1 . :- t WI -. ) . . , the 1 * " . " .. . 1 ", " . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL . . : 1 . , NI T . . .. . -1: TM . * . . 1. . . . i :. 1 11 . Vio . . - ... . 17 1148 . . . 72 " Y . - -- . . . 29 . - . . IL . 10F2 . S . A vu .. MUM A 1 : - / M IN 1 1. DO ! . OT 1 ?, . WI ITAL . .. V .. E ! 1. 4 WS 1 IS 3 . # *1 . . - .. INN . . . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. · Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or . B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to; any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . - . . 1 : : ix ! 1. s! W 1 !! .. 15" 1 . 3 . . C 22 , . S " 4 "L m . W - De . . 15 6 . . T - . - - " ^ + , ' DTIE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE - - - 1 2. * . - . . . - :.. -. . .' . .. 1 ! Yr PA 31 2 . LA : EK " =ri. i . . CP 3 12 == 1 - - * 9/00 w 1' . . -- - - . - . N A : C . . . - - - . - TE 1964 3 Sv: " -- . VW .. ! r - : . . * 1 * . 2 . 21 LIL WIN . .1 I " . 1. 1. Wir . MA + 1 1. 12 1 EN A . T . " 2 . w ' WWW R 1 ORNI-P-148 DTIE CONF-638-3: . AUG 1 1 1864 .. . A THERMAL COMPARATOR APPARATUS FOR THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS FROM 50 TO 400°C* T. G. Kollie, D. L. McElroy, R. S. Graves, and W. Fulkerson Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA 11 Paper to be presented at the National Physical Laboratory Thermal Conductivity Conference Teddington, England July 15–17, 1964 Focsimile Price $_Hube Microfilm Price $ 116, -LEGAL NOTICE Tuo report mopurdum a aron m ore worth. Matter the Outland Netw, we the Counterton, wer my por este de Casamento: A. Miches my warranty or more then, the implied, we report TV- mory, cultum, or others at the Moderne de la o report, or their own a my dermation, pero, madh * mos theme Wort w we Wortely own the or 1. Ar meg I had to wait was for home remedy true na w wherette, warten, om ducted in amper. As well in the more you stay n d u mot « may tractor of Contem, w here we aretur, mula complete contract the most popu l airetor oport Available from the Office of Technical Services Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Y A . I . J A THERMAL COMPARATOR APPARATUS FOR THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY EASUREMENTS FROM 50 TO 400°C T. G. Kollie, D. L. McElroy, R. S. Graves, and W. Felkerson Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory is .. . i ABSTRACT The experimental details, mathematical models, and typical data for . > > a rapid comparative method for thermal conductivity measurements are presented. The method consists of measuring the temperature change of a small silver sphere after it is brought in contact with a small disk- shaped specimen which was initially at a higher temperature. This temper- ature change was calibrated in the range of 50 to 400°C by making measure- ments on samples of known thermal conductivity. Results at 75 and 300°C on uranium sulfide, thorium sulfide, uranium nitride, and uranium dioxide are presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the method. The accuracy of this technique was shown to be better than 110% with a reproducibility of at least 12.5%. Using known transport mechanisms for heat conduction in solids and the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity, A means to judiciously extrapolate thermal conductivity data obtained m. between 50 and 400°C to higher temperature is presented. INTRODUCTION The first object of this work was to develop an apparatus capable of making rapid, reproducible, and moderately accurate thermal conductivity measurements over a modest temperature range on small specimens, 1/4 to 1 in. in diameter and 1/4 in. thick. This is one phase of a program to study solids of nuclear and scientific interest to determine the effect of controlled variables on the various heat transport mechanisms. To perform such a study, one is faced with choosing a method of measuring the thermal conductivity. Each of the two alternate approaches, steady state or non- steady state, has merit. Commonly used steady-state methods, such as radial or longitudinal heat flow techniques, 1-3 yield accurate and repro- ducible thermal conductivity data; however, the methods have the dis- advantages of requiring large specimens and of being slow. Commonly selected transient methods use smaller specimens and an appropriate time- varying heat input-7 and, though fast and reproducible, are not as accurate as steady-state methods. One reason for this is that transient methods most often yield thermal diffusivity data that require a knowledge of specific heat and density in order to obtain thermal conductivity values. The method described here, which was developed by Powell, 8–10 is a transient comparative method which gives thermal conductivity, not diffusivity, and can be used to nondestructively test small specimens. The principle of the method is the same as that of a qualitative handling test used for many years in the steel industry to distinguish carbon steels from high-alloy steels because the former feels cooler to the touch. This difference in feel is a direct consequence of the higher thermal conductivity of the carbon steel. In Powell's own words, 8 his comparator "is a device which is more sensi- tive than most hands and seeks to translate the sensation of 'warmth' and. 'cold' to readily measurable quantities." His criginal device consisted of two 1/4-in.-diam silver spheres which were instrumented with thermocouples and mounted in a block of balsa wood. One sphere protruded through the bottom of the block to permit the sphere to contact the disk-shaped specimen when the device was placed on it. In order to reduce the load on the sphere, a three- point contact with the specimen was made by mounting two pins on the bottom of . the block. Measurements were made by first heating the sphere assembly about 40°C hotter than the specimen and measuring the differential temperature change between the spheres as a function of time after the device was placed on the specimen. The temperature change of the sphere in contact with the specimen was due to three effects: (1) heat flow through the contact by con- duction, (2) the radiant energy loss by the sphere to its surroundings, and (3) the convection and conduction loss to air; whereas, the temperature change of the noncontacting sphere was proportional only to the latter two effects. The differential response was proportional to the heat flow through the contact area and thus was proportional to the thermal conductivity of the specimen, rather than to the specimen thermal diffusivity. This method was comparative and a calibration curve was obtained by plotting k1/2 vs the differential tem- perature change at 10 sec for materials of known thermal conductivity (k). Dahl and Jones 1.1 1.nvestigated several modifications of Powell's method and gave a simple analysis of the operation of the comparator which indicated that under certain conditions the initial differential cooling rate was a measure of the thermal conductivity of the specimen. Their analysis, using an electrical analogy of a sphere with limited contact at the surface of a . . semi-infinite solid, indicated that there was a transient involving thermal diffusivity but that this transient was of relatively short duration (less than 0.1 sec in their case). They pointed out that the thermal resistance in the semi-infinite solid is mostly in a small region near the contact, but that the heat capacity of this region is so small that the region heats to a quasi-steady condition in a very short time. For some time after this starting transient, the heat flow is mostly by steady state conduction. In & discussion of this work, Ginnings 12 substantiated this conclusion with heat transfer calculations. From a consideration of the overall heat transfer processes in the Powell comparator, Ginnings 12 suggested certain limitations and possible ways to increase its utility. His model showed that, when the specimen dimensions are large compared to the sphere contact radius, the error due to the initial transient state can be made less than 1%. In addition, he showed that gaseous heat conduction is predominant for low thermal conäuctivity specimens, and that the contact area as well as the second sphere spacing might be used to increase the sensitivity of the method. The above-mentioned studies have shown that the data obtained using the thermal comparator method are strongly dependent on (1) the initial tempera- ture difference between the specimen and the spheres, (2) the area of contact and any variable that affects this, (3) the measuring atmosphere, (",) the specimen size, and, of course, (5) the specimen thermal conductivity. The following sections describe in detail the current version of the modified Powell thermal comparator developed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. . DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS The current thermal comparator is the result of experience gained during the past three years with a number of modifications of the basic components. The present apparatus has the following features: (1) small specimens with a wide range of thermal conductivity values can be measured from 50 to 400°C, (2) the measurement is rapid, nondestructive, and the apparatus is capable of being operated by one person, (3) specimens can be introduced easily into the chamber without contamination of the atmosphere, and (4) the method is modestly accurate and the results are reproducible. The system is different from Powell's original thermal comparator in several ways. First, measurements can be made to 400°C, in a purified argon atmosphere, whereas Powell's original comparator was limited to room-temperature operation in air. Second, the noncontacting sphere has been deleted because its response was found to be independent of the specimen under test. The ORNL apparatus is discussed below and the numbers in parentheses are keyed to the isometric sketch of Fig. 1. Specimen and sphere temperatures are achieved by two tandem-mounted cylindrical Nichrome-wound copper furnaces (13) and (18), separated from each other by movable radiation shields. The upper furnace containing the sphere was operated 8 to 20°C cooler than the lower furnace containing the specimen, depending on the temperature of investication. The temperature of each furnace was controlled using a Chromel-R-Constantan thermocouple (23) and (25), connected in series opposition to an adjustable Zener diode voltage source. The output of the diode was set so that the differential vol.tage would be zero when the desited temperatures were reached. The differentials were amplified 200x by direct-current microvolt amplifiers and fed zero- center, 15 mv span, recorders. The upper furnace recorder fed a controller UNCLASSIFIE.O ONNL•LA-DWG 90732A - - ht - - . v 1 ! . @ . Q ELECTRICAL INSULATION 1. SUSPENSION WRE - ELECTRICALLY HEATED 2 THERMOCOUPLE TIE DOWN CLOCK MRE-SUSPENDED PIVOT ROO SPHERE SUPPORT SHAFT I LALL BUSHING & WATER COOLED JACKET 7. WATER COOLED JACKET SUPPORT PLATE SPHERE THERMOCOUPLE 9. PIVOT 10 THERMAL RADIATION SHIROS il. NCHROME WNOINGS 12 SCHERE FURNACE SUPPORT PLATE 12 SPHERE FURNACE 12 MOVABLE RADIATION SHIELD 15. RADIATION SHELD SUPPORT ARM 12 SPHERE ASSEMBLY 17. SPECIMEN RECEIVER CUP 12 SPECIMEN FURNACE SPECIMEN FURNACE SUPPORT PLATE PLUNGER ROD 21. SUPPORT CHANNELS PNEUMATIC PISTON 22 SPHERE CONTROL THERMOCOUPLE 24 COURO WRE SECMEN CONTROL THERMOCOUPLE SPECIMEN THERMOCOUPLE LAWTE DISK A STAINLESS STEEL 100 2. NO, HSULATION 1 XT SET 1. SPECSEN SHERE LAMTE AP MOLDER - IN - - - - *-- II. Fig. 1. Isometric Drawing of the Thermal Comparator. e ET W $ : T ' * 54 which pulsed power from a high-low autotransformer power supply to achieve temperature control. The lower furnace recorder fed a controller which varied the output of a solid-state power supply. These control systems allowed the temperature difference between the furnaces to be maintained constant to £0.04°C. The specimen was contained in the lower furnace in a copper receiver cup (17), which could be raised into the upper furnace by means of an external, double-acting pneumatic piston (22). The system requires a disk-shaped specimen (31) with a thickness between 0.22 and 0.27 in. and a diameter between 0.25 and 1 in. The upper furnace contained a 1/4-in.-dian Council-D* silver sphere (22) mounted on a 0.086-in.-diam stainless steel rod (28) which was bolted onto a Lavite** disk (27) attached to the titanium support shaft(4). The sphere temperature change was indicated by a 30-gage Chromel-p-Constantan thermocouple (8) silver soldered to the sphere center, and its output was connected in series opposition with an adjustable Zı'ner diode. This differenti.al signal was amplified 80x by a direct-current amplifier and fed à multispan recorder which had a 1/4-scc full-scale response, a chart speed of 1 in./sec, and was readable to 0.1 chart division or +0.6 uv. - - The sphere support shaft (4) was positioned in the upper furnace - by a water-cooled ball bushing (5) which was suspended above the upper furnace by a metal plate (7). The sphere support shaft was supported by a wire-suspended rod (1) and (3). During a test, the specimen was raised into the upper furnace and when the pneumatic piston had completed its full stroke the suispension wire was heated electrically; the resulting expansion of the wire lowered the suspending rod to allow contact of the sphere and the specimen. *Council-D is a dispersion-hardened silver. (Handy-Harmon Company) **lavlte is a commercial trade name for an aluminε-silicate compound. (American Laval Corporation) .. . U * - The entire apparatus was surrounded by a vacuum-tight, water-cooled stainless steel chamber. This chamber, which was filled with a purifled . * argon atmosphere during measurements, was fitted with two glove ports, a sight port, and a double-door entrance port so that specimens could be , IN introduced into the system without contamination of the argon atmosphere while the system was at temperature. In order to prevent the gloves from .. . in = 1 - being heated, a swinging-door type radiation shield made of stainless steel was inserted between the apparatus and the chamber as shown in 20 Fig. 2. A gas-purification furnace containing pure zirconium strips was FA suspended in the chamber between the swinging-door radiation shield 5 and the chamber wall diametrically opposite the gloves. The zirconium strips were maintained at 800°C to getter impurities in the argon gas. ETA Un ital, . . - . - - 2 : . 9 A ? -101 23 * * , .24 . h 2 10 . . .. UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 64558 NI 1 . P 2 " . IT . . 2 7 . Siri . - Hea Y $ . 7 1 3 . PS 12 lo 3 . . t : 3 . . WU. i I VA. . : 1 X Nr. . . " . 47. ! 16 . 21 . 15 1. W N . 11 et . M 2 . - - " M - - - . LA w ' O WW A . 1 . d! . . id Fig. 2. Photograph of the Apparatus with the Vacuum-Tight Chamber Removed. The swinging-door radiation shield was open. The sphere and specimen furnaces were as they would be during temperature equilibration prior to a run. - - - - . : PROCEDURE AND DATA INTERPRETATION Experience dictated that the sphere should be polished and the zirconium getter strips replaced every two weeks, which required removal of the chamber. When these tasks were completed, the chamber was replaced, the system atmo- sphere purged, the furnaces were brought to the desired temperatures, and the thermal comparator was ready for use. A specimen was polished and placed in the entry port, which was then evacuated and purged three times with argon from the chamber. The swinging-door radiation shield was opened, the upper furnace rotated, and the specimen cup elevated to a position between the two furnaces. Metal tongs were used to move the specimen from the port to the proper position in the specimen cup. The upper furnace was realigned with the lower furnace and the swinging-door radiation shield was closed. Approximately 45 min were required to obtain the desired temperature stability after a specimen was installed. The differential temperature between the two furnaces was checked with a K-3 potentiometer, and the specimen pneumatic piston was activated. The specimen contacted the sphere as previously described, and the sphere temperature change (response, as it shall here- tofore be referred) was recorded for about 40 sec. The swinging-door radiation shield was then opened and the specimen cup elevated to a position between the two furnaces to allow the specimen to be rotated in the cup, permitting a dif- ferent area to be co tacted on subsequent determinations. About 30 min. were required for temperature stability between determinations. Between 6 and 10 determinations were usually made on each specimen, depending on the reproducibilit 12 After this, another specinen was introduced into the entrance port and the above procedure was repeated. A plot of a typical sphere response is shown in Fig. 3. The method of determining the starting time and the sphere response at any time is also shown. At 75°C, the responses 20 and 30 sec after contact were used. The method of determining the response was identical for specimens of known and unknown thermal conductivity. Calibration curves were obtained from the response for a specimen of known thermal conductivity and these curves will be discussed. VARIABLES EFFECTING THE SPHERE TEMPERATURE CHANGE There were five variables that controlled the sphere response: (1) the initial temperature difference between the sphere and specimen, (2) the area of contact of the sphere and specimen, (3) the chamber utmosphere, (4) th: specimen size, and (5) the specimen thermal conductivity. Since this was a comparative technique, the first four variables had to be maintained constant in order that the fifth would be controlling. Needless to say, great time and effort were devoted to this end. However, a detailed description of these efforts would not be within the scope of this paper. The following is a description of current methods used to control these variables along with some appropriate comments. Specimen-Sphere Temperature Difference Powell's' work showed the sphere response as a fixed time after contact was a linear function of the initial specimen-sphere temperature difference. Only in the early models of the ORNL thermal comparator was this true, but as long as the initial temperature difference was constant, the nonlinearity was unimportant. The selection of the absolute value of the temperature . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1880 Y READING AFTER 30 sec = 58.2 div RESPONSE = 58.2 - 9.2 = 49.0 div O READING AFTER 20 sec : 46.7 div RESPONSE = 46.7 - 9.2 = 37.5 div TIME (sec) (RECORDER CHART 4 in. = 4 sec ) AR O EXTRAPOLATED TIME + = 0 SPHERE HEATS DUE TO CLOSE PROXIMITY OF THE SPECIMEN SPHERE COOLS AS COLD GAS RUSHES IN WHEN MOVABLE RADIATION SHIELDS ARE OPENED --EQUILIBRIUM SPHERE READING = 9.2 div 80 100 20 40 60 RESPONSE (DIVISIONS) (4 div = 6uv ON RECORDER) Fig. 3. A Plot of the Sphere Response for Armco Iron Showing the Method Used for Extrapolating to Time Zero. The sensitivity of the chart (not shown) was 10.6 uv (+0.009°C at 75°C). . * ** . 19 difference was somewhat arbitrary. It was desired to make the temperature difference large enough to miminize the percentage error in the determination of the response, but it was also necessary to keep the temperature difference small to minimize the heat transferred to the sphere by radiation. The choice of from 8 to 10°C, depending on the temperature, was made since it best fuirilled the above two conditions. The sphere was arbitrarily run colder than the specimen. Area of Contact Between the Sphere and Specimen There were four variables that controlled the area of contact between the sphere and specimen: (1) load on the sphere, (2) diameter of the sphere, (3) sphere and specimen physical properties, and (4) sphere and specimen surface roughness. Before discussing these, it is advantageous to state that a sphere was chosen as the detector because various mathematical models 20-12 have been presented on this technique and have illustrated that the contact area must be small in order for the variable temperature state of the con- tacting surface to be of short duration. If the contact area were large, the variable state would be long and the sphere response would then be proportional to the thermal diffusivity of the specimen and not the thermal conductivity. A mathematical model derived by the authors is described in Appendix A. This model shows that, with contact areas of the order of that obtained by a sphere in contact with a slab, the variable state is of short duration and the sphere response is thus proportional to the thermal con- ductivity of the specimen. The radius of contact, r, of the sphere and specimen is given by: 13 2 = 0.72 [ PD (4.2 + 2x)]" , (1) where the radius of contact 18 in inches, P 18 the load on the sphere in pounds, D is the diameter of the sphere in incl.es, y 18 Poisson's ratio, and E is Young's modulus in pounds per square inch. The subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the sphere and specimen, respectively. This equation applies only if the load is less than the elastic limit of both materials. Equation 1 predicts that the area of contact 18 proportional to (PD)". The compressive stress at the interface of the sphere and specimen 18 proportional to p2/3/D2/3. Here an optimization in the choice of P and D had to be made because it was necessary to keep the compressive stress and area of contact as small as possible. Thus, it was obvious that the load should be minimized while the sphere size should optimize the two factors. The smallest practical sphere-assembly weight was found to be about 28 g. Thus, the load was somewhat less than this since the sphere assembly was not exactly perpendicular to the specimen, and a small amount of counterbalancing was created by the thermocouples. Since the response on a given specimen was reproducible to +2.5%, it was clear that load variations between runs were not large. The diameter of the sphere was chosen as 1/4 in. When the physical properties of the silver sphere and specimens of type 304 stainless steel and aluminum were substituted into Eq. (1), the radii of contact were calcu- lated to be 8.2 x 10-4 and 9.5 x 10-4 in., respectively, for a 25-8 209d. The compressive stresses were calculated as 14,900 and 10,940 psí for the 25-8 load and for a hemispherical contact. The compressive yield strengths for most metallic alloys and ceramics are above 15,000 psi, and the yield strengths for most pure metals are above 10,500 psi. Materials such as - - . graphite have yield strengths below this and were found to be indented by the sphere with resulting erroneously high sphere responses. . st . 2 . YA 4 21 XO Y il c . . . 16 Although the physical properties of materials vary appreciably, Eq. (1.) predicts that the radius of contact varies about 27% over a wide range of materials. This is because Poisson's ratio is about the same for most materials and their Young's moduli are higher than that of the sphere. Thus, the radius of contact 18 proportional to (c +2,7/3, where C and D are constants and E, 18 the Young 's modulus of a specimen. Since C 1s greater than D/E, by at least a factor of 2 for most specimens, commonly encountered variations in E do not significantly vary the sum. The one- third exponent of the sum further reduces the sensitivity of the radius of contact to the variation of E. Equation 1 is highly idealized and does not consider the variation of the response due to the specimen- or sphere-surface finish. Powell' showed that the response at a given time increased 33% between surface finishes having center-line average values of 68 and 6 uin. He also stated that this 2 dependence decreases with increasing load. Dahill stated that above 200 g his 3-A comparator response was independent of load. Table 1 contains data on two different surface finishes on Armco iron and steel No. 17. The rougher finish consisted of polishing the specimen with 4-0 emery paper, ard the finer finish was a polish through Linde B* on a silk-cloth polishing wheel. The latter had a surface similar to a metallographic specimen prior to etching. The thermal comparator results indicate at most a 2.6% increase in response for the finer surface. This, however, corresponded to a difference of 10% in the thermal conductivity. Thus, it was necessary to have similar *Trade name for a fine particle size Al2O3 polishing material. 44 Viti UL. 17 Table 1. Effect of Surface Finish on the Response after 30 sec at 75ºC on Armco Iron and Steel No. 17 in Argon Average Response in Recorder Divisions Polished with Polished with 4-0 Paper Linde B Percent Increase Material Armco Iron Steel No. 17 36.80 27.30 37.77 27.57 2.6 1.0 Temperature change of sphere in recorder divisions. finishes on all materials under test. The finish obtained using the 4-0 emery paper was by far the most reproducible, and all materials were given this polish or its equivalent. Chamber Atmosphere The higher the thermal conductivity of the gas in the chamber, the larger was the contribution of the heat transferred to the sphere by gaseous convection and conduction. Ideally, a vacuum of about 10-6 torr should have been used to eliminate all of the gaseous components of the response, but this would increase the conudct film resistance. Vacuum operation was attempted, but was not practical since precise control of the initial specimen- sphere temperature difference in a vacuum proved to be very difficult and the changing of specimens could not be accomplished without cpening the system. Other factors considered in selecting a chamber atzosphere for testing to 400°C included inertness and purity. Initial tests were made using helium, and its gaseous component was found to be forbiddingly large. Tests using gas-train purified nitrogen indicated a lower gaseous heat transfer component than the tests using helium, and successful operation was found to be possible at 125°C; however, at 400°C an Armco iron specimen was observed to develop a perceptible film within 15 min. Tests using argon containing L . - - . . . about 1 ppm O2 indicated an even lower ga seous heat transfer coefficient than 1 Az WE 18 nitrogen; however, the film on iron was noticed in 30 min. To circumvent this, the previously described zirconium gettering furnace was installed, and no visible oxidation occurred in an 8-hr period on Armco iron in the argon atmosphere at 400°C; during this period, the sphere response repro- ducibility was +1.5% at 30 sec. These encouraging results led to the acceptance of argon* as the system atmosphere. No quantitative comparison can be made regarding the sphere response in the above-mentioned gases because other changes were being made to the detector system during this period. Even in the purified argon atmosphere, the silver sphere slowly c.evelops a film that in three or four weeks affects the response on good conductors but is less effective on poor conductors. To circumvent this effect, the zirconium strips are replaced every two weeks and at this time the sphere is polished with a diamond compound and cleaned with ethyl alcohol. Specimen Size Effect Powell10 has shown the differential sphere response to be affected by the specimen size up to some ciitical value of diameter and thickness which depends on the specimen thermal conductivity. For any specimen thicker than 0.128 in., he found that the response was independent of thickness regardless of the specimen conductivity. His measurements showed that the minimum diameter for copper was 0.3 in. and for borosilicate glass was 2.5 in. Diameter effects were noted in the ORNL thermal comparator on l- and 1/4-in.-diam, 1/4-in.-thick specimens of 1100 AL, INOR-8, ** and Pyrex. During testing the 1/4-in.-diam specimens were placed in a 1/4-in.-diam hole in the center of a l-in.-diam holder of type: 347 stainless steel. The results are shown in Table 2. Since the 1/4-in.-diam aluminum specimen had a thermal mypical tank analysis of impurities by mass spectrometer in parts per million: 11 Hz, 2 CH, 2 02, 25 (N2 + CO), and 1 C02. . . . ... . . **N1 -Mo-Cr-Fe alloy, commercially available as Hastelloy N. . 19 19 Table 2. Effect of Specimen Size on Comparator Response after 20 sec at 125°C Thermal Conductivity (w/m°c)& Sphere Response in Recorder Divisions 174 in. 1 in. Percent Difference In Thermal Response Conductivity In Material nae 17.56 16.8 +4.0 +25.0 26.5 Pyrex INOR-8 1100 AL 6061 Al 1.22 21.74 211.. 1972. -3.0 26.25 50.66 47.70, 4.5 --23.0 53.0 49.0 --13 2 b watts per meter °C ºl-in.-diam holder made of type 347 stainless steel with a central 1/4-in.-diam hole, k approximately 15 w/mºc. €1-in.-diam holder made of a mild steel with a central 0.8-19.-diam hole, k approximately 35 w/mºc. 40.8-in.-diam specimen. . conductivity higher than its holder, the sphere response was lower than that in 1 for the l-in.-diam aluminum specimen. Likewise the response of the 1/4-in.- 4. diam Pyrex was higher than the l-in.-diam Pyrex specimen, because the thermal L , conductivity of the holder was higher than the specimen. In the case of the i 1- m 1/4-in.-diam INOR-8 specimen, the specimen and its holder were about the same wherr, o thermal conductivity and the results were only slightly lower than the l-in.- T . 1 . diam specimen, the small difference probably being due to a film resistance . . between the holder and specimen. Similar results on 0.8- and l-in.-diam . . . 6061 aluminum alloy specimens in a mild steel holder are listed in Table 2. . The average presented for the smaller 6061 aluminum specimen is based on only - . ..* : : . two runs; whereas six were made on the larger specimen. The two averages could be part of the same data set and reflect no difference in response. iri, If the difference is real, then the results indicate a size effect still exists for a 0.8-in.-diam specimen. 20 The above results agree with Powell's findings in that the magnitude and sign of the diameter size effect are dependent on the thermal conductivity of the surrounding material. However, these results do not indicate a depend- ence of the specimen diameter on the specimen thermal conductivity as found by Powell.20 These results do show that Pyrex and aluminum are affected about equally, though understandably in opposite directions. This is consistent with the electrical analogue of Dahl and Jones 11 provided the contact radius for Pyrex is the same as for aluminum, which is to be expected from Eq. (1). Although there may be a size effect at 0.8 in., our tests indicate that at i in. the size effect is negligible compared to the overall accuracy. Furthermore, since the standards are 1 in. in diameter, any size effect will be included in the calibration curve. When measurements were required on substandard size specimens, the holder material was matched with the specimen but a poorer absolute accuracy was expected. Specimen Thermal Conductivity and Calibration Curve Meaningful results with the comparator are obtained only when operating procedures control the above-mentioned variables so that a calibration C . curve relating the sphere response to thermal conductivity at a given operating temperature can be established. However, for intercomparison of basically similar specimens, which differ by only 5 to 10% at the same tempera- ture, only the relative shape of the calibration curve is required. Table 3 contains tabulated calibration data, and the results are plotted in Fi.gs. 4 *-* and 5 for 75 and 300°C. Eleven materials* were used to establish the ON IN *These specimens and their temperature dependent thermal conductivity values were obtained through the courtesies of D. R. Flynn, National Bureau of Standards and R. W. Powell, National Physical Laboratory. mm 2 KE M 1 AL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG 64-1879 75°C 20 sec 30 sec 1100 All H MAGNOX -B VK (watts/meter och NOWN ARMCO IRON F STEEL NO. 2 - H STEEL NO. 10 – H STEEL NO. 17 1 SED F347 STAINLESS STEEL HINOR -8 HYLITE 55 truth PYROCERAMT MM PYREX 2 I PUNKNOWN 1R20 TR30 TRUNKNOWN 10 20 30 40 50 RESPONSE (divisions) 60 70 : , - Fig. 4. Calibration Curves at 75°C for 20 and 30 sec after Contact. The procedure used to determine the thermal conductivity of an unknown is shown. The brackets show the standard deviation of the response. 2 ng Kal . . M T . LLLL UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1959A 300°C ARMCO IRON STEEL NO. 2.) o 20 sec 30 sec STEEL NO. VK (watts /meterocybe STEEL NO. 17 22 347 STAINLESS STEEL SINOR-8 HYLITE * * • PYROCE RAM .. . - -- - t - . - J PYREX 24 28 - 16 20 - 32 52 36 40 44 48 RESPONSE ( divisions ) 56 60 64 . . . - . - : - Fig. 5. Calibration Curves at 300°C for 20 and 30 sec after Contact. .. - F. .: » : . Table 3. Sphere Response Calibration Data at 20 and 30 sec after Contact at 75 and 300 °C in Argon 20-sec 30-sec Response Response (w/m°c)+/- (division) (division) k7/2 30-sec Response Interpolated (division) Material (whose Percent Deviation (w/m°C) & 1.152 3.646 75°C Data, Initial Temperature Difference - 10.65°C 1.07 13.0 17.7 17.80 1.91 16.48 22.66 22.35 2.82 19.74 26.78 27.13 3.33 22.33 30.14 29.73 3.80 23.55 31.67 31.98 Pyrex Pyroceram Hylite 55 INOR-8 Type 347 stainless steel 7.95 -0.56 +1.39 -1.29 +1.38 -0.97 11.08 14.44 26.28 5.13 Steel No. 17 28.54 37.58 37.50 +0.21 35.45 5.96 Steel No. 10 30.69 40.53 40.71 -0.44 58.20 7.63 35.78 46.75 46.75 O Steel No. 2 Armco Iron Magnox B 1100 AL 70.30 123.1 201.6 o +0.14 -0.11 1.46 3.38 11.4. 14.1 18.23 8.38 37.77 49.17 49.18 11.09 45.08 57.28 57.20 14.20 53.07 65.92 65.99 300 °C Data, Initial Temperature Difference : 9.06°C 1.21 17.3 24.3 1.84 22.0 30.0 3.38 3.38 29.2 39.5 3.75 32.6 43.8 4.27 3404 45.9 Pyrex Pyroceram Hylite 55 INOR-8 Tyne 347 stainless steel Steel No. 10 Steel No. 17 Steel No. 2 Armco Iron 37.0 6.08 42.6 55.2 27.6 5.25 39.4 51.5 49.5 7.04 48.5 61.7 55.5 7.45 51.6 65.1 L . . watts per meter °C A to calibration curve at 75 °C and 9 materials at 300°C. The average responses at 75°C are based on six to ten runs on each specimen of known thermal conductivity, and Fig. 4 shows the standard deviation observed. The average responses at 300 °C are based on only four runs on each specimen, and this is not sufficient to yield maaningful standard deviations. One smooth curve was drawn through the data and Table 3 indicates the maximum deviation at 75 °C between the interpolated curve and the measured response is 11.39%, which in the case of Pyroceram corresponds to a +6% deviation in thermal conductivity. If the noncontacting spheres of the previous comparators behaved similarly to the noncontacting sphere of the original ORNL comparator, that is, its response was independent of the specimen being tested, then intercomparisons of the shapes of the calibration curves of previous studies may be meaningful. The calibration curves at 75 and 300°C exhibit a nonlinear relation between k' and the sphere response, and the slope increases sharply near 16 w/mºc. Powell's results showed two linear regions when the differential response and kt/2 were compared, with a break near 11 w/mºc. This behavior is to be compared with the results of Dahl and Jones11 that showed that within +10% the differential response was linear with the logarithm of k. The ORNL data for the response of a single sphere show the form predicted by Ginnings 12 for thermal conductivities up through Armco iron but do not show the predicted tendency to reach a limiting value at higher thermal conductivities. This deviation is in the correct direction to be due to the relative softness at 75°C of the Magnox B and 1100 alumimum known thermal conductivity specimens, although specimen indentation was never observed for these materials. Similar . . 15 T41 on re Mo C 22 4 . ant? . Wir ** . 42 . . .. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL } 2 . _ LAN 148 20F2 7 SET URUS ON 1 . . . !! . 7 1. 49 V + 9 ,- "T .. ] 1 1915 . I . .. "W".. s , . . ly - - 'n . * # . WM . . N' s ? . ' -.. DTIE MICROCARD ISSUANCE DATE . . . 9/00 . . ... 1964 . : U2 w Y 1 ... . A ILLU Y . discrepancies were noted at room temperature on soft materials by the previous studies. Calibration tests on hard materials of high thermal conductivity are needed to resolve this effect. REPRODUCIBILITY AND ACCURACY The reproducibility of the thermal comparator was assessed by deter- mining the percent standard deviation of the sphere response on homogeneous specimens and this was found to be better than 12.5% from 50 to 400°C. Table 4 shows the 30-sec sphere response data, the average response, and the standard deviation for Armco iron at 75, 300, and 400°C. These data show that the percent standard deviation generally decreases with increasing temperature. Furthermore, since the sphere response record can be read to only 0.1 division and since a given determination requires two readings, then a maximum read- ability variation could be 10.2 division. The fact that the observed standard deviation is larger than this is not surprising. The data of 21 runs on type 347 stainless steel at 75°C at 30 sec are shown in Table 5 and are grouped to demonstrate that the deviation from the average tends to follow the normal distribution law and could be considered random scatter. The 95% confidence limit of the average of six to ten runs made on most specimens was usually below +2.0%. It is believed that most of the scatter, in excess of that due to readability, was due to load and specimen surface variations encounterea by the various determinations. The absolute accuracy was evaluated experimentally, rather than by an error analysis, by establishing the calibration curve using some of the standards and then using this curve to determine the thermal conductivity of the remaining standards. At 75°C, the absolute accuracy proved to be better than $10%, agreeing in magnitude with the best smooth curve approach 26 Table 4. Sphere Response Data at 30 sec after contact on Armco Iron at 75, 300, and 400°C Sphere Response in divisions at: 75°C 300°C 62.6 50.2 49.8 62.3 400°C 66.3 66.3 66.1 66.7 65.0 49.4 62.4 49.1 62.4 62.0 48.1 48.6 49.0 63.2 66.1 65.5 66.0 Average response Standard Deviation (division) Percent Deviation 49.2 10.7 62.5 10.4 10.6 10.6 +0.9 11.4 Table 5. Groupings of the Response in 0.2-Div. Intervals for Type 347 Stainless Steel at 30 sec at 75°Cå 30.7–30. 9 31.0-31. 2 Division Intervals 31.3-31.5 31.631. 8 31.932. 1 32.2-32.4 31.0 31.6 30.7 30.8 30.8 31.3 31.4 31.6 31.9 31.9 32.0 32.0 32.1 32.3 32.4 32.4 31.6 31.6 31.7 31.8 32.1 31.8 Average: 31.7; standard deviation: 10.5 div. or 11.6%; 95% confidence: 10.2 div. or +0.69%. which was previously shown to be within 6% of k for all of the standards. Further support for the absolute accuracy of the thermal comparator was obtained by measurements on several specimens of unknown thermal con- ductivity, and the results agreed within the above limits with those of absolute measurements, as discussed below. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The thermal conductivity of many solids may be conveniently divided into two parts: k = ke + ko, where k, is the electronic portion due to the transport of heat by (2) electrons and k is the lattice portion due to the transport of heat by phonons. The Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz (W-F-L) relation can be used to determine k from the electrical resistivity by: ke - LT/ , (3) where p is the electrical resistivity at T, the absolute temperature, and L is 2.445 x 10-6 w2/m• cm °C, the theoretical W-F-L constant. The lattice portion of the thermal conductivity is not so simply related to other properties of the solid. One common approach is to divide the phonon thermal resistance, l/k, into portions which are due to & particular phonon scattering mechanism and then attempt to calculate each separately. Thus one writes the phonon thermal resistance, R, as: = R + R + Ppei (4) where Ry, Ry, and Roe are the thermal resistances due to Umklapp, impurity, and electron scattering of phonons, respectively. For a solid well above pe NY 28 the Debye temperature, Ry should be a constant and R, should be propor- tional to T. The temperature dependence or R is not clear, but if one pe assumes it to be constant, the thermal conductivity results on many electrically conducting solids can be explained. With this assumption, the phonon thermal resistance is: R = A + BT (5) where A and B are constants and the total thermal conductivity is: 16) Thermal conductivity measurements at moderate temperatures, in the range of the thermal comparator, can be used with high-temperature electrical resistivity values to provide a reasonable extrapolation of k to higher temperatures on the basis of Eq. (6). This procedure is useful because high-temperature thermal conductivity measurements are much more difficult and less precise than are high-temperature electrical resistivity measurements. Thermal conductivity measurements were made with the ORNL thermal comparator at 75 and 300°C on UN, US, Ths, and UO2 with the results shown in Teble 6. The measured values were corrected to theoretical density, and the corrected values are plotted in Figs. 6, 7, 8, and 9 as a function of temperature. Previous thermal conductivity measurements have been made on UN, 14 us, 15 and 102, 2 and comparison data are included in these figures. The VO2 and 10:2-X specimens were cut from one of the UO z disks used for measurements in the ORNL radial heat flow apparatus.? The VO2 M ... Windo ..... . . .. .. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1963R ALL DATA CORRECTED TO 100% DENSITY A SMI, FIRST RUN • BMI, SECOND RUN O ORNL THERMAL COMPARATOR * (wotts/meter ·°C) EXTRAPOLATION OF ORNL DATA | 200 200 800 400 600 TEMPERATURE (°C) 9000 Fig. 6. The Thermal Conductivity of UN Corrected to 100% Density Between 0 and 1000°C. - :: : . : . ...... . . . --- . e . condo .... NY - -- - - - - - - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64 - 1960A US EXTRAPOLATION OF ORNL DATA emerom .... K, THERMAL CODUCTIVITY ( watts/meter:°C) - 30 ALL DATA CORRECTED TO 100% DENSITY • R. DUNWORTH, ANL O ORNL THERMAL COMPARATOR 200 600 800 400 TEMPERATURE (°C) 1000 Fig. 7. The Thermal Conductivity of US Corrected to 100% Density Between 0 and 1000°C. ........... - ......... ....... ................. 2 . W Les UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1962A ThS DATA CORRECTED TO 100% DENSITY • ORNL COMPARATOR DATA K, THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY ( watts/meter •°C) 31 EXTRAPOLATION OF ORNL DATA 200 200 400 600 TEMPERATURE (°C) 800 9000 Fig. 8. The Thermal Conductivity of ThS Corrected to 100% Density Between 0 and 1000°C. . .. . M . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-1961R UO2 i K, THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY ( wotts/meter.°C) DATA CORRECTED TO 100% DENSITY • ORNL RADIAL HEAT FLOW O ORNL THERMAL COMPARATOR VO, ORNL THERMAL COMPARATOR VO2-X - 100 100 200 TEMPERATURE (°C) 300 400 Fig. 9. The Thermal Conductivity of VO2 and 102-X Corrected to 100% Density Between -100 and 400°C. S W 1 . . 12 Table 6. Thermal Conductivity Results obtained by the ORNL Thermal Comparator at 75 and 300 °C Theoretical Density (%) Measured Thermal Conductivity (w/m°C) 75°C 300°C Corrected Thermal Conductivity (w/m°C) 75°C 300°C Material Ins UN US VO2 U”2-X 95.59 94.56 90.2 93.4 93.4 4.8 12.85 9.55 7.16 7.18 34.3 14.2 10.8 9.95 5.78 46.8 13.6 20.6 7.67 7.70 35.9 15.1 11.9 5.30 6.19 corrected to theoretical density: knees, where D is the fraction of theoretical density. specimen yielded k values which agree with the previous determinations to within 5% at 75 and 300°C. Thermal conduction in this specimen is solely due to phonon transport. The VO2-x specimen was heated to 2050 °C for 30 min in a 2 x 10-5 torr vacuum and cooled rapidly in the furnace. This treatment produced a substoichiometric defect structure with an oxygen-to- uranium ratio slightly less than 2. At room temperature, the excess uranium is a metallic phase dispersed in stoichiometric UO 2.26 Upon heating, the free uraniw dopes the lattice and produces n-type centers which can increase the electronic contribution to thermal conduction. This explains why the 300°C k value for this specimen is 17% high. The agreement at 75°C for the two specimens substantiates the above observations in that this temperature is too low to cause appreciable solution of the uranium. These tentative cor- clusions require additional testing for final verification. + 7 -- . * ! The corrected thermal conductivities of UN and US at 75 and 300 °C are slightly lower than the previous measurements on these materials, lugas and this may be due to use of an incorrect correction for the density or to st.gnificant specimen differences. No previous measurements exist on Tns, and the high measured value for this material at 75 and 300°C certainly warrants further interest. In fact, since previous measurements have shown increases in k in the compounds US, UN, and UC as the anion is changed from Group VI to IV, then one might expect very interesting k behavior for the series: Ths, ThN, and ThC. It is interesting to note the US, Ths, and UN all have large electronic and phonon heat transport contributions. Thus these materials are in a very interewting transition region between good metals and semiconductors. This is a further incentive, besides the nuclear one, for more work to be done on careful preparation and property measurements of these materials. Table 7 contains the results of calculations based on Eq. (6) needed to extrapolate the thermal comparator data on US, THS, and UN to higher temperatures. Included in the table are the electrical resistivity data on UN?" and the electrical resistivity data of Argonne National Laboratory on US and Ths. 17 The constants A and B of Eq. (6) are tabulated in Table 8 for these compounds. These were obtained using the assumption that the lattice portion of the thermal resistance follows Eq. (5). The electronic portion of the thermal conductivity was subtracted from the measured k values for 75 and 300 °C to obtain k. The lattice thermal resistance, 1/k, at these two temperatures was plotted and a straight line drawn through them to give A and B. The values of k, reported in Table 7 for temperatures other than 75 and 300 °C were calculated using Eq. (5). Table 7. Extrapolation of Comparator Thermal Conductivity Values to 300°C for US, Ths, and UN Temp (°c) me asured 100% Dense (u ohm came) emo USC 75 290 247 3.5 10.6° 100 298 253 10.7 200 310 264 4.4 11.3 300 318 5.1 7.1 7.1 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 323 275 6.0 11.96 12.6 13.2 14.1 500 325 276 6.7 600 327 278 7.7 700 328 279 8.5 14.8 800 328 9.6 6.1 279 279 15.5 16.3 200 10.3 6.0 328 328 1000 11. 5.9 17.1 Thea 65 .12.2 14.0 46.5 32.8 30.0 22.8 46.86 44.5 100 14.5 200 16.4 39 300 18.0 35.96 400 101 500 110 33.4 600 119 32.8 17.9 19.2 20.3 21.2 21.8 22.7 23.3 23.6 700 128 109 15.3 13.1 11.6 10.3 9.6 8.4 7.7 32.1 800 137 116 32.1 900 146 124 31.7 1000 155 132 31.3 * ... 17 . AL 12 21 Table 7 continued measured enee Temp (°C) _ _ Tu obar cm) UNC 193 166 13.1 199 17 13.66 9.1 8.6 8.5 7.9 100 201 173 13.8 24.4 200 208 179 300 212 183 7.4 15.76 4.03 4.98 5.28 6.47 7.67 8.86 10.0 11.1 12.2 13.3 400 216 186 15.9 500 220 6 .6 7.0 6.6 6.3 6.0 600 224 192 16.6 17.4 18.2 19.0 700 227 195 6.0 231 231 198 800 900 5.7 235 202 14.2 5.4 19.6 1000 240 206 15.1 5.2 20.3 *85% dense, M. Tetenbaum: "Thermoelectr! c Parameter Studies on US, Ths, and UC-ThS Solid Solutions," Seminar on Groups V and VI Anions, Argonne National Laboratory, February 26, 27, 1964 (in press). Experimental. values. €86% dense, measured by a 6-probe technique in a vacuum of 10-5 torr to 1000°C at ORNL. Table 8. Derived Constants for Thermal Conductivity Extrapolation B (mºK/w) US UN 0.130 0.086 -0.008 0.0000314 0.0000835 0.0001080 Ths The extrapolation to 1000 °C of k for these materials 18 shown in F188. 6, 7, and 8. This extrapolation 18 25% below the measured values for UN reported by BMI at 1000 °C and within 3% of the values for US reported by ANL at 1000°C. In this extrapolation all electrical resistivity data and thermal conductivity data were corrected to theoretical density using the - relations: Pcorr * P meas *D where D 1s the fraction of theoretical density. The validity of these corrections is uncertain but the change 1.s in the proper direction which is better than no correction. It should be mentioned that the quality of the specimens of these materials on which measurements were made was not ideal. Since the specimens were polycrystalline and porous (90 to 96% of theoretical density) of unknown purity, then the differences between the ORNL results and those reported on us25 and UN24 could be accounted for by slight specimen differences. It is noteworthy that the extrapolation did give the proper temperature dependence of k. Ideally, thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity measurements should be made on the same sample. Specimen non-ideality is probably more detrimental in the case of electricas resistivity measurements than for thermal conductivity measurement. This 18 because thermal conductivity 18 less susceptible to change by grain boundary resistance than 18 electrical resistivity. In our measurements of o of UN, we found a jolarization effect which 18 thought to be due to save of the grains being electrically insulated by an oxdde in the grain boundary. Microstructural examination has revealed oxide inclusions. Nevertheless, our electrical resistivity values for UN agree reasonably well with those of BMI when both are corrected to theoretical density by Eq. (8). The theory on which our thermal conductivity extrapolation is based 18 for bulk material. The data reported on non-ideal specimens must be considered preliminary. The measurements need to be repeated on fully dense specimens of known purity before careful comparison with theory can be made. The electronic portion, k, of UN, US, and Ths increases with increasing temperature according to the W-F-L relation. It should be pointed out that, although the electrical conductivity of most metals decreases with increasing temperature, the W-F-L relation does not necessarily predict that this will be true for the electronic portion of the thermal conductivity. If the electrical resistivity can be expressed as a linear function of temperature in some range, such as: Depo(1 + a[T - T.)) (9) where T. 18 the temperature corresponding to the beginning of the linear region and a is the temperature coefficient of resistivity, one can differentiate the W-F-L relation with respect to temperature using the above expression for p and determine by the sign of the derivative whether k increases or decreases with increasing temperature. The result of this differentiation is: 1(1 - ) pofl + a[T - T])2 (10) This derivative is positive if or <1, regative if of > 1, and zero 12 * . For Us, ThS, and UN, the electrical resistivity is linear between 673 and 1173°K, 273 and 1373°K, and 473 and 1273°K, respectively, with a values of 2.9 x 10-5, 1.4 x 10-3, and 1.9 x 10", respectively, giving values of one of 1.96 x 10-2, 3.8 x 10-7, and 9.0 x 10-2, respectively. Since all of these or values are less tiian 1, then Eq. (10) predict: that k should increase with increasing temperature in these temperature ranges for the three materials, as indeed it does. CONCLUSIONS A single-sphere thermal comparator apparatus was developed to allow rapid and nondestructive determinations on small specimens which were 1/4 in. thick and 1 in. or less in diameter with a wide range of thermal conductivity values in the range 50 to 400°C in an inert atmosphere. Pro- cedures were developed to maintain constant those variables effecting the sphere response, such as the initial temperature difference between the sphere and the specimen, the area of contact of the sphere and the specimen, ani the specimen preparation. These variables must remain constant in order for the specimen thermal conductivity to control the sphere response. The resulting reproducibility of the sphere response proved to be better than +2.5% with an attendant absolute accuracy of thermal conductivity of better then 10%. Calculations based on several models of the thermal comparator proved this transient method does indeed measure thermal conductivity and that the sphere- specimen contact radius is of the order of 20 H. 40 Calibration curves were established at 75 and 300°C using specimens of known thermal conductivity and determinations on US, UN, and UO2 agreed with previous absolute measurements to better than +20% at 300°c. Original data obtained on Ths indicated a thermal conductivity of 46.8 w/mºc at 75°C and 35.9 w/mºc at 300°C. Measurements on UO2 heat treated to produce 102-X indicated as much as a 17% improvement in the thermal conductivity may be expected at 300°C. Using these low-temperature thermal conductivity measurements, high- temperature electrical resistivity measurements and expected heat transport mechanisms, reasonable extrapolations were made of the thermal conductivity of these materials to temperatures as high as 1000°C. A differentiation of the Weidmann-Franz-Lorenz relation was performed which shows that the electronic portion of the thermal conductivity may increase, decrease, or not change with increasing temperature, depending on the magnitude of the electrical resistivity and its temperature coeflicient. 41 APPENDIX A Many studies 10–12 have predicted that the response of the Powell comparator, a few milliseconds after contact, is proportional to the specimen thermal conductivity and not the thermal diffusivity. This result was reaffirmed by the authors using a mathematical model which was an 12 extension and modification of one used by Ginnings. +2 The solution of the model gives the temperature of the contacting sphere as a function of time after contact. This temperature response can be shown to be a function of the thermal conductivity of the specimen, not the thermal diffusivity, if the contact area is small enough. The response is the same under this condition as would be obtained by assuming that heat flow in the specimen occurs under steady-state conditions. It was found that the actual experimental response of the contacting sphere was consistent with this steady-state assumption. The model applies only to the contacting sphere and the specimen, not to the noncontacting sphere. The specimen is assumed to be in the shape of a hemisphere of radius, L, and the contacting sphere touches the specimen on a small hemispherical surface of radius, a. A film coefficient, n, is assumed to exist between the contacting surfaces. The contacting sphere has an infinite thermal conductivity compared to that of the measured specimen so that there is no temperature gradient in the sphere. The sphere has a heat content, MC. All the surfaces of the sphere and specimen are assumed to be insulated with the exception of the common contact area. Also, the assumption is made that all of the properties of the specimen are 42 constants within the temperature range equal to the initial temperature difference between the sphere and the specimen. With these conditions, flow of heat in the sample 18 radial from the contact surface and the usual Fourier heat flow equations c n be solved exactly for the temperature at any radius, r, in the specimen and for the temperature of the ball as a function of time after contact. For reasonable values for the specimen thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and radius, L, calculations showed that the contact radius, a, must be less than about 0.015 cm for the contact ball response to be only a function of the thermal conductivity. Under these conditions, the reduced sphere temperature may be written approximately as: T - no *s *z 1-6-212x = 0,27 - (028) - +... , (11) O where 2rakt ajte MC (1 + a) T = the sphere temperature at time, t, TO - the initial sphere temperature, the initial specimen temperature, and k = the specimen thermal conductivity. It is interesting that this result is exactly the same as that which would be obtained using the same geometrical configuration and boundary conditions and the assumptions that steady-state conditions exdst within the sample and that the surface at r = L 18 held at To. On this basis, a further analysis of the contacting sphere has been performed using the assumptions that heat flow in the solid is under steady-state conditions and that the sphere picks up additional heat from its surroundings at a rate proportional to the temperature of the ball. This analysis predicts that L2 = constant TV-TA where 2. = the slope of the temperature response curve of the contacting ball for one material and = the slope for another material. If both slopes are taken from the experimental curves at times corresponding to the same value of To I for the two materials, then the ratio in Eq. (12) should be a constant. Experimental data were substituted into the left hand side of Eq. (12) for Armco iron and Steel No. 2 vs type 347 stainless steel, INOR-8, and Pyrex; type 347 stainless steel and INOR-8 vs Pyrex. These calculations are tabulated in Table 9 and are constant in each case to within the experimental error of determining the slopes. The constant C is given by iro, Inom K2 27 (13) til Poz-fiz 02 12 where MC, is the heat capacity of the sphere in joules per °C, re is the radius of contact of the sphere and specimen in meters, r is the outside 44 Table 9. Experimental Determinations of C and I of Equation 12 at 75°C in Argon Time After Contact for (sec) Armco Iron V8 INOR-8 C (1/sec) Araco Iron Steel No. 2 vs Type 347 Steel No. 2 vs Type 347 Stainless VS Stainless Steel INOR-8 Steel C (1/sec) C (1/sec) C (1/sec) 25 0.0106 0.0106 0.0105 0.0104 0.0102 0.0104 9.4 x 200 0.0100 0.0100 0.00994 0.00979 0.00969 0.00989 9.5 x 104 0.00910 0.00920 0.00927 0.00922 0.00900 0.00916 10.4 10-4 0.00853 0.00874 0.00865 0.00858 0.00849 0.00860 10.5 X 1004 10 Average "C" (cm) Time After Contact for (sec) Armco Iron Steel No. 2 V8 V8 Pyrex Pyrex C11/sec) c (1/sec) Type 347 Stainless Steel V6 Pyrex C (1/sec) INOR-8 V8 Pyrex C (1/sec) 0.00671 0.00540 0.0164 25 0.0162 0.0159 0.0155 10 0.0153 Average "C" 0.0158 F (cm) 12.3 x 104 0.0152 0.0149 0.0147 0.0143 0.0141 0.0147 13.8 x 100 0.00671 24.3 x 10-4 0.00540 29.3 % 100% X 13 45 radius of the specimen in meters, k is the thermal conductivity in w/ °C, and the subscripts 1 and 2 correspond to different specimens. If the sphere is assumed to be pure silver, the value of MC is 0.337 Joules/°C. When r. » F4, Eq. 13 becomes cara , 62 - ruke ) - 18.7 [ -2,- ]. (24) An average radius, i, was defined as ra 18.77 Tkı - k27 (15) and these calculated values are also contained in Table 9 Equation (1) for a 25-g load and a silver sphere predicted that the radius should be between 20.8 x 10-4 and 23.9 x 104 cm. Only the values of 5 of Eq. (15) for type 347 Svainless steel and INOR-8 vs Pyrex agree closely with these; the others are more than a factor of 2 lower. These differences may be explained by one of four factors. First, the value of MC s at most an estimate since the detector was not a solid silver sphere as was assumed but rather had two radial holes drilled to its center - one hole having a 0.085-in.-diam stainless steel rod threaded into it and the other containing a thermocouple sheathed in 1/16-in.-diam aluminum oxide insulation. Secondly, Dahl and Jones 11 have pointed out in their electrical analogue that the equipotential surfaces are elliptical in shape rather than hemispherical as was assumed in deriving Eq. (13). Thirdly, Ginnings 12 has pointed out that the effective radius of contact may be larger for lower conductivity materials due to the heat conducted to the sphere from the specimen by the gas in the vicinity of the contact. Lastly, a film coefficient could influence the "effective" radius of contact as shown here. 46 In spite of this discrepancy, the model approximates the experimental sphere response since C 18 indeed a constant and thus substantiates the supposition that the response is proportional to the specimen thermal conductivity. RHFERENCES YTI . 1. T. G. Godfrey, W. Fulkerson, T. G. Kollie, J. F. Moore, and D. L. McElroy: USAEC Report, ORNL-3556, April, 1964. 2. 1. W. Watson and H. E. Robinson: Trans. ASME J. Heat Transfer, 1961, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 403–08. 3. R. W. Powell: Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 1934, vol. 46, pp. 659-678. 4. W. J. Parker, R. J. Jenkins, C. P. Butler, and G. L. Abbott: J. Appl. Phys., 1961, vol. 32, pp. 1679–1684. 5. G. D. Cody, B, Abeles, and D. S. Beers: Trans. Met. Soc., AIME, 1961, vol. 221, no. 2, pp. 25–27. 6. P. H. Sidles and G, C, Danielson: J. Appl. Phys., 1952, vol. 25, p. 710. 7. J. A. Cape, G. W. Lehman, and M. M. Nakata: J. Appl. Phys., 1963, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 3550–3555. 8. R. W. Powell: J. Sci. Instr., 1957, vol. 34, pp. 485492. 9. R. W. Powell and R. P. Tye: Techniques of Non-Destructive Testing, Butterworths, London, 1960. 10. R. W. Powell: Proceedings of the Black Hills Summer Conference on Transport Phenomena, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, Final Report issued under Office of Naval Research Contract No. Nonr(G)-00064-62 (15 October 1962) pp. 95–154. 11. A. I. Dahl and D. W. Jones:ASME-AIChe Heat Transfer Conference, Buffalo, New York, August, 1960, Paper 60-HT-30. 12. D. C. Ginnings: Progress in International Research on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties, Academic Press, New York, 1962. 13. R. J. Roark: Formulas for Stress and Strain, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1943. 14. E. 0, Speidel and D. L. Keller: USAEC Report, BMI-1633, May, 1963. 15. R. J. Dunworth: Argonne National Laboratory, Private Communication, October, 1963. 16. E. Rothwell: AERE-R3897, 1961. 17. M. Tetenbaum: "Thermoelectric Parameter Studies on US, Ths, and UC-THS Solid Solutions, " Seminar on Groups V and VI Anions, Argonne National Laboratory, February 26, 27, 1964 (in press). we . . :- END . . . :: . 7 . .