1 ea App 1 \ @ 1 , 1 \ 4 ! CARES FILLINGS anid FROSTINGS Recipes of 36~5 different cakes--) and coohkies, as w el oas frostingjs cnd fitl inqs COMPILED BY ELIZABETH OH ILLER PUBLISHED AND COPYRIGHTED -;_ THE P. FVOLLAND COMPANY JOLIET, ILLINOISx NEW YORK ~BOSTON 'MORONTO V V Foreword N O attempt has been made in compiling this calendar, to cover the entire category of cakes, for the variety is limitless. But a different cake for each day in the year, should be sufficient for any and all occasions. The cakes have been arranged according to the seasons as well as the months of the year. There will be found a birthday cake appropriate for each month, and a cake suitable for each holiday throughout the year. There are wedding cakes, and cakes for anniversaries, as the silver and golden wedding. There is included in the "unusual cakes" a recipe for the original Lady Baltimore Cake, this recipe was copied from the original recipe which was presented to me by a former member of the Charleston, N. C., Woman's Exchange where the cake was sold. There is the Lincoln and Douglas Cake, the recipe is an heirloom, left to me by my aunt, Miss Caroline Oyler of Freeport, Ill., who baked and elaborately decorated the cake and served it to these distinguished gentlemen on the veranda of my grandfather's home, at the conclusion of their famous debate in Freeport. It is a large recipe suitable for a bride's cake and was used for that purpose more than fifty years ago. There are recipes for two or three of the popular and very delicious Ice Box Cakes, these cakes are particularly good for winter uses as the recipe will indicate. In fact there are cakes of every variety ranging from the "Beginner's Cake" to the elaborate cake described in the foregoing. In the month of December will be found recipes for a wonderful variety of Christmas Cookies. There never will be offered more deli- cious fillings and frostings nor a greater variety than those found in the back pages of the calendar. In conclusion let me strongly advise and firmly impress upon the minds of those who would attain success in making and baking cakes, that it is most important that the pages of instructions on measuring, mixing and combining ingredients, and baking cakes be followed in every detail. By giving heed to this advice, even the novice ought to be able to attain excel- lence if not perfection in that which has been considered the most difficult branch of cookery. In revising this calendar, additional recipes have been added for making some very choice and unusual cakes and cookies, thus bringing the Calendarof Cakes, Fillings and Frostings, up-to-date. Why I Indorse Swans Down Cake Flour The success of making fine cake and pastry depends largely upon the kind of flour used. Scientific experiments have proved that pastry flour is an essential if we would have flaky pastry-and the kind of cakes that "melt in the mouth." I urge the use of Swans Down Cake Flour for making the cakes incorporated in this calendar and- recommend this particular flour because I have used it for years and found it superlative. E. O. H.  It CAKE BAKING To mix and bake good cake requires more careful thought and judgment than any other branch of cookery, notwithstanding it is the one most frequently attempted by the novice. Two varieties of cakes are considered, viz: Cakes with butter. Examples, Pound and Cup Cakes. Cakes without butter. Examples, Sunshine Cake and Angel Food. Preliminary Steps (1) Before attempting to make these cakes, study the page on measurements, then read the recipe carefully over, to be sure that each article called for in the recipe is at hand. Assemble all materials and utensils needed for making and mixing the cake. Before beginning to com- bine the ingredients, see that everything is in readiness, flour sifted, fruit and nut meats pre- pared, pans buttered and floured or lined with paper, that the mixing may be done without delay. (2) Give the oven of the coal, wood or gas range proper attention. See that the two former are in a condition that will insure the right temperature when the cake is ready; the oven of the gas range is more easily regulated. Bear in mind that the oven can wait for the cake, but the cake cannot wait for the oven. (3) Measure the exact quantities of the different materials to be used. Sift the flour before measuring, and sift again with baking powder, soda, and spices. Sift soda before measuring, and always sift it with the flour. (4) First cream the butter or other solid fats used in the "butter cakes." If the butter is cold and hard, let it stand in the warm kitchen to slightly soften, but never to melt. When a large quantity of butter is to be creamed, put it into an earthen bowl that has been made slightly warm, and with a clean hand work it until creamy; when a smaller quantity is to be creamed, work it to a creamy consistency, using a slitted wooden spoon. (5) Break the eggs, one at a time, into a cup if they are not to be beaten separately, over a cup if the whites and yolks are to be beaten separately. Beat the yolks first; they will not lose their lightness by standing. Keep the whites of the eggs in a cool place until ready to use; then beat them until stiff or as specified in the recipe, and lastly, fold them into the mixture or as the recipe directs. (6) When fruit or nut meats are called for in the recipe, seed the raisins, chop or cut them in pieces, as the recipe specifies, cut citron in slices as thin as possible, lay several slices together and with the scissors cut them crosswise in fine shreds. Remove the stems from sultanas; pick over and if necessary wash currants in a sieve and dry them thoroughly before using. Break, cut, or chop nut meats as the recipe suggests. Add the prepared fruit to the creamed butter and sugar without dredging with flour; when the fruit is added to cake mixtures in layers, it should be lightly dredged with flour. Variations in Mixing Butter Cakes By first creaming the butter and adding the sugar gradually, and a little at a time, while stirring constantly, blending it so that the satiny texture remains unbroken, this makes the kind of cake that "melts in the mouth"; upon the care with which the butter is creamed and the sugar added depends the grain and texture of the cake. After the butter and sugar are combined, add the yolks of the eggs beaten until thick and light, or if they are not separated (the whites from the yolks), beat them until thick and lemon- tinted. Sift together the flour, baking powder, soda, salt, and spices and add to the first mixture alternately with the liquid and continue stirring and beating until thoroughly blended; add the flavoring, and lastly fold in the whites of eggs beaten until stiff. When making white cakes in which the whites of eggs only are used, the method of mixing differs but slightly. The sifted dry ingredients are added alternately to the creamed butter and sugar with the liquid; the flavoring added, and lastly, the stiff beaten whites of eggs are folded into the mixture until thoroughly blended. In some cases, a final beating before fold- ing in the beaten whites of eggs increases the lightness of the cake. Let the last motion be a beating motion, rather than a stirring motion. Buttering, Flouring and Lining Pans Clarified butter (butter that has been melted, the salt precipitated, then the clear fat poured off and salt discarded) is the best fat to use for greasing pans, baking sheets and pud- ding moulds, as it gives a delicate buttery flavor to the thin crusts of cakes, cookies and pud- ding s. if butter is not prepared as directed above, no matter how carefully the pans have been buttered, if salt is present, the cakes will stick to the bottom and sides of the pans. Fresh lard may be used with very satisfactory results. Use a pastry brush or clean soft tissue paper for buttering the pans. When butter cakes are baked in large tube pans, loaves or sheets, or in pans that do not have removable bottoms, such pans should always be lined with light weight wrapping paper. Best Materials Essential In making cakes, only the best materials should be used. Fresh butter, strictly fresh eggs, fine granulated sugar (coarse granulated sugar makes a coarse grained cake with a hard, sticky crust, and powdered sugar a close grained, dry cake); Swans Down Pastry flour is the best flour for cakes and pastry. Choice fruits, fresh nut meats, and a fine quality of flavorings are preferred. Swans Down pastry flour contains more starch and less gluten than bread flour, therefore gives a lighter and more delicate texture to cake. Bread flour is frequently used, but produces when used with other leavening materials than yeast, a close, solid cake. If bread flour must be substituted for pastry flour, allow two level tablespoons less for each cup than called for in the recipe. The recipes are written throughout this calendar for pastry flour, except in yeast mixtures, when bread flour must be used. Baking powder, soda, salt and spices should always be sifted with the flour. Baking Cakes This is the most important step in the entire process, for as much depends upon careful baking, as upon careful mixing of a cake; managing the range should be thoroughly understood, for the heat of the oven must be such that it can be regulated without the slightest difficulty. The oven door may be opened as often as one desires, but it must be closed quickly and without jarring the cake. The most satisfactory and simplest way to obtain good results in baking cakes is to watch both the clock and the cake, unless you have an oven thermometer. Divide the time of baking into quarters: (a) In the first quarter, the mixture should show bubbles and begin to rise. (b) In the second quarter, the mixture should rise its full height and show a suggestion of browning. (c) In the third quarter, the entire surface should be evenly and lightly browned. (d) In the last quarter, the cake should settle a little, show wrinkles on the edges, and shrink slightly from the sides of the pan. The foregoing is a guide to the baking of all cakes, whether they be large or small. If the oven be too hot at first, the cake will brown over the top before it has risen its full height; the mixture will continue rising, and break through the thinnest part (usually the center), and run over the surface, thus making an unsightly loaf. Cakes will also break through the top if too much flour has been used; this is likely to occur when bread flour is used.  Substitutes for Butter Margarine, and other substitutes for butter, also chicken, goose fat and sweet lard, may be used very successfully as shortening in many of the cakes and cookies included in this calendar. Butter is preferred by many, but experiments have proved that carefully rendered chicken and goose fat is equal to butter as shortening in gingerbreads, cookies, some cakes and pastry, producing very satisfactory results. Time of Baking Cake If cakes are put in too slow an oven, they will often rise to the top and run over the sides of the pans, then settle in the center. These cakes have a coarse texture with a "chewy" crust because they were baked too slowly, or too much sugar was used. Cake may be frequently looked at during baking, providing the oven door is carefully opened and closed. A glass in the door of the oven will be found a great convenience. Cake should not be moved in the oven until it has risen its full height; after this it may be necessary to move it that it may brown evenly. When baking cake, plan to have nothing else cooking in the oven, and place the cake in the center of the oven, with a grate beneath and at least one inch from the floor of the oven. The time of baking cakes varies a little with the oven and fuel used. In most cases: Layer cakes will bake in from 12 to 15 minutes. Cakes in a sheet measuring from 1 ?4 to 2 inches thick when baked, in 20 to 30 minutes. Cakes measuring from 212 to 3 inches thick when baked, 35 to 45 minutes. Cakes (fruit) in deep tube pans from 1 % to 2 hours and longer. Cakes (small and round) 1 l to 2 inches thick, in 25 to 30 minutes. Cookies, and the like, from 10 to 15 minutes. Testing Cakes Cakes when done shrink from the sides of the pan, show small wrinkles at the edges, and in general this is sufficient test; however, exceptions to this rule are made in the pound and rich thick fruit cakes; these are frequently tested with fine straws, that may be purchased in small boxes; one of these is carefully inserted into the thickest part of the cake, and when with- drawn, if it is perfectly dry and smooth, the cake is done. Another way is to press the surface lightly with the tip of the finger, and if it feels firm and rebounds at the touch, it is safe to remove it from the oven. Care of Cake After Baking Cake should be allowed to stand in the pan in which it was baked five or six minutes after removal from the oven, then inverted on a wire cake cooler. If it does not fall out, turn the pan rightside up, and carefully run a spatula around the edge of the cake to loosen it from the sides of the pan; again invert the pan on cooler, and the cake will drop out. Put layer cakes together with whatever filling used while they are slightly warm; spread with frosting when cold. Care of Small Cakes After Baking Let all small cakes that have been baked in individual tins either plain or fluted, stand in the pans from two to five minutes after taken from the oven. Remove all small cakes from the pans after they have shrunk a little, and before they become crisp. Cookies should be removed from the baking sheets to cake coolers as soon as taken from the oven, and a spatula should be used for this purpose. This applies to meringues, macaroons, wafers and the like. Sponge Cakes There is no leavening materials used in a true sponge cake; the lightness of the cake depends entirely upon the amount of air incorporated in the eggs and the expansion of the air during the baking of the cake. When mixing sponge cakes it is very important that as much air be introduced into the mixture as possible. Sponge cakes must be thoroughly baked, but not heavily browned; when done, they should be of a pale, delicate brown color. These cakes should not be cut with a knife, but separated into pieces with a silver fork or carefully broken apart with the fingers. To Mix Sponge Cakes Beat the yolks first until thick and lemon tinted, beat the sugar gradually into the beaten yolks, then add the flavoring. Beat the whites of eggs until exceedingly light, but not dry. Fold in half the whites, half the flour, the rest of the whites, and remaining half of flour. Bear in mind there is absolutely no stirring of the mixture, and no beating after the sugar has been beaten into the beaten yolks. Stirring would expel the air in the beaten eggs by breaking down the air bubbles. Folding in the flour and beaten whites preserves the lightness. Baking Sponge Cake The time for baking sponge cakes should be divided into quarters the same as butter cakes. Place sponge cakes in a moderate oven. The first quarter the cake should rise; the second quarter. continue rising its full height, and form a thin crust; the third quarter it should begin to brown; the fourth quarter it should finish browning, settle a trifle and slightly shrink from the sides of the pan. If done, the cake will rebound when lightly pressed with the tip of finger, if a depression is left, the cake is not done; this test may be made before removing the cake from the oven. Close the oven door and bake the cake from five to ten minutes longer. Special Pans for Sponge Cake It is advisable to have pans that are especially made for sponge cakes. These pans have a center tube and sides that are held in place with springs and are particularly good for this class of cakes. The springs extend about an inch above the top of the pan, thus furnishing a support for the pan when inverted. The "spring form" pans are best for baking sponge cakes; the springs hold the bottom and sides of the pan in place. All sponge cakes when done, should be removed at once from the oven and inverted on a wire cake cooler to allow a free circulation of air between the cake and the cooler. These pans should never be buttered or used for the butter cakes; keep them for sponge cakes only. The cake adheres to the sides and bottom of the pan and hangs from it in such a manner that the cells or pores are not com- pressed, but dry out fully expanded; by this means the lightness of these cakes is fully retained. Sponge cakes should "hang" in the pan in this position until cold, when the springs may be removed and a spatula inserted between the cake and sides of the pan and run very carefully around the side and underneath the cake; a small pointed boning knife may be run carefully around the tube and the cake; the cake may then be removed from the pan in perfect condition. If the cake is to be frosted, with a pastry brush or small whisp broom (kept for this purpose), remove all crumbs; then pour over a thin coating made of boiling water and of confectioner's sugar, added until the mixture is of the consistency to spread, or a cooked frosting may be used. Flavor the frosting of sponge cakes with lemon or orange extract, and angel food (white sponge cake) with vanilla or almond extract, using the latter very judiciously. A NEW YEAR'S CAKE (White Fruit Cake) JN Cream 1 c. butter, add grated rind % lemon, and gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 3% cs. flour, 4 tsps. 1 baking powder, and 1 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 4 c. milk, and continue beating. Then fold in the whites 7 eggs, beaten until stiff. Butter a tube pan (measuring 10 in. in diameter) line bot- tom with paper and butter the paper. Turn in a layer of mixture, sprinkle with a layer of fine cut candied cherries, a few fine shreds of blanched almonds, and fine shreds of citron. Continue thus until the mixture and % c. ea. of cherries, almonds and citron are used; mix and flour the fruit with 1 c. flour before using. Bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Marshmallow Frosting, sprinkle top and sides thickly with fine chopped pistachio nut meats. Work the figures of the year out with silver dragees and the New Year's Greet- ing across top of cake. JANUARY BIRTHDAY CAKE (Chocolate Ice Box Cake) JAN Put 4 sqs. chocolate (broken in pieces), 1 c. gran. sugar and % c. water in top of double boiler; cook over hot water until ingredients 2 are blended and smooth. Beat yolks of 8 eggs until thick and light, add gradually to chocolate mixture while stirring rapidly. Reduce heat and continue cooking until mixture thickens. Remove from range and set aside to cool. Cream 1 lb. unsalted butter, add 2 cs. powdered sugar gradually while stirring constantly, then add chocolate mixture and 1% tsp. vanilla, beat thoroughly, then fold in stiffly beaten whites of 8 eggs. Turn mixture into a tube spring form (12 ins. in diameter by 3% ins. deep) lined with waxed paper and lady fingers; cover mixture with lady fingers, trimming them to fit in mould. Five doz. lady fingers will be required. Chill in refrig- erator 24 hrs. When ready to serve remove to serving platter and garnish top with 112 pts. whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla, using pastry bag with a rose tube attached for this purpose. Sprinkle with chopped pistachio nut meats and shredded candied cherries. To LINE SPRING FORM Line bottom & sides of spring form with heavy waxed paper. Separate lady fingers, cut them to fit sides of form, brush the round sides lightly with white of egg slightly beaten & arrange them close together around sides of form with flat side toward the center of form. Sprinkle trimmings over lady fingers in bottom & turn in the filling. Spread evenly with spatula & cover with remaining lady lingers, fitting them in same as when lining bottom of form. NEW YEAR'S TEAS JAN Toast marshmallows lightly, and toast twice as many almond maca- roons very lightly. Put marshmallows between each two macaroons, 3 and dip in boiled or fondant frosting and sprinkle some with grated cocoanut, and others with fine chopped pistachio or other nut meats. Serve at afternoon tea. ORANGE CAKE (For the Novice) JAN Cream ? c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, 2 well beaten eggs, and ?' c. milk. Sift together 1?; cs. flour, and 2% tsps. baking powder 4 and gradually beat into the first mixture, flavor with 1 2 tsp. orange extract. Beat 3 mins. Turn into 2 buttered and floured square layer cake pans, and bake 15 to 20 mins. in a hot oven. Spread Orange Filling between layers and cover with Orange Frosting I. DATE CAKE JAN Cream ?2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sifted brown sugar; add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; sift together 2 cs. flour, and 2 5 tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. lukewarm water in which 1 tsp. soda has been dissolved. Beat thoroughly, then stir in 1 lb. of dates, cleaned, stoned, chopped and mixed with 1 c. chopped nut meats, and both lightly floured. Add 1 tsp. vanilla and turn into a tube pan well buttered and floured. Bake in a slow oven (about 230° F. at first. then raise temperature gradually to 400° F. toward close if necessary). Spread with Frosting if desired. CHOCOLATE CREAM CAKE JAN Cream ? c. (5's tbsps.> butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar; 2 eggs beaten thick and light. I c. milk alternately with 12 cs. flour, sifted 6 with ' tsp. soda, and 2 tsps. cream of tartar. Beat thoroughly, turn into 2 buttered layer cake pans. bake 15 mins. in a quick oven. Put together with the following mixture. To 5 c. of sugar, add 3 tsps. of dry cocoa, mix well; then add 1 c. of triple cream and 11 tsp. vanilla. Stir until thoroughly blended. Cover closely and set aside for an hour or two. Just before serving time, beat with a Ladd egg beater until firm. Spread between layers and over top of cakes. Serve the day it is made.  GINGERBREAD WITH MARSHMALLOWS JAN Melt % c. shortening (chicken or goose fat may be used), add 1'c. molasses and one well beaten egg. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 1 tsp. 7 soda, % tsp. salt and % tbsp. ginger. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. sour milk or butter milk, beating constantly. Turn into 2 well buttered layer cake pans and bake 25 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from pans, cover (while hot) one cake with fresh marshmallows, set second cake above, press lightly and return to oven, let stand 5 mins. Remove to serving plate; when slightly cooled, cut in cubes and serve with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla. MAHOGANY LAYER CAKE JAN Cook together 1 c. milk, 1% cs. granulated sugar and % sqr. grated chocolate, until chocolate is melted. Cool. Cream % c. butter, add 8 gradually, the first mixture, beating constantly; add 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; then add, gradually, 2 cs. pastry flour sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder, and f. g. salt; add 1 tsp. vanilla and con- tinue beating until well blended. Turn into 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans, bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with cocoanut frosting and spread thickly over top and sides. ORANGE COCOANUT JUMBLES JAN Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, stirring constantly, add grated rind of 1 orange, and 2 eggs beaten until thick and light. Sift 9 together 2% es. flour, 4 tsps. baking powder, add alternately to first mixture with Y c. orange juice. More flour may be needed. Roll to Vs in. thickness, shape with a doughnut cutter, and place them on buttered baking sheets 1 in. apart; brush tops lightly with beaten white of egg, sprinkle lightly with prepared cocoanut and gran. sugar. Bake to a light brown in a hot oven. HICKORY NUT LOAF CAKE JAN Cream 2 c. of butter; add, gradually, 12 cs. fine gran. sugar, stir- ring constantly. Add 3 c. of full milk alternately with 2 cs. of flour 10 sifted with 2 tsps. of baking powder and T4 tsp. of salt. Stir into the mixture 4 c. of broken nut meats. Mix well and fold in the stiffly beaten whites of 4 eggs. Bake in a loaf 1 hr. at 2750 to 3000 Fah. Spread with Maple Frosting and sprinkle with chopped nut meats. BOSTON FAVORITE CAKE JAN Cream 3 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring vigor- ously. Add 4 egg yolks, beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift 11 together 312 cs. flour. 5 tsps. baking powder and 14 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk, beating constantly and hard. Add 1 tps. ea. of lemon and vanilla extract, then fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Mix well and turn into 2 buttered brick shaped bread pans and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Boiled, Chocolate or Confectioner's Frosting as desired. DEVIL'S FOOD JAN Cream 1. c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, 2 squares of melted chocolate (slightly cooled), 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 12 tinted, beating constantly. Add 2 c. milk alternately with 2 3 cs. flour sifted with 3 tsps. baking powder and 1/ tsp. salt; add i/2 tsp. vanilla, continue beating until well blended. Turn into a buttered and floured pan and bake 35 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Marshmallow Frost- ing and cover frosting with a thin layer of melted unsweetened chocolate. LIGHTNING SPONGE CAKE JAN Beat 3 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, beat in gradually 11 cs. fine gran. sugar; add gradually 1! c. milk or water, alternately with 13 cs. 13 flour sifted 4 times with 2 tsps. baking powder and 14 tsp. salt. Beat constantly. Turn into a buttered shallow pan, and bake 25 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with frosting or sprinkle top with powdered sugar. a WHITE LAYER CAKE JAN Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 2 c. flour, 3 tsps. baking powder, and % tsp. salt. Beat into 14 first mixture alternately with % c. milk, and continue beating vigor- ously; add 1 tsp. almond or vanilla extract, then fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a hot oven. Put together with Boiled Chocolate Frost- ing or bake in a shallow pan 30 mins. and spread with Caramel Nut Frosting. WONDER BALLS JAN Bake standard white cake by spoonfuls dropped into small round- bottomed buttered muffin pans measuring 1 I in. in diameter, filling 15 the pans % full. When baked, the tiny cakes are hemispheres and are put together with Marshmallow Frosting to form balls. The balls are covered with the frosting then rolled quickly in the wee gold and silver comfits and may be served at weddings, children's parties or at Christmas time. By way of variation, roll them in fine grated cocoanut, "hundred and thou- sands" candies, or half of them may be rolled in chocolate shot. If the latter is used, the frosting may be chocolate. WALNUT COFFEE CAKE JAN Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 1% cs. flour, 212 tsps. baking powder and f. g. salt; beat into 16 first mixture alternately with 1 c. strong black coffee, continue beat- ing; add 3/4 c. black or English walnut meats, broken in pieces. Mix thoroughly, then fold in the whites of 3 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in a sheet in a well buttered pan lined with buttered paper. Cover with Con- fectioner's Frosting made with cream, flavor with vanilla and decorate with halves of nut meats. BLACK WALNUT BARS JAN Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add gradually, 1 c. of soft brown sugar-roll sugar before measuring-and continue beating. 17 Add 1 c. of chopped black walnut meats mixed with 1 c. of pastry flour sifted with / tsp. of salt, and 1 tsp. of baking powder. Spread evenly in a buttered shallow rectangular pan, / in. thick, and bake 25 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from pan and cut, while warm, into bars 3/ in. wide by 3 in. long. Use a sharp lightly greased knife. FIG CAKE JAN Cream 1 < c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, stirring constantly; add yolks of 2 well beaten eggs, % c. milk alternately with 1 2 cs. of flour 18 sifted with ?<2 tsp. soda, and 2 tsps. cream of tartar (or 3 tsps. b. p.) beating constantly. Then fold in the whites of 2 eggs beaten stiff. Turn into 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans, and bake 15 mins. in a hot oven. Cook I lb. washed figs in boiling water to cover until tender; drain, chop fine, and return to fire, add 14 c. sugar and stir until boiling. Cool slightly and spread on one of the cakes, cover with remaining cake, press together and cover with Confectioners' Frosting. Garnish with very small preserved figs or sprinkle with finely chopped crystallized orange peel. PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES JAN Cream 2 tbsps. butter, add 12 c. peanut butter, stir until well blended, then gradually add 1 c. sugar, add 1 well beaten egg. c. milk alter- 19 nately with 2 cs. flour sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder, 'V tsp. salt and I tsp. cinnamon. Turn on a lightly floured board, knead slightly and roll into a very thin sheet, shape with a small cooky cutter, sprinkle tops with gran. sugar, place on buttered baking sheets and bake in a hot oven to a light brown. GOLDEN SPICE CAKE JAN Cream 2,' c. butter, add gradually ? a c. sifted brown sugar. 1 egg and the volks 4 eggs beaten until thick and light, 1 c. molasses, 2 c. milk. 20 and*214 cs. flour sifted with 1 tsp. Cinnamnon, 1.;tsp. cloves. 1mo'ts p. grated nutmeg, 2 tsp. soda, and f. g. salt. Add a fewe gratings of lemon rind and beat the mixture thoroughly. Turn into a buttered tube pan and bake in a moderate oven 45 mins. When cool, cover with Boiled Frosting.  PORK CAKE JAN Use fresh pork fat entirely free of lean meat (/ lb. before grinding). Put through the meat chopper, using the fine cutting disk. Measure 21 1 c. packed solidly. Put into mixing bowl, add gradually 112 cs. brown sugar, 1 c. New Orleans molasses, stirring constantly; add 1 c. boiling coffee. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 2 tsps. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. allspice, 1 tsp. cloves, and 1 tsp. ginger. Reserve 4 c. flour and dredge with it 1 c. seeded raisins. % c. shredded citron and i c. currants; mix thoroughly, and add gradually, with sifted flour and spices to first mixture, beating constantly. Turn into a well buttered, paper- lined tube pan measuring 9% in. in diameter and 4 in. deep. Bake in a moderate oven 1% hrs. This is a delicious fruit cake and worthy of considera- tion, since the pork fat takes the place of butter and no eggs are required. It will keep as long as richer fruit cakes. Spread with frosting if desired. COCOA SPONGE CAKE JAN Cream 1 c. butter; add 1 c. powdered cocoa, yolks 3 eggs beaten thick and light, 1 c. fine gran. sugar sifted with 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 22 tsp. cloves, add gradually 12 c. cold water. Beat the whites 3 eggs until stiff, add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. flour sifted with 3 tsps. baking powder. Add 1 tsp. vanilla; bake in small buttered muffin tins 15 to 20 mins. Spread with confectioners' frosting. CARAMEL POTATO CAKE JAN Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar; add-2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, 12 c. milk and 1 c. warm riced 23 potatoes. Beat 3 mins. Sift together 1 c. flour, 3 tsp. baking pow- der, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 14 tsp. cloves, and 1/2 tsp. nutmeg; add to first mixture with 2 c. grated chocolate. 2 c. chopped black walnut meats. Turn into a buttered tube pan and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from pan; when cool, spread with Caramel or Cocoa Butter Frosting. ORANGE SPONGE CAKE JAN Beat whites 3 eggs until stiff; add 3 egg yolks, one at a time, beating well between each addition, and using a Ladd egg beater; add gradu- 24 ally, 7 c. fine gran. sugar; continue beating until well blended. Remove beater, add grated rind of 1 navel orange, and % c. orange juice. Fold in 113 c. pastry flour that has been sifted 4 times with 12 tsps. baking powder and 1/ tsp. salt. Turn into a buttered and floured pan meas- uring 8'4x814x2 in. deep and bake in a moderate oven 35 mins. Spread with Orange Frosting No. 00 and cover frosting with a thin layer of melted choco- late. It will requires 3 sqrs. SOFT GINGER CAKES JAN Cream 3 c. of lard. Roll and sift 4 c. of brown sugar; add gradually lard, add 34 c. of molasses and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 25 tinted; add slowly % c. of sour cream in which 1 tbsp. of soda has been dissolved, beating constantly. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 2 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. of ginger; add i/ tbsp. of orange extract, and enough extra flour to make a very soft dough. Add to mixture, beat thoroughly and chill in the refrigerator. Roll on a lightly floured board to 1 in. thickness (rolling 2 the mixture at a time). Shape with a round cutter, measuring 24 ins. in diameter. Arrange them, 1 in. apart, on a well greased baking sheet, brush tops over with slightly beaten egg, and bake 15 mins. in a moderate oven. Store in a stone jar with cover. CHILDREN'S PARTY CAKES JAN Cream ? c. butter, add gradually 1 c. of fine gran. sugar and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 1% cs. pastry 26 flour, 2' 2 tsps. baking powder, and 14 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 z c. of milk; add 1 2 tsp. ea. of lemon and vanilla extract. Beat thoroughly, and turn into a well greased and floured shallow pan and bake 25 to 30 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from oven, let stand in pan 5 mins., remove from pan and when cool, trim off crusts and spread with Confectioners' Frosting No. 1. Cut in uniform rectangular pieces, and garnish each piece with strips of angelica for stems and different colored small candies or gum drops that can be arranged to represent tiny flowers. These confections may be purchased at confectioners' shops. SIGNORA CAKE JAN Cream 1 c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, beating constantly, add yolks 2 eggs and beat thoroughly, sift together 1%' cs. flour, 3 tsps. 27 baking powder, 1 tsp. cinnamon, and 's tsp. salt; add alternately with 1 c. sweet milk; add 2 tsp. vanilla, continue beating. then cut and fold in whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Bake in 2 buttered layer cake pans 15 mins. in hot oven. Remove from pans, spread 1 cake with raspberry jam, cover jam with remaining cake and sprinkle top with powdered sugar, or spread with frosting desired. } DEVIL'S FOOD No. 100 PART 1 JAN Grate 1 cake of sweet chocolate or use 3% tbsps. of dry cocoa; add % tsp. of soda, and 1 c. of boiling water. Stir until well blended 28 and set aside. PART 2 Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. soft brown sugar, and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; sift 3 cs. of pastry flour 3 times, add alternately to the first mixture with 12 c. of beaten sour milk, stirring and beating con- stantly until thoroughly blended, add 1 tsp. vanilla and gradually add Part, 1 continue stirring and beating, when well mixed, turn into a well buttered pan measuring 12x8x2 ins. and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool, spread with Fluffy Marshmallow Frosting. WASHINGTON CREAM CAKE JAN Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 123 cs. pastry 29 flour, 1/ tsp. salt, 22 tsps. baking powder. Add alternately with 1%c. milk to the first mixture. Bake in well buttered and floured layer cake pans, 15 to 20 mins. in a hot oven (3500 to 4000 F.). Put together with CREAM FILLING Beat a4 c. of triple cream until firm, using a Ladd egg beater. Add gradu- ally I c. sifted Confectioners' sugar, and the white of 1 egg beaten until stiff; add 12 tsp. vanilla and use as directed. Sprinkle top of cake with powdered sugar. BRAN COOKIES JAN Cream 1 c. butter or substitute, add, gradually, 2 cs. sugar, stirring constantly; add the well beaten yolks 4 eggs, and / c. of milk. To 30 2 cs. of bran, add 3 f2 cs. flour, 2 tsp. salt, 2 tsps. baking powder, and ' tsp. soda. Add to first mixture and continue stirring while adding 2 tbsps. of molasses, 1 c. seedless raisins and 1 I2 tsps. vanilla. Chill over night. Drop in small balls 1I2 in. apart on buttered baking sheets and bake 15 mins. at 350° Fah. Recipe should make 9 doz. cookies. ECONOMICAL DATE CAKE JAN Cream 13 c. butter, gradually add 14 cs. soft brown sugar, 1 egg beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; sift together 13 c. flour, 312 31 tsps. baking powder, ' tsp. nutmeg and 1 c. of dates, cleaned, stoned and cut in small bits. Beat mixture 3 mins. Turn into 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 25 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with tart jelly and sprinkle top with powdered sugar. FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY CAKE (Chocolate Almond Cake) FEB Cream 3 c. butter, add gradually 11/ cs. sugar, stirring constant- lV; beat in 1 c. sweet chocolate grated and the yolks of 4 eggs beat- 1 en until thick and lemon-tinted, add 1 c. chopped blanched almonds, 2 cs. warm riced potatoes and beat thoroughly. Sift together 2 cs. pastry flour, 2 tsp. salt, 3 tsps. baking powder, 11 ' tsps. cinnamon and l tsp. cloves. Add to cake mixture alternately with 31 c. of milk or enough to make a stiff batter. Then fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into a well greased tube pan, and bake 45 to 50 mins. in a mod- erate oven. When cool, spread with Marshmallow Frosting and garnish with blanched and slightly toasted almonds. This makes an excellent birthday cake for boys. SOUR CREAM CHOCOLATE CAKE FEB Cream a c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. sifted brown sugar, cool, stir- ring constantly; melt 3 squares of chocolate in t2 c. of boiling water, 2 cool, add to first mixture, continue stirring. Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted and add to mixture. Sift 2 cs. of sifted pastry flour with Y tsp. salt, and 3' tsp. soda, add to mixture alternately with I2 c. of sour cream, add 2 tsp. vanilla. Turn into a well greased, paper lined shallow pan and bake 35 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Marshmallow Frosting. COCOANUT CAKE FEB Cream ? c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring con- stantly, add yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; sift 3 together 3 cs. pastry flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, f. g. salt; add alternately to first mixture with 1 c. milk. Add 1 tsp. vanilla, and fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten stiff. Bake in 2 or 3 well buttered layer cake pans, from 15 to 20 mins. in a quick oven. Put together with Boiled or Ice Cream Frosting, sprinkle thickly with fresh grated cocoanut. Spread top and side with frosting and sprinkle with cocoanut.  SPICE CUP CAKES FEB Cream 2 c. butter, add % c. brown sugar gradually, while stirring constantly. Add 1 c. molasses, continue stirring. Sift together 2% 4 cs. flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, % tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. ginger, and 1 tsp. salt; dissolve 1 tsp. soda in 1 c. boiling water, add to first mixture alternately with flour. Beat mixture thoroughly then fold in 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Fill buttered gem cups % full of mix- ture and bake 15 mins. in moderate oven. CHOCOLATE NOUGAT CAKE FEB Cream 4 tbsps. butter add 1Y,2 cs. powdered sugar gradually while stirring constantly, add 1 egg unbeaten, and continue stirring; when 5 ingredients are well blended add % c. milk alternately with 2 cs. bread flour, sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder. To 2 sqs. unsweetened melted chocolate ,add 13 c. powdered sugar, add % c. milk. Cook until smooth, stirring constantly. Cool and add to first mixture, add % tsp. vanilla and turn into 2 square buttered layer cake pans. Bake 20 mins. in moderate oven. Spread between layers and on top and sides of cake with Marshmallow Frosting. Sprinkle with 3 c. blanched and shredded almonds delicately toasted. This must be done before frosting "sets." GOLDEN GINGER DROPS FEB Cream 14 c. of butter; add gradually 4 c. rolled and sifted brown sugar, Y c. molasses. Sift together 12 cs. flour, % tsp. salt, 1 tsp. 6 cinnamon, i4 tsp. cloves and Y/ tbsp. ginger; dissolve 1 tsp. soda in ' c. of hot water and add to first mixture alternately with flour beating constantly. Lastly, add 1 egg beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Turn into well buttered very small round bottom iron gem cups slightly warmed, and bake 15 mins. in a moderate oven. This mixture is very thin, make no changes in the ingredients. INEXPENSIVE WHITE CAKE FEB Cream } c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar; sift together 134 cs. flour, 21 tsps. baking powder and 14 tsp. salt; add to first 7 mixture alternately with it c. of milk; add % tsp. vanilla or almond extract and beat thoroughly. Then fold in the whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in a buttered brick shaped bread pan 35 to 40 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool, spread with the frosting desired. JELLY ROLL FEB Beat 3 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add, gradually, 1 c. fine granulated sugar, beating colstantly; add grated rind 1 lemon, ? 8 tbsp. milk. 1 c. flour sifted with 1 tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt and lastly 1 tbsp. melted butter. Line a buttered dripping pan with paper, butter paper well, turn in mixture, spread evenly and bake 12 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from oven, carefully turn on a paper sprinkled with confectioner's sugar (have this ready before cake is taken from oven). Quickly remove paper from cake with sharp knife and trim off thin, crisp edges from 4 sides of cake. Spread with jelly that has previously been beaten with fork and roll. After cake has been rolled wrap a paper around cake to preserve its shape. Work of trimming edges, spreading and rolling must be quickly done or cake will crack in rolling. Sift powdered sugar over top before slicing. SPICED POTATO LAYER CAKE FEB Cream c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring con- stantly. Add yoke 4 eggs beaten until thick and light and 1 c. warm 9 well mashed potato. Beat thoroughly. Add alternately * c. milk mixed with I c. left-over cocoa, and 2 cs. flour sifted with 1 tsp. each of cinnamon, nutmeg, 11 tsp. cloves, 2 tsp. salt and 3 tsp,,. baking powder. Then fold in whites 4 eggs. Bake in 3 greased and floured layer cake pans 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread between layers raspberry jam and cover with Caramel Frosting and sprinkle with chopped pecan nut meats. OATMEAL AND NUT AND DATE CAKES FEB Sift together 2?i cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, z tsp. salt, 1 tsps. cinna- mon, tsp. nutmeg. and ? tsp. cloves; add 2 cs. rolled oats, 1 c. ea. 10 chopped walnut meats and chopped dates. Cream 34 c. of shorten- ing, add gradually 1 ?,cs. sugar, 3 well beaten eggs and z c. sour milk: combining mixtures: beat thoroughly and drop by teaspoonfuls on buttered baking sheets and bake in a hot oven 12 to 15 mins. Recipe should make 75 cookies.  GINGER BREAD FEB Cream 1 c. butter, add % c. sugar gradually while stirring constantly. Add 1 c. molasses and continue stirring. Beat 2 eggs until thick and 11 lemon-tinted, add to first mixture. Sift together 3 cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, % tbsp. ginger and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. thick sour cream. Turn into well buttered paper lined shallow pan and bake 35 mins. in moderate oven. LOG CAKE FEB Make and bake a sponge cake in a shallow pan so as to form a thin sheet when baked. Cut the cake when cool, in 3 strips about 2 inches 12 wide. Lay 1 strip flat on a moulding board; put a roll of whipped cream (sweetened and flavored with vanilla) down the center and arrange the remaining two strips to meet above the filling, forming a triangu- lar shaped cake. Pipe Mocha Frosting lengthwise over the cake to imitate the bark of a tree trunk. Pipe in places here and there plain butter frosting flavored with vanilla, with a thread of Mocha Frosting surrounding them to imitate "knots" in the bark. Sprinkle "knots" with fine chopped pistachio nut meats. Serve when celebrating Lincoln's birthday. DRIED APPLE CAKE FEB Pick over and wash 2 cs. dried apples. Cover with cold water; let stand over night. Drain, dry on towels and finely chop. Add to 1 c. 13 N. O. molasses and simmer slowly 1 hr.; cool. Cream % c. butter, add 2 cs. soft brown sugar gradually while stirring constantly, add 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 3% cs. flour, 2 tsps. cream tartar, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. mace and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. sour milk. Add 1 c. seeded raisins and 2 citron cut in shreds dredged with the r/ c. flour. Add dried apples. Beat thoroughly. Turn into a buttered tube pan and bake 1% hrs. in moderate oven. ST. VALENTINE'S CAKE FEB Cream ?% c. butter, add gradually 2 c. fine gran. sugar, the grated rind of 1 lemon and the yolks 4 eggs beaten thick and lemon-tinted; 14 sift together 1 c. flour, 1 tbsp. cornstarch, and 1 tsp. baking powder; gradually beat into the first mixture; then fold in ? c. candied cherries cut in very thin slices and the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a buttered heart shape pan measuring 9% in. at broadest part, 8% in. from topto apex of heart and 2 in. deep, bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool, cover with a thick layer of Marshmallow Frosting and quickly sprinkle the edges at top and bottom of cake with tiny pink candies or dec- orate with tiny red hearts. CHOCOLATE HERMITS FEB Cream J c. butter; add gradually 1 c. sifted soft brown sugar and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 15 2 tsps. baking powder, 1, tsp. salt and 1 tsp. cinnamon; add 2 c. seeded raisins and 1 ? c. chopped nut meats; add to first mixture with 1 c. cocoa dissolved in 2 tbsps. of boiling water. Mix thoroughly and drop from the tip of a tsp. on buttered baking sheets, sprinkle tops lightly with gran. sugar and press a seeded raisin in center of each hermit. Bake 12 to 15 mins. in a moderate oven. RIBBON CAKE FEB Cream 1 ' c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar; beat the yolks 4 eggs until thick and light, add gradually 1 c. sugar and combine mixtures 16 and beat until well blended. Sift together 31 > cs. flour, 5 tsps. baking powder and i tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk and continue beating. Lastly fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake % of the mixture in 2 well buttered layer cake pans 20 mins. in a moderate oven. To the remaining batter, add i2 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. ca. mace and nutmeg and ' tsp. cloves. Then stir in i ' c. ea. of seeded raisins cut in pieces and citron cut in fine shreds and 2 or 3 figs chopped fine; and beat in 1 1 2 tbsps. of molasses (dredge fruit with 1;% tbsps. flour before adding to mixture). Bake in a buttered layer cake pan. Put layers together with tart jelly, having dark layer in the middle. Frost with maple frosting. COLD WATER CAKE FEB Cream 2 c. of butter, add, gradually, 1,.' cs. gran. sugar, stirring constantly: add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted and 1 tsp. 17 of vanilla. Sift together 2 12 cs. pastry flour, 1 tsns. baking powder and r, tsp. salt: add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. of cold water. Beat well and turn into a buttered and floured pan measuring 8 x 12 x 2 in. and bake 35 mins. in a moderate oven. The mixture may be baked in 2 layers. Spread with chocolate, caramel, or boiled frosting. The chocolate or caramel frosting may be garnished with chopped or halved nut meats and the boiled frosting with grated cocoanut.  JAM CAKE FEB Cream Y4 c. butter, add 1 2%cs. sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Add 4 eggs unbeaten, 1 at a time, beating each in thoroughly with 18 the hand before adding another. Add 112 tsps. soda dissolved in 4 tbsps. sour milk. Sift together 3 cs. bread flour, f. g. salt, 12 tsps. cinnamon, 1 ?% tsps. allspice, 112 tsps. nutmeg, add to first mixture alternately with 1 glass of any kind of jam. Beat mixture until ingredients are well blended, then turn mixture into 3 buttered layer cake pans, bake in brisk oven 13 to 20 mins. Put together with boiled frosting and cover top and sides. Decorate with crystallized fruits if desired. Beat jam with a fork before using. SPONGE GINGERBREAD FEB Melt 2 c. butter or substitute with 1 c. N. O. molasses, add % tsp. of ginger and stir until well blended; remove from fire, cool and add 19 1 c. sour milk alternately with 2 cs. bread flour sifted with 4 tsp. salt, add 1 well beaten egg and lastly 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 1 tbsp. warm water. Bake 25 mins. in a moderate oven. Gingerbread should be baked in a well buttered shallow pan, the bottom of pan lined with buttered paper. CHOUX PASTE FEB Put 2 c. butter in a sauce pan, add 1 c. of boiling water and heat to the boiling point; then add all at once, 1 c. of bread flour and stir 20 rapidly with a small wooden spoon until the mixture forms a thick smooth paste that will not stick to sides of pan. Remove at once from fire and add 4 unbeaten eggs one at a time, beating until thoroughly blended between the addition of eggs. Vigorous beating through the entire process is essential. The finished paste should be warm, smooth, light and soft enough to hold its shape and not spread when dropped on a buttered and floured baking sheet. Put paste into a pastry bag with plain tube attached measuring % in. in diameter and press on prepared baking sheets 1 2 to 2 in. apart in shapes as directed below and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. CREAM CAKES (PUFFS) FEB Shape choux paste in mounds 2 in. in diameter and 1 in. high on buttered and floured baking sheets, 112 to 2 in. apart and bake 30 21 mins. in a moderate oven. When baked and cool, make an opening in one side and fill with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla or fill with cream filling flavored with lemon, orange, vanilla, chocolate or coffee. Sprinkle tops with powdered sugar. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE FEB Follow recipe for Standard White Cake (Mar. 26th). Flavor with , tsp. of almond extract. Turn into three large deep layer cake pans, 22 well buttered and floured and bake 20 to 25 mms. in a moderate oven. Put together with cherry jam and spread sides of cake with jam, then sprinkle thickly with chopped blanched almonds that have been slightly toasted before chopping; press halves of toasted almonds here and there into sides of cake. Spread top with frosting desired and garnish with candied cherries with foliage and stems cut from angelica and arranged to simulate sprays of cherries. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS FEB Sa choux paste in strips 4 in. long by 1 in. wide, by pressing the ,,. e throuch a pastr ha) with a plain tube attached. on to a but- 23 ud and floured baking set from 11 to 2 in. apart and bake 25 mi-s. in a moderate oven. When cool, split and fill with vanilla. chocolate or coffee eamifliaN. Sread tops with Chocolate Frosting. PECAN COOKIS FEB Beat the yolks of 2 eggs until thick, and lemon-tinted, add gradually 1c of rolle d andi sifted brow n s=gar. stirring constant ly; add 1 c. of 24 chou)_-,d pean nut meats, sutriled with 1 tsp. salt, then fold in the whies& 2egs beaten until stiff and 63 tbsps. of flour. When well blendedl. drop frmt",,--tip of a soon on buttered baking sheets 11 2 in. apart, spread s p.srinkle tops with gran. sugar, press a half nut meat on each cook-v-and: bake in a moderate oven. t SOUR CREAM CAKE FEB Beat the yolks of 3 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; add gradually 2 cs. of sugar, stirring constantly; sift together 2% cs. flour and % tsp. 25 of salt. Dissolve 3 tsp. of soda in 1 c. of very rich sour cream, add to first mixture alternately with flour; beat thoroughly, add 1 tsp. lemon extract, then fold in the whites of 3 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in a buttered shallow pan, 25 to 30 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Cream Frosting and cut in cubes when ready to serve. EMERGENCY SPONGE CAKE FEB This recipe will serve the purpose when one's time is limited. Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add % c. of fine gran. sugar and 26 continue beating. Add 5 tbsps. of boiling water (be sure water is boiling) as quickly as possible, beat slightly, then add 1 c. of sifted flour sifted again with 1 tsp. of baking powder and % tsp. of salt. Flavor with nutmeg or any desired flavoring. Beat until thoroughly blended; this hatter is so thin the whole process of mixing can be accomplished with an egg beater. Turn into 2 layer cake pans and bake 12 mins. in a hot oven. Put together with whipped cream filling and pipe the filling over top. MARY J. LINCOLN'S POUND CAKE FEB Cream 1 c. of butter with the hand, gradually add 1% cs. of sugar beating constantly; add 1% tsp. mace, 5 eggs, adding them one at a 27 time and beating each thoroughly into mixture before adding another; then add 2 cs. sifted pastry flour gradually and continue beating until well blended. Turn into a well buttered tube pan and bake from 45 to 50 mins. in a moderate oven. The grain of this cake should be fine and close, without a suspicion of toughness or heaviness, not porous like cakes made light with leavening agents. The texture is obtained by thoroughly working the butter and sugar to a creamy consistency and not by over beating the eggs. Frost as desired. OATMEAL DROP COOKIES FEB Stir 1 c. of shortening until creamy, using all butter or equal parts of butter and lard (butter substitute may be used alone). Add gradu- 28 ally 1 c. of sugar, stirring constantly; then add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, 13 c. of milk, 12 cs. of rolled oats, 1 c. of seeded raisins cut in pieces, and 12 c. of English walnut meats cut in pieces. Sift together 1 2 cs. flour, 14 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. cinnamon, % tsp. cloves, 12 tsp. ea. of allspice, nutmeg and soda. Beat into the first mixture and drop from tip of spoon on buttered baking sheets 112 in. apart and bake in a moderate oven. MARCH BIRTHDAY CAKE (Pistachio Layer Cake) MAR Follow recipe for Standard White Cake (see Mar. 26th). Turn into 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in 1 a moderate oven. Put layers together when cool, with pistachio nut filling made as follows: Grind 1 c. of pistachio nut meats in an almond mill, or food chopper using the fine cutting device of the latter; mix with the white of one egg and as much confectioner's sugar as will form a smooth paste that will spread without "running." Spread top and sides of cake with boiled frosting tinted a delicate green with vegetable fruit color- ing and sprinkle thickly with chopped (not ground) pistachio nut meats. (This cake may be served at St. Patrick's spread.) Use pink or a delicate shade of yellow candles on this cake. WHITE GINGER BISCUIT MAR Cream 1 c. butter, add 2 cs. sugar gradually; beat yolks 3 eggs lightly, add to first mixture. Sift 4 cs. flour (to form a soft dough) 2 and 1 tbsp. ginger together, add alternately with 1 c. sour milk or cream, add 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 3 tbsps. warm water, then fold in whites of 3 eggs beaten stiff. Drop from tip of tsp. on well buttered tin sheet. (Drops size of English walnut). Sprinkle candied orange peel cut in small pieces over top and bake in hot oven 12 to 15 mins. BROWN SUGAR COOKIES MAR Roll sugar before measuring. Then mix together 1Y cs. soft brown sugar, 21r cs. flour, 114 tsp. soda and 14 tsp. salt. Add 3 1'2 c. butter to 2 c. boiling water. When melted, cool slightly and add gradually to dry ingredients stirring constantly. Add 1 tbsp. orange juice and grated orange peel to flavor. Mix well and drop from tip of spoon on buttered tin sheets, sprinkle with granulated sugar and bake in hot oven.  14W DATE SPICE CAKE MAR Add 1;4 cs. dark brown sugar gradually to % c. melted shortening, stirring constantly; add 1 egg unbeaten and beat mixture 3 mins. 4 Sift together 1 y cs. pastry flour, 32 tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. mace. Add 1 c. dates, stoned and cut in small pieces, stir until well mixed with flour. Add to first mixture alternately with 2 c. milk. Beat batter 5 mins. Turn into buttered layer-cake pans and bake 25 mins. in moderate oven. When partially cool spread with current jelly or raspberry jam. Sprinkle top with powdered sugar. POTATO CHOCOLATE CAKE M4AR Cream % c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually while beating con- stantly. Beat yolks 4 eggs thick and light; add another c. sugar; 5 beat thoroughly and combine mixture. Add 1 c. hot mashed potato and 2 sqs. melted chocolate. Mix and sift 2 es. pastry flour, 3! tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. nutmeg, % tsp. cloves, % tsp. salt and add to mixture alternately with 2 c. milk. Add % tsp. vanilla and fold in beaten whites 4 eggs. Bake in well buttered shallow pan 30 mins. in moderate oven. Frost with Nut Frosting. GRAHAM CRACKER CAKE MAR Roll 1 lb. graham crackers until fine as meal, sift and weigh them. there must be 1 lb. full weight. It will require 2 boxes of crackers; 6 Cream 12 c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually while stirring con- stantly. Beat yolks 3 eggs until thick and light; add to first mix- ture. Mix and sift prepared crackers with 4 tsps. baking powder and f. g. salt, add to cake mixture alternately with 12 cs. milk. Then fold in whites 3 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn mixture into 3 buttered layer cake pans and bake in moderate oven. Put layers together with Mocha Frosting, spread top and sides with frosting. Pass some of frosting through pastry bag with rose tube, decorating edge and center of cake. JELLY TURN-OVERS MAR Cream 1 c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, stirring constantly; add 1 egg well beaten and continue stirring. Sift V4 tsp. salt with 7 1 c. flour; dissolve ' tsp. soda in 1 c. sour milk and all alternately to first mixture with flour. Add just enough extra flour to make soft dough. Chill and roll to % in. thickness, shape with biscuit cutter. Spread one-half of rounds with jelly or jam and fold as turn-overs; crimp edges and bake in hot oven 15 mins. Just before placing in oven sprinkle each turn-over with coarse sugar and with sharp pointed knife make 3 diagonal cuts across top of each. SPICED COCOANUT CAKE MAR Cream 'I c. butter, add 2 cs. brown sugar gradually; add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 2 cs. flour with 8 14 tsp. salt. 2 tsps. cream tartar, 1 tsp. soda and 2 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. allspice, 1 tsp. nutmeg and "'2 tsp. cloves; add to first mix- ture alternately with 1 c. sweet milk. Add 1 c. shredded cocoanut mixed with ?; Cs. flour; beat thoroughly. Turn into a paper lined, well buttered tube pan and bake 45 mins. in moderate oven. Spread with cocoanut frosting. SWEDISH COOKIES MAR Cream 2s c. butter, add I ' c. sugar gradually, add 2 tbsps. sour milk and continue beating. Sift 1 tsp. soda with some flour, add 9 to first mixture., add more flour until a soft dough is formed. Chill and roll as thin as possible. Shape with a small cutter. Bake in hot oven. ROCHESTER GINGERBREAD MAR Cream 2 c. butter. gradually add ' c. brown sugar, stirring con- stantl:: add 1 c. molasses, 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 10 tinted: and Continue?)eAtin-g. Sift together 21'. cs. bread flour, 1 tsp. soda, I tsp. ine,11 a tsps. cinnamon and ?~ tsp. salt: add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. rich sour milk and beat thoroughly. Turn into a well greased. paper lined pan measurin: 12 x S x 2 in.) and bake in moderate oven 2) mins. 1sc only rich sour milk that has some cream in it, if you would have a delicious gingerbread.  ' Yqw SUNSHINE CAKE 2 MAR Beat yolks 5 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add 1 c. sugar gradually, 1 tsp. orange extract and 112 tbsps. orange juice, beat- 11 ing constantly. Sift together 3 c. flour, % tsp. salt and 2 tsp. cream tartar five times. Cut and fold into first mixture the stiffly beaten whites 6 eggs alternately with flour. Bake in an angel cake pan 45 mins. in moderate oven. Invert pan on cake cooler until it is cool, then carefully remove from pan. BROWNIE FOOD MAR Cream % c. butter, add % c. powdered sugar gradually and % c. molasses. Sift together 1 % cs. bread flour, 1 % tsps. baking powder 12 and is tsp. cinnamon, % tsp. cloves and f. g. mace, add to first mixture, add 3 c. pecan meats chopped and lastly cut and fold in 2 eggs beaten very light. Bake in iron Brownie gem cups warmed and well buttered; place half pecan meat on top of each before baking. DELICATE LOAF CAKE MAR Cream f c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually stirring constantly. Add 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 13 2 cs. pastry flour, 4 tsps. baking powder and 18 tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 2 c. milk; add 1 tsp. orange or vanilla extract; beat thoroughly and turn into a well buttered brick shaped bread pan (measuring 10 x 4% x 31, in.) and bake 45 mins. in moderate oven. Spread with maple nut frosting if desired. SWEET PRETZELS MAR Sift pastry flour; measure 3 cs. and sift 3 times after measuring. Cream 2 c. butter, gradually add 1'2 c. confectioner's sugar and 14 2 eggs, 1 at a time beating 2 mins. after adding each egg. Add flour until the dough can be handled. Turn on a lightly floured board and knead until smooth. Cover and set aside about 2 hrs. Then roll the dough as thin as noodles or , of an in. thick, sprinkle with gran. sugar and press it lightly in with the rolling pin; with a pastry jagger cut in strips 6 in. long and 1- in. wide. Bring the ends together, cross and press then in at top to form pretzels. Arrange on buttered baking sheets 12 in. apart using a spatula. Bake in a moderate oven to a golden brown. Serve at afternoon tea. CHOCOLATE AND NUT DOUGHNUTS MAR Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; add 11 ?cs. sugar grad- ually beating constantly; add 11 sqrs. of chocolate (melted over 15 boiling water), and 3 tbsps. of melted butter. Sift together 1 tsp. soda. 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 4 cs. flour; add 1r c. English walnut meats broken in small pieces; mix well and add to the first mixture alternately with 1 c. sour milk; add tsp. vanilla and beat thoroughly. Chill dough. Take a part of the dough and roll on a lightly floured board, to 1, in. thickness. shape with a small doughnut cutter. Continue thus until all are shaped. Then fry in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper or on a cake cooler. When cold dredge with confectioner's sugar. MARBLE CAKE MAR Light Part: Cream 1 c. butter, add 1 c. gran. sugar gradually, stiring constantly. Iix and sift 211 cs. flour, 2 tsps. baking pow- 16 der and 1 tsp. salt. Add alternately to first mixture with % c. milk: add whites 4 eggs beaten stiff, after dark part is mixed; this prevents loss of lig htness in white part. D, ark Part : Cream 1 c. butter, add 1 c. soft brown sugar. (measured after rolling graduallv while stirring constantly, add 1 2 c. molasses and yolks 4 egg- beaten. Sift together 11 .> s. flour. 1 1tsp. ground cloves. 1 tsp. cinna- man 1 tsp?. 11m!ic= i tsp. ntmeg and 1 tsp. salt. Dissolve 1 tsp. Soda in c. sour nik. Add sifted dry ingredients to first mixture alternately with milk. Dron liht and clark mixtures by tablespoonfuls irregularly into well greased brick Shaped bread Tans. Bake 45 to 50 rins. in moderate oven. Spr ad with frosting desired. ST. PATRICK'S CAKE MaAR "m 2 c. butter, add gr aduallv 1 c. fine gran. sugar, stirring con- stand . . Beat yolks of 4 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted. add 17 graduilv 1 c. of surar; combine mixtures. add 1 c. of slightly warm ra-td potato: ix thoroughly, ad'd alternately 1,' c. left over cocoa and 2 es. 1our sifted with1 tsp. ew. of salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and I . tsp. cloves and 3 tps. of baking powder. Lastly beat in the whites of 4 eggs beaten until stiff. When well blendd. turn into 3 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 15 to 20 mins.ia moderate oven. Pt torether with iam or jelly. Spread ton and sides with boiled or Emerald Frosting. Garnish with green cherries or gum-drops sliced and arrange to simulate shamrocks using strips of anelica for the stems. To make Emerald Frosting, tint boiled frosting with gren fruit-color paste.  l MOCK ANGEL CAKE MAR Sift together 1 c. fine sugar, 11 cs. pastry flour, 3 tsps. baking powder and 4 tsp. salt 5 times. Pour % c. scalded milk slowly on 18 mixture while, stirring constantly. Cut and fold in beaten whites 2 eggs, add Y tsp. vanilla and % tsp. lemon extract, give a final beating and turn into an unbuttered angel cake pan and bake in moderate oven 35 to 40 mins. Remove from pan and spread with Boiled Frosting. Serve day after baking. GERMAN ALMOND COOKIES MAR Beat the whites of 3 eggs until frothy, add gradually 14 cs. pow- dered sugar and continue beating with a Ladd egg beater. Add 19 the grated rind of 1 lemon, 1% tsps. cinnamon and % lb. of finely chopped almonds (unblapched). Turn mixture on a board that has been sprinkled with equal parts of flour and confectioners sugar, roll to f in. thickness. Shape with small fancy cutters, arrange on a slight but- tered baking sheet, 1% in. apart and bake in a moderate oven (2500 to 300* F.). Spread tops almost to the edges with Confectioners Frosting. SPICE CUP CAKES WITH RAISINS MAR Cream % c. shortening (equal parts butter and lard), add 1 c. sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Sift together 1% cs. flour, 20 1 tsp. cinnamon, 12 tsp. ginger, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. cloves and % tsp. salt. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. rich sour milk; add 1 tsp. soda dis- solved in 1 tbsp. hot water and stir in % c. seedless raisins dredged with a little flour. Beat thoroughly. Turn into well buttered warm iron gem cups filling them to half their depth. Bake 25 mins. in a moderately hot oven. Spread with chocolate frosting. The recipe makes 18 cakes. WALNUT MOCHA CAKE MAR Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar stirring constantly. Sift together 13 cs. flour, 2Y2 tsps. baking powder 21 and ? tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. strong black coffee; add 1 c. of English walnut meats broken in pieces. Mix thoroughly and fold in the whites 3 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn mixture into a buttered shallow pan and bake 35 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Mocha Frosting. PECAN CAKELETS MAR Beat 2 eggs slightly, add I c. rolled and sifted brown sugar, 2 c. flour sifted with % tsp. ea. of baking powder and salt; add 1 c. of 22 pecan nut meats broken in pieces. Mix well and turn into small buttered muffin tins to 2% their depth, place the half a pecan nut meat on top of each and bake 15 mins. in a moderate oven. Serve at chil- dren's parties with cocoa or chocolate. GINGER SNAPS MAR Heat 1 c. of molasses to the boiling point and pour at once over 1. c. of shortening. Sift together 31 t cs. flour, ?2 tsp. soda, 34 23 tbsp. ginger and 112 tsps. salt, add to the first mixture and chill thoroughly. Take i of the dough on a lightly floured board and roll as thin as possible; shape with a small round cutter measuring 2 in. in diameter, sprinkle tops lightly with gran. sugar and arrange % an in. apart on buttered baking sheets, lifting each snap with a spatula and bake in a moderate oven. Reserve trimmings after each rolling, keep them cool and it will not be necessary to add more flour to dough, which makes them hard instead of crisp. SNOW CAKE (Inexpensire) MAR Cream _£ c. of butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 1 ?2 cs. flour, 21 2 tsps. baking powder 24 and 14 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture with I.2 c. of milk beating constantly until well blended. Then fold in the whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff and 1. tsp. ea. of vanilla and lemon extract. Bake in a buttered deep narrow pan 35 to 10 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Confectioners Frosting and sprinkle at once with fresh canned grated cocoa- nut. 4 BLACK WALNUT HERMITS MAR Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually V3 c. sugar, 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted and 2 tbsps. of milk. Sift together 1 Cs. 25 flour, 2 tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. cinnamon, M tsp. cloves, / tsp. nutmeg and %' tsp. salt; add % c. seeded raisins cut in small pieces and 2 c. black walnut meats broken in small pieces. Mix well and add to the first mixture. Roll mixture to 1 an in. thickness, shape with a cooky cutter measuring 2 in. in diameter and arrange on buttered baking sheets, put a seeded raisin in center of each cooky. Bake in a moderate oven from 12 to 15 mins. STANDARD WHITE LAYER CAKE MAR Cream 2 c. butter, add 11. cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 3y tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt; 26 add to first mixture alternately with Y c. milk, add flavoring de- sired, beat thoroughly, then fold in the whites of 3 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in two buttered layer cake pans in a moderate oven 15 to 20 mins. This mixture may be used with a variety of fillings. PRUNE AND ALMOND CAKE MAR Follow recipe for Standard White Layer Cake. Put together with the following mixture. Boil together 1 c. of sugar and 5% tbsps. 27 of water stirring constantly until the boiling point is reached; then boil without stirring until the syrup spins a thread. Pour syrup in a fine stream on the white of 1 egg beaten until stiff. Add 2 tsp. of vanilla. To half the mixture, add 8 cooked and drained prunes stoned and cut in pieces and 4 tbsps. of blanched almonds chopped moderately. Use the re- mainder of mixture for frosting top of cake and sprinkle quickly with blanched and chopped almonds. CITRON CAKE MAR Cream 12 c. butter add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar stirring constantly; add the yolks 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 28 tinted, 2 c. of milk alternately with 2 cs. flour sifted with 3 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt, beating constantly. Then fold in the whites of 3 eggs beaten until stiff, add 1 tbsp. of brandy, or essence of nutmeg to flavor to taste and 1 c. of citron cut in exceedingly thin slices then cut in shreds. Bake in a well buttered tube pan, line the bottom with buttered, paper and bake in a moderate oven 45 to 50 mins. When cool, spread with Orange Frosting. DATE CAKE MAR Cream 2 c. butter, add 11 cs. sugar gradually while stirring con- stantly. Sift together 3 cs. pastry flour, 4 tsps. baking powder and 29 1; tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. cold water, add 1 tsp. vanilla, then cut and fold in whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into 2 buttered square layer pans and bake 20 mins. in mod- erate oven. (This mixture may be baked in 1 large, shallow pan.) Spread between layers with Date Filling. PEANUT COOKIES MAR Cream 14 c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, stirring constantly. add 3 eggs beaten very light. Mix and sift 21/ cs. flour, 4 tsps, 30 baking powder and 1 tsp. salt, add alternately to first mixture with c. milk, then add 1?%w cs. finely chopped peanuts, 3 tsps. lemon juice and grated rind i! lemon. Drop from tip of spoon on buttered sheet 1 in. apart. place the half of a peanut in center of each. Bake in slow oven from 12 to 15 mins. Have freshly baked peanuts and it will require 1 2 qts. unshelled peanuts to make 2 cs. This recipe makes 5 doz. cookies. COCOANUT CREAM PUFFS MAR Follow recipe for Choux Paste (See February 20th.). Shape paste in ovals 2 in. long and 1 in. wide, bake and fill with cream cocoanut 31 filling, brush tops with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle thickly with grated cocoaim't. CRE2VM COCOANUT FILLING Whip 1 c. of triple cream until firm, using a Ladd egg beater, add gradually x c. su ar and the white of 1 egg beaten until stiff, acid c. of grated cocoa- nut and 1 tsp. vanilla.  APRIL FOOL'S CAKE APR Follow recipe for Standard White Cake (see May 2d). Bake the mixture in layers or in an angel food pan and cover top and sides 1 with boiled frosting. Then before the frosting glazes, sprinkle quickly with grated cocoanut, leaving a border around the edge of cake about an inch wide; sprinkle this with fine chopped pistachio nut meats. Work out the date (April First) in center of cake with tiny green candies. Cover this cake with a large tin pan that has been spread with frosting and decorated with tiny fool's caps made of crepe paper of the desired color. Finish the center with a figure of "April Fool" wearing a "fool's cap." When it is time to serve the cake let the guests draw straws to see who shall cut the cake. The one who is to cut the cake (pan) of course, proves to be the "fool" of the occasion and receives an elaborate "fool's cap," which he must wear through the evening. Remove the camouflage and serve the April First cake as part of the dessert. The cake should serve as the centerpiece and the color "green" should be given prominence. APRIL BIRTHDAY CAKE (Hot Water Sponge Cake) APR Pour % c. of boiling water over the yolks of 5 eggs slightly beaten; continue beating until cold. Then gradually beat into mixture 2 cs. 2 of fine gran. sugar and add 1 tsp. orange extract. Sift pastry flour, measure 2 cs. and sift 4 times with 1 tsp. baking powder and % tsp. salt; gradually beat flour into the mixture adding it % at a time. Continue beating until thoroughly blended, then fold in the whites of 5 eggs, beaten until stiff. Turn into an ungreased tube pan measuring 9% in. in diameter by 3% in. deep and bake in a moderate oven 350° F., 45 mins. Remove from oven and invert on a wire cake cooler; let stand inverted until cake is cold. Spread with Confectioners' Cream, sprinkle with candied violets and use violet candles. EASY-TO-MAKE CHOCOLATE CAKE APR Sift together 2 cs. flour, 1 tsp. salt and 3 tsps. baking powder, add 2 c. sugar and stir inz c. milk beaten with 1 well beaten egg. 3 Lastly add 1 c. melted butter. Beat thoroughly 2 mins., flavor with 2 tsp. vanilla; turn into 2 well greased layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a hot oven. Put together with Chocolate Filling and cover with boiled frosting. SUNSHINE CAKE NO'. 1 (E. 0. H's Favorite Cake) APR Beat the yolks of 9 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted. Beat the whites of 12 eggs until frothy, add 1% tsps. of cream of tartar, con- 4 tinue beating until stiff and dry; add gradually 1'? cs. fine gran. sugar, beating constantly with a large Ladd egg beater; beat the yolks again, and beat them into the sugar and beaten whites. Add 114 tsp. of orange extract and 1 c. of pastry flour that has been sifted before measuring and 4 times afterwards. Turn into a large tube pan measuring 10% in. in diameter by 312 in. deep, and bake from 45 to 50 mins. in a moderate (3000 to 3500 F.) oven. Remove from oven, invert on a cake cooler and let stand until cool. Remove from pan and spread with Chocolate Frosting. DROP CAKES APR Beat 2 egg yolks until thick and light, add gradually 1 c. of sugar and M, c. melted shortening; stirring constantly. Sift together 5 2 cs. flour, 2 tsps. baking powder, and 2 tsp. salt. Add to first mix- ture alternately, with 1 c. of rich sour cream; add 2 tsp. of soda dissolved in 2 tbsps. warm water, continue stirring until well blended; add 1 tsp. lemon extract, then fold in whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Drop from the tip of a tsp. on buttered baking sheets lightly dusted with flour, sprinkle with gran. sugar and chopped peanuts. Bake in a hot oven until lightly browned FIG AND NUT CAKE APR Cream 3 c. butter, add, gradually, 2 cs. sugar; stirring hard and constantly. Add 4 c. milk, alternately, with 3 cs. flour, sifted with 6 4 tsps. baking powder. Then fold in whites 6 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in 2 large well buttered and floured layer cake pans and put together with Fig and Nut Filling. Spread with Chocolate Frosting. RUSSIAN TEA CAKES APR Slightly beat 4 eggs, add 1 c. of heavy cream and 1 c. gran. sugar. Add % tsp. soda dissolved in 2 tsp. hot water and stir until frothy; 7 stir in sifted flour enough to make a soft dough. Turn on a floured board, roll thin, spread with soft (not melted) butter, fold over, making 3 layers, roll again, spread with butter and repeat until 1 c. butter and lard mixed have been used. It will require 4 or 5 rollings and foldings. Lastly roll very thin, sprinkle with 1 c. fine chopped blanched almonds, mixed with a little sugar and cinnamon, shape in bars or squares, place on greased baking sheets and bake to a delicate brown in a hot oven. 1 RECEPTION CAKE APR Cream 1 c. butter, gradually add 1 c. of fine gran. sugar; stirring constantly; then add another c. of sugar and continue stirring and 8 beating vigorously. Ifnecessary add alternately 1 c. of cold water with the second c. of sugar. Sift together 2% cs. of sifted pastry flour, 1 tsp. salt and 2a tsps. baking powder; add to first mixture alternately with / c. of cold water, then fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into 3 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake from 15 to 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with boiled frosting and spread top and sides thickly with frosting and sprinkle with chopped pistachio nut meats and tiny pink candy rose petals. These can be purchased at any first- class confectioner's. PRUNE CAKE APR Cream % c. butter, add % c. of fine gran. sugar gradually, stirring constantly; add the yolks 5 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 9 tinted, and 1 tsp. lemon extract. Sift together 8 c. of flour, 11/ tsps. baking powder and 18 tsp. salt, add to first mixture alternately with M c. of milk. Turn into 2 butttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 15 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with prune and almond filling and spread with Boiled Frosting. To boiled frosting add % c. of soft, selected prunes, stoned and cut in pieces and 1 c. of blanched and chopped almonds. SOUR CREAM SPICE CAKE APR Beat the yolks 2 eggs until thick and light; add gradually 2 c. soft brown sugar, 2 c. N. O. molasses and 3 c. very rich sour cream. 10 Sift together twice 17 cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, 11.4 tsps. cinnamon, % tsp. cloves and 1 tsp. salt; add gradually to first mixture beating constantly. Bake 30 mins. in a shallow rectangular pan well buttered and bottom lined with buttered paper. Remove from pan and cut in halves crosswise. Brush the sugar from marshmallows and put them into a slow oven 3 mins. then cover one-half of cake with the plumped mallows; cover with remaining cake, return to oven; let stand until mallows are soft (about 4 mins.). Remove to serving platter and when slightly cool cut in cubes, and serve with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with orange extract. FIVE O'CLOCK CREAM CAKES APR Follow recipe for making Choux Paste (see Feb. 20th). Drop mix- ture from the tip of a tsp. on to buttered baking sheets (drops should 11 be the size of a hickory nut) and bake about 20 mins.; when cold, open cakes on one side and fill with cream mixture made by whipping 1 c. of heavy cream until firm, adding gradually l c. of confectioner's sugar. Allow the cream to show on the open side. Or close the open side and spread these small cream cakes over with Chocolate Frosting. Serve at Five o'clock Tea. HOT WATER GINGERBREAD APR Melt " c. of butter in 3 c. of boiling water, add 1 c. of molasses, 1 egg beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 12 1i tsp. soda. 2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ea. of cinnamon and ginger and / tsp. cloves. Add to first mixture, gradually stirring and beating until thoroughly blended. Turn into a buttered shallow pan and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. MAPLE SYRUP CAKE APR Cream ?3 c. of butter, add gradually 1 acs. fine gran. sugar, 2 tbsps. of maple syrup (melted maple sugar) and 3 eggs beaten until thick and 13 lemon-tinted. Sift together 3 cs. flour, 1/ tsp. salt, and 4 tsps. bak- ing powder; add to first mixture alternately with 23 c. of cold water, beating constantly until well blended. Bake in a buttered shallow pan 30 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Maple Syrup and Nut Frosting. FIG AND NUT MACAROONS APR Beat the whites of 3 eggs until stiff and dry, gradually beat in 1 c. of fine gran. sugar, 1 c. of fine chopped English walnut meats and 1 doz. 14 washed figs steamed until very soft then rubbed through a strainer or chopped fine. Cover baking sheets with heavy waxed paper and drop mixture in small teaspoonfuls 1 in. apart on the paper, and bake in a quick oven at first, then reduce heat and finish baking. If the mixture spreads too much add more sugar. .. r: LEMON QUEENS APR Cream 3 c. of butter, add gradually 1 c. of fine gran. sugar, beating constantly, add the grated rind of 1 lemon, % tbsp. of lemon juice 15 and 4 egg yolks beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 1 % cs. flour and 1 ea. of salt and soda; then beat into the first mixture. When thoroughly blended, fold in the whites of 4 eggs, beaten until stiff and dry. Bake from 20 to 25 mins. in small muffin tins, measuring 21 in. in diameter and 1 in. deep. Remove from oven and when cool, cover with boiled frosting or Confectioner's Butter Frosting and roll in grated cocoanut or chopped pistachio or other nut meats. DELICIOUS LAYER CAKE APR With the hand cream 1 c. of butter, add, gradually, 214 es. of fine gran. sugar, add 4 unbeaten eggs, one after another, beating thor- 16 oughly between each addition of egg. Sift 4 cs. of pastry flour with 412 tsps. of baking powder and 12 tsp. of salt and add alternately to the first mixture with 1 c. of milk and beat the whole mass 5 mins. with the hand. Bake Y3 of the batter in 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans 20 mins. To the remaining batter add red vegetable coloring to give it a deep rose tint, and 4 c. of broken butternut meats and bake in a buttered and floured layer cake pan the same size as the 2 white layers. Put layers together with currant or raspberry jelly, spread top and sides with Maple Syrup and Nut Frosting. See Cooked Frostings. DATE HERMITS APR Cream 1 c. butter, add 112 cs. sugar gradually while stirring con- stantly. Add 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, add 1 lb. 17 dates stoned and cut in halves and 2 cs. walnut meats broken in pieces. Sift together 21 2cs. flour, 14 tsp. salt and 2 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. allspice. Add to first mixture with 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 2 tbsps. hot water. Mix well and drop from tip of teaspoon on a buttered tin sheet 112 in. apart. Bake in moderate oven 12 to 15 mins. OLD FASHION SPICE LOAF APR Cream f c. butter, add 2 cs. sifted brown sugar gradually while stirring constantly. Beat 3 eggs (without separating) until thick 18 and light; cut and fold them into first mixture; sift together 2% cs. pastry flour with 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. allspice, 2 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 2 tsp. cloves and 1 tsp. salt; add alternately with 1 c. sour milk; beat mixture thoroughly and turn into a buttered and paper lined brick shaped bread pan. Bake 45 mins. in moderate oven. Spread with maple frosting. ANGEL FOOD APR Beat 11. cs. of egg whites until frothy, add 1 tsp. of cream of tartar and continue beating until stiff; using a large Ladd egg beater. Add 19 gradually 11/ cs. of sifted fine gran. sugar, beating constantly. Cut and fold in 1 c. of sifted flour (sifted with 1 tsp. salt five times before adding to mixture); add 1 tsp. of vanilla or Y tsp. of almond extract. Turn into an unbuttered angel cake pan and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove to a wire cake cooler, invert and let stand until cold. Spread with confectioner's frosting. GENERAL GRANT'S FAVORITE CAKE APR Cream / a c.of butter, add gradually 132 cs. sugar, stirring constantly. When mixture is creamy, add the yolks of 4 eggs beaten until thick 20 and lemon-tinted. Sift together 13 2 cs. flour, 2 c. of cornstarch, 1: tsp. salt, and 4 tsps. of baking powder. Add to first mixture alternately with 1/2 c. of orange juice and the grated rind of 1 orange; beat thoroughly, then fold in the whites of 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a buttered tube pan and bake 40 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from oven and when cool, spread with Orange Frosting or spread with boiled frosting and decorate in "true military style." This mixture may be baked in 3 layer cake pans. CHOCOLATE WALNUT COOKIES APR Cream 2 c. of butter and add gradually 1 c. of sugar, stirring con- stantly, then add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, 2 sqrs. 21 of chocolate melted, 1 c. of black or English walnut meats cut in small bits, 1. tsp. of salt, 3 2 tsp. vanilla (omit the flavoring if black walnut meats are used), and % c. of flour. Mix thoroughly, drop from a tip of a teaspoon on buttered baking sheets, 132 in. apart, and bake in a moderate oven. J ORANGE COCOANUT JUMBLES APR Cream 1 c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, stirring constantly Add grated rind 1 orange and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 22 tinted. Sift together 2% cs. flour and 4 tsps. baking powder, add to first mixture alternately with % c. orange juice. Chill the dough thoroughly. Roll in a thin sheet, shape with doughnut cutter, measuring 2 in. in diameter. Arrange on buttered baking sheets, 12 in. apart. Brush tops over with slightly beaten white of egg, cover with prepared cocoanut and sprinkle with gran. sugar. Bake to a delicate brown in a medium oven NEW ENGLAND ELECTION CAKE APR Cream 1 c. butter and work it into 1 c. bread dough with the hand; add 1 egg well beaten and gradually 1 c. soft brown sugar (previously 23 rolled), beating continually with the hand, add 1 c. sour milk, % c. raisins seeded and shredded, and 6 figs finely chopped, dredged with 1 c. flour. Sift together 1 c. flour with 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. nutmeg, % tsp. soda and 1 tsp. salt; add to first mixture and beat thor- oughly; turn into well buttered bread pan, cover and let rise 1% hrs. Bake 1 hr. in slow oven. Frost if desired. CHOCOLATE LOAF CAKE APR Scald % c. milk in double boiler, add % c. sugar and 2 sqs. chocolate, stir until smooth and well blended; set aside to cool. Cream 1 c. 24 butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar stirring constantly, fold in yolks 3 eggs beaten thick and light, add % c. milk to chocolate mixture and combine with cake batter; sift together 2% cs. pastry flour, f. g. salt, and 2 tsps. baking powder, add to mixture and beat thoroughly, add 1 tsp. vanilla and fold in beaten whites of 3 eggs. Turn mixture in buttered brick shaped pan and bake in moderate oven 35 to 40 mins. Spread with marshmallow or fudge frosting. CARAMEL LAYER CAKE APR Cream % c. of butter, add gradually 112 cs. of fine gran. sugar, the yolks of 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 25 2% cs. of flour, 4 tsps. of baking powder and 4 tsp. salt; add alter- nately to the first mixture with 1 c. of cold water. Beat 3 mins. then add 3 tbsps. of caramel syrup and 1 tsp. vanilla. Lastly fold in the whites of 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into 2 well buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with Caramel Frosting and spread top and sides with frosting and sprinkle thickly with chopped pecan nut meats. VELVET CAKE APR Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1Y cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly; add the yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 26 tinted. Sift together 112 cs. flour and c. of cornstarch, 4 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 12 c. cold water and continue beating until well blended; then fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a buttered shallow pan and sprinkle top with 1 c. of almonds blanched and shredded very fine. Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar. Bake 35 mins. in a moderate oven. This cake may or may not be spread with frosting. VANILLA WAFERS APR Cream % c. of butter and lard in equal proportions; add gradually ic. of sugar, stirring constantly; add 1 egg beaten until thick and light; 27 then add 2 tsps. of vanilla and 1 c. of milk alternately with 2 cs. flour sifted with 2 tsps. of baking powder and % tsp. salt. Chill the dough and roll very thin; shape with a round cutter, place on buttered baking sheets 1 in. apart and bake in a moderate oven. FARMER'S WIFE CAKE APR Into a mixing bowl put 1 c. of thick rich cream, 1 c. of fine gran. sugar, 2 eggs unbeaten and 1V4 cs. flour sifted with 3 tsps. baking 28 powder, 2 tsp. ea. of salt and nutmeg. Sit down and beat this mix- ture from 5 to 10 mins. using the hand. Turn into a well buttered tube pan and bake 45 to 50 mins. in a moderate oven. The top may be lightly sprinkled with gran. sugar before putting into the oven. Bear in mind that very rich cream mist be used for this cake. PEANUT BARS APR Shell and remove the hulls from 1 qt. of fresh baked large peanuts; then pass them through the meat chopper. Beat the white 1 egg 29 until stiff and gradually add 1 c. of soft brown sugar (that has been previously sifted), stirring constantly; add 3 tsp. salt, and 1 tsp. of vanilla. Lastly fold in the prepared peanuts. Spread mixture evenly in a buttered shallow pan and bake in a very moderate oven. Remove from oven and when slightly cool, with a sharp knife cut in bars of uniform size. The top of mixture may be sp-inkled lightly with gran. sugar before baking.  ORANGE BARS APR Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 112 cs. of fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly; then add the yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 30 tinted, % c. of orange juice alternately with 1% cs. flour, sifted with M c. of cornstarch, 1 tsp. salt and 4 tsps. of baking powder. Add the grated rind 1 orange and beat thoroughly. Then fold in the whites of 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in a buttered dripping pan sprinkled generously with chopped walnut or pecan nut meats and lightly with gran. sugar. Bake 25 mins. in a moderate oven. When slightly cool, cut in halves crosswise and put together with orange filling; then cut in narrow bars. Serve at Afternoon Tea. MAY BIRTHDAY CAKE (Cooked Sunshine Cake) MAY Beat the yolks 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted. Beat the whites 12 eggs until frothy, add 2 tsps. cream tartar, continue 1 beating until stiff and dry. Cook 1% cs. sugar with 1 c. water until it spins a thread, then pour in a fine stream on to beaten whites of eggs beating constantly, continue beating until cold; then beat in yolks of eggs, 1% tsps. orange extract. Fold in 1 c. pastry flour that has been sifted before measuring and four times after measuring with % tsp. salt. When thoroughly blended, turn into an ungreased tube pan, measuring 101 in. in diameter by 3% in. deep and bake in a moderate oven (300 to 350° F.) 45 to 50 mins. Invert pan on a wire cake cooler and let stand until cake is cold. Then remove from pan and spread with boiled frosting and decorate as desired both in design and color. WHITE HICKORY NUT CAKE MAY Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 12 cs. fine granulated sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking 2 powder and 1 tsp. salt, mix with the flour 1 c. hickory nut meats broken in pieces. Add to first mixture alternately with % c. cold water stirring and beating until thoroughly blended. Then fold the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into a well buttered shallow pan, measuring 12 x 8 x 2 in. and bake 30 to 35 mins. in moderate oven. When cool spread with Maple Frosting. CHOCOLATE CAKES FOR RECEPTIONS MAY Melt 4 sqs. chocolate, add 3 tbsps. boiling water and cook over hot water until smooth. Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1% cs. 3 sugar stirring constantly, add yolks 3 eggs well beaten and 1% cs. sifted flour sifted again with 2 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt alternately with 1 c. milk, add 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat thoroughly, then fold in whites 3 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into 3 buttered layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in moderate oven Put together with date filling and spread top and sides with Marshmallow Frosting. GARDEN TEA CAKES MAY Beat together yolks 4 eggs and whites 2 eggs until thick and lemon- tinted, using a Ladd egg beater; add 1 c. fine gran. sugar gradually, 4 beating constantly. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 2% tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with ? c. milk; then beat in % c. melted butter. Flavor as desired. Turn into a buttered and floured shallow pan and bake in moderate oven 35 mins. When cool, with a thin bladed sharp knife, cut in cubes, diamonds, triangles and oblongs; with a small biscuit cutter shape in rounds and crescents. Frost on all sides but the bottom side with boiled or butter frosting. Roll some in cocoanut, others in nut meats chopped fine, some in pistachio nut meats chopped fine, others may be sprinkled over with fine chopped candied fruits. Serve at garden or porch teas or large receptions. LITTLE FRUIT CAKES MAY Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar; stirring constantly; then add ?/ c. chopped nut meats, % c. chopped 5 raisins, 4 c. fine shredded citron. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; sift together 1% cs. flour sifted with 2% tsps. baking powder and r tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 12 c. milk. Turn into small buttered tins and bake 20 to 25 mins. in moderate oven. Spread with different kinds of frosting using maple, chocolate, caramel and butter frosting, sprinkle some with cocoanut, some with chopped nut meats and with chocolate frosting use whole nut meats. GINGERBREAD WITH LEMON PEEL MAY Cream 2 c. butter and work gradually into 1 c. flour using the tips of fingers; then add %3 c. soft brown sugar, 1 tbsp. ginger and 6 1 ounce (about 4 c.) candied lemon peel, cut in very small bits. Continue mixing with the hands. Reserve 12 c. mixture. Press remainder into a buttered shallow pan to 2% in. thickness, using the back of hand, sprinkle top with the reserved mixture and bake in moderate oven; cut while warm into squares and let stand until cold; then remove from pan. Serve with ginger ale, orange or lemonade. N CHOCOLATE NUT BARS MAY Beat whites 6 eggs until stiff and gradually beat in % c. confec- tioners sugari and 3 sqs. unsweetened chocolate which has been 7 melted and slightly cooled and % lb. blanched and chopped almonds (reserving % c.). Spread mixture % in. thick in 2 buttered shallow pans, sprinkle remaining almonds over top and bake in slow oven 35 to 40 mins. While warm, cut in narrow strips 1 in. wide by 2% to 3 in. long, using a sharp knife. Serve with hot or iced tea or with cocoa or chocolate. PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE (Serve as Dessert) ]MAY Cream % c. butter, add, gradually, 1 c. sugar, 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; sift together 1% cs. flour, % tsp. soda, 8 1 tsp. cream tartar and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alter- nately with 2 c. milk, add 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat thoroughly, turn into 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in moderate oven. When cold put together with pineapple filling and cover top with a layer or make half the recipe for filling and sprinkle top with powdered sugar. Serve the day it is made (See Frostings and Fillings). SOUR CREAM CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE ]MAY Beat yolks 4 eggs until thick and light; add gradually 1Y 3cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly. Melt 2 sqs. chocolate in % c. rich 9 sour cream over a low fire, let cool and add to % c. rich cream. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with cream and chocolate; add 1 tsp. vanilla, then fold in whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into 2 buttered and floured square layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in moderate oven. Put together with chocolate nut filling and spread top and sides with boiled frosting. OATMEAL FRUIT COOKIES ]MAY Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 1 tsp. baking 10 powder, % tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. cinnamon; add % c. chopped seeded raisins or stoned dates, % c. chopped black walnut meats. Add to first mixture with % c. sour milk. Add just enough flour to make a stiff dough. Drop from tip of tsp. on buttered baking sheets 112 in. apart, sprinkle with gran. sugar and bake 15 mins. in hot oven. WHITE SPONGE CAKE MAY Beat whites 4 eggs until frothy, add % tsp. cream tartar and continue beating until stiff and dry. Beat in % c. fine gran. 11 sugar, then fold in % c. flour sifted 4 times with % tsp. salt. Add Y tsp. vanilla or % tsp. almond extract. Bake in an ungreased tube pan 25 to 30 mins. in moderate oven. STRAWBERRY CREAM PUFFS MAY Follow recipe for making Choux Paste (see Feb. 20th.). Drop by spoonfuls on buttered baking sheets, shaping in balls about 2 in. 12 in diameter and 1% in. high and 2 in. apart. Bake 25 mins.; when cold, cut a cross on top and fill with triple cream sweetened and whipped until firm. Garnish top with large strawberries and surround each with sliced berries. SPICED NUT WAFERS ]MAY Cream % c. butter, add 1 egg beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, r c. chopped pecan nut meats, % c. sugar gradually, beating 13 constantly. Add 2 tbsps. brandy or orange juice, grated rind lemon and 2 cs. flour, sifted with % tbsp. cinnamon, 4 tbsp. nut- meg and if brandy is used, 1 tsp. cloves. Mix well and chill thoroughly. Turn on a lightly floured board, roll to % in. thickness, shape with a small cutter first dipped in flour; and bake on buttered baking sheets in a moderate oven until delicately browned. Serve with hot or iced tea. CRUMB CAKE MgAYSift together 2% cs. pastry flour, with 3 tsps. baking powder, 4 tsp. salt and 1V cs. fine gran. sugar; add % c. butter and work 14 it in lightly with tips of fingers; the mixture should be like coarse meal or fine crumbs; reserve % c. and set aside. Break 2 eggs into the remaining crumbs and add % c. milk. Beat with the hand until mixture looks like cream (it will require about 10 mins.), flavor with 1 tsp. vanilla, turn into a buttered shallow pan, sprinkle the reserved crumbs over the top and bake 30 mins. in moderate oven. When cold cut in cubes.  THE ORIGINAL ANGEL FOOD NJAY Beat the whites 11 eggs until frothy; add 1 tsp. cream tartar and continue beating until stiff and dry. Add 12 cs. sugar gradually 15 and continue beating using a large Ladd egg beater. Sift pastry flour, measure 1 c. and sift 4 times with 1 tsp. salt; fold into mix- ture adding it in thirds; add 1 tsp. vanilla. When well blended turn into an ungreased angel cake pan and bake 40 to 45 mins. in a moderate oven, the oven should be just warm when cake is put in and the heat gradually in- creased from 300 to 340° F. Remove from oven, invert on wire cake cooler and let stand until cake is cold. DEVIL'S CAKE 3 MAY Cook together until thick 1 c. brown sugar, % c. sweet milk and 1 cake unsweetened chocolate, remove from fire and let cool. 16 Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually / c. sugar, stirring constantly, then add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; sift together 13 cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. baking powder and % tsp. salt; add to butter mixture alternately with %; c. sour milk; then beat in the chocolate mixture with 1 c. chopped nut meats and continue beating until well blended. Turn into a buttered shallow pan, bottom lined with buttered paper and bake 30 to 35 mins. in moderate oven. Cover with a thick layer of boiled frosting. DELICIOUS FIG CAKE NJAY Cream 1 c. butter, gradually add 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring con- stantly. Sift together 1 c. cornstarch, 1% cs. flour, 3 tsps. baking 17 powder and 1/ tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk beating constantly; add 1 tsp. each lemon and vanilla ex- tract; then fold in whites 7 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into 3 but- tered and floured square layer pans and bake 20 mins. in moderate oven. Put together with fig filling and spread top and sides with caramel or maple frosting. ORANGE DROP COOKIES M\AY Cream % c. butter, add gradually % c. of fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together, 2?, cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking powder 18 and ? tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 12 c. thin cream or top milk. Add 2 eggs beaten'until thick and lemon tinted and 1 c. candied or crystallized orange peel, chopped fine. Drop from a tsp. on buttered sheets 11/2 in. apart, sprinkle tops with gran. sugar and bake in hot oven until delicately browned. I ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR CAKE ]gAY Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. sugar, stirring constantly until creamy. Add the well beaten yolks 4 eggs and continue 19 beating. Sift together 3 cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking powder and tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk, add 1 tsp. orange or lemon extract, then fold in whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into buttered brick shape cake pans or a large tube pan and bake 45 mins. in moderate oven. Frost as desired. DELICATE ORANGE LAYER CAKE N4AY Beat yolks 4 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add gradually 2 cs. sugar, beating constantly, add 1 tsp. orange extract, then 20 fold in whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Sift together 2 cs. flour, " tsp. salt, ./) tsp. soda and 1 tsp. cream tartar and fold into mix- ture. When thoroughly blended, turn into two well buttered square layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in moderate oven. When cool, put together with orange filling (see Fillings and Frostings) spread top and sides with boiled frosting and sprinkle all over with fine cut crystallized orange peel. NUT TEA CAKES INAY Stir together until creamy 1 tbsp. chicken fat and ; c. sugar; add 1 egg beaten until thick and lemon-tinted: Sift together 2 cs. flour, 21 3 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. of salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. top milk or thin cream, then add 1 c. chopped nut meats mixed with 1 tbsp. measured flour. Bake in well greased very small muffin tins 20 mins. in hot oven. Split each cake, spread with butter, sprinkle with grated maple sugar and fine chopped nut meats. Press lightly together and serve with afternoon tea. MARSHMALLOW FIG CUBES M Y Follow recipe for White Sponge Cake (May 11th) and bake cake in a buttered shallow cake pan. When cold, cut in cubes 21f in. square, 22 spread cubes with ground figs, moistened to the consistency to spread, with preserved ginger syrup or orange marmalade. Place a marshmallow in center of each cube and set in a moderate oven until marsh- mallow spreads. Garnish each with a candied cherry, cut to simulate a tiny tulip. Serve at garden or porch party. i UTILITY CAKE MAY Cream 1 c. shortening, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly until well blended. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and 23 lemon-tinted, continue beating. Sift together 1/4 cs. flour, 2 tsps. baking powder and 4 tsp. salt, add to mixture alternately with 2 c. milk. Add 1/ tsp. each vanilla and lemon extract. Beat thoroughly and turn into 2 well buttered layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in hot oven. Put together with raspberry jam and spread with frosting or sprinkle with powdered sugar. This batter may be varied by the addition of nut meats, raisins, cocoanut, spices, etc. and baked in gem cups or in a loaf. POP-CORN DROP CAKES MAY Beat white 1 egg until stiff and dry; add gradually > c. soft rolled brown sugar, beating constantly. Melt 2 tsps. butter and % c. 24 chopped or ground fresh popped corn, 11 tsp. salt and Ya tsp. vanilla. Mix thoroughly and combine the two mixtures. Drop from tip of tsp. on buttered baking sheets 11 in. apart and bake to a delicate brown in a quick oven. This is a good recipe for the novice to begin making the small drop cakes, cookies, etc. ORANGE CRULLERS MAY Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, beating constantly. Sift together 3 cs. 25 flour, 3% tsps. baking powder, 2 tsp. salt; add the grated rind 12 an orange, then add to first mixture with ? c. orange juice and 3 c. milk, beating constantly, meanwhile continue to add sifted flour until a soft dough is formed as soft as can be handled. Turn on a floured board, roll to 2 in. thickness, cut in strips 7 in. long, twist twice and fry in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper and when cold sprinkle with powdered sugar. The recipe makes 3 doz. crullers. SUGAR GINGERBREAD MAY . Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 12 cs. soft brown sugar and 2 c. sour cream. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 2 tsps. ginger, % tsp. salt 26 and 3% tsp. soda. Add to first mixture stirring constantly; then add just enough extra flour to make a soft dough to handle. Roll to 4 in. thickness and shape with a round cutter. Sprinkle tops with gran. sugar and bake 15 mins. in moderate oven. NUT PATTIES MAy Beat 1 egg until thick and lemon-tinted, add gradually 1 c. sugar and continue beating; into this mixture stir 1 c. English walnut 27 meats, chopped fine, 1 tsp. salt and 13 c. flour. Mix thoroughly and drop from the tip of tsp. on buttered baking sheets about size of macaroons and 1% in. apart; bake in hot oven 10 mire. MAPLE SUGAR LAYER CAKE MAY' Follow recipe for standard White Layer Cake (See March 26th). Put layers together with Maple Filling (See Fillings and Frostings) 28 and spread top and sides with Maple Frosting. Sprinkle top and sides thickly with pecan nut meats chopped fine. RAISIN CUP CAKES MAY Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly; add 2 whole eggs and 1 egg yolk beaten until thick 29 and lemon-tinted, sift together 2 cs. flour, 3 tsps. baking powder and / tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 2 c. milk, stirring and beating constantly, add 1 c. sultana raisins dredged with 1 tbsp. flour. Beat vigorously and turn into small buttered muffin tins and sprinkle tops with fine shredded blanched almonds and powdered sugar. Bake 15 to 20 mins. in moderate oven. ANGEL CAKE WITH POTATO FLOUR MAY Beat whites 8 eggs until frothy, add 1 tsp. cream tartar and beat until stiff and dry, add the grated rind of 1 lemon or small orange, 30 fold in 1 c. sugar sifted with % c. potato flour and 14 tsp. salt. When thoroughly blended, turn into an ungreased angel cake pan and bake 45 to 50 mins. in moderate oven. Remove from oven and invert pan on a wire cake cooler. Let stand until cold. Remove from pan and frost as desired. SPRING-TIME CAKE MAY Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar stirring constantly; add another c. sugar, very gradually, alternately with few drops 31 water, then add alternately 212 cs. flour sifted (4 or 5 times) with 212 tsps. baking powder and 14 tsp. salt, 1 c. cold water (less that which was added to first mixture); lastly beat in whites 4 eggs beaten stiff. Turn into 3 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in mod- erate oven. These cakes should be delicately browned. Put together with Marshmallow Filling, spread top and sides with Fluffy Frosting and sprinkle with candied violets.  JUNE BIRTHDAY CAKE JUN Cream 1 c. butter; gradually beat in 2 cs. fine gran. sugar; stir with the hand until creamy; then beat in, one after another, without 1 previously beating, 6 whole eggs; beating vigorously between each addition; add alternately 1 c. of milk and 3% cs. of sifted pastry flour, sifted again with 4 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt. Lastly beat in 1Y cs. of grated cocoanut and 114 tsps. vanilla. Turn into 3 buttered layer cake pans and bake 25 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with Cocoanut Frosting and cover top and sides with ornamental frosting. Decorate top with pink rose petals. Use candles of the desired shade. BRIDE'S CAKE JN Cream 2 cs. butter, add gradually 4 cs. fine gran. sugar stirrng and beating until creamy and fluffy; add 2 cs. milk alternately with 5% 2 cs. pastry flour sifted 4 times with 3 tbsps. of baking powder and 1 tsp. salt; add 1 tsp. ea. of vanilla and lemon extract, beating con- stantly until thoroughly blended. Then fold in the whites of 12 eggs beaten until stiff and dry; continue cutting and folding until well mixed. Turn into a large buttered tube pan and bake 1 hr. in a moderate oven. This mixture may be baked in 4 large buttered layer cake pans (measuring 12 in. in diam- eter), and put together with Fluffy Frosting, top and sides spread with a smooth layer of the frosting, and when glazed, decorate the cake with orna- mental frosting using various sized pastry tubes and a pastry bag or use the cake ornamental syringe. MARBLE CHOCOLATE CAKE HIJN Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, stirring con- stantly; add 12 c. milk alternately with 2 cs. flour sifted with 3 tsps. 3 baking powder and 14 tsp. salt; add % tsp. lemon extract; then fold in the whites of 3 eggs beaten until stiff. Divide the batter, leave one-half plain and to the other add 2 squares of chocolate melted, 1 tsp. cinna- mon, 14 tsp. cloves, and 1 tsp. soda. Dispose the two mixtures alternately, by large tbsps. into a buttered brick shaped bread pan. Bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with frosting or leave plain as desired. BACK BAY CREAM CAKE JUN Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1% cs. fine gran. sugar; add the yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; add, alternately, 4 1 c. milk with 3 cs. flour sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt; then fold in the whites of 4 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into 3 buttered layer cake pans, and bake twenty mins. in a moderate oven. Put layers together with Cream Filling and spread top with Cream Confectioners' Frosting. Serve the day it is made. SPICE CAKES HINT Beat yolks 2 eggs until thick and light; add 1% cs. gran. sugar gradually, continue stirring. Sift together 14 cs. bread flour (re- 5 serve 2 c. for dredging raisins), i tsp. cloves, 2 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. nutmeg and 1 tsp. soda, twice; add alternately to first mixture with V c. sour cream; cut 1 c. seeded raisins in halves, dredge with flour, add to mixture. Lastly fold in stiff beaten whites of 2 eggs. Bake 20 mins. in moderate oven in warm, buttered iron gem cups, filling them 1 full. GOLDEN COCOANUT CAKE HUNT Cream c. butter, add the grated rind of 1 large orange; mix well and add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly; add the 6 yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and light; add 1 c. milk alternately with 1% cs. flour sifted with 212 tsps. baking powder and Y4 tsp. salt beating constantly; then fold in the white 1 egg beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into 2 buttered layer cake pans, bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with boiled frosting mixed with grated cocoanut. Spread top and sides with boiled Frosting and sprinkle thickly with cocoanut. ALMOND COOKIES HUN Cream 1 c. butter and beat into it, one at a time, 4 eggs beating vig- orously between the addition of each egg. Then add gradually 1 c. 7 of sugar and the grated yellow rind of 1 lemon. Add gradually 1' cs. flour, continue beating. Add /' lb. of blanched almonds chopped fine. The dough should be stiff and extra flour should be added to give it this consistency. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls on buttered baking sheets 112 in. apart, slightly flatten each cookie, sprinkle with gran. sugar and chopped almonds and bake in a hot oven about 10 mins. until delicately browned; the first 5 mins. reduce heat and bake until cookies are done.  DATE LOAF CAKE J1JN Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sifted brown sugar, and 2 well beaten eggs. Add 2 cs. flour, sifted with 2 tsp. salt, alternately with 8 % c. lukewarm water in which 1 tsp. soda has been dissolved. Then stir in 1 lb. dates, cleaned, stoned and cut fine and lightly floured, mixed with 1 c. chopped nut meats and add 1 tsp. vanilla. Bake in well greased and floured brick shaped pan 45 mins. to 1 hr. Put into moderate oven at first, then increase heat as necessary. DORCHESTER CHOCOLATE CAKE JN Cream 1 c. butter, add 1 c. soft brown sugar gradually, stirring con- stantly. Add yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and light, % c. milk 9 alternately with 2 cs. bread flour sifted with 1% tsp. soda, then fold in whites 3 eggs beaten until stiff. Melt 4 sqs. chocolate in double boiler, add % cs. sugar, yolk 1 egg slightly beaten and 1 c. milk. Cook until mixture is slightly thickened and smooth, stirring constantly. Cool and add to first mixture. Add 1 c. mixed candied fruits, raisins, citron, cherries and pineapple cut in small pieces, 1 c. chopped walnut meats and 1 tbsp. vanilla. Turn into 2 well buttered square layer cake pans and bake 30 mins. in a mod- erate oven. Remove from pans and when cool, spread with Date and Almond Filling. Spread top and sides with Boiled Frosting. To save time make cooked mixture first. MOLASSES HERMITS JUN Beat % c. butter to a cream; add gradually 1 c. soft brown sugar, then % c. seeded raisins chopped fine; add 1 whole egg and the yolks 10 of 2 eggs, beaten until thick and light, add 2 c. molasses and 2 cs. sifted flour, sifted again with 1 tsp. ea. of salt, soda, mace and cloves; 1 tsp. ea. of ginger and cinnamon. Mix to a soft dough, knead slightly, chill, then roll into a sheet, shape with a round cutter and arrange on buttered baking sheets 1 in. apart; sprinkle with gran. sugar and bake in a moderate oven until well browned. The recipe makes about 3 doz. hermits. FEATHER CAKE JN Cream % c. butter, add 11 cs. sugar gradually, stirring constantly; add yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 11 3 times 2% cs. flour, 3% tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt, add half the flour to first mixture alternately with 1 c. cold water, con- tinue stirring and beating, add 1 tsp. lemon extract and remaining flour alter- nately with stiffly beaten whites 4 eggs cutting and folding them carefully into mixture. Turn into buttered and floured square layer cake pans; leaving a depression in center that cakes may rise evenly. Bake 20 mins. in moderate oven. Put together with orange filling and spread with boiled frosting. This cake may be baked in shallow pan 8 x 12 x 2 in. then spread with any kind of frosting. 'It is very light and delicate. MOLASSES GINGERBREAD JUN Add 1 tsp. soda to 1 c. sour milk, then add 1 c. molasses. Sift together 24 cs. flour, % tsp. salt, 2 tsps. ginger and add slowly the 12 first mixture, while stirring constantly; add 1 c. melted butterine and beat thoroughly. Turn into a well buttered shallow pan lined with brown paper well buttered, spread evenly and bake 25 mins. in a moder- ate oven. Serve hot or cold. ROCKS WITH FRUIT JJN Cream 3 c. butter or lard, add 112 cs. soft brown sugar gradually, while stirring constantly. Beat 3 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted. 13 Add to first mixture. Mix and sift 3 cs. flour, % tsp. salt and 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. nutmeg, % tsp. cloves (reserve part of flour with which to dredge fruit). Add to mixture with 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 12 tbsps. hot water. Add grated rind and juice 1 lemon. Beat mixture thor- oughly, then add 1 slice candied pineapple cut in shreds and 1 c. dates stoned and chopped, floured, and 1 c. walnut meats broken in bits, beat until well blended. Drop from tip of teaspoon on buttered tin sheets an inch apart. Bake in moderate oven. This recipe makes 5 doz. small cookies. FLAG DAY CAKE HJN Follow recipe for Standard White Cake (see Feb. 26th). Turn mix- ture into a buttered pan measuring 12 x 8 x 2 in. Bake 35 mins. in a 14 moderate oven. When cool, spread with Boiled Frosting leaving a 4 x 4 in. square in the upper left-hand corner of the cake. Fill this space with some of the frosting that has been colored a deep blue with vegetable coloring. Arrange 48 small white candy stars in the square of blue, and with small oblong red candies arrange the red stripes lengthwise of the cake so as to complete the American Flag which will cover the entire top of the cake. Serve at a Flag Day luncheon. The candies may be purchased at any large confectioner's shop. The blue vegetable coloring may be found in the grocery section of the large department stores.  INEXPENSIVE CHOCOLATE CAKE JUJN Cream 1 c. butter; beat 1 egg until thick and lemon-tinted; gradually beat 3 c. of gran. sugar into each, then combine the two mixtures and 15 beat thoroughly; add 3 squares of chocolate (melted), then add alter- nately 1 c. milk and 2 cs. flour sifted with 3 tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Bake in layers or in a buttered shallow pan. Spread with boiled or chocolate frosting. CHINA-TOWN TEA CAKES TTTJNJCream 2 tbsps. each butter and lard, add 1 c. soft brown sugar gradu- ally while stirring constantly. Add % tsp. soda dissolved in 1 tbsp. 16 cold, freshly made green tea, % tsp. vanilla and 1 c. pastry flour. Beat thoroughly and roll into balls the size of a hickory nut. Arrange on buttered tin sheet 1% in. apart. Thrust a sliver of crystallized gipger into each ball and bake in hot oven. This recipe makes 2 doz. small cake. Cold water or orange juice may be used in place of cold tea. Tea should be freshly made if used. RICH LEMON LAYER CAKE 11 TNT Cream, with the hand, 1 c. of butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar stirring vigorously; add 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 17 tinted. Sift together 3 cs. sifted flour, 1 tsp. soda and 2 tsps. of cream of tartar; add alternately to first mixture with 1 c. of milk; add the grated rind and juice of 2 lemons and beat thoroughly. Turn into 3 buttered and floured square layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put layers together with lemon filling and spread cake with boiled or lemon frosting. YELLOW CAKE JUN Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, stirring constantly; add 3 egg yolks beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; beat mixture 18 until well blended. Sift together 1 c. flour, 2 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt; add to first mixture with 1 c. of milk beating con- stantly; add % tsp. orange extract then fold in the whites of 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in a buttered tube pan 35 mins. or in 2 well buttered layer cake pans, 20 mins. in a moderate oven. If baked in a loaf, spread with Orange Frosting, if in layers, put together with Orange Filling and spread with Con- fectioners' butter frosting. CLUB COOKIES JJ TN Cream 1 c. of butter; add gradually 1 c. of sugar, stirring constantly; add the yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and light, the juice and grated 19 rind of half a lemon, the white 1 egg beaten until stiff and 2 cs. flour. Mix thoroughly, knead lightly and chill the dough. Roll into a very thin sheet and shape with a "club" cutter; remove to buttered sheets with a spatula, brush over lightly with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle with gran. sugar and fine chopped blanched almonds. Bake in a hot oven until lightly browned. LOVERS' KNOTS JUN, Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add % c. sugar gradually while beating constantly, add 1 tbsp. heavy cream, 1 tbsp. melted 20 butter and 1 c. flour sifted with i tsp. cream tartar, 1 tsp. salt and 4 tsp. nutmeg. Add sufficient flour to make a dough to handle. Chill dough, then roll small pieces in strands size of lead pencil. Tie them in bow knots and fry in deep hot fat. When cool dredge them with powdered sugar mixed with a little cinnamon. GINGER COCOANUT CAKE JUN Cream % c. butter; add gradually 1 c. of fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly; then add the yolks of 2 eggs beaten until thick and light. 21 Sift together 14 cs. flour, 2 tsps. baking powder, 1 tbsp. ginger and ? tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. of milk. Lastly, fold in the whites of 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into 2 well buttered layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put layers together with cocoanut frosting and spread same over top and sides of cake. BUTTER MACAROONS JU NTBreak 4 eggs, reserve the whites for meringues and carefully drop the whole yolks into boiling water; let stand 20 mins. where water will 22 not boil; drain on a soft cloth. Cream 1 c. of butter, press the yolks through a sieve into butter and beat thoroughly; then gradually beat in 1 c. of sugar, % c. blanched and chopped alionds, the grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 tsp. cinnamon sifted 4 times with 3 cs. flour. Chill the dough. Then pull off pieces the size of a hickory nut, roll between the hands into balls, slightly flatten in shape of macaroons and set 1 in. apart on buttered baking sheets, brush over with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle with gran. sugar and bake to a golden brown in a moderate oven. The recipe makes 5 doz. macaroons. . MOCHA CAKE JUN Beat the yolks of 5 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; then gradually beat in 1 c. of sifted confectioner's sugar, add 1 c. flour sifted 4 times 23 with 1 tsp. baking powder and tsp. salt; add 1Y2 tbsps. of mocha or coffee extract, then fold in the whites of 5 eggs beaten stiff and dry. Bake in 2 well buttered layer cake pans in a moderate oven. Put together with Mocha or Cocoa Frosting and spread top and sides with the same. ORANGE DROP CAKES JI N Cream % c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking powder and f. g. salt. Add to 24 first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk. Beat thoroughly, then add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, % c. finely cut candied orange peel and 1 tsp. lemon extract. Drop from tip of teaspoon 1 in. apart on buttered tin sheet. Bake 12 to 15 mins. in hot oven. COCOANUT CHOCOLATE CAKE JN Cream 1 c. butter; add gradually 112 cs. of rolled and sifted brown sugar stirring constantly. Beat the yolks of 2 eggs until thick and 25 lemon-tinted, beat in 1 c. sifted brown sugar, then combine mixtures. Beat well and add 3 sqrs. chocolate (melted); then add, alternately, c.hot water and % c. sour milk with 2% cs. sifted flour sifted again with 1 tsp. of soda. Lastly fold in the whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Butter 3 layer cake pans; into 2 pans put % of the mixture and in the third pan put the remaining batter to which has been added 1 tsp. cinnamon, Y tsp. cloves, 1 c. ea. of chopped seeded raisins and nut meats broken in small bits. Bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool put together and spread the whole cake with Cocoanut Frosting. PORCH AND LAWN PARTY CAKES JUN Cream % c. butter; add gradually % c. of sugar, the yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, the grated rind of 1 orange; 26 then add % c. sifted flour sifted again with 2 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt alternately with % c. milk. Turn into small buttered muffin tins and bake 15 mins. to a delicate brown in a moderate oven. Roll and sift 6 thoroughly dried macaroons, make boiled frosting, flavor with / tsp. vanilla and % tsp. almond extracts, add red fruit color paste to tint a deep pink shade. Add enough frosting to macaroon crumbs to make soft filling. Cut each cake in 3 even slices crosswise, put slices together with macaroon filling in their original shapes, spread cakes with frosting and sprinkle over with chopped pistachio nut meats. JUNE CAKE JUN Follow recipe for Standard White Cake (see Feb. 26th). Bake in a buttered tube pan about 45 min. Spread with Marshmallow Frost- 27 ing and decorate with candied cherries cut in eighths lengthwise and arranged like tiny roses, using tiny yellow candies for centers. Cut foliage and stems from angelica or the green rind of citron. Serve at brides- maid's luncheon. OATMEAL COOKIES JN Beat 2 eggs until thick and light; add gradually % c. of sugar, beating constantly; add 1 c. rich cream, % c. milk alternately with 4 cs. 28 sifted flour sifted again with 4 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt mixed thoroughly with 113 cs. fine oatmeal (rolled oats passed through a meat chopper). Turn on a lightly floured board, knead slightly, roll in a thin sheet, shape and bake to a golden color in a quick oven. FOUNDATION CAKE JN Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. of sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 1% cs. flour (2 cs. less 2 tbsps.), 3 tsps. baking powder 29 and Ys tsp. salt; add alternately to first mixture with % c. of milk, and 1 tsp. vanilla. Mix thoroughly, then fold in the whites of 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in 2 buttered and floured large layer cake pans, 20 mins. in a moderate oven. For fig cake: put layers together with Fig Fill- ing and spread top and sides with Caramel Frosting. For banana layer cake, spread layers with boiled frosting, cover frosting with thin slices of banana and spread top and sides with the frosting. Banana cake should be eaten the day it is made. LADY FINGERS Beat the yolks 3 eggs until thick and light, add grated rind of % lemon and beat in gradually % c. fine gran. sugar. Beat whites 3 eggs until stiff and fold half of them into yolk mixture, with 5 tbsps. flour, then add remain- ing half with 5 more tbsps. flour and % tsp. salt (flour should have been sifted 4 times, there are 10 tbsps. or 8 c.). Shape in narrow strips on a buttered baking sheet 1 in. wide and 4 in. long. Sprinkle lightly with gran. sugar and bake 10 mins. in a moderate oven.  SUMMER FRUIT CAKE JIJN Follow recipe for Foundation Cake, and add 2 c. of seeded raisins cut in pieces, 2 ozs. of citron finely shredded, 13 c. of candied pine- 30 apple cut in fine shreds and % c. of English walnut meats cut in pieces. When making this cake, reserve 12 tbsps. of flour for dredging the fruit. Bake in a buttered tube pan or in a brick shaped bread pan 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Frost as desired. JULY BIRTHDAY CAKE (Angel Nougat Cake) JUL Add % tsp. of salt to the whites of 9 eggs and beat them until frothy; then add 2 tsp. of cream of tartar, continue beating until stiff and 1 dry. Sift 1 c. of sifted pastry flour 5 times, and 1% cs. of fine gran. sugar once; add sugar gradually to the beaten whites, beating con- stantly; add 2 tsp. ea. of lemon and vanilla extract and when well blended, fold in flour, adding it in 3 parts. When thoroughly mixed, turn half of the mixture into an ungreased angel cake pan, sprinkle with 1 c. of blanched and fine shredded almonds and 1 c. of candied cherries cut in eighths; cover fruit with remainder of mixture and with a spatula carefully stir to blend fruit and nuts meats more evenly through the mixture. Bake in a moderate oven as Angel Cake. Remove from oven, invert pan on a cake cooler, let "hang" in pan until cold, then remove from pan and spread with Cream Frosting and sprinkle entire cake with blanched, shredded almonds, slightly toasted and chopped candied cherries. Use red candles for this cake. CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW CAKE JUL Melt 4 sqrs. chocolate over hot water, add 2 slightly beaten egg yolks, then add 1 c. sour milk slowly. Cook over hot water, stirring 2 constantly until mixture thickens. Cool, add N c. (514 tbsps.) butter, when smooth add 1 tsp. vanilla. Sift together 3 cs. flour, 2 cs. sugar, 1 ?/ tsps. soda and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. cold black coffee. Beat thoroughly, then fold in whites 2 eggs beaten stiff and dry. Bake in 2 large square layer cake pans, buttered and lined with paper, 25 mins., in a moderate oven (350 F.). Remove to wire coolers, and when cold, spread with Marshmallow Frosting in which mallows have not been allowed to melt entirely, pile thick and roughly over cakes. OATMEAL DATE-FILLED COOKIES JUL Cream 2 c. shortening, add gradually 1 c. sugar, then add 1 c. sour milk or cream. Pass 4 cs. rolled oats through meat chopper, turn 3 backwards frequently to prevent clogging, add 1 tsp. soda, 2 tsps. baking powder and i tsp. salt, add to mixture beat thoroughly. Drop from tip of tsp. on buttered baking sheets 112 in. apart. Bake 10 mins. in moderate oven (3250 F.). Put together with date filling made as follows: Wash, dry and stone 1 lb. dates cut in small pieces and put in a sauce pan, add 1 c. water, juice 1 lemon, grated rind 1 lemon and cook in double boiler until thick; it will take about 15 mins. PATRIOTIC CAKE JUL Follow recipe for Standard White Cake and bake in 3 buttered layer cake pans. Put layers together and spread top and sides of cake with 4 Fluffy Frosting. Decorate the edge of cake with tiny fire-crackers (candy made-up to imitate real fire-crackers) arranged rail-fence fashion and set a large fire-cracker in the center of the cake surrounded by imitation torpedoes, (bonbons wrapped in tinfoil and twisted just like real torpedoes). Insert a small flag in top of the large fire-cracker. Serve at the Fourth of July spread or picnic. These imitation fire-crackers may be pur- chased at any first class confectioner's shop. This cake was designed for the children. SPICE LAYER CAKE JULl. Cream 2c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. rolled and sifted brown sugar. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon tinted. Sift together 2?/ 5 cs. flour, % tsp. soda, 1 tsp. baking powder, 2 tsps. cinnamon, % tsp. cloves, ; tsp. allspice, >M tsp. nutmeg and 12 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. rich, thick, sour milk. Beat well and turn into 2 well buttered layer cake pans and bake 25 mins. in a moderate oven (325° F.). Remove to wire coolers and when cool, put together with Boiled Frosting to which has been added 1 c. chopped seeded raisins. GRAHAM PEANUT COOKIES JJL Beat 1 egg until thick and light; add gradually 1 c. sugar and 14 c. melted shortening. Then add 2 cs. unsifted graham flour alter- 6 nately with 1 c. sour milk, mix thoroughly and add 2 cs. bread flour sifted with 1 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. salt and mixed with 1 c. hulled and chopped fresh baked peanuts. Mix well, chill dough and roll with the hands in a roll 112 in. in diameter; cut crosswise in slices Y4 in. thick, place on buttered baking sheets 112 in. apart and sprinkle tops with gran. sugar, bake in moderate oven (3500 F.) until evenly browned.  CHOCOLATE CREAM LOAF CAKE JUL Make the cream as follows: Put % c. grated chocolate, % c. milk, 3 c. brown sugar and yolk 1 egg into top vessel of double boiler, 7 stir until well blended and cook until thickened like custard then cool. Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sifted brown sugar, 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Add 2 cs. flour sifted with j tsp. salt and 1 tsp. soda, alternately with 1 c. milk. Then beat in the custard and add 1% tsps. vanilla, 1 c. nut meats cut in small pieces. When well- blended, turn into a well greased brick shaped bread pan and bake 50 mins. in a moderate oven or bake in layer cake pans. Frost as desired. MOCHA CAKES JLT Bake a sponge cake in a shallow pan. When baked it should be 1% ins. thick. Cut the cake in small rounds, using a biscuit cutter measur- 8 ing 2 ins. in diameter; spread sides lightly with Mocha Cream then roll in pecan nut meats chopped fine. Cocoanut, English or black walnut or filbert nut meats may be used. With the pastry bag and rose tube pipe Mocha Cream round and round over top of cakes and finish each with a candied cherry cut to imitate a tiny tulip. MOCHA CREAM Beat 1 c. of unsalted (sweet) butter until creamy, beat in the yolk 1 egg and gradually 2% cs. of confectioners' sugar, and enough coffee extract to flavor and give it the color of Cafe au Lait (coffee with cream). A few drops of caramel may be added to heighten the color when needed. Use for filling between layers of cake and for piping. If coffee extract is not available, use 4 tbsps. of black coffee. LEMON SPONGE CAKE JUL Cook together until it spins a thread 1% cs. sugar and 1 c. water. Beat yolks 5 eggs until thick and light; add slowly the sugar syrup, 9 beating constantly. Add grated rind 1 lemon and juice of 1 lemon, continue beating until mixture is cold. Sift together 1 c. flour, measured and sifted 4 times, fold into first mixture, then cut and fold in whites 5 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Butter a tube pan, line bottom vith but- tered paper, turn in mixture and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Frost as desired. RICH GINGERBREAD JUL Cream % c. butter and lard, (more lard than butter) add 1 c. rolled brown sugar gradually, stirring constantly, add 1 c. molasses and 10 3 well beaten eggs. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 1 tsp. ginger, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tbsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 1 tbsp. soda dissolved in 1 c. warm water. Beat mixture until ingredients are thoroughly blended. Turn into a shallow, well buttered paper-lined pan and bake 30 mins. in moderate oven. CHOCOLATE SWEDISH MERINGUE CAKE JUL Beat whites 5 eggs until foamy, add 2 tsp. cream tartar, 1 c. sugar and if c. cocoa sifted together 3 times. Beat until spoon will stand 11 upright in mixture, add 1 tsp. vanilla and fold in 1 c. flour. Bake in 2 buttered layer cake pans, (measuring 7 x 7 x 112 in.) 25 mins. in slow oven. Spread between layers and top with Tutti Frutti frosting. MILADY'S JUMBLES JJL Cream 1 c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually while stirring constantly, add 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, 1 nutmeg grated 12 and 2 tbsps. orange juice. Then fold in 23/ cs. flour and continue beating until ingredients are thoroughly blended. Put mixture into a pastry bag with rose tube and press it through tube in small circles leaving a hole in center. Sprinkle with gran. sugar and bake in moderate oven. When jumbles are a delicate brown around edge place on top grate until a tint of brown. CREAM GINGERBREAD JUL Beat 2 eggs until thick and light, add gradually 1 c. soft brown sugar beating constantly. Sift together 1 % cs. flour, 3 tsps. baking pow- 13 der, 2 tsp. salt and 2 tbsp. ginger; add to first mixture alternately with 2 c. rich sweet cream. Turn into a buttered shallow pan and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. PRINCESS "PAT'S" FAVORITE CAKE 1JL Cream ? c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. flour, sifted with 1, tsp. soda and 1 tbsp. lemon juice, beat whites 6 eggs until stiff; add 14 134 cs. powdered sugar, then combine mixtures; when thoroughly blended, turn into a long shallow buttered pan and bake 35 to 40 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread, when cool, with Opera Caramel Frosting.  LEMON COCOANUT CREAM CAKE JTiL Follow recipe for Standard White Cake (see Feb. 26th). Turn mix- ture in 3 buttered layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate 15 oven. Put together with Lemon Cocoanut Cream and cover cake with Cocoanut Frosting. ECLAIRS WITH RASPBERRY FILLING JUL Follow recipe for Choux Paste (see July 10th). Shape mixture in 12 oblong cakes. Bake, and when cold, split and fill with red rasp- 16 berry cream filling made as follows: Whip 1 c. of triple cream until stiff, using a Ladd egg-beater or cream whipper, add 6 tbsps. sugar, the white 1 egg beaten stiff, % c. mashed red raspberries or strawberries and % tsp. vanilla. QUICK BROWN SUGAR DATE CAKE JiJL Put into a mixing bowl 1 c. butter, 113 es. rolled and sifted brown sugar, 2 unbeaten eggs, % c. milk, 1 % cs. flour sifted with 3 tsps. 17 baking powder, 1 tsp. cinnamon, % tsp. ea. grated nutmeg and salt. Add % lb. dates, stoned and cut in small pieces, beat with the hand until thoroughly blended (it will take about 5 mins.). Bake in a buttered and floured shallow pan 35 to 40 mins. in a moderate oven. If directions are strictly followed, the cake will prove a most satisfactory one. Do not mix ingredients separately. PEANUT WAFERS JIJL Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar and add 2 cs. flour sifted with % tsp. salt, alternately with % c. milk. Mix thoroughly 18 and spread dough very thin over buttered inverted dripping pan; sprinkle with fresh baked peanuts, hulled and chopped fine. Bake to a light brown, remove from oven and quickly cut in squares and lift from pan with a spatula. SNOW BALLS JJL Follow recipe for Standard White Cake (see Feb. 26th.). Bake in a deep square buttered pan, using great care not to brown too heavily. 19 The following day, cut in 2 in. cubes, carefully remove all the thin brown surface and frost on all sides. Then roll in fresh grated cocoanut (grated the day before using). CRUMB HERMITS JUL Cream 1Y tbsps. of butter or other shortening, add gradually Y c. molasses, 4 c. rolled brown sugar and 1 egg beaten until thick and 20 light. Beat mixture vigorously, then add 4 tsp. soda dissolved in 2 tbsps. warm water. Sift together % c. flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, M tsp. ea. of mace, allspice and cloves and add to first mixture. Then add tsp. salt and 34 c. of fine stale cake crumbs or rolled cookies, alternately with milk enough (from % to % c.) to spread in a greased shallow pan to Y4 in. thickness. Bake in a moderate oven and cut at once in squares or rec- tangles using a sharp knife. DEVIL'S FOOD WITH NUT MEATS J1L Mix together 1 c. brown sugar, % cake chocolate broken in pieces and % c. of milk; bring to boiling point and let boil until thick. 21 Remove from fire and cool; cream / c. butter, add gradually Y c. sugar stirring constantly, add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- tinted; add to butter mixture alternately with 13 cs. flour mixed with 1 c. nut meats broken in pieces and % c. sour milk. Mix well, beat in chocolate mixture and add % tsp. soda. Bake in a buttered pan measuring 12 x 8 x 2 in. in a moderate oven 35 to 40 mins. Spread with frosting desired. SMALL GOLD CAKES JUL Cream V4 c. butter, add gradually % c. fine gran. sugar, 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 3 times % c. 22 flour, 1f tsps. baking powder and 4 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with % c. milk. Beat thoroughly, add Y tsp. orange extract, turn into small buttered tin muffin cups and bake 15 mins. in moderate oven (3500 F.). Remove from cups and when cold spread with orange frosting and roll quickly in pecan nut meats or crystallized orange peel chopped very fine. Serve at porch or lawn teas. AFTERNOON TEA DAINTIES JIJL To 2 cs. of cornflakes, add % c. sugar, 1 c. fresh or canned cocoanut, 1 egg, beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, % c. chopped nut meats 23 and 1 tsp. of vanilla. Drop from tip of tsp. in small mounds, on but- tered and lightly floured baking sheets and bake in a moderate oven to a delicate brown. Serve at afternoon tea.  QUEEN LOAF CAKE JUL Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, the grated rind % lemon, stirring constantly. Arid the yolks 4 eggs beaten 24 until thick and light and 2 tbsps. lemon juice. Sift together 1% cs. flour sifted with 1 tsp. soda; add gradually to mixture beating until thoroughly blended, then fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into a buttered tube and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with boiled frosting and decorate with part of the frosting that has been tinted a delicate pink, green or violet, using vegetable coloring. Serve at ladies Buffet Luncheon. ALMOND AND CITRON WAFERS JUL Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; gradually beat in 1 c. sugar, 1 lb. of blanched almonds and 2 ozs. citron chopped together 25 very fine. Add the grated rind 1 lemon, % tsp. each nutmeg, mace, cloves and cream of tartar and 1 tsp. cinnamon sifted with 1 Cs. flour; use sufficient flour to make a stiff dough. Knead slightly and roll into a sheet % in. thick. Cut in strips 3% in. long by 1% in. wide; arrange on buttered baking sheets, brush over with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle with chopped blanched almonds and gran. sugar. Bake to a delicate brown in a rather hot oven. Remove from sheets with spatula to wire cooler. NEAR SUNSHINE CAKE TJUL Sift 1 c. flour 4 times; sift 1% cs. powdered sugar 2 times. Beat yolks 6 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add 1 c. sugar. Beat 26 whites 6 eggs until frothy, add % tsp. cream of tartar and gradually remaining cup sugar, continue beating until stiff. Combine mix- tures. Add flavoring, then carefully fold in 1 c. flour. Turn mixture into tube pan, filling pan % full. Bake in very moderate oven 45 to 50 mins. MOCHA FILLED SPONGE CAKE JUL Follow recipe for making Near Sunshine Cake and bake in 2 deep buttered layer cake pans. Put together with Mocha Filling made 27 as follows: Into a smooth sauce-pan put 1 c. brown sugar, 1 c. strong black coffee and 1 c. rich cream. Cover and let boil 3 mins.; uncover and boil to 2400 F., soft-ball stage, remove from fire and add 1 tbsp. butter and beat until of the consistency to spread. Cover top and sides of cake with Mocha Frosting. SOUR CREAM CAKE WITH DIVINITY FROSTING JUL Beat 1 egg until thick and lemon-tinted, add 1 c. sugar gradually while beating constantly. Mix and sift 1% cs. flour, % tsp. salt 28 and 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. nutmeg; add alternately to first mixture with % tsp. soda dissolved in % c. sour milk and % c. sour cream. Beat thoroughly and turn into a buttered angel cake pan and bake 40 mins. in moderate oven. Spread with Divinity Frosting. SAND JUMBLES JUL Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, 1 egg beaten until thick and light. Then add 1 cs. flour sifted with 2 tsps. baking powder. 29 Chill dough. Take half the dough at a time on a floured board and roll to % in. thickness, shape with a doughnut cutter. Brush over with slightly beaten white of egg, sprinkle tops with 1 tbsp. sugar mixed with Y4 tsp. cinnamon. Decorate with blanched almonds split lengthwise and remove to buttered baking sheets 1% in. apart and bake 10 mins. in a slow oven. DROP GINGER COOKIES JUL Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, 4 c. molasses stirring constantly; then add 2 well beaten eggs and 1 c. of rich sour milk 30 alternately with 3 cs. flour sifted with 12 tsps. soda, 2 tsp. salt, 2 tsps. ginger and 112 tsps. cinnamon. Drop by teaspoonfuls on buttered sheets 2 in. apart and bake in a quick oven. The cakes will spread, and if they run together, cut apart with a sharp knife and remove to wire coolers with spatula. BLACKBERRY CAKE JUL Cream 12 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar stirring con- stantly, add yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and light, add 4 tsps. 31 cold water in which 1 tsp. soda is dissolved, 1 c. fresh made black- berry jam and 2 cs. flour sifted with 112 tsps. cinnamon, % tsp. cloves and 4 tsp. salt. Beat mixture 2 mins. then fold in whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a buttered tube pan and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. When cold spread with boiled or Confectioners Cream Frosting.  AUGUST BIRTHDAY CAKE AUG Follow recipe for E. O. H's Favorite Cake (April 4th) or Standard Butter Cake. Bake in tube pan and when cold spread with Boiled 1 or Cream Frosting; garnish with Brown-Eyed-Susan's made by cut- ting the petals from the rind of orange skins, crystallized and arrange like the blossoms, using angelica fashioned in foliage and stems; for the brown centers, use tiny chocolate drops. Candy corn kernels may be used for garnishing the August Birthday Cake. Use Yellow candles to match the decorations. CLOSE GRAINED GOLD CAKE AUG Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. powdered sugar, stirring constantly; add the yolks 5 eggs beaten until thick and ligt; sift 2 together 2 cs. sifted flour, sifted again with 3 tsps. baking powder, and 4 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. of milk or water. Flavor with % tsp. ea. of orange and lemon extract. Turn into a long narrow buttered cake pan and bake 35 to 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with a thick layer of orange frosting. SOFT JUMBLES AUG Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, 2 eggs beaten until lemon-tinted. Sift together 2% cs. flour, % tsp. soda and % tsp. 3 salt, add to first mixture alternately with % c. of thick sour cream. Flavor as desired and drop from tip of a tsp. in small mounds 2 in. apart on buttered baking sheets, flatten a little and sprinkle with gran. sugar and chopped nut meats. Bake in a moderate oven 12 to 15 mins. Remove from sheets to wire cooler with spatula. VENETIAN CAKES AUG Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, add 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; sift together 1 c. flour, % c. cornstarch, 2 4 tsps. baking powder. Add to mixture with 6 ozs. of dessicated cocoanut, 8 dry macaroons crushed and rolled, 1 tbsp. thick cream and 1 tsp. vanilla. Turn into small pans buttered and dusted with equal parts of powdered sugar and flour and bake 12 to 15 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with maple or Mocha frosting. The mixture may be baked in 2 layer cake pans and put together with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla; then use same day cake is made. GINGER CUP CAKES AUG Into a mixing bowl put 1 c. molasses, 4 c. brown sugar, % c. short- ening and % c. boiling water; stir and beat until well blended; then 5 add 1 egg beaten until thick and iemon-tinted. Sift together 11 cs. flour, V tsps. soda, 114 tsps. ginger, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 14 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture and beat until well mixed. Turn into greased warm iron gem cups and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. SCHAUM TORTE AUG Beat the whites 6 eggs until stiff and dry, add 2 cs. gran. sugar very gradually and continue beating, add 1 tsp. ea. of vanilla and vinegar, 6 beating constantly until well blended. Turn into 2 buttered loose bottom layer cake pans and bake 45 to 50 mins. in a very slow oven. When cold, split and fill with whipped cream and berries. This mix- ture may be baked in Lilly Cup, then filled with the same mixture or with sugared berries, then garnish top with whipped cream pressed through a pastry bag with rose tube attached. JELLY CAKE AUG Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; add gradually 1 c. pow- dered sugar, add 3 c. hot water, and continue beating. Sift together 7 1 c. sifted flour, 1Y tsps. baking powder, and % tsp. salt; fold into mixture. When well blended, turn into two greased layer cake pans, spread evenly and bake in a moderate oven 20 mins. Put together with red raspberry and currant jelly or jam and dredge top with powdered sugar. This cake may be used for Charlotte Russe or jelly roll. LEMON CAKE No. 2 AUG Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 3 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring with the hand until creamy. Add the yolks 5 eggs beaten until thick and 8 light, and grated yellow rind of 1 lemon. Sift together 3% cs. flour, f tsp. soda and 1 tsp. salt; add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk; then fold in whites 5 eggs beaten until stiff and dry and lastly add 1 c. lemon juice. Turn into a large tube pan buttered and bottom lined with buttered paper. Bake in a moderate oven 45 to 50 mins. Spread with Lemon Frosting. This cake is best after being kept 2 or 3 days.  MANHATTAN GINGERBREAD AUG Cream % c. shortening, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, % c. molasses and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, beating 9 constantly. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 2 tbsps. yellow ginger, % tsp. salt and % tsp. soda; add to first mixture alternately with % c. milk. Beat thoroughly and bake 35 to 40 mins. in a buttered brick shaped pan, in a moderate oven. SPICED DOUGHNUTS AUG Beat 3 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add gradually 1% cs. gran. or rolled brown sugar, 3% tbsps. melted butter and 11/4 es. sour milk 10 alternately with 4 cs. flour sifted with 1 % tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 2 tsps. cinnamon and % tsp. cloves. Mix thoroughly, chill dough; add more flour as needed, roll, shape, and fry in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper and when cold sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with coffee. GOOD "EVERY-DAY" CAKE AUG Cream % c. shortening, add gradually 1 c. sugar, 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 1% cs. flour, % tsp. soda, 2 11 tsps. cream of tartar and 1 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alter- nately with % c. milk. Bake in 2 buttered layer cake pans 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with Prune Filling made by adding 1 c. cooked, drained and stoned prunes cut in small pieces and added to boiled frosting. NUTMEG COOKIES AUG Cream % c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted without separating whites and yolks. Sift 12 together 2% cs. flour, % tsp. soda, % tsp. baking powder, 4 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. nutmeg. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. sour cream. Beat thoroughly and chill dough. Turn 1 of the dough on a floured board, roll to % in. thickness, shape with a small cutter. Scrape scraps to one side, repeat with remaining dough, then press scraps together, roll, shape as before. Sprinkle tops of cookies with gran. sugar, press a seeded raisin in center of each and bake in brisk oven. SUNSHINE CAKE AUG Beat the yolks of 6 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; beat the whites 6 eggs until frothy, add % tsp. cream of tartar. Put 1 cs. sugar 13 in an omelet pan, add % c. boiling water and let boil until it spins a thread or to 2380 F. on the sugar thermometer. Continue beating whites until stiff, then pour on syrup in a fine stream, beating constantly until cool. Beat in the beaten yolks and add 1 tsp. orange extract. Sift 1 c. pastry flour 5 times and fold into mixture with f. g. of salt; when thoroughly blended, turn into an ungreased square tube pan (measuring 8 x 9 x 3% in.). Bake in a very moderate oven 45 to 50 mins. Let cool in the inverted pan. Spread with Orange Frosting. PEANUT BARS AUG Cream 3 c. butter, add 1% cs. light brown sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add to first 14 mixture. Add % tsp. soda dissolved in 3 tbsps. milk, and 1 pt. fresh baked peanuts which have been shelled, hulled and chopped moderately, then mixed with a little salt and just enough flour to roll. Chill the dough, take a portion of it on a well buttered and floured baking sheet and roll quite thin, sprinkle with 1 pt. chopped peanuts and bake in rather hot oven. Cut in strips the size and shape of Saratoga wafers. This must be done as quickly as possible while the baked sheet is still hot. On cooling it will become crisp and likely to crumble. GOLD CHOCOLATE CAKE AUG Cream % c. butter, beat yolks 5 eggs and 1 whole egg beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; add 1 c. sugar and continue beating. Add 15 2% cs. flour, sifted with 2 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt, alternately with % c. milk. Beat mixture with the hand 5 mins. Add 1 tsp. vanilla or orange extract. Turn into 3 buttered layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with Soft Chocolate Filling and spread top and sides with Chocolate Frosting.  COCOANUT KISSES AUG Grate a fresh cocoanut and weigh the pulp; add % of its weight in confectioners' sugar, mixing thoroughly. Beat the whites of 2 eggs 16 until stiff and dry, add them to the first mixture. Beat the mixture vigorously 5 mins. Add % tsp. ea. of lemon and vanilla extract. Beat again and drop in rounded tsps. on buttered paper laid on a baking sheet, and bake, or rather let dry in a slow oven about 5 mins. This mix- ture may be pressed through a pastry bag with a rose tube attached. TWO-EGG CAKE AUG Cream % c. shortening (preferably butter) add gradually Y c. sugar and yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and light. Sift together 3 times 17 1% c. flour, 2 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with % c. milk, add 1 tsp. ea. of lemon and vanilla. Then fold in whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Turn into 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with filling and frost as desired. DROP SOUR CREAM CAKES AUG Beat 2 egg yolks until thick and light, add gradually 1 c. sugar and c. soft butter. Beat until light and creamy. Add 1 tsp. soda 18 dissolved in 2 tsps. warm water and % c. thick sour cream alternately with 2 cs. flour sifted with 2 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt, stirring and beating until well blended. Add 1 tsp. lemon or orange extract, then fold in the whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Drop from tip of teaspoon on buttered sheets dusted lightly with sugar and flour; sprinkle tops with grated cocoanut or chopped nut meats and bake in a hot oven until a golden brown. DAINTY ORANGE LAYER CAKE AUG Beat % cup butter to a cream; add gradually % cup sugar; beat 2 eggs (without separating the whites and yolks) until thick and 19 lemon-tinted; beat in % cup sugar, then combine the two mixtures; add the grated rind and juice of 1 orange. Add 1 cup milk alter- nately with 1% cups flour sifted twice with 3 tsps. baking powder. Bake in two layers; put layers together with orange filling. Sift confectioner's sugar over the top. DOUGHNUTS WITH FRUIT AUG Beat 3 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; add gradually 1 c. sugar, beating constantly; add 3 tbsps. shortening (melted) and 1% cs. sour 20 cream or milk alternately with 4 cs. flour sifted with 1% tsps. soda, 1 tsp. salt and % tsp. nutmeg. Add 1 tsp. vanilla; then stir in c. sultana raisins, currants dredged with 2 tbsps. flour. Mix well and chill dough. Shape as other doughnuts and if necessary add extra flour only enough to handle the dough. Fry in deep hot fat and drain on brown paper. This mixture may be dropped by teaspoonfuls into hot fat. ORANGE AND COCOANUT CAKE AUG Follow recipe for Gold Chocolate Cake. Bake in 3 buttered layer cake pans. Put together with a filling made as follows: Mix the 21 juice and grated rind of 1 orange with 1 c. confectioner's sugar, yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten, beat until well blended and cook in double boiler until thickened, stirring constantly. Add 1 c. of fresh grated cocoanut. Cool and spread between layers of Gold or White Cake. Spread top and sides of cake with Cocoanut Frosting. LITTLE NUT CUP CAKES AUG Cream ?/4 cup butter, add gradually / c. sugar and 1 egg beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 1 cs. flour, 2Y tsps. 22 baking powder and 1/8 tsp. salt, add to first mixture alternately with Y c. milk; beat thoroughly and add % c. nut meats broken in pieces and % tsp. almond extract. Turn into buttered cup cake tins and bake in a moderate oven 3400 F. Spread half the cakes with Caramel Frosting, remaining half with Chocolate Frosting. WHITE LOAF CAKE AUG Cream 3 c. butter, add gradually 1Y cs. sugar. Pour over % c. cold water, but do not beat it into mixture, then fold in the water 23 and the stiff beaten whites 8 eggs. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 2Y tsps. baking powder, and ? tsp. salt; add flavoring and beat until smooth and light; turn into greased glass bread pans and bake in a moderate oven 45 mins. Do not allow these cakes to bake and brown too heavily. Spread with a thick layer of Boiled Frosting and sprinkle thickly with pis- tachio or pecan nut meats- chopped fine.  VIENNESE ANISE CAKES AUG Beat 1 c. fine gran. sugar and 2 eggs (without separating) 20 mins. using a Ladd egg beater. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 1 tsp. baking 24 powder, 1 tsp. brushed and crushed anise seed; then stir in 1 c. ea. blanched and fine shredded almonds and fine cut candied fruits as pineapple, orange peel, cherries and citron, mix together. Stir these ingredients into the first mixture. Cover and set aside in a cool place for 1 hr. Roll into a sheet % in. thick, shape with a small round cutter. Arrange on greased baking sheets and bake in a slow oven. Store in tin containers for 1 week then spread some with chocolate, some with orange and some with white uncooked Frosting. Fine for motor trips, also for Christmas baskets. INEXPENSIVE DATE CAKE AUG Cream % c. shortening, add gradually 1Y cs. rolled brown sugar; add 1 unbeaten egg and % c. milk alternately with 1% cs. flour, 25 sifted with 2% tsps. baking powder, % tsp. salt, % tsp. grated yel- low orange rind. Add 1 c. dates, cleaned, stoned and chopped. Mix all thoroughly together and beat with the hand 5 mins. Bake in 2 but- tered and floured layer cake pans 25 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool spread between layers Orange Marmalade and spread top and sides of cake with orange frosting. HELENE'S GINGERBREAD AUG Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add 1 c. N. O. molasses, 1 c. soft brown sugar and % c. melted butter, beating constantly. 26 Sift together 3 cs. flour, 1 tsp. salt, % tbsp. ginger and 1 tsp. cinna- mon, add alternately to first mixture with 1 c. sour milk, add 11 tsps. soda dissolved in 2 tbsps. warm water. Turn into a buttered dripping pan and bake 25 to 30 mins. in a moderate oven. Serve hot or cold. CHOCOLATE, NUT AND RAISIN COOKIES AUG Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add gradually 1 c. sugar, C. melted butter, 1% sqrs. chocolate melted over hot water. Sift 27 together 2 cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda and Y2 tsp. salt, then add 1 c. nut meats, 1 c. seeded raisins cut in pieces, or dates stoned and cut in 4 pieces. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk. Chill the dough and drop by rounded teaspoonfuls on buttered baking sheets 1Y in. apart, sprinkle tops with gran. sugar and bake 15 to 20 mins. in a moderate oven. CLOSE GRAINED SPONGE CAKE AUG Beat yolks 4 eggs and 3 tbsps. cold water until thick and lemon- tinted, add 1 c. fine gran. sugar gradually, beating constantly, and 28 beat 2 mins. after sugar is added. Put 1Y tbsps. cornstarch into a measuring cup and fill cup with sifted flour; then sift together flour and cornstarch, 1V4 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt, add to first mixture, and when well blended fold in whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff, add 1 tsp. lemon extract. Bake 35 to 40 mins. in a moderate oven. This is a fine cake to use with whipped cream filling, when baked in 2 layer cake pans. MOCHA CHANTILLY CAKE AUG Follow recipe for Close Grained Sponge Cake. Bake in buttered layer cake pans. Put layers together with whipped cream, sweet- 29 ened and flavored with strong black coffee or coffee essence. Gar- nish top of cake with the cream mixture forced through a pastry bag with a rose tube attached. Serve at once. ROLLED OATS DROP CAKES AUG Cream % c. butter, add 1 c. soft brown sugar gradually while stir- ring constantly. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, 30 add 2 cs. rolled oats and % c. sweet milk, beat thoroughly. Sift together 1 % cs. flour, % tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. cinnamon, ' tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. cloves. Mix % c. seeded and shredded raisins and % c. English walnut meats broken in pieces with flour, add to first mixture and give a final beating. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls on buttered baking sheets and bake until richly browned in a moderate oven. This recipe makes 4 doz. small cakes. PEACH LAYER CAKE AUG Follow recipe for Close Grained Sponge Cake. Bake in 2 deep layer cake pans. When cold, put together with the following mix- 31 ture: Peel and thinly slice ripe peaches, cover cake with a layer of peaches, cover peaches with a thick layer of whipped cream sweet- ened and delicately flavored with almond extract, cover cream with remaining cake, press lightly and cover top with peaches and finish with billows of whipped cream. Serve at once. fi BIRTHDAY CAKE SEP Follow recipe for Goldenrod Cake and bake in 3 deep buttered and floured layer cake pans. Put together with Date and Almond Filling. 1 Spread top and sides of cake with Boiled Marshmallow Frosting and sprinkle all over with chopped crystallized orange peel and use yellow candle sockets and candles. WALDORF TRIANGLES SEP Beat yolks 6 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, gradually beat in / c. sugar, 2 tbsps. orange juice and the grated rind % an orange. 2 Lastly, fold in % c. flour sifted 3 times with 1 tsp. baking powder and % tsp. salt. Fill buttered golden rod pans not more than half full and bake 15 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from pans to wire cooler, spread with Boiled Frosting and sprinkle with fine chopped nut meats (pref- erably pistachio meats). GENTLEMEN'S FAVORITE CAKE SEP Follow recipe for Standard Butter Cake. Turn into 3 deep, but- tered and floured layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate 3 oven. Put together with nut and Raisin Filling and spread top and sides with Mocha Frosting. SUPERIOR GINGER SNAPS SEP Boil together 6 mins. (after boiling begins) 1 c. butter or chicken fat, tried out and strained, 1 c. brown sugar and 1 c. molasses. Cool 4 to lukewarm temperature, add grated rind 1 orange, 1 egg well beaten and 2 cs. flour sifted with 1 tbsp. yellow ginger, 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. soda. Beat thoroughly and add enough flour to make a soft dough. Chill thoroughly and roll a bit of the dough as thin as possible, shape 1 snap and bake, if it spread even a little, add more flour and roll the dough as directed above, shape with a round cutter, remove to buttered baking sheets with a spatula and bake to a delicate brown. DEVIL'S FOOD WITH SPICE SEP Cream % c. butter, with the hand. Add gradually, 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, % c. chocolate melted, and 4 eggs beaten until thick and 5 lemon-tinted, beating constantly. Add 2% cs. flour sifted with 1 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, 8 tsp. salt and 4 tsps. baking powder, alternately with 1 c. milk. Continue beating with the hand 3 mins. Turn mixture into a well greased tube pan and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Cover with a thick layer of Marshmallow Frosting. COCOA ANGEL FOOD SEP Beat until frothy the whites of 8 or 9 eggs, or one cupful. Add 1 tsp. of cream of tartar and continue beating until stiff, but not dry. 6 Add gradually 14 cs. of finely sifted gran. sugar, beating constantly. From pastry flour that has been sifted twice, measure 2 c. add 4 tsp. salt and % c. of dry cocoa, and sift again 3 times, then carefully fold into the first mixture, add 1 tsp. of vanilla and turn into an ungreased tube pan and bake at 2750 Fah. for 35 mins. Then gradually increase the heat to 3000 Fah. and continue baking 20 mins. Remove from oven, invert pan on cooler and let "hang" until cold (about 1 hr.). Loosen sides with a spatula and remove cake from pan. Spread with Very Simple Frosting. (See Uncooked Frostings). This is a more delicious cake than the usual Angel Food. ROLLED POTATO FLOUR SPONGE CAKE SEP Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, gradually beat into them % c. of fine gran. sugar; add a grating of orange rind or % tsp. of 7 orange extract. Melt 2 tbsps. of butter in 1 c. of hot water and add to first mixture beating constantly; lastly fold in % c. of potato flour sifted with 12 tsp. salt and 11% tsps. of baking powder. Turn into a shallow pan lined with a buttered paper and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Turn on a cloth wrung out of warm water, quickly remove the paper and trim off the crisp edges on all four sides of the cake, spread with any fruit jelly. Keep the damp cloth between the hands and cake while rolling. Remove from the cloth as soon as rolled. Sprinkle top with powdered sugar. HARVARD GINGERBREAD SEP Melt % c. butter (chicken or goose fat) in 2 c. boiling water, add 1 c. molasses and 2 well beaten eggs; sift together 2% cs. flour, 1% 8 tsps. soda, % tsp. salt, 11% tsps. cinnamon, % tbsp. ginger and % tsp. cloves. Gradually beat dry ingredients into first mixture. Bake in a well greased shallow pan 30 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Maple-Nut Frosting when cool.  TWIN CHOCOLATE CAKES SEP Beat 3 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted. Cream % c. butter, add gradually % c. sugar, 3 sqrs. chocolate melted, beaten eggs and 1 c. 9 of stale bread crumbs, (not hard and not packed in cup), and 3 cs. sifted flour with 1 % tsps. cinnamon and Y8 tsp. salt. Mix thor- oughly. Spread mixture in a buttered shallow pan and bake in a slow oven. Remove from oven and cut in 1 % in. cubes, put together in pairs with Boiled Frosting and spread tops thickly with frosting. GOLDENROD CAKE SEP Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1Y' cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring briskly and constantly. Add the yolks of 8 eggs and 1 whole egg 10 beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; add 2% cs. flour sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder and. % tsp. salt, alternately with 1Y cs. milk or water, add 1 tsp. orange extract and beat with the hand 2 mins. Turn into a buttered square tube pan and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Yellow Frosting and sprinkle thickly with fine cut crystallized orange peel. SILVERROD CAKE SEP Cream 3 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring and beating constantly. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking 11 powder and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with % c. milk, add % tsp. almond and beat thoroughly. Then fold in the whites of 8 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a well buttered tube pan and bake 45 to 50 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool, spread with a thick layer of Boiled Marshmallow Frosting. The grain of this cake should be close and fine as a result of constant beating before folding in the whites of eggs. STANDARD BUTTER CAKE SEP Cream 23 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. of sugar, beating constantly. Add the yolks of 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, and 12 3 cs. flour sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. of salt, alternately with 1 c. milk, add 1 tsp. of flavoring and continue beating until well blended. Then fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into buttered brick shaped bread pans and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven, or bake 20 mins. in 3 buttered and floured layer cake pans. Spread loaf cake with Caramel Frosting and put layers together with Fruit Filling and spread top and sides with Maple Frosting. WALNUT COCOA CAKE SEP Cream % c. butter; add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, stirring con- stantly. Add yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted and 13 1Y cs. flour sifted with 2% tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt alternately with 2 c. of milk, then add 1 c. of cocoa that has been moistened with 2 tbsps. hot water, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 c. English walnut meats broken in small pieces. Beat thoroughly, then fold in the whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn mixture into a buttered shallow pan and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with a very thick layer of Boiled Frosting and place halves of walnut meats at equal distances apart over top of cake. EMERGENCY CAKE SEP Cream '4 c. butter, add gradually, 3 c. sugar, 1 egg beaten until thick and light and 1 tsp. vanilla. Sift together 1 cs. flour, 2 tsps. 14 baking powder and Y tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with % c. milk beating constantly. Bake in 2 buttered layer cake pans 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with pineapple, peach or banana filling and sprinkle top with confectioners sugar. CHOCOLATE COOKIES SEP Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, 1 well beaten egg and 2 sqrs. chocolate melted. Sift together 24 cs. flour, 4 tsp. salt and 15 2 tsps. baking powder; add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk or water, add % tsp. vanilla. Chill the dough, roll very thin and shape with a small round cutter, first dipped in flour and sprinkle tops with gran. sugar. Bake 10 mins. in a moderate oven. LONDON CREAM CAKE SEP Cream 3 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. of sugar, stirring constantly. Add yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and light. Add alternately 1 c. 16 milk, with 3 cs. flour sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt; lastly fold in the whites 4 eggs, beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into 3 buttered layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with London Cream, spread with Boiled or Marshmallow Frosting.  GINGER FRUIT CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING SEP Cream % c. butter and 12 c. of sugar gradually stirring constantly. Add while beating, one at a time, 3 eggs, beating each one in before 17 adding another. Add 1 c. molasses, mixed with % tbsps. ea. ginger and cinnamon and 1 tsp. baking powder; add gradually 3% to 4 cs. flour alternately with 1 c. strong black coffee; then stir in 1 c. ea. seeded raisins, sultana raisins and % c. currants, all well mixed and floured with 4 c. of the flour. Mix thoroughly. Bake in 2 well greased and floured bread pans 45 mins. to 60 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool invert loaves and spread with 2 sqrs. choc. melted, add 1 c. sugar and 1 c. hot water and cook to soft ball stage (2380 F.). Spread while hot over cakes by pouring and spreading with a hot knife as it runs down sides. MAPLE SYRUP COOKIES SEP Cook maple syrup down to a thick syrup. Measure % c. cream, c. butter, chicken fat or goose fat; beat in the syrup, add 2 well 18 beaten eggs and 2 cs. sifted flour, sifted again with 2 tsps. baking powder and % tsp. salt. Knead slightly, roll in a thin sheet, a por- tion at a time and shape with a fluted cutter; brush tops with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle with gran. sugar mixed with chopped pecan nut meats. Bake to a delicate brown in a moderate oven. HONEY SPONGE CAKE SEP Boil / c. of strained honey to 2380 F. (soft ball stage); pour in a fine stream on the yolks 5 well beaten eggs, beating constantly. 19 Beat in the juice and grated rind of 1 small orange; fold in % c. potato flour and when well blended fold in whites 5 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in an ungreased tube pan 50 mins. in a very moderate oven. Invert on wire cooler until cake is cold. Then spread with a thin layer of Orange Frosting. ALMOND PASTE COOKIES SEP Cream 2 tbsps. butter, add gradually % c. confectioner's sugar; with the hand, work in 1 lb. almond paste; when well blended, add 20 yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and light and % c. blanched and fine chopped almonds and 1 tsp. vanilla. Dissolve % tsp. soda in 1 tbsp. milk and beat into mixture, then beat in gradually 3 c. flour. Chill dough on ice. Roll, small portions at a time, on a lightly floured bread board to % in. thickness. (This mixture is very soft and not easily handled unless kept chilled), cut with a knife in strips 3% in. long and 1 in. wide. Lift with spatula to greased baking sheets, place 1% in. apart and bake in a slow oven to a golden brown. When cold, spread with frosting maple or boiled and sprinkle quickly with fine cut candied pineapple and cherries. These are nice for Christmas Cooky baskets. RAISED DOUGHNUTS WITH JELLY SEP Crumble and soften one compressed yeast cake in 1 c. scalded and cooled to lukewarm water, stir until well mixed; add 2 eggs beaten 21 until thick and lemon-tinted, 1 c. sugar, % tsp. salt, 2 tbsps. butter and about 4% cs. flour. Add the grated rind of half an orange and knead 10 mins. on a floured board. Cover and set aside in a warm place to rise over night. In the morning roll in a sheet % in. thick, shape with a round cutter, meas. 2 in. in diameter. Cover and let rise until double in bulk. Place % tsp. Jelly in center of half the rounds; moisten edges with cold water and cover with remaining rounds press lightly, fry in deep hot fat and drain on brown paper. The fat should not be too hot at first, but increased as they puff and brown. When cold sprinkle with gran. sugar. GOLDEN FIG CAKE SEP Cream % c. butter, add 11% cs. sugar gradually while stirring con- stantly. Add yolks 5 eggs beaten until thick and light. Sift to- 22 gether 113 cs. flour, % c. cornstarch and 4 tsps. baking powder. Add alternately to first mixture with % c. cold water, add 1 tsp. orange extract, then cut and fold in whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into 2 square buttered layer cake pans, spread evenly and bake 15 mins. in moderate oven. Put together with Fig Filling and cover with Orange Frosting. CINNAMON DROP CAKES SEP Cream 1 c. butter, add 1% cs. sugar gradually while stirring con- stantly; add 3 eggs well beaten. Sift together 3 cs. flour, 2 tsps. 23 cinnamon, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. salt, add to first mixture, continue beating; add 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 2 tbsps. warm water. Add 1 c. seeded and shredded raisins (dredged with 4 c. flour) and 1 c. chopped nut meats. Give a final beating and drop from tip of spoon on a buttered tin sheet 2 in. apart. Bake 15 mins. in hot oven. Press a raisin or half of a candied cherry into top of, each cake before baking.  COCOA, FRUIT CUP CAKES SEP Cream % c. shortening, add gradually 1 c. sugar and 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Blend % c. cocoa with % c. water 24 and add alternately to first mixture with 1Y cs. flour, sifted 3 times with 3 tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. cinnamon, % tsp. nutmeg and % tsp. salt. Then add % c. currants, 1 c. sultana raisins, 1 c. citron cut in thin shreds and % c. nut meats broken in pieces; mix well and dredge with 4 c. flour. Bake in well greased small gem cups, 15 mins. Spread with Maple or Fudge Frosting. ROLLED DATE COOKIES SEP Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar; beat 1 egg until thick and add to 1 c. of milk. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 2 tsps. baking 25 powder and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with milk and egg stirring constantly; add 1 tsp. orange extract or grated rind an orange. Turn on a well floured board; roll in a large thin sheet, brush over with 1 c. soft butter and cover with dates stoned and cut in bits and 1 c. fine chopped walnut meats. Roll the dough like jelly roll and cut in 1 in. slices. Lift with spatula to greased baking sheets, sprinkle tops with cinnamon and gran. sugar. Bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. SWEET CREAM CAKE SEP Sift together 3 c. sugar, 1% cs. flour, 1 tsp. salt and 2 tsps. baking powder. Break 2 eggs into a cup and fill with triple cream. Stir 26 into flour mixture then add 2 extra tablespoons cream and beat mix- ture thoroughly. Turn into a buttered and floured square shallow pan and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool, spread with Mocha Frosting. COCOA SPONGE LAYER CAKE SEP Beat whites 5 eggs until frothy, add % tsp. cream of tartar and beat until stiff ; then gradually beat in 1 c. sugar sifted with 1 c. of cocoa, 27 continue beating until stiff. Fold in % c. flour sifted 3 times with tsp. salt. Add % tsp. vanilla and bake in 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans 20 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool, put together and spread top and sides with Marshmallow Frosting. Sprinkle thickly with chopped nut meats and candied cherries. GOLD SPICE CAKE SEP Cream 1 c. butter, add 1 c. brown sugar gradually, stirring con- stantly. Beat yolks 4 eggs and 1 whole egg until thick and lemon- 28 tinted, add to first mixture, continue beating. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 2 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, % tsp. allspice, 1 tsp. grated nutmeg and f. g. cayenne, add grated rind 1 lemon and 2 tbsps. finely cut crystallized ginger, mix well and add to mixture alternately with 1 c. milk. Bake in buttered and paper lined shallow pan or tube pan 1 hr. in moderate oven. This cake like the Gold Cake, should rise its full height and begin to brown after baking 30 mins. As it browns gradually reduce the heat until finished. Spread thickly with boiled or maple frosting. JELLY SPONGE DROP CAKES SEP Follow recipe for Lady Fingers (see June 29th) and drop mixture from tip of teaspoon on buttered baking sheets 1% in. apart. Sprinkle 29 tops with gran. sugar and bake 8 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove cakes to wire cooler with a spatula. Spread half the cakes with raspberry jelly or jam. Cover with remaining half, press lightly and frost with boiled frosting. AFTERNOON TEA FANCIES SEP Follow recipe for Standard Butter Cake (see Sept. 12th) and bake in a buttered and floured shallow pan. The cake should be 1% in. 30 thick when baked. Cut, when cold in any desired shapes, rounds, crescents, diamonds, etc., spread tops and sides with Boiled Frosting and quickly with grated cocoanut or fine chopped nut meats. When all are finished, set into a quick oven to toast and delicately brown (do not scorch) cocoanut. Serve hot or cold. OCTOBER BIRTHDAY CAKE (Hickory Nut Cake) OCT Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1Y cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking powder, / 1 tsp. salt, add to first mixture alternately with 3 c. of cold water. Add 1 c. of hickory nut meats broken (not chopped) in small pieces and 12 tsp. almond or vanilla extract. Then fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into 2 buttered and floured layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with caramel or maple frosting and sprinkle top and sides thickly with chopped nut meats. Red or yellow candles may be used with this cake and it may be served on a bed of autumn leaves.  VELVET LOAF CAKE (Tutti-Frutti Frosting) OCT Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 112 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring constantly; add the yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and light, and 2 the grated rind 1 lemon. Sift together 114 cs. flour, 2 c. potato flour, 2% tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt. Add to first mix- ture alternately with 1 c. cold water. Beat thoroughly, then fold in the whites of 4 egg beaten stiff. Bake in a well buttered tube pan 45 to 50 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool, spread with Fluffy Frosting to which add 1 c. ea. of fine cut candied cherries, pineapple and orange. PETITE GOLD CAKES OCT Cream Y c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and light; sift together % c. flour (1 c. less 2 tbsps.), 1 tsp. 3 baking powder, f. g. salt, 1 tsp. orange extract or grated rind 1 orange. Bake in well buttered very small fancy pans, 12 mins., in a moderate oven. Spread all over with melted fondant or boiled frosting. WINCHESTER CAKES OCT Cream 1 c. butter, add % c. sugar gradually, 2 well beaten egg yolks and 1 c. molasses, stirring constantly. Sift together 11% cs. 4 flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, % tsp. nutmeg and 1 tsp. soda. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. sour milk or cream. Add c. each of seeded raisins and black walnut meats broken in pieces. Mix thoroughly then fold in whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Bake in small buttered fluted tins and spread with Maple Frosting. Recipe makes 18 small cakes. BLACK WALNUT CAKE OCT Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring con- stantly. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking powder and 1 5 tsp. salt, add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. of milk, add 1 c. of black walnut meats cut (not chopped) in small pieces. When thoroughly blended, fold in the whites of 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a buttered and floured pan measuring 8 x 12 x 2 inches and bake 35 to 40 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with a thick layer of maple or caramel frosting. OLD FASHION SEED CAKES OCT Cream % c. sweet butter (chicken or goose fat may be used), add 1 c. sugar, add 2 well beaten egg yolks, with 1 tsp. rose water or 6 vanilla, % tbsp. caraway seeds which have been slightly crushed. Add gradually enough flour to make a dough just stiff enough to drop from tip of spoon (about 2 cs.) adding the whites 2 eggs beaten stiff, alternately with the flour. Drop on buttered baking sheets 1Y in. apart, sprinkle tops with gran. sugar and bake in a moderate oven to a delicate brown. GINGER APPLE CAKE OCT Follow recipe for Golden Ginger Drops (see February 6th,) and bake mixture in two buttered and floured layer cake pans, put 7 together and spread top with Apple filling, made as follows: Press the pulp of 3 baked Jonathan Apples through a sieve. Add to the white 1 egg beaten stiff, z c. confectioner's sugar, continue beating; then add apple pulp and another % c. of the sugar and continue beating until very light. 2 tbsps. of currant jelly may be beaten in with the apple pulp. DATE AND WALNUT LOAF CAKE (Mrs. Richard Yates, wife of former Governor of Illinois) OCT Clean and remove stones from enough dates to make 1 lb. after stoned; add 1 lb. of English walnut meats. Let dates and nut meats 8 be left in halves. Sift together 1 c. pastry flour and 4 tsps. baking powder 3 times; then sift over fruit and mix thoroughly; add 1 c. fine gran. sugar, continue stirring. Beat yolks 4 eggs until thick and lemon- tinted; add to mixture, with 1 tsp. vanilla. Lastly fold in the whites 4 eggs beaten stiff. Bake in well buttered, paper lined, brick shaped pans, 1 hr. in a very moderate oven. Spread with thick layer of chocolate frosting. BURNT SUGAR CAKE OCT Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, yolks 3 eggs beaten thick and light, beating constantly. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 2 tsps. 9 baking powder and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. cold water and 1 tbsp. caramel syrup. Lastly fold in white 3 eggs beaten stiff. Bake in buttered and floured layer cake pans 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together and spread top and sides with Burnt augar Frosting.  HICKORY NUT-CHOCOLATE CAKE OCT Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar; beat yolks 2 eggs until thick and light, then beat in 1 c. sugar and combine the two 10 mixtures; add 1 c. warm mashed potato, 1 sqr. of chocolate, melted. Sift together 1 c. flour, 2 tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. cloves and 1 c. hickory nut meats, broken in pieces. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. of milk. Then fold in the whites of 2 eggs beaten stiff. Turn into a buttered shallow pan and bake in moder- ate oven 25 mins. Spread with Maple, Chocolate or Caramel frosting and sprinkle thickly with chopped hickory nut meats. HONEY DROP CAKES OCT Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar and 1 c. honey, beat- ing constantly. Add yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and light, the 11 grated rind 1 lemon and 3 tbsps. lemon juice. Sift together 3 cs. flour and 1 tsp. soda, add to first mixture and continue beating. When well blended, fold in whites 2 eggs, beaten until stiff. Drop by rounded tsps. on buttered baking sheets. Shape in round and bake in a moderate oven. Add more flour if needed. PURITAN CAKE (Columbus Day Cake) OCT Cream 2 c. butter, add 11% cs. sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Beat 5 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; add to first mixture beat- 12 ing them into first mixture until well blended. Sift together 2% cs. pastry flour and 2% tsps. of baking powder. Add to mixture alternately with 1 c. of milk. Add 1 tsps. ea. vanilla and lemon extract; beat thoroughly; turn into a buttered and paper-lined tube pan and bake 45 mins. in moderate oven. This is a very old recipe, found in Plymouth, Mass. The cake was originally flavored with rose-water and nutmeg. It is delicious without frosting. The fineness of grain depends on thorough beat- ing. For a birthday cake, spread this cake with boiled maple or fondant frosting and cover sides with halves of pecan nut meats. This cake may be garnished with anything suggestive of the landing of Columbus; such as a fleet of three tiny ships, or a large lump of maple fondant, dipped in coarse gran. sugar to imitate granite (Plymouth Rock) and finished with a tiny silk flag. Small red candles should be set in tiny gilt candlesticks. WHITE WALNUT CAKE OCT Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 2 cs. sugar, beating constantly. Add 2% cs. flour sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt, 13 alternately with 1 c. of cold water. Add 1 c. walnut meats, broken in pieces, a few drops of almond extract and lastly fold in whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake in a shallow pan, 25 to 30 mins. in a moderate oven. When cold cut in diamond shape pieces, spread over with maple, caramel or boiled frosting and sprinkle all over with fine chopped nut meats. ICE-BOX CAKE No. 2 OCT Put 1 c. of sweet chocolate, grated, 3 tbsps. water and % c. sugar into the double boiler and add one at a time the yolks 3 eggs, beating each 14 one in before adding another. Cook mixture to a custard consis- tency, let cool, and fold in the whites 3 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Add 1 tsp. vanilla and mix well. Line a flat bottom pan or dish with paraffine paper, then arrange ladyfingers all around sides and bottom. Pour in a layer of the custard, cover custard with a layer of ladyfingers and repeat until there are 3 layers of each. Place in the refrigerator, cover with waxed paper, and chill for 12 hrs. Unmold on a cold serving platter and garnish with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla. "JUST FOR TWO" ANGEL FOOD OCT Beat whites of 4 eggs until frothy, add 1 tsp. cream of tartar and beat to a stiff froth, then gradually beat in 34 c. fine gran. sugar, 15 J tsp. vanilla and lastly fold in 1 c. flour that has been sifted 5 times. Bake in a small sized tube pan 25 mins. in a very moderate oven. Invert on cake cooler and when cold spread with milk frosting. RECEPTION CAKE OCT Follow recipe for Standard White Cake (see Mar. 26th) and bake in 3 buttered layer cake pans. Put together and spread top and sides 16 with Marshmallow Frosting and decorate with fine chopped pis- tachio nut meats, worked out in a large star, the points of which extend to the edge of cake. Sprinkle the sides thickly with the chopped nu, meats.  BLACK WALNUT ANGEL FOOD Sift 1% cs. of fine gran. sugar. Sift pastry flour, measure 1c. and sift 5 times after measuring. Beat the whites 11 eggs until frothy, add 1 tsp. of cream of tartar and continue beating until firm. Add sugar gradually, beating con- stantly. Flavor this cake with a few drops of almond extract. Fold in the flour, and when thoroughly blended, turn a layer of the mixture into an un- greased angel food pan, sprinkle with a light layer of black walnut meats, cut (not chopped) in pieces; cover nut meats with a layer of the mixture and repeat until %c. of nut meats have been used, having a layer of the cake mixture on top. Bake in a moderate oven (not to exceed 3400 Fah.) no longer than 45 to 50 mins. Remove from oven, invert on a cake cooler, let "hang" in the pan until cool. Spread with Confectioners' Frosting. DAFFODIL CAKE OCT Follow recipe for making Angel Food (See May 15). Follow recipe for making Sunshine Cake No. I (E. O. H's, Birthday cake, April 17 4). Have ready a large tube pan twice the size of the ordinary angel cake pan. (Two angel cake pans may be used if a large pan is not available). Drop the batters alternately into the ungreased tube pan, first a large spoonful of the white, or angel cake mixture, then a large spoon- ful of the yellow, or sunshine mixture, as in making marble cake; continue thus until both batters are used. Bake as sunshine cake. Invert pan on a cake cooler and let "hang" until the cake is cold. Remove from pan and spread top and sides with Golden Frosting. This is an ideal cake to serve when celebrating the 50th or golden wedding anniversary. SOUR CREAM FRUIT CAKE OCT Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, stirring constantly. Add % grated nutmeg, 1 tsp. ea. of cinnamon and ginger, % tsp. ea. 18 cloves and allspice and % tsp. salt. Beat in % c. warm molasses to which has been added 4 tsp. soda dissolved in 1 tbsp. water and 2 c. rich sour cream. Add yolks 2 well beaten eggs and flour enough to make a thick batter (about 2 cs.). Then fold in the whites 2 eggs and lastly add 2 lb. seeded raisins cut in halves, % c. currants and % c. chopped nut meats, all floured. Turn into a well greased tube pan, bottom lined with greased paper and bake in a moderate oven (3400 F.) 45 to 50 mins. Spread with frosting or leave plain. DELICATE CAKE WITH FUDGE FROSTING OCT Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, yolks 2 eggs, beaten until thick and light and 2 c. milk alternately with 112 cs. flour sifted 19 with 2 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt. Beat constantly until mixture is fluffy; add 1 tsp. vanilla, then fold in whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Turn into a buttered shallow pan measuring 8 x 10 in. and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. When cool spread with Fudge Frosting. FAIRY GINGERBREAD OCT Cream 12 c. butter, add 1 c. brown sugar gradually while stirring constantly, then add 2 c. milk, drop by drop, continue stirring. 20 Sift together 2 cs. bread flour and ;s tbsp. ginger, add to first mix- ture. With a spatula spread thinly some of the mixture on a but- tered inverted dripping pan. Bake in a very moderate oven. Cut cake in 3 in. sqs. before removing from pan. Constant attention must be given this mixture while baking and the pan turned often that cake may brown evenly but not over bake. Should mixture around edges of pan bake before that in center, remove pan at once from oven, cut off cooked part and return remain- der to oven to finish baking. HONEYMOON CAKE OCT Beat yolks 9 eggs until thick and light, cook 1'% cs. sugar and 2 c. water until it spins a thread (238° F.). Beat whites 11 eggs until 21 frothy add 2 tsps. cream of tartar and beat until stiff; then pour on hot syrup in a fine stream beating vigorously 10 mins., counting when beginning to pour syrup; fold in the beaten yolks and 1 c. flour, that has been first sifted 5 times with 14 tsp. of salt. Add 1% tsps. orange extract; when thoroughly blended, turn into a large ungreased tube pan and bake 50 mins. in a moderate oven (3400 F.). Spread over with a thick layer of Fluffy Marshmallow Frosting. Garnish with Lovers' bow knots, made of Ornamen- tal Frosting, using pastry bag with a plain tube attached. GINGER NUT COOKIES OCT Beat the yolk 1 egg until thick and light; add 2 c. ea. of molasses and melted chicken or goose fat (measure these fats a little scant); 22 add 22 cs. flour sifted -with 1 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. ginger and % tsp. salt. Mix thoroughly and chill in the refrigerator. Roll into a sheet, shape in rounds, set on buttered baking sheets 12 in. apart and bake in a moderate oven. When cool spread with Marshmallow Frosting and sprinkle quickly with chopped hickory nut meats.  CREAM JELLY ROLL OCT Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, gradually beat in 1 c. sugar, add 1 c. cream, alternately with 1% cs. flour sifted with 1 tsp. salt 23 and 3 tsps. baking powder; add a grating of orange or lemon rind or / tsp. of orange or lemon extract and beat 2 mins. Turn into a dripping pan lined with a buttered paper and bake 18 mins. in a quick oven. Turn on a sheet of white paper, quickly trim off the crisp edges and spread with cranberry jelly and roll. SPICED DEVIL'S FOOD OCT Cream 2 c. lard, add gradually 1 c. sugar; beat yolks 4 eggs until thick and light, add 1 c. sugar and combine mixtures. Add 1 c. 24 warm mashed potato, 2 sqs. chocolate, melted, and 1 c. milk alter- nately with 2 cs. flour sifted with 4 tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. ea. cinnamon, nutmeg, 1 tsp. cloves and 1 tsp. salt; beating constantly. Then fold in whites 4 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a buttered pan measuring 12x8x2 in. and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven; when cool, spread with a thick layer of boiled frosting and when frosting is glazed pour over a thin layer of melted sweet chocolate. BLACK WALNUT ROCKS OCT Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 12 cs. sugar, stirring constantly. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon tinted. Sift together 2% 25 cs. flour (reserve 1 c. to mix with the fruit), 1 tsp. nutmeg and 2 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture; add 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 2 tbsps. hot water. Beat thoroughly and add 1 lb. dates stoned and cut in 4 pieces and 2 cs. black walnut meats broken in pieces. Mix dates and nut meats with reserve flour and stir into mixture. Drop on buttered baking sheets 12 in. apart and bake in a moderate oven. CREOLE CAKE OCT First part: Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. rolled soft brown sugar, stirring constantly. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 26 tinted. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, and add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. of milk. Second part: Melt 4% sqs. choco- late, broken in pieces over boiling water, add alternately 1 c. brown sugar and 1 c. milk; stir over slow fire until smooth, remove from fire and cool. Combine mixtures, beat vigorously and turn into 2 buttered layer cake pans and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with Creole Frosting and when frosting is glazed cover with 2 squares chocolate melted. LEMQN APPLE-FILLED CAKE OCT Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, while stirring constantly add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 1% 27 c. flour, 2 tsps. baking powder and 14 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with % c. milk. Bake in 2 buttered layer cake pans and put together with: LEMON APPLE FILLING Put 34 c. sugar and 1 tbsp. flour in a sauce pan, stir until well mixed. Add 3 tbsps. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. cold water, 1 egg, slightly beaten, f. g. salt and 1 apple, pared and grated. Heat to boiling point, let boil 2 mins., stirring constantly. Cool before using. MOCK MACAROONS OCT Beat white 1 egg until frothy, add gradually 1 c. rolled and sifted brown sugar, continue beating, using a Ladd egg beater while adding 28 sugar; then cut and fold in 1 c. pecan nut meats chopped fine and mixed with 1/ tsp. salt. Drop from tip of spoon, on buttered bak- ing sheets 112 in. apart and bake 8 minutes in a moderate oven. The recipe makes 2 doz. small macaroons. ANISE SEED WAFERS OCT Cream c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, add 3 egg yolks one at a time, beating constantly. Beat whites 3 eggs until stiff, add to first 29 mixture alternately with 2 cs. flour mixed and sifted with 1 tbsp. anise seed, 1i tsp. nutmeg and % tsp. salt. Add just enough extra flour to dough so as to roll it very thin. Shape with small fluted cutter and bake in a quick oven. APPLE SAUCE CAKE OCT Cream c. butter or lard, add 11% cs. light brown sugar gradually. Add 1 egg yolk beaten thick and light. Sift together 3 cs. pastry 30 flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 12 tsp. salt, % tsp. cinnamon, tsp. cloves and li tsp. nutmeg. Add % tsp. soda to 1 c. of appple sauce stir until soda is dissolved; add to first mixture alternately with flour; add white 1 egg beaten until stiff. Flour / c. seeded raisins and fold in carefully; turn into a greased tube pan and bake 50 mins. in moderate oven.  HALLOWE'EN CAKE OCT Follow recipe for Standard Butter Cake (see Sept. 12th) and bake in 3 round buttered pans, each one smaller than the last. The cakes 31 should be 2% in. thick when baked. Place these cakes, when cold, one above the other to form a pyramid. Cover the whole cake with yellow frosting. While the frosting is still moist decorate the cake with fancy designs, using tiny round black candies. For the remainder of the decora- tions use small black witches and small black cats. These may be found where "favors" are sold in large department stores. Place a single large yellow candle in the center of the top of the cake. Use this cake for the center-piece on the table laid for the Hallowe'en Spread. NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY CAKE NOV Follow recipe for Standard Butter Cake. Bake mixture in 3 deep buttered layer cake pans 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together 1 with Boiled or Marshmallow Frosting and spread top and sides of cake with a thick layer of frosting. Before the frosting glazes, sprinkle thickly top and sides with Praline Mixture. Decorate cake with candles of a dark rich yellow color. (See Frostings and Fillings for Praline Mixture.) DATE AND NUT BARS NOV Beat 2 egg yolks until thick and light, add, gradually, 3 c. of sugar, 1 c. of coarsely chopped English walnut meats, and 1 c. of dates 2 cleaned, stoned and chopped. Sift together % c. of flour, % tsp. salt and 1 tsp. of baking powder. Gradually add to the first mix- ture alternately with the whites of 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Add 1 tsp. of vanilla. Spread evenly in a well-buttered shallow, rectangular shaped pan and bake 25 mins. at 2500 Fah. Remove from pan; cut, while warm, in bars 4 in. wide by 3 ins. long. Roll in confectioner's sugar. MERRIGOLD CAKE NOV Cream 3 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, stirring con- stantly, and yolks 5 eggs beaten until thick and light; add 1 tsp. 3 ea. of lemon and orange extract. Sift together 3 cs. flour, 1 tsp. cream of tartar and 1 tsp. soda. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk, stirring and beating constantly. Lastly fold in the whites 5 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. When thoroughly blended turn into a buttered tube pan and bake 45 to 50 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Yellow Frosting and garnish with candied orange sections or sliced candied oranges. Serve at Golden Wedding feast. CREAM SEED CAKES NOV Beat 2 eggs very light in mixing bowl, add 2 cs. sugar gradually, con- tinue beating. Cream 1 c. butter and add to first mixture. Sift 4 together 23 cs. flour, 1 tsp. salt and 3 tsps. baking powder, and add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. cream. Sprinkle in 1 tbsps. caraway seeds, beat mixture until ingredients are well blended. Drop in heaping teaspoonfuls onto buttered baking sheets, spread to % in. thickness, and bake until a golden brown in moderate oven. For Cream Cocoanut Cookies use % c. shredded cocoanut in place of caraway seeds. OLD-FASHIONED POUND CAKE NOV With the hand cream % lb. of butter, add very gradually 1 lb. fine gran. sugar beating constantly until mixture is creamy. Add grad- 5 ually the yolks of 10 eggs beaten until thick and lemon tinted, and continue beating. Then beat in the whites of 10 eggs beaten stiff alternately with 1 lb. of sifted flour, sifted again with 1 tsp. of mace or flavor with extract of nutmeg and 2 tbsps. brandy. Continue beating 5 mins. after ingredients are all thoroughly blended. Turn into a large tube pan, buttered and the bottom lined with heavy paper well buttered and bake 114 hrs. in a moderate oven (3000 F.) or if to be used for small highly ornamented cakes, bake in a well buttered dripping pan 35 to 40 mins. in a moderate oven. RICH GINGER CAKES NOV Cream 1 c. butter and lard mixed, add 1 tsp. salt to lard. Add 1 c. dark brown sugar gradually, beating constantly. Add 12 tsp. soda 6 to 1 c. N. O. molasses, mix well and add to first mixture. Add well beaten egg and 1 tbsp. vinegar. Sift 1 tbsp. ginger, 1 tsp. cinna- mon, 2 tsp. cloves and f. g. pepper with 3 cs. flour; dissolve 11 2 tsps. soda in 2 cs. sour milk and add to first mixture, alternately with flour. Add sufficient flour to roll. (Just enough to handle.) Chill dough. Roll % in. thick and shape with round cutter. Wash over tops with diluted egg. Bake in moderate oven.  CITRON CAKE NOV Cream % c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually while stirring constantly. Add 2 whole eggs and 1 egg yolk beaten until thick and lemon- 7 tinted. Sift together 2 cs. flour and 3 tsps. baking powder, add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. milk. Add 1 c. shredded citron dredged with 1 tbsp. flour and 1 tsp. lemon extract. Turn into a buttered and floured tube pan and bake 45 mins. in moderate oven. Frost as desired. RAISED FRIED CAKES NOV Pour 1 c. scalded milk over % c. sugar and 1 tsp. salt and 2 tbsps. of lard. When lukewarm, add % yeast cake dissolved in 2 tbsps. 8 lukewarm water. Then beat in 1 c. bread flour, cover and let rise in a warm place (700 to 800 F.) until light. Add 2 cs. flour; mix well and knead on a slightly floured board, cover and let rise again and knead; repeat. Then roll to % in. thickness, cut in strips 8 in. long by % in. wide. Arrange on lightly floured moulding board, cover, let rise to double in bulk. Twist 3 times, pinch ends together and fry in deep hot fat; fry to a delicate brown, drain on wire coolers and when cold, roll in gran. sugar. LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS CAKE NOV Cream 11% cs. butter, with the hand, add gradually 4 cs. fine gran. sugar. Beat 10 mins.; add gradually 5 cs. pastry flour sifted 3 times 9 with 1 tsp. soda and 3 tsps. cream of tartar to first mixture and alternately with 114 cs. milk beating constantly with the hand. Add 1% tsps. Almond extract; remove the hand and continue beating with a wooden spoon with slits, fold in the whites of 16 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into a large tube pan (measuring 12 x 4 in.) well buttered and bottom lined with buttered paper and bake 114 hrs. in a moderate oven. Spread with Ice Cream Frosting. This cake was served to these two dis- tinguished gentlemen, Lincoln and Douglas, with home-made wine, after their famous debate, on the veranda of my grandfather's (Jacob J. Oyler) home in Freeport, Illinois. The cake was made and especially decorated for the occasion by my aunt, Miss Caroline Oyler, also of Freeport, Illinois. BLACK LOAF CAKE NOV Cream % c. butter or substitute, add gradually 3 cs. rolled brown sugar, stirring constantly; add 2 egg yolks beaten until thick and 10 lemon-tinted; sift together 2 cs. flour (reserve 4 c. for dredging fruit), % tsp. cloves, 2 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. nutmeg, % tsp. all- spice, 1 tsp. ea. of soda and salt. Add alternately to first mixture with 1 c. thick, well beaten sour milk; add 2 cs. seeded raisins mixed with reserved flour and beat thoroughly; then fold in the whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a buttered tube pan, bottom lined with 2 thicknesses of brown paper well buttered. Bake 45 to 50 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread with Maple Frosting if desired. PEANUT-DROP COOKIES NOV Cream 2 tbsps. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar and 1 egg beaten until thick and light; sift together 2 c. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 11 % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 2 tbsps. milk. Then beat in 1 c. fresh baked, fine chopped peanuts. Drop from tip of teaspoon on buttered baking sheets 112 in. apart and bake to a golden brown in a hot oven. A pan of water may be placed in oven during baking to prevent baking too hard and brown. RICH FRUIT CAKE NOV Cream 1 lb. butter, add gradually 1 lb. soft brown sugar, stirring constantly. Beat the yolks 12 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted. 12 Add to butter mixture and continue beating. Sift together 1 lb. flour (reserving % c. for dredging fruit), 1% tbsps. cinnamon, 1% tbsps. allspice, tbsp. cloves, 114 tbsps. nutmeg, Y tbsp. mace and 1 tsp. salt. Mix together 2 lb. candied cherries cut fine, 3 lbs. seeded raisins cut in halves, 2 lbs. sultana raisins, 1 lb. currants and % lb. ea. candied orange and lemon peel chopped fine. Dredge fruit (except citron) with remaining 1 c. flour, and add to the first mixture alternately with 1 c. of brandy or grape juice; add 2 squares chocolate melted; then fold in the whites 12 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Just before turning into the pans, add 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 1 tbsp. hot water. Cover bottom of buttered tube pans with 3 thicknesses paper buttering top layer. Put in a layer of mixture, sprinkle with a generous layer of citron finely shredded; continue alternate layers until 1Y lbs. citron has been used, having the top layer of the cake mixture. Cover cakes with buttered paper and steam 3 hrs. Then bake 1 hr. in a slow oven. Frost and ornament this cake the day before using.  MOSS TORTE NOV Beat together yolks 10 eggs and 1 c. gran. sugar 15 mins. Pass 2 lb. blanched almonds through food chopper using fine cutting 13 knife. Add some of the almonds to the first mixture, mixed with 1 tsp. cinnamon, grated rind 1 lemon and 1 tsp. baking powder, continue beating then add remaining almonds and lastly fold in the whites 7 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Dust a well buttered pan with grated, sifted and lightly toasted bread crumbs and turn in mixture and bake in a very moderate oven 1 hr. When cool split and put together with Chocolate or Cream Filling. Serve at afternoon reception with tea or coffee. GINGER POUND CAKE NOV Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. fine gran. sugar, beating con- stantly. Add 3 cs. pastry flour sifted with 2 tsps. baking powder 14 and 112 tsp. salt, add alternately with 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; then add 1 lb. preserved Canton ginger cut in very small pieces (not chopped). Bake in small fluted pans, well buttered, in a moderate oven. When cold, spread with Orange Frosting and garnish with bits of crystallized orange peel. PRAIRIE NUGGETS NOV Cream 34 c. butter, add gradually 1'% cs. rolled brown sugar, 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; add 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 15 2 tbsps. warm water. Sift together twice 14 cs. flour, % tsp. salt, 2 tsps. cinnamon, 2 tsp. cloves, 2 tsp. allspice and f. g. pepper. Mix 14 cs. flour with 1 c. chopped English walnut meats, 1 c. seeded and shredded raisins, % c. currants and 1 c. ea. of citron, candied pineapple, candied orange and lemon peel chopped and well mixed; then add to flour mixture. Combine flour mixtures with first mixture, add 2 tbsps. orange juice and beat thoroughly. Drop by small teaspoonfuls on buttered baking sheets 112 in. apart and bake in a moderate oven. The recipe makes 6 doz. small cakes. SIMPLE SMALL NUT CAKE NOV Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. of "C" sugar and 1 egg beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, beating constantly. Sift to- 16 gether 12 cs. flour, % tsp. cinnamon, % tsp. salt and 2% tsps. baking powder. Add to first mixture alternately with % c. milk and 1 tsp. ea. vanilla and lemon extract. Beat 2 mins. Then beat in % c. nut meats cut in small pieces. Turn into a buttered brick shaped cake pan and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. DATE HERMITS NOV Beat 2 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted; add gradually 1 c. sugar, 2 c. melted butter, beating constantly; add 1 sqr. chocolate 17 (melted), 1 c. dates measured after stoned and ea. cut in 4 pieces, 1 c. English walnut-meats cut in pieces (dredge dates and nut meats with 14 c. flour), sift together 1 % cs. bread flour, % tsp. soda and % tsp. salt. Add alternately with 1 c. sour milk; add 1 tsp. vanilla and beat thoroughly. Drop from tip of spoon on buttered baking sheets 1% in. apart and bake in hot oven 15 mins. NUT GINGER COOKIES NOV Add 13/ tsps. soda to 1 c. molasses and beat thoroughly; add 1 c. sour milk, % c. melted chicken or goose fat, 2 tsps. ginger and 18 1 tsp. salt. Add enough flour to make of the consistency to handle easily. Chill thoroughly in refrigerator. Turn half the mixture on a slightly floured board, roll lightly to 4 in. thickness. Shape with a round cutter measuring 2 in. in diameter. Place half pecan nut meats in center of each cooky. Bake on buttered sheets in a moderate oven. PETITS FOURS NOV Follow recipe for Pound Cake, Standard White Cake or Standard Butter Cake. Bake in a well buttered dripping pan and when cold, 19 cut in cubes, diamonds, crescents or rounds. Then cover with frosting and roll in chopped nut meats or grated cocoanut and garnish with candied fruits cut and shaped to simulate small flowers. POTATO CHOCOLATE TORTE NOV Cream 1 c. butter or substitute, add 2 cs. sugar gradually, stirring constantly; add 1 c. mashed potato, yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick 20 and light, 1 c. grated almonds and 1 c. grated unsweetened chocolate, beating meanwhile. Sift together tsp. cloves, 12 tsps. cinnamon, 2% tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt and 1% cs. flour, add to first mixture with 1 2 tsps. vanilla. Then fold in stiffly beaten whites 4 eggs. Mix thor- oughly. Bake in well buttered, paper lined tube pan in moderate oven 50 mins. Spread top with Marshmallow or Chocolate Frosting. -M MACAROON DELIGHTS NOV Mix ground English walnut meats with Marshmallow Frosting and spread between two fresh macaroons sandwich fashion, press to- 21 gether, spread tops with frosting. Garnish each with a glace pecan nut-meat. EGGLESS CAKE NOV Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. of sugar, stirring briskly and constantly. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 3 tsps. baking powder and 22 % tsp. salt. Add alternately to first mixture with % c. of top milk and continue beating. Add nutmeg to flavor or 1 tsp. vanilla, and lastly beat in % c. seeded raisins cut in pieces or citron cut in fine shreds. Turn into a buttered bread pan and bake 35 mins. in a moderate oven. Frost as desired. PHILADELPHIA CRULLERS NOV Cream ?/ c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and light, and whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Sift 23 together 4 cs. flour, % tsp. nutmeg, 312 tsps. baking powder; add alternately to first mixture with 1 c. milk. Turn on a floured board, roll to ?/ in. thickness, cut in pieces 4 in. long by 3 in. wide, cut in each four 1% in. parallel gashes lengthwise at equal distances apart, take up by running finger in and out alternate gashes and lower in deep hot fat. Fry to a golden brown. Drain on brown paper and when cool sprinkle with powdered sugar. ALMOND SPONGE CAKE NOV Blanch and pound in a mortar 1 oz. ea. of sweet and bitter almonds. This is more easily accomplished by pounding the nut meats 2 at a 24 time with a few drops of rose water or a small drop or two of white of egg to prevent the nuts from oiling. They should be pounded to a smooth paste. Beat this paste gradually into the beaten yolks 5 eggs, alternately with 1 c. of sifted confectioner's sugar. Then add 1 c. sifted pastry flour, sifted again with 3 tsps. baking powder. Lastly fold in the whites 5 eggs beaten until stiff. Bake same as Angel Food. Frost as desired. LADY BALTIMORE CAKE NOV Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, beating con- stantly with the hand until creamy. Sift together 4 cs. pastry flour 25 and 4 tsps. baking powder. Add alternately to first mixture with 2 cs. of milk; add both slowly while beating briskly. Add 2 tsps. of almond extract, then fold in the whites of 8 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Bake in 3 large buttered and floured layer cake pans, 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Put together with Filling for Lady Baltimore Cake (see Fillings and Frostings), and spread top and sides of cake with the same. NOTE: Here is the original, bona fide recipe for the Charleston (S. C.) Lady Baltimore Cake. THANKSGIVING CAKE NOV Cream 1 lb. (2 cs.) butter with the hand, add gradually 1 lb. (2 cs.) fine gran. sugar, continue beating; add the yolks of 10 eggs that 26 have been beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, add 1 lb. (4 cs.) flour a little at a time and continue beating, add 2 tbsps. brandy or sherry wine and 1 tsp. of mace. Then gradually fold in the whites 10 eggs beaten until stiff. When thoroughly blended, put a layer of the batter into a large buttered tube pan then sprinkle in a layer of fine shredded citron, and so continue until 11:1 lbs. of citron has been used and the cake mixture, having a layer of the latter on top. Bake 11% hrs. in a moderate oven. When cold, spread with Divinity Frosting and dispose on a bed of rich colored autumn foliage and use as the center piece at the Thanksgiving Supper. SPICED FIG CAKE NOV Chop together 1 c. seeded raisins, doz. figs and 2c. walnut meats. Add 1 c. hot water and 1 tsp. soda and stir until well blended and 27 soda is dissolved. Cream % c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar, stirring constantly; add 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted and continue beating. Sift together 2 cs. flour, 1 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves and 1 tsp. nutmeg; beat gradually into first mixture then beat in the fruit mixture, continue beating until well blended. Bake in a buttered tube pan, bottom lined with heavy buttered paper 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Spread when cool with Maple Nut Frosting.  LEMON JUMBLES NOV Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. gran. sugar and the grated yellow rind of 1 lemon. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- 28 tinted, 2 tbsps. very rich sour cream and % tsp. salt. Add 2 cs. sifted flour sifted again with % tsp. soda. Mix well and chill thor- oughly. Roll into a thin sheet, shape with a small doughnut cutter. Arrange on buttered baking sheets 1Y2 in. apart, sprinkle with gran. sugar and bake to a delicate brown in a quick oven. Recipe makes 312 doz. cookies. MAPLE SUGAR ROCKS NOV Melt 1 c. shortening (butter, chicken or goose fat), add 1% cs. crushed maple sugar and 2 tbsps. molasses. Stir until well blended; 29 add 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. soda; add 1 c. raisins seeded and cut in pieces and 1% cs. hickory nut meats; mix well and beat into first mix- ture. When well blended, drop by teaspoonfuls on buttered sheets 11/ in. apart and bake in a quick oven. FIG LOAF CAKE NOV Cream 3 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. soft-brown sugar, add 4 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 3 cs. flour (re- 30 serve 1 c. for dredging fruit) with 5 tsps. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1% tsps. cinnamon and % tsp. ea. cloves and nutmeg. Add to first mixture with 1 c. cold water, beating constantly. Dredge with reserve flour 2 lb. figs cut fine and 2 cs. raisins seeded and cut in halves. Add to cake mixture and bake in a buttered tube pan 1 hr. in a moderate oven. Spread, when cool, with Maple Nut or Caramel frosting. DECEMBER BIRTHDAY CAKE (Almond Ice Box Cake) DEC Follow directions for lining a spring form. In this case cover sides with lady fingers and bottom of form with macaroons, placing them 1 close together, top sides down, fill the spaces with trimmings of lady fingers. Five doz. macaroons and 3 doz. lady fingers will be required for this cake. Cream 1 lb. unsalted butter, then gradually add 2% c. powdered sugar while stirring constantly. Add 6 whole eggs, one at a time, without separating, beating them into mixture with the hand. Add the yolks of 6 additional eggs well beaten, then 1 lb. blanched and grated almonds and lastly fold in the remaining 6 whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Flavor with sherry and rum to taste or almond extract. Turn half this mixture into form, spread evenly, cover with another layer of macaroons, then add remaining mixture, spread evenly. Cover with remaining lady fingers and place in ice box for 24 to 30 hrs. When ready to serve, remove to serving platter and garnish the top with whipped cream sweetened and flavored, using pastry bag and rose tube for this purpose. Sprinkle with blanched and finely shredded delicately toasted almonds and candied cherries, cut in fine shreds. These cakes make the most attractive birthday cakes or served with delicious coffee are most delectable as "light refreshments" for either a card party or an evening function. While apparently very rich they are not heavy. WINTER COOKIES DEC To 2 cs. softened fat (chicken, goose, fat or nut margarine) add gradually 1 c. ea. gran. and brown sugar, stirring constantly. Then 2 beat in 3 eggs beaten thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 4 cs. flour, 1 tsp. ea. of salt and soda, 2 tsps. cinnamon; 1 tsp. cloves; then stir in 1 c. nut meats broken in large pieces. Brazil nuts, filberts, hick- ory or walnut meats may be used. Add to first mixture and beat until thor- oughly blended. Mold in rolls 112 to 2 in. in diameter and chill until almost frozen. Cut in thin slices crosswise, place 1y) in. apart on buttered baking sheets and bake to a golden brown in a moderate oven. The rolls of dough may be kept indefinitely if kept almost frozen, then sliced and baked as needed. ALMOND CHOCOLATE MACAROONS DEC Grate 2 lb. of almond paste, gradually beat in 3 egg whites, one at a time using the hand. Add % c. of gran. sugar, then add 2 sqrs. 3 melted chocolate; when well blended, cover and chill thoroughly. Shape in small balls, roll under the fingers to lengthen to size of wooden skewers; roll in fine chopped pistachio nut meats, form in rings 1 ins. in diameter, remove with spatula to buttered baking sheets and bake in a slow oven.  CHRISTMAS PLUM CAKE DEC Cream 1 c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. fine gran. sugar, beating con- stantly. Add yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and light. Sift 4 together 3% cs. flour (reserve % c. for dredging fruit), 1% tsps. baking powder, % tsp. salt, % tsp. soda, 2 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. mace or nutmeg and % tsp. allspice; add to first mixture alter- nately with 1 c. milk or grape juice. Continue beating; dredge 2 cs. seeded raisins with remaining flour and beat into cake mixture, beat thoroughly, and fold in the whites of 4 eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn mixture into a deep well buttered tube pan, bottom lined with heavy paper well buttered, and bake 1 hr. in a moderate oven. Spread with boiled frosting and decorate with small red cinnamon candies and leaves cut from angelica to simulate holly berries and foliage. PEFFER NUSSE DEC Beat 5 eggs until thick and lemon-tinted, add gradually 1 lb. (2% cs.) powdered sugar, continue beating. Sift 1 lb. (4 cs.) flour with 1 tbsp. 5 cinnamon, % tbsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. soda or 2 tsps. baking powder, add to first mixture with % lb. citron cut fine and % lb. aimonds blanched and chopped fine, add the grated rind of 1 lemon. Knead mixture until well blended. Roll in small balls size of a hickory nut, brush with white of egg and bake to a golden brown in a moderate oven. SPRINGERLE DEC Beat the yolks of 4 eggs; beat the whites until stiff, then beat them together: add grated rind of 1 lemon, and gradually 1 lb. (2% cs.) 6 XXXX sugar, in which has been stirred 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp. milk. Beat mixture 15 mins. Sift together 1 lb. (4 cs.) flour (reserve 32 c. for dredging molding board) 12 tsp. salt and 1 scant tsp. baking powder. Add gradually the egg mixture, and knead thoroughly. Cover closely and chill 2 to 3 hrs. Roll out to / in. thickness; press lightly-floured wooden springerle mold very hard upon dough, to leave a perfect impress of the figures on the dough: cut apart and place on boards lightly dusted with brushed and crushed anise seed. Cover and let stand in a cold place over night. In the morning, remove to baking sheets covered with heavy waxed paper and bake in a moderate (3500 Fah.) oven to a straw color. When cold, store in tin containers. "S" COOKIES DEC Cream with the hand 1 lb. (2 cs.) butter, add very slowly 1 lb. (2 cs.) gran. sugar, beating with the hand; add 1 c. rich sweet cream, the 7 yolks of 6 eggs and 3 whole eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; add enough flour (sifted with 1 tsp. soda) to make a stiff dough (about 7 cs.). Roll bits of the dough and form "S." Lay on a board very lightly dusted with flour, cover with towels and let stand in a cold place over night. Then dip them into slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Arrange on buttered baking sheets and bake to a delicate straw color. Grated rind of 1 lemon may be added to the mixture. These cookies are rich and delicious. This is a large recipe. They will keep indefinitely in tin boxes. DAINTY ORANGE JUMBLES DEC Divide the recipe for " S" Cooky mixture and flavor with 1 tbsp. of orange extract. Roll thin and shape with a small jumble cutter, 8 measuring 1% in. in diameter. Decorate with sugar and fine chopped pistachio nut meats. Arrange on buttered baking sheets and bake to a delicate straw color. These are exceedingly fine. Recipe makes 267 small jumbles. SCOTCH WAFERS DEC Cream 1 f cs. butter (3 lb.), add 2 cs. sugar gradually; add 4 eggs well beaten and beat mixture 5 mins. Sift together 4 cs. flour and 9 2 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. allspice, 2 tsp. nutmeg and 1 tsp. cloves, add to first mixture in 3 parts, continue beating between each addi- tion. Chill the dough, then roll very thin on a lightly floured board. Shape with a large or small biscuit cutter, sprinkle each wafer with granulated sugar and bake on buttered baking sheet in moderate oven. These dainty wafers were used at the Christmas season more than a century ago. CINNAMON STARS DEC Beat whites 4 eggs until stiff and dry, gradually beat in 3 lb. (11 cs.) sugar, Y lb. ground blanched almonds, and 1 oz. (12 tbsp.) 10 cinnamon and 3 oz. (12 tbsps.) flour. Mix lightly and roll to % in. thickness, shape with a very small star cutter. Glaze with con- fectioner's sugar mixed with lemon juice to a thin consistency after baking in a slow oven. These dainty cookies should be very lightly baked.  CHRISTMAS PRETZELS DEC Cream 1 lb. (1 c.) of butter, add gradually 1 lb. (1 c.) sugar, beating constantly until creamy. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and 11 lemon-tinted, then gradually beat in 3 lb. (3 cs.) flour. Add anise seeds brushed and crushed and grated lemon rind to flavor to taste. Beat thoroughly and roll bits of dough the thickness of a wooden skewer and form into pretzels. Brush over with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar. Bake to a delicate brown in a moderate oven. ALMOND CRESCENTS DEC On a marble slab, or moulding board, work the unbeaten whites of 1 egg gradually into 1 c. of almond paste; then gradually beat in 1 c. 12 sugar, and when thoroughly blended beat in another unbeaten white of egg. Sift confectioner's sugar onto a moulding board and take rounded tsps. of the mixture and roll in a ball, then lengthen them on board under the fingers, tapering them and shape into small crescent rolls; then roll them in blanched and finely shredded almonds. Bake on tin sheets covered with paper in a moderate oven. NAPLES BISCUIT DEC Beat whites 6 eggs until stiff, add 11" cs. powdered sugar gradually while beating constantly. Add 6 egg yolks beaten until thick and 13 lemon-tinted, then grated rind of lemon and juice. Cut and fold in 1 c. pastry flour sifted with % tsp. salt. Shape as Lady Fingers on a tin sheet covered with unbuttered paper, using pastry bag and plain tube. They should be 2 in. long by 34 in. wide. Bake 8 to 10 mins. in moderate oven. Remove from paper with spatula, spread flat side of half the biscuit with raspberry jam or quince jelly; press together in pairs and dip in chocolate fondant or boiled frosting and dry on waxed paper. PEANUT WAFERS DEC Cream 2 tbsps. butter, add % c. peanut butter and beat until creamy; add gradually 1 c. sugar and 1 egg beaten until thick and light; con- 14 tinue beating. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt; add to mixture alternately with Y c. (5% tbsps.) of milk. Mix thoroughly and chill the dough. Roll out in a thin sheet, shape with a small round cutter, set on buttered baking sheets 11/ in. apart and sprinkle with fine chopped peanuts and gran. sugar. Bake in a quick oven to a delicate brown. FIG BARS DEC Cream 1 c. butter with the hand, add gradually 1 c. sugar, stirring constantly. Add 1 egg, continue beating, until well blended, add 15 another egg, continue beating with the hand. Add 1 tsp. soda dis- solved in 2 tbsps. milk and 2 cs. bread flour sifted with 1 tsp. salt and beat 2 mins. Chill dough, then roll thin and cut in narrow strips. Arrange on buttered baking sheets and spread each not quite to the edge with cooked fig mixture, brush the edges with cold water and set a second strip above it, press the two close together on edges; brush tops with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle with gran. sugar. Bake 10 mins. and remove to cake cooler with spatula. FIG MIXTURE FOR FIG BARS Cook 2 lb. figs in boiling water to cover until skins are tender and water is nearly evaporated. Add ? / c. sugar and the grated yellow rind 1 an orange and continue cooking 5 mins. Chop figs fine, cool and use as directed. CHOCOLATE CRUMB COOKIES DEC Beat the whites 2 eggs until stiff, add gradually 1 c. powdered sugar and continue beating. Mix together 2 sqrs. grated chocolate, 1 tsp. 16 cinnamon and 1 c. of fine stale bread crumbs; add gradually to first 'mixture, beating constantly meanwhile; add 1 tsp. vanilla, mix well and drop by rounded teaspoonfuls on buttered baking sheets 1% in. apart. Bake 20 mins.; when edges are lightly brown, finish baking on top grate in oven. CHRISTMAS COOKIES (For the Kiddies) DEC Mix 2 cs. brown sugar and % c. syrup and stir over the fire until sugar is melted. Add f c. shortening and let cool. Sift together 17 2 / cs. flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, % tsp. ea. of nutmeg and cloves, 4 tsp. salt and 3 tsps. baking powder. Stir in 2 oz. citron ground fine, and add to first mixture with the juice and grated rind of i>M lemon, 2 tbsps. thick cream and enough extra flour to handle. Chill dough and roll to 1 in. thickness and shape with Kindergarten cutters. Bake in a moderate oven and garnish with chocolate and white frosting, bits of fruit and small candies. The cutters can be bought in any of the large department stores. r RAISIN AND NUT FANCIES DEC Beat the whites of 3 eggs until stiff and dry, gradually beat in % c. gran. sugar, beating constantly. Then fold in % c. pecan nut meats 18 broken in pieces and 1 c. raisins seeded and cut in halves. Drop by teaspoonfuls on buttered baking sheets 1% in. apart and bake in a slow oven until delicately browned. OLD FASHION MARBLE CAKE (Mary Oyler Harden, Freeport, Ill.) DARK PART DEC Cream 2 c. butter, add gradually 1 c. dark brown sugar, % c. mo- lasses and the yolks 4 eggs beaten thick and light, beating constantly. 19 Sift together 2% cs. flour, 1% tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. soda. Add to first mixture alter- nately with 1 c. sour milk and beat thoroughly. Mix this part first. LIGHT PART Cream % c. butter, add gradually 2 cs. sugar, beating constantly. Sift together 3 cs. flour, 4 tsps. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with 1 c. of milk, add the grated rind and juice 1 a lemon, and beat thoroughly. Butter a large tube pan (10 in. in diameter and 3 in. deep) drop mixture in alternately first a spoonful of light mixture then one of the dark mixture, always having the light covered with the dark. Con- tinue this until both mixtures are used. Bake in a moderate oven 114 hrs. or less, test with a clean splint from broom. Frost with boiled frosting. PROFATEN KUCHEN DEC Chop 1 c. butter into 1 lb. flour sifted with 2 tsp. baking powder until like meal. Beat yolks 4 eggs slightly, add scant 1 c. sugar 20 and 4 tbsps. cream; mix well, combine mixtures and mix thoroughly. Roll into a rectangular sheet 2 in. in thickness, brush over with slightly beaten white of egg, sprinkle with finely chopped nut meats and gran. sugar mixed with little cinnamon. Cut in diamonds 1 in. wide by 12 in. long. Arrange on buttered tin sheet 1 in. apart and bake until delicately browned in hot oven. PECAN MARGUERITES DEC Beat 2 eggs slightly, add gradually 1 c. rolled and sifted brown sugar, 1 % c. flour sifted with 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt and 1 c. 21 pecan nut meats cut (do not chop) in small pieces. Fill very small buttered tins (measuring 11% in. in diameter) % full and press a half nut meat lightly on top of each cake. Bake 15 mins. in a moderate oven. CHRISTMAS WREATHS DEC With the tips of fingers rub 1 c. butter lightly into 3% cs. flour sifted with 3 tsp. soda. To 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon tinted, 22 gradually beat in 1 c. gran. sugar; then combine mixtures; add 2 tbsps. sweet cream or top milk and nutmeg to flavor to taste. Turn half the mixture on a floured board and roll to % in. thickness, shape with a small cutter measuring 1 % in. in diameter, with a thimble (first dipped in flour) remove rounds from center of each cooky. Brush over with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle thickly with coarse gran. sugar mixed with fine chopped pistachio nut meats. Place on greased baking sheets 11% in. apart and bake in a quick oven to a golden brown (about 10 mins.) BUTTER WAFERS DEC Cream 1 lb. (2 cs.) butter, add gradually 2 cs. sugar, then the yolks 3 hard cooked eggs rubbed through a fine sieve. Add 6 cs. flour 23 sifted with 1 tsp. salt, alternately with 3 raw eggs well beaten. Juice and grated rind of lemon, mix thoroughly and chill. Roll to 1 in. thickness, cut in rounds, diamonds, star or any fancy shape, brush tops with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle with colored sugar or fine anise or caraway candies, or sprinkle with fine chopped almonds (unblanched) and bake 10 mins. in a moderate oven. They should be a delicate brown. CINNAMON HORSESHOES DEC Work together thoroughly on a smooth board or marble table 1 lb. almond paste and 3i lb. confectioner's sugar. To this add gradually 24 whites 3 eggs very slightly beaten, working them into mixture with the hand at first, afterwards using the spatula, this will not only expedite mixing of ingredients but will help to keep mixture from sticking to table or board. Work in 1 tsp. cinnamon. Shape the soft mixture in a long roll, cut in 1 in. pieces, roll each separately to the thickness of a lead pencil, then roll in ground nut meats and shape like a horseshoe. Bake 20 mins. on a buttered tin sheet in a very moderate oven. Cool and spread with Boiled Frosting.  MERINGUES GLAC9ES DEC Follow recipe for Hickory Nut Kisses (see Dec. 31st) omitting the nut meats. Shape in round or ovals with a spoon or press through 25 a pastry bag with plain tube attached, on a wet board covered with letter paper. Bake 40 mins. in a very slow oven. Increase the heat for the last 10 mins. to delicately color the top of the meringues. Remove the paper from the boards and peel it from the meringues. If they are to be filled with whipped cream or ice cream remove the soft part with a spoon and place meringues (soft side up) in the oven to dry a little. Fill and put together in pairs. CINNAMON STARS No. 2 DEC Beat the whites of 8 eggs until stiff, gradually beat in 1 lb. (2%3 cs.) powdered sugar. Sift together 2% cs. flour, 3 tsps. cinnamon, 1% 26 tsps. of baking powder and i/ tsp. salt; fold into first mixture and when well blended add 1 c. ea. of very fine chopped English walnut meats and blanched almonds. Mix thoroughly and press through a pastry bag with star tube attached on waxed paper laid over baking sheets; have the stars 1'2 in. apart and bake a delicate straw color in a slow oven. Insert a silver dragee in the center of each star. ROLLED ALMOND WAFERS DEC Cream 1 c. butter, add 2 c. powdered sugar gradually and 1 c. milk drop by drop, then add ? c. flour and 1 tsp. almond extract. 27 Spread very thinly with a spatula on an inverted buttered dripping pan, sprinkle with almonds blanched and finely chopped. Crease in 3 in. sqs. and bake in slow oven until very delicately colored brown. Re- move from oven and place pan where it will keep warm. Cut squares apart with sharp knife and roll quickly while warm over handle of small wooden spoon. If wafers become too crisp to roil, put pans back in oven for a moment to soften. ALMOND COOKIES DEC Beat whites of 2 eggs until stiff, add % c. powdered sugar gradually while beating constantly. Add yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and 28 lemon-tinted. Sift together % c. flour and s tsp. salt, 2 tsp. cinna- mon, % tsp. cloves, % tsp. allspice, % tsp. nutmeg; add 1 tbsp. candied orange peel finely chopped and grated rind of 1 small lemon, and add to first mixture. Blanch and cut % c. almonds in small pieces and bake in slow oven until delicately browned, cut and fold into mixture. Drop by tea- spoonfuls on a baking sheet, buttered and dredged with corn-starch and con- fectioner's sugar, using equal measure. Bake in moderate oven until lightly browned OATMEAL FILLED COOKIES DEC Cream 1 c. butter or substitute, add gradually 1 c. sugar, then add % c. sweet milk and 2 cs. fine oatmeal and 3 cs. flour; mix to a dough 29 of the consistency to roll out in very thin sheet. Shape with a round cutter or cut in rectangular pieces 3% in. long by 2 in. wide. Arrange half of the cookies on unbuttered baking sheets; spread within i/ in. from the edges with the nmixture given below, moisten edges with cold water; set the other cookies above the filling and press edges closely together. Chill, brush tops with slightly beaten white of egg and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in a moderate oven. For the filling add 1; lbs. of chopped dates to 1 c. of sugar and 1 c. of boiling water; cook until thick, chill, and use as filling. LITTLE AFRICANS DEC Put 4 c. melted butter in mixing bowl and add 1 c. soft brown sugar, 1 egg, 2 sqs. melted chocolate, 1 c. flour, % tsp. salt, % c. walnut 30 meats cut in small pieces and V4 tsp. vanilla. Stir constantly until thoroughly blended. Line a shallow pan with thick waxed paper, turn in mixture, spread evenly. Bake in slow oven. Invert pan on wax paper laid on moulding board and remove paper at once. Then cut in squares or diamonds. These little sweetmeats are more like a confection than cake and mix well with other small cakes. HICKORY NUT KISSES DEC Beat the whites of 4 eggs until stiff, add gradually % c. of powdered sugar, beating constantly until the mixture holds its shape; fold in 31 another % c. of sugar and gradually add 10 oz. (about 1% cs.) very fine chopped hickory nut meats; then add 1 tsp. vanilla. Shape with a pastry bag with plain tube attached or with a teaspoon in small mounds 1 ) in. apart on a wet board covered with letter paper; sprinkle the tops with fine chopped nut meats. Bake in a very slow oven. Remove from paper with a spatula. i COOKED FROSTINGS BOILED FROSTING-Stir together 2 cs. gran. sugar, Y4 tsp. cream of tartar and M c. of boiling water, set over the fire until the sugar is dissolved and the boiling point is reached, then wash down the sides of pan (to remove sugar crystals), cover and let boil 2 mins., un- cover and continue boiling until syrup spins a thread (2380 F.) on sugar thermometer. Pour syrup in a fine stream onto the whites 2 eggs beaten stiff and dry, beating constantly, add Y tsp. vanilla or flavor as desired and beat until cool enough to spread. This frosting has a thin glossy surface and is soft and creamy underneath. If, when ready to spread, it seems to grain (over cooked), a little boiling water or syrup may be beaten into it. BOILED FROSTING No. 2-Boil 1 c. gran. sugar and % c. cold water until it becomes hot, scrape down side of sauce pan and stir constantly. Let boil 3 mins. to dissolve all remain- ing grains of sugar, without stirring. Add 2 or 3 drops acetic acid and continue boiling until syrup will spin thread when dropped from spoon. Pour syrup slowly in a fine stream onto stiffly beaten white of 1 egg, beating constantly. Continue beating until frosting is cold and glazes on sides of bowl. If syrup is cooked too much add lemon juice, drop by drop, until of right consistency. If frosting runs from cake when cold, the syrup was not cooked to the "thread." This may be remedied by placing the bowl of frosting in sauce pan containing water (just below boiling point) beating until frosting thickens. FUDGE FROSTING-Place 2 tbsp. butter in a saucepan; when melted add % c. sugar and Y c. milk. Bring to boiling point and boil 10 mins. (or to 2400 F. on sugar thermometer). Melt 1 sq. unsweetened chocolate over hot water, add to cooked mixture and boil 4 mins. (counting time from moment boiling point is reached). Take care that chocolate does not adhere to bottom and sides of pan. Remove from range, add % tsp. vanilla and beat until mixture is of proper consistency to spread. FUDGE FROSTING No. 2-Melt 1 tbsps. butter in sauce pan; mix 5z tbsps. cocoa, 1% c. powdered sugar, f. g. salt, add to butter with f c. milk. Bring to boiling point and boil 8 mins. Remove from range, beat until smooth and creamy. Add tsp. vanilla and spread over cake. FUDGE FROSTING No. 3-Melt 2 sqs. chocolate, add 2 cs. sugar, 1 c. milk or thin cream, stir constantly over slow fire until sugar gradually melts. When the boiling point is reached, beat hard and rapidly and let cook to 2380 F. Remove from fire, add 1 tsp. butter and let stand until cold; then beat until creamy and spread over cake. BOILED CHOCOLATE BUTTER FROSTING-Add % c. water to 2 cs. soft brown sugar and boil without stirring until syrup spins a thread when dropped from tip of wooden spoon. Melt 1 sq. unsweetened chocolate with 2 c. butter, then combine with syrup, stirring con- stantly. When cool add vanilla and beat until of consistency to spread. If mixture separates while stirring set sauce pan into a pan of ice water and stir until smooth. CHOCOLATE FROSTING-To Boiled Frosting add 4 sqs. grated chocolate; cool and add 1 tbsp. butter. May be used as filling also. COCOA FROSTING-Mix 1 c. gran. sugar and % tsp. cream tartar in sauce pan, add % c. cold water; place on range and stir until mixture begins to boil, let boil without stirring until syrup drops like honey from spoon. Add 3 tbsps. of syrup to beaten white of egg; return remainder of syrup to range and continue boiling until it spins a thread. Pour this over first mixture in a fine stream, beating constantly, add 3 tbsps. cocoa and % tsp. vanilla. Beat until frosting is perfectly cold. This frosting may be made before cake is baked, it will spread better if allowed to stand an hour before using. SOFT CHOCOLATE FILLING-Melt 1% sqrs. chocolate in double boiler; add Y c. milk and cook together stirring until thick and creamy. Add 1 c. brown sugar and 1 beaten egg yolk, beat until well blended and let cook 5 mins. Add 1 tsp. butter; continue beating; remove from fire; when cold, add 1 tsp. vanilla and spread between layers of Gold Chocolate Cake. SOFT CHOCOLATE NUT FILLING-Follow recipe for Soft Chocolate Filling; adding 3 c. chopped or fine cut nut meats. DIVINITY FROSTING-Use 2 cs. of gran. soft brown or maple sugar or mix them using c. of ea. Add 3 c. Karo or corn syrup, Y c. water, place over fire and boil to 2400 F. on the sugar thermometer or to the soft ball stage. Pour the hot syrup in a fine stream on the whites 2 eggs beaten stiff, beating constantly and continue beating constantly until mixture holds its shape; then add 1 c. of pecan nut meats broken in small bits, 1/ tsp. salt and M c. of candied cherries cut in fine shreds. PRALINE MIXTURE-Melt % c. brown sugar in an omelet pan and stir constantly with a metal spoon until it becomes a light amber colored syrup. Have ready 2 oz. of blanched, fine shredded almonds, that have been toasted delicately in the oven. Stir prepared almonds into caramel and turn on an oiled platter. When cold, break into pieces and pass through food chopper using the finest cutting knife. Use as directed. NOUGAT FROSTING-Beat white of 1 egg stiff, add i4 c. powdered sugar gradually, beating constantly; cut and fold in % c. whipped cream, add 1 c. chopped nut meats. Com- bine this mixture with Y a recipe of Boiled Frosting. "CHILDREN'S DELIGHT" FROSTING-To plain boiled frosting add 1 c. fresh marsh- mallows cut in small pieces. / c. each candied cherries, pineapple, apricot and pears cut in small bits. Add 1 c. blanched and shredded almonds. Flavor with vanilla and spread to in. thickness over cake. FLUFFY MARSHMALLOW FROSTING-Boil together 2 cs. gran. sugar and c. hot water until it spins a thread or to 2380 F. by the sugar thermometer; pour slowly in a fine stream on the stiff beaten whites 4 eggs, beating constantly; when cool, almost ready to spread, beat in ? lb. fresh marshmallows cut in small pieces and 1 tsp. vanilla. Three-fourths of sq. of chocolate (melted) may be beaten into the frosting after adding the hot syrup to beaten eggs. This makes an ideal frosting to spread over a sunshine cake. MARSHMALLOW FROSTING-Mix 2 c. sugar, Y4 tsp. cream tartar and M c. cold water in a sauce pan. Place on range; stir until boiling point is reached; then cook without stirring until mixture drops from the tip of wooden spoon like honey. Remove from range and add 8 tbsps. of the syrup to the whites of 2 eggs, previously beaten stiff, beating constantly. Re- turn remaining syrup to range and continue cooking until it spins a thread. Brush the sugar and starch from 36 marshmallows; put in oven to plump slightly. Add to first mixture, add remaining syrup and beat until ingredients are thoroughly blended. Add tsp. vanilla, continue beating until mixture is cool. Spread over cake as thickly as desired. MARSHMALLOW CHOCOLATE FROSTING-Mix 2 cs. sugar and c. boiling water, stir until sugar is dissolved; cover and let boil 4 mins., uncover and continue boiling until it forms a soft ball or to 2380 F. on sugar thermometer. Pour in a fine stream, onto the beaten whites 4 eggs beating constantly; then beat in 4 sqrs. of chocolate melted over hot water, continue beating until cool. Add 5 doz. marshmallows cut in quarters and beat until the 'mallows are partly blended with mixture. They should show through the frosting. CARAMEL NUT FROSTING-Caramelize M c. sugar in an omelet pan; add M c. boiling water to the caramel and let simmer until a thick syrup forms. Turn into a bottle and use as directed. Boil 1 c. gran. sugar, 2 tbsps. caramel syrup and Y c. water until syrup spins a  3 thread or to 2380 F. on sugar thermometer. Pour slowly, in a fine stream onto the white 1 egg beaten until stiff, beating constantly until all the syrup has been added. Then set frosting in a sauce pan of boiling water and beat until thick and slightly grained on sides of pan; beat in % c. pecan nut meats broken in pieces, and spread at once over cake leaving a rough surface or wave it with back of spoon. If this frosting is cooked as directed, it will cut without cracking off. CARAMEL FROSTING-Mix 4 cs. brown sugar, 9 tbsps. cream and 1M tbsps. butter. Stir over a slow fire until sugar is dissolved and the boiling point is reached; let boil 4 mins. Remove from fire, add 1 Y tsps. vanilla and beat until of the right consistency to spread. If desired, add M c. chopped pecan nut meats. CARAMEL FROSTING No. 2-Cook together very slowly 2% c. brown sugar and 1 V c. cream, stirring constantly (unsweetened and undiluted canned milk may be used) until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water, or to 2381 F. on the sugar thermometer. Add 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tsp. vanilla. Remove from the fire and beat until grainy and of the right consistency to spread. CARAMEL FROSTING WITH NUTS-Boil 1 Y cs. soft brown sugar and Y c. boiling water together as for Boiled Frosting. Pour slowly onto the stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs, while beating constantly, continue beating until frosting is nearly cool. Put pan in a larger vessel containing boiling water, place on range and cook until mixture granulates around sides of pan, stir constantly while cooking. Remove from hot water and beat until frosting will keep its shape when dropped from spoon. Add % c. pecan nut meats broken in pieces and tsp. almond extract. Spread on cake, using wooden spoon to give surface a wave- like appearance. OPERA CARAMEL FROSTING-Mix together and cook 1% cs. soft brown sugar, % c. cream and % tbsp. butter to 2380 F. (soft ball) on sugar thermometer. Then beat until of the right consistency to spread. TO MAKE CARAMEL SYRUP-Put 1 c. of sugar in a small sauce or omelet pan, place over a brisk fire and stir constantly while the sugar melts and turns to an amber liquid. Lift the pan occasionally from the fire, that the sugar may not burn at any one place. The caramel is done when it has become a bright golden brown color. It will darken a little more from the heat of the pan even after removing from the fire, which would impair the flavor. Add at once and slowly 1 c. of boiling water and return to fire; let syrup boil 5 mins. It is then ready to bottle for use. MAPLE SYRUP AND NUT FROSTING-Cook 1 % cs. of maple syrup to 2400 F. (soft ball) on the sugar thermometer. Pour in a fine stream on to the whites of 1 or 2 eggs beaten until stiff and dry, beating constantly. Return the frosting to the fire covered with an asbestos mat or over hot water and beat slowly and constantly until frosting thickens a little; add % c. of pecan nut meats broken in pieces; mix well and spread over cake using a tbsp. making a wavelike surface rather than a smooth. CREOLE FROSTING-Mix together 1% cs. gran. sugar and 1 % cs. brown sugar, add % c. boiling water and cook with little stirring until syrup spins a thread (238* F.). Pour slowly and in fine stream on whites 3 eggs beaten stiff (but not dry) and beat until cool. Set sauce pan containing mixture over boiling water and cook until mixture becomes slightly granular around sides of pan. Remove pan from boiling water and beat until mixture holds its shape. Flavor with 1 tsp. vanilla. BURNT SUGAR FROSTING-Cook 1 c. sugar and % c. water until it spins a thread, remove at once from fire and pour slowly on the white of 1 egg beaten stiff, beating constantly, add 2 tbsps. caramel syrup and 1 tsp. vanilla and continue beating until well blended. MILK FROSTING (Eggless Frosting)-Melt 1 tsp. butter in sauce pan; add 11 cs. sugar and c. rich milk. Stir briskly until sugar absorbs ;nilk and to prevent sugar from sticking to sides of pan, bring to boiling point and cook without stirring 12 mins. Remove from range and beat until creamy and of the consistency to spread; add % tsp. of any desired flavoring. Spread over cake and mark in creases with back of knife as soon as frosting is firm. ORANGE FROSTING-Boil together 2 cs. of sugar and 1 c. of water until it spins a thread, or to 2380 F. on the sugar thermometer. Pour slowly and in a fine stream on the whites of 3 eggs beaten until stiff, beating constantly meanwhile. Then add % tsp. of tartaric acid. Continue beating until of the right consistency to spread; add M c. of crystallized orange peel cut in very tiny bits. FONDANT FROSTING-Frosting made from fondant (see Bonbons), is the finest of all frostings, both as regards looks and taste. It is, however more frequently used for small than for large cakes, as the most satisfacitory results are secured when the article to be frosted is small enough to be dipped into the frosting. The fondant from which this frosting is made keeps almost indefinitely, and, when not ready at hand, may be purchased of a confectioner or baker. A recipe for fondant will be found under Home-Made Candy. To prepare for using as frosting, put the required amount in the top of the double boiler set over boiling water until melted, color and flavor as desired. TO DIP CAKES-Brush each small cake over with the slightly beaten white 1 egg, well mixed with 1 tbsp. powdered sugar. Apply to cakes with a small brush. This is called glazing. When glazed, let cakes stand over night before dipping. Then take cakes on a wire bonbon dipper or on a 3 tined fork and carefully lower it into fondant about % the depth of cake. Remove from fondant, invert and slip from dipper on to waxed paper. Decorate with orna- mental frosting, nut meats, candied fruits cut in fancy shapes, cubes or finely chopped. UNCOOKED FROSTINGS A VERY SIMPLE FROSTING-Stir confectioners' sugar into 1 tbsp. or more of boiling water or hot sweet cream to form a paste that will remain in place when spread. Add a few drops of vanilla. Use for frosting cookies and small cakes. CHOCOLATE FROSTING-Melt 2 sqrs. chocolate over boiling water, add 1 tsp. butter and 3 tbsps. hot water; when cool, add confectioner's sugar until of the consistency to spread (about 2' 2 cs.). Add % tsp. vanilla. BUTTER FROSTING WITH CHOCOLATE-Cream 1 c. sweet butter, add well beaten yolk 1 egg, then add 22 cs. powdered sugar gradually, beating constantly. Add 2 sqrs. melted chocolate and 1 tsp. vanilla; beat until thoroughly blended, smooth and creamy. Use as filling or frosting and for ornamental purposes. When coffee extract is used for flavoring in this frosting, omit chocolate and vanilla. It is then called Mocha Frosting. MOCHA BUTTER FILLING AND FROSTING-Cream 1 c. unsalted butter; add the beaten yolk of 1 egg and gradually 2 cs. confectioner's sugar, stirring constantly; add enough coffee extract to flavor to taste and few drops of caramel coloring to give color of coffee with cream. Use as filling between layers of cake and for frosting and piping, when decorating cakes both large and small. Salt may be washed out of table butter, if sweet butter is not available. MOCHA FROSTING No. 2-Cream 34 c. unsalted butter (or wash the salt from table butter), and gradually beat in 1 cs. sifted confectioner's sugar, 1 tbsp. ea. of breakfast cocoa,  (not the powder) and strong black coffee, adding these drop by drop, until frosting is of the right consistency to spread or press through a pastry bag and tube or to force through a cake ornamenting syringe. CHOCOLATE BUTTER FROSTING AND FILLING-Follow recipe for Mocha Butter Frosting and filling; substituting 132 sqrs. unsweetened chocolate, melted, and 1 tsp. vanilla instead of coffee extract. CONFECTIONER'S CHOCOLATE FROSTING-Melt 2 sqrs. unsweetened chocolate in sauce pan over boiling water. Add 1 / tsps. butter and 3 tbsps. boiling water and stir in sifted confectioner's sugar slowly until of right consistency to spread. Add 12 tsp. vanilla and mix well. RICH MOCHA FROSTING-Cream l_ lb. unsalted butter; add gradually 212 cs. sifted confectioner's sugar and 3 14 tbsps. strained strong black coffee. The color of this frosting may be heightened by addition of a few drops of caramel coloring. BUTTER FROSTING WITH CARAMEL-Cream 1 c. sweet butter, add yolk 1 egg well beaten and slowly 2?, cs. confectioner's sugar while beating constantly; add caramel until of the desired flavor, tis will also improve the color. The color should be that of cafe-au-lait. Use this frosting for filling between layers and for ornamental purposes. ALLEGRETTE FROSTING FOR CAKE-To the unbeaten whites of 2 eggs add gradually sifted confectioner's sugar, stirring constantly until of the consistency to spread. Flavor with vanilla. Spread to the depth of yf in. over cake. When a thin glaze forms on top of frosting spread with a thin layer of melted chocolate. PLAZA CAKE FILLING-Whip 1 c. heavy cream until stiff and add % c. sugar gradually, soften !/ tsp. gran. gelatine in 1 tbsp. cold water, then dissolve in 1 tbsp. hot water, cool and fold into cream mixture. Arrange % doz. marshmallows on a pie pan, set in very moderate oven until plumped (not brown), mix at once with 9 candied cherries cut in shreds; 1 c. chopped blanched almonds, 4 dried and rolled macaroons and combine with whipped cream. Add 1 tsp. vanilla. Use as filling between layers White Cake. CREAM FROSTING-Sift confectioner's sugar, stir into 2 tbsps. rich cream until it is of the right consistency to spread; add 2 tsps. melted butter and continue stirring until well blended; add 12 tsp. vanilla, beat thoroughly and spread thickly over top and sides of small cakes. WHIPPED CREAM FILLING (for Moss Torte)-To % c. of heavy cream whipped until firm, add gradually 4 c. sifted confectioner's sugar. Then add the white 1 egg beaten until stiff and 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat thoroughly. Chill and use as directed. CREAM FROSTING-To 2 tbsps. thick cream add very gradually 2 cs. sifted confectioner's sugar, beating constantly until mixture is smooth, creamy and of right consistency to spread; add 1 tbsp. melted butter and % tsp. vanilla or the same flavoring as that used in cake mix- ture; if almond extract has been used in cake, then flavor frosting with pistachio extract. Spread over top and sides of cake and quickly sprinkle thickly with fresh grated cocoanut. This makes an exquisitely beautiful cake for the silver wedding, it should then be decorated with tiny silver dragees. MARASCHINO CREAM FROSTING-Sift 3Y cs. of confectioner's sugar into a bowl; gradually add ?! c. rich cream, 2 tbsps. melted butter and /%, c. of the syrup drained from a bottle of maraschino cherries; beat until smooth and creamy. Spread over top and sides of fruit cake. This frosting is a beautiful orchid color, and the flavor is particularly good with fruit cake. If Maraschino cordial is available, use 2 tbsps. ea. of cordial and maraschino syrup. The result is wonderful. COFFEE AND COCOA FROSTING-Cream 1 c. sweet butter, add 2 tbsps. of strong black coffee and 11% tbsps. of dry cocoa. Beat in confectioner's sugar until of the consistency to spread; then add triple cream beaten until stiff, beating in as much as the mixture will take up and still hold its shape when spread. Spread one layer of cake with apricot marmalade or some of the frosting; place the second layer above, and pile the frosting on top as high as possible. Decorate with tiny buttercups made of pulled candy, and strips of angelica. ORANGE FROSTING-Soak grated rind 1 orange in % c. orange juice and 2 tbsps. lemon juice or brandy 1 hr.; strain and add 2 egg yolks well beaten, and confectioner's sugar until mixture is of the consistency to spread. YELLOW FROSTING-Wash and dry 1 orange, then grate off the'thin yellow rind, add to 2 well beaten egg yolks, add the juice f orange, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and add sifted confec- tioner's sugar until of the right consistency to spread. CONFECTIONER'S CREAM FROSTING-To 2 tbsps. of cream add gradually sifted con- fectioner's sugar (about 1 c.) until of the right consistency to spread. Then add Y tbsp. of melted butter and L/ tsp. of vanilla, or orange extract. Beat until creamy. PINEAPPLE FROSTING-Cook 1 c. gran. sugar and 1 c. pineapple juice drained from canned grated or crushed pineapple, until it spins a thread; then add the pulp or % c. of pulp and juice used with sugar; pour in a fine stream on to the whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff and dry, gradually add J tsp. lemon juice and continue beating until of the consistency to spread. CHOCOLATE FROSTING WITH ALMONDS-Melt 2 sqrs. unsweetened chocolate, add 5 tbsps. butter in small bits, stir until butter is melted, then add gradually 1 c. of milk and con- tinue stirring; heat to the boiling point and add 2 cs. sugar and continue boiling to the soft ball stage (238° F.). Cool mixture slightly, add ' tsp. vanilla and beat until of the right consistency to pour, add 1. c. of blanched and fine shredded almonds. If carefully made this frosting remains soft and creamy. CONFECTIONER'S FROSTING (For Ornamental Purposes)-Put whites of 4 eggs into a mixing bowl, add 3 tbsps. confectioner's sugar and beat 5 nmins., using a wire whip, continue adding sugar slowly while beating constantly until 2 cs. of sugar have been used. Add 4 tsps. lemon juice slowly, as frosting thickens. Continue adding sugar by the spoonful until frosting is of the consistency to spreaid. Test the frosting by taking up some of mixture on tablespoon; with the back of a case knife make i deep cut through it, if mixture separates and remains parted, the frosting is stiff enough to use. Spread cake with thin coating; when this has become firm, spread again with thicker layer; having frosting a trifle thicker than that used for first coating. This may be creased with back of case knife for cutting. To remainder of frosting add sufficient sugar until frosting will keep its shape when passed through pastry bag and rose tube. With this bag and several fancy shaped tubes cakes may be orna- mented plainly or very elaborately. FILLINGS FOR CAKES MARSHMALLOW AND ALMOND FILLING-Blanch i. c. almonds, toast lightly in oven then chop. Cut 12 marshmallows in very small bits; mix with nut meats. Add enough plain boiled frosting to make 1 c., add juice i lemon, mix well and use as filling between layers of chocolate cakes. MARSHMALLOW FILLING-Mix % c. sugar and 4 tbsps. milk in sauce pan, bring to boiling point and cook 5 mins. without stirring. Cut V lb. marshmallows in small pieces, melt them in a double boiler, add 2 tbsps. hot orange juice or water and grated orange rind.  IL Cook until ingredients are blended. Pour on first mixture slowly while beating constantly. Continue beating until cool and of the consistency to spread. Use as filling in Orange Snow Balls. This mixture may be used as frosting. MARSHMALLOW FILLING-Brush the sugar from 1 lb. marshmallows. Place them in a double boiler, add 14 c. cold milk or water and cook over hot water until mallows are melted. Set aside until cool. Whip 1 c. triple cream until stiff, then fold into first mixture. Use as filling between layers of Angel Food Cake. CHOCOLATE NUT FILLING-Boil together 112 cs. soft brown sugar, % c. cream and Y c. butter until thick. Beat until cool, then add 2 sqrs. chocolate melted over boiling water and % c. chopped walnut or pecan nut meats. CREAM CHOCOLATE FILLING-Scald 2 cs. milk in double boiler, add 12 c. grated choco- late and 1 c. sugar. Dilute 2 tbsps. cornstarch with 2 tbsps. cold milk, add slowly to first mixture while stirring constantly; cook 10 mins. Remove from range, cool slightly, add 3 egg yolks slightly beaten, reheat, and add 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tsp. vanilla. CREAM, CHOCOLATE AND NUT FILLING-Boil together 1Y2 cs. light brown- sugar, IA c. butter and % c. of cream until thickened (about 12 mins. after boiling point is reached). Remove from fire and stir until cool. Add 2 sqrs. chocolate, melted and 1,1/ tsps. vanilla and 3 c. nut meats cut fine, continue stirring until well blended. Spread between layers of cake and cover top and sides with a thick layer of the mixture. This frosting is especially good in cold weather. CHOCOLATE FILLING FOR SPONGE CAKES-Melt 2 sqrs. unsweetened chocolate over hot water; add 1 cs. sugar, 2 tbsps. butter and 3A c. rich milk. Cook all together without stirring until mixture is of the consistency of fudge before stirring. Remove from range and when cool add 1 tsp. vanilla. Spread between layers of sponge cake. SOFT CHOCOLATE FILLING-Boil together 1 % cs. sugar, % c. cream and iA c. butter until thick; stir until cool, then add 2 sqrs. chocolate, beat thoroughly and add 1 tsp. vanilla. Use as filling between 2 or 3 layers of gold cake. ORANGE FILLING-Stir Y2 tbsp. of corn starch to a smooth paste in 1 tbsp. cold water; add 1 tbsp. cold water to 'A c. of sugar, add the juice and grated yellow rind of 2 oranges and corn starch paste; mix well and cook in a double boiler stirring constantly five minutes; con- tinue cooking 10 mins. stir occasionally. Then add 1 slightly beaten egg and cook 2 minutes stirring meanwhile. Remove from range and cool before using. ORANGE FILLING No. 2-Sift together % c. sugar and 212 tbsps. flour; add grated rind YA orange, 4 tbsps. orange juice, f tbsp. lemon juice, 1 egg slightly beaten, and 1YI tsps. butter. Cook in double boiler 10 mins. stirring constantly until smooth and thickened. Cool and use as directed. ORANGE FILLING-Cream 1 tbsp. of butter, gradually add 3 tbsps. of powdered sugar, stirring constantly. Sift together 2 tbsps. flour, i3 c. of sugar, stir in 1 egg yolk slightly beaten. Add 4 c. of orange juice and the grated rind of % an orange; continue stirring while adding to the first mixture and cook over hot water until mixture thickens. Use as filling for Orange Bars. LEMON OR ORANGE AND COCOANUT FILLING-Mix the juice and grated rind of 1 lemon or an orange with 1 c. confectioner's sugar, and yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten. Cook in double boiler 10 mins. stirring constantly. Add 1 c. freshly grated cocoanut. Cool and spread between layers of standard layer cake. Cover cake with boiled frosting and sprinkle thickly with fresh grated cocoanut. LEMON FILLING-Beat the yolks of 3 eggs until thick and light, add 1 c. of sugar, % c. butter and the grated rind and juice of 2 lemons. Cook in double boiler, stirring constantly until mixture is thick and smooth. This is sufficient filling for 3 large layers of cake. LEMON COCOANUT CREAM-Mix the juice and grated rind of 1 large lemon, with 1%cs. powdered sugar and add yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten. Cook in double boiler 10 mins. stirring constantly; add 1 c. grated cocoanut, mix well and when cool, spread between layers of Stand- ard White Cake. Canned or desicated cocoanut may be used. CREAM FILLING-Mix 4 tbsps. cornstarch, 1 c. sugar and 2 eggs slightly beaten, add 1V2 cs. milk gradually, stirring until ingredients are well blended. Cook in double boiler 20 mins. stirring constantly the first 10 mins., afterward occasionally, add 1 tbsp. butter and f. g. salt, continue stirring until mixture is smooth and glossy. Remove from range, when cool, add 112 tbsps. orange juice. CREAM FILLING No. 3-Sift together 2N c. sugar, 5 % tbsps. flour and % tsp. salt; then pour on slowly 1 ?A cs. scalded milk, stirring until smooth. Cook over hot water 15 mins., con- tinue stirring until mixture thickens, afterwards, occasionally. Add 2 egg yolks slightly beaten, and continue cooking 2 mins. When cold fold in 3A c. heavy cream beaten until stiff, and 2 tsp. vanilla. CREAM FILLING No. 4-Melt % of a square of unsweetened chocolate, add 14 c. of sugar, 2 tbsps. of boiling water and cook over a slow fire until smooth, stirring constantly; cool and add Y, c. of heavy cream beaten until stiff, add 3A tsp. vanilla. Use as filling between Choco- late Cream Cake. WHIPPED CREAM FILLING--Whip 1 c. triple cream until firm, add gradually f c. sugar, and 12 tsp. gran. gelatine, softened 2 mins. in 1 tbsp. cold water and dissolved in 1 tbsp. boiling water. Add 8 marshmallows, 10 candied cherries cut in small pieces, 4 macaroons dried and crushed fine and 1A tsp. vanilla. Stir until ingredients are blended thoroughly. CREAM FILLING (For Cream Puffs, Pie, etc.)-Scald 2 es. milk in a double boiler; sift together ?~ cs. sugar, 3A c. flour and I/ tsp. salt; add 2 whole eggs or 4 egg yolks slightly beaten, then pour on slowly the scalded milk stirring constantly. Cook in double boiler 15 mins., continue stirring until mixture thickens, afterwards occasionally. Remove from fire, and when cool, add 1 tsp. vanilla or any flavor desired. Use as filling in Cream Puffs, Cream Pie, etc. CHOCOLATE CREAM FILLING-Melt 112 sqrs. of unsweetened chocolate over boiling water and add to Cream Filling. For Cream Puffs. COFFEE CREAM FILLING-To Cream Filling, add 1 Y2 tbsps, of coffee essence. Use Mocha Frosting with this filling. For Cream Puffs. FLUFFY CREAM FILLING-Mix I c. sugar, % c. flour and f. g. salt, then pour on slowly 134 cs. scalded milk, while stirring constantly. Cook in double boiler 20 mins. Continue stirring until mixture begins to thicken, then stir occasionally. Add 2 egg yolks slightly beaten and cook 2 mins. Chill and add A tsp. vanilla. Whip A c. heavy cream until stiff and fold into first mixture. Use as filling. LONDON CREAM-Sift together Y c. flour, IA c. sugar and !, tsp. salt; pour on slowly 13§ cs. scalded milk and VA c. clear black coffee, stirring constantly until well blended. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens. centinue cooking 15 mins_ stirring occasionally; then stir in 4 egg yolks well beaten. with ?¢ c. sugar, continue cooking until eggs are cooked (2 or 3 mins.), cool and add s2 tsp. vanilla. COCOANUT CREAM FILLING FOR LAYER CAKES-To 2 slightly beaten eggs add 3 c. sugar, Ys tsp. salt and , c. flour, beating constantly until smooth, pour on gradually  2 cs. scalded milk, continue beating. Cook in double boiler 20 mins., stirring constantly first 10 mins. until cream thickens and is perfectly smooth. Afterwards occasionally. Add 1 tsp. vanilla, orange or lemon extract. Cool slightly. Spread between layers and sprinkle thickly with freshly grated cocoanut. Latter may be omitted and chopped nuts used, or cream used plain. COCOANUT FILLING-Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add Y c. cornstarch, stir until well blended, then pour on slowly 1 c. milk (the milk from the cocoanut may be used), stirring constantly until the boiling point is reached; let boil 2 mins. and continue stirring; add 1 c. grated cocoanut, 4 tsp. salt, 3 'bsps. lemon juice and 1 tsp. lemon extract. Stir until well blended, remove from fire, and use as filling between layers of gold cake. MAPLE FILLING-Cook together 214 cs. maple sugar, 4 c. butter and % c. milk or cream until it spins a thread. Remove from fire and beat until of the right consistency to spread. Add 1 tsp. vanilla, mix well and use as filling between white layer cake. FUDGE FILLING-Mix 2 Cs. sugar, 1 3 es. rich milk, 4 sqrs. grated chocolate, 4 tbsps. butter, 1 tsp. vanilla and let stand on back of range until it becomes liquid. Then boil to soft ball stage (2380 F.). Beat until creamy. Use as filling between cakes. PRAULINE FILLING-Sift together % c. sugar, 2% tbsps. flour and f. g. salt: add 1 egg slightly beaten, then pour on slowly, stirring constantly 1 c. scalded milk. Cook 15 nuns. in double boiler, continue stirring until thickened, afterwards stir occasionally. Cool, add % tsp. vanilla, % c. prauline powder and beat thoroughly. To make praulin2 powder, put /Z c. sugar in an omelet pan and stir constantly until melted and slightly carmelized; then stir in % c. chopped pecan nut meats and f. g. salt. Pour into a slightly greased pan; when cold, pound to a powder and use as directed. FIG FILLING-Add % c. water and I c. sugar to 1 lb. washed figs, chopped fine. Let cook slowly to a smooth paste. Set aside to cool. Beat whites 2 eggs until stiff, add % c. powdered sugar gradually, continue beating. Combine mixtures and add orange extract or Sherry to flavor. Grated orange peel may be used in place of the extract. FIG AND NUT FILLING-Chop very fine ?2 lb. washed figs, cook with 2 tbsps. sugar, the juice % lemon and 2 c. water until a smooth paste is formed. Remove from fire and add Y c. pecan nut meats chopped fine. DATE FILLING-Pour boiling water over 1 lb. dates, stir with a silver fork until separated, wash well; drain, remoye stones, cut in pieces and pour over j c. hot water, add % c. sugar and cook slowly until dates are tender, stirring almost constantly. Add more water if neces- sary. When mixture is smooth and thick, cool slightly, cut and fold in whites of 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Use as filling between layers, or cover cake (baked in shallow pan) with this mix- ture, then spread with boiled frosting. DATE FILLING No. 2-Clean, stone and cut dates in small pieces. There should be 2 cs. Add ' c. whipped cream, 2 tbsps. lemon juice and % c. confectioner's sugar. Spread between layers of cake. DATE AND ALMOND FILLING-Add ? a c. thin cream to 1 c. sugar, stir until well blended. Cook without stirring until it spins a thread. Pour in fine stream onto stiffly beaten whites 2 eggs; add 1 c. chopped dates, i c. chopped almonds and % tsp. lemon extract. Beat until cool and use for filling between layers of cake. FRUIT AND NUT FILLING-Chop fine 2 lb. washed figs, 1 c. seeded raisins, V2 c. candied pineapple, L, c. candied cherries and bt c. nut meats. Add 1 c. boiling water and % c. of sugar; stir constantly and cook until smooth. Remove from fire, cool, and use as filling be- tween layers of gold cake. FRUIT AND NUT FILLING No. 2-Chop fine 2 lb. washed figs and 1 c. seeded raisins; add ?a c. boiling water and % c. sugar. Cook over a slow fire until well blended and smooth. Remove from fire, cool slightly, add i c. nut meats cut fine. Spread between chocolate or white layer cakes. NUT AND FRUIT FILLING No. 3-To Marshmallow Frosting, add chopped walnuts, blanched almonds, blanched brazilian, hickory, or pecan nut meats, in combination or separately with raisins, figs, dates, or any of the candied fruits, using 1 c. separate or in combination. Mix well, and spread between layers of cake made after the Golden Fig, Cocoanut Cake or Standard Layer Cake recipes. WHIPPED CREAM AND FRUIT FILLING-Whip % c. heavy cream until stiff; add 6 tbsps. powdered sugar gradually; continue beating. Add f. g. salt and % c. chopped nut meats, 1 c. chopped figs, % c. chopped candied pineapple, well mixed; add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. Mix thoroughly and use as filling. When this filling is used, cake should be served the day it is made. Prunes or dates may be used in place of candied fruits. LADY BALTIMORE CAKE FILLING-Boil 3 cs. sugar with f c. of boiling water boiling until it spins a thread or to 2800 F., on sugar thermometer. Pour syrup in a fine stream on the whites 4 eggs beaten stiff, beating constantly. Add 12 tsp. tartaric acid and continue beating. Then add 2 cs. coarsely chopped English walnut meats and 2 cs. raisins seeded and cut in pieces. It is said in the original recipe that the nut meats and the raisins were soaked in fine old Sherry wine before adding to the mixture. Use as filling and frosting. NUT AND RAISIN FILLING--Chop 1 c. seeded raisins fine; add 1 c. chopped hickory or walnut meats. (Use black walnuts for a change). Beat 1 egg white until stiff; add M c con- fectioner's sugar, 2 tbsps. lemon juice, nut meats and raisins. Mix thoroughly. Use as directed. PINEAPPLE FILLING--Mix L c. flour, 2 c. sugar and % tsp. salt. Add 2 egg yolks slightly beaten, 1 c. pineapple juice and 1 ?2 cs. milk. Cook 20 mins. in double boiler, stirring constantly until thickened, then occasionally. Cool, add canned pineapple, which has been cut in small pieces using 1% Cs. PINEAPPLE FILLING No. 2-Mix 1 c. grated pineapple well drained, 2 tbsps. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. grated orange peel and enough sifted confectioner's sugar to make of the right con- sistency to spread. Use as filling. APPLE FILLING-Beat 1 egg slightly; add 1 c. sugar gradually, 3 apples pared and grated, juice and rind of 1 lemon and f. g. salt, cook in double boiler, stirring constantly until mixture thickens to consistency to spread. Remove from range, cool and use as filling. BERRY FILLING-Whip 1 c. heavy cream until stiff, add r c. powdered sugar, white 1 egg beaten stiff and dry, and i2 c. sifted strawberry or raspberry pulp. Flavor with M tsp. orange or lemon extract. The same quantity of apricot, peach or banana pulp may be used by way of variations. Chill and spread between layers of cake. PEACH FILLING-Add 1 c. powdered sugar to 1 c. whipped cream, beating constantly; then fold in 1 c. peach or apricot pulp, add 2 tbsps. lemon juice and f. g. salt. Spread between layers of almond layer cake if peach pulp is used. If apricot pulp, spread between orange layer cake.  INDEX TO CAKE AND COOKIE RECIPES Afternoon Tea Dainties ........... July 23rd Afternoon Tea Fancies ...........S. ept. 30th Almond and Citron Wafers ........ July 25th Almond Cake (Chocolate) ......... Feb. 1st Almond Cookies ..................June 7th Almond Cookies ................. Dec. 28th Almond Cookies (German)........ Mar. 19th Almond Crescents ................ Dec. 12th Almond Paste Cookies ............ Sept. 20th Almond Wafers (Rolled) ........... Dec. 27th Angel Cake with Potato Flour. .. ..May 30th Angel Food......................Apr. 19th Angel Food (Black Walnut) ........Oct. 16th Angel Food (Cocoa) .............. Sept. 6th Angel Food "Just for Two" ........Oct. 15th Angel Food (The Original) ......... May 15th Angel Cake (Mock) ............... Mar. 18th Anise Seed Wafers................Oct. 29th Apple Cake (Ginger)..............Oct. 7th Apple Sauce Cake ................ Oct. 30th April Fool's Cake ................. Apr. 1st August Birthday Cake ............ Aug. 1st Birthday Cake ...................Sept. 1st Blackberry Cake .................July 31st Black Walnut Bars................ Jan. 17th Black Walnut Cake ...............Oct. 9th Black Walnut Hermits............ Mar. 25th Black Walnut Rocks................ Oct. 25th Boston Favorite Cake ............. Jan. 11th Bran Cookies ....................Jan. 30th Bride's Cake .....................June 2nd Brownie Food .................... Mar. 12th Brown Sugar Cookies ............. Mar. 3rd Burnt Sugar Cake ................ Oct. 9th Butter W afers.................... Dec. 23rd Children's Party Cakes............ Jan. 26th China-Town Tea Cakes ........... June 16th Chocolate Cake (Dorchester)....... June 9th Chocolate Cake (Easy to Make). . . . Apr. 3rd Chocolate Cake (Gold)............ Aug. 15th Chocolate Cake (Hickory Nut).....Oct. 10th Chocolate Cake (Inexpensive) ...... June 15th Chocolate Cakes for Receptions. . . May 3rd Chocolate Cookies ................ Sept. 15th Chocolate Cream Cake............ Jan. 6th Chocolate Crumb Cookies......... Dec. 16th Chocolate Hermits. . .............. Feb. 15th Chocolate Marshmallow Cake...... July 2nd Chocolate Nougat Cake ........... Feb. 5th Chocolate Nut Bars ...............May 7th Chocolate & Nut Doughnuts ....... Mar. 15th Chocolate Nut and Raisin Cookies.. Aug. 27th Chocolate Swedish Meringue Cake.. July 11th Chocolate Walnut Cookies......... April 21st Choux Paste ..................... Feb. 20th Christmas Cookies ................ Dec. 17th Christmas Plum Cake ............. Dec. 4th Christmas Pretzels................ Dec. 11th Christmas Wreaths ............... Dec. 22nd Cinnamon Drop Cakes ............ Sept. 23rd Cinnamon Horseshoes ............. Dec. 24th Cinnamon Stars ..................Dec. 10th Cinnamon Stars No. 2............ Dec. 26th Citron Cake .....................M ar. 28th Citron Cake.....................Nov. 7th Close Grained Gold Cake .......... Aug. 2nd Close Grained Sponge Cake ........ Aug. 28th Club Cookies ....................June 19th Cocoa Fruit Cup Cakes .......... Sept. 24th Cocoa Sponge Cake...............Jan. 22nd Cocoa Sponge Layer Cake ........ Sept. 27th Cocoanut Cake ...................Feb. 3rd Cocoanut Cake (Golden) .......... June 6th Cocoanut Cream Cake (Lemon) .... July 15th Cocoanut Chocolate Cake......... June 25th Cocoanut Cream Puffs ............ Mar. 31st Cocoanut Kisses ..................Aug. 16th Cold Water Cake ................,Feb. 17th Cream Cake (Back Bay) ..........June 4th Cream Cake (London) ............ Sept. 16th Cream Cakes (Puffs) .............Feb. 21st Cream Seed Cakes................Nov. 4th Creole Cake.....................Oct. 26th Crumb Cake .....................May 14th Crumb Hermits ..................July 20th Cup Cakes (Little Nut) ...........Aug. 22nd Daffodil Cake....................Oct. 17th Date Cake.......................Jan. 5th Date Cake.......................M ar. 29th Date Cake (Economical) ........... Jan. 31st Date Cake (Inexpensive).......... Aug. 25th Date Hermits....................Apr. 17th Date Hermits ....................Nov. 17th Date Loaf Cake ..............:...June 8th Date Spice Cake. ............. Mar. 4th Date and Nut Bars ..............Nov. 2nd Date and Walnut Loaf Cake ....... Oct. 8th Delicate Cake with Fudge Frosting. Oct. 19th Devil's Cake 3 ................... May 16th Devil's Food.....................Jan. 12th Devil's Food No. 100 ............. Jan. 28th Devil's Food with Nut Meats ...... July 21st Devil's Food with Spice .......... Sept. 5th Doughnuts with Fruit.............Aug. 20th Doughnuts (Spiced) ............... Aug. 10th Dried Apple Cake ................ Feb. 13th Drop Cakes......................Apr. 5th Eclairs (Chocolate) ............... Feb. 23rd Eclairs with Raspberry Filling..... July 16th Eggless Cake ..................... Nov. 22nd Emergency Cake .................Sept. 14th Farmer's Wife Cake ..............Apr. 28th Feather Cake .....................June 11th Fig Bars.........................Dec. 15th Fig Cake. .... ..............Jan. 18th Fig Cake (Delicious)............. May 17th Fig Cake (Golden).... ........... Sept. 22nd Fig and Nut Cake ................April 6th Filbert Drop Cakes............... Dec. 3rd Five O'Clock Cream Cakes ........ April 11th Flag Day Cake ...................June 14th Foundation Cake .................June 29th Fruit Cake (Ginger with Chocolate Icing)......... ...............Sept. 17th Fruit Cake (Little) ............... May 5th Fruit Cake (Rich) ................ Nov. 12th Fruit Cake (White) ..............Jan. 1st Garden Tea Cakes................May 4th General Grant's Favorite Cake ..... April 20th Gentlemen's Favorite Cake ........ Sept. 3rd Gingerbread .....................Feb. 11th Gingerbread (Cream) ............July 13th Gingerbread (Fairy) ..............Oct. 20th Gingerbread (Harvard)........... Sept. 8th Gingerbread (Helene's) ............ Aug. 26th Gingerbread (Hot Water).......... April 12th Gingerbread (Molasses)........... June 12th Gingerbread (Rich).......... ....July 10th Gingerbread (Rochester) .......... Mar. 10th Gingerbread (Sponge) .............Feb. 19th Gingerbread (Sugar) .............. May 26th Gingerbread with Lemon Peel ...... May 6th Gingerbread (Manhattan) .........Aug. 9th Gingerbread with Marshmallows.... Jan. 7th Ginger Cakes (Rich) .............. Nov. 6th Ginger Cakes (Soft) ...............Jan. 25th Ginger Cocoanut Cake ............ June 21st Ginger Cookies (Drop) ............ July 30th Ginger Cup Cakes ................ Aug. 5th Ginger Nut Cookies...............Oct. 22nd Ginger Snaps.................... Mar. 23rd Golden Ginger Drops .............Feb. 6th Goldenrod Cake .................Sept. 10th Gold Cakes (Small) ...............July 22nd Good Everyday Cake ............. Aug. 11th Graham Cracker Cake ............ Mar. 6th Graham Peanut Cookies........... July 6th Hallowe'en Cake ................ Oct. Hickory Nut Kisses ............... Dec. Hickory Nut Loaf Cake........... Jan. Honey Drop Cakes...............Oct. Honeymoon Cake................Oct. 31st 31st 10th 11th 21st Ice Box Cake (Almond) ........... Dec. 1st Ice Box Cake (Chocolate)......... Jan. 2nd Ice Box Cake No. 2 ...............Oct. 14th Jam Cake .......................Feb. 18th Jelly Cake .......................Aug. 7th Jelly Roll ........................Feb. 8th Jelly Roll (Cream) ................ Oct. 23rd Jelly Turn-Overs ................. M ar. 7th July Birthday Cake...............July 1st Jumbles (Dainty Orange).......... Dec. 8th June Birthday Cake ..............June 1st June Cake.......................June 27th Lady Baltimore Cake.............Nov. 25th Lady Fingers....................June 29th Layer Cake (Caramel)............ April 25th Layer Cake (Dainty Orange)....... Aug. 19th Layer Cake (Delicious) ............ April 16th Layer Cake (Ma ple Sugar) ........May 28th Lemon Apple-Filled Cake..........Oct. 27th Lemon Cake No. 2...............Aug. 8th Lemon Queens ...................April 15th Lemon Jumbles .................. Nov. 28th Lincoln and Douglas Cake ......... Nov. 9th Little Africans ...................Dec. 30th Loaf Cake (Black)............... Nov. 10th Loaf Cake (Chocolate) ............ Apr. 24th Loaf Cake (Chocolate Cream) ...... July 7th Loaf Cake (Delicate).............. Mar. 13th Loaf Cake (Fig) .................. Nov. 30th Loaf Cake (Queen) .............. July 24th Log Cake........................Feb. 12th Lover's Knots ....................June 20th L INDEX TO CAKE AND COOKIE RECIPES (Cont.) Macaroons (Butter)...............June 22nd Macaroon Delights ............... Nov. 21st Macaroons (Fig and Nut) ......... Apr. 14th Mahogany Layer Cake............ Jan. 8th Maple Sugar Rocks....... .......Nov. 29th Maple Syrup Cake ................Apr. 13th Maple Syrup Cookies ............. Sept. 18th Marshmallow Fig Cubes ........... May 22nd Marble Cake............. ......Mar. 10th Marble Cake (Old Fashioned) ...... Dec. 19th Marble Chocolate Cake ........... June 3rd Meringues Glaces ................Dec. 25th Merrigold Cake .................. Nov. 3rd Milady's Jumbles ................. July 12th Mocha Cake ....................June 23rd M ocha Cakes ....................July 8th Mocha Chantilly Cake ............ Aug. 29th Mocha Filled Sponge Cake ......... July 27th Mock Macaroons.................Oct. 28th Molasses Hermits..................June 10th Moss Torte ..................... .Nov. 13th Naples Biscuit .................. Dec. New England Election Cake ....... Apr. New Year's Teas .................Jan. November Birthday Cake ......... Nov. Nut Ginger Cookies............... Nov. Nutmeg Cookies ..................Aug. N ut Patties...................... M ay Nut Cake (Hickory) ..............Oct. Nut Tea Cakes...................May Oatmeal Cookies ............ .... June Oatmeal Date-Filled Cookies ....... July Oatmeal Drop Cookies ............ Feb. Oatmeal Filled Cookies............ Dec. Oatmeal Fruit Cookies ............ May Oatmeal and Nut Date Cakes ...... Feb. Old Fashion Seed Cakes .......... Oct. One-Two-Three-Four Cake ........ May Orange Bars ..................... Apr. Orange Cake......................Jan. Orange Cocoanut Jumbles ......... Apr. Orange Cocoanut Jumbles ......... Jan. Orange and Cocoanut Cake ........ Aug. Orange Crullers .................. M ay Orange Drop Cakes ..............June Orange Drop Cookies ............. May Orange Layer Cake (Delicate) ...... May Orange Sponge Cake ..............Jan. 13th 23rd 3rd 1st 18th 12th 27th 1st 21st 28th 3rd 28th 29th 10th 10th 6th 19th 30th 4th 22nd 9th 21st 25th 24th 18th 20th 24th Rich Lemon Layer Cake .......... June 17th Rocks with Fruit .................June 13th Rolled Date Cookies. ..............Sept. 25th Rolled Oats Drop Cakes........... Aug. 30th Rolled Potato Flour Sponge Cake... Sept. 7th Russian Tea Cakes ............... Apr. 7th St. Patrick's Cake ................ Mar. 17th St. Valentine's Cake .............. Feb. 14th Sand Jumbles ....................July 29th Schaum Torte....................Aug. 6th "S" Cookies ..................... Dec. 7th Scotch W afers.................... Dec. 9th Signora Cake ....................Jan. 27th Silverrod Cake .................. Sept. 11th Small Nut Cake..................Nov. 16th Snow Balls .......................July 19th Snow Cake ......................M ar. 24th Soft Jumbles.....................Aug. 3rd Sour Cream Cake .................Feb. 25th Sour Cream Cake (Drop)......... Aug. 18th Sour Cream Cake with Divinity Frosting.......................July 28th Sour Cream Chocolate Cake ....... Feb. 2nd Sour Cream Chocolate Layer Cake.. May 9th Sour Cream Fruit Cake ........... Oct. 18th Sour Cream Spice Cake ........... Apr. 10th Spice Cakes ......................June 5th Spice Cake (Gold) ................ Sept. 28th Spice Cake (Golden) .............. Jan. 20th Spiced Cocoanut Cake ............ Mar. 8th Spiced Devil's Food. .............. Oct. 24th Spiced Fig Cake ..................Nov. 27th Spiced Nut Wafers ............... May 13th Spiced Potato Layer Cake......... Feb. 9th Spice Cup Cakes. ................Feb. 4th Spice Cup Cakes with Raisins......Mar. 20th Spice Layer Cake................. July 5th Spice Loaf (Old Fashioned) ........ Apr. 18th Sponge Cake (Almond) ............ Nov. 24th Sponge Cake (Emergency) .........Feb. 26th Sponge Cake (Honey).............Sept. 19th Sponge Cake (Hot Water) ......... Apr. 2nd Sponge Cake (Lemon) ............. July 9th Sponge Cake (Lightning) .......... Jan. 13th Sponge Drop Cakes (Jelly) ........ Sept. 29th Springerle ....................... Dec. 6th Springtime Cake ................. May 31st Standard Butter Cake ............ Sept. 12th Standard White Layer Cake ....... Mar. 26th Strawberry Cream Puffs ........... May 12th Summer Fruit Cake............... June 30th Sunshine Cake ................... Aug. 13th Sunshine Cake (Cooked) ..........May 1st Sunshine Cake (Near).............July 26th Sunshine Cake No. 1.............. April 4th Sunshine Cake No. 2.............. Mar. 11th Superior Ginger Snaps ............ Sept. 4th Swedish Cookies ..................Mar. 9th Sweet Cream Cake ............... Seot. 26th Sweet Pretzels ...................M ar. 14th Thanksgiving Cake ............... Nov. 26th Torte (Potato Choc.) ............. Nov. 20th Twin Chocolate Cakes ............ Sept. 9th Two Egg Cake ...................Aug. 17th Utility Cake.....................M ay 23rd Vanilla Wafers ................... April 27th Velvet Cake .....................Apr. 26th Velvet Loaf Cake .................Oct. 2nd Venetian Cakes ..................Aug. 4th Viennese Anise Cakes ............. Aug. 24th Waldorf Triangles ................ Sept. 2nd Walnut Cocoa Cake .............. Sept. 13th Walnut Coffee Cake ...............Jan. 16th Walnut Mocha Cake .............. Mar. 21st Washington Birthday Cake........ Feb. 22nd Washington Cream Cake.......... Jan. 29th White Ginger Biscuit ............. Mar. 2nd White Hickory Nut Cake .......... May 2nd White Cake (Inexpensive) .........Feb. 7th White Layer Cake ................ Jan. 14th White Loaf Cake .................Aug. 23rd White Sponge Cake ...............May 11th White Walnut Cake ..............Oct. 13th Winchester Cakes ................Oct. 4th W inter Cookies................... Dec. 2nd Wonder Balls ....................Jan. 15th Yellow Cake.....................June 18th Patriotic Cake .................. July 4th Peach Layer Cake................Aug. 31st Peanut Bars ..................... Apr. 29th Peanut Bars .....................Aug. 14th Peanut Butter Cookies ............ Jan. 19th Peanut Cookies .................. Mar. 30th Peanut Drop Cookies ............. Nov. 11th Peanut W afers ...................July 18th Peanut W afers ...................Dec. 14th Pecan Cakelets ................... Mar. 22nd Pecar Cookies ................... Feb. 24th Pecan Marguerites ................ Dec. 21st Peffer N usse ..................... Dec. 5th Petite Gold Cakes ................ Oct. 3rd Petits Fours ..................... Nov. 19th Philadelphia Crullers..............Nov. 23rd Pineapple Layer Cake.............May 8th Pistachio Layer Cake ............. Mar. 1st Pop-Corn Drop Cakes.......... ..May 24th Porch and Lawn Party Cakes ...... June 26th Pork Cake.......................Jan. 21st Potato Cake (Caramel) ............ Jan. 23rd Potato Chocolate Cake ............ Mar. 5th Pound Cake (Ginger) ............. Nov. 14th Pound Cake (Lincoln's) ...........Feb. 27th Pound Cake (Old Fashioned) ...... Nov. 5th Prairie Nuggets .................. Nov. 15th Profaten Kuchen .................Dec. 20th Princess Pat's Favorite Cake....... July 14th Prune and Almond Cake .......... Mar. 27th Prune Cake ......................Apr. 9th Puritan Cake .................... Oct. 12th Quick Brown Sugar Date Cake ... July 17th Raised Doughnuts with Jelly ....... Sept. 21st Raised Fried Cakes............... Nov. 8th Raisin Cup Cakes. . ............ ..May 29th Raisin and Nut Fancies........... Dec. 18th Reception Cake..................Apr. 8th Reception Cake..................Oct. 16th Ribbon Cake.....................Feb. 16th II 1 I i A M 5T I4 (: ys~) Th --- - - .---- - - ' 3 *A, .5'' .. .- xj A S5 S EA <~555 Y- -v tzr < $~ t '?-- " 4 -4'A " xW4 tt bpV 'ttrae;'; x5 tr - A n + ' m « A# '{!y }~ y iJ '$'? 4 b---' t< iFM% s-'5--- -~f\ .fx[ .2iJ > ' 'Y 5 thFJ 4yY "L ' > 4ISV ax .S -44' Y -in-i a >< Lvh v4't _y ' .,, W h ..5 "Sp r T '+ (P"''" "'r~ x($r e-'4t t'rv N r,.x i - + N2 L ~~ t"- '{ S[ti !x . 1 YI F9" " .°"+ 9 L o s5"Y. E r 3 a X; . +; e r 'a-z F 2 I ,- .Ftki s #P S :+ Wj?.R '." "Lt" 3 [ s f"- }