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(±(√¶ſae·3.:ſae. ,S.·|- -*--( .5. (ae. , , , ) ---, ſae!|- |-W wººn, pºſ:(№i:|(~&ş,\ſ*(((( № ---- .„ ” (…) - №|- |-• • • ,|-|-|- |- , ,N , ,ſae · · -…: ſº, |-|-|----ſae "…….……|- (±|-!!!!-- ---- ---- ---- º º- § - sº -- . º-:i i- - º--ºº- * -º:: ººº- R-- s - !. º - § º-º- º i - º T : º % º WILLIAM LCLEMENTS LIBRARY OF ANAERICAN IIISTORY UNIVERSITY:/\\ICHIGAN : § º: º W ; - - ºr ----- º - --- - -i. - - - - *** --~ * * * -º- --- * º - - - - - - º - - - - º - - -- --- * - - - - - E.----- - - - - - - º:Nº : - E. ; -- - - - º ---> - - - ** § --- | --- … ººº-ºº: - E- º § 3: S. * º Sº º º º -ºº ºº- -- § º SHAKER MUSIC. ORIGINAL |NSPIRATIONAL HYMNS AND SONGS |LLUSTRATIVE OF THE Resurrection Isife apd *I'estimony OF THE SHAKERS. “A ND THE COMMON PEOPLE HEAR 7'HEM GZADA. Y.” NEW YORK : PUBLISHED For THE North FAMILY, MT. LEBANON, N.Y., WILLIAM A. POND & CO, 25 UNION SQUARE Copyright 1884, by DANIEL OFFORD. TIREEA CE. The gift of songs, has been earnestly sought, and liberally obtained by the People, whose name these Hymns and songs bear. They are, without exception, the product of Brethren and Sisters of the Order, who, having had but little scientific, musical education, have, in their arrangement — poetical and musical — chiefly relied upon the teachings of the Spirit. Conscious of their scientific imperfections, they go to the public for what they are — the simple offering, of a simple people. We claim that the words and music, are not all of Earth, nor all of Heaven : simply inspirational gifts, appropriate to, and illustrative of. the life and testimony of Believers in Christ's First and Second Appear- ing, which find continual use in their sacred worship ; wherein are seen Virgins rejoicing in the dance, both men and women together. With this apology to Science and Art, we rest them upon their own merits, with those who love sincerity and beauty, for their own sake. As a general rule, we have purposely omitted musical terms and dynamics, because, marks that are appropriate to one verse of a hymn. might not be suited to another. So, each one must be his or her own judge of the sentiment, and sing it accordingly. In the contents we have marked all the songs that are sung for marches, M. and and slow marches S. M. MT. IAEBANON, COL. Co., N. Y. 3. mępirational es; EIYMNS AND SONGS. GOID 2S UNIVERSAL PERAISE. v=v-y MT. LEBANON, N. Y. 2. Let the star - ry heavens re-joice; Let earth her 2-1 —N ſº-º-º- * * = \ U-º-º- 3. vºy —{ —NH---- == —I- C–E– #3=== } } —eº- aſ—"-2-— 3–NHSTRENTHENHFF —43––—-–A–H–a–H4–a–a–H–iº Ežº-º-º-Hº-º-º-Fº-FF =#H#H#H#P = 1. Sing unto the Lord a new song— Chant ye His praises sweet, tribute bring; ======F2– ==== —a Let earth the joy - ful strain pro - long, With har - mo - ny re- plete. The sea shall lift its mighty voice, And all the isles shall sing. -º-, -e-, -e. —ſº- ſº- fº-º- A - gain attune the heart-felt song, And bless His ho - ly name. Sal - Green fields in gladness shall abound, And yield a ſ & º p 3. rich increase, While va - tion dóth to Him belong, Let *—H–H–?— ºr Hº- TET*TITT | ar, -º-, -O- -º- -º- -º- º, - \m £):# =3– —*— #=#EEEEE::=# ---, EEEEEE *:lïH2=#EEEEEEHFHE ºp-E V T T T ſ | arº, | rit. TET RE-HEFFEERH EFFT ENE-NEEEgE-3- ########|| s-s-s |----------2– W. W. ev - 'ry voice proclaim. º— 3 for - ests shall with joy resound— The an - thems of sweet peace. ar, -º-, -º- N N —ſº- -º- ºr 2 :H-is-in-Lº-Lº-f-Hºº-ºº: ( , mºs 4 IFAITH I*S VISION. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. I}olce. Pºž; –H–---A——A——AH–——N--N -N-N-N-- Hºs--4-ºf-tº-–A–—iº–H ——————H– -—-i-Hzº-s-–2--——--—— * > *==HaiHa ==a+a++==#EEEEEE & #Tº gºt 3: 3–3–3+3 ===s+:====E 1. To the spir - it land we're hastening, Golden moments flit be - 2. Oft its pearl - y gates are opened, Floods of glo - ry thro’ them 3. Yet we ask their min - is - tra - tion While we tar - ry here be - 9:#; Hº-3– *—Lº-º-º-º-º-Lº- e– 9*######:===::=====: fore, While each sunset brings us near - er To its seeming dis-tant come; And we catch a glimpse of beau - ty— Just a foresight of our low, And that ev - er round our path-way Light increas - ing still may +H-it-2–a–ſº-Hºº-º--º-º-º-T-º-º-º-º-r-º--—a-—z-s—— Bää H tº Eº-º-º-Est == … *_^_^-_-_^-_- === l— : := == –TT–2–z T-2–2–2–E–F -º-º-Ee- ------, W | y : T-I-9–5 —l- ### —— ===PH: --N-INT E3: 3+: =3|E2E s– 3E3EE ====E=- E- —s—s— | g—----- shore; Yet up-on her snow -y pin - ions, Faith will lift our hearts to | home. Olh, it is by ho - ly liv - ing That we gain an entrance glow. If our lives are fraught with goodness, And the seed of love we | | -o-, -o- ºr -º- is: -º- -o- - & ºr • f -, *:: *—e—e - 9:###3=== =E=s====E=== EEET is a jºi- ºr ºtt-tº- H–H–H– V-7-2 tº FFV-V- # =E=E== HiRFI 2- ENEN=-NEEEF—f ####|| } gºt 3+3–2–3+3= = 2. C– ---. see, In the life that is be-fore us, Blessed im - mor-tal-i - ty. there; For communion with the an - gels, Spotless robes we must prepare. sow, We shall reap a-bundant bless-ing, And the joy of angels know. | ( * > . I dº Asia-it-2–2–6 re---º-º-º-º-º-F—f cº-º-º-e E2– Bää.E.E; EEEF===::=####|| ——w-5-4–2–2–2+ ====== gº — OTUIR, ZION HOM II E. 5 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Tenderly. #RH===#H#HF==== Eš==\ -------- T- -N Ry-tº-g-g-s-s-s- &m, :*:::::"T-gº *-T ~ *- `--~~ 1. We necd no earthly flow - er: To deck our Zi - on home, No 2. While transient pleasures per - isli And fade as earthly flow’rs, Our N | * * * – __N_ _N__ _N - N + }:#6– #H#H#H#EEEEEºff–ºf–ºff E*==EEE 2: Tº TEE-º-ELLERT LIEEPTZ-ETHºs-rjº TE- =z-E-F-tº-Fa Hr-Fr-tº-2–2-3 H = #EEEEEEE F-5 | joys are for e - ter - ni - ty, Our home in truth's fair bow’rs; } N —ſº- ſº- -º-, -e- AT T =======Hº-Hº-Hº-f- Fº-F-2-E: o—s—H-H ar - ti - fi - cial ra - di-ance To light her sa - cred dome; 1 – N- ºf hºmº-º-º-º: º a zºº-º-º-º —A- EEEEE =##### # sº H ºp H–H–— J– H – - =F2:- f_ºmºmº, º y–H––––ay–a–- —— TV- For an - gel gifts and gra - ces A-dorn with beau-ty bright, And Where leart to heart is blend -ing In pu - ri - ty and love, Whero i _|_+ -º- N__ | * * * * * **T*. A-A ##############| FEPEE-Hº-2–E–F–F#-F#- - Lº-Lº-Lº-Lº-Lº-Lº-Lº- HF= —————Hy— ~-c-— U - - - - - A Tº º -A—NT—— A---—A- H-2–2–REEEHES # –A–5—º—-N-H-A——a-H,--—º!—#- Fººt-º-º-º-º-tº-Fit W º-s, J-º-º-Taº God's transcendent glo - ry Her mansion fills with light. min - is - ters at - tend ing, Re-new from spheres a - bove. —º /*N -T— H *— — — — . . t Blost joys are thine. Home, sweet Home ! Blest joys are thine. | -º a- —2–– j - |L ſ 6 G-UI [] DING STAIR.. ENFIELD, N. H. -*-i-F-I-P---L-N- Iſſ | ——HC-zº———— ( H=#### 1. Glo-ri - ous light, so bright -ly gleaming From the realms of bliss a - far; 2. I)an - gers oft may round thee gather, Clouds concealthy light from view ; 3. Nev - er faint in times of tri - al, On - ward move with courage new . 4. These shall find de - liv-'rance sure-ly, Vic - try o-ver sin and death, N - -o- N -º- -º | -2 °- e. e. e. - —a-a-T-3 *—: +-4+————— & P TºTº-Tº-TºI. TºT 9:{i=e EEEEEEEEEEEEE dº. | 2: ========EHEEEE Fº v V V | T ºr-º-º-º: A— N_* -A—-— #HEH |-º-Hº- =#E == |}} ======= r Eº-3– #EEEE With transcend-ant radiance teem-ing, Christian, 'tis thy guid - ing star; Trust in God, thy heavenly Fa - ther, He will guide thee safe - ly thro’; Take the cross of self - de - ni - al, With a pur-pose firm and true; Those who walk up-right - ly, pure - ly, Heeding what the Spir - it saith. *—?–.--frºit–F–F–F–F–F–tº–º-º-º- 9:==== *E=E.5–5–E–F–E–F#–E–FEEAL *EE |2====E=E=EHEEREEEEEEZEEEEEEZE=- —r-p-Hº-----—p-H-y—t _N__s NEH == ====== “ſºme May its glad - some glimmers peer-ing, Thro' the maz - es of thy way, He will be thy sure De - fender, What-so-ev - er may be tide; It is not the swift - est run-ner, Nor the strong that wins the day; Words of peace and con - so - la - tion Cheer the spir - it ev - er on A- -º- -o- + -e- a. 9:=:=;=#==={{{=::=### 2. Tº fºLIT TºTºTºTºTºTºTº *—H-H----|-- —-t–H–H–E–F–F–F–F–F–2— - I &= - # =EH =Hz IºTº I.T.T.T.T.T., T. LE- H. tº- t y-º-º- —zº—º-g—I- —s—s— G--Es--—º . tr—T- *, *=s=s+s====== Hº-º-º: | Swell with joy thy heart while nearing Blissful realms of end-less day. Nev - er more to sin sur - ren - der, God is thy un failing guide. But be - hold the o- ver-com - er In the saints who watch and pray. | Toward the goal of free sal-va - tion, Where redemption's prize is won. -º- -O- -O- « » -62. -º- __2: -O- a p=: ZT-Tº-EITE-II Hº-Tº-EZ-FEE---| —--—p--—- +—w- H O "EIR. TH II E STUIN = TII PIPEID HIII LILS. 7 CANAAN, N. Y. -—FL--——-A——NH- ########## N +: Fº-> aſ—ay------> | O'er the sun-tipped hills gleams a promise bright, In let - ters of v-ºn-mºm storm will not always last. Tho' clouds may threaten, and muttering winds De- —e—e— ––––– + 3 + º- e-º-, * * * ſº ſº — :-p-p-s-s-s-e- ==H-i-Hi-º-º-º-H- i *===HF-H==# A—A-N-N----- | Y-FT-z *==== – *H - ==HL3–s: |-- g-g-g fi - ant - ly sweep o'er our souls; Far sweeter is the calm with sºf-t-t-t-Hºº-º- +2–E–F–A–D–E–F–F#–E–F– *H===== ===p-H-2– | y \' tº v | fºLº-Lº-Lº-TºI*IºTE, gº s—s– & º my 3––– —l s=s=d-º-º-º- peace for a robe, We may wear when the storm backward rolls. –– Hº-r T-II 8 ASIPIE&A_TION. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. I IT A-º-º-º-º-º-A I — #. l | EEſºft # pºw-w-wºº'- | ——— -- I O } —º- –a–O—2–2—I-9–2–H–s— ) * O Gº. } * … * UA = A = ºr ! }-— 6 x 2- ---— -º- 2. Let earth her wealth and splendor boast, Her coronets and wreaths display, Jº ſº. -a -g- 1. O Heav'n, sweet empire of my song, Ce - les-tial clime of heaven’ly bliss, -H T-- I- IT H-I- | −Fº v w-w TCT I * * | | || fift *E=-gi. Her . . heroes, kings and no-bles toast,-- Ephemeral glories of 4-a-D=- v +H= Realm of the pure an - gel-ic throng, Bright land of glowing happiness. a day. >~~~ —1–- — ) 2- (> Y *. I. *—a–A | T | | ºr ( , v ! *-y *r-ºr - > * … * A–A–A. --T- I- w—w—w—w | º ºr-v-wrººm-wrº-º-º-º: v * | + | 5:# ======Fº H--l | Y-y H–H–— Lº-Hº- } *::= º-º-º-º-H---—H-H-I-2–2—º- =EETº fl-º-º- vºy-ºr wr-w-w }. Uºmº a ( ºr q A- —— | —º-—s , }* *-m- | *!-- ſº. -*. s. -a- ### -º- FE: | -º- E 5–FE ST-2. º–4––f | { } - Biº-Hi —s— ETEEEEEEEEE === F== "My soul is filled with love di-vine, Sweet joys around my heart entwine; This pomp is all a transient joy, Far higher themes my tho’ts employ; • , , , , º, . + £- I A-A Nº- —ſº- - -2. | | —I- m ºr -m ºvº- * - A_*- º | –H–e-Fºie –e-s– wº-0 I- v=w v-Tº-y BiºHE —T)—T) | I--- I — I-T- | | | > l « ) 2 | Ó | O Xuum- My spir - it soars to spheres a -bove, Where all is har-mo-ny and love, | * * * = - - Prºg--- -º-,-] | *— —A-. -— *::=== ==== {}+EE #H#HE Q_/ | 2"Ts 2, #EEE? —L –0– Lis- —T-- T- ––a–Tº 2--- -º-º-tº-3-3 O—&–—O— H « Nº dº sºmy ww-A-A ſ —C– { mº- a *. : | My spir - it soars to spheres above, Where all is har-mo-ny and love. I con - template the spheres above, Where all is har-mo-ny and love. =|| —— º— > I con-template the spheres a -bove, Where all is har-mo-ny and love, ###|| == ASPIRATION. 9 3 There is a realm where all is pure, 14 Elysian fields their glories bright, Where naught but virtue sheds per- Resplendent on my vision shed, fume, | Where virgin souls in cloudless light, Where living peace is ever sure, Among these fadeless beauties Where joys eternal are in bloom. tread. I work to gain the blest domain, | O hallow'd spirits blissful clime! Where souls redeemed in triumph I crave your happiness sublime; reign, A birthright in the splieres above, Transporting in the spheres above, Where all is harmony and love; Where all is harmony and love ; | A birthright in the spheres above, Transporting in the spheres above, Where all is harmony and love. Where all is harmony and love. G-EMI OLE." IPEA CIE. –8–5–Es–s—s–à–EE–F–F–s–Es—s–à–3–5– ~~~~)—"—-4– 1– ſº-º-º- *-* | *-ī-, --> * > * = N = sº mºm, yºu e we ºmº —H A—º-A. —H·– *-i-º-f F Hº-tº-: º 1. With words of peace our friends we greet, And feel that ev - 'ry 2. Oh, we will lift the bur - dens here, With hearts as true as -º-, -º- -e- º-º-º-º-º-º- pºm. Y-Tº-Tº-T-7 —A—r- ſºmum sº —R-T-- ====–R- | ##-A-F-3–3–3– –E–4–3–3–14–3—f U- A- ºn me 9:# Cº- ºr * **mº wr-er-wr 1 --H- : !. H–4–F–2– —G2–H–H–––H––H–—H---- ###EEEZ. A--- E. -º- —— *-*-w mum, Wºm ammºmºmºmºsºme gum. ##### 9:#f —º-a-3–Eº-º-Hº-T-3—º-º-º-H —A == A. s: |-s–a–tº–t T- heart Hath something good, and pure, and sweet, Of which we ask a part. steel ; And toil within the Gos-pel sphere For one an-oth-er's weal. º W We'll search for jewels, gather gems ’Mid all the walks of life, TO Un - wea-ried in the strength of love, Life's joys we will in-crease, And sº . . . º. 7: . . . . . . . #v=#EEEEEEEEEZEEEEEE | - N. * - e e Q_-_> ======N-F-L — — . .--——=–H–-- E3E3–3–2–3– him. ºmºmº-e G --- sparkle in our di - a -dems When we have ceased the strife. by our soul's best ef - forts prove We hold the gift of peace. -º- -º- -(2- -O- -º- -z-º-E-2–H–E–2–º-tº- #EEE *H H. — === fºr hºmºmº-º-, —p –9 s—--- --~~~ & 10 | ROCIP V. Ol 5" A G-I ES. WATERVLIET, N. Y. ===HEEEHFHH F ºf Tºjº rº- ºr ºf 3 “3-g: 3: Hº: 1. Rock of A - ges,shield,oh, shield me, When the an-gry bil - lows roar! 2. Rock of A - ges, firm and strong As heav'ns eter - nal pil - lars are, 9:# #EEEEE ===FºEMEFs-Es TºT 2*:::=====E=L-Es—e- *—H===s==H-------- "—--- -º-º-º-; w–ºf–s—º-º-º-º-F | W W | V º --~-------~- — —------ –––. fºr AD ºn , —A— ENEREENE-HEN=EN=E=EE ======E=====E====== ====FFFF;=;=tº-3-3-3-tº-º-º-º: Of - ten times hast thou concealed me, By Thine own al - mighty power; In Thy strength I'll trust as long As God will hear and answer pray'r; *-Tº-y º —O- -O- -Ø- 5#. – |→- *LeTºTT Sure defence and firm re - li - ance Of the ancient saints of God, I am need - y and de - pendent, O ye ho - ly an - gels,come! N BHHE 4 D Pºmº an º' -umºmumw = | *- ſº | V Bow my spir - it in com - pli-ance To my Saviour's chastening rod. To my cries oh, be at - tendant, Bring my soul some little crumb. ––– p: === A—A-º-º-º: 3 Rock of Ages, oh, protect me 4 Rock of Ages, Rock of Ages! When afflictions bear me down; Heavenly fortress sure and blest, Let no earthly charms affact me, Where no tempest ever rages, Nothing rob me of my crown; ] May my weary spirit rest; Help my soul to stand unshaken; Yonder bright celestial portals, Never yield my thoughts to sin; Oh, how beautiful they shine ! By the cross that Christ has taken, There with glorified immortals Life eternal I shall win. Is a home and it is mine. TI HIE BEA CON. 11 CANTERBURY, N. H. Andante. RºžEEE +H:=:===FFNTs:-NH = (#2:H Hºi-º-º-º-º-Eg:-- #== *—r- ->;-FFF -º-º-º-º-º-tº-Fi ~/ 1. Far out upon life's O - cean, We see the com - ing sail, Its 2. Hold out the beacon clear - ly Sai - va-tion's glorious ray; Not 3. In vain we cry the bless - ing Still waiting * the shore; A - -£2- - ) - e. | — — —ſº- r ſº—a-—£2–ſº- 2—f-F-IF-º-º-º-º,+2—e— | ze. …- | £)+5=4==E::==EH =E=#EEEE: *##EEf Bååt =========Hº-e-H2=== -- — — 4--- * Lºmº =m. –––5– l T #==#EEE:==#EEEEEEsº TXT-III TAT. TT2 TT. Tº TI-TTT2-TETTITIGST. II =*-3:-g–3=*= :=r-tº-H+H=H waves are in com - mo - tion As old tra-di-tions fail; Let in the past nor fu - ture, We see its light to - day; Sail wake to ac - tige sºr - vice, And ply the lab’ring oar. The .*. Gr. - =—º--—º–º–F +2– —3–s—-e--—e—e— 9—Tzº- A—— 93.2-in-i-Lº-Lº-Fif IfLEE2 ==HáLR-s 2:5 -2-E-F-H- –E– :=f-f T - F W º * -º-º-º-º-º-º-Es---N-H---a- #E4E2. TøTITI, ########## ######### 9–F#–E–F–F–tº–º-ER-t =}=HF-ºf-f pres - ent rev – e – la - tion Light up the darksome tide, Un.- on, brave ship of pro - gress, Contend with craft and creed, Un - na-tions thirst for know - ledge:Where is the Saviour found 3 Let -O- 2-,--—#1-# 3–6–2—”—e—-e--—e--------2—f- 93.2-i-j-E-L-La-Li-i-Hi-F-2-E-F-2-3-is-H |-5-2--F---º-H *—H= TTE-Ti, ==5–F–F–F =F | | W | -b––-N-H== * *- L-—I fº-b– E3–3–3 III H=#–E re-—— —eº—--— ſ til our need - y com - rades In har - bor safely ride. til the suf-f'ring mil – lions By light and truth are freed. vir - gins sing the his vent, With no un-cer-tain sound. -O -O- -O- -O -O-e —Tº it tº * - Y_b … * II--------º-HT- –2––– º-º-º-º-º-º-º-E #=|| — L’ | i-—- –H– • — -* ºr-º-º-wºmy I--- 12 G-L-A-IDSOME SOUNID. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. b–I–H–A–D–D–––F ———T-r- -º-, -º E*-4-- 1. A--A—AE –A —sº- .* T--T—[−I-7––– ** EFF vs. * = 9–H)— — —u——C.--- - I - —I---I *-y Cº--&---—— *" ºr **-- ſº- = A_ bi-º-º-º: –––––––––a–s—P-s—º-3–C–F–Fs—PT2- ############### # 1. Sweetest mu - sic softly stealing O'er our hearts in tuneful chime, 2. Wake we now to joy and gladness, Christ the Saviour we have found; --—r-2–2–2–2–?—r-º-º-º-º-r-ſ" —A-8–6–1 ſº e—a – Bis =#Ef-É=#EEEEE:=::= IE-T-Tø I. –9-5-4-E=====e–tº–e==== w à Am am. 2- —- — — — — º m— L_ TT T. ------|--|- 2—f-f-ºf-i-- —-t--—t—i --- A-. º HCH- G–C–H Hº-s—º-º-o-Hi | Shall, in joy-ous notes re - vealing, Swell the song of old - en time. Ban-ish from our hearts all sadness, And in deeds of love a - bound ( -O-" -O- Nº TRT′′ – Jº — . . . .” -----, -º-º-º-e BiºHº-Hº-Hº- ==================F-E- ſ ---|--A——— Hº-Hº-H----- —— ####: When the morning star was beaming, An - gels sang of peace and love; Now, the fount of good un - seal-ing, Let us all our souls up - fill; Cº-º- C– tº aſ x = -O- * -O- -O- -O--(2- =–H–F–F–º #:=::=#t=f-t-Es-tº-3 t}#2.É.- :====E=E========= #FFFF ===== É-ºf-FEEH = H +- : r=r-E —J s?–H-TETHTTH *2E=#EEEEE?=#EEEEEE ——- !---------, Man-y souls awoke from dreaming, Hail'd the light from Heav'n above. And in kind-ly Christian feeling, Breathe sweet peaee and speak good will. -(2- -O- -O- | s=–T-T-F—e—re—o-º-º-º-º-2––a–?—rº-º--2– Bãº--Es-e- # ======E=#EEEEAE Y-y v-Tº-y ºr-wºmy U-º-º-º- A f- *—A—A–º. ºr mºn A- -P- ] | #E EN=E=E=== §§2–ºf–g: g-g-g-tº-Lº-L --- Gladsome sound we ech -o still, Peace on earth, to all good will. ſº ſº —(? & 2- B㺠+++===#EEE IFI ECTUIENING SPEING-- - == J-3- In ºr 4 × 13 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Tº-E3–g- 1. The voice of the re - turn -ing spring Bids na - ture wake and 2. Then why should we, whose lines have fallen In such 3. We've all the eye of man could wish, And fruit - ful is the —º--e-r-s--—º–ra------ 9:25:Hº-Hſ-Es-fi — ++++++ –– | {# Hº-2– -º-º-5-º-Hº-Hº-H= | 3-2 -L-f == *HEEE ——Cº-º-C–E–C–1–G–C -º- -O- - H zº 3-4-2–3– ºr vºy H– |- —s---— C-ºw *—º. -------- i 2-k—A-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: o ] | I- -Hy– -—-N--- RHºà- I-IEET fºllºw Tri-E-i- a pleasant -e-e-e—e-re—1– #EEH rise, And put her best new garments on, For she has fresh supplies. place, Be back - ward in the praise of Him, Or e'er fall short of grace. land; And great-er than As - syr - ian hosts, The an-gels round us stand. /*N /* • , 4 × fºrfe a -º-, -s. |- ––9—-e--s --O-º-H-H- 3:2:5-i-Hi- ===Hº-Lº- q # É-P-2 twin-tºº-º- ºff-ºf- Tº | w ––––––Å-- v ——sº- l—— | __^_ | sº, {} Hi-f * *E ——A! =N* -N '-- ####:= *-21 ºf Ee-à-E2:--3+2+-º-Hº-Lº-Hº-3-Hºº-º-Ha-jº- | • w ... [w ſºme * —-- > –H– How won'drous are the ways of God! How boun - ti - ful His hand! We & º -O- -º-' -O- -O- a trº---T-ºf–E–F a.º. e -g tº O. * -(2- -O- * * •y *- ~ ) Mº -ā- EEsºfºr A- .*. * 1 v-ºr-ºr ** = ºm a dºº-º-ºw- ICTſº- I & - Tºti ºf Tł see His love in ev - 'ry ver - be - rate the joy - ful ſº 2- — — — ENFEN H== e Ee :Tº i– *TET THº TºI. fºr-tºt Fs-e-tº-s– We ought to leap, and shout, and sing, Till all the mountains round, Re- And yet, to man - y thousands more, We such a home could give, If ex ºf + . ſº-Hº- #|| †: –C–– tree, And broad - cast o'er the land. news, To earth's re - mot - est bound. they would leave a car - nal world, And learn in Christ to live. 3. &_* | X= P- h- -42- - -º- -e- - tº dº -º- :=####### +a+–– EEsº-º-Hº – *====EHE | #|| 14 WE WILL SUSTAIN THE STERUCTURE. EN F IELD, N. H. | 4 H. • | ! ºr-ºr v=v-w U U #59–p —º-º--º–O—º–H–——— « » ~62 —H. dºmſºme - Hø– * * 4: ZTETEEEEEEEE- | 1. We will sus - tain the structure, God's great and glorious plan, Which 2. We will sus - tain the structure, We will not let it fall; It 3. We will sus - tain the structure, What - ev - er be the cost; It is f: —ſº-2-—2—-r-º-º--º-º-º-º-T- b Hi-L; TZT f-t- T |-2– —l——- A *. * | … "._^_^. ÆA–º * º-Fºr-º-º-º-Fa TzTºl w ur mé > ſ A- … *-a- A 2 He in mer-cy has revealed, To poor be - night - ed * is the bur - den of our lives — Our ho - ly, heavenly call. is the glo - ry of our lives—Without it we are lost; l • * * * * * * * 9ãº- TET -Tº- HºHº Ex-EE ==============t De - liverance from all - vil, Redemption’s praise it brings; We In - trust - ed to our keep - ing, Unblennished, to re - main ; The It work-eth peace with - in us, And u - ni- ver-sal love ; It ls—f-f-f-----, 2–2–2-f fif----2–2– Biº-z-Hº-º-Har fºLº-Hº-Hºº-º-º-H-H —b-p-E-HH-E-L-L-2–H––E–F–E Pi—E-L-tº-º’-- ---— F—u———u—w--|--|--|-- TIZIV wº- m^my – wr-wr —l -— — —- —— | | v-y q *r-ºr-ºr-wºmy wº —I---- v=y ==== | QL Tº w w | | leave the haunts of Bab - y - lon, “To dwell 'mid better things.” structure God has reared for us, We will, we will sus-tain. brings us in - to u - ni- son, With an - gel spheres a - bove. U-Lº-ºma -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- mº E. E. e. B; == —H- *H: - ===H umº-º-º-º- , H= { { vºmy – — — y WE WILL SUSTAIN THE STRUCTURE. 15 4. We will sustain the structure, q For by its light and power, 5. We will sustain the structure, From Egypt’s thraldom we were Its noble form shall stand drawn, Unchanged, in all its purity, In deep affliction’s hour. | The same as God hath planned. The rolling, rolling waters, We will sustain the structure, Through which our journey lay, God, be our help and stay, Were, by the power of God's own | Throughout our earthly pilgrimage, hand, p Throughout eternal day. Controlled, and kept at bay. | | PIF. A. Y. Ol PIE * T H [IE G-A-TES. I.N FIELD, N. H. - ===Hº- ==EEE-NEEEEEgºs– #4– EEEN== ----H-( –F–––H--|--|-- — * * *-ºs-- *-m- ºr = un 1. Pray ope’ the gates that stand a -jar, Ye min - is-ters of life, Pour - -º- -2. -º- - -º- -2- __* f-fertif—t-e—re-e—e—e– ###- E O * B º ###EE – 9—I-62 -º-º-o-º-º-FFE-FFFEE-3- #EEE l =::=### EFERE; –2– –62— –H —--r—- –2—-º-; by-e- ==E=#EEE::====E He s-tº-º-F#E —H-----p-H--- For the res - ur - rec - tion power of God, A - lone can sat - is - _2-, -º- -º- - Cº-T —s A 2– — — — — — — — 0— I- I- - ++. à-H == -] 2- — v-y R-sº ----- ==HE — ——— ====E # re-- 2–Eº-º-º-º-º-tº-º-º- –ºf–3–2–L23––– | -e ) fy The soul that's wrestling for the truth,Oh give it, lest we die. > -62– -º- -º-, -º- - -º- -º- _Ti__ —9–H–– * > —4– --t-—a——ºn——— —-a--º-º-º--ºn—º-— e-º-º-º- º ºs 5:#E=#####EEEEEEEEEE:##### +======= +== *. Tºº-Ti LTI O Q { } ==== *-** - I - *-* *-w- ' -- ºmy mºm-º-º- -T- | | 16 TVVII LIG-IHIT IREIFILECTION. tº MT. LEBANON, N. Y. - ~~~~-N--N-L- g INTINTINTINT = TITINTNTIN T] *:::==E INEN=====EN=N=N=EN- +8–ºf–Eg= ===#EEE —— ; F l -Q- tº a -Q- - | 1. When the soft shades of twi - light drop o - ver our way, Like 2. Oh, this is the sea - son when calm ho - ly thought, Like 3. Then oft let us pause mid the con - flict and strife, The * O—T-O-(2–O—O—-O-O-I-O-G) O Sº:#; 6–2 —H.H. H H.--—H. s=s=Es=t- —E: —s-- & — ) —Hºº-º-º-º--—£2–9—Hº–|-—H·-———º– 9:###EH===#EEEHE v-º-y —T- 9–9 9- pº- by—y——p. —9–– V v N cur - tains let down from on high, When life's bus - y scenes that have tide-waves our spir - its o'er - flow, While tru - est of pic-tures our coun - sel of wis - dom to heed, TO ask for a fore - taste of s—e—s—re--—e--- ——H. —H-–H–– life - deeds have wrought, Re - flec - tion shall o - ver us throw, Till heav - en - ly life, To sat - is - fy im - mor - tal need; And -º-, -º- -º- -º- –H–H–E–E –2–2–2–2–2–a–ſ. — (1)–a–––. Pºži-F##H#H#H ==5–5–5–F=====-º-º-H v V v V V V V V NTENTENENENEFIF TTTTTTT i —-n-H ---——A–-i----—H-–A––A––A– tº- –a–si–s—---—----4------——i- —l- Š 3–2 v-º-º: : :======== then that the , spir - it should rise and take flight From clear - ly por - trayed on the vi - sion with - in, Each when the deep sha - dows of time close a - round, When frº-º-º------ºf- ——il–H––C–C 3 (e. —a-—º-Ha!--—#—a-Hai-H---- =======E=E-H+=8–H– ºm m > --> -º, Yº-º-º-ºx a- A Y = --~ * *-* AL-L- a - v=y v wº-m- L– *r-ºr-y A- Wºm-º. —H- *i. –A–-A——N--N-a--L--—-N-L-N-Pi—F. tu - mult of earth and its care, And seek sweet re - pose on the mo - tive and ac - tion will be, The glo - ry of good - ness, the life’s fair - est day - beams are past, May light from be - yond us our -º-, -º- e. e. e. e. e. -> -e. -o- ºr 2: us-A #EEEEEE –E–H––––H–2- #EEE X----|-- ~~" - p *::=====E= —e—e—He----º-º-He—e—e- ====== —s——º-y—y—w——H- -w—w—w—w—-—---- V v v V Q w •r A H F. H w 2. ſ º 4. H–H– w -. Ç 2 rºw a dark - ness of sin, In joy or in sor - row we see. path - way sur - round, For - ev - er and ev - er to last. —ſº- - \m - ra——?—?—?—s — -*-*—e—e—e—e—re- #:-t-t-Li-Tº -—H- =s=s=FFFE----| P*#==== A--AA—AA--AA- :=E==== He= #t= - - —-º-º-º-T-- wr —F, ( * = = - m =um= w ae !---> 2–5–5 OH, WIE HAVE HEARD A GLORIOUS SON G-. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. : Con spirito. ---A e #: #5–K. a-e-w- A T- = Pºm. *=-R-N *=A=N= ***# NESEN====#Eſſº 5-H; ; ; ; * :==== Tø I.L. "J" Oh, we have heard a glo - ri - ous song, "Tis a burst of mu - sic eº - º —ſº ſº ſº. £2 ºrº-ºr -—-º– * —º–a–––––––––––––– Bºž;. !—- wº-l-HV/—H-4——º—H2— º : Sºo SoLos 2. ALTo Solo. #### -j--A-j---------N-a==N |ºf=#EEEEEEEEEE —a s—s' N. . . A s EF======E===HEA ######## | let its ca dence roll,and roll, Till earth is glad and free. -e—e—e—e--- s:- –2––F---|-- 0. º zº-º-º. º.º. … . .” -º-º-º-º-º- 18 IEEE ATUTIETUI L SIH [OIEEE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N N N [. — -N ––––A–A– * --> * A HERENEHEEEEEEEE | > -(J–—O-º- —23–– id: Iº Tº * ºr-ºr === 1. Time's dark bil-lows and tempests may roar, Yet will I sing of that 2. Glad - some the spring of that fair happy land, Blossom and fruitage in 3. Pil grims who tar - ry, your time yet abide; Slowly re - ced - ing is – – *- g i-e- N Ö _2 & 2 ſº-º–r-?——º-a-—— –3–2–2 -º-º-º-º: +. .#-t-. ––– ITITLE –– -I-2–2––H T. E. Ez I === -Qumrººmſº === A-A--- =r —º-p-H-7– ===H. H- -9–2– beau - ti - ful shore, Where the chill win - ter of life shall be o'er, glo - ry ex-pand, While the soft breeze from its em - e - rald strand, life's eb - bing tide: O - ver its sur - ges your spir - its shall glide N +–——2—r-º º–2–2– —r-º-º-º- amº Mºmºmº J B㺠=#EEEſº-Hº-Hº-É= E=3–2–9–p-i- ====== ===== –2–2–2- ſ V V/ W W. W. 5–9–F– º- - — , N N _N * p-A-R-A-HSENEH-P-AHHA-NH=s=s=== 2:5-º-º-º-º- =###### s :=2#. -N--A—- R&D. Tº *— tº- *Fººtºr ==Hºº-º-º-º-º-Eg–3–2–3– † | w Ne'er to re-turn to the soul. Blest summer land, free from sorrow and gloom, | Scent-lad - en floats to us here. Love builds its mansion all pearly and bright, Safe to that beau-ti- ful shore. Happy the tho't! If our hearts are made pure, * -m-m-myºme /*\ -*—º-º-º-e–e- vºmy-ºr-º-º-º: m-- ( l -2–2–H–2 EEE ENERE +3====== In fade-less beau-ty our spirits shall bloom, While the earth casket in - Q Ris - ing in, grand-eur in rose - tint - ed light; 'Tis for the blessed whose We an in - her - it - ance there shall secure. Hope still confides in the —ſº ſº— —— ÉFEEEEE –2–2–2–p-p- v v i v / * AL- w her - its the tomb, Sea - sons su - per - mal will roll. robes are made white, Heav - en - Iy homes have been reared. prom - is - es sure, When here our jour - ney iR O'er. £2–a–– m x = -º ºmºh º s—e—E 2—2– | 2- A-º-º-º-º-º: Q } ſº- , | v-Z *-ºr Y-y O -: A. Yºr *—g—g ºvº, º wº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- ºr l——— *. | 2- ºr —ia- —O—º-— 2– 5-H-2–3–2–E–2 w */ | º ºf GOSPEL DAY. 19 UNION WILLAGE, OHIO. CANTERBURY, N. H. | 4----- flºwſ-> - *—A- | w—ºmy - | —l wr-er-ºr - --------—1--- - — - zº ——t- ###EE=#H#H#H ####### *=#EEEE F=== 1. The glo - rious day is dawn - ing, The day of full re- 2. And still in - ereas - ing glo - ries TO uS must SOOn un - 3. Then trim your lamps, ye faith - ful, Let each and all pre - & l ===-a-a-a-------- * gia-aa. w _-º- -, -Q—62——C2– & -º- -º- * e.g. #4-º-Fº-º-Ee-E3–3–5–H–H– ===HHHH = | lease; Ev - en now it is the morn-ing Of sav - ing life and fold; That e - clipse the an - cient sto - ries—The fa - bled age of pare For the ad - vent of the An - gel — We have no time to | -(-)- -º-, -º- -º- Ex- o:-3+=#=#EEE :===HE & Esº- 2-IVIºTº-Tº-º-º-î-ET --H-—— = # ===HE:= –3–E–3 §2-z-E-G-tº-Eſ-EEE peace; The work of Christ per - fect - ed, In vic - try o'er all gold. The An - gels are de - scend - ing, Once more to reap the spare; The train is swift - ly near -ing, The head-lights gleam a - A—Amº-Ama-Ama- Ama. -º- re- -O- & Ea-e-E3–3–2–3–E–a Y-y *—Ig====g-ºf– —t- T *my-ºr ––– H-H----- ——— +---|--|--|--|- HEEEE =|| *—1–C–—C–- s— * {z : . sin, That of old was oft pre - dict - ed, This day has ush -ered in. world, Bear -ing peace and joy un-end -ing, And flags of love un-furled. | far, 'Tis a true e - van - gel com -ing, Death's pris - on to un - bar. -O- | |-2-—"—" Đăț=EE tº- (- —t—º * = x > 20 IPER OG-FEESSION. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —l #E-3–E––I- ##-º-Hi –––. ### +H:=E= 1. Be firm our en-deav - or to fol-low the right, Tho' man - y our 2. The hill of re-demp-tion with courage we'll climb, Tho' rug - ged our 3. The darkness of doubt that be - clouded our way, Fades far in the. —ſº e- *- & º 2–2–2 ### u- > * — » *::FE — = ºr A-º-_^_^.. .º._^_^_^_^_^- f wº ## +5FF +H= sº- i- — ( – - I > H. d pur-pose op- pose; The weapons we wield are untarnish'd and bright, And pathway and steep ; Un -flinching 'mid trials and dangers of time, Still : dis-tance from sight; We press for the glo-ry of e - ter-nal day, Where (J–—( ) * > -º- -º- º -º-, ] A-. A – - ( —H ºr v [. ºf:--º-º-º: > —— –9–9—º & —H·H-—— 3–– mighty to vanquish our foes; We will join the vic - to - ri - ous sunward our course we will keep; For a sweet sound of triumph floats lin - gers no shad – ow or blight; We will swell the grand chorus with ————-- –P-- —r——------— |éââ -T- FE ET ==H ºp=------- ###### ar-my of truth Whose vanguardsbefore us have gone; They traverse the i down from the spheres,There’s joy in the conqueror's song; With hope all in- ! heaven's bright throng,The blessing of vic - to - ry see; The con - quest of -º-, -e- -a- -2. Q-M am-m-me P- • sº | A—A-4--- † |-|-- O 9:#m-ELEEEEEEL;-- • = 7- ºr ºf > ——— A- { R —D—º–l- *— ------- | # -E-L----|-- º —z–2––fºr-º-Fei- Rºr-a-g-g-ºw- land of pºr - pet - u - al youth, All crown'd with the lau -rels they’ve won. spir - ing with gladness it cheers, And has - tens our jour-ney a - long. self o-ver er-ror and wrong, The life that re-mains for the free. /* ###EEEE —H2—2–Eh- –2-[2––3–F– 2: –2–E–2-E -º-H2 —k——- \m wº- 4- | - 2- -r --- ſ V : « » « » --> mºm wº | w † — |{ſ 1–– | —t-– tº- }ºme * * A \m | | WELCOMIE, GCOD ANGELS. 21 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. =N==#EEEEEH H-H = H--------------9 1. Wel - come, good an - gels, I feel you are near With heav - en - ly 2. Near - er, still near - er, Oh, ev - er re-main! With com - fort-ing 3. Welcome,thrice wel- come! Oh, would that your love Be felt here be - | N N =#=== 4–E––2–2– –––– ISTETTIST- TNT INIT #H#H#H#H. --- w ( * > *—A-A- TV U- m^*_º flºw love, this my spir - it doth cleer, this my spir - it doth cheer. joy, with a power to sus-tain, with a power to sus-tain. low, 3.S in heav - en a -bove, as in heav - en a - bove, | 2- l ' N -º-, -º- -º- B.E. TºTTET E—f—º- !---- 7-E- U =^ A- •– 2– -º-, 4- v | – === H. While I am sail - ing o'er life's storm-y Sea, Then, should the bil - lows en - com - pass me round Earth to re - deem from er - ror and blight. s N__N | N N | -º- a -a-. ^ Sã|Eº- =====E=E=E==E== _ #H# p: E. JT, 2-EE 2–2–R- – =#EEEEE º WT *—2–t – -- A—A---—A— A---—-A- —-y—w—e- *E=E=E=#E E| ==== H– T&T. —eº--- *—“gºg-g-w- ——*-* -º- + -a- -2- O good an - gels, watch o - ver me, watch o - ver me. With good an - gels I shall be found, I shall be found. good an - gels, speed on the right,speed on the right! ſe . E–F#– s —a------ wº-a wº-vºy ==== ::= =####EEEEz- # v-T-7 H–F. ET | + o D. |-a-k- #== p- f A - ºr T. ----I 9–p. 22 * IBIE AIMS OF LIGHT. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -NH=N==N====N-RHLNEN=== | ſt [. ===NE --~~---—z---—— 2- FE ––––2-——— = F º =###############-º-º-º-º- * > 1. When the glo-ry of light beams o -ver our way,From bright souls in 2. And when we are wea -ry and worn with life-toil, We feel their soft 3. 'Tis thus we are strengthened to jour - ney be-low, And bear with true 4. Oh, glad- ly we walk by the faith of to-day, And ban-ish all te 2-> 2-> Hä-tº-i-º-º-º-Fº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-Tº-º-º-º-º-g—rg–s—e- 9:#######EEEEEEEEE?=#FFFF – ## ===2-He========e-º-te-e-º-e==H-5–5– V-V-T-7-y 5-9, T-W-2 v–5– −I-I-I-I-I-T- | –A–N - º #E ###### RHR =:: T- « » ===#. ==##### Twº re-gions a-bove; The forms of the near, the true and the dear, Who've presence in peace; They brighten the hours, which ev-er are ours, To pleasure each care, For bright is the thought, with happiness fraught,Of darkness of mind, For in that fair land, where the purified stang,Our N ––A–. R-A-S-H- º } HTLº-º-º-º-º-º-º-NE-TE a Hi-º-º-º-º-ZTE pie-ºº-ºº-º-tzf | passed from our sight, ere the day turned to night, Are seen flitting round us in love. rightly improve, as on-ward we move, To the land where sorrow will cease. communion sweet, when the hours shall fleet, That hold us earth-labor to share. faith will be sight, and in its pure light, We'll crave not the joys left behind. *N -\ 2-> s tº-º-º-º-º-º::- ---, * *-i-N-- #-ſº- º–a–2–H– –5–2–2-sº-º-o-Ha–5 9:######### ſmº - 2 a-a-m-m- } ==HEEZEH,==# º/ 2-> | EN=====E======= | \\ \, ===N=N=E==#EEE U —s—2–ay—º- ——p-- 1. Tho’ dark clouds may oft - en ga-ther That would make our path-way 2. Hope and faith shall e'er sus - tain us, While for heav - en we pre - Eji==== ſºmº me --R- —AT-z--A—-N-AL- tº-2 —ſº L —A —A. ºm amº I hºmº = |65–5–º =#EsłºżH U--- s—ay— *º-wºe > um- ºr x- drear, An - gel voic - es sweet-ly ut - ter, Lo, the sil-ver lin-ing's near. pare, For be - yond the dark-est shad - ow Lies a sil - ver 'lin -ing there. SILVER LINING. 23' _S_ - | w #EA-F.-SHAERE *::: E*-ā-g-gº-º-Hº-e-N-GT3-º: I hºme +7–*———Hz—H 2- | V y" V } Oh the glo-ri-ous sil - ver lin -ing, See the clouds now break a - ) £' s: e. e - - - - -º- -e- -º- -º- -2. *... e. e. -: -º- 5:#; ETT =HE-F#– =E====== H. --—E —4:-- -º-Hº-2–2–2– —H2—-2–F#–E–H–2 —="—p-–2–-2 A- U-º-º-º-º: ſºm-º-º- --y—w——y—— shin-ing, Ush-'ring in the heav'nly day. e. e. e. e- -e- -a, -º- -e- e. e. e. e. e. 3:#E*=#####EEEEEEEEEEH =#F# 2– -Fºr- EEE2–7–2–E–2=#–E–F#–4–3– IEL-F11. Y-y v=w —w *—º-A—A- —w—w—-v–2–v–2– SWIEET AN GIELS, COMIE NIE AIRIEER. CANTERBURY, N. H. _s_^ arº –– -º-Hº-T-I-T-si-...-H-I-i-. --- r——— Hº-Hº---T—H A- 2-—A —-a-H-------|--|--|--|--|--—— ####### y- Eº-EE ===Fºrgº-F ;H --------------------------------- Sweet an-gels, come nearer, O near - er and near-er, Do list to our er, -e——e---— *NTs º —º–f-e—-s—-º– —(9—-O—O-— :-2.5. ––H–H–F----—H- TºTIII ––––––––. --9- ———Hs—- tº z = 4-º-º- - )—-———— **::=#EEE amº- ~ —-a--- t Tº ——C —O— | | | —e—— H {{TºI. I — t— Y-Z 4—— rich-es, its :# s—s—s —”—H·s —–4––––– Hº-s—EE | º b== *H: |-—— = ? N ===H-----> * tº ºms *-P amº º wº- <-> C –––––––– |- s—s–- © T2- | dºs º honors, The im - mor - tal spir - it Can nev -er sup-ply. Nºs 2, E* * * —O—r- *-* -s: & [Idºl`T Fº-2 | 24 IPIR, A YIEEE, AN ID IPER, AISE. Sentiment taken from Fifth Psalm. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. F=======H-H=#= 1 Eº-EFEEZEZE | - 1. Un - to my words, O Lord, give ear, My med - i - ta-tion heed, While 2. My voice, O God, in morn- ing light, I will di - rect in prayer, Guide ar, T _-2- -2- I?— |- £2 HE2–?-- •–H– /* d=HE3E ºr 3; g. | low - ly bowed in sa - cred fear, Thy strength my soul doth need; Oh, Thou my wand-'ring thoughts a - right, And shield me by Thy care; Though * > « . * > ar. wºm * -º- —if f if -º- as -º 5:=====#EEEEEE TT. Tº Tài T TEI. |-z---5–p-z5—25—1-- t-y- º -—F-g—-ºf--P- Y-Z s A. 2- —2– 2-—- 2––a– - – 1– l - º– tº === v= IP = w w = w Iy—ww-w-v_WIP =w IP = w w =w= -Ly- -TP- -w-w-v_w *—r–H ===2. H tempt-ing smares my path be - set, Stead-fast my faith shall be ; Thy u-v- A. A ( ) | ſ | A- L J----- v v º s ! l ºr A—A- mºr i. A- ( A *ry A --—--! tº-2 -- —t- wºr-wºr- -y º ºf ºvº, A. A- k- AA-. *—A |. *r-ºr-ºr .* ºr-ºr & emº-wº ºr-ºr | O - ] b { ) ſ H. C. –25. " – heark-en when to Thee I cry, Thou art my hope and stay; I feel Thy spir - '. draw - ing nigh,When un - to Thee I pray. prom-ise I will not for - get, But look for help from Thee. | ST -e- 3. —O- ge p: T g 2TEŽEEEEEEEE, —— ==HF-5–2– 2 •–F–F–F–F–F–F–F– r—r- 3 In wickedness and vanity 5 Within Thy temple songs of praise No pleasure dost Thou show, Shall evermore resound, No evil thing shall dwell with Thee, In anthems sweet my voice I'll raise All wrong Thou wilt o'erthrow ; For blessings that abound; The false shall not stand in Thy sight, Let them rejoice that in Thee trust, The flattering tongue Thou'lt bind, And shout in songs of joy, For truth with clear and glowing light | Thou ever wilt defend the just Will search the heart and mind. Who evil works destroy. 4 Those who rebel against Thy law, And in defiance sin, 6 Those who Thy name adore and love, Upon their souls true judgment draw, Shall sound a joyful strain, And feel its pang within ; As they advance to realms above, But as for me I’ll seek a place Away from earth's low plane; Within God's house of prayer, | Thy favor to the righteous show, Where dwells His mercy, truth, and O Lord, be Thou their shield, grace, Till they Thy perfect life shall know, My soul shall worship there. q In endless light revealed. Iſ ENEEL, MITY S.A.VIOUIER,” S I PERIESIENCE - 25 EN FIELD, N. H. EIN-ETT-P-A-R-E---|--|--|-H-I-H-----|--|-- # ECFT ºr W -N === —I- +Hº-Hº- Eg-ºf-3 gº- -º-º-º-º-º-E –Fs----->=5–5– | V .* A-4--A - l— —l i– *—— A--A | } | -- -*zº-Hea—el— ---- *Egº- —; 2. | €--— →--2–2 will ye now for - sake will ye turn a - way ?” In quick response my heart re - plies, Bãº- –– 2=#EfFE à *a-H-A—s—- H*—P–––––RL––––– | ##-E-NH=#: & E*L*L*TT ºff- =2–º-º-º-º-H2=3-º'- – -º-º-º-º-º: HEa– FF #H: *N Q_e º Cºve ºmſ ºvºv dº Lord,whither shall I turn? Thou givest to me e - ter - nal life, Thy | *: & *N Bää.E. ºf Efa; E #Eff ºf | Le ºf L'º 2 DT. Iſ TTTTTSEIºTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T. T. T |-ſº #2 T- : .* * E *E*E*E=E=E=E=EEE sav - ing power I’ve known,0h Thy sav - ing power I’ve known. N -º- N | f :- 7-NIT F - e. —£2 GH; #E jºr LºLa =#EEE Bä- ### *. zº- |- 26 () + G-l L.A.I.D INIEW YIEATER, 7 o MT. LEBANON, N. Y. #H#H#H#Hº-EE EEEEEE =E::=#EE 3: 1. A -long the shad-owy aisles of time,There floats a mur - mur 2. Our hopes on star - ry pin - ions rise, High as - pi – ra - tion 3. Like an - gels from the realms un - seen, Light-winged the mo-ments 2-> & I 5:##H###EEE F-º-º-e—e—e— *::::i-º-Fe-2-º-º-e— — 2– —f---- E– ==4=[-Hº-j-. ====== •===- I cº- –––––– ſ —N––N v == ===s=t T 2- F#– FEEE -º-º: 2–3–3. & O > , . -O- soft and low, Now swell - ing in har - mo - nious chime, Sweet thrills our soul, A no - bler life to re - al - ize, As - come and go, The shin - ing links of life be - tween E - #=*= #–E–e-r-e-fif e–F–e—e-e–F–F–A–. BºžH=#H##### ================== | notes in measured numbers flow.With joy we catch the gladsome strain.Which cend -ing to perfection's goal. The past with joy and sorrow fraught Shall the - real spheres and earth be - low; They bear a record of the deeds That HHHHHHHHH EEE # 3–s–EHE 2–E–5–2 HH e—o-o-T- F--H-e——º–C–E– 3–5 [HLH2-3 2-s: —H–H H– ºr | N==w=a- p | fills our hearts with lov - ing cheer, And echo - ing back a from our vis - ion dis - ap – pear; The pres – ent claims our cloud, or make our path - way clear; Broad - cast they sow time's –t----- •—e—e—-->Te zºº ºr LT * T-º'- *Ez-E-F-º-º-CEGE 9:#5: 5–5–5–H5+H========= ===E=E=E=E=E==============H * G | | V V – * /* *my-ºr-my-ºr-my-º-y Tºmº-v-º- º — vºm-ºr-ºr — I ºr-ºr r——H. +—— ===HEF=###H| -----, v mº ºm --- - 4- g- –º-m-m- —G-–H– *—º- v-y - - A-_- º g w Nº- --—--—w vºm- º 2–1–– —g— | | full re - frain, Give wel - come to the Glad New Year ! ear - nest thought: All hail the bright, the Glad New Year ! pre -cious seeds, And ush - er in the Glad New Year ! #============e:=f== BiºHº E5H5–5–H5+5==EEE !— ======== GLAD NEW YEAR 27 4 We tread the vale of time and 5 The tender chords of purest love, Sense, With peace entwined, shall stronger Amid its phantom-fleeting dreams, grow ; Still longing, with a hope intense, We'll bear the spirit of the dove, For something that enduring seems; And kindness to the erring show; Yet duty's path we will pursue, With gentle words, and Christ-like Without a doubt or cringing fear; deeds, With lofty aim and purpose true; A monument of good we'll rear; We'll toil throughout the Glad New While bliss, that fills our spirit needs, Year! | Awaits us in the Glad New Year! G-OOLD AIN G-ELS I FEl El D M II E. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. #º-H –3–?– s—f-º- amº º H–– tº- –––––––– *#EEEEEEEEEEEEE. es ºf: -º- –2–0– ===E===== -— fºLiº jºi V / 2 ENE-EN joy in their presence here; Re-moved from earth's sorrows, Her -º- —IT- -- -TF Tº TT --I--——I y–F–A– cares and her troubles, I re - joice in my kin - dred dear. /* –2–9–0–F–F–2 TTLTTI 3– —H —H-—H- —º-º- 28 •]ſ UST ALS WIE SOW . Eſº-HS=N=N=R=NE KGBH #Tº ºf Tº-Tº- \ #-#4– —-A—A-A. +--N-T—r-— - —A ############ } º-º-º-º-º-º-te-t-ºff MT. LEBANON, N. Y. `-- * 1. Just as we . . sow life's gar - den, So will the har - vest be; 2. Sower, withhold not thy ef - fort, Nor of the seed buds spare; 2- N -(-)- | Q = { } dº `-- * | & ) dº 9:##### —ſ) →-8-in-in- TºI. v 9 V : w #-A-R-A-R-A-Fe-à-4–AI-N-N-N-H== #EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | G-G-G-G-G- +r-e 3-5-tº-Fº === sº.T.s. T * Just as we nurture the blos - som 'Twill bloom in e-ter ni - ty. E’en tho'the morn maypass from thee, And noon heat upon thee glare. *** ------- ; : —ſ J–r—ſ)—s-O-O-O-T--F-—ſ 2–zº- º ſ +-E– HERE TºT —º-l-‘-— T –B–Eº v- E-º-º-º: H–H– * * —--———I-2—2–2–––– Pi—F-º-º- [ _b | If on the bar - ren hill-side, Or in the fertile vale, Sown in the | But when the last hush of twilight Deepens up -on thy toil, Fragrance and •++++ -º-º-ºtif *::Fe—e-e– }=- - - - -um-m-m- it-º-TEEE Eº-º-º-º-E H–24-H I---- –T-E2–2–2- H+++5= === w 9 V V _N -—ſº- B---L-I- i. F---N-N-N-N- *—-N-N-NH. --- NSUI. *E*H*H***=#EEEEEEEEºtº-º: | vºy w — s—s— :*:::: -G- Nemº" w -º-, -L- e. -O- -(º- -O- | gift of the Spir - it, The fruitage will nev - er fail. Just as we sow, ( bloom will re-ward thee, And waft to e-ter - nity’s soil. Just as we sow, | N T & ---, *—l-e-e—e--e— N N ſe—º-º-º--A-R-A-I-e- 5:#;Hº w i-E-H-s-s-ſ-s-s-if-º-º-º-Ew TEL: 4 ºf Lºſ Tºd- º ºf M \mºmºry -º-, º zz=zt"- « » « º' & Sºº- ++++ º #####E —H–-A –––. # ——I––1— Fºrf-N-N-N-º-º: === tº | Hºjº ' ' '. -Q- " ºf * > —zºl-ad-zm"—--—H-——-zm--————— H-4- ſ *-º-º-º-tº-E. -g-e—e-e--- º-º-º-º-º- Just as we sow, Just as we gow life's garden We'll reap in e - ter - ni - ty. ſº, #| N N N N N N IBEATLJTIFULL VALLIEY. 29 MT. LEBANON, N. H. – fl. . « F-–-L- –— —— ####### *}-8-----|--|-2T ——i------——A— | +z-e-a-g-g-g- < * * *- • Ö º 1. I am seeking a beau - ti - ful val - ley, Its pathway I 2. 'Tis true the descent has been pain - ful; With watching and ſ 3. There are pilgrims deseending be - fore me, They all have sºme 2-S --~~- umº am ^- Amº º wºmºmºmº *—&AE- Tº 9:#EEEEEE –F–C–F–C–F–Eº- ==E2-EF2–====E= -- =====E==#EEEE =H. *=; --> -->– —---------------------P----—F- -\- ---— a.m. | w W V V É A tº a tº ITTINTEINTNTINI -——-A | Hi–––––N-E-P-A-Hº- TIN-Tº H=HF-FFs-s-d #: |U +H=#=#=4===######3 ne'er before knew, And as I am slowly de - scend – ing, Its toil and great care, I’ve been prospered thus far on my jour - ney, And good thing to say Of hu-mil - i - ty's beau-ti- ful val - ley, And -º- wrº-ºr-º-º-º-º: e__º ºr º: f : - -º- -e-. BiºHE:=#FFFFF Pi—º-º-º-HEº-º-Hº-º-º-º: W. V V +. H U beauties un - fold to my view ; While oft in my old na-tive now grow content with my fare; I find that each step I have al - so of Zi - on's highway; For just thro’ the midst of the © a sº sº ºn. -O- -O- 5: Effº ===E=E= =====#== Pi—º-E-FEEEEEEEEEE|fir-E-º-º-º-º/E/EEE —z—e—e—e—e—e——F---——g— v V * Nº. N__j N N N N N G –H– -º-SHA-A—A-S-N-A—N-L---- £5–F#–EE:#EEEEEEEEEEE HS Fº-s- Lºs Lºtte-Lº-Lº-Lº-Tº-Tº-T3:IT & Y- -e- ci A ty, I dreamed of this land far, a way, I t8. Kºs ken, But gives new ex- pe - rience and strength; My low - land Is a highway of ho - li - ness clean, The v-ºr-ºry-ºr-wºmyrm, –3 s-EEL _-ºe- -a-, -e- +— Y-y 1 -º-º-º-------º-o- 9:=#EEE?=#EEEEEEE V. V V 2 2 ºr-º-wºmy courage is strong and un - sha - ken; I'll gain the blest valley at length. li - on this path hath not trod - den, Nor eye of the vulture e'er seen. | w w tho't it a des -o- late re - gion, And dreaded the rough thorny way. *H:#########| *E*E*E*E=Eºir-º-º-Hº-º-º-FE & TWTy TTV w w w Tº 30 VOYAG-JE OLE' LII FE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -º-º-º-º-º-ºw N U-º-º-º-º: Amº —A---A—— ############## —--— v-Tº-Tº-y | w ºr ºr —— Iº Tº Tº T =#=E= #EEEEE 53 1. Up - on the rock - y shores of Time Our barques might an-chored 2. O, hope - ful mar - i - ner, be - ware! Thy ves - sel frail may 3. Tho' deep and strong the cur-rent glides Far out up - on the be, Yet pi - lot - like our spir-its long To cross life's roll-ing sea. strand, Un - less 'tis guid - ed on its way By Truth’s un-err -ing hand; Sea, Yet Faith, thy compass, will direct, And Hope thy light will be; 2-\ _--~ -º- -2. -º-, -º- v-y O—º— Y-Z —ſº- --P----T-I —s. * + * 9;#################| v -r- T —i----|--|-- ——H·-·- —; if-5–F–A– _- -b--- E--NH- | ––––H- Cl– --------- b Š === *====tº Iº.| T.JTL. o w | To sail . . . a - way . . Up - on its change - ful tide, TO Then sail . . . a - way ! . . And leave all phan -tom fears ; Pre- Still sail . . . a - way ! . . Nor trust in thine own power, But * * > *. E EITIETI —O H2----------- T F=== gº ------N- #E #EE à-2–; EI-Fe- NTH-i-I ) O T Nºse’ brave the tem - pest and the storm, And o'er the bil-lows ride. pare with strength to meet the flow Of the in - com -ing years. watch and pray though calm the day, Or dark the mid-night hour. -o-, -e- -º-º-º- *—A. H – -º-º- * - tº- - -—2–s =#|| | T 4. The treasured wealth of patient toil, 5. Thy finite vision cannot span, Within thy spirit lold; Or bound the mighty deep ; The shining pearls of Wisdom, place The secrets of the future years, Upon life's threads of gold. Within its bosom sleep ; And sail away ! But sail away With Love at thy command, O voyager on the main To buoy thee up and cheer the way Within the blessed port of peace, To the immortal land. | Sure anchorage thou wilt gain. IH [IEA VENILY IPATHIVV.A.Y. 31 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. # A— #EE –A–s-E-si-A-N-E E †-ºf- | #EEE –F; =3|Es=t-s= 3-5-tº E3=s== 1. Do we think what a treas - ure the Gos - pel will 2. Oh, the joys that we now see will fade from our | 3. Then let us take cour - age the go - al we may BłE Eſſº Es-s-s-Ee-º-º: E+*E*=E== *===E=E====E=E=E== p—p-- p—p---- W-V w be, When our souls from all strug - gles with na - ture are free ? sight, As the stars soft - ly melt in the morm -ing's clear light; win, And our souls may be cleansed from the na - ture of sin; /*N AºA * -º- e. e. e. 5:=====#EEEE?===E=#EEEEEEEEEEE Pº-º-º- E--—2–2–H– ===HEE –E–F– w_*- ºf p *——º- *—s——l. == *E*-* *H FE 0 &_*- - *-*-* \m aw- gº - A - A. ſº wº —F A-__* A. —( )—t- wº-AA .*.*-*. —C. « » tº ºr 㺠aº-º-º- Æ-º-º-º. AEA … *. A- | When the un - bound -ed re - gions of glo - ry are And our spir - its made pure by the Gos - pel's bright By the cross that the Spir - it hath taught us to _º -º- -º- ==# *EEEE EEE-Z-jº-j-E- 2- H – ºw ºr-º-º-º-º-º: ºf HºHENEREF=== EFEt3=3|Eg=tº-3===*EE ours, And our pathway lies al - ways'mid hea - ven - ly flowers ? fire, Will rise through e - ter - ni - ty, high - er and high - er. bear, By watching and meekness, by love and by prayer. -º-, -º- - + A- # EEEEEEEEE =#===== P +*E*E*EHº-º-º-HEEE --F—p T-7–7– – # 32 SIPIIRITUAL EDIEN. WATERVLIET. N. Y. EN FIELD, N. H. A-P- ==N=N Cºd TºI.== 1. We are told of a blest spirit land, Where flowers e - ter - mal-ly 2. We are told of its sea-sons so fair, Its e - ter - nal spring and its 3. We are told that the spir - it of war Is known in that land, never 4. To the joys of a heav-en made here, Add bliss of the an - gel - ic º * = A- d P- - <- zº- ———CH- ºr . . =#3 F – ——A--N- Esº-HEºi===ENEREN= tº-º-º-Es--Hi-Haj-aſ-a-ta-tº-tº-º-º-ft------- ——*—-aſ-s-----. --——--------z-z-z- bloom, Whose “evergreen shores,” whose angelic band Will greet us beyond the cold youth, No sickness, no pain, nor pois-on-ous air; No slander, no pride nor un , more, But hal-cy-on love and union are there, A brotherhood scene ev-er- band, A heaven on earth, sure then will appear, A foretaste of that hap-py ========ſ+z====== f EºsFPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-Fe-F Fº -witHz-z-E-s-s-s-tº-º-Hº-gºtt- ==Hº- tomb; We are told of its cit - ies of light, Whose streets are all pav'd with gold, Whose truth; Of its bright “sea of glass” we have heard, The pearls and the gems on its shore, No more; We are told, would we reach that blest sphere, And earn an in - her—it - ance there, TO | land. Let us press for the “ev-er-green shores; ” We’ll make all its plea-sures our own; And mºm, Qº Cºº ) ºr-wºmy } - =#EEE . rº--r-º —r-º--Hº- =F —-L---- III-IS ISTSEITIf TI-TSEITTTI-TSETICº-º-Sºl 4–1–24–3– ====E=#-F#-F#-F#-4-#–E–F–H === --~- -——-1–H–----|-H-— - —-H---- —L-H- –––ay- -*—H. º º º' . W W SPIRITUAL EDEN. -> 33 & ######FFHEHRHRH R&B-9–C-9-HO-º-Hº-t-g-g-Hºtº-E-t-º-º-º-tTit - | tº rumº AA A amº *—”—Ams --- w ºftº: -- IET: -ji=### inmates are clothed in pu - ri-ty bright, Where none suffer hunger nor cold. troublesome noise—the songs of the birds Are adding their joy ev-er - more. la - bor with care for heaven while here, By liv-ing the life they live there. be angels here, and there ev-er-more, In E - den, our e - ter - nal home. l -—- º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º | Tº A. & º _. l G-2 =4, -º- =####### 1. Oh, what joy to be there in that bright land a - =S-T- —e— º ſº r-—ſº ſº ſº J #H#H#E T-TT EEE TI 3:L HP+-y—iz— p—º-E-2 p- & w V W bove — That beau - ti - ful Zi our e - ter - nal home. No dark-ness, nor death, but life, light, and 4---—---—A--A --— [Tº- e- [TI E–2– p— | º V t º Y)—C–C–- love, In that Spir - it - ual E - den, our e - ter - nal home. Rs —e—º. e -O- & 34 IH [IEAVENILY. G-O AL. Tº a T. Fei-ft-tº-p-i-IN-INT-N-----, H=HE==== IETET2- *— *. L----~~~~ Gm, amº ºm > º º–A–2 C 3–3–3 CANAAN, N. Y. sº ºn 2 | 1. We are all marching on through the shadows of time To our 2. ()h, glad - ly we're leaving the lowlands of earth, Where we 3. We’ve tasted the bliss of the hea - ven - ly state, And have u º sº ===e—e====A-A-L-e—f-f-f-e—e & =#= – ==#EEE —H-—— -- H … * u-º-º-y º ºx ºf A * - —C– & Y_* RP-4–3–2–1––. W iſ tº ºr-wrº { beau - ti - ful, beau-ti- ful home ! Where a-mid the green bowers of | dwelt 'mid the phantoms that perished; Where the promise of pleasure but found the rich pearl of salvation; The pure in - spi - ra - tion of -º-e -O- -º- + k- - – +- ZTENTiº -A— N–N– ENERE EEEEA-fi: Cº-º-º-º- 2 ºn -----sº Wisdom and Love, In the sunshine of truth we will roam ; end -ed in pain, And vain were the hopes that we cherished; e - ter - nal truth, Is the joy of our virgin re - lation; • N EEEEE= - > ---- ºr Liz Y-y --> Mm. -i. ——zi—–A–-A—A-E--A—H- wr-er ======Fa We’ll sing of the blessings of life that abound For the Oh, cheering the thought ! we’ve obeyed the high call, And have . Then upward through tri - al our watch word will be, In the upright, the faithful, and ho - ly; And gather the flowers of en - tered the sphere of progression; We'll toil for the treasure of light that is, ev - er in-creas—ing; Redemption's the goal we're de- -O- #. # H===== W wº HEAVENLY GOAL. Q 35 N__N ETNTHY = e−. *—º-H –– ------ –––– --1-e- i——A- |-si–2—4–6—º—Hz.--—zi—t =FREHEEEEEEEE —g-g---- Y-y —C–C–H–C–s——C Yºse’ vir - tue and peace, As we travel to re-gions of glo - ry. inn - mor - tal worth, Our on - ly a - bid - ing pos - ses - Sion. termined to win, For this will our strife be un - ceas - ing. FF-4–2—º fºr é-e— &m 9:#–E–F– —--—P-——— ** ====E===== V V v º, 2 CIHI A N G-D ELLIESS PAG-IRDS. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -l * * H ººm w = x . | G Aº-º-º: Ea. A dº A- 1. i——A à- A- a- =#EEE & —Cºl——x— -O- -C V Though our time is swift-ly fleeting, Yet each moment as it A-...-è. -o- 2- FEETº-º- EEſº-º-Hº- ===#EEEE ===== g-V-V-V-w v-v-2–-- • Cº-º-º-º-º-º- — 4 º' Tº } | p rolls, Bears onward to e - ter - ni - ty — The impress of our souls. ...] |--|--— -O- ###### N N N --- --- --- Ef-º-º-º-Hº-Hº % - 2 v v | w stand, To bless or blight the spir - it In the im - mor-tal land. 36 © lº"AIRIEW. E. L. L. & MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -N-A id: s-Es- :=#E. (2– Fare-well, fare-well good friends in the cause; Farewell till we meet once g -Q- -O- ;H ====N=EN 5*E=E=EN=N=EE ſº-yº º 2. H== —— more | If not here in time, in a fair sun-ny clime, We shall -O- 0. -ſº = 2. ––9–0–9—T-9—o—fº-r-j--—s—e-r-s—s—e– Jºrum v-v-wºr-wºr-wºr-T-Yºsy —— w t | O T ( ) i - J- |- Fº-Hº-º-º: *H Hº-5- H=# º V —by- +– TD *- % DUET, Cho. 2-k A--- 2- --- w i | I a — – —L– v=w—w —l—-i--—t-i-º-º--—l——ſº—a-—ſº-ſº-ſº-L —— – Nº mºus —-t-----t-— -T- +-3–3–3–3– | < Y_`_*- ºr ºr H g- ; He– w" hºme me — —H-—l—H. O———C | y-ºff-p meet on the gold - en shore. Shall peace be ev - er ours ? Sweet is: v-Tº-T -Tº-Tº-y A---— A–A--A Yºr --- — TTT | } him. Mº X- * > * = v-y =—F- U = -º-º-w -—l Hº- ſ H--- A-º-º-º- A- | h- F–3– flowers, That are scattered a -round us from an - gels above, While #=##### T -º-HTETE- -E-TETTIf ſº-Tº-Tº-Hº-jº- =====EEEEEEE| FAREWELL. 31 —t—N-N-E I U ——º —l -º-, -º- on a mission of love. *—& A *. 2- - - … *_^_^. r- ºr w = www. v-T-Y-Tº-y w_w g Ist A. } * -O-> ( → --~ + * f -e- -a+ . +b====== p ; :=::=: NEW YEAR’s G-EREETING.. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. −T-i-NE-L-L-I-i-à--- FEHºHEEH tº-º-º-º- —-i-º-H-2 1. List – en while we join with angels, Who in love have gathered near, And we’ll tell you 2. Clean shall be our fu-ture pages, Stamped upon our mem—'ry clear; Free from sin, and 3. And we'll touch the muse, to waken Those who are to us so.dear; Wishing all a H*I*T*T*E —l I-T— = Free-f – fº-c ==HEN —- #EEEE|| -t— I ( ſº-A-AA >†-º-º-º A. tº-º-º-º-tº-º-º- of the morning — Of the glorious day that’s dawning — Of the new and coming year. vold of sadness, Fraught with joy and full of gladness, Record of the coming year. hap-py morning; Happy weeks and months are dawning, And withal a hap-py year. *—a—-w 38 r TIER, UIE I LOVE. UNION VILLAGE, O. 4- 4- | NH==== 1 : —a-d–4– ! 1. Pur - er than the skies of e-ven, Brighter than the morning sun, 2. Oh, it is a glo - rious feeling, Deep'ning as we heav'nward go, 8. Love will heal the brok - en-hearted, . It will cure the stricken soul; -º-, -e-, -o- -º-, -e- -º- f Hº-Hºº-º-EEEsº- H. ====E== +-s—-Hº-Hº-H----- Hs A. | *EH = | | G- | Is that an - gel love from heaven, Blending all our hearts in one. Spot-less as the sunlight, stealing Soft - ly thro’ the fall - ing snow; | Twill u- nite whom death has parted, Where no waves of sor - row roll. ==##– ######3 ----,-a- Now like rippling wa - ters meeting; Murm’ring glad - ness to our ears, 'Tis a fount of liv - ing waters, With rich bles-sings run-ning o'er, It will triumph when the mountains, Time, at last shall o - ver-throw, -º-, -e- -a- -º- A- | | ––– TºTº-Tº-ºº- Tº ; º w—w-w | L H+H==== | T-7-F Now with - in our.hearts 'tis beating, March - es to the brighter spheres. Where all Zi - on’s sons and daughters, Drink of bliss and thirst no more. And when si - lent, all life's fountains, Love shall bright, still brighter glow. p if f : :-(+: f==== =========E=2-f-e-His-Hi TZTI H===Hºff | p- F==== TRUE LOVE. 39 4 Like the light of hope that's beaming 5 'Tis to God, and to each other, O'er the dark clouds rolling high, Love unites us heart and hand, Love reveals far o'er them gleaming, And will guide us, sister, brother, Brighter worlds beyond the sky. Homeward to the promised land; l| Grant, thou Great Almighty Giver, While we pray to be forgiven, O'er our wild and bleak domain, While we hope for heaven above, Ilove may, like lost Eden's river, | May our strife be all for union, Make this world to bioom again. And our contest all for love. . ! * < PIE.A.C.E., EIC STILL. ** MT. LEBANON, N. Y. * | /* —l I—A ( ) — –A–A–?— ########:THE H = H —- |-º-º-º-º-º-H I2EzTE ------ §§2–4-a-Hº-THEEE site-º-º-3–g==s== U + 1. Peace, peace, ye wild winds that shake the dark for - est Be 2. My soul shall be strong 'Mid the wild storms of na - ture, And | _ —º-º-º--— A- 9::p:#–E–H–2–2–2 | A-A —-o-Ho-e*—s =9-4 == wº-ºº-º-º-º- H-T-9-y N —º F- —A—s * #ſ: ##### ºf E-G-BEHEEE =====FFF:FE †† | still, ye fierce tempests that rock the great sea! Your strength is as weakness, com- firm - ly my spirit on God will depend; Then an-gels of light shall my *. a M ar, | s="—"—"—"—º----|--|--—? —gre—----- ?--- :-b-t-t-t-t-i-- 1 Lº–H-º-Hº-º-º-º- ===Hº-5-7–2–2–2– v | pared with the power Of those, who from bondage have set themselves free. dark path il-lu-mine, For God is my Fa-ther, my Mother, and Friend. . 5#t= *-*-*-*-*–H– "— ####### Hº 9 V V v '40 | –75– w" ſºm-º mº ſºm-ma w ºf J ####### ##### IH [IECA VI ENI LY G-UI [IDIE. 1. Oh, who will guide my 2. Though for a while I calm - ly sail, 3. Oh, who will then my pi - lot -º-, -º- ENFIELD, N. II. * wºm, ºr ºf *—ºmºmºm am Am-m-m- zº- A A- * fee - ble barque, On life's tem-pest - u - ous on the waters p My . . barque to safe-ly —-Hº —t— fair, Re - joic -ing as guide Thro' all the per - ils \; - --Tº-Lº-is-ſº [. biº- ==7–4–2– :=== ( * > . ºf > -O- Sea 7 Whene'er my way seems drear and dark, My guide and help - er ſº I breast the gale, And breathe the balm - y the sea – The storms, the winds, and -O- A- ~my *-w H -º- *=======A-m-m- ºm- f =A====~~m_ tº- ºr º-yº º 4 - Yºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-y- me ==w=w= —N– H –; A - lone I ne'er can safe - ly p view Him com-ing o'er the main, He beck - ons -º- -2. 9:##:= –F- Eºis-> —— C H– The dan - gers of un - to The rocks, the shoals, the hid - den mass Tſat And all And Pe -º- º *- - ion's range The Ap - a - round my vis ter- like, would fain in the foam - ing waves dash high, . . proach Him on O - Céâl Il the —C–s-—º-º } be 3 air; Yet soon there comes a fear-ful change, Dark clouds obscure the tide 3 TøIT *. zº- *—& Gºd- --— =w==w= v===^*= O - CG all The foam - ing waves dash high. Ap - proach Him on That -—( )—— A-. wºmy-º H tº- * - —O—— ) FF-FF- –––– —2– H HEAVENLY GUIDE. 41 4. But oh, what little faith is mine, 5 Then He will be my Pilot true, I sink beneath the wave, 2 My blest and heavenly Guide, And struggling, cry for help divine, Whatever dangers now ensue, O Lord, in mercy save. | Securely I may ride. He takes me kindly by the hand, And as my barque he safely steers His power my soul doth thrill, | Toward that heavenly realm, The elements at His command, My song shall be, I have no fears, |: In tranquil peace are still.: | |: My Saviour's at the helm. : || I POWIEE, OIF I LOVIE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Affettuos Ç A- N ##3–ſº---→––P+]—— #####EEE INHEN=N===N===E2FHL { - - - — + d | ºmºmº uºmº +3===Hº-5-3 - E2: Egil 1. Sweet and mel – o - - dious are the sounds I hear, Like 2. This mighty pow - er . . the old heavens will shake, The <-> _--> Y-y #1-rº-º-º-Hº-f—2–5–5–12–?–12 ſº. — sº tº L || | | | | | | I 1 — IIITTTTTISETI BºžHHE y TVTVTVT g-u-I-T-F—F- F–5–5–5–5 … * * —###4– –F–––– Tººl. TNT LETTL-N-IL: * # f fº- Q_º 3. —C- an - gel mu - sic falling on mine ear, From worlds a - bove ; earth will reel, and slumb’ring souls a - wake, And cry to God! i ...—e– — |===-it--s-º-º--——-r--→–?––f-r-2—H––––––– Bă ==========E=-E-L-E-HE-F-2-H2+===E fº ==== H==Hºº-º-º-p=#2===H-y-tº- ---, ----|--|--|-r T — - A--AA-A-A ––– | * — *–a–s-Ez-z-º-º-º: Tai LaTLº-Lº-La-Li-IºTI | 'Tis full of power, yet tran - quil and se - rene ; And And when they call, His an - gels He will send — To dº * ( ) | | 2- - º º #:===##########|| —ºf-Faº –Q ————H–C– e—*—H-4–3—–E–F–F–º-: {}-2–ºf–s-s-s-H+3=====E2FEEE*L± |U--— F.J-g-g-g-F —g Y-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-y Fº +++z= souls who're free, and pu - ri - fied from sin, Can feel this love. com-fort them, and con - so - la - tion lend, And give them food. /* -------"—”—º-º-º-º--— —e——"—l-º- # *a-E: Fº-EFEEEEEE3–==E ==#|| Hº-º-º-º-º-º-Ef-º--EFEEE PEEEF2==| F-F-I-I--—r ſ ſ ſ:| I H [Oly. IEC. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. A-TNC-NCTL EE-N-N-TINENT FF-NH-F N=N==ENE: TDTI Y-i-º-ºff-R-F#-Fs-e-º-º-º- = | —C-– * = | *- Q = "mº-º-º: ſº - a . —g— e- * rººf-ºf-g-g: ‘g-i-sº aft- 1. We have a home from the cold world hid, A spot con - se - cra - ted to 2. Here we can banish the cares of earth, And fan - cies that lead a - 3. Here waves of love a - round us roll, And o - pen the beau - ties of N N | TN | | ,-> - –––. J-e-,-,-4–4– —r-al—-A——A ––A––––. 2- ====== –LG C Q — — — — — —º–G–s A-. & w—w-ſ-s-s | God; And our feet are shod for the blest high - way Which the stray; 'Tis here we strive that the an - gel death Ma grace; Till their pow'r of good be - comes for us A . . ;I2 TL. I.T.-——t-fºr- v=v-wr F- tº-2 #–1. HHHHH 3– A- A- N Cº-a-—C–C–1+(J–G– i H–H–H– •. N N N ERENEEE E ==#EE====== BE++*E*EEz-Ełłº-º-º-º-º- 9–5–3–3–2–3–tº–ºtº-e-º-º-º-e ransomed before have trod. Here the star of In - no-cence for - nev - er becloud our way. Thus the growth of a life in heav - en - ly home and place. And thus we're hid from a sº-º-º-º------4--ºr it 9:#t=#EEE?===E::fffl zº {D > =############ - C. –s- ===s=E= FEHEH Hº-2-a-ay—ay–2–1––0–9–0–2–25–6–4– ><-- ( ) `-- >~. `--~~ ev - er shines, And beams of Char - i - ty glow ; . . . Here the God is ours, The strength of the Con quer-or's light, . . . The cold world's gaze,To know of a sin - less rest : . . . When the a N ~~~~ ºr wº q º q q Q . . q « « q « { º { * > > ###EE ==== *—º *—A Fy—s- –G–1– *—A-. A in - , mer thoughts are attuned through faith,To virtue's me - lo - di - ous joy that fu - tu - ri - ty’s bliss re- veals, With im - mor - tal - i.- ty breath of our being up - ward wings, To float in the land of the | ~ –––º-Y-1–a––a–D–– Es—fºr ºf 2: H–E–-i-º--e-p- *—“Te—? --—º ~1– adºwº-mº-º-ºwe ºw-w -O----4–H EEEEE=E====EE —r- ºr-ºr |-- -2–2–2–2—w— w | ? |_ | —624-s—–C– ———-i- =zFE flow, To virt-ue's me - lo - di- ous flow. bright, With im mor - tal - i-ty bright. } O home for the soul, blest, To float in the land of the blest. | N ( * H.--—H — ---— H- H--— 9:###H#=#E 2–H–3– v-z. H v-º-º: F ‘G º • ºmy ºrºmy { —lº–º-—— w ===NEN== TNTENTI -—- 1– --— — a-m ºf wº H–a–s—e-3–a–3— --g-g-g 2––– a-wºve ——s *—e- | ſº tell of thy joys, Till all thy glo - ry shall know. -e- 2- N N -º- *. ſº -O- Đà -º-º-º-º-º-Hº-T-E- 2f f := EHEEEEEELºL U- A -- —g- -- A- • | ALFRED, ME. *YTIT A —S --NT--A— *—— —NI- Ta-ſº a TT ſé+FFFFF =##### L { * ===N-º-Es-a-FEºPDEC–H–2–3– –4– =ts { s C- ym—m - | *—º-Am. Ež s †-y- et Zi - on move as the heart of one, Her light shine forth as the ==N== ris-ing sun, And let her people all become Baptized with fire from heaven. --A—R-—r——º--N--> —A —— —- º ——S-1–- —-i-I- Esi" EEsº a fis |_ A—A-º-º-º: =*== -o-º----2–H Send ho - ly in - spir - a -tion down, Heavenly Father, from Thy throne; | Fº-N=FF-TEE-NENTFs-FRE ſº —-e- # ==== Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº- s' " –5–– ——ay— w———w—— Leave, O leave us not a - lone! An - gel guides di - rect us. 44 MORNING LIGHT. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. #EEEEEEEEEEEEEEis-E =#4–3=#EEEEEEEEEEEE =#EEEEE g g ** -O- º ( → g º: e 1. The res - ur - rec - tion an - gels call, a - wak - en is the 2. "Tis not a time of hopeless grief, tho’ truth’s un - fail - ing 3. And when the burning time is o'er, O, who will count its +2-ſe–e=====Fºº-º-e=re–e—e–e— º—D—2–2–E +FP+Fs—s===F EEEEEEET*E*EEEE EEE ' ' | | | | cry ! The east is filled with morning light; the clouds of darkness fly! fire Consumes the earthly el - e - ments, and ev - 'ry vain de - sire; pain! A - mid the glo - ries and the love that ne'er shall fade a - gain. | * e. e. e. #–E–F#–f-e—— 5:#EEE +====E==f-f- TLE: *-a-Lº- Pºp #2– 2–2–2–2–Hº–º-H--Eº–2– -Ez— –ºf–2–––– FFFFFFFFFFF |-|--|--|--|--|--|-- *===H This . . is the day of right-eous-ness, for now hath Christ ap- The . . sea of thought gives up its dead, and naught will mem'ry With . . strength I will sus - tain my part, and press thro’ev - 'ry tº _-2. º_-e- —ſ) º: -º- -º- e. f. #FFE-FFFFE-FFFF *:::::: \m, 2–2–2– —p—a– C*TTTTTTTTT |--|-- - | I-- - - I I T | -L-E- ſºmº wº- -º U- - - ) --|-- #====HERE & — * > 4- =y- 2--- +- ---- He- C.– –3– ########### | peared Be - hold, up - on the mountain height, His snowy ban-mer reared hide; But by this judgment of the Lord, the soul is pu - ri - fied. ill, Un - til I reach that blest a-bode, the City on the hill. rº–º - -º- -ſſ- H *——— IMIY S.A.VIOUTIER, . 45 CANTERBURY, N. H. j Q., –tº––– -----, #H# === H |\S.L. #: —i-e- 1. How ex - alt - ed and how beau - ti - ful, the sayings of our Lord! 2. Though uttered a -ges long a - go, they still re - tain the power 3. My . . Saviour, O! I love Thy life, so free from guile and stain ; | -O- -O- -O- - - -º-e *...* * * * H # ####### hºmº sºm, --T— Y-Z I- -— -—l— +. *- ( – vºmy -- | -— —C. ——H– Ełłł !-- ——— * -2 ========= How clothed in grace and dig - ni - ty, is each in - spir - ed word; To cheer the wea - ry soul, and throw light o'er each adverse hour; Thy in - no - cence and pu - ri - ty my ad - o - ra - tion claim. | † : + –4–3–2–1–ºf–t-ºf-f —--—H--—— Bă. * * *me H —a-—H-—ºt —–--— 2–Ha-—T)—2 –a–H––– Y-y #F# TTTTTTETTITUTT. T. Hºw- o I | (T =####-i-H-A-3–3– # A- =y E #3–3–3– RJ--→ They are to me as gold - en fruit, in sil - ver pictures set, And count - less millions, ages hence, shall sing and speak the praise, It serves to el - e - vate my mind to count Thy virt-ues o'er, | -O- a | |=: ----- *-* f. It ſº e º -o-F –2 —ſº O Eº, Lº-Lº-LETE-ITELLIEPEEEEE vººr-ºr HEZ-FEEEEEEEEEE-HH —}---- * > €i-s—— E |-- - - A- EE J-Fs-d I W -2- - Like mu - sic which the fi - nite voice can nev - er coun - ter - feit. Which fills the heart and moves the lips of saints in lat - ter days. And prompts the strife to pat- tern Thee, to “go and sin no more.” | 3–3– …e. U G ºmº- s * Jºrº Y A-_^- ze. * … *_º. z - a tº v-ºr-wºmy ºr-v-ºr v-y º 2- 2- 2- --- A- –––––– º ºr-º-º-y v-y A. -º- flºw U_* \g ºf-wºrx A-...--A A-. Uºmº 2- I v-Tº-y Mº A-A-. A—A- ſ. ſº| . Fº• *º|: | | 46 I L.A.INID Ol F I LOVE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Pºº-º-º-º-E-R-N-REEE ### #s -w- -w- ‘:3: f ~g: 1. Weil not from us, Ho - ly Spi - rit, Beau - ties that are ev - er 2. We would take the wings of morn -ing, And ex - plore the mountain's —ſº- – - - - -O- º:3====Eº-º-º-Eº-E-R-EEEEEEEEEEEE Pºłº-HHHHH v-v-t-t-º-º-º-F—u—p-ºf-F-E- :- 2 º' *-* -- " " - |T -A—h- º –––––––– TTININT ===E=== HEE-NE == #=== –2–3–2-º'-tº-º-º-º-3- === rife, In our fu - ture home of glo - ry, Land of love and endless life. height; Or descend in pleasant val-leys, Seeking treasures free from blight; -º-, -º- -º- º — — . * Ç L*— ) T E–F–F ELºs –3 -H L^T L =E==E=E==#EEEEEE zº- === Hi-p-p-H-I-p vººr-v-my-wºr-º-º-º: –0. R-— ——º--N- | —A-A- T.I..I | mº- ºr –-º-v-ºn-ºn- H--—— 'ſ º -] ſºm -º- =w=U=uº-y-A- ºr {}=#EEEEEEE E-T2+2+2+ j--s—s— t l—-C–C–F–C–C–- &_º Ilift the cur - tain from our vis - ion, Fan the mists that dim our In a bless - ed sweet com-mun - ion With the loved ones gone be - -º-, -º- -º- -&- _-º- -a-, -º- -º- -º- -º- -º- -º- Đăţţ== *=#EEEEEEEEEE E– †Eº-E---->EEEEE ===E=- I T —E-v----——w—F-9–p-i- É= Fº-º- | *-) -āj- - - -3- eyes; We would scan the inner heavens And from earth-li-ness a - rise. fore, We would clasp them nearer to us, Range with them the heavenly shore. Pi—º-º-º-Hº-º-Hº-E-FEEEEEEE P=E=::::::=Hºº-º-º-º-Hi BHe=:::=:==#EE:: re-º-º-º: # –F– N-º- 2-0 mmunº-ur- 3 But we'll bide our time in patience, 4 Then abide, O blessed spirit And improve each moment well; | Purify us unto Thee, In a life of consecration That a tower of strength and glory, We will labor to excel. | To the mations we may be ; Forming here a joyous heaven, And our earthly home foreshadow By creating one within ; | Our eternal home above ; And a home of love and beauty, Dwelling place of truth and goodness, Free from discord, strife and sin. Paradise of heavenly love. LAEROIR, OF LIFE. 47 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. U__N > *gº -º-º-º-º-, - wºm ~my —l TINTET A- l— (J L-4 – *—º. *—&—A. Aiº º A-, *-*—&—&—º. Æk—&–4- *- ; + 3 + º | 1. Dream not a - way life's gold - en hours In realms of tran - sient i i —1– 5. ===N= – *— | 2. Fair fields in God’s own her - i - tage In - vite to no - bler ( 3. The cliam - bers of thy soul ex - pand, And stretch thy tents a - #–4–8–in–His º H —L–- | < * ~ * v-º-# Fº bliss, And tar - ry not in pleasure's bowers,In quest of happiness ; aims, The stronger powers of good engage In vir-tue's ho - ly claims; broad; Clasp La - bor in Religion's hand And aid the work of God, *my-º-º-ºmy #–E–F#–E– - F -e-. ;. -e—h-e— as-H-i-º-º-º-pº-º-º- B:# —º- * –H 2- TLEET fºL-º-ILL TºIttº-Tº-Lº-T | -º----- | *- r—º- # === 1 & 2 w For there the sy - ren sings her song The wanderer to de - A - wake 1 for glo - rious themes to strive A -bove earth's sor - did Till the Mil - len - nial day shall shine To earth's re - mot - est * Wr « » º: -O º #l|;| | -is !. .|º *-ºw #E:= 3–-s—e—e—- 4– tº- —N – – -ge J. - :} *6&{ l i.t |º -[.. z-E ENEE HHHH. s—-i-º- -( ) ‘:3:Tº: ( ºf ºf —O—C–C––C–––C–C– coy, There subtle charms, like magnet strong,Allure, but to destroy. pelf, In broad plmilanthropy to thrive, Beyond the sphere of self. bound, Till perfect love, and peace divine, A-bid -ing place have found. |Bãºftº–E =##: | ==ºir----- | FF W 48 e G-OJD’s IBILIESS IN Gº. CANTERBURY, N. H. | #HRENEEE A---—& =A==AH- * ——A—-N-H––– d --4---º-Hº-3– ºr —ſ # #EHHHHHHHH — | –––O!—C–H–C. ITI) ——-----— f 1. As the dew of the morn -ing, Or as bright riv - ers 2. As the dawn of the morn -ing, Or a heav - en - ly F- ſ ! J | # Hº: H-º-Lº- *—º-º. Lº– Gm, ºm > m, *Tº Đºir f: A- = < \ºmºſºme —H- EEE-HHHHHHHHHHHH H= Erºtº-º-g= =### * * | roll; So, so does God’s blessing Flow in - to my soul. ray; His glo - ri - ous brightness Il - lu - mines my way. eº | - ( * ( ) H - – A- a 4- a a mº | | sºme 4--> -- tº b W v-Tº-Tº-Tº-y º W ºr L ( ) | t *—A-A*—& | > —C *my & Y_ I'll walk in His pres - ence As one great - ly I'll sing of His fa - vor, I'll mer - it His A- ! * * * * -T- d— ſº === ###E *=== b- U- Tº { E#######|| H-— E3 G- ==HE — -s ºr blessed; On whose soul the love of His work is im-pressed. love; By hon - est en - deav - or My loy - al - ty prove. | 2-a-t—º-º- If TI # === t – .* # b G-ENTILE I DIEEIDS. 49 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. A tº U- (-, -u F-— U == Uºmº wº -——º- tº a 2 - ) º v-ºm-ºr -——l ######Eff=##### §2=#8Eig-g-g-g-tº-º-º-º-tº-º-º-º-tº-º-º-º:H ºw y is a -w ºr w ſº ( 1. Gen - the deeds are ev - er forming Verdant spots with - in each heart, 2. It is ours to be progress-ing And to toil with ar- dent thought, 3. O, it is a blessed ha-ven | Where no blighted pow'r remains, -º-, -e- -a- !-- * = umºm ºf e --- * > mºna =t-r ++-e-r-º-º-º-º-- H * =?---- I –5– == # = =E #E #===#ENEH, Whence shall spring the plants of virtue, Flowers that incense sweet impart; That our lives may mer - it blessing, And with ho - li-ness be fraught. Where un - ho - ly strife is banish'd, And pure love our souls en-chains. | -*. -(2- -(D- ] # F#-F#–E– -*—– E*E*E=EEERE"E H= A EZ-E-f-t- ––– - || 1 } | A- V E *Hºº-º- P-5. H=#; HHHH #EEEE *H=== W Such shall wak-en tho’ts most ho-ly, Bring to life some germ of love, Morn shall ope with new de - sires, Evening shall their strength increase, Here in un - ion we are leaving All the glittering dust of earth, -(-)- -O- , *-m-um em. --------f-º-º-º-º: —e—e—e-f BiºE ====E==EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Y-F –– ==f=== VHFfHZ-Fºrff - – – ——A- i #|| *TE: –Q s—-- Cause as - pir-ing true and last-ing, For the pow'rs that lift a-bove. While the an - gels find our spirits Resting in the realms of peace. Seek-ing on - ly the im-mor -tal, Which will give us an - gel birth. * > -O- -º-, -º- T ſº ſº—º-r-º- T T :=[f=ſ=#E º †— r=: T-------- #|| -º-º-º-º: + —A #: HE Hº! ——f — --— —A *- ºmºmº -um ºn H=3= — a | | ſ& {| 50 SEASON OF DEVOTION. P EN FIELD, N. H. º # TNLNT —A INEEE EIS →---A—— == -j-E-EFEAL-FEIFFTEEEEEEIST- # — ==#EEE 3E3Es-tº- # 2- == | 1. Blessed sea - son of de - vo - tion, When the saints in un - ion 4 2. Zi - on's chil - dren, raise your voic - es, Free - dom's glorious strain pro- i- =A. N_ _-2. -º- -º- e H3–5––a– –H–—— Ex-EELET-- Biłł *E=E====E====== ++–F–F–F–FF H} –éº- --In-In l— T-T-TD-T2 TT2"TT i——A--|--|--|- H |- -&- -e- ºr w—ºr º: s 3. ———- # | w | meet, Boundless as the waves of o-cean, Flows the spirit pure and sweet. long, While the heavenly host rejoic -es, Echoing back the conqueror's song. Angels from the realms of glo - ry, Join our ranks in tuneful Saints in darkness, bound no long - er, Leave the shades º endless | -O- - - - - - -O- -º- 2–; ;-Ex-E-LEEEEEEEEEE LP- :===HE=: —w #= # =# praise, Bringing blessings pure and ho-ly From the heav'nly Throne of Grace. night, Nev - er more in sin to wan - der, Join the chorus with de - light. £2 -O- -(2- N N > - 2- ſº —º- #Ef Ex-E-LEE-EEEEEEEEEEEEE * = +---L-in-Tº-Hº-Tº-TITTENTE TIMEI = TºTE e ====V++-------,-,-,-,--- 3 Bless the day, the happy hour, 4 Shout again with deep emotion, When the gospel trump was heard, Let the joyful accents roll; Bringing forth that light and power, Blessed season of devotion, That would reach a dying world. How refreshing to the soul. Sin-sick souls the call obeying, . | Heavenly guardians, now before us, Find deliverance from the fall ; | Let your blessing crown the scene; While the faithless, still delaying, While we make sweet praise our chorus, Lose their precious day and call. And salvation's prize our theme. TENDER THE TIE OF swick.T 51 A FI FECTION. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ==N=-N –5–5-F Tender the tie of sweet af - fec - tion That holds my lit - the barque, – a g —— E. ºr-ºr ==EHF Hº-Hº-tº-3=FEF#-F#- © O—ſº—º-O- zº l ºrmºr-ºr s—T-2—s ###H#H#H#H#H -— 4-H, J --J … * Hº-Hº- When it would drift from its moor - ings, Out on the o – cean dark. -O- { } -º- |~ —s IN Es-N- =#E mºmºr Out on the tur-bu - lent wa - ters, Whose un-der-cur-rent so strong, -º- g^ -º-, -º- º:HTITI º –2–2– p: #:-e 4- ºr - - * * * > }-— w iſ:& l : || 52 JESECA-UT) [IFUL ANGIEL HIOME. -: MT. LEBANON, N. Y. . tº:- v-Ty \ = - Y - –– NH --- — --- — -R-N- v ––– Re ############ HºHEsº ſº-º-º-º-º-º: # TF-F#-F#: ; - * 1. Oh, my beau-ti-ful angel home ! Fraught with blessing and peace, 2. Storm and tempest may wildly reign, Clouds as dark as the night, 3. Thus the care of a father kind, And a mother's pure love, 4. Bound to hearts that are willing here,Toil and labor are mine, | Æ- A–Zºº_-_E. A. *—e—e—e 2- N Bºž;=############# .* 4-----—A-. — )— A- i 2- > v-Tº-ºº-y A---. Where no sor -row of earth can come, Where in-har-mo-nies cease; Gath - er o - ver the gold-en plain, Shutting thy glory from sight. Bid thee pros - per and un - ion find To fair Zi - on a -bove; Till my spir - it and life ap - pear In thy glory to shine; fºr f-e-e————, ==== Hº: +7-9–9–7–7–7-E---º-º- W ––A–N-N-N-N-NH=== —H––Pº-- C–H TºI.TI) I-3-tº-Hº- ^-->'' Bas'd and built on the rock of truth, Rear'd by an Almighty arm, | Shall not hands of a ho - ly pow'r Chase and scatter the mist, [ Storm and tempest and cloud defied, God thy life and sup-port, Till thy truth like a flood shall roll, O'er a sin darkened earth, _*\ 2- : & | : - 4- º A = A-wº- (2_ * : * * Bää Hit H== -*:-E-W-B. †-º-º: p tº V W W * = . Aſ a º cº-º fººm, ºr ºn NT, -—A- *—A—A---N-- #. – RERENE:#EE ========Ex= 9–tº–F###t=*= −2ſ--aſ-s--ay-- Yº-Y Y- Heavenly vigils protect thy youth, From all danger and harm. That the light of a brighter hour, With thee may ever ex - ist 3 Hosts of heaven up- on thy side, Light to the nations thou art. Draw - ing hither the burdened soul, Weary of spiritual dearth. ~ -*—º-º-º-º----z-z- H +-º-º: -p—p-e-w-v-e-Es-e- v V v g-F-y --- 4- A-4- FK-A-H--Ns- =====N= —-—l- # ######3 Oh, my beautiful an-gel home! Fraught with blessing and peace, J -----> —ſº —º-a-r-- —- —ſº-r-z—a-- —— ########## EE-º-º-º-E-2–e-º-º-º-t F- V f 5–5–2-5-ºf-5 BEAUTIFUL ANGEL HOME. 53 | ### ºr ===–A–"H==E==A=N=-2++=N=r ===#EEE?– ===HEAEEEN=N======= ###|| | ===="H 3–F#####FFF++,+ e Yº-Y Bright immortals around thee come,Crowning with joy thy increase. | N N --> y--- ... " --- N_N N N _N *—--~ #: -(A–CA– ====#F#ft|H== ==#|| ——1—1– —!--—H·-—H·-—H. Fº-º-º-FE- º— & y v | 9 W .J. O'Y., JOY, LET Uſs HAVE J G Y 3 CANAAN, N. Y. - v-º-y ºr i- N ——A * * * * > | ––N- --- A A- —N-- –– ºr w—w H.--i- Hº-2–––F–H 8– ºr Es- ===;= -Hº- Joy, joy, let us have joy! An an - gel of God lath come, To | *. -º-, -º- -ſe- #–E–F–2*—F-2– =====E=-i-E e-Fe--—s 9:#######EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2-8-E-F-E-º-; –F H #–E–F–F–F–F–FºE —w--/–9–F/ Zir- —º-— — A--- sºm *—- a -— —- ~ *- ==HENE-Hi-ER H++++H=#EEEE TO bear the sweet tidings of vic - to - ry That peace reigneth glad and * -e- e. e. =====FFE-f 2- wº-y p-Es—p-e-e- yºff-y-Fy- | #:- —— ==Prs N -I- A. —I—I- Tri-E---NT NTTNI. . -*-ī-º-º- FHEEECHE #|| Rºjº-º-º-o-º- L- tº- —a-l--- - J-" 3: "a | free, Oh beautiful spirit of lib -er - ty, We praise and rejoice in thee. BăţHHHHH. --- ----- —HF- re T-- p e- ºr —r- v-7 p-Ep—p- H == Y-F #|| -------v-v-v-v-v-v-Hº-Hº-tº-v-v-Hº- wº-y 54 IEDIEN OIF TO-I DALY”. #EEEEE i. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. # Tº ºmºh RP-3–5– -Q 1. Shall we wait for the mor - row of prom - ise, To bring us the 2. Nay, we know that the germ of sal - va - tion Hath growth in the 3. We will reign o'er the er - rors pre - wail - ing, And stem the wild | -O- -O- #: king - dom of life? Shall we pause for the soul - thrilling future To toil of to-day; While the vows for fu - tu - ri - ty’s action, Sweep e. - rent of wrong, For the life - giv - ing now spend our la - bor, And | -H- : fl-º-º-º-º N —º-A——N •. ——I |- _N Y-Tº-y ====N= EEEsº === # 3-5-º-º-º-º-Hi Z-F prompt us to en - ter the strife? Shall we rove in the fan - cies that blos - soms of vig - or a-way ; And we fail in the no - blest of still be ad - vanc -ing along. Thus prepared for the in - creas - ing /º N wº * { } f: ſe: -O- * —ſº- if-º-º-º-º-Tzº a.º. 2-L. —s-e-Hº-3-H –E–F–- ===#########EEEEE flyºmº 2—y —iº- ; *r-ºr Zif —2-L--—2– ==m Q N Pºm Y-y s–F– SH-º-Hi-º-º- | C mºn :---- -g-- please us, And think thro’ their guidance to win The vir - tue of pur - pose, We're lost in the shades of the past,While thoughts of life's glo- ry, The spir - it - ual E - den of light, We'll en - ter the & O < x_Y y -—º-a- —l !-Es—e- ==umº 9:#E “mºm’ t * Fº º im - mor - tal knowledge, That lift - eth from darkness and sin 3 im - per - fect du - ties, The deep - est of gloom o'er us cast. courts of Re - demp - tion, In tri - umph o'er earth's darkest night. arº -º. 3 —ſ X- #=#: H-y—w *=== *—p, v iº IMO RNING: I D A WIN. 55 MT. LERANON, N. Y. —I-——T-—R--—R--> tº Aºm wºn , - * > —N— —(2– -Hº- 3–º-º-º-º: ºr " Zi - on shall a - rise and blossom like the rose, Her glorious light shine h–v =n-a- Tº –tº–tº–--— ſº: forth to the ºs- -I T- -- F-- Q r—— wº-y FSFFFN FEREN=N=#EEE LisH & E-NENTENTENTE: * v= x_*, # :*E*EEE ========E*# islands a - far, As when the star of Bethlehem a - rose. ###H=E=RH:#NEREF=E= ãº-d:L-E-L-N-N-Ha-gi-º-Hº-NEE-L; Hº-N-º-º: # *Hºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-H++*===== The wilderness shall bloom, hills and valleys rejoice, Woodlands sing for º: == —A—-N-r—R--—R—-N-H-I---—r- ######## Twº- joy, and the bar - ren des - ert smile To hear the Saviour's voice. ###1–==A=N====s=N=N=N=s= º:########## E |— ==EH ###### nations shall come to Je-ru-sa - lem to seek and to pray before the Lord. Chorus to be sung at the end of each repeat. º arº # # – -º-º-º: —?— ſº a 2– º ºr *w- m. *- ( 4 4 ºr t- ( * Biº- --T- # d ##### ( , Nºs 2- * . THE----H-. ####| er, 3–º. G-- < *-º-º- –4–23 | Hail! all hail, the com -ing day ! Hail all hail, the com-ing day ! arº, -gº- =FF * > mºr * =w= r– -*—ty– 66 Olſ.JIR FATHIER,”S IRING-IDOMI. EN FIELD, N. H. Marche. _N —A N A——A -z5–--- EE--S-N-ºf-Erft-ºf-TR- –– | #E —- E= EEE Eg- ==== --- } --> ( , O Y-y W wr —w —l— - O— | [ _º On - ward, up - ward, thro’ the lab - y - rinths of dark-ness, ====4––rº–º-Fe-e—s—e—-e—e—e • = BiºEE TERL-º-LEEF-EL ITT f P-5-4-----L-E.----Hº-L w ------ INTRE NER —— | ———N–i——j—H·s−3—º | t—s | -: -; ;-- 3. W | | . | Lo the glorious heights of per-fect freedom we're at - tain -ing. | º 2-MHZEZETHz H=#EEEE: As==º-º-º-º-º-º-º-E----------2–A–5– BřEEEEEE: s w—w-ºr-y H == === †V-LIT2.--T-2. Cz-z-z-L------> TzTCZ- sº- | 5–5–9 z-f &H TN. T. T. a-º-º-vº-J •–3–2– Ev - i - denc -ing sure and full the vic - t'ry we are gain - ing. | −º–a––ſº —& ſº ſº —ſº-º–A–s—r-a-—a- #E::=::=#EEEEff=EH =#Ef-º-F#– ºr E; –3–2–2–3–7–7–Hº-2–7–2–tº–º-P-P-t|--|--Li OUR FATHER'S KINGDOM. ——ſº a 42 57 -e—e—t-e- TTTTTTT -T-- *—A.—A- –62— 9; *HºHº EE 1-P-2–7–3–7–7– | U "d Tº H º º Bř; === T Clouds of doubt are dis-ap-pear-ing, Leaving clear our ——— | ––– =#EE vis - ion. wr-ºr | \mº tº a =w sºm J wº m = } > > Tº ===== w—w —ºr ºf † ======== ſ –E–F–F–N-F-N-N-f ( * -A- —R——P---— -------------- # -º-º-º-º-tº-3 := An - gel bands are gath'ring near, Leading on and giv - ing cheer; –2–e —r-a—º-º-º-- ==== —— :=== – 5–– V-2– TETE † = #F *== º A. H IAI LO OLE." G-D LOI RY | E3] EIG-LPH [T. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. lſº -G- A lia - lo | ºr-wºmy v-Tº-y Y-y -(2 2- —6–9–F-—º— –2–N-z-z-z-z-Cº--N-E--- –––A–––– —— fº-b- ==::=#E E*E FEEN= *E*EHE: 9-º-º-º-º-º:================== Soon we’ll reach the glo-rious mansion. In our Father's king-dom. ==–?–2–?--——º– 2–?—º–2–I-2– 9: 2-Tº-º-Lº-Tº-TH Ec----- ==####| f 2-2-2E.LaTº-E =2–2– –H–F W º Hº-Hº-Ee- ſix- EE-EN == –––a–a–zi—º-º-H+-d–a–-N-H--|--|->|- Esº-º-*E=EH +2= # =>== – of glo-ry bright En-circles those who're in the light,They | Fºum-( --- Qºm , Yº-y ºr-wºmy ºf \ma -º N | sºmnam A. v-y --~-_- - }* * •– *rumºr-w =w===^ ====w=^ --- -- .* ºr A- TN - * * ym, sºme ( ) -NINI tº z E. s (9 I 1—— N O C * A- A-º-º-º-º-º: Tº * Tº id Tº *—A- ==E=== tº-º-º-º- ºn- - Ü shine as stars a - mid the gloom, And point un - to a heav-en-ly home ; # ==== | g = y = EINETL-N-H-I-N: †"-------- A-_º- —F- –l- –– -s—s ENERE !——i-— ºf- d_ºmº mº -(J- ym. ----—j -—-NJ- ºmy —O –– === X=º —m- Kºmº Ei A home that's hid with Christ in God, Where lion's feet have never trod, Nor o-jº-TNT H== -*—G-29—a vul-ture seen with piercing eye This home that's built by God on high. 58 CALL TO THE WIEAl Hº Y. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. 3. And while we're bravely pursuing our du - ty, Feel -ing that “la -bor is Jº -: 2– (2. EEsº- *L*T === —T-E- —t- — D— | 2. Those who are toiling for sel - fish enjoyment, Ne'er looking out from their | A- 2FfH ECH3– === —ſº tr—---2—g A-º-º-º-º. . . | hea - vy to bear, When ye are languish -ing, toil-worn and wea-ry, own narrow sphere, Feel not the sol - ace that flows thro’ employment worship”and pray’r,Soon in our pathway will seed-buds of beau - ty gº §º -º-, -º- - -2- J-º a sº. -º-, -º- -e. #E TºTºTE: Tº TºT #EEEEEEE ––H–E–L-E2–2–in–Hº-. -º-º-º: 9. ==== - .*_^- 7-2 —— H-F | wº-y ——--→--—— v-y --Ar— —A— +H=HEº-H=#===#=== E. +++H== —F EHE +2–3– T-- w—w- A … * * | ºmºmºmº « , , , T- v-w V ºr-nºmy-ºr And all your strife but in - creas -es your care, Turn ye, Oh, turn from the No - bly bestowed for hu-man-i-ty’s cheer; This is the toil that our Shed the sweet fragrance of heav- en - ly air. Thus we're up-lift-ed, while « , -e N e -º- -º- -o- 2—r- * † e. e. ft -º- 9: 3– E=### ºrº FFF ITTED Es †- * ZT*TP Tºº Li TCPT[PTP-º-Tº-TTET2.-IVILL —-4– — ========V+== H–4–4–- —N a/T. tho’ts that depress you! Let the sad spirit aspire to go free, And it will === º Zi-on home blesses; Hands that are willing and souls that are true Lift up the tru - est e-mo-tion Thrills ev'ry pulse to its lof -ti - est strain; Glad is the ... • *- : * * * * *, r*. . uº. #FL-- F-H--- ––– ! . ===Hº- — -Et vºy — ==EE P+H=HEH _e. -a-, -º- -º- -º- —1–9–0–0-- º p-py- a ºf ºr mºm ºu C ºmºmºvºv w tº ºm º ºx am, 2 mºm ºr º ſº º * -- Z-zº- *-i-, -, -º- --> # < * > < * 63— Riº-g ------ --- H call down the angels to bless you, Bright'ning your vision true pleasure to see. weight that the lone heart oppresses, Give to the whole life an aspect that's new. thought, that unselfish de-vo-'tion, Brings to the spir-it an e-ter-nal gain. *U Bºr T =======H — )—- )—º–4–H––E | V V GO FORTH witH THE 59 TOI R, CIH [-][2][G-I H ITS - MT. LEBANON, N. Y. +++++ Go forth with the torch-lights, illumine the caves,The earthly conditions that -O- -O- -O- H4–EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA-Es-e- ĐăH ===== ----|--|-E-R-E → -it-y-v-f-v-v-f-v-v-f-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- |-- cov - er the soul; For morn -ing is shining on Jordan's deep waves,Call ſº e. e. e. e. e. e. =#EEEEEEEE | hither the wanderer to wash and be whole. Oh, seek ye the sorrowful! ar, 2- BE:=::=::=::#: --- FºE t Tº TºTºTºTºTTTTTTEH-Tº-T —Hv=v-Hº-º-º-º-º-H ºf w ––º H ſºm ºmºmº- \m ºmºmºmºmº sº ºf . Tº myºmº- HHHHH. , 2- •===== Lt 3–2–3–3 w seek ye the poor And show them the ºuta way of our Lord; Oh, -O- s -º-, -e- -e- -º- -e- i Eff—#F#–E FFF = *E EEETLº-FºE p — A. *—- – E ! 1 Es *—1–—l-— Tſº FF *. wº-y -º-Hº-HZ-F-I-P-p {#if:# teach them the life that will ever endure, And God will your efforts reward. | à- A = -e- e. e. e. e. Ex-EEEEETTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PHEEE En-º-º-º-º-E-Is-º-EEEEE —#s: HZ-2–H–w-Hº-v-f-r-ţ-v-u- ------ H ———-d- =#F =A=m \ºm, 60 ** CITY OIF I LIGHT". CANAAN, N. Y. H== ==NENTE--N=N- | === #EEEE 4 * > wº-y e • s "Tº ----N-a Tºº-º-º-º-º: º 1 o - pen be - fore me, in vis - ions of glo - ry, Bright 2. When the rude storms of life and its tem - pests have end - ed, Sweet HQ—O—O – 9—O—º–H ‘ -—l .*—º. ſ ,-,-,-,-,-º-º-º-º- B: #= –––E3– +3+2+2=EEEZ +EEEEEE scenes of that fair summer land, Where in beau - ty and grandeur God’s prais - es our hearts shall employ, Where the soft balm - y zephyrs of k- - TIZ ET —A-E3–-- = #: #: w |- w Ci - ty of Light A bea - con for - ev - er will stand ; There soul - cheering love Bring glad - ness re - plete with true joy. In F, 3 ſº sº y — ( ) -—C, * =º- --> > ( ) Q tº- -y- | } Y-y ºr ºr ºr ºr ſ W Ö pure crys - tal foun - tains for - ev - er are flow - ing, Whose vis - ion I see thee, thou beau - ti - ful Ci - ty! There's sa-4–4–3–f4–f-e-f-f-a-E.----H Fº-º-tº-º-º-tREy–7– 5–5– –– IEE --N INTLL- #: v-y *EE º > rº- riv - ers make glad the oppressed, And mu - sic su - per-nal breathes moth - ing so love -ly be - low ; And when I’ve re - lin - quish'd the —ſº- rºa e #F#E —r-º-º- « | | • CITY OF LIGHT. 7??, /*N (31 === -R-N-H-T-R-A-T-I-N-Tº-Hº- | −z−si-Fºr--N-ETL *I*TELL E== == —zy — s--—s- —-4– - *-m- 4- ºf Y - Y > t—-1— = tº a « » • * ray- & P º : ti - dings of peace, To wel - come the pil - grim to rest. | ties of this earth, To thy bliss - ful man - sions I’ll go. am = =ſ_ºmº ===HE== :-r—t—t I H IAIL THIE G-LORIOUS COMING I DAY & CANAAN, N. Y. | | 7??, 9:#EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE #E:==HEEE 3–5–8–Hº- F-v- === | TÉ9–EEEN=HEREE-FFFEa-EP |--|--N-H- # ########### #=# o N-" { ºf Oh, hail the glorious coming day! When righteousness and truth shall reign, O |- tº-,----------N-1—A ſº-º-º-º-º- Băţă ==######## Hº-º-º-Hº- ===s====E-HHHHH. 2-\ i Eºis- ~ > #EE === J ſ V V When man-made creeds are swept a -way, And souls from er-ror will re-frain; : º;;−. | 2-> *. -º-º: *. |Asia—t—a-ra-º-º-º-a-r-º-F-o-o-F-I-S-ºº-º-º ĐĐ- prº-Es—s-E --Tº-Hº-T =t *—- v VTTEVEFE-VITEFI -—f-p-2–2– | ) -l—— « . }ºmy -— The sound shall roll from shore to shore, And light o'er earth be cast, 2- — — » 4t- * ºf •–. re–e fif #, sº- *Tº ſº. Tº ===Hº: VTETELPLEETELETE-ITETTE: —NLENE-2s # ----- === – # *F±H E--E-2–2– | v Bää.EHE:H-E 2 :- < *- V-i- | Eiſ-E —º–l-H ##| L. vºmy-º-º-º: I– 62 ICIEYS OF ERIEVELATION . MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ===Hº-Hº- i a º #: == #EEEEEE [ _ | | 1. The type of life pro - gres - sive, Viewed by a scer of 2. They come, O earth, to bless thee, Their lov - ing mis - sion Ha—--—--—e—e—F-F—d- —T-H-9—2– Băiţīţe :====H H †-2– A—A. —Eº-º-º-º-Hº-e I--- ^I, f ) —º-4-tº-Hº-is-E-F- F - I- T w I ! ! old, To the enlightened vis - ion. In meaning doth un - fold. hail! They sow be - side all wa - ters The seed that can - not fail. J. -ſº. —2–E s—º * 1–A– #EEEEE Tw- =#EEE — + #H- ——i–I §2-º-tºº-º-º-º-tá-º-º-tº-Lº-º-º- =# | F-I- ; As - cend - ing and de - scend - ing, The pure and shin - ing Truth's pre - cious germs up - spring - ing Shall fruit im - mor - tal - F * BăHEEEHZE==#EEEEE ==Hr-º-º-r º-FEE-R-E 2. ———HT- — ºr-ºr =#HREEEF2======EH = == ++# ==== :=#H#H# ==t E*= way, The mes - sen-gers of Hea - ven Re - vis - it earth to - day. bear, Rich pro - phe -cy of bless -ing Which man -y souls will share. aSz-62—F-L-L-2–2—F-T-2–3–2–I-2–2–2 = A a mº Y_ºm 9: := 3–3.3–F#:=#EEEEE3–E–FE - HEREF== | +++== –EEEEE –F–F =FFFFFr-r -DT- w 8 The ministry of angels | 4 The keys of Revelation Shall light the darkened land, Which long were doomed to rust, Till earth’s benighted children Now ope, the golden portal God's power will understand; Of saving faith and trust; *Till Babel towers of error | The soul unfolds her pinions To their foundations reel, ( > To rise from mature's gloom, And gilded temple glories For strength of resurrection A mighty shock will feel. Lies not within her tomb. AS I LP ROG-E&ESS. 63 - ENFIELD, N. H. }^*=(- ---a fields on be-fore, Be-yond time's riv-er are angel friends beck'ning me -O- ( > « » * > -O- -Hº * #: _g f e-f_* f. Bºž: --- A- H w | raptured With beautie I view in that land ; In rainment that’s —F. S. º N # * * -e e. f: a = v->m-uum- -ē Q ( ) —I |-- Es — = E -—----—----—2–2–2––– F-2 º ++=N= ——A——A. ######## iº ºf spotless, and crowns of bright glory,The redeemed of Jehovah there stand. -O- -O- f g -O- " N N KRETNT —E e.fºr: f †. & Nº –8–e- l #: 5–H–– + --—H 9 P. B-2– g-º-HEEEEEE f_ºm , V V 64 MILLENNIUM. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ºw-wºw-um-w wºme aſ ºr O –L-F e —A. 㺠#: =###### =# {<}=-4-4–––F#–E ++ -3-º-º-tº-Lº-tº-tº-tº-º-tº ! ºl. :-3: †: †† #: ; S aſ “22 O - pen wide ye golden gates of glo -ry,That new light may shine o'er | s *—PE—rº-º-º-º-º-º- FºEP-FF ( * ( A v-Tº-y ~ 4- ºr –2–Hø—Ha–Hº--—H-H-H-H-H-— A--- p. | +f—------- —º- ###H hills and plains; Thence may angels spread the gladsome story,Christ tri- -—T-——T- ſº ſº Iz. T ===s—e-He—p-H====p-e-Ha –2–2-H2----º-Ho-2–2—ty–H- umphant in His temple reigns. Now is ushered in the great millennium, --~ bā-ā; ; ################ |-y:Hºº-º-º-º-º-L----|->|->|E------- →---ELL Hºy-ZEEEEEEEz—#EE -Tº-ºº: Y-Z —f- ĐăH:f === ==#EEEE —f. ========= F †-º-º-º-Ee-Hip-9–F–F–Ha-E= 2-ºf-tiz-z- TPI + W + !' | E-H-I-L- ==HERHE 2 +: Fº ( ) king- dom! Work ye ev - er for the truth's increase. Rise ye now to | N – 2—r— ~- -l—- 2- ~my-my-ºr-my *::::Hºg—Pi— « » —HC–a–C– # —I-—t----- –H–––––– -*-ºf-E=E-2== --------- MILLENNIUM. 65 ––––. Æ-A—A.—º º Aº- —l- -— --~~~~-_-_- "#HR-N-FFAF: ——P- #####EH =E=# –2–F §2––PFFFFF. T -zº—z. meet the blessing An - gels to your spir - its freely bear; Peace and -I-º-º-Lº-º-º-º-Lø–I- Fs— ===E= — ºr - * ºr -um, ºmu > m, m H º z-f love your souls possessing, With the household of our parents share. N N & rit as: —e----e-r-e—e—r-º-º-º-º-º-º-re—º-rº z-e-A- | ###His-à-HEZE=Hi-Hº E-3-2-E-E Tºll -º-º-º-º-tº-E-E= +: r=r-tº-z-z-z- 2– º V º WIHIATE2EER, MIA Y IEEE LIFIE *s STIRU G-G-LE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. _N s_ --- Cº-T-T) Eº-º-º-Lº-Tº-T-I-EFIo-o-3 - ## #F: ––––. --→----|-- Whate'er may be life's struggle, Or strife mid doubt and gloom, I see a glory __N__N s—s-s-s-ſ-s |-|--|LTL-III Y-Z mº wº-wº - } Mºmº - *-* - wº- * > < * = I know there lies before me A -º-, -º- -º- -a- Es-e-HE -] —- HºHRH EFE #|| ==CHEZ-Fººl 4-> *- 4- w F-F bright and blissful goal, And angel hands are ready To help each yearning soul. | | N N N | | i-Tº-º- -º- -O- ( | – a * - > ... if e := BiºHº wº- a Me wºº ºf \{- 2-> | l | 2- u-º º --— [ _ ºm. mm ſºme =E====== H T_ #. -: A—A- ## -I-P-P--—y- Yºr 66 1. –2– -—l- I. H. TÉ 2- THIE COM IIIN G-. YEATER. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —Ams—Amº- | > ) ver—y—wr vºmy C. =Ay-O ºf C. —6– | TEI (9– q wº-y « 2 ( = \ A--& C C Q Hail! hail the glad New Year! Its coming joy our hearts will cheer; The 2. Though labors new await our hands, We will not bind in 3. The seeds of goodness, love and peace,0f kindness with its rich increase,These i - ron bands The -º- ºr f e. e. e. e. e. g. * * * 2: p. 2: a UL-I-H-E-LF-F-H-I-H-i-i-E-F#–E–F–F–F#–E–F–2– BºžH============= =2-2-8-º-His-s-s-ſ-Hº-j-E-j-HEz-i-º-H-Lº-Hº- v | V | --—N*H -º-º-º: H==== er -rors of the past we leave,And truth's ad-vancing light receive. tal - ent God to us hath given To make our home on earth a heaven. II] Rs As By whose dif - fus - ion we But sow our hearts’ best soil shall live,Till blossoms sweet their perfume give. may see, †- 2- C- * * * di... ... º.º. º. 2. sº-i-º-; #######-F#-t- Đàº; E= iP- y–H #E Fºr-Ijº, — \º ºz ºvº- tºmy --- v-vºy i– 2–ºf–ºf––}- 9 | i’ N N LZ. ==HE Tº Tº-Ti Tri-ji=TtTE & ############ -—v–––T- *-* *-m-m-m-m-a The Lamb and Li - on a - new the pre-cious grain, And scat - ter broadcast While ripened grain in sheaves well bound,Shall in our gar - ner- Bă |é. #EEE == - ==EEEEE T. w—w-w ––– ſº- ºr ºn ºn yºu º Aº º ---—- — 2:5-a-º-Hi p-i-ti- -bºº-º-º-S |-si-al-z -—--e- -º-º: w yet a -gree,This happy com -ing year,This hap-py com -ing year. o'er the plain,This joyous coming year, This joyous com -ing year. room be found,Thfs joyous happy year, This joyous hap - py year. p: U-uºurºmºmºmººutº º –fºr-s—f: #2-###–E–H -O- km V 2- l –2–E–2—T fif EEEs=s===HEE –2–E–2–LT2.-UºTº ſº- AS AN AIRMY WITH E ANNEES. 67 MT, LEBANON, N. Y. | #=H=N=N=N= H - – E E -O- - - -w- ºr -º- Q_P = * * * > -- ( ) V V Ö As an ar- my with banners we are marching on, And we must not tar - | N N - | U 5:#EEEEEEEEEEE Pi—FLEETELºLºLILITIEEE —s–H–5–5–5–s—s—s— R-E-P-A- E3 25*Tº ry by the way, For an - gels are calling, calling us to come, And we | -e- -a-, -e-...-2- -2. ~ __-p-' -º-º- p. p 2: 2- 9:== EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE p-º-º-º-º-- *===s+2+z=zFE*=========E====#EEEEE –3–7–2-H--- H-5–F–F–F–F–2 w —w-w ——A--A -N__N-, ========E=== —l will not tarry by the way. The pleas - ures of earth and its N | -O- #EEEEEEEEEEEz-Fit ºf a 2–2– Đi Hà #3–HE ºr ºf mº, a •–e—e—e—e-------- __º -> * > * * - #-F—s—s—s–C–D–H - Hº-Hº-Z-E-F#–E– º —t- —— +—F—p †HEE===HEN====HE #H# *†††† F#–E w marching on our reward to receive, And we will not tarry by the Way. | N tº 2 N N N º-º-º-º-º- H= - IT :=###### U- H==H= =====E= † ==== #|| 68 JOURNEYING ON - MT. LEBANON, N. Y. - T;4=E- —-—— -à--N+F--A-N-1- FFFRHS |ÉÉ HHHHHHHHºF ºr------ ºmºmº ºr ºs C -ſ / 1 Our faith, is un-cloud-ed and bright as the day,Up-lift-ing our spir- 2. The highway of ho - li-ness we will pursue, While pleasures terres- 3. Brave pilgrims who traversed this way in the past,With pure hallow’d bless- 4. Tho' thorn -y the pathway a-wait-ing our feet, And man - y the dan- | #: --~- --——º- 2-A---—A--- ——N– ºr wº-mºmºn |###EN==HEREN=HEREF====== -ºf-- eits-E* ========= -*—e—z–E– its from darkness away; No sha - dow of turn - ing our trial re - cede from our view ; We'll sip from the foun - tain of ings our spir - its o'ercast;. They scattered the seed-germs of gers and tri - als we meet, With cour - age un - daunt - ed no #H#. -F—R-R-rº--N-R-E--- +*E*E*E*EEEEEEEEEE=*E=EE: U-— w— w—w—w—w—w ––a– pro-gress shall stay, We're bound for the re - gions of bliss. life that is new, And feast on the fruits of pure love. truth that will last, In beau - ty for - ev - er to bloom. power can de-feat, We’ll press for the hea - ven - ly goal. CHO. Spirited. We are jour - ney - ing on, we are jour - ney - ing on, To the « ſº ſº £2 ſº ſº ſº N N | f : -IP-º-F-F—º–F–F–Az—º–ſº-º-º-T--————— Bãº-º-º: TºTº Lº g-º-Es—º-Lº-s—g- E] !----4----H----|--|--|z-z-Es—º-º-º-º-º- HHH ––– ###### love-land of light, our beauti- ful home!Where sin cannot blight nor -- a # ===#EEEE I-- ſ T- *= Amº -a-m-m-G-A-vºlum" # = EN -> ==== | sor - row e'er come, O, beau - ti - ful, blest and e - ter - nal home. ==-4–-ſº —ſº-º- ſº-r-—ſº ſº—ſº —ſº ſº— a - º # =======F TºI =#####|| -Il-º-E-2–2–E–F–E-i ==w=r-º-; H==== º Ol DT OF THILE SHIAI DOWS. 69 CANAAN, N. Y. A ====== -)-2---1– —A ##### H Out of the shadows cold and gray, In - to the light of a s—o-e —-A- *— F: , , ; : 3 & 2 ºf e - EFF ==== 4-A.A- : –F–E =### ELINE new - born day, Up where the sun shines bright - ly al - way, -—e—A———e—e—e–A–A–F–A–R +b= === TELITET. Tº EI. T. T TL ºf HHHHHHHH t º E.----|-5–3–2–5– Let us be onward go - ing; Ours is a joy which the world cannot know, Ǻ sºme -O- -O- ILIT –e–e-e-e–E–fre–2–H ! . ###### EEEs—2–2=== *—fºr . . ; ; ; ; ;-º-º-H tº º' ºf º, º o E-º-º--N-T- —E. Hº-º-N=EENERENEN --> --N-1 Eg—e- F#–3. –2–2–3–2–2 Fºº Love that increas -es as on - ward we go, Peace that the spir-it of —e—e—e—e—R-e— H=== ===H TZ 3 ! good will bestow, on - ward we're joy - ful - ly go - ing. -R 2–1–2—T-2 e—e—e—e—S. –––– …e. *— Biº, 5–8– ===#EE FH5– ====E==E= F. –––2— *===## –Z-Z==zFZ-tº-º- 70 IH [A] Hº VI EST R.E.W.A. R.I.D. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. *—º-º-º- *-º-º-º-º-º-º- = grum, "am- K - - - —-a-A--- ########EENEEEEEEEEEEE & –G–C–G–C–F–F–F TETETEETILIT Eg==== ºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-Fºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-f §2–8–fj-. JTo 2. ‘T-aſ-aſ-aſ-aſ *r -v-ºr-wºrm, C 1. Hushed are the strivings of na - ture, Calm and serene the new day, 2. Strong as the oak in its plant-ing, Ver-nal in spring-tide of youth, 3. Righteousness thron’d in thy tem -ple Fill'd it with glory and grace, 4. Zi - on thy interest and treasure, Brings a love of -fer-ing free, | 2- p! b kNEETE-º-º-º-º-º-º-Le-I-----------f-sºw- 5:#########HE:#EEEEEEE #:= wr —a-—s— -*—H-Hº-H. -1– wº-y ===################# 1ſ-ºf - −RT-HT-N-N-N-N-N- T. ############| -gº-º-º-º-º: --&g-g-g-g-Tay `--~~ A loved one has cross'd the dark river, Borne from earth's sorrows a - way. So was thy shad-ow of bless-ing, Broad and ex-pan-sive in truth. Led thee in straight paths of du - ty, Honored thy calling and place. And with a sweet song of wel - come An-gels are waiting for thee. sº- 9:#EEEEEf::=::EEEEEEEEEE U AA – }=----~~~~~- Y-y ...A —o-- p— — |-- — | ––––––. -- H p–––– '—º-º-º-º-º-o-º-o-H-I-T-ty—py—y—y—y—y— ; :-º-º-º-º-; - -- CHORUs. %) eº, /* 7%, N ##### *—N–A– *—H-E----R-N-N-N-N== |^2+S-—L ——º–a–O— 2–2– g=*===#EEEE,-- C, &===:::===#EEEEEEEE---> tr—-z-z-v– -—º-s-s-s-ſ--aj—aj-a-a- Peace un - to thee sainted spir - it, Rest in the joy of the Lord, /*N Gº-º-º-º-t-t-t-. + ††TºTITELPTº Tº Tºº TºI. IºT $2:#. =#EEEEE ====E======= G I- ºmy-ºr *—º ſº 5–5– —r- º 2-e- 1. 2 º' W W *—r-º-H+*=s=N=s -j-N-R-E--E----R-N-N-N-H-T- -*-a-a-a-a-a-E-º– *======== i–2–29–2-s—g----as-du-ay-aſ-à–Aſ-s-aſ-s- `-- Worthy the crown of thy mer - it, Rich, thy harvest re - ward. Bæ VTVTV OVIEIR, TIE [E FIVI CER. 71 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ===# 1. No lon - ger we shrink on e - ter - ni - ty’s brink, Nor 2. While near -ing the stream, in vis - ion I. see : A 3. The shad - ow of doubt is for - ev - er dis - pelled, And 4. Each day that we live, Some gem We may store, The –2––a–Eſº-CET_LITE-ITELLOL-T ſº-º-º-º-E===E==#EEEEEEEEEEEº-e | F-- —— ww-w |- 2- -- w-a Tº | i Tºwºwº, F–F––– A-. u ºv-w- wish for a further de - lay ; Clean robes are prepared for the structure rise no - ble and grand ; 'Tis not built on an - y false kindreds are joined heart and hand ; For messen - gers cross on this work of our own will - ing hand ; The gar - ment we weave in this –0–º-H 2- Y-y — — . . CHP-R-E-F-2–N-N-RE-R-E-R-E-E- Fº-s-F#-º-º-FFFFFFF:FF:F |#EEEEE|HEHz U Yº-Y | jus - ti - fied soul, And an - gels are guarding the way. dogma, nor creed,— "Tis a bridge to the fair summer land. bridge ev-ery day, From their home in the bright spir - it land. valley be - low, We shall wear in the bright summer land. CHORUS. |→-->-1–1––– #######| *=zFr. Fºrº-Hº-f Sz-z-z-e- *-d-g-t? vºy O - ver the river of death, Only just o - verthere ! The spirit re- -2- H–2–?–º-rº-e— —I tº-º-Hz- HM-tºº--———H-H- -|-s-s-Eſz-LP- –3–2–2–2-He= LIEEEEEEE —t-g-g-F-I- | Hº-Hº-s—----|-- # 6–2 | | | leased from its burden of clay, Lives when made pure,in an e-ter-nal day. I.T. 2– 2-3 Yº ==="—e—e—-a -º-º-,-2—--4–4–3–ºf–? • e-º-e-r-2 +-- ºmºm- —— 0. ! —H. -L- TT gº -- H — 2– —H wºr-wºmy-wºg zº #: ========E2EX- =# *EEZEEE 7-HEFFF} i ſ F HE ----- —l wºr-wºmy | 2. Y-y —— YWII LI LIN G. S.A. CIE [IFICE. 1. 2. * What is What is *my *::FE-ºf- —--—s -a-d-º-º- †—f- in thy heart for in thy heart for N b{2 Biº I f thou hast Or, =###: ---p- # ==E==#E Vºl y--- -N-H- ---sum ºm * - Rºº' -- ſ: #FFFFF" MT. LEBANON, N. Y., -—A. *—ºm God 3 search its depths and see, God 4 are thy joys of earth 3 &= º — ; ſp. p. O- –F#– Cº-º-TzTT e- E-É-Ez-His-n-His- =#E C-- ! : — ºr —p —º– Tº { CTTTTINTTTT < x_2 ####E === -Q- " -(J- & 2 wºr-wºr-v-vºy -Cº- hast thou deep hap - pi - ness, of a place for Him, kept in pu - ri - ty. en - dur - ing worth 3 E-DE---ELEETE-ITE- -H-5 — -is-Es—f-Há +—r—w-r-r– # –– #:= - LILTT -P------|-- ---- EE- j 1- === s= =#E | Mid the treasures of thy life—treas - ures with - out price— > And art thou a fruit - ful branch, of the liv - ing tree, !------ Q--- a-we- - - - AE-w - Cºm - *—º-º-º: sº - Y - > < x_*- -º- w-º -º- 32 6:H-e-Ee-Ee-e=E==F2=E=====E=E=EE ===#EEEEEEEEEEEEz-Hº-º-FºEMEF2== +-v- —r–F–F– F–F–F TNTI > ETETEEEEETE: E-L- | == =E= EHE ELE-E ####H#H# *-i-------, --------a Hast thou ev - er for the Lord, a will - ing sac - ri - fice 3 Clothed with in - no - cence, with peace, and true hu - mil - i - ty? * - =º- e- v=y i_-º-º- -2-_-2: ———— ©i-º-º-Ee-E.-----E*s-º-Fº-º-Fº-E=E2F 2:====EH ==EEEEE =EEE::=#E —p-H------|--|--- Nº 2 - - - --T- 3 What is in thy heart for God Do thy hopes ascend Unto truth and lioliness That shall nover end ? Is thy love a living fount — Gushing, bright and clear 3 Doth the image of the Lord Within its source appear 4 All I have, I give to God And His blessed cause ! Praying, that my life may be Guided by His laws. Lead me, Holy Spirit, down Till I see my loss! Strengthen me to do the work That cometh by the cross. I BIE ATUTIIFTUIL I HOMIE. 73 CANTERBURY, N. H. { mummºm-a-mºmºmº-e = * *- —-r-——A——N.--—— ; –6— N. NIET -N-is -Tº-L- E== TIT Q = ºf H=E===== –H– * > 1. There's a home a - bove, a beau - ti - ful home, A - 2. There are friends we love in that beau - ti - ful home, A - ex --gº- ſº ºmºmº-º-º-º-º-º-O U a e º us -a-um-me A- U - > * * ºr-wºmy-ºr --F-R-Z-E--R-R-HA —A--- --——A EF-º-º-º-º-F-F-HH Fº ENER: t— y—2– Cº-o-tº-º-º-o == O wait - ing the true the faithful heir; When the bat-tle is o'er, and the wait - ing us all with anxious care, Let us hon-or their trust our W mºm-mºw-um = -º-º-º- —--A —A A v=v-w wTw. --v- ſº gº –E–F–N–A–R-ſ-N *–5–F–2–3–E. ======== =v-z–E–4–4–E====E===E===w== vic - to - ry won,There's a home for the soul, a heav - en - ly home. loy - al - ty prove, And meet in that home, our heav - en - ly home. CHORUS. Cour - age 1 my brothers, each step bears you on, -O- -º- - - -O- -O-" © > AF H===== EET 9 id:Liº-TºTºTº-º-EL 5–3–2–3–7– w =v-Tw w TEI ( ) ful home; March ye in ar, - tº —£2– * * # 3 + . :=#EEZE=== tri-umph with vic - to-ry crowned, Home to a heav - en - ly home. - ?- * e. e. e. N N as *EEEEEEEEEEE †- Tº Tº- H: –Eis-à-i-º-º-His-Li LEs fi + 2- A--- u ºn umumamºm-m-w amº- *_m. p-e—e-F 74 I RESTUIRIEECTION. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. T-- —A-l—- -j- TLETºd. – JTEET.J. Tºjº dº | 1. Dy - ing dai - ly ’tis the con - scious Ev – o – lu' - tion of the 2. Dy -ing to the loves of na - ture, Self and sel - fish - mess they 3. Dy - ing un - to bit - ter en - Vy, Jeal - ous - y and vain con- ºr —r-º-º- — 9:2:#-º-º- - =f-ºf-f EH 2–3–4–3–2–He—e—º-º-E 2 T Wº ºf ———l——--——A—--- 2FA *tº-F # LIHL's I ºf Eº t ––23– soul, In a life of end - less progress, As the a - ges on - ward roll. hold, In a sphere too cramped and narrow, For the be - ing to un - fold. ceit, De-mon spoil - ers, of the blessing,Shared where peace and union meet. 9:############## ºut-ur-vº- |- *- —e—º-º-º-Ho-2– –H–H–2–3–He ſ ; F- t–t | ZT º ſ 2- ----———— N___l - Tº JTI's Iſ ºr —l- J–à–RH j-ENTS ############# Kº-º-º-H------ſº-º-Ej=======Es-s–3–2– U º y ſ y Vº Dy - ing, just as seasons chang - ing, Leave the forms that pass a - Dy - ing, un - to world - ly hon - or, Glo - ry’s vain - ly boast - ed Dy - ing to life's sor - did grasp - ing, Love of power and earth - ly —h P- , 4-AA - - *——*—--— -º- Biº- *=E=E =====#EEE::=#E —l- H 3–2–H– EEE P= ======= wº- m ròmºmº- ºr--ºf P => * ILIJ | arº, &=############ *LjL-N-j-E-------E--a-a-a-Es-a-ji= == === –a–- Eºſ e Es—t —a g-tº- === 23– way, Higher life, new growth unfolding, Smites the old with sure de-cay. name, Laurel wreath of truth immor-tal, Never crowned the sons of fame. gain, That would rob a needy brother, Heeding not his want or pain. -º - - P_- wº = = Q: b-É–2–2-H2–2–3–2–Ei-- # bye–H- —2—9–2– EP— 5–5–T-f | 4 Dying to a lofty spirit, 5 Dying, that in resurrection, Over-bearing, proud and high, | Grand and true the soul may rise, Stooping not with gentle pity, Noble type of God-like image When the lowly passeth by. Wrought through perfect sacrifice. Dying unto false pretenses, | Life is in the Christian's triumph, Held in pure Religion's name, | When from sin and bondage free, Cant, hypocrisy and grandeur — | Lo, the prince of darkness cometh, Silken robes for sin and shame. | And can find no place in me. TIH [IEC IN C1RIEASIN G- I LIG-HT. 75 MIT. LEBANON, N. Y. [T/ITILITTTT --R-S-N-2–P2–2– |Hºº-º-EN=ENENE-NENEE-E-FFFIEFFEFFEº-Eº-º- ſº *H ====H « EEEE EMEEEEEE he in - creas—ing light of truth, like morning's cheering beams, Will *-w-s. ==== ń-º-º-º-º: º H --N- -w-aſ-a-e'--ay-aſ- -- T.2.T `--~~ C- - (3 chase away the darkness of the past; . . All the mystic forms of night, wrapp'd -N * TITNINT TTAT TITATITTNTTNTNTNTTTTI ITTIT |éEEE-Hºº-º-º-º-H ºp-e-Eº-º-º-L-E.-----Ez-z-z-z-E*-*-*---H----E- with -in its glowing light, Will fade before the substance that will last. . =s=t w 4–––A–N-T-I-4--> A- Aam A^*= a- a -- a- - A Eº-º-Fº-º-º-º-Fºr-º-Fºr-N-NFFFS-IN- #: H=====#EEB==###= #H — —*—l-º-º-- : C (J C With joy we now be - hold the pro - mis- es ful - fill'd which in - -º-, -e- 2 -º- -e-, -o- -º-, -º- -º- -º- -º- -D- 9:==E=======HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ===Ele-º-º-º-Es ~mº EEEEE EEs sis: *my H–H–5– +— —p-t-ºf-p-p- H `-- ==yº- J–4– ºf A-N- -—º--N- := ######### Q —— — =*u-ā- – | W / | spired the hope of Prophet and of Seer; . . We reap where they have sown, for the yº- Amº ºr ua- 2- ºr - ºn-ºn- -º-, -º- —e—f p3–3–F#–E–F#–E–3–F–Fe==== +H=Hº-5-º-º-Hº-5- wr-w -—H-5 -----v-w ~ L-L- *—EP- N-N-H= —-F Lº– HäH harvest-fields have grown, And the fruits of faith and righteousness appear. —ſº- -º-, -º- -6- -º- -º- -D- N --~ GE ELETE-TE:Li Ti-Es-s====TE3–s-º-º-Ee-e-Ee- E-L-E-Eis-Ee-Lº-La-LEELºis-HT7–LIEEEEEEEEEE H H-v-v-y-FF-E-P-P-z-z-z-tº-r ; :-r-r 76 I WILL ELESS THIE I HAIN ID . MT. LEBANON, N. Y. =A=N====E== ƺ dº. — --R----|-- ń º żº JT =f^TIE-i-Tº-Lº-Lº- -z-i-. | -*-* - mº) --ºut ºn 2–~- mºnº a mºr-ºmºmºm, TEz. --—l. - -º-;-- 3–5–4– wº- ºmº 2. ——&—-l—- I will bless the hand that leads Iſlē |. *r-ºr-wºmy-ºmr & _-º- -O- ſº-wv-um' -- - - , à-A-Pe =y .*. *-y & –2 5:#EEEEEEEEEEE?===E 4-º-º-º-º-º-º-Ez. ~ : [− v. vºy I – V-E-F-U-5– ged steeps of time; Hid - den dangers might de - ceive me, f * @ -(-)- -Gº- cº-ETº-Tº-Ta-TEEEEEEEE ( - p: *E*E=E==#EEEEEEEEE -v-ºu-ºº- #7– —p-º-º-F—H-E-P-p :== H | 4---—--- Tſº Es Hs========== s #############: (J– A—A- === —eº-a- \ } @ 8 —f- V º V * V But for faith and trust sub-lime. Oh, sweet les - sons -O-" —C- —ſº- -º- e. -O- b=:= ^^*=w= - \mu_Y –2 *Tºyººr 3–E–F–3–= +——l—l ~! |-- H- #H. ETHILæLETTE ——2–2–2–2– Hø--→H--—º-º-º-9–2– ====== FEE —C–3–. - *r-ºr i. 2- vºy-my-my –G–E– —C– | learn - ing, All a - long the toilsonne way, And with watch- } 2- -a- 2- -2. - e. e. -—tº ful spir - it yearn - ing, N ~ | -(D-e 5-H-É=#EE H Z===Hiz== ! C] HIA N Gºl E. 77 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. f) ++ *—a zº- —- A- mº D —I- A- -N I —ſº I- . LILE-si-si-º-º-º-Hº ------,-,-,- : | Sº ſº-L-a- - - - 1. While earth - ly charms sur-round us, And all is bright and 2. For spir - it is the pow - er, And each ma - te - rial 3. May - hap to search the fu - ture, Un - tra - versed fields to -º. 42. -º- d. 2. *Tºº-º-º- * =HEAEEf: – 2-H2–2–2-e-j-E--- ==== – fair, That beau-ti-fies our dwell - ing In this ter - res-trial sphere, thing Is sub-ject to the chan - ges That hid-den for-ces bring. TQam, Or led by an - gel guar - dians Re - vis - it our earth home, -(2- * * * , s:#EFE*#####E –2– *2++EEEEEPEPE #EE ºf º- Y - - , I- w—w-ºr -——ty [--- -T—--- | ~my-ºr -—— w = w = •=EE 7–F–F y We know these are but shadows, That, in the grand be So, are our mor - tal dwellings, By spir - it here con - To min - gle with our kin - dred, Ap - pear be - fore their TºTTETTT2 ... I Hi– & Yº-º-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-y =======E –E–F#–E–H––E–2–?: —H- H---ty—io— —r U = , =ſ_ºf_* ſº =#H#Hi Đà ::= E iº troll'd, 'Till si-lent-ly we leave them For myst’ries yet un - told. | eyes, As, when we with them journeyed In earth's ma-te-rial guise. A-A*—º a . e. f. & -* + 2. Đ:###:EHEz===#Fe=#EEf O—O—H-— | *. zº-3-#–E–F#–E––E–H–––2–H==== —i- | V yond, The substance without shadow Will to the soul re - spond. IPI ROG-IRESS. O EN FIELD, N. H. ======E==== ==##### } ) * > «ſ 1. 2. Heav’n invites me, conscience prompts me, Ev'ry dic -tate of g -g-g-g-g- -º- I must live, must have my being ; Faith and conscience must be free; my soul ———-l–e—-e— - y = | r = ′ = sm m wºm ###### #t=####E &_&_º - === ( *-2-4-Ei-º-º-Hiſ-in-a- #EEEEEE | • ?: ### | ="Ha- | | 5 —|| # | | * * | Deep -er, wid - er, broader, high-er, Ev - 'ry act and feel-ing be. Urg -es onward, upward, heav'nward, Where pure in-spi - ra-tions roll. C Creeds and forms do but oppress me, Burdens weighty ad-ding more; Ope’ the gold - en por-tals wid-er, Full-er ex - plo - ra - tions come; H= +----- -T- ==#| al— -º- ©- Life a - lone, a More to court-ly chambers lead me, Where progressive laws are known. liv -ing substance, All af - flic-tion bears me o’er. ####| H O ZION, AIRISE IN THIY GLOERY. 79 CANAAN, N. Y. # O Zi - on, a - rise in thy glo - ry! God's almigh - ty power a - º & vail - eth, Thy stars have not fal - len, Thy sun is still shining, And 2—2—2–2—2–Ez— l—— ITTTTT H –E– H; -P-L- =HE wº FFFF; faith in its triumph pre-vail - eth ; Thou art not a -lone in thy V- A * * —º-º–e—e—r-º-º-º-a- ########## 5–2—2–2–2—2– --tº-r- V y V sorrow ; The Lord in His mercy hath found thee, Behold in bright vision,the —e f f: BiºHH rº-ſº ſº ſº ſº ſº- =HE † :=== # | 1– A. _N wº-y fº-A Uºmºmº *—º-A. -A— —r—— – |- ºb. =: -C===EF-E-R-E- Eºf E=#| { *L*T †††-tº-E- an - gels of heav - en Are pitching their white tents around thee. ====ſ*—?—s—ſº-ſº g- # vºy-ºrmy Y-y vºmy |-- : r: A- 2- mºunº- amſºmº- #EEEEEEEE W º Cºmº- º' W 80 VOICE OIF I PEACE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. #H —E-i-L-N----|--| : := == == --|--|--|--|--|--|--|-- *—-g-g-g-g-g-s-s-s-s 1. O'er sea and strand and peopled land,The voice of Peace is 2. Oh, sad' - ning sight of death and blight,Of mis- 'ry want and 3. For throb - bing hearts have felt the darts, And borne the curse of 4. The bards of old in song foretold A time when wars should — 2–3— « Y_Y_Y_> Amºs º ºx ºf A * ºr mix ºr 1— —-re | * = & Y_* * * *-* * * º ſt ſ — l— 1–– |: 2-4 ====== +- =H==== _{ –E– TL H i-- ºf: wºm. ====E=g-a-Lº-Ezº —eº— ( ) =:=:::H. E2F ºf Eff -º- º heard, It speaks with sweet inspir - ing tones, And man - y souls are stirred. woe The waste of manhood’s noble life, Whence cultured wealth should flow; war, And na-tion’s per-ished in the scourge, Beneath the bat - the star. Cease, When earth would bloom a par - a - dise,Beneath the reign of peace. –– i Fji= —º-º- Fs-s-s-s-tº It lifts the vail where wrongs pre - vail, Which long were cov - ered The homes and lands which mourn the hands That bore the dead - ly God speed the time, when peace di - vine On earth shall bear the That gol - den age on his - try’s page Shall gleam in truth - ful º- -º Ed d f -eº- o'er, Re - veal - ing harvests of life's fruit Despoiled by cru - el war. steel, Whose skill was turn’d to matchless strife, Instead of human weal. sway, When Love shall twine her lau -rel wreath To crown the perfect day. lines, For ev - en now its dawn appears, Thro' bright prophetic signs. INSIPIE&ATION. 81 ENFIELD, N. H. ##------R-E-HHH-N-º-R-E-Hº- | ==== — ===E========FºE 1. Bless - ed In - spi - ra - tion That el - e - vates the soul, That 2. Waft, O waft me on - ward, My vi - sion would expand, I 3. When this life is o - ver, And earth re - ceives her own, My —t- ) ==LINTEELN-Fi-L-N-I-T-L- ###EEEEEEEEEEEEENH=N= ſº-ºf-ºf-HE HE draw eth out from dark - ness, A - way from earth's control, That long to range in spir - it, That bles - sed Sum - mer Land ; With spir - it then would en - ter My glo - rious heavenly home; No –2-> A-º-º-º: Xumº U x = x-- .* †: - *— ={ lead - eth to the fountain, Where crys - tal streamlets flow, Re- an - gel choirs to min - gle In mus - ic's sweetest flow, On more a toil - ing stranger, With - in this vale be - low, I’ll ===N FHEREF= +++++--- ==*-*E*E*E=E= f=f-º-º-º-Hº-y- w-ºr-ºr -— y— —-H- 2———t-->e- fresh – ing life sus-tain - ing, O there I long to go. wings of in - spi - ra - tion, O there I long to go. range the realms su - per - nal, () there I long to go. =[-º,----—2– EEE--- [ H- Ejº, Tīſſ E.T.: ITT HEREEEEH =. P-2. ===v- — — — 82 WEAERY NOT, O CHRIsTIAN IPII LG-IRIM I. ENFIELD, N. H. Lº–-R-A--A—4– #EEEEE 1. Wea - ry not O Christian pilgrim,in thy jour - ney wea-ry not, Tho' the 2. Shun the mists of gloom and sorrow,that obscure thy gospel light, Let thy - - - - ### , , =#: : ; ; ; ; # 5; ; #: – ###### fº-2:4-7–w-tº-º-º-º-º: –H–4–E4–4–4–2–E–2== -------------~~~N~ ####### way of life be - fore thee seems with man - y dan-gers fraught,Thro'the | po - lar star be du - ty and thy mot - to truth and right, Then the -º- ºr o- –8–a–Eº-º-º- # 9:#########t=: *1–4— cº- ºr- ºr 2- > * = A-A - 2 2- - wºulº–ſ F-–F–F–F–F–F– —P- BiºHº –2 ======; ==5 - - - --------- &== #4—s—s— –5–4–4. } V V v –s V val - ley of the shad - ow you in safe - ty shall be brought. For the Saviour's love shall guide thee to thy home in glo -ry bright. For the –––––––.”—f-º-; f--- BiºHE ; ; ; ; ; :=# HTZEVENTHEZEVEREEZEVFF | IZITT –2– FºEE F-H — 2- # –p- #=#E tr—w-v-v-v-v-v-v-v- ——g-z- promise of the Father will not fail, will not fail. Wea-ry not, in the ; : * * * f. f. f. > Xºm f ======E============ 1 * # ==E=L-7FE:f H --P-P-F wea -ry not b— i-i-º-º-º-º-º-pz- * * * *-º- -º ame mººr 59–5–3; a º E3–3 -º-º-º-º-e # =#| tº-H +-v-v-º-º-v-v---—;--L--F— strife For a home in the heavens is se - cure, is secure. I LLC FE*S UNIFOILIDIMIENT. 83 MT. LEIBANON, N. Y. −Pi—-A-A-RT-T-K- # =H =N=N=N-Fs-d-: ñTTLINT NTFL tº a ZTIs Ltº II F Fººts-ºf- EłEEEj= | « 1. Not all a dream, a passing dream, Is life's un - fold - ment here; 2. Behold a si - lent work goes on, In nature's vast expanse; Earth's brightest glo - ries are but gleams,From out the in - ner sphere. Where germs upspring in beauteous forms, By law, and not by chance; = . . . . * * * - —O— ºf º- ºf Y- 9: #EEEE =======Hº:---- P =s=====E=-º-º-º-V-E-- w-v-v- W | What hopes and long - ings fill the heart, And lift the mind on high — 'Tis thus the spir - it's la - tent force, In ceaseless ac - tion strives, #=#| H2— A HT-FF — -A— H––––– * > =s===s==N=G= –C–F–––––2–––– tº-º-º-º-tº They tell that the im - mor-tal part, Can never, nev - er die. . And fed from truth's e-ter-mal source,In growth and beau-ty thrives. N ==–4—º–º- --→—e—A-2–4– º –2–E–F– 1. #EEEEEE === |-ºr- ======= TE-ITETPTETTI 3 Who clothes the lilies of the field 14 Oh, what a glorious destiny, And marks the planet's course ? Awaits the human soul! Makes earth a fruitful harvest yield 3 Beyond a brief mortality, Renews each secret force 4 Where higher powers control. That same creative power, beholds And step by step, a starry way With tenderness and love, ( Will mark its progress on ; His noblest works where life unfolds, Rejoicing in unclouded day, Like types revealed above. Where perfect victory's won, 84 MARCH OF TRUTH. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. A- v-F 1. Let us fol - low the march of the glo - ri - ous truth, Up the 2. Bright flash -es of light from the ci - ty sub-lime, Like 3. It is bless - ed to know we pur - sue not in vain The ( *_*-* - mºme == -N- –4 ºp w-w-w-g # #T- —’ | N | ºt----- - = - ºf-m-m- amº º m-m- = -> *-m-m-m-mººn pf–f-º-º-º-º- #4–2–3–Eº-º-º-º- =3|EEE Eº-º-º-º- Đºf HE #FFF =#####E ==E :-º-º-º-º- | w w `-- * * ſºme um *my-my-my U-º ! . = g-g-g- —A —- :3 v-wºr <-A_\-ºf-fºr | … *. > | 2- A • Y_____” T By—H. stur - dy hills of pro - gression, In its well beat - en path by the gleams of our fu - ture glo-ry, Burst ov - er the sha - dow - y right in its grandest meaning, From the thorn and the this - the no -º- -º-, -º- -º- -º- BHH== - *—A- —º-º- -I- - [+/–F — #=; *-i-N-R ——A RE s—a-e-a- * = wºme tº- (-x - (- - {{{P}—--—--—º wºm, ºwn m = , = 2- | awºw- ºr ºwe tº we 4 × 4 × e- º ºs e- - = º ( = º 2 v ºf Y_m-me --I---—------ & aſ— * C #: º { mar - tyrs of faith, Let us hon - or our call and profession ; rocks of time That would dark-en our pil - grim-age ho -ly. sting we re - tain, Tis the sweet bread of life we are gleaning. as EE-º-º-º-º- ºr A- T=TT T. |Bäff=ff HHHHHHHHH —w—º- ſix ºr > | pº ——A –A– º 2-4– |->|<—F — W | Tho' we oft - en may pause in our up - ward way To As the breaking of morn in the o - ri - ent sky. When the And thus, if we fol - low the truth in its course Up the 2-, Đà 3–ºf– :- †—f BæE=HE MARCH OF TRUTH. 85 ^m_- T----A—A--— º A ſºm º Y - Q - A- Y - -º H-———tº--A [ A- -º-º-º-º-º- | Y-Tº-y -º-º-º-º-º- lev - el the foes that would meet us, As an host in the Lord we will night has been long and dreary, They cheer and en-cour-age to steep rugged mountains of ter-ror, Our spirits with gladness shall f * * * * * * |- w #———- Eſſº-º-º-º-º-E-Lº-º-º-Tº- BHE=======HE::=#####EE: k−1– -—-----1–1 -—w—w-e—e-e—e—t-g-- I-Hº-Hº- … "._º-º-º- —HR--M.--H. — aſ ºs —A ==N-ER-FF —— -N- ! =====N==tº-2-3-2-i-º- -Q- - # + ad & º aſ “Tº win the day, He will suf - fer no power to defeat us. look on high,When our spir - its are time - worn and wea - ry. | drink from its source, As they rise from the fet - ters of er-ror. 9. *—º-a-a-N-a=[f fºr EEEEEEEEE —— ĐăţţE=#EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ––––––2–3–2–– º—º—H. 9—2––5–2— TV v v | V V | CHo. Full and Strong. | P-um' –m-m-mm- — -— 2-—A- T ſºme mum me -- a-Lº-º-º-º- & A- , A—A-º-º-º: º º º-E #EEEEEEEEEE [U. ——by—by: •–H Let us fol - low the march of } -º-, -º- -º- -º- -º- o HF TIETºTº ...T. Bēs =EEEEEE ~my F-——iº º: y —ty—— A--- Y-y *_ ---—A—A --—Ne—A—r- ++FN+. –Tº | *E3–CE:-3–E3–2 | stur - dy hills of pro-gres-sion; All u - nit - ed, both a - ged and -º-, -º- -º-, -º- -2. -º. 9:# s: H-f-E-E–E– Eº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: T.T. Tī Tī. — 2–C–C–H–-H. :-º-º-º-v-w *... # 86 VOICE OF THE SPIE&IT. UNION VII, LAGE, OHIO. ###– -i-L-L-N- N–A–N T-I-T-- -º- * mºmumºma -: #HHHHHºFFHº Ee-g & Tº V =E-fºr-º-º: -º-, fºrf-aſ-a-ik-i- #FFFFF3-3-3-3-2+2Fºtº-5- -* º 1. The regions of peace and pure love Are not fov the giddy and vain, But 2. And thus saith the spirit to me, From out the bright heavens serene,In arº - -º-º-º-º-º-o-Tz--— FFFEp-s-Es-Fºtº- —l— 4-ww A tº ‘D !--—!-- } those who will wait for the wisdom above, And Order and quiet miain- wisdom, O walk with the pure and the free, In the vale of my love ever |-sa-t—e—f-t- –?--------- F---I-O-O A-. Bä – EEEEEEE 2–E– =#=#–H– –E–F– =========s=== ! =7-y-Hºts=====z v V v ~ __N †NEI INTNTENTI" ºf a +++++ ++ {-69–1–-O-s———C–C–-—H– | tain, And prudence,that virtue divine, And patient endurance withal, The green. Thy future O scan and fore-see, And hide from the evil to come Be N ſº #: ::ti- =##### y vºr P- s spirit from all that is low to refine, And banish the wormwood and gall. thoughtful,and silent,and turn unto me, And safe - ly I’ll gather thee home. -(2- -(2- *N | -- *—É–*—e–e—e—-2-e—º–s—= -º-º-o-º-º-Le- #EEEE, f=f Eff=====E=#EEE s ======E&EEE †-tº-º-º-Hº- :======= |4 And those who my discipline bear 3 O hide from the tempest and storm, When the tempest is dark in the In the temple of Wisdom and Love, sky, For there I will ever protect thee from | In the hour of silence, repentance and harm, prayer And fill thee with peace from above. My presence shall feel ever nigh. No arrow that flieth by day, And when their probation is o'er, Nor death-dealing meteor by might, To the bright Summer Land they No pestilence walking in gloom and shall go, dismay, | Where pain, and disease, and despair Shall fall on thy heavenward flight. are no more, My glory supernal to know. OINI LY A. LITTLE WE [I] [...] E. +--— 87 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. --- | . ## ==N=NIN- |- * Twº ºr aſ º ºſ- ĐH-º-Hº-NH D T.J." -——i— ( > m ºr > L —- ++ 3– |--- -*—º-º- | ºr U = 2^ sºme -- *—A—A. > | & sº H- ºr v=w — —-r—H- BºEß-Hº p #= ** * * * * Eti- 1. On - ly a little while tar-ry I here, Work lies before me as 2. Pleasant the journey,tho'constant the strife, Rich the reward of 3. Hast - en,0h hasten, while time doth abide Sow ye at daybreak and 3. #2—º-e— - ſº—ſº dº ſº ſº ſº ſº #EEEEEEEEEEEEEE ––2–2–2–2–2–2–1– year follows year. Up and be doing lest the night close around, And vir - tu - ous life. God will repay with a bounti - ful hand, H fair ev - en-tide. Sow by all waters, till the truth shall increase, And is CHORUs. ſo º wº ºt -* 4- darkness prevail where light should abound. goodness extends o'er o - cean and land. man - y embrace the gos - pel of peace. S_2, * -º-º:—º-º-º-º-º: H BăE#### Hy—t-F—t—t .* --N-N-N-N-Nvºsºr—v-v-vºy ##### =#E | ====s=2–Eg C- ſº-. a-º-F—f-e–2– I have to stay, then with the angels I'll a - s—s-s-s-s- w On - ly a lit- tie while 9:###–E–F–F–2=EEEEEEEEEE P*############## —H --Pi—H---- W * PEACEFUL vrcTORY. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. zł----|--> *—SE §- 4-i-4– :-3–E3+*- l 1. Rise 2. Stay 3. Haste O day ye waves of joy - ful mu - sic the work of des - O - la - tion, -º-, -º-, -º- #—ff-s:=3–s-Hº-Eá=#== A—A-A*—- L- Roll to earth's re-motest bound, Still the pulse of fevered strife, of gol - den prom - ise! Proph - e - cy of human weal; 4. Earth shall simile in youthful beau - ty, O - cean sing from shore to shore, -º-, -º- -º- - -º-e ( ) ======E f É # ºmºmº-º-º- ZEZEZEZEZEEEºff= Haº; } Bear - ing notes of peaceful vic - t'ry Where the marshaled hosts are treading, —£2- * * @ • -º- -º-º-º-p- *::FE-ºf-f :#### To the jarring kingdoms round; Crushing virtue, hope and life; Swords shall be to ploughshares beaten, Spears to pruning hooks of steel; a brotherhood u - nit - ed, Peace, good will forev - er more; Ež7–% HºHa is Tº Y-y -5 -º/- F. +– —A pºſſ TL ## Thrill the air with strains of gladness, Rea - son's rule aloud proclaiming, Then as time with budding glo - ry Brings the com -ing years’ increase, Fruit - ful fields and verdant val- leys, Moun - tain, plain and flowing stream, ### EH —A —N. TNT ^* = ºn ºn , Umg-mº. --> &mºm 2 mºmºmºmº- ºf hº ==N=C====NEEEEEEM-Eº-º-º-N--N––R. ######### ºn ºn N wº py—w—º-º-º- Swell the bless -ed song of peace, Ar - bi - tration's peaceful sway -º- -º-, -º- ºl. -e- -e-" -e- a . -*- a . © £-#####|2–3–F#–º-º-º-º-º-É– = -º-º-º-v-f-wv-va-v- *E*::=Z=EEE===Eg-º-º-º-º: ==== By–F–9— ——-F—t–v–2–9–2--- A-º-A—A--- —A------|-- HN-ºf- *:::=#3 =#EE ſ g-g-s-s-s- -*-62– 2-2 -- º | Till the nations own its pow - er, O - pens now the pearl -y por - tal Men shall march to fields of la - bor, º And all sound of discord cease. To the bright approaching day. Learning there the arts of peace. Prospered homes and gladsome la - bor, Will the praise.of peace redeem. 9:#E-ºº: * -----aw *myº f Chorcs. #. –A– *ES * > siz– = -------- Q i | V-vi-V-V-2 ... e -º- - -2- 3+–3–3:-3–E–F– ===º-E –2–3–2–E–F–F–2–3–– H. #### 5–2– T2.-->{- Ežº: Come ye spir - its brave and ear - nest, Work with purpose true and strong, | N N R-e-, -e- # =#EEEEEE -º-, ‘EEEV–2–2 - - 4-7 –-vº-º. –4–2– U-L) PEACEFUL VICTORY. - 89 —t— EF-2E hºm º | * = x = x: > > | God will bless your faithful la - bors, Right shall triumph o - ver wrong. , -º- -º-, -e- * = ** = a, # 5–2. MIY H II EA-VIENI LY HIOM [E IS IH [IEERIE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. sº- cross the foam -ing riv - er, Or pass the pearl - º, gate ; +Ez===#EEH 1– -F- EEEEE H= ------z— H=2= =HEEE =Hz -º-, ſe: º: f —ſº * —ſº * ºr fift- w H-Hºr—r-r-r-ţ--w HHHHHH glo-ri - ous cause they’ve bound me, And my heavenly home is here. -º- SIHIOTUT OIF" TI RITUTIMIIPEI. fº-D-N-N-N-L--R-E- =#######===+ -----------g-g: + T } Is waft - ed on the breezes, By 90 MT. LEBAN ON, N. Y. ſº ºv-º-º-º-º-º-y ºr ºr ——A———A-—— TI V- ºr A_º_*=^*A yº-yº-y-4-A = - \ =\;=yº 4- º ºr *-* * *- - - - \ = AA_*- > * * > #####REN=N=== *E*===== *-* ##### |- ------, *—º-º-º-º- | T © † †: + 3. º 1. The sound of distant mu - sic, — -º-, -ā-A R_ N *— H===F } ——º— Băţ== CHORUs. Full. A H –A-A > N And notes of joy and gladness, Run thro’ the sweet refrain, And we in fee - ble ac - cents Re - peat them o'er a - gain. N G -- N__N N \ —N N N —A Hä-º-E-º-º-º-º-º-FEEF-E-º-º-º:#E=SEF 5:#EE:Eº-º-º-H+ HE Uºmº- EEE fºLiº-LT — — — — —H-4––––– Pi—H- | —C)—"-- ºr —z-e-e g—--&----0–9—2–g— | Sing glo - ry to the righteous; N N. N. –––Li III --- A_^-º- EIGIts---º-º-º-º-º-º-º- * = * = emº i{º SHOUT OF TRIUMPH. tº- 9] © A tº a tº … t .º. º. a-_^-_^-_^- 4- A 4-k—º. °N —N /*N 1. A P-- - —A-E- -N-T —R--N----- I (t)=z-E-N-N-N-N-N-F#–E– Q *- um. - > ††††: —— -—º- 3––––1— { – T & -&- ſºme . ~ * º- T.J." [ _* | And with a shout of tri - umph Proclaim the ransomed free. N N N N | N N 2- *—º–A ar, RA /*N Pºº-º-º-º-º-N===N-E-2–N= –e ſº-T –H––– =========E===#E -º-º- | tº-s-s-s-s-s-s-tº-tº- v–-- 2. It is the welcome greeting | 3 Sing glory halleluia, From saints who've gone before, While in this vale below, To those who follow after, | Tho' storms may rend the mountains, New regions to explore, « And earthquakes overthrow, O, happy is the transit Yet God will hold His chosen And glorious the reward, In the hollow of His hand, Of faithful overcomers, And guide them thro' all danger, The servants of the Lord. | Unto the promised land. TALIKE LETI ROM I IM IY H II EC AIRT EAERTE: IILY reqLs. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ºr Y- =N=EN-F-I-ii-IN-N-N-NEE —-N------|--|-2– + —R-N-P----AH Js - A——º-ai—a-H-4–6–r–H–N––A–P– FE-si- | # Fºº-º-º-º-Eg-Hº-Fºr-º-º-º-Hº- †† -G- © dº +: †† •--g: Take from my heart earthly i - dols, Fill it a lone with Thy grace, N N * - T S N S S : . . 3-º-º-EEEº-º-Eº-º-º-HEEEEEEEE Hº-HLFEEELIEEEE| HEIs Hº-Hº- -º-º-º-º-º-H-e---------e-w-s-p-F- —s---------- -NH2+2=s=== ===== := Itºi. --------------tº- -º-, -º- -º- -e- ..T N —ſº —O N alſTe T3-LLEEEEEEEEEE TEEEEEEE ===Fº-º- 2=s=TZT*E*L*L*T*E*E=EEEEEEEEEE Esº-à- - p——w-p-p-v----|--w : 2 -v---- -H Make it O Lord a fit tem - ple, For an - gels a dwell - ing place. P-R-A- - N ==E=== F--T---|--|--T—N–-N-N-P-A—-N-I-T-- #### ==#– Hº-EN. – HH *E-- | ==== —--- -: *H ===–4–3–====#EE: wº-mºrum—um ºf Thy truth and love so re - fin - ing, Crosses and tri - als make light, | N N --- | a º —Q- -*. ( ) *. p: -º- —ſº- Q. =H--º-º-º-º-º- ++++++H=== –HºFE=======ºf EEEEE T & " :-------v-vi *s-s-s-ſ- º º' W º —fl- *w-vºlume mºm-m-m- —[- | ETN-N-N-N-INEI. #######, | s---º-º- -e- -a- ( > p ) Never shall doubt or repin - ing Turn glory to darkness or blight. | N « N | -60+ g -º-, -o- -º _ _amrm-m-mºw-m-m-" -º-wºmºy Kº:- i.e. 2 Cº. Lie ºf Es.T. iT 4–3– ====== Bº::::::::::=::=########es H -TV VTV 92 CHERIsT’s surrºr: INGs. CANTERBURY, N. H. # HER=HEEFEs EH ! 4-º-º-tº-s-s-s-E-F#-sit –C–d-p+z-E-F- 1. When sorrowing in spir - it O do we think of one, Whose 2. Thus did their friendship wither, and sym - pa-thy de - part, While # | ºr ####### « —- s— &– { ſ— *r-ºr == #H#HE wº-y * l – — : G- soul o'erflowed with anguish, yet,suffered it a - lone 3 For ev -’ry friend for- He,their Lord and Master, a -lone endured the smart. Be - reft of His dis- # –––. EžIYISEELEX:T3T3T. Ež *-i-iº ### ——T- –T-T— *—A. =HE:#EEE -— A---—A---—A-...--A v-rº- ºr-v f_ºmº-Q-mº -1 v ze. -m— mºm umum. -- ~ um, ºr H *=^*w-ºn u e - am =#EE:##====== ** tº LifeFitEy-E sook Him in that most try - ing spot, And they whose love seemed | ci - ples, a smitten and stricken one, Yet bowed in sweet sub- | | –H - | } +-º-º-º-tº-º-º-º-tº-ºf- #E —ſº-º-º- CHRIST's SUFFERINGs. 93 aº 2=EFFENEH f HR =E=E ——H –O———H–H– ——-- -#– H--- =s=s=s=== —eº—— —s-Hº-J–2–4–H–––––H–C–H–C–G–s-as-- wºmº-º-º-ºmr-ºr-ºr −F A. Ed s wºm. Nº w—zi-- smºr-º-wºmyº-wºmy { T Y-y ſºmºmy ºf L strong - est, declared they knew Him not, Declared they knew Him mis - sion,-could say, “Thy will be done,” Could say “Thy will be ——— d_* = –2, Iſ Tſº-Tº-T –H ###### | *—— --- FC-F-H-FFF-º-Fo-FFFE-F- #H############# YT-Tº-Tº-Tº-T-7 —- ––H–H–H–—F--—(J–C–H– –––– ——º ma-º-º-º-º-º-, *= * # T2-T. -HE w º-tz ºf Tº --- H not, And they whose love seemed strongest, Declared they knew Him not. | done,”Yet bowed in sweet submission,Could say “Thy will be done.” { –––. --— ºr-wºmy #### #EE3– 2=H: º Tº I Tºdi. It ai Tºi –3–2–––3– 3 And who has ever fathomed such keenness of distress, Or who has ever tasted the depths of bitterness; Like Him who cried in anguish, and sorest agony, “My God! My God! why is it, Thou hast forsaken me ! ” 4 Remember 'twas our Saviour who drank this bitter cup, And gave both soul and body, a willing offering up; Whose voice in pitying accents, for persecutors too, Was heard to say, “Forgive them, they know not what they do.” 5 Let us be likewise able to show forgiving love, With wisdom of the serpent, and mildness of the dove: Thus prove ourselves true members of Christ, the heavenly Root, Producing in abundance, the blessed gospel fruit. 6 Then, never fear, my brother, though seemingly alone; And grow not sad, my sister, when heavy sorrows come, Since our dear Saviour suffered,— we can endure the rod; And tribulation leads us the lovely road to God. 94 TRUE stre+PHERD’s voice. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N = ſºme ——N- A v=v, --N-N-H Y- --N- -—r-º- i-I-N-- --à-i-Fi-Lº-La-Lº-º-º- !--- 4- I ) tº-wºr-ºr ºr --- wºmºſºm &^*_*- ] | • { —C) zº- u-º-º-º-º-º-ºw C … *. ſº mºv - U ºf .*. ––– AA … * vºr Mºm’ — Q ad- 2- A- A —l 1. Hear the sweet voice of the Shepherd of Is - rael, Call - ing the 2. Flee ye in haste from the darkness now deep-'ning, Ere he doth 3. Limped, the sil - ver - y streams that are wind - ing, Thro' ver-dant Q- -º- + -º- -e- -a- -(2- -(2- FEE-EEEEETTELITETEL REEMEREº-Hºº-º-tº-º-º-º- !-v-T-T-E-v-V- ==# H=N- g-E3 is a lost sheep home— Home to the fold º: his love and ten - der - ness, turn a - way; And in the wilds of a fruit - less wil - der - mess, ſ past - ures broad — Gar - dens, where flowers of im - mor - tal pu - ri - ty, ºf-º-º-F-2-Is-a-a-rº-e-r-ţ-º-Hº-Hº KSHTEEE-2-Eº-º-º-E –º FEEEEE |--|-- P====E=H=========== H--> 7–F–F–F–F–F–F–F–F–F–- ––– # No more in sin to roam. Wander no more on des - o - late mountains, I31ighted your hopes decay. Wander no more on des - o - late mountains, Send forth their breath to God. Wander no more on des - o - late mountains, -(2------ſ)— —O- - -º- -º- -º-, -º- …- ū-- H — º =*= }= } *- a-gº-º-º-w w A- Gº tº -> # | | | tº !-- - - w ºr - * = - Tºº-º-º-º-º- -º | } ! 3 & | º 4–- – – # Nor o'er the des - ert barren and drear, Heed ye the tones that are Nor o'er the des - ert barren and drear, Hear ye the voice of the Nor o'er the des - ert barren and drear, Hear ye the voice that so A. - > - -º- -e-. -º-, __-º: ####, E- 2– TCI Hº-º-º-Hº-º-º-E v-ºv *r-vº-ºr p—-Hº-p —H –9-9–t-º-º- NH-1 w—w-w-w-w – HHHH T[- #H lead-ing in mer - cy, Come to my fold my blessing to share. §j of Is - rael, Come to my fold I’ll gath -er you near. º —}- *. *. * mºm } º sweet - ly is call -ing, Come to my fold, in love draw ye near. -º- -º- *—º -O- Bă HHHHHH =#Ea. # *E=E=#EEEEEEEEEEEE-------Eſ-2–2-H2—- —H7–w-F +—w—w-H-----— Ö SIPIERI IT VOICES. 95 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. — A-º-º-º: U- A-...- … . a .ze-A-_^_^ ºr-ºr ºr wº 2- --—-A——- v-y F-H–R-L--- --N-P--------- ##### ==ENEH-2– ==#EEE * 1. 2. y ==== *E=E Gen - the as #–E– V Voi-ces sweet as an - gel whis-pers, Come to us from yon - der clime, Living souls with hope resplendent, And a spir - it formed a - new, 2- º TºTºTº II +—p-F—- Catch the joy - ous notes tri - umphant,Swell the chorus the even - ing zeph - yrs, Is their song of love divine. rich and true. Nº. … * *. *. *. lm, #: _-º- - —ſº- __-o- -o- -o- -d-g-º- -º- -O-e 5: H===Tai-n-a-H-I-Hº-º-º-Hº-3-H ": "Ijº LELI =E=E===E=EE Lº-E-2-ET-E----- f_* = x : :=: —p-H-p-Hº-Hº- *—2–H N -O- -e- is e. e. e. e. e. #EEa–EEEEEEEEE =HEL-º- P=====E===HE= t; Tºr *= Tar - ry with us blest im - mortals, We will learn These have left the world forev - er, Turned from dark-ness un =### the heav - en-ly song, - - to light, O- H. | V | V | -º- -e- LIFEs – –43– Ez–FE NII | R. -N-1— –––––F–A– ##### | | 4-A—º. N #=EH 2- C- Press to - ward the shin -ing por - tals, Whence the melo - dy was borne. Thus re - nounc-ing ev - 'ry er-ror, That the Spirit's growth would blight. -(2- H ſº- -º- -2-_-2- –2–2----—i- LTTLTI ITT T. him. A -*—H-—!--— H-5 \m - 3 Ye who still are waiting — watching, 4 Not in measured form 'tis given, For the bright and morning star, See, the dawn is fast approaching, And the gates are left ajar. And the Bridegroom now appeareth, With his Bride in rainment white, Hear ye what the Spirit sayeth, Come receive the truth, the light. {} Nor in dogmas of the past, Word of life flows down from heaven, Void of priestly cant or caste. 'Tis the “Rock of Revelation,” 'Tis the gift of God to man, Showing all whence comes salvation, The established, gospel plan. SUININ Y HIOMIE. CANAAN, N. Y. ##### — =# # V V W 1. We dwell in a home far from tumult and strife, Where the sunshine of 2. We’ll sow the good seed of the kingdom of peace, And we’ll look for a ####2==EEE-F Biłł 3– *E=:#; –2–2–2–re º-º- t–t-ºf–t. º * = x * x- yºu - ——-O love sheds a bless-ing a- round, Where the spir-it ####### —º-º- of peace cheers and har-vest 'neath hope’s beaming star, While Mount Zion our home with its * > -O--O- -O- p: #-º-º-º-Fº-º-º- †† EE-E-EN- Hº-2-El V-7- –4–H —- ===E= :=== | | ###H- 5–7– #––A–A- W 4-2 ºm > m, ſºm-º ( ) ####: —-a--N- *-*-*-i-º-Hit-g-g-g- #F. ****** glad-dens our life, And joys of the spir- it for - ev - er a-bound. to na-tions a - far. end-less in-crease, Shall shed its bright glo- ry - -O- -O- -º- f. f. +–K+---º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- vºmy º | ( | | 2–2–?—E }: # # = T *E jº A—º- Ea. vº A. II == — =HEEEEEE l– vºy † #= gº wr-— º—º -i-ti-La-Z-E-º-º-t —-2–H–H V, V | V CHORUs. 4 *HHHHHHHHH. º Oh, our beau - ti - ful home ! sun - ny home;Where the fair flowers —ſº ſº—r-º- ſº- ſº -ºu m = x = x x > x = x = - *:#; # TºILFT- EHELE====E, p: #|:-"—"EE"—"Ea-Ee-x-EEE=== TER *†††††T †Eff===MTEE ——A =#EEEEE `-- * bloom,Sunny home; We'll adorn thy chambers anew, Wreathe the blossoms of BºžFF=######E f=====EH = =E =# a. f f. -ſº -º- emſ ºr —A i. Ll #H#H#H#P- 1. – 2– SUNY Y HOME. E3 ETNTN 97 light,whose radiance bright Shall encircle the hearts that are true. =–4—=—-º—— T-º-º-º-T-Z-E--e- #3–5–H–3–ºf–s—º-Hº-º-º: *r-y --L--t-º-; tı-º-Lº-tTTL*-a-HTº :======V+= *—e—re # #| the hearts that are true. NOT ONE SIPAIRIEROW . MT. LEPANON, N. Y. —-T— A ——— for - got - ten, +FEFºº-º- E’en the ra - ven God will -— –NTINT-N- — ( -º-, -º- |-H==s======Ep-e-r-s-- -º-Hºº-º-º--———H-— H–H–H– HFEEE w H feed; And the li - ly of the valley, Then shall I not trust Thee, Father, NHF *E*H --NTR w | Heaven grants its every need. If–EPE eLP-e EzTL: —H-—F———H3—# F–F–F– v V v N --——i——-—A- ====== awº- | V pe—e-º-º- #t== tº- 98 G-OJ D → S I LOVIEC. MT, LEBANON, N. Y. # ENEE-sº-HE --à-*LF #######| tº b =3+gits+3== —1–2—s— g==E: *u- ( = Y AN F-t; w 1. O the love of God how precious, Filling all immensi - ty, 2. By this love we’re led to serve Him, And to bear the chastening rod, 3. Gracious Father, we sur-ren-der, Time and talents all we claim, º ----> * º And His mer-cy O how boundless! Lasting as e - ter - ni - ty. By this love we hope to triumph, In o - be - dience to his word. Asking to be worthy ev -er, These to of - fer in Thy name. er, *: e. -j- ### =#:H== =#: F–- mº-ºr- b. =2-y a ſº-º- ~ ºf , º amº —{}- -Tzº- – fºLI : †:Lºw---E: Te Tº ==-Lº-i-º-º-º-º-º-E : wºr-wºr-wº, EEE > *r-vº-vºy H 2–F––. Guiding us to perfect heaven, Where no e - vil can intrude, Bless us with that ho - ly fervor, That shall quicken us to be May Thy love preserve and hold us To a life divinely pure, EWITTET ==Hº-x ====p-e-H--- V ºf May this love so free - ly given, Fill our hearts with gratitude. Sons and daughters of His likeness, By the truth made wholly free. Light the darkest night, O Father, With Thy love a passport sure. |- r—º--º-º-L4+-º-º- ===== A- * * Đàº-º-H TELENE-TETRI 9–5–2–3–E–F–º-º-tº-a-----t GTR, A TITUIDEX. 99 :#––– -O- my 3. I &m &m-m-A-Nº-º-º-v- =w== | N -O- - TºITTT ſº MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ſº #-F###H# # 1. O Lord! my heart can not for-get, Thy tender love and watchful Care, 2. How sweetly thro' my being thrills,A power that lifts from doubt and gloom, tread the hallowed walks of life, With faith im-mor-tal growing clear, -o- -a-, -º- -º- -º- 4— --->|- —u—u—v-O-----ºr wº—u—w------ T ––––– #–g aſ lTºTº. . º Hº-s Tº i. –E–F–F–FE •----|--—p- H-—H |T TºTIFTET.Tº. Where’er I turn, It lifts the vail S-4–!—A——ſº- =======s=== wº {}=N===#EE tº-g-gº-o- O -O- -(2- " - - -O- p-i-E-R-E-F--s—e--e N N N N —l ſ —— T ==s–a–G–E M- my eyes are met With fruits of answered trustful prayer; A Christ-like el - e - ment distills, And resurrects from nature's tomb; thro’ all the strife, And brings a glorious future near; 2 ºf -e- | erº TTLT ==-|x-º-º-Hi-º-º- #:= à-º-w ===º-º-º-Hº-Z-E — 2=##### I r – V N As mounts the lark As Like sunset gleams across the sky, Redemption's laws loom grand and bright, H –4– ſ N–s 2- #H== ===N- EF ºf Tº-Tº-3- at ear-ly morn, To tune its joy-ous mat-in lays, *TE= 1——l—"--—---———- { p-H. W —-F— =#| 3:Tig: # ** w living germs of plant and flower, Upspringing from the darksome sod, ºt -º-, -º- - -º- -2- B+:EH. H. H. Hº-Hº-Hº-E-A-Hº-Eº-º-º: | VTV | W 9 º' 1- - -ºº-um-mºº `m-ma -N-1—2–A–A &= s — ENEEEF-E- = 2- -à--à-H– Ext. TPIw-L ####H==HE == & -º-, -d- v V v | So shall my spir - it Respond to gentle Their work perfective As -(-)- l C-C A—A- { -—y .*. v-Tº-y + --I- upward borne, Pour forth a song of grateful praise. dew and shower,So breathes my soul in love to God. draweth nigh,When souls shall dwell within their light. -O- v=U=º- N as ===#–E– •um- Yºº-º- emº ºme ==p—p- —py ETI ==== VTV +H= f00 CIROWN OTF GTFE, A CIE. \ MT. LEBANON, N. Y. /*N N N N | --- -H-----------—Nº — amſº ==#EEEE $2.8–33–3–2–3–2–sº & 1. Pu - ri - ty, brightest of im - mor - tal graces, Stār that il - 2. () , I be - hold thee a glo - ri - fied an - gel, Clothed in fair 3. Down thro’ the cy-cles of roll - ing a - ges, Saints have ex- « -º-, -º- -º- as Te º Te -e- e. -o- º 5:#H= ===HE-HEEE #EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE º/ W. W. W. º 2 V V || || ºf ex N | -N —N–N ºw- — Ö emºmºm < | —l— ==== —N lumined the Saviour's life crown, Gleaming a - far thro’ dark shad-ow - y raiment un - sul - lied and white, Sent un - to earth as a chosen e - tolled thee by emblems sublime, Vir - tue, the name for which martyrs and * * * * * * * * * , e. e. e BHHHHHHH ɺ-º-º-HERE-Eº-Ee-2–3–2–3–2–H —w-v-v-f-v-v-Hº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- /*N N * . Ö – *—s- ——t----|-- Q e- TºTº-L places, Unto our spirits thy light cometh down.Shine in thy ful - ness our vangel, Souls to redeem from temptation and blight. Ho-ly of ho [ . lies, the sages, Yielded all claim to enjoyments of time. Beauti - ful spir - it ! we N AºA • 2- | -º- 4-2 –-º-w is a , e. e. e. e. e. 3 –––––––– ††††††††is a e;=r ---iſ-ſ-ſ-ſ-ſ- Hºł4-- 3— W lives to make blessed, Be the re - fin - er of ev - er - y heart, Till in thy heart where thou reignest,Sacred the altar and quenchless the fire, Ey- ery e- cow - et thy blessing, Sancti- fy wholly our souls un - to thee, Then in the -º-, -º- N -º-, -º- -º- -º- -o-, -º- -2-3- 7–1–– E-a-a-a-a-º-º-º: [Tº TETELETEEE =====Es-s-s-Hº-st Eº- V — I-7– º 7-7-7-7-7 Pºm *m am TIRTRINT NTDTRINTNTST Hº. Sºi-Hº # NHº ſ t; ; ; ; * =s=E-3–4–3–3– -um- º ĐăE====#EEEEEHHH := H ——H-H-— # T-N-EN==N - HE *=tº-º-tº-º-º: w C - Q angels a -bode, Oh, fill with an unc-tion di-vine, Where truth,the bright e. e. e. e. J- N.º. º. º. Ti-T-I-T- -o-TH---- #Fºº-º-º-F#–E–F#–E–C–H–E–F–E–F–F. f_* , **t-ſº-º-º-Hº-p-Hº-º-º-He=====Hº-Hº-Hº---2– *T*E=#EEEEtº-º-º-tº-5-; HEff=E=ZE U_y \mºmº tº-g 9––F–F–w--/–F–F––H–1+——y—2–w Cº-º- #### — -A— =H+ –4–1––F–F–A–D–G–––––. ==#|| ( * = ºf A. | -- 1 -–– º – . [ _ tº- ==== :===s= ===-º-º-tº- } glo - ry and presence of God, For - ev-er and ev - er shall shine. | -º- -º-, -º- -º- ºr a SEH-3–3–3–I-3-º-º-Lº-º-Hº-Hºº-º-º- Bă 3. #–Eff- * I lf #5 EEE: i-1–1– 2- EE # HH —l H —i- ! vºy z— ſ zº. A tº 102 WIEI LCOME SIPERING.. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. 3–5– … *. #:= 1. What beau-ti - ful treasures the Gos - pel un -folds, As the seasons and 2. We will not re - cline on the deeds of the past, And think that per- 3. Sweet emblems of in - nocence, growth of the year, Oh, teach us God's – —º-r- ſº. —ſº —e , º f emº X. ####: E–p-E-2 Hi–2— ==f-f FT-T II +s-s-s-s-s-s-f — ===== k--- H – *—e—e–p—p-Hº-v-º-º-º- —ſº- 7~WTVTWTWTVTV-TV v N_N N__N_N . . ——— w —l 1——— ... N. 2- ] *====FRHE==== | * AT TIºTININTTTTTTTTTT2-Tº-Tºſ. — G#H#HE:Hº-JEEEEE?=#EEE º N-" years pass a - way, In the march of pro - gression we're moving a - fec - tion is won, But start ev - ery day in the bat - the of laws to O - bey ! A morning of life when in PR- ri - ty 2-> 2–º-e—ºr-—º-º-º-º-º-º: 9:2–s—p—e-E2–E– <- =P=7–2–2=He=::= | */ ſº-º-º-º-º-º-f • S-' i’ V tº Q A \ ^ () ) long, In the increas - ing light of our day; And while we’re inspired of its life, As if it had new -ly begun; Each conquest some gem of the spent, In - sures a bright crown for the day; And un-self-ish labor its | 2--> |----—º- 2–2–2–2–2– *}}#2-#EE ===== | –9–2–2–2–; *— H =NESENEº-f V V –2–-N--A— *=v- ºv- ======N=N Fº-º'-53-º-º-º: *- | -º-º- glo - ry to sing, Our hearts are made glad by the sweet breath of spring. spir - it will bring, As win - ter is lost in the life - giv-ing spring. increase will bring To our beau-ti-ful home in the e - ter - inal spring. N -O- 2-\ -O- N N |=S-H- _º - † *T-a- = ſº a . —ſº ſº— g– º 4 - — - -l 9: 2-2 –2–E=3–3–3. * ----- ---g-Fe-si-º-º-º- f *–9–2. –3–2– E3–3– ºft 2–5 s—* –EZEEEF-E Vº W w * ( ) w T Chorus. N S —h--4––A– - — . . . –º–N- | b- •us • * * – -- - - , , wº- yºu - 7- TºTº * * - w.L e- !--—- — ; ––1 & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ##### | – º –––4–3– T I sº º L* IE-- I LT-T > d g * > ; : [. wº • O tººl -O- f | Love-ly spring ! Beautiful spring ! The woods with vocal welcomes ring, And N tº o wº s===–-a-º-F-g-g-º-f-ºff-f- 3 -º-; if-s—f :-o-º-º-L-E-º-º-º-E- ======== -º-Hº-Hº- *5 s ======EEEEEEEEEEEE s—Hº-FEEE -T-9-T—— | Hy—w-r-v-5 WELCOME SPRING. 103 N Q = ====== H== ==== l—— *——Hà-s— — — Fei-º-Hº-sº --A—- *EEGEs –s H w we a grate - ful offering bring To our God who sends the spring. ---T—º A—-F—I-8––2–?–a–rg— Nº. 4 × - E- ºr u- - - -º —l -º-º-º-º---- D =v-ºn- - wº ºr +1–14- ETETE ITI-Tº-TEPL « » 1- 1 Amº-A—A-A—A. l ſ ºr-wº –2–E–F–F– ——- –5–2–2–4–2––– I ICIN OVW TIHI.A.T CIH [IRIST IMINº S.A. VIOUTER, LIVES. CANAAN, N. Y. N TRIZºº. TT E===#EE: fººm wº -N-Hºº--N- 9–5– ==== †-º-º- Es= £y ºf H; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; CJ- s I know that Christ my Saviour lives, I feel his pow - er to - Nº. P. —d-i-e—e—f-ſtº-e—2– Tº IT EFriº 3– 4–2–F– =r-º-º-; H-H-A-R-N- –––F–-1– & & ºmº Y =^_º –––––––––e-Ha-s—#– ====E===e-º-Hº-3-3 ==G+E++++ —s—s—-s—º-º-g– C–C––C–F– day, A perfect peace which born of love Will never pass a - way. r: e. f: -e- ar, * e. --- –f-—e **R p =Fe–? a diff #### It E-R-E-Fº-o-º-º: B: #; + T +2+! º º: | a-h- -º- m ^ = h = a- hºme mºm- — N *EH=########## | * : *===========E----- The precious faith. He hath giv-en free, The hope which fills my # e. e. e. * * # f: -e- * —I-2–2—a e-Is-e- s—e TT FEZEH5–5– H- Hº hife, Are blessed proofs supporting me Thro' trial, pain and strife. I . ###### £ *. I?: i -j-He->—º-*H #EEE | T =#EEE --—l v-ºr | —l- H– H==== ! 104 TWENTY - THIERID PSAI.M. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. # |--|--| -*: HE Fº 1. The Lord is my Sliepherd, on Him 2. My feet He hath turned from the broad road of sin, And guid -ed my 3. Yea, through the val - ley 4. A ta - ble be - fore me with blessing is spread, A feast from Thy 5. Thy mer-cy and goodness in truth fol - low me, And crown all the .. zº | *—º–º- | ( * “mºme s ym. wº-ºº: º cº-Fº-º-º- of death I may ===H-e-,-- I will lean, His goodness my Yet guarded O – * TºTºI.T –F–F–F–F •===H Lord, I will be, FHE Ee-E3–3– *L*-ī-3-LRTR- G-JEE?- === spir - it hath blest, He leadeth to pastures all liv - ing and green, By the footsteps a -right; His glo-ri-ous name shall be writ-ten with -in, And For heavenly peace from Thy presence shall flow, Thy un - bounded store; With oil of true joy Thou a-nointest my head, With days of my life; Thy house shall forever my dwelling-place be, Re - =w- A a dº º ze. T- -O- -O- } f_ -º-, -º- -º- fºL **— TL- H | 4 * * * ºv- ºr mº, Nº ºn ma–4 2=HE -O- a-Eff-fl-º- !—l- *=== #### –0. U - - - , 4- ºr- ºr —— F-– &=H== §4–E–C. L-2-3-Le- side of still wa- ters to fill my whole be - ing with light; His rod and Thy staff comfort glad - ness my cup run-neth mote from con - fu-sion and strife; Thy house shall for - ev - er my | -º- -º- == #–E–F–Hº-º: rest ; lead- eth o'er; With writ-ten with - in, | liv - ing and green, flow, presence shall nointest my head, dwelling - place Q |TFTETTIſ: =======E-º-º-º: ------ to pastures all glo - ri - ous name shall be heav-en - ly peace from Thy true joy Thou a - ==== By the And Thy With af- us – º – —k-º'--— be, my whole glad - ness In Ote Te- ſº. IºTT. Tº I W. A. - to TS to rest. be - ing with light. Thy staff com - fort II] Cº. cup run - neth o’er. from con - fu - sion and strife. -º-, -º- — — — ==#|| 1 —— -—--- ( zº | AT IPEA-CIE WITH I Gº-OID. At peace with God and -º-, -º- -º- -e- -O- an - - gels, 5:6-P-FFFFFF Bă *EE-Eº-º-º-Ee ºr-wºmy HZ-F-U--- here be -low, I’ll -(-)- dºs ( , sº &_º +3=HE: ===== soft - ly walk | | | | © 105 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. At peace with mor - . tals –3– –7- • A- a-- y-º- F------ be -O- -(J -—-A—— ---Tw-a--aſ- =#: == fore them, That |-> N - Du a-me ºn & A s ==== : †Z- > < x^ = - emºm- --N-- EEEEE soul may flow; N Iſſ peace un - to my - 2– —O- ===3–2–3 z-s—-a- t- | wr-wr-v-v-w H= .* ZEEEEEE *— ... jº- --- U ºn —A- H––N -T- ºr —1– ...] 1—— g I s— …e. ^ =9 2. ( , | the ho - ly TNTT Hº-T ==== ++. === 2–3–2–E– | —T II]. OI’ N tal, And bless #-JT=f PTT T.I. s wº-ºº-Tº-Tº-y | –H–A–H–A– ======= —l- bear it through the por - tal, -º- -a- —O- Be-yond the crys - tal riv - er. N -º- ( ) Hº- Iſº-Tº-Tº –2–H *. TIT =====E=== | ==EEis- =|| | 7–T-7 106 ZION's IDEFENSE. ENFIELD, N. H –a–F–F–4–PH–A––s-— º =####### =######H Tº #8–EEN -º #E 3-Eg-º-º-º-tº-º-E--N •. º -Q- Cº- - -O- ºf º O Zi-on, Zi- on, is thy foundation sure ? Art thou establish’d -O-, -O- -69- -O- < * w = ..— ( )—º- ( ) * : —?--a--- –F–s & Sºme mºm a- h—— ^-e-a-we-ºn ºm ######E FEEEEE ==E===== H-Hº-º-º-o-EH-C-O-e-- *Bä Hiſ ##EEEEEEEEEEEEE —º-–by– f e | s= | N | f | * * : ––––5+++-vº-º-º-v-f-5– on the rock That ev. er will en-dure ? The ques- tion now re - F-S-H-----— –A–1--—F---------— Bř;=#:= * Eº-E H---- -H-I- ( - ====# :=#== fºr WLEETE TIF II O t | [...) s | Y-Tº-y *r-wºmyv-wº | 2- ) s & ſ ceives response Tho' foes with thee contend, There is an arm, all /*\ H==== N FC-2-s=s== Sº v-y /* -C- -(2– N Pºb-s—- sº U -- " : tr–5. º f |l ########## stand, In-dwellers of thy courts 1 Gird on the ar- mor of the Lord, And - -O- -O- - -º- -(2- — H —H·--- -º- -2. -º- -º- -º-' -O- º, C-g-g-Hº-E-ELE 9: ==== }{=}= | v-ºf-7 g & ſºme -º-º- e =#= . . . Nºe I sº I *- me - h- – – Tº-º- ===9–EE–9–F–2 FE-ZEEZ *T*- ZION'S DEFENCE. 107 M. #===-NEE--- ; —l-2–t- =#:=##### =N------- | -&- Taj aſ -C- –C– –G– –G– | ºf 2 g º V w in his strength go forth, And meet, with glittering sword in hand, The H|| foes that 'gainst thee move, And in the name of Zion's God, Victorious thou shalt prove. J: , , -O-O-O- —(?– —Q- " :#############, ºr KE-Hºº-º-º- –EE ( ) WTV VT; W.A.I & IE TO LIETIE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. A—A----- A—A- *- A——N 4- ƺ º-º-º- ºf- --—-r—- ºr U- | tº-wºr-vºm-wºm-ºr-º-º-ºr | —— —NH– -----> -—N–––H *—A. w =- -ºw-ºn m-m-m-m-m-, -º-º-º-º-º: A ( ~ *-* —l—— — . . *HC —: ————i— —- !—!--————l— | =y= ===SE-i-º-º-º-º-º-º: A H -º-º-H –––– —s— *- 9 4–2–Rºz–=*H*-* H+*-*-E.---, E------ Wake to life, wake to gladness O Zi - on,fair Zi - on 1 Arrayed in thy *- =E=Fe+2=== 2–C–F–Fs—F----EEEETT-H ſº --G ##### ==Hist *E=EH ==== A- A- a. ** -āj-"-0– Y-y garments of beauty and praise: Come forth as the spring-time with new life in- 2- A-º-º-º-º-º: 1 | ––––––– as—ſº-H2—s--- H––– =H------- ſº-He=::=#######: spiring,Thy heart and thy voice in rejoic -ing up - raise. Swell the *H=HEEEEEE Hº-s-tº-º-º-HF 3–EE wº-y ——"- - --—- -º-º-aſ-aſ--—2–a– chor - us of an-gels,thanksgiv-ing,thanksgiv-ing; To God who has #— ==FEEEEEEEEE ===N=N====E=- - — — — . TZ2 —I [- ====E==== –---|-- —ay— * * - A -- *-* * *-*- - , * = * * * * = \m —-a-2-29– blest thee with blessing un - told, Lo! thy val- leys,thy valleys and HLF-HTa-T-I-I-I-T-I-T-FIL E===#EEEEEEEE Hºa–F##! —e--H-2–E–tº–-------------E2–1 um-m-m-> * > –H– —Zº-'--has hill - tops are teeming, With promise of harvest you yet shall be - hold!: 108 ERAISE THE STAIN ID AIHRID. CANTERBURY, N. H. =====N=-A—-N--a —A- --—=1--—G-----e- –3– – ===#EEE 1. O lift the standard high - er up, The Virgin banner 3. Who - ev - er bears the standard high, With purpose loy - al 4. Then fear - less - ly the standard raise, And let a gazing A- TW ( ) –2–- -----A- – :=EEEE v :=: ; V-º-º-º-º-A wide un - furl, Pro-claim-ing life and lib - er - ty In heights of truth; Then lift the stand - ard where you've fought, To to its name, Can ev - 'ry prin - ci - ple de - fy, Which | world be - hold, The cross of Christ is pu - ri - ty, Time 2. The narrow way by Christians taught, Is up the rugged /* -o- -O- * * * * |>. - # => −3 =EEE-3–F#–E Es–F–F#–E–3 -- 2–3–E–F–F–F–E9E9EEE2–2–E *=w=U=w=U= < *- º' W CHORUs. Com animato. r" s LLIEL-Liz "Tº = TI sº #:=E=##2 * -:=-3- =#: H → ; ; ; ; du - al Clirist un - to the world. Yea, lift the standard higher mark the way for age and youth. would a Christian's hon - or stain. crown, a bless-ing in the soul. -O- * -e- -e- 3. . : I ; : *H =ſ=== : g-Hº ** 7–2–2–5–F#–2–2–1. Hº-E —w-5–r H- v-Tº-y * N *= a---------- ——l ––A– - E–2 – ------...---e----------->|- —£-——º!—3– d––a - * -> <- &– — ===== f º l | dº O nations clasp her gol-den cup To drink the power that shall sustain. | - -O- -O- -O- re-e e = 2 * * * * * 9. Pi—sº Ef-ºf-Es – e-º-º-º-LEE-EI ### 2’ B. J.T.TIMINT, is I -------—H-3– ty--- X-º-º-mº -v- ºm “m- ( ) Tº Iº'Iº T' ===s+2+2=z-z-z- =HE*—A- *EIVT- SIH [IE PIH [IERI D 2 S FOLLI D. 109 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. *—. wº-wºme-ºr-º-umam, mºm, wºr-wºr-Yºsz-vºs, — ——ſº------> →——— ===N=ENE-HEEEN=N=N=#EEE =# ============Hºº-º-º-º-º-tº- — ==> Tø --> 2- Q_º 1. O - ver the land, over the Sea Hasten, O heaven - ly dove! 2. Come to a land where wa-ters flow Clear as the crystal sea, 3. Thus shall the wil-der - ness re-joice, Bud and blossom a - new, ſ\4+ *. …e. zº- 4- A dº-, 2-—& —--— 4-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: Eº-ENEN=N=N=EFFF-N-N-HY-FEº, | ==============#E NH#H# Bear good tidings of lib - er - ty, And scatter the seeds of love; Come to a ha - ven of joy be-low, From sorrows of earth be free; Hills and valleys shall lift their voice, In anthems of prais - es due; ºr ſº tº A-wºº am A. A 4 - 9 umě v- --ºrmºr —A– –2–2 Fe=E=E=====-e-Ha--A—A-E-2–2–He # ſº: HE vºms wºr Yºº-sº Un - to the hea - vy - la - den say, En-ter a ha - ven of rest, Come to the res - ºur - rec - tion morn, Dawn of a glo - ri - ous day, Righteousness,as a fruitful field, Stay to gladden the earth, =EN=#EEEEEEEENEHE --~~-º-º-º-º-Lº- –42–1– ——-29–4–3– -1– • Cast the garments of sin a - way, And with the pure be blest. Peace doth flow to the wea - ry worn, And love doth light the way. War no more will a har - vest yield, Or fill the land with dearth. —s——Cº- g-w-g- - `-- * O list to mu-sic soft and sweet, From harps the an - gels hold, ==H *- —-d—*—g—|--|--—º—d—s——t * : * * @ "7 * * #-w-w-s- —ay—ay--- Y-ser While heav'nly breezes waft On-ward to the shepherd's fold. _--> * wº-wv- 110 E3] R.I.G. HIT IPH IOI PIE STA E. CANAAN, N. Y. –6–––N -----> ºm > mºmum * > *T*T-3T2 T2/TITIAT&T TATAT A—--- l ##############========= 1. Heaven-ly Guidethro’ the pilgrimage here, So long is the journey and 2. Heaven-ly Pil - ot, far out on the sea, The billows are surging for - 3. Heaven -ly Captain, the contest of life Is raging in terror a - ( : -(-)- -O- := _2_-2-_-2-_ --~~~ 1–-— — . dº \e ºw- A_> ºwe awſ_ºf_ -O- #6 == s: f º–E– Ep- =###### TºT —e--iſ-iſ-P-P-P-L- –H–5–4 –3–2– —-A— f- —-N--s—— —r-Y †Es— & M \mº E-; → *- == ==== L9-3-E-º-º-º-º-L3–3– drea - ry, I can - not walk thro’ the val - ley a -lone, O ev - er, Launch my frail bark on the wa - ters for me, And round me, Give me thy faith lest I fail in the strife, And ſº mºm ºmº _2: _-2. -o- -__-2. G- a —ſº- -(-)- -º- . B+:#####EEEEEEEEEEE Y-y p- H #Tº Tº I ----—- l A-. º -* * s=======E======E=====E==e-si *w- - - - *- : *- ### ===== & his ºf hºmº_ºm • m. humºv- *- * - = u-um-º-º-º- ºr a = —s—— (J–1— ( * , tº ~ - ſ = = * * * *- V/ TV v' ºf give me thy staff lest I wea - ry! And when the shadows of give me the oar of en - deav - or ; Struggling a -lone 'mid the strength lest the tu-mult con - found me; I would not fail in the -e- - N -º- e. * * * * * * | | | *RT-Tſ T Lºis-fi 3–E-e-T-s:-- | *=== wº- ==== Liº, IºI.T.E. P. ===s== I T —u— —2–3–2– ---—H --5-7–7–7– —g-- 3: i 3. U ºf Vº V life close around, And cold-ly the night winds are blowing, . If I can darkness and gloom, All vainly I’m seem -ing -ly driv - &n, But I will battle to-day, Nor suf - for my focs to de - feat me, Iłut in thy -O- -O « » -O- - - -(–)- e. - 4 × # =: =###:+ EE * E E2–2–2– EZEZEFF- == Esº's st --—H----p-, 9– | see the bright hope-star above, All cheerful - ly I will be go - ing. look to the light-house beyond, That shines from the harbor of , hea - ven. strength I will struggle and pray,That mine may be triumph and vic - try. : 5 | q “mºme *my I*ILL TELL THEE OF HEAVEN. 111 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. –A– —º eº, s ###### === w I'll tell thee of heav - en, O child of earth; Of thy P. 53-5-6–2– —5–28–H– fu - ture home of light, Where the summer's bloom ne'er fadeth, Where /*N -O- - - -O- -O- -O- -e- ? -e- -e- e F-F-º-F—Hº–a–r-º-º-F- + #2=====E=E=========Ele- É-P-2-t-t-t-…-ft-º-º-º-tº-b- # # =REE::=#### =s=#E —t-e--- com - eth no win - try night. /*N | *—---&--—rº- #5–Eº-Es—º-Eg: Bºž F--- W ^__ Y-Z ENEN=N=N== yumr wº ſº -umº. —Hv —C. — C, -— -º-º-º-º:3-3- d % morning's dawn, At noon-tide when cares press heavy, In the twi-light ar, Q * > tº-2 - ſe º ſº--- *Hºº-ºº: Pi— ====E===== -b-i- Ee-e=º-º-H-E-- lº’ \' ºf 2. calm I'll re - peat the song, To hearts oppressed and wea - ry. 2– F: # f f. f. Eºſ: |- /*N --- | EHE: ===: ;ſg i|. 112 G-LOIRIOUS IMOIR.I.N. ENFIELD, N. H. _N *— ſº - Jº- ^*= Cº- Y_º -º -N- -A — . —= w –– ºr-ºr wº-mº, | RP-6–RE-Hº-H==== —Cº- ---T-I-1–5-——º--- & "Tº º, º 4- tº- um ºf mº v. Sº 4- º ——i— ###EEEEEEEEE #=== ——g--g—e–e—e- •----- –G–s—- 1. The glorious morn is dawning; All hail its blessed light ! Come 2. Ac-cept the cross with pleasure; Nor murmur by the way, What- | -º-º-º-Z- ==HE } l— º– 2- home ye wea - ry, wand'ring, Now ends the gloom-y night. The ev - er be thy meas - ure, The sum which thou must pay. —ſº - —º-s—r- *-º-º-e ſºme ºn *-P —H- —º- v-Tº-y * = <-º º HEEE º -º----> — j -º-º- w | ra - diant orb of glo - ry, Now ris - ing full in view, Be - may the promised bless - ing, Thro' faithful - ness be thine, Sal - | N as ITT-2—2–2–-2– Tº-O-T. TIE-TA- Đº-f II. TI p. ZEEE?–º-Hº-K–º- I-tº-DT-Tº-Tin-ºf- ==F i.e.-- - | v º -s—s———A-4–F th?--E-F-ES A- w - mºur-wu- – X- ſº-2'----s-s-N-H ---|--|-- SP–g-z-z-FFFF;===Fº-º-º-º-te--- speaks the glad-some sto - ry, That Christ is come to you. va - tion's prize possess - ing, Thy crown-ing theme divine. *—f f_*-fº = E*EE –– :=| —º-º- --— | e- Hºfs – H- – º – ' ' -- * — — —--4--- #H# -º- •–5 Come home, ye wand'ring souls,Salvation's sound most sweetly rolls.In rº-e-º-º-º: --2—P-E-7– -T— Come home, GLORIOUS MORN. 113 _] — 1 —- *— —& N g- | —N-i-Aſ-s-N-H=== Fº Tº I #EEHi–diº-E-ENE ====º ##|| 4----—A--- 3. -( ; =s++++Fs-tº-EF=== * des-ert wilds no long - erroam, Ye wand'ring souls, come home. -º- ... - ?" *—l -O- B; =EE 2-—A- f== — He– t ==# +H: *-P-bº-is-is-is- ===HF –2–T- | V | | V V come home. GOLDEN G-A-TEC. CANAAN, N. Y. Hº- ºr-ºr ºr — I NTTTTTTT N–F–A–N | | | 2- |- - - =#EHHHHHHºF –3—e:--> *—A wº- [ - w Q 1. Lead me, lest mine eyes be blind - ed, And Thy way I fail to see, l—- 2. Feed me, lest my spir-it fam - ish For the bread and living wine, -º- | N N ſº N TLE LIZZTLE-Tº-Tº-Tº-T: * HaEzTHEEEEEEEEEZE= +–Ha-e-...-e-e—e—e-------— W ====E= *E=EEE? =E2-E Guide my trennbling erring foot - steps Fa - ther home to Thee; Teach me and my life for - ev - er Moth - er shall be Thine; ‘I wn km *wumº _-º- -2 e- # e. e. |GREE *—a Eº-º-HTEŽ. –2–E–F–F–A–E=E2EEE |Pºt-º-Eº-º-º-º-Hº-Es-Es-EzTº- -— — — — — Y-Z O —H. Uºmºmºmºm º ºx w ———- —!--— vºy —H- 1. – v wºm w V V w ſ W º, ſº . #E wºumºmº ºm > < . al-º- HRT) - -- * --!— Q_ *ºr -ºr-ºr-º-º-º: ºr ºr C Home to Thee, Home to Thee, Yet trust - ing will I wait, Ev - er Thine, Ev - er Thine, Still trust -ing will I wait, l—— ___-º- -2- -º-" -º- C-" -º- -º-' ſº- -O- #EAE-EE2EEEEEEEEEEPEEE †E-LEE-E-Eºis E vº p—---—p-Hº- { --— N N _N –S === #EEEEEº H==#EEE R EIG-E*E*E*L*T*E E3+. HºHEFE2F | Till an -gels bear me o'er the sea, And ope the gold - en gate. __-2- > EE º r - 114 ZICON 2'S VI [NIEY AIR.I.D. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. arº /* — Lº–Ltº di Tº al- is | C —eº—"— – º –C — O Zi - on I love thee, thou beau-ti - ful Ci - ty; all my joys and my -62- 2- -e- ar, -º-, -º- -º- p- -o- 2:#Ez–Erie-º-Hº-Hº-H *HE” EZEZ-Hº-º-º- —?--—?—º--—–2–4–4–5-N Hº-3–––H–––––H ---|--|--|--|--|->|->|--|--|\ t =########### HIEEEEEEEEEEEEE ######## H-H-I-T- Y-y f : hopes cen -tre in thee! see thy vineyards fair and fruitful fields /*N *L | © — d -l Ti. &=ºm º AJ -— #–E –H Hº: 2 : ===|4–EE #####". 2–3– wºmº ſ —r +- –0 ºf , -l— —N-1—s——— U x = & x > & ºm *—w- EEEEEEEEEHE EEEEEEEEEE ºp-g-Ee-º-º-º-º-Ee-e- =3–E–3–3–3–tº–3 Lº–E ! |--- q J. * /* @ —ſº- -ę2– - -O- -O- * * * B: E # * = ===:#; —[− É== =#EEEE | 2 =#E==E --|--|--|--|-- —I--- #H#H# –2– t-3-tº- — =E= fed With heavenly wine and liv - ing bread. O Zi - on, love-ly /* -º-, -º- & of fit ºf —º-EE. P+ . . ;- U -º-º-º H–2 --- dºº-º-º: º #=z_2=ſ; –F–––. H. -----|- " --— - F---- – ) -—C — ( ) — —C – =#4–F–H --> --- | W w Zi - on bless-ed as Nº | ar, º- -e- P#EEEE-si- —-T- ZION’s VINEYARD. 115 cºmmº-º-ºu a-- IN ####: daughters shall come from afar, And worship God with -in thy courts. The *—, ,-4 #:=::= H === F | | 4 - sº Jº dº º 5: f- #: [… *T. Tº T. VTV ###### dº-4 ( > A -(J- & EEEEE I vºy } wea-ry, the wandering and sin-sick souls shall come, And find in thee a | * -e- -a- #### ºrA- .* Y-yA * 2-~my ºrtºmy A2- wº-y2- |- A- —e 2: 2 p. 2 jºie e #====-Hº-j- 2=====Hº- TºT TºI. +–H–H tº- * ºn 9 e- a ( ) =v-º-º-m-º-º-º- Nº. _*S ex 0– –A–A–A–A- -º-º-º-A—A 4---—- ———— ===#H#H#H#HºH F. º-º-º-º- ++-f–5–2 Q—--- ºf: —-e—e—e—g– ref - uge, and a cov-ert from the storm. The bands of sin shall Mºs -(-)- - - -(J- —O- J-ºf-fit # com - forted, the blind be made to see. Oh, praised be the 116 Q-2 ZION'S VINEYARD. —A—— --- +======Fa —K–RT--———H- N lºg =====s++3====N==AH-E-R-E-H– #. —-A # = === HF # ==#### HH # –2—g –F = -“ God of Zi - on . For His loving kind - ness is great ; And we will 2-> -º-, -º- -º- -2- -* -º- iſ -º N ºT. –3– ++ º-f- EF-E-3E5-EF: # * H=##########: FFF F-7–F– à- a- a - am a –º-P- *===E=RT EINENT 4 - Y_º - =### –E HHHHH ~ + praise Him for - ev - er and ev-er. In . . songs of thanksgiving,and 2- N O- —O- -O- -C. N | -º- -e- -e- -e- +-f–ºf–F#–2–º-Es-a-Lº-º-º-º-º- P- - ----- -(2- A- -> - -º-EE B: F -ºw-ºw dºw EEs-s-Eº -H----|--|-- ( * = \m. ++EEF-E-ZEZEFºEº f–E= Lº–HLs …e. –4– l——4 v-V-V-V-V-7- ––?–4–3– -—A-l— HENff- EEEE U. =# Fºrd–tº–G– loud hal - le - lu - iah, Thy name shall be praised O Lord for - ev - er! —s a f ºr-ºr go – -* *- B: EEE ### EEEEEEEEE #EEEEE-ENE-E-F#Eſſº-HREE--- ###### *— # * =v- -> -- ** =#EE s T T - --- * 3. Hºff=4-É wºr-wºr :==|| —#5- Es v-y T T. T. | IH CONMIE OF IPEA-CIE. CANAAN, N. Y. ##### -(2- “ | ----> -s a - Home, home, home! There's beauty rife on ev-ery side, At golden morn and N -Q | –––– ___2 . | – Nº! -- # ºf sº • : Z_ Hº V. –2 ". * * ſ —-N-- | 8 F wº e-ven-tide; Home, sweet home ! And mu - sic in the tranquil air That - © —ſº- a p X O > * = ºr a TTATL-Tº-Tº La TI a a T is . s: Hºº::= ====EEEEEEºf: --e. * º: t—r +Hº-v-tº-vi-P-E-ZEF2: 4-º-º-º-º-º: HOME OF PEACE. 117 --s—— -I-T-s- Tſ-î- --—A—— ### vºr —w- =s+ #EEEE - º floats around thy borders fair,Home,sweet home ! The world has lost its f := -º- e. e. . . vºy #H#H#= — -*-— 9:#H#H# – ºf ThTii N ymº ———- #Eff-gº r– ſº A-...--A-. EA-A*—A-----|--|--|-A-...--A—A-º-º-º: I - l sº-º-º-º-Hº-E | charms for me, For pur - erjoy I find in thee, O, home,sweet home! Joy kNET: ======E====E ===Eg:f-fire— Bºffº ======#v=== ===Hº: ––f-; f-----|--|-vº. -6–7---->4– } } L––T-T—— LZ-B-2–2–2 = tº IETIETINI - Sz-FFF: §: =#: HEEE ;: 4- ### *E which the world can never know, In thee from Sa - cred love doth flow, O, lïolme, Sweet home! p: ====E--- #== TT ==5––EEE H ———A. A ho - ly peace unmarred by sin Is graven on thy walls within ; And v-ºr-ºr-wºmy *... • - -º- -º- 9- ºf # :===# zºb p-- —Hz | H= NEENE ==####### º * -e-, -e- -e- -, -e-, | sa - cred or - ders guard thee round, And safely shield on hallowed ground, Home,sweet home ! | 2-- ?, ? ==###############|| —º-Hº-Hº- * ==H.T —H----. f ) -- v-Tº- 2:5 T --- + 118 • 6] H II ECI ERIEC A_IM [ ][ - ?? CANTERBURY, N. H. —--ºn-T- vºy v ºr vººr ºr ºr ºmy-ºr ºn amº- ~-ºr -- T. —l * - ºr FEEEEEEEEEE -w- ==#E=== | i. O Fa - ther, with the sig - net Of thy un-dy-ing 2. Wouldst Thou di - rect me thith - er O'er yon tempestuous 3. Speak, Lord, thy ser - vant hear - eth, And glad - ly will o – | 2. -o- -º- -º- -º- -g- BiºHEE | A ===#EEEEEEEEEE –8-0-4-H====E==== H+-H––––. | T;II U == =E=== (2— – ASD- =###### fºr-T—T-I-V-I. love, For - ev - er seal my spir - it, That I thine own may flood, My faith in Thee is anchored, Thou knowest my best bey; Whate'er Thou wouldst, my Fa – ther,Make known to me, I B 2IBT2 . LRL –2-2–H–– 2- ºffl ******E=======E=#H#H#H#H U Iz.TT H----- F prove. Teach me to know Thy voice, Though tempests may de - good. And when I hear Thy call O may I e'er re- pray. What - ev - er cares op - press, What - ev - er int' - rests | --- -- e. e. ---- *: -e-. --- ==2–2–3–?, ?–?--4----it-º-º-º- 25+H=#EEEHFº ===== | | —f A- am amº —————— Hº-5-H=H-H=NH=#==FF:#H | 3–2– 2-a-Erº- –*===E2. I ,I F2–2–F *_º - AAY / e-a-——-s—i- --1-e--- himº am mºmſ wº -z-z-z: -O- -O- | fy; Let me be clothed with grace To an-swer, “Here am I.” ply With true sub-mis-sive heart, My Fa - ther, “Here am I.” try, I'll trust my all with Thee And answer, “Here am I.” H--z-z--e=Fe=p-º-º-º-Tº-Lº-F-2-3-prº-f-prºj-I 9:2; 3:== == Ex-Es-H2-----|--|--|--H2=== #|| -) --~~~. Thiſ T-TITTTLLETTIELIZZT-IILLIPTUT2 "L =r-tº-º-º-; HRH –F |H (AIPIPY CHIAN G.I.E. 119 PLEASANT HILL, KY. 1. How hap-py the im-mor-tal mind That rests beneath Jehovah's wings, 2. The world around may rage and fight, And lay in dust their highest throne, q 8. When such shall lay their bodies by, And from their manual labors cease, 4. They'll wing their way to mansions fair, Where Christ their Lord in glory reigns, 5. Oh, may I know and prize my day; My span of time how swift it rolls; Ps * ºf . . . ;-a-fre------------ºf- BiºH. Eº-Eº-º-EEEEEEEE---- EH ſºmºmy †º-EEE-Z-E-R-Eº-º-º-º-ti-Tº-Tº-Hº- V : V | V | sº- ~ * * > * --Ra-----|--A-------—s——- *= a - u > ------N-----|--|--N– N-i-L- # – # ====E=:*:--tºr:: tº-º-º-º-º-tº-3-3-3H3+++f And sweet employment there can find Without the help of earthly things. But nothing can that soul affright, Who lives for God and Him alone. They’ll find a band of angels nigh,To guard them safe to realms of peace. Meet hosts of shining spirits there, Beyond the reach of mortal pains. I soon shall leave this mortal clay, And then explore the land of souls. -O- A-E---fºr: *—e-ºf-f-e—e--. -----> N Biº :EEEEsº-Hº-His-EEE *s =ºp-r-t ====== Hº-º-º-º: ©-- *-* - - A- A—º. 2-A—A- LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF WISID OMI. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N-F-2- —r———Ne——ºmº- ƺ. A 2- - - -wº -º-º-º-L-E---N-º –6–2-— — FF:FEE-E-FFFHº-EE Lis - ten to the voice of wis-dom,"Twill di - rect by coun - sel sweet, —1-- 4- ºr , , sº —f- yº-º-º-º: ~my-my A. A U =^* =^*_n EH---a-i-º-º-Hºº-º-º: e-Eº-2- ==–a–si-º-º-Hº-ji=E=f- EEE-º-º-; –– —- Ett-Zris P-E 2. Tº Un - to paths where joys pe - ren - nial,Spring for-ev - er at thy feet; ºmº- ºm > , HERE *FN-z-z-F, -º-º-º: Es—s-º-º-Es- --—HH- Bright and last - ing are her treasures, Gain’d by sac-ri - fice of ease, Fº-f-º-F-A-Fe-F-º-º-Fº-EEº-e=== ºf E==#EEEEEEEEE|H= Si - lent is earth's song of pleasure, 'Mid her heav-en-ly har-mo-nies. Fl 120 CHRIST ANGELs. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. A-º-º-º-º-º-A—A- *—ºm. |- H TTTTT F EE ==E NSZºt L__ ===s== • -G-- | 1. My heart is in the Spir - it world; My soul is roam - ing | 2. Years fol - low years,the centuries pass, And thus earth-a - ges | 3. Then O my soul im - mor -tal, thou Shalt nev - er, nev - er there ; I dwell a -mid the den - i - zens Of that bright world so roll. Un - num -bered figures may not tell The his-tory of the die, While truth to feed thee shall ex - ist, And love to viv - i- - - - , -O- -e- | | | †ZZ-GTE #Tº TETET ===== Tºji Tº l— ºr –2–G–6—— | r ſ) –--- º Aº ºm > Y —— v | - - Y-Z *-y ºr A }. ===== –– E*E === == ==== §4–2– 3- E-3-La-Lºt =5- : º g—e- | fair. Like sea - sons in this earthly sphere The cy-cles come and soul. Its days are deeds, its years are shown By changes in it fy. The an - gels in the in - ner sphere In age e ter - mal- -º-, -O- & b -O- -O- -O- 9:=#==#E:=########## *E*E*===E=====Elº-Eº-º-º-º-Hº-º-º-º: H-H = ==== =#EEEE * - #|| #. Tie- ##### « » i/ go ; Their ceaseless e ons mone may see They are not counted so. wrought; It lives when God’s own spirit rules The secret springs of thought. | all,— In God they live,in God they move,Cod is their all in all. A—A–A A- | N = -O- 3. A- _º_ – – K-A*——— Tºº LETTELE: Tº Tai-Tº: EzT sy-gº-º-º-º- *r-y --sº-º-º-º-HEEj-EZL*- ſº ºm > x > x = } ---—p—-----—e—e-H- 4 They sing to us in accents sweet, The music of their sphere ; “Arise and stand upon your feet, We come, our home is here. No more shall war with direful curse Stain oarth with human gore ; Contending armies fight for right, The reign of sin is o’er.” |5 “New earth and heavems are coming up, The old fast fade away. The night of antichrist is o'er, All hail the coming day ! Blest gospel kindred firm and strong Cheer up, your zeal renew ; Leave all the errors of the past, Christ angels are with you.” IBILESSED IPOWIEEE, OTEN TER UIE 121 IEEI LI IG-ION - CANAAN, N. Y. N --Fºr-N-SFN-FFN-NFN- # – :==#= T- ==#-F#-Fi -ā- Q +: -(2- & T ~ * C–H–24– | Blessed power of true re-li - gion, Be my guide throughout the h_ A-ha am a *m. -o-, A—A–A-A-.A–A-. -º-' -º-, -º- * = a - 2 & Y ~ N #3–º-º-EEEEEEEEEE IHET +2+2+2= –– =E=a-E-F- 2-ºf- 7–7–2-tº-f- # ENERE Her–2– ===Fº day, Leave me nev - er & E: A – T FITT IET:TITININ. wº-m ºn STT Tr2 T--1–- #EEZE|H=NE-R-ENTE:LEE H =::=======E= ff-ºf-º-Egiº I3−2−I} | V #T3: | sole support and stay; Leave me never, Oh, I -º- " -º- & , º N__N Ne: -º-, -e- Đi HāH==== LLC 2–2 ––2–3 || --— T-1–E– T TI | ſºm m =º-um-º-a —-i-l —-----—ſº Wºmº-mº = * 2––F s—e—--z-z-z H-5 º TIZITNTTT —E---N-- [T NIT == — ==#E. — == N *H v- ==SE ======#F#–E–F# =::=== necd thee In the dai - ly walks of life, In the N R *—S- Y-Tº-F ºfflº-EEZE=E= ====E=======E2E====== HP-p T VTº -º- *=s - Hº T hours of toil and tri - al, In the con - flict and the strife. { s:-f: -º- 2-" rº-" ºr -º-- -º-, * zºº. A ºz º. B: Fº- ===#EEH #|| I—— 2–3–Hº-*— 5–2 –G-TETI 122 –––. ESI L ENI DING OF THIE SPI # II ERIES. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. | TTIſ TTTINITTI fººmy- nºw ºn , XT- —— ſ TNT #: *E* -N=== H– jº |-- $4-9–2–2–2–3—3–1-s–C–3– == TºTIFIL : • C -O- & ºm = ºf , –G– —O- 1. The spir - it world is not a - far, "Tis ev - en with us | 2. We don the gar - ment pure and white,That's giv - en us to E): Eºis- * Ex-º We’ve chang'd our robes from what they were, To We peer in - to the realms of light, And N__ -2. -O- -º- w-umº EEEEEEEEEE 2 –– =#EEEEEEEE"—Hº-º-º-º- --—--5––F–e—HZ-F—p–HP O N #E. := —---|-- H=NE== -- ====HºH=#E-HH *—— T LIT2-TETU-T-Tºl ºl Dº a *TIG +: s—º-º-º-º-º-º-g what they now ap - pear; And so we’ll change our mortal robe For | see the an - gels there; We list un- to their gen- the tread, As —J 2 ºf e_TS __-2- -2. -º- -º- A. am 5:=======#: Eº-Ee-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ==E2EEZ=Hºº-º-Hº-Hº-º-º-º-Hº-º-º-º: ºr-º-º: Y-Tº-Tº-F —ºr Frºg-tri-E-FE-FFFFF ELEENEFENEFFE-FFFNH # ===N- ==E=E= ºt #H#H# #-g-g-g-º-º: •–•– g—z-e-e—e—e-- im - mor - tal - i – ty's a - bode, And so we'll clange our { they draw near with heaven-ly bread, We list un - to their N | -º-, -e-, -e- -º-, -º- -2-__ 5+===#EEEEEEEEEEEE H == ºr . Y-Z == TTºT -º-Lº- ===E== TºTºTI Y-y wº-y 2–v–r |- º === —A- = N —t— === –– TI *E=E – * ==#: —— T-sº 2S2—s—s—s a^_ºme Esi di !---- * > q mor - tal robe For im - mor - tal - i - ty's a - bode. gen - the tread, As they draw near with heaven -ly bread. awº-º-º-º: 3–4–3–3– —,3 -—e-------~~~ | ========E2 FEF2– -7–FF - E-F------ —F-5–F vºy-ºr-my vºr —r——r 3 And O how sweet the bread of life 'Tis manna to the soul, It bears us through the toil and strife, As years unceasing roll; |: And lifts us from this earthly sphere To the angelic e'en while here. :) |4 As revelation's keys unlock The mysteries within, The old creation feels the shock, And seeks anew to win ; |: And captivate the human soul, And hold it firm 'neath sins control.:ll BLENDING OF THE SPHEREs. 123 5 As well might chain the lightning's flash, The rolling waters stay, As bind the soul beneath the lash, Of superstition's sway, |: It will not rest, it cannot feed, . Upon dead forms or lifeless creed.: || | 6 The liberty the gospel brings Is given to us free, We soar aloft on eagles' wings For truth, hath made us free; |: We feel the blessed angels care, To be one with them is our prayer. :) IPIERIECCIOUS IRBOINID. MT. LEIBAN ON, N. Y. s N A[-a-Pi—º--ºn—L– gº- E*-ºs-ºs- –––––– =s=G=s**s-Eg: g-3ºE 1. Come near,ye an-gel vis -i-tants, From yonder shining shore, Un- 2. We hail with joy the glory bright That beams from heav'n above, And 3. The love that lifts the pilgrim heart, And whispers words of cheer; Which 4. From you, O bless ed vis - i - tants, We seek this precious bond This -O- -2. -O- _s easºns as---a-º-º-rf–º-º-º-rf–F–F–F–F#-º- —ſº a ſº—£2—— ###EEEEEEEE| ====="######"—- as Z-HHH =s==w tre+f_2= -(2- -(2- - - -O- • -k—- † T. E. rº g-T-7--- –A––A wºmºmºmºs &m \m & P —T-- -- *- – º –- * * #2, #######NEERIN=ENEEEF §3–4–0–0 — C- *H:-f-a-tz–2–3–7– Eg-tz: F—— Q_ V d º TELºs Taiji Hai, #13– to our home and round our hearts Your influence we would draw, Un - floods the earth with wisdom's light, Bespeaking an - gel love, And makes the des- ert wastes of life In bloom to re - ap-pear, Which love that will ex-alt our souls In life and bliss be-yond, This to our home and round our hearts Your in-fluence we would draw. floods the earth with wisdom's light, Bespeaking an - gel love. makes the des - ert wastes of life In bloom to re - ap - pear. love that will ex- alt our souls In life and bliss be - yond. - -O- -º- -O- _-> !---——?—?—? -rf-F-F-º-º-º-----> e—r-e--- * – Đàº; + = ºr * Ex-Le w-º-H-L2-2-E-i- ===|| -Pºp-i-º-i-º-t-º-E-º-tº-º-º-º-º-Hi-Fi I Y-y *— —1–4 —l —ºr 2-W-T-V 124 EVIEEEI L.A.ST. [ING TER, UTI H [. MIT. LEBANON, N. Y. 2+5====HHH=H l ==E: ET-E 3=####E –Hez-si-H...--— © #3- it 33 g { a 8-t- –Ez-3-E3’-C-E-º-º---- | w-tº: .g. "a N- s 1. I’ll cleave to Thee my dear - est friend, Thou ev - er - last - ing 2. Up - on thy ver - nal hills I stand With spir-its pure and 42 | -2- e. P. e. e^ ! Q & •–L A-º-º-º: -2–I-2—º– •---- 2 w s. J :* ---- ####5=E====E====Hººf-Hº-Hº-Hº-f-Ez-3– º *2 º–Hº A- gº | H-2 vºy EEEti-EEEEEEEEEZE TEEEEEEEEEEEE Truth,Thou just re-cord - er of my life, Pro-tect - or of my | chaste, And see the mount still high-er up, A-new be - gin the 2- . | * > .g. -º e- ſº a ºn ºf , sº º: –2–? –2–2-p2– =#2—f- * —e-É =-&-E62– 9:#EEEE –2–H–2-H2—p-H2—e-Ez— == |Et-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE |-N N Ew-rai-F-L-a-E +2=#E4E. ſ ºr youth; I'll sing of thee in sweetest strains, And in thy glo - ry | race; Where light, undinnm'd by mist or shade Up - spring-ing from the |→ N --— & he -(2- -e-. Ye- -2- # =#EE2–5-FL–2–E–*-L-E-2–Eº-º-Hº-Lº- *::=2===EP—º-Erz–2–E–2-H2—e— #H# — — — — . –H–H–1– E-ta- H | jº jº Hº- H– A. ºms | | | 2 | | —T-—H–——f- ----|-- | +H=drº tº am -umme. [2: Tº TTTTTTTTTÉ. --i-Ezi-º-º-Hij-i-Í-a-º-Hº-º-º-º-Hº-1 & ———— « TI !—— IZZIº- - t- ------ 2F - | IAETTIt ºf T2.-->} X= –m. ---&-------L-9-– v —º-L-2–a–L-23– him. Lºmº wa- - - - *—-º-º-º-ºw , e. 24–2–2. -* &—C–1—eº F-5-e shine, As shad-ows gen- ty lengthen On the di - al plate of time. ) earth, Re- veals the heavenly beau-ty Of a new and sec - ond birth. :* -º- ºr 'e e º 'º Zºº ºf £2 a Lºz- 2-[-L-H-E-F-2-I-H-FT-62–9-Tº-º-T62-F p: =#EEEE ===### H #|| ===Ha-HHH-Ha-r a-Ha = F- 3 I see the saints in vesture white, |4 O blessed Truth ! the eternal years Who by thee are made free, Of God are in thy clasp; In merry dances going forth Within thy keeping I would rest, To songs of melody; | With firmness hold my grasp ; All radiant in the noon-day sun, Await those years beyond the vale The night long passed away, All filled with wisdom bright, They triumph in the glory | That crowns the blest immortals Of the long sought perfect day. In the holy land of light. ES][,] ESSING-S OF TO. I DALY. 125 CANTEBURY, N. H. : —— __NA | #H#HºH === ###==#EEE4+3=#EEE — • 4-4-- 1. Oh, the blessings rich and man - y, Which are mine to 2. E'en the pathway where I wandered Is illumed with -O- w | -o-' --- -º- d_b P4 cº-º:I+=::=::=::= - E-Hº-E-3:— &m-AA- ºf ####### - *== m. Y-y A— ſ TEI ITTFT tº 3- share to - day ! All the fountains of God’s goodness Seem to heavenly light, Show-ing where are er - ror's footprints, Where the ] | } g 5:## 3–3**H --~~f~& a *::===: —- tº * —— wºmºm- aw- wº-v-ſº -ELLH-F-E-F-º-E | | | — — — . | # ==E ====F EN=E=EEEE | 2-º-Hº-ji== =====E== FEE: vºy o - pen in my way. Bless - ed fruits of sweet re - pent - ance, steps to glo-ry’s height. Lead me still, O Right -eous Pow - er! | –C– -O- E*-*—º–F– Eº-º-º-º-LE I– ( TNIT. vºmy ºr ** ==E-F-I-FIF ###H=HEE::=#EEE | –g3–3–8–3–g-tº-Hº- +++====== – Grown while strick - en 'neath the rod? Bless - ed les - sons Strength - en when I climb º jeep: Guide me thro’ the as:##-e-a-a-º-Tº-HT-33–3–3–5– p:: ^ =ºma—º Fºº-º-2– EEEEEEE — ==== EE ### F3–E–F3= == GT in - struction Sent to lead me home to God! ly sow - ing Till e - ter - nal life I reap. | =======Et-f-ÉH H-H –H–F–—H- 126 SWIEET IRIEIPOSE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Is TTTºTSTETTIN TTT | *# = -Lº-E-N+-- =#EEEEEEE| * --------------------> —--——g—t— 1. My soul is seek - ing for a land, Where peaceful waters flow, 2. On pin - ions soft my spir - it soars To realms of sweet re-pose, 3. And while I jour - mey here be-low With kindred loved and dear, O 2- ſ A A- 2- --- *—A Q Where truths in glo - ry breaking forth, Their lus - tre o'er it throw. Where 'round celestials clothed with light, Pure au - ra brightly glows. My soul shall rise a bove earth's gloom,To that il-lum - ined sphere. tº 2-º-º- … *_^*. ºr h A--- *—H––A–º-T—ſ-— FNTHLENTTTTT ===E===CEHE ===#E--->==== -Eº. 2- *–C–H–C–G––d–E* –*====EE2E CHO. ſ A— —A -FFFFFF ## ITTT2"TºIT2:...TI #### ==#3 2–3–Eºf =3–3– -Hºº-º- s * - 2 = ——t— FF-F f A It is the land of heaven-ly love, A - bode of an - gels blest, | «» sm i J. ** * * * * * * * * * * -º- f2. 5:#f . *::======Tº-f-H== -- FEATEF 4- A_A_*- C - *E=E=====E=-e-e===E========E=== l I- By— T by—H 1—º- Vamº-º-º-Y_º -º === **—º-A—A-A-A*—A- rº, — – →--— *-3-ºf-i-º-f ºf +3++ —C H= E-AFE==I | Oh, lift my spir - it to that realm, To that sweet home of rest: -2- -2. - -2. -º- a -g- -º- -º- ſº *—a—— –3–––Pi—i-- –3++ ET e—H-2 := -E======e—He—e-º-E-Hº-º-º-º-º-H-3- –H–tº–ºf–H–F–F–F– #-F.-- THEE == Vºl I. I-- F- p-H H-- I-I- º º sEE THE MIIsTs. | EN-d —N ### g. See the mists a - far are roll - ing, Sunlight crowns yon mountain's —º-r-ſ)—º-O——ſ 2–1–– amºm, -> *m' -- - ºr !-- — H — CANAAN, N. Y. * = ——— —s- -ºw-º-º-º-º- e- —a-—- - 2– wºm, --—2– —º-— –TF–9– * brow, And the day-gleams that were hidden Beam with glo-ry on thee now. +2- -O- F- - … * —º-º-Lº-º-º: §:#EEEEEEEº-EEEEEE BºE:##### SEE THE MISTS. 127 | N N LINCINTI - --N Di e º T-N- ‘E *E*E=ENE-º ===s=== s: #H##### ===# Then my heart, O nev - er mur - mur! For the Fa – ther leads the * > -º- ==#EEE A-_^*. 3 ºz. way, With His love He still will guide thee, Even to the perfect day. +2- º }–r-H N 7. | 7-E-F-ELELE-Ep-º-º-º-º-E2–: ———º–2–1–Hy–H–7–1–2– w V V SHIADY BOVER. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. r—[]+ ––A––A—NT—— A. —N —ºr-— ** tº ºm yº - * *=v-A-, Ist v-z. v=w=w=wr—w Af ºf ºf , -º-; --- v-Tº-y -- --N –2-- . v-ºr-y s A —N —N --1– ſº Al- ESHE Twº w w g- —s--- • HE- A-º-º-º-º-º: six—ºf-22 WEWSL (3– Zy-s— vººr-myº-yºmº-v-ºr-my-my 2- wº-y wr- =w A- ºr vºmy —º-- A- 1. Oft I’ve sought the shady bower Of sweet love and char - i - ty; 2. Now I seek with low-ly heart, To renew this gift once more; º Y-Tº-Tº- ——l- --A—-N-Ar--→----——A——Nºr-——---- whº -um-wum | > < , NL | =====N-R 2----a- *—-N =N=NEN … * ==N=FE*-e-º-º-º: H- ====G=s* G G. ºf .NEz- -ſº- | ––– -º- Q -º- £2 s— | 2 -(2- KSFH IT ſº-TET2 Tei, Te EZT Eisº is ºt-ſº-Ti-L Aſ ºf +—t— 2–HH- w- mº m m -v-dººr mºr- El umº-E- —O— H. —l—. l—. --> ––Pi—2–5–H– *E=EEEEEE | wº-vºr * v-wºmy ºr V º * wº-ºr --> – And from out my toil - ing heart, Bid the er - ror to depart. #E|| 2- -º-e -(-)- .*—A-. º A = ######E *—; v–ºf– 128 TO MY ININE ER, SIG-I H (T. CANAAN, N. Y. in glo - ry portrayed The Ux, a mºm & ºr-vºm-ºr - Mºmº emm–a & ºn | ] | *==- wº-º-º-Y_ºf_*- ºr A tº *—º 4- … * *. zº *—A !---Pi—BE----1 LZ TV TVTVTV © grace of that fair summer land, Its . . . ev - er - green bowers and :* -º- ºr e_2 * * * * N 5:==== –g T- * e-P Gamº-ºw - we == E VERT | } & | *_l wº-y * = a x > < { < ſ *—e–F#–E–F–F–A–f H=== ===== ==== p-ºf- | #: V ; w *-P * A. * 1– WTVTV -N--A-I-4– TTTTTTTº-Tº-f 3==#H#H====HE I beau-ti- ful hills That rise ma -jes - tic and grand. « » « » - -º- -º- N ===º- ––– º' W | hold in vis - ion a bright sea of glass, On which glo - ri - fied 4 -º-, -e- -a- Eº-º-º-º-º-E IºTºTETELEL b —s: *E*E*E EEEs Iſº-º-Tº-TºI. V Q_\mu | v-s—p-- ---5–5–E–p W EłENERENEH spir - its pass and re - pass ; | 2: 2: -2: 2 N__ 9:= – F Es=#EEEE A- . |*======= –9—4–Hº- TVTV TO MY IN NEF SIGHT. 129 \}L_i s-LETE | # 3. float-ing a -long, "Tis the soft mel- low ca-dence of im- mor - tal N -(-)- e. N N 2 -e- -e, -e- N &Y=g-a-s-É Es—º-º-º-º-Hº-º-º-º-º- Pi—iſ a sº-º-Ee-et-LEEEEZ. -º-º-º- —-p-p-H----—2–; —--———º ###### ==N==NEE- £–C C –5–L–3—s--->|->|---- -O- —O- * @ - rapt - ured I list to the heav - en - ly psalm, -º- -º- -º- 'º-__-a- ======E=::=: H w-v-wi-y—w p-v | {D Rit. N * U ºmºmº- ºn *—.--tº-AH ——— –H––A–F–C– ==#EE --- #|| —H-—H-— H-—i-— –––H–º-º--: ========E===; †-H While ov - er me steal - eth a sweet ho - ly calm. | * * * * * -*-*— PtFº:==E====E=====7EEEEEEEEE H7–2–2––tº–p ; I IRICIHI E3] LESSING-- MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -N-N- +----- A. T –3– ===EZ ET- -s-a- º -a- W i 1. Sweet, Thy blessing Lord! I feel it day by day, Like 2. Rich, Thy blessing Lord! It is a gift di - vine; It 3. In Thy blessing Lord, I rest in faith se- cure, Earth's -(2- -º- -62– { | w—wr 2- KNº. #3– —º 3 2. 5:###### N N Zºtº-E . # = —i — Hº!— -- I- H -3-3- +H==== | sunbeams coming down, Revealed in love's bright crown;Or, as the gentle flows like healing balm In tho’t's most ho-ly calm; 'Tis light that lifts from grandeur fades from view, Eclipsed by glo-ry new ; Un-fold - ed to my ſ -Q- -O- Há=3 CzłTº } . Q * *†ºms l— wº | | H– k= … *. ze.º ( * — I- !--- > -º- shower, With blest re-viv-ing power,It falls up - on my way. gloom, From nature's darksome tomb, For - ev - er may it shine. sight, While I pur-sue the right, And hold the good and true. _*. —ſº- -62– z-s: « » ___ D { <-YY Y- <----- aw- * –a–m [ _ TzzT =E======= tº-P amº. Y = n *. *— H- —t- 9–9—by——H- -— F- 130 RO's]E OF s]+[AIRON. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. e- -N-N *- m hºmº mºm'ſ wº ºmº . Nº Yº ſºmºmº-º-º-º- —— #H#H *H -º-º-Fºr W te O . . come un - to Zi - on ye hea - vy lad - en souls Ye who are ar, -º- -O- T -º-,-- -º- arº, eº sº a-t—F *—r-ſº-ſº-ſº ſº—r-ſº. --º- iſ ſº— Toºlſ' T Ti Li Tiº Tiº IEI-I-Hi –ºf–ſ 9*::::: #########E= F–1–2–ºf–ſº—F–1– º Fº: eyes, for the des-ert is smiling, And the rose of Sharon has & A_2=v_ºm ==A=º- G- 2- - sm C= --Pºmº —-T- mº-d BiºH =#H#H#H — #: =}=2+5==#=HEsº ETTEETIP: I & wº- ==#### ( . ~my wr vººr-mºv º w v-ºr Y-y | V W º' W. W. W. ##### blossomed a-gain. The night has passed away, The morning light has =º-º-º-º-º-º-E-E | /*A *g- --A—r-——--A-r——r—r—-r—HR-r—N––– =E +H= — ### ——N- ENE-N=s= t O—-C-E- *-tº-g-tº-gºt Eg–F#–-Fs5– | S– come, The night has passed a - way, The morn-ing light has come. | | - -g--NN -º-, -º- -º- -g--N N N –4–Hº–4– #-F#-ºr-º-º-º-º- 9- 3= A U ºf eme e sm. Tº [ ] I ſº p: #== *E*=E===E=E=E=E. ==== t— fºLºtº-Ett-tº-tº- :=####### 14– ROSE OF SHARON. 131 =s=======A=N== Hi-F ==== 65–5–––– EINIT *B---4--------f ==5-s: ~" The Bridegroom is with us, and the voice of the Bride like the ałł-tº-: ***E=###### #### -3– IETE TETTI. T. TºI. Tº TºTEZZT* I --T –H–– –2–2–2+++–2–E–2–3–H–– smº ºm. * Nº ºm 1— w v –tº––––A—A—-A———-— ºurt & ——º-- | TET ==## F--fºr------ |—i–H–1–– #. ===== E –3 T ====E=E F= E3– #El w N wº-y 2- --- wº- mu - sic of the spheres is heard throughout our bor - ders. | -O- O- *IP E. * | * * * s===::====#–?------------—3– BărărărăH=====#E*= -*-ī-, y-º-E-º-tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-tº-E- -----—F–f–ºf–- | --—L–-Lā----N- ##E :== –––. Ełºf amºm as Q - m——m—m-m ſº- 7 mºvem- wº ºr-ºr —"— –G–C– N. | Praise God! Let the saints be joy - ful in -º-, -º- -a- « « ==E="—º- |Tºº Tº Tº Him. Praise Him in the song; praise Him in the dance, er, -Q- - - - ſº —F -H. ſe: -5- —2—2–1– == #8E *CTI3-LP G - – =gº f g >~ v in His ho - ly Sanc - tu - a -ry Praise Him ev - er - more 3. Ars As -O- e—º-> º C ( . * = ſº ſº -Tº-Hº-Tº º *w- --> 132 THE PILGIRIMI’s TIR, ANSITION. ENFIELD, N. H. N N —l HHHH. * –EE*E*E=EE| 1. Take courage toil - ing pilgrim, God's prom -is - es are sure ; 2. O . . do not fear nor fal-ter, With zeal pur-sue thy course; *s s .*.*-e. 'CY ell- -e----o-o-e __ Biºi =#EEE . <-2-bºb-º-º- V-y-º-º- –3–3–E–F–FE—E*E= g º: ºf 2 Press on and take the kingdom, Its boundless wealth secure; The kingdom must be tak - en, By vi - o - lence and force, -g- -º- -º- -º- -º- J. | —º-E2 * : TCT =====E===#EE *— Pi—º-º- ( =====º-*3–Hi- #EEEEEE| HEff-H TZ-VEFFTy-Z-E-FF/EP-FFº: A ºftºp-5–Lºs-E-R-N-T-FEERL-HaT-N-N-fºr-T- ** †::= RENE:Erº-E ======E= 9 –2–5–2 s 3. 8–5- +z====3–t -3–0 == l W Earth's pleasures prove as bubbles, They yield no last - ing peace, –3– No . . giv - ing back in ter - ror, How - ev - er * the foe; | –r. e—e . ------------- -----º-1–— ..[-º,----—-- *—º-Tº-L----|--|--|-- B; *- =E====EEE s #:=#EEE –5–F =} tº 2-5-a-ty-y-Es-LEE-E-LEEEEEEEEEEE +3===#EEEEEEEEEEE = tº ———s--—R. N - ºmºmº Yº J ºn a “mº ºm > m, , gº; TNT e-º-º-º-T-Y- #######|| T2: ... e º e. e. TVTsſ -º-º- But heaven's gifts im - mor - tal Bring end-less, rich in - crease. The Lord is thy De - fen - der, His pow-er thou shalt know. N --- — —"- 8 Tho' called to pass thro' waters, Engulfing billows swell, Fear not to face the surges, With thee it shall be well; Attending guardians ever Will guide thy feeble barque, ...And thou shalt find a refuge, ( Within the Gospel Ark. j -º- º & P *=[s-º-º-º-Ee-º-º-º-Hº- H. == El-Ha-`--tº- y-–H–– - Ex-I º &md=v-w 2- | * Uºmº = ** h ºr —--- ~ 4 And thro’ the heated furnace, Tho' thou art called to pass, Refined as gold of Ophir, Thou shalt come forth at last ; Take courage then good pilgrim, Affliction may be thine, But in the realms supernal, With glory thou shalt shine. IPI RECIO U S I PIE. A.I.E.L. 133 ####### 1. I know that my Re - deem - er lives,Thro' faith I hear his voice, It 2. 'Tis not a wealth of pre-cious stones,Of fash- ion, fame or pride, That | 3. The great command,"Sell all thou hast And fol- low af - ter me; ” Was | 4. For ev - ery sac - ri - fice we make Of kin- dred, house or lands, We MT. LEBANON, N. Y. He==6– .Nº =2|=== º Tz-z- ==== –FC &T w ### H-T 9:#E=#EEEEE*E*E* ––– Bºia-Hz−iº t— FF-FF-FF-s-ſ- a 7-v- =* * -- Y-F &m-w ºr-ºr { †HLi-E-e--- ++z=-ºf-fir ar, =i-EF=E====E=-Fe-Hº-NH=H —-E ºr ———1–––––– ſ T —— —— ======E=== 2===E2– *H == *HE . :=== =#| a-3-2-[2-2-[2-s-tº-º-º- s=y-º-º-tº- `-- speaks to all the pure in heart Who've made the precious pearl their choice. | sat - is - fies the hu- man soul, Or fills the ev-er ach-ing void. meant for all the hu- man race Who would God's glo - ry see. : gain an hun-dred fold or more, For firm and true the promise stands. | |~ 55. /*N gº -9– -O- | -º- ºf-zº-f-E2=aTz-e-Ez-e-Hº-e-Eº-º-º-º-Hi Đift===#############| Frt-Hºf-FFFF T- –6––––– –––––––––– zº-º-Fºr-HE 3–2THz-Lº-H2−Hz−Hz–F [. amºv * *m. º. E== —l | } ſ =^- — eſ— =A=N= i\tº +3+4 3- t2=3+z=s+z=-&- The pre - cious pearl of last - ing worth,The gem we all may wear, Lies sº * ------- ––. =& †- Taz º H2— º Ea-e-Ez EEZEº º -º-TE Nº fºLI] T-- af-ſºme A- | -H-— !--- -H -i-F—fx-Has *—------—a - - * H 22 Es: « 2===E2E=E2E=E2 E —H-–tº– º —H-----|--|--|--|--|--|--|---—H- em-mºmy ##########: ; :=#|| hid in Wis - dom's low - ly vale, Who'll search may find it there. !— 2- –Zºr-T-62. -º- +2- -º- _-tº- B+:===Hº-º-F#–E–Hº-Hº- Efz-º-Ha-Ha-º-E2–a–H —i-----H--—H l 134 IHIEAVENILY JOUTEINEY. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. **-*- N 2-A—A-R-REE à tº gig NT-N-f | | ######## –T- N N *EEEEEEEEE EHERE-ZE, V ºf v-Tº-Tº-y | bright-er, And while we drink at the fountain of love, Our faith waxes —º _|_2^Te º , f' ºr 2 -2 °. N stronger and stronger. We look to our home in the spir - it land, And all | N N | * P- © kº Hºri Iſſ"Tº TºTºTº Tº-Tº-Tº ++5=== LITE-IT3-E.I.T.T.Tº ; Hº-Hº-Hº- º & - = z*- :---- —e-------- –-g–G–C–1–6 i-º-A—A-...--A—A-. —zi–2–H–a–s—s—w- —O— tº- Y-y *Tw Eg-z-z-z-F sorrow and doubt flee a-way, And we hear the mu-sic of an - gel bands, | 8– TI # ##### —O –6— ===NE Jº R & -NEH Fººtºtº-5- w Praising God in the bright realms of day, Praising God in the bright realms of day. lºs N -º-, -º- -º- | * +H: Fº-Hº-º-º-º: #| -----v-v-v-v-f-v- # *E.-4–5–4–R-A-N-N-N-N------ ############## | –G-D-fºr-º-º- | ——tº -ºº--ºr-A—A 2- ----|--S-E- ſ # #; —--- HEAVENLY JOURNEY. 135 O, heav - en - ly home! when life's conflicts are o'er,We'll join with the | s ( ) -º- - Ee-º-º-E -T—ſ ----e-e— & w | --N-N-is–-l— —AH---ai–G–zi – T ++++. 2-tº-s-s-s-s-s- an-gels on Canaan's blest shore,in prais - es to God and the Lamb evermore, *-*—frº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:=E-A- ºrd-A— BiH, *—frº-º-º-º-º ****, r*== #|| Tº gº º żº-º- H===H-3: –F– -VTVTV- * He-Hi-º-º-º-º-º-H-I-s—s—- * * TI HIY WILLI L I BIE I DONE. * * MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ——[--—T- - - - &= -2 = * A_ IILE. -— ––––– ———I- -T L =4- Y_*- { * I. ############EE ºf a —"—eº —º ———C–C––62— Sº- ºr ºf ºs &—C -º-; -2- -e- -a- + -a-, -e- bº | 1. Thy will, O God, be done! Thy will, not mine. In - to Thy 2. I drink the bit - ter cup, Thy will be done; Nor will I 3. If in Thy wis - dom, Lord, Suf-fer I must, Yet in Thy [ . * r | | tº º -º- -e- -º- —O- (*#2-ºf-a-F######Ha- †-E2-A-H2E==E2E=EEz–F–Ez===E2– H+–-i----—e——H-H----- ——H ––7–7–H–2s-H----H A. TCITIZE TILTJTº -PF-FFF+ Gº ########## Y-Tº-y .*. * > < *=w=w=y * --> * | *-J -s- -º- -º- + - - —eº- -O- —eº- lov - ing care All I re-sign; Thy hand the bless - ing gave, Thou strug - gle, Lord, The dregs to shun ; 'Tis by Thy hand de-creed, Thou ho - ly cause I firm - ly trust; Thy hand will still sus-tain, Love 9–fºrf– –––. …— .. #EEE:#E:#######E: * –2—s— — 2—ſº- FF-H-2–2- -2–2-F2===FFF HTTE+ º-E2Ec-E=EHEET —L– =:::::Hº-HHHH. –3–2 wit?-º'-tz—º-E2––F#–E–F#–E–-l. wound - est but to save, Thy will, O God, not mine, Thy will be done! know - est best my need : Thy will, O God, not mine, Thy will be done ease the bit - ter pain; Thy will, O God, not mine, Thy will be done! -º- | 9 F-z-3T. tº-Ef a [2Fe-E B fa–HE Žiž —F ºrg H H | v-Tº-y 136 CIH [IRIST OF TH IIE A.G.ES. ( * MT. LEBANON, N. Y. : Ad Lilitugi. —A /*N | ###### ––NE SE=SERENE- # wº 3= Hº- (J ######### º-º- | y • g: -º º Twº y Thou up-lift-ing spir- it, The Christ of the a ges! Draw near to us | s—A-"--8–2–?--e—?—a--"—e—e--e—?----e---—2–2. a:#: #2–E – T — +--- ST =H- --—F.—H v-y ºr * Eg-g-g-T B:#####– * *E*E===== # ===::fffl II. Triº Eſſº-Z-E-TzTº-Lº-º-tº-wº, -º-tº-º-º- W | TV 7 º' WTVTVTV — } A——r— *E= #####s |-s—L-3 tº-º-º-tº-s-s V/ v V | s=–1–2–3–?--"—"—e-----"—"--"—"—"-----—— 9: # = −FHE- – # =HE –- LET;I =H== fºL*TE:La Tº-Hº-Lº-Lº-TtT-ſity-Tº-Taitº-LLy- V, V, V V V W º' W A- … *_- ar, Ezºº-º-º-N==NENEFEREF=s=REN==A===E=N=s==NH-E-- *-* = amº. TH HRHHHHHE & 2- 2-3-3 tº-ºº-oºt gT3-3-tº-º-º-te w-4 º Tº ºf tº Tº Tº Tº Twº prophets and sag - es; In times of af-flic-tion, a help - er did send. /*N * –––fº 62–1–2–2 U = * ==-&- - bºg ºw –6–8–0–~9–2–s * -º- -ºf-a-º-º-Tº- =#| 3 —º. —l—%– — — — - m ſºme m- be-ºw mººn um-we-º-º-º-º-º-º-e - pää # === •=== !-H =######## Hº-->4– —” “-º-º-o-Ez-z-z-H–3–2–Eº-P-P-tº-º-º-H--- W. W. V. e W W. W. W. *——-A+-A—A- #### —l Now, in Zi- on’s great need we ask thy as - sist-ance; We ask it in ### 2–6–a–– ---. Tº HTTT — H --—H·-– =ve P = - * —a sº- ºs # =z=z- e-e—e— ſ Z V ºf zºum wum ºmº —A. U- -—-Ar- um=Tw & º =w=" - a Ph. A à-- um. – 1 |- *~~! --- —-1– *##-----S-SEN=#H#H#H#H#H-R =g=g-gi 3–2–3–Egº-te-a-tº-º-tº-z. | Q- w faith, may we not ask in vain; Give us liv - ing bread, a spir - it - ual -º- -º- is: 2. | +—º—º- º ſº-r-ſº a r-ſº -i © | !. *. *—FHFFF-º-Le—e—e 9: &ºm=& - #EEEEEEEEEEHº-º-Hº-Ee-Eº-EEEE H \ = - \ --—º. ; : z=z-z-fºr-zit-zit-5 5–5–y CHRIST OF THE AGES. U w FULL A—Ams—A–A–Ama-A. s—NH=HESHRE *E*Le- ====E=-|-3–5–5– # -T TNITTNTRT *#–2 -N-N-N-NH = ####INTRI Sz-IST *::=:: -º-º-Lº-Lº-Lº-g ###### ºf substance; Give us strength the cause of truth to maintain. Thine shall the hom - or as-a-º-º-º-º-T-2–0–L-a--- #ºff-s-s-s-É-f-Hº-H 2:v-y +, Z Tºi-º-Lº-LEEE ºw- | hºmº I SEED THIE I LIG-HT BIET FOIERIE IMITE. A- #º-Hº- Es-º-E 1– —- tº ºtz-z-z- v | — — — —º-----º-º-º-Lº-º-e-r-e—2—e l | |FULL. ~ |-RTF-Hº-0 –a–F–A–F#–4–F#–?—T-s—a-e-r--a -u-º-º-º- Bă.#5–3–3 3=#EEE Eº-E ==#EE TºTI Ti II « "—2–2–2–2–2– —g |- 5–5–5– —li E.L.:-ºf- N–-A—-N---|-A-H- —-4––––H i. --—— –4–3–3–Eº-Lº-E-º-º- -Fs—d–l-e--- and glo - ry be, While the e - ter - nal years roll –––A–A ###s [ l C. -(2- -O- *N †† Thou uplifting spirit ! The Christ of the ages Hear, O hear our prayer. --G-- | He-º- my M- s -Es-E-HE y- * * . . . ; : I- (2 p-Hº- WEST GLOUCESTER, ME. ºr *ss N. —N-T- - = , ºr a wºme v- = P- tº-ºn —R--- = x- A = S^* = &m-m- g-s—º--- N-F-N N -N —t-º-l ENEREN=== * tº a T-iº/-i-9–8–39–0– -º-º-º-º- 2- * - - -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- –- See the light be - fore me, 'Tis guid - ing me still —-----|--|--N-RE------------aſ-i-N- *=s==N=E========E=:: w-umºuſ ºf -um ſº my ———-4–––H —HH-H w—w- –v-v- --> →--v- T 4-7 s—d––––s—s—s–– -->4—i.e. --> -- further on, Along the heavenly journey, Un-to my future home. sorrow’s van -ish one 0 Hºl ===== =E======E, TENTE- #EE: *— *F±E*=E== *-a-E 7-y- as I climb the rugged hills,The skies be - gin to brighten. My —N -º-º-º- ºil T HE s—-ER ( )— by * -e, -s one, And all my burdens light - en. 138 I WILLIL TIF, UST TH II El E. CANAAN, N. Y. ===N-N-NH-N-N- —— mºs ( ; —l ſ –––– E*H-3EEEEE --—r- ## =++ mº -> -º- w = – 9:##### bear my barque tho' fee-ble, Safe-ly o'er the surg-ing tide, Safe - ly —ſº- e -º- __2_ -(2- Q ——*—--——---— - ~~ !-- TºTºT Ez=#H —H·- *— -— v= —w o'er the surg - ing tide. While I lean up - on thy pow -er, Faith and __*-* -º-, -º- B+:====== #### Q ==---e-e—e–H Ežejº ==== ECEE2– V" V V-T an - gry waves be still, Bid the an - gry waves be still. ==|| IMIY SPIRIT SECENTS I LIETIELD. 130 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. [. ### –E– |-- :NHº- ####s: Le Tºi º I ºr “gº: Nº ---aſ-a- Ç 3. dº - My spir - it seems lift - edfrom shadows of time, As I catch a bright A-A-A*-*--------—A-5-N #3–ºf–Eº SºHºº-º-FEº-º-º-Eº —A-º-H-2–2– P*::= Hº-Hº-3-Es-s-s-H====E==== ==EFs-a-FEE-5–5–tº–ji=5 —C s–G–1–6–4–2–2— V =N=EN=N=NH=H3-Hºº-º-F {−-N-—NH-----à-Pi—t- —–C–H —H ºp=====E:-º-º-Hº-Hº-Hº-º-º: itſ ºf -g- gº V W V V glimpse of that fair vernal clime, Where hills ov - er hills rise in grandeur sub- -O- -º-, -e- 5:#EEEE —f-Ta- 5— ſº TºT –f-La –ſº-º- | –2–2–2–Ho—o-º-He º ===s=P-EP------ w I- I- I H-—H I–––. wºmy w —º-— ( * * Hi––H– y—w—9–1–ty—ty—y–H–––– p-v--v-v- | A- wº --> º | \ *- t; --> H W lime, And streams thro’ rich valleys are glid - ing. O, there I be - hold a _e_-_a_d f f | f_ ####### –5–-I-2–H2—2—4–H– p -H – ) º —N- N-T vºy flººm wºn a ºn w wºm, —T--A—N –24–ºf––––A——ſº-H-4– ----—-A——- --A——i——i-—A. # ========N====HR-N-a-Ee-s— &_ — ”—C– E-TE-T2.--Tai"T UI O | 5–w-w-g-g:-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-w V jº NTSETISTNTNTTE vºy ########## p-s-s- —w-g-º-º-º-º- †† W C * } @ joy fills the heart,when all wrongs are redress'd, And souls find a treasure abiding. erº º º:##–f:f-Hº-º-º-Hº-Hº-E Fºº-º-º- -2'-º'-E- ==HE=º-º-º-º: -—--Es—e-º-Hº- 2- e-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- V : º' ºf w w w ºf 140 IRECIDIEEM IIIN G. LéOVIE. Al,FRED, ME. -4---E-EN- --|--|--|--|-- EE-ENTTTTTLE H– ºf H=HE :=== g= y = ——s--- *—º.—A- zº D ſ s um=U= <=w=U= *-g-g- v Ux º 4- 1. The dark-ness of the night is pass'd,The morn-ing light is break - ing, 2 The wa - ters of re - deeming love Are flow - ing as a riv - er, 3. The veil of darkness now is rent, And migh-ty truths are roll - ing, – |-- ----L-N-I-T-T-I--|--|--s-ſ--→ – º º – === lſº ====== | C ºx, -um, * @ &= 2- —- ( > -v-v-- X- —u—— * * aws w a-w-v- --- (- ( ; 3=== E_2– ==== Eº-º-o- F- —º-O-H-62–G– Q_ wº-y ºr z º. 2- M- And saints a-bove, in songs of love To mu - sic now are wak - ing. Deep fountains of the heart are stirred; Oh, praise the Lord for- ev - er! As we approach the mer- cy-seat God's glo-ry is un - fold - ing. Zºfriº Hº-H=HE ########## Q T.T.T.: + · · = zºº Lift up your voic-es, kin-dred souls,The heav’ns and earth are blending; ſe ºme 2 º' my -º- N | 5:# .* EE3:===3–3= e –3– ===== —o 2- #Tº Ef-v-E-EHº-E-E H-II* U - Wºº-v-ºv- Y-y |--—e-e—e—e——-2—e s:–3–2–3– & T =y-y-A=v-A- =U- || 4-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: — ---> tº-P EEZEEE -G-" d + ºr g-w- 4-2 ºr the an - gels of the Lord In clouds of light de-scend - ing. * e—º--—r-º-o-2 ––8–-— -T-z-zº---- Tº-TzTEL e-ELIZLºIPIEEE C T&T-e-E2–2–1. H---e- =#EEEEEEEEEEEEE –2−2−if I Lii. | H. | H- H # =w===== -------, +–H–22—2– | | ſ | I ICN OW THIAT GOLD IS I LOVE. MIT. LEBAN ON, N. Y. ––––N — — . –– —Cº- hºme -º-- | I know that God is love, I feel it day by day, It -- r. | ––––––––––. •–––º-e-r-e--—e—-º-º-º----------—”-- 5:######3–*-*—s—FEºs º-EFºEME: Fº-º-H 9:########:=#####E==* Hºº SHEX: L–C–F– v-y w W tº a U-nºmº | º lifts me up and bears me on, Where love doth hold the sway, -(2- -O- -O- * • Numº, -O- *— ſº ſº – ſº T-FT--—--º'----F—r-º-º-º- ſº a 9:### — === =Hºº-º-º- === === wº- † -º-EL:TITUTEEL-L-º-tº-º-º: */ y 7 TT I KNOW THAT GOD IS LOVE. 141 { ſa--—-N–H–-N-H--—H–N—s—--— ########EE ==== HºHERE ſº | Oh, the love, the love of God ' 'Tis pure, ’tis sweet and warm, -*—z----- If f ºf e_º -e-, EHEB=3== wr-w ######E <-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- • ſººn U - ºf- ºr- -> } | 2- wº- ( * | ſº-ºm. =^- | Its power will melt the cold - est heart, And calm the wildest storm. | -O- -O- ;II-#—?—f-º-º-º-º-H- †—s f_ 1 - Z–2– 9:#EEEEEEEEEEH ###|| —2–H––2——2–H–2 Hy- -H-I. COUT RTS OF ZION. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ex =N-FN-N=N-N-TFN+ N--— ##ENE N=N =N===== EYEN=== C. i ==E====s=3 *—ºma—ºm. ºt, –E– QL ſº V' W W 2 : * 1. Within the courts of Zi-on, Doth heaven’s or-der shine, And sacred is the 2. Good angels are in-vit-ing The humble and sincere, All things are ready, union That flows from spheres divine; For-ev-er, ever glowing, With light from waiting,Come without doubt or fear; Heed not the cloud that darkens, And dims the /* is e. e. 3. |_-e: f-e p- -e-. ºf: * -º- p = a- + -i- E is f_ :=2–2– –E 5–E–5–--> –E–2–H2–2–C–D–D–D–G–E–2– | -º- ym *me TºI. –B–H–H–H––H–H–H–H–H–H–H–— º 9:#E —t-9– =##########: Tiz. Hy–%– | 142 I WILL ELESS THIEE O ZION & CANAAN, N. Y. v=v, ºf 4––F–F–F– |--|-- #### * - ¥ H-------º-Hºº-ºº p—º- ---O-O-O- *L±- v ºn *:::====== {<}–4–-N--Pi—- | †: & ), I will bless thee O Zion,saith the Lord, I will bring precious gifts unto —A-N-1—º-º-º-º #4–2–ºf =========EEE > IZII-Tº-T].T. + =====:: —-tf—C-G-I-G-G-G-G-G-2–2– ———i-----A- ( ) ## =###### A- ºf:- *H: P-T 4-º'- f=####:= :=F --~~~ fºPe. === – his –F– mºv ==== ==== a====H —w-v-f- JTWT house be a ref -uge free. My tem-ple upbuilded shall be, The | sº – 7... –2— * * * * *, #: Hig=E=g-ÉE. Iº Tº TºTEEETº *-e=========E=-r-ţ-E-HE-º-º-ºpe= … *. —H-py—2– --> ——- —------------—H--- corner stone now I have laid, And the in-dwellers there, on their 2- 2- * | – 2. ſº-º-Yº - N ("—ſº-º-a--- S-e: e. e. 9: =========E=E2.ɺ-º-E =###### H===========EEEEEEEE?======= –F–F–F–2——- —T-P-p –04?— .* Pºt--—–A– EN. —— Fº-N-N-j -º- ==SEFE -*-5-g-g- ºg & foreheads shall bear My O THE BLEssEDNEss OF LovE. 143 CANAAN, N. Y. O the blessed-ness of love that is pure | Tried like sil-ver in re - .* N_N -(2- • vºy s-º-o- … * I --- ——£2– fºLal –C–F– –0–75–— Bãº, IETFETsIEEE +++3====== **:A++,-,-,-,-,- FP-7–2–2–7- -—A-N--> º_ 5– == =Esº-Lº-======Hºº 9 b | —— i-e- ( * A-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-A- zº ===HEH –2– & -5- an ` fin - er's fire, Till in brightness of per - fec - tion and grace 2 N N N -— ſº tº Yº Yº =#=====#: —e—e—ſº- # prºTº T. F ++ W-7-y- *Hº-5-º-º- if-P-b-º-Ft. Lº-º-º-º-º-H+Lif +%-F IT TJT -———-H–R-— T ~INITITIZ-Tº-º-º-T | ſºf:H. ====== —d-–G–C– ####### -FFFE-º- Shines the likeness of the pu - ri - fi - er. All of darkness fadeth C– •–e—f -O -** = fºr- ( *= E E. *EEE: Ed #### E == ºil- ====== -º-º-º-º-º-º-; | W. W. W. W. W. g g fº –H– * > amº I-– A-. H- º º 4 w --—?–4–-A—A " === –3+ TE. Tº Lº -F#–E–F | in its light, Sor-rows melt like morning mists a- way; Doubting ceas- -º- 2 -e- —O- 1. —º—a—D —?—º-e— –A–2- 4. A #===#======#EEEE|| | W 144 O LORD I WILL PRAIsIE THEE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. #EEE H #####EEE # E3: "...T. ==#t3=3–3–3 It ºr Tº Lº-fºr-3–3– | O Lord I will praise Thee with my whole heart and voice, In Thy -º-, -º- -º- ºr rº-" -º- -º- &Y:-É-º-º-FF *EEEEEEE * = mº, -umº TI Pºś-E-HEEE Hº Is Lº- | -T-I-V-I-V-T-7 +–H– ====EEEEEEEEEEEE H H== == –F–2-H2--—2—s-Hº-2–2–2-H2--—2–2– *-*—2–2–5+H= ======t-r-r-ţ W bless - ed way and work in Thy Ho - ly name re-joice | Thou hast |. * = - \ __e º' A e—f K #EEEEEEEEE – 3. —l -3 3 3 T Pīº TºTº Liz LELE=-º-EELTLEEEL –3–4–A–H–Arij– —-N —HT-- ==HH== * Lºis–s-Es= =#EEEE *H*H ==== Eri-s:- -s-s-s-s-tº-2- H==#EE-3–3+2+3="E called me out of Bab - y-lon, a-way from the world,Where the glo-ri - ous -o-, -º-" -º- > -O- 9:========#EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *H: ; :==; 1 ban - ner of free- dom is un-furled, I will praise Thee in the N _-2- -º- -º- ºr -º- *L*T*E. IºI. —H- E=EH TfL WI, Tz #EEEEEEEE ==E=E -e—e---—"—Hº-Hº-T-5 ———A A--- —l ºry #### morning when the light dawneth brightly, I will praise Thee with fervor at the —ſº- -O- -O-" -O- -O O- -O- ( ) -º-, Wºmº-º-º-º-º-wu-º KSETTATEEEE ############# Đàº; Eriff========#EEE —H-5–F–B–- –––2–F–F–F–F–F–-f O LORD I WILL PRAISE THEE. 145 —l—l—------ –– *—— 1 . ===HEREF===E= =#E4–3– ===s=z-Hi-º-º: –––– —C– =d-s-s- close of the day, On the hight of the mountain,in the low si- —ſº- " -º- -O- -O-" -O- -O- -º-, -º- -e- -a-, -e- #e-EFEEEEEs-s Eº-Eº-ESEs-FfH === fººt-º-º-Hº-Eº-º-Hºº-º-º-Ee-º-EEEs Es—s- -FFFF Hr #|| —-v-H-------|--|--|z. –A–1– =ENEENFEs sº-º-E & =####### -º- -e- -º- -e- A. f_\my - (- m. 2–º-º-º-º-EEEEEEEE I Tºº | V | V | V | Y-y H O PIRECIOUS G-IIFT OF T.O.V.E. > & — ºr - w—w-v-w * –Cl– —4– Tºjº –62- -º- 9:3# ==E=EEE –3–3–3-É–3–Fe—f-f-3– MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ––– |-R-A-AL-F— – —-A—N- IN- ====#EEE siz-EHE H z-e---5–9–w- 2–– -—5– s—H··H2====E ſp—p-HE +++ tº-º-º-Fº —ll- =z-H=HE=; pfº----|--|-- F-FFFF (*)T3-L3L Hº:T3=NLINE g-- ) U - - -m-m-wº Mºmº 2–2–23–F º' W | bloom, Nor cold - ly shun its power; For fragrant it will be, And | -2- -º- ſº-- * * *s- • – 2– 5:#zº-HEß=HEE*== —H. = *—2–2–H EHE 2 * never fade away, It will your soul adorn Thro'out e - ternal day. | —ſº- -º- —ſº- 9::::::Ha-Hº-H 146 IPOWIECHR, OIF I FAITH I. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Feelingly. () 4+ 2- –––––– Zº:3==N=N=EREN=N===== tº-NFN-Nº-NFºr-º-º-º-º: ### 2 +3 = - - , * V Z V W 1. Thou who hast walked upon the wave, And calmed the storm on Galilee,Come 2. The same rebuke, Oh, may we bear, Which was to thy disciples given, Oh, - - -2- -º- - N … * -- y -º-º-º- forth again with power to save, And bid the faith - less come to thee. ye of lit - the faith beware Lest ye may slight the gifts of heaven; *... e. e. 9:###EEEEEEEEEEE| =F7FFF:FF ###### º HHEEg-º-E e- Y - 2 | For tempest tossed like those of old, Are hearts depress'd with doubt and fear,May Oh,that our souls might feel the glow Offaith that filled thy soul with light, And 9: * fº-f-e—f fº-ft-fift-e- *-e-e-e—e H2-ºf-e-He---------—p-H ===== V-F#-F#-Z-Fi, -º-º-º-º-º-º: A—A- N | 4- AE iſ k— —º- HRE-FFFºº-º-E ####### such,thro’ faith, in joy behold, A bless - ed Sav - iour ev - er near. shed its radiance here be-low, To beam with last -ing glo - ry bright. | 2–C–H––––– *. s { } -o- +–3–14:- * —p-r- #I-E-2–2–3––EEE----º-º-º-º-Fº-Eº- eme mº, b: †: :=3– *E=E= —i-H=Hi-º-º-º-º-H aw-wº ſº, 5-3–F -— *-> * ~ *mº - wº ºn tº Y =J t 3 How beautiful that holy trust, 4 The faith that works by truth and love, Which made thy life a work sublime, To search and purify the heart, Whose noble deeds undimmed by rust, Which turns the mind to joys above, Have liv'd thro’ all the years of time. From sin and worldliness apart. The earthly mind still seeks a sign, As oft we ask in silent prayer As did the ancient Pharisee, From out the soul's Gethsemane, But, give us, Lord, that faith divine, Our spirits, trusting, own thy care, Which blest thy heavenly ministry. And look for strength and help from thee. STI REAM. Ol F I L IIFE. th 147 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —A-F-A-º -— F= -N- Fi Fº —H· #: … * +3-g-g-j-E-si-º-º-tº-º-º- 1. How man-y no - ble souls are lost By sin’s pervert-ing ways, Who 2. There is no peace in wickedness, Nor rest where crimes abound, 'Tis 3. We can-not cast our sins a - side As garments old and worn, They 4. Our on - ly hope is in the cross, Nor can reform be - gin, Un - ++-a-º-r-º-º-º--—r -*—"—e—ºr-º- Đºà:=#EEEEEEH ==#====#EEEE –5–8–E–F#–E–F–F–F –H–F–F–9–E–=== -º-T—g-F—g T w T-AM- 4. —l _N *— —A–— zºº-º-Hº-Hº-º-º: REN=EHE :=3 *E*EEEEEEs #H. ======= ++-s–e–a–s--- + --- V —C–1. 3– z-e--a seek for something nev - er found, And live not half their days. on - ly in true righteousness These ho - ly gifts are found. leave their im - press on the soul And by it must be borne, til we bruise the ser - pents head,. The en - e - my within |==-&–—º-r-º- :=:=: fº - Đ:#; p—s—E -e T. Iſſ T *H*-º-º-º-Hº-HE-2–E– º We FY- º ---> meet a stern re - al - i - ty, And not an emp-ty dream. er, eº, mºſºm-ºmy ( * Sº- 148 à |º][ING-I DOM I (OI E' G-I LOERY. ENFIELD, N. H. ####HRHR = HERE fº = - fº-pº- =E=EN== *-º-º-º- FEH - złTri-s 3–F# 2-g-g----- F --~~ — | 1. To the clime, the bright home of my fathers,My soul is attractively drawn; 2. A - way, not so far in that region, In vision I view it at hand; | 3. They tell me that no voice of slander, No hardness of feeling is there, ; 4 That if we would have an alliance With them in the bright world above, 2-> -*To re-e—e—e—f-fire-e—e-re—f-f- —C- EEEEEEEEE-HEPE | Fº [ º º –9–b-R-N-N-N--A—A--A—-------> Zīā‘R2 ININE-TFT-I-Tº-º-tº 2: Tºº {{B 9–2 ######## p g FF R+-e-a--—p-v--—w-H I would dwell in the midst of those arbors, Where angels harmoniously roam, And fain would I pluck those bright flowers,That bloom in that beautiful land, No tempest, no war cloud, no danger, But heaven, all peaceful and fair, Our lives must be peaceful and pure, Our el-e-ment, un-ion and love, 2^ g as-E-F#fff:ff----. Bºž #EEEEEEEEE - Eºtº-º-º-º-º: iſ tº ºf ºf } A -way on those evergreen shores, Whose banks are enchantingly dressed, A glimpse of the angels before me Gives courage; they beckon me on ; They teach me the beauty of order, The power of heaven's first law, Pray ope heaven's portals still wider New life to the spirit im - part, º-b-º-º-º-F---F-TE----F---- 9:#####EEEEE| > - w With beau-ti- ful Par - a - dise flow - ers, O there let my spir - it rest. Hark! list to their clar-i - on voic- es, Tri-umphing in vic-to-ry’s song. That all who aspire for that king-dom, From carnal affections withdraw. That we may a closer com - mun - ion En - joy with the pure in heart. /*N * . --—e---—e—e—f-f-f- | wº | +–Kº–––tº–– *-k—- f—f-f- j Tº TF 7-T U |Zººs FºE ſ =####### NO sure RENDER. 149 ENFIELD, N. H. | - !. 1. Wouldst thou know the joys of Heaven,Wouldst thou find sweet peace within, 2. While up-on thy homeward journey, Friends may falter at thy side, -O- " -O-e kNETRT g?—ºft ºf-t-e ºrd, •++ 4–5–1-1- 9;HEFH:=#EEE ºr TC. F —p-- --- tº Twº-s-s-H-E ††w-ºf- **-2–ay- Let thy life to God be giv - en, Shun the snares of guilt and sin. Weak in faith may seek to turn thee From the strife thou wouldst a - bide. | | 5+5+++E+++ Bąż. #: -- … *-º-º-º: tº-rºmº re-w-wum ºmºm, º. A ºf > - - - m^ =º ——l- ! -º-º- ––––– —t——i–. ( ) | ºmº. Yºu « – ºm, ºr , | ºr —l- H++ f s l Walk the path of self - de - ni . al, Dai - ly, hourly watch and pray; Let not weakness, doubt, nor troubles.Move thy heart from purpose true, FºE FF |--|-I == Fº -º-º: Trust in God thro’ ev-ery tri - al, And thy ho - ly . . faith o - bey. Burst all bands as empty bubbles, And each day thy faith re - new. —ſº- as TTº-rº- 3 Every faithful, firm endeavor 4 Onward then, let “no surrender ’’ In the glorious cause of right, Be the motto of thy life. Stands for thee a star-gem ever, Knowing God is thy Defender, Pleasing in Jehovah's sight. P . While persistent in the strife. Recompense for all thy labors, . Thy inheritance is truly Thro' thy earthly sojourn here, One of blessed, rich increase, One of Zion's blessed saviours— | While thy glorious future, surely, Such shall crown thy blest career. Shall redound to endless peace. 150 G.O.OI D NIG-I HIT's ##########H= §2={# ºf ºf Tº ºff Eg-ºf-ºf-z- º MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —l == Good night to all, good night to all, Sweet are the sounds from the -O-" -O- -º- [ x . . . . -O- a q O —H-H-I- vºmy →–T-9–0–2–E–F–F–F–– 9:25+-f –E–F–F–Fs- ++% | +-in-EHE –5–54–5– Ejº Fz-EFE †EEE-ILE-º-º-º-º- v V | W | \' 2 EBTENTENTETEEEEET =INTEFEN p=#### =====#EEE UT —w-2–H–F–F–F–p v- lips as they fall, Bid - ding the bless-ing of slum-ber and rest e. e. e. -e- if e : tº ===2–2–2–2–Fe—e—e—e–e— 9:2:55–ºf–ºf–f F---—p-py—H- FE —p–H–H–P. ſº - m º-mºm-mºmºmºmºm-º. *E*—º. Tº tº 2- . —H-y—º–--- v-v-ºr-vºm-ºr-º-º: —g } =#5-5-3-2-A-N-N=======E======= ſ wº- a - b -- dº =uº- ºs |—|−1– | --———-i- –2–Eº- H.--—º–F–––––. ### H=HE BE EžLEEEEEE == -Le-º-º-º: —e—g—-e—-H-E-F-I-9–s- Qui - et - ly tar'-ry, till morn gilds the west, Bidding the blessing of -O- e º: £2: ..e. P. e. --- =--T—C)—O—O H-O-R- ——H·-r-º-- #2;”;#EE * > ºr H=-a-HE=ſ= * * |-P-bº-is-a-ta-H-H-is-His-ta-is-z-E *=======w=s=== slumber and rest Qui-etly tarry,till morn gilds the west. Peace, like an angel, —ſº- -º-. * = &_> —º- -(2- • 2 ºn --e-a- fif-r-z--e--e-º-,-f-e—e f *- 9. H.H.E.E.E.E.H. +FFEl: º == spreadeth her wings, Love,her pure sister,sweetly sings Good night, good night to all. X=A Amu > * * . . .e. ſº H--- … *. ſ º-EFLt- -—— I- Es s===e:E — — E- TT.I.T.ETE-IºT2T - #-ri ==|| VERNAL SEASON. 151 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -:--———A– —r-H--——T--A—–A––Nr-—— tº 2– F E+…+ itz-N-zit-NE-i- #EE *E=#EEEEEEEEEſºfia– JTF-TIFT —O ºf-ºf- 1. Springtime glories round us teen - ing, Fill our hearts with joyous cheer, 2. Ev - ery blossom blade and leaf - let Springing from the verdant sod, 3. What a prospect lies be - fore us On the hillside,in the vale, | Fº—[-2–2– ===Hºº-º- # H- +–F– Sunshine brightly o'er us beam - ing, Makes all nature glad appear; Blends with song of bird and stream-let, Voicing praise to mature's God. Heavenly blessing resting o'er us, Tells that promise cannot fail. | -62- -O- -62– -s. N ū ºr A- Lºs Gº- Lº- =w=v-A Am, = wºumº- ºr f == 2=w ——C–F–62— =–-º-º-º-º-º- E== TETI #EEEEE* IE Ezz-LEzTELEEZLºLLI | | V Z Eg:---N-N-N-A | -------- | ** = . EEEEEE ===Hºº-º-º-º: U U ra –g:-- Tºº-T d C hºw Love - ly sea - son bright and ver-nal, Ev - er welcome to our clime, From this wondrous world of beauty Les - sons new our souls can draw, Hands that toil in con- se - cra - tion Shall with precious fruit be blest, - N 2-YººTºp T —s—e–F#–F2 —I-C) -e—B-r- 9 fºLIT —— HHHH. IZZTI F == — 2–1–2–2 7– E2I Mºmº um- m. A P ºn D-uº lººms 2–3–2– Em - blem of a growth e - ter - nal, And of des - ti - nies sublime. *Till our daily life and du - ty Shall be ruled by per-fect law. Hearts that dwell in pure re - la - tion Find a home of peace and rest. 2-> | - e- - -wºmºmºmum. N__N Bºž: ==EEE =######|| –– TL- 2–Li –L-12–2—2– P 2-tº-º-º-2 V º wº-º-º: | TETO] Hº, G.IV CING I LOVE. CANAAN, N. Y. *::: #EEEE| HE > ——r-—-A———— U- ºr ºf Y_A^ J- « Tºm & —— —ºr, — *g-i- E3Etº: –2-s- . There are hearts a - round us Hu - man as our own, God who sits in judgment On the mer-cy seat, O for - give thy broth - er! As for-given thou art, 1 2 3. Let not all thy feel - ing Cir - cle round a few, 4 5 Oh! in all the moments Of our si - lent prayer, ===##### y-r-v-f- v-y —N ri LIN & ºr mºm, Tº Tº Eg–E IT II º Hearts by sor - row brok -en, Left to walk a . lone; Send -ing forth His an - gels On their mis-sions sweet; 4. Give to all thy bless - ing, Lib - er - al and true; Pour the oil of heal - ing In the con - trite lieart; When on wings of mer - cy, Poised in ho - ly air, -O- ——º–r-º-º-- r--e—s—F–A–r-s——- *H-2–2–2—E-E----- C-E-> e= TÉLTT. # •=4= }=U=A= - m^* = # = =HE *. ====== E === T |-y-F g-i-ſ-s- Hearts that love can soft - en By her ten - der words, Chi - deth our re-pin - ings, But His bless - ing gives, Like the bless - ed sun - shine Like the gen - the rain, Char - i - ty’s fair man - the, Beau - ti - ful and white, An - gels tar - ry with us, And around us move, ºm a smº 4 × -º a 2- 2-4- == \ }=y_n ––fº-s— :---4–A–"— 5:#; :=====E=s=EEE--Es—g-ºf- sº I Pº: --º-o-º-º-Hºº-º-º-º--|--|--—p--—£4– —t-w-r-g-r-ţ--- --Pi—- +=#H= 1–-A- –– TÉ.-FEN-Fºr-E-F –2–d- ſº mº — — — — — — — — — — — --—1–— —|-g——--4--— —H·G--—#- tº a # mº ºm. Y_ºf_* ==#EEEH == –E-i- —e—-----|-- In a voice whose nu - sic Is sweet as song of birds. To the soul who meek - ly In chris - tian love for - gives. Fall - ing on the mil - lions So let thy love re - main. Hides the lit - the frail - ties Of err - ing life from sight. We may learn the les - sons Of sweet for -giv - ing love. J. O'YI E' UIL SON G-. AT--A—T- FºEF= 153 CANAAN, N. Y. | –A– —N Eº w ===NESE –––a–s--ſº-- -tº-3-Hº-gitº Fº gº 3- IS-NIIIST | 1. O prophets and im-mor - tal sa - ges, Who have passed to spheres a- 2. Down the aisles of time come float -ing Voic -es from un-rest - ful -Q- " e. -º- Cº., *—r-º-º-E-F-FF- v-v-vºy #### Es ºf Es- H===Hºº-º- | —tt-L- wº-ºº-Hºº-º-H 2–1–2––– **__ —-A—-R ~- { -A- – —N–T- #EEEEEE::H HRHR#| ===:::Hº: P =######## } V V % bove, Left for us on fi - ery pages, Records of your priceless love; fºLº-z strife, Calls to ea-ger hearts and longing, Work forever toward new life; – ) —O—º--O- |A- ºr- hiſ ºr a *— Pi—e- { 1 1 1. A. Ú * -(2- -O--O ( > * - º wº t- *- dºw- * > ( ) ---- -D- t-P [TV-V- ºr wº A-tº-ºn A-A—— A * , Eſſº ––NHa--—R-NH-–A–B––NH- R++--—H-— *Hº-g: A——NH----------AH– He—º-º-º-o-E —l gif:- =*-3+2– | jº Strike with fa - ted hand the errors, Mould with matchless grace the truth, Bide in patience,fear and favor, Ne'er should quail true hearts and strong, #-tº-º-º-Tº-º-º-º-Ha-º-Fº-º-º-º-º- Bää|######H#H#H############E fº-fifty-2-ETI-7-3-in-E 7–3 Hºff- #: s—r-N-º ——º =-\ } lº- Yºº -º — A- — —l º —I---- wºr-wr fºr:YINE Tº . #=########E | º. -º- ºr- -º- -O- e. * tº- + | ſ & º KNºLºſ Iſ T Đ:#####: -*-*-7–2 God a-bove /* —A- #EEEE --2–2–2– Ittº- ºr--º-Tºtº -º-º-º-3-3- 'Till redeem'd from ancient terrors, Man shall find im- mor - tal youth. and constant labor,Crowns the end with joy - ful song. 154 IET ALITY HI A NID | H [OIPIE. CANAAN, N. Y. Hºji==== #######H#Hºf; *mºm 1. Our journey thro’ time may seem lengthened By the harrowing burdens of 2. We will brave the rough storm on the river, And we'll heed not the billowy 3. We may feel that our burdens depress us, That the cross is too heavy to RTF-TI-–F– ſº a -ſº ſº Băiţ *E*===== †-à =E E FN####: ! U *::: # H=#### : i. º strife, And our pilgrim staff may be broken While climbing the highway of life; spray, For it may be an angel stands ready To anchorus safe in the bay; bear,Do we think that a bright crown awaits us The meed for true labor and pray’r? 2-> ºff-f ...tºº –, tº--e. #ºg–H–C–2–H----|--|-- =#: –2––– zº: #EEEEE ======= —o–o-Hi by-H-H H– H–H–H–H–4 * Vº V W | y V V v t—-i-N-N-N-N-N-N-A—- flººm - m^*= ºn sº º Aºmº mºm- –A–A #. ; :=### E-ºf * > =#ER+++++ -\{{-|-} –-ºf-Hº--|--2--H2--2--Zº-Z"-s--F-2-I-I- == ---|--|--|--|--|--|--|-- U-- w º Lº d ºr ſº J tº —— **-tº-s-s- T. PT III But the hope of those beautiful lands, Outstretch'd on the mountains of Far a-way on the ev-ergreen shores, Where Jordan shall peacefully O! the faith of the martyrs we need, Lest we walk the dark valley un- ºw mºm a mºmº ºrd- -e—e e—a ,----------—e—ffre–A–A–A–a–s— 9:################### Uma-amº-mm-º † ::=::::::Hº ; ;---------- –92-tº----P- T. "Tº ſº –3– God The soul's fi-nite vis-ion ex - pands To see the heaven-ly road. roll, There brightly an Eden shall bloom,The long sweet home of the soul. shod, And fail of the hope that will lead Thro' joy and sorrow to God. ar, _--> N _º_-__ſº ſº – ====º =#H. ===| ##########|| IPI RAI [S] E. P 155 CANTERBURY, N. H. –35–?--- –––––––ce--- Nº. Nº º ## – =EE ===#: HEZE SR =#6 –----------—Hº-Hº-F 1. Praise the Lord sweet anthems singing, Praise thro’ ev-'ry light and shade; 2. Time and tide may bring us burdens That may test our faith and prayer; 3. Praise the Lord e'en for His chastening, Humble, trustful, hopeful, pure; 4. Praise the Lord a - mid the har-vest, When the sheaves of joy are full; sº ºf Hº-º-º-º- 9:###-E-j-E-F-Hº-E-º-º- P*:::i-E —E-H----|--|-- v ºrº-ºr w v-wr-vºs.” Let our lives be true praise-giv-ing, Be His love our strength, our aid. Thro' the testing praise Him ev - er, For His love is e - ven there. Anchored firm -ly in His ser-vice, Peace is gained, and heaven is sure. When in life and health the strongest, Let His praise possess the soul. | | a º *—º-A—A-_E=–A–Zºº. .N. Bº H *EE *==== *—º-e +F Ez- * - ºr *=º v-Tº-Tº-Tº-y ºr-wºr-º-º-º: v-º-º-ºmrºy ( = y^ -º-º-º-º-º-º-º- =====v-º-º- ºf –––– "Tº Tºº FIAT #: *=U=I, E== === -— 1–––– - FFG-F2=F-F tº 2 === Ež –––C–23– =ºff. a— (L —eº- | Let our sweetest songs ascend; Praise the Lord, -º- -2- tº e-F#–? If E == F–F–---- #== H––H wº- - - ammumumumum um hºw um-El –4*—— w – U. Yº-º-y Æk—& * Praise the Lord. | =H======H === --Tº- Iº. —1–I--—--—-I-2-[-a-Zº--- !---T- == º . r— … *. Y-Z -: *-eº. ( *-* , U ºw-4 x= 2= * > *- := -\ºm Fº-Fº-º-º-Fº 2- 2H ––– ####E -----tºº-º-º-º:*: == ----1- * > 2- -&- Praise the Lord, For His love is ev'ry where. N O -(-)- - - -º- | | | – - --dº-C– 9–Kº–F–F–F– –23–LC----e-e ——————I. :*: e iT ==EH ==#EE 6 ==== :=|| A- ſº ºn ºf mº Y - \ma --A-G-A-d- amº v-y H-—H-H If ELETET2 Cl: Praise the Lord, Q Praise the Lord. 156 IETIEERNITY 2 S ID A Y. CANAAN, N. Y. ######### -> =tº-º-º-Fºr- Q --——— sºme —I-— l——l =Hd-s—CH —l Nº — - 1 ––– Y-Ty {\}- ==== [ _ ––– HE: H–º— T- N-" 1. The windows of heaven are o-pen; And fair is the morning a - 2. O why should we murmur at toil-ing! Tho' the burden be heav-y to –9++--— * e º Hº-2- | —eº 3 º-r !---------- -(2- º 2-Q -T— -e-p-ſ- TTP Tºº Tºº ––– ===#EE? – I--- 3 ) ———}=- ( . ) | LTTTTT -º-º-º-º: £º-E----- F Iſ THETH. HiT E-H-------- Z-H-v-v-H H–H– ^ A | ===NFE # ==E== s-º- ##2= – ===3+2==4- bove, Where the sunlight of joy is eternal, And where bloom the roses of love; bear,We must think of the sweetness of blessing That our weary spirits will share. –2–2-pa- TºT –2–5 [E.Lº Tº-EFTR- Ha-e-2-º-º-Lº. Bř –H Tri-az-º-º- | V | -64-ft------ ºm a Em-mm-a ####### #2—1–––4–4–H–H H–H–Hº–H–I-—Hz:5— f— HF-H * —º-º. F- | !———l- *Cºm !------L-- — { ##### == There, there the an-gels are wearing Pure raiment white as the snow, They Aye! for the ransomed are wearing The crowns of triumph and praise, For /* ( = -º- is: 2. ( ) —2—2–4–-e-I-9–2–a–Ha-º-º--º– d C– BH; #TEEI-IEET ++H=f I.T |->|- = fºLºli 22–sº-º-tº-L-L Tº-TE: -_- ==E=== i v / | º --|--|--|--- –A–NE-R-H-I-T-j-N-N-I-T-I-F.--. #EEEEEE|H=H|| º Tº 2-2 TU23 TIA-T2. IL-Tº-Tº-Tº-TC2LTJTi Lº-LTººl DTI =======t2====t2=############ drink at the fountains of heaven, As sweet in their freshness they flow. crosses they bore in the valley, And cares that have crowded their days. Hº- PH-i-º-º-º-E Eł * > +:=***=F2=º +*=H:=1 B: #EEE —--—-º-º: Eº-EEE —E-2– *=== =#|| | | | | º 3 We would not be faint in the battle, Nor fail in the wearisome strife, For the glory of peace is immortal, And we long to triumph in life; And with the victors be waving Our banners bright in the sun, With harps playing songs of rejoicing For laurels of victory won ºw- sºmyr I p T -à----- - * = - se | -- Jº ' —-t Lºr-Tº-jº-ItzTº LºtzTis ======2. E-ELLízil. 4 We linger awhile in the valley And through faith untiring we pray That the sunset of life may be golden And as fair eternity’s day. O, may the love star be shining From out the silvery cloud 1 To light the dark way thro’ the valley, And lead up the mountains of God. I LIG-LP IT IETIERN AI L. 157 * MT. LEBANON, N. Y. TÉÉITE-ITINI- EFFEEEEEENEEF-E Hig-Es =====E= 2TºTº # E::= | | V | | ++--------- I glo - ry in the faith that lives In hon - est hearts and O hope and trust like gleams di-vine From love's e - ter - nal . No shad - ow falls a - cross my way, No cloud obscures the —ſº -o- Æ-A— —º- Zºº & -T-- 1 2 9:# #Ed– | f 7— true, The faith that power and vic-tory gives, All passion to subdue; sun, With-in my soul in beau-ty shine To light the course I run. light Of the unchanging golden day, By faith made clear and bright. -o-, -e- -a- -O- " -º- -O- -2: 2- H-e-r-ţ-H Hº-f- # 5: ºff-B-3– =E T. s †I. TºTEI m ∈- H=EHLHº-Hº-i-EE------E =========tº-5- U → *m tº mºre ºf \ma —sº ——-A—— { }= # ºmº 2- - -as-s-—Cºl—z-- Eg:E3–g==E 'Tis the pi - lot safe that guides our barque Thro’ perils on life’s A pur - pose firm in - spires my soul, Born of that faith sub- O bless - ed gift that lifts us to That pure im - mor - tal 2-> —a—º-º– * > -O- } …- A- +-- Jº Q J | |- - - Yº–H º-º-º-2–# Băț==######## ºr 7–7t —— -—---|--- -2–E––– 2- U - - , U ºw A—A. zº- A- v-Tº-y vvy v-Tº-y ---º-º- () | | *- -A----- |-Tº-LETEI — — — — I |—H–?–3 —l—eº .*. … ".__*. … * I | Nº sea, The roll - ing waves its voice obey, And storms before it flee. lime, Which holds beneath its blest control The des - ti - nies of time. hight, Where all that earth hath veiled from view, Unfolds unto our sight. º-º- º H. —- ER-º-E —bº- ~ms e ! Y- A------- * - . ſº-ſº ƺ º Aº. 2 | « > ( ) 158 ID A TY OF PIE&OMISIE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N -2:IERT-RE: H== H. ===N=N1+NEEE ſº EEE Ei # -º-,---AH--—? =##F#H#H --~2-tzºw--- 1. Hail the day of promise! beam-ing On Mount Zion's peaceful hight, 2. In the light of self - de - ni - al We behold a life that’s new, Bºžič tº- =#5 =#E º ===#: A- H–H —H- --—— º 2–3–Eº: º ############### F *===2|=tº 2–3– I tº JTEz 4- Wake from slumber and from dreaming, Welcome heaven's cheering light! And tho' stern our day of tri - al, We will claim the good and true. | 2- - =-º–a–ſº –2—2—-º-º-º-º-o-º-º-ºf-- Biº- ========E====E===HE —- F-º-º-º-º-; E–F–tº– =::: 2–2.É.-- º' W º' º º' W –––Nº-as ==== w ~g-ºf-----NET---- \ ºm , —N --&D-E--— =#Hºà– –C–E–– Lo the night of er - ror wan - ing Sinks for - ev - er in the past; —--—N— ^_* aſ a Tºd- Form in Christ a pure re - la - tion, An im - mor - tal vir - gin band; =5-8:-e-Ha-e-Iz=*=[f-f BiºH ==#E v wr-w ºr ºr W #. # *EN=N==== U ====== 2T ſº | Bright -er hours are yet remain -ing, Glo - ry that will ev - er last. Building up the new cre - a - tion That e - ter-nal-ly will stand. –9– |º º: –H– E*–2– – *::=::-- F- Oh, we'll sing of love and un - ion . Of the gospel's rich in - crease, er, O | +-º-º-º--------º-º-º-tº-2- *-*—e--——e--2– BiºHää.EH *=r-º-º-º-º-zip=p_i=======#t== ºrºr-º-º-º: | v v 2 w DAY OF PROMISE. I59 | A N N IT f_ºmºmºm. Nºw G-> -y- N- +++++ sº-º-º-º-º-º-º- ---> ſº N-> Christ hath crowned our sweet communion,With the blessed gift of peace, Peace, Peace. -> | -* !-- He-º-º: —º—O— ºf-f- W IMY WIE AIR.Y HIE AIR.T. === [ _ºf_ºms º ) ) 2–--I CANAAN, N. Y. : ++-A—s—N– ——A——A-—ſº- #:HEREE::=NE E======= *A- amº-h Hº-º-º-º-º: -— *. |T- &_ [ _º ºf 3: * > w My weary heart hath found a resting place,My feet no longer need to mºmſ \m. e—re-e—e-a====s+e−-e-e– Băţ –Eº-ºf-EEE-ºf- =4+=#-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- | erº #F H ST-T º -- N SP-2H †-s- C. H==#º |- Tø roam, For in the blessedness of perfect love I’ve a home,sweet home. -eº-e zºº B:###### =#EEE L ======= º 2 | | | V 2 I've a place to lay my heavy bur - dens down, A ref- uge when the + = a -g- -º- &m —l--- = =#|| -g-2-º-º: ~’ wild storms come,0h,happy thought! the hope of life fulfilled, In a home,sweet home. 160 TUINIVE ESA I L I LOVE. CANTERBURY, N. H. ZłłHE —d H*E=EEEEEEE -o-º: =#EE: -—H-— ==#| T-I- == 1. Blest be that u - ni - ver - sal love, For which the Christian aims; 2. Be lift - ed up, O virgin throng ! With o - pen hearts em - brace 3. Its re - al subjects, grand-ly rise Su-pe - rior in their sway (T- 4-wºw- Tº | * > N. | ſº ºvº-A-A = , -—— | f : | 2 # ( > 5:#######: ##### # A---—A-º-º-º-º- a-º-º-ºw-wº-y +-tt-HLs---a-E== == mºm- === -2'- Q # -— à - —H-s i. Tº Ed **E=E= +EEEEEE Hº- i &_ —- C–a– w-"a --- Whose source in God is found a -bove, All nar - row hu - man claims. The prin - ci - ple which pu - ri - fies And el - e - vates the race. O'er earth - ly loves and ten - den -cies, In ac - tion, word and way. #############| .*. … * 2:#EEEEE s=E=g–EEE::=#EEEEEE::= # #EEE:=#EEEE?=HE f=f = *—w-t-t-r—— |- As towers the loft - y mountain top A -bove the dis-tant sea, . . . The love which seeks the good of all, In ev’-ry land and clime, . . Then let us join this no - ble band, And seek the joy, the hope, . . -O- said:#–E–F–F–Fe—e-e—e—re-e—f-f-12– 9:#Efir air-º-Hºº-º-º-º-Ez-E Biºtº-Hºº-º-º-Hº-Hº- Y-Tº-Tºy ——w-p———- H-9—H- __ \º-º-º- =#EEEE:# :=E=-----ºf- So stand the mer - its of this love In its di - vin - i - ty. Which vi - tal-iz - es, cheers, for - gives, And ren - ders life sub-lime. The free-dom which this love will bring, Found al-ways “Higher up.” T- #|| vºy E=T- -2'-." SOING OLF PEA CIE. 161 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. v —l –– | v + N. ––––. —— # —l T.I. *. C t— ———— sº - - -g- -d-- 1. Sweet song of peace be ours for-ev-er-more, To sing on this OF 2. Hushed be the sound discordant from the tongue, But let thy pearls and 3. When from the morning skies the night has fled, And sunlight o'er our 4. Or when the hours of twilight gather near, And du - ty calls our N |== ºr G —e---e-e—ºr | " * 2: v –– -- —s-- BHH †E -º-º: ---, - Duºus *: Tº TºTE: -— +*-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:=s IºT&T I v Ž | V w *—A-------—— * 3– #####E ––– #Ni H.HRENERE |−- ====#EEEEEEEEEEEEEE on the golden shore; Harps of a thousand strings to music set, diamonds be among Treasures of vir - tue garnered in the heart, hallowed home is shed, O, gift of peace! send in thy gentle ray, will-ing footsteps here, Be thou the lamp hung out by an-gel hand, | -º-, -e- -a- —g. -º- - -º- kNE #t=#EE:=E====== == EEE Biłº-º-º-ÉHº-Hº-Hº- =*===z-z-z-HZ-Z=E=H-j-ž– | w :--N-----—-i- –––––––A———- — — —— —r— - tº 1------------Rºſe-– ) # ====ECº-E--- * ==## TºTI *—g-z-z-e-a- ^ = m^mºm' < − = 2= - U- - - - - - Y - m^ w—H-— So soul in-spir - ing we our ills for-get. Harps of a thousand That cords of un - ion bind with loving art. Treasures of vir - tue | To gleam across the windings of our way. O, gift of peace! send Lead -ing us to the brighter—better land. Be thou the lamp hung -4 - © —ſº- —£2– * > sº e-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-H # *LILº-º-E- EEEEEEEEz– I | -º- ========== TI vºmy ---!—— | --- ºr —! | | strings to mu - sic set, So soul - in-spir - ing we our ills for-get. garnered in the heart, That cords of un - ion bind with loving art. in thy gentle ray, To gleam across the windings of our way. out by an - gel hand, Lead - ing us to the brighter—better land. -º-, -º- -º--e- —º- º p: -t-t-ff-f-É -L-a-- =####E =E:::::: H tº #EEEEEEEEE — * FF-º-º-º-º-t-t-. a *. F2=3–7–7–F–F–F :=#============= 162 IH [E.A.VIENI LY INSPII RATION. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. t v-T-Z-7 | N Zºë Hº-HTRT-HTHE |KłłłłL3–F#–Eºi=s=== | 1. What heavenly in - spi - ra - tion fills The cham-bers of my | 2. What bless-ings flow like liv - ing streams,From earth and heav-en 3. Oh! while com-mun - ion sweet we share, In grate- ful feel - ings Jr. _-2. -º- p-F— -P —#—i- & Y ºf EP G ( > —#— — U-E-------— amº- ( > Cl—ºzº— w N-7 N 7 vºy --Q, U-7 | tº d - #: Çy " | «» soul, When an-gel life the heart-chord thrills,Sweet harmonies control too ; The waste of life with verdure teems,’Neath sun,and gentle dew ; blend; Be ours the incense breath of prayer That upward shall ascend, arº —ſº- -(-)- - - - - Hº-2-2–E–F#–E–F–F–FE --- *EE-FREEEEEEEEEEEEE #H#| v-Yºr wºr-Y-ºr-wºr-y—wºr-Tºrºvsz–wºr-wºr-vºy W . V r— | arº, —H- N_ - —-A- Uºmº- Dº —A. ––. TNT wº-Dº yºu ºu ºr Tº T; *—m-mºmºr —e—g—e— 'd v- | 'Tis then I mount on wings of strength, And sing im - mor - tal The rec - on - pense for toil - ing,seems Our pres - ent work to To min - gle in a work of love, That hon - est hearts will asi-a-Tº-Hº-Hº-Hº-º-f * 9:===E=======HEEEEEEE, I- 9:#####EE::===# r E w-r-v-f-v-----v- ſ -*—A-1–– ——-1–8––N-º-º-º- ==EEEREENFEFEEE=====El # g -º-º: † E-HE*L3– ####| praise,To God who giv - eth light and length,To all my earth-ly days. crown, For joy, like glow of morn-ing beams,From angel spheres comes down. call, When pure bap-tisms from a-bove On sin-bound earth shall fall. O 2 * : ºr -º- -2. 3. -º- - ſe: *—A-4- : 3. £ t- H ===HE===#EEE|| w | =z-FE-FF-2–H–E–F–F–F– SII LIENT STI REA MIS. 163 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. – aº IT-i-N- - d–––––––– º-tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-- 1. Sweet hours of un - ion, hope and joy Are ours in peace to share, While 2. Increase in power and strength to us, 'Till we are waft - ed on, And ar, -º-, -e- -a- ~ -- – E. T] —l— U- - - - a TSTNT HE — IºTº"Tº HHH `--~~ an - gels from the in - ner life, Are mingled with us there. in the bet - ter life be - yond, We joy in victories WOI). 2--~ --~ —ſº- -º- -º- ſº. º --~~ | Ti Tiº I TºT ETTTPTAT e-Tº-T 2–2 º 2-, 2- º s + –2– #EEF: ºr EE | — RT- –––h- #H Flow, deeper flow, ye si - lent streams, Whence ho-ly tho’ts are borne, The −T-R-i-H-I-I-II ƺ-º-º. AEA A —ſº © c s *†-s-s- - +:FF:FEF ( ) 6) `--~~ *——- ł -H- H-H- ~-\ #######|| 164 SIPIRITUAL, IHOMIE. I- == ==E= —-N-N- JT2 CANAAN, N. Y. /*N A-...----- …-- #–E–F#–E–2–H5–F–F 1. There's a beau - ti - ful home on the mountain of God,Where 2. There is joy and de - light in that beau - ti - ful home, And 3. We will sing of that home thro’ the jour - ney of life, While 4. And we joy in the con - flict, re - joice in the strife, That – ºf Y_ºf_ºf_*-* A-> Lºw------º-º-º ºw-º-º-º-º-ºm-ºf-mºa *r-vºsy-wr ºr ______º -º- :-2–a– - . —H-I--— 2-ATEPE-Tº- F–- E. =4=#EEE –3–2–E -º-º-E-º-LTETE. Tº L- —p-p---—p—p----—t-p---- t–5–H TINCINITTT § #=## flow - ers in pur - i - ty bloom,And the fair beams of glo - ry in sweet is the peace reigning there, And a rest, hap - py rest for the cros - es we faith - ful - ly bear, For a bless - ed fru - i - tion of we may in - her - it - ance gain, Ev - en now to our vis - ion the -º- º 2 ºr º: A - TELETEELAT&T ra - diance bright,The heaven - ly man - sions il - lume. Home,home,0h, wear - y and worn, A glo - ri - ous free - dom to share. e - ter - nal bliss,These tri - als our spir - its pre - pare. shad - ow's revealed,The substance e're long we'll ob - tain. * * * * * * * N •eº- ######: H=== ºr ºr 2- A--- « » —L. | Y-y *r-ºr Y-y ºr-ºr v-wºmy-ºr-º-º-º: (#)-2-—--—-i-E--—------NTNT-I- $2+++2=HEiji= { v | beau - ti - ful home ! Heaven -ly gra - ces are there, Where pure love each | i- *——A— — <--ó-ſº-w --- am-m P-º- N N º ==== Eº-º-º-E. — f P+H====E==E====EH +4— T Y- ––––– –E–a–s- == 2-tº-G- #: - trols, We long of its glo - ries to share. - v-y hºmº eºs -º- 2- -2. * N er, TIET-3–E–5 ====F Tº Tº TºT: & wºr-v-v-wºrvºr—wºr-wºr-w H - * =& - :- 7– * - ( º-º-wºm-ºme —-º'- TºI * -I-T- -E-F-I-ITI – -ºf–H–Amº- - CAPTAIN ?S CALL. 165 CANTERBURY, N. H. EFºEME&H EEEſº-º- V TV 1. Forward, step forward, Is our Captain's call; Upward, step 2. Forward, step forward, Gos - pel zeal re - new ; Upward, step 3. Forward, step forward, Clad in ar - mor bright; Upward, step - * . . . ] if f f : 5:###H#: # –4–4–4. —- EzTLVTILETE –-f a-º. - = , upward, Hold the ranks, let no one fall. Fierce-ly the bat - the upward, Loy-al hearts, with heav’n in view. Who greater love can t upward, Bound for truth, attain the height. Grand-ly the prospect –2–4–- ——— X- *-* * *= ra - ges, As the foe meets the cross: Turn within the glorious of fer; Than to lay down his life, For the winning of the o - pens, 'Yon the turmoil and the strife; Peace and righteousness a - | . | Q = 2-ºs - . –2—I-—— 2- } 9:*-E=E=E====E===H *_ 1– U ºm U - Mºmºmºmºmºmy —A —º-——– Ö=E=Fººt as—sº-º-º: G-E-z-z- Hº-j- –2–-z-z-z- •–w----2– | | weap - on, And our gains are more than loss. king - dom ? 'Tis the Chris - tian's dai - ly strife. | bound - ing, Fruits of grace – E - ter - nal Life. | N N M N zºzzi-º-º--> --L---L--N----→g---iſ-L-2-º- #:=s=#EEE ** === s ===E-H | ========= 166 TIRIUIMIIPHI (OIF TERUTHI. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. :8––AHN: fit NTº FEEE } w º 1. The ages have voic'd thro' the myriad throng,Of souls who have battled 'gainst | 2. The prophets were stoned,and the martyrs have bled,The dungeon and fire by its N. N. N. &D:#EEEEEELº ſº ſº ſº I b Fºl TET*=aTºr 9:# +3=s===s==== —l ###### *-ū-ºp-Z-7–7–7–p •–s—e-p : +++H== sºme IºT3-L2T2- time-honored wrong, That un - to the truth praise and glory belong, As it he - roes were fed, Their bodies were torn but their souls are not dead, And the | _--> 2- | -º-, -e- -e- -º- -º- tº e N N -e- -a-. Fº-Hº-Hº-Eg-z-a-a-a-a-F#–E–F–F–F– Biłł *H, H+. -- - – - Eſº-Hº-2-2- l––– — ========EEEEEEEEEEEEE ===; := VT V V | 7TºTVTVTVTWTVTV | #|| ſº cº- marches triumphant -ly on, on As it marches tri-umphantly on 1 truth marches gloriously on, on 1 And the truth marches gloriously on 1 -O- -O- -O- -sºo---sºo. 2- -O- - N > #################EEE:#: Pi—I in Tº Lº-TTETE : Eº-º-º-º-EEE º ZEE----| { p—e—e-------|--|--º-º---------—“H W º | , ! V tº 3 In scarlet and purple, the church in its pride, The rights of the people has ever denied. But the vail of false doctrine no longer can hide The truth that moves gloriously on, on 1 The truth that moves gloriously on 4 Thro' civil upheaval, thro' discord and war, Destruction has threatened from near and from far, But lo! in its triumph as life's guiding star, The truth moves so gloriously on, on 1 The truth moves so gloriously on 1 5 High up on the mountain transfigured he stood, Who gave his great powers for humanity's good, And sealed his grand work against sin’s mighty flood, While his soul saw the truth marching on, on 1 While his soul saw the truth marching on 1 6 Religion and Science as one shall agree, And love universal man's heritage be : For truth all the nations of earth shall make free As it marches triumphantly on, on As it marches triumphantly on OVIEER, TI H II E V AI LLIECY - 167 CANAAN, N. Y. -—A TºTº == ====== * - - —— —t | -e-r-s—d– & º ~g- --—A-R-A-A ######: }=w=ºw b ºr -º —-C–H–C–C–D -T Pºž | V +FF HH---—H- f =Fe—e-a= Ejº Tº six- +–E–F– |( > -b-e-A-R-A-N-->------|-A——— — ! º e e N w I –p #EEEEEEEE ºr-myº-my-ºr-ºr **:::=======E==# KR-R-º-º-o-o-º-º-º-º-º-e o Biºf EEEEE ==#EEEE Af-ter the shower the sun will shine, After the shower the sun will shine. O- a | 2 g- -º- - -á, - ſº Bºb-B-3H-3–4–3–2–3–F#–EEE ===E=#. fº-biº-z-z-z- 5–7- F º +HHºF ===H. Tisi, i. v 168 OIN THE WINGS Olº" I FIREEDOMI. MT. LEBAN ON, N. Y. pum, s A d FTLT-- º tº-g-- W O V = * w © o On the wings of freedom we are wafted along, While the gales of kNEF- –3–3–F3–3– J- *—º–– Bºž ### f •=== : N-N-RE-HHH ——A #ENENEYEFEsf –Fs—ſ-º-º: #. #E =HEA-3-f heaven aid our progress on ; Not a rip – ple on the wave, nor a --------------- *—e. * * : Đă =# Ex-E-L-EEEEEEEEEE ====t-g-z-z H==H==a+ | _f. –––.-- ºw ——A- – } ~! u-mum-º-º-º-º- v G. T TATE TL. Tº T.I. Y-Z —I-I-I------——NI- a-mum ºut, me -- ºf HºHº HHE | ==t-ºf- -º-tº-º-tº-E-F-2-Es-a-FEE } T Z-T w ! ! l º “aſ ºr cloud in the sky, To impede or dark - en as on we hie. l BE ; :-fººt : ; | V 2 f = . —º-—º-L- | —ſº- ſº- i-º-º-º-º-º-º-tº-2-3 —6+?...—— ––P-------- *—- fººmſºmº- Zºº & RE #NEHSHEEHENEREE {{P_*-*——º--N-a-------|--—CH----|--|--|--|--|--ºf-a-a--- ÉH######### * , We are joined by the host of . an an - gel land, Who have found the BºżH +--|--|- —l—-A—A-4————A— #EEER —FA- -º-L #EE-e-Es—g:----- realm where the ransomed band Thro’ perfec - tion of truth, chant the e —ſº- * -O- -O- } A-º-º-º-º-º-º- ſº —A-a-— 2– T--—- –––– 2- B+: #-F Tſº Ti II. T Tº º- Błł #=== ON THE WINGS OF FREEDOM. 169 F#–EHFR=NFF *ECEGEECE-FSE. ==RH tº º Ame === HäH Fºtsii —º ### LºL }. —w-º-H-5 *-i-;" beau-ti- ful song, The e - ter - nal triumph of right o-ver wrong. ###########| Wºmym.' * * =ſº F–F– itſ-º-º-Ef ### ;I-2EEEEE IEN A ITI H [. «» MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —t— … * -—A-—-1—1– q | *9–a– # NTT. == ==É HBH-FF H=:=::=:=== ! --> | 1. O - ver life in all its chang - es, O - ver 2. 'Tis my guide, my ho - ly com - fort; 'Tis my 3. "Tis the star of peace that guides me, On the 4. As the orb of day de - clin - eth O'er the N 2- N 4- –. —A-l—— G N _-º-_-2-" -2- f: ~. Iłg- # TT.III –––a– –s TT.I. —? 9:#====E=s===#EEEEE=E== *—º–8—º-º-tº-Tº-fi F- †††. Tº T. `-- º | #———-A---A-ATR 2- > J ###### ##### ==º---a ſº wº ºf , -H-—H- -—- Z ———1– wr HRF ——a 5– HE #:=== } H := ^. Z mºm Nº. 7 º' v-v-º-º-º: day and o-ver night, O-ver ev - ery care and burden, Still my life, my dai-ly bread; Blessed rock of my sal-va - tion, Where in 4– | I- mountain, in the vale, And within its lov-ing teachings, I shall hill - tops of the west, So at last beneath its guidance, I would E–E–F–H–E–2–3– ###### faith glows ev-er bright, Still my faith glows ev-er bright. trust my hopes are fed, Where in trust my hopes are fed. o - ver death pre-vail, I shall o - ver death pre-vail. seek from earth a rest, I would ceek from earth a rest. ; : # * : * * * * ~~ | == —F.— =#E w- ######:= - C. L- t +H=HEFFF: 5 Biº H 170 sTAER OF PUERITY. UNION VILLAGE, OHIO. #H#Hº 3-w-g:- 1. Oh, brighter than the morning star, Is the heart that's pure and 2. The gems with - in the ocean deep, And the wealth her caverns Tº DININT-Tº- “mºm' Eºº-º-º: ºf V free! And the light that's ev - er glowing there, The star of pu - ri-ty. bear, Let the ocean and her cav-erns keep, In darkness hid - den there. --~- #– " ?–ºf wº-vºrºr ; : -º-, -º- +++ BiłHHHHHHHH ==#=::=::=#E-H t/ V But O ! Al-might-y Fa-ther, send Thi ################ &_ T By—Hy—H P | P The sun may wane, the stars go down, And reign of time b #= € nean-gels from a - -º- N .2. ºf b N ===== T #F#–E– ----|--|--P- F-s–F–w FºEEE U - - -º-º-º- ºf A. _*__s. : º——N– *-N-N- #E =#Eº-ºf-3= *m. *#E IL3– g-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-H=: #H#HHHH. –3–5–5-; Tº: o'er ; But the liv- ing light in the heart that's pure,Shall shine forevermore. bove; To kin -dle in my heart a fire Of pu - ri - ty and love. 2-> * * Tº e. e. e. e. e. e. e. p. e. 5: –E– =======EEE º-º-EEE — 1 1 E == =#E =z-HEREF=E=#EEEEEEEEEEE TER, UST. 171 EN FIELD, N. H. –6–4–5–1—— *-º- *-- -—e sº- –--------- a-- - - - º:#EAT&T&TITTENT == -- EHE |—- głł ––– === IN-T Y-F – & Y ( * * - mºv -Q- " & 1. Bless us thro' all cares and burdens, O'er the stormy sea of life; 2. Weak and frail when strength is greatest,Then but lit - the we im - part; 3. Precious faith which hath preserved us, By the mer-cy of our God; A-. N__e_-e-, -e- 9: =::H======HE —I-I- #4–º-E-Fº-º-Eº-º-º-º-Hº-s-s- –––––v–H–v–H– ==========H ſºlº. :==#:=== ;H== ==== =i- T2/T2+T2 TC. Tº T. Tº T2 TU2-LT&T"T Tº I-25 C l £F -C- eº Stay us Lord in our af - flic-tion, Help us in the glorious strife. When our off'rings are most perfect, Fee - ble is the hu - man heart. Nev - er can our souls re-ject it, Nev - er slight the liv - ing word. q -o-, -º- -e-, -º- BHE * = x & F-A-ºº-º- —H––––– * = - FV-Hi H–A––––––– | ====zFs Es-a-z– mº -º-º-º-º-tº-º-2H- — ºr-ºr-wºmy-ºr ——- ==N= ++3= Though the way be rough and thorn-y, Flow-ers oft - en hid-den be, Still we ask thy kind for-bear-ance, Till we are made strong and free, Un - to Thee, O Heavenly Fa - ther Life and strength we will re - new, | |N -º- N -O- *SEEEEEEEEEg=3–Eºr=#EEEEEE Pi—HEE =#EE F-2–E– V Y-y *-ºr * = = Y - \ = « » ——!--- --- T Fs-H; Zº-H - Amº A_ -—— =NH – 2:-º-º-º-H-------|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|LaT-2T § H *==#:== – ===s=HEE:= * > Per - il - ous the road we trav - el, We will ev - er trust in Thee. | Lord, Thou art our sure de-fend -er, Cen - ter all our hopes in Thee. | What the tri - al, what the con-flict, We’ll be loy - al, firm and true. --- —ſº- e. :2- -º- -e-. ſº- fº-Cº -º- -º-, -o- -º- -º- FTE ====EH =::=====EHF Đi- #Efrt-Hºº-º-º-E TºTº F- - I- -—w—H----—p-H 172 WIE *I LI L SIING OLET I LOVE. MT. LEl ANON, N. Y. 3-H ) —(?) – Mºm ) | * -m–a– —ſº- - —º--- - -2- -e- -e- -e- . Bºž ~~~ Hłf-f tº- #:=::== *#===: 2:5 if it -T- F-2 re-º-º-º: -------|--|-Hºº-º- w ---|-- __N N = }__ Eºff= F-º-º-º-º-º-z i Ee-JEg=l-º-º-º-º-º-Lº- press a wealth of bliss,Thro' righteous living wrought.Ilove is the light and | * & e. * b las. ºf ºf e_ * 2 . * *, * ***. B㺠III in III EEſº- TTETITIEI I — — — ===FF-º-; F =#= –2-s-s-s-tº-º-º-º-º-3-tº-Eg-Hº Jºsi", tº 3-8::= joy of home, Life's solace and its cheer; The heav'n we seek is not a-far, But /*N ºl- •++ —A-NJ- * a –– ( an *_* = \ºm º = . . . . m. ºm > < * * ~ ſy S =^ & ºmº- [ _* G -2 ſ – 2- *- v —A. | I – *r-ºr ºr-º-º-º-ºr º &:::::::: +:=##2 fl- ++ H–-N-Hº-H. -º-º-º- —s—º–a–s—º-r-2–a–ſº—r-- º ſº a 42– wº- :-)- vºy - —O-– —º-—Hº–4–-0– Q ºr +--'4––– t—-- t .* ===== —- —F-— ĐຠHº-Hº-Hº- zº-º-º-º-Hi #H= ZTº *=Ez-----|-g– ev - en with us here. | " & —ſº- -º- -2-" ) v-ºr-vºm-ºr == -v-º-º- - O— Y-y BiºHEE — TITT º a “. SEE THE GOLIDIEN IFIERUITS. 173 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. # ==s== =N=HE # ==E §2:=8=HESH =#EEEE A- w See the gold - en fruits that come, From our heav-en - ly ſ –e # —º-º-º-º- | TI =—t–a–2— –2–3–2–1-2 #########EEHE <===s=======r-f } a-A-yº. II | E —N —O > —C —º- I * &_ºm « • * v v º har-vest home, Borne to us by an - gel hands, Beauti - ful, pu - ri - fied |- =-“—f-"—--- > -º- < | | | < * º :==== v V V )—m. | | an - gel hands, From our heaven -ly home. __--> Elża-E- L →E→3– ~ e--s—s q 4 y | --> - } | lº M- –G–a–– ºrvºr ſ 'Neath these branches -II- I- ) ſº º ––P-2–ſ *—- e -o- ºr -º- º | f: if f = e = –2–2 - }=a^*-P- - | s= ſº-P---- T-R-E-P- Bää- Tiº Hº-Lº-jº-Tº-TE: Tin =fit-2-E-tt-a-t-ºf-tt- -— bend - ing low, Gath - er we who dwell be-low, And we grasp the *umºs y Tº Tº | W an-gel hands,Guiding us to fair - er lands,To our fu - ture home. 2--> ================== ##|| 174 IBLESSED SAVIOUIR. CANAAN, N. Y. #EEE N-º-º-º-º-E =4=N= *Hi H= & b Bless- ed Saviour, how can I but trust thee! Ho-ly love of the O /*N N N N ºr :===+++++ --H. ) - 1 —C. ºr —l _l = u = \ –––– G-G-G-Fs-s-s-s ſ EEE-EEE +--|--|--|-- -N-NT ======EH ==Niº-E=E= . £HHHHHHHHH QL -sº ºf Fº [ _y < * 4 = Fa- ther re - vealed. Ev-ery shadow of fear or of doubting, In N | | | | A-_^- —l --- —l- … *_-_^. … a zºº A- ºr TTTT-Tº-Tº-Tº-TET.T.T2 Đ:#EE== A--&–A—A-A-d--AA- —l +-f === –H– --G-G--|--—H- —G-I-G-G-G-I-2. –––P-º-e … * —s— #–E–F#::== — Thy heav'nly light dis-ap- pears. As shines the rainbow o -ver the val-ley * - N | | eº, GH:HEEF *—º Hº-sº #Tº TE ~ :=t-r-tº- === –4— FFF ++ 3-H – Aº- A- he mººr wºrm-m- ºn-a -------º- m^*= | ! | = G-R, A CIOU S G-IIFT. 175 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —zº—-zi---—H-T——Fr—zº-——— # =#H#HE -z-z-g:—e—e—s— v-y N { # ======= 1. O, light of Wisdom beam-ing down From yon ce - les - tial 2. Most gra - cious gift I cov - et thee More than earth's pre-cious 3. The sig - net of e - ter - nal truth, Bind close - ly to my | ~ F- Amº-A—Ama-ºmº-A—Am. *- a- ºr-a —F. --E-ºf-- 9:#: ======E== º ––2–2–2-- E—4-f #EEEEE – * v- amº-wºwn-a ºr-ºr | ! | F-F—F sphere, Thou glorious sun of ev-ery age, Soul of ex- ist-ence here, Thou ores; More than a wealth of glitt’ring gems,C)r all time's bounteous stores. Oh, heart; And on my lips thy sa-cred seal,To nev-er-more de - part. Give º, e = -º-, -e-. v-Tº-Tº-ºr yº-Tº-yº #-F#– | * * * ############## ===Hº-Hº-f-É-Hºº-º-º-º-Hº-º-H2===== —T-v-r +—p-H---H H- hast illumed the path, where feet Im -mor - tal hights have trod; Thy crown me with thy cor - o - net Of heaven-ly gra - ces rare; Thy me thy counsel day by day, O Wis - dom from a -bove 1 That —R-T—T-E ‘dºmſ ºr ––– — tº- ways are ways of pleas-ant-ness, And lead a - lone to God. robes of pur - est texture wrought, My soul would ev - er wear. life may yield the rip - en'd fruit,Of per - fect peace and love. | -(-)- º ##### –F–F | -e- *Tº-LTTETZZT.T. A- ) 2- v-w º R = & ) ) ) Cº-º-º- * … * A- a 4- A * mºme --~~~- Jſ UIEIILIEE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N º ==#E ====EEE 5–ºff"—###### wº 1. Rise, for lo! the morn is breaking, Dawn of the Millen-nial day, 2. Thro' the din of roll - ing ages,Comes the sound, “All wars shall cease,” [ q | | ( [ ( #2 TºT.T. v -º-º-E -- –– TºTºI. –4– IT-Tº- ==EEEEEE Es -O- R -º-, -º- R # =-O- ...s ( * F *Tº Ex-Tº-Lº-T TEjº, Tº +H=HE t——- 7-3-y V-ty-v-w V :=== N N © ††: W -CJ- -Cº- | And the light of rev - e - la - tion Shines to chase the night a - way; And the an - gels waft the pro - mise, Of the glo-rious Prince of Peace: # ===== T-N-N-R--—L–– s—º-º-º-E T EEE #Tº-SHRTN=== ſ: v-T-7 ####### ==H ºf s == !--- } Ey– Tº ſº E —p-p- º V HHRHR ===NHRHR == †† =##### g : + -e- † : A w -º-, -º- - w Through its gloom a star hath led us, To this morn-ing light of peace, Lo we read it in the heav- ens, And it gleams o'er history’s page. . N N N +H=#EEEEEEE Nº ro’ earth's strife God's hand hath led us, To the pres - ent rich in-crease. Peace and love shall rule all na - tions,Crown with joy the gold-en age. ... • -O- -º-T ex | ~~ O – 2- | #EEEEEEEEE Fir- -e- N -º-º-º-Lº-T *E*H*H*H*HºHEVEH F-F-7–F–F–F– AL_0 ºr ºv-w Yº-º-y —-N -SE-A—A. +:== – —— E3=3 s— V ( )- Wake our hearts from grief and sad - ness, God proclaims His peo-ple free; º - -º-, -º- -º- -º- -º- -º- 5H==::=# 5-,- #EEEE #EA- # =;=== #==== ——I w >ſ |t|i JUBILEE. 177 H ( *s While we tune our harps to gladness, An - gels bless our Ju - bi - lee. ==== EFEREEF « » =### # =|| -º-, -e- Al-TºT Tº- l | EEEEEEEEE *== | E*E*==== ===== ſº ſº i’ º V ===== l— L —5–F–F–-p CHRIsTIAN LOVE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Bºiſ-FFFFHHH==Pºst-H ################## U —C–C– e;-- ––––– T Q– am 1. Leave some good behind you, As you journey on, Gen - the act of 2. Leave some good behind you, Tho' the seed be small, And along the 3. Leave some good behind you, God will bless your aim, And in love re- 4. Leave some good behind you, Lit - the it doth cost, To bestow the 6 _----, - - = y. -O--O- -O- - - " - a . . . * * ***. … • #####–re #:= TºTI ==#:–3+Hº-s-s-s- Hº-H Hº-Hº-Hº-W-H witHiſ fit mer-cy Un - to mortal done; Christian deeds of kind - ness wayside It unseen may fall; It will rise with vig - or, ward you, With a righteous name; Man - y souls will hail you sun-shine On a heart that's lost; Ten-derness of feel - ing, e y . | —º-º-º-r- --—º TTLLT. Fº --N-P-L-NF--------| C— *†† ==Pºi. O –3–2–U-s-s-s-— | V Ne'er are wrought in vain,0nly in our blindness, We from these refrain. And abundant - ly Bear the fruit of gladness, In some future day. As a guiding star, Fadeless in its brightness,Shedding light afar. 9 a.º. • - Tºa , ſº- & Y_*--> ſe: e.g. N.T. ſº 2-> –2–2–2– *E====== #: –*-*-L-E- =#|| m *-i-A- --- º 178 NEW EIRTH. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N ––A–––A–3. G-4 ===HEE ===NEE EF-FFEFººt= ===ſ= wºmºyº dº ºf -O- V |- C 1. In the bat - the of life let all have a share, To re - 2. Here my - ri - ad forms of er - ror a-rise, Per - dress the great wrongs that are ev - ery-where; In pub-lic and pri-vate, on vert-ing the sens-es and blinding the eyes, Be-dimming the glo- ry of fee. ? Cº. ( ) _e. N N º BiºHº::H.EFE-º-º: EIT E –9–9 ZT-Tº-T /* 1- . | ] == —H-—-—e. sea and on shore, From na-tion to na-tion the whole world o'er. truth's per-fect light,That clear-ly il - lumines the path of right. Te. º -e- -aº. ( * -e- =RH-----—a ſº-sº ſº a m - > Big-5EH Es—E HFºº FEE| — *===. == —l –– tº wº 3. From spheres of Christ-angels, and homes of the blest, Who have battled to vict'ry, attaining true rest, Shall come the deliverer, to help and to save The weary and worn, the courageously brave. 4 Those who fight for the right, contend for the true, In body and spirit, in all they do, Shall draw inspiration from heaven above, And strength to empower, the wrong remove. 5 When truth that was uttered by prophet and sage, Has redeemed the hopeful of every age, Then glory and gladness from heaven and earth, Shall swell the grand anthem, this is the new birth. « « ( } 0. | ( ) } PILGERIMI’s PATHI. 179 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. HI-A --Pi— um Y --4 Biłł 1– }- < * bEF: –g3 tº- ) f—H . -23–5–Pi— ITI-T --FF------e--- ºf: ## -º-º-º-º-º-º-º: E2 === 1. The Lord in glo - ry reigns, His love o'er - shad - ows all, His 2. The faith of those of old, In vis - ion did por - tray, The 3. While up the mountain steeps, Our feet with pa - tience shod, Will 4. Rich treasures are in store, Of wis - dom, joy and love, And _ſ). as: EI-f- –2– ---------—ſ.” —-H- A LT Mº ºrdºmºrum mºm Mºm. sºme = mºm, mºvº, wº- º | }_º| = }= — )— * vºy tº- ####H# *r-ºr-wºmy -à-l-----— —— —-N-1——r—— ####: ==E==== ==== •-t-t-t-t-s-tº---- =s=t--- light illumes the pil - grims' path, Lest wea - ry,they should fall; glo - ries of the fu - ture years,The grand Mil-len - nial day; tri-umph o - ver ob - sta-cles, And lead us home to God; those who heed the high - er call, Re - ceive them from a -bove. ºTº" *—º-º-º-E-º-º-º-º- –2– 2- J2TT|TTTTI unfº =w --T-- § – b: !-------2–2—2– TPTU |T V T º v Then faint ye not, O struggling souls . The clouds are growing lighter,The But, we behold with keener sight,The blessings coming nearer, The Then what a pleasant way it is For us in faith to travel, Our More earnestly we’ll strive to do The work that lies he - fore us; Fresh __{2- 2– ſ —r { } R ºr .*. | morn-ing breaks from out the sky,The sun of truth shines brighter. prom - is -es of day’s gone by,To us indeed seen clearer. spir - its soar to pea - fect day, And mys - teries un - ravel. vie - tories o'er earth to win, And bless-ings new draw o'er us. z-E-º-º-º- :=#f- –––2 La - T –5–2+==== ===== #|| • | º W 180 LIVING SAVIOUIRS. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. #####HHRHRHR = ſ Tº JTI. Tº TTTTTTNTTTTTTTTTNTNT. TN #########H##### | w -O-, -(J- 3. º: *::g: - -27- - - e --- " -G- TU 7T e T •–s ::g: g: sº & " , , 1. Shall we wait to find a Saviour,Till we reach some future clime? Pausing 2. Pre-cious is the sa - cred of-fer Giv- en us in earthly life, To be - ---- Pe– ——º —º—º- ########-f- Hazºr-º-º-º- N Rºs —l—l- … *. !, ##### Hs ++++++H== ſ F-F p--~ 5 here 'mid strife and tri - al, While up - on the shores of time? Shall we { gin e-ter - mal progress, When un-fold - ing truth is rife; When the -O- - - -O e- -( ) . . -sº --~ « » - –4 - tº - C – – )-- ~~ - Cº. 2 ºw - * - )– e sºft f : #############, Đ:#EEEEE ====E -—HL 9-H ( 2 Hº H--- f F-F-g {j 2- | ###### -*-º-º-º-º-º-º: –s-s-s-s-s-ſ- | *- wait un-til the mor-row Ere we toil to reach the good, That ić beams of heavenly sun-light,Come in glo - ry from on high, Lighting - *-O- p f & Đă H. T*Tº LºI. I.- T. | | Wº W H gained by ceaseless struggle, And by prayer and grat-i - tude 3 Oh, we’ve | up the pilgrim's pathway, As re - demption’s goal draws migh. Oh, we've e. e. EELETE Tº-Tº-Tº-ji. | w — –––––A——NH +– r— H–––––––––––––– ºms ſº ºm. Av-m x = ==HEERErrºl-g-g-g-E:- == $2=ftfº-strº-Hº-Fº *H Sav-iours ev-er liv-ing, Pres-ent with us here to - day, Who have _--> i º ſº -sºo. - ºr * N | *: --- - &\,{-fit-F —H-— I-9:4–N | Hºjº-º-º- =s—F-2– LIVING SAVIOURS. 181 ==| -O- e. Ö O | WOll immor-tal lau- rels In the self - de - ny-ing way. *TSA. 2: 2: e_ _2~ : 3–2 fºr ##_ffe ~s—s—e—e-Hº-2 #: X- = –––. fºL*Liº, Tiº IºT (Tºf T-7+[[7-E Zir-º- TTLE Li-LHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEr #|| | | V | \' I BI LESSECID SIPIERIT OET TIH [IEC MIA IETYIRS. # === –––. HºHEE ######### CANAAN, N. Y. INTNT –––– 4 * —C.- —— — —— C p- |- -----|--|-t É --T-C-G----> -s: s -e-. e. e- V -&- V V tº jº Blessed spir - it of the mar-tyrs, Ho-ly faith in God sub-lime, Eg:—s–ºf–H–F#–E–F–F–F2– #############| w V-7-y Xumºr tº º sº º —Q- –C– In thy strength,0 Guide and Sav-iour! I can brave the strifes of time. __N . - 2- -º- ºr -º- -º- | -º- +-==== H #EEEEff===E==ff= 2– TL-E-L-Tº-Hº-Lº-Lº-Lº-EELP- ºTºT —s—e---------v-v-f---——v–9– &m’ W —Mr. –2— ### =#EEEE ) WTVTV I can climb the rug-ged mountains, I can walk up - on the sea, { f. f. 2 a. º. º. - ſº J- 9:=e—a tº- *ā- E–5–7–2. ––– —- - - --———H---- G-- ºr +==#–E–F#–E| W | w iſ can pass the fi-ery tri - als; Bless-ed faith, I cling to thee. -O- =[-2,-- |-2}- 182 W OR.I.R IIN MIX VIINEY AIR.I.D. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ################## i}=#EEEEEEEEEEEEE Fº-i U HHHHHHF Work in my vineyard,O, la - bor-ers few Honor the cause that is 9:#EEEEEEEEEEEEEE ==== ========== Ti-TT =========Ep-º-º-º-º- —C–? ——s—p- ––2–7–7–7–7–7–- V V V :-- ——{——— I —l H---——A-P--- ==== 4- == Awº-A-Lº a m = | s=º * > —2---------|--|-2s-——— —º-a- —a H.--1–LI–– —ay— -----aſ-a-ay-aſ-aſ-aſ---e- giv- en to you, Prune up the vine that the fruit- age may come, —N N A A- —- am-e - F---- #### V V v ' Light up the courts of Je - ru - sa-lem. Souls will be called to en-ter a rest, Hº-Hº-Hº- | ======EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEº-EEEE BiH:=##### #: 2–2–EZ-Hº-º-º-E s—º–2–ty—y—by— --———---|- v V v v- V. V V ##########E= * > 3. --------|-- s —d-s—H--N-N-N--N–A– * - sº-Lº-w *—-tº dº 2 –£ — =# --- v-Tº-y J- --—I- -I-T- v= \ N --—— –2– ==FFFF W | Who have been feed-ing on husks at best; Let them come in as the cho-sen of God,Sought out and pre-pared for a peaceful a- bode. SWIEET Ass UIR, AN CE. 183 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. * =-m. *ºmy l —, —C -O- 1. I feel a sweet as - sur - ance Of im - mor - tal - i - 2. The voice that called my spir - it To re - sur - rec - tion . 3. Faith looks a -bove earth's tri - al, While hope transport- ing v=v, - --- ~mº f) tº- ſºmºmºmºmºmºmy —r——==== zº-Hº-j-Ef –H HHHHHH. HLF 2—-s–E 2 TE-Tº-LEEEEEE-º-º-Ez-sº U v wºr ; :- wºr 2- wºr-wºr-wºr-wºr-w A---- A- vºy ū him ºr ty, It shines thro' doubt and darkness Like sunlight o'er a Sea ; light, And bade me cleanse my gar-ments Till they were clean and white, sings, How bright the fu-ture pros- pect Of heaven and heavenly things' ºr-ºr ºr *—4–4—º --~~- [ FEFENEFE =EEEº-º-Hi + | ===EEE*E*EEE .. –G–C–H–– º ==== N- O bless - ed con - so - la - tion' The balm in Gil - ead Still chides in love and mer - cy, And shows the glo - rious Still joy - ful - ly the bur - den With kin - dred hearts I'll 4---. --—A---—--- l– - A—A- Aº-A—A-A*—º-º-A—A-A –2–3–EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?-º-E-F ſº H===E========= found; It cheers life's pilgrim jour-ney, As up- ward I am bound. way, That leads to bliss-ful man-sions In ev - er - lasting day. ', bear, Till with the ransomed num - ber, The crown of peace I'll wear. Oh, I know the shin - ing por - tals Will op - en un - to 2 TºT EzTEs.TsIEE |- H--- _r —T- __ __ -L-T EEEEEEEEEEEEEz-F E2–3–2-º-E3–F–º-º-Hz−. me, When I lay a-side the cas - ket Of frail mortal - i - ty. | 2- : *-*.*.*-* -º- ºr -º- -2- -º- 'o-__ --—— Đà-*—º. ### =====E==HE ) ==HEEE - #|| ==E={H} =====E==HF =l 184 LAND OF DELIGHT. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N 1. Our an-gel friends are near us, Watching our steps as we go, Their 2. Our an-gel friends are near us, Whispering comfort and peace, They | N -O- —º 2- *E=EHEE *—º-Hº-f- Hits+. A. —O— --> E=EEEEEEEEE — — — iº-iºd º—ty– | 5–3–2 tº-C-O-º-t-ºf–ſº U rººm my — . g #E 3 -s- -e- : º garments in beau-ty sur - pass - ing The ev - ergreen loaded with tell us that love for our neigh - bor, Will bring ev -er - lasting in - O &_Y_Y_^ = | 4-w- ) —r-ſº-s— . —— •—f-- Bºž —w-g-g-g-g-g-g--- 4- N– S- *H --I. 'E -º-º-º-º-º-º- tº ºf ºf IºTº TsII Snow, For a mo - ment in vis-ion their bright home we see, And Crease ; And when all the passions of self we con - trol, And ar, –3–3–3– E::==f —f-- — Bar—r- H=: +:=== === •=== ſmº A 4-. —-l—R-R-1–N-R ==== =#EH –H * ===g-g-te-º-º-º-º-º: How we long to remain and a The kingdom of truth will be N –º ºr e—e—º-º-e— =#EEEEEEEEE –te-º-º-º-2- |-z-z −-NTRT-N FFTL: dwelling place gain, In this spir - it - ual land of de - light. | ful - ly revealed, Yea, ev - en on this side the grave. /*N Bā; ; ###### = • I ºm-- ºn º, 2 =w===^–º- #-F.--—— mº ºr -A--—- | *##–2.É.- INTHEafº Gigi FM††††††<=N= { * - * - yº- I a- -> --- —º-Prº-ºs--- ################## LAND OF DELIGHT. 185 CHORUs. N it tº Tº —N-A-------R-N--A—-s— - #ENEREE====####EE=== t-gi-g: =w=s=g=g=E="E Eº-j-T2.-- But the time will soon come,when vis - ion will tar - ry, And #-º-º-Lº-e—º-f —º–r-—?–5– H ºr F- ===E= º –––ºf–E– —I | * * * º: † + no-thing will darken the sight, Then free-ly we'll roam in this sia-tº-º-º--º-º-º —ſº a ſº-ſº ſº ſº—— ——— EE---|--|--|--2–E– tº- *r-y H=========== - p =z-j-V-p-y- ſº __N zº m = A- —N ———º-——— ====: A—HN ######## « » āş->-tº- heav - en -ly home,This beau- ti - ful land of de - light. N /*N -(-)- -O- knº-tº-º-2–3–2–3–If *—E–A–F–F–A–. &R v ######EE: H==== —H-E *—|| Złł żºłº-z-z-fi :=Es— & –2–H–E–2–1––––. —r=# z-Z-E-z-tº-º-º-º-º-º-E-P--- v V v 2 v 3 O, LOVELY AND FAIR MOUNT zroN. ALFRED, ME. Zºff-Es-Fe-FEER===== ſº *—f sº-Hº sº feif ºr-º-wr ‘d -—p-py O, love -ly and fair Mount Zi - on Bless - ed thou art un - to H}+b=E=z-E-a--NT-N===N-Nf-N-N-i- | #EE *: º======# ==N====E== H * D A--A 2- —H —— ºm *—y—--. º O-º- +2 YT-z ºm & A_*-*==== me; My soul with joy is en- raptured, As I look out up - on thee. pºp-5 II*L*T*La —— S- ==EEEE ——- ſº ======#########E 2–2–2–– U =*T*E=MTE=EEET fift-ILTE-7–I Over the heavenly gateway,The seal of the just I behold And wºr-wºr-y—wºrwºr-v-w m x = 2= - x 2 um —N ºf a w-º-º-º/ Y-y v 2- fºLa- #: =N=N-º-º-Hº-5-5–F–Fſ! º EEEE fººt-ºff *–2–3–2– . ho - li - ness un to the Lord Is writ - ten in let - ters of gold. 186 IRIVE R OF I.P.EA CIE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. *—S-Fºr- g-3 1. We walk by the riv-er e - ter - nal, That flows from the cit - y of 2. No war-cloud with e-vil por-tend - ing E'er burst on these wa-ters se - ze. A- .* Tºſ * * * &_ -CJ- s `-- * | God; Its banks bloom with flowers supernal,That spring from the evergreen rene; Where glo- ry ce-les-tial descend - ing,Sheds ever its pure hallowed _----, − O—*——O— ! -º-, -º-º-º-º: ſº—º-e—— * - ===#E - P- – --- =3 -I-– H ===E=-e-e–E–F–2–– Hy- l–Z–*—º f :=f-tº-º-º-º-º- –– º *N N N *—N ŽižHR #H#H####### # == ###;" *E==# # sod; And sweetly the mu-sic of heav - en Floats down on the soft stilly sheen. Its currents will deepen and broaden, And flow with a calm peaceful _--~ s 4 9:#######: —F-I-V-v-u-v-v- b- ERº NER º v ==Hºà * *::: ––––– ########## EHEE: ####| air, Our spirits in harmony blending, For God's loving angels meet there. tide, Earth's wastes with new verdure to gladden, And blessings that e'er will abide. -N-N-N-Nº EHEEEsºf, tº-º-º-º-º-t Roll on . . . for - ev-er, beautiful river of peace! Where ever thou rº s N Sºº-º-º- :: *ff-ºff t –5– -e-EEE -º-L- & U-r ºw T- /*N -z-z-z-z-º-Lº-º-º- #H#EE tº 2 º' 7 WTVTV RIVER OF PEACE. 187 N N [. ====N==S--N----R-A #; es: d==== ====N=CH ====*- g--º-º-º-º-º-º: go- est, as gen- thy thou flowest, All strife and inharmo-ny cease. U. am -m-m- ºrº N N N = =======E-Fºº- #| –2–2–2–2=v-Ee-e—- G-LIVI E M II E. A. IN ALM II E. EN FIELD, CONN. ~my | ºf Aº- 2- U-ºvº- l A- … *. ~ ſ | *my - – – – wºm. #### —— *=E==3–Eg= Give me a name that all can bless, A name that God can love; -(2- -(2- PRE-HER-2–a–A–A–F–A–"—? ++–F–Fe-º-F2– BiºHE=::::=:: #### =º-Ef-z-z-Hº H H––H–F–F– ſe: -e- is:- as:-E-º–E–F– Biº *L*L*THE fTº DTIT-Tº- * - - - - ** ----|---——- -l ( =ur- u-P =4- Y-y [ ] | | } – ——— * > -b|. SEFEs – —E C–H–––C–H . TøIt gT-Tº-Tū. H G—HC–G– - Cº-º-º: C = « » =U=U=º- ºr = ** –C–--Q –G––––H–H– When I shall pass from scenes of time,0h,may my name re - main, And -s: -s; Jº * – –F–F ºr A. ſº a -ſº- ſº. ºr A-. [. u-T-TvT- ſº- Hº-Hº-Hº-3–Eº TºI in TřTI EL-Lt.-----t-Liz-tº-E.-H. H. i | I- I- Q v- =º-- a-- ~- --> > Q | — — — — — - l— ( → *_* oft be spok-en of by friends, As one with - out a stain. « » } I -O- -O- -O- fº = + . . . . . . * * * , , , - ſ H–- A … * ) A- awa—- M-0-> wºr-wºr-w ] () === 188 Bºžº s emy ºm > #– < * > ( ; Cº. 4-2 H}#}==N=NE & ======EH COME ON DEAR COMPANIONs. CANAAN, N. Y. FE H ==H -º- -º- -e-...-e- Come on, dear compan- ions, we're traveling homeward,Traveling a - | ] el)." way from the darkness of night, Let us go will - ing-ly,thankful - ly, * =y 2—f----e—e— ==H †tſ XIII.T *T*T W. W. | A. —l—— ——º *E*E*E*E == TL.I.A.T. II. Tº ——o tº ºf Tº T us go On to the man - Sions of light. /* N N - _N N A- Am a dº mº —A—-A-- Esº-º-Hº-L H — :=#EE †i TF —"It|--|z|Tº Hº L -N--N ºT. T. T to the mountain of glo - ry, Sure is the -( )— * > • * -º-º-º-º-e—e-ºf-f-ra-º-º: HF-y—y-H =[-----H- Hä. & # ---- +++y=y+="H= Fº- —-a---------A—A+ †—HNERFE :=# = EEEE | wº-vº-'ºr ~8-3-g º * 0– * -T-2– —s. -— Q––C– -º- -Cº- -O- –0- fº–s—s— —º–F-9 --O---6–t-g 5HH way, tho’ the progress is slow ; Let us go will-ing - ly, thankful - ly LTTºTº-Lº-T-Z-tºa-tiº-Ti, Tiº II. W \' | | V. V. COME ON DEAR COMPANIONS. 189 (2– 9:#–E–F–F– *I joy - ful - ly, An - gels are watch -ing as thith - er we tº ºr *=====i-ji=A==== | - **-dºm-> 4-º-º-º-º-w **u-º- ºs q us-e-º-º-º- & —H·º - | E:LEAELº-Lº-E-2–3| | [. HOMIE OF ERIEST. CANAAN, N. Y. l—-l—l. A.A. Pºme ——— -] - J. L. ~my-ºr T –– *my w—w-w --- ==Ha-Ha-HHHHHHH Fºtº-3-g-tz. HEEEEEEEE - -º-º-º-º-º-º: **a-gº-gº; à-g- º N- ( ) tº- * d º O Ö S-' !--- I 1. I long for thee, fair land of light, Home of the loved and blest;"Tis | 2. Ah, not a transient dream is mine,That rests in the i - deal,There |=–4—s——º-r-2—º-r-º-r---—?--2— 9: #: –d—H------ 2– É +--a- « ºf ii- - * — ( > — * --> wº-Yºº- —i. – *——ºf A *-Hº *—p-H--—t-tz r F--f | H –– | l l T /*N - – H-—— ––––––P----- v-wº-umum, w II.I.I.I.E.T.Ezi ºf E*T*Li-2 ºr E3 Tº E. =| ===###########H#2===t2=3–tº– –C– | me . * * —eº- there the wea - ry cease from care, And find an end-less rest; lies be - yond the shad - ows The substance, grand and real. 2 • *ºl :*:::::=###2-# =#| — = - O –– ——H –Hº ºr - ) ſº- -— ) ==Fitz–F–F–F–F–F–H–HFH2 | | # > ——HO -: −3 -z-z- | Where thro’ the ver- nai bow’rs of love The spir-it free may roam,And O, glo - ri - ous im- mortal home! My soul shall rest in thee, When *Hºº-º-E ºr #EE - #### cull the am - a - ran - thine flow’rs,That beauti - fy its home. I have doffed the mor - tal form For im - mor-tal - i - ty. /*N -º- -2. -e- -*. º–Ef- -O— ſ A---—A- s 2–? H-2– T- 190 YOU CAININ OT CATCH I THE SALNIDS. CANAAN, N. Y. *—R= *ºr * > *mſºmºr C You cannot catch the sands which the wild waves carry In their backward –––––-o-º-e—e--e--e—A—e-ºf–e ###2== T[[T f TTETTI, iT Đº-E I, Tº-jº-Tº-t- ==== V : V / % ======E---------|--|-s— —sº-ſ------ -s—g-t-s-s-s-s- E-3–EgTº E flow from the shore; You can-not grasp the moments which no long-er s: :- e—2–ſs–e—I-e—e—e--- -Fe---a-º-º-Fe-2– *::=#E=#H#H# ##### :*::: 5– tº- arº, ..—GB-tº--N-l—-A—A-N-1—l——º –2–-º--N #########E #E:# H-4-—(J—— tº 2. —zi-º-º-º-º: –H tar-ry, They are gone for-ev - er- more. But you can keep the shells of a Q- * -- e. -º- … * —a—a------ - . Tº – ~ " -- * * * * * * * F = f_ ######E E:===ſ==Esºps-z-z-z-E-F#- TETTTTTT ~ *-*. :IDTCL +2-tº-2-2-2-ET-2'-º'-- =====t2=w ( = y = , --— ſºme ºmº &mºmºmºm-m-m t—— —-P, ###### *HE+E #|| -O- ===s+ you can hold the pearls of a sweet af. fection,They are yours forev-er-more. /º /* –0—2–1-6–r T I I ILITICŞ. . C-T-I-T--ºl. O GOLD IIN THIY WISI DOMI. 191 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ſ —l ſºmº, – wº-y ) --i- --|--|--|-- --- FN-F — —e. --I I | — — —------- ºr | – yºu- ~~~~. P = - J - =Ez. H23– 2-—A-. —— –2 wr-w-w-w-w-w g #EE A-...--—A--- (J– *—---- in Thy wis - dom give sight to the blind - ed ; Give =––––––6–4–2–a–f-r *):b-#–E–F#–s ===Hz →TLE E–F–F– F –9–2-4--- –– +--—E-- ºr ––––F–AT+---|--|- #EEEEEEE –2– —Cº-- $Eg= hear-ing to the deaf, and strength to the weak; Oh, light up the E ºf Y -(2-" -O- -º-, & -º- -T- f : –F–F–FF– ++2–e--- –2–f –––––––. *r-vº-vºr ź–E–FE—i-E-F#–E–F#–E–F– * TE H===E=r-ºf-f-H Tj- *= heart with sor - row o'er - shad - ed, Of Thee and Thy glo - | * . . :*: fºr º: , , -º B; –2–2–Eº-º-E-Ese : H. * r *-z #2T2.T.E.H ZTETEZZT*EEEET e-jº-EZE —T-------|--— # | 2–HHH-2–Hz: 3–2–Hz.-H. A- ~’ praise to speak. For-sake not Thy peo-ple in this try-ing A-º-º-º-º: #:H ~H+—? Je. ſº-º-º-AA ſº I-2–ſº *_ - • * * * * *- £2- ==E:3+:H-jº- =H =Ea. H= *-i-ºw- º A ºr ——--- — ( Y_^ = a_2 * * *- : $2—º E- # =======F-F-F-H==tº-f. 4- 4-2. | N- | We need the o'er-shad-ow-ing of Thy ho-ly power. 2:... a -º- -º- G FFF ###: ++++H=f- 2 192 As A POOL OF WATER. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. &m ºn mº - ºr-º-º-º-ºmy v A ————- zºáH=N-H=N=N=N=NH==== # #F#####EE= As a pool of wa - ter in the wil - der - ness; As a *— st- rock in a wea - ry righteousness,’Gäinst the powers of op - pres-sion stand. They stand in their ºf-t-t-t-: *----—º: * If f : *. +- H .* s .*_^_^. —c -I-L– --- | –G– —D— –7 --|--|- ºr H- — =====############# | ) iº | | f | | V 2 **H=N==H==#2=== -º-Es-ºf-º-º- ºf III ºf 23. TSETI —- EF-EF ſ ) wº-y #: — * == might,for they stand in the light, Re-fresh-ing the earth with their stay; Es - —O- -º- -º- -O- LTT ITT fºLE 2- *E*L±Ez– F-p-H-E-L-T- tablishing peace and a glorious increase,Oh, these are the saints of our day. s tº-º-º-º-º-ÉHEEHE a- ==FE-FFF I PLEASA NT IS THE TWII LG-LPHIT. 193 MT. I,EBANON, N. Y. #HNHHºFEEEE ==H-à-J–H–A-R-H | - -º- + -e- - O– —s—?—F- ſe- #EEEEE * ==## — wºr-w –––– - -, ***-1– E —C-C, -I-Zº-E---—Iſ– -º-Fºr-º-F IEEE---E-i- EEſº 3– 2–2– III] i – :::::::: A ſº- 3– VA- º Ç ( )—- bºye. sin. Roll on, O mighty tide of time! In - to life’s boundless fail. y | & -O- -O-" -O- —Q- as-III, ſº —5. ^ ===== { p Re----e-e–E–FP. -H, --- ſe- -b-z- | HEAVENLY VIGILS. 195 ==== #: … º. a =. ###|| *—3–ºf–HLi-º-º-Ez-Rºl ######## -Q- Sea, But leave to us this trust sublime Thro' all e-ter-ni - ty. 2-2 ##". # * , e. e. f. f. 2. #2.5-fi s-s-Hº Tº TsIELºLEEEE| ( → 1– 1— --— A-...--A - I – —H-H =–– - TvTVTzzTTTT T. LT RTEEELETELEtz— | N | 5–RT-- --- *E== jTji TzTº Taz.TV:Tºz T-1. #H#H#HF si-º-Fº ===Hºº-º-º: # TT-T-E & –8– -Hº-Ts-s-s-Hº-Lº-Lº. WITH IIIN THIY MIA NY MIA INSIONS. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. TÜ-T-I-I & T. T. FHFHEC-F-2-º-Hº----->=2–2– –3 3 3 * d=s C H- T-z-z [ - º With - in Thy man-y º - sions, Be - side life's crystal sea, In the ~ -(-)- -O- -º-, -º- N as-a-º-F#–E–F–H*-º-º-º-F 5–H–E–F–F–F–F–F === F--Ti-LNT à-Hº-Hs—s ==HE&EF#–E– shad - ow of Thy bless - ing Lord, Pre - pare a place for me. EITs TE-Tº-TELLE Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº -Q- -O- - - -º-, -º- ºr A---—- N_2~ Hº-HE=====Fe-º-; E-L-L-EEE-----> & __N N__* N 2&E-º-Hº-C-C-F-C-Hº-º- KBEFEE–3–2–s: * , ſ ——i------—p-i-º-º-º: •–F–F– When wea - ry with life's con - flicts, I would lay my bur-den * -O- R → •- e. e. *ma-º- T. T. I =s== —l-— —º -—H. | —H Tº Tº –2–H-2'- *—— N – -- amº P. *H = HEE – ###|| RSP-F 3-5-º: –3– *H. — =#EEE Fº: st-sº tº- down; With hope and full as -sur-ance,Sweet peace shall be my crown. 9 1— # *-ij-Es-=#|| 196 INI FINITIE I LOV. E. CANAAN, N. Y. ######## ELº-Tº-Tº-Tai": "Tº EZZT | ––3–2–3–2---------a-F2F- 1. Is there not a hand to guide thee, Thro' the wil - derness of strife 2 2. Nev - er fear tho' rude the tem-pest,Sweep - ing o'er the billowy main, | N N N | :===#. +:Ez *—a I FE Is there not a power to hold thee, To the pur-er-bet-ter life 2 Nor the clouds that hang above thee, Soon the light will burst a - gain. ( ) A b. # - IEzz- Y-y I Q == x > º ºs º ax- mºm- ############## V Is there not a light to fol - low, When the storm shall pass away ? 'Bide in patience till they’re rifted; Trust the pow'r that rules the wave, -e-. - N R º Hº:=#H#-e-º-ºrz– ITQ-Tº-ſº 2-Ez---- Pºte: ######### H–3– -FT----- V-E-3-7-Z-F A- vºmy º, , Pºmº, | —{}#————A—A —t-—r-——A——N—R-N-RT--T—— Hjº-Tº-SINESFFFE-i-N AH---> # #####E: G|-º ###| **—a-a-ay-aſ-s--aſ-aſ-s-s-- –2-g:-w-w-s-s-s- ºzº. l Will the blessings of the faith - ful, Fail to cheer thee on thy way ? It will pi - lot thee thro’ dan - ger, Give thee strength thy soul to save. | N N | N | kNEHT-Tº- f:ff-2-E4+=====f====Fºr= p: ++ --H25 4-HE Hº-3:#Eff-#E * — m m' mºb -- dººm." !-2— —-—-T =–H–Pi— -Pi—H----- —–C–F––C–C–4–- 2– ---— —s——s—ty—2–9–3–1 &-s––– ; : : CHORUS. _N N N N Cºmº ºmºmºm wº-m ºr w =ºmº- hºmº wº *—S-4–4–H–P-N-a====N== | –o-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ESF23–25–P-2H-C- e—º- U-º-º-º-º-º- --—}-—H-— –a–E–F#–E–3+-f EHE | +2=s+ºf+2. =#EE ####E ==S-I-2----- | W w/ V 2 . . | Oh, a loving Father heed - eth, E'en the sparrow in its fall ! Q -O-- e. N N –2—tº -----— ---—-i- - 9:###E =####E £=EEE — #===#E: i Q #E 7-a-2– T. ++ ==F HEE::=#E: *—H –º-º. *@ —t, {} INFINITE LOVE. 197 |--|--|- 'L– ~~Tº = ——- 2- - 2- 723-. He will not forget His chil - dren, He will answer when they call. | | N 2-Fºr-º-º-º-º-º-EEEI #H### #|| ——N-———N-º ===#: !--d-: -J-T-Z- (JT&JT-TTF JT ſ N N ©: ====### ſº-º-º-º: Bæº-º-º:#= –F vºy 9–3–2–3– UEPWAERD JOURNEY. CANAAN, N. Y. | 2. There have many gone before us; Foot-prints all a-long the way, 1. Tho' the path be rough and thorny, Steep and high the mount may be, 9: IºT *Tº —— -: ra-- =#=##### T- – TI] s E2–25 ==== H=HE ºff 2+2=h-e-º-º-FFFFNEN | H ==== ==== ==HEAT -m-hm - —F.—F-1–3—a-l-–a–s T y W. W. -* :. Yet we'll climb with courage, bold - ly, Till the summit we shall see. Give us hope of sweet commun - ion, Give us trust and faith to-day. ( ) -º- - -e- * ÆA. A. Q an:#f f=s=#Hº-3-Ez=2|HE głº ====### fººm-m ºr myº 9*H=Hº-Hº- «Tºwººmºmºmº-hº, r -:- w—w —-H--- —|--|--— ====V+. zº- CHORUs. ks:#-º-º-f *—t Đăiţff==== -T- —t-º-º-º-; He will give us strength and courage,Crown our lives with heavenly peace. 193 I AIM I SAIFI E IIIN THIE I LIETIE-LEO.A.T. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. H=i-——"— }=º wº IºTº | mº º &_ | waves may dash high,and the billows may roar +— ------ – ETºTº Tº —e—e—H | wr =Q. N ==== = y -e ] e { ~myºmy v-7 Y-y ºr-wºmy *mºr-ºr > - •=-f A---. 2- }. } ºr l V +-s-s-H; Cº-e Tº- ––– IZZT. –2 & | -V-2 I have trust in my God, and His —ſº- a 4-mºme, am–a– | E 2–;. THEEEE w-r-ſº #: –C–F––. &H N kNET ==== BiH:# ====== 2–0–2– E.T.: | –– —( ,— – t- —l TI - J- /* | | N –2–E –?== TELE-si- 2=i-à *LERLs H = ZI T •–H–e– C— m wºum, “--—a-v m- w #: | Q_ –62– guide till # ===N= s BEEE —A mº- him.” wºu wa-Al- 4 º' & Though the storm gathers near, I’m inspired to press forward, To fol - low my 2 > « 2 ( • *ē-ă = v- 'º the tem-pest ZLa TºT FEF2– is Tº ſº. T -is-is-3-H +–HF Yº–--— | W –2–3–f-Et-E- º =HEEH !--- 2- -º- f o'er; Then a sweet hallowed peace will o'er- | w Ez H– 1 H w gº I AM SAFE IN THE LIFE-BOAT. 199 }=a = *—º. #####, – I | --º-º-E3–F–A–º- Tº Hº; ###4 shadow my spir - it,When I an-chor at last on the beau-ti- ful shore. Cºmº = wr-w Wº Dºum dºm” g” [ . Gr ( > O -e- } y ––––a–º H III- –3—H-2– H- º ^_N N T-P-2H-FF- E. Tºl :=# ( * =: U- 4-> TI HII ROTU G-EB I TIH [IE ID AIRIECIEST CLOUID. }{=NER k’ Through the dark-est cloud N R Bää #-*-a- MT. LEBANON, N. Y. W ſº — & º † º:-3-2- im- pend-ing, I cºn See a gold - en -O- N ==*—º- R ‘C-E-G * N N _N N_ | &= *—º- A- 4--- ———NH– —N– -NI- ---—-T- ~ || Lºſ Tsiºlº s s F *—NH-i-NITR +--- # =###E =# awa-ºw =###### * == -Gº- w -3 g (2. # light, 'Tis the sun-shine God is sending, To di-rect me in the right. --- *- -o: ſe- ºr º- e-- J. N N #E2Eº-º-Hº-º-Ee- 2–E– +a+*-*E== 3– 2-2–º-º-º-º-º-º-Eº- *-Z-E2–2–z-Hº- —H-p-º-Hi-L-A-W-H; —p-- *_-_ºp *—A. AEA A-EA ——f-— Y-y . *r-ºr-wºmy Ama-A—A-A—A-A*—A. * ƺ A–A- ºwº —H- ºmy | - ——A——A ==R--—N–-a-i-º-º- ==#F#–g: … *_^_^. … º. -º- sº-º-º- |- #Ez Hº-Hºfs==== Ef-a-E-Lºt kº W ©— O, my heart! be not de - sponding, Let thy faith pierce ev - ery N N N. N. —-A T#:TH+ 2: Tº . E. | == wrong, Know the dark-est hour is al-ways Just be-fore the morn-ing's dawn. -º- -2 e_2. –––. | s, 200 IPTUIEEITY". CANTERBURY, N. H. | ########### :=== •=====E=y========== •====== | 1. O sacred cause of pu-ri - ty, We pledge anew our lives to thee, Thou 2. Thou sun and center of our hope, Illumed by thee we need not grope, For 3. A-gain, we pledge to keep thy law And light,and love and beauty draw From -O-" -(D- -O- | T-à-T —e—f *. TH- –3– +-tº-f —ſº —-----—I HºH, -º-º- | | * art our joy, our hap - pi - mess, And source of end-less life and peace. want of light to gild the way From mor al darkness up to day. all thy precepts, tried and true, Un - til the per - fect life we know. -º-º-f—£-F Es=====#E 1– =#EEE # =-º-º-º-tº-º-T Tº TTT FEFFF Sweet pu -ri - ty, thou art in truth A crown to age, a charm to youth;We'll -£2- - -º- -ſº. -g- -e- -e- | | . .e. e. e. *-i- is: # = { . - F -e- is is: + j = F *. As E-3- *—i-———i-—i-l—l—l———!--—”—º-º-º-- BřEF#EEEEEEHe v= ** ------ — vºy zº- ſº q v-y T Uºmº ſº ºmºm w x º: —— --- zº-_º. … . … *_-_^_^. A- am-ºn- ) —C —£9 :--R-Fe-2–4—º-H–– 1– S –i- ################ #### ==######". +++ s cherish thee throughout all life, And glo . ry in the no - ble strife. -(2- -O- -O- º :* -e- Biº-E-F#t= ==EH H= | A —Lt.--—— ——--— wº-y !--- V- Y_y =^m_n | vºyº U- –––H– Y-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-y wº-wºmy-wºmy-ºmr-vº-vºmºr-wºmy-ºr ſºm m | =EEE, ===N=s=E=3 2–2–3– | –G– –G– " +T-3T3: ...T.3. T. HE COM IIIN G. TIME. 201 C. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —- -g- ------ —--—--—-l—— |-- º *Tºrº v w—w—w—w—w—w—w—w —--!— — — — — — — —— | #–E– ——A—N. –A–H * i. --——I | | \– | 1. The sliad - ow's tremble on the up - land steep; The 2. With o - pen vis - ion il - lumed with light, God's 3. Good an - gels wait for the com - ing time, An N -O- sº-zTºs —— O— O— --—-1 H H- — FE-º-Fº ºr | Tº t H-H-I--— mists roll up from valleys dim; And o'er the boundary of time's great deep, I seers divine the things to come; Truth’s glowing cir - cles broad and bright, Ir- on their ho-ly missions sent, They’ll bear to mortals the truth sublime That 2– - -º-, -º- *H*E*H-E-F#–E–F#–E–f # Tº TN-T TI. - — =2|== — =; –2–1–62; v ºn I* - ºl © C © V/ W See a clear and shin -ing rin; A day with blissful hope all ra - di - ate our earth - ly home. We see that darkness and con- calls the spir - it to re - pent. All hail, the cy - cle of the —O- *. -e?- | N e. -O- -O- 5:=#t=#E*=::==#EE =::=#E =EZE=E=7–2=E=== ==== :=== V V V ————H–N T TI-II T23 Tº-º-E.-H. Aſ a ST-Lº-º- (##H#H#=#E EEEſº -O- -23- 3. gold - en, Is dawn - ing o'er the earth at last, Ful - fu - sion, Which fill the land with crime and woe, Will a - ges! E - vol - ving from the false, the true; The -a- * amº m • -º- | -O- :=2==============Ha-H *—HL # ==== Tiz TVTET: EZ-FE* |-- | fil - ment of a promise old - en,Whose brightness shall eclipse the past. flee before the grand dif-fu - sion Of good-ness, peace and love below. glo - ry that its morn pre - sages,Shall yet create all things a - new. |- | _ C -º- -C- -o- C–? _º- -> -- KY-FEE-º-º-º-E-º- FIFs-2 2*-º-º-º-º-º-º-Ez– †E *LEE |- —HZ-W-V-v-v ºf [- 202 HEAVENLY LIGHT. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ####### +EEE Tº sº. ##. —l 6, Ftº-º-º-º- Q. if O 1. Shine out, O sun of righteousness! No cloud should hide thy light, Or 2. Why wander in the maze of doubt, Of ig - no-rance and sin 3 Ope 3. We'll scale progression's rugged hill To reach the glorious hight, Where N. #: * – 7. 9:###### =#EEEE +++ # = HºHH==== #5-º-º-º-º-º-º-d–H–F–F––NH-----N-F—-NEE-E *#########, | & &= `--> shadow veil thy glo - ry fair Like curtains of the night; Oh, wide the chambers of the heart, And let the light come in; That we may dwell for - ev - er-more, In pure un - chang-ing light; Tho’ z-a-t—e—e--- ſº ſº ſº - T-I –––––--— — — — — — = –- –- 0. 5:#; —e—e—e EIT =E. p—p—e-Es------>== *###–E–F–5– =p-te—e =====#EEEE A- ==E==== T-W-T—t-T-5 v | y - > y { { { ſ ————º–a–He ––– §2=t-g-g-g-g-tº-º-º-º: ===?= +EEFEF i `--~~ < * melt the frig - id.locks of earth, With thy mag-net-ic glow! That the deep | we may feel God's boundless love; His grace benign and free, And the up- | cragged rocks our feet may pierce, Or thorns may be our crown, For the e - s _--> N -*-aſ-a-Lº-º-º-º-La-Z-2– *††ELLEL ===#E *—º- wir-º- -Py— tº º 2 CHORUs. ——- —N––– F= Isº-ºº--N-N- FF-º-Fºr-Eg-g-H —FA-H | - A-. A---. º { zº A— A fountains of our souls, May rise and O - ver - flow. EHe lift - ing power of truth Which bringeth lib-er - ty. | Light, heav-en-ly ter - nal cause of right Our lives we will lay down. ==-4—º–A–r-ſº *—re—h-l—-N--~~~~f-e—e— :#;"5–E–F–F––a–2–E–EE-s-s-s-Eº TI- 9:# ######## === ſ #### ++. E-NEEEEEEN {#tiº -- 3–3–3; --N--—a- ºs " - ºve º light beaming from a-bove,"Tis the blessed token That our God is love. =1. 2-> 2-> {} -º-º-º-º-Tº-º-º-º-ºf-f : A-2–1–H HHHH-Fº-º-º-Hº-E-Ee-ºf-E *- | ſ —O— * = & +---—H–H– l— #E ====Fir-tº-vi-Vir-fºr-º-º-º: IFIERUIT OIF I BILESSING.. 203 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -] TH —l 1. The soul that bless - es most is blest, We hear the true leart 2. If man would on - ly strive to live In kind - ness, love and 3. For he who does the best he knows A -long life's dust - y – __-º- --------|--|-- ***—*——º 9:#Ha- Eº-Eº-º-E-º-º- FEEEº-sº *i-º-Hºº-º-º-º-Hº-j-º-º-tº-º-º-º-º: F T V-F H--- ºr-ºrmºr-wºmy-wºmyº-y | | º/ . –––––––––A- A-> v-u- ~m_m -mſ-ºf-mºm-mm-mm, um |-4–––––––––. --- mº-º-º-º-º-mºmºmºmº ——— &= =E====== H––A H-I-it- ( =s=EGFs-first L------- ---- -23- T †:-3. - FFs- *:: a say, And they who toil 'neath love's behest,Make smooth life's rugged way. peace, And learn the laws that heaven gives, How would life's joys in-crease. track, Will find the rec-om-pense that comes Thro' blessings rendered back. Ms | | ... -(2- - - -O- -º- BE 2E=== İTº Is–º-º-º-E.-------|-r —- l: ; [ _ FI l 1 -- | ! i-A--A £ 2*LjLFs-E-L-Lº-º-EEEEEEEErra-II- 4–3– —-eº. H-H ----v----—r ——A __º - v in TT —— ——- | E H=H Hºº Q_ --THE & i There is no lack of light and love, In this broad fruit - ful There is in ev - ery hu - man heart A wealth of good ll II - Then, come thou spir-it of the Christ! That stilled the waves to | ( > ſº ºp 9:H:H=::=:=:=::H= !-------HHH \ ^A_ _n _* | | || TE-ITINITIATTCTIT U B E+2="E TL =#|| £TC2–I ## —l ======= -Laº land, And God's own truth from heaven above,The spirit will ex-pand. told, Then, why not choose the bet - ter part,Our high-er lives un - fold. rest, And teach our hearts this gold-en law,Who blesses most is blest. -O- -O- | —Q- " -ø- d | | kº-33==Eº-º-º-EEE-E-E-Tº-FE Fe+. –F# -—— Eºtº-º-º-E 2–2–a– =Hºº-º-EEE3–ºf– H-Hº--—s—H-p- [− 204 As LIGHT EEAMING FORTHI. MIT. LE13ANON, N. Y. | 6 –7- --~~~~ 2- H––f- ——-- Zºº TE–KTLN- ==E=N=EH *2+---E----|--zº EHEEPFF-3– ##-º-º: | w As light beaming forth in the o - ri - ent sky Sheds glo - ry o’er ––––––?--- me ſºmu wº. -um me -w- wºme ºu a wºm, ºr wºm ################ ºv–9–2 v 3–F–F–F–F–A–F ++= NIIT -g ºr 3: ‘" w | -Q- -O- -O- - BiºHº E-HE: fºLITETELEEEEI. Ee- ===2 Es-e-Es == === ====E======E==== —F-F-I-I-T-Z-E--s—p-p++–E–F–F– H==#EEE TE. Tº H:=## ——————H- 2––C–E– —O—C––– bless - ings un - num - bered and free. So God's boundless love from the N 'N -C-e -º-, -º- -º- -º- -o-, N | ſºme me sº- Tº -º- ÖFT TITE-ITI HºHE v-y 2=======E== ===2–H s FE=E=HEFº | | #### # day-spring on high, Brings blessings un - numbered and free. We feel the warm ºf £ 3-3 3. Hi &=f_h=^e =-& 4- ( : sº -O- N N s-TETº-º-I -º-º-º -º-º-F--- ÉHº-º-º-Hº-É= ---9–9––e--- m-ºw-vºv-P *- mº -——- v-y | – N -N- Nº N_ amº . HESHER THE===#H#H==# I? # If ### 3–2.É Hº: glow of its life-giving rays, Expanding our soul's highest powers,0ur hearts swell in !--- —, ± 2–a–ſº— LIT TETETE- ##### +H-F—w—w- AS LIGHT EEAMING FORTH. 205 +. N *—— N__s —H--N ––H wr-ºr-wºmy-ºm-ºr -T—F–-— -º-g ITTLTT. T. -L-I-Zy- E::" HEEE Hº–G– + O > o—-o-º: º | songs of thanksgiv -ing and praise For joys ev - er - last-ing are ours, Our __-º: – Ez. T - is: vºmy ( ) -O- -o- -º- 3. 9::==#EE:=# ===E=====EEEEEEEE E*E=E=EEZE=E=== ===== *TºT TEATT|T —F Hº-2-1-v-v--- *N ex -R----- *AH- #EE ====N==Es-º-º-Es-I * mºm, sº sº. fººm -º-o- ºf 3–3. g-º-º-Hi W ------|-- C hearts swell in songs of thanksgiving and praise, For joys ev-erlast-ing are ours. O er, -o- Q WH [IEN ID A.I.E.L.F.C.?INI [IN G. S. H. IAI D OVW S I FAI LI L. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ="EEHE3–2 Fs—s tº- - **-* #: ºr *H-----NH=N ENERE —l ——A- | G T TI hºme * = \ —a- -(J- C. -p I -— — – ---T-L ###.--R-N-=N== =y-y---> w- A * sº- #: +: ºf = ºr 1. When dark’ning shad - ows fall O - ver my way, I pray that 2. Let faith be turned to sight,That I may see When in this E-º-º-º-º-Frg–f----- *—º- = - T-T —#–H F= ==E=E=E=HEEEE + w * VT2 | N *H: ===L-N-N- Fi—º—d-a-s———A - * : JTº-T- -—i- -O- " an - gel friends With me may stay; Caus - ing the light to shine heaven-ly light Bless- ings for me. While on the road of life re—e:—e—"—1–"—e-–2–A–"—"— H======= =#|H=::=::==== H===#E=#EEEº-E+7=3–f- r=w=z=r-º-º-º-º:=/=/=4= [i-S -N-- | v-Tº-y —N- -º-º: ---——- - In - to my soul, That per- fect love di-vine May have control. I shall not fear, Know - ing that an-gel friends Ev - er are near. a. * —º-—º-º-º- ---S-I- *=#########|| +2===#EEEZEZEEZEEEEEEEZ. º 206 IPEC.A.CIE ANI D PJ LIENTY. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ######## 1. There com-eth a time, when sor-row Shall darken the earth no 2. There com-eth a time of sow-ing The seed of the king- dom 3. There com-eth a time of reaping The true, from the false and 4. There com-eth a time of weeping, Unknown to the earth - ly 5. Re - joice in the past and present! Re-joice in the time to N P-4– –A–1–h-A-R-A-I-A- # —--- #EEEEEE Es ºr ===#EEEEEEEEEEEEEE w—ºr-ºr-º-º-º-º-º: wºr-wºr-v-wºr —vºr ——w- ºr CJ &- new ; It fall- eth alike on many, As falls the evening dew. vain; The fan of the Lord shall sever The chaff,from the precious grain; mind! A sorrow,that works repentance, Fre rest shall the spirit find. come! The wilderness soon shall blossom, Earth's desert plac-es bloom. ——º- ſº ſº—ſº ſº ſº ſº-s--— 5:#; -------|--|-º-º-º-º-Hi----º-º-Hi----|--|--|--|--|->== zº- #H# +5+5=s=#5+5F =s+5+*= ==== ------------ ++--- it =:::=::= more, When Peace, with her snowy pinions,Shall rest upon ev-ery shore; In the true and honest-hearted,—Rich soil for an increase, It shall And the golden sheaves be gather'd To Christ the living head; Souls,in When the books of mem'ry o-pen, The sea gives up its dead, Shall the And the ransom'd turn to Zi- on With ev - er- last-ing joy, While the ſ tº G | When the fear of war,and carnage, No more the heart shall seize; But the Hi-HA-AA-A*=s+e−f-fif-à Hit::::= 5:# :===#E swº- , 4- #Ex= FH: +3=# º-º-º-º: 2- -tº-o-o-j-v-twic == # === =-tº-zz- -—A — H- r——— fºL EYENT D -º-º-º-º: « notes of joy and gladness, Beborne on the gen - the breeze. | rip - en, and the har-vest Be fruits of an end - less peace. | peace and love ce-ment-ed, Shall eat of the liv - ing bread. song and word of tri-umph Be sung,and by thousands read. | horn of peace and plenty, Shall fol-low their blest em-ploy. } amſºm” • * —A-– mºm N A---- A- 5:#EEEEE:- |T- ######|| y y º y I son G OF TRIUMPH. 207 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. {{#####EEEEH ==N= §2-tº-º-º-º-º-º-tºº-º-º-º: o ( 1. List to the mu - sic, heavenly mu- sic, Waft - ed on -ward | 2. 'Tis the song of in - vi - ta - tion To the ar - my 3. Ye who’ve borne the heat and bat - tie, Ye who've stemm'd the 4. Robed in rai - ment,bright and shin-ing, Wash’d in Jor-dan's 5. Earth- ly he - roes, kings and no - bles,States and kingdoms 2- 3–?—º-E-º-º-Hº- Głºg-2-FFF . 9:# ========== º —H-------º-F—H k' W º W W . #4–5–54–E–s-s-s through our sphere, Borne on the gales of sweet redemption, Roll the echoes of the Lord; 'Tis the breath of in - spi - ra - tion; Swell the voice in beat - ing tide, Look - ing not for self-ish hon- or, Nor the fame of lim - pid wave,Scal - ing glorious heights of free-dom, To the re-gions may ob-tain; But, can nev-er feel the glo - ry Of this sweet im- ---, *.- Bā; # far and near. "Tis the song of triumph, Sung by an an - gel band ; rich ac - cord, In the song of triumph Sung by an an - gel band, mor - tal pride,-Sing the song of triumph Sung by an an - gel band, of the brave. Sing the song of triumph Sung by an an - gel band, mor -tal strain; 'Tis the song of triumph Sung by an an - gel band, —º-s—r— | * -º-º-E-G i- ( fly-ºw , … * I T © ºf ! RERENEEREF=== ==Hi-Hº Bear - ing palms of end-less victory, Marching to Im-man-uel's land 1 *-**, *-i-º-, w O LOVIE, LOVIE IDIVINE 2 CANAAN, N. Y., l––– --~-_-_- A. 1 1–– +-y–7– O love, love di - vine, thou art potent to save; As oil on the 9:#HF: O t======== *—f f : : "A tº P- - }* = *–4– | P -H-A-M-E-R-H-N-N-HN-- HE*===#EEEEEEEi- ====#EEEEEEE:== —º-s------ wa - ters thou art might - y in power! To qui - et and calm the r ſ . . *- ( * *w- ºr ºrd - -O- -º-, -º-- N N ==#=#===f=E====== —— = &m *—A. s—s—º-º-º/--— F—9– + -º-A—A- -- s– | º =Hº-NHNH===E= -###-F### tur - bu - lent wave, And stay its wild dashings on the storm-beaten shore. =t-ºf–t 5. E=========E; —y–H–2–5, _* * * * #########EEE =r-º-Hº-f-y-ºff-y-º-º-º-Hº-ji=== Roll on, roll on, blessed in - flu-ence roll! An o - verflow - ing foun - tain of good in each heart, 'Till peace like a riv - er shall -O- =E===###P- | A- #EE Eº-Eº-E –4–E*—º—º– <- e—9–5– : - o LovE, LOVE DIVINE 209 -g-g-g-s-s-s-s H. fill every soul, And con - ten -tion and strife shall for - ev - er depart. AºA re-z-z-f-r A- HH worris FOR THE HARVEst. | —ay—2–2–23– CANAAN, N. Y. ſ\ . . . . 2- N N ºr-wºmy-º-y-º-º-º: F-—N- FF--T-—T-T---T— ——N H–F– ====N=-R-A- ss=Nz TET. T.N.ININTºº-TSETSIT tº \m, –a– F-- N ... I AH4 —l- 4-º' -- A - - - | —N —l | — *—— §#= F#F#2 –3–t-º-º: : #### Work,for the harvest time is near -ing, Work, for the laborers are few ; -º-º-º-o-º-º-o-' e-_ -e?— -E-L-T- E D l 2E 3–5–2-i--- *E*EEZEZE2-Ezº- =H=:::: | | 2 - [. ºr —T º-F—e--e- ºmºmºmºmº Y --> -—— #E::=====Ez== | SH2--> f=::: *=== itz-TzT | ºf V W W Work, for a new day is dawn - ing; Prune ye the vineyard with care; -º-, -º-" -º- 2 -º- - _-º- ºr – N —a-— =E===#–E–3+2–=F-F-Lº-º-º-º-º-H4+= ==HEEZłż a=== *-is-s-ſ-s-H-Tº-H p—º-—f- —Hº-º-H-e-tº- ſº- 4–st N. | –A–A– ºm º * , E2j−EEEEEE *::=####|| •-º-º-º-te-a-E.----------tz- tº- W Now,while the sun gilds the morn -ing, God will the fruitage prepare. -C- -O-" 2. _{* * > º:- -º- -º-" º— *-i-º-Hº- Fe+e−e-fe :=EEEz=} *L± 2–R2–2=E2 # A-...--—A—A- s 3–E u-2-H2-----| y—w—w —F we - > -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ººm' sºm-ºf-_ºf_h 2 wr | w 210 IN spire IT UPLIETED. H------- MT. LEBANON, N. Y. II].` ENE HT — -1– —s- *::::::: ; ; # *A*- † º -O- e i ſã 2. H-H |-- E-i-º-º-Fé–ºf–F– -tº-3-º-E2 Fjºb- & | p-n- –E–F–Eº ( > Tºſt BiºH A- === # = —l [-1-I-- *-w #EEEEEE #ziº-E spir - it up-lift -ed, on beau-ti- ful hills, I roam 'mid the —º----|--|--|- à-4 = x }=-mºm. I- T- f * , * dºw- 2- -º- - i-b–H–E-- ( * *#5-2–5– | ~ | | -dºm, awºwº, tº 3: Tº s Tºjº glo-ries of my fut-ure home, While sweet inspi-ra-tion my be-ing in - –2–2–2–I-2–º |- #H#HF: TTITLETTI. L | | *—e- —— fills, And I foretaste the joys of the world to come. Thro' heaven-ly —ſº- - - | --- —H- & H-19—az— |-- *– – H–1– | tº -Q- - - -tº- |_ e_e + , e—f f : 9:2-º-FE-Es-in- { =9–b-i- — T T -O- Q = -O * arches sweet anthems resound, And chime on the ear AP—ſº—r £2— * * * * * * Eff:2=HITIEEE ###### –- wºm-tº-º hº |-ta-g—º-E2—*- Tº aſ ! } near; While angel-ic bands march on hal-low-ed ground, And step to the H–––– –2—0– –5–5–2–3–EH-E-HEE — ym. tº- mºr — ſº ſº— BºžE:=#EEEEEEE Lº–s- – FP- —L– F-F----- | – l —I ... I -----------—H----— N - m ºr ==#EEEE FH: †s: —- s— E3– *—Ee-g–5– -3- ––G–L2– : N- º from far and ZT-I —º- -º-º: … * H IN SPIRIT UPLIFTED. & A-a- ºr mº ºr " Y-y ºr v v-y º *- #– * A A ===º- tº- | | g & - « - =C= º, tº- ** ( \ºme *=^*=^ =w=º-º-º- ºr- º- | | ] 4-2 tº- ** —eº mº U - A ==-& ºmºmº PJ • -- Lºs i- « » ~ * Nº. | mu - sic har - mo - nious and clear. Oh, this is —Lºº. –F–F Eº-E e —H· O - P- er, F-S-L-9–9—s— –2-Eg-º-º-º- 3–fºe T T . — == –7-y- 2–3– 5–5–9— t-g I PER, AISIE HIA THT ENTIEEE EID MITY I Hiſ E.A.) ER, T. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -—t-e-N-N-I-2–A–º--N-- –– ENEREF=FP+FP+EEEF —— EEFººt-HZE*E=EE*-ā- Praise hath entered my heart, Joy hath sprung up in my soul; For God's eº, #t====EEEEE SERENEERENE-Hº Fe: —2–4—9–H–—*- ======== ==== Cº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-w Q_2 goodness to me is unbounded, His mer - cy and love o'er me Leiz: if -———"—ay =w=w= roll, As the waves break upon the sea, How can I repay Thee; but thro' | [. ——- →--—º— & Lº mºm? Zºº; #FEEE-E-F###EEEEEEEEEEN —s-Hº-z-H-I-Hº–H–H–—2–H– -H, -º-tº-a-La-La- * –E–-------H-v-H- H–v-ty-------------- sac - ri-fice and prayer. O Lord, Thou art my helper! I am shielded #H#H##### ſé. #EEE Fº- #####: + by Thy care, I am lifted up in spir - it, And my soul bursts forth a- /* sHz-is-s-B #"Tº Te Tiº N: **- ––C– s– new, As I covenant to serve Thee, And my ho - ly faith re - new. him s # tr—-2-2–s— I LIFE”.S. VICTORIES. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. •º-º- ſ -- Uºmº J hºmºs —l— sº 1. I'll fol - low Thee, O bless - ed Guide, "Till all Thy walks I 2. To Ol - i - vet how oft re-tired, Blest mount of praise and 3, Hath not each soul a hal - lowed place, A chal - ice and a 9*:::: tfºLiº-ti- º– vºsºr—Yºr-wºr ºr —- a—s v-y 6 } | { | l | •-º- --- vºm vºy - vºy —Hº-Hº-Hº | T | } > > º *— ºf a - LTTET HHH <-> ºn —(J- trace! And seek the fields where Thou hast won The conq'ring strength of grace. pray’r; Where as - pi - ration spread her wings, And soar'd from ev - ery care. shrine, An al - tar pure, where Christ shall bring The bread and living wine? Q_ -º-º- Đ: ſt-E - * Y-y # \– The strug - gle in the wil - der-ness,Temp-ta - tion with - out When tri - als com-pass'd Thee a - round, How sa - cred that re - The gar - den with its ag - o - ny Faith's fi - nal test may G): |= Hz− =#EEEE ===E=E=E: E-E: EPE |BāHá–F#Et=#EHáEF# T l T | T | T T T ############. Hi-Li-Iff Li TE: -tº-fi tº --> 3–5– sin; 'Tis here the glo-rious les-sons Of life's vic to - ries be - gin. treat, A- lone to pour Thy soul to God, And heav'nly unc-tion meet. prove; For God each human heart shall try, 'Till per - fect in His love. -ſº. —62– s:-------—trf–e-c2–tra-e-E2–2-2= ( > 2–F–F–F–Ha-F-H –F3–E–F#–E–Eg--- 2*::= }===E2–2-H2−p-Hº-H2–2-H2=2-H2===Hz−I © —-2. —l-l— 1 - -(+ -T— —- wº P x = - [-- ~T- —T-- ———— | | | A W Allºlº E'E&OM Y O UES, SLUIMIEEE&s. 213 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ––– N- ER: —H Fº-º- Tºjº ºf W W A- wake from your slumbers,come forth unto life! Is the voice of the -o- FF-º-º- H Pº- & Spir-it to all; The morning has dawned,the sun hath aris-en; 'Tis a /*N :=====e-La-º-Fº-º-º-Ha-f-f 9:#H#H#H- '--— =====Hº-tz-z-z-Hº- –E-HE-R-NHHeº-FSEN==== Eg- ### > =##### time - ly and glo - ri - ous call. "Tis the voice of the Heav-en - ly -O- 3:TfL = —º-rf–º–e-tº-1-º-º-º-º-Hº-Lº-e— Đºà–EHEHEE-Hºº-º-º-Hº-Hº- *-*-*—º-e-His-e-e=HE 2–2–1–––2–2–1–2–2–2– –A–-A—A- Tº sº. Tº > RH=HE|| gi-3E-NEcºtº-3– ELG-1. ºr wº | scep - tre of mer-cy and love,Saying “come, without doubting or fear !” | -(-)- -O- - *-wum-w —e-tº-f-fºr-2–2-S-H-N-a-rz–?—e–Ez- #################|| T#EE * . H--—- 2– ) ††† 2–4–3– -*—º-Hº-2–p— *– HP-pº-º-H F-—ºt—ºd-l-k º—5––a–F–F– z-Z º, 9–5–7–5 214 IIN G-OID IS OTUTIER, I HIOJPEX. MT. LED ANON, N. Y. —N–1– - —— °F +F2= – IºTº"Tº T. In God is our hope, our strength and our trust, As onward we -º- -O-e -2. -e- if f f: BřH===#=#==##=#=== *†-º-Eº-º-º-E2–3–Eº-y-EEZE=HEREº- & +–F–F–F | | | T-I-T- ---T- --- - Cº- —-C \ ^- A fºr A }-umº M-C, ym * * • * journey to heaven; For un - to the saints— as the promise de - clares— :* -e e_2 + -O- R-e- EEEz-Eº =Hz; † Nºw - Y-y :== #H — —— +- -—H---- | 3It L =======E======f Ev - er - y good thing is given. The world can - not know of the -º- -e- TºTTLETT T-Tſ. ------- EEEEEEEEE r-º- FF … * —T-- ———— ^m \mºm, z - A - -I TTº === g=====E===E=EH === —an——F —T-——--- ––C–H–C–a1––a–Cl–º- &——t- = *- •–-s-s-s-s-s--- joys that are ours, Nor taste of the bliss that we share,"Tis on - ly for 2- -º- -º- -º- †-Es-s-s-H T-I---- ^* = , w—w—w wºr-wºr -- | ––––– | ( * 22--------.S.--NEº-º-º-TE N=NE-º-º-Hº- #Fair CŞT2T ======E=E=g: =====EHE-HEl ->}4-–63— —e--- ſº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- Y -v- -E2j−2– –G–C–C–– *—t-- those who are will -ing to toil, And are faithful the bur-den to bear. -º- . -O- - ) -º- -(2- -O- A- -e. -º- - - -2-" 9:====E=====E=#H#|| |2 T-2Tº Tſº-Li. *EEz=z-e-Es-º-º-Hº-E-R-Ez- —F-tº-p-ºf- r—— v=v-H--------- IN GOD IS OVR HOPE. 215 –6––––––––– -———l—— ==N=E==E====EEE HHHH KPI-3-3-3–Ez- ### HHHHHH | t —Gº- Heav-en-ly love, heaven -ly love! de-scend like bright sunbeams up- -º-, -º- -º- -º-, -º- BiHHF £HºHº ===== H=== F FFFFF- | FFF == • F-H v-w F. ### HERENF2–s-ºſ- -2—s—e-ºf- w | Q_ on us to - day, Il - lu - mine each heart with a ra - diance di- & º -e- -a-, -e- -O- -Ø- -º- - - -º- -O- -O- – H---------|-- —— —H-----T-H--H. --I-H –-H-—H– † s É. * ===Hz− === Pºtº-º-º-E-LE-E-L-E.Ez–E-E-- T-I-T- F–H–i–H–5–5– ET ##|| I-–1— yºm wº- ſº & A-w | +++H=Hz-e-Ez . | ---|--|-si- –Fs— Es-F2== [. =HE → E=EEEEEEEEEED-E2–2HE3–" ++-2–e-e–e—e—- [ _º 2–H–s- |-eºr— `-- vine, And chase every dark cloud away. And chase every dark cloud away. _--> -º-, -e- -º-, -o- -º-, -e- -a- -o- -a-, -o- -o- +- + -º- -e- -a-...-a-- « — 2–ºfe-º-º-Hº- HEz-e-Ez-e-EEPEEEE *E=- F====HHHH === as: TºTºTºTºTTEZTEEEEE H#|| Đ:= 2- †: . Mººm. LET MY NAMIE EE RECORDED. GLOUCESTER, ME. =--——R-—NT—H-A—R-R-R-N-N U -- Yº Y Yº -º-º –A––A. | **— mºm, -N-N: –––fº-R-RIFIN– —N—A—R-H- ——-— | #RE S-N-ºf-E===> Eg-º-Hº-H 5– º ºj4-----a –aj—ay—--— -—--—-s——ay —— Let my name be re - cord - ed In the book the an-gels keep, Where each H}#—-A—-N--R-E-r------R-N-z-z-Tz-L-N-L- ºf E ===Hº I-T-N- is re-ward - ed, And the seed I have sown act —s—----—s-s-s-s-s-s----s—s ſº a Tº [-º,-- —A-H-A——i\–—i—º—HA-— z-º-º-º-PLſ. If–ºf–ºf–YLE ºf TE-Tº-s ſº w— –3–2–º-Ez- ºr *E=E= ——w—Es == wº- ºr " S o when the an - gel reap -er cometh, And the harvest time shall be, ===SINES E*-a-a-2 I shall find in my Father's house,There's a mansion reserved for me. 216 TIREES, SWAYING TEEEDs. CANAAN, N. Y. wº-mºm L_* —N --- #EEEEEEEE –21- 2–~1–P-1- { Fº == #F#–E–F#– Trees,swaying trees,Waves, whispering waves, Ye tell of the glory of |-|-> Iº *-T *-* > -: == FT--—— ##### land and sea, I find on the land and sea. In care of the angels I -º-e 2^NT2 ºr " £2— —r-º-º-i-- 9:#F#HE v-7 ===zf-A-º-º-º-A r: rest by night, I’m led in the paths of peace by day, God's beautiful rainbow of —s—? —ſº- -º- -º-º- ~ º ——º- Bäf-FE =EEE ######T- ###### 2:#EEEE 2-H2—2– -H-4–H–p-Ho-º-º-o-o-º-º- A. 2- f=; ; ; ; H===, tº 3–2–3–7– —nºt t_ v=uº-mumum ºº * > . . . . mºmºmº *##REENER=RER =R =; HHHHHHH A-. promise bright, Is gleaming above my way, Is gleaming above my way. –04— EXPAND, O MY SOUIL 7 ==F ºff. H-f -e--- Q —O—t——O L —H– F- /*N | * * dº w *::LE Rºt}-—23– —a– H -O- wº --- aszā-e-I-2–2– 9:#F#–EEE -— F ===== | CHERENE 2– —ſº- -ſſ- O— N —O—C–2-- Hää === re-ºr- 217 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. E-H- ſ -T- sº- N FFHº- is ºf E ºf W Drink, deep-ly drink of the spir - it-ual waters, In thy Zi - on | home. . ſº- -*— g -º- e. e. ſº. _ſ_2 /* c)HIf T2-ET ºf Ef EEEEEEEEE ====== †:-º-º-E-H-E-Hº-º-º-Hº-p-Hº-º-º-Hº- f-ti-EZ-FEHy–7–F–F–F–A–y-ºff —N —L- —f- TT ###EEEE EEE-- *——e—s——2–g- ++, God - li - ness ev - er present, Worketh peace, peace and rest. —º-e- º– º 12 218 LIGHT, LIGHT IS SIHINING.. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. H -º-Fe-2– Light, light is shin-ing all o - ver Zi - on 1 Oh! let us bask in its –––– SE ——s—-1– #. # = ºr-º-, --— rays from a - bove; 'Tis the lov - ing kind - ness of the Om - --~ • *-* : *—--------. * * N 9 #: H– =#E: EEE EIT s– TI ſºm-um, *- ºm > || I—- T T Æa 4- l ---- *—--v--—--—----- s dº P = *——w-—-—----- rººm - tº ºmºmºmºm == *——-N-H--—A + ==HE ===NE HEEl-BIs. 2–3–2– H-5-ºf- Ed:#F#–E–F#-sº *-i-º-f TH |-T º nipotent; 'Tis but a proof of an In - fi - nite Love. Smile on us, ( ) 4 º' < * * 2-> O ( , —º-fººt-ºf-e-r-º-º-º- E–F–P-HELP—º-H=====::==== *** =V+==y+- vºy—wºr-wºmy ( —- º C. ºr-wºmy HHAT = \{z-H -vi-T--—N-F-Li- R-Ty— ––a–s—2–0– Ç tº gº & t + º- Rºº->=-a-----a-a--5–-s-s *:::::-º-º-º-º- -Q- " Fa - ther, thro’ the clear sun - light, When tears of af - flic - tion > N |-S | –JTº e. f = 2 - . . . | #-ºº-º-HE –E–F–––– -----Es------ 9: –E–F–F–F–F– === ––––E–H– 2– FFs-s-Fe-tº-º-º-Fs-F-y- | w V º T[2-Ta-ºl'ſ 2. (TTTTTTINITIST =###### – sº-º-º-º- * L. him mºurum- —£4–--—”———g—25 -;-- min-gle with our joys; Bless us Heav'nly Moth-er, from Thy throne of | º s -º- -º- -º- -º- - -(2- wn ºm me —' F-A-E--— –3–3–E= - Aº #H-— —— H----H Tº TTT | - 9:#Hº-Hº-Hº-H ———- ===ſ**E=E-F-E=| ==#E T H s =|| •-g-g:*::::-º-º-º-º-e :=::=t. ( > y ~- mer - cy, Till we're perfect - ed for Thy last-ing choice. –––A–F–A–s—º-. A- Y > awº-ºº. __--> º f:FfHº-Hº Fe-a-Fºr-º- —————-- =====E===He-p—º-E-----|--| *===HHHH = w | | i G-LIVE ME THE ENOOD OF A N G-ELS. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. :===Fº: =t2===## s—º wº-y |- - & ( ) Give me the food of an - gels, To sustain the bet-ter part, And may the ! •+,-,------ºf- ! –3–º-º-º-º-Ezº. | 1–—1—l fºLiº-His —w-º-H-I-F-z-z- ---ºn- -FF F2– Eiri-º- ºr === Eº-º-º-º-º: th-s- a 2. — w-w-w Y-y H H; V * ------ – | A- —l. -- T + | ––– | mo - ment lasts, Not the strength that in tri - al shall fail; En | -O- < SHE TEEsº-º-FºEEEEEEE -2–a– Tºl Bř H. :====V+=== —s—e–F–F– p—p-H- —H 0. & *. O A ūy- Tºm' __. N º-ºº-º-º-º-w-wºw 24–E FSFHEREE ==|| um=U= - -3- #EEE Tørh —j-" Q_ -e- -2'-. = « » s | | . dowed with life from the pow'rs of good, I shall o-ver death pre-vail. s 2 -º- e := -2: Re-e: = s__. z--- ====EE –EE |------|- E-P-E"—E-º-º-º-º-E. =|| ºr > }- —---- ( * [ zº -v- ºm. tº º i– =======Hº-º-Há: H---—w—º-H-v-v-,-----r | * 220 I AMI IESO UNID FOR THE SUMMIIT. CANAAN, N. Y. N | —N ) ºr-º-º: ſ ºr *rº-ºr-wºmy-wºmy •—I- Mº 2 m ºr ºv-u- - A Y &ºmºm ––Cl– { |- sº- * = *-m- * * —-C *-*-º- -a. O ( , wº-y ºrmºr-ºr I am bound for the summit of Zi - on’s hill, Where rough winds of r: -O- -O-" -O- -e- 2 -º- -e- -e- -e- -a-, -º- + - | → -9—s– 2––2–2-T-C —HT- ITLTTI - * my hºmº T E. }- }* } nature for - ev - er are still; Where an-gels of love in har - mo-ny .# e. f * * * * #### ###### O =f- 1--- Q = == A. ####### v-my |--| --- ) * ~ * 4- -ºº- ( ; * > ( > * > ( * ==# #: ## — =# —H. C C——C wº-iº H V O dwell, And sweet songs of praise togeth-er swell. I long to be there’neath their ] -O- -O- -O- -O- | -> -º- - ; :: -O- -e- -o- -O- *-): # === #EEEEEEEE =#### & * = Fº: —A–N Tº T Hi-E =E===== is Tº II C G * = h- =F Lº —l-º-º-º- ſº s C ten-der care, Their hallow’d influence of love to share; 'Tis a heal- ing -º- a -(–)- -(D- *-i-º-º-Ef-e— ( * H 3 # , –H–A–Fs-º-FF- *EEº-º-º-FE –– Tº Li TE. *=E=s=== ETETE-IT-E-L-L H-r–5–2 v i &R ºf º-º-º- A ©–º-ºw. Uºmº 2- U --> mºr —---—N--NH====NH=== #|| ——t- H-s- ---o-º-º-Es- T Lü him ºr –2–4-2 Aſsº- *:------------------ C- - - -O- balm for the wounded heart, And strength to the weary it doth im- part. -º- -C- -O- Mºs 5:#E TDT ====E=EE :* ...TTT TT if "I gº ºffTET tº TºTE-Tº-Tº- y—- | W ---º-º--——A– P- -ºº-º-º-º-ºn amºm Cºmmº- ----------- - - *ti------—zi----|--|--|--|--|--------N- ſºm sm Čº-º-º-Hi-ER: dºmº J-5-º-º-º-º:====7# ===Hºº OHI, TER UTH IS EIEAMING.. 221 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —A — --- W Oh, truth is beaming up - on my way ! It bids me hasten no | ### Fº-E-º-º- *E*L*T*—f- BiºHº ITT *—p- — -Hº-jº-Tº- D w—w—w—T-p—e—w- { O -º- -g- -º- -º- -2. -ſº. -º- -º-. #-2–2–2–2–2– +IIIº-º-º-L-E-FEEEE|. H===#–E–F–F–F–A–Eº-º-º-º- º–a–—O——---— =~~~EFEZE A. … * *-g-g- Pass - ing val - leys and wat - ters deep, Still in my heart This p: -º- e. e. e. E–F–F––––a– O p—p--p-p-H -Fºy–F7F dº RP-º-º-; prayer I'll keep, O, an - gels my foot - steps guide' . . _-> ==E= #|| #EEEEEE H==== 222 GLEAMs OIF GLOERY. MT. LEBANON, N Y. -** — Y-Tº-y ===F-H=HF # –2–6 2–2 -- sº-----NFE H-Hº +:Hºf fºr-º-g: * FFF !--G-C-3- 1. Thro' the shades of sorrow softly stealing,Gleams of heavenly glory shine, 2. Never lin-ger-ing in the darksome valley; For our feet with truth well shod, 3. Blend our hearts in love and holy union, Father, Mother, with your power; º º B::::::= —Jºff -o- # *-*-āri-4 4–4–5-; if–ºf– FEE P:#EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE| # =#E –––––– H- sº A. | | –-F- –2–~~~~E~~~~~E TV º C–E–C–H–C–G–l-C | PZIITTITUTI Y-y IIST iTTTzT 4– TTL: « &_ 2- And a -bove the changing clouds of feeling, Souls look up to realms di- vine. Walk with faith the shining paths of du - ty, Which the saints all glorious trod. *Till the praises of a sweet communion, Rise like incense ev - ery hour. 2-_-2 ° -2-_a__-2- :* e_e º i _2: B; | *Tº TTTTT 2- s----|-- #-F#– * -3––F#–E–F#– 2–3–2–E-Lº-Es T-His-FEE- –E–F–E2– -F-F-FF-F-H * -º- ºf ºn 4 - ++ –––H +– Hº-EFFE-FFEEE 1 ==3; H= =H=####H Whence we draw pure in - spi - ration, Whence life's many blessings flow, Sweet the fruits of self - de - ni - al, We may gather on our way; Bless - ed trust Oh, hope im - mor - tal! With your light each moment fill, | ſº t -o-, -e- .*.e. -O- | -º-, -e- -a- r: -62– -Hº-Hº-ECEEEa–E –J–DTITIT-TDT. Hº-EEEEEEE|. w a-Es-in-E-Lº Ez- + --~~ -—-— ºr ==== H- —-T- —-F—He —— U - \ \ºmºmº H.E.E; #H#HEEEl ==== -*—g: -“g g-z-" And the power of full sal - va -tion; Blending heaven and earth below. Rich the rec - om - pense for tri - al, That shall crown the perfect day. Guide us to the gleam -ing por - tal, Waiting on re - demption's hill. 2- mºm .* [4–3–H —º- TE- A lºw-mºmum. Amºma ====E= *:: IINTIER, CIESSION . 223 CANTERBURY, N. H. yū ºs *E*—º-A—A Fºº — dº º –º º AE-A—A N__N --- H=== E---Ei-i- 1. Bap – tize with the power of the world to come, Fill us with Thy 2. En - light- en the man - y who're waiting to see Whither doth Thy light di - vine, - pen the foun - tains of truth for we spir - it draw ; - pen their hearts to a know - ledge of :=#F# ++Fy-y- H==== tº e —A. E–F–F–F–F– == ! . ałTº w 9. ( )— w ºf thirst, Make us dis - ci-ples of Thine. Hasten the time when the Thee, With power to o - bey Thy law. Broad is the field, and the ET. T –3 -:-3 – ſº —l º —H·- – *Eºr-my +=E=z= Rºsſ ºf Tº Tº Tzī’ & la - bor - ers shall be Many, in Thy vineyard Lord; gold-en har-vest waits, Needy is Thy vineyard Lord ; Sow - ing and Send to our N N * N N 2. &N. T. @-mamº, *o-ºe-a- *E==#EEf-H jº-Tºº ºf Ta’ Pi—. reap - ing a har - vest for Thee, Filled with the love of Thy word. aid ac - tive work- ers for Thee, Filled with the power of Thy word. | N N -O- -O- º: - -º- -O- N N /~ 2- -—l A--A wº-_º - —60—O— º sys ºw-wºº, —T- amº-hºs º -— A = e 9: EEZE::=#Eß-2 +=====E= : #|| —— ty—p-H2—— 2 tº º–G– wº-vºz vºy-ºr *mºr-ºr wºr-ºr wº-y ºr Yº-Yºº-y | vºy vºmy vºy vºmy-wºmy-my 224 IN OT ON THE W A VIES OF I FI EEILIN G-- MT. LEBANON, N. Y. # =#-F#-3-Hº-Pi—º- *—— Hº-º-FF } > > —-i-F =======E-R-E ————º--N- —a--—º---------— HE: C-g === out a set - the d pur-pose, or a foot-hold a - ny- where; But e. e. e. 5- N 9::====EH =#### z- Ti-T Ti ºr TúT. E–F–F–– *H 9 V V v W iſ __N N N N º P = x = x = - mº Yºº Y \m ºmº ºm > & ºm > *ºf \º =====FFEH-HERENENEN- | g— #3–3. ##### **** grounded on e - ternal love, our spirits form a home, Where no di- vid- ing > s N ſ sº-º-º-º-º-º: 9:#####EEEEE jºi=====###EEE: O O & ( ) ( ) º el - ements of discord ev - er come. Re - joice in the kingdom come,for ~ -º- 2 --> --> ===F#–3–2–3–F EHEEZEZE –– =N=E Eº-º: =###F#–? which the Sav-iour prayed; All strong in truth and right - eous-ness are N N | N R mºme Esº- **== — ºr-º-º-ºmr *-i- ſº ºf mºmº-ºf-ºf-ºs = =ſ_º º ——ſ"— 5:#EEEEEEE E–F–F–C–F––– ~~ Ti ==2 — A -- —l— fl-º- d - - , —-i-E-E- + H- —- '– iº –F–––– —C–4– •–E–s—--e— —ty— L v V NOT ON THE WAVES OF FEELING. 225 –N--> #º -s-s-s-s- | W its foundations laid; A glo - ri- ous in - her-i-tance! A-sy-lum for the op- pº N -(2- -O- N N is s:### } TELº-Lº. ------ E- =========== v-y TºTºILILE” ºf in 2- —s—s—s—s —---—p †† =s++:F 3–5– N { -e ‘ F-----— -*—T-A-R---N-- & \, -N-N-N-ai-Hº--N----NH-3 #FFFFF deº- * . tº-P 29- w-w-a-º. Tº press'd! Where the feet of the wander-er shall turn to find a place of rest. [ . N N N N N N N --- | A N N N N N N * 5:# =###### #|| ºf-a-ºf-st ====== *Nº. IN OT A FAIR, OFIHY COUNTIERY. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. !... . . 2- *—º-A—A-A*—4-4-4-4-4-4- .*. A-º-º-º-º-º: £----- --N-Hº-º-o-F-------N-H -ºſ-----|--|--|--N- -8- ==Hi:#; Æa º Aº-º. A dº- EEEN * +++++ - "Tw ††: ; ; Not a far off coun- try Am I journeying to; My heav'nly home is with ––P------- -º- p. !---º-º-º-º: BºğH############# ***ś----|--|--|--|-e-Es-º-T-Z-E-P-º-º-E------|--|--|--|-P- łłs-ºf-Es-s-witHºt+y=E=FF-5E-tº-º-º-yº _2_ —A-l-– -*-1– * #EE ##### –– TüT T C *=;= *—- –– me; My spir - it home's in view. The vis - ion grow-eth bright-er, I + -º- + -º- -º- e, e -º- v-ºr HºHº-Hº-Hº-EHF —H see within the vail, The spirit for- ces gath'ring; A pow'r that will prevail. _-> -º-, -º-º-º-º: -e-. f. N__|__N . N | | 9: ICTLLITIETCL ======E=E. Tai-s: *–2–2–2—º-Hº----e-H----- ––– —l—l— -Es---a-L-E------ - -—— Pºłł –6–9–0–6–1–9–s-—0–9– 226 YVOIRIR WIH [II LE THE ALN G.E.CILS WOJHºF.C. "MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ###HREF==HH== *š-z- -Hº- -E-L-L-N---it-Hi-º-º-º-Es------- §2–tº-º-º-º-tººt: tº-º-º-º-tº-3 —C.--— *-*—º-E--->---|--|-P----- —— L-I-P'- 9:-b6–E–E– Tri-Tº: Eºw-º-º-tº-sitt Pºši-HHHHHHHä —T-T—w- -º-,-,---—— = H2 —1– 5*--|--|-> NEºra ºf §2–g:-g-gi ==F2=2- while it is day; The Lord of the har- vest in fullness will re-pay, With _º -ſe- ----º-º-Lº-2-2–2-L. = 2^\ ºf NH=HEHF EEF-Eº-Hº-Eji=N==EN- ### If 2-Tº-Laº — vºy -º-º: +--— :=f º 2 aſs + dºm. S—f w S->' º peace and bless-ing, in the bright com-ing day. Oh, work in p-- A- A—º-r-—º—e—s— 9:#EEEEEEEE tr– A-A 1– H– *ry º H. A-A- — ſ | : #F ==ºt ==== earnest, while the sun is shin-ing clear! And slacken not your hand till the N *—ſe º-rº e º ſº— 952 :======#Eº-º-º-H ==== –F–F–F–5–4–2––– q ——H,- ºr-ºr | | - * N T -----|- −I Fº-º-º-º-t fruit- age doth ap-pear; You will have a full re - ward for | ---. ) -- - - --—r-ſº-ºr- —-ſº ſº—ſº--—ſº— *~N~– 2–~-º- fºrf–F–F– a—Lº ECECHE-- 5: : ºr I-— *-* , 2– mºr e—t-- \m ºr F- I- --> - -- Ł-5–2–2–E– ====Fº-º-º-º-Ee------------- wºr-wºr-wºmy—w HH- TWTT V | WORK WHILE THE ANGELS WORK. 227 ºf NHRHRF 5-HT-FEEE-NE *====== +H=HE q wº tº-P —N--—A *H -j-e-Es eº P-º-º: sº-we-a-a-a- ] -º-Hº- wº- —º– : Jº Tº •ºm tº- –a–ſº be all your toil and pain, Your labors in the Lord will not be in vain |BILD ESSECID JPER, OM (ISIE - CANAAN, N. Y. 0 ( - A_Y_b U-2 = -\ºvº-º-º-º-ve ſº - 24- umºmº - †- v- Y –r--N---A——Nºr-—— -um-um-ume-mº- —Al--——H–1–H NTNT: INFLI- H–s-——º-————ºd—l-——— –Ha!--N-d------|--—— =N=N=====E=E2EEsº-E=#EEE SEE # * :† aſ--zº—-2–– -º-º-º-º- -H 1. Rich the blessings of the faith-ful, Pure the treasures which they share; 2. Oft we gath -er fee -ble glimpses Of what Zi - on yet shall be, —ſ X- à:#2+*H*E*== fºLIz-Ef-Tº-La-La-s-s-Hºf-H +4+==HE : ======H-Hº-e-Ha-e-º-º-º-E--- → *- :-----, -º-º-Hº-º-º-º-º-º- | w w w | ——º-———l—— –A–r--N---—A——Nºr—— -N É à T =#EEEEE =#EEEEE3–#E::=HESE=ºf 2– --|--— ---5-º-º-º-2 They en - joy a sweet com-mun - ion, Free from earth and earthly care. And we feel a bless-ed pro - mise Of her fu - ture des:- ti - ny. &= ---,-,-f-f-a-º-º-º-º- ] # ===E== –5–5– 3–Ea FEERE- Băț=#EEEEEEff=#EEEEEEE ——-tº-v-v–v–––– ——p-py—w—2. -—A— * = . ººm ºr A A. A. Y. A - - - - , w-ºm-dºmwº | T flººm. Amºn a mºm A- * A Yºu umº- yºv-ºp * > ºr III E=="Ełłłż +===#E « Rise my soul with firm en-deav - or, Seek to reach those hights sublime, God will o - pen liv - ing fountains, Heal - ing waters will flow forth, [ _* * -º-, -e-, -e- | <\;# ==E======E_{= LTT =E====E== º if iſ º' * Ama-A—Amº-Am. } ze. a A_-_> =ºr mºº- H–E––RT---NT-i-Ez-i-T-N-R-ºf-TIN =|| ———A-4– ——N-----|--|-g—s——zi–H2-3—H--- =#EE ---, - ſº- | – ="HA --N == =#EEEEE4++ ==5– —s— ====E2E | Tº: © Nº m ºm > *|&m. : -w V/ aj-"Tz Where the victor's crown all glo - ri - ous With bright gems immortal shine. And the sin-sick and the sor - row-ing, Yet shall know their saving worth. -º-º-º-º-ºf-fif-rº-ºff-f-É IºIL-ITILTTETTTTTT *I |-- aw- +H======He—p-H2–H–=Hº-º-º-º-º-Hi 2 t=====# -º-l-Hl-–––Hy—y—w— l 228 TIR, UE WIE AI LTE [. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N_j *:# STENENE-NEYEFGFs-N- *::ff--it-i-INTN-N-NE-i -º-º--N- | –8– EE: g- N- *E=#EEEF-E- 1. We have not the burden of sor - row, That rests on the heart of the 2. We’ve left all the paths of vain glo - ry, For safe-ty in hon -es- ty’s 3. Thro' time lies a straight line of du - ty; To us is the pathway made à Am. o O —ſ) 1 –– A-º-º-º-º. A N a tº Mºº —o-º-º-H ->s--------H–H —E-tº- }. Bää ############## V —p-py—y—y—y– =V+====== ſºfº TT, * ſº-ºms | -*———º—— > A-º-º-º-º-º: –21-º- –Cl– l $7-g: juy- |. º -G- ! world, Who know not on what coming morrow, Fair Fortune's bright flag will be vale, Where truth, like the a - ges all hoary, Gives treasures that never can plain, The soul's wealth of glory and beauty,Comes on-ly thro’ tri-al and | l ########## #EEEEE E---- –2––ty Cº- Hy ====w-º-º-º- N tº- Pºme —O w Yº-Yºº-y *H:=::FE-i-f l - *m “m-m-má a- s RHEEEE -à furled ; For often they find without warning,Their hopes and their trust are be- fail. Proud Fortune ne'er walked thro’ this valley, Nor here would her votaries pain. Who catches at joy’s fleeting bub N ble, And pleasure pursues as a ( —ſº. as:H-º-º-L-2–[2–2–2–2–3–2–p-º-º-º-Pi—L-E-P- := 9:#f XTEE-I-T-Tº ––Hº-2– +---—2– F--— . 4-7 º' ºmºmºmºmum, re: 2- Ea vºmy > —l-— H-2–2–2–2, 2—2— --ſºm m QL - Cº- **** -º- —= trayed, Her riches take wings of the morning, Her pleasures like blossoms soon fade. dwell, With doubt and deception they tally, All bound in their magical spell. theme, Will find that their ways end in trouble,And life proves a vain passing dream. | * * *-_e_ H-e-H-E--—e- ++2=p-p-p-E= W====== —a SON G. OIF I LOVE. 229 MT. LEBANON, N. Y. : # *2E, 2- | F-N- H=HE-F E-EEE ———— –21– —H·3—11—Haj———— — ==#EE: Y-Tº-Tº-º-º-y +2==F | — Lº: H-e- — # < * . There are an - gel voi - ces ring-ing, Far o'er this world of By ig - no - rance be - nighted, Some nev - er know of Whose tones will soft - en sor-row, And ban - ish sin and Sing on, till vir - tue springeth In hearts that death en- ~ |→ ###2 TI à # | v-Tº-y == =2|=#EE woe; A clear sweet song they’re singing, In ac - cents soft and rest; The hand of war hath blighted, And all the earth Op- strife, And bring a bright to-morrow, The dawn of ho - lier tombs, And earth with glad - ness ringeth, A par - a - dise still -2. -a-, -e. . | HaE - ===== ==E2= –E*CT a L. | 2- +-Fty-F H === -- a-- A—º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-A—º-k—A–A- U- - - v-y U - * * * > Fºr ——l— —— zº- A-_^_^_^_^. º. & EHFH:######### Rºt}_ºf_g---t-à–3—t-a-La-º'-t-º-º-º-º-E3–a–C–E3–2–z-- 2. ; C s `-- * \– § Iow; A song of love im - mortal, That floats from the pearl - y | pressed; But, God His arm ex - tendeth, With strength to con - quer 1) life. Then swell the strain so lifting, Nor let its ca - dence blooms. Sing on ye an - gel voices, Your sweet - est sym - pho- -º-, -º- & 2 ſ strand; It floods the shores of the mortal, And fills the darkened land. wrong; His white robed ones he sendeth, To sing a glad new song. cease; Truth's light the clouds is rifting, Blest promised signs of peace. es,"Till heav - en and earth re-joic-es, In love's grand har - mo - nies. - Jº. 2. | D g -&- N ze. Ae-A- … *. *E*EEZE=EEEEEEEEE-sº- :=: --- == } —— ºmºm - \mº -- amº me -m. sº- d._m^_ſ \{-Y_ – Hºº-º- ——'— l—º-> --— ſº- 2–4– =EE EE ÉE === FFF -tz–w-Hº- 230 S.A.INI DS OIF I LII FI E. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Eff{HTT Ełº: | --N-H- G- x > - |< * = * > -- ºr me « Y 4 × 4 Tº m $2-8-ºf: EFFFE-FF: (- -º , | - W 1. Old Time with hoar- y fin - gers, Stamps its seal on all, And 2. E - ter - mi - ty commenc-ing, We may rec- ti - fy The 3. The sands of life now fall - ing Gen - thy one by one, Re - 4. One foot the an - gel plant - ed Firm - ly on the shore, On Rs .* ~~~~ N —ſº- -º- g-a- -e-, -º- -º 5:#### ==== &_*- H=E====== ---|--—H–F EPTETELLELV-L fºsts===f 5–Hºy— --- ºr-vºmºrº O * O O 9. Ö X---~~ W while with us it lin - gers, We'll prize our gos-pel call; Have er - rors here ex - ist - ing, That on our journey lie; We mind that time is roll - ing, So swift - ly roll-ing on; It sea the oth - or rest - ed, While say - ing, time is o'er; So Tº Tº- f == wº-y d —--l— —- =( , Cl– sº-Lº-º-º- –––– === E==E======== ===HF ==== aſ TøT †-º-; |- | char - ac - ters un - sul - lied, Re-flect - ing heavenly light, By cast a shield a - bout us, And val - iant - ly con - tend, For is not ours to squan-der, Not ours to cast a - side, If we will stand se- cure - ly Up - on the Rock Di - vine, While oth - ers em - u - lat ed, As those who live a - right. faith com-mit - ted to us, On which our hopes de - pend. un - to God we ren - der Our all, in Christ a - bide. from the false and earth - ly We rise in light sub - lime. --~ Bříž V V –s-s-s Ecº-CEHFEFE-3+Ecº-Es-GH *-----º- H --- mys I W.A.S Gºl L.A. D. 231 CANAAN, N. Y. | ===== •==== ===-tº- *=g= +Fj===== - I was glad when they said, let us go To the house of the Lord for Q 4- Aff-fif-e- =#E: === # * ::== Bº: ######### =::::H —— -T-YTI. T. j. If T2 *mºmº m me ºf ºmºmº mºm. A —= * ===s====E-Tº-Fi *——H §2–2– C&Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-tº IºTI | prayer ; For a vis - ion swept O - ver my soul, I saw that the an- gels were there. And I felt the presence of a power, That is ev - er near and nev - er far, Bless- ed 2-— –2—º—e fib-i- -a-> *L *#z–E– *E*=== | * > + -s-s =N-à- SE a- == Gºa. Amº- 5–ºf–ºf–ºf–E ==ENE–F–FE =#|| ==Fs-s-s- Is & stºji= faith, my spir-it clings to thee! In this val - ley where temptations are. | N N -º- - N E-4–2–3–2–?------2–5. * *.. *=t-i-º-º-º: *- Rºbi-º-º-º-º-º-HaTºr -º-HTHEPE=EE =|| | .*.*. Z-L-Lºtt y—y–Hº--—º—C-2–2–––tº– ====<=xtre+5===ºf 232 WAITING AND WATCHING. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. --—A–-A—A- —— ===== Pumº-º-º-> }= = Q I } - I ------1. wº-wºr-wºmy =4= A-A-º-º-º-º- ºr ºver - ——s ( ; &= x x > - ºm ºm. *º-º-º- ºr 2. They are joy - ful - ly do - ing the will of the Lord; They’ve 3. Oh,the glo - ri - ous banks by the riv - er of life Are 2 -º- * .* * Q_ w 1. Thée are beau - ti - ful an - gels just o - ver the way, Who're 9: ==f 5––8–E–F–H ſ 2 º O O Y--~~ O C wait-ing and watching for me, Their mu - si- cal ca-dence now passed the dark val - ley of tears; They acknowledge His goodness,the wa-tered a - fresh by its flow; It is wind - ing its way thro’ the --~ ſe: * { == –F–--- floats on the air, As I long for the home of the free. pow'r of His word, As the proof of His love re - ap - pears. val - ley of love; To that beau - ti - ful place I would go. N & EEEEEEa º F-º-º-Tº-Tº-Tº- →s— *–3–E–F–B–E–F–F–F–F–F–F– {I . —w-t-t-t-t-t-w—2–9–2. v V CHORUs. º HFE** Wait - ing, watch-ing, they are waiting and watching for me, | -* N → • * ~ * * * > EHis e-º-Fºi 3– ===E==E_2+ fely +=#F# ====== * -- F-2–2 ===Rs SLs "Tº gº _-º-. - *-Q= º–a–– * * *= * = y =w= *= - Wait - ing, watch-ing, they are wait-ing and watching for me. -º-º-º-º-º-º --~--I ~ Tº TTTTTT. ###|| G- 1– —º--— + +-e—e—e—e AllN G-EL OF PEA CE. 233 CANAAN, N. Y. /*N ——A—-A ex –4– 9*#: er, =############# |—g-º-Lº-Lº-º-º-º-º-E-Lº-Tº-Tº-Tº-LT H-H+. 5–2–3–2– W An-gel of peace thy white wings o'ershadow, Thy hand scatters blessings a- eº wº- S__ N N 6 D s TºT&T TºTº º g * =f_ –H– I ==z-e-Hº-Hº-g=2 == — )— —H–F-—H·4—94—F-F-H-F——f o—w-s—s—y———w—ty— º y w ——º– ( * £2__2__ ( Nº - Amº- ºf- º *=#EEEE| Heriff=f Tº TºTºT H= --|--|--|--|-|--|--|-- A--à–A-. lſ A—A- T- º •º r–3–2– V 2/ A–A–H– -º-EEE3–3–2– golden link bound us; Stay with us ev-er, be our light and consoler, | /*N —ſº- e. -º-, -º- 42. -9. P. 2- - -º- -e- -a- 5:#;#################### *-º-º-º-te- +------|--|--|--|--|--|-º-º-º-º-º- —y—2—w—–H–C–4– wºm ºmºm ºn , wºm ºwmº e mºm w x ~~ y—2–H– # > ) º –––NE-N-N = I31essed e - van - gel,leave us mev -er. a - lone ! For in thy presence er, º —- --- -m-m-m-m -ºm um- H–1–––– 9:#ff==== +E-T- –º Nº e -º- —l—---- P- *—e—e—e—e—2–3– i’ wº v v 7 *Hººd:#. fº-z-zº-º-º-; . A-. # =#– #|| 234 IN SONGS OF SWIEET ||P.F.A.ISE. WEST GLOU CESTER, ME. p-ſh-b-º-TT-ATRT- TNTNTINTNTDT Ea-a-N- #: ENE-3–4 – -HA-LA-N=EN- ===a+-sº =##-º-E3-P-3–tº–ºf–tº–º-g-g- -º-º-º-º- -U--- 2- . v=w—w-w ºf + ºf ºr | º In songs of sweet praise our voices we will raise, Im - plor -ing the | 2-> ——===—r-º–A–A–F– 2-—a-—?—ſº-r-ſ"—ſº-ſº- ſº s— |9: 2-3-3-Hº-is-in-E Lººms É-?-b:#-a-t-º-º-E • A- a-- a-v - -N--NF N an-gels to aid; Behold! they’re descending,in our music are blending, Bright |=——2––a–s—rº-º-º-º-º-º-º-r- r-º-2–e-r-ſ"—ſº-ſº- BiºHEH E-F#EEEE if P-2EEL2 ai. *=r–tº–ºf -FEEZEF N N TT INTLIRT ( iſ TITTTRT-HT H=NºHEREEEEE::=HEF vision of beauty! Each soul,strike the chord. We’ll sing away sadness, bring -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-------2– m. ºn EF:E=E=º-EEEE ####### wº-y 2T _g g 9:5-ºf-Hº:::=####E::#:= * J3 LVTEIT, TTTITE Tº TLTTTTTT; Tº-Tº-Tº-Ts. 9;HE:# =ZEZEEEEE W. W. ( - ºf A a ) —-A-B---- —l. —A. ---. £ºf HHEEF==#########|| ††s-JEff-º-º-EEE *: r= *=3–5-Fs-g. =E=- •–2-y- F Hº: v z [. sorrow,bring hope for the morrow; Sing away darkness, bring sight to the blind. -*— === *__ s `--- |-tº-º-º-º-º-º- -º-I P:#EEZHZEZHº:##E:::::====#| ym. |-- v-y —1– •= y =w= LíHEEEEEEEEEEEE IFI FREE WII LL OFI FEEIN G. 235 CANAAN, N. Y. -*—s- i *E= | s—s–––a– | > 1. Lord, my trem - bling footsteps guide In the way of righteous- 2. Grant me faith and trust sublime For whate'er be - fore me 3. God thine offer - ing will ac-cept, And will bless thy sac - ri- 4. Though the strug - gle be se-vere, He will aid thee in the -o- __N N ºr-ºr & --T —-Nſ-º–4–6—- -º- 9:#EEEE| Hº -*-4-º-º-º-tº-LLILis- | º e -º-º-º-º: sº I-—- — - — * = ~ *me * - P - y- ÞTºI.I.I. t— wºr-wºr-wr T- wºr-wºr-wr ( * # =z==HERENEE:#EEEEER: 2d- ==-º-º: -a-— –6–E–3–2–3– 2: 3: * –G– ness; Help me what - so - e'er be-tide, Up the mount of ho - li- lies, On Thine al - tar so di-vine, I would lay my sac - ri- fice; Let not doubt-ing in - ter-cept, Would'st thou win the heavenly right; Trust His pro - mise, nev - er fear, Thou art pre-cious in His Nº. 2. J s——Ha-Le - - T. e—e—e- 9:#–s---ºff—s ——— –3–F–F–F– —k— H D - I { v-Tº-y 2- —H– •=w=" P … *_* —l— ——A— -: | | º – -N-N- YITT D 3––––––24––A––NH s—º-º-º-º: v-º-º-ºmr-º-º: A-º-º: ——C–s— !— — — — — —! — • :3: * º: + &m a Leº " ness; Un-to Thee I look for help, Give me for - ti - tude to fice. From the ho - ly mountain's height, Lo! I hear the sol - emn prize, Tho' deep an-guish thou may’st feel,There is balm in Gilead sight. Numbered with His jew - els fair, In His king-dom glowing /*N *—S-l—l-A— 5:#H#H#H. th. *Izz :======== + **-a-tº-º-º-º-º-º: # =#3 === z == RH-ºf- - Nº 4 m. *= —-2—af-2-g: * * * is ".z. bear, Leave me not, O God! I pray, To the tempter's fatal snare. call, To the shrine of truth and right, Come,and render up thine all. found, He will all thy sor - rows heal, And with love enclose thee round. bright,Thou wilt be a chos - en heir, In this heavenly home of light. - 2–" -O- r: ( †—fºr 2—Fºrz–e—-2—A-S-A—A-e- B:## ====#|Hºe-É *my ===I w—w—w. *-*F±3–F#E [ _ HºëHº-Hº-E-FFFFHEEPF T | 2 I--I- 236 IET ALITIH [IFU L WATCH II EER.S. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ––––– **ſ-ºr--2 (-J- mºm -º- #F#-F#-F Y- 4--A Y. Af w r --→w º' " Faithful watchers vigils keeping,see the morn _--> -O-" -O-e -k-- -1–- -2. breaks Bright with its ###### ===r-tº-r-ţ- | truth 9:#; ºf six--º- —FF ==EEEE ====; hopes to the soul : . . . . _-> ++-a-i-º-º-Lº-º-º-º-L-º-º-º-º-º- :#;"g-º-º-Li----Hi-L-i-LE-i-LP—i- rººt º --!—— ſ— #. HEi. ) † : 3– 2–3–3 Reach the home where sacred trust doth banish strife; e e—e-rf: * –2 - T. Tiº Tiº II Nor O- Q *um== & & wº-y- | lash the placid r-ſº a ſº—a shore ; . . * -*-------- —i--—- — Tiº L-º- : { m=m-e Dºumºus-um- } ſº s-H º –G–E– Twº Q reigns, And the weary heart shall reach at last its goal. . . . --~ — —º- —A— —fº-s—— ---------- -E ====N=== H=HEFE2. rest-less WaterS Floods of light displace the darkness as the #H#| –69—s——C+– ºf ºw & 2 O L. : * – in- ſ wº-y ——-t i Where the sounds of liquid music breathes of FAITH FUL WATCHERS. 237 ºf Fi TE → 2-g-tº-re —s——zº-s—H–F––ºf–Haj—º- §2=g:-ºf-s: EEE `--~~ love, As the spir-it ris - es upward ev - er - more. º aº- S.-- * * * * * --~ as a -*——º-º-r-s—- A-A —i-r-z---—F——— —T- * = x - \m- ( ==A F- fººm. ºf ºme H 9:###H#H#H#H#H#H#H#H#####| | -*-*-*-*-tt--e==H-–2–E–7-tº-e-e—p-H-E-HE-i F–F | Tw W G-OJ D WILLI L I BIE MY STI RIEN GT HI. CANAAN, N. Y. N N ( I Fºº-ºº: -T- –T- ====E L-- •–9–2. God will be my strength and helper,Through the darkest cloud His N | -NH===t-a-Ee-e===e-Hºº-º-º-º-n C ºr , Tº: E. 4 --— EEEEEº-º-º-º- -#-s-s-s-tº-is- Nº + ====%t =2–H —————º- } R = y = y = y, =====#| =| Ec-s= — -º- smile Beams upon me in my toil-ing, He is with me all the while. Bºža ºf -Hº-2- #.--—-N- I - - 1 | "--——A——ºl—— > -ºr- ##### ====E= | * > —G-E--—C––C *—º-º-º-º-A i. v-y When my hands are tired with lift - ing, I can feel Faith's firm - er ra-t-º-º-º--e-r-a-s—º-º-º-T-9 —º--e-Ha-f-e-,-,-- B+H:=#EEE:#EEEE|H=HE ====4tFº-º-º-º-º-º-Hº-z-z- —ſ ºr-ºr *——s--N =F2FFFFI ===i-º —H·ſ−a- ==|| ( ! © 1– g —l- e- um.” - Her z-g: #t 2—e—-2: hold; Hope,the deepening shades is rifting, Blessed love my heart enfolds. TÉ → #| — —º-º-º-T-s—o—º-La- 9:#; TITETELET *:::: } L-r ===ºtº-º-º-º: W. 238 COMFORT THE SOFREROWING.. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —— • ſ –E–L-1– ELTTTEIT-- | Eš-E =RHEN====FE a=EEN: -**-aſ-s---aſ-as--d-g-g-º-º- -– Com - fort the sor - rowing, soothe the af - flic - ted, Pour the balm of FEEE-ENH==E=====E==== =="E"—"Es-º-Eº-º-EEEEEEEE*E*E heal - ing in the burdened heart; Christ - love and ten-derness --- g- * dºrs will the spirit cheer and bless,”Tis joy to receive and blessed to im- A—A- ſº-º-º-ºmºmy A Yº-º-y ºm º ºx am - 9 P-m me - —N- } #####EEEEEEEH | -º-º-º-º: | () & ——— → !--------- Um P-um yºum-TR --> F-p-i-N-ºs--NH–E–F– | ––––. ------|--|-s———s-H---------|-- \ ====E s—”—H--→--———NHF- TU - -E- -AJ As w G--> Y-y ºw-w-ſ. -e- an - gels clouds will backward roll; Lo! on Mount Zion's hight beams Truth’s e- ——A ——r—a-e--——r——— —— wº-wº- – º – o –o-Tº-º-E-N -A-I-AH----. I - A. .* H–tº– Py— º —f- ——C–H–60—s-—g—s—a. *-P U → *mº º Aº ºm > * zº A. º … º. *—º- *-* * *-C-º- ºr K J -*s--> * =w= ter-nal light, Cir - cling with glo - ry the res - ur-rec - ted soul. NOT ONIE IPI RA YIEEE, IS ENOTER GOTTIEN. MT, LEBANON, N. Y. T-P-N-RT-N- *— — v-Tº-y =###### Hº- Not one prayer is for - got - ten, Not one pe - ti - tion un - heard, { 3 O -º- -º- a -º-; es: :==== –à-º-º-º-º- y– ------F— -tº- ºr —iº Fjä-STNL-ST: Es=EN-FE; # ===== *E*E*-º-Fº : « : 4 × —ay– -Q- ~. Com -ing from souls that are hum-ble, Down in the val -ley re-tired, -—ſº—ſº-º-rº. HE Ef- Hä-E-E= T ſº a 2– w- mºr=w p F-º-º- =w=v-, NOT ONE PRAYER IS FORGoTTEN. Lord,let my soul —C2– —— ———C– _N N_N__N #######: ==E | –G–E–E– —C– N —s—T-- | —º- === 2-F # –––––– ———A == } ) X-r v_ wºu ºw. * 239 be a -wak- ened In deeper de -votion to Thee; v as: –4–4–5–4–4–3– Băț: º FE A. … * .* zº … *__* ==N-N-N-L-R T3T3T =E } ) um --- ºf hºmº- ºr - ºf ºf p --~~~~ < x=3 . . . -- 1 ww. } 2 -O-" -ſ}- -O- -º-, -º- -º- - *——º-º-e—e—e-e—f f f: , T. L. H-E-E-F#–H–––––––––. Iſº- Ep- ~my ſ F- d +— —w—w—y—Hy—w—w————— And when I ask -º- -º- -º- -2- l— }. —l-4-- HHHHHHH 3–- —º—Hº—g--a-Hg-s—tº Fº-tº-3-g-Hi Mete Thy bread un-to me. fº -º- ºr —l—— I B:#EEEEEEEE * =w *LHELELETE A-º-º-º-º: ſº-L-p H–1--—t- Hº-E-H===2–p-Hº-2- =HHHHH COM IIE DO WIN IFIROM YOUI Fº, | HIMED.A.VIEN = HIOIM II E. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -a- -º- Tº e ºf e ºr " flºº ºn. A . - fl-º-º-º-º-º-ma- *—& ——A—- A- I-i-- -—— --—H-C-EP-FFFENE *EEEEEN=ENEEEEEFF:==="E- 6–1–2, —H w !—— -] –––. CLI Come down from your heaven-home of peace and love, Yeshining ones by ———A-r—A-- —l grace made ever true; 2-—A- l === EETETFENTETITIATELYTENTTT 2:5+HR-FEFrººfs=s=GEEA six-ENEE | Hy- x= —N 2- !- –6 J–*—H·–— 4-ºxº-º-º ) --- 2- w if sº-º-º- #. ºv-u-º-º-º-º-º A. U - A ºr mºv — u-º-v-4-4- Lº–E U- ºf Fill our hearts with the glo - ryev - er found a - Amº-ſº- ºw wº I ––– Taj- O º O bove, In love we look and wait for you. Bring ho - ly blessing down,and Yºr-wºmy 2- ——— —— Pºm vº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ma Lºrd me —A–4– ºmº m 'mº - —N *T*-a-H |-NF- —-ſ-------|--A Iº-NT H tº- —C) ãº. —l -- A-- (J–C–--H- |- FT&T I- --—H- +--HO-a-——— 2- ºr Gº-Hº-s-– 2'-O- Zºmºſºm —–H–2–L–-Lº-º-º-º-L-O--- *-L*——º-——- strengthen the weak; Heal the sick,and the blinded sight renew, — *-Tº-ºº-y * T —i-P------ — s i C–C–H–C–s—— FF-s-tº- —iº ( x = Man-y then shall arise in your praise to speak, In love to seek and follow you. 240 FATHIER OF MIEERCY. CANAAN, N. Y. _º ———— –4–0––N. PSE-NEE =#### Fa - ther of mer - cy, Fa-ther of justice, Thou holdest us all in the Zi-º-º-º-o-º-o- O—a—O—O 5:####### ==#H#HEEEE *-uſ-de-ºu-w | Hr-— 2:#E =HIZEZL ===s+z=z FFZEZE 9+?–-R —A—-- *=º-º hºme am-m-m-m-m- —d - - Tºº"TFNTſº-ſº-TT U- - - - \m, m. um hºmºm ºvum am -N ºf-º-º-º: :== *E=#EEE, ========#EEEE:=: * †††T.J. T.J. Tº dy-g hol-low of Thy hand Thou con-trol - lest our course on the ====== J. C. –– —A–A–- º-º-º-w =#: –3– =#EE Tº-Tº-TEL #Eß ===s=s=s=E=2–Z-tº-º-º-º-º-Z- º, v v *E := *E=N=FF —s—e-s-a-s—s—-g—g—g—e—e—e— wide trackless o - cean, And Thou guid -est our feet on the N N N -e- e. e g—#—º—g—º–2––9–1–– —rs—s—s—t * = -: L-I-T-º-T- :=#EE: 7–7– –F–– = –4–F– -º-º-º-º-Z–Z–E––––– ===== *—º-º-º-; | 2 / *—A -— < − = * > < \mº = = x = < * * * * > < x = - w_º 4--- --A—--- Zº-s— HäE=:EEE –– Fd-J-F :=== =s=s=EGEFEFs—s= path - less land. Launching our ships on the sea in life's morning, EFERENEHREE #FFFFă Nev - or we fear ebb or flow of the tide; Trusting in Thee as our – TEEEEEEEEE FATHER OF MERCY. 241 __ N S–A —! N. N. A --- - – —-N-ER-A—T--A—A-A-N--——E---A—— :======= == ==========N=N=NE*==== : –2–2-o-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-g-g-g-------. i | =–E–F#–CI—O–C–F–C–F– -* *w- - = g- = —un-F— Đàº; E====E=====####|| L- ZIZE=n=E-ZEZEZEZE.EEEEEEEEZLºl. IEROTUTINI D MITY EHITE AIRT. MT. I, EIBANON, N. Y. ##### G-G---—AH-6–1––a–a– 69– :- C–H–2– —R-—Tv- Hº-ji= —5–1–ºf– # #s. Fat-F-2- * * * --~~ | | “… V º Round my heart entwine your strength, Ye who have comé off victorious; ... .s -Q- As —e—He—e—re—º-Hº-e—a-Ee---º-º-- | - —zi-º -º- & } | 5:#########–E–F#–E–F–F–B–si- –– 4–2 —2–2– 2–7–F–F–7–2–2–2–2 ºf 5-H O ^_^mºm-mººm, --N-Hº TNT | # =#3 A- *E*= $2 - 3 & —5–1–s---s-s- U • V : Lift me above the darksome vale, Up the mount all glo - ri -ous. | -o: -º- -e- -a- —º-º–r---— –9– E. ==== { º --O-. (J– Give me a drink at the crystal stream, Where life e-ter - nal is 2: 2: e. –F–F–F–A–"—º-Ee-e—e—e— {} —ſº s—- ſº ſº—ſº ſº BäE —- E2-Es-2–2–EEE =E ==#EZLEZLZ-tº-iſſiº Lº-Hº-LZE: — I-A —— —R — ########|Nºis t=w==Sºtº-3- sm-- flowing; I would be leaving earthly scenes, And heavenward be go-ing. -o-, -o- -e- -a-, -e- -a- -e-. N —r-e-e—º-Hº-Hs—s—s—s—rº-º-º-º-º-t- eºs #EEEEEEHE===#EE|| V ºf 242 THE SEASONS. IPOETRY AND MUSIC. Arranged for Young People. Grouped to represent the Seasons of the Year. INTRODUCTION. There are sweet hours when memory brings Her wealth of past and sacred things, And gives to us her diadem, That gleams and glistens to the hem; And in that robe we seem to be As monarchs in eternity. We can recall and then remand, The sceptre is within our hand; And, e'en the treasures that we tell Have not on earth their parallel; The wide world o'er they are not found, Save in our home where they abound. Among the treasures God hath given, Among the blessings sent of heaven, First in our learts we hold as dear The changing seasons of the year. The more these miracles are wrought, The more they seem like God's own thought; The oftener we their wonders share, The more they seem like God’s own care; |Like His remembrance of the earth, As if He deemed it still of worth, And sought by boundless love, to win Its hearts, from selfishness and sin. WINTEER. Recit O Winter! in thy vestments white Are all the jewels known to light, The mountain ranges are thy home, Thy palace-roof, the starry dome; On woodland, vale and cliff, thy grace Has left for art no copying place. ation. Who mourns for floral beauty lost, Amid thy marvels in the frost 3 |Thou art alone, O peerless Time ! |Alone, in majesty sublime ! My voice would fail to chant thy praise, Thou season of the pearly days. WINTEER SONG.. —- Do you hear the sound of the winds that blow, In the tempest wild !--------- INTs. ILI FFENT ############### •-g-ests—g: 3 gº: g: 3:2::g-2-2. -º-º- `--~~ 4. -º- ~ -o- _--> 5:#: #EE::EEEEEtº:#E –ez ºt-v-H-3-2-1-9-e-r-, ºr—t \ Y > v-y INCISTRINT ====EHis *: = =====E===3+2+3+2+3= cross the snow? They come in the shadow, they come in the storm That 2--> -e- -a- *—f-f-f- * - \, * g_º- —l- –––––––––––Pi—- #:=====# -“L-p F-º WINTER ... ſ.). SONG. --N==N-F------NF ELINTINIEITNT Fiºr-N-N-I-I-IN.INEE –––––––––2–4––––––– § ######## -º-EEE13– I-T i 3 gº:T-3T. g. **2 gºs. s. `--~ | darkens the sky . . with its aw - ful form ; The bitter winds that { —ſº- N | N N N -(-)- - - -á-To- 9:E, 3-º-º-º-º-º:== *:::=== -ITE-º-E-L-L- 2–5–7–2–--— –––. Hº-E2-3–: IºTE: *L*T*Tº-L 2–2–4–3– ===s+tº+tº+t –H–1–H–H–—H jº \–~~ | 7-7--- H-p- ===N-1—4–s-N- —FT-- tº- — #########EERİHESH = * = y = * > ** —*—*———---IN-2–L-as –––– ——i- •-----~~~ ######: …-- N---~~ | | w find no rest, N --> -e- -a- -a- & Y.T.T.T.Tº ſº. [ITET On the sa - ble cloud --~ ==EEE, LE:: 2–3–3 F. :=: Q Hº †††LaT is a Hº- M- Pºu--ms | | « » * = Lt.-Lº-L– tº- g = & e --> d =4 H –F–F–3–2–H f : : !---v- 7°it. Joyously. - N TZINITITT|TNT N. N---------- ––– ==HHHH → * *H*H Hº-2–3–2–3–2–E--------- –––G–C–G–C–F–69—69–– q O- e. C- e. my `-- ] \–~ `---~~ * bit-ter, bit - ter winds ! Yet winter hath joys Oll)" 2-> N -o-, -º- -(2- …T.S. # =*=?=#===Hºf; ; ; :=::= *E==========E====== tº Hº-º-º-º-º-º: V r—r | | | | V V V / W *——— :=::==|| —zº————- - -*—-O-g——O—º- souls can sing, 'Till an ech - o -ing cho - rus an - gels bring. -O- « » ( 2 v > -O-" *II –3–? 2^* ††ZLII i––– –– º SIPIERIN G-. Recitation. I hear the sounds of winds that roll Like sorrows on the struggling soul, And they, like sorrows, do their work, Beneath them hidden blessings lurk. The bitter, bitter, has its sweet, For all extremes at centre meet. God thrills with promises the spring, They are His free-will offering; And she, His handmaid, comes to strew |The earth with buds and blossoms new ; She is like faith, that melts the heart, | And bids the flowers of virtue start. |Glad hearts and free, come forth, and sing 'An anthem to the glorious Spring. 244 SPERING SON Gº. ^ 4+__^ … *. as as A | pºi-N-N-NL-Ti-N-N-N-TR-A-R-A-R-A- ffi-a-T ——H–N—N–H º-Sº, 62– ========F Si2=5-y –––a–s s=s=tº -—s-- —t-º-º-º-º- Soul of the U - ni-verse, queen of the seasons, King of the harvest, ſ à–v-º-º-º- ——r——A—-A—N–––––N---A--N-- ºr-vºmºry-ºr-ºr-wºmy-wrºs *-*=====E====N=NH = H z-ji====E=*=*-s—a-º-º-º-º-º-Hi joy of the year ! Praises we’ll sing for the beau-ti - ful Spring, A 2- ^ = , ºr -º-º-º-º- wº- ºr * * —l- *—º º ––– H-Hº |-|--—-N--|--N-P- -N-T--N. | I-T -- e—º-2–––– -—O-------—H–1—C––––. ++––*–C–F–H–C–F–G–E–F–G–ºf–E–– Y-y Y-F —I-— ) | vTY-F lº A- - 2- 2- w-º *w- 2- Yº-YTº-º-º: FFs-e EH ===== IEº g=E=g-E*=*—e—e-s-a- With Truth’s flowers in youth's fair morning, Till in life's har - vest, ar, :=E=N=N== s * —N–I- : ———N-—i–C–F– ==EEGEE —+ RF========= reaping we sing, The glo - ry, the praise, of beau - ti - ful Spring ! H-#— — * * … *. —l—N– # – +2======E+Fº-º-F-N- ~Tri---- ——–H–*—s——H-s—*—2–––H––– —g-w-s-s-s-s-g:- 2–3–2–F–F Let us all as one un - ite, Praising God in pure delight, T. JT – L --- ––– —H –- º-CºI2– *- ITT Eg- *—p—p-E =#E s—s—º- 2–2-r—w-r 2+-A— For the seasons as they roll, Glad-den-ing earth from pole to pole. A- /* | -62 ſº- 4-º-º- a * : * > D _2. -?. -º- -º- -º- -g- 9:#f . Effe (9 –3 2.T. == H – H = +7-–H–— ) Y-y –H–g-i-H-5–2–2–E–C–Hº-2------ }- — vºmy Y-y *—º–a–ſ-—P-— -am. Omº -- ===ſ===HE*-fººt-7-y-y-FFy-s-ſ | | V |- F- STUTIMIMIECI R, . Recitation. When gold and purple is the night, |We think of spirit growth and life; And blue and gold the space of light; And know that thus the soul will bear, When summer brings her robe of flow’rs, When only God's free gift is there. And emerald mantle to the bowers; Then, ring the happy, hopeful chime, When all the land with fruit is rife, | The minstrelsy of summer time. STUIM IIM ID EDI R, SON G. . 245 3—h––––A–—Ne—r—A- ——N-A—A—A--—A |- zébéºff-ºf-ºf-N+E sig== =########## {}*-*-8-à-i-º-º-E *:: * ====EEEEEEEEE –E–F–º a Hº- Q_ arº, [IT = Qº | Myriad voices are chanting thy praise; Glory and beauty are crowning thy days. N —Ar--A -j-2INTSENTRINT*L*L±ETHININTE: I fº-p -N-Nº-º-º-º-º-º-º-E E-NET e-Fº §2 g-g-g-E –3–3–2–p-e-E"---g-g-º-Ee-g– U 2 v Ricly verdant valleys and for-est-clad hills, Cheered by Sweet music from brooklets and Tills, ( * –A–A m my m my &mdºm-umº _N PENERENE: **E*E.E.E.ES- 2-2-ºxº-N-NHa-‘E*====T ºf 3: s—a 3-H4 ST=z-e Gºtº-º-º-º-º-º-tº-tº-3 Taj-aſ- V v V' W Brightened by sunshine, and watered by showers,Gladdened by smile of the beautiful flow’rs, Rºžň-sº ——*—C–C–F–A–D–H–C–e— -g-g-º-º-º-; H G ( , V 9––H Are the blest tokens of God’s boundless love, Types that foreshadow fair glories a - bove, Eº-º-º-º-º-º-E | Es-o-o-º- —H- ——— — — — — — — — — — VT ZTV. ZTV Where in our beau-ti-ful Summer-land home, Joys for the Spir—it e - ter - nally bloom. A UTUIMIN. Recitation, Rich Autumn in her grandeur stilled; The love of God materialized; The promises to her fulfilled; And they, but tokens of the store The bending trees; the laden vine; He holds for us forevermore. The marshalled sheaves afar that shine; The winds that touch the leafy keys, The fragrant hay; the garnered grain; Give symphonies to every breeze, The forest in its rainbow stain, - |Until a harmony we hear Parental gifts all undisguised; That breaks in words upon the ear. 246 A TUTTUIMIN SOING-. —s-----—º-º-º-º-º-º- | --- |-- | --N: *—º. —iº –––––. x-N - sº- a z- - v A v-z ################ *—A. —C) g-i- Hº- Eº- d E-3- – Eg-3 | amº &- -(J- & Ç Over the meadows of golden grain,The sound of the reaper has passed again; The N -–69 - (9—O—H-—C– | { 1. Đăş-H t —E- ——o-H É-*-8-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- " ; 2 v J. ( ) & –N-N-N- # = Beautiful leaves await our feet, Ev-en as we their glory meet; Gifts of the ––––e-e—-i-º- *-----, * —O -- ( )— ##–E–E––––2–F–F–– –H–H–C–?—!—— Hº–F–– Bālā; ################ =ry=#v===; p-2-—-y †† —l-A-S-----————?–1–. * ===#########|| BE =#############, –3–2–~~! Fa-ther and Mother are here, In the bountiful crops that crown the year. | ſº -º-, -e- - -º- -º- |→--—ſ 2-—ar-— (ºn A = } —ſ 9–0– ——º-1- |–– (3) — O—”---- ſ *—-— —s I--- -º-º-º-º-º-v- -º- > = !————— * Iº-º- m > *-ā- – amºm * an amº amº 9:##### :===###H# = #|| f : , Tº-j-E-JITſI ETET. TºI. I.-E.I. J-E-il. W w P º º T 2–2. -> V. Py–H P | º º Az-> = = mr- – - A -----> - F----- ———I–I-— | A- ºf-mº —- ––. v-y IZIi-f-i-III-T-1- ºf P t U - wºma- * ---! — - — Ež-e-tº-a-F#–E–F -&- -27- -º -O- - - -º-, -e- -2- -º- . . —- sºm-º -— - - - - - -m-, -*** EEEEE2Eº ÉE: Tº II] }—----— — —--— e- -— A—A--- e g” |–2—-i-—!-- is i « ------------ LORD OF THE HARVEST. 247 ++------- —N-ºr Q wamyº ºw T- | —T- *-2—--- 2 TTET-H-i-w- ######## =ºff G-> & \m —º–s––––a–s-Hø––––2----|- –2–s-T2-2––P2– §2–a–s–g H2–à–a–s-—s-- 2–2-L3–e e-T—e in their day. Our home is bright with industry's light, And warm as the balmy ~ t —ſº- -ę2- • * | * e P-, 2- : *, 2 -º- , i.e. =####### IETEſ. Tº EET.I. Ea-Ez-e-Eſ-a- *EEE TºTETIT-Tº-TEZZT*I H- 2– :: *- * > tº 4. Ø, 2–zip- - tº-s- -> breath of May. Our hearts withdrawn from outward things, Are glad in the gush of —62– | | | -w- -r: fle ET22–3 TELETZ-Lº-TzTº-E --- EI 9i —-- a-a-i-- # > –6–1 ————— &: === =#####, N] | 3-2– -I-2- v awsº . – —HO,--—C. —#4–Q.-H & 2 T * -º-º-º-º-e—-s– ho - ly springs. To the shining shore our spirits soar, And share of the world to 2 * , 2 * * w-r-ºw-w _-2- -º- +2=EEEEE6 → Fº-º-º-FEº-º-º-º-Ee-º-º- E- *E=Ez=#|####"Ee-º-º-Hº-º-º-º-Hº-j —r-r- 2 : Hºt-v-f-v-f-v-2-2 : • V- ſºm ºm mºm-a-v- amº ºmºmº- ºm > * : * ~ x | ======E, a *-ā-N- | #EE:HEEšštº-º-Hº-Hº-2- * ==3–4–3–2-tº-º-º-º-º-tº-2 •–9–9–v– G-a- CO Illé. The spir-it lands,and the angel bands, Are near to our bless - ed _--~ -O-* -O- -O- –C– -Q--O- -s- -o- -º- -o- N BºEF.HE Y-Z ======== Zi-º-Tº-Tº-T In EſſiºTºIIT III H-H-p =E-Hº-E-Fe- *:::=====Hº-SH-E-1 T.T.T.T. STT NET IMT-TTºldº CITININETI-I-I-I* Eſſº STI. | ***E=SEs *::::HE Egºi º TººHa ºf TE: * | | A,.ſº! C O N T E N T S. 67 S A. A halo of glory bright. S. M. . 57 Angel of Peace . . . . . . . 233 As an army with banners. S. M. As a pool of Water . . . . 192 As I progress . . . . . 63 As light beaming forth . 204 Aspiration . . . . . . {^ At peace with God . . . . 105 Autumn Song . . . . . . 246 Awake from your slumbers . . 213 IB. Beams of Light . 22 Beautiful Angel Home Beautiful Home Beautiful Shore . 1S Beautiful Valley O , 29 Blending of the Spheres . . 122 I3]essed power of true religion . . 121 Blessed Promise. . 227 l}lessed Saviour . . . . . . 174 3lessed spirit of the martyrs , 181 Blessing of To-Day . 125 Bright Hope Star . 110 52 73 92 C. Call to the Weary . 58 Captain’s Call . 165 Change . . . . . . . 77 Changeless Pages. S. M. . 35 Christ Angels . 120 Christian Love . . . 177 Christ of the Ages . . 136 Christ’s Sufferings . O City of Light . . . . . 60 Come down from your heaven. M. . . . . . . . . . 239 Come on, dear companions . . 1 SS Comfort the sorrowing . 2:3S Courts of Zion . . 141 Crown of Grace . 100 ID. Day of Promise . . 15S 248 | E. | Eden of To-Day . . . . . . 54 Eternity’s Day . . . . . . . 156 Everlasting Truth . . 124 Expand, O my soul . 217 IF. Faith . . . . . . . . . . 169 Faith and Hope . . . . 154 Faithful Watchers . . 236 Faith’s Vision 4 Farewell . . . . . . . . . 36 Father of Mercy. . . . . . . 240 | Forgiving Love . . 152 Free-will Offering . 23 Fruit of Blessing . 203 G. | Gem of Peace {) Gentle Deeds . . . . . 49 Give me a name . . . . . . . 187 Give me the food of angels . . . 219 Glad New Year . 26 Gladsome Sound . 12 Gleams of Glory . 222 Glorious Morn . 112 God’s Blessing 4S God’s Love © [. C. Ç 9S God’s Universal Praise . . .3 God will be my strength . . . . 237 Go forth with the torch-lights . . 59 Golden Gate . . . 113 Good angels, feed me . . . 27 Good-night to all . . . . . . 150 Gospel Day 19 Gracious Gift 75 Gratitude . . {}9 Guiding Star. 6 EI. IIail the glorious coming day . 61 IIappy Change . 119 | Harvest Reward 70 Heavenly Goal . . . . 34 Heavenly Guide . . . . 40 Heavenly Inspiration . Heavenly Journey Heavenly Light . Heavenly Pathway Heavenly Vigils. |Here am I. Home . . . . Home of Peace . Home of Rest I am bound for the summit. I. I am safe in the life-boat. I feel my Saviour’s presence nigh. I know that Christ, my Saviour, . 103 lives . I know that God is love I’ll tell thee Of heaven Infinite Love . In God is our hope. Inspiration . . In spirit uplifted Intercession §O . . . . . . I will bless the hand . . I will bless thee, O Zion . I will trust Thee, blessed Saviour. Journeying On . Joyful Song . Joy, joy Jubilee . . . . Just As We Sow Keys of Revelatio J. IEC. Il Kingdom of Glory . Iabor of Life . Land of Delight Land of Love . T. Ç CONTENTS. . 162 Morning Light . . . . . 134 || My heavenly home is here . 202 || My Saviour . . . . . . . 31 || My spirit seems lifted . . . . 194 || My weary heart . O . 11S tº IN. 189 [. New Year’s Greeting O M. . , 198 25 . 140 . 111 . 196 Oh, love, love divine . . 214 Oh, lovely and fair Mt. Zion 81 210 º . . . . . . 223 I see the light before me. S. M. . I was glad when they said, Let us o Hº *} { . 231 143 76 138 68 . 153 176 14s Ö Let my name be recorded. Š. M. S. M. Life’s Unfold ment . Let Zion move. Life’s Victories . Light Eternal Light, light is shining C. Listen to the voice of wisdom. M. O Ö Q. Living Saviours. Lord of the harvest March of Truth . Millennium Morning Dawn . M. s. } . . 119 . 212 53 28 62 47 | 1S4 46 21:5 43 S3 . 157 218 Purity . 1SO . 246 S4 64 55 | No Surrender . ( ) Not a far off country . © Not one prayer is forgotten . 220 Not one sparrow . . . . Not on the waves of feeling. M. . . . O O'er the sun-tipped lills . O God, in Thy wisdom Oh, precious gift of love . Oh, the blessedness of love . way. S. M. . . . Oh, we have heard a glorious song O Lord, I will praise Thee. Only A Little While On the wings of freedom. M S. M. Our Father's Kingdom. Our Zion HOne . . . . . Out of the shadows. S. M. . Over the River . Over the Valley . . . O Zion arise in thy glory. IP. | Peace and Plenty Peace, be Still Peaceful Victory Pilgrim’s Path . . . . Pleasant is the Twilight . Power of Faith . Power of Love Praise . . . Praise hath entered my heart . Prayer and Praise . Pray ope the gates . Precious Bond Precious Pearl Progress Progression IR. Raise the Standard Redeeming Love Resurrection . feturning Spring Rich Blessing River of IPeace Rock of Ages . 191 . 208 . 185 . 145 . 143 Oh, truth is beaming upon my 16s 167 175 . 193 . 146 249 SQ 45 . 13%) . 159 . 37 . 149 . 225 . 23S 97 224 7 221 17 . 144 87 56 5 69 '71 '79 206 39 88 41 155 . 211 24 I5 123 . 133 TS 20 • 200 ... 10S . 14 P- gº d 13 126 . 1S6 10 250 Rose of Sharon . Round my heart. Š. M. S. Sands of Life Season of Devotion See the golden fruits. See the mists. Shady Bower. . Shepherd’s Fold . Shout of Triumph . Silent Streams Silver Lining. Song of Love. Song of Peace Song of Triumph Spiritual Eden . Spiritual Home . Spirit Voices. Spring Song . Star of Purity Stream of Life Summer Song Sunny Home . S. M. Sweet angels come nearer Sweet Assurance . Sweet, Praise. M. . Sweet Repose T. Take from my heart earthly idols. Tender the tie of sweet affection . The Beacon . Ç The Coming Time. The Coming Year . The increasing light of truth The New Birth . The Pilgrim’s Transition The Seasons . Through the darkest cloud . Thy Will be Done . To my inner sight . Trees, swaying trees 1. M. . . . 178 . 132 . 242 . 199 . 135 . 128 . 216 . 130 . 241 . 230 . 50 . 173 . 126 . 127 . 109 90 . 163 . 22 . 229 | . 161 . 207 32 161 95 . 244 . 170 . 147 . 245 96 . 23 . 183 . 234 . 126 91 51 . 11 . 201 (56 .75 | CONTENTS. < W. A. Qwsows Yaws\t, wwot www.wºws ºos vow. > Triumph of Truth . . 166 True Love . . . . 3S True Shepherd’s Voice . 94 True Wealth . . 228 Trust . . . . . . . 171 Twenty-Third Psalm . , 104 Twilight Reflection 16 Uſ. Universal Love . . 160 Upward Journey . 197 V. | Vernal Season . 151 Voice of Peace . . S0 Voice of the Spirit . S6 Voyage of Life . 30 W. Waiting and Watching . . . . 232 Wake to life . . . . . . . . 107 Weary not, O Christian pilgrim. S. M. . C C C, C S2 Welcome good angels . . 21 Welcome Spring . 102 We’ll sing of love . . . . . . 172 We Will Sustain the Structure. 14 What e'er may be life’s struggle . 65 When dark’ning shadows fall . . 205 Willing Sacrifice . 72 Winter Song . . . . . . . . 242 Within Thy many mansions . 195 Work for the harvest . . . . . 209 Work in my vineyard. S. M. . 182 Work in our spirits . . . . . 101 Work while the angels work . 226 Y. You cannot catch the sands. . 190 Z. Zion's IDefence . 106 Zion’s Vineyard . 114 CP Cº-P (P.( C )?■∞J∞J∞∞& Cº.:)∞æ∞º • ·© :s ºs 4,=C© • ſ!∞• O • • •^.«> <!\, ,0 C.§ 3)!=»∞∞O|׺ tº z *)• №!º • •C∞ ∞•=^:=©،ºC v ſº aºſ∞))º : •º * * i)© C G) =(،• , .C∞))�©C|×[][]Ù№rsKI>• 0 «Tº». Cº C e O < ) e©. .- * A * : • • • • • • • • • • , - ... _.º , , , , ) _ (<∞* º *: * • • • → n u. º., º•'p' , ' , • + → • Lºº, º „º º jºgº…?.?) ºsºa º. º. a ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,S. º., º „…", *, **, .f : , :CQ • Q •^ ^ ^ —JºTº• I • • ► ºu a i u - ' , , , , .∞∞ √° s.Oº , , , , , , esº “ ‘+’ «O • • • • • • • • , , , , , .ºf ., , ) », ,s º! », « ſe º ſae º „ “, -º, - (, , , , , , , . . º op. №º : ----© ® -Lſ. , s. c.H.| : |×*: < > !=,º Cº. Cºº : *= * | ſº • • → ∞, --