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All bound in one vol. 8vo, half morocco. - An interesting volume that could not be again duplicated. *º º Dº DD –4. º . º . y º º - Aſ ºf * : * ' 4 y > S >> ) D * , … ." --- - * * º . . . . . - . 8: - - sº s, ºr º º §§ º d ; > : ) ",s D. Y } D. º g c ~ º - Tº… T - . º - - º -3 ); a - º : *\, . v ºšSºrºs - …- g--- º ...º.º. . tº ... . .2- : * ... º & § ~ §: Fº * , 's --- tº-3 º § - \\ º º º º º {x. º, ºx & S. º º - * *: ºr º-º ~ - - ----- gºº. - is * - **. c . . . . . J -- ~. rº- . . ...- ...< T * ~...~" ºr ( → -º-º: ſº. I. -----~~~~ ...- º 3 -----. § - J * * ^- º ºs ºs ... Tº * -. º * - - Sºğ * : *, * * * * --- r * * : *, º º * > . . . **, *, * º w º º º, ºr Rºs | s , , , --, - d º * ... Yº Yº w ºv * * * * * ºº:: * > . . 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Z / * Z–22-2-2 2% Z.” / -> *-º-º-º- ºz 2 { – —ºn-->~T) 22 `------ < M - 2-2 -- - --~22, -2----- 2 2^-zº --~~~~~~~~~ - 2.2% -2-2 /* jº’ - --~~~ / / / -> V’ ~ -->–32-2, / /~~~22 Ø Tº % >. ^^2 ZZ C2 2-2 ºz M. E. M. O I R. G E O R. G E L I W E R M O R. E. JPREPAIRED AGREEABLY TO A RESOLUTION OF THE MASS A CHU SETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By CHARLES DEANE, , , is - 3 & ) CA. M. B R ID G E : PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SON. - 1869. M E MOIR, OF G E O R. G E L I W E R M O R. E. GEORGE LIVERMORE, the son of Deacon Nathaniel and Eliza- beth (Gleason) Livermore, was born in that part of Cambridge called Cambridgeport, in Massachusetts, on the 10th of July, 1809. He was a descendant of John Livermore, who came from Ipswich in England, in 1634, and settled in Watertown in this State. Mr. Livermore attended the public and private schools at Cambridgeport until he was fourteen years of age, pursuing, in addition to the common English course, some of the pre- paratory studies for admission to college. In a brief auto- biographical sketch written during his last sickness, he says: “Among my school-mates at the private school was Oliver Wendell Holmes, now so widely known as the charming poet and prose-writer. The humorous scene described in ‘The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table,” concerning ‘the Leghorn Hat,’ the ‘Port Chuck, and ‘the Race,' is as vivid to my memory as if it took place yesterday.”” * In some remarks by our associate, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, at a meeting of the Society after Mr. Livermore's death, he speaks of this private school, and refers to some of those who attended it while he was there. Richard H. Dana, Jr., and Margaret Fuller were of the number. “The boys,” he says, “were rather a fighting set; and our champion, a nephew of the most celebrated of American painters, had 4 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. His constitution being feeble, and his health not good, it was thought best that he should abandon the idea of a college education, and follow some more active calling. Accordingly, at the age of fourteen he left school, and went into the “store ” of his older brothers, Isaac and Marshall Livermore, mer- chants, at Cambridgeport. After this period the only school advantages he enjoyed were a course of exercises in English and Latin during two terms at the Deerfield Academy, in 1827–28. From the time of entering the store, his leisure hours were always spent in reading and study; and all the money he could earn was saved for the purchase of books. He thus refers to this period of his life. “A great many valuable and standard works were published in a cheap form, and thus came within the reach of persons of small means. I was sometimes allowed an evening to go to Boston and attend the book auctions; and I felt proud and happy when I came home with two or three volumes, costing from twenty-five to thirty cents each. At these book auctions there was sold, almost every time I was present, a thick octavo edition of Shakespeare, with rather coarse wood-cuts. The price generally obtained was not far from three dollars. I had read the ‘Merchant of Venice, from a borrowed volume of Shakespeare, and I thought that an author who could write like that was worth owning entire. I saved my money, therefore, till I had three dollars, and went to Boston, hoping that a copy of my coveted author might be put up, and sold within my means. I was not disappointed. After waiting an hour, the auctioneer put up a copy of Shakespeare. The bidding began at two dollars and fifty cents, and advanced five cents till it reached two dollars and ninety cents, when it was knocked down, and the name of the purchaser was called for. I had bid two dollars and ninety cents, but another bidder gave his name. I claimed the book, as I had fairly at least two regular pitched battles with outside fellows, who challenged the preten- sions of the gentlemen of the “Academy.’ George Livermore came among this rather rough crowd, the mildest and quietest of boys, – slight, almost feminine in aspect, quite alien to all such doings. I do not remember him as conspicuous in any active play, still less as ever quarrelling with anybody. He was a lamb-like creature, who made us all feel kindly to him, - this I can remember, and his looks, so delicate and gentle.” / MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 5 made the bid; and I called out to the auctioneer that I had bid $2.90 too. “Ah,’ said he, “if you bid $2.92, the book is yours, as you are the highest bidder.' I had no disposition to quibble about his pun, but gladly paid two dollars and ninety-two cents, and hurried home with my big book under my arm, a prouder and happier boy than I had ever been before. This was the Shakespeare which I first read. I marked the favorite passages which most impressed me, and noted the pages on which they occurred, on the fly-leaf at the end of the volume. I kept the volume for many years, when, wishing to own an English edition with notes, and not feeling able to keep both, I had the folly to exchange it. Many a time have I regretted this. I would, if I could, have bought it back, and given for it its weight in gold.” When quite a young man, he became much interested in the character and history of the merchant-scholar, William Roscoe, the first account of whom he read in Irving’s “Sketch-Book.” “I was much pleased,” he says, “to find that a man in active busi- ness, without a college education, had accomplished so much in litera- ture, Science, and statesmanship. Roscoe seemed to me to be a model which one might well strive to imitate, at however humble a distance. My respect for the abilities, attainments, and character of this remark- able man increased with my knowledge of the works he published. His life, written by his son, has always been a favorite biography with me; and I have bought a large number of copies to present to young friends. When I visited England in 1845, I sought out the principal places connected with his name, and had the good fortune to become personally acquainted with many of his friends and descendants.” In 1829 Mr. Livermore went to Waltham as a salesman in a “ dry-goods store,” where he remained a year, “when, a Smarter young man offering his services,” he returned to Cambridge. A change having taken place in his brothers’ business, he entered the shop of his father, who was a soap- manufacturer, and went to work making “fancy soap. and wash-balls.” All his earnings, except what he needed for his clothes, he passed over to his father, who was in strait- ened circumstances. His father had given him a silver watch which cost ten dollars. 2 6 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. “On the day I was twenty-one years old,” he writes, “wishing in Some way to signalize my majority, I asked my father for a dollar, and took a trip in the steamboat to Nahant. The fare was thirty-seven and a half cents each way, leaving me but twenty-five cents for other expenses. I could not, of course, get a dinner at any public house with this sum ; but I managed to find a grocery store, where I got minepence worth of gingerbread and crackers, and a glass of lemonade for six cents, which I regarded as a good dinner, and came home with six cents in my pocket. This was my start in life.” Two months later, the person in whose shop at Waltham he had served as salesman, called upon him, and urged him to return into his employ, saying that the young man who had succeeded him did not please the customers as well as he had done, and offering him increased pay. The invitation was accepted, and Waltham once more became his place of residence. The following spring, his employer, Mr. Smith, proposed to him to take the business and conduct it on his own account for two years, offering fair terms. “I hesitated at first,” says Mr. Livermore, “about assuming such a responsibility; but my friends advised me not to let so favorable an opportunity slip, and on the first of April, 1831, I put up my sign, and commenced business on my own account. My brother Isaac lent me one thousand dollars as capital to pay Mr. Smith in part for his goods. At the end of the two years I returned the one thousand dollars, with interest, and had earned nearly twice as much more for my own cap- ital with which to begin business elsewhere. I was sorry to give up so good a business, but Mr Smith needed and had a right to the store; and I retired from the scene of my first business experience and success as gracefully as I could. “The agent of the Waltham factories, learning that I was to resign to Mr. Smith the business I had received from him, suggested that I should take the ‘factory store, which was better located than his, and thus retain my own customers. This would have injured Mr. Smith seriously. I did not think it would be honorable in me to encroach upon his privileges, and I promptly declined the oſſer.” Mr. Livermore’s religious nature was warm and earnest, and had been early developed under the most favorable cir- cumstances beneath the paternal roof. Although suffering i MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 7 much from poor health, his religious views were cheerful. During his residence in Waltham, he boarded with a lady of eminent piety, who had a high regard for him. “Her religion,” he writes, “ was after the pattern of the strictest Cal- vinism. As she loved me, she wished to save my soul; and no argu- ments which she and her minister and friends could bring were kept back. I had, however, thought and read a good deal on the subject of religion, and had examined the evidences for and against the particular form of faith which is called ‘Orthodoxy.' The result of my investiga- tions was to convince me that the grounds of true religion are very simple; viz., to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and our neighbor as ourself. My sister Eliza (now the wife of the Rev. Mr. Stebbins) did more than any one else to encourage my religious inqui- ries and to fix my religious principles. The year in which I attained my majority, I, with her, made an open profession of my faith, and united with the church where my parents worshipped, where my father was deacon, and where I had been a Sunday-school scholar since I was five years old. I have always regarded this act of consecration with Satisfaction; ‘not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect, but as a means of fixing my mind and directing my thoughts to the higher and spiritual wants of my nature. My dear mother had taught me a large number of hymns, which I shall never forget, and some of which. I repeat every day and night.” In the interval between relinquishing his business at Wal- tham and entering into new engagements, as he had rarely been away from home, and never beyond the limits of this State, he made a visit to Maine, which was followed by a jour- ney to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington. On his return, he went to West Point and Saratoga. Of his visit to Maine he says, - “In the spring of 1833, soon after I left Waltham, I went, by sail- ing packet, to Bangor. I had never been out of the State before. The voyage was rather rough and I was sea-sick; but it was a new experience to me, and I enjoyed the novelty. I went to Old Town, where there was, on the island of Orono, an Indian settlement. These Indians are Roman Catholics. They have a church and a Catholic priest on the island. The church is a rude structure, and I desired to see the inte- 8 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. rior. The priest told me I could do this by calling on the deacon, who had the keys, and giving him a small compensation for his trouble. He pointed out the wigwam where the deacon lived, and I went there and made known my wishes to a fat squaw, who stood at the entrance. ‘You want to see church,' said she. ‘How much you give º’ Wish- ing to be liberal, I said, “Half-dollar, being twice the sum the priest had named as the customary fee. She grumbled out, ‘Deacon not at home.’ Supposing that I should have to go again to accomplish my purpose, I started to return, when the squaw called out, ‘You give a dollar, and the deacon is at home.’ I readily produced my dollar, and my tawny guide came out with the keys and showed me the church.” During his visit to Washington, he called upon President Jackson, and “was surprised to find that hard and tyrannical ruler so gentle and affable in private conversation.” He also spent a day at Mount Vernon, with the greatest interest and satisfaction. - Some attempts about this time to form a mercantile con- nection failed, but in 1834 he established himself in Boston, in the shoe and leather business. This led him at times to visit other cities, and to be absent from home for weeks and months together. But however pressing his engagements, his thoughts always reverted fondly to the paternal hearth, and to his Sunday school, which through life claimed his warmest interest and affection. In a letter to a younger brother from New York, dated 22d September, 1834, occurs this passage : — “Young never uttered a truer sentiment than this: “We take no note of time but from its loss.’ You are just at the age when time is of immense value. Improve every moment ; but do not consider time lost, if spent in profitable conversation, — or even sometimes in silenice. There are other ways of improving the mind than reading books; read men, read the volume of Nature; read everything you see ; but when you take a printed volume, bestow on it your whole attention, and read it through before you commence anything else. You are just arriv- ing at an age when you will feel the worth of information on almost any subject. In a few weeks you will be called to act for yourself in life. I believe you have long since determined to act in all things from MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 9 principle, not from caprice, or the impulse of the moment. Let purity of purpose be your polé-star through life, and you will not live in vain. The time will come when all will find their proper place in the world. . . . We have, as a family, cause to be grateful that our escutcheon is not marred by one dishonorable blot. Let us strive to increase its lustre. . . . “Be a valuable member of society, no matter how humble may be your occupation for a few years. Remember Roger Sherman was called from the cobbler's bench to assist in drafting the Declaration of Independence.” w In the winter of 1834–5 he went to the South and West, spending some weeks in New Orleans. In a little memorandum- book kept by him at this time, we find that on the 15th of February he “heard Rev. Mr. Clapp preach in the morning,” and in the “afternoon attended the meeting of the slaves at the Methodist Church.” A few evenings after he “attended a meeting of colored persons about to emigrate to Liberia. Gloster Simpson, formerly a slave, and recently from Liberia, spoke in favor of the colony. All who were about to emi- grate formed themselves into a Temperance Society.” For further information respecting this colonization scheme, he calls the next day on this Gloster Simpson from Liberia. He returned home from New Orleans by way of the Missis- sippi and the Ohio Rivers, and arriving at Louisville spent the Sunday there, March 15th. He “attended the Sunday school of the Rev. Mr. Clarke's Society’’ (James Freeman Clarke, D. D., now of Boston). “The whole number of schol- ars,” he says, “is at present about fifty. Mr. Clarke preached in the morning on the education of children.” Mr. Livermore's love of books increased with the increase of his means: indeed, it outran his means, which were yet small. His tastes craved for, and were formed upon, the best models: the authors with whom he communed were of the highest order, not only as regards purity and elevation of sentiment, but elegance of style. His pure mind rejected everything coarse or irreverent. He had a great horror of 10 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE, the very presence of books of a demoralizing tendency, — a feeling which led him to discard from his collection a copy of Byron, as he did not wish so impure a book in his library. His poetic faculty was large, and showed itself not only in a love for the best poets, but in the composition of some exquisite verses. Within a few years of the period of which we are now speaking, he wrote two dedication-hymns, a num- ber of hymns addressed to Sunday-school children, some verses suggested by the Scripture passage, “And Jesus called a little child unto him,” &c. Other pieces were en- titled, “The Negro Missionary,” “The Blind Harper and his Boy in Rogers's Italy,” and some verses “To my Sister on her Wedding-Day.” These subjects of his Muse are here enumer- ated for the purpose of showing how largely religious ideas and sentiments possessed his mind at this time. Many of these verses are excellent as poetry, and probably have never been published, unless upon the cards of his Sunday scholars. To a valued friend in the Divinity School, who had already dedicated himself to the cause of Sunday schools and phil- anthropic labors among the poor, he presented a copy of the “Sunday-School Guide,” written by his pastor, the Rev. A. B. Muzzey, on a blank leaf of which was inscribed this sonnet : — “TO R. C. W. * “Self-consecrated to the cause of truth, Wedded to charity by tenderest ties, Thou art a Guide to many a wandering youth, Directing upward their inquiring eyes. Happy the chosen path thy feet pursue ! The work our Lord began, 'tis thine to do. To bless the little ones, – preach to the poor, Lead the lone pilgrim to the heavenly door, And bid him enter freely, - heal the blind By pouring light celestial on the mind, – Comfort the mourning, — bind the broken heart, And give the balm religious joys impart : These are the duties that your path attend ; God bless your efforts evermore, my friend G. L. “DECEMBER 10th, 1837.” * Waterston. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 11 In the year 1838, Mr. Livermore and an older brother, Isaac Livermore, formed a copartnership in business as wool-mer- chants, – an arrangement which was favorable to the culti- vation of his literary tastes, as the larger share of the responsibilities of the business would be assumed by the senior partner, who would regard with an indulgent eye the favorite pursuits of the junior. About this time Mr. Livermore began to keep a diary, which he continued to the year of his death. The volume for 1838 opens with a dedication to his favorite sister; and at the head of the first page is copied the following stanza : — “Tllus far the Lord hath led me on, Thus far I make his mercy known ; And while I walk this desert land, New blessings shall new praise command.” This daily record shows the development of his tastes and the subjects which took the strongest hold upon him, whether of a moral, religious, or political nature. We see what books he read, and what were his opinions of different authors. He had one of the most active of minds, and the most sensitive of natures. His interest in the parish, in the Sunday school, in the Lyceum, in the political meetings of his ward, &c., never flagged. He was a constant attendant at church, and for years always recorded the text from which the clergyman preached, and often gave an account of the discourse. The sessions of the Sunday school and the teachers' meetings were also duly noticed in his diary. Through life he had a great reverence for sacred things — for the Scriptures and the ordinances of religion. He had a horror of metaphysics, and all those philosophies which tended, as he thought, to scep- ticism. His mind was more poetic and aesthetic than logical, and he was much disturbed by the discussions on “Tran- scendentalism,” when they first appeared here. He attended a course of lectures by Mr. Emerson, whose doctrines, so far as he understood them, much disquieted him. But, with the 12 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. utmost simplicity, he says, that on leaving the lecture-room he is unable to recall any definite and well-connected ideas in the lectures of the Concord philosopher. He is found this year deeply engaged in reading his favor- ite author, Roscoe. Gray, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Miss Edge- worth, and Dickens also had charms for him; and the gentle Charles Lamb he loved as an elder brother. His love of Nature, and particularly of flowers, was a striking trait in him. Under the date of Dec. 8, 1838, he says he received a fine bunch of larch from his sister, in Leominster, for which he felt very grateful. “There is noth- ing which gives me more pleasure than these little tokens of affection. I had rather see an old broken brown pitcher, filled with natural flowers or foliage, than the most curiously wrought alabaster vase, with only artificial flowers. My love for flowers and plants has become almost a passion, — I believe an inno- cent one.” This love continued through life: in the season of flowers, he was rarely seen on his way to the city without a bunch of them in his hand; and he frequently distributed them among the poor city children that he met, to whom they were luxuries indeed : he would, if he could, have strewn flowers in the pathway of every living creature. These flowers were cultivated on his own grounds, and many of them were of rare varieties, and of exquisite beauty. Their fragrance fitly symbolized the aroma of his beautiful life. We find him now attending Channing's lecture on Self. Culture, and paying the expenses of a young man in college. He is interested in Mr. Gurley and the Colonization Society, and feels that the Abolitionists are misrepresenting its pur- poses. With Elliott Cresson, the advocate of Colonization, he is holding a correspondence. - In a memorandum of expenses this year, one half the amount is put down to necessary expenses, “board and cloth- ing,” about one quarter to the account of “books,” and the MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 13 remainder to “charity and presents.” The library he had col- lected at this time was comparatively small. In an entry made September 6th, he says he had to work hard that day, and felt annoyed by it, as he had five or six new books he was very desirous of reading. “I moved my books into a new Secretary, or bookcase, and find they make quite a show. It seems I have about two hundred volumes of good books; once this would have seemed quite a library; now I only be- gin to see how many books I want. On one thing I am deter- mined, - that is, to buy no more trash; what works I do have shall be of good editions. I love literature too well and prize books too highly to have a good author in a mean dress.” - º One day an old gentleman reproved him for being always found with a book in his hand; telling him it was “a bad sign for a merchant to read in his counting-room *; and he was “abashed ” by it. - Mr. Livermore's reading, up to this time, seems to have been somewhat miscellaneous; that is to say, he appears to have made no subject a specialty. His range of authors had been wide, and, as we have already observed, of the best selection. He thus laid such a foundation in a general knowl- edge of English literature, as well fitted him for those more special studies which we shall soon see him entering upon, and which he pursued with such ardor through life. He was always interested in the study of the Scriptures, and in the great themes which they suggest ; and his duties as a Sunday- School teacher naturally offered a constant inducement to the pursuit of these studies. But now we find him (21st Novem- ber, 1838) buying a copy of Coverdale's Bible. It was proba- bly a reprint by Bagster, issued this year. - On the 1st of October, 1839, Mr. Livermore was married to Miss Elizabeth Cunningham Odiorne, of Cambridgeport, — a connection which opened a new field for the exercise of his warm and generous nature. In him the domestic virtues had sº O 14 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE, a rare growth, and no one could be more fortunate in the cir- cumstances which through life tended to hallow the marriage relation. He is developing a taste, at this time, for our local his- tory, and appears to have kept a Record-Book of matters connected with the annals of his native town. We find him, in the early part of 1841, owning twenty-six volumes of the Historical Society’s Collections, almost an entire set, — and Winthrop's History of New England, and all the Family and Classical Libraries. “Every day I go to Burnham's and Drake's and other bookstores, to see something new ; I must form a resolution to keep away,” as he has yet a number of books unread, - but he fears he will be unable to abide by it for any length of time. The “Life of Josiah Quincy, Jr.,” the ante-Revolutionary patriot, he reads with great interest. “It is an account of one who lived long, though he died young.” Mr. Livermore always felt a deep interest in whatever was going on around him. On the 29th of January, 1842, he was present in the saloon of the Tremont Theatre, on the occasion of the presentation of a piece of plate to Captain Hewitt, by the passengers of the steamship “Britannia,” as a testimonial of his skill in the management of his ship during a violent storm. He there saw Charles Dickens, one of the passengers in that ship, who made the presentation speech, and whose appearance disappointed him. “My idea,” he says, “of the author of Oliver Twist and dear little Nell was quite too spiritual to be realized in any human form.” In his business experience, now and through life, there were, at times, days and months of doubt and anxiety, when it seemed difficult to see through the dark clouds which over- spread the financial prospect. He had a high sense of mer- cantile honor; but he was never ambitious of being a rich man. Amidst all his anxieties, his books, next to his family, were his never-failing solace. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 15 He was gradually adding to his store of Biblical works, as opportunities and means favored their acquisition. On the 3d of March, 1842, he saw Ón sale, at Little and Brown's, a copy of Eliot's Indian Bible, the price of which was twenty- five dollars. He could not think of buying it, but his brother bought it and generously presented it to him. Copies of the same book have since been sold for more than a thousand dol- lars. On the 30th of June he visits the library of Harvard College, and finds Mr. Sibley very attentive and obliging showing him many old volumes which make his “eyes open very wide.” The next month he visits, probably for the first time, the rooms of the American Antiquarian Society at Worcester, and receives polite attention from Mr. Haven, the librarian of that institution, — subsequently one of Mr. Livermore's most intimate friends. In the early part of 1843, the library of the Rev. Thaddeus M. Harris, D.D., was sold at auction, in Boston, and Mr. Liv- ermore was tempted to buy some of the “antiques” in that collection. Among the books sold, he speaks of a copy of Eliot's Indian Bible, which brought thirty-nine dollars. In February of this year he evinces his growing interest in those studies which through life were a specialty with him by writing an article on this Indian Bible for the “Chris- tian World,” a religious newspaper, edited by George G. Channing. He afterwards suggests to the editor the devo- tion of a certain part of his paper to Sunday schools, and agrees to furnish something to that department for a month. He is reading with intense delight the Reminiscences of Thomas Frognall Dibdin. “I love him,” he says. He is also reading that author’s “AEdes Althorpiamae.” He now engages to assist a young man to pursue his studies for the ministry: a case where the principal charge would be borne by him. Strange to say, for the first time, he this year (March 10) visited the library of the Boston Athenaeum. Probably he then 16 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE; little thought that in a few years he would be chosen one of the Trustees of that institution, the Chairman of its Library Committee, and then its Vice-President, and regarded as one of its most efficient and influential managers. On the 29th of March we find him attending the meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society at the First Church in Chauncy Place, where he hears the second Centennial Dis- course of John Quincy Adams, on the Formation of the New- England Confederacy of 1643. About this time was started a curious Biblical question, which Mr. Livermore and the late President of the Historical Society, the Hon. James Savage, were much interested in solving. In September of this year, the Rev. Rufus P. Stebbins delivered a Centennial Discourse before the First Congregational Society at Leominster, in the course of which he had occasion to mention the Rogers family residing in that town, who claimed to be descended from the first Marian martyr. He referred, also, to an old copy of the Bible in the possession of a member of the family in Lunenburg, which, according to tradition, once belonged to the Martyr himself: indeed, it was said to have been the identical copy which he carried to the stake ; and it now bears upon its leaves the marks of fire. The titlepage having disappeared from the volume, its date could not readily be ascertained. But what was supposed to be the monogram of the old printer, Cawood, was found upon the book; and it was stated on respectable authority that Cawood printed but one edition of the Bible, namely, in 1549, six years before the Martyr's death. All this was therefore consistent with the tradition that the book had belonged to Rogers, and was now in the possession of a de- scendant. Previously to publishing his discourse, Mr. Stebbins ap- plied to Mr. Livermore for information on this subject. Mr. Livermore showed from unquestionable authority, that Ca- wood printed a number of editions of the Bible after 1555, MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 17 the year of the Martyr's death ; and therefore, in the absence of more definite information, which he could not then furnish, as to the precise edition of the Lunenburg Bible, it must remain doubtful whether the Martyr could have owned that copy. Yet as Cawood was said to have printed one edition before Rogers's death, he felt that the probabilities favored the family tradition. - The investigation of the subject, however, did not end here. Mr. Savage's interest in the matter centred principally on the genealogical question as to the descent of the Rogerses in this country (those who came from Nathaniel, of Ipswich, Mass.) from the Marian Martyr. He had no faith in the tradition, and was curious to know whether the Lunenburg Bible furnished any link in the chain of evidence. A frag- ment of that Bible was therefore procured by Mr. Livermore, and sent to his correspondent, Mr. Henry Stevens, in London, who, with Mr. George Offer, the editor of Bagster's reprint of Tyndale's New Testament, diligently compared it with copies of Cawood's editions of known date, when it was clearly ascertained that the Lunenburg copy was of the edition of 1561, six years after the Martyr's death. A sheet of the Bible of that date was subsequently sent by Mr. Offer to this country, and a careful collation being instituted with the Lunenburg copy, the conclusions arrived at in London were abundantly confirmed. Later investigations into the genea- logical question, both in this country and in England, have shown the improbability of the tradition that John Rogers, of Dedham, England, (the father of Nathaniel, of Ipswich, Mass.), was a grandson of the Marian Martyr. In November of this year, the Biblical library of the Rev. Dr. Homer, of Newton, was placed on sale at Messrs. Little and Brown's ; and Mr. Livermore bought from it a number of copies of rare editions of the Bible. Among them was a copy of the Genevan version, presented by Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin to Dr. Homer, and supposed by its former owners to have 18 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORF). been the identical copy presented by the printer to Queen Elizabeth, – also the Bible which formerly belonged to Adam Winthrop, the father of the first Governor Winthrop. This gave further impetus to his studies in this direction. The library of the Duke of Sussex was sold the next year. This collec- tion was rich in rare copies of the Bible, some of which were purchased by Mr. Livermore. Further rarities were subse- quently added to his collection from the library of the late Dr. Hawtrey, Provost of Eton, — among which may be no- ticed an Evangelistarium, for the use of the Church, written on parchment, and supposed to be of a date as early as the eighth century. From these sources he laid the foundation of that large collection of Biblical works which his library now contains. But his time was not wholly spent, as it often is with book collectors, in amassing books: he was a careful student of them.” In December of this year, Mr. Livermore visited the Rev. Thomas Robbins, D. D., then living at Mattapoiset, in Roch- ester, Mass., to inspect his valuable collection of old Bibles. Dr. Robbins afterwards removed to Connecticut, and became Secretary of the Historical Society of that State, leaving to it his library. He now makes the acquaintance of some who were after- wards his associates in this Society, including Mr. Longfellow, Mr. Hillard, and Mr. Norton. Mr. Hillard recalls his early friendship for Mr. Livermore in some touching remarks made before this Society at the meeting following his death, which were printed in the volume of “Proceedings.” Mr. Water- ston was an earlier friend; Mr. Livermore showing much in- terest in his library, and adding to it, from time to time, some curious volume. With Mr. Ticknor he formed an early acquaint- ance. In the third edition of his “History of Spanish Litera- * It should be stated that Mr. Livermore could read neither Hebrew nor Greek, though his Biblical collection contained some books in these languages. In early life he acquired some knowledge of Latin, which was of service to him in later years. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE, 19 ture,” Mr. Ticknor acknowledges his indebtedness for the cor- rection of an error of Navarrete — in referring to the eigh- teenth Psalm, as containing the prophecy appropriated by Columbus to himself, instead of the nineteenth, as stated in the Giustiniani Polyglott Psalter of 1516 — to his friend, “George Livermore, of Cambridge, who has in his precious library,” says Mr. Ticknor, a “copy of the Giustiniani Poly- glott, which, when he pointed out the error to me, I did not own.” (vol. i. p. 188.) Between our former associate, the late Rev. Alexander Young, and Mr. Livermore, there existed the warmest friend- ship. They had many literary affinities. Dr. Young was a ripe scholar, and had the tastes and sympathies of an an- tiquary. He had a true Dibdin eye for a good book, and the rare art of handling a volume properly, which few persons possess. He knew how to open a book without breaking its back, and to turn over its leaves so that its owner would not tremble while it was in his hand. There is a knack in all this, known only to the true lover of books, - to him who reverences not merely the author, or the author's thoughts, but the concrete object before him. You never would see him taking up a noble volume, clothed in Bedford's best Levant, and in his best style, and, balancing it on one hand, allow one of the covers to swing at an angle of ninety de- grees, endangering the joint on which it hung; nor find him leaning on an open page, crumpling the virgin leaves, and making “dog's ears ” of the corners. Dr. Young had a great love for such an author, for in- stance, as Coryat, the great foot-traveller, the “Odcombian Leggestretcher,” as he styled himself, and would read with de- light his “Crudities hastily gobled vp in Five Moneths Trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy,” &c., &c. With what rare pleasure have we heard him read the passage in this quaint writer, where, in describing the wines of Venice, he says that the “Lagryme di Christo . . . is so toothsome and delectable to 20 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. the taste, that a certain stranger, being newly come to the citie, and tasting of this pleasant wine, was so affected there- with, that I heard he vºtered this speech out of a passionate humour: O Domine, Domine, cur non lachrymasti in regionibus qvost)" is 2 ” Izaac Walton, too, was an author after his own heart; and the bit of philosophy contained in his quaint praise of the straw- berry Dr. Young always thought inimitable, and would cite the passage with go?t : “Indeed, my good scholar, we may say of angling as Dr. Boteler said of strawberries, “Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did.’” But Dr. Young's great book was Boswell's Johnson, which he used to say a person should read through once a year. His “Library of Old English Prose Writers” reveals the “well of English undefiled ” from which he drew; and his “Chronicles of the Pilgrims” and “Chronicles of Massachu- setts’ show his thorough knowledge of the early history of his native State.* Another friend, afterwards a member of this Society, was Edward A. Crowninshield. He was a true gentleman, a man of elegant manners and of a refined and cultivated taste. He was an ardent lover of books, and had one of the rarest libra- ries of old English literature in this part of the country. He had the first edition of Chaucer, the first edition of Shake- speare's and of Milton's Poems, “The Schoolmaster,” by Roger Ascham, Coryat’s “Crudities” of the edition of 1611, &c. His library was also quite rich in early American history and biography. Seated in his elegant room, with all its lux- urious appointments, surrounded by his “Strawberry Hills,” his “Lee Priories,” and his “Dibdins" (all of which told * Dr. Young died on the 19th of March, 1854. His loss was deeply felt by his friends. In a note dated 11th April, Mr. Livermore writes: “Thanks for your kind note of yesterday, and for the perusal of that of Crowninshield. I do not wonder that he feels so deeply the loss of Dr. Young. For many years, “we three' met daily at Little and Brown’s. I cannot realize that I shall see his face no more on earth. I think every day he will call and see me.” MEMOIR. Oſº GEORGE LIVERMORE, 21 you that their owner regarded the art of bookbinding as one of the fine arts), he would remind you of some of the pict- ures of Horace Walpole.* Mr. Livermore and these two friends, for years, met almost daily, at noon, at the book-store of Messrs. Little and Brown, and there held sweet converse among the noble volumes which surrounded them. No one, it may here be observed, had a greater love of humor, or had more of fun and frolic in his nature, than Mr. Livermore himself; and when the proper time came for its display, it had free course. These meetings were choice occasions. Books, of course, were the chief theme; but the conversation took a wide range, and there were free discussions upon whatever topics of interest came up. As has been seen, few were more fond of anecdote, or could tell a better story, than Dr. Young. His wit and humor had the true flavor, like the bouquet of choice wine. At one time Cot- ton Mather was the subject of remark. Some one said that he was born out of time; that, unhappily, he lived at a transi- tion period in the colony, when clergymen were losing the influence and authority which had so long been conceded to them ; and this wounded his vanity. “An influence and au- thority,” replied Dr. Young, in quiet irony, assuming an air of gravity and importance, “which the clergy at the present day are rapidly recovering.” - The eccentricities of Mr. Dowse, of whom the members of the Society are constantly reminded by the speaking picture of him in the Dowse Library, would now and then be the subject of pleasant remark. “How many volumes have * Mr. Crowninshield died on the 21st of February, 1859. Mr. Livermore thus writes on the same day: — “Poor Crowninshield is gone ! He was as well as usual yesterday afternoon; but in the evening, whilst coughing, he was seized with a severe hemorrhage of the lungs, ſainted, and passed away! We little thought, whilst speaking of him on Friday as one of the Standing Committee for mext year, that before we met again he would be mumbered with the dead. I loved him deeply, and I cannot but mourn his loss, though I feel that a merciful Providence has saved him from much suffering by thus suddenly and gently relieving him from his pains.” - 4 22 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. you in your collection ?” was a question often put to him by impertinent curiosity. “Never counted them,” was the quick and decisive reply. Not infrequently two or three other friends would make their way into this charmed circle; and the cheery presence of Mr. James Brown, who loved good books not merely because he dealt in them, was always a benediction. Sometimes the late John Overton Choules, D. D., whose rotund figure always recalled a well-remembered line of Thomson’s, would appear amongst this company of biblio- philists. The Doctor was a great lover of books, and was thoroughly orthodox in his tastes. He used to say, that “old books and old wine " were fit companions. He edited some of the writings of others, but his labors in this field were not always regarded with favor by scholars. He never would acknowledge a suspicion of the authorship of the scathing criticism which appeared in the “Christian Examiner,” for January, 1845, on his edition of Neal’s “History of the Puri- tans,” published by the Harpers the year before; and used, in apparent simplicity, to ask Mr. Livermore, “who he thought could have written it.” In March, 1845, we find Mr. Livermore making corrections for the new edition of Grahame's “History of the United States,” published this year, under the supervision of Presi- dent Quincy. He calls upon Mr. Quincy, who thanks him for the service rendered, and promises to acknowledge it in the Preface. This was the beginning of their acquaintance, and each continued to entertain the highest regard for the character of the other. Mr. Livermore had an almost romantic admiration for the heroic qualities of Mr. Quincy. Every summer or autumn, for ten or twelve of the last years of the life of the venerable patriot, Mr. Livermore, in company with the writer of this notice, paid a visit to the family mansion in Quincy, where a warm welcome always awaited him. MEMOIR, OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 23 This year Mr. Livermore visited Europe, with his friend, Mr. James Brown, sailing on the 1st of April. He was furnished with letters from Mr. Sparks, Mr. Ticknor, and other well-known gentlemen. His journal, in the form of let- ters to his family, would make a most interesting volume, and is worthy of being printed entire. He did not follow the beaten track of the tourist. He made the acquaintance of many eminent men, and visited many famous libraries, inspect- ing, as time permitted, the curious books and manuscripts which they contained. - The first object he would seek, on his arrival at Liverpool, would be some memorial of Roscoe. Under date of the 13th of April he writes: — “My first visit in the Old World was to the grave of Roscoe. From my childhood, when I read in the ‘Sketch-Book’ Irving's glowing account of Roscoe, I have felt a deep interest in everything relating to him. I have never read any works of biography or history with more pleasure and profit than his ‘Lorenzo de Medici' and ‘Leo X.’ The beautiful style of the composition, the fine taste, correct views, and pure principles, which are so prominent in these volumes, quite fascinated me with the author; and since reading his Life by his son, ten or twelve years ago, I have had for his character the most profound respect and enthusiastic admiration. He was a ripe scholar, a pure patriot, and a liberal, humble, consistent Christian. Though engaged in the active duties and cares of business, he found time to cultivate a taste for literature, science, and the fine arts; and, in each department, the world has been benefited by his published works. His friends in Liverpool have shown in various ways their respect for his memory. Roscoe's grave is in a remote corner of the burying-ground connected with the Unitarian Chapel in Renshaw Street. I was dis- appointed not to find a monument here. There is nothing but a plain horizontal slab to mark the place of the family tomb. There is no inscription, but the names and ages of those who are buried beneath, with the date of their birth and death.” Of course he did not fail to see the full length statue of Roscoe by Chantrey, in the Royal Institution. Through letters from his friend, Mr. Charles Sumner, Mr. 24 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. Livermore became acquainted with members and friends of the Roscoe family in Liverpool, and afterwards in London, from whom he received the most flattering attentions. A dinner-party was made for him at Liverpool, at which he saw many of the descendants of Roscoe, who had been invited especially to meet him. Mr. Robert Roscoe, residing in Lon- don, called on him, invited him to his house, and gave him several memorials of his father, including a letter relating to his edition of Pope, a volume of poetry translated from the Italian, and a beautiful crystal miniature head of him in bas- 'relief. While in London, Mr. Livermore visited the great bibli- ographer, Thomas Frognall Dibdin, whose writings he had so thoroughly studied, and from whom he received a most hearty welcome. Dibdin was surprised to find that so many persons in this country were interested in his writings. Seizing Mr. Livermore's hands, he said, – “My dear sir, I see you are a genuine bibliomaniac. I thank you for coming to See me. I will point out to you such treasures in books as will delight your heart. You must go with me to Mr. Gren- ville's library; and I will give you an introduction to Oxford, Althorp, and other places, where you will see such books as you have never beheld before.”” His account of a visit to the poet Rogers, on the 25th of April, in company with Mr. Brown, we give entire: — “Mr. Rogers lives at 22, St. James's Place. The entrance is in a very quiet and retired situation, but the windows in the parlors and drawing- room command a fine view of St. James's Park. We sent in our cards to Mr. Rogers, and were at once very cordially received. He made many inquiries about affairs in our country, and then invited us to his library and parlor, where we saw treasures in books and paint- * Dibdin subsequently proposed to give a dinner-party to Mr. Livermore, where he could meet some distinguished bibliographers, and kindred spirits; but Mr. Livermore was obliged, by reason of pressing engagements, to excuse himself, and decline the honor. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE, 25 ings which were of themselves worth a long journey to see. Whilst we were there, Mr. Wordsworth came in, and we were introduced to him. To see the author of ‘The Excursion’ and the author of ‘The Pleasures of Memory’ together, to take them both by the hand and listen to their conversation, was surely “glory enough ' for one day. The personal appearance of the two poets is quite unlike. Rogers is over eighty years old, yet not enfeebled by age. His manners are gentle and graceful, his countenance mild and delicate, and his voice sweet and remarkably pleasing. Wordsworth is eight or ten years younger. He is nearly a head taller than Rogers, and looks quite as old; what little hair remains on his head is quite gray. His manners are rough, his voice loud, his conversation very rapid and vehement; his whole soul seems to be thrown into the subject before him. When he is silent, he looks just like the engraved portrait in his Poems. I should have known him from the resemblance. But when he talks, the quiet and gentle look that the engraving indicates is gone. Perhaps he was unusually excited to-day; for he has come to London to be pre- sented for the first time to Her Majesty, the Queen, as Poet-Laureate. He must appear in full court dress, and wear a sword, an unusual thing for him. Well, we were introduced by Mr. Rogers, to the Laureate, as from America. His first words were, ‘Gentlemen, are you from Pennsylvania?' We knew why he asked: he is deeply interested in the credit of that State, being the holder of its bonds, on which the interest had not been promptly paid ; and the odious and shameful doctrine of repudiation was probably associated in his mind with that State and its citizens. So I promptly answered, - ‘No, from Boston in New England, where repudiation finds no favor with the people.’ — ‘Do you think Pennsylvania will pay her debts P’— ‘Yes,’ I replied, “undoubtedly, principal and interest.’ — ‘So do I,’ said Words- worth : ‘I have always thought so. I hold a large amount of State securities; and some of my friends, too, are large holders. I have always advised them not to sacrifice them ; and I am glad to hear that we shall not be likely to lose.’ I was glad enough to get through with this unpleasant matter of repudiation so well. He asked several questions about our country ; inquired if I knew Professor Ticknor ; when I left home; how long I proposed to stay; and what route I intended to take. But before I could answer half his questions, he said, ‘I suppose you will do as your countrymen generally do, when they come here, — hurry through some of the most remarkable places in England by railway, and then be off to Italy to see paintings, and to Germany to see the great 26 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. metaphysicians: for my part, I think we have paintings and works of art in England, enough to interest one for years; and if you want to puzzle your brain with the metaphysics of the Germans, you can buy their works cheap enough.” When I told him that I was to be absent only three or four months from home, and that all but a fortnight of it would be passed in England, he said I had decided wisely. ‘Come to Rydal Mount,” said he, ‘and I will show you some beautiful scenery, well worth a little trouble to view.’ Mr. Wordsworth left the house before we did. Mr. Rogers gave us so cordial and pressing an invita- tion to breakfast with him next Monday [the 28th of April], that we unhesitatingly accepted. . . . “Breakfasted with Samuel Rogers the poet. This delightful old gentleman had invited Mr. Brown and me to come this morning, and he received us very cordially. It was a great privilege to sit beside him and listem to his anecdotes, and talk with him about the authors of England, with whom he had been so long on terms of the closest friend- ship and intimacy. Mr. Rogers has never been married. He does the honors of the table with ease and grace. There were numerous little choice dishes, which he gave an account of, as they were served up, giving us the history of each. He is constantly receiving presents from some of his numerous friends. This morning he had plovers' eggs served up on sea-weed, a present from the South of France; oranges from Malta, whose fragrance and beauty surpassed any thing of the kind I had ever seen; sweetmeats from Turkey, marmalade from Scotland, and Dutch bread. Mr. Rogers spoke very freely of his contemporaries. Coleridge was an intimate friend. He was a remarkable man in con- versation, but had a bad temper. He did not live with his wife for many years before he died. He spoke warmly of Roscoe, with whom he was acquainted. Byron, Southey, and Campbell were frequent visitors at Rogers's: I wish I could remember a tithe of what he said about them. Rogers has always felt a deep interest in our country. His father was a warm friend of the Colonies at the time of the Revolu- tion. When the news came to London of the Battle of Lexington, he sent for his tailor, and ordered a suit of black. On the tailor asking if he had lost any friend, he answered, - “Yes, many dear American friends at the Battle of Lexington ; and I shall wear black for them as long as I live.’ “Rogers said that in 1790 (I think it was, perhaps, 1791 or 2) he was one of a dinner-party of twelve at Paris, – nine of whom, within a year or two, died a violent death ! He spoke of our American authors. MEMOIR, OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 27 Washington Irving was of course at the head of our prose-writers, Bryant, at the head of the poets. Halleck was held high in his esteem. He said nothing of Dana the poet, but spoke in the highest terms of the work of R. H. Dana, Jr., “Two Years before the Mast.” Mr. Rogers's house is a perfect museum of curiosities, yet all arranged in good taste. He has some exquisitely beautiful paintings, originals by the Old Masters. Besides some of the choice works of Sir Joshua Rey- nolds and Sir Thomas Lawrence, I saw the original bust of Pope, by Roubilliac, which Flaxman told Rogers his father had seen more than a century ago in the studio of the artist. Among the autographs were a letter of Dr. Franklin to Washington, and one from Washington to Alexander Hamilton. I saw the original drawings from which the engravings were taken in the “Poems’ and ‘Italy.” In the library were Some book rarities, – the first Aldus, the first edition of the ‘Faerie Queene,’ and the first edition of ‘Paradise Lost '; but the chief orna- ment of the library was a little certificate neatly framed and hung upon the wall, which is nothing less than the original contract of Milton with his printer for the copyright of ‘Paradise Lost.’ “Mr. Rogers inquired particularly what places we had visited in Lon- don, and gave us a memorandum of those worth seeing on account of their historical associations. We left him between eleven and twelve o'clock, having had one of the most interesting and delightful visits imaginable.” Mr. Livermore also visited Sir Thomas Grenville, and saw his magnificent library, which has since been transferred to the British Museum, and now forms one of the greatest at- tractions of that institution. In the British Museum he saw many Biblical rarities, which gave new inspiration to his in- terest in the history of the early publication of the Scriptures, and in general bibliography. His visits to Oxford, to Cambridge, and to Althorp, where he saw the unrivalled collection of Earl Spencer, made more famous by the description in Dibdin's luxurious volumes, are all eloquently set forth in his journal. Mr. Everett was at this time our minister in London; and he was very attentive in affording Mr. Livermore, by means 28 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. of letters and in other ways, every facility for accomplishing the objects of his tour.” The gay city of Paris had fewer attractions for Mr. Liver. more. He could not speak the language, nor could he become reconciled to the apparent desecration of the Sabbath, in the open shops and places of amusement. The brilliant spectacles which everywhere arrest the eye of the stranger in that city were not unobserved by him, and were elo- quently described in his letters to his family; but every- thing was foreign to his principles, and to his tastes. England had the greater charm for him, and in after life he derived the highest satisfaction from the recollection of this visit to the mother country. He arrived home, on the 3d of July, after an absence of about three months. The last thing before embarking at Liverpool, he says, - “I went to the grave of Roscoe, and brought away a sprig Of sweetbrier and some ivy leaves.” The previous year he had ordered from Liverpool two or three copies of the bust of Roscoe, in plaster. They could not then be obtained in this country. One of them was placed in the vestibule of his house, where it has since stood. One was presented to Harvard College, and it now stands in Gore Hall. When the committee of the Historical Society were fit- ting up a room to receive Mr. Dowse's library, and were plac- ing busts of distinguished authors over the bookcases, Mr. Livermore requested that a bust of Roscoe might be of the number. - Mr. Livermore was deeply interested in the cause of learn- ing; and the College in his neighborhood was as dear to him as though he had passed the four years as an undergraduate * * While in London, Mr. Livermore had the opportunity, through his friend Mr. Brown, of seeing the rare private collections of books and manuscripts, belonging to the eminent booksellers, Mr. Pickering and Mr. Murray; and he describes them at length. Among the Americans whom he was constantly in the habit of meeting in London were the late Rev. Henry Colman and Dr. Samuel Parkman; also our present associate, Mr. Saltonstall. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 29 within her walls, and could call her Alma Mater. He was now chosen by the Board of Overseers a member of the Library Committee, and continued to hold that position, by annual election, till his death; being most of the time the Secretary of the Committee. When in England, he had formed the acquaintance of Mr. Everett; and he regarded it as most fortunate for Harvard College when that eminent scholar was called to its Presidency. He was present at the inauguration services, which took place on the 30th of April, 1846, and under this date thus writes in his diary : — “It was a great day for Cambridge, for Harvard University, for the cause of literature and learning in our country. The inauguration of Edward Everett as President of Harvard University was an event to fill every heart with joy; i.e., every heart that beats with the love of ex- cellence and talent. There was a large audience at the church, every seat and stand was occupied, and four times as many would have been present, if the building could have held them. I was very fortunate in having a comfortable place during all the exercises at the church. As a member of the Examining Committee on the Library, the place ap- pointed me in the procession was just after the Overseers; and I had a seat on the platform at the church, and a good place at the table for dinner. E. A. Crowninshield was my companion in the procession and at dinner; I found him by appointment at Owen's, before the procession was formed. We went to the Library at a little past ten o’clock, and at eleven the procession started. The services at the church were all of a high order. They were as follows—Introductory prayer, by Rev. James Walker, D. D.; address and delivery of the College charter, seal, and keys, by His Excellency, George N. Briggs; reply to the Governor, by the President elect; a Latin oration, by George M. Lane, of Cambridge- port; hymn, by Rev. Dr. Flint ; and then an elegant, profound, and in- imitable address by the President. I had often heard Mr. Everett before, but I believe that of to-day surpassed all his previous productions. Lane's performance was very creditable, and the Governor's marked by his usual good sense and propriety. There were many distinguished persons present; when Daniel Webster came forward on the platform, he was greeted by tremendous applause.* The services at church were * The sudden appearance of Mr. Webster on the platform on this occasion (in the First Parish Church), approaching from behind, at the entrance through the pulpit, and 5 sºr 30 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. over a little before two o'clock; at half past two the procession re- formed at Gore Hall, and proceeded to Harvard Hall for dinner. About five hundred and fifty sat down to the table. My neighbors were Crowminshield, Hillard, Bowen, Ellis, and Bowditch. “Mr. Everett presided with great dignity and grace at the table. A blessing was asked by the Rev. Dr. Sharp, and thanks returned by the Rev. Dr. Woods, President of Bowdoin College. Speeches were made by President Everett, Ex-President Quincy, Daniel Webster, a humorous poem by Dr. O. W. Holmes, speeches by R. C. Winthrop, J. Quincy, Jr., President Hitchcock of Amherst, and Professor Silliman of Yale Col- lege, and George S. Hillard of Boston. At half past five o'clock the company left the hall. Mr. Everett invited all to visit him at his house.” The “Cambridge Chronicle,” a weekly newspaper, WaS started in Cambridgeport in 1846; and Mr. Livermore, partly to assist the proprietor, and partly to aid in securing a good local paper, was a frequent contributor to its columns. He was a graceful and forcible writer; his opinions on whatever subject were never doubtfully expressed, and his historical investigations were thorough and exhaustive. Many of the the reception given to him, are thus described by our associate, Mr. Dana, in his “Address on the Life and Services of Edward Everett,” delivered before the muni- cipal authorities and citizens of Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1865. “On this occasion, there was an occurrence which put suddenly to the severest test the equanimity and ready resources of Mr. Everett. The day and place were his, and his only. The crowded assembly waited for his word. He rose, and advanced to the front of the platform, and was received with gratifying applause. As he was about to begin, the applause received a sudden and marked acceleration, and rose higher and higher into a tumult of cheers. Mr. Everett felt that something more than his welcome had caused this; and turning, he saw, just at that opening behind your seat, Mr. Mayor, the majestic presence of Mr. Webster! The reception of Mr. Webster had additional force given to it from the fact that he had just returned from his conflict in Congress with Charles Jared Ingersoll, who had made an attack on his character, and that this his first appearance among us since was altogether unexpected. I had heard Mr. Everett's readiness of resource called in question. I looked — all must have looked — to see how he would meet this embarrassment. He turned again to the audience, cast his eyes slowly round the assembly, with a look of the utmost gratification seemed to gather their applause in his arms, and, turning about, to lay it ministerially at the feet of Mr. Webster, said to him, as I remember, “I wish, Sir, that I could at once assert the authority that has just been conferred upon me, and, auctoritate mihi commissä declare to the audience, capectatur oratio in linguá vernaculá a Webster. But I suppose, Sir, your convenience and the arrangements made by others, render it expedient that I should speak myself, -at least, at first.’” Arº- MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 31 book-notices which appeared in this journal for a number of years, were from his pen. On Monday the 6th of December, 1847, the Hon. R. C. Win- throp took the chair as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, to which office he had just been elected; and in the course of his speech on that occasion, he made use of the following language: “ May I not reasonably implore, with something more than common fervency, upon your labors and upon my own, the blessing of that Almighty Power, whose recorded attribute it is, that ‘He maketh men to be of one mind in a house ’7” ” Supposing the concluding words to be Scriptural, many asked where they were to be found. The newspapers of New York and Boston inquired the Speaker's authority for the apt quotation, —some asserting that it was not in the Bible at all, and not a few learned divines being greatly puzzled. It was finally found to have been taken from the Psalter. In an article contributed to the “Cambridge Chronicle,” of the 23d of December, Mr. Livermore explained that the passage in the Received Version (Psalm lxviii. 6), which reads “God setteth the solitary in families,” is rendered in the Book of Common Prayer as given by Mr. Winthrop, “God maketh men to be of one mind in a house.” It is from the Coverdale version of 1535, and appears there in Psalm lxvii. It is substantially according to the Cranmer Bible, to which the Psalter in the Prayer-Book generally conforms. Mr. Winthrop took the passage cited from the Prayer-Book, his eye happening to rest upon it the day before at church. In the article re- ferred to, Mr. Livermore gave ten several versions of this passage. A good illustration of the accuracy and minuteness of his knowledge of the various editions of the Scriptures is shown in some papers which he communicated to the “Boston Daily Advertiser,” of July 12th, and Oct. 19th, 1849, in reply * Addresses and Speeches, Boston, 1852, p. 610. 32 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. to Bishop Chase, of Illinois, who had brought the charge against Cromwell and the Puritans of having corrupted the sacred text. The allegation was, that Cromwell, having su- preme power, had authorized the change of the word “we”—in Acts vi. 3, relating to the appointment of the seven deacons — to “ye,” in order to favor the views of the Independents. The Bishop indulged in many other loose statements, by no means creditable either to his knowledge or to his taste. Among other things, he said that the “Cambridge Platform of 1648 was based upon this noted error.” Mr. Livermore, in reply to the Bishop, in the papers referred to, showed, by respectable Episcopalian authority, that the edition of the Bible in which this error first appeared was printed in 1638, while Laud and Charles were ascendant in Church and State, – and that the next edition known to contain it was printed after the Restora- tion. It was simply a typographical error. - In the “Cambridge Chronicle” of the 5th of April, 1849, he commenced a series of eight articles on the New-England Primer, which were published over the signature of “The Antiquary.” These papers were afterwards gathered into a thin volume (of which twelve copies only were issued as gifts to friends), with this title: “The Origin, History, and Char- acter of the New-England Primer.” They showed much research and curious learning, and attracted considerable at- tention. This Society has one of these twelve copies in its Library. - Among the minor questions discussed in these papers on the New-England Primer was one concerning the number of John Rogers's children. The equivocal statement of the Primer, that there were “nine small children and one at the breast,” was disputed by Mr. Livermore, who contended that the number of the Martyr's children at the time of his death was eleven — citing Fox, the martyrologist, for his authority. His positions were assailed by some humorous communica- tions in the “Boston Transcript,” of July 16th and 24th ; to which he replied. MEMOIR, OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 33 While a member of the School Committee, Mr. Livermore contributed to the “Chronicle "an interesting article on the “Public Schools in Cambridge,” going back to “Master Ea. ton's Flogging School,” and citing the early colonial laws on the subject of schools in Massachusetts. This article was copied into the “Common-School Journal” for Aug. 1, 1848. The next year he prepared and printed “A Brief Account of the Dana-Hill Public Schools, Cambridge, 1849.” A collection of books which formerly belonged to Washing- ton was offered for sale this year, and was bought by a num- ber of gentlemen, and presented to the Boston Athenaeum. Mr. Livermore was not only one of the subscribers to the fund for the purchase of these books, but he was one of a few persons who labored persistently for the securing of this treasure.” Subsequently, as a trustee of Mr. Dowse's estate, he communicated to the “Athenaeum ” the sum of one thou- sand dollars to defray the expense of a catalogue for this collection, and for increasing it. Everything relating to the history and character of Washington had an interest for Mr. Livermore. His noble library contains many memorials of the Father of his Country: and among the latest accessions to it, not many weeks before his decease, were several sermons preached on the death of Washington, of which he already possessed over one hundred. In November, 1849, Mr. Livermore was elected a member of this Society; and a most valuable member did he prove, laboring for its welfare, in season and out of season, to the last. The first volume of “Proceedings” was issued under his superintending care, assisted by his friend and associate on the Committee of Publication, the Rev. Chandler Robbins, D. D. He continued a member of that Committee till his death ; and was also for a number of years a most influential member of the Standing Committee. Other important ser. * See Quincy's History of the Boston Athenaeum, p. 187, for a description of these books. 34 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE, vices which he rendered the Society will be noticed farther on. The American Antiquarian Society had, the month be- fore, enrolled him among its members. The “Christian Examiner” for November, this year, con- tained an article by Mr. Livermore, written at the request of Dr. Ellis, one of the editors of that journal, on the “Publication and Circulation of the Scriptures”; being a review of the Rev. W. P. Strickland’s “History of the American Bible Society.” This paper gave abundant evidence of his large information on the subject of the translation and circulation of the Bible; and contains a strong protest against “the absurd attempt '' to adapt a version of the Scriptures to the capacities of the ignorant and almost barbarous races, which was made by the British and Foreign Bible Society when they printed a translation of the New Testament for the English negroes in Surinam : — “These negroes,” he says, “ have no distinct language; but speak what is called “talkee-talkee, a strange lingo, compounded of original African words, of clipped and softened English words, and of vio- lently treated Portuguese words. Their missionaries, the Moravians, instead of attempting to teach the negroes pure English or Dutch, recommended and urged the Bible Society to print an edition of the New Testament from a manuscript version which had long been in use at Surinam, in the abominable patois spoken by the slaves. Great benefit, it was predicted, would result to the missionaries and their con- verts from the undertaking, though the Society brought upon itself smart censures and much ridicule for the seemingly irreverent and ludicrous character of the volume which they published. It was very elegantly printed in octavo form, large type, in London, in 1829. Nearly all the copies were transmitted to the people for whose use they were prepared, and their arrival and distribution among the negroes caused great excitement. A very few copies were retained in England, as bibliographical and philological curiosities, and they have now become very scarce. One of them was recently offered to the public, in London, at the sale of the library of the late Duke of Sussex, and was sold for three pounds ten shillings. Its original cost could not have exceeded two or three shillings. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 35 “We have a copy of this extraordinary volume of gibberish before us, and have looked it over for the purpose of finding a specimen which shall have in it nothing more offensive than what characterizes the whole of the work. The reader may form some just idea of what specimens might be selected, when he is told that the word virgin is rendered, in this version, “wan njoe wendje.” “We will take a few verses from the benedictions, Matt. v. : — “‘1. Ma teh Jesus si da piple, a go na wan bergi tappo, a go sidom, en dem discipel va hem kom klossibei na hem. “‘2. En a hoppo hem moeffe, a leri dem, a takki: “‘3. Boenne heddi va dem, dissi de poti na hatti: bikasi Gadokondre de vo dem. “‘4, Boenne heddi va dem, dissi de sari na hatti: bikasi hatti va dem sa koure.” “Which we may venture to translate half-way back again into English, as follows: — “‘1. But when Jesus see the people, he go after one mountain-top, he go sit down, and them disciple for him come close by after him. “‘2. And he open him mouth, and learn them, and talk: “‘8. Good is it for them, these the pretty in heart, because God’s country is for them. “‘4. Good is it for them, these the sorry in heart, because heart for them so cheery.’” In a letter to John Allan, of New York, the distinguished antiquary, in December of this year, Mr. Livermore expressed his intention of printing, for private distribution, some “Remi- niscences of a too short, but very pleasant acquaintance with Thomas Frognall Dibdin.” This purpose, however, was never fulfilled. In the “North-American Review,” for July, 1850, Mr. Liv- ermore contributed an article on Public Libraries, contain- ing a large amount of curious and valuable information on the subject, both as regards this country and Europe. The scheme of international exchanges of books, inaugurated by M. Wattemare, was also discussed. Mr. Livermore had no confidence in M. Wattemare, and regarded his scheme as visionary. The great subject of a catalogue, which had just 36 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. before agitated the minds of the trustees of the British Museum, is dwelt upon ; and the conflicting views drawn out by the examining committees of Parliament laid before the reader. Two of the books reviewed in this article were the “Report from the Select Committee on Public Libra- ries,” and the “Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Constitution and Government of the British Museum.” A few months afterwards, a volume of Chambers’s “Papers for the People’’ was issued in Edinburgh, containing a paper on “Public Libraries,” which was made up from Mr. Liver- more's article, a former article from the “North American,” written by our Corresponding Member, Professor George Washington Greene, and a third paper from another source,— no acknowledgment whatever being made by the Edinburgh publishers. This year Mr. Livermore was elected a trustee of the State Library; and while a member of this board, he had an opportunity of testing M. Wattemare's system of exchanges. His views as to the benefit accruing to the State therefrom were briefly expressed a few years later in the “History of the State Library,” drawn up by the Librarian, and prefixed to the Catalogue published in 1858. s In 1850, Harvard College conferred upon him the honorary degree of Master of Arts; and, the same year, he was elected a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Mr. Livermore’s library at this time had become a most valuable one; and his thorough habits of investigation had made him an authority on those subjects that specially engaged his thoughts. A paper on “Libraries in Boston and its Vicinity,” in the “Bibliotheca Sacra,” for January, 1850, contains a notice of Mr. Livermore's collection, and mentions many of its rare works. His library was then estimated to comprise “about three thousand volumes.” It was largely increased during the fifteen years following. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 37 In the early part of the year 1851, there appeared in the “New-York Evening Post,” under the signature of “Friar Lupin,” a series of articles commenting on the manner in which Mr. Sparks had edited the Writings of Washington. He was charged with not being faithful to the original text of Washington's letters. The charge was based on a com- parison of some of the letters as printed by Mr. Sparks with the same letters as published by Mr. William B. Reed, of Philadelphia, from the originals in his possession. In the “Cambridge Chronicle,” of the 20th of February of that year, Mr. Livermore came out with an article in defence of Mr. Sparks, quoting largely from his Preface to Washington’s Writings, to show the plan on which he had prepared that work. The matter assumed graver proportions when the charges of the writer in the “New-York Evening Post'' were adopted by Lord Mahon, who accused Mr. Sparks of “tampering with the truth of History.”” In the “Christian Examiner,” for July, 1851, appeared an article from Mr. Livermore's pen, entitled “John Wycliffe and the first English Bible ''; which no one can read without seeing how thoroughly Mr. Livermore's mind was possessed of all the curious learning appertaining to a full understand- ing of the subject. Mr. Livermore was now becoming well known to our schol- ars, as a man of large acquirements in certain departments of learning ; and his simple, frank, and winning manners caused his acquaintance to be sought by those who sympathized with his tastes, or who desired to profit by his intimate knowledge of books, or by his words of counsel. He numbered among his correspondents many eminent scholars and bibliographers, both in this country and in England. Among these may be mentioned Francis Fry, F. S. A., of Cotham, Bristol, the edi- * An excellent treatment of this whole question, in defence of the editor of Wash- ington's Writings, may be seen in the Memoir of Mr. Sparks by our associate, Dr. Ellis, in this volume, at pages 261-267. 6 38 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. tor of the elegant new edition, printed in 1862 in fac-simile, of Tyndale's New Testament of 1526, in the library of the Baptist College in Bristol. Mr. Fry was the editor of other book rarities, and usually had a few copies struck off on parch- ment or vellum for private distribution. The late Rev. Christopher Anderson, D.D., of Edinburgh, author of the “Annals of the English Bible,” London, 1845, was also a valued correspondent. Mr. Livermore formed his acquaintance while in London. With the lamented Professor Jewett, formerly Librarian of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, and more recently of the Boston Public Library, Mr. Livermore held the most agreeable relations. At the time of the controversy respect- ing the distribution of the income of the Smithsonian fund, Mr. Livermore entered warmly into the question, sympathiz- ing entirely with Professor Jewett and his friends, and using all his influence to prevent what he considered a perversion of the trust. Of the late George Washington Parke Custis, the adopted son of General Washington, who lived at “Arlington House,” near Alexandria, Va., Mr. Livermore was a frequent corre- spondent, as he had been his guest.” Mr. Custis was a gran- diloquent old man, but warm-hearted and hospitable to all who visited the “shades of Arlington,” where were treasured with care many interesting memorials of his illustrious rela- tive. His “Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washing- ton ’’ was a posthumous publication. f About this time he is found applying his accurate learning to the correction of what he regarded as some singular errors of Mr. Bancroft, relative to the publication of the Scriptures in this country before the American Revolution. His crit- * Others, eminent book-collectors, who were also intelligent bibliographers, might be named, by whom the memory of Mr. Livermore will always be held dear. Mr. James Lenox, of New York; Mr. John Carter Brown and Mr. John Russell Bartlett, of Providence; Mr. George Brinley and Mr. J. Hammond Trumbull, of Hartford, – were among his valued friends and correspondents. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMOLEE. 39 icism appeared in the “Boston Daily Advertiser,” of the 18th of January, 1853, and relates to some statements in Chapter XII. Volume V. of the first edition of Bancroft's “History of the United States.” In subsequent issues of that volume, large alterations in the foot note will be found at this place. Mr. Livermore's health was almost always poor. He suffered greatly from headache all his life. “I wonder,” he would say, “if blockheads ever ache.” He remarks that he has seen somewhere that disease is a crime; and, if it is so, he must be the greatest of sinners. In 1850, he was so ill that he contemplated a long voyage. But he had an elastic spirit, and he commonly soon recovered from his attacks of illness, – at least, he was enabled to resume his usual avo- cations. In the political affairs of his State and of the Nation he was always deeply interested. But he never sought, nor would he have accepted, office. He was decided in his views; his opinions were convictions; and he was sometimes a little impatient, and not always tolerant, of the opinions of those who differed from him. He did not reflect at the mo- ment that the dissent of others from him was the exact measure of his dissent from others. But he was simple, con- scientious, and constantly striving for the truth. He was ever opposed to the system of slavery in this country, and particularly to its extension ; but, up to this time, he was equally opposed to the spirit and policy of the Abolition- ists. He felt that the vehement denunciations in which they indulged did more harm than good to the cause, and that a way would be opened by Providence for the peaceable set- tlement of this agitating question ; and when Mr. Webster delivered his “Seventh of March Speech '' in the Senate of the United States, which fell “like a wet sheet” upon New England, it met Mr. Livermore's approval. Subse- quently, his views on the subject underwent a change. He 40 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. began to feel that the South, banded together as one man, were determined to force their peculiar institution upon the National domain ; that, by stifling freedom of debate in the National Legislature,” by the repeal of ordinances enacted for the protection of freedom, by securing decisions in the Su- preme Court hostile to liberty, and by other acts of a similar character, they were, with the aid of their Northern allies, rapidly extending their power in the government, and would soon bring the whole North under their corrupting influence. He then felt that the only hope for freedom was in the union of all manly hearts in an equally firm stand against slavery. As he felt, so he acted. During a business tour which he made, in 1852, to the West, Mr. Livermore visited Blennerhassett’s Island, in the Ohio River, concerning which, with other matters, he writes as follows : — “PARKERSBURG, WA., May 21, 1852. , — I wish you had been with me here in “Old Virginny” this pleasant day, and we would have rambled together over the beautiful island made forever memorable as the scene of Burr's and Blennerhassett’s conspiracy, and by the eloquence of Wirt made classic as well as historic ground. It lies in the Ohio just below the river Kanawha, and between Parkersburg, Va., and Belpré, Ohio. I hired a boatman to take me in his skiff to the island, and can say from actual observation, that neither eloquence nor poetry can magnify the beauties of the situation beyond the reality. But few of the relics of improvements by its former owner now remain. The house was destroyed by fire between forty and fifty years ago. The garden is literally all grown over with thorns. I cut a stick for a cane on the * “MY DEAR D * The attack upon the Massachusetts Senator, in the Capitol at Washington, on the 22d of May, 1856, caused a deep feeling at the North among all political parties. Up to this time Mr. Livermore had called himself a “Webster Whig,” and had uniformly voted against his relative, Mr. Burlingame, whenever he had been a candidate for any political office. But now he caused to be printed, at his own expense, the speech of Mr. Burlingame, made in the House of Representatives in Washington on the 21st of June, in “Defence of Massachusetts”; and, in some extra copies, inserted a “Prefa- tory Note,” not signed, wherein he expresses his conviction that the time had arrived when “consistency to long cherished principles requir, s that the Conservative utter and defend the old doctrine of our illustrious statesman,— ‘Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.’” Later events only intensified his convictions. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE, 41 spot, and gathered a few shells and pebbles from the beach, to bring home as mementoes of the visit; and I left the place with sad reflections on the misfortune and folly of those who leave the luxury of a quiet home for the ambitious purpose of political power. “It is now the third week of my absence from home, and another week will elapse before I can return. This has been the first day that has not been devoted almost exclusively to business. I was detained here, waiting for a steamboat to take me up the river, and improved the leisure by a visit to Blennerhassett's Island. “I procured a copy of “Uncle Tom's Cabin' on my way, and have read it with great interest. I agree with you entirely that it is a work of great power, as well as of perfect fairness. It must do much good. The subject of slavery needs only to be presented in a spirit of candor and intelligence like this, to bring all who are truly desirous of promot- ing freedom to common ground. I wish I could circulate ten thou- sand copies of “Uncle Tom,' in the Old Dominion, where chivalry and slavery have wrought such a potent spell, and almost reduced to beg- gary a people possessed of some of the greatest natural advantages of any in our fair country. “Remember everything that occurs during my absence, and come and tell me all when I get home. You can, better than almost any one else, make up the loss, which I always feel when deprived of the genial influences of Boston and Cambridge society. “Yours faithfully, “GEORGE LIVERMORE.” Mr. Livermore was continually adding to his store of Biblical works, and often found occasion to make use of his curious and accurate learning in this department of bibli- ography. At the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Bible Society, in May, 1854, his Excellency, Governor Washburn, made an address, in the course of which he referred to the influence of the Bible upon Cromwell's soldiers. “In the army,” he said, “every man had a Bible in his knapsack, and daily read it, and sang the praises of God; and the result was the like of what has been seen in the history of Puritanism.” In an article in the “Cambridge Chronicle,” of the 20th of June, Mr. Livermore quoted this passage from the Governor's speech, saying it was substantially correct, but 42 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE, not literally so ; that, if Cromwell’s soldiers carried the Bible in their knapsacks, it was not the whole Bible; that “The Soldiers' Pocket Bible " consisted of appropriate selections from the Scriptures, printed in pamphlet form, and was gen- erally buttoned between the coat and waistcoat, next to the heart, — “proving, perhaps, sometimes, a defence from the weapons of the enemies of their bodies, as well as from the Wicked One who sought to subdue their souls.” He remarked, that but few copies of this curious Bible had been preserved, and that probably the copy he possessed was the only one in the country. He then gives a brief description of it. He had had it some years, having received it from his friend Mr. Crowninshield, to whom it had been sent from London. The book was afterwards reprinted by Mr. Livermore. To afford some idea of the character of Mr. Livermore's library at this time, the following description of it is given. It was written by Mr. Livermore himself, by request.* “Nearly a quarter part of the entire collection consists of Bibles and Biblical works, in various languages, versions and forms, from the ancient Hebrew manuscript roll, to the most modern translation of our own times. • - gº “Among the manuscripts of interest is The Pentateuch, carefully writ- ten on thirty-six skins of parchment, and measuring fifty-eight feet in length, and one foot in breadth. This fine apograph is rolled upon a pair of handles, and enclosed in an embroidered silk cover. It was formerly used in a Jewish synagogue, and is a good specimen of an ancient volume, or rolled book. “Two copies of the Bible entire, in the Latin Vulgate version, written by monks in the Middle Ages upon the most delicate vellum, are elabo- rately illuminated with beautiful initial letters, figures, and miniatures. They are of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Each was, perhaps, the work of a whole life. “To these may be added an Evangelistarium, or selections from the Gospels, for the use of the church, written on parchment in the eighth * It should be stated here, that Mr. Livermore was largely indebted to our country- man and Corresponding Member, Mr. Henry Stevens, of London, for assistance in pro- curing many of the valuable books contained in his library. His correspondence with this eminent bibliographer must have covered a period of nearly twenty years. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE, 43 century, seven hundred years before the invention of printing, one of the oldest books, if not the oldest, in this country. It was obtained at the sale of the library of the Rev. Dr. Hawtrey, Provost of Eton. “The Book of Job, a metrical version, by George Sandys, is supposed to be the original autograph copy of the author. It was formerly in the library of the late Duke of Sussex, and is particularly described by Dr. Pettigrew, in the ‘Bibliotheca Sussexiana.” “Next in order to the manuscripts is the BIB L IA PA U- PERUM, a block book, or series of wood-cuts, representing Scripture subjects, with a few lines of text coarsely engraved upon the same page. The precise date is not known, but bibliographers are generally agreed in the opinion that it was printed as early as the year 1440. “There is in this library a fragment of the celebrated M A Z A R IN B I B L E, the first book ever printed. Although the date does not ap- pear, this work is well known to have been the first that issued from the press of Gutenberg, and to have been completed in the year 1455. Mr. L. has also the New Testament printed by Faust in 1462, being the first in which the date is given, and quite a number of Bibles pub- lished within the first half-century from the invention of printing. Servetus's Bible, published in Lyons, 1542, is a very rare work. The entire edition was ordered to be burnt, by the Roman Catholic authori- ties, on account of the supposed heretical sentiments contained in the preface and in some of the notes. The author, in 1553, shared the same fate with his Bible. He was burned alive for heresy; and as many of the Bibles as could then be found were used to kindle the wood at the time of his martyrdom. But very few copies escaped the flames, and there is probably no other in this country. “Cromwell's Soldiers' Pocket Bible, of which only one other copy is known to be extant, is a great curiosity. It consists of selections from the Scriptures, published in 1643, for the use of the army during the civil wars. Here are copies of both editions of Eliot's Indian Bible, the first containing the rare dedication to King Charles II., of which only twenty copies were printed; and a perfect copy of the Commentary of Nicholas de Lyra, beautifully printed in black letter, in 1483, being the first work of the kind ever published. “Of English versions, Mr. L. has all the editions of Wyclif, several of Coverdale, Tyndale, Cranmer, the Genevan, the Bishops, the Douay, and the most remarkable editions of our present authorized version, from the first black-letter folio of 1611 to the recent revision of the American Bible Society. 44 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. - - J’ “A splendid unique large-paper copy of Reeves's Bible, with several hundred original water-color illustrations, by Harris, of London, and a New Testament printed entirely in letters of gold, were added to the collection on account of their beauty as works of art. “A special interest attaches to some copies of the Scriptures in Mr. Livermore's library, on account of their former ownership. The Venice edition of the Latin Vulgate, 1478, was once the property of the un- fortunate Pope Pius VI., and has his arms stamped upon the covers. On the same shelf stands Melancthon's own copy of the Bible, with numerous notes on the margins in the handwriting of the Reformer. A copy of the Geneva version, presented by Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin to the late Rev. Dr. Homer, of Newton (from whose library it was pur- chased), was supposed by its former owners to have been the identical copy presented by the printer to Queen Elizabeth. The royal arms can still be traced on the covers. It was printed in 1576. But the Bible of Adam Winthrop, of Groton, England, the father of the first Governor of Massachusetts, is more highly prized by the present pro- prietor. “A manuscript Koran, brought many years ago from Turkey, by Edward Wortley Montagu, and the Book of Mormon, with the auto- graph of Joseph Smith, possess an interest of a different kind. “Mr. L. has, in a large portfolio, T H E L OR D’S P R A YE IR in more than eight hundred languages and dialects. This remarkable work was printed at the Imperial Office, in Vienna, and exhibited, as the contribution of the Emperor of Austria, at the World's Fair in London. Only a few copies were allowed to be sold. “It may be mentioned that the only two New-England subscribers to Halliwell's magnificent edition of Shakespeare, now publishing in Eng- land, in twenty folio volumes, and limited to one hundred and fifty copies, are near neighbors to each other, — Mr. Hosmer and Mr. Livermore. “Mr. Livermore has from his boyhood been much interested in the subject of general bibliography; and he has collected a considerable number of the best works on this subject, including typographical an- tiquities, and accounts of the most celebrated public and private libra- ries. In this department may be found nearly all the publications of Dibdin, several of them presentation copies from the author; works from the presses of Gutenberg, Faust, Caxton, Wynken de Worde, Pynson, Baskerville, Stephen Daye, the first American printer, Dr. Franklin, and nearly all the most famous printers in Europe and MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 45 America; also privately printed books from Strawberry Hill, Lee Priory, the Roxburghe and other clubs. We might mention many other curious and rare volumes. The larger part of this library consists of standard works of English literature, history, biography, poetry, &c., &c., - the best editions of the best authors.”” It may here be observed, that, after this brief and neces- sarily inadequate description of his library was written in 1855, Mr. Livermore made large additions to it, not only of Biblical works, but of works of history and of general biblio- graphy. Everything which would illustrate the history of printing, from the earliest period, interested him. He refers, we have seen, to a fragment of the celebrated Mazarin Bible which his library contained, - “the first book ever printed" on movable types, Three years before his death, he purchased a beautiful copy of the original edition of Coverdale's Bible, printed in 1535, the first edition of the entire Bible in English. It cost him one hundred and forty pounds. A worthy “Tribute to the Memory of James Johnson,” “a merchant of the old school,” was contributed by Mr. Liver- more to the “Boston Daily Advertiser,” of May 4th, 1855. A few copies of the “Tribute” were subsequently reprinted by the friends of the deceased, for private distribution. This year Mr. Livermore was elected a member of the “American Academy of Arts and Sciences,” and he was treasurer of that institution at the time of his death. Many of Mr. Livermore's associates will recall with pleas- ure the meeting of the Historical Society at his house on the evening of the 26th of June, 1856. It was in the season of strawberries; and the prolific gardens of his neighbor, Mr. Hovey, the well-known horticulturist, furnished for the oc- casion a most abundant supply of his choicest varieties of that delicate fruit. The luscious “seedling” which bears his name, and other rival descriptions of Cambridge growth, looked as if they had each been prepared for the eye of the * See “A Glance at Private Libraries,” by Luther Farnham, Boston, 1855. - 7 46 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. expert, as candidates for a prize. It was, indeed, a “Straw- berry Festival.” & Mr. Livermore's love of flowers did not desert him at this time; and the charming floral adornments which here met the eye were an eloquent commentary on his exquisite taste, which was not confined to books alone. Mr. Savage, then late President of the Society, and now its Senior member, was not able to be present; but, as a delicate compliment to his venerated friend, Mr. Livermore caused the portrait of him, then recently painted by Wight for the So- ciety's cabinet, to be brought to his house and hung on the wall of the room in which the business meeting was held. This served as a pleasant reminder of one whose membership dates back to the year 1813, and who had for fourteen years so faithfully served the Society as its chief officer. As a part of the business of this meeting, “Mr. Livermore produced a trunk containing a large collection of manuscripts formerly belonging to the Hon. Judge Davis, and more re- cently to Isaac P. Davis, Esq., late associates of the Society; which, in compliance with the expressed wish of the latter, had been committed to Mr. Livermore's charge by Mrs. Davis and the Hon. William Sturgis, executor, to be examined and assorted, previously to their being deposited in the library of the Society. Mr. Livermore stated that he had partially ex- amined the papers, and found some of them to be of great value.”f They were referred to a committee, of which he was chairman, to be arranged for the library according to the views of the donor. The volume of “Davis Papers” now in the cabinet, comprises this collection. r * For the purpose of illustrating Mr. Livermore's thoughtful care in little things, which, indeed, make up the staple of every man’s life, we will here recall the circum- stance, that there was enclosed in the notice of this meeting, to each member, a beauti- fully printed card, which served not only as a “free pass” over the railway, from “Bow- doin Square" to his house on “Dana Hill,” but conveyed the information that the ‘Business Meeting ” would be held “at half-past seven o'clock. Strawberries at nine o'clock. Cars return at ten o'clock.” f See Proceedings Massachusetts Historical Society for June, 1856, pp. 96, 97. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 47 This meeting at Mr. Livermore's, the first of a few rural gatherings of the members as a society, is one of the pleas- ant things to recall. The recollection of it revives the pic- ture of one in whom “the graces of purity, sweetness, re- finement, gentleness, and disinterestedness,” to use the felicitous language of Mr. Hillard respecting him, were mar- vellously combined, - in the midst of his books and of his . flowers, extending his warm and unstinted hospitality to his associates around him. The silver cord by which he was bound to us is loosed, but the sweet memories of the occa- sion will ever remain ; “The scent of the roses will hang round it still.” Thomas Dowse, the leather-dresser of Cambridgeport, the collector of the magnificent Library, estimated to have cost over forty thousand dollars, was a near neighbor and friend of Mr. Livermore. He was a bachelor, of a quiet, retiring disposition, somewhat odd withal, and he admitted few to his intimacy. Mr. Livermore’s warm-hearted disinterested- ness won his confidence, and his love and knowledge of books made him a most desirable companion. As old age grew upon Mr. Dowse, and his infirmities increased, Mr. Livermore made it a point to visit him almost daily. The morning after the meeting of the Historical Society at his house, Mr. Livermore called on Mr Dowse, taking with him a dish of strawberries. The conversation naturally turned on the subject of the meeting the evening before, and Mr. Dowse was much interested in the account he received of it. This led him to make further inquiries respecting the Society, with many of whose members he was already well acquainted. Soon afterwards Mr. Dowse asked Mr. Livermore if he thought the Society would accept of his library. He received en- couragement that they would. He then desired to see a plan of their building, and the rooms which they occupied; and when he had fully decided to offer his library to the accept- 48 MEMOIR, OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. ance of the Society, Mr. Livermore conferred with the Presi- dent, and the matter was soon consummated. The account of the Special Meeting at which the announcement of the gift was made, and of that which was held on the transfer of the books to the rooms of the Society, after the decease of Mr. Dowse, the following year, are related in the “Proceedings” for August, 1856, and April, 1857.* - Mr. Livermore and Mr. Eben. Dale were appointed execu- tors and trustees under Mr. Dowse's will. By this instru- ment a considerable sum was left to the trustees, to dispose of according to their judgment, under certain general instruc- tions. The charge for fitting up the room now known as “The Dowse Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society,” amounting to about three thousand dollars, was defrayed by the trustees, who in addition gave the Society ten thousand dollars as a fund, the income of which was to be devoted to the care and administration of the library. - The trustees contributed also a fund of ten thousand dollars for the establishment, in Cambridge, of a “Dowse Institute,” # Mr. Dowse had had many plans for the disposition of his library, but he could decide on nothing. When Mr. Quincy was President of the College, a proposal was made by him to Mr. Dowse, that, if he would present his library to that institution, a fire-proof building should be constructed to receive it, and other provisions made for its safe-keeping for ever; but nothing came of it. In September, 1853, early in the Presidency of Dr. Walker, Mr. Dowse's health seemed to be failing, and he felt anxious about his library, being at a loss what disposition to make of it, when Mr. Livermore, on his behalf, informally conferred with Dr. Walker as to the probability of the College consenting to receive it, if it should be offered, on the terms intimated: namely, that a separate fire-proof building should be erected for it, that none of the volumes should be taken from it, &c. Dr. Walker, of course, had no authority, of him- self, to accept or to decline such an offer, had it been made; and he had no wish to divert such a gift from the College: but he saw that the terms suggested would involve a serious expense to the Corporation, without an equivalent. He, however, assured Mr. Livermore, that, without doubt, if the library should be presented to the College, arrangements would be made to give it a place by itself in Gore Hall. There seemed at one time to be danger that this collection of books would come to the hammer. Mr. Dowse once offered to give it to Mr. Livermore, who, of course, declined it. Mr. Dowse finally proposed, as stated in the text, to place his library in the custody of the Society of which his friend, Mr. Livermore, was a prominent mem- ber. This suggestion was warmly seconded by Mr. Livermore, and to him is the Histori- cal Society largely indebted for the final disposition made of this noble library. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 49 for public lectures, &c. This sum was paid over to the city of Cambridge, which, in return, agreed to pay annually, for- ever, to the trustees of the Institute, six hundred dollars. Mr. Dowse's fine collection of paintings in water-colors was given to the Boston Athenaeum, of which institution Mr. Liv- ermore was a trustee. It will not require a reference to the records of the Soci- ety, to recall a similar meeting of the members to that just de- scribed, which, two years after, was held, by invitation of Mr. Longfellow, at his house in Cambridge, – the house which was for nine months the residence and headquarters of Washing- ton. The meeting was summoned in the afternoon of the 17th of June, the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. Livermore was chairman of the Standing Committee this year, and he used every means, in co-operation with the other officers of the Society, to make this meeting worthy of the occasion. On the notices issued to the members he caused to be printed a wood-cut impression of the ancient mansion where the meeting was to be held. The following character- istic note was received from him a few days before the meet- Ing: — “WEDNESDAY MORNING, June 9th. “ DEAR D , --Thinking that you might like to preserve a tint- ed copy of the notice of our grand meeting to be held on the 17th, I send you one of each shade. The regular Society’s notice is printed on White paper, but half a dozen or more of a ‘fancy' character were struck off to be sent to the ‘Saints.' . . . The meeting is likely to be the most interesting one ever held by the Society. “Yours ever affectionately.” Mr. Livermore's fondest expectations concerning the meet- ing at Mr. Longfellow's were fully realized. There were present, among others, Mr. Everett, Judge Shaw, Mr. Adams, Mr. Willard, Mr. Richard Frothingham, Mr. Paige, and Dr. Ellis, who severally addressed the meeting. The President, Mr. Winthrop, called the meeting to order at half-past five 50 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. o'clock, and in his opening remarks alluded to the occasion and the place, and also to the circumstances under which General Washington assumed the command of the American army in 1775. “None could have entered this venerable mansion,” he said, “without recalling the words which the ac- complished host once addressed to a child, but which are no less adapted to stir the feelings of full-grown men: — “‘ Once, ah once, within these walls, One whom memory oft recalls, The Father of his Country, dwelt ; And yonder meadows, broad and damp, The fires of the besieging camp IEncircled with a burning belt. Up and down these echoing stairs, Heavy with the weight of cares, Sounded his majestic tread: Yes, within this very room Sat he in those hours of gloom, Weary both in heart and head.’” All his remarks were excellent, as were those of the mem- bers who followed him. During the evening Mr. Livermore exhibited several most interesting relics associated with Washington and his times; and Mr. Everett, who at Mr. Liv- ermore's request had drawn up a statement relative to the preparation and delivery of his celebrated discourse “On the Character of Washington,” submitted that statement to the meeting. After the business was over, the invitation of the host to partake of strawberries and cream was not declined; and every one present felt that he had good reason to remem- ber “the 17th of June,” 1858. In 1859 Mr. Livermore was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the “American Unitarian Associa- tion,” and he almost invariably attended its monthly meetings. In 1864 he was elected Vice-President of the Association, a position which he held at his death. Besides giving his active personal services, he was a liberal contributor to its funds. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 51 On the 30th of April, 1860, we find him collecting the sub- scriptions, which he had before solicited, for the “Quincy statue,” as the treasurer wishes to remit the first instalment, of two thousand dollars, by the next Wednesday's steamer. This refers to the statue of President Quincy by Story, yet in the studio of the artist in Rome. The copy of the “Soldiers' Pocket Bible” belonging to Mr. Livermore, has been already referred to. It was very rare; only one other copy was known to exist, and that was in the British Museum. He had for some time thought of reprinting it for distribution among his friends, – “for the Saints,” as he used playfully to style those for whom he designed the few copies of any work privately got up by him. In 1861, Mr. Hough- ton, of the Riverside Press, printed for him one hundred copies, in fac-simile. He at the same time had ten copies printed on parchment, three on vellum, and two on India paper.” It came from the press about the 1st of June. The American Tract Society, in both its branches, thinking it would serve a useful purpose as a religious manual for the soldiers in our army, reprinted it in large numbers as a tract. How extensively it was circulated among the soldiers, and how much good it accomplished, we have no means of knowing. The book, in the original, is a 12mo, or 16mo, of 16 pages. It is made up of passages from the Bible, or rather from the Old Testament, — there being but two cita- tions from the New Testament. Those passages in which God’s chosen people are referred to as fighting God’s enemies are introduced. Cromwell’s soldiers no doubt felt, as did the Jews, that they were the Lord’s “elect”; and this little volume may have served to nerve them to the conflict. It may well be doubted if such a tract would better the condition of our soldiers at this day, either morally or mentally; or improve them as fighting men. Its chief value now must be historical. * Through Mr. Livermore the attention of Mr. Francis Fry had been called to the Soldiers' Pocket Bible,” and he had an edition in fac-simile printed in England, in 52 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. In 1862 a reprint of the “Bay Psalm Book,” consisting of fifty copies, on laid paper, was executed by Mr. Houghton, for Charles B. Richardson, a bookseller in New York. Mr. Livermore's name appears on the list of subscribers for one of the fifty copies. But he secured, also, one copy to be struck off on parchment, — the only one printed. There were at the same time five copies printed on India paper, of which Mr. Livermore's library contains one. The proofsheets of this reprint of the “Bay Psalm Book” were revised and corrected by our associate, Mayor Shurt- leff, who, in his introduction to the volume, says, - “In the reproduction of this quaint volume, every word, every letter, and indeed every point, has been sedulously collated with a perfect impression of the original work struck at Cambridge in the year 1640.” - At the annual meeting of the American Antiquarian Society, at Worcester, in October, 1864, Mr. Livermore read the report of the Council. The principal theme dwelt upon in this paper was suggested by the recent decease of Mr. Quincy. He gave an analysis of Mr. Quincy’s writings, and endeavored to show that each of his works had been the product of his personal experience in the active duties in which he had been engaged through life. It was an admirably conceived and an admirably written paper. A few copies of the remarks commemorative of Mr. Quincy were struck off separately from the pamphlet of “Proceedings,” for private distribution. And here we are reminded that, from the time Mr. Liver- more was elected a member of our sister society at Worcester, he rarely failed to attend its meetings, whether held in that city or in Boston. Nothing but the most imperative engage- ments ever kept him away from the annual meetings, which are always held in Worcester. The ride through that beau- 1862, from the only other original copy known, that in the British Museum. He also, the same year, reproduced in fac-simile an edition of “The Christian Soldier's Penny Bible,” from a copy of the original edition in his possession, dated London, 1693,- a little manual of sixteen pages. - t MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 53 tiful part of the State, with his associates, the Boston mem- bers, in that season of the year when the foliage puts on its brilliant and varied hue, could not fail to have an attraction for him in itself. Then the warm greeting he was sure to receive at “Antiquarian Hall,” from the grave and reverend seigniors there assembled, including always Governor Lin- coln and Judge Barton, — “not dead, but gone before ”; then the mental repast served up to the meeting in the Report of the Council, of which the Librarian's Report — invariably so rich in curious learning, and keen and wholesome criticism — always forms a part; and, finally, the elegant hospitality of the President of the Society: to share all this, was a rare treat to our friend; and the 21st of October was a red-letter day in Mr. Livermore's calendar. In November, 1864, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes delivered a lecture before the “Dowse Institute’’ in Cambridge, entitled “New England’s Master-Key’”; in the course of which he endeavored to show what had been accomplished by those who had devoted their literary labors to one special object; and he instanced among others, as illustrating the truth of his remark, George Livermore. Reference was made to Mr. Livermore's copartnership with his brother Isaac, in 1838. The older brother retired from the business in 1846; and Mr. Livermore, for the five fol- lowing years, continued on in company with a nephew. After remaining alone about a year, he was, in 1852, invited to a partnership in the Boston branch of the extensive wool busi- ness of Aaron Erickson, of Rochester, N.Y., which subsisted until 1857, when the firm of “Livermore & Morse ’’ was formed, which was dissolved only by his death. Mr. Livermore took pride in his calling as a merchant, and for many years devoted his best energies during the hours of business to its demands. He was conservative and cautious in his business views, and was uneasy under large º responsibilities; preferring small gains with correspo 8 54 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. safety to the pursuit of larger acquisitions with the usual at- tendant risks. He had the satisfaction through life of always meeting his engagements. The financial storm which swept over the country in the autumn of 1857, prostrating almost everything before it, was of fearful portent to our friend. He felt that all he had was gone, and that the only thing left was to maintain his mercantile honor and credit, which was done. The speedy recurrence, three years later, of a similar crisis, occasioned by the breaking out of the Rebellion, was another trial, which taxed the highest energies of every merchant who had accept- ances to meet, or notes to pay. But when the government began to call out the troops, which had to be clothed and fed and provided with all the equipments of war, such a demand was made upon the raw material and industry of the country, that, with the added influence of the suspension of specie payments, and consequent appreciation of merchandise, all embarrassments were removed, and, in the next few years, large fortunes were realized by many. Mr. Livermore shared in this success; and, during the war, acquired an amount of property such as previously he had been a stranger to. On the actual breaking out of the Rebellion, Mr. Livermore threw himself into the cause of the Union with all his charac- teristic energy and zeal. With him there was no temporizing, no “good Lord ” and “good Devil.” His trumpet gave no uncertain sound. He attended recruiting-meetings, joined a “Home Guard,” and drilled and marched for miles, at times, with a musket on his shoulder, which, with his frail and delicate frame, was almost like bearing his cross. As his means enabled him, he gave freely; and, throughout the war, he poured out his money like water for the cause.” a the second year of the war, when it was proposed to raise a fund for the relief amilies of the soldiers of Cambridge, the following letter from Mr. Livermore MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 55 As he could not go to the field, he considered himself bound to do in other ways all that lay in his power to maintain the integrity of the Union. One of his sons was in the army, but that did not absolve him from duty. During the twelve months which preceded his death he spent for public objects and for private charities nearly twenty-five thousand dollars. Not content with all this, when the discussion arose whether the government should accept colored troops, and there were strong doubts even among the most loyal as to its expediency, he prepared with great labor, and published at great expense, a work of over two hundred pages, which he entitled “An His- torical Research respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic, on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Sol- diers.” The substance of this work was read before this Soci- ety at a stated meeting, 14th August, 1862; and the President of the Society, Mr. Winthrop, has since said of it, that it would alone have been “enough to secure for him a reputation which any of us might envy.” His purpose was to show was read to a meeting of citizens held for the consideration of this subject at the City Hall: — “DANA HILL, Aug. 9, 1862. “Hon. J. M. S. WILLIAMs. “MY DEAR SIR, - I cannot be present with you, in person, this evening, as I had in- tended, but you need not be told that my heart is with you. The more I reflect on the subject of the proposed fund of twenty-five thousand dollars for the relief of the families of the soldiers, by the way of insurance on their lives, and in the other manner suggested in the circular of the Committee, the more I am convinced of the merit and excellence of the plan; and I ask you to alter my subscription from five hundred dollars to one thousand dollars. To save the Committee the trouble of collecting this amount, I now enclose a United-States Treasury-note for the sum, with interest at seven and three-tenths per cent. I have been much gratified at the readiness of our citizens to respond to this call. The whole sum of twenty-five thousand dollars will be made up, I am sure, in a few days, if it is not secured at the meeting this evening. When this subscription is full, we must all be ready for something else. Until the war is over, we must dedicate our time, our money, our lives, – and, what may be dearer to us than any of these, our brothers and sons, – to the service of our country. When we are thoroughly aroused to the value of the liberty we are defending, we shall feel that no sacrifice is too great for us to make in its behalf. And when we rise to this point of patriotism, God will Surely crown our cause with complete success. “I am, very truly, yours, “GEORGE LIVERMORF).” 56 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. that the patriots of the Revolution regarded the negro as a man, capable of bearing arms, and of being a citizen; and he saw no reason why he should not be allowed to do his part, side by side with his white brother, in upholding the flag of his country. “Among the agencies which swayed the public mind at that time,” says a distinguished civilian, “this publication cannot be forgotten.” Attorney-General Bates acknowledged his obligation to it in making up his opinions on the status of the negro; and “it is within my own knowledge,” says Sen- ator Sumner, “that it interested President Lincoln much. The President expressed a desire to consult it while he was pre- paring the final Proclamation of Emancipation; * and, as his own copy was mislaid, he requested me to send him mine, which I did.” + This work was issued in five different editions, in a most luxurious style; fifty copies of two of the editions having been printed on “large paper.” The most of the copies were distributed gratuitously. The whole cost of this work, some three or four thousand dollars, was borne by Mr. Livermore himself. A pamphlet of eight pages of extracts from it was published soon after, in Philadelphia, by Henry C. Baird, en- titled “George Washington and General Jackson on Negro Soldiers,” of which over one hundred thousand copies were printed. † & While declining all official positions, Mr. Livermore was in frequent correspondence with leading politicians and states- men, and with some of them maintained the most intimate and confidential relations. * The pen with which Mr. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation was presented to Mr. Livermore by the President, and was treasured among his cherished memorials. f See notice of “The Death of George Livermore,” in the “Boston Daily Adver- tiser,” Sept. 2, 1865. - f In 1864, there was issued from the “Riverside Press” of Mr. Houghton the first volume of a new edition of “The Federalist,” edited by Mr. Henry B. Dawson, of Morrisania, N. Y., and dedicated to Mr. Livermore in warm and flattering terms. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 57 The following extract of a letter from Mr. Livermore, dated March 30th, 1863, written in reply to one addressed to him, containing a memorial of a young gentleman of rare culture and social position, who enlisted in the army as a common soldier, and lost his life in the service, shows the same devo- tion to the cause of his country, - a devotion which con- tinued to the last. º “I never had the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with Mr. H–;* but I knew of his talents, his genius, his patriotism, and his general worth. I honor his memory more than any poor words at my command can express. I should value more the honorable record of such a life, brief though it might be, than the showier demonstrations which begin and end with popular applause. This wicked war, con- ceived in sin and slavery, and waged for the destruction of national liberty, - how costly are the sacrifices which it demands ! You and I, my dear friend, will yet have to make still greater offerings for our country, before the strife is ended. But nothing we have or are can be too much to bestow, be it all our means, our friends, our children, and our own lives, if we can redeem our nation, and establish it on the sure foundation of Justice and Liberty. The nation will be saved, and will rise from its degradation and sorrow. But we must suffer more before the glorious day shall dawn.” Mr. Livermore's constitution, as has been already stated, was feeble, and his health was poor through life. But he had a strong will, which carried him through difficulties from which many of more robust constitutions would have shrunk. During the winter of 1864–65, his health seemed feebler than usual. The issues of the war, now rapidly culminating, affected him intensely; and as the spring opened, bringing with it the joyful events of the downfall of Richmond and the capture of Lee, so soon followed by the terrible tragedy of the death of President Lincoln, his delicate organization received a shock almost beyond what it could bear. * This was Francis Custis Hopkinson, of the Class of 1859 of Harvard College. He was a member of the Forty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry. See “Harvard Memorial Biographies,” ii. 21. - 58 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. A few days after the assassination at Washington, he attend- ed a meeting of the Historical Society, and in some remarks relative to that event enjoined upon the members the duty of self-consecration, anew, to the service of their country. He was deeply affected, and spoke with intense feeling. At the following meeting, in May, he was likewise present. In the latter part of that month he went to West Point on a brief visit to his son. On Wednesday, the 24th, having returned, he writes from his residence on Dana Hill, - “I came home from West Point on Monday with a lame leg, which is likely to keep me a prisoner in my house for some time; otherwise, I should call and see you.” ” He seemed to be getting better during the few weeks fol. lowing, and received the visits of some of his friends. He was much interested in the Eulogy on President Lincoln, pronounced by his friend, Mr. Sumner, on the 1st of June, at the Music Hall, a copy of which in print was furnished him on the day of its delivery, - the Eulogy having been delivered by Mr. Sumner from the printed sheets. But towards the last of June, he had a relapse from which he never recovered. On the 28th of July he writes, – “I feel more comfortable this morning than I have done since my last relapse, four weeks ago; and although confined to my bed, and only allowed to read a little each day, and forbidden to see company, I manage to maintain my faith and patience thus far. The doctor does not dream that I write. I would not ask his permission, for fear of being denied. I have a curious and convenient table, which projects over my bed; and I can, whilst reclining, use my pen a few moments each day very comfortably. I thank you for your kind note of the 15th. It is nearly ten weeks, now, since I have been shut out from the active duties of life, and a word from a friend is cheering. Although the * His infirmity proved to be phlebitis, or inflammation of the veins. MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. 59 doctors say I must not see company, there is hardly a day when I should not see you for a few moments if you called, and I should be blest by the sight.” During a brief inter- view with him, three days after this, though pale and much emaciated, he seemed in most excellent spirits. He was full of hope and of gratitude. He probably then had not given up all thoughts of recovery, and of being restored to his friends and the active duties of life. But it was otherwise ordered. Three days before his death he was attacked with paralysis, and he died on the 30th of August. In this notice of Mr. Livermore, the purpose has not been to pronounce a eulogy upon him, but to state some of the principal facts of his life, agreeably to the custom followed by the Historical Society in the Memoirs of its deceased members. The estimation in which Mr. Livermore was held in the community, - and, indeed, by all who knew him, - and the great loss sustained in his death, were attempted to be expressed, at the first meeting of the Society follow- ing that event, in remarks by the President and some of the associate members, which were published in the “Proceed- ings.” ” Other societies and associations with which he was connected bore a united and willing testimony to his great worth. Reference may also be made to an admirable dis- course, entitled “The Consecrated Life,” preached to the Cambridgeport Parish, on the 3d of September, 1865, by the pastor, the Rev. Henry C. Badger; likewise to the elo- quent and appreciative sermon, entitled “The Public Duty of a Private Citizen,” preached in the South Congregational Church, Boston, on the same Sunday, by our associate, the Rev. Edward E. Hale. An interesting article in the “At- lantic Monthly’ for November, 1865, entitled “The Visible * A beautiful tribute to the moral and religious traits of Mr. Livermore's character was at this time paid by his friend, our associate, Mr. Folsom, - now himself prostrated on a bed of sickness, – in the form of a letter to Admiral Farragut, which was read at the meeting, and printed in the “Proceedings.” 60 MEMOIR OF GEORGE LIVERMORE. and Invisible in Libraries,” written by Mrs. Waterston, con- tains the following passage in reference to our friend and to his exquisite library: — “The silent library of George Livermore speaks eloquently of him. That collection, gathered with a love which increased as years advanced, includes ancient copies of the Bible of rarest value. His life was a book, written over with good deeds and pure thoughts, illu- minated by holy aspirations. That volume is closed, but the spirit which rendered it precious is not withdrawn : living in many hearts, it will continue to be a cherished presence in the world, the home, and the library.” + Nothing could be added, were it desired, to these tributes to our loved and lamented associate. Mr. Livermore left three sons, his only children: the eld- est, Frank, now a physician, settled in Paris in the practice of his profession; the second, William Roscoe, a graduate of West Point, in high standing, connected with the engineer department of the United-States Army; the third, Charles Cunningham, residing with his mother in Cambridge. * Mr. Livermore's residence was on the corner of Dana and Main Streets, on “Dana Hill,” just within the limits of “Old Cambridge,” where he lived for nearly twenty-five years. A few years before his death he built an addition to his house, of a library- room, for the better accommodation of his books. It is a charming apartment, and everything remains just as he leſt it. By his will, his library was bequeathed to his Wife. TRIBUTE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY wºrs \, (ſo the ſilentorg GEORGE LIVERMOR.E. B O S T ON : MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1866. CAMBRIDGE : PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SONS. TIR IB U T. E. AT a Stated Monthly Meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, held in the Dowse Library, on Thursday the 14th of September, 1865, after the usual preliminary business, the President, the Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, spoke as follows: — I need not say to you, Gentlemen, that our Society has sus-" tained a severe loss since our last monthly meeting. Other names have disappeared of late, in but too rapid succession, from our rolls, which have enjoyed a wider celebrity from their association with exalted public service, or with eminent literary or professional success. But we have been called to part with no name which has been more immediately and peculiarly identified with the prosperity and progress of our own Society, during the golden period of its last ten years, than that of GEORGE LIVERMORE; and we owe to his memory the largest measure of respect and gratitude. We need not look beyond the room in which we are assem- bled, to find evidence of the leading part which he took in what may almost be called the reconstruction of our Society. No one will have forgotten, that it was from his hand, on the 9th of April, 1857, we received the key that unlocked to us this beautiful library, and that first admitted us to the en- joyment of privileges which each succeeding year has taught 4 us to value more and more highly. To him, beyond all doubt, as the tried and trusted friend of our munificent benefactor, and as one of his chosen executors, – to him more than to any or all other men except Mr. Dowse himself, are we in- debted at once for the original possession of these cherished treasures, and for the rich appointments and liberal endow- ments by which they were accompanied and followed. I was myself officially in the way of witnessing his earnest interest and efficient intervention, from the first confidential intimation of Mr. Dowse's views, until the final consummation of the noble gift. And, though his modesty at that day shrunk from any formal recognition of his own relation to the transaction, I should be wanting in fidelity to its history, were I to omit to bear testimony to the controlling influence which he seemed to exercise in our behalf. Our lamented friend was accustomed always to speak of this apartment, in which he justly took so much pride, as finished and completely fur- nished; nothing to be taken away, and nothing to be added. And so, indeed, we have all regarded it as long as he lived. But now that he is gone, and his familiar and welcome pres- ence may no longer be looked for among us, we cannot but feel that there is something wanting to these walls; that there is a void to be supplied, so far as it is in the power of poor, perishable canvas to supply it; and I trust that at no distant day a suitable portrait may find its place here, which may perpetuate the remembrance of that effective interven- tion, and that thoughtful and constant care, which have enti- tled the name of George Livermore to be associated with that of his venerated friend, Thomas Dowse, in connection with this richest of all our possessions. Our obligations to Mr. Livermore, however, have by no means been confined to those resulting from his relations to our enjoyment of the Dowse Library. From his first admis- sion on the 22d of November, 1849, he has been among our most active and useful associates. As a member of our Standing Committee for many years, and its Chairman for 5 more than one, and as a member of the Publishing Commit- tee of our beautiful volumes of Proceedings, he has rendered us most valuable services. Nor has he been wanting in im- portant contributions to our collections in the cause of history. The “Historical Research respecting the Opinions of the Tounders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers,” which he read at the August monthly meet- ing in 1862, and which he afterwards printed in so many attractive forms, and distributed widely at his own cost, would alone have been enough to secure for him a reputation which any of us might envy. Our Society, however, I am aware, can claim no monopoly in the sorrow which Mr. Livermore's death has occasioned. Boston has lost in him an upright and intelligent merchant. Cambridge has lost in him a useful and respected citizen. The American Antiquarian Society has lost in him an active associate and trusted counsellor. The Boston Athenaeum and the Massachusetts State Library have lost in him a faithful and assiduous trustee. The Sunday-school of his own parish have lost in him a devoted instructor and superintendent. Indeed, it would be difficult to name the public institution in this neighborhood, which has not been directly or indirectly indebted to him for personal services or valuable contribu- tions. Ardent, intelligent, laborious, liberal, philanthropic, he was untiring in his exertions in every field of usefulness which was opened to him. You all know the zeal he dis- played in the cause of the Union during the last four years; and how he labored, in season and out of season, at the risk and even at the positive sacrifice of his own health, to pro- mote the raising of troops, to stimulate patriotic action, and to uphold the flag of his country. Yet, while he was thus willing to spend and to be spent in the service of others, Mr. Livermore had special pursuits and tastes of his own, quite apart from his mercantile connections, to which he devoted his hours of leisure through a long course of years, and which were enough of themselves to 6 secure for him an enviable distinction and a cherished re- membrance. His beautiful library — with its remarkable col- lection of rare editions of the Sacred Scriptures, including not a few Bibles which had the special charm of having be- longed to illustrious persons of other ages and other lands, and, foremost among them all, the Bible of that loved and loving disciple and friend of Luther, Philip Melancthon — was the chief source of his own pleasure, as it was an object of the deepest interest to all who visited him. Nor can any one forget that exquisite bibliographical taste of his, which had been kindled by a personal acquaintance with Dibdin himself; which had been nurtured and stimulated by familiar association with the beautiful books in his own library, or in the libraries of kindred spirits in this or in other States; and which he so often indulged by preparing a private edition of some tract of his own, or of some reprint of a rare old book or pamphlet, in a style which will always render it a gem in the collections of the many friends whom he delighted to gratify with a presentation copy. I will attempt no analysis of Mr. Livermore's personal char- acter and qualities, in the presence of so many who have known him longer and better than myself. Admirable trib- utes have already been paid him, and others are ready to be paid here and elsewhere. We had all hoped that many more years of usefulness were still in store for him; but we may apply to him the exquisite words of Jeremy Taylor: “It must needs be, that such a man must die when he ought to die; and be like ripe and pleasant fruit falling from a fair tree, and gathered into baskets for the planter's use.” I may be per- mitted to express my regret, that unavoidable absence from the State prevented me from uniting in the last honors to his remains. But not a few of our officers and members were present on the occasion; and you will all concur, I am sure, in the adoption of the resolutions which the Standing Committee have instructed me to submit, before proceeding to other business this morning : — 7 © Resolved, That it is with deep sorrow we make record of the death of our esteemed associate, George Livermore, Esq., whose Services to our Society in many ways, and more especially in connection with our possession and enjoyment of the Dowse Library, have entitled him to our most respectful and grateful remembrance. Resolved, That the President be requested to appoint one of our number to prepare a memoir of Mr. Livermore, for the next, or an early, volume of our Proceedings. CHARLES DEANE, Esq., then addressed the meeting as follows : — You kindly asked me, Mr. President, to say a few words today respecting our dear friend and associate who has de- parted from us since the last meeting of this Society; and I certainly thank you for the privilege of doing so. One of our members, with whom I conferred concerning this meeting, one who loved our friend most tenderly, said, that he should desire that over this grave, as over no other, the official eulo- gium might be dispensed with. And, in some respects, I sympathize in this feeling. The modest and retiring nature of Mr. Livermore would have shrunk from the idea of a eulo- gium of himself. But a moment's reflection would satisfy us that this omission could not be. Our friend was too import- ant a member of this Society, his memory is too closely interwoven with its history and welfare for the past ten or fifteen years, to warrant us in passing over his name in silence. We owe it as a duty to ourselves and to the public to record our testimony here to those rare virtues which should be held up for the emulation of all. And we have the satis- faction, Mr. President, to feel, that whatever shall be uttered here to-day will be uttered as no mere formal eulogy. Every one will speak from the heart, for all loved Mr. Livermore : — “None knew thee but to love thee, Nor named thee but to praise.” So much has been already said elsewhere, and so well said, On the character of Mr. Livermore, and so much I know will 8 be contributed from those who will follow me here, — feeling also, as I do, that I should fail in any attempt to express my own idea of the man, – that I shall content myself, in the few words I may now utter, with relating some details of Mr. Livermore's literary history which have come under my own • observation. These may not be deemed wholly inappropriate before this Historical Society. I formed an acquaintance with Mr. Livermore over twenty years ago; being attracted towards him by his loving and genial nature, his general intelligence, his historical tastes, and his great love of books. He had been for some years forming his biblical library. About that time, an important addition was made to his collection of books in this depart- ment, by the purchase of a number of bibles from the library of the late Rev. Dr. Homer, of Newton, whose books were placed on sale at one of the book-stores in Boston, and the most valuable of them secured by Mr. Livermore. One of these, I well remember, afterwards proved to have once been the property of Adam Winthrop, the father of the first Gov- ernor Winthrop. Soon after, an opportunity was offered by the sale of the library of the Duke of Sussex, which was especially rich in biblical literature, to add copies of other choice editions to his store. In 1845, Mr. Livermore went to Europe, it being his first and only visit there ; and he then took advantage of the rich opportunities before him, to enlarge his collection of books as regards bibles, and to in- crease his knowledge and gratify his taste on the general subject of bibliography, of which he had long been fond. While in London, he formed an acquaintance with Dibdin, the celebrated bibliographer, who took a great interest in our friend; and, after his return, I remember seeing, in his library, copies of some of Dibdin's own works, which had been pres- ented to him by their author. Mr. Livermore had early conceived a great admiration of William Roscoe, whom he thought the true merchant scholar. 9 He named one of his children after him, and always had a bust of him in his hall; and, when we were selecting suitable memorials of distinguished men to place over the bookcases in this room, Mr. Livermore requested that the bust of Ros- coe might not be forgotten. While in England, he studied his character anew, on the spot. His opportunities here of seeing famous men — and what pleased him better, famous libraries — were well im- proved. His enthusiasm for bibliography — I may almost say, his bibliomania — was well illustrated by a letter he wrote home to a friend from the celebrated Althorp Library, to which he said he had gained access by a letter from Mr. Everett, our Minister in London. “I am writing this let- ter,” he says, “with my arm resting on the “Decameron.’” This was the famous editio princeps of Waldarfer, 1471, the only perfect copy known. It was sold at the great Roxburgh Library sale, in 1812, for the enormous sum of £2,260, or over $10,000, the highest price ever paid for a book. The Rox- burgh Club was formed to commemorate the event of its sale. Dibdin had told the story of the book and of its sale with great unction. He says that, when Evans's hammer fell, it resounded throughout the libraries of Europe, and startled Boccaccio himself from his slumber of five hundred years. Mr. Livermore was familiar with all this: so, on entering the library where the famous book now reposes, he seeks it out, places it on the table, and, resting his arm upon it, writes a letter to his friend. What can better illustrate his love of rare books, and his sympathy with a friend in the enjoyment of them 7 After his return from Europe, Mr. Livermore continued to add to his library as opportunities and means were afforded. But he not merely bought books; he read them. On the subject of the Scriptures,-- his specialty, - his information was exten- sive and thorough. And, as regards the history of the differ- ent editions of the Bible since the invention of printing, his 2 10 ambition was to know every thing, — to exhaust the subject. He carried his inquiries into the by-ways of its history. Al- though, as I have said, he was not confined to one branch of historical pursuit, still, on this he became like “the man of one book,” of whom we are told in the proverb to “be- ware.” A good illustration of the accuracy and minuteness of his knowledge here is exhibited in a series of papers which he contributed to the “Boston Daily Advertiser,” in 1849, in reply to the charge brought by Bishop Chase, of Ohio, against Cromwell and the Puritans, of having corrupted the Scrip- tures. The charge was, that Cromwell, having supreme power, had authorized his friends to change the word “we” — in Acts vi. 3, respecting the appointment of the seven deacons — to “ye,” in order to favor the views of the Inde- pendents. The Bishop indulged in many other loose state- ments, neither creditable to his taste nor to his knowledge; among others, that the “Cambridge Platform * of 1648 was based upon this noted error. Mr. Livermore, in answering the Bishop, showed by re- spectable Episcopalian authority, that the edition of the Bible, first containing this error, was printed while Laud and Charles I. were in the ascendant in church and state, and that the next edition of the Bible which is known to contain the same error was printed after the Restoration. The truth is it was simply a typographical error. About the same time he corrected some errors into which Mr. Bancroft had inadvertently fallen, respecting the publica- tion of the Scriptures in this country before the Revolution. An article also which he wrote in the “Christian Examiner,” reviewing Strickland’s “History of the American Bible Soci- ety,” gave abundant evidence of his large information on the subject of the translation and circulation of the Scriptures. In 1850, Mr. Livermore wrote a paper for the “North- American Review,” on Public Libraries; being a review of some of the Reports of the British Parliament on this subject. 11 In this he showed his thorough acquaintance with the condi- tion of libraries, both in this country and in Europe. A curious piece of literary history is connected with this paper. A few months after it was published, a volume of Chambers's “Papers for the People” was issued in Edinburgh, containing an article on “Public Libraries,” which was made up of Mr. Livermore's article, and another from the “North-American Review,” — written, I think, by George W. Greene, Esq., - and a third from some other source ; and no acknowledgment whatever was made by the Edinburgh publisher. In 1850, Harvard College acknowledged Mr. Livermore's claims to scholarship, by conferring upon him the degree of Master of Arts. I remember, in a note I had from him at the time, he pleasantly said he thought the degree of “D.D.” would have been more appropriate. But Mr. Livermore's claims to be a member of this Histori- cal Society were always made good. He had a love for our early history, and had made a respectable collection of books on this subject; and his library now contains them. He at one time contemplated writing the history of his native town, Cambridge, but relinquished it on learning that our associate, Mr. Paige, was engaged in that work. You have referred, Sir, to Mr. Livermore's agency or inter- vention in securing to us this noble library. Mr. Livermore always disclaimed having suggested to Mr. Dowse such a dis- position of his library. Perhaps he would have hesitated to take the responsibility, under the circumstances, of directing Mr. Dowse's mind in the matter. Mr. Dowse had had many plans concerning the disposition of his library, but could fix on nothing. I once thought, —perhaps I was mistaken, -that there was danger that his books would come to the hammer. There will be no propriety, I think, in my now stating here, that Mr. Dowse once offered to present his library to Mr. Livermore. Mr. Livermore, of course, would not have ac- cepted of it. He was not the person thus to have taken 12 advantage of the confidential relation between himself and Mr. Dowse. To some persons of less honor or delicacy, it might have been a temptation. I will relate some of the cir- cumstances which led Mr. Dowse to select the Historical So- ciety to be the recipient of his bounty. In the latter part of June, 1856, the Historical Society, by invitation of Mr. Livermore, held a special meeting at his house. It was in the season of strawberries, and gentlemen who were present on that occasion will remember the bounti- ful supply of that fruit which our host had provided for his guests. We called it a “strawberry festival.” The next day, Mr. Livermore (as he was in the habit of doing almost daily) called on Mr. Dowse, who was at that time very feeble, and gave him some account of the meeting at his house the evening before, telling him who were present, &c., at the same time taking to him a dish of the strawberries. Mr. Dowse was much interested in the account of the meet- ing of the Historical Society, and he began to make further inquiries respecting it. He had some general knowledge of its character and position, and was, of course, personally acquainted with many of its members. He probably saw that it was as likely to be a permanent institution as any of the literary bodies among us. Soon afterward, Mr. Dowse asked Mr. Livermore if he thought the Historical Society would accept of his library. He received encouragement that they would. He wished to see a plan of their building, and the rooms they occupied ; and, when he had fully decided to offer his library to the acceptance of the Society, Mr. Livermore conferred with the President, and the matter was soon con- summated. On the 3d of August, a special meeting of the Society was called for congratulation and acknowledgment. The obligation of this Society to Mr. Livermore, for the liberal endowment made by him as trustee under Mr. Dowse's will, has just been duly acknowledged by the President. But, Sir, I must bring these desultory remarks to a close. 13 I can hardly realize that we shall never again see our friend in his accustomed seat at our monthly meetings; and I dare not attempt to express my sense of our great loss. His was, indeed, a noble nature. I sometimes felt that there was a depth to it which I could not fathom, and a height I could not reach. I never saw one who desired more to bring every act of his life to the touchstone of conscience. The events of the last four years brought out some traits of his charac- ter into bold relief. He threw himself into the cause of the Union with the greatest energy and zeal. If the occasion had called for it, and his strength had permitted, he would not have hesitated to shoulder his musket, and to go through the battles of the Wilderness. His “Historical Research '' was prepared, I know, under the highest sense of duty. - The events which came so thickly upon us about the time of the breaking-up of the rebellion, now so joyous and then so sad, sounding the very depths of our natures, were almost too much for the delicate organization of our friend. I saw Mr. Livermore during his last illness; the last time, a few weeks before he died. His mind was in a delightful frame. I could not but feel, as I left his room, that it was indeed “the chamber where the good man meets his fate.” He passed quietly away. A kind Providence granted to him the blessing of euthanasia. The Hon. GEORGE S. HILLARD then spoke as fol- lows : — - I suppose, that, with the exception of Mr. Deane, I am that member of the Society whose acquaintance with our departed friend is of the longest date. I began to know him at about the same time that Mr. Deane did. Mr. Livermore was at that time a young man, newly started in business, and beginning the collection of that library which was to him through life a source of such high pleasure. I remember well the visit to 14 Europe which has been alluded to. He was the bearer of a letter of introduction from Mr. Sumner to a surviving mem- ber of Mr. Roscoe's family, by whom he was received with a kindness due to his cultivation and attractive manners. He spoke to me, upon his return, with peculiar animation of the pleasure he had had in seeing the treasures of the Spencer collection, under the guidance of Dr. Dibdin, and how much the veteran bibliographer was surprised and gratified to learn that here in this remote America we were familiar with his name and writings. What you have said, Mr. President, what Mr. Deane has said, do no more than justice to Mr. Livermore's worth. I rec- ognize no exaggeration anywhere. In looking back upon his life and character, I see prominently in him the graces of pu- rity, sweetness, refinement, gentleness, and disinterestedness. There was something of feminine delicacy in his organiza- tion and the nature of his tastes. He was born with the appetites and the apprehension of a scholar. He loved his books, and he read them carefully and conscientiously. All his researches were conducted in a very thorough manner, and guided by a genuine love of truth. But Mr. Livermore was not merely a student, a scholar, a lover of books, the collector of a large and precious library : he was at once a man of business and a man of letters; a com- bination not indeed peculiar to our country, but found here, I think, in higher perfection than anywhere else. He lived in two worlds, one of which was his library, and the other was his counting-room ; and, when he was in his counting- room, he did not permit any thoughts of his library to fetter his movements. He was an energetic and accomplished man of business. In the course of a business life of a quarter of a century, he encountered his share of struggles and difficul- ties; but he met these with a resolute and manly spirit. I have no doubt that he sometimes chafed under the necessity of going every day to his counting-room; I have no doubt 15 that he often looked forward with longing to the time when he could give himself up, unreservedly and exclusively, to his beloved studies; and yet I have no question that this en- forced discipline was salutary to the growth alike of his mind and his character. I think that his struggle with life, his daily contact with material interests, gave tone to his moral and intellectual fibre. He was a better scholar, a better writer, on account of the training which his counting-room gave him. Had he been born to wealth, had he been at liberty to indulge his fine and delicate tastes without inter- ruption, he might have degenerated into an intellectual voluptuary. His life was wisely ordered for him. The Rev. ANDREW P. PEABODY, D.D., paid an affection- ate and touching tribute to Mr. Livermore's character, which he had always regarded with the highest rever- ence. He was followed by RICHARD II. DANA, Jr., Esq., who alluded to the days when he and Mr. Livermore went to the same school together at Cambridgeport; his pleasant recollections of him there; and the high respect he had ever felt for him since. CHARLEs Folsom, Esq., read the following letter which he had just written to a friend on the death of Mr. Livermore : — MY DEAR SIR,- I have to announce to you the death of that dear friend I have so often spoken to you of, and whom I had fondly hoped to bring you acquainted with. Know that it was a source of deep regret to him that he could not wel- come you to his house, as he had long been prepared to welcome you to his heart. His constitution gave way in the struggle, and paralysis gently closed the scene. A thousand ties are suddenly loosened ; and you will see many tokens of profound public as well as private sorrow. But, you will say, who, after all, was Mr. George Livermore 16 that your whole community seems so moved by his loss 2 Eſe was a middle-aged gentleman, a merchant by profession; he was an elegant scholar, through self-culture; but, above all, he was a ripe Christian man. However subsidiary to his in- fluence may have been a competent fortune, and the charm of a cultivated taste adorning a wealth of lore in some depart- ments of letters, it was chiefly what he was in himself, - his high principles in fine action never intermitted,—that consti- tuted his strength in the affections of his fellow-men. It was as if, in his case too, in his early youth, some kind relative had said to him, “Never be mean, never be false, never be cruel: avoid these vices, and I shall have good hope of you; ”— and that on this he had at once rushed towards the opposite moral heights, becoming the very soul of honor, placing a win- dow in his bosom, and making his life one continual stream of active beneficence, — brotherly kindness to the lowliest, gentle and manly courtesy to his equals, modest deference to those he counted his superiors, of whom indeed he had few, except in some of the advantages of early scholastic train- ing. - It would be in vain for me to attempt to represent him to you in the multiplied relations he held to this community. I have not words now to denote him fitly; but it will always be, that “those who paint him truest, praise him most.” You would at once have been friends. Your very di- versities would have knit you together. Your tempera- ments were unlike. The sensitiveness of his nature denied to him your perennial sunshine. For long years, like you, he was subject to serious physical discomfort, which is so apt to tend to selfish results, but, as you both knew, when it takes the other turn, finds its greatest alleviation in promoting, and thus sharing, the happiness of others. - His life was a poem. I never read those noble lyrics of Wesley without seeing him as the embodiment of them; –“A charge to keep I have ; ”—“I want a principle within ; ” –– “Quick as the apple of an eye, O God my conscience make ; ”—“A spirit still prepared, for ever standing on its guard;— A single, steady aim, unmoved by threatening or reward.” And, in the spirit of another strain, how often have I seen him in the morning start from his home, eager “To crowd the narrow span of life With wise designs and virtuous deeds”. It was true of him, if ever of any man, that “in simplicity and godly sincerity he had his conversation in the world.” Dr. OLIVER WENDELL HolMEs made the following remarks: — Mr. Dana’s allusion to the school which he attended with Mr. Livermore leads me to recall a few facts relating to that school, and to my own association with our lamented col- league. It was about the year 1819 that the school in question was established, by the efforts of the late Dr. James P. Chaplin, and some others. The first instructor was Edward S. Dickin- son, a graduate of Harvard College, then a student of medi- cine. Other instructors, for a longer or shorter time, were the Rev. Samuel Barrett, the Rev. Ezra Stiles Gannett, Mr. John Frost, Mr. Edward Frost, the Rev. Nathaniel Gage, Mr. Thaddeus Bowman Bigelow. I remember attending under all these ; but I cannot be sure of the order in which they became masters. This school was limited to thirty students, and was consid- ered a decided advance upon the previously existing educa- tional establishments of Cambridge. I used to hear it called the “Academy,” occasionally, by natives of the region. The place where it was kept, during most of the time while I attended it, was on the left-hand side of Prospect Street turning from Main Street, of which Mr. Dowse's house forms 3 18 the corner. I attended this school about five years, leaving it in 1824. Of the members of it during this period, several have been widely known. Mr. Dana must allow me to mention his name among these, and, with his, those of Margaret Fuller and George Livermore. . The boys were a somewhat fighting set; and our champion, a nephew of the most celebrated of American painters, had at least two regular pitched battles with outside fellows, who challenged the pretensions of the young gentlemen of the “Academy.” George Livermore came among this rather rough crowd, the mildest and quietest of boys; slight, almost feminine in aspect, quite alien to all such doings. I do not remember him as conspicuous in any active play, still less as ever quarrelling with anybody. He was a lamb-like creature, who made us all feel kindly to him, - this I can remember, and his looks, so delicate and gentle; but I am afraid I have noth- ing more to tell of that period of his life. - Since those early days, I have seen too little of my old schoolmate. But there are many friends whose presence we feel always about us, though we too rarely look upon their faces, or listen to their voices. Perhaps we never know how true this is of them until death takes them away. Then we find that there is less light in the day, less life in the air, than while they were with us. How many there are who feel, that the two cities between which his life was shared, that our New England, that the commonwealth of learning, are sensi- bly poorer for the loss of one such life as that of our sweet scholar ! Loving books and letters so dearly, he had yet love enough left over to make him the warmest-hearted of friends and of citizens. Our colleague, Mr. Dana, has spoken of the value of such an example in a community like our own I may be per- mitted to mention, that, in a lecture delivered during the last 19 winter, I took the liberty to hold up the course of Mr. Liver- more as a pattern to a class of American citizens, our success- ful men of business. When a plain suburban settlement like Cambridgeport can set before the world two such examples as those of Thomas Dowse and George Livermore, — men whô in their different spheres illustrated their every-day working lives with the light of literary culture, — what may we not hope from the growth of institutions which can give us such citizens, when they shall have carried educa- tion with freedom, through freedom, and for freedom, over all our land 7 I regret that I can add so little to what has been elo- Quently and sincerely spoken. Yet this glance at the benches of the little school-room, where I first met the gen- tle boy who became the honored citizen and distinguished scholar, might excuse my claiming a few moments of your time. To me it is delightful to recall that loving, innocent face of my early schoolmate, which had lost no trace of its purity and sweetness when forty years later I looked upon it, still in death, but graven with the record of a life which was filled with good deeds and beautiful thoughts. The Rev. Rob ERT C. WATERSTON, the Hon. RICHARD FROTHINGHAM, and the Rev. EDWARD E. HALE, each paid brief but warm tributes to the many virtues of their lamented friend and associate. The Resolutions were unanimously adopted, and Mr. Deane was appointed to write the customary Memoir for the Proceedings of the Society. THE CONSECRATED LIFE: DISCOURSE OCCASIONED BY THE DEATH OF MR. GEORGE LIVERMORE. preachel to the Cambridgeport parish, SUNDAY, 3D SEPTEMBER, 1865, BY icº H.E. N. R. Y o'àing ER, PASTOR OF THE PAIRISH. CAMIB RIDG E : PRINTED FOR THE FAMILY. . MDCCCLXV. THE CONSECRATED LIFE : D IS C. O U R S E OCC ASIONED BY THE DEATH OF MR. GEORGE LIVERMORE. §reatbed to the Cambridgeport #arish, SUNDAY, 3D SEPTEMBER, 1865, BY HENRY C. BAD GER, * FASTOR OF THE PARISH. CAMIB RID G E : PRINTED FOR THE FAMILY. MDCCCLXV. GE OR GE LIVER, MO R. E. Born 10th JULY, 1809. DIED 30th AUG., 1865. SCRIPTURE LESSON. LESS the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name ! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction ; who crown- eth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He hath not dealt with us after our sins ; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For he knoweth our frame ; he remembereth that we are dust. 4 As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field so he flourisheth : For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more : But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to ever- lasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children : To such as keep his covenant, and to those who remem- ber his commandments to do them. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom ruleth over all. Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion : bless the Lord, O my soul | – PSALM ciii. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest : Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek, and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls: For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. — MATT. xi. Let not your heart be troubled : ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, ye may be also. 5 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. I am the way and the truth and the life : no man cometh unto the Father but by me. — JOHN xiv. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthern vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed ; we are perplexed, but not in despair ; Persecuted, but not forsaken ; cast down, but not destroyed; y Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. For which cause we faint not ; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory : While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen : for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 6 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. º Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be ab- sent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2 COR. iv., v. THE CONSECRATED LIFE. ROMANS xii. 11, 12: NOT SLOTHFUL IN BUSINEss; FERVENT IN SPIRIT ; SERVING THE LORD ; REJorcing IN HOPE ; PATIENT IN TRIBULATION ; CONTINUING INSTANT IN PRAYER. HIS is part of Paul's exhortation to the Romans, wherein he sets forth his con- ception of the Christian, taking and imparting to others the divine life of the Lord. Every day repeats to us the lesson, that our life is a tissue of personal relations, – souls weak in themselves being strong in the strength of others; men depending on fellow-men; Chris- tendom looking up to its Lord; mankind resting in God. * We cannot subsist our spirits on principles, truths, divorced from the persons of those who embody and illustrate them. Virtue, holiness, 8 —they are but vanishing phantoms till incar- nated in some holy woman or virtuous man. Faith, Hope, Charity, sweet names, they are yet empty names of viewless spirits till we see these virtues walking beside us, embodied in the faithful, the hopeful, and the loving. It seems to be a simple law which controls this derived, dependent life. The great forces in our nature are love and reverence. They are nobler and mightier affections than hope and fear. Hope and fear have a selfish root. They seek or shun some individual gain or loss. But love and reverence are self-forgetful: they look only to others, to persons greater and better than we, whose holiness rebukes our evil. They contemplate recognition and response; they impress our spirits with all that is lovely in those to whom we look up; they impart the true inspiration to our life. Principles guide us; but they cannot rouse the great feelings which urge us on. These are kindled only when some other spirit touches ours, – some one who is what man should be, who becomes himself our ideal of manly noble- 9 ness, who wakes a nobler aspiration in us, and moves us to more strenuous endeavor, −thus bringing us, through our love to him, to the knowledge of that Master whose life has so quickened his, and who, in turn, shall lead our love and reverence to One who is greater than he. Heaven has set such ministering spirits all along our path, – those who make our faith brighter and our trust more complete, – who prolong the heavenly ministry of Jesus upon earth, passing the living torch from hand to hand, - who serve mankind in a thousand ways, but render their greatest service by merely living amidst their fellow-men, suffering them- selves to be seen, and their beautiful influence to be felt. More than by any deeds or words, they work by that perpetual ministry, the ceaseless, un- conscious influence of a consecrated life; and, when they die, their power dies not with them; a thousand loving memories treasure it up, and make it even greater than before; the grief that mourns them is tempered by great joy and grati- 2 10 tude in remembering all they were; Heaven is praised that they have been permitted to live, and we to know them in life; while their own cheerful faith and perfect trust remain to com- fort us, to make our sorrow more tender, to take away its pain. It is with such mingled and chastened feel- ings, with such grateful sorrow, that we recog- nize the great loss Heaven has called us to Sustain. Not that the loss is ours alone. A whole community mourns with us: a familiar presence is wanting in the walks of business he so digni- fied and adorned: the societies and associations for charity, for graceful culture, for every good work, mourn for a member or a generous friend: the cause of temperance, of universal freedom, of education, — every good cause, – has lost a counsellor and a patron: the State has lost an eminent citizen; the mercantile community, One of its representative men, a Christian merchant indeed; as we here have lost a pillar from our church, an object of proud affection from our society; while one of our households has lost a 11 husband and a father, and all a brother and a friend. - There was something in our departed brother which forbids our passing by, with ordinary reference, an event so important to us as his loss. And, for once, we must disregard what would have surely been his wish, and say some- thing in his praise where he would have wished us to be silent; for all our thoughts have been full of him, and no theme of meditation could be more fruitful than such a life. He was conspicuously one of those who have a ministry greater than they know, greater than their conscious purposes and endeavors, how- ever great those may be. Men have a varied work, - a multiform beneficence. Some build enduring institutions, or shape new instruments to lighten human toil; some rear the imperish- able creations of Art, refining the spirit; some flash new truth across the horizon of mankind, lighting the path far onward; while some, with a ministry as rare, but more important still, become pre-eminent in holiness, in consecration of life: they become an ideal and an inspiration to their 12 fellows, working in a ministry kindred with that of Jesus himself, whose truest followers they are. Such was he whose loss we mourn, whose memory we inherit and cherish, whose presence has been a blessing to us all. That which won our love was no single deed or habit, quality or power, so much as that spirit of consecration which prompted all his deeds and sanctified every power, — which made him more gracious and winning than any of his manifestations, beautiful as they were. And, apart from that spirit, where have we seen a life more satisfactory in all those outward manifestations, – one that has left a nobler record? Forty years ago, a young man began his independent life, rich only in a pure heart and a lovely nature. Our schools were not then what they are now, nor was the training of young men the same. But there was in many a home a faith which brought human life clearly under the eye of God, and made it a scene of heroic struggle that good might master evil. When that young man began his separate life, in humble circumstances, in an obscure place, 13 situated as hundreds are to-day who have seen his beautiful maturity, what chances there were that he would come short of the possible noble- ness of his career, become sunk in worldliness, consumed by the love of gain, not consecrating his gains, conformed to this world instead of being transformed by the renewing of his mind! Consider those chances; think how common it is for men to obscure all that is delicate and beautiful in their early life, being hardened through the deceitfulness of sin; — then remem- ber this exceptional life; that successful business career, so refined by courtesy and guarded by a sensitive conscience, and never permitted to encroach with its cares on the calm life of his spirit, which kept its untroubled upward way. Remember his varied relations with so many worthy organizations, – our Unitarian Associa- tion, the Antiquarian Society, the Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Historical Society, the thenaeum, the Library of the State, the Col- lege, or the town. Remember, too, his literary life, making him, despite constant engagements and delicate health, 14 despite the want of early training, a scholar and an author; gathering about him a library of rare value and beauty, - the finest private biblical library, indeed, on the Christian earth; mak- ing his name known the world round amongst scholarly men; he discovering here, and send- ing back to Europe, the pocket Bible printed by Cromwell for his soldiers, and lost from the knowledge of men till his quick eye identified it here, and recovered it; serving our country also, in her hour of need, by giving the world his essay — one of the most valuable and timely publications of the war — on the opinions and practice of our country’s fathers as to making negroes soldiers and citizens as well as slaves. Remember all his varied service as a true pa- triot, and friend of liberty, - whether he spoke for the rights of humanity; or ministered to suf- fering man; or maintained his curious labors in treasuring the mementoes of the great contest, keeping now a bit of the bunting first torn down from Fort Sumter, and at last so triumphantly set back again, or now the pen which signed the immortal Proclamation, and lifted millions 15 into manhood and womanhood who had lived like beasts before, — a relic Secured to him by the kindness of his eminent friend in the Sen- ate, – or now snatching from destruction the sermons on the death of the first President, sent by their authors to Martha Washington, bound in two volumes by her, and now, by the chances of war, thrown into his hands. Remember also his social and domestic life, so gentle, so refined, and, despite the reserve in which such sensitive natures must always shield themselves, so cordial, too, simply republican, heartily affectionate and humble, so unselfish, so thoughtful in courtesy, so tender in all minis- trations. And, more than all, remember that spirit- ual life which underlay all these manifestations, and made him what he was, not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, re- joicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continu- ing instant in prayer; which made it such a pleasure and a help to meet him anywhere, at home or on the street, - causing all who saw him to feel lifted up, to feel that life is more 16 beautiful and divine than they had known it; which made his charity so great, so genuine, SO unostentatious; which made him so patient to endure suffering; which gave him so cheerful a view of death; which filled him with such hope and living faith on his death-bed, making it need- less or impossible for anybody to minister to him; his stronger faith, his more perfect consecration and trust, so ministered to all about him. Remember all this, – recall the consequent love he won from that group of scholarly and eminent men whose affection brought them to his coffin-side, – and we shall see that this life was One of exceptional richness and beauty, conse- crating itself as not one in many millions does, — the most precious thing we have ever been permitted to see; a sad loss to us now, a hal- lowed and beautiful memory hereafter. We contemplate our great loss thus, with such mingled feelings of grief and of gratitude. He has done much for us in this society. Others know better than I how largely we have been wont to depend on his judgment and his gener- Osity. His fine taste, his delicate manner, his 17 discreet conduct of affairs, how often, in one way or another, they have served us! We know, too, that his mind was full of projects for future benevolence and service to us. I need not men- tion them, for he hardly spoke of them himself; but we shall sorely feel his loss. Missed from the community and from his home, and from that great circle of friends that grew up with him, how will he be missed from our fellowship here! How will he be missed from our social gatherings; from our Sabbath service, week by week; from beside the table of our Communion; and especially, by old and young, from Our Sun- day school, in which he was purposing to take a yet more prominent place, and with which he was so identified through all his life, that it must seem as though the very light of the school had gone out! How shall we miss, too, his counsel and his leading in all good works; and, more than all, his hearty and simple wel- come to that home so sanctified by his presence, and the unspeakable beauty of his smile and kindliness of his greeting wherever he was met ! 18 For it was not his deeds, I repeat, his thought- ful charity, his eminent services, which made him so dear; but rather the fact that he was in himself the embodiment of all that is lovely and of good report; a nature gentle, not because of absence of force, but from the consecration of it; one in whom the profoundest feelings, the heartiest indignation against wrong, were tem- pered with the sweetness of a divine charity. He was one who could be angry, and sin not ; one who could be in the world, but not of the world. He joined, in a rare combination, that fas- tidious delicacy of taste and feeling which tends to make a man over-critical, a recluse, or a cynic, with that heartiness of sympathy and genuine interest in every thing human which keeps one in close relations of affection and service with his fellow-men. This beautiful nature and life won the love of all, - alienated the regard of none. And his greatest deed, the one which did most for his fellow-men, was his making himself, by divine help, what he was, – the fill- ing of his spirit, not with wordliness and evil, but with faith and hope and charity, his making 19 himself, through life-long endeavors, that Chris- tian gentleman, who, as an eminent fellow- townsman has said, shows us what man may be. Who can stand in the presence of such a life, and not feel its rebuke and exhortation? Here were the Christian virtues in action, showing all their loveliness, shutting out evil from his spirit, shaming the evil in ours. Here was a fountain of good impulse and encouragement for all who saw him. None could meet him without being stimulated and lifted up. And this is a power which cannot die: while memory keeps in any mind his image, or any that know of him sur- vive, he, being dead, shall yet speak, maintain- ing this perpetual ministry. Nor can we fail to see, while being grateful that such an one has been given to our love, that there are lessons in his death as well as in his life. To contemplate the scene of his death-bed must either greatly strengthen or weaken our faith. How mysterious, how untimely, seems the stroke which takes away such an one as hel 20 When, on the first Sunday of the year, I stood here for the first time as pastor in this pulpit, there was much in my heart which I deemed it unseasonable to speak. I thought how many of you would soon be visited by sorrow; how many abodes of affliction I should be called to enter; how many of you, indeed, would soon pass away, calling me perchance to your bedsides, or to speak the words of hope above your open graves. But, while many here were trembling with infirmity or age, could we have thought that he should precede us all, - he who seemed so young and full of life, he who had so much to live for, he on whom all our hearts were so depending, whose work seemed so far from being done? But, ah! the thoughts of God are not our thoughts, nor his ways our ways. What mat- tered the many noble purposes our friend had yet to carry out; the treasures of literature and art he hoped many years to enjoy; the families he so loved, and blessed with his love; the beau- tiful ministry of his daily life? Disease touches him, and he must relinquish them all: his plans 21 are broken up : he must resign his treasures, and bid farewell to his friends; the scene of his la- bors and joys — his library — stands empty and lonely, never again to be made bright by his Smile. “As for man, his days are as grass; as the flower of the field, so he flourisheth: for the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more!” What can we make of such a scene,— nature so regardless of human life; remorseless in sun- dering the closest relations; Smiting down the strong and sparing the weak; not asking whe- ther one's tasks be done on earth, but snatching him away blindly? Or how worse than blind and aimless it is, if Nature deludes her victim by a false hope while she slays him! There is but one answer to the riddle. Our friend, on his death-bed, kept his thought up- on that life whose glory eye hath not seen, nor ear heard. “I am as sure of it,” he said, “as that I lie here now.” His faith was so buoyant that it seemed rather sight than faith. No shadow of doubt dimmed the brightness of his spirit. And that made all things clear. He 22 would gladly have lived longer here; but this life was so full of joy to him as to fill him with the conviction that greater joys await us beyond the veil. He did not fly to the immortal life, as some do, because this life is a scene of trouble and of sorrow, -reviling one gift of God’s love, while seeking another; but the joys and privileges of this life so filled him with faith in the love of God, in his inexhaustible bounty, that he looked toward another life as towards a new banquet, a new scene of enjoyment, a new field of glori- ous privilege and opportunity. Suffering, too, he welcomed as a messenger sent to prepare him for that blest companionship. After great and long-continued pain, he said, “My sufferings are nothing, — mere nothing: I wouldn’t have spared a single pang: I needed them all.” He felt that sorrow and suffering are true blessings; that — “Weary hours of woe and pain Are earnests of serener years.” And what must death have been to him, with such a faith and trust, but a thing of joy and 23 # hope? Death was to him, indeed, no unnatural or unwelcome thing. It was but the going-down of the sun, sure to rise again to-morrow; the close of a toilsome but cheerful day. It was but the uncovering of new glories; the lifting-up of the everlasting doors, that the beloved of the Lord might enter in. It came to him but as a messenger of our Father's bounty, - for whose viewless footsteps we may watch and wait, — bidding him to the feast of love in that new life whose glory eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived! Death had for him no sting, the grave no victory; “ the funeral anthem was a glad evangel;” his spirit was prepared to go forth with thanksgiving and triumphal songs! When we consider such a death-bed scene, such a man, after such a life, led forth with such hopes, must not the scene itself become the strongest evidence to our hearts of the reality of those things in which he trusted? If any thing unreal or delusive mingles with those cherished consolations, must not that trust seem to us a cruel, mocking deceit, — making 24 life, not blessed, as it is, full of the love of God, but a scene of horror, where our hopes are all hollow-hearted, our joys treacherous, our whole existence a maze of delusions? Every such death-bed scene must quicken our faith, must become a crowning evidence to us, must deepen our conviction, must brighten our vision of the “house of God, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” When we laid away his sacred ashes to their rest, we saw not the unsightly mound of earth, – some thoughtful hand like his own had buried it in flowers, – our thoughts rested not in that abiding-place of his honored dust, flower- crowned, and full of fragrance as it was, -but we gazed upward; we stood, as the disciples stand in a picture of the Ascension, looking up- ward after one who had gone before, vanishing into heaven. There seemed, too, to bend from above, others of a newly divided household,—those who have renewed their youth, welcoming to their heaven- ly re-union one new-born into that blessed life, into unbroken communion with all that host 25 of friends, and of the great and good gone be- fore. We must suppose that he was welcomed there by many a friend who has preceded him, by that father and mother whose rare life he inherited and prolonged, and by him who was the inspira- tion of all their lives, who could give him the heavenly greeting, WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITH FUL SERVANT, ENTER THOU INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD ! While our faith is quickened by contemplating such a scene, we must be admonished also, that our hands are loosing their grasp of earthly things; that this is not our abiding-place; that our feet are drawing nearer, day by day, to that river which nothing mortal can pass, – where we must put on immortality. Many here walk already with feeble and trembling steps. They need no outward admo- nition to set the house in order, to make ready for the gentle summons: they already wait. They sit, as it were, in the door, at the close of the well-spent day, and await the going-down of the sun. Their tasks are done; they have made 4 - 26 them ready; they await the gracious messenger who shall lead them forth by the still waters, through the valley of shadow. The warning of our brother's loss is not for these. It is rather for us, who, younger and less expectant of death, are less ready than they. It is for us who are still cumbered with serving, — whose tasks are all undone, who contemplate a long life on earth, who have much to do and much to enjoy, who will be amazed when the summons comes, – to whom it will be unwelcome - and unexpected, – who will struggle with the Angel of Death. For few of us shall live to feel the gentle Snow of age descending On Our heads. Heaven does not wait our willingness. The first of us to fall may be the youngest here to-day. Death stands as near to the young as to the old: all times are his. As the poet has said: — “Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, And stars to set; but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death ! “We know when moons shall wane, When summer birds from far shall cross the sea, When autumn hues shall tinge the golden grain: But who shall tell us when to look for thee ?” 27 We may be called suddenly, in the midst of life, as was our much-loved friend. And while our hearts follow him with a grateful sorrow, thanking Heaven for all he did and all he was, let them strengthen themselves with a faith like his, and make themselves ready with a similar preparation. The consecrated life is the only fit preparation for death. His was not merely a death-bed readiness: no utterances were there but those of gratitude and trust. There was no need, in those last days, to create the clean heart or renew the right spirit within him. He bore himself, through life, as one always ready. And, while he ascends from amongst us, let his mantle fall upon us with his blessing, inspiring us to make a kindred preparation - The tasks he left undone in Our midst are committed unto our hands. It is Ours to prolong his ministry, and rear his monument. It is ours to perpetuate his gracious influence in this com- munity; in our church and in our Sunday school to make his abiding presence felt. So shall we receive the benediction of Our Sorrow, and make true to our hearts the utterance of that hymn we have already sung: — 28 “With silence only as their benediction God’s angels come, Where, in the shadow of a great affliction, The soul sits dumb. “Yet would we say, what every heart approveth, Our Father's will, Calling to him the dear ones whom he loveth, Is mercy still. “Not upon us or ours the solemn angel - Hath evil wrought: The funeral anthem is a glad evangel; The good die not “God calls our loved ones; but we lose not wholly What he has given: They live on earth in thought and deed, as truly As in his heaven.” 29 NoTE, page 24. “A NEWLY DIVIDED HOUSEHOLD.” Miss SARAH GLEASON LIVERMORE, sister of George Livermore, died in Cambridge, Aug. 1, 1865, aged sixty- four years. For thirty years and over, she had been an invalid, and, at times, a great sufferer. Still, she was able to render service, most grateful and prompt, to her aged father and mother, with whom she resided till their death. Especially was her care tender and constant of her father during the six years he survived the death of his wife. He leaned upon her, weak as she was, and found strength and comfort. It was a great trial for her to leave her home, to which she had been almost wholly confined for some years, and become a member of another family, although that of her only sister. Yet she ac- cepted her new condition with a resolution which soon made new surroundings seem like home, and in a gentle spirit of patience which almost relieved the impression that she was an invalid and sufferer. Deprived of the use of her eyes for the most part of the time, and often compelled to sit alone in a darkened room, she still meekly bore the trial, and received with gratitude every expression of sympathy from her kindred and friends. Though not able to be abroad, she retained her interest in all good objects and causes, and gave freely of her moderate competency for their support. Her in- 30 terest in the church of which she was a member, though for many years unable to attend public worship, did not fail to the last. Her refined taste was employed in such simple arrangement in her room, as her strength per- mitted. Her acts, like her virtues, were all private. She was sensitive to the least notority or publicity, and shrank from notice. A devoted daughter, a loving sister, a true Christian woman, has departed. This tribute, modest like herself, is due to her memory. Çbe public Juty of a pribate Citizen: S E R M O N PRICACHED IN THE SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, BOSTON, SEPT. 3, 1865, THE SUNDAY FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF M. R. G E O R. G E L IV E R M O R. E. BY EDWARD E. HALE. CAMBRIDGE : PRESS OF JOIIN WILSON AND SONS, 1865. S E. R. M. O. N. R O M A N S xiv. 7 : FOR NO MAN LIVETH TO HIMSELF, AND NO MAN DIETH TO IIIMSELF. WAS present, yesterday afternoon, among a throng of sincere mourners, at the funeral of Mr. GEORGE LIVERMORE. This gentleman, without ever holding, so far as I know, any political position, had so distinguished himself by his historical attainments, by his broad gen- erosity, and, in general, by his public spirit, that he filled, in the midst of this community, some very distinguished and important positions. His sweet simplicity and modesty of life made him troops of friends. Among these friends I had the honor to be. There were, indeed, few men with whom I stood on quite the same intimate relations when we met, though we met too sel- dom for my wish and good. But it is not 4 because he was my friend that I speak of him; but because here is an illustration of public duty performed in private life, which seems to me too important to be passed neglected by. Here is a man who seems to me still a young man, who dies at the age of fifty-six, and is mourned sincerely by a circle of men which includes the most distinguished leaders of the community. The University, the Academy, the Historical and Antiquarian Societies, our own Unitarian Association, and I know not how many more of our most valuable institutions, lose in him a confidential officer or friend, and all of them are represented by their most distin- guished members at his grave. He has been known in this city as an upright, successful, and honorable man of business, – one of the recognized leaders, if I am right, in the line of business which he pursued. In the midst of its demands upon him, he has found time to pursue two or three distinct and very recondite branches of literary inquiry. He has prosecuted these with such care as to be the acknowledged authority among us on the history of printing in A- •) America, on the history of the English Bible, and more generally to be recognized as one of the very few persons thoroughly versed in the difficult passages of our early history. He has made his business relationships with the rest of the world serve him in the collection of a unique library; the most valuable, by far, in its special departments, of any collection we have. And all of his acquisitions, all of his collections, in his memory or in his books, were made literally the property of all men. If he could serve any one from the results of his studies or his pur- chases, that was all he asked for. The teachers of the Sunday School, and the members of my own class, will remember, I am sure, the evening which we spent at his house, so few months ago, when he showed us the treasures in his col- lection illustrating the history of our Bible. That sort of eagerness to make others enjoy what he had of profit to any, was in precise illustration of his daily life. Such a man is, of course, surrounded by friends. Yet this man never cared to use his deserved popularity in seeking any of the tokens 6 of public favor. I do not know that he held any public office but that of a private in the reserve corps of militia, formed to give spirit to the Cambridge enlistments. He would have been glad to call himself a private in every thing, — only a private who was to the utmost fulfilling every duty. And the precise point to which I am calling your attention is his assiduous, his religious devotion in private life to public duty, — the public duty of a private citizen The last time I heard him speak in public, many of you heard him. It was at the teachers’ meeting in the vestry of the Church of the Unity, when he said with such pride, that he had been for more than fifty years connected with one Sunday school. Here was a way in which a private citizen could serve the Church and State: that was the reason he was in it. The last time I was in his office, while we sat there, it appeared, by one or another successive inci- dent transpiring of pure accident, that he had that day six subscription-papers in his hands, – to all of which he was among the largest con- tributors, – which had been intrusted to him 7 because his deserved influence with other men was so high that he could present such claims as few other men could do. Nor did he shrink from that service. I pass by a hundred such instances, among which I might allude to his service as Vice-president of the Unitarian Asso- ciation. But you must let me refer to what he said himself, on this very point, in speaking of the impression which the death of the Presi- dent made upon him last April. “That man,” said he, “ has given his life to his country. And I— am I giving mine to her? I retired,” he told me, “into my private room; I spent most of the day in such exercises of consecration as - I thought might fit me better for serving the country. How could I better consecrate myself to serve my fellow-men?” And, on the next meeting of the Historical Society, - which owes, I think, more to him than to any living man, – he addressed that distinguished body—the most distinguished body, perhaps, of Our men of letters — on that subject, “ Consecration of our- selves to the service of our land, - of man- kind.” “ How,” he asked with the intensity of 8 a prophet's appeal — “ how shall we gain that consecration?” I am told that his income was large. But, when he spoke of consecration, he made no exception here. “I am as rich,” said he, “ as I ever shall be. I shall leave nothing to those who come after me but what is now my property. I have devoted — and they know I have devoted — all my income, beyond my family expenditure, to the demands which the public service, from day to day, may make upon me.” I do not allude to the character of a man thus consecrated to the service of God, because he was my friend, nor because this is a great loss to me personally: I speak of him because I have here an illustration so remarkable of the public life of a private citizen. The last time we met here, I attempted to show how our Saviour, for the service of his Church, literally calls on all who have ever known any blessing in life from his help, and bids all work with him and for him. In such a life as Mr. Livermore's is a very pre- cise illustration of the way in which one not in public station can give his life for the benefit of the whole. 9 I need not say again, that such work of the private man for the public welfare is not under- stood in all lands or under all systems. The theory, indeed, of Russia, of Egypt, of all pure monarchies, is, that the citizen is not to interfere in the service of the public; and you find, in fact, that in such countries he does not so inter- fere. The emperor or king and his officers are expected to do every thing for the public that is done. Not only is this so, but there is a school of writers in free countries who tell us that government must be administered on the principle of selfishness; that it must be taken for granted, that every man lives only for him- self, - for his own wealth, ease, and other creature-comfort. It is this fallacy, which, for our advantage, is specially exposed and refuted in such a life as that of which I have spoken. In my summer vacation, I have been study- ing one of the latest manifestoes of this theory. The writer, Mr. Herbert Spencer, is a professed radical in politics. He does not mean to flinch at any consequences. He writes, too, not on the theory of an imperfect, but of a perfect world. 2 1() He treats only of upright beings, he says, who shall do exactly what they ought to do. And then this “ought to,” alas! is the duty of man, according to the school-boy’s ribald catechism, “Man is to keep what he gets, and to get what he can.” All this theory of the State is, God be praised, wholly wrong. We do not live for ourselves, even the humblest of us. We live, all of us, for each other. “If one member suffer, all the members suffer,” — by a law stronger, indeed, than we can manage; and “if one member rejoices,” thank God, “all the mem- bers rejoice; ” and we cannot change that law, as of course we do not ask to do. All this war has shown, in countless noble instances, how the meanest slave, how the honest exile, could die for the nation; and, in more than a thousand lives, – in more than a million, — it has shown how all of us can live for the nation ; how there is no nation worth having, unless millions of her sons and millions of her daughters are willing to live for her and to die for her. How shall I live for her? How can I help the world? Do not ask questions, but do the best 11 thing you can; and God sees to the issue. Our friend here, of whom I have spoken, sent his sons to the army, paid his money for its charities, but was not satisfied so. In his study, in the regu- lar discharge of the duties which he was best fitted for, he worked out a historical statement, of curious value to the most conservative minds, On the employment of black troops by Wash- ington and his associates. That treatise was circulated in the Middle States as I think no pamphlet of the war has been circulated.” I have it on very high authority, that that work of a summer of a modest, retired student, added thousands of men, at a critical moment, to the recruits of the national army. That a man should live for the people, — that is the law; and, if he lives for them, he is ready to die for them. I have told you how he con- Secrated his life again to such service, on that solemn Easter Sunday, when all of us had the lesson of duty and consecration so solemnly * Besides the editions published by Mr. Livermore himself, three editions were issued by Recruiting Societies in Philadelphia, amounting to more than a hundred thousand copies. 12 forced home upon us, when our great martyr died. “Tell me,” said an artist, at that season— “tell me what brief inscription we can place under a likeness of the President, which shall remind all who look, that this man died for all the people. Think of something in the classics, which in the shortest phrase shall say that upon the marble.” I told him that I knew nothing better than the words he had used himself. I told him, that unconsciously he had quoted the classic of all classics, and had spoken of the life of all lives. “Write on your marble,” I said, “ the words which St. John said of his Master, that ‘ one man should die for the people.” In that death was the signal for every death of sacrifice, as in his life was the signal for every life of love.” And that, my friends, is the centre of the lesson of consecration. It is a great thing to die for the nation; but it is only truly great when One has done the greater thing also, and has truly lived for the nation. And in this Life of Lives, in which the Master lived and died for the nation, and, as St. John says, not for that nation 13 Only, but for those that were scattered every- where abroad, is the principle of common life which makes self-surrender easy, which uplifts government into being the mutual effort of men loving each other, and gives to all of us the noble consciousness, that, in struggle and in victory, we are all of us living for all who are around us. Love of country comes into that life of His. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem l’ he cries, “if thou hadst known in this thy day the things that belong to thy peace!” Love of men comes into it; the outlaw from society is wel- comed in it; Edomite, Syrian, and Greek share the tenderness which welcomes the Galilean vil- lager. Love of children, love of strangers, love of the poor, love of the rich, all appear in that divine self-consecration by which one lives for all. That life introduces a new current into men's systems.” In that life, we do not live each for his own purse, his own strength, his own cun- ning, his own success. In that life, we con- * This sermon was preached as an introduction to the Communion. 14 secrate ourselves to the common weal; and, whether one lives or dies, he lives for all. He lives for the nation; and not for that nation only, but he does so much to gather together in one all the children of God who are scattered abroad. Tº ; ; a j . . . •) A A !..' .. r S.W., 2 * : … .** { 2. f to dº','!'. THE SOLDIER'S P0CKET-BIBLE: ISSUED FOR THE USE OF THE ARMY OLIVER OROMWELL. PU. BLISHED BY THE AMERICAN TRACT sociFTY, 150 NASSAU-STREET, NEW YORK, PREFACE TO THIS EDITION. OLIVER CROMWELL, Lord Protector of the English Commonwealth from 1653 to his death in 1658, began his military career in 1642. In 1643 appeared this little manual for the army. Though not prepared by Cromwell, it undoubtedly had his approbation, and was in general use among his soldiers. Cromwell's success was due in no small degree to the strict morals and rigid discipline of his army, and to the inspiring power of religion. He declared, “Truly I think he that prays best, fights best. I know nothing that will give like courage and confidence as the knowledge of God in Christ will; and I bless God to see any even in this army able and willing to impart the knowledge they have for the good of others.” “Accordingly,” he says, “I raised such men as had the fear of God before them, and made some conscience of what they did. And from that day forward they never were beaten, but when- ever they were engaged against the enemy, 6 PREF A GI2. they boat continually.” Cromwell's IRONSIDEs, as they are usually called, fed their faith upon , God’s word, went into battle with psalm-sing- ing and prayer; and fearing God only, were the best soldiers perhaps the world has ever seen. Their watchword was, “The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our ref. uge.” Whitelocke, describing them to Chris- tima, queen of Sweden, said, “The officers and soldiers of the Parliament held it not unlaw- ful, when they carried their lives in their hands, and were going to adventure them in the high places of the field, to encourage one another out of His word who commands over all : and this had more weight and impression with it than any other word could have.” The original Souldier's Pocket-Bible is in very quaint and antique print and spelling. Only two copies are known to be extant: one in the British Museum, the other in the possession of George Livermore, Esq. of Cambridge, by whose courtesy the annexed copy is printed, quoting the Scripture passages from the received ver- Sl OI). THE SOLDIER'S P () ()KET-BIBLE. A SOLDIER MUST NOT DO WICE EDLY. WHEN the host goeth forth against thine enemies, then keep thee from any wicked thing. Deut. 23:9. The soldiers likewise demanded of him, say- ing, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely, and be content with your wages. Luke 3: 14. And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies. Lev. 26:27, 37. The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies; thou shalt go out one 8 SOLDIER 'S PO C RET. BIBLE, way against them, and flee seven ways before them. Deut. 28:25. A SOLDIER MUST BE VALIANT FOR GoD'S CAUSE. Be thou valiant for me, and fight the Lord's battles. 1 Sam. 18:17. . Be of good courage, and let us play the man for our people, and for the cities of our God, and the Lord do that which seemeth him good. 2 Sam. 10:12. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hands. 1 Sam. 17:47. A SOLDIER MUST NOT RELY ON HIS OWN WISDOM, HIS ow N STRENGTH, OR ANY PROVISION FOR WAR. Lean not unto thine own understanding. Prov. 3 : 5. By strength shall no man prevail. 1 Sam. 2 : 9. I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me. Psa. 44:6. There is no king saved by the multitude of a host; a mighty man is not delivered by much strength. A horse is a vain thing for safety, neither shall he deliver any by his great strength. Psa. 33:16, 17. There is no man that hath power over the SO L DIER,” S P O C K P T - B IP LE. 9 spirit to retain the spirit, neither hath he power in the day of death. Eccles. 8:8. We have no might against this great com- pany that cometh against us, neither know we what to do; but our eyes are upon thee. 2 Chron. 20:12. A SOLDIER MUST PUT HIS CONFIDENCE IN GOD 'S WISD O M AND STR ENGTH. Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Eph. 6:10. With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding. Job 12:13. The God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Psa. 68:35. God is our refuge and strength; a very pres- ent help in trouble. Psa. 46:1. God hath power to help, and to cast down. -- 2 Chron. 25: 8. I will go in the strength of the Lord God. Psa. 71: 16. Then said David to the Philistine, Thou com- est to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield; but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel. 1 Sam. 17:45. - - * J.0 SOLDIER'S PO CIXET-BIBLE, A SOLDIER MUST PRAY BEFORE HE GOES TO FIG IIT. Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them. Neh. 4:9. And Samson called unto the Lord, and said, Oh Lord God, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once. Judg. 16:28. And David said, Oh Lord, I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness. 2 Sam. 15:31. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God. James 1 : 5. - Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Psa. 119:34. - Give thy strength unto thy servant, and gave the son of thy handmaid. Psa. 86: 16. Plead my cause, Oh Lord, with them that strive with me; fight against them that fight against me; take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for my help. Psa. 35: 1, 2. And the children of Israel said unto the Lord, We have sinned; do thou unto us what- - soever seemeth good unto thee; deliver us only, we pray thee, this day. Judg. 10:15. SOLDIER'S PO CRET-BIBLE. 11 A SOLDIER MUST CONSIDER AND BELIEVE GOD 'S G R A CIO US PROMISES. And they arose early in the morning, and went forth to the wilderness of Tekoa. : and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Je- rusalem: Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, So shall ye prosper. 2 Chron. 20:20. For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to Save you. Deut. 20:4. The Lord shall fight for you. Exod. 14:14. The Lord your God ye shall fear, and he shall deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies. 2 Kings 17 : 39. Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace; and he will deliver us out of thy hand, O king. Dan. 3 : 17. I will subdue all thine enemies. 1 Chron. 17 : 10. - Thou shalt seek them and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee; they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of naught. Isa. 41 : 12. 19 SOLI) IER'S PO C R. ET - B I BI, E. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper. Isa. 54: 17. A SOLDIER MUST NOT FEAR HIS EN EMIES. When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses and chariots and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them, for the Lord thy God is with thee. Deut. 20 : 1. e * Ye shall not fear them; for the Lord your God he shall fight for you. Deut. 3 : 22. Be strong and courageous; be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him; for there be more with us than with him. With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles. 2 Chron. 32 : 7, 8. * Fear not, neither be faint-hearted for the iwo tails of these smoking firebrands. Isa. 7:4. And fear not them which kill the body. Matt. 10 : 28. A SOI, DIER MUST LOVE HIS EN EMIES AS THEY ARE HIS ENEMIES, AND HATE THEM AS THEY ARE GOD's EN EMIES. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, Matt. 5:44. S () I, DIER 'S PO C ſº ET - B IIBLE, 13 Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord 7 2 Chron. 19: 2. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee, and am I not grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemies. Psa. 139 : 21, 22. A SOLDIER MUST CRY UN TO GOD IN HIS HEART IN THE VERY INSTANT OF BATTLE, When Judah looked back, behold, the battle was before and behind; and they cried unto the Lord. 2 Chron. 13:14. And Asa cried unto the Lord his God, and said, Lord, it is nothing with thee to help with many, or with them that have no power. 2 Chron. 14 : 11. º When the captains of the chariots saw Je- hoshaphat, they said, It is the king of Israel. Therefore they compassed about him to fight; but Jehoshaphat cricd out, and the Lord help- ed him; and God moved them to depart from him. 2 Chron. 18:31. A SOLDIER MUST CONSIDER THAT SOMETIMES GOD 'S PEQPLE HAVE THE WORST IN BATTLE AS WELL AS GOI) S EN EMIES. The Sword devoureth one as well as anoth- er. 2 Sam. 11:25. 14 SOLDIER'S PO CIKET-BIBLE. All things come alike to all: there is one . event to the righteous and to the wicked, to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacri- ficeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath. Eccles. 9 : 2. • So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men; and they fled before the men of Ali. Josh. 7 : 4. And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel. Judg. 6: 2. And the Philistines fought, and Israel was smitten, and they fled every man into his tent; and there was a very great slaughter, for there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen. 1 Sam. 4 : 10. But when he (Moses) let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. Exod. 17: II. My children are desolate, because, the enemy prevailed. Lam. 1: 16. SOLDIERS AND ALL OF US MUST CONSIDER THAT THough GoD's PEOPLE HAVE THE worst, YET IT COMETH OF THE LORD. w Who gave Jacob for a spoil and Israel to the robbers? did not the Lord 7 Isa. 42: 24. SOLDIER'S PO C KET-BIBLE. 15 Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it 7 Amos 3:6. And the Lord Bold them into the hands of Jabin, king of Canaan. Judg. 4:2. The Lord hath delivered me into their hands, from whom I am not able to rise up. Lam. 1 : 14. The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath ab- horred his sanctuary, he hath given up into the hand of the cnemy the walls of her palaces. Lam. 2: 7. IFOR THE INIQUITIES OF GOD’S PEOPLE, THEY ARE SOMETIMES DELIWERED IN TO THE HAND'S OF THEIR EN EMIES, Even all nations shall say, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this land? what mean- eth the heat of this great anger ? Then men shall say, Because they have forsaken the cov- enant of the Lord God of their fathers. Deut. 24 : 25. And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? Israel hath sinned, and they also have trans- gressed my covenant which I commanded them. Josh. 7 : 10, 11. The Lord thy God hath pronounced this evil 16 SOLDIER'S DOC KET-BIE LE. upon this place: now the Lord hath brought it, and done according as he hath said, bo- cause ye have sinned against the Lord. Jor. 40 : 2, 3. My people have been lost sheep : all that found them have devoured them; and their ad- versaries said, We offend not, because they have sinned against the Lord. Jer. 50 : 6, 7. * Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins? Lam. 3 : 39. THEREFoRE BOTH sold IERS AND ALL GoD's PEOPLE UPON SUCH OCC ASIONS MUST SEARCH O UT THEIR SINS. Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. Lam. 3:40. * Up, Sanctify the people, and Say, Sanctify yourselves against to-morrow ; for thus saith the Lord God of Israel: There is an accursed thing in the midst of thee, O Israel; thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you. Josh. 7:13. SOLDIER,” S P O C KIST - B). BLE. 17 ESPECIALLY LIET SOLDIERS AND AI, L OF US UPON SUCH () CCASIONS SEARCH WIIIST HER WE HAVE NOT PUT TO O LITTLE CONI"IDEN CIC IN THE ARM OF THE LORD, AND TOO MUCH IN THE ARM OF FLESH. For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. Yea, thou shalt go forth from him with thy hands upon thy head; for the Lord hath rejected thy con- fidences, and thou shalt not prosper in them. Jer. 2 : 13, 37. Thus saith the Lord, Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. Jer. 17 : 5. AND LET SOLDIERS AND ALL OF US CONSIDER, THAT TO PREVENT THIS SIN, AND FOR THE COMMITTING OF THIS SIN, THE LORD HATH MANY TIMES GIVEN THE VICTORY TO A FEW. And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel Vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me. And the Lord said unto Gideon, By these three hundred men that lap- 18 SOI, DIER,” S P O C R. ET - BIBLE. ped will I save you, and deliver the Midian- ites into thy hand. Judg. 7 : 2, 7. And the children of Benjamin were num- bered at that time out of the cities twenty and six thousand men that drew sword. And the children of Benjamin came forth out of Gibeah, and destroyed down to the ground of the Israelites that day twenty and two thou- Sand men. And Benjamin went forth against them out of Gibeah the second day, and de- stroyed down to the ground of the children of Israel again eighteen thousand men. And the children of Israel went up against the chil- dren of Benjamin on the third day. They enclosed the Benjamites round about, and chased them, and trod them down with ease; and there fell of Benjamin eighteen thousand men. And they gleaned of them in the high- ways five thousand men; and pursued hard after them unto Gidom, and slew two thousand men of them. So that all which fell that day of Benjamin were five and twenty thousand men that drew the sword. Judg. 20:15, 17, 21, 25, 30, 43, 44–46. And Abijah set the battle in array with an army of valiant men of war, even four hundred SOLDIER'S PO CKET-BIBLE, 19 thousand chosen men; Jeroboam also set the battle in array against him with eight hun- dred thousand chosen men, being mighty men of valor. And Abijah stood up upon mount Zemaraim, and said, Hear me, thou Jeroboam and all Israel. Ye think to withstand the kingdom of the Lord in the hand of the sons of David; and ye be a great multitude, and there are with you golden calves, which Jerobo- am made you for gods. But as for us, the Lord is our God, and we have not forsaken him; and behold, God himself is with us for our captain. O children of Israel, fight ye not against the Lord God of your fathers, for ye shall not prosper. But Jeroboam caused an ambushment to come about behind them. And when Judah looked back, behold, the battle was before and behind; and they cried unto the Lord, and the priests sounded with the trumpets. Then the men of Judah gave a shout ; and as the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass that God Smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah. And Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaugh- ter; so that there fell down slain of Israel five 20 SOLDIER,” S P O C KET-BIBLE. hundred thousand chosen men. 2 Chron. 13: 3, 4, 8, 10–17. And Asa had an army of men that bare targets and spears, out of Judah three hundred thou- sand; and out of Benjamin, that bare shields and drew bows, two hundred and fourscore thou- sand: all these were mighty men of valor. And there came out against them Zerah the Ethio- pian, with a host of a thousand thousand, and three hundred chariots. Then Asa went out against him, and they set the battle in array in the valley of Zephathah at Mareshah. And Asa. cried unto the Lord his God, and Said, Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O Lord our God; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O Lord, thou art our God; let not man prevail against thee. 2 Chron. 14:8–11. AND LET sold IERS AND ALL OF US KNOW, THAT THE VERY NIC K OF TIME THAT GOD HATH PROMISED US HELP, Is WHEN WE SEE NO HELP IN MAN In the mount of the Lord it shall be secn. Gen. 22:14. And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not; stand still, and see the Salvation of the SOLDIER'S PO C.I. ET- BIBLE. 2]. Lord, which he will show to you to-day. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. Exod. 14:13. - O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee. 2 Chr. 20:12. Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the Salvation of the Lord with you. Wer. 17. To me belongeth vengeance and recompense: their foot shall slide in due time; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. For the Lord shall judge his people, and repent him- self for his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up or left. Deut. 32:35, 36. For my strength is made perfect in weak- ness. 2 Cor. 12:9. Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Zech. 4:6. For the oppression of the poor, for the sigh- ing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord; I will set him in Safety from him that puffeth at him. Psa. 12:5. 22 SOLDIER,” S P O C KET-B IBLE. Now will I rise, saith the Lord; now will I be exalted; now will I lift up myself. Isa. 33 : 10. WHEREFORE, IF OUR FORCES BE WEAKENED, AND THE ENEMY STRENGTHENED, THEN LET SOLDIERS AND ALL OF Us KNOW THAT NOW WB HAVE A PROMISE OF GOD 2S HELP W HICH WIE HAD NOT WHEN WE WERE STRONGER ; AND THEREFORE LET US PRAY MORE CONFIDENTI, Y. O Lord, be gracious unto us; we have wait- ed for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our Salvation also in the time of trouble. Isa. 33: 2. Hear, O Lord, the voice of Judah, and bring him unto his people; let his hands be sufficient for him, and be thou a help to him from his enemies. Deut. 33: 7. I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. I cried unto thee, O Lord; I said, Thou art my refuge. Psa. 142:4, 5. w - - Be not far from me, for trouble is near; there is none to help. Psa. 22:11. - Remember not against us former iniquities: let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us; for we are brought very low. Psa. 79:8. SOLDIER,” S P O C KET- B IIBLE. 23 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for my help. Psa. 35:2. Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name. Psa. 79:9. AND LET SOLDIERS AND ALL OF US KNOW, THAT II? WE OBTAIN ANY VICTORY OVER OUR ENEMIES, IT Is OUR DUTY TO GIVE ALL THE GLORY TO THE LORD, AND SAY : The Lord is a man of war; JEHOVAH is his name. Thy right hand, O Lord, is become glorious in power: thy right hand, O Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy. And in the greatness of thine excellency thou hast over- thrown them that rose up against thee. Exod. 15:3, 6, 7. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. Psa. 118:23. For the Lord fought for Israel. Josh. 10:14. Therefore I will look unto the Lord. Micah 7 : 7. Who delivered us from so great a death. 2 Cor. 1:10. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name. 1 Chron. 29:13. Seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and hast given * 24 SOLDIER'S PO C R. ET-BIBLE. us such deliverance as this, should we again break thy commandments? Ezra 9:13, 14. I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. Psa. 116:9. - I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. PEa. 119 : 106. - AN HISTORICAL RESEARCH RESPECTING THII. OPINIONS OF THE FOUNDERS OF THE REPUBLIC ON, NEGROES AS SLAVES, AS CITIZENS, AND AS SOLDIERs. READ BEFORE THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, AUGUST 14, 1862. BY GEORGE LIVERMORE. B O S T O N : PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON AND SON. 1862. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, AUGUST MEETING, 1862. I} X 'I' R A C T I'I& O M T H E IR I. C. O R D S. A stated monthly meeting was held this day, Thursday, August 14th. In the absence of the President (the Hon. Robert C. WINTHROP), Colonel THOMAS ASPINWALL, one of the Vice-Presi- dents, took the chair. Mr. LIVERMORE communicated a paper (portions of which he had read at the July meeting) “On the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic respecting Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers.” - - Mr. Norton moved, That the thanks of the Society be presented to Mr. Livermore, and that a special Committee be appointed to print the paper at the expense of the Society. Defore this motion was put, Mr. LIVERMORE remarked, that he began his research as an individual effort, intending to print a few copies only, for private distribution. He had brought the subject before the Society at the July meeting, that he might receive aid or suggestions from members who were present. At the request of many members of the Society he had extended his investigations; and, as they desired, had now offered the results of his researches. He hoped he might be permitted to carry out his original purpose of printing the paper, at his own expense, for gratuitous distribu- tion. He should, if such was the pleasure of the meeting, print it as a paper read before the Massachusetts Historical Society. He would take this occasion to mention, that, being in New York a few weeks since, he had made known his plan and pur- iv. EXTRACT FROM THE RECORDS OF pose to his friend, George H. Moore, Esq., the Librarian of the New-York Historical Society, who was so much impressed with the importance of the subject at the present time, and the duty of historical students to aid in informing the public mind thereon, that he immediately prepared and published a pamphlet entitled “Historical Notes on the Employment of Negroes in the Army of the Revolution,” which has attracted much attention. Mr. EVERETT expressed the gratification with which he had lis- tened to a paper containing so much valuable information, and hoped that it might be printed in the manner most agreeable to Mr. Livermore. He suggested that the motion of Mr. Norton be so modified as to obviate the objections raised by Mr. Livermore. He hoped, if consistent with his plan, that Mr. Livermore would extend his researches so as to include the services of colored sea- men in the American Navy. Mr. Everett related an anecdote of an aged slave, the last of his class, showing the mildness of slavery in Massachusetts before its final extinction. - Mr. WATERSTON, Secretary pro tempore of the July meeting, said he had made known the proceedings of that meeting to the venerable senior member of the Society, the Hon. Josiah Quincy, who, though unable at present to attend the meetings, retains a deep interest in all the Society’s transactions. He had just received from him a letter, which he begged leave to present to the Society : — “QUINCY, Aug. 9, 1862. “Rev. R. C. WATERSTON, “DEAR SIR,-Your letter of this date communicates to me the purpose of Mr. Livermore to collect and publish documents on the subject of Slavery and Negro Soldiers, originating from the great men who were guides of public affairs at the time of the American Revolution. I should regard such a publication as useful and desirable, and I heartily wish Mr. Livermore success; and I shall be happy, according to my means, in aiding him in his purpose. “In respect to the general subject of slavery, I apprehend he will find very little favorable to the institution among the relics of the great men of that period. “Disgust at it was so general, as to be little less than universal. Among slaveholders, the language and hope of putting an end THE MASSA CHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. V to the evil as soon as possible was on all their tongues; but, alas ! it was far from being in all their hearts. Some of the leaders saw the advantages derived from it by the unity and identity of action and motive to which it tended, and its effect in making five States move in phalanx over the Free States. They clung to the insti- tution for the sake of power over the other States of the Union ; and, while they were open in decrying it, they were assiduous in promoting its interests and extending its influence. “By constantly declaring a detestation of slavery, they threw dust into the eyes of the people of the Free States; while they never ceased to seize every opportunity to embarrass the measures which would advance the interests of the Free States, and at the same time to strengthen and extend the interests of the Slave States. We can trace their policy in history. We now realize the result. “With all their pretensions, the leading slaveholders never lost sight, for one moment, of perpetuating its existence and its power. “Truly and respectfully yours, “JosLAH QUINCY.” Mr. WASHIBURN spoke with interest of the letter which had just been read, remarkable as coming from a gentleman of such experience, and at so advanced a period of life. He then gave several historical facts which had come to his knowledge when writing his “History of Leicester,” corroborating the statement of Mr. Livermore respecting the common practice of using negroes as soldiers during the war of the American Revolution. The vote thanking Mr. Livermore for his paper, and commit- ting the manuscript to him, to be printed in the manner most agreeable to him, was unanimously adopted. RICHARD FROTHINGHAM, Secretary pro tem. N O T F. IN the reading of the following paper before the Massachusetts Historical Society, many of the docu- ments now printed were necessarily omitted, or but briefly alluded to. In order to make room for these without unduly increasing the size of this pamphlet, some of the remarks in the original paper have been left out. Though the special object of this research was to ascertain the views of the Founders of our Republic, it has been thought pertinent, in relation to the employment of negroes as soldiers, to present also some evidence of the opinions and practice of contemporary British officers in America. Many ap- propriate documents, equally illustrative of the whole subject, have been passed by ; but it is believed that what are given will suffice to show impartially the general state of public sentiment at the time when our Government was established. G. L. BOSTON, October, 1862. (; O N T E N T S. PRELIMINARY REMARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3 I. OPINIONS OF THE FOUNDERS OF THE REPUBLIC RESPECTING NEGROES AS SLAVES AND AS CITIZENS. INTRODUCTION, SHOWING THE PRESENT STATE OF THE QUES- TION e º e º º G e e © º - - * e - º e º º 3–18 Views of Mr. Jefferson Davis . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 Differing views of Mr. Alexander H. Stephens . . . . . 5–6 Chief-Justice Taney's assertions . . . . . . . . . . 7–8 Mr. Justice McLean’s reply to them . . . . . . . . . 9–10 Ground maintained by Mr. Justice Curtis . . . . . . . 10–12 Judge Gaston of North Carolina cited by him . . . . 11–12 Mr. George Bancroft's comments on Chief-Justice Taney's assertions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13–15 Mr. Edward Everett's strictures on the views of Mr. Jefferson Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–18 THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE IN 1776 . . . 19–32 Contemporary opinion on slavery, as shown from the history of the Declaration of Independence, 19–28. Mr. Jefferson, 21–24. — Mr. Adams, 24. — Lord Mahon's error as to the Southern Colonies, proved by Mr. Force from the history of the Continental Association of 1774, 25–28. Doctrine of the Declaration of Independence re-affirmed in the Constitutions, and acted upon in the Courts, of several of the States before the adoption of the Federal Constitution, 28–32. b X CONTENTS. THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION IN 1778 . . . . . 33–34 Free negroes regarded in them as citizens, 33. – Representation by New Jersey to Congress on the subject, 34. THE FEDERAL CONVENTION AND THE CONSTITUTION . . 35–78 Opinions on slavery with which some of the framers of the Consti- tution came to their work, 36–61. —Opinion of Washington before as well as after the Convention, 36–39; he sympathizes with Lafayette in his views of slavery, 40–42; his last will, 42–44. — Opinion of Franklin, 44–54. — Opinion of John Adams, 54. — Mr. Jefferson's opinion, 55–60. — Mr. Gadsden's opinion, 60. — Mr. Henry Laurens's opinion, 61. Opinions of the framers of the Constitution expressed in debate in the Federal Convention, 62–78. — Mr. Pinckney of South Carolina, 64. — Mr. Sherman, 64. — Mr. Ellsworth, 65. — Mr. Gouverneur Morris, 66–68. — Mr. Rufus King, 68, 69. — Mr. Sherman, 69. — Mr. Luther Martin, 69. — Mr. John Rutledge, 70. — Mr. Ellsworth, 70. — Mr. Charles Pinckney, 70. — Mr. Sherman, 70, 71. — Colonel George Mason, 71, 72. — Mr. Ellsworth, 72. — Mr. Charles Pinck- ney, 72. — General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, 72, 73. — Mr. Abraham Baldwin, 73. — Mr. James Wilson, 73, 74. — Mr. Gerry, 74. — Mr. Dickinson, 74. — Mr. Williamson, 74. — Mr. King, 74, 75. — Mr. Langdon, 75. — General Pinckney, 75. — Mr. Rutledge, 75. — Mr. Gouverneur Morris, 75. — Mr. Butler, 75. — Mr. Sherman, 75. — Mr. Read, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Randolph, General Pinckney, Mr. Gorham, Mr. Madison, 76. — Messrs. Morris, Mason, Sherman, Clymer, Williamson, Morris, Dickinson, 77. STATE CONVENTIONS FOR RATIFYING THE CONSTITUTION, 78–106 Debates in the Massachusetts Convention, 78–86. — New-Hamp- shire Convention, 86–88. — Pennsylvania Convention, 88, 89. — Maryland Legislature, 90–94. — Virginia Convention, 94-100. — North-Carolina Convention, 100–104. — South-Carolina Legislature, 104–106. - Two letters concerning the Constitution, written in 1788: one by Dr. Ramsay of Charleston, S.C.; and the other by the Rev. Dr. Hopkins of Newport, R.I., 106–108. Opinion of Dr. Paley, in 1785, on slavery, and the probable effect upon it of “the great Revolution which had taken place in the Western World,” 110. CONTENTS. Xi II. OPINIONS OF THE FOUNDERS OF THE REPUBLIC RESPECTING NEGROES AS SOLDIERS. The practical importance of this branch of the subject at the present time, 113, 114. In Massachusetts, in the earlier stages of the Revolution, negroes appear as acting with white citizens against the British, 114, 132. – The “Boston Massacre” and Crispus Attucks, 115–118. — Peter Salem fights at the battle of Bunker Hill, and is commemorated by the artist, the historian, and the orator, 118–121. — Petition of Colo- nel Prescott and other officers to the General Court of Massachusetts for a reward to another “negro man,” Salem Poor, as “a brave and gallant soldier,” who “behaved like an experienced officer” at Bun- ker Hill, 121, 122. — Major Lawrence commands “a company, whose rank and file are all negroes,” and who “fight with the most deter- mined bravery,” 122–124. — Free negroes, and sometimes slaves, took their place in the ranks with white men; afterwards, slaves must be manumitted before becoming soldiers, 124, 125. Opinion of the Rev. Dr. Hopkins in 1776, on the employment of negroes as soldiers, 125, 126. South Carolina, in 1775, enrols slaves in her militia as “pioneers and laborers,” 126. —Belief, in South Carolina and Georgia, that the negroes would join the British regular troops, 128. — General Gates forbids the recruiting of negroes, 129. — Southern delegates to Con- gress move in vain the discharge of negroes from the army, 129, 130. — The Committee of Conference determine to reject them in the new enlistment, 130. —Washington afterwards decides to license the en- listment of the free negroes who had served faithfully, 131. – His decision approved by Congress, 131. — General Thomas's praise of the negro soldiers in the Massachusetts regiments, 132. Account of Lord Dunmore's celebrated Proclamation in Virginia in 1775, and its effect, 132–140. — Public appeal to the negroes to stand by their masters, 136–138. — The Virginia Convention answer the Proclamation, and declare pardon to slaves who had taken up arms, 138, 139. (1776.) The British form a negro regiment at Staten Island, 141. — The Massachusetts Legislature forbid the sale of negroes taken prisoners from the British, 142. xii CONTENTS. (1777.) Testimony of a Hessian officer, that there was “no regiment to be seen in which there were not negroes in abundance,” 142, 143. — Capture of the British Major-General Prescott by Colonel Barton, with the help of the negro man Prince, 143, 144. Dr. Thacher’s account of it, 144, 145. (1777.) Account of the employment of negro soldiers by the State of Connecticut, 145–150. (1778.) Account of their employment by the State of Rhode Island, 150–159. — Act for raising a negro regiment, 152–154. — Distinguished services rendered by Colonel Greene's black regiment in the battle of Rhode Island, 158. — Chastellux’s account of this regiment in 1781, 159. — Its subsequent heroic defence of Colonel Greene, 159. (1778.) Action of the State of Massachusetts on the subject, 159–162. — Precedent in her early legislation, negroes having been obliged to train in the militia with white men in 1652, 159. — Propo- sal of Thomas Kench to raise a separate corps of negroes in the spring of 1778, 160–162. — Referred to a joint committee of the General Court, together with a copy of the Rhode-Island act, 162. — Their report favorable, embodying the draught of a law, 162. — The subject of a separate corps allowed to subside, and the usage conti- nued of having negroes “intermixed with white men,” 162. Action of the State of Maryland on the subject, 163. Action of the State of New York, 163. (1779.) The employment of negroes as soldiers almost everywhere prevailed, except in the States of Georgia and South Carolina, 164.— Why they were exceptions, 164–167. — A vigorous effort in Congress to secure the enrolment of black troops in those States, 167. — The measure advocated by Colonel John Laurens, and by his father, Henry Laurens, 167. Henry Laurens's letter to Washington, 167, 168. — Washington, in reply, suggests doubts as to the policy of arming the slaves at the South, unless the enemy set the example; but says he has never given much thought to the subject, 168. (1779.) Alexander Hamilton heartily supports the measure, 168. — His strong letter to John Jay, President of Congress, 169, 170. — Congress refers the matter to a special committee; afterwards passes resolutions, recommending to South Carolina and Georgia to raise a force of “three thousand able-bodied negroes; ” and commissions Colonel Laurens to repair to the South on this business, 170–173. — He writes to Washington that General Prevost, at Savannah, is “re-enforced by a corps of blacks,” 174. CONTENTS. xiii (1779.) Sir Henry Clinton's Proclamation in consequence of “the enemy's having adopted the practice of enrolling negroes among their troops,” 175. Lord Cornwallis issues a proclamation, encouraging slaves to join the British army, 175. — Mr. Jefferson's account of Cornwallis's cruelty to those who joined his army, 175, 176. (1780.) General Lincoln seconds Colonel Laurens in urging the government of South Carolina to raise black troops, 177. — Mr. Madison advocates the policy of “liberating and making soldiers at once of the blacks themselves,” instead of “making them instru- ments for enlisting white soldiers,” 178. (1781.) General Greene writes to Washington, that in South Caro- lina “the enemy have ordered two regiments of negroes to be imme- diately embodied,” 178. (1782.) Colonel Laurens, on his return from France, renews his efforts to induce South Carolina and Georgia to raise black troops, 178–181. — His letters to Washington on the subject, and Washing- ton's reply, 179–181. (1782.) Colonel Humphreys continued to the end of the war to be the nominal captain of a company of colored infantry, raised in Connecticut by his influence before he became aid-de-camp to Wash- ington, 181. (1782.) Letter to Lord Dunmore from Mr. Cruden, proposing a plan for raising ten thousand black troops, 182–186. — Letter of Lord Dunmore to Sir Henry Clinton, approving the scheme, vouch- ing for the excellence of such troops, and declaring his perfect willingness “to hazard his reputation and person in the execution of the plan,” 187–189. (1782.) Lord Dunmore writes to England, that the raising of a brigade of negroes was negatived by a few voices in the Assembly of South Carolina, and would probably be carried at a future day, 189, 190. (1782.) General Greene proposes to the Governor of South Carolina a plan for raising black regiments, 190, 191. — Judge John- son's remarks on this plan, and on negroes as soldiers, 192, 193. — Importance of the mature opinions of the preceding British and American military authorities, 193. (1783.) Washington's scrupulous regard for the rights of his negro soldiers on their leaving the service, 194. xiv. CONTENTS. (A.) (B.) (C.) (D.) (E.) (1783.) The State of Virginia passes an act securing the freedom of all slaves who had served in the army, 195, 196. (1786.) Virginia passes a special act to pay for and emancipate a slave who had “faithfully executed important commissions intrusted to him by the Marquis Lafayette,” 197. Later testimonies to the competency of negroes to become good soldiers, 197–199. — Dr. Eustis, a surgeon throughout the war of the Revolution, 198, 199. — Charles Pinckney of South Carolina, 199. Concluding remarks, 200. A P P E N D IX. Negroes in the Navy . Flag of a Negro Military Company in Boston. Negro Regiments in the State of New York . General Jackson's Proclamation to the Negroes . Negro Soldiers under Monarchical Governments. 203 206 207 210 213 NEGROES AS SLAVES AND AS CITIZENS. “We cannot put the negro out. This remark serves as a complete stopper to all the crimination and recrimination so freely indulged in between parties on the sol- emn point, — which of the two first brought the negro in. Let them rest quiet here- after on this topic. The negro was in before they began to talk about him at all. He will stay in, whether they choose to talk about him or not. He will grow in more and more, even while they are sleeping. To deprecate the misfortune is as idle as to complain of the force of the waters of Niagara. The subject is before us; and it is our duty to face the consideration of its proportions like statesmen, and not to imagine, that, if we will only shut our eyes to it, it is not there; still less to Suppose that either lamentation or anger, agitation or silence, will in any respect materially change the nature of the great problem which North America is inevi- tably doomed to solve. From the decree of Divine Providence there is no appeal.” — Speech of the Hon. Charles Francis Adams, May 31, 1860, in the U. S. House of Rep- resentatives. - HISTORICAL RESEARCH. IN this time of our country's trial, when its Consti- tution, and even its continued national existence, is in peril, and the people are beginning to be aroused to the magnitude of the work to be done, all other subjects dwindle into comparative insignificance. Loyal men, of every calling in life, are laying aside their chosen and accustomed private pursuits, and devoting themselves, heart and hand, to the common cause. As true patriots, then, we, members of the MAssACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, should do some- thing more than comply, as good citizens, with all the requirements of the Constitution and the laws: we must study, in the light of history, and by the traditions of those who originally founded and at first administered the Government, the fundamental principles on which it was based, and the paramount objects for which it was established. Having done this, it may not be amiss for us to offer the results of our historical researches to others not having the leisure or the opportunity to investigate for them- selves. All partisan and personal prejudice should 1 2 - HISTORICAL RESEARCH. now be abjured, and all sectional sentiments and views should yield to the broad and patriotic purpose of ascertaining, asserting, and doing our whole duty as citizens of the United States, desirous of restoring the Union to its original completeness for its true purpose. † This will not be the first time that our Society has endeavored, from the records of the past, to throw light on the path of the Government in the legislative and military action of the present. We were not long since called together specially to contribute, from an historical point of view, our aid in guiding public opinion; and the publication of the “Report on the Exchange of Prisoners during the American Revolution,” read at that meeting, was warmly welcomed, as a timely and serviceable act. - Although there is a wide difference of opinion as to the cause of the rebellion, or rather as to the persons on whom rests the responsibility of having brought on this terrible civil war, yet all are agreed, that, if negro slavery had not existed in this country, we should now be in a condition of peace and pros- perity. I have thought that I could not, at this time, perform a more useful duty, as a member of the Society, than by preparing a documentary paper of carefully edited authorities, relating to NEGROEs as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers, – in order to show what were the principles and the practice of the Foun- SLAVERY THE CAUSE OF THE REBELLION. 3 ders of the Republic, and thus to ascertain who have been unfaithful to the “compromises of the Consti- tution,” and to the principles upon which the Union was based, and for which the Government was esta- blished. In doing this, I shall endeavor to act simply as an historical inquirer, without any attempt to enforce sentiments or theories of my own. It is my purpose to present the simple records of the opinion and ac- tion of persons who have acknowledged claims to be considered as authorities. As an appropriate introduction to the task I have proposed to myself, of producing some of the re- corded opinions of those who were eminently the Founders of the Republic, I proceed to set forth, by authentic citations, the modern doctrine which has given occasion for this research, and also the most important refutations of that doctrine which have yet appeared. These, taken together, will exhibit the present state of the great question as to its first two branches; namely, the opinions held in relation to negroes as slaves and as citizens before, during, and some time after, the formation of the Government of the United States. It is a noticeable fact, that, while the Southern leaders of the rebellion uniformly denounce the North for having denied to them their guarantied rights under the Constitution, they are widely at variance when they come to specify their grievances. 4. HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Jefferson Davis. Mr. Jefferson Davis, on the 29th of April, 1861, in his Message, says: — “When the several States delegated certain powers to the United-States Congress, a large portion of the laboring population were imported into the colonies by the mother- country. In twelve out of the fifteen States, negro slavery existed; and the right of property existing in slaves was protected by law. This property was recognized in the Constitution ; and provision was made against its loss by the escape of the slave. “The increase in the number of slaves by foreign importation from Africa was also secured, by a clause for- bidding Congress to prohibit the slave-trade anterior to a certain date; and in no clause can there be found any delegation of power to the Congress to authorize it in any manner to legislate to the prejudice, detriment, or discour- agement of the owners of that species of property, or ex- cluding it from the protection of the Government. “The climate and soil of the Northern States soon proved unpropitious to the continuance of slave-labor ; while the reverse being the case at the South, made unrestricted free intercourse between the two sections unfriendly. “The Northern States consulted their own interests, by selling their slaves to the South, and prohibiting slavery between their limits. The South were willing purchasers of property suitable to their wants; and paid the price of the acquisition, without harboring a suspicion that their quiet possession was to be disturbed by those who were not only in want of constitutional authority, but by good faith as vendors, from disquieting a title emanating from them- selves. - “As soon, however, as the Northern States that prohi- bited African slavery within their limits had reached a number sufficient to give their representation a controlling vote in the Congress, a persistent and organized system of ANTISLAVERY SENTIMENT IN 1776. 5 hostile measures against the rights of the owners of slaves in the Southern States was inaugurated, and gradually extended. A series of measures was devised and prose- cuted for the purpose of rendering insecure the tenure of property in slaves. “With interests of such overwhelming magnitude imper- illed, the people of the Southern States were driven by the conduct of the North to the adoption of some course of action to avoid the dangers with which they were openly menaced. With this view, the Legislatures of the several States invited the people to select delegates to conventions to be held for the purpose of determining for themselves what measures were best to be adopted to meet so alarm- ing a crisis in their history.”—Moore's Rebellion Record, vol. i. ; Documents, pp. 168, 169. It is not necessary for us to go out of the so-called Southern Confederacy, nor far from the presence of its pretended President, to refute this accusation of change in principle or in policy on the part of the North. The associate of Mr. Davis, Mr. Alexander H. Stephens (Vice-President, as he is called,) thus frankly avows his sentiments in a speech, delivered at Savan- nah, on the 21st of March, 1861 : — Jefferson 3.VIS. “The new Constitution has put at rest for ever all the Alex. H. agitating questions relating to our peculiar institutions, - African slavery as it exists among us, the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the imme- diate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. JEF- FERSON, in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the ‘rock upon which the old Union would split.’ He was right. Stephens. (; HISTORICAL IRESEARCH. Alex. II. Stevens. What was conjecture with him is now a realized fact. Dut whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and Stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him, and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution, were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of anature; that it was wrong in principle, Socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with ; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent, and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the Constitution, was the pre- vailing idea at the time. The Constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last ; and hence no argument can be justly used against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, how- ever, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation; and the idea of a government built upon it, — when the ‘storm came and the wind blew, it ſell.’ - “Our new government is ſounded upon eacactly the oppo- site ideas : its foundations are laid, its corner-Stone rests, wpon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man ; that slavery, Subordination to the Superior race, is his matural and moral [normal?] condition. [Applause.] This, our mew government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It is so, even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day.”— Moore's Rebellion. Itecord, vol. i.; Documents, p. 45. HAD NEGROES FORMERLY ANY RIGHTS 7 7 This ought to be sufficient to put at rest for ever the accusation of change of opinion, and of unfaithful- ness to the original compromises of the Constitution and to the spirit of the founders of our Government. But it is a lamentable fact, that there are not wanting amongst us men, claiming to be friends of the Union and the Constitution, who yet, through ignorance or recklessness, continue to violate the truth of history on this subject. § Without referring more particularly to political writers and speakers of this class, I would call atten- tion to the well-known words of the Chief-Justice of the United-States Supreme Court, in the celebrated case of Dred Scott, at the December Term, 1856. Judge Taney's language is as follows : — “Can a negro, whose ancestors were imported into this Ghieſ.ºu. country, and sold as slaves, become a member of the politi- cal community formed and brought into existence by the Constitution of the United States, and as such become entitled to all the rights, and privileges, and immunities guarantied by that instrument to the citizen? One of which rights is the privilege of suing in a court of the United States in the cases specified in the Constitution. “The question before us is, whether the class of persons described in the plea in abatement compose a portion of this people, and are constituent members of this sovereign- ty ? We think they are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word ‘citizens’ in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument tice Tamey. 8 HISTORICAI, RESEARCH. §.º. provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate and inferior class of beings, who had been sub- jugated by the dominant race, and, whether emancipated or not, yet remained subject to their authority, and had no rights or privileges but such as those who held the power and the Government might choose to grant them. “They had for more than a century before been re- garded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an Ordi- nary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it. This opinion was at that time fixed and universal in the civilized portion of the white race. It was regarded as an axiom in morals as well as in politics, which no one thought of disputing, or supposed to be open to dispute; and men, in every grade and position in society, daily and habitually acted upon it in their private pursuits, as well as in matters of public concern, without doubting for a moment the correctness of this opinion.”— Howard's Reports, vol. xix. pp. 403-405, 407. sº * This remarkable assertion is in direct violation of historic truth. It shocked the moral sentiment of our own community, and excited the indignant rebuke of some of the most eminent Jurists and Statesmen of Europe, who declared the sentiments to be “so ea- ecrable as to be almost incredible.” It was promptly met and answered by Judge McLean of Ohio, and Judge Curtis of Massachusetts, Associate Justices of the United-States Supreme Court. SLAVERY SECTIONAL, NOT NATIONAL. 9 Mr. Justice McLean, in his elaborate opinion, says: — ninth section of the first article of the Constitution, it is provided ‘ that the migration or importation of such per- sons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year 1808; but a tax, or duty, may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person.’ “In the Convention, it was proposed by a committee of eleven to limit the importation of slaves to the year 1800, when Mr. Pinckney moved to extend the time to the year 1808. This motion was carried, - New Hampshire, Mas- sachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia voting in the affirmative; and New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, in the negative. In opposition to the motion, Mr. Madison said: “Twenty years will produce all the mischief that can be apprehended from the liberty to import slaves. So long a term will be more dishonorable to the American character than to say nothing about it in the Constitution.” (Madison Papers.) “We need not refer to the mercenary spirit which in- troduced the infamous traffic in slaves, to show the degra- dation of negro slavery in our country. This system was imposed upon our colonial settlements by the mother country; and it is due to truth to say, that the commercial colonies and States, were chiefly engaged in the traffic. But we know as a historical fact, that James Madison, that great and good man, a leading member in the Federal Con- vention, was solicitous to guard the language of that instrument so as not to convey the idea that there could be property in man. “I prefer the lights of Madison, Hamilton, and Jay, as a means of construing the Constitution in all its bearings, “Slavery is emphatically a State institution. In the #. €3.Il. 2 10 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Judge McLean. Judge Curtis. rather than to look behind that period into a traffic which is now declared to be piracy, and punished with death by Christian nations. I do not like to draw the sources of our domestic relations from so dark a ground. Our independ- ence was a great epoch in the history of freedom ; and while I admit the Government was not made especially for the colored race, yet many of them were citizens of the New-England States, and exercised the rights of suffrage, when the Constitution was adopted; and it was not doubted by any intelligent person that its tendencies would greatly ameliorate their condition. “Many of the States, on the adoption of the Constitu- tion, or shortly afterward, took measures to abolish slavery within their respective jurisdictions; and it is a well-known fact, that a belief was cherished by the leading men, South as well as North, that the institution of slavery would grad- ually decline, until it would become extinct. The in- creased value of slave labor, in the culture of cotton and sugar, prevented the realization of this expectation. Like all other communities and States, the South were influenced by what they considered to be their own interests. “But, if we are to turn our attention to the dark ages of the world, why confine our view to colored slavery 7 On the same principles, white men were made slaves. All slavery has its origin in power, and is against right.”— Howard's Reports, vol. xix. pp. 536–538. The following is a part of the conclusive dissenting opinion of Mr. Justice Curtis: — “To determine whether any free persons, descended from Africans held in slavery, were citizens of the United States under the Confederation, and consequently at the time of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, it is only necessary to know whether any such persons were citizens of either of the States under the Confederation, at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. NEGROES REGARDED AS CITIZENS. 11 “Of this there can be no doubt. At the time of the rati. fication of the Articles of Confederation, all free native-born inhabitants of the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and North Carolina, though de- scended from African slaves, were not only citizens of those States, but such of them as had the other necessary qualifications possessed the franchise of electors, on equal terms with other citizens. “The Supreme Court of North Carolina, in the case of the State vs. Manuel (4 Dev. and Bat., 20), has declared the law of that State on this subject, in terms which I be- lieve to be as sound law in the other States I have enume- rated, as it was in North Carolina. “‘According to the laws of this State,’ says Judge Gas- ton, in delivering the opinion of the court, ‘all human beings within it, who are not slaves, fall within one of two classes. Whatever distinctions may have existed in the Roman laws between citizens and free inhabitants, they are unknown to our institutions. Before our Revolution, all free persons born within the dominions of the King of Great Britain, whatever their color or complexion, were native-born British subjects, – those born out of his alle- giance were aliens. Slavery did not exist in England, but it did in the British colonies. Slaves were not in legal parlance persons, but property. The moment the incapa- city, the disqualification of slavery, was removed, they became persons; and were then either British subjects, or not British subjects, according as they were or were not born within the allegiance of the British King. Upon the Revolution, no other change took place in the laws of North Carolina than was consequent on the transition from a colony dependent on a European King, to a free and sovereign State. Slaves remained slaves. British subjects in North Carolina became North Carolina freemen. For- eigners, until made members of the State, remained aliens. Slaves, manumitted here, became freemen ; and therefore, Judge Curtis. Judge Gaston cited. 12 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Judge Curtis. if born within North Carolina, are citizens of North Caro- lina; and all free persons born within the State are born citizens of the State. The Constitution extended the elective franchise to every freeman who had arrived at the age of twenty-one, and paid a public tax; and it is a matter of universal notoriety, that, under it, free persons, without regard to color, claimed and exercised the fran- chise, until it was taken from free men of color a few years since by our amended Constitution.’ “It has been often asserted, that the Constitution was made exclusively by and for the white race. It has already been shown, that, in five of the thirteen original States, colored persons then possessed the elective franchise, and were among those by whom the Constitution was ordained and established. If so, it is not true, in point of fact, that the Constitution was made exclusively by the white race. And that it was made exclusively for the white race is, in my opinion, not only an assumption not warranted by any thing in the Constitution, but contradicted by its opening declaration, that it was ordained and established by the people of the United States, for themselves and their pos- terity. And, as free colored persons were then citizens.of at least five States, and so in every sense part of the peo- ple of the United States, they were among those for whom and whose posterity the Constitution was ordained and es- tablished.”— Howard's Reports, vol. xix. pp. 572, 573, 582. The Hon. George Bancroft, in his “Oration before the Mayor, Common Council, and Citizens of New York, on the 22d of February, 1862,” alluding to the opinion of Judge Taney, notwithstanding his affini- ties with the political party through which the Chief- Justice was raised to his high station, thus speaks:– JUDGE TANEY's OPINION REVIEWED. 13 “During all these convulsions, the United States stood unchanged, admitting none but the slightest modifications in its charter, and proving itself the most stable govern- ment of the civilized world. But at last “we have fallen on evil days.’ ‘The propitious smiles of Heaven,' such are the words of Washington, ‘ can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right.’ During eleven years of perverse government, those rules were disregarded; and it came to pass that men who should firmly avow the sentiments of Washington, and Jef. ferson, and Franklin, and Chancellor Livingston, were disfranchised for the public service; that the spotless Chief- Justice whom Washington placed at the head of our Su- preme Court could by no possibility have been nominated for that office, or confirmed. Nay, the corrupt influence invaded even the very home of justice. The final decree of the Supreme Court, in its decision on a particular case, must be respected and obeyed: the present Chief-Justice has, on one memorable appeal, accompanied his decision with an impassioned declamation, wherein, with profound immorality, which no one has as yet fully laid bare, treat- ing the people of the United States as a shrew to be tamed by an open scorn of the facts of history, with a dreary industry collecting cases where justice may have slum- bered or weakness been oppressed, compensating for want of evidence by confidence of assertion, with a partiality that would have disgraced an advocate neglecting hu- mane decisions of colonial courts and the enduring me- morials of colonial statute-books, in his party zeal to prove that the fathers of our country held the negro to have “no rights which the white man was bound to respect,”. he has not only denied the rights of man and the liberties of man- kind, but has not left a foothold for the liberty of the white man to rest upon. “That ill-starred disquisition is the starting-point of this rebellion, which, for a quarter of a century, had been George Bancroft. 14 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. George Bancroft. vainly preparing to raise its head. “When courts of jus- tice fail, war begins.’ The so-called opinion of Taney, who, I trust, did not intend to hang out the flag of dis. union, that rash offence to the conscious memory of the millions, upheaved our country with the excitement which swept over those of us who vainly hoped to preserve a strong and sufficient though narrow isthmus that might stand between the conflicting floods. No nation can adopt that judgment as its rule, and live : the judgment has in it no element of political vitality. I will not say it is an invo- cation of the dead past : there never was a past that accepted such opinions. If we want the opinions received in the days when our Constitution was framed, we will not take them second-hand from our Chief-Justice: we will let the men of that day speak for themselves. How will our American magistrate sink, when arraigned, as he will be, before the tribunal of humanity How terrible will be the verdict against him, when he is put in comparison with Washington's political teacher, the great Montesquieu, the enlightened magistrate of France, in what are es- teemed the worst days of her monarchy The argu- ment from the difference of race which Taney thrusts forward with passionate confidence, as a proof of complete disqualification, is brought forward by Montesquieu as a scathing satire on all the brood of despots who were supposed to uphold slavery as tolerable in itself. The rights of MANKIND — that precious word which had no equiv- alent in the language of Hindostan, or Judaea, or Greece, or Rome, or any ante-Christian tongue — found their sup- porter in Washington and Hamilton, in Franklin and Livingston, in Otis, George Mason, and Gadsden ; in all the greatest men of our early history. The one rule from which the makers of our first Confederacy, and then of our national Constitution, never swerved, is this: to fix no constitutional disability on any one. Whatever might stand in the way of any man, from opinion, ancestry, weak- THE SOUTH FORMERLY OPPOSED To SLAVERY. 15 ness of mind, inferiority or inconvenience of any kind, was itself not formed into a permanent disfranchisement. The Constitution of the United States was made under the recognized influence of ‘the eternal rule of order and right;" so that, as far as its jurisdiction extends, it raised at once the numerous class who had been chattels into the condition of persons: it neither originates nor perpetuates inequality.”—Pulpit and Rostrum, 1862, pp. 104–107. In refutation of the common charge, that the North has changed its position on the subject of slavery, I cannot forbear adding an extract from the “Address of the Hon. Edward Everett, delivered in New York, on the 4th of July, 1861.” In his own matchless manner, Mr. Everett thus disposes of the whole matter : — “The Southern theory assumes, that, at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, the same antagonism prevailed as now between the North and South, on the general sub- ject of slavery; that although it existed, to some extent, in all the States but one of the Union, it was a feeble and declining interest at the North, and mainly seated at the South; that the soil and climate of the North were soon found to be unpropitious to slave labor, while the reverse was the case at the South ; that the Northern States, in consequence, having from interested motives abolished sla- very, sold their slaves to the South ; and that then, although the existence of slavery was recognized, and its protection guarantied, by the Constitution, as soon as the Northern States had acquired a controlling voice in Congress, a per- sistent and organized system of hostile measures against the rights of the owners of slaves in the Southern States was inaugurated, and gradually extended, in violation of the compromises of the Constitution, as well as of the honor George Bancroft. Edward Everett. 16 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. #. and good faith tacitly pledged to the South by the manner in which the North disposed of her slaves. “Such, in substance, is the statement of Mr. Davis, in his late message; and he then proceeds, seemingly as if rehearsing the acts of this Northern majority in Congress, to refer to the anti-slavery measures of the State Legisla. tures, to the resolutions of abolition societies, to the passion- ate appeals of the party press, and to the acts of lawless individuals, during the progress of this unhappy agita- tion. • “Now, this entire view of the subject, with whatever boldness it is affirmed, and with whatever persistency it is repeated, is destitute of foundation. It is demonstrably at war with the truth of history, and is contradicted by facts known to those now on the stage, or which are mat- ters of recent record. At the time of the adoption of the Constitution, and long afterwards, there was, generally speaking, no sectional difference of opinion between North and South, on the subject of slavery. It was in both parts of the country regarded, in the established formula of the day, as ‘a social, political, and moral evil.” The general feeling in favor of universal liberty and the rights of man, wrought into fervor in the progress of the Revolution, nat- urally strengthened the anti-slavery sentiment throughout the Union. It is the South which has since changed, not the North. The theory of a change in the Northern mind, growing out of a discovery made Soon after 1789, that our soil and climate were unpropitious to slavery (as if the soil and climate then were different from what they had always been), and a consequent sale to the South of the slaves of the North, is purely mythical, - as groundless in fact as it is absurd in statement. I have often asked for the evidence of this last allegation, and I have never found an individual who attempted even to prove it. But how- ever this may be, the South at that time regarded slavery as an evil, though a necessary One, and habitually spoke of THE SOUTH FORMERLY OPPOSED TO STAVERY. 17 it in that light. Its continued existence was supposed to #. º * > 3Verett. depend on keeping up the African slave-trade; and South as well as North, Virginia as well as Massachusetts, passed laws to prohibit that traffic: they were, however, before the Revolution, vetoed by the Royal Governors. One of the first acts of the Continental Congress, unanimously subscribed by its members, was an agreement neither to import, nor purchase any slave imported, after the first of December, 1774. In the Declaration of Independence, as originally draughted by Mr. Jefferson, both slavery and the slave-trade were denounced in the most uncompromising language. In 1777, the traffic was forbidden in Virginia, by State law, no longer subject to the veto of Royal Gover- nors. In 1784, an ordinance was reported by Mr. Jeffer. son to the old Congress, providing that after 1800 there should be no slavery in any Territory ceded or to be ceded to the United States. The ordinance failed at that time to be enacted; but the same prohibition formed a part, by general consent, of the ordinance of 1787 for the organiza- tion of the North-western Territory. In his “ Notes on Vir- ginia,’ published in that year, Mr. Jefferson depicted the evils of slavery in terms of fearful import. In the same year, the Constitution was framed. It recognized the ex- istence of slavery; but the word was carefully excluded from the instrument, and Congress was authorized to abol- ish the traffic in twenty years. In 1796, Mr. St. George Tucker, law-professor in William and Mary College, in Virginia, published a treatise entitled ‘A Dissertation on Slavery, with a Proposal for the Gradual Abolition of it in the State of Virginia.’ In the preface to the essay, he speaks of the ‘abolition of slavery in this State as an ob- ject of the first importance, not only to our moral character and domestic peace, but even to our political salvation.’ In 1797, Mr. Pinkney, in the Legislature of Maryland, maintained, that, ‘by the eternal principles of justice, no man in the State has a right to hold his slave a single 3 - 18 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Edward Everett. hour.” In 1803, Mr. John Randolph, from a committee on the subject, reported that the prohibition of slavery by the ordinance of 1787 was “a measure wisely calculated to promote the happiness and prosperity of the North-western States, and to give strength and security to that extensive frontier.” Under Mr. Jefferson, the importation of slaves into the territories of Mississippi and Louisiana was pro- hibited in advance of the time limited by the Constitution for the interdiction of the slave-trade. When the Missouri restriction was enacted, all the members of Mr. Monroe's Cabinet — Mr. Crawford of Georgia, Mr. Calhoun of South Carolina, and Mr. Wirt of Virginia — concurred with Mr. Monroe in affirming its constitutionality. In 1832, after the Southampton massacre, the evils of slavery were ex- posed in the Legislature of Virginia, and the expediency of its gradual abolition maintained, in terms as decided as were ever employed by the most uncompromising agitator. A bill for that object was introduced into the Assembly by the grandson of Mr. Jefferson, and warmly supported by distinguished politicians now on the stage. Nay, we have the recent admission of the Vice-President of the seceding Confederacy, that what he calls ‘the errors of the past generation,” meaning the anti-slavery sentiments enter- tained by Southern statesmen, “still clung to many as late as twenty years ago.’” — pp. 31–33. These extracts from the recorded opinions of the learned associates of the Chief-Justice, the eminent Historian, and the illustrious Statesman and Orator, would seem to furnish a complete refutation of the charges brought against the North for having changed its policy or action, and violated some expressed or implied agreement respecting the supposed sacred and paramount rights of slavery. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 19 But, as historical inquirers, we should not impli- citly receive the opinions or assertions of any author, however eminent in position or however impartial in judgment and truthful in statement he may be re- garded, without referring to the original records, and comparing the contemporary authorities. It is my purpose to do this, to some extent, at the present time. The primal American Magna Charta, by which the Pºlº- Founders of the Republic asserted the right of the ºpend- people to form a constitution and government of their own, was proclaimed on the 4th of July, 1776. Its language is clear and explicit. The authors were men of sense and of learning. They knew the mean- ing of the words they used. Was it for “glittering generalities” that they pledged their lives, their for- tumes, and their sacred honor, or did they regard the sentiments of that immortal document as solemn veri- ties? In those times which tried men's souls, were they guilty of attempting to amuse the fancy by a rhetorical flourish, or, what is worse, to delude their fellow-citizens by the merest cant, or did they in- tend deliberately and reverently to publish to the world their Political Confession of Faith, and to en- deavor to show that faith by their works : Happily for us and for the fair fame of those patri- ots, they have left, in the record of their actions and in their published correspondence, the clearest and most comprehensive commentary on the instrument they signed. 20 - HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Declara- tion of Independ- CllC6. The first article in the National Creed is so broad and universal in its sentiments, that attempts have often been made to narrow its meaning, and limit its application : — “We hold these truths to be self-evident : that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; that, to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” It has been truly said by Mr. Bancroft, “The heart of Jefferson in writing the Declaration, and of Con- gress in adopting it, beat for all humanity: the asser- tion of right was made for all mankind and all coming generations, without any exception whatever ; for the proposition which admits of exceptions can never be self-evident.” The author, it is said, could never have intended to have this language received in its literal signifi- cance, for then it would have included in the Decla- ration persons of African descent; while, at the time of the writing of this document, negro slavery existed in the Colonies, and the author of the paper was him- self a slave-holder. Did Mr. Jefferson intend to con- demn his own conduct, and that of his associates, by announcing doctrines at variance with their lives In Christian morals, the first step towards reforma- tion is a conviction of sin ; and the second is con- fession, and promise of amendment. The patriots and sages who framed our form of government, in CAPACITY AND RIGHTS OF NEGROES. 21 declaring their principles as political philosophers, acted in like manner. They did not ignore the fact, that colored men were held in bondage. They did not attempt to conceal, much less to justify, the offence. As, in the popular religious creed of their day, all men, through Adam, had fallen from inno- cence, and were guilty; so they felt, that, by the act of their ancestors, they were themselves then acting in violation of the natural and immutable laws of politi- cal justice. It should be borne in mind, that the Declaration of Independence is not an ethnological essay, or a dis- quisition on the physical or intellectual capacity of the various races of men, but a grave announcement of Human Rights. Mr. Jefferson, in his “ Notes on Virginia,” has given very fully his views of the physical, moral, and mental capacities of negroes. “The opinion that they are inferior in the faculties of Thºmas reason and imagination must be hazarded with great diffi- dence. To justify a general conclusion, requires many ob- servations, even where the subject may be submitted to the anatomical knife, to optical glasses, to analysis by fire or by solvents. How much more, then, where it is a faculty, not a substance, we are examining; where it eludes the research of all the senses; where the conditions of its existence are various, and variously combined; where the effects of those which are present or absent bid defiance to calculation ; let me add, too, as a circumstance of great tenderness, where our conclusion would degrade a whole race of men from the rank in the scale of beings which efferson. 22 PHISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Thomas Jefferson. their Creator may perhaps have given them To our re- proach it must be said, that, though for a century and a half we have had under our eyes the races of black and of red men, they have never yet been viewed by us as subjects of natural history. I advance it, therefore, as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind.” — Jefferson's Works, vol. viii. p. 386. Alluding to these opinions several years after- wards, the author, in a letter addressed to “ M. Gré- goire, Evêque et Sémateur,” says, – “My doubts were the result of personal observation on the limited sphere of my own State, where the opportuni- ties for the development of their genius were not favorable, and those of exercising it still less so. I expressed them, therefore, with great hesitation; but, whatever be their de- gree of talent, it is no measure of their rights. Because Sir Isaac Newton was superior to others in understanding, he was not, therefore, lord of the person or property of others. On this subject they are gaining daily in the opinions of nations, and hopeful advances are making towards their re-establishment on an equal footing with the other colors of the human family. I pray you, therefore, to ac- cept my thanks for the many instances you have enabled me to observe of respectable intelligence in that race of men, which cannot fail to have effect in hastening the day of their relief.” – Jefferson's Works, vol. v. p. 429. How slavery was regarded at the time is clearly stated in the instructions prepared by Mr. Jefferson for the first delegation of Virginia to Congress, in August, 1774, and printed in a pamphlet form, under THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY DESIRED, 23 the title of “A Summary View of the Rights of #. British America.” I have Italicized a few lines as worthy of particular attention : — “For the most trifling reasons, and sometimes for no con- ceivable reason at all, his Majesty has rejected laws of the most salutary tendency. The abolition of domestic slavery is the great object of desire in those Colonies, where it was, unhappily, introduced in their infant state. But, previous to the enfranchisement of the slaves we have, it is neces. sary to exclude all further importations from Africa. Yet our repeated attempts to effect this by prohibitions, and by imposing duties which might amount to a prohibition, have been hitherto defeated by his Majesty's negative : thus preferring the immediate advantages of a few British corsairs to the lasting interests of the American States, and to the rights of human nature, deeply wounded by this infamous practice.”—Jefferson's Works, vol. i. p. 135. It is well known that some passages in the original draught of the Declaration of Independence were omitted when the paper was finally adopted by Com- gress. One of these passages shows so strikingly the feelings of the author on this subject, that it may well be cited here : — “He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, ...; omitted violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the from the persons of a distant people who never offended him ; capti- * vating and carrying them into slavery in another hemi-lº": sphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of Infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Brit- ain. Determined to keep open a market where men should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative for 24 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Passage omitted from the Declara- tion of Independ- €Il CG. Suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to re- strain this execrable commerce. And, that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he also obtrud- ed them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.” — Jefferson's Works, vol. i. pp. 23, 24. John Adams, who was associated with Jefferson on the sub-committee for framing the Declaration, thus expresses his feelings on seeing Mr. Jefferson's first draught: “I was delighted with its high tone, and the flights of oratory with which it abounded, espe- cially that concerning negro slavery; which, though I knew his Southern brethren would never suffer to pass in Congress, I certainly would never oppose.” — Works, ii. 514. - The foresight of Mr. Adams, concerning the re- jection of the passage relating to slavery, was not founded on a belief that the sentiments contained in it were at variance with the general views of the people both at the South and at the North (for the history of the times is full of evidence to the contrary), but from his knowledge that a few bold and persever- ing pro-slavery men would be able then—as they have been ever since — to induce timid and time-serving, and even honest but less strong-willed, public ser- vants, to concede to them, for the sake of peace and harmony, all they demanded. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 25 Lord Mahon asserts that the rejected clause, “it was º.º., found, would displease the Southern Colonies, who “" had never sought to prohibit the importation of slaves, but, on the contrary, desired to continue it.” Our worthy Corresponding Member, the Hon. Peter Force, of Washington, (in two communications to the “National Intelligencer,” January 16 and 18, 1855, — republished in London in the form of a pamphlet,) has completely refuted this error; and has produced abundant evidence that the “ Southern Colonies, jointly with all the others, and separately each for itself, did agree to prohibit the importation of slaves, voluntarily and in good faith.” He calls attention to the Continental Association, adopted and signed by all the members of the Congress on the 20th of Oc- tober, 1774. “The second Article of the Association is in these words : — “‘That we will neither import nor purchase any slave ºnal imported after the first day of December next; after which tion. we will wholly discontinue the slave-trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.’ “This was signed by all the Delegates of the twelve Colonies represented in it. - “As Georgia was not represented in the Congress of 1774, the Association could have no signatures from that Colony. But the people of Georgia, as soon as they could speak by their Representatives, 4 26 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Provincial Congress of Georgia. expressed themselves as distinctly on this point as any of their brethren of the Southern Colonies. The following are among the resolutions adopted by the Provincial Congress of Georgia, on Thursday, July 6, 1775 : — “‘1. Resolved, That this Congress will adopt, and carry into execution, all and singular the measures and recom- mendations of the late Continental Congress. “‘4. Resolved, That we will neither import or purchase any slave imported from Africa or elsewhere after this day.” “The Continental Association was also adopted by the Maryland Convention on the 8th of December, 1774; by the South-Carolina Provincial Congress on the 11th of January, 1775; by the Virginia Conven- tion on the 22d of March, 1775; and by the North- Carolina Provincial Congress on the 23d of August, 1775. The Assembly of Delaware, on the 25th of March, 1775, passed a bill to prohibit the importation of slaves into that Government; but this was returned by the governor, John Penn, who refused to give it his assent. “Thus the Southern Colonies, as far as was possi- ble, besides giving their assent to the Association of the Congress by the signatures of their delegates to that compact, each, in their several Congresses and Conventions, separately expressed their approval of it, and their determination to support it.” The articles of the Continental Association were not allowed to remain a dead letter. The enforcement of NO DEALINGS WITH SLAVE-TRADERS. 27 the rules was intrusted to committees in the several Colonies. The action of one of these committees, in the case of the violation of the second article by Mr. John Brown, a merchant of Norfolk, in Virginia, is seen in the following address : — “‘TO THE FREEMEN OF VIRGINIA : “‘COMMITTEE CHAMBER, NORFOLK, March 6, 1775. “‘Trusting to your sure resentment against the enemies of your country, we, the committee, elected by ballot for the Borough of Norfolk, hold up for your just indignation Mr. John Brown, merchant of this place. “‘On Thursday, the 2d of March, this committee were informed of the arrival of the brig Fanny, Capt. Watson, with a number of slaves for Mr. Brown; and, upon inquiry, it appeared they were shipped from Jamaica as his prop- erty, and on his account; that he had taken great pains to conceal their arrival from the knowledge of the committee; and that the shipper of the slaves, Mr. Brown's correspond- ent, and the captain of the vessel, were all fully apprised of the Continental prohibition against that article. “‘From the whole of this transaction, therefore, we, the committee for Norfolk Borough, do give it as our unani- mous opinion, that the said John Brown has wilfully and perversely violated the Continental Association, to which he had with his own hand subscribed obedience; and that, agreeable to the eleventh article, we are bound forthwith to publish the truth of the case, to the end that all such foes to the rights of British America may be publicly known and universally contemned as the enemies of Ameri- can liberty, and that every person may henceforth break off all dealings with him.’ “This decision of the Norfolk Committee,” con- tinues Mr. Force, “on the importation of the slaves by Continental Associa- tion. 28 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. L ord Mahon's €l'l’Ol". Mr. Brown, in violation of the Continental Association, told the whole story as to who were, and who were not, in favor of continuing it. The importers of the negroes were the supporters of the Crown; the im- portation was opposed by the friends of the Colo- nies.”— Notes on Lord Mahon's History of the Ameri- can Declaration of Independence, pp. 43–46. Lord Mahon's error arose from applying to “the Southern Colonies” in general the remarks of Mr. Jefferson (“Writings,” vol. i. p. 19) relating to the delegates from South Carolina and Georgia. In the same passage in which these Colonies are mentioned with discredit, the pro-slavery men at the North, whose mercenary spirit was to be met, are equally censured. Still, there cannot be any doubt that the prevailing sentiment of the people at the South, as well as at the North, was decidedly opposed to slavery. The evil was almost universally regarded as tempo- rary, and no one openly advocated its perpetuation. Before passing from the consideration of the Decla- ration of Independence, let us look, for a moment, at the practical interpretation of its language, as fur- nished by the early legislation of some of the States. The declaration that all men are born equal, and that they possess the unalienable right of liberty, was re-affirmed by several of the States, and adopted as a part of their Constitutions. The action of our own Commonwealth, in this respect, was clearly shown by the Rev. Dr. Belknap, the founder of our Society, in his “ Answers to Queries respecting Slavery,” pro- MASSACHUSETTS ABOLISHES SLAVERY. 29 posed to him by the Hon. Judge Tucker of Virginia, January 24th, 1795. “The present Constitution of Massachusetts was esta- º blished in 1780. The first article of the Declaration of" Rights asserts that “all men are born free and equal.” This was inserted not merely as a moral or political truth, but with a particular view to establish the liberation of the negroes on a general principle ; and so it was understood by the people at large; but some doubted whether this were sufficient. “Many of the blacks, taking advantage of the public opinion and of this general assertion in the Bill of Rights, asked their freedom, and obtained it. Others took it with. out leave. Some of the aged and infirm thought it most prudent to continue in the families where they had always been well used, and experience has proved that they acted right. - “In 1781, at the Court in Worcester County, an indictment was found against a white man for assaulting, beating, and imprisoning a black. He was tried at the Supreme Judi- cial Court in 1783. His defence was, that the black was his slave; and that the beating, &c. was the necessary restraint and correction of the master. This was answered by citing the aforesaid clause in the Declaration of Rights. The judges and jury were of opinion, that he had no right to beat or imprison the negro. He was found guilty, and fined forty shillings. This decision was a mortal wound to slavery in Massachusetts.”— Mass. Hist. Coll., First Series, vol. iv. p. 203. The Hon. Emory Washburn, in his admirable pa- per on the “Extinction of Slavery in Massachusetts,” communicated to our Society at the regular meeting in May, 1857, and published in the Proceedings for that year, gives a pretty full account of this trial. 30 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Brief of Mr. Lincoln. The brief used by Mr. Lincoln, the counsel for the negro, was placed in the hands of Mr. Washburn by the son of the eminent counsellor, our venerable and respected associate, the Hon. Levi Lincoln of Wor- cester, for many years Governor of this Common- wealth. Every word of it, and of the whole paper of Mr. Washburn, ought to be carefully read and pondered at the present time. A few extracts will give some idea of the character of the arguments so effectively used at that period, when the authors of the Declaration of Independence and the founders of the Republic were still struggling to establish our Government on the firm basis of equal and eternal justice. A solemn appeal to the “higher law” was not, in those days, denounced as moral or political heresy. “When a fellow-subject is restrained of his liberty, it is an attack upon every other subject; and every one has a right to aid him in regaining his liberty. - “What, in this respect, are to be the consequences of your verdict 7 Will it not be tidings of great joy to this community? It is virtually opening the prison-doors, and letting the oppressed go free “Could they expect to triumph in their struggle with Great Britain, and become free themselves, until they let those go free who were under them 2 Were they not act- ing like Pharaoh and the Egyptians, if they refused to set these free ? & “But the plaintiff insists that it is not true, as stated in the Constitution, that all men are born free; for children are born and placed under the power and control of their parents. SLAVE TRIAL IN MASSA CHUSETTS. 31 “This may be. But they are not born as slaves: they ºf are under the power of their parents, to be nursed and Lincoln. nurtured and educated for their good. “And the black child is born as much a free child in this sense as if it were white. “In making out that negroes are the property of their masters, the counsel for the plaintiff speak of lineage, and contend that the children of slaves must be slaves in the same way that, because our first parents fell, we all fell with them. “But are not all mankind born in the same way 7 Are not their bodies clothed with the same kind of flesh 7 Was not the same breath of life breathed into all 2 We are under the same gospel dispensation, have one common Sa- viour, inhabit the same globe, die in the same manner; and though the white man may have his body wrapped in fine linen, and his attire may be a little more decorated, there all distinction of man's making ends. We all sleep on the same level in the dust. We shall all be raised by the sound of one common trump, calling unto all that are in their graves, without distinction, to arise ; shall be arraigned at one common bar; shall have one common Judge, and be tried by one common jury, and condemned or acquitted by one common law, - by the gospel, the perfect law of li- berty. “This cause will then be tried again, and your verdict will there be tried. Therefore, gentlemen of the jury, let me conjure you to give such a verdict now as will stand this test, and be approved by your own minds in the last moments of your existence, and by your Judge at the last day. “It will then be tried by the laws of reason and revela- tion. “Is it not a law of nature, that all men are equal and free ? 32 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Brief of Mr. Lincoln. Constitu- tion of Vermont. “Is not the law of nature the law of God? “Is not the law of God, then, against slavery 7 “If there is no law of man establishing it, there is no difficulty. If there is, then the great difficulty is to deter- mine which law you ought to obey; and, if you shall have the same ideas as I have of present and future things, you will obey the former. “The worst that can happen to you for disobeying the former is the destruction of the body; for the last, that of your souls.” – Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. Soc., 1855–58, pp. 198–201. Other contemporary documents might be cited to show how such language as that used in the Declara- tion of Independence was interpreted by the legisla- tive and legal action of the day. I will only give the first article in the Constitution of Vermont : — “All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent, and inalienable rights ; among which are the enjoying and defending life and lib- erty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety: therefore no male person, born in this country or brought from over sea, ought to be holden by law to serve any person as a servant, slave, or apprentice, after he arrives to the age of twenty- one years; nor female, in like manner, after she arrives to the age of eighteen years; unless they are bound by their own consent after they arrive to such age, or bound by the law for the payment of debts, damages, fines, costs, or the like.” The Articles of Confederation — which constituted the Law of the Land from the time of their passage in 1778 to the adoption of the Federal Constitution — recognized and granted to free negroes the same ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION. 33 privileges of citizenship which belonged to white in- habitants. The fourth article is as follows : — “ART. 4. — The better to secure and perpetuate mutual Free friendship and intercourse among the people of the differ- #ºn 3.S. ent States in this Union, the free inhabitants of each of * these States — paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice excepted — shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several States; and the people of each State shall have free ingress and regress to and from any other State, and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, subject to the same duties, impositions, and restrictions as the inhabitants there- of, respectively; provided that such restrictions shall not extend so far as to prevent the removal of property im- ported into any State from any other State, of which the owner is an inhabitant; provided, also, that no imposition, duty, or restriction, shall be laid by any State on the pro- perty of the United States, or either of them.”— Elliot's Debates, vol. i. p. 79. It was not by accident or oversight that negroes were included in the phrase “free inhabitants’’; for, when this article was under consideration, the delegates from South Carolina moved to amend, by inserting between the words “free” and “inhabit- ants” the word “white.” The proposed amendment was lost; only two States voting in the affirmative. In the ninth article, the word “white ” was re- tained. The State of New Jersey, although a slave- holding State, objected to this, and made a repre- sentation to Congress on the subject; an extract from which is pertinent here : — 5 34 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. New Jersey objects to the omis- sion of negroes. “The ninth article also provides that the requisition for the land forces, to be furnished by the several States, shall be proportioned to the number of white inhabitants in each. In the act of Independence, we find the following declaration: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endued by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Of this doctrine it is not a very remote consequence, that all the inhabitants of every society, be the color of their complexion what it may, are bound to promote the interest thereof, according to their respective abilities. They ought, therefore, to be brought into the account, on this occasion. But admitting necessity or expediency to justify the refusal of liberty, in certain circumstances, to persons of a particular color, we think it unequal to reckon upon such in this case. Should it be improper, for special local reasons, to admit them in arms for the defence of the nation, yet we conceive the proportion of forces to be embodied ought to be fixed ac- cording to the whole number of inhabitants in the State, from whatever class they may be raised. If the whole number of inhabitants in a State, whose inhabitants are all whites, both those who are called into the field and those who remain to till the ground and labor in mechanical arts and otherwise, are reckoned in the estimate for striking the proportion of forces to be furnished by that State, ought even a part of the latter description to be left out in an- other? As it is of indispensable necessity, in every war, that a part of the inhabitants be employed for the uses of husbandry and otherwise at home, while others are called into the field, there must be the same propriety that own- ers of a different color, who are employed for this purpose in one State, while whites are employed for the same pur. pose in another, be reckoned in the account of the inhabit- ants in the present instance.”— Elliot's Debates, vol. i. p. 89. PRINCIPLES OF THE TREVOLUTIONARY PATRIOTS. 35 The opinions of the founders of the Republic re-ºpiºns Founders specting the slavery and the citizenship of negroes, "... as expressed in some of the most important of their " public acts, from the commencement to the close of their struggle for National Independence, and during the period of the Confederation, may be gathered from the documents already cited. They had pro- claimed to the world the Universal Magna Charta which the Creator and Governor of men had granted to his subjects. This charter of natural and unalien- able rights had been timidly read and faintly spoken, by now and then a friend of liberty, in earlier times. Our patriot Fathers were the first boldly to publish it to “mankind”; to adopt these “self-evident truths” as their National Creed; and, “appealing to the Su- preme Judge of the universe for the rectitude of their intentions,” to announce their solemn purpose of es- tablishing a Government, with these principles for its chief corner-stone. With such principles and motives to stimulate their patriotism and nerve their courage, they could not fail. The mighty power of the mother-country was impotent when wielded against the cause of Liberty. The Independence of the United States was acknowl- edged by Great Britain, and we took our place among the nations of the earth. The Articles of Confederation served their purpose during the war, but were found inadequate to the growing wants of the Government. A Convention was accordingly called, to meet in Philadelphia on 36 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. the second Monday in May in 1787, to frame a Con- stitution. Before considering particularly the language of the Constitution, “the palladium of our liberties,” let us look for a moment at some of the men to whom was intrusted this important work, and see with what minds they came to the performance of the duty assigned them. Among the delegates, we find the names of George Washington of Virginia, and Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania. The former was unanimously elected President of the Convention. Dr. Franklin was the only man who could have been thought of as a com- petitor for the place. He was to have made the nomination of Washington: but, owing to the state of the weather and of his health, he was confined to his house ; and his colleague, Robert Morris, in be- half of the delegation from Pennsylvania, proposed “George Washington, Esq., late Commander-in-chief.” for President of the Convention. The character and position of these two pre-eminent patriots, from different States, one a slave-holder and the other not, give the greatest weight to their opin- ions. They have both left distinct records of their views on the subject of slavery. - Though, by inheritance and other circumstances entirely beyond his control, Washington found himself a slave-holder, yet he never defended the institution of slavery, or desired its perpetuity. On the contrary, we find, that, before he had drawn his sword in defence WASHINGTON'S OPINIONS ON SLAVERY. 37 of the independence of his country, he had uttered his testimony against slavery in the fullest manner; and, through his whole life, his desire to clear himself and his country from the foul blot was sincere and constant. It had become quite common, during the year pre- § R. ceding the commencement of hostilities between the * colonists and the mother-country, for the people to meet in their respective counties or towns, to express, through addresses and resolutions, their sentiments and views respecting the condition of affairs. Such a meeting was held on the 18th of July, 1774, at the Fairfax County Court House, in Virginia; and a series of twenty-four resolutions, prepared by a Com- mittee of which Washington was chairman, was adopted. Three of these resolves are here given : — “17. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting, that, during our present difficulties and distress, no slaves ought to be imported into any of the British colonies on this continent; and we take this opportunity of declaring our most earnest wishes to See an entire stop for ever put to such a wicked, cruel, and un- natural trade. “21. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting, that this and the other associating colonies should break off all trade, intercourse, and dealings with that colony, province, or town, which shall decline, or refuse to agree to, the plan which shall be adopted by the General Congress. “24. Resolved, That George Washington and Charles Broad- Water, lately elected our representatives to serve in the General Assembly, be appointed to attend the Convention at Williamsburg on the first day of August next, and present these resolves, as the 38 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. º: sense of the people of this county upon the measures proper ounty -> e e º Resolves. to be taken in the present alarming and dangerous situation of America.” Respecting these resolutions, Mr. Sparks observes: “The draught, from which the resolves are printed, I find among Washington's papers, in the handwriting of George Mason, by whom they were probably drawn up; yet, as they were adopted by the Committee of which Washington was chairman, and reported by him as modera- tor of the meeting, they may be presumed to express his opinions, formed on a perfect knowledge of the subject, and after cool deliberation. This may indeed be inferred from his letter to Mr. Bryan Fairfax, in which he intimates a doubt only as to the article favoring the idea of a further petition to the king. He was opposed to such a step, believing enough had been done in this way already; but he yielded the point in tenderness to the more wavering resolution of his associates. “These resolves are framed with much care and ability, and exhibit the question then at issue, and the state of public feeling, in a manner so clear and forcible as to give them a special claim to a place in the present work, in addition to the circumstance of their being the matured views of Washington at the outset of the great Revolution- ary struggle, in which he was to act so conspicuous a part. e - e. e. g. “Such were the opinions of Washington, and his asso- ciates in Virginia, at the beginning of the Revolutionary contest. The seventeenth resolve merits attention, from the pointed manner in which it condemns the slave-trade.” — Sparks's Washington, vol. ii. pp. 488, 494, 495. Washington not only condemned the slave-trade, but expressed in the most decided terms his disap- probation of domestic slavery. He discountenanced WASHINGTON'S OPINIONS ON SLAVERY. 39 the interference of non-slaveholders in attempting to liberate slaves without the consent of their masters; but at the same time, in a letter on the subject to Robert Morris, 12th April, 1786, he was careful to add : — “I hope it will not be conceived from these observations that it is my wish to hold the unhappy people, who are the subject of this letter, in slavery. I can only say, that there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see some plan adopted for the abolition of it: but there is only one proper and effectual mode by which this can be accomplished, and that is by legislative authority; and this, as far as my suffrage will go, shall never be wanting.” — Sparks's Washington, vol. ix. p. 159. On the 9th of September of this same year, Washing- ton wrote to Mr. John F. Mercer, of Maryland:— “I never mean, unless some particular circumstance should compel me to it, to possess another slave by pur- chase; it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country may be abolished by law.” — Ibid. That Washington believed his wishes with regard to the abolition of slavery would at no distant day be realized, is evident from a letter to Sir John Sin- clair, 11th December, 1796 : — “The present prices of lands in Pennsylvania are higher than they are in Maryland and Virginia, although they are not of superior quality; [among other reasons] because there are laws here for the gradual abolition of slavery, which neither of the two States above mentioned have at present, but which nothing is more certain than they must have, and at a period not remote.” — Sparks's Wash. &ngton, vol. xii. p. 326. 40 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Lafayette. Washing- ton. Lafayette, the bosom friend, who shared so fully the confidence and sympathy of Washington, was in frequent correspondence with him on the subject of slavery. No sooner had hostilities ceased, than he set about devising some practical plan for ridding the country, which his valor had helped to free from the yoke of British oppression, of an evil which he declared to be “a crime much blacker than any African face.” The 5th of February, 1783, Lafayette writes: — “Now, my dear General, that you are going to enjoy some ease and quiet, permit me to propose a plan to you, which might become greatly beneficial to the black part of mankind. Let us unite in purchasing a small estate, where we may try the experiment to free the negroes, and use them only as tenants. Such an example as yours might render it a general practice; and, if we succeed in America, I will cheerfully devote a part of my time to render the method fashionable in the West Indies. If it be a wild scheme, I had rather be mad in this way, than to be thought wise in the other task.” — Correspondence of the American Jēevolution, vol. iii. pp. 547. To this letter, Washington replies, April 5th, 1783 : — “The scheme, my dear Marquis, which you propose as a precedent to encourage the emancipation of the black people in this country from that state of bondage in which they are held, is a striking evidence of the benevolence of your heart. I shall be happy to join you in so laudable a work, but will defer going into a detail of the business till I have the pleasure of seeing you.” — Sparks's Washington, vol. viii. pp. 414, 415. WASEIINGTON AND LAFAYETTE. 41 Three years later, and after Lafayette had put his plan into practice, Washington wrote to him in a tone of mingled approval of what he had done, and despondency as to any immediate action on the sub- ject in this country: — “MOUNT VERNoN, 10th May, 1786. “The benevolence of your heart, my dear Marquis, is Mºhing. so conspicuous upon all occasions, that I never wonder `" at any fresh proofs of it; but your late purchase of an estate in the colony of Cayenne, with a view of emanci- pating the slaves on it, is a generous and noble proof of your humanity. Would to God a like spirit might diffuse itself generally into the minds of the people of this coun- try ! But I despair of seeing it. Some petitions were presented to the Assembly, at its last session, for the aboli- tion of slavery; but they could scarcely obtain a reading. To set the slaves afloat at once, would, I really believe, be productive of much inconvenience and mischief; but by degrees it certainly might, and assuredly ought to be effected, and that, too, by legislative authority.”—Sparks's Washington, vol. ix. pp. 163, 164. The following note on this subject is added by Mr. Sparks : — “In a remarkable and very interesting letter, written Lafayette. by Lafayette in the prison of Magdeburg [March 15, 1793, to the Princess d'Hénin ||, he said, ‘I know not what disposition has been made of my plantation at Cayenne; but I hope Madame de Lafayette will take care that the negroes, who cultivate it, shall preserve their liberty.’” To John Adams, also, Lafayette wrote from Paris in 1786 : — 42 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Lafayette. Washing- ton's Will. “In the cause of my black brethren, I feel myself warmly interested, and most decidedly side, so far as respects them, against the white part of mankind. Whatever be the com- plexion of the enslaved, it does not, in my opinion, alter the complexion of the crime which the enslaver commits, – a crime much blacker than any African face. It is to me a matter of great anxiety and concern, to find that this trade is sometimes perpetrated under the flag of liberty, our dear and noble stripes, to which virtue and glory have been constant standard-bearers.”— Life and Works of John Adams, vol. viii. p. 376. The opinions with regard to slavery which Wash- ington held before the adoption of the Federal Con- stitution were never relinquished. Only two years before he died (as we learn from Mr. Irving, who had the original letter before him), he said, writing to his nephew, Lawrence Lewis, “I wish from my soul that the Legislature of this State could see the policy of a gradual abolition of slavery. It might prevent much future mischief.” “On opening the will which he had handed to Mrs. Washington shortly before his death, it was found to have been carefully drawn up by himself in the preceding July; and, by an act in conformity with his whole career, one of its first provisions directed the emancipation of his slaves on the decease of his wife. It had long been his earnest wish, that the slaves held by him in his own right should receive their freedom during his life; but he had found that it would be attended with insuperable difficulties, on account of their intermixture by marriage with the ‘dower negroes,’ whom it was not in his power to manumit under the tenure by which they were held. . “With provident benignity, he also made provision in WASHINGTON FREES ALL HIS SLAVES. 43 his will for such as were to receive their freedom under .."; this devise, but who, from age, bodily infirmities, or infancy, tº might be unable to support themselves; and he expressly forbade, under any pretence whatsoever, the sale or trans- portation out of Virginia, of any slave of whom he might die possessed. Though born and educated a slave-holder, this was all in consonance with feelings, sentiments, and principles which he had long entertained.”—Irving's Wash- ington, vol. v. pp. 316, 317. The second item of that long will, coming imme- diately after the bequest to his “dearly beloved wife,” is here given: — “Item. — Upon the decease of my wife, it is my will and desire that all the slaves whom I hold in my own right shall receive their freedom. To emancipate them during her life, would, though earnestly wished by me, be attended with such insuperable difficulties, on account of their in- termixture by marriage with the dower negroes, as to excite the most painful sensations, if not disagreeable con- sequences to the latter, while both descriptions are in the occupancy of the same proprietor; it not being in my power, under the tenure by which the dower negroes are held, to manumit them. And whereas, among those who will receive freedom according to this devise, there may be some, who, from old age or bodily infirmities, and others, who, on account of their infancy, will be unable to support themselves, it is my will and desire, that all who come under the first and second description shall be comfortably clothed and fed by my heirs while they live; and that such of the latter description as have no parents living, or, if living, are unable or unwilling to provide for them, shall be bound by the court until they shall arrive at the age of twenty-five years; and in cases where no record can be produced, whereby their ages can be ascertained, the judg- 44 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Washing; ment of the court, upon its own view of the subject, shall ton’s Wi Franklin. be adequate and final. The negroes thus bound, are (by their masters or mistresses) to be taught to read and write, and to be brought up to some useful occupation, agreeably to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia providing for the support of orphan and other poor children. And I do hereby expressly forbid the sale or transportation out of the said Commonwealth, of any slave I may die possessed of, under any pretence whatsoever. And I do, moreover, most pointedly and most solemnly enjoin it upon my execu- tors hereafter named, or the survivors of them, to see that this clause respecting slaves, and every part thereof, be religiously fulfilled at the epoch at which it is directed to take place, without evasion, neglect, or delay, after the crops which may then be on the ground are harvested, particularly as it respects the aged and infirm ; seeing that a regular and permanent fund be established for their sup- port, as long as there are subjects requiring it; not trusting to the uncertain provision to be made by individuals. And to my mulatto man, William, calling himself William Lee, I give immediate freedom; or, if he should prefer it (on ac- count of the accidents which have befallen him, and which have rendered him incapable of walking or of any active employment), to remain in the situation he now is, it shall be optional in him to do so: in either case, however, I allow him an annuity of thirty dollars, during his natural life, which shall be independent of the victuals and clothes he has been accustomed to receive, if he chooses the last alternative; but in full with his freedom, if he prefers the first. And this I give him as a testimony of my sense of his attachment to me, and for his faithful services during the revolutionary war.” — Sparks's Washington, vol. xii. pp. 569–570. - Although slavery was tolerated in the Colony where he was born, and also where he afterwards FRANKLIN ON SLAVERY. - 45 became a resident, Franklin never owned a slave. Franklin. His opinions on the subject agreed substantially with those entertained by Washington; and, like “the Father of his Country,” this great philosopher, pa- triot, and statesman not only denounced negro slavery when struggling for national liberty, but left, among his last legacies to his countrymen, the most emphatic testimony against the institution. In a letter to John Wright of London, he gives an account of the early endeavors of the Friends in this country to abolish slavery; and, at the same time, expresses incidentally his own views on the sub- ject: — - “I wish success to your endeavors for obtaining an . abolition of the slave-trade. The epistle from your Yearly against Meeting, for the year 1758, was not the first sowing of the slavery. good seed you mention; for I find, by an old pamphlet in my possession, that George Keith, near a hundred years since, wrote a paper against the practice, said to be ‘given forth by the appointment of the meeting held by him at Philip James's house, in the city of Philadelphia, about the year 1693 '; wherein a strict charge was given to Friends, ‘that they should set their negroes at liberty, after some reasonable time of service, &c. &c.’ And, about the year 1728 or 1729, I myself printed a book for Ralph Sandy- ford, another of your Friends in this city, against keeping negroes in slavery; two editions of which he distributed gratis. And, about the year 1736, I printed another book on the same subject, for Benjamin Lay, who also professed being one of your Friends; and he distributed the books chiefly among them. By these instances, it appears that the seed was indeed sown in the good ground of your profession, though much earlier than the time you mention; 46 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Franklin. and its springing up to effect at last, though so late, is some confirmation of Lord Bacon's observation, that a good motion never dies; and it may encourage us in making such, though hopeless of their taking immediate effect.” — Sparks's Franklin, vol. x. p. 403. In a letter to Dean Woodward, dated London, April 10, 1773, Dr. Franklin says, – . . “I have since had the satisfaction to learn that a disposition to abolish slavery prevails in North America; that many of the Pennsylvarfians have set their slaves at liberty; and that even the Virginia Assembly have peti- tioned the king for permission to make a law for preventing the importation of more into that Colony. This request, however, will probably not be granted, as their former laws of that kind have always been repealed, and as the interest of a few merchants here has more weight with Government than that of thousands at a distance.” — Sparks's Franklin, vol. viii. p. 42. In 1789 was issued an address to the public, bear- ing the signature of this venerable man, then in his eighty-fourth year, the last of his life. This address is here reprinted entire : — “AN ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. “From the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and the Relief of Free Negroes unlawfully held in Bondage. “It is with peculiar satisfaction we assure the friends of humanity, that, in prosecuting the design of our asso- ciation, our endeavors have proved successful, far beyond our most sanguine expectations. “Encouraged by this success, and by the daily progress #. PENNSYLVANIA, ABOLITION SOCIETY. 47 of that luminous and benign spirit of liberty which is Franklin. diffusing itself throughout the world, and humbly hoping for the continuance of the divine blessing on our labors, we have ventured to make an important addition to our original plan; and do therefore earnestly solicit the support and assistance of all who can feel the tender emotions of sympathy and compassion, or relish the exalted pleasure of beneficence. • “Slavery is such an atrocious debasement of human nature, that its very extirpation, if not performed with solicitous care, may sometimes open a source of serious evils. “The unhappy man, who has long been treated as a brute animal, too frequently sinks beneath the common standard of the human species. The galling chains that bind his body do also fetter his intellectual faculties, and impair the social affections of his heart. Accustomed to move like a mere machine, by the will of a master, reflection is suspended; he has not the power of choice; and reason and conscience have but little influence over his conduct, because he is chiefly governed by the passion of fear. He is poor and friendless; perhaps worn out by extreme labor, age, and disease. “Under such circumstances, freedom may often prove a misfortune to himself, and prejudicial to society. “Attention to emancipated black people, it is therefore to be hoped, will become a branch of our national police; but, as far as we contribute to promote this emancipation, so far that attention is evidently a serious duty incumbent on us, and which we mean to discharge to the best of our judgment and abilities. “To instruct, to advise, to qualify those who have been restored to freedom, for the exercise and enjoyment of civil liberty; to promote in them habits of industry; to furnish them with employments suited to their age, sex, talents, and other circumstances; and to procure their children an 48 HISTORICAI, RESEARCH. Franklin. Memorial to Con- gress, 1790. education calculated for their future situation in life, – these are the great outlines of the annexed plan, which we have adopted, and which we conceive will essentially promote the public good, and the happiness of these our hitherto too much neglected fellow-creatures. “A plan so extensive cannot be carried into execution without considerable pecuniary resources, beyond the present ordinary funds of the Society. We hope much from the generosity of enlightened and benevolent free- men, and will gratefully receive any donations or sub- scriptions for this purpose which may be made to our Treasurer, James Starr, or to James Pemberton, Chairman of our Committee of Correspondence. “Signed by order of the Society, “B. FRANKLIN, President. “PHILADELPHIA, 9th of November, 1789.” The last public act of Dr. Franklin was the signing, as President of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society, of the following memorial to Congress : — “The memorial respectfully showeth, – “That, from a regard for the happiness of mankind, an association was formed several years since in this State, by a number of her citizens, of various religious denomi- nations, for promoting the abolition of slavery, and for the relief of those unlawfully held in bondage. A just and acute conception of the true principles of liberty, as it spread through the land, produced accessions to their num- bers, many friends to their cause, and a legislative co-opera- tion with their views, which, by the blessing of Divine Providence, have been successfully directed to the relieving from bondage a large number of their fellow-creatures of the African race. They have also the satisfaction to ob- serve, that, in consequence of that spirit of philanthropy and genuine liberty which is generally diffusing its bene- MEMORIAL TO CONGRESS. 49 ficial influence, similar institutions are forming at home Mºrial and abroad. gress, 1790. “That mankind are all formed by the same Almighty Being, alike objects of his care, and equally designed for the enjoyment of happiness, the Christian religion teaches us to believe, and the political creed of Americans fully coincides with the position. Your memorialists, particu- larly engaged in attending to the distresses arising from slavery, believe it their indispensable duty to present this subject to your notice. They have observed, with real satisfaction, that many important and salutary powers are vested in you for ‘promoting the welfare and securing the blessings of liberty to the people of the United States’; and as they conceive that these blessings ought rightfully to be administered, without distinction of color, to all descriptions of people, so they indulge themselves in the pleasing expectation, that nothing which can be done for the relief of the unhappy objects of their care, will be either omitted or delayed. “From a persuasion that equal liberty was originally the portion, and is still the birth-right, of all men ; and influenced by the strong ties of humanity, and the prin- ciples of their institution, your memorialists conceive them- selves bound to use all justifiable endeavors to loosen the / bands of slavery, and promote a general enjoyment of the blessings of freedom. Under these impressions, they earn- estly entreat your serious attention to the subject of slavery; that you will be pleased to countenance the resto- ration of liberty to those unhappy men, who alone, in this land of freedom, are degraded into perpetual bondage, and who, amidst the general joy of surrounding freemen, are groaning in servile subjection ; that you will devise means for removing this inconsistency from the character of the American people; that you will promote mercy and justice towards this distressed race; and that you will step to the very verge of the power vested in you for discoura- 7 50 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Franklin. ging every species of traffic in the persons of our fellow- IſlGI]. p “BENJ. FRANKLIN, President. “PHILADELPHIA, February 3, 1790.” (Annals of Congress, vol. ii. p. 1197.) The memorial occasioned a debate, in which some of the members attempted to justify slavery. This gave rise to a characteristic paper, communicated by Dr. Franklin to the “Federal Gazette" of March 25, 1790, and dated only twenty-four days before his death. By way of parody, he exposes the absurdity of the reasoning adopted by those who opposed the memorial : — - “To the Editor of the “Federal Gazette.’ “MARCH 23, 1790. “SIR,- Reading last night in your excellent paper the speech of Mr. Jackson in Congress against their meddling with the affair of slavery, or attempting to mend the con- dition of the slaves, it put me in mind of a similar one, made about one hundred years since, by Sidi Mehemet Ibrahim, a member of the Divan of Algiers, which may be seen in Martin's Account of his Consulship, anno 1687. It was against granting the petition of the sect called Erika, or Purists, who prayed for the abolition of piracy and slavery as being unjust. Mr. Jackson does not quote it: perhaps he has not seen it. If, therefore, some of its rea- sonings are to be found in his eloquent speech, it may only show that men's interests and intellects operate, and are operated on, with surprising similarity in all countries and climates, whenever they are under similar circumstances. The African's speech, as translated, is as follows: — FRANKLIN's PARODY ON MR. JACKSON'S SPEECH. 51 “‘Allah Bismillah, dºc. God is great, and Mahomet is his Prophet. “‘Have these Erika considered the consequences of ... granting their petition ? If we cease our cruises against nº on the Christians, how shall we be furnished with the commod- †. ities their countries produce, and which are so necessary for us? If we forbear to make slaves of their people, who, in this hot climate, are to cultivate our lands? Who are to perform the common labors of our city, and in our families 7 Must we not then be our own slaves 7 And is there not more compassion and more favor due to us as Mussulmen than to these Christian dogs 2 We have now above fifty thousand slaves in and near Algiers. This number, if not kept up by fresh supplies, will soon diminish, and be gra- dually annihilated. If we, then, cease taking and plunder- ing the infidel ships, making slaves of the seamen and passengers, our lands will become of no value for want of cultivation; the rents of houses in the city will sink one. half; and the revenue of government, arising from its share of prizes, be totally destroyed. And for what? To gratify the whims of a whimsical sect, who would have us not only forbear making more slaves, but even manumit those we have. “‘But who is to indemnify their masters for the loss? Will the State do it? Is our treasury sufficient? Will the Erika do it? Can they do it? Or would they, to do what they think justice to the slaves, do a greater injustice to the owners? And, if we set our slaves free, what is to be done with them 7 Few of them will return to their coun- tries; they know too well the greater hardships they must there be subject to ; they will not embrace our holy reli- gion; they will not adopt our manners; our people will not pollute themselves by intermarrying with them. Must we maintain them as beggars in our streets, or suffer our properties to be the prey of their pillage 2 For men accus- tomed to slavery will not work for a livelihood when not 52 . HISTORICAL RESEARCII. Fºliº's compelled. And what is there so pitiable in their present parody on . a pro-" condition ? Were they not slaves in their own countries” slaver * * - g j. “‘Are not Spain, Portugal, France, and the Italian States, governed by despots, who hold all their subjects in slavery, without exception ? Even England treats its sailors as slaves : for they are, whenever the government pleases, seized, and confined in ships of war; condemned not only to work, but to fight, for small wages, or a mere subsist- ence, not better than our slaves are allowed by us. Is their condition, then, made worse by their falling into our & hands? No: they have only exchanged one slavery for another, and I may say, a better; for here they are brought into a land where the sun of Islamism gives forth its light, and shines in full splendor; and they have an opportunity of making themselves acquainted with the true doctrine, and thereby saving their immortal souls. Those who remain at home have not that happiness. Sending the slaves home, then, would be sending them out of light into darkness. - “‘I repeat the question, What is to be done with them 2 I have heard it suggested that they may be planted in the wilderness, where there is plenty of land for them to sub- sist on, and where they may flourish as a free State ; but they are, I doubt, too little disposed to labor without com- pulsion, as well as too ignorant to establish a good govern- ment, and the wild Arabs would soon molest and destroy or again enslave them. While serving us, we take care to provide them with every thing, and they are treated with humanity. The laborers in their own country are, as I am well informed, worse fed, lodged, and clothed. “‘The condition of most of them is, therefore, already mended, and requires no further improvement. Here their lives are in safety. They are not liable to be impressed for soldiers, and forced to cut one another's Christian throats, as in the wars of their own countries. If some of the reli- gious mad bigots, who now tease us with their silly peti- FRANKLIN’s PARODY ON MR. JACKSON'S SPEECH. 53 tions, have, in a fit of blind zeal, freed their slaves, it was not generosity, it was not humanity, that moved them to the action: it was from the conscious burthen of a load of sins, and a hope, from the supposed merits of so good a work, to be excused from damnation. - “‘How grossly are they mistaken to suppose slavery to be disallowed by the Alcoran | Are not the two precepts, to quote no more, ‘Masters, treat your slaves with kindness; slaves, serve your masters with cheerfulness and fidelity,' clear proofs to the contrary 2 Nor can the plundering of infidels be in that sacred book forbidden, since it is well known from it that God has given the world, and all that it contains, to his faithful Mussulmen, who are to enjoy it of right as fast as they conquer it. Let us, then, hear no more of this detestable proposition, — the manumission of Chris- tian slaves; the adoption of which would, by depreciating our lands and houses, and thereby depriving so many good citizens of their properties, create universal discontent, and provoke insurrections, to the endangering of govern- ment, and producing general confusion. I have, therefore, no doubt but this wise council will prefer the comfort and happiness of a whole nation of true believers to the whim of a few Erika, and dismiss their petition.’ “The result was, as Martin tells us, that the Divan came to this resolution : ‘The doctrine that plundering and enslaving the Christians is unjust, is, at best, problematical; but that it is the interest of this State to continue the prac- tice, is clear: therefore let the petition be rejected.’ “And it was rejected accordingly. “And since like motives are apt to produce in the minds of men like opinions and resolutions, may we not, Mr. Brown, venture to predict, from this account, that the peti- tions to the Parliament of England for abolishing the slave- trade, to say nothing of other Legislatures, and the debates Franklin’s parody on a pro- slavery speech. 54 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. John Adams. upon them, will have a similar conclusion? I am, sir, your constant reader and humble servant, HISTORICUs.” (Sparks's Franklin, vol. ii. pp. 517–521.) It is not necessary now to produce the opinions of other members of the Convention : some of them expressed their views fully during the debates, and specimens of their speeches will presently be given. But it is not out of place here to inquire whether the leading statesmen of the country at that time, who were not members of the Convention, held opinions substantially the same as those of Washington and Franklin. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson — among the foremost men in founding the Republic — were, at the time the Convention was held, serving their country abroad; the former as ambassador to Eng- land; the latter, to France. The opinions of Mr. Adams on slavery may be briefly given in an extract from a letter written only a few years before his death : — “I have, through my whole life, held the practice of slavery in such abhorrence, that I have never owned a negro or any other slave: though I have lived for many years in times when the practice was not disgraceful; when the best men in my vicinity thought it not incon- sistent with their character; and when it has cost me thousands of dollars for the labor and subsistence of free men, which I might have saved by the purchase of negroes at times when they were very cheap.”— Works of John Adams, vol. x. p. 380. JEFFERSON ON SLAVERY. 55 Mr. Jefferson's sentiments before and at the time of Jefferson. the Declaration of Independence have already been given. They were still more strongly expressed in his “ Notes on Virginia,” in 1782 : — “The whole commerce between master and slave is a Notes on perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions; the most Virginia. unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading sub- missions on the other. Our children see this, and learn to imitate it; for man is an imitative animal. This quality is the germ of all education in him. From his cradle to his grave, he is learning to do what he sees others do. If a parent could find no motive, either in his philanthropy or his self-love, for restraining the intenperance of passion towards his slave, it should always be a sufficient one that his child is present. But generally it is not sufficient. The parent storms; the child looks on, catches the linea- ments of wrath, puts on the same airs in the circle of smaller slaves, gives a loose to the worst of passions; and thus nursed, educated, and daily exercised in tyranny, cannot but be stamped by it with odious peculiarities. The man must be a prodigy who can retain his manners and morals undepraved by such circumstances. And with what exe- cration should the statesman be loaded, who, permitting one-half the citizens thus to trample on the rights of the other, tranforms those into despots, and these into enemies; destroys the morals of the one part, and the amor patriae of the other For, if a slave can have a country in this world, it must be any other in preference to that in which he is born to live and labor for another; in which he must lock up the faculties of his nature, contribute as far as depends on his individual endeavors to the evanishment of the human race, or entail his own miserable condition on the endless generations proceeding from him. With the morals of the people, their industry also is destroyed. For in a warm climate, no man will labor for himself who 56 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Jefferson. can make another labor for him. This is so true, that, of the proprietors of slaves, a very small proportion indeed are ever seen to labor. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, – a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God?—that they are not to be vio- lated but with his wrath 2 Indeed I tremble for my coun- try, when I reflect that God is just ; that his justice cannot sleep for ever; that considering numbers, nature, and na- tural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events; that it may become probable by supernatural interference. The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest. But it is impossible to be temperate, and to pursue this subject through the various considerations of policy, of morals, of history natural and civil. We must be contented to hope they will force their way into every one's mind. I think a change already perceptible, since the origin of the present revolution. The spirit of the master is abating, — that of the slave rising from the dust; his condition mollifying; the way, I hope, preparing, under the auspices of Heaven, for a total emancipation; and that this is disposed, in the order of events, to be with the con- sent of the masters, rather than by their extirpation.” — Jefferson's Writings, vol. viii. pp. 403, 404. In a letter to Dr. Price, dated at London on the 7th of August, 1785, Mr. Jefferson thus tells him what will be the probable effect of his late pamphlet, in which the abolition of slavery is strenuously urged : — “From the mouth to the head of the Chesapeake, the bulk of the people will approve it in theory, and it will find a respectable minority ready to adopt it in practice; a minority, which, for weight and worth of character, prepon- JEFFERSON ON STAVERY. 57 derates against the greater number, who have not the Jefferson. courage to divest their families of a property, which, how- ever, keeps their conscience unquiet. Northward of the Chesapeake, you may find here and there an opponent to your doctrine, as you may find here and there a robber and murderer; but in no greater number. In that part of America, there being but few slaves, they can easily disen- cumber themselves of them ; and emancipation is put into such a train, that in a few years there will be no slaves northward of Maryland. In Maryland, I do not find such a disposition to begin the redress of this enormity, as in Vir- ginia. This is the next State to which we may turn our eyes for the interesting spectacle of justice in conflict with avarice and oppression; a conflict wherein the Sacred side is gaining daily recruits, from the influx into office of young men grown, and growing up. These have sucked in the principles of liberty, as it were, with their mothers’ milk; and it is to them I look with anxiety to turn the fate of this question. Be not therefore discouraged. What you have written will do a great deal of good; and, could you still trouble yourself with our welfare, no man is more able to give aid to the laboring side.”— Jefferson's Writ- ings, vol. i. p. 377. While Mr. Jefferson was in France, in 1786, he furnished M. Démeunier with many materials for his copious article on the United States, about to appear in the great “Encyclopédie Méthodique”; and he revised the manuscript of the whole article with great care. The following is part of a mote to the author, most of which he translated into French, and incor- porated in his own work, where it stands as a perpetual record of Mr. Jefferson's sentiments at that time : — 58 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Jefferson. “M. de Meusnier, where he mentions that the slave-law has been passed in Virginia without the clause of eman- cipation, is pleased to mention, that neither Mr. Wythe nor Mr. Jefferson was present to make the proposition they had meditated: from which, people, who do not give themselves the trouble to reflect or inquire, might conclude hastily, that their absence was the cause why the proposition was not made ; and, of course, that there were not, in the Assembly, persons of virtue and firmness enough to propose the clause for emancipation. This supposition would not be true. There were persons there, who wanted neither the virtue to propose nor talents to enforce the proposi- tion, had they seen that the disposition of the Legislature was ripe for it. These worthy characters would feel themselves wounded, degraded, and discouraged by this idea. Mr. Jefferson would therefore be obliged to M. de Meusnier to mention it in some such manner as this : “Of the two commissioners, who had concerted the amen- datory clause for the gradual emancipation of slaves, Mr. Wythe could not be present, he being a member of the judiciary department; and Mr. Jefferson was absent on the legation to France. But there were not wanting, in that Assembly, men of virtue enough to propose, and talents to vindicate, this clause. But they saw that the moment of doing it with success was not yet arrived, and that an unsuccessful effort, as too often happens, would only rivet still closer the chains of bondage, and retard the moment of delivery to this oppressed description of men. What a stupendous, what an incomprehensible machine is man, who can endure toil, famine, stripes, imprisonment, and death itself, in vindication of his own liberty, and, the next moment, be deaf to all those motives whose power supported him through his trial, and inflict on his fellow- men a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in rebellion to oppose ! But we must await with patience the workings JEFFERSON ON SLAVERY. 59 of an overruling Providence, and hope that that is pre-Jefferson. paring the deliverance of these our suffering brethren. When the measure of their tears shall be full; when their groans shall have involved heaven itself in darkness, – doubtless a God of justice will awaken to their distress, and, by diffusing light and liberality among their oppress- ors, or, at length, by his exterminating thunder, manifest his attention to the things of this world, and that they are not left to the guidance of a blind fatality.’” — Jefferson's Writings, vol. ix. pp. 278, 279. In his “Autobiography,” written only a few years before his death, alluding to the above-mentioned slave-law, he says, – “The bill on the subject of slaves was a mere digest of the existing laws respecting them, without any intimation of a plan for a future and general emancipation. It was thought better that this should be kept back, and attempted only by way of amendment, whenever the bill should be brought on. The principles of the amendment, however, were agreed on ; that is to say, the freedom of all born after a certain day, and deportation at a proper age. But it was found that the public mind would not yet bear the proposition, nor will it bear it even at this day. Yet the day is not distant when it must bear and adopt it, or worse will follow. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion, have drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably, and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be, pari passu, filled up by free white laborers. If, on the contrary, it is left to force itself on, human nature must shudder at the 60 IHISTORICAL RESEARCH. Christo- pher Gadsden. prospect held up. We should in vain look for an example in the Spanish deportation or deletion of the Moors. This precedent would fall far short of our case.” — Jefferson's Writings, vol. i. pp. 48, 49. - The eminent South-Carolina patriots, Christopher Gadsden and Henry Laurens, have left their testimony on this subject in no ambiguous terms. - Mr. Gadsden was one of the most prominent public servants of the South, both in the Continental and Colonial Legislatures. In a letter to Fr. S. Johnson, in Connecticut, dated at Charleston, S.C., 16th April, 1766, he says, – “We are a very weak province, a rich growing one, and of as much importance to Great Britain as any upon the continent; and great part of our weakness (though at the same time ’tis part of our riches) consists in having such a number of slaves amongst us; and we find in our case, according to the general perceptible workings of Provi- dence, where the crime most commonly though slowly, yet surely, draws a similar and suitable punishment, that sla- very begets slavery. Jamaica and our West India Islands demonstrate this observation, which I hope will not be our case now, whatever might have been the consequences had the fatal attempts been delayed a few years longer, when we had drank deeper of the Circean draught, and the measure of our iniquities were filled up.” — M.S. Letter (printed in the Hist. Mag., Sept. 1861, p. 261) in posses. sion of the Hon. George Bancroft. Mr. Laurens was for two years President of the Continental Congress, and afterwards appointed minis- ter to Holland. He was a commissioner, with Frank- lin and Jay, for negotiating a peace with Great Britain. SLAVERY IN SOUTH CAROLINA. 61 Mr. Laurens wrote to his son, from Charleston, S.C., 14th August, 1776: — “You know, my dear son, I abhor slavery. I was born #. in a country where slavery had been established by British kings and parliaments, as well as by the laws of that coun- try, ages before my existence. I found the Christian reliº gion and slavery growing under the same authority and cultivation. I nevertheless disliked it. In former days, there was no combating the prejudices of men supported by interest: the day, I hope, is approaching, when, from principles of gratitude as well as justice, every man will strive to be foremost in showing his readiness to comply with the golden rule. Not less than twenty thousand pounds sterling would all my negroes produce, if sold at public auction to-morrow. I am not the man who enslaved them; they are indebted to Englishmen for that favor: nevertheless, I am devising means for manumitting many of them, and for cutting off the entail of slavery. Great powers oppose me, – the laws and customs of my country, my own and the avarice of my countrymen. What will my children say if I deprive them of so much estate 7 These are difficulties, but not insuperable. I will do as much as I can in my time, and leave the rest to a better hand. “I am not one of those who arrogate the peculiar care of Providence in each fortunate event; nor one of those who dare trust in Providence for defence and security of their own liberty, while they enslave, and wish to continue in slavery, thousands who are as well entitled to freedom as themselves. I perceive the work before me is great. I shall appear to many as a promoter, not only of strange, but of dangerous doctrines: it will therefore be necessary to proceed with caution. You are apparently deeply in- terested in this affair; but, as I have no doubts concerning your concurrence and approbation, I most sincerely wish for your advice and assistance, and hope to receive both in good time.” – Collection of the Zenger Club, pp. 20, 21. ($2 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Constitu- tional Conven- tion. Such were the prevailing principles of the people, as expressed by their leading representatives, when the Convention for framing the Federal Constitution assembled in Philadelphia, in May, 1787. It is highly proper that a constant regard should be had to these principles in interpreting the language of the Con- stitution. The position and purpose of the Convention were unprecedented. It was the first time in the history of the world that an assemblage of men had been called together, with delegated power from the people, to prepare an instrument which was to establish a Go- vernment, and to be the source and test of all their laws. - Some of the delegates to this Convention had been members of the Continental Congress of 1776; and, as was said by John Quincy Adams at the Jubilee of the Constitution in New York, “this act was the complement to the Declaration of Independence; founded upon the same principles, carrying them out into practical execution, and forming with it one entire system of national government.” The Articles of Confederation proved an unsuccess- ful experiment. When the exigencies of the war were over, and the Government fully assumed the functions of an independent nation, it was seen that an error had been committed in “the substitution of State sove- reignty, instead of the constituent sovereignty of the people, as the foundation of the Revolution and of the Union.” It is a significant fact, that, in the Preamble to the Constitution, this departure from the principles CONVENTION FOR FORMING THE CONSTITUTION. 63 of the Declaration of Independence is tacitly recog- ºr stitution tº † a & tº * * $ a *.* *Y are * § d th nized, and is rectified by a recurrence to the truth, that . g º g ~. -- * & ti f to secure the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit ºn- of happiness, governments are instituted among men, dence. deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. This preamble, of only a single sentence, is the key to the Constitution. Without considering and comprehending it, no one should attempt to interpret any of the separate articles of that instrument. “WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, IN ORDER TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION, ESTABLISHI JUSTICE, INSUIRE DOMIESTIC TRAN- QUILLITY, PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENCE, PROMOTE THE GENERAL wiºr FARE, AND SECURE TIII BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY, DO ORDAIN AND ESTABLISH THIS CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” The Constitution is, and was intended to be, the people's document, — the palladium of their liberty. It was to defend and to bless the negro as well as the white man: for negroes had fought side by side with our white soldiers in the common struggle for liberty; and, in several of the States, they, as citizens, had voted for the delegates to the Convention, and after- wards on the adoption of the Constitution. It was established for the purpose of securing liberty; and nothing can be clearer to a careful stu- dent of the history of that period, than that the authors of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution of the United States, “parts of one consistent whole, founded on one and the same theory of government,” believed and intended, that, under 64 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. The Con- stitution and Sla- QI'V. their influence and operation, slavery would soon be abolished. - • It had been declared by Lord Mansfield, in the Court of King's Bench, in England, that slavery was “so odious, that nothing can be suffered to support it but positive law.” At the time the Federal Consti- tution was adopted, there was not, in the State Constitutions, any thing to warrant or justify slavery. Every thing of that kind has come by later amend- ments. As in the preparation of the Declaration of Independence, so in the formation of the Constitution, the authors did not ignore the existence of slavery. It was an evil that had been forced upon them by Great Britain, against their consent; and was one of the moving causes for the separation from the mother- country. They had, in the most emphatic manner, by resolutions and otherwise, expressed their abhor- rence of slavery, and their determination to emanci- pate the negroes without unnecessary delay. All that the slaveholders asked of the Convention was a temporary protection for what they regarded, in one sense, their property, until they could, in their own time and in their own way, bring about this desirable result. t :* Mr. Pinckney declared, “If the Southern States were let alone, they will probably of themselves stop importations. He would himself, as a citizen of South Carolina, vote for it.” Mr. Sherman observed that “the abolition of sla- very seemed to be going on in the United States, and THE CONSTITUTION AND SILAVERY. 65 that the good sense of the several States would proba- bly by degrees complete it.” Mr. Ellsworth added,— and no one expressed dissent from this opinion, — “Slavery, in time, will not be a speck in our country.” It was an eminent Virginian, Mr. Madison, who declared that “he thought it wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea of property in men.” That idea was accordingly everywhere scrupulously avoided. But still, in three separate clauses, the Constitution recognizes the existence of slavery, although it does not permit the word “slave” anywhere to tarnish its text. “ART. T. SECT. 2. . . . . . Representatives and 3. direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States Ünited which may be included within this Union, according to States. their respective numbers; which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. “ART. T. SECT. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight; but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. “ART. IV. SECT. 2. . . . . . No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escap- ing into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regula- tion therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.” 9 66 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. In considering these articles in the Convention, the whole subject of slavery was thoroughly discussed. No language of radical reformers in recent times surpasses in severity the honest utterances of the patriots and statesmen who were then assembled. No friendly voice was raised to defend this barbarous crime against humanity. Let us look at some of the speeches. Mr. Gouverneur Morris, of Pennsylvania, was the member to whom was finally committed the Constitu- tion, to give finish to the style and arrangement of that instrument. He may properly be regarded as the author of its text. In the debate on the 8th of August, 1787, he uses the following language : — * “He never would concur in upholding domestic slavery. Morris. It was a nefarious institution. It was the curse of Heaven on the States where it prevailed. Compare the free regions of the Middle States, where a rich and noble cultivation marks the prosperity and happiness of the people, with the misery and poverty which overspread the barren wastes of Virginia, Maryland, and the other States having slaves. Travel through the whole continent, and you behold the prospect continually varying with the appearance and dis- appearance of slavery. The moment you leave the Eastern States, and enter New York, the effects of the institution become visible. Passing through the Jerseys, and enter- ing Pennsylvania, every criterion of superior improvement witnesses the change. Proceed southwardly, and every step you take through the great regions of slaves presents a desert, increasing with the increasing proportion of these wretched beings. Upon what principle is it that the slaves shall be computed in the representation ? Are they men? DEBATE IN THE FEDERAL CONVENTION. 67 Then make them citizens, and let them vote. Are they ºver property? Why, then, is no other property included ? Morris. The houses in this city (Philadelphia) are worth more than all the wretched slaves who cover the rice-swamps of South Carolina. The admission of slaves into the repre- sentation, when fairly explained, comes to this, – that the inhabitant of Georgia and South Carolina, who goes to the coast of Africa, and, in defiance of the most sacred laws of humanity, tears away his fellow-creatures from their dear- est connections, and damns them to the most cruel bondage, shall have more votes in a government instituted for the protection of the rights of mankind than the citizen of Pennsylvania or New Jersey, who views with a laudable horror so nefarious a practice. He would add, that do- mestic slavery is the most prominent feature in the aris- tocratic countenance of the proposed Constitution. The vassalage of the poor has ever been the favorite offspring of aristocracy. And what is the proposed compensation to the Northern States for a sacrifice of every principle of right, of every impulse of humanity ? They are to bind themselves to march their militia for the defence of the Southern States, for their defence against those very slaves of whom they complain. They must supply vessels and seamen in case of foreign attack. The Legislature will have indefinite power to tax them by excises and duties on imports, both of which will fall heavier on them than on the Southern inhabitants; for the bohea tea used by a Northern freeman will pay more tax than the whole consumption of the miserable slave, which consists of nothing more than his physical subsistence and the rag that covers his nakedness. On the other side, the Southern States are not to be restrained from importing fresh sup- plies of wretched Africans, at once to increase the danger of attack and the difficulty of defence: may, they are to be encouraged to it by an assurance of having their votes in the National Government increased in proportion; and are, 68 - HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Gouver- In Cllr Morris. Rufus King. at the same time, to have their exports and their slaves exempt from all contributions for the public service. Let it not be said that direct taxation is to be proportioned to representation. It is idle to suppose that the General Government can stretch its hand directly into the pockets of the people scattered over so vast a country. They can only do it through the medium of exports, imports, and excises. For what, then, are all the sacrifices to be made 7 He would sooner submit himself to a tax for paying for all the negroes in the United States than saddle posterity with such a Constitution.”— Madison Papers, Elliot, vol. v. pp. 392, 393. Mr. Rufus King, of Massachusetts, in the same debate, said : — “The admission of slaves was a most grating circum- stance to his mind, and he believed would be so to a great part of the people of America. He had not made a strenu- Ous opposition to it heretofore, because he had hoped that this concession would have produced a readiness, which had not been manifested, to strengthen the General Go- vernment, and to mark a full confidence in it. The report under consideration had, by the tenor of it, put an end to all those hopes. In two great points, the hands of the Legislature were absolutely tied. The importation of slaves could not be prohibited. Exports could not be taxed. Is this reasonable 7 What are the great objects of the general system 7 First, defence against foreign inva- sion ; secondly, against internal sedition. Shall all the States, then, be bound to defend each 7 and shall each be at liberty to introduce a weakness which will render defence more difficult 2 Shall one part of the United States be bound to defend another part, and that other part be at liberty, not only to increase its own danger, but to with- hold the compensation for the burden 7 If slaves are to DEBATE IN THE FEDERAL CONVENTION. 69 be imported, shall not the exports produced by their labor º supply a revenue, the better to enable the General Govern-" ment to defend their masters ? There was so much in- equality and unreasonableness in all this, that the people of the Northern States could never be reconciled to it. No candid man could undertake to justify it to them. He had hoped that some accommodation would have taken place on this subject; that, at least, a time would have been limited for the importation of slaves. He never could agree to let them be imported without limitation, and then be represented in the National Legislature. Indeed, he could so little persuade himself of the rectitude of such a practice, that he was not sure he could assent to it under any circumstances. At all events, either slaves should not be represented, or exports should be taxable.” Mr. Roger Sherman, of Connecticut, — “Regarded the slave-trade as iniquitous : but, the Roger point of representation having been settled after much Sherman. difficulty and deliberation, he did not think himself bound to make opposition ; especially as the present article, as amended, did not preclude any arrangement whatever on that point, in another place of the report.” — Madison Papers, Elliot, vol. v. 391, 392. S. Mr. Luther Martin, of Maryland, in the debate, Tuesday, Aug. 21, - “Proposed to vary Art. 7, Sect. 4, so as to allow a Luther prohibition or tax on the importation of slaves. In the Martin. first place, as five slaves are to be counted as three free men in the apportionment of representatives, such a clause would leave an encouragement to this traffic. In the second place, slaves weakened one part of the Union, which the other parts were bound to protect : the privilege of importing them was therefore unreasonable. And, in the 70 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Debate in third place, it was inconsistent with the principles of the the Con- vention. John Rutledge. Oliver , Ellsworth. Charles Pinckney. Roger Sherman. Revolution, and dishonorable to the American character, to have such a feature in the Constitution. “Mr. RUTLEDGE did not see how the importation of slaves could be encouraged by this section. He was not apprehensive of insurrections, and would readily exempt , the other States from the obligation to protect the Southern against them. Religion and humanity had nothing to do with this question : interest alone is the governing princi- ple with nations. The true question at present is, whether the Southern States shall or shall not be parties to the Union. If the Northern States consult their interest, they will not oppose the increase of slaves, which will increase the commodities of which they will become the carriers. “Mr. ELLSWORTH was for leaving the clause as it stands. Let every State import what it pleases. The morality or wisdom of slavery are considerations belonging to the States themselves. What ēnriches a part enriches the whole, and the States are the best judges of their particu- lar interest. The old Confederation had not meddled with this point; and he did not see any greater necessity for bringing it within the policy of the new one. “Mr. PINCKNEY. South Carolina can never receive the plan if it prohibits the slave-trade. In every proposed extension of the powers of Congress, that State has ex- pressly and watchfully excepted that of meddling with the importation of negroes. If the States be all left at liberty on this subject, South Carolina may perhaps, by degrees, do of herself what is wished, as Virginia and Maryland already have done. “Adjourned. © “WEDNESDAY, Aug. 22. “In Convention. — Art. 7, Sect. 4, was resumed. “Mr. SHERMAN was for leaving the clause as it stands. He disapproved of the slave-trade ; yet, as the States were now possessed of the right to import slaves, as the public DEBATE IN THE FEDERAL CONVENTION. 71 good did not require it to be taken from them, and as it §: was expedient to have as few objections as possible to the proposed scheme of government, he thought it best to leave the matter as we find it. He observed, that the abolition of slavery seemed to be going on in the United States, and that the good sense of the several States would probably by degrees complete it. He urged on the Convention the necessity of despatching its business. ger ©III) 2.Il. “Col. MASON. This infernal traffic originated in the George º • * * tº s - M avarice of British merchants. The British Government constantly checked the attempts of Virginia to put a stop to it. The present question concerns, not the importing States alone, but the whole Union. The evil of having slaves was experienced during the late war. Had slaves been treated as they might have been by the enemy, they would have proved dangerous instruments in their hands. But their folly dealt by the slaves as it did by the Tories. He mentioned the dangerous insurrections of the slaves in Greece and Sicily, and the instructions given by Crom- well to the commissioners sent to Virginia, to arm the servants and slaves, in case other means of obtaining its submission should fail. Maryland and Virginia, he said, had already prohibited the importation of slaves expressly. North Carolina had done the same in substance. All this would be in vain, if South Carolina and Georgia be at liberty to import. The Western people are already calling out for slaves for their new lands; and will fill that country with slaves, if they can be got through South Carolina and Georgia. Slavery discourages arts and manufactures. The poor despise labor when performed by slaves. They prevent the emigration of whites, who really enrich and strengthen a country. They produce the most permicious effect on manners. Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of Heaven on a country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the meat world, they must be in this. By an inevitable Iason. 72 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Debate in the Com- vention. Oliver Ellsworth. Charles Pinckney. Charles Cotes worth Pinckney. chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national Sims by national calamities. He lamented that some of our Eastern brethren had, from a lust of gain, embarked in this nefarious traffic. As to the States being in possession of the right to import, this was the case with many other rights, now to be properly given up. He held it essential, in every point of view, that the General Government should have power to prevent the increase of slavery. “Mr. ELLSWORTH, as he had never owned a slave, could not judge of the effects of slavery on character. He said, however, that, if it was to be considered in a moral light, we ought to go further, and free those already in the country. As slaves also multiply so fast in Virginia and Maryland, that it is cheaper to raise than import them, whilst in the sickly rice-swamps foreign supplies are necessary, if we go no further than is urged; we shall be unjust towards South Carolina and Georgia. Let us not intermeddle. As population increases, poor laborers will be so plenty as to render slaves useless. Slavery, in time, will not be a speck in our country. Provision is already made in Connecticut for abolishing it; and the abolition has already taken place in Massachusetts. As to the danger of insurrections from foreign influence, that will become a motive to kind treatment of the slaves. “Mr. PINCKNEY. If slavery be wrong, it is justified by the example of all the world. He cited the case of Greece, Rome, and other ancient States; the sanction given by France, England, Holland, and other modern States. In all ages, one-half of mankind have been slaves. If the Southern States were let alone, they will probably of them- selves stop importations. He would himself, as a citizen of South Carolina, vote for it. An attempt to take away the right, as proposed, will produce serious objections to the Constitution, which he wished to see adopted. “Gen. PINCKNEY declared it to be his firm opinion, that if himself and all his colleagues were to sign the Constitu- DEBATE IN THE FEDERAL CONVENTION. 73 tion, and use their personal influence, it would be of no gharles & e G º & Cotesworth avail towards obtaining the assent of their constituents. Pinckney. South Carolina and Georgia cannot do without slaves. As to Virginia, she will gain by stopping the importations. Her slaves will rise in value, and she has more than she wants. It would be unequal to require South Carolina and Georgia to confederate on such unequal terms. He said, the royal assent, before the Revolution, had never been refused to South Carolina as to Virginia. He con- tended, that the importation of slaves would be for the interest of the whole Union. The more slaves, the more produce to employ the carrying-trade; the more consump- tion also ; and, the more of this, the more revenue for the common treasury. He admitted it to be reasonable, that slaves should be dutied like other imports; but should consider a rejection of the clause as an exclusion of South Carolina from the Union. r “Mr. BALDWIN had conceived national objects alone to Abraham be before the Convention; not such as, like the present, Baldwin. were of a local nature. Georgia was decided on this point. That State has always hitherto supposed a General Gov- ernment to be the pursuit of the Central States, who wished to have a vortex for every thing; that her distance would preclude her from equal advantage ; and that she could not prudently purchase it by yielding national pow- ers. From this it might be understood in what light she would view an attempt to abridge one of her favorite prerogatives. If left to herself, she may probably put a stop to the evil. As one ground for this conjecture, he took notice of the sect of , which, he said, was a respecta- ble class of people, who carried their ethics beyond the mere equality of men, – extending their humanity to the claims of the whole animal creation. “Mr. WILSON observed, that if South Carolina and James Georgia were themselves disposed to get rid of the importation ilson. of slaves in a short time, as had been suggested, they would 10 74. HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Debate in the Com- vention. never refuse to unite because the importation might be pro- hibited. As the section now stands, all articles imported are to be taxed. Slaves alone are exempt. ' This is, in fact, a bounty on that article. “Mr. GERRY thought we had nothing to do with the conduct of the States as to slaves, but ought to be careful not to give any sanction to it. “Mr. DICKINSON considered it as inadmissible, on every principle of honor and safety, that the importation of slaves should be authorized to the States by the Constitution. The true question was, whether the national happiness would be promoted or impeded by the importation; and this question ought to be left to the National Government, not to the States particularly interested. If England and France permit slavery, slaves are, at the same time, ex- cluded from both those kingdoms. Greece and Rome were made unhappy by their slaves. He could not believe that the Southern States would refuse to confederate on the account apprehended ; especially as the power was not likely to be immediately exercised by the General Govern- ment. “Mr. WILLIAMSON stated the law of North Carolina on the subject; to wit, that it did not directly prohibit the importation of slaves. It imposed a duty of £5 on each slave imported from Africa, É10 on each from elsewhere, and £50 on each from a State licensing manumission. He thought the Southern States could not be members of the Union, if the clause should be rejected; and it was wrong to force any thing down not absolutely necessary, and which any State must disagree to. “Mr. KING thought the subject should be considered in a political light only. If two States will not agree to the Constitution, as stated on one side, he could affirm with equal belief, on the other, that great and equal opposition would be experienced from the other States. He remarked on the exemption of slaves from duty, whilst every other DEBATE IN THE FEDERAL CONVENTION. 75 import was subjected to it, as an inequality that could not ºn fail to strike the commercial sagacity of the Northern and º: Middle States. “Mr. LANGDON was strenuous for giving the power to the General Government. He could not, with a good con- science, leave it with the States, who could then go on with the traffic, without being restrained by the opinions here given, that they will themselves cease to import slaves. “Gen. PINCKNEY thought himself bound to declare can- didly, that he did not think South Carolina would stop her importations of slaves in any short time ; but only stop them occasionally, as she now does. He moved to commit the clause, that slaves might be made liable to an equal tax with other imports; which he thought right, and which would remove one difficulty that had been started. “Mr. RUTLEDGE. If the Convention thinks that North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia will ever agree to the plan, unless their right to import slaves be untouched, the expectation is vain. The people of those States will never be such fools as to give up so important an interest. He was strenuous against striking out the section, and seconded the motion of Gen. Pinckney for a commitment. “Mr. GouvBRNEUR MoRRIS wished the whole subject to be committed, including the clauses relating to taxes on exports and to a navigation act. These things may form a bargain among the Northern and Southern States. “Mr. BUTLER declared, that he never would agree to the power of taxing exports. “Mr. SHERMAN said it was better to let the Southern States import slaves than to part with them, if they made that a sine qué mom. He was opposed to a tax on slaves imported, as making the matter worse, because it implied they were property. He acknowledged, that, if the power of prohibiting the importation should be given to the General Government, it would be exercised. He thought it would be its duty to exercise the power. 76 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Debate in the Con- vention. “Mr. READ was for the commitment, provided the clause concerning taxes on exports should also be committed. “Mr. SHERMAN observed, that that clause had been agreed to, and therefore could not be committed. “Mr. RANDOLPH was for committing, in order that some middle ground might, if possible, be found. He could never agree to the clause as it stands. He would sooner risk the Constitution. He dwelt on the dilemma to which the Convention was exposed. By agreeing to the clause, it would revolt the Quakers, the Methodists, and many others in the States having no slaves. On the other hand, two States might be lost to the Union. Let us then, he said, try the chance of a commitment.”— Madison Papers, Elliot, vol. v. pp. 457–461. Three days later (Saturday, Aug. 25th), the debate on this subject was resumed, and the Report of the Committee of Eleven was taken up. It was in the following words : — “Strike out so much of the fourth section as was re- ferred to the Committee, and insert “The migration or importation of such persons as the several States, now existing, think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Legislature prior to the year 1800; but a tax or duty may be imposed on such migration or importation, at a rate not exceeding the average of the duties laid on imports.’” “Gen. PINCKNEY moved to strike out the words ‘the year eighteen hundred' as the year limiting the importa- tion of slaves, and to insert the words ‘the year eighteen hundred and eight.” “Mr. GoRHAM seconded the motion. “Mr. MADISON. Twenty years will produce all the mis- chief that can be apprehended from the liberty to import slaves. So long a term will be more dishonorable to the DEBATE IN THE FEDERAL CONVENTION. 77 American character than to say nothing about it in the Pºin - e C UOI)- Constitution. vention. “On the motion, which passed in the affirmative, – “New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, ay, -7; New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, no, -4. “Mr. GOUVERNEUR MoRRIS was for making the clause read at once, — “‘The importation of slaves into North Carolina, South Caro- lina, and Georgia, shall not be prohibited,’ &c. This, he said, would be most fair, and would avoid the ambiguity by which, under the power with regard to natu- ralization, the liberty reserved to the States might be defeated. He wished it to be known, also, that this part of the Constitution was a compliance with those States. If the change of language, however, should be objected to by the members from those States, he should not urge it. “Col. MASON was not against using the term “slaves,” but against naming North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, lest it should give offence to the people of those States. “Mr. SHERMAN liked a description better than the terms proposed, which had been declined by the old Congress, and were not pleasing to some people. “Mr. CLYMER concurred with Mr. Sherman. “Mr. WILLIAMSON said, that, both in opinion and prac- tice, he was against slavery; but thought it more in favor of humanity, from a view of all circumstances, to let in South Carolina and Georgia on those terms, than to exclude them from the Union. “Mr. GOUVERNEUR MoRRIs withdrew his motion. “Mr. DICKINSON wished the clause to be confined to the States which had not themselves prohibited the importa- 78 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. º, tion of slaves; and, for that purpose, moved to amend the ll) LI10 UOI)- ... - * r - vention, clause so as to read, - “‘The importation of slaves into such of the States as shall permit the same shall not be prohibited by the Legislature of the United States until the year 1808; ” – which was disagreed to, nem, con. - “The first part of the Report was then agreed to, amended as follows: — “‘The migration or importation of such persons as the several States now existing shall think proper to admit shall not be prohib- ited by the Legislature prior to the year 1808.’ “New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, ay, -7; New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, no, -4.” — Madison Papers, Elliot, vol. v. pp. 477, 478. These specimens of the debates are sufficient to show the various shades of opinion as expressed by members of the Convention from different States. The Constitution, with the articles on slavery, as amended and finally adopted by the Federal Conven- tion, was submitted to the people, to be ratified by them through State Conventions of delegates elected for that special purpose. In these State Conven- tions, the various articles were again thoroughly discussed. In Massachusetts, the delegates assembled in Bos- ton, Jan. 9, 1788. It is hardly too much to say, that the fate of the Federal Constitution was to be de- cided by the action of this State Convention. By the final vote of three hundred and fifty-five members, a majority of only nineteen votes was obtained in its MASSACHUSETTS CONVENTION. 79 favor ; one hundred and eighty-seven being in the ºn- affirmative, and one hundred and sixty-eight in the ne-º. gative. Had the vote been taken without discussion * on the first meeting of the members, there can be no doubt that the Constitution would have been rejected by a considerable majority. Elbridge Gerry, one of our delegates to the Fede- ral Convention, had declined to sign the Constitution, and addressed a letter to the State Legislature, giving his reasons for so doing. He was invited to take a seat with the delegates in the State Convention. John Hancock and Samuel Adams, the two most eminent members of the State Convention, were both opposed to the adoption of the Constitution. Mr. Hancock, on account of his position and from mo- tives of policy, was elected President; but he excused himself from attending until towards the close of the session, on account of illness. The circumstances connected with the change of purpose on the part of the President are related by Professor Parsons in the admirable “Memoir” of his father, Chief-Justice The- ophilus Parsons. Amongst the many reasons assigned by the opponents of the Federal Constitution for their desire to defeat its adoption, the articles on the subject of slavery were brought forward. The discus- sion on this subject deserves our notice. In the second week of the Convention, Jan. 17, the subject of taxation and representation being under debate, “Mr. Wedgery asked, if a boy of six years of age was to be considered as a free person.” 80 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Conven- tion to ratify the Constitu- tion. Rufus King. Francis Dana. Thomas Dawes. The Hon. Rufus King, in answer, said, – “All persons born free were to be considered as free- men; and, to make the idea of taxation by numbers more intelligible, said that five negro children of South Carolina are to pay as much tax as the three governors of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.” On the same occasion, Judge Dana spoke:– “In reply to the remark of some gentlemen, that the Southern States were favored in this mode of apportion- ment, by having five of their negroes set against three persons in the Eastern, the honorable Judge observed, that the negroes of the Southern States work no longer than when the eye of the driver is on them. ‘Can,’ asked he, ‘that land flourish like this, which is cultivated by the hands of freemen 7 And are not three of these independent freemen of more real advantage to a State than five of those poor slaves?” As a friend to equal taxation, he re- joiced that an opportunity was presented in this Constitu- tion to change this unjust mode of apportionment. ‘Indeed,’ concluded he, “from a survey of every part of the Consti- tution, I think it the best that the wisdom of man could suggest.’” The discussion was continued ; and, on the next day, Thomas Dawes, Esq., expressed his views on the subject: — “Mr. DAWES said, he was sorry to hear so many objec- tions raised against the paragraph under consideration. He thought them wholly unfounded ; that the black inhabitants of the Southern States must be considered either as slaves, and as so much property, or in the char- acter of so many free men. If the former, why should they not be wholly represented 7 Our own State laws and Constitution would lead us to consider those blacks as free MASSACEIUSETTS CONVENTION. 81 men; and So, indeed, would our own ideas of natural jus-Thomas tice. If then, they are freemen, they might form an equal” basis for representation, as though they were all white inhabitants. In either view, therefore, he could not see that the Northern States would suffer, but directly to the contrary. He thought, however, that gentlemen would do well to connect the passage in dispute with another article in the Constitution, that permits Congress, in the year 1808, wholly to prohibit the importation of slaves, and, in the mean time, to impose a duty of ten dollars a head on such blacks as should be imported before that period. Be- sides, by the new Constitution, every particular State is left to its own option totally to prohibit the introduction of slaves into its own territories. What could the Convention do more ? The members of the Southern States, like our- selves, have their prejudices. It would not do to abolish slavery by an act of Congress in a moment, and so destroy what our Southern brethren consider as property; but we may say, that although slavery is not Smitten by an apo- pleaſy, yet it has received a mortal wound, and will die of a consumption.” – Debates and Proceedings, pp. 135–139. From the minutes of the debates, kept by Chief- Justice Parsons, and printed with the last edition of the “Debates and Proceedings,” we learn that George Cabot on this occasion remarked: “The Southern States have the slave-trade, and are sovereign States. This Constitution is the best way to get rid of it.” During the next week (Friday, Jam. 25), the clause relating to “the migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit" was under consideration; when “Mr. NEAL (from Kittery) went over the ground of James objection to this section, on the idea that the slave-trade Neal. 11 82 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Conven- tion to ratiſy the Constitu- tion. General Thompson. was allowed to be continued for twenty years. His pro- fession, he said, obliged him to bear witness against any thing that should favor the making merchandise of the bodies of men; and, unless his objection was removed, he could not put his hand to the Constitution. Other gentle- men said, in addition to this idea, that there was not even a provision that the negroes ever shall be free; and “Gen. THOMPSON exclaimed: ‘Mr. President, Shall it be said, that, after we have established our own independ- ence and freedom, we make slaves of others? 0 Washing- ton | What a name has he had How he has immortalized himself! But he holds those in slavery who have as good right to be free as he has. He is still for self; and, in my Opinion, his character has sunk fifty per cent.’ “On the other side, gentlemen said, that the step taken in this article towards the abolition of slavery was one of the beauties of the Constitution. They observed, that, in the Confederation, there was no provision whatever for its ever being abolished: but this Constitution provides that Congress may, after twenty years, totally annihilate the slave-trade ; and that, as all the States, except two, have passed laws to this effect, it might reasonably be expected that it would then be done. In the interim, all the States were at liberty to prohibit it. “SATURDAY, Jan. 26, 1788. “The debate on the ninth section still continued desul- tory, and consisted of similar objections and answers thereto as had before been used. Both sides deprecated the slave- trade in the most pointed terms. On one side, it was pathet- ically lamented by Mr. Nasson, Major Lusk, Mr. Neal, and others, that this Constitution provided for the continuation of the slave-trade for twenty years; on the other, the Hon. Judge Dana, Mr. Adams, and others, rejoiced that a door was now to be opened for the annihilation of this odious, abhorrent practice, in a certain time.” – Debates and Pro- ceedings, pp. 208, 209. MASS ACHUSETTS CONVENTION. 83 On Wednesday, Jan. 30, General Heath, who had been detained by indisposition from attending many of the meetings, was present, and participated in the debate. A part of his remarks were as follows : — “The paragraph respecting the migration or importa- §ººl tion of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, &c., is one of those considered during my absence; and I have heard nothing on the sub- ject, save what has been mentioned this morning. But I think the gentlemen who have spoken have carried the matter rather too far on both sides. “I apprehend that it is not in our power to do anything. for or against those who are in slavery in the Southern States. No gentleman within these walls detests every idea of slavery more than I do. It is generally detested by the people of this Commonwealth ; and I ardently hope that the time will soon come, when our brethren in the Southern States will view it as we do, and put a stop to it: but to this we have no right to compel them. Two ques- tions naturally arise : If we ratify the Constitution, Shall we do any thing by our act to hold the blacks in slavery 2 or shall we become partakers of other men's sins 2 I think, nei- ther of them. Each State is sovereign and independent to a certain degree; and they have a right, and will regulate their own internal affairs as to themselves appears proper. And shall we refuse to eat or to drink or to be united with those who do not think or act just as we do º Surely not. We are not, in this case, partakers of other men's sins; for in nothing do we voluntarily encourage the slavery of our fellow-men. A restriction is laid on the Federal Govern- ment, which could not be avoided and a union take place. The Federal Convention went as far as they could. The migration, or importation, &c., is confined to the States now eacisting only : new States cannot claim it. Congress, 84 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Convention to ratify the Consti- tution. Isaac Backus. by their ordinance for erecting new States, some time since declared that the new States shall be republican, and that there shall be no slavery in them; but, whether those in slavery in the Southern States will be emancipated after the year 1808, I do not pretend to determine: I rather doubt it.”—Debates and Proceedings, pp. 216–217. One of the longest speeches in the Convention, on the subject of slavery, was made by the Rev. Isaac Backus of Middleborough, on the 4th of February, just before the debates were finally closed. A part of this speech will show its character: — “Much, Sir, hath been said about the importation of slaves into this country. I believe, that, according to my capacity, no man abhors that wicked practice more than I do, and would gladly make use of all lawful means toward the abolishing of slavery in all parts of the land. But let us consider where we are, and what we are doing. In the Articles of Confederation, no provision was made to hin- der the importation of slaves into any of these States; but a door is now opened hereafter to do it, and each State is at liberty now to abolish slavery as soon as they please. And let us remember our former connection with Great Britain, from whom many in our land think we ought not to have revolted. How did they carry on the slave-trade 7 I know that the Bishop of Gloucester, in an annual sermon in Lon- don in February, 1766, endeavored to justify their tyran- nical claims of power over us by casting the reproach of the slave-trade upon the Americans; but, at the close of the war, the Bishop of Chester, in an annual sermon in Febru- ary, 1783, ingenuously owned that their nation is the most deeply involved in the guilt of that trade of any nation in the world, and also that they have treated their slaves in the West Indies worse than the French or Spaniards have done theirs. Thus slavery grows more and more odious MASSA CHUSETTS CONVENTION. 85 through the world; and, as an honorable gentleman said ºn º | C UOI)- some days ago, ‘Though we cannot say that Slavery is struck vention. with an apople.cy, yet we may hope it will die with a consump- tion.’ “The American Revolution was built upon the principle, that all men are born with an equal right to liberty and property, and that officers have no right to any power but what is fairly given them by the consent of the people. And, in the Constitution now proposed to us, a power is reserved to the people constitutionally to reduce every officer again to a private station; and what a guard is this against their invasion of others’ rights, or abusing of their power Such a door is now opened for the establishing of righteous government, and for securing equal liberty, as never was before opened to any people on earth.”— De- bates and Proceedings, pp. 251, 253. The final vote on the ratification of the Constitu- lºng On the tion was taken on the 6th of February, 1788; and ...; resulted, as has been already stated, in the affirmative, ". by the small majority of nineteen votes. Notwith- standing the strong opposition to it which was mani- fested whilst the subject was under discussion, there was a general acquiescence in the result. The joy of the people was expressed by enthusiastic public de- monstrations. An extract from one of the newspa- pers of the day will give a good idea of the popular sentiment at the time : — “The citizens of Boston have ever shown themselves advocates for freedom : therefore, when a motion had obtained, one of the greatest objects of which is ‘to secure the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity,' 86 HISTORICAI, RESEARCH. º they could not resist the strong impulse they must have Boston. had, publicly to testify their gratitude for the pleasing event. Nor have they. On the decision being declared, the bells in the several public buildings communicated the happy intelligence to every part of the town by a peal, which continued for several hours; and which has been continued, with short intervals, ever since. The discharge of cannon, and other demonstrations of joy, took place on Wednesday and Thursday; but it was left to yesterday to produce an exhibition, to which America has never before witnessed an equal, and which has exceeded any thing of the kind Europe can boast of.” – Columbian Centinel, Feb. 9, 1788. iºniº The published account of the Convention in New C - º e º s ...” Hampshire is very brief and imperfect. The only speech known to have been preserved is here printed entire. The Hon. Joshua Atherton, from Amherst, spoke as follows: — Joshua “Mr. President, I cannot be of the opinion of the ho- Atherton, norable gentlemen who last spoke, that this paragraph is either so useful or so inoffensive as they seem to imagine, or that the objections to it are so totally void of foundation. The idea that strikes those, who are opposed to this clause, so disagreeably and so forcibly, is, hereby it is conceived (if we ratify the Constitution) that we become consenters to, and partakers in, the sin and guilt of this abominable traffic, at least for a certain period, without any positive stipulation that it should even then be brought to an end. We do not behold in it that valuable acquisition so much boasted of by the honorable member from Portsmouth, ‘ that an end is them to be put to slavery.’ Congress may be as much or more puzzled to put a stop to it then than we are now. The clause has not Secured its abolition. NEW-HAMPSHIRE CONWIENTION. 87 “We do not think ourselves under any obligation to %. perform works of supererogation in the reformation of man- kind; we do not esteem ourselves under any necessity to go to Spain or Italy to suppress the Inquisition of those countries, or of making a journey to the Carolinas to abolish the detestable custom of enslaving the Africans: but, Sir, we will not lend the aid of our ratification to this cruel and inhuman merchandise, not even for a day. There is a great distinction in not taking a part in the most bar- barous violation of the sacred laws of God and humanity, and our becoming guaranties for its exercise for a term of years. Yes, Sir, it is our full purpose to wash our hands clear of it; and however unconcerned spectators we may remain of such predatory infractions of the laws of our nature, however unfeelingly we may subscribe to the ratifi- cation of man-stealing, with all its baneful consequences, yet I cannot but believe, in justice to human nature, that if we reserve the consideration, and bring this claimed power somewhat nearer to our own doors, we shall form a more equitable opinion of its claim to this ratification. Let us figure to ourselves a company of these man-stealers, well equipped for the enterprise, arriving on our coast. They seize and carry off the whole or a part of the in- habitants of the town of Exeter. Parents are taken, and children left; or possibly they may be so fortunate as to have a whole family taken and carried off together by these relentless robbers. What must be their feelings in the hands of their new and arbitrary masters ? Dragged at once from every thing they held dear to them ; stripped of every comfort of life, like beasts of prey, -they are hurried on a loathsome and distressing voyage to the coast of Africa, or some other quarter of the globe, where the greatest price may await them ; and here, if any thing can be added to their miseries, comes on the heart-breaking scene. A parent is sold to one, a son to another, and a daughter to a third | Brother is cleft from brother, sister hua CrtOn. 88 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Joshua Atherton. James Wilson. from sister, and parents from their darling offspring ! : Broken with every distress that human nature can feel, and bedeved with tears of anguish, they are dragged into the last stage of depression and slavery, never, never to behold the faces of one another again The scene is too affecting. I have not fortitude to pursue the subject.”— I'lliot's Debates, vol. ii. pp. 203, 204. Pennsylvania was the second State to adopt the Constitution. The remarks of James Wilson, in the Ratification Convention, must not be omitted. Mr. Wilson was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and was for several years a member of Congress. He was not only an eloquent orator and ready debater, but may be regarded as one of the first jurists in the country. Washington appointed him a Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States the year after the adoption of the Constitution; and he held the office until his death, which occurred in 1798. The opinions of such a man are entitled to great consideration. “With respect to the clause restricting Congress from prohibiting the migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit prior to the year 1808, the honorable gentleman says that this clause is not only dark, but intended to grant to Congress, for that time, the power to admit the importa- tion of slaves. No such thing was intended. But I will tell you what was done, and it gives me high pleasure that so much was done. Under the present Confederation, the States may admit the importation of slaves as long as they please; but by this article, after the year 1808, the Con- gress will have power to prohibit such importation, notwith- standing the disposition of any State to the contrary. I PENNSYLVANIA CONVENTION. 89 consider this as laying the foundation for banishing slavery James out of this country; and though the period is more distant Wilson. than I could wish, yet it will produce the same kind, gradual change which was pursued in Pennsylvania. It is with much satisfaction I view this power in the General Gov- ernment, whereby they may lay an interdiction on this reproachful trade. But an immediate advantage is also obtained : for a tax or duty may be imposed on such impor- tation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person; and this, Sir, operates as a partial prohibition. It was all that could be obtained. I am sorry it was no more; but from this I think there is reason to hope, that yet a few years, and it will be prohibited altogether; and, in the mean time, the new States which are to be formed will be under the control of Congress in this particular, and slaves will never be in- troduced amongst them. “I recollect, on a former day, the honorable gentleman from Westmoreland (Mr. Findley), and the honorable gen- tleman from Cumberland (Mr. Whitehill), took exceptions against the 1st clause of the 9th sect., art. 1, arguing, very unfairly, that, because Congress might impose a tax or duty of ten dollars on the importation of slaves within any of the United States, Congress might therefore permit slaves to be imported within this State, contrary to its laws. I confess, I little thought that this part of the system would be excepted to. “I am sorry that it could be extended no farther; but, so far as it operates, it presents us with the pleasing pros- pect, that the rights of mankind will be acknowledged and established throughout the Union. “If there was no other lovely feature in the Constitu- tion but this one, it would diffuse a beauty over its whole countenance. Yet the lapse of a few years, and Congress will have power to eacterminate slavery from within our borders.”— Elliot's Debates, vol. ii. pp. 452, 484. • 12 90 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Constitu- tion rati- fied by Maryland. Luther Martin. Maryland adopted the Constitution in opposition to the strong remonstrance of Luther Martin. The address which he made to the State Legislature has been published, and fills between forty and fifty closely printed pages. The part pertinent to this paper is here copied entire : — “By the ninth section of this article, the importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit shall not be prohibited prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight; but a duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars each person. “The design of this clause is to prevent the General Government from prohibiting the importation of slaves; but the same reasons which caused them to strike out the word ‘national,” and not admit the word “stamps,’ influenced them here to guard against the word “slaves.' They anx- iously sought to avoid the admission of expressions which might be odious in the ears of Americans, although they were willing to admit into their system those things which the expressions signified: and hence it is that the clause is so worded as really to authorize the General Government to impose a duty of ten dollars on every foreigner who comes into a State to become a citizen, whether he comes absolutely free, or qualifiedly so as a servant; although this is contrary to the design of the framers, and the duty was only meant to extend to the importation of slaves. “This clause was the subject of a great diversity of sen- timent in the Convention. As the system was reported by the committee of detail, the provision was general, that such importation should not be prohibited, without confin- ing it to any particular period. This was rejected by eight States; Georgia, South Carolina, and, I think, North Caro- lina, voting for it. LEGISLATURE OF MARYLAND. 91 “We were then told by the delegates of the two first Luther of those States, that their States would never agree to a system which put it in the power of the General Govern- ment to prevent the importation of slaves; and that they, as delegates from those States, must withhold their assent from such a system. “A committee of one member from each State was chosen by ballot to take this part of the system under their consideration, and to endeavor to agree upon some report which should reconcile those States. To this com- mittee also was referred the following proposition, which had been reported by the committee of detail; viz., “No navigation act shall be passed without the assent of two- thirds of the members present in each house,” — a pro- position which the staple and commercial States were solicitous to retain, lest their commerce should be placed too much under the power of the Eastern States, but which these last States were as anxious to reject. This committee, of which also I had the honor to be a member, met, and took under their consideration the subjects com- mitted to them. I found the Eastern States, notwithstand- ing their aversion to slavery, were very willing to indulge the Southern States at least with a temporary liberty to prosecute the slave-trade, provided the Southern States would, in their turn, gratify them by laying no restriction on navigation acts; and, after a very little time, the com- mittee, by a great majority, agreed on a report, by which the General Government was to be prohibited from pre- venting the importation of slaves for a limited time, and the restrictive clause relative to navigation acts was to be omitted. “This report was adopted by a majority of the Conven- tion, but not without considerable opposition. It was said that we had just assumed a place among independent nations, in consequence of our opposition to the attempts of Great Britain to enslave us; that this opposition was artin. 92 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Luther grounded upon the preservation of those rights to which * God and nature had entitled us, not in particular, but in common with the rest of all mankind; that we had appealed to the Supreme Being for his assistance, as the God of freedom, who could not but approve our efforts to preserve the rights which he had thus imparted to his creatures; that now, when we scarcely had risen from our knees, from supplicating his aid and protection in forming our govern- ment over a free people, – a government formed pretend- edly on the principles of liberty, and for its preservation, — in that government to have a provision not only putting it out of its power to restrain and prevent the slave-trade, but even encouraging that most infamous traffic by giving the States power and influence in the Union in proportion as they cruelly and wantonly sport with the rights of their fellow-creatures, ought to be considered as a solemn mock- ery of, and insult to, that God whose protection we had then implored; and could not fail to hold us up in detesta- tion, and render us contemptible to every true friend of liberty in the world. It was said, it ought to be consid- ered that national crimes can only be, and frequently are, punished in this world by national punishments; and that the continuance of the slave-trade, and thus giving it a national sanction and encouragement, ought to be consid- ered as justly exposing us to the displeasure and ven- geance of Him who is equally Lord of all, and who views with equal eye the poor African slave and his American master. “It was urged, that, by this system, we were giving the General Government full and absolute power to regulate commerce; under which general power it would have a right to restrain, or totally prohibit, the slave-trade. It must therefore appear to the world absurd and disgraceful, to the last degree, that we should except from the exercise of that power the only branch of commerce which is un- justifiable in its nature, and contrary to the rights of LEGISLATURE OF MARYLAND. 93 mankind; that, on the contrary, we ought rather to prohib-Luther it expressly, in our Constitution, the further importation Martin. of slaves, and to authorize the General Government, from time to time, to make such regulations as should be thought most advantageous for the gradual abolition of slavery, and the emancipation of the slaves which are already in the States; that slavery is inconsistent with the genius of re- publicanism, and has a tendency to destroy those principles on which it is supported, as it lessens the sense of the equal rights of mankind, and habituates us to tyranny and oppression. It was further urged, that, by this system of government, every State is to be protected both from for- eign invasion and from domestic insurrections; that, from this consideration, it was of the utmost importance it should have a power to restrain the importation of slaves, since, in proportion as the number of slaves was increased in any State, in the same proportion the State is weakened, and exposed to foreign invasion or domestic insurrection, and by so much less will it be able to protect itself against either; and therefore will, by so much the more, want aid from, and be a burden to, the Union. It was further said, that as, in this system, we were giving the General Gov- ernment a power, under the idea of national character or national interest, to regulate even our weights and meas- ures, and have prohibited all possibility of emitting paper money, and passing insolvent laws, &c., it must appear still more extraordinary that we should prohibit the govern- ment from interfering with the slave-trade, than which nothing could so materially affect both our national honor and interest. These reasons influenced me, both on the Committee and in Convention, most decidedly to oppose and vote against the clause, as it now makes a part of the system. “You will perceive, Sir, not only that the General Gov- ernment is prohibited from interfering in the slave-trade before the year eighteen hundred and eight, but that there 94. HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Luther is no provision in the Constitution that it shall afterwards Martin be prohibited, nor any security that such prohibition will ever take place; and I think there is great reason to be- lieve, that, if the importation of slaves is permitted until the year eighteen hundred and eight, it will not be prohib- ited afterwards. At this time, we do not generally hold this commerce in so great abhorrence as we have done. When our liberties were at stake, we warmly felt for the common rights of men. The danger being thought to be past which threatened ourselves, we are daily growing more insensible to those rights. In those States which have restrained or prohibited the importation of slaves, it is only done by legislative acts which may be repealed. When those States find that they must, in their national character and connection, suffer in the disgrace, and share in the inconveniences, attendant upon that detestable and iniquitous traffic, they may be desirous also to share in the benefits arising from it; and the odium attending it will be greatly effaced by the sanction which is given to it in the General Government.”— Elliot's Debates, vol. i. pp. 372– 375. º: Virginia was the tenth State to ratify the Constitu- º, tion. Nowhere were the debates more able and thorough than there. It was not till June that the Convention was held. The proceedings occupy the whole of the third volume of Elliot's “Debates.” George Mason, Patrick Henry, and James Madison were among the most important speakers. Let us look at their speeches. “TUESDAY, June 15, 1788. George “Mr. GEORGE MASON. Mr. Chairman, this is a fatal sec- Mason. tion, which has created more dangers than any other. The first clause allows the importation of slaves for twenty VIRGINIA CONVENTION. 95 years. Under the Royal Government, this evil was looked : upon as a great oppression, and many attempts were made º to prevent it; but the interest of the African merchants prevented its prohibition. No sooner did the Revolution take place than it was thought of. It was one of the great causes of our separation from Great Britain. Its exclusion has been a principal object of this State, and most of the States in the Union. The augmentation of slaves weakens the States; and such a trade is diabolical in itself, and dis- graceful to mankind : yet, by this Constitution, it is contin- ued for twenty years. As much as I value a union of all the States, I would not admit the Southern States into the Union, unless they agree to the discontinuance of this dis- graceful trade, because it would bring weakness, and not strength, to the Union. And, though this infamous traffic be continued, we have no security for the property of that kind which we have already. There is no clause in this Constitution to secure it; for they may lay such a taa: as will amount to manumission. And should the Government be amended, still this detestable kind of commerce can- not be discontinued till after the expiration of twenty years; for the fifth article, which provides for amendments, ex- pressly excepts this clause. I have ever looked upon this as a most disgraceful thing to America. I cannot express my detestation of it. Yet they have not secured us the pro- perty of the slaves we have already : so that “they have done what they ought not to have done, and have left undone what they ought to have done.’ - “Mr. MADISON. Mr. Chairman, I should conceive this James clause to be impolitic, if it were one of those things which Madison. could be excluded without encountering greater evils. The Southern States would not have entered into the Union of America, without the temporary permission of that trade; and, if they were excluded from the Union, the conse- quences might be dreadful to them and to us. We are not in a worse situation than before. That traffic is prohibited Q 96 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. James Madison. by our laws, and we may continue the prohibition. The Union in general is not in a worse situation. Under the Articles of Confederation, it might be continued for ever; but, by this clause, an end may be put to it after twenty years. There is, therefore, an amelioration of our circum- stances. A tax may be laid in the mean time: but it is limited; otherwise Congress might lay such a tax as would amount to a prohibition. From the mode of representation and taxation, Congress cannot lay such a tax on slaves as will amount to manumission. Another clause secures us that property which we now possess. At present, if any slave elopes to any of those States where slaves are free, he becomes emancipated by their laws; for the laws of the States are uncharitable to one another in this respect. But, in this Constitution, “no person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall be deliv- ered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor shall be due.” This clause was expressly inserted to enable owners of slaves to reclaim them. - “This is a better security than any that now exists. No power is given to the General Government to interpose with respect to the property in slaves now held by the States. The taxation of this State being equal only to its representation, such a tax cannot be laid as he supposes. They cannot prevent the importation of slaves for twenty years; but, after that period, they can. The gentlemen from South Carolina and Georgia argued in this manner: ‘We have now liberty to import this species of property; and much of the property now possessed had been pur- chased, or otherwise acquired, in contemplation of improv- ing it by the assistance of imported slaves. What would be the consequence of hindering us from it? The slaves of Virginia would rise in value, and we should be obliged to go to your markets.' I need not expatiate on this sub- VIRGINIA CONVENTION. 97 ject. Great as the evil is, a dismemberment of the Union would be worse. If those States should disunite from the other States for not indulging them in the temporary con- tinuance of this traffic, they might solicit and obtain aid from foreign powers. “Mr. TYLER warmly enlarged on the impolicy, iniquity, and digracefulness of this wicked traffic. He thought the reasons urged by gentlemen in defence of it were incon- clusive and ill-founded. It was one cause of the complaints against British tyranny, that this trade was permitted. The Revolution had put a period to it; but now it was to be revived. He thought nothing could justify it. This tem- porary restriction on Congress militated, in his opinion, against the arguments of gentlemen on the other side, that what was not given up was retained by the States; for that, if this restriction had not been inserted, Congress could have prohibited the African trade. The power of prohibiting it was not expressly delegated to them ; yet they would have had it by implication, if this restraint had not been provided. This seemed to him to demonstrate most clearly the necessity of restraining them, by a Bill of Rights, from infringing our unalienable rights. It was im- material whether the Bill of Rights was by itself, or included in the Constitution. But he contended for it one way or the other. It would be justified by our own example and that of England. His earnest desire was, that it should be handed down to posterity that he had opposed this wicked clause.”— Elliot's Debates, vol. iii. pp. 452–454. Patrick Henry was the most distinguished opponent of the Federal Constitution in the whole country. He had been appointed a delegate to the Convention at Philadelphia, but declined to attend. In the Vir- ginia State Convention he persistently endeavored to defeat its adoption. When he found his efforts James Madison. John Tyler. 13 98 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Patrick Henry. unsuccessful, like a true patriot, he ceased his oppo- sition. Although he detested slavery, he was un- willing to grant to the United-States Congress the power of abolishing it without the consent of the States. This power he thought he saw in the Con- stitution, though not directly expressed in its lan- guage. “Among ten thousand implied powers which they may assume, they may, if we be engaged in war, liberate every one of your slaves, if they please; and this must and will be done by men, a majority of whom have not a common interest with you. They will, therefore, have no feeling of your interests. It has been repeatedly said here, that the great object of a National Government was national defence. That power which is said to be intended for security and safety may be rendered detestable and op- pressive. If they give power to the General Government to provide for the general defence, the means must be com- mensurate to the end. All the means in the possession of the people must be given to the Government which is in- trusted with the public defence. In this State, there are 236,000 blacks, and there are many in several other States: but there are few or none in the Northern States; and yet, if the Northern States shall be of opinion that our slaves are numberless, they may call forth every national resource. May Congress not say that every black man must fight? Did we not see a little of this last war 7 We were not so hard pushed as to make emancipation general; but acts of Assembly passed, that every slave who would go to the army should be free. Another thing will contribute to bring this event about: slavery is detested’; we feel its fatal effects; we deplore it with all the pity of humanity. Let all these considerations, at some future period, press with full force on the minds of Congress, -let that ur- VIRGINIA CONVENTION. 99 banity, which I trust will distinguish America, and the #: necessity of national defence, — let all these things operate on their minds: they will search that paper, and see if they have power of manumission. And have they not, Sir 7 Have they not power to provide for the general defence and welfare? May they not think that these call for the abolition of slavery 2 May they not pronounce all slaves free ? and will they not be warranted by that power? This is no ambiguous implication or logical deduction. The paper speaks to the point. They have the power, in clear, unequivocal terms, and will clearly and certainly exercise it. As much as I deplore slavery, I see that prudence for- bids its abolition. I deny that the General Government ought to set them free, because a decided majority of the States have not the ties of sympathy and fellow-feeling for those whose interest would be affected by their emancipa- tion. The majority of Congress is to the North, and the slaves are to the South.”— Elliot's Debates, vol. iii. pp. 589, 590. Governor Randolph had been a member of the Federal Convention; but he had refused to sign the Constitution, wishing to be left free to oppose or to advocate its adoption when it came before his State for consideration. He afterwards, however, saw, that on the ratification of the Constitution hung all hopes of preserving the Union, and he now gave it his hearty support. He thus replied to Mr. Henry: — “That honorable gentleman, and some others, have in- Edmund sisted that the abolition of slavery will result from it, and Randolph. at the same time have complained that it encourages its continuation. The inconsistency proves, in some degree, the futility of their arguments. But, if it be not conclu- sive to satisfy the committee that there is no danger of 100 . HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Edmund Randolph. enfranchisement taking place, I beg leave to refer them to the paper itself. I hope that there is none here, who, considering the subject in the calm light of philosophy, will advance an objection dishonorable to Virginia, – that, at the moment they are securing the rights of their citizens, an objection is started that there is a spark of hope that those wnfortunate men now held in bondage may, by the operation Qf the General Government, be made free. But, if any gen- tleman be terrified by this apprehension, let him read the system. I ask, and I will ask again and again, till I be answered (not by declamation), Where is the part that has a tendency to the abolition of slavery 2 Is it the clause which says that ‘the migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit shall not be prohibited by Congress prior to the year 1808 ' ' This is an exception from the power of regulating commerce, and the restriction is only to con- tinue till 1808. Then Congress can, by the exercise of that power, prevent future importations. But does it affect the existing state of slavery 7 Were it right here to mention what passed in convention on the occasion, I might tell you that the Southern States, even South Carolina. herself, conceived this property to be secure by these words. I believe, whatever we may think here, that there was not a member of the Virginia delegation who had the smallest Suspicion of the abolition of slavery. Go to their meaning. Point out the clause where this formidable power of eman- cipation is inserted.” — Elliot's Debates, vol. iii. pp. 598, 599. In North Carolina, a Convention, “for the purpose of deliberating and determining on the proposed Constitution,” was called by the Legislature. It as- sembled in Hillsborough on the 21st of July, 1788; and continued its session till Aug. 2d, when it adjourned without either adopting or rejecting the Constitution. NORTH-CAROLINA CONVENTION. 101’ A few extracts from the debates will show how slavery was regarded in its connection with the Fede- ral Constitution. “Mr. DAVIE. . . . The gentleman does not wish to William R. be represented with negroes.’ This, Sir, is an unhappy Species of population ; but we cannot at present alter their situation. The Eastern States had great jealousies on this Subject. They insisted that their cows and horses were equally entitled to representation; that the one was prop- erty as well as the other. It became our duty, on the other hand, to acquire as much weight as possible in the legislation of the Union; and, as the Northern States were more populous in whites, this only could be done by insist- ing that a certain proportion of our slaves should make a part of the computed population. It was attempted to form a rule of representation from a compound ratio of wealth and population: but, on consideration, it was found impracticable to determine the comparative value of lands and other property, in so extensive a territory, with any degree of accuracy; and population alone was adopted as the only practicable rule or criterion of representation. It was urged by the deputies of the Eastern States, that a representation of two-fifths would be of little utility, and that their entire representation would be unequal and bur- densome ; that, in a time of war, slaves rendered a coun- try more vulnerable, while its defence devolved upon its free inhabitants. On the other hand, we insisted, that, in time of peace, they contributed, by their labor, to the gene- ral wealth, as well as other members of the community; that, as rational beings, they had a right of representation, and, in Some instances, might be highly useful in war. On these principles, the Eastern States gave the matter up, and consented to the regulation as it has been read. I hope these reasons will appear satisfactory.”— Elliot's Debates, vol. iv. p. 30, 31. &l V16. 102 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Richard D. Spaight. Joseph M“Dowall. James Iredell. When the ninth section was under discussion, Mr. M-Dowall wished to hear the reasons of the restric- tion on Congress in regard to prohibiting the impor- tation of slaves before the year 1808. “Mr. SPAIGHT answered, that there was a contest between the Northern and Southern States; that the Southern States, whose principal support depended on the labor of slaves, would not consent to the desire of the Northern States to exclude the importation of slaves absolutely; that South Carolina and Georgia insisted on this clause, as they were now in want of hands to cultivate their lands; that, in the course of twenty years, they would be fully supplied ; that the trade would be abolished then ; and that, in the mean time, some tax or duty might be laid on. “Mr. M'DOWALL replied, that the explanation was just such as he expected, and by no means satisfactory to him ; and that he looked upon it as a very objectionable part of the system. - “Mr. IREDELL. Mr. Chairman, I rise to express senti- ments similar to those of the gentleman from Craven. For my part, were it practicable to put an end to the importa- tion of slaves immediately, it would give me the greatest pleasure ; for it certainly is a trade utterly inconsistent with the rights of humanity, and under which great cruel- ties have been exercised. When the entire abolition of slavery takes place, it will be an event which must be pleasing to every generous mind and every friend of human nature ; but we often wish for things which are not attainable. It was the wish of a great majority of the Convention to put an end to the trade immediately; but the States of South Carolina and Georgia would not agree to it. Consider, then, what would be the difference between our present situation in this respect, if we do not agree to the Constitution, and what it will be if we do agree to it. If we do not agree to it, do we remedy the evil? No, Sir : NORTHI-CAROLINA CONVENTION. 103 we do not; for, if the Constitution be not adopted, it will #. be in the power of every State to continue it for ever. They may or may not abolish it at their discretion. But, if we adopt the Constitution, the trade must cease after twenty years, if Congress declare so, whether particular States please so or not : Surely, then, we can gain by it. This was the the utmost that could be obtained. I heartily wish more could have been done; but, as it is, this Gov- ernment is nobly distinguished above others by that very provision. Where is there another country in which such a restriction prevails 2 We therefore, Sir, set an example of humanity, by providing for the abolition of this inhuman traffic, though at a distant period. I hope, therefore, that this part of the Constitution will not be condemned because it has not stipulated for what was impracticable to ob- tain. “Mr. GALLOWAY. Mr. Chairman, the explanation given James to this clause does not satisfy my mind. I wish to see this Galloway. abominable trade put an end to. But in case it be thought proper to continue this abominable traffic for twenty years, yet I do not wish to see the tax on the importation extend- ed to all persons whatsoever. Our situation is different from the people to the North. We want citizens: they do not. Instead of laying a tax, we ought to give a bounty to encourage foreigners to come among us. With respect to the abolition of slavery, it requires the utmost consider- ation. The property of the Southern States consists principally of slaves. If they mean to do away slavery altogether, this property will be destroyed. I apprehend it means to bring forward manumission. If we must manu- mit our slaves, what country shall we send them to ? It is impossible for us to be happy, if, after manumission, they are to stay among us. “Mr. IREDELL. . . . . There is another circumstance James to be observed. There is no authority vested in Congress” 104 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Rawlins Lowndes. to restrain the States, in the interval of twenty years, from doing what they please. If they wish to prohibit such importation, they may do so.”— Elliot's Debates, vol. iv. pp. 100–102. In South Carolina, the Constitution was discussed in the Legislature before the Convention was called. Two or three extracts from the speeches made before that body will end these specimens of the Debates. “Mr. LOWNDES remarked, that we had a law prohibit- ing the importation of negroes for three years, – a law he greatly approved of; but there was no reason offered why the Southern States might not find it necessary to alter their conduct, and open their ports. Without negroes, this State would degenerate into one of the most contemptible in the Union; and he cited an expression that fell from General Pinckney on a former debate, that, whilst there remained One acre of swamp-land in South Carolina, he should raise his voice against restricting the importation of negroes. Even in granting the importation for twenty years, care had been taken to make us pay for this indulgence; each negro being liable, on importation, to pay a duty not ex- ceeding ten dollars; and, in addition to this, they were liable to a capitation tax. Negroes were our wealth, our only natural resource ; yet behold how our kind friends in the North were determined soon to tie up our hands, and drain us of what we had The Eastern States drew their means of subsistence, in a great measure, from their ship- ping; and, on that head, they had been particularly careful not to allow of any burdens. They were not to pay tonnage or duties; no, not even the form of clearing out: all ports were free and open to them Why, then, call this a recip- rocal bargain, which took all from one party, to bestow it on the other 7”— Elliot's Debates, vol. iv. pp. 272, 273. SOUTII-CAROLINA, T,EGISLATURE. T 05 General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney had been a member of the Federal Convention, and was an ear- nest and able supporter of the rights of the State he represented. He was undoubtedly sincere in his belief that he had made for his constituents pretty good terms in regard to their special interests, and that they ought to be satisfied with the Constitution, and vote for its adoption. “You have so frequently heard my sentiments on this subject, that I need not now repeat them. It was alleged by some of the members who opposed an unlimited impor- tation, that slaves increased the weakness of any State who admitted them ; that they were a dangerous species of property, which an invading enemy could easily turn against Ourselves and the neighboring States; and that, as we were allowed a representation for them in the House of Representatives, our influence in government would be increased in proportion as we were less able to defend our- selves. ‘Show some period,” said the members from the Eastern States, “when it may be in our power to put a stop, if we please, to the importation of this weakness, and we will endeavor, for your convenience, to restrain the reli- gious and political prejudices of our people on this subject.’ The Middle States and Virginia made us no such proposi- tion : they were for an immediate and total prohibition. We endeavored to obviate the objections that were made, in the best manner we could, and assigned reasons for our insisting on the importation; which there is no occasion to repeat, as they must occur to every gentleman in the house. A Committee of the States was appointed, in order to accommodate this matter; and, after a great deal of difficulty, it was settled on the footing recited in the Con- stitution. “By this settlement, we have secured an unlimited im- Gen. C. C. Pinckney. 14 106 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Gen. C. C. Pinckney. , Doctor Ramsay. portation of negroes for twenty years. Nor is it declared that the importation shall be then stopped : it may be continued. We have a security that the General Govern- ment can never emancipate them; for no such authority is granted: and it is admitted, on all hands, that the General Government has no powers but what are expressly grant- ed by the Constitution, and that all rights not expressed were reserved by the several States. We have obtained a right to recover our slaves in whatever part of America they may take refuge; which is a right we had not before. In short, considering all circumstances, we have made the best terms for the security of this species of property it was in our power to make. We would have made better, if we could ; but, on the whole, I do not think them bad.” — Elliot's Debates, vol. iv. pp. 285, 286. Outside, also, of the State Conventions, opinions in regard to the effect of the Federal Constitution on slavery were divided. Two letters, written on the same day, in different parts of the country, by persons of high character and great influence in their respective States, will exhibit these differing views. Dr. Ramsay, the historian of South Carolina, in a letter to General Lincoln, dated Charleston, Jan. 29, 1788, says, – “Our Assembly is now sitting, and have unanimously agreed to hold a convention. By common consent, the merits of the Federal Constitution were freely discussed on that occasion, for the sake of enlightening our citizens. Mr. [Rawlins] Lowndes was the only man who made direct, formal opposition to it. His objections were local, and proceeded from an illiberal jealousy of New-England men. He urged that you would raise freights on us, and, in short, that you were too cunning for our honest people ; OPINIONS RESPECTING THE CONSTITUTION. 107 that your end of the Continent would rule the other; and Doctor that the sun of our glory would set when the new Consti- tution operated. He has not one Federal idea in his head. He is said to be honest, and free from debt : but he was an enemy to independence; and, though our President in 1778, he was a British subject in 1780. His taking pro- tection was rather the passive act of an old man than otherwise. He never aided or abetted the British Govern- ment directly ; but his example was mischievous. His op- position has poisoned the minds of some. “I fear the numerous class of debtors more than any other. On the whole, I have no doubt the Constitution will be accepted by a very great majority in this State. The sentiments of our leading men are, of late, much more Federal than formerly. This honest sentiment was avowed by the first characters: ‘New England has lost, and we have gained, by the war; and her suffering citizens ought to be our carriers, though a dearer freight should be the consequence.’ Your delegates never did a more politic thing than in standing by those of South Carolina about negroes. Virginia deserted them, and was for an imme- diate stoppage of further importation. The [Old] Do- minion has lost much popularity by the conduct of her delegates on this head. The language now is, ‘The East- ern States can soonest help us in case of invasion; and it is more our interest to encourage them and their shipping than to join with or look up to Virginia.’ “In short, Sir, a revolution highly favorable to union has taken place: Federalism, and liberality of sentiment, have gained great ground. Mr. Lowndes still thinks you are a set of sharpers, and does not wonder that you are for the new Constitution ; as, in his opinion, you will have all the advantage. He thinks you begrudge us our negroes. But he is almost alone.” – Bowen's Life of Gen. Lincoln, (Sparks's Amer. Biogr., 2d Series, vol. xiii.,) pp. 410–412. Ramsay. 108 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Rev. Dr. Hopkins. In a letter to Dr. Hart of Preston, dated 29th Jan- + uary, 1788, the Rev. Dr. Hopkins of Newport, R.I., writes thus : — “The new Constitution, you observe, guarantees this trade for twenty years. I fear, if it be adopted, this will prove an Achan in our camp. How does it appear in the sight of Heaven and of all good men, well informed, that these States, who have been fighting for liberty, and consi- der themselves as the highest and most noble example of zeal for it, cannot agree in any political Constitution, unless it indulge and authorize them to enslave their fellow-men I I think if this Constitution be not adopted as it is, without any alteration, we shall have none, and shall be in a state of anarchy, and probably of civil war. Therefore I wish to have it adopted ; but still, as I said, I fear. And per- haps civil war will not be avoided, if it be adopted. Ah these unclean spirits, like frogs, – they, like the Furies of the poets, are spreading discord, and exciting men to con- tention and war, wherever they go; and they can spoil the best Constitution that can be formed. When Congress shall be formed on the new plan, these frogs will be there; for they go forth to the kings of the earth, in the first place. They will turn the members of that august body into devils, so far as they are permitted to influence them. Have they not already got possession of most of the men who will or can be chosen and appointed to a place in that assembly 7 I suppose that even good Christians are not out of the reach of influence from these frogs. ‘Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments.’” — Park's Memoir of Hopkins, pp. 158, 159. I have thus attempted to give a fair representation of the different shades of opinion on the Constitution in its relations to slavery, as expressed by the leading statesmen at the North and at the South. In the ample PURPOSE OF THE CONSTITUTION. 109 extracts from the Debates which have been presented, an apparent lack of harmony may be discovered among the arguments used in various parts of the country, whether in urging its adoption or its rejec- tion. With an earnest zeal to secure for their country so great a boon as a firmly established Constitutional Government, its advocates may have pressed a little too strongly the arguments in favor of the views most acceptable to the particular State which at the time had the matter under consideration. On the other hand, the opponents of the Constitution undoubtedly exaggerated the evils which, it was supposed, it would entail upon the States, and perhaps unconsciously misrepresented the effects of the different clauses referring to slavery. One thing is certain, that whilst the delegates from Georgia and South Carolina asked only a temporary toleration of the slave-trade, and non-interference with their local arrangements respecting domestic slavery, (declaring that, if let alone, they might themselves, as soon as it was practicable, stop the importation of slaves,) the common sentiment, in the Convention and throughout the country, was, that the letter and the spirit of the Constitution, fairly interpreted and faithfully applied, afforded a full guaranty of uni- versal freedom throughout the Union at no distant day. The purpose of the Constitution was put into the preamble in no equivocal language, and for no doubtful purpose. It was “To SECURE LIBERTY,” and not to protect slavery : for liberty had been declared 110 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. to be a natural, national, and unalienable right; while - slavery was known to be an unnatural, sectional, tem- porary evil. It was intended, that, under the Con- stitution, slavery should, and it was expected that it would, at no distant day, be abolished. The distinguished English moralist, Dr. Paley, published his “Moral and Political Philosophy” two years after our National Independence had been acknowledged. In his chapter on Slavery, he placed permanently on record his view of the effect of the principles promulgated by the American patriots, in these words: “The great Revolution which has taken place in the Western World may probably conduce (and who knows but that it was designed ) to accele- rate the fall of this abominable tyranny.” Half a century later, in the Senate of the United States, Daniel Webster, the great defender of the Constitution, re-affirmed the principles of the Found- ers of the Republic in an immortal sentence, which it would be well for his countrymen now to heed. It is applicable in a broader sense than its author on that occasion intended : “LIBERTY AND UNION, Now AND FOR EVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE.” II. NEGROES AS SOLDIER.S. II. N E G R O E S A S S O L DIE R. S. A QUESTION of much importance is presented to our National Government at this time, respecting the employment of negroes as soldiers. Those on whom devolves the responsibility of suppressing this monstrous Rebellion, must ultimately, and at no distant day, decide the matter. In their decision, they will undoubtedly be influenced by a regard to the usage and experience, in this respect, of those who directed our military affairs in the war of Independ- ence, as well as by a consideration of the probable effect of their action on our loyal soldiers, and on the armed traitors who are arrayed against them. It is not strange that the President, on whom, more than on all others, rests the responsibility of taking the final step in this direction, should pause a while to consider the subject in all its bearings, and to allow public opinion to shape itself more distinctly, that his decision, when made, shall have from the Nation a cordial and general support. 15 114 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Public opinion heretofore has been divided on this Question. In one direction, whenever the subject of negro soldiers is mentioned, there is an outcry, as if an atrocious and unheard-of policy were now about to be inaugurated, - something at variance with the prac- tice of our Revolutionary leaders, and abhorrent to the moral sentiment and the established usage of civilized and Christian warriors. On the other hand, the gallant Governor of Rhode Island, a conservative of the first degree, but con- vinced that there is something more worthy of conser- vation than treacherous timidity or popular prejudice, calls upon the colored people of his own patriotic State to follow the example of their fathers in the war of Seventy-six, and form themselves into a regi- ment, which he proposes, at the proper time, to lead to the field in person : — “For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother: be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition.” To throw some light from the history of the past, I propose, by a reference to the annals of the American Revolution and a citation of competent authorities, to exhibit the opinions of the patriot statesmen and soldiers of that period, and their action in regard to negroes as soldiers, as well as the result of their experiment. Two or three incidents in the earliest conflicts with the British troops will show how little prejudice there was against negroes at the commencement of THE BOSTON MASSACRE. 115 the war, and how ready the citizens generally were, not only to secure their services as fellow-soldiers, but to honor them for their patriotism and valor, be- fore there had been any specific legislation or any particular policy on the subject proposed. In the “Boston Gazette, or Weekly Journal,” of Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1750, there was published the fol- lowing advertisement : — 66 AN-away from his Master William Brown of Framingham, on the 30th of Sept. last, a Molatto Fellow, about 27 Years of Age, named Crispas, 6 Feet 2 Inches high, short curl’d Hair, his Knees nearer together than common ; had on a light colour’d Bearskin Coat, plain brown Fustian Jacket, or brown all- Wool one, new Buckskin Breeches, blue Yarn Stockings, and a checked woolen Shirt. “Whoever shall take up said Run-away, and convey him to his abovesaid Master, shall have ten Pounds, old Tenor Reward, and all necessary Charges paid. And all Masters of Vessels and others, are hereby cautioned against concealing or carrying off said Servant on Penalty of the Law. Boston, October 2, 1750.” The “Molatto Fellow,” it seems, did not speedily return to his master, notwithstanding the reward which was offered; for, on the 13th and 20th of No- vember, another advertisement, similar to the above, was published in the same Journal. The next time that his name appeared in a Boston newspaper, twenty years later, it was under very dif- ferent circumstances. He was no longer a fugitive slave, but a hero and a martyr. The Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770, may be regarded as the first act in the drama of the Ameri- . Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. 116 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Boston Massacre, March 5, 177 0. Funeral Of the martyrs. can Revolution. “From that moment,” said Daniel Webster, “we may date the severance of the British Empire.” The presence of the British soldiers in Ring Street excited the patriotic indignation of the people. The whole community was stirred, and sage counsellors were deliberating and writing and talk- ing about the public grievances. But it was not for “the wise and prudent” to be the first to act against the encroachments of arbitrary power. “A motley rabble of saucy boys, negroes and mulat- toes, Irish Teagues, and outlandish Jack tars,” (as John Adams described them in his plea in defence of the soldiers,) could not restrain their emotion, or stop to inquire if what they must do was according to the letter of any law. Led by Crispus Attucks, the mulatto slave, and shouting, “The way to get rid of these soldiers is to attack the main guard; strike at the root; this is the nest,” with more valor than discretion they rushed to King Street, and were fired upon by Captain Preston's Company. Crispus Attucks was the first to fall: he and Samuel Gray and Jonas Caldwell were killed on the spot. Samuel Maverick and Patrick Carr were mortally wounded. The excitement which followed was intense. The bells of the town were rung. An impromptu town- meeting was held, and an immense assembly was gathered. Three days after, on the 8th, a public funeral of the martyrs took place. The shops in Boston were closed; and all the bells of Boston and the neighbor- THE BOSTON MASSACRE. 117 ing towns were rung. It is said that a greater ºl number of persons assembled on this occasion than * were ever before gathered on this continent for a similar purpose. The body of Crispus Attucks, the mulatto slave, had been placed in Faneuil Hall, with that of Caldwell; both being strangers in the city. Maverick was buried from his mother's house in Union Street; and Gray, from his brother's in Royal Exchange Lane. The four hearses formed a junction in King Street; and there the procession marched in columns six deep, with a long file of coaches belong- ing to the most distinguished citizens, to the Middle Burying-ground, where the four victims were deposited in one grave; over which a stone was placed with this inscription : — “Long as in Freedom’s cause the wise contend, Dear to your country shall your fame extend; While to the world the lettered stone shall tell Where Caldwell, Attucks, Gray, and Maverick fell.” The anniversary of this event was publicly com- memorated in Boston by an oration and other exer- cises every year until after our national Independence was achieved, when the Fourth of July was substituted for the Fifth of March as the more proper day for a general celebration. Not only was the event com- memorated, but the martyrs who then gave up their lives were remembered and honored. Dr. Joseph Warren, in his Oration in March, 1775, only two months before he showed the sincerity of his senti- ments by sealing them with his own precious blood, 118 HISTORICAL RESãARCH. gave utterance to the following bold and timely words : — Joseph “That personal freedom is the natural right of every Warren. & e g man, and that property, or an exclusive right to dispose of what he has honestly acquired by his own labor, necessarily arises therefrom, are truths which common sense has placed beyond the reach of contradiction. And no man, or body of men, can, without being guilty of flagrant injustice, claim a right to dispose of the persons or acquisitions of any other man, or body of men, unless it can be proved that such a right has arisen from some compact between the parties, in which it has been explicitly and freely granted.”—Ora- tion, p. 5. 1775, At the battle of Bunker Hill, on the memorable i.” 17th of June, 1775, negro soldiers stood side by side, # * and fought bravely, with their white brethren. If on the monument which commemorates that event were inscribed the names of those most worthy of honor for their heroic deeds on that day, high up on the shaft, with the names of Warren and Prescott, we should find that of PETER SALEM, a negro soldier, once a slave. - Major Pitcairn, of the British Marines, it is well known, fell just as he mounted the redoubt, shout- ing “The day is ours l’” The shot which laid him low was fired by Peter Salem. Although the shaft does not bear his name, the pencil of the artist has portrayed the scene, the pen of the impartial historian has recorded his achieve- ment, and the voice of the eloquent orator has re- sounded his valor. Peter Salem. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. 119 Colonel Trumbull, in his celebrated historic picture ºf rumbull's of this battle, introduces conspicuously the colored picture. patriot. At the time of the battle, the artist, then act- ing as adjutant, was stationed with his regiment in Roxbury, and saw the action from that point. The picture was painted in 1786, when the event was fresh in his mind. It is a significant historical fact, pertinent to our present research, that, among the limited number of figures introduced on the canvas, more than one negro soldier can be distinctly seen. And here I may venture to publish an extract from a letter written to me recently by Aaron White, Esq., of Thompson, in Connecticut, in answer to an in- quiry on this subject: — “With regard to the black hero of Bunker Hill, I never Aarºn knew him personally, nor did I ever hear from his lips the W. story of his achievements; but I have better authority. ..." About the year 1807, I heard a soldier of the Revolution, who was present at the Bunker-Hill battle, relate to my father the story of the death of Major Pitcairn. He said the Major had passed the storm of our fire without, and had mounted the redoubt, when, waving his sword, he commanded, in a loud voice, the “rebels’ to surrender. His sudden appearance and his commanding air at first startled the men immediately before him. They neither answered nor fired; probably not being exactly certain what was next to be done. At this critical moment, a negro soldier stepped forward, and, aiming his musket directly at the major's bosom, blew him through. My informant declared that he was so near, that he distinctly saw the act. The story made quite an impression on my mind. I have fre- quently heard my father relate the story, and have no doubt of its truth. My father, on the day of the battle, was a 120 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Account of Peter Salem. Enno Washburn. mere child, and witnessed the battle and the burning of Charlestown from Roxbury Hill, sitting on the shoulders of the Rev. Mr. Jackson, who said to him as he replaced him on the ground, “Now, boy, do you remember this.' Consequently, after such an injunction, he would necessa- rily pay particular attention to anecdotes concerning the first and only battle he ever witnessed.” The Rev. William Barry in his excellent “History of Framingham,” and the Hon. Emory Washburn in his valuable “History of Leicester,” give pretty full accounts of the colored patriot, who acted so impor- tant a part on that memorable occasion. Mr. Wash- burn says, – “That shot was undoubtedly fired by Peter; and the death of Major Pitcairn, with its accompanying circum- stances, formed one of the most touching incidents of this eventful day. . . . . . After the war, he came to Leicester, and continued to reside there till a short time before his death. The history of the town would be in- complete without giving him a place. . . . . . He was born in Framingham, and was held as a slave, probably until he joined the army; whereby, if not before, he be- came free. This was the case with many of the slaves in Massachusetts, as no slave could be mustered into the army. If the master suffered this to be done, it worked a practical emancipation. Peter served faithfully as a soldier, during the war, in Col. Nixon's regiment. A part of the time, he was the servant of Col. Nixon, and always spoke of him in terms of admiration.” — History of Leicester, pp. 266, 267, 308. When the statue of General Joseph Warren was inaugurated on the 17th of June, 1857, the Honorable BATTLE OF BUNIKER HILL. 121 Edward Everett, in his Address, did not forget to mention the colored patriot, and thus to secure for his act perpetual record. Such an honor far ex- ceeds that of any sculptured stone. Pointing to the obelisk, Mr. Everett said: — “It commemorates no individual man or State. It łº, stands, indeed, on the soil of Massachusetts, where the honorabie battle was fought; but there it stands equally for Con-º. necticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, and the * younger sisters of the New-England family, Vermont and Maine, whose troops shared with ours the dangers and honors of the day. It stands for Prescott and Warren, but not less for Putnam and Stark and Greene. No name adorns the shaft; but ages hence, though our alphabets may become as obscure as those which cover the monu- ments of Nineveh and Babylon, its uninscribed surface (on which monarchs might be proud to engrave their titles) will perpetuate the memory of the 17th of June. It is the monument of the day of the event of the battle of Bunker Hill; of all the brave men who shared its perils, — alike of Prescott and Putnam and Warren, the chiefs of the day, and the colored man, Salem, who is reported to have shot the gallant Pitcairn, as he mounted the parapet. Cold as the clods on which it rests, still as the silent heavens to which it soars, it is yet vocal, eloquent, in their undivided praise.” — Orations and Speeches, vol. iii. p. 529. Another colored soldier, who participated in the battle of Bunker Hill, is favorably noticed in a peti- tion to the General Court, signed by some of the principal officers, less than six months after the event. It is printed from the original manuscript in our State Archives. 16 122 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. “To the Honorable General Court of the Massachusetts Bay. “The subscribers beg leave to report to your Honora- ble House (which we do in justice to the character of so brave a man), that, under our own observation, we declare that a negro man called Salem Poor, of Col. Frye's regi- ment, Capt. Ames’ company, in the late battle at Charles- town, behaved like an experienced officer, as well as an excellent soldier. To set forth particulars of his conduct would be tedious. We would only beg leave to say, in the person of this said negro centres a brave and gallant soldier. The reward due to so great and distinguished a character, we submit to the Congress. “JONA. BREWER, Col. ELIPHALET BoDwDLL, Sgt. THOMAS NIXON, Lt.-Col. JosLAH FostER, Lieut. W.M. PRESCOTT, Col”. IEBENR. WARNUM, 2d Lieut. |FPH" Corey, Lieut. WM. HUDSON BALLARD, Cpt. JOSEPH BAKER, Lieut. WILLIAM SMITH, Cap. JOSHUA ROW, Lieut. John MoRTON, Sergt. [?] JoNAS RICHARDSON, Capt. Lieut. RICHARD WELSH. “CAMBRIDGE, Dec. 5, 1775. “In Council, Dec. 21, 1775. – Read, and sent down. “PEREZ MoRTON, Dep’y Sec'y.” (Massachusetts Archives, vol. clxxx. p. 241.) Here I cannot forbear calling attention to the opinion of one who was a brave soldier, not only in this battle, but from the commencement to the close of the Revolution; and whose name continues to be honored in his children and his children's children in our own city. }º. “Samuel Lawrence was born in Groton, April 24, 1754; “” and was, therefore, in his early manhood when our Revo. lutionary struggle commenced. In common with all the hardy, intelligent, liberty-loving yeomanry of New England, he espoused the cause of the Colonies, and devoted himself BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. 123 to it with a courage that never failed, a constancy that \º ſº º * e 3, Wren CC. never faltered, till his country had passed ‘from impending servitude to acknowledged independence.’ At work in the field, ploughing his paternal acres, when the news of the attack upon Concord reached Groton, he immediately unloosed a horse from his team, and, mounting, rode rapidly through Groton and some of the adjoining towns, spreading the alarm, and summoning the militia to assemble. He returned in season to join his own company at the church at Groton, at twelve o’clock; where, after prayer offered by the pastor of the town, they started for Concord, helped to swell that impetuous tide of resistance which drove back the invaders, and slept that night on Cambridge Common, after a forced march of thirty miles, and hot skirmishes with the retreating foe. From that time to the peace of 1783, he was ‘a soldier of the Revolution '; and, with the exception of one or two brief visits to his family and friends at Groton, he was in actual service throughout the whole war. He rose to the rank of major, and for a considerable period was attached to Gen. Sullivan's staff as adjutant; an office for which his powerful lungs and sonorous voice, which could be heard throughout a long line of troops, peculiarly fitted him. He was in many of the severest battles of the Revolution. “At Bunker Hill, where he was slightly wounded, his coat and hat were pierced with the balls of the enemy, and were preserved in the family for many years. At one time he commanded a company whose rank and file were all negroes, of whose courage, military discipline, and fidelity, he always spoke with respect. On one occasion, being out reconnoitring with this company, he got so far in advance of his command, that he was surrounded, and on the point of being made prisoner by the enemy. The men, soon discovering his peril, rushed to his rescue, and fought with the most determined bravery till that rescue was effectually secured. He never forgot this circum- 124 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. George Bancroft. stance, and ever after took especial pains to show kind. ness and hospitality to any individual of the colored race who came near his dwelling.” – Memoir of William Law- Tence, by Rev. S. K. Lothrop, D.D., pp. 8, 9. A single passage from Mr. Bancroft's History will give a succinct and clear account of the condition of the army, in respect to colored soldiers, at the time of the battle of Bunker Hill — “Nor should history forget to record, that as in the army at Cambridge, so also in this gallant band, the free negroes of the Colony had their representatives. For the right of free negroes to bear arms in the public defence was, at that day, as little disputed in New England as their other rights. They took their place, not in a separate corps, but in the ranks with the white man; and their names may be read on the pension-rolls of the country, side by side with those of other soldiers of the Revolution.” — Bancroft's Hist. of the U. S., vol. vii. p. 421. Q At the commencement of the war, it appears to have been customary for the free negroes to be enrolled with white citizens in the militia. In many instances, slaves also stood in the ranks with freemen. The inconsistency, however, in using as soldiers, in an army raised for establishing National Liberty, those who were held in bondage, was too gross for the practice long to continue. This was virtually acknowledged in a Resolution which was adopted before the first great battle had been fought. On the 20th of May, the Committee of Safety “Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, as the contest now between Great Britain and the Colonies NEGRO SOLDIERS NO LONGER SLAVES. 125 respects the liberties and privileges of the latter, which º: the Colonies are determined to maintain, that the admission of any persons, as Soldiers, into the Army now raising, but only such as are Freemen, will be inconsistent with the principles that are to be supported, and reflect dishonor on this Colony; and that no Slaves be admitted into this army upon any consideration whatever.” — Force's American Archives, Fourth Series, vol. ii. p. 762. The celebrated divine, the Rev. Dr. Hopkins of Newport, R.I., soon after the commencement of hos- tilities, published a “Dialogue concerning the Slavery of the Africans,” which he dedicated to “The Honor- able Continental Congress.” As this tract was re- issued in New York by the Manumission Society, of which Robert R. Livingston, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay were active members, and a copy of it sent, by their direction, to each member of Congress, the views it contains are quite important as illustrating the sentiment of some of the ablest men of that time. The following extract is from a note to the “Dialogue: ” — “God is so ordering it in his providence, that it seems Rev. Dr. absolutely necessary something should speedily be done * with respect to the slaves among us, in order to our safety, and to prevent their turning against us in our present struggle, in order to get their liberty. Our oppressors have planned to gain the blacks, and induce them to take up arms against us, by promising them liberty on this con- dition ; and this plan they are prosecuting to the utmost of their power, by which means they have persuaded numbers to join them. And should we attempt to restrain them by force and severity, keeping a strict guard over them, and 126 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Rev. Dr. Hopkins. South Carolina Provincial Congress. punishing them severely who shall be detected in attempt- ing to join our opposers, this will only be making bad worse, and serve to render our inconsistence, oppression, and cruelty more criminal, perspicuous, and shocking, and bring down the righteous vengeance of Heaven on our heads. The only way pointed out to prevent this threaten- ing evil is to set the blacks at liberty ourselves by some public acts and laws, and then give them proper encourage- ment to labor, or take arms in the defence of the American cause, as they shall choose. This would at once be doing them some degree of justice, and defeating our enemies in the scheme that they are prosecuting.” — Hopkins's Works, vol. ii. p. 584. Many slaves were manumitted that they might be- come soldiers. They served faithfully to the close of the war. Their skill and bravery were never called in question, but, on the contrary, were frequently com- mended. There, does not, however, appear to have been, at that time, any special legislation sanctioning the employment of Negroes as soldiers. Authority was given by the Provincial Congress of South Caro- lina, Nov. 20, 1775, for military officers to use slaves for certain purposes, as will be seen by the following resolution : — “On motion, Resolved, That the colonels of the several regiments of militia throughout the Colony have leave to enroll such a number of able male slaves, to be employed as pioneers and laborers, as public exigencies may require ; and that a daily pay of seven shillings and sixpence be allowed for the service of each such slave while actually employed.” — American Archives, Fourth Series, vol. iv. p. 61. - NEGROES AS SOLDIERS. 127 This resolution must not be regarded as a general sanction, on the part of South Carolina, of the employ- ment of slaves as soldiers. Such was far from being the case. Although some of her ablest statesmen and bravest soldiers on several occasions advocated strong- ly in the Continental Congress, and in the Provincial Legislature, such a use of Negroes, there was a strong, successful, and disastrous opposition to the IQ68,SUll'C, The first general order issued by Ward, the com- manding officer, required a return of the “complex- ion ” of the soldiers. It would be interesting, and not very difficult for any one who has access to the early rolls of the army, and leisure to examine them, to ascertain the number of negroes who became sol- diers. It would also be interesting, and perhaps not wholly unprofitable, to trace the progress of opinion on this subject, from the time when the opposition to negro soldiers first commenced, until it was so far overcome, that nearly every State, by legislative act or by practice, sanctioned their employment. The most that I can do, in this paper, is to produce some specimens of the opinions, laws, and action of that period. It may be well to observe, that what has caused so much complaint in the management of the present civil war — the apparently vacillating action and unsettled policy of the administration and the army with regard to the use of negroes as soldiers— is not without a precedent, “an historic parallel,” in the annals of the Revolutionary War. IJnsettled policy respecting negroes as soldiers. 128 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Although slavery existed throughout the country, it is a significant fact, that the principal opposition to negro soldiers came from the States where there was the least hearty and efficient support of the principles of Republican Government, and the least ability or disposition to furnish an equal or fair quota of white soldiers. South Carolina and Georgia contained so many Tories, at one time, that it was supposed the British officers, who elsewhere would, by proclamation, free all negroes joining the Royal Army, might hesitate to meddle with them in these Colonies, lest “the king's friends” should suffer thereby. John Adams, in his “Diary,” under the date of 28th of September, 1775, gives an account of an inter- view with Mr. Bullock and Mr. Houston, of Georgia; in which the following statement occurs : — :* “The question was, whether all America was not in a Carolina. state of war, and whether we ought to confine ourselves to act upon the defensive only 2 He was for acting offen- sively next spring or this fall, if the petition was rejected or neglected. If it was not answered, and favorably answered, he would be for acting against Britain and Britons, as, in open war, against French, and Frenchmen; fit privateers, and take their ships anywhere. These gentlemen give a melancholy account of the state of Georgia and South Carolina. They say, that if one thou- sand regular troops should land in Georgia, and their commander be provided with arms and clothes enough, and proclaim freedom to all the negroes who would join his camp, twenty thousand negroes would join it from the two Provinces in a fortnight. The negroes have a OPPOSITION TO NEGRO SOLDIERS. 129 wonderful art of communicating intelligence among them- Selves: it will run several hundreds of miles in a week or fortnight. They say their only security is this: that all the king's friends, and tools of government, have large plantations, and property in negroes; so that the slaves of the Tories would be lost, as well as those of the Whigs.”— Works of John Adams, vol. ii. p. 428. On the 10th of July, 1775, there was issued at Cambridge, by General Gates, an order determining what persons were to be excluded by the recruiting officers, who were immediately to go upon that ser- WICG. “You are not to enlist any deserter from the Ministerial Order . Army, nor any stroller, negro, or vagabond, or person sus-it" pected of being an enemy to the liberty of America, nor * any under eighteen years of age. “As the cause is the best that can engage men of courage and principle to take up arms, so it is expected that none but such will be accepted by the recruiting officer. The pay, provision, &c., being so ample, it is not doubted but that the officers sent upon this service will, without delay, complete their respective corps, and march the men forthwith to camp. “You are not to enlist any person who is not an Ameri- can born, unless such person has a wife and family, and is a settled resident in this country. The persons you enlist must be provided with good and complete arms.” — From Gaines's Mercury, July 24, (in Frank Moore's Diary of the American Revolution, vol. i. p. 110.) On the 26th of September following, according to Mr. Bancroft, “Edward Rutledge, of South Carolina, moved the discharge of all the negroes in the army, and he was strongly supported by many of the 17 - 130 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Qºdºo Southern delegates; but the opposition was so power- exclude 2 2.7 * ful and so determined, that “he lost his point. On the 18th of October, a Committee of Conference, consisting of Dr. Franklin, Benjamin Harrison, and Thomas Lynch, met at Cambridge, with the Depu- ty-Governors of Connecticut and Rhode Island, a Committee of the Council of Massachusetts Bay, and General Washington, to consider the condition of the army, and to devise means for its improvement. On the 23d October, the subject of negro soldiers came before them for action, and was thus decided : — “Ought not negroes to be excluded from the new en- listment, especially such as are slaves? All were thought improper by the council of officers. “Agreed, That they be rejected altogether.” — Force's American Archives, Fourth Series, vol. iii. p. 1161. The following extract from the Orderly Book, under the date of Nov. 12th, indicates the spirit that prevailed in enlisting the new army : — “The officers are to be careful not to enlist any person suspected of being unfriendly to the liberties of America, or any abandoned vagabond, to whom all causes and coun- tries are equal and alike indifferent. The rights of man- kind and the freedom of America will have numbers sufficient to support them, without resorting to such wretched assistance. Let those who wish to put shackles upon freemen fill their ranks with such miscreants, and place their confidence in them. Neither negroes, boys unable to bear arms, nor old men unfit to endure the fa- tigues of the campaign, are to be enlisted.” — Sparks's Washington, vol. iii. p. 155. . & NEGRO SOLDIERS TO BE ENLISTED. 131 On the 31st of December, 1775, Washington wrote Negroes to from Cambridge to the President of Congress in re- gard to the army, in which he thus alludes to negro soldiers : — “It has been represented to me, that the free negroes who have served in this army are very much dissatisfied at being discarded. As it is to be apprehended that they may seek employ in the Ministerial Army, I have presumed to depart from the resolution respecting them, and have given license for their being enlisted. If this is disap- proved of by Congress, I will put a stop to it.”— Sparks's Washington, vol. iii. p. 218, 219. Mr. Sparks appends to this letter the following note : — “At a meeting of the general officers, previously to the arrival of the committee from Congress in camp, it was unanimously resolved, that it was not expedient to enlist slaves in the new army; and, by a large majority, ne- groes of every description were excluded from enlistment. When the subject was referred to the committee in con- ference, this decision was confirmed. In regard to free negroes, however, the resolve was not adhered to, and probably for the reason here mentioned by General Wash- ington. Many black soldiers were in the service during all stages of the war.” — Sparks's Washington, vol. iii. pp. 218, 219. On the 16th of January, 1776, Congress thus de: cided the question submitted by Washington: — “That the free negroes, who have served faithfully in the army at Cambridge, may be re-enlisted therein, but no others.” –Journals of Congress, vol. ii. p. 26. be enlisted. 132 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Account of the army in 1775. Lord Dunmore's Proclama- tion. An extract from a letter of General Thomas to John Adams gives a true picture of the army by one fully competent to describe it: — “I am sorry to hear that any prejudices should take place in any Southern colony, with respect to the troops raised in this. I am certain the insinuations you mention are injurious, if we consider with what precipitation we were obliged to collect an army. In the regiments at Rox- bury, the privates are equal to any that I served with in the last war; very few old men, and in the ranks very few boys. Our fifers are many of them boys. We have some negroes; but I look on them, in general, equally service- able with other men for fatigue; and, in action, many of them have proved themselves brave. “I would avoid all reflection, or any thing that may tend to give umbrage; but there is in this army from the south- ward a number called riflemen, who are as indifferent men as I ever served with. These privates are mutinous, and often deserting to the enemy; unwilling for duty of any kind; exceedingly vicious; and, I think, the army here would be as well without as with them. But to do justice to their officers, they are, some of them, likely men.” – MS. Letter, dated 24th October, 1775. While the question of employing negroes as sol- diers was producing a troublesome controversy in the Army and in Congress, our enemies boldly met the matter in a practical manner. Lord Dunmore, the Royal Governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation in November, 1775, promising freedom to all slaves who would join the army of the British. In a recent “ History of England,” this act is thus described:— “In letters which had been laid before the English Par- liament, and published to the whole world, he had repre- LORD DUNMORE'S PROCLAMATION. 133 sented the planters as ambitious, selfish men, pursuing their Fº own interests and advancement at the expense of their of Lord poorer countrymen, and as being ready to make every * sacrifice of honesty and principle ; and he had said more privately, that, since they were so anxious for liberty, - for more freedom than was consistent with the free institu- tions of the mother-country and the charter of the Colony, — that since they were so eager to abolish a fanciful slavery in a dependence on Great Britain, he would try how they liked an abolition of real slavery by setting free all their negroes and indentured servants, who were, in fact, little better than white slaves. This, to the Virginians, was like passing a rasp over a gangrened place : it was probing a wound that was incurable, or which has not yet been healed. Later in the year, when the battle of Bunker’s Hill had been fought, when our forts on Lake Champlain had been taken from us, and when Montgomery and Arnold were pressing on Our possessions in Canada, Lord Dunmore carried his threat into execution. Having established his head-quarters at Norfolk, he proclaimed freedom to all the slaves who would repair to his standard and bear arms for the king. The summons was readily obeyed by most of the negroes who had the means of escaping to him. He, at the same time, issued a proclamation, declaring martial law throughout the Colony of Virginia; and he collected a number of armed vessels, which cut off the coasting-trade, made many prizes, and greatly distressed an important part of that Province. If he could have opened a road to the slaves in the interior of the Province, his measures would have been very fatal to the planters. In order to stop the alarming desertion of the negroes, and to arrest his Lord- ship in his career, the Provincial Assembly detached against him a strong force of more than a thousand men, who ar- rived in the neighborhood of Norfolk in the month of December. Having made a circuit, they came to a village called Great Bridge, where the river Elizabeth was trav- 134 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Lord Dunmore's Proclama- tion. ersed by a bridge; but, before their arrival, the bridge had been made impassable, and some works, defended chiefly by negroes, had been thrown up.”— Pictorial His- tory of England, George III, vol. i. pp. 224, 225. The Proclamation of Lord Dunmore was as fol- lows: — “By his Ea:cellency the Right Honorable JoHN, Earl of DUNMORE, his Majesty's Lieutenant and Governor-General of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, and Vice-Admiral of the same, – “A PROCLAMATION. “As I have ever entertained hopes that an accommoda- tion might have taken place between Great Britain and this Colony, without being compelled by my duty to this most disagreeable but now absolutely necessary step, remdered so by a body of armed men, unlawfully assembled, firing on his Majesty's tenders; and the formation of an army, and that army now on their march to attack his Majesty's troops, and destroy the well-disposed subjects of this Colony, - to defeat such treasonable purposes, and that all such traitors and their abettors may be brought to justice, and that the peace and good order of this Colony may be again restored, which the ordinary course of the civil law is unable to effect, I have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation; hereby declaring, that, until the aforesaid good purposes can be obtained, I do, in virtue of the power and authority to me given by his Majesty, determine to execute martial law, and cause the same to be executed, throughout this Colony. And, to the end that peace and good order may the sooner be restored, I do require every person capable of bearing arms to resort to his Majesty's standard, or be looked upon as traitors to his Majesty's Crown and Govern- ment, and thereby become liable to the penalty the law inflicts upon such offences, – such as forfeiture of life, con- LORD DUNMORE'S PROCLAMATION. 135 fiscation of lands, &c., &c. And I do hereby further declare all indented servants, negroes, or others, (appertaining to rebels,) free, that are able and willing to bear arms, they joining his Majesty's troops, as soon as may be, for the more speedily reducing this Colony to a proper sense of their duty to his Majesty's crown and dignity. I do further order and require all his Majesty's liege subjects to retain their quit-rents, or any other taxes due, or that may become due, in their own custody, till such time as peace may be again restored to this at present most unhappy country, or demanded of them, for their former salutary purposes, by officers properly authorized to receive the same. “Given under my hand, on board the ship ‘William,' off Norfolk, the seventh day of November, in the sixteenth year of his Majesty's reign. “DUNMORE. “God save the King !” (Force's “American Archives,” Fourth Series, vol. iii. p. 1385.) This Proclamation created great consternation in Virginia. It will be seen by the following extract from a letter written Nov. 27th, 1775, by Edmund Pendleton to Richard Henry Lee, that many slaves flocked to the British standard. “The Governor, hearing of this, marched out with three Letter from hundred and fifty soldiers, Tories and slaves, to Kemp's #. Landing; and after setting up his standard, and issuing º * his proclamation, declaring all persons rebels who took up ...” arms for the country, and inviting all slaves, servants, and apprentices to come to him and receive arms, he proceeded to intercept Hutchings and his party, upon whom he came by surprise, but received, it seems, so warm a fire, that the ragamuffins gave way. They were, however, rallied on discovering that two companies of our militia gave way; and left Hutchings and Dr. Reid with a volunteer company, who maintained their ground bravely till they were over- 136 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Edmund Pendleton. Caution to the negroes. come by numbers, and took shelter in a swamp. The slaves were sent in pursuit of them ; and one of Col. Hutch- ings's own, with another, found him. On their approach, he discharged his pistol at his slave, but missed him ; and was taken by them, after receiving a wound in his face with a sword. The numbers taken or killed, on either side, is not ascertained. It is said the Governor went to Dr. Reid's shop, and, after taking the medicines and dressings necessary for his wounded men, broke all the others to pieces. Letters mention that slaves flock to him in abun- dance ; but I hope it is magnified.” — Force's American Archives, Fourth Series, vol. iv. p. 202. In a paper published in Williamsburgh, Virginia, on the 23d of November, the Proclamation is severely commented on ; and an urgent appeal is made to the negroes to stand by their masters, – their true friends, — who would, “were it in their power, restore free- dom to such as have unhappily lost it.” “The second class of people for whose sake a few re- marks upon this proclamation seem necessary is the negroes. They have been flattered with their freedom, if they be able to bear arms, and will speedily join Lord Dunmore's troops. To none, then, is freedom promised, but to such as are able to do Lord Dunmore service. The aged, the in- firm, the women and children, are still to remain the prop- erty of their masters, – of masters who will be provoked to severity, should part of their slaves desert them. Lord Dunmore's declaration, therefore, is a cruel declaration to the negroes. He does not pretend to make it out of any tenderness to them, but solely upon his own account; and, should it meet with success, it leaves by far the greater number at the mercy of an enraged and injured people. But should there be any amongst the negroes weak enough LORD DUNMORE'S PROCLAMATION. - 137 to believe that Lord Dunmore intends to do them a kind- Appeal to ness, and wicked enough to provoke the fury of the Ameri- tºº cans against their defenceless fathers and mothers, their “ wives, their women and children, let them only consider the difficulty of effecting their escape, and what they must expect to suffer if they fall into the hands of the Ameri- cans. Let them further consider what must be their fate should the English prove conquerors. If we can judge of the future from the past, it will not be much mended. Long have the Americans, moved by compassion and actuated by sound policy, endeavored to stop the progress of slavery. Our Assemblies have repeatedly passed acts, laying heavy duties upon imported negroes; by which they meant alto- gether to prevent the horrid traffic. But their humane intentions have been as often frustrated by the cruelty and covetousness of a set of English merchants, who prevailed upon the King to repeal our kind and merciful acts, little, indeed, to the credit of his humanity. Can it, then, be supposed that the negroes will be better used by the Eng- lish, who have always encouraged and upheld this slavery, than by their present masters, who pity their condition ; who wish, in general, to make it as easy and comfortable as possible ; and who would, were it in their power, or were they permitted, not only prevent any more megroes from losing their freedom, but restore it to such as have already unhappily lost it 2 No: the ends of Lord Dunmore and his party being answered, they will either give up the offending ne– groes to the rigor of the laws they have broken, or sell them in the West Indies, where every year they sell many thousands of their miserable brethren, to perish either by the inclemency of weather or the cruelty of barbarous masters. Be not then, ye negroes, tempted by this pro- clamation to ruin yourselves. I have given you a faithful view of what you are to expect; and declare before God, in doing it, I have considered your welfare, as well as that of the country. Whether you will profit by my advice, I 18 138 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. cannot tell; but this I know, that, whether we suffer or not, if you desert us, you most certainly will.” — Force's American Archives, Fourth Series, vol. iii. p. 1387. Answer The Virginia Convention appointed a Committee to to Lord P. prepare a Declaration in answer to Lord Dunmore's roclama- - tion. Proclamation. This was adopted on the 13th of De- cember, when the same Committee was instructed to report another Declaration, “offering pardon to such slaves as shall return to their duty within ten days after the publication thereof.” This also was adopted the next day, in the following terms: — “By the Representatives of the People of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, assembled in General Convention, “A DECLARATION. Declaration “Whereas Lord Dunmore, by his Proclamation dated on º: * board the ship ‘William,' off Norfolk, the seventh day of November, 1775, hath offered freedom to such able-bodied slaves as are Willing to join him, and take up arms against the good people of this Colony, giving thereby encourage- ment to a general insurrection, which may induce a neces- sity of inflicting the severest punishments upon those unhappy people, already deluded by his base and insidious arts; and whereas, by an act of the General Assembly now in force in this Colony, it is enacted, that all negro or other slaves, conspiring to rebel or make insurrection, shall suf- fer death, and be excluded all benefit of clergy;-we think it proper to declare, that all slaves who have been or shall be seduced, by his Lordship's Proclamation, or other arts, to desert their masters' service, and take up arms against the inhabitants of this Colony, shall be liable to such pun- ishment as shall hereafter be directed by the General Con- vention. And to the end that all such who have taken this unlawful and wicked step may return in Safety to their * LORD DUNMORE's PROCLAMATION. 139 duty, and escape the punishment due to their crimes, we ºn hereby promise pardon to them, they surrendering them- ... ." selves to Colonel William Woodford or any other commander of our troops, and not appearing in arms after the publica- tion hereof. And we do further earnestly recommend it to all humane and benevolent persons in this Colony to explain and make known this our offer of mercy to those unfortu- nate people.”— American Archives, Fourth Series, vol. iv. pp. 84, 85. Washington saw what an element of strength Lord Dunmore had called to his aid, and the importance of acting promptly and with energy against him. On the 15th of December, he thus wrote to Joseph Reed: — “If the Virginians are wise, that arch-traitor to the Lord Dun- ge * * more to be rights of humanity, Lord Dunmore, should be instantly crushed. crushed, if it takes the force of the whole army to do it; otherwise, like a snow-ball in rolling, his army will get size, some through fear, some through promises, and some through inclination, joining his standard: but that which renders the measure indispensably necessary is the ne- groes; for, if he gets formidable, numbers of them will be tempted to join who will be afraid to do it without.”— Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed, vol. i. 135. Although many of the slaves responded to the pro- clamation by joining the army of the enemy, the greater part of them were too shrewd to be caught by such wily arts. They were unwilling to trust their freedom to the officers of a government which had persistently encouraged the slave-trade against the remonstrances of their masters, who had not only 140 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Lord Dunmore. declared that traffic to be a wrong against humanity, but had expressed their desire to abolish domestic slavery as soon as it was practicable for them to do so. The inconsistency and atrocity of Lord Dunmore's conduct justly met with very general indignation. Subsequent events proved that the distrust and fears, felt by the slaves, were well founded. It will be seen by letters written several months after the Proclamation was issued, that his Lordship attributed the limited success which attended it to another than the true cause. “Lord Dunmore to the Secretary of State. “[No. 1.] “SHIP ‘DUNMORE,’ IN ELIZABETH RIVER, WA., 30th March, 1776. “Your Lordship will observe by my letter, No. 34, that I have been endeavoring to raise two regiments here, — one of white people, the other of black. The former goes on very slowly; but the latter very well, and would have been in great forwardness, had not a fever crept in amongst them, which carried off a great many very fine fellows.” “[No. 3..] “SHIP ‘DUNMORE,’ IN GWIN's ISLAND HARBOR, WA., June 26, 1776. “I am extremely sorry to inform your Lordship, that that fever, of which I informed you in my letter No. 1, has proved a very malignant one, and has carried off an incred- ible number of our people, especially the blacks. Had it not been for this horrid disorder, I am satisfied I should have had two thousand blacks; with whom I should have had no doubt of penetrating into the heart of this Col- ony.” (Force's “American Archives,” Fifth Series, vol. ii. pp. 160, 162.) NEGRO SOLDIERS AND NEGRO PRISONERS. 141 During the years 1776 and 1777, not much was §r. done by way of legislation towards settling a general policy with regard to the employment of negroes as soldiers. They continued, in fact, to be admitted into the line of the army without much objection. A letter from General Greene to Washington shows that it was then contemplated to form the negroes at Staten Island into an independent regiment. “CAMP ON LONG ISLAND, July 21, 1776, two o'clock. “SIR,-- Colonel Hand reports seven large ships are coming up from the Hook to the Narrows. “A negro belonging to one Strickler, at Gravesend, was taken prisoner (as he says) last Sunday at Coney Island. Yesterday he made his escape, and was taken prisoner by the rifle-guard. He reports eight hundred negroes col- lected on Staten Island, this day to be formed into a regi- ment. “I am your Excellency's most obedient, humble ser- vant, “N. GREENE. “To his Excellency-Gen. WASHINGTON, Head-quarters, New York.” (Force's “American Archives,” Fifth Series, vol. i. p. 486.) A Resolve of the Massachusetts Legislature, in Sep-Nº. tember, 1776, is worthy of special notice. Referring to it, a writer in the “Historical Magazine " for Sep- tember, 1861, says, “The course of the authorities of the Southern States, now in arms against the Govern- ment, in selling as slaves all negroes taken prisoners, is the last relic of a barbarous custom. . . . The first condemnation of the course seems to be that contained in a Massachusetts Resolve, of the 14th of 142 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Negroes to be treated like other prisoners of war. Hessian officer's testimony. September, 1776, forbidding the sale, as slaves, of two negroes taken on the sloop ‘Hannibal.’” The Resolve is as follows: — “Whereas this Court is credibly informed, that two negro men lately taken on the high seas, on board the sloop ‘Hannibal,' and brought into this State as prisoners, are advertised to be sold at Salem the 17th instant, by public auction: “Resolved, That all persons concerned with the said negroes be, and they hereby are, forbidden to sell them, or in any manner to treat them otherwise than is already ordered for the treatment of prisoners taken in like man- ner; and, if any sale of the said negroes shall be made, it is hereby declared null and void. And that whenever it shall appear that any negroes are taken on the high seas, and brought as prisoners into this State, they shall not be allowed to be sold, nor treated any otherwise than as pris- oners are ordered to be treated who are taken in like manner.” — Resolves, September, 1776, p. 14. I am indebted to my friend Mr. William J. Davis, of New York, for the following extract from the Journal of a Hessian officer who was with Burgoyne at the time of his surrender. It is a literal translation from a German work which is rare in this country. This testimony of a foreign officer, as to the common use of negroes in the American Army, is quite impor- tant. It is dated 23d October, 1777. “From here to Springfield, there are few habitations which have not a negro family dwelling in a small house near by. The negroes are here as fruitful as other cattle. The young ones are well foddered, especially while they are still calves. Slavery is, moreover, very gainful. The CAPTURE OF MAJOR - GENERAL PRESCOTT. 143 negro is to be considered just as the bond-servant of a Hessian officer's peasant. The negress does all the coarse work of the house, testimony. and the little black young ones wait on the little white young ones. The negro can take the field, instead of his master; and therefore no regiment is to be seen in which there are not negroes in abundance: and among them there are able. bodied, strong, and brave fellows. Here, too, there are many families of free negroes, who live in good houses, have property, and live just like the rest of the inhabi- tants.”—Schloezer's Briefwechsel, vol. iv. p. 365. The capture of Major-General Prescott, of the Bri- Gapture ºf the British tish army, on the 9th of July, 1777, was an occasion §. rescott. of great joy throughout the country. Prince, the valiant negro who seized that officer, ought always to be remembered with honor for his important ser- vice. The exploit was much commended at the time, as its results were highly important ; and Colonel Barton, very properly, received from Con- gress the compliment of a sword for his ingenuity and bravery. It seems, however, that it took more than one head to plan and to execute the under- taking. “They landed about five miles from Newport, and three- quarters of a mile from the house, which they approached cautiously, avoiding the main guard, which was at some distance. The Colonel went foremost, with a stout, active megro close behind him, and another at a small distance: the rest followed so as to be near, but not seen. “A single sentinel at the door saw and hailed the Colonel: he answered by exclaiming against, and inquiring for, rebel prisoners, but kept slowly advancing. The sentinel again challenged him, and required the counter- sign. He said he had not the countersign; but amused 144 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. Capture of the British General Prescott. the sentry by talking about rebel prisoners, and still advancing till he came within reach of the bayonet, which, he presenting, the colonel suddenly struck aside, and seized him. He was immediately secured, and ordered to be silent, on pain of instant death. Meanwhile, the rest of the men surrounding the house, the negro, with his head, at the second stroke, forced a passage into it, and then into the landlord's apartment. The landlord at first refused to give the necessary intelligence; but, on the prospect of present death, he pointed to the General's chamber, which being instantly opened by the negro's head, the Colonel, calling the General by name, told him he was a prisoner.” — Pennsyl- wania. Evening Post, Aug. 7, 1777; (in Frank Moore's Diary of the American Revolution, vol. i. p. 468.) The event was thus noticed by a contemporary (Dr. Thacher), who was a surgeon in the American army: — “Albany, Aug. 3, 1777. — The pleasing information is received here that Lieut.-Col. Barton, of the Rhode-Island militia, planned a bold exploit for the purpose of surpris- ing and taking Major-Gen. Prescott, the commanding officer of the royal army at Newport. Taking with him, in the night, about forty men, in two boats, with oars muffled, he had the address to elude the vigilance of the ships-of-war and guard-boats : and, having arrived undiscovered at the quarters of Gen. Prescott, they were taken for the sen- tinels; and the general was not alarmed till his captors were at the door of his lodging-chamber, which was fast closed. A negro man, named Prince, instantly thrust his beetle head through the panel door, and seized his victim while in bed. . . . This event is extremely honorable to the enterprising spirit of Col. Barton, and is considered as ample retaliation for the capture of Gen. Lee by Col. Harcourt. The event occasions great joy and exulta- NEGRO SOLDIERS IN CONNECTICUT. 145 tion, as it puts in our possession an officer of equal rank *...* - - l:l Chel''S with Gen. Lee, *by which means an exchange may be account. obtained. Congress resolved that an elegant sword should be presented to Col. Barton for his brave exploit.” It was perhaps “Prince" to whom Dr. Thacher alludes in the following characteristic anecdote : — “When the Count D'Estaing's fleet appeared near the British batteries, in the harbor of Rhode Island, a severe canonade was commenced; and several shot passed through the houses in town, and occasioned great consternation among the inhabitants. A shot passed through the door of Mrs. Mason's house, just above the floor. The family were alarmed, not knowing where to flee for safety. A negro man ran and sat himself down very composedly, with his back against the shot-hole in the door; and, being asked by young Mr. Mason why he chose that situation, he replied, ‘Massa, you never know two bullet go in one place.’” — Thacher's Military Journal, pp. 87, 175. The subject of the employment of Negro soldiers came before the Connecticut General Assembly in 1777, in connection with the subject of slavery and emancipation. By the courtesy of J. Hammond Trumbull, Esquire, Editor of “The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut,” and Secretary of State, I am enabled to give, in his own words, the following interesting account of the action of that State : — “In May, 1777, the General Assembly of Connecticut Action of e * - - e the Con- appointed a Committee ‘to take into consideration the necticut state and condition of the negro and mulatto slaves in this * State, and what may be done for their emancipation.’ This Committee, in a report presented at the same session 19 146 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Legislation in Connect- icut. (signed by the chairman, the Hon. Matthew Griswold of Lyme), recommended — “‘That the effective negro and mulatto slaves be allowed to enlist with the Continental battalions now raising in this State, under the following regulations and restrictions: viz., that all such negro and mulatto slaves as can procure, either by bounty, hire, or in any other way, such a sum to be paid to their masters as such negro or mulatto shall be judged to be reasonably worth by the selectmen of the town where such negro or mulatto belongs, shall be allowed to enlist into either of said battalions, and shall thereupon be, de facto, free and emancipated; and that the master of such negro or mulatto shall be exempted from the support and maintenance of such negro or mulatto, in case such negro or mulatto shall hereafter become unable to support and maintain himself. “‘And that, in case any such negro or mulatto slave shall be disposed to enlist into either of said battalions during the [war], he shall be allowed so to do: and such negro or mulatto shall be appraised by the selectmen of the town to which he belongs; and his master shall be allowed to receive the bounty to which such slave may be entitled, and also one-half of the annual wages of such slave during the time he shall continue in said service; provided, however, that said master shall not be allowed to receive such part of said wages after he shall have received so much as amounts, together with the bounty, to the sum at which he was appraised.’” This report, in the Lower House, was ordered to be continued to the next session of the Assembly. In the Upper House it was rejected. Mr. Trumbull writes: — “You will see by the Report of Committee, May, 1777, that General Warnum's plan for the enlistment of slaves NEGRO SOLDIERS IN CONNECTICUT. 147 had been anticipated in Connecticut; with this difference, lºgº. that Rhode Island adopted it, while Connecticut did not. icut. “The two States reached nearly the same results by different methods. The unanimous declaration of the offi- cers at Cambridge, in the winter of 1775, against the enlistment of slaves, – confirmed by the Committee of Congress, – had some weight, I think, with the Connecti- cut Assembly, so far as the formal enactment of a law authorizing such enlistments was in question. At the same time, Washington's license to continue the enlistment of negroes was regarded as a rule of action, both by the selectmen in making up, and by the State Government in accepting, the quota of the towns. The process of draught- ing, in Connecticut, was briefly this: The able-bodied men, in each town, were divided into ‘classes'; and each class was required to furnish one or more men, as the town's quota required, to answer a draught. Now, the Assembly, at the same session at which the proposition for enlisting slaves was rejected (May, 1777), passed an act providing that any two men belonging to this State, “who should procure an able-bodied soldier or recruit to enlist into either of the Continental battalions to be raised from this State,’ should themselves be exempted from draught during the continu- ance of such enlistment. Of recruits or draughted men thus furnished, neither the selectmen nor commanding officers questioned the color or the civil status: white and black, bond and free, if ‘able-bodied,’ went on the roll together, ac- cepted as the representatives of their ‘class,” or as sub- stitutes for their employers. At the next session (October, 1777), an act was passed which gave more direct encourage- ment to the enlistment of slaves. By the existing law, the master who emancipated a slave was not released from the liability to provide for his support. This law was now so amended, as to authorize the selectmen of any town, on the application of the master, — after ‘inquiry into the age, abilities, circumstances, and character' of the servant 148 * HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Legislation in Connect- icut. or slave, and being satisfied ‘that it was likely to be con- sistent with his real advantage, and that it was probable that he would be able to support himself,’ — to grant liberty for his emancipation, and to discharge the master ‘from any charge or cost which may be occasioned by maintain- ing or supporting the servant or slave made free as afore- said.’ This enactment enabled the selectmen to offer an additional inducement to enlistment, for making up the quota of the town. The slave (or servant for term of years) might receive his freedom: the master might secure exemption from draught, and a discharge from future lia- bilities, to which he must otherwise have been subjected. In point of fact, some hundreds of blacks — slaves and freemen — were enlisted, from time to time, in the regi- ments of State troops and of the Connecticut line. How many, it is impossible to tell; for, from first to last, the company or regimental rolls indicate no distinctions of color. The name is the only guide: and, in turning over the rolls of the Connecticut line, the frequent recurrence of names which were exclusively appropriated to negroes and slaves, shows how considerable was their proportion of the material of the Connecticut army; while such sur- names as ‘Liberty,’ ‘Freeman,’ ‘Freedom,’ &c., by scores, indicate with what anticipations, and under what induce- ments, they entered the service. “As to the efficiency of the service they rendered, I can say nothing from the records, except what is to be gleaned from scattered files, such as one of the petitions I send you. So far as my acquaintance extends, almost every family has its traditions of the good and faithful ser- vice of a black servant or slave, who was killed in battle, or served through the war, and came home to tell stories of hard fighting, and draw his pension. In my own native town, - not a large one, – I remember five such pensioners, three of whom, I believe, had been slaves, and, in fact, were slaves to the day of their death; for (and NEGRO SOLDIERS IN CONNECTICUT. 149 this explains the uniform action of the General Assembly on Legislation petitions for emancipation) neither the towns nor the State ...” were inclined to exonerate the master, at a time when sla- very was becoming unprofitable, from the obligation to provide for the old age of his slave. “Col. William Browne of Salem (a “mandamus counsel- lor’”), who went with the enemy from Boston in 1776, owned large tracts of land in New London and Hartford counties in Connecticut, entailed by his grandfather, Col. Samuel Browne. The General Court cut off the entail, and confiscated the land. A farm in Lyme of twelve thou- sand four hundred and thirty-six acres, valued, in 1779, at a hundred and sixty-nine thousand pounds (Continental), had been leased for a term of years, with nine slaves. The administrator on confiscated estates, Benjamin Huntington, Esq., when returning the inventory of Mr. Browne's pro- perty, stated to the General Assembly that there were “a number of slaves appraised, who beg for their liberty;” and that the lessee of the farm would assent to their being liberated, without requiring a diminution of his rent. “Accompanying the inventory is the following petition, in Mr. Huntington's hand-writing : — “‘To the Hon. General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, now sitting in Hartford. “‘The memorial of Great Prince, Little Prince, Luke, Petition Caesar, and Prue and her three children, – all friends to .." America, but slaves (lately belonging to Col. William Browne, now forfeited to this State,) — humbly sheweth, that their late master was a Tory, and fled from his native country to his master, King George; where he now lives like a poor slave. - “‘That your memorialists, though they have flat noses, crooked shins, and other queerness of make, peculiar to Africans, are yet of the human race, free-born in our own 150 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Petition of loyal slaves. Rhode Island. country, taken from thence by man-stealers, and sold in this country as cattle in the market, without the least act of our own to forfeit liberty; but we hope our good mistress, the free State of Connecticut, engaged in a war with tyranny, will not sell good homest Whigs and friends of the freedom and independence of America, as we are, to raise cash to support the war : because the Whigs ought to be free ; and the Tories should be sold. “‘Wherefore your memorialists pray your Honors to consider their case, and grant them their freedom upon their getting security to indemnify the State from any ex- pense for their support in case of want, or, in some other way, release them from slavery. “‘And your poor negroes, as in duty bound, shall ever pray. “‘GREAT PRINCE. LITTLE PRINCE. - LUKE, &c. “‘Dated in LYME, Election-day, 1779.’ “The Lower House granted, but the Upper House nega- tived, the prayer of the memorial. A committee of con- ference was appointed; but each House adhered to its original vote.” Nowhere in the country was the question of negro soldiers more carefully considéred, or the practice of employing them more generally adopted, than in Rhode Island. Not only were the names of colored men entered with those of white citizens on the rolls of the militia, but a distinct regiment of this class of persons was formed. The character and conduct of that regiment have an important place in the his- tory of the Revolutionary War. s My valued friend, John Russell Bartlett, Esquire, NEGRO SOLDIERS IN REIODE ISLAND. 151 Editor of the “Irecords of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England,” and Secretary of State, has copied for me, from the manuscripts in the State Archives, the correspondence and legislation relating to the subject. These docu- ments are here presented entire, and give a full history of the whole matter. GENERAL WASHINGTON TO GOVERNOR COOKE. “HEAD QUARTERS, 2d January, 1778. “SIR, - Enclosed you will receive a copy of a letter from General Varnum to me, upon the means which might be adopted for completing the Rhode-Island troops to their full proportion in the Continental Army. I have nothing to say, in addition to what I wrote on the 29th of last month, on this important subject, but to desire that you will give the officers employed in this business all the assistance in your power. “I am, with great respect, Sir, your most obedient servant, “GEO. WASHINGTON. “His Excellency NICHOLAs CookE, Esq., Governor of Rhode Island.” GENERAL WARNUM TO GENERAL WASHINGTON. “CAMP, Jan. 2, 1778. “SIR, - The two battalions from the State of Rhode Is- land being small, and there being a necessity of the State's furnishing an additional number to make up their propor- tion in the Continental Army, the field-officers have repre- sented to me the propriety of making one temporary battalion from the two; so that one entire corps of officers may repair to Rhode Island, in order to receive and pre- pare the recruits for the field. It is imagined that a battalion of negroes can be easily raised there. Should that measure be adopted, or recruits obtained upon any 152 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Negro soldiers in Rhode Island, other principle, the service will be advanced. The field- officers who go upon this command are Colonel Greene, Lieut.-Colonel Olney, and Major Ward; seven captains, twelve lieutenants, six ensigns, one paymaster, one surgeon and mate, one adjutant, and one chaplain. “I am your Excellency’s most obedient servant, “J. M. WARNUM. “His Excellency Gen. WASHINGTON.” These letters were laid before the General Assem- bly at the February Session ; and, after due delibera- tion, the following act was passed, not without some opposition : — “State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in General Assembly. February Session, 1778. “Whereas, for the preservation of the rights and liberties of the United States, it is necessary that the whole powers of Government should be exerted in recruiting the Continen- tal battalions; and whereas His Excellency, Gen. Wash- ington, hath inclosed to this State a proposal made to him by Brigadier-General Varnum, to enlist into the two bat- talions, raising by this State, such slaves as should be willing to enter into the service: and whereas history af. fords us frequent Precedents of the wiseSt, the freest, and bravest nations having liberated their Slaves, and inlisted them as Soldiers to fight in Defence of their Country; and also, whereas, the Enemy, with a great force, have taken Possession of the Capital and of a great Part of this State; and this State is obliged to raise a very considerable Num- ber of Troops for its own immediate Defence, whereby it is in a Manner rendered impossible for this State to furnish Recruits for the said two Battalions without adopting the said Measure so recommended : “It is Voted and Resolved, That every able-bodied negro, NEGRO REGIMENT IN RFIODE ISLAND. 153 mulatto, or Indian man slave, in this State, may inlist into either of the said two battalions to serve during the continuance of the present war with Great Britain : that every slave so inlisting shall be entitled to and receive all the bounties, wages, and encouragements allowed by the Continental Congress to any soldier inlisting into their ser- V1C G. - “It is further Voted and Resolved, That every slave so in- listing shall, upon his passing muster before Col. Christopher Greene, be immediately discharged from the service of his master or mistress, and be absolutely FREE, as though he had never been incumbered with any kind of servitude or slavery. And in case such slave shall, by sickness or otherwise, be rendered unable to maintain himself, he shall not be chargeable to his master or mistress, but shall be supported at the expense of the State. “And whereas slaves have been by the laws deemed the property of their owners; and therefore compensation ought to be made to the owners for the loss of their service, — “It is further Voted and Resolved, That there be allowed, and paid by this State to the owner, for every such slave so inlisting, a sum according to his worth ; at a price not exceeding one hundred and twenty pounds for the most valuable slave, and in proportion for a slave of less value: Provided the owner of said slave shall deliver up to the officer who shall inlist him the clothes of the said slave; or otherwise he shall not be entitled to said sum. “And for settling and ascertaining the value of such slaves, – “It is further Voted and Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed, to wit: one from each county; any three of whom to be a quorum, to examine the slaves who shall be so inlisted, after they shall have passed muster, and to set a price upon each slave, according to his value, as aforesaid. “It is further Voted and Resolved, That upon any able- 20 154 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. bodied negro, mulatto, or Indian slave, inlisting as aforesaid, the officer who shall so inlist him, after he has passed mus- ter as aforesaid, shall deliver a certificate thereof to the master or mistress of said megro, mulatto, or Indian slave ; which shall discharge him from the service of said master or mistress as aforesaid. - - “It is further Voted and Resolved, That the committee who shall estimate the value of any slave as aforesaid, shall give a certificate of the sum at which he may be valued, to the owner of said slave : and the General Treasurer of this State is hereby empowered and directed to give unto the Owner of said slave his promissory note, as Treasurer, as aforesaid, for the sum of money at which he shall be valued as aforesaid, payable on demand, with interest, at the rate of six per cent. per annum; and that said notes which shall be so given, shall be paid with the money which is due this State, and is expected from Congress, - the money which has been borrowed out of the General Treasury by this Assembly being first replaced.” The members of the General Assembly opposed to the passage of this Act embodied their objections to it in a Protest. The difficulties which they appre- hended were not found to exist to such an extent as to defeat the project. “Protest against enlisting Slaves to serve in the Army. “We, the subscribers, beg leave to dissent from the vote of the Lower House ordering a regiment of negroes to be raised for the Continental service, for the following reasons; viz. “1st, Because, in our opinion, there is not a sufficient number of negroes in the State who would have an in- climation to inlist, and would pass muster, to constitute a regiment; and raising several companies of blacks would NEGRO REGIMENT IN TRHODE ISLAND. 155 not answer the purposes intended : and therefore the at- tempt to constitute said regiment would prove abortive, and be a fruitless expense to the State. - ’ “ 2d, The raising such a regiment upon the footing proposed would suggest an idea, and produce an opinion in the world, that the State had purchased a band of slaves to be employed in the defence of the rights and liberties of our country: which is wholly inconsistent with those prin- ciples of liberty and constitutional government for which we are so ardently contending; and would be looked upon by the neighboring States in a contemptible point of view, and not equal to their troops; and they would, therefore, be unwilling that we should have credit for them as for an equal number of white troops; and would also give occa- sion to our enemies to suspect that we are not able to procure our own people to oppose them in the field, and to retort upon us the same kind of ridicule we so liberally bestowed upon them on account of Dunmore’s regiment of blacks; or possibly might suggest to them the idea of employing black regiments against us. “3d, The expense of purchasing and inlisting said regiment, in the manner proposed, will vastly exceed the expenses of raising an equal number of white men; and, at the same time, will not have the like good effect. “4th, Great difficulties and uneasiness will arise in purchasing the negroes from their masters; and many of the masters will not be satisfied with any prices al- lowed. “JOHN NORTLIUP. GEORGE PEIRCE. JAMES BABCOCK, Jr. SYLVESTER GARDNER. OTHNIEL GORTON. SAMUEL BABCOCK.” THE GOVERNOR OF RHODE ISLAND TO GEN. WASHINGTON. “PROVIDENCE, Feb. 23, 1778. “SIR, - I have been favored with your Excellency’s letter of the third instant [2d ultimo 7), enclosing a pro- 156 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. posal made to you by General Varnum for recruiting the two Continental battalions raised by this State. “I laid the letter before the General Assembly at their session, on the second Monday in this month ; who, con- sidering the pressing necessity of filling up the Continental Army, and the peculiarly difficult circumstances of this State, – which rendered it, in a manner, impossible to recruit our battalions in any other way, - adopted the IQG3) Sll T G. “Liberty is given to every effective slave to enter the service during the war; and, upon his passing muster, he is absolutely made free, and entitled to all the wages, boun- ties, and encouragements given by Congress to any soldier enlisting into their service. The masters are allowed at the rate of £120 for the most valuable slave, and in pro- portion to those of less value. “The number of slaves in this State is not great; but it is generally thought that three hundred and upwards will be enlisted. “I am, with great respect, Sir, your Excellency's most obedient, humble servant, “NICHOLAS COOKE. “To Gen. WASIIINGTON.” At the session of the General Assembly in which the Act was passed, – “It is voted and resolved, That Messrs. Thomas Rumreil, Christopher Lippitt, Samuel Babcock, Thomas Tillinghast, and Josiah Humphrey, be, and they are hereby, appointed a committee to estimate the value of the slaves who may enlist into the Continental battalions, agreeably to a re- solve of this Assembly.” A short time after the act was passed, March the 9th, – “It is voted and resolved, That the masters of all negro NEGRO REGIMENT IN RHOT)|E ISLAND. 157 slaves, who are bound out as apprentices, that already have inlisted or shall inlist into the Continental service, shall be entitled to receive out of the General Treasury the annual interest of the sum the said slaves shall be appraised at, until the expiration of their apprenticeships; and that the money remain in the treasury until the expi- ration of the said apprenticeships, and then be paid to the owner without interest.” As it was not desirable to extend indefinitely the offer of freedom to slaves enlisting under this act, the General Assembly, at their May Session, adopted. the following preamble and resolution : — “Whereas, by an act of this Assembly, negro, mulatto, and Indian slaves, belonging to the inhabitants of this State, are permitted to inlist into the Continental batta- lions ordered to be raised by this State, and are thereupon for ever manumitted and discharged from the service of their masters; and whereas it is necessary, for answering the purposes intended by the said act, that the same shall be temporary, - “It is therefore voted and resolved, that no negro, mu- latto, or Indian slave, be permitted to inlist into said battalions from and after the tenth day of June next; and that the said act then expire, and be no longer in force, any thing therein to the contrary notwithstanding.” At the October Session, 1778, - “It is voted and resolved, That the General Treasurer pay unto the owners of slaves who have enlisted as afore- said, and who have not received notes for the estimated value of the same, the sums of money at which they were appraised, upon their producing certificates thereof from the committee appointed to give the same ; and that the said owners be permitted to receive the whole or any part 158 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Colonel Greene's Black Regiment. of the value of their slaves in Continental loan-office cer- tificates.” There is abundant evidence of the fidelity and bravery of the colored patriots of Rhode Island dur- ing the whole war. Before they had been formed into a separate regiment, they had fought valiantly with the white soldiers at Red Bank and elsewhere. Their conduct at the “Battle of Rhode Island,” on the 29th of August, 1778, entitles them to perpetual honor. That battle has been pronounced by military authorities to have been one of the best fought battles of the Revolutionary War. Its success was owing, in a great degree, to the good fighting of the Negro sol- diers. Mr. Arnold, in his “ History of Rhode Island,” thus closes his account of it: — “A third time the enemy, with desperate courage and increased strength, attempted to assail the redoubt, and would have carried it, but for the timely aid of two Con- timental battalions despatched by Sullivan to support his almost exhausted troops. It was in repelling these furi- ous onsets, that the newly raised black regiment, under Col. Greene, distinguished itself by deeds of desperate valor. Posted behind a thicket in the valley, they three times drove back the Hessians, who charged repeatedly down the hill to dislodge them; and so determined were the enemy in these successive charges, that, the day after the battle, the Hessian colonel, upon whom this duty had devolved, applied to exchange his command, and go to New York, because he dared not lead his regiment again to battle, lest his men should shoot him for having caused them so much loss.”— Arnold's History of Rhode Island, vol. ii. pp. 427, 428. RBIODE ISLAND AND MASSACHUSETTS. 159 Three years later, these soldiers are thus men- tioned by the Marquis de Chastellux: — “The 5th [of January, 1781] I did not set out till eleven, i. although I had thirty miles' journey to Lebanon. At the passage to the ferry, I met with a detachment of the Rhode- Island regiment, — the same corps we had with us all the last summer; but they have since been recruited and clothed. The greatest part of them are negroes or mulat- toes: but they are strong, robust men; and those I have seen had a very good appearance.” — Chastellua' Travels, vol. i. p. 454; London, 1789. - When Colonel Greene was surprised and murdered, near Points Bridge, New York, on the 14th of May, 1781, his colored soldiers heroically defended him till they were cut to pieces, and the enemy reached him over the dead bodies of his faithful negroes. In the spring of 1778, the General Court of Mas-Mººch"- sachusetts, also, was invoked to sanction the enrolling of negro soldiers. This would not have been without a precedent in her earlier legislation; for, in 1652, “negroes and Scotchmen’’ (the indented captives of Cromwell, who had encountered his army at the battle of Dunbar) were alike, by law, obliged to train in the militia : and, whatever reason afterwards led to a change of the law, it does not seem to have been a question of color or of military aptitude ; for the white veterans and the negroes were treated in this matter without distinction. On the 3d and the 7th of April, 1778, just before the doings of the Rhode-Island General Assembly were communicated to the Legislature of Massachu- 160 HISTORICAL RESEARCHI. setts, Thomas Kench, belonging to a regiment of artillery then at Castle Island, addressed to the Ge- neral Court the following letters, which speak for themselves: — “To the Honorable Council, and House of Representatives, Boston, ... - or at Roadbury. “HONORED GENTLEMEN, - At the opening of this cam- paign, our forces should be all ready, well equipped with arms and ammunition, with clothing sufficient to stand them through the campaign, their wages to be paid monthly, so as not to give the soldiery so much reason of complaint as it is the general cry from the soldiery amongst whom I am connected. “We have accounts of large re-enforcements a-coming over this spring against us; and we are not so strong this spring, I think, as we were last. Great numbers have deserted; numbers have died, besides what is sick, and incapable of duty, or bearing arms in the field. “I think it is highly necessary that some new augmen- tation should be added to the army this summer, — all the re-enforcements that can possibly be obtained. For now is the time to exert ourselves or never; for, if the enemy can get no further hold this campaign than they now possess, we [have] no need to fear much from them here- after. - “A re-enforcement can quick be raised of two or three hundred men. Will your honors grant the liberty, and give me the command of the party 7 And what I refer to is negroes. We have divers of them in our service, mixed with white men. But I think it would be more proper to raise a body by themselves, than to have them intermixed with the white men; and their ambition would entirely be to outdo the white men in every measure that the fortune of war calls a soldier to endure. And I could rely with dependence upon them in the field of battle, or to any post that I was sent to defend with them; and they would NEGRO SOLDIERS IN MASS ACHUSETTS. 161. think themselves happy could they gain their freedom by . bearing a part of subduing the enemy that is invading Our letter. land, and clear a peaceful inheritance for their masters, and posterity yet to come, that they are now slaves to. “The method that I would point out to your Honors in raising a detachment of negroes;– that a company should consist of a hundred, including commissioned officers; and that the commissioned officers should be white, and consist of one captain, one captain-lieutenant, two second lieuten- ants; the orderly sergeant white; and that there should be three sergeants black, four corporals black, two drums and two fifes black, and eighty-four rank and file. These should engage to serve till the end of the war, and then be free men. And I doubt not, that no gentleman that is a friend to his country will disapprove of this plan, or be against his negroes enlisting into the service to maintain the cause of freedom, and suppress the worse than savage enemies of our land. “I beg your Honors to grant me the liberty of raising one company, if no more. It will be far better than to fill up our battalions with runaways and deserters from Gen. Burgoyne's army, who, after receiving clothing and the bounty, in general make it their business to desert from us. In the lieu thereof, if they are [of] a mind to serve in America, let them supply the families of those gentlemen where those negroes belong that should engage. “I rest, relying on your Honors' wisdom in this matter, as it will be a quick way of having a re-enforcement to join the grand army, or to act in any other place that occa- sion shall require; and I will give my faith and assurance that I will act upon honor and fidelity, should I take the command of such a party as I have been describing. “So I rest till your Honors shall call me; and am your very humble and obedient servant, “THOMAS KENCH, “In Col. Craft's Regiment of Artillery, now on Castle Island. “CASTLE ISLAND, April 3, 1778.” 21 162 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Thomas Kemch’s second letter. “To the Homorable Council in Bostom. “The letter I wrote before I heard of the disturbance with Col. Seares, Mr. Spear, and a number of other gentle- men, concerning the freedom of negroes in Congress Street. It is a pity that riots should be committed on the Occasion, as it is justifiable that negroes should have their freedom, and none amongst us be held as slaves, as free- dom and liberty is the grand controversy that we are contending for; and I trust, under the smiles of Divine Providence, we shall obtain it, if all our minds can but be united; and putting the negroes into the service will pre- vent much uneasiness, and give more satisfaction to those that are offended at the thoughts of their servants being free. “I will not enlarge, for fear I should give offence; but subscribe myself, Your faithful servant, “THOMAS KENCH. “CASTLE ISLAND, April 7, 1778.” (Archives of Massachusetts, vol. cxcix. pp. 80, 84.) On the 11th of April, the former of the above letters was duly referred to a joint committee, “to consider the same, and report.” On the 17th, “a re- solution of the General Assembly of Rhode Island for 2 enlisting negroes in the public service " was referred to the same committee. On the 28th, they reported the draught of a law, differing little from the Rhode- Island Resolution: but a separate organization of ne- gro companies, by Kench, does not appear to have been deemed advisable at that time ; and the usage was con- tinued, of “having,” in the words of Kench, “negroes in our service, intermixed with the white men.” Many other specimens of legislative action on the subject in the Northern and Middle States might be MARYLAND AND NEW YORK. 163 produced ; but enough have already been given to show the general current of public sentiment in this part of the country. An extract from a letter to Washington, written by John Cadwalader at Anna- polis, Md., June 5, 1781, relates to the doings of that State : — “We have resolved to raise, immediately, seven hundred Maryland. and fifty negroes, to be incorporated with the other troops; and a bill is now almost completed.”—Sparks's Correspond- ence of the American Revolution, vol. iii. p. 331. In an act passed by the Legislature of New York, March 20, 1781, for the purpose of raising two regi- ments upon the inducement of “bounty lands unap- propriated,” is to be found the following section : — “SECT. 6. — And be it further enacted by the authority New York. aforesaid, that any person who shall deliver one or more of his or her able-bodied male slaves to any warrant officer, as aforesaid, to serve in either of the said regi- ments or independent corps, and produce a certificate thereof, signed by any person authorized to muster and receive the men to be raised by virtue of this act, and pro- duce such certificate to the Surveyor-General, shall, for every male slave so entered and mustered as aforesaid, be entitled to the location and grant of one right, in manner as in and by this act is directed ; and shall be, and hereby is, discharged from any future maintenance of such slave, any law to the contrary notwithstanding: And such slave so entered as aforesaid, who shall serve for the term of three years or until regularly discharged, shall, immediately after such service or discharge, be, and is hereby declared to be, a free man of this State.” — Laws of the State of New York, Chap. 32, (March 20, 1781, Fourth Session.) 164 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Where the soldiers came from. Tacitly or by positive law, the policy of arming the negroes and employing them as soldiers, either in separate companies or mingled in the ranks with white citizens, almost everywhere prevailed. In Georgia and South Carolina, however, where there was the most urgent call for more troops, and where the slave-holders were backward in enlisting, the case was different. These States, it will be remem- bered, contained so many Tories, whose sympathies were with the enemy, that it was impossible to obtain from them enough soldiers for a “home-guard.” It may not be amiss for Massachusetts men to re- fresh their memories by referring to the history of their Commonwealth in regard to supplying soldiers during the Revolution; and it may be well for all to notice, that, where there was the greatest opposition to the arming and employing of negroes as soldiers, there was the least disposition to furnish a fair supply of white soldiers. The following items of Revolu- tionary history were published several years since by our associate, the Hon. Lorenzo Sabine, in the histo- rical essay prefixed to his excellent history of the “American Loyalists:”— “The whole number of regulars enlisted for the Conti- nental service, from the beginning to the close of the struggle, was 231,959. Of these, I have once remarked, 67,907 were from Massachusetts; and I may now add, that every State south of Pennsylvania provided but 59,493, or 8,414 less than this single State; and that New England— now, I grieve to say, contemned and reproached — equipped and maintained 118,350, or above half of the number placed STATISTICS OF THE ARMY. 165 at the service of Congress during the war. I would not Where the g º * soldiers press these facts to the injury of the Whigs of the South. came from. The war, after the evacuation of Boston, I am aware, was transferred from New England to the Middle and Southern States; and these States accordingly required bodies of troops to be kept at home to protect themselves. But as it is to be presumed that most of such bodies composed a part of the regular force employed by Congress, and were, therefore, included in the Continental establishment and pay, the argument is in no essential particular weakened by the admission, that the Whigs of the South were, of necessity, employed in the defence of their own firesides; for, were this the truth of the case, the numbers in this service, as well as in other, would still appear, in making up the aggregate force enlisted from time to time in each State. The exact question is, then, not where were the battle-grounds of the Revolution, but what was the propor- tion of men which each of the thirteen States supplied for the contest. “In considering the political condition of Virginia and North Carolina, it was admitted that these States were not able to provide troops according to their population, as compared with the States destitute of a ‘peculiar institu- tion.” The same admission is now made in behalf of South Carolina. Yet did 6,660 Whig soldiers exhaust her re- sources of men 7 Could she furnish only 752 more than Rhode Island, the smallest State in the Confederacy; only one-fifth of the number of Connecticut; only one-half as many as New Hampshire, then almost an unbroken wilder- ness? She did not : she could not defend herself against her own Tories; and it is hardly an exaggeration to add, that more Whigs of New England were sent to her aid, and now lie buried in her soil, than she sent from it to every scene of strife from Lewington to Yorktown. “South Carolina, with a Northern army to assist her, could not or would not even preserve her own capital. 166 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Where the soldiers came from. When news reached Connecticut that Gage had sent a force into the country, and that blood had been shed, Put- nam was at work in his field. Leaving his plough in the furrow, he started for Cambridge, without changing his garments. When Stark heard the same tidings, he was sawing pine-logs, and without a coat: shutting down the gate of his mill, he commenced his journey to Boston in his shirt-sleeves. The same spirit animated the Whigs far and near ; and the capital of New England was invested with fifteen thousand armed men. “How was it at Charleston 2 That city was the great mart of the South, and, what Boston still is, the centre of the export and import trade of a large population. In grandeur, in splendor of buildings, in decorations, in equi- pages, in shipping and commerce, Charleston was equal to any city in America. But its citizens did not rally to save it; and Gen. Lincoln was compelled to accept of terms of capitulation. He was much censured for the act. Yet whoever calmly examines the circumstances will be satis- fied, I think, that the measure was unavoidable; and that the inhabitants, as a body, preferred to return to their alle- giance to the British Crown. The people, on whom Con- gress and Gen. Lincoln depended to complete his force, refused to enlist under the Whig banner; but, after the surrender of the city, they flocked to the royal standard by hundreds. In a word, so general was the defection, that persons who had enjoyed Lincoln's confidence joined the royal side; and men who had participated in his councils bowed their necks anew to the yoke of Colonial vassalage. Sir Henry Clinton considered his triumph complete, and communicated to the ministry the intelligence that the whole State had yielded submission to the royal arms, and had become again a part of the empire. To the women of South Carolina, and to Marion, Sumpter, and Pickens, the celebrated partisan chiefs, who kept the field without the promise of men, money, or supplies, it was owing that STATISTICS OF THE ARMY. 167 Sir Henry's declaration did not prove entirely true for a time, and that the name and the spirit of liberty did not become utterly extinct.” — The American Loyalists, pp. 30–33. This statement was not allowed to pass without contradiction, and the author of it was fiercely re- proached. His facts and figures were called in ques- tion; but they were not proved to be incorrect. From a recent careful examination of the statistics as con- tained in the official report of General Knox, the Secretary of War, made to Congress in 1790, I am satisfied that Mr. Sabine, in this case, has not depart- ed from his general practice of stating with scrupulous accuracy and impartiality the simple facts relating to his subject. The difficulty of obtaining a sufficient number of white soldiers in the Southern States to defend them from the invasion of the enemy, and the fact that the employment of negroes, where the practice had pre- vailed, had proved entirely successful, led to a vigor- ous effort in Congress and elsewhere to secure the services of this class of persons for increasing the army, particularly in Georgia and South Carolina. Colonel John Laurens, of South Carolina, was one of the most earnest advocates of the measure. His father, the Hon. Henry Laurens, on the 16th of March, 1779, wrote to Washington: — “Our affairs in the Southern department are more fa- Henry e I. vorable than we had considered them a few days ago; "W. nevertheless, the country is greatly distressed, and will be * 168 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Washing- ton to Henry Laurens. more so unless further reinforcements are sent to its relief. Had we arms for three thousand such black men as I could Select in Carolina, I should have no doubt of success in driving the British out of Georgia, and subduing East Florida, before the end of July.” — Sparks's Washington, vol. vi. p. 204, note. In his reply to Mr. Laurens, on the 20th of the same month, Washington, with his characteristic caution and modesty, suggests his doubts, but adds that they are “only the first crude ideas” that struck him. “The policy of our arming slaves, is, in my opinion, a moot point, unless the enemy set the example. For, should we begin to form battalions of them, I have not the smallest doubt, if the war is to be prosecuted, of their following us in it, and justifying the measure upon our own ground. The contest then must be, who can arm fastest. And where are our arms ? Besides, I am not clear that a discrimina- tion will not render slavery more irksome to those who remain in it. Most of the good and evil things in this life are judged of by comparison; and I fear a comparison in this case will be productive of much discontent in those who are held in servitude. But, as this is a subject that has never employed much of my thoughts, these are no more than the first crude ideas that have struck me upon the occasion.”— Sparks's Washington, vol. vi. p. 204. Alexander Hamilton, who had thought much on the subject, and had considered it in its various rela- tions, gave his unqualified and hearty support to the measure. In a letter to Mr. Jay, which has been preserved and published, he states his views with great clearness: — HAMILTON RECOMMENDS NEGRO ENLISTMENTS. 169 “HEADQUARTERs, March 14, 1779. “To JOHN JAY. “DEAR SIR, - Col. Laurens, who will have the honor of delivering you this letter, is on his way to South Carolina, on a project which I think, in the present situation of affairs there, is a very good one, and deserves every kind of support and encouragement. This is, to raise two, three, or four battalions of negroes, with the assistance of the government of that State, by contributions from the owners, in proportion to the number they possess. If you should think proper to enter upon the subject with him, he will give you a detail of his plan. He wishes to have it recommended by Congress to the State; and, as an induce- ment, that they should engage to take those battalions into Continental pay. “It appears to me, that an expedient of this kind, in the present state of Southern affairs, is the most rational that can be adopted, and promises very important advantages. Indeed, I hardly see how a sufficient force can be collected in that quarter without it; and the enemy's operations there are growing infinitely more serious and formidable. I have not the least doubt that the negroes will make very excellent soldiers with proper management; and I will venture to pronounce, that they cannot be put into better hands than those of Mr. Laurens. He has all the zeal, intelligence, enterprise, and every other qualification, meces- sary to succeed in such an undertaking. It is a maxim Alexander Hamilton on negro soldiers. with some great military judges, that, with sensible officers, soldiers can hardly be too stupid ; and, on this principle, it is thought that the Russians would make the best troops in the world, if they were under other officers than their own. The King of Prussia is among the number who maintain this doctrine; and has a very emphatic saying on the occa- sion, which I do not exactly recollect. I mention this because I hear it frequently objected to the scheme of em- bodying negroes, that they are too stupid to make soldiers. 22 170 IIISTORICAI, RESEARCH. This is so far from appearing to me a valid objection, that I think their want of cultivation (for their natural faculties are probably as good as ours), joined to that habit of subor- dination which they acquire from a life of servitude, will make them sooner become soldiers than our white inhabi- tants. Let officers be men of sense and sentiment; and the nearer the soldiers approach to machines, perhaps the better. - “I foresee that this project will have to combat much opposition from prejudice and self-interest. The contempt we have been taught to entertain for the blacks makes us fancy many things that are founded neither in reason nor experience; and an unwillingness to part with property of so valuable a kind will furnish a thousand arguments to show the impracticability or pernicious tendency of a scheme which requires such a sacrifice. But it should be consid- ered, that, if we do not make use of them in this way, the enemy probably will; and that the best way to counteract the temptations they will hold out will be to offer them ourselves. An essential part of the plan is to give them their freedom with their muskets. This will secure their fidel- ity, animate their courage, and, I believe, will have a good influence upon those who remain, by opening a door to their emancipation. This circumstance, I confess, has no small weight in inducing me to wish the success of the pro- ject; for the dictates of humanity, and true policy, equally interest me in favor of this unfortunate class of men. “With the truest respect and esteem, “I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, “ALEX. HAMILTON.” (Life of John Jay, by William Jay, vol. ii. pp. 31, 32.) Congress, although it had no power to control the action of the individual States in this matter, consid- ered the subject so important, that it was referred to CONGRESS RECOMMENDS NEGRO ENLISTMENTS. 171 a special committee, who prepared a report, that led to the adoption of a series of resolutions, recommend- ing to “the States of South Carolina and Georgia, if they shall think the same expedient, to take measures immediately for raising three thousand able-bodied negroes.” “IN CONGRESS, March 29, 1779. “The Committee, consisting of Mr. Burke, Mr. Laurens, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Dyer, appointed to take into consideration the circumstances of the Southern States, and the ways and means for their safety and de- fence, report, — “That the State of South Carolina, as represented by the delegates of the said State and by Mr. Huger, who has come hither, at the request of the Governor of the said State, on purpose to explain the particular circumstances thereof, is unable to make any effectual efforts with militia, by reason of the great proportion of citizens necessary to remain at home to prevent insurrections among the ne- groes, and to prevent the desertion of them to the enemy. “That the state of the country, and the great numbers of those people among them, expose the inhabitants to great danger from the endeavors of the enemy to excite them either to revolt or desert. “That it is suggested by the delegates of the said State and by Mr. Huger, that a force might be raised in the said State from among the negroes, which would not only be formidable to the enemy from their numbers, and the disci- pline of which they would very readily admit, but would also lessen the danger from revolts and desertions, by de- taching the most vigorous and enterprising from among the negroes. “That, as this measure may involve inconveniences pecu- 172 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. liarly affecting the States of South Carolina and Georgia, the Committee are of opinion that the same should be sub- mitted to the governing powers of the said States; and, if the said powers shall judge it expedient to raise such a force, that the United States ought to defray the expense thereof: whereupon, - “Resolved, That it be recommended to the States of South Carolina and Georgia, if they shall think the same expedient, to take measures immediately for raising three thousand able-bodied negroes. “That the said negroes be formed into separate corps, as battalions, according to the arrangements adopted for the main army, to be commanded by white commissioned and non-commissioned officers. “That the commissioned officers be appointed by the said States. “That the non-commissioned officers may, if the said States respectively shall think proper, be taken from among the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Conti- nental battalions of the said States respectively. “That the Governors of the said States, together with the commanding officer of the Southern army, be empowered to incorporate the several Continental battalions of their States with each other respectively, agreeably to the arrangement of the army, as established by the resolutions of May 27, 1778; and to appoint such of the supernumerary officers to command the said negroes as shall choose to go into that service. “Resolved, That Congress will make provision for paying the proprietors of such negroes as shall be enlisted for the service of the United States during the war a full com- pensation for the property, at a rate not exceeding one thousand dollars for each active, able-bodied negro man of standard size, not exceeding thirty-five years of age, who shall be so enlisted and pass muster. “That no pay or bounty be allowed to the said negroes; CoL. LAURENS RECOMMENDS NEGRO ENLISTMENTS. 173 but that they be clothed and subsisted at the expense of the United States. “That every negro who shall well and faithfully serve as a soldier to the end of the present war, and shall then return his arms, be emancipated, and receive the sum of fifty dollars.” — Secret Journals of Congress, vol. i. pp. 107–110. On the same day that the report in favor of rais- ing negro troops was made, Congress passed the following resolution : — “Whereas John Laurens, Esq., who has heretofore acted as aide-de-camp to the commander-in-chief, is desirous of repairing to South Carolina, with a design to assist in de- fence of the Southern States; — “Resolved, That a commission of lieutenant-colonel be granted to the said John Laurens, Esq.”— Journals of Con- gress, vol. v. p. 123. Col. John Laurens was the son of the Hon. Henry Laurens, the distinguished member of Congress, and at one time President of that body. He was one of the most patriotic and brave of the Southern officers, and has not improperly been called the “Chevalier Bayard of America.” He was the intimate friend of Washington and Hamilton. Having been in active service in Rhode Island and elsewhere, and having had the best opportunities of witnessing the use- fulness of the colored soldiers, he entered into the spirit of the undertaking with his whole heart, and used his best efforts to promote its success. For this purpose, he went to his native State, and used his personal influence to induce the Legislature to take 174 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Colonel Laurens. Colonel Laurens. the necessary steps for raising black troops. In a letter to Hamilton, he says, – “Ternant will relate to you how many violent struggles I have had between duty and inclination, — how much my heart was with you, while I appeared to be most actively employed here. But it appears to me, that I should be in- excusable in the light of a citizen, if I did not continue my utmost efforts for carrying the plan of the black levies into execution, while there remain the smallest hopes of suc- cess.” — Works of Hamilton, vol. i. pp. 114, 115. On the 14th of February, 1780, Col. Laurens wrote to Washington from Charleston : — “Private accounts say that General Prevost is left to command at Savannah ; that his troops consist of the Hes- sians and Loyalists that were there before, re-enforced by a corps of blacks and a detachment of Savages. It is generally reported that Sir Henry Clinton commands the present expedition.” — Sparks's Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. ii. p. 402. It should be borne in mind that Sir Henry Clinton had several months previously issued a proclamation, calling upon negroes to join his army, either as sol- diers, or with full security to follow any occupation within his lines which they thought proper. This proclamation was first printed in New York, in Ri- vington’s “Royal Gazette,” on the 3d of July, 1779. It is here reprinted from that journal. The words in Italics were added in the issue of August 25th, with a note stating that they had, “through the mistake of the printers, been hitherto omitted.” PROCLAMATIONS OF BIRITISH OFFICERS. 175 “By his Excellency Sir HENRY CLINTON, K. B. General and Commander-in-chief of all his Majesty's Forces within the Colonies laying on the Atlantic Ocean, from Nova Scotia to West-Florida, inclusive, &c., &c., &c. PRO CLAMATION. “Whereas the enemy have adopted a practice of enrol- ling NEGROES among their Troops, I do hereby give notice That all NEGROES taken in arms, or upon any military Duty, shall be purchased for the public Service at a stated Price; the money to be paid to the Captors. “But I do most strictly forbid any Person to sell or claim Right over any NEGROE, the property of a Rebel, who may take Refuge with any part of this Army : And I do promise to every NEGROE who shall desert the Rebel Standard, full security to follow within these Lines, any Occupation which he shall think proper. “Given under my Hand, at Head-Quarters, PHILIPS- BURGH, the 30th day of June, 1779. “H. CLINTON. “By his Excellency's command, “JoHN SMITH, Secretary.” Lord Cornwallis also issued a proclamation en- couraging the slaves to join the British Army; but it is well known that no regard for their welfare prompted his action, and but little kindness was shown by him to the slaves who deserted their masters, or who were compelled to leave them. A letter from Mr. Jefferson to Dr. Gordon, written several years after the war was closed, contains a passage which shows how that statesman regarded the treatment of his own negroes. - 176 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Thomas Jefferson to Doctor Gordon. “Lord Cornwallis destroyed all my growing crops of corn and tobacco; he burned all my barns, containing the same articles of the last year, having first taken what corn he wanted; he used, as was to be expected, all my stock of cattle, sheep, and hogs, for the sustenance of his army, and carried off all the horses capable of service; of those too young for service he cut the throats; and he burned all the fences on the plantation, so as to leave it an abso- lute waste. He carried off also about thirty slaves. Had this been to give them freedom, he would have done right ; but it was to consign them to inevitable death from the small-pox and putrid fever, then raging in his camp. This I knew afterwards to be the fate of twenty-seven of them. I never had news of the remaining three, but presume they shared the same fate. When I say that Lord Cornwallis did all this, I do not mean that he carried about the torch in his own hands, but that it was all done under his eye; the situation of the house, in which he was, commanding a view of every part of the plantation, so that he must have seen every fire. I relate these things on my own know- ledge, in a great degree, as I was on the ground soon after he left it. He treated the rest of the neighborhood some- what in the same style, but not with that spirit of total extermination with which he seemed to rage over my possessions. Wherever he went, the dwelling-houses were plundered of every thing which could be carried off. Lord Cornwallis's character in England would forbid the belief that he shared in the plunder; but that his table was served with the plate thus pillaged from private houses, can be proved by many hundred eye-witnesses. From an estimate I made at that time, on the best information I could collect, I supposed the State of Virginia lost, under Lord Cornwallis's hand, that year, about thirty thousand slaves; and that, of these, twenty-seven thousand died of the Small-poa, and camp- ſever; and the rest were partly sent to the West Indies, and ex- changed for rum, Sugar, coffee, and fruit; and partly sent to GENERAL LINCOLN ON NEGRO ENLISTMENTS. 177 New York, from whence they went, at the peace, either to Nova Scotia or to England. From this last place, I believe, they have been lately sent to Africa. History will never relate the horrors committed by the British Army in the Southern States of America.” – Jefferson's Works, vol. ii. p. 426. It is very evident from this statement, that the dis- trust and fears on the part of the negroes, in regard to the promises of the British officers, Dunmore, Clinton, and Cornwallis, were well founded. In striking contrast to their treatment of the slaves is the noble sentiment of Jefferson, himself a severe sufferer from the conduct of Cornwallis: “Had this been to give them freedom, he would have done right.” In the autumn of the year 1780, Colonel Laurens was sent on an important mission to France. The policy which he so warmly advocated in his own State and in Georgia was not, however, neglected during his absence. General Lincoln repeatedly and earnestly implored that the army in the South might be strengthened in this, which seemed to be the only practicable way. In a letter to Governor Rutledge, dated Charleston, March 13, 1780, he says: — “Give me leave to add once more, that I think the meas- ure of raising the black corps a necessary one ; that I have great reason to believe, if permission is given for it, that many men would soon be obtained. I have repeatedly urged this matter, not only because Congress have recom- mended it, and because it thereby becomes my duty to attempt to have it executed, but because my own mind suggests the utility and importance of the measure, as the General Lincoln. 23 178 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. James Madison. General Greene. safety of the town makes it necessary.”— Manuscript Letter. Mr. Madison, in a letter to Joseph Jones, dated Nov. 20, 1780, thus advocated the policy of freeing and arming the negroes: — “Yours of the 18th came yesterday. I am glad to find the Legislature persist in their resolution to recruit their line of the army for the war; though, without deciding on the expediency of the mode under their consideration, would it not be as well to liberate and make soldiers at once of the blacks themselves, as to make them instruments for enlisting white soldiers? It would certainly be more consonant with the principles of liberty, which ought never to be lost sight of in a contest for liberty: and, with white officers and a majority of white soldiers, no imaginable danger could be feared from themselves, as there certainly could be none from the effect of the example on those who should remain in bondage; experience having shown that a freedman immediately loses all attachment and sympathy with his former fellow-slaves.” – Madison Papers, p. 68. On the 28th of February, 1781, General Greene, who was then in North Carolina, wrote to Wash- ington : — “The enemy have ordered two regiments of negroes to be immediately embodied, and are drafting a great propor- tion of the young men of that State [South Carolina], to serve during the war.” — Sparks's Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. iii. p. 246. Colonel Laurens, some time after his return from France, resumed his efforts to induce the slaveholders of South Carolina and Georgia to allow their negroes to enlist as soldiers in the Continental Army; and, COLONEL LAURENS ON NEGRO ENLISTMENTS. 179 although he found that “truth and philosophy had gained some ground,” he was compelled to say that “the single voice of reason was drowned by the howl- ings of a triple-headed monster, in which prejudice, avarice, and pusillanimity were united.” Two letters, written by him only a few months before he laid down his life for his country in battle, contain further evi- dence of his faithful efforts, and a sad account of the manner in which his purposes were defeated. Both of these letters were addressed to Washington. The first was dated May 19, 1782. “The plan which brought me to this country was urged Colonel with all the zeal which the subject inspired, both in our kº Privy Council and Assembly; but the single voice of reason “” was drowned by the howlings of a triple-headed monster, in which prejudice, avarice, and pusillanimity were united. It was some degree of consolation to me, however, to per- ceive that truth and philosophy had gained some ground; the suffrages in favor of the measure being twice as numerous as on a former occasion. Some hopes have been lately given me from Georgia; but I fear, when the ques- tion is put, we shall be outvoted there with as much dispar- ity as we have been in this country. “I earnestly desire to be where any active plans are likely to be executed, and to be near your Excellency on all occasions in which my services can be acceptable. The pursuit of an object which, I confess, is a favorite one with me, because I always regarded the interests of this country and those of the Union as intimately connected with it, has detached me more than once from your family; but those sentiments of veneration and attachment with which your Excellency has inspired me, keep me always near you, 180 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. 1782. Washing- ton to Colonel Laurens with the sincerest and most zealous wishes for a contin- uance of your happiness and glory.”—Sparks's Correspond- ence of the American Revolution, vol. iii. p. 506. The last letter was dated June 12, 1782; and from it we learn that his hope of accomplishing something in this way clung to him to the last. “The approaching session of the Georgia Legislature, and the encouragement given me by Governor Howley, who has a decisive influence in the counsels of that coun- try, induce me to remain in this quarter for the purpose of taking new measures on the subject of our black levies. The arrival of Colonel Baylor, whose seniority entitles him to the command of the light troops, affords me ample leisuré for pursuing the business in person; and I shall do it with all the tenacity of a man making a last effort on so interest- ing an occasion.”— Sparks's Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. iii. p. 515. Washington, however, seems to have lost all faith in the patriotism of the men who continued to refuse aid to their suffering country in the only practicable way which had been suggested. He has seldom said any thing so severe as the following words, in his reply to the first of the above letters: — “I must confess that I am not at all astonished at the failure of your plan. That spirit of freedom, which, at the commencement of this contest, would have gladly sac- rificed every thing to the attainment of its object, has long since subsided, and every selfish passion has taken its place. It is not the public but private interest which influences the generality of mankind; nor can the Americans any longer boast an exception. Under these circumstances, it would rather have been surprising if you had succeeded; COLONEL HUMPHREY'S NEGRO COMPANY. 181 nor will you, I fear, have better success in Georgia.” — Sparks's Washington, vol. viii. pp. 322, 323. The friend and associate of Colonel Laurens, as a gºal member of Washington's family, and a fellow-soldier phreys. in more than one battle, Colonel David Humphreys, gave the sanction of his name and the influence of his popularity to the raising of colored troops in Con- necticut. “In November, 1782, he was, by resolution of Congress, commissioned as a Lieutenant-Colonel, with order that his commission should bear date from the 23d of June, 1780, when he received his appointment as aid-de-camp to the Commander-in-chief. He had, when in active service, given the sanction of his name and influence in the estab- lishment of a company of colored infantry, attached to Meigs', afterwards Butler's, regiment, in the Connecticut line. He continued to be the nominal captain of that ** company until the establishment of peace.”—Biographical Sketch in “The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans.” Lord Dunmore's efforts to secure the services of negroes, at the commencement of the Revolutionary War, are well known ; his proclamation, and the action of the Virginia Convention upon it, having been published at the time, and the matter having oc- casioned much comment since. By the courtesy of Mr. Bancroft, who has kindly put into my hands the unpublished original manuscript of the following letter and “sketch,” and also a copy of Lord Dunmore's private letter to Sir Henry Clinton enclosing them, I am now enabled to present the views of his Lordship 182 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Proposal to Lord Dunmore. on the subject seven years later, and just before the close of hostilities. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE EARL DUNMORE, &c. “CHARLEs Town, 5th January, 1782. “MY LORD,-- Since I had the honor of seeing your Lord- ship, I have revolved in my mind the subject-matter of our conversation; and the more I think, the more I am con- vinced of the magnitude and national importance of the object. It is long since I beheld the scheme in the most favorable point of view, and often have I strenuously recommended it. There were, at the time the thought first seriously made an impression on my mind, some very power- ful and uncontrovertible reasons; namely, the impossibility, that I foresaw, of maintaining and supporting troops from Europe, in the low parts of this country, during the sickly season. The fall months have caused such mortality in 1780 at the outposts, that no country on earth, at such a distance, could support the loss of men. Another reason that operated on my mind, added to the eagerness I observed in the generality of the people under my direc- tion to have arms put into their hands on the incursions of the enemy, even while we had troops at Camden, prevent- ing the negroes from being of any service to Government in planting and cultivating the land; what, with the proofs they have given, on various occasions, of spirit and enter- prise, left me no room to doubt that they might be employed to the utmost advantage. While there was a ray of hope left for believing that Lord Cornwallis had made his escape with a small part of his army, I was easy and happy, con- vinced that he would not have hesitated a moment in giving freedom to men of all complexions that would faithfully serve the King, and assist in crushing a most infernal rebellion. And I cannot help thinking, my Lord, that there is something peculiarly fortunate in your Lordship's arrival here at this very critical moment; for next to Lord Corn- SCHEME PROPOSED TO LORD DUNMORE. 183 wallis, who has the advantage of military rank in the empire, there is none so able to form and execute So great a design, nor in whom the King's friends have equal confi- dence as in your Lordship. Unless some vigorous step is taken, I humbly think it is more than probable that the nation at large will insist on this American War being relinquished. What can Administration say, what can they promise themselves or the nation, by a prosecution of the war in such hands? Nothing but ultimate ruin. “If my Lord, this scheme is adopted, arranged, and ready for being put in execution, the moment the troops pene- trate into the country, after the arrival of the promised re-enforcements, America is to be conquered with its own force (I mean the Provincial troops and the black troops to be raised), and the British and Hessian army could be spared to attack the French where they are most vulnera- ble. The nation would, by that means, be relieved from an amazing burthen, – that of supporting the army at New York, - what has been a sink of treasure, and a bed of voluptuousness and dissipation. I say, my lord, if the British and Hessian troops were ordered to leave the country, only sending force sufficient to garrison Rhode Island, that your Lordship and my friend Gov. Martin, with the Provincial troops, the King's friends, and the new levies, would soon possess the three Southern provinces, in spite of all the force the rebels could assemble. 'Tis notorious that more than two-thirds of North Carolina have expressed an eager desire for the re-establishment of British government. They have given striking proofs of zeal, spirit, and enterprise; and under the direction of those they love, and who would reward their merit, rebel- lion would soon cease to exist on the south side of James River. Pardon me, my Lord, for this tedious digression. Such a variety of new matter crowds upon me, that I could not help giving my thoughts a place. “It may, and I dare say will, be said by Opposition, Proposal to , ord Dun- II] OI’ (2. 184 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Proposal to Lord Dunmore. ‘What arm the slaves? We shudder at the very idea, so repugnant to humanity, so barbarous and shocking to human nature,’ &c. One very simple answer is, in my mind, to be given: Whether is it better to make this vast continent become an acquisition of power, strength, and consequence to Great Britain again, or tamely give it up to France, who will reap the fruits of American Independence, to the utter ruin of Britain’ It may be said, ‘How can you do such an injury to your friends?’ In the first place, our friends in this province are not numerous whose pro- perty consists in slaves. The friends of Britain in the Southern provinces, in general, are the merchants; and they have little property in slaves. And, in the second place, I deny that we injure our friends by giving freedom to those slaves that are proper for soldiers. 'T is only changing one master for another; and let it be clearly understood that they are to serve the King for ever, and that those slaves who are not taken for his Majesty's ser- vice are to remain on the plantation, and perform, as usual, the labor of the field; and, so far from ruining the property, I do aver, and experience will, I doubt not, justify the assertion, that, by embodying the most hardy, intrepid, and determined blacks, they would not only keep the rest in good order, but, by being disciplined, and under command, be prevented from raising cabals, tumults, and even rebel- lion, what I think might be expected soon after a peace; but so far from making even our lukewarm friends and secret foes greater enemies by this measure, I will, by taking their slaves, engage to make them better friends. This, my lord, may appear enigmatical; but your Lordship's experience of mankind in general, and of the people in this country in particular, will do justice to my opinion, that if the nation had, instead of lavishing her treasure, and open- ing a very wide door for her servants to heap up wealth at her expense, and feeding and supporting, by her gold that circulates in the country, that very rebellion she wished to SCHEME PROPOSED TO LORD DUNMORE. 185 crush; I say, my lord, that [had] she, instead of paying money for all necessaries purchased for the use of the army, granted receipts, bearing interest so long as the holders remained loyal, and a promise to pay the principal at the expiration of the rebellion, — our affairs would have been in a very different situation to-day. “I have, my lord, done myself the honor to enclose a sketch of a plan for embodying ten thousand men; and I would beg leave to suggest to your Lordship the propriety of laying your plan before Col. Moncrief, and offering him a brigade, with your lordship's interest to secure him the rank of brigadier-general. I can assure you of a certainty, that it will be by much the best channel in which it can be placed ; and I would humbly recommend to your lordship to make it known only to Moncrief, who, with yourself, is fully equal to set it on its legs. I am afraid, my lord, that I have wearied your patience. My motives I beg you may believe to be most pure; and I have the honor to be, my lord, your lordship's most obedient and most humble ser- vant, “ J. CRUDEN.” “CHARLEs Town, 5th January, 1782. Sketch of “In the Province of South Carolina, ten thousand Black * Troops may be raised, inured to fatigue and to the climate, * without impoverishing the plantations so much that they might not be able to produce crops equal to the mainte- nance and support, not only of the women and children that are left on the estates, but also sufficient to feed, clothe, and pay the Black Troops. “When these men are raised, there can be no doubt, that, with the force here, they will be able to drive the enemy from the Province, and open a large door for our friends from North Carolina to join us, till such time as it may be policy, and we may have a sufficient command of the sea, to enter Virginia. “When the country is again in our possession, with proper and effectual support, I will engage to maintain and 24 186 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. clothe those Black Troops from the estates of the enemy; and I will also engage to pay the interest of the receipts granted to our friends, at the rate of eight per cent. And, to convince the world that we never adopt any measure at the expense of individuals, let three or more gentlemen of the country — men of honor and probity—be appointed to value the negroes that belong to our friends, and at the rate they would have sold for in 1773, and Government to be accountable for the amount at the expiration of the war, paying interest at the customary rate, so long as the parties concerned maintained their allegiance. “That, for all negroes, the property of the enemy, the adjutant-general to grant receipts to the commissioner of sequestered estates, and returns made to him when they are killed, or lost to the service, that others may be fur- nished to supply their place. “It is impossible to conceive or think what the effects of such a measure would be. Striking at the root of all property, and making the wealth and riches of the enemy the means of bringing them to obedience, must bring the most violent to their senses. Such a wonderful change may it work, that I would not be suprised, that those now most violent against us would be foremost in an application for peace on our own terms. “Property, all the world over, is dear to mankind; and in this country they are as much wedded to it as in any other; and, in the Southern Provinces, men are great in proportion to the number of their slaves. “I should think that one major-general, two brigadier- generals, six lieutenant-colonels commandant, twelve ma- jors and twelve adjutants, ninety-six captains, one hundred and ninety-two lieutenants, with quartermasters, &c., &c., &c., would be equal to discipline and command ten thousand TO GI). “ J. CRUDEN.” LORD DUNMORE ON NEGRO SOLDIERS. 187 EARL OF D'UNMORE TO SIR HENRY CLINTON. “CHARLEs Town, Feb. 2, 1782. “SIR, - I was in hopes of having the pleasure of deli- vering the enclosed letters in person, but the fleet in which I came out not proceeding to New York, being advised, and thinking it unsafe to hazard a further voyage to the northward, at this season of the year, with so large a fleet. “I should have sent you these letters by the “Rotter- dam,” had I known she meant to go to New York, as I do not know but they may be of importance. By one of them, your Excellency will see that his Majesty wished I would return to this country; we then thinking that we should have found our affairs in Virginia in a very different state from what they really are ; and for which, in my humble opinion, there is now no remedy left, without adopting the following plan, or something similar to it, which I humbly submit to your serious consideration. “I arrived here the 21st of December; and, having no employment, I made it my business to converse with every one that I thought capable of giving me any good informa- tion of the real situation of this country : and every one that I have conversed with think, and, I must own, my own sentiments perfectly coincide with theirs, that the most efficacious, expeditious, cheapest, and certain means of reducing this country to a proper sense of their duty is in employing the blacks, who are, in my opinion, not only better fitted for service in this warm climate than white men, but they are also better guides, may be got on much easier terms, and are perfectly attached to our sovereign. And, by employing them, you cannot devise a means more effec- tual to distress your foes, not only by depriving them of their property, but by depriving them of their labor. You in reality deprive them of their existence; for, without Lord Dun- more to Sir Henry Clinton. 188 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. their labor, they cannot subsist: and, from my own know- ledge of them, I am sure they are as soon disciplined as any set of raw men that I know of. “From my perfect belief of the above facts, I do most earnestly wish your Excellency would adopt the measure on some such footing as is here enclosed; and, as the strongest proof of my good opinion of the measure, I am most willing, provided you approve, and have no other person you may think better qualified to put it in execu- tion, to hazard my reputation and person in the execution of it. “What I would further propose is, that the officers of the Provincials, who are swarming in the streets here, perfectly idle, should be employed to command these men, with the rank they now have. “I would also propose, at first, to raise only ten thou- sand Blacks, to give them white officers and non-commis- sioned officers, but to fill up the vacancies of the non- commissioned officers now and then with black people, as their services should entitle them to it. “In order to induce the negroes to enlist, I would pro- pose to give each black man one guinea and a crown, with a promise of freedom to all that should serve during the continuance of the war; and, that they may be fully satis- fied that this promise will be held inviolate, it must be given by the officer appointed to command them, he being empowered so to do, in the most ample manner, by your Excellency. As there will no doubt be a great many men come in that will be unfit for military service, I would pro- pose employing them, with the women and children, under proper managers, to cultivate any lands in our possession; and I doubt not, with proper management, to raise sufficient food for the maintenance of the black troops at least, and perhaps enough to dispose of that would both pay and clothe the whole. But should this plan fail, contrary to my most sanguine wish and real opinion, the expense will LORD DUNMORE ON NEGRO SOLDIERS. 189 be so trifling in trying the experiment, that it can never be thought an object of the smallest consideration. “In order to obviate the only objection that I see to this plan (namely, that of employing slaves, the property of a few friends that are with us here), I would propose that they should be valued by three gentlemen of known skill and probity, and that a receipt should be given them for the value of such slaves; paying them six per cent. interest upon it till the expiration of the war, or so long as the holders' allegiance lasted: and, if that continues to the ex- piration of the war, pay them the principal. And, indeed, I would propose that no money should in future be given for any thing taken from the inhabitants for the use of the troops, but receipts granted on the same terms. “Should this plan in general meet with your Excellen- cy's approbation, there are many more ideas relative to it that I will take another opportunity of communicating to you. “I have wrote fully to Lord George Germain on this subject, and have sent him a copy of this letter; but I hope, before we can hear from home, you will have had the credit of adopting the plan.” (Ea tract.) EARL OF DUNMORE TO SECRETARY LORD GEORGE GERMAIN. “CHARLEs Town, S. C., Feb. 5, 1782. tº “Enclosed I send your Lordship a copy of a letter I have wrote to Sir Henry Clinton, for employing Negroes in this country.” (Ea:tract.) EARL OF DUNMORE TO SECRETARY LORD GEORGE GERMAIN. “CHARLEs Town, S. C., March 30, 1782. “Since writing to your Lordship of the 5th of February, there has been a motion made in the Rebel Assembly of this Province for raising a brigade of negroes, which was 190 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. General Greene. only negatived by a very few voices, and it’s supposed will be re-assumed and carried on a future day; and we, by neglecting to make a proper use of those people who are much attached to us, shall have them, in a short time, em- ployed against us. They are now carrying them up the country as fast as they can find them. . “As soon as this is closed, I shall set off for New York in the ‘Carysfort.’” One of the ablest, most experienced, and most suc- cessful of the American generals, second only, in the estimation of many, to the Commander-in-chief, - General Nathaniel Greene,—in a letter to Washing- ton, dated on the 24th of January, 1782, says: — “I have recommended to this State to raise some black regiments. To fill up the regiments with whites is imprac- ticable, and to get re-enforcements from the northwards precarious, and at least difficult, from the prejudices respect- ing the climate. Some are for it; but the far greater part of the people are opposed to it.”—Sparks's Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. iii. p. 467. The letter of General Greene to Governor Rut- ledge, of South Carolina, is printed below. The opinion of such an officer, formed after the experi- ment of employing Negro soldiers at the North had been fully tried, and after a residence in the Southern States had enabled him to consider the subject with the advantage of an “acquaintance with the habits, character, and feelings of that class of people,” is of the highest importance. “The natural strength of the country, in point of num- bers, appears to me to consist much more in the blacks GENERAL GREENE ON NEGRO SOLDIERS. 191 than in the whites. Could they be incorporated, and em- ployed for its defence, it would afford you double security. That they would make, good soldiers, I have not the least doubt; and I am persuaded the State has it not in its power to give sufficient re-enforcements, without incorporating them, either to secure the country, if the enemy mean to act vigorously upon an offensive plan, or furnish a force sufficient to dispossess them of Charleston, should it be de- fensive. “The number of whites in this State is too small, and the state of your finances too low, to attempt to raise a force in any other way. Should the measure be adopted, it may prove a good means of preventing the enemy from further attempts upon this country, when they find they have not only the whites, but the blacks also, to contend with. And I believe it is generally agreed, that, if the natural strength of this country could have been employed in its defence, the enemy would have found it little less than impracticable to have got footing here, much more to have overrun the country, by which the inhabitants have suffered infinitely greater loss than would have been suffi- cient to have given you perfect security; and, I am per- suaded, the incorporation of a part of the negroes would rather tend to secure the fidelity of others, than excite dis- content, mutiny, and desertion among them. The force I would ask for this purpose, in addition to what we have, and what may probably join us from the Northward or from the militia of this State, would be four regiments, – two upon the Continental, and two upon the State, establish- ment ; a corps of pioneers and a corps of artificers, each to consist of about eighty men. The two last may be either on a temporary or permanent establishment, as may be most agreeable to the State. The others should have their freedom, and be clothed and treated, in all respects, as other soldiers; without which they will be unfit for the duties expected from them.” — Johnson's Life of Greene, vol. ii. p. 274. 192 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. The author of “Sketches of the Life and Cor- respondence of Gen. Greene,” himself a Southerner and a resident of Charleston, thus comments on the proposal to employ the negroes as soldiers: — “Those who can enter into the feelings and opinions of the citizens of those States which tolerate slavery will be not a little startled at the proposition submitted to the Governor and Council in this letter. A strong, deep-seated feeling, nurtured from earliest infancy, decides, with in- stinctive promptness, against a measure of so threatening an aspect, and so offensive to that republican pride, which disdains to commit the defence of the country to servile hands, or share with a color to which the idea of inferiority is inseparably connected the profession of arms, and that approximation of condition which must exist between the regular soldier and the militia-man. “But the Governor and Council viewed the subject under the influence of less feeling. It seems the proposi- tion had formerly been under consideration in the State Legislature; and, as the meeting of that board was now at hand, it was resolved to submit it to their decision. “There is a sovereign, who, at this time, draws his sol- diery from the same class of people; and finds a facility in forming and disciplining an army, which no other power enjoys. Nor does his immense military force, formed from that class of his subjects, excite the least apprehensions; for the soldier's will is subdued to that of his officer, and his improved condition takes away the habit of identifying himself with the class from which he has been separated. Military men know what mere machines men become under discipline, and believe that any men, who may be made obedient, may be made soldiers; and that increasing their numbers increases the means of their own subjection and government. JUDGE JOHNSON ON NFC RO SOLDIETRS. 193 “It is now probable that the idea of forming a military §ºn force by a draught from the slaves had been suggested to on negro Gen. Greene by a recent acquaintance with the habits, soldiers. character, and feelings of that class of people. It could not escape his eye, that there was no sense of hostility existing between the master and slave, but rather some- thing of the clannish, or patriarchal, feelings known to exist between the inhabitants of a village and their chief. He had remarked the joy expressed by the slaves on their deliverance from the tyranny of the enemy, and the return of a protector in the person of their master; and it was obvious, that if the State could give a slave for the services of a man as a soldier for ten months, as had been the case in raising some of its troops, it would be great gain to con- vert the same slave into a soldier for the war, to be paid only by his freedom, after having served with fidelity. But the Legislature, when it met, thought the experiment a dangerous one; and the project was relinquished. They adopted, however, the alternative of raising soldiers on the black population by giving a slave for a soldier. Parties were sent to collect slaves from the plantations of the loy- alists, and rendezvous established in vain in various places in the interior country.”—Johnson's Life of Greene, vol. ii. pp. 274, 275. Propositions for peace were introduced in the Brit- ish Parliament, and preliminary steps were taken towards the cessation of hostilities, before the letters from Lord Dunmore reached the Secretary, Lord George Germain. But these letters, and those writ- ten by Colonel Laurens and General Greene in the last months of the Revolutionary War, are of histori- cal importance. They contain the mature opinions and the deliberate decision of the highest British 25 194 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. and American military authorities, in unequivocal support of the policy of arming the negro slaves, and employing them as soldiers. The following letter, addressed to Brigadier-Gen- eral Rufus Putnam, and afterwards printed, from his papers, at Marietta, Ohio, shows the tender care which the Commander-in-chief had for the rights of the negro soldiers in the army: — “HEAD QUARTERs, Feb. 2, 1783. “SIR, - Mr. Hobby having claimed as his property a negro man now serving in the Massachusetts Regiment, you will please to order a court of inquiry, consisting of five as respectable officers as can be found in your brigade, to examine the validity of the claim, the manner in which the person in question came into service, and the propriety of his being discharged or retained in service. Having inquired into the matter, with all the attending circum- stances, they will report to you their opinion thereon ; which you will report to me as soon as conveniently may be. ‘I am, Sir, with great respect, “Your most obedient servant, “G. WASHINGTON. “P.S. — All concerned should be notified to attend. “Brig.-Gen. PUTNAM.” Luther Martin, it will be remembered, in his ad- dress to the Legislature of Maryland on the Federal Constitution, deplored the growing laxity of public sentiment on the subject of slavery. “When our liberties were at stake,” he said, “we warmly felt for the common rights of men. The danger being thought to be past which threatened ourselves, we are daily VIRGINIA FREES HER NEGRO SOLDIERS. 195 growing more insensible to those rights.” A sad illustration of the truth of this declaration was found in the conduct of some of the slaveholders, who, hav- ing sent their negroes to the army with the promise of personal liberty, at the close of the war attempted to re-enslave them. To the honor of Virginia, – who could then claim Washington and Jefferson and Madison among her living patriots, – this wrong to the negro soldiers was not overlooked, nor permitted to continue. The General Assembly of that State, in 1783, enacted the following law:— “An Act directing the Emancipation of certain Slaves who have served as Soldiers in this State, and for the Emancipation of the Slave Aberdeen. “I. Whereas it hath been represented to the present Negro General Assembly, that, during the course of the war, many * persons in this State had caused their slaves to enlist in P". certain regiments or corps raised within the same, having tendered such slaves to the officers appointed to recruit forces within the State, as substitutes for free persons whose lot or duty it was to serve in such regiments or corps, at the same time representing to such recruiting officers that the slaves, so enlisted by their direction and concurrence, were freemen ; and it appearing further to this Assembly, that on the expiration of the term of enlist- ment of such slaves, that the former owners have attempted again to force them to return to a state of servitude, con- trary to the principles of justice, and to their own solemn promise; “II. And whereas it appears just and reasonable, that all persons enlisted as aforesaid, who have faithfully served agreeable to the terms of their enlistment, and have thereby 196 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Negro soldiers of course contributed towards the establishment of Ameri- emanci can liberty and independence, should enjoy the blessings pated. of freedom as a reward for their toils and labors; “Be it therefore enacted, That each and every slave who, by the appointment and direction of his owner, hath enlist- ed in any regiment or corps raised within this State, either on Continental or State establishment, and hath been re- ceived as a substitute for any free person whose duty or lot it was to serve in such regiment or corps, and hath served faithfully during the term of such enlistment, or hath been discharged from such service by some officer duly authorized to grant such discharge, shall, from and after the passing of this act, be fully and completely eman- cipated, and shall be held and deemed free, in as full and ample a manner as if each and every of them were spe- cially named in this act; and the Attorney-general for the Commonwealth is hereby required to commence an action, in formá pauperis, in behalf of any of the persons above described who shall, after the passing of this act, be de- tained in servitude by any person whatsoever; and if, upon such prosecution, it shall appear that the pauper is entitled to his freedom in consequence of this act, a jury shall be empanelled to assess the damages for his detention. “III. And whereas it has been represented to this Gen- eral Assembly, that Aberdeen, a negro man slave, hath labored a number of years in the public service at the lead mines, and for his meritorious services is entitled to freedom; Be it therefore enacted, That the said slave Aberdeen shall be, and he is hereby, emancipated and declared free in as full and ample a manner as if he had been born free.” — Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia, vol. xi. pp. 308, 309. Three years after the close of the war, in October, 1786, the following special act was passed, by the General Assembly of Virginia, for the liberation of a faithful slave who had rendered valuable service to General Lafayette : — VIPGINIA FREES A PATRIOTIC SLAVE. 197 “An Act to emancipate JAMES, a Negro Slave, the property of William Armistead, Gentleman. “I. Whereas it is represented that James, a negro A slave's slave, the property of William Armistead, gentleman, of the i.” county of New Kent, did, with the permission of his master, ; º; in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, W** enter into the service of the Marquis la Fayette, and at the peril of his life found means to frequent the British camp, and thereby faithfully executed important commissions en- trusted to him by the Marquis; and the said James hath made application to this Assembly to set him free, and to make his said master adequate compensation for his value, which it is judged reasonable and right to do ; “ II. Be it therefore enacted, That the said James shall, from and after the passing of this act, enjoy as full freedom as if he had been born free; any law to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. “III. And be it further enacted, That the Executive shall, as soon as may be, appoint a proper person, and the said William Armistead another, who shall ascertain and fix the value of the said James, and to certify such valuation to the Auditor of Accounts, who shall issue his warrant to the Treasurer for the same, to be paid out of the general fund.”— Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia, vol. xii. pp. 380, 381. With two or three later authoritative testimonies, showing that it was a general practice among the Founders of the Tepublic to employ negroes, both slaves and freemen, as soldiers regularly enrolled in the army, I bring to a close this paper, which has already much exceeded the limits of my original plan. The Hon. William Eustis, who served throughout 198 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. William Eustis. the war of the Revolution as a surgeon, and was afterwards Governor of Massachusetts, in a speech in the United-States House of Representatives, De- cember 12, 1820, said: — “At the commencement of the Revolutionary War, there were found, in the Middle and Northern States, many blacks, and other people of color, capable of bearing arms; a part of them free, the greater part slaves. The freemen entered our ranks with the whites. The time of those who were slaves was purchased by the States; and they were induced to enter the service in consequence of a law, by which, on condition of their serving in the ranks during the war, they were made freemen. In Rhode Island, where their numbers were more considerable, they were formed, under the same considerations, into a regiment commanded by white officers; and it is required, in justice to them, to add, that they discharged their duty with zeal and fidelity. The gallant defence of Red Bank, in which this black regi- ment bore a part, is among the proofs of their valor. “Among the traits which distinguished this regiment was their devotion to their officers: when their brave Col. Greene was afterwards cut down and mortally wounded, the sabres of the enemy reached his body only through the limbs of his faithful guard of blacks, who hovered over him and protected him, every one of whom was killed, and whom he was not ashamed to call his children. The ser- vices of this description of men in the navy are also well known. I should not have mentioned either, but for the information of the gentleman from Delaware, whom I understood to say that he did not know that they had served in any considerable numbers. “The war over, and peace restored, these men returned to their respective States; and who could have said to them, on their return to civil life, after having shed their blood in common with the whites in the defence of the RECENT TESTIMONIES ON NEGRO SOLDIERS. 199 liberties of the country, ‘You are not to participate in the rights secured by the struggle, or in the liberty for which you have been fighting” Certainly no white man in Mas- sachusetts.” – Annals of Congress. Sixteenth Congress, Second Session, p. 636. The Hon. Charles Pinckney, of South Carolina, in a previous part of the same debate, said: — . . . “It is a most remarkable fact, that notwithstanding, Charles in the course of the Revolution, the Southern States were continually overrun by the British, and that every negro in them had an opportunity of leaving their owners, few did; proving thereby not only a most remarkable attachment to their owners, but the mildness of the treatment, from whence their affection sprang. They then were, as they still are, as valuable a part of our population to the Union as any other equal number of inhabitants. They were in numer- ous instances the pioneers, and, in all, the laborers, of your armies. To their hands were owing the erection of the greatest part of the fortifications raised for the protection of our country; some of which, particularly Fort Moultrie, gave, at that early period of the inexperience and untried valor of our citizens, immortality to American arms: and, in the Northern States, numerous bodies of them were enrolled into and fought, by the sides of the whites, the battles of the Revolution.”—Annals of Congress. Sixteenth Congress, First Session, p. 1312. That large numbers of negroes were enrolled in the army, and served faithfully as soldiers during the whole period of the War of the Revolution, may be regarded as a well-established historical fact. And it should be borne in mind, that the enlistment was not confined, by any means, to those who had before Pinckney. 200 HISTORICAL RESEARCH. enjoyed the privileges of free citizens. Very many slaves were offered to, and received by, the army, on the condition that they were to be emancipated, either at the time of enlisting, or when they had served out the term of their enlistment. The inconsistency of keeping in slavery any person who had taken up arms for the defence of our national liberty, had led to the passing of an order, forbidding “slaves,” as such, to be received as soldiers. The documents which I have cited will give a general idea of the opinions and the practice of the leading patriots in the civil and military service of the country, at the time of the Revolution, on the employment of negroes as soldiers. Much more doc- umentary evidence, of a similar character, might be adduced from the mass of materials which I have gathered in pursuing this inquiry; but I have, I trust, selected enough to fairly illustrate the subject. If what I have done, or what I have left undone, shall stimulate others to a more thorough investiga- tion, my labor will not have been lost. A P P E N D I X. 26 A P P E N ID I X. (A.) NEGROES IN THE NAVY. THE suggestion made by Mr. Everett at the meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society when this paper was read, in regard to the history of the employment of negroes in our navy, is worthy of a more careful consideration than the limits of this paper would allow. But I am happy to be able to present the testimony, on this subject, of one of our Honorary Members, Usher Parsons, M.D., whose character and experience give authority to his statements. “PROVIDENCE, October 18, 1862. “MY DEAR SIR,- In reply to your inquiries about the employing of blacks in our navy in the war of 1812, and particularly in the battle of Lake Erie, I refer you to docu- ments in Mackenzie’s ‘Life of Commodore Perry,’ vol. i. pp. 166 and 187. “In 1814, our fleet sailed to the Upper Lakes to co-ope- rate with Colonel Croghan at Mackinac. About one in ten or twelve of the crews were blacks. “In 1816, I was surgeon of the ‘Java,’ under Commo- dore Perry. The white and colored seamen messed together. About one in six or eight were colored. 204 APPENDIX. “In 1819, I was surgeon of the ‘Guerrière, under Com- modore Macdonough; and the proportion of blacks was about the same in her crew. There seemed to be an entire absence of prejudice against the blacks as messmates among the crew. What I have said applies to the crews of the other ships that sailed in squadrons. “Yours very respectfully, “USHER PARSONS. “GEORGE LIVERMORE, Esq.” The documents referred to by Dr. Parsons are two letters, – the first written to Commodore Chauncey, in the summer of 1813, by Captain (afterwards Commo- dore) Perry, expressing dissatisfaction with the ap- pearance of the men who had been sent to him for his squadron on Lake Erie before his famous battle. “SIR, -I have this moment received, by express, the enclosed letter from General Harrison. If I had officers and men, – and I have no doubt you will send them, - I could fight the enemy, and proceed up the lake; but, hav- ing no one to command the ‘Niagara,’ and only one com- missioned lieutenant and two acting lieutenants, whatever my wishes may be, going out is out of the question. The men that came by Mr. Champlin are a motley set, — blacks, soldiers, and boys. I cannot think you saw them after they were selected. I am, however, pleased to see any thing in the shape of a man.” — Mackenzie's Life of Perry, vol. i. pp. 165, 166. This letter called forth from Commodore Chauncey the following sharp reply: — “SIR,--I have been duly honored with your letters of the twenty-third and twenty-sixth ultimo, and notice your anxiety for men and officers. I am equally anxious to fur- APPENDIX. 205 nish you; and no time shall be lost in sending officers and men to you as soon as the public service will allow me to send them from this lake. I regret that you are not pleased with the men sent you by Messrs. Champlin and Forrest; for, to my knowledge, a part of them are not surpassed by any seamen we have in the fleet: and I have yet to learn that the color of the skin, or the cut and trimmings of the coat, can affect a man's qualifications or usefulness. I have nearly fifty blacks on board of this ship, and many of them are among my best men; and those people you call soldiers have been to sea from two to seventeen years; and I presume that you will find them as good and useful as any men on board of your vessel; at least, if I can judge by comparison; for those which we have on board of this ship are attentive and obedient, and, as far as I can judge, many of them excellent seamen : at any rate, the men sent to Lake Erie have been selected with a view of sending a fair proportion of petty officers and seamen; and I pre- Sume, upon examination, it will be found that they are equal to those upon this lake.” — Mackenzie's Life of Perry, vol. i. pp. 186, 187. Perry found the negroes to be indeed all that Com- modore Chauncey had represented them; and he did not hesitate afterwards to speak favorably of their services : — “Perry speaks highly of the bravery and good conduct of the negroes, who formed a considerable part of his crew. They seemed to be absolutely insensible to danger. When Captain Barclay came on board the ‘Niagara,’ and beheld the sickly and party-colored beings around him, an expres- sion of chagrin escaped him at having been conquered by such men. The fresh-water service had very much im- paired the health of the sailors, and crowded the sick list with patients.”—Analectic Magazine, vol. iii. p. 255. 206 AIPPENDIX. To the same effect is the testimony of the following “Eatract of a Letter from Nathaniel Shaler, Commander of the private-armed Schooner Gov. Tompkins, to his Agent in New York, dated— “AT SEA, Jan. 1, 1813. “Before I could get our light sails in, and almost before I could turn round, I was under the guns, not of a trans- port, but of a large frigate 1 and not more than a quarter of a mile from her. . . . . . Her first broadside killed two men, and wounded six others. . . . . . My offi- cers conducted themselves in a way that would have done honor to a more permanent service. . . . . . The name of one of my poor fellows who was killed ought to be registered in the book of fame, and remembered with reverence as long as bravery is considered a virtue. He was a black man, by the name of John Johnson. A twenty-four-pound shot struck him in the hip, and took away all the lower part of his body. In this state, the poor brave fellow lay on the deck, and several times exclaimed to his shipmates, ‘Fire away, my boy: no haul a color down.” The other was also a black man, by the name of John Davis, and was struck in much the same way. He fell near me, and several times requested to be thrown overboard, saying he was only in the way of others. “When America has such tars, she has little to fear from the tyrants of the ocean.”— Niles's Weekly Register, Satur- day, Feb. 26, 1814. (B.) At the August meeting of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, an interesting memorial of the last century was displayed. It was a silk flag, bearing the device of a Pine-tree and a Buck, with the initials APPENDIX. 207 “J. H.” and “G. W.” over a scroll, on which ap- pear the words, “The Bucks of America.” This relic had been carefully preserved as the flag pre- sented by Governor Hancock to a company of colored soldiers bearing that name. It now belongs to Mr. William C. Nell, of Boston. Mr. Nell is the author of a volume entitled “The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution, with Sketches of several Distinguished Colored Persons; a great number of interesting anecdotes on the sub- ject. It was published in 1855, and is now out of print; but a new edition, considerably enlarged, is, 2 a book that contains I am happy to hear, soon to be issued. (C.) NEGRO REGIMENTS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. That the services of negroes, as soldiers, were solicited and welcomed by the civil and military au- thorities in various parts of the United States, during the war of 1812 with Great Britain, is too well known to need any illustration. It may not, however, be out of place here to reprint an act of the Legislature of the State of New York. “An Act to authorize the raising of Two Regiments of Men of Color; passed Oct. 24, 1814. “SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the 208 APPENDIX. Governor of the State be, and he is hereby, authorized to raise, by voluntary enlistment, two regiments of free men of color, for the defence of the State for three years, un- less sooner discharged. “SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That each of the said regiments shall consist of one thousand and eighty able-bodied men; and the said regiments shall be formed into a brigade, or be organized in such manner, and shall be employed in such service, as the Governor of the State of New York shall deem best adapted to defend the said State. “SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That all the com- missioned officers of the said regiments and brigade shall be white men; and the Governor of the State of New York shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to commission, by brevet, all the officers of the said regiments and brigade, who shall hold their respective commissions until the council of appointment shall have appointed the officers of the said regiments and brigade, in pursuance of the Consti- tution and laws of the said State. - “SECT. 4. And be it further enacted, That the commis- sioned officers of the said regiments and brigade shall receive the same pay, rations, forage, and allowances, as officers of the same grade in the army of the United States; and the non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates of the said regiments shall receive the same pay, rations, clothing, and allowances, as the non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates of the army of the United States; and the sum of twenty-five dollars shall be paid to each of the said non-commissioned officers, musicians, and pri- vates, at the time of enlistment, in lieu of all other bounty. “SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That the troops to be raised as aforesaid may be transferred into the service of the United States, if the Government of the United States shall agree to pay and subsist them, and to refund º APPENDIX. 209 to this State the moneys expended by this State in clothing and arming them ; and, until such transfer shall be made, may be ordered into the service of the United States in lieu of an equal number of militia, whenever the militia of the State of New York shall be ordered into the service of the United States. “SECT. 6. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any able-bodied slave, with the written assent of his master or mistress, to enlist into the said corps; and the master or mistress of such slave shall be entitled to the pay and bounty allowed him for his service: and, further, that the said slave, at the time of receiving his discharge, shall be deemed and adjudged to have been legally manu- mitted from that time, and his said master or mistress shall not thenceforward be liable for his maintenance. “SECT. 7. And be it further enacted, that every such enrolled person, who shall have become free by manumis- sion or otherwise, if he shall thereafter become indigent, shall be deemed to be settled in the town in which the person who manumitted him was settled at the time of such manumission, or in such other town where he shall have gained a settlement subsequent to his discharge from the said service ; and the former owner or owners of such manumitted person, and his legal representatives, shall be exonerated from his maintenance, any law to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. “SECT. 8. And be it further enacted, That, when the troops to be raised as aforesaid shall be in the service of the United States, they shall be subject to the rules and articles which have been or may be hereafter established by the By-laws of the United States for the government of the army of the United States; that, when the said troops shall be in the service of the State of New York, they shall be subject to the same rules and regulations: And the Governor of the said State shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to exercise all the power and au- 27 210 APPENDIX. thority which, by the said rules and articles, are required to be exercised by the President of the United States.”— Laws of the State of New York, passed at the Thirty-eighth Session of the Legislature, chap. xviii. (D.) GENERAL JACKSON'S PROCLAMATION TO THE NEGROES. HEADQUARTERs, SEVENTH MILITARY DISTRICT, MOBILE, September 21, 1814. To the Free Colored Inhabitants of Louisiana. Through a mistaken policy, you have heretofore been deprived of a participation in the glorious struggle for na- tional rights in which our country is engaged. This no longer shall exist. As sons of freedom, you are now called upon to defend Our most inestimable blessing. As Americans, your country looks with confidence to her adopted children for a valorous support, as a faithful return for the advantages enjoyed under her mild and equitable government. As fathers, husbands, and brothers, you are summoned to rally around the standard of the Eagle, to defend all which is dear in existence. Your country, although calling for your exertions, does not wish you to engage in her cause without amply remuner. ating you for the services rendered. Your intelligent minds are not to be led away by false representations. Your love of honor would cause you to despise the man who should attempt to deceive you. In the sincerity of a soldier and the language of truth I address you. To every noble-hearted, generous freeman of color volun- teering to serve during the present contest with Great Britain, and no longer, there will be paid the same bounty, APPENDIX. 211 in money and lands, now received by the white soldiers of the United States, viz. one hundred and twenty-four dollars in money, and one hundred and sixty acres of land. The non-commissioned officers and privates will also be entitled to the same monthly pay, and daily rations, and clothes, furnished to any American soldier. On enrolling yourselves in companies, the Major-General Commanding will select officers for your government from your white fellow-citizens. Your non-commissioned officers will be appointed from among yourselves. Due regard will be paid to the feelings of freemen and soldiers. You will not, by being associated with white men in the same corps, be exposed to improper comparisons or unjust sarcasm. As a distinct, independent battalion or regiment, pursuing the path of glory, you will, undivided receive the applause and gratitude of your countrymen. º To assure you of the sincerity of my intentions, and my anxiety to engage your invaluable services to our country, I have communicated my wishes to the Governor of Lou- isiana, who is fully informed as to the manner of enrolment, and will give you every necessary information on the subject of this address. ANDREW JACKSON, Major-General Commanding. (Niles's Register, vol. vii. p. 205.) Three months after his proclamation was issued, on Sunday, the 18th of December, 1814, General Jack- son reviewed the troops, white and colored, in New Orleans. “At the close of the review, Edward Living- ston [one of his aids] advanced from the group that surrounded the General, and read in fine, Sonorous tones, and with an energy and emphasis worthy of the impassioned words he spoke, that famous address to the troops which contributed so powerfully to enhance their enthusiasm, and of which the survivors to this 212 APPENDIX. hour have the most vivid recollection. This address, like that previously quoted, was Jackson's spirit in Livingston's language.” – Parton's Life of Jackson, vol. ii. pp. 63, 64. The following is a portion of the address: — “TO THE EMBODIED MILITIA. — Fellow Citizens and Sol- diers : The General commanding in chief would not do justice to the noble ardor that has animated you in the hour of danger, he would not do justice to his own feeling, if he suffered the example you have shown to pass with- out public notice. . . . . . “Fellow - citizens, of every description, remember for what and against whom you contend. For all that can render life desirable — for a country blessed with every gift of nature — for property, for life — for those dearer than either, your wives and children — and for liberty, without which, country, life, property, are no longer worth possessing; as even the embraces of wives and children become a reproach to the wretch who could deprive them by his cowardice of those invaluable blessings. “To THE MEN OF COLOR. — Soldiers | From the shores of Mobile I collected you to arms, – I invited you to share in the perils and to divide the glory of your white country- men. I expected much from you; for I was not uninformed of those qualities which must render you so formidable to an invading foe. I knew that you could endure hunger and thirst, and all the hardships of war. I knew that you loved the land of your nativity, and that, like ourselves, you had to defend all that is most dear to man. But you surpass my hopes. I have found in you, united to these qualities, that noble enthusiasm which impels to great deeds. APPENDIX. 213 “Soldiers | The President of the United States shall be informed of your conduct on the present occasion; and the voice of the Representatives of the American nation shall applaud your valor, as your General now praises your ardor. The enemy is near. His sails cover the lakes. But the brave are united; and, if he finds us contending among ourselves, it will be for the prize of valor, and fame its noblest reward.” — Niles's Register, vol. vii. pp. 345, 346. (E.) The Hon. Charles B. Sedgwick, a member of Con- gress from the State of New York, read in the House of Representatives, during the last session, the following paper on the use of negro soldiers in other countries. It is understood to have been prepared by one of the librarians of the State Library at Albany. NEGRO SOLDIERS UNDER MONARCHICAL GOVERNMENTS. “The monarchical governments of Europe and America, those that tolerate slavery and those that do not, alike agree in employing negroes armed for the public defence. They find that the burdens of war, and the sacrifice of life it occasions, are too great to be borne by the white race alone. They call upon the colored races, therefore, to share in the burden, and to encounter, in common with the whites, the risks of loss of life. “Thus we find, that in the Spanish colony of Cuba, with a population one-half slaves and one-sixth colored, a militia of free blacks and mulattoes was directed by Gen. Pezuela (Governor-General) to be organized in 1854 throughout 214 APPENDIX. the island; and it was put upon an equal footing, with regard to privilege, with the regular army. This measure was not rescinded by Governor-General Concha in 1855; but the black and mulatto troops have been made a perma- nent corps of the Spanish army. (Condensed in the very phrases of Thrasher's preface to his edition of Humboldt's Cuba.) “In the Portuguese colonies on the coast of Africa, the regiments are chiefly composed of black men. At Prince's Island, the garrison consists of a company of regular artil- lery of eighty, and a regiment of black militia of ten hundred and fifty-eight, rank and file, of which the colonel is a white man. At St. Thomas's, there are two regiments of black militia. In Loando, the Portuguese can, on an emergency of war with the natives, bring into the field twenty-five thousand partially civilized blacks, armed with muskets. Successful expeditions have actually been made with five thousand of them, accompanied with three or four hundred white soldiers. (From Valdez's Six Years on the West Coast of Africa. London: 1861. Two vols. 8vo.) . “In the Dutch colony of the Gold Coast of Africa, with a population of one hundred thousand, the garrison of the fortress consists of two hundred soldiers (whites, mulattoes, and blacks), under a Dutch colonel. “In the capital of the French colony of Senegal, on the same coast, at St. Louis, the defence of the place is in the hands of eight hundred white and three hundred black soldiers. (The preceding facts are also from Valdez.) “In the Danish island of St. Croix, in the West Indies, for more than twenty-five years past, there have been employed two corps of colored soldiers, in the presence of slaves. (From Tuckerman's Santa Cruz.) “In Brazil, notwithstanding its three million slaves, its monarchical government employs all colors and races in the military service, either by enlistment or forcible seizure. The police of the city of Rio de Janeiro is a military APPENDIX. 215 organization, composed mostly of colored men, drilled and commanded by army officers. The navy is principally manned by civilized aborigines. (Hidder: Ewbank.) “The course pursued by the British Government in Jamaica, Sierra Leone, and Hindostan, is so notorious, as simply to need to be mentioned. “In Turkey, no distinction of color or race is made in the ranks of the regular army. Distinction is made, how- ever, on the ground of difference of faith. The army is composed of Mahomedans. Christians and Jews are never recruited. The result is one which the government of Turkey to-day contemplates with alarm. For the last two hundred years, having been frequently engaged in war, her Mahomedan population has been greatly reduced there- by ; while her Christian population, at one time greatly inferior in numbers, has now, by peace, so extraordinarily increased, as to bid fair soon to divide the empire. And she dare not now, in her strength, arm them as her soldiers as conscripts, notwithstanding her desire to do it.” PRINTED BY JOIIN WILSON AND SON, BosTON. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE AND INDEX, To be added to the First Edition of “A N H IS TO RIC A. L. R. E S E A R C H BY GEORGE LIVERMORE.” The following pages are to be placed at the end of the copies of the First Edition. SUPPLE MENT A R Y NOT E. AFTER most of the copies of this first edition had been sent out, several alterations and additions were suggested to the author, some of which were adopted when the “Research " was afterwards reprinted in the “Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society” for 1862–63, and also when later a third edition of it was issued by the New-England Loyal Publication So- ciety. The modifications were as follows: — 1. The extract from the “Message" of Jefferson Davis was reprinted in those later editions from the “National Intelligencer” of 7 May, 1861, where it purports to be printed in an authentic form. In this first edition, the passage stands (page 4) as taken at second hand from the “New-Orleans Picayune " of an earlier date, and contains some verbal inaccuracies. Of these, how- ever, only two affect the sense, viz. (line 6), “fifteen" for “thirteen,” and (line 28) “who were not only in want,” for “who were inhibited not only by want.” 2. The first paragraph on Dr. Franklin's opinions (pp. 44, 45) was modified by the omission of the first sentence as containing a statement not quite correct. But it becomes perfectly correct, if for “never" is 28 218 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. substituted “almost never,” or “scarcely ever,” alluding to a very brief portion of his early life in Philadelphia. 3. In speaking of the practice of receiving free ne- groes as soldiers at the commencement of the Revolution (p. 124), it is not quite correct to state so broadly that they were “ enrolled in the militia.” The word “mili- tia” was here inadvertently used as synonymous with “army.” The language of the paragraph was therefore So altered as to read, “At the commencement of the war not only were free negroes received into the army, but, in many instances, slaves also stood in the ranks with freemen.” 4. The sentence (p. 159) affirming the exemption, in 1656, of “Scotchmen,” as well as “negroes,” from train- ing in Massachusetts, was omitted; and for the last five lines of the paragraph was substituted the following sentences : “In 1656, the law was so altered as to exempt “negroes and Indians’; but again, in 1660, a new law required “every person above the age of sixteen years’ to train, except certain classes of persons specified, and ‘except one servant of every magistrate and teaching elder, and the sons and servants of the Major-General for the time being.' Those who are curious in tracing the early legislation on the subject will notice the con- tinuance of this vacillation into the next century.” 5. The extract from Mr. Sabine's “American Loyal- ists” (pp. 164–167) was reprinted from the author's copy, as corrected for a second edition of that work. The only important alteration in this extract is the substitu- tion of “other States” for “New England” in the pas- sage (p. 165) relating to the number of soldiers sent to the aid of South Carolina. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. 219 6. Only one important addition was made, being the following account of Mr. Jay's opinions on slavery, in- serted after the extract from Mr. Jefferson’s “Autobio- graphy,” (p. 60.) “The opinions on slavery of that pure patriot and able statesman, John Jay, the first Chief-Justice of the United- States Supreme Court, appointed by Washington (who so highly appreciated his character and talents, that he tendered him a choice of the offices in his gift), are so well known, that it is not important to cite here any extended extracts from his writings on the subject. Two or three passages from his printed works and his manuscripts will be quite sufficient for my present purpose. “In 1777, Mr. Jay strenuously urged the insertion of an article in the Constitution of the State of New York, adopted in that year, providing for the early abolition of slavery; ‘so that, in future ages, every human being who breathes the air of this State shall enjoy the privileges of a freeman.”—Flam- ders' Lives and Times of the Chief Justices, p. 216. “In 1780, writing from Spain to Egbert Benson, the Attor- ney-general of New York, Mr. Jay said: — . “‘An excellent law might be made out of the Pennsylvania one for the gradual abolition of slavery. Till America comes into this measure, her prayers to Heaven for liberty will be impious. This is a strong expression, but it is just. Were I in your Legislature, I would prepare a bill for the purpose with great care ; and I would never cease moving it till it became a law, or I ceased to be a member. I believe God governs the world; and I believe it to be a maxim in his as in our court, that those who ask for equity ought to do it.’” — Life and Writings of John Jay, vol. i. 229, 230. “In 1785, Mr. Jay wrote: — “‘It is much to be wished that slavery may be abolished. The honor of the States, as well as justice and humanity, in my opinion, loudly call upon them to emancipate these unhappy people. To con- § 220 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. tend for our own liberty, and to deny that blessing to others, involves & Ll inconsistency not to be excused.’” — Idem, vol. i. p. 231. “In 1786, Mr. Jay drafted a memorial to the Legislature of the State of New York, which commenced with the declara- tion : — “‘Your memorialists, being deeply affected by the situation of those who, although free by the laws of God, are held in slavery by the laws of this State, view with pain and regret the additional mise- ries which these unhappy people experience from the practice of exporting them, like cattle, to the West Indies and the Southern States.” “This memorial was signed by John Jay; Alexander Ha- milton; Robert R. Livingston, Chancellor of the State; James Duane, Mayor of the City of New York; and one hundred and twenty-nine others, including many eminent civilians and clergymen. The Constitution of the Manumission Society, from which this memorial proceeded, declared it to be the duty of Christians to endeavor to enable the slaves “to share equally with us in our civil and religious liberty, to which they are by nature as much entitled as ourselves.’ “As President of the New-York Manumission Society (an office held by Mr. Jay until his appointment as Chief Justice, when he resigned it, and Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, was elected in his place), he drafted a public acknowledgment of an anonymous gift to the treasury of the Society, from which the following is an extract : — “‘What act of public or private justice and philanthropy can occasion more pleasing emotions in the breasts of Christians, or be more agreeable to HIM who shed his blood for the redemption of men, than such as tend to restore the oppressed to their natural rights, and to raise unfortunate members of the same great family with ourselves from the abject situation of beasts of burthen, bought and sold and worked for the benefit and at the pleasure of persons who were not created more free, more rational, more immortal, nor with more extensive rights and privileges, than they were P’” — From the original MS. in the Jay Collection at Bedford, N.Y. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. 221 “The candid reader cannot fail to contrast these sentiments of the first Chief-Justice with the assertion of his latest suc- cessor, Chief-Justice Taney, that, at the time the Constitution of the United States was formed, the opinion was ‘faced and wniversal in the civilized portion of the white race,’ that the negro ‘had no rights which the white man was bound to re- spect.’” Since this first edition was printed, my attention has been directed to numerous facts and documents illus- trating the subject, which I have not used. Many of these ought to be published. It was at one time my purpose to incorporate them in the second edi- tion ; but I found that by so doing I should swell the “Research " considerably beyond the customary limits allotted by the Historical Society to papers published in their “Proceedings.” I have therefore reserved them for some possible future use. If the requisite leisure can be gained from pressing duties, perhaps these new materials may hereafter be combined with those pre- sented already, in preparing a more elaborate and complete history of the subject. The following brief mention, however, of some of the more important of these omitted documents, was added to the “Appendix,” as a new article (F), in the third edition of the “Research.” “I. A despatch from Lord Dunmore to ‘Secretary the Earl of Hillsborough,’ dated at Williamsburg, May 1, 1772. The original is in the State-paper Office, London. A manuscript copy was obligingly furnished to me by Mr. Bancroft. It not only corroborates the testimony of the American patriots 222 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. respecting the anti-slavery sentiments which prevailed in Vir- ginia prior to the Declaration of Independence, but shows the opinions at that time entertained respecting the relations of slaves to their masters in a time of war, as follows:– “‘In case of a war . . . . . the people with great reason tremble at the facility that an enemy would find in procuring such a body of men, attached by no tie to their masters or to the country: on the contrary it is natural to suppose their condition must inspire them with an aversion to both, and therefore are ready to join the first that would encourage them to revenge themselves; by which means a con- quest of this country would inevitably be effected in a very short time.” - “II. An original letter of Patrick Henry to John Alsop, of Hudson, N.Y., dated at Hanover Court-House, 13 January, 1773, pronouncing slavery to be ‘as repugnant to humanity as it is inconsistent, with the Bible and destructive to Liberty.’ “III. The laws of some of the Northern and Middle States, at the time of the extinction of slavery therein, making it a penal offence to sell slaves to be taken out of the State with- out their own consent; and thus proving the falseness of the charge made by Jefferson Davis and others against the North, of having ‘consulted their own interest by selling their slaves to the South when they prohibited slavery within their limits.” My attention has been called to these laws by Professor Lieber. “IV. An extract from a letter written to me, soon after the publication of the first edition, by Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, in which she shows how admirably successful Lafayette's ex- periment of emancipation in Cayenne proved in practice. The account is too beautiful and touching to be abridged. I hope hereafter to print it entire. “W. A full and accurate statement of the opinions of that high authority, John Quincy Adams, on the powers of the National Government respecting Slavery and Emancipation in a time of war. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. 223 “The opponents of Emancipation have recently cited cer- tain Official Papers of his, written when, in the capacity of a diplomatist, he was acting under a slave-holding President and a pro-slavery Administration, and discharging the duties of his office as the Advocate of his government in a controversy between it and a foreign power. It would be wrong to assume that such official papers in every instance necessarily present the personal views of the writer. Indeed, we have on record the following express declaration of Mr. Adams as to one of his official acts: ‘It was utterly against my wishes; but I was obliged to submit, and prepare the requisite despatches.’ Such ministerial acts, contrary to his convictions, when he was called on to perform them, were done, to use his own words, in ‘the bitterness of his heart.” “When afterwards acting on his own responsibility, in the House of Representatives, in 1836, he made this declaration : — “‘From the instant that your slave-holding States become the theatre of war, civil, servile, or foreign, from that instant the war powers of Congress extend to interference with the institution of sla- very in every way in which it can be interfered with, from a claim of indemnity for slaves taken or destroyed, to the cession of the State burdened with slavery to a foreign power.’ “After years of further reflection, in 1842 he announced, in the following statement, what he considered as indisputable law:— “‘When your country is actually in war, whether it be a war of invasion or a war of insurrection, Congress has power to carry on the war, and must carry it on according to the laws of war; and, by the laws of war, an invaded country has all its laws and municipal insti- tutions swept by the board, and martial law takes the place of them.’ “And the settled opinion of this eminent statesman, in the fulness and maturity of his powers, solemnly reiterated in Congress, was, that, in time of war, ‘not only the President of the United States, but the commander of the army, has power to order the universal emancipation of the slaves.’” 224 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. With this “Supplementary Note” and the accom- panying “Index,” the copies of this first edition will be not less complete than those of the editions that have followed it. t G. L. DANA HILL, CAMBRIDGE, July, 1863. I N D E X. 29 I N D E X. A. Aberdeen, a Virginia slave, act passed by the General Assembly in 1783 for his emancipation, on account of meritorious public services, cited, 195, 196. Adams, Charles Francis, his speech in Congress, quoted, xvi; his edition of the “Works of John Adams,” quoted, 42, 54, 128, 129. Adams, John, his opinion respecting slave- ry, as shown by the history of the De- claration of Jndependence, 24. On the sub-committee for framing that Declara- tion, 24; delighted with Jefferson's first draught of it, 24. Lafayette's letter to him, denouncing slavery, 42. His own practice in regard to slavery, 54. His “Works,” quoted, 42, 54, 128. His de- fence of the British soldiers concerned in the Boston Massacre, 116; enume- rates “negroes and mulattoes” as sharers in the popular movement that led to it, 116. His Diary quoted, 128. Adams, John Quincy, pronounces the Con- stitution to be “the complement of the Declaration of Independence, forming with it one entire system of national government,” 62. His opinion of the powers of the national government as to slavery and emancipation in a time of war, 222-224. His official acts as Secre- tary of State not always the index of his private opinions, 223. Alsop, John, letter of Patrick Henry to him in 1773, denouncing slavery, mentiomed, 222. “American Loyalists,” Sabine's, quoted, 164–167. - American Magma Charta. tion of Independence. Ames, Captain, the negro hero, Salem Poor, serves in his company at Bunker Hill, 122. *: “Analectic Magazine,” quoted, 205. “Annals of Congress,” quoted, 198, 199. Arnold, Samuel G., his “History of Rhode Island,” quoted, 158. Articles of Confederation, quoted, 33, 34. See Confederation. See Declara- Association, Continental. See Continental Association. Atherton, Joshua, his speech against slave- ry in the New-Hampshire Convention § consider the Federal Constitution, 86– Attucks, Crispus, description of him as a runaway “Molatto fellow,” 115; the first to fall in the Boston Massacre, 116; his brave conduct on that occasion, 116; public funeral honors paid him, 116, 117. B. Backus, Isaac, extract from his speech in the Massachusetts Convention of 1788, 84, 85. - Baldwin, Abraham, of Georgia, in the Federal Convention, says that his State, “if left to herself, may probably put a stop to the evil" of the slave trade, 73. Bancroft, George, his comments on Chief- Justice Taney’s views of slavery in the Dred Scott case, 13–15. His manuscript letter of Mr. Gadsden, in 1776, quoted, 60. His opinion on the Declaration of Inde- pendence, cited, 20. His “History of the United States,” quoted, 124. His account of the army of the Revolution in respect to colored soldiers, 124. Fur- nishes a copy of an unpublished letter of Lord 1) unmore in 1772 on the evils of slavery in Virginia, 222; also an origi- nal letter of Mr. Cruden on raising negro troops in the South, 181; also a copy of Dunmore's letter to Secretary Lord George Germain, offering to organize and command them in person, 187–189. Barry, Rev. William, his “History of Fra- mingham,” cited, 120. - Bartlett, John Russell, Secretary of State in Rhode Island, documents furnished by him, copied from the State archives, 150–158. - Barton, Lieutenant-Colonel, captures the British Major-General Prescott, with the aid of the negro man Prince, 143–145. 228 'I N D E X. Belknap, Dr. Jeremy, his “Answers to Queries respecting Slavery,” proposed by Judge Tucker of Virginia, quoted, 28, 29. - Benson, Egbert, letter of John Jay to him in 1780, quoted, 219. Boston, pays funeral honors to the victims of the Boston Massacre, 116, 117; re- joicings in, on the adoption by Massa- chusetts of the Federal Constitution, 85, 86. “Boston Gazette, or Weekly Journal,” of 1750, quoted, 115. Boston Massacre, a negro the first victim of the, 116, 117. - Bowen, Francis, his “Life of General Lin- coln,” quoted, 106, 107. Brown, John, of Norfolk, in Virginia, de- nounced by a Virginia committee as an enemy of his country for continuing in the slave trade, 27. Brown, William, of Framingham, Massa- chusetts, his advertisement of the run- away slave, Crispus Attucks, 115. “IBucks of America,” a negro company, a flag presented by John Hancock to the, 206, 207. Bullock, Mr., of Georgia, his fear of the megroes joining the British atºmy in 1775, 128, 129. Bunker Hill, megro soldiers fought in the battle of 118. Butler, Pierce, of South Carolina, in the I'ederal Convention, 75. C. Cabot, George, in the Massachusetts Con- vention of 1788, says that the Federal Constitution is the best way to get rid of the slave trade, 81. Cadwalader, John, his letter to General Washington in 1781, quoted, 163. Caldwell, Jonas, killed in the Boston Mas- sacre, 116. Carr, Patrick, mortally wounded in the I3oston Massacre, 116. Cayenne, Lafayette's experiment in eman- Čipation there, 40, 41; Mrs. Child’s letter on its successful result, 222. Chastellux, Marquis de, his “Travels,” quoted, 159. His account, in 1781, of the Rhode Island colored regiment, 159. Chauncey, Commodore Isaac, his letter to Commodore Perry on negroes in the Navy, 204, 205. Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria, her letter on the success of Lafayette's experiment in emancipating his slaves, 222. Citizenship of negroes. See Negroes as slaves and as citizens. Clinton, Sir Henry, his proclamation in relation to the §tiºn of negroes, 175. Letter of Lord Dunmore to him, 187– 189. ". . . Clymer, George, of Pennsylvania, in the Federal Convention, prefers to avoid the word “slaves” in the Constitution, 77. “Columbian Centinel,” of 1788, quoted, 85, 86. Committee of Conference to consider the condition of the army, decide against the enlistment of negroes altogether, 130; their decision departed from by Washington as to free negroes, with the consent of Congress, 131. Committee of Safety, the, of Massachu- setts, disallow the admission of any but freemen into the army, 124, 125. “Compromises of the Constitution,” one object of this work to ascertain who have been unfaithful to them, 2, 3. Confederation, Articles of, free negroes re- garded in them as citizens, 32, 38; quoted, 33. Confession of Faith, the Nation's Political. See Declaration of Independence. Congress, Continental, of 1776, embraced some of the future members of the Fede- ral Convention, 62. Itecommends negro enlistments, 170–173. Secret Journals of, in 1779, quoted, 171–173. Journals of, in 1779, quoted, 173. Report to it in favor of raising negro troops in 1779, quoted, 171–173. & Congress, Federal, war powers of, in rela- tion to slavery and emancipation, ac- cording to John Quincy Adams, 222-224. Connecticut, her legislation on slavery and the enlistment of negro soldiers, 145– 150. - Constitution, Federal, previous opinions of its principal framers, 35–61; the “com- plement of the Declaration of Independ- ence,” which is tacitly recognized in its I’reamble, 62. Its I’reamble is its key, 63. Its authors believed, that under it slavery would, and they intended that it should, be soon abolished, 63, 64; re- cognizes the existence of slavery, but excludes the word “slave,” 65. Debates on its formation, 64–78. Constitutional Convention. vention, Federal. Constitutions, State, nothing in them to warrant slavery at the time of the adop- tion of the I’ederal Constitution, 64. Continental Association of 1774, adopted and signed by the Congress in 1774, 25; its second article abolishes the slave trade, 25; signed by delegates of all the colonies but Georgia, 25; adopted by Georgia also in 1775, 25, 26; enſorced against John Brown of Norfolk, 27. Continental Congress of 1776. See Con- gress. Convention, Federal, of 1787, some of its members had been members also of the Continental Congress, 62. Its debates on slavery, 64–78. Importance of re- garding the known principles of its See Conven- I N D E X. 229 Convention, Federal (continued). members in interpreting the Constitu- tion, 62. Slave-holders in it asked only a temporary protection of slavery, 64. Convention, % ew Hampshire, for consider- ing the Federal Constitution, 86–88. Cooke, Nicholas, Governor of Rhode Is– land, his letter to General Washington in 1778, 155, 156. Cornwallis, Lord, his proclamation invit- ing slaves to join the British army, 175. Jefferson’s account of his cruelty to cap- tured slaves, 176, 177. Creed, National. See Declaration of In- dependence. Cruden, J., his proposal to Lord Dun- more to arm negroes, 182—186. His unpublished MS. “sketch " of a plan for raising ten thousand black troops in South Carolina in 1782, 185, 186. Curtis, Judge, his opinion on free negroes as citizens, 10–12. D. Dana, Francis, member of the Massachu- setts Convention of 1778, his opinion on slavery, 80. Davie, William R., member of North Caro- lina Convention in 1788, 101; says that “slaves, as rational beings, have a right of representation,” 101; and that “they might be highly useful in war,” 101. Davis, Jefferson, his “Message,” quoted, 4, 5; his statement of the history of the inited States in relation to slavery, 4, 5; Mr. Everett's strictures on it, 15– 18. Davis, William J., of New York, a pas- sage, furnished by him, from the Jour- mal of a Hessian officer, quoted, 142, 143. Dawes, Thomas, in the Massachusetts Con- vention of 1788, 80, 81; his opinion on the natural rights of slaves, 81; says, that by the Federal Constitution “slavery has received a mortal wound,” 81. “Debates and Proceedings” of the Massa- chusetts Convention of 1788, quoted, 79–86. Declaration of Independence, its history in relation to slavery, 20–33. Its doctrines early reaffirmed in State constitutions and courts of justice, 28–33; the Ameri- can Magna Charta, i.e. the bold procla- mation to the world of the matural rights conferred on his subjects by the Creator and Governor of men, 19, 35; the Na- tional Creed, and l’olitical Confession of l'aith, 19. Passage omitted from the ori- ginal draught of it, quoted, 23, 24. This 1)eclaration and the Federal Constitution “ parts of one consistent whole, founded on one and the same theory of govern- ment,” 63. Delaware Assembly, passes a bill prohibit- ing the slave trade in 1775, disallowed by the royal Governor, 26. Dickinson, John, in the Federal Conven- tion, 74; his opinions on slavery, 74, 77, Documents omitted, mention of some per- tinent to this work, 221–224. “Dred Scott’’ case, Chief-Justice Taney's language on the, quoted, 7, 8; Judge Mc- Lean's, 9, 10; Judge Curtis's, 10–12. Mr. Bancroft's strictures on Judge Ta- mey's words, 12–15. Duane, James, Mayor of New York in 1786, signs an anti-slavery memorial to the Legislature, 220. Dunmore, Lord, his Proclamation, promis- ing freedom to slaves in Virginia, in 1775, 132–141. His views on the em- ployment of megroes as soldiers, 181–190. Letters from him to the English Se- cretary of State in 1776, quoted, 140. Letter of J. Cruden to him, 182—186. His letters to Lord George Germain, 189, 190. Despatch from him to Secretary Lord Hillsborough in 1772, on the dan- gerous relation of slaves to their mas- ters in a time of war, quoted, 221–222. E. “Elliot's Debates,” quoted, 66–78, 86–106. Ellsworth, Oliver, his remarks on slavery in the Federal Convention, 70; says, that “slavery, in time, will not be a speck in our country,” 65, 72. Enlistment of negro soldiers in Massachu- setts, 118–127, 160–163; in Virginia, 132– 140; in New York, 141, 163, 207–210; in Connecticut, 145–150; in Rhode Island, 150–159. Eustis, William, on negroes as soldiers in the war of the Revolution, 197–199. Everett, Edward, his strictures on Jefferson Davis's views of slavery, 15–18. His Address in New York, July 4, 1861, quoted, 15–18. His Address at the In- auguration of the Statue of General War- ren, quoted, 120, 121; his “Orations and Speeches,” quoted, 121; commemo- rates l’eter Salem, 121. F. Fairfax County Resolves, in 1774, comdemn the slave-trade, 37, 38; quoted, 37, 38. Washington chairman of the Commit- tee that prepared them, 37. Federal Convention, opinions previously held and avowed by its members on megro slavery, 35–61; importance of re- garding these opinions, in interpreting the language of the Constitution, 62. Some of its members had been members 230 I N D E X. t Federal Convention (continued). of the Continental Congress, 62. It carries out into practical execution the principles of the Declaration of Indé- pendence, 62. See Convention. Federal Constitution. See Constitution. Flag, presented by John Hancock to a company of colored soldiers, 206, 207. I’landers, Henry, his “Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States,” cited, 219. Force, Peter, his “ Notes on Lord Mahon's History,” cited, 25, 27, 28; demonstrates Lord Mahon’s error as to the Southern Colonies in relation to the Continental Association, 25–28; his “American Ar- chives,” quoted, 124, 125, 126, 130, 184– 139, 140, 141. Franklin, Benjamin, his opinions on sla- very agreed with Washington's, 45. His letter to John Wright on the early anti-slavery efforts of the Quakers in Philadelphia, 45, 46; prints several anti- slavery books for them, 45. His letter to Dean Woodward, in 1773, announcing “a disposition to abolish slavery '' in North America, 46. His “Address to the Public,” in 1789, “for promoting the abolition of slavery,” 46–48. The Me- morial to Congress of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society signed by him as Pre- sident, the last public act of his life, 48– 50. His parody on Mr. Jackson's pro- slavery speech in Congress, 50–54. Free negroes, regarded as citizens in the Articles of Confederation, 32, 33; and consequently in the Federal Constitu- tion, 10–12; in Massachusetts, took their place as soldiers in the ranks with white men, 124, 162. Trye, Colonel, Salem Poor, the negro hero, serves in his regiment at Bunker IIill, 122. Funeral of the victims of the Boston Mas- sacre, 116, 117. G. Gadsden, Christopher, of South Carolina, a remarkable M.S. letter from him to Fr. S. Johnson, in 1776, in the possession of Mr. Bancroft, quoted, 60; deprecates the continuance of slavery in South Ca- rolina, 60. “Gaines's Mercury,” for 1775, quoted, 129. - Galloway, James, in the North Carolina Convention of 1788, 103; abominates the slave trade, 103. Gaston, Judge, of North Carolina, cited by Judge Curtis, 11, 12; decides that free megroes are citizens, 11, 12. Gates, General Horatio, orders negroes to be excluded from enlistment, 129. Georgia, resolution adopted by the Pro- vincial Congress of, in 1775, against the importation of slaves from Africa or else- where, 26. Insurrection of slaves in, feared in 1775, 128, 129. Georgia and South Carolina, in the Fede- ral Convention asked only a temporary toleration of the slave trade, 109. Germain, Lord George, Secretary of State, letters to, from Lord Dunmore, quoted, 189, 190. Gerry, I'lbridge, in the Federal Conven- tion, his opinions on slavery, 74. De- clines to sign the I’ederal Constitution, 79. Invited to take a seat with the deſe- gates in the Massachusetts Convention of 1788, 79. Gordon, Dr. William, letter of Jefferson to him, quoted, 175—177. Gorham, Nathamiel, in the IFederal Con- vention, 76. Gray, Samuel, killed in the Boston Massa- cre, 116. “Great Prince, Little Prince,” &c., slaves in Commecticut, their memorial to the General Assembly, in 1779, quoted, 149, 150. Greene, Colonel Christopher, commander of the Rhode-Island megro regiment, 158; exploits of his black regiment in the battle of Rhode Island, 158; de- fended at Points Bridge by his colored soldiers till they were cut to pieces, 159. Greene, General Nathamiel, his letters to Gen. Washington on negroes as soldiers, 141, 178, 190; to Governor Rutledge, 190, I91. Grégoire, Bishop, letter to him from Jeffer- son, declaring of negroes, that “what- ever be their degree of talent, it is no measure of their rights,” 22. Griswold, Matthew, in the General As- sembly of Connecticut, Chairman of the Committee recommending the enlist- ment of negro slaves, 146. H. IIamilton, Alexander, Secretary of the Treasury, succeeds John Jay as Presi- dent of the New York Manumission Society, 220. Signs an anti-slavery memorial to the Legislature, 220. His letter to John Jay on the enlistment of negroes, 169, 170. Letter to him from Colonel John Laurens, quoted, 174. Hancock, John, flag presented by him to a company of colored soldiers, 206, 207; President of the Massachusetts Con- vention of 1788, 79. Hart, Dr., letter of Dr. Hopkins to him, 108 Heath, General William, in the Massachu- setts Convention of 1788, his opinion on slavery, 83, 84. I N D E X. 231 Hening's “Statutes at Large of Virginia,” quoted, 195, 196. Henry, Patrick, in the Virginia Convention of 1788, 97–99; his opinions on slavery, 98, 99; says, “Slavery is detested; we feel its fatal effects,” 98. His letter to John Alsop in 1773, quoted, 222. Hessian officer under Burgoyne, his testi- mony to the presence of “negroes in abundance ’’ in the American regiments, 142, 143a Hessian troops, three times repulsed by negro troops in the battle of Rhode Is- land, 158. Hillsborough, Earl of Lord Dunmore's letter to him on the relation of slaves to their masters, quoted, 222. “Historical Magazine” for 1861, quoted, 60, 141, 142. IHistorical Society. See Massachusetts. Hopkins, Rev. Dr. Samuel, his letter to Dr. Hart, quoted, 108. His “Dia- logue concerning the Slavery of the Af- ricans,” quoted, 125. Houstom, Mr., of Georgia, his fears from the megroes joining the British army in 1775, 128, 129. “Howard's Reports,” quoted, 7–12. Humphreys, Colonel David, nominal cap- tain of a company of colored infantry during the war of the Revolution, 181. I. Independence, Declaration of See De- claration. Iredell, James, in the North Carolina Con- vention of 1788, 102, 103; says “the en- tire abolition of slavery must be pleasing to every generous mind and every friend of human mature,” 102. Irving, Washington, cites an original let- ter of General Washington, “wishing from his soul a gradual abolition of slavery,” 42; his account of Washing- tom’s last will as to his slaves, 42, 43. J. Jackson, General Andrew, his Proclama- tion to the Free Colored Inhabitants of Louisiana, quoted, 210, 211. His ad- dress to the “Men of Color” in his army at New Orleans, 211-213. James, a negro slave, emancipated by the State of Virginia for services rendered to Lafayette, 197; Act of emancipation, cited, 197. Jay, John, in 1777, urges the insertion of an abolition clause in the Comstitution of New York, 219. His letter from Spain to Egbert Benson, in 1780,219. Presi- dent of the New-York Manumission Society, 220. Draughts an anti-slavery Jay, John (continued). memorial to the New-York Legislature in 1786, 220. Extract from a manuscript of 220. First Chief-Justice of the Unit- ed States, contrast between his senti- ments and those of his latest successor, 221. Letter of Alexander Hamilton to him in 1779, quoted, 169, 170. Jay, William, his “Life of John Jay,” quoted, 169, 170, 219. Jefferson, Thomas, his opinion on slavery, as shown by the history of the Declara- tion of Independence, 20–24. His senti- ments as more strongly expressed in his “Notes on Virginia,” in 1782, 55, 56. His contributions to the “Encyclopé- die Méthodique,” on the subject of sla- very in the United States, 57–59. His letter to Dr. Price in 1785,56, 57. Extract from his “Autobiography,” 59, 60. His “Summary View of the Rights of America,” quoted, 23. His “Works,” quoted, 176, 177. His letter to 1)r. Gor- don, relating to Cornwallis, quoted, 175– 177. Johnson, Fr. S., of Connecticut, letter of Mr. Gadsden to him in 1766, 60. Johnson, Judge William, his “Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Gene- ral Greene,” quoted, 190, 191. Jones, Joseph, letter of Mr. Madison to him, quoted, 178. K. Keith, George, wrote a paper against sla- very about 1693, 45. Kemch, Thomas, his letters requesting au- thority to raise a body of negro soldiers in Massachusetts, 160–162. King, Rufus, his opposition to slavery in the Federal Convention, 68, 69,74, 75. In the Massachusetts Convention of 1788, his remarks on slavery in debate, 80. Knox, General Henry, Secretary of War, his Report to Congress in 1790, 167. L. Lafayette, his detestation of slavery, 40. His experiments in freeing his slaves and using them as tenants, to encourage emancipation, 40, 41. His letter to John Adams on the subject, 41, 42. His letter from the prison of Magdeburg in behalf of his megro tenants in Cayemme, 41. His letter to Washington, proposing a plan for their converting slaves into tenants, quoted, 40. Washington's reply, that “he shall be happy to join in so lauda- ble a work,” quoted, 40. Mrs. Child's letter on the perfect success of his expe- riment, mentioned, 222. 232 I N D E X. Langdon, John, in the Federal Convention, his opinion on slavery, 75. Laurens, Henry, of South Carolina, his letter to his son, in 1776, expressing his abborrence of slavery, quoted, 61. His letter to General Washington on megro soldiers, in 1779, 167, 168. Laurens, Colonel John, “the Chevalier Bayard of America,” ietter to him from his father, quoted, 61. His letter to Ha- milton on negro soldiers, quoted, 173, 174. His letters to Washington, quoted, 174, 178–180. His mission to France in 1780, 177. His renewed exertions to raise negro troops in South Carolina and Georgia, 178–180. - Lawrence, Major Samuel, “Memoir” of him, quoted, 122–124; commanded a company whose rank and file were all megroes, 123; his respect for their cou- rage, discipline, and fidelity, 123. Lay, Benjamin, issues a book against sla- very about 1736, 45. Lee, Richard Henry, letter to him from Ed- mund Pendleton in 1775, quoted, 135,136. Lee, William, Washington’s “mulatto man,” testamentary provision respect- ing him, 44. Lewis, Lawrence, Washington’s letter to him, urging the “gradual abolition of slavery,” as “it might prevent much future mischief,” 42. Lieber, Professor Francis, calls the author's attention to laws of some of the Northern and Middle States, protecting their emancipated negroes from being sold to the South, 222. Lincoln, General Benjamin, a manuscript letter from him to Governor Rutledge, quoted, 177, 178. Urges the raising of a black corps in the South, in 1780, 177, 178. Lincoln, Levi, his brief in his successful defence of a slave against his master in a Massachusetts court, in 1783, quoted, 30–32. Lincoln, Levi, furnishes his father's brief for publication, 30. Livingston, Edward, aid of General Jack- son, reads his famous address to his “fellow-citizens,” “men of color,” at New Orleans, 211. Livingston, Robert R., Chancellor of the State of New York, signs an anti-slavery memorial to the Legislature in 1786, 220. Lothrop, Rev. Dr. Samuel K., his “Memoir of William Lawrence,” quoted, 122–124. Lowndes, Rawlins, his speech in the South Carolina Legislature on negroes as slaves, 104; opposes the adoption of the Federal Constitution, 106. M. McDowall, Joseph, his remarks in the North Carolina Convention in 1788, 102. Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell, his “Life of Commodore Oliver H. Perry,” quot- ed., 204, 205. McLean, Judge, his opinion, in the “Dred Scott case,” on negroes as slaves and as citizens, 9, 10. Madison, James, “thinks it wrong to ad- mit in the Constitution the idea of pro- perty in man,” 65. His opinions on slavery, 76, 77,95–97. His letter to Jo- seph Jones on negroes aſs soldiers, quoted, 178. Cited by Judge McLean, 9 “Madison Papers,” quoted, 9, 66–78, 178 Magna Charta, the American. See De- claration of Independence. Mahon, Lord, his error as to the Southern Colonies in relation to slavery, 25; shown to be in error by Mr. Force from the history of the Continental Associa- tion of 1774, 25–28. Mansfield, Lord, declares slavery “so odi- ous that nothing can be suffered to sup- port it but positive law,” 64. Manumission Society of New York, in- cluded Jay, Hamilton, and many other eminent persons, 220. Its declaration of the duty of Christians, 220. Martin, Luther, his remarks on slavery in the Federal Convention, 69, 70. His ad- dress to the Legislature of Maryland, opposing the adoption of the l’ederal Constitution, quoted, 90–94, 194, 195. JMaryland Convention, adopts the Conti- mental Association in 1774, 26. . Maryland, State of, adopts the Federal Constitution against strong opposition, 90. Itesolves, in 1781, “to raise seven hundred and fifty negroes, to be incor- porated with the other troops,” 163. Mason, George, of Virginia, his remarks on slavery in the Federal Convention, 71, 72; in the Virginia Convention, 94, 95; pronounces the slave-trade “dia- bolical in itself and disgraceful to man- kind,” 95. Massachusetts Convention for considering the Federal Constitution, 78–86. Con- stitution adopted by, 85. Her legislation in regard to megro soldiers, 159–162. In the l’ederal Convention, votes for prohibi- tion of the slave-trade, 78. MS. Archives of, quoted, 122, 160–162. Massachusetts Historical Society, its duty to the country, 1; its late “Report on the Exchange of Prisoners during the American Revolution,” 2 ; its “Col- lections”, quoted, 29–32. Maverick, Samuel, mortally wounded in the Boston Massacre, 116. Mercer, John F., letter of Washington to him in favor of the abolition of slavery, Quoted, 39. Moore, Frank, his “Diary of the American Revolution,” quoted, 129, 143, 144. I N D E X. 23 3 Morris, Gouverneur, committee on the style and arrangement of the Federal Constitution, 66; his speech against sla- jºy in the Federal Convention, 66–68, Morris, Robert, letter of Washington to him in 1786, on the abolition of slavery, quoted, 39. N. National Creed. See Declaration of Inde- pendence. “National Intelligencer,” Force's “Notes on Lord Mahon's History,” first pub- lished in, 25. “National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans,” quoted, 181. Neal, James, his anti-slavery remarks in º Massachusetts Convention of 1788, 1, 82 Negro prisoners of war, Massachusetts for- bids them to be sold into slavery, 141, 142. Negro regiments authorized in New York in the war of 1812, 207–210. Negro slavery, the acknowledged source of the present war, 2 Negro soldiers, enlistment of, in Massa- chusetts, 118–125, 159–162; in Maryland, 163; in New York, 163, 207 – 210; in Commecticut, 145 – 150; in Rhode Island, 151–159. - Negroes, as slaves and as citizens, 1–110; opinion of Jefferson Davis on, 4, 5; of Alexander H. Stephens, 5, 6; of Chief- Justice Tamey, 7, 8; of Judge McLean, 9, 10; of Judge Curtis, 10–12; of Judge Gaston, 11, 12. Negroes in the Navy, 203–206; in the war of 1812, on the Lakes, 203–206; on the Ocean, 205, 206; proportion of, in the naval service, 203, 204. Negroes as soldiers, opinions of the found- ers of the republic on, 113–200; when slaves, manumitted that they might be- come soldiers, 126. Present importance of the subject of 113. Nell, William C., his “Colored Patriots of the American Revolution,” 207. Owns the flag of the colored company, “The Bucks of America,” 207. New Hampshire, Convention in, for con- sidering the Federal Constitution, 86. New Jersey, objects to the phrase “white inhabitants” in the requisition for land forces in the ninth article of Confedera– tion, 33, 34. New York, State of her act for enlisting negroes, in 1781, quoted, 163; her act authorizing negro regiments in the war of 1812, quoted, 207-210. “Niles's Weekly Register,” quoted, 206, 210–213. Nixon, Colonel, Peter Salem serves as a soldier in his regiment, 120. Norfolk Committee, in Virginia, enforce the prohibition of the slave trade against John Brown in 1775, 27. North, the, has not changed its opinion on the subject of slavery, 15–18. North Carolina, Provincial Congress of, adopts the Continental Association in 1775, 26. North Carolina, State of, in the Federal Convention, her vote on the slave trade, 78; her Convention for deliberating on the Federal Constitution, 100–104. Note, Supplementary, 217–224. P. Paley, William, D.D., his “Moral and Political Philosophy,” quoted on the continuance of slavery in America, 110. Park, Professor Edwards A., his “Memoir of Hopkins,” quoted, 108. Parsons, Chief-Justice Theophilus, “Me- moir” of him by his son, Professor Theophilus Parsons, commended, 79; his Minutes of Debates in the Massa- chusetts Convention of 1788, quoted, 81. Parsons, Dr. Usher, his letter on the em- ployment of negroes in the U. S. Navy, 203, 204. Parton, James, his “Life of Jackson,” quoted, 211, 212. Pendleton, Edmund, his letter to Richard Henry Lee, 1775, quoted, 135, 136. Penn, John, Governor of Delaware, refuses to prohibit the slave trade, 26. Pennsylvania Convention for considering the Federal Constitution, 88, 89. “Pennsylvania. Evening Post,” for 1777, quoted, 143, 144. Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, their Address to the Public, 46–48. Perry, Commodore Oliver H., his letter to Commodore Chauncey, quoted, 204; Chauncey's reply to him, quoted, 204, 205. His testimony to the bravery and good conduct of the megro sailors in the battle of Lake Erie, 205. Peter Salem, a negro soldier, at the battle of Bumker Hill, 118; shoots the British Major Pitcairn, 118; his bravery com- memorated by the pencil of the painter, the tongue of the orator, and the pen of the historian, 118. “Pictorial History of England,” quoted, 132–134. Pinckney, Charles, in the Federal Conven- tion, declares that the Southern States will probably of themselves stop the slave trade, 64, 70. Pinckney, Charles, of South Carolina, his testimony in Congress, in 1820, to the value of the services of negroes in the war of the Revolution, 199. 30 234 I N D E X. Pinckney, General Charles Cotesworth, in the Pederal Convention, his opinion on slavery, 72,73, 75, 76; his speech in the South Carolina Legislature, 105, 106. Pitcairn, Major, shot by Peter Salem in the battle of Bunker Hill, 118, 119. - Political Confession of Faith. See De- claration of Independence. Poor, Salem, a colored soldier at the battle of Bunker Hill, commended by Colonel Prescott and other officers to the General Court of Massachusetts for his bravery and skill, 122. Preamble of the Federal Constitution, the key for its interpretation, 63, 109, 110. Prescott, British Major-General, his cap- ture at Newport by the assistance of a negro, 143, 144; Dr. Thacher's account of it, quoted, 144, 145. Prescott, Colonel William, signs a represen- tation to the General Court of Massachu- setts in honor of the brave and officer-like conduct of Salem Poor at Bunker Hill, 122. Preston, Captain, his company fire on Crispus Attucks and his companions, 116. Prince, a negro, his important part in the capture of General Prescott, 143–145. Prisoners of War, Report to the Massachu- setts Historical Society on the Exchange of, during the American Revolution, 2. Prisoners of war, negro, Massachusetts Re- solve in 1776, forbidding them to be sold as slaves, 141, 142. “Pulpit and Rostrum,” a New-York serial publication, quoted, 13–15. Putnam, Brigadier-General Rufus, letter of Washington to him, securing the rights of a negro soldier, quoted, 194. Q. Quincy, Josiah, his letter to the Rev. Ro- bert C. Waterston, iv., v. R. Ramsay, Dr. David, his letter to General Lincoln in 1788, quoted, 106, 107. Randolph, Governor Edmund, in the Vir- ginia Convention of 1788,99, 100; speaks of slaves as “those unfortumate men now held in bondage,” 100; says it would be disgraceful to Virginia not to hope that, “by the operation of the General Gov- ernment, they may be made free,” 100. Randolph, Peyton, in the Federal Čonven- tion, his remarks on slavery, 76. Read, Mr., in the Federal Convention, 76. itebellion of 1861, statements of leaders of the, 4–6; their disagreement in stating their grievances as the cause of the, 3. Red Bank, the bravery of the Rhode-Island Black Regiment in the battle of, 198, 199. Reed, Joseph, “Life and Correspondence” of, quoted, 139; letter to him from Washington, quoted, 139. Rhode-Island Regiment, the colored, its bravery in the battle of Rhode Island, 158; and in the defence of Red Bank, 198. Chastellux’s account of it in 1781, Rhode Island, State of, negro soldiers in the, 150–159. Her act, passed in 1778, for enlisting negroes, quoted, 152–154. Protest against.it, quoted, 154, 155. Rivington’s “Royal Gazette,” of 1779, quoted, 174, 175. Rutledge, Edward, of South Carolina, in the Continental Congress moves the discharge of negroes from the army, 129. Rutledge, John, Governor of South Caro- lina, letter of General Greene to him, 190, 191; in the Federal Convention, his remarks on slavery, 70, 75. S. Sabine, Lorenzo, his statement as to the number of soldiers enlisted in the war of the Revolution, 164–167. His “Ame- rican Loyalists,” quoted, 164–167. Salem, Peter, a negro soldier, 118–121. Mr. Everett's commemoration of him, 121. Appears in Trumbull's picture of the Battle of Bunker Hill, 119 ; Aaron White's account of him, 119, 120; Mr. Barry's, 120; Mr. Washburn's, 120. Sandyford, Ralph, issues a book against slavery, about 1728, 45. - “Schloezer's Briefwechsel,” quoted, 142, 143. Sedgwick, Charles B., a paper, read by him in Congress, on the use of negro soldiers in other countries, quoted, 213–215. Shaler, Captain Nathaniel, his record of the bravery of negro sailors in the war of 1812, 206. Sherman, Roger, in the Federal Conven- tion, regards the slave trade as ini- quitous, 69; says, the good sense of the several States will probably by degrees complete the abolition of slavery, 64, 65, 70, 71. Opposes the idea of property in slaves, 75; and the introduction of the word “slave '' into the Constitution, 77. Sinclair, Sir John, letter of Washington to him on the abolition of slavery, 39. “Slave,” the word not admitted into the text of the Constitution, though three clauses recognize the existence of sla- very, 65. Slavery, nothing in the State Constitutions to warrant it when the Federal Constitu- tion was adopted, 64. No voice raised in the Rederal Convention to defend it, 66. Slaves, negroes as, 1-110. Memorial of loyal, in Connecticut, 149, 150. , Many manumitted that they might become soldiers, 126. I N D E X. 235 Soldiers, enlisted during the Revolution, where they came from, 164–167. Ne- groes as, 113–200. South, the, has changed its opinion on the subject of slavery, 13–18. South Carolina, State of her vote in the Federal Convention, on stopping the slave trade, 78; enrolls negroes among her troops, 126. South Carolina Legislature, discussion in the, on the Federal Constitution, 104–106. South Carolina Provincial Congress adopts the Continental Association in 1775, 26. South Carolina and Georgia, in the Fede- ral Convention, ask only a temporary toleration of the slave trade, 109. Their reluctance to furnish soldiers in the Revolution, 164. Congress, in 1779, re- commends to them to raise three thou- sand able-bodied negroes, 170, 171. Southern Colonies, in 1776, unanimous for suppressing the slave trade, 26. . Spaight, Richard D., his remarks in the North Carolina Convention of 1788, 102. Sparks, Jared, his “Life and Writings of Washington,” quoted, 38–41, 43,44, 130, 131, 167, 168, 180, 181. His “Life and Writings of Franklin,” quoted, 45, 46, 50–54. His “ American Biography,” quoted, 106, 107. His “Correspondence of the American Revolution,” quoted, 40, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181, 190. Sprague, William, Governor of Rhode Island, encourages the formation of a colored regiment, 114. State Constitutions, nothing in them to warrant slavery when the Federal Con- stitution was adopted, 64. Staten Island, the British form there a negro regiment, 141. Stephens, Alexander H., his speech at Savannah, quoted, 5, 6; his doctrine in relation to negro slavery, 6; admits that public opinion on the subject has changed in the South, 6. Supplementary Note, 217-224. T. Taney, Chief Justice, his opinion, in the “Dred Scott case,” on negroes as men and as slaves, 7, 8; comments on it by Mr. Bancroft, 12–15. His opinions con- trasted with those of John Jay, the first Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court, 221. Thacher, Dr. James, his account of the capture of General Prescott, 144, 145. His “Military Journal,” quoted, 144, 145. Thomas, General, his MS. letter to John Adams, quoted, 132. Thompson, General Samuel, in the Massa- chusetts Convention of 1788, his anti- slavery remarks, 82. Trumbull, Colonel, his picture of the Bat- tle of Bunker Hill, 1.19; introduces into it Peter Salem and other negroes, 119. Trumbull, J. Hammond, Secretary of State in Connecticut, his account of the pro- ceedings of the General Assembly of Connecticut in relation to slavery and negro soldiers, 145–150. Tucker, St. George, of Virginia, proposes Queries on slavery to Dr. Belknap, 28, 29; Dr. Belknap's Answers to him, 28, 29. His “Dissertation on Slavery,” quoted, 17. Tyler, John, in the Virginia Convention of 1778, his anti-slavery remarks, 97. W. Varnum, General J. M., his letter to Wash- ington on raising negro troops in Rhode Island, 151, 152. Virginia, her act of 1783, emancipating all slaves who have faithfully served as soldiers, 195, 196; act to emancipate James, a negro slave, for public services under Lafayette, 197. Virginia Convention of 1775, adopts the Continental Association, 26; its “De- claration ” of pardon to slaves who have joined Lord Dunmore, cited, 138, 139. Virginia Convention of 1788, debates in, 94–100. W. War powers of Congress, John Quincy Adams on the, 222-224. Ward, General, requires a return of the “complexion ” of soldiers, 127. Warren, General Joseph, extract from his Oration in 1775 on the “Boston Massa- cre,” 117, 118. Mr. Everett's Address at the Inauguration of his Statue, quoted, 120, 121. Washburn, Emory, his “Extinction of Sla- very in Massachusetts.” quoted, 30–32; his “History of Leicester,” quoted, 120. Washington, George, though a slave- holder, never defended slavery, or de- sired its continuance, 36, 37. Condemns the slave trade, wishes for the abolition of domestic slavery, and pledges himself to vote for it, 38, 39; believes that Mary- land and Virginia must very soon gradu- ally abolish it by law, 39. His letters to Robert Morris, to John F. Mercer, and to Sir John Sinclair, in favor of the aboli- tion of slavery, quoted, 39. Shares in the anti-slavery sentiments of Lafayette, 40, 41. His letters to Lafayette, 40, 41. His letter to Lawrence Lewis, urging the gradual abolition of slavery, as likely to “prevent much future mischief,” 42, 43. The provisions of his will respecting his slaves, 42–44. Licenses the enlistment of negro soldiers, 131. His letter to Joseph Reed, in 1775, quoted, 139. Letter to him from General Greene, 1776, 236 IND Ex. Washington, George (continued). t }. 141. His letter to Colonel John . aurens on rāising negro troops in the South, 180, 181. § letter to Governor Nicholas Cooke, 1778, quoted, 151. ter to him from General Varnum, 151. His letter to Henry Laurens on arming slaves, in 1779, quoted, 168. Letter of General Greene to him, quoted, 190. His letter to General Rufus Putnam, 194. Webster, Daniel, reaffirms the principles of the founders of the republic in a memo- rable sentence, 110. Wedgery, William, in the Massachusetts Convention of 1788, 79. White, Aaron, his account of Peter Salem, 119, 120. Williamsburg (Virginia) newspaper, pub- lishes an appeal to the megroes by their , masters against Lord Dunmore's Procla- mation, 136–138. Let- Williamson, Hugh, in the Federal Conven- tion, his opinion on slavery, 74, 77. Wilson, James, in the Federal Convention, his opinion on slavery, 73, 74; in the Pennsylvania Convention, 88, 89; says, “Within a few years Congress will have power to exterminate slavery from with- in our borders,” 89. Woodward, Dean, letter of Franklin to him on the abolition of slavery, 46 Wright, John, letter of Franklin to him on the early anti-slavery efforts of Quakers in Philadelphia, 45,46. Z. Zenger Club, “Collection” of the, quoted, 61. ABG 2 & 1920 Boston; Printed by John Wilson & Son. 2 ºr ºr gig & 3 g g g g g g g g : * * * ~ & © & S. Sº Q. Gºg 3 ºf & Cº. ºccº Cºmº Gº & Cº gº.gººgºº, Illińillº ( GC SS- G º 3 9015 08958 5213 A Ç G 2. . , , (ºr (CCGºsºº (sº Tº º *: = . * . 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