. . • . . . . I OF 2 ORNL P 3136 ..on { jo - i : ' , . 8 EEEFEEEE 1 . 11:25 11.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ORXL-Do 3130 670709-1 JUN 2 7 1967 stP MASTER For proceedings of the Symposium on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Radiation, (Rio de Janeiro, July 9-15, 1967). CFSTI RRICES Radiation and Carcinogenesis H.C. $(3.00: MN_65 Arthur C. Upton Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee . . . . .. . . 1? .. - . LEGAL NOTICE This report was proparod u an account of Govoramont sponsored work. Noither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any porson acting on behalf of the Commiaslon: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, wompleteness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this roport may not infringe privately owed rights; or. B. Asmumos hay liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procube disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employs of ruch contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor proparos, dienominatos, or provides accous to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. -- . . . . DISTRIBUTION OE THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED he 3 ini .' " '. . ' - . TS . . . . . TL 4 . . 29 TL-12 LERA th 7" SL e 1 i 'w A W ? + Running head: RADIATION AND CARCINOGENESIS Send proof to: Dr. Arthur C. Upton Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. 0. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 . .. w . INTRODUCTION The carcinogenic action of ionizing radiation was first recognized more than half a century ago and has since been studied extensively in human and animal populations (see Furth and Lorenz, 1954; Glucksman, Lamerton, and Mayneord, 1957). Although radiation in large doses has long been acknowledged to exert carcinogenic effects, concern now exists that a small increase in environmental radiation may magnify the risk of cancer (United Nations, 1964). This concern is intensified by the expand- ing use of radiological apparatus and isotopes in modern society and by worldwide fallout from atomic weapons tests. of the various agents known to cause cancer, ionizing radiation has probably been the most thoroughly investigated. Clinical and experimental observations have indicated that it may cause nearly any form of cancer. if administered under appropriate conditions to susceptible subjects. However, because cancer may arise spontaneously, a causal connection between irradiation and cancer can be inferred only from a statistical correlation between increased cancer incidence and radiation dose. At low dose levels, such a correlation is not obvious and the carcinogenic action of radiation is problematic. Furthermore, attempts to predict the effects of small amounts of radiation by extrapolation from the high- dose range are hampered by the lack of precise knowledge about the . relation between cancer incidence and dose, the radiobiologic mechanisms of cancer-induction, and the influence of radiologic and physiologic variables that may affect cancer development. . In the following, salient information about radiation-induced cancer is surveyed briefly. Although the mechanisms of the carcinogeneic effects of radiation remain largely unknown, facts which throw new light on I 1. the role of radiation in carcinogenesis are reviewed. Probability of Cancer in Relation to Low-I.evel Irradiation: Extrapolation From High Dose Levels A variety of cancers have been reported in heavily irradiated individuals, but there are relatively few growths in animals or man for which quantitative dose-incidence data are available. Furthermore, the data for these few are largely restricted to a dose range hundreds or thousands of times higher than the natural background radiation in the environment. (see below). To put these dose considerations into perspective, the principal sources and the average levels of environmental radiation are summarized in Table 1. Although natural radiation has always existed in man's environment, it differs widely from one geographic region to another, depending on the concentration of radium and other radioactive elements in the earth and on the intensity of cosmic radiation from space, which varies inversely in relation to elevation. Man-made radiations are of recent origin but are gradually increasing throughout the world, depending primarily on the local use of diagnostic radiology (Table 1). Attempts to limit radiation exposure from medical (T-1) (Chamberlain, 1965) and other man-made (International Comm. on Rad. Protect., 1966) sources are now being intensified, in part because of the desire to minimize any possible carcinogenic risks involved. RADIATION AND THE INCIDENCE OF SPECIFIC NEOPLASMS Leukemia Human Data Postnatal Irradiation All types of leukemia, with the exception of the chronic lymphocytic typer; have been increased in frequency anong irradiated populations (see United Nations, 1964); however, the dose-incidence relation for any given hematologic type is not well known. Nor is the durat:ion of the period during which the incidence is increased known precisely; i.e,, although a latency of 4-5 years intervenes before the incidence of any type rises to peak values, the time when, if ever, the incidence returns to normal is not known. In patients treated with X-ray therapy to the spine for ankylosing spondylitis the incidence is apparently no longer elevated 15-20 years after irradiation (Court Brown and Doll, 1965), but in Japanese A-bomo survivors it continues to be elevated more than 20 years after exposure (United Nations ,1964; R. W. Miller, 1965). Whether this difference between the two populations is attributable to differences in types of leukemia, or other variables, remains to be determined. Poorly known also is the influence of age on susceptibility to radiation leukemogenesis. Evidence suggests that irradiation increases principally those types of leukemia most likely to occur naturally in the age group at risk and that the increase more nearly approximates a constant multiplication of the natural age-incidence than a given number of cases per unit dose irrespective of age (Figure 1). (F-1) Because of these age-dependent variations in the incidence and types of induced leukemia, the effects of radiation on the combined incidence of the different types averaged over all ages may vary, depending on age at exposure. Nevertheless, the available evidence generally supports Lewis's (1957) suggestion (Table 2) that the overall (T-2) incidence of leukemia in populations irradiated under widely differing conditions approximates 1-2 cases per 100 person-years at risk per rad during the first 15 years after irradiation (see United Nations, 1964). The similarity in the dose-incidence relation among the exposed populations 18 remarkable in view of the differences among them in the distribution of the radiation in space and time. The most extensive dose-effect data, which come from the follow-up studies of the Japanese A-bomb survivors and of patients given X-ray therapy for spondylitis, are con- . sistent with a linear dose-incidence relation for spinal and whole- body irradiation (Figure 2), but do not exclude the existence of a thřes- (F-2) hold at low doses, as stressed earlier (Brues, 1959). It is not clear whether irradiation of a small part of the body is leukemogenic. The lack of evidence of leukemia induction in patients treated with radiotherapy for carcinoma of the cervix (Simon Brucer, und Hayes, 1960) and in individuals with large body burdens of radium (United Nations, 1964) suggests that irradiation may be only slightly, if at all, leukemogenic when but a small fraction of the total hemopoietic marrow exposed. Although an association between 1 : diagnostic irradiation of the trunk and the subsequent development of leukemia has been reported, it remains to be verified (see United Nations, 1964). Prenatal Irradiation. Evidence further implying leukemogenic effects of radiation at low dose levels is the existence of an association between prenatal diagnostic irradiation and leukemia in childhood (see MacMahon and Hutchinson, 1964). This association may not be one of cause and effect, but another explanation for it remains to be found. Hence, it suggests that prenatal whole-body irradiation at dose levels of 5 rads or less increases by nearly 50 per cent the risk that the exposed child will develop leukemia. This implies that if a threshold for leukemogenesis exists it must be considerably lower than 5 rads, at least in the fetus. It also implies that susceptibility to radiation leukemogenesis is several times higher before birth than . after birth. The latency of leukemia in prenatally exposed individuals differs from that in postnatally exposed, the excess incidence in the former apparently persisting no longer than 10 years after exposure (MacMahon, 1962). An association between preconceptual irradiation of the mother and leukemia in her subsequently conceived children has been reported (Graham et al., 1966) but remains to be verified. Animal Data Mice Thymic Lymphosarcoma. The commonest radiation-induced leukemia of the mouse arises in the thymus as a lymphosarcoma. This neoplasm may be induced in most strains of mice by a variety of agents (see Kirschbaum, 1951; Furth and Baldini, 1959; Law, 1960). Its induction by irradiation is inhibited in the presence of intact hemopoietic cells; i.e., shielding spleen or marrow from radiation or infusion of nonirradiated hemopoietic cells after whole-body. irradiation inhibits induction of the disease (see Odell, Cosgrove, and Upton, 1960). Nonirradiated thymic tissue may, furthermore, be rendered neoplastic on implantation into an irradiated recipient, thus conclusively demonstrating the role of radiation injury to tissues other than the thymus in the pathogenesis of this disease (see Kaplan, 1959; Upton, 1961a). The relation between the incidence of the disease and the dose of radiation is .complex, depending on time-intensity and quality factors of irradiation as well as on the total dose. In general, a given dose of X-rays or gamma rays decreases in leukemogenic potency as the duration of irradiation is prolonged (Mole, 1958a); whereas the effectiveness of neutrons is affected less, if at all, by thë dose rate (Figure 3). X rays may, however, be even more leukemogenic when given in several properly timed fractions, than when given in a a single exposure (Kaplan and Brown, 1952; Upton, 1959). At a given dose (F-3) rate, the incidence typically varies as a power function of the dose over the range 25-150 r rather than as a simple linear function (see Upton, 1961a). The latency is inversely related to dose (see Upton, Kimball, et al., 1960). The peak mortality from the disease occurs 150-400 days after exposure, relatively few neoplasms appearing clinically within 100 days. after irradiation and few appearing late ir life (Upton, Kimball, et al., 1960; Upton, Kastenbáum, and Conklin, 1963). Susceptibility to induction of lymphomas varies with strain, sex, and age (see Upton and Furth, 1957; Upton, 1959). Females are characteristically more susceptible than males, this difference being lessened by gonadectomy (see Kirschbaum, 1957). After involution of the thymus, susceptibility diminishes in both sexes (Upton, Odell, and Sniffen, 1960). Irradiation has little effect on the incidence, although it may shorten the induction period slightly, in mice of high-lymphoma strains (see Upton, 1963; Duplan, 1965). spice It is too early to specify the mechanism of leukemogenesis, but filterable leukemogenic agents have been repeatedly extracted from thymic tumors in irradiated mice (Gross, 1958, 1959; Lieberman and Kaplan, 1959; Latarjet and Duplan, 1962; Hiraki et al., 1962; Libansky et al., 1963; Holmberg et al, 1967; and others). If the induction of this neoplasm depends on some form of radiation-induced activation of a latent leukemia virus, the nature of this effect, its relation to the dosage of radiation, and the mode of action of conditioning factors remain to be elucidated. The production of an irreversible "priming" effect (Kaplan, 1960) by irradiation, which may be associated with the appearance of leukemogenic "initiating" activity in tissues other than the thymus (Berenblum and Trainin, 1961), the promotion of radiation leukemogenesis by estrogen (see Kapları, Nagareda, and Brown, 1954), cortisone (Upton and Furth, 1954), urethane (Berenblum and Trainin, 1960), and myleran (Upton, Wolff, and Sniffen, 1961), and the inhibition of leukemogenesis by administration of testosterone and corticoids after irradiation (Ree Kaplan et al., 1954) suggest that the evolution of neoplasia in the thymus is a multistage process. This inference is supported by the stepwise progression of malignancy in such growths (Kaplan and Hirsch, 1956). The action of radiation may, therefore, include •both "initiating" and "promoting" effects, depending on the dose and conditions of exposure. Kaplan (1964) has postulated radiation to act in the following three Ways in inducing thymic lymphomas: 1) to liberate, or activate in some way, a latent leukemogenic virus; 2) to cause atrophy of the thyr B, thereby stimulating regenerative · proliferation of surviving thymocytoblasts; the latter are postulated to be the target cells of the virus and to be more susceptible when mitotically active than when in a 10 resting condition atrophy of the thymus induced by other means also acts in the same way; hence, irradiation of the thymus itself is not necessary to this mechanism); and 3). to damage the bone marrow, which impairs regenerations of the thymus, thus prolonging the period during which thymocytoblasts are in a state of heightened susceptibility to viral transformation. The role of the marrow in the latter mechanism is not established, but existing data suggest that the marrow supplies stem cells which repopulate the thymus and thus facilitate its regeneration (see Loutit, 1964). The mechanism by which radiation"activatest the leukemogenic virus, likewise, remains to be determined. Leukemogenic virus may, however, be recoverable from exposed mice within only a few days after irradiation (Haran-Ghera, 1966), and there is evidence implying that virus may be activated, at least partially, even in nonnemopoietic tissues within minutes after irradiation in vitro (see Berenblum and Trainin, 1963). That the virus may be "activated" in situ and need not enter the body from outside is suggested by studies with germ-free mice, which develop radiation-induced leukemia and contain leukemia-virus-like particles, in their tissues, in the absence of other detectable viruses or microorganisma (Polard and Matsuzawa, 1964; Walburg et al, 1965). These studies are thus consistent with Gross's hypothesis that the leukemia virus is transmitted vertically from mother to young, either across the placenta or via the zygote (see Gross, 1961). Although the nature of the virus-induced leukemic transformatioa is obscure, several, theoretical models have been postulated (Kaplan, 1962; Dulbecco, 1963). The origin of the neoplasm from a single kathy A . . . . 3 11 transformed cell is implied by cytogenetic studies indicating the lymphoma in most instances to be a clone of cells having a particular chromosomal abnormality, which becomes detectable in the thymus during · the "preneoplastic" period (see Loutit, 1964; Joneja and Stich, 1965). Granulocytic Leukemia. The experimental induction of myeloid leuke- mia by ionizing radiation has received less study than the induction of thymic lymphoma, presumably because myeloid leukemia is ráre in tenfold by 150 r whole-body X-irradiation; i.e., to about 30%, as compared with the natural incidence of 2-3% in this strain (Upton et al., 1958). An increase in the incidence of the disease has also been noted in irradiated mice of other strains (see Upton et al., 1960; Cottier, 1961), but the numbers of affected animals have been too small to provide quantitative data. As in the pathogenesis of thymic lymphoma, the induction of myeloid leukemia is conditioned by physiologic variables, such as age, sex, hormonal activity, and other factors (Upton, 1959, 1963, Upton et al., 1966). It is also associated with the appearance of a filterable leukemogenic agent in the leukemic tissues, suggesting that a virus, is also involved in its pathogenesis (see Upton, 1969; Parsons et al., 1962; Jenkins and Upton, 1963). Radiation has failed to induce this disease in RF mice exposed in the neonatal period or in the germ-free state, or to induce any form of leukemia in RF mice exposed. prenatally (see Upton et al., 1966), which underscores the importance of physiologic factors in leukemogenesis. : . T 12 The action of these factors on the host-virus relationship and on the dynamics of granulocyte turnover deserves further study. It has been proposed that the same virus may cause granulocytic leukemia, thymic lymphoma, and other leukemias, depending on the constitution of the host (see Gross, 1961; Upton, 1964; Upton et al., 1966). The relation between the incidence of myeloid jeukemia and radiation dose in RF mice depends markedly on the conditions of exposure (Figure 4). (F-4) The curve below 150 r appears curvilinear, and it declines at high doses, & feature characteristic of many other neoplasms (see Upton, 1961a). The decline may conceivably reflect excessive cytotoxicity at high dose levels, in keeping with certain theoretical expectations (Reif, 1961; Gray 1965). Gamma rays are relatively ineffective at low dose rates, which is consistent with the dose-rate dependency for induction of lymphomas, noted above, and of certain other neoplasms (see Mole, 1959; Upton, 1961a; Aleksandrov and Galkovskaya, 1963). Preliminary cytogenetic studies suggest that the marrow cells in a considerable proportion of granulocytic leukemias are characterized by a consistent chromosomal abnormality (Wald et al., 1964). In view . of the evidence for a viral etiology of the leukemias. in question, i the clonal nature of the affected cells remains to be established. Nevertheless, this observation points to a possible explanation of the occurrence of the Philadelphia chromosome in successive generations of a family, in association with chronic granulocytic leukemia in the grandfather (Hirschborn, 1965). - * . MAS . ET - N T berada temperature result related to be 13 Other Leukemias. In mice of many strains, lymphomas and reticulum cell sarcomas of extrathymic origin are common late in life. The incidence of such neoplasms is not characteristically increased by irradiation (see Upton, Kimball et al., 1960). A radiation-induced increase has been noted, however, in CBA mice (Mole, 1958a) and in C57B1 (Kaplan, Hirsch, and Brown, 1956) and RF (Upton et al., 1958) mice after removal of the thymus. Species Other Than the Mouse By comparison with the extensive data on radiation leukemogenesis in the mouse, information on other species is meager. The effects of radiation on the development of leukemia in the rat are less clear-cut than in the mouse. In many studies, irradiation. has been observed to be followed by an increased overall incidence of reticular neoplasms (Metcalf and Ida, 1954; Kuzma and Zander, 1957; Zipf, 1959; Sipila, 1960; Berdjis, 1963; Hunstein et al., 1964; Moloney, et al., 1965). On the other hand, irradiation has been followed by no . increase in the incidence of reticular tumors in some experiments (Koletsky End Gustafson, 1955; Maisin et al., 1957; Lamson et al., 1958) and by a decreased incidence in others (Brown and Thorson, 1956). The basis for the inconsistent effects of radiation on leukemia incidence in the rat remains to be determined. In no strain of rats has radiation been observed to increase the incidence as markedly as in susceptible strains of mice. In dogs, reticular tissue neoplasms are apparently increased in frequency by internally deposited Sr%°The cases reported include 24 one lymphosarcoma and one reticulum cell sarcoma (Andersen and McKelvie, 1964), one myeloid leukemia and one acute reticulosis (Biskis et al, 1964), and one lymphoma (Dougherty, 1962). These cases far exceed the incidence observed to date in the respective nonirradiated control populations and, therefore, have been viewed as tentative evidence of leukemia induction by Srsº (McClellan, 1966). Protracted x-ray exposure has, likewise, been reported to induce leukemia in the dog, four cases (acute and subacute myeloid leukemia and blast cell leukemia) having been described by Lapteva-Popova (1958). Minature swine surviving internal irradiation by Srº also have been reported to develop lymphosarcoma and myeloid leukemia in increased frequency (McClellan 1966). In primates, isolated cases have been described after irradiation by internal isotopes (Petroff et al., 1959; Tuttle, 1966) and whole- body external irradiation (Yakovleva, 1964; Zalusky et al., 1965; Dzhikidze and Yakovleva, 1965). The neoplasms have varied in morphology, and it remains to be determined whether they denote leukemia induction in this species. In guinea pigs, Congdon and Lorenz (1954) have noted chronic lymphatic leukemia more often in irradiated animals than in controls. In Chinese hamsters,Kohn and Guttman (1964) have noted three lymphoid tumors in 195 irradiated animals, as opposed to one in 112 controls. 15 Neoplasms of Bone Human Data Osteosarcomas have been observed in several dozen patients within • 3-30 years after therapeutic external irradiation, in most instances arising at the site of a preexisting lesion or chronic inflammation (see Bloch, 1962). Grossly detectable radiation damage to the affected bone has not always been evident in advance of such neoplasins, but the doses involved have been high, 3000 rads being the lowest dose associated with tumor formation in the absence of other factors known to predispose to neoplasia (see Jones, 1953). Smaller doses (60-600 rads) have been associated with the formation of osteochondromas in infants and young children irradiated therapeutically over the chest (Pifer, Toyooka, and Murray, 1963; United Nations, 1964). The latter cases suggest that susceptibility to induction of bone tumors may be higher in children than adults, but quantitative dose- . . incidence data are not available for any age group. Semiquantitative dose-incidence data have been obtained from : populations with high body burdens of radium, in which the incidence of osteosarcomas (Table 3) varies approximately as the square of the terminal (T-3) concentration of radium in the skeleton (see Marinelli,.1958; Burch, 1960). Expression of this dose-incidence relation in rads is complicated by the inliomogeneity of the radiation dose in space and time. Radium varies greatly in its concentration throughout bone, tending to localize in hotspots where the dose may be an order of magnitude higher than else- where. Furthermore, the radium present at the time the tumors have been detected generally has constituted only a small percentage of the amount " IN 16 present earlier. Despite these sources of uncertainty, attempts have been made to analyze the dose-incidence relationship in rads, resulting in a crude estimate of an induced incidence of four cases of osteosarcoma per 10° person-years at risk per rad (United Nations, 1964), a rate remarkably similar to that for leukemia in human populations cited earlier. Animal Data Bone tumors have been induced in experimental animals by external irradiation (see Cater, Baserga, and Lisco, 1959; Law, 1960), as well as by bone-seeking radionuclides (see Furth and Tullis, 1956; Odell and Upton, 1961). Most of the data, however, come from experiments with internally deposited isotopes, and in such experiments, evaluation of the dose-effect relation is hampered by complexities in the distribution of the radiation in space and time (see Lamerton, 1960). These complexities result from (1) nonuniformity in the deposition of radioisotopes within the skeleton, resulting in hotspots, where the dose exceeds that in surrounding bone by a factor of up to 10 or more, (2) changes with time in the distribution and concentration of radioactivity in bone, owing to the metabolic turnover and excretion of isotopes and their decay daughters, .and (3) progressive diminution in the dose rate of the emitted radiation through physical decay of the emitter. The latter source of variation is predictable, since it depends solely on the physical half-life of the radionuclide in question.On the other hand, the rate at which an elezaent is excreted from the body, or its "biological half-life," depends on the influence of metabolic, nutritional, and physiologic factors (Wasserman, 1960). Tumorigenic activity varies considerably among bone- seeking radionuclides (Figure 5). The variation results from differences (F-5) is. 17 in the quality of emitted radiations (1.e., energy and charge) as well as in the uptake, distribution, and retention of the isotopes within the skeleton. Species and strain differences in susceptibility to a given isotope have also been noted, limited data suggesting that the rat may be appreciably more susceptible than the mouse (see Law, 1960). Further- more, because of differences in the geometry of the radiation between the mouse and larger animals, making for less escape of penetrating radiation from larger bones and hence less "wastage" of the total emission, the dog is several times more responsive than the mouse to the same injected dose of Sr90 (Finkel, 1958). There are also strain and species differences in the sites of neoplasia within the skeleton, depending in part on the radionuclide administered and the age at exposure (see Bensted, Blackett, and Lamerton, 1961). Certain hormones enhance the development of bone tumors (Cater et al., 1959). Although, in general, the length of the average induction period is inversely related to dose, the relation between the induction period (or tumor incidence) and the total accumulated dose varies, depending on the number of injections of isotope and the interval between injec- tions (Finkel, 1958;. Blackett, 1959; Lamerton, 1960; Bensted et al., 1961). The incidence of osteosarcomas induced in the leg of the mouse by x-irradiation is appreciably higher than that obtained from the same radiation dose delivered by internally deposited isotopes. Moreover, preliminary data suggest that the incidence approximates a linear function of the x-ray dose (Finkel, Jinkins, and Biskis, 1964). 18 Although gross bone injury and reparative proliferation have been observed to precede radiation-induced skeletal tumors in most instances, there is no evidence that such changes are required to induce neoplasia (see Finkel, 1958; Bensted et al., 1961; Lamerton, 1960; Nilsson, 1962). Some bone neoplasms are transmissable by cell-free extracts (Binkel, Biskis, und Jinjins, 1966), and the development of skeletal tumors in Sr®°-injected mice is suppressed by nonspecific imunol.ogical stimula- tion (Nilsson, Revesz, and Stjernsward, 1965). The latter observations imply that the tumors, like certain murine leukemias, may be virus- induced and characterized by antigenic specificity, possibly viral in nature. Thyroid Tumors Human Data An association between x-irradiation of the thyroid gland in child- hood and the later development of thyroid tumors, reported first by Duffy and Fitzgerald in 1950, has since been confirmed (United Nations, 1964). The latent period between irradiation and the appearance of such tumors averages 10-15 years (United Nations, 1964; Lindsay and Chaikoff, 1964). The growths include adenomas and hyperplastic nodules, in addition to carcinomas. Although no one survey contains enough cases to define the dose- • incidence relation, it has been estimated from pooled statistics (F-6) (Figure 6) that the incidence of thyroid cancer is approximately one case per 100 person-years at risk per rad during the first 15 years after exposure (Beach and Dolphin, 1962; (United Nations, 1964). As in the case of bone tumors, this rate appears similar to that for induced leukemias, cited earlier. 19 The above estimate, based on the response of the child's thyroid to high-dose (> 100 rads) high-intensity irradiation, may not apply to the response of the adult's thyroid or to the response of the child's thyroid to low-dose rate irradiation. Preliminary data suggest, in fact, that the child's thyroid exceeds the adults in susceptibility to radiation carcinogenesis (United Nations, 1964). Evidence that iodine-131 may have oncogenic activity comes from the high incidence of thyroid nodules among children ingesting large amounts of I-131 through accidental exposure to nuclear fallout in the Marshall Islands. Among these children, thyroid nodules have occurred in nearly half of those exposed under 10 years of age, whereas none have occurred among the nonexposed control.s (Conard and Hicking, 1965; Federal Radiation Council, 1966). The radiation doses to the thyroid glands of such children are difficult to estimate but are considered to range from 700 to 1400 rads, including radiation from external gamma rays as well as from internally deposited radioiodine. Animal Data Thyroid tumors induced by internal and external radiation have been reported in rats (see Doniach, 1957; Potter, Lindsay, and Chaikoff, 1960), mice (see Upton, Kimball, et al., 1960), and sheep (see Thompson et al., 1958). The neoplasms in rats resemble the papillary and follicular growths resulting from prolonged administration of goitrogens or from iodine-deficient diets. In contrast, alveolar carcinomas, which are relatively common in aging Long-Evans rats, have not been increased in frequency by irradiation. 20 In the induction of thyroid neoplesms, there is an optimal radiation dienas-panyse (Figure 70),, thereo muodh 3d casserttitally dilestreguing the gozand and failing to induce such tumors (Field et al., 1959). From the amount of radiolodine needed to "initiate" thyroid neoplasia in rats treated with methylthiouracil, it has been estimated that 30 uc of Its corresponds to 1100 rads of X rays applied externally to the .gland (Doniach, 1957). Fast neutrons appear relatively more carcinogenic than X rays and gamma rays (Haran-Ghera et al., 1959; Upton, Kimball et al., 1960). Carcinoma of the Respiratory Tract Human Data Although carcinoma of the long has been known to be prevalent in ore minors of Saxony and Bohemia for centuries (see Weller, 1956), only recently has radiation been accepted as the principal cause of this disease (see United Nations, 1964). Uranium miners in the U. S. show a similarly elevated incidence of pulmonary carcinoma, the rate increasing with the duration and intensity of exposure (Figure 8), even after (F-8) correction for such variables as age, cigarette consumption, "heredity, . urbanization, self-selection, diagnostic accuracy, prior hard-rock mining, or nonradioactive-ore constituents including silica dust" (Wagoner et al., 1965). Anatomical features of the disease in the uranium miners which tend further to implicate radiation in its etiology are the unusual distribution and histologic character of the cancers; i.e., they are predominantly undifferentiated small-cell carcinomas occurring in the hilar region (Wagoner et al., 1965). 21 Determination of the relationsh:.y between the cancer incidence pind the radiation dose is comp...cated by many uncertainties, owing to the conditions of irradiation see United Nations, 1964; Altshuler, Nelsyn, end Kuschner, 1964; Jacob; 1964; Wagoner et al., 1965). Although the . average duration of exposure among affected miners 18 15-20 years, 11 is not clear what fraction of the total cumulative exposure is respossible for the carcinogenic effects in question. Moreover, estimates of thi radiation dose to the ortachial epithelium from such exposure vary from about 1 rad per 40-hour week to values 1-2 orders of magnitude lower (see United Nations, 1982. Altshuler et al., 1964; Jacobi, 1964). Animal Data Alveolar and bronchli neoplasms have been reported in animals following local deposition of a variety of radicactive substances (see Bair, 1960; Cember, 1962They also have been pbserved in increase frequency among rats inje:fed intravenously with Thorotrast (Guimaraf's et al., 1955) and mice injected intravenously with colloidal radiogola (Upton et al., 1956). In all of these instances, radioactivity was concentrated nonuny.formly within the thorax, tending to produce hotspots of relatively high radiation dosage to adjacent Lung and bronchus. Hence the radiatior. dose responsible for neoplasia under these circumstances canngt be readily estimated. The incidence of pulmonary adenomas in LAF, mice exposed to sublethal levels of whole-body radiation has been found decreased when the radiation was given in a single exposure early in life (Nowell and Cole, 1959; Upton et al., 1960) but increased when the radiation was administered OS 22 in daily exposures for the duration of life (Lorenz et al., 1954, 1955). The basis for these differences remains to be explained but probably involves, among other factors, a failure of whole-body radiation to advance the age-distribution of pulmonary tumors enough to offset life-shortening from other causes (see Lindop and Rotblat, 1961; Upton, Kastenbaum, and Conklin, 1963). Hence, mice subjected to irradiation early in life may die prematurely, before the induction of lung tumors has time to take place. Even, however, with irradiation localized to the lång, pulmonary carcinogenesis by urethane is inhibited through mechanisms other than life-shortening (Gritsyute, 1961; Foley and Cole, 1964). Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Human Data The first neoplasnı attributed to irradiation was an epidermoid carcinoma arising in an area of radiation dermatitis on the hand of an X-l'ay tube maker (Frieben, 1902). More than 90 similar cases were reported within the following decade among physicians and radiation workers (Hesse, 1911). Squamous cell carcinomas and basal cell carcinomas here predominated among these neoplasms, although fibrosarcomas have also been reported (see Traenkle, 1963). . The dose-incidence relation for induction of cutaneous cancer is not known (UNSCEAR, 1964). It is generally postulated, however, that the risk of the disease varies with the severity of radiodermatitis, being low in the absence of gross skin camage (see Hempelmann and Hoffman, 1953; Traenkle, 1963). Never 23 Animal Data Cutaneous carcinogenesis by ionizing radiation, noted experimentally more than half a century ago, has since been confirmed repeatedly (see Glucksmann, 1958; Law, 1960; Hulse, 1962). In comparison with chemically induced tumors, those caused by radiation require longer for their induction. Their histological character varies with host factors and with the conditions or irradiation. To induce a high incidence of neoplasia, it is generally necessary to deliver ulcerating doses of . radiation. Under these conditions the hair folicies are destroyed (Albert et al., 1967) and healing is impaired by residual vascular changes and scarring. The ensuing neoplasms appear to arise from transformation of marginal proliferating epidermal cells or fibroblasts (Glucksmann, 1958). Nonulcerating doses also, however, have been found carcinogenic, in the absence of obvious radiodermatitis (see Law, 1960; Hulse, 1962). As yet, it is not possible to define precisely the relation among -- - - . ". - '. ... - the factors influencing the development of cutaneous neoplasia; i.e., - - . . . . -- total radiation dose, dose rate, area and depth (number of epidermal and dermal cells ) irradiated, and physiologic condition of the host. It would appear, however, that radiation is optimally effective at intermediate dose levels (Albert, Newman, and Altshuler, 1961) and that the effects of radiation may be enhanced by other agents, such as: croton oil (Shubik et al., 1953) and chemical carcinogens (Cloudman . . .- . - - .. . ... ... .. - - ' .. .. et al., 1955), and conceivably by irradiation of distent parts of the body (Bock and Moore, 1959). . . ..... .... . . .. 25 . : n ;-...--- . .. Animal Data Breast Tumors. The induction of mammary tumors by irradiation has been observed in mice (see Furth, 1959; Law, 1960; Upton, 1961a; Cottier, 1961) and rats (see Shellabarger et al., 1957; Durbin et al, 1958; Law, 1960). The effects of radiation on the incidence of neoplasia vary, however, with the type of tumor in question and with host factors. In certain strains of mice, a dose-dependent decrease in the incidence i of sarcomas has been noted (see Upton, 1961a). In Sprague-Dawley female rats, the overall incidence of mammary tumors appearing within the first year apparently varies as a linear function of X-ray dose over the range 25-400 r (Bond et al., 1960a). For a given radiation dose, neutrons are more tumorigenic than X rays or gamma rays (Haran- Ghera et al.., 1959; Upton, Kimball, et al., 1960. Hormonal factors have a profound effect on the pathogenesis of radiation-induced mammary tumors, females being more susceptible than males and their greater susceptibility depending on ovarian function (Cronkite et al., 1960). In addition, there are indications that - aniami pituitary mammatropic activity may enhance the induction of mammary tumors (Yokoro, Furth, and Haran-Ghera, 1961). Although the induction of these growths involves, therefore, ! .. ... .. 27 . indirect as well as direct factors, localized irradiation is tumorigenic only to the mammary tissue directly exposed (Bond et al., 1960b). Limited efforts to implicate viruses in the pathogenesis of these tumors have been unsuccessful (see Upton, Kimball, et al., 1960). .- -- . . -. - 26 Pituitary Tumors. Pituitary tumors are induced by irradiation in rats and mice (see Yokoro et al., 1961). Thyrotropic tumors induced in mice by Its are attributed chiefly to the effects of thyroid injury rather than to irradiation of the pituitary itself (see Furth, 1959). On the other hand, direct irradiation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of mammotropic and adrenotropic pituitary tumors (see Furth, * 1959; Van Dyke et al, 1959; Upton, Kimball, et al., 1960; Yokoro et al., . 1960; Yokoro et al, 1961). Hormonal factors influence their pathogenesis, . as indicated by the inhibitory influence of ovariectomy (Furth et al., 1959). Neutrons are more effective in pituitary tumorigenesis than X rays (Haran-Ghera et al., 1959). Adrenal Thumors. Cortical adenomas and medullary chromaffine tumors are induced in mice of certain strains by exposure to whole-body external radiation early in adult life (see Upton, Kimball et al., 1960; Cottier, 1961). The induction of these growths is enhanced by ovariectomy, and . their incidence is higher after fast neutron irradiation than after similar doses of X rays and gamma rays (Haran-Ghera et al., 1959; Upton, Kimball et al., 1960). In rats, cortical adenomas have been reported after injection of At211 (Durbin et al., 1958), and medullary tumors after injection of P.210 (Casarett, 1952). Ovarian Tumors. The female mouse is unusually susceptible to induction of ovarian tumors by irradiation. The neoplasms induced are complex and may comprise virtually any or all of the histologic elements remaining in the ovary after depletion of the oocytes; i.e., granulosa cells, lutein cells, mesothelial cells, thecal cells, ... endothelial cells, etc. Furthermore, these growths retain their 27. morphology and hormonal activity on serial transplantation (Bali and Furth, Like the similar neoplasms induced by transplantation of the intact ovary into the spleen, pathogenesis of these tumors is apparently dependent on stimulation by pituitary gonadotropin. Tumorigenesis is inhibited if ovarian function is preserved by shielding one ovary or if estrogen is injected (see Kirschbaum, 1957; Clifton, 1959). Hence, irradiation may exert its tumorigenic effects by causing premature menopause through the killing of oocytes, mice of strains prone to early menopause developing a liigh incidence of ovarian tumors without irradiation or other treatment. (Thung, 1959). Because of the high radiosensitivity of mouse oocytes, 50 rads of X rays or gamma rays induce ovarian tumors in mice; however, the effectiveness of the radiation is dependent on the dose rate (Upton, 1961b). The induced tumors develop only after a latent period of many months (Upton, Kimball et al., 1960), although sterilization and luteinization of the ovary are evident within weeks after irradiation. ors C Pancreastic Tumors. islet-cell tumors of the pancreas are induced by irradiation in intact (Rosen, Castenera, Jones, and Kimeldorf, 1961a) and parabiotic (Warren et al., 1964) rats. Kidney Tumors. An increased incidence of renal adenomas and carcinomas has been noted in irradiated mice (Hollcroft et al, 1957; Upton, Kimball et al, 1960) and rats (Koletsky and Gustafson, 1955; Rosen et al., 1961b). No data are available, however, as to the shape of the dose-incidence curve. As in the induction of other neoplasms, neutrons appear more tumorigenic to the kidney than are X-' or gamma-rays (Upton, Kimball et al., 1960; Rosen et al., 1961b). Gastrointestinal Tumors. Induction of adenomas and carcinomas of the stomach, small intestine, and colon has been reported in irradiated rats and mice (see Nowell and Cole, 1959; Upton, Kimball, et al., 1960). In general, such growths have been numerous only after doses that would be supralethal if applied to the whole bodys except in the case of fast neutrons, which apparently have a high relative tumorigenic effectiveness for these tissues. Liver Tumors. Hepatomas are produced in rats by Thorotrast - - i .. .... - (Guimaraes, Lamerton, and Christensen, 1955) and in mice (Upton, Furth, and Burnett, 1956) and rats (Harel et al., 1956) by colloidal radioactive gold. Hepatic neoplasms may also follow irradiation from other sources, internal and external, (see Guimaraes et al., 1955; Upton, Kimball, et al, 1960). : ... - - - . .. - ... - ---- .. . INFLUENCE OF RADIOLOGICAL VARIABLES Total Dose Quantitative data on the relation between tumor incidence and radia- tion dose are scanty, especially as regards the effects of small amounts of radiation (1.e., less than 50 rads), which are of primary concern in environmental carcinogenesis. Although efforts have failed thus far to provide unequivocal examples of a straight-line relation over a wide range of dose and dose rate, epidemiological studies in human populations suggest that leukemias, bone tumors, and thyroid neoplasms are unexpectedly. similar in incidence per unit dose, the available data also being consistent with a linear relation between incidence, and dose (United Nations, 1964). This is verplexing, since the bulk of available evidence argues against the hypothesis that the neoplastic transformation is a simple "one-hit" process' and should, therefore, be a linear function of dose (see Brues, 1958, 1959; Burch, 1965). Interpretation of the data is further complicated by the fact that the incidence values are based on interim analyses and not on final incidence levels. Time-Intensity Factors Although it is evident that the carcinogenic potency of a given dose of radiation is influenced by tħe rate at which the dose is administered, the precise role of the various time-intensity factors is poorly understood. In general, irradiation at a high dose rate is more effective than irradiation at a low dose rate, at least in the case of radiations of low linear energy transfer (LET), such as X and -- .. * 30 gamma rays. However, a dose fractionated into several exposures of intermediate size and frequency, may be even more tumorigenic than when given in a single brief exposure (see Mole, 1958b; Upton, 1961a). ... r Radiation Quality : For carcinogenesis, as for many other radiobiological effects, radiations of high LET (a particles, neutrons, protons) are apparently more effective than those of low LET (X rays, gamma rays). The relation between LET and relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is not simple, however, and available data on carcinogenesis fail to define it : .:: . . . quantitatively. The carcinogenic ::. . . . effectiveness of high-LET radiations is less dependent on dose rate . . . . than is that of low-LET radiations, the difference in effectiveness :- between the two types of radiation increasing with decreasing dose rate (see Upton, 1961a). Under conditions of low-level irradiation, the oncogenic potency of high-LET radiations is generally assumed to be 10-20 times that of X and gamma rays (National Committee on Radiological Protection, 1954; International Commission on Radiological Protection Committee on RBE, 1963). ... . ........ . . . ... INFLUENCE OF PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS Species and Strain ... . ... . .. . .... - . - - - -- Data on radiation carcinogenesis pertain largely to human beings and rodents, relatively little information being available on animals of intermediate size and life-span. Insofar as comparisons are possible from existing data, no qualitative species differences are apparent. From this, it would seem reasonable to infer that ionizing radiations are oncogenic to all mammals, although susceptibility to any one type of neoplastic response varies with genetic background (see Upton and ------ - - - - - - IC im ....... - - -- - Furth, 1957). In addition, however, since strain differences in spontaneous tumor incidence formerly attributed solely to genetic :: variations are now ascribable also in part to variations in the dis- tribution of oncogenic viruses, diferences among strains and species in susceptibility to radiogenic neoplasia may depend to some extent on epidemiologic variations. Comparison and extrapolation of data on radiation carcinogenesis from one species to another are further complicated by the following questions; answers to which cannot yet be given (Brues, 1955): (1) What is the significance of the induction period in neoplasia, and how is it related to the life-span of the species and to the dose of radiation? (2) Why do species differ in the spontaneous incidence of a given neoplasm, and are such differences correlated with variations in susceptibility to induction of the same neoplasm by radiation? Age at Time of Irradiation The influence of age on susceptibility to radiation carcinogenesis . has received little study (Doll, 1962). Although epidemiologic data suggest that the human being may be unusually susceptible to radiation carcinogenesis before birth (MacMahon, 1962), the incidence of each of the various types of leukemia, and possibly other neoplasms, induced by irradiation after birth apparently varies as a multiple of the natural age-related incidence rather than as a given number of excess cases per unit radiation dose. The implications of this hypothesis in relation to the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and aging and in relation to the possible role of age-related changes, such as : 32 variations in immunity (see Makinodan and Peterson, 1964; Caso, 1965) in carcinogenesis, warrant further investigation (see Upton, 1964). Hormonal Factors . The influence of gonadal hormones on susceptibility to radiation- induced.. mammary neoplasia and lymphomas (see Kirschbaum, 1957; Furth, 1959; Clifton, 1959) and the influence of hypophyseal hormones on the induction of tumors of endocrine-dependent target organs; e..., ovary, breast, and thyroid (see Furth, 1959; Haran-Ghera et al., 1959) 18 well documented. The extent to which hormonal factors may be involved in other types of neoplasia is not known, but their influence cannot be excluded in any of the radiation-induced growths studied to date (see Upton, 1961b). Another factor observed to enhance the development of certain radiation-induced sarcomas, possibly through homeostatic humoral mechanisms, is local inflammation (see Burrows and Clarkson, 1943). Since radiation is generally productive of some degree of inflammatory reaction and reparative cellular proliferation, this factor may be involved in the induction of any type of neoplasm, although its relative importance is probably dose-dependent. - - - - - - . .. - ... - - - - - - ... - - - - .. - 33 . EFFECTS OF COCARCINOGENIC AGENTS Additivity of the oncogenic effects of X rays and methylcholanthrene was first reported by McEndy, Boon, and Furth (1942). Combined administra- tion of radiation and other chemical carcinogens, likewise, increases the incidence of skin tumors (Clouaman et al., 1955) and lymphomas (see Upton et al., 1961) above the level induced by either agent alone. The interaction of the two agents is not simple, however, the doses and order in which they are administered influencing the oncogenic additivity (see Upton et al., 1961). In fact, combined treatment may decrease, rather than increase, the yield of neoplasms if the combined toxicity of the two agents outweighs their oncogenic effects per se (Lisco, Ducoff, and Basexga, 1958; Lacassagne and Hurst, 1962). In part, this may result from effects of the chemical agent on the metabolic repair of radiation injury at various levels of biologic organization within the cell, depending on the time-dose schedule (see Upton, 1964). POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF RADIATION CARCINOGENESIS Somatic Mutation Theory my The mutagenic potency of ionizing radiation makes it logical to - - - consider that radiation-induced somatic mutation may play an etiologic - - role in radiation-induced cancer. The discovery that the induction and expression of point mutations in animal germ cells do not necessarily follow one-hit kinetics (see Russell et al., 1960; Russell, 1965) serves to reconcile observations on radiation carcinogenesis heretofore considered contradictory with the mutation hypothesis. At the same time, experimental evidence that many neoplasms evolve to autonomy through a stepwise succession of changes (see Furth, 1953; Brues, 1958; Burch, 1965) argues against the idea that carcinogenesis is induced by a single mutaion. Nevertheless, if cancer arises as the result of successive alterations in a cell or tissue, some of which may be mutations, it is conceivable that a single radiation-induced somatic mutation might complete the neoplastic transformation in a suitably conditioned individual. Consistent with this possibility are preliminary data on the age -specific incidence of malignant growths among Japanese A-bomb survivors, in whom the prevalence of cancer induced by irradiation varies in relation to age at time of exposure (Harada and Ishida, 1960). Also in support of the somatic mutation hypothesis is the regular occurrence of specific cytogenetic abnormalities in patients with leukemia; i.e., the Philadelphia chromosome in chronic granulocytic leukemia; and trisomy for chromosome 21 in Down's Syndrome, with its predilection toward leukemia (see Gunz and Fitzgerald, 1964; Miller, 1964). A class of radiation-induced neoplasms that cannot, however, be ascribed even teatatively to the direct mutagenic action of radiation are the growths induced indirectly by irradiation of other parts of the body (see Kaplan, 1959; Upton, 1961b). Since the tumor-forming cells in growths of this type are not themselves irradiated, mutagenesis cannot explain their pathogenesis, unless they result from spontaneous neoplastic mutations selected as a result of distant irradiation or induced indirectly through viruses or mechanisms as yet unknown (Waid et al., 1964; Hirschborn, 1965). Virus Theory The indirect induction of lymphosarcomas in unirradiated thymic grafts implantated into irradiated recipient mice has been tentatively ascribed to the action of a leukemogenic virus (see Gross, 1961; Kaplan, 1964. It would appear that the induction of myeloid leukemia, 91 and possibly osteosarcoma, also involves similar viral mechanisms in the mouse (see above). Whether other radiation-induced neoplasms are viral in pathogenesis remains to be determined, but this possiblity demands careful consideration in view of the growing variety of oncogenic viruses and virus tumors now recognized. The mechanism üby which radiation may cause virus activation is yet to be defined, although possible mechanisms of viral oncogenesis have been conceived (see Kaplan, 1962; Dulbecco, 1963; Temin, 1966). This question calls for intensified research into the effects of radiation on mammalian viruses and on the virus cell interrelation, a subject relatively little studied to date (see Levine, 1963). SUMMARY An association between irradiation and neoplasir, has been detected in human populations at lower levels of radiation exposure and in a greater variety of neoplasms than hitherto suspected. The dose-incidence relation cannot, however, be specified precisely for any neoplasm. Furthermore, the oncogenic effects of radiation appear to depend on the age of the population at the time of exposure. . The carcinogenic: effects of radiation in animals appear diverse : and complex. The degree to which the process of carcinogenesis may involve indirect effects on the host, as well as direct effects on the tumor-forming cells themselves, cannot be specified. In many Instances, neoplasia apparently involves interactions among the effects of radiation, viruses, chemicals, and various host factors. -- - --- 37 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation.' - ... - - - .. -.-. Li....nimene. - - - - - . Table 1 Estimated Average Annual Radiation Dose to the General Population* Source of radiation Dose (millirem) External sources 32-73 Cosmic rays Gamma rays from earth's crust 25-75 Internal sources Potassium-40 19 Carbon-14 1.6 - - - . - Radium-226 Subtotal 80-170 Man-made Medical (exposure of patients) Diagnostic (x rays) 40-240 Therapeutic Internal (radionuclides) Occupational (radiation workers) Environs Other (luminous dials, TV, etc.) Fallout from nuclear weapons tests Subtotal 80-280 Total 160-450 *Modified from Federal Radiation Council Report No. 1 (1960). TABLE 2 Lewis's Estimates of the Probability of Radiation-Induced Leukemia in Various Populations POPULATION EXPOSED TYPE OF RADIATION REGION IRRADIATED PROBABILITY OF LEUKEMIA (per million) ** A-bomb survivors Gamma rays, neutrons : Whole body --- ... ------- - Patients with ankylosing spondylitis X rays Spine - -,.-. . . . . Children irradiated for thymic enlargement X rays Chest . . . . . . . . Radiologists X rays, radium, etc. Partial to whole body . . ...... .. ..... *From Lewis (1957) **Probability of induced leukemia per million person-years at risk per. year per rem to region irradiated. TABLE 3 Incidence of Bone Cancer in Relation to Skeletal Radiation Dose NO. OF SKELETAL DOSE* PERSONS MALE FEMALE 10.8 1900 5.2 1336 3.0 1.77 . 0.26 2.2 X 10-3 1.0 x 10-2 9 X 10-4 - - - 4. X 100 3.5 x 100 1.91 1.977 1.62 1.596 ..... * From Marinelli (1958). Skeletal dose in units equivalent to 1 uc of Ra“co + 0.3 uc daughters permanently fixed in skeleton. *Data for population of Chicago 1940-1950 (excluding cancer of jaw). REFERENCES (205) Albert, R. E., F. J. Burns, and R. D. Heimbach. 1967. The Association between chronic radiation damage of the hair follicles and tumor formation in the rat. Radiation Res. 30:590-599. Albert, R. E., W. Newman, and B. altshuler. 1961. The Dose-Response Relationships c.: Beta-Ray-Induced Skin Tumors in the Rat. Radiation Research, 15: 410-430. 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A Acute and chronic laukomia in irradiated spondylitics, in relation to oge at first exposure (Dell, 1962) A Acute and chronic leukemia, chronic lymphatic type excluded, in England and Wales, in relation to age (Doll, 1962). O Acute granulocytic leukemia in survivors exposed within to A-bomb radiation within 1500 meters at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in relation to age at exposure (Brill, Tomonagct, and Hayssel, 1962). Acute granulocytic leukemia in Japan, Kinki district, in relation to age (Wakisaka, 1958). . . . eu - FIGURE 2. Annual incidence of leukemia, all types, in relation to radiation dose. ... Nagasaki A-bomb survivors (Brill et al, 1962). Hiroshima A-bomb survivors (Brill et al., 1962), with revision of dose estimates as per J. A. Auxier, personal communication). A Irradiated spondylitics, radiation exposurs' expressed in mean dose (R) to spinal marrow (Court Brown and Doll, 1957), joinDOO ..r. - .. . . . .. . .... Fig. 3. Incidence of thymic lymphomas in relation to dose and dose rate of *- and y-irradiation. Shaded symbols, C57BL mice (Kaplan and Brown, 1952); open symbols, RF mice (Upton et al., 1966). Osingle, brief irradiation, 7 to 25 r./min. Wfour exposures at 1-day intervals Afour exposures at 8-day intervals , Oten exposures at 30-day intervals : Osemicontinuous exposure at 0.5 mr./min. · FIGURE 4. Dose-incidence relation for granulocytic leukemia in whole-body-irradiated. RF male mico, as influenced by protraction or irradiation. (All mice were 8-10 works old at start of irradiation:) O. Single, acute exposure to X rays at 50-100 rads/min. ..a Daily expuwura to Co® gamma rays at 0.0006 rads/min. A Daily exposure to .., fast noutrons at 0.0006-0.006 rads/min. (A.C. Upton, J. W. Conklin, und M4.4.. Randolph, 'MANU Bliched data): TE: 1 . 11. : : L . 1:: : ... . . . .: .... , ".. s . . '"'. i . . " FIGURE 5. Average probability of dying with a malignant bone tumor as a function of isotope dose in mice (from Finkel, 1959). + ' . + + .... . ! . . " !! ... LI". .." 1.. FIGURE 6. Incidence of thyroid cancer in humans, expressed in percentage of those exposed, in relation to thyroid dose (from Beach and Dolphin, 1962). I . ' . - :. . - . . . . , .. . .: . . . !:. . .. FIGURE 7. Incidence of thyroid turors in male Long-Evans rats injected with various doses of 251 (from Mole, 19586, after Lindsay, Potter, and Chaikoff, 1957, and Potter et al., 1960). O Foliicular adenoma. Alevolar carcinoma. · A Papillary and follicular carcinoma. ' ' . . : .. -:- :.77.., 1 1- . . :.- . . .. .: 4 .. .. ..... - .. :: ... En -.. . .- FIGURE 8. Annual incidence of respiratory cancer among uranium miners in relation to duration of occupational exposure (from Wagoner et al., 1965). . . . . . . L, ONDA - . .. . :. . .. . .- . ... . . - F . : * : * . . . . - 1. - . . . - - - - - - - ... . ... **** - *. - ::... /*r* 7 . * . . V . . -. : : . . : .. - .:4. 1. - :i.. -- 7 ke- . . - . ... .. " 4.- 1 .. . ..... .. .. . E .P . . » . . .... .::... .. ....: . ... .. . . . . . I TY * : i 7 ..","T ...' . .-"li. " 1 . . : :: . : : . - . - . . . .1. 1 . ": . .. .. .. ::: ! .. : - . 1. - -'. . .. i 1 . - - . . .. 10,0007 - -.. 1 . :::.'' . . 1. . .. .. - i . .. 1 ' 1.- .. 7..." :: ' .- -:- : - - :. . : .' .- ? 1 .. . 1 .', . . ; ...nerie 7 .L' ! ' ..-. - . . LEUKEMIA, ACUTE AND CHRONIC - Irradiated Spondylitics ' . : IL , 1.'! ' 1 . " 1,000- . . . . . . . . . . . - . . ra'' . : . .:! 1 . 1... .:.: :. . . . . . . . i : . . . . . - 5 . - di. . - - . " . Hiroshima and Nagasaki, < 1500 m . ANNUAL INCIDENCE PER MILLION PERSON-YEARS AT RISK 100- - ACUTE GRANULOCYTIC LEUKEMIA ----- . .. tek . . . : . . 1 * . . ' i, 1 . LEUKEMIA, CHRONIC LYMPHATIC 'EXCLUDEDA England and Wales . 1 -.' -. " . . ww- Japan, Kinki District .. . ACUTE GRANULOCYTIC LEUKEMIA H ... w.. .... .." .. .... ... . Jl. . i. . .. .. -- ........ ........-- 6 7. 7 . .. . 1 1 . . . 3:- . . . . . . - . .. - - . 1 - ... . . 30 II1 " T 1 .. .." . ." - AGE (years) FIG. : : .:. : i . . . .. - . .... . . - . .. .. . . 1: ...... . ci i !" . . . 7 Tin . . 1. . T',' i. . - '.. : . -:: I. -:. .. - . . . . . ... T EL. ! i.. - . . ' 1. . ".. : - . .. *: K " . .. 24 .. . . : .. .. .::: it : : .s v .. - i . . .'-: i -':: ' ." . . . . . . . . . ... - . 3., " . . .. . . . . : I . : : .. 1 . .. . ! i .... : :... ..' 15694 1 :...- - *.. : ti : : . 7 2 ."' .';.. . ':. . .. . :. . II . . . " : .. . ! . :- . . 1400 . . - : i " . N . ..! . .. ... ." * . 7. 1. - : i .: . . ' 1 " I --. -. 1 - . . . . . . . . i. . . . 4 ' . ..-'- ... . . . . . : . .. . . . . 1 2 . : - - - ... irit.. .. - 1000 -S:- - 1 77 - ? '. .. . - . .:. 1 . - 111 : - '. ... . r . ... ... . . 1 + 1 L j "; . . . ii : - ... . . :: .. 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