of the Order of the Garter, calf, no . plates. ~~~~~!!!” T530 Bönhof (James) Bee Master's Companion and Assistant, fifºalſ, : Berwick 1789. — Bonner (Jas.) New Plan for increasing the number of Bee-Hives in Scotland, Edinb. 1795. Sº sº.ºr.i º ºs- sº *** - ***** * — J --- * 55i ſ㺠(Rev. H. K.) Historic Notices in reference to Fötnº: ; , ; ; inghay, plates. . . . . . . Oundle 1821 *... # ...} * &A$$.” A 532 Another copy. I. ~~~~~ Thid. 1821 -533T35R-CôITööfði's Hājīd-Böök, A Modern Library Companion. 1845 **.* sº *. *** * * r .* * *. ‘l. $ º, .# . . . y * 2. * & * - -, * ſ 6. 536 Book of Reference for Chart of the Tyne, 1846. — Oliver's º, -, Guide to Newcastle, l851=and 8 others, local. --~~~~ 537 Book of the Names of all the Parishes, Towns, Willages, &c., in wer $ & § * 534 Book of Common Prayer Reformed on Unitarian Principles, { Newc. 1790. — Turner's Selection of the Psalms of David, ~A**--~~~~~~~~~…~~~~~ T535 Book of Psalms by Sternhold and Hopkins, 1633. — Dow: . name's Concordance to the Bible; Book of Common Prayer; Genealogies to the Bible ; Holy Bible—in 1 vol. thick 4to, all in black letter, (rather imperfect) antique calf meat, rare. s ºr sº. * * * * * *- **** ***.*.* r *= <- # - - wº- º & ** } • 3. * *. ! --, - 4:1 ºr rºzº. F As * --~~ England and Wales.--~~~~~... small 4to, 1977 T538 Border Club, Transactions of the, Vol. I. Part I (alſ published), —With the Plan.9f th9.9/ſub----. Newc. ” 339 Border (The) four, Eänä. 1836, - Fenney's Limfithgowshire, 1832. — Highlands of Scotland, by a Pedestrian, Newc. 1843. – Grierson's Delineations of St. Andrews, Cupar, 1823 — Alnwick, Descriptive and Historical View of, wants plates, galf.4/ºu's 1823. st . -- * * * * :-º-º-º: $.”:. . * * - e : ~ *::::::---~~~~ ** 7". ~ **, *... :Sº '-º'-' ..." *** † y- : * * *-*. * *. t *~~ : * • * * †, ,” s * - S- * * * ---> 1.4 × - - & x , 3 * , $ ~ *- - - 542 Boruwlaski (Count, the Polish Dwarf) Memoirs of, cuttings in- —ºrº-----~~~~~~~~~~4° 1894 (Joseph, the Polish Dwarf.) Memoirs of, calf, Ibid. 1801. : Boruylaški (Jos.) Memgiºgs du, half gºlf. - - gigs du half gºlf............ 544 ºr (Joseph Föſſiºn warf) Memoirs of by himself, porºž. T - * 1788 543 ** : & * --> - 3. - *) 3. } r - '.. - * *-***.*.*.*.*}ºſſ, sº : .. - : % t .* - $ § { p * * y : % 2 . 3. !. t \, —F 545 - Another edition, portrait.``" Burham 1820 *546 Bösööbeſ; of the History of his Sacred Majestiè's most miraču- . lous Preservation after the Battle of Worcester, portrait of : Charles II. and folding plate of Boscobel House, calf, gilt. ** A .* * 3. g Lºxº~ : - ' …r.º. § ; º!,* .*. * 6 547—— or the History of his Sacred Majestie's Preservation after / * --~~~~~...~~~~s------- ... ... the Battle of Worcester, portrait........ .1660, Reprint 1822__ * 548 Boswell's Songs, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, Edinb. 1803. — - Thomson (Jas. Weaver) Poems in the Scottish Dialect, por- trait, Ibid. 1801. — Wilson (G.) the Scottish Laverock, ori- ginal Poems, lbid. 1829. . . . s wºr---.… sº- ºs- | 35 J 549 Boswell (James) Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson, calf. : º ~ºrº------. -- ~~ ~! ***~~~ * : *********--~~~~~ 552 Bourgetſ(John). History of the Royal Abbey of Bée, fiéâFroiſºn, ºr ºr-., -º __glaſſes, calf 1779 | g 2. º, 553 Bourne (Rev. H.) History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pinyºrº-ºº-º- __2 ginal impression, half calf. - folio, Aewc. 1736 . . / 7 º … *:::::. *554*==Rºtherº, “With theºffātū’īāf; pp :245; 246; p.}an;-- ~. ** *, * *** **-->; < 2.2aºzs.” *— folio, Ibid. 1736 V.5 555 — Another copy, wants plan. folio, Tºia, TT30° ºz ~~~ −556 – Antiquitiés ºf the CóññóñPeople, calf, sºrce. Tºd. IT25* ziz. “557 –- Harmony and Agreement of the CôIlêts, Epistles; and “cº-º-º- # , * *N*******A*, **w- © º ... Gospels, 'gºſ M.S.A.0% ºr/ rare. Ibid. 1727 . . ; 4 sº ~558 Böwór (Åſex.) Histºry of thé#g of Edinburgh, 2 vols.” 2." ºf- N- º- # isi, * * ~559 Bºr(rºy Dºgºption ºf the Abbeys of Möß"sharoſa”;" k . *y-- Melrose, * Jºelso 1813 i. * *† / 560 – Another copy. - Jºãº IS27.7.2. 56TBSWCs (A. R. Stöſſey) and the Countess of Ståtññore, Lives ºf & t of, by Jesse Foot, portrait, rare. *-º-º-º-Lº- - ~ ~~~ 2. * 562 = C5HTessions ºf the CŞūātess of Strätämörð, Written by "Z 2 --- herself, cloth, rare. - 14% -º-º/- 563 - Triaſ between : Stephens, Trustee to the Countēss of: º & 2 Strathmore, and A. R. Stoney Bowes, her second Husband, . 7 May 19, 1788. ~~~~4%.4%--~~~~ — A curious Collection of Memoranda relative to this cele- º º : /"3 brated Case, made by Mr. Bell, comprising cuttings, 118. : 6 ºff - ... --Aotes...}.g., in ong.Yglume: - •.3. ~ *~ 565 Bowles (Rev. W. L.) Scenes and Shadows ºf pays aspårted,” portrait, 1837. — Poems by Sir H. Wotton, Sir W. Raleigh, i. *, º and others, edited by Hannah, 1845. — lºeranger's Songs, ſº 1837—all published by W. Pickering. % –– −556 Böwyerſwärpäätefjºxiàotégºr,” Bºgraphicaraña Titº", "" —ºgy, prºſe priºt, half ººlſ: r 1778. ; : __567 — The Origin of Printing, half calf. Tºſſº. Z. ... 568 ± Conjectures on the New Testament, calf. 1772 Zºº" 569 Boyce (Samuel) Poems on several Occasions, calf, "long #; * --> 3 6 - ~~~~ 1757 g - * —--~~\ote.--> ... • - -º sº: --> <- tº “s ºf ~~~~ . . .eſſ.: , , , --------------- - - y * * w 570 Boydell (John & Jos.) Catalogue of Plates, engraved for them, / 571 Brady (Robt.) Historical Treatise of Cities and Burghs. . * . ! & • Y. folio, 1711 . ; : º, W- * T572 Braithwait's Gentleman's Compañion; or a Character of True ſº -Nobility and Gºtility, Wants portrait… 1872....…. . jščine Riesanāūrders for the Government ºf "jº 4to, 1821... ." v-28.1,” ºt.’ ‘, x-, -,-) • *- : * *-*. --> -º-º:2-º-º-º-º: sº…ºf cº-rº- 564, S------- ~~~~ 573 Brańwait (R. the House of an Earle. - - r << *. - zºº. **** **- rº-2- . [ 36 3, * § .* i ; Tyne.2 Ygls...plaţ8.93|f...ſº ºp!…........ --- & A w - ---4- - -3- * a 2 * ! - . .4 2- ºr == History of Newcastle, 2 völs, wants plates, porträttºn- 574 Brand (Adam) Journal of the Embassy from the Emperors ºf tg.Qhina plg£8. 1698 *** j . / : i - * Mu $39 - §§§ crº-ºx, sºry & tº .N.: 4:-?..ºx :: *-7 ºrº- º' trº-rary:-----, --- - .* . . . . . . . ~ y --...- : ***…sºrº sº wºrk zººsºº": ** , - .* ** ” --, 3 tº 8 º' / 6 tº ºsts Brână's (Rºjöhn). History and Antiquities of Newcastléºn- **) >rotºzº. W royal 4to, 1789 $76 rº History and Antiquities of Newcastlé-upon-Tyne, 2 vols. - plates. 4to, 1789 ; : * ~ : .* ºrted gait filt-----~~~~3° 17° —— ~575 BRAND's #oryOF NEWCASTLE-A spleńſſiſſil- . : º lustrated copy of this standard work, expanded into seven 3. s volumes, with original drawings, engravings, and other illus- trated matter, with a manuscript index of folio size; the whole neatly mounted in seven imperial 4to portfolios, form- '. ; 3. ing such a mass of valuable Newcastle matter as has perhaps ... ... never been brought together before..….......... * ”579 - Observations on Popular Antiquities, calf, gilt, with Auto: s: : º graph Letter inserted... ... * Newc. 1777 * x : t—57g: 3*. /2 : . vols, best edition. w 4to, 1813 2. - Another copy, fif.calf. Autograph. Noteinserted. Ibid. [777 * 580 – Another copy, half galf...... Ibid. I?77 ~551 Observations on Popular Antiquities, edited by Ellis, 2 .* 582 Ön Illicit Love, written among the Ruins of Godstow § Nunnery, Autograph Note and port. of Brand inserted, with l/emoranda, &c. 4to, Newc. 1775 7 & ---583 –==On Illičić Love, a Poem, Newc. 1775, and 5 other Poems- *~ . in 1 Vol, 4to... -->4 ºak a------ ºr--, * ~ * * * * ***** *** ** * * * *ze “” - - - --- . . . . ºve- * Collection of Poetical Essays, cloth, Autograph Note in- Tºyº. 584 ; 6 . serted, 4to, Newc. 1765. — Brand (Rev. John) on Illicit . Love, 4to, Ibid. 1775, ... . 4 • * : *555 it: Catalogue of his Extensive and Curious Library, sold in : T 1807, 37 days' sale, large paper, with prices, half russia, un- cut. royal 8vo, 1810 - * -- *** * # - * * * ~ * * * ** * *** * * * : 586 — His Manuscript Diary, contained in the Newcastle Pocket ; 4. ". Book and Kearsley's Pocket Ledger for 1778, 1779, 1788, . § 1798, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1804, curious... . . . . . . →------587–Mömöif of, by Thös. Belſ, MS. with several Autographs iſ ſi of Brand, a very rare port, inserted... . . . . . . . . : / ! 3 555 Brand-Hollis (Thos.) Memoirs of, portrait, private º -: *---~~~~ --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4mp, 4tº- : 4. ; i 589 Brandlings of Gosforth, Collection of Cuttings relative to, in a ... ..….thiºglume, hºſtbºund, Pºrtrait ºf Sir J. Mawley, 3.590-Cöllgefigãreſſive to.…..........… º / ; 591 Brandreth's Disertation on the Metre of *: - º e-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Pºrºſ. 1944. . ; : # 592 Brasbridge (Joseph) Fruits of Experience; or Memoir % por- # § ; trait, 1824. — Blizard (Sir Wm.) Brief Memoir of, by Wm. + -: *-*. 98% glººkºº-º-º- ** ********º-sº-º-o-º-º-º: tº e-º-º-º-º: § 1. # 593 Bray (Wm.) Sketch of a Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire, / ; 2 plates, calf, 1783. — Brayley (E. W.) Graphic and Historical X. § 4 .* - Illustrator, wants title and some leaves at end, 4to, 1834, > -ºvº - ºv. 1, rºws ºn :*******************$kº-sº-ºº-º-º-ºxº~...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... ....yes-, ^ w - ~ * , ***w- - [ 37 . . . 594 Brayley and Britton's History of the Ancient Palace, and ; ; late Houses of Parliament at Westminster, plates, half calf. ; : & #. 6 * * *- —“” i-i--- T595 Brayley's Beauties of Kent, plates. 1807 # / - -566-prººts cyrturrºwmºtºrrstresorprawmgstorvätrº- folio, 1843 597 Glºry of #. ... 1844 tº ~gºmºrrºr-prºmºttº, it ºf wººgº .., x Palaces and Public Buildings, plates. 4to, 1810 : ; J # * TIistory and Añtiquities of the Cătrărărchüßfirst-Tº: ham, plates, long Ilſ.S. Note by Mr. Bell. 599 —600----introduction-to-the-Beauties of England and wales, turgy-i-º-º-º-, - paper, maps, royal 8vo, 1818. , / . ſy --~~~~ - *-*...* - a-- - -.” 3. *.*.*.*, *::...— ... -º, ºre ºg ~...~" -&--...-a tºx. --- ifºs ---sºº A. ºr crº J. & wrox: wºrsterestºrs-ºr-ºº-ºº:::::::::::grº.sg .#, - : J ~. \. ** º , , Å !," s F. : ~ 4 - r “j * * * t" f .." : r" - J : " , 3 f * - “, §: 1. [. : 6. a' - t * . t is i ! * w º t *r - X f º 3. & 4. r - ‘. / *. - * * } º & t * : *, •l t’ r /i A. - t - A. & * W. - * * : Twº Ywa --> a-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:<-- **i. • * l - / ; f • sºr f, * ~5 -* * > see: *-*.** º ºn wº wº s & ºf: - A] º s) * / e2/ Pººl º, & - .." lilſº * w º º * x ſ N Y. *A 6 º, 605 L 3. *666"; | 1 * », «-º". Tº º- i i: - 3. THIRD DAY'S SALE, WEDNESDAY, October 17th. Mºs sº EWCASTLE Corporation Accounts, Registers of 3|{SYNY. -ºrm $54-4**M*.*.* -º-º-º: T602 Brydge's Censura Literaria, and other péi- # º º . -—odicals-A-parºck-º-º-º- *** ***.*.*.*.*.*.*-***** **-tº- #925%| 603 A large parcel of Catalogues of Books to be %9%|------sold, &c.--~~~~~ ~~~~: . . . -- ~~. *4,604. Lot of Pamphlets: shipping and sailors, &c. 9t.gf.Põmphlets::canals, roads, &c....... ...,.... . hibition Catalogues and Musical Festivals—Two parcels. *-- ~~ • *s t d **** • Y t t J A--, -ę, smaiºvan. &º ocreº &tº * * 607 Newcastlé Magazine, in numbers—Ala 68-Newcastle Newspapers, 1763 to §§§ Pºçºs – ... . . 1778, half bound in 4 vols. ānd *-* *********Tº ſº.-->iſ... .ºr:ºx...~...~ ---> --. € parcel, ****A**-*72, Jarvix * - j 1769-70-72-73, and 1798 to 11-ygls, neatly hf...bound and lettered. Newspaper, 1783 to 1860, and 1802 to EstMoRELAND.—A very large coſſection of manuscripts, views, portraits, topographical arid biographical notices, &c., relating to these counties, comprised in 4 thick / /2 . . . . lettered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s-“s --~~~~~~~~~--- - -j- -:-809 Newcastſ& JóñāINewspaper, Í755 to 1768, 4 vols. HF bound 4 (4 … ...º.º.º. 5- // 6 : *Bio Newcastle Courant Newspaper, 3 : // e º 'º 1821, all # —" “BITNEWCastle Chronicle /º - 1811, allinglusive, 9...Yols, neatly hf. bound and lettered. r 612 CUMBERLAND AND :EV; rºtº-º-º-rev ºrzewº } t /2. . J * s .." t . 4 X - é s: : º º * | -a-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- ~~~~} t >s." -- … ºuxº~24% rººk.''...}ºssº-º-º-º:*~~<+":-º'-x-ºv.ºrºzz” tº “a sº-ºr 4, 1 • 1. 630 HERALDAY-A collection of Heráldry by H. B. T. Smith, in , , , ; Solander case, containing many original and engraved embla- 6. ZOIl DOG]] S Ol & Tſºlº gº t G|O Ol. (3 : • , - at ºn tº . . . g ====- 631 RAILwAY COMMUNICATION with º relative to the various projects which have been proposed to form a central line of railway to connect Newcastle and Edinburgh, ; ; between 1835 and 1846; including the details of Joshua Richardson's line up Reedwater, as well as that of Mr. Green -ºin 1848.4-in ſºligºlº boundingapºdletº...… 632 Wood Curs—A fine collection of proof impressions on India.” paper, &c., from blocks designed by Weir, Birket Foster, 6 º 6 and others, mounted in large scrap book, half bound and . .” * *ce--- º - tso sº- # Fºxº sº fººtººººººººººº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ey...s. §§§ Abººbie, Sºfia ph: Collections for the private and pro-": ". . fessional career of this great general, mounted 4to, several en- A. º ... .9749%. 44.7%.3%.....…..… 634 Byróñº"cºmºtiºns fºrthätiögraphyörröFrbyfää (the Poét), ºr and for the history of his family, mounted 4to, many prints, 3 6 Øargºlº.3% . . . --~~ ſº ~335 Bºugºn. Henry Tºdº Góñections for the history of his poli- /4. tical and professional career, mounted 4to, many prints, auto- '7. - graphs, &g. ***** * * ~ *- - - ----e. - 4 - x - ºr a a sº.--A.<-xxº~... z.A. Mºrº are ºf . * *-*.*.*- - ~~ <--~~ 636 CollingwoodTCSTISSIONS FOF the TTS, prºfessionärååröðr, &c., , , of Admiral Lord Collingwood, with other matters relating to # º 6 re-— various members of the Collingwood family, with manuscript * * ==-juggislº.º.º.º.º.44% ºs---ºº. 655 Tambºn ºf rºton". # rößiº ſº ... -4. é —mounted 49-aurºzºº.ºrgº. --~~~xt.” 639 Lowther Family: Collections thereon, and on the Earldom of yº --- *zz-- *** : Lºnsdale, Inglinted 49, manu gºtºgraphs, writtº, & 4.-- '640 Nelson: CSIſections, printeå and manuscript, for the fife, &c.," of Admiral Lord Nelson, 4to. . tº A most remarkable gathering; towards the , end is a series of no less 33-& than 16 long affectionate? and private letters from the Earl and ; ; ; ; Countess Nelson to Lady Hamilton, which are for the most part un- ; ; ; published. s: . ;3 .*- : ...º pedigrees, &c. ~~~~~~~~ 637 r:# TºmTºmTEſſºf ATRºſs:"Cºmestºstºn,” 4. º *: & ~~y ºf t gar-Pagº Tºñity:-CŞmºtiºns thersºn, printed, engrºñā MS., "º" mounted 4to, - - - - Resºzºiºsºrº: ‘g ºvºº's "... ~633"Wää, Tjöke ºf Cºnſ: A collection of Autographs of this ancient family, mounted in 4to and illustrated with portraits and biographical notices, in stiff cover; commencing with Sir Harry Vane, cofferer to the household of Charles I., and his still more famous son, Sir Harry Vane the younger, the pa- triotic defender of England's liberties against Cromwell. This series includes Lord Barnard, the first Earl of Darling- º:º; - z |*: 3. .. ~~ } ; s : ton, the Dukós of Cleveland, and other members of the house, ; - . of Raby. * . . . . .” – A. - . . . . ~, , , --> --- r". . . .” ---> 3... ::: *rº-ºº-ºº-ºººº º: ~~ Yºº ~en~~~~~~~~~~~ G [ 42 l * r? *: 3 : i- * #: § {z, * {* ,”, 643 Were and Harley Families: Collections thereon, and on the 4. Earldom of Oxford, mounted 4to, with many prints and scarce hs. 645 Scrap Book: very large folio, containing about 300 drawings f - by Greenwood and others, and engravings, for the most part relating to the northern counties, half calf neat. - tº A very superior volume. Greenwood's drawings of Yorkshire scenery, antiquities, &c. are very fine. J * 646 Turner (Dawson) and Family: Collection of private plates, & - etchings, &c., executed by the family and friends of the late 5 : ; Mr. Dawson Turner of Yarmouth; upwards of 200 in num- : ; ; ber in a portfolio. - ; ; : (ſº Extremely rare; the impressions having been very limited, and for *~ •. & ****** private distribution only. • *---. . . . . . . . . . . . *-*.*.** * ***... -, *.*.*. ~~~~~~~ 3. 5 § 647|AºNREWSTER (Rev. J.) Parochial History and Antiquities º-º-º: Bºl-----of-Stock tes. 4to, Słogółoń 1796 º s <| 648 Another copy, second edition, plates, from : ; ; |ÉN}}|…the Mainsforth Library. ...royal 8vo, Ibid. 1829 † : { 24, 649 Retrospective View of Events connected with # /; ; the Ecclesiastical History of England. 1802. — Brewster's #' Meditations of a Recluse, half morocco, 1808. — Brewster's ... i - -,-,-ºgnºſiah Sºñºra º ; ; (; 655 Brewster (Rev.jj Meditations of a Recluse, 1816 – Brew- § { r ster's Sermons for Prisons, Stockton 1790. — Brewster's ; , ; Meditations for Penitents, 1813. — Brewster's Reflections / *. | adapted to the Holy Seasons, 1834. Sketch of the History of Churches in England, 1818. — Brewster's Meditations of a Recluse, 1800. — Boucher (Rev. …!ghn) Sermºns, Megg. 1829-.…~~~...~~~ Tö52 Bridgman (John graphical Sketch of Knole. 651 ) Historical and Top † *** * - -4 w 3. ;s ; y 6 # * 655 Bristol. Cosm *** * * * *.*.*.*, *, *.xlſº west -- ºx * r *4 - ... * **, *, *, *, *.*.*. - e.e. ...” “e.*- : * * *.*.*.*.*.*, vº..”.u'rººts: . ... — -a - a 2 - * 1817 #: Añºrºpy. . . . . . .1817 o's Letters on the Impediments which 66struct the Trade and Commerce of Bristol, calf, Bristol 1823. — Bristol Memorialist, Ibid. 1823. — Bristol. Reports on the Subjøgº.gf Lºgal.Tºtign, half galf...ſºſ. 1824.........~~ - :- : / A fºãº. ient) A Short Account of, private print, 1854. — Brief Recollections, ch . T555 British Agriculture, St. *::::::-sº-ºx *...}~2, Jibºſy, ſo th9 Reading.R.90m, ºriggſ&print. X- igfly.9f Italy, prºſe prººf, Glasgow. 657 British and Continental Titles of Honor. . . .1842 He and Prospects of, by a Member of Parliament (Wm. Hutt), half calf, 1837. — Anderson (Jas.) Eğyśelating $9.Agriculture gnd Rural Affairs, 3 Yols.1797. British Museum.” On the Supply of Printed Boºks from the 1846 erpool, ... 1838 661 British Association, Report of the Seventh Meeting, Liv ~ *--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • * **- ~~~~ - = ***'. I 43 ] 662 British American Association and Novo-Scotia Baronets.—Trial : for Libel, Brown against the Globe Newspaper, only 70 g —º. inb, I & Töö3 Briúðn (JöEri E *******::::: &º: Tntiquities of ### iSto ll]"CD. . ry and «.34% thióñºf Ağhitectife, Sālārē, and Pāfātīāg, with tº: scriptive Accounts of the House and Galleries of John Soane, , … Pºº--~~~~~~~ **7. *666 Graphical and Titerary Iſlustrations of Fonthiff 665 833 667 rººfſiſſions ºf fºssfi. Krchitecture in fºſſi, with Notices Descriptive and Historical by Rev. C. Boutell, a --~~~~~largéſal l. -- 1846. . A *. ºxº - §ºsławº, *.*.*.*. § j - l ..? 6 *************************** xºº.”vrºvºs --~~~~~ •. ey, - tº 6 f , ; º 44 *: - : « * 3: ... * . . - 3 ... $. - / :/C ſº . * , r § º sq - 7. , - ***śrº-Axw § -ºs-i: , ---- *º- - ! .. 3. frºsºra ...gººgººk.9% §2 in Wilt shire, roy, 8vo, 1806. gº tº 669 Catalogué fásáñé of the Piétºirés"bčičiging to the Maf.” # ! #m–ºrgºnºsº;” ºr, #9 670 — Brief Memoir of Sir John Soane, portrait, private print. . . f t 6 } wº - - wº-7 rºsa sº, ºxy ºxº sº - +--- % *****{tºsº §§ słºśćººt-ºxº~& 4to, l&34 s - sº .* * * ...Sº..., * * 671 Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Character of Henry / ; prºsewº : º ºb---~~~:-- -** { | 37; ! graphical Memoir of Lieut. Col. Isaac Barré, portraits, cloth. - - .9X.8x9, 1848. 678 Bitton and Brayley's Topographical description of the Ösº of Bedford, from Beauties of England and Wales, map and Neºrrºr:ºr7-3.3 sº * : *.*.*.*...'. A **** use, first edition, large paper, only 32 printed. 675 —— Glossary of North Country Words, with numerous MS. Additions, Notes, Cuttings, Autograph of the Author, &c. in- 676 — Another copy, third edition, edited by his son, 2 vols. : Glossary, Preface to, the original manuscript, half * f. - t ... folio. "677 678 *:: *** *** -- - - -,-, r. …; Enquiry into the "Guestion whether the Freeholders of Newcastle are entitled to vote for Members of Parliament for Northumberland, with the Postscript, 1818-31. —Ingledew's Legal Right of the Freeholders of Newcastle, 1830. — Cata- logue of Mr. Brockett's Library, with printed Prices—in 1 : … Yolº half-calf:- wº - - Mºhalfºalfi:44r4/4&--~~~~~~ 679 — Enquiry, 1818. – Ingledew's Pamphlet on the same, *...**** * 1830, with gºtákas, 34.8%rºd, ºf giggggg. *M* Cºlógusof his fibrary, gold in 1833, with printed Prices . and Purchasers, numerous cuttings, MS. Notes, and 2 Auto- ~4:42 ºarſed.--- ts; hº-gº.gift ºriggſ: £1.8%. ... roy. 8vo, 1847... ." ...; The Aut # of Junius elićidated, including a Bio.' ..., ~~4/ºr “Nº §§§º-ºº-ºº-ººººººººº-ºº: º:** * *::::::::::::::::::::.S. s. * . - 674 Brockett (John Trotter)"Glossary of North Country Words in ºr 2, . * w * *** - ºv-º’’.” **, * : . ** &ºax: - { 3:9 – ºnquiry, cuffº gºd Agºgºpºgrºssº. 4...i. -* ...' . * * rºr-cº- * … * -: ,-- - - - * - f ... • ‘ t * - ~~~ * 2: . k *. ****** º: * . . . . *** - :: • ‘.…" ‘. -: º: . ‘. . !---.… “s * . . . . . t - g’ - J - W. * .. *6. } ~~ * ::… , ** . . * ... → º: ‘. ...A º sº -: i º *Nº.. * “- .** •º . * ~ * :*z { 2. º wº-w & W ;:- :- • - ** - ~~~... -- . . . . *~~~~~~~~ ‘. :-. - .. * *: , I's - * : a s' ºrsºvº-º-º: x 3 2 & . f. i. J.--~~~ * - - ºn-rºzº, -is 3. 682 : Catalogues of hi - t fibrary, Coins, and Brints, soiâ’inis33. º Mºtº33.54& fºº and 1843.2 Vols, half gºgggg.º.d.º.gº. *sºsºsº; | 44 l es Eaton. * : 3. ; , ; ; 683 Brockett (W. E.) Narrative of a Voyaga from Sydney to Torres' Z **ś" . . -- 4& - º ** & --3-ºxº- - & ag-rºssrººr ~Sydney 1836 8– i–º #.º ºiyºnº. Playº, calf…-sº-sºº, 1653, ichºrd) fiverpool as it was during the last Quarter of º, 685 Brooke (Ri i: 5 3 ; the Eighteenth Century, 1775 to 1800, plates, cloth. º s t - r: Srra e .…]: al, 8vo, 1853 ; : y : 686 Brooks (W. A.) Treatise on the Improvement of the Navigation —— 9f Riyers... *** * 1841 2: 687 Broomiolme Priory, or the Loves of Albert and Agneº, £9, Halt 1801 2. - 688 Bºº, R.) Baronetage for 1844.--Stockdale jºicing, º ; :+& -y : : % //) - sº **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 689, Brown (Geo.) New Treatise on Practical Navigation, roy. 8vo. - Newe. — Brown (Geo.) Philosophy no Friend to Atheism, half calf, Autograph of the Author &nd M.S. Notes, &c. &n- #pted. ºlds 1791-------~~~~~~~~~ 690 Brown (Dr. J., Vicar of Newcastle,) Sermons on various Sub- jects, calf, long MS. Note, 1764. — Brown's History of the Rise and Progress of Poetry, Newc. 1764.—Brown's Thoughts +---~~~~on-Civil Liberty,’ &c. calf, 1765… - -- * 691 —— Essays on the Characteristics, 1751. —Brown's Letter to i gº, sº A 6 . d } ; : : ; / ſ’ Dr. Lowth, Newg. 1766. — A Free Address in Answer to ; & the Letter, &c., M.S. Notes inserted. — Brown's Estimates of ; ; ; . Manners and Principles of the Times, 2 vols, half calf, ; : . . ong biographical Note by Mr. Bell, 1758. — Brown's History --→gº-º-º-º-of-the Rise-and-Progress of Poetry, calf. Nºwº. 1764-2 - *** 692 Brown(John). History of British Churches, 2 vºls. 1820. : t & 693 –– Account of the Customs and Franchises of the Freemen of --~~~~~\ºtº-ºº- ~~~~~~~~~%. 19% –––––684-Anºther cºpy---~~~~.4??, 1838. ; : , ; 695 Brown (Dr. Jos., of Sunderland) Medical Essays on Fever, &c. : . 4. 1828. — Johnston on Chemical Science. — Garnett on the ºf Mineral Waters of Harrogate, 1793,-Scudamore on Mineral ––––. Waters-1888---------~~~~~~~…~ ; , ; / ; 696 Brown (J.D.), Ballads founded on Ayrshire Traditions, Kil- } / i é marnock 1850. — Welsh (Wm.) Poems, Songs, &c., Edinb. º ;-T-i.; - Hy-r-ţ-ºr-ºn : 1838. — The Lauread, a Satire of the Day, 1833—and 3. * .*.** * *...*- : + *otherssº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: :-->'''''' ". . .'ſ" -ºs, “..... . .…. ----, -...---- 697 Brown (James, the Durham Poet). A Collection” of his Poems, ~. tº : with cuttings, from Hone's Every Day Book, &c., portrait by . * } foems, &c., with MS. Noias, 2 portraits, 1820, - Shera- ton's Poems, written at Brancepeth, Ijurh, 1808. — Willy. wº Wood and Greedy...Grižev.....….....--- 2.699. Browne (P.) History of Norwich. Noru, IB14. 700 Brown (Robt.) View of the Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire, map and plates (2 copies), 1799. – Tuke's. Agri- ---... gulture of the North Riding, 1800. . . . . . . 701, Brown (Thos.) Religio Medici, frontispiece. " " " " 1659, *** *. *...* * * :; *- º gº* º ºw |!.º -. &- skv-º-- *******-a-ºº-ºº: tº rºu.’ *...→:rrºts.'. -- * ***** ***.*.*.*.*.*-ū ... • Kºrºv tº *.*.*.*ts... .* * * * * * * ~ *- : * ~ * . . s. v.- ...- ... * * * * : - - - - ** ***.x. ,---yº” *i ?:-. -6 i d £ 45 - 702 Brown (Wm.) Views of the Royal Palaces of Scotland, with Descriptions, by the Rev. John Jamieson, hf morocco, gilt. ‘...." 6 4 1840. ——lººk--- -ºr ºr - ºv. Fºr - º 703 Browne (Eelicial orgthea). Poems, ſing.gift. 4tº, Pººl; 704 Brownrigg (Dr. Wm.) Literary Life of, wº CCOUnt, O Qalyſines º J. Dixºn, 4% i80i. / ; Motºººººººººººººº. Yºº *a- - - -- * * ---, $31: **.*.*.* ***** Sººyº - ; :y^x"cerº-ºs's * } 1's cºcºy;” 705 Fººtnºrm) fºrgºtsºrºrº & º :; - .* *******g'ss *.. - *******wrewertº ; *: *> º ºy * * (Geo.) Poems and Songs, on various Occasions, Edinb. 1811. 2 # Brown (J. D.) Ballads, founded on Ayrshire Traditions, with. . . ; 3 ** ~~~~ming 9&; e ~~~~~#44% 1850. º zrr 706, Bruce (Geo.) Poems and Songs on various occasions, outs, § ``, & 1811. – Bruce's Poems, Ballads, and Songs, Ibid. 1813 —; ; / º *- #Fºx. ******Pºsº.º.º. ********************* cº-c *X"). 7öß"Brº (James) &count of the fife and Writings of, by Alex.; 2. § Murray, pºrt.gift gººd glaſ salt.—49.4%. 1898.......t. --- 703 Bruce # and Biographical Atlas, folio, 1828. -- ~~ TZ, :*:Cº. erº. tº ſº; sº-ºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: *703 Bruce (john) Memoir of theiß of ſºfar és fatton, por-º 7. } trait, half calf, portrait of Bruce, and cuttings inserted. § º y 6 Jj* *- ū Agging. -***-a- * * * º, ht * Tº * ºr 4 gº...-- A. º:-- -**** ** sº 99py-4.2% º ſº...!!!9.9999. £ºtº fºr sº # º ! $2 3. *** **, *: > -s; ****** *** .” --> 7ITÉince (Dr. j. G.) History of the Rºman waii, second edition. …[4:03.24°t,448.hglºgº.gilºpº-4to, 1853-4- *…* 3.x:zº.gººgºg, .9astle.9) Newgastle (4.89 Jºš º -#% Jºlsº #iºß . 7.14 #º-º: f; / /6 ***- i * *T* ſ: º • t * ( Ł, * > ***.- jº-º-º: rºyº. º-s, * % 2. º Another copy, halfgalf. * * * try-r-z ree-r ‘civ wº—- bid. 1746- #3, # # ºš-šº;..…. ----- ~~...~~~~~. %. #. }; 3. §§ § {{!}} §4. -- *~~~~wrºvºº gº. 717 Bruff (Peter) Treatise on Engineering Field-Work, plates, (3. •. copies.) x ‘. . . . . . - fºr-º-º:-SS. ----ºr, sº-º-º-º-º-º- 4. § 7T8. Hiyān (Mārgº.) Léčfüreş of Natural Philosophy, plates. ******* --~~~~~~~~#44%----, - . 713 Brydson (Thos. View of. tº half ºf..…º.º.º.º.º. ........739 ºz. Another.09py, calf….. - - •Dºr - * vº F * ***, • I 7 y > -º- ºr ºr wºrv, bid, 1795; 4". e * *x ** - * , ºf * -º-o:* * * >sºtºS :****** º:Sºrºrvººrººººº-wrºts sº º - § w •wº-Lº. 1 ºr y * * cºs's...’,” “. **** ;" º *" #: ; * * s: .*. 6 * * '.*. * *** ºrº 3& §#:t; L *** * -*. ~ ***, *, *, *y-----. 2: -r-, -r-a------ --ſ WoRKS QF, SIR. SAMUEL EGERTON, BRYDGES, BART., ANI. Books ; : PRINTED AT THE LEE PRIORY PRESS, KSNT. . RYDGES (Sir E.) Restituta ; or Titles, Extracts, and , .. . º Characters of Old Books, in English. Literature: / / dſ. revived, 4 vols, cloth, scarce. 1814-16... f : * * * f Arn ºr Teffersºn that - - jºiá argº-gºz- , , . . . . . .”.” " *.*.*.*:rx, it - - ... 3 ...9f Pºdºº------~~~~~~~~1934. ~ * : - 723 — Recollections of Foreign Travel, on Life, Literature, and à * 2 & . . ........Self:Knowledge, 2 yols. ... ~~~~~}*~~~}} 724 — Green Book or Register of the Order of the Emerald Star,: "T" . folio, rare, only very few copies having been privately printed, 3 | 3 721 } § ; * * * * **** * cloth. Prº-º-, *N = º it"Yura...e. “ 4." * Nº - - - Fr.--T-> wºrrºsºvºº-ººrººº-ººrºº:*.x-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-,-,-,-,-, is c. [ 46 *—º ſº (Sir E.) Imagingfiye BiºgraphY; 3 Ygºs-ºs- 1884 #–#º d Mary de Clifford, a Story, half calf. *-*.*.* tº sººrvºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-, 3-ºn-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ***vivºrs x-r--> *-*****śsº : Sºnnets and other Pöößlf. ... .1795 rººt *.x ºr J . Sºº-º-º-º-º-º-sºº tº tº ºt:" -- *S***3% ºs **TT - * --~~7 8.- : Anºther copy,£ºrºs **********~~~-º-º-º: sº 95 —º-ºems ** ~£1. ****-*-*~ : -----------> ~1507 2 : j : 730 – Odo, Count of Tingón, a Poetićaſ Tälä, ößly"50”0%as h - - ºf ºngº "éeneva 1894 - S. ~! - gºerºtºx 41%.8%.Kºsºvºsºrºristºre's-º-º-º-r----,-,- ...G.§§4. re-- ºf its . "##Tºwn; Ita, Countess of Hapsburgh? Y Žº"T826 # / #48. =º.” ſº 2, 733 ºr Tord Brokenhurst, a Tragić Tālā, häffbóüñā, very rare. 3. (3. ‘. Geneve 1819 tº This copy of one of the scarcest of Sir Egerton Brydges' foreign pubt lications, was a presentation, copy from the baronet to his daughter Mary, and bears his autograph, as also his private book stamp. Qnly 109 copies of the York Were printed. - *-seº "Tºz. ** ** - -- - - - * -->< *-** = . . . . º' tº... ſº-º-º-º-º->.". Kº'º. “.….'. *r = -r * * *3 . . . . 734 Sir Ralph Willoughby, an Historical Tale, Mary Brydges' , - . copy, private prºt, half bºnd......s....…..Fºreſtº.1829 : The Population and Riches of Nations, private print. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Paris.1819 786 - Another gopy....…...........Jºd.1819 737 - What are Riches? or an Éxamination of the Definitions º of this Subject given by Modern Economists, private print. 1 ~~~~~…~39X.879.9%.18% 738 - Human Fate, &c., Poems, private print. Thiham C. Clark - - - 1818 733. SeleçãPoems, primate print...royal 4to, Lee Priory 1814 =Anotherapy, largergºer.cloth...imp, 4to, ſîd.1814 Bertram, a Poetical Tale, privately printed, searce, India paper proof of the title. roy. 8vo, Ibid. 1814 Tº – Another copy. II. Tºd. T814 –7-z- 743 - Añother copy, portrait inserted, half calf. Thid. 1814 Tº ſº. 34-Iºffers from the Continent, private print. Iñigºl ...?? 745 – Another grº. --~~~~~4%.4% 7 746 The Sylvan Wanderer, consisting of Moral, Sentimental, and * * , Critical Essays, Partſ, private print..…... .Ibid. 1813 — 747"Trüe Relation of the Birth, Breeding, and Life of Mārgāfēt 735 • ,- *"A 6 º . Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, by herself, edited by Sir ...” . ‘. - * * *- E. Brydges, £rðate prººf.--~…~…ſhtd., 1814 TTA8 Occasional Poems; written in the year M.DCCC.XI., private -r -Z ~~~~4%--~~~~~~~~~ ~4to, Ibid. 1814. ºf 749 - Another copy, cloth. * 4to, Ibid. 1814 & Mººlºgº. Anºther £gpy. …4tº, lººd. EST4 . . . 751 Breton's Longing of a Blessed Heart: which loathing the World, 5. : doth long to be with Christ, private print, half morocco. . . - . y ~~~~~~~~~ 4to, Illid.1814– Y. 752 - Another copy. ______4to, Ibid. 1814 º,” “753 Characters ºf Róbert pºix, Eäröf Essex, ºr Geºrge f $ '. Williers, Duke of Buckingham, by Sir Henry Wotton, private <<< :*:: *-ºº-ººrºº º º - --~~~~ ...?!?!!!...--> 3.2-cºat-sºº war:44…* --~~~~~~ſhid-1814. **." - Tºw <- * - F------- ... * * :-- - , - * ". Y. “t - * | 47 754 Drayton (Michael) Nymphidia: the Court of Fairy, private : print. 3 vrºvºº F----T Y-- * * *t →--r-zºº. ſite Priºrilāláil. 755 Dunſuce Castle, a Poem, by Edward Quillinań, prºTº” i /F. Tº : 6 •Tr !: S; % . 6- - :* ~s*s-,:*- g * ººzººlSºpºse". ~ * ~ *w- rear. # #144,-4. ...º.º.ºtºpy. t ºf:º rº T57 - Another copy.T. 1-- * 4to, Ibiſ. T814 ~ #º #55 Stañºs by the Kºfºſſ. Castiãº, ~ / 4. e &wº *rvy rrºſ rºw - ºx-- - w wºrrºrs --Ar ºw: ºfºº~42 % - $14. ~3 ºrg---> 750 Exº, Tūma, ºvoi iſ nº *3 : - private print. ...imp.8X2,.4% # : º Ød. tº *" º y w • rºy -re fººt :*:Arºs, *. + - ºšºv.g.:* –751 – Nºrwº------- tº 't, • * -762 Breton's Mêmemorſke Humours, private prºnº. 4to, Tºrsts”-º-º-º: -753-witneſs (Gao) sategºry:Carpoems, pºtatoirégioured paper;” º;13&stºr.…' .… ºte Artº.....….............. small 49.4%. 1813.--....Sº......... -º-º-º-º-º:####" ºr -765-ErgºvergrºTºyºyºmºrºtº-º-º-º-º-º-; ". fºil 1817 / , 6. 766 AFew Somets, attempted from Pātīāīāh (by AFChâûâûWFāng-Yº jºg- ham) private print, half calf. 4to, Ibid. 1817. . . ; g 767 Another copy. ºrgºt 2:… `755 SSICC Tºrºfºiâſsºrby"sirpºrtón Brydges, bºth "ºº" " arts, private print, calf neat. 4to, Ibid. 1818 ºlºr: . . 769 Percy (W.) Cºſſa, containing Twenty Sóññéfs, private print. . . . ; 4. º é 3. … A --------- ºr--> --- ºn 2---- *º-stºriºsº-calººr. Sºº-ºººººººoººººººo-ºº:: -4foºd…º.º. “. . ...-, -, * * 770 Fame's Memorial, an Elegy on the Earl of Devonshire, by John . . . . . * Ford, private print. Ibid. 1819 2 . 6 & Of the books printed at the Lee Priory Press, only 100 copies of each - were done. sº l 4.-- 4 rae- tº- f - f' ev. S. Sºde-, * : *. * -wºrs - ºrrº...ºr tº **a**w wº-rººr arrºriº -º-; * ~~~~~~.” -- ºr -z-rr=~,w grºs::::::::::7&tº II, ºne; (382. W.) Essay 9.9blique Bridges, 2%:...4%. 1859 - ;3 i 775 Tºm (DWTTTTTºry Tºgºń #:and wººtings arº; “Żsº f : ***********}º-º-º-ºw.…. - º *. # º ** “...a 2-, * →w - ºr cº- _* - t : 4. rº-ºº-ººrs wº- ** * *-*T a t ********* Fletcher of Saltoun, and the Poet Thomson, 1792, with other g --~~Tracts-in-lººk------> ~~~~~~ 778 Buchan (Peter) Ancient Baiads and Songs ºf the Nöß"Sº 7 ºrz ~ • *. ~~~~Jaudºgºrsºgº &tºssº -** ....1828. ~f~~ *~~~&:-->;-->'s 774 – Gièanings of Sºich, English, and figh scarce (jā’īāī"T ; // . 6 . —º-ºº- Peterhead, 1825, . " " . . 775 — algºrpºisºnºr -------fºrgrgºt 2 º'--> "776 - Acº Sº grºßzº II: Sºčič History ºf Mâchéth. Tºd. 1838. 3...?. 775 rººm Tsūſīāmānt, and Göntſämänºuăgărtzº-ſº2 2. ** ** - Copies). * *-*. -a- *A*. r_*-* * #ººk - - g - 779, Buchanan (Geºffstºrsºſºrºfºtºr- T. 15II-ti Rām Sāśārū. Históñā āśāºrºtºrſ" 3. ~~: *istºriºsºmºrrºpiſtºry wºrrorizº-ºf-4–7– ; { : : ... " w 4t • *- * y 1740. — Buckingham Restor'd : being Two Essays wº 2. ' were Castrated from the Works of the late Duke of Bucking- * ** ... ??,**** *-*-*. . . . . . . .” -- *** s f $– v, [ 48 * M ; 4 782 Buckingham (L. Stanhope F.) Memoirs of Mary Stuart, Queen .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.9f$999&nd 4xº's pºss..….. 1844 3 º*783 Bückſanā (Rev. W.) Vinčičić Čeolºgicæ;"ófths connexion of + ... ." … Geology with Religion explained. 4to, Oxford. 1820 4 Buckler (John C.). Account of the Royal Pālāčeat Eltham, 1828 k * * 785 Bādāle (jöhn) The Marquis of wºrvºº, - - Newc. 1778 A. Y- ‘. . C. - º • , is -: §: Y- - . . . •. º ****, *.* **-**-*- : * , ... "...::... ... → .3 *…*. **, *, r* º * ºãº...???sº. Aggthér 99py. *º-ºººººº, Nº. 3.- 2 º'fºº' ---, ºrbid. I 81 3 i . . ; 787 Budgeſ (É.) Mémoirs of the filustrious Family of the Boyles, : A ; é º particularly of Charles, Earl of Orrery, portrait, 17 37: – : º Butlers, Some Account of the Family of the, more particu- 'ſ. larly the late Duke of Ormond, his Father and Grandfather, ~~~~~~s.as sººººº-ºº: *; "Tu".”YYSºxº~...~",..., •. ºv.s. ***** *** -- $º y’". & •.*** - 17 16 788 Bugg (Fr.) The Pilgrim's Progress from Quakerism to Christi- - - anity-packail-audalaſe.------ 1 700 t ;--; º -w e -v :-- - ************śzºrs Rººs * , ºr * * : " : 2, TSS Buist James) National Record of the Wiśāftāſeen victoria to ~ ‘. s * --- - - -* * & - *...*& alº’s": aaa...ºve *: -- ,-vt.sºrºr:tw.-->. tri--~~~~ [ 49 } - : . . ; 801 Burke (J. and J. B.) Royal Families of England, Scotland, and : t y º T & * g. $ Y. Wales, with their Descendants, Wol. I., imp. 8vo, 1848. — 4. & r #: • half caſt *ś # • ?: 3 ** { } &_ . . ... * * ** . . .Yºr & ºesºpºgº sº #º y - > * > gºes-- s.------ ºr 2- ºr r. *ºtºrºse.” 50% ºf: n) Peerage and Baronetage of the Bâtiºn: ; $2 Jºiºdºrianºs. Tº ſz. * - age.ºf Gºłºśiñ ‘āfīā’īāfādīº . . *, ** 4. ~ **** 305 Eiriºgºsiastiãi Tâw.hºlyi whiti.4.Yols:#824::::::::: *… 806 Burn (J.S.) The Fleet Registers, comprising the History of ": ). g Fleet ºriº £3.88, half gºlf. * . I 833 *… -- º wº- ~ g’ s , gº -- - -- www - 3 * *a-4 - Yºº *** **śsº, shºp Expºsitiºn ºf TüßNiñé Artigºrºzº “rs *Histºrºsºfsºtate's pesortiº ** tion of Hartlepool, 1812. — Title Deeds of Commercial Hotel, : ;/ § 4. *** * • *...* -: *ś&ººgºs º º º .* à North Shields, 1815. — Richardson's Guide to Newcastle, 4. \, 1846. - ', - - • * : * > . . . . . . ~. *Tºº" ºf "S*Nº,...º.º. ººº-, *********…sº iº & &ºtºzºº.ºr:tive exºrºs **: :*.*.*.xºn: 809 Burney (C.) Present"Såte ºf Māšîăţă Gäääy, &c., ºff.” 2 : *…* Cà.jī. $ 4- . - ~~ *, *, ºrººººº sº-º-º-º-º-º: '****":3?&º:...'....",…, A-sºn: &ºx: - - - $ºcº tsuyºtº”. xi * retrº-tºº-º-º-º-º-º: “”,” “... “x. $... .r- 3& ſº vº; *…*...... tas §T0 *Account of the Musicäf Perfömäfićs' fiºſiemöra.” & 6” *********** º $ign of Handel &#s. *itºr * &ºr;,tea zººlºº...ºf *... • ** i STT Bºrºopſ. à and Wººs, by urrié, 4 vols., caff. 3 * * - £4%.1815.3.3 * . *** -ºº rº-º-º/fr.war...A ºr rar---> %, t & #. Fº N (wº * ...” “..., ... 81? ºlianºfºgollegººdby (Cººk ºf §. 1898.4. £1.3 a sº-, ***** .813 Éiºr ºrms s. Hy ###### étis, Čalf ~ "Tº &/ º Å. º: ~ siT Buſſº-TºmTºmº-Tºrºntºrºr- 2 # º, 815 BüTÉ's (Dr. Chººſes) The World befºre the Flood: The woºd f : 6 : Å $ 3. 3. ; 2 2. º ! i $ : : •º # i * * : º §§ 3 derson's Poems, No. Shields 1819. — Harvey (Jane) Fugitive : % : é i. . Wandering Knight of Dunstanborough, Alnw. 1822. f s The English Empire in America, cuts, 1730. * * land, &c., during the Reign of Charles I., with his Tryal and ; - after the Flood, 2 vols. - 1848... ...' ...... 816 Bºn (Mºrūgº Pºrpſmººtstºrsºr- Pieces, Weioc. 1841. —Select Collection of Songs, Ibid. 1809. — Marshall's Village Pedagogue, Ibid. 1810. — Service's STTBürſon (Rºy TWGT5urneys tº TărăşăTºpſ; reggºr Bär. ~~~~~~~~~~~…~r, ton's History of Oliver Cromwell, calf, 1693. — Burton’s —sts-Burmtrºtymºlys-mºrnºgrºmsºmºrrorrºr. i +--- * * * :-r-, sº-w, --> w- durious cuts, 1729. — Burton's Female Excellency, or the 3//y : Ladies' Glory, outs, calf, 1728. – Burton's The Wars in Eng: ; %Zy --~~~life, cuts...1728. *****, rest r----- ~~~~ *rr--- ris-zzº->er:--> *y--wºº, * * * * * ~ * **-ºn-ºver-ºwrººrºº's %2% # / 842 –— Account of Pythagoras's School in Cambridge, as in ; } sa’s nº ;4-, 2,..., rºx, fires / .- wº ... }, , , " '}- j-ºff ** **.xº-º-rºº;oxº~~~, ~9.95%. Autiquities, a • = < ...A -- ~~ tices, ºlates, fºlio…~~~ * / f : 843, -— Another copy. sº tº ***we:-34-x-Kºrºv.º.A: Sy'ſ rººts. *r------- t---- i. 4 .* *ºr a ~~~~. ºr . rr tº:--- *- :------wra, :* rs----, prº y yw-wik--sºº tº: -º-, * ~ * *, * * r ** - ~ : * ~...~i's **-* x < . [ s ] 844 Cambridgeshire, Description of, from the Beauties of England f * Wºº- 1801 - geshire, Bedfordshire, Biographical Extracts from the Ge tº-3 vols...half-bound, Hºnºlºgy RPGibsºn. fºxerrºgºśtº - ****** ********** -. frºß Topographſârâſſºr ntleman's Magazine, relative ió 3 s º *************.*. fºrtgor-º-º: 846.Qamde #f - ††he Bººt. § #6 * * ** ...-folio. *** arriºr-k.ºry ar-, -ā, Hºrs-twº -v --- w = --> ... sº - war r" -, -w-s." - “...” wº. v. , ----- *śāśr Annals, or, the fistorie of Elizabeth, iate ºf fºr: / ---...--> land, translated by R. N., wants portrait, folio, 1635} ‘. . -849 – Britaññrºathºgraphſcarpegåſtårörgreat Britºr ****** E PAPER, Maps and Woodcuts, further most copiously illustrated by the insertion of very many thousand; Jºngraved Views, Portraits, &c.; Autographs, MS. matter, . Original Drawings, &c. &c. (the first Autograph occurring. -- being an original Signature of the learned author); the whole forming a unique, interesting, and invaluable compila- s large folio .. .. #:ſº ºś. ãº. §, *: "… z -* -- *-*- J.J. sº }r -- ºwr-r:--> Z--> * - - -* * ::::: *. -T- amoens' Poems, translated by Lord Strangford, red morocco,” *::jºr ºxº~~ }. **.* § §: % *.*.*.*.*.*.*.* *— ºn;i wº-º- ºr-- ~~~~~~~ - * of the Pamphlets published relative to this projected under-i 3. Á taking, by Chapman, Dodd, Whitworth, &c., illustrated with: ; 7 ~ Cuttings, Broadsides, &c., 6 vols., a scarce Collection. 1795, f &c. - - - – 3–i- **-*. 555 Cºmſºmºmºmºsºm Chºng Repºrt fºr " and another Pamphlet, Carlisle 1818. — Canals and Rail- % ways, Thomas’ Observations on, 1825. — Canals and Rail-; ; Wº, Chºº. 9, 1924–sºlº-gºers.…… 859 Canning (Eºhºst㺠ºf cºnsidereibº. Hiſtºlº.º.º.º.º. 3rrººt: - St. ºw- wº- - arººrºººººººººººº; *** Stext: sº *ś - t 860 CămăFBüry, SCSI&tion of Tracts relating to, some early : 3 Autograph ſº 2nserted P. ! * Mºšešč. ****** SGT-Uniº ; Or Selec igrams, Serious and Comic. By i . . * 3. ** i- } - :*:S-- .* * :*:A.S.- : * t Titus in Sandgate and Titus everywhere. (By Wm. Hilton.) ~~~~~~~~~...~. hf calf, MS, Aote, rare & ºve-.…, x > **************** …Weué, - 862 —— Another copy, hf. bound. Ibid. 1785, wº $ acº.” & **.*.*.*&^k-rºtº-º-º- sº:::::…~~~ ºf " **: y, z, º-s-ri t. *º-ºº: fººtºº #ve-vº. * w $ \ - *~... his e-... - " " - t [ 52 j ; : 863 Cardonnel (Adam de) Numismata Scotiae, or the Scottish Coim- & ; : age from William the Lion to the Union, plates, *~ ~~~~~~~~3°º-17° ! 3. . . 864 - Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, ió ſºngs ºf Ruins. -: … ~~~ ... • N-ºººº tºw!" ×-ºr- ;-->\,--> *- : *r----- ** ** º: * , *. -*. - ,w--> *r 3: *** - e, a *.x... "...e'er" -- ..." * ~... g., * *** - -, * v- re As ºf ..T.& $ F 53 | t t * * * ºf © - % -ºšermons, 8 vols, galt.—-ºl. 1777.…? 9 887 Carr *:rr aw- Sºś, gºlf..... sºvº *…i. $º SES-Cartºrrainy pårvätrºods, ºff iºnſ ºft##"Wºº 3 º ... ******* (1787). [... + Tº Sº *7- & º - withiº.º.º.º. ºf scriptive fºº . sº | s royal 8vo 1826 A , , - . =**- - A *'''º';tº&º-º. Specimens of English Éiesiąśći"Cºmº." * { . - **--------º-º: * * * *::::A; ; / #4 ~#9 º gº.gº.iº. 893 - Another copy, best edition, plates and gºs, calf. I67. º S$ 3. -: * a. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*- a ãºrºccº">"'< * ***** ***.*.*.*.*;#aeºcº- *** ***** ~&#-Fºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ***"... "... • *, *, *.*.*... A : “...ſº 673.•y .3 •º g * 895 Cartwright ºohn] Legislative Rights of the Commonalty win.” W dicated, 1777. — The Commonwealth in Danger, 1795. — Life and Correspondence of Major Cartwright, edited by his Niece, 1826. / 3 { ''. *Sºtº. *** ** A.F. º. º. *_-rºë. &º ºsº.º. ººzºº º tº crº 3.2-ºº-ºº-wrºss “ ºv” gº-º-º-º: :*: J',:silve' 97 Cary (Robi. Earl of Monmouth) Memoirs of the Life of, by § / himself, edited by the Earl of Corke and Orrery, frontispiece, . a -- - - calf. ---… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xy - a x * : * ~ * ****** ~~~~~~~~~~~-1759 & sº º \.' Yºº *** 898 Carysfoot (Earl of) Dramatic and Narrative Poems, 2 vols. ht. . 's /O calf. -> -- *.*.*, *.*. ... -- 1319--~~~~f~~ lººses inition. Mºſº.º.º.º.º.º. Z.Z. 500 Cºrs. ir jº.º.ºrºi. Bishops of ; ; , , , Sherborne and Salisbury from 1705 to 1824, plates, calf gilt, ; , 3 6 Autograph of Bishop Fisher inserted. Salisbury 1824 : : **s, *.xas ºrexº~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~$º-ºxºsºvºx. $... • * k *********.* J *: w i A sº º WN W's 2 º'ſſ? N º ºſt º * , º § |S { º Sº ſºlº % sº ^\'ºt Zºº : sº §). ſº tº 2. SN º A º º sº ºS Sº; º º 6. § * Lºs f - Š Hº zºº ſ iºº: fºss *TV :- § ãº: º º : \ 'ſº t .' " (s(..sº § º i s § §. - * x - * V2's r: ANS! 37 wº cº C." " Sº, ſ/º. \º A\@RN 4. % J. § .." = \ & ſº . NVA". sº.": & *: …Esº º * º : * º . . ; : : ; : . ; § : § WH lº §/Ağü . 3. . §§Yū ź3} 4%)\ ºne, — — . { §: - - ºr r 5 FOURTH DAY'S SALE, ; : : THURSDAY, October 18th. ; : ; 3. ; ; , ; - ; : 4 . gRACTS on Agriculture.—A large collection in … … §: ... three thick.8yo, covers. . . . . . . . ...---- ** 2 . . 902 Tracts relating to the borough of Gateshead; A 4. . : poll books and other papers for the elections of i– : 5' ... Newcastle.Sunderland, 3.2.ÉhickšY9 covers. ; º .. 903 Durham Tracts.-A large number, Iñ four ---------- ...A- ...Sy2.99.YSIS. Š-fººtººººººººººººº.º.ºrvik --Tºpſymm-rºtºcºmºrrºyºmº-fino ––– pgrtfolios. . . . . . . . - - i *663 Comăng Byrºß-Baſrāftāfāghātºās, Mišćemaičods; ear- -— lisle Railway, Stockton Town, &c.-Seven portfolios. yo ~gº º ...; * i. Bjöää gºëts and ºffi'īānūšćript…Two-thick ~~~~~~ gº wº, ‘olio, |9||19 j95. 3-vººs--ºº-º-pºstw.º-º-º-º-º-º-rººrººrºº, ºx--so-sºcºsa. ; : s 90% focal #; jūhīm Pāfiting in Newcastfö, Słºń's ; : : Parish, Corn Markets, Tithes, Newcastle, 1837.—Five port- º ; ºš --- ar-º- --~ foliº.9p, 8.1% £ºy": *…*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*-xx-x-xx-aa-i-Sº... • ** ~gºsiºn čºsºgº ió Promotion of the Fific Arts; ; : : Memoranda as to the Life and Works of John Trotter --~~~~Rºketºponſºligº…~~ - . 6 , , 909 Yorkshire.—A very large Collection of manuscripts,”views, :9 ; portraits, topographical and biographical notices, original par- ; : . ticulars of estates, &c.—Four large and thick portfolios, con- ~~~~taining curious-and-ºriginalinatº-buſingeding digitment. ; , ; 910 YoRKSHIRE AND OTHER NorthERN Count[Es.—A large Collection ; : i of the particulars printed on estates being offered for sale : by public auction, an imperial sized folio of several inches *:::...º.º.º.º. i 911 YoFKSHIRE.—A Collection of private º tºng : ; to this county; estate settlements; divisions of common r ; - lands; construction of turnpike roads, and miscellaneous, } : : about 230 acts, some of great rarity; such a lot as it would . i probably be difficult, and undoubtedly costly, to bring to- * Q. wr-w - prº- * * Fr. *. - ~~~~~<- r *-ºſ, , Sºrºrº *** Kºśpºsºgºrzºzºga;: 350 wºrrºr- gºmºrrºr:ºxº~~~~ • }ºf + * * - ...TT . . . . .x -: *** * * - 22 A-rº.'...-rº-'zºº ºrs r * - r - r rvºº-º-º----o- ºr *.* tº ****:Trg" ºr - a Rºy 921 Maps of Newcastle—by Hutton (2 copies), Beilby, Oliver (2 Small scale and 1 large); Castle Leazes by Oliver; the Tyne, º s with depth of water, by Collins; and seven others--insall 16. § 922 Maps of Northumberland—by Kitchin, Horsley, Warburton, ºf . . / ; Greenwood, and Dix; and four maps of Newcastle—in all 9. § 5 : 923 Maps—Northumberland by Cary, Kitchin, and Dinning; Cal- : ver's chart of entrance to Tyne; parish of Rothbury, Arm- f strong's Berwickshire; and twenty-two others; Armstrong's; : 924 WestmoreLAND.—Greenwood's map of Westmoreland, in sheets, \" and Langland's map of Argyleshire, in sheets (two copies). . 925 County Maps.--Cambridge, Monmouth, Berkshire, Ayrshire, , ; 2 : Devon, Lincoln, Lancaster, Durham, Cumberland, Westmore-j . $ land, and Northumberland, and two others—in all 13. § : 926 National Portrait Gallery.—Angus' Views of Seats.-Winkle's Sºº-ºº-ºº-ºººººººººººººoººººººººº--> 9 ooksellers’ Catalogues, a ſarge parcel. - ; : t - 928 Booksellers' Catalogues, another large parcel, including someº catalogues of Autographs. 3 929 Odd vols.—12. † 930 Odd vols.-18. > ºr r-vº- wrifs Y - w * [ 56 SALE CATALOGUES of LIBRARIES, PRICED. =|SKEW (Dr. A.). 20 days' sale, 1775. — Thomas Kir- #A Wº gate, 10 days' sale, Books, Prints, &c., 2 portraits ºf Wº ºng plate inserted, 1810. — Meyrick, 11 days' sale, 1806. — Isaac Reed, 39 days' sale, portrait inserted, 1807. — John Bridges, 26 days' sale, 1725. — Mr. P. **** 6 days' sale, 1791. 932 Heath (Dr.) 13 days' sale, 1810. — Thomas Allen, 10 days' sale, 1795. — John M. Johnson, Part I., 2 days' sale, early printed Books and MSS., 1817. – John Maddison, 22 days' sale, 1809. — Ralph Willett, 17 days' sale, 1813. — Robert IIoblyn, 26 days' sale, 1778. — Thomas Kirgate, 10 days' - sale, 2 portraits and # & Jéº- - rººm-º., 933 Reed trººrºº Sale, portrait ;ºf —". Topham Beauclerk, 50 days' sale, calf, 1781. — John Maddison, 22 days' sale, 1809. — Ralph Willett, 17 days' sale, 1813. — Thomas Allen, 10 days' sale, 1795. — Thomas Kirgate, 10 days' Sale, Books, Prints §.2% and plate, 1810. grºttºm ºrgrºwhite I(night's Library, Part I., 12 days' sale, 1819. — John Rat- cliffe, 9 days’ sale, 1776. — John Philip Kemble, 10 days' sale, 1821. — Rev. Matthew Raine, 13 days' sale, 1812. — Williºlºgº.g. dº sº...!831: *ºsºvºsº, Yººtº: tºº." safé. ãºth ºffices and pur- chasers' names, halfrussia, % 1810 ! -- * •, t . x * * : * - r l } . - } i- §, **, § “f & 3. " - t •,• º t - i. º * », 4. • ** ºr. $. * ; : f * *. º w * - º $. - ,” * - *. t **, -- y - - W. º,s * t; ,? º: v. ºf. .*& } * * & tº º, # ,\! § ºf ** ** 4 * * ; : ''. 4. *s X- p &R : -ā- *~~ *: Y." - * , wº - xyz- 3. “, .# $' #. sº iš. f , -" - .- 4. • * & 3. * * *... • fºr * * * . 5A t- 4. * •; - *...* - *. - - **- * : **** C > - * ! 935 frºntº r; days : p * * . w -Yº •rº. * r #, . ***_*- *- - :-P- "-- *-r Krº-. > • * * * * t z -- *> º Another copy, half calf. ~~~~~~TB10 SALE CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES, NoT PRICED. Francis Freeling, 10 days' sale, large paper, 1836. — / // 937 Øſ SKEW (Dr. A.) 20 days' sale, large paper, 1775. — Sir 3. S! § § 2. IS ---> ~~~~~ -rºsºfºrº § § º: 938 Brand (Rev. J.) tº ; ; º * * 's ** * * 2 º, ".. : | .. & & - & ...? f 3 * : : º .# -4 - º jºggiº.º.º.º.º.d.º.º. 'a sº ºr , *i; Ayºº: āşşºſé,” and “English” pºſts, 1807. — Martin Folkes, 40 days' sale, portrait inserted, 1756. — Rev. Richard Farmer, 36 days' sale, 1798. — Rev. J. Boucher, 36 days' sale, 1806. — Rev. Thomas Peirson, 8 days' sale, thick paper, 1815. — Richard Gough, 20 days' sale, 1810. — James Perry, 18 days' sale, 1822, and George Allan, 3 days' sale, 1822–-in one vol. — Topham Beauclerk, §§ºys' sºlº.J.84% Kºź # - Zºº; §§ºśz. Aº.55 939 Radclyffe ( V m. 5 ays safé, éral fy, &6. gº‘Alīāºr% h, Notes, &c. inserted. — John Bell's Private Library and Stock- in-Trade, 1818. — J. T. Brockett, 8 days' sale (2 copies), 1843. – Edward Wynne, 12 days' sale, 1786. — Thomas Edwards, 9 days' sale, 1828. — A Gentleman in France, 6 days' sale, 1791. — Johnson (John M.) interleaved, 1817. — Sir F. M. Eden, 10 days' sale, Autograph inserted, 1810– A. & 2 e º !] O'Ull #. _* * -4. A ºº::.”-ºr- r *-Twº- -v - *****TP-ºw" "r- * * * * *-r *w y-Twº-A----, --, * ~ *, *-*.x.--- ºr. Torºast - - - - [ 57 ) 940 Sykes (Sir M. M.) 25 days' sale, portrait, 1824 – Alex. Dal- rymple, 24 days' sale, portrait, 1809. —Isaac Beed, 39 days' sale, 1807. — Rev. J. Boucher, 36 days' sale, 1806. — John ; ** 2 i º .* 6- & ºfºº lº, º § kid.Tºde 181 8 * ºraxºprººt * ſ #. * - 4 àº) 9TTownerey (John, 34 days gaie, partiy priced (2 copies), T3] 4. Brand (Rev. J.) 37 days' sale, partly priced, 1807. — John ; North, 32 days' sale, with the Prints, &c., partly priced, 1819. 3. Wm. Hone, and others, in one volume, partly priced. — 4 * : -~g i- ºrs 3 --s *-: §. *. Thomas Kirgate, 10 days' sale, 2 portraits and plate inserted, } priced, 1810. - : :---ºr-wºrrºr--ºrt. 2:… tº Fººgºvaxosºvºvºrºnavººrzkºwº, - ºr ºx-ºrsº, •r...w.…v. ixº~, * . º 3. 35& * } % SALE CATALOGUES OF PORTRAITs, PRINTs, CoINs, &c. 3. ; , ; 942 INDLEY Granger and Bindley's Prints, priced, portrait, , ; ; £9 4to, 1819. — Sir M. M. Sykes' Prints, priced, portrait # $ 6 and autograph inserted, 4to, 1824. – Wm. Stevenson's “f " Prints, Pictures, &c., and others, in one volume, 4to, ; ; }; . — The Portland Museum, with printed prices, 4to, º # —and 4 others, 4to. * -- A --~~~I. A. " " - $º *-*. *- - vrrºr: prºmº-pºt: rººrºº *~ tº-ºr- ºS: tº y e Ky $5 *. Prints and Books of Prints, with Printed Prices, 1798. — ; David Garrick, Portraits and Prints, 1825. — Samuel Tys- ; ; sen, English Portraits, and Antiquities, 1802. — Sir J. W. § . 3. 3. Lake, portraits and prints, 1808. — J. P. Orde, British Por- . : § traits, with Prices and Names, 1827. — John Towneley, i. ; : º Portraits and Books, 1828 – Hugh Hornby, of; ; : rººt-ºº-ºººº- 944 Brand (Rev. J #: 2 * #;" ortraits, ; 4. (? K. £rºad, Pºintings, pºſtº, Prints and Drawings, glyglº- .*___.j gT5 BºſTºtº BSGRs. 1833, fin, paper, portrait in: ; "... Tº Serted. — George Allan's Library and others, fine paper, 2 3 i 2. º 6 ***ś. ~4-4-4 º grº-mºrrºmycºmºrrºr-prºpºniº . Names, hf. morocco, 1830. — J. T. Brockett, Coins and ; ; ; i Medals, 1843. — Rev. R. Southgate, Coins, Books, Natural 2. History, &c., portrait, 1795. — Marmaduke Trattle, Coins ; § and Medals, fine paper, portrait, 1882 – Matthew Young, Numismatic Library, with Prices and Names, 1838—and 2 : others. - - ~gºmºſºmºrº, jº.” iyif. Bºii, 4to, ſîss — Strawberry Hill, -ºs-rºº - seum, &c. 1822. — Rev. J. Dalton, Library, priced, 1843. — ; John Errington, Beaufront, Books, Paintings, and Prints, i. priced, 1827. – Wm. Clarke, priced, 1834—and 3 others. & '*, 1 ######º ñigº tº Tissºliºsitiº |& -T -...Y ..a § - . 949 Catalogue of the Library of tºº. to his Majesty’s Signé, hi...galſ. ~49*** 950 Catalogue of the Library of the Writers to the Signet, 4 parts: and Index. - alº- an *I*.* • Passetºse * * *-ºf - * - - *gw- ------L------ 4to, Ibid. 1833-37 [ 58 3– : 951 Catalogue of Works on the Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ire- 3 land, in the Library of G. F. Young, York Herald, hf. cf. 1826 ;C) - tº Privately Printed, presentation Copy to Sir C. Sharp. - 952 – Another copy. --~~ ... ... ºlº26 % 3 T553 UEFEISOFTSESSE ammºn the Tſºrtfºlógi- ~~~~~48*.*.*.*.*…* § 2. 954 Catalogue of Printed Books in the Lib ãry ºthé"sºciety of * $: *ś zººsº; Antiguºglºdgºs-gº-º-º-º-º: ******ºrºrºº: $9. 181 G yº 955 Catalogue of the Arundel Manuscripts in the Library of the 299||1899.9f Arms, prºpº.º.º.º.ºgy. Śy9.4839 *_. i •. - -: ** *…-----> -- *.s 2× <-tº-".*.*.* ** *:::::::::::::: gº-ºº::::::::::::::%; t w s ** * . … ,” ** - t :-", "A - **. - - º :-->;--> ſº ; ºr: cºs 956 Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, in the • ºv. «». **, *y-º-; wrprºr--> .*. —Bish-Museum-hatrusia, iliº--- 1802 23:12-ºf-Amºtº-------…-sº ºzº Anºther cºis. Y SO2 § f § 3 : 959 Catalogue of the Library of the Literary and Philosophical 3 * : 3. ... Sgeiety. --~~~~ Sºº ~~~~\ººlºº ~ & º-stºreſtrºpºmºmºtiºns: Nºrtſmº, —t-i-ºº-ºººººººººººº---- *- -- º §§ſ Catalogº ºf the Fúñº fibrary in St. Nichºlas"Church (2 ... º. ...gopies.) Newc. 1829 * - &eº Fºº **:". ješ). º-º; ºz. ... ... ****:::::, ºr nu-2.3 × "...º.º.º.º.º. AS:º ~. Tº r = - º % g-g-g32 cº; of Books on sale by H. G. Böhn verythiókºſ, hf. º y 3 IQ OTOCCO. 1841 963. Cataloguë of the Gallery of the ijišč of Tääää."rg40-rºof the . / Pictures in the National Gallery, 1826. — and other Exhibi- ~~~~~tion.9atalºgº.gººgl. &..… . . ; 2 ; 964 Catalogue of 㺠in the *::::::: Gºdóñºf whitby, in- ~…~ : T : ... terleaved with MS. additions. small 4to, Whitby 1814 3 2 : gö5"Cătărăgºfthe Tºſs RightgrºñTeºntrºſer that have coin- --~. .ngunded for their Estates, hf.calf, MS. Note at end. 1655 ; : 3 * 966 Catholic Question. Collection relative to the Públié Määttäg in & J & Newcastle, on this Question, in 1829, comprising Cuttings, ~~~~~~~}rºglºidº, MS; Mºgºndº  Vºl. 49. ; ; ; 967 iii.ºjičić fråsåºrtofisºrsºg. º /; § — Letter to Geo. Silvertop on his speech at the Assembly # / ; ; Rooms, Newcastle; 1826—and several other Tracts. – Con- . . ; stable's Review of the Question of Catholic Emancipation, . . . . ; * *: lºs &c. — Wilson's Reflections on Toleration, 1820 ~~~~}~~~~~...~~~# Y943. 2 - -- * ---- º TZ 3 T 368 Catholics. Tist of 198 English Cathoſić"Pöörg, &c., glaſſińTe- ... ". . i.…... fence.9f Qºrº I. --4------ - 1822 i. 969 Cöllectiºn ºf Pºirºts, Rººts & Férative to:*- r- vº- 970 — Memorañda relative to the Sévéraſ Römää Catholic Chapels in Newcastle, and in the counties of Durham and Northum- berland, by Thomas Bell. - 4to Tºgºrdāţſe, thäff Brčar, Management, and Diseases; by Youatt- Lib. Usf. Knowl. 1834 *972 Cause of Truth Defended, Statement against the Rev. T. Hill # for defaming Miss Boll of North Shields, autograph letter of Miss Bell inserted, searce 1827 rºwn. --> ***, r*. - - ~E~~~r ºscºwww.wº; wºrrº” ; t rº-r : ! ** Fºº W.|—º-§: : ~~~~~< x-r-, s sº -- ~~~~f~ :-...--------. •=~ y, a wºr-->~~ [ 59 J * . 978 Cave (Wm.) Antiquitates Apostolicæ; or the History of the ; s º Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms, of the Holy Apostles of our i : 2 i. .6% ºaº Sayigur: £,& gºlf. Mºtººººººººººººº-ºº-ºxºº. folio 16 13. º **ºff, º 3&#iº * ºrrerpräſijätſäßity, ºft #:rigi: rº-ºr- ====ºsterº-ºligº– * †" iſſº, 3 } / º – 975 Cavendish's Life of Cardiñaſ Wolsey, first dºminºr"? —*~~ ~~~~ººkºº, gº-rºtºrºiºrwºº 1706. . . . …; 977 - ########fff; frtrºtºrwºº ---------.W.29.98%gdish's life of Wolsey? 4to, 1814. * - 3, . 3 : 6 57; º ëll ; SCG º gºsºrrºr-Tºvstrasyºnº / ºrzº- . ..........., Poems, Edinb. 1754—in one volume. - ; ; / . ~gºgºń *Sº Sºrººpóðið wºrsºgºrº, ** Weird, Neko. 1827. — Hollingsworth's Renegade and other * / ; 3 **ºs ; 48%. -- Sºlºvºstºy. Sº Flº-Nºtº-: *cºr-->rſ. *** ***** * r --- ~~ - i - - º - §§§º twºãºtyºdhāşºkółght;"Tºº-º-º: “y”; - … diisºcºiºisº—ºniº. 4 + *śrºëhāhnºwińºyºAnecdotes respecting Cranboåſås Chase. “Isrs - , 7 -- 982 CFTMS or Slavery pointmgºomt the villainous Attempts of ---. § ' … Princes to ruin Liberty, 4to, l 774. — Burnet (Bp.) History ; ; . . . of the Rights of Princes in disposing of Ecclesiastical Bene- . . / . . . º Vº Yº... - - G - - }sº Erºs *A* * > . . 3. - wa -------> --- wºn. t .../ 3. * •v. r fices, 1682. civ- … ...”. T385 CET.S.Tºmºróf the porträttömötör aſſrººtscričº *...*.* Chronicle, with Infatuations of every Description. 1814. . . . . . . GSTCETEEy(Tºrcºmestºrms wºrwira-Tºrort”- his Life, 1766. — Briggs (John) Remains of, Kirkby Lons- 3. . ; 2. 2. 585 Chārmerstºtrºy"Histºry ºrthé coſtages; Hºms, Hiſ ºrd -- dale, 1825. . Buildings attached to the University of Oxford, 2 vols., red ! morocco, extra, gilt leaves, fine copy. royal 8vo, Oaford 1810 : . . *gs5.ºffiérôfºróñsºtºrhalf ºff Tºréfºrº.º. 987 Chambaſſaymatrºny Pºagent state of Great Britain, TTUB:” ºr Brief History of the Times, &c., 1687. — Breval (John) His- ; : / ié Igº.g.Ngãº, gºlf Jº. Wºº. Thá’ířºf Söğüß. 99U Chambers Trºy ºf the Repertºis firscotland, from § 3. 1660, 1828. — Bell’s Life of Mary Queen of Scots, 1828, in : s f . . Wºº." - ******* tº t #" . . *s- , - -- hºtºkºłº - 2. *Tºyºyº º: :- rºorºº:7.p - **A*- º grººvº * * . *...* •ºr - parts, Constable's Miscellany. ºpº ~sº- gyroſºmºrºsm-wºrpiºmºrowaitrºgº-ººººº- 4to, 1773 : * : 953 Chamberstrºyºtºmºgºrs;mºtºrºgºpºgº sº collected by him in India, with Memoir, private print, por-º *…~ºs 993 Champion #º: ºvºirpºratºr:r. Bridal (The) of Naworth, a poem, 1837. — Bruce (George) t :: -.w -- &:jº t-A.--* --s º .- * ** *.. **** * -- 2. Poems, Ballads, and Songs, Edinb. 1813. — Brunton (Mary) § , “Q. Emmeline, with soºe.gthen pieges.gººgº.J849, { $ Mººrºº - r sº-vs wºve ºrºzºr. .*- : *- :-. ;: tº: gº? ->~~~ * . . . A §§: Omº tºpſinº #. º Öhristianity, caff, long? / . ſ 60 3. * : - 3 ; : ; : 995 Chap Books. Ballads, 2 vols. Histories, 2 vols. Local Histo- ~ * & ** e - ºr ---wºº; tºm; 7/ --~~~gºmºrrºr: *::::::::A; ăſºfºrºms. º }. * & TAZT3 ~mºrpºmºrrºrsmarts, tº r New t *śJºgº.g.,gth; º: Ø(?. - l § 63 r- rººm”; “º §ººgºº, 998 - Histories &: Printed by J. Marshall, §ºrºid. tºº ! §º.:*::$tºbº & **** * **w * QF-4. wºxº~.M.' ºr wºr: •r-ºr “ -º * º " ", tºº \ . *ggg - fºtory *ść gåååtñé"Cööölöf,”2 pârts, rºta: – § {..., i Delightful New Academy of Compliments, Ibid. - i / /* T; TOOOT- s: ºrmºrrºr; º;ºrgnºſe., ~~~iº. ** a -, ---- tº C. | 100I = Songs, Bºming &ć., Ghiöfly priñārāt"Newcastle, in one volume *— -* 02 – Robin Hood's Garland, zº, Angas, Wºodsflºrand a upgº.gigſhº-ºngºs. +: ! sº s: & -: "iOS; 1063 – Songs, Ballads, an #istories, printed by Mārghām For- dyº and lºss-A pºſſ. rº. wº tºss zº-º-º: §º - Mºlº- Sºº- ºw fºrsº;::::::::$ºsº T004 Chapman (John) Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. * **.*.*, r* * * * * ***. S. & -- - - - 1742 &ete & Sººyº S.A..jºsº.º. §º ‘’’; ; * * *:: ****:::::cſ:"…asſas;***~~~4-4*-ºses *ºr Chapman (Wim) Specification of a Patent for making Coräge, 1798. — Chapman (Wm,) Treatise on the Preservation of Timber from premature, Decay, 1817, - i 1006 —— Warious Reports by, on the Trainage of the Levels, in º one volume. 4to .• i. -*- ; —r “1007: Observätiöns of "Cămăt"Nävigation plates, ºrig'ſ:-- ; : ; : Philips (John) on Inland Navigation, 1785—in oné vol., hf. * * • *-ºs -------|--|x. rº. .9%.--- “Fivº-ºº-º-º-ºxºº.º.º.º.º. cº-º-º-º-º-º-o-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-;. ~~~~4° : j 1008 - on the Manufacture of Cordage, 1808. — Goodrick on § # % ; Enlarging Bridlington Harbour, York, 1815—and another, - N *** A. - i g rºtº-º-º: & t ; .** : : º "...cº. t w *ºr. #gs 3ºzºrºvºsºrºrººz *$#&ººkhºvº ºpygest .*.* * * * t-rw-r f{ijºjºen; Miºn in the Reigns of Charles I. and II., - including the Rebellion, from the Works of Lord Clarendon. --~~~~~~~~...~~1.2 -e...a...' ... º. -->. .4tg 1793 • * ***, *-s “ 1010 Charities. An Account of Public Charities in England and as Wales.abridged frºm the Qommissioners' Reports.….1828 ; ióñº Charlemange, an Anglo-Norman Poem of the 12th Century, edited by Michel. imperial 8vo, Pickering 1836 *-**-*. º.--a rº- *-***.*-** * -- Ss --~ * At a wºrsº. -A-W-Yº, , a 2., ºk.' *> * > * > *r- J. "r- -> t r * * * **w, " ...A * *w y & s - r ~~~5 vvº. w t 3 r .* .* § 3 & - * * * - *...* - ºr- f f * t . º —- 3 ** | • -:: - TRACTS RELATING TO CHARLEs I. AND THE CIVIL WARs. * EACE againe in Sion, or Heaven appeased; Man to : God reconciled, England and Scotland united. With the manner of the Scots departure from Newcastle into ~ 3. * - - - • ** *†† Čiries f. A Remonstrance of the state of the Kingdom. 4to...1041 <12 t º - . f014 Widdrington's (Sir Tho.) Speech at a Conference between both Houses. small 4to, 1641 &º # º; * ** Ea. & ** "...tx: .*.*. *... * Yº! * warºrº *.*.*.** rººt wºr-ºr- 3. § º y 3. º 3. } *} , ºf § t f : f § i H & [ 61 | 1015 The Declaration of the Lords and Commons for the suppressing of divers Papists, and other malignant Persons, in the coun. ties of York, Northumberland, &c., the County Palatine of Dureşme, and the Town of Newcastle. Small 4to, 1642 1016 An Ordinance of the Lords and Commºngºing Fºg: z - ing of Forces by Sea and Land, to reduce the Town of New- castle to obedience, 1643. — Declaration and Protestation of . the Lords and Commons to this Kingdome, and to the whole : World, 1642. – The Good and Prosperouse Successe of the Parliaments Forces in Yorkeshire, against the Earle of New- castle and his Popish Adherents, 1642 –– in one vol. Small § : - } %. - fº.: v- •. º: w *- * : } : * ; / z) •- 3 i|-4. -: : :; --~~~~ º .#t3 half calf. *************rººrººo-ººrºº's!!ºtº *****,x-yxº~ * * * : *f; º Æ º *...* *…* 1017 True Relation of the Proceedings of the Scotish Army at Generall ºf- Lesley's Quarters before Newcastle, with a Letter to the 2. 4 Mayor, Aldermen &c., of Newcastle, and their Answer, rare. . ; -** - ...Sººº...!943. TTOTST. j. Proceedings of the Scotish Army, 'certifying their passing over Tyne; with the particulars. Together with . *Y. * %* *: $ their possession of Sunderland, and their advance after the . . . --~~gº, who is fled tº purham. small 4to, 1644. ...; 1019 Letter from Newcastle, containing a Relation ºf the taking of: 3* -- --~~…th9 Town of Newcastle by Storm............ small 4to, 1644. ... : 1020 The Scots Army advanced Tifº England, with the Súññóññigº". Fº ~giuaºgº.gººglº--malºlºi- grºñº wºr: Conduct of the Army, half calf. — small #2. . *...*** §§ ..)º>º. l| :- & ~TU27-UGEEF (Tºmmy Históriam Rºtatiºn of the Military-Gºr; ment of Gloucester, from the beginning of the Civil Warre. ; * - * * - i. ºr * 2 . . - small 4to, 1645; ; 1023 Truth its Mānīfāść; or, #"shöft afid"tītīā’Rölätiöß"of divers ſ --- - - main passages of things (in some whereof the Scots are par- ? § i ticularly concerned) from the very first beginning of these 3} unhappy Troubles to this day, half calf. ... 18mo, 1645 . —TU21 Twº oiáñāmcaror-the-tords and eommons fºr the Mainter-º-º-º- K. ance of some Preaching Ministers in the Cities of Yorke, Durham, and Carlisle, and in the Town of Newcastle upon. Tyne, &c. small 4to. 1645 : . * -T025 Tºrºpositions ornatords and commons assemiprºpºrºzºr liament. For a safe and well grounded Peace. Sent to his 2 : 6 * * i TiO26 fair ; (Sºrº Śāśāāšščič into Čxford, and the j } *2. ~~~~Goverhaur's Answer:-º-º-º-º-sºlºto-lººk-º-º-º- 1027 Truth’s Discovery of a Black Cloud in the North, 1646. . . ** taking under his Command and Conduct divers Popish. . 3 Recusants in the Northern Parts, 1643—in 1 Vol. Small 4to, ; : *1055. His Majºgºrgºtstºriºgºf Cºd. together; i. with divers Papers presented to his Majesty at Newcastle, , 3 3. #. # z- – Confutation of the Earle of Newcastles Reasons for; * 3 hf. calf. º: wº-rº-º-º- .* # ºr. sº-ºwn 1646. – The Declaration of the Earl of Leven, Officers, &c.; 1 { } § \ t, - - * * ** t * §. w fº *. : , : 3. *. - * & w * , *- * - * wº § * w r * '. t - - t ‘. } ; : i § * - w w - º # wº * d $ º y ; : k; * - - * ? w \, -, * * ' s { : * - º f, “, *- t *r ſ -> * -- * -- ********, *t ºr *s-, <--lºs ~ *****Ax=rst fºr - ** - I 0 9 - - - - • * Y. *~ * • º w" *. 7 § % f : % '; f i - ū . R § - - : s º > - .. . *****rēšty *...*.* * *s-, *, 3. § 30 Humbie | 62 ) . of the Scotish army, together with their Petition to his Majesty, presented at Newcastle, 1646. — The Propositions of the Lords and Commons, for a safe and well grounded Peace, sent to his Majestie at Newcastle, 1646—in 1 vol. ... 8mall, 4to, hf.pd, S-ºr--- *-* wº *, *s-, -a kº. a-rºtº -ººrººt A-, * * ** he King's Possessions: written by his Majestiès ºf hand; annexed, by way of Notes, to a Letter sent to the Peclesias- ticall Assembly at London: in Answer to a Letter sent from them. t ... small 4to, Newgastle, Printed by Stephen Bulkley, 1647 Representation from Sir Tàojīāš Fāfīfāºrand the Councel of the Armie, 1647. — The Humble Answer of the General Councel of Officers of the Army, under Thomas, Lord Fairfax, to the Demands of the Commons, 1648. — Declaration from Sir Thomas Fairfax and his Councell of Wººlgºl-in-l. Ygl. Sing!! #9.------ ióði declaration of the Army of England, tººthèiºrarch into ... §ggtland, galf...small 4to, Newcastle, Printed by S. B. 1650 …Army in Scºtland, his calf. ºfjä2 A Conference between two Soutdiers Mååtñigºš the Roade, the one being of the Army in England, the other of the small 4to, Newcastle 1659 ". :* : § s - ‘S. º s - 3. } - *: !. 3. ( S$. 3, 3. : ,' ' $. Y. ... " t; 1 * S. c. ~~ “, k. * P * , .** § - 3. .* - Y: : * . * - t ‘... & -3 **, *w ~~~~~ --" * ..." 3 - A * * w t • * # ** § * ** 2 - .3, § .. :* ** —i-f lº. *-*** ******* * * * * * *** * ºr ** r *.*.*.*.*, *, *.x rº, ºr vº.--s sy. ...< ...et- T., Tió36 -- EſköN BAxiKIKh. The Pourtraiture of His Sãored º 2 * : Majesty in His Solitudes and Sufferings, frontispiece, calf. * : i. P------- ~~~~ - 168 | 1037 Fºrgº-- #e3+ * ifö38:- Carolifi Maxnera iſãWITTENEXTA, halfält. ITA9 Bibliotheca Regia, or the Royal Library, containing a Collection of such of the Papers of his late Majesty, as have escaped the wrack and ruines of these times, portrait and ...frºßpºgé, - 1659 : º: *kº-sº-, ***. ~ * z- - § 1040 — England’s Black : *:::.* 2.2. : § 1039 — Indictment and Tryal of the Régicides, porträä, calf. - …!724 Tribunal, containing the Trial of the King, The Lºyal Martyrology, &c. 1747 .*.* rº-. . w " ... • . * ---------> **** --> * * * * * * ~~ *- -A. -- " st- ºr-...…A ...--,-,-. 3. * 6 : == England's Black Tribunal, portraš, small 8vº, TT20 1042 —— Trial of, and of some of the Regicides, portrait and plates. a" -3 ~~~ - ‘.• , *4–º..*: : - º i3 ſ | ;! 1841 Tö43 Charles II. Account of the Prºgërçãº"the Bºttle ... of Worcester, drawn up by himself, portraits, half galf. 1803 [ 6 | * ; 3 - * . 1044 Charlotte (Princess) Sermons on the Death of, by Phillpotts, º . 2. i. ~~~~Jº Mºnſiggº-Turnº, and Pringle.inlyol. 1817. : : . ió45 Charlton (ſion ºf History ºf Wii calf. ------~~~~-g ſ & * r T * .* * º z & thy, plates, r- ,-------...- 49. Yºrk/tº.… 1046 – Another copy. ... ºfºrºzºrg- ~104 roñº (Dr.ºniº History of Nutrition, Life, and ". 2} & i w.j-4-3-2-ºxº-ºº--sº Yglypºgy, Mgſiºn...…~…~...~~~. Sing! 4tº, 1659. : 3. ******, *** i ičíš Chºinºw. H.) The Son of the Wilderness, a drama, trans: " ":" lated from the German, 1847. — Chaplet of Concord, con- ! # . t taining Literary Essays, Poetical Pieces, &c., hf. calf, Newc. ; / § 3 1822. — Carter (Wm.) The Disbanded Subaltern, a j : } º Poem. ~~~~~~ : TOIS CEIGHon (R.V. C., Tynemouth) Söråångå. His Déâh, by * Rev. W. Mark and Rev. J. Housby, with long MS. Notes by / . : Mr. Bell. JVo. Shields 1824. ; i ~TUBO-Chaims of TitãFătără, 2 vols., ºffº." º6 : ~~~~ ... Melºg, l899. , , º, . I051 Chatterſon (Thos.) Poems supposed to have been written at . . . Bristol, by Thomas Rowley, and others. 1052 – Another go "TU33 ± Another copy, Dr. G. Gregory, 1789. , calf. 77.32% *ALx-º-º-º: Sr. “ Fr”, i.a. “rºr." --> * calf, Tiis. - Chatterſon (Thos) fife º ---, ** ... --ºr:#;--> **-e-º-º: t '? 1777. J. *... •rs - J., J.,”’’;º, “**::3% º'.: 2:...Sº... , - - - 5 *ics--- siz's ºr. 1777. l, b Q- **********\ººtºººººººººººººse: sºa-kºrºaz º.º. revº: vºw ººr.” --- ******** º $º **** * & Tö5Å. Giºr. in.) Scenes" and Recollections of Fly-Fishing in i Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmorland. ... 1834, * $º: 3:33:3\ºtºe, ººz - ºr '-'rº-ºxº~x-ºxtº:*::::N3 **.*.*.*, *, *-ā->.-4,5-ºxº- * ~...] 1056 KR Qāš ! * **_º fºxº; º *…**-i- ~ -- wºr-º-º-º-º-º-º- ºr - 4to, 1852; A- ºn º Hºs - … ------, -º- ºr ---alvº. 2:--º-º-º-º-º: , -- - - re- - - ---, * v- rººterºzºr:#3::sess--- 1064 Chesterfield, History of, and Accounts of Chatsworth, Hard- 4. tº ~~~~~~-Wºº, Bºlºgyº. Castle, # Yºº-º-º:rrºry- 1839; (2– ****†º"Tºjº ºf ºys tºxº~...~&; -->, ºs-rg--> föö5 Chestādā`(Philip, Eirēº fºrgºtºgráfºélèbrātā’” w é Individuals, £gſtráč. 1829. & - *}ºrgº”:'''º-º-ººººººººº-ºº: F ºr sº -sº-N-" Tööö Chººſier fºr ºrj *~~~ !--->~~~~------ .A. Dalzel, maps..., *-*. “ —º rºaxº-ºxyrºs: Rºss • - a sº 1067 gment, calf gilt, gilt leaves. Cheviot, a Poetical Fra * * : *r-,--- *. --~~~~~~ 3.x--> Actºr:ºx:::: * *…*…* '•y …" s < g T., ,'}(? 3.4 …. -a-…sºs.--º-º: …, xy, ºretº-ºxº->+ resºº #&- - * *-- *********Sºº- * w : 3 àtiãºrthºpºmºrrºyºtºslatººzy jº ..", * *. 1817. } y t --sº-sº \ w i , a [ 64 # § 1068 Chilcott's Descriptive History of Bristol, plans. – The Bristol . . . ; 3 ; Guide, plan. — Wheler's Guide to Stratford-upon-Avon, hf. : . . . s morocco, 1814. — Stirling's History of Newton-Abbot and s...}... i.i......… Newtº 1839;...…. .….. |-ry 3 † 1069 China, Origin of the First Protestant Mission {0, and History ; / '. of the Translation of the Scriptures, by Dr. Morrison. 1842 2:...It'ſ ChināšTravellér, 2 vols., plátēs, "ºº-º 1675 3. * * :-1971 Chinese, Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the, 2 vols., calf, 1762 TIO72 Chölera at Newcastle, shields, Suñāśād; &c.; in 1831-32. ; º / : A large collection of Pamphlets, Broadsides, Cuttings, &c. - —ſºlºiſaia-Lºla clºth. w . 07: º Chrisłºś ospi al. 1074 : Christºriospital. Histºffmºto; 1816 ; f 6 – History of, from its Foundation.ºrofºrd WI. § , º, i : #: S. Sºsºyºº.4*. ~ **** ***.*.*.*.*.* Asºº 1821 : Tºrofºtºg Cºrs. Sºme Accºunt of with the Túñests—which ; 3. : Á they were formerly sung in the West of England. Collected i. - ...by Davies Gilbert, cuttings and carols inserted. 1822 3. ** ºr--r zº, sº - ºr ; ºr, ...Jº'º. Anºther gºpy: - *ºssºver-HS22 fºi. tº *** **'. ************* Fººvººfs,” ºf ººº... *ºs.ºz.:ºxºst-era:3 - *-* * * * * * "1077 Christmas Cañółº, and 'Sidry Papéisºrelative-to-eristmas, i.e. º .* Nº. --> -te ’, sºgº.%20%-Apºgel. *iº, r *** Sº, is º. 4.- : : -- 1078 Chronica Monasterii de Áinewyke, with an English”Transla- sº-ºº-ººº… 4to, Newc. 1840 1079 Church Commission: Memorials and Cóññúñications from the Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, 1838. — Church Build- ers, A few Words to, published by the Cambridge Camden ~~~~~~~~}*--~~ Cambr. 1842 & #Sºo-ººrºo::::34 ºººººººººººººººº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ********º-sº ºsºvº's-ºr-º-wºº, ºr rºr--~ : 3 $1050 Church Leases. A Series of fourteen Parliamentary Reports ; ; upon the Church Leases Question, Management of the Epis- &º 2.99palºtatº. &g *::------------ wº-es-tº-ºººººº-º-º- armed against the Ergºs.gfiſhe[ime, 8vols. 1814 º wºrn:Fºxx-x-ºrrºsºcessessºraea: ***************,2-ºf-twº-tºº-ºº-wox. 1082 Cibber (Theoph.) Apology for the fifs" of supposéſ" to be i.…Writtºn by himself-ip, the Mønnøy.9£99]]ey.9ābbey...!740 * 1088 Ciçëronis Questionum Tusculanarum. Florence, 1514 *:Asºº’etº-ºº:: º t i iſº•. * +- : .* 3. a-º. *ś º - . Y * |i*. %*3 3. & & } Ai. ;—-7-* *z-. * 3 w º * --- --- ~% * zºº ; : ;- 3. Ž * -ºº: iº *ś 3 *******- rº.º. º.º.º. 1084 Cirencester, History and Antiquities of plates."ČižňāşīT842 IU85 City Taw, shôwing thá'CüSães, Franchises;…&e;-of-the-City * * of London, 1658. — Abridgement of the Doctor and Stu- dent, 1658. — Calthorp's Reports of Cases touching Cus- toms,gnd liberties.gf London, 1653. ſ : .i2- -* ; ; 1086 Clackshugh (on the River Wear), Å Poem, in Miltonio Verse. —º * -- ~~~~~~~ * ~ * ~ * * *...*, **sºčºvºkºtºzº § - > --> r2 -- Sºº-º-º: Northumberland and Newcastle Magazine for 1818-19 all pºlished, 2 Yols., half bound, uncut. 7 i *A*A*>fas. º: 1099 Clark and WößmüTI, TREFSTTEtion to Hääſäry, ºntºr,§§ ; ***** 3. -º-º-º: º ~ &- t 3. :3ºkº-º-º: tº Aº ‘’. .35 i; rºs Nºzº 3º: • ** - º * :*:::::$º- $. ** tº º 2:2:-rººf-º-º-; "- ** ~~...~" - - arratºtrythérôºf Alexăndé; a pissertation ºrtherº Sarcophagus brought from Alexandria, now in the British á wº- #444Γ.4%----…-e-ºº-º-º: ITOTCITES (Hºn). The Saunterer, a Periodical P … *** r-I- "w - aper, Newc. § 1805. – Stockton Bee, July, 1794, to December, 1795, Stockton. — Berwick Pocket Magazine, 2 vols., Berwick, ; Cabinet, half gºlf. Sººd...] | ;*:- 895. .***** c. * * 3. * |ſ, 2 : * P §: • *; i §: • * ſº rº.4.xes & **-***~". • ** º 2 i * § ~~~~~~}}- # = Sunderland Játgrg* , ,----~~~~~~~ fºr.:” ºxº~Frºm $4.4. ~$º..… ~T), Omºtºrsº, }. of Cumberland, Westmor- : iſ a º 3 ** * land, and Lancashire, plates. . . . . . . ... folio, 1789, 3. *...*.*--- -nortmººrtºrº. Tº gº ** ***-*... •º * -g 4 ºr - ~~~~, - * * ºr Iw A §: Tº tºº.” £4%. tº #2 ::...!?", re-“ . “Trorcºrſº (MaryAnney The RivāIPłºńcós, òr a faithful Nārātive: ; , ; 4 w **.*.*.*…~~~ lisii. i*i; }__ Tros-Crºke (Rºſºsºftºpºgº". y º é * Memoranda relative to him, M.S., cuttings, #ºr • * -->< &n- trººijºs- imºr- cliffe (Wm.) Topographical Survey of the Western Circuit, . Salisbury, 1791. — Cursory Notes of a Nine Weeks' Tour, AWewe. 1834. — Bower's * ~4%. 1837. T 4. r § ***...*.*.*.*. ?--ºxº-axx:--> - § 1107 Clarke (T. H.) Domestic 'Architecture of the ºfeſſºns of Queen; t Sºº--sº 2 } ºr , ”: , &f. - • -- y 3. º i gº & 3 #4 º - f º - - Description of Melrose Abbey, t # w ", 8--- ; § ** Elizabeth and Jamesla.gººglgºk...sºlº TTUSTUIärksön (U.) History of #. fºr: §: * s:# x, 3. 4. . § f, «»º-ºne, ºs---w.º.º.º.º. azºº, ºvº-Sºº-º-º:*::: … sºkºſh;48l4%º $ºtº- "TTÜ9°Cſéſand (James) Rise and Progress of the City of Glasgow. § 3 ; ; 4. …&ººr-º-º-º-º- TTTU Clerical Guidé, or Écolesiastical Directory, royal 8vo, 1829. — § # Bateman (Thos.) Royal Ecclesiastical Gazetteer, and tho ; K Ecclesiastical Patronage of the Church of England, 1783. ~f~~~~~ [ 66 : f i 1113 Cleveland's (Duke of) Fox Hounds, Operations of the Raby i. º Pack in the seasons 1838-39, private print, 2 vols. !'. - - -* ... .4to, Richmond 1839-41 .# 7. & 1114 Clay (Chas.) Geological Sketches and Observations on Vegeta- * … . ble. Fossil Remains. 1839 --~~~~splgºgº.gººglºs............ . . 1977 . 3. 1116 - Poems, 1653. – Character of a Diurnal-mäßer, 1654, in **: -- --- "…}<-- *.*.*.*.*.*-* A 2-, * ...Q08.YQlume. 42%.4%. ***********r....'s vº-º-º-º-º-º-o-º-º-s-s-s-s-s-s r;”-- º : . - 11 Genuine Poems, wants portrait, 1677. ~Trip to Kil- | 3 . kenny from Durham, Stockton, 1778. – Davies (J.) Cere- º 2, * e wº - *** *#--. ******: ******Arerºcyº...”... - ... --~~ * rº 3 à º 1115 Clieveland’s (John) Genuine Poems, & piſgöd"fróñfalse and monies ºf the Vacant.Seg. 1871. *. fº - s • * - ---— º 3. - - is sºrr * g * # 3 : 1118 Clover (Robt.) Il Giorno: La Notte : two poeticaſpieces, very : º: t Ž(/)'é, - º 4to, 1758 ; : - WoRKS RELATING TO THE CoAL TRADE. Coal Duty upon the Remote and Thinly-peopled Coasts of Britain, Edinb. 1792. — Frauds and Abuses of the Coal-Dealers Detected and Exposed, 1747. — Enquiry intº thºsºgiº Agºgºgº.g.98%; 17.3% & º º f £120 femimonºſºftgººgatiºn theºl #jºi; ºis, \ 1121 Buddle (John) Suggestions for making the NătărăT History . & . Society a place of Deposit for the Mining Records, Newc. - ,' 1838. — Buddle on Subsidences produced by Working r .. : Beds of Coal, plate. — Buddle on the Great Fault in the 1119 QI NDERSON (Dr. Jas.) Observations on the Effects of the ) ! :* & ** - 3. A Y. f $ .# º * ..! i. 'K tº . . .'; ſº º- 3. w #. * Eorest of Dean Coal Field. — Turner's Chemical Examina- --~~~~~~~ſign of flººk 1997...…. 4to •: }, A .*** *** º :*:: *********śsº jöß.* % 1122 — Narrative of the "Epiºn at Wallsend Coſſiery, June ; ----18, 1835. 4to, Newc. 1838 ... -4428 – First Report of the Society for prévéâtifig AGGITGnts in .. Coal Mines, Newc. 1814, and a great number of cuttings, broadsides, &c., relative of Accidents in Coal Mines, in one volume. ************************ **-*****wtoº::Akvrºss-xx...,gratº.jºnavºy - -1124. Bold (Robert) General View of the Coal Trade of Scotland. . ; .. Edinb. 1812 tº escar-tºrs."rvey **** * iT25 Curº (John). The Coal viewer, and Engine Builders' Practical -t- .- stºn, ºx …99% £4tº, per!! 34.8%, Yº-Sºº 2. 4to, Sheffield, 1797 4 3 1126 Davy (Sir H.) On the Safety Lamp, with somé RégéâFChés on -- --~~ x_ Flame, plates, $24.6%. * & N*** * * * ~~~ *** R --> -2\rw:Lºw retrº- 1825 Tº it:"Miscelianeous Papers and Researches, especially on the ... < + --- Safety Lamp and Flame. e 1840 º / ; , ; #128 Dodd (E.) Treatisg on the Newcastle Cºrpſ, wherein are & • stated the present Method of Working them. º --~~~~~~ *-*. (1*) 1129 Dunn (Matthias) Historical, Geological, and Descriptive View. r of the Coal Trade.9; the North of England. Neuc. 1844 ** ~~~~}~~~~ *:*:eje.*.*.*,x*xr-rº-ºr..... • ºr. , wº-", - * ºr's 2-vs.-- aer rºº -3a*.*.*.*.*.. ** * ºr *. - - - 3. : § 1130 —— Another copy. Ibid. 1844 $ * -- ~ * w ºr unna --. *: -ºriº *… r rº- ºr-º- ºr - ºrº. • 1– *** ***..ºba A. *X*************...*&v.º.'s---sº, ºr-. w h '? 3. º: * * ſ 3. # º *: } #. r! ** , # * # * | 67 ) 1131 Day (Jas.) Treatise on the Construction and Formation of A Railways, 1839.—Statement of the Claims of the Tees Coal Company against Backhouse and Stobart, 1838. j ,” * º J f * w SN 3. t *; * { o - t - ** º :/ () g r f II.33 Edingtºn's Treatise on the CoalTrade, its abuses, &c. 1813. TI33"Eviſſenºs befºre the Committee of the House of Lörösön tº Coal Trade, with a List of Explosions and Inundations, plates, i. —with long AllS.-additious bu-lº-Bell.--------Neue. 1829. #-->~~ { } ---- *::::::s }. y * & § 1. A # + $34°ºignºr-2 } i *** ******* , * * * 1134 Gardiner (R.) England's Grievance discovered in Relation to : the Coal Trade, original edition, very rare, title and a few : leaves, neatly repaired, facsimile map, red morocco, joints. 4- small 4to, 165 . . tº Mr. Brockett's Copy sold for £20 9s. 6d, T35 - Another copy. Akenhead's Reprint, plates. Nºggiº II36 - Another copy, plates and portraits.T. * ^4 .* .. # ~~~wº ***", ~4 :ws tº 2- ºrº-3-º-º: "; Fºrºr-*zerº-k $º 2”. Ibid. 1796 : #. - tº. * *- * * ~ ** "TI36%. Another c ** copy, plates and portraits, bás. uncut, News." ; 1796. — Plea and Defence of the Mayor and Burgesses of … Newcastlein, Reply to Gardiner, ſº l849, --> 1137 — Another Copy, with the Plea and Defence. F- ITES HEAnother copy, wants plates:- : TT139 — Another copy, with Memoir of Gardiner, plates, cloth. " wº -* --- * etºxºsºsºsºvºsºkº-º-º-º-º-º-º-ea-exº~xº~~~~~~~-º: A Particular of such Proceedings which have been made and Copies of all the Papers which were given in and pre- pared to have been presented to the Committee for Trade and Corporations sitting at Whitehall upon a business de- pending before them by a complaint and charge exhibited to them against the Maior and Burgesses of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, by one Ralph Gardner of Chirton, Gentº. 1653 & An exceedingly curious manuscript, of which an account is given, with a digest of the contents, by Mr. Bell, in the beginning of the volume, in a long and perspicuous note. . 1140 i$, ~ * 4 ; . tºº--- º 1141 Hair (T.H.) Sketches of the Coal Mines in Northumberland" Mººres: * * -- ~~~~~~.--------~~~~~...~~~~~~~...~~. ...: 'a ---.S." - " -".” & e ‘ *:::::::Sºº-º-º-º-ºº-ººrºº, wrº: - ... • * - 1142 Keelmen-Åcts of Parliaments and Facts relative to the Keel- ~~~~…~~~z, rººt.<<>%:42.3°º Jºdai Nºgastle-in-l-Yºkº-º-K.K. * 1143 Letters on the Inequality and Oppression of the Taxes on Coal, | 1793, Compilation from various printed sources, mounted in --~~sº-º-º-º-º- 4to **************śrºzºº-ºº-ºººººººººº-º-tºº-º-tº-º-º: Iſāī‘Observations ºpätýščičičCŞālīāītāāthāpitiésºlº and Charges in the Port of London, 1831.-Free and Im- partial Enquiry respecting the Carriage of Coals, wants : title, (1780).-The Frauds and Abuses of the Coal-Dealers –––...Dºggſgléºdºspºl.1747. : & :5-; 1145 Fărliamentary Rººts on the Cºſſrāīā, 3 vols. Russia extra, and 2 vols., half calf. \ ſ <3 § £32 ºf 3 t º 3-ºxº * 4. K---~~~~ - sq = ~-º-Yº." 7& i n of Memoranda . ." illustrative of the Character and Manners of, including an #/ early edition of the Collier's Wedding, a number of Songs, &ga.gll heatly mounted or inlºg bu-Jit...ſe/...--~~~ . … 1829-30.4. - #sºfsº - ºzzº-sº-sºº's ºr ººº-ºº: <> → Jºe --... .º.º. Lºve's ºn ":S^. trºt, fiğıºğā’īāšîă. A. CUTIOUIS Cóñée 1O l % z - * Sº º - --- ~... º. -º *****: *. F-: s: ~~~~~~, * § -“sºrs' " 6 - ** 2 * ºf .. + • r: . 4 ... º. º . . s ‘. ... • z . . *'. ** ... ' - .. ... 1 ******--~~~< X. * 3; § w & y w — General Map of the Tyne and Wear CoalTistrict, in two sheets. – Reid’s Plan of the River Tyne, with situation of iſ 563– i. - y: 13 Mº., '... . s *.N. !', . *...* 3%. , * Coal Staiths, their Depth at High Water, &c., 1840. 1157 Cobbett (Wm.) Tour in Scotland, and the four Northern Coun- ties of England, 1833.-Cobbett (Wm.) Year's Residence in America, Part I... 1818, copies on coloured paper. — Elegy on George III., 2 copies .*.* # 2 1158 Cockburn (Rev. F., Vicar of Longhorsley) Enquiry into the . ; Truth and Certainty of the Mosaic Deluge, 1750.—Russell ! ; : (R.) de Tabe Glandulari, sive de usu Aquae Marinae, Oxon. > 4--> wºrlºad-in-l. Yokº-º--~~~~ * - - ––4 1158 - Enquiry into the Truth of the Mosaic Deſtige. TT50 . . . . & 1159 Cockburn (Mrs. Catherine) Works, Theological, Möråſ, Drama- ~~~~#44-------~~~tic, and Poetical, by Thos. Birgh, 2 yols., pgſtrºit, cf. 1751 , ; ; ; 1160 Cockie (Mrs.) Poems: Elegy on the Princess Charlotte, 3 edi- º & ; { . tions, 4to, and reprint 8vo, with the origina; M.S. and two ** --- ! -. re A. *- 4to, and reprint 8vo.-Reply to Byron’s “Fare thee well.” § —lines addressed to Lady Byron, in 1 vol., hſ, bound. > • **.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. * *-*.*.** - - - - --- * ** - - - - - 4to, Newc. I. Y. [ 69 J 1161 Cockle (Mrs.) Important Studies for the Female Sex, 1809. — …99gkle's Simple Minstrelsy, half galf.1812. * M -- “…A. -.*** ií62 Coins. #. silver Coin made Practſ abſºr, Easie, 1696. — Windication of some Assertions relating to Coin and Trade, 1699. --~~~~~< *-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-wº Oke (Roger) Detection of the Court and State of England. ~- during the four last Reigns, 2.yols. in 1, calf. 1896. 1T64 Coſby's (Lieut.-Col.) Ordnance Survey of the County of Lon-f _donderry, ºf priºted fºr sale. 4to, 1835% * 1165"Cöſchester. Histò ºx. - " - ? : Mºe.”<.”:riº ***. 2 iſ : all {{ w TT55 G a -* * * ~ •.-, - - - - * * * * ...-A ºrt->f. ion of, 2 vols y and Tescrip ºtrº- 6: Colch 1803; tº-ºxº~ 2: ;,. - 25 ºzººeciº ., half ..f. ; • f : *** tº f ; 3. $ f : ; s *. # # *. : ‘. *-*. & w - ºx---, ---r---ºr, - 1. * * 3. } t 3 i * ** .l y- a- fº, •ºy wº a */ ; j ** 4. rv. . - ~. *. p - ', 4: y; º ** :* *:: :->. - -. - | Ar" * ry ºr .* ***. 1166 – Another copy, 2 vols, in 1. Ibid. 1803; ** * / -1167 cordingham-priory. History of, by AT&rcarſ, pſiº. ~zr * r t 1 r *-* *: S.--> * .ºr-->...~" '. : J * } º : ºn *a- - - ºr-2 a.º.ºrº-- ~ **.*.*.*.*.**a** ***.*.* ~~~~~~% #4-4. 6 Nº. º ******** *** *************** * *** ***** * ******"; "tº “glº-2222:32;isºsº.º.º.º. 1168 — Another copy. - fă. Tºgº*. 2 -- Jº.…~~~&tziſ, c < *…*.*.*.*...- : 3:23-6 s.37.*.*.*.*.*.*, * ºrº-->“-> *-**** <2*, **śrº-ºº------>3'-º', '+*-*****-****** *.xty--- i. & - sº ºr ~, ºc- tº-º-er ; ; ; ; : PUBLICATIONS OF JOHN CoIE, ScARBOROUGH. : . º i. A very limited Number of each printed. i : § t % t 1169 { CAIBLIOGRAPHICAL and Descriptive Tour from Scar- borough to the Library of a Philobiblist in its Neigh- : : bourhood, cut on title by Bewick. Scarbro’ 1824. –TITU-Cats (Tºny - lates. ~4%:-- Ibid. 1825; "Trºſſ`Scarbº Tescriptive Cătălógué of a Pörtion ºf his Stock. " ** * 2 %; - * * *, *) -- . . ,-, *t, * , . . . ~~, e -- ~~~~~ * ~ *t, *x - - , e- brough Guide, fiew edition. . . . . .", * * ...+ x . Thiſ, 1834° *. ; ºf --- * 3. .**Nºt ~Trºpiaiogies in thū Shādes respecting the Cliff Bridge, Scarborº; 2, "A •ºr, " "A-vºx'º -arm, º.º.º.º.º. J.9Ngh, '*.*, 23-tº ra". Y'k! . . . . . * A .s.º.º... . --. S.:"...º.o.w..-- ri: "...º.º., “...tv-, *.*.* **, *, * ~ * *-.' ...": ...', ºf ... " ... ?- ...Ibid.]82 7. ~ .*:: -**-ºr-.” 1173 Herveiana; or Graphic and Literary Sketches, illustrative of ; ; 7 r the Life and Writings of the Rev. J. Hervey, plates, calf. : : - ; 1174 Another copy. - Ibid. 1823: 1175. History and Antiquities of Eötön, in the é { —ampton, pºgº.gift2.4%rºl. ...Ibid. 1825; 1176 — Another copy. ... ... ſºlº IITſº-History and Antiquities of Filey, if the county of York; * *w- r- *-********* lates. T----. --~~~~~ *i-fºr-º-º: "º IIT Memoirs of Thomas Hinderwen, author of the History of ...Ibid. 18284. *.* * * > * I825. * sº-ºº-ºo ºf ; is ;: : *g & * f ; , 1, -'ºr' v. tº ~~...~~~~ r —º º > *- “...a "-- **Ž * * *** *-* * <--- ?-nº-expºsºrºrºa ; * 6 !: **--&--------->vº- A. * £-º-YS. s. 1.- *.xr- º f * 3. {y * *~...~"...: tº >><+, re-r 1-> .. ! S. - ****** w - Sºrborough.…~~~~~%-4%-º-º- ITSO"80 Another copy.” ~ º ~ - ~ * evººrºº: ww" 1; . 1 826;. ** **** 2. t - º 1181 Scarborough Albúñºf Históry and Poetry, plates. Ibid. 1825.T. &. -TTg såröörðugh Tejósitory, VöI’I., plátá." Tºd: T824: . . . TIESãňňigh Wörthies. Tº 1825; ºr *IIST. The Antiquarian Bijou, plates. Tºd, 1839; ; ; ; *... } [ 7o º #. & / 4 ; : 1185 Collectanea Topographica and Genealogica, Part W., X. to –4– : --~~KXXII--~~~~~~~~ roy. 8vo. ; ; * 1186 Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Gövernment . 2 . : - of the Royal Household, made in Divers Reigns from Ed- _*-A .…..Ward III, tº William and Mary, calf 4to. 1790 : 1187 Collection of Royal Grants and 3 isºpºnents rºtative to - the Royal College of Surgdons, Edinburgh, half calf, private }_º print....... -- -Eºsi- JEdinb. 1818 ** 1188 Collections.” A quarto volume, Côňāīāīng-Miscelianeous -º-, local Collections, mayºffham...M.S., half russia. 1189 Collections relative to Claims at the Coronations ºf several of the Kings of England, 1838 *::A'fraſtrº-:3****, ºr, je z Tſjö Collier (James) foems and Song, “ºrsq6–Gray ::§: : # f K * 5: i. r- . . * *.*. ; : ! ºf 2.º : - } *. l fe ? ..] | 2. º, 4 .-& ;-- 3.º:4.r -º- - Charles). Poems and Songs, Edinb. 1814; and 4 others. *** s" A. 3 ***************.*.*.*. Kºsºvº §eº-il...? * ---- Cºllier (John) Essays of Châters. *~~~~ Angther.ggDY new edition, £ortra: T829 *~. ******* ******* * , re T - - - - ****** rtº; Rººftº: x: º § 2- . 1201 – Biographical Notices of, ºlfS. ºf Täffièſ's Times ; 5 i º on his Death, first edition, in one vol., portraits inserted. *r • * 3. º sº . ***~ ** as->~~~~~~~<-cssºg's-tºxiºus.*ºsºrºrºkssº; --~…[9Xal 8vo – 6-1202 Collingwood (G.E.N.) Alfred the Great, a Poem. 1836 § 2. 1203 Collins' Evening Brush, or Medley of Foïſſés,”vices; and ... :--------e-Apsû performe} ºff and gº the Šºgº, MS., 4to 3 : 1304 Collins (Á.) Peerage of England,"4 Wöſs, fºi,"äää Säpple- i–---~~~~. Then, 2.Yols., 1730, 2% ºf 428. ** ** ... - . 3 : 4. 1205 — Supplement to the four volumes of the Peerage of Tng- § -r land, 2 Yols...gld morocco, gilt, plates of arms. 1750 wº-> --r rrºr----- **: t / Z: 3 1206 Peerage of England.”völs.” “T768 sº º - !' - : º' This edition has the series of letters, &c. relating to the Northumber- & j : land Family that was afterwards suppressed. --- -3-3. wº-º-º-º-º-º-rºs.º.º.º.º is clº-ºº-ººr.” - * - F------- *-* * * * *** **, wrº-º-º-º-º-º-º-ºn--- lº 1207 – Peerage of England, 8vols. I 1779 2.É308 - Baronetage of England, 2 vols, gaff: "Tºzo -:* º 3. *** ******- * -ºº-º-º: w Fae N-º-º-º-º'-vº ºn.” rºº-º-º-º-->rº-ºº...” * Sºrºººººººº, ſº h;2 awaxa)-cºst-e. sºrº: -- º Jº - •r w * * * * - --- 2nºt ra. ***** **-yº war.N.-- ***** - 3. i209 - Another copy, 2 vols., calf. *TT20 ‘ "Tº Tº \; rº-ºe- wº sºrº, - tº-ry. : Pºexº, Kłºńrasºtſkºs, ºxwrº-rººty 2, re. ...º.º.º.1210 - English Baronetage, Vol. T.,"äII piſbfishëd.”4tó, "T727 l ww. § sº- .** r". rºe, F : . . . . . tº r < t ºr " ... . *********~~~~ss"-2+….…. yºrºr-r: A łº-ºº: & ºrg"Azºv**wurX cº-º - *-a-rºw -- ºr---ar------> f 727 f 3.12.11 - Another çopy - :-, … ------1, ~" . ...--& * ~~~~~ arº Ž"isive-tº->>.<- “*.*º-º-º-º: …..yº-sº: ****.* **********, *s-, 3-9.- ... ex:#2.3 av.ºcrºss---wºº;', :^*-*.*, *.*.*.*.*.*.*, * ***, 3,... ---... ! & w - : . ał ". | 71 1212 Collinson (John) Beauties of British Antiquity, calf, scarce. ; #2 ;3 ~en~~~~~~ 1779...f... . . . ; 1213 Collinson (Rev. J.) Bampton Lectures for 1813, calf, Oxford is T - 1813. — Collinson's Observations on the History of the . . ; ź Preparation for the Gospel, Autograph of the Author, 1830. § { } { - Collinson's Letter to Dick on his Church Polity, 1836. ! ; : 1214 ± Observations on the History of the Prepāfātion for theº | † : Gospel, 1830. — Collinson's Analysis of Hooker's Eight : "; § 3 i & Books of Ecclesiastical Polity, calf, 1810. — Collinson's { —-Pºpton.Jºgºs.Qºford 1 81 3 & + . 1215 rººfletterºdičkº Čºlity, iSáč. Fºrows rººt º: the Sabbath, 1829. — Norris' Works. – Frey's (Rev. J. S.) Narrative, 1809. – Renney's Prophetic Blessings of º ...Jacob and Moses, 1882. - - º: % § º *T841 º *Tºrgöji. § º Informent.” 17 Colman (George) Broad” - and other Poems relative to Printing, 1833. — Torre (N) : ~Amy Robsart, Emma, and 9thºr Rºgºj.gº...}}}#. jºrºrºº: ºxyrºv, m. Salt Edinb. 1833 & #sºrºr: Songs orthgTress, “. | 2 || ~~~~ - y *** * ****a. - Wººt .- . º - * Sººet, irº “--k *~. 1218 Colquhoun (J. C.) Reports of the Experiments on Aññāſº-i, \; 1219 Colville (Sam) Whiggs supplication, a MSCR FSem, half aſ: ". 3 & ~~~~~~~ – - 4%.4%i-º-º-º: … 1220.Qgmbe (Geo.) Essays on Phrenology, half calf fºrgiº ... § 2 1221 Conder (James). Arrangement of Proviñéſar Cóñs"Tököffs, ºr *a*.dºst and Medalets. . . . . . . ... # 1798 Tº Cºff (My Töff-thrºugh swºleń, swºrramāmarzº - g!!!...bu. Bewick. - Stockton, 1815 ; # ºr Scºtland in Iºland 1519.1825 ºf . *TºrcºrtCapt. JäggyTiſs, by Drºidw-rippis, portrait…rº 3. 4to, 1788 . ; 2 -1225 cºtxany pººrcºm www.rſssſ-kiºmertº 2 * copy, third edition. F-mº--s,” --->. k tºº .** - §ºfºº & § {º º —Tºrcºr-Tºpºgºny-armºnormºbartºreuirbºr * ~ , and 3.9thers...}. ~land, Westmºrland, ºnlººkihirº's Tºš Čookº's (Wm.) Enquiry into the ;i`i;t t;. { Folioſion Temples, &er half-calf. *rīſsº 4to, 1754 & 1929 – Another ººlººl ºãº 2. . *&sº: .. * * & $ & - - * -- wºxº~n-º-º-º-º: !-- * * * . . . . o ! } . -j- t * sº i --~~~}~~~~ ń. + t # i - / W FIFTH DAY'S SALE, FRIDAY, October 19th. §|EWCASTLE Musical Festivals, Programmes, §: sº: …º.º.º. ſºlº xtols *º-stºr a rº-rºw.------ ** ~ * *- :- M. i23i Sale Catalogues. A large collection ar- fl-ranged in 8 octavo portfolios. */ A# 1232 Catalogues of Book Sales, in 3 thick 8vo - ſº Ortfolios. t i º -à i. *...*.*, *, *.*.*... i-ºº: & ==== *::...º.º.º.º.º.º. º. - º: º *Wºº-rººm 1933 Amanacs." "A Collection of Belfast aid offiéFunstamped ... Almanags, between 1778 and 1849;..…. . * { - - - * wickshire Field Club.-A number of odd parts. º % : 1234 Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, and Ber- 3.335 Catalogues ºf Misééliáñeois Sales, in 3 thick 8vo. portfolios. ºrºgó Catalogues." J. G. Bóſi's and others, in 8thick 8vo, portfolios. 6 T357 Miscellaneous Tracts, Topographical and Añtičiūrīān, in an : i- j,” ºr 3. s & * & !...?... i. º. f. --imperialºg pºrtfºliº: sº ... kº-tsºº- 238 Literary Gazette for 1887, 38, and 36.3%Is. Hºſt-4to ; tºº? * i / figłó Reports and Papers relative £6the British Asgööätiöfir:ATârge * folio. z- º 3. T25g Traats-on-Banking, the currency, &c.; in a thick-swo-port. Collection, in thick 8vo portfolio. T; !-rism TopogrºñéâTTFääts-Aviarge-collection; in three thick-8vo º portfolios. $º-º-º-º: ** \a.-èaº. --~$º-\. 1242 Modical Tracts—A large"Collection, in thröðthičk"Svö port- --—foliºs.--~~~~~~~~~~~~ *A*******Cººrate-2 f 1243 Royal Jubilee School, Newcastle, Reports, Papers, &c., in a ~~~~-thickºº-Dºrº----~~~~~~ 2 : 1244 Fever House, Newcastle, Reports of:ATârgă"&OI&tion, in - athick.8x9-pºrtfºlio…~~~~~~~~~~~ - : 1245 Catalogues of Exhibitions of Paintings, &c., and other Tracts ſ 2. 3. relating to the Fine Arts, in two thick 8vo portfolios. ; : / 1536 fispensary, Newcastle-A Collection ºf the Reports; ºth a ; ; / thick 8vo portfolio. Tºyºtºr Reports of the Sočićty for the Propagation-of-the 60sperand ; ; 4 : other Tracts and Reports relative to various Church Insti- -4–4–4. -tutions:Alaº Rºgel. - * ; ; ; 4. ; 1248 Literary" and Philosophical Society, Newcastle," Reſºrts, 2+-tº- Papers, &=A large parcel. ... ; : ; 2 gº : 1249. Magazines, Gentleman's"and ºthers:TWö Târgă pâtéðſs of ! -Hºº-º-º-º--------—--~~~ i . ; ; ; ; j } { [ 73 | - 3. & g tº ſº g : 1250 Unitarian Tracts, by Turner, Harris, and others.--A large # º, A - $: Collection, in thickportfolio. ~1. i.5 i. 3 . 1251 TEEE STETTEtºn, &c.—A large Collectiºn, in twº tºrrºr-iº 8vo portfoli . #. *: *******ºtºrce tºe s-ºr a Kºjºsa-ºxº~…~~~~. - " "…” “ - *************rē2-vº-exº-........ 1252 feº of the fºrgºň Hospital, Newcastle, and Reports,”; # * &c., of the Westgate Hill Cemetery, in two 8vo portfolios. . - ; 2. *...* **.38t’srººrººººººººw'rzºzºgºr & *çºws: §resº º *==mºsºm § º: # ; : ; '', Y K #OOKE (Rev. Mr.) Sermon at St. John's Church, ; ; # - ; Newcastle, before the Mayor, &c., for the Charity : . : 2. School, half calf, Neoc. 1752. — Cooper's Dis- i. a-ººººººº-º-º-º: ..ºggiº.99. Sººral Subjegºš..1766..…, ----4------ *T2 Jºw.T.YGToggºry of prºvincidiºms in use in Egº” * g. r º & & # § ** =e 1858. — The Craven Dialect, in two dialogues, 1824. — f * * glossary of Words used in Herefordshire, 1889 – ; ; / 0 Dialogue in the Devonshire Dialect, with a Glossary, 1837. ; t ; 4. t 1839. '. 3. 1255 Cordiner (Rev. Clas.) Antiquities and Scenery of the North #2 3 of Scotland, in Letters to Thomas Pennant, plates, 4to, 1780. : 1255 Cºmmitrº Tºrmºyºnºrarrºr- --Smith (J. R.) List of Works on the Provincial Dialects, ; à * * :- & — Clavis Calendaria; , or the Liturgy. Calendar of the # ; : ; • * ~ * Church of England explained, 1700. # # * 57-Cºſwºr-Tºſs-Rºgºwitra-view tº open-an-º-º-º-º- * extensive Trade in Tinto India, & . iigo i ! 2: ... 1355 rºTIRSirātāīrāśāyārjºrity water grainer:*}”; “Z” ! 1842 # 5 f # • **.*.*.* 1259 CFashirãº"Cărătăſagashtra, Déčiptive “Kööðūtseof.” º º: *-*---- from the Beauties of England and Wales, 3 vols., plates. i : 2. º ? 1260 ºr Tºyoffshire, wiftshire, topographical and Biographicalººzºº - Extracts from the Gentleman’s Magazine relative to, 3 vols., . 3 half bound. f : *t, * ~ * 1261 Coronations. CôTiêctions reſºłóCſłºść Cºatſáñs ~f~~~~~~~~~~ 3. of several of the Kings of England, 1890. — Coronation of . } George II. Account of the Solemnities used at, half calf, 1760. - * 1263 Corporation (Thé), a Fºïèit, half totina, ºr .x--F-----r-tº- f *cºre-es--~~~~< a.…rº *** (* Jºi...º.º.º. 1264 Corsica, Description of, with the Tife of Général Paoli, by r" *2- 3. / ió” * ºf + --~~~~ i & 7 t * —£ººk th * Søn. flºg * !Bºgdgg ..!!!!. %3a*4-ce …4.79%; sº ** 3:23 rºttº: 1265 Cosh *# ###*ś #ºmſº the * § Court.9f Sęssion at Edinburgh exposed. 4tº, 1765 g : 1266 Cotes (Rev. H.) Sermons ºn the Resurrection of Tāzārūs, fºr.” translated from the French of Beausobre, Newc. 1822, — ; : ; 2 & Cotes' Hymns and Meditations, Newc. 1791. ; : º 1267--ee-skatches-of-Truth, 3 vols; ºvernºrsos-e-esterº-º-º-º-º: * --~~~ºrr: *** & Translation of Ondine, by Fouque, Newc. 1832. y § } j * w 234" x-tº-ºrsºn ºrº-5-A"...º.º.w.. ºr gº-ºº---~sº * : *sº ,”3. ..#.--- *.: * . t [ 74 -*— 2. **** * : : 1268 Cotes' Lent Sermons, 1813. – Sandford (Rev. J.) Farewell ( ; ; 6 : - Sermons at Chillingham, 1833. — Flower (Benj.) National #. 2 ... Sins considered. 17 96. ...'... ‘ºf’.” . Tº “ºº".: * -, -.” --------> ** ~xº~vºršºv …a i36 § t * * s * *, A C. 1812. — Burton (Margt.) Poetical Effusions, Darlingt. 1816. : ; : Storey (Robert) Harvest and other Poems, Berw. 1818. — —-------------> Jayſon's Qasile:Barnard-Bara.04%, 1823…-- ſ 6 Z 1271 Cotman (John Sell) Etchings by, of Ruins in Yorkshire. : ~ Twº tºº-rºwº f-z - - - -- ***** * - ***** *************::prº-ºry folio, 1811 72 3 ; 1272 Cottle (James) Account of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, ---~~~~~ *---~~~~ imp. 8vo, 1845 ; / 2 “rººtſºn (Charles) Genuine Poetical Works, TT25.”: Virgil *———º. Tray8sfie, 48.9% 99pigs)…... 1807 i 4, 1274 Cotton (Dr. Nath.) Various Pieces in Verse and Prose, 2 vols., - º zºrº." -fºr ºva"?”r- - -half calf…, ********** ******:::::: ****** **:::::…s.…..… 1791 % 1275 Cotton (Sir Robert) Divers Choice Pieces of that renowned º Antiquary, preserved from the injury of Time, by James / ... Howell,..., 1672 *-- 3 : 1276 Courtenay (Sir W., alias Mr. Tom). The Ečcéâtrić and Singu- . lar Productions of — Essay on his Character, with his ~~~~ Trial, nº.44%...…..…. Canterbury 1277 Courthope (William) Synopsis of the Extinct Báróñetage of England. - … star----~~~~ **" 1835 1278 - Another copy. T ~~~~~~~~~. 1835 1279"Cóvent Gärdeh Jārīār, '2 Wöls, plátēs.”“royal 8vo, T810 1280 Coventry (Sir William) Character of a Trimmer. … . . . . .1687, Reprint 1833 Works...?artrait and plates, calf. 1707 ë and feſters of, by Wättäyley, ºrvols. 3-2 ~~~~ ''':- Sº Yºkººs, 8.2&ºic-cº ------>~~~~...~rtas-rº---------, ºver- - 1812 † ... 1383.−. Life and Wºrks, 8 Y95; “TS35, &c. / *…*. *. ºr w º /*.*.*.* :3. *. - - *** * * * * ~ * ** – … " - > *--> * > a. -- - • *-** 7-: **************~~~~~~ºwºwº -º- 1281.99Wlºy (Abraham 282 Cowper º : ... ... e^*, *'. *- - --- -} § § !"i354 rººms, Wºº: Sółºś (Aïrºyºpoemsºn'the Scot- i é tish Dialect, Kelso, 1811. — Proudlock's Posthumous º Poems, Jedburgh, 1826. — Jones' Miscellanies, 1820. — t - ~~~~Ancient and Modern Ballads gtſhºxy.9ha;8, 1844:... . * : : 1285 Cowper (Dean) Speech at the Enthronement of the Bishop of * … Puſhaº-hºſt gºlf. irr--- *******, Small 4to, 1753 2 2. 1286 Cowper (Rev. Spencer) Discourses preached in the Cathedral, t-----~~~~Durham, *-----~~~~~~~~~177° / 4. 1287 Coxe (Rev. Archdeacon) Symmetry of Revelation, a Witness ——iº------~to the Diximity of 9hrist--. Mewc. 1845 T:2:... 1355…i.". rºisa; * * #TTY Ti286 — Practical Sermons, 1834. - Lectures on "important ~~~% Bººk.-----~~~~~ Tº" iº9öºr Póēſis, "Scriptiiral, Cſassical, and Mišćeſſää60üs, Newc. 3. 1845. — Coxe's Wood Notes, the Silviludia Poetica of Casimir Sarbievius, Sonnets, &c., Newc. 1848 — and others by himº-Duplicates of some. .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*,--, --~~~ * ; : ..{ ,-4W. wºre #| *- .* p- r *--vis-a- ...A - we g re' - e. .” --- * * * * * - l [ 75 J § 1292 Crabtr ~gf Halifax, plates, cloth. º 1355 Craftsman's (TE) cember, 1832, 2 vols. in 1, Berwick, 1833. ~135TCI.#Gigaº, Aaltºli. Alſº, 1817,---~~…~~ 1294 Cragge (John) Arraignment and Conviction of Anabaptism, T. 25 Craig (Sir Thomas), Scotland's Sovereignty asserted, trans- # lated frog, the Latin by Geo. Ridpath, half calf… T296 Cramond. The Antient and Modern state of the parish of ee (John) Concise History of the Parish and Vicarage; 3 ; 6 * * * *~~~~~~~#4'ſº-lºgº.…”. Letters, half bound, source, Tºº" " 1781-2. - The Border Magazine, November, 1831–Leº 2: ..., — Blyth . . . 3 i. 2. - . . } § * 4. - sº * ***. $*-*.*.*. tº & º © . , & • * #. º frontispiece, 1656. —A Cabinet of Spiritual Jewells, 1657.— . i ... The Royal Prerogative vindicated in the Converted Recu- : ; 3 7 Sant-in-l. Yola half galf- - #. * --~~~ …#9.4%. 1794. : 3. ; & sº T297 Cranſge (John) Mirror for the Burgesses and Čommºniº *~~~~~~~~ 1398. Crawford (G.) Peerage of Scotland, calf... -------w ...~~~~}}ristol.1818 + -º *** **-* **, ºr www." # §: f •: * - ** § *.. 3. - : 3. --tº- ~~~~ *-* A. º 1299 Crawfurd (The) Peerage; with other Original, Genealogical, ; Historical, and Biographical Particulars, relating to the # Illustrious Houses of Crawfurd and Kilbirnie. * - £2.Édºn.b. 1829. 1300 Another copy. ... --------...--> -->''. --------- rºw %, ’.“.. e--" 1801 Crawford and Tindsay (Charles, Earl of) Poems on various :**-**~~~~~~~ Subj ects. - - “...--A- a -s. * * * * * ****, r* ºral *" e 34:::S^ſt.:***ś, Kº-K2. ...1810. "i3O2-Crêātīāh the Grööß:Wörköf Revelation, i'jāö."- Wilsºn i. the Autumnal Dysentery, 1761—in 1 vol. — Cramond (Dr. H.) Outlines of Human Life, calf, 1785. - ; * 3. § ; 4to, Ibid. 1829. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s:-...-a ºria... ºn...'s, a "-ºr--- ~:^**** - p : #2 i ! .. -, --, -º- ºr * ... • * * *.*, *, * ...a w a “ , º, . . . .” ::::::::...º.º.º.º vºtº j." * 2-3-º-º: TSUS-Crºſſ (Winy EamºngmTugitive pieces, half ºf “s "q - .#39;s Crºssweil of Čresswell." Collections relating to the Family of, tº ºr - - ..M.S., & Jagdg. - Mr. Th9m as Bell. -º-º-º-º-º: ºr |-ºxº~~~~ 1305 Crewe (ford Bp. of Durham). An Examination of the Life . * * * and Character of, MS. Notes and Cuttings inserted, half ; y ... Tºgº-Angºrºpy, ºff.............................Tºgº.º.º. 3 ºr 1307 Another copy. ----- a-------- * ~ * * * 1790 i_3 z. T308 Croly’s (T.G.§§). Pöétical.Works, 2 yáſsºlates...}.3.2. *1809 Croinčk (R. frºšć's; Songs, ancient and modern, % - ié . ~ --~~~~% Wºº-º-º-º: sº six-cº-º-º-º-º-º: sºº"-" 181 0. #sºr *::::::-6, **.*.* 3.x. º .. 1810–Rºmain; of Nithsdale gudggllgWay Songs…lā10…4. %. , ~ : - 1811. Cromwell (Qliver). Life, partraſt, calf…~~~~~~~1725-3 ††† Sº 1812 —- A Short Critical Review of the Political Life of, port. 2 6 ~~~~~~~~~~ (2 99piºši). strºzzº-º-º-º::crºssrººrººst * gºvešº-geºx.º.º.º.º.º.º.” 17:39. * **** **, *.x- 1818 - La Wied’, 2 Yols, in 1,.….-->444. Hayekkº Z 3. ~ 1814 ºr Flageſium, or the Life and Death, Birth and Burial of , Oliver Cromwell, by Ja. Heath, portrait, title slightly da-, i. 2 : / º maged. – Short Critical Review of the Political Life of ; : * ****-*.cº, ºr ºr ºz ºf 17*.* .9liyer.Cromwell.gartrait, 1742...~...~~~~ -ºs Sº º ..ºf 1313 Öromwell (Thos.) History of Colchester, large paper, 2 vols., 3.5 s plates. …~…~~!@yal $79,48%-4. ~~~~ i [ 76 j s i s” 2, f ... }. 1816 Crosse (John) Account of the Grand Musical Festival at York, Rºs .** : coloured plates. ~~~~~~1954.49.3%. 1832. T3.17 ± Another copy, boloured plates. Tº "" ; 1825 -º-º-º: Cróły (Rev. My Naïve ºf the Rºmâţióñat Băi, King's * 5 Fº County, Ireland. 1847 ~ t *'. A 2. is iF-; ISIS Crowlā'ī Ābbey. History of from the Mateºſºmáštěd-ty Mr. Gough, Stamford 1816 — Chichester Guide. — Stock- …dalgº Skºgº.gifºsſings. Winchelsea, and Rye, plates: 1820 Crudelitatis Calvinianæ Exempla duo recentissfää & Afghā, exceedingly rare, calf. 1585 tº “An interesting historical volume, and highly important, as attempting to prove that Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, who had been confined in the Tower, on suspicion of being concerned in Throck- morton's Conspiracy, did not shoot himself, as generally accredited, but was murdered by others. Purehased from Thorpe's catalogue sº { £3% ºgºggggºy!gyū988,* ****-ºs- 1821 Cruden (R. P.) History of the Town of Gravesend, plates, half -morocco, whout.-----....…Jgya!.879, 1843 º 1322. Another copy º 1843 r-Rº sº. --, Tiš23 Citi's History of the City of Chester, plates. Chester 1815. i ‘....A . * . . **Fºxxº~ T524. Güley (Geo.) Observations on five Stock, 1807. - Bāfēs (Thos.) Address to the Board of Agriculture on Live Stock, Aegº.1898, in ºne Volume half gºlf.........….......- 1325 - Observations on five Stock, iž86. Tº Cooké's "Graziers' - anual, 1819.- Billingtºn.9n Plantings...}}}. ~~~~~…~~<+ºrº ºśy.ºrºs.--res, ~~~~~~ é # * 1826 Cimberland, Charities of the County of collected from the Reports of the Chgrity Commissioners, cloth......folio, 1836 *1827 tº:Topographical and Biographical Extracts, from the Gen- tleman's Magazine.mounted in 9A.8x9.Yglugº tºº." ' " " '' F : ‘,-----, -º-; r. ºf “ --~~~~ * : *-* wº: “...? --~~~~...., xxiv, *.*, *:::::::...vºr Jºº. Anºther.&ny.gº. Yāntášitle. *** *qāºriº & º:::::sº'y ºrvºsº, tººs. Íescription of from the Beauties of England and Wales, plates....... 180 3. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** ***** sº ... • = <--> - . . . . . . . . . & “gºgº º mº, - e arrºw-r: *******s, *r-º-º: fr. xº sº...sºs. sº- 2 : ;---> sºaa.ºx º : cºº ***************.*.*.*.*.*;:riº.35׺pºx. išš0°Cimºnd Ainºis. Catalºgue ºf," from Hutchinson's Här © - - 4to ...F. fººtrº-ºººººººººººººººººººº-ºº:::::::gº;'<---4-2-ºxº~~ jānā.” AT&iection ºf fine Prints 7 tº 1828– º º 6 * …tory.9£9ümbºlºng 2. § 4. 1331. Cumberland and Westmorelan " ; . -, -, é of Scenes in these Counties, neatly mounted in 4 imperial 4to volumes, half bound in russia and lettered. ºf 1832 Cumberland (Duke of) Life of, by Andw. Henderson, portrait, calf... 1766 1797 4to, 1827 1720 *.*, r*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*&er. * * * ~~~~~~Macc.1766 T., T 1333 - Historical Memoirs of, including the Military and Poli- º ; tical History of Great Britain during that Period, portraits t—-i-…-ºrº hºtºalſ….~~~~ * 3 4 1334 Cumberland (George) Catalogue of rare Italian Prints.” .Y. $ -, -º-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…~~~~ºsºx ****.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.xxº~~~ 6 ; 1835 Cumberland (Bp.) Sanchoniatho's Phoenician History, trans- – º –––lºſſº-ºº-------.… : A 3. i 1836 Cunningham (Allan) Sir Marmaduke Maxwell, a Dramatic ...: “... " . . . . . Poºm, and 9thgr Poems and Sºngs............. s.l., 1832 $4 & 1837 Cunningham (John, of Newcastle), Poems, chiefly Pastoral. : 3. }, - - - - - *** --> <-- ~44 - -- ; [ 77 § 1888 Cunningham (John) Poems, chiefly Pastoral, second edition; 1339 - Poems, chiefly Pastoral, calf, 1766. – Elegy on a Biſ - of Ruins, 1761.--And Fortune, an Apologue, iT65. º \ 1840 Cuninghame (William) System or Summary of Chronology. 184TCurr (John) Railway Locomotion and Steam Navigation, their ... Principles and Practice. . . . . ~~~~1847. Custom House Garland, Wewe., John Bell, 1816, with the Songs as published singly, Broadsides, MS. Notes, &c., in: ~~~~ 1.79, half gºlf...seacº.…~~~ \. *~– **.*. *kºx, "išić * y t s--> --w i.- y -- ; º +2. *".é -*. -* ta• *r .: * 1843 Cuttings from Newspapers, &c., 8 thick 4to vols. of lettered; 3 º .*La Melange.” t º Slabs and Crosses of the Middle Ages, plates. .*** **** * *:::::sºr: 1844 Cutts (Rev. Edw. L.) Manual for the study of the sepulchral: "** 1849. Aº: x-r's tº º : : T+845-Cuvier. Fssay on the Theory of the Earth, of Mineralogy, calf. º * by Jameson.” Edinb. 1822. — Cronstedt (A. F.) Essay towards a System; 1772; * ..."t. …ever, ºr “D 1347 Daily ~~~~ford, 1836. <---~~~~... .sº 1848 Dale (Robt.) Catalogue of 1349 ----------Yºgourt, plates, calf… ~1350 Dallaway (Jas.) Anecdotes of the Arts in England, hf. • *.*.*.*.*.* (J os.) The Virtues of Cinnabar and Musk, against the: Bite of a Mad Dog illustrated, 4to. Birmingham, J. Baskerville; 1764. — Ashmolean Museum, Catalogue of royal 8vo, Ow-i the Nobility of England and Lords ual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … 1697;... -- Dale (Samuel) History and Antiquities of Harwich and Do-; ... ..., 4to, 1730; russia. } – ~". 1851 Dalrymple (John) Essay on Feudal Property, calf. "Ti57; " - ºº - l --. A COSTA (E. M.) Natural History of Fossils, Wol. I.; . # Part I. (all published, half calf, 4to, 1757. — Dai ; , ; Costa's Elements of Conghology, plates, bf rus, 1776.4------------- ^*- + - .:*º *:ºi * *. -****•w’.. . ."--- * /º **:::* *2 -*:**.‘.” -*.- … x, *-*.--- ** **. --; * * *3 pº. - ** , ~y- “{*}”. -. ! tº - I352TDälton (Rev. W.) Plain Reasons for Attachment to the Churcht----, of England, 1837. — Davies (Rev. John) The Ordinances; of Religion practically illustrated and applied, 1832. *** : 6.* *- -- -- ~. 1853 Danby (fāºri of Memoirs relating tº the ſimpeachmentº"; ~17114 vº of f3.- º: /- ºra: - *:: º . …-: * ~...~" u-º-º-º-º: sº-º-º-º-º: “S.----->~~...~~~rrº Nº-ºr-tº-2.5.x-º-º- rºº-º-º- ºr ºr wº.” the Houses of Lancaster and Yorke, imperfect at the end. (S.) First Fowre Bookes of the Civile Warres betweene i §ro -te 3-. - small 4to, 1595 - ºr r --> -t. 1855 Darell (Rev. W.) History of Dover Castle, mºtº, 1797; History of Dover Castle, plates, M.S. plan inserted,: 1356 1797. — Grose's Provincial Glossary, with a Collection of ... Local Proverbs, 1811, in 1, Vol.%. ... ---. TI357 Darnell's (Rev. W.) Sermons, calf neat. T1358 – Sermöns, Čalf. T. 1816 -...--, --, * * * *, *.*.*.* * *". ;## {z- : & s,-,-,-,-, ....-. s...' ...'...'...', º.º. tº º - w? 1816; 1859 Dārmelſ (Rev. W.) Arrangement and Classification of the Psalms to render them more useful for Private PeVotion. 1841; l, 7 1860 Darnell (Rev. W.) Correspondence of Dr. Isaac Basire, with a * - t e ~~~~ -º-º-º-Meſºgiº àptº: *** **º 35-ºxºssº 4384– . / 4 6 *Tišči Dart (john) Westmonasterium; or the History and Antiqui- ‘...", .* t • * J ties of the Abbey Church of Westminster, 2 vols., plates, calf gilt folio t * * & Tiº ºrv, , #ºy and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of w" Canterbury, LARGE PAPER, plates. folio, 1726 * i tº Dent's Copy sold for £8 12s.--Nassau's for £5 5s. / 6 1363 D'Aspremont-Linden, Diplomatum libri duo, half calf, plates. º i- --- 3. p . xvºre-ºxa isºe ºr ºxº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-eyº ~~~~~4to, Calouſ l 358 . ; , ; 1364 Davenport (John) Book-keeping by Double-Entry, Newc. j : 4. 1728. — Wood (James) English Grammar, Newc. 1777. — F-riggs * // ! . . Bobbit (Rev. R.) Arithmetic, Newc. 1781. — Ireland (Rev. ——lº-Beauties in Prose and Wºrse-Mºgg. 1784,…--- : 2. i : 1365 Davidson (John) Poetical Remains, with Biographical Account ---...------of the Author...ºlu-80 cºpiº prºd-ſºrtø.4%. 1829 * 1366 Davidson's History of Lanark, 1828. — Annals and Antiqui- ties of Dryburgh, 1828. — St. Andrew's as it was and as it is, 1888-Mºgg's Dunfermling Abbey, 1819;..... "T867 Davidson (Samuel). History and Öbviºus fºoperties ºf Win- găţ9 Spºlygºthumberland, half gºlf....-- _1792 1368 Davies #. Śān of Gäß"fºstimate” of the Hüman --~~~~Mindºº- : “-r-z-----------------. ~~~~}}#1 3, 1869 The Ordinances of Religion practically illustrated and ~~~~ . -- applied-mgº.gilºlº-…----------~~48% - 1370 Davis (Rev. W. C.) The Millenium, or Short Sketch on the 2. 4. | % Z. 6 º * ; 4 Rise and Fall of Antichrist, half calf, Workington 1818. — f º A. Davison (John) Discourses on Prophecy, in twelve Sermons : at Warburton's Lecture, 1825- — Davison's Origin and In- *~~~~~~~.4.22-. s.teſt.gf Pripitiye Şagrifice. 1825. 1871 Davis (Wm.journey round the fibrary of a Bibliomania, 1821. — Second Journey round the Library of a Biblio- ~ ~~~~~manº-lºw-------~~~~~~~~ –2– ſº ~3. 1872 Dº .. Yºſsir Hº Life.9f by J. A.J # 2.79s. **** 1831 -- 7 ºf ió73 Salmonia; or Days of Fly-Fishing. - 1828 / - 2. ºf 1874 Dawes (Richard) MiséEIIäiſää"Critica, Calf, cºntº TTT5:--- …s-A**-*.9%4784----~~~~~~ Tº ſº-Another copy, calf. I Tºpsie, 1800. 7, 1876 – Another copy, cum notis Thomæ Kidd. 1827 / 3, "º I377: Extracts from a Ms. Pamphlet intitled the Tittle Tattſsº *...*.*.*…..:2:::: *: . . . . . . & tº .833. … Mongers, ºry rare..…. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*~~~~~~~~~~< Mewe, 1747 . . . - 1878 Another copy, with long MS. Notes by Mr. Bell, and * : * is . 2 ſ : an Autograph Note from the Rev. John Hodgson respecting it, 2 4. . . inserted, - - Ibid. 1747 . - tº For an Account of this extremely rare Pamphlet, by the Author of *-...sº º * * Miscellanea Critica, see Hodgson's Memoir of Dawes in the º º Archæologia AEliana. Mr. Bell, in a Note, says, “An imperfect - copy of it sold at Mr. Brockett's sale for four pounds five shillings I have only see three complete copies, two of which are in my own - - * - e g - > y 7. - … . . . . . ; , . . ;--> <2*.*.*.*.-- : pg5Session, *.*.*.*.*.*... ºr ºxº-ºº-ºº:: *******::::::::::::... is .....…< *, *-*-- kº-º-ºr-, - - -. - - - - - * - . . . . . . . - - . . . … . . . . . . . . - - g { * } 2 > { º: ^* - k [ 79 1879 Day (James) Treatise on the Construction and Formation of 1880 — Observations on the Durham and Sunderland Railway. . . .” 6 1881 Day (Thomas) Account of the Life and Writings of, 1791. — Newland (Abraham) Life of 1808. – O'Connell's Speeches i º 2 at Newcastle, Edinburgh, &c., 1835. — Leaves, 1816. — ; , … Paine (T.) Rights of Man, part second, 179%. , , ...-----..…....... 1882 Day and Dines' Illustrations of Mediaeval Costume in Eng-º # ... . . . . . land, coloured plates..... . . . . . . . . . ..., 4to. --- i. 1883 Dayes (Edward) Picturesque Tour through parts of Yorkshire : t : º, . and Derbyshire, with Illustrative Notes by E. W. Brayley, % 3 3. | …ſº platºº---~~~~~~~~~~~~1833. … 1884 — Another copy, halfrussia, . . . . . . . . . 1825 i J &. * ... - 1385 -- Another copy. 2,...; ºzº, 2/-. §ºſs--, ***, *, *.*.* : * ~ : ... --! … º.º. ***********-twº, ... 1825. º 2. º + º 1886 Deans (Wm.) Melrose and its Environs, a short History of . . . . . . the Abbeys of Melrose and Dryburgh, and of Abbotsford, i. 3 : 6 £ates, ſº-and 6 others....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4%- 1887 Debrett (John) Baronetage of England, 2 vols., plates, 1808. . . - - Another copy, 2 vols., plates, 1828,---------...------ i.... . . . . . . . 1888 Baronetage of England, 2 vols., plates of arms, 1828. — -- ~~~~~Another copy, 2 vols., plates...~~~~~…~ 1889 Declaratio Parliamenti, ubi Johannes, Primogenitus Roberti, Habet Succedere in Regnum, 1371, large facsimile plate. ". --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** 1890 Declaration of the Merchants, Bankers, Traders, and Inhabi- : - tants of London, at a Meeting held the 81st January, 1817, . 2. . ... … morocco, gilt.…~~~~~~~~~~~royal 8vo, 1817-3-ºxº~~~ // . 1891 De Erro (Don Juan Bautista) Alphabet of the Primitive Lan- ; ; (, … guage of Spain..…~~~~~ *:::"Nº-ºrt-2.--> -- . .” .) Experimental Inquiry into the Cause of the 3. ; - 1897 Delaval (E. Changes of Colours in Opake and Coloured Bodies, calf- # / Presentation copy to the Duke of Gloucester, with a long # ; * * * * **, * v-v.ºr. ~MS. Note by Mr. Bell…~~ ~39.4777.l......i. *. 1898 — Another copy. 4to, 1777 {Z ... : :ºr:--.” ---'Arc-->4, 3 - A-º-º-º:tourº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ºvervay, t - i: - - --~~~ * >< ... ;-------> * > -- *** - -, ***** - - ~e----- * * z -- - - - -r-, -- . ; | * * * | 8o J . rº. Jºaº i. { sº i. i * * & w ; º * - w Ferrºgºvº-º-º-º-º-º- •: 2. * '. t - •- - º, \ w * r - ; : \ §: * * , •. zy- wº '3 1899. Delony (Thomas) Thomas of Reading; or the sixò worthie __...Yeomen of the West. . small 4to, 1632, Reprint 1812 1400 ± Anºther cºpy, half-bºund gilt. SmålrºtöT 1401. Denham's Views, &c., of the Church of St. Dünstân in tho --------....West.Jºgudon,...ſº proºfs ºf the plates....…..large foliº. .#Tºrºntigº *†15 Another copy. bid. 1801. — 2. 1404 Tour to the principal Scotch and Énglish fakes.” -> - . *Lºs - ** *** * * ~~~~4Åid-1804– { 1405. Dennis (Rev. J.) Key tº the Regalia, gºlf.......... 1820 —t T405 De Rºy (Capt. G. W.) Enchiºidion; of a Hand fºr the 3. --- Qng:Händed Ø.… :*-x-53***** * *::::::“CºA ºf Fºº ... ºr rºs. ºf 2.s...}}| -- I407 p; shire, and funtingdon, fescriptive Account * *ºº-ºº-º-º: J's “4- > ** t - repºrt ºf . f º y * * l t * - •. .. 7 * - 'y - º' º ** ...” * - s : ! t s - t" - i ** * j t : * : * -aº - ********* : * *Y. M. * w “p ºw. & " * t y - M- *** * *** **: -- W. ". y $. i. … ---of from the Beauties ºf England and Wales, 3 Yols, plates. º .*...*.*.*.cº."--->~. f * * * s 4ö8 Derbyshire, Wignettes of 1824. — History of Lytham, in Lancashire. — History of Thirsk, 1821. — The Border –49*.*.4%--~~~~~~~ 1409 Derwentwater. Collection relative to the Family and Estates of the unfortunate James Ratcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater, with Notices of the Risings of 1715 and 1745. & A voluminous and interesting collection, comprising curious manusclipt matter, portraits, biographical notices, &c., in three portfolios, of which the first contains the Radcliffe family history, MSS. pedigrees and original letters; the second volume is devoted to the rebellions, and contains manuscript extracts from county records, accounts of men and money provided and disbursed, notices of the individuals con- cerned, &c.; and the third volume relates to the Derwentwater pro- perty at the time of the confiscation and since.— A unique and valuable lot. 1410 – A similar but smaller Collection to the last, compiled by John Bell, of Gateshead, in portfolio. *~14:11 Tégériptióñáñd Uşşârâ fiéW*Aströhömicaſ Instrument, för taking Altitudes of the Sun and Stars at Sea, without an Horizon, &c., old morocco, gilt, 4to, 1735. — Barker (Thos.) Account of the Discoveries concerning Comets, M.S. Note, ~~~4%-44%.--~~~~ *****.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*., u = -ºvºrº ižíž De Tott (Baron) Memoirs of containing the State of the Tºr ish Empire and the Crimea during the War with Russia, 2 ... Yºls: in 3.981; gilt.............… . . . . . .1785 1413. Devlin (J. D.) #iº to Hereford History, 1848. — Markland (J. H.) Remarks on English Churches, Owford, 1842. — Barrington's Hints for understanding the Genealogy and r * * i. / ; 3 ex Armorial. Bºrings, of the Soyereigns of England, 1843. 1414 Devon. Route. Book of, and other. Guide Books, 10 vols. - º, s- ~ : p º l * "1415 Devonshire. Tescription of, from the Éeauties of England and Wales, plátés. i t 5. { 3 d : º ; .* ** - º - I *...*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*----, * **** kº-º-º-º- **, *-* ~2. - 1. ‘sº !!!&. II]. Qīle yo * 1416 Dialects." Copy of a Letter, wrote by a Young Shepherd, to - his Friend in Borrowdale, with a Glossary of Cumberland Words, three different editions. – Vocabulary of the Lan- cashire Dialect. — An Exmoor Dialect, and Exmoor Scold- ********* ******-* --...-----. -- ~...~ * r * _T [ 31 J 1417 Dialects. Jolie's Sketch of Cumberland Manners and Customs, Carlisle, 1811. – Tim Bobbin's Works. – Specimens of . the Yorkshire Dialect. — Psalms and Hymns in Welch, . : -Ins--ºft#######: 3-º-º-º-º- º'-8-v------------- a-->x--a rºw'ſ Sº.; t. ****A**-xy --> 4. ôwts aba’t Doins e Bairnsia ont. Crawfiaghān". . 3 * Da’, 1838. — Sum Thowts aboght Ben Bunt's Weddin, ; . 4 ; &Q., Barnsley, 1838. — And other Tracts in different * : —-------Dialects==in onexol. *******************, *.*.*.*.*.*.**** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*------, -i-…..... º.º.º. º. ~~~ ~. x * --- 1419 – A Bran new wark, by William de Worfat, in the Ken: , ""; dal Dialect, a M.S. Copy of a scarce Tract publisheſ, in 1785. § { 3 ; — Glossary of Words used in Cumberland, 1851. – The , : : wº-ººººh.Dialºgº.gººgolified in two Jialºgº, 1824. …...... i. 1420 Bibdin (Čjöbservations on a four through Égland, and a rº 3. : ; —rrºr–part ºf Scotland, 3.xoliº plºt......…..4% (1891)...fºº # # = Songs selected from his Works, 4 vºls., halfgalf...…... 6 "Tº Dibdin's (Thomas). The Last Lays of the last of the Three : ; : * ~ J. iii. “” “” “” “ ” “” ". . . . / ; } 1423 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book-Madness; a Biblio. . . . . . " graphical Romance, new and improved edition, with a Key ; / 5 ! to the Characters, numerous plates and outs, and cuttings, . # *:::::--&cºinserted, cloth, uncut, scarce… royal.5x8, 1842-3––... --.… 1424 — Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in § 2 : : the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland, 2 vols., § 3 º º -------ſhe gaſes, bog;ds, sparge..............s...}ºyal &Y9, 1838.*... . . . . 1425 Tºur in France and Germany, 3 vols., plates. 1829 Z3. 142 Poems. "Tig'ſ # nºr", w x, x• try---~...~...~~~ *, *. * & Very rare, suppressed by the Author, and nearly all the Copies de- . & - tº Sºº-º-º-º/-.” Prº** ***.x-enrº, , - a --- a-- ~ *-* ~ *.**** -> * : *- - • ?: ~$3. • *.*, *.x º Iłż7 – Sermons. 1848 . . . 1428 – History of Cheltenham, large paper. º stroyed. Brockett's Copy sold for £f 2s., and Bindley's for £1 18s. .Y.” s ºrgyal Sygi. Clººk 1808. TT429 Dickson (Wim) The wards, divisions, Parishes, and Town. Tº : º / 2. §§º-axº~~~~ -º- s—a #x-saº Kºłł * * ~ *--- ~ *-1- -º-ºrv twº-ºº-ºº-º-º-º-º-º-r-ra-'tºº ex's sessi.º.º.º. Sºo-º-º: wº *:::::-rº-'s -*-*A*- k *f - - - . 3. º - 1480 - Another copy, small paper. 4to, Ibid. 1833 $. } / ź ***, *, *. £-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ******* ---, -, -ī - T -- R-r- `u.’’ ºn wº *Sºrrº. A &#& ********Y*-*śro-, * 'tº:2-ºv's “22rs *: *** **--> 1431 Dictionary of Buckish Siang,"University. Wit, and Pickpocket ; ; 2 f *******'… ." --~~}*-----~~~~~~~}** 1482 Dillon (Sir John) The Case of the Children of the Duke of ; ; ~xºn, ºw-º-, -->-º-º: *.*.*.*.***** 1433.-------. * * S dated to, 1832 $ Mºses, elugidated.--~~~~...~…~~~ ... .4 3. ...", "Yº "... " : f * * * ***.*.*. t * * º, *— * * p *. Y mrmºur- ºr-… *- :-wº- Sºº-ººtº-ºº::::::::::: ****-*******A*-->~~~~...~~~~..., • * * * ****, 2*S*-*.x,---,-,-,-,-- Fields and Fells.-One hundred volumes and portfolios, .* containing Acts of Parliament for Division, Copies of § . : the Commissioners' Awards, Records of Boundary : Ridings, Claims of adjoining Landowners, Waluations, Cal- : ; culations, and Correspondence relative to the particular * , Commons, and to the Estates having Rights thereon. This voluminous and valuable record of Mr. Bell's long professional career, includes the Divisions of:— * $. Alnwick Moor, Northumberland tº º e ‘º § § Acomb Town Fields and Common, Northumberland y ; Allendale Fell, Northumberland e º . Alston Moor, Cumberland.. ‘. “ : . Blackburn Fell, Durham º tº ; Beamish South Moor, Durham tº e tº º $ { 3. Brown Moor or Common, Northumberland e . & i Byers' Green Common, Durham . : Chester Common, Durham © - Corbridge Fell, Northumberland * . . Callerton Fell, Northumberland • tº • * #. . # * , Chesterhope and Hiddle Hill Common, Northumberland Chesterwood Common, Northumberland . . & Durham Common, Durham tº º ; $ Tºscomb and Etherley Moor, Durham . . : “B IVISION of Commons, Uninclosed Pastures, Town wº © Q tº º tº lº - - - g º • * tº e e Q s Ellingham Rig and Shitlington, Northumberland : Bachwick Common, Northumberland 4- ‘. \ Elrington Town Fields, Northumberland !' !, Framwellgate Common, Durham * @ . . . Gateshead Town Fields, Durham .. Gateshead Fell, Durham e e e G . . ; º Garretshiels Common, Northumberland * $ g Grindon Common, Northumberland . . . Gilligate Moor, Durham º ; : ; Haltwhistle Common, Northumberland .. * Hareshaw Common, Northumberland Hexham Common, Northumberland e e e * I i . - Hexhamshire and Allendale Common, Northumberland Holy Island Common, Northumberland ... º “e * - Harbottle Common, Northumberland tº Q * * * : Hedley, Mickley, and Prudhoe Fell, Northumberland * * - t Heighington Common, Durham tº e ; . . ; Pſorsley Common, Northumberland : Killingworth Moor, Northumberland . ! Knayton Moor, Yorkshire * * Lune and Holwick Moor, Yorkshire Lees Fell or Moralee, Northumberland . Longhoughton Common, Northumberland Langley South Common, Northumberland Tanchester Fell, Durham . s º tº e 4 º' is e { 83 ] * : *- : *-*-----, Mickley, Apperley, and Broomley Common, Northumberland tº a Newlands and Whittonstall Common, Northumberland * @ Ovingham Common, Northumberland . . s & © e c - Rothbury North Forest, Northumberland . . e - e & Ridley and Hotbank Fell, Northumberland tº º tº º tº º Ryton Common, Durham .. tº r Simonburn, Northumberland . . * * & ºn tº e tº º Shire Moor, Tynemouth, Northumberland .. e is a tº a Simonburn Parish, Northumberland * * s & º º º º Thropton Common, Northumberland tº dº e f © & Throckley Fell, Northumberland * * e e e Thorneyburn and Greystead Common, Northumberland s & Tarretburn Common, Northumberland . . tº a e Tanfield Moor, Durham .. e tº tº e • * e - Thorngrafton Fell, Northumberland .. tº Q © º tº e Weardale Common, Durham tº tº tº º • ‘º tº - Whickham Fell, Durham e - tº e tº e * e tº Q Warkworth Common, Northumberland e e º º © º Wall Fell and Town Fields, Northumberland .. • tº e tº Woodburn (East) Common, Northumberland .. * > e - 1 * @ tº e e - **46-DIVISION of CoMMONs.—Twenty Acts of Parliament for the Division of Commons, in which John Bell was engaged as Commissioner or Surveyor, folio volume, bound in calf and lettered. 444+*Acts of Parliament for the Division of Commons, in which Thomas Bell was engaged as Commissioner or Surveyor, folio volume, bound in calf and lettered. 1442 Dixon (Capt. Geo) voyage round the world, more particu. larly to the N.W. Coast of America, maps and plates, half .gºlf. * ... ..., 4to, 1789 ... >\, :------> -º *f; 1448 Dixon (John) The Twin Brothers; being the Lives of John and James Pisº. wrºss-oraxsa,34:39:4--> “gºº: ***** *********** TATA Döbić (Jas) Examination of the Claim of John Lindsay Craw. furd to the Titles and Estates of Crawfurd and Lindsay, ** -e ºr " plates. ... 39.3%; 188! i. : . it R :- : **. - :º - -sº • *.*S* w-- :i K-ºſ, §: , 's f 3. & - $ - § f -º- ‘g *.* . - 2. }. º h # t 3, :* 3. - *A 9. ºv # :* 3. .'" V. & º, ! ºr 3. **. * * 3. •f - §: 3. º: : i §: 2: i 2. 3. Å : . * 3. § : r" 2. f* ... " * *. #, 3. 3 “, }: ;- -> * .. º, l - ** { : > ... i -.-- ...S...---- (*** - *: -a- *. 2-. .. : * * - * .*** .* *.. ~! g* 6 i - 144 1446 -** Another g : g §&r-.. 2. ºrs--------> r -*-* -- * ,w- ºr *.*.*---- • * * * * * *.x. -- *-*. ** -r, .xº~~~~~~..” “I &,” *A*:::::::::N׺ -- ºr 3 §5?-Ng 5. Dodd (J.W.) Ballads, of Archer - a-Sønnets, $g., º *** **** *, - §§. :- wº …” --,- "… º: *** - A ºrrº and 4 ofh £18.e. Nºw 4.- - cº** ;~.-. |f *-:-i. .* ;;}.3.#*º 7. }: * i. *t r-, * 2% § 12%-º-ºº::…:- t { t \ • - *.*...Arº *...*:::::: ; :=::s. - * * * *…**--stºre-ºver '-. s: 6 A y i !*: Alº-*. * * §§ ..! , § - º :-3- ran-ºn-ºn-º-v-44 *. } *r t .* 4 º' * [ 84 ! 2: , 1452 Dodsley's Collectiſh ºf Pºems by several Hands, 6 vols., 3 . 4. calf, 1766. – Péârch's Collection of Poems, in continua- ~ : tion of Dodsley, Wols. I, and TI., calf, 1768. — Dodsley's --~~~~ -Rugitive Pieces, 2 vols., 1761... . - - º / º 4 1453 Dodsley (Robert) Misceſſanies, 2 vols., portráž, đălf gift, # / . … 1745.: Pºlsley's Triº, Calf (29%), 1745: * . ł z- fºrbi;##### # fié Epiščöpāl Séé" £5. and Cathedral Churéh of Salisbury, plates. 4–--~~~~~~~~~~ *** * # Tº o 1455 folby's Report of the jöbates in Parliament, Nov. and D66, * : 3 1819, half russia. — Diššēntérs’‘Chapel Bill, Parliamentary cº-º-º-------Palaisºn, 1844– ka-kerºsmºke--~~~~~~~~~~~~. : A * 1456 Domesday Book for Hampshire, with a translation, "wāfits * title. 4to . ; f£57 Donaldson (Thomas Poems, chiefly in the Scotish Diaſº. — Service's Métrical Tégènds, both with Guts by Bewick. .. * ~~~~ --~~~~~~.4/ºwick, 1899-84 1458 Donkin (Major) Military Collections and Remarks, half calf. ..” & 3 º -14 Tióēſesian, ië23. tº: Sixty-five Sonnets, 1818. – Caius ... Y' ... Marius, & Tragedy,.1836............................. A. ... - . Alaº- +--- ~~~~ : * ~ **-*.*.*, * ...' ..." 3r ſ 4-4---~~~~ w * * * . . . . . . 1843. -ºilſ.......~1465 - Another copy, second edition.… ... 1846 ~. 1466 — Remarks on some Points of the Currency Question, ; 3. ** 1826. – Doubleday. Collection of Political Pamphlets by - - him, with "Autograph 'Letter, Caricature, &c., inserted, 464. H. True Law of Population................. ; - Newc. v. Y. — Doubleday's Trüe Law of Population, cloth, º * e - ~ --- Brºzº.” *-*.*. ...~~...~~" ºr - ºr--~~~~ . . . . - - --~~~~ # . iłó7~. The question of the vote by Ballot plainly stated, 1831, *:::::::: --~~~ 2: ... . .''. º ** ********* * *-*.*** **, ****, *, *.*, *N->.” "." Sºº-º-ºr-º- ºr, ºr -2. --Rs:- ' ',• *.... • ‘: ...-v. folio. 1468 Douglas (Sir Robert) Baronage of Scotland, half calf. ... folio, Edinb. 1798 $ºsºsºr. 5-2 • *. r 3. : / } º - t g-rººf-º'-v-ceº-º-º-º-º: * ... *** *--~~~~~~~~ ***** * * *-***** *-* ~~< * “.... • --...-rº-- . ,----- ...~~~. ....~ : : ---, - ºr,. ...---, --, -, . * ~ *-*. 3 ". . . ." …’’ 7 // ; .1459 — Another copy........ ... folio, Ibid. 1798 r: 1470 Douglas Notes of a Journey from Berne to England, through y ote inserted, 1797 ſ "Franée, in 1796,"private print, Autograph"N calf. - - -z º * Wºº-º-º-º- ºr- ºr "e: * *-A - …” p. wº- ºv-r---...-- ***** ***** *-** ***.*:r’kºv.” “Nºvt. º.º.º.) --~~~~~~~~ -, ----, 2-4-ºxº-...--tº sº ºw- ... imperial '879, 1828.i. - - - ,< * > * 1479. Drake (Jas). Historia Anglo-Scotia, galf. T(*): . “ºr e. ****.*.*a*A. **o-ººrººº-º-º: * Sºr-º-º-º-tºr ºxº~.º.º. ºº,” wax-->s-: ****z, ******-ºs---...--> *480:::::::Angthen gºpy, galf….... ... 1703. IASI Drake ºr Nºornings in Spring, 2 vols. 1828 r" “14.8% frºmiº $ººtººººººººººw: zººgº-ºº: zº ºº:: * ~ * :****,2,.…S. * *:::::2*º-º rinkwater (Čofy statements respecting the ſate Department :" - : !. - - - - - º - - - $ 't ...Qf th9.99mptrollets of Army. Agogunts, prºgíg:grimſ, 1855.….., "£483 Druce, Genealogical Account of the Family of Bruce of Gore- º - ing, in the county of Oxon. 4to, 1735, Reprint à tº Only 50 copies privately printed. § 1484 Drummond, Genealogical Memoir of the House of, by David - - Malcolm, half. galf. ‘. 4 if … *inb. 1808. * * • . . . . . . . ; * --, 1485. Drummond (Thos.) Memoranda relative to his chaiming the Earldom of Perth, including a Copy of his Case, warious d - - * 1 º - i º #, ,” ${{ } - --- -.80%pments, cºttings, and MS. Notes....….foliº. º-º-º: 1... <:tºus: —rigg Statement of the Claims of, to the Earldom of Perth, TT487 Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of Eng- land, in Latin and English, calf…, # * * , ºft - - - * ** * ****"…sº- **śi-sºº.", --- Charter for Founding and Incorpºrating, Russia. Atº...1890...… ... 1722. - Du Pin's Universal Jibrary of Historians, 1799.........; wºrs---ºrcs. ***... "--- e. ~~~~ * *- * ---** [ 86 : 4 1488 Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England, ~~ half galf ºfferſºgºed,.… --~~~~}* Tº Z ST1489 Drury (A.H.) Annesley and other Poems. Tº Pickering 1847 ; 1490 Dryden (Jonathan)Treatise on the Angular Calculus, T831. – ; é Dryden on the Construction of Railways and upon Mecha- º nics, 1829. — Deeble's Description of the Patent Metallic s Caisson, plates, 1828. — Burnet (R.) A Word to the Mem- . bers of the Meghanics' Institutes, Devonport 1826. ---assº 1491 Duck (Stephen) Poems, 1736. — Rapin of Gardens, a Latin t / g Poem, English’d by Mr. Gardiner, plates. – A Collection i– ... ...of Poems, by Beattie, Pope, Goldsmith,. &c., 1779:. . . ; 1492 Ducket (J. H.) The Pirate, a Fragment, Wowo, 1821. – : / - £ } Iſails (W. A.) Nugae Poeticæ, Gatesh. 1806. — Beding- º field and Pickering's Poems, Newc. 1815. — Poetic Works ––– of a Weird, A2%, 1837….. ..............…— : 2 1493 Dudley (Robert, Earl of Leicester), Secret Memoirs of (2 # --> -- ~~~~ 99piº).----, - . . . . . ... . . . . . . 1706 . 1494 Duffield (John) Narrative of the Conduct of Sir Watkin } 3 Lewes, respecting his Detention and Concealment of an old § Latin Deed, relative to the large Estate of Thomas Selby, Wayendon, Bucks.- ... - ; 2. 3 '. 1495 Du Fresnoy’s Art of Painting, translated by W. Mason, with `--~~~~~~ ... Notes by Sir Jºshua Reynolds, galf…, 4to, 1783. 3 º, 6 1496 Art of Painting, translated by John Dryden, half calf. & t = - ſ ~4f0, 1795– A 3. 1497 Dugdale (Sir Wm.) Short View of the late Troubles in Eng- ~~~~ land, portrait of Charles I, half calf, folio, Oaford, 1681 IT498 - Antient Usage in bearing of Arms, calf. Ibid. 1682 2 7 T1499 Duke (Rev. E.) Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts, *º-º--~~~£º-----~~~~~~~~~~ 1846 1500 Dundee (Wiscount) Memoirs of; the Highland Clans; the e •º. * i & ; •, * ... ** } …? * : *. * } * / t * * } … -------------, Massacre of Glenç99; $9....…....... Glasſ. 1818 : . 1501 Dundonald's (Earl of) Account of the Qualities and Uses of i / Coal Tar, 1785. — Cochrane's Thoughts on the Uses of . Clay Marl as Manure, Darlington, 1800. — Curwen (J. C.) ; : _Hints on Agricultural Subjects, 1809. on the Connection between Agriculture and Chemistry (2 copies), 4to, 1795. — Clarke (Cuthbert) Theory and Pragtige of Husbandry, 4to, 1777. ga- &-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~i=sººr- Z 1503 Dunton (John] Life and Errors, 2 vols.” z - 2'4'x' "sº-scº. * >~~~~~~ * , rººrºº: T$18 7 : 1504 Young Students' Library, by the Athenian Society, ow- ---.' ...;____..., riggs froßspiece, calf... . . . . . . folio, 1692 1505 Dunsford (Martin) Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish 4to, Eveter 1790 ...of Tivertºn, plafés, half galf. * > * *…~~~ * <------~~~~~~ a * *- , ~. * & •. : fºr r * > *, *, * *** -: * > -- ~~~~3-1.3- . * ***** * * * * * * * *. --~~ i 2 ( ; 1506 Durham (Earl of) Report and Despatches, as her Majesty's V High Commissioner and Governor-General of British North : g }; ; * º º # , ; i # * : y •) º '. ! ; : } 3))## 7% Śląſºſº/º * É#F##2 3)A º ; WoRKS RELATING TO THE County of DURHAM. . 1507 COLLECTION of fine Views relating to this County, 2 & - neatly mounted in three imperial 4to vols., half bound , º § .* * a e ſº - º * > .*.*.* - - * . !--- !!! russig-and-lettered.--~~~~~~~ *-----~~~~~~º-º-roº;" -- s: r.” ić ... * , : ~5- r- 1508 Agriculture of Durham, An extensive collection of Papers : ... …, relative to, M.S. and printed, in 2. Ygls, cloth. …, 4to…~~~~ 1509 Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Durham, by Sanderson, i. ſ 3 calf, Newc. 1767. — Collection of Anthems, performed in : ; -2 ...the Cathºdral.Qhurch of Durham, galf. Durham 1749.......… . . . . . 1510 Brief Account of the Cathedral of Durham, by the Rev. J. : - Raine, 1833. — View of the City of Durham and its Envi- (. . rons, 1824. — Antiquities of the Cathedral, wants title, !// º 4. 1733. — Cook's Topography of Durham and Northumber- : ; land. - ~~~~~~~~~ - ****t zººs º-º.3%,.…v.a.a.r.ºr-º-º-º::…~~~~...~~3:- ... "... “r”; : ". . . * * * * * * ******** * ….!...º. º. *} .* -º-º: - 1511 Book of Rates for the County of Durham, MS., half calf, folio, ; º 3 % $ : 1680. — Schedules of Durham County Rate. …4% Pºlº, 1828. 1512. Certaine Observations touching ye Estate of the Common- wealth, composed principally for the Benefit of the Gentry : / of the County of Durham, rare. 4to, Durham, 1822 3. $ t r zºº...: '... .s-tº- s 3. ? w * • * v'." & | ‘. . *- } & Privately printed by Robert Surtees and the Rev. James Raine, from s : : a MS, in the Cathedral Library at Durham. ; º * ****-** • **::::::::: *º-ººrººzeżºłºść;ºº-ºº::::::::::::2::sºrºrºººººº...?"tºa-tº-zzº-ſo * *—a * * 1518 Charities of the County of Durham, collected from the Re- ; ; 3 i ports of the Charity Commissioners, half bound, uncut. **º-folio, 1839.4..… \ - ... 3 - -T- :**** *...* º - º ... -----. Sºº-ºº: º ***sº...ºr-º-º: • 7 * º *~~~~~~ 1514 Codicum Manuscriptorum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelmensis ; ; 6 A Catalogus Classicus, descriptus a Thoma Rud. : *- : …, x~~~~r: - foli Q? - Dunelm.1825. *. w"fºr".< sº ~~~ º ******* es and Monuments of the Monas- $/ / ? i Y& ** 12, …”. "1515 Davis (j) The Ancient Rit - tical, and Cathedral Church of Durham, calf, fine copy, ...??!! !!! #sº-,-,-,- … º. 1672.É.- : ; ; ; ; - – Another copy, calf, with long MS. Note by Iſr. Bell, wants title. …~~~4%i. : * – a *...* **, *, *r-zlºv.--------> -* T. A-": wn------~~~~ **i;…&r-zºº.º.º. . s * 2. |: Ǻ Í516 :*- º *: - 4. *. tº- •. ****** : º, … Yºº..”.”< *, *.*.*.*. - *::----, 1-A d [ 88 § 2. 7 º 1517 Description of the County of Durham, from the Magna ; : " : Britamia-tº-half ºf.--~~~~~…~…~4° T;15 Description of the County of Durham, by Băşfāyāhā Brit- ton, from the Beauties of England and Wales, map and plates. 1818 IZºº. I519 - Another copy, interleaved, T. 1521 Dolben's (Sir John) Speech to Bp. Butler, 1751. - Bp. But- ler's Primary Charge, Durh, 1751. — Cowper's Speech at ; , § the Enthronement of Bp. Trevor, Ibid. 1753. — Forster's : ; Assize Sermon at Durham, 1755—in 1 vol. half calf, a scarce ~~~~~~~-collection----~~~~~~~~ small 4to, /4 1522 Durham County Election in 1820, Addresses and Squibs pub- 4 *.…lished during 3.3%ls.…~~3° - 1523 Durham County Meeting, Oct. 21, 1819, Volume of Pamphlets 8 ; : relating to, by Dr. Phillpotts and others, with cuttings in- t ºrs', "I dº tº ºvºrz.ºrt. Nº.24v."... • ‘’’ ‘’ ~ --~~~ &échéſ. Ž I*~x. - . t - . . . . 1524 Durham Magistracy, A complete collection of the Letters pub- & ; : lished relative to the Controversy respecting, half calf; one . pamphlet in 12mo, neatly inlaid to the size of the others. —i. — …~.4to, Newg. & Dur. 1819-11. & ; : 1525 Collection of Letters which have appeared in the New- P_a_------Castle Pºpº. 9..….....2% ºf 1992 ~3 1525 Hººd pārijāweview ºf Durham, with the fegend ... --~.…........of St. Cuthbert, Pºrk-1824.x: Angther edition, 1883, 1847. / / 2.3 1527 Flower's Heraldic Visitation of the County of Durham in 1575, ~; edited by N. J. Philipson, M.S. Pedigrees added, very scarce. – i ; - - - - folio, Newc. 1820 Z.Z.º.º. 1528 -Another copy, large paper, very segree, folio, Ibid. 1870 * 2 1529 General Rules for Regulating the Practice of the Quarter : º g . Sessions, calf, Durh. 1820. – Rules for the Gaol and House º i. of Correction, 4to, Ibid. 1819. — Practice of the Court of … ......…..Chancery of the County. Palatine of Durham, Sººd. 1807. ... /? § 1530 History of the Cathedral Church of Durham, as it was before % }; i. the Dissolution of the Monastry (Edited by Dr. Hunter), 3. ... Durham (1733) 4'- . tº . i. * * ... a rºw. - . 4'-ºxº-. º ~~~~49:#9.7F =Another% 99py-à-Wolsegalt.gilſ,…~~~~~1898. --e-tº-ºxº 1544 Memoirs of a Traveller, now in Retirement, written by : •r 1589 St. George's Visitation of the County Palatine of Durham.- : # / 3% . 6 J:-- Sºtº-º-º-º-º-º: #. * N • , " . ; : . . . . . i540 Shºg"Spºor, and his Rºzºrs.” º copy, 1753. — Douglas’ Speech on the Enthronement of Bp. ; ; /7 Egerton, 1771. – Douglas’ Speech to Bp. Egerton on his ; ; 7 *: Arrival, 1771. – Dolben's Speech to Bp. Butler, 1751, in # 3 ; ; ~~~4xº~£4%--~~~~~494–1-4---- 154iTopographºr and Biographical Extracts from the Gentic. T. . . man's Magazine, &c., relative to the Ceunty of Durham, . º 2.5 é … mºunted in an 879.Yoks. With some loose extragºšinserted.…. *IB35"Treasurer's Accounts for the County of Durham, 1835 toº / : , 1840,-in-1-vol - ~~~~~~4tor-Pºkala--, 3 -------. *-*-*-* - * .. 3 1543 Dutens (Rev. L. of Elsdon) Inquiry into the Origin of the . . / ; ; / Discoveries attributed to the Moderns, galf ~479.3.−3. * /; #&#" himself.5 Vols., half galf. .''' ----. ----,..t." . .” : 1546 Dyer (John) Poems by, calf, 1770. — Duvard (P.) Poems, : Northal. 1842. — Campbell (Thos.) Pilgrim of Glencoe, and other Poems, plate, 1842. — Dolman (John) Contemplations --~~~aggggs'...Yingent's Rºcks 547 Dykes (Öswālā) Mö verbs. S. 43 *; ºr: *-i-i-º-ºº.*>ºther:§:..ºf >~~~~2tº >~~ºre-----... r: ~! ********** - ...' É. #. $. § w ~$1.2.2. gº 7. - “…sº § -: d £ +. *-*- Ti545 Dying ſo the last 300 Years. • sº - . § &v=ºx4.35×4 tº:#º Bristol, Bris %.47% ºtº:********* “…” ral Reflexions upon Select British Pro- # , J. - 3, --- .x-a ha-a- ~~~~~~~ Speeches and Behaviour of the State Prisoners executed i ; 3" ,” - ***E*vax a-zºw. - ºr 1720–1-º-º-º: N . * . ~ * > . . . . . . . ." § * } Fººt-ºº: - E - º: \º º fº/Zºº S ~ * K. ...º. § ºf u ||Nº|| Kººyºº Yºº Yº". 3. ŞVſº Nº. º & jºº 2: * * º(tº º jº/ASXSYNºż% 39&ºj): Ö t º \;...&SºCŞ/$ º | - %2% ºlºssº - w {" ºs &=º Y. - ºf SSS N f zºº Ø Ø 2 \ 2. --sº N N & . ~ *, * , NY ... " SS N . ** *S S º º * , \,\ Azzº ºr ſº Mºssº Rººs - } Sº y §§ º* ſ A. º) #sº§§ Nº. % = $9. § W ſº Q ſº º |ſºlºšſWº Wºmmiſſiſ/º { º ŠNºWºláſ? () . . ſt GS | H 7/Zºº (t * NS § % º º º & . : NWA Aſº SS 2 §º º * * . ſ º º sº . SIXTH DAY'S SALE, MONDAY, October 22nd. ; 6 E KETCHES of Irish Political Characters, and - : {1550 King (Dr. Wm.) =\,…others, J.8.xols, }T551 Aikin’s Manual of Mineralogy, and others, Posthumous Works, and º s' ; § * §, § { º ..º.º. Tji Sharp's Imy of Retribution, and others, T8 vols. -º-esº-º-º-º-axº~~~~~~...~&sºsº. f - f * 2 %, i. 3. ~~~~ ºr ºxº s.rs. alo: * , iès, Charnlé ...jº. zºº.º-ºº::::::sº Žiž. #Fögrº- - g - - º * i_2< ... *{5öğ"Căţă. 93.1198, här ey's and others: pāfēēI. º *****-ºs.º.º.º. - • * * **. º.º.w… ºr . . K'iaº-es: : * •r +3– º T567. The Golden-headed Cane, and others, 12 vols. *1869-Güídēto the wałęigahassābāthing Places, 2 vols.; tsog, +% . and 8 other Guide Books. T *T570-Güß BööEgºyèrk, I838.”: fºtºs, 1806: Richfióñd, I833 > # ….and 8.9thers....... * * • *, *z-e sº-c *** ****rºza ºr sººra-v.v.--~~~~, ,----, - †† Odd Volumes, 20. ~~~~~~~~~ º *rºººººººººººººººººwºró';***śrºxº~3°º-º-º-º-º: sºy-ºr-2, sº rv3.2a...', reo-rºr---.S. v.--..., x -, ... *, ºr, Tū.1573. Odd Wöltinés, 20. *:: º, sº ~f 3. # º sº... iśīGentleman's Magazine, 18 yols.T. 1574. Iºf ºf Sundry Pāſīſhlets. *.*.*, *** crº-º-º-ºn":..~!... 2 x2, . . . . . . . -- 2-, -w ºf 1.2-ºw-º-º: **rººf - - * r; * 2 *. § * - c.47 ...ſº ºã **.********-r-rlean'. --~x. --.s.º.º.----, - - - rºss-, ... l 5 Lot-et-Sudies .# g---~~~~~~~ sº * * * * * x * * t . i s * x- Y S' º } : | º- #: s'. : º § * 3. • º *: rt *. .." * S f # •e § $ - $.” [ 91 ~~~~~~}} 1 º 9. 1578 Easberry -Isr- -half tº § ~. º English, Metrical Romances of Perceval, ; ; ; ºf ſº, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant, edited by : ; , ; * Sº J.Q. Halliwell. — Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder, , ; 2 i |$#&\ edited by Rev. A. Dyce. % § !. /* #s * i. # -** - Small 4to, Çamā. Śgg. 1840-44 ; ; 3 1577 Earthquakes, Several Tracts on, by Z. Grey, Sikélèy;…&c.; º; y *~ - #4... *…*º-sº-º-º-º: **-si-'ssº~.4-3-3 '...}, ... *** *-a. M." $. ‘.... * * .!- M.) Historical Essay on the Power of the Priñeſ: "..."; " 1717 – Farmer's Essay on Shakespeare, 1767. — Lord : " : 2- : Hºllis, his Remains, 1682—and 3 others..... § 3 ; TT579 Easter Gºngs. ÅCollection of Pamphlets, BījāJSTGs, Cút ;"| "J + 2. tings, &c., relative to the Trial of Peter Watson, for refus- ; #. 7 f __ing to pay £aster 9fferings, halfgalf..., 4to, 1822, &c.; ; : 1580 Easton (James, Human Lºngevity; a "Record of 1712 periºr tº: Sons who attained the Age of 100 and upwards. § : 2. ' : - Salisbury, 1799 : ; , ; *-i-e- - Another copy, calf. TTTTTTTTTT99 | a T582 Etºn’s Pālitics ºf the pºſs of a Sºrºgºny fºr sº : " ; -- gºlf. * ---------- *** -- ~~4 * → *-*-* * * . ..l794 -º-º-º: don (Thomas) Sacred Music for the tise of the Choir of ; # 3 y \. Turham. folio -** * Hs— --- **&~. º:º 1584 Eccentric Characters of Newcastie and Durham, Memoranda. : relative to, comprising Portraits, Biographical Sketches, - O’ =A Gurious.gººglion **** º *39- išš5 Edſon (John, Thºug"fºº"fiºlesłºś ...&a.hy Browne Willis, best edition, calf...— 4to, 1783.3 * # 3. ** ~~ .* 3. *****::... : :ºa-.:::::- - - - , | , ºr ~ * * §*i ? * * º > * & ** :--~~~~ ~~~~~~geºsºvo 1586 – Account of the Ecclesiastical Benefices in Fingland and ; : Wales, 1728. – Ecton's Liber Valorum et Decimarum, . . . il 728. — Buck's Comcise View of England, describing the *S* several Counties of England and Wales.------459–1775-3 "T557 Ejºšířy Bººntº Memory of Lord ; : Y. ! º ?" • ºr. K r-rº.--~: - .-rºtº-ºr-c. ~-qa. $ºz', <-- **** : 6 t Y. $--------, -isºsº.º.º.º.º. 5 A.”, “w” -w-s." 1806. 8 — The Vision, a Poem, addressed to the Rev. J. Boucher, i R---r * *. wr-r r- arº- }. A. F- f - § §. : / * 2 - lates. rºzºa ºr ºvatºr.º.º.ºry': ºyºtes.º.º.ºrºuſ'; ºrº Yºkº-º-º:***-tº-º: ſ???-?ºw: *-ºſ.º.º.º.ºr 49. 828. s:--~~~~%----~~~~$2. Töß2 Edinburgh Review, Vols.I. to XXXIII, halfrºsiº...... .23. Z. "Tä33 Eğinburgh. Theatre, Letters respecting the Performances at, : : addressed to the Scots Chronicle, calf, Edinb. 1800. – Ed- f : d? wards (Thos.) Canons of Criticism, and Glossary, 1750. – º # Akenside's Pleasures of the Imagination, 1754, calf. Y . ..": º, …, “eº-23-ºxº-Kº k-ºxº~~. -Sessie-î-e-tº-vºus": “” w rº. ! . . . . [ 92 | . . . 1594 Edmonton. A Curious and Merry Story respecting Edmonton 2, 3 A Ghost and the Quakers, 1643. — The Life and Death of – . the Merry Deuill of Edmonton, by Thos. Brewer, cut, Re- * . . . ; tº 4.4%-1819-in-l-volume------~~~~ • *- Tº y : ; 1595 Edmondson (Jos.) Tables of Precedency, engraved on T4 pages -- Sqºlºº.94%gº.gilſ..….. ºf 6 - * re-ºw Sºº-ººrººze.' " ' h “… º º 596. *.* HAnother $9Bºg. #5 rººf ºrbi-sºº-º-; ~ *...* ~~~~< ` is ſ597 Edmondson (Rev. i., §§hort"Sermons, in the Tââtrian- ~~~~ ~~~~ 's...~~~~~~~&\lºg^aw-exº~~ *********.*.*.*.*.*…:***************{j-- . . . 1598 Edward II., History of, with the Rise and Fall of his Great - J º 3. : iº. ... Favouriteś, ſaygston and the Spºngº, portrait, folio, 1680 History of, found among the Papers of Henry, Wiscount . . . 1600 Edwards (Geo.) A Proposal for serving the Place of his Birth l; a . (Barnard Castle), scarce, Newc. 1784. – Edwards' Certain - : * , Way to save our Country, Ibid. 1807. — Letter to different Orders of the United Kingdom, particularly of Yorkshire, - ; s Durham, &c., 1807, long MS. Note. — Edwards' Elements of ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~£ºlºgy, 1776…~~~~~~~~~~ .** *” ióði Edwards (Geo., a Creole), Adventures of 1751. – Trip to 3 4 the Moon, by Sir Humphrey Lunatic, York, 1764. — w : * Quevedo's Visions, by Sir R. Lestrange, 1702. — British ~ …9Mjøsitiºjºſº.º.A:ºlº, 2 a "Tº Edwards (Erºy Anāºr **. *::->s- ºv. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...t. ton Family, and a Sketch of Chivalry, by James Aikman, ~~~~~~~&ºº--~~~~~~~49.4%. 18° s.sºſ. 1608 Egypt....A.Collection of Cuttings, MS. Notes, &c., relative to. º 4. TT609 Eighton Banks, Durham, Mémoiândă relativátó the enclosure *={------~~~~ of Wastelands.af. 4/48,------…--. -*- folio / (2 : 1610 Ekins (Charles) Naval Battles from 1744 to 1814,"reviewed e *~~~~ and illustrated, plans. - 4to, 1824 - :* * = *Tºº “ºi- “º".” *. ; ºzº Tris **à: | 94 J 1680 Eltringham (Wm. of Horsley) Warious Religious Tracts by, in f § 1 vol., calf. — Thirkeld (Rev. T.) Sermon at Whickham, * / : Aug. 6, 1732, Newc. 1739. — Meditations upon Afflictions, b%d i T., T 1631 Elwes (John, the Miser) Life of as it has ājjīārūfī the ;3. ſ Newcastle Advertiser, half calf, Newc. 1790. – Elwes ... ;--.....….(19bn) life.95 by Edward Topham, half calf. 1790 – é 1632 Ély, Statutes of the Collegiate Church of Lāfirī āād Engfish. ; : royal 8vo, 1817 -º-º-º: * (Sir Thomas). The Book named the Göðrúðū new ! ~ __edition, by A.A. ºligº… Newc. 1834 - *: I634 Emblems.” Aïciata Emblemata, "wants”fitſérrºr Cſáudii * , ; Minois Commentarii ad Emblemata Andr. Alciati. r 2. "T655 Emerson (Wiſ.) Mathematicaſ Wörks, complete; tsvols. 8vo., (8. 4. - two 4to., and one 12mo., calf, uniform, fine set, W.Y. — …Account of the Life of Emersºn, by the Rey.W. Bowe, 1798 ºrzº-ſº-ºº:#. i2+ 2.4%-Principles g; Mechanics, new ºffitigºlº.…:25 ; , ; 1638 Memoirs of, and Account of his Works, ºfty TST, i4 ; 2. Mr. Bell, with a portrait. — Some Account of the Life of -— ...W. Emerson, by Rgy...W. B9We.… ... 1793 #2; f689 Emerson (Thomas) Concise Treatise on the Courts of Law of ill-------~~ **** --~~~~~~~~~~~ * “. . .”.1640 Empson (Charles) Narratives of South America, 1886 – 13 3. * - Dragoon Campaigns to the Rocky Mountains, New York, # 3 1836.- Brookes' General Gazetteer, by Picquot, 1827. the History of Liver- Tºrſºr Edgar(wmiº Añºy tºwards - *—-i- --Pggl, ºp.40% plgſes, gºlf…, ~~~fºliº, 1774 i/ ; 6 "Igg glefield (Sir H. C.) Walk through Southampton, large i’...…??& Pºº.……...#9.8%.1895 T2: --tº- wińrough Southampton, plains, ſå6i. tº Milſer's +º, -i-...-- Uſixgåity ºf 9ambridgºl T14s-Ang,49th9;… -ſtºr Walk through Southampton, 1801. - History and 2, : Antiquities of Tewkesbury, 1790. — Johnstone's Account . of the Medicinal Water, near Tewkesbury, 1790. — De- scription of the Curiosities in Wilton House, 1784—in 1 Yglsºalf- - ~ # , ; 1645 English Compendium, or Rudiments of Honour, containing ; f : { the Genealogies of the Nobility of England, 3 vols., plates ; : " : of arms, calf. 1760 * 7. -º-º-tető Engliſh Pºgs, or a view of the Añaſcºtstºfthe Eng: * 3,' t # / . * lish Nobility (by C. Catton), 8 vols. in 2, fine plates, half ti-i------—ººk.--~~~~~~~~4%.” *~1647"English (H. S.) Tâws respecting Pews or Seats in Churches, 1826 -º-º: 4. ”* 1648 Enigmas." Thé Muse in Good Humour, or a Collection of … Enigmaš, Serigliš and 99mig..…..--------…-1745 1649 Entertainer (The), containing Remarks upon Men, Manners, &c., calf, 1718, -Preamer, calf, 1754 – The Dispensary, * , ºr ºr ºp-ºº-ºf” y- * & & g º 3,:***.% º º#.; ~" - k º; º *.4 :iR i Nwvw.# . -.* * -- “r 4. trº- ...ww.fy: ºn rºt -ºvº" c --> -ºsivº, S., - .------ ~~~y. Arº--------------- *-r---- i > *** [ 95 a Farce, as performed at a private Theatre in the Country, 80-A-Collection ºf Epigrams, galf.1727. | 1650 Epicteti Enchiridion made English, in a Poetical Paraphrase, by Ellis Walker, plate, calf, 1695. — Life and Philosophy of Epictetus, in English, by John Davis, 1670. 135TEph. A Sºjijº dºſſºtion of Epitaphs, sacred, and curious, M.S. – Epitaphs, or a Cºllectigººt Meſºgiºlºgí Gøgººd Faithfºlsºry ºntº 1826. *::s º ºxy Mºrºs ! ºver-tº-: ******* ~-ºxº-.” e * -- 1652 Epistles in Verse, caff, ië28- McKinley's Giant's Causeway, a Poem, Dublin, 1821. – Powell (Thomas) Poetical Works. — Maude (Thomas) Traveller's Lay, 1830. — Tait's Bam- …burgh.ſºtlººggºlºlò f ***, ºs:-...-a, -ā- - - ; t - º ; 2 ~& • - k T . . . l ſº - | i } / 3 i W 1655 fºus.”fīºd."ºff. mºnies after Hofhein, calf. - A Leide 1715 ~TGBTEffington's (Pycóñés invergs, fºrthétissorschöðrs, ār Hymns for Charity Schools, scarce, half calf, small 4to, Newc. 1723. — Errington (P.) New Copies in Verse, ~~~3% *~~~ ºº: ... . . *Roºf:Fºº-º-º-º: 1655 opies in Verse, calf, the Author's own copy, with long …4&A ºzº 1353 ºngº-Cºvº, the use of Writing Schools (2 gopies.) - Mewe. 1734 ºthéºsº §: sº- º OT & > K-ºs- '-- ~3 ‘z: nv.3+...ºva...... -Tº-Tºmºrrº Bºffº Cºſſº, iſſº ing a Catalogue of the Sale, by Wm. Garret, 2 portraits. *---- 558 Esquiggðrúðmás Träßix, as āśvāyāgós, òrdºñāşopiñoſis, private print, 1830. — Barthélemy, Voyage du Jeune Ana- ; charsis en Grèce, calf, 1811. — Dutens, Itineraire des É Routes les plus fréquentées. ... W. Wºº T559TEssayºpSºfiaSºftfieTömäſs Sex, by a Tääy, jñāpāº; # calf, 1697. — Another edition, calf, Newc. - wººse. Sºº-ºº: §º jº fººtºººººº; tº:-->4)-'7","S" " ' ' 'ºet. iv.32, rº-ºº::*-*rºtºs.stax." --Fu-22s2:…; * TB60 Essays of Götfire Architectife, by Wärtóñ, Benthāfi; Gröse, and Milner, plates. royal 8vo, 1802 TEST-Egyöäthe Art of Tóñóñting, rºst: St. Jółºń"Long's Exposure ºf Medical Practitioners, 1831-and 3.9thers. ** A tº: 4. **º- private Aſ ºff. - T663 Essex (Earſ of) "A Dééſaratiºn 6f the practises and Treasons’ attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his Complices, against Her Majestie and Her Kingdoms, Żºłº-º-º-º-º-º-º-; ; 'ºvyi'3”-Si:Sºº'º …small #92-1891. half gºlf. sººººººººººººººººººººw'. º - B & º º T664 Estafé #, of English Fugitives under the King of Spaine and his Ministers, rare. ... small 4to, 1595 Tº “This exceedingly rare work contains so lating to Mary Queen of Scots, the Duke of Northumberland, &c. &c.; It was successively in the Libraries of Rawlinson and Ritson; and has the Autºgraph ºf the lºſº.º.º.º.º.º. ** .* r *s y Töö5 Estates and Collieries of the Dukes of Newc * *-*.*.*.*.* r * six-º-º-º::::::-. At-'e: §rºr." iº"> Sºº'ſ me interesting particulars re- astle and Tortland, A large Collection of Documents, Letters, &c. relative to, including several Autograph Letters of the Duke of Port- land, 1783 & 1786, injskyglºiºſºligº!999:4799. ſ - | .** - ". . ; **. 1662 Essay upon Wind, witHCurious Anecdotes of Eminönt Petetiis, 5* f *: i § ; - a y § i i k f }- i 4 ; [ 96 \ : 8. 1666 Ettrick (Rev. W.), Second Exodus, 3 vols., Sund, 1814. — ~~~~~~}ºiºsºrial.9£º-Spiriº-,-,------- # TT667 Etablissement du Ceus Général, 4to, Rome i818. = Dé Ca- sº * --lonne-Jeffre-addressée-all Roi, 49-1789;…... 1668 Eugene (Prince) Life of 1789. – Lackington’s Conféssions, ..?...?…}}**.*.*---~~~~~~~~~~ -*, *, r*1669. Eigenºram. Gemine Account of his Trial, for the Murder …---------9f Daniel Clark, halfgali- ~~~~}º 1739 Zºº" " ' "1670 Eunuch #. or the Northumberiană"shepherd." in four - 4. Chapters. Whereon hangs a Tale, apply it who may, rare. - 1 - & - - - jºyººsexicº.-ss-ºº-º-º-º-º-et S, xº~ : * >| -----r} < * : * ***** * †" 1881 Ewing (Harriety Dumié, a poem, #dff, 1819. `After of º / º Idem, a new Review, No. I., For a Summer Month in 1794, '. t, . private print, 4to, Reading, 1794. — Eartham; an Epistle - to a Lady, private, print, Chichester, 1814. — Boswell's … (Alº) Clan:Alpin's WoW 2.Jºragment, 1817...… : 2 : 1682 fixhibitions of Paintings, "Sculpture, &c." Catalogues of • - . various Exhibitions in Newcastle, Liverpool, Birmingham, --~~~~ . &gain..! Yºl. .dº? - 4to * / . % 1683 Exmoor Scolding, in the propriety and decency of Exmoor --~~~~ Language, Cuttings and MS. Wote inserted. 1839 ---, ºrgsträ;º A Cătăſăgăööf the Törds, ; / : i Knights, and Gentlemen that have compounded for their , f - Estates, 1655,” and also from “Valor Boneficiorum; or a . : A. [ 97 t * & }: º e º * º § § Valuation of all Ecclesiastical Preferments in England and; : 3 Wales, 1695.” f * : i. ... ; tº These extracts are those portions relating to the Northern Counties,; . i. and are Yºy-ngady. Wilſºn by Mr. Bellaº-e r; ; : --~~~~ & Jºhn A. - c cº & - wa’ - sº ******-a-wºr-ºwever-ºº-º-º: º $; - © - - º .i. §: 1685 Eyre (Rev. Monsignor) History of St. Cuthbert, plates and; % 7 * ~~ 77°4′p. royal 8vo, 1849; ; , ; - % *. 3. * e - º y * & 1686 ABER (Rev. G. S.) Treatise on the Ordinary Operations; § 3. - of the Holy Spirit, calf, 1814. — Faber’s Primitive: & - Doctrine of Election, 1842. — Faber’s Provincial Let- 3. § Z *::::::ºrºs ters from the County Palatine of Durham. — Faber's gº tº . Letters on Tractarian Secession to Popery, 1846. — The * * ~~ Revival of the French Emperorship anticipated from the: * : - g & nºggssity of Prophecy...1853. ~~~~~~~...~.4 ºr Tö87 Fabies, Fifty-one original, ºff out, isºmºyº. Crºſſ * 5 ; $/gºº. sºc.….…~cº--~~~~~º-ºxo-º-º-º:****-***** tº #58 88 Fairbairn (John) A Collection of Pamphlets published by, : , ; ---- chiefly relating to George IV. and the Trial of Queen Caro- } ić - ~ling, 24.44% half-bound...!!!… ~~~~}~% 4. ~~~~~34.------ 1689 Faithful Narrative of Betty Preserv'd and the Doctor Disco- vered in a Trip to N–tle, taken in the Summer of 1806. - 1806 : 3. fººty::tºwº-> TUGUTTEEFTwº Trºsſrººm, aſſºrsosºfº ***** - a / f- f#g : | :-->. mily of Iona, and other Poems, with Historical Notes, 1850. ; ; 's ~~~~ …º.º.º.º.º. --~~~~~~~…, 32. a …-arºvºazºº.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º. ºx-ººººº-º-º- *****º- • * , -ºf-Z “c. 1891 Fallaſſey. F.). Account of the Isle ºf Jersey.….. 1634.4/...?.…. *1653. Fämäß Histºry, or an exact Relation and Account of the º $. Old Anabaptists and New Quakers, portrait of Charles II. ! § -- * * * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~18804~~~4- 1693 Farey (John) Wiew of the Agriculture and Minerals of Derby- ; #2 * 3 • v ... - Shiº. 3.Yglº Algés....... ow-4,------~~~a rº-sº-º-º-º-º:*, *::::\} * fººt ºn ------------ --~~~~~~~~~~~41**** wº, -º- #. • -,-, º * Arººrºº T695 Farrer (Rev. John) Memoir of, private print, portrait out by & º - - -čević, half cali, sacca.--~~~~~~1811 : **** Tº T656 farmer (John) Selection of Hebrew Poems translated, 4to, ; , ; Iſendal 1780. — Smart (C.) Translation of the Psalms, 4to, & -- 1765. F.Eables fg.9 pºp gºt!gmºtº.17%.º.º.º. § / : iſſarrerſiºn of Netherwiſion, Boems ºpies ºut. Isai : i. T698 Farrer (Mrs.) Appeal of an Injured Wife against a Cruel ; ... Husband, half <.…~~~~~~~~~ 1788 -- T699 Farrer’s History of Ripon, föö1. – Andrew's History of : Winterton, 1836. — Batcheller's History of Dover, 1828. — History of Ford Abbey, 1846. — History of Mount's # \ 2. -ń.;#| ** y - > * : * ~, ºr...*.*.*** 7. ~~~~~ … Bay, 1831… ...s.º.,...s,...,...sgs…º.º.º.s…ºr-12, v. “…”. ...º.º.º. ************$.” “ſº 1700 Farthing Giles, a Poem, by the Rev. R. Wallis. – Transla- ; { tion of a Poem lately published, entitled Farthing Giles, i t ~...~ fºr aw", … half galf. ... <-------. ~~~~~~~~~~ ** r *x-º-º-º: *A* (*tºkwa--fºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 4to, - Suuderl. 1774-iss- *…s. f*** **----sº O ; } w | 98 } --~~~". * # ºl. * - ~ * 1701 Faulkner (Thomas) Historieal and Topographical Description : 3: 3 º of Chelsea and its Environs, large paper, plates, half calf. * ~ * ~ * º *—---- i t royal 8vo, 1810 †: ... iſ]2+. Histºry and Antiquities of #. --~~~~ TTU3 : History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hämäersmith, 3 3 plan and cuts. 1839 *:::::Asºv -- .. + ~~ish $ºf-Seº’2. §: “Bº”-ºs->~~~~<'.º-º-º-ºr-º-º: ***** ***, *- : tw.r.º. ~~~~1 839 - ***** - - -*. - - - - .. f Aïčič Šjº. ...A - * F_ •ºf ** * * - º * - .** iñ05 - History of Brentford, faiing, and Chiswick, platº. 1845 *…** 1711 FeII (Miss, 6 - > * > * > *** *** > *** -º-; - ...~~~~~~~~~~~~~. “rt. 's-----> --~... . . ~...~ --~: -, ------, -º-º-rr-, -- ...”.”: , ... cº-ºp is 3xxº~z T710 -Two ‘. - w *** **fº. 1840 A k- 3 & * -- a ." . . .e.,x* * • ‘ ‘N’ “...' ... :rºrs tº * : * ~ **** * *, *-**i.e-ºw "º ...” ſº tra.''”, “4”, “... --- cºeſ:-.--w: if Newcastlé) A Poem on the Times.” 4to, Ti"4 *::- 1706 — Historical and Topographical Account of Fulham, plates → *— ~~~~~~~~~~~-19y4%-48% +– 1707 Fawcett (Rev. R.) Sermon at the Consecration of St. Ann's : / ; - - Chapel, Newcastle, half calf, with long MS. Note, Wowo. * I : ; 1768. — Bailey (J.) Coronation Sermon at Newcastle, º . . . . . Oct. 20, 1714, half calf, Gateshead. . . . v * ~~ * TTUS Fearon (H. B.Y.Jöſſley in the Eastern and western SETs of ; : jº America, 1818. — Fell (R.) Tour through the Batavian ; : s Republic, 1801. — Fisher (P. H.) Three Weeks Tour in --~~~~~~Wales, in 1817, Strºud-1818----…----. / ; % - 1709 Featherston (J. R.) Weardale Men and Manners, plates. Durham, 1840 lºé - - *.:t{ + Hi / / o tº With MS. Pedigree of the Fell family inserted. ~--~~~~~~~, ºr o-w'.….*.*.*--~~~frtºº sº ºr tº:* *******::: **** ****** *** *****...w-r', '-tr 'r, two-sw-ºr-e- 1712 felling Colliery Explosion, 1812, Hodgson's Funeral Sermon __ on, and an Account of the Accident,804:06, Newe, 1813 TY18 Féââlâ Jöököy Club; or a Sketch of the Maññers of the Age. Ary 1794 TTA Fenwick's (John) Privately Printed Publications, large paper copies in 4to ; very few of each done for presents:— Obituaries of Newcastle Worthies, portraits, 1836. Obituary of C. N. Wawn, 1840. Another edition, portrait, 1840, - § Recollections of Ann Fenwick, 1840. Qbituary Resolutions of the Newcastle Bible Society, 1842. Biographical Sketches of Dr. Marshman, 1843. Gathering Ode of the Fenwyke, 1843, Biographical Sketch of J. T. Brockett, portrait, 1843. Memorial to the Senate of Hamburgh, 1843. Genealogy of the Family of Radclyffe, 1850, 4 Letters Éetween j ames Ellis and Walter Scott, 1850. Iłialogue between the North and South Tyne, 1850. The Foundation Stone, a Hymn, 1850. Slogans of the North of England, 1851. Treasure Trove in Northumberland, 1851. - Inscription on a Tablet in the Abbey Church, Hexham, 1852. Protest against the Attainder of Sir John Fenwick, 1854. Sketch of the Ship-boy Life of John Fenwick, 1856. Some Account of Francis Radclyffe, first Earl of Derwentwater, 1856. Obits of some of the more distinguished Members of the Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle, 1857. y &# 1715 Fenwick (John) Privately Printed Publications, small paper, ; ; ; viz.:-Lushington's Foundation Stone, 1850. — Dialogue : ; ; between the North and South Tyne, 1850. — Letters be- ; i i. tween James Ellis and Walter Scott, 1850. — Ellis' Ge: 3 .5° ; nealogy of the Family of Radelyffe, 1850. - Treasure ; ; ; Trove in Northumberland, 1851. — Slogans of the North ; ; ; — of J. mň +. Tºrg -- ºn r wick, large and ~mprºß d & 12°ºxºsºx, ÉÉ. º, ºut small # # Rºligº, £º/*.. *†ng: le Worthies, portraits, pre -** **** *.*.*.*-r-z-exacº, *. Tenwic (Sir John) Proceedings against, upon tänder fºr High 8. tiaries of Névºca sº Coºl, with MS. Woté. . .2%#: 1698 Treason Pºrvºr: “Trra Agland-in.] yol*. bglfmoſoºgº.gift ape ********. º r of Duplicate Tracts published by Mr. Fen- ; ; /3 : º News. 1886.; a Bill ºf Átº: e - - Jºº-º-º-º-º-º-º:-- * S.S. tº $37 ºf 45° tºr.ºse-ºs-2+2-(º-ºº-ºº: 3. < ... g.: -ºr -'- " - ;: .# ! {} 3. #::::::::*-āº-º-º. 32.É.- - - 2 #1.8 Another co y, half ār; • N.e." A rºa- -4 ºvº ~f~, --Tºrrerººp-trigº § *Tºyºsatiºns ºff fºr Aſſºgºń gilt, iggs tº 5.T. **** }<2*, *, *r- the Satisfaction of Christ, by Thomas Bell, Glasg. 1790. — ; / ; Ž - Wilson's Sermons on Justification, &c. TZT FETWºR (R.T.O.) The Goblin Groom; a Tale of Dunse, calf,’ſ --~4tº...lººk-1899-# …~~~~&“a”----ºn-ºn- 1722 Fenwick (Thomas) Essays on Mech N Q. Shields, 1818. * º - .* - it! * --Tºrºz. ººrt.rººt-$º ºr. -- . . - - * 4. t * ''. º - . * *.* • ** ºº::ºx.:-º-º- ***-*--~~~~ - - J. anics, Newc. 1802. — ; º . Watson's Compendium of many useful Branches of Science, ; ; -\º 1812. — Riddle's Tables of Logarithms. – Partington’s # 2: // Lectures on the Steam Engine, 1826. — Turnbull (Wm.); * *****,x on the Air Pump and Atmºspherig Railway, 1847…~~~ 1733 FEWSECT(Tiëſtº CSI: Jößj Christ Buſing in the midst of . his Enemies; or Sqme first Fruits of the Churches Deliver- d º • § .. * * ance, Budding forth out of the Crosse and Sufferings, and ; / 4. 4. some remarkable deliverances of a twentie yeeres Sufferer, and now a Souldier of Jesus Christ, cloth. 4to, 1643 : tº An extremely rare Tract, the only copy besides this known to Mr. : ; Bell, is one in the Librar y of John Fenwick, Esq., Newcastle.— See MS. Note inside. “, .i. 3 ***.* - rious Case of by John Watkins…~~~~~~~~~.48] 1725 Fenton (E.) Poems, Occasions, 1717. — Fento r r - ºr; on Several __9\min Trºférg morland. 1856, ghºm (19hp) Poems, gºigſty. Pastºl.1786-ºxº~. 1724 Fenning (Eliz.) Results of an Investigation into the Myste- š n § (Ben.) Poems; Tributes to Scarborough, &c,., 1843. — # uson (#66ert) The Northmen of Cumberland and West- t ! y - S - ***.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* *** **, *, *.----, * *- x * * .. * * '. - 3. j * * ". .* * * **. - r - ,” - gºº...? sº-ºº: *::::Arº-o-º-, *, *z, , ” s * > .* :- $ .* ~! *. TT27 Ferguson (T) Poems, Epistles, "Satires, odes, &c., Sunderl. 1819. — Gothalbert of the Tyne, Wo. Shields, 1823. — Frier (Thomas) Poem to the Memory of Princess Charlotte, *— A2. Sº...!818-in...] Yºk.…~~~~~~~~~~ 1728 Ferriar (J.) Essay towards a Theory of Apparitions, 1813. — W A Mitchell (W. A.) Essay on Capacity and Genius, also an Enquiry into the Naturg.of ſhºts half-estléºsºvº” &# Collection of Epigrams, ancient and modern. ; I755 Fº (Th 1767. — Collection of Essays, Anecdotes, &c., b ******** *t & - - - w - r - - **::::::: *. #3: .*.*&ss-º'------ º t < * * 3." s: - * '. f Y : { # ". ºr * * § * • º - * }^ -t-…- -3.3 *-* *::: *- *...* ºrº- § § S. r *z : r r 3. 'J & l r { ! '; ** e in Prison, Newc. 1802 y a Debtor - $ º * - • *.*.*.*.* -- ~~, rs" -º- * > *** ***, *, *-N Sr*.*.*.*, r* Sº :- ºr r < * * *-* > * * T * - - - - **. Jº º Sºº-ºº-ºº:Yaº - - , - ºr - - v. • * ** *-**~ - ... . $, ºr 34,...fx-º-º-;...tº; ..., sº-ºſ-i:F./S-6??- 33.3׺rzºwº-ºº: Sºº-ºº ºvºvºrº f Q * [ Ioo J : ; 2 . 1780 Fever. Wood's Plain Remarks on Fever, with other Pamph- . < lets, Cuttings, &c., on Fever, &c., as it prevailed in New- : - .......…. castle in 1808-in-l-Ygle-half gºlf.… ... 3...?.… 1731. Fiddgs (Dr. Ric) Life of Cardinal Wolsey, plates, ºf fºliº, 1726 ~~~~~ 1732 Fielding (Henry) Enquiry into the Causes of the Tafé Tříčrease of Robbers, &c., scarce. , 1751 1785. Fisher (A.) English Dictionary, 1814. - FISHEF's Grämmar, Mewc. 1770. — Hutton's Arithmetic, 1771. — And 4 other School Books, local. TºTTºmºrpºrºń wrºsſwºrds orgſmans pricitodue ~...ºbgºš.98% ºf gºlf..…. 4to, 1650 .3.1735 - Another copy, halfgalf...ºttoºrºo 1736 Fisher (Thomas) Memoir of the late Charles Grant, M.P. for sºrº",ºn Inyºnº Acºrºk--~~~~~~~ 1833 1737 Fisher's ğ. Westmorland iſſustrated from TFăw- ings by Thomas Allom, the edition with one plate on a page, ~~~~~~~}xº~~~~ 4to ~~~~#ss-Fºgº, cº from iśîtoſíš44, cuts by BéWick, - & others, ports, of R. Rowby & T. Bewick inserted, scarce. Newg. ºf 1739 - T52I to 1832, cuts by Bewick and ºthèſsºrbid. ~1740 FitzWilliam (ETI) ICEfºg to the Earſ of Căſisſé, explaining the Causes of his retiring from the Country, and several – a.…..Pamphlets in Pºp!y...!...Y.9k Dublin 1795 *.*.*.* *T*E*********º-ºs-Sºº-º-º-we-ºr-º-º-º:************~~~~~~~~~\º, -ºxºsºvºrº...º.º.º...A.,..., zorr 2. - 1741 Flagellum Parliamentarium, sarcastic Notices of the first Par- zºº.ºrgº-º-º: --sºligºnºphºlºggiig, § 99pić). 1827 º "...º *º-ºº-ººr-º-º: Sºº-yx. ~ºpºrºssºw, &: *****śrººts” fºr Rººftwº- wrºt: “...t-º-º-,-, 2 • 6 iží2 Fletcher (Phinehas) Biscatory Élogºs, with ºther Pötſcal . Tº: sº Misºgllºnieś (3.99piš). Adû, 1771 ************{-3-ºls..…: * * , - - *- : - - - -v- -º-;-- ~~~~ * **a-A. v -, * ~ ** Trº. † -- rºº wr-2 ~~~~ * ~ :--vvZºrºr - - 1743 Fletcher (Andw. of Saltoun) Political Works, Glasg. 1749. — Forbes (Duncan) Thoughts concerning Religion, calf, Edinb. 1750. — The Farmer's. Six Letters to the Protestants of Ireland, of equal Importance to the Protestants of England, Newc. 1746. T-----17trfismy's Targarºristºrtººnisłºwº Tag-watsºn / & (Rev. D.) Historical Catechism, Ibid,—and 3 others. -*-rris T1560s: “A&iſitºrºis Gºt T135T ºf the Tyń6, D66:30, - / .. 1815, and a Narrative of the Flood on the 16th and 17th . 4 . é Nov., 1771, printed on writing paper, Newc., J. Bell, 1816. . º — Accounts of the Flood, Dec. 30, 1815, from the News- - papers, neatly mounted, in 1 vol. 8vo., every page ruled --~~~~~~~Wiſh.Jºd-lines, gºlf.nº.ºrg/ of J. Hell. : * 1746 Narrative of the Great Flood in 1771, Welco. 1772. — j : Account of the Great Flood in the Tyne, Dec. 30, 1815, and . . . A reprint of the above, Newc., J. Bell, 1816—in 1 vol. 8vo., - ~~~~~~~&º-----~~~~~~~~~ ; : - 1747 ——Farrer (Rev. J.) Sermon on the Flood, Nov. 16, 1771, ; : . . . Newc. 1772. — Narrative of the Great Flood in the Rivers ! . . . .” - * Tyne, Tease, Wear, &c., Newc. 1772. — Account of Great : ; : Flood in the River Tyne, Dec. 30, 1815, and Narrative of ! . . . the Flood in 1771, Wewe. J. Bell, 1816—in 1 vol. 8vo., * --4---~~~~~~~Wiſłºſt----- ~~~~ - - % ºl #/ſº Mºſſº) % // § A. NS 1748 Flodden. Hereafter ensue the trewe encountre or Batayle lately don betweene England and Scotland; in which ba-. tayle the Scottsshe Kynge was slayne, filará letter. Re- . printed from the rare original by Mr. Haslewood, scarce, T 1745 Battle of hiará totter, Haslewood's Reprint, 1809. — Merrie conceited Jests of George Peele, Reprint, 1809 . −ill-ºkºlºlºalſ, º ~4ta-i. *.*.*4. smallſ *ča, ~18094. * >< *s-st 4 - / * ****, **k-a--- *3. 1754 Flodden, Battle of, edited by Lambe, portraits, &c., inserted. ... Herº, 1774. *Sºrº &#/º34% --~~~~~~~~ T * -- i.” 5” w.ariº & wºrk ºr *********Nºte-r-ţgiºgeº's sºrººººººº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:*S*.*.*:Sºº-ºº-ºº: *:: *...:: */.S. - 1755 - Another edition. Weiß.1809. - - . • , ºº, gº-ºº-ºº:: *, *, *:::::::::::: *.x, ºr tº ºvº sea.º.º.º- ; : º Jºy-- • *º-sarºn…sº º-º-º-º-º-->~~ -º wº- ~ Töö.~1774". : 3. " " - " . . . º - $: *3. * :--- it ***** ~rºyº.:------ *.*. -º-º-º: --&lº º: -- *. | N º x :- * -ºr 1756 – Edited by Weber. F. iš03 tº - - * * #’ a- *: * *:-ºs- ~~. SOIl • *:::::::::::::::ººp.ºrº * - º - t tºº.§ū. *: *** *- vº-'ºrºs **i; Fiji...ºfield, The Battle of, a Poem, edited by Joseph Ben- ; - - ***ºf -ºs.º.º.º. 7.5, r**** ... 1774 ... : . . . º. v.-- Tºnººx: J.g. ºr 1805. --~...~ *- : 2. --------º, 32°ssº;3°zºsº Kºś3.xfººtººººººº-ºº: sº-ºº-ºº: 1759 Floddon, History of the Battle of edited by També, Nº. 1809. — Ancient Ballads; selected from Percy's Collection, ; 1807—in 1 vol., half calf. <<2***ºvatº, -- Žº ºf ******* . ... • -- <º-ºº:*T*.*.*.*.*.*************ºjºsº-Sºº Yº 5.” ...:"f sº, 1760 Föfly (ThéâBarce, waits tº first leaves, fºg. Afg, Mº.1736 *: w ;ūº sN-ºº:*::*...- º- -** ; * |. . . 2. .* 4.3&ºiº 3. ºr *.~ 1761 Fonthill Abbey. Historical Notices ºf fine plates. 24to, 1886 -- "1762 Forbes, Genealogy of the Family of compiled by Mr. Mat. they Lumsden, of Tollekerne, 1580, halfcalf. Interness 1819: …i 1763 Forby (Rev. R.) Vocabulary of East Anglia, 2 vols., portrait # ... . . . . . . . ...v.". -- - - - - 1764 Fordyce (Wm.) History of the County Palatine of Durham, . 3. Yols. Alſº, unboggd. 4:9. Nelſº...1537.3 ; § : Nº. 3.º , * ,º : --Af*: ; / / * ;º •:- TITö5 Forå" (Rev. Wm.) Sºmery of the Lake District, 1838 – ; Leigh's Guide to the Lakes, 1835. — Otley's Description of ; the Lakes, Keswick, 1838. — Housman's Guide to the # Takes. -- - ar s :- Aſ- *2-- - - . s t-* -< ; --- - *S-- *-* *.*.*.*, *, *.x4 ºz.:..º.º.º.º. 5:-vº - * - Fºs- ºx-º ... → • * : f *Sºrºººººº-ºx issººrºwºlºr.º.º.º.S.**:::::vºy Sº-NººSººs - - ; ---A jº * * # Y. * t . . . ** - 2 *--~~~~- ~17 Leº, sº * { ; i *-**— * 7 [ 102 j 1766 Foreign Affairs of Great Britain administered by Lord Pal- ...merston, ºf published (2.99pies): . 1841 ########y-in-many tº f and reform’d, by T. H., Newc. 1713. – Cosin (Bp.) Col- lection of Private Devotions, calf, 1681, 1768 Form of Prayer’āid Ceremonies used at the Consecration of a Church 4to, Newc. 1789 1765 Forms of Prayer." A large Collection of, from 1689 to 1855, ... in a Portfolio, *. g- * - “R * . 2 ! * º: ** . / W * A. 3 *----- .* - f 2. : { ~~..." -- > . » , ºs : / - w - W .*, *...*2n-r-‘ ‘--~~~~~~ * ~~~~ : *-* | ſo W sº w 1770 Forster (J. R.) Observations made during a Wöyågåröund the ... ............World, onl’hysical Geography, &g, galf.___4to, 1778. 1771 Forster (Thos.) Observations of the Natural History of Swal- --~~~JoWs, outs by a pupil of ſiewick.-------...--- 1817 1772 Forster (Westgarth) Section of the Strata from Newcastle to Cross Fell, in Cumberlaud, large paper, plates, half calf, very // -- y * - { .. * - a -º- ºr ~ * “rºtº ‘. . '', é- -> $64%-----~~~~~~~ --~~~...royal SYO, 4lston 1821. Section of the Strata, first edition, plates, Newc. 1809– iºns royal 8vo, 1804 Tcheltenh. 1826 * > ***, * ~ * small 4to, 1851 folio, 1659 1786 Paris 1805 08. — Memoirs . Rodham (H.) Practical Land Surveying, Ibid. 1831. – ... ......... ..., Fenwick. (Thos), Essays on Practical Mechanics, 1824. : Z v. 3 1774 Fortium (Mrs.) Póēms, i.egendary, Pathétié, and Descriptive, : ... ." . calf. . 3 ! ~1775 Fosbrökő (Rev. T. D.) synopsis of Ancient costime, plates." y 3 Tºrontºn waii. viii. . 2 ; 1777 Foster (Benj.) History of the Priory and Gate of St. John, fine : 4 __guts. *. * ~. . . ... -e-. a. º. tºsº - - s . 3 TIT/8 Foster (Samuel) Miscellanies, or Mathematical Tucubrations, ~Y i - i ~~~~ ~…~. *** *-*xº~~1, ºx” -> *******g”. ºr -º-º-º-º-º: - -<-ses-----> . . .4-, *. • • -? • * *-*. . .” -t-…. " " ----.' ! º 3 ; 1779 Fothergill (Dr. John) Memoirs of, by J. C. Lettsom, half calf, —i :- !---> •.4 º --~~~~~-------, --> - ; : 6 ; 1780 Fournier (F. L.) Dictionnaire portatif de Bibliographie, 3. : - * ** *-*.*.*. : ‘. . . . ." oš . . .- ~~}< ...------- - --~~ ---, -, - - - - - - - - - - - , :- -- ~~ “. . * * * *, *::: - ". . . . . . . . . . .” - --...-: ..., - : 3 & : 1781 Fox (C. J.) Memoirs of, by R. Fell, 2 vols., 18 * # of the latter Years of C. J. Fox, by J. B. Trotter, half calf, ** * * 3. * 1811 tºxscºre-ºxº~~YºCº-wre-ºr-cººrs 2:ºxy rºº-ºº:rºr--> cº, * *... ------------------~ : … --> * .- * * A. '. J. / f .* t t § º, ... • ***-º-º-º-º-º-, -, -ºffs. t ** f | f + * - ************~~~~ i '; § } ! ; 't º;” i----. w T !/ t { à- / {!. { *.. M 1784 Fox (G. T.) Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, po ~1757 of the Early Part of the Reign of James II., • 4to, 1808 Żºłraft "and __plates (2 copies.) . . . Newc. 1827 755 Fox (Böbt.) History of Godmanchester, iii Huntingdomshiré." ******śwº-"*****-ººººººººº; “º “” “”ºr “” ‘’’ ‘’’.” “x- " A. sº, sº v × . . "...? ...rºyº) 8V9, 1 831---- 1786 Fox (Sir Stephen) Memoirs of the Life of, (2 copies). º tº Memoirs of the Life of * ~ *, r* ... -- * 1783 — History 1 --- ***** * ... . . 1717 Reprint rºw wº, -ºscºw s: 2.3-:{ Í788 Fragments of the History of John Büff, with the Birth, &c., ; **. * * - i-: *-- :3– - of Jack Radical, by Horace Hombergh, hf.cf. Durham 1820 1789 Franciscans, Account of the Order of, from the continuationſ to i)ugdale's Monasticon, 2 plates. folio Aºre ** - & * * ~ *-* - - --" ~ *.*.*.*c 1:... : * *, *, *, *, *, **-*.* * * **'. '-erv'. - * * * ---. . . *.*, * *** r *. a- .* * * *-x- [ 103 || 1790 Franck (Rich.) Northern Memoirs, to which is added, the º-ºs--.99ptemplºys &nd Pragtical Angleſ.--~~~~gºmb. 1821.3 1791 Frankland (Thos.) Annals of King James and King Charles the First. folio, 1681 ; # * 4: Af 3' ** ~.4% ºf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4to, 1774. 1793 Fraser Family, Annals of such Patriots of the Family of Fraser . Frysell, &c., as have signalised themselves in the public ; --- _Service of Scotland.... . . . . . . ... Edinb. 1805 : TT94 Frăşöf (Āſéx.) Report of the Cause Tatham v. Wright, tried": - at Lancaster, 1834, 2 vols. Jancaster, 1834 : f * *.*.* Tºw - Y. -ºr- Y .-- ºr-- ~ ;- .*.*.*.*.****** -º---~~~~~~~~...~. **-******* sº ºr. .#~~. :-ºxº~~. ~~ 1792 FERITTÜBājj Experiments and Observations on Electricity, gº / SH---ist:< *z ~3. • **** * *-*. - r". 3 º r * i ." ‘1 ..? - Tº"-ºvºz -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-, -e-... f * * \, § * ! 'w) !- ***. ****** , * 41 j • J. y --~~~~-º,-- ~~~~s;.<''~~~~...~~~}}.....~~~~~~r. * { 3. º 4 x * * w * * ** 3. 4. -. ~1795 Frăsăr RSBerty PögtiāT“Remains. "Cºff, "[355 rºTºss"; (James) Banks of the Esk, Edinb. 1800. — Meston (Wm.) ; Poetical Works, Aberdeen, 1802. — Craig (John) Poems Edinb. 1827. – Glass (W.) Scenes of Gloaming, Stirling, ; {y *ºrs: -" ºr *** :.. - * •º 2 i 4. "A t , '' t§ "----. 1814. - * ..., 2-4”.”“..….'s -- ** Súderl 1834. .*.*. * *** J-> --,--------~~~~-wºrrºw ºx-ºw cº-3-" "… :o-ºº-ºº: - - ºa :*****ºr, **** - º: I * } fi ; 1827...… •s, ºr -, ...~~~~~ --~~~~ F--35- £&nh, 1765 ...; •.."<< **** ***.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*}~ *f, *...*&^. s: ºf Zºº.º.º. ºb:45-º-º-º-º: 3 ºr | º º | j d * } ''} , { * - ** { : : : § , H • W ****''< xº~. * ,? Å .* 3- ***.*.*.*. ~4. - & ’’; A .* - & sº 2. * *\' * : * “s.'s ºr vs.-- t ---asºn: $.5 °-A ºr . * -*** ****-**********- : w 1% ºve-...-a, -º-; ... *-*.******* *xr ºf “sa-4". ~ *- - % * **.*. : P. ; x º r , *:: - - t - **.*.*.*.*. 1803 freemasons Companion, cºif.º. iii.; 2+2. 1804 Freemasons' Companion, Newc. 1777. — The Principles and , ; 3 #4, - • 'Iºl r { - Practice of Freemasons............…... --- 17864-#7-º-º-º: .” ºv.- - - -- --- - > * - - • . º !. TS65 Halliwell (J. O.) Early History of Freemasonry in England. . ; / & - sº tºº-ºº-ººrºº Jº-lºw -** Y-, --A - > * * * *-* ºr *-*.*, a taxº~ ** * ***.*.*.*Y**r-- :: ***, *s, *:--- “tr.:**** * *************** ** ***** 1844. : ...sºss-ºxyzz-Zawºss-rººrººz-ºr-r-twº-rºx. … •Sr--- ºr-…--~~~...~ * ******{-Sº-rº-----, -ºs.º.º.”-- ***.**** 5 Kºyvºrºs-Yº -tº, ºvº-ºº- s &Y, r2: **** ***::stº ºrº-...-e-- 1806 Hart (Rev. Jas.) Sermon before the Lodge at Durham, half ... Small 4to, Durham (1772) i..., **** Jound. rºse - **º-3;--ºf--- - - 1807 Hutchinson (Wim). The Spirit of - Masonry, half morog02–1774; 1808 Angth9.99py-gºlf- Öration ºf Freemasons' Hall, sunderland, July i 6, 1778. – Hall (Rev. T.) Oration at the Phoenix Lodge, ; Sunderland, April 5, 1783-in lygła half gºlf. small tº 1809 * ~ * * º “ ~ & "ºr" ; y w | | Arsy w r - & § º º ; ~" # - ***-ºs- ºverreº.<- . *… 3 A- | IoA l º 1810 Jones (S.) Masonic Miscellanies, in Poetry and Prose, 1811. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Freemasons' Companion, Wagg, 1777-in.1 Vol. calf. é . 1811 Odes and Songs on Freemasonry, with Music, from Hale's --º-º---------89°ial garmony…~~~~ .* ~ * : * r *s-----, __small, 4to 2 1812 Oliver (Rev. G.) Signs and Symbols illustrated and explained, __ in Twelve Lectures: - 1828 1813 Preston (W.) Illustrations of Masonry, ºffºrt.” “-1812 1814 –– Private Lectures on Masonry.” -------- % 3. º ; +. 2 .º Ç 2– 1815. The Böök M. & Masóñry Triumphant, in two parts; tırcalf, *- 6 . . . . . . . S. rare, wants last leaf. ... ... Newc. 1736 - # 1816 The Principles and Practice of Free and Aécepted Måsons. ~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” … 1817. Erée. Scriveners of London, Tha Casa of.…...4.9.1749 t 1818. Eriar. Rush, The Historie of.------- 4:9, 1620, Reprint 1810 1819 Frisi (Paul) Treatise on Rivers and Torrents, with the Method • ...of regulating their Course gnd Channels...-----4to, 1818 1820 Frogs and their King; or the People and their Rulers, by Ig- notus Coaxus. 1835 3 à - * ---\ rººk Té Tiš21 Frost (Chas.) Address delivered to the Literary and Philoso- . ~...~... phical Society, Hull, lººſe pºpeſ,..........#9, ſº 1881 ~ “”T822 Fryer (john) Alphabetical index to Map of Northumberland, ! plates. 3-2-, 2-vs.-2,…... e...--.: ....... . . . . ...…~~ver.------------------, -->, sº --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edinh, 1799 1824 Fuller (Thos.) History of Cambridge and Waltham Abbey, - * * *-* : * ****.*.*.x g”. *** re-errºvºet,” “ºrgº-ºº-ºº-º-º: … § r ; rººf ºy • – = - 1 846 ~"1825. Fulton (R.) on the Improvement of Canal Navigation, plates. : A- - 4to, 1796 - ſ326 Fürnass (Rèv. John) PräätiöäISürveyðr, Weida. T809:=ton- y *********...* a *... --~~~:--, - ....: ...”:-º-º-,-,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : : - ºr---. 1823 Fuller (John) History of Berwick-upon-Tweed, * - -: * ; aldson’s Architectural Maxims, 1847. — Croucher Electro § ! Metallurgy-and 5.9thers..….. † - 1837 tº wºitiquiãº, cºmbycidge, gº-TsU5 ::::: ; 1828 Fuss (J.D.) Român Antiquities.........Qxfºrd 1840 T. & TT1829 Fussell's Journey round the Coast of Kent. 1818 T7 ºr "1830 – Another copy, plains inserted. " T518 Y; . y- g z--ºw------. r—s * -k - ~~~~~ re----~~~~: ---. sac---, *, *r-rº-vº-'rry-º, it... trº-ºrrºr- $2 6 : 1831 AMBLE (John) Sketches of History, Politics, and Man- § { } ners in Dublin and the North of Ireland in 1810, 1826. . . . — Fell (R.) Tour through the Batavian Republic in : 1800, 1801. — Delany (Mrs.) Letters to Mrs. Frances —i i ; Hamilton, half calf, 1821. 3. “i 835 Gijiºfºiáſhìfàss, by D'Assigns.” 1674 y : 3 *"iS53 Gångåheſtrºpópe Clément XTV.) Léffers of (2 &pies)" *** ~~ /ð 6 : 1834 Garbutt (George). Historical and Descriptive"View of the & Parishes of Monkwearmouth and Bishopwearmouth, and the Borough of Sunderland, plates, MS. Note inserted. . '', # º :****, +--rººvº. 2 ºvajº x * * , *** --~~~~~$44.7 .1819- ; : * [ Io; ) 1885 Garlands, Collected by John Bell, viz. Garland of Bells. – ; INorthumberland Heroes. – Contented Couckould.— Genu-º ine Tom Whittell. — The Midford Galloway. — Ducks and: Green Peas. – Newcastle Songs, Marshall. — and other: Song Books, printed by Angus and Marshall, in 1 volume, . -isºgº.º.º. ºr ºxº-Maºiſ...}…~3. arnett (Dr. Thos.) Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Harro." ; cloth, Leeds, 1824. — Elliott (John) Account of the ". i. --------- Principal Mineral Waters of Greatºritain and Ireland.1789. i837 — on the Mineral Waters of arrogate, &c. Knaresborough, ***, * * 1816-Angther edition. 1838 – Observations on a four through the Highlands . J. of the Western Isles of Scotland, 2 vols, plates, 4to, 1811. 1839 = Another éðpy, 2 völs, plates. ” 4to, 1811” st-ºfrº ºf *.*.*.* * * * TSTU Gäß (Danièl). Designs and Eşfātāşºf Farm Hodges, &c.: for the County of York, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and *; of Durham. folio. 1795 : 1841 Garrêt (Wim) Böökörwördüts, Cătărpiñterby, fºr ; 2. yºetrº-º-º-º-º: Fº ********************-*saw-tº avºr-sºo-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:2. Newe. Ž 1842 Garrett (John) Kingdome of England and Principality of: * issº.º.º. #ºr # - t 2:... • ... • ** a * /. - w r 3 ;: 3. * * * * * * : 3: ..S. - . . . . . * st A. ‘. #6 t; º § - - .*.*.*.*.* § # { £d. 1829 # * ~ . &%: cº-º: *i; {i sº repºrt.rº and part 2. ...A •r - :{ - & ~~~~% º'ºrº". " - 2x - " - § : 2. Æ &tas's ºr- ºre sº. --> * * * * Tº >> y * -ºrg • ** s.sº ... # * - * { ; : 6 *. ... - ** .." - *…*&^+…~mse:ss.x--, -, - 2-º-º: * * *******::8*** **re-ºvº-erºrs.…sºs * º * { .* *******-º-vº, *…*.*... * * ***** i i y 1843 Garrick (David) Memoirs of the fife of by Thomas favies,; # vols. *4 º’s... ºz, $2."real-º-c-ae'º &4-soº. - 1844 & ºrrow (Rev. ºff." W.) History and Antiquities ofCroydon, §: Croydon 1818; ... plates. . *...*.*. º *** **,x= . - 5'ss º £º sº ~~~~~~ *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*r-.ºx. → *-4. As *z -- ~~~...~~~, ºr -- ***, *-*... • * r * ~ * - - * * ~~~~~ * - 1845 – Another copy. >ef Jºd. *…*~~~~ g t :*-rººts-wer-r:----ºrº 'cºrr: *º-ºº: * - ****, * : * ***.*, *: * tº sº.º. Another copy. rºiáſẠrº ********, * * ~. •lºrºxtºl £546 1847 Gascoigné's Princely Pleasures, with the Masqué intended toº have been presented before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth, . ~1848 Gateshead. “Logăf Coſſéâtiáñs,” of Rööörds ºf Remarkable" Events connected with, 1837-39, to 1842, 1844 to 1853, # 14 vols., 12 vols. cloth, 2 unbound (only 60 copies of each; printed). , 4to, Gateshead. § TETT = Añoſmºſy. TST:39.45, Tºš40; 1850 — Account of the Borough and Parish of, by E. Mackenzie, 3 ... . . . with MS, additions, $8.5//lſº, Bell.....4to, Mºgg, 1837; Collections relative to King James' Hospital, by Thomas; 1784 – ~~~~ -ºº: p **, §§ “. .” : :* - $ / s * § º * * t t #: * - ,” & & * * i * yº. :{} # .A. * * - * + • * sł w ~, -> º jº-ºrº & -2°-º-º-º-º-º: szºº.:*-*.*** * , f , ; ...' * * .s 2 } t *…* # : ." + - .s. -- scº. - *****r- * ~~~~. 'o-ºr- “S. * -- * +3 v->rse-tº-> re...— e.g. ---- ~ * +:..---->- - - - - * r 3. s - 1851 "...ºgº ºx!: Rel L *g year-º. * 4ta * 1852 – Abstract of Title tº Promisesin, … fºlio, 1823.8 > -º-º-º-º ºr * 1853 Gateshead Intelligencer, complete, cloth. Gateshead 1830; . T854 Gateshead Föſſ. “Córſections rélativö to the Parish of, made : sº & - gº º & s by Thomas Bell, thick vol., comprising MSS., broadsides, i ii. 2+- cuttings, &c. ºrrºr: ***-ºº: 1855"Gäßiſchürch, Cöſſingöm's Señóñºf the opéâing of, __Qct. 30, 1825, and other Collegions relative to it, in J. Ygl. T856 Gay (jā) The Beggars Ópera, half calf, "Wewo. 1755. – Gay's Fables, in two parts, Ibid. 1765. — Grey (G.) Com- *** - *; -- ******* ****.*.*.** ~~~~g-sºº's. . . . .” rºyº jº, Ax-e-, * ^: a * * *-****Cº-tº re-jºy '.... .** tº. /z. ; . & .# 4to: ****** ***g. * A tº r, ºr ºr 2.- : * ~ * ~ ** § p : # º *. * = **** ~~~sºve-º-tºº" : i § _ º ! ? r ... -- ~...~ *, *, *,x*.*.*, * ~ *** * plete Fabulist, half calf.4%. 1789,.…. sº P - - **. • - * s a , º, . ...* ºr $. • A.,74-º. .*.- : * ***** * * ~£--a-3. ‘.…..ºxº A Jºãº, ºr 4. : *.* * A 7- - r t *. -> [ 106 || 187 gayton.(Edmund) Pleasant Notes upon Don Quixºtºl. 1854 1858 God (William Biographical Memoirs of including a partíčular . .3 Account of his Progress in the Art of Block-Printing, rare. 2 : 6 1 * * --~~~~~~~~ *A*A*S****** *- *: rº: "… •+*** *** ** * *** * * ~ *.*, *, r 1781 / . 6 - TS55 Gedās (Āj New English Grammar, Wºo. 1783. --Story (J.) -º- , English Grämmar, ſº, 1783-and 4.9thers. - *...****TSBU Générarchīāſā ānārritºry Magaziſ, vol. Tºto wr, 2. •ºw ~~~~ *xrvº tºº, glaſé, half gºlf... ***r-r-tº-:->s-ºº:37, - ********* **** tº: * f. A ..] 811-12 t 1861 Gent (Thomas) History of the famous City of Yörk; and in a particular Manner of its magnificent Cathedral, plan and TZ-5 # -ism. - s---ºntºlºgº.gºgy, galf cº-sºº...!?! #4799 Compendious History of England and Rome, 2 vöſs, ow- ºrious outs, clean copy, rare. Ibid. 1741 *....Yºss- **** w *:::::::$º.º.º.º.º. *º-º-º-º-º: History of Rippää, äll, lººpy, wäfits a plate, rare. .. -------- ~~~~~ 1-rº-ºr- rººs ~~~~4% 1733 º zº: te -- *:::::Aºi º: fºr A*- ºº:: —ºr- º } £3 1864 — Miscellanese Curiosae; or Entertainments for the Tnge- ſh Sºº------~~~~~~.4%. 1784.” written by himself...ſindºorfrait...]332 ..?' - ? ==Another copy…. .….......18% . . . ; 1867 Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History, translated by A. & : - Thompson, edited by Dr. Giles, half morocco, Encl. Hist. ... . . Soc. 1842. – Gildas and Nennius, Works of, translated by s º - Giles, half morocco, uncut, 1841. — Chronicon Monasterii "... "Ts68 Göörgårtſ: An A&Güntôf the Célèation of the Jubilee, on 33. . . . . the 25th Oct., 1809, being the 49th Anniversary of his .. . a... Reigº half gºlf.4%tººk ºf the gºû......4% rº-1869-Geºrge the Fourth’s visit to Sötland. Historiºl"Aécoiſt of, ! Edinb. 1822 JJJ, lºsſll-ſlººſ. ºr a • - ***. .. §. … 1865-sex s 1886 /. ~. * * r t f i A f j'.r º~ * * *§ . $ * º; 1870 Gerdesio (Daniele). Historia Reformatºe, 4 vols., brilliant im- pressions of the fine portraits, wellum. 4to, 1744 ***.*.*** *~~~ ~ re--- ~~~~...~~w.", w, ºvº, as cº--- $.". "...c:* *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* tº '3-ºx, cº.º. rºs..."; º' Yayº’.4- <->e ºf “...N. S. **** ***** * *.*.*.*.*.*.* r * : *-* 3 Çe, ºr /e ??, tº - *** * *-rive-y’." ~ ; ; * **,x \,:.S.- > - - .. - * A. r t &, & ~~~ : w F- * - NIITſūſ § *****zzazz, frºze - º ‘. ! 3 p * ** * w. w t }. t n t • * * ". * d . . 4 rs ** : : SEVENTH DAY'S SALE, TUESDAY, October 23rd. 2. § º: j ;§# M.S.&ARLIAMENTARY Reports—First Report on: Žº Y| Railways, 1839. — Report of Commissioners i. on Railways, 1848. — Report on Railway be-, tween London and Birmingham, 1 *:::...ºf Traffic on Railways, 1846-47. — Metropolitan c. º; Railway Commission, maps, plans, and sections, # * 1846.- Return of Persons subscribing less than: wº £3000 on Contracts, 1845–&c. § i}*; f º - --~~~~~<--~~~~ 1872 First, Second, and Third Reports of House of Lor sºn; ~r Gaols, &c., 1835. — 23rd Report of the Charity Commis-à " : 3. Sioners, containing Durham, Northumberland, &c., 1832—3. # º ~~~~%------~~~~~ --~~~~ --~~ "T873 – State of Large Towns and Populous Districts, a Reports. Tº I, * . .” §§ . & — Report of the Commissioners on the Outbreak of Cholera # : in Newcastle, &c., 1854....... ~~~~ 3. TSTATāīlīāmānāry Papersºparáčmanagistratiºn, 1833: Ratºgº". " ing of Tenements, 1838. — Electors Registered, 1838—and ; ; ; ; º ~~~4%---~~~~~f~ ; ; – … 1875 –– Report, Entailed Estates, 1845. - Returns, Land Re: ; * ; : **** venues of the Crown, 1831. — Tables of Revenue, &c., ; ; ; 1832. — Correspondence respecting the Scale for the Ord- ; ; } } º ! k nance Survey (2 copies), 1854, --~~~~~~~~}~4. \rºr. Sºxrº-ºper; Sº &º 3. *...* 5*$º ‘c’ tºo. $º ‘TS7Bºrrºsiºn wº: inquiry, iè33.t-Reportion focal Tºº. ; 2 Charges upon Shipping, 1854. — Report on Lighthouses, # # 3 & * 1834. — First Report of the Tidal Harbours Commissioners, # * * 1845. : ; 1877—ºport on the Bank of England Charter, 1883. i-sºº, cond Report on Banks of Issue, 1841. — Papers relative to # ! ; £º South Australia, 1843. – Minutes of Evidence on Copy- i ; right Acts, 1818.- And Sundry.9thºr Pºpº and Agº...i…i.….~~~~ fö78 ºr Evidence on the Sünderland ijock, is33. … Report off § * the Commissioners on the Outbreak of Cholera at Newcastle, | i § º § ſººzºº”, ““ssrººrºº::::::::::::sºzº-vs-º-º-º-º- & 1834 (2 cºpies)—and sundry other paper; } *--a – : - - * - -4". J.;s.... rºss-ºzºkºº'g,&#ºf ºxº | Io9 J ; / : - 1879 Parliamentary Papers—Tidal Harbours Commission, 4 Re- Á ‘. . . rººkºº-ºº: …}}#. **śzºzºwº-Kººtºººººººººººººººººººººººººººººº. 1845-46-47. / - †fºr fines on shipping, 1846, -Report, Harbours —º #####". wrecks, 1886 & 1843. – 3 ISST Pāīnāmāfāyrājūīfºr ºppºſitimants, 1853. – : / Commons Inclosure, 1844. — Tailways, 1839. — Railway ; Communication between London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, ; 1841. - s 1882 Report of the Commissioners on the Éxistence of Córrupt ; 7 - Practices in the Borough of Tynemouth, 1854. — Digest of ; : i. Reports of the Charity Commissioners for Northumber- --~~~~º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º------- f • º 1888 Peerage Claims, Proceedings before the Committee of Privi. * : J leges. – Roos Peerage, 1804. — Strathmore Peerage, 1821. . . — Lovat Peerage, 1826, -Camoys Peerage, 1838. — Has- . : º tings Peerage, 1840. — Beaumont Peerage, 1840. —Sussex ~ Peerage, 1844, - Perth Peerage, 1846 A --~~~ *...*. **** *****s-cº-º-º-º: $º:…º.º. ºn-º-º-º: ... : *****ś, “...º.º.º. " . . .” -&- t T1884 Brandling Junction Railway. Report of the Committee of **sa sº * , affi † O /7 . j • *s:“ . …...., 6 -, * , s T885 Parliamentary Papers:Report, "Commons” Emāſāīā, 1844. — Poor Law Inquiry, Scotland, 1844. — House of Com- mons Buildings, 1833. — Report, King's Printers’ Patonts, 1832. — Lord Durham’s Report on the Affairs of British North America (2 copies) and Appendix B., 1839. — Re- ... ..., port on Harbour of Refuge, Doyer, 1846. . . . . . . . . I886 Reports on Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, in 1 vol. - gloth, and 1 unbound:-Tables of Revenue, 1882, Part II. . A 2– ISTT Collections relative to the Côāşervāńcy of the River Tyne, -yºz7~ ~~~~~made by John-Bell;-Gatesheady-in-6.foolseapºportfoliosº..... 4.4- 1888.9entleman's-Magazine, 19-eddºwelanosºvº-º-º-º-º-º- - –3– <--~~~1889. Magazines, various, 24-volumes.… * - t i - -- ~ * .* * = . **-*. t # * … 1890. Annual Register, and odd-Magazines, 24 volumes… 4. . . . . 1891 Sharp's Letters from Italy, 1767, and others, 18 volumes. 3. 1892 Rapin’s Acta Regia, Vol. I. and II., portraits, and other odd ~%–2-----wºws-º-º-º-º-º-ºººº… ;-). .* TT1833 Lempierg's Classigail)ictionary, 1788, and others, 18 vols. - ***... . ..I.94 Steele's Political Writings, 17ſ5, and others, 18 volumes. - -******* • *- ~~~~ f - * Jºž. º: ºf795. The Qld and Modern Whig Revived, and, others, 18 volumes. --- 3.0 ligă guide to Matlock, Buxton &c., and others, ſº …#. - * * * .* *** - 7 ºw Jºids...}}}.}}xglº ***śrtº *********** .xxº~<º-ºººººº...º.º. ººº-yº - 2 : iſgö, incaster's improvements in Education,"ſáð5: and others, r * ***** » ***** - - - -- ~ *- ... " 12-vols…, * ~ *, ** ... --.' '. * * ...~~~~~...~" ..."-- wº, -- ~~~~. J. v...- : ..., : 17966 #; of Health of Towns Commissioners, &c.-A Parcel. W "...º. cº-tº-z-r - s : :---------, -...- . Foºtººººººººººº-ºº: fº-weats 3:...ſºlº ºvº-? 2. Rººk º’.” Sº Sºº-i > * .*** * *\}\;x**** {^{\º .” “:*** * *- : *-ya- , ,-,-, ...-- ! iññā, Wilson's Wöääärfäi"Characters, WöI. I. iść0. – and others, –––.----.”--~~~~~~~~~ ; > Ti96f Printing Types, Specimens of, by Casion, Figgins and others, 7 xxºs º!...Yº- ~s. ****-**ś.';**'' " " ":" ºr ºl.' ...: ºc -- ~~, ... ess…... . - * > . 1796; Tooke's Diversions of Purley, part I. 1796. - and others, 7 ', vols. *-- ****** : Yºutº-swº-ºº: *...* *.**** -"J't. .x:…' * *-** * **…* ::... -, -º-y:----' : * * > . “. S.:}.” “ . ~~~~~~ 2 : iſø6%Wightman on the Brain and Štomach, 1846, - and others, - : * - ... ." - --: * : * '.... . . . º. ºv- “vºrºzº. ~~~~~~“cº-ºr-tºº".”<^***** * * : * ~ -j-. 2-tºrs; tº: r. Thomas) Sermon on the Death of william ; : / º 6 - Cromwell, Esq., and a Brief Account of the Cromwell —-----~~~~}*~~~~~~~~~~!” Tº 1948 — Account of a most terrible Fire that happened at a Barn :& 3. at Burwell, Cambridgeshire, during the Exhibition of a ... . . … Puppet-Shº. Sºgº.º.1737, hºlf ºuija: , 1769 ; 2 j : 1949 Gibbs (James) Description of the Radcliffe Library, at Oxford, …~~~~.40%6%fººliº, 1747 : ... . . 1950 Gibson (Francis) Streanshall Abbey; or the Danish Invasion, ; 2 * a Play in five Acts, cloth, Whitby, 1800. – Gibson’s ... . . . . . . . . Poetical Remains, with other Detached Pieces, Whitby 1807 * * 1951 Gibson (Mrs. Jane, of Newcastle) Memoirs of, by Francis A. --~~~~~~… West, portrait (2.99pies)... . . . . . . . . . . 1837 : / . - 1952 Gibson (M.) View of the ancient and present State of the $–4-axº~~~~~~~~Churches of Door, Home-Lacy, and Hempsted. - - 4to, 1727 1953 Gibson (Rev. K.) Comment upon Part of the fifth Journey of …Antoninus through Britain, half calf. . . . . . . . . .4to, 1810 * { i 1954 Gibson (W. S.) Notices of Remarkable Northumbrian Castles, . 4 $3 .." Churches, and Antiquities, first series, 1848. — Second ; - series, containing Dilston Hall, with Memoirs of the Earl ~4–---- ... . . . of DerWentwater, and Bamburgh Castle, plates, 1850. | | || w :*** **, * * * * ******, * | II5 J. 1955 Gibson (W. S.) on Antient Modes of Trial, private print. x * rºyal 4to, 1848; 1956 − The Certainties of Geology, 1840. – Gibson's Eşāyúñº - ; !. the Filial Duties, 1848. ! . ***". ióther. º' -- ~ 1957 Gilchrist (Robert) Original Songs, Newc. 1824, - Añóther edition, with MS. Notes, Newc. 1824, - Poems, Newc.; Tiš. ... 1826–2 vols. ... ... * ! >yr -., " ...? “y4- *L* - .* - “...sº ſº. ~. Original Songs, Local and Sentimental, Nemo. 1824 – Oliver's Local Songs, 1824. — Marshall (Thomas), Original. Local * 1829. — Mitford (W.) Songs, Newc. 1818– sº in 1 Vol.… ‘. . 1959 Gill (Thos.) Wallis Eboracensis; comprising the History and, .... ...Antiquities of Easingwold and Neighbourhood, plates. 1852; 1960 Gilly (Dr. W. S.) The Romaunt Version of the Gospel of St. w John, with Remarks on the Version of the New Testament: in {ISø among the Old Waldenses......, ****u-º-º-º- a -c.--> *.*.*.*w-sºv. “..." 18. #85-2. * : ...- ... . . . . 1848; ...~~~ *- : *- : ,->), re. : * ~ *- : , - . ºr. 1961 —— Another copy. 1962 — Vigilantius and his Times. i844; A -4 . .* * * / a- * -2 -- - & * w .” f : :* **: *. 6 Yº." « ... • - ... ? A ...: * * : * ~ . . . . w t X , *, * * * ***r.”, “ . . . . . . ~~" - - - ) re-.. .N ..) • * , , - 2 - . . * - º 6 w • * * **- 1963 • * * * * Memoir of Felix Neff, half calf. . ~ * * * **, ( , "," ºr ~...~".” “v. ' ..., , ,,. i 832 { * * **, * s: 2. si-. 4 * **** * * * * * ~~~~~~~ 1984 F.The Feasantry of the Börder: ºn Appeariñ their Bºyº - y half plates, Berwick. - Another cºpy, plates, 1842, - Xº, * e o ~< -, -, -i- ºr--------, --,-,-,-,-ºv. - ~~ - Töö *A*-, *:4 ºr:- c, * * -st." ~-43. *.*.*.*, *) ºrvº..”. * =w 1966 - Another Göpy, c 1967 — Another edition, with Introduction by the Rev. E." ... . . . Irving, hf. calf. * Glasg, 1824: ... { * ". ~ **, * : * ~ , -- '. ~~~~< *-** rºw-ºxº. 2', aviv . . Y. fºr-º- º “hºt”****-* ºr "rºxº~~r -- 4:-tºº" -ºvº º cº-wrºtºx Nºte:2-º'-wºº." * x v -º- 1968 — Life of, with Notes, &c. by M. Lewins, §§ T836: . 1969 Gilpin (Henry) Massacre of the Bards, 1833, ºr Wilson. (J. M.) The Enthusiast, and other Pieces, Edinb. 1834. —; (Mary) Cottage Tales and Poems, Sheffield 1842. — Peddie's :^*::$º: Nºtaxº~ *--šu. Y. . .” --- 3:- - -: , , , , . j :- 4 * ‘. .” f 3. ***-*…-es ºr --A-, ‘cº-, y-, *:::::::2% ºf ſº Gilpin (Bernard) Life of by William Gilpinport hf.caf. 1753: . * * * > **-*::pº-, -, * * * *. **-*.* ... '-'-2, - . - ..., ra: gº- **XY", ºr #sº 2 ºx". . ...< **** ---> x* f" r V. 2- ...? & *** * - - - . . *** Meredith’s Llewelyn ap Jorwerth, a poem, 1818. — Hutton. º * ''. y 2-} *.* - Dungeon Harp. 1970 Gilpin (Richd.) Demonologia Sacra, a Treatise on Satan's: ". Temptation, imperfect at ends tº 167 ºr-º-º-º- re. 2 : *** * * 1971. ***** rºl 4 r * Hºº-º-º-ºx{*S*.**** s *.***** *-********* Øereº i£rº-ººººººº-ºº: zºº r SP3::::::::::: $º sº *-*.*…** *.. - Gilpin Wm. Öbservations on the Éiver"W ye "and pººr”. º t 5 - … 1792. * ...Y. . . . . . . . ~ *, * * * South Wales, plates.… J. º.º. Tº... ......…. ...&#. 1972 — Life of Archbishop Cranmer, calf, néâţ. 1973 Gººi fºom, : sº--ºn v. 3 ºr *** * * * 'º-º-" -- .' * * *...* ***** * ~ * 1974 Giraffi." History of the ſafe Revolutions in Naples, by Howel, 1650. — Midon (F.) History of the Rise and Fall: 4. : 1975 Giraldus Cambrenisºde instructione Principum, half morocco. *- - £ºgl. Hist, S28.1846; I976 Gisborne (Rev. Thos.) Sermons, 2 vols., 1825. - Gisborne's § of Masaniello, galf, 1729. *... . § y ‘…. 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ITTI 4. º 3 tº One of the earliest Books printed at Sunderland. * * 1988 Geºry of Pºincial Woºmedia Tºile tº - - , § ** * * * * * *> t * i al- -*- º -2. - - rººr- - r R’ r w •º. - ', ^ - y : *A w 3. - }} - t * * t a ſ. wº- 198 ** -- ~ -- - - ------ - - - - Y.:- - - -º-; , ". * * 4. -º- 1984 Glossary of Provincial Words used in Herefordshire, and .......Some of the adjoining Counties. . . .......... crown 8vo, 1839 5 Glossary of Terms used in Gothic Architecture, &c., abridged - from the larger.Work…---- 1846. 1986 Glover (Stephen) The Peak Guide, edited by Thomas Nößle, glaſſés, 2 ..., ... … ...…Derby 1830 ~~~~ Žs--- :: ...- ... < *... . . . . . . ~x.: “….' ...s, “ . . . .-s”.” º-º. - ... ' - - - 1987 — Another copy, plates, several additional. 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A "********* *-* Avº"; "****** **** --~~~~~~<: ,-,-, *, *.*.*.*.*.*-ºs- 2009 Granger (Rev. J.) Biographical History of England, 6 vols. . . 3 t •- \!. : : - * * ...sºs. …< * …sºccer-ºxº~~~~ 834..… …*&sº-- - - - *2010 −"Letters between, and many Literary Men of his T; t *&s - - - - . ....…...!893 : ...}... *2011 Grant's Random Recolisétions of the House of Commons, 1837. . . . . . . — Grey Festival, Edinburgh, Narrative of the Proceedings, i. *... . . . . - !----- ... … -- - ~~~~ *…~~ * >~~~ &rary r → ~ :- ºr si-----, *r- - -- 2 // 2018 Gray's Elegy, Criticism on, Edinb. 1810. – Sawers' Essays, --~~~~~#4%.44% ºft------~~~~~~ Tº 2013 Gººyºnºffiliuºlº. iii.5%. Tºgs ~~ 2. 2020 Greaves (John) Pyramidographia, or a Description of the ...'... *... Pyramids of Egypt, plots. . . . . . . . .1846 2021 Gregory (O.) Treatise on Mechanics, 2 vols., 1816. – Hut- 2. ton (Dr. C.) Principles of Bridges, 1801. — Howard (John) - -----Spherical Geometry, Aawa, 1798---~~~~~~~~~~ * , ; 2022 Grellmann (H. M.) Dissertations on the Gipseys, 1807. — Hoy- . 4. : é s land (John) Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, and * . - present State of the Gipsies, York, 1816. -- Crabb (Jos.) — .The Gipsies. Advogate, 1882: … ** * * ~ * __3_3.2023 Greener (Wim) Science ºf Gunnery, plates, half calf. ... 1841 -º-ºr- wº- --~~~~~ * ~ * * w # t 2 * t º “2024 Grönh㺠(T. M.) Chöjäråſås it’āppeared in Newcastle and Gateshead, 1832. — Two Papers on Establishing a College --in Nexºlºlººlſ---~~~~~~~~~ 2025 Greenhow (T. M.) Cholera as it appeared in Newcastle and Gateshead, Newc. 1832. — Dwerryhouse on Hypochondri- asis, Ibid. 1812, autograph note inserted. — Bulman (Dr. D.) Dissertatio de Calore Animali, Edinb. 1816. — Fogo's Ob- •r :-------isºryations on Amemorrhºa, & Mewe, 1808. --~~~~ * t 2026 Cholera as it appeared in the Towns of Newcastle and s gº Gateshead, 1832. — Edmondston (Henry) Observations on . Cow-Pox (2 copies), Newc. 1828. — Fife (Geo.) Observa- ~~~~~~~~…~tions on Influenza, Jhid, 1833. . . . . … . .2027 Greenwell (Dora) Stories that might be True, 1850. — Roscoe 2 : 6 - (W. S.) Poems, 1834. — Ramsay (John) Woodmotes of a Wanderer, 1849. – Octavia and other Poems, Edinb, 1852. 3. { (. #, zºr- = rwº- { $ ! * * --~~~~~~~ Mºſaggart's Plays, Vol. Jº-1882-—--~~~~~ . ” 2028 Greenwich Hospital, Historical Account of i789. - Report % 6 . . . from Committee relating to the Sale of the Estate of the - * Earl of Derwentwater, 1732. — Several Acts of Parlia- wºx-º- ~~~ …~~~~~~~ ~~~~ment, &c., folio. .** : *** * * : ... ..., - –– -2029 – Historical Account of plates, halfrussia, 4to, 1789 * 2. Report on the Estates belonging to, in Cumberland, : % Northumberland, and Durham, in 1805 and 1815, 2 vols., ~4-------------morocco.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fºliº - i . . . 2031 Articles and Instructions for the better Government of º 2. 6 * old morocco gilt, from Heber's Library, 4to, 1731. — Bye Laws, Rules, Orders, and Directions for the better Govern- º: of Greenwich Hospital, made 1775 and 1776, calf, 4to, --~~~~}*- --- tº ºpe's ºr ºrº - v Pº-S, as gº. zºsa ºr -r- - - ***** A-4 ºr ºs ºr grº - ~ *-*... , , ... • *z, *s-, -,-,-,-,-4*~~~~ * * ***.*.*.*.*.*********** º 3. [ I 19 J '% 2082 Greenwood's Maps of Northumberland, Cumberland, and West. . . /3" ~... morland, on cloth, and in 3 imp. 8voleather cases, lettered. . ; '3- 2035 GreenwööT(Jāmūs). The Virgin Muse, a Cônection ºf pºems”------~~ from our most celebrated English Poets, half calf, 1717. — º Flowers of British Poetry, Wewo. — Gay (John) Fables, 303ſ Grew (N.Y Catalogue of the Rarities beionging to the Royal *** * * * Society, and preserved at Gresham College, plates, portrait 7 - łºserted. * *********.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* * * * *--es-- folio, 1681 ,' 3035 Grey (Giſbºrº Mülüm in parvo, a comestión of Maxims, ~~~~~~ *, * portrait inserted, Newc. 1784. — Epitome of the Annals of t Great Britain, Newc. 1777. — Grey's The Countryman's 5T Treasure, half bound, rare, 4to, Newc. — Grey's Complete # Fabulist, Wewe, 1732. ~~~~~~~~ 2056-Gray (TIET:USITORE, arsºn) The crisis, orCºn TRE-------~~ Country be saved? 1820. – Letter on the Liability of . - Officers to the Tax upon Property, 1810, &c.—in 1 vol. — . . / é Dalrymple (Sir Hew) Memoirs of his Proceedings as con- . . . nected with the Affairs of Spain, 1830. — Bullion, Report and Evidence of the Committee on the High Price of Gold –––. Bullion, 1810... ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2087 Grey (Ford, Lord) Secret History of the Rye-House-Plot, and f of Monmouth's Rebellion, long MS. Note inserted, half calf. ' ' ' Tºššº Chorógºſia, & Surveyºf Newcastle upon &:---~ * : *-scº. yne. Re- f printed for the Society of Antiquaries, with Hodgson's Ac- count of it inserted. folio, Newg. 1813. . . . “20 39” tº-rº - Anôthe .* g * ~ * Tºñº.” tºº.º.º. . . . f •º ºº:::::) A «-»; “º-yº.º.º. … *. edition, edited by Wm. Garret, large paper, hf. .." bound: - _____royal 8V9, Ibid. 1819............. 2040 ºr Añóther copy, printed on Chap Book paper, interleaved'. " y 2 ºf . § - *:: * sº, e. s” in 4to. 7 ºf ºx------- ~~~~ * • * * g * 204T Grey (Rev. Richa) Memoria Technica, half gaſ, Tr37.*.*." Grey (G.) New Epitome of the Annals of Great Britain, / * & Aegºlºiſ. º ~~~~ - r º *…*.*.*&º * * * ***. * 2 ***, * v-v rºs, J: kºz. ...?' - ac-i-zºr- tº • *** trººrºº::::::::, ºr ; ;&º- 2042 Grieve (Jacob, of Benton Moor) Mémoirs, Poems, and Miscellº" A laneous Works, & Mewe, V. Y. . . " . ~...~ ** *:33-ºxº;3:2, ºººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººº-ººrºº **_** -ºx...-Cº.3 * 2035” Griffs’’ (S. Y.) Historiči Description of Cheltenham, 3 vols.” & º ... plates. :* -- sº-º-º-ºx. 2.--> -->, sºrº-ºº:: * ~… . … --. . . ; Cheltenh. 1826. ... :: ** º * ºxº s Xºr “ - 2041 – Another copy, givisini, plates, halfgait in 1836 - 3 - Żºłąż. Angfºr gººgezºger, gates, rºyal 4tº, ſh;d. 1826.4.3. 2046 Griffith (Edw.) Collection of Ancient Récords, relating to the . . . % Borough of Huntingdon. 1827 & • f : of f `-ZUTT-Gross (Francis) Antiquities ºf England and Wales, 8voſs, tºº.”y Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols., 1795—both large paper, nu- 4; 2 : 6 merous fine plates. ... . . . . . .imperial 4to...... . . . . T2048 - Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols., 1797. — Military Anti-; f /3. quities, 2 vols...1812, ºwnerg′s flºe plates...…..4t2...…— 2049 - Antiquities of Northumberland, many fine plates. * f (). #. § - Yº. **. ... < **** * 4to, 1785-1849; ºf Very scarce in a separate form, § • . * * ~ * > * > . . . *... * . *.x, * ~ * . . ." ..."tº sº. £ " *******. *xº~A → • , º, .< ***...*.*.*.*.*.* * ~ *** * , ºf > ***, r, ... ... • *. * . . . . * - - "-- * , - * - # ºr * * * * * * - . . . . ...: … xiziº 5’ tº re-º-º-ºs.ºrsºsºvºx.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º. 33: "...º.º sº.:**.*.*...sºrºr--ºr e-º-º-º-rºos.” “sº-º-º-º: * …,' -- s-N- * * * * * [ 12o J . 2; 2050 Grose (Francis) Antiquities of the County of Cumberland, ; ; £xtracted from his England and Wales, plates. ---, 4to FTS. 2051 — Provincial Glossary, Supplement to, by Samuel Pegge. : _1844 + Drawing Carigatures, plates, halfcalf 1794 : Health, Beauty, Riches, and Hºnour pºrnº. \r . -- *** *** -- i.e. -----> . . . .1796 + 2054 Grotius. Truth of the Christian Religion, in Verse, 1776. — º --~~ -- - - -3 Zion's Plea against Prélagy, 1842...H-And,7 9thºs.---- **, * Z."2O55 Guarini. II Pastor Fido, translated by Sir Richard Fanshaw. ---sº tºº-yº <> ,--—r-r- . *:- - , r * - ** ºy - -w r-º-º-v-w 1664. I *7 6. 2056 Another copy, portrait. *** - - * ºº:ºr7 “… < ... w \, , ºf 692 g £4 "2057 Guide Books. "Cheltenham and its Enviróñs. --Wöfööster, 3. 24.6s, 1799. – HareW99d, in Yorkshire. - And 4 others. 2058 Summer Excursions in Kent," i847.":Téñby and its * {{ : - Neighbourhood, 1843. — Dublin, by R. Lewis. – Giant's . ~Causeway-by-Wright-lº23,--And-8 others. 2059 — Penrith and Neighbourhood. — Bristol, - 1828. — :----.....TYºnty-six Miles ſound Ygrk, 1848.T.And 4 others. : *T2060 — York, by Pearce, 1841. – Leamington Spa, Tsºgº- Leigh's Guide to Wales, 1839. — Windsor and Eton, by Jesse, 1841. — Oxford, 1827. — River Wye, by Fosbroke, 1822. - Mogg's Hand-Book for Railway Travellers, 1846. — ". g Tourists’ Companion from Leeds to Hull. — Glasgow and "…~~~~Aºis-lèſ-º-º-º: ſ % rºjč, GimmºrºdiplºFºliº. Tº . ..I folio, 1660 2061 *—- "T2063 Gunpowder Treason; with a Discourse of the Manner of its \- Discovery; and a perfect Relation of the Proceedings against *—- # those horrid Conspirators, half bound. 1679 *"ºj64 Gutch (John) Collectanea Curiosa; of MISCEIIaneous Tracts * % . . ; relating to the History and Antiquities of England and Ire- * ---- land, 2.Yolsa half gºlf........., Oayford 1781. 6.2.j65-Another copy, 2 vols, calf ``" 75%. 1781 º 2. 4. : 2066 Guthrie (Wm.) Complete History of the English Peerage, 2 i`- ; ..Yolº gº......~~ 1 * * ****, **** *-- ~~~~~~ *.*.*.*~~~~ * #. #. TZ 3, 2037 - Another cºpy, in Tºyºlates. 4to, 1763 +4+3+;ºrº; - 2. ' § 2069 Guy, Ear of Warwick, History of " Chiswick 1821 . T207027 ADFIELD (Jas) Ecclesiastical, Castellated, and Do- / ; ; ; mestic Architecture of England, Part I., fine plates, : J & folio, 1847. — Parry (Rev. J. D.) Select Illustrations, - ; Historical and Topographical, of Bedfordshire, plates, ~~~~~#~~~~~4 1. 27…~~ * Sºr-32's tº twº-ºº: sºr-2:...sº-: *-* *-** > ----------~~~~.- ... . . . . . . 2071 Haggitt (Dr. F.) Sermons on the Decalogue, &c., not pub- y s ; lished, 1819. — Scripture Proofs of the Pre-Existence of ; º º Christ, Sund, 1819. — Bradley (Rev. J.) Lectures on The- * s º ological Subjects, Newc. 1821, - - -: - ; ºxº-º-º-º-wryº-"raº-ºr-n-rºſe-wv----> | 121 2072 Hai Ebn Yokdhan, Improvement of Human Reason, exhibited * in the Life of from the Arabic by Ockley, plates, calf, 1708. . / . “sººt. º &m.98% R &gſgºšāyºn Health.andIgn Jiſº, 1 723,:**** * *w- *. sº-º-º-º-º-º: 2078 Haig (J º ccount of the Town of Kelso, and of the Town" . . . . - * \ººlºº .4%3.9%; Of QX. - usk- - ~~~~…~£& Jºº-º-º-º ~ y” ºr Hºhºffººnismatic"#istory of tº- -: Antient Kingdom of the East Angles, the letter-press and , 2.; 3 - º * . . * - *- $4%; 7% % #48,-----~~~~-ºkºlº, 18 45. * r; 3. :* -- ~~~~...~-- " 507; Hºw: § femºs on Wolney's Ruins of Empires, 1825. . . ; i “ws ... • § N Hails' Enquiry concerning the Invention of the Life Boat; ; , ; *** Gateshead, 1806. - - -it--------a-4" .. -- **** 2076 Haif (T.H.) yiews ºf the conſºries in Northüberlână îrº Durham, with Descriptions by M. Ross, complete in parts. , ; ; ; Cy ºrs.ºr-ºr-ya-º-º-ººrººrºººººººº ºxº ~~~~~~~ººt-it i. 7. "T2077. Håkewiſſ (James). History of Windsor and its Neighbourhood,” ... " " " + '* * * * • - * s *: ** * *s ; : }} fine plates and vignettes. imp. 4to, 1813, (* º * 2.T. - Tºr- ºr-S Tºº--s tºº-oº-º-o-º-º-º-º-,--~~~~<-----. 2078 Views.gfººighbºrhººd ºf Windº § 4:9,1839;.....? ºrsº--~~~~~~~~~ .**** - sºvº ºf etskºi º Aºtº. Sº 99 $2:3: *r-sº 3. - 207, Tºſº (R&R) ö.º.º.º.º. ilson con-3 § sidered and exposed, Edinb. 1829. — Collinson (Rev. John); ; ; on the History of the Preparation for the Gospel, 1830. — A : Q- + Gardiner (Col. J.) some Remarkable Passages in the Life of, 3 } | . g by Doddridge, 1776. — Douglas (Rev. D.) on the Office of 3. . *-* imitive Evangelist, 1838…~~~~~~~~~~~#~~<-- ~ 2080 Hale (Sir Matthew) Life and Death of, by Bp. Burnett, por-, 3 / 3 2 -**** *~~~~~~~ .*.** 1982....…T.s, ZUSTITTºx. Histºry of the Town and Parish ºf ~ And Rºrº, 2 venge upon Revenge, or Narrative of the Tragical Prac-. § 3 & 4, tices of Sir John Eland, of Eland, plates. 1789. . . . . . ~2052 Hºmºx, and its Gibbºt-Law, placed in a true Light, together” º ...-a, -, ... :--s--~~~ - with a Description of the Town, &c., frontispiece of the Gib- º & Češ gºd ºg Mºtº, galf tº: ... ſºil. i.i. -: --suggift:#wińriºrmºny gº-º-º-º- wick, 1827. — Goodchild (L.) Hoel, a Cambrian Tale, 1835. ; ; ; 2- — Gilchrist (Robert) Poems, Newc. 1826. — Liddell (Hon. : " : 5 * . ~f~ * A-ºxº~. * - ºr- - - H. - Wizard of the North, £º. 1833. ******º. s ~. 2034 FI. If ! wrs.yºrabres fºr shºwing the difºrnsgarrañº"; *-*...* --~~~~<> --> * * W.*"gº iº.# Measures, and converting them all into Statute Measure. § Ä ^s. - 1832 ; Aff § 3055 Hºm(Ep.) Expºſion of Chiºs prºmºsºntº beautifully printed with coloured initials and borders, cloth. § / -i. --~~~~ 4–1, a -> *-* Wºº-º-º-ºp? Fºsºvºº-ººrºº * tºway sº ºzºawsº º:%2^*...* . ~2USS-Ham (Edw.ºrwitHºsjöääºnsorsåås and Prºyers ºr of a late Divine, for the use of the Young, long MS. notes : and cuttings inserted, half calf, 1788. — A Clear Display : ---- ...Qf the Trinity from Diying Rexelation, calf, 1778-rººt-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 3057. Hiºkimºiºd 1843; ºil- T. B. Flºra of Tiverpººl, map…. * --> * Hºº- tºº - - - - Fºr `âóš. A.) Annals of the House of Hanover, 2 vols., Mºgg. 1844; *...* > *** **----------. , , :§. * R.' i Hall. ×: , ºr * º tº R*::) f.rº • Ö89 Halliday (Sir !' ..., & "4 - - alsvo, 1826 & # *** … . . . * “ . . . ...-- *: 40?:traits. •º-º-º-------~~~~~~…Tº SV%. 183 *.*.*.*. … i R. . . i [ 122 J ; : ** 2090 Hallifax (Saml.) Analysis of the Roman Civil Law, Cambr. : / º & g 1775. — Speeches and Judgment upon the Douglas Cause, r - .' Edinb. 1768. — Blakey (Robt.) History of Moral Science, — s 2 vols., 1833. - ~, -355T frºm:ſ (J. O.) Shakesperiana. ATCatalogue Öf the early º /. 6 editions of Shakespeare's Plays, and of the Commentaries __and other Publications illustrative of his Works. 1841 T2092 + Nursery Rhymes of England. - 1843 : - P º * . *2005 ºr ºtheraðiº * '-'-Y - is '', . .”.”:--> º ~48 4 4 -xº~2Ugrº-rºthers; Tarbºrint T844 -º-º-º:=iº : y d --~~~ f ſº fºſſwiss Men ºf Gºtham, ſº * "2006: The Mºriº Rarities of the University of Cambridge, * 2. º 1841. — Halliwell (J. O.) The Harrowing of Hell, a Mi- : – ; º - racle-Play, written in the Reign of Edward II., with Intro- ~ - ~~ ~ſlugſion, Translation, and Notes-1840...…... *w- - **-*** * 2097 Halsted (Caroline) Life of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of >xº~sºrtiºn ...Ri chmond, 40%. zº:****%-ºxº~~~~vºys.…e. 1839 - i...— …}998. Hamgºn (P.G.).9lsºyaſigns.99. Heraldry: 1851 . †" 2099 Hamilton, Memoirs of the House of corrected. - Reply to . 2- Á : the Mis-statements of Dr. Hamilton—in 1 vol. -> 4to, Edinb. 1828. i 3 T. sºr = axy wºv f * / . 2100 Hamilton (Wm.) History of the Life and Adventures of Sir ſ William Wallace, and the Life of Robert Bruce, by John – - Hºys.…..94%. 18% --, ºfji Hamilton (Sir Wim) Öbservations of Mounts visuvius, / 6 ... - Etna, &c., plates, 1772. — Hamilton (Rev. Wm.) Letters . . . º - concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim. – – -—----~~~~~~%" " 7-7 9102 Hamilton (Mrs. Eliz.) a Friend's Gift, private print, with —----, --~~~~.4%grºſſ the 4thºr--~~~~~~~~~~~~-1839. 2 . 2103 Hammon (H. J.) Architectural Antiquities of Crosby Place, 4to, 1844 *******… º … - plates. - * ---- "2104 Hampson (Rev. Mr.) Observations on the present War, Sünd. — Letters to Lords Grenville and Howick, 1807. — Hil- 7 º …ton's 99p's Well Fit, Mºgº in 1 Yok.…~~~ Tº TT2105 Hampson's Memoirs of Wesley, and History of Methodism, 3 4.-----~~~~~Xolºtºvº-º-º-º-Sºkºlºl 2106 Hankin (R. B.) Account of the Public Charities of the Town …i...— .........Qf Bedfºd…--------…------.4%gfºrd, 1828 `āī07"Hangará (T. C.) Typographia; an Historical Sketch of the - Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing, calf, plates. ... royal 8Vo, 1828 ... 3.2103 – Another copy, 1831 *.*.*::ff0 Häfisän (Siffry:Aécurate Históričál Aécountröfaff the Orders” ‘. . . ~—of Knighthood...?...Yols. ~~~~~~~~~~~~...~~~~1802- 2111 Harcourt (Rev. L. Vernon) The Doctrine of the Deluge, win- º - dicating the Scriptural Account, 2 vols. ...— … 1838- 2112 Hardinge (Geo.) Miscellaneous Works, 3 vols. "T" 1818 * * * * *.*** -- *****.*w- r *riºt tººk…, x-, “2 '..e','ºv- s”- “. .” - to sºvº -Treatises on Printing and Type-Foun 2108 , -->w # --- "...º.º.--" [ 123 2113 Hargrove (E.) History of Knaresbrough, plates, Knaresb. 1832. 2. ("-- Harrogate Guide, plates, Harrog. 1833. - 2114 Hargrove's HITOFOTKºng. T305-Añāsārūgº---- toms of the Forest of Knaresbrough, 1808.-Description of: ; 3 r --~\oºk-in-l. Yola calf. - ; : - . 2115 Hargrove (W) History and Description of the City of York.” 6, 7 ºccº; ºrº--~~~~~ } *— 3 vols. . ~#4 ºf 1818. I ºrſø. O n) Bºeſe view of the Ščafe of the cº-º-º-, - • * , of England, as it stood in q. Elizabeth's and King James 3 & iºartººn-s---- *-a-e- his Reigne, to the Year 1608, half calf. 1653; { -errºr:#;"Căpreşºrthé #; #;"salisbury Cathédral,”---~~~~ Cloisters, and Cemetery. Salisb. 1525; ; * . 2119 Harris (Wiſ.) ACCORFORTHETºrºñTWritings ºf Chârſeşti- ********* ...' £2.Érgº fººted, galf. - * -----º-º: * . . . . ~ZTZUTFºr(WYAntiquitiègºrštååröffairst Māītā's, 2ºlºr *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. / ............ in 1, half calf. Stamford 1785 . . . . % 2121 Harfé, Mañórðr." Pārūāmārgróſ, agrgºſTby Küätiöß, Irmo,”“ plans, half calf. A- & & 2T2g Hārūm (g) THE THIS Pressºr-aſſr-Tºrtraith; --------- curious, 1684. — Harvey (Gideon) Casus Medico-Chirur- j º ty gicus, or a most memorable Case of a Nobleman deceased. w **-** **.' * -, -, -ºxº~. * - - --- 878 - <--rºr - - &Yºgºrºzººx-ºsteºrºkºrºškºgº*.*** ***ºtºss.s., 2125 Hartshörne (CTH), Böök Rarities of the University of Cam-, zºº bridge, plates. - _1829..….”.” gTETIrray-tº-semifiantar-Tºur-in-Nawār; rurrºr. Poems, half calf, 1797. — Fugitive Pieces, Newc. 1841. — : t s Harvey (Margaret) Lay of the Minstrel's Daughter, Newc.; º & % 1814. *-*******~~~~ “2125 rººing Castle of rººf, ºf jºyois. Nº. iść.” Derwentwater, a Tale, by Thomas Trotter, Edinb. 1825. . . . .” . . . -2128-fºrwärtitºriºsyrtistºry aid Antiquities ºf the Chârânº- t and City of Lichfield, plates. 4to, Gloucester 1806 . . . . --2127-trastingstºry vestigestrºntiquities in cañtºry, prºtºrº" . . . *. … fig, 1818; 2. 3. 2128 Hastings Peerage. Case of Sir Jacob Astley, of his Claim, as "g 2. 3 …99psiſ, ºtheſiºlºggiº.gººgºtiagº.1849.….: grºwiśiñécºiſièsºfºrº." to whom the Petitions of the Claimants of the Hastings: s & 3 Peerage were referred. folig, 1840...... . . ~2180 trºmºtrºw, rºthysºčišº, by him, with: : 2. ~~~~434% - & § &c. - ****śººk º t waſ a 2.A. Aa. *- ;: “ . ...” +...º. *.*.*--> * * * * ŽišTHºtSiró.) Mºſthéſiré and Times of, by Sir H. Tº Z ~~~~ .. º dum, &c., half morocco. large 4to, 1737 ; º & Second impression, equal to the first, Bindley's copy of which was -, .. sold for £11 11s. -- - 2142 Hearne (Thos.) Impartial Memorials of the Life and Writings / § § of, by several hands, portrait on title, wants a leaf at end. : : g t. -----------' - º 1736 F-g 7 *2143 Fröäth (Charles). History of the Tóżn and Castle of Chepstow, . ... .interleaved in 4to.__ . . . . Monmouth 1821 º § . 2I44 - Excursion down the Wye, from Ross to Monmouth. . --~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * 3 ºr 2145 Heath (Robert) A&iſit of the Islands of Scilly.” ‘’’ 1750 - º 2146 HéâIöy (Wiſ.) Cömpſéſé System of Präätiöär Arithmetić, Oſd red morocco gilt, Mewe, 1779 - With Autograph of Rev. J. Hodgson on title, dedication copy to w Gawen Aynsley, Esq., Little #. y F. - 2. . 3 ſ 2147 Hegge (Robert) fegend of St. Cuthbert, with the Antiquities ; s of the Church of Durham, first edition, wants frontispiece. . . . . . 7°0//’6. , --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~49* IZ 4, ... Tºº-Another egy, wants title and frontispiegº... 1633 3.T.T.T 3:43: Legend of St.Gºthº,...º.Alſº press ºf --~~~~ &IBU ºr Légéâû of St. Cuthbert, with the Antiquities of the * . Church of Durham, edited by J. B. Taylor. : z 3. - - small 4to, Sunderland 1816 * */ > 3. .. . ; tºº" W. long MS, note by Mr. Bell, and two Autograph Letters of the :- "- : - itor. ------ ** *** * º . . ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ A, T ~ : **** -,-,-,+r:- - - --~~~~~~~~...~~~~~~~...~~... -- ~...~ :-, --- y------- ~~~~ *- : * ~~~~ ***** *-** *** *** *****T** º ; º . 2151 Helvicus (Christopher) Historical and cºlº º ; : " : —----~~~~~~~% º – `I52 Hºdges (Jāmes)"Présent State of England as to Čín and : / A-3 - 'ublick Charges, calf, 1697. - Inquiry into the Miscar- º i riages of the last four years' Reign, half calf (1715). } § + } º - See.**** ******* * * ***** *** --------------- [ I 25 J 2153 Hennifliones Blächt: Genealogy from Adam to Christ, plates, 2T5THEry VIII. History of the Tife, Victorious Reign, folio, 1713, / 4. and Tººth” a --~~~~at-glaſai-scarce. w-r-----------------, ----~~~~r-r-------------a rºw- 1682. .5 2155 Heraldry of Nature; or Instructions for the King at Arms, * > * comprising the Arms, &c. of the Peers of E–l—d Blazoned 3 2. from the Authºrity. of Truth, plates, curious. 1785’ €ral - y § ****hººl, Pickering 1827. — Burke's Knightage, 1841. — Wyrley's …!ºgg.J89.9ſ. Arººrº ºf 1892-8 Yºls.…........... *2157: Brydgófi's "Süßmary View of Heralāry, large paper, 1795. — Pºny's Elements of Heraldry, 1795–2 vºls. (, &ukra-º-ºxº~~iº lcºº º ñºsº2.jºššººrºººººººº-ºººººººººººººººº. ** ****** : *- tº "...A. º. ºx: " : º, tº --~~~~ “gršSºrrºſèmºisºr, Ms by J. Maddison Bön, heatly witten.” — Plain Heraldic Ordinances, a small volume of Shields of Arms, emblazoned by J. M. Bell. - : > Sº, --, z - ::::::::: y:Nicºlas's (STH.) Memóir of Augustifiévincent;--~~~~ ; ; ! ** , ºf, --...--º- + --> -- ~ :--- .. Žišº: The Art ºf pºlf. 1780. ~grºtrº-ºxºsº of England since King Edward of the Saxon race, numerous : ~1582. gblong folio 2161 = Blason on Ari Heraldique. 2162 to show the Origin of many English and Foreign Coats of: Arms, &c. 2 half calf. 4to, Worçëstº. 1 795. - *** * 3. •- sº e < * : * **w ‘’’-, * * * 3T35 rºm Miñºſº, TS0fºr: Ediášāāsān on fºre cedency. — Selden's Priviledges of the Baronage, 1642. — ; Biographical Index of the House ºf Lords, 1808-----------> XTSTHEFºr NORTHERN Fúñiffs, ºveryºtiroug MS. fºr - - or Register of the Arms of Ancient Families in Northumber-. land, Newcastle, Kent, Surrey, Essex, and Devon, in am i early hand, long folio, half bound, and lettered. ; & º tº A MS. note of Mr. Bell in this volume tells its history, like that of : too many ancient records, “The papers being considered as only * waste, were ordered to be destroyed, and during their destruction this ; volume was casually observed and preserved, and through a friend, ; whose hands it afterwards fell into, was presented to T. Bell. It is ; undoubtedly a copy or extract from some other document, not ; unlikely of one belonging to some of the Heralds, who about the # time of its date (early in the seventeenth century), were regularly in . the habit of holding visitations in the North.” * - - - - - - - 3. *****w-ºn-º-º: ºr ºf 3:2::::::::::: º,lººf, ºrºzººrºº Nºtºrºº:3:... sºlº-As& ***Nºtº - 2165 HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY (Local). Collection of the Armo- rial Bearings of Local Eamilies and Individuals, with Manu- $ y script illustrative Matter and Genealogical notes appended, } a verythick #9 pgſ:ſºligº lººks.-- - * ," ºp-ººrºw.w šić6. Herăşºvisitations in the British Museum, index to ( 2 º a Nºrºº::...sºvº: - va. copies). 1823.4 ... re- -āIGTHjä. AñāmāIISS, SFRänk"Cößisión in our Orders of çedençº . b Archdn, Nares), 2. Yols. Kºi...wº-ºw tºya'iaº'ot … 1823. ,--> ---.. . . . . * - - - - . i . . . -gſgs fr; eorge)"The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private ; Ejaculations, 5th edition, 1638. – The Synagogue; or the arº- ...S.," 1:…~s:*.*.****** ****'. A "***** **** --& * - ºccº.v-º-º: ºfé8%:The Atchi&éments of the Kings: "º 3. l * &A i a * - -- - x -: *.…~~~} … -- ... ." * , ,- *- *- - - ,-- ׺ ***.*.*.*.*. --> }- . y r:- - 2. 3, % z - . - Z” . * Historical Anecdotes of Heraldry and Chivalry, tending: ~zºº & º-,-----, -, -: , "...-- - § Shadow of the Temple, in imitation of Mr. George Herbert, Y. .'(, | I26 J l 1673—in 1 vol., calf gilt. — Herbert (George) A Priest to - the Temple; or the Country Parson his Character and Rule - . '. * > *w-> --> 9i Holy life, half galf, 1671. ; : ... *s-,w-4 - -- - - 3 . 2169 Herbert (Edward, Lord) of Cherbury, Life of, by himself, ~...~~~~|%-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: #- - 2 ST2170 - Life of, by himself, portrait, 1824. – Gatty's Thé Bell, .. % its Origin, History, and Uses, 1848. — Lawrence on the — — …Nºiſy-gº-British.99mºry, 1849 --~~~~~~~ "217'ſ Herbert (Sir Thos.) Memoirs of the two last Years of the - - Reign of K. Charles I. 1813. *2T72 Heſpèrt (Wiſ.) Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery, ... 24%, calf. rgyal 8V2, 1804 2Fºr ºxº-º-º-rºtºs sºººººººerºr -grº-inºp. Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing, half morocco. **** --- . • * , º * * º w - - Yºu: ºxiº-º-º-ºxazº º r".p. ºwn - 7 ºr * rºjº º ºx-- *.*.* tº 2- -,-,--> … 1849 - 2174. Hermit of Warkworth : a Northumberland Ballad, by Bishop *… ...Percy, 2nd edition, 2 plates inserted, 4:9, 1771. 2T75 tº by Bp. Percy. - Poems by Bedingfield, with numerous --~~~~~4%-tº-halºlº—----~~~~ - % 2176 Heriot (George) Memoirs of, with Account of his Hospital. - - Edinb. 1822 — 2Tyr Trºr; (Mary) Miscellaneous Poems, small 4to, half calf, Wave. ; 2 / . 1786. — Harvey (Jane) Poems on various Subjects, Newe. w - – - - - -a < ... ". --- __, 1797. 3. ~2175 Höðr(R555 tryoiſſey through the Western Counties of 3 Scotland, 2 vols. Perth 1793 TV & 2179 Heine (Samuel). Account ºf the Charter House... 1677. - “21so-Hexham."—Memorandir relative to the Seat; Walks, &c.; near- • (, 7 . Hexham, collected by T. Bell, comprising Cuttings, Songs, Broadsides, &c., with MS. notes. . ---...----> → ~~...~~~~~~ —z- £ ~218T = Abbey Church, Mémoranda relative to, Cuttings, Views, 5 • . MS., &c., by Mr. Bell, a curious collection, cloth. / ZTSzºº Rawlinson's Report £5the Böärd of Health, and sundry ––––- Pamphlets relative to Hexham, in SVQ, portfolio. *_r ~ ******* ; / `Tºí83 - Act for inclosing Commons in the Manor of Hexham, i f : 1753. — Act for Building a Stone Bridge across the River Tyne, opposite the Town of Hexham, half calf, 1778. ---. 2. *** 2184 ºr History of its Añéientaña Présent State, by Wright.” { - Alnwick, 1823 2 2185 Hexham Bridge. Narrative of the Proceedings relative to, with a number of Newspaper cuttings inserted. 1778 ~7-y- 2186 – Mylne's Reporton. -- ~~~~.”--~~~~~~~~~~...~~~~~~~...~~~~...…...... --~~*~~~.”- “… “Yºr:;">-a-r: *, *…++ "wº s. vºſ. -->< *.*-*** ***r:-----... { 127 J 3 2189 Heylyn (Peter). History of the Reformation of the Church of : 2. *~2 England-halfrºsia---~~~~~~~~…foliº, 1951..…. … . . . ...…2199 Help to English. History, galf...--- 1709, ºr gigſ: Help to English History, enlarged by Wright, pláň" ſº é - - 1773 , t / . 72152 Heywood (Capt. Féâr) Memoir of, by Edw. Tagart, T832: Hey (Wm.) Life of, by John Pearson, 2 vols., 1823. — 2 .) A.Career in the Commons, 1850. A ' ' ' * -- ~~~~ ************.*.*.*.*. * tº wºn 4. *~~ * --~~~~~ * ~...~ * * * * * 2194 Hill (John) Review of the Works of the Royal Society of T - # 2193 Hill (A.) Book of Ecclesiastes Paraphrased, Wowo, 1712. ~ - ... -- Bºrdon, (W.), Poetry for Children, Iºid. 1805. – Mark ºf . , (Rev. W.) Whisperings of Fancy, 1840. — Odes of Anac- ! reon, translated by W. Richardson, of North Shields, 1824. . ****, twº ºry * * —lº------- ~~~~.4% ºr '--~~~~ 9195 Hill (John, of Stanhope) Poems on Religious and Moral Sub-i 3. 4. jects, half gºlf, rare, 49, Durham, 1759. ~~~~ 2195 Hill (Rev. Thos) and Miss Jane Bell. Plain statement of a | .*.*- Facts, connected with the Trials of Mr. Hill, for Defama-... . .”. tion, three pamphlets,. &c., in 2-Yols.--.....Yewſ...1823-27. * 2197 Hilton (Wim) Poetical Works, 2 vols., half calf. Išîă, 1775-6.3. Tº grºs = Māºring ºr Writing of John Spºnger of ºr g Newcastle, Note: 42.0% ºfte-------ſlid-1781 -º-º-º-º-º: -grºg Hinderwar(TFOS). Histºry and Antiquities of Scarborough, ". plates. #9, Yºrk 1798 -º- - - - -ºud-tº-ºngtreroopy; part of the titléâût of 4to, rid, ſigs; ſº ..~ ----&------ (- - - ºk. ** --~~~...~~~~< *; *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.**** ******* * ~ * **.* ~ **-* *- ------- * § EIGHTH DAY'S SALE, //EDNESDAY, October 24th. )ALLAST Hills Burial Ground, MS. Account, by Mr. Bell, and Papers relating thereto; miscellaneous broadsides and bills; Assize ~Trials: idents, &c. &cº-Alarge parcel. 2202 Concerts; Lotteries; curious Church Re- cords; Gateshead broadsides; Marriage ~~~~~~~...…...Jigenses, &TA large parcel. . . . 7 2208 Local Reports and Pamphlets.-Sons of the Clergy, and other --~~~~… Religiºus Sºisſiºpºlº-…~~ ~ -a-ºrT-Tide Tables and Afmanacs, Local Periodicals, Lottery w * Puffs, Tea and Coffee Dealers, Liberal Society of Trades- men.—A parcel. fºr.…--v-Rºuse--->24++** -- * ºr ºf 3: 2 * 0 —- 2213 Nowcastlé-Series of Reports of the Fever Hospital; also of i / . : the Lying-in Charity; Indigent Sick Society; &c.—A . . . argel. 4 -...-----, -->- “..…" ... • * f i.--,-ºr-2. -cs,":: * ~~~...~P-----ºr sº-c-s:*:::: * ~ : " ****śº cº, -ę, º, . *.*.*-ºs- v * * tº's * 3 & § 2214 Maps.—Northumberland, by Horsley, mounted with rollers; , part of Fryer's Northumberland; and others—25. ******* r * * *, *,x**** *** -->+ --- ~~ºi º ºwe a...:*-avºrs" ºriº, --~~< *.**-*.*.*.*.* * Lºri'ia” ºr a ... º.º. ºx"*** ****** * * *, **** - - f " * * W * * y - %." ... - ... : y : .---...,vºr” “” " [ 129 J 2215 London—Plans and Drawings for the improvement of the Port of London, two very large folios, 1799.-Series of County *:::::::-rººps-ºf-pºland-and-Wales, largă folio........ 2216 Registers of Electors—Northumberian and others: º: $ i / . - -. * v- i.--: t;- i * 3. * º ** º ; INTON (Sir John) Memoirs of Physitian in Ordinary . . to his Majesties Person, 1679, half morocco, , ; t t 3.-- ;3 * gºaldo copies printed. (1814). |2218 Hints towards forming the ChârâCEFöfarysºgº ~Pring&ºyalsº redugggggg. 1805. tºº." 2219. Historical Collections ºfferi; fºr- / j/ -*. Collections; or a Brief Account of the most Remarkable: ; the lèeigns of HenryVIII. to Elizabeth, 1674. — Historical. - - -- ~! ſus of the two-last Parliaments, 1883. 3. * * 233riºri.º.º. º The Fifth Dragoon rº cº-stºuéydä-cºlouced platºr. - zºº." x :"...W." & "..." ºr va, Tºrº rºw ºf Yºr ...].83% Ka ºf f - * : 2222 Historical Account of the British Régiments employed since.” . ." #. Reign of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. in the: ~ Defenge of the Dutch Republic, morocco. ~ **i… ~2355 m;ºrwºº royal Syo, Warwick 1815;... ;- f' r"**** **** **, *, *-x.ºr, }: /2 :i: :- --<-* .."~~~º, a ºrz s*.* - | | ** * :.--> --~. , , is.….Qastle, JARGE PAPER, pºſés......!9Ya!.8 • **** * * : . . . . . p * - - - - A - "...rººt *.* tº ºffii.ºw; Nºrthūţāśrī º:########### … i*i Tºž5 Hºfstäsää cºiffiºng the oia; in that “tº Northern Parts of Scotland and in the Western Isles, from . . 2.; é 1031 to 1619, calf. # * * * - ra...axº~" ...º. 1784,...}… 2226 HISEyðrthé Félias among thé"Clans, with a Côméčíðh of “” ºf £ ~~ Songs in the Gallic Language. %.1780. . . . . . . 2227. Históry of the war;"firstätääriäidór Moñtrógãºrizo: 2’. & f 1. *, *-*.*, *.x-r: **** - A •. e : §: cº g . - Memoirs of Wiscount Dundee. — Letter from a Layman to ; ; * { a Lay-Deacon of the Kirk of Scotland, 1749-in l vol., calf. . . . ; ~2228. History of the rºañātion, Life, &c., of 6ſºfºrsåſtårtº, “tº Jesus Christ, with the Lives of the Apostles. folio, 1738; * ~235 Histºry of the Seven years war, transläfstºßthe Fröſöh;ºr by T. Holcroft, 2 vols., calf, 1789. — History of Mecklen- ; burgh, calf, 1762. — History of the Minority, old morocco, : * as-w sº - zººs 2. i / _2 - 1766. * * * - tºº, * - Sº rºwt?-º ºrt g ** F fº w -Tºur wr-r :* - sº-c -.< *..., **-----, - 2230 Histºries of Tºy Frängass="and Lady CäröHis sº j i <= ''' __written by the Miss Minifies, 3 vols., calf. ...1763; ; * * “333i Höbsº's º; +hā‘Cóñty of Dúñáñróñcſóth and in sº º ºé ** * * - vs - ** - 8wo cover. - - 1840....T.; “gººz-Hobbes (Thos.) Atrič. Ecclesiastičar. History from Möses to tº 7 | *...* * * * * > . . . . - Luther, in verse. - **cº-aimaerºswºr-tº- 1722; -- i - –2233 Trøggº (Cy Tāsīſātīāńg fºrcáñāſāfēs fºr"Hölyödörs, ºr "Tº yº” 1824. – Rutherford (Rev. J.) Dissertations on Bible Prin- # % º th A. º r. . i º 1 M 1 4 º • * *, *, *-** **** , , , - - - - - - - €391; - 3...: . Yºº Y. **** **, ** **--~~~~...~~~~~~~ -****, y r*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** * *-* .* * - • * * * * to, #1,” “A -----> ** • ** r- *.******* * *- ~ y “...º-ººrººº...º- ** a yº: IX w.r.t-ts º-'º -1.34----ºr wºr-º-º- “... r.s ºr--------. . . ~~ ..... --...-- i y • l ; 2234 HODGSON (Rev. JOHN) HISTORY OF NORTHUMBER- §: \ º LAND, 6 vols., Newc. 1827-40; with the additional volume by J. Hodgson Hinde, containing the General History of - § . *...* the County, Ibid. 1858–7 vols. in all. 4to º tº A fine clean copy, with additional plates, and several autograph letters º %. º of Mr. Hodgson inserted. --~~~ ** ..............… , i.e.cº.u.keswº-ºº-ºº-ººººººº..””””********** * * : * ~ * * * * * * * § . . 2235 Magnus Rotulus Pipa; or the Great Roll of the Exche- / # /(); . . . . . quer, for Northumberland, from 1130 to 1272, portrait, half - : ; - morocco, whout. - 4to, Newc. 1835 ; 3. . * * tº Presentation copy, with an autograph letter of Mr. Hodgson's inserted. - 2.É.--~~~~~ seven- ºr- > º-º-º-º-º-º: -ºr-ya-at tº fre-w--> * tºyº” Yºrºrºv's exº-yº: ::33.”-fe.” tº ºxº-uz-e-....~~~~~~~~~~~ ; $ ^*. 2236 History of Morpeth, 1832. — Account of the Manor and º #: º Township of Capheaton, 1826. — History of the Parish of . . . º Meldon, 1828—in 1 vol., half calf; Autograph letter from Mr. Hodgson to Mr. Bell, and extra plates, &c. inserted, 4to -º-º-º--~~~~~2237’— – History of the Parish of Meldon. — Account of the 3 ; Manor and Township of Capheaton. — Account of the Pa- - & : - l Ibid. 1828 * - X- xº~~~~~2.* ºra.-rººt *** ‘y. tº. ºr' ** * •. ** * * '; . * : i. f. 2260 Hörſämä (Rev. T.A.) Dryburgh Abbey, aid 6thér Pöðīāş;1845.” * S. •ºr - ii. *: *. 2262 Hollingsworth (GT) Pſam statement of Facts conceññigº the Failure of the Durham Bank, cuttings inserted, private mºnt. Newc. 1815 , 25gs-Hiwan (R& TN.G.) Tétter relative to the Sale of Rid-" is.…Jey Hall Estate grºſſº prºft.gift guttings, ºſteg. 1829. 2264 — jefence of the Society of ºś Clergy, Wºod.’” 1812. — Three more Pebbles fresh from the Brook, Ibid. ... 1838—and a volume of Sermons and Tracts by him, 2265 Hollingworth's Fleurs, a poem, 4to, Wewc. 1821 ** * ~ *-*.*.*.*.* t '. * * | * *** /4 * * - - A , - ... • ru ***** **:::::::::::::: º: * ºv. Jº º - l ey § *...*. ~ * ... ... (Dr. Gloster), Melampus,.2 pgem, half galf.4to, 1781, … tº 2266. Holloway (Thos.) Memoir of... … 1827.3." § { 2267 fºllºws: "Wºgeneral Dictiºnary of Provincialisms. Tº 2268 Hône (Wim) Table Book, 2 vols., cuts. 1827. ****- - w--- r º s 2272 — Popular Political Tracts, cuts by 2273 - Another go T2269 Another copy, Güts. ` * ------r 1828. 2270 — The ; New Tºstãňň.1820: *'. * ...”. “ • cit: *-*.*.*, * * 1. Pamir ſº - Rºž.”.A." - ** *.* - * - w w - *****A*-* - - ... º.º. v. 1. ‘A’ “º dº. Al-‘’’’ ‘’’ "Tºº * {4,3,7- - .* * * 2271 amphlets relative to the Queen's Trial, cuts by Cruik- shank, scarce..... ~~} --- -w.ºxº-º-º- +, ºr zºº ** **, *, * * t 3-vº-'r,” ºr *** ****ś2's “ºn--> *: *** ***.*, * ******* #2 by Cruikshank, scarce. 29 'í. * **, *** w". 2274 = Söööää"Tºi of 1815. "it Aid the Political"Litany, , Newc. 1817—in 1 vol., half calf. — Hone's Select Popular ‘,--- Political Trägtº.º..……..… "T2275 Hooker (Sir W. J.) Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in the Sum-º: mer of 1809, calf, private print. - 1811; ~~~~... . a.......…...— ... .........…..…. ....... ------- ~ : ...~~~~, ºr ~~~~~~~ : ***-ºs--~~~< ** a rººrºº's “º “”, ““ ” Ørgikshank.8ggréé......... ; š. §. , ºr . . w ; S’ l 20 * S- . . . . . . ~~~~<º “sº-c 4-ºx. 2-ºva -*S* !º. * 3: ... * ...} * r : 4. * ; yt •-r#t + s×: ** º - it. -- ar• ?*r : 5--".. *--º:* .ww. --- -- ; F- d ---- --- ſ: } % §*~3°, *** -- ro. *-*s- Cà.II. 2 2 5 6 t_º “smº- §ºrs: -º-º-c-º-o-º- **** ~ Royal Syð, 1819. * .6º £– as. ** --&stºryºgºsº ; Hogg (James -Lº wº.----Tº-say- w-r- ºr * * * : y º wir-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: * * > *g.” Cº . ~~ šºsis. Möß Bard, Eº. 1831. – Hogg's Songs, is31.” r-zº # y s h * * * - - - * º *A* * * - w - - - - .# “tºxº~e *******, *º-.'...iº.--> k 7 g *** , ºr " ~~~f~, -- *- Aºrrº. § 3. # 2. / ts - :* •. § *. # | § ; , -3. ****, ºr: ** <<; ref 4 - 28 - A-sº ſ * *- * Ó [ I32 § i. 2276 Honesto Willo : a Cant. s º . ~. w Printed for the Buyers, •: ‘. . . . And sold by the Cryers. - Newc. 1715 3 f : tº A very rare poetical tract. A copy sold at Brockett's Sale for £12s. : .* * This is bound in a volume with Philips' Poems, and De Foe's True- : - born Englishman, and in binding has been cut into the print. *ru* *-*------ " - . * * * A&º: • * * wrk r 5-sesse-assoºris-rººzyºvºrºes tººls ; º & 2277 Hoole (John) Cyrus,-Timanthes, and Cleonice, . ; -* - ... • ~~~~ * *...*.*, 1A. ... gedies ! 7? MS 4% SY gºlf…!!98: 1974.2 ... ~f~ ºffs ºrd º febeifion and ſivil Wars in & / ; ; England, during the Reign of Charles I.2.xolº-.9%mº. - 2279 Hope (John) Leſſes to the Lord Chancellor, on the Claims of 2 2. the Church of Scotland, Edinb. 1839. — Hollingsworth . : º (Rev. N. J.) Three more Pebbles fresh from the Brook, new - edition, Newc. 1838. — Crimes of the Clergy, or the Pillars ** • ~~ giºviºst-9saſ.Shakºn, 1823,------~~~~~~~~ . . 4 2280 Horne's Commentary on the Book of Psalms, 2 vols., calf. *Zºz28rºfebow (N.) Nātūrāt. History of Iceland, jiàp, fölio, 1758 ~228, HORSLEY (JOHN) BRITANNIA ROMANA;, or the / # - Roman Antiquities of Britain, fine copy, calf gilt, gilt leaves, wery scarce. - - folio, 1732– + ~ T2283 = Tife of Rev. J.TIarle, and Sermon on his Death. Two / . / . º Discourses. Hymns and Psalms by Harle, calf, extremely . . * 7°(I)^3. 1730 --~~~~~ ~~~2284 – Account of the most necessary and fundamental Princi- , . - ples of Statics, Mechanics, &c., adapted to a Course of Ex- - y periments performed at Morpeth, half calf. Newc. tº An exceedingly rare volume by the author of the “Britannia Romana,” a long mote at the end respecting it, by Mr. Bell, and also an auto- graph note of the Rev. J. Hodgson, who had the loan of this copy, *~~t- for his Memgir of Horsley. - dºwºfº”*.*.*- : *** * * ** - - ? 3 é 2285 — Index of Places in his Map of Northumberland, long MS. — ~ - º 40ſ&.Jhalfg alſº *****}xº~rvºixºſ" ºrºfºr-tº-rºw ºº::\ºa's wºrs: sº: 1753 . 3" 2286 Wows in Trouble, a flain ani"Fractical Discourse, very – ``2287 Housman (föhn) Guide to the Lakes, &c. of Cumberlând, t 3 - * *, Westmoreland, &c., plates, Carlisle 1802. — Robinson . . . . (John) Guide to the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, : &c., plátēs, 1819. *-* ----------a - / 4, 2288 Houston (Dr. Jas) Works, containing Memoirs ºf his Travels *y - - in varion Sºparts of the World, &g..….. 1753 2. . . 2289 Houston (Thos.) Poems and other Works, 2 vols. Weive, W. Y. 2 - o § 2290 – Rage to Ham, 1800::=z-Arapology; or Key to the Race . ...< * 2 if to Hell. — Progress of Madness, 2 parts, 1802. — Poems, - Odes, and Songs, 1804. — Hexham Races, 1802—and Se- º ------ Yeral other Local Poems, in 1 vol., half calf, Wewe. / . * 2291 — The Informer, a fortnightly periodičāIpăpéï, half Čalf, ` ~~~~%.4%-40%--~~~~~~~~~~~ ...] bid, 1806 | 133 1 t- 2292 Howard (Chas.) Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard. ---.… Family, wants 4 leaves, half calf, scaree. - 1769;.…. Tāāş3 - Añóðhörédition.`` -------Tsiºr *2294 : Thoughts, Essays, and Maxims, 1768.T.: Howard (Sãº"; º - --~~~~Egbā).Dramatic Works.pgráráč, 1722. º 2295 rº (John) Tife of # calf, Newc. 1790, - Englis; ; Causes Celebrés; or Reports of Remarkable Trials, edited. # 3 by G. L. Craik, square 12mo, 1844. — Chauffpie (J. G.). *, * * Eife of Servetus, 1771. :-... . . . . as as “. . *…* * * **** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.** *p, * -- a sº- -- : §§ T2296 Höwärd (Sir Robt.) History of the Reigns of Edward andrº / Richard Iſø half calf.........…. ….--.1699;.….'... — Four New Plays, calf, fine copy, folio, 1665. --Orrery, ºr (Earl of) Tragedies, folio, 1672-90. Af * * T Jºe. / * *************** **-*S*"> - - - - - - ” 4to, 1881: 7 * T23T5 – Another copy. ºf , ºxº~. * ****** ***** -----, ...........--> [ 134 § 2 & 2816 Hunter (Rev. Jos.) Who wrote Cavendish's Life of Wolsey — -belfrušia...?!!!!!99 gºes prºfed.----...small 49, 1844 * / . 2317 Hunter #5 Account of a # in Scotland. "Whº IS39 ... --, * -gãrs. Hiſtºp;Jöhn) Méñóñs ºf the Eife and Doctrines of by- ; / ; ?- Jos. Adams, 1818. —Life of Hunter, by Jesse Foot, calf, 1794. H *-y-w + -** * * r : *23T9. Húñtingúðn. History of Föffiths Gârliest Pēriod, Hälfèaff.” / 6 ... Huntingd. 1824 ~ : ".2320 Hürdis (Rev. Dr.) Lectures on Poetry, 4to, Bishopstone Yihe 3. * author's own press) 1797. — Hurdis’ The Favorite Willage, a poem, private print, 4to, Ibid. 1800. -j-sºn - The Favourite Village, &c., "iší0. - D'Ageno (F.) º / i 2 : Prose e Rime, portrait, 1790. — Willemer (P.) Astronomie, Eggmºdº, 1824. :wrvºrºs ºkºty” wrº - - **~~~ sº ºłº Fºxwºº A * * **** 2'-tºº. 1.--tº-ºxi-st 7:-) ºrº--& 2,...: º º-ºº: - : 3. . 33; artſey (Thos.) Account of some Natural Curiosities at Mal- , ºr : a .* ham, in Craven, plates (2 copies). 1786 *** *.* w t → -—' ** * 4. “2323. Hissèy (Rev. A.) Nötes'6ñthé Chürches in Kóñt, Süssex, and T º * x Surrey, plates. * 1852 }. 2324 Hüsey (Rev. Rºy A&Suit of the Różań Road from Aitchester- / 6 . to Dorchester, and other Roman Remains, plans. & Owford 1841 *. * , - (' | é £ 2825 Hutching (John) History and Antiquities of Sherbolińe, Dor- c | set, plates, 1815. — Willyams (Rev. C.) History of Sudeley • * Castle, plate, large folio, 1791. *7 & .2825 Hºliº ºf the Liº, With in Account of the Siege of Latham House. JBohn's Library, 1846 ***.- * 3: 355 sion to the Abbey of Mailross, in Scotland, 2 vols., fine, clean, uncut copy, plates, several additional, with Autograph letter of the author. 4to, Newc. 1778 View of Northumberland, 2 vols., imperfect. … 4to, Ibid. 1778 - } - g-zºrnºwº view ºliviº. * r º º *} ;Y t; ..! fºr S. ', 5 * #3, -------, w-r- --~~. t . O. 9. 2. º 2 3 29 *- !. History of Cumberland, 2 vols., fine paper,Žlates, clean, &ncut copy. 4to, Carlisle 1794 —r § 7 & 2330 History of Câmbéfand, 2 vols., plates, imperfect:----- 4to, Ibid. 1794 :/& * 233i – History of Durham, Wols. I. and II., plates, calf gilt, .4gtograph letter inserted.…., 4to, Newe, 1785-87 History of Durham, Wols. I. and III., plátēs, half calf, Autograph letter inserted..., 4to, Newc. & Carlisle 1785-94 — History of Durham, Vol. TII, Part I., plates, half calf. 4to, Carlisle 1793 tº 2332 * * * * -- ~~- “ . - … • ‘’’’’-> * ~ * : * * *** ; : . .2333 : .** ; : h * * **.* +. * * - ** - ** ****** **-----~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~ i 2334 – Another copy, interleaved, plates, half russia, Autograph ….*..................... 4to, Ibid. 2335 History and Antiquities of the City of Carlisle and its . Vicinity, plan and plates, autograph letter inserted. ----..........-------…- 4to, Carlisle 1796 2 : C. § 2336 — Excursion to the Lakes in Westmorland and Cümber-T * % º land, with a Tour through Part of the Northern Counties, º e ..}! . Autograph of the author inserted, 1776 ..r-A º •' w ~. *, º • *-** r * > *, *.* --~ *--- ºw...,x. *** **** ***..?-------~~~~k.--------, - *****, *.******, *-*** ***...* -**** * * ~ *, * >> . ... …,’s *** ~ ****** - A ** * *-r--- . . . . .t. -- ~ -, -, - t º !', 3. g w : r i [ 135 ) 2337 Hutchinson (Wm.) Excursion to the Lakes in Westmorland and '3. Cumberland, 1776. — Houseman (John) Guide to the Lakes ; ; ; ; of Cumberland, Westmorland, &c., map and plates, calf, 4, § Carl. 1800. --~~~~~~ 2338 – Excursion to the Lakes (2 copies)....… 1773. Tº 3. 2339 – Spirit of Masonry, Autograph of the author and M.S. note; +. “ºr £nserted. 1775; 2 7 23:4U->= āmſārā; a`ârâûâtic poem, śāt on title by T.T. Bewick, scarce. Autograph letter of Hutchinson and long; #7 º MS. note by Mr. Bell inserted. 1789; ; * 234 IT Mémoir of; by Thomas Bell, unpublished M.S., with mu-º-º-º-º- I, * *, *. merous autograph letters by and to him, relative to his va- i2. rious Works, in 1 vol., 4to. 2842---Proceedings invarious-eatises frth's County of Dürham;tº ghinson.e............….vºazºv:ss.xº~f *** **-****** * * * ** 4to: -- . . ." M.S. by Hut 23.43. Hutt, m.) State and Prospects of British Agriculture, half; calf, 1837. — Holt (John) Wiew of the Agriculture of thei County of Lancaster, map and plates, 1795. — Hughes (Thos.) Pragtice of Making.and Repairing-Roads, 4838.”-- 2344 Hutton (Dr. Chas.) Diarian Miscellany, 5 vols., half calf, 1775, − Hutton (Dr. Chas.) Miscellaneg,\ſathgmatica, 1745-4---- 2345 Hüttön (Dr.) and the Royal Society. "A collection of authen- tic Tracts relating to some Disputes in the Royal Society." Autograph of Dr. Hutton. 1784: f *.*.*.*.*.*-3: r!t i† r . . N. *: º *: ... --- r = $ºr'e S. v. º.º.º. r * * 3. 3. * º x 2-. * *** ** * 3. jº “ ; 3. iº % * * , ** *… w”-wa-y" reº." ; * * * * ** * ; - - i7-: | *. 2346 Hutton (fr. Ghās) Principles of Bridges, 1801. – Hutton." . . (Dr.) and the Royal Society. Narrative of the Dissensions: A : 2 and Debates, half calf, 1784. …i.… ~234"--Memºirot, by John Bruce, portrait, with MS. Note, Git-Tº: 2 _tings, ºtºgraphilºſº.º. isºtº-ºxº~~~~…~#2, # 2348 Hüttön (Wm.) History of Birmingham, calf. Birming. 1783i. 3 .# —º-º; *ś iſ: ~2350 – Remarks upon Nöth Wales, Birm."[843 - Hutton's "T": * History of Birmingham, utºps and plates...}ºng 1783.… Y. 235ſ Tour to Scarborough, in 1803, T817. – Hutton's Trip to ...~99atham, in Yorkshire, 1819. . . . .. ~2352 --Tife of With an Aćduit of the Riots at in 1791.90%rgºſ......... Aºk.-wr: < **** * *-**** -z-4'-º'-'. Birmingham,. q 1-.' *-*. w - :Rºyºrº ºcus:Ax, ºf Nºrººzy, ºr--rºyº-wºrkrººrººtwº ~~!817. 2353 —— Another 1817 rt W *~~~ .. wº :- *. r 2.- - - 2. ſo*i. : 3. \ ***.*.* / *==Asſº.--~~~~#7– *::354 Hyſłóñ. #; Ladſof Hylton, with an Account of the Hylton Barons, an original Poem, Gateshead, 1831. — The . Lambton Worm, Gateshead, 1830—in 1 vol. » % ~ º ; .:§•." 4 :: ; ºri-sºº's ... * * * * * rºyºzºº---jºxiºpºulitº ºvº->~~~"ºrº ** tº vº t …sº ****z- sº-'ºs---, -, # :::: º flºº". . . →3'... r. Fºre: *** **, *-i-ra ºf -, -º- +*.*.*** ...Pºképing, 1853.4. l, ºf * Á ~. (Rev. C.) Topographical Account of . 2 ; f the Parish of Scampton, in the County of Lin- ; ; \ .*.*…-------------4*1949…! 2357 TTHSträtiöns of Remarkable Évents in English History in "I 3. § § " ; seventy wood-cuts by Bewick, Nesbit, Clennell, &c. ex---~~~...~~~~~3a*,x*.-----~~~~~" nest’” “” “* ~~~~1842. ** * i [ 136 | : 2358 Impressions of a Series of Animals, &c., illustrative of British Field Sports, from a Set of Silver Buttons, engraved by § John Sgºtſ.... 1821– .-- º : *** : s 3. .# - ... "w - !. *" ºr Inglis (SFHugh) Sketch of the Life & private prº, wºod *-,-i,~~~~ •. **-ī-sº-d * * * : - i -- A. - f- r2362 Tāſāāa Navigations, History ºf pārācāſāīy that of the Duke 6 * 3'-tº * ... A-. . . ; J---. * * * '... --~~~~ * --~~~~} º s'. i. --~~#~~ *s * * * , *g ". s,’ ... . . ! ''. - '. ''. 3. & ~. 3 •ºrs-tº-ºn-ºrrº. - rº. =-rants' gº *.* 3359 India. TSketch of the Commercial Resources and Monetary { $: º º '. [. r s * 't * º ' S f ; .* ~~~~ º: rº-wºº gº tº at § 2365 , and Mercantile System of British India, 1887. — Buxton (T.F.) on the African Slave Trade, 1839. — Jackson (Dr. Robt.) Hints for the Political Organization, &c. of the Hu- man Race, Stookton, 1823. - Ż. 2360 Ingleborough and Settle, in Yorkshire, Tóir to the Caves in 1782 the Environs of. cut portrait. 1821 of Bridgewater, maps. 1779 *2863 Intelligenger (THG), calf, 1729.… tróña (HyTssayson says: * 2: 2– , ; ral Subjects concerning British Antiquities, calf, Edinb. 1763. — Guthry (Henry, Bp. of Dunkeld) Memoirs of, Glasgow, 1747. ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2364 Träſänd (SãňI) Picturesqué Tour through Homāīā, Bābānt, and France, 2 vols., fine aquatint plates. royal 8vo, 1795 • tº Beckford's copy sold for £3 5s. — Picturesque Views on the River Medway, plates. royal 8vo, 1793 s”. • *. º: 3. ...' º * * . . ; i \\ 2366 Irelafia (writy Lêgêndróf Mary, Qūdāfi of Séðts, and 6ther : } : Poems, now first published from MSS. of the 16th Century, — } half calf, specimen of Ireland's Forgeries inserted. 1810 – Tā367 - Ballads in Imitation of the Antient, is0ſ. - Rolf's ... 3 * / Select Pieces, 1772. — Liddle's (Wm.) Poems, Edinb. 1821. 3 is ; — Davies (Sir John) The Original, Nature, and Immorta- . . # tality of the Soul, Glasg. 1759. — Beauties of Ancient : Poetry, 1794.- Bumg's English Songs and Ballads, 1838. 1. - ::, . . * * ** § 3. “ it ~, -4- • *. ** . . " ſº ". . . . . . * ...Y vº; : i. ‘. . . . ; r 3. 6. * * p ** •º -*~~~#----- ...; '# º * * * p ...,’’ - -*---~~f~~ Sºrrºr-cºo-ºº-º-º-º-º: º *: . f *. $' ” * : :* * ..? • * f, º * §. *; º & ** * ...; x'ſ; *- - ºt * *ś, 3. º :* *. - * & § JA - * . *: W. - r - **** ºr sº. ". -- #xº~~~~ * °, $: -- !'. 3. | 3. f % * * .* r $. Qu l l - *śr “: 3 § -. * . w § . ; : \ º º - º T2368 Ireland. Froceedings of the Siege of Drºgheda, with an - Aggount of the Siege of Londonderry. Small 4to, Dubl. 1726 2369 Ireland and Wales. Topographical and Biographical Extracts ---.... from the Gentleman's Magazine, relative to, 2 Yols, hf. bd. * * * * * * * *-* * * * ~...~ : *-** *** * * T2370 Irving (Washington) Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, 1835. — Southey (Robt.) Cromwell and Bunyan, half morocco, 1844. — Wilson (Jas.) Biography of the Blind, 1835. — - William Caxton, by Charles Knight, 1844. - --- 2371 Is this the Truth, a Pööm. - N5; This isth6 Truth (by Edward Chicken). — No ; That's a Mistake. To the Author of a Libel, entitled No.; This is the Truth, half calf. . - - - folio, Newc. tº Three rare Local Poems, relating to the Newcastle Election in 1741. The last one is in MS. facsimile. 2372 Isaacson (Henry Creagh, of Newcastle) Plain State of the Case of _4to, 1778 º 4to M |2373 Isle of Man, Antiquities of, from Grose's England and Wales, plates. - - -- -* T - - --~~~~~~ * “x--------------'evº', a 3-ºxº~...~~…~...~ +... ...a | 137 j 2874 Isle of Man, History of, from the earliest Accounts, by Mrš: # , Rolt, half calf, 1772. — Jeffrey's (N.) Descriptive and . ; Historical Account of the Isle of Man, Newc. — Isle of . 3 § 2376 Isle of Man Statute Laws, wants title. ~ Mills (Mark A.] Tº " ; ". - Ancient Ordinances and Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, ; 2 ~” --- royal 8vo, Douglas 1821. — Bullock's History of the Isle; . . . { 3.377 fºr ºf Wight, New Picture of, fine plates, engraved by W.; 7 . 990ke, half galf. 1808. : " : . 2378 Buller's guide to, is25, - Albiñº"Cºmºrrºr"." Wyndham's Picture of (2 copies), 1793. – Description of: $ 2. # Á ". * Canterbury Cathedral, 1783. – Parkin's History of Nor-3 ; T : * ...' ... —wich, 1783– ; 2379 Italy, Map of the Southern Parts of from Dalbe, # -- / fºx -— --- ~~5 - - x- ?----------ry- .* , -- * * * * large folio, 1806. . ~~~~ : Zoº 2880 Itinerarium ad Terram Sanctam. Middle Hill 1825; 7 . . *_ & Only 50 copies privately printed by Sir T. Phillipps. T-wr- -***w-yu * - * * * *** * * ***. 2381 ACKSON (John) Treatise on Wood-Engraving, half mo- 3| 3 || || rocco, gilt top, very scarce, with Chatto's third Pre-É. Tº ~~~fage. ºrrº imperial 8vo, 1889; i.......... 2382 Jacob (Alex.) Complete English Peerage, 2 thick vols., plates; ; 7. ...--~.9/.4%.9ld morocco. folio, 1766; ; ; ; *2383 Jāāb (Edway Histºry of the TóWii and Port of Faveisham; ſº 2. # * plates, half calf. - ~~~~ ... .1774; ; ; ; “2384 Jāgāb (Giles) Thé"Poétical Registér, and Tives and Chârâétéïs. -- º 4 A wºº - ºr ; ;.…' ...s.º. . . *e-- of all the English Poets, 2 vols., half calf.______.1719-20: . 2385 Jacob (G.) The Court Beauties: a poem, inscribed to ties ºf Duchess of Bolton, calf, with book plate of Horace Walpole.; ; ; ; 3 2886 Jacobi I. (Regis Angliae) Opera, finely engraved portrait title, " : / º --~~~~£4!?… ~~~~ …foliº. 3. _2387 Jacobite Minstrelsy, with illustrative Notes. Glasg, 1829; ; ; & 2388 Jago (Richd.) Edge Hiii.; or the Rural Prospect Deſińeated;" fºr #4 2889 James (John) History and Topography of Bradford, York-8 ; / 2 } & ----------shire, 24*-cloth-----~~~~~~~-royal SY9, 1844}...?..…. .2890. James (Charles) Poems, portrait, halfgalf...royal 8vo, 1792; ; *... 2391 James II. Memorials of the last twelve Years of his Life, 2 : . 1702. — Collection of the Debates on the Succession, 1681, # 2. 36 …? Yolº, galf by Magkenzig… --~~~~~~}~$º 2392 - A large - ; :- ſ (s *. - ollection of Political Pamphlets, principally .* 4 __ published during the Reign of James II, in a thick Vºls fol: $...si. . . ~2393 Jamesofi" (R) Miñéråſogical Description of Dumfries, Edinb.; , , , , 1805. — Jameson's Outline of the Mineralogy of the Shet- •. * @ land Island of Arran, half calf, royal 8vo, Edºah, 1798. § *… …-… ****.*, *-* * * i * [ 138 & 2394 Jameson (R.) Mineralogical Description of the County of Dumfries, map, calf, Edinb. 1805. —Jameson's Mineralogy ...~...~...of th9. Shgtländ, Islands, royal 8V2.4%. 1798. 2395 Jamieson (George) Antidote against the Pösöä ºf Aïtino- mianism, an Address to John Briggs, and other Pamphlets relative to this Controversy, in 1 Vol....... Yºº. 1817 *2366 Jamieson (Robert). Popular Ballads and Songs, 2 vols., scarce, ~~~~half-calf-------- ** **-- * : *-**-a-3 - Jºdinb. 1806– 2397 Jarrow Dock Bill, Proceedings in Parliament in 1854, - And --~~~~89th915------~~~~~~~~ -a--~~~~~~~~ … 2398.jgbbs (Dr. John) Works..?...Yglº- 1787 2333 jebb (Mrs.) Memoirs of, by G. W. Meadley, private print, 1812, and a Memoir of Meadley, by the Rev. W. Turner, in 1 vol. - 2400 Jefferies ºridge. Memoirs ºf by Woolrygii. ºffº. TS27 2401 Jefferson’s Daphnis and Caelia, a poem, Kendal, 1761. – Jef- *~~~~~ fºlson's Poems, 1773..…~~~~ º.2402. Jefferson (I.B.). Histºry of Thirsk (2 copies). Tº 1891 % "3403 jefferson (S.) History and Antiquities of Carlisſe, plałęs. º : as x^2 > x < *.*.*, *-* > * > *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*-*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, * >, > 3; ; , , -ºx'...A ..., x-, Car lisle 1838 % . 2404 History and Antiquities of Allerdale Ward, above Ter- . * * ... Ag-g---------- Went, Cumberland, plgtes, ... . . . . . . . .1% 184% fº ~~~~~~~2495 — History and Antiquities of Leath Ward, plates, J.bid., 1840 ** ~. 2406 **- ; Another copy…. Ibid. 1840 : º 2407 Jefferson’s Carlisle Reprints. – Bp. Rainbow’s Seriñón at the */ ; / . . - Funeral of the Countess of Pembroke, 1839. — Tullie's ! / ; * : Narrative of the Siege of Carlisle (2 copies), 1840. — Life | . ; . . of Sir Philip Musgrave, 1840. — Kinmont Willie, a Border i . : Ballad, 1841. — Fuller's Worthies of Cumberland and West- º º ; morland, 1841. — Life and Miracles of Sancta Bega (2 co- *-i- ºr------~-pies), 1842…s....… - * 3” § 3T. 2408 Jeffreyson (Geo.) The Victory of Love, a poém, Sünd: tş03:- – : - Houston’s Term Day, a comedy, Newc. 1803. — Thompson g : (Thos.) Dictionary of Music, Ibid. 1801. — Pearson (Ann) ; : Miscellaneous Pieces, and Grateful Remembrance, JHewham. -----...--...-- Poºs by J.S.: Nº. 1829. - . ..? i4 ; 2409 Jenison (Róbert) The Height of Israel’s Heathenish Idolatrie, & *…~~...~~~~rare.--~~~~~~~… . . . . small 4to, 1621 ºf 2410 Jennings (Rev. David) Jewish Antiquities. 1837 /7; . 241.1 Jennison (A., of Walworth,) Chronicum Sacrüm, MS., closely ****, 3,…...Witten in 8 Very small, neat hand, calf 3. % i s 24.12 Jennison (Rev. R.) The Faithful Depositary of Sound Boc- i º º trine and Ancient Truths, a Sermon, wants last leaf, rare. : +-----~~~~~~…~…small 49, Megg, printed by S. B. 1649 / . % : 2413 Jenoway (R. D.) Selection of Antiquarian and Historical Ž Fº *~~~~~~Notes. ~~~~~~~~~~…..…............Edinb.1828 £------. .2414. Jerningham (Mr.) Poems, 3 vols., calf. . 1786 ; : : f 2415 Jesse (J. H.) Mary Queen of Scots 1829. – Lister's Rustic is.” : # , Wreath, Leeds, 1834. — Cookson (M. A.) Poems, Leith : - i- *r-w ºr -º, 1829 – And 5 others, Poetical. : | 139 r. y . 2416 Jest Books. Wit's Jubilee, or the Chearful Companion, by , ; ; Frank Merryman, Newc. 1789. — Museum of Wit, Newg. * : ; 1802. — Brown's Jests, wants title, – Caledonian Jester, 3 & # 7. : 1806. – Laugh and be Fat, or Food for all Parties, wants : ; ; - lastleºf-ſºº Miller's Jºsis, 1836..….….. 34T Jews. Frey's Judah and Israël, 1838. - Lazarus's Eng: ; ; ; - nezer, a Narrative, 1841. — Legrew's Sculpture of the f : 3 , , __Jews, 1845–3 vols... . . . . . . . …............ small Syo i.i. 2418 - Dr. Wolff's Journal of Travels, 1839. — Cunninghame's "f f o Chronology, 1845–2 vols. s: 24TJJOGRay Criſp, of a Skötéſ of the Māmāčišćf the Age, 3 vols;” 1792. — Female Jockey Club, 1794–4 vols. in all, half : calf, uniform. & • * = "2-------- ~~~ **-*-*-* ** – - - - - ** * *-*.***35. “Nº. 4 º' -- - - - - - **************º-º:,” “...º.º.º. caesz.:- ~~~~~~ x-r-, *, * * * : 2420 Joe the Quilter.” Collection of cuttings, broadsides,"bălţāds, ºr *f; & relative $9 his Murder, in a 4to Vol...gloth........, 1826 & 242ſ – Another collection. Tºtò II "2422"Johansson (J. Akerman). Historioiam Pyramidum AEgypti, T. 2423 Johnson (J.) Typographia; or the Printer's mºtº • ***.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*** *-* x . - ... 2424. Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) Works, 12 vols, calf...a….--...------. 2425 Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, 3 vols. (not usually # included in his Works).-Lexiphanes: a Dialogue, imitated ; Aº 2. 3.; *, *: ". . * * * -> from Luciam (a severe satire on Dr. Johnson), 1767, very : § - SCQ")^68, ..…a-ºº::-xº~~~' ºtº.”.” “” cºrvºº-º-º: 2426 − Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, calf. 1775. 2427 Jöhnsºn (Dr. Jas.) Excursions to the principal Mineral Waters : of England. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1848... 2428 Johnston (J. F. W.) Notes on North America, 2 vols. 1851 "2423 Johnstone (Rev. J.) Antiquitates Ceſto-Normannicæ, contain- ſº ing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, calf. º ____.....….........…........ ......... 4to, Copenhageſ. 1786.3. 2430 Johnstone (Rev. Thos.) History of Berwick-upon-Tweed. * . . **.*.*.*.*, *: ... Berwick 1817. ra. º-----.2:- g ‘...*-*** * - º *. : -. ... •/-$'. # -- t*}*- §3. ***'ſ...: '-'. A • ‘. . .2°s ºf: -, ...*.*.*.*. * * * * 2431 Johnstone on Draining Land, isoo - Culley on Live Stock, 1794. — Bell’s Essays on Agriculture, 1802. —View of the § º Agriculture of Lancashire, 1795. — The Gentleman Farmer, … 1783 ~~~~...~...~ : ar. **** * ** * 3435 j oineriana, or the Book of Scraps, 2 vols. – 17 7 2 : 2434 Jones (Inigo). The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain, ; ; vulgarly called Stonehenge, plates, cuttings inserted, half ; | -- - :S - Şs ...:-tºu ºr --> ºx ; •.* ſ 3 2433 Jones (Charles C.) Recollections of Royalty, 2 vols, 1828. § { 2% * * i i ~\{*~... wº . *x* * -* | : § calf. ... folio, 1655 ; , ; ; *4 = <--, 2-, * * * ***.A. i. `--—--~~~~ 2-,-,--~~~~~" ºr “ , ” “… < *; , , , ; ; , " . . " ' ". . .” 2435 Jones (Thomas) Substance of the Examination of, a Bankrupt, and a Partner in the Wear Bank, Sunderland, scarce, out- — tºgs ºnserted. - . -------- Sunderland. 1816.4 vº- ... 2436 Angheºny--------~~~~~4%.48% - 2437 Jones (Wm.) Biographical Sketches of the Reform Ministers, 3 portraits. - - ...~~~~…~~~~~~~~~1835-4---- 2-º-º: [ 14o * 2488 Jonson (Ben) The Sad Shepherd; or a Tale of Robin Hood, a º-º-º-º-º: Fragment, with a continuation.…~~~~~.….. 1788 * 2439 Jollie's Cumberland Guide and Directory (2 copies, one with … plates.ºserted): ... Carlisle 1811 : - --" ******* ---2A-----...:” - *.*:--- *** ------~~~~~~~~...~"º ºx * - **** *****************ś...º.º. 444's ºr rºss • ****-> “yº-K-12 “’ “ TÉ 2440 Joplin (T.) Essay on Banking, and Supplémentary Observa- tions, 1822. — Joplin's Views on Corn and Currency, 1826. Illustration of Mr. Joplin's Views on Currency, &c., 1825 –3 Volsº with guttings, &c.; ºrigd. *** 2441 Joplin (T.) Analysis and History of the "Cărrénéy Question, 1832. — System of Political Economy, 1823. — Essay on Banking, in 1 vol. — Views on the Subject of Corn and Currency, 1826.- Views of the Corn Bill of 1827, 1828. : : - *2472 Toprāgºſºphy practice of Tsänäärpäſsjöctivār--Fur- , r. mass (Rev. John) Practical Surveyor, Newc. 1809. — Jeans - - (H. W.) Hand-Book for the Stars, 1848. -- ~~~~~~ "2445 JSTFHaTof the RoyāIAgricultural Society, VöI. VII. Pärt II, ~ *Y*M******…~~~~ U2444 Jowett's Christian Researches in the Mediterranean.T822 * 2445 Joyce (Thos.) The Elements, a poem, 1832. – Cope (Miss H.) % Monody to the Memory of Thomas Lord Erskine, 1824. — Jokeby, a Burlesque on Rokeby, half calf, 1813. — Hume (Alex.) English Songs and Ballads, 1838. -.ii * 6 grºñºgātin Eºin the casserstoºdman. Hansardºts+0. i ** §§ § $. t *. - 4. v. s .** - - - *: -> --" A : - * Johnston (Lieut.-Col. Geo.) Proceedings of a Court Martial for the Trial of 1811. - - - 2447 Junius. Tetters to a Nobleman, proving a Täte Prime Minister to have been Junius. - 1816 3.11527. AYMrs. Widow's Offering, Yºgāiy, 1824 – Over- - ton’s Ecclesia Anglicana, a Poem, 1833. — Ander- son’s Hymns, from the German of Luther, Edinb. 1847. t * & i. …A.Sabbgth.gmgng the Mountains, Edinb. 1825. T&T. 3’ : 2450 i. 2449. Keate (George). Poetical Works, 2 vols. Tº "I'781 Account of the History, &c. of the Repúblić of Geneva. 2451 Keelmen's Strike in 1822. Collection of Cuttings, Broad- sides, &c., relative to. - $ 2452 Keepsake. Original Mañúščipts Öfthé-Côňtents of the Keep- § sake for various years, in the handwriting of the several Authors, 2 thick vols. folio -*. 3 2453 Keith (Field Marshal James)”A Fragment of a Memoir of, written by himself, 1714-1734. ...4to, Edinb.ſº for the Spalding Club 1843 ºf 24.54 Kčićtt (S.E. & Mjöompſºe Coitéction of cookéy Receipts, Newc. 1780. — Smith (Mary) Complete Housekeeper and Professed Cook, Mºgg, 1786. º, ... A º | § i. §. *-a * * º $ r $ | * *::ver. A. g.º.ºr.i. 2455 Kelly (#.) History of independent Methodism, Weibo. iś24. 6 *. Gray's Letters (relative to Methodism), Newc. 1792, and others. — Newcastle Christian Reformers' Monthly Tracts, ~~~~ 1822. - And 3.9thºrs.…....s., ** *****-*evº......s.,...,' *******::, 2.--~~~~~-----~~T º ſ 141 l 2456 Kemble (J.P.) Memoir of, by James Boaden, 2 vols., portrait,' with autograph ºf the 4thor..... w 1825... . Authentic Narrative of his Retirement from the Stage, T ~4% ~~~~~~~~~~~}}{s- 2458 – Macbeth and King Richard the Third, an Essay...ISIT. 2457 | zº *** ***,x* v...Nº ºn as 2459 Anºther copy, half gal 1817, f. *ºr tº ‘..iew º, ... • *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* .'; # -> * :- i." -** * * *** ***...** field, a dramatic romance, i ~£130 Kºmbſ (S. & Hy Fijään half 2461 Kemble (Stephen Geo.) Odes, Ballads, and --- tº º T 4 & Poems, portrait, i. º tº ce---> ~ ***, * * *. º —Wales and Culhuas inserted. …~~~~~%. 1809. n 2462 Kempe (A. J.) Historical Notices of the Church of St. Martin's-º --~~f~~ --~~~~le:Grand-plałº-calf. .-- ºr ºr w *~ *-* * F Trº..." rºrº * - ; º f - ? :- 2468 = Another copy, plºts, half-calf---~~~~…~18%:-} J. J. 2464 Another copy, pſûtes. 825.….?..i./. • *-*** **** 2465 Kendall's Elucidation of the Principles of Gothic Architecture, … Alº, ,----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~484%. 2466 Kenilworth, Laneham's Description of the Pageants at, in 1575, § 1821. — Dispute between Sir R. Clayton and others rela-'. tive to the Borough of Blechingly, 1788, - Jennings on . Medals, 1775. — Bagshaw's Rights of the Crown, 1660. —?. . … Kirby's. Suffolk Trøyeller, 1733.--Jiales. Tracts, 1718-4---- 2467 Kemnicott (Rev. Benj.) Two Dissertations, Oxford 1747. — ; * . - ~ *.*.*, *, '-- - - Adey (Rev. W. of Lanchester) Sixteen Sermons, Newc. 1760? ******~~...~ = Five Sermons on various Subjects, 1788...…~~~ : 2468 Kennedy (Jas.) History of the Contagious Cholera (2 copies.), : T3469 RGinet (White). Sørmon preached at the Funeral of Williams Duke of Devonshire, with some Memoirs of the Family of . - Cayendish, galf…~~ ~~~~~~.44995- 2470 Kent. TLâmbarde's Terambulation of Kent; its Description, ; Hystorie, and Customes, portrait. 1570, Reprint 1826 : & Some singular early deeds dated respectively 1628: 1431 with seal; º 1443 with seal, &c. inserted, º " #: $4 S.,...; ; zºº. 2'-ºxº~ 3 -º-º-º-º-º-º-º:*::: ***, *.*.*.*.*, * : “” “…ºr-.... :: * : * ~ *** *** **** -º-º: -- 247ſ Kent (Nathaniel) Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Property, , ...--9alſ, g!!!94.39% ºf 42% ºf Gºſłºk..…!776: . Aſº Kºnſ (aftel) ºf ſºlºiſts ºf arms...ſilº. !. - * , ><- *†e *** * --~~~...~tº Azzº-3,4-.... 2 7 • * 473 • * f : ...?. --> *", 2473 – Another copy, interigºyed, gal 2474 Kerr (Robert) History of Scotland durin t .ºrº- O” o r.wry-ºx **--- a-----, *r-sº-º-º-º- ºr--ºr the Reign of Robert : 3475 ~~~~… and glºſes.(?-copies)..…. 476 Kilburne (Richard) A Topographie - of Kent, View of the Agriculture of the County of Berwick, map . , or Survey of the County ; ***y-ser:as Aº rº, - …~~~~~~small-4to, 1659%. , , 2477 Kimbell (John) Account of the Legacies, Gifts, &c., apper-3 taining to the Church and Poor of the Parish of Greenwich. : * *** - ...- asy tº º ...~...~" rº---, rº--~~~~~~~~~ * * * ****** - . h 2478 Rimber (E.) and Johnson's Baronetage of England, with a # List of all the Baronets, from the first institution thereof, # h 3 vols., plates, calf, 1771. — Kearsley's Peerage of the ~~~...~..United Kingdom, 2 Yalsº plates ºf arºus, 1796,--~~~~~~~ * : * ~ * * *** ***.* #2,” “ºrs. --> *** * º º, -º-; , - ... • *-*. • * … the Bºuge, 2.9lsº halfgalf..…4%. 1811; #. * ** - ... R. *** * ... --v- -, tr: ...~ **, 3, "--...- ..., x >a<-- * : ***** - ~ *.*.********** •cº--. d *** * * *. r → ~4to, 1846 . . . . . . . . 3. ; § i r $. ſ- t ſ k- - 7f- y --> -- :* ** _2* *- • *. ; : : *~ i [ 142 2479 King (Daniel) Wale Royal of England, or the County Palatine - of Chester illustrated, abridged and revised, with notes by : * ~~~~~~ the Rev. T. Hºº &...…~~~ 1852 .3.3. 3480 ± Vale Royal of England (2 copies). 1852 *::: ; 2481 —— Another copy, large paper, only 50 copies prātā, Ālātes, 3 3 cloth. 4to, 1852. e : Tº # & 7482 King (Edward) Observations on Ancient Castles, Žičs, calf. --~~~~ rº- ºr rºy- = rºw---- r ---w **~~~~~~...~~... e., 4to, 17 –––47-##########sºrrº" ; : ſ. 2484 King (Mrs.) Female Scripture Characters, 2 völs, T813 — § : Beneficial Effects of the Christian Temper, 1812. — The | : * Rector's Memorandum Book. — Tour in France, 1802, calf, § s *** 3. A.A.----f !844. ~~~~~~~ ** ***.*****.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, * ... ... ... ...... ... ; , , 2485 King(Dr. Wm.) Posthumous Works, portrait, 1734, tº King's . 4 é : Political and Literary. Anecdotes, 1819. — King (Edward) ~~l--- Essay on the English Q9nstitution, galf, 1767. ... .***** ; : *2186 Kingston (Eliz., Duchess of) Triaſ before the House of Peers, * . l - for Bigamy, folio, 1776. — Kingston (Duchess of) Authentic — : Detail of Particulars relative £9, 1788. 2 : T3487 Kippis (Dr. Andrew) Life of Capt. James Cöök, portrait, calf. —t– - 4to, 1788 . . 2 y "2485 KirkstäII Abbey, Account of fing platºº-º-º-º-º-1827 ºf 3389 + Another copy, ſarge paper, plates. 1827 T2750 r"Account of pīs, "[S27.The Leeds Guide, Zºds 1806. — History of Northampton, 1815. — Butcher's . Excursion from Sidmouth to Chester, 2 vols., 1805. — The | Chester Guide. - | * 24grkirby (John). The SüßIETFäveſić, maps. " 1764 T.A.L. 3...?;92. E. Anºther cºpy. -1764- : *T2493 Knight (Chas.) William Caxton, a Biography, half calf, 1sq.4. - §- •º* 2 2 -- ** * ;:4-g :i --- m 7 ; . . — Knight (Chas.) Life of Wm. Shakespeare, Book I., royal ~5-2 i. ;f * ~~8xo~clothº-º-º-º: ***********S*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *z, * :-tº-:-- ~...~ ,-,--2. - . . . . . . . . . 2 : 2494 Knighthood, Historical Account of all the Orders of 2 vols., ...: tº .2..… 2495 knolles.(Righd.) Gengrgl History of the Turks, calf, fol. 1638 . . . 2496 Koops (M.) Historical Account of the Substances which have § 3 : w; been used to describe Events and convey Ideas, printed on —-4----~~~~#49er” ſº-º-º-, … 1801 . . . 2497 Kouli Khan, Complete History of, 1742. ~ Moyle's Tracts, ; : / Glasg. 1750. — Mastyn's Dissertations on Virgil's AEneids, :/~. 1770. — Urquhart's (Sir Thos.) Tracts, Edinb. 1782. — As - * Fºss- £assºciº-->< *-*…resº."<:#8. :*.********-- ~~~~~~x '-x sº-ºrºs.----~~~~~~~~<---~~~...~ 1. --...--.............. ----------- - 3 § ; Selden’s Priviledges of the Baronage, 1689 º 2. **--e.ace-tº-xpo” - ***.sg.) -- “es, N.--> *-* *- ** * * *-, * ~-- . . . ;--> . . v.-->..ºr-,----, -, *:::A:... in tº \ jº. • * ~ *… … . . . . .'; … x ~..., , 2 % 6 2498 A BAUNE (Jac.) Augustissimo Galliarum Senatui Pane- *… 31. ... . gyricus, plates of arms.............4to, Paris 1685 - ''. 2499 Lackington (James) Memoirs of the Forty-five first **º-º-º-º-º- … Yegºs.g. by himself.galf gilt. ,-, " <--~~~~ -.' --------.”.” * > } $. * * f **--> * & … . *~ * * ****** -- - - ** *Ar"v, * * * * * *...* * - 3. § w 2. 2x-r-, **r-3 -º-; *- *** * * ***, * * *---> < *.xt ** : **-*.*.*.*, **-*.*.*~ * ~~~~ v . . ...: * *-*** ** { * , t t "...--A. tº *.*.*.* : * > .” -- * * * ~ *z, *.*.*.*.*, - . . .” --- - - , , ~ * ~ * ~ *----. * * # * ‘g, 3. *:: 2 y ; } ; L I43 2501 Ladies' (The) Calling, in two parts, Oaford, 1673. — Essay in Defence of the Female Sex. — The Queen's Closet Opened, § 1696. ****iz'-º'-xxxx, e--sºº. x: - 2502 Ladies' Diary and Ephemeris, 1760 to 1809 (some -----bound in 10 Yals, scarce. … --~~~~~ --~~~~~~~ -:###! Agg.Grey, ºn historical tale, 2.xols.-----------1791. 2504 Lady's New Year's Gift; or Advice to a Daughter, 1688. — Another edition, 1696. — A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, 3 1694, - 2-, ... •2- . . . . ….: '…~~... -- - -----, ...~~~~. …":-- “..., -º-º-º-º- ~~~~ ~~~ssº. . . 2505 Laing (David) Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Public and 2 : : Private Buildings executed in various parts of England, &c., ; ; § . . ...ſº plafes...…. . . . …largetolio, 1848… "2506 Laird's Topographical and Historical Description of Worces- F tershire, plates. yº-yº . ; rº .-: * ~ : - ºr ,------------------, -º-º-º-º-... ; : " : 2507 Lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, &c., Guides to, by Mrs. Tºr. . . . . Murray, 1799. — Hutchinson, 1774. — Otley, 1830—and Z 3× . . ** …~~~~~~~~~~4- § t 2508 Takes of Cumberland, &c., Guides to, by West, 1773. —f 3. Otley, 1827. — Map of the Lakes. – Descriptive Tour to : --~~~~the Lakes-in-lè04, 1805--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -4---4---~$. 2509 Lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland, Views of, from Mid-; ; 2; ____diman's Select Views. * ~~~~~ *-*- £510 Lâm Đô (R&R. Víðar ºf Noſhāń). History of fióss, 1764.” * , …-- Renny (W. S.). Practical Chess Exercises, 1815. ; : y *: 2511 Lambton (J. G.) Speech in the Hôāść of Cóññions of Reform” - # in Parliament, 1821. — And a number of other Pamphlets, , ; ºf – Cuttings, &c., on Parliamentary Reform-in-1-yol...… 2512 Lambton (The) Worm, a Legendary Tale, three different ; ; editions; and the Laidley Worm of Spindleston Heugh, ; &, . ~A- *—a pºſ : wanting), i *- -- * *.* * 3. . **--- • i $º->{u, ly ~25TA Tancashire illustrated in a Series of Views, with Descriptions,” half calf. - ...4f0, 1832; g a 35T5 Iancashire. Tutterworth’s Statistics of Lancashire, 1841. – Clarke's Lancashire Gazetteer, 1830. — Historical Collector. ; 1853, 3 vols. * **, r*. & -ºx. → • - - ------ºr-gº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: , , S: , , , ºr--> --, --~~~~' s • *.-:... ". . . . . . * : * * • *.* , 2516. Tancashire and Cumberland, Descriptive Account of, from the . , Beauties of England and Wales, 2 Yºls., plates. ---------, , . . . . with long MS. notes by Mr. He!..…......….. s” ºf so 2513 Lancashire, TIIustrated Itinerary of fine plates, half morocco, ; } f : * * * * gilt top. ...imperial 8V9, 1842.É. i.. : £3. *. $ º -.&-- * 3. § *y s . *.* —t_* - - *- x * * ... r.:...- :- -- 3. zº - 2517 Lancaster. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Town of, plates, Lancaster 1811. — Langdale (Thomas) ; Topographical Dictionary of Yorkshire, half calf, Northal- i. lerton 1822. ~~~~~}- 25T8 Tameham's Letter describing the magnificent Pageants pre- sented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth, 1821. — ; º 3 **.* * ***'.*. § > + i. …~~~. Gascoigne's Princely Pleasures at Kenilworth, 1821...}. 2519 Langbaine's (Gerard) Account of the English Dramatičk Poets. : - . . . ~…Qaford.1691; X = \ #-- ... • | -*** *:. . k Lives of the English Dramatick Boets – Companion to § the Play-House, 2 vols., 1764. — New Theatrical Dic- tionary, 1792.-----. - 2520 s.* **---sº-º-º-ºr. :s. * * * * * * * * r * * *-*...* > *- : **, . * , .” 144 º p * *: L * * - ..#º6 • , * * .ºzº-* } º * º { t . :: f 2523 L * * '. ...}, …x::sex's sº,” “ 352 | v : 2521 Langdale (Thomas) Topographical Dictionary of Yorkshire, Northallerton 1822. — Langdale (J.) History of Northaller- ton, in the County of York, Northallerton 1804. 2522Iangley (Thößy HIStory and Antiquities of the Hundred of Desborough, and Deanery of Wycombe, in Buckingham- shire. … 32.1797. aſkin (Charles) Windication of the Catholic Religion, is31, and other Pamphlets by him, or relating to the Catholics, #4. Yºkºº--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ietters to Thomas foubleday, Ésq., one of the Éditors of the Northern Liberator, griginal MS, gloth. 4to -"Têtter to a Protestant Gentleman on Absolution and In- § ºf-a-º-º-º-dûléºnºred monºgiº. --~~... . Newc. # & º ; 2526 Taskey (Capt. J. C.) Description of the Napoléon Médals, large … pººr gº..…....….... imperial Svo, 1818 ; 7 ºf rºtiñof Grames) on the Quatrature of the Cirčić (2 copies.) . . …~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% "Tº .# / ? 3533 fatium, or La Campagna di Roma, Description of "4to, 1805 ; , , T2529 Law (Dr. Edw.) Sériñón at Dürhāń on the TJGäth of TVF. t y : . Bland, Wewe, 1768. — Barnet's Discourse on the Holy ; Communion, long MS. mete inserted, Abid. 1826—and 5 ; y : & tº 2530-Taw’s (Joseph) Revičw and Refâation of Ünitarianism, Alnw. #' ; 1827. — And 6 others. - º V, 'i : ; i : : | ſ : ºf L t ‘....' ... º.º.º.- : ****"... - . . . . . . . . . " ' " ' " ' aw (B.E.) Considerations on the State of the World with Regard to the Theory of Religion, calf, Cambr. 1745. — Walton (Dr. J.) Doctrine of Repentance, in six sermons, 1833. — Wharton (Rev. G., Sunderland) Essay on the Temptations to which Christians are exposed, .\o. Shields 1800. — Sumner (Archbp.) Sermons on the Christian Faith and Character, calf, 1829. —- Sanderson (R. B.) Essay on the Apocalypse, Newc. 1838. - •.------ “rvº wr--> -----.S.-sº: , , , , ..., , . - * * * ************, *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*-*.c--~~~~~~y.”------- s\{\%ffº, tº "A sºft\}M/Maº rºw ºzºğ * i. º *…*&s º - 33 W *P** . . . ºn Yºº Nº § º §º gº ºftſ;Sº zºğNº. tº º º º - sº sº.” º & Q/ i - §§§ §§§ º) ë); Ş -** - * - - - - F- * * N. ºğ * º W NINTH DAY'S SALE, THURSDAY, October 25th. ; : ISCELLANEOUS Religious Tracts; * , , º Newcastle Dispensary; Burke's 2 Landed Gentry, &c. &c.—A; - parcel. - . #3553 fºr projects tº Scotland; ...T. . . | 9 |Zo 7 Af Railway Reports; Engravers, with Specimens of their Arts.- Aº -- " - tº * 2534 Richardson's (M.A.) Collections | s rººmsºmºlº for the Table Book; Pedigrees, 2- : of Nobility; Reports on Births, Deaths, and Marriages; i. s...… Tyng Docks;...&#-Saxon volumes and folias....… . . 2585 Miscelianeous Catalogues of Paintings and Prints, some old, # 2 and Gurious;. Local Biography; Broadsides-Alparcel. ... . . . . ; h ::1 !," 2586 Local Pamphlets-Hodgson (of Newcastle) on the Passions; F : Derwent, by Sir John Carr; and others; royal 4to in port-, i. 2. # } Three large portfolios. , ºr ~ sº :... º. 3.- : ºr,”--- 2. ' wº--ºr rºw.….. ~~3. •' ". . . *A - : , . 25. 7 Local Directories and Guides.—Newcastle, Sunderland, North. Tº ~-º", **--~~~~~ 2588 Régisters of Electors for the county of Northümberland, 1832°º to 1852, 21 vols., 5 half bound and lettered, the rest in ori- º ...ginal govers....…. ºf , t →s 4- --- ... : " ' - * 33°2'- -* 2589 Register of Electors. Durham County, 12 vols., 3 bound in: "º * cloth and lettered, 1832, &c,. . . …--~~~~… 2540 Local Biography, MS., and compiled by Mr. Bell; miscella-; ; ; 1. ..." . . . . _I}{} QuS matter, &c. &A. payſ: el--- *~~~~...~yrº-zz.stºriºr.<4I-z-z - cº-º: - tº ~~~~jºtº,” “g- / 2 #Tºš46 Particulars of Éstates offered for Sale by Public Auction, in _- ; two thick folio covers.—Several hundreds. n *- **.***** *º i:;&**-***** * ***.*.*&^*\,\ºr, -\vºr, wº. -** rººrºº’e” “23”. Y.” “A-X-37 º'4 x ~...~", "º ºſºsºrax. tº "...r-, -- ~ : 4, ºf “ § { * "2547 Autograph Letters: Twóthick Atôportfolios, with a quantity * - ; * * - º º A Qi i of Letters, Legal Opinions, &c., unassorted, chiefly local. ; {j} ſ tº On a hasty turning over, we observed the names of Sir Robert Cham- : . bers, Dr. Morrison (the Chinese Scholar), Mary Ann Clarke, Grose, § ‘. Sir W. W. Follett, John Buddle, &c. &c. : st -**~~~~~~~ & I 3 ******* x. 3. < 2555 - on the Nobility of the Éritish Gentry, isłó. --Towns.”: ; end’s Calendar of Knights, 1828. — The Grand Tourney at. i .. ; Eglintoun Castle, 1840. — Curling's Field of the Cloth of ; 2 t Gold of Eglintoun, 1839. **-ºs- z-- - - - us arº - ...; -º- 4– * 255GTºws of Höß a Compendious Account of the Derivation. Tº , -— of all Titles, &c. - - 1726.....: '...}. 2257 Lawsºn (John Pyfristory of the Abbeyānā Palace of Holy: "º / # rood House, plates. . * - . . Lº - d.: *% f"..” _____Edinb. 1848... ...'..., ăwtóñº(Gööj'Brief Träfisä of Böää Nötabilia, with an Ac: ; # * count of the Courts of Probate within the Province of York, . ." § .3 &zºne, calf. ... ... 1825. . ; 2559 Leathart (Major J.) Rhapsodies on various Subjects. – Acº º & * count of the Rescue of the Family of Geo. Jackson, 1771–sº : -*; printed, autograph letters of the author, hf. calf. : : 7 "ºšč0 emarks on the Políče, &c. in the Bengaï"Provinces; ºx.” 1806. — Thoughts on a Battle after returning from viewing: ; the Plains of Waterloo, Brussels. – Sketch of some Parti- culars stated relative to the Services of Major J. Leathart, private print. s *T*** ******* ****** 2561 Leather (Geo.) Reports, and other Documents, relative to a "ºº" * º \ Canal from the River Tees to West Auckland, half calf. : Stockton 1818 2562 Le Bianc (Abbé) ſetters on the English and French Nations, : " : , ; ; 2 vols., 1747. - Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to his Friend in London, 2 vols., 1754. — Let- ...— tiges (J.) Letterson a Tour through Scotland in 1792, 1794. ... Fº *śtº gº nºrººz.cºrrºsºsºsºrºrzºv:snººtrºw.” r t ... . . § 2563 Leeds Parish"Church. Seven Sermons preached at the Conse- ; ; sº ~...gration and Re-opening.gf..…*-1847…} 2564. Teonard (John) Poetical Works, original.M.S., cloth, fol, 1813, ... } 2555. Leicester (Robert Dudley, †º !-3 2566 Another copy, 1727. — Secret Memoirs of Robert Dud-. & ley, Earl of Leicester, calf, 1706. -- * - *__ *śºrº, Amºl ** **r rº- eas *xy * - & - - e- wers,ºtºg:tº-erº. ºvs 'Kº Kºrvº ºr...ºr, ºr < *.*:::ss.x------~~ -- . . ſ- - - - * * * * .." is. - º 8 ** - \. A." ,3 • * : {{ .” !. .” . s I 4. * 4 § 2 ; , ; , ; *... . ; , . 1. * i ...’ j : * “ . . . g – . i. - A's. A j : , . ." … * * * * * * . . . * $ *...*******g, *r - { ******** TIZ.º.º. Leithgººghn). Observations on Mineral Veins, plates...}}}. ***7/ 2589 : Ānºther copy. T --~~iggs — - 2570 Le Mesurier (Rev. Thomas) Tracts on the Roman Catholic # : º 6 . Question, 1809. — Le Mesurier's Doctrine of the Eucharist --~~~~…~~~…considered, half-calf-1810-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 2571 Le Neve (John) Monumenta Anglicana; Inscriptions on the & . Monuments of Eminent Persons deceased, 1650 to º ~~~~~}ºu-ºº----------~~~~~~}}}* I/.353 ºf Treatise on Photography. . . .313 *T**", "2573 Létiér from a Parishioner of St. Clement Dáñés föthé Bishop of & - § London, on his taking down a Picture over the Altar, 1725. t . i — Benson's Account of Calvin's Burning Servetus, 1748, * , —#4 ºr --~~~~~~~~ > "2574 Letter from a Gentleman at Newcastſe, to the Burgesses of ~~~~4---- Edinburgh, segree.....…...small 49, 1749. T., "2575 fetter from Íñdascusa Halicutria to Fiddle-Faddie Wimble, 6 º with notes, half bound, rare. (Newe.) 1750 c 2575 Tºtter-to-Iºrd-Northºgnºstibscription to the Thirty-Nine & i. Articles, M.S. copy. 4to, 1772 A- - w - —t. } . / º 2577 refer tº the nate R&ICFröf Newcastley'fröm an old- § : * , Friend, half bound. (1754) --- 2 - †2578 – Añóthéréopy, idiºtöng iſsºta by Mr. Ball, såårö. º . - Corporation (The) a Fragment, half calf, soarce. 1775 º / y t & 2, º' ,” f # 2579. Löffers Iſlustrative of the Progress of Science in England, º from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to that of Charles II., º : edited by J. O. Halliwell. sº 1841 * 2: "T": "2580 Letters written by eminent Persons in the 17th and 18th i 3. : Centuries, with Hearne's Journeys to Reading, &c., 3 vols. ; - - ~ --~ w ~ -----Tº ~…~~~~~~gºv---- use r -> *-* * ~~~~~~~.4%- . 5 2581 Letters from an Elder to a Younger Brother, serving for his º * Freedom in the Trinity House, Newcastle. Agºg, 1785 *Y* *.*.*, *y-, *.*.*.*.*. ~ * yy” * --I wr- a--7 F * =ºr “ºs Tºº --> --> Sººſ, ***** *- : * \ --~~~~...~2582 - Another copy. Jºid.1785 4x t * ºv *.** × ºr ºut J. ***-a- -º-º- A-wº. Y. S. kº -, *-* xº Q} ºx. º; ºv ~4-6-2āšā Letters to Delia, manuscript, half bºund......…. Ato f 2 - 2584 Letters from the Lakes, Kirkby Lonsdale i825. - Letters - .…..….figm. Simkin the Second to his Brother in Wales, 1790. º 2585 Letters from the Dead to the Living, by Thos. Brown, Capt. * . . º Ayloff, H. Baker, &c., calf, 1702. - Rutherford's (Mr.) 2. & . . Letters, calf, 1675. — Wotton (Wm.) Reflections upon * * - Learning, and Bentley's Dissertation upon the Epistles of . - - Phalaris, &c., 1697. — School of Man, with a Key to the -------- --------.Satyrical Characters, 1738...a….................. … .. 4- . 2586 Letters from Winifred Jenkins to her Sister, rare." Newc. tº By Miss Carr, Dunston Hill; only 29 copies privately printed. ”2587 Letters of Lööke, "Algérion Sidney, and Toriſ Shāfiegbury," 1830. — Patterson (J. B.) on the National Character of the [ 149 J Athenians, Edinb. 1828, - Urquhart (Rev. D. H.) Com-: *—º mentaries on Classical Learning, 1898--- *— - 2588 Letters of Diogenes to Sir Robt. Peel, 1841. — Miller (Rev. T. "T" J.) Letter to Earl Grey on Church Property, &c., 1833. – ; /. & Stuart (Andw.) Letters to Lord Mansfield, calf, 1773. — ; / º 0. ir R. Jetters and Negotiati %igh, 1720. 2589 Leybourn ( m.) Compleat Surveyor, with Appendix by Saml. ' ** ...----. º y * -- ...ſº - Cunn, plates, calf. l folio, 1722; . 2590 Lewis (John). History and Antiquities of the Abbey'añd Chürch." | 2 | *xistierºski. _of_F *Yesham, $83.84%, gºlf…..….. .#9, 1727 º - : 3. i. s *... - . " 3591 Lewis twº, The Games of the Match at Chess played by the Tº. ... London and Edinburgh Clubs, between 1824 and 1828, 1828...A., 2592 — Biographical Sketch of, portrait. 1823, . tº Privately printed; presentation copy to Dr. Dibdin from W. S. Lewis. ; / º T2593 Liddell (Hon. H., nowford Ravensworth) The Wizard of the "#" North, The Wampire Bride, and other Poems, morocco. ; : $ *** *********rnº-Sºf, - - zºr--- ~~w •---- ~ ; *...* - - - - - ------' '...- : . lºdºab. 1833...….. ~ 2594 Lietch (D. Ross) Poetic Fragments, Tynemouth 1838. —; ; . Sheldon (F.) Mieldenvold the Student, Berwick 1843. — ; ; º ſ - Stopford (0.) Sketches in Verse, and other Poems, Hull; --~~~. 1826. ~~~~ * = -- ºr, wºr-----~~~~ +… 2595 Life and Humours of Falstaff, a Comedy, formed out of Shake- º wºr:###########, nº 3 : ~ 2596 Life Boat, "Greafhead's Répôt respecting the Invention of * . º - the Life Boat, portrait, 1804. — Hails' Enquiry concerning y º º the Invention, 1806. — With a large number of cuttings, . 3 º º se broadsides, &c. relative to the subject, plates inserted—in 1 : º, 2597 Life, Death, and Actions of the most Chast, Learned, and Re- ſ #. ligious Lady, the Lady Jane Gray, containing fovre Princi- ; ; f 5. pall Discourses, written with her owne Hands. ‘. . ; #: *259s-Lifsºf Barfigratiºn, by Bºcaſſeſſia fiſſºfiñº —John Ba. .Căll....SC04:04. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1728-kº- * 2599 Life of Lewis of Bourbon, Prince of Conde, calf, 1693. — º” . Latrobe (B. H.) Authentic Elucidation of the History of ; ; ; " 3. Counts Struensee and Brandt, calf, 1789. — Speeches and # 3. / l Debates in the House of Commons, from the Death of ; ; Queen Anne, 2 vols, 1741. — Walpole (Sir Robert) A … Critical History of the Administration-of-1743- wºrwºrºwº 2600 Lilburne (John). Trial of Lieut.-Col. John Lilburne, at the & __Guild Hall, London, Oct. 1649, galf. Small 4t2.É.i. ess-r--- - - - '*.xtº...? §3-...º-...--~...~~...~~~~~~~~~<- * 2601 Another copy. … small 4to $...; $ º *.: ;º.: - -) 2602 — Declaration of some Proceedings of Lieut.-Col. John ; ; Lilburne, half bound.... .…... —small 4to, 1648.4....…" 2603 Lincoln, History of 1810. — The Canterbury Guide. — ; ; ºr The New Bath Guide. — Counsel's History and Descrip- tion of the City of Gloucester, 1829. * } ...'...e. - . . . . *... • --- , -X"--ºr, ºr------t" ...": *.*rº...,":" ºr "…, 21-? [ 15o J / % 2 . 2604 Lindley and Hutton's Fossil Flora, Parts I. to XX, and ~~ º ...dupligates ºf Pºrt J.f3. IX, plates * 3605 Lindsay (RSERY History of sociºnā, "[H33°ºr;65: E * # Crawfurd’s Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, 1753. — * , , , Lawrie's History of the Wars in Scotland, 1783. — Memo- / , & :* rials, &c., relative to the History of Britain in the Reign of --~~~~~~~~~James I-rºlasg-lić6--~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zºº..… 2606. Lindsay (Lord) Progression-by-Antagonism, a Theory. 1846 "a f 3 : 2607 Lingard (Dr. J.) Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. ~ ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ … Melod.1810... & ~2008--- Another copy, half calf- ww-r---L-- -Ibid.1810. . +. 2009.-- Remarks on Raine's St. Cuthbert, scarce.….Ibid. 1828. ; 4 2610 — Tracts occasioned by the Bishop of Durham's Charge in % s 1806, Newc. 1813. — Remarks on the Bishop of Durham's …hº….….Charge in 1806, Dublin 1822. … - … : *::: / # 2611 Catechistical Instructions, 1840. — Lingard’s Tracts % . occasioned by the Publication of the Bishop of Durham's **śras. . -->.: sºº }: / ~~2ālā º wºrrºw - ww Twº- *s > w-v - 3 .. cies, 1835. — Kennedy (James) Poems and Songs, half ! . . calf, Dumfries 1823. — Thurston (Jos.) Poems on several – s ~ 99easions, half-calf-liá7. Y ----------, -----~~~rs---r-, - / 4. 2618 Lister (T.) Ancient Buildings, Monuments, &c., of London, -º-, -º-º-º-º: 50 plates.…. … . . . . . . 1818 . 3 2619 Lite (Henry) The Light of Britayne. A Record of the honor- º able Originall and Antiquitie of Britaine. *****S*.*.* -º-º-; ºrw < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - r: - - e - tº # 2679 Ludlow (General Edw.) Memoirs, 3 vols., portrait, calf. *~~~~~~~~ rº886 fidèlfi (föß"Gräääätiöäºthiopiča, Harrestrº***- ----- -** - A sº--> -º-º-a --------- . .” ... whº ºf . , A. . i-f- p. folio, Francof. 1702 2681 Lünd (John) Cöſööttömöfðiginal Tales inverse; to which : is added a second edition of Ducks and Pease, or the New- !, _castle Rider. - 1777 ºrry; (Rºyāhī) fristory of the Town and Pört of Dover, and Dover £astle.2. Yols.- " - 4'4tº....….#9420)é?” 181 3-14 iſ i-4-3 ºf 2533.--Another gºals, half ºf it. Tº Tătă-Tº f * / ; 2684. Lyon (Rev. C. E.) History of St. Añdrews, ancient and 4-4----~~~ modern.…....... º. 1898 9. ; 2685 Lysons' Topographical and Historical Account of the County ~…~~~~~~of Cumberland, glºſſes, halfb9Und...ungut............,469, 1816. § 2686 Lyttleton's (George, Lord) History of the Life of Henry the Second, and of the Age in which he lived, 4 vols., calf. ; - 4to, 1771 § tº Willett's copy sold for £4 4s. ; the Marquis of Townshend's, £4.6s. ; the Fonthill, £52s. 6d. ; and Heath's for £6 11s. The present copy has the very rare autograph, and a portrait of Lord Lyttleton inserted. **- t –, - * - i. * f..... : *******. J. Lºcº :----..."- a $. - - * * * * ... - . . . . -- * : * * - … . . - F-- ** ******* %x-º-º: Tºrº.p.º.º.º. Sºº-º-º-º-Tº-,--.” “ . . . . M. ACAULAY'S (Rev. A.) History and Antiquities of ! ---~£laybraak Leicestershire.----~~~~~1791– : :-- : • *-- #~. -r-, -, *s-a-v--> ******i-º-º-º-º-º-º: ****, *: * V. V2688 Macaulay (Rev. K.) History of St. Kilda, map, calf, 1764. — Martin (M. Voyage to St. Kilda, 1698, Reprint, Glasg. 1818. — Mackenzie (James) - General Grievances and Oppression of the Isles of Orkney and Shetland, calf, Edinb. 1836. — Maclean (The Clan) Jäätgigal,ºnd Genealogical Aggount of 1838. 2689 Macauley's Literary Amusements, Wºo," i809 – Appleton's Description of Stockton, 1825. — Faber (Rev. G. S.) Down- f : fall of Turkey, 1853—and 6 others. ºf 2590 Määgfēgºí (Töffity observations on the River Tyne (2-copies);-- one with the Letter to Merchants, Coalowners, &c. - Å is. ...---- Newc. 1832 *.*.*.*.*.*.* * - - - ww.sw vºw-ºn-2-ºxº~4 wr, * * i. .*** º, { 2691 Mackay (General Hugh) Life of, by John Mackay, hf morocco. *********º-ºº-exer... sº, sº .......sº, 4 - - wº- ... ts------------ Edinb. 1836 [ 155 *:::::::::::c- 2692 Mackenzie (E.) Historical and Descriptive View of the County t of Northumberland, and Town of Newcastle, 2 vols, half ; calf. Newc. 1811 # tº Illustrated with numerous additional plates, and with copious MS. notes on the margins. Horsley's Index to his Map bound at the end of Wol. II. rv- a, 2693 —— History of Northumberland, fine paper edition, *~~~~~~~~~~~~iš--fºr- %. ... • * Y, - º; 2 vols., ; / 4. 4. - * - tº …bgards, 4%. ...4to, Ibid.1825.... iſ ... . ********, S-4, was ºs. ****w.º.º.º. ººr.:, ...” “;fºº: •- ºr “rº-º-º-º-º-º-ºxsºrºrº-ºs *...* - r . . . }. - - 2694 —— History of Newcastle, fine thick paper, 2 vols., plates, A { } }; ~~~~ £rivate portrait and M.S. mémºir inserted...4tº, I'd. 1827. '... i., § 2695 − Another copy, Targe paper, complete in parts. "3 14 ; ... " - royal 4to, Ibid. 1827 4. 2696 2657 $3. º f 4004:4, - **** --~...~r. r Rºyal 49-ſºº. 1837… History of the Parish and Borough of Morpeth. . "-"wºrse-ºr-re-ºs-------e. - º, -r-,-wrº-- 7 -------...--. --royal 4to, Ibid. 1825... ~2698.- History.9f Morpeth. ... .. s --> a Morpeth…~40, Alid, 1835 i. 26.99 —— History of Chester Ward, County of Durham, hf. bound. } - 4to, 1 bid. rººt-orthéºparism or Tyśuthºrmany of ºrt them extra, half bound. #9, Aegg. 1824-i - *fºrax, vºt; 'r', ſhºv, r "rººr. “º-wrºtºvºº-ººrºº: *ºte ** ***, r**, *:::A &ºy ºr % º ‘AfiothèFööpy, a largă pâjºy, ºxéept part T., Wºłęs,”;tº f 270TſºrTºg-History ºf the Cºity of Dººm, jº ~~~~240er, 2 vols. Cºmplete in Parts, plates. 4to, Ibid., 1834 2702 — Another copy, 2 vols. in I, titles wanting and otherwise à *~~~~~~". ~rms-trººcytºy Tlace, described in a Lecture on . F-I, its Antiquities and lenisºnº-------~~1844. 2704 Mackenzie (Henry) Report of the Highland Society on the 3 Poems of Ossian, calf, Edinb. 1805. — McCallum's Original : Collection of the Poems of Ossian, Orran, Ulin and other , Bards, Montrose 1816. ~~~~~}- ~2705 MacKenzie (Jäg.) Gričáñces of the Isles of Shetland and Ork- ney, 1836. — Municipal Constitution of Edinburgh, 1826. § — Mackenzie's Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland, i. 1686. —Memoirs of North Britain, 1717. t 2706 MacKenzie (SFGööy JūstāīTSöITFoundations of Monarchy, - portrait, calf, 1684. — Defence of the Antiquity of the # Boyal Line of Scotland, 1685. → Reason, an Essay, 18mo., ; / º ! 3 2. .-. § - **-- rº r-• *- ^+ 2. R •,. 2s.* $*3. - - ". "........ --> *...’, calf, 1 69 5. *...*.*, *.*.*.*.*…t-rrºs..…...-------, -º-;">y, ºr, s---is cº-º: “...ºr “ºr “*” “ --> *** **** ***** * -- º .v." ~ * ' , " 2707 — Moral Gallantry, a Discourse, 1669 (2 copies). — De- ; ; 2 * fence of the Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland, 1685. § — Mackenzie's Institutions of the Law of Scotland, Edinb. § : 1730. ~~~~~~~~4. 2768 – Observations upon the faws and Customs of Nations as to Precedency, M.S. note, half calf. folio, Edinb. 1680 : ;2 * 2709 Mackenzie's Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland from the # Restoration. - 4to, Ibid. 1821 i ; ,--...--...- ... • * *-* * * : ******* -, i.e.------- ºr--ºr, × 3.6 re-ºr “ºv: ---> * ~! f, *** ----' ºr “. . t \;...& * , x -a-, -, ---es r" -> -->.******* ** --- - ſ { .*... . -- * : * i § Krº, -r-, savº ---, 2-> *.x. ** v-, * . . . . . . . . % [ tº 6 r --- :ºi + : * . grºs Máčiūrſtry Thé Pastºl, of Tyrrºrisé of Scotland, 4to, JEdinb. 1808. — Halford (Miss) Wallace; or, the Fight of Falkirk, a Metrical Romance, 4to, 1819. ; /* Á j 2710 Mackie (Charles) Description of the Monastery, Chapel, and i-º-º: - Palage ºf Hºlyrood House, plates. ... Edinb. 1832 # / 3 ºil Another copy, plates. "T" Ibºd, 1832 H- T2712 Māºriggs (DFT) Hastinggågårösöttör rävänds, rs2=- § . .# Nott on the Hotwell Waters, Bristol, 1797. — Fothergill . ; (5’ § on the Cheltenham Water, 1788. — Gibbes on the Bath § j # Waters, 1800. — Walker's Analysis of the Dinsdale Water, § i § 1827. t “º-º-ºrrºwraatslightāātrºysmºgy-or-the-roman waii; through ; ; the Counties of Northumberland and Cumberland, and Sur- : | vey of the Waiting Street from the Tees to the Scottish 4T ; d Border, made by direction of His Grace the Duke of North- M * # umberland, large folio, and Memoir in 8vo., half bound i º T morocco, gilt top. - - 1858 i } : tº Printed for private distribution by His Grace the Duke of Northum- § : berland. A presentation copy to Mr. Bell, with the Duke's : ; § autograph. Ji. ~3----- § sº tººls.º. º.º.º.ºt * U.-Ary’s r. -- * *** ***.*.*.* ***** ---> * ~ *** * *.*.*-*. ---------. . . . ; # ; 2714 Maclean (L.) History of the Celtic Language, 1840. — Mac- ; 3 : 3 an-Roich (Domhnull) Orain Ghaidhealach, Dun-Edin, ; : ; 1848. — Historical and Genealogical Account of the Clan- “tº . Maclean, by a Seneachie, 1838. ; "3716 Māºpfiersön (Rev. Jößy Criticărpissertätiöns on the Ancient ...Qaledonians, - 4to, 1768 : 6 2717. McAllum (Dr. D.) Mémoirs of the Rev. H. Taft. W. iśī. . ; . McAllum (Rev. D.) Remains of, with a Memoir, portrait, i- & ; fivºrºzºrº ~18%, Crºnqººyeezerve ºr Sºcºrrerº ~ *****63 *** 3; Nº sº.--ºr, x}ºat-º-, *, **** f : ; 27.18 McCreery (John) The Press, a Poem, published as a spécimen § 2 , ; "º", isºft i. Z_3.5.2719.:The Press, greem, with other Pieces. Hºckering isºs ------- *2736 ‘Meſndoe (Rev. D.) Sermons, autograph note inserted, Newc. f 1823. — Wilkinson (Rev. J.) Sermons, MS. — Thompson (key...G.). Shgri.Sºgns. A&4 lºg. 2721 McNicoli (i.) inquiry concerning the operation ºf"the Stage on the Morals of Society, green morocco extra 10%d. 1828 / § / 2 : ad- ºratºr(Mārāms). Histºryūfkāśātºāghtheatres, translated Jºy Algººglºgº.gif 1730 *...* Māºriºſitiºn) frºßTEssay of the Magna Charta of King John, beautifully printed, with wood *~~~cuțădºdars-ºld.éagh pagé, half moroggg. 1828 2724 Magna Charta. History and Defence of 1769. – Thomson (Rev. Geo.) Spirit of General History, Carlisle, 1791. — T}ouglas Cause, Summary of the Speeches, Arguments, and Determinations, Edinb. 1767. 2725 Maitland (Sir Richard) Genealogy of the House and Süffiáñé" of Setoun, private print, portraits, &c., 4to, Edinb. 1880 ſ *********...*.*------- * - - - [ 157 ) 2726 Malcolm (J.P.) Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of 2. —London, during the 18th century, platº-4tº, 1808. ..!, 2727 – Another edition, 2 vols, plates... ... ..., 1810 : y : 2728 – AñCºdótes of the Mamers and Customs of London, from , 3 º ... the Rºman Invasion.9.1790, 8vols., plates…1811-iº & 2729 Malcolm (Dj Genealogical Memoir of the House of Drum: . 2: * $ = e <= * ~mond…~~~~~~~~ 2730 Mallet's Northern Antiquities, translated by Bp. Percy, 2 vols. 3. •. *:::::::: » - ~~ fºr y'a--, * * * *, *sº ** -Illid-1809- ~$. . _2731 — Another edition. 7. Igº. Tº $ &º ~, ... * * * * * * º * As r & g º ? * & ~~~~~Ediab. 1808---~~~~~ 4. h * “fy st *, - ** ** ty ºrºsºfrº.ºwº- sº ******T*:*:::: ** *-xx-6xº~~~~~~bºx-- rº-----' s 273 rt-tº-fire-or-tort Bāzārāſ; Trºyº Mañóirsº º British and Foreign, of illustrious Persons who dy’d in 1711, . *tºs.sºss 12. — Howard (John) Life of, # Mº...!799........: 3 ****, *r-s”-f. A.r.º. ºr 17 rººts §ºsº jºkk-ss-rººt-, st-fºr-ºrrº-rººvz.:- ºr- ********hº.º. *4-yº” “***Aºi -“* ***.*.*.*.*** *~~~~ 2733 Maltby (Bºy miſstätiößf the Truth ºf the Christian: ; ; o; { . | *...*** Religion *—sº-ser:/ºrrºr>iºſal:Vºzºº; s---0gº, 1893. • *. 2734 Malthus # Rºy Essay on the Principić of Population, 2 vols., ~~~~galf ____, 1807; Q & faivn s * int Géo **** "É En rº- +..., allego rically: 2735 Malynes (Gerrard de) Saint George for England, allegorically; 2786 Man (James) History and Antiquities of Reading, in Berk- shire, plates. .…a… 32.É44&4-1816-rº- ******--> . *~ s : > -ºº - . . º 2737-Manamºtor, Charters ºf the Cºllegº Church, Free Grammar ; ; School, &c., Manch, 1791. — Catalogue of the Portico; ; ; Library, Manchester, Manch. 1845. *-i- mgeyrettevºr sºrrobºror-pumiy Disºri §s: the Lord’s Prayer, 1750.-Mangey’s Sermon at the Consecra-; ; tion of the New Church at Sunderland, half calf, scarce, ; ; long MS. note, 1719. ; : * irritºr, r º *** ! RJ J -ºil. Clell. ir-ſtrifistory-of-the-fate-warrès' firTaññārk,” ~£ºº-----~~~ ~~~~folio, 1670s 2740. Manual of Rank and Nobility, or Key to the Peerage, 1832;... 9…. . . 2741 Mārā’ (S. p.) Déân Street Dúnciad, and other Tracts againstº the Tyne Mercury, Newc. 1804. — Mara's The Mitchelliad, ; ; Grim Typo, &c., Newc. 1804. ~~~~~ 3742–rfia Mitchömad, and Öffióſ"Tracts relative to his Dis-, i. pute. With the Editºr of Tyne Mºggy..…. …Agud, 180 tº-3 *:::: S- . –2745 Māfēēţīās" (Ammianus) foman Historie, translated by Hol. / - land. --~~~~~~ * * * ^ºmprºfimºn (Révºr, Víðföf Newästlé) Sermons, porº, calf, SČ(/100 - ~~~~~107*.* T2745 - Sérmons, second edition, portrait, calf, scarca. 1699;...}. 2746 — Another copy, galf.............… --~~~~1699;...i. 2747 — Th’ Encaenia of St. Ann’s Chappelin Sandgate, a Sermoſa; w º * **** - :tifa: y-r; …t. º ~, .* - 4*- • * * * * # -- rº-.” ; * - before the Mayor, &c., 1682. — March's The false Prophet; s unmaskt, or the Wolfe stript of his Sheeps-Clothing, a Ser- : # / ; mon, 1683. — March's Sermon before the Mayor, &c., May; ; ; 29, 1684, 3 vols. small 4to, half calf with MS. notes, all; SCQ/'06. - - -** : * ~ * ~ *-* * ~ ********** ********** -3-e- * ~ * ***.*.*.* + 3, ºré... *~ s-à-- Yºº Ja-Yº, -- ..…. ? - 2748 - Sermon before the Mayor, &c. at St. Nicholas Church, i - i *. -* ,-- *. - :- !. sº 4. 3-. * * * ** i -• “. .&$º --~~2’* - --- ſ 158 | j º - . Jan. 30. 1676, 1677. — Th’ Encaenia of St. Ann's Chappel, ; ; : A Sermon, 1682. — The False Prophet unmaskt, 1683. — : Sermon before the Mayor, &c, May 29, 1684, 1684—in 1 ; ; : vol. calf gilt, 4to. *— º $274g Mārāfi (Rev. J.) and WGTWööT(Jāş) Tetters passed between i - them, occasion’d by March's Sermon before the Mayor, &c. ... i.i…of Nºwgºlº ſº, 1888, ºf ºtºlº.º.º. 49, 1989 -tz ; & 19750 Mºtºrs, Séſéðiðīšîă, by Sir G. H. Rösö, ä vols. 3 & # # - 1881 i! 3 g * * * *. *.*.* tº \tº ºr 4 --- --> —: †—:275r-Marmorought Dmºry Cässorhistºgoether-of-Matriz. § { No Queen, or no General, an Argument, 1712. — The Duke of Marlborough's Return, wherein is publish’d His Grace's Epitaph, 1715, – Henley's Funeral Oration on the Duke of Marlborough, portrait, 1722. — Churchill's Annals, 1722– ~~~~% ~~$g #ºy: in J. Vol. half %---- ºx-Nºrºv'ra-ºf-ºx, 3.x2; i is ºf f*** **** --- a - & º*Mºſborough Öuchess SF). Account of Höß-Côňātāţ from her i.º | * : - ii $ f . 2 § first coming to Court, (2 copies), 1742. — Copy of her Will. –––4*--- ad ; 3 #25755 Mºrmºl, His mºs; of the Dºrºf Pºrºſ. +*-º-º-º-ligiºuſ * 1 fººt -vada wº A. v.º. as A. --Asa, ºr w r. • Alston 1808 !", "º., 3754 Miſſºſ (Rev. E.) Histºrtfia Unióñºf England-and-sent-- iſ $7 : land. JEdinb. 1799 ; , , , 3755 Māīshārg-Cöröðiðī-of-songs; chiefly-in-the-N f* *. … *g–4+4 … Dialºgº half mººgºo, sº tºº. Newc. 1822 T. r. ºnºmrºyº rººmſºmºrror cookery, 3 32 ; Newc. 1777. — Kellett's Collection of Cookery Receipts, § { Newc. 1780. - º tº-ººrst-MarshimºtºrTryfristory of Perth; halfalf.” “Pºrtſ, 1849 *...*.*.**{2758 Martin (John) Bibliographical Catalogue of privately printed:- */ 5 t books, second edition. 1854 2759-Martín's Catalogue of Works printed at the Allan press, from * his Catalogue of privately printed books, interleaved, half : *x -i-º-º-º-º: º º: gºlf. fº.º.º.º.”:*******, 2*.*.*.*.**** “ºn-rº PS 4', 'sº ºtº...ºft.*** 3. *2760 Martin (My Voyage to St. Kilda, 1898, Rºpfºrgis. -- ; / % ; Neill (P.) Tour through some of the Islands of Orkney and Shetland, calf, Edinb. 1806. — Eunson (G.) The Ancient and Present State of Orkney, particularly the capital * ---. § Borough of Kirkwall, calf, Newc. 1788. : y é TāſāTMārān (Wiſ.) New system of Natural Philosophy, portrait, : ; M.S. notes inserted, Newc. 1821. — Martin (Wm.) A large } r | Collection of his Pamphlets, some with portraits, in 2 8vo *r i - *A**-*. ~! > Sºº-º-º- J29% fºligº, 3:SSºkºtº ººz.:: ****): 3 x2 . * * * ~ *, ** - i2762 ey System of Nāāraī. Philosóphy, portrait, halféâlf, . 7 4. : Mewe, 1821, and a Collection of his Pamphlets, in a thick ! / . . ; 8vo portfolio. 7 º 6 #2963 Martin (Jóñāthān, the Tâândiary) Life of written by himself. - *---~~~~ ... . . . . . . . Barnard Castle 1826 { / ; é £276 £ Martin (P. J.) Geologicar Meñóff on a Pärt of western sus- . / § § Sex, plates, cloth. - 4to, 1828 ~ * - •w --- +/-...- … --- ºr .” • * * * .****, *.*.* * * - , - - wn-º-w zerº-ºx).,e...~" --, - t * | 159 ) 2765 Martin (Wm.) Figures and Descriptions of Petrifactions col- lected in Derbyshire, coloured plates, half calf. 4to, hºgan 1809 º : ii ! : *s------- - as --- - - -, * v-n v-Yry-r-, z = - --- *T* ºrivº - 2766 Martyrologo (The English) conteyning a Summary of the Lives -i. & ; 2768 = HIStory of theiß and Reign of caiſ, 1725. —inquiry of the glorious and renowned Saints of the three Kingdoms, , ; #. : ~ Wants a few lºgs ag.º.d…1008; 3 2767 Mary Queen of Scots, #istory of the fife and Reign of pºrt." nº by Virtue, calf, 1725. – Enquiry into the Evidence pro- : 3 duced by the Earls of Murray and Morton against, Edinb. * * ... 1760. re:**.*.*, *-* (*t:~...!, tº a, , ; ~~ 3. into the Evidence produced by the Earls of Murray and ; * --~~~ . głºśſº 'dialºlº.6 Jºy sºttº: rººrººººº-º-º-º-º:ºx, re.ºr * 2769 — Historical and Critical Enquiry into the Evidence pro- ; duced by the Earls of Murray and Morton, portrait, calf, ~.4%. 1779.5-life of by James Ereğirm, calf.47%. , 2770 — Tytler (Wim.) Enquiry into the Evidence against, 2 vols. 3 * * f - i|f . º- - **************** ******* * ~ * * ºf - t § * ‘. 1790... .ºr-wroso",w-e re...”, ºr-. "...sº - º-n}<, - % sº-..yr ºr: *. r 3. % *&^sº,...s...... - - - 4. - . > --~~~~<------ 2771 Collections relative to the Funerals of, only 125 copies ; ; ; ; ~~~~iº-----~~~~.” “. ºrrºr:frºnt ºf 3. ºrangklin's*:::::Ǻ #. *#####1%-i-º-º: 2773 Ms. Sºng"ºd befºre the Uniºgó † : Vº ºwa. See the Bidding Prayer at end). 1718 ; ; 27 . Hi8.I’IW LI’8. - wºrrºrs"rººts, ºr 7 : nected with English and Scottish History—together 10— * t eacceedingly curious. - *... " -i – 2775. Massay Twy-origin and progress of UCffers, calf, 1763. – , , , Baker's Reflections upon Learning, 1727. — Lane (Thos.) ; ; 2: The Student's Guide; an Account of the Honourable : * *; Society of Lincoln's Inn, 1803. – Sedgwick (A.) Discourse i ; ; ~~~...on the Studies of the University, Cambº: 1835..…: i. 277é"Mästimºrewºrship History and Kätäätiösöf Nagºby, calf ºf 2777 Mathematicalſ Recreations, or a Collection of sundrie Prob- ; ; lemes, extracted out of the Ancient and Moderne Philoso- ; $2. phers, 1633. – Matthew (Rich.) The unlearned Alchymist tº ; his Antidote, calf, 1660. . . . . --~~~~ ; 3. 2778. Matthews's (C) Cătălogie Räisänfiéé of his Gallery of Thea. trical Portraits, portrait and autograph letter inserted, half ; ; ------- russia. . ....…..4.9, 1888,i ...i. 2779 Mathias Pursuits of Titerature, mºsºsº. 1799 ºr *2780-~~AnothèFööy, Gäſt, 1799: MănăştſhöS. f.) Obser: ; ; . Yations on the Writings and Character of Mr. Gray. 1815 # 3. 2781 Maton (Ír. W. G.) Biographical Sketch of, by Dr. J. A. Paris, &: ************f; £ rºſ.te'ſ iſ!rººftºff, pºſº, rº-,-\,\º"rººf impérial 8x9, l838. 2783"Viațrimonial Adventures of a Banker's Clerk, with the pre- tended Lady Boothby, otherwise Mrs. Errington, in Letters H- addressed to Mr. Geo. N–, at Newcastle, very scarce. 1762 -T v- cº-ºº-ººrºrt-tº-y-º-º-º-> --Sºzº.” f . i 5 : | 160 $27 83 Matrimonial Museum, or Meritorious Mentor, by Brian Bendo, * Collection of Poems, 1803. → i–Alaº-cº. A ---…--Aé00. 1779 $2784 Maude (T,) Wensleydale, a Poem, Richmond 1816. – A Sea- : / # son at Harrogate, in Poetical Epistles, Knaresb. 1812. — ; : Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination, 1744. — Goodchild’s ! ; Hoel, a Cambrian Tale, 1885.…..~~~~ ———tºrs; TºmčFTay, T350.ºOambridge Prize Poems, T820. : / 3 3 ; Overton's Ecclesia Anglicana, a Poem, 1833. — Harding's ; : : § Fables for Young Folks. – Hunt (J. H. L.) Juvenilia, a $. § % 3. -A- - - Sºrsº-ºxº-ºº-ºº-ºº-oº- 3-2- ...”.” . ~~~~~x", "-- . “2786"Mätädré y Jößy Trôn Aleppättö jerusalem, 1697, plates. - royal 8vo, 1810 - i - *2?srºfatired Aflātāfēt, SeirröðrúñºzEgyptiacărtă, Aïmales, fictis. illustrayit J. D. Carlyle, Arabic and Latin, 4to, Cantab. 1792 { k- A.M ; ºf$8 Mawman (Jos.) Excursion to the Highlands of Scotland, half Calf (2 copies). 1805 t | * Mawsºtºffs.”f Newcastley Meñóñºf 1346.ſi: Life of Martin Douglas, Sunderland Keelman, 1848. — Dungett's - Memoir of Mrs. Burton, Darlington, 1832. — And 3 others. :2789 : rºs £2700 May (Gºgº). History ºf EVégiº.” Fºshām 1834 3 ſyſg|TTāzārīmā (CaFTTT). Histºry ºf the Māmāgāmāfits-or-1691– 3 -2792-Medallies drºregné-de-toutgºv. Bºtºşºautifully en- 3. graved, with emblematical borders round each. folio $. *.*.*.*.*-a- 4. * Z. { } j Memºy (They essays piégéâteaty the Author (Mrs. Gomei: don) to the Lying-in Hospital, Newcastle, calf. Newc. 1766 EzTºrºnterviſ (Sir Jºrgimäß-Göörgåscott, folio, 1683 ---. T27gö MERT (Jāmūs). The Autºbiography ña" Diary of, with a continuation of the Diary, edited by Robert Pitcairn, for the Wodrow Society. JEdinb. 1842 *--- ri rº- ºv----, -----, --- - ---- pºſgö – Añother copy. -** -------> r,"...ºr 1842 ; 2797-Metrosexubey, fºgóriptſ&firströyrāhā-Böwer, Elinº. 1827. s West's Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland, s ºf # * > ..? º $3. *- and Lancashire, calf, Kendal, 1793. — Nicholson's Travel- Narrative in Rhyme.” : ley's Guide, ºp.1849. > S$º “F************* *f; rººf: *****::)'é-x.ºir.sºs.” Tºrº #ºngs Māšîărăşºf * - 49, Reprint, Glasg: 1770. $ty ontgomerles, a &lative to the Māºf Tribičy, Broomeyholme, #2799-Mömörändäf w &c., in the Parish of Chester-le-Street. 4to Pººsa’evºx^-ºpºrt 280U Memºirs of Thomāg Bīāīrīrāſms, Esq., prºte print, portrait § lates. imp. 4to, 1808 jp gºdſ. - * - ~~~~~~~~ **-* *.*-******-le TZSUT Mºſs of an UHFºrtúñātā Young NSEIGman returned from : Thirteen Years Slavery in America, 2 vols. 1743 7# Mömörsörkmajeń KBTimºfiya:Cashiºtăţof tistinction; translated from the Persian, by F. Gladwin, calf. Calcutta, 1788 2802 2 2803 Memoirs of the Court of England, in the Reign of King Charles - II., half calf. - 1708 Memorials-and-tetters retating tº the History of Britainin- #2504 : the Reign of James, the First, half calf. - Glasg, 1766 # * - : 2805 Memorialls for the Government of the Royall Burghs in Scot- : *. land, calf. - …Aberdeen 1685. 2806 METGISTE's Cºmpany, Newcastle, Book of Admissions, Tºſt㺠2807 Merry WEEIGF(TS),Bibliomania in the Middle Ages. 1819 TºrºntreromycºmmomyºmºrEmirrºróf Knaresborough, —Life of portrait, York 1795-Angthey edition, pºrº. º 2809 MICTOCCŞm (THC), a Periodical Work, Vol. I., morocco gilt, . Windsor 1809. — Poems, half bound, 1805. — Pagan Myth- ; ology of Ancient Greece and Rome, versified, 1809. — Story : •, ... A ‘t * * * º (Robt.) the Magic Fountain, with other Poems, half calf ; jº' • '- sº 1829. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~…~~~~ : “... sºlº $ºº-º-º-º-->etº, “‘gº’"...tx.s 2814 Miſſºr (Edward) Account of the University Öf Cambridge, iſ 1717. – Cantabrigia Depicta, plates. – Antiquities of 4 Lincoln Cathedral, and History of Peterborough Cathedral. 3 — Antiquities of Worcester, plates. – Walter's History of 4 ishops-Waltham, 1844. - - !-------- | #ist f ruſ 3. :* * 7. ****, * ~ *-----...-- -** . . . 2 3. N i ; - *. º sº >4-2. 1 [ 162 J . . with Notices of the Mines in Cornwall, private print, 1843. ! ; º –Townson (Robt.) Philosophy of Mineralºgy, 1798... . ~~~ 2gº wrºtrºpºrºss-writtºny ty, Mºrgay, newly | A ; ... i. adapted to the most Fashionable and Public Characters now A. : * : Living, 1781.-Oram (S. M.) Poems, with an Introduction } iſ by Percival Stockdale, 1794—in 1 vol., half calf, 4to. *; ºr,”836 Miſſºt's Pöößis Writtà Aññóščößtes, glossary, &c. 4 & : *****--~~~~ 1825 — 2827-Miśrººfräß-Bºw: Mărișºiârâtéâûâţā; gºry-beauti. é 4, º ful M.S. on fine wellum : numerous finely painted miniatures | bi º i ; in gºld and golours and elaboratºftal letters... small 4to ~ 2. § 2838 Miscellanca Aurea; or the Golden Medićy, hāſſ calf, 1720. — § . Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, 3 vols, calf, 1774. t º ºg Mºmº Piºling tº the Chines. 2 vols., cf. 1762. * #4-tº-2e3e-Mittheir twºrthoughts-of-ons that "wandereth; Nº. : | : 1820. — Charleton's Art of Fishing, a Poem, No. Shields. t ; ſ 1819. — Maude (Thomas) The School Boy, a Poem, 1836. t i/ ); — Poetical Works of Thomas Little, jun., Sunderl. 1816. ~3. ty 283tºs-Côhôtre+of+the Biff-fióök, a Trāmā, riº. ! ; ; | £200. * * : t 2882"Mitcheft(H) Reports-of-Proceedings in the Mayor's Cham- f ber, 1829-30, and other Local Books. & º ? * * f º§ tº 2537 ºr Dºñātā wºks gºrgºñº.” 2833 Mitcheliad, or Tyne Mercury Analyz’d, by Mara, with other Tracts, Broadsides, &c., relative to the Mitchells, half calf. ”2834 Mitford (G. N.) Translation of Clodius' Chronicles of a Tra- veller, 1840. — Tales of Superstition and Chivalry, 1802. — Stanfield's (J. F.) Essay on the Study and Composition of Biography, Sunderland, 1813. 3835 Mitford (Rev. JöHà) Agnès, the Thăţān"Captive, and 6ther Poems, half calf, 1811. — Blackett (Jos.) Remains, 2 vols., 1811. — Marshall (John) The Village Pedagogue, a Poem, and , a, Memoir of Marshall, half calf, Newc. 1817. — Tait (Thomas) Bamburgh Castle, a Poem, Edinb. 1818. *2836. Mitfºrt Mary Rüssemit5&#sºrsTrºfeſſiahs (Mrs.) Siege of Valencia, and other Poems, 1823. — Schiller's Mary Stuart, a Tragedy, 1801: … Petre (J.) Trifles, 1823. jºk * * * *-*. *** 1854 itford (Wim) frºmciples of Đesign-in-Arehitecture;-1824 – Hullmandel's Manual of Lithography, 1820. — Artist's Re- *ł ; f * - g : . pository. — Wisconti (Chev.) on the Elgin Marbles, half . § 1816. *** - a -º *** **, a s. s. v. *3-3 SNºt º'Seºwºrkers--------, -, -- ! - * 2839 Modern Midnight Coſwersation, or Matrimonial Dialogues i 2. - 6 ; adapted to the Times. – Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting by : - Masºn. Pºg lºgº.3.gtº..…............ Tºšić Moir (Rºjas.) Two Discourses, with a Biographical Notice, i. private print, Edinb. 1829. — Williamson (Lt. Col. Chelsea Hospital), Funeral Sermon on the Death of, by Rev. Geo. Clark, private print, calf, 1812. — Prayers for the Morning and Evening of each Day in the Week, cloth, Newc. 1836. * - "3a. * :-3. I-2-2 - 3.9 re-ºx's.".º.º.4 "...ºv '-' --~~. [ 163 ) - - printed. royal 8vo, Ibid. 1828: 2844 WTOTSOs tº - tracts, and Vocabulary, autograph note inserted. } f .* 2841 Moises (Rev. H.) Memoir of, by Brewster, private print, with : § : numerous MS notes by Mr. Bell, and cuttings inserted. ; º 3 ; -- º Newc. 1823; ; | 2842 FATOTHEFCSpy, Žºrž, đăngs. Tú. IS25 2. 2Sº-rººm. r-ºne tº t r ; prward print; tıñºzº", *... * * º º 3 º 3 †Parsian TTEGrºß, Persºn Grammar, Ex-jº 4to, Zbid. 1792; ; 25.5 ºr (UGTCFTDuke ºf Albemarle.) Life of, by Dr. Thos. Tº Gumble, portrait by White, hf.calf ... . . .16713. 4. 2846 Mößſtaff's Guide ŁóTGamington Spa, 1824.-History of # Ripon, 1806. — Tourist's Companion to Ripon, 1833. — 3 ; ; 2. uides to York, - $ ch, Irogate, 1838. # ***** t **- .. * * * * -- . 2847 Moncrieff (Thos.) Memoirs concerning the Ancient Alliance ; between the French and Scots, 1751, Rep. Glasg, 1819. — ; Monipennie (John) Abridgement or Summarie of the Scots; Chronicles, Edinb. 1818, - Marriner's Scenes on the Sol- | way, Carlisle 1834. t 2848 Mößuth (Robert Carey, EarTory Memoirs of the Titãº, - w JEdinb. 1808 || €. SIO atman-of-the many Mistakes infº Sir William Dugdale's Baronage. Exhibited in some Re- by himself, calf. marks on about half a Page of that Woluminous Work. Monmouth 1801 : tº A reprint of a rare tract printed in 1730, and attributed to Dr. Rich- ard Rawlinsom. 3850 Mºñº" (Major Generally"The Scotch Military Discipline; … * * * learned from the Valiant Swede, and collected for the Use ; of all worthy Commanders favouring the laudable profes- ; sign.9f Aºmºs, galf.4%.º.--~~~~ folio, 1644 { *:: º . 3: § * * § # ~~ 285'ſ Moºi Townsend's Account of the last 17 Years of § ______Queen Elizabeth's Reign, both military and civil, folio, 1682.3.2.É. 2852 Montague (Lady Mary W.) Letters, 3 vols. 1767 . -wyTättöſs, S-arºc-vºx! --&-º,--- ºr “Hºw 2-er-Gº-: ***** ***** *** v-vo Kavva. Sy Hº-Jº. 2 : Montague (E.W.) ; Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Antient Republics, calf, 1760. — Montague (E. W.) Memoirs of 2 vols., calf, ; ; *__ 1760. ~~~~~~~~$ºr-4. 2854 Montague (E. W.) Reflections on the Rise and Fall of Antient ; ; Republics, calf (2 copies). ... ...….."993...? 2555 Montagntyrsytsyºn the writings and Genius of Shake:: spear, calf (2 copies). … 1785.3.2.É. 2856 Monte (JTWTVäITTC) DC Contritioniis, veritate aureum Opus, (ſºotbit letter. 4to, 1518 º A fine specimen of early printing. 2357 Montéth (Robert) History of the Troubles in Great Britain translated by J. Ogilvie, half calf. ,----a-r.-- *** * *-a-A / . . ~~~~ r,4', 'Y' ' ' - Y --~ * , **çº-º-ºwitz as rºy - Irºr--ºrrºr,”- a t- ~.<\, , , ſº-sº:--> xx..."-i", «".” # *. --- : 2. :* ** * * - * * * sº r * - * .** 2. .- / * * - - 3. ; } a r: -* ºr- -. “. 3. ; : * s w w * : 3. §. * r º § w - » k-ºr-º- ***.* * ... º. . # * -, * ~ **** - - t * ; Mewc. 1816-1817 Edinb. 1819 1817 Newc. 1743 1791 re- **3-aºr = * *- ; : [ 164 J f 3 * * º e § § ; 2858 Montgomery (James) Prison Amusements, and other Trifles, § 2 # by Paul Positive, 1797. — McCreevy (John) The Press, - i. and other Pieces, W. Pickering, 1829. — Scott (W. B.) t ; : The Year of the World; a Philosophical Poem, Edinº. . § . 1846. — Savory (Mrs.) Life's Wicissitudes, or Winter's 2- : y . • - D ! **. * * i. -** º *.** ... ...a...?4&x-a--- *Tºgº.giºnal lºgº.1899. *:::::::::**-*.*.*.*. **... . . § / 2859 Monthly Visitor, or Universal Entertainer, 2 vols., half calf. # º i; –3 3. 4---- x. Kºtºkºsºsº.º, º fººtººººººº :º 3 ***, *rº r +, rººt tº.º. - ---, *2860 Mößtraßstratºriºgºf) Meñóñs of translated # / ; J # from the Latin of George Wishart, portrait, title damaged. ; : * ~. ~ºw:x: f {S Br rºe ******Hººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººº-ºº: **, *. : ; *25&r-Möntſääitärfäsäßig in the chiròhyārds of Middleton ; 2. 6 § St. George, Dinsdale, Hurworth, Haughton-le-Skern, and . ; | Sadberge, in the County of Durham, with the Monuments : ; : in the interior of the Church at Hurworth, copied by Thos. i- ... ...George Bell, MS. with a few cuttings, cloth. - ; , ; *28&ºrºfºrºssays on the Eiðiðiſts, by worsefous-AErie, private – ' º print. - . . . . *2863 Möråtey (wúñāīāy Thé-Umrºſtāīāſe ºf his voyage and Ad- ; ; 6 § 6 ; ventures, from his Birth to the present Time, scarce. ; : D : v : - -- ; ; ; § t ; ; : tº Contains an account of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, also the author's - #. . s several adventures through divers parts of America. : *— i. i. i. - **** **.*.*.*.*.**********o-s. re-rvºº-º-> ~~...~~...~--> 3975 Literary and Philosophical Society. Airge Collection of thoſ" - Reports, Catalogues, Papers, &c., from the commencement. 3976 Torrs paysºčičy, Broºdings of comprising fetters, Broad Î sides, Pamphlets, &c., in 2 vols., half calf, 4to. — Lord's? Lºa º Aº. - Tay Society, Proceedings of, 4to, 1827-42. •,• *-*-* …~~~sº-º-º: ; : -'. 297 Toyāfīdārēštáthē King, Copy of, with the Signatures, on: of the Society in 1793, 13 Vols. Syo. and 1 Vºl. 4to, parchment, and bound in a folio Volume… 1820.J. i* is 3rs. Frº 2978 Lunatic Asylums, Collections relative to the Establishment of,’ſ in and near Newcastle. — Hall (John) Narrative of the Proceedings relative to the Establishment of St. Luke's. … House, Newc. 1767. ! - § ‘.. .. . | • . > s s • ‘N w" * ^, -- 2979 Mackenzie (E.) History of Newcastle, large paper, illustrated; with an extensive collection of Prints, &c., unbound, in 2 --→--~~~< Portfolios....~~~~~~~~ - 2980 Mechanics' Institute, Reports, Papers, &c. relating to, col-; __lected by W. H. Brockett, in lyol, halfgalf... ... - "255'ſ Offiver's Flañº of the Borough of Newcastle, on cloth and : *ºtºzºº bºund:-- aſſer-war - * . . • * * * * * … 1844 f; 3553 Figg (John) The Wiſof, leaving Charitable Bequests to theº Poor of Newcastle, &c. — Copy of the Will of Mr. Wil-g liam Moulton, who left Property to the Poor of Newcastle—t in 1 Yºlº, Nº. 1829. ***.S.xºssº Sºº-sºº.T. - 3. .xy. # **** -........ tº ..…: * * ºf " " -: * * … royal 4to, Ibid. 1827;º :: ***. '. §ºsnº *:::: 1824- 36%.--> § 3. s § : * ; *: .N. i k § t º ** * * ... " - ... *-*.*, * * - * - *...* * v.v."...º.º.º. sºrº- ºr--º-º-º- ~ *- : . . ..., 1 º' * r t ſ 172 & . . . 2983 Picture of Newcastle, 1807. — Richardson's Guide through, + *****-tº- …!848...a...!h9 Frºman's Magazine, 1774....… ; : *-*. § 2984 Picture of Newcastle, 1807. — Record of the Great Fire in i .. Newcastle and Gateshead, 1855. — Richardson's Descrip- º : s * * *.* * * s ~…~-º-º: flyg.99mpanion, 1838. *::sºvº.:**ºvº, wºrry, 1,4-.e.;; ~~~~ - : . : 2985 Picture of Newcastle, including an Account of the Roman i ; s Wall, and a History of the Coal Trade (by the Rev. J. ! ; 3. : Hodgson), plan and cuts, 1812. — Newcastle Freeman's ! s ; Pocket Companion, 1808. — Town Moor Act, &c.—in 1 ; : vol., half calf, with several pages of MS. additions to the ......….........…}ºre ºf Newcastle, by Mr. Bell........ . T. "Tº 2286 Proceedings and Humours of a late Election in the City of 2. º - s Sandberg (Sandgate), with an authentic list of the Illus- G trious Personages who Honoured it with their Presence. • * > - small 4to, Newc. 1754 tº A curious and rare local tract, by William Moralee; many of the real names are written on the margins. § N r 2 2987 Proceedings in Newcastle on the "Death of George III. and * the Accession and Coronation of George IV., broadsides, 4. ... guttings, M.S. notes, &c., in 1 Vol. 4to 2988 Processions of Shoemakers and Glassmen, A Collection of s Newspaper Cuttings, Broadsides, Songs, &c. relating to, in § -º-º-º-º-3, Yºkº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-, - . . . ; 2989 Radical Monday, a Letter from Bob in Gotham to his Cousin º / () Bob in the Country, large paper, plate, 4to, Newc. 1821. — à. # Another copy, printed on writing paper, royal 8vo, 1bid. 2990 Reports of the Charity Commissioners, relating to Newcastle, t cloth. folio, 1836 º º / :sºº . /-- } i - * r I , - --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : z º. ~3, ºr tº: “S s" . . . : *2991 Reports and Transactions of the Commissioners of the several # f º Parishes, previous to, and on the Erection of the New Gaol, § { . s with the Expences finally incurred, collected by Mr. Bell, in – º – a lº-------|x}. ~~~~~~~~~ * –3 + º "2992 Rules and Minutes of the Liberal Society of Tradesmen, 1791 . to 1820, half calf. "T2993. Sailors' Society, A Collèëtion of Reports, Papers, &c. relative | tº, 2 vols., cloth, 4to, 1845–8 ºfº” 2994 "Scrivéners’ Company, Memoranda félative to the. - Charter : and Rules of the Incorporated Company of Upholsterers, r Tinplate-Workers, and Stationers, private print, fine cut on — t : title by Bewick, small 4to, Newſ...1817. . . T.I.O.T.T. 2995. Sessions Book, 1775–1804, MS., 3 vols. . * 6 2996 Statement of the Circumstances attending the Letting of the w Ballast Quay, at the Lime Kiln Shore, published by the ~~~~~~~}ody.9f Stewards.….. folio, Newc. 1831 . 6 º 2997 St. John's Church, Collections for an Account of St. John's . V-1 Church and Parochial Chapelry, by Thos. Bell, comprising : º k a large Collection of MS. and printed documents, in 4 vols. r---ºr, sa, * º .v.--> *rºx” “{* ** * * * * * -, -- ~~ [ 173 ] # 2998 St. John's Church, an Account of, Manuscript, by T. Bell. ! Memoranda relative to the Organ, Organist, &c., by Thos.; **----- Bell, MS. – * - - -s “…º. º. a.” --- r *- 4to: 3000 - Copies of the several"Monumental Inscriptions in the Parochial Chapel of Saint John, Newcastle, and in the Ce-, metery attached to that Chapel, MS. by T. Bell, 3 vols. Small 4to: 2999 small 4toli. i. ;i. §!. ~~ *: º: 300ſ - Memoranda relative to the Fews in, by Thos. Bell, MS. - folio; 3002 = Memoranda relative to the Afternoon Tectureship, by * 4to Thos. Bell, MS. 3003 –ºsahedia of the several Burial Places and Gāve stones”. in Saint John's Church Yard, M.S., folio, 1763. ** *s; *** *** * > ë • * *-A-2 º’” :*:: *****...*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *-***.*.**** **** *çº; "… y-i- º 3005 St. John’s Sunday Evening"iectures, Memoranda relative toº `. the Establishment of, collected by Thomas Bell, chiefly let- : ~~~~ters and MS.4-Vol-----~~~~ 4toº 3006 St. John's Parish, List of Churchwardens, &c., from 1760 tº ; 1824, MS. - - : --8997 - Memorandarespecting Churgh Rºesin, MS.4.Y9), fºlio:- 3008 St. Nicholas"Church. Memoranda relative to, comprising cut-º tings, views, MS. gatherings, &c., by Mr. Bell, 2 vols., 3öögº inscriptions in the Church Yard of, copied October, 1832, MS. - -- ~3010 – Memorañdă relative to the Burial Places in, MS. by Mr. - Bell. 3011 Table of Fees and Costs in the Mayor and Sheriff’s Courts of . - Record (2 copies)..….. Mºº. 17974.… 3012. Theatre, Memoranda relative to, cuttings, pamphlets, &c. – ) ". . Account of the Accident at the Theatre, Feb. 19, 1823, ; * small 4to, half calf. — Theatrical Observer, 6 numbers, with the Play Bills for each week inserted, half calf, Newc. 3013 Theatre, Particulars of the Accident at, on the 19th Feb., 1823, collected by John Bell, half bound. —- Theatrical Ob-; 3014. Theological Library. A Collection of Papers relative to, from: its commencement in 1819 to 1825....... . . . . . ; ºrs =="Anothéréðpyrº 2–0, as -------,-,--- sº, ºesºsºrº...” “su--~~~~ - -- r i ; ~~~~~~~ ºxºlºr:ºs...ºg a (A6%; 1771) 3020 Town Wall of Newcastle, a Collection of Views and Descrip- t; // . tions of Towers, Gates, and Posterns of the Town Wall, ; : . from Brand, Mackenzie, Richardson, &c. &c., very eurious. ! - al 4to '. TO `3031 Wellington (Duke of) Account of the Proceedings. §. castle when he visited that Town, in 1827, comprising - handbills, cuttings, autographs, and plates, collected by ~~~~ ***** John Bell, half calf. - * * 4to .." "f 3022 Westgate Cemetery. Fenwick's (J.) Speech, on a new Place !. of Sepulture, 1826. — Pengilly’s Address on the first ; : Interment, 1829, with several cuttings, broadsides, &c., | 8023 whilºw.) Account of Newcastle, or Epitáñized History of that Town and County, from Authentic Records, cut on title by Bewick, half calf........ 18mo, Newe, 1787, ſ3034 Newcastle Directories, Whitehead's Directory for 1782, 1783, 1784. — Account of Newcastle, with Directory for 1787. — . . ... Hilton's Directory for 1795-in, 1 yºl, calf. •. ** 3625 ºr by Hilton for i795. ºy Mitcheſſför 180T.:-Macken- ~. _zie and Dept. 1811.-Ihler, 1883… *”3026 Newcastlé "Songs. The Budget; or Neweastle Songster for ~ * 1816. — Midford's Collection of Songs, 1818, -Marshall's 3 Collection of Songs, two editions, 1819 and 1822, in 1 vol., half calf.-Newcastle Songs, Marshall’s edition, Newc. 1827. 5 Newcastle Song Book, or Tyneside Songster, Fordyce's --~~~~~~~9dition, 4%. 184% cº-º-º-, … _ .3027 Neweastle Songs, Marshall’s Collection, Wewa. 1827. ~ New- . 6 castle Songs, by Thornpson, Shields, Midford, and others, ~ half bound, Abid. Marshall 1823. — Newcastle Song Book, ... . . . . . Fordyee's edition, half calf, Abid. 1842. . . . . . * * * 3028 Newcastle Songs. The Tyneside Songster, a Collection of 3 y : Songs, chiefly in the Newcastle Dialect, Alnwick. — New- ! ...) 4. eastle Subseription Concerts, and Harmonic Society's Con- certs, a Collection of the Books of the Words, half calf, | `A "3025' Newcastlé Songster, D. Bàss, Nº. 1806:Töögóñºs Póētic - f Ö : . Pencillings, 1852. — Lady Bertha, a Poem, and other Chap f Books, in 1 vol. — Shevill’s Poems, Mewe. [767. — and 4 --~~~~...~ ***…~~... . . . º, * 2 . 6 *3030 eweastie Stäge, or the fills of the Théâtre Royal during De ' '….?. Camp's Management, 1818 to 1824, 6 vols., half calf. | ------ ********* *.*.*. *** * *** ***. Assº.-->36xxx-sº-sº"Nº-º-º-azºx-sº-º: sº. 7.…...ºn 2.4..…. i.…~~~~<-si. . . Tº", T3081. Newcastle, views in, and Neighbourhood; by Richardson and • # * — ſº ºniº." large folio - - R v ſº *********** ~ **** **~~~~~~~~~~~~.4x-as--------, -, ---...--.....…....~...~...~...~...~..., , , --, ............ • * "*************** *-*.*:..., x ~~~~~~----... ****** - “... •. - . . . i j [ 17; J - - 3032 newgastreträgååne Cºrk and Mitcheſſ's, Târgºtötgºint Tzz - - ..!9 Yºlº, half calf ººº- } } 4. 2- * - -. astle M *** ***.” --- . . . 3034 Newcastle Măgăzine. Tº T88ſ, gyöſs. HåIIBºnd, wºut tº General Magazine, or Monthly Repository of Usefits...},2. 2 ºlºlº. alligence J.748 to 1760, 13. Y9ls.º half calf. : :". *~ ! \ | *w-actºr-344/.44.3.294 lºsſºpºlſkºlº ***.*.*--, 4-,-- . . . , 2. 8085 Newcastle General Magazine for 1747, scarce," ††4. Newcastle Weekly Magazine, 1776. – Newcastle Magazine : * * or Monthly Journal, 1785. — Newcastle Register, 2 vols., . 17 3036 Nº A Collection of Pamphlets relative to, in 8vo port- i ; .* olio. - $ *Y .W. t ... -- - 8037 Newcastle. A large Collection of miscellaneous Matter, Prints, , ; ... ... &c., to illustrate the History.9f Newgastle:Apargel..........s. 3038 Newcastle and Northumberland, Two 8vo volumes of Memo- g randa relative to, chiefly manuscript, neatly written, by Mr. .5 § : Bell, half russia. . ; : : | --- -- •.-- 3039 Newcastle. A Collection of Autographs of the Mayors of this; ºrº ancient Corporation, illustrated with portraits and biogra-; ; ; phical notices, uniformly mounted, in 4to portfolio. sº : i § This series commences with William Johnson, in 1654, who writes to the Government as to some shipping expected in the Tyne, and is roughly stigmatised by a successor, William Cramlington; an ori-, ginal extract from his common place book attached; some other pages as to Cramlington's expenses when mayor, laudatory lines ; on his friends, &c., form this curious miscellany, which fell into Mr. Bell's hands after mutilation for the flames, are also included. $5. § 3040 Newcastle and Carlisle Railway." Thomas'"Observations on tº Canals and Railways, illustrative of the advantages of a # Railway between Newcastle, Hexham, and Carlisle, 1825, with other pamphlets, cuttings, &c., relative to the subject, i. in 1 vol. — Copy of the Evidence taken before the Com- { mittee of the House of Commons on, plates and plans, with 2" long MS. additions, Wewe. 1829. — Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, Reports and Papers relative tº inlyol. …i. > º; Railroad, Book of Reference to Plans, :§ s$&:;$ . § "304TNówcastle an ; : : No. I. and II., MS. --------- ..., 4to.{ }; ; . * 3042"Něwcastlé àfià Călisſe BāIſröäd, Views on, from Drawings By : ) º º : _____J.W.Carmichael,.…4to, Nowa, 18864%-3 … . . T3043 Newcastle and Carlisle Canal, a Collection of the various ; ; ; 6 __. Reports published respeſting, 2 yols, gºlf.…Jhid. Y. Y. i. 3.; * , 3044 Newcastle upon Tyne and Gateshead Law Society, Rules, # # . Proceedings, &c., half bound.....…...4to, Zbid. 1826 &c.; ;... }. 3045 Newcastle and Gateshead Bills of Mortality and Tables of ; ; ; 2 Population, chiefly cuttings from Newspapers, mounted in ſ i & ; J an 8vo volume. - k # ** ~ * : -. J. f 3046 Newcastle, Edinburgh, and Glasgow Railway, Proceedings and - Reports relative to, by Richardson and others, numerous maps, cloth. - royal 8vo, 1837 | t ... “*****.s.. . . * Wk # $4' , *-> - --- - ****:: ****, r*.*, * : *** --...-rº- “ ----...--~~~~~~~----... -- - - - - , --,-, *-* : ***, *.*.*.*.*.*, * v- .…... “.... * -, - ... ." yº - t f ^x *-- ","... - | } i | : : § º *" º, ; º i Nº. [ 176 j 3047 NEWCASTLE TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY PUBLICA. ;: º i * ! . : % % TIONS, uniformly printed in crown 8vo, and many of them not for sale. A complete Set, now very difficult to procure; 8 vols, cloth uncut, the remainder unbound. Cheviot, a Poetical Fragment. Marriage of the Coquet and the Alwine. Cockle's Lines to Lady Byron, and the Reprint by G. N. Clark. — Reply to Byron's Fare-thee-well, and the Reprint. Elegy on the Princess Charlotte, and the Reprint. Llegy on King George III., and the Reprint. Garret's Elegy on the Princess Charlotte. Werses written at the House of Mr. Henderson. The Wicar's Will and Codicil. Lines to a Boy pursuing a Butterfly. Cowper's Rose Bushes. Epistle to Prospero. White's Tynemouth Nun. Roxby's Lay of the Reedwater Minstrel. Darnell’s Lines on Lord Collingwood. Thompson's Address, Loyal Northumbrian Society. Iines on the Death of Lord Byron, —— Poetical Addresses at the Burns' Club, 1824 and 1825. Chicken’s Collier's Wedding. - Imperii Caput et Rerum Pulcherrima Roma. Webster's Latin Verses. Stanzas on the New Line of Road. Gathering Ode of the Fenwyke. - Dialogue of the North and South Tyne. g The Foundation Stone: a Hymn. - Fishers' Garlands, 1821 to 1845; The Angler's Progress and Tyne Fisher's Farewell. , Mitchell's Essay on the Pleasures of Angling. 304 [ 177 | - ; Life and Death of Bishop Andrewes. - : ... : Short View of the Long Life and Raigne of Henry III. : Life and Death of the Earle of Salisbury. ; , ; Memoirs of Sir Waltér Blackett. * d ; : { Life of Ambrose Barnes. ; , ; Fenwick’s Obituaries of Newcastle Worthies. # , ; Biographical Sketch of Dr. Marshman, 1838. ; : ; — Another edition, 1843. g s . Obituary Resolutions of the Newcastle Bible Society. * , Biographical Sketch of J. T. Brockett. º ; ; Memoir of J. T. Brockett. - - ; : Biographical Notice of Dr. William Carey. # Memoir of the Rev. J. Farrer. 3 ; Obituary Notice of W. A. Hails. 3 & Obituary Notice of the Rev. J. Mack. # , Obituary of Charles N. Wawn, first and second editions. * § Recollections of Ann Fenwick. .# & Genealogy of the Family of Radclyffe. * : Obits of some of the more distinguished Members of the Literary and ; ; Philosophical Society, Newcastle. - º ; : Sketch of the Ship-Boy Life of John Fenwick. ; ; ; Grey's Chorographia, or Survey of Newcastle. ! : ! Account of the Great Floods in the Tyne, Tees, Wear, &c. i 3. ! Relation of the Siege of Newcastle, by Lithgow. } i ; His Majesties Passing through the Scots Armie. † : ; The Battle of Floddon. 3 * : Relation of the Taking of Newcastle. 3 i ; Full Relation of the Scots Martch from Barwicke to Newcastle. 3 * : Sykes' Account of the Statue of Charles II. # * : —— Account of the Rejoicings in Newcastle and Gateshead. * † : Bartlett's Episcopal Coins of Durham. - { i ; Beauvais' Essay on Coins and Medals, º # Brockett's Selecta. Numismata Aurea. - ; : : Willett's Memoir on the Origin of Printing, edited by Brockett. * } : Memoir on the Origin of Printing, edited by Hodgson, Observations on the Origin of Printing. 3 & Santander's Essay on the Origin of Printing. 3 * : Biographical Memoirs of William Ged. * . . Hodgson's Essay on Stereotype Printing. ; , ; Hints on Establishing a Typographical Society. * , Catalogue of the Allan Tracts. ; : Conchological Tables. - . § ſ Brand's Letters to R. Beilby. # , , —— Letter to John Airey. # , , Adamson's Bibliotheca Lusitana. º ; : —— Lusitana Illustrata, 2 parts. § 3 ; Account of the Monument to Archibald Reed. { . . . ; Memorial to the Senate of Hamburgh. } . . ; Bainbridge's Comparison of the English and French Revolutions. ; : { Letters between James Ellis and Walter Scott. * . ; Treasure Trove in Northumberland. º 3. i. Protest against the Attainder of Sir John Fenwick. # , i. Inscription on a Tablet in the Abbey Church, Hexham. * } - “xº~~~~~ 23:eºsº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: $ºpºsº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:----, 3. º- - . . . 8 Newcastle Typographical Society, a large number of duplicates 3/.4 in a portfolio. --~~~~xº~4-# * -3649-–targe paper GöpféS: Santander on the Origin of Print- , ; ; - ing. — Hodgson's Essay on Stereotype Printing. — Bio # 3 2 A | º 3 # [ 178 ) . graphical Memoirs of Wm. Ged, (2 copies). — Willett on . . the Origin of Printing, — Grey's Chorographia. — Memoirs º of Sir Walter Blackett, royal 8vo, w.x. : 6 3050 Newcastle (Wm. Cavendish, Duke of) New Method and Ex- traordinary Invention to Dress Horses. folio, 1667 –4–:------sus; Newgāng (R&T) instºyarthsºbeyorst Arban, pſis, 5 § halfcalf ºrigi ºr goºd. Anothèſ ºpy, plates, caſt. ºr---~~~~~~ 1795 — * * ..º- - - / . —i. *- º *—sost Another tºy...folio, 1667. Žºgº:Tife of by the Duchess of Newcastle. folio, 1667 Cºgoş5 – Another&Spy." ~~~~4ts, 1875 *3054 Newästrå*i; ôfypôāšāna Fáñóſóg, jrººh, half * . calf, with portrait of the Duke inserted, scarce, folio, 1653 *~~~~~ - 'ºº. £ºf:Sºx > ***** ***.*.*, *. *-(Asºº cº-ºr--º','ºeº-ºrgº-arrºrº. *3057. Anºthéºtºiº. *~ings .*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *, *s-r-,-, sº.….ſºs.sgººººººººººººººººº...”.” fºº" ~ 3. ſ ~/ 6. *3058"Newelſ (Évº. H.) fetters on the scenery of Wales, plates. < royal Syo, 1821 Z-########º: 3060 NichöIs (John) Collection 6f Royal and Nöölö Wills, from the * Reign of William the Conqueror to Henry VII, 4to, 1780 Séſéét Cöllection ºf Poems, ºies, 8 vols., portraits. - 1780-82 - *306t *3rºQ62 ± Bjögraphicaſ Anecdºtes ºf William Hogarth, calf. 1781 *...* *~ ~3 '63". º: rºy.…. -- A riothèr ºp * * * * * * * 1781 ****, r*...*&#xº~..tv - a 3-. 2. ºt: * ºrro ºf Hºyºry ***...tº...if 'Yº. §§§§ ºvºsºkºrºseº.º.ºrk.” . . . . . ~... . . .3064 ºffièr gāº hºſt 1782 --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4ta, 1782 History and Antiquities of Aston Flamville and Bur- 4to, 1787 y A. Chalmers, from the Gentleman’s Magazine, three portraits, private print. 4to, 1826 **** 4to, 1826 º 2 º 3065 — Biographic and Hiterary Anecdotes of William Bow- --~~~ ** º º º 3067 — Memoir of, : | . | tº Presentation copy from J. B. Nichols to Archdeacon Wrangham, with - : º autograph note. - —- †-3055 – Añóth ºf § ºff. - J.A. Sººnººx ** Nºxº~~~~Yvºº-ºººººº." -f-> -- “... x: e -3069 TMémoirs of George Hardinge, 1878. – Gleig's Account 6 º é | of the Life and Writings of Dr. Wm. Robertson, Edinb. > - º -** 1818.: $gWard's...Mémoir.gf.Dr.Darwin, 1804. * 3076 Nichols (J. B.) Brief Account of the Guildhall of the City of London. 1819 w" *…*307ſ": Account of the Church of St. Katherine near the Tower of London, plates.... **-º-r----, -º- ºr-- . s 4to, 1824 ~e?” ----- ºr--r - e- - > *3072 Another cºpy, - --- 3073 - : Afióthef &o ºaº. 444 ºi…..*-ºxº~~ ... --...- - - , , , . . . . . . . £1.999). - • *-*...* *--- Asv's "," A... fºr r s” ºr “T r: ºr Tºw.v **** * * * *-*. • ‘ … <-rºyº cººrs: :*** grºw-ºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- ºr----------. *: 35% Nichºń (j) º of English Grammar, first and …~~~second editions, Mºug. 1798-1892, and 6 others…~~~~ * * +. * º, º *_ “t -: ¥ § § [ 179 3075 Nicholson (Peter) on Masonry and Stone Cutting, plates, roy.") 8vo, 1885. – Rudiments of Practical Perspective plates, calf, 1822.-Introduction to the Method of Increments, 1817 ºn --Introduction to the Method of increments, ſåſº of Masonry and Stone Cutting, plates, royal 8vo, 1839 * * Treatise on Dialling, Newg. 1833. J º º 5075. – ‘s e #. T3077 N.T.T.Yūjºiºsº ignºr “Sost-=Ronºrs ºf Pºrraights in the Régiº Sedgwick (Adam) on the Studies of the University, Cambr.: ; ; ; 1884—and 6 others. . . ; ; ; ; Nicolas (SFNTrysºpsis of the pasſage-of-England,”-----> “s ... vols. * . - ...— ... 1825: ...! 2. 6 3079 - Anothérºïy, Hälſºff. --- * 1825 ºf -5080 – Anothers; gºog-rigăşrrºr-- § Edward II. . 1829 | ~3082 — Catalogue of the Héralds' Visitatiºns, in the British f - Museum, royal 8vo, 1825. — History of the Earldoms of ! ... Strathºl, Mºnteith.º Jºãº------~~~ *-i-- -3053-ºjº. #. state º #: Literature, the i - Society of Antiquaries, &c., 1830. — Nicolas’ Catalogue of ; ; # .. the Heralds' Visitations in the British Museum, 1825. — ; ; —siºlºgitialistorica. 95.1%--~~~~~-2,4- Nicolson (Ep., Border Laws, sºrº. - - - - - ---------> * ~~~~...~~ : , i;47 2 7 ~30sº-Nicolsºntſós, and Būrātrāādy History airAntiquities of 32 fºr the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland, 2 vols., fine ºf . . ; copy, calf. ---. 49, 1777…i. ~3086 Nightfigălă (J.) Historical Account of Kenilworth Castle. Tº 3087 Nimrod's Northern Tour, descriptive of the Principal Hunts * *** --- in Scotland and the North of England, 1838. – Remarks i on the Condition of Hunters, the Choice of Horses, &c., by : Nimrod, calf, 1837. — Surtees (R. S.) The Horseman’s : Manual, 1831. -i. ~3088 Nisbet (James). The French in Rheinstadt, and other Poems, | 1844 – Uísmere, a Poem, 1885 –Sayers (Dr. F.) Poet: ; ; cal Works, portrait, Norwich, 1828. —- Maude (T.) Wens- . ; leydale, a Poem, Richmond, 1816. — Thomson (James) De . -----99mTºi, a Tale. Withgºhº Poº. 1317---~~~~~ 3085 Nithsdale (Comtess of fetter describing the Earſ's Escape . - from the Tower, with Remarks by Sheffield Grace, private : grint. .* …~~~~~~Tºy al, 8vo, 1827-3. ~. sº --- t . - - § * * }-º,-,-º-º-º-º:*******...*** .1% Tº Nāghājā Prophecy, with Life######3 309ſ Noble (Mark). Historičáſ Genealogy"o Stuart. 4to, 1795 & ... -- sesse-ºxºº. -* - *Ar;-- was. :*Arººrºº: t s: º * *** t • * * * * +&ſs: Sºrº º-ºxº~.4 "Memoirs of the protégföräfs Hjägé of CróñWeſt, 2 . vols., Birm. 1784. — Memoirs of the House of Medici, ; y * M * *******{\; -- sº... º. the Royal House of ;'< . . ~~~$2.2.-- * - ... *..., , ºf - “ , ” . . . .”.” - - : [ 18o J # sº $ 3093 Noble # History of the Colle e of Arms, £ort. 4to, 1804 ~5:5 ºf the i.Bºſs, härfälf” 1798 - S - ******w:x:39 gºesy&iºsº *::tºrs tºxº - zz-...-->~~~ x- - - --~~~~~---. -- © e Mint and Coins of the Epis- (, 3 3095 Two dissertations upont “ . . copal Palatine ºf Durham, half calf. 49, Bºrn: 1780 -— $556 rºñOthercopyröſötfi.”45, rºd. 1780 2 & º tº The late Mr. Adamson's copy, on thick paper, with numerous MS. notes by him on the margins. It has been damaged by the fire which destroyed Mr. Adamson's library, but each leaf has been mounted on guards and the book rebound. º * 3097 Nobie Laird of Thorneyburne, a Northumbrian Border Ballad, r | ; W 1855. — Tait's Bamburgh Castle, a Poem, Edinb. 1818. — i. History of Alnwick, 1813. — The Aurora Borealis, Newc. 1833. " . * , ſº o S--~~~~~~3698-Norfolk and Norwich Bemembrancer; 1822-Wiews in Eng- - - land, reduced from Buck. — White's Directory for Leeds, Lincoln, Hull, York, &c., 3 vols. – History of Yarmouth, __Lynn 1776 . 6 *-āſū0 TNorfºlk, Leicestershiré, and Dévôňshire, Těšćriptive Account of from the Beauties of England and Wales, & Yolsº plates. 310T Noortfoliepºtſ ôftöätºreſtasjöät fănăș vols., ~ *~~~~ ~~~~!!!” ~3TC2 North (Roger) Lives of Frančiš North, Lörå Güß, and of Sir Dudley North, 2 vols. in 1, portraits, half morocco. . . . *"Siô3 Northºn, Dºñºf the Côty of º ah . . . 6 , * , º, from the Beauties of England and Wales, map and plates. - --~~~~sternårtreountry wordsºmeterby win tº 7–4–1.". º ros-Norm country wedding, and Therife, two poems in blank __^ - © . Verse, half ºf ~~~~~ 4to, Dublin 1722 "3TU6 Northcote (James) Ong Hüfired Fåbles, Giginal and selected, . ... fºrestºs ºf the ºſts and portrait, half calf gilt. 1828 } 5. s —stor Fables. Prºfimºfessiéâșºiustratiº win. —#~~ ~Haygy, prºg.9%.44% gº..…royal 8vo, 1828 3. . .. / – 3.108 - The Artists' Book of Fables, - 1845 ... -- 3109 Northern Circuit; déséribed in a Letter to a Friend, a Poetical * º b º • Essay, 1751. – Pack (Major R.) Miscellanies in verse and . prose, 1719. – Vida's Poetics, translated by the Rev. J. .….Hºpsºn, 4.89%....….... . . . Sunderl. 1798 ; , . . "3ifö Northern Families, Sundry Memoranda relating to the Pedi. º / 3 . 3 grees and Estates of several Northern Families. 4to . . . . $3: A curious volume, chiefly manuscript, closely written. X # / * é 3111 Northern John Bull, or the Englishman's Magazine, 3 vols. | & 3112 =Vol. I, I 829-30, and other Lócal Tracts, in 1 vol., half : ; (7 * , calf–8vo Series, 2 vols. in 1, Wewc. 1829-31. – Northern 3 % Lights, or Whims, Oddities, and Digressions of the Northern a Liberator, Ibid. 1839. — Northern Reformer's Monthly … Magºing Y91. Hººd, 1823, … ; [ 181 | ; : . 3118 Northern Reformer's Monthly Magazine, 2 vols. Newc. 1828-24 . / 2 3IIA Northern Miństreſ, OFGateshead Songster, 3 parts in Ivöſ (2 : " : 3 } 6 *** ***** copies). Gateshead : : : “” tº *.m. } - 31.15 Northerſ. Säämen's Friend, with cuttings, &c., relative to the Sailors' Home. in 1 vol., half calf. § *~~~~ *******.icºs S. 2.-sº "?" … -s. Lºw.--...-2: …< 3-******************** * : *r-sº" - " " ":" 4. 7, 21 3i ſã Northern Year Böök, Wºod. 1830. - Burnett's History of Sunderland, 1836. – And 4 others. - y c- ---, :~3.; * -- ar f * t TāII; North Shields. Proceedingsföläting to the Establishment of “*” º- a Branch Custom House at North Shields, parchment back . . . ~ and lettered. folio, 1833, &c.; ; * BooKS RELATING TO THE County of NoFTHUMBERLAND. . stre N immense Collection of Private Acts of Parliament re- i. º º lating to this County, Estate Settlements, Percy Estates, , ; © Division of Common Lands, Derwentwater Estates, , ; Building, Bridges, Regulating Price and Shipment of Coal, . against Papists, against Theft on the Marches, Construction , ; of Turnpike Roads, Railways, Docks, Churches, &c. &c. About 500 Acts, some of early date, great rarity, and curious. # 3 & Many of these are bound separately, and accompanied with manuscript # 4 and other matter illustrative of the subject, which, from Mr. Bell's : # opportunities and tastes, must add materially to their value. A ; , gentleman well qualified to give an opinion says—“I have not the . ; slightest hesitation in saying that not only is this series unique, but ; ; such another could not at almost any cost be formed.” ; : ...----, - . . . .----. 2. ~...: ' … . . . .--~~~...~...~...~~~: ...-------- ~~~~~ --> --~~~. ----.... ...-----.. ...— ...---------- 3131 N. orthumberland Sessions Records.—Manuscript extracts with [ 183 ] r facsimile of curious signatures from the County Sessions : }.§ Books between 1682 and 1720, presenting a digest of much curious matter, locally and historically interesting, illustrat- ; ing early customs and superstitions, notices of the rebellions : of 1715 and 1745, and other matters—3 vols. folio, *— lettered - º 8+62 Parochial History of Northumberland-collections relative to T tº A most important and valuable accumulation comprising a variety of t . G. - each Parish in the County, including the particulars printed : for public sales, manuscript abstracts of title, valuations, schedules of area, plans, reports on boundaries and other i matters, with correspondence relative thereto. t . information not to be met with elsewhere, and classified ready for mounting, in sixty portfolios. - ſº mpilation from the various published Histories and other Sources, including : both manuscript and printed matter, mounted in imperial 4to, as a foundation for the arrangement of the last lot.— ; Five thick 4to portfolios, lettered. The two last lots form a gigantic record of Mr. Bell's industry and per- ; severance, comprising, as it does, much imformation acquired during his long j career, will, it is hoped, fall into the hands of some zealous collector, and be uniformly mounted and bound as a # county reference for after ages. In this shape they would be an invaluable addition to a great County Public Library. sºr.º-sº vs.-2:...º->wr:::::::::::::::::: *-***** -- ~. 3ää-Parochial History of Northumberland-do "3134 Roman Catholic Estates: Particulars from the rails and re." tº” gisters of the lands held by Roman Catholics, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Peace under the Acts to oblige # Papists to register their names and real estates. Abstracted from the originals in 1833 by Thomas Bell. - ; A thick foolscap folio volume, containing not only verbatim copies of : the registers, but voluminous illustrative remarks by Mr. Bell— described by the Historian of Northumberland, Mr. Hodgson, in one ; of several letters inserted as “your very curious volume.” 3T35 Topographicaiahā Biºgraphiºi fºtracts from the Gentieman’sº *:-r-z sºor-rºº <~~Kºrº-Nºgº***xrº--N-Nº-º: 3T36 Nörthümbörſämääfid Dürhää Artists—A Compilation of Bio- swº-rºtº- ...~:::::v-ºxºsºrº: waſ rºº.º. 3-ºxº~\ºscºsº ºvº-º-ºººººººo-ºº: * #. s ‘. . 3. '' * ºf . { #. $ *: r &. : }, 2. §: { { .." 3 * i. º { + # + * º º - # { - * t * .* § - *. - * - * ¥ - 3.3. 3 # š. : … * ſº '%. '': ; : ‘. . **t ..}}. r-rº-; * * .* *, *. º ‘ī. º : st †: * :: : § ‘W • ** wº T. º 3. § #, º * :* s ſº º w * ...] º º º *A. -\ N. § S. t º ** † : .3: --C2 - - --~~~ : § #. . . § 't º: à. ; ** - '.. - * * •" º *: º º ... ? # º - º, - % / * *. *: ** : .* 3. * * & * §: ; s: • *. £ . . .# : * w" º: ſ: . . ~!, .:* # . . *A; *A 'X'. -: § ************ st--ºri: “ º 37 & 4 * * .C. ; º' 63 .x. º-º-º: * . i s^ º º Books RELATING TO THE DUKES AND EARLS OF NoFTHUMBERLAND. 3137. UKES and Earls of Northumberland.—A Collection of .. Original Letters, Public and Private Documents, Portraits, Pencil Drawings, Prints, Biographical, - Topographical, and Historical Extracts, and MSS. Notes relative to the noble House of Percy, and the other Fami- { %() . milies who have intermediately held these titles, a splendid 2. ... : . Collection, in seven imperial 4to vols., half bound in green 49 morocco, and lettered. º - - - º tº Among the original letters in this collection are several from descendants *- : of the celebrated John Dudley, Earl of Warwick and Duke of North- 42 . . . . " º º umberland, which were sought by the authorities of the British j . º. . . Museum at the time they came into Mr. Bell's hands: among the 72 , . . - official documents will be found the signatures of the illustrious .* ninth Earl, 1604; of the renowned Lord High Admiral, 1647; of his 2 only son Josceline, so prematurely cut off; and of his daughter, - Lady Essex and her unfortunate husband; and among the other -- matter will be found much only accessible by rare advantages, and º . at great cost. - “$138 Bükäs and Eälsöf Northümbötland:A'séööha Collection, in -: , ..." ... . nowise inferior to the last lot, mounted ready for binding, # in three very thick imperial 4to portfolios, and one of folio C2. | 28 size, containing the large family portraits and prints. 3. - --- ". . tº Begun and carried on regardless of cost by the late Mr. W. I. Bell, * - - and completed with equal zeal by the late owner of this library, this * collection may in many respects be pronounced unique. Besides the © immense number of portraits, family histories, views, drawings, and % autographs, forming the foundation, chronologically arranged, these folios contain some curious original French documents relative to the mission of the third Duke as ambassador extraordinary at the coro- – : - nation of Charles X., &c. &c..... ----------------- - | - . . . . . ." 3139 Northumberlână îouseholā Book, Gää by Bp. Percy, with 2 */ 7 º 6 . the Preface, privately printed and very scarce, fine copy bound", º i. in red morocco, gilt leaves, and in a black morocco case. 1770 -J.*- ... 1 - º ;: tº Vicar Smith's copy, and sold at his sale for £810s, *% | º *... - 4. : " - : 'a-ºr-s: --- ***. #. / º: £49 – Angiºgy, impºrt.......….. . 3141 Pickering's Reprint, portrait of Bø. Percy, and long MS. …~!!gº.º.º. He! &#!, tºgrgº.------------….!897 `3142 Eguipage of Henry Earſ of Northumberland, at the Siege of - Turwin, in France, 5th Henry VIII, (2 copies). royal 4to 33--73 a.º.º.º.º. J-ºk's rºš.º.º.º.º., a x 2 eº ** * ;i. ;º4. - ſ [ 185 3143 Percy Family, Pedigrees and Arms of, printed and manuscript. § 3144 Percy (James) The Case of, Claimant of the Earldom of North: : umberland, very rare, folio, and an Account of the Case from : __. Nichol's Collegianca, in 1 vol., 4to, zºº ºr grº º 3TT5 PCFCY (Tämö, Cºffié Earldom of Northumberlână)"; the Case of, MS. Copy of this rare Work, neatly written by Mr. Bell, with facsimile of the title, 1685. — Master Henry Piercies Letter to the Earle of Northumberland, 1641. – / With several cuttings and MS. notes relative to the Percy r S4 - Family, in a 4to Vol. * à - ºntº, fººqi ~~~~ ~ ~~~... ." 3rq6 Chróñeſ: of thé Fāmīy of fºrcy, ºnly 35%;" Z: ** jº, • w /// -º - +º 2'ſ2%: i w &- --~~~~~~~~~~4to, Meuſe-1845-4-3-24. 3147 An Extract of the History and Genealogy of the Noble Families . . . ; of the Earl and Countess of Northumberland, calf, rare. ." Dublin 1764 ~ ....... [ſãº. Not noticed by Lowndes or Moule. , :- **-*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, 33-…-- º * 6 ~3143-44%.º.-- Ibid. 1764 ºffjº issº #Tºgeºcentrightºn Pºrtº zz---------> w-. *.-º - 2. Ann his Wife, M.S. notes and 2 franks inserted, folio, 1779 - WTTWEETºmºrrºr-mºrror-prºnours-des-Trotºrssº- a wrº-A*--- * noullellement aduenu% au Royaume d’ Angleterre, au moys . . . d’Octobre, 1569. Avec une Declaration, faicte par le . . ; Comte de Nortumberland, &c., Paris, 1570. — De l'Ex- ; , , ; ecution faicte a Londres du Duc de Nortomberlan, Prince / ; : Catholique, Ibid.—in 1 vol. : ; ; & Two rare tracts relative to the Earl of Northumberland, and the Rebel- º § lion of 1569. * ... ź ~3T5T-Northumbaitama-(TiſzäBath, countess-ory"Mätätiöß and tº Prayers, before, at, and after receiving the Holy Sacrament 3. & -----gigºlºg's Suppe.gld nº tº: 1709 . . . . 3155 Schººſes (Jº#######Tºrpiń;*::::----- Poem to the Memory of the Lady Elizabeth Anne Frances à ºð . i. * - - - - - --"...at Perg *...--~~~~~...~~~ *** *c-ºr-it-x.ºtº-A-S-sikki>~f~~~xxii ** - - - - -- i. 459 Mºl--~~~~~ *grºsº; ñāna"ttºry rºtºrºvºgº intºrºyº” % . 6. * * with, original MS., wellum. small folio, 1681-2 : A_i & -ºrgan; yxshort-Törååts in theyāF. xº~ 1771, half calf, private print. º * -- - - cº----- - 1443- sº. "…~~~~ *3t;5 Nortniſſiperſºl's # # ) êmºrrºriº-º-º-º- ,--"rfe,” . r '. ~3 rt - - ; Descriptive Catalogue of, by Admiral W. H. Smyth, cloth gilt. - royal 8vo, 1756 : tº Printed for private circulation. Presentation copy from the Duke to Mr. Bell, | :-:- s * - grºw-Nămmºn Mºrysm; smººriº Mºrºzºº thematical Companion, Alnwick 1837. — Northumbrian ; ; { Minstrel, a choice Selection of Songs. Alºgº.1814. 4– ~~~~~~3; --~~~~ § d *::: ***, * ~ :--4----- - [ 186 % ~ ; 3157 Norwich, Topographical and Historical Account of, Worwich § 2- 6 1819. — Account of the Tombs and Monuments in Nor- ; - “. wich Cathedral, 1712. — Nottinghamshire, Topographical : . . and Biographical Extracts from the Gentleman's Magazine. --- "º 3159 N iñº tºº. #######- ; 3 : : — Money (R. C.) on the Characteristic Differences between ; $ ; European and Oriental Literature, prize essay, 1822. > ! & Plot, in its various Branches and Progress, half calf, 1680. — Observations upon the Statutes, chiefly the more ancient, from Magna Charta to the 21st of James I., calf, Dublin, 1767. — Present State of England, 2 vols, calf, 1750. •- 3TöTOCGTſūm Tromólitorium; Observations on the Aficióñt State of Holderness. - JHull 1821 stoº-erºtonºmist,“Grºßglishīāī’s “Māgāzīā; 2-vols., Newc. 1798-99. — Alston Miscellany, or Gentleman’s Magazine, 2 vols., Alston, 1799-1800. — Sunderland Literary Miscel- :: lany, Sund. 1815. *...* rºse re, ºr twº-yººr.” fºre fºr ºu--> * --~~~3rogromº-Eºchâſſisti㺠(by Sº"G66 wheiðr, "Rectºr of º Houghton-le-Spring), scarce. ... __Newc. 1720 *3164 Ogbóññā (Eliz.) History of Essex, froñ the earliest Pēriod, . }. plates, cloth. ~~~~~ * * "77"3165. Ogden (Jāmes) the Contest, a Poem, Nº. 1776, ºwiison º 6 º (James) Poems, Newc. 1778—in 1 Vol, half calf. y - *ašº-ºxº~~~<$ºğazºśº";ººººº-ºº-ººººººº… º: * , § 3160 Ø": Tſot, The #istory of the famiable"Popish w * i.i. *'st - - *..; - Sºrºº: Tºm (3 gopies. Nowe, 1776 --~~~~3rdfºls (Nºthº) Tifºſisoº;#"*T826 ; * 3. "3T65 ºr The CSISãºf WSSÉ Ālūtrālā, a MāhūāITór Emigrants, . 2 . . 1839. — Wilson (C. H.) Wanderer in America, Northall. : 3 º . 1829. — Salvin (Rev. H.) Journal written on Board the à-----~~ - Cambridge, Newg. 1829. Yº-art ºf. Axtºfa" , " . .” ---- A -ºr ºr ...A-" < *.* ** *** *--AL-- ***.*-* * “”3rdgoláàrius (Ådańy"vöyågågååå"Travels ºf the Ambassadors '. ", 3 º from the Duke of Holstein to the Great Duke of Muscovy , - tº . and King of Persia, translated by John Davies, portraits and –––––. º maps, calf, water-stained. ----- folio, 1669 – --~3Tſotyrºmy (Rºxyiſºmºmºriš3:Sādānījān) * / Key of History, 1661.-Jockey Club, Part I. and II., in 1 -*-*. . t vol., half calf. ‘sºn-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-- ‘. y º 6 *3rn Oldfield's History of the Börðughs of Great Britain, 3 vols., 2. .. & calf. - *ry ….....!79% º º * 3172 Tepresentative History of Great Britain and Ireland, 6 …, vols. 2-ºr-" - ** zºv**:S ~~ Windsor Castle.—Strangers' Guide to Guernsey and Jersey, 1834-and 4.9thgſi. *T.4-ary w,...ºf *AA.: Ş **ścºhºstrº-ºº-º-º-º:RSºtºrºvarrºwwºrs *:: *ś, w M * ſ 2. t; § -º-; r.sº .#9.9%Mºd, J.761 ~ ; :# **** º am, plates, cloth. ; : —Mustapha-The W small ºfolio-46.79-90”**3 ns of Elizabeth and rº * 2 : |-> --, --...'. --- . . . . * -+- * --w k % * &v-x.º.º. # **** ** cº- l * ***** - ... ..., : * ***.*.*.*.* tºº. [ 188 i. 3.192 Ossian's Poems, translated by Macpherson, illustrated and ex- plained by H. Campbell, 2 vols., 1822.-Fingal, translated by Macpherson, 4to, 1762. 3T93rosro and Tyſo; a Pööm, written Hearttabyºin the County of Durham, scarce. 4to, 1755 ...' . 3T34 USWGstry, History of 1815. Tour in Teesdālā, York 1803. 7. t —History of Ripon, 1839.-Guide to Naworth and Laner- --~~ cost, Carlisle 1839. - ---, - moºrº ºn tº Iſeswick º 84-and 4 other. Guides fg. §§ ir--- ' ~ ---grº-tº-ſummy#####!º Töem, 1833. — º k - t a * - 4. . . ** º +--- - wrº- - - 3. - º r W .º :l t: ºw- . / 6 : Ryder (Rev. H. D.) Temple in the Wilderness, 1836. — g Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination, 1754. — Walpole's . Mysterious Mother, Dubl. 1791. – Wortley's Lillia Bianca, ...…~~~184]--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- , , 3.197 Ovid. Caroli Neapolis Anaptyxis ad Fastos P. Ovidii. w 5 § folio, Antwerp 1639 - º tº With the autographs of Henry Widdrington and Rev. Thos. Rudd. ~ *-3rgs-ovia's Metamorphosis, English&rby Görgé Sandys, re?8. — / % Donne (Dr. John) Poems, with Elegies on the Author's - Death, imperfect at end, 1635. — Shirley's Opportunitie, * - w º _____wants title and a leaf, half calf, Small 4to. ~ : º 3T95 Owentry Dr. Dºrºtiya EäröfðTiſsºribthal; or an ; 2. ! 3. Examination of the several Facts deny’d by him in the --~~~~ -- Gentleman's Magazine, half calf. Manch. 1748 + "...”5355°0%ñº (Chºrds the Natiſfar-History-of-ser. —-2- ºmºrºnarvº 4to, 1742 - *...* 3301-0xford.”Oxóññā, Pāſāā; Authoré F. V(affión), Otºh; 1667. - — Notitia Oxoniensis Academiae (Auctore Wm. Fulman), : * +. * - • ‘: - N - . 'a - A - { w - + s º º ; *—1875, in !-Yºkº.49. * 3202 Oxford. Account of the Visit of the Prince Regent, the Em- / ; * peror of Russia, and the King of Prussia to, June, 1814, —---~~~ -- red moroccº, gilt...... imperial 4to, Oaford, 1815 —3– 3203 – Anºther copy.”[5, Tºr. T815 Tº "3704 Oxfºrwärtſiisºpºtates, Nºrtmumpsiana, now the Lands : of his Grace the Duke of Portland, within a manuscript copy ſ • * ſ ; of an early Survey of these Territories extending to the * § : -- Parishes of Rothbury, Hexham, Bothal, Morpeth, &c., 1 ~ * wº Vol. folio, half bound, and lettered. "ş"3305"Oxford University and City Güßle, T827:= Pye's Description & of Birmingham. — Account of Woburn, its Abbey and Wi- º cinity, Woburn, 1818. — The Windsor Guide, 1825. — § Andrew's History of Winterton, Hull, 1836. — Shoberl's .….Summer's Day, at Greenwich, 1840, t tº -- . . . *- 3206 Oxoniana, 4 vols., caſf. • , ... . . " ' ".” ‘’-- - , , , , *...e., “3-;”, a wºº -- . . . . . . " * - “... * *** r *~...~: , , *...* ~ *-* -. x -1 - - - - * wº 3 $ 4. 3- **** S.', * .* † iſ 34. ** 3. * * . * -** Bºº § § ŻºłęSººYºğ. - 㺠yº § ſº :AW)\s ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE, ; MONDAY, October 29th. * : i POGRAPHICAL Tracts, a large Collection, II]. * 3207 _- *** S others—12. others—12. 1807, and others—12. Orders and others—12. -3222*Söpfnoffs —Three ...,\,. . ~~ * * * * * y - * i. } -- 7"- - - - - -. s:- 's, S. º.u.Aw: -- ****-* : * > § - - -t- ºr--! ----- * * * ~ * ~ ** 3224 Local Sermons, some rare, in 4to portfolio, | 190 ACKE (Edm.) Historical Record of the Regi- ment of Horse Guards, or Oxford Blues, 1834. § 2-plates. **** *** **" §3226 Packwood (Geo.) The Goldfinch's Nest, º; or the Way to get Money and be IHappy, § portrail, curiº, half calf. ...--1796 3237 ſaddy's Frogress, or the Rise and Fall of Capt. S****y, by Martin Brown, 1798. — Another copy, half calf, MS. notes, 1808. —The Noble Cuckolds, or the Pleasures of Single Life, and -!º - *. * , : 3. •, 2. 3, ;3 : :* ..f. § * --, ! *:: * * ** § 3225 t / * . ; : * ‘. . à A. - i. 5. .# } •º • * _4 4. -rº #--~~-3 --, .# • * f 2 : : * * § w *> '. ** *; - 2. # s * -: * & *. s: § - ,\ 3 4 - . *. § st .< § V * - 1." § 3. { ; ??, •r. 'f º { * "24 }. § f f: º § *', i. § *: rº- º § § 3. º 't # '; & § .*. 2. ſº # - 6 § -: s: . : 33rºº sº. $';****º-ijº 5555 Fine (Thomas) fights of Man, 1791, rTrärörpäine, 1792 Paine's First Principles of Government, 1795—in 1 vol. — Paine's Rights of Man, Philadelphia 1797. — Light (Col. A. W.) Plan for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Poor, royal 8vo, 1830. — Penley (S.) Observations on the existing Importance of the Art and Study of Oratory, prº- wate print, royal 8vo. — Baker's Reflections upon Learning, 1727. e the Miseries of Matrimgny. Mºlºſ?: 35X5 Tºrºwomºrextºrsás, - Memoirs 3230 Parey (Dry Señomsºn severarsurfects, calf, Tsos. – Ser- mons and Tracts, 1815. — Memoirs of, by G. W. Meadley, +3 i (, ; of, by G. W. Meadley, Sund. 1809. iſ...} f_Sund, 1808. r-ºf-ſºr== Üßtºmºte tºpºrtſChāragrSºfigãºf the Bards of Britain, 1792. — Crowe's Lewesdon Hill, a Poem, Oaford, 1788—in 1 vol., 4to, calf. — Paley's Assize Sermon at Dur- ham, 1795. — Charge at Carlisle, 1790. — Sermon at Cam- bridge...!795:303.9£her. Tragiš, in 1.yola half calf.4to. #~~~...~.9ity.ºndits. Eſpèrgº. * > * : ** *A *.*...r.º.e.-- tº. sy"; ; & º ſ # 3232 Éaimer (Rev. W.) History of the Church, *3233 Palmyra, "The Antiquities of containing + * išić fºrer's Six Books on the Priesthood, calf, 1837. — Hopwood's Sermons, calf, 1844. — King on the Christian Temper, calf, 1812. — McCrie's Life of John Knox, Edinb. 1842. — Gres- … Jºy's Siegº.9flighfield….. ..., the History of the 1696 & galf..., sº-, ************A$ºm *** *****.*, *s-, - '3" we reº-> 2.-- : 3234 Pamphlets (Local) containing Marquis of Worcester's Century of Inventions, by John Buddle, Newc. 1813. — Examina- tion of Thomas Jones, a Bankrupt, Sund, 1816—and several gthens, in lyol. --ºr 3236 Parian Chronicle, or the Chronicle of the Årundelian Marbles, } 1. ſ g555 p.; (John B.) Hints on Örnmental Gardening, coloured plates. - , imperial 8vo, 1823 half calf, 1788. — A concise Introduction to the Know- ledge of the most eminent Painters, calf, 1778. – Westma- cott (C. M.) British Galleries of Painting and Sculpture, 1824. — Catalogue of the Napoleon Medals, 1818. — Mus- grave (Guilh.) Antiquitatum Britanno-Belgicarum, calf, Yolumen quartum, plaſés, 1720, - ... r. • -, - [ 191 3237 Parish (The) Priest, a Poem, plates, 4to, 1800. — The Satires of Persius, translated by T. Brewster, calf, 4to, 1741. — Yearsley (Ann, Milkwoman, of Bristol) Poems, on several Occasions, calf, 4to, 1785. — Mason (James) Cowper's Text, a Poem, royal 8vo, Shrewsbury 1827. by John Bell. folio § # 3238 Pârish Tegisters." Hints for a better Parochial Regiºti㺠à i & arº (ITP). Untiques on Paintings by, with outling * & ~º-->4%.4%-i-º-º-; gºtrºpºrt: § wººllºw; "Tiſsºciº * . (George) Life's Painter of Variegated Characters in Public t 6 and Private Life, portrait, 1789. ; : ... ; * - 324TPāīkū’s (CRTGS) Topography of Fréébridge, in the County " ; 3 f - gºgglk, glºſes. -º-ºxº~~~~kjºr folio, # 762 # b | *3743–ttisºry aſſi Amfiſſilifies ºf Nößigh. ...Tº IT& T - -º 3244 Parkinson's (James) Study of Fossil Organic Remains, scarce." !---- 1822 : r" ºr *-* w ~55TT. S.T.Y.T. Frºg. digested in a Method that teacheth to break all Holds and throw most Falls mathematically, very rare, MS. title, ouri- | 4f.9-Agüğlaw.l727. -Wrestler, 4. 3246 Parliamentary Reform, A Collection of Pamphlets relative to, al--— 2. thick vols., half calf, uncut. $ ‘; & * a247 Parry (Rev. J. D.) Tustrations. Historical and Topographical, of Bedfordshire, plates, some additional. 4to, 1827 *322(3- # 2, . . . . . . * * ~~~ 34. - …t...lºw": * v- ~~ rºws •.--...--, ----~ * : *-s ºw... ººr, ºvºi'agº Añótfiéfºſſy, Tājājjīāśāſāţáš. ióyāI 4to, T827. t 3. 3:15 PārsīāńTWTTC's History. Tºry, and GäßFöf North: Tºº limberland and Durham, 2 vols., 1827 – History, Direc: ; #3 : tory, and Gazetteer of Cumberland and Westmorland, calf, ; ; ; 1829. - :-}. . . 3250 — History, Directory, and Gazetteer of Durham and North- : "Fº umberland, 2 vols. (2 copies), 1828. — Baines (Edw.) His- {Z ; tory, Directory, and Gazetteer of the County of Lancaster, 3 ; ; 2 vols., calf, Liverpool 1824, ; : : ~325t-partington's History-and-views of Tºmºnºvoſsºm Tºyº- 3, . ... . . plates, half morocco. ------, wºre 1885 i i". 3352 Pătășă (Walteº) regend of Tóñā, with ºthéFFSEms, Eº 1814. — Rolls (Mrs. H.) Legends of the North, or the 2 : Feudal Christmas5 a. Poem: 1825. --~~~~~fºre. A 3 ~~~~~ º -i. 3253 Patriot, or Political, Moral, and Philosophical Repository, 3 ; ; ; vols., hf. calf, 1792-3.-Swift (Dean) Miscellanies in Prose #2 and Verse, 1713. — Swift's The Drapier Letters to the People of Ireland, galf, 1789.--...------------- t ‘. + 3 ~! 3. * > . 3254 Pätröß Ecclesiarum, or a List of the Patrons of the Dignities, Rectories, Vicarages, &c., of the United Church of England and Ireland, roy. 8vo, 1831.—Walters (W. C.) Notes, His- torical and Legal on the Endowments of the Church of Eng- land, cloth, 1833.-Marshall (J.) Account of the Population $3 iſ rv wº f ; : : * *. |º M. : *- -º- -**&* * * .*...*“. ." | 192 || in the Principal Towns and Parishes of England and Wales, 4to, 1831. — Population Returns for 1831, plans, cloth, - royal 8V2, 1832, - - - - - * - - *------------ - - - - - - - - - - -------- - - - . . . ~ ** ---------------- - - - - -----. . . . . . . -- ** i. - º $ º 3. $: #5355 F. (Ír. john) observations on the Medicinal Properties f of the Sulphur Spring at Dinsdale, plate and cuttings in- sºrted, half bgund. Newc. 1829 ~ - g3.; £3256 feacock (Rev.T.) Practical Measurer, several autograph let- . . ters inserted, Wewe. 1803. — Wetherald's Perpetual Calcu- lator, Wewo. 1760. — Bailey on the Construction of the * Plough, MS. note and autograph inserted, Newc. 1795. — 3, . Syllabuses of Lectures on Philosophy, delivered in New- castle. 3-ºxºrpºrtmºrrºmºtitrarchivº gº. º Perth, 1849 - i. 4; 2. 3, . $ ×4 tº § 2 : : * . § * #: #, & $t Z: %. : * : # *): $; * * .# s # : - it. - * : - * 2 3 - sº pººr. Tº Trºyº Tºof"CŞūrīāna-Chancery. * . - 1848 359 Bearson's Expºsitiºn of thétföör, Siſted by Dobson, 1842 . – 2 : º $3260 Pearson (Geo.) Evenings by Edéïsſé, Tºñitat, 1882. — Cun- º / ; # ningham (John) Poetical Works, 1797. — Frost's The ; à Harper, and other Poems, 1806. — Layton's Castle-Bar- % Å mard, a Poem. Báthárd Castlé, 1823. 3261 Peele (George) Merrie Conceited jests (2 copies). Ato, Reprint 3263 Peele (Edw) Phantom City, mitºgraphºnserted, Nowo. 1881. * — Odd Fellows’, Songs, Ibid. 1825—and 3 others. *3263 TâéFăgă of Engläiſä, 4 Väſsjöälf. T7T4:--Laws of Honour, †3254 PGGrägåröFAïčičfit ºr PFCŞāt Sīāfāºrth& Nobility of 3- . England, Scotland, and Ireland, 3 vols, plates of arms, calf. - 1785 T3265 Peerage Cases. Proceedings befºre the Committee of Privi. leges, relative to the Barony of Marmyon. — Earldom of : / #3 1726. . . . # / #4 . .3°, § Annandale. — Barony of Berners—and the Barony of Ca- moys, folio, V.Y. :3266, Peggé (Samuel). Anecdotes of the English Language. 1814 *** # 3268 – Journey from Chester to London, best edition, plates, "... 3267 Pémant's (Thès) jöäffley'fröm Tondón to the Tsis of Wight, 2 vols., large paper. royal 4to, 1801 calf 1811 -HT ; 3269 Iſistöry of the parishes ºf whitefărătănă"Holywell, ... º. i. i. plates, half calf. 4to 1796 # / d 3270 — Tour from Downing tº Aſstää Möðr, plates, halfrussia. +----~~~~ - - 1801 *r . .# tº jºſſ-HAnºtherºy, platégºl "föyāl 4to, 1801 .# ºr ; 32.72.--Another copy, half morocco. imp. 4to, 1801 .J. - r { º-º-º-º:#sº l - -- . i 33273-Tourin Scºtland, plates. . . . 1769 $ 3274 London, numerous plates, galf. T 4to, 1790 43275 – Another copy, plates. T … ººr, ºr...º.ºr.i..' ...------- 1813 3.276 ºilfiſſilifies ºf Iðīdānjīlāţă. 1814 $3277 — London, Views and Portraits to flustrate, half calf. ! 4to, 1815 [ 193 ) 3278 Pennant (Thos.) Genera of Birds, plates, calf, 4to, 1781. – Synopsis of Quadrupeds, gaif, 1771. * * 3. 3 º §. * f 3279 — British Zoology, plates, calf, Chester 1776. Synopsis of . Quadºpºds, glºº, calf-lººd. 1771. ‘. :******.gººgºuº ºr *7; * - as fºrt Spºtº,” “*.*.*.*.*.*:ºxy-tº- rººvereº *3380° &liſt of the Patagonians, Dºñº, Aſſº, ºr 1788. — Stockdale's Poetical Thoughts, Durham. — and other Tracts, in 1 vol. calf—Autograph of Wm. Hutchinson. - 4to TEST=The InteraryTºº, by hingſ, ºrºž and plate. *** **-* . & al-º-º: *** --- ; : **, r*-* ~~~~~~~. “ . . . . *-* * * **** ..............49, 179 3,...}. … 8282"Peññéâûk (ATex.) History of the Blue Blanket, Émi. ii.56." * ***.*.* F. j Y. $. § =Another gopy.º. 1832. *~ - ** *-* * "3335. Fºliº of the Cape of Good Hope, fºr calf. 4to, 1804 355TF cry (B.) Reliques of Ancient English Föðry. 3%ig. Gaſſ,” º * .. > tºs ſ º i ; | * ** º -w-- -* *.- Ary º2.- -- -- ** i •: .* j ºi º| —# —ºil-4- ~3285 ± Letters to George Paton. … Bºnº. 1830 ; A § 3286 Tänsſºn of the sºng of Sóſóñón, with sºmâéâtary rººf. 7. º and notes, calf. 1764 * { *r- Carols. – Gifford’s Dialogue concerning Witches and Witchcrafts. – Hutton's Follie's Anatomie. — Jack of Dover. — Ancient Poetical Tracts of the 16th Century. — Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of i England. ºrrºsºpiſtmantºng-stormer-growtronºvº zº, . : grey-travº! scº, as * R. sºft." gaffs *-* * r * 1805. * gº. 323s- - - * * t Brothers, Robert and Daniel Perreau, and Mrs. Rudd. — 1)aniel Perreau's Narrative of his unhappy Case. — Facts, or a plain and explicit Narrative of the Case of Mrs. Rudd. — Observations on the Trial of Mr. Robert Perreau. — Letter to the Earl of Suffolk, half russia, portraits, MS. j * --> notes and cuttings inserted. 1755 3291 Parrin (Jºy MamamºtºrTranſfºrstambºrºugh-affir" Rockley, their Historical Associations, &c. 1853.−Account of Kirkstall Abbey, plates, 1827. 3:52 Pºtcapt. Johnſºmt-of-the-stopping of Daggenham-jº- Breach, plan, 1721. — Smyth (Capt. W. H.) Nautical Ob- servations on the Port and Maritime Vicinity of Cardiff, Cardiff 1840. — History and Antiquities of Rochester, & "Txº~ * plates, calf. - JRochest. 1772 263 Foºtiºn's (ETory Cºmăţ in spam. Remarksön Dr. Friend’s Account of 1708. — Murray (Hon. Alex.) The Case of, in an Appeal to the People of Great Britain, 1751. : Will.9f Sir Hº Sigguº half calf, 1753, - T fºx. ..º.º. sº ºº:: amºzzº-ºº: Kººi :eºrºk fººt '{***-* zes: > -º-; ;x* *, * : *- : * ~ * Fºº-º-º-º: - 355; fºſſing frºſółºńsgeräßpößTascia, iió3. tº Win." dication of the Apamean Medal, plate, 1775. — Koehlor, Description d'un Vase de Sardonyx Antique, plate, 1800– .º f ! § ! § 3 # * } f * * { * : ** ~ * * y- rº 3.;º / ~.. '- zº * rºy - • *** * : *} x-g"A" *:: * * s: is r ** * { h 2. :- *::::::Hºrs; Aimé-Bāfēnēs; rºtarotºfºrºſiiſter; ºnairear trººm. y † i §ºrd #: 8, ŽSø ~. *Gönüthéºrèmºirs of the two tinfortunate-º-º-º-º-º-º- “rºsº.º.º. Sºº's <- s i. ; º: § . 3. "r t t : º { * § .. # i ** p * * * sº. : *.*.* : | *. §—& in 1 vol., 4to, ~~~~2-4 * * - - - - - - - , ~~~~~~ *-- --- * . - 3. % rr, y.º. ººzcº.-2,-- ~ 2. i., 4:... (tº . . . .3 3. * d ~}. * º | --- 4. º iº [ 194 ;~s3. i 1. * , }: *g / 'ſ * 3. * \'s **ºjiFi. -> ----- * * *śSīāśāftāśs, 3%is, halfälf, 1808. - Phili- 3295 Pettingall (John) Enquiry into the Use and Practice of Juries gººgºº,938gººd-lºgºans, bºards, 44%. , 1769 dor. Analyse du Jeu des Echecs, Paris 1803. — Les Echecs, Poeme, par l'Abbé Roman, Ibid. 1807. | J tº: : § Sº, } º º e. 3 * ** *::: g : 4 #º: rººm“Pººvºº 4- $ 1827, and other Pamphlets chiefly relating to the Catholic Question, in 1 vol. half calf—Phillpotts’ Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter on the State of the Church, 1851 — and other Pamphlets relative to it, in 1 *cºal-half-calf.”-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3300 Letter to the Freeholders of Durham on the County Meeting, October 21, 1819, and other Pamphlets relative to it, in 1 vol. — Bishop Toby's Pilgrimage, or the Method of procuring a Mitre, Newc. 1832. — Letter to Canning sºligºlk-lºgºſ..…- #f773, mºps º 3 º TºgrPhilipoftTºgy vimārātāmūsīā, ºf Kent surveyed and & ; Illustrated, plates, calf... . . . . . folio, Lynn 1776 ------~~~329s pmmis (Gºwry Histºryāna Antiquities of the Parish of Ber- iſ . . . . ~~~~jºidºſ, ºr 1841 -tº- ; 3299 Philhºs (DETEEGFR, Cºmgöning Catholic Relief BIII, -- s - 3 t *3r s and - plates, Jhalf gºlf. 4s.----, -º-º-º-º-º-rrºl-ºr-Yº….". --> -º- + ºx" ºf R: '': cº-º-º-º-º: * * 4to, 1774 = 2....….880?--Anothe - 4to, 1774 ** º - -ºw * g ...t * .* ‘. $: * 4. ': -** 3. *- F-R-rr wº - Nexst §ºtº ; 3304 Fidgeon (Henry) $ - - - * -->< ~~~ * Js - ** r - * * is : l: *...* --~~~~ *******Wiz saxº~& - : 3. - V. r * - Y. *** -- a-- rººts- * * ***** 3303 Phipps (E.T.A.)"Memórials of Clutha, of PénéIIIñgs on the Clyde, plates, 1841.-Irving (Washington) Abbotsford and k ***ść;;..., gº emorials of shrewsbury.``shº. 1837 †-3305-Piercy (T-sty. Histºry of Retfºrd, 1825:Dean's Account ºf * * * -- #} * #3 * s & $ +++---sirii; / § 6 º Croome D'Abitot, 1824. — Davidson's Axminster Church, ~s º 1885-and 8 others.------ Prº––a–4–2 r * !-- ; , ; ... 3305 Pierson (Thomas) Miscellanies on various Subjects, Stockton ; 4 : l . 1786. — Stockton Monthly Magazine, 1818. — Stockton ; : ; ; Bee, or Monthly Miscellany, Stockton 1794. — Waddell i––.…º.º.ºtºlºgiº Wołºś99,------ t?, 32, 3 8307 Pigott (Grenville) Memoir of Scandinavian Mythology. *...*****3308 Pilgrimages to St. Mary of Walsifigham and St. Thóñās of tº . º Canterbury, by Erasmus, translated, with notes, by J. G. ...:* 2 jº TNichols. 1849 º: ~3- ******śrºfºrº. ººº-ºº-ºººººººººº...s.º.º.º.º.º. 2.- …~- r → . $2 A. ** 330g # &f Dürhāāy works of cloth.” Cºmb:1842 M.)"Généraſ Diétiéñāry of Pāīāfēfs, large paper, 2 Vols-s. 4to, 1824 X, ſ *. #3 4+ Ž, -* ...? ! Y." .* stºrekrºss-ser:2x3: ... ... • 4- º *: y • . d * & º • , f }: .. & jº 3. ; 6-2. $4. sº - .*.* § sº º v-i. #3 3. ***.*.*.*.*.*.*.*&#--wºº. # tº ; & 33: ........","... "...: {Q} *::::: *.*.*.*.*.*.*... sºvº. 9 ºf ..…..: 22-sºº -º- i.e. s..… • , .º. 3311 Pindar (Peter) Commisserating Epistle to Lord Lonsdale, cut- tings inserted, 4to, 1802. — Pinkerton (Mr.) Rimes by, ...half.gºlf. 1783. ºr’sº s - *--- -* *.*.* * * Pine (John) Procession and Ceremonies at the installation of the Knights Companions of the Bath, in English and French, $44.4% ºf. large folio, 1780 i tr 3. & A - * * - º:- ************śvº.º.gººgº.sºsyº . , *- : * > . ºt-' -- ~ : § º f 6 # 35iš"Pinké:ton (jäßssºſéâârşºváis.” T808 *** .*.*.* rº ~ :-. w -revºr--> in ºr * -----r ****, + --~~~~ * ~~~~~~ *-* - a-- - a-a- - - - - -- 1830 3316 — History of Scotland, from the Accession of the House of Stuart to that of Mary, 2 vols., half calf. 4to, 1797 : Fºliºsº, * *-rºº R.F.L. - Ta-rºw J - * ~ *-* * * * * ºn-r-r-r-7x-wº-w-r • *---. Fr. 3 Pipe-Roils; or Sheriff’s Annual Accounts of the Revenues of the Crown for the Counties of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Durham, during the Reigns of Henry II., Richard I., ~...~AP. *~~~ and John ... - 1 O.A. ºf 33T8: ~T78i---- * - Mº" -- 4 ; : , º, * F. 2 *- : * * * * * * 3319 Plain Truth, a Poem, addressed to the pretended Northum. … berland Patriots............... - 3320 Plaint of Freedom, private print. smaï 4to, Ibid. 1852 .* T832T Plattes (Gabriel) İiscovery of Subterráñéân Tréâşārē; of all manner of Mines and Minerals, from the Gold to the Coal, (3322 Plato Redivivus, or a Dialogue concerning Government, calf, 1681. — Marshal (Rev. E.) History of the Union of Scot- land and England, Edinb. 1799. —Baker's Reflections upon Learning, 1727. — Montagu (Mrs. Eliz.) Essay on the .9emius and Writings ºf Shakespeare.º.º. *** **-tº-sº ...~~~~~ *:<\s'Fly!’-->+ º-º-º-ºs-y-...----, t'u~ r. . . . ...º.º. Kºº &2-3-4*---e.… .#ve+. tº: '…}. :-} § sº * :-ºwſºiºsº Kºš ***** & 15a tº . . . . ~~ *º 3333 Plays.” Marston's Pīāygāārpääs, ºffºrê90: Räſä”; Royster Doyster, 1821. – Hutchinson's Princess of Zanfara, ~sºdºdramafiºpigºś in Portfoliº… 5557-pºwºś --~taining the Baronetage of England, plates. . . 3825 — British Baronetage, 4 vols., plates. 4to, 1821 3326 - Pölitičāī Pöftfäi ##############~~~ * * *-- • - - - • * * * * • * ...-- . . . . " ". º §§§º. 8328 Plot (Robt.) Natural History *s.48.2% ºf....…~~~~~~~~~~ 3335 B # (Rev. M.) Clergyman's Assistant in Visiting the Sick, 1846. — Robertson (J. C.) How shall we conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England 1843.-Sellon (M.A.) Individuality; or the Causes of Reciprocal Misapprehension, 1814. — Watson (Rev. Thos.) Sermons on various Practical Subjects, 1826. ... " ' ". . . . ." ... • ***, xx + . ~~~, ºssºs.”.” º of oxfordshire, best edition, plan * *-al. . º. * ... ºxº. º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º.º. cº º-ºº-ººººººººº...”*** * 3380 Pºpää, Płyńöuth, & Viêwº of Plimoiºh’ſéïø. - Wakefield (Priscilla) Perambulations of London, plates, 1814. —Warwick (The) Guide, plates, Warwick,--Stockdale (F. W. L.) Sketch of Hastings, Winchelsea, and Rye, plates, 1817. — Sketch of a Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire, 1778 ... 333T Pöökättfäräld;" %$, º- pla#º asºn-ºº-ºº!” 7 .” 3333 Pocock (W. F.) Modern Furnishings for Rooms, a series of gºš..…sºsºsºrºº>4:4f0s::$8klsº ... sº "...sº: J)és; 3333 Pocock ' ' ,-, *-*.*.*.*&#ſº (R) Memorials of the Family of Tufton, Earls of wº, w wºrs” r → ... ...Ibid, 1748 . * : ***…*., º, tºº :- -, # 4to, 1811 # * …?. ''': **.*.*.*. ...: *s …s.º.º.º.º…18 3. “: , -º- " " + : ) - e I. : Papis lººk? - • - w - . .” - , - ... 4, --' .43 - is…cºsº..., xx,-,-3-wrºsºkºrº” º ºx * * * * ºf a complèté View of the Peerage, 2 vols., &-- ~ ----- *ś.º.º.º.º. 5 'º'; ' '... : " - Nº. Family Antiquity, VoI. I. to IV., con- ; : *rīg-tº- g t 5 ** * 2.Élig, 1793. *::::::::::::::: l § ſ tº - *Y. esdad.1800-sº : ... -----, -º-r insºs, ...; k *S*:::::::::::::: -, -, jºy . * - H -- -. *./- •. *- + -- - : 9i *§ -->: *.. :r C | i : 3 * i ... ** i [ 196 || ... 3334 Poems. The Hermit of Warkworth, fourth edition, 1775. — 3 •. ... Cartwright's Armine and Elvira, 1772, and other Poems— * . . in 1 vol., 4to. - ſº ~5535 Pöðīāsāīyārious Occasions (by John Coſſins)(206pies), small é º 4to, Darlington. — Richardson (J., of Yarm) Poems on 3. .. * . Various Subjects, chiefly Pastoral, small 4to, 1779. * -s. . . . . . .' ' → ; 3336-poems: Two BRSKºń"TIEaſts, rs23:Matſia's Monody on the Death of Byron, 1824. — Thompson's Coral Wreath, Newc. 1821. — Maude's Willage (Ovingham) Grammar School, 1824. — Goodchild's Hoel, 1835, half calf. 3337 poems, byārājñātār"rººijëiarswó, 1818 333s. poetic Essays, GTNātūrā; Mañ, and Möräſs. "Essay Tºto Dr. - Askew, Newcastle, scarce. 4to, Newc. 1750 3339 PoeticăTRECTCáfióñs, Gönsisting ºf 6Figſfiáſ. Pöðīās; Songs, --~~~~ .........Qdes, &c. ~~~~ *_*-** - " - ". - 1688 ‘. º, 3340 Poetical Museum, containing Songs and Poems on almost every s # (/ . " . Subject, scarce, Hawick 1784. — Scott (Thomas) Poems, • () calf, Paisley 1793. – Wilkinson (Isaac) Poetical Works, . . . . Cookermouth 1824. — Service's Metrical Legends of North- . s umberland, Alnw. 1834. - º ºr 3341 Poétiy of the Anti-Jacobiń... ". ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1799 -it-3342-e="Another copy, new edition, with notes. 1852 3 § f ;& * ºw’sº& :º--- - - tº. ºf 2. t ** ^g. § 3 . *3343 Pāītāf (Jöhn) Britanniä Römāīā; of Röman Antiquities IIl 4. . . $. * : - º e ~ : º - Britain, map, half calf. 1724 ..& :.º % } †2-3344 Političarštěřáñént; of Truths told to some Túñe, a Collec- ; é tion of Ballads, &c. --~~~~ 1714 : g-~3345"Pöſtröärpääphiêts, ATârgé'CôIIection of pāblished at the *S* $2, . time of the Trial of Queen Caroline, by Hone, Fairbairn, & : … and others, 7.Yols., guts by Cruikshank, &c., half calf. . - % † 3346 Pollard (Robt.) Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. I. */ - º (all published), fine plates, half russia. 4to, 1793 w- - : POLL BOOKS AND ELECTION PROCEEDINGS. . NEWCASTLE. - - **NOIL BOOKS for 1741, 1774, 1777, 1780, 1820, 1832, § - 1835, 1836, 5 vols. half bound and 1 cloth. a lº'3348 for 1741 (2 copies), 1774, 1777 (in 1 vol., - with Whitehead’s Explanation of the Arms of the Companies), 1774 (2 editions), 1820 (2 copies), 1832, 1836 *~~~ (2 copies). - ~~~~~~ T3349 Election Proceedings, containing Addresses, Squibs, speeches, - &c. for 1777 (with Poll Book), 1784, 1807, 1812, 1818, gollegted by Wm. Garret, 5 vols. Tāā50 Foiſ Book, iii.4 (3 editions). --The cºntest, 1774. — The f ;: Freemen's Magazine, Newc. 1774—in 1 vol. — Poll Books, | / y ; Newcastle (2 editions) and Northumberland, 1774, in 1 vol. – Election Papers, Newcastle, 1818. — Election Papers, Newcastle, 1774, 1777, 1780, unbound. - *.* ~...~" -4 ,-> . . . . ..-- i# [ 197 | 3351 Addresses, Proceedings, &c. at the Elections for Newcastle, from 1796 to 1820, collected by Thomas Bell, in 1 vol., half russia, fine set. - 4to 3352. Addressé, SãIES, KariñTTTTTTSU, and T784-in-i-vol.4 t ſ | }. ſ: - y ºss-rººrsiºrº isºmºriº *k 1826, 3 vols. ºxcar as-> 2. 2...art--> << *z 4to. | t 3354 =TST2, T818, and 1826, and Foſſ Book for 1820, on co-" # ; -- + º-g 3355 - three different coloured Papers.—Poll Book for 1777, large paper, and 1780, large paper, on one side only, with M.S. additions, used as a Canyas Book in 1784,.4.Yols., 4to. 3356 Freemen’s Mā and Northumberland, in 1774, in 1 vol. — Election Pam- phlets, 1826, half calf.—Poll Books, various, between 1741 and 1807, some duplicates. - “3357 Papers, spéchés, &c. in 1830, 66lléétéd by James Charlton,” ... ſoured paper, 4 Yols. __4to. 1818, 1820, and 1826, 1 vol.2: PôIT Böök för fö20, Öſº ºzºº.º.º.º.º.º. f .ºrº , gazine, Wºo. 1774: Föſſ #jś thick volume, half calf. 4to : , - NoFTHUMBERLAND. . . ; ; 3358 POLL BOOKS, 1722, imperfect, 1748 (2 editions), 1774. — ; Collection of Papers, 1774 and Poll Book.-Addresses, &c., ~~~~.1897, 1812, 1820, and 1830–2. Yols. 8vo, and #yols, 4to..… . …” - *: *.*.*.*. e;4. se--.'ºr.º. . . .';. v... . . . .si.e. - ...Y.ºr:--ºr, ‘’’’: " Yºº - " ..., 3359 — 1748, 2 editions, with long MS. notes by Mr. Bell, 2 vols. 1748, 1774, Collection of Papers, 1774.—Index to Horsley's Map-1. Vol. - - • ‘īāš, interleaved, calf–Another copy.-Poli Book, 1774, (2 editions). - - r. x *, "T3360 “336T-Papers, speeches, &c.; 1807, 1812, 1818, T820, 5 vols., Col. ... legted by Wm. Garret. *śāºpoff # and Poll Book, 1774. — Poll Books, 1832 (South), 1841. (North), 1847 (North), 1852 (North and South). *1747-8, 1774, T826, 2 völs. Alnwichig26.-Papersº y- ‘5... ... . # 3: . . As ºf ~5-; ºs- º • * * º * & ***, tº *… ... • * * * * ** - 2 : ºf - *::::::::: *.' -- . . . . . . . . . . . / ; ; ~3563–1747-8, 773, FºrSºrrections Fººts, 1836.” Poems, Songs, &c., 1826. 3564 = ſāīāºſſ. Fºr isjö ºrigiSºnºmy isjö (3 copies). — 1832 (South). — 1847 (North). • - . 2-- x: ºve-º-º-º-ºr-r 3555-ºrsº (sumºtºrºthyrº- 1847 (North). 1852 (North and South). - . d--- * * ** ... .". .*.* - * -->ſºr: -- *.* -• rºx. Y3566 Election” Papés, Hafidbits, Adārēssés, Söngs, &c., Newcastle” and Northumberland, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1836, 2 thick vols. cy..….: 'crº-º-º- 1826, 2.Yglä, , kºszºłº, º;...&-ºrsºs--as--~~…~~iº-xx-aa->“”ºr “ºfº” 3368 Northumberland Election, A.D. 1226, in 4 cantos, Wo. Shields .A.A. 3" 1826. — History of an Election, date unknown, Gateshead 1. Q O & # ~ - - - - - - *. ** - - ---sº sº.º-º-º-º: ºº " ..." ~~~~< x -a < *. 2 -e-...-- ***.*.* wº-sºw-tºº-trºs-Sºrºtº: £ººrºº: 4tg.º. sºº; 3% 3367 COITéction of Addresses, Squibs, Songs, &c., Northumberland, - ::: ~~~~, 4to.… º : .. A. Vº Ve 4 * t º, t ;-}i&º.. $:--t& .** I tº | DURHAM County. - 3369 POLL BOOKS, 1761, 1790, 1820. — 1833 (North and Sºuth)-1887.Qgth): 184!...Sººº....…49– rºrtraffºrtſgyőröß):i533 (Nºrth and —- sºrores - 6 South). - 1837 (North), 4to i T-55ii: ſă0, fišāºri). - 1337 (North). — The * . . . Electors' Scrap Book, 1832. — Poll Book, City, 1837—in 4to $ i 1 Vol.; half calf. . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~º- : ărăşes, pºems, songs,”&c., CŞüty aid “City, rs62: ; Papers relative to the County and City, 1801–2 (2 copies). i. — Addresses to Mr. Burdon, 1802 (2 copies, 1 with Poll Book). --T-I-3575-rººm; sºngs, &c., County and City, ISO3 (2 . 4. º (# f copies.) — Another copy, with Poll Book for the City, 1802, —i.--—ºia Sºlºmºnº-Ciº-lº- . . . ; 3374 Collection of Addresses, Speeches, Papers, &c., in 1820, 1 vol., / / " "if...if r 4to * * , ...w. • -- : *.*.* ºrtºsº - JJ#####"effº” “sº- -- . 2 // ; 3375 POLL BOOKS, 1761, 1774, 1800, 1802, 1818, 1830, 1831, s i 1832. — Addresses, Papers, &c., 1813, 4to. ºr 3376 = 1761, 1774, 1800, 1802, 1818, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1837, # 1843, April and July.—Addresses, Papers, &c., 1818, 4to. |f 3877 Electors' Scrap Book, 3 Parts, 1832–Addresses, Papers, &c., ; : 1813-Poll Book 1761, and others, 4to...... # 3378 CGITS&tion of Păpârş, Speeches, &c., "1866, 1813, 1818, 1820, -> --~~~.48% gºllected by Wm. Garret: 5 Yºls... - ... ; ºrxi;ºn 1 völ:, half calf. —Addresses, &c., 1830, with Poll Book, half calf, 4to, ºf 3350 Yoursmº. Poli Books, 1741 (3 copies), fö07–Hull, 1802. # 3381 CARETSI.E.-Proceedings, Addresses; &c.; 1816-(2-copies): - & Another copy, with cuttings, hand bills, &c. — Papers, - Squibs, Songs, &c. on the Mushroom Contest, 1765 (2 } copies), Letters, Songs, &c., 1818. — Political History of —-i-º-º-------~~~~. *$552. History ºf the wºrsteråårºmage: Elections, 1806, - ſ # plate by Gillray, half calf. — Poll Book for Westminster, / ſ 1818. — Poll Book for Kent (East), 1837. — Poll Book for ~ : ** , , * , , Westmorland, 1820 and 1826.-Poll, Sunderland, 1841.— ; South Shields Electors' Scrap Book, 1838 (2 copies). 33ss A Collection of the Caricatures, published during the Memor. able Contest for Northumberland, June and July, 1826, - dupligăteş.9f 5999. --~~~~~~~ * ,-, * * * * ***** ºmºmºmºmºyam * -§;i: - - -- - * , ſis-- [ 199 | 3884 Pope (Alex.) Essay on Man, with notes by Warburton, half; calf, 1745. — Poetical Miscellanies, edited by Mr. Steele, . 1714. — Powell (Thomas) Edgar and Elfrida, calf. — i. —Aiglºylox) Poemson several Subjects, Edinb. 1766. -$885. Pony's Elements of Heraldry, plates. ...1761. ...R. Anºther 99py, plaſts......…...... 1771; ; "3387 Porteous (Captain.jºriaſ "of 5& the High Criminar Güß" i t / **** sºrs , ſ * - in Sºgtland, half galf...long MS.40te...…. ~ Mawei "5555 p.º. iii.;; #: with Medallion #: # rations of their best Works, 25 beautiful portraits engraved; ~% ºr ---- … - 4to, 1825i. *3389 porträfs. A Collection of upwards of 360 fortraits, many ºf; :- — them. Local mounted in a thigh #9.yola half bound..….f. T3390 Pöte's History and Antiquities of Windsor, pimes, rare. § *…*&aºs. Sºº?” ºs--------, *.**i. *839t"Potter (T.R.) History and Antiquities of Charnwood forest,”; ‘plates. - - 4to, 1842: -3892-Pouſsofi (Göö.) History and Antiquities of Hölderness, Parts: “ I, II, and III., plates, 4to, 1840-41. --Elizabeth (Queen); ~Pºol. W. Pºtºº lººk.--~~~~…~~i 3333 fratſ º: †ngland, Wales, Holland, and West-: T. —---.phalia, 3 yols, calf… ºpºss-ºr-assº~~, * -- . . . . * -, *. 1797. § . º 3894 Preston (History of), together with the Guild Merchant, and, Some Account of the Duchy and County of Lancaster, plates, ; 4to, 1822. — Preston, The Charters granted to the Burgesses; tk, of, with Translations by Dr. Lingard, Preston. 1821.… ---- is ... --- * | ; ºš * &- -~3*.. :º. $i.;s. -º- **:º * * §:3°º *…} <-3:r “ gº : J -- ºr-re. & *:: * *. | º * ºn 4 Ary .* ; ,- *.* .* .-- i -* : 8895 Pretyman's §nº-i-, * 3396 Priče (John) Historical Account of the City of Hereford, plates. Tº jºi - - - __. Hereford 1796. §I= Anºther copy, plates. Ibid. 1796; ; 3398 Price (John)." Account of Leominster and its Vicinity, plates. . --- ***…~~~~~~~~~}*-d-: 3899 Priºkett (Rev. M.) History and Description of the Priory; Church of Bridlington, plates, half galf. Camb. 1831; $º Uğ Nº. s".-- -sº :*. /& - s:- ; | --* r ***. .--/ Kº:&3.». s{ºs~! w *}* § * * - -k º º: x- e- - - inefºyºtºjºſº, half;" calf royal 8vo, Ibid. 1831; g - - . * '...? ... ºr . . , ; * > . . ... re-. "... •º.", tº: ' ' ---º'' -e, - ...º.º. * * * * * , 's- “ . . . . - tº sº...sºul...º.esºsº.º.º.º.º.º.º.Sºººººw'-ſºº's ºtº Kºxº~sº-ºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: *** * : * > sº h * *č6 㺠Żºłºś.” 37% **** - - à çº, #! . ... ººº-º- 3402 Pºlice (r. H.; Böökseið Íife, Pédestrian Excursions, and 3 … — Singular,9pinions:gſ, poºr&--------~~~~…~1806 ºi:. . . 3403 Pringle (Rev. J.)"Sketch of the Congregation in Clavering ; : 3 º - ...< * x*xº~. - " -: ***... * *-- Place, Cutt ings & inserted, scarce, - …Aºkö26 3- sº 2.2 s = {s-..... - . 3404.printing. Histºry of the Origin and Progress of calf ſió: " : a "3405 Prisons. Account of the State ºf the Făgăş iſ the Northériº ºf Circuit, taken from the Work of John Howard, Esq., half: ~~~~ *~~~~~~~~~~~~47°3-1 - I - ~3406 Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII, edited by Sir N. H.; ; ; - Nicolas, 1827. — Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of ; York, and Wardrobe Accounts of Edward IV., edited by : Sir N. H. Nicolas, 1830. — Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, edited by F. Madden, 1831. *::...y-tº-ºxºSºx.’ zºº.ºrg.º.º.d .."---' ºx axrs: "..., 2, …: . . . . . . . . . † Y. K. i (? .. §§ Af / • *...*.; - 2. ; . [ 200 3. mºwn vº- wvºr ºx - - Aºûg. 1 780. . 3TUSTPFSECŞtant Bishopric in Jerusalem, its Origin and Progress, i 3. : 3407 Protestant Packet, or British Monitor, 2 vols. in 1, half calf. { º 1847. — Ruchat (Abrah.) History of the Reformation in º Switzerland, abridged from the French, by the Rev. J. : - * --- - Qollinson. * -- *** ---> ------ * - §§ºtºtºkº - - wº- tº 1845 – 849. Prºteus Redivīvus or the Art of Wheeding.....1675 –– rºm-º: 34TOTProvincial Dialects, Tracts on, viz.:-The #owdy and Up- getting, on coloured paper, with 2 portraits of Bewick and facsimile letter, 1850. — Glossary of Dorset Words, 1851. — Glossary of Berkshire Words, 1852. — Glossary of Cum- berland Words, 1851. — Glossary of Gloucestershire Words, 1851. – Glossary of Essex Words—in 1 vol., with MS. ad- ditions. . . tºtarº .4to. #. º (Madame) Residence in Algeria. Pickering 1852 4 salms, Several Select Fortions of froñTātārāmā Bāāy, Weiſſ." 1778. — Psalms of David, metrically paraphrased, Alnw. 1844. - t 3TT3TPSālīāes of David in Meetre, with divers Notes and Túñés àug." re-ºkºłºś...…....” *Pgarººſtrºkºfited Naßf Fóñ5%); Mémoirs i----9ſ, 4.9% halfgalf-...…. … 1764. # 34.15 Puckle's Club, beautifully printed and illustrated, large paper, '#. *Y*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*: * - imperial 8vo, 1817 Štěčířºftºng, "Söngs, Bjöääsides &c., * relative # in Newcastle, $9. *******-* ----,-,-, -, - . , -, -- t-ºrrrruginºx wºxpºſºgyrºfºrºfoſſian Archi. g ; § b- -- szº| grººm-xt &ºr ºr- - --:- --- -- .. g º** Ap £güirgin England, 24%. 4to, 1843 3418 Pulman (G. F.T.) Rºsičsketches, being Rhymes on Ang- ling, &c., in the Dialect of the West of England. ... 1853 …----ºr ºxº-as-sº rerº exº~~~~ §§º -: \ngthſ. ...gopyx lºgé.4% 2% ºxy-4, **!“....? is:...?. 4to, 1853 # of Literature, a Satirical Poem, by Mathias, calf, 1798. — Translation of the Passages from the Greek, Latin, &gain, the Pursuits of Literature, 1798. - sº-º-º: ºº::Nºtºrºº:::::::"...ºrºixºſ ºkºtº--- Žſ: Anºther copy. Išūſ: And thºſranslations, Düſſlin 1799 ºf mºis (Íñigºfiº, by jºbs; Nº. ișāg-and 10 —ºº-ºº------------- 3755 TºyºtSºñry Wrºthéðryðrúč’sößplanetary system, 4to, 1766. — Allan (Thos.) on the Rocks of Edinburgh, . *.*-s: 4to. - - ºr "3424 Pyrðfööhſſical Discourses, caſt, froß Nātūrāf-History of º º : Mount Vesuvius, 1743. - - T. s. Tº # 3425 Pythagoras's School, Cambridge, Account 6f, plates. folio r ; , ; ; 3426A º JAKERS. Brief Account of many of the Prosecutions ; , , , § {}>} of the People call’d Quakers, for Non-Payment of * Lé Tithes, &c., 1736.-Graham (John) Simon Pure Un- mask'd; or the Errors of Quakerism display’d, half —º-º-º- ~~~~ § * -r : i 5 * ; | L 201 3427 Quakers (The) Shaken; or a Fire-Brand snatch'd out of the Fire. Being a brief Relation of Gods wonderful Mercy ex- ; : tended to John Gilpin of Kendale in Westmoreland, calf, : , ſº very rare, 2 leaves damaged. § | A : - - small 4to, Gateside, Printed by S.B. 16533. . . . . . -sº-r-mirrº;########~#~~~~ Quakers; By way of Reply to an Answer of James Nayler # ; to the Perfect Pharisee, half bound, very rare. § 1.3; ...Rg1911.459, Gatºsídé, Printed by S. B.1654-#. 3.429 Quarles (Rev. Thº). History and Antiquities of Foulsham. 1842: – tºrtes (Fºrfeast fºr wºmes, and other Poems by him," " f imperfect. 343TQūévéſ's visióñs, made English by R. L.” ió89 " V3433 Railways. Stephenson's Treatise on Railways, ADCITFFE (Dr. john) Life of 1715. – Life of Dr. " tº Thomas Bateman, 1826, and 3 others…~~~~~}~ 1850. — Day on Construction and Formation of ; ; * /. - Railways, 1839. — Dryden on Railways and Mechanics, # - ____, 1829, --Pgmphlets relative-to-Railways, 2-vols…~~~~}~~ : -# ***** -- T3434 – Stephenson and Locke on the Comparative Merits of Lo- # 3 comotive and Fixed Engines for Railways, imperial 8vo, ; ; , ; / Liverpool. — Sidney (Samuel) The Railway System illus- # , 3 # is trated by the Evidence before the Guage Commission, royal # * * * 8vo, 1846. — Dobson (Edwd.) Account of the Railways of ; ; ; *- Belgium, from 1834 to 1842, plates, royal 8vo, 1843. 3 # 23 3.435 Dúñ(My Próspööfüşörä Railway from Newcastle to 3 # 3. Morpeth, map, Newc. 1835. — Glynn (H.) Reference Book ; ; ; ty to the Railway Companies of the United Kingdom, 1859. . . ; ; 3436 Wood(Njom Rºads, plaiº, 1835:-Tredgold (Thos.) Tº , ; Practical Treatise on Rail-Roads and Carriages, 1825. — ; / # . A --ºr - Badmall (Richd.) Treatise on Railway Improvements, 1833. 3537 Lardner (Dr. D.) Railway Economy." 1850 Zºº A. =s+esºrtstºwāy-prºfisºr-Copſes of the Plans deposited undé; the fºr tº standing orders of the Houses of Parliament, for the New- ; castle and Darlington Junction, and Edinburgh and Glasgow t Direct Railway; Brunel’s on the Projected Atmospheric i Line of Railway through Northumberland; The Team Wal- ley and Bishop Auckland Junction; The Harrogate and Ripon Junction; The Maryport and Carlisle Railway; Har- rogate and Knaresborough Extension; Church Fenton and ; Harrogate Branch; The Leeds Extension Railway; Knot- ; tingley Branch; Market Weighton and Beverley Junction; : Whitby and Pickering Extension; Beverley, Skipton, and ! ... Priñºld Bºngº-Imall 12-ºxºsºvºsº.-- 3439 Rainbow"(Edward, Bishop of Carlisle) Life of, to which is ; added a Sermon preached at his Funeral, by Thomas Tully, ; half calf, rare. - 1688 : : / & Formerly in the possession of Admiral Hornby, with a note in his ; . handwriting respecting the author. Sr*.*.*.*.ſ.º. ººz-ºxº','º' ~!-- ! ;ſ:Žº # X } { 4-º-º- ** **** . . $ { wºx -. i: **** " *, ; :- º, Y, ~ 2: B i wº-ºº: y Ö •esA ;..; -.& ;. s [ 202 | : - * 8440 Rainbow (Bishop) Sermon at the Funeral of the Countess .….9f Pembrºke, rººts...….. small 49, 1977 3.3441 - Another cºpy, gift fmºortrait, calf, rare. Tºš8 ~34.13 Ringºſ.) # O §ºft, Fººt, Tºº - olio, 1830 * i º X. *. - *3445rsiºn Accºunt ºf the sºwiń - his Remains were found upon the opening of his Tomb in ...!827.4% 4to, Durham 1828 : A.. : $º 34:k. $º . º fºre ºrpºis; “84+5 ºr Bříčfºxãºf Dúñāń"Cătăéâl, Māºrs33. — Gibson's Guide to Tynemouth, No. Shields 1849. ºr. * 6.Šºš ſ2. - sa ; *- *iºsº ******************ść,2,4-ºxazºla…es. *&####figh (Širºwaltery Róñāās; Māšîăsât-state; Advice to his Son, &c. &c., portrait, calf. 18mo, 1702 6. x: *~ ºa 4& **** .; -f; s :§:º : º &: **** sº-º- ºr ** .* * *.* . . . ** , -º-º: &##$$$@*****{-}{º}...t. º § º 3348 Ramsay (śīān) ſhe Évergreen, a Collection 3 º.. *3447 Ralph's Thé Cóürt:Secrét: “a Méláñchély"Truth; fow first translated from the Original Arabic, 1741.-Warden (John) Collection from the Spectator, Tatler, &c. for the Benefit of English Schools, Wewe. 1761.—Shakspeare Gallery, a select Series of Scenes. and Characters, with Criticisms and Re- marks by C. Taylor, calf, 1792.—Ockley (Simon) History iº9ſ the present Jews fºrgughout the World, 1797. , ºr '... º ºx º'ºrº.º.º.º.º.º. ** - fScots Poems, :* fg ..? : itten befºre 1609.2 Ygls, galf.8%gé…Edinb. 1761 - Wr }.}ººrºº’sº-ºº-ºº:::::Asº... . ."... */ *#5°ºtiºn: *śń. Žoržň,”&lasſ.” 1758.” - Ramsay’s ; Evergreen, Vol. I., Edinb. 1761. – Ramsay's Poems, :* * * *- § # - º º: : zº & ºt *-*. 3. *.*w i 3. º- § ... : 3. - 4. -- sº - * *****:::::::: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*…*. - . jº {* -$ ...'. *… --- *~1% a £4%. #&zºiceºsºvºsº.º. .*.*.*.*.*.*, r*.*... - ſº *3453 Räitääieſ (R&R) Röäääkättäättäsäf overborough, plates. "3450 — Caledonian Miscellany, Newc.". - Ramsay's Gentle Shepherd, portrait, Newc. 1760. — Gentle Shepherd, with *…*&#. sºnº.949%r. ax %.1897., sº Kº: * ***::::rzº...?" Jº... .…....... . . . . *śīāī º (ſ§ #. of the last Iſness of the Earl of Ox- - ford, half calf, 1745.-Reresby (Sir John) last Governor of York, Memoirs of, 1734.—Radcliffe (Dr. John) Memoirs of the Life of, half calf, 1715.-Rantum-Scantum ; or Town- . . ." To: igs…, 3.--" º:9Pºzºº-ººººººº…... . . Randal (Rev. Thos.) State of the Churches under the Arch- deaconry of Northumberland, with the Ancient Customs of J . & -..s - & s !. J *. 3. } * ** J tº. -- .*. 3. r *- *::, .4% i5 -º- * • • * r : Northumberland, half calf, interleaved, with a few notes in º - 4to Jörkby Lonsdale 1824 ſº ** &#x - º *-i-º-º-º-º->: …is -º-º: &333;ºgº § :*::ſº - - {º §ºsº:3. *::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, respº.cº.i. ſ: ºv-ie, - * - T.I...";354 Rāśiññājºšičkºtićemanjºs, hºtºcalf, 1721 * $ *śs - +++ nr. . e - * * * * - ºzº: gº iº943%: **** #º1993. wants portrait. . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 7 - * , - . ." - - * - - - - ... .s.º.º.º. 34:37:...gººg Miſſié, (2.99piš). 1687 ź.* º- *-i * : - - * . * * * * * º ... • * 8 *>-ºxº ºvyºv-ºº- Sºº-ºº: . . . . . *:::::::3%iº ºf::crº-ºs.º-º-º: ; : **śīāºrºfºise of Sacramental Covenanting with Christ, port, - - 1721 calf, long, M.S. note. Fw-r- ; ºi º 4 *3458°ir: Tréâtisérôf Sãciańeñtal:Cóżóñānting with Christ, port,” ºftººlſ#6,-Dialogug betwixt two Protestants, calf, 1685. Sºº'." :::SYNºvºs w Yºº-j-. * { . -ºxº y; J.).99||sſign gºnglish ºverbs. `ſ& 18 ºr * - 3460 * -- - - - - - - - - *g, ***** - tº sº **** ***. . . * : *.x # wº - !. : "... -- . . ; ; * : * > . . . . . ;- º * *...*.*.* v. "... --> ---- - - W - 1 * - - - - - - * : *śćrºtºtºiºsitºfisii; wº :::::::: - Coffection offingfish Fröverbs, Cáñºi670 – Ray's English Words, not generally used, 1691. - 'Deſham, calf. 1718 ***, º ºſº" sºr tº:**;"ſtºw: , kº-'re sº-wrºss sy, , ..., x: J........., . . . . . . . . ... "... • -- " - - - - - ‘. . . Fº '-x.º.º.º. º.º. 2::::-...-: , º: ****~\- tº: *ssºkºzscº, Sºº-ºººººººº-ººrºº's Skºrº. …~:-,,2,.......... ... ..., Collection of & **t * . . . . . * * * I 203 ] * ſº sº * , º, islin iš=\ É=1|| F- - S !") ºx-º it. ' # , ºft|||ſº, A. lsº §§º * º: ''Rile, = cº º's ū #sº | #º" | ** | * : |ſº =\|||}|Tili; -w |##$SIIthill. - - #: |ºil | iš=$ Eº Ellº! '...}}||||||||| º ::... ", -* M!!"|Sºf, i.£ºliº : | it. --> ſºlº ºld º'- º 2.5 º' tºº." sº SS Esztºf Books RELATING TO THE PRETENDER, AND THE REBELLIONS IN 1715 AND 1745. : 3462 CCOUNT of the Melancholy Situation of the Young Pre- tender after his Defeat near Inverness, half bound. —; Bughes (M.) Plain Narrative and Journal of the Rebel- lion in 1745, half calf, 1747. — The Case of the Revo- 3. Aſ } 3. : $ - “l lution truly stated, 174 . *gats actºr; Y. * ment to the Earl of Newburgh. calf. TST65 Advantages orths succession of the House-of-Stewart to the: Crown of Great Britain demonstrated, 1747. — Sieges and Battles in the North of England during the Civil War, with a History of the Rebellions in 1715 and 1745, Bolton 1785. — Account of the Rebellion of 1745, from the Newgate # • * * * * * * . grº, ºr sº º ' '...'. --> Cal£ndar, &ga half gºlf. § ſº tº ºv. ...,’s.” 3466 Alexis; or the First Book of the Lamentations of Charles the Son of James, : ... 1746, in, ! Yºkºhalf gºlf. - t 3467 Annals of fing George for 1716, containing a fuli History of { - 1717 § the Rebellion, portrait, calf. & - ; ſº ''x.;, sº “s' :* -- ...: 'º'; º'. Sº,' … ...’rs- “...A.S. cº -ē.’ “ Young Adventurer, a Novel, 1745. — The –3468 Ascanius; or the young Adventurer, a Trieſ *:3469 ± Ančíhéfied: ión.” F---.S.º.) ----4--.º.º.º.º. . ºv-x} º –* * * * * 3470 - Another edition.” Ibáſ. 1812 * Asgirrs Sūgāessföntörth&Hö Poolish Manifesto of the Scotch Rebels examined, 1715. — I)ialogue between a Whig and a Jacobite upon the Subject # of the Rebellion, 1716. — The Pretender's Declaration : *. -*}- º geoffſäfiðverviñāſēated against #" the Pretender's Declaration, 1714. — The Traitorous and ; *** --~~~~~~~~~}…; ftfarging the Estátēgºttfäß" - *-*- - w 1. ** rºw - F. t - * *** folio, 178 - } * * * * 3364 Ådańs (Réº. S.)"Sèriºn preached upon the Rebellion, häff;" ſ 171 (3; ; “, “º-º-º-º-º- ºr ... t - - ka:-Jºs.” History. 1746;..." 4 -º, Jº - ...” (****::... • ‘.... } # * * * - *: wº- * } 3 * -º-º-º- ºr * i -;i |; .* : *.---gº-> --- -, *. * º: § * º s -: ; t Sºº' --~$º ºf -º º [ 204 ) f Fnglish’d by Mr. Asgill, 1715. — Asgill's The Pretender's } Declaration transpos'd, 1716. T347; B.Imérino (Lord) Life of, with “the fºg"ºf"the Eärts-of- * ..." ... } … • **** Kilmºgºk.ºgg,9rgmertie, gºlf fºggy, ºgre. lººt...... is 4to Tº : 8473 — Earls of Kilmarnock and Cromarčić, “Jenny Cameron, wº-ºººººººoºº…. 1746 * * 3474 Brown (Rev. john) Two Sermons at Caſſisſé,"dürfig the 3 # Assizes held there for the Trial of the Rebels, long MS. >sy&sº & ºrºvisºkºrºšºaçº, 4to 3475 Burnett's British Bulwark, a Collection of the Statutes now ; in force against the Pretender, 1715. — Some new Proofs i; by which it appears that the Pretender is truly James the 2 Third 1713. — Correspondence of Sir John Gordon, on t occasion of the Rebellion in 1745, Edinb. 1835. — Narra- § tive of the Escape of Prince Charles Stuart, and Lord z-- - . * — ” ~ *~~~ - * *** * * #. t § * * 7 *****º. 3497-Förster’s Répôt of the PFOCGödings for the Trial of the Rebelsº in 1746. - - - r-armſ- sº-ºº-ºº::::t. *** º 2& --~~i=º %lſº §: s 3455 Fºrº). Account of the Bºrof the Eºſ3f Kiriº marnock. Edinb. 1746.3 34.99 Another copy, cuttings ºnserted, Halfcalf." Ibid. 1746; Sººf... --- ** Wº' - * rº. & a - - - - ‘āºcsººf. -A º *... *...... " " - " " . º:::::::: ****, *...... wrºt % # ...tº *** :1. 3. º *** 6. " • *.*.* - of Wales was the Son of Mrs. Mary Grey, 1702–Further 5500-FRETTmºtºrm-fºrmatºmsºmºrrºrrºr." º 350ſ Füſſeſ (Wim) für Demonstration that the préfended Prinčej. * { } Confirmation that Mary Grey was the true Mother of the pretended Prince of Wales, 1696.-Declarations, &c., made : in Council concerning the Birth of the Prince of Wales. 35U. Hºpiºisºthº of the prºnded: Prince of Wales, 1696. — Some New Proofs, by which it appears that the Pretender is truly James the Third, 1713 --~#4 º – 3503 Graham (Dj History of the Rebellion in 1745, half ºf ſºng MS. note. --- ~~~~~~~~~ ºº:: Maxºº. 35Ur: Another copy, half bound. Fălărăiffizi. 35U5-r: Thréârgăptășºfibóñā. *” ºl'Si2. 3506 Trendersºn (A:) History ºf Éhe Rébéflion, ižA5 and 17 46, half calf ~~~~}{#4 ** * : * >- 3507 - Kºtharcopy:- 1753. 35user-knother copy: 1753 i. --- 350p–– Käätiörööpy 1753 + 35TU = TITsºrTom Earröfstaircătº 1749; *33rrºr: Anºthereafy, rºgr:Tife of TöråTowāt, 1746-in- 1 Vol. Y. vol. - ; y \{v+7 º’. AT-- ºw:- - - - -k- ºgº, 1... -----' '. --~~~~ : ‘’sºr; 3512. History of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746, by an impartial - Iºdinb. 1748; hand. 3513 r"Anothéºpy,"I'jā8. --The Young Chevalier, a genuine rºw-ºn-ºxº sº-grº-º-irrº __Narrative of what befºll him-in-l. Yol, portrait inserted--...} w [ 206 t , 2 × 3514 History of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746, from the Scots * --~~~~ * º Aberdeen 1755 *:::::37 3515 ºthérèopy, calf. - Abºd. 1755 -: --Sºrbºprºtºry#####TEnfiction of the Rebellion, # 2.; ; half calf. ---- - - 1747 z: -“ssrº-History of the Rise, Progress, and Extifictiºn of the Rebellion, ... . . . . in 1745 and 1746, map and portraits, half calf. - *3518. Históry of the Mitfäänäthe Fürse, 1714. - Döfection of the -- Sophistry and Falsities of the Pamphlet, the Secret History of the White Staff, 1714. — The Pretender's Declaration i___English’d by Mr. Asgill, 1715-in. Vol. ºrg Hóñé (John) History of the Rebellion in 1745, plans and 5 * : plates, calf. - 4to, 1802 _jzºgăzuºtºiothèFºy, halféâIf part ºf title cut off, 4to, 1802 ºr ºther ºf 4to, 1802 * # 3522 Another edition. JEdinb. 1822 ...; "Howitt's Visit to the Fiéld of Culloden, and other Extracts respecting the Rebellion from various Works. – History of — —the Rebellion, imperſect...... - f 2 . 6 3534 Hughes (Mich). Plain Narrative or Journal of the Rebellion in __*- : 0 , 1745, half calf. - 1746 º2 Tº 5535 Johnstone (ChêvãHérdé) Mémoirs of the Rebellion in 1745 --~~~~~ and 1746, portraits. 4to, 1820 ºf 5526 – Another edition. 1822 ††ssºr—Another cºpy, ºr 1822 *3 * fºs 352s----Another copy; half morocco. 1822 ******3529-JöärmärörthéâOstſäſääTöäs KSČape of the young Chevalier, * /tº- after the Battle of Culloden, half calf. - 1749 **śāşş6 Journaröf the midst miraculous'Escape of theyöling Chevalier, * * * * * from the Battle of Culloden to his landing in France, 1754. º ... . . — Genuine Account of the Escape of Lord Nithsdale, . . . . . . . Durham 1816—in 1 vol. half calf, #. inserted. º:3531 journal of the Eärſöf Mārr's Próceédings, half calf. : 4 & : : a. *s- |i * * ... gº2 Journey through England and Scotland with the Army of the T º 3. - 3 º Duke of Cumberland in 1746, to which is added the Trial ~~ --~~~~ * wr-r-w - of Lord Loyat, halfbgund…~4to, T. …' . . " , a. º, •,• ! t . !- - . . . “..." º * > f :*. > a' .x. - * .#4 - * 3. ... t.3 - " ...? •º. • * , *: ... . X :* 3, : I ... wº •:*. $ 3 ſ 2 ºr '3. "...' . . .3 f : , 3. '', **** * ... . *; * *- * ...; º : 3. ... , 'Yº. "... . * * * sº . • Aº . }: } ºf * • *, * $ ...}. ‘r. :* • *' • ?: -. } , , , , ; : \ sº “. . t , . ... • t . . . , #3 ... : .'s ºt * * . . .34 ‘‘‘, * ... ?: * º * º, : *: ,'ºtſ * : § x: 3. 2 Sº ſ Gºtº º NKU º º/2))\}. Šºćiº 5- ºr " - }º 9).sº lº. Sºlºlºs §º 22- º % .*&^ - ºr ſº &NYºUbº Aſºgº •º 2.2׺. . º §§§º/º ; º 2. ' º ſº º NS W º N TWELFTH DAY's SALE, viºs TUESDAY, October 30th. # : ºWN RINTERS, Bookbinders, Booksellers, Collections ; ; relative to. — Bp. Phillpotts, various Pamph- ? lets by. — Tracts relating to the Freemen of . 1, Newcastle. — Treasurer's Accounts, New- # * -castle-in four. Syo portfolios. . # 3534. Mackenzie's Newcastle, severaſ 6dd parts. # — History of Hull, imperfect. — Reports of § ſ Yorkshire Philosophical Society. — London : { iš * i - W!..….Qhrºnicle, 1784,. &c. º: tº ºw-s. Ata-º. º §535. The č. of Newcastle, and the Antiqua- rian Society, a parcel. — Accounts of the Tyne # # Improvement Fund, and other Pamphlets, 4to, ; ; 4, #3; in portfolio. — Specimens of Mitchell's Lith- ; # 7 : * : ography. -- *…*.*.*. 3536 Newcastle Burgess Lists. – Durham Uni- ... Yersity Calendarß.8 pargel.…...i. + 3537 Quarterly Mining Review, Wol. I., and # - - others—10. * . . — - a ----- * * * * : ~~~~} 3538. Vāsīāńd Nibby, Güidéºtö Rome, &c., 1841, and others-12. 3589 Lodge's Portraits, 3 vols., imperfect, and others—12. -newsrºwārºr 3540 Miscellaneous Pamphlets, in vols.-3. Tº º, ar- 4. § sº :: ºº e3- k sº !”r 2 3.-. i : : : 3541. AnděřSön's Güídēto the Highlands,"änd other Güide Bööks : —10. **** ~. i. . . . . . . . . . 3542 Robson's Commercial Directory, and others—3.” ". . . 3543 Mišćelſåneous Pămphlèts, in vols.-8.” ". . . . . 35.44 Black's Touristin England, and ºther Guide Books—10. 3545Trâcts relating to the River Tyńé. — Royal Agricultural Sotº ciety at Newcastle. — And Sundries, in 8vo portfolios. -3546 Miséâmâneous Pāīāphlets, invols:8. an -3547. Bailey's Antiquities of Toñačnºr Westminster, others—24. -- - ~ 354STāftāfīščf FăşHións, T824 and 1825, and Lof of Sundries...} 3519 GāīāshgāTCOTIGGEions relative to, in 2 portfolios. - Assize Ti, ...Qalendars, a parce!...+. Play. Bills, in 2-portfolios…}~$º. T3350 Report on Salmon Fisheries, 1824. — Population Returns, : * , 1881.- And Sundries. - ... . -*.*.*.*, r*.*.*&^r rºw-r-x.ºrrº”---tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-wºº, * .* - •A º º * * º * - * 2. 3. . i * *: ; *3, sit Awk's rºº *****.xx.cº. - h: &is i riša, and 's ; . - º * - * r J - - • - ; : * º i "…sec.2:3:::::::: * ~ * * *y º # • 355 1. House of Lords Appeals. folio, and another. * º [ 208 | Books RELATING TO THE PRETENDER, AND THE REBELLIONS IN 1715 i. AND 1745—Continued from Last Day's Sale. : 3552 OURNEY through Part of England and Scotland º with the Army under the Command of the Duke of - #| || Cumberland. -1." - - - - - - - -—- - - - - - 4. 1747- |~5555–Rºtºrºyºtrº: - "T747 |*3554-----Anothercopy-carf. --~~~~1747 |-3555-Klose-to-Ery-Memoirs of Prince chartesistmart," ~~~2 vols.--~~~~ - 1845 3556 Letter to a Minister of State concerning the pretended Prince of Wales's being proclaimed King * * - - of England. - 4to, 1701. ; , ~~~~855?-Better-to-the-Bºke-of-newcastle; oncertain-Points of the fast- º 4. º 6 * Importance to these Nations, hf. calf, 1746.—Murray (John, : ; : Secretary to the Pretender) Genuine Memoirs of, hf. bound, º º 1747. — Rise and Progress of the Rebellion in Scotland, ... . . . . against Charles the First, half bound, 1716. *::::-355s first ºf TE-Krºhibárruñārā, Pāſīſār, TTB3:= Tiålogue - º 5 if between the Devil, the Pope, and the Pretender, 1745— * * * in 1 vol., half calf. - - - sº w Tºrrgº ºn. Grêt Riſitàiñ’s Mémorial * * * tº against the Pretender and Popery, 1745—in 1 vol. º: /* *356U Tovat (Sãom, Törd) Géâûfie Narrative of the Life, Behaviour, .5 * . . . and Conduct of, by James Fraser, large folding portrait, by …s- s. § IIogarth, half calf. - 1747 ~~~ - * 3561 - Account of the Béhaviour of, from the Time his Déath- º 3 3. ‘. . Warrant was deliver'd to the Day of his Execution, long - MS. notes, portrait, and cuttings inserted, half calf. 1747 * 2° ºr 35.6++…ºfeſſºr, by himself---- --~~~~~1797 ------ -z- *~Mömoirs of the f - 75%b. 1767 ~3563--Anothercopy, half calf. ------ Edinb. 1767 *3563 – Triat of for High"Treason, cloth. folio, 1747 * Z.T.T., 3533 Marchmāni (John) History of the present Rebellion. 1746 ... º. 3.3585 ± Aïther Gößy, 1746 ºš366 Mémoirs of the Tāvāş and Families of the Lords Kilmarnock, f * 6 Cromertie, and Balmerino, long MS. note inserted, half calf. . §, • - - - - 1746 -ºr-Memºirs; Trcºmarºst-Gargº-Tag Trºmsgsgau Roi º 2 i. '3 de France au Pretendant, portrait, half calf, gilt. --~~~~ ----------- - - º-º-º-º-º-º-º-- **----- - - Cologne 1712 *Z"rºtºnºmes of the Roman Catholics. Nonjurors, and others, who - *-d-: * refused to take the Oaths to King George, half calf. 1745 *...] ºg Fºrtray Rºy Histºry of the Râpellion, in 1715, cf. 1717 *357trº-ºxºanother-copy, calf-- - 1717 *3571 == A riother copy-r-a-...-- 1717 # 3572 F. Another copy, third edition, cuttings inserted, cl. 1745 º * * 3. er wrapper. 1745 =-AF5FFF-asſy- - 1745 [ 209 | c3575 Penricº's Life of Charles Radcliffe. 1747. ; * * 8576 -- Agºgº, gºlf...… --- gººgºvº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: J.T. 47. #. rº-ºx ...º.º.º. §5??-prºfit (A) fistoire de Charles-Édouard, demier Prince deſia § # 2. ' Maison de Stuart, 2 vols. Paris. 345... ºf-ºf - 3578 Popish Intrigues and Cruelty plainly exemplified in the affect: ing Case and Narrative of Mrs. Frances Shaftoe, half calf. º, & M. .- 4. 3579 Popish Intrigues and Cruelty exemplified in the affecting Case of Mrs. Frances Shaftoe, 1745. — Some further Proofs, whereby it appears that the Pretender is truly James the Third, 1745. — Compleat View of the Birth of the Pretender, 1744—and other Tracts, in 1 vol., calf. . 3580 Popular Préjudice Concerning the Interests of the House of # Hanover. 1743. * 358 rportraits, Mémoirs, and other papers and Prints relative to the ... Rebellions of 1715 and 1745, in 1 Vol. folio *** * * * º 3587 proceedings in the Höuse of Peers upóñ"the InđićEmóñigº against the Earls of Kilmarnock and Cromartie, and Lord . - . . . . 1746 . . ; 3583 Proceedings upon the Articles of Impeachment against the j : folio, 1716 á Balmerino, folio, calf. Earl of DerWentwater and others. 3554 fúlio, ITT 6: — Another copy. I Rää (Petery History ºf the Rebellion in Tiiş, Cal 3585 - ... 4to, Puſſyfries. 1718- f, fine copy." #---- ſ 3555-Amotteredition, half calf. º 3587 Ratcliffe (Charles) Memoirs of the Life and Character of, por- i. trait, cuttings inserted, half calf. 1746 : ... 1746 : * Frecºr gºss T;45, Haif 3 Rāy (Jāmūs) 'Complete History of the Rebellion in calf. - York 1749 x-rºº *-*. 3589–=Another copy. - - Tºgiº II: # 3596-Ray’s History of the Rebellići, gāif, fº... ſiąś. 3. . . . . 359T = Anotheróðby *— -----------------, ližāś.º.º.3. 3592 = Another copy. —r- 1758 : Z 4. 3.593-fraytramosy Acts of thatreBeſs, Wº. TT46 – Letter from / 7 • * - Paris, containing a Genuine and Particular Account of the # # / #. Manner in which P-ge:C-les E-d was arrested. (Newg.) F- 3594 Rafiðſſºus-Fäße, a Poëm, Trriºr THE Fate of Traytors, a Foem npon the Rebellion, 1716. — An Ode to the Pre- # tender, inscribed to Mr. Lesley and Mr. Pope, 1713. — A Letter to a Member, &c., concerning the Condemn’d Lords, 4to. — The Flight of the Pretender, a Poem. * 3595 RºſââTRSTOn the prºteñder's Tjóðīārāfióñ, dated at Plößbières, half calf. 1715 # 3596 Remarks on the Pretender's Declaration and Commission, half T. .* 3597 Remarks on the Pretender's Declaration, 1715. – A Letter # -, * * - touching the late Rebellion, and what Means led to it, * f is 1717. — A Letter from a Gentleman in Scotland to his ; --Friend in Jondon, 1712-in-lºvgl.half calf. rv Ş w", 2 E - | || [ 21o l / . ; 3598 Remarks on the Speeches of Wm. Paul and John Hall, of º # Otterburn, rare. ~~~ 1716 355g-Repºrt ºf the TºngSºfthe Böärd of OñSergön the Con- § duct of Sir John Cope, &c., during the Rebellion in 1745, —“– 4to, 1749 *3600*kifotfiérôpºſitätsävää'With Wiſting paper, half calf. ––– - 1–-i-º- 4to, 1749 º601 – Anºther edition, half calf. Dublin 1749 ºssog secretirisºwińssiºn, 2 parts. 1714 3603 – Anºther copy, 3 parts, 1713 tº Names of the Roman 2. - Catholics, &c., who refused to take the Oaths to King 3 º 989Ege, 1743-in-l. Yok----- ... 3 iT3604. Secret History of the Chevalier de St. George, being an Im- -. 2 : ; partial Account of his Birth and Pretences to the Crown of ..', 2. º # 3605 Secret History of Colonel Hooke's Negotiations in favour of 2. - ---ſhººtouder in 1797, gºlf…~~~~~ 1760 $ 3606 Sermons on the Rebellion in 1745-6, by Bp. Secker, Drake, Nigglls, Arnold, Suger, Davill, and others, in 1 thick Vol. ~-5. **** 2-ºxº~~7-8-ºxºrissººrººººº-viºr:Xº-º-º-º-º: **** - it-º-º-º-º-º-º: ****, **a*- :---------> ***** *r **** (; ; º * 3607 Sherlock's (BP.) Sermon on the Rebellion, Ti45. – Secker's 2– { : (Bp.) Sermon, 1745. — Henry's Philippic Oration against . . : the Pretender's Son, 1745. — Herring (Archbp. of York) - Sermon, 1745—Henry's Sermon at Londonderry, 1746— f ; # 3608 — Sermon on the Rebellion, 1745.-Fothergill's Sermon at - Qxford, 1746...Qeſord. 1747-in-l.xg * *-***::Pºrt 44 - 6 *3605 shoºftºfºiſºn in 1745, half calf --4-- “º-ºº-ºo-ºº-ºº-ººoºººº…sºs::vaa;&ºkºssº. - 1779 * Gº"3610 Some Farther Proofs by which it appears that the Pretender ...— … is truly Jamāthgºbird… 1744 ... i., §611 Stair (John, Earl of) Jiſe of….. `" 3612 State of the Nation considered. Tº ſº. — Advice of a Friend to * the Army and People of Scotland. — Genuine Memoirs of Lord Lovat, 1746. — Life of Sir Robert Cochran, Prime - ... Ministºtgºl§§§ III.3.1735-in 1 vol., calf. ilā. Sãºf the present Repºſiºn.” 1716 j 3614 Sykes (John)." Account of the Rébeſſions in 1715-16 and - - 1745-46, so far as relates to Northumberland and Durham, large paper, only 20 printed, with Autograph. Note to R. Surtees, cuttings, and numerous MS. Notes inserted. - - royal 8vo, Newc. 1831 sº: ; - º,”3öߺr Account of the Rébéñions, wº. 1331. — Account of º 4 . 6 | - the Escape of Lord Nithsdale, Durh. 1816. — Genealogy …9f £hºagily of Rajºyffe by Jºliº.º.º. 1899. , . --------sºrs tº British fitany, dº...i Supplićation to be Šung or Said ºf 2. ; during the Time of the R***cy (1745). — A new Form º i of Prayer as used (since the Battle of Fontenoy) by the } British Troops in Flanders. — The Book of the Chronicles º of the Chief Minister of E–d, 1745—three curious Pa- --~~~~~~~~radiº-ind Yal---~~~~ - : i. §. -, * i •"; j ſ 211 : 3617 The Female Rebels, 1747. – Examination of the Memoirs of ; , Lord Lovat, 1746. – The Remarkable Affecting Case and ; Dying Words of Mr. Archibald Campbell, 1745. — The Genuine Dying Speech of Parson Coppock, pretended Bishop of Carlisle—and other Tracts, in 1 vol. . . . . ." " - - grº- w- ~~~~ socºerkººr. •r * - - - --~~~~~r **Y. - ***********try-le-ºverrºr-cºa i '8818. The Occasional Writer;"containing an Answer £6the SSCGT: Manifesto of the Prºtºnder's Eldest Son, halfgalf..…J.745. ºxºry SöT3Thºi, ki; ; to the Pretender, 1712. – Letter Tº from a Gentleman at the Court of St.Germains to one of his # Friends in England, 1710. — Free Examination of a Mo- ----dern Romance, entitled Memoirs of Lord Løyat. 1746. $626 The Pretender's Declaration, abstracted from two Anonymous” Pamphlets by Mr. Asgill, 1713. — Asgill's Defence upon ; 2 : 4 his Expulsion from the House of Commons, 1712. — As- { ; T : --- gill's Apolºgy, 1713-and-ggher Tragù inlyola half calf-i-º-º: º rºsºft 36%TThe Revolution and Anti Revolution Principles stated and ; § - g compared, 1714. — A Caveat against the Pretender, half ; ; 4 º calf, 1723. — Letter touching the late Rebellion, by Phila- # # % lethes, 1717. — Popular Prejudice concerning Partiality to # , i. —-ºººººººººººº…~~~ ... } { º 3622. The Wº: §: Escape (of the Pretender), scarce. "f 2 # sºs 1747 : ; ; - Curious Ballad inserted. 3 *— º 362; Taiwanºfºroſ smº. a Narrative founded on ; ; 3i true Facts. – Genuine Memoirs of John Murray, Secretary ; :-} { to the Young Pretender, 1747-in-lx2k half galf—-4—t---- 3524. Townſe *Fºrgºtºgrºñºf Cºlis e) Genuine Tryal ; of, original edition, very rare, with cuttings and MS. notes } { A3: * of several pages inserted, half calf. ~~~~}_{º}…~ 3625 — Trial and Execution of:- Account of Cârlišić during” the Rebellion of 1745. — Trial and Life of Thomas Cop- ; pock, the Rebel Bishop, Carlisle 1845. - ~ i. 3626 TFüé Côpies of the Pāpārs wrote by Lord Balmeriño, and tº f others, and delivered to the Sheriffs, long MS. note, half calf. - ~~~~~~~~4448- *3627"Türnor's Sermon in St. Nicholas' aſºn, on the Rebellion, half calf, Newc. 1746. — Wood (Wm.) Sermon at Darling- | Rebelligº.º.º. 17.4% i. 1746-4--- f 3 º _ton, on the * **, *- : *- - - - - - - ~365g-Tiji T(w) vºmpºsed ºn the Tºrrectiºns of the Jacobites in the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, half calf, rare. Newc. 1746 - º; %. *** -- } PUBLIC RECoRDs. . . . . . . . ; 3629 as Yº EPORTS from the Select Committee appointed to In- r quire into the State of the Public Records of the Kingdom, plates. —folio, 1890– ſ 3630 Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Sum- mons, edited by Francis Palgrave, 3 Vols...fºlio, 1827:30. 2 º 5.4, cº-fir... -- *.*.*.*.*.*.*.* r . [ 212 || | # : % : 6 3631 Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, Temp. Regis Ed- ; , ; * : Wardi III. # = -s. . folio, 1807 Tº Tºtºſ.sºſ. ... 1807 --~~ -stºrminatºmſ; # # Domini Regis Retornatorum quae - A 2. ' in Publicis Archivis Scotiae adhuc Servantar, Abbreviatio, t—i-mals * r ***r- --------folio, 1811-16 4; 3634 Testa de Nevill sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii, Temp. § - t Henry III. and Edward I. folio, 1807 T-3- } 363.5 : Anººpy.… folio, 1807 ~~~~r-strº-crºſſ rººm, Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod ...}__* : .* ... Damum. : folio, 1803 "T-zº 3637 Aiºi.…. folio, 1803 *T*. 4 #TTT. 3638 Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Londimensi, half * . russia...— ... ~~~~ - folio, 1802 ..º.º. Anºther copy. Eds. folio, 1802 *::ghteºrºthéºdºº" folio, 1802 "Tºº "364T. Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio, Temp. ; /* ; ; Regum Henry III., Edward I., Edward II., and Edward ~~ ~~~~~~ ſº- &xºtºxºsºrºrNeºtº - - folio, 1805-10 : , , ; *śī‘ānārsīšum, Temp. Henry III. and Edward I., in - i / /7 § , Turr' Lond’et in curia Receptae Scaccarii Westm. Asservati, –––. —º-----~~~~ folio, 1812-18 —3. T8643 Sixth, "Sººth,”fighth, Ninth, and Tenth Reports of the | 2 . . 1 Commissioners on the Public Records. folio, 1820 ! . . . . * 4 ; 3 : 3644 Records of Northumberland and Durham. A large Collection s ... ... of Newspaper Quttings, mounted in a 4to. vol. 1757-1830 y -----sºus-pºrtre *ś fºom. a Farce, 1761. — * ; 4 ; Tom Jones, a Comic Opera, 1769, with a long biographical : note, &c., by Mr. Bell. — Reed's Madrigal and Trulletta, a Mock Tragedy...!788..…— - ~. A 6 T8646. Reed and Matheson's Narrative of the Visit to the American . . . . . * Churches, 2 vols. - - - - - - - - - - - 1836 TZ tº 3:37 - Anºthéºpy. T F- 1836 —7t £3648 Refin’ſ (The) Courtier, or a Correction of several Indecencies i é ; crept into Civil Conversation, calf. 1663– --~~~~geºg"Remestºr(TRE), of Caſſisſa Essayist, Carlisle 1818. — . ; & . M’Clachlan (J.) The Imperial Mirror, or Literary Miscel- : .# lany, half calf, Carlisle 1820. - - ºrsº t----- ºbso FeróñTà Pārſīāment, an extensive Collection of Pamphlets published during the Reform Agitation in 1830-31-32, half calf. - ſ Jº ; *~~ :355T RegistriñTHömöris de Richmond (edited by Roger Gale), SCQ//'06, folio, 1722 wº, 2. * *-- -- * 3** ºv, - 35; Eiºn, Sketch of the Political Career of the Earl oriur. ham. - Glasg, 1835 y $: ~ * > *--- ~ *. - - * * *... r. a. º. fr. L- 5 --> **** -i ºr ". ſ 213 8653 Reid (John) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica; or an Account of all the as º * •ºy Books which have been printed in the Gaelic Language, ; large paper, half morocco, gilt top, part of title cut off. imperial 8vo, Glasg. 1832 {& Only 19 copies printed this size. *is: 3654 Reid (D. B.) Report on the State of Newcastle and other Towns, plates, 1845. — Maddison (David) Historical and Descriptive Account of Prestwick Carr, No. Shields 1830. — Ingledew (H.) on the Legal Right of the Freeholders of Newcastle to Wote for Members of Parliament for Northum- berland, Newc. 1830. — The Freemen’s Roll of the Bur- gesses or Freemen of Berwick, small 4to, Berw. 1842..... 3555 Relics of Melodiño, translated by Éaward Lawson from anº unpublished MS. dated 1645. 1815 E. 3650 rapiſtry. Tºmºmyºr pºintſ;timºr- : land Dialect (2 copies). Glasg. 1747 : t: 8657 Remarksºn a Eſa PrinterPaper called the Tasºspºnsºrt Dying Words of Capt. Thos. Green, and Capt. John Madder, of the Ship Worcester. - folio, Edinb. 1705 : 3658 Rembrandt, Catalogue and Description of the Etchings of, with his Life, portrait, - 1752 3555 RenwºrtwinyTheTreacherºiſs USFETſatiºn Displayer ºf a Temporary Meal for the Freeholders of Northumberland, and the Public at large, rare. * - – --- ? ------ - - - 1775 i 36 60 Another copy, half calf. 1775 356TTºmºrºwimmy The Gºing Distragóf Damon and Celia, in a series of Letters between General Craufurd, Sir John Hussey Delaval, and Sir Francis Blake Delaval, and two unfortunate Lovers, 2 vols. in 1, half calf. Bath 1771 # : \ göög"Reports of the Commissiºners on THE C޺wn Tºgº, Tišīr". — Reports on the proposed Divisions of the Counties men- ; * & ſigned in Schedule E, of the Refºrm Bill algºi-follº2.É.-----.... . 8663 Reports of the Lords' Committees, on the Dignity of a Peer of ; the Realm, &c., complete with the Appendices, in 4 vols. # iſ 4 . •3 tº cloth, uncut. - folio, 1826 --|-º-, ... 356TRECTETS (TRE) SFTSCORE, remaining in the four Treasuries º / at Westminster, and the two Remembrancers of the Exche- 2 º i qu - small 4tº, 1681. i.i…— . germportravenge ºff históriaſ Narrative of the i y: 3 Tragical Practices of Sir John Eland.…Hal{ſºl1894–5. 3666 Reynard the Fox. The most defectable History of newly corrected and purged from all grossness in phrase and mat-, i. f : - ter, durious outs, calf. small 4to, 1791.4 wº- 3667 Reynolds (Sir J.) Life of, by James Northcote, 2 vols. por-. § 4 traits, half calf. - 1849 - 3– 3655 Reynolds (Thomas) Sermon on The Death of Mr. John Ash: ; wood, with an Account of his Life, &c., 1707. — Nowell 4; Z | i. *. § 3, }; t * [ 214 | ; : § (Rev. W.) Fast Sermon at Wolsingham, on the Earthquake : ; A. at Lisbon 1755, 4to, Newc. 1756. — Maddison (Rev. Thos.) ; : Sermonin the Trinity Chapel, Jan. 7, 1760, 4to, Newc. 1760. 365g"Reynºſ (JSE) Death's Vision represented in a Philosophical, º Z I i :i –– Sºgºd Poems… &º.cº.3, 4to, 1716 % º 3670 Rhodes (E.) Yorkshire Scenery, or Excursions in Yorkshire, # 7 : - —£4:2: on 2ndig paper...… *** * * * 4to 1826 sº 3; T867TRichard of Cirencester's Description of Britain, edited by H. --~~~~~ **---- ~~~~ 1809 T.T.”8673 Richard of Devizes, Chronicle of, also Richard of Cirencester's § 2 º j . Description of Britain, by Giles, half morocco. J } ! ---. - _______Engl. Hist. Soo. 1841 *...*.*sers-Tremºnsºrtmººthstºßmptºok of, with Lucubra. . 2. 3. 3 § tions by John Bell, MS, ... oblong 4to, New0. ºf . Trºiardson (G.F.) Geology for Beginfiers, plates. 1843 § 2 & é ST3675 RIGHärdson (Isaac, of ######### 841 — and 8 *- %; * others, Local, - ~~ • †T3576 RIGHärdson (John) Account of the Life of 1791. – Lives of ; 2 : : Alexander Henderson and James Guthrie, Edinb. 1846. — *—- º ...Heign's Memoir ºf Rºbert Burns, Ibid.1797. J.T. &rſ Richarison (fºriterary Rºſič, pºrtrait, hâlf calf. ISOT : *~307s TTEnardºñºſº, observatiºns ºff the propºsed Railway § 2 * (, º from Newcastle to North Shields and Tynemouth, first and * 2 ºf r 3679 Richardson (M.A.) Collection of Armöiaſ Bearings, Inscrip- - # § tions, &c. in the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle, 2 vols. $ 2 . }. second editions, map, 1831. – Report on the best Practical § 3 ; Means of improving the Navigation of the River Tyne, 1836 § 3 ; –in 1 vol. royal 8vo, cloth. . . . — i...—haſ bound, whº....…..... Royal 8vo, Newe, 1820 gººdstræðiðriðIBéaringsī, St. Níðhöläg Church, Todd parts. 3 º 3681 COTIGGESTöf Añóñarbäärings;"fnscriptions, &c., in # 2." 2. the Church of St. Andrew, Newcastle, large paper, plates, ; - .. boards, uncut. royal 8vo, Newc. 1818 Tā682 – Another copy, large paper. "FöyāTSvö, Ibid. 1818 .3383 + Aidifiéïčğsifiall påper. *** ******~~re-ºr-ºrr-º-º: i818 * º ****** * ... • * 3684 - Armorial Bearings of the Incorporated Compañés of . Newcastle, large paper, with additional illustrations. º – royal 8vo, Newc. 1824 I3585 E. Another copy. Iºffeºffer föyål Svö. Tööd. 1824 3686 - Local Historiań's TāEIS BOOK, 8 Völs. Complete in parts. º - - . * royal 8vo. Ibid. : FārisītārāmrahāTxvt. $ -----, A 18.Tøe āfēē roróda parts:----~~~~ . . . . . . =TFääts from the TööäIHistóñāfi's TāEIST66K, a parcel. 'i , z. . . . ... - royal 8vo #2 r-3890 – Reprints of Tara Tracts and Iñprints of Antient Manu- 3 3 * : º _scripts, 99mpiled in 62 numbers.-- Newc. - - - *355; 3. -- st sº --- º 2. ' s Tº ſºčí it Tracts, a number of Duplicates, and other-focat- i– ë, Pamphlets printed by him….... § 3 ; º: ; k # [ 215 ) 3692 Richardson (M. - A.) Reprints, and various Tracts published by him, large paper copies & Pggel. 4to 3393 E. Dºrmtrºpºmºrºugh Newcastſ an Itºfºrº - º - head, illustrated with numerous plates, &c., in 2 vols. º º 3 : 2, • . ... . . . Mewe, 1888 . § 3694 L ºn tº swºrn. 1846, and 10 others, * : ; & * OC8.1. --- * . . &p,' 3695 Richardson (T. M.) Castles of the English and Scottish Bor- : ; - der, Parts I. and II. (all published), proofs. •. ; folio, Megg, 1834 * 3696 Richardson (T. M. Sen. & jun.) Sketches at shotley Bridge". __ Spa, 7 plates ºn lithograph, gloth, -º-º:# s-,--- r +-----> 3695 Richardson (win, of North Shields). A Collection of Fugitive T * Poems by him, with some Notices of his Works, neatly wº- & r * ×3 . A * ... t º, .*.*, & P. § 3700 Richiºſofiñºf CSFBrăgº) Počicaſ works, Wº. TETE mounted in 4to. - * 8899 Richardson (Mrs.) Ethelråd,"ä"Diáñāºr Percy, a Trägådy" (by Hannah More), 1778. — Morton's (T,) Education, a Comedy, 1813. - ºf * º #. º A. --- º; º, - ;" º * • : Doubleday's Dioclesian, 1829—and 5 others. 370T Richmond (Margaret, Countess of) Funerºſsermºnoſ, by Bp. : # 7. - # 2, #3 Fisher, blåtålºttet, repriſº, ºth préfège. — 1708 . ~ ; §703 Richmond (Wiſ.) Series of Marítime and Mercantiſe Tables. / 3 ~~~~~~~~º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 3073 Ricraft (Josiah) Survey of England's Champions and Truth's "" ; " 3. ... }, ſº ºf Faithfull Patriots, large paper, numerous portraits, boards, # i {{ zºº.º.º…royal.879, 1847, ſegrº 1848... #. * 3704 Riddles. A Collection of the most Ingéniºs and Diverting": ---- AEnigmas or Riddles, Dublin 1727. — The Puzzle; being : - ; a choice Collection of Conundrums, and the Answers. — ; A 3 : Hooper's New Puzzle-Cap. — MasterSharpwit’s Puzzle-Cap ; # * * ----in-l. Ygle gºlf & ºuriºus collectºº. . . . . . ...?... i. 3705. RITIEy(BE) Life of. By the Rev. GIGügester RITIEy, ºriraſ, T , a t calf. - 4to, 1763 # § 3705 RITEy(SIFTRosyvºrºcºmºrpºrrºw, º ſº A # --~~~~ * ~~~~~~~~~~ ~.94%/079-4--- i. 3707 Ridley HäITEstate, Hollingsworth's Letter to the Rev. J. Dodd, f § * --- &c.—Bates' Letter in Reply to Hollingsworth—in 1 vol., M.S. plan inserted, half calf, scarce, Newc. 1829-30. Bates' Letter to the Bp. of Durham, 1830, with cuttings and ..gºogrºl ºf £ºgº hºligºlº sº. 870s – Trºmsgwºrm's Tºffºrts the Rºrpººl. 8s. fšāºr";"| ". 3705 Tºpaintergºy:BördöFTIstºčrºgºmiranºrsgötſäää. - --~~~~ 249.1776. 3710 Another copy, half calf. 4to, 1776– y 37TTRIFICy (JāS. Ogier, at the Red Lion, Barnet) Select original Letters, portrait. - 1781 f 3712 Ripon, The Tourist's Companion to, fine plates, on India paper.” *. - -* * * !---~ *-*...*.* > . . . . .- : *- : * In - ...!???!!!833. - --- ~~/--. } Y § * - [ 216 § 3713 Rise and Progress of the Rebellion in Scotland, against King # Charles the First, faithfully collected from the best Accounts º # f{ ry $, \ 3. º {- and proper to be known at this Time, half bound. 1716 T57TTRIFEST(Geo. Master of Newcastle Grämääf-SchööI) Con- é : templations Metaphysicae, half calf, Owon. 1648.-Ruggle % (Geo.) Ignoramus, Comaedia coram Regia Maiestate Jacobi ; Regis Angliae, &c., calf, 1630. - : ; | * | %l ºt RITSON's WoRKs. ; : 3715 BSERVATIONS on the three first volumes of the His . i-i- tº.gººgliº&-tº- ; i--- trsarºttºmºtºrºgºrsºgºvºlt. -. - - 1783 “ºrtreetºtºmatºry stºrs; -arrs-–-rmatherapy-gwarrastrº- , * ‘l’ſ S3- -arrºrºgmºrsºvarrrrººmmigrha wrifia: 1813 .*. *Mrštětºň a few words byway of Süpplement to Re- 4. marks, Critical and Illustrative, of the last edition of Shak- –K Š Speare, , --- - - - ------------ __, 1788 --L---ºr-Aiſºtºpy. 1788 # -3722 Ancient Songs from the Time of King Henry the Third to *. { .. the Revolution. - 1790 *3723-pieces of Ancient Popular poetry, aſſisty Bººk, russia. 1791 : 4-3724–Another copy.… -- ---> 1791 T3725 - Another copy, new edition, outs by Bewick, cloth. 1833 -“ºrrº. 3725-cursory criticism rom-ma-edition-orshälsätra published- Aſ 6 : by Malone, 8vo. — Malone's Letter to Farmer on his º § edition of Shakspeare—in 1 vol. half calf, M.S. notes. - ºriglish Anthºlºgy, 3 vºls, cloth. Iº93 Tsº. *3728. Northūbānīāfēśājjīāţāśāºr" 1793 *3729 Northümpºrtantreamād; of Newcastle "Nightingale, first i & . 3 & edition.—Figures in Rhymes.—Garland of Northumberland : # * * Heroes. – Comical Dialogues between two Country Lovers 3. º —in 1 vol., half calf, Vewo. V. Y. -2. e *373U NorthūmùùTaña Gârână, Nº. 1793: Marshall's Collection 3 & : of Newcastle Songs, 1819–in 1 vol., half calf. - - ratorre If the ancient Poems, Songs, and —a • * * * Ballads now extant, 2 vols., calf. 1795 //I. ºrºgºrkhāthārāopy, Hawādition, 2 vöſs, GIGEh.” 1832 ºn AEstimº Trôm. Åſſiaſ F650 --~~~TS02 * *… § le *3734 GammāFGürtóñºta Täää, ärtha Nursery Parnassus, fircăIf. 5 (3 : 1810 - 3. *3735 AnothèFööpy, with filińSFötis a Tätiöns, néâtly mounted, l, 6 º' half ºf *-*-*A*------exe”. A re-s-at-º-º-º-º-º-º:*** *** - ... --> → **-* --~~~ 1810 TL. Tºgº.g6 Northern Garlands, calf. *~ 1810, * / - -º-own---" " 1810 & ºrrºr-wºma;-&Ey. º ié ºrgs-PrºTMaxims in Conveyancing, half calf 1820 º ; -: 1. A - - -v- rº" . - *:::: - *- Grº- º *--- i.e. … ºn ...-----> -- ~~~~~. “” ------, - . . mºm- r * 3, +--- ºr --- 7 .* - - 3. ; < 3. º § ; ; ; : § £, § 3 ; . ºf * § f •. | 217 J 3739 Caledonian Muse; a Chronological Selection of Scotish *~ 3741 3742 —º 3743 — 3744 3746 374 37 3749 3750 Ni all 375 half 3752 rººt Copy. • *- S Reviewers. — Cromwell (Thos.) 1816—and 6 º and School €- ... —- Wolls. 1808. — s Walk through South- ampton, 1801. — Companion in a Tour round Southampton, 1801. — HBath Guide. S N 3- : - a Jo: and other * - in verse, 1845. — Rannie (John) Musical Dramas, with select Poems and calf. - Oil º orgery, cuttings 1822. — Report of the Proceedings in the Insolvent Court, in the Matter of John Edward Carew, an Insolvent Debtor, roy. 8vo, 1842.—Hendry (Wm.) Method of Calculating the Walue of Life Annuities, Assurances, &c. 1825. Iſl. the and Writings calf, Edinb. 1818.—Watt (Jas.) Historical 1839 - by Bp. tº In OW 5 823.− S mances, 1327.—Life of Robin Hood, with the Poems, Songs and *== ics of Robin Hood, Prose and Verse.—History of Adam Bell, &c.—The Pindar of Wake- 2 F - -- * --- +318; w- - -v: - .-.r-.:t-.zft&:- --------- ai- 3lÁ- -* :; -º- [ field—in 1 vol., half calf, with several notes and additional Ballads in MS., by Mr. Bell, wº-ºº-ºººººººº-ºººº...? .º.º., sº-. d's Garland, cuts, York 1798—and 2 other edition: i § Robin Hog : } ***.*.xsºr grº-e-a- - - "3762. ºft *:::::::::::::::::::::: Röölä Hööd’s Gäffand, outs, half ºffs...York 1805.........… Röß (Rev. J.). Argument ºf the RºyāTSū rsröö Rºbinsºn (Rºy Tºyºnº Observat Pickering 1851 ôňs"Čiºthèº TNättſrål History of this World of Matter, and this World of Life, half calf, scarce, 1696. — Essay towards a Natural History ... . of Westmorland and Cumberland, half calf, 1709. *8767-Essay towards-a-Nºtºr History or westmorland and Cumberland, 1709. – Windication of the Mosaic System of ...the Creation, 1709-in lyol, calf, rare. ÖBºſsºn’s GūjāStö Richmößdº T833. - Bowman's Guide to Richmond, 1843. — Hargrove's History of A Histºry. 8. "Robinsºn (wifi.) *... .Y. f. rººf # Ü":History an º *-*. Knaresborough, 1832. — The Scarborough Guide, 1827. — ºd, Mystery of the Scarborough Schools, 1840. m.) History and Antiquities 6f Hackney, 2 vol in 1, plates. . . . - 184 S. -- - ** **. A. --> *-*.*.*.--> --> * ----------'º - - * ---> 8 2 - . d'Antiquities of Stoke Newington, plates. 1842 *377 rRöbson (A:) Pöéticăr Miscellany. --Evangélièarchâ ºt-ºf---wºr--- 101S. — Robson (J.P.) Poetic Gatherings, 1839. — Poetic Pen- cillings, 4 vols. ObSOn"S *-- - - - - - Newc. v. Y. ôfióñāīāč"āīd Miñof Pöößis, Näää. T848. — Original Tyneside Songs, 1849. — Songs of the Bards of the Tyne, Newc. - º-3773 ~375 3776 * Fºr twºrke-vº. =wmarbrösößis ºf Föögy;”6;""Húñāfed Original Songs, Newc. 1831. — Robson’s Monomaniac and Minor Poems, Newc. 1848. — Robson's Songs of the Bards of the Tyne, unbound, Newe, sometroseph) The British Mars, plates, 1763 – B. (Wm.) Military Discipline, or the Young Artilleryman, #ffe title and a few leaves damaged, small 4to, 1643. — Round (The) Table, the Order and Solemnities of crowning the King, half calf, 1820. robgºñtrºy Britis ITUIS 'Herälä, ö Caſſifief of Armorial Bear- ings of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ire- land, 3 vols., numerous fine plates, half russia, fine copy. 4to, Sunderland 1850 *** **** - r’- **::: Tristory ājīd GTö Śāīy of Herălăry, lºrge paper, plates. royal 4to, Ibid. 1830 $777-Rochester; History and Antiquities of plaiºs; eart" 1772– tº Some remarkable autograph letters as to the antiquities of the cathe- dral, 1767, &c., inserted. - 3778 — History and Antiquities of, plates, calf (2 copies), Roche 1772. — Rochester Cathedral, Histor calf, 1717. \*;: .- º * i * iº. --~~~~ **** © y and Antiquities of, 8779 Roddam (Capt. Robt.) Minutes of a Court-Martial on, scaree. . Jºngston in Jamaica. 1757 : i 8780TSE (Richard) Memoirs of the fifjjīāś * -º-; ; ***~P------ Craufurd and Lindesay, portrait. ºrrº 4to, 1753 ; 8781 Rºmână (RºwmyTºy Tºmºrrºr:grº Another Life, by W. B. Cadogan, 1796. # 37 , Bell' S amºtºrºtºtiate the Cºmstørº- Severus to the Authorship of the Roman Wall, Newc. 1852. * * Potter's Amboglanna, Papers communicated to the Society & of Antiquaries, Ibid. 1851, 4to. - §. :* **: Gº - " *… • --- *~~~~~ } Keasº: 37.83". History of with an A&tiſt of its state, jūne 1549, ºr - plates, (2 copies). - —1844–3–3 3784 TGSCOs (Wiſ.) TºñTPontificaä of Leo the Tenth, 4 vols, r—r §§ . . 21ſt&_Eussia ev. J.) Essay on Faith, calf, Wawe. : ; Rotheram's The Force of the Argument for the Truth of 3 Christianity, Stokesley 1831. – Rotheram’s Philosophical : ; iry into the Natur X. 3785 Ross (C Tºñº Navigatiºn#######: º º-ºš Vºgº.!9ſſ.) ºrgâţlse.9m. Søy. y. Sºº.49.1%-3-…-6. 3786 Rother. 1772. — - i g 3 Öw, Memorials of the Family of. small 4to, Edinb. 1828 & & Only forty copies privately printed. . . . . . . . 3. • - 3758" RººmSmytrºyºſ H. Kiſſ of Sºni frºm 1553 to º August 1637, with a continuating to July 1639, by his Son. . : - e } 3) ºx:ºxºstºsºsºsºzº: ...}}.0%gº. Sagiełłº 1842-i-º-; 3789 — Another copy. . 1842 3790 Rowe (Harry) No Cure no Pay, York 1797. --Beauties of ". Modern Literature, Richmond 1802—and 5 others relative § to Yorkshire. ~~~~~ 379ſ Rowſey, Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol by ; Thomas Rowley and others, 1777. — Mathias' Essay on the # Evidence relative to Rowley's Poems, calf, 1784. — Bryant : (Jacob) Observations on Rowley's Poems, 1781. ... " -> <-- . £ 7; 3792 Roxby (Róberty Tºyºf the Reedwater Minstreſ, first edition, - cut on title by Bewick, Scarce. 4to, Newg. 1809 : 3793–Kmother copy. ~45, Tºm 1505 s 3794 Roºmsºn; Report-to-ma-Tristºrsfººr-º-º: Alterations, 1831. — Report of the Committee upon the 3. Road from Edinburgh to London, by Jedburgh, 1830. – ; : Catalogue of the Exhibition, Nothern Academy of Arts, J 1831. — Selby's British Birds, second series—in 1 vol. : half calf. - --, -ºs.ºri -º, ſº ~4t Hºrºzºº - Fºg:-xºrzº: ..º.º. y § ºr **... ." : ;, § : §estºrºsasº. .*.* 8795 Royār Mīſītāry Cäſäää, öf Army Service and Commission ; f : Book, 5 vols. --~~~~1839-4------- 3796 Royar Family Of Great Britain, from Collins' Peerage, # * * mounted on guards, and illustrated with eleven large por- . & 2. traits. - -> *:::…,tº cº-ºrsºrrºsiº. 4:9-i. $zsaxº~4& ,-ºs- 3797 Royāſ Pfögfēšš" in Scotland in 1842, Illustrations of the, fine : | 3. § plates and cuts. 4to, Edinb. 1844 º .3 25 d *ś & : | 22a | ; 2. . : 3798 Rudd (Mrs. Margaret) Authentic Anecdotes of the Life and 3. - º, & º-ra º: Transactions of. 2 Ygle.cºli. & rººftºzºº.º.º.º. 4.- : * > .27 a. 1776 -- / : F rºtagsträß) #; and Antiquities of Gloucester, plates. # § 1– ~~~~~~~~~~~.9% ºr * — & é †3805 Rumney (Abram, of Åinwick) Humble Tribute tº the Memory –4 º § of MS. notés inserted, scarcé. Alnwick 1794 * TESOTRTHIS Fºy, FFC Spºngºſ, Hångſätää from the Islandic .# 2 ”* , Language, calf, scarce. *...* , a • *...r- _1763 H– TSSU2 =::"Anāther copy. 1763. *-a-33sos Ruthermºrs Borisrirand-Book, pºrº, girlag. t–7– Aſelso 1849 S. : jºbsor Rutland. Descriptiºn ortfºrdālīyār; frºm that Santies of # / i s England and Wales, map and plates, half calf. - rººts RūţāF(RèV. tº the Old Testāmént. 1817 § * *ssobºráñāºf the EpisłISTS the Hebrews, ºrgſg:= #. 2 ; (+ Smith & Fairbairn's Spirit of the Gospel, Edinb. 1820. — - . z - * * '...' & lº * - } * Ellison (Rev. N. T.) Protestant Errors and Roman Catholic Truths, 1829. — Sheppard (Rev. Thos.) Sincere Convert, * } yº wº- s ** . 1680. ºf *38UTRütter (John) Dalifications ºf Fömäſſanā its Abbey, jing : s 3. plates. *A*-º-º-º- imperial 4to, 1823 § *3805-Rütter's Degriftiºn of Töffinſ, rºr-Gåſås to Kenil- a ; worth. — Heath’s Accounts of Persfield and Chepstow, | 3 3 1793. – Bartell's Observations on Cromer, 1800. — Tunni- i -- . cliffe's Survey of the Counties of Stafford, Chester, and f : º Lancaster, 1787. r *asugºryan's Histºryorshoney sparsimmºrt:Tsare: Tait's De- | 2 || 6 | scription of Bishop Auckland, 1820. — View of the City of — ~ Durham, 1813, Fººtºººººººººººtº Rººkºº-ºº-ººººo-ºº-ººr ºr ~~~~. -- . : ; ; # 8810 Rycaut (Sir E.) Present State of the Turkish Empire, por- 2. * iſ: #4%, binding broken...... . . folio, 1680 s 6 3 3811 Ryley (S.W.) i. Itinérant; or Memoirs of an Actor, 6'VoIS., —º------—- 1817 = : 3. 38tºryt.fi. tirham.t-Memoráñāā’īšîăţivé à thè Söyörål Estates / º : - ... in the parish of Ryton and county of Durham, collected by ) % : : Thomas Bell, comprising interesting Particulars, chiefly : * º manuscript, respecting the early Landowners, the Division : : . of Commons, Copy of Survey of Winlaton Lordship in 1632, 3. § : the Manor of Chopwell, Rental, Fee Farm Rents, &c. &c., º ; % in 3 vols, folio, half bound, and lettered. - 1- : : 3813 ABBATH Question, A Collection of Newspaper Cut- º : 3. tings, Broadsides, &c., relative to, 1 vol. 8vo, and à . 3. 1 4to. § 7 rasſrsºmºrpFiry Tryalº, before the House of Peers, and … i.… tW2.9%. Papers relative tº his Case, calf. folio, 1710 : #3515 Sãºnºvéfair w j m.) ACCóünt of the Isle of Mafi, its Iñhãbit-- ants, Language, Soil, &c. 1702 * * *.*.* . *}** 3- 3--; :** i * $ º [ 221 - ; ; ; ! . . 3816 Scottish Tourist and Itinerary, 1830. — Scotland Described, : / # 4. - 1806. — Travellers' Guide through Scotland, 1811. ; : : “. 53rrSºFTIs (TöFrgeºrgerköööäättäf Cölät Māſīārāfi; withº y ***'. other Pamphlets relative to him—in 1 vol. 1759 & 35TS-Saarār-Theory of the Earth, from its first Atom to its last : End, large paper. royal 8vo, Newc. 1798 : 3ST?"Sãffitº Māºſéjöñé, Aññāāfāčöðiſfits ºf the Receipt and ". Expenditure of the Parish of 1798 to 1826, calf, royal 8vo. § — Norton (George) Commentaries on the History, Consti- tution, and Chartered Franchises of the City of London, . 1829. — Middlesex, Report of the Committee of Magis- ; - tratēs on the Publig Bridges...}{9, 1836...…..… ; 3820 Salisbury, Historical and Descriptive Account of, half : …Salisbury. 1834;....., ** -- - IQ OTOGCO, xºa, ºzº,…tºrºšeš-r&sº-ºxºº.” * - * ***., 3821"Sallustfi Beſt Catilinarietjugurthini Historie, printed from ; { *-* - stereotype plates by ſº. 62%.ºlf.ſºre…4%. 1744. 3s22-sºnomºrrºſiºrºşīāeºrge for England, and the Original of the most noble Order of the Garter, ** * xy “ ; As : ...t *t*- º• * * *A-ºw-- ** *------ww. *- ------ * .-- - wº * *. --> r- ; half calf. -1704-i- 36%;" Salmon (Wºm.) Polygraphice, or the Arts of Drawing, En- § graving, &c., plates, stained, 1681. — Salmon's Chronolo- ; *yºr ~~ gi+ - rawxv. ax: : ~rrºr ical. Historian, portzgā, 1723. ... --— --------- --~~~~#~~~~ Ł--- 3824 Salt (Henry) Life and Correspondence, by J. J. Halls, 2 vols. & *- wº ºr- * * *-***T** * r------. J. :: - 1834. +- ~...~~s. ---- rº-...--> ----',” 3S25-Säſt-Fööt, (The) Controversy, as if appeared in Blackwood's i : A º Magazine, half calf, searcé, #: 3526 Sáñpford Ghost." Narrative of th º º e extraordinary Occurrences which have taken place at the House of Mr. Chave, in the Village of Sampford Peverell, Devon, by the Rev. C. Col- ; ton, with 2 other Tracts, Cuttings, and long MS. Note. 3. i s *. -- - - - i. º e- • -*:: w* g** * *º- - ne-r-sº-...- . ~~~~ is:--------, **-----> --------~~~ Zwarton, &c.; ; ; – 3537'Sancho (Ignatius, an African) Letters of, with his fife, 2 vols., f: 2.5 red morocco, gilt leaves. it vºxerrº-ºxº …~1783-3-4---~~~ 3575 Sandby (P.) Virtuoso's Museum, Select Views in England, † - i. 3i - - . --~~~ Scotland, and Ireland. -----oblong 4to, 1778- S-> 2:::::::: 352g Sandergoň (RTB) The Tatter Rain, 1846. – Bell (Alex.) : Translation of the New Testament, Part I., 1837. — Ro- : ; : . .2- . theram’s Sermon for the Infirmary, Newc. 1771—and others, º ~# 2. in a volume. — Cock (Rev. John, Durham) Twelve Ser- 3. nons, 1710—and 4 others. ..............s…sºsºsºvºrºvºsºrº" "tºº “f* *:::.. " s'sso-Sandergön (A:) Pööms, Nö. Shields föſö...t-Marshall's Willage 2 : 4° Pedagogue, Newc. 1817—and 6 others, poetical. i l ~g & - <--~~~~~-cº-r-ţ re-2, --~& --- - - { 3 § . . . . .". , *, *** * * * - 1 * 4. ~ *: *:: **, :* $, yº: º: - -*. #5 s' S. * tº: r # * 3. º }} º *: à s: º : i. º: t; +x - ** ** s 4 * { i- . . w ** t; 33. * * * '.. 3 THIRTEENTH DAY's SALE, WEDNESDAY, October 31st. :º ſºmeong-rººm wºrs: º --> * * -t- “ . . . 4to i º, $ E- r 4.- : // 3831); Eſtº, ERMONS and other Pamphlets, Theological, ––– S tº 2832 Thomas Sykes' Works. - Free Gram- i / ; s' ...; mar School, Newcastle. — Joseph Clark, º # { Newcastle, Collections relative to. — Elec- . . . . : º- tion Papers, &c. — Smeeton’s Universal * 3 º - Pamphleteer. — The Northumbrian Mirror. ~, ": 3833"Misceſſºus-Newcastià and Carlisle Railway, Parliaméſ- º / º tary, &c., Reports, Tithe Commutation, Municipal Corpora- ; , ; . tions, Darlington Canal, Durham Building Ground, &c. &c. ----— —A parcel. 3 3834. Wiltstä - A. & vo imams rººtsºn worses:- ssºrsemorrºstrº-prºgrapmårtraats-Tººts-relating to * - "S in Nort umberland-In 3 8vo. portfolios. :3837. Mºsºgnºſis. Trºts, gºïènytöðalſtävätsze-bº”- **ºtº ºsºtº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: - ~~~~ - - - - 8888 Wiscºff; Tracts, in Völs.--8. Tº - º: isºellaneous Tracts, in Völs.-8. ...Cºlāla (S29.-- , Yr-w § 3840 Magazingºrrºsigº . -w-----. r * : * . º 384I MiscèIIäneous Tracts, chiefly Tocal, in vols.-6 f $3842 Miscellaneous TFääfs, invols:5. wr # ... : - ; º % ANDERSON (Thos.) Life and Literary Remains. §§§HTSāmāy; (George) Christ's Pa sion a Tragedy, § 3. +. !, y - :*: - - ...t ** ..With Amigºſigns, hºſt gºlf..…}949. *śrººf fºggyón the Origin ºf calf, uncut, scarce. Newc. 1819 C . Printin 8, half *3846 - Anotherº-matraſt "Ibº, 1819 T3847 – Añótharööy, large pººr, ºth ºutagraph of W. J. § } % 3-...-fººt.— ...—oyal 8vo, Nº. 1819 i - 4 #3848 Sārisbüriensis Portiforii, Pars estualis, blará ſetter, calf, rare. : rºw a rr A Paris, F. Regnault, ſº *4 [ 223 * 3849 Sarratt (J. H.) Treatise on the Game of Chess, 2 vols. 1808 * 3850 Savage (James). History of the Hundred of Carhampton, half; ; i º ; 3.2 calf. - § 3. 6- . $555 L 375ther Copy, ſº ºrso, TūT350 T. ; 4. - 3852 s—(Framer-poems-contaming Träſäätſä-SEstañas-of- : º -º-º: Northern Mythology, &c., Norwich 1807. — Woodley ; ; , ; 3. \ (Wm.) Catharine de Medicis, a Tragedy, &c., calf, 1825. . ; 2. 3. — Lebrun (Pierre) Marie Stuart, Tragedie en cinq Actes, ; : ; : Paris 1820. i 2853 S㺠John) Poems, jº, haſ bound. FKing Cºars. Tº H Levee, first edition, half morocco, Alnwick 1815-18. : $6 § *º-d tº Both privately printed, and very rare. Only six copies of the poems : ; f and twenty-five of the other printed, f ; § Söğ)4. poems; sóőröſtrömºols. Genius, and other ; - *# Levee–4 vols. in all. Newc. 1818-19.3 : * 4. 3555 jig CŞāI's Tevée, or Geological Etiquette, wellum. ; : 7 º, * **************, *...*.* * - - ...ſºſ., 1819. º } *:: *W* : *:.º.º. casſº 3856 Poems, pºtººr. 7%, ºnly ºppºinted, Alnw. : k 1815. — Chicken's Collier's Wedding, fifth edition, Newc. : : 2, # 4. - 1778. — Scafe's Genius, and other Poems, Ibid. 1819. — ; ; ; f Scafe's King Coal's Levee, 1819– ~4------ : 3857 Scarborough Guide, containing an accurate Description of the * Town, the Castle, and the Environs, half calf, Scarbor. 1815. — Scarborough (The) Guide, plan, half calf, Ibid. 1818. — Schofield (J.) Historical and Descriptive Guide to Scarborough, York. —Otley (J.) Description of the English Lakes, map, Jºswick 1823. 3858 38.59 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 386.5 3866 3867 sºmºrpºmºrrºriſtºriºgº, End, a tº Tale, by Solomon Partridge. Juha 1769,in Lyºk-----4----...}. Scarlett (N). Translation of the New Testāment. 1798 }...; i- *__ Schiſer's Mary StüäTTTTTHE Mºſſ of Orleans, translated, ; ; A With Life, by the Rev. H. Salyin. ...? 1802 Sööniºn. "Mömörändå"of the Antiquities, Čuriosities, History, and present State of Scone, plates. .42.Édº. 1891 *: Scott Capt. Wāſār) Tü6. History of several Honourable Fa- milies of the Right Honourable Name of Scot, half calf, S60%"C6. - Ibá-1776 S&T Wim.) Apºſseſſºr Natiºn of the Sºe and Gºvern: ment of the Kirk; and Forbes' Records touching the Estate of the Kirk. Scotch (Thè). Portmanteau opened at York. rºx: xxº~~~~~ Scotia Rºſtºvá, a Collection of Tracts illustrative of the His- tory and Antiquities of Scotland, Wol. I ºnh. 1826 Wodrow. Sagić.1846. rºx. " nother copy, 1 bid. 1826. — Scotland, The Traveller's Guide through, 2 vols., Ibid. 1818. — Knox's Topography of the Basin of the Tay, Ibid. 1831, Scott (ATTW) Poems in the Scottish Dialect, I jº. 1808, L Macdonald's Poems and Songs, Inverness 1838. — Pomfret's [ 224 l Poems – Butler's Hudibras, 2 vols., 1818. — Sabbath .. . among the Mountains, Edinb. 1825. ~8858 Sºfºrstºrpedigºfthe Familyößted from the * 2 . original edition of 1783, with Introduction, &c., large 3. º ; paper. - 4to, 1852 »T Fº T3869 SCOTF (SIFWäſter) Border Antiquities of England and Scot- **-tº- w ####### #; 3 vols. 4to, 1814-17 -7- I3870 - Minstreſsy ºf the Scºtfish Borderºwols...}ºnſ, 1810 bºº *::::::::::Hº. *ſafe ºf “ff.jään # # 1811. — : Mºrmion," a 3874 Scott (Rev. Thos.) Letters and Papers, 1826. = Robinson (Å.) : 2– - Rokeby, Ibid. 1821. ----------------> ----------> ----- *-*.*.*.*.*-a-A-ºbvia ***.*-****** - * . -3573---Tºyoring Tāstºrmstreſ, TSTI = Tustrations to the : Lay, 12 Views from Drawings by J. C. Schetky, with Anec- ‘. .. dotes and Descriptions, 1810, in 1 vol., calf. — Marmion, a ~~~~. Aº- s - 3 3873 Scott (W) jść. Exploits, plates," Harº 1812. - Scott's i–4– Beauties of the Border, Carlisle 1821. / g . wºrrºmaramron ºrgåſtårtatiº" - Printed by the same, from Ged's plates, Newc. 1742 tº The above two works are extremely rare; for an account of them see Hodgson's Life of Ged. They are from Mr. Brockett's library, at whose sale in 1823 the first sold for £1 2s. and the second for 14s. # – Short History of the Persecution of Christians, galf, Carlisle. º T3875 Scottish Minstrelsy (The Royal) A Collection of the Effusions 3. º - oggasioned by the Visit ºf George IV, to Scºtland. Deith 1834 ~~~~sgrºszºrmertºrtºrtinssºrorMan, Tsiºr ; { } Newcastle, printed by John White, from plates made by Wm. * : Ged. ; - . 1742 3878 Scrapiana; or a Brief Chronicle of the Times, from the Dur- ham Advertiser, 1817-18-19, 3 vols. Durham $879 SarāpīāmārāFröette‘treamings from various Authºrs, Weiß. 1828. — Trotter (Dr. T.) Sea Weeds, Poems on various Occasions, Newc. 1822. — Tate (W. G.) The Sabbath, and other Poems, North Shields. * * - *Sºrºsºst rººf rty Gºtº ge" łompson; Newcastler-1818- y *58stºstrºnsºrtarge echection of Newspapercuttings;&c., mounted into a 4to vol. assºr-sºapstorms currous with additions, Wºº. T830.º. Scafe's º ( t Velocipede, and other Local Poems, 2 vols. – Silenus, an . : Elegy on Dr. Slop (Dr. Askew, of Newcastle), 1773. — º # Fletcher's Poems, 1836. — And 2 others. - --- *-3553-seats-coms, and wood Brºs:::::Atomitifºrâtaroźrcăbinet, ! s / ! 3. 18 by 20 inches, with thirteen drawers, containing some * , ſ 2. b . hundred Copper Coins and Tokens, some curious old Seals, s . Woodcut Blocks, and other articles. : — Z iſ -3534-seatstºpént; Romance of the Grime Tarthyosaurus. s ..? : - - ... Cambr, U.S. 1849 – º : / t T3855 Second Sight, Dreams, and Apparitions, Treatise on, by The- . * ophilus Insulanus. ______Edinb: 1763, Reprººf. s- • t--.-* & | | 225 3886 Secret Memoirs and Manners of several Persons of Quality, 2 vols. 1709 . 3887 Secretºrtistory or the most faitowºffºrty prizabetratºrror.” Essex. By a Person of Quality, 18mo, calf, wood out front., § rare.—Cologne: Printed for Will with the Wisp, at the Sign : of the Moon in the Ecliptieſ. r º 3888 Another eſtion frºß, half calf. I. 1725. 3889 Seibyana; arrºttom:#.*etteſtate the Origin and History of Tº the Family of Selby of Wavendon, M.S. pedigrees and notes : ; 3. . Čnserted. ... e- Carlisle 1823– - %. g 3890 Selden John) ºitten.#### Whiº.gº.ſºl. 1683-i-. 8891 TWTſeges of the Baronage of England when they sit in Parliament, 1689. — Segar (S.) Titles of Honour, the Tem- ##########-r — 3892 SOTECTân TCTIOus Cases of Polygamy, Concubinage, &c., seri- . : : é ~ sº. G # ; l . tº *** *** .* - : S- r- * I 2. ' ously and learnedly discussed. 8893 Selector (TRE). CºmETOTProse and poetry, 3 vols." * ---, t ; **-* - Mewo. 1827 4. 3894 seſ. CETETTAIEEEEETCSIGE, ºr- 2. print (2 copies). n royal Szo, 1852– t 3895. Selkirkshire, ºffsiºlºggggggiº…ſºrºr: * Sengº (Tº ſºlº dified.…~~~~~ 3897 SETſ (TTF). The Use of the Passions, translated by Henry, - Earl of Monmouth, portraš.4%d title by...!!arshg!/.….[6]-. 3898 señtſägar (Tſūī-CSI: the Hôň. Arthur) Memorial of the Court of Directors of the East India Company, private print. . . . ~~~~ arºussº-ºº-ºº-º-º-º: *—1919– 3899 Sermons. March (Rev. J.) before the Mayor, &c., Jan. 30, T. r 1676". — March's Encaenia of St. Ann’s Chapel, in Sand- gate, 1682. — March's Sermon before the Mayor, &c., . é 1684. — Tew (Dr. E.) Sermon at St. Nicholas', before the . tº Sons of the Clergy, 1737. — Tew’s Assize Sermon at Car- ... " º lisle, September 22, 1750. — Ellison (John) Sermon at St. . . } Nicholas', before the Sons of the Clergy, 1750—in 1 vol. hºtel tºº--~~~~ —---~~~ 3900 Ty-DTTmºtºidge, July 1, 1792. Thorp's *. -- - - Visitation Sermon, Northumberland, 1803, and his Charge in 1809. — Dr. Prosser's Sermons before the House of r | i. Commons, February 13, 1801, and at Lambeth Chapel, º April 28, 1805. — Rev. W. Forster’s Assize Sermon at - º f Durham, July 24, 1755. — Dr. Lowth's Visitation Sermon ; . at Durham, July 27, 1758, and others—in 1 vol. 4to – ****"cºrº----- r -Tărſ-Eſsºyomº-Tº-Tºmºrs in TrF- 2 vols. half calf. Y-X----~~~~ 3902 servić (Jāmūs). TCETETTEETS of Northumberland (2 5 * # ~~~~~~~~.4%%-º-º-º-º-º: 3903 Severaſ (The) Ways of resolving Faith, in the Roman and * , ~ , Reformed Churches, half calf. ... , 3 & York, printed by Stephen Bulkley, 1677 * ** 2-6------ * t ** tŁ. . T- -s s : / 390ſ : [ 226 J * ; : 3904 Shafto (Sir Cuthbert) A Letter from *** *** Esq. To the : ; : IIon. *** ***, containing an Account of the differences . . . which have for some time subsisted between Sir Cuthbert .. Shafto, of Bavington, and his Lady, half calf, wants the * { ; : first leaf. - - 1797 : } tº Privately printed, and extremely rare. A few copies were distributed .. amongst Sir Cuthbert's friends; it was then suppressed and the re- º . ; maining copies destroyed; those distributed were bought up as far as $ : ; possible, and also destroyed. - --ºradº sº; Frances) Narrative, containing an Account of : 3 l q . her being in Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe's Family, and hear- : - , , ; ing that the pretended Prince of Wales was Sir Theophilus's {- ; : º Son, rare. ſtyºcºevºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ..., 4to, 1707 – T-3908 SFTREETS (Wiſ.) The Rape of Lucrèce, committed by Tar. º : ! quin the Sixt: Whereunto is annexed, The Banishment of % º i ; Tarquin; or the Reward of Lust, by J. Quarles, frontisp., i ; with portrait of Shakespeare. 1655 º : & Rare, a copy sold at Fields' sale for £3 19s. º $º 3907 Tamlet, Reprint from the first edition of 1603 G CO- § • .. ies). 825 - § D ) Aº , º, ... *********'." "...sº * ~ *-* **- * + - - - - * 3505 Plays, Annotations iſlustrative of, by Jöhnson, Steevens, { &c. &c., 2 vols., half calf, 1819. — Montague's (Mrs.) Es- ... say on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, calf, 1770. ºg tº New Fäätäregårdiſig fié Life of, by J. P. Collier. 1835 *Tºrbºrsº, Minčº Făgăş, and Söägsfähis plays. *— -------- Whitehawen 1822 º 3grſ Essay on th& Writings and Geſùùs of, by Mrs. Montague, ; calf, 1772. — Morgan's Essay on the Dramatic Character of : ; Falstaff, 1777. º: : 39T2TShäkesperſämä; a Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, -º----------~~~~ & relating to Shakespºre... wºr--> -- www.s-- a 1827 tº 3918 . Another copy, ſº pººr, a few notes and portraits º £nserted. * ******* * * *-* >==< - 1827 , 3914 l ºrmvºwer, PUBLICATIONS, uniform in 3. cloth. º . Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, by Collier. Gosson's School of Abuse. % The Coventry Mysteries. - ; Thynne's Debate between Pride and Lowliness. : • ‘3. Patient Grisel. . . . . . . . ; Extract from the Accounts of the Revels at Court. ... " º Ben Jonson's Conversations with Drummond of Hawthornden. } First Sketch of Shakespeare's Merrie Wives of Windsor. : * Fools and Jesters, and Armin’s Nest of Ninnies. º } The Old Play of Timon of Athens. . { Nash's Pierce Penniless' Supplication to the Devil. § { Heywood's First and Second Parts of King Edward IV. 3. Northbrook's Treatise against Dicing, &c. First Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of Henry VI. Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer Night's Dream. The Chester Miracle Plays, 2 vols. The Alleyn Papers. [ 227 J Forde's Honour Triumphant, and a Line of Life. , Tarlton's Jests. s i. Sir Thomas More, a Play. - - - ; : -" The Shakespeare Society's Papers, Wols. I, II, III. - 3. True Tragedy of Richard III, f The Ghost of Richard III. . - Halliwell's Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare. First Part, and a Portion of the Second Part of Shakespeare's Henry IV. Diary of Philip Henslowe, the Player. - jº Heywood and Rowley's Fair Maid of the Exchange. Marriage of Wit and Wisdom. Memoirs of the Principal Actors in Shakespeare's Plays. Rich's Farewell to Military Profession, &c. Ralph Royster Doyster. Moral Play of Wit and Science. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company. 3915 Shakespeare Society Publications, Duplicates—Thynne's Pride 2. and Lowliness.-Extracts from Accounts of Revels at Court 3- 4. (2 copies, one half calf)—Heywood's First and Second Parts : - - sºf. Adyard IV:Shakespears. Soºiety's Papº, Yokºſſ. anks (Wm., Houghton) Contributions to Mathematics. —º - - Egya!.SY9, 1833 3917 Sharp (SiF6). History of Hartlepooſ, platº, halfgaff.” - - . I) . • 3916 % 6 -: *-. .* - - *:. * , º: pººrºººº-º-º: " - 39.18 Memorials of the Rebellion in 1569, large paper, por- ! trait. ---- - #9, 184}… 3919 − Bishoprick Garland; a C6Héction of Songs, Ballads, &c., belonging to the County of Durham, very scarce. . . . 1834 - ? Chronicon Mirabiſe, seu excerpta Memorabilia e Regis- . tris Provincialibus Com. Pal. Dunelm, 3 parts, half bound, § - in 3 vols scarce. ... ſºlºſſºſ, 1819-25-27 -º-º-º-º-z-f 7. é --~~ tº- . 3920 / A -3| 3.3: ºr >. 3921 — Añºffiérco yº. 3 parts. nº ~~~~…~4%-----...’, ‘’ 3922 —ºftoffº #.Part I"only, half bound... [hid ~~~~ ~/~~~ 3923 — ChrömööTMīāBITS, SFF tracts from Parish Registers, ; : 4T - - principally in the North of England, scarag. ~1841-4-----º-º- 3924 – Memoir of Brass Crosby, Lord Mayor of London, 1770- ; ; 2 i 71, portrait. rºyal 49.13%--~~~~~ 3925 FAnother copy, with additional Memoir and cuttings 2. r - inserted, portrait. ... - - - -., - ... -- ~ **-*_x>.". - *r- Egyal Atºlls-3-a-i. ~} 392.6 #; Öf the Contents of a Manuscript, for- & º } - merly belonging to Lord Wm. Howard, of Naworth, half . . - bound, cuttings inserted. Xº *— 3927 — The Diary ºf Jacob BSC, from T683 to 1706, half calf, / 4 wery scarce, Ibid. 1819.--~~~~ 3928 – The Sunderland Projectors:--- St. Hiſda. — Leaf from ; 2 & - the Pilgrimage of Grace. ~~~~ - } * ... Arº. ! i 3929 Reprints of Rare Tracts, 8 Nos., very few of each printed. . é º V : tº ºp sº — — ...------------ºr------'zº ... ….M600, 4&d.Suad. JZrºydºº º **.* r -- - :^*, * *.*.*. w 3930 Free Masonry in the Province of Durham, scarce, (2 ; : º - º copies). - - Sund. 1836. : tº f 228 p-,” .-}: &.*ºrº” § X. '. * 3931 Sharp (Sir C.) List of the Knights and Burgesses who have re- * : 3 presented the County and City of Durham in Parliament, with º M.S. additions by Mr. Bell. small 4to, Durham, 1826 s- § - ſº. Only 50 copies privately printed. — 5 • * : 3533 r fist of the knights and Burgesses who have represented ; the County and City of Durham in Parliament, second edition. - - small 4to, Sund, 1831 & Presentation copy from the author to J. Sykes, with autograph. A rare election caricature inserted. -- - 3.933 Knights and Burgesses, (4 copies). g *303rrCătărăgăGöf His Library, with Prides and Names, out- tings and long MS. note by Mr. Bell, inserted. ... 1889 “Sº sharptºmſ.) Tºñtº raw of Natiºnä Principles . . . . . of Action in Man, 1809.-Declaration of the People's Right 3 } : to a Share in the Legislature, 1774. — Tract on Duelling, % . } . 1790. — Three Tracts on the Hebrew Tongue, 1804. — The t º Case of Saul, shewing that his Disorder was a real Spiritual Possession, 1807.—Remarks on several very important Pro- phecies, 1768. — Kennicott's. Observations on First of Samuel, ch. vi., ver, 19, 1768, and others in 1 vol., calf— in all 6 vols. ---, *"3936 Sharp (Aſahdmi. Thôs.) Two Dissertăţions concóññg the He- : , , : brew Words, Elohim and Berith, 1751. — Sermon at Bp. . / : Butler's Primary Visitation, 1751. — Sermon at the Open- º . { ing of Cornhill Chapel, 1752. — Speech to Bp. Trevor, at Farewell Hall, 1753—in 1 vol., calf. From the Library of ... ºrgāºllº Slºſſ, with his gºtºgrgeſ. k -*-*==-- r: Sºng at St Mary's, Călătºge:Tºrr vºtiºn of £ 47 . the Bp. of Durham, 1751. — Opening of the New Chapel . . . at Cornhill, 1752. — On the Lord's Supper, at York, 1727 s . —in 1 vol., half calf. - *, 2 : # 8988 O&astóñarsermoſis, ºffº, Trésºrshärpºn the § i 3 ''. Rubric, calf, 1753. Tracts on # ;63, - 3– rewºr-mºrtºmºtº Tºmºy of the Hebrew Tongue ...Y & * -: - • * . ~~~~~tso; , , . " *...* —t and Character, 1755. — Two Dissertations concerning the Hebrew Words, Elohim and Berith, long MS. note by Mr. 3 f s Bell, 1751, - Review and Defence of two Dissertations concerning the Etymology and Meaning of Elohim and Be- rith, 1754. — Examination of Hutchinson's Exposition of .* Cherubim, 1755. — Defence of two Dissertations on the - Words, Elohim and Berith, Part II. and III., 1755. 35.40 ºr Sëriñón preached at St. Nicholas, New&astle, Sept. 7, - 1721, before the Sons of the Clergy, half calf, York 1721. — Sharp's Sermon at All Saints', Newcastle, for the Cha- rity School, half calf, scarce, Newc. 1722. — Sharp's Speech at Farewell Hall, to the Bishop of Durham, July 6, 1753, MS. note, Small 4to, Newc. — Tracts on various Subjects, calf-lifiš. + ~~~~~~~ K : *. "...º. # #sºi - -i | k t f $4 } } \ [ 229 | 3941 Sharp (Archbp.) Life of, by Archdn. Sharp, edited by the . . 6 ~~~~}º-ºº-ºº-ººººººººººº. 15%. 3942 Sharpe." foºtiºn y Metrical Legends, ºrotnar / . é - Poems, calf. ~ 94-1891–– i 3943 Sharpe's Ps ... iśrºza 2: . Iä980ill. §ſ. * - sºlº Sºrºsºlº - 3944 Shaw (Rev. John, Rector of Whalton) No Reformation of the . 2. ty º - Established Reformation, source (2 copiº)..…~~1885-4---~~~~ 3945 = NOTRSFSTTTatſon of the Established Reformation, half 2– 4 calf, 1685.-Shaw's Origo Protestantium, or an Answer to . a Popish Manuscript, very scarce, 4to, 1677. —--- 2–~~ 3946 ShāWTWTſiam) Analysis of the Gaelic Language, calf. / . é -Edº. 1778–7–3–1 3947-ShefféITTTTGöt. The Shewild Chap's Annual for 1840, . : 5T | 1841, 1842, and 1843, and other Tracts in the Dialect, in .* { . --~~~1-yol.…... . . … …--~~~~~~~~ * * * * * * * * * * > * > * 3948 Sheldon (F.) History of Berwick-upon-Tweed, plan. - f 3. . 6 * - —----~~~%-º-º-º- 39Tºr Miñºſsy of FRSTEnglish Böröðr, a Collection of Bal-` ſº lads. t. --- * > *-*-** → ; 1847…Y.: k 7 3950 Shepherd's Life of Poggio Braggiolini, fiverpool 1837. Z. & 355TSHERE SS HYEdinburgh in the Nineteenth Century, a . 2. * * * **. . 4. 7 •rºis-ºw “** t U. }~ ; { 4. i * k- - Series of Views, with Descriptions, half.galf._4to, 1829..…. 3952. Sheridan's Guide to the Isle of Wight, 1832. — Cooke's Pic- ſ º ture of the Isle of Wight, plates, 1813. – Gwilliam's . . 4 ...--Tºmps in the Islg.gf.Wight, 1848…~ ~~~~ *…~~~~ 3353. Sheriff of Torthumberland, Collections relative to the Office 3. ... of...M.S. and cuttings, half gºlf. Y. .* 3954 Sheriff. Hutton Castle, Yorkshire, some Account of, plates. T 4; t * Y-- . - -*A*--~~~~} 3955 Sharigºrºpr.) THE SETPºf His Two Kings of Brain: / º ; ford, at the Importunity of his Yindicator-small 4to, 1690. • * *-* * * 3956 Shields Bridge. Papers relative to the proposed Suspension . . A £2 res Bridge across the River Tyne at North and South Shields, ; Á ! collected by Thomas Bell. folia--- Š-- w t r -- .* * t ºr ************** ---. *—-º 5557 SITETTS"Mößthly Mirror; and Provincial Register for the . . # Years 1819–1820, half bound, uncut, No. Shields 1820–3. Northern Reformer's Monthly Magazine, Vol.I., Newo. 1823. . — Reflector (The) or Carlisle Essayist, Carlisle 1818. —The º Stockton Bee, Stockton 1795. ... -qºr- ~~~~ -3958. ShīGITS Söig Böök, 1826—and a large number of other Local . . 3. Song Books—in 1 vol, cloth. . •. § 1. § "3- } 3959-shoterrºwmºr-stimmers Tºyºtt Tºwich, I840–Bruce's 4. t History of Brighton-Waiters (Chas.) History of Bishop's º Waltham, Winch. 1814—and 3 others. * → • # s *...*& ºra * *.*.*----" tº a ---- - cº-º-º-Nºr:ryºzºa ºctºx. *--~~~~~~~ --~~~~~... 1976 # / . $3967 Sibbald (Sir Robert) the Autobiography of, with some Account → . 3. of his w-gºld-ºgº.zººd------ſºº. 1888 ; / : 33968 Siddons (Henry) The Triumph of Commerce; or John º •. o'Gaunt’s Prophecy, Lancaster, with autograph note on back of title, – Portrait and Memoir of H. Siddons. 4to * * -i- - … -> -- ~ -3. & 24, 2-- * ~ * 2ſ tº “- 7-a-ºl-º- \********* * '.'. ºr, . " - * * - - - S - " ' ". . . xy-, --- *********** > -- - - --!> --~, ºr . . . . a . J. & #39 Siddai (Mº) Memjºgi by James Bºdºxolil 1827 lº. 3970 - Another,89py, halfgalf.-------...--..... 1827 ; s 3971 Sidenham (Rev. C., Newcastle) Greatnesse of the Mystery of . / f : Godlinesse, together with Hypocrisie discovered, half calf, - ºrdré. . . . . -** -- ... ... 1657 Tº / "Y. 8972 — Another copy, rare...….. IB54 -3-8973-rººts title. **Y. . . a-A ------ ~ * * * —a r"rºgraz-Christian Exercățion on Infant Baptism, and Singing —º-º-º------~ * -*gg75-Siamey (ATºny DISCŞüßing Göveſſent, 3 vols. -*— Atººr, Yse xºrº Edinb.1750 - 5976 Sºñay's (SIFFmmy Philip of Morāy on the Tſūſſesse of the - *... . Christian Religion, black letter, fine copy. Small 4to, 1617 Y 3. . 2 *3977 E Correspondence with Hubert Languet, edited by S. A. # . 9 t Pears. * *-* - - - - - --> *--------~ **a*--~~~~~} W. Pickering 1845 -* ---ggrgºe=Anatharaopºrº. ºrbid. 1845 wº ºf 3979 Silig (Julius) Dictionary of the Artists of Antiquity, T836. — A- Short History of the Regal Succession and the Rights of the several Kings recorded in the Holy Scriptures, galf, 1731, f r * ---º-º- *. > * t º: - º: t i. - T. w * § -'s h * ºf * jºgso-Sivariº (Chāš.) Géology of Granada and Murcia, map and # . - plates. 1836 f : . . assrsiºnăs.) Essay towards an Historical A&Günt ºf Irish £º Coins, gºes. ...............….#9, Pºkº 1749. *— *3582 SimonTS TööF in Italy and Sicily, 1828. – Narrative of a º f ſ # Residence in Belgium, and of a Visit to the Field of Water- . loo, 1817. – Starke (Mariana) Travels in Europe for the ; : : Use of Travellers on the Continent, half galf...Paris 1839. -- - ––––1 "3983TSimond's Journalſ of a Tour and Residence in Great Bri- s Z ºl, • tain, in 1810 and 1811, 2 vols. plates, half calf, Edinb. rº # . 1815. — Six Months Tour through the North of Eng- ... ---rº-º-º-º-º-º------- " - |-- land, Vol. J. and II, plates, half galf, 1779:... [ 231 3984 Simond (Louis) Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain, 1810-11, 2 vols., calf gilt, Edinb. 1871. – Wilkin- son (Thos.) Some Account of the last Journey of John Pem-. ... berton to the Highlands, 1810. ..., s 3985 Simms (F. W.) Treatise on the Principal Mathematical Instru-, ments, 1834—Lardner (Dr. D.) First Six Books of Euclid, 1838.-Thompson (Isaac) Description of the Orrery, half. ~~% Mewg. ºxe'ss Kººibºsºkºrºgºrº, - rº ** - ** 8986 Simpson (W.) Further Discovery of the Scarborough Spaw, " and of the right use thereof; And of the Sweet Spaw and Sulphur Well at Knaresborough, with a brief Account of ~~~th9.Allom Works at Whitby, half calf, race, - 1610– 3987 Simpson (Thos.) Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions, 1775.-, Supplementto the Doctrineof Annuities and Reversions, 1791. §§§ Sīāş %; Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, Antiquary, &c. 1856 : 8989 Sinclair (J ohn) Observations on the Scottish Dialect, cf. 1782. . . . ~~ º tº 3990 Singer's Text of Shakespeare Windicated from Coſſier's Inter: s -- glaſſigns & -Égºrigg 1833. 355T inging. A new and easie Method of learning to Sing by ----ºft.*—-----~~~~%– 3992 Sir Aſbon, a Fragment, calf gilt, only six copies privately: "º rinted. - - .. 3993 Sismondi. View of the Literature of the South of Europe, by . . ---Thºmas R95099.3 Vºls..…~~~~~~~~~~~1823- 3594 Sisson (Rev. j. L.) Historic Sketch of the Parish Church of Wakefield. ######- 3995 – Another copy, large paper, flates royal 4to, ſîă, 1824. 3996 STSSOTSTETömönts ºf Anglo-Saxon Grammar, sº 1819. 8997 Six Months. TGIFTTHGTOrth of England, 4 vols. calf, plates. , • 1770 & 890s sºonſTºwnſam SEERTTTºrººf Frgº- in 1. . . . . . . . . * --- - - - -----" 1779- 3995 SREItón (Joséphy. History of Oxford, illustrated with nume- rous additional plates, cuttings, &c., in a portfolio, wants º, 3.3% $º 4000 SKºčF(Thomas) Life of Generaſ Monk, Duke of Ålbemarle." ------pocłraſſ. ... = * * * * * * *g 1724 º º .* * 4001 Skrine's (Henry) Tours in the North of "Éngland anj ºff" - • ** * Scotland, calf. ~49, 1785.5- 4603 sight (H. & Jºy Cºlós ºf Portsmºuth.” 1828; ~4003 SmåT(Rev. T. G.) The Highlands, SCGHigh Martyrs, and other; Poems, Edinb. 1843. —Stuart (Wm.) Poems and Legend- # ary Ballads, Part I. (2 copies), Alnwick 1827. H Wilkinson; (Janet W.) Sketches and Legends amid the Mountains of § South Wales, 1840. — A select Collection of Poems, from : *-* --~~" admired Authors, half calf (2 copies), A2: Sºlds, 1799, - 4004 Smart (Christophē). Toºms on several Occasions, calf, 4to, "" 1752. — Smart's Translation of the Psalms of David, 4to, 1765, - - - ~ * / 3 * 4005 Smart (Christopher) Poems, 1752. – Ekins (Rev. J.) Loves of º i *— Medea and Jason, 1771, in 1 vol., 4to. * ~ * 4006 Smart (Peter) Iſlustration of NeāTS History of the Puritans, 2-1 ( : " " in the Article of Fºrsman (By Dr. Huntº, half ºf * . . . . . very scarce. ...— ... ... Durham 1786 **-*.*AO07 Smeaton (John) Reportúñthe Förth and Clyds Cañaſ, plan, § 2. ' 7. º 4to, Edinb. 1767. — Smeaton's Report on Ramsgate Har- --~~~~bout 4a, tººl*-1794– Tº 4008 —— Experimental Enquiry concerning the Natural Powers. : 2. º 4. . of Wind and Water to turn Mills, &c., plates, 1796. — – ; Smeaton's Report on Ramsgate Harbour, cuttings inserted, § 3 º 1791. - - – / TAGög"Smellie (Wim) Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Corres- . . . . . pondence of by Robt. Kerr, 2 vols, Edinb. 1811 * 4010 Smith's Translation of the Book of Job, Notes by Réº. F. º : Randolph, Bath 1810.-Six Letters to Granville Sharp on º the Uses of the Greek Definite Article, 1802.—Des Mahis, ! . . . . Truth of the Catholic Religion, Aewo. 1799. - mºntºry Carrºgmººrms writºmºrrºrkmtiquities, . nly. roy. 8vo, 1854 T012 Smith (Elizabeth) Fragments in Prose and Verse, 2 vols., – £ººk..… … --~~~~434, 1914- * 4013 Smith (H.) Festivals, Games, and Amusements, Ancient and * - Modern, half morocco, 1831. —James' History of Chivalry, / ºghp) Galig Antiquitº...ºft. ºf 49.3%. 1789. ~7-rrors-strºn:vºr ; NTºmoranda réſative to, . / º $ with a Catalogue of his Library (priced), Prints, &g. in 1 Vol. 6. º 4016 — Catalogues of his Library, Pictures, Furniture, &c., with A - -, * ... ... cuttings and MS. notes collegted by John Bell, h; cf. 1826. : 4017 Collections relative to, by Wm. Garret, port. Nº. 1826 4018 Smith (I.T.) Plates of Antiquities of Tondon and Environs, *~ºuth--~~~ y---------, + = . …folio 1791 £, 4019 Smith (Sir J. E.) Memoir and Correspondence, edited by Lady 9 Smith, 2 vols. – - 1832 --ºn-sm #ir Universal Directory for Destroying Rats and 3. : other kinds of Vermin, calf, 1768. — Smith (G.) Compleat ~!ºdy ºf Pińlis-Hél– - - *4055*SºFTTHomº Tºg on H. Manners. Religion, and ..….99Wºment.gf the Turks. - - - 1678 # , ºf 1021 Smith (Sir Thomas) Commonwealth ºf England, Tb35---- º º Salmasii Defensio Regia pro Caroli I., 1652. — English .. Liberties, or the Free-born Subject's Inheritance, 1682. T4032 Smith (Rev. W.) Afinals of Uitversity-cottage; proving : William of Durham the true Founder, half calf, with Sup- plement, very scarce. . . . . Newc. 1728 Literae de Re Numaria; in Opposition to the Common ... . Opinion that the Denarii Romani was never larger than …º.º.º.º.º.--~4% º' ratºr-ºr- * Ibid. 1729 * . * ** = . - •º > -- “... 4023 t º º : ; * * , ** * --7 - f }, '* * .* :: * #: * * - º; - :* J.-: Å. - Fº * , w -$ - *, i. ºf § { r .* * {^{ --- *** - [ 233 ] 4025 Smith (Wm.) British Heroism, a Poem, half calf, 4to, Sund. - 1815. — Smart (C.) Poems, 4to, 1753. — Matthews's Gallery of Theatrical Portraits, Catalogue Raisonnée of, º, t *... ; ; ; *: *. i i ~bºl º: 1833. Tö56 sº recian Antiquities, $º-ºº-ºº: - 1832, - Harwood’s View of the fºr sijääriärriº Works, by Robert Anderson, Edinb. 1803. — Mackenzie's Account of the Life and Writings of John Home, portrait, Edinb. 1822-in lyol. half russia, - - 34 #ººt &tº strºntºrofºrº §§ - 3. - * ºr, * *::g ". *** - * *:::: * ‘. .” * • J ºf , § ..". - - --rea y ... twº t *-*. <- º f "we. t _*, * —Pl * -- " - - - -**, *. -- - - - .." f : ..º. * . .* J ,” a * { Yº: . . * *-*. * * º -- : & . * - # • *. * *. ...? -ºr - * ...' . º: 1 Vº *- *****...* ºff..….…...... s.…...…...... ….......... : .* . 4. 4025 – Plays and Poems, 1777 – Churchyard's worſhiness rººt: 7. of Wales, 1776. — Poems, Tales, Fables, &c., by Nobody, ; : ; (, —1710 – And 3 other vols, of Poems: - ---------> ; : 4029 Smyth (Geo. L.) Biographical IIlustrations of St. Paul's Cà:" . º 3 - * zººlºº - royal Syo, 1843 * ãº. ** - ãº; &lºš 3-y- ºr--- 7"--h; " -------------.v -º-, -, - . ty. r-s-, ºr ----|-- --> * - ºn . . 4080 snºmºnºtºrspºrtfºrmiºn Angel of Hishi-ºº----~~~~.4% 4081 Sºiſſ.) Thirty-three ºffinglish Māi, fº - - -: - folio, 1776. 4032 Somers (John, Lord) Essay on his Life and Character, by Rich. Cooksey. ... ** --- - 4033 SOTCFSCE (CES. Seymour, Duke of) Mem mily, and Character...halfb9Und. 4034 – †: Aſſy, Gälf. -áiºiſºr. 1484.5 irs : his Life, Fa- ; i r" : ºº: * f tt.. a History of the Baronial House of Somerville, 2 vols., portrait and plates, blue morocco gilt. ºrrºrs roº 3-ºxºº. $ºx rºº ----, -, - . s: - - - , §º "e º {} Sº tº 4035 sºmeºſtrº, †† |Memorie of the Somervilles; being *-* *&- :3r -** 4037 Penny Song Books, Marshall, Ibid. — The Vocal Miscellany, Vol. II. 1734. — Songs of the Tyne, Ibid. — Shields Song _...}}{n}. 1815.4-3-3. 4036 Soñérviſtă (Wim.) Hobbiñol, Field Sports, and the Bowling ; ; 3: —Green, ſing cuts-da-ladia 1.4.4. 4to, 1813-…” s: Sommer (Wm.) Treatise on Gavelkind, 4to, 1660. — Treatise ; ; 2.; of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, Oaford 1693. ... ." § 4038 Sigs-VIT's British Muse, Nº TTT5: A ComEºſ3f i tº-3 #: Book. — Couper's Original Poetry. — Songs on the Branch Custom House. — Marshall’s Newcastle Songs, 1819–and Quºis ill-ºl------------- The Poſite Singer, a Collection of Choice Songs, North Shields 1781. — The Chaplet of Cheerfulness, and Company 4039 Reeper's Assistant, a select Collection of Songs, Dublin 1763. — The Modern Syren; or, Enchanting Songstress, half ºf 8*. 1784: …~~...~~~~~~ A Căiţáčići ºf ºf iºni."fió3. The Builfinch, a choice Collection of English Songs. – The Nightingale, a choice Selection of Popular Songs, with Music. — Solace of Song. sº 4040°: ' ' '... t . . . . :... Sº...” 4041 – of Songs, imperfect. — Musical Miscellany or Songster's Companion, Newc. 1790.—The Charmer, a choice Collection º :t .r- The Vocal Miscellany, wants 4 leaves, 1734.—Collection : i Pºº -- **- -- y. i. X. 7- § 4A •y * * 4.* 2 II - of Songs, Scots and English, Edinb. 1765–The Masque, a º: º Collection of Songs, wants pp. 73 to 76, 1767. — The 3 : Melodious Songster, or the Soaring Lark's Invitation, Rich- -- (-w mond 1787. - * ----------------- " ------------ Newcastle Songster, and other Chap Book Songs.- Figures in Rhymes, and several Songs and Ballads. – Gar- *****~~~~ > rºmºtºrpºrarriºrsºgº- rººpoems. Manuscriptiºn folio *4045 sons ºf the Clergy in the Diºcessºr Dūſhām; Aſſattreports 2. from 1808 to 1834, 2 vols. half bound. — Society for pro- moting Christian Knowledge, Report for 1838, and the --- Anniversary Sermon, red morocco gilt, Royal Arms on the sides. -- ~ - - - - - - - - - - 1838 .. % f 4045 SopwitHTThºmas). History of ATSaints' church, plates (2 ... f : ...} copies). … Wºwo. 1826 –2. (, † 4647 – Another copy, large paper, plates. Föyörgyo, Tºd. T826 Tºº F tº 4048 = AGööünt of the Miñing Districts of Alston-Moor, &c.— /.../-....…T.T.T.Tºniºisº ; :- * , Account of the Mining Districts of Alston Moor, &c., *3 ; : Alnwick 1833. — Account of All Saints' Church, plates, ... * * ... Newc. 1826. - * **, *y-, -º-, --------------------- s - - - ------ - - - - - - - - lº. 4050 - ºlºr, 1834 ...-4031.-: Angther ###### głºś. Toyal 8vo, 1834 º . # — Geological ####### rºj Wein, /* . and Silver Band Lead Mines, in Alston Moor and Teesdale. ~~~~~~~~~~4*-* * National Importance of Preserving Mining Itecords, 3. and 9thº.pºmphlºß & $99 in pgrtfoliº...----- º 4054 sº †. # Libraries sold by ... S. Baker and his successors, from 1744 to 1828, private wº-ººººººººººººººººº-º-º-º-º-º-º:... ..., * : 4055 Sotheby (Wm.) Lines on the Meeting of the British Associa- tion at Cambridge, 1833, portrait, 1834. — Southey's (Robert). The Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo, calf gilt, 1816. 4056 Southcote (Joanna) Reece's ś of the Circumstances º that attended the last Illness and Death of Mrs. Southcote, * 1815.-Three pamphlets relating to her, in portfolio. ` 4057 Southose (Thomas) Surveigh of the Monastery of Faversham g --> : - - * * * * * * # $ ;- t, - : 3-4 2. A -1055 i tº *.* *. "... g- i...,33< . f 28– *- º ºrrºr- $* .-.::.# s : : 4058 Spalding (John) Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotland and : England, 1624–1645, Wol. I. - - + &. - 4to, Aberdeen, The Spalding Club 1850 4059 Spearman's Enquiry into the Ancient and Present State of the -- County Palatine of Durham, half bound. 4to, 1729 : $'. º, tº A complete copy with the postcript and two additional leaves, very # º * rare in this state; it has also numerous MS. corrections and additions º by the author. From the Lansdowne Library, with book plate. ñºsºft **śrº-ºxº~~~~…~~~~ **************.*.*.*. *w- & kºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-, --- . . . . #: ; : W . §: [ 235 4060 Spearman's Enquiry into the Ancient and Present State of the . . County Palatine of Durham, with numerous M.S. notes and . A.A. 4 ~~~~...&t, tºre..…. __4to, 1729 . . * * * * 4061 – Anºtºrº-------~~~~atºr-º- 3063 + Another goºſhālīāII, ºff. Tºm Sºriºg"ººz". 4063 Spearman (R.) Tâârş Cóñéeññg Eää septuagint, aid the †--, --> -- -------- ~~, ###### galf. ~4% Aſº a tº--- 4064 Spelman (Sir H.) Wiliate Anglicum, or a View of the Townes". Jºãº of England. –– ~gº tº 1998- %. 40.65 *Cºmºrrºbºratºrrsiºnarû, or;” 1616. — Basire (Dr. Isaac) Sacriledge Arraigned and Con- demned, 1668. º -*'-f-arº- as_A_º - - - - **** $.. : - * 3. . -r i;g º&§*- Churches not to be violated, and Ryves' Poor Vicar's "º . . Plea for Tythes, calf, 1704. — Sheppard (W.) The Parson's 3 & 2, . . . . . Guide; or the Law of Tythes, 1671.…........ . . . . . . . . . . 4067 Spence (Thos.) Pigs’ Meat, or Lessons for the Swinish Multi- , ; tude...4.Yols, curious plates, half calf. ...... 1783 * =ºtº-º- – - º: half gº! • zºz:xº~~~~~~~~~~vy-zºº ºz's . ". . ...A. ~. º - j|162 fºll - ,” ... 3 4066 | * 4 ... Another copy. -** - ---> ** …A-" 4070 rºº ##### Sne Englls º, scarce (2 : ; , ; , , copies), Newc. 1775, and Pigs’ Meat, Vol. I, and II., por- 2. 3- …—ººserted. – *~ 407 - Memoir ºf Nºrfº, with géºrpääphºts byrºfº”,” relative to him, in 1 vol. long MS. notes by Mr. Bell. — . 4: –Trial-attheua-speace-acetediºlaserted-tº-1808-ºn-º-º-º-º- 4072 Spence (T.) The Coin Collector's Companion, interleaved in ; ; , ; 3” §xo~half haund- Łºrwºerºtºtºvºsºrºrtrºssrºº ~1793-4----, --vant-r 4073 Spence (Wm. ) Tracts on Political Economy, 1822. — Young . . . . . (John) Essays, on Government, &c., Edinb. 1794. — , , / ; J” Locke's Two Treatises of Government, 1698. — Sharp g (Granville) Declaration of the People's Right to a Share in ~ the Legislature, 1775. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4074 Spencer (John) Hermas, or the Acarian Shepherds, 2 vols. : / 407; H. Another copy. 2.xºls, in sºftcalf. Ibid. 1772. 3... 4076 —— Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, by Wm. Hilton, ; ; ; --~~~half calf… ~~~~.4% lººk-º-º-º: 4077 Spenser (Edmund). Shepherd's Calendar, black letter, cuts, 7: . 1587, and other Egemi-in-lºok…~~~~small 3%-ºx{i_3. m, is Ancient ºf Mºjeñº” y : z Hºº tºº-ºººººººººººº- 4078 Spilsbury (W. H.) Lincoln's gº - 9]. tºxº~~~ kécing. S50, sº >{s. º - ; º 7.A i % 4 Buildings. With an Agºgunt of the library-Pº * = **ś--~~~~~~~}*- 4080"spirits of the Wind, Wºjsł5. - May (R) Misdemaneous" Gleanings, Wewo. 1822. — Henderson (Wm.) Every Man . his own Doctor, with Notes to gratify the Mind, portrait, Newe, 1827. – Young (Thomas) British Literature, an : - S&W, &#$ºº:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- aſsis: "(James, §#6; †† Memôrial ºf } . . . the Lyfe and Death of from a Manuscript in the Auchin- ; ; 3. leck Library. - 4to, Edinb. 1811 ,-ºr-->. .4 mi º rºrº s ºw---r-----ºr, wr -----ºf- f -e--- ******* * : Á Z # L 236 || $ 4082 Squires (Mary), the Gypsy, and Elizabeth Canning, Account + Twº sºHºrsº : : - Priory and Royal Hospital, illustrated by W. A. Delamotte. ---, -ºversepºtswºrds tº / + - -*.g . * -*- i /. Adºx. .. : 'A Yº. f º: { terior, with an Historical Account of the Church, by the § ~ : - IRev. J. F. Pººl, 3%,….--> Sºº"; o'cºrrºw--> Sºº--sº - George (Sir R.) Heraldic Visitation of Westmoreland in *~~~~!º-seases------~~~~ §§§3. 1853 * Wºº-ºººººººººººººººººººººººººººº-º-º-º-º-; - &i-ºº: ºfäijº AftientChişāīy “à: 1784 & wagº3.jº. . .:; º <+ ºr sº. "Ah- § 4087 Stackhouse omas). Two Teofures on the "Tºmains "o cient Pagan Britain, 40 plates of Druidical Remains, &c. - 4to, 1833 ºr Only seventy-five copies printed for private distribution. sº §§§ wº * isºsºkº ****{iºnº-º-º-º-º-n tº Tºrºgºtáññāºp, fif. 4. ;t -i. º - ..: w -3 ſ taffordshire, l, rRº —i. {- -i- gali. - tºº ºterreºtºkºettº wº-ºº-ººrhe 4to * J iſ $ 4089 Staffordshire, Cheshire, Hertfordshire, and Sussex, Topographi- -: & cal and Biographical Extracts from the Gentleman's Maga- — $. 3 ... ...--Ainº.Islative tº 4 Yolº halfb9Und. ... - : / 2. ' 4; 4090 Stagg (J.) Minstreſöf the Nörth, of Cumbrian Tegends: : # ºr **fº-ºr-º...*.*, *k. Nºw-A-Yºº-ºººº.…. "...S. a. al...a s.t. A sº, frº . ixt. *a*** f *::... . º.º.- - Manch. 1816 ; Tºrsfaggºrºññy pºssińs in the cińBălănā Dialect, Work- 3 3 ié j *ngton 1805.—Choice Spirit's Chaplet. HZhitehaven 1771.- 1.3. § { 4%).º. *-***---- - 4- / Twº-stimºn 3.Rºy HGFºrgºr Associations aid * . * : Rural Attractions # 4 O 24 * ** 'º. * * , -: * + ilt. 1853 *~ x-exta *****.*. **ºra" avº * sº- # 30ſ% g!gtº: cl ºth gilt. *: 853 - - an Account of St. Māītin’s, Stājī: w §º º 5 3 s sº; : : " : . 2. 3 : ford Baron, and Great and Little Wothorpe, plates. .* - 3. i- *~~~~~~&º ; 3 : # * 4094 Stanley (House of) History of, from the Conquest to ſ??s. ~~~~~~~ …--~~~~~~~~~~ r ____Preston 1793 º * : / ; 4095 Memoirs containing a Genealogical and Historical"Ac: º { º count, with a Description of the Isle of Man, portrait ºn- ~. Sérted. 4to, Illanch. 1783 *gºrstºrey (Tºyºpetºfºrºtheradition ºf 1651, : - rivate print. 1814 TAU97 Stanley's (SFWIIam) Garland; contaññig His Twenty-one l *. : rººms -Trº º # X *-º-- ::: -- ar- <} ... tº 3 Years Travels through most Parts of the World; and his ...4…........º.º.ºtham-Hºls.4tº...ſº l8l4, e-cºlº.º. ºººººº ` t *4058"Stark (Adam) Histºry and Antiquities 5 # tigh, jiàº.” —- tº 3 half gºlf... -———º.” ; j4099 State Tracts; being a Collection of several Treatises relating ; 2- : * to the Government, privately printed in the Reign of King — ~944-4-ºlſ-- folio, 1693 ~~~~ . primº of the mºiſonourable Order of the Bath, calf, pri- 39; vate print. . . - r 4to, 1772 º -- : "...i.4101"Statüß of the mºst distinguished Order of Saint Michael and 7. 3: Saint George, plates, beautifully coloured, private print. ; - - , , --459, 1832. * - 5: ...<---~~~~...~4, ------------->s---ºr 2:::= -s. ** **, *s-, *z, ***** -: * > ****- : ***** -> **** ******** ** ..? - * " - +: - re - : t - - ... ** [ 237 | 4102 Steele (Thos.) Suggestions for improving the Navigation of ; the Shannon. —lº- * ---> *Y*** * > * } 4103. Siggºmºlºgy; º flºº! r 1836 &Il : w. 4,105 Aſſº. 4106 Stephenson (Geo.) The Romish Church, a series of D 1771. — Hutcheson (Rev. A. cuºrº-----.… ººls34. . . . . . . Iscourses at Bishopwearmouth, 1807. — Theatre versus Conventicle; ; : , or the Drama attacked and defended, Hull 1826. — Three * ! more Pebbles fresh from the Brook; or the Romish Goliah ; 34 slain with his own Weapon, Durham. — True Doctrine of ; ; ; the New Testament concerning Jesus Christ, considered, § ; X ) The Apocalypse its own if + :2.: * * *-*-* Interpretºr ~4kwicklsº §::::::::::::::::::::::::::X:4&iº Arºrsº twº, ği."of"foºl Poems, Songs, &c. º, Az + . Sºº — Another copy, printed on pink paper, only 2 copies done, ſ . Gateshead 1832. - ~~~~~~ ; 4108-sº escription of the Patent Locomo- phenson (Robt. & Co. ...tº Steam Engine of 4109-stºriº § --- ſ - f º º Y. . . . I - * i 2 *-*.*.*.* ºr sºrrº ºdon 1790. tgºmºting Tigrinºgºby" . - f - I 4to, 411 T Stevenson *#Firm wº wo Lyric Epistles. – Crazy Tales. – Fables for Grown Gentlemen. — Moral Tales—all original editions, 2 vols, half calf, rare. . . - 4to, W. Y. w ºn tº tºº ; x * $º-º: §§ - yi. *º----exts, * * * * * > . ---- - *rrºn,” -. iº ºx-ººkº” ºr 2. * ... º. ; s-ºr-e -ºxºr. 24.3-v-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- * * * * === Wäß ºff- iñºff. 4112 - nothor"c h *º 'º. 1779. — Ducks and Green Peas—in lyol. "Crazy Tales, 45, Tië - .9 ºil ºutlement-liè9– Stewart (Dugald) Account of Adam Smith, from the Transactions of the Royal Society, *** 2. – CrazyT Mº-º-º-º-º-., - ..., 33. 9 411 4116 opy, 3 vols, w r sº :"º . Sºx.; tºº ** ***. º *: * - *--------- - - - - vºº, :- ---arrºw. --r---, jº Tº," ºr T.ſ. — cºrmº fºr. Tº pºſſ- ales, and Fables for thºff, and Writing of Dr. § --- Edinbu Kºkº&ºSºść: :-rººts: à s 4117 Stewart." º Hºyt Advent, 1825. — Lazarus' Ebenezer, 1841. . . # 4118 stewart-twº-tº-pºmºr-superstitions and Festiva Kâuse: ; 2. * ments of the Highlands of Scotland. Edinb. 1823 : * *-* * arºsar-Tetºrºmrrimarº Waddilove, 1838.-Hindmarsh º nS ; a edited by . J. D. 4. (J. H.) Rhetorical Reader, 1821–Bernard (Sir Thos.) The y Barrington School, 1812.-Moral Instructions of a Father ; ; , ; to his Son, half calf, Newc. 1775.-St. Cuthbert's College, ; ; ; Ushaw. The Plan of Education and Course of Studies, roy. ; ; ; 4120 Stier (F.) Præcepta Doctrinae Logicae, Ethicae, &c., engraved i ; s title, calf. 4to, Cantab. ! **********wººzzerazºsº 4121 stimúšffºrtºffºrtssºfºrºsºftāfīºséñóñº preached at Guild-Hall Chapel, 1680, before the May 2, ... lºrd Mayº & half gºlf… - ; i | * -\ Y, ----- - -- ~ *-* * T -- L. --- * * Small 4to, 1680 ~. ‘. —i. ------...- •y: [ 238 ) / . 7 4122 Stimpson (Jas.) Services of the Church, arranged for Chanting. a 3–4– ...,…........ . . . . . . . . Mewo, 1840 f : l Ibid. 18. 840. —(i. —#133 – Another gopya-lacae. s , ; 4124 Stirling, History of 1812 3 2. § /| º Clyde, Greenock 1818.-Description of the Scenery of Dun- keld and of Blair in Athol, 1823.−Erskine's Annals and } W 4 | ; : Antiquities of Dryburgh, Kelso 1836.—Penney's Account #------------of Linlithgowshirer Jºãº-l932– ~…~~~-------------" " ; : 4125 Stirling (James) Arion, and other Poetical Pieces, privately # printed, Newc. — Stirling's Poems, two different editions, # . privately printed, Ibid. 1829. — Poems extracted from # * : the Gentleman's Magazine, MS. by J. M. Bell.—Bewick's — Poems, Yants #. A& ~~~~~~~~~~... → 4126 Stock (John) Will and Codicils of, calf. Išši. - Stothard * - 5 (Charles A.) Memoirs of, by Mrs. Stothard, calf, 1823. — - lèadcliffe (W.) List of the Lodges composing the Manches- º t ter Unity of Odd Fellows, Oldham 1845. — Narrative of : ; ; the Treatment experienced by a Gentleman during a state *-i-----…of Mºntal Dºrangement, 1888-----~~~~ 2 : 4127 Stockdale (F. W. S.) Excursions in Cornwall, plates, with .....…. mumérous additional ones placed loosely ºn...royal 8vo, 1824 ºf 4128 Stockdale (Rev. Percival) Memoirs º the fife and Writings #3 . of, 2 vols. portrait, long MS. note inserted, 1809. — Poetical 2%: ' ' .. . . . . Works, 2 vols. 1810. — Sermons, 1814. — Six Discourses, º W. 4129 An Humble, Introductory, Prefatory, Adulatory, Conso- º latory, Admonitory, Epistolary, Address indeed, to P ...A. S-d—e, a yery pious and meek Divine truly, rare. "Kºł180 – Three Letters, 1792–Letter to Granville Sharp, Durh. "... Letter to Mr. Bryant, 1793.--Two Farewell Letters, 1792. Invincible Island, a Poem 1797, in 1 vol.—Letters between the Bishop of Durham and Stockdale, 1792, and other .. - Pamphlets by Stockdale. — Inquiry into the Nature and ! ; ; ;4131 — Sermons on Important Subjects, portrait, calf, 1784. — º Poetical Thoughts on the Banks of the Wear, 4to, Durham 1792. — Translation of Bos' Antiquities of Greece, 1772. — $4132 — The Poet, a Poem, 1773.−Goldsmith's Retaliation, 1777, \. and other Poems, in 1 vol., calf, 4to. — Poetical Thoughts ... ', on the Banks of the Wear, half calf, 4to, Durham 1792. — … Translation of Tassº's Amyntas, half galf, 1779:… "Tºiáš Stockton Bee, or Monthly Miscelſany, for 1793, half calf.” --~~~3------ ~. }. cºsº sº..….º.º.º. --~~~~~~...~" -“-- “”, ““” “” Stockton. T.A. 2, 4134 Stockton Visitor, 1825, 1826, and 1827.—The Satellite, Nowo. t źº ser, .2 . . . . 1800. — The Aurora Borealis, Ibid. 1833 — and 4 others, - * * * * * - ... Local, - * > . •y . ºłºś.3×3:º: 3.-2: ..., • ' ". 2 / 4135 Stockton and Darlington Canal, Report of Messrs. Brindley . . . . and Whitworth, concerning the Practicability and Expence alſayigable Canal, plan, hſ, cf.4to, Mewe, 1770 • - - • . ſºlº * ſlſº ~~~...º.-.' -- *-**. --> ------zºr------~~~~~~...~~~~~ ºrpºº - • * * * * * *... - to Plain Statement of Facts, —ºrial-ºl- [ 239 l 4 ; 4136 Stockton and Darlington Railway. Minutes of Evidence be-, } / 6 ~fore the Lords–Committee-on-the-Bill--. folio, 1s28-- --~~. 4137 Stodhart (Rev. Robt.) Popery in the Mulberry Garden, 1819. i — Observations on Three Letters to the Rev. Robt. Stod-, } # hart, 1820. — Supplement t º ; * fºr Irsy frºy ºr Ant; dral Church of Carlisle, plates. w 4T39 - Delineations of Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, pla tes, cloth.” ~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------4*. 4140 —— Views in Edinburgh and its Vicinity, with a Descrip-º ~~~.4%.º.#: tº-vºzłºwºwerº-wº-ºº-º-º-º-º:********* Žiží Šâjîewey's Histºionic Topography, or the Birthp … &c., of Distinguished Actors, glaſſes.------ - .* * * * * ***** * ~ * "4141*Störer and Greig's Select Views of London and its Environs, . 2 Yols, in 1,...ſhe plates, calf, binding broke. º orer (Thos.) Life and Death of Thomas Wols laces, . ey, Cardinall." , HTA; St * --- - 4to, 1815. 4I43 Story(Thos.) Journal of the Life of calf. fai 4144 Life of abridged by John Kendall, calf. 1786.1. s . ;" : 1. ******ś - # / . F-ºxº~f~, r { ..ºlº -1815 - quities of the Cather"; ~x. w r roºt * § } : ºf:-- ~~ 㺠: *~, - ** k-vºcºra’s wit, .. t # / 2 aud-1747– _j . i-ºxº~~ º 3-…. . 4145 –– Discourses delivered in the Public Assemblies of the . People called Quakers, 1738.-Two Discourses at the Friends' Meeting House, -º- - w 4T46 Story (Robt.) Poetical Works, cloth, gilt leayes, ... "4147 Story (Wim.) Journal kept in France, during a Captivity, - of more than Nine Years, Sunderl. 1815. — Hubberthorn 3 - (kich.) Travels and Adventºres, Newc.1829…~~~~~ 4148 Stothard (Chas. A.) Memoirs, &c. of, by Mrs. Stothard, half Tº Stow (John) Survey of London, edited by W.J.Thoms. 1842. Aſă0 Stowe, A Description of the House and Gardens, plates, half ºf calf, Buckingham 1788. — Northallerton (History of) by . Langdale, Northall. 1791. — Shields Monthly Mirror for " 1819–1820, half calf, No. Shields. – Mackenzie (Jas.) . General Grievances and Oppression of the Isles of Orkney * ; : *. .#. -- ---- **-*.*.*, -º- ) 1- $.” * , York 1788, long MS. nºte, Wants title.--~~~ ... ** - *:-- war...". <---- W exº~. { . . . . ~sº-º-º-º: | i -* * * *. ...A * t - ; 2. * : :: * . º 3 y 25° : t k º * ~f~ *. º: t *šº, *-*.” f*- - and Shetland.4%. 1836....… ..+ T----------, r... → . . y: s" . wººlſ", º w - Fig.155. Miscellaneous Tracts, in Yols:6. #4156 Miscellaneous Tracts, chiefly Local, #~~-in vols—7. • * : *:... . . . . . . . . . .--, -, --,-,-,-, . . - - ºt-4 laſt-New Baronetage-and-others. dings of the Pitt Club, and Sundries.—A parcel. 59 Smith's Fºnts in Prose and Versé, IST8, and others. * Ató0 Misgelſånegås Trägis, in yols.-6. . . 3–1. Ali Misceligiºus Tracts, in vols.-6. ... º. 4162 Thom's History of Aberdeen, 2 vols., T8 ſſ, and others—12 º º 4163 Misceſaneous Trääfs, Tivors:=q- § 3. : s: s . . . . . - ºr .. * - . . . . . - i. - - . … & º * rTN ºr 9 *Y FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE, ; , ; THURSDAY, November Ist. * 2: 3 siRIGHT's English Grammar, Sunderl. ...T.Z.º. #4132. Miscellaneous Tracts, in Yokº!. ~3: …~~ #4153-Miscellaneous Tracts, in Vols—6. " .. 7 2 #4154 Debrett's Peerage,’ 2 vols., TST4, ~ * * #~~~and others==l e : 2-3 ; A- re- wn º All- HUU) TOWE Collection and Dukes of Buckingham.—A %i fine Collection of Views, Portraits, scarce Pamph- § lets, Memoranda as to Sale, and Family History, •' . . ºrº------~~~~~ . ."rºsºſº Stråker (John) Memoirs of the Public Life º 7. º Sir Walter Blackett, of Wallington, largest paper, half . A º bound. imperial 8vo, Newc. 1819 i-º-º-º-----------ºr-prºtº; from the audiº-ºr- & º * - - - I / ; 2 #4166 Strange (Sir Robert) Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of 3. --...", ---. > Pictures, with the prices of many of them marked in the * * - margins, 1769. — Strange's Inquiry into the Rise and Es- * : stablishment of the Royal Academy of Arts, 1775. ----- - - 'Strathmore (Countess of) The Siege of Jerusalem, a Dramatic ... . . . . . … Poem, private print, cery rare..… … “4775 - tº: , , [ | 24. I a few leaves repaired, and the two last leaves supplied in MS. fac- m ;+ s º } 4168 Strathmore Peerage. Minutes of Evidence taken before the : # Committee of Privileges on the Petitions of the Claimants of the Titles of Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn, &c. 3. : folio, 1821 § .. tº With an autograph letter of M. Bowes, Gibside, 8 August, 1756. A º ſº § -- frank of the Earl of Strathmore, and 2 other letters inserted. g * 3.169-strutt (Joseph) Spºrts mTTºmºsofthe people of Égland,” . . ; - new edition by William Hone, cuts. 1833 & º 3. - ATTU Stuart (GGOFESTT385 Sºus-Discºurse; in-two-pialogues.--—t- : between a Northumberland Gentleman and his Tenant, a . Scotchman, both old Cavaliers, half calf. Small 4to, 1686 3 3 § Ú An extremely rare poetical tract, containing the earliest printed speci- : # mens of the Northumberland dialect. This copy wants the title, has . i simile. There are several notes and cuttings inserted by Mr. Bell. º } .# 4171 Stuart (Gilbert) History of the Establishment of the Reforma- # / # 7 _tion in Scotland, calf. tº 1789-º-i----44. 4172 = Anothercopyrogir - ~~~~ 4to, Tºš3...? /. £ 4175–pissertation ºngammg tº Antiquity of the English ; ; Constitution. - 1771 § & 4174 Stukely (Dr. Wm.) Account of Richard of Cirencester, calf. ; 4to, 1757 *-.-i § . 4175 -s. :20py?, ???0/9. - 4to, fºr 4175 sunderland. Thºrºs Kºtºrºlas fºr Tāſīſāry: Bürº § * net's Directory, 1831. — Borough Act, 1851. – Rules for 㺠the Port and Haven, 1829. — Views, &c, of the Bridge, ~~~~mgunted in a Vol. . * * ~ssºr *: §rtº “cºre:, * Shoberl, plates. - Essº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: *- r × -º-º-ºryº-yº 4181 Surrey (Henry Howard, EarTof) and Wyat (Sir Thos.) Works .s- . of edited by G.E. Nott, 2.Yols., portrait...... 4177 Sunderland Bridge. Nāşīāſā’āoration aſſifistföning of, ſigă, T’i # Z. and other Pamphlets, cuttings, prints, &c. relative to it, # / R 6 in 1 vol., half calf. — Acts for Building the Bridge, and for . . § - disposing of certain Securities on the Tolls. Bp. Wearm. 1830 ; ; 4r15-simămănărcătrºversian papers forative tº Mädley's Tabret,” 2 vols.—Sunderland Infirmary, The Constitution and Rules g : Z. 4179-sunderland-paſſy-displayed, OFäTNārātive of the dismis.” ! i % sion of the Deputy Comptroller of Sunderland, scarce. 1752 : 4;80 Surrey, Exetirstóñs in the County of ºthºrous plates. 1821–º gº" i. Description of, from the Beauties of England and Wales, by . . 3. *j3. } f * t: i. 4.182 Surtées (Rööt.) History and Antiquities of the County Pala- tine of Durham, 4 vols., fine plates, half russia, gilt. r^*.*.****-aa-..…:*********, >> “ºria's sº.ºr-º-º-º:**.*.*::: rve s i Ž º * ; S. º. • 3-...-es: : §. : . ſ 242 ) - f M f º 3. - - § " *= §: hi, - s l ; | |The Suſſey *" l 3 ºz. Coat of § {{\|| hº h § º - :-- * } w # | % | | J t -- \"\! - | i #: |\ *j' *Nº 3. ºil, º Wº: }*, º, º º # § whº "º" tº Tº * - 4186 SURTEES SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, uniform in cloth. & ; : Reginaldi Monachi Dunelmensis. * , .. Wills and Inventories. ºf Towneley Mysteries. § . . . ; Testamenta Eboracensia, Wol. I. . . : Sanctuarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense. - ? º : Charters, &c., of Finchale Priory. 7 . f # / 3 Catalogi Veteres Librorum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. lºſſ ºff NS ...~" .* */A pr tº ti º \. - - Miscellanea Biographica. Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres. Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis, Fantosme's Anglo-Norman Chronicle, ‘.... Priory of Coldingham. º: * : Liber Vitae Ecclesiae Dunelmensis. . º ... Correspondence of Robert Bowes. - º: j Ancient Monuments, Rites, and Customs, Durham. º . Ž Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter, 2 vols. : * 3. Correspondence of Archbishop Hutton. * º : Durham Household Book. º Memoirs of Robert Surtees. The Boldon Book. ... . ... Richmond Wills and Inventories. 3 º The Pontifical of Egbert. *-*** * –--~~ º * - - - . . . . . . * .." . . . .*'; wº -: ſ - .. 2 - - ...: ***.*.*.*.*-** s **, *.* wº-see *::: ...” 23 ºf w +,- ‘. . º ñtº: ... *- :- ; : * •. ** . . . ; - - * * * ~...~ * ~2: …< *.*.*.*.*.*, *.--!.... . . .s...--º e Duplicates—Miscellanea Biographica. — Historiae Dun- ... elmensis Scriptores Tres. – Priory of Coldingham, 3 vols. 4188 Surtees (W. E.) Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and i-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-, * $9: Aºther ºpy................... 1846 +-º-º-sºrrºws Miſſºl, is㺠Maº. § / : * g O.) Reasons that exist for reviving the use of the Long Bow g and Pike. - 1798 -----419t-surveyings oftāndes, by T.B. 6tark tetter; tā67:- Benese º # (Sir Richard de) The Boke of Measuring of Lande, black letter (1562)—in 1 yol, galf, very rare. 1.8m.9- ‘’s •º. .*k i º*-…; *AT92 Süssex." Pārry's Historičāl Āccount of the Coast of Sussex, * *- ne plates. …s., 1833 ~4. 3- -º- -*.*.*.*.*.* tº:**** ?? ſº Kº-Kºkºv.z.s.º.º…..:-º-º-;& 2 ׺-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:**** ~sº:::--sºº ~ 3 *193 Swedenstjeria (E.T.) Resa, Igenom en del af England och — --~~~ ~~~ ... Skºftland… 2.….' …..:"...s.º.º. -: - & --- - sº. --- -, *-* - j-, -º-; ºz.-º-º-º: X , , , - ... ** [ 243 4194 Svetonii Tranq villi de Vita XII. Caesarum, original bind-: ~ing.c4r4. -ā- - *~ ~~~~sº- nºt tººk ºak sº tºº ºxº . sº gig. 1489. 4195 Swarbreck (Mrs. S. D.) Walencia, a Tragedy; and Who could Believe it? a Comedy, silk. - Richmond 1839 4195 Swinbüffić (Henry) Tââţisé of Spölsars, of Matrimôňarcóñ:” …tracts. ... ----- * : - '---- - - - - - - - - - - - --> small 4to, 1686; 4197 =Travels thröugh spää in T77 4to, 1779 | tº “Thos. Sharpe e Dono H. S.” autograph on title. º: .*-a < *** - - -> *-*. 4ſgö’ 4199 — Supplement to "his"Travels in Spain, being a Journey from ; to Marseilles, portra; ****** * *.*.*.*:::::::::::::::$3:3# *:::::A; 3 : 33-X." :- 3:?'…º.º. ºxº 3200'. Čóir W.T. - *2.*.*.*. º re ºf . A - **::::\!; bºrº--> Fºx sº **::::::::::::::::::$tº" ºf ººº-ºº: ... s of Europe at the close of the last Century, 2 vols. - *mº *-* - alſº :. .” ------, l, - ' - - - - - Another copy, 2 vols., calf gilt...— ... – 4to, 178 *42JTSydenham (John) #ºf the Town and County of Poole. . #205 Sykes (Danieſ ºf the fºſſiyº Prºme, cloth, Wakefield 1834. — Secret Memoirs and Manners of several Persons of Quality, 1709. — Russell (Lady Rachel) : Letters, calf, 1774. ~~~~~~~~~~~ . 4206 Sykes (John) Local Records; or Historical Register of Remark- able Events, which have occurred in the Counties of Dur-y ham and Northumberland, Newcastle on Tyne, and Berwick. upon Tweed, first edition, large paper. royal 8vo. Wewo. 1824 & tº “This is a unique copy of this work, printed with the consent of the edi- . tor, J. Sykes, the additional and coloured titles and the illustrations : being singular to this copy. Thomas Penman.”—Note inside. 4207 tº Local Records, first edition, half calf..., r ~4208–Another copy, Söðīſedition, 3 vols. scarce. Ibid. 1883 : tº Illustrated with plates, and has a volume of additions, MS. and cut- ? tings by Mr. Bell. º *.*, ** : v.-: *-*.*.*.*.*.*.* K. A. & * ºr '#-º-º-º: - * – - - - - …º---------tºe-ºrie-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: .r.º-sº-dº cº-2's, 3---:3 tºº.” *-i- . ...?-2. 42U.9 : Account of the Tătă ănă Funeral of the Duke of York, fº the Proceedings in Newcastle, on the occasion, &c., large : paper, printed on one side of the leaf only, with several i ... ... broadsides inserted, half bºund-sºared.… 49.4% ºf i. 42 I O - * . . . . *-* -- . . * > - - - º the Fourth; the Proclaiming of King William the Fourth; in Newc., &c., with several cuttings, broadsides, &c. inserted. - * ... ... . . . . . . ~ : * : * : ***.*.*.*.x: -few -> *-*.*.*.*.*.* rº -- ----- ** #3 ºzºv's Avvº. . - ..Ibid., 1839. 42trºrerºuñt of the Próceedings in Newcastle in Celebration of the Coronations of George III., in 1761, and George IV., in 1821, half morocco. I bºd. 1822 tº Mr. Sykes' own copy, printed on thick paper, with the cuts coloured, : i .' |§; * and rules round every page, vºxº~ *...*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'-rº cº-º-º:2.--> 1: …. :---------, -N.;;. . --- -- --------- • * , la s... . . . . ...": , 'dº. ...'....:-...::i5-ºº-º-º-º: •:...,…sº,” “tº sº.” i. -- , *.*.*.*.*.*, *-* * * * *- : *-*'. - i. s : š. # 3. ſ ‘. . . . ....."gº......s.. ... ........Ibid. 1824-3-º-º-º-º-º: - * ~º.;’īj.p.h. Ring George * ºf w ;4 * *~ ſe", . - * ºf - *...*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. gº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ******. ~4:3','...' ...<----, ... tº . ãňTT776, plates: “: ***************yrº::::::::: ********** *-* *** ***.*.****, *; ºr, “iº 4 º’ - 4 º . . . Sºº-,- - - - & 3. º: , , ...:*: Tiëtiresqué Tour through Spain, fine plates, half bound. . . . / . . . - Żºłx". -.' ... gº-ºº: - - -- : - - - - - • ‘Tºº "ºº" " ' s-“:::::::--> *****:::::::, ; ; ; : *.* 1844- ºr :* º :- • * ~ * 7- hºwdº * through-S - * …” *** • * * - u%-47.9%. *:::s # 3. ~~~ #392.:== Travels in the Two Sicile; ****{#sº 3**** O 7 85. 3--> r • *-*. A . . 4. 2. 2.5 y - :4% i. § .* jº 4. : .* º • 2n & 3. § :* #2 r" F. r A. .* .*: - 3. i | wº-'. . f s [ 244 l i. 4212 Sykes (John) Account of the Rejoicings, Illuminations, &c., 3 º .. that have taken place in Newcastle and Gateshead, Newc. . . . . 1821. — Verses on the Earl of Northumberland jºš -- ............Alnwick Qastle.&ga prºfed gº grº pººr......ſºgº.!8%--- *~~ºrgeºx## ul # # Waiſsend Čoſſiery, º : June 18, 1835, with the addition of numerous cuttings, º- : broadsides, &c. relative to the Explosion, cloth, Ibid. 1835 - T.'Fºčz:...-7 * ſ *::::riº: Côtreation &f Publications relating to Newcastle upon ::::::: ; . . | Tyme and Gateshead, half bound, uncut. Ibºd. V. Y. : º º & This volume is from the Mansion House Library, and contains.—Coro- : º nations of George III. and George IV.-Statue of James II, broad- º . side.—Trial of Watson against Carr.—Newcastle Literary Magazine, ... . . with portrait of Sir M. W. Ridley.—Stanzas on New Line of Road.— - ... Account of Statue of Charles II.-Death and Funeral of the Duke . of York.-La Belle Assemblée, or the Tinmouth Bathers.—Unpub- º 3. . lished Remains of George Pickering.—Verses on Restoring Alnwick º º: . Castle, &c.—Death of George IV.-Account of the Rebellions, in .. '. .. 1715-16, and 1745-46.-With printed title. • a cº-s’:...' 2 : -; **** §32-ºxº~~:-ºº::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...”º “…- : * * * gth: Collection, .ngº so complete. *"... as ‘ $ººk: º **, *.- ----- ...- º Bºrº $º • * - Yºr - .* $3 ºr. - sº sº :*****S*-**34tra *****.**i **.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*-** tipſºtes of his varióüş Públications, in *~ (... -6-ºSykes (T.C.) Essay on the Stage, original MS. . . . . **t, *4218 Sylva; or the Wood; a Collection of Anecdotes, &c., 1788.— 3 º ; Avison (Chas.) Essay on Musical Expression, 1752.-Paul : ... º Pry, as performed by Mr. Liston.—Sketches of Mr. Mathews' * .…....…...... Invitatiºns.TXaº Reminisºnº, in 3 Yºls.… . . . * . .” A219 Symeonis Móñāchi DünéIméisis libellis déléxördić afqué pro- * / 2. ...cursu, Dunhelmensis Ecclesia, edidit. Thos. Bedfºrd, 1732. ºbsºrºrº. Histºry and Antiquities of With Isleworth 3. { '; and Hounslow, by George James Aungier, plates 1840 *xº~... - * / / . - _2 8vo portfolios. /. % i. *…********* ***.*. 3-5-ºxº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-;--~~~~~~~-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:S-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: - . . . 4221 ABULAE Commerciales; or, Tables, calculated for the 3. .." 2. º, Use of Masters and Merchants, trading to, or residing in Sunderland. roy. 8vo, Newc. 1749 •y- / r – 4222*Tablóts in the Temple at Leigh Park, cloth, prº: — — —-ºate-ºrial- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~folio, 1840. t 3 # 4223 Taking of Gateshead Hill, and Blocking of Newcastle, illus- ~~~ *— trated with plates in 4to, cloth. Reprint 1851 4224 Talbot (Bp. Of Dūſhām) Twelvé Sermons, calf. “1725- ... º. 3225. Aſſºttièrºpy. Séðnd editiºn, &lf. "T731 ° * - - ****, tºº. ººzººs lºg26 Tanfield. Moor, Claims upon, M.S. folio, T800 7 ; 4227 Tankerville (Earl of) Collection of Shells, Catalogue of, by ... ..., G.B.S9Werby, priced, coloured plates.... 1825 * * * --------------> * . . . 2 - - - - - - ----- * * / º/ (7 º Tº 4.228"Tanner (Bp.) Notitia Monastica; or, an Account of aſ the “” * *: ! . º Abbies, Priories, and Houses of Friers, formerly in England . . . . . . . . . . and Wales, portrait, calf fine copy. folio, 1744. ... *.3 ±429 Tºsal ##########. Tº" ºſayſºhn) verses on various occasions, ſig5. - Good. 2–ºſ : child's Hoel, 1835. — A Season at Harrogate, 1812. — %. º § Thelwall (John) Poems, Hereford, 1802. — Byron's Eng- - . § lish Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 1827. • ***... -w------------ . .'; ...- …', ºr--ºr-wºº R. *-*...*.*.*...*&r.' ...: - - - - - - - # * : * . ~... - ". . .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. **, *r-sººr -º .*, *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. Sº …’” r º - A k ** l i t & *::::::::::::::::...º.º. | 245 J º: 4231 Taylor (John) The old, old, very old Man, or the Age and, f º- long Life of Thomas Parr. 1635, Reprint 1794; ; / i. 7 423: Taylor (Rav Jäääsyséñóñs and Trääts, 6f TVöI. W. YE F----- Taylor (Henry, North Shields) Memoirs of the principal: : Events in the Life of, Aorth Shields 1811. — Pearson; ; ; (Amn) Grateful Remembrance, in Letters of Advice to a; % .…Migeºlºrham 1816. – “… ~~~~~~~ 4233 Taylor (Biºmºrºmyrtiſe ºramrūfismiſest spirit ºf his "Tº . Ž Writings, by John Wheeldon. 1793:.........' ... ! : .S. * ' * * *: º E------' ---. -. wºxwººtºgetºwfººtºrºººººººº-ºº: §3-2-º-º: sº-, - ...~~2: .. 423r-Taylor-trfºr 6 tire offerätiörðr Trinićig Streams: * , and Tidal Waters, applied to the Improvement of the River; º / ; 7 * •rrºrinasºgarºzºrrºrizºsº rºwsereasºre-wºº' ºº 4236°Făştºfºrºpääiºiſºtºpółºńºſºft identified and ‘. . 8-5 p - **. Books, by Mendham, 1840. — Pilkington's Doctrine of: 4 Particular Providence, 1836. — Newnham's Tribute of: ******* ******** --- is,... ... &. ... º - 4238 Teasdale (Rev. J.). Picturesque Pööty, Wº. 1784 – Brów-tº” . . ster (Rev. J.) Village Pastor, Stockton 1785. — Richard- 2 . Tmagination, 1744. . . . . . . º . * - - - - - - -----azºº" -- ~~~~...~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ —º-----4-- 4239 Tees (River) A Plan for altering the Course of, between : , , , Navigation, half calf, Ibid. 1808. …i rººt *rry -: , --Prºvº- ºr -º-; Tºy: “I'Yºº-ººrºº::::::::::$º º Fºº rºº".”.”. * 4240 Tegg (Thos.) Rise, Progress,” and Tājājñātion of the O. P. / 3 rº'º'; sº sº, ºgºśSºººººººº-ºº::::: *. -º-º-º-º: , ; Nº. - 433 ſºiſ; (Chas.) Äccount of the State of Slavery at Mauritius, § Port Louis 1830. – Ogle (Nath.) the Colony of Western outtings connected with it, neatly mounted, in 1 vol., 1818.- : ; of Penal Law, calf, ºff Tyne, plates. * * * * ~ --~... ." royal 8vo, Newc.1851. Sympathy, calf-1820. ; ; ; & son (J.) Poems, Darlington 1779. — Akenside's Pleasures of <-5 Stockton and, Portrack, 4to, Stocktön 1791. — Act for ; ; / * 4. 1810 i. - - ...: '...' ..:* Australia; a Manual for Emigrants to that Settlement, 1839. § 2. ~...~x", vº....….. --, -sº sº **** rgyal 8V9, 1771. # - 4242 Telfè ( w * § $ #. * 4235 – Anothercopy: “ **Tºº." ištº zcº, , exposed, 1847. — Pope Gregory XVI. Index of Prohibited ; 4237 Key to the Knowledge of Natire (2 copies making a Navigable Cut, near Portrack, and improving the — Hall (Fred.) an Appeal to the Poor Miner, with several i ańés) Börder Ballads, and other Miscellaneous Pieces, f half bound. , Jedburgh 1824; ; 4243 –– Border Båſtads, Ibid. 1824 – Añéiênt Historic Ballads, Wewe, 1807. . . . . .......…. . . . . . . . . * * * 4244 Temple (Sir Wii). Wºlsº.......fºlio, 1740, iſ? ... 4245. Tamīrāºf Tasterºmprising"Ereğ Histórial’Éngravings," "Tº Views in London, & . . . . . . . ... Small 4t2:...i....; , , 4546 Tóññānt (M. W.) Papistry Storm’d, or the Tingin' dºwn & º " ": 2 the Cathedral, ane Poem. Jºdinb. 1727. . . ; 4247. Tewkesbüry Abbey Church, Description of, with plates. ... ' - - º al, 8vo......}}. ** : lººkºłºśs: sºrrºsºsºpºtººr-º-º-º:****************** *****# * 424s-Thºckeray trevºry rºséârâhes into the Ečſésiastical and * Political State of Ancient Britain under the Roman Em- perors, 2 vols. - 1 843 --r-, -e-, -, *...* : *... - . .” ----, -º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 'tº-, --' ... *.*, "... -- . . . . . . . . . . . ; ::... . . . . . ." . ºrrºtagº-º-º:-ºº-º-º:*S**** ****i; *::::::: ***, *:::::::::. 'º.º.º.º.º.º. . . . . . . * *... .º.: ; , -- “...'" º ; : « , ,-,--~. A *.*.*.*, *, * * * . . . . . . . . . " ". . . . . ... • *:. . . . . * * * * *- : *. ~ - º ! . ,xas Y-. fº': : … •sº ... ;--- i [ 246 g | / | º Thames Quay, Collection of Papers, relating to, by Col. / ——º-ºº--------~~~~% º' 7 : y rrrrrrrºr-rººmſ: fié Case of the Éarſ of Somer- i. ſ. § set, &c.), by Andrew Amos. . . . London 1846 * trººr-thermºtºrrpiº------------its-rºss +252. Theobard-ty-shaftsperºróstóród, or späämääfisäf BrúñJers in Pope's edition of the Poet. . . . . 4to, 1726 zr-tºss-rmatºrs thrysºgºvings, aftāfīāTºggºr the Prin- :- ‘. cess Elizabeth. . __4to, 1813 § TT35TTETRW.II (Como, TTyears of age) fºr Essays and 3 ; Poems, on various Subjects, half calf, 1809. — Jerningham 3, . (Mr.) Poems, 2 vols. calf, 1786. – Lay of the Last Minstrel, Trayesty, 1811... . -- lºw-s” ... -- ...”.-- d 3255 Thomas à Kemps"Christian Pattern Paraphras'd, by Luke ! Milbourne, calf. a. * 1697 - - T256 Thºmas of Rºling, SFHS Six Worthy Yeoman of the West, i -----ºº: ... ..., 4to, 1612, Reprint 1812 4357 Thompson (Benj, Newcastle) Cătălogues of his Bööks and Curiosities, priced, with MS. memoranda respecting him, portrait, autographs, &c., in 1 vol. — Collections relative to ... B. Thompson, by Wm. Garret, portrait. Newg. 1830 4358 Thompson (Géo.) Señtimental GISãhér, from ESK Bank Aca- - demy to the Isle of Man, &c., Penrith 1823.− Sentimental Tour, Ibid. 1798. — Allen's Beauties of the Border, 1846. — Melrose and its Vicinity, 1839—and 2 others. gurial, plates. …tto, 1760 4260 Thompson (H. F.) The Intrigues of a Nabob, 1780. — '. The Wooden World Dissected, in the Character of a Ship - of War (2.99piº), 1799.....-----...-… 426TThomson (Isaac)"Collection of Poems, calf, long biographical … note by Mr. He!.8%rce..…. . . . Nº. 1781 ”A363 Thompson (Rev. J.) Sermon at St. John's Church, on the 3 f 6 - 4355 Thompson (GCS) Degéription of the RoyāTPālace of the Es- / ſº z- à Death of Lady Jane Clavering, hf. calf. Ibid. 1735 "†" "4263 Thompson (James) Sir Ralph of Štannerton Green, a Poem. - - . . " - _4to, Newc. 1785 * , * * * - - - 4264’ 4to, Ibid.1785 — Another copy. ... i t ! -: ! : i } \ tºº. -- 2. | grºws tº (John) Life of, "Newc. 1810. – Life of Lady Jane - }:... ." . . t . ~~~~~~~-tº- is…sº sº **************~~~~~~~}**** ***N*-** † ..,x...-->. … . . . ;--. , - . .- . ; , ;" ~ - ‘. . . . . . .” --- . . ... ~~~ 4266 Thompson (Jonathan) Address to the Freeholders of Northum- / § & - berland at Morpeth, 1789. — The Commutation Act can- & didly considered, Newc. 1786. — Thornton (Col. Thomas) t - Memorial of, with his Speech at the Court Martial, private ... prºft.*g_AS, ºtº, 1796....... . . . . . . 4.267 Thompson (J.W.) Catalogue of Plants growing in the Wicinity y ; fº e e : t * { } of Berwick (2 copies). 1807 º § : “. ::$ººfs -- • 2+ º-, 3-yº-º,-r-º-º-º-º- * - - - - "#4268 - Catalogue ºf Plants growing in the vicinity of Berwick, *- 1807. — Winch (N. J.) Essay on the Geographical Distri- . bution of Plants, Newc. 1819. — Lawrence (Rev. John, '.. t J * | ? ~ol .* - y Å f ! 3 I 247 l Rector of Bishopwearmouth,) Clergyman's Recreation, shew- ... ing the Pleasure and Profit of Gardening, long MS. note, , , , plates, calf, 1726. — Graves (Geo.) Delineation of the Eggs . . . of British Birds (all published) colored plates, royal 8vo, Sºº; armºrrºm New Homºsorrºriſmº, tº 2. " ' ". . . - - - , . ~~~~º--~~~~~~~ *.*.*.*.*.* 4. 4370 Thömäsän (Thès) fºr Söägg, Soñé iſ Ms. with diſitings,”., x ... its mºrelative to him, in 1 vol. " " : * * 427ſ. Thompson (Robſ.) FXecuted at Carlisle for Hörse-stealing, f : ... Narrative of his Life and Transactions. Aew0. 1791 : :"... % 4272 Thompson (W. G.) Ermińia, Nº. 1829. Widow’s Son of". - * ºr “ . . . . . . . Nain, Ibid. 1829. — The Coral Wreath, Ibid. 1821, with . cuttings and autograph note inserted. — Thompson's Love in , the Country, a Drama, privately printed, 1831, and a number of detached Poems by him, an autograph letter, &c., in 1 vol. : : lf. — 4 vols. . . . . 4273*Thömpson (R&W. D.) Sémióñs, Näää. I529 tº Triśāſā’s” Sermons at St. John's, Newcastle, Ibid. 1822. — Kennicott's Parish Priest, Sund, 1827. — Benson (Rev. C.) Seven Dis- —-----99}}ºr !6%: 1824: : ** ***.*.*.*.*.*.*/xks **rºr-rºtºzººsºfºrºrºrº-ºr-º-, § 4274 Thomson (Rev. j. Poems, Moral, Descriptive, and Elegiac, ; __2 Yols., half calf. 804:06. ~~~~ Newc. 1806 j : 4275. Throsby (John) Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester, ºr " 3 vols., calf. - Leicester 1771 &_ 3. 4278 EIHTSEY and Antiquities of Leicester, 4to, iigi 2 * * * * *.*.*.*. Tºrtºſawtºº, Târây Poemson'sévéſaroccasions, 1813. – ºr " Tighe (Mrs. H.) Psyche, with other Poems, portrait, calf, , ; 1812. — Mitford (Mary Russell) Dramatic Scenes, Sonnets, & and other Poems, 1827. — Mark (Rev. W.) The Whisper- * : ... ...º.º.º.º.º.º.º. ---~~~~~~~ 3378. Thöääätthögy The Shötöy Biſigº Fox Chase, a descriptive” A / … Poem, half ºf.-------~~~~2%. Jºº-º- '4279 Thoresby (Ralph) Letters of Eminent Men, addressed to, 2 vols : . 2 - - 1832 . .' ' 4250THärnton Romances, edited by TroTramweſſ, ſº the Cañ: ; ; 2. den Society. ... .....…....small 49, 1844. ............ 428TThorold (J.) Wreath of Heraldry. ~ ...Bath.... 4... 4. 4282-TET (tº Chas.) Assize SºTº"St. Nicholas Church, ; , , Newcastle, 1818. – - The Black Coats, Remarks on Thorp's . Sermon, 1818, long MS. notes. – Thorp's Sermon at Gates- head, upon the Opening of the Organ, Wewo. 1824. — . . . . Anthems and Hymns used in Gateshead Church. ‘. . ; *4283 Thorp (sğāt) Jūgoofing Assizé forms Northerficircuit, fºr & 1648, no title, rare. small 4to, 1649 ; ; i his Charge, as it was delivered at York Assizes, 20 March, “Tºrrºstrºysurveyºr-His-City of Bath, and Five-miles: Round, in 9 sheets folded into 8vo, calf. 1742 ; ; -1755-Tiskam (Rev. Tomy. Histºry-or-ringston-upon-Hun, plates: -----> - * - H. 8. § 3 º' #5 “*** ******* * * ***..…., & 1x, + S-rº Fºx-x C- rºw- ****. : *- ^ - ----- -- - .:_ “... 3 vº- * **************.*.*.*.*.*…*&^...-->. --~~~~…~~~~~~~~...~~...~...} ~... . . . . $, & $º-3 * --> --~~ Y- : | { i k [ 248 || # * ~. - } ; & ;4286 Tidy (Col.) Biographical Sketch of, by his Daughter, Mrs. --~~ : * . Ward. 1849 !! º plates. Iºgd, Bat, 1687 Bºº *- g TZ-H2STTgriñá (In Távatºry TsºrTºng at Magis, [4288 Till (Wiſſam) Descriptive Particulars of English Coronation 2; - Medals, 1838. — Till’s Essay on the Roman Denarius, and English Silver Penny, 1838. - ~ . . . . . . . . . . --> --~ †4289 Tim Bobbin's Lancashire Dialect and Poems, plates by Cruik- _* MISCGTſämööüSTWºRKS pºnd plaies, 1806. – *3290 q Wheeler's Westmorland Dialect (2 copies). — Evans' Lei- i ... : " : cestershire Words, Phrases, &c. * * *-* ------- ** - ..." 1848 . --5-rrºr-rmartwry-History-ana-kāriſītārārtha Abbey and ***------. ; : ... Borough of Evesham, plates. 4to, Evesham 1794 ~~~. Tºzº Timºrwärttharities ºntºr, with a Bºrazgºńfit of the i ; > Parish and Church of Hexham, hf. bd., rare. Mewc. 1713 T-Tºg: Tºtnes: "History of theºrithecause, tried at York; 1sts, be--- .* ; : tween the Rev. R. Bligh, and John Benson, Farmer, long § 2, & ! MIS, note, 1815.-Returns of Tithes commuted and appor- --A*- i.º.º. *.*. --- - - tigned cloth, folio, 1848. *-*** - A-4 - > * *...* - … - ; 2. / .4294 Todd (Rev. H.J.) mustratiºns ºf the Tivºs aña. Witings of Gower and Chaucer, plates. 4to, 1810 º: +4295 TöTêtröf Flöjä, ä-Cöllöction of simple Methods—for preparing ‘. . Perfumes, &c., 1784. — Memoirs of the Rose. Recollec- - * * º tions of that celebrated Flower, calf, 1824. TTT4356TCFEng: "An Egyön Bârſăkens, BüTHöh, &c., Stockton | ; 1811, with a large number of Cuttings, Broadsides, &c., : relative to Tokens and the Currency—in 1 vol. º 3. T397 TöTänd (J.) Anglia Iiberă, or the Limitation and Succession _/ : *- : of the Crown of England explain'd. 1701 ; rºsºroristºm (Cütfibért, Bºróf Dúñāmy in Talidań Măţiimonii } ; . Oratio, Habita in Sposalibus Mariae Potentissimi Regis An- i// j gliae Henrici Octavi Filiae, et Francisci Christianissimi / : Francorum Regis Primogeniti. small 4to, Basil 1519 º & Very rare; sold at Brockett's sale for £2.6s. X- *Zºrrºbºrrºsariñón Befºre King Henry VIII: 1539, ºp;# 1823 mized, 1670. — A New-Year's Gift for Doctor Witty; or, the Dissector Anatomized, 1672—in 1 vol. 430%"ropographer(Theyööātāfīng originararticlesion Löcal His ^{1553 Topographical (Fourj Letters written in July, 1755, upon a sº . Journey through Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, &c. &c. .*.*-*-a- *** fºr Törförås) Añtiquitiés of the City of York." "Yº imiş 4305 Topham Private Prêss. A number of Gürious Tracts, privately . - printed by C. Clark, Esq., (some duplicates) in a port- folio. - ** **, *, - ~~~~- ºr *** * ~ ... • * .* r shank. 1828 . +4300-romstaff (préeory—Scarborough spaw-spagyrićany Anato: #430t"rooke-jºiformer Mömöffs of by AT&. Stéphens, 2 vols. 1813 - - ** - - - \º - 5 2 tory and the Antiquities of England, 4 vols. 1789-91 Newc. 1757 . . [ 249 J 4806 Totham Private Press, Brochures from, a large Collection of single Pieces, printed by C. Clark, Esq., in 1 vol., autography 2nserted. ºnal ſolid- 4307 Tºmm (Jºº Hºſºn, º, : ** * 49, Zauntº 1791, 4308 - Another copy, halfrussia Ibid. 1791; “zarº Tºrrrrº-rºtatºr; thºſ: #3UJ Tomºrºst oftengaſögy through parts of waſ, Sºñé: Animals contained in that Establishment, fine cuts, drawn by Harvey, W. Place, on . Bulls, Excommunications, &c. Zºſan 1825. 43T3TöWTCIey (RIGharī) Journal kept in the Isle of Man, 2 vols. . .** A374. Townsend (Francis, Calom㺠of Kights, frºm i750 (3. 4315 Townsend's (Dr. George) Bible in Historical" and Chronolo-. #49*. Wiſłºś-ºxº~~~~49%-49. 43T6 –- Poems, royal 8vo, 1810. – Townsend's Journal of a Tour in Italy…. ... . ~1849– - lººrººººººººººs isºsºsºsºstºcrºss-rº ::...? ::: 1847..… -cºrris pºrtºn's pºem, tºº £rr-, rmageddon, ºpºr- Liddell (Hon. H.) Wizard of the North, 1833. — Sansom . (James) Greenwich, a Poem, 1808. — The Wreath, half: calf, 1804. * 3- rºrg rººts-raußig Comection of Tracts, foºl, Foſitioni, and : -g various, made by W. H. Brockett, 8 vols. uniformly half / bound, with MS. contents in the first voluhe. - - - # 4. - t - ‘. . …}}29. #2 ºzº, 1837 & . . . . - •., - - ** : f r " - *--- • , , . *...* * *...*.*.*.*, *…*...*-*. ... . . . . … - :: ***** ‘. . " } . * ‘, ‘’ . '**** . . . . . . . . . . . z- - . . . - ... r * . * * - • - º r &". s', * setshire, and Wiltshire, plates. ~~~~~4% º ...tºmºlf gºlf..................… 1814.3.3 Tºrrrower-wrºtagºng the Nºrffii.ºry of thºrº : * $ *.*.*.*.* f * : ºn-º-º-º: - f - º, l, s? - - - *rºs: a 2- 's , • * ; calf. -Hºgg, 179]...; - * * * *.*.*.*, *.*.*.*.* .# . º:- 4 2. * * + • ?'. : . . . -> ...' 50”: *British Philippić; inscribed to the Eaſtorgianying.” — Clackshugh, a Poem. — Chanticleer, or the British * Cock, a Poem. — And other Tracts—in 1 vol. ht, cf. 4to 3 ºf - Aöööüt"Of the ReBSTITSãs"àmà Cönspiračiès against * Queen Elizabeth, 1722. — An Argument, proving how , mischievous to all Governments a Politicall Clergy have . been, 1722. — The Loyal Martyr, or the Life of Rich. . Scroop, Archbp. of York, 1722. — The Manner and Method : of Proceeding against Bishops for High Treason, 1722. — History of the Archbishops and Bislops who have been . -3%. impeached for High Treason, 1722. – Episcopal Tray-3 tors, or Priests aukward Politicians, 1722, &c.—in 1 vol. § calf. 3. 4322 – Biddle's First Report of Society for Preventing Acci: ; dents in Coal Mines, scarce, Newc. 1814. — Catalogue of ; George Allan's Library, partly priced, 1822. — Phillpotts's Letter to Earl Grey, and his Letter to the Freeholders of . Durham, With other Local Pamphlets-ii I. Vol. half galf. * - § 2 K - - § *d - .rº - § { ;. $:; ‘. . ‘. . * :-.: , ºr fººt-'º."" '; 2 # ‘s rv *- : * * y - ". . . *A*. “. * - i. s. * * * * * ~. *.* .' *...* * *', y -: * 3; * * % 2 - * - - --- * * : ****** , ". * *** * & .* r *.*.*.* * > tº a r" : * * * * * ... ºr * * -j - *... - : $. r - * . G ." :: * - ***** r ***, *... . . ; *.. &:"...º.w...tº, & - i § * . . , [ 25o J /ø; 4324 Tracts. Gisborne (Rev. T.) Ode to the Memory of Wm. Cow- * ; # per, 1800. — Bishop Barrington's Charge, July, 1801, and ; ; , , others, chiefly Sermons—in 1 vol. 4to. . . . . : -Trzs---froustoms Epître-Trøm Smytºmy to General Bona- # f h . - parte, Newc. 1803. — Burdon's Character of Bonaparte, —£4.4% ºr **** **, *** - - - - - ----. ---Tºrºrºrºrinii, as to ; Country, on Account of the late dreadful Earthquakes, 1750. ;3 ... } & — Tryal of Mary Blandy, for the Murder of her Father, :- § 1752. — Trial of Admiral Byng, 1757. — And others—in * 1 Vol. folio. *~~~~~~432 rººtówthian's seriñóñón Rogersºn, "Nº. 1760 – Harle f $. } (? * (Jonath.) Essay on the State of Physic, 1729. — Harle's : Two Discourses, &c., with his Life, by J. Horsley, 1730. → 2. ; # 4328 Pmmºtts"Tattºrtà thèTTEGRÖTJers of Durham, TSIg, ; 4. 7 º other Pamphlets by him and the Rev. J. Davison, 1 : * 3. W. Ol. - * ~ * is 4329 – Proceedings against Lord Bacon, in Tó20, 1701. - Qūeen . 2. ; : . Anne's Letter to the Parliament of Scotland, Edinb. 1704— — i i- and 9thºs, in lºglaſſig, - - * . . § 4330 Secret History of the Rye-Höuse PIGE, by Ford, Lord . / | Grey, 1754. — The Patriot, or the Irish Packet Open’d— &– – . - and 9thºs, in 1 Vol. …----...-- ; t †433T = Smart's Poems, 1752. - Gray's Odes, Strawberry Hill others, in 1 Vol., 4to. § 4333"ºrsfººre's pºrrºrmerseese-ºsmith's- Sermon on the Fall of Man, 1832. — The Northumberlan _Museum, No. 1–and other Pamphlets, in 1 vol., half calf. t;s ,--- - -- / – -º 1838 ºr Tºrºnewººts rom Tools, rsssºrsstrand-1837, :- 1847. — Corporation Accounts, 1835. — Oliver's Reference to Plan of Newcastle, 1844. — Glover's Remarks on the . History of the Lit. and Phil. Society, 1844. — Trans, of the Lit, and Phil. Society, 1831, half calf. :* Caroline, with cuts by Cruikshank and others, 2 vols., half calf. 3.Ygls, portrait of Rev. W. Turner inserted. Newe, 1817 ~º- t º 4336 Traditional Memoires on the Reign of Qūščn Elizabeth and - King James. 1658 / ſ : ; --Tºrrtämsäätiöms of the Natural Histºry-Säästy of Northumber. land, Durham, and Newcastle, 2 vols., complete in parts, plates. - Newc. 1831 t Vol. I., 4to, Edinb. 1792. — Society of Antiquaries, Lon- - don, Copy of the Charter and Statutes, 4to, 1800. ; { 4to, Edinb. 1788. — Transactions of the Institute of Bri- ...tish Architects, Vol.J., Part I., plates, 4:9, 1886. *334 rºpäität) publishärät the timãºf the Triâröf Queen” 4335 Tracts published by the Unitārān Trååt Sočićty, TNěwćastle," TāT5 Transactions of the RoyāTSöðiðty of Edinburgh, VoI. I., calf, # , 4; 38 t ... → --- ver, trºpºrt rāśās): *::ty” tº *ašk ~ fºr 45-º-º-º: - - 4to Tºgg Transactions of the "Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland, *...* * * *** ,-º [ 251 | 4341 Trench's (Francis) Scotland, a Visit to Blair Atholl, 2 vols.; --- - in 1. - • 1846; # 3. "43T3TTEdgóIT (Thomas) on the Sûm Eóginé, éâlarged by Wöörg", …º.º.º…~~~~.4%% - 7 3348 fºam (Räiéigh) 'foams and Essays,’isigº Bedingfield."' . and Pickering's Poems, Newc. 1815. — Maude's Traveller's; º' Lay, 1830. — Bowen's Kenilworth Castle, 1818. — And 3% others, Poetical. --~~ - - ---. i +3++=-poems and Essays, mitºffºrgigºr: Aïčíhöfe” ; : ::: *. - *}” }}. 3, º t * copy, cuttings inserted, 1819. — Trevelyan's Prolusiones; 2. partim Græce partim Latine Scriptſe, 1817. t TT5 TºrSTATETSTCFISDEFOgle, aſ Jamaica, fºr Assault, Zºº 6 *...ex 1743. — Trial of Captain R. Rodham, by a Court Martial, ; º 4 . ...…0%.3%.4%.1737. ~~~~<=i-º-º-º: ~4346 rºof Aiſſar Byng, by Court Martial, 3 vols.T." ii.57 : " : 2. ' 43.47- of TTETE-CGT-Oglº-By-Cºurt-Martiarrat-Chathafi`--------- . March, 1810. — The Case of Lieut.-Col. John Ogle, in a /. º é Series of Letters—in 1 vol. half calf.__ – **-* * *-* * *-*...* * % º of Sir Mºw. Rimoy, Bºroñrcºwitrinº-grºx Brumwell, scarce. Newc. 1793 : ; J } . +319–or-shºprancis Blake Delawal; for adultery; to which isº-o-º-º- added the Trial of George Fitzgerald, half calf, cuttings ://> of fºam Martin, for setting Fire to York Minster, Tº: 4. - . ... portrait, broadsides, &c., inserted. ----...…York 1829 -ºº … -- TA35i - of Watson against Carr, for Assault and False Imprison- ; ; / & ment, large paper. rºyal BY9, Mºe. 1823, .......". 1852---of-watson against Càrì, the originar MS. with two Let. " : | - ters of H. A. Mitchell. …4%. - 4 - 4. 4348 ºrcºrsºxº~~~ 4350 : *- :- *i º. - 3. 4353*:::::::6f Thóñas, Tüké" of Nörfölk, by his Peers, for High . . Treason against Queen Elizabeth, Jan. 1571, calf. 1709 . . . . . -4354-ra-rof-the-Regicides; wants title; &alfº.smålrºto. 3. § +:55-ror Toriñº iſſurfemaîI"Joseph Húñt, fºr the Murder of . Weare. 1824......... +3.5G--rofths students on the Chargé" of Möbbing, &c., at the " " : College, portraits. .#dinb. 1831… fêtwääfi Jämös Affiósſey and the Earl of Anglesea, ; ; ; ; - Newc. 1744, and another edition. …”-º-º-º-º-º-º: 1855---artis wakefieldsförthéAbdićtióñof Miss Turner, 1827 . | –43.5g----of-ford-Melville beforetire Horse ºf Pééfs, ºråt, "T" 1806. — Trial between James Annesley, Esq. and the Earl of Anglesey, 1744. — Trial of William Brodie and George i : º --> * ** ºººiºi |§ :s *# - 4357 t; s Smith, at Edinburgh, for robbing the Excise Office, calf, § JEdinb. 1788. - , ºr -zº- :::38.*.*-**, 2*.---, 3......… . . . .” 486trº-ººrºtatºids Margåröt; for Séditiáñ, Elīāb. 1794. – Wm. . . . - wijam, for seditious words in his sermons, 1794, ; 2 4 hf. cf. — Trial and Life of Thomas Muir, galf, Glasg, 1831,…}, . . . * 436 ſºof Jáñés O'Coigly, Arthur O’Connor, and others, for ; 3 - 6 - High Treason, calf, 1798. – Trial of John Horne Tooke for j-" High Treason, Nº.4794…~~~~~~~~} + *- [ 252 J. ; 4862 Trial between Lady Ramsay and Jämes Nairne for Falsehood * and Defamation. 4to, Edinb. 1833 ; w * - th O U • * & “, •'. *: y f $ !'. § *sūs-ºs-Anothereoty:-----~~~~4:5; Tºrts53– retre-orrordrformersy of warrañaröffiefs, förthéºbdüg-- tion of Lady Henrietta Berkeley, calf, with long MS. notes by Mr. Bell. 1716 =-&#the-Revi-Heiß Bats; fºr TIBSI, 1780:::Trial or ; Lord George Gordon, for High Treasón, 1781— in 1 vol. fol. gººgººstºfºittºº"; • *- : - =-U am-Burks and his Assºčištěs; forthé Wóst Portſ : Murders, plates. Jºdinh. 1829 -tassrºr-r-snothercopy; half-battºº-º-º-ºrrº, 1829 +4368-----of foseph-Gerraid, for-sedition, tºg+=Two Trials of T. J. Wooler, for Libels published in the Black Dwarf, 1817. — Trial of the Rev. T. F. Palmer, for Seditious Practices, half calf, Edinb. 1792, — Trial of Dr. H. Sacheverell before the House of Peers, calf, 1710. — Trial of Jas. Forbes, Wm. 2.É.- .…....…Sººhºº and ºther; ſº a Cºnspiracy and Riºt, Pºº. 1838 … tº v. f *4889 – respecting ºriticºtſgeſ, is24:…Trial between-the- ; s Earl of Essex and the Rev. W. Capel, at Hertford, for *~~~~ Trººpa; in Hunting, 1810. ºº::Astºry Ejéºtimént between rom pay and Thomas Day, for- $ 2. ; º the Recovery of an Estate in the County of Huntingdon, i – , , 1820. — Trial between James Annesley and the Earl of i: ; ; Anglesey, portrait, calf, 1744. wº - r f *. ; ** ...an- "Z-157r-ram-Ramārātrā-Līrā-ār-wintain Parsons, who was : é : executed at Tyburn, 11th February, 1750-1, for returning * from Transportation, half morocco, rare, small 4to, Newc. * 1873 rof Drír Sºfisºčfer befºre the House of Peers; folio; / d Dublin 1710. — Trial between James Annesley and the it tº Earl of Anglesey, folio, 1744. - - 1878 – win: Timotºrsgåtñst win Hindmärch, for Perjury, at : 2. } Durham, letter of Tinmouth’s inserted, Newc. 1825. — Report ; of the Case of the King against Dawson and others, for a t 3. * 3. § * Conspiracy, half bound, Ibid. 1825. --~~~ x * * * * ~ * 3. fººzººs, ºxº~ &ºfºº rºws &kraž". lºſt s: ,-º- ºn • * ***.*.*-º: ... Nºſ * ...'...-- • A- *:4374-axe of Capt. Edward-Biſle; by Court-Martial; at Norman- « . . ," i .." ** * * f- - # *A* * , i. : Cross, May, 1810, cuttings inserted, Newc. 1811. — Trial of Capt. John Garthwaite, by Court Martial (2 copies), North Shields 1806. — Trial of Lieut. W. A. Hyder by Court Martial, half calf, 1845. * § § g # } g % : * * *. f t- > * > t; * *~. f x- t f -- - -4 *1875-º=orwm-cºdfing and 6thers; fºr dastroying the Brig Ad- - ; venture, 1808. — Trials of P. and M. Wallace, for destroy- hº ing the Brig Dryad, 1841: ... . . . . . . . . . *#376°-crºorGamāīār-Whité16öße, by Court Martial, 1868. --Trial | of Colonel Quentin, by Court Martial, 1814—in 1 vol., half calf. I: * 577 -amir Iſrººf Eugêtê-Aîără, with Löttös and Poems, &c." § - Richmond 1832 ºšić ºf J. H. Tooke, for High Treason, 3 vols. 1795 - * º ºr / - - :1 º -.” r - - “ºrg"Tººtstorkauſtery; twois; (VoI. Irºid Ittºwaiting) half ...ſ, £488....... 1780 .5~". A. . ~7 N ----..', ' , . .” . . . . . . . . . * *. • * * -> º f \ ; ſº f [ 253 ) 4380 Trial of George and Jos, Weston, for Forgery, &c., 1782–His R. H. the Duke of C–, for Crim. Con, with Lady Harriet G—r, 1770.-Countess of Cork and Orrery, for Adultery, 1782,--Mrs. H. Errington for Adultery, with her Memoirs —in 1 vol., half calf. --- T4381 - Sir F. BERG DSIRTFGFATTEyºffs. Eirington för Adultery=and others, in portfolio. * ***** * *f, *. 1– A 4382 — John Mitford for Perjury, 1814.—Lieut. Charles Bourne ". for an Assault, 1783.-Thomas Hardy, for High Treason.— . Henry Hunt and others for Conspiracy, 1820.--Lord George 2^ - Gordon for High Treason, 1781. º 3 4383 Trials for witchcraft, Sºrºry, and Săpârsătăria Orkney- Tº: printed for the Abbotsford Club, ! #2. 438-4T TROS. Müß for"Sedition, Eſſº, ifö3. T. F. Palmer, for Sedition, Perth 1793. — Thos. Walker and others for Conspiracy, Manch. 1794–1 vol., half calf. #385-rrañaratfäinääTSTOFHTreason, Historical Account of 1716 ~4886–Trifles-triverse; by a young soldier, givols. TºrºTT34…" Gay's Fables, Aewo. 1765, – The Poetic Mirror, 1816. — Select Collection of Modern Poems, Edinb. 1763. 5 - .ii *A º t º ** ׺r & - Jºf ---,e-º-º: : 4387 Trigoñómetrical Survey. Account of, carried on in the years : 1791 to 1794, by Lieut.-Col. Williams, Capt. W. Mudge. **--~~~~~~ ... 4t2 48ss Tºšūmī, by Way of Whitehaven and 7 Publin, in the Year 1779, gºlf.44% Stockton 1778 . - *_2 sº-c - ºss:ºx ºrzºsºsºrºs...º. ******** . . . .” -- **** § 23 - * * * : ** 4539"Trºfeºff." By Sermons preſſ in Saint John’s “. Church, Newcastle, Newc. 1832,-Remembrances of the Rev. H. B. Tristram, with Ten Sermons by him, edited by the Rev. John Hunter, 1888. — Tristram (Mrs.) Sermon on the - Death of, by the Rev. J. Law, private print (3 copies), 1831. 439 UTFGEEEF (DFTRomâs) The Noble Foundling, a Tràgúdy, with / cuttings, play bill, &c., inserted, half calf, Newc. 1812, — Trotter's Sea Weeds, Poems, portrait, Ibid. 1820. — Far- -, rer (John, of NetherWitton,) Eggms, ſºlutkkšāl--~~~ 439Tr"MéâûâTână"Chemical Essays, 1795. – Remarks on the Establishment of Naval Hospitals, &c., 1795. — Practicable Plan for Manning the Navy, Newc. 1819. — Trotter’s Observations on Scurvy, 1792. — Trotter's View of the - Norvous Temperament, calf, Newc. 1807. • * *-*.*.*.*.*.* ºr s 4392TFüG State of the Case between Capt. H-fi and Mr. Pi——e, Arº &c. ? wants title, half bound. 24; 3xxxyrºtºzºtºcºrr’‘‘sºº’."º" 4898 TryāIºnd Condémination of John Williams, alias Matchet, John White, Francis Jackson, Walter Parkhurst, four Notorious High-Waymen, curious wood out, 1674. — Three Inhumane Murthers, committed by one Bloudy Person, upon his Father, his Mother and his Wife, at Cank, in Stafford. shire, and the manner how he acted this Bloudy Tragedy, & $3.1783, tWºrge.ºggº, inlyg, hºgung . i 4394 Tºrºf"the Rev. James Gº, Eßisfinister ºf Dürº fermline, calf. 1719 y-, * ~ *-*. **** ww-g -(1748) *i- -** ** * * *1- -* rw -- ;3i:&:*} **- **" * s ! afe * $.” fº. >, #: / i - # * ſ-; * f . - * - - *~ * *. ºº ; * * 2. f ****** * * * --- racy”:- ?.…”-cy ~#. ****** *-*.*** t **** : •*, *.*** * -.*.*. • *-* *-*. i [ 254 ; 4395 Tudor (Henry) Domestic Manners of a Christian Family resi- --~...º.º-e----------~~~~}* *3355 fºſsº, Memorials of the Family of deduced .* from various sources of authentic Information, by R. Pocock, w l - 9%.............. ~~~~...~.6tgº.1899. raggrfüßtrºvičºf the Agriculārē of the North Riding of . Yorkshire. % ſ r ~ r: * - : * * * * 4- sº vººdºº ** r: as ****** * ºrº- TT385 Túñé (Rºtºſhºggºing Seſſiºn, befºrthe"Mayor, ; 3 –––.”---~~~~~~~~~ *- **39.5°rträtſgeſpégèſ tristóriºts, rºmân îtsä- Tristan und Ffalde, &c., Leipzig 1839.-Salvator Rosa, Satire di.1823,-PromenadeśAlsagiºmº, Pººl924. 3 &c. of Newcastle, Oct. 19, 1690. 4to, York 1691 TATUUTúñbaſſy (Tim) Lettersºn the Tyne, Newcastle-Cºrporation, *, &c. Mewc. 1823 Rt othercopyrmºr--royarsvö, Thir1823 y t*| $ § ... 4 º - W * º *44ozººnotheres } āīffer, liter. föyāt ‘8vo, Tºd. T823' * * *Ogºtharößimistrated with a number of * ſºgits gºd prints, gºlgºd...…Joyal $79, Jºd.1823. -- *~$ -ºº-º-º-º-. *7- ºr-vs. ººz *** {T A404 Tunstalſ (Wm.) Collection of Ballads, and some other occa- > signal Roºms, half galf…~~~~~~. …! 727 .* * * # / 4405 Turner (Dawson) Specimen of a Lichenographia Tritannica; i. / i ! or Attempt at a History of British Lichens, private print, 4–1 – cloth. . . . **- -a -eta- Yarmouth 1889 # 2, a 4406 SKºtch of the History of CaisterCastle, fiéâr Yáñouth, : \ . *-* 24.6s. 1842 i 2. 4407 # Reminiscences of a Market Town. Yarm, 1848 ºrſos = tºtarogiºrwäntsärptvörömös in his Library, private- { 4415 –– Sermons and Occasional Addresses, printed with a View to Commemorate his Entrance on the 57th Year of his * * ! ». , - . ~ print, autograph letter inserted. . . royal 8vo, 1851 ~ *3-£100-Té:tºp;SößóñS*āīā’Attörösses: “Aſewo: “T-822- . t ſ TruTuñór (Rºy-Thé-British Physician; or -the-Nature-and- ; º Wertues of English Plants. 1687 º - *########--~~~~~~-16st- f : TATI3 Tüß (Wythe"Christian's Cºmpañíðī; GFan Essay upon- - “…iſſinºsitiºniwetº. §§ ; 44.13 Turner (Rev. Wm.) Sermon by Rev. P. Holland, and other Pro- ; . . ceedings at the Ordination of, scarce, Wakefield 1782.—Ser- ; i % . mon on the Death of his Wife, 1827, and other single Sermons ! –– by him in..] Yglº-Sermon.9p Sunday Sch995, Mewe, 1786. tº-f *71ſt-ºri.º.º.º.º. Square Chapel,7bid. : | ; 3. '. 1824. — Burdon's Poetry for Children, Ibid. 1805—and 2 º .# ; others.—Offices of Public Worship for Unitarian Christians, ; Ibid. 1824.—Single Sermons on various Occasions, in 1 vol. ; s — Crozer's Alnwick Unitarian Debate, 1826. — Unitarian : § Tracts, in 1 vol. —Two Discourses at Glasgow, Newc. 1818. : : — And various Controversial Tracts, between him, W. A. : : Hails, and J. Campell, 2 vols., half calf. i 4 Ministry, half calf gilt, Mewo. 1839 H *-*******--" ""---------- ~~~ ***** - - ----, -ī- ~ : "... . . . . . . . . . . e. . [ 255 %. •rs ** 4. 4416 Turner (Rev. Wm.) Sermons at Wakefield on Various Sub- º ; . iºcts. gººf: Pºsroºrºººººººººººººº-ºº: ********: & R. 4 . * * * *T*. rº- 1793 i. yººs. –4 - :- *…” Trººrºgºśirrºr fºrgºséñóñººrtjägasºlarº”(233;áš); Tºrrã3 *****~~~~~ t — Selections from Pliny, 1829. — Abstract of the Bible. — Hig-Hºº-ºº- 4419 - undry Sermons and #º by, including several . privately printed Funeral Sermons, in 2 portfºlios. º $ Fº 4. § t sº: ..? - $ - - * rºxº~~~~ w is vases. sºrºrº, 3.9 5. f .* * k 3 • * × - Zºr--re * tº--- -K. º TT2U-Tūmārg CºmEºfºrth. History OF THETown and Soke of , ; 3, é Granthºi...!!!.42%g. …-------imp, 4to, 1806.<--~~~-ºw. - 41%r=rmºyºtº #; and Borough of Hertford, plates. . . . ; 3. 3. & * royal 8vo, Hertfºrd 1830.3.−iº.… ~ 4+zz-rºsorºrissy TrºstruñºrºmſgöFGööTHusbandry, with . 2. 2 notes, &c., by Wm. Mavor, best edition. ~1842-4 * >: .* * * -- 4:125-rwentatiº-trainy-Ramālī; alſº by the Rev. R. Tweddell, ; ; / f 4. — plates. - - 4:9-1819-i-º-º-º-º-º- 4734 exºtnarºº. ... ii. iść... Z. & TT5 TWTTºm's Rºmm's fºr of Engin's Letter to the Editor of ; ; ; cſ” the Edinburgh Review, Edinb. 1815–Hunt's Narrative of ; ; ; - What is known respecting the Rggins, 1816.…. ~~#sw-4-nºir---- 4:25-Twitter(Tom)"Prºmisiółºgºſtºveniles premiis Academicis ; ; / ; * Dignate. ~~~~~~~~!” - 4457Tweddeſſ (Rev. Röß)"Account of the Éxamination of the f º ***** Elgin-box, in a Letter to James Losh, Esq., private print, ; * * * wd * 1: ..” ‘’. >wº 4s 3. s-ºr-º-º-...----, ... ??? º *q-.…w.…,x,zººspºrº. 3'-ºxººtººººººººº. 4%. 4|anek (4817)...g...i. º * *.*.*.*.*, * 4428"Twiss (Rich.) on Chess, 2 voſs, ini, half calf, with autograph i ; / ; of J. Ritson. - ~~~~}" i-º, * ~ * 4t2g-Tymºs (Sammary Family"Tºgrapher, the ancient and pre- 4. 3. cy” #;"º gº ºf tº sº.” yme (RTVST) Tracts and Reports on, by Macgregor, &c., in 1 * † vol. half calf — Collection of Pamphlets relative to the ºf 3 Tyne, by Richardson, Armstrong, Straker, &c.—in 1 vol. Newc. V. Y. — Macgregor (John) Observations on the River Tyme, with a View to the Improvement of its Navi- gation, and his letter, cuttings inserted, Ibid.1832. isº *}† -4431 rConservancy of the TATseries of eighteen Reports of Parliamentary Commissions, &c., on the State of, and Im- !, provement to the Channel of the River Tyne, fºliº...... 4432Tyne BITECTMyſic's Repºrt respecting," also Report by . Smeaton and Wooler, half calf. Newc. 1772 4433 Tºmé and Wölf. Tracts Félàtive tº the Rivers: if y&l. ~ 4T3TT; Tasma MúsiðTºrºſ. 1824. & !? ºf Märshall's Newcastle " Songs, 6 numbers. -- Tom and Jerry Songs. – Loyal Orangemen’s Song Book, North Shields, and others. — Wreath of Freedom, Newc. 1820. — And 2 others, local. 4135 Tynemouth, Maſtefiºtă's A&mit5ttºparish-of-plates.” 4to, Wewe. 1824 s’ \ & * ss= #56* randa, Cuttings, &c., relative to Tynemouthshire, by Mr. - Bell. z-..… . . ,-,-,-,-,-\r r.e.-->er-res on ravrºzº.” on-hº ºw” “ ”””” cº-459. ~ * * * * * st:—&i -sº * -** i § ===s-Mackenzie's History-of-and-alarge Collection of Memo-º : f • * • *-- a . . . $. * § 2. * s sº cº- *.*.*.* º, ** *3 ** ** st & “3 º #. -: º *..." § 29 # * * § g: Mił § 3. * * * *- : \; §§; ... x- -* ...AF- -* - r f } X i;: . : *: A f & | :f.-•3 ; L 256 | 4437 Tynemouth. The Mayor and the Monks of Tynemouth. 4to, Newc. 1834 §” Only forty-six copies privately printed. Ta Belle Assemblee; or the Tinmouth Bathers, a Poem, printed on ooloured paper, Newe. J. Sykes 1828. — Thor- burn's Tynemouth, a Poem, small 4to, Ibid. 1792—in 1 vol. 4439 Tynemouth Priory. Manuscript copies of the Monumental -** Inscriptions in the Burial ground surrounding Tynemouth Priory, in Mr. Bell’s handwriting, small 8vo, bound in cloth, and lettered. tº The wasting influence of the sea, so rapidly injuring many of these records, a correct transcript, in the well-known hand of the late Mr. Thomas Bell, cannot fail to be interesting and valuable, Many of the family evidences of Lowos, Ellison, Metcalf, Clark, Bewicke, Mitford, Fenwick, &c. &c., will be found herein. 4440 Tytler (Alox. Fraser) Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern, 2 vols., calf, 1825. — Tytler (Wm.) Enquiry into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots, 2 vols., calf, 1790. 4438 “º (Rev. Chas.) Discourses on Important Subjects, calf. 1759 4442 Union (The) or Select Scots and English Songs, calf gilt, 1766. – A Pill to Purge State-Melancholy, or a Collection of excellent new Ballads, half calf, 1715. 4443 Unitarian Tracts, published by the Tract Society, Newcastle, 2 vols. - Mewc. 4444 Upcott (W.) Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors, 1816. — Veitch (Wm.) and Bryson (Geo.) Memoirs of, by them- selves, with Notes, &c., by Dr. Thos. McCrie, Edinb. 1825. 4445 Upton (John) Critical Observations on Shakespeare, calf, 1746. — Montagu on the Writings and Genius of Shakspeare, 1772. 4446 Ure (l)avid) History of Rutherglen and East Kilbride. Glasgow 1793 4447. Urquhart (D.) Exposition of the Boundary Question between Great Britain and the United States, 1840. — Case of Mr. McLeod, 1841—1 vol. half calf. . 4448 Use (The) of Human Reason, in Religion to convince our- selves of Truth, half calf, Newc. 1731. — Useful Hints on a Wariety of Subjects, Ibid. 1791. Sept. 1829, Oaſord 1830. — Burgess (Bp.)Charge at St. David's, Dur. 1813.-Meadley’s Letters to the Bp. of St. Davids, autograph note, 1814. — Ile Mesurier's Assize Sermon, 1814, and Visitation Sermon, 1815, Dur.— Heslop's Two Sermons and a Charge, Newc. 1807. 4449 (9 AN MILDERT (Bp.) Sermon for the Sons of the Clergy, | 257 | § 4450 Vane (Sir H.) Tryal of, with his Speech and Prayer on the i Scaffold, half calf, rare. small 4to, 1662” : 4. .. 4:4. The Retired Māī’s Meditations, or the Mystéfié and; “ ºr . .… Power of Godliness, calf. - 4to, 1655; 5". £453 Väräftist pºpY-Côňpléât System ºf Géography, translated; “º “ by Mr. Dugdale, 2 vols. calf, 1734. — De Fer (N.) Intro-i ; ... dugfign a la Geographie, maps. . . . . . . ..., Paris 1717; , 3.2% 4453 Vaughan (R.) Discourse of Coin and Coinage, 1675. — Hodges' Present State of England, as to Coin and Public 4454 Vaux (W. S.) Nineveh and Persepºlis, ºglºth.gif. 1859. 4:455 vernán's Tättärstițistrative of the “Régºr William IIſ..." ... edited by James, 3 vols. portraits. . . . . . . . . . . 1841...}. #456 verstegamºrèstitution of déâyedfhtémigööö mºtiº re-º-º: ties, concerning the most noble and renowned English ... … Nation. - - - - - 4to, 1634; 4457 Another copy. - 4to, 1634 *58 Weſtiè (MºPôeñs, 2 vols., 1838, and 6 others. . . . . 4459 Wićais (Jóññ) England's Worthies, Smeeton's Reprint, por- ; > A. : -v-4. *. *:- s . º 2 : . : k- : §3.5% #~~ 2. 4 • | º, sº...…~~~~~1894-> 4360 Wićat #. jjīréâtise on Čáſcareous Mortars and Čements,” translated by Capt. J. T. Smith, 1837. — Martindale (J.) , Guide to the Analysis of Soils, &c., Sunderl. 1849. — Sut-, ton (S.) on Extracting Foul Air out of Ships, calf, 1749.- . . Leithead (Wm.) The Cosmical Force, Alnw. 1851. — Ma-; ple (Wm.) Method of Tanning without Bark, old morocco, , 4461 Vincent (Augustine, Windsor Herald) Memoir of, by Sir N. H. Nicolas (2 copies). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1827-3-ºxº 4462 Windication of the Curate of 0–ton, from the Calumnies of , ; 4T. those who have represented his Principles as tending to i ; P—ry, scarce. ... .......…York.ºggs geºlºë8******* 4463. Windication ºf the Bishöfðf Dürham, from ºvºi...is. ty dalous Calumnies of a Libell, intituled The Downfall of * - Hierarchie, &c., half bound............sº small 49, 1641.....… 4464 Visit of the Priñéé"Rêgênt, the Émperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia, to the Corporation of London, June, 1814, coloured plate, long MS. note. imperial 4to, 1815 tº Printed at the expence of the Corporation of London for presents. ** :*sº* ~ ** *:&• *2. --• *- >- -*-* * 3. -- --- 7.- w"- <º:# --•º. *-i-. J.” "-": ". ! -*º- - **.* Ja" jº. ~. ſ 2. *4465 Visitor (The) by several Hands, edited by the Rev. Wm. ... ... Dodd, 2 vols., calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … - 1764. ... 4466 Wocabulary, or Pocket Dictionary of the English Language, ; calf, Birm. Baskervilla 1765.-Swinhoe (Henry) First Four : Books of Telemachus, with literal Translation, Wewc. 1743. — Moral Instructions of a Father to his Son, ibid. 1772. — Mackey (S. A., Shoemaker) The Mythological Astro- nomy of the Ancients Demonstrated, plates, Norwich, * : *.- --- i..;#4. - -A.J.- ſ 2. sº" - * * •- w - * . - 2 I * * t w º l, * * ** ".- * * •- § ; . 3 4467 Woluntary Church Associations, A Collection of Pamphlets, jºssesses...}º published in NeWºlºrºpºſing: , , , 1893:34 *#65°Wößers.” MS."&#iginárºſſ of the Prudhoe Troop of the < * … Percy Tenantry. Yglintº fºliº; bºrds.......a...!893.89. **1165 vo; ºumér's Cônāāśāšā Möáērā’īţisföğüšēn fliza- . wºm º 2 beth and Mary-Queen of Scots. – Tytler (Wm.) Enquiry : J into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots, Edinb. 1767. / & 4470 ADDILOVE (Rev. W. J. D.) Lamp in the Wilder- . ; ness, with Fragmenta Vetusta, plates of antiqui- i * ..., 2- ...~. . . --> ties. (Høgham.1847) *-*****śzº-sº-º-º-º:#;"> *, *, r*'? … . . . ~ - 2 : s.. . l ... 3 - - º E - * * . º: º: ..ſº º : i. º *} º º 3 $ ſ SN § §}º - gºº º \ * i : i FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE, FRIDAY, November 2nd. jºš. - - º º ſº | sº - §§ - ! ;: ...t-'. ſºilſ, 4478 Lot of Sundries, in portfolio. º % m ſº f *Nº. →. pol • * as º ºr * 1808.—Emin.cnt Men of New- ſ | Hursley and North Baddesley, l castle, &c.—And 5 others. . . º fº | * - i | t 3ºft||||W pecimens of his Works, Auto- sº | º graphs, &c. — specimens of Wood Engraving, in portfolio. 3 4481 Robson (J. P.) Monomaniac and other Poems, Newc. 1848, . . . . and others-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~. … . . . . . . 4482 Bowles (W. L.) Scenes and Shadows, 1837, and others, Poet- * . - ical—8. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ----…s.º. ---, -, * : ...A - … --- ******** - “º 4483 Isle of Wight, Picture of, by Wyndham, calf, 1794. — Chilcott's Bristol, - Britton's Picture of London. — Liber ... . . . Scholasticus, 1829. – And 2 others. . . . . . . . . . 4484 Rudd's Practical Geometry, 1650. — Acts of Parliament, &c. relating to the § 1693. – And other Pamphlets, 4485 Doubleday (T.) Caius Marius, 1886 – And 6 others. 4486 Fraser (Rev. Jas) Memoirs of the Life of — And 4 others. 4 187 Local Pamphlets. – Wilson's Pitman's Pay, first edition. — ... Case of Thomas Drummond. — And others. .4488 Local Tracts, a large Collection of single Tracts, some prº- º, .5 º & D y vately printed—in portfolio. . . . . . . . . . . . . *** & A, -º-º: A-".5: ...: encrºs.--- **** - s >~~~~ | HEATRICAL PORTRAITS, &c. in a ºtſ WY ‘... ." . . . .”.” “-th > . . . . . . - - - - ... --> . . . .: * *** ** - - - •' . . .3-----, • *w- “... . . . 4. . | 4479 Memoranda of the Parishes of \ºf § - - y 4480 Scott (John, Engraver) various *- > ar-, * r i:# * *i. --w - |4.; ;3 ; i • * y:t-- i ---!ſ : : i 2. - - A # -"º -•º - • {cº º4. i : * _**** …-...” -* §;º:i ;i 2.A... ** i i 4. 3. [ 26o i *. - :- ; : * º: - r '; { i .*. *}. - * l ". w *: &: - ~~~~º. * - -** *** **- --> I & º .* W . * .. x." S. I *- ''. ... • ,S. ... -- ***S.:--> - Z .*.*. s 2 ~- & *4492-2: Life, surprising: Advātūīās; afir Héðið ‘Actions of,” *. *** - * 3. -> * ...,' & S. .* - * *** *- - * * . º: * 4-2 r cº- —E- 㺠ALKLEY (T.) Exact Catalogue of the Lords $2 Spirituall and Temporall, &c., 1628. — Walkley (T.) New Catalogue of the Dukes, Marquesses, &c. of Great Britain and Ireland, º - 1588. wºr: arºº’erosºuavenssºn **** Sºqq90 Wallace (Sir Wm.) The Acts and Deeds of, with the Appendix, Relationes quaedam Arnaldi Blair, Jātā letter * ...4.0, Edinb. 1758°º. 44giºiſºniifºxétions ºf attººi.p. ii.22 edited by W. Hamilton, half calf. Crieff 1774. ---.'rº. ... *, *, *.x '-'. '• ‘ (i. w { 1% w. º * *. 3 is ºr two t *:: - wº -? ...*, *... Sº, i. sº, evzºrºrººººº-ºº-ºº-ººrººººººººººººººººººººººººwººesºrº" ***4494 Waſlace (G60.) The Nature and Descóñt of Kičičnt Pēērages, ‘Life;-&cº-of-by-trainiſtön. EmºraiothèFédition, Ibid. 1821. connected with the State of Scotland, the Origin of Tenures, Ibid. 1785 : - º s &c. *ścºs *****º-sººk**************śa:ºs.…s...…a...as §sº . -ā- 3 *†155 "Wºjtěh (Wim) History 8.Il Antiq ūities ºf the Röäättättfäffº” - } ‘ī. º { e º * le Maplestead, plat 1836 *. & : of Little Maplestead, plates. tº-ºw-------. -- -->4.4- -----...*.*------- ~~~ ~…~ *-*~--------. * . , … ---...-----' +....…:... … --- --------- - - - - - -H. - ------ - *cºsºrsº.3, sº;"º. ****::::::::: *...*&^*::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: e-tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:..…” --~ **---------------------, - . “s - - - - - - * > : - - -t-. w … “... :--~ (..**s-ºs- - 3. º - !. ‘y, ... . . *. ‘’i * 2", x 1 * - - { : - \ '' º -. . y : ) . º | ‘. : s º ** w - - - º - : . º ºº: | * .* - *...* ºr sº lº &yº S -- 3. 3. :* sº - Sº Sº . . . . . . . . " º º - SºMº '; .. i. -- º º 5...", ºr º/ ', º .. - º '. S’ s & º • . * , .. §. '', -- \ :-. Y f N t'. : t *: § º t ... r Yi. -**. ‘. .. … I * º: º *: : §: & “, Y'A tº ... r W f •; t i ***"…sº ſ . . . . " * Jºmº- . / 2. é40s $ºº.” *** *...* *-x-S.. " * *. w y • *.* “...” ****.*.*, *: : .. * { / 2. 4 : & 3. •r, ** : ; º ** º, º, * ! n * 2% 3. 4499 Å. º #sº sº . & 8 N º º sº º º §§ º ſ Sºś §§ § [. §º º º: §§§ Z D. * - ºº:: WoRKS OF HORACE WALPOLE AND Books PRINTED AT STRAwpBRRY HILL. NECDOTES of Painting in England, 5 vols, calf. 1782 4497 – Another copyrs vols…re-traz- 4498 — Another copy, new édition, 6margéd by the “ º: I º James Dallaway, 5 vols. numerous fine por- *-*--~~~~ sºvº.18% --~~ des Walpolianæ; or a Description of the 6. ºf:- ºº::... ººgººse. 4to. 1767 º 'ºº...i...º . ºf-ºº-ºººººººººººººººººººº-ºº: -- sºrº: Frr. 2.3.339Q-Catalºgue ºf Ejigſawers from {fi: ºf Göö, Väää, ö tº *:: *****&^;ºrts, « ºf • *z, * * * ºr fºr:--ºº:tºrsº's *...* . ---, - ... : "... .”. - : 350ſ - Another copy.” ºščić tºº:::::::::::::::: ******66***** *** ***.*. ; 3. { * * * * ******, *.*.*.*.*.*.*&^ - a. º.º.º.A.s. :*. Nº-ºwn.º. * -Pº" * T * * * **, * ~~ - *** ******** [ 261 J 4502 Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, with Lists of their Works, 2 vols. calf neat. 1759 4503 — Another copy, 2 vols, calf gilt. 1759 4504 — Another copy. Jºb. 1796 4505 Gray's Odes. 4to, Strawberry Hill, 1757 4506 Gray's Odes, Strawberry Hill 1757. — Bishop Bonner's Ghost, Strawberry Hill, 1789, half morocco, 4to. 4507 Historic Doubts on the Reign of King Richard the Third, 2 plates, calf. 4508 — Another copy. 4509 Essay on Modern Gardening, English and French. 4to, Strawberry Hill 1785 4510 Letter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton, red morocco, gilt. Ibid. 1779 : 4511 Another copy. Ibºd. 1779 & T. Kirgate's copy, with corrections by him. 4512 Letters to the Earl of Hertford. 4to, 1825 4513 —— Another copy. 4to, 1825 4514 Hoyland (Rev. Mr.) Poems. 4515 — Another copy. - 4516 Miscellaneous Antiquities, both parts. 4517 Another copy, half morocco. Ibid. 1769 4to, Ibid. 1772 between a most celebrated Man of Florence; and one, scarce ever heard of in England, calf. 4519 Strawberry Hill. A Description of the Villa, with an Inven- tory of the Furniture, Pictures, and Curiosities, uncut, only 4to, Ibid. 1774 4520 The Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy, half calf. 1791. 100 copies printed. 4521 Whitworth’s Account of Russia in 1710, calf. Strawberry Hill 1758 4522 Strawberry Hill Sale, Catalogue of, with printed Prices and Purchaser's Names, half bound. 4to, 1842 4523 - Catalogue of Rare Prints and Illustrated Works, 4to, 1842 : 4524 Horace Walpole and Strawberry Hill, a Collection of Cuttings, Engravings, &c. relative to, mounted in an 8vo vol. 4525 — Memoranda relating to, comprising yarious descriptions of the Villa, with several portraits and autographs, in 1 vol., half calf. - - 4to 4526 Wallis (John) Natural History and Antiquities of Northum- berland, 2 vols., fine clean copy, half calf. 4to, 1769 Occasional Miscellany, in Prose and Verse, 2 vols., half calf, M.S. note. Newc. 1748 4527 Strawberry Hill 1769 Ibid. 1758 4to, 1768 . Ibid. 1772 4518 Spence (Rev. Mr.) A Parallel, in the manner of Plutarch, 4528 Wallis (Rev. R.) The Happy Village (Blanchland) a Poem, title engraved on oopper by T. Bewick, rare. 4to, So. Shields 1802 : :$il : t t ; : ſº i i : A *gº º ſ 1. ‘. § 3. * º t: *t..!: ; i : *à : : { ; à. ; : … '‘º- : £ i. f ; : [ 262 j ; 6. 4529 Walsh (B. D.) Historical Account of the University of Cam- | bridge, and its Colleges. ~~~~}º- & ~4530-wattºrrsamºrcomprestrºnger Bºgster's Repriñtºrths" | + ; first edition, calf gilt. ~~~~4819 *x- . "Tſ fºrwººds Ängler, edited by Sir #: i &-wº - 3.W. ins ate flli, $ºº $4-ºpºrº, -Irºr-ºwn; Sº #, Sermons, 2 vols, calf. "T" i822 ` 2. Tº 4533 Wandering Knight of Dunstanborough Castle. A Northum- ; - º brian Legend. small 4to, Sunderland 1820 ~f~~~4684—Warburton (john) Wałlum Romanum; or the History” and * . Antiquities of the Roman Wall, plan and plates, half russia, : /3.3 º wºcut, scarce. 4to, 1753 | . § Geo. Allan’s copy, with autograph and book-plate. c ; 3. ****ºv-º- * * > . * **śsºvº *º-'kºſºsºkºrºs. *ś º: §º.º.º.º. 㺠*…*. º ... • &# **** º - #, sº sº sº – 2. *4535°: Tóñāśā’īā Māāfēščimfästråted, härfäärf. *Tºg T-a-rºssb-warburton, whitlºw, and waishes. History ºf the City-or- s' . Dublin, 2 vols., plates. 4to, 1818 3 *4537-war.T(Rev. Symºqāſā system-of-Nattfartristory, 2 vols;” s 3’ 1775. — Natural History, Elements of, 2 vols, plates, calf, } * * * 1801. — Wood (W.) Catalogue of Books on Natural His- º . • * tory, 1832. - * ...< * * … - ... * * * • As ºr , . . * , ~ * * / f : 4538 Ward (Thos.) England’s Reformation, a Poem. 1715 º 3 º :- andétréjàsy"Mimiteſpalººfſistory-of-the-Borough-of-Éeeds; ºr # ‘. plates. 1846 — , *454U-widereras; the Trºs-Amazons-of-the-womarchy or pses,”--- / . portrait, calf. 1726 ~3°454r wiring phosy-Treatise-or-ºrchery, Tsz re-ºróñºſtfä, örº 2. 3 Voyages in the Air. — Hudson's Florist's Companion, Newc. ~4 2. ' ~~~4542-warner (Richardy Hampshire, extracted from Doñāsāāybóðler” ~~~~ *.s.” º ~~~~ it! $º: gºggſ?...English, Tºlgºgº.gºlf…, #9 178 *~ ~ 4543 wºº ñº;##;"ºsi- f t; ºf ! / ; 3 - Western Parts of Hampshire, 2 vols., 1793.—Tour through ! the Northern Counties of England and the Borders of Scot- : ! land, 2 vols., calf, Bath 1802. — Tour through Cornwall, º . . . . lates, Ibid. 1809. & * , tº A544-rººfinistration of the Roman Antiquities discovered at Bath; " / ; y *...----. plates, half calf. ________, 4to, Bath 1797. -- `4545 Ežūrsióñs from Bath,"rººtsorº: Töößthrºughºffs 2 Northern Counties of England and Borders of Scotland, 2 \ * vols., 1802. — Second Walk through Wales, binding loose, ; : *— * . . . . . . . . Bath 1799. §: *rºxºn *. --~ --~~~~...~~~~~~ :---------------------------------"º, —i-Z-->4546 pitºmºtiºn; gºrg------~~~~rgsy. A547 wºn (Tºmºyama Añºſities of Kiſſiºn- º *** ********~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}9Ya!.4%-1845-. A / .4548 Warwick, The Governing Charter of the Borough of, with a ; : Letter to the Burgesses, by Joseph Parkes. 1827 3. 4545 wºrwickshire, Topographicarpºpúðrörförbuglaſs" *- : , and others, plates. Coventry 1817 * : $º A f : **** frºg -a < * ***.*.* , *, **** *a*s, *, *.csvær .**** * * ... tº , - ... : : L 263 J - f º ... . 4450 Waters of Newcastle. Wilson and Hall's Principles of Ana- ; ; ; lysing Waters explained, and Cock's Lodge Water Analysed, 1770. – Rotheram’s Nature and Properties of Water. — ; ; ; Tytler's Experiments on Waters in and near Newcastle, , ; ; fºr- – 1789-in livolº, halt.calf. * nº gº.--&-ºrº -- *****w-s: -- ºv-ºr-º-º-ººr, i. -i. ~~ 4551 Waters Family, of Newcastle, Memoranda relative to, and ; */ t Poetical Productions (MS.) by Henry Waters, collected by ; /0; * Thomas Bell.…. rº--~ : *ter, - 5 ---- ~ ºver'ss. ----------------~~~~. . . .* r ~foliº-º-º-º-º: 4552 Wathen (Jas) Journal of a Voyage to Madras and China, in ; ; / 1811 and 1812, coloured plates. 4to, 1814 ; ; * 4553 Watkins (John) Kiſºgaytowāfāgātristóry of Bidefºrd, “in-tº- ſ y Devonshire, calf. Eaceter 1792 Tºrwººtºrºir-Mºrmºniºs; tº-ºff the Duke of Northumberland, large folio. made by Direction of 4555 Wäßig (G) Adventireşāfā Greenwich Pensioner, wº.” 1827. — Life and Adventures of David Dobbinson, by R. Nichols, I bid. 1824. —- Life and Military Travels of Geo. Fraser, Glasg., 1810. — Adventures of John Roach, Mari- ner, of Whitehaven. 4556°W ſ }. * - . $, - A. 3 & - : 5 - y .#: 2 3. - * - loºks rº *T, ºr's-reer sº **º-ºº-ºxº~~srººrºs.--wºº.:7-Yº sºº-tººt cº-ºr- 4---- ---. . . ăţf TSBEY Bibliotheca Biłłaññā, or General Index of Briº3. ! { ; or * • . - § 5. … .º.º.d #sºft-p - 49.3%.4%...… 4557. Watt (John) fºg in the Ščottish Dialect, ižºr: Bür. ; : 2.8 é 4555°Wäß Freemasons' Hall, on the 18th June, 1824, for erecting a - Monument to... . . . royal 8vo, 1824 4555-watts rºtºxypósitºrsºgºs, 1824. - \ Minstrelsy, 1824. — Tom Cribb's Memorial to Congress, 1819.- : Warreniana, 1824, and 3.9thºrs..…..... 4560 wayń (C. N.) Travellergin the Désert: Thomas Curry the Pious Keelman. — Poetic Sketches. – Report of the New- castle Religious Tract Society. — Considerations on certain Remarks in Lord Stowell's Judgment in the Case of the Slave ‘Grace’-in-l.Yolo calf gilt, Agº...Y.Y. - ãº;ºiſ; ºiáº; tº Röyāl Scóttish ** .# 4- *****~$ºs rf : ;-- i s: º * ~~$º- i - *~~~~~~~~ ºfºcºcºanºkº **ºssºs ** ºf rºarrother"copy: s º t º **uºxº~~~ : | 4 4569 * * -- 3: * …; º-º-º-º-º-º-º-, sº ºw: *-*.*: - #5 ****o-º-text. …t. ----, - . * **, *.xv-g: *** cº- $y'ſ 4570 – Another copy. ---45 72-Wellbeloved te:y-Eburacum; or York tindef { * - ****~~~~• * * [ 264 J 4568 Wedgwood's Account of the Portland Vase, private print, and King's Qbservations on th9.5gme..plgte, half calf....... wººijäiº. Gif- gilt… ... -- - - -s. ...greeſ:0gé1829-...- - Ibid. 1829 *** Tºrgyg- °the Romans, * --~~~~ wºrm, : ... ….rºyal SYQ, York 1842. ëllesley (Marquis of). History of Events and Transactions” in India, large paper. - royal 4to, 1805 . . 4573 (; ; *---. - --~~~~~ # : 4 3 y s ; # : 4574 Weſſington (Duke of rvisitºtô"the North, AE86mit of the several Proceedings at Newcastle, Stockton, Painsher, Aln- wick, Durham, Sunderland, &c., collected by Thomas Bell. 4to – & 4575"trºthé Bānījātto, at Döyö, Ääg. 30, 1835:Lady"Förs" # / Hastings, Statement of the Marquis of Hastings.—Account . of the Eglinton Tournament, in 1 Yolº halfgalf…. * 2: º 4576 Wested (Leonard) Works, in Verse and Prose, ºh mºstly “ : John Nichols. - - ***** *****, Tºs-as----- *.*.*. 1787 3. ~4577 waſ wº )"Mémoirs Óf the most Material Transactions in -- . |‘. ;* * - 3. S. § º **#~~~~~ f :-, * l - 1. * # § } § s § º . ; s : 3 * 3. # * ** - $x 5 * i : *:-”. v.3. } / 3 / . & †- -ºr- º, i & j • * 3, ') $ , } j ; :– 3. ºl ~g. *} i :* c. }. * t t * re-º-º: !---ó. .******* :!. 4578 — Another copy, calf. “At 4579 Wendéborn (F.A.) view of England at the Close-of-the- .# : . *: - * , 3-ºxºss-ºs-ºszºº Sºrºrº * * - - - "º jöS - § - º 60 (Jäg. England, for the last Hundred Years, calf. 1700 , ... • * * º, s: -, -, * ºlasg. 1749 • -, zººs- 18th Century, 2 vols. - 1791 “4580 Weiſham (Jane, the witch of Walkerfly"The cassóf the Hört. fordshire Witchcraft considered. —Witchcraft further dis- played. — Full and Impartial Account of the Discovery of Sorcery and Witchcraft practis'd by Jane Wenham, with her Trial. — A full Confutation of Witchcraft; more par- ticularly of the Depositions against Jane Wenham. — The Belief of Witchcraft windicated. — The Impossibility of Witchcraft, in which the Depositions against Jane Wen- ham are Confuted and Exposed. — Bragge's Defence of the Proceedings against Jane Wenham, a rare and curious col- lection—in 1 vol., calf, 1712. . . . --- * -- - --------------- - - - --> --- * -- ârgă (Rev. Richardy sermöffin-st: Mărăş Chūreh, Gâtégº head, half calf, soarce, long MS. note. small 4to, 1683 Werge (Rev. John) Collection of 9riginal-Poems, Essays; and ºzº Epistles, long MS. note bg. Mr. Bell, Stamford 1753 1583-westey (Reºry-Göörståwarra Señón, Nºrf768, and Extracts from his Journal, 1791, in 1 vol. — Notions of the Methodists disproved, Newc. 1743. — Douglas' Me- thodism condemned, Ibid. 1814. — And 4 others relative to the Methodists. - ‘....~~...~~~:cº. ~~~Calm ºaddress to "buf Arièfföāī‘Cółóñíðs.": Afiswórto’’” ditto. — An Old Fox Tarred and Feathered—in 1 vol. 4to. 4585, West. (Wim) History of Cranborn Chace..….Gillºughan 1816----, 4586 —— Fifty Years' Recollections of an Old Bookseller, port. tº ------, -...--------Tw ~~~~Corklºg. …, 4582 4. wºrres. *— -, *.--------wryy----r -P- [ 265 4587 West's Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland, and t . Lancashire (2 copies), 1784. — Walker (A.) Remarks : made in a Tour to the Lakes of Westmoreland and Cum- : berland, 1792. — Wordsworth (Wm.) Guide to the Lakes i .*sesso-º-º- ...in th9. Ngth of England,...ſºndal. 1835. *Sºrsº tº" rºrºº:::::::::::::, ; ; ;...; , ,- º 4588 Westmacott (C. M.) British Galleries of Painting and Sculp- _ture, gºrgºs.gºg plates. … 1824.8 -. **** ** º : º *A. : *ºjºr- -, :§ - -* . 3589 Westminster Abbey. Historicai fescription of 1753. – De- - scription of 1830. — The Antiquities of, plates, some addi- i. ...tional, 1713, - i , \ | . fº 4590 Westmorland. Account of from the Magna Britannia, Speed's § mºp ºnserted. . .4to. t ~' * 2.* * -xi--- -º-:*.* * *:-- º- 359TWestmorland and Cumberland, Dialogues, Poems, Songs, and # * : *... Ballads, in the Dialects. With Glgäsary…...~~~~~~1882.É.-- £592 Whāīſāāſē; of a Description of the several features of that - º . . . . ~~~~~~r Yºgy$ºg-ºxº~ºdºss-rººt - …~~~~~~0tley-1843. #2:3:6 -3.3% 4593 Wharton (R.) Roncesvalles, a Poem, 4to, 1812. — Fables, § } selected from Dante, Berni, Chaucer, and Ariosto, 1804. . . . . . . . 4594 Wharton (Sir Geo.) Works, collected by John Gadbury, por- : trait. …~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4°º-º- 4595. Wheeler's Westmorland Dialect, Kendal 1821. — Account of 3 - - the Behaviour of Wm. Alexander, in Prison, and at the •- - - Place, of Execution, Neug. 1783=and 3 others- f ºr: •- 7. .rº- #** -a -é •'s-* ! ~. º º : * #. - 3596 whesiº (A) The Westmºriană"Dialect, in three Familiar Dialogues, scarce, Kendal 1790. — Tim Bobbin's Lancashire # Dialect, 1797. , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~. *597 Wheeler (Jas) Manchester, its Political, Social and Commer- ? gial History. …— …, 1896 i. 4598. Wheler (R. B.) History and Antiquities of Stratford upon Avon, plates, title IllS. ... --ºmrº. ... Stratford # 4555 Wheweſſ (R&W) Tºmčítary Treatise of Māchāhīās,"*" 4600 Whishaw (Francis) Analysis of Railways, 1837, - Railways "Y" ... of Great Britain and Ireland, plaſes, …#9, 1849 46öſ Whitaker (John) Genuine History of the Britons asserted, 1773 ºil. ^4602. Whitaker (Rev. T. D.) History of the Parish of Whalley, and 2. - Honor o f Clitheroe, ..? lates, calf* -a-…- #9.3%. 1891. i-sºº *4603 — Life" ifid"Cörfösjöſidence of Sir George Radcliffe. § . . . . . *** ***~! … Ayº, “..." "º".” ~ ***** *. .49, 1819. *:::::w: *, * 4604 whitākār (Rev. E. W.) Tětíðföff some Passages in F abºn the Prophecies, Faber's Reply to Whitaker, 1806, in 1 vol. calf-Faber (Rev. G. S.) Testimony of the Early Church : against Transubstantiation, and Answer to it by the Rev. G. Corless, 1827-28. — Procter (Rev. W.) Defence of the # Orthodox Faith, 1824,-and other Religious Pamphlets, in . 4605"Whité (J.) Art's Treasury of Raréties, and Curious Inventions, wood-cut portrait, calf. — A Rich Cabinet, with Variety : of Inventions unlock'd and open'd, curious cºſts, calf. 1689,...; *::S^***** ***, r*.*, sº - :-- •.,5- ors: -* * | ſ *-- * *** £ - : -º º*- ". § 3r %# 3. /º\ 3. º. : 2 K. : : 4. 4606 White (Robt.) History of the Battle of Otterburn, fought in ! . . . . !$88, half ſuggggg. ~~~~~~48%- •. hits (RºRºi History of Seiborne, Naturalist's "º - Calendar, &c., 2 vols., plałes. ~~~}}. . 4. TGOS = Nārārīſītory ºf Seibºne, by Capt. Thomas Brown,”--> ; e coloured plates. ~~~~}}*~ -: :-3-4609-whitechaper-rectºry Brmºnthétrº Brazen-nósé Col.” ; , 2- lege, Oxford, and the Rector of the Parish of Whitechapel. ; ... . 1849, *-5-ººrºvºº es *"..."4610-whitehöäräfirTamºrgºňāºrthéºsºftnä i * | f - corporated Companies of Newcastle, autograph of Whitehead f ; - tnserted, Newc. 1776. — Whitehead’s Historian's l’ocket Companion, 1bid. 1777.—Whitehead's Newcastle and Gates- : 3 head Directory fºr 1799, Jºſé, ...sºrº’ , ; 2 4°n Whitehead and Jameson's Éxplanation of the Arms of the In- / 3 *- : corporated Companies of Newcastle, half calf. Newc. 1776. ; – Whitehead's Historian's Pocket Companion. Ibid. 1777 / ; 2 TAGTZ Whitemurst (Johny Inquiry Titotite originarstätsäät Fóñº * 2 *. ation of the Earth, calf. - 4to, 1786 cº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-oxº~... - re; y-º-º-º-º: - -- ---, 4613 Whitfield (Rev. Geo.) Momčirs of thé Life of by Rev. Jóññº” ... " . . . . Gillies, portrait, calf. - 1772 *a*46ft. Whitlöök (Richlyzöötöää, öf Möfar Añātāyāf the Living” ~. 3 : 6 by the Dead ~~~~~~~ *. : ºr 4615. Whittell (Thos) foetical Works, published from the Original " – f : 8 , Manuscript, by Wm. Robson, half galf, scarce. Nºte: 18.5 s / ſº. 43.5-Aïčğy...Tº **6trº= Anotherº. Tºd: 1815 - ºrs PöétiéâTTWGTRs, Tºſh. — The Whimsical Love of …!!homas Whittle, in lyola half calf...........…” -- • **Tºº Tºº.º.º.º. ºr “sºy sº;;−2::::::::::::::::$ºyºsº"; 19 Whittle (P. A.) Blackburn as it is; a Tópógraphical, Statisti. cal, and Historical Account of the Borough. Preston, 1852 *:::4620 witbörstey (föhny Assize-SöråGºat"Newcastle, 1759: : IRotheram (John) Infirmary Sermon at St. Nicholas' º (hurch, long liographical Note, Newc. 1771.—Botheram’s ; ; ; Sermon on the Wisdom of Providence, 1762. ºf ºdºxºlºgit rare, tº geºſyrzº t- <&; *::: #2*****ś *.** . . .'; SEY’ - ". . . . . . . . . . . ... Yºysviz.: 1. "º" 3 & Wºº - . . 462: nother copy *... . 17 : sº-ºxº~~iº-ºººº- i .. - i “…a *; tº ºc 46 $ .'; * s wº. * • ** - - - --~~~~~~~~...~re-ºxºº...? ºr-º-º-º-º-º- 3. &: ". • '. 'f, , , tº *A633 Wigglesworth (\ſichael, of Maldon, in New England) tho’ ſ ... Day of Doom ; or a Poetical-Description of the great and ~~~~}…lasſ.Judgement, half bound..… 18mo: Nºte: 1711 vi. . #4924 Wilbraham (R.) Attempt at a Glossary of some words used in º } 3. * --~~~~ º ~. * * * * , Cheshire. - - - 1826. .* $4625 Wild (Châs.) Twelve Perspective Views of York Cathedral,” ------- —--4- ** - a "---, - * * * * ... ... folio 1809. t †" A626 wiſt (R). Tter Böröälä, with Târgă ădditions of sevååröther *}”;4527-Wilkes (John) Córrespóñdence, with Meñóirs Óf his Life, by * º John Almon, 5 vols. - - - - 1805 - * * º - *45 2. % &ºr 3 `4634. [ 267 ) . 4628 Wilkins (Bp.) Mathematical Magick; or the Wonders that may be performed by Mechanichal Geometry, portrait and cuts, calf, 1680. — Discovery of a New World; or a Dis- course tending to prove that the Moon is inhabited, half; - - - - . ~~~~4%iº TG29 WTKmsºn (Tâây Thé"wandering Tâțentee, or a History of " . calf. arº..." nº.º. T. & the Yorkshire Theatres, 4 vols., half calf... York 1795 “wimmson-and-tratºrington, "Fºſsrººt ºf these two noted Highwaymen, executed at Morpeth, Sep. 10, 1821, portraits, cuttings, and broadsides inserted, half calf. Kºº # 463rwin of a certain Northern vičar, tº which is adāāa CŞāīāi, the second edition, frontispiece, 1765 —A Caveat to the Will ; of a Certain Northern Vicar, half calf. 4to, 1766 : tº Both very rare; the copy of the Will has many of the names writton in. $ 4653-winóment (TiggyTºmorsing of the Rºgºf Bichard theº Second, plate of arms, coloured. 4to, 1834. 4633 = Restoratioſis and Heraldić Ornämönts of St. Georgé's, ſº Windsor, plate. .......49.4%rºſ...} &### . i $. -: , egºgº.1%kº. : ‘. Another copy, plates. ...: ' 'x,y, zer...º.º.º. 4to, Ibid. iś14. 23. /. ~4635 williams (Sirciºrrañbury), Works, with Nötes by Horace : ... : :ºxºsº 3636 — nother copy, 3. vols, £91 traits, ºsºvº * 2: …;_* < *śs” ºn ev.zºº-º-º:...º.º.º.º.º.º-º-ººrººººººººf ººººººº '' zºº, sº s 4637 Williams (Bénj.) Memorials of the Family of Williams, royal Syº, Norwich 1 849.j *}<-------, ---. . . .” --- **śrº-X,'...'.< ...rº ºrrºr-º-º-º-º: * >º rºtºnºsº.º.º. 4638 williams (F. L.) History of Verilämääd St. Albans, 2 vºls." plates. & - - St. Albans 1822 g - Walpole,.3 Vols., portrait º - JS22.É.--~~; Wal glº-3. Vols...!!grº 4%-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 8. ...' - 2, #-s’ * ****** ***.*& ...] *> $22.5 &sº § : :* 6. # : :*.*.*.*.*.* 2. * :* ::-. *‘. .•.” :- 3 f*t *::º: ** ** ...tº; ...” 2. \ -: < 4639 Williams (C. w.yºfi the CŞābūströff ºf Côārśāīf the Pre- . . Jºrp., 1839. vention of Smoke. 4645 wińsºfºrº HistºricarsRefeh of the Art of S㺠- - - - 1835 Wood. by the Rev. John Gardner. calf. 46;i`Williams (David) History ºf Monmouthshifö, äumeroāsº 2* • *-*.*.** - --- & .........4%.1798. i. gº-ºº-º- 1543 Williamson (Sir Hytölä given by, fºr his duly accounting ; : : for the Effects of Miss Huddleston, a Lunatic, M.S. half ; ; A £7. - ; , , s: ‘‘‘, ‘s’....?-? *** * -* *:::::::::::2-ºxººcyte-ºxº~ **********.*Lºrrº.5-$2× gº-rººver- cºrer-ºs- 4to, * “... " 4 * =~~ 4643 Wiilidh (A. F. M.) Lectures on Dict and Regimen, 1800. – ; ; : Herdman (Dr. John) Discourses on the Management of 2. Infants, 1807. — Kentish (Edw.) Essay on Warm and i ; ; Vapour baths, 1800. — Trotter (Thos.) View of the Ner- : wºrk ºr ºxº~~~ iółł Wiśīsāvey of the Cathedral Church of Bangor. 721 * t Yous.Temperament. Aegg. 1807.H.,..... * l 4645 winsºfatthögy Natures secrèts, of the Admirã51éână won tº derfull History of the Generation of Meteors, portrait by ...haſ ghgn. . *-*. - 1653 tº . ...--~~~ *:::----- 4646 wiyºwoºd, and Greedy Grizzle, a Tale of the Present Cen. tury, with three new Songs, half bound. ... (1791) i. ..ºr, & º - t f tº cre: sºrº->. * gº <. { jº. --- . . [ 268 J 4647 Willy Wood and Greedy Grizzle, cloth. f: */ t; - 4. "3345 Wilsºn (Andøy Review of Mr. Fºg "Appeal, "&c., in a Letter to Mr. Wm. Smith, Surgeon, long MS. notes and cuttings inserted. Newc. 1769 º º- i→| f * 3645. Wilsºn (Amertoisa; a Descriptºrºsińºf the River Tºss,”--, * its Towns and Antiquities, rare 4to. Ibid. 1778 *465.0°Wilsonºtºrspººne pºemensis ºw-shººtiss-of- an Ancient Melicinal Fountain, or Vitrioline Spaw, near the 9ity of Durham, half calf, very rare. ... 18mo: 1675 * -.' *.*.** {--: --- --*.. t. *.*.* -3- *- ;; *: s 3? tº. is 4- t ; - 3 *465m wiſº (Gºytiſºfºrsts: with ºther Trºts, &c. relative to him, and to Pedestrianism. - -- "ºr-assage ºn-se, Sºrºr:yy-tº-us-zaº-vºztsºa's º 2&tº fººtººººº. 2 : *352 witson (Gas, trapedestrian, Iſrººr by nºrmºntº .99pies 1815 * *X. f f : 72, 4853 w; * jºr) w8ādāfīrchāſāātés, pººrsºgº Mººrºº •:- § ; y- . -: 3 * º r ...? t § .. / M. : i. - & &: --ºr- -4654—Wilson-GastrºAnnals of Hawick; ºnbºtssore-wiſsôň i (Robt.) Sketch of the History of Hawick, half calf. 1855-roºrºººming. Tºrriºrºwſy" * Philosophy of Joint Stock Banking, 1840. — Joplin (T.) Views on the Corn Bill, &c., 1828. *4**>k<-ºr:#;">:*****.*.*. 6 witsoſtrögy"Mañāfābmarcătăţiigis, ºf théº- different Colleges in Cambridge, plates, half calf. 1803 J 'd ; w :-7. 3057+AHGTRErcºpy; prº-ºr **Tºgº-º-º- ; ; : *Wºº.º. 4659 Wilson (Sir R. T.) History of the British Expedition to Egypt, . calf. y 4to, 180 - - t / … - - - - - - ... •r * rix y: º : A ~. *.*.*.*-a- it. + Hugo-wiſºrrysºsºrºring rigºrºyº- ! Wright, portrait. 4to, 1824 ...}ssºsºs" }; º: ~g: ; : , Hºrwººrºmrºnetsº Line of Road, (? Coples). *Aew&ckºº-sº $º- **{&º: 't º ** ºº::::: º tº: §§ºgºsº/* alsº * º * *...* ºrbóz respitäää's pºrºther"Poems, presentation copy, with 3 : . .." | 2 | * : * . #######, acºríº- # , ; *663 whº twºy'ssiºn to a congregation of proßstät pis: ". ; % : : senters, on the Death of Mr. Joseph Airey, half calf, long : i-º-º-º- ~~~~}}º- jº-I-3-ºxogrwiſºrºrºrismº- Pīāſering, 1850. " ; / § 4 * IIon. H. G. Bennet on a Whin Dyke traversing Limestone ; ; . in the County of Northumberland. — Rev. W. Buckland's ; ; f Description of an insulated group of Rocks, of Slate, and # ; Greenstone in Cumberland and Westmoreland, forming Wol. f t IV. Part I. of the Transactions of the Geological ºis ; ; ; ~~~~ *-*. ---tº-regg-rºyonthstºßmarristminºr Piants tº 3 3 3 Northumberland, Cumberland, and Durham, presentation .. copy, with autograph, Newc. 1819. — Witham (Henry) on : the Vegetable Fossils found at Lennel Braes, near Cold- stream, presentation copy to W. J. Winch. — Wilson (John) Synopsis of British Plants, calf, long MS. note. Newc. 1744 ::..re-, 1...ºr---------, --> -ºs....:* -*. Fºr slº ºr...ºrk, sº-º- ~ *.*.*-**** ***.*-, * :-º-º-wrºtººººººººº…º.º. - sº...º. ºf . . żºłºść...: tº•ºr-º-º-º-º-ºººººººººººº-ºº: *~, ºrs: x *. ***º. ..y * ..s.º. [ 269 J y 4667 Wing º Coeleste; or the Coelestiall Har- . . / % 1565 Winſºn Chapeſ. º: “tºi. Tºrº, ~~~~ — and other Memoranda relative to Winlaton Church, in ; 7 e vol., cloth. -- j i sº- 4669 Winsfäiſy (wmy Engañº wºrthias, half calf, 1660. – T. 5T Lives of the mºst fºgus.pnglish Posts...ſºgºpºgº...1987– iºn ºf I . - * , * w ~~~~ t - rºyº 4870-wrººm (Trºy prºtºring Nºſgºt issº ſ 4 4trrºwman wrottºmers-Iristorybrewºrst-cº-ºrchester:*, *.*. ' ' ' ' ' '. -------- ~...' ... " * -ºº-ºº: 4×2&º-rººt-º-º-º-º-Kºçº. ~ #9, 1847.….: 4. 4672 wisdóñror Töölög"Backward, to judge the Bötter of One” tº - Side and T'Other. - *…* ºr - - - -- *-* * 1715 . . . / ; % 4673.wisºmºrrºsºftwytºtºmºtiºright:##: gº *;º º # bes xzé-e-isºlº ºria is , ... small 4to, 1619 2i. 4674 Wºr:-The-wºrtrpiºisºttiſg witchcrafts of “” Margaret and Phillip Flower, excuted at Lincoln, March 11, 1618, cut, 1619, Reprint.—Matthew Hopkin's Discovery of ; ; ; Witches, portrait, 1647, C. Clarke's Private Press, 1837— ; An Account of the Trial, Confession and Condemnation of ; ; ū; Six Witches at Maidstone, July 1652, &c., Reprint. — A ; ; ; Tryal of Witches, at Bury.St. Edmund's, March, 1664, Re- . . ; “it wº- • *rºr" --~~£rinſ, 1838-in-l. Yol, with 4 ſºld cuttings insºleán 4675 Apparitions, &c., a Collection of Cuttings relative to, ; ; mounted in 2 vols. --~~~~...... ººlºº......” 4676 – Daimôriomageia." A "small Treatise of Sicknesses and ºf Diseases from Witchcraft, and Supernatural Causes. § - … --~~~~~~~~-ºº-º-º-º: 4677 witham (Henry) Observations on Fossivegetafiºſº - -*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*-*N. a." 4to, Hºº: 1831 º * A 4678. Wittie (Dr. RöBE) Scarbrough spaw; of a Description of the " Nature and Wertues of the Spaw at Scarbrough, Yorkshire, 7"(/"63. York 1667 : tº The first published account of this celebrated watering place. : W ; - | t, * : - --- . ip-sº 3. - ***.*.*.*.*, *.*.*.*, * { * **Catº... ts." * ! ºi} ºreº3 :*:§ { i º ; i 4679 – Scarbroughs Spägyrical Añātomizer dissected; or anº” Answer to all that Dr. Tonstal hath objected in his Book ; against Scarbrough Spaw, half calf, rare. 1672. 46so woãderspoon's Guide to Tpswich, 1842. – Möss” Liverpool’.” Guide, and 6 other Guide B99ks. . * : -- *32; |+ : --- * A- i y s ; ; / *** *** *** * alº *********. - ...--~~~.-- - - -z, ž.--& " "Aº ‘‘ ‘’A &ºr::::: ***************Nº Ex-z-zie’s e-º-º:32°,--> *.*.*.*.*.********\ rº-ºr-wºrkºrº, twº-as-yº"-Nº- 4681 Wodhuiſ (Michael) Poems, private print, with autograph of 3 $: tr s # ** º § ** f : the author. -º-,-,-,-,-º-º: º calf. ... 1804 2.; 4683 Wodrow (jas.) Eife of, by Robt. Wodrow, 1828. - Memoir : " : of Mrs. E. Rhodes, 1829. — Memorial of Mrs. Camplin, ; ; / 3. " \ 1833. — Life of John Foster, 1829. -------- ~~~~. -----> →ºs -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-a -a -º 4654 wadrów (Rev. Röbtycorrespondeñée, edited by Rev. Thos. ..… M'Crie, 3.79's..........… ... hºodrow. Soeſ % 1842-43 4685 — Correspondence, Vol.I. 'y c.,… º.º.º. tº cº-" *********$ºr, “grº ..:”:- **** ić. 1842 º: zerº, rººf: Kºš-tº-sº-º-º-ºff tº serº-s-ºxº-ºº:...ºvercºr'rcºt.º.est }~~£e. ºrº, ex-tivarx:3->e, cº. ; 27O § a [ 27o tº g º ; ; ; 4686 Wolfall (Thos.) The Doctrine and Practice of Renovation, calf. 3 : ſ ! * -º Gateside: Printed by S. B. .652 ; : tº Very rare. not noticed by Lowndes. The author was curate of St. : . John's, Newcastle. It has the autograph of Dr. Thomlinson. See ; ; long note inside by Mr. Bell. _* ** ~s--- e - vºx; •- -º-, * * * ~5 . } * * ** º 4687 - sº :Angth9.99py, gºre.... :** r. * * * * § - exº~...~~ *r. ------~ ***** * * *.** ...Ibid.1653. • *, *t, , 88-Another copy, Yggºtiflºre… ar, ....… ...ºw-v.,--~~~~:- -, -ºr “eº-- *% -- ****** º.º.º.º. ººº-ºº: *a- §, tº. ... ºr * * - § - º * * 4688 – An ºr : . .” --. § 2. 4689 - ~~ | t octrino and Fractice of Mortification, calf, rare. 1641 i 3 ; g . tº With the autograph of Archdeacon Wrangham ; not noticed by t ; º Lowndes. & / --~~ º 4690 Wolfe (Rev. Chas') Remains of, with a Memoir of his Life, by º 3. the key. J. A.lºussell. 1829 *- «- §—º--~~:-; - –& §: 3 §sº- * tº —ti3. º g A691 Wonderful (The) Deliverance at sea, or the miraculous Pre: servation of several Persons belonging to the Ship called William and Dorothy, lately cast away in a Voyage to Newcastle, who by a most Gracious Providence were kept alive for the space of Twelve Days and Nights without any y food, &c., *.*.*-----~~~~~~~ ...small 4to......., "4652 Wood's (Anthony) Athénie Öxoniensis, or History of the ; Bishops and Writers of Oxford 2 vols in 1 fine copy. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . folio 1721, ... ; : AB93 == History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in the 3 : University of Oxford, by Gutch, and Appendix, calf. t i (, ! * Kº- *-* –– ** * * * * º - - - - . . . . . . . . ~~~~...~...~" ~...~ : " - “........ . .” - - - - - -- " ' " " - “ . . .s - " " - . 4to, ...Qxford, 178 6-90 ...~ : \ . . . .x. º f f 4694 – – History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, § * → 3. ſº Wood (lev. A.) Sermon at St. Nicholas', for Sons of the $. .# §, *3 º, * 4 by Gutch ls, calf 3:...!?.93-96 --~~~~ % -- * *** ** x:ypsº *** . sº-º-,--~~~~ * * ſy.ºillſ.g 2.2. Ng 3,...Q3 lºst 3 - -, ... z -- . . . . . . . . r-,--~~~~.5- - ". .” 469;s. *. †-ariº ¥ >~~~~ ~& - * * *** **** * * ºr - § 3. * –– gººr z ** º w 3 ** r .. ** > : Clergy, 1755. — Gray’s Discourse against frequenting the : . Theatre, Sund. 1828. — Thoughts on Mortality, Aewc. . º f 1789. — Lord Petre's Letter to Bishop Horsley, 1790. — 3. McNicoll on the Operation of the Stage on the Morals of Society, Wewc. 1823. – Exhortations on the Lord's Prayer, Ibid. 1827. - w Cºzzº ºvº: *-*****, rººf / Wood (H. R.) Poems, York, 1809. — Marshall's Village r / • Pedagogue, Newc. 1817. – Crazy Tales, 1769. — Chud- : ; leigh (Lady) Poems, 1722. — Shepherd's Pedro of Castile, º 1838 | u--~~~~haºs' i 4 6 9 6 2. •. --- rs: º 'º' ~~~~f~ ºxº~kº’”. : ;4697 Wöröſön) Essay towards a Description of Bath, 2 vols. a plates. wrºvº a rºse exo~…~~zºss-ºse-ºr-tº-332,---, zºrišºvºsºkºtº #/ 6 fl. ... ...a s.rº --- .#39;ºngºhgºgopy. - - -: : 3. * rººf ºrººz. Sººsłºść :******* * ~ * x ...v.4°ºr-4×2-stºº--ºws'. ****-**********...*&^***************...*&^%!-- it .2 s sº or ex, cºcº" ' ;4699 Chºir Gauſſ, "vulgary caſſed Stönefiéngé, S㺠Salisbury Plain, described, restored, and explained, plates, calf, long .2,2'-'ka.º. a. º." S > -, -,-- ~~~~~ ***** ********s-, ------, -ºr--> #4700 Wood (Nicholas) Practical Treatise on Rail-Roads, plates. ..º.º. #4702 - Anothereo ~#..º.º. 4792± Angthºr cºpy...... º * w ~~~~1833” $$. *. - ****** ********* ***.*.*.*.**** **ºnºaº. ors.ºrsº Y.: º, . ºf q{4703 Wood (T.) Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects. Whitby 1802” ***.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, ºtºyº ... folio.….. 4708 Wood Cuts. Impressions of Old Wood Cuts in the possession ºf J º gigeºgg Aº hºſt gºlf....….4% A*...' ... - 3705-ºxº-cºding; ºr . . 13ewick, in a 4to portfolio. . 5 § 4710 Wºngºing "Atărătăstrăşăţātā with ragströr-º-º-º- excellent tools, several blocks partly cut, well-seasoned box g : P. wood, numerous initial letters, and other articles appertain- ; -- ips§ ,- - . * 3_ ºw** * % ing to the art. - ... ; : •,•º ºx& tºy. ***************Prºtºrººººººººººººººzºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 47II Wºw.'s. Bytºmº Tºtºgráf the Apprºarº tion of Algebraic Analysis to Geometry, 1831, and other ſ : –Mathematical Tracts by him-in. Vol. - º 4712 Worcester (Marquis of) Century of Inventions, 1716 tº Cóñ.”: fºr cº-ºpy of Jºſions, by Pºrtinggº.1823: ** 3. i- 47íà 'wºrms; º the City and Cathedral, 1829, -º,” & .* t Richardson’s History of Greenwich, 1834. — Tour in Tees- l, º –dalº-Yºrk.1818.5: And 4.9thºs..… *******ºtºººººººººººººººººº…º.º.º.º. tº ~~~~ **. 4714 Wordsworth (Wºn) feter Beſi, Išíð, tº Philips (Chas.) Thàº, , Emerald Isle, a Poem, 1818. — Wharton (R.) Fables, from ; ; – ; T)ante, Chaucer, &c., 1804. — Gale (G.) Miscellanies, 1794. 3 : s - - - 5 º * * *--.” 5 zºº.cº. !. J." A4sºry ºvº-verxºnºsº: ºy: ºssrººrºº's sº 2. tºnºvºsºrºº's tº gº. 47ts ºranghamtºtºxºfidêtêóñº Pööffis."ºff ºf 79.5°º 85 e 5 p p } y -: .# Wrangham's Memoir of the Life of the Rev. Thos. Zouch, , , f rivate prºft. } wº ~~~~~~~ * *º-sº 'r-rv" &******Rºzrºyºtº-ººrºº: Mºscºe **te-º-º:*, *sººf-ºrºtºtrºyº tºº ~ sº-ºwcºwy-º-º-º-, --> “sº: “ € & ... — * * XU1C3tl. . . . 4. : 47 ič Poems. Tºgº: Anāſā ātigrº, Böätiö. - A. ". .* a- I7 se-5-1 *****{{*** **-tº- ~~~5& wºrs, 47 1 7 º - * * * †: racere--...-w w-r-jº-rº sºrºv -- ~~~ f* wreº-rº-Sºrrº *. - Iºward Witness of Christianity, rºvidefices of Chris: "." : tianity, and other Tracts by him, only 50 of each printed. . . * i 3. ; wº * s: = + ; % - … *~ fººt.; $º-º-º: *. 4713 Wray (ijāničſ, Biographical Notices of, by G eorge Hardinge ; : é ; — portraff, private priº, gº!/ 50 printed: r 1815......' ... 4719 Wright (Andw.) History of Hexham, plates, IIS, note in: ; ; 2. 9 … *…4% lºs. Tº 4720 – Añāthāſābāy.” Ibid. 1893 : ; ; -4731 Wright tromycºmrfor-Everyºne.” Sºfºrsºgºristörgº- l{ustic Wreath, Leeds 1834. — Gerard's Letters in lthyme, . : J.iverp. 1825. — Transmigration, a Poem, 1817. – Story's jj . sat Sentimental Poetry...; * - Outlaw, a Drama, 1839. – ;Attempt * sº - *** 3. ºwºyº...ºn; >: “…fºrtyrºev.”***************** º;...&stºº-Yº *T22*wright (Thosy Biógráphia Bătălinica Literaria, 2 vols. 1812 º' A-. ºr sºy o - - rºsuº sºrrºrs...Sºººf-ºx ºffeº Kºś * ---, †-s-ºs- rººf ºs +723 –=Touthiana; GFäättätröduction to the Antiquitiés of Tºrº" 8: # land, plates, calf. ! 4to, 1758 . i ºf r3 -aº- ºver .*.*.* v-tº-refersºn****** **a-ra--~:to-º-º-o- “…~~… 'ſ-: * '….…. ...”..….: “...ite, sas; -º,- “y * . i i / : • -ºs- | St. - **i-sºtº , wrº % As . y l † : •...& z. - - . . Sº S.* - * : ** &rs tºtal ºitwºre...: ” *** - Kºrºs.-->4/3sººººº-ºº: * º: sº - - -“4729-wºrst they of the Déiſm, with his xīāsābādāmāīāāe. . *.* 3. { } Y. 4. * ; -- n A. - s º sººtº: §º sº * ter 3 * ~ * * ar wº , -------. -- ~~ * - +7-"ºre-ºrsº º, §§2-rººrººb vºgºrºzººlº:*****, ºr tº Ft. ſºme i = A'. w º,+r-ºº-º-º: Sºº-º-º-º-º: tº ºf cº. ârâûââºf the River Niſº ºpriatiigſ * > . ; [ 272 4724 Wright (Thos.) Graphic Illustrations of Southtown Academy, º privately printed, presentation copy to Dawson Turner, autograph letter inserted. ... oblong 4to, 1820 *4725-wright (THösjördurºy Universarxianfºiré, oblºng- ". . folio, 1755. — New Hypothesis of the Universe, 1750. — Wright's Clayis Sgºlestis, 1742-in. Ygles glºſés.hf.cf.4f0. - 8----> . ~~~~ = ~-- *** - ***.*.*.*.* -ºs.ºzzi-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:* *S: --- 2. *4726-rºuse of the globes; or General Doctrine of the Sphere, plates (2 copies). 1740 rºx rººms - -, .*****w- re-a-v,.. *4725-wycliststrºpyshöft ** º • *º-Sºº.º.º.º.º.", , \ mentes, harſt letter. Reprint . tº Only 40 copies printed. - *4730 wyðī-twº postscript to a Meñóñºof, ºf 1837 - wyrfey's True-tise-of-Arms; plates, source:--~~~~~~~~ 1592, Reprint 1853. .--> - *. / • § & * *xº~~~~~~...~~ Yº...-- ---ºr, vºy --- ~- - - - , ‘. 3-y 4732 – Another copy, large paper, rare, only 25 copies having 3. been printed. * 4to, Ibid. -fºr-j-.”.” º: ºr re-rºx * ~...~~~ro re--~~~~~~. Antiquities of the Abbey of St. Edmunds #. ortrait and plates. royal 4to, 1843 5 sº *.i.aº. \: ,- •y . ***.**** * uñóür, and Sentiment, Wºod. ISió." — Easy Method of Instructing Youth, Ibid. 1766. — 3 * , Literary Amusements in Prose and Verse, Ibid. 1823. — ** Rayson’s Poems, Songs, and Ballads, Carlisle 1835. — And 3 others. º 2. t t y ; .*. * 4. w : —s; &à $i; : *—s . w * * f, ºrrº-ºxº~ ~~~~~ gºº &avº º "tºº-ºº-ſº thrº-ººººººººº; º †40 A "Póðið º - R gount of the Progësigg and Egºy.9f theºgdges, ſhºd, 1811, ... : i. - ** tºº". P. º'l- zºº-º-º-º-º: sºlº-x-x-x.ºxfººt'z.:*:ºx-º easº ººzºº ºf Ts':"Tº 's'." *:::: *-º: £4735"YöFE*TEBöröcum, of the History and Antiquities of the City of York, 2 # - York 1788. pi ºf-cº-ºrsº ºvº.rºver:grºsz. ººzoº;','º'º - "...tº, “...: , "ºº-sº ":::::, ... .” *KZ - stolary"Déseription of, comprising an Ac: x * : *...*****, * * - - Account of St. Mary's Abbey, by the Rev. C. Well- 1...}..…..beloved, from the Vetusta Monumenta, plates...... folio 3:4742 – Description of Places Twenty-six Miles found, 1843. tº • Bowman's Guide to Richmond, 1843. — Hargrove's His- § tory of Knaresborough, 1809. * ~: ** Q. is * 14745-rpºrtion ºf*śārān- (790 – Description of 3. York, 1811. - And 4 others relating to Yorkshire. -** * *-*, * **** 3.sº-i .** - Sº*r-º * ! #4743 York Minster, Guide to, with an Account of the Fire, and the Trial of Jonathan Martin. York 1815-29 * f*** {4745 – "Account of the Fire in, York 1829. — Life of Jonathan º' ; : Martin, with his Trial, Barnardcastle—in 1 vol. ~ *o º.*-&’- =< ;~ . º-Another copy; tº...…ttº, Ibid. A tº: rea - ear-A-.” **, r********** ******, *******~~~~~~~~~~ : * ~ *...--wºr-º-º-o-.......,...s. - - * **-. [ 273 ] 4746 York (Duke of) Sykes' Account of Proceedings at Newcastle, J 6 lºgº.º.º. With guttings, broadsides, &c,......Wºwº. 1827---~~ 1777-y; “ºil.”; *****gº" e .” "fine Views from this County, , .' *. neatly mounted in three imperial 4to volumes, half bound f • . y …in.gº.º.º…~~~~ *** ***** ~~~~Małłon.4802-3'-tº- -º-, * - 475.1 and Westmorland, Description of, from the Magna Bri- tannia, #1448, half calf. - ~~ ºx-º-rº * * 4to-º-º-º-º: 4752 Young (Arthur) Six Months' Tour through the North of Eng- . . . . / A. land, 4 Vols., calf. ~ - ...~-…..auzºvae.”<-----> ºrze 3, 3-35-cº-º-º-º:* ******** J479. º ºrcs . i. *:: *: * > . * -- ~ & 4. * * * - - ºf: "A 4753 Young (Č. G.) A Wayfarer's Notes on the shores of the Le lººt. ..and the Valley.of the Nile. ..:----, -º-º-º-º-º: ~~~~Edinb. l:348 • * º •-, * . 2", . .” “...º. * -- .*** 4754 Young (Rev. Geo.) History of Whitby and Streoneshalh Ab- / 2. bey, 2 vols., plates, boards. Whitby 1817 k. “------~~~~~~~~~~~ **-****,34-arºt ***********************cº-ºw:isºtº ºvºv-ºxº-º-º-º-º- ºx. . -- 4755:###iº Whitby and its Environs (3 gopies). Thiſ 1840. 2: 2- . ass=sºn gººdwin sº, ſº 4 1838-40 . ºf . 4757 Young (Thès) British TiêFätäre, an Essay, ºuts on India". paper, only 5 copies so printed, Newc. 1827. — Liberty (The) . . . Bell, by Friends of Freedom, Boston 1848. —Enfield (Rev. , 3. W.) Essay on the Cultivation of Taste, edited by J. Straker, with his cut, by Bewick, on title, Newc. 1818 ... : :"…,\'.": tº:* -'t'.7 & . * 4758, rotſCHE (Richd.) The Dövä; 6; Passages of Cósmógra- -- -: .7 . ºf phy, a Poem, portrait. 1613, Reprint 1839 . . . 4759 Zouch (Rev. Thos.) Works, with his Life, by Tº ºf Ariºn wºnºmºiº. " Trºis; ; ; 3. - t ---...}^*.*.*.*, **** "-º-º: -- * * * y * .. 4760 Zurich Letters, second edition, arranged in one series. : A § {} - - ºvºrººººººººººººtº ~~~~Parker Society 1848...a…?. ... -- BOOKS OMITTED. A EWICK (Thomas) History of Quadrupeds, a few leaves . 4 wanting, 1800. — º of AEsop, and other g º * Fabulists, gºſs.ºu. Rºſłºk.gººgºndºlº-ess.…; 4762 jº (Lord) G enºi Memoirs of the t t Royal House of France, 2 vols. large paper, royal fol. 1825 ~~~ ****, f *-- '*' .* * 2 * * *~. - tº The entire impression of this valuable work was limited (including a few on large paper) to 100 copies, for private presentation only. A copy sold by Evans, the auctioneer, brought £88s. - 2 I, - **-scºw-ºr - ~~~~<> "*** *** -, **, * >x. *** rº, a -a” *** ... --> - - - - - ~~~~. ** * *****-i-r: ************:, …sº .****k-º-º-º-º-º-ºss ºver---~~...~y. 3: v.4 rev-tº-ve., .. * * *****,x*--> *.****: ." ...~ 2: ; ; , ; , º, S. - - r w - << x < ***** ~ i t l, [ 274 : a § ; 4768 Brand (Rev. J.) Observations on Popular Antiquities (2 copies), : 3 ; D . . Newc. 1777. — Floddon (Battle of) a Poem, edited by Lambe, paper wrapper, Berwick 1774. -—#––4164 *Angling. "Cătălogue-of-Bööks-on-Angling, interleaved. – “ - 2. g ; Duncombe (Rev. John) Translation from the Latin of Vanier, - : ; -- up on Fish, 1899 3rºwneº-esº-ca's:-----ºrcºrºººººººº. Ty *4765: Berners' (Dame). The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an ł * ... . . . *** { x--~~~~~~~~~~~<>~~~~~~ :---. f*-*.****, *: …i-sºº ; exac-tºº":Kºº was...º.º.º.ºrº-º-º-ºr-e-sºº rººrººººººººººº...” ‘’Pºi 3. ~~~~ ; *4766 – Pālāāfi's "Rhymes" on Angling, 1853. – Blakey' . 3 # } Anglers' Song Book, 1855. — Martin's Anglers' Guide, - º ** - #. . . 1854, - The Anglers. Desideratug, 1839-479;..…. *~~~~~~~ wººd **º-sº tº tºº-ºººººº... re-º-ººººº...ºtºzºº-ºº::::::: iº tº “sy rººt. , †4769 Miſſer (Jas) St. Baldred of the Bass, Edinb. 1824. — Caun- .. ter's The Island Bride, 1830. — Mary de Rochford, 1821. * -- Drummond's Giants' Causeway, a Poem, Bºſast 1811… *377UTOliver (W.) Dissertation on Bath Waters. — Boyle's Memoirs ; on Mineral Waters, 1684. — Walker's Analysis of Dinsdale : Water, 1827. — Downie on Mineral Waters, Frankfort ºr-trºt-Atweirs (Geºrgeyraithfūmstrºyāui, jºy.”ftö, 1662” * : ſº Extremely rare, unknown to Lowndes. † 4772 Mazzinghi (John) History of Tondón and Westminster, Eng” - lish and French, red morocco, 1793. — Close on Church Architecture, 1844, - Les Eglises gothiques, Paris. . . . 4773 Irish Rebellion, 1798, &c. History of 2%ls in Tºrgö8: Miscellanea Pictica, Edinb. 1818. — Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda, Glasg. 1818. — Campbell's View of the City of s Glasgow, calf, Ibid. 1736. —- Scott's Border Exploits, IIawick 1812. — Percy's Robin Hood and his Merry Fo- * “r , resters, 1845. º: ***1846 " ;7. Tº HT75"Läufenöö (Edward) Düty of a steward to his Lord, 1727. ~~ - Dundonald (Earl of) On Agriculture and Chemistry, 1803. — Agriculture, and Sundries—3 vols. 4to. — Acts (Four) § } for Inclosure of Commons and Lands, in 1 vol. cloth, folio, 1801-1845. — Index Villaris, imperfect at end, unbound, . folio, 1690. — Berwick, Cess and Valuation Roll of the # ...99 inty of foliº, Duº 1817: ... ..........…........ / ; *#4776 Brydges (Sir E.) Cönigsby and Lord Brökenhurst, 2 vols. : ***** -- ~k. -- * * ~ * * * ~ *-*... → *.** “… ------~~~~~~~~~ *; ºr -- 1820 # 4777, Drayton (M.) England's Heróical Epistles, Tiš7. It Flatman f! yº- i • i ; \! * d r: Af• * f } } & * jº : %, - º: g * 3. t (Thomas) Poems and Songs, 1674. — A Pill to Purge State r: - g j' 3 a. } Melancholy, wants title. — And another. ;, & 3 & sº-twº --~~~~-c3 #". • *--> *-* ~ *-** -- ~ &-***, *.*.*.*.*-rr .--> --~~~~ *-* -- c, ºx-º,-,-, re-e---e." ---. - . 3-3-- wº s: y g- sº y *** * * * * X- :: [ 275 J 4778 Gleig's Chelsea Hospital, 1839. — History of the Mutiny at. Spithead and the Nore, 1842. — Adams' Roman Anti- quities, by Boyd, 1843. — Hunt's Hand-Book to the Official Catalogies ºf the Great Exhibition, 2 yols. 1851.-- 4779 Châtteftöſi (Thès.) Life of by Dix, portrait, is37. – Abbott's History of Mary, Queen of Scots, port. New York 1849. — Sunday in London, illustrated by Cruikshank, 1833.—Effigies Poeticæ, 1824. — Fly Leaves, or Scraps and Sketches, 1854. . — Colloquies, chiefly upon Poetry and Poets, 1844 . f r º { }. *: tº, º, * {} ; : A: * *: f 3. "... ** .. << * * * ...t 4780 Grey's (CóToméſ) Portmanteau opened, ié50. - Truth's i Discovery, or a Black Cloud in the North, 1646. — Decla- ration of the Lords and Commons, concerning his Maiesties 4781 Tryal of Witches at Bury St. Edmond's 1682. - Tryal of ..f. is , - . ... Col. John Tilburn, 1649, - And others..…............— 4782. Ship Owners' Manual, Newc. 1784. — Another copy, first edition, 1780. — Macgregor (J.) Observations on the Tyne, Ibid. 1832. — Tim Tunbelly’s Letters, Ibid. 1823. — Poetic Works of a Weird, and other Pamphlets, 1827. — - ... Hubberthorn's Travels, Ibid. 1830—and 3-others.” ... . 4783 Papyro-Plastics, or the Art of Modelling in Paper, 1830.- Turnbull on the Air Pump, 1847. — Phillips’ Geology, - 1 4784 Charlton (W) Natural History of Nutrition, &c., small 4to, - 1659. – Winterbottom (Dr.) on Hot Climates, 1803. — ~. Lemery's Treatise of all sorts of Foods, 1745—and 2 others.”; “ 4785 Walkley's Catalogue of Dukes, Marquesses, &c., 1658. — • Charter of the Borough of Queenborough. — Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Guy, calf, 1782—and ... ... 2 others.----- - ---. -- 4786 Arnald's Picturesque Scenery of the River Meuse, fine mezzo- s.s.º.º.w...v. --~~~~~~~~ sºv-c-ºs, r*-* *-ºs-Nº-->4°** 4.W.". - * - tint plates by Tºméſ, Hºard, &c…~~~~~~~imperial 4to, ~ ; c. 4787 Drummond (John) Collection of Poems, Edinb. 176i. — The Muse's Pocket Companion, Carlisle 1785. — Sanderson - (Thos.) Life and Literary Remains, Ibid. 1829. — Buchan ____(Peter). The Peterhead. Smugglers,ºdinò, 1834-º-º-º: 4788 Pagan (W.) Road Reform, a Plan for abolishing Turnpike . . Tolls, Ibid. 1845. — Yate (W. H.) on Parliamentary Re- form, 2 vols., 1812. — The Elector and the Representative, half calf, 4to, Newport 1832. — Narrative of the Proceed- ings connected with the Dinner to Earl Grey at Edinburgh, : ^C. . Edinb. 183 4. ...s.º.º.w.…: '… <-ºººººººº `` T4789. Account of the Visit of the Prince Regent, the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia to the Corporation of Lon- don, large paper. - imperial 4to, 1814 Åfjö Buckingham Testored, two Essays Castrated from his Works, Hague 1727. – The Parish Priest, a Poem, 1800. — Elegiac Stanzas on Walter Fawkes, inscribed to C. J. Brandling, 1825. — Fawkes' Englishman’s Manual, 1817. Plays by Beaumont and l: •xº~~ * ~~~~~ •s ºw." º i i J-ºx's ºf . ; * 818, - West's Guide to the Lakes, Kendal; i321:-ºf" º -- {--... • -º, \- *- :-" *a** * - - --...--~~~~...~~~~~~~~~ ******º-ſº" *** letcher.-- ....…..-r-, rs2. --~~~~<^***** § - va i :-R .*& --•)s: &.***-> ** -*<> * i *** i f s:------'a.º.ºrg--- tº Only a limited number were printed by the Gosporatiºn fºr presents…}… wº- *ry - *::::::::::::...º.º.º.º.e.'s-ºr-tº-st-ºxº-ººh-ºº-ºººººº *::crº-ºr-º- * . '. * º: ‘. . . : ; : º iš § { - :S 1's y; .5 #3 gº. zł 3.3 § # Dº # º * - 3 : .*A ; i. - •: 3. § .# :4.<-- “…}}... --& #: ... ** : W.; AAſ4°-- % 2 { º - ‘r. wº - ...~3-…--~~~}^*-****'. --- - * º, tº . - 3. .# s: * ~ * * ry § } - t; º # § * , :: $ &F - - - 3 : * . ; T 276 * 2s. ? º, 's - . . 3. # 4791 Socker (Wm.) A Wedding-Ring fit for the Finger, or the # - Salve of Divinity on the Sore of Humanity, 1661. — And 3 l. : ^ ‘. * { s 3. {, º “… " others. & ex. --> - ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ &r-ººººººººººººs ... * ~7, gººds Lºxºdºrº, iſſ-Aid a >i. --~~~~ . . . . 29thgº. ***.*.*.*.*. <\; -, -, *.*.*, *::::::: * * * * * ; /. ; 4793 Autograph Miscellany, a Collection of Autograph Letters, by º A "**ś *~~~~~~ &res=sºn tºº §., ºxº …folio, 1833.--> # 4794 Spence (Thomas) Grand Repository of the English Language, Sºº-ºº:::: ********2.5-s: • *.s.º.º.º.º i ≤ j :ºx.' " “* * * - *. * 5. 4. Sºsºy.…sºs.*-i res 3. I ºr * - * * sº ~~~~#44% Yº...º.º.º. - *& jº a * :*.*.* --Wewa, J775…~~~ t #. + ſ: –4795. Richard of Cirencester's Description of Britain, mºs...1899-. ſº †1756 Canning "(Elizabeth)" and Mary Squires, Narrative of the k. Affair between, 1754. — Life and Adventures of Don - ; , . Antonio de Trezzanio, 1761. — The Case of Impotency ~~~~~~Pºd, 1714------~~~~~~~ : £ 4797 Rawleigh Redivivus, or the Life and Death of the Earl of 2. ' Shaftesbury, portrait, 1683. — Life of Charles W., Duke of • *- : % g Lorrain, 1691. — Salmon’s St. George for England, 1704. ; : — The Security of Englishmen’s Lives, 1682. — Marlbo- . . . . . . rough (Duke of) History of, 1741. — Banks' Life of Oliver ; Cromwell, 1779. — History of Francis-Eugene, Prince of ; : a -- Savoy, 1741. – Compendious History of the last 14 Years, 4 : . . . . 1680. sºrºr w łº, ~~~~~ – > "† 4798 Bell's (J. G.) Reprints of rare Tracts, No. 1 to 17, 20, and a 2 * .. s .. . .< : , , * & 4. ~. r , * * … number of Duplicates.…. •- A Cº. ºve." ~ tº vºw ºv's ºr -, -ºxº~2, -3° sº s - "... . .”.<--a “..A * 2. * § * ‘º .* * tº e g º e 2. 7 4799 Cambridge, History of the University of 2 vols, in 1, cloth. ***.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*r-º " . . . . ~~~~, —-º-7--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}***- Tº..."??”38öö Canals, Pamphlets and Prospectuses relative to, with numerous –6–4– Leſſºrs.gilſ. Sutcliffº. R. Whitwºrths & half.russia...49– T. "TiãGiºrnºgº ºf the Orders .# ##### #. #: 2 7 . and of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover, plates, --~~~~~~&%rºkº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- $. - "4802 £gerton (F. H., Earl of Bridgewater) Compilation for the Life / & s of Chancellor Egerton, with the Lives of Bp. Egerton and ‘. . º the Duke of Bridgewater, private print. —-4-º'-- ~~~~~~~ *****- J.I.D. #803 Aiken's (Dr. J.) England Telineated, calf, negº, Iº . . *4804 Renwick (Thomas) * Sºº-ººººw's cºrrºrs * --- *—r ºa # * * * * ~. ; : cr: * raiſºfºtºſis; Margaret ‘. . # McAvoy, 4to, 1817. — Montagu (Basil) Inquiry into the ------ àº.9 º 4to, 1845..... 4805 Yorkshire Dialect, ifláš. - Giaº's jºhn Noakes and Mary i......….Styles. 1839, and other Pamphlets. *****º-º-ºaºn ºr rººrºº ºl-say**.*.*** - º,... “. . . y º . ~ * **, *, * : f : ... An extensive Collection of Local Prints, Portraits, and other Engravings, some of great rarity, which will be sold in s : . ; ă - lots; part of them at the close of the seventh day’s sale, § Tuesday, October 23, and the remainder at the close of the i § other days' Sales, as convenient. Wºr º ; : ; : ; ; , : . i Imprinted by J. G. Forster, 81, Clayton Street, Newcastle. ; : ſ º $4. #. g ; t 3 iRate 19tint.g., A)taining 3, find ºffettijeg, + CATALOGUE. * * “The Thomas Bell Collection” CURIOUS PRINTS, * jºint 3Drauping 3, UNIs. UE ETCHINGs, AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANTIQUARIAN AND, TOPOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH, |Co be solo by auction, No. 16, CUMBERLAND ROW, WESTGATE, Newcaſtle upon Tyne, ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1860. The Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock promptly. MR. GEO. HARDCASTLE, AUCTIONEER. * Imprinted by J. G. Forſter, at the Sign of the River 600 Tytle, lº Clayton Street, Newcaſtle upon Tyne. 1860. w QTOntjitionſ. Of Šalº. 1st. §ITE highest bidder to be the purchaser; and, if the § w à Auctioneer have any doubt as to the last or the É %\} best bidder, the lot involved to be put up again and º: re-sold. 2nd. No person to retract a bidding once made, or to advance less at each bidding than a sum to be named by the Auctioneer. 3rd! Each person to give in his name and address, and, if re- quired, to pay down immediately ten per cent. On the value of the lot, or the full value of the lot; in default of which, the lot may be forthwith put up again and re sold. 4th. After the fall of the hammer, each lot to be at the exclusive risk of the purchaser thereof; to be taken at the weight, measure, or quantity stated by the Auctioneer, with all faults and errors of description, and to be paid for between the hours of nine and clevenin the forenoon of the day fol- lowing that on which it may be sold. 5th. All the lots purchased by any person are to be deemed and taken as being included in one contract; no goods are to be removed during the hours of sale; and no purchaser, shall remove.orbegin to remove, any of theolotspurchased by: him or her, until he or she shall have paid, in cash, to the vendor or his agent the whole amount of the purchase- mºney of all his or her lots, together with the Auctioneer's lot-money of one shilling in the pound on the same, over and above the amount or amounts biddon. 6th. On falure of compliance with these conditions, the money de- posited in payment shall be forfeited to the vendor; all lots uncleared may, either with or without notice, be re-sold either by public auction or private contract, at the option of the vendor; and all loss or exponse arising from any second sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this pre- sent sale, and be recoverable as and for liquidated damages; and any increase-of-priee obtained by, such re-sale shall be the property of the vendor at this present sale. (ºr Parties not able to attend the Sale may have their Com- missions faithfully attended to, by their obedient servant, GEOIRGE HAIRDCASTLE. *- a º º: ..." º E-> Nº. * º!" - *NY[{{#ſº, Ç. 2 - * § "…as º C e. º- - w º z \; A 2: .. Nº Nº º * , alº @º º D 2, Cº. - , S: , 32 º ſº º º º >. º - % 2:\º Q ſº * … ſº -” º|ARICATURES by Cruikshank, &c., scarce. 6 º 2 Illustrations to Lifo and Works of Sir Walter Scott. 3 Ornamental Designs by Pergolesi, the set of 70 4 Durham, by Busby, proof; Sunderland Bridge, º Stonehenge, &c. 18 º º - & 3.2% & Kºś 5 Nowcastle.—Statues of Charles and James; Antient Seals, Armorial Bearings, &c. 6 Architectural.—Sundorland; Houses of Parliament, &c. | 6 7 Pollard's Illustrations to English History, fine proofs, folio. the Sct of 29 Illustrations to the Book of Martyrs, proofs, folio, the set of 30. 18 || 1 9 Pollard.—Various Subjects, Historical, Biblical, &c. proofs. 2 10 Northumberland, from Sammes Britannia, Camden, &c.; Six rare Extracts, with curious cuts, maps, £0. 11 Walsingham Church Font. the Sct of 9 12 Melrose Abbey, fine. {} 13 Illustrative of the Tower of London and Crosby House; also the Local Portions of Dugdale’s Monasticon, best edition. 8 14 Blore's Monuments, fine. § () 15 Collieries of Northumberland and Durham, mostly proofs on India paper. 37 16 Fancy Subjects after Landseer, &c. 15 17 Bible and Historical Illustrations. 20 18 Original Water Colour Drawings by Waters of Newcastle, &c. mostly clever. 6 19 Bewick (John), Original Drawing of Flowers, and another by the same, unfinished, rare. (From Garret's Collection.) 2 20 Bewick (Thomas), Original Drawing in Colours, Flower-piece. (From Garret's Collection.) 2 21 Original Sketches of Local Scenery, and by Local Artists. (Also from Garret's Collection.) 10 | 2 || 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Drawings.—Portrait of Milton in red and black chalks, and other Portraits, fine. *** ! 3 Portraits in chalk.—Duke of Newcastle; J. Lownds Pow- den (Painter, of Newcastle); Capt. Forbes; and three others, Local: also Mrs. Siddons, in character. 7 Flower-pieces by Falla Jun., in Water-colours; and Six Plower-pieces, coloured in imitation of Drawings. — Sketches of Local Scenery by Waters, of Newcastle, (from Garret's Collection.) 14 —— Similar Sketches by the same, and some clever humorous Ideas. 18 —— Two Views in Edinburgh, in Colours; and others. 5 —— and Coloured Prints. 9 Portraits, Topography, and Miscellaneous Engravings. 77 Strong's History of the County of Northumberland for 100 years, a Compilation from the Gentleman's Magazine and other Sources, mounted in folio, with prints, &c., curious and rare. Tynemouth Priory, a beautiful Drawing in Sepia by IRichard- SOIl. Local Portraits,—W. Charnley, private plate, with presentation letter; Sir W. Blackett; Bishop Barrington; Blind Willie; Cuddy Willie; Marquis of Newcastle; Lady Majoribanks. Poetry by Mrs. Bielby, of Newcastle; Early Leaf Songs and Ballads, mounted in folio. Tynemouth Priory.—Two Views, large and fine original Pencil Drawings. The Last of the Stuarts, Three different Portraits; Lindisfarno Church, several Views; and other Northumberland Views, 'mostly scarce. 24 Early Plans of Newcastle and Berwick; Greenwood’s Northum- berland (damaged), 2 copies; and other Local Plans, some 7'47%. 16 Illustrations of Northumberland Scenery, Castles, &c. &c.— by Carmichael, Gauci, Richardson, Allom, Buck, &c. &c. 29 Bambro’ Castle, a clever Drawing by R. N., July 2nd, 1792; and other Local Drawings. d 3 Northumberland Topography, partly mounted. 43 Tynemouth, by Carmichael; ditto, by Balmer; Cullercoats, by ‘Richardson; &c., all fine. 10 Views on the Coast of Northumberland, by Balmer, all beautiful India proofs on large paper. 10 Bywell, by Bellars, brilliant impression and unfinished proof Etching, rare, 1754; Celebration of Mr. Beaumont's Major- ity, 2 Prints. 4 Portraits.—George Hudson; J. Pease; Sir James Graham; George Stephenson; M. Bell; Cuthbert Rippon; Thomas Leighton; Lord Eldon; &c., all large and fine. 12 —— Earl Grey; Joseph Bainbridge; Lord Durham; Lady Vernon (the sixth proof taken); &c., all fine large Local Portraits. 12 [ 3 ] 45 -- Dr. Headlam; John Buddle; Richard Grainger; Sir J. E. Swinburne; Sir M. W. Ridley; Rev. W. Turner; Rev. N. J. Hollingsworth, all fine. 7 46 — John Fenwick; J. Pease; Geo. Stephenson; Dr. Ramsay, º ; Earl Fitzwilliam ; Geo. Hudson; &c., all large and %6. 10 47 —— Lord Wallace; George Wilson; Ladies Wharton, by Wan- dyck; M. Bell, with autograph; Thomas Bewick; and other large Local Portraits, some proofs. 10 48 — William Bockford, &c., rare; Geo. Stephenson; John Bell (the Lawyer); Chas. Wm. Bigge; Earl of Derwent- water (two); Lord Crewe; John Bruce; Jonathan Martin; &c. &c., all Local. 49 —— Chas. J. Brandling; Rev. R. Wasney; Lord Auckland; Grace Darling (two); Joseph Bainbridge; &c. &c., some proofs. 16 50 —— Admiral Rodham; Wm. Dickson; Rev. W. Turner; J. Murray (original drawing); Thomas Bewick; Charles Hutton; Mrs. Waters; Emerson Charnley; &c., some private plates. 51 — J. Hodgson Hinde, an original Drawing by H. P. Parker, fine ; Thomas Bewick; &c. &c. 12 52 —— Earl of Dorwentwater; Dr. Headlam; Chas. W. Bigge; Rev. W. Turner; Geo. Wilson, an original drawing: also Engraving, &c. &c., some proofs, many fine. 14 53 —— Sir Chas. Monck; Bp. Philpotts; Mrs. Belany; Robert Roxby; Northumberland Characters; &c. &c. 18 54 Local Topography, mostly large, some rare. 26 55 The Look Out, painted in oil by Parker? in rich gilt frame. 56 Rochester Castle and Cook's Folly, a pair, worked on silk in coloured silks, in circular frames. 57 Portrait of Joseph Bainbridge, Esq., framed and glazed. 58 Cooke's Charts of British Husbandry; Mansell's Machinery for Theatres; Antiquarian Society's Tower of London; Ayloff's Antient Monuments in Westminster; all large folio, fine plates. 59 Sharpe's Illustrations of Tynemouth, presentation copy; Mack- reth's Beauties of the Rhine, subscription copy, large folio, fine plates. 60 Illustrations to Milton's Paradise Lost, by Martin, 12; Ditto by Stothard, 7; Illustrations to Cowper, by Hervey, 7; and to Shakespeare, by Sargeant, 3; all large paper, proofs. 61 Events in the Life of Bruce, 7; Shakespeare's Seven Ages, 7; Seats of England, by Twycross, 4. 62 Views in Northumberland, Yorkshire, &c., some proofs. 80 63 Portraits.-Robert Hall; Dr. Johnson; Dr. McNeilo ; Dibden; Handel; Wilkie; Moore; all good and useful for illustra- tion. 80 64 Scriptural, by Martin, 9; Heraldic, by Burke, 13; Shakes- peare, Byron, and Miscellaneous Illustrations, 26. [ 4 J 65 Views of Gentlemen's Seats, and Miscellaneous Topography. 40 '66 Miscellaneous Illustrations, Portraits, Historical, Topographical. 45 67 Specimens of Modern Wood Engraving, selected from various Sources. t 136 68 Ditto ditto 150 69 Topography, Vicws in Yorkshire; Grave of Bessy Bell and Mary Gray; Cornwall, Norfolk, and sundry County Views. 62 70 Portraits.—Fanny Kemblo; Geo. Bidder, proof, &c. &c. And Miscellaneous Prints, many proofs. 30 71 Drawing, a pair in India ink, “Lindisfarno,” by S. Prout? fine. 72 in Water-colours, Fishing on the Tyne—Bywell Dam; Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, by Balmer, with Etching and Proof Engraving from the samo; Photograph of Wark- worth Town. 73 Cathedrals, Abbeys, &c., Thornham, by Coney; Tintern; York; Wells; &c. &c. 19 74 Windsor Castle, by Brand, 2 views—and 14 others, 75 Fire at Newcastle; Bath; Lake Scenery; &c. 16 76 Portraits and Fancy Subjects, Plaim and Coloured, some proofs. 20 77 Duchess of Northumberland, private print ; Elizabeth Countess of Northumberland; Duke of Northumberland, by Ransom; &c. 5 78 Antiquitios of Northumberland, from Scott's Border Antiquities, fine India proofs, 16; Buck's Views in Northumberland, 1728, &c., fine impressions, 12. 79 Portraits, Scenes, Facsimile, Autographs, &c., illustrative of the times of Charles I. and Cromwell. 34 80 Genealogical Tree of the Family of Nicholson of Bellenden, 2 copies; Pedigree of Adamson Family, private print, 2 copies; Pedigree of Charles Bennet Earl of Tankorville, original un- published MS. with Arms; Emblazoned Drawing of Arms. 81 Local, County, Estate, Railway and other Plans, Printed and MS. some early and rare. 46 82 Dugdale's Monasticon, by Ellis, the portion relating to this dis- trict, oxtracted from the work, very , are, and Extracts from other valuable works on the locality. A most interesting lot, and only to be obtained by breaking up the valuable works of which they form a part. 83 Drawings:—St. Thomas's Church, Newcastle, by Green; West- moreland Place, Westgate Street, by Richardson; Walls of Newcastle, by the same ; Freemen's Hospital, Newcastle, by the same, all fine. 84 — Tynemouth, from the Long Sands, by Bacon; Newcastle, from the River, by Murphy, good specimens of these art- *sts. View in Ridley Dean, near Newcastle, 1781; Butcher 85 Market, Newcastle, 1845; Newcastle, from Byker; The [ 5 River, from opposite to St. Ann's Chapel; View on the Tyne; Shields Harbour, all clever artistic drawings and sketches. 86 Drawings.-River Tyne with Keels, by Sandby; Shields, from N.E. 1784; Newcastle, from the river, very clever; and others, Local, (see names on each). 7 Dane Castle, Cumberland, by Nicholson; View on the Moor; View near South Shields; Windmill Hills; and others, by Ford, &c. &c., all clever artistic pieces. 6 88 — — Near Sunderland, by Duncan; Architectural Details from Durham, by Pugin; and others, by Dalrymple, Capon, 1790; &c. &c. 8 Gallaway, by Williams; Norman Gate, by De la Motte; Tastings, by Plestow; Fisher Boy, by Collins; and others, by Bentley, Carmichael? Turner, 1817, &c. &c., all good. 9 90 —— Old Windmill, by Ford; Water Mill, by the same; Cottage, by Prout; Antient Ford, by Dallaway; Hastings, by J. M. W. Turner P and others. 10 Loch Lomond; Sea Piece, by Duncan; near St. Cross; Coast Scene, by Rowbotham; Lake Scenery, and other Topo- graphical Drawings. 10 92 —— A Storm, and other Sea Pieces, Coast Scenes, &c., by Car- michael, &c. 6 Topographical Drawings, by Hearne, Williams, Bently, Pord, Rouse, &c., all good specimens. 9 Loch Lomond, by Williams; Pen and Ink Sketches, by Cooper; Old Church, by Holbrook, 1796;-and other clever Topographical Drawings, by Duncan, &c. 8 Conway Castle, by Hearne; Ecclesiastical Remains, by Buckley; Font at St. Mary's, Beverley, by Jobson; Font at IIoly Trinity, Hull, by Jobson, 1831; Landscape in Chalks, by Gaimsborough ; Lanercost in Colours, all fine. 96 Bewick.-Various Cuts by Thomas and John Bewick; leaves from various works by them ; Facsimile letter of Thomas Bewick, and other Bewickiana—A large Parcel. 97 Cumberland and Westmoreland.—Parishes taken from Nicholson and Burn, &c., illustrated with additional Prints, matter, &c. 87 89 91 93 94 95 in wrappers. 25 98 Topography of Cumberland and Westmoreland.--Engraved Views, &c. &c.; some Drawings, many scarce. 81 99 —— — by Kip, Buck, &c., rare. 16 100 Northumberland and Newcastle Views, Portraits, Autographs, &c., many rare. 34 tº In this lot are two imperfect copics of the Will of a Reverend Vicar, original edition. 101 Lancashire and the Lake Scenery, Engraved Views, some large and rare. 100 102 Ditto ditto 75 [ 6 ) 103 Drawings by Paul Sandby, Greenwood, T. Powell, &c., all To- pographical, large and ſine. 5 Rochester Castle Gateway, by Paul Sandby; Cumberland Lake Scone, by Glover; Landscape, by H. P., 1803; Wood- land Scene, by Casson; Camberwell Church, by T. Powell, 1797—and another, all fine. (6 105 — A Pair, by Cruikshank, “The Idle Family,” “The Vir- tuous Family.” 2 104 106 Castleton, Derbyshire, by Thos. Hearne; Landscape, by Paul Sandby; Dunolly Castle, by Poole. 107 Pettibo Bay, by Ford; On the Coquet, by Glover; and Two Landscapes, by Paul Sandby. 108 View of Windormere from the Garden of the Crown Ho- tel, by Bright; Ruin by Jones, 1849; Landscape by G. Payne; Old Church by Ford. 109 Head of Ulleswater, by Bright; Coast Scene, by Graham; Woody Landscape, by Collingwood Smith. 110 Coast Scene, by Herbert; Swiss Scene, by Prout; Cum- berland Lake Scene, by Bright; Church Porch, by Ford. 111 — Topographical Drawings and Sketches, by Ford, Row- botham, Davidson, &c., all good specimens. 7 1 12 Topographicall)rawings, Landscapes, &c. by Nosfield, Hard- ing, De la Motte, Ford, Herbert, &c., all good specimens. 6 113 Dover Castle, by Richard Graham, and other Landscapes, mostly named, all clever. 7 114 Dartmoor, by W. P. 1847; and other Landscapes by Wincent, Rowbotham, and Tomkins. 6 116 — Fishermen, two Drawings in chalk, by Parker; Viaduct, fine; Windsor Castle; and others by Rowbotham, Tomkins, &c., good specimens. 7 Steephill, Isle of Wight, by Grose; Cumberland Lakes, two Pencil Sketches, by Grcen; Grasmere, by Bright; and others by De Wint, Chambers, &c. (one an Oil Sketch) 8 118 —— Landscapes by J. M. Wright, fine. 2 119 —— Warious Landscapes, all fine, and mostly named, by Her- 117 bert, Daniel, Bentley, Dunbar, Graham, &c. &c. 10 120 Topographical Drawings, by Rouse, Bentley, (Lake of Killarney); &c. &c. 8 12] Topographical Drawings, by Ford, &c. &c. 5 122 Richardson's Etchings of Antiquities in Newcastle on Tyne, both series, subscriber's proof copy. 1827 123 Views in Newcastle, by Carmichael, Green, Richardson, &c. 20 124 Antiquarian Society’s Castle of Newcastle, the set; Buck's Large View of Newcastle, rare; and Eight other early Vicws of Nowcastle. 125 Humble's Views in Newcastle, proof impressions, scarce. the set of 7 127 Large Wiews of Local Railway Viaducts, and Lithographs of Improvements in Newcastle. 17 [ 7 J 128 Kip's View of the Seat of Sir Walter Blackett, large and small plates, very rare; Early View of Saint Nicholas' Church, and othor Pictures of Old Newcastle. 6 129 —— Large Plate of Sir Walter Blackett's Mansion; Early Vicw of Saint Nicholas Church, both very rare; and other Views of Old Newcastle. 12 130 Bewick and his pupils—Arms of the Newcastle Companies; Beilby's Thornton Brass; Nesbit's St. Nicholas Church; Clennel’s Charge of the Life Guards, &c. 6 131 Carmichael's View of Newcastle; Hare’s View of Newcastle; Brand's two Views; Balmer's Shields Harbour; Carmichael's Shields Harbour; Tichardson's Vicws of Old Newcastle, proofs, and others of the Town. 14 132 Gibson’s Interior of St. Nicholas; St. Thomas' Church; As- sembly Rooms; Adamson's Pedigree, private print ; and others. 23 133 Buck’s large View of Newcastle; Smith's View of Tynemouth Abbey, 1747, scarce; Carmichael’s Tynemouth ; Richardson's Cullercoats; the Betsy Cains; and others. 15 134 Smith's View of Tynemouth, two copies, scarce; Portrait of Sir Walter Blackett; Newcastle Fair; and others. 30 135 Engravings after Rembrandt, Bernet, Bartolozzi, &c. 9; after Sir David Wilkie, 3; J. M. W. Turner, 4; and others. 20 136 Melrose Abbey, three views; Glamis Castle; Border Castlos, by Richardson ; Berwick, by Harding; and others, some proofs. 15 137 Lako Scenery, by Green; Lowther Castle, by Kip; Eslington House, by Ferguson; Woolsington and Styford, by Mackroth; and others, 80me proofs. 18 149 Dryburgh Abbey, by Lizars, and Miscellaneous Topography, 6() 140 Stonehenge; Thames Scenery; and Miscellancous Topography, including the Grace Family Private Etchings, Antiquarian Society's Tewkesbury Abbey, and Smith's Edinburgh Views. 55 141 Fielding's Lake Scenery, coloured. the Sct of 44 142 Cockermouth Castle, Wetherall Priory, Ulleswater, and other Cumberland Views. 39 143 Portraits of Celebrated and Eccentric Characters. 29 144 Arthitectural and Topographical.—St. Mary's Abbey, York; County of Durham, &c. 30 145 Sopwith’s Views of Fountains Abbey, subscription copy, fine. 146 Fountains Abbey, by Smith; Bretherton's Trip to Scarborough; Leeds Parish Church, (two views), &c. in all 7 147 Portrait of Walter Fawkes; Kip's Views; and Miscellaneous Topography in York, Durham, &c. 27 148 Howden Church; Sun Dial at Settle; Fountains Abbey; Bur- ton Agnes; and other Yorkshiro Topography. 15 149 Knaresborough, by Oram; Tanfield Castle; Tocs Fall; Devil's Arrows; and other Yorkshiro Views, fine and large. 8 [ 8 J 150 Views of and about Scarborough; York Minster in Ruins; |Kirkstall Abbey; and others relating to Yorkshire. 23 151 Borrodale; Carlisle Castle; Naworth; Hutton Hall; Gilsland; and other Cumberland and Westmoreland Topography. about 20 152 Giggleswick Scar; Hutton Hall; and other Cumberland Topo- graphy. - * 22 153 Coniston Water; Naworth; Lowther Castle; Lanercost Priory, Carlisle; Green's Lake Scenery. 23 • 154 Windermere Lake, by Bellars; Derwentwater, by the same; Ashton Hall, by Buckler; and other Cumberland and West- moreland Views. 22 155 Portraits of Eminent Individuals, partly Local, some private plates, in a portfolio. 64 156 Portraits from Fisher's and other Galleries. 81 157 Ditto ditto 81 158 Ditto ditto 81 159 Durham Castle, by Richardson, proof; Sunderland Illustrations; Lumley Castle; Durham, by Hearne; and other Durham Topography (two Drawings). 28 160 Busby's Fishing Costume and, Scenery of Hartlepool, large paper, rare. 1819 161 Buck's Durham Views, scarce, 12; and other Durham Topo- graphy. 28 162 Brancepeth Castle; Ushaw College; Buck’s large View of Dur- ham; Sunderland Bridge; and other Durham Views. 28 168 Gibside, by J. M. W. Turner; Darlington Church; Durham City and Cathedral; and other Durham Views. 9 164 Warkworth Castle from the River, original Drawing by Richard- Son, fine. 165 Durham, by Buskby, proof; Durham, by Walton; and other illustrations of Durham City, Sunderland, Gateshead, Hartle- pool, &c., including a clever Drawing of Raby Castle, many fine proofs, &c. 26 166 Sunderland; Durham ; Stanhope Castle; Felling; South Shields; &c. &c., various views, many fine. 21 167 Large Portraits, all fine impressions; Armorer Donkin; George Hudson; Bishop Wan Mildert; J. P. Kemble; Sir George Saville; Wm. Digby Seymour; Grace Darling; Dr. Head- lam; R. J. Lambton. 9 168 Ven. Archdeacon Thorpe; P. E. Townley; Joseph Cowen; and two others, fine early proofs. 5 169 Duke of Northumberland, after Ranson; Duke of North- umberland, (2 copies); Alnwick Castle, by Humble; Prudhoe 17 and Alnwick Castles, by Hall; all fine proofs. 6 0 Duke of Northumberland, after Stewart; the same after Ranson; the same after Ansdell; Sir George Saville; D. B. White, M.D.; Charles John Clavering; and Richard Grain- ger. 7 [ 9 } 171 Portraits.--Alderman Thompson, with View of Sunderland Bridge); Dr. Headlam (first proof); R. Hopper Williamson; Messrs. Colling (proof before letters); The Lambtons, after Sir Thomas Lawrence and others. 8 172 Clennel's Charge of the Life Guards at Waterloo, fine impression, 7"(/"6. 173 Engravings after Old Masters.-Haymen, Procaccini, Angelica Kaufmann, &c. 8 174 Monumental Brasses.—Bishop Robinson, and others, large and wery fine. 6 175 The Halton Castle Ox; the Blackwell Ox; the Howick Red Ox; Newton Kyloe, and others. 8 176 Wilkie's Blind Fiddler; Martin’s Crucifixion; The Convalescent y from Waterloo, (two copies). 4 177 Hyde Park Review, 1814; Eglinton Tournament; Fire at Newcastle; Guinlock's Specimens of Writing; Walker Iron Works; Brandling's Dogs, &c. 10 178 Durham Cathedral (two Views); York Minster (two Views); Lincoln Cathedral ; King’s College Chapel, Cambridge ; º Screen in Durham Cathedral; all large and fine. 8 179 Stockton; Sunderland Bridge, by Clark, rare; South Shields Coal Drops; Colliery Working; Pensher Hill Monument; . , Tanfield Arch; all large. 7 180 Croft Wiaduct (two copies); Stanhope and Tyne Coal Drops; Tanfield Arch; Durham Cathedral; Steam Fuel Works. 6 181 Christie's High Level Bridge; All Saints' Church; very early View of Newcastle, rare; Brown's Etchings of Newcastle; the Infirmary. ... 6 182 Architectural Details of Gosforth House. 9 183 Portrait of M. A. Taylor, Esq., M.P., for Durham, (original painting in oil, by H. P. Parker); fine Coloured Chalk Draw- ings, a pair. t 3 184 Dilston Hall, by Hall, (plain and coloured impressions); Dilston, with copy of verses, (2 copics), very rare. 4 185 Darlington, by Wilkinson, (three impressions, one damaged); The Betsy Cains; Ushaw College; Sunderland Railway Sta- tion; Durham Cathedral, four views. 12 186 Drawings.—Carlisle Castle; Sheep Shearing; Warwick Castle; Bagshot Heath; Landscape, by Warley. 5 187 Water Mill in Pandon Dene; Cottage at Okehampton; Windsor Castle; Bay of Naples. 4 188 — Naſſerton, near Corbridge; In Gowbarrow Park, Cumber- land; Tilbury Fort; Llangollen Bridge. 4 189 Tynemouth Priory; Plymouth Dock, after Turner. 2 190 Bamburgh Castle; Dunkeld Bridge; Water Mill, after JProut; Cottage at Troutbeck; and another. 5 191 View on the Wansbeck, near Morpeth; Cottage in Kent; Ardtornish Castle; Maidenhead Bridge on Thames; Conway Castle, North Wales, 5 [ Io T 192 Drawings.—Warkworth Castle; Gateway to Glastonbury Abbey; St. Vincent's Rock; Clifton; View in Pandon Dean, Newcastle. 4 193 — Old Mill on Windmill Hill, Gateshead; Eggleston Abbey, Durham; Dartmouth, after J. M. W. Turner. 3 194 —— Carlisle Castle; Richmond, Yorkshire; View in New- castle; Pont Aber Glass Linn, North Wales; Church at St. Germains. 5 195 Hetton Colliery, India proof; Una and the Lion; St. Mary's Chapel, Westminster— Engravings of largest size. 3 196 Parker's Eccentric and Well-known Characters in Newcastle, fine impressson, rare. 197 The Meet at Blagdon, fine subscription impression. 198 Plans and Maps of Boroughs, Estates, &c., in the Northern gi'. Counties. 33 199 Redcar Harbour; Rotheram Church; Monumental Effigies; Antiquities at Rokeby; Romaldkirk Church; Swillington Ball; Rokeby Abbey, clever drawing by Waters, and other Yorkshire Views. 19 200 Bridlington Priory; Covesham Abbey; Middleton Tower ; Saxon Sculptures at Dewsbury; Knaresborough Dropping Well; and other Yorkshire Topography, including some fine prints after old masters. 18 201 Kirkstall Abbey; Gate of Adel Church; Thoresby Brass; and others; all fine proofs before letters. 13 202 Kirkstall Abbey, various Views; Fountains Abbey, several Views; Ripon Cathedral; and other Yorkshire Views; many rare. 55 203 Gleanings in the North; and various Topography of Newcastle and Northern Counties; some Drawings. 50 204 Scarborough; York; Howden Church; Kirkstall Abbey; and other Yorkshire topography; from Mr. Frederick Strong’s collection, partly mounted. 88 205 Burton Constable; Harborough Castle; Whitby; Wentworth House; and other Yorkshire Topography. 35 206 Scarborough, various views; Hull, York, Harrogate, Richmond, Wentworth House, and other Yorkshire Topography. 62 207 Yorkshire Topography.—A large collection, some good and rare. 208 A Second series of the like matter. 209 —— A third portion of the same. 210 A fourth portion of the same. 211 Little Sue, the Ballad Singer, a drawing with verses, by J. B., 1830; Ehrenbreitstein on the Rhine, private ctehing by Mrs. Cresswell of Creswell; Ancient Helmet found at Ribchester; and various prints and miscellaneous matter, in large portfolio. 212 The Pretender in Edinburgh; North Shiclás Catholic Chapel; Prudhoe Castle; Monumental Effigics; Portrait of Bishop Barrington; and others, in very large portfolio. 213 High Level Bridge, Newcastle; Statue of James, at Newcastle; View of Darlington, &c. 4 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND SEETCHES BY THE CELEBRATED ANCIENT MASTERS. 214 OSTADE, Boors at Bowls; CoITESI, a Battle Piece; PyNAKER, a Landscape from the Clive Collection, fine and rare. 3 215 WAN DER WELDE, Iandscape, fine; ROMANELLI, Priest receiving Book ; R. J. SMITH, Newhaven Fishwoman ; , CHAMBERs, Sea Fights, a Pair. 5 216 SIR DAVID WILKIE, a Hand; Fisher Girl; PROUT, Shipping; HIMBEL, Cattle; &c. 5 217 WERBURGH, a Landscape; DECKER, View of Brussels, 1674, fine; VANDER ULFT, Street View, signed; BoucIIER, Nymph Bath- ing; POLEMBERG, Nymphs Bathing, fine. 218 BouchPR, Welsh Harper, being the original Drawing of the Frontispiece to Jones' Welsh Bards, fine. 219 PERELLE, Roman Ruins; BEGA, Fishing Boats; LOUTHERBOURG, Antiquarian Remains; CHAMBERs, a Sca Fight; PowILL, Landscape. 5 220 KUBINSKY, a Portrait; after HogaRTH, Modern Midnight Con- versation; P Shipping Piece; and another. 4. 221 CALLOT, Coast Scene, fine and rare ; LE CLERC, Venus and Cupid; WAUNDEN, Cattle; XAVERY, Landscape with Cattle, signed 1699; all fine rare specimens. 4. 222 EDRIDGE, Street Views in Rouen; MoLINES, Notre Dame, from the Morant Collection; Row BoTHAM, Landscape with Cattle; and two others. 5 223 G. WILKINSON, West Gate of Southampton, 1770; CARMICHAEL, a Sea Piece; a little Gem in Oils; and another. 4 224 RADEMAKER, a Landscape “Wena ’’, WERVER, a Sea Piece, (from Esdaile's Collection); LE CLERC, a Landscape, eatra fine; DECKER, a Landscape; and another. 225 WANDER CAPELLA, Landscape; SIR PETER LELY, a Portrait; KUYP, Coast Scene; PARKER, The Look Out; and two others. 6 226 BARTOLOZZI, Cupids; CIPRIANI, Wenus and Cupid; CIOSI, Land- SCal)(2. 3 227 vº, a Portrait; ZEEMAN, a Landscape; VERBURGH, a Landscape; BoLOGNESE, a Landscape. 4 228 OSTADE, Three Spirited Sketches, (one signed), from Esdaile's Collection. 3 229 HIMPEL, a Landscape; BourDEN, original Study for one of his “Works of Mercy”; KoREL, View in Rome; VERHYK, a Landscape. 4 230 N. PouſsSIN, Architectural Drawing; B. PETERs, a Landscape ; PAUL BRILL, a Mountain Scene, from the Esdaile Collection; OSTADT, Boors Playing. 4 231 Missal Illustrations, a quarto Scrap Book, in the old morocco binding, containing about 30 exquisite Miniatures on vellum of SAINTs, mostly with borders cut out of the vellum by the [ 12 J “sweet and cunning” hands of the nuns of the 15th and 16th centuries; most beautiful specimens of artistic manipulation, of extremely rare occurrence. tº In the same volume are other specimens of scissors cutting, some more modern drawings, several fine old etchings and prints, many of which are printed on vellum; also several exquisite gems by Bartolozzi, &c., printed on satin, altogether forming a matchless little old volume. 232 Drawings.--Twelve beautiful small Drawings in colours, by Luke Clennel, in the best days of his artistic career. 238 NASMYTH, Mountain Scenery; GAINSBOROUGH, a Landscape; ANGELICA KAUFMANN, Venus and Cupid ; LEWIS, a Spaniard. 4 234 SKETCHEs from Celebrated Pictures of the Great Masters; all with names. 15 235 GRAVELOT, Scene from Shakespeare's Henry VIII., with Engrav- ing of same; LIVESAY, after Mortimer, Caliban. 2 236 MoRTIMER, a Landscape; EDRIDGE, View in Rouen; CORTONI, Classical Subject, with Print after the same. 3 237 BERGHAM, a Landscape, from the Collection of J. Browne, Esq. of Skepton Mallet, at whose sale in 1791, it sold for £35. 10s. 238 SIR JAMES THORNHILL, Group of Armour, very fine; and another by the same. f 2 239 MonCHERON, a Mountain Scene; MAZETTI, a Landscape, signed 1788; JAMES ADAM, a Landscape; MoLYN, a Landscape, from the Peart and Dolby Collection. 4 240 LowTHERBOURG, a Graveyard Scone, signed in full. 24l REMBRANT, a Jewish Rabbi, very fine. 242 PETER QUAST, Military Reconnoisance, on wellum, signed in full, 1645. 243 BEGA, The Toper; PALMA, a Hermit; BERNINI, St. Veronica. 3 244 CIRRo FERRI, Allegorical; CLAUDE LORAINE, a View in Rome. 2 245 GESSNER, a Landscape; BON, PETERs, a Landscape; WAN Goy EN, a Landscape. 3 246 PRIMATICCIo, the Holy Family, fine; Coy PEL, Classical Scene; TINTORETTo, the Resurrection, from the Udney and Richard- son Collections. 3 247 JuTIo RomfANo, a Battle Piece; CARRAVAGIo, the Adoration of the Virgin; DIEPENBEKE, a set of four, Peace, Prayer, Praise, Faith. 6 248 ENGRAVINGs.—“Hallelujah,” and “The Last Sacrament,” a Pair, proof before letters. 2 249 Sabrina; Eugene, Empress of the French; The Maid of the Mill; and another. 4 250 — New Houses of Parliament; Lord Strafford going to Ex- ecution; King Charles in the Guard Room. 3 251 Miscellaneous Topography, mostly large and fine. 24 [ 13 J 252 Bewick—A gathering of some thousands of Wood Engravings, principally from his minor publications, the Alnwick press, &c., partly mounted. 253 Portraits of Eminent Individuals, many fine. 45 254 Miscellaneous Engravings, mostly after the Old Masters, many %/’6. 14 255 I)itto do, 'many rare and fine. 14 256 Topographical Drawings, by Greenwood, &c., fine. 7 257 Ditto ditto. 7 258 Archæological Remains of Northern Counties, (Engravings). 20 259 Ditto ditto fine impressions. 20 260 Miscellaneous Topographical and other Prints, principally re- lating to the Northern Counties. 47 261 Ditto ditto entirely connected with the North. 50 262 WooD CUTs. Bewick's Quadrupeds, coloured, good impressions. 263 Bewick's Birds, the rare Addenda to the History of British Birds; and a portion of the first edition, fine &mpresssons. Northcote's Fables, first series, fine impressions on India paper of the outs, by Harvey, Jackson, White, Nesbit, &c. neatly mounted in 8vo. portfolio. 265 —— Bewick and his pupils, &c.—a large number of exquisite specimens of their skill, some India paper proofs, neatly mounted in 4to portfolio. 264 Other Woodcuts, Prints, and Drawings, omitted in the hurry of cataloguing, will be offered at the conclusion of the sale. Imprinted by J. G. Forster, Clayton Street, Newcastle. OF M Tiffiti "######" 9 e tlipson ph = --> ± à: º & 5 s * **, *... tº º zº ſ *** - "...e. *. *** , s: ºsses: 2-3 º” “…is *** * .*** -ºx . - * * *** *.s * * : , * * * * * ºf ſº [- * ~ *..., ºff. ... 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