WILLIAM . CLEMENTS Ex Libris GRENVU (INVITA 10 - x - Veir erfach to the rare este Cart 3 STC 645 Eden, Richard, 1521?- 1576, edixtr. Decades I-II of Peter Martyr- Decade II begins om to. 149 STI THE DECADES of the newe wozide of weſt India, Lonteynyng the nauigations and conquetes of the Spanyardes, with the particular de: (cription of the mofte ryche and large landes and Flandes lately founde in the welt Ocean pecreynyng to the inheritaunce of the kinges of Spayne. Jn the which the diligent reader may not only conſyder what commoditie map hereby chaunce to the hole chriftian world in tyme to comc, but also learne many ſecreates tonchynge the lande, the ſea, and the Garres, bery neceữarte to be knowi co al ſuch as thal attempte ang nauigations,0; otherwiſe baue delite to beholde the Orange and woonderfull bookes of Bod and nature. zgeten in the latine tounge by locter mgartpz of Angleria, and tranſ: lated into Englythe by Rycharde eden, CLONDINI. In ædibus Guilhelmi Powell, ANNO. 1555. 20 OCEDICE CPOTENTISSIMO AC SERE NISSIMO PHILIPPO, AC SERENIS: ſima potentiſsimæq; Mariæ,Dei gratia Regiac Res ginæ, Angliæ, Franciæ, Neapolis, Ieruſalem, et Hia berniæ: Fidei defenſoribus, Principibus Hiſpanias rum et Siciliæ, Archiducibus Auftriæ, Ducia bus Mediolani, Burgundiæ, et Brabantiæ, comitibus Haſpurgi, Flandriæ, et Tirolis, Richardus Edenus perpetuam optat folis citatem. VM IN PRIMO VESTRO ingreſſu in hanc celeberimam Londini vrbem (illuſtriſsimi Principes) cernes rem quanto omnium applaulu, popu li concurſu,ac ciuium frequentia,qua: to inſuper ſpectaculorum nitore, nobilium virorum fplendore, equorum multitudine, tubarum clango: re, cæterifqz magnificis pompis ac triumphis, pro dignitate veſtra accepti eſtis dum omnes q ſui eſt officij facere fatagebant, vbi in tanta hominum turs ba vix vnus reperiatur qui non aliquid agendo ad- uentum veftrum gratulabatur, cæpi et ego quocß aa liorum exemplo (propius preſertim ad me accedens tibus The Epiftle. tíbus Celſitudinibus veftris) tanto animi ardore ad aliquid agendum accendi ne ſolus in tanta hominum corona otioſus viderer, q vix me continebam quin in aliquam extéporariam orationem temere erupuiſ ſem, niſi et præſentiæveſtræ maieftas, et mea me obs ſcuritas a tam audací facinore deterruiſſent. Verum, cum poſtea penitius de hac re mecum cogitaffem, confyderaffem quam hæc omnia alioqui per ſe lau de digna, veſtris tamen meritis ac regiædignitatis es minentiæ comparata, plebeia ac ludicra videantur, cæpi denuo cum animo meo reputare qua in re ita cum immortali rerum memoria folíciſsimum veftrú aduentum gratularer, vtinde nominis veſtri fama et {plendor, non vllís ſpectaculorum temporarijs often tis, fed rerum geftarum gloria,ad pofteros perpetuo emanaret. Excutio ftatim diuitias meas. Perſcrutor fi quid ex penu meo depromere poffum q me ad alis quid agendum veftris heroicis virtutibus dignum excitet. Sed cum penes menihil tale reperio, agnof- co nuditatem meam, atą advos confugio, Patrum, auorum, proauorum, atæ atauorum vitas et facta recolo. Syluam rerum geftarum video, totą precla- riſsimorum principum propagines, vt merito ab ip- ſis heroibus, Saturno videlicet, Toue, ac Hercule, cæteriſa theanthropis, originem duxiffe videantur. Quod The Epíftle. Quod cum ita fit,non aliunde profecto quam ex hac fylua materies míhi petenda erit quo in mentibus ho minum et æterna rerum memoria, perpetua ſpecta= cula rerum a vobis et progenitoribus veftris præcla- re geftarum, in murdi theatro ab omnibus cum ſú: ma nominis veftri fama ac veneratione cernantur. Cum itaq inter cætera a maioribus veſtris præclare geſta,nihil fit admirabilius aut maiorí laude dignū, quam q incredibili fiducia et plus quam Herculeis laboribus ſuperato Oceano, foeliciſsimo tandem euea tu, India Occidentalis ditiſsimas Inſulas atos Cons tinentis ampliſsimas regiones, mottalíum primi in uenerunt, in quibus infinitas incolarum myriades ad fidem Chrifti conuerterunt (quo nihil auguſtius aut Chriſtianis principibus magis dignum excogitari poteſt) viſus ſum mihiq non alia in re magis poſlē foelicitativeſtræmerito gratulari,quã ſi noſtris quo hominibus quibus hæc hactenus nihil aut parum cognita ſunt, innoteſcere faciam, vt perſpectis illo- tum ſimul et veftrorum ampliſsimis imperijs non ſia ne diuina prouidétia(vt credere par eft) ad ipfos vſ Antipodes et PLVS VLTRA terminatis, omnes boni,ipfa rerum magnitudine in admiration? ducti, vos amentetvenerentur: Malis vero et impro bis, os obſtruatur ſi quam in maledicendo volupta- tem The Epiſtle tem capiunt. Hæcdum cogito, venit mihi in mente olim adoleſcens perlegi Decades de Nouo Orbe a Petro Martyre ab Angleria,illuſtriſsimi Ferdinādi regis Catholici, ac tui (Sereniſsime rex) proaui ora- tore, Latine conſcriptas, atæ facræ Cæfariæ maiea ſtati patri tuo didicatas. Tanti ita autoris fide et eruditione motus, eum præ cæteris in noftram lina guam traducendum ſuſcepi, q non ſolum vt hiſtoria cus res Indicas cum ſumma fide fcriptis mandauit, ſed etiam vt philoſophus (q in cæteris ſcriptoribus defyderatur (naturalium rerum occultas cauſas reds dit, ac admirabilium naturæ operum (quibus hæc veftra India plena eft) rationes inueſtigat, Atą vt huius Indiæ pofterior ſtatus cognofcatur,quantulą theſaurus auri, gemmarum, aromatum, aliarumą diciſsimarum mercium ac annui cenſus inde quotana nis in Hiſpaniam aduehitur, adiunxí doctiſsimi via ri Gonzali Ferdinandi Ouiedi libellum quem ille Indicæ hiſtoriæ generalis Summarij titulo infcripfit, eiuſdemq illuſtriſsimi Caroli Imperatoris patris tui nomini conſecrauit: Cæteraq plurima ex recentio- ribus ſcriptoribus excerpfi , que mihi in tamimmen ſa rerum memorabiliū bibliotheca, præcipue adnos tanda videbantur. Quæ, quanta et qualia ſunr,quá- tifo parafangis, omnium heroum ac Argonautarú res The Epiſtle. res geſtas toto terrarum orbe tantopere celebratas ſuperent, hæc mea ſequens præfacio vulgari ſermone ad huius hiftoriæ lectores populumg Anglicũcona fcripta, ſatis prolixa oratione indicabit, adeo vt idem hic repetere ſuperuacaneum lit, minimeqz neceſſaris um, quandoquidem Anglica lingua tibi Sereniſsiz ma Regina vernacula eft,idem illuſtriſsimo Regi q tibi fcriptum aut dictum exiſtimen, non folum q diuino vinculo vnum ſitis in carne vna, ſed etiam eadē animi lenitate, humanitate, affabilitate, cæteriſs & virtutibus, non minus animi moribus quá carnis vinculo vnum litis. Sed heq hicopus eft vtego Las tino ſermone veſtras virtutes, aními moderationem, clementiam, religionem, pietatem, educationé, caſti- tatem foelicitatem, fortunas, opes, munificentiam, victorias, imperia, ftemmata, cætera huiuſmodi multa enumerē,cum præfertim vir nobilis et doctus Leonhardus Goretius Polonus de hisomnibus des fæliciſsimo veltro matrimonio, orationæ fatis fula tractauit, in qua nihil pretermiſit o ad Celſitudinis veſtræ et progenitorum veftrorum gloriam virtute partam, pertineat. Cæterű cum regiæ veftre virtutes nominilo ſplédor ac regnorum amplitudo alias per vniuerſa Chriftiani orbis imperia ſatis nota ſint, niſi forte ibi minime vbi maxime nota efle deberét, nem pein The Epiftle pe in hoc Angliæ regno, ideo operepræcíum et rem omnibus bonis gratam, quodą mei eſt officij erga Celfitudines veſtras me facturum exiſtimaui, fi hæc noftris (vt dixi) hominibus, noftraç lingua ob ocus los conteinplanda propofuero. Quod quam felis citer aut dextre a me factum fit, aliorum efto iudícia um. Quam vero fideliter, fyncere,ac animo in Ma: ieſtatis veſtras propenſo hoc idem aggreffus fum, teftis eft mihi conſcientia mea in conſpectu illius qui hominum corda et renes ſcrutatur. Macteigitur yira tutis iſtius animí veſtri eſtote Sereniſsimi Principes, atą Diuino auxilio freti, pergite ea qua coepiſtis fia ducia, huius deploratæ ac collapſæreipub.noſtræ fta tum, priſtino decori reſtituere, id q omnes a vos bis expectant atæ efflagitant, pollicentes inſuper vo bis in eo negotio fuam operam in nullo defuturam, Ne terreat vos quorūdam canum latratus qui bonis omnibus oblatrant, et tunc deſinent latrare cum des finent viuere, Vulgatiſsimum ſemper fuit improbos homines viris probis vel propter inuidiam vel propa ter diſsimilitudinem,folere latrare. Et tamen ille pro bus ſemper habitus eft,quem peruerfi maxime ims probauerint. Noneftigitur curandum quid de nos bishomunculi, fed quid viri boniloquantur. Cogia tate (Sereniſsimi Principes)magnanimitate ac ma iorum The Epiſtle HT forum inſignijs, aquilis et leonibus fimiles eftis. A quilæ natura eſt, alta petere, etaduerfusſolisradios) in altum volare. Leonis proprium eft patcere fubal iectis et debellare fuperbose Generofus equus per plateas incedens, canes vt animalcula imbella prætes rit non perturbatus, Virtus non exercita (inquit Ses neca ad Neronem) paruam laudem meretur. Non admodum magnificum fuerit mediacrem fortunam probe adminiſtrare: Sed tanta rerum omnium licen- tia non abuti, hoc vero admirabile eft: Multo autem admirabilius iniuuenili aclubrica ætatescui accedat ætas magiftras hijs præſertimqui contumelia laceſ cuntur, quæ alioquihomines vel placidiſsimos folet de gradu deijcere. Sed (vt fupra dixi) non eft hic mei propoſiti (Sereniſsimi Principes) veſtras laudes pro meritis decantare, aut exprimere quo modo in ſummo rerum faftigio vos humiles præbuiſtis, de quare fulius in præfacione ad lectores tractaui. Iam itaqz vt huic epiſtolæ dedicatoriæ finem imponam, rogo Sereniſsimas Maieftates veftras vt has meas lucubrationes in hijs autoribus vertendis, (quasve- ftro nomini conſecraui, ea humanitate ac fauore ſuf cipiatís, quibus omnes beneuolo animo ad vos ac cedentes, facile admittitis ac neminem reijcitis, Qué admodum enim qui pomarium aut vineam plantas b.i. uit The. Epiſtle, citac maturos inde fructus collegit illi merito prímía tias foluita quo prima ſemina primaſe arborum in ſitíones habuit, itæer ego qui a maiorum veftrorum rebus geſtis primislumpis feminibus, hos quales cum ftuctus ædidi, videor profecto mihi, debito veftro honorevos defraudaſſe, niſi eofdé veſtro rio nomini acnumini obtuliffem. Deus, Opt. san Max, Cellitudines veſtras perpetuo fersorbe po uat incolumes, faxitą ve foecundadora mous fobolís propagine, ſummaç pace as it ac trãquillitate, huius regni has id. 20 silamu benasad Diuini nominis lios 2017 solo comelbos gloriam, diu gua oilsiup Did forion (zb bicbemetisbol 1996 obasi asudev (zagiotis inclinaisogon tri obor oup Otor FINI S. ab toong oblid se aplicaudi zov cigifist storico Bob 123 в эпорыі та гігіtіrіѕѕuр com o sito molbob soflisdavo 2sors cadaverillosa pelbenvoudhon aid di contindrial ROTOS) Bruno Dicimonon be ois olunda ocupa 2500 Bimbol sly many og in boints 9.ds C The table of the contentes: 1103 of this booke.corados a Belyde the decades (the table of whole contentes yo so e may readcin the ende of the booke) are contey. ned furthermoze in this boooke theſe od thinges folowynge. CDf the landcs and glandes lately founde. folio. 1492 the popes bulle and douation. 167. and. 171 The byłozie of the Weſte Jodies, biytten by Bonzalus Ferdinandus, 174. The Dydinarie nauigation from Spayne to the Wette Indies. 175. De two notable thynges as touchynge the wet yndtes : àmb as of the greate ryches brought from thenſe into Spaine 176 Df the golde mines and manet of ?kynge in them, 177. The maner of frähynge foz peatles. 180. 18 mars The familiaritie that theyndians haue with the deuyl. 1812 Di temperate and habitable regions bnder the Equinoce tiali line.ec. 184.29106 3.0 TO RIOHC DE dyuers particular thynges, as woormes, ſerpentes, beates, foules.fcc. 185. Radio CB 9010 of trees, fruices, and plantes.&C. 1940 e 911 Df the benemous apples wherwith the Cantbales inueneme theyz arrowes. 199. pas discisti io org230 DE fühes and they? maner of fynhynge: 0201.16 Of the ryſynge and faulynge of otre ocean ſea and the ſouth ſea tauled the ſea of Suc. 2046 10101 Df the freight of lande beinge betwene che north and le Couch (ca. 205. Neider bowe thynges of one kynde, dyffer by the nature of the place : and of the beattes cauled Tygers. 256.463 of the maners and cutomes of the findians of the firme lande and of chepz bomen. 02081011e auilit Df the flandes Hiſpaniola and Cuba. 2109 isions the DE the glande of Cuba and other. 213. loco ada ao ja Df the lande of Baccallaos. 213.33 la taigaldus Dthernotablctlynges gathered owt of dyuers autours and of the vniuerfall carde and newe Wyldep! 2140 20 A difcourſe The Table, a diſcourſe of the maruelous vyage made by the Spang: ardes counde about the lorldc. 215. The order of the farres abowot the pole Antartike. 222 The prices of pzestous tones and ſpices with their weightes and mealuces as they are foulbe bothe of the 99007es and Bentples: 2334 al tomto on of the weightes of bozcugale and yudta, and howe they agtec. 239. of the dooues of the flande of gadera. 239.nisch DE the lande of Caynt Thomas under the Equinoc tiat line: (24-0. or residenzo logo the debate and frife bet bene the Spanyardes and fooztu: galeg fog the diviſion of the indies and the trade of [pyces. 240. of the pole Anratuite and the Harres about the ſame and of the qualitie of the regions and diſpoſition of the elementes about the #quinoctiall lines alſo of certeyner fecrcates tous Chynge the arte of.Caylynge. 245...apnom in ons gl diccource ofbpuers.bpages and waves by the which ſpices, precious moncs, antgalde bere badught in ovide tymefcom India into Europe and other partes of ahe loaldeairo of the wyage to Lathay and Eatea india by the nozthe fea: And of the viages of Sebatian Labotzi 24.9.2000 Df the vyages to ogo couia and Lachay.249.7.3933111: güzecfe defccipriorrei gofcouia. at 259 in enomsnad 90190 The deſcriprion of the nozth regions and how they ate habia table, contrary to thopition of the owlde. In prers. 264. Scondiaun, 267,599 100 10 Suecia ou Sighlande. 275. Gronlande. 2680 Borhia of Bothlandesio 276. 3flandech 2690 3x sofinlande and Eningia. 276, laponia, 270. Bothnia: 275...no 3202 way. 421739 du Cena 30 grdt toe The dyesence of regions and caufes of great cities. 277. Wherbylonte of paulus glouius of the ambalade of great Ba (ilius Prince of woſcopia to pope Clement theſcuenth.278. Dther notable chynges as concernignge nofcouia, gathered obot of the bookes of Sigiſmundus liberug. 289.100 The deſcription of the regions and people lyinge spozth and Eade from gelcouin to the cywer petzoza and the pos nince of Jugaria and obe uguer sobi. eta 2943110 The Tables Df the famous ryuer of Tanaig. $297 moze directly from oleouia to Lathay. 298. Of the Dartars. 299. OG The nauigation by the froren ſea. 303. The letters miline which kynge Edwarde the bi. ſent to the kynges, princes, and other potentates inhabitynge the nozth cal parces of the woulde towarde the Empire of Lathay. 306.and. 308. Solo the letters of the prince of gofcouia fente to kynge Edwarde. 319. Other notable thynges as touchynge the indies: and of the fozeknololeage that the poet Seneca had of the fynbunge of the newe woulde e other regions nor then knowen.310 DE the greare glande whiche plato cauled Atlantica 02 Atlantide. 310. wo . Df the coloure of the Indians. 311. Why they were caulco 3ndiang, 311. Toid The fyzd diſcouerynge of the Weſt Indies 312.10 what maner of man Lhriſtopher Lolon was, and howe he came fyzd to the knowleage of the Undies. 313. What laboure and trauaile he tookë in attemprynge his firtte bpage to the indies. 313. DE newe Spayne cauled Moua Diſpania 07 Dexico. 315, DE @eru. 316 of the great ryner cauled Rio de la plata. 316 Of the hygher oz Cuperior jindia cauled gndia Terccca 02 Terciera. 317. ageyne of the landes of Labogadod and Baccalaos. 318. The diſcouerynge of the lande of Flozida. 319. Sin opinion that Europe, Africa and Aliagare glandes: and of certeyne Dauigations about the ſame. 320. That the Spanyardes haue Cayled to the Antipodes whiche inhabite the vndermoſt halfe of the baule of the carth, cons trary to thopintons of the owlde bryters. 321. Who fyzd founde the nedle of the compaffe and the vſe therof. 322. the ſituation and byggence of the carth. 323. What degrecs are. 324 a demonäration of the roundcheđe of the earth. 324) What ccedit owght to be gyuen to wzgters as touchynge the woozkes The Table woorkes of nature. 325. 1231 The preface to the booke of metals. 326. Df the generation of metalles and theyg mines, with thema: ner of fyndynge the ſame. 327.90 DE the mine of golde and the qualitie thecok. 3340 DE the myne of Cyluer. 340. 10 UNB Corsi The maner of wooikynge in the golde mines of Egypte its oulde tyme. 34-2. The diſcripcion of the two byages made out of Englande 1 to Buinea in Afrike. 34-3. a briefe Deſcription of Afrike, 3446013 The fyzde vyage to Buinea. 345. hc ſeconde vyage to guynca. 350. The maner of fynbynge the Longirude of regions by byuerg wayes. 360. a ncwe maner of fyndynge the Longitudes of regions: 3614 a briefe rehearſall of the contentes of the bookes of the decades. Cad on stond FINIS.com o il clanna $ 1301 annsstatuslar och gente 16 Colada 11 World on to 29 Stoicatamento sedam dongeng ansad?o tornamond 01 S230011 laluando C The interpretacion of cer3 teyne Woordes. Continente (that is, the firme lande not incloſed with water, oz no ylande. a Cacauel o, Laruel, a kynde of typpes. Demiſpherium, the halfe globe of the earth and Water. Pelus, a ducate and a halfe. Equinoctial, the line that diuideth the heaven and the earthe in the myodel berbene che two poles, in the which when the Conne commech, the Days & nyghtes are of equal length Llime, is a poztion of the worlde betwene north and ſouth. paralleles, are lines whereby the Conne pallynge cauſeth variation of tyme. Batti ammoni, monkeys. Schoenus, is a ſpace of. xl. furlonges. Wert, is an talian mile. Colonie, an habitacion. The Indtan language. C Lanoa, a boate oz barke. Laciqui, kynges of gouernoarso zemes an Hoole, Tuya, the deuyil, machana, a {borde. Aceitos, longes oz balades. Tona, the moone. Tonatico, the foonnc. muines, piefies Chiuy, a man. Jta, a woman. Boa, a houſe. Launi, golde. gayani, aothynge. &C. C Rote that the lande of Biſpaniola, is nowc cauled Sart Domingo by reaſon of the chiefe citie ſo named. Allo (apate Johns Flande cauled ſancti Johannis, 07 Batichena, is os theriyle cauled Boriquen, lastnosti and cod 311931 is 03106 valor 011 motsd sal acts1011509 son swag sanngondolatli geceler master creating an encanta 10:35 lustat old so al 2077302 infortable 1 singolo di olti morda a conciso 3018! E ano e Rycharde Eden to the reader. He motte famous ozatoure and learned phylo: Copher garcus Tullius Licero, bozyteth, that in all conſultations as touchynge obdre beha: uoure and onder of lyuynge amonge men, it br: hucth us euer to beare in mynde bowe farce the dignitie of mans nature, ercelleth the con: dition of bzute bealtes. For they, beinge ruled altogether by (ence, delyre in nothynge but bcaftely appetites, bohercunto they runne headlonge as to thepz onely felicitie. But the mynde of man, beinge of more noble nature, is nurydhed with knowleage, and takech pleaſure in diuiſynge of ercogi: tatynge Came honeâ thynge, whereby it not onely leaueth a. monge men a memozie of his immortall nature, but alſo ens gendereth the lyke affection in other that delyte to ſee and heare ſuch thingcs as arc commendable in theyz predicelours And this ſurely thrnke to bee the cauſe that epther the fa: Lommendati mous factes of woozthy men, oz ingenious inuentions of ep: on of noble perte artificers, haue not oncly nobilitate the autours and dt- Cactes utſers of the ſame, o fuch to whom they haue byn dedicate, but alſo that parte of thepz commendations haue rebounded to all ſuche as haue (pente theyz tyme and taken pepnes in it: lutratynge and ſettynge furthc cheyz doyages.for who Joulde at this dape haue knowen mauſolus che kynge of La: mPaulolus. cia, with his boyfe Artemiſta, 0? theſe famous artificers, Sco Lunnynge ara pa, Bzyaces, Timotheus, Leochares, 02 @ythis, if the won tificers. Derfull and ſumptuous booke of the fepulcher whiche Artes milia made for kynge pauſolus her huſband (beinge of ſuch booo kcmantyyppe that it was accompted foz one of the mar: neyls of the wozlde) had not geucn bnto all theſe inimbita | fame, whereas neuerthelelle it coulde nor defende it félte a: gepng thiniuric of eyme conſumpnge all thynges. There re: The Cabers mayneth at this daye 10 token of the laborious Tabernacle narle of Mofa [es, lohiche poites buylded, o2 of the renoumed and marueilous Whe imple Temple that was builded in Dierufalem by Salomon and re of Salomon newed by & trag. per tall the namc of the eccellente artifi: sers Doliab and Belelchel and began the kynge of Tyrus, brjam. ad Igue The preface to the reader. farge diffes Tyue for ever in the memory of men. Furtherinoze alſo, Salos mon hym ſelfe, although he were many other wayes famous, yet gaue he a greate parte of his glory to that pzincely buyi: Crewe gloze. dynge. But cecreynely the mott trewe and permanent glory, pzocedeth of ſuch monumentes as bzynge (nme great and no: table comoditie # profite to thelyfe of men, rather then of the hugious heapes of fiones of the Byzantdcs of Egypt, wherin Greatend lüp is nought els to ſee but the fonde & barbarous otentation of tuous works, ſupertuous riches: 9 of the mazes cauled Labyzinthi, 02 of hozryble great images cauled Lololli, of knottes inerplicas ble, of bralen cautions of monGrous byggeneđe, of hauens with echo Ceuen tymes reboundynge, and dyuers Cuche othee poztentous inventions, the which as they do delite vs in cons (iderynge the maruelous arte and bitte of ſuche artificers as dittled and made the ſame, ſo are they otherlyle vnprofitas ble: And bzynge rather a fame to theyz inuentonces, then seth from true gloje. treweglozye. Perillus was famous by diuiſynge his byafen bulle: get ſo, that it had byn better for hym to haue byn ob: ſcure and bnknower. They haue therefoze deſerued moje trewe commendation whiche in buyldynge of cities, townes, 10anofoztređes, bridges, cundites, hauens, cyppes, and fuche abfolute cher, haue fo togncd magnificence with profecté, that bothe loa, may remaine foz an eternal teftimonie of abſolute glozy, whoſe perfection ertenbeth to the gratifyinge of vniuerſal mankind as farre as mans moztalitie woll permit. The whiche thinge Whyle 3 confidct,and caule to memozie howe Licero defineth What is true scebe glory to bee a fame of many and greate deſertes eyther Blogg towarde owre citizens, obre countrey, oz towarde all man kynde, and the ſame to bee of ſuch excellencie that the owlde poetes for came effecte fapned it to bee the ſweete Ambzolia and fectar wherwith the goddes are fed de and that of ſuch fozce that tabo co may dzynke therof, hal alſo become a god, (that is to ſay immoztall and happy) mee thynke verely that (pf man maye be a god to men as holy fcriptuce [peaketh of Doiles and other) che kynges of Spayne of late bayes (if 9 Che kenges otparne. may ſpeake it without offence of other) may ſo much the moze Detoks. for they, indi defertes and good fozcane be compared to thoſe goddes made of men (whom the antiquitte cauled a eroes and for cheymanyfolde benefites to man kynde honoured theyne itb binine hongnec) as they famous factes fo facee excell al oches The preface to the reader. other, as bare not ſpeake to ſuch as haue not yet harde og redde of the ſame, call the greatneſſe therof Gulde at the fira byunte ſo muche attonyte the reader that he myght gene the lelle credite to the autoure of this booke, who neverthelele hath motte faythfully biytten this hyttozye of ſuche thynges Inherof he hath ſcene a greate parte him Celfe (as being by the mote catholyke and puillaunt kynge ferdinando appopnited Che rettentle of this glez a commiūtonarie in chaffayzes of 3ndia) and gathered the re: fidcwe partly by information and partly out of the toptinges of ſuch as haue byn (as Wyrgyll wzytcth of Encas, Et quorum pars magna fui) that is, doers and parte of ſuch thynges as are conteyned in the bydozie: as Gouernours, Lieuetenauntes, Capitaynes, Admirals, and pylottes, who by they: painekuk trauaples and powes, hane not onely ſubdued chele landes and ſeas, but haue alſo with lyke diligence commytted thous der therof to wozytinge: and not this onely, but foz the better trpall of the trewth berein, haue and yet doo in maner dayly Cende from thonſe into Spayne ſuch monumentes as are mot certeyne telimonies of theyz doynge, as you may reabe in dy uers places in this boke. This newe woulde is no be ſo much freqncnted, the ocean nowe fo well knowen, and the commo: Dities ſo greate that the kynge erected a houſe in the citie of Siuile (cauled the houſe of the contractes of India) pertèy. The houſe of uynge onely to thatfayzes of the cean, to the which al ſuch the contractee relozte foz neceſſaries as attempte ange bpage to this newe boulde, and lykewyle at theyz returne make they? accompte to the counſaple for the yndics foz the golde and ſuche other he conntayt Chynges as they bżynge from thenſe. It is therefoze appa: loz the Indice Eent that the heroical factes of the Spaniardes of theſe days, Che heroicall Deſerue to greate prapſe that thantour of this booke (beinge factes of the no Spanyarde) doth woozthely ertolle they, dopnge abone pangardese the famous actes of Dercules and Saturnas and ſuch other onbid khich foz they glozious and vertudus enterpiples were ac Coumpted as goddes amonge men. And ſucely if great aler: ander and the Romans which haue rather obteyn d then de Great Bietan fecued immoịtall fame amonge men foz theyz blabdye victo: der. ties onely foz theyz obne glozy and amplifyinge theyż empire obtegned by lawghter of innocentes and kepte by violence, The pants haue byn magattied for theyż doingés, hobe much mojechen arbeg warres bal be chyrke theſe men moozthy iua commendations which to the Jadicsa of India. 199 The preface to the readere in theyz mércyfull warres ageynů theſe naked people haue to bled themi ſelues towarde them in exchaungynge of benefites for victorie, that greater commoditie hath therof enſewed to the banquillhed then the victourers. They haue taken no, thynge from them but ſuch as thep them felues were wel wy! lynge to depacte with, and accoumpted as fuperfuities, as golde, perles, precious dones and ſuch other: for the which The benefites they recompenſed theym with ſuche chynges as they muche. Chat the nois moze eltemed. But ſum byli ſay, they poflefle and inhabyte ens halle recea they regions and ble theym as bondemen and tributaries, led by the where before they were free. They inhabite they, regions in Spany ardes. deede: petſo, that by they, diligence and better manurynge the ſame, they maye nowe better fufteyne both, then one bes Lybergte. foze. They? bondage is ſuche as is much rather to be deſired then theyz fozmer libertie which was to the ccuell Lanibales (Che Lapis cather a horrible licenciouſnegle then a libertie, and to thein: bales, nocent lo tercible a bondage, that in the myddet of theyz fere feareful idles full idlenele, they were euer in daunger to be a pay to thoſe melie. manhuntynge woolues. But nowe thanked be Bod, by the manhödde and pollicie of the Spanyardes, this deuelyxhe generation is ſo conſumed, partely by the daughter of Cuche as coulde by no meanes be brought to ciuilitie, and partly by teleruynge ſuch as were ouercome in the barres, and conuer fal.65.pnge them to a better monde, that the prophecie may herein bee falfylled that the woolfe and the lambe thall feede toge- ther, and thc wylde fieldes with the vale of Achok, balbe the 2013 Földe of the heard of gods people. woiſes as the minifter of Kehe warres the lawe of bath and bondage geuen in fyer & tépettes, was of poiſes. comaunded in his barres to [aue neyther man, woman, noy 2 chylde, and yet brought to commoditie to the nations whom ir be ouercame and polleted theyz landes. But the Spaniardes The Indians as the mynitters of grace and libertie, browght bnto theſe Cubsued to newe gentyles the victozie of Chryntes death wherby they be: the fayth. Inge ſubdued with the worldely I wozde, are nowe made fret al from the bondage of Sathans tyzannie, by the myghty pouce . of this triumphante victourer, boyom (aslayth the propher) god hath ozbegned to be a lpght to the genryles, to open the eyes of the blynde, and to delguer the bounpe obt of pylon and captiuitie. what other men do phantatie herein, I can 6.210 pot teli: bút Cuct i am, that lyk as the nowe and bzutyûhe byttee The preface to the reader. boyttes, for the folendernetle of they, capacitie and effeminare hartes, do teuer or ſeldome lyfte vp they, myndes to the con che content templation of goddes wozkes and maietie of nature, but lyke plation of gods wozlases brute beates lookynge euer downewarde, thynke the worlde to be in maner no bygger then theyż owne dungehylles oz ca: gies, lyttle palynge whether the Lhzyatan fayth do ſpreade through the worlde, 02 bee dzyuen to one cozner: Euen ſo al good wyttes and honett natures ( doubte not) byl not one: ly reiopce to ſee the kyngedome of Bod to bee ſo farre enlar: ged vppon the face of the earthe, to the confuſion of the Che Chiliile deupll and the Turkyɑhe antichryfte, but alſo do the btter: an Empire se moti of theyz poure to further the ſame, for ſurely, as Bons largeo. ſalus Duiedus wzyteth to the Empetours maieffe in his by: ftorie of the wette undies, that he thynkech bym no trewe Spanyarde whiche teloyceth not in the good fortune of they? che conaeret kynges by whoſe ayde and godly zeale this myghtie poztion on of the gens of the worlde hath byn added to the flocke of Lhzytes con: tyles. gregation, Euen ſo doy thinke them no trewe Lhzylian men that do not reioyce with the angels of heauen foz the delive: tie of theſe owre brootherne, owre kenhe, and obre bones, from the handes of obte commune enemie the oulde ſerpente who hath folonge had them in hy s poñellion, bntyll the ful- netle of the gentyles be accomplyſhed accordynge to the time pzefinite by hym, who unto the geare after his incarnation . LILL. lxrrcii. hath ſuffered the greate ſerpente of the Leuiathan. fea Leuiachan, to have ſuche dominion in the Dcean and to catte fuch myttes in the eyes of men, that ſence the creation of the boulde yntyll the yeare befoze named, there hath byn no Prefter John pađage from owr knölen partes of the would to theſe newe the Chailtian landes, whecas nowe the ſame are molte certeynely knowen Emperour of Ethiope. to be not paft. rtr. dayes (aylynge from Spayne. Reyther pet had the church of Europe any knowleage of the myghtic Lhryſtian Emptve of precioſas Johannes, otherwyſe cauled Preſbyter johannes, Emperour of many Chryſtian nations in Echiope, brryll the yeare of Chrytte. 19. LL.£. periii. as largely appeareth in the nauigations of the poztugales, and eſpecially in the booke of Damianus a Bocs, bozytten ro thebychop of Rome, paule the thyrde of that name, of the tayth and religion of the Ethioptans which they haue hadde Cence the tgme of the Apogles, Athynge certes mod boons Derfulla The preface to the reader, derfull, and ſuche, that yk the ſame were not hedde hetherts by gods unlercheable prouidence,jcan not but thynke mach negligence of ignorance in obor forefathers and pzedicelours bnryil the dayes of the ryght noble, pzudent, and Latholike Don Ferdis kynge of Aragon Don Ferdinando grandfather to Thempes nando kenge tours maiettie by his elded dowghter, ft to the queenes hygh: 6 Pragon. nelle by his ſeconde dowghter the mot vertuous lady ayaeene Catherine her graces moother:& prince doubtele Rof ſuche nobilitie, prowes, magnificence, and all other brstures com: mendable in a prince, that who fo mall indtak odsto way all his doinges and good luccelle in all his affaclés comparinge the ſame to thenterpzpſes and doinges arch qued by Cache fa: mious princes in whome the Brcebes and Romans haue fo greately glozyed, maye with one epe perceaue not onely howe farre his noble factes do ſurmount theyżs, but alſo wel con: fyder what noble braunches of iChewe were lyke to (plynge out of co woozthy å focke. And ſuerly if Cence the begynning of the worlde, the facour of god toward men hath byn knob Che fauont en by ſuch benefites and bleưynges as he hath geuen to men, of god knows it fecmeth to me that in maner (onely Chrytte orcepted) there en by his benes Sites. neuer Ipued man to whom god hath geuen greater benefites and fewcd moje fanoure. Breat doublede was the fauonc and mercie that god tewed onto Poe, by whom he ſaued the remanent of mankynde beinge but fewe in number. But much Yohat god greater was the grace which he themed to kynge Ferdinando hath wought bnder whom and by whole meanes he ſaued not onely the bo by kynge fers dies but alſo the Coules of innumerable millions of men inha Binando. bytynge a great part of the worlde heretofoze bnktowen and diowned in the deluge of erroure. What fulde 3 here (peake Obraham, of Abraham the father of fayth whoſe płomyſes were great, and he cauled the frende of god! Dyd he oz his patteritie ſee graell increaſe to ſuch multitudes and nations as kyng fer piettuali dinandos poderitte may ſee thincreaſe of this ſpirituall Jlra Craell. ell onto bhome as a ſeconde Abraham he was the father of Borſes, fapth : oiſes was ſo great in the lyght of god that he difs cloſed unto hym his ſecreate name, and miraculouiy cauſed a corner of the ſea to open at his player. But hobe greates a myzacle was it that he opened onto the nagle of Don Fers Dinando the greate Ocean thowght before that tpme to be ® beschout ende, where aluecrbeleire he and his pofteritte che tgnges The preface to the reader. kynges of S payne haue nowe planted a nelve Craell mache greater then that whiche Daoiſes ledde throughe the red ſea. Et were here ſuperduous to ſpeake of Dauid whom bodde Dauto, founde a man accordynge to his harres dcfyze: and yet maye it be doubted whether his plages and ſcourges were greater then his benefites Dis foune Salomon foz al his incongane Salomon. and loanerynge wyſedome and his great ryches obteyned by Ophir. his nauigations to Dphir, yet was there at this time no antipodeo. knowleage of antipodes, neyther dybbe any of his thyppes Saple abowi tichole worlde, perce the ocean, and trauerfe Che nanigas the Equinocilerine to thinkeriour hemiſpherie oz halfe globe tion rounde about the of the eartbe and fea as dyd the famous typpe Wictoria ſent woulde Furch by Themperours maietie.thyng doubtlelle (o frange and maruepious that as the lyke was never done befoze, co is tt perhaps neuer lyke to be done ageyne: ſo farre haue the nauigations of the Spanyardes ercelled the byage of Jaſon and the 'Argonautes to the region of Colchos, of all that cuer bere befoze. And although in the book of kynges and para lipomenon it bee hyperbozically wzytten that in the dayes of Salomon golde & ſylaer were in Dierufalê in maner as plenci ful as fones, & that his ſeruantes brought from Dphic fouce hundzeth e fiftie talentes of gold, get do we not reade that a ny of his dyppes were ſo laden with golde that they loonke, as dyd a Chyppe of kynge Ferdinandos as yow maye reade iro the laat booke of the fyztte Decade. Neyther was the domini on of Salomon extended from the ryuer of Euphrates to the of Salomon. Thedominio lande of the Philiftians and thertceme confines of Egypte Paral, 9. to be compared with the large Empire whiche the kynges of Spagne haue in the wet yndies: Noz his ryches of golde to the Judizem be thought much in reſpect of that which hath byn bzowgbe from thenſe into Spayne as call playnely appere to al Cuche as byll ſeeke to knowe the truth bereof. But to let palle to ſpeake any further of the myzacles which god hath wzought by the handes of this noble prince in this newe world among theſe newe gentyles. 31s it not well kuolen to all the wozid The Warres What a defence and bżalen wall he hath hyn to all thryden: of kpage fets Dome in that he hath quite Dzyuen out of Spayne the moozes dinando a: 07 Saralens and flewes which fo many hundžeth yeares pol Qaralens, gent the Celled a greate parte of Spagne to no [maule daungtoure of tbs pole cbziftian Lempire, and get coulde neurt befoze bee cleans The preface to the reader, cleane banquylhed bntyll the dayes of this noble and Catho lyke prince ſo named for his warres agcyntte the infidelles, whom Bod rapled foz a Lapitayne of his people as an otheb Bedion under whoſe banner they myght cuercome theyz enes mics and pourge his vineyarde from ſuche wpcked weedes. The which thynge doubreleđe may ſeeme ſo much the greater and more difficulte, fozaſmuch as in the myddet of the chiefe heate of his chargeable barces agepnite the boozes of Gra: nada, he cuen then and at the ſame tyme (enre furth (hyppes The conqueſte for the conqueftynge of the undies, as thowgh he and the na of the Indies tion of the Spanyardes had byn appoynted by god cyther to ſubdue the enemies of the fayth oz to bringe theym to Lhuiles religion. The Celfe ſame kynge Ferdinando allo abowte the peare of Lh?yd.1503.lent a nauie of Cyppes into Ftaly, where Che conquefte they banquynhed, chaſed, and dewe the frenchemen, and of Papies. recouered the kyngedome of Naples with all the dominions belongynge thereunto. By which noble victory, his ſuccelli, on and poteritie as thempetours maieftie and nowe hts Conne. the kynge obre matter and Courraigne lozde haue cuer ſence enioped thinheritaunce of the ſame as of antiquirie by iuft and ryght tộle dewe to them and theyz pzedicetours. ånd as it is the nature of god not only to the bee his lour and fauoar to ſuch as hane pleaſed hym, but allo to poure furth the plentie of his grace bppon theyz luccellion from generation to gents Che empta ration, ſo hath he with lyke fecilitie proſpered the reigne DE Bours meielie themperours maieftie boho by his wiſdome and prowes hath not onely pollitikly gouerncd, but alſo aagmented and inlar: ged ſuch dominions as fel to hymby diſcente of inheritaunce. What tuld 31 ſpeake of his barres and conquelles in yndia, in aphrike in talie,in ftaunce, in Germanie, and in flaua ders : all the which to be declared accordyngely bolde taches require hole volumes then fewe teetcs of paper. pet hach one in fewe woordes execrually erpreïcd his dominions and cop quotes in theſe berſes folowonge et les or any amele Songte orange 109849031 The preface to the reader. Impiger expauit rapidas tranfire per vndas Oceani Alcides: continuitą gradum, Maxímus at Cæſar, PLVS VLTRA tendere curfum Aulus, et ignotis eft dare iura locis. Et domita aurifera nunc victorgente reuerſus, Cætera ſub fceptro ponat vt iple fuo. Nam pater omnipotens vt famam terminet aftris Iuſsit, et imperium fineat Oceano. An other allo bzeefely hath declared the fame in theſe verſes. Conſortem Imperij voluit quia luppiter orbis, Aftra Deo cedunt, Carole terra tibi. 2009 And certes who fo Well conſidereth the progenie of kyngés that in to thozte a time haue liniallp deſcended from Don Fer dinando, and hobe many kyngebomes they poữe It, may ice that God hath fulfylled in hym alſo the promiſes and bleſ: fynges of Abraham, as to make him the father of many nati 64.19. ons, and his ſecde to growe great bpon the earth: Alſo that many kynges thalbe come furth of his loynes, and to make a perpetuall league and conucnaunt with hym and his poderi: sie to bee thopi god foz euer. and here to omytte to (peake of other: was there ever better hope oj mozelikcnes then now, that thcle blegynges and pzomples of god thulde continewe In this pzincely pzogenie, ſyth the vertues and felicirte of the al doo co chyne and wouldhc in our noble and gratious prince Chekinges kynge phylyppe, to whom euen in his pouth his father (och mateitie. cupied in the warres of Italye and Aphzike) commytted the hole gouernaunce of the kyrgedomes of Spagne and the un dies. Df his behavour in Englande, his enemies(which can ker, vertue neuer lacked) Chey 3 Cag(if any ſuch yet remaine) hane gecacet cauſe to repoztc bcll: pe ſo well, that of his na: tural The preface to the reader. turall clemencie were not greater then was theyz vtinaturali indignation they knowe them ſelues what myght hauc foloto 10. The pzoperties of fooles and wyle men are declared in theſe olold brrres. Quid ftulti proprium ? Non poſſe et velle nocere. Quid fapientis opus : Non velle et poffe nocere. That ts to ſay: What is the propertie of a foole to boyl to doo burte and cau not, what is the booke of a wyle man? 5120: to kyll to hurre thongh he may. But whether hcharh lacked poure oz myll, it is known to barbers and blere eyde men. Who lamented theyz foliy moze then be ? Who moje humbly adınytted they, Cutes and ſupplications : ye who ob tegned the pardon but he? Beynge a lion he behaved bym apottrophe ſelfe as a lande, and Grooke not his enemic bauenge the to englande. (Woode in his hande. Stoope Englande ftoope, and learne to knowe ti loidt and maſter, as hozles and other bute beattes ace taught to doo, Be not indocible lyke Tygers and diagons, and ſuch other monters noyous to man kynde. Bod by che month of (atas the prophet reproueth the fraclites that they knebe not ſo well they: Dewtie towarde hpmas dyb the brute beates the mangiers of beg: matters. The ore and the alle (Cayeh be) kaoweth the mangier of they mader, but fraell knowcth not me. Foz Chame let us not be woolle then oren and ates, lykt baro holes and mules in lahom is no onderdandynge. But synthankefull Englande and boyde of honed ſhame:Who hath geuen the the face of a booze and toonge of a ſecpent withowt mame to Ipeake benomous poolbes in ſecreates agcyna the announted of god. D payn: ted booze that hat chyfte in thy mouth and the deny! in the harte. Dach not the pocks of the licentiouſnete bzade fucch in maner to thyne ohne beicuccion. Dowelongé löylt thon aurylche in the boolome that ſerpente whore nature is to de: nouce her moother make a bomyre in tyme leaſt thy diſeaſe become vncurable. What neede 3 rebearle unto the thy ma: syfolde infirmities and deformities whiche thou arte tauler into by chyne owne owtcagiouſneſe : 3f the groetes of them bee to thcs un ſenſible by reaſon of thy feeblene Le and longe fickenes, take into thethas glace whern thou glazget with the gewe and thynket that thou feeft al thynges and cand subge alt myfteries, Leoke fay in that pure glate and be: Jefet The preface to the readere holde thy owne befonuities, which thou canſte not or bylte wot fcele. 3 fome greatlythat if thon looke therein diligently and looke even throughe toy felfe, than bylte abhozre the felfe to ſee how many morefters lye hid in the bnder the thap: spondrous of mall. There is cuen nowe great talke of the in the mouches bershes. of all mien that thon han of late geares brought furebe many mongers and traunge by thes, whecof Dyuers men make by: uers interpretacions moze mondrous then the monters theim ſelues. But thall 3 bleefely and ſimply declare onto chec the The (tgulfira ſignification of thy montters: ffyrd then conſyder that they cons of mon- Utrus dyzthjes. are monters of mankynde and not of other beađcs. Secunda: ril marke well that in tirem al, the headde is perfece, ſo that the mondrolitie groweth owo of the body, although not owot of the hole body but certepne partes therof. But not to go to farre. Confyder ageyne that bilazber of the partcs is a defoz mitie to the hole. Dne hath well interpreted that Cuch mon: The deformtep Drous byzthes ſignifie the montreus and defozmed ruyndes or monitzous of the people myochapened with phantadical opinions, digo: mynoss. lute Iyuynge, liceations talke, and ſuch other vicious beha: Roures which mondrouly deforme the myndcs of men in the fgght of god who by Cuche ligmes doorh cerrifie ys in what fimilitude woe appere befuze hyin, & thereby gyuerh vs admo nition to amende befoze the day of his logath and bengeance. What dcformed beattes are moze wiongcous thon lyinge, cebel lon, Arife, contention, pziuie malice, llaunderynge, muttes rynge, conſpiraces, and ſuch other dcuilpühe imaginations. Sue 9 Englande whyle ryme is gpuen chee, circuinciſe chy hatte. put to onely the good wyll, and thou mapie fynde grace and fauouce to recover thyue aunciente bewtie whiche harh (o longe bya dcfaced. Shouhatte nowe a kynge and Che kyng and queene that belyze thee to reinember thy dewtie, and holds Querre, they armes abrode to embraſethee of thou boylt Dzalbe nere bute them. They are ſozy to occupic the whyppe gf thou migb teft ocheriple bee brought to obedience. But pe thou tane pleaſure to peilit in frobarde ftoobbecnede,kno ioc thou that they are Lions whelpes and conquerours of montters flyers of thou han had ſuche experience, that pzoudely trafiynge in thyne olvid Orengthe, and attemptinge lykc an other Nem: toth to buyide a neboe toboze of confuſion, the wooltes of thy giantes were miraculoway ouerchzobone by a woman who de: b.ii. liucted ѕt а із The preface to the reader. tfuered thee from that captiuitie, whercby thou oughtede te knote the daungiour thou wat in, and bec chankcfull to thy Deliuerer. Beware therefoze Icade whole thon contemne the peaceable princes that god hath ſent che, thou bee lyke bnto 3 Copes frogges to bbo for thepz vnquietnelle, Jupiter ſene a hearon to picke them in the hedes. Conſider what benefites thau mayit receane at thep2 handes tfthou'doo thy debtie to: warde them. Lonfyder ageyne that as they are able, fo map thy gcntelnefle make them bullynge to recompenſe the ſame Sroppe thone eares from vayne fables as from the inchaun: tynge Dermaybes. for as mange ſpeake of Robbyn Doode and of his bowe that acuer thor therin, Co doo fooles pzate of ſuch thonges as they knowe not. But o god : what phanta ſics are nowe in the head's of men:bowereby they are to in: uent ipes and tales ? and of howe (maul ſparkes they kyndle greare Rames? Summe are lo curious to fynde faute in other, that for lacke of tatt matter boozt igy reproche in them whom How curious they deſpre to depzaue, they ſpeake cupll of they parentes e Tamme ate to kynred of whom they knowe as tyttle. And not to fatilfped onde faute in they diſptfe and bith lyinge dilpzapſe theyz hole nation and orbes, countrey. ye Cum take Cuch pleaſure herein, that if thep can fynde nought els to diſpzaple, they boyli fynde faute in luche as they fauour not, becauſe they weare not they; apparell as they doo, 02 pechappes are not fo e Feminate as they, o, eate not as they eate, oz fight not as they fygot, ſo parciall is the indgenent of fooles in there oba ne rudcnete, thynkyng thems Apes Jungle Celues the better for dilpzaplynge of other. Spagne is a beg: a. gerly countrey Cayth one: hempecour is bur pooze Cayth an other: De is deade (ayrh an other: The indies hane rebelled Cayeh an other, and eyther there commechuo moze golde from thenis, 02 there is no moje founde notae : with ſuche or her falfe and licencious talke Diuiled by bnquiet bzaines in whoſe heades the hammers of fedition feaſe not to forge ingens of iniquitte.3f 3 fulde hece anſibere to all theſe querels paccio cularly and as the woozthynete of the thynge requireth, 31 myght fynde matter fufficient to make a volume of inte quan tiric and perhappes be tedious to Camme. yet not to pate o: uer ſo great a matter untouched, and pactely to toppe the monthes of ſnche impudente lyers, 3 haue thought good to Lommendatta ons of spate Cpcake fumbogat heceof, fez@ thertore to ſpeake of Spagne, and The preface to the reader. by the ecdimonie of oulde autours to declare the commodt: ties therof: plinie a graue & faythful autour, in the latt boke & lat chapitüre of his natural hitozy greatly commendynge Fraly abone al other contreps,glueth the ſecond prayle bnto Spaine albel foi al ſuch thynges as in maner the benen can geue & the earth buynge furth for the commoditie of this lyfe as alſo foz the ercellente wittes of men & ciuile gouernaunce. allo Diodorus Siculus in the firt booke of his Bibliotheca ſpeakynge of Spayne (cauled of the Greekes yberia) wziteth that when in the mountaines named Pyzinei thinhabitantes rpche fpluce burnte bp the wooddes, there ranne owt of the mountapnes mynes in as it were dyuers ſtreames of pure (gluer molten by the heate payme. of the fyze. But thc etimation and price of [yluer beinge at thoſe dayes to them baknowen, the phenician marchauntes bought the Came of them for thynges of {maule balue : and caryinge it into Brecia, Alia, and other countreps, got great rychere thechy. For the deſpre of gay nes (Cayth he) Co greate ly moued the matchauntes, that when moze ſyluec cemayned then moght lade thep, thyppes, they tooke the leade frome they; ankers, and pur (plucr in the place therofa che Phent: ces by this gapnes beinge made very ryche, dyb adigne many colonies both in Sicilie and the glandes there about, and alſo in Libya, Sardinia, and Jberia. But after many yeares when the Iberians (that is the Spantardes) kuewe the price of (pluer, and applyed them Celues to the ſeckynge of metals and founde gicat plentie of Cyluer, they obteyneb greate ry: ches therby fozaſmuch as in mancr al that earth of the moun taynes is fo replenyühed with [pluer that it is a marueplous shynge to conſyder the nature of the region and the continual laboure of the woolkemen in thoſe mynes, Lykebyle when afterwarde the Romans ſubducd the Iberians, the talians Che Romans bohich for the deſpre of gaynes ſearched thoſe metals, gotte inriched by ste great rycheữe by the ſame. For they deputed to that laboure (pluer of a multitude of bowght Teruauntcs, whiche Cearchynge the Spagne. paynes of metals in dyuers places, and percyng che earch by: uers wages for the ſpace of many fuclonges, bzoboght furthe great plentie of golde and fyluer. But the rychede of theſe mynes was fpza founde at ſuch tyme as the Carthaginenſes Chauhan (the enemics of the Romane Empire) had the berians in ſub seccion:which was the cauſe that theyz poure afterwarde in: ch 15 of pama, creaſed The preface to the reader , creaſed. fol, with monye hyzingethe bct and mofte erperte Couldiers, they kepte greuous warres agcyna they encmiese And not blynge the apde egther of they: obr:e ſouldiers of they, añociates, they were a terrour to the Womanes, Sici: lians, and Iibyans, whom they browgh: into great Daungi: our by realon chey pated them al in abundance of golde and fyluer. With better foztune therefore, and greater hope of gayne are ryche metals Cought in Spagne, the goodneñe of whoſe foyle yeldcth cloddes of caeth conteyntynge much golde and fyluer. and theſe be the bery wordes of Wisdojus Sich lus, which the later wzyrets doo alſo confirme. For Julius Solinus in his polyhittor, compareth Spayne to the belt con tregs in plentie of grayne, byttaples, ople, Cplust, solde,and gron. Likewyſe Strabo, Statius, and Llaudius, do no lede commende it. 3t were to longe here to ſpeake of the greate ebe conmodt plentie of fine woolles lyrcle inferiour buto olors:allo abuns ties of Spain Daunce of Cagar, vines, pome granates, limondes, and ozan gies in ſuch plentie that they Tuffice not onlo Spapne, but al: Co in manet all Europe: whereas the apples and crabbes of Englande are ſcacſely able to ſerue it felfe. And althowghe beve Cumme wyli obiecte, that they lacke corne, woodbe, and certeyne other thynges, yet are they? commodities ſo greate otherwple, that al ſuch chynges are brought them out of o be Cygne of ther countereys for theyz bares:and that in ſuch plentie, that she treeple. chey are chcce better chepe then euer they were in Englande Cence the ligne of the deeple the pooze mans 3inne was pulled downe in all placcs. Summe foz lacke of other matter fynde greate faute that in trauaplyage in Spayne, men thalbe Cers ned with halfc a benne, and go to the cookes foz they, meate and to the taucrne foz theyz dzynke. And what then 31 praye pow? What inconuenience enſewerh hereof is it not better Uſo to doo then to pay thayſe foz one thinge as is the maner to doo in fumme of obre Tunes and in tauternes where all that cate colle meate are beaten with the fpitte, as where they chac of late in Barcheln we fayze paybe fogtie penicfoz a pygge, where the good man of the houſe was not a thamed to make el sig his bannte that he had made foute thyllynges of a pygge, and bad in one day taken foure pounde foz pygges. But if 3 tuld here particularly and at large declare howe Englande is in fewe ycares decaged and imponeryûbed, and botbe on the contra, seo, Al maris The preface to the reader, contravy parte Spayne is inryched, 31 thulde perhappes dit: plcaſe moze in deſerpbpng the myrecte of the one, then pleaſe other in crp:eñynge the dory:Thynge date of the other, which by all reaſon is lyke dayly to increaſe, aſwell foz the great ry chelle that are yeately browght thyther from the 3 ndies, as alſo far the ryche fyluer mynes that are founde of late in fluer mines payns in the countrey of Aduria as 3 was credably infoz, foande of late med by the woozthy and lerned gentelman Augutinus de ces in payne. catta, Lontado: (that is) the audirour of the kynges myates who had longe before byn furueyoure of the golde mynes of Borcu, and browght from ebenſe and from Bio de plata.gui. Syluer thouſand pounde weyght of fyluer which was coyned to the bought frome kinges ble in the rowze of London where neuer ſo much hath Deru into Englandes byn ſcene at once as fuche as hauc byn owlde Officers in the mynte dos afficme. what muldr 3 heare (peake of the golde which themperours maietie receaueth frome all the undies, wheras onely in the two meltynge choppes of the gold mines Chaperogre of the flande of Hiſpaniola, is molten pearely three bun, revenues from Dieth thouſande pounde beyght of biit.vnces to the pound, the Indies. whcrof the fyfre parte is dewe bnto hym, whichc amounteth to three ſcore thouſande weyght ycarelp. yet doo 3 not here (peake of the golde mines of the other landes and the firme lande reachynge. viii. thouſande myles from the nozch to the fouth: Repther of the roche plandes of the ſouth ſea cauled the glandeb egare del Sur, where the kynge of one lyttle 3 lande named of the Douche Tararequi, Dargaritea, or de las perlas lying in the goulfe cca. of Saynt eichael, payeth peacely foz this tribure a bundjeth pounde weight of perles: Neyt her yer of the fyfte parte of o: ther thynges, as pzecions tones, dzalile,golampine cotton, fpices, and dywers other thynges, wheras alſo the ryche 3 landes cauled the maluchas perteyne to the inheritance of The Flandes fallile, alchowgh the kynge of 902tugale enioy them foz cers of algen. teyne yeares by compoſition. But the zodies hane rebelled (lay they) and there cammeth no moje golde from thence. But What if (ummo of chemhaue rebelled: doochit therby felowe estar that there commerb no moze gold from the other that Igue bus Der obedience : But if theu bylte fap that they have al rebels led at once, thou mult prouí that thou ſayett eyeher bo byttos tle oz wytostre of ſuch as know the truth herof, as 31 (haming made diligent ſearche for the ſame) am able to pioue the con: gracie, The preface to the reader, tracie, and that ſuche talke is onely imagined by buſie head: des. Ageyne: what if they bque rebelled in ſumme pzouin: ces ? dooch it folowe that they maye not agepne be browght under ſublection as were oftentymes the prouinces of the ko: manes and as were in owre bayes Douers countreps of Eng. lande whiche hauc byn fože axlicted with that plage. But babether the ſandes of the ryuers and the mountaynes of the gadies bee ſo emptied with golde that no more can be founde there, 3 thinke it here ſuperduous to anſwere to this obiecti: on, fozaſmuch as it is heceafter confuted in the booke of me cals where you all fynde by experience that merals growe and increaſe, and that after certepne yeares, Cuche owlde ca: ues of the mynes as haur byu bygged, are ageyne ceplenpf: ched with bre: alſo that theſpzynges of ſuche mountaynes turnynge they courſe and breakynge farth in other places, bzynge with them greate plentie of Cuch golden (ande as is founde in the rygers into the which they faule. What impu: Dencie is it therfoze with woodcs of reproche to caule hyme poole whoſe poure is ſo gceace, his treaCure fo infinite, and his doinges ſo chargeable, that 3 belecue thar when lo muer it pleaſe almyghtie God to caule hym frome this Ipfe to the greare domage of all Chrytendome, tt Thalbe harde to fynde an other chat fall in all poyntes bee ſo well able to ſupplye that coome and maynteyne chimperiall diguitie. Let al honed natures therfoze leacne to (pcake well of pzinces accordynge to the ſentence Dc Principibus nil niſi bonum, fogalmuch as they ace the minigers of god who hath they hartes in his hande and culeth the ſame as ſeemeth bette vato hym. For there is no poure neytirr good nor badde, but of god: and be that celys deth of ſpeaketh eupil of the poure, reſideth and ſpeakech eupll of god. Thou (balt not (peake cupll of the pzince of cu: ler of thy people faith Caint paule. But whecas nowe by the poure of Neptunus(wat nere Che nauiga tions of the with what wynte)g hauc byn dzyuen thus farce from my na: Spanyardes nigations, 3 baue thought good to turne my Caples and ro folowe the ordinarie courſe which 3 beganne, and by there emple of this woorthy capitapne kynge Ferdinando, encou: cage al other to thepz poure to attempte the lyke byagcs: as touchynge the which in fewe woordes to Declare my oppngs on, if any man muide alke me byat 31 thanke theſe thinges tople The preface to the reader. Wyll grote to in cyme, 3 wyll atiftere as booth the autottt of this bookt, that when confyder home farce owre potes ritie fhall ſee the Chriſtian religion enlarged, 31 am not able with tounge Dj penne to expzele that conceaue hereof in my mynd. yet one thyug 3, ſee which enforcerh me to ſpeake #lament, that the bacuett is of greate the wozkemen Cofeb. The Spanyardes bane thowed a good exemple to all Chryti an nations to folowe. But as god is great and woonderfull in all his wooikes, ſo belyde the poztion of lande pecteynyng to the Spanpardes (beinge eyght rymes bygger then ytalye Jeakf te.icee as yowe maye reade in the latte booke of the ſeconds Decade) myles to leng and beſide that which perteineth to the portugales, there yet the and, 126. temayneth an other portion of that mayne lande reachynge in breadthe. towarde the northeat, thought to be as large as the other, and not yet knowen but only by the ſea coates, neyrher inha: byted by any Chriftian men: whereas neuertheleñe (as w202 The lande terh Bemma pəhriſius)in this lande there are many fayze and cauleb Eerra frutefull regions, hygh mountaynes, and fayze ryuers, with Florida, regia abundaunce of golde and dyuers kondes of beañes. allo baccalearum. cities and towres Co wel buplbed and people of ſuch ciuilitie, that this parte of the woulde feemeth lyrtle inferiour to obute SHORT Europe, if thinhabitauntes had receaued olnte religion. They are wyttie people and refuſe not batterynge with traungers. tooke the lan Theſe regiós are cauled Terra flojida and Regio Baccalea: booke. thit de tum 02 Bacchallaos of the which you may reade (umwhat in decade. this booke in the vyage of the woozthy owlde man yet lyuing Sebaſtiane Labote, in the. bi. booke of the thyide Decade. But Labote touched only in the nozth cozner and mo& barba is now cauled This region tous parte hereof, from whenſe he was repulſed with Ife in Noua Hilpas the moneth of July. Nevertheleđe, the well and fouth partes nta sum of theſe regions haue ſence byn better ſearched by other, and thinke that founde to bee as we have fayde befoze. The chicfe citie in the this atters ſouthweft partes of theſe regions, is cauleb Temirtetan, 02 marcus Pane perico in maner under the circle cauled Tropicus Lancrizand lus: Arongely Defended by the nature of the place, sfoz itlanderh looke the late m a very great lake bauynge abowt'ir innumerable bridges, booke of the and buyldynges to be compared to the woorkes of Dedalus. 3.decade, and xhinhabitauntes alſo can wżytt andreade. Summe wzyters of the booke connecte this lande to the firme lande of glia: But the truth of the landes Øgreof is not get knomen, and althoughe che Spanyardës lately found. SOM C.1 haue The preface to the reader. haue certegne colonies in that part of this lande that is no we cauled oua Diſpania, per are the people for the mofte parte Jbolatours. Dowe much therforc is it to be lamented, and howe greatly dooth it ſounde to the reproche of all Chriften: dome, and eſpecially to ſuch as dwelt nercâ to theſe landes (as wedoo) beinge muche nearer onto the ſame thon are the Spanyardes (as within crb. Dayes Caylinge and lede) howe muche 3 faye Chall this founde unto obre reproche and iner- cufable Rothfulnette and negligence boche befoze god and the worldc, that lo large dominions of ſuch tractable people and pure gentiles, nor beinge bytherto cozrupted with any other som falle religion (and therefoze the eaſyer to bee allured to em: in baſe obres) are nowe knoben unto us, and that we harte no reſpecte neyther for goddes cauſe no, foz obre owne coma moditie to attempte fumme vyages into theſe coattes, to doo fozowr partes as the Spaniardes haue doonc foz theyg, and not euec lyke deeps to haunte one trade, and to doo nothynge wooztby memorie amonge meno: thankcs before god, who wa mape herein woozthely accule vs foz the lackeneſte of obre dcwtie towarde bym. Saynı paule the docroure of the gen: fathe godiye tiles (to whole Apogeldippe alſo theſe newe gentiles doo seale of. S. pecteine) boas of ſuch zeale toboard the gevoes whom god had Paule. reiected, that he wylhed bym felfe to bee accuſed of god for thep, Cakes. He went from Damaies to Arabie, pzeached the goſpell in Brecta, came puilonec to Romc, was (courged and ſtoned, and Curtered they e dyplzacke, what then thinke pow he wola do if he were not aliue:918 it to be thoughribat teinn he wolde not aducnture.rrv.dayes faylynge to come to Cuchi datum coea marté of foulesin Cuch vedinegre to bec calely obtened: 3 Dienos belcue verely that neyther death, noche deuyli, noz Icuia, than, nok the worlde, hulde let bym but that he wolde geue thonſet agepnd them all in hope of victorie by hym by whom he ſayth he can doo all thynges be was not negligent in his Office no ignorant of his vewarde, but truſted to the promélie gel.66of him that cap de by the mouth of the prophet; fai : Df them that tilbe ſaned, 3 inpllende fum to the geneyles in thefea, into Aphaike and Libias3 alie, and Brecia, and into the 3: clandes a facre of, ta thể that have not harde of me, and have med not ſeené my głožie. Thelike zeals that paule had and pro: csadynge of the fame [picite, bath euer Cence Lherles tome, mond The preface to the reader. mouch tot only the Apofies, but alſo many other famous and godiy men (ab fuperuilours of his teftamente) to ſende obte pzeachers into dyuers partes of the worlde to thewe furth the gladde tyd ynge of the goſpell. By this zeale dyd Bregozpe Gregorie the bylihoppe of Uome and fyzffe of that name, when he came firſt. Englydhe mens chpldzen in Home and aſked what nation they were, Iphen anſwere was made hem in the laten tounge that they mere Angli, (that is, Englyühe men)he fayd (allus dyng to the fimilitude of the wozde) that they myght wel be hotfice of cauled Angelt, that is, Angels: peanyng therby that lyke as boppes. god had done his part in geuyng them bodies of natural beb tie and comelynette, ſo it appertsyned to his office beinge the cheefs paltoure of goddes focke, co pzoupde that theyz Coules might be made woozthy to inhabite Cuch bodies and the hole nation confecrated bnto god by baptifme. For he fayde fur: thermore:gt is mecce that vnto theſe alſo the goſpell of life England Catte bee preached: áno hereuppon immediatly fent p2eachers into verted to the Englande I hereby the hole nation was in thozte tome conuer faith of chride. ted to Lhrides faith, although fum had receaucd the goſpell longe brfoze cuen from Chryftes tyme by the preachyng of 30 (eph of Arimathia who aſked the body of Lhyte of Pilore, and buryed it truerently 3 wolde to god that there were nolo many mo luch Bregoztes in the worlde:And that there might he lyke zeale and gentelnee bee founde in vs Englpdhe men to: warbe other nations, as we haue founde in other tolvarde. bs. Obce pzediceữoures were not ytterlye bnmyndefull of theſe benefires, but applyed themſelues lykewiſe to (picade the goſpell in other nations. Fox Wadianus in his booke De tribus terræ partibus, bozyteth, that moze then leuen hundzethe This unifride yeates after che Death of Chiyde,one Unefride an Englyühe was after man and byſhoppe of mogunce (noise cauled Beenie) toas warde named the fyzfte that taight the fayth of Chrytte amonge the Bec: Boneface. maynes, at ſuch tyme as the Frankes and Almaynes had pat fedouer the eyuers of Rhene and manuhiusand by puttynge the garrpions of the Romans to fight, bab pollelicd a great parte of theyz motto notable provinces for albeit that thoſe rude and barbarous nations then accuſtomed onely to warre and robberie did hardly admitte that holcome doctrine at the beginning.Yet by the pollicie and tiledomecf the frankes, út came ſo to page that in maner through opt all Germanie, 1803 greate The preface to the reader. greate increaſe of the Chriftian religion folowed there motto ample victories, as the lyke ſuccelle is alſo ſeene in theſe bas barous nations ſubdued by the Spanyardes. Whereby it is 20hether any may bee tonac epparent, that although Cum holde opinion that none olghe pelled to the to bee compelled to the faythe, yet we ſee by erpecience that farthe. bithout diſpucynge of opinions (lette the pacienres thulde dye befoje thc philitrans agree of the remedie) theſe enterpri ſes haue taken good exfect to the great glogy of god who cau leth men unto hym by dyuers meanes and at Dyuers ages of The time of the declinynge worldc, otherwyſe nowe then in the tyme of miracles. Lhytte and his Apoſtles when the poure of miracles was gia uen ynto men to confirme the newe fayth which had yet pres uailed no where in the worlde. Albeit, 3 beleue berely, that if we wolde take the matter in hande accordingly,god bolde not forget to apde vs loith miracles if it thald Co be requiſite, apiracles of as yowe may reade in this booke howe be wroughe miracles Late dages by the fayth of a ſimple mariner enen in thinfancie of fayche. And Cuerlye, lyke as there is no cauſe why we thulde anye thynge Doubte of goddes goodneđe in this behalfe if the faut be not in owre felues. Enen fo, if we bolde fyztte Cette owre handes to the plome, we ought to hope that he bolde giue encreaſe and woolke with vs as he hath doone with other, Diowe Craell by whole proſperous ſuccede we may plainely ſee that it was his will that ſuche thynges thulde go forwarde. For euers po te dred the laode of 1 Craell to whom pzomelle was made by ſignes and miracles promete that they fulde pollete the lande to thinheritaunce whero, the ſea opened it ſelfe to giue them free pallage, yet were they commaunded by the poure of the (woozde to make way, with greate loſe and daughter of men and by force of armes to ob teyne the lande pzomyled to they, fathers, whiche neuerthes leđe fewe of them potefied that fich fought foz the ſame, but Esdra. 2 lefte theyz carkcles in the wildernede 38 it not alſo wjitren of the Juwes which repayzed the walles of the citie of Dieru (alem after they, captiuitie in Babilon, that Nehemias theyz capitaine ſet the people in older with ſwooldes, (peates and bowes to defende the woorkomen. And that allo euer the princes of Juda wzought bppon the walles and caried bur dens: lyketople that they brought with one hande and held they (wooides in the other and if it were lawful for 3 (ras ell accoždynge to the flexibe, to ble all meanes and pollicies co The preface to the reader. to buylde dp the walles of earthly Hierufalem, howe muche moze then ought the ſpirituall yſraelites to vſe all poớible The buyiding meanes to buplde vp the walles and temples of ſpirituall pie of (pirituall cufalem, thoſe fundation is Chrifte, wyllynge all the natt: hieruſaleja ons of the worlde to bee buplded bppon the ſame. It is the propertie of a wyle buylder to ble ſuch tooles as the woozke requireth. And not at all tymes by in all wookes to bleone toole. For that that Cetuech in Cofte tymber, wyll not ſecue in knottie pieces, nor yet foz dones. Therpect philitian bleth uchement remedies for deſperate diſeaſes: and cuuninge ſur gians vſe durnynge and cuttynge if the caſe ſo require, as in cuttynge of the fynger to ſave the hande, oz in cuttyng of the hande to faue the hole body. pe it bath Cumtymes lo chaur fed that wheras men haue entêded hart, there hath good pro: ceaded therof in fine: As he that wolde hane Haine prome. theus, wounded his wenne with his ſwoozde, whereby be was healed of that diſeaſe. So is god able to turne euyll in to good, and to make thynges that ate not, as thynges that are. Euen ſo although ſumme woll obiecte that the belyze of golde was the chiefe cauſe that moued the Spanyardes and poztugales to ſearche the newe founde landes, trewly albeit We thulde admitte it to be the chiefe cauſe, yet dooth it not folowe that it was the oniy caule fozaſmuch as nochyng lets terh but that a man may bee a barrier oz a marchaunte, and allo a chliflian. Sherefoze what ſo cuer owce chiefe intcnie bee, eyther to obtepne wozidely fame oz rychelle, (althoughe the zeale to encreaſe Lhritian religion ought chicfly to moue ys) 3 wolde to god we wolde fyatt attempte the matter: And then a doubte not but that it wolde fo comme to pale with bs as it dyd with them who of longe time after the beginning of the worlde befoze menne were accuûomed to eate telthe, thought it furt ſufficient ſo to ble them Celues amonge beattes that they were not hurre of them: but thoztly after, bled them foz theyz commoditie: chen begunue to weare thepi (kinnes: And in fine, fell to eatynge of they fleihe, and to blecerteine partes of the foz remedies ageing diſeaſes.Euen ſo may theſe barbarians by the orly conuerſation with the Lhridians, (als though they were enforced therto) be brought to ſuch faniili: acitie botth ciuilieie and verine, that not onely we maye take greate commoditie thereby, but they may alſo herewith im bibe The preface to the reader, imbibe trcle religion as a thing accidental although neyther thep noz we thulde teeke the ſame. Foz lyke as they that goo much in che foonne, are coloured therewith although they go not for that purpoſe, So may the conuerſation of the chute ans with the gentyles induce theym to otore religion, where there is no greater cauſe of contrarye to relylte as is in the juwes and Turkes who are alredy dzowned in theyconfira Che conuerfis meb erroure. But there ſimple gentiles Ipuinge only after the on of the gen. lawe of nature, may well bee lykened to a ſmooth and bare tiles. table bnpainted,02 a white paper unbozitten, bpon the which yol may at the fyzt paynte oz wzyte what yow lyfte as yoin can not vppon cables alredy paynted, vnleđe yow cale or blot oldt the fyzite formes. They may alſo cheûyer bee allured to Che thuillian the Lhriftian fayth, foz that it is moze agreable to the lawe Faythe. of nature then eyeh er che cerimonious lawe of Doiles, 02 pog tentous fables of gahometes Aicharon.jf we were therfoze as Delyzous to enlarge the fayth of Lhzple as to ſecke World: ly gooddes, why do we deferre to aduenture that wherin we may doo bothe. We mulle not nowe looke for a newe Paule Ol Doctorre of the gentiles to bee conuerted by heanenly reue. lations: D2 foi a newe doiſes to leade men through the fea: O, foz an Angel te caty men in the ayer from one place to an ocher as Dabatucke the prophete was carged by the heare of his heade from Judea to Babilon: Das Phylippe thappo: lile las caryed by the ſpiritc from Baza to Azotus: but mutte 301.41, (as ſayth the prophete laias) every man erhojte his neygh: boure, and bid his bibother be of good chere: that the mas ſon and carpenter may buyide togyther, and ſay to the gleibe Dz cemente, it is good and fatte byndynge. What negligence and lackenete hath bytherto byn in Chriftian men in this kynde of buylDynge of goddes iyuely temple, the great clerke Eraſmus hach declared in his booke incireled Ecclefiafies, whoſe woordes foz the woozthynelle of the autoute, 3 haue here thowght good to rehearſe as they are w2ytten by hym in the laten tounge in the fyzhe booke of the fayde woozke. De bozyteth therfoze as foloweth. Audimus quotidianas queremonias deplorantiū col Augufis Chrifio lapſã Chriſtianâ religionē, camą ditione quæ quon dam complexa eft vniuerſum terrarum orbem, in era ditionis. The preface to the reader. has anguſtias effe contractam. Hoc igitur quibus ex animodolet, eos decet ardentibus afsiduiſas votis flagitare a Chriſto vt operarios dignetur mittere in meſfem fuam, aut (vt melius dicam) ſeminatores mit tere in fegetem ſuam. Deum immortalem, quantum in orbe patet agrorum in quibus aut non dum iactū eft femen Euangelicum, aut ita iactum eft, vt plus fit zizaniarum quam triticí. Orbis minima pars eft Europa: Omnium florentiſsima pars eft Græcia et Alia minor in quam magno ſucceſfu primum a Ius dæa demigrauit Euangelium. At hæc fere tota,non- ne tenetur a Mahumetanís et ijs qui Chriſti nomen habent inuifum: Iam in Alia maiore quæ latiſsime patet, quid obfecro noftrum eft? quum ipfa Paleſtic na vnde primo effluxit lux Euangelica, ſeruiat Allo- phylis? In Aphrica vero quid noftrum eft:Nec du bitandum eft quin in tanta vaftitate regionum fint populi rudes et fimplíces qui facile poffent ad Chris ftum alicí, li mitterentur qui facerent bonam femena tem. Quid quod quotidie regiones hactenus in cognitæ reperiuntur, ferunturæ fupereffe quo nula lus adhuc noftratium peruenit. Omitto nuncinfis nitamudæorum vim nobis admixtam: omitto plu rimos qui titulo Chriſti tegunt Ethnicos o omitto tantas ſchiſmaticorum er hæreticorum phalanges, Quantus in his eflet prouentus Chrifto, fi guaui ac fideles The preface to the reader fideles mitteretur operarij qui iacíant femen bonum, qui reuellant zizaniam, qui plantent plantulas bos nas, malas exterpent, qui extruant domum Dei,des moliantur ſtructuras non innitentes petræ Chriſto, denią qui metant maturam ſegetem, ſed Chriſto me tant non fibi, et animas Domino colligant, non o pes fibi. Nuper Aethiopiæ rex quem vulgus appele Prebeian Aetbio. lat Preſteian, per oratorem fuum fubmiſit ſe fedi Ro pia rexe manæ, non nihil expoſtulans cum pontifice quod ea gens quum a fide Chriſti non fit aliena, tam diu fuerit a tocius orbis paftore neglecta. Quidam viri , boní, et propagandæ religionis ftudioſi, queruntur Pilapii Pilapios Scythiæ feptentrionalis populum mire fim plicem ac rudem, a neſcio quibus principibus Chris ſtianis teneri ditione, fed ita duro premi iugo humas no, vt eis non imponatur ſuaue iugum Chriſti, ato ita fpoliari bonis externís, vt non ditentur opibus euangelicis. Pulcherrimum, Deo gratiſsimum es rat dare potius quã accipereijs quos ftudemus Chei ſto lucrifacere, ac fic eosin ditionem noftram recipes revtgaudeant fe fubiectos effe principibus ſub quos rum imperio commodius degant quam ante degea bant, Nouimus cicurare beſtias feras et horribiles, vel ad voluptatem, vel ad vſum vulgarem : et non nouimusmanſuefacere homines vt feruiantChrifto: Monarchæalunt qui doceant elephantos ad faltana dum The preface to the reader. dum, qui domentleones ad lulum qui doment lynces et leopardos ad venatum:et monarcha ecclefiæ non inuenit quo homines alliciat ad amabile Chriſti fer- uicium. Scio vix vllam reperiri beluam domitu diffi- ciliorem quam eft Iudæus obſtinatus, et obduratus hæreticus:quanquam nullum eft animal tamimmi te quod non cicuretur beneficentia et fuauitate. E tes pertis regionibus cuehitur aurum et gemmæ : Sed triumpho dignius erat illuc inuehere Chriſtianam fapientiam auro preciofiorem, ac margaritum euan- gelicum quod omnibus diuenditis benæ compara- tur Dominus iuber ſuis rogare dominum meſsis vt extrudat operarios quod meſsis eſſet ampla, opeens rarij pauci. Non minus opus eft nunc rogare dea vt in tam late patentes agrus eijciat operarios, Sed excuſant omnes, alius aliud, Atqui Chriſtiana di Francifcari Serie tio tot habet myriadas Franciſcanotuni in quibus probabile eft quamplurimos eſſe qui vere flagrant Dominicani che rubicie igni ſeraphico: nec pauciores ſunt myriades Domi- nicanorum, et in his conſentaneum eſt permultos effe Cherubici ſpiritus. Ex his cohortibus eligantur viri, mundo vere mortui, Chriſto viui, qui fyncere a- pud barbaras gentes doceant verbum Dei. Excufa- Lingus imperisia tur linguæ imperitia. Atqui principes ob humanas legationes inueniunt quí varias linguas perdifcant: L«Thendiſtocles Athenienſes vno anno fic didicit Miraculda dí, fermo The preface to the reader. fermonem Aſiaticum vt abſą interprete cum regelo qui pofſet: An idem non ftudebimus in tam ſublimi negocio. Inter barbaras et ignotas nationes Apoſto liinuenerunt victum et amictum:et Deus pollicitus eſt nihil defuturum quærentibus regnum Dei. Nec miracula quidem defutura funt fi res poftulet, modo ad fit fyncera fides cum ſeraphica charitate.&c.95 Furthermore Damianus a Boes, wzptech in his booke De de Damianus 6018 ploratione Lappiane gentis, that he was the fyzd that moued Eral- mus' to ſpeake'cumwhat hereof and thache (Eraſmus 3 means) was determined to write a una volume of this matter yf he had not byn pzeuented by dearh, Albstt (Capeh Damia: nus) in his booke entiteted Ecclefiattes, he did not keepe ſie dence of ſo wicked an ongoolynelle, whiche Curely is ſuche, that it may in maner make all Chritian men (and efpeciallye Co the chalat fuch unto whom god hath gyuen poure and knoidleage)gtliie en Princesa of ſo hcyghnous a crime that be may take bengeance of rheni in the day of iudgement before the inte iudge Chrya. Pole thecfoze (ſayth hc) let the Lhziftian monarches cake heede that accoumpte they thall make befoze therribunal of Lizyat at the latte day, when neychrt fauoure, no? pardon, og flattes tre can tako place to bee any ercuſe for the loile of ſo manyt onimo foules. And theſe be the very bdobes of the woolfhipful and lerned man Damianus & Boes, Wytten to the bylthoppe of Rome Paule che thyide of the name, whom hi further char. gerh to looke diligently hereunto, as a thynge molte chefely the Teepe of pertepnynge to the office of Chriftian pielares, Dice thynke Butope. berely that the deepe of Europe thulde by this tyme be ſo well fedde, that they coulbc by good ceafan be fo ftrenge and migh sie in chrittes feligion (erccpte they be infected with the op: ſeaſe which the philicians taule Lacheria, beinge an tuyl dit poſition of the body whereby the more they are fed the wolle they lyke) that many theppardes myght well bce (pared to bee the doctoare ſent to other drepe which ought to be of the ſame foulde. For of diuinitse this purpoſe che doctoure of diuinicie when he commentech haty his ſcapular cat puer his headde in token that he hathé fozlakcha The preface to the reader foztaken the follde foi fhrites fake:&nbhts bootes on his legges in tokch that he dall euer bee in a redinefle to go for so... tarde in preachynge the golpell, as 3 doubte not there bce many in englande wolde gladly doo euen amonge theſe nel gentyles if they were therto mainteyned by the ayde of the fes cular poure as in this caſe it Malbe requiſite for the furniture of neceđaries hereunto apperteynynge, 3 mat nowe therfoje an admonitta appele vnto yow, yow riche men and rulers of the worlde, to to etche men. Whom god hath giuean gooddes as thynges neyther good no% badde of them ſelucs, but onely as they are vſed wel of euit. 3f yowe vſe them well, they are the gyftes of god wherlpith yow may doo many chynges acceptable both to god and men. And if yol ble them orherwyle, yowe poleđe not them, but they poleđe yow, and they, canker and rule (as (ayrhc the Apotile) thalbe a teltimonic ageing you in the day of the great audit. Thinke not therfore that this thynge perteynch nog unto yowe, if yowe perceyne onto Lhuifte and looke to haue any parte with hym. Confyder with yowre felues if it boere oncly to get woulbely ryches, howe tebye and greedy yoine Wolde bee to venture a greate deale to get a thyade part, birls Che marchant Dlos calynge of any pereli by lande of by ſea, as the wyrtie poet Dorale hath in fewe wordes deſcrybed the marchauntes delyze and aduentures to obteyne rychelle. Impiger extremos curritmercator ad Indos, Per mare pauperiem fugiens, per faxa, per ignes. The which verles are thus much to ſay in effecte 31593 The marchaunt in hope greate rychele to fynde, 1910 By fyer and by water palleth to yndly By the burnte line 0. Equinoctiall, To flye from poucrrie and haſacde all. 38 As the poet hath in theſe verſcs, by the marchaumt declared the delpze that couetous men hauc to obtepne Rippery riches, Cle deſpre of the lyke affection to obregne worldly fame and hondur, mavie wozdely tarac. we ſee in baliant and noble capitaynes in the warres Whete they contende to put them ſelues forwarde to the mots Daunts gerous aduenture as to haue the forewarde of the battagle+ cokon ſurely of much mobilitie and manly corage. But oh ima moztall god? Is it not to bee lamented that men can be fo va: lient, dowte, and in maner Deſperate in they olone prinate D.ii. NiattCTS The preface to the reader, matters, pertepnyng onely to theyz bodies, and yet fo coulder men are doth negligent, and fearcfull in goddes cauſe and thynges cou full in grobes chynge the health of they, ſoules 3f there were neyther des Saufe upll nou lawe to accuſe men befoge god in this caſe, thall not thryzowne conſciences bee a lawe of condemnation ageinde theymin that they haue not thewed that loue to mankynde, do which the very lame of natuce moueth bzute beates ro tebe Soneto an other in theyz generations:But what hope is there (ercepte god wolde in manet by myzacle conuerte the harres of fuch men) what hope is there 3 ſay, that they byll depare bith any of they: gooddes, muche lelle aduentute thep, bo: dirs, to thi fuccheraunce of Chitics religion in theſe regions beinge ſo farre from them, whéras many thewe lyttle loue,cha titie, oz liberal tie (if not rather cruelc é, tyzannie, and op piction) to thepi pooze neighbours and broorherne dwelling eucn at home at they? ownc elbowes. But as this couctouls nedle is to bce repzoned, fo is the liberalitie of ſuch to be com menbed as haue byn at greate coate and charges in ſettynge fozwarde Tuche viages wherein not oncly the marchauntes of London, but alſo diuers noble men and gentelmen alwell Myager from Englande. of the counſayléas other, which bothé with they, money and furthecaunce otherwple haut furnyühed and ſent furch cers teync tyyppes foz the diſcoverynge of ſuchlandes and regions as were heretofoze unknowen, baue herein deſerued immoz tall fame, fou as much as in ſuch attemptes and daungerous bpages, they have lheted no ſmaale liberalitie bppon bncers teyne hope of gayne: wherein they haue de crued ſo much the greater pzapſe as theyz intent seemed to bee rather to further p3 Hugt honelt enrerpriſes'theu foi refpecte de vantage. And here cec SDpllobe and tepnely in the mention of theſe viages 3 myght ſeeme vngra: Rycharde Lyaunreier. tefull if 3 fulde omitte to giue Debe commendations to the tho'chiefe capitaynes of the Came as the woozchy knyght fyy 383 Dugh wpllaby and the ercellent pilotte Kycharde Chaunces ter who haue therein aduentured theyi lyucs for the commo: ditie of thepz countrep: Den doubtleme woozthye for they? noble attempres to bre made knightcs of the ocean oz others bople preferred if euer god Cende them home ageyne although they fayle of the purpoſe. For as ſuchebaue obteyned abio logy and lure glory that haue bobght great thynges to palle, ſo haue fame. they defecued immisztalifame which haue only attempted the fame dio The preface to the reader. famě:fozaſmuch as foztune (who fumtymes fauoureth the unworthyeſ) is not in the poure of man. Xecſes obteyned glo tie in makynge a bridge ouer the ſea belleſpontas ioynynge Europe to alia,and Darius ouer Boſphozus when he pared with his armye towarde the Scythians. No lete fame and commendation(although not lyke glozy) deſerued Demetrius, Leſar, Lalligula, and Seleucus Micano), whiche attempted to cutte in fundre certeyne places cauled 3 ihmi, (beinge na: rowe poztions of lande lo diuidynge twoo Ceas, that chere is no pañage from the one to the other) and yet neuer finiðhed that they tooke in hande, beinge hyndered eyther by deathe, Che rewards of noble entere latres, of other chaunces. I he auncient Romans & Greekes Pales. gaue ſuch glozye unto them that had eyther well deſerued of the common welthe, O2 otherwyſe attempted ſuch great enter prices as might bre profitable for mankynde, that after theyz death they cauſed jmages of golde,ſyluer, bzaße, Juery, and marble to be made to theyz lykeneđe, and the ſame to be pla ced in thepz folemnc haules, palaices, od temples, with cec: tepne verſes made to the comnendation of them whom the mages rep2eſented. And this no leđe to prouoke and enco: rage other forwarde natures to themulation of their bertues, Che brage to then alſo to geue them the due honoure of theyż iud delectes. Lathay by the and ſurely if cuer ſonce the begynnynge of the worlde any en nogih ceas, terpryle haue deſerued greate pzaple as a chynge atchpued by men of heroicall bertue, doubtleđe there was neger any more woozthy commendation and admiration then is that wh che obre nation haue attempted by the north Ceas to diſcover the mightie and riche empire of Lathay, by which byage not on: ly golde, (yluer, pzecious dones, and ſpices, may be bzomoght hether by a ſafer and thozter way, but alſo much greater mat. fers may hereof en lewe in tyme if it thall picale Bod to gyue into Lhziftian met ſuch patage into thoſe regions, whereby ſuch familiaritie may further growe betwene the Chriftiaprin Bocletiebes ces of Lurope and the greate emperoure of Lathay, thatcas ewene the Tar Enzyteth Daytho De ſocietate Chriftianorum et Tart.trorum) there can tars and the Lozitians. nothongs be imagined moze effectuall foz the confuſion of the che €urke. Turke if the great Cham of Lachay and the Sophie of per: The Sophie. ſia on the one lyde, and the Chritian Princes on the other {yde, Chulde with one conſenr inuade his Dominions, as dyd Lambulanes. Tamburlanęs Themperoure of the Tartars who abowte che Dataſetes. yeace The epiftle of Peter Martyr T yčaré of Chrille. DA. LLL. Iertrbiii. toke priſoner iBalaletes Dttomanus Themperoure of the Turkes and debe.er. thou: ſande of his men in one battayle belyde many other great vic: topics, as yowe may further reade in this booke in the hyto cic of Paulus Jouius. And to hanc Cayde thus muche in ma: ner of a preface it may ſuffice. [ To the mode noble PBzince and Latholike kynge, Charles, Peter og arty, of Angleria bytheth perpetuall Felicitie. De diuine prouidence, frome the tyme that he fyzdte created the worlde, bathe večerued unto this day the knowleage of the great and large Dcean lea:Jn the which tyme he bath opened Che largenes the ſame, chiefely unto yowe (mote mightie of the Ocean bnknowen to prince) by the good foztune and happie fucs this day. çelie of yowr grandfather by your mothers (yde. The ſame prouidence (31 knowe not by what deltenie) hath brought me owt of my natiue countrep of milane, and out of the citie of Rome (byere 3 continued almol. t. yeares) into Spaine, that į myght particularlpe collecte, theſe maraeylous and newe thynges, which foulèc otherwyſeperhappes haue line drob ned in the bhirlepoole ot obliuion: fozaſmuch as the Spany: ardes (men woozthy gceate commendation) had onely care to the generall inucncions of theſe thynges.Notwithaandinge, 31 doo not chalenge viito me only, the thankes of the tranaile belowed herein, wheras the chiefe rewarde cherof is due to Cardinal als alcanius vicounte Lardinal, who perccauprge that was caplus. Wylling to departe o wt of the citie to be preſent at the warres DE Btanatum, diſſuaded me from my purpoſe. But ſeing that Che wartes was fully reſolucd to departe, exhozted and required me to of Granatum bzyte unto hem ſuch newes as were famous in Spagne and Agerol the 90002es. woozthy to be noted. 3 tooke therfoze my iozney into Spaine chiefely for the delyze 31 had to ſee therpedition tohtche was prepared ageynſt the enemies of the faych: fogalmuche as in talye, by reaſon of the diſention amonge the princes, H coulde fynde nochynge where with 3 myght feede my boytte, bringe a younge man delyzous of knowleage and experience of thynges. I was therefoze preſente at the Warres: frome whenie z wjitte to Cardinal arcanins and by fundły epiftels certified The epiftle of Peter Martyr. Certifyed hym of ſuch thynges as thought motte woozthye to be put in memojie. But when 31 perceaued that his fortune ftas turned from a naturall moother to a fteppedame, 3 cea: ſed from bzycynge. yet after 3 (awe,that by choucrthrowt of the enemies of owre faythe, Spayne was pourged of the yoozes as of an euyll werde plucked up by the rootes, Leade 3 hulde betowe my lippery yeares in vnprofitable ydleneđi: I was mynded to returne to talie. But the ſinguler benig: nitie of bothe the Latholyke kynge and queene nowe dcpar: ted, and theyz large promiſes towarde me vppon my returne frome my legacic of Babiton, detegned me frome my purpoſe. The autour yet tooth it not repent methat3 dzebe backe my foote: at: was lent ams Woel foz that I fec in no other place of the worlde at this time the soltane the lyke woozrhy thinges to bee done : As alſo that in maner of alcap, in throwgh obt all gtaly, by reaſon of the diſcoide of the Lhui. Egppte. dian pozinces, 3 perceaued all thynges to runne headelonge Italy difquie into rnine, the countreys to be dedroped and made fatte with tebe with humane bluzde: The cities ſacked, virgines and matrones warres. loith thepz geoddes and podelions caried away as captiues and miſerable innocentes without Offence to be Qayne vnar: The ſequeles med toithin theyzowone houfes. Df the which calamities, 3 of Warse, Dpd not onely beare the lamentable obteryes, but dyd allo feel the ſame, foz cucn the bludde of mine obne kinifolkes and frendes, was not free from that crueltie. As I was the foze mulpage with my felfe of theſe thynges, the Cardinal of Arragonie, after that he had ſeen the two fritte bookes of my Decades wzytten to Aſcanius, required me in the name Bynge fferdse of kynge frederike his vncle, to put foozth the other eyght rike. ep@ell bookes, 31 the meane tyme alſo, while 3 was vopde of all care as touchynge the matters of the ocean, the Apo: Leo the tenth, ftolicall mellengers of the bpſchopppe ot Rone Leo the tenth, by boppe of (by whole holleme counſayle and antoritie we truite the cala: Rome. mities of ataly fhalbe fynyfthed) rayfed nie as it were frome Geape, and encovagod me to proccade as 3 had begunne. TO his holynede Witte two decades cõpżyſed in thout bokes after the maner of epifels, and added them to the fyzt, which was printed withowt myne aduiſe, as fhall further appeare wefart nulla by the preface fololvynge. But nowej returne to pow(mod noble prince) from whom 3 haue Cumbohat digreed. Ther: dued from the payne tabs foge wheras yobr graundefathers by yowre moothers lyde, M00es. hane The epiſtle of Peter Martyr haue fubdued all Spayne vnder yomt dominiont cecept onely one corner of the ſame, and haue alio lefte yowe the kyngea dome of Naples with the fourcfull glandes of obor (eas, it is She kyndome fuecly a greate thynge and woozthy to be noted in owre cro: of Naples. nacles. But not offendynge che renecence due to owre predi: celours, what ſo euer frome the begynnynge of the worlde Note,frome hath byn doane ol bytten to this day, to my indgement Cees che begynning meth but lyttle, if we confyder what newe landes and couns of the worlde treps, what neide feas, what lundiy nations and tourges, what goldempnes, what treaſures of prtles they haue lefré bnto yobte hyghnele, belyde other regenuss. Th whiche, what they are and howe greate, theſe töree decades ſhall des clare. Come checfoze molte noble Prince elected of God, and Che temperat enioy that hyghe eftate of thynges not yet onderhobe to men. nes of the E- We offer vnto yowe the Equinoctiall line hetherto unknow: qutnoctial on en and burnte by the furious heate of the foonne and unhabi: knowen to the table after the opinion of the ow!de wzyters a fewe ercepted: owide ways sers. But nowe founde to bee moft replenib:d with people, faire, frutefull, and molte fortunate, with a thowlande Flandes crowned with goldc and bewtifull erles, belyde thar greate Continente 03 poztion of earth ſuppoſed to bee parte of the firme lande, ops firkie lende Jebpugeas cedynge in quantitie ehzee Europes. Come chcrfoze and tha: Europes embzalethis newe woulde, and Cutter bs no longer to conſume in defpze of your preſence. From Ryches are benfe, from hence 3 faye (mootte noble or the intrus younge prince) ſhall ingruinentes mentes of cons be prepared foz pob, whereby 1093 queſtes. al the woulde thalbe under powr obeyſaance. and thas y byd your maictie farewell To whoretatte if 3 tal perceaue the fruites of this my:pllage to be Delectable, 3. byli hereafter doo my endcuoure that yowe maye reccaue the ſame moze a: bundauntly. From padzid. #he day before the Lalendes of sta tober, in the peace of Lhyae. 9. D *03. f3d39. The førſt decade. 1 THE FIRST E BOOKLOP THE DECADES of the Dcean, written by Peter Leartyof Angleria, gilenocs, counſiler to the kyng of Spayne and Protonotarie Apoftolicall, To Aſcanius sphorcia, bicount Lardinall. &C. HE REVERENDE AND thanckefull che reward antiquite was accuſtomed to cấeme thoſe men of verte as goddes, by whoſe induſtrie and magnani: mitie ſuche Landes and Regions were diſco: uered, as were vnknowen to they: prediceſ: ſoures. But vnto bs hauynge onely one god whom we honour in triplicitie of perſon, this retteth, that albeit we do not Woolfhip that kind of men with diuine honoure, yet do we reuerēce them, and woozthely mat uell at theyz noble actes and enterpriſes. Urto kynges and princes we gyue due obeyſaunce, by whoſe gouernaunce and Furtheraunce they haue bin ayded, to perfurme thep, attemp: tes. We commende bothe and foz theyz iuſt deſertes wozthe: ly ertoll them. Wherfoze, as concernyng the flandes of the bett Dccan, lately diſcouered, # of the auctours of the fame, The glandes (whicho thynge you belyze by your letters to knowe) 3 bull Ocean. begynne at the fyzd auctoure therof, lette 3 be iniurious to a: ny man. Take it therfoze as folowcth. ČChriftophorus Colonus (other wife called Columbus) A gentilman Chriſtophone of Italy, boine in the citie of Genus, perſwaded fernando and rus Colonus. Elyzabeth, catholike pzynces, that he doubted not to fynde certayne Flandes of Indic, nere bnto owrc dccean ſea, if they India. bolde furnyrohe hym with lyppes and other thynges apper: teynynge. Äxy minge that therby not onely the Chriftian res ligion myght be enlarged, but Spayne allo enryched by the great plentie of golde, pearles, pzecious tones, and ſpices, whiche might be founde there. Āt the lengthe three typpes were appoynted bym at the kinges charges: of the which one was a great caracte with deckes : and the other twoo were light marchaunte tyyppes without deckes, whiche the Spa: niardes call Carsuelas . Thus he departed from the coltes of Spaine about the calendes of Septemberin the yere of Chrit The fyert 1492. and ſet forward on his viage, being accompanied with age of Colos L.FE. Spanyardes. The fortunate Flandes (as manye Ibus. thynke The fyrſt decade. Thejlandes thinke them to be, whiche the Spaniardes call Conurid, found of Canarie. bades o but of late Dayes) are dittaunte from the glandes of Gades, a cals mals. thouſande and twoo hundzeth myles, accozdyng to theyz ac leaque, compte : foz they ſay they are diftant thzec lundicth leaques: what it cont: wheras ſuch as are erpert Cea men, affyzme that euery leaque terneth, by conteyneth foure myles, after they? Cupputations. Theſe 3: Tea. the fortunate landes were called foztunate, foz the temperate ayze whiche Zlandes. is in them. Foz ncyther the coldeneſe of wynter is tarpe vns to them, noz thc heate of commer intollerable. pet ſome mere are of opinion, that thoſe were in olde tyme called the foztu: Cabouerde. nate flandes, whiche the Portugales call Capo Verde. Colonus therfoze ſayled fyzfie to the landes of Canarit, to the intente there to refrethe his fyyppes with freſhe water and fucll, be: foze he committed him fclfe to this ſo laborious a byage. And bycauſe I haue here made mention of the Jlandes of Canarid: It wall not be muche from my piropoſe to declare home of uns knowen they became knowen, and of (aluage and wilde, bet ter manurcd. for by the longe courſe of manye yeres, they were forgotten, and remayned as unknowen. The feuen 3 Theſe ſcuen Flandes (thecfoze) called the Canaries, were foïde Ilandes of CA by chaunce by a frenche man, calico Betanchor, by the permil: Betanchor a lion of queene katharine, protectrire of kyng john her ſon, frenche man while he was yet in his nonage, about the yere of Chrifte. ſubdued the 2.LLLL. U. This Betanchor inuaded twoo of theſe plans Slendes of des called Lancelotus and Fortifuentura, wluche he inhabited and Canarie. Zancelotus. bżought to better culture. De beinge deade his ſon and heire fortiſuētura. Colde both the fayde Flandes to certayne Spaniardes. Flex ferrea. After this, Fernandus Peraria and his wyfe, inuaded Ferred and Gomera. Gomers. The other three were ſubdued in our tyme : Grancanarias Srancanaria. by Petrus de Vera, citezen of the noble citie of Xericiun, and Agi: palma. chacll of Moxies. Palma and Tenerifen, by Alphonſus Lugo, at the Tenerifen. kynges charges. Gomers and Ferres were cafely ſubdued. But Alphonfus the matter wente harde with Alphonfus Lugo. For that naked Lugo, and wylde nation, fyghtinge onely with tones and clubbes, dioue his armie to flighte at the fyzdte ataulte, and fewe a: boute foure hundzeth of his men. But at the length be ouer: came them and thus all the glandes of Canarice were added to the dominion of Spayne. From theſeglandes colonus dis rectynge his viage towarde the wcüte, folowinge the fallinge of the ſonne, but declining fomwhat towarde the left handey ſayled The fyrſt decade. 2 fapied or forwarde. reriii. dayes continually, haújnge unely the fruition of the hcauen and the water. Then the Spany: Colonus meie ardes whiche were accompanied with hym, beganne fyztte to rebel against murmure ſecretely among them ſelues: and fortly after with hym. wordes of repzoche (pake euyll of Colonus they gouečnoure, and conſulted with them ſelues, eyther to rydde hym out of the waye, ozellcs to catt hym into the ſea : Ragyng that they were deceyued of a ftraunger, an outlandithe man, a Ligurian a Benues, and bzonght into Cuche daungerous places, that they myght neuer returne ageyne. And after. per. days were pate, they furiouſcly cryed out againtte him, and threatned him that he fulde palle no further. But he euer with ientyll faire woda wordes and large promyſes, appealed they? furie, and pło: des and p:03 longed day after day, ſome tyme delyring them to beare with miles, hym yet a whyle and ſome timc putting them in remembrance that if they fulde attempte any thinge agaynt him, oy other wiſe diſobey hym, it wolde be reputed for treaſon. Thus af: ter a fewe dayes, with cherefull hartes they eſpied the lande longe looked for.Jn this fyzů nauigation, he diſcouered.vi. landes, wherof twoo were exceding great : DE whiche, the one he called Hiſpaniold , and the other Iohannd. But at that pifpaniola. tyme he knele not perfectely that Iohanna (other wyle called Johanna. Cuba,) was an Ilande. As they coated alonge by the thore of certapne of theſe 3|landes, they harde nyghtingales (ynge Nightingas in the thycke Woodes in the month of Nouember. They foud les fynge in allo great ciuers of frelbe water, and naturall hauens, of ca: Nouember. pacitie to harbozowe greate nauies of thippes. Saylinge by the coales of jobannd, from the northe poynte to the weſt, he rode lyttell leñre then epght hundzeth miles (foz they call it a hundzeth and foure (coze leaques) ſuppoſong that it had byn the continent oz fyzme land, bicauſe he coulde nother fynd the landes ende, noz any token of the ende, as farrc as he coulde iudge with his epe : wherfoze be determined to returne backe agayne, beyng therto partly enforced by the roughnelle of the ſea. for the ſea banckes of the glande of Iohannt, by ſondiye Wyndinges and turnynges, bende them ſelues ſo muche to: warde the Northe, that the northnortheatte wynde roughely toled the typpes by reaſon of the Wynter. Turnynge ther: fore the ſtemmes of his myppes towarde the Eaſte, be afra: The Ilande med that he had founde the Jiande of Ophir, whyther Salo: of Ophir. mons The fyrſt decade. mons thyppes ſayled for golde. But the deſcription of the Loſmographers well conſidered, it ſeemeth that bothe theſe, The ilandes and the other flandes adioynyng, are the flandes of Antilida of antilia. This glande he called Hiſpaniola : on whoſe northe ſyde as he approched nere to the lande, the keele or bottome of the big: x rhypwack geđe vellcll ranne vpon a blynde rocke couered with water, and clone in funder. But the playnenelle of the rocke was a helpc to them that they were not drowned. wakynge katte therfoze with the other two thips to helpe them, they brought The people awaye al the men without hurte . Here comming fyzat a land, of the ilande. they ſawe certaync men of the flande: who perceauyage an vnknowen nation comminge towarde them, docked together Naked peos and ranne al into the thycke Wooddes, as it hadde byn hares ple. courced with grehoundes. Dwre men purſuing them, tooke oncly one woman, whom they brought to the Chyppes: where fyllinge her with meate and wyne, and apparelinge her, they let her departe to her company. Shoztly after a greate multi tude of them came runnynge to thc moze to beholde this newe nation, whom they thought to haue diſcended from heauen Expert ſwim They call them ſelues by heapes into the ſea, and came [wim gold for erth minge to the chyppes, bzyngyng golde with them, which they and glaſſe. chaunged with owre men foz erthen pottes, drinking glates, poyntes, pynnes, hawkes belles, lokinge glates, and ſuche other trifles. Thus growing to further familiaritie,owre mer many kinges were honozably enterteyned of the kynge of that parts of the Jlande, whoſe name was Guaccanarillus : fo, it hath many kyn: ges, as when Eneas arriued in italy, he founde Latium diui: ded into many kyngcdomes and prouinces, as Latium, Mezeutis um, Turnun, and Tarchontem, which were ſeperated with narow Relygious ? boundes, as ſhall moze largely appere hereafter. At the euen buinaine peo tyde about the faulyng of the ſonne, when owre men went to ple pzaier and kneled on their knees after the maner of the Chri- tians, they dyd the lyke alſo. And after what maner (o euer they ſawe them pzape to the crotte, they folowed them in all poyntes as well as they coulde. They fhebed much humani: Casoa. tie towardes owre men: and helpen them with theyz lighters of ſmall boates (whiche they call Canoas) to vnlade thep, bio ken typpe: And that with ſuche celeritie and cherefulneſe, that no frende for frende, oz kynſeman for kynſeman, in ſu: che cale moued with pitte, coulde do more, they boates are made The fyrſt decade. 3 made only of one tree, made holow with a certain tharpe tone monorpla. (foz they haue no pzon.) and are very longe and natowe.oga They haue ny affirme that they haue ſene ſome of them with foztie ozes. no gren. The wylde and my cheuous people called Canibales, Ol Caribes, Canibales 0 whiche were accutomed to eatc mannes delthe (and called of Caribes the olde writers, Anthropophagi) molett them ercedyngly, inua: Anthropos dpage theyz countrey, takynge them captiue, kyllyng and ea: phagi. tyng them. As owre men Cayled to the Flandes of theſe meke and humayne people, they lefte the jlandes of the Canibales, in maner in the middel of they? viage towarde the ſouth. They complayned that they jlandes were no lelle vered with the incurſions of theſe manhuntyng Canibales when they go forth The crueltie a rouynge to ſeeke they? pzaye: then are other tame beattes, of the Canis bales. of Iyons and Tigers. Such chyldzen as they take, they geld to make them fat as we doo cocke chikyns and younge hog: ges, and eate them when they are wel fedde: of ſuche as they eate, they fyzſt eate the intralles and extreme partes, as han: des, feete, armes, necke, and heade. The other mote fieithy partes, they pouder foz toze, as we do peltclles of pozke and gammondes of bakon. yet do they abſteyne from eatynge of women and counte it vyle. Therfoze ſuche younge women as 51 they take, they keepe for increace, as we doo hennes to leye egges. The olde women, they make theyz dzudges. They ot the Jlandes (which we may nowe caul obres) bothe the men and the women when they perceaue the Canibales coming, haue none other thyfte but onely to fie: foz althoughe thcy vſe ve ry Charpe arrowes made of reedes, yet are they of ſmall fozce to rep?elle the furie of the Canibales : foz euen they them Celues confele, that tenne of the Canibals are able to ouercome a hun Dzeth of them if they encountre with them. Theyè meate is a certeyne roote which they cal Ages: muche lyke a naucw roote Ages. in fourme and greatneđe : but of ſweete tate, muche lyke a Rootes in the greene chegnutte. They haue alſo an other kynde of rootes, meate. whiche they call iucca, whero they make breade in lyke ma: jucca. ner. They ble Ages more often rotted or ſodden, then to make Breade of bzeade therof. But they neuer eate Iucca, ercepte it be firtte rootes, Aiced and pregled, (foz it is ful of lycoure) and then bakcd oz fodden. But this is to be marueled at, that the iuyce of this an herbe of s toote is a poylon as trong as Aconitum, ſo that if it be dionke ftraunge nga it cauleth pzéſent death and get the bịcade made of the male sure, therof The fyrſt decade. nime. therof, is of good tate and holſome, as all they haie pzoued. 28 izm. Thep make alſo an other kynde of bzeade of a certayne pulſe, called Panicum, iuche lyke vnto whcate, wherof is great plez tic in the dukedome of caylane, Spayne, and Branatum. But that of this countrey is longer by a ſpanne, Comcwhat Carpe towarde the ende, and as bygge as a manncs arme in the brawne: The graynes wherof are ſette in a maruelous og der, and are in fourme Comwhat lyke a peale. While they be Coure and vnripe, they are white: but when they are ripe they be very blacke. When they are broken, they be whyter then solde in eltis (nowe. This kynde of grayne, they call Maizium. Bolde is of macion. Come eſtimation among them: foz ſome of them hange certain ſmall pieces therof at ther, eares and noſechzilles. a lyttell beyonde this place, our men wente a lande for freſthe water, solde in the where they chaunced vpon a Ryuer whoſe lande was myred fandes of ry: with muche golde. They founde there no kindes of foure fo: uers. ted beates excepte thjee kyndes of lyttell conyes. Theſe 1: Serpentes landes alſo nouriſhe ſerpentes: but ſuch as are without hurt. without ve: Lykewiſe wylde gecle, turtle doues, and duckes, much grea: Turtle doues ter then ours, and as whyte as (wannes, with heades of pur. buckes. ple coloure . Alio Popiniaies, of the whiche ſome are greene, popinginyes. ſome yelowe, and ſome lyke them of India, with yelowe ryn: plior, ges about thevi neckes, as Plinii deſcribeth them. De theſe they broughte foztie with them, of molte liuely and delectable coloures, hauyng three fethers entermengled with greene, pes lowe, and purple, whiche barietic, deliteth the ſenſe not a li: tle. Thus muche thought 3 good to ſpeake of potingiaies, (ryghte noble pipnce) (pecially to this intente, that albeit the opinion of Chriſtophorus Lolonus (who affirmcth theſe flan There glan: des to be parte of India) dothe not in all poyntes agree with des are parte the iudgement of auncient wzyters as touchynge the bigneđe the Indians of the Sphere and compaữe of the Blobe as concernynge the are Antipo- nauigable portion of the ſame beynge under vs, yet the po: des to the pingiaies and many other thynges brought from thence, doo Spaniardes. Declare that theſe ſlandes fauoure Commhat of India, cyther beynge nere vnto it, or elles of the ſame nature : fozaſmuche Kriſtotle. as Arittotle alſo, about the ende of his bookc De cdo et Mundo, Seneca and likewiſe Seneca, with diuerre other authours not ignorant Zndia not far in Lolmography, do affirme that India is no longe tracte by from Spaine fea, diſtante from Spayne by the wette ocean, foz the ſople of theſe The fyrſt decade, 4 of theſe flandes, bryngerh fožthe Dafix, Aloes, and fun: maſtix. Aloe. Dzpe other ſweete gummes and ſpyces as doch Indis. Lotton boffanoyne allo of the gocampine trec, as in India in the countrey of the cotton o bom people called Seres. bafe. (the languages of all the nations of theſe 7 landes, maye Seres. well be written with our latine letters. For they cal heauen The lāguage of the le 3ndi Turei. 9 houſe, Bod. Bolde, Cauni. a good man, Tdino . nothing ans. Maya. All other holdes of theyz language, they pionounce as playnely as we doo the Larine tongue. Jn theſe flandes Trees and they founde no trees knowen vnto them, but pyne appe trees, frutes unkno and date trees and thore of maruelous heyght and exceding wen to vs. harde, by reaſon of the greate moyfincữe and fatneđc of the ffat z mopſte grounde, with continuall and temperate heate of the conne, grounde. whiche endureth ſo all the hole yeré . They playnety altyume nall and tema the glande of Hiſpaniolt to be the moſt fruiteful lande that the perate. heauen compareth aboute, as Thall moze largely appete here. The fruitful after in the particular deſcription of the ſame, whiche we in; nes of hiſpaa Híolg tende to ſette foozthe when we ſhall be better inſtructed. Thus makynge a leage of frendchyppe with the kynge, and leauynge with hym. perbili. men to ſearche the Jlande, he de parted to Spayne takyngê with hym. t. of the inhabitauntes to lerne the Spaniſhe tongue, to the intent to uſe them after: warde Foz interpzetours Colonus therfoje at his returne, was honozably receaued of the kyng and queenc: who cauſed him to ſytte in they? p?elence, whiche is a token of great lour and honoure amonge the Spaniardes. He was alſo made admiz rall of the Dcean and his brother gouenotre of the gland. Towarde the ſecond viage, he was furnited with.rii.Chip: The ſeconde pes: wherof there were great caractés of a thouſand tunne: Viage of Co: lonus. rii. were of that ſorte, whichje the Spaniardes call Carduelis : without deckes: and twoo other of the fame fozte ſomewhat bygger, and moje apte to beare deckes, by reaſon of the gret: nelle of they, mafies. De had alſo a thouſand and two huns Dzeth armed footemoh well appoynted: Amonge whiche were many artificers, as (mythos, carpenters, myners, and fuche Other : Lertaynte hozlemcn allo, wel armed: Likewiſe mares, thiepé, heyghfets, and lach other of bothe kindes faz incraſe. Lykewiſe all kynde of pulſe oz grayne and count as wheate, Come and fea barlye, rye, bcanes and peale, and ſuche other, as well foz des to fowe. food as to rowe: Belyde vignes, plantes and ſeedes, of ſuche trees, The fyrſt decade. trces, fruites, and herbes, as thoſe countrepes lacke. And Cooles and (not to be fozgotten) (undzy kindes of artillery e iron tooles, artillery. as bowes, arrowes, crođebowes, bylles, hargabuſes, brode (bocides, large targettes, pikes, mattockes, ſhoonelles han mers, nayies, ſabes, ares, and ſuche other. Thus beynge furniched accordyngely, they ſet forwarde from the flandes of Gudes, (nowe callcd Cals) the. vii, day before the calendes of Dctober, in the yere of Chriûe. 1493. and arriued at the Jſlandes of Canarie, at the calendes of October . Of theſe 3: water drop: landes, the latte is called Ferrea, in whiche there is no other pyns from a watec chat maye be drunke, but onely that is gathercd of the dewe whiche continually diſtilleth from one onely tree grow ally yng on the higheſt backe of the glande, and falleth into a rounde trenche made with mannes hande. We were infours med of theſe thynges within fewe dayes after his departure , what ihal Cuccede, we byl certifie yowe hereafter. Thus fare ye well, from the courte, at the bcs of Rouember, 1+93. CH The ſeconde booke of the fylte Decade to Aſcinius Phorcid, bicounte Lardinall. &c. tree continu: Dwe repete (cyghte honorable Prynce) that powe are deſirous to know what newes we hauc in Spayne from the newe worlde: and that thoſe thynges haue greatly delyted you which I wrote into yowre highnete of the fyzite nauigation , yowchal now thcrcfoze méthymna receaue what hath Cuccedcd. Methymns Campi, Campi. is a famous towne in high Spayne in the reſpect from powe, Cafrella Ves and is in that parte of Spayne whiche is called Caſtells Vetus: the. beynge diftante from Gades about. rl, myles. Here the courte remayned, when aboute the. ic. of the kalendes of apzell in this yere of nynetie and foure, there wcre poftes fentc to the kynge and qucene, certifyinge them that there were. xii. ſhip: cades pes come from the newe Jlandes and arcyued at Gades. But the gouernoure of the Chyppes ſente borde to the kynge and qucne that he had none other matter to certifie them of by the poftes, but onely that the Admiral with fiue Coppes and. ini. iroze and tenne men remayned tyll in Hifpaniola, to ſearche the [caccetcs The fyrſt decade. 5 fecietes of the lande. And that as touching other matters, he hym Celfe wolde thoztly make relation in they? preſence, by worde of mouthe. Therfore the daye befoze the nones of a pzel, he came to the courte him ſelfe. What 3 learned of him and other faythefull and credible men whiche came with hym from the Admirall, 3 wyl reherlé vnto yowe in ſuch oder as they declared the ſame to me when 3 demaunded them. Take it therfoze as foloweth. The thyide daye of the gbes of DC- tober, departynge from Ferred, the late of the glandes of ca. The gland of narid, and from the coftes of Spayne with a nauie of.xvii.Chip: Ferrés, pes, they Capled. tri. dayes befoze they came to any jlande : inclyning of purpoſe moze towarde che lefte hand then at the fyzli viage, folowyng the nozthnortheaſt wynde:and arriued fyzit at the Flandes of the Canibales, Ol Caribes of which, onely glands of the the fame was knowen to our men. Amonge theſe, they chaun Canibales. fed fyztte bpon one, ſo beſet with trees, that they coulde not ſe ſo muché as an elle ſpace of bare earthe oz tłony grounde. this they called Dominica, bicauſe they found it on the ſunday. The gland af They taried here no tome, bycauſe they ſawa it to be deferte. Dominica, in the ſpace of theſe.cci.Dayes, they thynke that they ſayled. biti. hundreth and. pr. leaques, the Morthenoztheat wynde viti. Hundrech was ſo full with them, and ſo freſthely folowed the tterne of 7.xx.leaques theyz tyyppes. After they hadde Cayled a lyttell further, they wxxi. bayes, eſpied dyuerle Iſlandes replenylthed with ſundrye kyndes of trees, from the whiche came fragrant fauours of ſpyces and ſweete gummes. Dere they ſawe neyther man noj bcatte, era cept certayne liCartes of huge bigneđe, as they reported whic Zyfertes, che went alande to viewe the countrey. This fland they cau ICD Galand, Oy Galants . from the cape 02 poynt of this land, el: The Flande pying a mountayne a farre of, they ſayled thyther. Aboute. of Salanta. FEE, myles from this mountayne, they ſawe a ryuer difcêding whiche ſeemed to be a token of ſome great and large fludde. This is the fyldte lande whiche they founde inhabited from suadalupea . The gland of the Iſlandes of Canaria, and is an Flande of the Canibales, as they lerned by the interpretours whiche they tooke with them from Hifpanioht into Spagne at theyz fyztte viage. Serchynge the Iſlande, they founde innumerable villages of. pr. houſes ilages of. re 02. per. at the mootte, ſette rounde abolte in order, mas oz.trehouſes kynge the freete in coompalle lyke a marketcé place. And for almuch as 3 haue made mention of thep: houſes it that notbe B.1, greatly, The fyrſt decade. greatcly from my purpoſe to deſcribe in what maner they are The building buplded. They are made rounde lyke belles of rounde pauy: of they: hou: tions. theyz frame is rapfcd of crcedynge hyghe trees, ſette cloſe together and fat rampaired in the groundc, lo fandyng & dope and bending inward that the toppes of the trees ioyne together and beare one agaynte an other, hanynge alſo with: in the houſe, certayne tronge and toate props of pottes whi: che füttepne the trecs from fallynge. They coucс them with the leaues of date trees and other trees trongly compact and hardened, wherewith they make them cloſe from wynde and Wether. at the tozt pottes or proppes within the houſe, they tic ropes of the cotto of golampine trecs, oj other ropes made 60 Tampine of certapne long and toughc rotes much lyke bnto the mubbe called. spartum, wherof in olde tyme they bred to make bondes fou byncs and cabuls and ropes for thyppes. Theſe they tye ouerthwarte the houſe from poſte to potte. On theſe they tey as it were certayne mattređes made of the cotton of the gol: 3 Campine trees, whiche growe plentifully in theſe Jlandes. This cotton the Spaniardes call Algodon, and the jtalians Bombaſine. And thus they deepe in hangynge beddes. At the Boinbare. enteraunce of one of theyz houſes, they Cawe two Images of banginge woodde lyke vnto ſerpentes, whiche they thoughte had byn beddes. ſuch idoles as they honour. But they lerned afterwarde that they were ſette there onely foz coomlynele. For they knowe none other god then the Sunne and woone, althoughe they Images. make certaine Images of gottampine cotton to the fimilitude of ſuch phantaſies as they ſay appere to them in the nyghte. Dur men found in theyz houſes, all kyndes of erthen begels, not muche önlyke vnto oures. They founde alſo in theyki: fyne cookery chens, mannes Aeſthe, duckes delme, and gooſe filelibe, al in one pot: and other on the ſpittes redye to be layde to the fire. Entrynge into theyż inner lodgynges, they founde faggottes arrowe heds of the bones of mennes armes and legges, which they referue of bones. to make heades for theyz arrobes, bycauſe they lacke iron. The other bones they catte awaye when they haue eaten the fieſthe. They founde likewiſe the heade of a yonge man fatte: ned to a potte and yet bledinge. They haue in fome villages, one great haule oz pallaice, aboute the whiche theyz common houſes are placed. To this they relózt, as often as they come together to playe. when they perceayed the commynge of OHC ment The fytſt decade. our mett, they fledde, in they, houſes they founde allo about frr. chyldzen and women captiues which were reſerued to be caten, but our men tooke them awape to uſe them for inter: pretoires. Searchyng moze diligently thynner partes of the glande, they founde. bii, other tyuers, bygger then this whi che bc pake of befozc, cunnyng throughe the glande, with fruitefull and pleaſante banckes, delectable to beholde. This Jlande, they called Guadalupet, foz the ſimilitude that it hath The moune Suadalupus? to the mounte Guadalupus in Spayne, where the 3mage of the birgin MARIE is religioudy honozed. But the inhabitaun: tes caul it Carucueria, 0? Queraquiera. Jt is the chiefe habitation Carucueria. of the Canibales. They brought from this yland. vii. Popin: gayes, bygger then phelantes, mache differynge from other in popyngayes coloure : hauynge they? backes, bietes, and bealies of purple bygger then coloure, and theyz wynges of other variable coloures. On al phelaunces thele Flandes is no lelle plentie of popingiayes then with bs of ſparrowes of Aarlinges. As we bzynge bp capons and hennes to francke of make them fatte, fo do they thcſc bigger kyndes of popyngaies for the ſame purpoſe. After that they hadde thus Cearched the glande anb diguen there canibales to the Caniba: flyghte, (whiche canne awaye at thep: fyzf approche as fonte les dzyuen to flyshe. as they had eſpied them)they cauled they company together. And as ſoone as they had boken the Canibals boates oz lygh: ters (whiche they call Caroas) they lowled theyz ankers the daye befoze the Jbes of Rouember, and departed from Guds daluped . Colonus the admicall, foz the belyze he hadde to fc his 2013 companions, whiche at his fyzů bpage he lefte the yere befoze. in Hiſpaniola to ſearche the countrey, lette paſte manyjlandes bothe on his righte hande and lefte hande, and ſayled directs ly thythet. By the wape, there appeared from the 32ozthe. great glande which the caprines that were taken in Hifpaniola, cauled Madanino, o? Marinino: Affirmynge it to be inhabited only Matinino en with wome: sto who the Cambales hauc accelle at certen tymes Flande of me of the yeare, as in owlde tyme the Thracians had to the Amazon men. nes in the lande of Leſbos. The men childzen, they ſende to they, fathers. But the women theye kepe with them ſelues. Ahey baue greate and ſtronge caues ou dennes in the ground, to the which they Flye fog ſafegarde if any men celozte unto them at any other tyme then is appoynted and there defende them (elucs with bobes and arcomes, agent the violence of 16.11. fuche The fyrſt decade. mcg. Tüche as attempte to enuade them. They coulde not at this time approche to this Iſlande, by realô of the pofthenozth calt bonde which blcwe ſoo vehemently from the ſame, whec as they nowe folowed the Eatteſoutheate. After they de: parted frome Madanino, and ſayled by the ſpace of. cl. myles, they paſed not farce frome an other Jlande which the cap: tyues fayde to bee verye peopülous, and replenythed with all thynges neceſarie foz the life of man. This they cauled Mons The Ilandes serratus, bycauſe it was ful of mountaynes. The captyues fur: of mons Ser ther declared that the Canibales, are wonte at ſome tyme to goo ratus, frome they? owne coates aboue a thouſande myle to hunte Huntinge for foz men. The daye folowynge, they ſawe an other glande o the whiche, bycauſe it was rownde, they cauled Sancta Maria Sancta mar a Rotunda. Rotunda. The nerte daye, there founde an other, which they cauled s. Martini. Which they lette paữe alſo bycauſe they had Sanctus mar sinus no leaſure to tarye. Lykewyſe the thirde daye they elpycd an other, whoſe Diametral (yde ertendynge frome the Eatte to the welté, they iudged to bee a hundzeth and fyftie myle. Theye axirme all theſe flandes to be maruelous fayze and Sandra Mari frutefull. This latte, they cauled Sancta Maria Antiqua. Saylyng 9 Antiqua, yet forwarde, and leauynge many other landes after they had ſayled aboute foztie myle, they chaunced vpon an other muche bygger then any of the regte, which thinhabitans caule Infula crucis Ay Ay, but they named it Inſult crucis. Beace they cat anker to An glande of ferche freſtye water. The Admiral alſo commaunded.rrr.men she canibals to go a lande out of his owne typ, and to ſearch the lande Dere they founde fowze dogges on the phone. The gnhabi, The Caniba: tants are Canibales, and maruclous erperte in thuringe, as well les are er: women as men: And ble to infecte theyz arrowes with poy: pert archers. Con: when they had taryed there two dayes, they ſawe a farre of, a Canoa, in the whiche were eight men and as manye Arrowes in: women hauynge with them bowes and arrowes. They fcarliy fected with allayled owze men withoute all feare, and hurtelum of them veneme. with theyz venemous arrowes. Amonge theſe there was a certen woman to whome the other gaue reuerence and obeyde as though the were they, queene. Der Conne wayted vppon her, beinge a younge man, Grongly made, of terrible & frow: A conflict nynge countenaunce and a lyons face. Dire men lealte they with the Ca: fhold take the moze hurte by beinge wounded a farre of, nibales. chowght it belte to joyne with them. Therfoze with ali ſpede ſettinge Thefyrſt decade. fettinge forewarde with their ozes the brigantine in whiche they were ſette alande, they puerturned their Canou with a great violence, which beinge ouerwhelmed, they notwith: fondinge, as well the women as the men ſwymminge, cale theyz dartes at owre men, thicke and thzcefowide. At the lengthe, gatherynge them ſelues together vpon a rocke coues red with the water, they fowght manfully vntyll they were ouercome and taken, one being Qayne, and the queenes Conne ſoze wounded. When they were browght into the admirals fhippe, they dyd no moje put of their fiernes and cruell coun The fierces tenances, then do the Lyons of Libia when theye percegue thë nes and terris ſelues to be bownde in chaynes. There is no man able to be: ble countea howide them, but he mall fcele his bowelles grate with a cer naunce of the ten hozroure, nature hath endewed them with loo terrible Canibales. menacynge, and cruel aſpecte. This coniecture make of my Celfe and other which often tymes wentc with me to ſee them at Methymna Campi. But nowe to returne to the viage. Pocea: dinge thus further and further, moze then fiue hundzethe Campr. methymna mples, firte towardes the Wetteſouthewette, then towarde the Southwelt, and at the lengthe towarde the Weſte northe wete, they entered into a mayne large ſea hauinge in it ins numerable Flandes, maruclouſlye differinge one frome an o: Innumerable ilandes. ther, for ſum of them were verye frutefull and full of herbes and trees. Dther ſum, verye diye, barven, and rowgh with high rockye mountaynes of tone, wherof ſum were of bright blewe oz alurine coloure, and other glyfteringe white : Wher the mones foge they ſuppoſed them by good realon to bee the mynes of of metales metalles and precious tones. But the rowghnes of the ſea, precious ſtos and multitude of flandes itandinge ſo thicke togyther, hinde nes, red them ſoo, that they cowlde cafte no anker leadte the big: ger veñellcs fhulde runne vppon the rockes. Therefore they Deferred the ſearchinge of theſe Iſlandes vntyi an other tyme They were ſo manye and toode ſo thicke, that they coulde 197 not number them. Yet the ſmauler veWelles which diewe no greate depthe, cntered emonge them and numbered foztie and Tyre Flandes. But the bigger veñelles, kepte aloofc in the mayne ſea for feare of the rockes. They caulc the ſea where the fea caus this multitude of Iſlandes are ſituate, Archipelagus. frome ted Archipe: this tracte pzoceadinge foyrewarde, in the mydde wape there lagus, Iyeth an Iland which thinhabitantes caule Burichena, O2 Buchend, B.iii. But The fyrſt decade gnfula. 5.30: hannes or bu But they named it Inſula. S. Iohannis, suyuers of theym whome sheba. boc had delyücred frome the Canibales, (ayde that they were borne in this Tlande:affirminge it to be very peopulous and frutefull, hauinge alſo manye fayze booddes and hauens, There is deadly hatred and continual battayle betwene thens #the Canibales, They haue no boates to pale from their owne coales to the Canibales. But if it bee their chaumce to ouercome them, when they make incurſion into they countreye to feke their praye (as it Cumtyme happeneth, the fortune of Warre beinge uncerteyne)they ferue them with like Cauſe, requiringe cath for deathc foz deathe. Foz one of theym mangeleth an other ins deache pieces, and rote them and eate them euen befoze their eyes. They taryed not in this glande. yet in the wede angle thec of, a fewe of them went a lande foz freſthe water, and fownd a grcate and high howle after the maner of their boulding, hauinge.cii.other of their bulgare cotagcs placed abolte the The mount: ſame : but were all lefte defolate, whether it were that they are coulder then relozted to the mountaynes by reſon of the heate which was the playnes. that tyme of the peace, and to returne to the playne when the ayze wareth cowlder, on els for feare of the Canibales which make incurſion into the lande at certen ſeaſons. In all this Flande is only one kinge. The ſouth ſyde hereof erten: dech abolvte two hundjethe myles.Shoztlye after, they came to the glande of Hiſpanioht, beinge dilante frome the firtte from Domini ca to hiſpant: Jlande of the Canibales, fyue hundzethe leaques. Dere they ola fyuc hun: fownde all thynges out of ozder, and theyz feloides Qayne dicthleaques which they lefte here at their fyzfte byage. 3in the begins ninge of Hispaniolag (hauinge in it many regions and kynge: The Spany: domes as we haue fayde)is the region of Xamant Whole kinge ardes lefte in is named Guaccanarillus. This Gullcanarillus joyned frendethippe the Jland are with obre men at the fyztte viage, and made a league with kynge suac : them: But in the abſence of the Admirall, he rebelles, et was canarillus re the cauſe of owre mens deltruction, althowgh he diſimuled belieth. the ſame, and pretended frendthip at the admirales returne. ás obre men Cayled on yet a litle further, they eſpied a longe Canoa with many ozes, in which was the brother of Guccimarile Cwo Images lus with only one man waytinge on hym. tbc bowght with of goulde. bym two Jimages of goulde, which he gane the admirall in the name of his brother, and tomldc a tale in his language as concerninge the deathe of obremen, as they pzoued after Warde Thefyiſt decade. 8 bearbe, but at this tyme had no regarde to his communicati: on for lacke of interpzetours, which were cyther all deade, oz eſcaped and toulne awaye when they drewe nere the glan bes. But of the.r.wii. dyed by change of ayze and dyet. Dhe inhabitantes of theſe flandes haue byn euer [oo bled to liuc Ltbcrtie and at libertie, in playe and paltyme, that they can hardcly away idlenes. with the yoke of ſeruitude which they attempte to thake of by all meanes they maye. And ſurely if they had receaued obre religion, 3 wolde thinke their life mote happye of all a happy kind of lyfe. men, if they might therwith eniope their aunciente libertie. a fewe thingcs contente them, hauinge no delite in ſuche ſu: perfluites, for the which in other places men take infinite Superfluite. paynes and commit manic bnlawfull actes, and yet are neuer ſatiſficd, wheras many haue to muche, and none inough. many have to But emonge theſe ſimple Cowles, a fewe clothes ſerue the na much and ked: weightes and meaſures are not needefull to ſuch as can none inough. not (kyll of crafte and deceyte and hauc not the ble of peftife: tous monye, the Icebe of innumerable myſcheucs. So that if be thall not be athamed to confete the truthe, they ſeeme to lyue in that goulden wozide of the the which owlde bryters The goulder Worlde ſpeake ſo much : Wherin men lyued ſimplye and innocentlye without infozcement of lawes, without quarellinge judges and libclles, contente onely to ſatiſfie nature, without fur: ther beration for knowelege of thinges to come. Yet theſe na naked men ked people alſo are to mēted with ambitió fou the belyzethey troubled With haue to enlarge their dominions by reaſon whero they kepe ambicioth wacce e deſtroy one an other: frā the wh ch plage 31 ſuppolc the golden world was not fire. Foz euen thenallo, Cede, non cedam that is,gyue place, #3 will not giue place, had entred Syue place. emonge men. But nowe to returne to thematter frõ which boe Haue digreted. The admiral defyrous to knowe further of the death of his men, ſen tfo2 Guaccanarillus to come to him to his thip, dilimulinge that he knew any thinge of the matter. The Admiral After that he came aboogd typ,faluting the & miral e his cã rendeth for pany gyuing alſo certē golde to the Lapetaynes and offycers, the kynge. turned him to the womē captiues which not longc before our mê had delivered frõ the Canibales. And erneúly beholding one of them whome owre men cauled Latharyne, he ſpake gentel ly vnto her. And thus when he had ſeene and maruepled at no horfes in the horſes and ſuche other thinges as were in the Chyppe, on: the Zlandes knoben The fyrſt decade knowen to them, and had with a good grace and mečelye af: kod leave of the Admirall, he departed. Yet Cum there were which counſeyled the Admirall to kepe hym fyll: that if they might by any meanes proue that he was conſentinge to the m tyme for all deathe of owre men, he might bee punithed accozdinglie. But thynses. the Ádmirall conſidering that it was yet no tyme to incente thinhabitantes myndes to wzache, dyſmyled hym. The next Daye folowing, the kinges brother reloztyng to the thyppes, eyther in his owne name or in his brothers, ſeduced the wo: men. Foz on the next ryght about mydnight, this katherine defperate allell to recouer her owne libertie as alſo her felowes, being aduenture of Cubozned therto eyther by the kinge oz his brothers promiſes Woman. attempted a much more difficulte and daungerous aduenture then dyd cloelia of Rome, which beinge in hottage with other Cloelia of maybes to the kynge Porcend, deceaued her kepers, and rode Rome, ouer the ryuer Tiber, with the other virgins which were pled: ges with her. foi wheras they ſlamme ouer the rouer on horſebacke. This Katharyne with ſeuen other women, tru: 0707 Atynge onlye to the ſtrengthe of theyż owne armes, (wamme aboue three longe myles: and that allo, at ſuche tyme as the ſea was ſumbhat romghe. for cuen too farce of frome the thoze, lay the ſhippes at rode, as nigh as they could coniecture But olre men folowinge them with the thippeboates, by the ſame light ſeene on the thoze wherby the women were ledde, Cand tooke three of them: ſuppoſinge that katharyne with the o ther foure, wente to Guiccanarillus. Foz in the ſpinge of the moininge,certen mellengers beinge ſente to hym by the admi rall, had intelligence that he was fledde with all his familie and tuffe, and the women allo. which thinge miniſtred furs ther (uſpection that he was conſentinge to the death of owre men. Wherfoze the Admirall Cente foithe an armye of three hundjethe men, ouer the which he appoynted one Melchior to be capitayne, boylling hym to make diligent ſearche to fynde suaccanaril : obte Gudecanarillus. Melchior therfoze with the (maulcite vedels lus is ſought, enteringe into the countreye by the ryuers and ſcouringe the melchior. tholes, chaunced into certen croked goulfes defended with. b Iptile & fiepe hilles, ſuppolinge that it had byn the mouth of Cum greate ryucr. De founde here alſo a verye commodious and ſafe hauen, and therefore named it Portus Regalis. They faye that the enteraunce of this is ſo crooked and bendinge, that The fyrſt decade. that aftec the tippes are once within the ſame, whether they turnc thê to the lefte hand, oz to the ryght, they can not perceane where they came in vncyll they returne to the mouth of the tyuer : Although it be there to biode that three of the byggette veſſels may Cayle together on a froont. The tarpe it high hilles on the one ſyde and on the other, ſo bzake the wynde, that they were vncerten howe to rule they? (ayles.In the myddle gulfe of the ryuer, there is a promontorie o point poptngayes of the lande with a pleaſannte groue full of popingapes and and byides. other bygdes which breede therein and finge verye ſweetlye. They perceaued alſo that two ryuers of no ſmaule largoncs fell into the hauen. Whyle they thus ſearched the lande be: twene bothe, Melchior eſpied a high houſe a farre of, where ſuppoſinge that Gu.sccanarillus had lyne hyd, he made towarde it. And as he was goynge, there mette hym a man with a frownynge countenaunce and a grymme looke, with a hun: dieth men folowynge hym, armed with bowes and arrowes, and long and charpe taues like iauelynnes, made harde at the endes with fyze. who appzochyng towardes obre men, (pake obte alow de with a terryble voyce, Cayenge that they Taini. were Taini, (that is) noble men, and not Canibales. But when Owre men had gyuen them fignes of peace, they lefte bothe theyz weapons and fiercenes. Thus geuynge eche of them certen haukes belles, they tooke it foz do greate a rewarde, naukes bele that they delyzed to enter bondes of nere frendelhyppe with less bs, and feared not immcdiatly to ſubmitte them ſelues under owre power, and reſorted to our typs with theyz preſentes. m large hous They that meaſured the houſe(beinge made in rounde fourme foundé it to be from (yde to ſyde.frrii.greate paces, compa: Ced abowte with crc. other vulgare houſes, hauinge in them many beames croſe ouer, and couered with reedes of fundzy Reedes of ſus colours, wozethed and as it were weaued with maruclous art dry colours. when owre men alked Cum of them where they myght fynde Guaccanarillus. They aunſwered that that Region was none of his. But they, kynges bepnge there preſente. yet they fayde they ſuppoſed that Guaccanarilllus was gone from the playne to the mountaynes. pakynge therfoze a bzotherly league with Caccius. this Caccicus,(that is to ſaye a kynge) they retourned to the ad myzall to make relation what they hadde ſeene and harde. bhervppon he fent fouth dyuers other Lenturians with their hundzethes The fyrſt decade. hundzethes to ſearche the countrey yet further. #monge the notedus and which were Hoiedus and Gorualanus, noble younge gentlemen boiualanus. of great courage. And as they went towarde the mountaines to Tecke Guaccan.trillus, dyuidinge the mountaynes betwene thë one of them fownde on the one lyde therof foure ryuers fau: lynge frome the ſame inountaynes: and the other founde.iii. solde ir ry: on the other lyde. 3111 the fandes of all theſe ryuers is fownd acrs faulinge great plentye of goulde, which thinhabitantes of the ſame 3 from inun: landc which were with us, gathered in this mancr. Making taynes. holes in the ſande with they, handcs, a Lubette dcape, and The maner takynge vp Cande with their lefte handes from the botone of of gathering the ſame, they picked out graynes of goulde with their ryght golde, handes withowte any moze arte od cunnynge. And ſo deliues Kraynes of red it to owce men: who affirme that many of them thus ga: golde. thered, were as bygge as tares or fytchis. And, my ſelfe A male of rude goide ſawe a nadle of rude goulde, (that is to ſay, ſuche as was ne weighinge.ix uer molten) lyke vnto ſuche tones as are foundé in the bota ounces. tomes of tyuers, weighinge nyne ownces, which Høiedt him ſelfe folnde. Beinge contented with theſe fignes, they retur ned to the Admirall to certifie him hereof. For the Admirall had commaunded under påpne of punyöhement that they thuld meddlc no further then their commiſſion: which was only to Cannaboa, (carche the places with their lignes. Fo, the fame went that kynge of the there was a certeyne kynge of the mountaynes from whenſe houſe of gold thoſe eyuers had their faule, whom they caule Cacicus Caunsboa that is, the lord of the houſe of golde. For they caule a houſe Bolſome was Bos, goulde, Cauni: and a kynge oz lozde, Cacicus, as we hauc ter and plen: Cayde before. They affirme that there can noo where be found tie of fyrrhe. better fylthe, noz of moze pleaſant talt, oj moze hollome then The day and in theſe reguers:alſo the waters of the ſame to be mot hollom nyght ofe: to dzynke. Melchior hym Celfe towld me, that in the moneth of qual length December, the days and npghtes bee of equal length among Byrdes biecd the Caribales. But the ſphere or circles of the heaven, agreeth in December not therynto. Albeit that in the ſame moneth, ſume bygdes make their netics, and Cume haue alredy hatched their egges The cleuati: by reaſon of the heate beinge rather continuall then extreme. on of the pole metowlde me alſo wheng qucttioncd with hym as concera The farres nynge the clcuation of the pole from the horizontal lyne,that are cuuled al the fierres caulcd plaftrum 02 chaclcs wayne, are hydbe uns gardens of the pole. der the Northe pole to the Canibales, and ſurely there retur; ned none from thene at this viage, to whome there is moze The førſt decade. IO Credit to be gpucnt, then to this man. But if he had byn ſkil full in fironomye, he woulde hanc Caydc that the day was al motte equall with the night. ffo, in no place towarde the tay of the conne (cauled solflicium) can the night be equall with the The Equine day. And as for them, they neuer came bnder the Equinoctially tial lyne for aſmuch as thep had cuer the northe pole they? guydc,and euer cleuate in ſigot abouc the Horizontal. Thus haue 1 bricfe: ly written unto yowre honoure, as much as thought ſufi: ciente at this tyme. and Mall fortly hereafter (by Bods fa: noure) wzyte into you moze largely of ſuche matters as fal: be dayly better knower. foz the admirall hym Celfe (Whome 3 ble famylyerly as my verye frende) hathe promyled me by his letters, that he wyl gyue me knowlege of al ſuch thyngos as thall chaunce. De hath nowe choſen a ftronge place where he may buyld a Litie nere vnto a comodious hauen. And hath alredy buylded many houſes and a chapell in the whiche (as a chapel and in a newe woulde herctofoze voyde of all religion) god is day preeſtes. ly ſcrued with.cii. pzeettes accordinge to the maner of owre churches. When the tyme nowe approched when he promy {ed to (enbe to the kynge and qucene, and hauynge profpe: rous lynde foz that purpoſe, ſent backe the. rii. Laravelles Wherof we made mencion befoze it was no ſmaul hynderance and greefe, unto hym: Eſpecially conſyderynge the dcarh of his men whom he lefte in the glande at the fyzd byage, wher by we are yet ignorant of many places e other ſecretes wher: of we might otherwyſe haue had further knowleage. But as tyme ſhall reueale them ageyne, ſo wyll J aduertyle yowe of the ſame. And that you may the better knowe by conference marchaunts bad with the Apothecaries and marchaunt ftrangers sirophenicia Sirophenici : uns, what theſe Regions bearc, and howe hotte they? ground a 18. is, 3 haue ſent you all kyndes of graynes, with the barke E inner partes of that tree whiche they ſuppoſe to bee the Lina The Cyng- mome tree. And y£ it be your pleaſure to talte cyther of the mome tree. graynes, ol of the ſmaule feedes the which you ſhoulde per: ccaue to haue fawlen from thcle graynes, Ol of the wodde it ſelfe, touch them fitte ſoftely mouinge them to your lyppes. foz although they bee not hurtcfull, yet for they2 ercelle of heate, they are tharpe and byte the tongue, yf they remayne any whyle theron. But if the tongue be blyttered by tagynge of them, the ſame is taken away by dzynkynge of Water, DE the The fyrſt decade. Xiloaloes or lignü Aloes. the cozne allo Wherofthey make they, bieade, this brynger fhall delpuer fume graynes to your lozdelhyppe bothe whyte and blacke: And therwith allo, a runke of the tree of Aloes The which if you curte in peeces, you thall feele a fleete fa: uoute to proceade from the ſame. Thus fare you hartely wel. from the courte of Methimna Campi. The thyrde day befoze the Lalendes of way, Amo. Domini, M. CCCC. XCIIII. The thy de boke of the fyzl Decade, to Lodouike Lardinall of Aragonye and Ncuie to the kynge. The fable of Dwe dclyze that folythe Phaeton fulde ageine Phaeton. rule the Lhariotes of the Sunne: And con- tende to dzawe ſweete lycoures out of the harde aynte, wher&s you requyze me to dyſ: [cribe vnto you the newe woulde, fownde in the wette by the good foztune & gouernaunce kynge ferdi: of the Catholike princes Ferdinandus and be: nandus and liſabeth, your Uncle and kunte : chewyng me alſo the letters queene neli: of kynge Frederike your vncle, wzytten to me in the ſame bez zabeth halfe. But ſythe you haue layde this burden on my backe, int bhole power it is to commaunde me to take bppon me moze then Jam wel able.ve bothc hal receaue this pzecious ftone, rudely cloſed in leade after my maner of Wolkcmanthyppe. wherfoze when you ſhall perceaue the lerned ſozte frendclye: The malicious, enuioully: And the backebyters,kuriouliy, to bende theyz (claunderous dartes ageynſt owre fayze Nimphes Hereides. of the Ocean, you thall freely protette in howe wozt tyme, and the Zlandes, in the mpddette of what troubles and calamities, you haue en forced me to wzyte of the ſame. Thus fare you well frome Granata the ninthe day before the Lalendes of Day. C We haue declared in the boke here before, howe the Admt: rall palled by the coates of the Caribales to the lande of Hiſpas Hifpaniola. nioli with his whole nauie. But nowe le entende further to thewe what he fownde as concernynge the nature of this 3: lande, after that he had better ſcarched the ſeacccates of the ſame: likewple of the glande of Cuba nere vnto it which he yet ſuppoſed to bee the firme lande. Hiſpaniols cherfoze(which Ophir whe: he afirmeth to bee Ophir, wherof we reade in the thyzde boke of The fytſt decade, II of the kynges) is of latitude, fyue fouthe degrees : haupnge ther Saloe the nozthe pole eleuate on the nozthe ſyde.rrvii.degrees and mons fhips on the Southe ſyde (as they ſaye) erii , degrees. It reacheth golde. in length from the Eate to the Wette, ſeuen hundjethe and foure [coze myles. Jt is diftant from the Flandes of Gades(cau led Cales) clip. degrees, and moze as Cum ſaye. The forme of the Jlande, reſembleth the leafe of a cheſnutte tree. Wppon a high hyll on the Mozth ſyde of the Jlande, he buylded a ci tie, bycauſe this place was mot apte foz that purpoſe by rea: 3ſabella, ſon of a myne of ftones which was nere unto the ſame, ſer: uynge well bothe to buylde with, aud allo to make lyme. At the bottome of this byli, is there a great playne of three [coze z playne of myles in lengthe: and in bredth Cumwhere .rit , ſumwhere.fr, thieescore myles where it is buodelt, and.vi.myles where it is narobet myleg of lente Through this playne runnc dyuers kayze ryuers of holſome gthe. waters. But the greatett of them which is nauigable, fauleth into the hauen of the citie for the ſpace of halfe a furlonge. nowe fertile and fruitfull this valley is, you ſhal vnderſtand by theſe thynges which folowe. On the toze of this ryuer, 2 coken of maruelous they haue lymyted and encloſed certeyne grounde to make gardeynes and ozchiardes, in the which al kyndes of bygger herbes, as radywe, letuſe, colewoztes, bojage, and ſuch o: ther, ware rype within. xvi. Dayes after the ſeede is ſowen. Lykempre melones, Bourdes, Lucumers, and ſuche other, herbes grene within the ſpace of.crrvi. dayes. Theſe garden herbes, they al the hole haue frelthe and greene all the whole yeare. Allo the rootes yeare. of the canes o reedes, of the lycour wherof, Cuger is made growe a cubette high within the ſpace of. cb. Dayes: but the Suger reeds Iycoure is not yet hardened. The lyke they affirme of plantes vines. plantes and og lhouddes of younge vines: And that they haue the ſecond yeare gathered ripe and ſweete grapes of the ſame. But by reaſon of to muche tankenes, they beare but fewe cluſters. furthermore, a man of the countrey ſowed a lyrtle whcate a Coine and bout the Lalendes of Fcbznary, and brought with hymn to grayne rype the citie a handefull of the type cares of the ſame the thyrde twife a yesie day befoze the calendes of Apzell: which was that yeare the bigile of the Reſurrection of owre Lorde. Allo, al kyndes of pulſe, as beanes, peaſon, fytches,tares, and ſuche other are rype twyſe in the yeare, as all they which came from thenſe, affirme with one voyee: yet that the grounde is not vniuers ſally fruitfulnes, The fyrſt decade. ſally apte to beare whcate. 31n the meane tyme whole theſe thynges were doinge, the Admirall ſent owte-a companye of ter, men to ſearche the Region of cipanget, otherwyle cauled The 'Region cibind This Region is full of mountapnes and rockes: and of Cipanga o: Cibana. the myddle backe of the holeglade in the whiche is greate Solde. plentie of goulde. When they that went to ſearche the Regi: on, were returned they reported maruelous thynges as tous chinge the great ryches of this Region. Frome theſe moun: foure greate taynes, deſcende foure greate ryuers, which by the marue. lytieru. lous induſtryc of naturc, Dcuided the hole glande into foure pautes, in maner equall, ouerſpicadinge and wateringe the hole flande with their blanches. DE theſe foure tpuers, the one reacheth towarde the Eaữe. This the inhabitantes caule Iunnd: An other, towarde the wette, and is cauled Attibunicus The thirde toldarde the Northe, named Iachem: the latte rea: cheth into the Southe, and is cauled Nsibd. The daye befoze che 3des of arche, the Admiral him ſelfe with al his houſe The golden men and foure hundzeth footemen, marched directly towarde region of the South ſyde of the goulden Region. Thus palinge ouet Cibana. the cyuer, the plaine and the mountayne which enuironed the other (yde of the playne, he chaunced vpon an other bale the which a ryuer muche bygger then the fyelte, and many other uales and meane ryucrs tunne throwgh. When he had alſo conueighed mountaynes. his armye over the ryuer and palled the ſeconde vale whiche was in no part inferiour to the firde, he made away through the thirde mountayne, where was no pađage befoze, and del The Vale of cended into an other vale which was nowe the beginninge of Cibana. cibana. Through this alſo runne many duodes, and ryucrs, out of cuery byll, and in the ſandes of theym all, is founde great plentie of goulde. And when he had nowe entered three ſcoze and timelue myles into the goulden region from the citie he entended to buylde a foztrelle bppon the toppe of a hyll, landing by the thoje of a certeyne great ryuer, that he might the better and moze ſafelye ſearchc the ſecteates of the inner partes of the Region. This he cauled the foutrelle of faynte Thomas. The which in the meane tyme whyle he was buyl: solde fo: dynge, thinhabitantes beinge deſirous of haukes belles and other of owre thinges,relozted dayly thyther. To whom the Admirall declared, that if they wolde bżynge goulde, they dulde haue what ſo euer they wolde aſke, Fozthwith tura nynge kaukes bels. The fytſt decade. 12 ninge they: backes and runnynge to the moze of the nort rye uer, they returned in a mozt tyme, brynginge with them their handes full of goulde. Amongett al other, there came a owld man bringynge with him two pybble fones of goulde weigh: Braynes and inge an unce, deſyzynge them to gyue him a bell foz the ſame pipplefones of golde. who when he ſawe oure men maruell at the byggenes therof, he made ſignes that they were but (maule and of no value in reſpecte of ſume that he had ſeene. And takynge in his hande foure tiones the leaſt wherof was as bygge as a walnut, and the byggcü as bygge as an ozange, he fayde that there was fobnde pecces of goulde loo bygge in his countrey, beynge but halfe a daycs iourney from thence, and that they had no They parfe regarde to the gatheringe therof. Whereby we perceane that not foi solde, they paře not muche for goulde in aſmuch as it is goulde on: in that it is ly, but ſo farte eftecme it, as the hande of the artificer hathe golde oncly fathioned it in any coomely fourme. foy who doth greatly but.rc. edeeme rowgh marble or vnwzought Juerye. But if they be wzought with the cunninge hande of Phidias O2, Praxiteles, and Thaped to the ſimilitude of the fayze nimphes oz fayercs of the ſea(cauled Nereiades) of the fayzes of the Wods,(cauled Hamadri ades)they thal neuer lacke byers. Belyde this owid man, there came allo Dyuers other, brynginge with them pypple ſtones of gold weighing.c.o2.cit.Djammes: And feared not to confede, that in the place where they gathered that golde, there were Stones of found lütyme ftones of gold as bygge as the heade of a chyld golde as bys when he had taryed hcare a fewe bayes, he ſent one Luxanus, as the heade a noble younge gentylman with a fetoc armed men to ſearché of a chyide, all the partes of this Region. Who at his returne, repozted that thinhabitantes helped him greater thinges thé we haue ſpoken of here before. But he dyd openly declare nothynge thcrof:which they thought was doone by the admirales com maundement. They haue wooddes full of certerne (pyces : Spyces. but not ſuche as we commonly ble. There they gather fulen as they do golde: that is as much as wyl (crue for they? pur poles euery man for hym Celfe,to exchange the ſame with the inhabitantes of other countreys adioyninge to them fog ſuch thinges as they lacke, as dyrthes, pottes, toolcs, and ſuche other neceſſaries. As Luxanus returned to the Admiral, (which was about the ydes of Lgarche) he founde in the wooddes, wylde Vinee certegne wylde bines, type and of pleaCaunt talte. But thin: tafte. of plearaunste habitans The fyrſt decade. habitantes patte not on them. This Region though it bee full of tones and rockes (and is therfore cauled ciband, which is as muche to Caye as a fone) yet it is well replenyſhed with fruitful moas trees and paffurcs.pe they inđantly affirme, that if the građe caynes of theſe mountaynes bee cutte, it groweth ageyne within the ſpace of fonce dayes, higher then wheate. And for as muche as many thowers of rayne doo faule in this Regjon, whereof Lolde in the the ryuets and auddes haue their incrcale, in euery of the fandes of ry: Which, golde is fownde myrte with Candein all places, they uers faulinge iudge that the golde is dzyuen from the mountaynes, by the from the moũ bchement courſe of the Greames which faule from the ſame, tsyncs. an unne into the ryuers. The people of this Region are gy uen to y delnes and playe. for ſuche as inhabyte the mouns Libertie and taynes, ſyt quakynge foz coulde in the wynter ſeaſon, & had 3 delnes, The moun: rather ſoo wander vppe and downe J delly, then take thc pei taynca are nes to make them apparell, wheras they haue wooddes full coulde. of golãpine cotton. But ſuch as dwel in the bales o plaines feeie no coulde in Wynter. When the Admirall had thus ſeat ched the beginninge of the region of cibana, he repayzed to uſe bella (fo2 fo he named the citie) where leauinge the gouernance of thejlande with his deputies, he prepared hym Celfe to The Flande ſearch further the lymettes of the Iſlande of Cuba oy Iohanna, of Cuba. which he yct doubted to bee the firme lande, and diftant from Hiſpaniola. onely three [code and ten myles. This dyd he with moze ſpeedy erpedicion,caulyng to remembzaunce the kinges commaundement, who wollcd hym fyzlt with all celeritie to Leaſt any o ouer runne the coalics of the neweslandes, leate any other cher prince.zc prince thulde in the meane tyme attempte to inuade the ſame for the kynge of poztugale afirmed that it perteyned only to bym to diſcouer theſe unknowen landes. But the bythop of Rome Alexander the bi.to auoyd the cauſe of this diſcenti Difcencion on, graunted to the kynge of Spayne by thauctozitic of his betweene the leaden bulles, that no other pzince thulde bee ſo boulde as to portugales and Spanis make any viages to any of thoſe vnknowen regions, lyenge ardes. without the pzecinct of a directe lyne dzawē from the Mouth to the Southe a hundzeth leaques wetwarde without the pa The Flandes taldles of the Flandes cauled Capud Viride. Of Cabouerde, which of Cobouerde we thynke to bee thoſe that in owlde tyme were cauled Heſpeo oz Þifpersdes rides. Theſe perteyne to the kynge of portugale. And frome theſe, his pylottes whiche doo yearely ſearche newe coattes and The fyrſt decade. 13 and regions, directe their courſe to the Eate, faylynge cuer The Portite sales Viages tobarde the lefte hande by the backc of Aphrike and the ſeas of the Ethiopians: Pepther to this day had the portugales at any tyme Cayled Southwarde, 02 Weltewarde from the 7: landes of Cabouerde.Preparyng therfoze thicc tippes, he made hatte towarde thejlande of Johannt of Cuba bhyther he came in tozte (pace, and named the poynt therof where he fyztt ar cpucd, Alphs and o: that is, the fyette and the latte: foz he alpha and o ſuppoſed that there had bon thend of owre Eade bycauſe the Conne faulech there: And of the wette, bycauſe it ryſech there. For it is apparente, that welwarde, it is the beginninge of the ende of the Eaſt and Indix beyonde the rouer of Ganges: and Eaſtewarde, ty fur: weſt. thett ende of the ſame:which thinge is not contrary to reaſon Fozaſmuche as the Coſmographers haue lefte the lymites of Indis beyonde Ganges bndetermyned: where as alſo ſumc were Note. India not fort of opinion that India was not farre frõ the coates of Spaine fro spagne. as we haue íaybe before. Within the proſpecte of the begyn: aynge of Cuba, be founde a commodious hauen in the ertreme angle of the lande of Hiſpanicht. Foz in this part, theyland receaueth a greate goulfe. This hauen, he named ſaynt y: Saynt Nycos colas porte, beinge (carfely.rr. leaques from Cuba. As he de (@3 pozte. parted from henſe and Cayled beftwarde by the ſouth fyde of Cube, the further that he went, ſo muche the moze the ſea (cc: med to bee extended in breadth & to bende towarde che ſouth. Dn the ſouth ſyde of Cuba, he fownde anjlande which thing habitantes caule lamaics . This he affirmeth to bee longer and the gland of bzoder then the land of Sicilie:hauyng in it only one moun Jamaica. tapne, which on euery parte begynninge from the ſea, ryſeth by little and little into the myddeft of the glande: And that Coo playnely without roughnes, that ſuche as goo bp to the toppe of the ſame, can (carſely perceaue that they aſcende. 3 amaica. This glande he atirmed to bec very fruitfull and full of peo: ple as well in thinner partes of the ſame as by the lore: and that thinhabitantes are of quicker wytte then in the other 3- red people. Quicke pyt landes, and more crperte artificers and warrelyke men. Foz in many places where he woulde haue arryued, they came ar: med ageynt him and fożbodde him with threatening wozdes But bringe ouercome, they made a league of frendelhip with the compas hym. Thus departynge from Iamaica, he ſayled towarde the remge of the melie bitti a pioſperous wynde fo, the ſpace of threeſcale A egreb. tenne dayes The fyrſt decade. tenne dapes: thinkinge that he had pated ſo fatre by the com Aurea Cher: palle of the earth being vnderneth ys, that he had byn nere foneſus, 02 vnto Aurea Cherfonefus (nowe cauled Malacchay) in obre Eatte Jin malacce. Dia beyonde the beginninge of Perfides. For he playnely beles A recreate of ued that he had lefte onely two of the twelne howzes of the Aftronomha. fonne, which were vnknowen to bs, fo, the olölde buyters hauc iefte halfe the courſe of the Conne untouched, where as they hauc but onely diſcutied that ſuperficiall parte of the earch which lyeth betwene the Jlandes of Bades and the ry. The ryner of uer of Banges: 02 at the bttermofte, to Aurea Cherfonefus. In hanges. this nauigation, he chaunced on many furious ſeas, running Daungerous with a faule as it had byn the ſtreamcs of fluddes:Allo many ſtreightes by whozlepooles, and thelfesz With many other daungers, and reaſon of ma: ftreyghtes by reaſon of the multytude of glandes, which ley ny Jlandes. on euery fyde. But not regardinge all theſe perelles, he detec myned to proceаde vntyl he had certaine knowledge whether Cuba were anglande oz firme lande. Thus he ſayled fozward coattinge euer by the fore towarde the wele foz the ſpace of Che, zdmi LL frii. leaques, that is, abowte a thouſande and three hunt ral gaue 119- mes to feuen dreth myles: And gaue names to ſeven hundzeth Ilandes by hundiethe 3: the waye : Leauynge allo on the lefte hande (as he feared not landes. to repozte) three thouſande here and three. But let us nowe thre thouſad returne to ſuche thinges as he fownde worthy to be noted in Blandes. this nauigation: Saplinge therfoze by the ſyde of Cuhd, and ſearchinge the nature of the places, he clpied not farre from 2 large haue Alpha ando, a large hauen of capacitie to harborowe manye fhippes: whoſe enteraunce is bendinge, beinge incloſed on bothe lydes with capes oz poyntes which receauc the water. his hauen is large within, and of ecceаdinge depthe. Say: linge by the thore of this pozte, he ſawe not farce frome the ſame, two cotages coueved with reedes, and in many places fyer kyndeled. Dere he lente certegne armed men owte of the Thippes to the cotages : where they fownde norher man noz Rofted fyſThe woman, but rottemeate enowgh for they fownde certeyne and ſerpenis (pyttes of Woodde lyenge at the fuze, hauinge fytye on theym of.viii.foote abowt a hundzeth pownde weight, and two ſerpentes of viii longe. foote longe a piece, wherat marueplinge, and lokynge abowt if they coulde e pye any of thinhabitantes, and that none ap: peared in Cyght (fo, they tedde all to the mountaynes at the comminge of owze men) they fell to theyz meate, and eate the fylthe The førſt decade. 14 fythe taken with other mens tratayle: But they abfteyned frő the ſerpentes, which they affirme to differ nothinge from Lro Crocodiles of codiles of Egypt, but onely in byggenes. Foz (as Plinie Cayth) Egypte. Lrocodiles haue Cumerymes byn fownde of. rviii. cubettes longe. But of theſe the byggeft were but of.viii.fote. Thus be inge well refcelthed, they entered into the next woodde whcre they fownde many of the ſame kynde of ſerpentes hangynge bppon boughes of trees: of the which ſume had they? mou: thes tyed with tronges, and Cume theyz teethe taken owte. and as they ſearched the places nere unto the hauen, they ſawe abowte.Irr. men in the toppe of a byghe rocke, whiche fledde as ſoone as they had efpied owre men. Who by ſignes and tokens of peace, caulinge them ageyne, there was one which came nere them and toode on the toppe of a rocke,fees mynge as thowgh he were yet ferefull. But the Admiral ſent one Didacus to hym, a man of the ſame counttey, whom he had Didacus this at his fylte vyage taken in the jlande of Guanahaini, beinge terpretour nere unto cubt: Wyllinge hym to come ncre and not to bee a: fraybe when he hårde Didacus [peke to him in his owne tonge he came bowldly to hym and thortly after celotted to his có: pany, perſuadinge them to come without all feare. After this metlage was doone, there deſcended frome the rockes to the mhippes, abowt three [cole and ten of thinhabibitantes, pro: feringe frendelnippe and gentelnes to owre men: whiche the Admirall accepted thankefully, and gaue them dyucrs rewar des: and that the rather', fo, that he had intelligence by Dis dacus thenterpzetoure, that they were the kynges fylthers, Tent The kynges of thegy lode to take fylte agcyntt a folemne feate which he fyfihers. prepared for an other kyngc. and whexas the Admirales men had eaten the fylthe whiche they lefte at the fyze, they were the gladder therof, bycauſe they had lefte the ſerpentes. For Serpentes there is nothingé amonge theyz delicate dylches, that they delicate meat etteeme ſo muche as theſe ſerpentes: un loo muche that it is Ophiophagi. no moze lawfull foz the common people to eate of them, then peacockes oz phelantes amonge vs. As for the fylmes, they doubted not to take as many more the ſame nyght. Bcynge alked why they fyztt rotted the fylthe which they entended to beate to their kynge. They anſwered, that they might bec thc frelther and incorrupted. Thus ioyninge handes foz a token of further frendelhip, every man relozted to his owne. The D.I. Admiral The fyrſt decade. Admirall went fozivarde as he had appoynted, folowing the faulinge of the fonne from the beginninge of Cuba cauled AL pba and o. The thozes oz ſea bankes euen unto this hauen al: beit they be ful of trecs, yet are they towgh with mountains. Bloſtomes a Df theſe trees,ſume were ful of blofoames and flowrcs, and fruites bothe other laden with fruites. Beyonde the hauê the lande is moze as one tyme. fertile and peopulous, whoſe inhabitantes are moze gentyll and moze delyzous of owre thinges. For as lone as they had eſpied owre thippes, they flocked all to the thoje, bzynginge with them ſuche bzeade as they are accuſtomed to eate, and gourdes full of water, offeringe theym onto omre men, and Trece which further defyzinge them to coome alande.In all theſe 3|landes beare gourds is a certeync kynde of trees as bygge as elmes, whiche beare gourdes in the trade of fruites. Theſe they ble only foz dzins kynge pottes, and to fetche water in, but not for meate, for the inner ſubtance of them, is lower then gaule, & the barke as hardc as any felle, at the Jdcs of Daye, the watche men lokinge owte of the toppe caftell of the thyppe towarde the multitude of Flandes. Southe, ſawe a multitude of Flandes tandinge thicke toges ther, beynge all well repleniſhed with trees, građe, and her bes, and wel inhabyted.gn the thoze of the continent, he chat poste water. ced into a nauigable ryuer whore water was ſoo hotte, thac no man myght endure to abyde his hande therein any tpme. The day folowinge, elpying a farre of a canoa of fylher men of thinhabitantes, fearingc leaſt they ſhulde ilye at the Cyghe of olore men, he commaundcd certeyne to alayle them payuily with the thyppe boates. But they fearinge nothinge, taryed the comminge of owre men.powe fbal you heare a newe kind traunge of fythingc. Ipke as we with greyhoundes doo hunte hares, kynde of fyſ: in the playne kieldes. So doo they as it were with a huntyng hunsynge fylthe, take other fylthes. This fyfthe was of thape of fourme fylthe. bnknoben bnto bs: but the body therof, not muche onlyke & grcate yele: haninge on the hynder parte of the heade, a very tobgb (kynne,lyke bnto a greate bagge og purſe. This fy the is tyed by the lyde of the boate with a coide lette dobne ſoo farre into the water, that the fylthe mape (pe cloſe hyd by the keele oz bottome of the ſame, for thee may in no cale abyde the ſight of the ayer. Thus when they eſpie any greate fyltbe, os abundance to tople (Wherof there is great abundance bygger then great of textoyſes, targettes) they let the cojde at lengths, But when the fecleth het The fyrſt decade. IS her felfe looled, thee cnuadeth the fyllye oz tortople as ſwift: ly as an arrowe. and where the hath once fatened her holid mee cateth the purſe of ſkynne wherof we (pake before: And by dzawyng the ſame togyther, Coo graſpeleth her pray that no mans ftrength is ſuđicient to vrlooſe the ſame, ercepte by lottle and lyttle diabinge the lyne, mee bec lyfted famwhat aboue the bzymme of the water. For then, as (one as the les eth the bzightnes of the ayer, thee lettethe goo her howlde. Dhe praye therfoze, bringe nowe drawen nere to the bzymme of the water, there leapeth foodenly owte cf the boate into feither mem, the ſeaſoo manye fylthers, as maye ſuffice to holde fatte the praye, vntyll the telte of the coompany haue taken it into the boate. which thinge doone, thcy looſe loo muche of the cold, that the hunting fylme, may ageyne returne to her place with in the water: where by an other corde, they let downe to her a piece of the pzape, as wc ble to rewarde greyhoundcs after they haue kylled they? game. This fylte, they caule Gudicant, the fyfthe But obre men caule it Rexerſum. They gaue obre men foue Guaicarun). roztoples taken by this meanes: and thoſe of ſuch byggenes that they almofte fylled theyz fylthinge boate. for theſe fyſ: thes are eſteemed amonge them for delicate meate. Dbre meu reconspenſed them ageyne with other rewardes, and loo lette them departe. Beinge aſked of the coompalle of that lande, they aunſwered that it had no ende weſtewarde. molt intant ly belyzinge the admirall to coome alande:0; in his name to bumaine peo Tende one with thê to ſalute their cazicus, (that is) their kinge: plc. afirmynge that he wolde gyue owze men many preſentes, ye they wolde goo to hym. But the Admiral, leađe he thuide bee hyndered of the vyage which he had begunne, refuſed to goo with them. Then they belyzed to knolde his name, and tolld owze men lykelyſe the name of theyz kyng. Thus ſapling on get fuccher euer toward the Welt, within fewe dayes he came nere bnto a certeyne erceding high moūtayne, wel inhabyted frustefull and E mountains by reaſon of the great fertilitie of the ſame. Thinhabitauntes well inhabis of this mountayne, browght to owre Chippe, breade, gofam: red. pine cotton, cunnies, and (undzy kyndes of wyldrowic: de: maundynge relygioudy of thinterpzetoures, if this nation der cended not from hcauen. The kynge of this people, and dy: uers other Cage men that toode by hym, informed hym that that lande was no Flande, Shoztly after, enteringe into one of The fyrſt decade. of the Flandes beinge on the lefte hande of tlfis lande, they fownde no body therin: foz they dcdde al at the commong of owre men. yet folnde they there fowze dogges of maruelous Dogges of deformed Chape, and ſuche as coulde not barke. This kynd of and dumme, dogges, they cate as we do goatcs. Here is great plentie of Duickes. geeſe, duckcs, and hearons. Betwene there flandes and the Hearons. continente, he entered into foo narowe bireyghtes, that he couled ſcarlely turne back the ſhippes : and theſe allo lo tha: Streigltes. lowe, that the keele of the thops ſumtyme raſed on the ſandes The water of theſe treyghtes, for the ſpace of foutie myles, whyte and was white and thycke lyke unto mylke, and as thowgh mele thicke water. had byn (parkeled through owte al that ſea. And when they had at the lengthe eſcaped theſe traygytes, and were nowe coome into a mayne and large ſea, and had (ayled theron for the ſpace of foure [coze myles, they eſpyed another ercedinge hygh mountayne, whyther the Admirall reſorted to ttoze his wooddes of thyppes with freſthe water and fuel. Heare amonge certepne date trees. wooddes of date trees, and pyneable trees of ercedyng height he fowond two natiue (pzynges of fre[the water.Jn the meane tyme whyle the woodde was cuttyuge and the barrelles foto lyng, one of owre archers went into the wood to hunt: where Men appare- he eſpped a certeyne man with a whyte veſture, foo lyke a led likewhite fryer of thouder of faynt marye of Mercedis, that at the fyzdte fryers, fight he ſuppoſed it had byn the Admiralles precite which he bzowght with hym,beyng a man of the ſame ozdce. But two other folowed hym immediatlye owte of the ſame wooddes, thortly after, he ſawe a farre of a hole coompany of men clos thed in apparel, beinge abowte.rrr.in nomber. Then turning his backe and cryinge obte to his felowes, he made hate to che thyppes with all that he myght dzyue. Theſe apparelled men, made ſignes and tokens to hym to tary and not to bee afrayde. But that notwithtandinge, he cealed not to flye. The admirall beinge aduertiled hereof, and not a lyttle reioy fynge that he had fownde a civile people, in continently ſent i forth armed men, with commaundement, that yk neede ſhould foo requyze, they thulde enter fortie myles into the flande, yntyl they myght fynde cyther thoſe apparelled men, 02 other inhabitantes of that countcey. When they hadde paded ouer the woodde, they came into a greate playne full of građe and herbes, in which appeared no token of any pathe way. Here attemptinge Thiefyrſt decade, 16 attemptinge to goo throwgh the grade and herbes, they were ſoo entangled and bewzapte therin, that they were ſcarſely a graſe almoſt ble to palce a myle, the gralle beinge there lyttle lower then as hyghc 99 olje rype corne. Beinge therfoze weryed, they were enforced coine. to returne ageyne, fyndyng no pathe way. The day folowing he ſent foozth frv. armed men an other way: Lommaunding them to make diligent ſearche and inquiſition what maner of people inhabited the land. Who departinge, when they had fobonde not farre from the ſea ſyde certeyne ſteppes of Wylde Steppes of: beaftes of the which they ſuſpected Cum to bee of Lyons feete wyld beaſtes being triken with feare, returned backe ageyne. As they came feete. they fownde a woodde in the which were many natiue vines Natiue yines here and there crepinge abobote highe trees, with many other trees bearinge aromaticall fruites and ſpyces. Df theſe vines they browght with them into Spaine many cluſters of grapes Trees beas very ponderous and full of lycoure. But of the other fruites, and iweets ringe fpyces they brought none bycauſe they putrified by the waye in the fruites. Thippe, and were catte into the ſea. They ſaye alſo that in the laundes og medowes of thoſe wooddes, they ſawe flockes of Sreate Cras grcate cranes twyle as bygge as owres. As he went forward nes. and turned his fayles towarde certeyne other mountaiues, he eſpied two cotages on the thoze, in the whiche he ſawe onely one man who beinge biowght to the Chyppe, ſignified with heade, fyngers, and by al other ſignes, that he coulde deuile that the lande which lay beyonde thoſe mountaynes, was vez ty full of people. And as the admirall dzewe nere the thoze of thelame, there mette hym certeyne Canoas hauinge in them ma Dyuers lau- ny people of the countrey, who made ſignes and tokens of guages inthe peace and frendelhyp. But here Didacus thinterpretour whiche Zlande of bnderſtoode the language of thinhabitantes of the beginning Cuba, of Cuba, vndcrgo de not them one whytte, wherby they confy: died that in ſündzy prouinces of Cuba, were ſunday languages be had alſo intelligence, that in the inlande of this Region, was a kynge of greate power, and accuſtomed to weare appa rell. De layth that all the tracte of this thole, was drowned with water and full of mudde, belette with many trecs, after the maner of owre mary thes, yet whereas in this place they wente alande for fre[the water, they fownde many of the thel pearles in fylthes in the whiche peacles are gathered. But that coulde ihelfyffnes. not cauſe the Admirall to tracte the tyme there, entendinge at this The fyrſt decade. this viagc, only to prove howe many landes & leas he coulde diſconer accoudinge to the kynges commanndement. as they yet proccdcd forwarde, they ſawe here and there al thc wa ye alonge by the chove, a great ſmoke ryfinge, vntpll they came to an other mountayne foure (coze myles diftant. There was no rocke oz hyll that coulde be ſcene, but the ſame was all of a Cmoke. But whether theſe fyers were made by thinhabi: tantes for their necellary buſynes, oz as we are wont to ſette beacons on fyze when we ſuſpecte thapproche of owre enemi: cs, thereby to gyue warninge to they, neyghbours to bee in & redines, and gather togyther if pechappes owre men thulde attempte any thinge ageynit them, oz otherwyſe as ſeemethe molt lykoly, to caule them togycher as to a wonder to behould obre ihippes, they knewe yet no certentie. In this tracte, the Chozes bended ſumetyme towarde the Southe, and ſumeryme The rea en: towarde the Wette and wetteſouthweſt : and the ſea was eue tangeled ry where entangeled with flandes: by reaſon whereof, the with glandes keeles of the whippes often tymes raſed the ſandes foz thalow nes of the water: So that the thyppes bringe very Coze bzuled and appayzed the ſayles,cables, and other tackelinges, in ma der rotten, and the bytayles, (eſpecially the bylkette breade) cozrupted by takynge water at the riftes euyll cloſed, the ad: mirall was cnforced to turne backe ageyne. This latte poynte where he touched of Cubs (not yeti beinge knowen to be an £uangeliſta. Elande) he cauled Euangelifts. Thus turning his ſayles toward other Jlandes lyinge not farre from the ſuppoſed continente, A multitude he chaunced into a mayne Cea where was ſuche a multitude de of great 102 greate tožtoyſes, that ſumtyme they tayed the typpes. Not toyfes longe after, he entered into a gulfe of whyte water, lyke bns 24 goufe of to that wherof we (pake before. At the lengh fearing the thel: Whyte water Humaine geo fes of the glands, he returned to the shore of Cubs by the ſame ple. way which he came. Dere a multitude of thinhabitantes, as well women as men, celozted to hym with cheerefull counte: Stock doues naunce and without fcare : bringynge with them popingayes of more plea: bzeade, water, and cunnyes:But cſpecially focke dours much faunt tart the bygger then obores : which he affirmeth, in Cavour and tatte, partriches. to bee muche moje pleaſaunt then owre partryches. Wherfoze where as in eatinge of them he perccaued a certeyne fauoure of (pyce to pzoceave from them, he commaunded the croppe to bee opened of ſuche as were newelg kylled, and fownde the ſame The fyrſt decade. 17 fame full of lineete (ppces, whiche he argued to bee the cauſe of theyz ftrange ta&c. for it tandeth with good reaſon, that the delme of beaftes, fulde diawe the nature and qualitic of they: accutomed turytemente. As the admirall harde male on the noze, there came towarde hom a certeyne gouernoure, the human a man of foure (cole yeares of age, and of great grauitie, al: tie of a reuer thowgh he were naked (auinge his pyyuie partes. He had a rende ovvide greate tväpne of mennę waytinge on hym. All the whyle the governour. preeſte was at male, he fewed hymn felfe verpe humble and gaue reuerente attendannce with graue and demure countes naunce. When the maſe was ended, he preſented to the ad: mirall, a baſkette of the fruites of his countrey, delyueringe the ſame with his owne handes. When the admirall had gert telly interteyned hym, delyzinge leave to ſpeake, he made an Oration in the pzeſence of Didacus thinterpretoure, in this cf: fecte. 3 haue byn aduertiſed (motte mighty prince) that you an oration of haue of late with greate power ſubdued many landes and Re the naked 60 gions hytherto unknowēto you: and haue bżowght no little uernour, Erare vppon all the people and inhabitantes of the ſame. The which pour good foztune, you tal bcare with leſe inſolencie, They opht s remember that the ſoules of men haue two journeyes on of the ice after they are departed from this bodye. The one fowle and of man. darke, prepared for ſuche as are iniurious and Cruell to man kynde: The other plcalaunt and delectable, ozbeyned for the which in they? lyfe tyme, loucd peace and quietnes. If there: foze you acknowleage your Celfe to bee mozrall, and conſyder that every man ſhall receaue condigne rewarde oz punyöemēt foj ſuch thinges as he hath done in this lift, you byl bjonge fully hurte no man. When he had ſayde theſe wordes and os ther lpke, which were declared to the admirall by thinterpreten tour, he marueylinge at the iudgemente of the naked owlde man, anſwered, that he was gladde to heare his opinion as touchinge the Cundzy iourneys and rewardes of Cowles depar ted from they? bodyes : Suppolinge that nother hc, oz any o: ther of thinhabitantes of thoſe Regions, had had any know: Defyre of lcage thereof. Declaringe further that the chiefe cauſe of his solde founde comminge thyther was to infructe them in Cuth godio know: ligion coulde leage and trewe religion : And that he was ſente into thoſe not fynde. countreys by the Chriftian kynge of Spapuc (his lorde and Virtus poft num: maifter) foz the ſame purpoſe: And ſpecially to fubdue and mos.oc, punylige if you The fyrſt decade. punithe the Lanibales and ſuch other miſchenous people:And to defende innocentes ageynſt the violence of ſuch euyl doers wyllynge hym and all other ſuch as embraſed vertue, in no cale to bee afrayde: But rather to open his mynde bnto him, if epther he, oz any other fuche quiete men as he was, hadde futteyned any wonge of they, neyghbours:and that he wold ſee the ſame reuenged. Theſe comfortable wordes of the ad: mirall foo plcaſed the owlde man, that notwithſtandyng his ertrecmc age, he woulde gladly hanc gone with the admiral as he had doone in deede, if his wyfe and chyldien had not hyndered hym of his purpoſe. But he marueyled not a lyttle; that the admirall was under the dominion of an other: And much more, when thinterpretour towide hym of the gloryc, magnificence, pompes, greate power, and furnymentes of warre of owre kynges, and of the multitudes of cities and tolones which were under theyż dominions. j|ntendyng thec fozc to haue gonne with the admirall, his wyfe and childjen fell proftrate at his feetc, with teares delyżynge hym not to fozſake them and leaue them deſolate. At whole pyrifull re- queſtes, the wozthy owlde man beinge moued, remayned at home to the comfout of his people and famylie, ſatiſfyenge ca ther them then hom ſelfe. For not yet cealinge to woondet, and of hcauy countenaunce becauſe he myght not departe, he demaunded oftentymes if that lande were not hcauen, which the glandas browght faoith ſuche a kynde of men.Foz it is certegne, that common as amonge them, the lande is as common as the ſonne and wa: the funne and ter: And that myne and Schyne (the ſecdes of all my checfe) Water. haue no place with them. They are contente with foo lyttle, that in loo large a countrey, they haue rather Cuperduitte the The golden ſcarſenes. Soo that (as wee haue Cayde befoze) they ſeeme to wo:lde. lyue in the goulden wollde, without toyle, lyuinge in open gardens, not intrenched with dykes, dyuyded with hedges, or defended with waules. They deale trewely one with ano: ther, without lawes, without bookcs, and without Judges. They take hym for an euyll and mylcheuous man, which ta: prouifio With keth plcaſure in doinge hurte to other, and albeit that they Delyte not in ſuperäuities, yet make they prouiſion fox thin, creaſe of ſuche rootes, whecok they make they, breadc, as Ms. Simple diete izium, Iucca, and Ages, contented with ſuche ſimple dyet, wher- by health is pzeſcrued, and dyſcales auopded, the admirall therfoje out care. The fyrſt decade. 18 therfore departinge from thienſe, and myndinge to returne a: geyne fortly after, chaunced to coome agepne to the Jlande The Fland of of Imusic beinge on the lowthe lyde therof: and coated all a Jamaica. longe by the Choze of the ſame, from the Wette to the Eatte. from whoſe latt corner on the Eaſt (yde, when he ſawe to: wardethe North on his lefte hande, certeyn high mountains hek newe at the length that it was the lowthe (yde of the fi utipkiolá. Lande of Hiſpaniols, which he had not yet paſſed by. Wherfore at the Calendes of September, enteringe into the hauen of the ſame lande, cauled (aynt Nycolas hauen, he repayzed bis Chippes to thintent that he myght ageyne walt and ſpoyle The Cani: the glandes of the canibales, and burne all they? Canoas, balcs, that thoſe caueninge wolues myght no longer perſecute and deuoure the innocent ſheepe. But he was at this tynic hynde: red of his purpoſe by realon of a dyſeaſe which he had gotte with to muche watchinge. Thus beinge fecble and weake, he Sickenes of to much Wats was lebde of the maryners to the citie of Ifabelhi, where, with cbigc. his two bytherne which were there,& other his familiers, he recouered his health in forte ſpace. yet coulde he not at this tyme alayle the Lanibales, by reaſon of (edicion that was ry (en of late amonge the Spanyardes which he had lefte in Hif: paniols, wherof we wyll ſpeake more heareafter. Thus fare ye. tel. ON The fourth booke of the fyzû decade to do Lodonike Lardinall of Aragonic.de 10 SIS Olonus the Admirall of the oceant, returning Laſte India. (as he ſuppoſed) from the continent or firme Oke lande of Eat India, had aducrtiſement that his brother Boilus & one Peter Margarita, an owld 092 familier of the kinges, and a noble man with the Spanys diuers other of thoſe to whom he had Icft the ardes tebelle goncrnemēt of the land, were of cozrupted in the Admi: mynde ageynt him, departed into Spayne. Wherfoze as wel rals abronce, to purge him of ſuch crimes as they fhuld lcy to his charge, as alſo to make a ſupply of other men in the place of them inhich were returned, & elpccially to pzouyde for vitailes, as wheat, bone, oyle, and ſuch other which the Spanyardes are accu: tomed to eate, bycauſe they coulde not yet well agrec with (uch meates as they fownde in the Flandes, determined thout ly to The fyrſt decade. to take his bpage into Spayne. But what he dyd before his departuce, 3 wyll brefely rehearſe. The kynges of the landes which had hocherto lyned quiet: ly and content with they: tyttle whiche they thowght abún: The kynges Dante, wheras they nowe perceaued that owre men began to of the glande falten foote within they? Begions and to beare rule amonge rebell. them, tooke the matter (o greuoudy, that they thowght no: thynge elles but by what meanes they myght ytterly defroy them, and fol euer abolyfthe the memory of thepz name. Foz that kynte of men (the Spanyardes y mcane which folowcd The Scani: the admirall in that nauigation,) was for the molt parte vna ardes miſbe. Qavour. ruly, regardynge nothinge but 3dlenes, playe, and libertie : and wolde by no meanes abſteyne from iniuries: Rauygynge the womē of the Jlandos bcfože the faces of their huſbandes fathers, and bzethrene: By which they, abhomynable mylde maynour, they diſquieted the myndes of all thinhabitantes : . in ſo much that where ſo euer they fownde any of owre men bnprepared, they ilewe them with ſuche fyercenes and glad: nes, as thowgh they had offered Carryfyce to Bod. Thtens dynge thercfoze to pacifie their troubled myndes, and to pu: nythe them that itew his men befoje he departed from theule, be ſent for the kynge of that vale, which in the bookc before, we deſcrybed to bce at the foote of the mountaynes of the Re Buarionerius gion of Cib.tud. This kynges name was Guarionexius : who, the the kynge of more üreygbıly to concylc unto hym the frendelhyppe of the the grearvale Admirall, gaue his ſyfter to wyfe to didicus, a man from his Didacus the interpretour chyldes age bżowght vp with the Admiral, whom he vled for his interpretoure in the pzoninces of Cuba. After this, he ſent for Caunabox, cauled the lozde of the howle of gouldc: that is, Caunaboa, the kynge of of the mountaynes of cibaud, Foz this Caunabod, he ſent one ca the houre of pitayne Hoieda, whom the ditionaries of Caunaboa had enforced golde. to keepe his hobolde byliegeinge for the ſpace of, rre. dayes, the foztrele of (aynte Thomas, in the which Holeda with his Capirayne ho fyftie ſouldiers, Goode at they? Defence, vntyll the comminge seda. of the Admirall. Whyle Holeda remayned with Cannabos, ma: ny ambaladours of the kynges of dyuers Regions were ſene to Caunabod, perſuadinge hym in no condicion to permitte the Lhuiſians to inhabite the Jlande, except he had rather ſecue then rule. Dn the other partie, Hoieda aduertiſed Caunaboa ta goo to the Admirall, and to make a league of frendelhip with bym The fyrſt decade. 19 hym. But the ambaladours on the contrary part, thzcatened hym, that yf he wolde ſoo doo, the other kynges wolde in: uade his Region. But Hoieda aunſwered thepri ageyne, that bheras they conſpired to maynt eyne their libertie, they chuld by that meanes be browght to ſeruitude e deſtruction if they entended to reſitt oz keepe warre ageing the Lhriftians.Shus Caunsbou on the one lyde and the other, beinge troubcled as it kynge Cauna were a rocke in the ſea, beaten wtch contrary aluddes,& much boa had fiain moze vered with the formes of his gyltit conſcience for that ardeg. he had priuilie Naine.rp.of olore men under pzetence of peace feared to coome to the admirall. But at the length, hauing er Cannabog có cogitated this deceyte, to haue flayne the Admirall and his ſpiretly the coompany bnder the colour of frendſhippe if oportunitie bold Admiralles foo haue Cerude, be rcpayzed to the Admiral with his hole fa death, milic and many other wayting on hym, aimed after they, ma ner. Bcinge demaunded why he browght foo greate a rout of men with hym, he aunſwered that it was not decente for loo grcat a prince as he was to goo foorth of his howſe without ſuche a bande of men. But the things chaunced much others koyle then he looked foz. ffo, he fell into the ſnares which he had prepared for other. Foz wheras by the way he began to tepente hym that he came foorthe of his howle, Hojeda with many fayze wodes and promples, browght hym to the Admi make fooles fayre words rall: at whole commaundement, he was immediatly taken fayne. put in priſon:So that the lowles of owre men were not longe from their bodies vnreaenged. Thus Caundboa with all his fa: milie beinge taken, the admirall was determined to runne o: uer the landc. But he was certified that there was ſuch fa: famine inthe mine amonge thinhabitantes, that there was alredye fyftie Zlande of kif thouſande menne deade therof: And that they dyed yet dayly panoia. as it were rotton theepe: The cauſe wherof was wel knowen to bee theyzotone oblinacte and frawardnes. for where as they ſawe that owre men entended to chooſe them a dwelling place in the glande, ſuppoſinge that they myght haue dziuen them from thence if the vytailes of the flande fiouldc fayley they determyned with them felncs, not only to leave ſowing and plantyng, but alſo to defroy and plucke vp by the rootes euery man in his owne region, that whiche they had alredye The Hunger Cowen of both kyndes of bzeade wherof we made mencion in of goloe caus the fyzu booker But eſpecially amonge the mountaynes of feth great famme, Libaua The fyrſt decade. Cabaud, otherwyſe cauled Cipanga, for as muche as they hadde knowcleage that the golde which abundeth in that Region, was the chccft cauſe that deteyned owre men in the Jlande. In the meane tyme, he ſent foozth a Lapitayne with a bande of men to ſcarche the lowthe ſyde of the lande. Who at his returne, reported that throwght out all the Regions that he tranayled, there was ſuche ſcatſenes of bleade, that for the ſpace of.xvi. Dapes he cate nolght elles but the rootcs of her bes, and of younge date trees, od the fruites of other Wylde trees, But Guarionexius, the kynge of the vale lyinge beneth the mountaynes of cibuws, whoſe kyngedoome was not loo wa: Acd as the other, gaue obore menne certeyne bytayles. Within a few dayes after, bothe that the iourneys myghe bee the ſhorter, and alſo that owze men myght haue moze Cafe places of refuge, if the inhabitantes (huld hereafter cebell is lyke maner, he buylded an other foztcưe (whiche he caulcd Che toxrcof the towze of Cóception) betwene the citie of Ifabells and ſaint conceptions, Thomas foitrelle, in the marches of the kyngdome of this Gtarionexius within the precincte of Cibaud vpon the ſyde of 9 hyli, bauynge a fayze ryuer of hollome water runnynge hard by the ſame. This when the inhabitantes Cawe tewe buyl: dynges to bee dayly erected, and owze ſhippes lying in the ha *ck rotten and halfc broken, they beganne to deſpayze of any hope of libertie, #wandered vp and downe with hcuie Chere. from the towze of conception, ſearchynge diligently the in: nec partes of the mountaynes of cibans, there was a certeine maffe of kyng whiche gauc them a maſle of rude golde, as bygge as a gold weighs mans fyllt, weighing. tr. vnces. This golde was not folünde Inge. Fr, oun: in the banke of that cyuer, but in a heape of dupe earthe: and Tofus. was lyke vnto the tone cauled Tofus, whiche is loont reſol: ucd into Cande. This mađc of golde, 3 my Celfe Cabe in ca; ttile, in the famous citit of Methymna Camps where the courtt clectrum is a lay all that wynter. 31 lawe alſo a great piece of pure Electrum: metall natu: of the whiche belles and apothecarics moztersand many ſu: rally imırt of che other velels and inftrumentos mage bee made, as were in OAC portion owlde tyme of copper of the citie of Corinibus. This piece of E; of goldc ran other offiluer lectun, was of ſuch weight, that I was not onely with bath beingc of pro my handcs vnable to lifte it from the grownde, but alſo not pertie eo bez of drength to temoue it cyther one waye oy an other. They affyzmed that it wayde moxx then thice bundžeth pownde ces. Weight The fyrſt decade. 20 felght, after. viii. bnces to the pownde. It was fownde in way popron, the houſe of a certen płynce, and lefte hym by his predeceſ: and was the Tours . And albeit that in the dayrs of thinhabitantes yet li: tyine in greas uynge, Electrum was no where Digged, yet know they where ter eſtimation the myne therof was: tat owze men with nnche adoo, coolde then golde. hardcly cauſe them to liewe them the place, they boze theirl The inspire of ſuche pziuie hatred. pet at the length, they brought theym Electrin. to the myne, beyng nowe ruinate and topped with ſtones and rubbiltte. It is muchc calicr to dyige then is the iron mync: and myght bce reſtozed agein, if myners and other woorke: Another men (kylfult therin, were appoynteu therto. Not farre from kynde of am: the towne of conception, in the ſame mountaynes, is fownb ber is taken great plentic of Amber:and owte of certen rockcs of the ſame out of greate diftilleth a ſubſtance of the yelowe coloure whiche the payn: whale fulhes ters vſe. Not farre from theſe mountaynes are many greate Olpeinent or wooddes, in the which are none other trees then bzalile, whi oker. che the Italians caule Verzino. But here pechappes (right no mooddes of ble płynce) yowe wolde aſke what ſhoulde be the cauſe, that brafile trecs. bhere as the Spanyardes haue brought owte of theſe ſlang des certen ſpyppes laden with braſile, fumwhat of gollam: pine cotton, a quantitic of amber, a lyttel golde, and ſum fpt ces, why they haue not bżoughte Cuche plentie of golde and » ſuche other ryche marchaundies as the fruitfulnelce of theſe caurce of regions ſecme to promille. To this 3 anſwere, that when hinderance. Colonus the admirall was lykewiſe demaunded the cauſe here: of, he made anſwere that the Spanyardes whiche he tooke with him into theſe regions, were gyuen rather to lepe, plcy, and polenetle, then to laboure: And were moze ftudious of ſt- Licenciufnes bition and newes, then delyious of peace and quietneđc:Allo of co much la that beynge gyuen to lycenciouſnes, they rebelled #fozlooke bertie hym, fyndynge matter of falſe accuſations agaynſ hym, by: cauſe he went abonte to repzele theyż owtragioulcnes. By reaſon wherof hc was not yet able to bycake the power of the inhabytantes, and freely to potređe the full dominion of the lande. And theſe hynderaunces to be the cauſe that hi: therto the gaynes haue (carſely connternayled the charges. And this one álbeit, cuen this yere whyle 3 Wżyte theſe thynges at owle ly gathered? requcte, they gathered in twoo moonethes the ſumme of a nje digged thouſande and twoo hundzeth poundes weight of golde.But out of the bo: di of themine bycauſe we intende to ſpcake moze largely of theſe thynges in they The fyrſt decade. in theyplace, the wyll nowe retourne from whenfe we haue digreñch. When the inhabitantes perceaued that they could by no meanes takс the yoke from their neckes, they made hu The people ble fupplication to the admirall that they myght tande to Carton to it a theyz tribute, and apply them ſelues to reincreaſe the fruites co their tris of theycountréy, beinge nowe almotte watted. De graunted bure then they? requcfe: and appoynicd ſuch older that euery Ke gion Hulde paye their tribute, with the commodities of theyz countrcys, accordinge to they? portion, and at ſuchc tyme as famines they were agrecd vppon.But the violent famine dyd fruſtrate all theſe appoyntmentes. for all the trauaples of they, bo: dyes, were ſcarſely able to ſuffice to fynde them meate in the Wooddes, whereby to Cufteync theyz Iyues, beinge of longe tyme contented with rootes and the fruites of wylde trees. yet manye of the kynges with theyz people, eucn in this exs treme neceſſitie, browght parte of they: tribute : Dole hum: bly defpzinge the Admirall to haue compation of theyz cala: mities, and to beare with them yet a whyle, bntyll the gland were rcdoved to the owlde Gate. promyſinge further, that that which was nowe wantinge, fulde then bee dowble ces compenſed. But fewe of the inhabitantes of the mountaynes of Cibaus, kepte they? promyſe, bycauſe they were fozer op: the nature pzcüed with famine then any of the other. They faye, that of the Region the inhabitantes of theſe mountaynes, differ no lete in ma: maner of the mers and language from them which dwel in the plapnes, the people. amonge bs, the rulicallcs of the countrey from gentylmen of the courte: Wheras not withûandinge, they iyue boche as it were vnder one portion of heuen, and in many thinges, much kynge Cauna after one fallhion, as in nakednes, and rude ſimplicitie. But boa in captis wtie. nowe lette vs returne to Caunsbo.t, the kynge of the howle of golde, beinge in captiuitie. When he perccaued him (clfe to be cate in pzylon, fretinge and gratinge his teerhe as it had bin a lyon of Libia , and Dapely and nightlye deutlinge with hym The perfuafi felfe howe he myght bee delguered, beganne to perſuade the or of Cauna: Admirall, that foz as muche as he had nowe taken unto his bpg. dominion the Regio of cipange of cibuus (wherof he was king) It fuldc bee erpedient to ſende thyther a garryſon of Chrifti: an men, to defende the ſame from the incurſions of his owld eneinyes and boiderers. For he fayde, that it was ſigngfied vnto hym, that the countreye was batted and ſpoylct with ſuch The fyrſt decade. 21 fuche incurfions. By this crafty deuile, he thought to haue bzomght to pađe, that his brother whiche was in that regy: on, and the other his kynſefolkes and frendes with their ad: herentes, ſhoulde haue taken, eyther by neyghte oz force, as many of owze men, as myght haue redeemed hym. But the admpzall underlandynge his crafty meanynge, ſente Hoiede with ſuche a coonipany of men, as might banquithe the Liba: uians, if they fulde moue barre ageynle theiu . DW2€ mer had ſcar[cly entered into the Kegion, but the brother of caur Caunabos Ribot came agenfe them with an armnie of fyue thonlandc na: his brother ked menne, armed after theyz maner with clubbes, arrowes rebelleth. typte with bones, and ſpeares made harde at the endes with fyze. De fole bpon olze men beyng in one of they, howles: and encamped rownde about the ſame on every ſydc. This Li bauian, as a man not ignojant in the diſciplyne of warre, a: bowte the diſtance of a furlonge from the howle, diuided his armye into fpue batayles, appoyntinge to euery of them a cic cuite by equal diuiſion: and placed the froont of his owne ba tayle, directlye ageynt owre men. When he had thús ſet his bataples in good array, he gaue certeyne lignes that the hole army thulde marche forwarde in older with equal paces, and with a larome freſthly aſſaple chey, enemies, in ſuch rozt that A conflict be: none might eſcape. But obre men iudginge it better to en: mene the Ci counter with one of the batayles, then to abyde the brunt of the Spany. the hole army, gaue onſet on the maync batayle acangedin ardes. the playne, bycauſe that place was molt commodious foz the hozlemen. When the houſemen therfoze hadde gyuen the charge, they oncrth:cwc them with the bzettes of thcy: hoz: ſes, and dewe as many as abode thende of the fyght. The re The Cibaui: ſidue beinge tryken with fcare, diſparcied, and fledde to the ans baue the mountaynes and rockes: from whence they made a pytifull overthrowe. houlynge to olte men, defyzinge them to ſpare them:prote: dinge that they wolde neuer moze rebelle, but doo what lo es uer they woulde commaunde them, if they wolde ſuffer theim to lyue in theyz owne countrcy. Thus the brother of Caunabou beinge taken, the admirall licenced the people to reſogte ene: ry man to his owne. Theſe thinges thus fortunately atchiued this Region was pacified. amonge thoſe mountayoes, the bale which Ctunaboa inhabited, is cauled Magond, and is erces Dynge fruitfall: hauinge in it many goodly ſpringes: and ry: uers 61 The fyrſt decade. uers, in the Cande wherof, is folndc great plentie of golde. a great tem- the ſamle yeare in the mooneth of June, they ſaye there coſe peſt in themo ſucho a boylous tcmpcte of boynde from the lowtheatte, as beth of June. hath not löghtly ben barbe of: The violence hereof Was ſuch that it plucked vppe by the roocs what ſo euer greate trees were within the reache of the force therof. When this whicle wynde came to the haucn of the citie, it beate downe to the Three Ships bottome of the fea, three thippos which lay at anket, & broke inge at anke, the cables in fundie: and that(which is the greater maruail) without any ttazme or cowgines of the ſea, onely turnynge them three or foure tymcs aboite. The inhabitantes alſo af: firme, that the ſame yeare, the ſea extended it felfe further it to the lande, and roſe higher then euer it dyd before by the memory of man, by the ſpace of a cubet. The people therfoze, muttered amonge them ſelues, that obre nation hadde trow: bled the elementos, and cauſed ſuch požtentous ſignes. Theſe whyrle wyth tempeftes of the aper (which the Brecians caule Tiphones, that Furacanes.' is, whyzle wyndes) they caule, Furacanes: Which they ſay, doo often tymes chaunce in this flande: But that neyther they noz they great grandfathers euer ſawe ſuche violent and fus rious Furacanes, that plucked bppe greate trees by the rootes: Scyther yet ſuche ſurges and vchenient motions on the ſea, that foo waſted thclande. As in deede it may appeare, foz as muche as, where ſo euer the ſea bankes are nere to any plaine there are in maner euery where, poziming medowes teachinge Ine death of cuen unto the thoze. But nowe let vs returne to Caunabos. As kynge bua and his konge Caunabod therefore and his brother coulde haue binne brother, biowght into Spayne, they dyed by the waye for verye pens ſyuenes and anguyte of mynde. The Admiral, whoſe lippes were dzowned in the forfayde tempefte, perceauinge him ſelfe to bee nome encloſed, cõmaunded foozthwith two other thip: pes (which the Spaniardes caule Caravelas) to bee made. for he had with hym, all maner of artificers perteyninge therun: Barcolonne to, whyle theſe thinges were dooinge, he ſent fooyth Barthola the leauete: meus colonus his brother, beinge leauetenaunt of the glande, naune rear: bith an army of men to ſearche the golde mynes beinge dy: cheth the tant three fcoze leaques from the citie of Ifabella, which were golde mines, fownde by the conducte of certeyne people of the Iſlande, bees foze the mynes of cipanga od Cibaut, were known. Jn theſe myncs, they founde certeyne decpe pittes which had byn dig ged The førſt decade. 22 ged in owlde tyme, oldte of theſe pyttes, the Admirall (who affirmneth this 3|lande of Hiſpanioht to bee Ophir, as we haut fayde bcfoze) ſuppoſeth that Salomon the kynge of Hierufilem had his greate ryches of golde whcrof we reede in the owlde The golde rettamente: and that his chippes ſayled to this Dphic by the lomon. mynes of Sa goulfe of Perſia cauled sinus Perſicus. But whether it bee (oo ol not, it lyeth not in me to iudge, but in my opinion it is farce of. As the myners dygged the ſuperficiall oz vppermoſt parte Solte in the ſuperficiall of the earthe of the niynes, durynge for the ſpace of.vi.miles, partes of the and in dyucrs places (yfted the ſame on the drye lande, they earth. fownde ſuch plentie of golde, that every hyzed labourer could sol caſely fynde every day, the weyght of three diammes. Theſe mynes beinge thus ſearched and fownde, the Licuetenaunte certifycd the Admirall hereof by his letters. The which where he had receaued the. v. daye of the jdes of Warche. Anno. The Admiral 1495. he cntered into his newe Wippes, and tooke his biage taketh his vi: directly to Spagne to aduertiſe the kynge of all his afayzes, age to ſpaine leavinge the hole regiment of the land with his bzother the Liquetenaunte, dan Tuanlaces The fyfte booke of the fyzd decade, to Lodouike Lardinall of Aragonie. Sfter the Admyzalles departyng into Spair bis Bzother thc Lieuetenaunte, buylded a fozteile in the golde myncs, as he had com: maunded bym. This he cauled the golden The golden towze, bycauſe the labourers fowndc golde fowie. in the earth and tone wherof they made the waules of the foztrcác, be conſumed three monethes in makynge the intrumentes wherwith the golde fulde bee gathcrcd, waſhed, tryed, and motten. Yet was he Lackte of øye at this tyme by reaſon of wante of vitayics, enforced to leans tayles, uti all thynges imperfecte, and to goo (eckc foz meate. Thus as he with a bande of armed men, had entered thrce (coze myles further within the lande, the people of the countrey here and there reloztynge to hym, gaue hym a certen poztion of theyz bzeade in erchange fox other of owle thynges. But he coulde not long tary here, bicaulc they lacked meate in the fortreife. whytbet he haded with ſuch as he had now gotten, Leauyng Fil therfore The fyrſt decade. therfore in the fortreữe a garryſon of tenne men, with that huntinge portion of the Jlande breadc whiche yet remayned, leauynge boundes. alſo with them a hownde to take thoſe kyndes of lyitle bea: Gtes which they caule Vſits, not muche vnlyke ow?e conyes, he returned to the foztrette of Lonception. This allo, was the kynge Mant: moonthe wherin the kyngc Guarionexius, and allo Minicautexius, cauterius. baştherer unto hym, talde haue brought in they tributes. Kemaynynge there the hole moonthe of June, he exacted the hole tribute of theſe twoo kinges, and bytayles neceffary for hym and ſuche as he brought with hym, whiche were abowt foure hundzeth in number. Shortely after abobte the calen: Qytayles brewght fro des of Julye, there came thzee Laraueles from Spayne, brin: Spayne. gynge with them Cundzy kyndes of vitayles, as whcate, oyle wyne, bacon, and marckelmas beafe: whiche were dyuyded De to euery man accordynge as neede required. Sum alſo was and loſt in the cariage foz lacke of good lookyng too. At the arcy: wall of theſe thyppes, the lieuctenaunte receaued commaund: ment from the kynge and the admyrall his brother, that he with his men thulde remoue theyz habitation to the lowthe {yde of the glande, bycauſe it was never to the golde mynes: alſo that he ſhoulde makc dilygent ſearche for thoſe kynges which had Qayne the Lhriftian men, and to ſende them with they, confederatcs, bownd into Spayne. At the nerte byage therfore, he ſent three hundzeth captiues with three kingcs: And when he had diligently ſearched the coales of the ſouth fyde, he tranſpozted his habitation, and buylded a foztcere there, vpon the toppe of a hyll, neere into a fure hauen. Saynt Domi: This foztrelle, he cauled Caprt Dominikes towic. Into this nikes towze. hauen, runneth a ryuer of hollome water, replenylhed with ſundzge kyndes of good fpſthes. They a fyzme this ryuer to hanc many benefyees of nature. fol, where ſo ever it runneth all thynges are ercedynge pleaſaunte and fruitfull : harynge broues of on eucry lyde, groues of date trecs, and dyuers other of the date trees. ilande frutes ſo plentyfully, that as they ſayled alonge by the choze, often tymes the bianches therof laden with dol: res & fruites, hunge ſoo ouer they heades, that they mighte plucke them with thep: handes. alſo that the frutefulnes of Sfabela. this grownde, is eptger equall with the ſoyle of Iſabella, oz better. gin Iſabells, he lefte only certeyne ficke men and thippe wrishtes, lhom he had appanted to make certegne caravels The The fyrft decade, 23 The refidue of his men, he conueighed to the fowth, to ſaint Dominickes towie. after he had buylded this foztrelle, lea: uinge therin a garryſon of.rr. men, he with the remanent of his couldiers, prepared them (elues to ſearché the inner par: tes of the Welle lyde of the flande, hytherto knowen onely by name. Therfoze abowte.rec. leaques, (that is) foure ſcore and tenne myles from the foztocãe, hc chaunced on the ryuer The ryuter of Naibt, whiche We Cayde to deſcende from the mountaynes of 2aiba Cibaua, cyght tolvarde the fowth, by the myddet of the Jland. When he had ouerpated this ryuer with a coompanye of ar- mes men diuided into, trb. decurions, that is,tenne in a com pany with theyż capitaynes, he ſent tho decurions to the re: gions of thoſe kinges in wholelandes were the great woods of bzafile trees. Inclyninge towarde the lefte hande, they fownde the woodes, entered into them, and felled the hygh wooddes of and precious trees, which were to that day, bntouched.Eche bza file trees. of the decurions fylled certepne of the Flande holles with the trunkes of braſile, there to be reſerued vntyll the thyppes came which hulde cary them away. But the licuetenaunt di recringe his iourney towarde the ryght hande, not farre from the bankes of the vyuer of Naiba, fownde a certeyne kynge whoſe name was Beuchius Anscauchou, encamped ageynt thinha: us Anacaus kinge Belchi bitantes of the prouince of Ndiba, to ſubduc them under his do choa. minion, as he had doone manye other kynges of the flande, boztherers vnto hym: The palaice of this great kynge, is can the palaice led Xaragua : and is ſituate towarde the Welte ende of the 3 of raragua. lande, dittante from thc ryuer of Naiba. frr. leaques. All the płynces which dwell betwenc the Weſte ende and his palaice, are ditionaries into hym. all that Region from Naibe,, to the furthefte marches of the wette, is vtterly withowte golde, al: thowgh it bee full of mountaynes. When the kynge had eſpis Mountaynes ed owre men, layinge a parte his weapons, & gyuinge ſigties Without gold of peace, he (pake gentelly to them, incerteyne whether it were of humanitie or fcare) and demaunded of the what they woolde haue. The lieuctenaimte ainſwered: That he Mulde paye tribute to the Admirall his brothec, in the name of the Tribute. Chritian kynge of Spayne. To whom he Cayde: Lowe can yowe requyze that of me, wheccas neuer a Region under my dominion bringeth foozrh golde.fo, he had harde, that there was a trange nation cntered into the lande, whiche made Fii greate eta The fyrſt decade. greate ſearche for golde. But he ſuppoſed that they dcſyzeb none other thynge. The leauetenait anſwered ageyne: God folbydde that we caldc enioyne any man to pay ſuch tribute as he myght not calcly foybeare, 0, ſuch as lvere not engende red oz gromninge in the Region: But we undertand that your Regions bèynge foorth great plentie of BoCampine cotton, be woolfe and hempe, with ſuche other, whereof we dclyze yowe to entreateth. the ſheepe. gyue us parte. When he harde theſe wooldes, he pzampled with cherefull countenaunce, to gyue hym as muche of theſe thynges as he wolde requyze. Thus diſmiſlinge his army, a ſendynge međengers becfoze, he hym felfe accoompanyed the Leauetenaunte and browght bym to his palaice, beinge dy tante (as we haue fayde).crc. leaques. Jn al this tracte, they pated cholgh the juriſdiction of other pzinces beinge uns der his dominion: Df the whiche, ſume gaue them hempe, of 10 oth no leđe goodnes to make tackelinges for ſhippes then owre Hempe and woodde. Dther ſume, blowght breade, and ſum golampyne goframine cotton: And foo euery of them payde tribute with ſucho como Cotron. modities as they countreys browght foozth. At the lengthe they came to the kinges manſion place of Xaragud. Befoze they honethc entered into the palaice, a greate multitude of the kynges Tec Lieuetenant uauntes and ſubiectes relozted to the courte, honorably(after was recca: ued at the their maner) to receaue their kyng Beucbius Anacauchod, with the kynges pas (tangers which he browght with hym to ſe the magnificence laice, of his courte. But nowe mall yowe heave howe they were in: terteyned. Amonge other tryumphes and (yghtes, two are els The kinges pecially to bee noted. Fyzde there mette them a company of qyuests trr. Women, bringe al the kynges wyutes and concubines, bea ringe in they, handes branches of date trees, ſinginge and daunlinge: They lacre all naked, ſauynge that they? pipuie partes were couered with bzeeches of golampine cotton. But the virgins, hauynge theyz heave hangynge dowue abowte their chulders, tyed abowte the fozchcade with a fyller, were well fauered btterly naked. They afirme that theyz faces, bacttes, pappes women. bandes, and other partes of they? bobyes, were ereedynge ſmoothe and will proportioned: butcumwhat inclyning to a louely bżowne. They Cuppoſed that they had ſeene thoſe mott beawtyfull Dryades, or the natyue nymphes oz fayzes of the Dryades. fontaynes wherof the antiquites (prake ſo muche. The braus ches of date trees which they boze in theyz right handes whê they The fyrſt decade. 24 - they daunced, they delyuered to the Lcaietenannt with lowe curteſy and [mylynge countenaunce. Thus enteringe into a delicate the kynges howle, they founde a delycate fupper prepared rupper. for them after thepz maner. When they were well refcethed with meate, the npght drawinge on, they were browght by the kynges oớicers, cuery man to his lodginge, accordyng to his degree, in certepne of they? howles abowte the palaice, where they retted them in hangynge beddes after the maner hanginge of the countrey, wherof we haue (pokon moze largely in an beddes. other place. The daye foloidyng they brought olbze men to their comte Accininon mon haule, into the whiche they coome together as often as haule, they make any notablc games oz triumphcs, as we have ſaid befoze. Dere after many daunlynges, fynginges, maſkinges runnynges, Wleklynges, and other tryinge of maltryes, ſoos denly there appered in a large plaine nere unto the haule. ii. & pretie greate armies of men of barre, whiche the kynge for his 'pa: paſtyine, Qyme had cauſed to bee prepared, as the Spaniardes vſe the playe with reedes whiche they caule Iuga de Canias. As the at: mies dzewe neece together, they alſayled the one the other as fierſely, as if moztal ennemies with they2 baners (pleade, thulde fight for theyż goodes, theyz landes, theyz Iyues,their- libertie, theyz countrey, theyż wyues and theyż chyldzen. Soo that within the momente of an howze, foure men were foure men flayne, and many wounded . The battayle allo ſhoulde haue Maize in fpoze contynued longer if the kynge had not at the requeft of owze ment, cauſed them to ceaſe. The thyide day, the Lieuetenant cons conſelynge the kynge to lowe moze plentie of gotlampine vp- pon the bankes nere unto the waters ſyde, that they myghre the better paye they tribute pziuately accordynge to the mul- titude of theyz holples, he repayzed to Iſabella to vylite the Stcke men whiche he had lefte there, and alſo to ſee howe his e nombud bookes wente fozwardc. Jn the tyme of his abſence.grr. of Jogi his men were conſumed with diuerle diſeaſes, Wherfoze bez diſcared men proviſion for inge foze trobbled in his mynde and in maner at his byttes tende what he were beſt to doo, foz as niuche as he wanted al thynges neceſſarie as well to teſtove them to healthe whichende were yet acvaled, as alſo vitayles to mayntaine the hole mul enoud titude, where as there was yet no tippe coome from Spaine, as at the length be determyngd t olende abzode the ſicke men Here The fyrſt decades here and there to ſundzye Regions of the Jlande, and to the catclics which they had erected in the ſame.foz Directly from the citie of flabella to ſaynt Dominikes told?e, that is from Che Os retries of the north to the ſouth, throwgh the land, they had buylded hiſpaniola. thus many cañelles. ffy nie. rrrvi, myles digante from 3la: bella, they buylded the cafell of Sperantia. from sperantis. erb. myles, was the caftell of (aynte Latharine. from ſaynte La: tharines. pr. myles, was ſaynt James towze. Dther. pr. mi: ics from fapnte James towze, was A tronger foztrele then any of the other, which they cauled the towze of Lonception: which he made the tronger bicauſe it was ſituate at the roo: The golden tes of the golden mountaynes of Libaua, in the greate and mountaynes large playne Coo fruitefull and well inhabited as we haue be: of Cibgia. foze deſcribed. De buylded alſo an other in the mydbe waye betwcnc the towze of Conception #laynt Dominikes towe. The which alſo was fronger then the towze of Conception, bycauſe it was within the lymittes of a great kynge, hauing under his dominion fiue thowlande men whoſe chicfe Litie Bonautim and heade of the Rcalme, beynge cauled Bonduum, he wylled that the cattell fhulde alſo bee cauled after the ſame name. Therfoze leauynge the ſicke men in theſe catels and other of the 3 lande howles nere vnto the ſame, he hym felfe repay. Tribute. ced to ſaynte Dominikes, eractinge tributes of all the kyn: Googes whiche were in his waye. When he had taryed there a a fewe dayes, there was a rumou (pzedde, that all the kynges abowte the bolders of the towze of Conception, had conlpy: The kynges red with deſperate myndes to rebell agentte the Spaniardes. rebelle. When the Lieuctenannte was certified hereof, he tooke his ipzneye towarde them immediately, not bepng diſcozaged cy: ther by the lengthe of the waye, oz feebleneữe of his ſonidy: ers, beynge in manet foyweried with tranaple. As he diewe Susrionerius nere bnto theni, he had aduertiſement that kynge Gwarianexius capitaine of the conſpirg- was choſen by the other piynces to bee the Lapitayne of this sie. 16 Çebellion: And that he was enfozled therto halfe vnwilling, beynge ſeduced by theyz perſwalions and prouocations. The An army of whiche is moje lykely to be trewe, for that he had before had rv thousande experience of the power and policie of owze men. They came Barbarians. together at a daye appoynted, accoompanied with. cb. thous Sande men, armed after their maner, once agen to pioue the fortune of warre, Dere the Lieüetenaunte conſultynge with the The fyrſt decade. 25 the Capitağne of the foztređe and the other ſouldiers of who he had the conducte, determyned to rette vpon them vnwarcs in their owne howles befoze they coulde prepare they? army. Defent foozthe therfoże to euery konge, a Lenturian, that is, a capitaine of a hundzeth, which were commaunded vppon & fudden to inuade they? howles in the night, and to take the Reepinge,bcefore the people (beinge ſcattered here and there) might allemble to gyther. Thus ſecreatly enteringe into their bylages, not fortified with waules, trenches, oj bulwarkes, they broke in vppon them, tooke them, bounde them, and led The kynges away cuery man his puiſoner according as they were comaun are taken på foders. ded. The licuetenaunt hym felfe with his hundzeth men, al: Cayled kynge Gutrionexius as the woozthier perſonage, whom he tooke pzyloner as dyb the other capitaynes they, kytges, e at the ſame homoze appoynted. Foureteene of thcym bcre browght the ſame nyght to the towze of Lonception. Short: Iye after, when he had put to death two of the kynges which were the chiefe autours of this newe reuolte, and had ſubor med Gudrionexius and the other kynges to attempte the fame: leat the people foz lozowe of they, kynges iyulde neglecte of forſake their countrey, which thinge myght haue byn greate y incommoditic to obre men, who by thincreaſe of theyz (cedes kynge Start and fruites were oftentymes ayded, he frcely pardoncd and onerius is Diſmiſed Guarionexius and the other kynges. The people in the pardoned. meane tyme docked togyther abowte the towze, to the nõber of fyue thowlande litholdte weapons, with pytifal houling for the deiyuergunce of they: kynges : The ayer thundered, the earth trembeled throwgh the vehemencie of they? owtcry The lienetenaunt warned Guariosexius and the other kynges, with threatenynges, with reynardes, and with pzomples, ne uer hereafter to attempte any ſuche thynge. Then Guanonexius made an ozation to the people of the great power of olore mē, of they, clemencie towarde oifenders, and libcralitie to ſuche as remayne faithfull: de[yzinge them to quiet they, myndes: and from henſefoorth nother in deede nor thowght to inter- piyle any thynge ageynſt the Chriftians, but to obeye & (ccue them, ercepte tycy wolde dayly bzynge them ſelues into furs ther calamytics. When the azation was fynytbed, they tooke hym vp and fet hym on they? Culders, and ſoo caryed hym home to his owne palaice, And by this mcanes, this Region was The fyrſt decade . was pacified for a whyle. But owre ment, with heauy coun: tenaunce wandered vppe and downe, as deſolate in a trange Lacke of Wy: countrey, lackinge bytailes, and wozne obte of apparell, tayles. wheras.rv. moonethes were nowe paied ſence the admirals departure: duringe which tyme, they coulde heare nothynge obte of Spayne. The leauetenaunt comforted them all the he coulde with fayze boides and promyles. Jn the means Benchius 2: tyme, Beuchius Anacauchoa (the kynge of the Wette partes of the nacauchoa, che kynge of Region of Xaragud (of whom we (pake before) Tente meſſen: Xaragua. gers to the lieuetenaunt to ſignifye bnto hym, that he hadde in a redynes the golampine cotton and ſuche other thing ges as he wylled hym to pzepare for the paymente of his try: bute. Whervppon the lieuetenaunt tooke his iozney thyther, and was honozably receaued of the kynge and his ſyfter, füz tyme the wyfe of Caunabou the kynge of Cibaud, bcating no lelle Queene ena: tule in the gouernaunce of her brothers kyngedome, then he cgona, che hom felfe. For they affirme her to bee a wyſe woman of good wife of kynge mancrs, and plealaunt in company. Shee erneſtly perſuaded Caunaboa. her bzother by therample of her huſbande, to loue and obeye the Lhziftians. This woman was cauled Anacunod. De fownde Fizikynges. In the palaice of Berchius Anacauchos, ferii, kynges which hadde rasee browght they2 tributes with them, and abode his comminge. et They brought with them alſo belyde theyz trybute aligned them, further to demerite the fauour of obre men, great plen tie of bytayles: as bothc kyndes.of bzeade, cunnyesand fyl: Serpentes lycs, alredy d?yed bycauſe they thulde not putrifie: Serpen: ester, tes alſo of that kynd which wee fayd to bcc eltcemed amonge them as molt delicate meate and lyke bnta Crocodiles (auing in byggenes. Theſe ſerpentes they caulc Iuunnas, which obre men learned ſumewhat to late to hauc byn engendzed in the glande. Foz vnto that day, none of them durtte aduenture to tate of them by reaſon of they: hoyrible deformitie and lothe (umnes. Yet the licuctenaunt beinge entyled by the pleaſant ncs of the kynges ſyfter, determined to tale of the ſerpentes. But when he felte the flethe cherof to bee ſo delicate to his tonge, he fel too, amayne without al feare. The which thinge his coompanyons pcrccauinge, were not bchynde hym in gree dines: In loo muche that they hadde nowe none other talke then of the ſweetencs of theſe ſerpentes : which they a fyzme to bee of moje pleafaunte tale, then cyther obre phelauntes 23 The fyrft decade. 26 02 pertriches. But they loſe they? taſte, ercepte they bee ple: pared after a certeyne falfhion : as doo peacockes and phe- fauntes crcipt they bee interlarded beefoze they bee totted. Thep p?epare them therefore after this maner. Fruit takynge of ferpentes Olute tbeyz bowels cuen from the throte to the thyghes, they to be eaten. bame and rubbe thepi bodies bery cleane bothe within and boithowte. Then rouling them togyther on a cycle, inuolued after the maner of a Nepynge ſnake, they thrulte them into a potte of no bygger capacttic then to houlde them only. This boone, puttinge a lyttle water vnto them with a paztion of the įlande pepper, they ſeethe thë with a ſoft fyer of ſweete woodde, and ſuche as maketh no grcate ſmoke. Of the fat of them beinge thus fodde, is made an ercedinge plealaunte brothe oz potage. They ſay alſo, that there is no meate to bce Serpentes compared to the egges of theſe ſecpentes, which they vie to esses cater. Teethe by them ſelues. They are good to bee eaten as Cone as they are lodde: and may alſo bec referued many dayes after. But hauinge fayde thus much of theyz intertaynement and Daintie fare, let vs nowe ſpeake of other matters. When the licuetenaunt had fylled one of the 3 lande howles with the sofrempine golampine cotton which he hadde receaued foz trybute, the cotton, kynges piomyſed furthermore to gpuc hym as muche of theyz bicabt, as he wolde demaunde.De gaue them hartie thankcs and gentely accepted their freendly profer.gn the meane time bohyle this bēcade was gatheringe in fundzy Regions to bce browght to the palaice of Beuch us Anacauchot kynge of Xdragut he ſent meữengers to Cabella for one of the two carauc I:s which were lately made there : intendinge to ſende the ſame thytlier ageyne laden with breadc. The maryners gladde of theſe tydynges, Capled abowte the glande, and in thozt ſpace browght the trippe to the coales of Xaragud. The lytter of Queene Ang kynge Beuchies Arcsuchod, that wyſe and pleaſaunt woman Ans caona. Caons, (the wyfe ſumtyme of Caunubos the kynge of the golden bowle of the mountaynes of cibaus, whoſe huſbande dyed in the way when he tuldchaue byn carycd into Spayne,) when Chee harde ſape that obre (hyppe was arrpued on the shore of ber natiuc countrey, perſuaded the kynge her brother that they bothe myghe goo togyther to ſee it. ffor the place where the rhyppe lay, was not pattc.vi. myles ditante from X.reguda #hey ređed ali night in the mydde way, in a certcgne byllage on Bilie The fyrſt decade. in the which boas the treaſurye oz iewell Holdle of Anucaona. Thereafurie Der treaſure was nother goulde, ſpluer, oz pzecious ftones, of Queene but only thynges neceñary to bce vled, as cheyars, tooles, Anscuona. ſettels, dyſics, potingers,pottes, pannes, balons, treyes, and ſuche other homtholde ftutte and inſtrumentos, wozke: manly made of a certeyne blacke and harde thyninge woodde which that excellent lerned pliſition John baptite Eliſius, af: bebene woodde. firmeth to bee hebcne. What lo cuer portion of Wytte nature hath gyuen to the inhabitantes of theſe Jlandes, the ſame both mott appeare in theſe kynde of bookes, in whiche chey Thewe great arte and cunnyng. But thoſe which this woman The Flande had, were made in the fland of Guanabba, ſituate in the mouth of suanabba of the bucate (yde of Hiſpaniok. Ju theſe they graue the lyuely Images of ſuch phantaſies as they ſuppoſe they ſee walke by Conninge are night which the Antiquitie cauled Lemures. Alſo the images of sificera. men ſerpents, beates, what ſoo cuer other thyng they haue once ſeene. What wolde yowe thinke (notte noble pezynce) that they coulde doo, if they had the ble of Jren and teele foz they onely fyztie make theſe fofte in the fyze, and after, ſtone in the warde make them holowe caruc them with a certeyne tone Beedeof Irén which they fynde in the toucrs. De tooles and chayers, fce gaue the licuetenaunt.ciiii. And of vetielles perteynynge to the table and kychen, thee gaue hym thzee [code, Cum of wood and fume of earche. allo of gođampine cotton ceany (punne foure great bottomes af ercedinge weight. The day folowing when they came to the ſea fyde, where was an other bylage of the kynges the licuetenaunt commannded the typpe boat to bee blowght to the thoze. The kyng alſo had prepared two canoas, paynted after theyz maner : one for hym ſeife and cer teyne of his gentelmen: an other for his ſyfter Anacaons and her waytinge women. But Anacona delyzed to bee carted in the whyppe boate with the licuetenannte. when they Sunoce, nowe approched nere vnto the thyppc, certeyne great pieces of ozdinaunce were diſcharged of purpoſe. The ſea was fyl: led ivith thunder, and the ayer with ſmooke. They tremblod and quaked for feace, Euppoſinge that the frame of the world had byn in danger of faaling. But when they ſawe the Lieue tenaunte lawgh, and looke chevefully on them, they cauled muſical ins ageyne they? (pirites. And when they yet dzewe ncrer to the Strumenes. thippe, and harde the noyfe of the fluites, Walmes, & dzūmes, theg The fyrſt decade. 27 they were wonderfully aftonyed at the ſweete harmony ther: of. Entcrpnge into the Chyppe and beholdingc the fozethippe Ignorance and the fierne, the toppe catel, the matte, the hatches, the ca: caul'ech adın! bens, the keele, and the tackelinges, the brother firinge his racion. tyes on the fytter, and the ſyfter on the brother, they were bothe as it were dumme and amared, and wyûe not what to ſaye foz to muche wonderynge. Whyle beholdinge theſe thing ges they wandered vp and downe the thippe, the Lieuctenaất commaüded the ankers to bee looſed, and the failes to be hoy Led vp. Then were they further aftonythed, when they ſale foo greate a mole, to moue as tt were by it felfe, without oles.com and without the force of man. foz there aroſe from the earth Cuche a boynde as a man wolde baue wymhed foz of purpoſe. yet furthermore, when th-perceaued the dyppe to moue ſű tyme forwarde and ſumtyme backewarde: lumtyme towarden the ryght hande and Cumtyme towarde the lefte, e that with one wynde and in maner at one intante, they were at they: byttes ende foz to muche admiracion. Theſe thynges fyniſhed and the fbyppes beinge taben with breade and ſuche other te: Ibardes, they beingc alſo recompenſed with other of obre thynges, he diſmiữed not onely the kynge Beuckius Anacauchod, and his ſpüer, but lykebile all they, (ecuauntes and women scptenyted with ioye and woonderinge. After this, he hym Telfe tooke his fozncy by foote with his ſouldiers to the citie of Iſabella: bohere he was aduertiſed that one Roldanus xinenus, Rolanus đó a nawghty felowe, (whom before beinge his feruance, he had pzeferred to bee capitayne of the myners and labourers, and after made hym a judge in cauſes of controuerſie) had bred The intempe hym felfe oltragioudy and was malyciouſly mynded ageing malice of a hym, and further, the cauſe of much myſchiefe in his abléce. feruile witte ffoz kynge Gwarionexius (bho a whyle before was pardoned of adusunced. his fozmer rebellion, and perſuaded the people to obeye the Spanyardes) was by his nabgity błage and ſuche other as were confethered with hym, ſo accenſed to reuenge the initt: ries which they futteyned at his handes, bylyde the abhomi: nable actes which they folowynge onely the lawe of nature, abhorred to admytte, that he with his famelie, famylyers, ditionaries, of deſperate mynde dedde to the mountaynes be: inge dittant from Iſabella onely tenne leagues Wctwarde, to: warde the north fyde of the ſea, Theſe mountaynes, and alſo Cisnaiane, Bili. the finus. The førſt decade. the inhabitantes of the ſame they caule by one name ciguaios. Maiobanert: The greate kyng of al the kynges and regions of theſe moun us, the great tayne, is cauled Maiobanexius : and his courtc or palaicc is na: kynge of the med Capronus. The mountaynes are roingh, bygh, and ſuche ducuntaynes as no man can pañe to the toppes therof. They are allo ben: dynge: and haue chey, cozners reachinge downe to the ſea. Betwene bathe the corners of the mountaynes, is there a greate playne, by the which many riuers faule from the moun taynes into the ſea. The people are verye fierce and warlyke The inhaby: men, hauing thepz original of the Lanpbales. for when they tantes of the deſcende from the mouncaynes to the playnes to keepc warre enountaynes. With they? bo therers, they catc all ſuche as they kyll. Gusrio, nexius therfoze, flyinge to this king of theſe mountaynes, gaue bym many pzclentcs of ſuch thorges a3 are wantinge in his countrey : therwith declaringe gowe byleiy, bylaynouay, and Guarioneris us rebelleth violently he had byn vled of owre men: with whom he could ageyne. nothinge p:euaple nother by fayze mcanes, no2 by foule: no. ther by humilytic noi by toutnes. And that to bec che cauſe of his reloztinge to hym at that tyme: molte humbly befyring bym to bce his defence agepna thopp ellions of ſuche myſche uous people. Maiobsnexius here vppon, made hym promete to ayde and helpe hym ageynt the Chriftians al that he ?myght. The Lieuctenaunt therfoze made hait to the foztrette of Lon: ception: Whyther as ſoone as he was coome, he ſent for Rolo Roldanus Xe danus Xeminues, who with ſuche as folowed hym, lay in certerne ininus rebels of the lande vylages, twelue miles diftant from the fortres. leth. at his comminge, the Leauetenaunt aſked hym what al theſe Gurres and tumultes mcnt. De anſwered without aba hernet: yowce bżother the Admirall hath to dop therwith, and wall anſwere foz the ſame befoge the kynge. For we perceaue that the kynge bath Coo put hym in trute, that he hath hadde no regarde to vs. Dere we perplhe foi hunger whyle we folowe powe: and are dryuen to ſeeke obre unhappy foobe in the de Terces. yowre brother alſo, aligned me alfitant with yowt in gouerninge the glande. Wherfoze ſyth yowe haue no more reſpecte vnto us, we are determyned noo longer to bee under powre obedience. When Roldanus had ſpoken thcſe wordes Luche other, the Lieuetenaunte molde hauc layde handes on bym: but he clcaped yis fyngers, and filed be to the wcde para ses of the Region of Xarigud, haninge with hym a tcayne of three The fyrſt decade, 28 threeſcope and tenne men whiche were of his confetheracie. Here this fylthy funkc of rebels thus conſpired, played their tages and lyued with looſe brydels in al kynbcs of my chefe robbynge the people, (poylonge the counrrey, and rauythinge hes ini berte bothe wyues and birgincs. Whyle theſe thynges were doing in the glande, the admirall hadde eyght whyppes appoyntro hym by the kynge: Df the whiche he ſent two laden with bis taples, from Cales of Gades of Hercules pyllers, directly to the tercules Lieuetenaunt his brother. Theſe flyppes by chaunce arryued pollers. fyzit on that lyde of the Flande where Roldanus Xeminus ranged with his coompanyons. Roldanus in thoi te tyme hadde ſeduced A Vicente them:promylinge them in the teade of matrockes, Wenches perſafion. pappes : for laboure, pleaſure : for Sunger, abundance : and for wcarynes and watchinge, Alecri and quietnes. Guarionexius in the meane tyme, a Temblynge a lower of his freendes and confetherates, came oftentymes - Wne into the playne, and the furie of Dewe as many of the chriſtian min, as he coulde meetc con: suarionerius uenientlye, and alſo of the flande menne whiche were theyz freendes: wafynge they, grounde, deftroyinge they ſeedes, and ſpoylingc theyz vylages. But Roldanus and his adherens tes, albeit they had knowleage that the admiral wolde thurt ly coome, yet feared they nothynge bycauſe they had ſeduced • the newe menne which came in the fyzde Phippes. Whyle the licuetenaunt was thus tolled in the middott of theſe ttoymes, in the meane tyme his brother the admygall (ce folwarbe fro the coages of Spapne: But not directly to Hiſpaniola : for he turned more towarde the ſouthe. In the which byage, what the thy.de he dyd, what coaſtes both of the lande and ſea he coompa cd, lonus the na and what newe regions he diſcouered, wee wyl fyzû declare, mirali Foz to what ende and concluſion the ſayde tumultes and ſes ditions came, wce wyli erpuede in thende of the booke folow enge. Thus fare ye wal. solo to the ſyrte book of the fylde decade, to auf Lodouike Lardinall of Arigonie, Olonus the admyral, the thyrde day of the Lalendes :of June, in the ycare of Chrille. 1 4 98, hoyfed Wp his fayles in the haucn of the towne Barramedda :bas, not facce diñante from Lales: and let fozwarde 013 The fyrſt decadel on his byage with eyght thippes laden with bytayles and di ther necellaries. Lc diuerted from his accutomed raſe which Was by the landes of Canarie, by reaſon of certeyne frenche: frenche më men pirates and rouers on the ſea, whiche layc in the ryghe yats. way to meete with hym. On the way frõ Cailes to the glandes of Cantrie, abowte foure (core and ten myles towarde the lefte The Ziaud of hande, is the glande of Madera, moze ſouthlarde then the madera. citie of ciuile by foure degrecs. ffor the pole artyke is eleuate to Ciuile, trrvi. degrees : But to this Fland (as the mariners Caye) only.rrrii. De Cayled therfoze fyzde to Madera, and en pinge from thenic directly to Hiſpaniols, the reſydue of the ſhip, pes laden with bytayles and other necellaries, he hym Celfe with onc dyppe with deckes, and two macchaune carauelles coaớed towarde the Coythe to coome to the Equinoctiallyne,and The Zdentral ſo furth to folows the tracte of the ſame to boarde the Wet, to ayieth to the Equinoctial. thintent to ſearche the natures of ſuche places as he coulde fynde under o: nere into the ſame, leauinge Hiſpaniols on the firii. Jlandes north fyde on his rygljt hande. jin the myddle of his cafe,lye of Berperis tuul.Jllandes of the Portugales, whiche were in oialde tyme des, now cau canled Heſperides : And are nowe cauled Caput Viride, o Caboeurde, led Cabouer: Theſe are ſituate in the ſea, ryght ouer agent the inner para de. tes of Ethiope, wettiparde two dayes ſaplinge. Dne of theſe the portugalcs caule Bonaviſts. With the ſnaples, or rather Healynge of tortoyſes of this lande, manp lepzous men are healed and the leper. clenſéd of thcy, lepzolitic. Deparring ſodainly from henſe by reaſon of the contagiouſnes of the ayze, he ſayled.ccccLXXX gelmiyles towarde the Welle ſouthwett, which is the myddel be twene the wcứe and the ſouthe. There was he fo bered with Contagious maladies and heate (foy it was the monety of June) that his ayle and ers treeme heate peppes were almote Cette on fyze. The hoopes of his barrels cracked and brake, and the freſhhe water tanne obte. The men alſo complayned that they were not able to abyde that extremitie of heate. Dere the nozthe pole was cleuate only.b. The pole efe: degrees from the Dorizontall. For the ſpace of.viii. dayes in uare.V. des grees. the which he ſuffered theſe ertrenites, only the fyz& day was fayze : but all the other, clowdy and rayny: yet neuertheleſte fcruent hotte. Wherefoze it oftentymes repented hym not & little that cuer he tooke that way. Beinge tolled in theſe dan giours and berations eyght contynuall dayes, at the lengthe an Eagſouthcatte wynde aroſe, and gaue a pzoſperous blaße to The fyrſt decades 29 to his faples. Which Wynde folowinge dicectly towarde the weữe, he fobnde the ſtartes ouer that paralelle, placed in o: The ſtarres ther orders and an other kynde of ayer, as the Admirall hym placed in ca char order. ſelfe towlde meAnd they al afirme, that within three dayes ſaylinge, they fownde motte temperate and pleaſannte ayje. sche Admirall allo afirmeth, that from the clime of the great heate and vnholſome aper, he euer aſcendcd by the back of a fea ryTyng lyke a mouse the ſea, as it were by a hygh mountayne towarde hcauen.pet taynes in all this tyme, coulde he not once ſec any lande. But at the length, the day before the Lalendes of july, the watchenian lookynge foozth of the toppecafell of the greateſt Gyppe,crys 9713421 ed owte alowbe fou ioy that he c[pyed three excedynge hyghe 9 90 m2 laountaynes : Erhoztinge his felowes to bee of good cheece, S. 540 70 and put away all penſiuenes. Foz they were very heauy and fozomfull, as well foz the greefe which they ſutteyned by rca Con of thintollerable heate,as alſo that their frethe water fay veate cau: led thens, which canne owte at the ryktes of the barels, cau: reth the bar: rels to brekc. ſed by eptreme heate as we hane Cayde. Thus bringe wel cons fozted, they dzewe to the lande. Yet at theyz fyzů approche 3310 they coulde not arrgue by reaſon of the fhalowncs of the ſea here the moze. yet lookong obte of they? Chyppes, they might 994513 Well perccaue that the Region was inhabyted and well culty ted. foy they ſawe bcry fayze gardens, and pleaſaunte mes dowes : Eronie the trees and herbes wherof, when the mous nynge dewes beganne to ryle, there pzoceadcd manye ſweete nours proces Swere fas fauoures. Tioentie myles difant from benſe, they chaunced dynge frome into a hauen, berpe apte to harbozowe Lippes, but it had no the lande, tyuer runninge into it. Saylinge on yet Cumwhat fucther, he kownde at the lengthe a commodious hauen whecin he might cepayze his fippes and make prouiſion of frcſ the water and fuell. Arenalis cauleth this lande Puta. They fownd no houſes The 3land of mere onto the hauen: but innumerable teppes of certcin wilde Puta. beattes fecte, of the which they fomnde one dcadé much lyke a goate. Theday folowynge, they ſawe a Lanoa commynge people of sx Parte of, hauinge in te rriiii, younge men of godly cozpoza: ly corporature tuce e high ttature, al armed with targets, bobes e acroles i longe heåre The hcare of therz heds, was lõge & plaine, & cutte on the foz quinoctiall. nere the E: heade much after the maner of the Spanyardes. Theyi puiuie partes wetc conered with fillettes of gollampyne cotton, of Tundzy colonces enterlaced: and Ivete belydc al ouer naked. Decre The fyrſt decade. Here the Admirall conſideringe with hym felfe the cozpoza: ture of this people and natućc of the lande, he beleaued the ſamc to bee loo muchche never heauen then other Regions of Cbc higher the ſame paralelie, and further remoued from the groſſe ba: the coulder. pours of the vales and mary[les, howe muche the hyghette toppes of the hyggelt mountaynes are diſtante from the deepe vales, for he erneäly affirmeth, that in all that nauigation, he never wente owte of the paralelles of Ethiope: So greate Difference is there betwene the nature of thinhabitantes and of the ſoyles of dyuers Regions all onder one clyme oz para: lelle: as is to ſee betmene the people and regions being in the Differencebe twene people firme lande of Ethiope, and theym of the Iſlandes under the of one cime. ſame clime, havinge the pole ſtarte eleuate in the ſame degree. £ttiopia. ffor the Ethiopians are all blacke, hauinge they, heare curid mogelyke wulle then heare. But theſe people of the land of Put: (beinge as haue fayde vnder the clyme of Ethiopes are whyte, with longe hcare, and of yelowe colour. Wherfoze it is apparente, the cauſe of this foo greate difference, to bee Note the rather by the diſpoſition of the earthe, then conftitucion of cauſe of heaucn. Foz wecknowe, that (nowe fauleth on the moun: Difference. taynes of the Equinoctiall oz burnte lyne, and the ſame to en dure there continually: we knowe lykcwyle that thinhabis tantcs of the Regions farcc ditante frome that lyne towarde 789-a the no the, are moletted with greate heate. Ca *350100 C The Admiral that he myght allure the younge men to him 41011 b with gentelnes, Wewed them lokynge glades, fapłce bright a betelles of copper, haukes belles, and luche other chpnges unknowen to them. But the moze they were cauled, ſo much the moze they ſuſpected crafte and deceate, and fedde backes warde. Yet dyd they with greate admiracion beholde obre men and theyz thynges, but Ayll hauinge their oues in theyz handes tedy to flye. When the admirall Cawe that he coulde by no meancs allure thể by gyftes, he thought to pzoue what muftcalinftru he coulde do with muſicall indrumentes: and thercroze com: mentes, maunded that they bhich were in the greateût ſhippe, thulde play on they? Dzummes and thalmes. But the younge men ſup polinge this to bec a token of battayle, lefte theyz ores, and in the twynlynge of an eye hadde put theyz arrowes in thepi bowes and they? targettes on theyz armes: And thus direc tinge theyz arrowes towarde obore men, toode in efpectació CLT, to The førſt decade. 30 to knowe what this noyle myght meane. Dibre men likewiſe pieparinge theyz bowes and arrobes, approched toward the by lyttle and lyttle. But they departinge from the admirals Chippe, and truſtinge to the derteritie of theyozes came Cod neare one of the leñe vippes, that one of theym plucked the clooke from the governout of that thippe, and as wel as they coulde by ſignes, requyzed bym to coome alande, promylinge feyth that they wolde common with hym of peace. But when they Cawe hym goo to the Admirals thippe whether he bcne to aſke leaue that he might common with them, ſuſpectinge heareby ſume further deceate, they lept immmediatly into the resca Lanoa, and fiedde as (boyft as the wynde. So that to cons GEOTEST.SE BI6925 clude, they coulde by no meanes be allured to familiaritie. Wherfoje the admirall thowght it not conuenient to bedowe any longe tyme there, at this vyage. No greate ſpace frome this jlande, euer towarde the welte, the admirall faith be the wolent fownde lo obteragious a faule of water runninge with ſuch courſe of the a violence from the Eade to the Wette, that it was nothynge the Eaſte to. inferioure to a myghty dreame faulynge from hyghe moun; the weſte. taynes, De alſo confcted, that ſince the fyllt daye that euer he kneweidhat the ſea mente, he was neuer in ſuche feare.. 45150 pzoceadinge yet Cumwhat further in chis daungerous byage,.. he fownde certeyne goulfes of viii, myles, as it had byn then ceraunce of ſume greate hauen, into the which, the fayde bic olent areames dyb faule. Theſe goulfes al Greyghtes, he cau: The gouffe led Os Draconis, that is, the diagons mouth. And the Jland Diaconis. directly ouer ageynle the ſame, he named Margarita. Dute of thele Areyghtes, ilhelbed no leưle force of fre[the water:whi: 21 conflict bes che encounteringe with the faulte,dyd aryue to pace footh: Freihe water Soo that betwene bothe the waters, was no ſmaule conflict. 7 the falte. But enteringe into the goulfe, at the lengthe he fownde the water therof very frelthe and good co dzynke. The admyzall nyomda bym (elfe, and they which were his companions in this by: age, beinge men of good credit, and perceauinge my diligence in ſearchinge foz theſe matters, towlde me get of a greater thynge. That is, that foz the ſpace of.rrvi, leaques, amoun: A fea of fren tynge to a hundjeth and foure myles, he ſayled eller by freive water. water: 3n ſo muchc, that the further he pzoceaded, eſpecial: ly towarde the well, he affirmeth the water to bee the frether. After this, he came to a highe mountayne, inhabited oncly marmarets with The førſt decade With moonkeys by marmaſits on that part towarde the Leaft. shoz that ſyde was robogh with ročkye and dony mountains: and therfoje not inhabyted with men. yet they that went a lande to ſearchc the countrey, foinde nere vnco the ſea, ma: ny fayze fieldes well tylled and loben: Bur noo people, noy get houſes of cotages. Parhappes they were gone further in to the countrey to lowe they? coine and applye they? huſban. dzy, as wee often fee owre huſbande men to leauc theyz ttati: ons and vyiages for the ſame purpoſe. In the medie Tyde of that mountayne, they c[pyed a large playne, bohither they The fayze? made hafte, and calt anker in the blode ryuer, ás ſoone as the large region inhabitantes had knowleage that a firange nation was arry: of paria. ued in they2 coales, they came flockinge withowte all feare to fec obre men. We bndcrtfode by thegi ſygnes and poyn: tynges, that this Kegion was cauled Paris : and that it was no at bery large: 3n ſo muche that the further it teacheth towarde sch love the welte, to be ſo muche the better inhabited and repleniſhed aband with people. The admiral therfoze, takynge into his chyppe 21194 foure of the men of that lande, ſearched the bette partes of the ſame. By the tempetatenes of the ayer, the plca[auntnes Cemperate of the ground, and the multytude of people which they ſaw ayer and 'frut dayiy noze and moze as they ſayled, they coniectured that ful grounde. theſe thynges portended fum great matter : as in deede their opinion fapled them not, as boe wyll further declare in his to bluto place. The foonne not yet ryſen, but beginninge euen nob to sweete rast tpfe, beinge one day alluced by the plealauntnes of the place soars proces and Cloeete fauours bhich bżeathed from the land to the thip: dynge fromne pes, thcy went alande. Dere they fownde a greater multy: she lande, tudé of people then in any other place. As obre men appro: ched towarde them, there came certeine metengers from their Cacici, that is, the kynges of the countrey, to delyze the ad: humayne mirall in the name of theyż princes to coome to thep2 palay people. ces bithoite feate, and that they and al theyus fhulde bee ac his commaundement. When the adinirall had thanked them Cheynes and and made his excuſe for that tyine, there came innumerable garlandes of people with they2 boates to the thippes: hauyng foz the most gold"z perles parte cheynes aboute theyz neckés, garlandes on they? hca: des, and bzaſeletres on theyz armes of pcarles of India: And that fo consmonlye, that owie boomen in playes and trynm: agodice phes haue not greater plentie of tones of glare and coyttall in Thiefyrſt decade. 31 In theyz garlandes, crownes, gerdels, and ſuche other tyje: mentes. Beinge aſked where they gathered them, they popn: istom ted to the next thoze by the ſea bankes. They fignified allo by data, certeyne (councful giettures which they made with theyz mou 1032 thes and handes, that they nothyng eſteemed perles. Taking Barkertes fub allo baſkettes in their handcs, they made fignes that the of pearles, 3 fame might bee fylled with them in toute ſpace. But bycaule knowe who had bags ful. the corne wherwith his dyppes were laden to bee carped into Hifpaniold, had taken hurt by reaſon of the ſalte water, he des termitted to deferre this marte to a moje conuenient tpme. yet he fent to lande two of the thippe boatos laden with men, to thintent to fetch fum garlandes of perles for exchange of our thynges, and allo fumwhat to ſearche the nature of the Red gion and diſpoſition of the people. They enterteyneb obt mê Dove the ad gentelly: and came fockpnge to them by heapes, as it hadde mirals men byn to beholde fumc fraungc monters. Fyzke there came to were enter): meete owre men, two men of grauitie, whome the multitude teyned. folowed. One of theſe was idell in agezoand the other but younge. They thinke it was the father with his foonne wht che thulde (ucerde hym. When the one had ſalated and embra ſed the other, they byobght otre mien into a cert cyne rownde $0 219091 howie, nere bnto the whithe, was a greate caurter Bethet echeyers and bere blowght many chayers and tooles (made of a certeyne ftcles of he: blacke Woodde, and very coonningely wowgitu After that bene. owce men, and thepi Princes were lette,they wayting men came in laden, Cume with fundzy délicatc dyſfhes, and fume fruites and with Wyne But theyz meate, was only fruites and thoſe of wyne...12069 dyuers kyndes and hatterly unknowē to vs. Dhepz wpne was SITN both whyte and reddes not made of grapes, but of the lycour wyne of the of dyuers fruites, and very pleaſaunte in diynkynge. After tycour of this banquctte made in the owlde mans hawle, the younge fruitcs. man biologht them to his tabernacie oj mancion place, where lvas a greate coompany bothe of men and women, but they koode deceauered the one from the other. They are whyte, es Whyte men uen as owce men are, fauynge ſuche as are much conuedlant nere the £qui in the ſonne. They are alſo very gentpll, and full of humanis tie towarde frangiers. They cocuer theyz payuie partes with 0 golampine cotton wowght with ſundzy coloures: and are belyde all naked. There was fewe oz none, that had not ey? thei a coltet, a cheync, oz a bzafelette of golde and pearles; D, ili, ao O'663 noctial in The fyrſt decade. and many had all. Beinge aſked where they had that golde, mountaynes they poynted to cecreyne mountaynes, feemynge with theyz are the matri countenaunce to dilluade owre men from goinge thyther. Foz ces of solde. puttinge they, armes in theymouthes, and grynninge as Sanaac thoigh chcy bytte the ſame, îylle poyntinge to the moun: 93q taynes, they ſeemed to inſinuata that men were eaten there: COU. But whether they mente by the Lanibales, oz Wylde beattes Canibalego owre men comide not well perceauc. They tooke it excedinge greeuouſlye, that they coulde nother vnderttande obore men, Noz owce men them. When they lohich were ſente to lande, were returned to the thippes aboite three of the clocke at af: ter noone the ſame daye, bringinge with them certegne gars landes and collecs of pearles, they looſed theyz ankers to de Sing to parte, myndinge to coome ageyne Thoztly, when all thynges te were ſette in good older in Hiſpaniola. But he was preuented 29197 by an other, which defcated hym of the rewarde of his tra: uayle. He was alſo hyndered at this tyme by realõ of the tha shalomnes lownes ofthe fea e violêt courfe of the water, which with con of ine fea, tinual tolling, bzoofed the greatch thip as often as any great gale of wynocacofe. To atayde the daungionts of fuche tha: The vre of lowe places, and thelfes, he cuor Cent one of the maidcä сa: careuelles o: bugantinęs. tauelles befoze, to try the way with foundinge: and the byg *5*10 so get ſhyppes folawed behyndeun The Regions beinge in the a large pzouince of Paris for the fpace of.ccxxx, myles, are caus Cumana and ied of chinhabitantes, Cumana, and Manaoupant: from theſe re Wanacapana regions ofthe gions dittant thzet fcoze leaques, is there an other Region prouince of cauled curiana. When he had thus patted ouer this long tract paria. of fea; fuppofing tyll that it had byu anglande, doutinge urlandsay that he might pate by the weate to the ponthe directly to Body Hiſpaniold, he chaunced into a ryuer of. ter. cubertes depthe, e a ry:ler of of ſuch bzeadth as hath not lyghtly byn harde of. for be af: maruelous firmeth it to bce. rxviii, teaques. A lyttle further toward the depth and biedth. wette, pet fumihat moze ſoithivarde as the bending of the A fea of wee: thoje requyred, he entered into a fca full of herbes of des. wecdes. The ſeede of the herbes whiche Puymme on the Lentiſcus. water, are muche lyke the berryes of the tree cauled Lentiſcus, waſtir. which beareth the iweete gume caulcd Miftix. Schep grewe foo thickt, that they (umetyme in maner tayed the chippcs. The Admirall repozted, that here there is not one daye tho: Fowghe obte all the yeare muche longer oz mojter then an ON other The førſt decade. 32 mint The eleuart, other: And that the Maythe pole is here eleuate onely kyue one of the pole degrees as at Paris, in whoſe tracce all theſe coattes lye. bee ar paria. allo declared certeyne thynges as concerninge the variete of the nożthe pole : The which becauſe they feeme contrarye to note a re: thoppinions of all the Attronomers, 3 boyll touche them but create as.com with a diye foote as ſayth the prouerbe. But it is wel knol cerning used en (molte noble pzincé)that the tarre which we caule the pole pole ſtarre, i tarre, oj nozth ttarre, (cauled of the Italians Tramontana) is not the bery poynte of the pole Artyke vppon the whiche the ares o, extremities of hcauens are turned abowte.The which thynge may well be proued, if when the tarres fyztt appeare, An experiêce powe beeholde the pole ftarre throwgh any narowe hole. Foz foo, applyinge yobre inſtrument therto in the mozninge [um: what before the day {pringe haue blemyſhed thepz lyght, ye then yowe looke thłowgh the ſame hole, powe thall perceaue Iny it to bee moued from the place where yowe fawe it fyzt. But howe it commeth to pale, that at the beginnynge of the eue: nyng twilight, it is eleuate in that Region only fyue degrees in the moneth of June, and in the mozninge twylight to bee a maruelous eleuate. rv. degrees by the fame quaadyante, 3 doo not vn: fecreate. derđande. Noz yet doo the reaſons which he bringeth in any poynt ſatyſfye me. Foz he Cayth, that he hereby coniectured, that the earth is not perfectlye rownde : But that when it was created, there was a certeyne heape reyſed theron, much that the hygher the the other partes of the ſame. So that(as he ſaith) earch is not it is not rownde after the fozme of an apple 02 a bal(as other perfectly rownde. thynke) but rather lyke a peare as it hangeth on the tree:ánd that Paris is the Region which poteïeth the ſupereminente Di bygheſt parte thereof herette bnto heauen. In ſoo muche paradife is in that he erneäly contendeth, the earthly Paradyle to bee ſitit: taynes of pas ate in the toppes of thoſe three hylles, which wee fayde bee: ria. fore, that the watche man Caine owtc of the toppe cabell of Looke the che thippe : And that the outragious Areames of the fretbe wa kinth booke ? ters whiche foo biolentlye althebe obtc of the fayde gonlfes ſeconde des and tryne ſoo with the Calte water faule hradlonge from the toppes of the fayde mountaynes, But of this matter, it chall ſufice to haue Caybe thus muiche. Iette bs nowe therfoze re- turne to the hilltozyc from which we haue dygcelled. When he perceäued hym lelfe to bec thus inwrapped in foo grcate a goulfe beyonde his expectacion, foo that he had now no hope to 03 The fyth decadet to fynde any pa rage towarde the noithe kohereby he myghe Cayle directly to Hifpanioht, be was enforced to turne backe the ſame way by the which he came, aird directed his viage to Hif psnioht by the nozthe of that lande lyinge towarde the Latte. 29103 Thop which afteriparde Cearched this lande moje curioulye, papia is part will it to bee parte of the continente oz firme lande of India, of the firme and not of Cube as the Admiral ſuppoſed. sfoz there are many lande of india which axitme that they haue (ayled rownd abobt Cubs, But whether it bee ſo oz not, or whether enuyinge the good for Tysne reuea: tune of this man, they ſeeke occaſions of querelinge ageynữe lethal things bym, J can uot iudge: But tyme Hall (peake, which in tyme appoynted, reucaleth both truth and falſchod. But whether Paris bee Continent or not, the admirall dothe not muche con: tende. But he ſuppoſeth it to bee Continente. De alſo a tir: paria more meth that Paris is moze ſouchewarde then Hiſpaniola, by cyght fouthewarde then hiſpani- hundrech foureſcoze and two myles. At the length he came to = Hiſpaniola (to ſee his ſouldiers which he left with his brethren) the thyide day of the calendes of September : 31n the yeace 1498. But (as often tymes chaunceth in humayne thynges,) OLOSITE amonge his ſoo many p:oſperons, plealaunte, and luckye af: fayzes, foztune men geled lume ſeedes of wolniewoodde, and cozrupted his pure cozne with the malicious waçedes of coccle. scate de C The leuenth booke of the fyzdt decade, to novo CON 2011 ota the ſame Lodouike Lardinall.fatli att du ploto 133.30 31 112701 Hen the Admicall was no we coome toche 2 11/ lande of Hifpaniolay be folünde all tbpugés com et 3D founded and owte of older. Foz Rold.inus (OF whom wee ſpake becfoze) refuſed in his ab: Che ſpanya ſence to obep his bļother,trullinge to the mul ardeg rebell in the dint: titude of Cuch as were confcthcred inith him, rais abſence And not onely behäued hym lelfe pzoudely a: bobol geynt the admiralles biother and Lieueretaunt lumtyme his son mailter, but alſo ſente letters to his reprocheto she kynge of Spayne, therin acculinge bothe the bzehtien, leping heynous matters to they charges. But the Admirallagepne, fent met ſengers to the kynge, which myght infozme hym of they? re bellion: 3nüantly delyzinge his grace, ta fende hym å nowe Supplye of men, wherby be myght Cuppzele thepz licēriouſnes The fytſt decade. 33 che Spany and punyte them for theyz miſch cuous actes. They accuſed ardes accue the Admirall and his brother to be briut men, cruel ciemies the 2.Jimirall. and fheaders of the Spany he bludde: declarynge that yppan cuerp lyght occaſion, they wolde racke them, hange them, and heade them: And that they tooke pleaſure therin. And that they departed from them as from cruell tyzantes and wolde beađes reioplinge in bludde, alſo the kynges enemyes. A minge lykewyſe that they well perceaued they? intente to be none other then to blurpe Thempire of the Jlandss: Whiche thynge (they ſayde)they ſuſpected by a thouſand coniectures. and eſpecially in that they wolde permitte none to reſorte to the golde mynes, but only ſuche as were they? familiers. The The Adnirs admirall on the contrary paste, when he belyzed ayde of the les anſwere. kynge to infringe theyz inſolencie, ausuched that althoſe bis acculers, which had deutled ſuche lyes agepnde hym, were noughtye felowes, abhominable knaucs and vylaynés, the: ues and baudos, cuffians aduouterers and rauiibers of women faulle pertured vagabundes, and ſuche ashad byin eyther con uict in pzylons, 02 Eledde for feare of Judgment:foo eſcaping punydement, but not leauinge vice wherin they llyll contynu: ed and browght the ſame with them to the Jlande, lyuinge there in lyke manec as befolc, in tljefte, lechery, and all kyn: des of my cheefe: And ſoo gyuen togblenes and decpe, that 3n olercier wheras they were blowght thyther foz myners, labourers, Eidelmce of lis {cullyans, thep wolde nor nowe goo one furlonge from thcy, bertie. Houſes ercepr they were borne on mens backes, lyke bnto the whichc in owlde tyme were cauled Ediles Curules. fol, to this There had office, they put themſerable flande men, whom they hande: the cuſtadtes led molle cruelly. for leagte theyz handes vulde diſcontinewe of the têplis. from theadinge of bludde, and the better to trye they: frength and manhod they bled naloe and then foz they? païyme to fttyue amonge themi ſelues and proue who coulde mon cleanely A cruel and with his ſwoorde at onc Qrok: Gryke of the heade of an inno: scuelyrhc pas cente. Soo that he which coulde with motte agilitie mike the ſtyine. heade of one of thoſe pooze wretches to flye quyte and cleane from the body to the grounde at one ſtroke, be was the bell mã and counted mode honorable. Chcle rhynges and many ſuche other, the onc of then tayde to the others charge before the kynge. Whylethclethynges were doinge, thc ádmirall Cente bis bzorbec thc lieuetenaune with an atiny of fouce ſcore and Icons 3.1, The fyrſt decade. tenne footemen, and a fewe hozremont, (with three thouſande of theglande ment which were moztall enemies to the Ligua: utans) to meete the people of ciguduty with kynge Guarionexius kynge Buari: onexius is ca: thepz graunde capirayne, who had doone muche myſcheefe to pitaine of. vi. Ointe men and fuche as fauoured theym. Thesefaze when the thouſand Ct: Lieutetenaunt had conducted his army to the bankes of a cer Suguians. teyne greate ryuer runnynge by the playne which we fayd be foze to lye berbene the cozners of the mountaynes of ciguand and the Tea, he founde two ſcoutes of his enemyes lurkinge in certeyne bulthcs: Wherof the one, calynge hym ſelfe head longe into the ſea, eſcaped and by the mouth of the ryuer Gafwamme ouer to his coompanyons. The other beinge taken, Os declared that in the woodbe on the other lide the ryuer, there lay in campe Cyre thouſande Lyguauians tedy, vnwares to allayle owre men patynge bye. Wherfože the Lieuetenaunte fyndyng a walowe place where he myght pale ouer, he with his hole army entered into the tyuer. The which thyng when the Liguauians had eſpycd, they came runninge owte of the Wooddes with a terrible crye and mofte horrible aſpect, much Pici Agatbyrfi. lyke into the people cauled Agathyrfi of whom the poete virs gile ſpeaketh. Foz they were all paynted and ſpotted with painted with Lundip coloures, and eſpectáll with blacke and redde whiche the toyce of they make of certeyne fruites noojyded foz the fame purpoſe certë fruties. In they gardens, with the ioyce wherof they paynt them (els ues from the fozheade, euen to the knees: Lauing they heare negre made. (whiche by acte they make longe and blacke rf nature deny it longe a black them, beched and rowied after a thouſande falchions, a by arte, man wold thinke them to bee deuylles incarnate newly bioke obte of hell, they are loo lyle bnto helhoundes. As obre më waded ouer the tyuer, they thotte at them and hurled dattes foo thické, that it almolie tooke the lpght of the ſonne-from Che vre of owrc men. 3n ſo much that if they had not bozne of the force targetres, therof with they, targettes, the matter hadde gonne longe with them. zret at the length, many beinge wounded, they palled oucr the ryuce, which thynge when the enemies (awe, The ciquaui they fledde: Whome owre men pecfuinge hewe lume in the ans are diyue chale: but not many, by reaton of they? [byftenes of foote. to flyshte Thas beingc in the wooddes, they cotte at obre men more ſafely. Foz they being accutomed to the loodies and naked without any lette, patted throwgh the buſines and pubbcs ag The fytſt decade. 34 as it had byr wylde kozes os lactes: wheras olore men wete hyndercd by reaſon of theyż apparell, targerres, longe iaue: lelis, and ignozance of the places wherkoze, when he had retcd there all that nygit in wayne, and the daye fololynge Cale none fteringe in the bodes, he went (by the councel and conducte of the other lande men which were in his armye) immediatly from thenfe, to the montaynes in the winch king kynge maio. banerius. Miobanexius had his cheefe manſion place in the bylage caulco Cupronum, by the which name alſo, the kynges palaice idas cau ted, bringe in the ſame bylage. Thus marchinge forwarde with his army, abowte twelue myle of, he encamped in the bylage of an other kynge, which thinhabitantes had folla: ken foz feate of obre menyet makynge dyligent ſearch, they foinde two, by whom they had knowleage that there was tenne kynges with Maiobănexius in his palaice of Capronum, with an army of eight thouſand Liguauians. At the Lieuetenant es An army of fyat appzoche, he burt nor gyue them battayle yntyll he had Viti, thouſand Cumwhat better ſearched the Region yet did he in the meane Ciguauians, tyme ſkyzmyſthe with them twyle. The nerte nyght abowte mydnyght, he ſent furth (coutes, and with them gaydes of the glande men which knewc the countrey, whom the Cigua uians cpyenge from the mountaynes, prepared them ſelues, to the battayle with a terrible crye oy alarome after their ma: a Larome. ner : but yet durâ not coome owte of the wooddes, ſuppoſing that the Iicuetenaunt with his mayne army had byn euen at hande. The day folowonge, whê he brought his army to the place where they encamped leaping own of the wooddes, they The Ciguaui twyle attempted the foztune of war cyfiercely aữayling owre ans put to men with a mayne force, and woundinge manye befoze they flysht ageine coulde coouer them with they: targettes. pet owre men put them to flyght, Belve many, and tooke many. The relydewe fledde to the wooddes, where they kept them @yll as in their motte ſafe houlde. Df them which were taken, he ſent one, with hym an other of the lande men which was of his parte to Maiobanexius with commaundement in this effect. The lieue The Lieuete tenaunt bżought not bether his army (9 Mdiobanexius) to kepe ballage to naut his am warre eyther ageynt poinc oz yowre people: for he greately kynge wato: delyzeth yobre frenbethippe. But his entent is, that Guario- banerius. nexius who hath perſuaded yowe to bee his ayde ageynle hym to the greate detruction of yowce people and bndoyage of yowre The fyrſt decade. pobre counttey, may hane dewe cozrection alwell for his dit obedience towarde him, as alſo foz rayling tumultes amongt the people. Wherfoze, he requyzeth yowe and croztcth yowe, kynge Kuaris to delyuer Guarionexius into his handes. The which chynge yf onerius. yowe mall performe, the admirall his brother wyll not only gladly admitte yobie to his frendcbbyppe, but alſo enlarge dcfence yowre dominion. and it hercin yowe refuſe to accom plyi ne his roquette, it wyll folowe, that yowe mall ſhoztclye repent yoboe therof. Foz yowre kyngedome mall be watted with woozde and fyer, and powe tall abyde the fortune of warre wherof yowe haue had erperience with fauour, as you maiobaneri: us higan: Atall further knolo here after to yowce payne, ye with gober: were. nes yowe prouokc hymn to theibc the betermode of his poure. When the melonger had thus doone his errante, Miiobane xiug anſwered, that Guarionexius was a good man,indued with ma ny bertues as all men knche: and therfore he thought hom worthy his ayde: eſpecially in as muche as he fledde to bym for Cuccoure, and that he had made hiin ſuch pzomelle, whom Netural has alſo he had proued to bee his faithfull frende. Agepne, that tred of vyce. they were nawghty men, violent and cruell, defyzinge other mens gooddis, and ſuche as ſpaced not to theede innocentes bludde:Jn fyne, that he woldc not hane to doo with ſuche myſcheuous men, nor yet enter into frendelhippe with them. when theſe chynges came to the lieuctenauntes eare, he com maunded the bylage to be burnte where he hymn (elfe entam: ped, with many other bylages there abowte. and when he Dzele nere to the place where Miiobsnexius lay, he ſent meren gers to hym agogne, to common the matter with hym, and to Wyll hym, to icnde ſumc one of his mote feythful frendes to the Lieuete entreate with hym of peace. Whire bppon the kynge ſent bn nauntes gen: to hym onc of his chcefe gentelmen, and with hym two other telnestoward to waytc on hyn. When he came to the Licuetenauntes pze: maiobanerius [ence, he frendly requyzed hym to perſuadc his loud and ma: der in his name, and crncâly to admony the hym, not to ſuf: fer his dozyninge kyngcdome to bee (pogled, o, hym (elfe to abyde the haſarde of warre for Quirionexius fake: And further to crhozte bym to delguer hym, erceptc he wolde procure the Deltruccion bothe of bym ſelfe, his people, and his countrey. When the mepenger was ceturned, Maiobanexius aữembled the people, declaring unto them what was doone, but they cried Obte The fytſt decade 35 owte on hym to delyuer Guarionexius: and beganne to curſe the daye that cuer they had receaud hym, thus to difturbe they? A rare fayths quietnes. Maiobanexius anſwered them, that Guarionexius was a fulnes in a barbarous good man, and had well deſecued of him, gininge hym many kynge. princely preſentes : and had alſo tawght both his wyfe and bym co Cynge and daunce, whiche thynge he dyb not lyctie etteeme. And was therfozc fully refolued in no cale to fojiake hym, of ageynđc all humanitie to betraye his frende wliche fledde to hym foz ſuccoure: but rather to abyde al extremities with him, then to minifter occaſion of obloquye to daunderes to reporte that he had betraped his grle løhom he tooke into his houſe with warranties, thus diſmiſſinge the people ſigh inge and with lozowfull harces, he cauled Guarionexius before hym, promplinge hym agepne, that he wolde bee partaker of his foztune whylc lyfe laficd. Juſo muche that he thowgut it not befte to ſende any further woorde to the licuctenaune: but appoynted bym wbome before he Cent to hym, to keeps the way with a garryſon of men, to thintent that if any méſ: ſengers chuld be ſent from the Lieuetenaunt, to fleye them by the way, and admitte none to communication oj further entre tic of peace. In the mcane tyme, the Lieuetenaunt ſent tinoo, wherof the one was a captiue Liguauian, and the other an 31 lande man of them which were frendes to owre men : They were bothe taken and Qayne. The lieuetenaunt folowed the The Licuere onely with ten footemen and foure hozíemen. fyndinge his nauntes mes ſengers are međengers dcade in the waye, he was further provoked to ſlaync. lzathe, and determyncd more extremely to deale with Mioba mexius, and therefore wente fozwarde incontinently with his hole army to his cheefe palaice of Capronum where he yet laye in campe, at his approche, all the kynges deddo, cuery, max ml the Ringes his way, and forlooke they capitayne Maiobanexus: Wijo allo are diques to with all his famelye, üledde to the rowgh mountaynes. Sum flight. of the Liguauians, ſobght for Guarionexius to Ney hyii, foc that he was the cauſe of all theſe troubles. But his fcete ſa: ued his lyfe. For he icdde in tyme to the mountaynca where helurked in maner alone amonge the deſola! e cockes. Whereas nowe the licuetenauntes ſouldiers were foewe: ryed with longe warre, with watchinge, laboure, and hun. ger, (foz it was nowe three moonethes ſence the inarccs be: ganne) many delyzed leaus to departe to the towre af Loncep ti013 The fyrſt decade. tion, where they had graneges and ererciſed tpllage. De gade them theyz palepoites with alowance of bytayles, and loo that only thyrie remayned lwith hym. Theſe three moonethes Warre, they contynued very paynefull and myſerablye : Soo The spany: that duryng al that cyme, they had none other meare but only ardes are Cazibi : that is, (uche rootes whereof they make they, breade, pemful in the and that but foldome to they, fyll: quo vfits, that is, lyttle Warres. beattes lyke Conyes, if by chaunce now and then, they tooke Cume with they2 houndes. Their dzinke was none other then water, ſuch as they fownde, ſumtyme (weere, and ſamtyme muddy ſaueringe of the maryltes. Emonge theſe delicates, that lyttle deepe that they had, was eucr for the moſte parte abzode under the firmamente : And that not without watches men, and in contynual remoouinge as the nature of warre re: A deſperate aduenture quyreth. With theſe fewe therfoze, the lieuetenaunt determi with.xxx.men ned to ſearche the mountaynes, dennes, & caues, if he coulde in any place fynde the tteppes of Maiobanexius Oz Gutrionexius.Jin the meane tyme certeyne of his menne (whom hunger enfor ced to goo a huntinge to proue if they coulde take any comes) chaunced vppon twoo of Maiobanexius familyers, whiche were ſent to certeyne vylages of his, to make prouiſion of breade, There he enforced to declare where they? lozd lay hydde. And A police, vſed the ſame alſo for guides to bringe obre mě to the place Twelue of owre men tooke this enterpryſe in hand, painting them Celues after the maner of the Liguauians. Soo that by kynge mafo: banerius is this ſtratageme or policie, they came fodenly vppon Maiobanez taken. ius, and tookc hym priſoner with his woyfe, children, and fa: milic, and conueighed them to the towze of Conception to the Ilieuetenaunt. Within a fewe dayes after, hunger compelled Guarionexius to coome obte of the dennes : whome, cecreine of the people fearinge the Lieuetenaunt, bewzayde to owre han térs, the licuetenaunt beinge certified hereof, fent furthe & suarionetius bande of foote men, commaunding them to lye in ambuche un is taken. tyll Cuche tyme as Guarionexius wente from the playnes to the mountaynes, and then ſoodenly to intrappe hym. They went as they were commaunded, tooke hym, and browght hymas waye with them. And by this meanes were all the Regions nere abowte, pacified and quyeted. A certeyne noble woman of nere kynred to Maiobanexius, and wyfe to an other kynge whoſe dominion was yet vncouched, folowed hym in al thele aduera The førſt decade. 36 aduerſities. They affirme this woman to bee the fayzett and A Bewtifull Woman molte bewetifull that euer nature browght fooz he in the 35 lande. whom, when the kynge her huſbande who looued her mofte ardently (as her bewctic deferued) harde Caye that thee was taken priſoner he wandered vppe and downe the deſers tes lyke a man obte of his bytte, not knowinge what to doo 07 Caye. But at the lengthe, he came to the licuetenaunte, promylinge molte fapthfully that he wold ſubmitte hym (elfe and all that he couldc make, under his poure, foo that he wolde retoze hym his wyfe. The lieuetenant accepted the có dition & reſtored him his wife, with certoyue other rulers and gentelmen which he had taken priſoners befoge: Charginge them, and byndinge them with an othe, to bee euer rebye at z kynge rens his commaundement Shortly after, this kynge, of his owne deth thelieue free motion came ageyne to the Lieuetenaunt,bringyng with tenaunt fyue hym fyue thouſande men without weapons, fauynge onely thouſand mê ſuche inftrumentos as they pre in tyllage of theyz grownde. to tyll the grawnde. bcbrought with hym alſo, Cecdes to lowe: wherwith at his owne charge, he cauſed ſuche plentic of they2 cozne and frui: tes to growc in (undzy places of the large vale whereof wee (pake before, that moztely after, were ſecne manye fayze and fruitefull fieldes that came therof. And for his gentcines be: inge rewarded of the Lieuctenaunte with certcyne of owre thynges, he departed ioyfully. When the repoyt hereof came The kynges to the Liguauians, it mooued the myndes of the kynges to tabmit thein hope of clemencie. Where bppon they came togyther to the relies to che Lieuetenaunt with humble ſubmition and fapchful pzomcle Lieuétenauht cuer after to bee bnder his obedience: dcfyzing hym to reſtore into them they, kynge, with his famylie. At they? requete, the kynges wyfe and his houſeholde was ſette at libertie, but he kepvellyll as a priſoner. A heſe chynges dyd the Iteues ca tenaunt in the lande, not yet knoloinge what his aducrſa: ties and accuters had layde to his charge before the kynge of & payne: who beinge Diſquyeted with chey: querelinges and, accuſacions, and eſpecially for that by rcalon of they? Diſcen tion, aloo gecate abundaunce of goldc and other thynges, a newe goa there was as yet but lyttle broinght into Spaync, appointed ueniour of a newe gouerkour which thuld ſee a redzetle in theſe thinges: the dande, And eyther to punylhe ſuche as were fautie, o2 elles to fende them to hyn. Shat was fownde ageynſe the Admirall and 3) doo The fyrſt decade. PER A tools thy reparde his brother, 02 ageynt his aduerfaries which accuſed hom, foz foo greare u doo not wel knowe. But this J am ſure of, that both the paynce. brethrene are taken, blowght, and cat in prtfon, with their goodes confiſcate. But as ſoone as the kynge bnderstoode that they were browght bounde to Lales, he ſent melengers in pote, with com tambemente that they woulde bee looled and coome freely to his pecſence: Wherby he declared that he tooke they troubles greeuouaye. 3t is allo Cayde, that the newe goucrnoure (cns letters to the kynge, brytten with the admiralles hande in ſtraunge and unknown ſypheringes, to his brother thc Lienstenaunt bringe abſente, Wyllynge hym to bee in a redynes with a poure of armed men to coome and ayde hyn if the Bouernoure talde profec hym any violence. whecof the gouernour hauinge knowleage (as he Taythe) be: inge alſo aduertiſed that the Icauetenaunt was gonne to his blocher before the men whic, he had prepared were in a rede nes, apprehended them bathe bnwares, before the multitude came togyther. What Wyl folowe, tyme, the motte trcic and pudent gudge, wyll declare. Thus fare ye well, The epghth booke of the fyzate Decade, to Lardinall Lodouike. (UE) The Ocean De greate ryche, and plentifull Ocean [ca, reaheretofore Vuknopen. heretofoze unknowen, and nowe fomnde by Chriſtophorus Colonus the admpjall,by thautozi: tic and furtherance of the Lathalyke kynge, 3 haue preſented vnto yowre honoure (cyght noble lozince) lyke a golden cheyne vn\book manly bought. But yowc fhall nowe te: Shipmaſters ceaue a precious ieweli to bee appendaune checro. jerfore - vader the so monge ſuche as were pylottcs oi gouernonces under the ad: miral. mpzall, and had dylygently marked the courſes and differens Cce of the lyndes, many had licences graunted them of the kynge to ſeeke further of they owne charges, bppon condici che fifte po! tion demero on to pay hymn faithfully his portion, which is the full part. the kynze. But bycaule enonge all other, one Petrus Alphonfus caulcd Nige nus by his ſurname) Cayled towarde the Southe with more Che navigari pro pecouz foztune then any of the other thinke it bei fica on of petrus Alphonſus. to ſpeake Cumwhat of his bgage, De thecroze, witg only one tippe The fytſt decade. 57 thippe, well frirnylhed at his owne charges, after that he had his pa Tepozte with commaupdement in no cale to cale anket patte fyftie leaques ditante from any place where the admy: rall hadde touched, ſapled fyzte to Paris where the admy all Paris, folonde both the men and women (oo laden with cheynes, garlandes; and bžalelettes of pearles, as wec haue fayde be: Foze. Loaltynge therfoze alonge by the ſame thoje accoudinge to the kynges commaundement, (yet icauinge behynde hym the Regions of Cumani and Manacap.Ana) he came to the Region Cumando which thinhabitantes thereof,caule Curiana : where he fownd Manicapanara a hauen (as he laythe) muche lyke the pezte of Gades ol Ciles, Curiana yn to the which enteringe, he ſawe a farce of certeyne how: les on the thoze, and perceaued when he diewe nere, that it was a bylage of onely eyght howles. Proceadynge yet fur: ther for the ſpace of three myles, he c[pyed an other bplage well replenybed with people, where there met bym fyftie na: ked men on a coompany hauinge with them a certeync ruler, who delyzed Alphólus to coome to theyz coattes.De blowght periea for erg with hym at this tyme, many haukes belles, pynnes, nedels, fels. bracelettes, cheynes, garlandes, and tynges with counterfet fones and glages, and ſuch other tryfelles, the which with: in the momente of an houre, he hadde erchaunged for. cb. önces of theyz pcarles which they woze abowte theyz neckes and armes. Then they yet moze erneðly delyzed him to ſayle to theyz coales : promoſynge bym that he thulde there haue of pearles. breat plentie as many pearles as he wolde delyze.Dc condecended to their requette: And the daye folowynge, came to the place where they appoynted hym: Lyinge there at anker, a great multy: pumayne tude of people reſorted to hym, inftantcly requyringe hym to people. coome alande. But when he confydered the innumerable mul tytude of people which was there a Tembled, and that he had only.rrriii. men in his coompany, he durûe not cominyt hym felfe to they, handes, but gaue them to underland by ſignes and tokens that they thulde coome to the thyppe with they? canoas. For they boates (which the men of the fland caule Canoas) are made only of one hole peece of woodde as in the 3 landes : yet mozc rudc, and not loo artificially as they s are. Om en Theſe they caule Gallitus: They (warmed therefoze to the dyp do as fatte as they myght, biynginge with them great plentie of pearles (which they caule Tenoras) erchaunginge the ſame foz oldte Idag Bi, The fyrſt decade. olore marchaundics. De fobnde this people to bee of gentyl natare, ſimple and innocente, beinge conuerfant with them in they: houſes, for the ſpace of.pr. daycs. They, baules are made of wooddc, coouered with the leauss of date trecs. Shefyſhes they, meate for the mote pacte, is the ſhelfyChes in the whi in which per: che pearles are engendzed, wherof thcy, ſea coales are ful. les are engen They have alſo grcate plentie of wylde beaftes, as hactes, esites and bylde bozes, and coonys lyko bnto bares, both in colour and foulcs. byggenes. Stockc doues allo, and turtle donies. Lykelyſe gcele and duckes which they nookybe in they: houſes as wee doo. cacockes flye abowte in maner in cuerye woodde and groue: but they are not diftinct with fundyy colourts as ours Hunters and are: for the cockes are lyke onto the hennes. Theſe people of Archers. Curiand, are craftie hunters and exccding cunning archers, Coo that they wyll not lyghtly mydle any beat oz byzde that they fhoote at. Dwre men conſumed certcyne daycs here bery ples ſauntely. Durynge which tyme, who loo euer brought them They mener a peacocke, had for the ſame, foure pynnes. De that bļought of bargenins a pheaſaunt, had twon: 2nd for a docke doue oj turtle doue, one: and foz a gooſe, a ſmaul lookyng glađe oz a lyttle tone of glaſe. Thus they bought and ſoulde with proferynge and The vre of byddynge, denyinge and refuſinge as it had byn in a greate Pynines. market. When pynnes were profered them, they aſked what they fulde doo with them, beinge naked. But owre menſa: tiſfied them with a craftie anſwere, declaring by tokens that they were very necellary to picke they? teeth and to pul thor: Haukes bels nos obte of they, feſthe. But aboue al thynges haukes bels in great eſtis les were molt etteemed amonge them, for theyz founde & faire mation. coloure : And woide therfoze gyue much for one of the.Dwre men lodginge in they houſes, harde in the npght ſeaſon hoz Roringe of ryble noyles and rozynges of Wylde beaftes in the wooddes wyld beaſtes which are full of erceadinge greate and hygh trees of ſundzy kyndes. But the beaſies of theſe wooddes, are not nopſome to men. Foz the people of the countrey goo dayly a hunting, raked, With they? bowes and arrowes : yet hath it not byn hardc of, that any man hath byn Rayne of any wylde beatte. Hartes and as many hartes oz wylde bozes as owre men woolde delyze wyld borce, them to bzynge, they woolde kyll in the wooddes with their bomes and arrowes, and not fayle to buynge theim. They Jacke kyne, goates,& feepe, theyz b eade is made of rootes, as The fyrſt decade. 38 as is theyys of the Iſlandes. This nation, hath blacke heate, Blacke mto große and ſumwhat curlde, yet longc alſo, They keepe they? curide heare. teeth very whyte: And foz that purpoſe vſe to cary a certeine white teethe. herbe berwene theyz lyppes for the mot parte of the day, and to waſtize theymouches when they cañ it away. The wompir doo all they? buſynes at home in they, howles, and haue al ſo the curs of tollage of the grounde.But the men apply them Celues to the warres and huntynge, to playe, lingynge and Earthens vere Daunling. They haue Cundip kyndes of water pottes,iugges, fels. and dzinckinge cuppes made of carthe in other places abowt theym and brought therher foz crch unge of other thynges: Foz they vſe fayzes and markettes foz the ſame purpoſe: and are grecly delyzous of ſuch chynges as are not brought forth o made in theyż countrey, as nature hath gyuen a diſpoſiti: on to al men to defyze and bee delyted with newe and trange thynges. Many of then, had hangynge at they; pearles, the Corninge ar: Jmages of certeine beattes and birdas very artificioudly made tificers. of golde, but not pure. There alſo are brought them from o: ther places for exchange of other thynges. The golde wher. Bare golde. of they are made, is natiue, and of much lyke finenes to that wherof the filozenes are coyned. The men of this countrey, in cloſe theyx priuie members in a gourde, curte after the fathion, ona of a coddcpiece: 0g els, coouer the ſame with the thelle of a to? A ſtrange må royſe, tped abowre theyz lopnes with laces of golampine cot ner of coue: ton.In other places of that tract they thzug the ſynelo with ringe theyrpz6 uities, in the theethe therof, and bynde the ſkinne fat with a üringe. The greate wylde beattes wherof wee ſpake before, and many otherthynges whiche are not founde in any of the Jlandes, Tokes of the telifie that this regiõ is part of the côtinet or firme land. But continent o? the chicfctt cõiecture wherby they argue the ſame, is, that by firme lande. the coales of that lande, from Paris towarde the welte, they ſayled aboute three thouſande myles, fyndynge no ſigne oz token of any ende. Theſe people of Curlin: (whichelum cauletom Curtans) bringe demaunded where they hadde Cucic plentie of Sun golde, ſignified that it was brought them from a Region cau the golden led Canchiett OZ Cruchietu, being diſtant from them ſyre (oonnes, Regio of Cau that is, ſpre Dayes iourney Wetwarde: And that theyz 3lma: chieta. ges of goulde, were made in the ſame Kegion. Where vppon owre men directed theył bpage thyther immediatly:and arcy ued there at the calendcs of Pouçmber, in the yeate of Lhui Bii a tho.17 The fyrſt decade. a thouſande and fyue hundzeth. The people of the countrey relozted to them withoute feare, bzyngynge with them of the golde which we fayde to bee natyue in thatRegion. This peo ple had alſo collers of peacles abowte theyz neckes, whiche bere brought them frome Carian foz crchange of they? mar: chandies. None of them bolde exchaunge any of thoſe thing ges which they had owie of other countreys : as nother the Lucians golde, noz the Lanchierans pearles. Yet amonge the Lanchietans, they fownde but little gold redy gathered. They toke with thế frõ thenſe, certen very fayze marmalets oz mun keys,& many popingayes of fundzy coloures. In the monethe Temperate of Nonember, the ayer was there moſt temperate, fe nothyng ayer in No: uember. coulde. The gardens of the nozth pole, were owte of ſyght to The Equinoc bothe theſe people, they are loo nere to the Equinoctiall. DE tiallyne. the degrees of the pole, they can gyue none other accoumpte. Humane peo: Theſe people, are wel diſpoſed men,of honet condicions, and ple. nothinge Cuſpicious. Fou all molt all the nyght longe, they re: (ozted to the whippe with theyz boates, and went aboolde tip ca sie withowte feare, as dyd the Lurians. They caule pearles, com rixas. They are ſumwhat ielyous. fol, when any araungers coome emonge them, they cuer place they? women bchynd thë. LofTampine Jin this Region of Canchietd, the golampine trees grole of trees. Star them (clues commonly in many places, as doo with vs elmes, wyllowes, and Calowes. And therfore they ble to make bzee: Cho:lythe ches of cotton, wherwich they coouer theyz płyuie partes in people many other Regions there aboute. When they had yet fapled on fozwarde by the ſame coates, there came foorth ageyntte do them abowte twoo thouſande men, armed after theyz manec, forbydding them to coome aland. Theſe people were loo rude 316) San and ſaluage, that owre men coulde by no meanes allure them to familiaritie. Dwre men therfore, contented only with their pearles, returned backe the ſame way they came : where they Alphófus re: remayned with the Curians continually for the ſpace of twen turnetk to tie dapes, and fylled they, bellyes wel with good meate. And paria. here it ſeemeth to me, not farre from my purpoſe, to declare what chaunced into theim in they, returne, when they came Canitales in nobe within the lyght of the coatte of Paris. They happened the soulfes therefore in the way, at Os Draconis and the goulfes of Paris, of paria, (Wherof wee (pake before) to meete with a nauic of.rviii. La noas of Canibales which went a couyng to hunt foz mē. Who as ſoone The fyrſt decade foone as they had elpyed owr men, aữailed theyż thippe fierce ly and without feare encloſed the ſame, difturbing owre men on euery ſyde with theyz arrowes. But owre men fo feared them with they gunnes, that they fiedde immediatly, whom owre menne folowinge with the ihippe boate, tooke one of theyz Lanoas, and in it, only one Lanibal (foz the other had eſcaped) and with hym, an other man bownde: Who, with teates runninge downe his cheekes, and with gicſture of his handes, eyes, and heade, ſignified that ſyre of his coompas nyons had byn cruelly cutte in pieces and eaten of that myl: cheuous nation: and that he thulde haue byn lykewyſe hande led the day folowynge. Wherfore they gaue hym poure ouer the Lanyball, to doo with hym what he wolde. Then with Death fox the Lanibales owne clubbe, he layde on hym al that he might death. diyue with hande and foote,grinninge and fretinge as it had byn a wylde boze: Thinkynge that he had not yet ſufficiently seuenged the death of his companyons, when he had beaten olote his bzaynes and guttes. When he was demaunded af: ter what fogte the Lanibales were woont to inuade other con treys, he anſwered that they euer vled to carye with them in powe the cas they, Lanoas, a greate multitude of clubbes : The whiche, nibales fortis where foo euer theylande, they pitche in the grownde, and fie their cape encampe them ſelues within the coompale of the ſame ro lye) the moze ſafely in the nyght ſeaſon.Jn Curiind, they fównde the head of a capitaine of the Lanibales, nailed ouerche doble of a certeyne gouernoure, for a token of victorie, as it hadde byn the ttanderde ol helmette taken from the enemye in bat: Huraia. tayle. In theſe coattes of Paris, is a Region caulcd Hardid, in the whiche, greate plentie of ſalte is gathered after a ſtrange died of the Salte sengers Cozre. ffoz the (ca beinge there tolled with the poure of the water of the Wyndes, dzyueth the Calte waters into a large playne by the rea. ſea lyde: Where: afterward when the ſea lvareth caulme, and the foonne begynnerhe to ſhyne, the water is congeled into 37 motte pure and whyte [alte, wherewith innumerable Üyppes might bee laden, if mon doo relozte thether foz the ſame beez fože there faule any rayne. Foz the rayne meltethe it, and cau feth it to fynke into the ſande, and coo by the pozes of the earthe, to returnc to the place from whence it was dzyuen. Spłynges of Other ſay, that the playne is not fylled from the ſea, but of of ſalt water, cert eine ſpringes while water is moze wacpe and ſalt thê the kui, watcr The fyrſt decade. . water of the ſea. Thinhabitantes doo greatlye eleeme this bay of Calte. Which they vſe, not only foz theyż ownic commo ditie, but alſo woolkinge the ſame into a ſquare forme lyke into brickes, they ſell it to ftrangers foz erchaunge of other The bodies thynges whiche they lacke. Jn this Region, they Aretche of princes dry and diye the deade bodies of they, kinges and noble men,lay edz seferued inge the ſame vpon a certeyne frame of woodde much lyke vn to a hurdle o:grediren, with a gentell fyre under the Came, thus by lyttle and lytele conſuminge the fielve and keepinge the ſkynne hole with the bones incloſed therein. Theſe dayed carcaſes, they haue in greate reuerence, and honour them foz chey, houſeholdc and famplier goddes. They ſay that in this so place they ſawe a man, and in an other place a woman, thus dzyed and reſerucd. When they departed from Curians, the. biit Threeſcore a day of the Jdcs of Febjuary to returne to Spayne, they had xvi.poundes three (cuje and.cbi. poundes weight (after.viii. önces to the freight of per pownde) of peries, which they bought for erchange of obre les for.6. chil chynges, anountinge to the value of fyue ſhyllinges. Depar: The courſe of tinge therfore, they conſumed thzee (coze dayes in they, iour the fea to: ney (althowgh it were ſhorter then frome Hiſpaniola) by reaſon ward the of the contynuall courſe of the ſea into the wete, whiche dyd weſte. not only greately ttey the Phippe, but alſo fumtpmos diyue it backe. But at the length they came home ſoo laden with pera perles as có: les, that they were with euery maryner, in mancr as common mo as chaffe as chaffe. But the matter of the thyppe, Petrus Alphonſus, beinge metrus Zilpko accuſed of his coompanyons that he had fowlen a great mula fus in priſont, titude of precious perles, and defrauded the kynge of his poz tion which was the fyueth parte , was taken of Fernando de Ve 51925 90 95 ga, a man of greate lerninge and erperience and governout of 30 Gallecia, where they acryued, and was there kepte in peyron & Orient perles longe tyme. But he tyll denyethe that euer he deteyned anye as bysse as parte of the perles. many of theſe perles were as bygge as nafel nuttes. barell nuttes, and oriente, (as we caule it) that is, lyke vnto thom of the Eatte partes. yet not of foo greate price, by rea> ſon that the holes therof are not ſoo perfecte. When 31 my ſelfe was preſente with the ryght hanojable duke of Methyrhi, and was bidden to dyner with hym, in the citie of Ciuile, they este browght to hymn aboue a hundzeth and twentie vnces of per: les to be coulde:which ſurely did greatly delyte me with their fayzenes and brightncs. Sum fape, that Alphonſus hadde noč thele The fyrſt decade. 40 theſe perles in Curiana being diftante from Os Draconis more the Curland a hundieth and twentie leaques, but that he had them in the Os Draconis. Regions of Cumans and M.in.ucapana, nere vuto Os Draconis and Cumante the glande of Margarita. Foz they deny that there is any per. Minucapand. les fownde in Curiant. But lithe the matter is yet in controuer The zland of lie, we wyll patle to other matters. Thus muche yowe haue Margarita. whereby yolve maye coniccture what commoditie in tyme to coome may bee looked for from theſe neloc landes of the belidad Dcean, wheras at the fyzīte diſcoueringe, they debe ſuch to: kens of greate rychts. Thus farc ye well, ( The.fr. booke of the fyzi Decade to Cardynall Lodouike. Incentiagues Pinzonus, and alſo Aries Pinzonus, his neuie, by his bothers ſyde, which accompa: nyed the ádmiral colonus in his fyzde vyage, The nauigati and were by him appoynted to bee matters of on of Vincentt tinoo of the ſmanle thippes which the Spani us and Aries ardes caule Carsuelas, beinge mooued by the pinzonus. 3003 greate ryches and amplytude of the new lan des, furnythed of theyż owne charges, foure cacaucis in the haurn of theyż owne countrey which the Spanyardcs caule Palos, boltheringe on the welc Ocean. Dauynge therfoze the kynges licence and patepozte to departc, they looſed frõ the Licence and hauen, abolte the Lalendes of December, in the yeare paffeporte. 1499. This hauen of Palos is three fcoze and twelue myles dittant from Cades, commonly cauled Cales: and threc (code and Cales. Ciutle, foure myles from Ciuile. all thinhabitantes of this towne, not one ercepted, are greately gyuen to ſearchinge of the ſea, and continually exercylcd in ſapling. They alſo directed their byage fyzů to the Flandes of Lanarie by the Jlandes of Hefpe the glandes rides, nowe cauled Cabouerde, which fum caule Gorgodes Meducias, of Canarie Saylinge therfaze directly towarde the ſouthe frome that 3 Caboucrde. land of the Heſperides which the portugales (being poleters of the ſame) caule Sancti Iacobi, and deparringe frome thenſe at f. 39ities 3: the jdes of January, they folowed the ſouthweſt wynde, be 19nde. inge in the myddelt berwene the ſouth and the weữe. When they ſuppoſed that they had fayled aboute three hundrerhe leaques by the ſame wynde, they ſay that they lotte the ſyghe The fyrſt decade. The northy pole otte of of the Northe farre : and were thoztelye after , totted with fysht. ercedinge tempclles bothe of wynde and ſea, and vered with intollerable heate. Yet Cayled they on further (not without greate daunger) for the ſpace of twoo hundzethe and foztie Icaques,folowing yet the ſame wynde by the lot pole. Wher: foze, whether habitable Regions bee vnder the Equinoctiall Babitable Re lyne oz not, let theſe men and the owlde wzyters, alwelphi sions under loſophers as poetes and coſmographers diſcuře. For there the Equinoc: men, affirme it to bee habitable, and maruelouiy repleniſhed tallyne. with people: and they, that it is vnhabitable by reaſon of the foone beamos dependinge perpendicularly or directlye o: uer the ſame. Yet wcre there many of the oulde Wuyters, wht: che attempted to proue it habitable. Theſe maryners beinge demaunded, if they ſawe the ſouth pole, they anſwered that Ar other 01 they knebe no farre there lyke vnto this pole, that myght be der of ſtarres decerned aboute the poynte. But that they ſawe an other 02, A chycke miſt der of tarres, and a certeyne thicke myű ryſynge from the ho rizontall lyne, which greatly hyndered theyſygbt.They con a ry finge in tende alſo, that there is a great hcape oz ryſynge in the myd: the myddeſt dett of the carth, which taketh away the lyght of the ſouthe of the earth. pole, vntyll they haue vrterly palled ouer the lane.But they verely belcue that they came other images of tarres, muche diferinge from the ſituation of the tarres of owre hemiſphe: ric or halfe circle of heauen. Dowe [oo euer the matter bee, as they informe vs, wce certifie yowe. At the lengthe, the ſe: uenth day of the calendes of Febzuarye, they eſpied lande a farre of. And ſeinge the water of the ſea to bec troubelous, SI ſoundinge with theyz plummet, they founde it to bee.rvi. ka: thames deepe. Boinge a lande, and tarienge there fou the ſpace of twoo dapes, they departed bycauſe they ſaw no peo: ple fteringe, althowghe they fownde certeyne teppes of men by the ſea lyde. Thus grauinge on the trees and the tones nere vnto the ſhoze, the kynges name and theyżs, and the tyme of they? comming thether, they departed. Not farre fro this itation, folowynge the fyers on the lande by nyght, they founde a nation lyinge vnder the open fyzmamente after the maner of Warre. Obre men thought it not bette to trowble them vntyll the moininge. Therefore, at the cylinge of the foonne, foztie of owre men well armed, wente toward them: ageynû whom came furth.frrit, of them, with bowes, Qinges and The fyrſt decade. 41 aud dartes, etter redy to the feyght. The other coompanye folowed them, armed after the ſame maner.Dwr men afirme people of that they were of hygher ftature then eyther the almaynes or hysh ftacure, Pannonians. They behelde owre men with frawnynge and threatenynge countenaunce. But oure men thought it not good to faule to bickeringe with them, vncerteyne whether it were foz feare, oz bycauſe they wolde not dzyue thé to night. wherfore they went aboute to allure them by faire meanes e rewardes. But they refuſed all kynde of gentelnes, e toode cuer in a redines to fcight, declaringe the ſame by ſignes and tokens. Thus our men relozted to theyz thippes, and they to the place from whence they came, without any further buſy: ses. The ſame nyght abowte myönyght, they fledde and left a vagabukde the place voyde where they lay in campe. Dwre men ſuppole kynde of mere them to bee a vagabunde and wanderinge nacion lyke onto the Scythians, withowte houſes of certeyne dipellinge pla: cés, lyuinge onely with the fruites of the earth, hauing theyze som om wyues and chyldren folowinge them.Such as meaſured their footefteppes in the lande, afficine with greate oches, that one Biantes, of thepz fcete is almoſt as long as twoo fecte of owrc men of the meane forte. Saplinge on yet further, they founde ano: ther ryuer, but not of deapth ſuficient to be are the carauels. they ſent therfoze the foure thippe boates to lande, ful of ar: 3 olio med men to ſearch the countrey. They eſpyed vppon a hyghe hyll nere into the ſea lyde, a greate multitude of people, to whom obre coompany fent furthe one man with certeyne of owre thynges to allure them to erchaunge. And when he had cat a haukes bell towarde them, they catt downe a wedge of golde a cuberte longe. The which as he ftouped to take bppe, they ſoodenly incloſed hym, and carped hym awaye, But he was toztly after reſcued by his coompanyons, to ſum of their ses paynes: foz they acwe eyght of owrc men, and wounded ma: ny a farre of, with they arrowes, and dartes made of woodca hardened at the endes with fyze. After this, they encoompa: fed owre ſhippe boates within the ryuer, and came ralthelye within the reache of owre men, layinge houlde on the boates Deſperate fydes, where they were thrust throwgh and hewen in pceces bouldenes. as it had byn Checpe, by reaſon they were naked. Yet wolde they not for al this, gyue ouer: but tooke from owre men one of their boates, hauing ngo men in it. For the gouernour ther 10 The fyrſt decade. of being qayne voith an arrowe, the other tedde and eſcaped: And thus they lefte this fierce and warlyke people, ſaplinge towarde the northwete alonge by the ſame coattes, with fo: a rea of freſ: row full hartes foz the death of they? coompanyons. When rhe water, they had fayled abowte.xl. leaques, they chaunced into a ſea of ſuche frcſthe water, that they fylled they, barelles and hog ges heades therwith. Searching the cauſe hereof, they under ftoode that a vehement courſe of ryuers diſcended with great violence from the toppes of certeyne greate hylles. They ſay Mary fruite: allo that there lyeth within the ſea, many fortunate and fruit full ġlandes. full Iſlandes, and well inhabyted: And that thinhabitantes of this tracte are men of mecke nature and ſuche as doo noc Humane refuſe Grangers : yet lyttle profytable to them, bycauſe they people. had noo marchandyes foz their purpoſe, as golde oz precyous tones. Foz lacke Wherof, they brought frome chenle thyztie Wariatáball. captives to ſell foz (laues. Thinhabitantes caule this Region Camomouus . Mariatambal. The Region of the eatte parte of that ryuer, is cau parıcora. led Camomorus : And that of the weſte parte, Paricora : in the mid lande wherof, thinhabitantes ſignified that there is greate Regions of plentie of golde: Fo?, folowynge this ryuer directly toward paria. the southe (as the bendynge of the thoje requyzed) they reco uered ageyne the lyght of the north pole. All the coatte of this bolde and tracte, perteynech to Paria, the which (as we layd before was perles. fyzt founde by Colonus hym (clfe, and hath in maner in euery place, greate abundaunce of pearles. They Cape that theſe Os Draconis. coates are adioynynge bnto,and all one with Os Draconis, and alſo božtherynge vppon the Regions of Cumand, Manacapánty Cur Cumante rian.1, Cauchieta, and Cuchibachoa. Wherfore they thought it to bce M.inacapand. parte of the firmc lande of india beyonge the ryuer of Gangesa Curiana For the greate and large coompaữe therof, dothe not permit The hole that it fulde bee an Jlande. Albeit, the hole earth vncouered earth largely with water, largely taken, may bee cauled an lande. From taken, maye the poynte of that land where they loſt the fight of the north bee cauled pole, faylynge by a continuall tracke abowte three hundjeth en glande. maragnonue leaques towarde the wette lyde of Paria, they ſay that almotte a ryuer of ers in the mydde way, they chaunced into a ryuer cauled Maragno. cead nge num, which they affirme to bee of ſuch crcedinge breadth, that Full of lands it myght ſecme incredible, if the antiquitie Dyd not make men jooke Seca de tion of the lyke. Beinge demaunded of me if it were not Calte $1.liber.it, water where it diuided the lande, they anſwered that the wa The fyrſt decade. 42 ter therof was very freſche and Tweete: And that the further it ranne, to bee foo muche the freſfper: alſo full of jlandes e homCome fywe. They dare auouche the breadth therof, to bee moze then thirtie leaques. yet if wee well weighe and conly: Borloftomea, der the largenes and wydenes of Borioſtomes and Spirioſtomes, the and Spirto: mouches of the famous ryuer of ifter (nowe cauled Danubius) thes of the howe farre they violate oz cozrupte the Calte water with their ryuer of Ds; frethenes, wee fall ceaſe to marucile, althowgh this other ry nubius, uer bee greater. for, who can diminyſibe the poure of nature, but that it may make this bigger then the other, and an other bygger then this. And I ſuppoſe this to bee the ryuer wher: of Colonus the admirall made mention in the diſcription of his byage in theſe coattes. But wee tall hereafter baue further the commo: knowleage hereof. Let us nowe therfoze returne to the com: dities of the modities of theſe Regions. They kownde in many glandes a kegions and bowte Paria, great woodbes of bzalile trees : And brought a: glandes 9: wape with them, three thouſande poundes weight thereof. Brafile. They ſay that the bzalile of Hiſpaniola, is muche better then this, to dye clothe with a moze fayze and durable colour. Fró henfe, folowynge the wynde (whiche the Spanyardes caule Nordueſt , and the g talians Graeco) they pated by many Flandes mani fruitful bery fruitefuli, yet lefte defolate and wated by reaſon of the Zlandes lefte crueltie of the Lantbales. For they went alande in many pla: defolate, ces, and fownde the ruines of many detroyed howles, yet in ſum places, they founde men, but thoſe exceаdinge fearefull, flyinge to the mountaynes, rockes, and wooddes at the ſight of query iraunger oz tippe, and wanderinge without houſes Canibales, oz certeyne abydinge places, for feare of the Laniballes lay: inge wayte and huntinge after them. Dere they founde thoſe great trees which of the ſelues in dyuers places bzinge fürth Trees of car the fruite oz (pice whiche the Apothecaries caule Caſſia fiftula : fia fiſtula. and that of noo lelle goodnes then that which the philitians miniſter to ſuch as bee diſeaſed with the ague.But it was not cipe at theyż beinge there. They afirme that there are trees of Tuche byggenes, that.rbi, men ioyninge handes togyther and Trees of mar ftandingean coompatre, can ſcarlely embzale ſum of them. E: uelous bygge monge theſe trees is fownde that monGrous beate with a a monſtroue ſnowte lyke a fore, a tayle lyke a warmaſette, eares lyke a beafte. batte, handes lyke a man, and feete lyke an ape, bearing her whelpes abowote with her in an owrwarde bellye muche lyke 1.ii. unto nes. The førſt decade. bito a greate bagge oz purſe. The deade carkas of this beat; you ſawe with me, and turned it ouer and ouer with yovre owne handes, marueylynge at that newe belly and wonder full pzomlion of nature. They ſay it is knowen by experience, that thee neuer letterh her whelpes goo owte of that purſe, er So ercept it bee cyther to play, oz to ſucke, bntyl ſuche tyme that : 00 they bee able to gette theyx ipuing by them ſelues. They tooke end this beate with her whelpes: But the whelpes dyed hoztely after in the Chyppes.yet the damme lined certeyne moonerhes: Alteracion of But at the length, not beinge able to abyde foo grcate altera ayer a chāge tion of ayer, and chaunge of meate, thee dyed alſo in the way. of But of this bcatte, wee hauc ſayde enowgh. Let us now ther foje returne to thc autoures of theſe chynges. Theſe twoo Pir es zoni, the uncle and the neute, fufteyncd mange great troubles among and horrible tempeltes and periltes in this nauigation. For es when they had nowe ſayled by the coattes of Paris abowte.vt. hundzeth leaques, and (as they ſuppoſed) beyonde the citie Cathay for 1 of Cathay and the coates of Eatte India beyonde the ryuer of the ryuer of Banges, there role ſoodenly foo fierce a tempete in the moo: fanges neth of july,that of the foure cacauels which they had with A ſhipwiake them, twoo were drowned euen beefože theyd eyes : and the by sempeft. thyyde lyenge at anker, with lyke foodennes caryed owte of theyz ſyght throwgh the violence of the tempette: The fourchi allo lyinge at anker, was ſoo taken and bèooled, that al che ſeames therof were almoll looled.yet came they to lande omt of this laſte fyppe, but ytterlye deſpayzynge of the typpe. Wherfoze conſultynge with them ſelues what was belt to bee doone in foo extrecme a caſe, and how to prouide them a Cafe Erereme re- dwellinge place in thoſe Regions beinge owt of al hope how deſperat care to departe from thenſe, they determined to fley all the inhabi tantes of the contrey nere abolte chem, Icafte they with the other thulde conſpire togyrher to kyl them, but they: foztune was better. Foz the cacauell which the tempefte had cacyed a way, was coome to them ageyne. This had in it. xviii. men: and the other that remayned, was laued and repayzed. With So theſe two thcrfoze, they tooks they, byage directly to Spaine and thus beinge topled with tempeftics and bered with aduer Cities, they returned to theyz natiue contrey of Pulas, to theyz wyues and childjen, the day before the watendes of October, with the lole of many of tbeyz dere frendes and neighbours. They The fytſt decade. 43 Cinamome they browght with them Linamome and gynger: but not ve: and synger ry good, bycauſe they were not there fully Crafoned with the heate of the ſoone before they brought them frõ thenſe. They blowght alſo, certeyne precious tones, whiche Baptiſte Elyſius. that ercellent philoſopher and yowre lozdelhippes philitian, atfirmeth to bee trewe stopaſes. After theſe mens returne, o ther of theyz neighbours beinge moued thereto by a certeyne Topafes, emulation, to proue yf theyz foztune wolde bee anye better, eng yua lyke men of good coage, beinge nothing diſcomforted by the wen of noble harde foztune of thy neighboures, knowinge that it often colage. symes chauncech that that which is one mans bndoinge is an- other mans makynge, attempted a newe byage towarde the A mother Lowthe by the coaſtes of Paria, fololvynge the ſteppes of Colo. Vyage mus the Admiral, who had fyzit difcouered the fame:They alſo browght with them greate plentie of Capſul fiſtula And fownde Anim. dburts, that precisas medecine cautod efthe Spanyardes, Anime albumi, whoſe perfume is of mod excellent effect to heale the vermes, mücres, and heanines af the beadc. As touchinge this byage as yet 31,kna we non other newes that 3 thought worthy to certifie-yowe of. Whecfozeigl byl nowe make an ende of this bpoke, bycaufe yow put me Co often i rememberance of your entoti departures Pet to accomplyſſhe the Decader 3 wplldeclare Tumwhae of the ſupertitions of Hifpaniola. Iyawe thall nowę The fuperftit jions of nir: therfoze vnderſtand the illufiqus wherwith the people of the paniola. lande haue byn ſeduced after the errours of the owlde gens the errours tilities and wandered in the ignezance and blyndenes of bit of the owlde mane nature corrupted by the Diſobedience of our fygt pauen gentilitie. tes, which hath remayned in all nations vpon the face of the carth zercept where it hath pleaſed god by thelyght of his fpi circa rite by his woolde, to pouce bppon his electe the grace of ter The grese of nouation, by the lyght wherof the naturali darkenes receas renouation, nech ſume cleatenes asinaglale, vntyll imperfection falbe legalos abolythed. Dwre men therefoze, were lange in the lande of babies Hiſpaniola, before they knowe that the people thereof honorede any other thynge the the lygbtes of heavenzo: had any other Religion. But when theyc had byne nowe longe conuerfante with them, and by vnderlandyng theic language,dzewc to a further familiaritie, they had knowleage that they vled by: Sutart uers rytes and ſuperfitions: 31 haue therfoze gathered there sho la fewe thynges folowynges obte of a booke wäytten by one soinu er noise Pamo: The fyrſt decade. ramenus an Ramonus an heremyte, whom Colonus had lefte with certeyne Keremyte. kynges of the 3lande to infruct them in the Lhuiftian fayth, And bycaule in maner their hole religion is none other thing 3dolatry and thengidolatry, I will begynne at they? Jboles. It is 3doles. therfoze apparente by the Images which they honour open: ly and commonly, that there appere vnto them in the nyghte Illuſions of ſeafons certeyne phantaſies and illuſions of cuyli ſpirites, euyi fpirites. ſeducinge them into many fonde and folythe errours. Foz they oldalo make certeyne Images of gođampine cotton foulded oz wie: Images of thed after they? maner, and harde ftopped within. Theſe 3: goſtampine mages they make fyrting, much lyke bnto the pictures of (pzi cotton. otes and deuelles which owr paynters are accutomed to paint bppon waules. But fogalmuch as J my Celfe ſent yowe fourt of theſe images, yowe may better prefently ſignifie unto the kynge yowre vncle, what maner of thynges they ares e howe lyke onto paynted deuellcs, then u can erpređe the ſame by Senies. wzytynge. Theſe Jimages,chinhabitantes caule Zemes: Whet younge des of the leatte, made to the lykenes of younge deuels, they bind uyls. to theyz forheades when they goo to the warres ageynot their enemies and for that purpoſe haue they thoſe frynges han: mediatours. gynge at them which yowe fee. Of theſe, they beleue to ob: Stepne rayne if rayne be lacking, and lykewyſe fayze wether. Foz they thinke that theſe Zemes are the mediatours and met Doſengers of the greate god, whom they acknowleage to be on: Only one god ly one, cternall, withowte ende, omnipotent and inuiſible, eternall. • Thus cuery kynge hath his particuler Zemes which he honou The names of god. reth. They caulc the eternall god, by theſe twoo names, locate nd, and Guamaonocon, as theyz piediceñours tawght them. Affic The father minge that he hath a father cauled by theſe fpue names that of godiis, Attabeisa, Mamond, Guacarapita, Liello, Guinozot. Rowe thall powt heare what they fable on the earth as touchinge the originall The ortginall of man. There is in the lande a Kegion cauled Caunand, whet of inan kynde they fayne that mankynde came fyzt obte of twoo caues of a mountayne: and that the byggelt lozte of men, came furth of the mouth of the byggeá caue, and the leaſt fojte owte of the leade caue. The rocke in the which theſe caues are, they caule Cauts. The greateſt denne, they name Cazibaxigud, and the lette fables muck Amaiauna. They ſay, that before it was lawful foz men to come bis tranffoz: foorth of the caue, the mouth of the caue was kepte and wat watíone. chcd nyghtly by a man whoſe name was Muchochsel. This Mc chochea The fyrſt decade. 44 obochael, departinge fumwhat farre from the caue to thintente to ſee what thynges were abiode, was loodenly taken of the Coonne (Whole fight he was fozbydden) and was turned into a tone. They fayne the lyke of dyuers other, that whereas they went foozthe in the nyghte ſeaſon a fydlhynge, ſo farre from the caue that they coulde not returne before the ryſynge of the Coone(the which it was not lawful foz them to behold) Froberen The original they were tranſfozmed into myzobalane trees, which of them lane trees. ſelues growe plentifully in the glande. They ſaye further: moze, that a certeyne ruler cauled Vagonions, fent one furth of the caue to goo a fyWhynge, who by lyke chaunce was turned into a nyghtyngale bycauſe the loonne was ryſen beefoze he the nightins came ageyne to the caue : And that yearelye abowte the ſame sale. tyme that he was turned into a bride, he dothe in the nyght with a moo nynge Conge bewayle his myſfoztune , and caule for the helpc of his mailltec Vagoniond. And this they thynke to bee the cauſe why that byzde lingeth in the night ſeaſon.But Vagonions, beinge ſoje troubled in his mynd foz the lote of his familier frende whom he loued foo intierly, Icauinge the mex in the caue, brought foozth onely the women with theyz Cuc: kynge chyldzen, leauinge the women in one of the flandes of that tracte, cauled Mithinino, and caryed the chylduen awaye The land of washinino. with hym: which pooze wzetches oppređed with famine,fain ted and remained on the banke of a certeine tyuer where they were turned into frogges, and tryed tod, tot, that is, mama, mia Children sure ned into frog mis as chyldzen are wont to crye foz the mothers pappe. And ges. hereof they ſay it commerh that frogges ble to cry ſo pytiful: ly in the ſprynge tyme of the yeare : and that men were (cat: tered abrode in the caues of Hifpaniola withowte the companye of women. They ſay alſo, that whereas Vagoniona hym Celfe, A ſpeciali was accuſtomed to wander in dyuers places, and yet by a (pe grace. ciall grace, ncuer tranſfozmed, deſcended to a certeyne fayze woman whom he ſawcin the bottome of the ſea, and recea: ued of her certeyne pibple fones of marble (whiche they caule cibas) and alſo certeine yelowe and bright plates of laron, whi che they caule Guaninos: Theſe thynges to this day are had in greate eđimation amonge the kynges, as goodly iewels and modt holy reliques. Theſe men whiche We Taybe befoze Were Holy reliques lefte in the caues withowte women, went furth in the nyght (as they ſay) to wathe them ſelues in a ponde of raine water and fale The fyrſt decade. and fame a farce of by the way a greate multitude of certelne bcates in thape (umwhat lyke bnto women, creping as thicke as antes aboute the myzovalane trees : And that as they at: women are tempted to take theſe beañes, they dypped obte of their hans flippery cat: tayle. des as they had byn yeles. Where vppon they conſulted, and ni wifedone dctermyned bychaduice of the elders, that al Cuche fhulde bee Gothe not by (owght foozthe amonge them, as were (cabbyd and lepzous, age. to thintente that with they? towghe and harde handes, they dryght thcſelyer take holde of them. Theſe men, they caule Caracaracoles: And ſente them foozthea huntinge to take there beautes. But of many which they tooke, they coulde keepe but only foure : The whichc as they wolde haue vſed for women, they fownde that they lacked womans pziuities. Wherefore caulinge thelders ageyne to counſayle, to conſult what were vere nedeth belte to be done in this caſe, thepz aduice was that the byrde rum tropolo: gicall inter: which wce caule the pye, fuld bce admitted with his bpll to pictour. open a place for that purpoſe, whyle in the meane tyme theſe men cauled Carácaracoles, thulde hould fad the womens thighes abzode with they cowgh handes. full wyſely therfoze was the pye pat to this ofice, and opened the womens pziuities, and hereof the women of the glande haue they? original and miche. Ofſpringe. But nowe doo j ceaſe to marucple that the owlde Brekes dyd fable and wzyte ſo manyé bookes of the people Myrmidones cauled Myrmidores, which they fayncò to bee engendzed of ans tes of pigemeres. Theſe and ſuche lyke, the ſagel and wyſeli preachers of the people, preache continually to the ſimple ſorte and re: for the peupl. herle the fame as motte holy ozacles. But it is yet moze chyl: byłthe that they fable as touchiuge thoriginall of the (ca. For they ſaye that there was once in the Flande, a man of greate vengeable power, whoſe name was laia : Whoſe only ſoonne being dead, greate gourd. he burped hym within a greate gourde. This Iaid, greujulpe takyng the death of his ſoonne, after a fewe moonthes, came agcyne to the gourde: The which when he had opened, there i hewed foorth many great whales and other monsters of the The originall Cea: where uppon he declared to ſuche as dwelt abowte'hym, of the ſea that the ſea was encloſed in that gourde. By which report, foure bjethren (borne of one woman who dycd in her trauail) beinage moucd, came to the gourde in hope ito haue many fyſ: Ches. The whiche when they had taken in theyz handes, and eſpied Iais comming, (who oftentymes relozted to the gourd The fyrſt decade. 45 ta wifet the boones of his foonne, fearing leati he thulde luf: pecte them of thefte and ſacrileage, ſodayncly let the gourde faule olote of theyz handes: which beinge broken in the faule the ſea furthwith bịake owte at the ryktes therof, and ſo fyla led the vales, e ouerilowed the playnes, that only the moun: The originali tapnes were vncoutered, whiche note conteyne the Illandes of Flandes, which are ſeene in thoſe coaftes. And this is the oppinion of theyz wyſe men as concernynge thoriginall of the ſea. But nowe (mot noble prince) you fall heare a moze pleaſaunt fa: ble. There is a certeyne caue cauled Iouanaboina, in the territo rye of a certeyne kynge whoſe name is Machinnecb. This caue they honour moze religiouſly then dyd the Brekes in tyme A holy caue. patte, Lorinth, Lyzcha, 02 Nyla: And haue adourned it with pictures of a thouſand faſhions.jn thenterance of this caue they have twoo grauen Zemes, wherof the one is cauled Bins tbaitch and the other Mirobu. Beinge demaunded why they had Images, . this caue in ſoo greate reuerence, they anſwered erneály, by: cauſe the Soonne and the moone came fyzit owt of the ſame the originan to gyue lyght to the woulde.They hauc religious concourſe to of the foone thele caues, as wee are accuſtomed to goo on Bylgramage to pylsramage. Rome 02 Waticane, Lompođele, 02 Dieruſalem, and mol ho: Iye and heade places of owre Religion. They are alſo ſubiect to an other kynde of ſuperdition. For they thinke that deade walkynge folkes walke in the nyght, and eate of the fruite cauled Guans Torytės. xaba, vnknowcn vnto us, and ſumwhat lyke vnto a quynſe. Afirmynge alſo that they are conuerſant with lyuing people, Incubi euen in theyz beddes, and to deceaue women in takynge vp: on pon them the ſhape of men, thewynge them ſelues as thowgh BIO they wolde haue to doo with them: But when the matter cõ: nieth to actual deede, Coodenly to vanyűhe away. If any doo A remedye de ſuſpecte that a deade body iyeth by hym when he fecloth anye seynft wal: fraunge chynge in the bedde, they ſay hee thalbe owt of dout kyns ſpätes. by feelynge of the belly thevof: aïfirmyng that the ſpirites of deade men may take vppon them al the members of mans bo- dy, Cauinge only the nauell. Jf therfore by lacke of the na: uell he doo perceaue that a deade body lyeth by hym, the fee: lynge is immediatly reſolued. They belcue verely, that in the nyght, and often tymes in theyz journeys, and eſpecially in common and hygh wayes, deade men doomcete with the lys uynge. Ageyntte whome, if any man bce toute and owte of La.. fcare The fyrſt decade. Phantaſies proceadynge feare, the phantaſye vanyltheth incontinentely. But pf anye of feare. feare, the phantaſy oz bylion doth foo atauts hym and ſtryke hym with further feare, that manye are thereby aftonyſõed and have the lymmes of theyz bodyes taken. Thinhaby, tantes beinge demaunded of whom they had thoſe vayne ſu: Al is notgood perſticions, they anſwered that they were lefte them of theyz that is owlde forefathers as by diſcent of inheritance: And that they haue had the ſame(befoze the memony of man) compoſed in certeine rymes and Conges, which it was lawful for none to lerne but onely the kynges foonnes, who commytted the ſame to mes Syngynge mozge, bycauſe they hadde neuer any knoweleage of letters. playinge Thele they ſynge beetože the people on certeyne ſolemne and fećtiuall dayes, as motte religious ceremonies : whyle in the mcane tyme they play on a certeyne inftrumente made of one hole peece of woodde fumwhat holowe lyke a tymbzell. Atheir Preeftes and diuines. pzceſtes and divines (whom they caule Boitios ) intructe them phiſicians. in theſe ſupertitions. Thelepzeeltes, are alſo phiſicians, di: uiſingé a thouſande craftes and ſubtylties howe to deceaue Ignorance is the ſimple people which haue them in greace reuerence for nozylhed they perſuade them that the Zemes vſe to ſpcake with theym with ſuper familierlye, and tel them of thynges to come. And if any haue ftition. bin ſicke ware recouered, they make them beleve that they ob: Fartynge and teyneb they? healthe of the Zemes . Theſe Boitii , bynde them outward clen Celucs to muche fattinge and owtewarde clеnlynes and pour. lynes. geinges : Eſpecially when they take vppon them the cüre of any Prince. Foz then they diynke the pouder of a certeyne A pouder of herbe, by whoſe qualitie they are d?puen into a furye: At Whi maruelous che tyme (as they ſay) they lerne many thynges by reuelation effecte. of the Zemes. Then, puttinge (ecreatly in they? mouthes, ey- ther a ttone, o? a bone, or a piece of bethe, they coomme to the Juggelynge , ficke perſon, commaundinge al to departe owte of that place, ercepte one oz twoo, whom it thalt plcaſe the ſicke man to ap: poynt. This doone, they goo about hym three or foure tymes, greatly defazminge chcy2 faces, lyppes, and noſethyils with A ſtrange ma ſunday fylthy greñures: blowynge, breathinge, and luckyng ner of curing the fozheade, temples, and necke of the pacient, wherby(they ſaye) they dzawe the eupll ayer from hym, and fucke the di: ſeale opt of his beyncs. Then rubbinge hym about the thout: ders, thyghes, and legges, and diawonge downe they? han: des cloſe by his fcete, holdinge them get fate togyther, they tunne The fyrſt decade. 4.6 tunne to the dóze beinge open, where they bncloſe and take to theyz handes, affirminge that they haue dzyuen away the dis ſeaſe, and that the pacient ſhall fortely bee perfectly retozed to health. After this, commynge behynde hym, he conueygh: eth the piece of filethe owte of his owne mouth like a iuggeler, and theweth it to the licke man, ſayinge, behoulde what you haue eaten to muche: you ſhall nowe bee hole, bycauſe 3 haue taken this from you. But if he intende yet further to deccaue Angery gode the pacient, he perſuadeth hymn that his Zemes is angry, ey: ther bycauſe he hath not buylded hym a chapell, oz not hono: red hym religioudy, oz not dedicated vnto him a groue oz gar den. And if it ſoo chaunce that the ſicke perſon dye, his kinl. They make folkes by wytchecrafte enfozce the deade to confeïe whether the deade to he dyed by naturall deltenye, 02 by the neglygence of the Bois ſpeake. eius, in that hchad not fated as he thulde haue doone, O2 not mynittred a conuenient medicine for the diſeaſe. Soo that yf attoos this philitian bee founde fautie, they take reuenge of hym.DE the ftones oz bones which theſe Boitii carye in theyz mouthes, yf the women can coome by them, they keepe them religiondy beleaninge them to bee greatly effectuall to helpe women whilo oglasi che trauayle with chylde: And therfoze honoure them as they doo theyz Zemes. Foi dyuers of thinhabitantes, honour Zemes es die Diyers Idols of dyuers falfhions. Sume make them of woodde, as they of fundir were admonylhed by certegne bilions apperinge vnto them in ſhape. the wooddes. Other, whiche haue receaned anſwere of them amonge the rockes, make thé of ttone and marble. Sum they make of rootes to the ſimilitude of Cuche a3 appeace to them when they are gathering the rootes cauled Ages, wherof they make theyz bzeade, as we haue fayde befole. Theſe Zemes, they belcue to ſend plentie and frutefulnes of thoſe rootes, as the antiquitie beleued ſuche fayzies o? [pirites as they cauled fayzies or foi Dryades, Hamadryades, Satyros, Panes, and Nereides, to haue the cure and rites of the prouidence of the ſea, wooddes, (płynges and fountaynes, sentyles. aligninge to cuery thynge, theyz peculier goddes. Euen (oo doo thinhabitantes of this glande attribute a Zemes to euery goddes. peculier thynge, ſuppoſinge the ſame to gyue eare to theyz inuocati: ons. Wheyfozeas often as the kynges aſke counſaile of their Zemes as concerning their warves, increaſe of fruites oz (carl: faile of Jdois τρες ake co nes,o2 health and ſickenes, they enter into the houſe dedicate to therz Zomes, where, Inuffinge vp into they2 noſethryls the 09.11, pouder The fyrſt decade. Che houder of the herbe pouder of the herbe cauſed Cohobba (Wherioith the Botii are dzy Cohobba. uen into a furye) they ſay that inmediatly they ſee the houſes turne topſy turuye, and men to walke with they, heelcs vp: warde:of luche force is this pouder btterly to take away all ſenſe. As ſoone as this maddenes ceaſeth, he embraſerh his knees with his armes, holdynge downe his heade. And whë hchath remayned thus a whylc atony(ched, he lyfteth vp his obes y heade as one that came newe owt of deepe : and thus loking vp towarde heauen, fyzd he fumbcleth certeyne confounded woozdts with hym felfe. Then certeyne of the nobilitie og Secreate mis chiefe gentelmen that are about him (foz none of the common ſteries, people are admytted to theſe myfteries) with lowde voyces gyue tokens of retoyling that he is returned to them from the (poache of the Zemes, demaundynge of hym what he hathe feene. Then hee openinge his mouthe, doateth that the Zemes Revelations. Epake to hym duryng the tyme of his traunce : Declaring that he had reuelations eyther concerninge victorye 02 detruction: famyne o2 plentie: health oz (yckenes, or what loo euer hap: peneth fyzů on his toonge. Nowe (motte noble Prince) what The ſpirite of neede you hereafter to marneyle of the ſpirite of Apollo (oo this apollo. kynge his Sibylles with extreme furie : yowe had thought che Sibilles that the ſuperſtitious antiquitie hadde perythed. But nowe (wheras 3 baue declared thus much of the Zemes in generall; thowght it not good to lette paữe what is ſayde of them in particuler. They ſaye therefore, that a certeyne kynge cauled 3 haue harde the lyke of c: Guamaretus, had a Zemes whoſe name was Corochotum: who (they ther in £ng: ſay) was often tymies woonte to deſcende frome the hyghette lande. place of the houle where Guamirctus kepte hym fađe bounde. They affirme, that the cauſe of this his breakynge of his ban Hungery and des and departure, was cyther to hyde hym ſelfe, oz to goo lecherous ſoeke foz meate, on els foz the acte of generation : And that gods. 1 Cumtymes bciuge offended, that the kynge Guamaretus had byn na negligent and Wacke in honouringe hym, he was woont to lye hyd foz certeync dayes. They ſay alſo that in the kynges by lage there are ſumtyme chylduen borne hauing twoo crownes Childre with which they ſuppoſe to bee the childjen of Corochotum the Zemes. wo crownes ahey fayne lykewpſe, that Guamaretus beinge ouercome of his enemies in the battayle, and his bylage with the palaice cons ſumed with fyer, Corochotus bzake his bandes and was after: Warde founde a furlonge of, ſafe and withowte hurte. De hach The fyrſt decade. 47 hath alſo an other Zemes cauled Epileguanita, made of woodde, in thapelyke a foure footed beafte: who alſo is fayde, often randeringe tymes to haue gonne from the place where he is honoured, in Images. to the wooddes. As ſoone as they perceaue him to bee gonne, a great multitude of them gather togyther to ſeeke hym with deuoute p?ayers: And when they haue fownde hym, bạynge hym home religiouſly on theyż mulders to the chapell dedica: ted vnto hym. But they coomplayne that ſence the commynge of the Chriſtian men into the Jlande, he fledde for all togy: ther, and coulde neuer ſence bee founde, wherby they diuined the deſtruction of they, countrey. They honoured an other Ze mediatours, mes in thelykenes of a woman, on whom wapted twoo other lyke men, as they were minifters to her. One of theſe, erecu: ted thoffice of a mediatour to the other Zemes which are under A woman ze: mes of great the power and commaundement of this woman, to tayle wyn poure. des, cloudes, and rayne. The other is alſo at her commaunde mente a međenger to the cther Zemes whiche are ioyned with her in gouernaunce, to gather togyther the waters whiche Eaule from the hygh hylles to the valleys, that beinge looſed, they may with fozce byna owte into greate fudbes and ouer- flowe the countrey if the people doo not gyue due honoure to her image. There rernayneth yet one thynge woozthy to bee noted, wherwith we wyll make an ende of this booke. It is a thunge well knowen, and yet frelthe in memory amonge tye inhabitantes of the lande, that there was ſumeryme twoo fylke sayes kynges (of the which one was the father of Guarionexius of whő faſtinge. we made mention befoje) which were woont to abûcyne fyue dayes togyther continually from meate and drinke, to knowe Cumwhat of they: Zemes of thynges to coome : And that for ilution of the Amarueloug this fagynge beinge acceptable to they? Zemes, they receaned deuyli . anſwere of them, that within fewe yeares, there ſhuld coome to the Flande a nation of men couered with apparell, which thulde deſtroye al the cuſtomes and cerynionyes of the 3 land. and eyther aey all they: chyldren, oz bzynge them into (ecui: The dcuyll tude. The common ſort of the people, vnderttoode this ogacle fumtyme cel: to bee mente of the Lambales. And thevefore when they had leth truth. any knowleage of they, commyng, they euer Redde, and were fully determyned neuer more thaduenture the battayle withi them. But when they ſawe that the Spanyardes had entered into the glande, conſultinge amonge them ſelues of the mats tcc The fyrſt decade. ter, they concluded that this was the nation thich was met Che dola by thoracle. Wherin, theyz opinion deccaued them not. Foz aboyihcd. they are nowe all fubiecte to the Lhriſtians, all ſuche beinge daync as toobernely refifted. No? yet remayneth there anye memory of they? Zemes : fo? they are al brought into Spayne, that we myght bee certified of they, illuſions of eupl ſpirites and jdoles, the which yowe yowre (clic (moſt noble pzince) haue (eene and felte when 3 was preſente with yowe. 3 let paữe many thynges bycauſe yow put me in remembrance that to mozowe yowe take yowre iorney towarde yowte countrey, to buynge home the queene yowre aante, whom yowe accoom: panyed hether at the commaundemente of kynge ffrcderyke yowre vncle, wherfoze 3 byd yowe farewel foz this tyme, des fyzynge yowe to remember yowre Martyr, whome yowe haue compelled in the name of the kynge yowre vncle, to gathes theſe fewe thynges owte of a large feelde of hyttozycs. Cthe tenth and latte booke of the fyza decade, as a cots cluſion of the former bookes: Wżytten to Inacus Iopez Mendocius, countie of Tendilld, and vice: roye of Granats 2015 I thje fyz& begynnynge and nelwe attempte, when Colonus had taken bppon bym chentec pzple to ſearch the Dcean ſea,j was erneſt: ly moued and requyzed by the letters of cera teyne of my frendes and noble men of Rome to wzyte Cüche thynges as thoulde happen. For they whyCpered with greate admiracis on, that where as there were many newe landes founde, and Che Lawe of nations which liued naked and after the lawe of nature, they Bafure. coulde here noo certentie therof, beinge greately delyzous of theſame.In this mcane tyme had foztune ouerthrowne Aſcani wilayne in us (hisbrother Lodouike beinge cat owt of egylayne by the she hands of Frenchmen) whoſe autozitie wold not ſuffer me to bee idle, buc she frenchmé euer to haue my pen in hande. To hym i wzyte the twoo fyzt bookes of this decade, belyde many other of my hyd commens taries whiche yowe ſhall lee choztely. Ffoztune dyd noo lelle withdrawe my mynde frome wzycynge, then diĝurbe Aſcanius from power. As he was toffed with contrary toymes and cea The fyrſt decade. 4.8 fed to perſuade me,euen foo Nacked my feruentnes to enquyze any further, vntyl the yeare of Lhuile. 1500. When the court remayned at Granat:t where yowe are biceroye : át which time Lodouike the Lardinail of Aragonie, neuie to kynge fredes rikc by his brothers (yde (beinge at Grantte with the queene Parthenopet the ſyſter of owre catholike kynge) browght me kynge Frederikes letters, wherby he erhozted me to fyrrythe the other bookes whiche folowed the twoo epytell bookes, Epiſtel booke which 3 wzyte to Aſcanius. Foz they both acknowleaged that they hadde the copie of all that 3 Wuyte to cardinall Aſcanius. and albeit that eucn then j was ſicke (as yowe knowe) yrt fookethe burden vppon me, and applyed my ſelfe to wzy: tynge. 3 haue therfoze choſen theſe fewe thynges, owts of a greate heape of ſuche as ſeemed to mc molt woozthy to bee no ted amonge the large wozytynges of the autoures and ſeara chers of the ſame. Wherfoze, fozaſmuch as yowe haue endes uoured to wzelte owt of my handes the hole eremple of al my woozkes, to adde the fame to the innumerable volumes of yowre libzaric, J thowght it good nowe to make a bzcefe re: herCall of thoſe thynges which were done from that yeare of the hiſtorye a thowſande and fyue hundzeth, euen unto this yeare which folowing, com is the tenth from that. Foz entende to wzyte moze largelye tegneth che of theſe thynges hereafter, if god graunte me lyfe. 3 hadde actes of terg yegre, wzytten a hole booke by it ſelfe of the ſuperſtitions of the peo ple of the ülande, ſuppoſinge therwith to haue accomplywood the hole Decade conſiſynge of tenne bookes. But I haue ad ded this to the tenthe as a perpendiculer lyne, and as it were a backe guyde oz cerewarde to the other: So that yowe may knytte the fyzit tenthe, to the nynthe, and impute this to oc: cupie the place of the tenthe to fyll vp thc Decade. This 03. der haue 3 appoynted, lekt 3 thulde bee compelled oftcu times to wzyte ouer the hole woolkc, oz ſende yowe the ſame defa: ced with blottes and interlynynge. But nowe let vs coome to owre purpoſe. The thippe matters and maryners ranne ouer many coattes durynge theſe tenne yeares: But euer folowed ſuche as were fyzde fownde by colonus, Foz raſinge continual paris, part of iy alonge by the tracte of Paria, which they beleue to bee parte the firmelad of the firme lande oz continent of catte India, fume of theym of Eaſt India chaunced vppon certeyne newe landes towarde the eađe, and Sume towarde the wcłe, in which they fownde bothe goulde and The fyrſt decade. Solder fran- and frankenlence. For they browght from thenfe many icit: kenrence. els and ouches of golde, and greate plentie of frankenlence, which they had of the people of thoſe countreys, parcely for erchange of ſume of owre thynges, and partely by fozce, ouer the fierces commynge them by warre. Yet in fume places, althowgh they nes of the ta bce naked, they ouercame owre men, and lewe hole armyes. ked people. For thcy are ercedinge fierce, and ble benemous arromes, and longe taucs lyke iauelens, made harde at the ende with fyer. Innumerable They fownde many beates, boch creepinge and foure footed, beaſtes vn: muche differinge from owres, variable and of Cundzye ſhapes lyke ynto innumerable: yet not hurtflul, excepte Lyons, Tygers, and owies. Crocodiles. This 3 meane in Cündzy Regions of that greate lande of Parit: but not in the Flandes: N200 not (oo much as Nothing hurt one. fol all the bcattes of the Jlandes, are mceke and with: full in the 3. owte hacte, eccept men which (as wee haue Cayde) are in mas landes. ny glandes dcuourers of mans ilelfhe. There are allo dyuers kyndes of foules.And in many places battes of ſuch bygnes, Pattes as that they are equall with turtle doues. Thoſe battes, haue bysse as tur- often times alauted men in the nyght in they? Reepe, and loo tle doyes. bytten them with they? venemous teethe, that they haue byn therby almotte dzyuen to madnes, in loo much that they haue byn compelled to âye from ſuch places, as from rauenous har pies. Jnan other place, where certeyne of them depte in the nygbt ſeaſon on the ſandes by the ſea ſyde, a monter com: A man deuou mynge owte of the ſea, came uppon one of them ſecreatly and red of a mon: caryed hym away by the myddelte owte of the light of his fe: Ster of the ſea lowes to whome he cryed in vayne for helpe vntyll the beate lepte into the ſea with her praye. It was the kynges pleaſure The Spany: that they chulde remayne in theſe landes, and buyide townes ardes piofer and foutrelles. Where vnto they were loo wel wyllynge, that to Tubdue the dyuers pzofered them (elues to take vppon them the ſubduing newe landes. of the lande, makyng great ſute to the kynge that they might bee appoynted therto. The coate of this tracte is erceadynge Rote the lar: greate and large: and the Regions and landes therof ertende genes of the maruelous farre: Soo that they affirme the centinent of theſe newe landes. Regions with thcglandes abolote the ſame, to bee thryſe as bygge as al Europe, belyde thoſe landes that the potugales Commendaci haue fownde ſouthwarde, whiche are allo erceadynge large. on of the a herfoze doubtleđe Spayne hathe deſerued greate prayle in Spaniardes. theſe owrc dayés, in that it hath made knoben bnto vs ſoo many The fyrſt decade. 49 many thollandes of Antipodes which lepe hyd before and utt. Antipodes, knowven to owre forefathers : and hath thereby mynyfred o large matter to wozyts of, to ſuche icrned loyttes as are Delp: tous to ſette furthe knowleage to the commoditie of men : to whom 3. opened away when I gathered theſe thynges rudely to gyther as yowe fee: the which, nienertheleđe 3) trutt yowe wyli take in good parte, afwell foz that I can not adourne my rudenes with better velture, as alſo that 7 nenter tooke the autourg ercuite. penne in hande to w?yte lyke an hitoviographer, but only by epiftels (cribeled in hatte, to ſatiſfie theym, from whoſe com: maundementes 3 myght not diawe backe my foote. But now I haue digreded chowghe. let vs noive therefoje returne to Hiſpaniold. Dwre men haue founde by crperience, that the Hifpmioks bzeade of the gland is of (maulc trength to ſuch as haue byste bieb to olor bycade made of wheate: And that they arenthesia were much decayed by vſynge of the ſame, wherfoze the king Thenature of hath of late commaunded that wheate thulde bcelowen there the place, ale in diuers places and at ſundzy tymes of the yeare.It groweth tereth thc foz into holowe reedes, with fewe eares, but thoſe werye bygge mes and qug: and frutefull. They fynde the lyke ſoftenes of delicatencs to licies of bee in herbes, which growe there to the height of cozne. Peat thynges. wheate. By cattall, bocoome of bygger Nature and exceadynge fat, but berbcs. they: fleſte is more bnſauery, and thryz bones (as they ſay) Catayle, cyther withowte marye, 02 thcfame to bee berpe waterylihe. But of hogges and ſmyne, they affirme the contrarye, that posses. : they are moze holloome and of better tale, by reaſon of cer: tepne Wylde frutes whiche they cate, bringe of muche better noozyſhement then malte. There is almoſt none other kynd of felfbe commonly coulde in the market. The multitude of hog: ges, are excedingly encreaſed, , and becoome wylde as foone as they are owte of the lwyneheardes keepynge. They haue beaſtes and picntie of ſuche plentie of beattes and foules, that they thall heareafter foule. haue noo neede, to have any bżought from other places, shin creaſe of all beattes, growe bygger then the bioode they came of, by rcalon of the rankenes of the pature, althowgh theyz fcadynge bee only of graſe, withobre ryther barley or other grayue. But wee haue fayde enowgh of Hiſpaniold. They haue Cuba, is an nowe fownde that Cubt, (which of longe tyme they thowght Jiande, to haue byn firme lande foz the greate length therof) is an 33 lande, pet is it noo macuell that thinhabitantes them ſelues Pin towlde The fyrſt decade. towide owrē men when they (carched the length therof, that it was withowte ende. Foz this nacion being naked and con: tente with a lyttle, and with the limitres of theyz owne con: trey, is not greatly curyous to know what they neyghbours doo, of the largenes of they, dominion. Noz yet knele they if there were any other thinge vnder heaven, belyde that bhi The deferip: che they walked on with they feete. Cuba, is fcome the Latte sion of Cuba. into the Wette, mucho longer chen Hiſpaniola : And in breadthe from the Mothe to the Southe, much teile then they ſuppo: ſed at the fyztt: fol it is very narowe in reſpecte to the length: and is for the motte parte, very frurefull and pleaſannt.tatts barde not farce from Hiſpaniol.t, there lyethe an glandc, lede Che Zland of then Hiſpuniolt moze then by the halfe, which owre men cauled Burichema oz Sancti Iobannis , beinge in manec (quare. Jn this they founde es S. Johannis. so[de mynes cedynge ryche golde mynes. But beinge nowe occupied in the golde mynes of Hiſpaniold,, they haue not yet fent labourers in to that iland. But the plentie and reuenewe of golde of al o: ther Regions, gyue place to Hiſpaniola, where they gyue theim che order of woorkynge in ſelues in maner to none other thynge then to gather golde,of the golde which woorke this older is appopnted. To euery Cuch löyttie mynes. and (kylfull man as is put in trußte to bee a ſuruoier oz ouers ſeer of theſe woozkes, there is aưigned one or moze kynges The kynges , of the lande With theyz ſubiectes. Theſe kynges accozdyng biynge they? to theyz league, coome with theyz people at certeyne tymes of fobiectes to woozke in the the yeare, and relozte euery of them to the golde myne to the golde mynes. which he is aligned: where they haue all maner of Bygginge og myninge tooles delivered them: And euery kynge with his men, haue a certepne rewardc alowed them for theyz labour. Collage for when they departe from the mynes to Co wynge of cozne, and other tyllage (wherunto they are addict at certeyne other tymes, leađc they, foode fulde fayle them) they receaue fog theyz laboure, onc & tecken, oz a dublet, another a therre, an other a cloke oz a cappe, Foz they nowe take pleaſure in theſe thenges, and got no moze naked as they were wont too doo, And thus they ble the helpe and laboure of the inhabitantes both for the tyllage of their ground, and in theyz gold mines as thowghe they were theyz (eruauntes or bondemen. They beare this yoke of feruitude with an euyli wyll: but yet they beare it. They caule theſe hyzed labourers, Anaborits . per the kynge doth not ſuffer that they fulde bee bled as bondement: Solo) and The fyrſt decade. 50 And onely at his pleaſure they are ſette at libertie oż appoyna ted to woozkc. at ſuche tyme as they are cauled together of Theyabhorre thepi kynges to woolke (as Couldiers Ol pioners are allem: laboure bico of theyz centurians)niany of them icle away to the moun taynes and wooddes, where they lye luckynge, beinge con: tont for that tyme to lyue with wyld frutes, rather then take the papnes to laboure. They are docible and apte to lerne, and they are dos haue nowe wtterly forgotten theyz owlde fuperfticions. They cible. beleuc godly, and beare wel in memory ſuche thyuges as they hane lerned of owre faith. Theyz kynges childien are brought The kynges bp with the chiefeſt of owre men, and are inttructed in letters chyldrer. and good maners. When they are growen to mans age, they Cende them home to the countreys to bee cremple to other, and eſpecially to gouerne the people if they fathers bee dcad also that they maye the better ſet foozthe the Chzilian Religion, and kcepe they, ſubiectes in loue and obedience. By reaſon whereof, they coome nowe by fayze meanes and gentell per: ſuaſions to the myncs which lye in twoo Regions of the 3: lande aboute thirtie myles diftante frome the citie of Dominica: Che two wherof the one is cauled Sancti Chriftophori : And the other being chiefe golde diđante aboute foure (coze and tenne myles, is cauled cibaud, myres of her not farre from the cheefe hauen cauled Portus Regalis. Theſe te paniola. gions are very large:Jn the which in many places here and there, are fownd ſumtyme euen in the upper crutt of the earth solde founde and lumtyme amonge the ftones, certeyne rounde pieces od in the Opper plates of golde, ſumryme of (maule quantitie, and in Cum plă part of the ces of great weyght : Jn ſo muche that there harh byn found earth. rounde pieces of three hundzeth pounde weyght, and one of thzee thouſande, thzee hundjeth and tenne pounde weyght: & pfece of The whiche (as yowe harde) was ſente hole to the kynge in golde weighs that thyppe in the which the gouernour Boadilla was comining thouſande bome into Spayne, the lyppe with all the men beinge dżow: thise hüdreth ned by the way, by reaſon it was ouer laden with the weight i ten pounds. of golde and multytude of men. Albeit, there were moo then I coaſtly ſhip a thowclande perſons whiche ſawe and handeled the piece Wieke, of golde. And wheras here I ſpeake of a pounde, 3 doo not meane the common pounde, but the ſumme of the ducate of golde, with the coyne cauled Triens, which is the thyzde parte of a pounde, whiche they caule Peſus. The ſum of the weyght Pefusa hereof, the Spangardes caule Caſtellanum Aureum. Al the golde p.ii, that The fyrſt decade. fyrrynge and altrburi that ts dygged in the mountaynes of cibid and poolfe Ke on of golde. gale, is carved to the towrc of Conception, where choppes with al thynges apperteyninge are tedy furnylhed to fyac it, melte it, and catte it into wedges. That doone, they take the kynges poztion theraf, which is the fyfte parte, and loo to: loze ro cuery iman his owne whiche he gotte with his labour. 8000 But the golde lvhiche is founde in Taynt Chriftophers myne and the Region there abonte, is caryed to the ſhoppes whiche three hun: are in the vilage cauled Bonduentunt. Ju theſe twoo thippes, is deth thourão molten perely, abonc three hundreth thouſand pounde weight Weyght of of golde. 3f any man bee knowen deceatefully to keepe backe gold molten perely in hit: any portion of golde, whereof he hathe not made the kynges paniola. officers puyute, he forfitech the ſame for a fyne. There chaunce Controuerſes amonge them aften tymes many contentions and controuer: fies, the whiche oniette the magiſtrates of the Flande dos fy: nylthe, the caſe is remoued by applelation to the hyghe coun: ſayle of the courte, from whoſe ſentence it is not lawfull to appele in all the dominions of Caftyle. But lette vs nowe res benewe turne to the newe landes frome whenſe wee haue digretted. landes. They are innumerable, dyuers, and erceadynge foztunate. wherfoze the Spanyardes in theſe owre dayes, and they, no The Spany: ble enterpzples, doo not gyue place cyther to the factes of S.com srdes noble surnus, oz Hercules, of any other of the ancient princes of famous enterozyres. are not inferi memorie which were canonized amonge the goddes cauled Hem our to the roes foz theyz (carchinge of newe landes and regions, & brin: actes of ner: ginge the ſame to better culture and ciuilitie. Dh Bod: howe cules o: Sa: large and farre Chal owre pofteritie ſee the Lhriftian Religion turnus.70. errcnded:bowe large a campe haue they nowe to wander in, Enlarging of whiche by the trewe nobilitic that is in theyn, og mooucd by the Chriſtian bertue, wyll attempte eyther to deſerue lyke payſe amonge The originalt men, of reputacion of well doinge before god. What 3 cong of trewe nobi ceaue in my mynde of thelethynges,3 am not able to erpređe Ittie, Inith penne op tonge. 31 wyll towe therfoze loo make an ende of this perpendiculer concluſion of the hole Decade, as myn: dinge hereafter to ſearche and gather euery thunge particuler lye, that 3 maye at fuccher teaſure wżyte the ſame moze at large. Foz Colonus the Admiral with foure lyppes, and a hun Dzech threeſcoge and tenne men appoynted by the kynge, dils couered in the yeare of Chritte. 1520. the lande ouer ageyndte the belle cozner af cubes. ditant from the fame aboute a huns dzeth eness! Г. The førſt decade. $1 Dieth and thirtie leaques :J] the myddeft of which tracte,ly: The glande. of eth an glande cauled Guanaji. from henſe he directed his by: age backewarde towarde the Eade by the thoje of that coatt, fuppofinge that he fulde haue founde the coaftes of Paris : byt it chaunced otherwyſe. Et is ſayd alſo that Vincentius Agnes en (of whom we haue (poken befoze) and one Iohannes Diaz (with dyucrs other of whole byages 31 have as if the wyage yet to certcyne knowleage) haue ouer y of Johannes runne thoſe coaffes, But if Bod 10 graunt me life, I trud to know the 337 9110010 truthe hereof and to aduertiſe yoboe of the ſame w Thus candidaad insamle farc ye well. 319erschio 11910st oth do 2001 TE C The ſeconde Decade foloweth, 11 0101 3 sont 0193, 20 HE FYRST BOOKE OF THE SECONDE COD ccade, to Leo bylihop of Rome, the tenthe of that name, of the ſuppoſed Lon: 1 tinent oz firme lande. ENSE the tyme that Galeatius Butrigarius of Bo: nonie, and Iohannes Curfius. of Florence (mofte holye father) came to the catholyke kynge of Spayne, the one, of yowre holyncs ambalagens and chother for thataires of his câmon welth, was cucr for the molte parte in they, coom: panit, and for theyz vertucs and wyledoome, had theym in greate reuerence. And wheras they were greatly gyuen to Itu dye, and continuall reuoluinge of dyuers autours, they chaun ced vppon certeyme bookes negligently let flyppe obte of my handes, entrcatinge of the large landes and Regions hether Hapura to ipinge hyd, and almot beg Antipodes, fownde of late by the weſt Saripo Spanyardes. yet beinge allured and delited with the newe: dés, nes and trangenes of the matter althowgh rudely adourned, they commended the ſame: Cherboith ernedtely delyzinge me P.tit, The ſeconde decade. in their owne names, and requyring me in the name of yolót at holynes, to adde here vnco all ſuche thynges as were fownde after that tyme, and to gyue them a copic thereof to ſende to yowre holynes, that yowe myght therby underſtande, bothe The increaſe howe greate commoditie is chaunced to the progenye of mana of the Chifti: kynde, as alſo increaſe of the militante congregation in theſe an-congrega: oldre dayes, by the foştanate enterpłyles of the kynges of tion: 00 10 Spayne. for lyke as raſed ol vnpaynted tables, are apte to receaue what fozmes (oo euer are fyzdiawen theron by the hande of the paynter, even loo theſe naked and ſimple peo: ple, doo ſoone receaue the cuttomes of obre Religion, and by conuerſation with owremen, fake of they: fierce and natiua barbarouſnes. 3 hauc thowght it good therefore to ſatiſfie the requeſt of theſe wyle men, eſpecially vlinge thautozitie of yowre name, whecunto not to haue obeyed, 3 Thulde eſteeme my ſelfe to hauc commytted a heynous offence. Wherefoze 3 wyl nowe bzefely reherſe in ozder, what hyd coaltes the Spa tiyarbcs ouerranne, who were the autours therof, where they retted, what further hope they browght, and fynallye what great thynges thoſe tractes of landes doo promene intyme to coome. In the declaration of my decade of the ocean, which is nowe printed and diſperſed throughowte Lhziftendome Chriſtophorus bnwares to me, I deſcribed howe Chriſtophorus Colonus fownde Colors. thoſe Jlandes wherof we haue ſpoken, and that turnynge from thence towarde the lefte hande ſouthwarde, he chaun: of landes di: ced into greate regions of laudes, and large feas, dilant fro ftante frõ the the Equinoctial lyne,onely from fyue degrees to tenne:where from fylle de he founde brode ryuers and exceаdinge hygh mountaynes co: srces to ten. uered with (nowe and harde by the ſea bankes, where were The death of many commodious and quyet hauens. But Colonus being now Colonus, Departed owte of this lyfe, thekynge beganne to take care, hole thoſe landes myght be inhabited with Chritian men to I generall thincreaſe of owre fayth: Where vppon he gaue licence by his lycence. letters patentes to al ſuch as wolde take the matter in hand, and eſpecially to twoo, wherof Diego Nicueſt was one, and the The nauigatt other was Alphonſus Fogedit. Wherfoze aboute the des of De: on of Alphon cember, Alphonfus departinge fyzt with three hundzech Couldt fue fogeda. ers from the Flande of Hiſpaniok (in the which wee fayde the Spanyardes had builded a citie, and planted they, habitaci: on) and ſaylynge in maner full ſourhe, he came to one of the hauens The ſeconde decade. Hauens founde before whiche Colonus named Portus Carthaginis, Portus Carthese bothe bpcauſe of the Jlandé ftandynge ageyntte the courſe of ginis. the ſtreame, allo that by reafon of the largenes of the place and bendynge fydes, it is muche lyke to the hauen of Spaine cauled Carthago. Thinhabitantes caule the gſlande Codego, as the Spanyardes caule the zilande of theyz hauen, Scombrid. This Region is cauled of the inhabitantes Garumairi: yn the The Regione which they affirme bothethe men and women to bce of good: of Caramairi. ly âature, but naked. The men haue they? heace curte rownde people of by thepz eares, but the women were it longe. Bothe the men goodlyftature and women are very good archers. Dwre men fownde certen og 10010 trees in this prouince, which boze greatc plentie of llocetc ap: ann ples, but hurteful, foz they turne into woymes when they ate Apples whic che turne in eaten, típecially the thadowe of the treey is contagidus, for to woozmes. ſuche as deepe vnder it any tyme,baue theyz headdes fbolne A tree whore and loſe theyz light. But if they acepe but a whole, they ſhadowe is [yght commerh ageyne after a fewe dayes. This porte is by: kisrefull. tant foure hundzcth fyftie and ſyre myles from that parte of Hiſpaniold which the Spanyardes caule Beatd, in the which allo they furnylihe them ſelues when they prepare anye byage to feeke other newe landes. When Fogeda had entered into the hauen, he inuaded, acwe, and fpoyled the people, lbhome he founde naked and ſcattered. Foz they were gyten høm foz a fogeda his p?ape, by the kynges letters parentes bycauſe they hadde bin attoutie come befoze tyme crucl ageynſt the Lhriftians, and coulde neuer bee kynces let: alluced to permytte them quietly to coome within theyz domis ters patents, nions. There they founde gold, but in no greate quantitie, noz pet that pure. They makc of it, certeyne byett plates and bioo ches, which they weace for coomelynes. But Fogeda not cons tent with theſe (poytes, vlinge certeync captiues whiche he had taken before, fou guydes, entered into a vyilage tw clue myies ditante frome the lea (yde further into thelande, into 1915 the whiche thep were Gedde whom he fyfti inuaded. Here he warlyke founde a naked people, but apre ro barre. (foz they were are people, med with targettes, thieldes, longefwoordes made of woods and bowes bith arrowes typte with bones op ontdened with fyct, as ſoone as they had eſpred obro men, they with theit 0910:13 gettes whom they had receaucd, atayled them with deſperate myndes, beinge therto może erneſtly prouoked, beholding the sound sup calamitie of theſe whiche diedde into thcyın, by the violence 51031 doone $2 The ſeconde decade. boone fo theyz women and chyldzē, in the ſpoyle and Nalfgh The Spary tcr. 9n this condicre owre men had the otherthrowe: In the ardes haue which, one Iohannes de Lacojft (bringe in autozitie neste vrto ko the ouer chrome. geda the capitapne, and alſo the fyztie that gathered golde iu the ſandes of Vruba) bas dayne with fyftie Couldicts. Foz theſe pcople infecte they arrowes with the deadly popſon of Arromes in fected with a certeyne herbe. The other with thepz capitayne Fogeda be poyron. inge diſconfited, fledde to the topppes. Whole they remayneb thus in the hauen of. Carthago Lozowfull and penſyue for the Tootgos 4 lote of their companions, the other capitapne Diego Nicuefán The nauigats On of DIEGO (Whom they leftc in Hiſpaniola, pzeparyngbym Celfe towarde Nicueta. the vyage in the hauen Bedra) (came to theist with fyne ſhip: 05 pes and Ceuen hundzether foure fcoze and fyftecne menne. Foz the greater numbec, of ſouloyers, folowed Nicueſa, o both bycauſe free libertie was gyuen them to chooſe which of 3 so the capytaynes them lytt, and alſo that by teacon of his age, s he was of greater autozitie : But eſpecially bycauſe the tu: The regions moure was that Beragua beinge by the kynges commiſſion ap: Leragua. pornted to Nicuefa, was rycher in golde then Vrtha añigned to Alphonfus Fogedit. Therfore, at the arrpuall of Nicueſa; they cons ſulted what was befte to bee doone: And determyned fyzite to teusnge the deathe of their feloves. Where vppon, fettynge che spany- they, battaple in arraye, they marched in the nyght towarde ardes réuēge then whiche dewe Cosja with his coompanyons. Thus tteas the death of longe on them vnwares in the laû watche of the nyght, and ngons.. si encoompalinge the vyllage where they lays, conſigynge of & hundzech howles and more, haryngeallo in it theyle as maz ny of theyz neyghbours as of them (clues, they ſet it on fyer, with diligent watche that none mpght clcape. And thus in forte tyme they brought theym and they; howles to allhes, 2 greate and made them pay thc raunlome of bludde with bludde. For Nawghter. of a greate multitude of men and women, they fpared ones gly Cyre chyldzen, al other being delirayed with fyer or ſwold o except fewe which eſcaped priuilge. They lerned by the reſer: ucd chyldren, that come and his feloles were curte in pieces and eaten of them that liewe them. By reaſon wherof, they Canibales. (uppoſe that theſe people of Ctram.siri tooke theyx oliginall of the Caribés otherwyſe cauled Canibales. Here they founde Cume Che hunger golde amongé the althes. Foz the hunger of golde, did noo of golde. lelle cnicozage omr men to aducntuce tyeft peccls and labours 21100 then The ſeconde decade. 33. then dyd the poteſtynge of the landes. Theſe thynges thusay fonylmhed, and the death of coſt and his fclowes reuenged, 900 they returned to the hauen. After this, Fogeda whiche came hne cestea fpzá, fyrå lykewyſe deparringe with his army to ſecke Vrahs, commytted to his gouernaunce, fayled by an Ilande cauled the lande Fortis, ipinge in the mydwaye betwenc Vrabs and the hauen of fouis. Cartbago. In to the which deſcendinge, he fownde it to bee an glande of the Lanybales, bịynginge with hym frome thenſe two men and feuen women: foz the reſidue eſcapcd. Dere he silton fownde in the cotages of them that iedde, a hundethe foure wrought sold ſcore and tenne dzammes of golde, calle and wrought in dy: wers formes. Saylynge forwarde from henle, he came to the Eaſte coaftes of Vrabt, whiche thinhabitantes caule Cariband, Caribuni from whenle the Laribes of Lanibales of the glandes are fayde to haue thepz name and originall. Dere he beganne to buylde a foztrelle, and a byllage nere unto the ſame, therein intendynge to place they? fyzd habitacion. Shortly after, bes inge indtructed by certeyne captyues that there was aboute twelue myles further within the lande, a cetteyne vyllage cau comiten: led Tirufi , hauinge in it a ryche golde myne, he determyned to A gold myne, dctroye thé vylage. To the which when he came, he fownde thinhabitantes redye to defcndc they? rpght : And that loo The Spany: toutly, that encounteryng with them, he was repulſed with ardes are res thame and domage. ffoz theſe people allo, vſe bowes and ve: pulſed. nemous arrowes. within a fewe Dapes after, beinge enfoz. (cd for lackc of vytales to inuade an other byllage, he hym felfe was tryken in the thyghe with an arrowe. Sume of his fogeda is felowes ſay, that he was thus wounded of one of thinhaby: wounded. tantes whoſe wyfe hchad ledde awaye caprtue before. They ſay alſo that he had firt frendly comoned with Fogeda foz re demynge of his wyfe, F had appoynted a day to buynge a por tion of goide for her raunlome: And that he came at the daye Ranſome. aligned, not laden with golde, but armed with bowes and arrowes, with epght other confecherate with hym, whiche had bin befoze partetakers of the iniuries doone to them fitt at the hauen of Carthago, and afterward at the burnyng of the pyllage. In reuenga wherok they had deſperatly conſecrated them ſelues to death. But the matter beinge knowen, che cap tayne of this conſpiracie was dayne of Fogedo his coompany: ons, and his wyfc deteyned in captiuitie, Fogedt alſo through the The ſeconde decade. fogeda com: thje maliciouſnes of the veneme, conſumed and was dzyed bp fumeth by force of the by lyrtle x lyttle. Whyle theſe thynges chaunced thus, they Beragua and elpyed Nicueſa the other capitayne to whom Buragus the region Uraba. of the wette lyde of Vraba, was aXigned to inhabite. De gaue wynde to his Caylcs to take his byäge towarde Beragut, the Nicuera. day after that Fogeds departed obte of the hauen of Carthago. De with his army which he browght with hym, coalted euer alonge by the thoje yntyll he came to the goulée Coibe, whoſe The goulfe Coiba. kynges name is Carett. Dere he founde theyz language to bee in maner nothynge lyke vnto that of Hiſpanioht or of the hauen of Carthago : Wherby he perceaued that in this tracte there are Dyuers lan: many languages dixeringe from they? owne boytherers. Nicuce guages. Sa departinge frome coiba, wente to the prouince oz lieuete: nauntthippe of Fogeda his companion. Within a fewe dapes after he hym felfe enteringe into one of thoſe marchaunt tip: pes whiche the Spanyardes caule Carsuelas, commaunded that the bygger véữels, thulde folowe farre behynde. De tooke with hym twoo (maule fhyppes commenly cauled bergantines Bergantines oz bzygantynes. 1 haue thowght it good in all the diſcourſe os brigātines. of theſe bookes, to vle the common names of thinges, bicaule 3 had rather bee playne then curious : eſpecially foza[muche as there doo dayly aryſe manye newe thynges önknowen to the antiquitie, wherofthey hauc tefte noo trewe names. Es Bernardino de ter the departure of Nicueſa, there came a chyppe from Hiſpanice eslauera. Lt to Fogedd, the capitayne wherof, was one Barn:irdino de Calaue ra, who had ttouine the ſame from Hiſpaniols with three [coze men, withowte leaue of aduice of the Admirall and the other gouernours. With the bytayles whiche this ſhippe blowght they refrelthcd theym ſelues and ſumewhat recouered theys drengthes muche weakened foz lacke of meate, Fogeda his companyons why[pered and murtered ageyntte hym daylye more and mode, that he fedde them furthe with bayne hope. Ancifus. for he had towlde them that he left Ancifus in Hiſpaniola (who he choſe by the kynges commiſion to bee a Judge in cauſes, bycauſe he was lerned in the labe) to coome thoztly after him with a thippe laden with bytaples : And that he marveyled that he was not coome many dayes ſenſe. And herein he ſaid nothinge but trowth. for when he departed, he lefté Ancijus halfe redy to folowe hym. But his felowes ſuppoſinge that all that he ſayde of Ancifus had byn fayned, fume of them de: tecminco The ſeconde decade. 54 termyned pilullie to deale away the twoo brigantynes frome Fogeds, and to returne to Hiſpaniold.. But Fogedd hauing knowo: Icage hereof, preuented theyz diuife. Fou leauynge the cuto: die of the foztreſe with a certeyne noble gentelman cauled Franciſco Pizarro, he hym Celfe thus wounded, with a fewe other fogeda res in his compante, entered into the thyppe wherof weſpake bes turneth to fore, and ſapled directly to Hiſpaniolt, both to heale the bound Hiſpaniola. of his thygh if any remedy myght bee found,& alſo to knowe what was the cauſe of Anciſus tarpinge: Leauing hope with his felowes (which were nowe browght from thzee hundzeth to thzee (coze, partly by famyne and partly by Warre) that he famyke wolde returne within the ſpace of, rv.dayes : preſcribyng als (o a condition to Pizarro and his companions, that it mulde not bee imputed to them foĮ treaſon to departe from thenſe if He came not ageyne at the day appoynted with bytayles and a newe ſupply of men. Theſe, rb. dayes beinge nowe page, thereas they coulde yet heare nothynge of Fogeds, and were boy asin Daply moze and mode oppzelled with larpe hunger, they en 21:00 tered into the twoo buigantynes which were lefte, and depar ted from that land. And as they were nowe ſaylynge on the mayne ſea towarde Hiſpuniok, a tempefte ſoodeynly aryfynge, 2 brigantike Imalowed one of the bzygantynes with all that were therein. drowned the Sum of theyz felowes affirme that they playnely ſawe a fythe ſtroke of of houge greatenes [Wwymmyng abowote the bzygantyne (fog fyrhe. thoſe[cas bzynge furthe greate monters) and that with a moins froke of her tayle, Mee bloke the rubber of the tyyppe in pees ces: Which faylynge, the brigantine bringe dzyuen abowt by force of the tempelt, was diowned not farre from the 3|lande cauleb Fortis, lyinge betwenc the coates of the hauen Carthago The glande and Vraba. As they of the other bzygantyne wolde haue lan, Fortis. ded in the glande, they were duyuen backe with the boides and arrowes of the fierce barbacians. Proceadynge therfoze on theyz byage, they metce by chaunce with Ancifus betweene Anellus, sud the hauen of Carthago, and the Region of Cuchibacot in the The Region mouthe of the cpuer whiche the Spanyardes cauled Boiü gatti, of Cuchiba that is, the houle of the catte, bpcauſe they fale a catte firt Boiū gatti. in that place and Boium, in the toonge of Hiſpaniola, is a houſe. Ancifus came with a Cyppe laden with all thynges neceſſarye, mascarpoista bothe foz meate and dzynke, and apparell, bzyngynge allo with hym an other brigantine, This is he foz whole comming :D,11 the 'BABARI cog. The ſeconde decade. the capitayne Fogede looked for too longe. we looled anker from Hiſpaniols in the gbes of September: And the fourth day Mountaynes after his departure, he eſpycd cecteyne hyghe mountaynes, couered with the whichc for the abundance of (nowe which lyeth continu: ſnowe. noi ally in the toppes therof, the Spanyardes cauled Serra Neuats, Seoy:t Neudtt. when colonus the fyzd fynder of thoſe Regions paữed by the Os Draconisa fame. The fyfte daye, he Cayled by Os Draconis. They whiche were in the biygantyne, towlde Ancifus that Fogeda was retur ned to Hiſpaniolt. But Ancifus fuppoling that thep had fayned. that tale,commaunded them by thautoritic of his commillion to turne backe ageyne. The brigantincrs obzyed and folowed hym:yet made they humble Cute unto hym that he woolde graunre them that with his fauour they myght eyther goo a; geyne to Hiſpaniola, or that he hym lelfe woolde brynge theim to Nicueſa: and that they wooide for his genteines declared towarde them in this behaift, rewarde hym with twoo thon: Riche in gold fande diammes of golde. ffoz they were ryche in golde, but and pole its poole in breade. But Ancifus aüented to neyther of thepre? breade. queñtes: agitmynge that he myght by no meanes goo ahye o ther way then to Vrabu the prouince aligned to Foged.t, where med vppon, by they conduct, he tooke his vyage directly toward Vraba. But nowe let it not Ceme tedious to yowre holynes to Sheare of one thyng wozthy to bee remembzed, which chaumced oli to this Lieuetenaunt Ancifus as he came thether. For he alla the region cat anker in the coattes of the region of Caramairi whiche wee of Caramari fayde to bee famous by reaſon of the hauen of Carthago :and of the goodly tature, trength, and beawty of both men and wo men beinge in the ſame. Dere he ſent certeyne to goo alande obaleset on the mode, both to fetche fcelthe water, and alſo to repaire the chippe boate which was foze biooſeb.gn this meane tyme A greate multitude of the people of the countrcy armed aftec feare on thepz maner, came aboute owre men as they were otcupied a both parses. bowte they2 buſynes, and toode in a redynes to feight, for elasa the ſpace of three dayes contynually: durynge whichc tyme, dit to neyther Burt they let vppon owre men, nozowre men atayle orang tu them. Thus Bothe parties keepynge theyı arraye, toobe tiyl three hote bayes the one gafynge on the other. per all this Ship więgn: tymc obre men applyed they? boolkt, placinge the thippe: wrighres in the myddette of they: armye. As they toode thus amaled, twoo ef obate coompanye bente to fyll theyż water pottes The ſeconde decade. 35. pottes at the mouthe of the ryuer nere vnto them both, where foodenly there came furthe ageyntte them a capitayne of the barbarians with ten armed men which incloſed them, & with terrible countenaunce bent theyz arrowes ageyndte then, but chotte theym not of. Dne of owre men fcdde: but the other temayned, caulynge his felowe ageyne and rebukynge hym for his fearefulnes. Then he ſpake to the barbarians in their owne language which he had lerned bringe conuerſant with the caprites that were Carycd from thenſe longe bekoze.They matueplynge to here a ftraunger ſpeake in their natiue tonge, put of thepz fiercenes and fell to frendly communication, des maimdinge who were the capitaynes of that coompanie whis che were arcybed in theyz lande. De anſwered that they were frangers palyng by: And that he marueylcd why they wold attempte to dzyue them from they? coales and diQurbe theyz thyppes arguinge theim of follye and cruelties and further ,928 thyeatinge their cuine and deltruction, ercept they woold ble them ſelues more frendely toward them. For hee aduerticed them that there wolde toitly coome into theyz lande armed men, in nõber lyke to the bandes of the ſea : And that to theyz ter deſtruction, not only if they reſylted them not, but alſo er cepte they receaued them and enterteyned them honorably.Jn ser the meahe tpote Ancifus was enformed that his men were des 19. teyned. Wljerefoue ſuſpectinge Tume deceate, He brought The vre of furch åt his target men for feare of theyt venembus arcowes: targettes as and ſettinge them in battell arraye, he marched foz warde to: mous gra toatde them which iteyed his men. But he which comiinuned rowes. with the barbarians, gyuinge him a ſigne with his hande to procedendo further, he fteyed. And cauling to hym the other, he knewe that all was Cafe. Foz the bacbarians profered him peace, bycaufe they were not they whom they ſt[pected them 2091010 to hauc byn: meanynge by. Fogeda and Nicufa, who had (psy: led the bpllage ftandinge there by the ſea lyde, atid carpcs a: bay many captiucs, and alſo burnte an other village further stad obis within thedande. And therefore (as they ſayde) the cauſe of they? comminge thether, was to reuenge thoſe iniuries, if by any meaniesthey coulde. Wet that they woolde niot erercyle The barbari: they weapons ageyntte the innocente. Foz they ſayde it was ans baue rer: vngodly to feyght ageynſt any, not beingc pzouokcd. pect to iuftice Layinge a parte therefoze theyz boles and arrowes, they chtet The ſeconde decade. enterteyned olvre men gentelly, and gaue them greate plentie Salted firhe. of Calted fylthe and breade of theyz contrey: And fylled theyr veficls with fyder made of they? contrey frutes and feedes, Wyne of not inferiour to wyne in goodnes. Thus Ancifus hauinge en: fruites and feedes. tered into frendchyp and made a league of peace with thinhas bitantes of Caramairi whiche were before ſoze prouoked by og ther capitaynes, he lanched from that lande, and directed his Vrats. courſe to Vrabut by the glande Fortis, hauinge in his thippe a Hundjeth and fyftie frelthe men whiche were ſubítitute in the place of ſuche as were deade. Allo twelue mares, and manye (wine, and other beattes both males and females for increaſe Artillerie. Iykewyſe, fyftie pieces of oldinaunce, with a greate multy: tude of targettes, fwoordes, iauelyns, and fuche other weas pons foz the warres. But all this with euyl (peede and in an euyll houre. Foz as they were euen nowe enteringe into the ancifuss ſhip hauen, the gouernour of the thippe which ſatte at the helme, Tracke. (troke the Chyppe vppon the Candes, where it was ſoo fatt eng cloſed, and beaten with the waues of the ſea, that it opened in the myddele, and al lot that was therin. thynge Curely miſerable to beholde. For of all the vytayles that they had, they faucd onely twelue barels of meale, with a fewe chieſes, meale, chee: and a lyttle byſket breade. Foz al the beattes were drowned: f€8, 7 byſket. And they chem Celues (caped hardly and halfe naked by helpe 103 of the brigantine whip boate, caryeng with them only a fewe 1 weapons. Thus they fell from one calamitie into an other,bo inge nowe moze carefull foz theyz lyues then fox golde. yet beinge browght alyue and in health to that land which they foo greatly delyzed, they coulde doo noo leđe then to prouide foz the Cutteynynge of they2 bodyes, bycauſe they coulde not lyue onely by ayer. And wheras theyz owne fayled, they mult needes lyue by other mens. yet amonge theſe foo many aduer A groue of Cities, one good chaunce offered it ſelfe unto them. Foz they date trees. founde, not farre from the ſea (yde, a groue of date trees, az monge the which, & alſo amonge the reke oz Weedes of the ma mylde boles. ryches, they elpyed a multitude of Wylde bozes, with whoſe tiethe they fed the ſelues tel certeine dayes. Theſe they ſay to bec lege then owres : And with foo fozte tayles, that they thought they had byn curte of. They dyffer allo from owres in they, fecte : foz theyz hynder feere are hole indiuided, and alſo withowte any houfe. But they affirme that they haue proved The ſeconde decade. 56 proued experience they? delihe to bee of better tafte e moze holloome then owres. Durynge this tyme, they fedde alſo of dates and the rotes of younge date trees, which they eate like lvple in Linile and Granatd where they caule them Palmitos, of the leaues whero they make bielomes in Rome. Sumerymes Apples of a allo, they eate of the appeis of that Region, whiche haue the frange kynd taſte of pzunes, and haue alſo ñones in them, and are but lyt: tle and of redde coloure. I ſuppoſe them to bee of that kynde wherof 3 eate in the citie of Alexandria in Egypt in the moncth of Apzell: The trees whcrof, the Jewes that dwel there, be inge lerned in the lawe of goyles, affirme to bee the Leders Ceders of of Libane, which beare owlde fruites and newe all the yeare Libane. as dothe the ozange tree. Theſe apples are good to bee eaten, and haue a certeyne ſweetnes myrte with a gentell Marpnes, as hane the frutes cauled Sorbes. Thinhabitantes plant thcle Sorbes are trees in they, ozchyardes and garedens, and noozythe cheym cauled in with greate diligence as wee doo cheries, peaches, and quyn: french Cormi (es. This tree in leaues, hepght, and trunke, is verye lyke er they grow not in Eng; bnto the tree that beareth the frute cauled Zizipha, which the lande. Apothecaries caule iuiuba. But wheras now the wylde bozes beganne to kaile them, they were ageyne enfozced to conſulte The frute and pzoupde foz the tyme to coome. Wherc bppon with theyz cauled zizi: hole army, they entered further into the land. The Lanibales pha 0:Jutuba Canibales, of this prouince, are mofte erpecte archers. Ancifus had in his coompany,a hundzeth men. They mette by the way with only three men of thinhabitantes, naked, and armed with bowes wen of defa and benemous arrowes, who without al feare, aťayled owr perat bold nes men fiercely, wounded manye, and ſlewe manye: And when they had emptied they? quyuers, dledde as (wyftely as the wynde: Foz (as we haue (ayde) they are ercedynge ſwyfte of foote by reaſon of theyz loole gainge frome theyz chyldes age They affirme that they lette dyppe no arrowe owte of they bowes in bayne. Dlore men therfoze returned the ſame waye that they came, much moze infortunate then they were befoje and conſulted amonge them (clues to leaue that lande: eſpe. cpally becauſe thinhabitantes had ouerthrowne the foztrege din which Fogeda buylded, and had burnte thirtie houſes of the 50 bpllage, as Coone as Pizarrus and his company lefte of Fogeda had forſaken the tande. By this occaſion therefoze, beinge Diguen to Cceke further, they had intelligence that the weſte fyde The ſeconde decade. The goulfe fyde of that goulfe of Vraba, was moze frutefull and better to of araba inhabite. Wherfoze, they ſent the one halfe of they, men thi: ther with the brigantine, and lefte che other nere to the ſea fyde on the eate part. This goulfe, is.rriiti, myles in biedth: And howe muche the further it enterech into the firme lande, it is ſoo muche the narower. 3nto the goulfe of Vrabd, there The great ry faule many ryuçrs : but one (as they ſay) moze fortunate then uer of Dariē, the ryuer of Nilus in Egypte. This ryuer is cauled Darien, bp: the goulfe of pon the bankes whereof, beinge vecye frucefull of trees and Graba. grafie, they entended to playnte their newe colonie oz habita: To obos cion. But thinhabitantes maruelynge at the bzygantine be: Singe bygger then theyż canoas, and (pecially at the Cayles therof, fyz& (ente away theyż chyldien and weakeďte Cozte of chey, people with theyz baggage and houfholde uffe, and al: ſembled all ſuche togyther bothe men and women, as were 31 esco ai bolus meete for the warres: Thus beinge armed with weapons and Immten du deſperate myndes, they toode in a redynes to feight, and ta: GIFT T ryed the comminge of owre men vppon a lyttle hy!, as it were to take thaduantage of the grounde. Dwre men iudged them to bet aboutc fyue hundreth in nomber. Then Anciſus the ca: Sinopirayne of owre ment, and Licuetenaunt in the ſteede of Fogede ſettinge his men in order of battayle array, and with his hole coompany kneelinge on his knees, they al made humble plays Prayer and yowes. ers to god foz the victozit, and a bowe to the Image of the bleđed virgin whiche is honoured in Ciuile, by the name of 313 Sancti Maria Antiqua, promylinge to ſende her mange golden gyf: tes and a Graunger of that contrey: alſo to name the byllage Sancta Maria Antiqua after her name : lpkewyſe to ſerccte a temple cauled by the ſame name: 0} at the leatte to dedicate the king of that pzouince his palaice to that yle, if it fulde pleaſe her The rouldí: to aligte them in this daungerous enterpryſe. This doone, al ers make an the ſouldiers tooke an othe, that noo man fulde turne his othe. backe to his enemies. Then the capytayne commaundinge them to bee in a rcdines with thcy2 targets and iauelens,and the trumpyrer to blowe the battayle, they fiercely alayled The barba: theyz enemyes with a larome. But the naked barbarians, rians are dry not longe able to abyde the force of owré men, were putte to yen to flight. spght, with theyz kynge and capitapne Cemaccus. Dwrc men entered into thc vyllage, where they fownde plentie of meate (uche as the people of the contrey ble, ſufficiente to alluage they? The ſeconde decade. 57 therz pzelene hunger, as bzeade made of rontes, with cert eine fruitcs vnlyke unto obres, whiche they reſerue foz ftoze as Chefruttcs. Wee doo chetinuttes. Of theſe people, the men are btterly na ked: but the women from the nauell downewarde, are coue: red with a fyne clothe made of golampine cotton. This Re: gion is ytterly withowte any warpenes of wynter. Foz the The rytter of mouche of this rouer of Duries, is onlye eyght degrees diſtante Darien, but from the Equinoctial lyne: So that the commone foute of olore pui, degrees meu, (carſely perccaue ange difference in lengthe bettene the quinoctial. day and nyght all the hole yeare. But bycanle they are igno: rant in agronomie, they can perceaue noo ſmaule diference. Atherfore wee neede not much palle if the degree do differ ſum lo hat from theyz opinion, foz almuche as the difference can ti not bec greate. The day after that they arryued at the lande, eta they ſaplcd alonge by the ryuer, where they founde a greate thicket of reedes continuinge for the ſpace of a myle in length ſuppoling (as it chaunced in deede)that the bortherers there aboute which had dedde, had eyther lyne luckynge there, o? els to haue hyd theyz Auffe amonge thoſe reedes: Where bp: solde founde pon, armynge them (clucs with they? targettes, foi fcare of in a thickes of the people lyinge in ambulthe, they ſearched the thicket dily: reedes. genily, and founde it withowte men, but replenyihed with houſeholde iuft and golde. They fownde alſo a great multi- Sheetes of tude of ſheetes, made of the fylke oz cotton of the goCampine gurrampine. tree. Iykewyſe byuers kyndes of bedels and tooles made of woodde, and manp of earth: Allo many bżenic plates of gold Bieſte plates and ouches bzeught after theyz maner, to the ſum of a hun: of goide. dicth and twoo pounde weight. ffoz they alſo take plcalure in the bewtie of gold,and wozke it very artificially, although it bee not the price of thynges amonge them as with vs. They haue it owtc of other Kegions fo, erchannge of ſuch thynges as theyz contrey bzingeth furthe. Foz ſuche Regions as haue The golden plentie of bị£ade and goữampine, lacke golde: And ſuche as Regions are b?ynge furth goldc, ara foz the moft parte rowght with mon: foz the moſte taynes and rockes, and therfore baten. And thus they exer: paite baren. cile marchandies witholote the vſe of money. Reiopling ther Smo Eoze with double gladdenes, alwell in that they ſawe greate lykenes of golde, as alſo that foztune hadde offered them foo Fayze and frutefull a contrey, they ſent for they, felowes who fbey hadde lef te befoze in the cađe ſyde of the goulfe of Vrabe, P.i. Pet The ſeconde decade. per lume ſaye that the ayer is there önholſome, bycauſe that parte of the Region lycche in a lowe valley chuironed with mountaynes and marylhes. The ſeconde booke of the ſeconde decade, of the ſuppoſed continente. . Daue deſcribed to yoibre holynes there for geda with his coompany (to whome the large fogeda, the tractes of Vrabu was aligned to inhabite) in Lieuctenaunt tended to faten theve foote. Lette vs nowe of Uraba. Nicuera the therfore leaue them of Vraba for a whyle, and Licuerenaunc returne agepne to Nicueſa to whom the gouers of Beragua. naunce and licuctenaunte hippe of the molte large prouince of Berigut (beinge the weſte lyde of the goulfe of Vraba) was appoynted. We hauc declared howe Nicueſa de partinge with one carauell and twoo brigantines frome Vrabe the iuriſdiction of his frende and companyon Fogedd, directed his courſe wegwarde to Ber.igua, Icauinge the bygger ſhippes fcyera lofte his felomes fomewhat behynde hyin, to folowe hym a farre of. But he in the night. tooke this diuile in an euyll howre. For hc bothe lote his fe: lowes in the nyght, and went pat the mouth of the ryuer of Lupus Ohanus Beragua, which he chiefely cowght. Dne Lupus Olanus a Lang mig tit cabzian, and gouernoure of one of the greate wippes, had the conducte of one of the brigantinez. De commynge behynde, in Icrned of thinhabitantes which was the waye Eiltewarde to the goulfe of Beragua oucr paced and Icfte behynde of Nicueft. Olanus therfore directinge his courſc towarde the Eade, mette with the other brigantine which has alſo wandered obre of Petrus de umbria the way by reaſon of the darkenes of the nyght. The gouet: nour of this bzigantine, was one Petrus de Vmbrid. Thus bothe beinge gladde of they, micetinge, they conſulted what was bet to bec doone, and which way they coulde coniecture theit The capitay: gouernout had taken his byage. After deliberation, they iud nes conlu te ged that Nicuefa could no moze lacke (um to put him in remem: where to find beraunce of Beragua, then they them ſelues were myndfal ther: they loft go uernour. of, hopynge alſo to fynde hym there. They Capled therefore towarde Beragus: Where they founde bmithin.rvi. mylcs by: ftant, a ryuer which colonus named Lagartos, bycauſe it noo: sy pethe greate Ipſardes whiche in the Spanylche toonge are caulco The ſeconde decade. 58 cauled Lagartos. Theſe lyſertes are hurtfull bothe to man and The rguer beafte, and in Mape muche lyke vnto the Lracodiles of the ry: Lagartos. uer of Nilus in Egypte. In this ryucc, they founde theyz com panyons and felowes of thepz erroure lyinge at anker with the greate Wippes which folowed behynde by the gouernours commaundement. Where the hole a temble beinge carefull and diſquieted by reaſon of the gouernours erroure, after conſul: tacion, by thaduite of the capitaynes of the brigantincs, who had raſed nere unto the coaftes of Beregud, they ſayled direct: ly thether. Beragua, in the language of thinhabitantes of the The goldex fame prouince, is as much to faye, as the golden ryuer. The ryuier of Bes region it ſelfe is alſo cauled by the ſame name, takynge name ragua. of the ryuer. In the mouth of this ryuer, the greateli vetels cal anket, and conueighed al theyż byta:les and other neceſ: Caries to lande with theyz īnippe boates: and clected Lupus O. lanus to bee they? gouernour in the ſteede of Nicueſa whom they had lotte. By thaduice therfoze of olunus and the other vnder capitapnes, that all hope of departure myght bee taken from the ſouldiers which they had nowe błowght thether, and to make them the moze wyllinge to inhabite that land, they br: terly fožlooke and catte of thoſe Chyppes beinge nowe rotten for age, and ſuffered them to bee taken and brooled of the furges of the ſea. yet of theyz Coundeſte plankes, with other newe, made of the trees of that Region (which they ſay to be ercedinge bygge and hygb) they framed a newc cacauel mort: G ly after, whiche they myght ble to ſecue foz they, necellitie. But Beragus was founde by the unfortunate deđenie of Petrus the enter: de Vmbria. for he, beinge a man of prompt bytte and apt for: pare e death Wardenes to attempte thynges (in whichc fumetyme fortune of petrus de umbria. wyll beare a froke notipichlandinge owre pzoudence) tooke bpon hym thaduenture to ſcarche the phone to thintent to find a waye for his felowes where they myght befte coome alande. For this purpoſe, he choſe hym twelue maryners, and wente aboozde the tippe boate whiche (ecued the greatene typpes. The dominge of the ſea, caged and roved there, with a bozri: ble wyurlinge as wee reede of the daungerous place of Scylla rous place of in the Cca of Scicilie, by reaſon of the houge and tagged roc: Sale in the kes reachyng into the ſea, from which the waues rebounding fea of Cicilie. with violence, make a greate nople and rowghnes on the wa ter, whicherowghnes oz reñowinge, the Spangardes caule 1.11 Befacca The ſeconde decade. Reſuco4. in theſe daungers wretched Vmbris lozedeled a while. Sut in molte ſpace, a waue of the ſca almolc as bygge as a mountapne, reboundinge from the rockes, ouerwhelmed the boate and deuoured the ſame with the men, even in the light of theyz felowes : So that of them all, oncly onc eſcaped by Swimminge reaſon he was crpcrte in (wymmynge. Foz gettinge holde of the corner of a rocke, and lufteynynge the rage of the ſea bn tyll the nepte daye when it Wered caulme, and the Hoge was dzye by the faule of the water, he eſcaped and reſorted to his coompanye. Buc Vmbris with the other eleuen, were vrteciye cate away. The re(pdue of the coompany, durft nor commite them ſelues to the thippe boates, but went alands with they: brigantines, where remaynynge a fewe dayes, and ſayfinge alonge by the ryuer, they formne certeyne byllages of thinha bitantes, which they caute Mumu. Dere they beganne to build a foztrelle, and to lowe ſeedes after the maner of they coun: crey, in a certeyne vale of frutefull grownde, bicauſe in other places the region is baren. As theſe chynges were thus doo inge in Beragut, one of their coompanye fandynge bppon the toppe of a hyghe rocke of eſpeciall, and lyfrynge his eyes to: warde the Wette, beganne to cryc, Lynnyn laples, ſynnyn ſay: les. And the nerer it drews towarde hym, he perceaued it to bee a ppppe boate comninge with a lyttle Cayle. yet reccaued Che fylher boate et hus they it with muche ceioyſinge: fou it was the fylher baate of cuera his cs: Nicueſ: his cacaucle, and of capacitie to carve onely fyue men, taycles and had nowe but three in it, which had toulne it from Nicu eſa bycauſe he refuſed to gyne credit to theim that he had paſs ſed Beragut, and Icfte it behynde hym Eatwarde. for they ſe: inge Nicueſa and his feloles to conſume dayely by famynney thowght they woolde pzoue fortune inith that boate, if their chaunce myght bee to fynde Beragu.. , as in diede it wss. Des batinge therefore with they, felowes, of theſe matters, they The mifera: Declared howe Nicueſt erred and lote thc cacauele by tempel, bie care of and that he was nowe Wanderinge among the maryllues of Nicuefa. buknowen coates, full of myferie and in ertoeeme penurie of all thynges, hawnge nowe fpued for the ſpace of three fcoze and tenue dapes, only with herbes and rootes, and ſyldoome with frutes of the countrep, contented to drinke Water, and yet that often tymes faplynge, bycauſe he was inftant to era: mayle wetbarde by foote, ſuppoſing by thay mcanes to come The ſeconde decade. ور Et Beragul. Colonus the fyzde fynder of this mayne lande, had coafed alonge by this tracte, and named it Cratit Dei: but tije The Region inhabitantes caule it Cerabaro. Throwghe this Begion, there of starta Dei ennneth a rpuer which owre men named Sancti Marchet, diſtante ci Cerabaro. from the wente ſyde of Beragua aboute a hundzethe and thirtie the rouer of Sancti Data myles. Dere 3 lette paữe the name of this ryuer, and of ma: cbel. nye other places by the names which thinhabitantes ple, by: cauſe owre men are ignorant thereof. Thus Lupus Olinus the conducto, of one of the tippes of Nicuefit, and nowe allo bice Ieauetenaunt in his feede, after that he hadde receaued this infozmation of the maryners, ſente thether a brigantine bns der they, guydynge, theſe maryners therfoze, which came in the fylther boate, founde Nicueſs, and blowght bgm to the the rigas place where olanus laye, whome at his commynge he catte in rournes of pylon, and accuſed hym of treaſon bycauſe he blurped thau: Nicuerdo tozitie of the Lieuetenauntſhippe, and that for the deſyze he had to beare rule and bee in autozitie, he tooke no care of his errours : allo that he beljaued hym felfe negligently: demaun dinge further moze of hym, what was the cauſe of his loo lange delay. Ilykewyſe he (pake to al the under officers Charp lye and with a troubled mynde: And within fewe dayes after commaunded them to trule bp they? packes, and make them tedye to departe. They delyzed bym to quyet hom ſelfe, and to fojbeare them a while vntyl they had reaped the corne that they had ſowne, which woldc toztly bee type. Foz all kynd rype euery Cornewareth of cozne Warch rype there euery fourth moonethe after it is foursh month ſobone. But he ytterly denged to tacpc any whytte: but that he woolde foorthwith departe from that bnfortunate lande: And plucked vp by the rootes al that ever was browght into the goulfe of Beragua, and commaunded them to directe theyz courſe towarde the Eatte. After they had fapled aboute the ſpace of.vbi, myles, a certeyne younge man whoſe name was Bregozie, a Genues bome and of a chylde browght vp with The comment Colonus, cauled to rememberance that there was a hauen not dation of a farre frome thenſe: And to pzoue his Cayinge trewe, he gaue brow ghi vp younge man his felowes theſe tokens : that is, that they thulde fynde vp: withColenie pon the thoze, an anker of a lofie Chyppe halfe coucred with Tande: and under a tree nepte bnto the hauen, a (płynge of cleere water. They came to the lande: founde the anker and the (prynge, and commended the bytte and memezye of the solo Pili, younge The feconde decade. younge man, that he only amonge many of the marynes Whi: Portus Bellas, che had ſearched thoſe coates with colonus, bore the chynge foo well in mynde. This hauen, Colonus cauled Portus Belus. 0 Wheras in this byage for lacke of vytayles they were Cames eymes enforced to goo alande, they were cuel entreated of the inhabitantes. By reaſon wherof, theyz trengthes were foo treakenes of wekened with huger, that they were not able to keepe warre hunger. agepnd naked men, oz (carſely to beare theyz harnes on their backes. And thcrfoze owrc men lode twentie of chepz coom: panic, which were Qayne with veremous arrowes. They con (ulted to leaue the one halfe of thcy2 felowes in the hauen of Portus Bellus : And the other parte Nicueſs tooke with hym to: barde the £atte: Where abowte twentie and eyght myles frā Portus Bellus, he intended to buylde a foztrelle harde by the ſea [yde vppon the poynte or cape which in tyme patte colonus nas Lag, Marmor, med Marmor. But they were foo feeble by reaſon of longe hun ger, that they: ſtrength ſerued them not to Cutteyne ſuche las Nomen Dei. boure. Yet he erected a lyttletowre able to relyti the fyzd als Caute of the inhabitantes. This towre he cauled Nomen Dei. from the tyme that he left Beragus, what in the torney amonge the Candie playnes, then alſo for hunger whyle he buylded Nicuefa his the tobre, of the fewe which remayned a lyue, he lofte iwoo men cõfumed hundeth. And thus by lyttle and lyttle, the multitude of ſe: uen hundzeth foure (coze and fyue men, was nowe blowght Contenciona to ſcarſely one hundzeth. Whole Nicueji Iyucd with theſe felo bout the lieue miſerable men, there aroſe a contētion amonge them of Vrabi, tenaunchio as concerninge the Lieuetenantſhippe. for onc Vaschus Nunnes, of araba by the iudgemente of all men, truñynge moze to his arengthe Ua!chus.Nun then bytte, Goured bp certeyne lyght fclowes ageynt Ancifus, tezionet reortion. ſayinge that Ancifus had not the kynges letters patentes for Micifus lieue that ottice: And that it was not ſuñficient that he was auto: tenaunt fo: riſed by Fogedd, and therfoze forbodde that he woulds crecute Fogeda. the office of the Lieuetenauntethippe: And wylled theym to chufe certeyne of there owne coompanye, by whole couns o Cayle and authoritie they myght bee gouerned. Thus beinge diuided into factions by reaſon that Fogedd, their capitayne came not ageync, bohom they ſuppoſed to bee nowe deade of his benemous wounde, they contended whether it were befte to ſubditute Nicueſa in his place. The wyſette Corte Cuche as were famylier with Nicuefa, and coulde not beare thin folencie The ſeconde decade. Tolencie of vfcbus Nunnex, thought it good that Nicueſa huld bee, Nicuéfé. fowght owt throwgh owr all thoſe coaftes. Foz they had knoweledge that he departed from Beragua bycauſe of the ba: rennes of the grounde: And that by thexemple of Ancifus, and ſuche other as had made thippewjacke, it were poſſible that he might wander in ſume ſecreate place: And that they coulde not be quiete in theire myndes vntyll they knewe thc cerrérie, whether he with his felowes were alyue of deade. But vara chus Nunnez, fearinge lcate at the commyng of Nicuefit hc Chulde not bee had in autozitie emongc his feloweg, fayde they were mad men to thinke thaº Nicueſa lyucd: And althowgh he were alyue, yet that they hadde noo neade of his helpe. Foz he auouched that there was none of his felowes, that were not as meete to rule as Nicueſt. While they were thus reaſonynge Rodericus Cola too and froozone Rodericus Colmenaris arryucd in thoſe coates menaris. with two greate Chippes hauinge in theym three (coze freſche men, with greate plentie of vitailcs and apparel. Df the na: The nauiga: vigation of this Colmenaris, 31 intende to ſpeake ſume what ricus Colmes moze. De therfoze departed from the hauen of Hiſpaniola cauled naris. Beata ( where they prepare and furny[the týcym Celucs whiche make any viage into theſe landes ) aboute the3des of DC: tober in the yeart. 1510: and landed the.ic.of Nouember in a Region in thelarge pzouince of Paris founde by Colonus betwene cuchibacon the hauen Carthago and the Region of Cuchibachot. In this viage what by the rowghnes of the fea & fiercenes of the bacbariás, he ſuffered many incommodities. Foz ihonhis frelthe water fayled, he ſayled to the mouthe of a certeyne riuct which thin the rouer habitantes caule Gaira, beinge apte to receaue ſhippes. This Saira. tyuer had his courſe from the toppe of an erccadinge hyghe An erceding mountapne couered with ſnowe, bygher then the which, all hysh moun: the coompanyons of this capitayne Rodericus, caye that they ne: red with uer ſawe. And that by good reaſon, yf it were couered byth (nowe. Inowe in that Region which is not pat ten degrees diftante from the Equinoctial lyne. As they beganne to drawe water obt Bf their thippeboate, a certeyne ikynge made towarde therm appareled with vetures of gollampine cotton, hauinge twin: Appareled tie noble men in his coompanye appareled allo: Whyche men. thinge ſeemed itraunge to owre men, and not ſecne before in thoſe partics. The kinges apparell, hunge looſe from his thoulders to his elbowes: And from the gerdle downewarde, The ſeconde decade. it was muchứlike a womans kecelc,reachinge etten to his hee les. As hic dicwc u eere towardc owre men, he feemed frendly to adinonpithe theym to take none of the water of that cpuer, afirminge it to bec vnholſome foz men: and th:wed theym that not farce from thenſe;there was a ryuer of good water. They came to the cpuer. And endcuotaringe to coome nere the 20. Chorc, they were d?puen backeby tempede. Alſo the burbulinge of theſande, declared the ſea to bee but talowe there. They -70 were therefoze enforced to returne to the fyzde ryuer where they niyght ſafely catte anket. This kinge layde wayte for owre men. For as they were fyllinge theire barrelles, he fet on theym with abowt ſeuen hundrech men( as owre men iud: ged) armed after theire naner, althologh they were naked. Foz only the kynge and his noble men were apparcled. They Seuen and tookc away the thippeboate, and brooke it in maner to chips: forty Spany: loo fiercely alaylynge owre menne with they, venemous ar: ardes are rowes, that they lewe of them fogtie and Ceuen beefore they ſi aine mich coulde couer rhem felues with thepz targettes. Foz that poy: enemous ſon is of ſuch force, that albeit the woundes were rot great, Іers, yet they dyed therof immediatly. For they yet knewe noo're: A remedy a: medie ageynte this kynde of poylon, as they after lerned of genſte venre: thinhabitantes of Hiſpaniolt, Foz this jlande bringeth foorth svous arrows an herbe which quenchcth and moztifieth the violent poylor of the hecbe wherewith theyz arrowes are infected, foo that it bec miniſtrcd in tyme, yet of owre coompany whiche went for water, ſcuen eſcaped that condicte, and hyd them ſelues Seuen mer left behynde. in a hollowe tree, lurkynge there vntyll nyght. yet eſcaped they not the handes of thepz enemyes. Foz the thippe depar: erited from thenſe in the nyght ſeaſon and lefte them there, lup: 2010 days poſinge that they had byn dayne. Thus by manye ſuchc pe vouco ont cels and daungers (which I lyghtly ouerpaqc bicauſe i wyl The Haven not bee tcoions to yolre holynes) he arrpued at the length at ef uraba, che hagen of Vrabet, and cat anker at the eaſte fyde theraf, frő whenre not longe befoze, owre men departed to the welt lyde hy reaſon of the barennes of that foyle. When he had conty: 081210 nued a whyle in the hauen, and ſawenoo man tourynge, mac anaeplinge at the filence of the places (foz he ſuppoſed there to baue fowunde his feloldes, he coulde not coniecture what this fulde meane: and there öppon beganne to ſuſpecte that Fyther they were deade, oz that they had changed the place Arrowes. of The ſeconde decade. 61 of theør habitacion. To knowe che certentic hercóf, he com: mainded all the greate ozdinaunce and other (maule gunncs to hich he had in his thippes,to bec charged! And fyets to bce made in the nyght yppan thertoppes of the rockes. Shus the fyers beinge kyndeled, he commaunded all the gunnes tavce chotte of at one intante : by the horrible noyle lv hereof; the goulfe of Vrabs was taken, althowgho it were reutio niyles The soufe of araba. diftante: faz foo brode is the goulfe. This tople bns barde of theyz felowes in Dariena, kad they aunſweted them agepne Dariens with mutual fyers. Wherfoze, by the folowynge of theue fy: ers, Colmenaris bowght his fippes to the Wette fydes bere thoſe wretched and miferable men of Dirient which nowe tho rowgh famen and feeblenes helde they wery Cowles in the famen, teethe redy to departe from they, bodies by reaſon of the cala mities blich beefell bnto them after, Ancifus Corppcijačše lyk tinge up they, bandrs to hcauen, with the cares tannpnje downe thep2 cheekes bothe faz joye and focowe, embaird Ro dericus and his felowes with ſuch kynde of reloyſinge as their preſente necellitie ſeemed to requyue. ffol whereas they were before his comminge, withowte vytayles and almolcnaked, bebzought them abundance of meates blynke, and appareil Ult rettethenowe (mote bely farbec) togdrelare what came of what became of the conten the billenţion amonge them of Vraba, as concernyngerthe go: cior of Uraba uernaunce after the love of choy, capitayne: 329013 gun On, 09 otca anul antro sroil sonery Shoothe thyide booke of the ſeconde Decade asylsu qi idolith sto of the ſuppoſed continent. 55115ossis et qe aisal dramatismico som att dansade sigui 00gsi 1l the chiefe offices in Beraguig and ſuch as Berkokke were mot politike in counſayle, determyned that Nicuefi Oulde bee cowgor owteit by a lo glonglome ny meanes he couldc bec founde. Where vp:abskurs pon chey tooke from Ančilus the governoure refuſinge the commynge of Niguejt, a bzygan tyne wiriche he made of his owne c'jacges: And agrecd, agcynë bothe the wyll of Ancifus, and the matter pf fence Vaſchus Nurnez, that Nicuefa thulde bee comgbc foarthe Nicuefa is to take away the ſtryfe as touchinge the gouerne incnt. shop fought foordha clected cherfoze Colmenaris (of whom wc (pake before) to take this matter in hande: wyllynge hem to make diligent ſearch og fog The ſeconde decade. for Nicueſt in thoſe coaftes where they ſuppoſed he crred. Fo? thep harde that he had fozlaken Beragua, the region of an uns frutefull grounde. They gave hym therfoze commaundement to buynge Nicuefa with hym, and further to declare unto hym that he coulde doo ryght good ſervice to coome thether, in ta: kyng away thoccaſion of theyz [editions. Colnieniris tooke the thynge vppon hym thc moze gladly bycauſc Nicueſa was his be ry frendcu: Suppoſinge that his commynge with bytayles a thulde bec noo lete chankefull to Nicuefa and his coompanie, then it was to them of Vrabi, furnyrhynge therefore one of his olone Dippes which he browoght with hym and alſo the brigantyna taken frome Ancifus, he frayghted the ſame with una part of the bytayles and other necellaries iwhich he browght with hpm bifoze from Hiſpaniols to Vraba. Thus courſynge a: longe by all the coates and goulfes nere there abowte, at the Sicuefa is Icngth ac che poynte cauled Marmor, he founde Nicueſa; of all founde in a milerable Iyuynge men mot infoztattate, in manet dżyed bppe with er: care. treemne hunger, fylthye and hozrible to beholde, with onety three (coze men in his company,lefte algue of (euen hundzeth, TO Thep al ſeemed to hym foo miſerable, that he noo lelle lamen red chepz caſe, then yg he had founde them deade. But Colmen muris confoired his frende Nicueft: and embracinge hym with Soreares and cherefull woordes, telpucd his (pirites, and fur: ther encoraged hym with greate hope of better fojtime : decla rynge alſo that his commynge was looked for and greatelye delyzed of al the good men of Vraba, foi that they hoped that by his autozitie, theyz diſcoide and contention thulde bee fy: nylihed. Nicueſa thanked his frende Colmenaris: after ſuch ſorte as his calamitie requyzed. Thus they tooke thyppe to gyther, and Cayled directly to Vriba. But Co variable and unconftant 3nfolencle of is the nature of man, that he ſoone groweth ovote of vſe, be: to much felici commerh infolente and vnmyndful of benefites after to much felicitie. For Nicueft, after thus many teares and weepynges after dyuers bewaylinges of his infoztunate delteny, after lo many thankes geuynge, ye after that he had faulen doione to the grounde and kylled the feete of Colmeniris his Cauioure, he beganne to quarel with hym befoze he came yet at Vruba, rep?0 uingc hym and them all foz thalteracion of the date of thyn: ges in Vraha, and foz the gatheringe of golde: Affirming that nong of them owght to hane layde hande of any golde with obots The ſeconde decade. 62 elbte the aduice of hym oz of Fogedd his coompanion. When theſe fapinges and ſuche lyke, came to the eates of them of Vrabe, they coo toured vp the myndes of Ancifus lieuerenannte fox Fogeds, and alco of Vafchus Nunnex, of the contrary parte, a: Nicutra faus geinte Nicuefd, that Coltely aftec his arrpuall with his three miferie inca ſcoze men, they commaunded hym with threatenynge to de: an other. parte frõ thenſe. But this pleaſed not the better Cozt. yet fea: rynge leat tumult fulde bee amonge the people whom vaſchus Nunnex had ftered to factions, the beſt parte was fayne to giue place to the greater. This wretched man therfoze Nicuefthus the greateſt Drowned in miſeries, was thruſte into the brigantyne whiche part ouercom he hym Celfe browght: and with hym only ſcuentene men, of meth tbe beſt his three [coze which remayned alyue. De tooke ſhyppc in the Lalendes of ogarche in the yeare .1511. intendynge to goo to Hifpaniola to coomplayne of the radhrnes of vaſchus Nunnez, and The death of of the violence doone to bym by Ancifus. But he entered into sicuera. the brigantine in an vnfortunate houre : foz he was neuer ſeene after. They ſuppoſe that the brigantine was drowned andis shy with all the men therin. And thus vnhappie Nicueſa faulynge headlonge o wte of one miſerye into an other, ended his lyke moje myſerablye then he lyued. Nicuefa beinge thus bytely re: tected,e al theyż bytaylos conſumed which Colmenaris biowght Famen enfo:a them, faulynge in manec madde foż hunger, they were enfor faule to ſpoys ced loke taueninge woolues Ceakynge theyz paye, to inuade tynge. ſuche as dwelte abowte they? confynes. Vasthus Nunney there: foze, theyz newt capitayne of theyż owne election, adembling Darchus plur togyther a hundyeth and thirtie men, and ſettinge them in oi le of the der of battell after his ſwoozdeplayers falhion, puffed vppe Lieutenant. with puyde, placed his ſouldiers as pleaſed hym in the fore: ſhippe. warde and rereward and Cume as pertiſens abowt his owne perſon. thus allotiatinge with hym Colmenaris, he wente to (pople the kynges which were boitherers there abowte, and came fyzů to a Region abowte that coate, cauled Coibe, (hoher Carcta,k'uge of föt made mencion befoze) imperioully and with cruel coin: of coiba, tenaunce commaundinge the kynge of the region whoſe name was Carets, (of whome they were neuer troubled as often as they palcd by his dominions) to gyue them bytayles. But Lareta denged that he coulde gyue chem any at that tyme : al: leagyng that he had oftencymes apded the Chriftians as they pated by thoſe coades: by reaſon wherof his doze was nowe 0.01. conſumco The ſeconde decade. conſumed : Allo that by the meanes of the contynuall Warre which he kepte cuer from his chyldes age with a kyng whole name is Ponchot, boucheringe vppon his dominion, he and his famelie were in greate fcarſenes of all thyn ys. But Vaſcbus motores wooide admptte none of thefe ertates: Amo thervppon tooke kynge Careta Carete priſoner, ſpoylcd his upllage, and browght hom bownd is taken and Spoyled. and with his twoo wyues and chipidien and all his famclie to Dari ent. With this kynge Careta, they founde thice of the felowes of Nicuefit, the whiche when Nicuefa pated by thoſe coattes to 13169 fecke Berigut fearynge punpoisomt at for thopi cupll defectes moto foule away from thje dyppes Ipinge at anker: And when the 1989dtud nause deparred, commpcted theintelues to the mevcic of Cirett, bho enterrcyned them bory frondely. They had nowe bynne there .xviii. moonstijes, and were thercfoze as vrterly naked as the people of the contrey. Drivinge this tyme the meate of piger isthe thingabiranccs fcemed.buro chen dclicare di Thes and princes beſt faucen ly fare: tlpecially bycanfe they enjoyed the t'a me withowte as Myne z thine ny tryfe fog myne and thyne, which twoo ttynges moueand the reedes of cnfozce men to ſuch barde hyftcs and milectes, that in lyuing al miſchcfe. they ſeeme not to Ipue. yet deſpred they to returne to they? ovide cares, of ſuche forcc is education and natural cifection ang niet towarde them with whom we have hon browght bp. wir by os susda prayles whiche Vafcbus browght fromcthe vollage of Caneta to ayegi of his felowes leftc in Dariens, was rather tumewhat to atuage theypzelent hunger, and utterly to take away they necelli: Ancifus, liene tie. But as touchinge Ancifus beinge licuetcnaunt foz Fogedd, tenaunt fou whrcher it were befoze theſe chynges op aftcr, 3 knowc not. fogeda is cat in pafon. But this j1 am ſure of, that afrev the reiecringe of Nicuſo, ma ny occalions were fought agent Ancifusi by vifcus and his fac: tionaries. Lowe loo euer it was, Ancifus was taken and catt in pıylon, and his goodes confiſcate. The canle hereof was, (as Vaſchus alleagcd) that Anciſus hadde his commītion of the Lieuctenauntshippe, of Fogeta anely whome they (aybe to bee o nolne deade, an? nor of the kynge. Sapinge that he woolde for at not obey any man that was not put in tice by tho kyng hpnt ſelſe by his letters patentes. pet at the requel of the graucie fozce, he was ſumbhat pacified, and delt moze gcntelly with Ascius ta: hym, bauinge fum compațion of his cala:nities. And therbp age tu nuga: pon commaunded hym to bee looſed. Ancijus beinge at libestie, nula. tooke Chyppc to departe from thenfe to Hiſpaniola. But beefölc The ſeconde decade. of bod. he had hopfed vipe his Cayle, all the lyſed Conte reſorted to hym, humbly deſyzinge hym to returne ageyne : płomyłynge that they wolde doo theyz diligence, that Viſohus beinge recon ciled, be myght bee teñored to his full autoutie of the Llicues jo bomo tenaunttippe. But Ancifus refuſed to conſent to thepz tegnet aud Coo departed. Yet lumic thcre were chat murmured that god and his angels (ewed this reuenge vpon Ancijus, bycanía: The reuens Nicueſt was reiected thaobögh his connCayle. Bome foo cuer it bee, the ſearchers of the newelandes, faule beadlongeurs moineszno to ruine by theyż owne foliye, conſumingethen Celues with the inconue mences of ciuile diſcoide, not weighinge ſoo gueåre a matter, nos em: diſco:de. ployinge tijep, boxe endeuguce abonte the ſame as the w002- thynes of the thynge requyich. Jn this mcane come, they de 104 termyned all with one agreementes to ſende meTenters into The fonnet Hiſpaniols to the younge Admirall and viceroy, Conne and beyze heyze of Colo 10 Chriſtophorus Colonus the fynder of theſe landes, and to the oai nus, is Ad ni ther gouernourcs of the lande (from whom the nowe landes rall and vice: réccaue chcyayde and lawes) to ſignific vnto the what date top of Hifpa: they toodein, and in what neceſſitie they lyued: allo what viola.ednost LO they had founde, and in what hope they were of greater thin gas if they were furnyſhed with plentie of bytayles and other, acoclaries. ffoz this purpoſe they elected at the aſſignement of vascus, one Valdiuis , , being one of his factions and intrucs Valdivia tod hp hym agciift Anc ſus. And to be a diftant with hym, they appoynted one Zamudius a Lantabaian : So that comnaunde. ment was gyuento Valdivia to returnc from Hifpanioa wit, by: taples : And Zamudius was appsynted to takс his byage into zamuding ? Spagne to the kynge. They tooke ſhippe both togy her with Ancifus, cake Ancfus, hauinge in mynde to certifie the kynge howe chynges their wage. mere handeled there, rinche otherwyſe chon Zamudius infozma to Spagne, tion.3 my ſelfe [fake with both Anciſus and Zamudius at their commynge to the courte. Whyle they were occupicd aboute theſe matters, thole w?ctched men of Dariend looſed Carets the kynge of Coika, vppon condicion that he thulte aybe theym in thop: Warres agcyna his enemy and chopis, kynge Porcha boz kinge pocha. theringe tpon his dominions. Curetu made a league with thē, płomylinge that as they pasſed by his kyngedone, hs woolde gyue them all thyngos necedarie, and meet e them with an ar: mie of men, to goo forwarde with them to the battaile agend 33 Poncht. Theyz weapons are nother bowes noz ven med at: 0,111, robocs so The ſeconde decade. rowes, as we ſaybe thinhabitantes to hane Which Dibel eat: warde beyonde che goulfe. They feight therefoje at hande, with longe (wordes (which they caule Macints) made of wood smoordes of bycauſe they haue noo Jiren. They ble alſo lange itaues lyke woodde. iauelens hardened at the endes with fyer, 01 typte with bone. Allo certeyne Qynges and dartes.Thus after the league made with Carets, bothe he and owre men had cetteyne dayes ap: poynted theym to tell they? grounde and lowe they? Teedes. kynge Careta This boone, by the ayde of Carett and by his conduction, they confpireth marched towarde the palaice of Poncha, who ácdde at they co with the spa mynge. They (poyléd his byllage and mytigated they, huna genft kynge ger with ſuch vyraples as they founde there, yet coulde thep poncha. not helpe their felowes therwith by reaſő of the farce dillance of the place, althowgbe they had greate plentie. For the wyl: to lage of Poncha, was more then a hundzeth myles digant from Dariena :Wheras was alſo none other remedy but that the ſame 2010 tulde haue byn caryed on mens backes to the ſea lyde beinge farre of, where they left they? Thyppes in the which they came rought gold to the vpllage of Careta. Dere they founde certeyne powndes weyght of gold, grauen & wrought into fundzyc ouches, gt: ter the lacking of this byllage they reſorted toward the fylps intendyng to leaué the kinges of the inland bntouched'at this tyme, e to inuade onely them which dwelt by the ſea coaltes. Not farre from Coibe, in the ſame tracte, there is a Region na: med Comogris, and the kinge thereof, cauled Comogrus after the The region of Comagra, ſame name. To this kinge they came fyzu nert after the ſub: diſtant frome vertion of Poncha: And founde his palaice fituate in a frutefull Dariena. Frr. playne of twelue leaques in biedthe, at the rootes of the fucs leaques. ther ſyde of the nerte mountaynes. Comogrus had in his courte a certeyne noble man of nere conſanguinitie to kynge Careed, whiche had Redde to Comogrus by reaſon of certeyne dilention whiche was betwene Cureta and hym. Thcle noble men, they kynge Coms: caule Iurs. This Iura therfoze of Coibs, metre obre men by the srus. way, and conciled Comogrus to them, bycauſe he was well kno: 80549 toen to owo me from the tyme that Nicueſa pared fyzů by thoſe coates. Dure men therefore went quietlye to the palaice of Comogrus beinge diftantc from Darient thirtie leaques by a plaine baye abotótc the mountaynes, This kynge Comogrus, had ſe The kenges urn Connes, pounge men of comelye forme and ftature, whiche palaice. he had bp fundzy wgues. Dis palaice was framed of poftes 0] The ſeconde decade. 6+ o2 pzoppes made of trees faftened together after a fraunge Lozte,and of loo aronge bolding that it is of no lelle ftrength then waules of tone. They which meaſured the length of the floure thereof, founde it to bee a bundlech and fyftie palcs, and in bicadche, foure [cole foote: beingc roofed and paued with maruelous arte. They foundc his toic houſe, furnyſſhed with abundance of delicate vitailes after the maner of theyz countrey: and his boyne celler repleniſhed with great veñelles myne t ryder of earth and alſo of woodde fylled with thcyl kynde of bone and lyder. ffoz they haue non grapes. But lyke as they make they? breade of thoſe thzee kyndes of rootes cauled Iuced, agis, be to and Naizium, (whereof we (pake in the fyztte decade) Soo make they they, wyne of the frutes of date trees, and fyder of other frutes and ſeedes, as doo the Almaynes, Flemynges Engly the men, and owre Spanyardes Whych inhabite the mountaynes, as the Walcons and Aſturians: likewiſe in the mountaynes of the Alpes, the Moricians, Sueuians, and Dela uetians, make certepne dzynkes of barley, wheat, hoppes and apples. They ſay alſo that with Comogrus they d?oonk wynes of Lundzy tatcs, both whyte and blacke. But nowe you thall Blacke wine. heare of a thynge moze montrous too behoulde. Enteryngea therfoy ito the inner partes of the palaice, they were browght on into a chamber hanged aboute with the carkeles of men,tyed of seade kyn The bocycs with ropes of gođampine cotton. Beinge demaunded what ges, religiour they ment by that ſupertition, they anſwered that thoſe were ly honoured. the carkeſes of the father, graundefather, and great graund: father with the other aucettours of they, kyng Comogrus. De claringe that they had the ſame in greate reuerence, and that they tooke it fog a godly thynge to honoure them religiouſy: And therfoze appareled euery of the Canc lumptuouilpe with golde and precious foncs accordynge bnto thep? eftate. Aftec this Cozte dpd the antiquitie honoure they? Penates, whyche Peritos. they thowght had the gouernaunce of their lyues. Howethcy The çarcareg Diye theſe cackeſes bppon cecceine infrumêtes made of wood, of men dyed like vrto hurbels, with a ſofte fyer bnder the ſame, ſo that tu sang onely theſkynne remayneth to houlde the bones together, we haue deſcribed in the fozmer decade. De Comogrus his ſcuen Loonnes, the elded had an ercelicnce naturall bycre. Dc ther: Che kynges foze thowght it good to flatter and pleaſe thys bandzynge man of ercela kynde of mencobor men 3. meane) lyuyngconcly by thiftes and lente pyete. (poyle The ſeconde decade. (poyle,lead beinge offended and ſeekinge occaſions ageynde hyni and his familie, thep Chuld handle hym as they dyd other whiche Cowght noo meanes howe to gratifie thepm. Where: foure chau Forc, he gaue Vaſcbus and Colmeriaris foure thouſande ounces of of wrought golde artificially whought, and alſo fyftie daues whyche he golde. had taken in the warrcs. Foz Cuche, cyther they ſell for er: chaunce of other thin ges, oz otherwiſe ble them as theym ly: non deth Foz they haue not the ble of money. This golde with as muche more which they had in an other place, owce men way: The diſtribu ed in the psyche of Comogrus his palaice to ſeparate the fyfte tion of golde. parte thercof, whiche portion is due to the kynges efchcker. ffoz it is decreed that the fyft pacte of both golde, perles and precious Goncs, qulde be aſſigned to the Kingos treaſources: And the reſydue to bee diuided emonge theym ſelues by com: poſition. Dcre as brabblynge and contention aroſe emonge owrmen abowt the diuidingc of gold, this eldette ſoonne of kynge Comogrus beinge preſente, whomc we piapſed for his wyſedome, conimynge ſume what wyth an angery counter naunce towarde bym whichc helbe the balences, he trookt bala theym wyth his fylltc, and (catered all the golde that was young Como- tneren, abowte the porche, tarpely rebukynge theym with grus his oza- 100zdes in this edecte. what is the matter yowe Chritiak FICU). men, that yow Coo greatly cteme ſoo litle a portiou of golde more then yowr owne quictnes, whiche neuertheleữc yow cn: Che, hunger tend to deface from theſe fayze ouches and to melte the ſame of golde. into a rude maTe. 3f yowre hunger of goulde bec Coo infatis able that onely for the defyzc powe haue therto, yowe diſqui: cre [oo many nations, and yow yobre Celues alſo luftepne Coo many calamires and incommodities, lyding like baniſhed mer a region flos obec of yowrs owne counttey, i wpil chewe yowe a Region Winge wych golde. floweinge with goulde, where yowe may ſatiſfic yowr raue: ninge appetites. But yowe muſic attempte the thynge with a og greater poure: for it ftandeth golo in hande by force of armes Bayes it to ouercome kynges of greate pui launce, and rigorous defen: kynge Tuma ders of theyż dominions. foz bylyde other the greate kinge Tumanima will coome foorthc ageyntte yowe, whole kengbome is motte ryche with golde, and diđantc from henſe oncly lyr nihales Loonnes: that is, fpe paycs:Coz they number the dayes by the Canibales. forne. Furthecmorc, o2 cact yowe canne coome thether, yow un must paſſe ouer the mountaynes inhabited of the cruell Canp: Bama. bales The ſeconde decade. 65 tales a fierce kynne of men,deuources of nians active, lyring toithowte lawes, wanderinge, and withowte empite. Foz they alſo, beinge delyjous of golde, haue ſubdewed them in The golde der they, dorninion whiche before inhabited the golde iynes tynies of the of the mountaynes, and vſe then lyke bandemen, b[png their mounraynes. Laboure in bygginge and wolkynge the golde in plates and fundzyjmages lyke bnto theſe which yowe ſee here. faz anm:ought mee doo no moze edeeme rude golde bnwrought, then we doo solde nu efte cloddes of earthe, befoje it bee formed by the hande of the med. workeman to the ſimilitude cyther of ſume veüell neceſaric foz obce bít, og ſume ouche belvetifull to be worne. Theſe thynges doo wee receaue of theimfo2 erchaunge of other of Exchange, obre thynges, as of priſoners taken in warre, whiche they bye to catc, oz for ſheetcs and other thynges perteynynge to the furnipture of houlchalde, Cuche as they lacke which inha bite the mountaynes : And eſpecially foz vitaples wherof they fande in greate necde by reaſon of the barrennes of the moun tapnes. this io?ney therfoze, mul bee made open by force of men. And when yowe are paſinge ouer theſe mountaynes (poyntinge with his fynger towarde the ſouthe mountaynes) powe wal ſec an other ſea, where they ſayle with thyppes as bygge as powres (meanynge the caráucles) vlinge both ſays les and ozes as yowe doo, althowghe the men bee naked as Abundance wee are. all the waye that the water runner he frome the of golde. mountapnes, and all that lyde lyinge towards the Southe, bzyngeth foorth galde abundantly. As he fayde theſe loon: des, he popneed to che veüelles in whiche they vie to ſeruz theyz neate, afirmynge that kynge Tumanama, and all the o: cher kynges beyonde the mountaynes, had ſuche and al their houſeholde other houteholde tutte of golde: And that there was noo lere ftuffe of gold plentre of golds amonge thoſe people of the Sonthe, then of Jren with vs. for he knewe by relation of owre men, wher: of omrelwoordes and other weapons were made. Dure ca: pitaynes macucylyng at the olation of the naked younge man (foz they had for interpretours thoſe three men whicie had byn bcfoze a yere and a halfe conucrſant in the court of kynge Careta) pondered in they? myndes, e erneily conſidered his ſay: inges. Soo that his raxhenes in ſcatteringe the golde obic of the balances, they turned to mygth and vrbanitic, commen dynge his dooinge and ſayinge therin. Then they aſkcd bym frendcly The ſeconde decade. frendcly, vppon what certeyne knoweleage he (pake thole thynges: Di what he thobght befte herein to bee doone y they fhulde brynge a greater ſupplye of men. To this, younge Comogrus, Qayınge a whyle with hym felfe as it were an oza: tour preparinge him ſelfe to ſpeakc of ſume graue matter, and diſpoſynge his bodye to a gietture mecte to perſuade, (pake thus in his mother tonge. Byue eare unto me o yowe Lhzy: ftians. Albeit that the gredie hunger of golde hathe not yet Naked pes: bered bs naked men, pet doo we detroy one an other by tea: pte tormēted ſon of ambition and delyze to rule. Deceof (pringeth mozrall With ambitio hatred amonge vs, and hercof commerhe owre detruction. Dwre prediceữours kepte warres, and ſoo dys Comogrus my father with princes beinge boztherers abowte hym. In the which wartes, as wee haue ouercoome, ſo haue wee byn ouer coome, as dothe appere by the nunber of bondemen amonge vs, which we tooke by the ouerthzowe of owre enemyes, of tha whiche 3 haue gyuen yowe fiftie. Iykewyſe at an other tyme, obre aduerſaries hauinge thupper bande agente vs, tedde away manye of us captinc. For ſuche is the chaince of warce. Alco, amonge o wre familiers (wherof a great number haue byn captiucs with them, beholde here is one whiche of tonge tyme ledde a paynefull lyfe in bondage under the yoke of that kyage beyonde the mountaynes, in whoſe kyngbome is ſuche abundance of golde. Df hyn, and ſuche other innu. merable, and lykewple by the reſozt of free men on they? (yde comminge to vs, and ageyne of owre men reloztinge to theint by ſafe conduct, theſe thynges haue byn fuer as well knowen # vehement bnto us, as obre owne podelions. But that yowe maye bee perſuaſion. the better allured hereof, and bec obte of all ſuſpection that yowe that not bee beccaued, make me the guyde of this viage, byndynge me faữ and kcepyng me in Cafe cuftodie to bee han: ged on the next tree, ye yowe fynde my ſayinges in any point bntrewe. ffolowe my counſayle therfoze, and ſend for a thot (ande Chzilian men apte foz the warres, by whole power we may with allo the men of barre of Comogrus my father armed after owre manet, inuade the dominions of obre enemiyes: where, bothe yowe may bee fatiſfyed with golde, and we fo? obre conductinge and aydynge yowe in this enterpzpie, chall thynke owre Celues abundantly rewarded, in that yowe thall belpe to Delyuer vs from the ininries and perpetuall feare of ome The ſeconde decade. 66 ewre enemies. After theſe woozdes, this prudente younge Comogrus helde his peace. And owre men moued with greate a tokek of hope and hunger of golde,beganne ageine to ſwalowe downe hunger. theyz (pectic, ( The fourth books of the ſecondo Decade, of the ſuppoſed Continent. fter that they had tarped here a feloc dayes and baptiſed Comogrus with all his famelie, kynge Como: and named hym by the name of Lharles af: grus is bapti fed with his ter the kynge of Spayne, they returned to famety. theyz felowes in Dariena Icauinge with hym the hope of the thouſande Couldyers, which his lonne requyzed to pale ouer thoſe moun taynes towards the South (ca. Thus enteringe into the vyl: lage which they had choſen to inhabite, they had knowleage that Valdiuit was returned, within (yre moonethes after his tialditia ree departure : but with noo great plentie of vytapics, bycauſe turneth from he browght but a ſmaule wippe : yet with hope that daztely hiſpaniola. after, there talde bee ſent them abundance of vyrayles with a newe ſupply of men. Foz younge Colonus, the admiral and biceroy of Hiſpaniola , and the other gouernours of the flande, acknowleaged that hetherro they had noo ceſpecte to theym of Dariend, bycauſe they ſuppoſed that Anciſus the licuetenant had ſafely arryued there inith his Chippe laden with vatayles: wyllynge them from henCcfoozth to bee of good cheere, and that they thulde lacke nothynge hereafter; But that at this preſent tyme, they had noo bygger thippe wherby they myght ſende them greater plentie of necelaries by Valdiuia. The by: taylos therfoze which he browght ſecued rather (unwhat to mytigate they? preſent neceditie, then to ſatiſfye theyz lacke. mherfoze within a fewe Dayes after Vildiunt his returne, they fel ageine into lykc (carſnes: cſpecially for aſmuch as a great Gozme and tempelt whiche came from the hyghe mountaynes 1orrible thun with horrible thunder and lyghonynge in the mooneth ot po der and light nember, browght with it ſuche a fludde, that it partely cavy: nynge in the ed away and partly drawned all the cojne and focdcs whiche moneth of they had folne in the moonethe of September in a frutefull Nouember. grounde before they went to kyng Comogrus. The ſecdes which they "The ſeconde decade. Bread of ma they of Hispaniolx caule Maizium, and they of Vrabs caule Hobba: tzius thobba Wherof they make they: bicade, which alſo wee fayde to bee type thiyſe encry yeare, bycauſe thoſe Regions are not bytten with the tarpnes of wynter by reaſon of they nercnes to the Equinoctial lyne. 3t is alſo agreable to the principles of na: turall philoſophie, that this beade made of Mairius 02 Hobbs, fulde bee moze hollome for thinhabitantes of thoſe contreys then breade made of wheare, by reaſon that it is of eaſper di: Digeſtion ftreogthened gction. Ffoz wheras coulde is wantings, the naturall heare by on awarde is not d?yucn frome the owreinarde partes into the inwarde colde. partes and precozdials, whereby digeſtion is much ftrengthes ned. Bringe therfozc thus fruttrate of the increaſe of thcy: fcedes, and the kynges rere abowte thein (poyled of both by: tayles and golde, they were enforced to ſeeke theymeate fur bunger. ther of: And therlpith to ſignifie to the gouernours of Hiſpani ola with what great neceſſitie thep lpere oppređed: And what they had lerncd of Comográs as concernynge the Regions to: warde the Southe: Wyllynge them in conſideration therof ta * ne we fup: aduertyſe the kynge to ſende them a th uſande Couldiers, by plp of a thou whole helpc they myghe by force makc waye throwghe the ers. mountapnes diuidyngs the ſea on both ſydes, if they coulde not bzynge the ſame to pañc quyetly. The faine Veldiuia was alſo ſent on this metage, caryinge with hym to the kynges trealoarers (hauinge they: Office of recepte in Hiſpaniolt) three hundrech poundes weyght of golde afrer eyght ounces to the pounde, for the fyfte portion dewe to the kynges clcheker. Marcha This pounce of. viii. vnces, the Spanyacdes caule Marchs, Iphiche in Weyght amounteth to fyftie pieces of golde cauled Peſus. Caftellini. But the Laſtilians, caule a pound Peſum. We conclude thcrfoze, that the ſame hereof, was.rv. thouſands of thoſe peeces of golde cauled Caſtellani. And thus is it apparente by A thouſande this accompte, that they receaued of the barbarous kynges, a dieth cour ds thouſande and fyue fundieth poundes of eyght ounces to the weyght of pounde. All the whiche they founde redy bylought in fundi wrought geld kyndes of ouches, as cheynes, bratelets, tablersand places, bothe to hange befo/c they? brettes, and alſo at they, eares, and noſechzyls. Valdinis therefoze tooke mhyppinge in the ſame cacaucll in the whiche he came lat, and returned alſo beefore thcthyide day of the ydes of January, in the yeace of Christ M, SD,J, What Cjaunced to hem in this vyage, wee well Declare The ſeconde decade. 607 declare in place conuenient. But let bs no we returne to them which remayned in Vrabe. After the diſmiitinge de Valdius, be: inge pricked fozwarde with owtragious hunger, they deter: mined to ſearche the inner partes of that goalfe in (undiy pla ccs. The ertreme angle opoynt of the ſame goulfe is diftant The goulfe from the enterance therof, aboute fouce (coze myles. This an of Uraba, gle oz cozner, the Spanyardes caule Culats. Vaſchus hyin Celle Culitd. came to this poynte with a hundzeth men, coafynge alonge Uaſchus fear by the goulfe with one bzygantine and cetteyne of the cheth the boates of thoſe regions, which the Wrabians caule Vru, lyke soulfe of ura bnto them whiche thinhabitantes of Hiſpaniola caule Canois, bs. from this poynt, there fauleth a ryuer from the Eat into the goulfe, ten tymcs bygger then the ryuer of Darient which al: A maruelous Lo faulech into the ſame. Saylyng alonge by the ryucr about great ryuer, the ſpace of thirtie myles (foz they caule it nyne teaqucs) and faułyng into ſumwhat inclynynge towarde the cyght hande Couch warde, the gcuife of Uraba. they founde certeyne villages of thinhabitantes, the kynge whereof, was caaled Dabaiba. Owre men alſo bere cercifyed befoze, that Cemacchus the kynge of Darient whom they put to kynge Daba: flyght in the bacrayle, Redde to this Dabaioa. But at the com: inacchus, are niynge of owrc men, Dabaiba alſo ledde. It is thowght that dzyuen to he was admonyuhed by Cennicchus, that he thulde not abyde flyskt. the bjunte of owre men. De folowed his counſayle: follooke his byllages, and lefre all thynges decolate. pet owre men foundc heapes of bowes and arrowes : Alſo much houſchold Kuffe and many fyuhyng boates.But thoſe maryűhe groundes waryahe were neyther apre faz ſowinge of ſeedes oi planting of trees, grounds By realon whecof, they founde there fewe luche thynges as they delyzed that is, plentie of bytayles. For thinhabitantes of this Region, haue too breade but ſuch as they ger ur other contreys nete abowre then by erchaunge foz rhoyz by.Ch?,on: ly to ferue theyzowne necellitie. yet found they in tochm: ſes of them that aedde, galde izought and grauen, amoun: wrought gold tynge to the lume of Leucn thouſande of thoſe pieces whiche whayshing we lapde to bee cauled Caftellani: Alco cerrepne canoas: of the Caſtellanes. which they bought away twoo with them, and great picntic of theyz hou holde lušče, with certegne bundels of bowes and on arrowes. They caye, that from the marylhes of that cyugc, thece coorne ceci eyne battes in the nyght (calon, as bygge as attes 83 turtle dooncs, inuadyng men and bringe them with a deadly descues, by gens cum wounde The ſeconde decade. mous arrows wounde, as fume of them tefifie whiche haue byn bytten of Anciſus byt: the ſame. 3. nly ſelfe communing with Anciſus the lieuctenant een of a båtte whom they reiected, and amonge other tienges alkynge him of the benemous bytinge of thele battes, he coulde me that he on hym Celfe was bytten by one of them on the heele, his footely inge uncovered in the nygyt by reaſon of thcheate in commer Ceaſon: But that it hurt bym noo moze, then yf he hadde byn bytten by any other beatte not benemous. Dther ſaye, that the bycynge of lume of them is venemous: yet that the ſame Reinedies a is healed incontinently, if it be wathed with water of the geynſt vene: Cea. Anciſus toulde me alſo, that the venemous woundes made by the Lanibales arrowes intected with poylon, are healed by Walſhynge with water of the ſea, and alſo by cauteriſing with hotte Jrens: And that he had erperience thereof in the region of Cariban.1, where many of his men were to wounded 1 they departed therfoze, from the poynte of the goulle of Vrábd, be not well contented bycauſe they were not laden with vitailes. In this their returne, there aroſe loo greate a tempet in that 2 tempeft. wyde goulfe that they were enforced to catte into the ſea, all the houſeholde ſtuđe whiche they tooke from the pooze wzet: ches whicho ipucd oncly by filoge. The ſea allo ſwalowed bpp the two boates that they tooke from theym, wherewpth the men were likewiſe dzowned. The ſame tyme that Vaſchus Colmenaris Nunnez attempted to ſearche che poynte of the goulfe towarde taketh his by the ſouthe,euen then by agremente, dyd Rodericus Colmenaris take age towarde his viage towarde the mountaynes by the ealc, with the cor the montains men, by the ryuer of the other goulfe. Aboutе foztie miles dil: tante from the mouthe of the ryuer, (for thcy caule it twelue leaques) he founde certeyne vilages ſituate vppon the bankes of the ryuer, whole chiui, (that is,)kinge,they caule Turui.With this kinga dyd Colmenaris yet remayne when vaſchus after his re: kynge Turui. turnc to Dariena, ſaylıng by the ſame ryuer,came to hym. Here refreſchinge chcyz hole coompany with the vitailes of this Tur. ui,they departed from thenſe togyther. Other fortie myles from henſe, the ryuer encoompaſech an Fland inhabited with fylther men. Jn this, bycauſe they ſawe greate plentie of the The Jlandof trees which bcate Casſia fiſtula , they named thejland Cannafiftult Cannafiſtula. They found in it, threeſcore villages of tenne cotagos apiece* Da the right lyde of the land there runnerh an other ryuet, whoſe chanell is of depth Cuffientero beare brigantines.This tpиct The ſeconde decade. 68 She ryuer of tpucr they cauled Riuum Nigrum:from the mouthe wherof about Riuus niger. tv.myles diftante they founde a towne of fyue hundzeth hou: a towne of Les ſeuered: whole Chebi,( that is,) kinge, was cauled Abenama: y, hundrech sbel . They all fo looke theyz houſes as ſoone as they harde kouſes. Setodetoise of owre mennes commyng. But when they ſave that obre men purſued them, they turned ageyne and ränne vppon them with deſperate mindes, as men diuen from their owne poleti ons. They wepons, are (wordes of wod, and long Gaues like sauelens, hardened at the ende with fyer: But they ble nep: Thinhabitan: sher bowes nos arrowes: noz any other of thinhabitantes of tcs of the the weſte (yde of the goulfe. The poze naked wretches were weſt fyde of cafely dipuen to flight with obre Weapons. As obre men fo: the goulfe. lowed them in the chaſe, they tooke the kinge Abenamichei and certcine of his noble men. A common ſouldier of obres whom kynge Abena the kynge had wounded, cooniminge to hym when he was ta: machen, 19 ta: ken, cutte of his avine at one ftroke with his ſwoolde. But arme cut of. this was doone vnwares to the capitaynes. The number of the Chriftian men which were here, was aboute a hundzethe and fiftie: the one halfe whereof, the capytaynes lefte here, and they with the relydue rowed vpp the ryuer ageyne with twclue of the boates of thoſe Regions, whiche they caul. Vru, as they of Hiſpaniolt caulc them Canoas, as we have (ayde. from the ryuer of Riuus Niger and the land of Gannafiſtuls, for the ſpace Many ocher of thueclcoze and ten myles, leaning both on the right hande ryuers fau: on the lefte many riners faulinge into it bigger then it felfe, ling into his they entred into one by the conductynge of one of the nakes uus Niger. inhabitantes, beinge appoynted a guyde for that purpoſe. Uppon the banke of this ryuer neft vnto the monthe of the kyng abiber: Came, there was a kynge cauled Abibeiba: who, bycauſe the ba owellerhe Region was full of marylihes, had his palaice buylded in the in 9 tree. toppe of a highe tree, a newe kynde of byldynge and ſeldome Cecne. But that lande beareth trees of ſuche erceding heigth, of moyſter z abundance that emonge they branches, a män may frame large houles: heat is caure as wee reede the like in diuers autoures howe in many Regis of byggenes. ons where the ocean ſea rylethe and ouerflowerhe the lande, the people were accuſtomed to dye to the high trees, and after the ryfynge the faule of the water to take the fylthe lefte on the landc. of the ocean This maner of buyiDinge, is to laye beames crote ouer the fee. branches of the trees, fate bounde togyther, and there up: 51379 pon to rayle theyz frame, Grongly niade agconfte wynde and 60 CA trees The ſeconde decade. werher. Dre men ſuppoſe that they buylde they, houſes in - trees, by reaſon of the greate iuddes and ouecaolinge of ry Subouers whiche often tpmes chaunce in thoſe Regions. Theſe Trees ofiar trees are of ſuche heighth that the ſtrength of no manes arme uzlousheight is able to hurle a ſtone to the houſes buylded therein. And Plinie. therforc doo 3 gyre the better credit to Plinie and other au: tours whiche Włytte that the trees in ſame places in Indi: are [oo high by reaſon of the frutefulnes of the grounde, abun, aniden dance of Water, and heate of the Region, that noo man is able Frutefult to ſhute ouer theym with an arrowe. And by iudgemente of grounde. all men, it is thowght that there is noo frutfuller ground uns der the loonne,then tiis is whereof wee nowe entrcate Dwv men meaſuringe manye of theſe trees, founde thcym to bee of ſuche biggnes, that feueu men, ye fumerymes cight, holdinge Cell rs 'nthe hande in hande with they: armies (reached furthe, were ſcar: grounde. [cly able too fath me them aboute. Per have they theyz cela lers in the groundc, lvcil replenplined with ſuch wynes wher of boce hauc ſpoken beefore. Foi albeit that the vehemencie of the wynde, is not of pouce to cate downe thoſe houſes, of to brecke the branches of the trees, yet are they toñed there: with and liaye Cumwhat from fydc to ſyde, by reaſon wher of the wyne thulde bee muche troubeled with moouinge. All other necellarye thingcs, they haue with theym in the trees. *dioses et When the kynge or any other of the noble men,dyne o2 Cuppe in theſc trees,t jeywpues are browght chepin from the cel: Oleres by they? (eruantes, wheche by meanes of exerciſe, are accućomed with noo le le celeritie to tunne vppe and dowue adide on the leaves adherente to the tree, then dooowre waytynge boa alled yes bppon the plaync grounde, fetche bs what wee caule for 2396 from the cobbarde bylyde obr dyninge table. Dwre men ther foze,came to the tree of kinge Abibeiba, and by thinterprctoures cauled hymu foorthe to communication, gpuinge hym ſignes of esthach peace and there bppon willinge bym to coomme downe. But record i he denged that he woolde coomme owte of his houſe: Dely: cinge them to ſuiker bym to lyue after his falfhion. But owre men fell from fayze woordes to threateninge, that ercepte be wolde deſcende with all his famelic, they wolde eythet ouers Abiberba, the throwe the tree, or elles let it on fper. When he had denied kypse of the free,reldethe them ageyne, they fell to hcbinge the tree with they ares. fouerchus, Abibeiha fecinge the chippes faule from the tree on euery (yde, chaun: The ſeconde decade. chaunged his purpoſe and came dowone botth only two of his foones. Thus after they had entreated of peace, they commu: ned of gatheringe of golde. Abibeibs anſwered that he had noo golde, and that he neuer had and neede therof, noz yet regar: Ded it any more then dones, lapBut when they were intante sold no more bppon hym, he ſapde unto theit. Je pobe foo greatly delyze eſtemed chea golde, 3 will ſeekcfði Cume in the nerte mountaynes, and ſtones, bringe it into powe. Ifpi it is plentifully engendzed in thoſe mountagnes. Then he appointed a day when he bold bringe this gelbe. But Abibeiba came neyther at the day, noy after the dape appopneed. They departed therfoze from thenre well re Erected with his bitailes and wpne, but not with goulde as they hoped. Yet were they enformed the like by Abibeibs and his ditionacies as concerninge the golde mynes and the Land bales, as they havde before of kinge Comogrus. Saplinge get further aboute thirtis myles, they chaunced bppon certepne cotages of the Caníbales: But btterly voyde with owte men o; quite. Foz when they had knowleage that obre men wan dered in the provinces nere aboute theym they relozted to the Canibales sonntagnes, carpinge al theyż goodes and Auffe byththem.007 The fyfte booke of the ſeconde Decade of the ſuppoſed contincnt. the meani tyme tohyle theſe chynges were doone alonge by the holes oz bankes of the cyuer, à certeyne Decurian, that is a capy, tayne ouer tenne, of the coompanye of thole which Vaſcus and Colmenaris had lefte foz a gar rylon in Kiwo Nigro in the dominion of kynge Abiramschei, tohether it were that he was com pelled through hunger, oz that his fataule dayes was nowe coome, he attempted with his couldiers to ſearche the coun: treys nere there about, and entered into the village of a king kyns #braíba cauled Abraibs, mhis capitaynes name was Raid : lhom Abraha to dele, with two of his felowes: but the refydue fledde. Within a fcbe dayes after, Abraibt hauinge compation of the calamitic of his kynſeman and neyghbour Abenam.acheius being dzyuen from his owne poledions (whoſe arme allo we fayd befoze that one of the fouldiers cut of at the river of Riuo Nigro and The seconde decade. and nowe remaynynge with Abrriba to whome he fledde by ttelth after he was taken, went to Abibeibe thinhabitour of the tree, who had nowe lykewyſe for Caken bis contrep for feare of owre men, and wandered höhe defolate mountapnes anò Abraiba cau: wooddes. When he had there founde him, he (pa ze to him feth the kyn: in this eñecte. What thynge is this Dh vnfožemmate Abibeiba? ses to rebell. 02 what nation is this thu ſoo tormentcth vs tynt bec can not enioye owre quyet lybértie : Dowe longe, howe tonge 3 ſay thall wee luffer they: crucltic ? Were it not much better for vs to die, then to avide ſuch iniuries and oppzellions as yow, as Abin..mscheius obre kynſeman, as Cem.icchus, as Carets, as Pon, Eha, as 1 and other princcs of oberoider dog futteyne ? Exe any things bee more intollerable then to ſee obre wyues, obre chyldzen, and owce ſubicctes, to bee ledde awaye caps tiues, and obre goodes to be fpoyled euen' befoje obre faces, y take the goddes to wytnes, that 31 (pcake not ſoo muc) toy myne owne part as 31 doo foz yowe whole cale filament. Foz albeit they hauc nor yet touched me, neuertheleđe, by the erample of other, J owght to thynke that my deftruction 18 en good not farrc of. Let vs therkore (yf wee bec men) trye olore ftren: enomghyf they had iren gthe and poue owrc foztune ageynt them whiche haue delte thus cruclly with Abenam scheius, and diyaen hym owre of his contrey. Ict vs ſet on them with all owre poure, and bttcrly dstroy them and yf wee can noi deye them al, pet till mee make them afraydc eyther to a Tayle vs agepne, or at the leat dimyny The thy? poure. For what fos ener in all befaule, nos thyage can chaunce Woo ſe bnto us then that which we no lo ſuffer. When Abibéibe harde theſe wordes and ſuch other like, he condecended to doo in al thinges as Abraiba Wolde requyze: Where vppon they appoġnted a day to buynge theyz confpira. cie to pate. But the thynge chaunccd not accoldynge to their delyze. foz of thoſe whache bee Cayde to haue pa led to the Lanibales, there returned by channce to Rinus Niger the nyght befoze the day appoynted to woojke they? fcatc, thivcie men to the ayde of theym whiche wete lefté there pe anpe (edition The kynges thulde ryſé as they lulpected. Therfoze at dlje danuyng of the ere dzyueni to day, the confechecate konges with frue Hundrêth of theyż di: flysht. tionaries'armed after theyz maner, beſcaged the bpllage with a terrible alatome, know ynge nochynge of the newe menne which came thether the ſame nyghe, Dere obre target men The ſeconde decade. 70 as they rowed tvil. Spany oame foo;th agcynt them, and fyrt atapled them a facre of bith theyz arrowes, then with they2 pykes, and latte with theyz boozdes: But the naked ſcely Cowles, perceauinge a . greater number of theyż aduerſaries the they looked fo2, were captyues, foone dipuen to dyght, and Qayne for the more parte lyke fca: terynge theepe. The kynges eſcaped, they iewe manye, and tooke many captiues whiche they ſente to Dariens where they A garyfon of ble them foz labourers to tyll and lowe they grounde. Theſe FRE.mer. thynges thus happely atchyued, and that prouince quyeted, they returned by the ryuer to Dariens, leaninge they? thyztie men foz a garryſon bnder the gouernance of one Furstado a ca: pitapne. This Furdisdə therfoze, ſente from Rixo Nigro where he was appoynted gouernonce, twentie of his felolocs e one woman, with rrnil. captiues to V.fchus and his company, in one of the byggelt C:nous of that prouince. downe by the ryurt, there came footh Coodenly ouerthwarte ardes ilayne the ryuer agepnữ them, foure greate Canods, which ouerthjel and drownede thcp2 boate and debe as many of them as they coulde coome by, bpcauſe they were vnprepared ſuſpecting noo ſuch thinge. Sobre men were all drowned and layne excepre twoo, which hyd them Celues amonge certeyne fagottes that ſwamme on laye to they, felowes in Dariens : who by them bringe aduertpled to: hercof, beganne to catte they? byttes what this thong might meane: beinge no ielie ſolicitate foz them ſelues, then medit& tynge in what daunger they, felowes had byn in Rivo Nigro, excepte by good fortune, thoſe thictie nebe men which were 2012/2013 ſente to them, had coome to the byllage the nyght befoze the conſpiracic thulde haue byn wrought. Lonſultinge therefore what was betro bee doone herein, at the lengthe with dylp: gent ſearchenge they had intelligence that fyue kpnges, that is to wytte, Abibeibs the inhabitoure of the trce, and cem.cchus Chekinges Dipuen from his vyllagothbiche owre menne nowe poleco, red the death Abraibs alſo and Aben.mscheius, kynſemen, with Dabsib: the king of the courtis of the fythec men inhabytinge the corner of the goulfe whichc ans. be cauled Culata, were all a lembico to conſpire the Chriftian mens deltruction at a day aligned, which thynge had ſurely coome to palie,if it had not byn ocherwpie hyndered by gods prouidence. 3t is thetfoge accrybed to a myzadle: And trewly a ſtrange tot bnwoozthely if bee ibeye hole chaunce detected and be: chaunce. $ 11 zayed The ſeconde decade. bozayed the counCayle of theſe kynges, and bycauſe it is wor thy to bee harde, 1 byll declare it in fewe woordes. Vaſchus Valobus Nunnez therfoze, who rather by poure then by clection, blur. ped the gouernaunce in Dariens, beinge a matter of fence, and rather a raðhe roytter then politike capitayne(althowgh for: tune Cumtyme fauoureth fooles) amonge many women which in dyuers of theſe regions he had taken captyue, had one whi women can che in fauoure and beltic ercelled all other. To this woman keepe no her ownc biother often tymes relojted, who was alſo dzyuen counfayle, obte of his contrey with kynge Comacchus, with whom he was very familier and one of his chiefe gentelmen. Amonge other communication which he had with his fytter whom he loued entierly, he yttered theſe wooldes, My deare and welbeloued fptter, gyue eare to my ſayinges, and keepe mote ſecrearelye that whiche 3 wyll dcclarc vnto yowe, yf yowe delyze yowre olone wealth and myne, and the proſperitie of obre contrer and kynſefolkes. The infolencie and crueltic of theſe menne whiche haue dzyuen vs owtc of owre poleđions, is ſoo intol lerable, that the princes of the lande are determyned noo lon: ger to ſutteyne theyz opp elions. An army of c By the conduceinge therfoże of fyue kinges (which he named canoas and in oiber)they haue pzepared a hundeceh greate Canoas, with fpue.w men. fyue thouſande men of Watce by lande and by ſea, with vitat: les alſo in the village of Ticbiri , fufficient to maintagne ſuch an army. Declaringe further that the kinges by agremente, had Tryumphe before victory diuided emonge theym the goodes and headocs of owre men: and therfoze adinonyhed het, at the daye appoynted by Cume occaſion to conueigh herſelft obte of the way, letc fc lould bec dayne in the confuſion of the bataile. Foz the ſouldier victourer, is not woonte to ſpare any that commerhe in his tale. And thus fhcwinge his [ykter the daye añigned to the affection cor: Aawghtec, he departed. But the younge woman ( fo, it is the rupteth trew fudgement. [Wood that women feare and obſeries more then the grauitie of Caro, ) whether it were foz the loue or fcare that thee had to Vaſchus, forgettinge her parentes, her kynſfolkes, her countrey and all her frondes, ye and all the kinges into whole thotes Vaſchus, had thịutte his ſwooide thee opened all the matter vn: to hym, and conceled none of thoſe thinges whiche her yndila MY? crete broocher had declared to her. when Viſchus therfoze had hard the matter, he cauſed Fului., (fo/ foo had they named het) to The ſeconde decade. זל to fende for her brother, who came to her immedfatly, Wag ta ken,and enforced to tell the hole circundances of the matter. where vppon, he playnely confefled that kinge Comacchus hys The con pla lozde and matter, ſente thoſe foure canoas to the deliruction ridizl of the of olore men, and that theſe newe conſpiraces were attempted kynges 18 des by his conſaile. Likewiſe that Gemacchus Coboght the deitructi: tected. on of Vaſchus hpm ſelfe when he ſent hym foztie men under pre tence of frendthippe to tyll and ſowe his grownd after the ma ner of the contrey, gyuinge them in commaundement to deye Vaſchus at Marris, whyther he relozted to comfożce his laboures kyng Cemac: as the maner is of all good huſbandes. Yet durge they ar noo chus, conſoy tyme erecute theyz lozdes commaundemente bppon hym, by- of usichus. cauſe Vaſchus came neuer emonge them afoote o? vnarmed, but was accuſtomed to ryde to them in harnes with a fauelen in his hande and a ſwoozde by his ſyde. Wherfoze Cemacchus be: inge frullrate of his particulec conſaile, tooke this latic thing in hande to his owne deſtruction and his neighbours. Foi uachus pur the conſpiracie beinge detected, Vaſcbus cauled threeſcoze and reweth the tenne ſouldiers, commaundinge them to folow him, but decla: kylges With red nothing into them whether hee Wente oz what hee enten ten men. ded to do. We wente forwarde therfoze fyztte towarde Cemic- chus which tey from hym,onely tenne myles. But he had know teage that he was fledde to Dubaibs the kinge of the marithes of Culata, yet ſearchinge his village, he founde a noble man a culer under hym and alſo his kintleman, whom he tooke pris Conter with many other of his familiers and frendes both mert and women. The ſame houre that he fette fozwarde to ſecke Colmenaris fog.Cemacchus, Rodericus Colmenaris rowed bp the ryuer with foute facketh the of they? biggeſte Canoas and threeſcoze men by the conduction Vyliage of Ti of the maydce byother who browght hym to the village of Ti chiri, chiri, in the which we ſayd all their bitatles to remayne bhiche were prepared for they, acmye. Colmenaris therforc, facked the billage, and poñelled all their vitayles and wyne of ſundzy Fyue rulers colours: likewiſe tooke the gouernoure thereof priſoneryand for thomsh hanged hym on the tree in whiche he dwelte hym felfe, com: with arrows. maundinge hym too bee thotte throwgh with arrowes in the light of thinhabitantes, and with hym faure other culers to bee hanged on iebbettes to the exemple of other rebelles. This punyíthmente thus erecuced bppon the conſpiratours, frooke the hartes of all thinhabitantes of the płonince wyth ſuche $.in, feare The ſeconde decade. th lin fcare that there is not nobot a man that dare tooze his finger agepng the wrathe of owre men. They lyue nowe thecefore quietly: And the other kinges by theyz eremple doo the glad: lyer liue in ſubiection, with lelle offence bcaringe the yoke bohyche they can by noo meanes thake of. 3 The fyrte booke of the ſeconde decade of the ſuppoſed continente. Deſe thinges, thus fynylthed, aſemblinge all their company togither thep determined with one conſente,that a meữynger Chulde foorth with bee fente to Hiſpaniola( from whence they haue their lawes and ayde) to declare the hole order of all theſe affayzes, fpztte to the admirall and gouetnoure of the glande, and afrerwarde to the kinge of Spayne, and to perſuade hym to The golden ſense thoſe thouſand men which younge Comogres ſaid to bee regions on the ſouth ſide erpediente to pače ouer the mountaynes lying betwene then the moun. and the golden regions towarde the Southe. Vaſcbus himſelfe tayne's. dyd grearly a fecte this embalage: But neyther Woolde the reſydewe of his felowes electe hym therto, noz his factiona: ries (uffer hym to departe: Alwell foz that therby they thous ght they mulde bee left defolate, as alſo that they murmured that if Vaſchus thulde once goo from theym, he wolde neuer res turne to Cuche turmoples and calamitics, by theremple of vil The death of diuis and Zamudius, who had byn now abſente fence the mooneth Ualdíuia and of January, in ſoo much that they thowght they woolde nea zamudius. uer coomme ageine. But the matter was otherwiſe then they tooke it, as 3 wyl dhewe in his place. For they were perilth.d. gohannes at the lengeth after many ſcrutinies, they elected one Johs Quiced is is Quicedus, a graue man well ia geares, & trcalourer of the kings Pepiro Spain eſcheker in thoſe prouinccs.they had conccaued a good opia nion of this Quicedus that all thynges fulde bee well bzolo ght to palc by his mcanes, aſwell for his wpldome, as alſo that they were in good hop of his returne, bycauſe he had blought his witte with hym to choſe regions, whome he lefte with his felowes for a pledge of his comminge agepne. When they had thus elected Quicedus, they were ageyne of diuers opinions whome they might logne bicb hym foz alifance: Afirminge that The feconde decade. 72 that it were a dåungerous thinge to com:nitte loo wetghtye a matter to one mans handes. Not that they miltruited Quice Chaunge of dus.but becauſe the life of man is frayle, and the chaunge of the ayer is the ayer perelous,efpecially to theym hauynge nowe of longe daungerous, tynie byn accuſtomed to the temperature nere vnto the Equinoc, rial if they coulde bec compelled to returne to the North with alteratio of ayet e dyet. They thowght it therfoze good to ap poynt a cópanið to Quicedus, that if by chance the onc íhuld fayl the other might remayne: And that if they both eſcaped, the king tuld gyue the better credit to the relation of both After Rodericus longe conſultatio therfoze, they chole Rodericus Colmenaris a man Colmenarig, of good erperience, of who we haue often tpmes made mēcion. a liftant with froz from his youth, he had trauapled ouer al Europe by land Quicedus. and by ſea, and was preſent at the doinges of all thynges in Jtaly agent the frenchemen: Df whoſe returne alſo, they had noo (maule hope bycau[che had many fermes and hadde tolled and lowne miuch grounde in Darient, by chincreaſe wher of he might get much gold by fellyng the ſame to his fclows. Deichte therfoze the charge of al his a fayzes in Darient, with his partener Alphonfus Nunnex, a judge of the lawe, who alſo was lyke to baue byn choſen procuratoure of this vyage be: foze Colmenaris if one had not put thein in remembzaunce that a wyfe is a he had a wyfe at Matritis : fearyng leaû beinge overcoome with kinderance her teaces, he woolde no more returne. Colmenaris thcrcfoze, a free man and at libertie being alociate a Tifant inith Quicedus they tooke Chyppyng togyrher in a brigantine, the fourth day of the Calendes of Nouember, in the yeare of Lgzit. 1512.10 Cuba, In this byage, beinge tolled with ſundry tempellics, they 972 bere by the violence of the wynde, cat bppon the Wete coas des of that large lande whiche in the fylte Decade we cau: lcd Cuba, Cuppoſed to haue byn fy melande. They were ſore three moos oppzelled with hunger. For it was nowe three mooncthes rethis from [ence they departed from they, felowes. By reaſon whereof, Dariena to they were enforced to take lande to p?oue what aybe they ſon of tépefts coulde gette amonge the inhabitantes. Theychaunce theres fore, was to artyue in that part of the lande, where Válidinis boas. ?guen alande by tempct. But oh yowa Wretched men of Duriena Dary for Valdixit whom yowe Cent to provide to helpe powre nece cities? Pouybe for yowce Celues rather and trust The death of not to them whole foztune yowe knowe nog, Foz when he ar Qaldiats. tyued cubans т The ſeconde decade. cpued in Cuba, thinhabitantes debe him with al his felowes, and lefte the cacaucll Wherin they were caried, tozne in pieces and halfe coucted with Candt on the ſhore: where Quicedus and Colmenaris fyudyng the fragmentes therof, bewayled their fez lowes myffoztune. But they founde none of they? carkcles: ſuppolinge that they were cyther drowned, oz denoured of the Lanibals, which oftentymes make incurſions into that 3 landc to hunte for men. But at the length, by twoo of the 3: lande men which they had taken, they had knowleage of Val diuit his deſtruction: And that thinhabitantes the moze gree: Burt of la: dcly attempted the ſame, fou that they had harde by the bab: wyſhencs of lynge of one of his feloves that he had great plentie of gold. the tonge, Foz they alſo take pleaſure in the belotie of gold, which they forme artificially into fundzy ouches. Chus obre men fry: ken with penſyuenes foz the cruell delenie of they, felowes, and in vayne Ceckynge reuenge for theyz iniuries, determyneb to fozſake that unfoztunate lande, departonge from thoſe co: verous naked barbarians with moze luzowe and necellitie then they were in befoze. D7 eucr they had paded the South The me'm seathof (pde of Cubs, they fel into a thouſande myffortunes : and had fogeda. intellygence that Fogels arrgued thereaboure, Itadynge a my: ſerable lyfe, toled and turmoyled with tempettes and bereb with a thouſand perplerities: Soo that departing from thence waladies almot alone, his Felowes beinge foz the mod parte all conlus famen. med with maladies and famyn, he came with much difficultie to Hiſpaniola, where he dyed by fożce of the poyCon of his venes The profpes mous wound which he had receaued in Vraba as we haue ſaid Tous Vygge befoze. But Ancifus elected lieuctenaunt, ſapled by all thoſe of Ancilus. coates with much better foztune. Foz as he hym felfe toulde me, he founde proſperous boyndes in thoſe parties, and was Well entertegned of thinhabitantes of Cuba. But this ſpecial: ly in the dominion of a certegne kynge whoſe name was Comia mendator. For wheras he delyzed of the chitian men whiche A kyng of Cu pañed by, to bee baprijed, demaundynge the name of the go babaptired by the name uernout of the glande next onto Hifpaniols, beinge a noble man of Commen: and a knyght of tholder of Galatraua of which oder al are cau dator. led commentatores, this kynges delyze was to bee named after bym. kynge Commendator therfoze, frendely receaued Ancifus, ancifus and gaue hym greate abundance of al thynges neceXarie. But bbar Ancijus lerned of thep; religion durynge the tone of his remaynynge The ſeconde decade. remaynynge there, I haue thowght good to adüettyſe yowre holynes. yowe mall therefoze bnder&andes that certeyne of a maruelous owre men ſaylinge by the coattes of cabcz: lefte with kynge hiſtone home Commendator a certeyne poole maryner beinge dileared. Whoin Sod in ought mtracles by Chozte ſpace recoueringe his health, and hatiynge nowe fum: the ſimple what lerned theyz language, beganne to growe mto great cli fayth of a mation with the kynge and his ſubiectes, in loo muche that märgner. on he was oftentymes the kynges Lieuetonaunt in his barres a geynt other princes his boztherers. This mans foztunc was 1oo good, that all thynges profpered well that he tooke itt hande. And albeit that he were not lerned, yet was he a vot tuous and well meanynge man accardynge to his knowleage; and dyd religioudy honoure the blečeb virgin, bearynge cuer about with bym bcr picture fayze paynted ypon paper #lowd Be nor ramme in his apparell nere vnco his bzelle : Signifyinge vinto the is fudgemens kyng, that this holynes was the cauſeof albis victozies:pera Zemess ſuadynge bym to dos the lyke, and to cat away all bis Zemos . Iphich were noncocher then the fymilitudes afdwih (pisites, motte crucll enemyes and dcuowers of abre fowles. And to take bnto hym the holy virgin and moothenpf god co bee his patronele if he belyzed all his aifayzes albellin barre as in 10139 peace to ſuccede profpernulky. Alſo that the birded virgyn ang giboa woolde at noo tyme fayle bymu, but bec euec tedy to helpe bin and his, if they woolde with deueute hartes, caule rapport het name. The maryner had foone perfuaded cbc naked nation: And there bppon gaue the kynge (wha deniaunded the fame) his pycture of the bitgin, to whom he buyided and dedicate a A chapel burt chapell and an altare, cuer after contemnynge and resectynge ture of the ded to the pic his Zemes. Of theſe Zemes made of golampine cotton to the visin wary fimilitudes of Ipzytes walkynge in tipe nygbe behich they of otsda tentymes (ck, and ſpeake with them familiecly, laré hanc (polygaid apk ken ſufficiently in the nynth booke of t je kyla Decade. Ufara chermiode, accoldynge to the intitution of this maryner, what the Coonne dzabeth tolvarde the fauls, this kynge Commendan for with all his famely boche men and women, relozte daylye to the Capde chapell of the virgin pacie, where kneelyng oir sod repecs they knees and reuerently bowpng downe they, heades, bol tet the infairn dynge theyz bandes loyned tog yther, they Calute thimage of eie of fauchs the birgin with thole woozdes : Aue Maria , Ave Maria. for feme fo: zeleo lako of them can rehearſe any moge woodes of this player. At S43932 Gncifus . The ſeconde deacde. Ancifus Hts beinge there, they tooke hym and his felolcs bg stolom the handes, and ledde them to this chapell with teioyſinge, 75 grond ſayinge that they woolde thewe theym macuclous thynges. One Religion when they were entered, they poynted with they, fyngers to strned into the image of the virgin altobelct and hanged abolte wich deth tyl mna: ouches and iewvels and many earthen potres, fylled Cum with ny thinges of fundyy mcates, and fume with water, rownde aboute all the the fy:ft. tabernacle. for theſe chynges they offer to the image in the ttecdc of ſacrifice, accordynge to theyż owlde ſuperſticion ta A ftrangé fan barde chey, Zemes) Beingc demaunded bhy they dyd chus, tafie. they anſwered, leaic che image thulde lacke meate if perhaps it Guld be a hungerd. for they mon certenly belcue that ima: ges may hunger, and that they doo ease and dzynke. $57 1138 But what apde and helpe they confeite that they haue had of to the godly poure of this image, that is of the bleded virgin, it is a thynge woozthy to be harde, and mot a [uredly to bee ta ken for a tunthe. foyby the report of obre men, there is ſuch feruet godly boue kitalt in there ſimple men toward the holy birgin, that to them böcings ii the daungers of Wavre ageynd theyz chemies, thry doo in manec (yf 3 may [oo terme it) com The effect of pel her to deſcende from heauen to helpe them in thev: necel: godly zeale. Cites: FouTtich is the goodhes of god, that he hath lepre bint; to men i manet a puce wherby wce may purchile bull sich his holy angels and layntésythat is to wytre, balenyng loue, charitie e peale. Dowe therébé can the bléled birgin at any time be ablent fro the which cal foi her Helpe with pure faith dises bus e feruent loue: Comenend.stor him felfe, with al his noble mõ and Sinu gentelment, doo teſtifie with one voyce,chat in a fought bat: A miracle in tayle in the which this maryner was capitayne, bearyng with the tyine of bym this picture of the virgin bgacie, the Zences of they, che the battayle mies turned their backes and trembeled in the preſence of the virgins finage and in the fyght of them all. For euery of thë bzynge thepz Zentes to the batrayle, hopynge by thepz helpe to obteyne the victorie. vc they ſay further, that Ducyng the tyme of the battayle, they Cawo not only ang magc, but a liut by sy hoa ly woman dothed in fayze and whyre apparel, aydynge thjent do ageing they, enemies : whiche thynge alſo the enemyes them The virgh felues acknowleaged, confeálynge that on the centrary patte mary, is pre: thee appeared to them, takynge a fepter in her hande with rent at the battayle, threatenynge countenaunce, whiche cauſed theyz hartes to Hake The ſeconde decade. 74 fake and faynt for fence. But after that this matyher depara ted from them, beinge taken into a ſpppe of certeyne Lhudisalm 19:10 ans paſlynge by thoſe coafes, Commendator declared that he with all his Cubiectes, continually obſerued his inftitucions: In too muche that beinge at contention with an other princes which of they? Zemes were moge holy and of greatete poute, the mateer grewe to ſuche ertremitie that they tryed it with. hande ftrokes : And that in all theſe attemptes, the blelled virgin neuer fapled hym, but was eučc pzeſente in the buunte of the battaple, and gaue bym całye victorie with a ſmaule poure of men, ageyna a mayne armye of his enemies. Beinge dernaunded with what woordes they coyed vppon the virgin wary when they allayled they, enemies, they anſwered that, they had lerned nov other wooides of the mariners doctrines but Sancta Maria adiuud nos, San€tt Maria adiuua nos : That is, holy a ry hclpe vs, holy warye helpe vs. And this alſo in the Spaz nyahe tonge. For he had lefte theſe woordes in the mouthes maruelus of all men. Whyle they murthered and deltroped them ſelucs erperience of thus on hothe (ydes, they fell to entecatie of peace and agrez faytb ed to trye the matter, not hande to hande by combatte of cer- -30 2130 tegne choſen for bothe parties as the maner was amonge the Komapnes and dyuers other nations in the owlde opme, or by any ayght of policie, but that twoo younge men thulde beti choſen, foz eche partieont, with they: bandes bounde fall bea hynde them in the playne fielde, bothe parties beinge [Worke to acknowleage that Zemes to bee the better, which fyzu loo: 95 Ced the bandes of the younge man whiche toode bounde fo} wuche lyke the tryall of his religion. Thus dividinge them ſelues, and Vnto this, is placeingetheſayde younge men before them in the [yght of redde iu. Reg. them al, with they, handes fat bøunde by theyz enemyes, the the deuil af contcary parte cauled fyzi on thep? Zones that is, the deuplt. peareth in to whole ſimilitudethep: Images ace made) who immediarly his lykenes appered in his lykenes aboute the younge man that toode 03 bounde in the defence of Sathans kyngedome.langue - But as ſoone as Commenditor with his coompanye coyed sanita 3120 Maria adiuud nos, Sandka Msia adient nos, fojth with there appeared. a fayze birgin clothed in böyte, at whoſe pjefence the benell vanquished immediacly. But the virgit hauinge a longe cod in her bande, putting the ſame on the bandes of the younge wan that Geodc Foz Coinmendator, his handes were looled inme il biatly The ſeconde decade." diafty in the lyght of them all, and his bandes Founde about En other mis racle. the handes of hym that toode foz the other partie, in ſomuch that they them čelues fowndc hym dobble-bounde. But for all this, were not the enemies ſatiſfyeb : querelinge that this thynge was doone by ſum Qyght oz diuile of man, and not by the poure of the better Zemes. And there vppon requyzed foj thadyoydynge of all ſuſpection, that there myght bee cyght graue and ſage men appoynted, foz eche fyde foure, whiche Thulde bynde the men in the ſyght of theim all, and allo gyue fudgemente whether the thynge wete doone withowte crafre or gyle. Db pare ſimplicitie and confiant fayth: Dh golden and bledled confidence. Commentator and this familiers, doubted not to graunte chepy enemies theyz tequette with lyke faythe Matb.14) wherwith the diſeaſed woman obteyncd healthc of the dute sf her bludde, and wherby Peter feared not to walke on the fea at the Cyght of his matter Lhzifte. Theſe younge men ther foze were bounde in the pzeſence of theſe eight graue men and were placed within theyż lydes in the ſyght of bothe parties, Thus vppon a ſigne gyuen, when they cauled vppon they che deuylag perech agein. Zemes, there appeved in the ſyght of them all, a druyll with a tonge tayle, a byde mouthc, greate teeth, and hozncs, reſem: blyng the ſimilitude of the image which the kyng being ene mye to Commendator, honoured for his Zemes. As this deuyl at: The Virgin cempted to looſe the bandes of his cliente, the bleaed virgin Wary ouer: was immediatly pzeſente as befoze at the caule of Commend.stor comineth the and his fubiectes, and with her todde toolid the bandes of deuyli. dares her ſuppliant, which were agcyne lykcwyſe foundë fat tyed on abouțe the handes of hym that toode for the contrarye parte. The enemics thercfoze of Commendator, beingetryken with Cross greare feate and amaſcd by reaſon of this greate mitacle, con feïed that the Zemes of the virgin was better thē their Zemes, Foz the better profe bonerof thoſe pagans beinge boztheters Infidels con to commendator, inhich had citer beroze byn at continuall warre verted by m:- and enmitie with hym, when they had knowleage that Ancifus racle, and baptired. was arryned in thole coaftis, they ſente ambaladoures bato hym, to defyze bym to ſend them pjeettcs of whom they might hee bapriſed: 1Dhere vppon he ſent them twoo which hee had with hym there at that preſent. They baptifid in one day # hundzeth and thictie of thinhabitantes, ſumtymc enemyes to Coramendator, buç now his frcnács a toyned with him in aliande! 911 The ſeconde decade. 75 all fuche as came to bee baptiſed, gaue the picelles of theyz The preentes owne liberalitie, epther a cocke or a henne.But no capons:foz rewarde. they can not yetſkyi how to carue theyz cocke chpkēs to make them capons. allo certeyne Calted fylthes, and newe fpne ca: kes made of they? breade: likewiſe certeyne foules franked 0 and made fatte. When the pzeeles reſolicd to the ſhippes, Tyre of theſe newe bapepſed men accoompanied theym ladenya with vit ailes, wherwith they ledde a ioyfull katter. ffozon the Sunday two dayes before faynte Lazarus day, they depar: ted from Dariend, and touched at that tyme, onely to the cape oy angle of cuba nere bnto the Eate (yde of Hiſpaniola. At the requette of commendator, Ancifus Iefte with hym one of his coom: panic, to thintente too teache hym and his ſubiectes wyth o ther his boztheters, the ſalutacion of the angell whiche bot caule the Aue Marial for they thinke them ſelues to be ſoo much Ave Maria, the może bcloued of the bleñed virgin, as they can rcherſé the moze wooides of that player. Thus Ancifus takinge his Ancirus sys Icaue of kynge Commendator, directed his courſe to Hifp.iniola, from age to Spain whiche he was not farre. Shojtely after, he tooke his viagens to Spayne, and came to Valladolero to the kynge, to whom he Ancifus cons made greuous complaint of the inſolencic of V.Schus Nannes, in to playneth of muche that by his procuremente, the kynge gaus ſentence as uaichus. 22 gcyntte hym. Thus muche haue 3 thought good ( molte holy fatljer) wherof to aduertyle yobt holynes as concernyng the religió of theſe nations, not only as 3 haue byn inâructed of Anciſus ( wyth whom 31 was dayly couerſante in the court and bied hym familiarlye) but alſo as 31 was enfozmed of dyuers other men of greatc autozitie, to thintente that yowre excel: lencie may vndertande howe docible this kynde of men is, los dedo and wyth what facilitie they may bee alluced to embzaſe obrne religion. But this can not bee docne Coodenlye, yet we The Harueft sans baue grcate cauſe to hope that in fhoite tyme they is great, but wilbe all djawen by lite and litte to the euan thelabourers atid nou gelicall lawe of Chritte, to the great ens gre feme. sota ed or creaſe of his flocke. But let us nowe di candewi returne to the mellengers of p20 Set 1730 SMD curatouts as concerttiynge von sithe affayzes of thodagi Darien.se The The ſeconde decade. ſayiyng.az Ccbe feuenth booke of the Ceconde decade of the Cuppoſed continente. Rom Dariens to Hifpaniola is cyghre Dayes Cai: froin barie: linge and Cumtymes ledle with a proſperous na to Hifpant wynde. yet Quicedus and Colmenaris the procu: ola Vill dayes ratoursof Dariena, by reaſon of tempettes and contrary Wyndes, cous (carſely Caile it in a hundjethe dayes. When they had taryed a fele dayes in Hiſpaniola, and had declared the cauſe of the comminge to the admirall and the other gouer: nours, they tooke ſhippinge in two marchante fhippes beinge, tedye furny[ibed, which were alſo accutomed to faile too and froo betwene Spayne and the Jlande of Hiſpaniola they el departed from Dariena( as we ſayde befoze)the fourthe day of the calendes of nouember in the yeare of ChriG.1512, and came or not to the coarte befoze the calendes of 29 ay in the yeare fo: The procura: lowinge beinge the yeare of £hrifte. 1513. At thy commynge tours of Dari to the concte, Iohannes Fonſeca (to whom at the begynnynge the rably recea: charge of theſe affayres was committed, bohom alſo for hys ued at the faithful ſecuice towarde the kinge, yowce holynes created ge: courte, nerall commilarie in the warres ageyndte the moozes) recea ned them honozably, as men comminge from the newe world, from naked nations, and landes unknowen to other menne. (By the prefermente thercfoze of the bylthopé of Burges, Quicedus and Colmenaris were b?ought befozc the king and decla red they, legacie in his pzeſence. Suche newes and preſentes as they brought, were detectable to the kinge and his nable men, for the neinnes and firaungnes therof. They alſo frios: Cheir cöpler son is altered ned with me often tymes. Thepz countenaunces 000 declare the intemperatenes of the ayer and region of Dwiens, foi they are yelowe lyke unto them that baue the yelowe gaundies: del and alſo ſwolne. But they aCcrybe the cauſe hereof, to the hunger which they ſufeyned in time pat. 3 haue byn aduer: tiſed of tha Fayzes of this newe woorlde, not onely by theſe of whomthe procuratours of Dariena, and Ancifus, and Zanudius, but allo by autour had conference with Baecis the lawiec, who canne ouer a greate formacion parte of thoſe coales. Likewyſe by relation of Vincentius Annez the patrone of the ſhippes, and Alfonſus Nigrus, both being men of greate erperience and wel trauaylcd in thoſe parties, beſide many The ſeconda decade. 76 many othet, of whom wee have made mention in other places Foz there came neuer any from thenſe to the court, but tooke greate pleaſure to certifie mee of al thynges cyther by woorde of mouth og by wzytynge. Df many thynges therfoże which lerned of them, I haue gathered ſuche as to my Fudgemét Teeme mofte worthy to ſatiſfie them that take delyte in hyltos rics. But let vs nowe dcclare what folowed after the com: minge of the procuratours of Dariend. #herfoje, before they arryuall there was a rumoure fpzeade in the courte, that the chiefe gouernoures and Licuctenauntes Nicuela and Fogede, als ſo lohannes De ht Cofft (a man of ſuch reputacion that by thc kyn: The greate ges letters patentes he was named the greate matter of the maſter of the kynges chippes) were all peryſhed by miſchaunce: and that kynges ſhips thoſe fewe which yet remayned algue in Dariena, bere at con: tencion and diſcozde amonge them ſelues: So that they ney: ther endcuoured they, diligence to allare thoſe ſimple natios to owre faythe, no? yet had regarde to ſearche the natures of thoſe Regions. In conſideration whcrof, thckynge was de: termyned to ſende a newe capirayne chythet Whiche fulde tes loze and ſet all thynges in good order, and put them obte of autozitie whiche hadde vfurped thempire of thoſe prouinces withowte the kynges ſpeciali commaundement. To this of: is elected gos petrug arias fice, was one Petrus Arias añigned, a man of greate prowes uernour of and a citiſen of Segovis. But when the procuratours of Darient Dariena. had published in the courte howe greate a matter it was, and OS of what moment, many laboured erneatly to the kyng, to take the office obte of his handes. But the byłthop of Burges be: inge the kynges chiefc chaplayne, and one of the commiſſio: ners appoynted by hym in theſe matters, bringe aduertiſed hercof, came immediatly to the kynge, and ſpake to hym in the this effect. way it pleaſe pobre hyghnes to bndcrland (molt Thoracion of catholyke perince) that wheras Petrus Arids a man of valiente te tyrhop. copage and greate Ceruice, hath offered hym lelie to aduenture the defence of Burges 11B his ipfe in pobre maiefties affayzes, vnder vricerteyne hope of of perrus eri gayne and molte certeyne perels, per that notwiehttandynge as. [um other haue ambiciouſly maliced his felicórre and prefermēt fabouringe foz thotce wherero he is elected :t maye pleale powre grace herein Coo to thewe hym yowr fauour and permit hym co enioye his ſagde oftice, as yowre maielie doo knowe hem to bee a woozthy and mcete man foz the Came; haugng in 13501 tyme The ſeconde decade. tyme patte had greate efperience of his prowelle and valiane ncite, albell in behauinge hym Celfe as olderinge his couldia ers, as yowr hyghnes may the better conſyder if it thal pleaſe The marres yowe to caule to remembrance his doinges in the warres of A: of Ephrica. phrica, where he dhewed hym ſelfc bothe a wyſc Lapitapne, and valient Couldier. As concerninge his maners and vlages other layes, they are not vniknowen to yowre maietie, un der whoſe Wynge he hath of a chylde byn browght vp in the courte, and euer founde faythfull towarde yowre hyghnele. wherfoze, to declare my opinion under powre graces fanour (whom it hath pleaſed to appoynt me a commillioner in theſe atay.cs) 3 thinke it were vngodly that he would bee put from BE his office at the fute of any other, clpecially beinge thereto moued by ambition and couetouſnes: who perchaunce woold prouc them ſelues to be the ſame men in the office if they fuld obteync it, as they nowoc thewe them felues in the ambitious delirynge of the ſame. When the byXhoppe had ſayde theſe Petrus Zrias Woodes, the kynge confirmed the election of Petrus Arias 18 Lieuetenante moze ample mancr then befoze: wyllynge the bychoppe to ap: of Dariena. poynt hym a thouſande and twoo hundzeth fouldiers at his charges, makynge hym a Warcante to thofficers of his eſche: Petrus Arias kcr to delyuet bym money in pzette fo, the fame purpoſe. Per hath a thou: fand I (WC trus Arias therfoze beinge thus put in office and authozyled by hundreth me the kynges ietters patentes bnder his brode ſeale, choſe a appoynted at greate number of his ſouldiers in the court, and foo departed the kynges frome Valladoleto aboute the calend s of October in the yeare charges. 1515: And Cayled fyza to Liulle beinge a verye tyche citie and well replengüed with people where by the kynges magiftra: tes he was furnyhed with men and bytayles and other necel A houſe in ci Carics perteynynge to loo greate a matter. Foz the king hath uile appoinin this citie ccccted a houſe feruinge only foi thakayjes of the ted to the af: Ocean, to the which al they that goo or coome from the newe fayres of landcs and landes, relozte to gyuc accomptes aſwell what India. they cary thyther as what they bzynge from thenſe, that the kyuge may bee truly anſwered of iis cuftome of the fyfte part bothe of golde and other thynges as wec haue Capde befoze. This houſe, they caule the houſe of the Contractes of Indi. Perularia , Petrus Arias founde in Liulle abouc choo thouſand younge men which made great ſute to goo with bym:lykoidyle noo (mall number of couctous obide men of the whiche, many offereb them The ſeconde decade. 77 Wany proff them ſelues to goo with him of theyż owne charges withowt them felues the kynges ftipende. But lette the lippes fulde bce peſtered to go of they with to great a multitude, oz Icatt bytayles fulde fayle thens, owne clar: the libertie of fcce pañage was reftraynt. 3t lpas alſo decre: $es. co chat noo iranger might paſe withowt the kynges licence. wherfoze 3 doo not a lyetle maruatle at Alofius Cadamuftus a ve Aloifius Cat netian and woryter of the poztugales byages, that he was damuftis is not a famed to bżyte thus of the Spanyardes nauigations : regroued. we went : we ſabe: we dyd. Whcras he neuer went, not any Wenetian Cale. But he Gaule certepne annotacions obte of the thzee fira bookes of my fyzit Decade Wytten to Lardinal Aſcanius and Arcimboldus, fuppofinge that I woolde never haus publyûhed the ſame. Jt myght alſo happen that he came by the copie therof at the handc of Cum ambaſadoure of Wenice. Fol3 haue graunted the cople to many of them, and was not Daungerous to forbyd them to comunicate the ſame to other. DO 10! Howe Co euer it bee, this honette man Aloiſius Cadamuftus fcared not to chalenge vnto bym the frute of an othec mans taboure. of the inuentions of the portugales (which ſurely are boon Che poi gales inuetes derfull) whether he haue wzytren that whiche he hath ſecne tions. (as he Cayth) ozlykewiſe bercaued other men of the iufte com: mendations of they, trauayles, 3 wyll not iudge, but am con tent to let hym lyue after his maner. Emonge the company of theſe couldiers, there were none embarked but ſuche às were licenced by the kynge, except a fewe 3 talians, Benues, who by frendchippe and ſute were admitted foz the Admirals fake younge Colonus, Conne and heyze to Chriſtophorus Colonus the fyzūt the mapit de fynder of thoſe landes, Petrus Ariss thecfoze tooke thippyng in tíð of 'petrue the ryuer Betis (nowe tauled Guadelquevir) runnpng by the citie of Arias. Ciuile, aboute the beginnynge of thc yeace of Lhzitte. 1514.) But he looſed anker in an ecryll houre. Foz Cuche a tempette Aſhiowiacke folobed ſhortly after his departure, that it rent in pieces two base of his chippes, and loo tolled the other that they were entors ced to heaue ouer boorde parte of theyz bytaples to lyghten them. all ſuch as eſcaped, Cayled backe ageyne to the coates of Spayne: Where, beingelewely furnpoed and refrethed, by the kynges officers, they went forwarde on thcy: viage. The maffer pylot of the gouerngures noppe, bas Lohannes Vefpurius & Americus Veld Flozentine, the neuie of Americus Vefpurius, who lefthym as it tiuse were by diſcente of inheritance, therperience of the mariners 0,1 facul The ſeconde decade. facultie, and knowleage of the ſea, carde and compatte. But bee were aduertiſed of late by certeyne which came from Hip paniold, that they had pa led the ocean with more proſperous boynde. For this marchaunt toppe commynge from Hifpaniola Founde themlandinge at certeyne Flandes nere there aboute: But in the ineane tyme whyle my impoztunate caulers on, Gu Le scéus Butrig.trius and Iohannes Curſius, men fubious by al mcanes to gratifie pobre holynes, cealed not to put me in remembe: tante that they had one in a redines to depart into 3taly, and caryed onely ta cary with hym unto youre holynes theſe my fayze Nereides although rudely decked, leateg fulde beffow muche tyme in wayne, 3 haue let palle many thynges, byll ceherre onely ſuch as feeme in my iudgement molte booofthye memozy, althowgh Cumwhat diloždered as occaſion hath fet 2 notable er; ucd. So it is therfore that this Petrus Arias hath a wyfe named lient womait . Heliſabeth & Boudillit, beinge niele by the broothers" lyde to the marques of Boadillit, which rendered the cirte of Segovis to fet nando and Deliſabeth princes of Spagne at Cach tyme as the Portugales inuaded the kingdome of Dafile: by reaſon whet of they were encozaged fyzde to relyte, and then with open konge Benry. Warre to alaple and expulle the Portugales foz the great tve: ſure which kynge benry brother to queene Heliſabeth hadde gathered togyther there. This marquette whole the lyued, dyd euer Thebe a manly and toute mynde, bothe in peace ano Warre, ſo that by her counſaple mange noble chynges were biowght to good effecte in cađite: bnto this noble woman, at the wyfe of Petrus Ariss was niele by her brothers fyde. She folowyng the magnanimitie of her aunt, pecccauinge het hul: bande nolné furnyrhyng hym ſelfe to depare to the vnknown coates of the newe wooulde, and thoſe large tracres of lande The more of and fea, (pake theſe wordes bnto hym. egy mofte deare and Petrus Arias welbeloned huſbande, we oboght not nowe to forget that Eco owre younge yeares we haue byn ioyned togyther with the poke of holy matrimonie to thintente thar Wee thulde foo lque togyther and not a funder durynge the tyme of oldre naturali lyke. Wherefoze foz my parte to declare my affection herein, yowe mall bnderſtande, that whyther ſo ever yowce fatal de: Voit tenye ſhall dzyuc yowe, cyther by tle furious waues of the zu greate Ocean, ay by the mangfoulde and hozrible daungers of the lande, I byli čurely beate yowe coompany. There can no pered The ſeconde decade. 78 peréll channce to me to terrible, noany kynde of death ſo ccu ell, that mal not bee much eaſyer for me to abyde, then to liue ſo farre ſeperate from yowe. Jt were muche better for me to bye, and cyther to bec call into the ſea to bee deuoured of the fpxhes, ou on the lande to the Canibales, then with continu: all mournynge and bewaplinge, to lyue in deathe and dye ly; winge, whyle conſume in lookyng cather for my huſbandes letters then foz hym ſelfe. This is my full determinacion, not taſhely noz pzelentely ercogitate, no conceaued by the lyght phantaſie of womans bzayne, but with longe deliberatio and good aduiſement. Nowe therfoze chooſe to whether of theſe titoo powe Wyll attente: Eyther to thlute powre [boozde in my thzote, O2 to graunte me my requeke. As for the children which god hath giucn bs as pledges of olor inſeperable loue, (for they had foure Connes and as many dolgbters) mal not day me a moment. Let us lcaue bnto them ſuche gooddes and podelions as haue byn left bs by olore parentes and frendes inherby they may ipae amonge the woogthipful of theyz older. Foz other chynges 3 take no care. When this noble matrone of manly bertue had fyniſhed theſe wooides, her huſbande Ceinge the contant mynde of his wyfe and her in a tedynes ta doo accordynge to her wooldes, had no hart to denye her lo: vinge peticion : but embzalinge her in his armes, commended her intente and conſented to her requette, Shee fololed home thecfoze as dyd Ipſicrates her Mitbridates with her heare hanges inge looſe aboute her fulders, ffoz chce loueth her huſbande as dyd Halicarnaſed of Caris, hers beinge deade, and as dyd Ar. Bemiſia her Mauſolws: We have alſo had aduertiſemēt ſence their Departure that ſhe (being bowght bp as it were amonge ſoft fethers) hath with noo ledle Route cozage Cutteyned the cozin: ges and cages of the ocean, then dyb cyther her huſband og any of the maryners bzought bp even amonge the ſourges of the ſea.But to haue fayde thus much hercof, this fal Cuttice Let us nowe ſpeake of other thynges no letre woolthy memo cie. thecfoze, idhereas in the fyzdic Decade we haue made mencion of Vincentius Annex Piszonus, ve mal underttande that he sicceompanyes Chriftopborus Colonus the Admirall in his fyz& by: age, and afteribarde made an other bpage of his owne chap ges with onely one thyppe. Ageyne, the fpztte yeate after the departinge of the Capitapnes Nicuefa and Fogeda, heran ouer) thoſe . The ſeconde decade. . The thyrde thate coaftes from Hiſpaniold, and ſearched all the ſouthe lyde naigation of tincentius of Cuba from the Eatte to the wette, and ſayled rownde about pinzonus. that gland: Which to that day for the greate length thereof, was thought to haue bin pace of the continent oz firme land, althowgh Cume other ſay that they dyd the lyke. Vincentius An: nez therfoze, knowyng nowe by experience that cuba mas an Cubao Jlande, Cayled on furthec, and found other landcs wellvard from Cubit, but ſuch as the Admirall had fyzu touched. Wher foze, beinge in mancr encompared with this newe lande, tur: ninge his courſc cowarde the leftchande, and caring the coas Beraguan ftes of that lande by the Eal, ouerpalinge alſo the mouches Vrabe. of the goulfes of Beragud, Vraba, and Cuchibachos, he artyued at Cuchib.icos. the Region which in the fyzu Decade we cauled Paria and os Parid, Draconis : And entered into the greate goulfe of frellhe water, Os Draconis which colonus diſcouered, beinge repleniſhed with great abun Dance of fythe, and famous by reaſon of the multitude of 3: landes lyinge in the ſame, beinge diftant Eauwarde from cu Curiini, riana abonte a hundzeth and thirtie myles, in the which tract Cumans. are the Regions of Cumına and Manacapand, whiche alſo in the Manacapand, [prte booke of the fyzd Decade we Layde to bee Kegions of the large prouince of Paris, where many affirme to bee the gres ylentie of tette plentie of the bette peacles, and not in Curians, Pcaries. The kinges of theſe regions( whom they caul chiscones, as they of Hiſpaniola caule theym Cacici) beinge certified of the comminge of obremen, ſente certeyne (pyes to enquire what newe natis on was arryued in thcyz coattes, what they browght, and what they woolbe hane : and in the meane tyme furnylthed'a mumber of they? Canoas ( Whiche they caule Chichos ) with men armed after their maner. For they were not a lytle añonilthed to beholde obre thippes with the Cayles (pleado, wheras they Monoxyla. vre no ſaples, nocan vſe but ſmåule ons if they woolde, by The Barbari reaſon of the natownes of theyz canoas. Swarmynge ther: emre men be fore about the Chippe with they, canoas( which we may well inge in they: caule Monoxyla, bycauſe they are made of one hole trce, ) they Shoppes. feared not to fhute at our men beinge yet within their fhips and keepinge theym ſelues vnder the hatches as ſafely as y they had byn defended with gone waules. But when owre men had thotre of certeyne pieces of ordinance agepnå theym che vre of they were ſoo diſcomfited with the noyle and dawghter ther uses. of that they dzoue them ſelues to fight, Beinge chus dilpar ; cled The ſeconde decade. cled, oför men chaſed them with the ſhippe bote, cooke many, and flewe many. When the kynges hardc the nople of the gunnes, and were certyfied of the lođe of their men, they'rent ambaſadours to Vincentius Agnes to cntreate of peace, fearinge the ſpople of they? goodes and deſtruction of thep2 people, if owre men dhulde coomme alande in theyz bozathe and furye They delyzed prace therfoze, as could bec coniectured by their breat abuns ſignes and poyntinges: for owre men vnderſtoode nor one dance of gold wooide of theyz language. And for the better proofe that and frankente they delized peace, they preſented owre men with three thou: San fand of thoſe weights of gold that the Spanyardes caule Cafe fellinum Aureum, which they commonly caule Peſum. Allo a gre: Olibanua ate barell of woodde full of moûte ercellente maſculine fran: kenfence, weighing about two thouſande and fyre hundreth me poundes weight after eight ounces to the pounde: Whereby they knewe that that lande browght'fuirtlie'gteate plentie of 'n frankenleuce. Foz there is noo entercourſe of marchaundies Sabea, "ts a bethene thinhabitantes of Paris and the Cabeans bringe foo contrey in As farre Diaante, whéras alſo the of Pária krowe stathynge mich rabie, which omte theyz owone coales. With the golde and frankenrence bungechforth frankenfence whiche the preſented to owre men they gave them alo a gre: Paria. ate multitude of theyż peacockés, bothe cockes and hennes, reacockes deade and alpue, alwell to Catiffie they? preſent neceñitie, as which wee alſo to vary with theym into Spayne foi encreaſe. Lykcwoyle caile Turkye certeynecarpettes, coouerlettes, table clothes and hanginges cockes. made of godtampine ſilke fynelye Wrought after a iraunge di cou criertes wife witlj pleſante e váriable colates, hauing golden belles fe fyneły izou- fuche other (pangles and pendauntes as the talians caulc shi. Sonaglios, and the Spanyardes Caſcaveles, hanging at the puriles pogyngapcs. thecof. They gaue theym furthermoze ſpeakinge popingiais of fundzy colours as many as they woolde aſke. Fol in Paria, there is no leve plentic of popiógiais, then with ys of dooues 02 [parous, Thinhabitantes of theſe Regions both men and women are appareled with bettüves made of goflampine cot: ton, the ment to the knees and che women too the calce of the Thappareil legge. The farmion of thjey? apparells is Comple and playne cants of paria of the inlat müchelike unto tije Durkes. But the mons, 13 dauble and quilted like tljat whiche che turkes via'in the barres. The TOR princes of Parid, arc rulers but fajtone year s19ut their autozitie Rulers for is noo teme emonge the people both ta pease ang **. then one ycare. The ſeconde decade, srcate is thautozitie of other kynges in thoſe Regions. whey, billas goulfe of pa: ges are buylded in coompalle, along by the bankes of all that greate goulfe. fyue of they? pzinces came to owre men wyth chey? pzelentes, whoſe names I thowght worthy to bet pat in this hiftorte in rememberance of (oo notable a thing cbiaco: nus Chisusecha, (that is the prince of Chianaccha, foz they caule prin 13 Ces 02 kinges chiaconos) Chicconus Pintigranus, Chiaconus Ghamailaba , 307 Chiaconus Polomus, and Chiaconus Potto. The goulfe beinge fyzite 1931 founde of the admirall Colonus, they caule, Buis Natiuit.stis, bycauſe Baia Natiuis he entered into the ſame in the day of the natiuitie of Chride: tarts the gret But at that tyme he only pated by it inithowte anye further ria. O ſearching and Bais in the Spanplwe tong, ſignifiech a goulle. When Vincentius had thus made a league with theſe princes, folowinge his appoyntcd courſe, he founde mauy regions to: Cincentus warde the Eaſt, deſolate by reaſon of diucrs äuddes and over maketh a league with flowynges pf inaters: alſo many candynge pooles in dyuers V.princes, places, and thoſe of ercedynge largenes. De cealed not to fo of paria. love this tracte vntyll he came to the poynte og cape of that Mount Atlas mofte longe lande. this poynte Cemethe as though it woolde ir aphrike. innade the monte Atlas in Aphrics. Foz it proſpectethe towarde SEO that parte of Sphrike, whiche the portugales caule Caput Borde Sperantit. The poyntes oz capes of the mount Atkss, are rough and faluage nere vnto the ſea. The cape of Bona Speranza, gas therethe thirtie and foure degrees of the Southe pole, cauled the polc antartike: But that poyntezonely Ceuen degrees. 31 Cuppoſe this lande to bee that, whiche 31 fynde in owlde wzy: be great : ters of coſmographic to bce cauled the greate yland Atlan: Land atlantike tike, withowt any further declaringe cyther of the ſytuaciot, 02 of the nature therof. Contentious berwene the Cafsiliane 7 Portugales for the newe laudes W The eight booke of the ſeconde decade of the Cuppoſed continente. 0122930310221 Ben Fohan the king of požtugale lyued which was predicelonte to hym that nowe reigneth, there aroſe a great contention betwene the Caf tilians and portugales as conceminge the do minion of theſe newe founde landes. The pod tugales, bycauſe they were the firûe that duct Dcan ſea ſence the memorie of man, attes @firmed The ſeconde decade. 80 affirmed that all the nauigations of the Oceanzowght to pett tepne to them onely. The Laſilians argued on the contrarie parte, that what ſo euer god by the minitratto of natute hath created on the earth, was at the begynnyngedcommon emong men: and that it is therfoze lawfull to everý man to poteft oor y ory ſuche landes as ace voyd of Lhriftian inhabitours, it whyle 1 sdt 70's the matter was thus vncerteynly debated, borhe parties aģre yd ed that the controuerſie chulde bee decerned by the bottope of H 20 Rome, and plighted faithe to ſtande to his arbitriménte. The kyngedame of Latile was at that tyme gouerned by that great squeene Heliſabeth with her huſbande: for the roialme of The by Thop Caſtile was her dowerye. She alſo and the kynge of pois of Rome duis tugale, were cofyn germaynes of two lyders: by reaſon wher deck che lend of the diffention was more eaſely pacified. By thadént ther foje of both patries, Alexander the byłthop Rome, the .wr. of that name, by thautozite of his leaden bull,dzewe a right line from the Nozth to the South a hundreth leaques Wedwarde withowte the paralelles of thoſe 3|landes whiche ate cauled Caput Viride of Caboverde, within the compale of this lyne ( al: loke decide Caborerde showgh Coomme denye it :) kautethe the poynte of this lande t.lib.dk bherof Ibe haue (pokon, botich they caule Ciput Sancti Auguſtini, otherbyCe cauled Promontorium Sancti Auguſtini, that is, ſaynt qu: guttines cape of poynte. And therfore it is not lawful foz the Laſtilians to faden foote in the beginnenge of that lande. Vins centius Annez therfoze, departed from thenie, bunge aducrtiled of thinhabitantes, that on the other iyde of the hyghe moun saynes towarde the South, Ipinge before his eyes, there was the goldene a Region cauled Giamba, which bowght foorth gréaſc plenrie region of Ct of golde. Di certegne captiues whiche he tookc in the goulfe amba. of Paria (which certenly perteyneth to the dominion of Ladile) he browght fume with hom to Hiſpanioht, and lefte them with the younge Admirall te lerne owre language. But he hym felfe, tepayzed to the courte to make evnelt ſute to the kinge that by his fauone, he myght bee gouiernour of the land of The hand of Sunéti lobunnis (otherwpfe cauted 'Burichenay, beinge dittante from s. 3ohannes Hiſpaniola, oncly.crb. Icaqnes) bycauſe he was tije fyzd fyndec of golde in that lande. Befoze Vincentius made ſure for this office, one won Chzigopher a poztugale, the foonne of the countie of Camigna, was gouernoure of thc3lande: Wijom the Lanibales of the other glandes debe, with all the Chriftian M63 os The ſeconde decade. men that were in the ſaine, ercepte the bytop and his famille ers, which itebde and myfted foz them Celues, foufakynge the church and all the oznamentes thereof. For yoldre holynes bath confecrated frue byłyoppes in theſe glandes at the res fyue byſhop: qucft of the mof catholyke kynge. 3th Sanco Dominico being the pes of the 3: chicfe citie of Hifpaniola, Garfia de Padilli, a reguler fryer of the ols Cand made by der of Taynt Fraunces, is byſhop. In the towne of Lonceptis tha by Thop on, doctozPetrus Xuarez of Deza : And in the glandc of Taynte of Bome, john oz Buricksens, Alfonſus Merfus a licenciate, beinge bothe ob: Tergantes of thinftitucion of Caynt Peter. The fourth, is fryer Barnarde of Mefa, a man of noble paceritage, boine in Toledo, a preachery and by hop of thcglande of Cuba. The fyfte is la hennes Cabedusj a fryer preacher, whom powrcholynes annoyna teð myniſter of Chriû, to teache the Chriftian faithe amonge the inhabitantes of Dariens, The Lanibales thall thoztely tes pent them, and the bludde of owre men fvalbe rcuenged: and that the ſooner, bycąule that thoztly after they had committed this abhominable daughter of owce men, they came ageyne anodta from theyż owne flande of sancti Crux (otherwyſe tauleb AyAy) The Caniba: to the Jlande of sancti Lobannis. and lewe a kynge which was les of the 3 à frende to owțe mens and cate hym and all his family, vetera land of Savc ly lubucrringe his upllage, vppon this occaſion that viola: 18 Crux, tinge the lawe of hollage, he had Qayıte (euen Lanibales wht che were lefte with hym by compoſition to make cert cyne cas noas, bicauſe the land of Sancti Iohannis beateth greater trees and apter for that purpoſe, then doth the lande of Sarci Crux mutton the chiefe habitacion of thé Lanibales. Theſe canibales pet o remaynynge in the flande, certeine of owre men ſapling from Hiſpaniola, chaunced vppon them. The thynge being vndertode by thinterpretoures, obre men quarclynge with theym and caulynge them to accompte for that miſchcuous deede, they immcdiatly directed theyż bowes and venemous arroides as goyng them, and with cruell couurenaunces threatened the to bee quyet, leañ it thulde repent them of they? commyng the ther. Dwre men fearynge thep, venemous accoles (Foz they were not prepared to tygbt) gaue them ſignes of peace. Being demaunded lwhy they deftroyed the byllage, and where the kongé was with his famelye, they anſwered that they caled the byllage and cutte the kynge with his famelie in peeces * eate them in the rcuenge of theyz feuen woorkemen: And that they The ſeconde decade. 81 they had made faggottes of thep2 bones to cary them to the boyues and chyldzen of thepz Qayne woolkemen, in wytnere o that the bodyes of theyz huſbandes and parentes lap not on: reuenged: and therewith thewed the faggottes of vones to owre men who being atonpiyed at theyz fiercenes and cru: eltie, were enfozced to dilimble the matter and houlde they? peace, quarelynge 100 further with them at that tpme. There and Cuche other thynges doo dayly claunce, the which I doo let pate lead 3 fulde oứende the eares of yolør holynes with fuche bluddy narrations. Thus haue wee Cuficiently digreſ- fed from the regions of Beragut and Vrabe beinge the chiefette foundations of owre purpoſe. Wee byll nowe therefore en: araba. Beragua and treate fumewhat of the largenes and depthe of the ryuers of the ryuers Vraba: alfo declare bothe what they and the landes whiche. of araba. they runne through doo brynge foozch:lykewiſe of the great nes of the lande from the Eate to the Weſt, and of the biedth therof from the Southe to the North, and what theyz opini: on and hope is of thynges yet unknowen in the ſame. Wee wyll therfoze beginne at the newe names wherwith the Spa: apardes hane named theſe prouinces Cence they were under the dominions of the Chriſtians. The nynth booke of the ſeconde Decade, of the ſuppoſed Continent. B Eragus therfore, they cauled Caſtella Aured, that Beragua, cau led Caſtella is golden Latile: And Vraba they named Ana aurifera, and diluzia Now, that is, newe Andaluſia. And Uraba, Anda lyke as of many Jlandes lühich they ſubdu: lazia noya. ed, they chooſe Hifpaniols for the chiefe place Sum caule of thep? habitacion, ſoo in the large tract of Peru, Noua Caſtilia. Parity they appoynted they? coloine o, bydyng Beragua and place in the twoo regions of Vrabt and Beragus, that all ſuche Uraba,regis as attempte any vyages in thoſe coates, may rcložte to them ons of paria: as to ſafe portes to bee refrethod when they are wery or day: uen to neceđitie. All owre Cecdes, and plantes, do nowe mar The fruteful- ueloudly encreaſe in Vrabs. Lykelbyre blades, Cettes, lippes, hes of Ulaba graffcs, ſuger canes, and ſuche other as are brought from o: ther places to thoſe regions, as alſo beattes and foules as we haue Cayde befoje. O maruelous frutefulnes. I wentie Dayes 8.1. affer The ſeconde decade, after the ſecde is ſowne, they gather rype cucinsers, and fuch pune frutfu: lyke, But colwortes, beetes, Letule, Borage are type within nes of Dari- the ſpace of ten dayes. Bourdes, melones, and pompones, eng. within the ſpace of .rrviii. dayes. D.uriens hathe many native trees and frutes of dyuccs kyndes with Cundzy tattes, f hols Dyuers ho!: Come foz the ble of me: of the which 3 haue thought it good romy frutes to deſcrybs certeyne of the beſt. They noozylhe a tree which of trees. they caule Guaiana, that bcareth a frute much reſemblynge the Guaiandkonde of citrons which are commonly cauled limones, of taſte pine crecs. ſunwhat charpe myx: with ſwetenes. They haue alſo abung Date crees." dance of nuties of pynet cees, and great plentie of dare trees, büiche beace frutes bygge then the dates that are knowen to b3 : but they are not apre to bee caten foz they? to much co: wernes. mylde and hacen date trees, growe of then ſelues in GHITA MAHA ſundiy places, the branches wherof they ble for bielommes, and eare alſo the buddes of the ſame. Guarausnu, being higit and bygger then the orange tree, bzingeth furch a great frute as bygge as pome citrons. Mameis, Ther is an other tree much lyke to a cheſtnut tree whore frute is lyke to the bygger Coztof fyge, beinge hollome e of pleſant tatte. Mameis, is an orher trce that bringeti foorthc fcute as Guanandh. bygge as an ozange, in tage nothynge infeciouce to the bette Howos. kyndes of melones. Guananala, beareth a frute leſre then any of the other, but of Cwecte ſauoure lyke (pice, and of delcctable taớc. Houos, is an other tice whole frute bothe in Mape and Mirobelsni, tatte, is much lyke to piuncs, but ſumbhar bygget. They are nogges fed ſurely perſuaded that this is the Myrobilane tree. Theſe growe Wich idirobs. lages ſoo abundantely in Hiſpaniolt, that the hogges are fedde with the frute therof as with matte amonge vs. The hogges lyke this kyndc of feadynge loo well, that when theſe frutes war type, the ſwynederdes can by no meanss keepe then obte of Swynes the booddes of theſe trees: by reaſon wherol, a greate mut: flemise of bet tyrude of them are beccomc wylde. Shey allo a&irme, that it ter taft and Hiſpanioli, fløynes iethe is of much better tatte and more hol: more holluini come then nuttan. Sfor it is not to bee doubted, but that dy: . uers kyndes of meates do eng nder (undiy tatics and quali: ties in Iuche as are nozyshed therwith. The molle pui Taunte prince Ferdinanius, Declared that he had caten of an other frute bzobght from thoſe landss, being full of Ccales with keyes much lyke a pine applc in forme and coloure, but in tendernes equal to meiopeponcs, and in cate cpcedyng al garden fcutes, The ſeconde decade. 82 Bergtes, for it is noo tre, but an herbe much lyke into an archichoke, 02 Acansbo. The kynge hym Celfe, gaue the chcefeü commenda tion to this. I haue eaten none of theſe frutcs. Foz of a great frutes patris number which they browght from thenſe, only one remapncd fred on the btcozrupted, the other being putrified by reaſon of the longe Tea. byage. All ſuche as haue eaten of theym newcly gathered in theyż natyue ſoyle, doo maruelou ly commende theyz (wetes sies and pleaſaunt tatte. They dygge alſo owote of the ground Certepne rootes growynge of theim ſelues, whiche they caule Betatas , much lykt bnto the nauie rootes of phylayne, oz the greate puffes oz mu heroms of the carth. Dowe loo ener they bee dieled, cyther fryed o? Codde, they gyue place to noo ſuch kynde of meate in pleaſant tendernes. Schelkyn is ſumwhat towgher then eyther of nanies of mulheroms, and of earthy coloure: But the inner meate therof, is berye whyte. Theſe are noozgâhed in gardens, as we ſayde of Lucca in the fyztte Decade. They are alſo eaten raive, and haue the talte of rame chelnuttes, brit are Cumwhat ſweeter, Wee haue (pokon (nf. ficiently of trees, herbes, and frutes. Wce byll nowe there. foze entreate of thynges ſencitiue. The laundes and sciolate pattures of theſe regions, are inhabited and deuoured of wild Lions and and terrible beates, as lions, Tygers, and ſuch other mon: Tygers. Eters as we nowe knowt,and hauc byr deſcrybed of owlde ay toures in tyme pat. But there is eſpecially one bcat engende aftraunge ced here, in which nature hath endevoured to theme hec can: biaft- tyng. This bcafe is as bygge as an ore, armed with a longe ſnourelyke an Elephant, and yet no Elephant. Df the colour of an ore and yet noo ore. With the houfe of a houſe, and yet too hozle. With eares alſo much lyke unto an Elephant, but not loo open noz (os much hangyng downe : pet much lyder the the eares of any other beatte. Df the beat which bearerb her whelpes about with her in her ſecond: billy as in a purie (beinge knowen to none of the owloc weyters) Jbnue poke in the fyzd accade which 3 double not to haue coome to the bandes of yowre holynes. Let vs nowe thecfoze declare what therers Delleth of the fluddes and rpuers of Vysbt. The uyuer of Dariens of Uraba. fanleth into the goulfe of Vrsbs with a narowe chanel,ſcarſly the ryuer of able to beate the canoas olyghters of that protice, and tun Dariert fau: neth hy the byllage where they choſe theyz dwellynge place, teci into the But the rywer in the corner of the goulfe which we cayde that you fe of trakcijus uraba. The ſecondedecade. Vaſchus pated by, they found to bec.rriiii, furlonges in bledth A league is (which they caule a league) and of erceadynge depthe, as of trii furloges twoo hundzeth cubettes, faulynge into the goulfe by Dpuers mouches. They ſay that this ryuer fauleth into the goulfe of Danubius, Vraba, lyke as the ryuer iſter (otherwyſe cauled Danubius, and Danowe) fauleth into the ſea Pontike, and Nilus into the ſea brandis or of Egypte : wherfore they named it Grandis, that is grear:whi Rio grandis. che alſo they affirmc to nooythe many and great Crocodyles, I crocodile is as the owld bozyters tettific of Nilus, and eſpecially as 7 haue eute, but of lerned by experience, hauinge ſapled vp and downe the ryuer ercedyng big of Nilus when I was ſent ambaſadoure to the Saldane of al nes. cayz at the commandement of the motte catholyke kynge. The autoure what 7 may therfore gather owte of the wzytynges of ſo ma was in Egipt ny lerned autours as concerninge the ryuer of Nilus, knowe The riuer ni not. for they ſay that nature hath gyuen two riuers of that lus in Egypte name to water the lande, whether they byll them to (płynge Montes, owte of the mountaynes of the moonc oz the foonne, 02 obte Lent. of the toppes of the cowgh mountaines of Ethiopit: gifirming one of the ſame to faule into the goulfe of Egypte toward the Northe, and the other into the South Dcean ſea. What thall wee Caye in this place : Df that Nilus in Egypte, there is noo The Portuga doubte. The poztugales alſo whiche Cayle by the coattes of les nauigaci: the Ethiopians cauled Nigrite, and by the kyngedome of Me ons. linda palinge under the Equinoctiall lyne, amonge they? mas uclous inuentions haue founde an other towarde the South, and erneğly affirme the ſame to bee alſo deriued frõ the moun taynes of the moone : And that it is an other chanell of Nilus, bycauſe it bzyngeth foozth Crocodyles, whereas it hathe not cheryuer byn reade befoze tyme that any other ryuer noo?yühed Croco: Senega, fan o dylcs (auinge oncly Nilus. This ryuer, che portugales caule ther chanell of the ryuer Senegd. 3 t runneth through the Region of the Nigritis , beinge of Nilus. very frutefull towarde thc north more: but on the Couche lyde Candie and rowghe. Crocodiles are alſo engendzed herein. Crocodiler. what mall wee then ſay of this thyidc:pe J may wel ſay the The thyrde ? fourth. Foly ſuppoſe them alſo to bee Crocodiles which co fourth Qiius. Dcligottos. lo:rus with his coompany founde armed with ſcales as harde as fhelles in the ryuer cauled Delagartos wherof wee hauc made mention befoje. Shall wee ſay that theſe ryuers alſo of Darien and Vr:16.1, haue theyz originali frome the mountaynes of the moone, wheras they ſpzynge ouate of the nexte mountaynes, and The ſeconde decade. 83 and can by noo meanes haue the ſaine originall with Nilus in Égypte, 02 that in Nigrita, oz els that in the kpngedome of Me The rywers linda, from whenſe con euer they are deryned. Whereas theſe ſpunge owe other (as we haue fayde) (pzinge oWt of the next mountaines of the nouns tøynes whiche deuyde an other ſouche ſea with noo greate dittaunce from the North Ocean. Wherfose it appeareth by erpecience of ſuch as haue trauapled the worlde in obre time, that other Crocodiles en Ipaters belyde the ryuer of Nilus in Egypte, maye lykewyſe cher ryuers bzynge foozth Crocodiles. Jn the maryXhes alld and fennes beyde nilys of the Regions of Dariena ave founde greate plentie of phes n £gypte. Tauntes and peacockes, (but not of batiable coloures) with Byrdes and many other kyndes of by2des and foules bnlyke bnto owres, foules, as well apte to bce eaten, as alſo to delite the eares of menne with pleafaunt noyſe. But owre Spanyardes, bycauſe they are ignorant in foulynge, take but felne. Allo innumerable po pingayes of fundzy kindes are found chattering in thegroues popingayes. of thoſe fenny places. Df theſe there are firme equallto Las pons in byggenes, and ſume as lyttle as (párowes:But of the diuerſitie of popingayes, we baue (poken ſuficientely in the fyzit Decade. ffoi in the rale of this large lande, Colonus. hym ſelfe blowght and ſent to the courte a greate number of euery kynde, the which it was lawfull for all the people to be a philofophis holde, and are yer dayly blowght in lyke maner. There re: cal dl courſe as cūcering mayneth yet one thynge molte woozthy to bec put in hyſtozye: thuuginal of The which 3 bad rather to haue chaunced into the handes of ſpringes and Cicero Ol Linie, then into myne. For the thynge is ſoo macueys ryuers. lous in my eftimation, that 31 fynde my bytte moze entange: led in the deſcription hereof, then is ſayde of the henne when the brendir thee ſeeth her younge chakyn inwzapped in towe or dare.inc of the lände bleadth of that lande from the Mouth Ocean to the ſouth cea a urába, fra is only fyre dayes tourney by relation of thinhabitantes. Dhe cean to the multitude therfoze and grea nes of the tyuers on the one lide South fea. 12 and on the other ſyde the narowenes of the lande, brynge me into Cuche doubte howe it can coome to pače, that in ſos liccle a ſpace of three dayes iourney, meaſuryngc from the hygh top pes of thoſe mountaynes, 1 doo not bnderðande howe (od many and ſoo great ryuers, may haue recourſe into this north ſea, sfaz it is to bee thought that as many doo dowe towarde thinhabitantes of the ſouche, hele ryuers of Vrbo are but (maule in compariſon of many other in thoſe coaftes. For the Spanyaries The ſeconde decade, Spanyardes ſay, that in the tyme of Colonus, they fottnde and Aryner of paded by an other ryuec after this, whole goulfc faulynge in marvelous to the ſea, they affirme to bee lyrtle leđe then a hundzerh my: byggenes les in the fyz de coales of Paria, as wce haue Capdc elſewhere. loke the firſt pecade the Foz they ſaye that it fauleth from the toppes of hyghe moun: ir.böke. taynes with foo (wyfte and furious a courſe, that by the vio: * lence and greatnes therof, it diyueth back the ſea althoingh to bee cowghe and enforced with a contrary wonde. They all affirme lykewyſe, that in all the large tcacte cherof, they felt The great ry noo lower or (alte water, but that all the water was freihe, user maragno (Wecte, and apte to bee dzounke. Thinhabitantes caule this nus.liber. decade.i. työer Maragnonum : And the regions adiacent to the ſame, Ma Mariatambal. ristambul , Cam.imorus, and Paricort. Belyde thoſe rouers whiche Citnorus. haue named bcfoze, as Darien, Gr.indis, Dabeibt, Beragxa, Sancti Mic Pericora, thei, Boius gale', Delagartos, Gaira, they which of late haue ſearched thoſe coastes, haue founde many other. Deliberatinge there: foze with my ſelfe, from whenſe theſe mountaynes beinge Coo narobe and nere vnto the ſea on bothe lydes, hane ſuch great holowe caues or dennes of ſuche capacitie, and from whenfe on they are fylled to cad foorth Cuch abundance of water, hereof .no allo a[kynge them the opinions of the inhabitantes, they af: Ficinc them to bee of dyucrs iudgcmentes herein : Alleagynge fyld the greatnes of the mouinraynes to bee the cauce, whiche thep Cay to bec very hygh, which thynge alſo colonus the firs fynder therof affirmeth to bee trewe: adding there vnto that paradice. Loke. vi, toke the paradiſe of pleaſure is in the toppes of thoſe mountaines fyrft decade, whiche appeace from the goulfe of Peria and Os Draconis, as he is fully perſuaded. Thcy agree therfoze that there is greate . caues within theſe mountaynes : but it retteth to coniyoer fró The rea. whenſe they are fylled. If therefore all the ryuers of freſche waters by thoppinion of manye, do loo nowe owte of the ſea as dzyuen and compelled throwghe the pa lages o? pozes of the earth by the pondecous weyght of the ſea it ſelfe, as wee ſee them bycake furth of the (płynges and directe their courſe The land'en: to the ſea agepne, then the thynge is lexe to bee marucplcd at clored win here then in other placcs. foz wee haue not tedde that in a @wo legs. ny other place twoo Cuch ſeas hauc enuironed any lande with (oo narobe lymittes. ffo, it hath on the right (yde the great Dcean where the ſonne goeth dolone on the left hande: And an other on the other fyde where the Conne ryict), nothynge inferiore The ſeconde decade, 84 inferioire fo the fyzt in greatenes, foz they ſuppoſe it to bee morte and toyned as all one with the ſea of Fitindia. This lande therefore being burdened with ſo grear a weight on the one ſyd: and on the other (pf this opinion bee of anye value) is enforced to ſwalowe bp Cuch deuoured waters, and ageyne to call foozth the ſame in open ſpringes and dreames. But if we ſhall denye that the earth diabeth humours of the ſea, and agree that all fountaynes or ſpzynges are engende: Conurhon of red of the conucrfion og turnynge of ayer into water diftilling ayer into mas within the holowe places of the montaynes (as the molt part ter in the ces ues of mourna thinke) we wyll gyue place rather to thautozitie of them whi: taynee. che îycke to thoſe realons, then that owre ſenſe is ſatiſfyed of the full truth therof. yet doo) not repugne that in lume caucs of mountaynes, water is turned into ayer. for 3 my ſelfc haue ſecne, home in the caues of manye mountaynes in Spayne, in maner towers of rayne doo faule continually: and that the water gathered by this meancs, doih lend furth Certeyne tpuers by the lydes of the mountaynes, lvbecwith al ſuche trees as are planted on the flicpe oz foote of the moun: taynes, as vines, Dliue trees, and ſuche other, are watercd. and this eſpecially in one place : As the cyght honozáble 10- Douike the Cardinall of Aragonie mofte obsequious to yowre holynes, and thooo other vpwoppes of Jtaly, whcrof the one is siluius Pandonus, and the other an Archebyahop (wijote name and tytle 3 doo not remember) can bcare me byrnes. fol whë wce were togyther at Gr.mift, lately dclyuered from 'the domi: mion of the goles, and walked for olore patyme to certeine pleaſaumte hylles (by the whiche there ranne a fayze vyuer) Whiple Cardinall Lodouike occupied hym ſeife in thurynge at byrdes whiche were in the bubes nere into the ryuer, 3 and the other twoo byáhops determined to clime the mountaynes to ſearche thouginall and fpzinge of the rytter : foi wee were not farve from the toppes thereof. folowynge therefoze che Shotrers of courie of the tyuer, wee founde a greate cane in which was a caues of 111013 rayne in the continuall fantle of water as it had byn a youce of rayne: the caynes water wherof,faulyng into a trenche made lötth mans hand, encrealeth to a ryuer, and runneth downe by the ſydcs of the mountapaes. The lyke is alſo ſeene in this famous townc of Villadoleto (where we nowe Tuioine) in a certeyne gceene cloſe, not pad a furlonge dibant from the baules of the towne. 31 graine The ſeconde decade, graunte therfore that in certeyne places by conucrfion of the apzic dewe into water within the caves of Tuche mountaynes, many (pzynges and ryuers are engendred.But I ſuppoſe that Che often fal nature was nst ſollicitate to bżynge furthe fuche greate fluds ofia ne and coninyali by this ſo ſmaule induſtry. Thoo realons therfoze, do found forynge time, betie to my jutgement: Whereof the one is, the often faule of cayne: The other, the continuall autuminc o2 (prynge tyme Rhe Equinoc which is in thoscregions beingeloo nere bnto the Equinoctis fiall. al that the cominon people can perceque no diñerence betwene the length of the day and the night thzowgh owt al the yeare whereas theſe two ſeaſons are more apte to engender abuns dance of rayne then cyther crtreme wynter od fcruent ſummer The pores of An other realon in effect niuch lyke bnto the fyzſt, is this: 316 che ſea r the the ſea bee full of poses, and that by the pozes therof beinge South irynd opened by the Southe windes, weethal conſent that vapours arc lyftod vp Wherof the watery clcudes arc engendeed, this lande muft nccdcs bee mopfted with moo fhoures then anyeo: ther, yfir bee as nacoWe as they ſaye, and ennironed with twoo mayne ſeas collaterally beatinge on the ſame. Dowe ſo cuec it be: 31 can not but gyue credit to the repout of ſuch wol thy men as haue recourſe to thoſe regions : Ånd can noo leite then declare the ſame albeit it may ſeeme incredible to ſume ig nothinge im: nozant perſons nat knowynge the poure of nature to whome poſſible to Plinie was perſuaded that nothynge was impoñible. Wee the poute of haue thxfože thought it good to make this diſcourſe by the ngure. way of argument, leat on the one ſyde, men af good lernyng and iudgement, and on the other ſyde, ſuche as are tudious to fynde occalions of quarelynge in other mens wzytynges, fhulde indge vs to bee ſo vndeſcreete lyghtly to gyue creditte The cauſe of to euery tale not beinge conſonant to reaſon. But of the force the greatnes and force of and greate violence of thoſe freſthe waters, which repulſinge the goulfe. the ſea make ſo greate a goulfe (as wee haue Cayde) 3 thinke the cauſe therof to bee the greate multitude of huddes and ry Dysh and uers, which beinge gathered togither, make ſo great a poole: friepe hylles and not one tyuer as they ſuppoſe. And for as muche as the mountaynes are ercedynge hyghe and fiepe, 3 thinke the vi: olence of the faule of the waters to be of luch force, that this condicte betwene the waters, is cauſed by thimpulſion of the poole that the ſalte water can not enter into the goulfc. But bere pechappes Cuine boyli marueyle at me why 3 chulde mar: ueyle The ſeconde decade. 85 ieple foo muche hereat, (pcakpnge unto me fcoznefully after this maner. why dothe he ſoo marueple at the greate ryuers The Fludde of theſe Regions? Hathe not Jtalye his Eridanus, named the Eridanus, kynge of ryuers of the owlde weyters: Haue tot other regis ons alſo the lyke?as bee recdc of Tanais , Ginges, and Danubius, Tanas. which are fayde [oo to puercoome the ſea, that frethe water Gastges . Den may bee diawne foutie myles within the ſame. Theſe menne Danebius, woolde ſatiſfie with this anſwere. The famous tpuer of Podus. Padus in Italye (whiche they nowe canle Po, and was of the Breekes cauled Erid.sus) hath the greate mountaynes cauled Alpes. Alpes dimidinge ffraunce, Germanie, and pannonie from 32 talye, lyinge at the backe therof as it were bulwarges aggee, Ticinura. full of moyfurc: And with a longe tracte receauinge Ticinum twith innumerable other great ryuers, fauleth into the ſea A: dziatike. Chelpke is alſo to bec vndcrữode of the other.But The ſea Ads theſe cpuers (as owre men were enformed by the kynges)faul atike, fume caule the into the ocean ſea with larger and fuller chanels nere hand. * goulfe of and lume there are which a firme this lande to bce very large uenes. in other places althowgh it bee but narowe here. There com mech alſo to my remembzance an other caule: the whiche al: Ar other reas though it bce of no greate force, yet doo 3 eutende to wygte fon it. Perhappes therfoze the length of the lande rcachyng far from the Eate to the wete, if it bee narowe, may bee a helpe bereunto. Foz as wee reade that the ryuer Alpheus patethe The ryuer Aloneus. through the holowe places under the ſea from the citie of Elis in Peloponeſo, and breaketh foozth at the fountayne oz fpzynge Arethuſa in the Jland of Sicilit, Co is it poſible that theſe moun Aretbufa taynes may have ſuche longe căues pertepnynge bnto theim, Longe caues that they may be the receptacles of the water paling through in the mouna. the landes beinge farre digante : and that the ſame waters taynes. commynge by loo longe a tracte, may in the way bee greately encrcalcd by the conuerſion of ayer into water, as wee haue Cayde. Thus muche haue I ſpoken freely, permittinge bothe to them whiche doo frendely enterprete other mens doinges, and alſo to the malicious (corners, to take the thynge euen as them ipteth. For becherto 3 can makc no further declara tion hereof. But whễ the truth thalbe better knowé,J wyl do my diligence to commit the ſame to bryting Jowe therefore, foza muche as we haue (poken thus muche of the breadth of this land, we ented to delcribe the length a fozme of thelame. Pl. The The ſeconde decade. the tenth booke of the ſeconde Decade, 2011 of the ſuppoſed Lontinent, Dat lande reacheth foorth into the ſea euen The length as doth Jltaly, althowgh not like the legge end fozine of of a man as it doth. But 3 nowe compare & the grand Pigmean oi a dwarfe to a giant. for that Cap.S. Augufti, párt therof which the Spaniardes haue ouer tunne from the ſaydc Eade poynt which rea: ysnt tymes cheth towarde the ſea atlantike (the ende bygger ipen not beinge yet founde towarde the Wette) is moze then epght gtaly befyde týmes longer then 3|talye. And by what reaſon 3 am moued che che por? to Cay epght tymes, yswre holynes thall bndertande. from tugales pols the tyme thevefože that y fyzite determined to obeye their te: reffe.graly is quettes who wylled me fyzûe in yowre name to wzyte theſe in length a thynges in the laten tonge, 1 dyd my endeuoure that al thin thouſand and ges myght coome foozty with dewe tryall and erperience. cwo hundzeth mples, and in wherupen 3 repayzed to the by thoppe of Burges beinge the breadth foure chiefe refuge of this nauigation. As wee were therfore recret hundreth and ly togyther in one thamber, we had many intrumentes pertey ten. rynge to theſe axayzes as globes and manyc of thoſe mappes Cardes of the ſea. which are commonly cauled the thipmans tardes, oz cardes of the ſea. Df the which, one was drawen by the Portugales, wherunto Aruericus Veſpurius is (ayde to have put to his hande, The carde of beinge a man mofte erperte in this facultie and a flozentyne Americus cierputius. bozne:who allo vnder the dipende of the portugales, hadde Tayled tolparde the ſouth pole many degrees beyond the Equi noctiall. In this carde we founde the fyra front of this land the carde of Colonys. to bee brooder then the kynges of Vraba had perſuaded owre men of they? mountaynes. To an other, Colonus the admiral whole he yet lyucd and ſearched thoſe places had gyuen the beginnynge with his owne handes: wherunto Bartbolomeus Co. lonus his biother and Licuetenaunt had addid his iudgement, for he alſo, had (ayled aboute thoſe coattes. Df the Spanya ardes lykewyſe as many as thought them Celues to haue ang knowleage what perteyned to meaſure the lande and the ſea, diewe certeyne cardes in parchement as concernyng theſe na: Th: carde of uigations. Df all other, thep mot etteeme them which Iohan. Johannes de nes de lt Coſt the coompanion of Fogets (whom wee fayde co bee 1o Cotra Kayne of the people of Caramairi in the hauen Carthago, ) and an other The ſeconde decade. 86 es other experē pylot cauled Andreas Moralis, had ſet foogth. And this alwell foz the greate erperience which they boche hadde. The carde of (to whom theſe tractes were as welknowen as the chambers andicae mos of they2 olne houſes) as alſo that they were thought to bre ralis. gunninger in that parte of Coſmographie which teacheth the deſcription and meaſuringe of the fea. Conferringe therefore all theſe cardes togyther, in eucry of the whiche was dzawon a lyne erp2elinge, not the mples, but leagues after the manec The maner of the Spanyardes, we tooke owre compaſes and beganne to che cardes. meaſure the lea coates after this older. From that poynt ou fronte which we fayde to bee included within the lyne pertey Loke decade i liber, fit. apnge to the portugales türiſdiction, beinge diawen ap the paralelles of the flandes of csbouerde, but a hundicoh teagues The Fland of further towarde the wette (which they hauc nowe alſo lear: Cabouerde. ched on cuery (pde) we founde thice hund?eth Icagues to the Maragnorume enterance of the tyucc Miragnonum : And from thenſe to Os Drs Os Draconis Gonis, (euen hundzeth leagues:but Cumbhat lere in the deſcrip tion of Cume : ffor they doo not agree in al popntes erquiſite: 2 league..io ly. Che Spanyardes wyll that a leagueconteyne foure myles by ſea and but thzee by lande. from os Draconis, to the cape 02 Guchibuchos. poynt of Cuchibávod, which betnge pa lcd, there is a goulfe on the lefte hande, be meaſuced thzee hundierheileagues in one Carumuiri. carde, and much thereabout in an other stoom this paynt of Carthago. Cuchibacod; to the region of Caramairi in which is the hauen Cars thago (which ſum caule Cartbagera) we found about a hundzeth fortis. The gland and leuentie leagues. from Caramdiri to the lande Fortis,, fif tie leagues. Jfrom thence to the goulies of Vrabs amonge the Vrakto which is the village cauled sancta Maria Antiqua where the Spa nyardes haue apoynted they: habitaciont,only.rrriii.leagues. From the tyuer of Vrabs in the province of Dariens to the ry: uer of Beragua where Nicueſt hadde intended to have fattened Betaguda his foote if god hadde not otherwple detreed, we meaſured hundzeth and thirtie leagues. Frome Beragus to that truer R. Sanéti Mi whiche Wee Cayde of Colonus to bee cauled Sancti Mattbel, in the skeisi which allo Nicueſa loolinge his caranell, wandered in greate calamities, we founde in obre catdes, onely a hundzeth and faztie Icagues: pet many other which of late tyme haue coome from theſe partes, haue Delcrobed many moo leagues in this tracte fró the typer of Sancti Matthei :3n which alſo, they place R. Abureted byuers tyuccs,as Abærema with the flande cauled scutum Cateba Scutura Carebas lyinge Pril, 28 The ſeconde decade. R. Zobrobe. . lyinge before it, whole kynges name is Facies combuftas. Lyke: Vriza. jasi bile an other ryuer cauled Zobraba: after that, Vridas and the Duraba, Duraba in the which gold is founde. Furthermore, many good Cerabaro, ly bauens, as Gerabaro and Hiebra, los cauled of thinhabitang Hiebra, tes. and thus if pobre holynes wyll conferre theſe numbers togyther, yowe tall fynde in this accompte, a thouſand fiue 20re. hinducth tlocntie ånd fyue leagucs, whiche amounte to fue thouſande and Ceuen hundzeth myles from the popnt of Sanel R.d.los perdidos Muttbei, which they caule sinum perditorum : that is, the goulfe of the lode men. But we may not leaue here. For after this one che nauigari on of 3wnan: Aftur Ouetenſis, ; otherwyſe named Iohannes Dits de salls, borne in Ne nee bias britjt (e inch bringerh foorth many lerned men) ſaylınge frome ote this ryuter towarde the weſte, ouer raane mange coaftes & lea: bruotas gues: But the myddefte of that poze, bendethe towardo the Noch: Andis not therfoze dirccrly placed in ouder with the other. Yet may we gather by a diameter oz cyght lyne, abaur thzce hundzeth leagues. Dereby maye yowe gather what is The eleuatio the length of this lande. But of the breadth, perhappes wee of the pole. Thall hereafter haue further knowleage. Let us nowe ſpeake fumwhat of the varietie of the degrees of the eleuation of the pole tarres. This lande therfoze, althowgh it reachi fobyth from the wall into the Wette, yet is it crooked and haths the paynt bendyngerfo toward the ſouth, that it loſerh the light The tridic: of the North polcand is ertendend beyonde the Equinoctial tion of the lyne ſeuen degrecs towarde the South pole. But the poynt pouugales. herof, pertepreth to the iuriſdiction of the portugales as we baue fayde. Leauinge this poynt and ſaplinge toward Paria Parisa the nozth Aarre is ſeene ageyue, and is ſo much the moze lye: ted bp, in how much theregion enclyneth moze towarde che Darlend. Weſte. The Spanyardes therfozt, haue dyvers degrees of ele nations, bnryl they come to Dariend beinge their chtefe tation Beraguithe and dwellynge place in thoſe landes. ffoz they have foglaken Beragua, where they found the 3202th pole elenate.viii.degrees But from henſe the lande doth (oo mache bende towarde the mercules pyl: North, that it is there in maner equall with the degrees of lere, the Arayghtes of Dercalcs pyllets: cſpecially of wce meaſure certeyne landes founde by them towarde che pozthe Cybe of Hifpaniola. Emonge the which, there is anglande, about thret hundjeth and.grb, leagues from Hiſpaniols, as they ſay whiche haue Cearched the ſame named Boiuca Dl Agraneo, in the which 10 The ſeconde decade. 87 is a continual fpłynge of runnynge water of ſuch maraclous The Flande bertue, that the water therof bringe dronk, perhappes With Agnanco. (ume dyete, maketh owld men younge ageyne. and here muft I make pzoteſtacion to yowre holynes, not to thynke this to a water of bee fayde lyghtly or camely. Foz they haue (oo (predde this maruelous rumour for a truth throwgholdt all the courte, that not onely Vertue. all the people, but alſo many of them whom Wiſedome oz for: tune bath diuided from the common Cozi, thinke it to be true. The rencuas But if yowe fal afke my opinion herein, 3 byl anſwere that tion of 1 wyll not attribute fo greate poure to nature : but that god b.o 9130 hath noo lelle reſerued this prerogatiue to hym Celfe, then to ſearch the hartes of men, 02 to gyue ſubtance to priuation, (that is) beinge to noo bringe : Erccpte we thall bel cue the fa: ble of Colchis of Efon renouate, to bee as trewe as the w?ytin: ges af sibylla Erytbret. Albeit pechappes the [coles of philitians the accidente and naturall philofophers wyll not muche lycke to alpteme ces of age tiyat by thule of certepne ſecreate medecines and dyete, the ac may bee hyda cidentes of age (as they caule them) may be longe hydden and den, Deferred, which they well to bee underttoode, by the renoua: cion of age. And to haue Cayde thus much of the length and breadtbe of theſe Regions, and of the rowghe and hugious 5003 01.03 mountaynes with they? watery caues, alſo of the oyuers des grees of thatlande, thinke it ſufficient. But thowght it not good to let pale what chaunced to theſe miierable men a monge theyz generall calamities. J remember that when 31 was a chylde, mee thowght my bawellcs graced and that my ombad ſpirites were marueloudge troubeled for verye pitie, wijen 3 readde in the poet Wirgyl howe Achemerides was tefte of Vlyſes Achemenidis, bpon the ſea bankes amonge the giantes canled Cyclopes. Where Vlynes. for the ſpace of many dages from the departinge of vlis vn: Eneds. tyll the commynge of Eneas he eate none other incate but only berryes and hawes. But owre vnfortunate Spanyardes whi che folowed Nicueſa to inhabite Beragua, woolde haue etterned Ertremic hun hawes and beropes for greate Delicates, what coulde 3 heate ſpeake of the heade of an alle bowght for a greate price, and of ſuch other ertremities as men haue Cuffered in townes be: This was a ſeaged : Áfter that Nicueſa hadde determyneb to leaute Beragus beruſalen. the liege of for the barrennes of the Coyle, he attempred to fcarche Portuin Bellum, and then the coaltes of the poynt cauled Marmor, if he Portus Bellus wyght there fynde a place moje foztunate to inhabite,jin this. M.67or means ger. The ſeconde decade. caten. meave tyme, ſo greuous famen appređed his couldiers, that: wangy dogs they neyther abgeyned from eatinge of mangie dogges which they had with them alwell for theyz defence as foz huntynge (6oz in the warre ageyna tho naked people, dogges foode the tn greate fteade) noz yet Cumtymes from the daync inhabitan: osti tes. Foz they founde not there any frutefull trecs oz plentit of foules as in Dariend, but a barren grounde and not meete to bee inhabited. Dere certeyne of the couldiers made a bargein with one of thepz felowes foz the price of a leane dogge, who 2 mangy dog alſo was almotte deade for hunger: They gaue the owner of Ocre ſold. the dogge many of thoſe pieces of golde which they caule Peſos oz golden Lattellans. schus agreinge of the price, they fleid the dogge to bee eaten, and cate his mängie ſkynne with the bones of the heade hangynge therto, amonge the buſhes. The day folowynge, a certeyne footeman of thcy2 company,chaun has ced to fynde the ſkynnc bringe nowe 'full of maggottes and lynkynge. De brought it home with hym,ſodde it, and cate mangy dogs it. Many reſorted to hym with theyz dywhes foz the brothe Skynne. ofthc fodde ſkynne, proferinge hym foz enerye dythefull a piece of golde. An other founde twoo toades and foode them Togdes egte which a licke man bought of hym foz twoo fyne vertes cuci: oully wrought of lynen intermyrt with golde. Cerreyn other wanderinge abowte to ſeeke foz vprayles, founde in a pathes way in the myddeft of a fyelde, a deade man of thinhabitans tes wiriche had byn flayne of his owne coompanye and was xbeade man nowe rotten and lynkynge. They dzewe hym a tyde, diſmem eaten, berde hym ſecrearly, rotted hym and eare hym, (therewith al: [bagynge theyz hunger as yf they had byn fedde with pheas ſauntes. One allo, which departinge from his companions in the nyght ſeaſon, lent a fylhyng amonge the reedes of the maryűhes, Iyucd only with llyme oz mudde foz the ſpace of certeyne dayes, vntyill at the lengthe creepinge and almotte dcade, he founde the way to his fclowes. And thus theſe mit ſerable men of Beragua vered with theſe and ſuche other adics tions, were browghe from the number of Ceuen hundjeth thle (coze e ten fouldiers, ſcarſely to foztie, beinge nowe alſo ad: ded to the coompany of them in Dariena. Fewe were ſlayne of tinhabitantes. But the refydewe conſumed by famen, bzea: thed owt they wery Cobles, openynge a waye to the newe landes foz ſuch as mal coome after them, appealinge the fury The ſeconde decade. 88 of the barbarous nations, with the price of thepz bludde. Lon Nore. fyderinge therfoze after theſe ttozmes, with what cale other mentalt ouertunne and inhabite theſe landes, in reſpecte to the calamities that theſe men haue Cuffered, they Ball ſeeme to goo to buybe feattes where all thynges are tedy prepared a gepng their conmonge. But where Petrus Arias atryued with peerus Arlas the kynges naute and newe ſupply of men, to this houre whom the 1 knowe no certentie.e. What mall chaunce herafter Spanyardes 3 wyll make diligente inquiſition ie 3 hall unders. caule pedrasi fande this to bec acceptable to yowre holynes. Thus i byd yowe hartely farewell: from the Comas courte of the mootte Catholyke kynge, the daye beefože the noneg of December, in the yeare of Chritte, M. D. XIII, 39 Cthe fjjft booke of the thyide Decade, to the bythoppe of Rome leo the tenth. was determyned (motte holye father) to haue eld and cloſed vp the gates to this newe woulde, fuppen poſinge that I had wandered farre enowgh in the coađes therof, while in the meane time newe letters were brought me frome thenle, which cauſed me ageyne to take my penne in hande. for 3 receaucd letters not only from certepne of myne acquaintaunce there, but alſo frome Vaſchus Uaſchuongn Nunnez whome wefayde by the confidence of his owne poure nez, gouernos of Daliena. with his confetherates, to haue vſurped the gouernaunce of Dariend after the reiecting of Nicueft and Ancifus, Lieuetenantes. By hisletter wżytten after his warlyke maner, wee under: Trenewe fand that he hath palled over the mountaynes, diuidyng the ſouth Ocea, Dccan knowen to us, from the other mayne ſea on the ſouth ſyde of this lande hetherto vnknowen. Dis epitell is greater then that cauled Capreenſis de Seiano. Bat wee haue gathered out of that and other, onely ſuche thynges as we thought motte woozthy to bee noted. Vaſchus foo behaved hym felfe in theſe affayzes, that he dyd not onely pacifie ihe kynges diſpleaſure conceauet The ſeconde decade. 30conceaurd ageynt hym, but alſo made hym fo fauozable and gracious good loude towarde hym,that he rewarded him and his coompanions with many honorable gyftes and priuileges foz chey attemptes. Wherfoze 3 deſyre yolre holynes to in clyne yobre attenciue eares, and to confyder with a ioyfull mynde what they hane browght to patfe in theſe great enter: Commendati : pryles. for this baliante nation (the Spanyardes 3 meane) on of the Sea hauc not onely with greate paynes and innumerable dangers nyardes. sy ſubdued to the Chriftian empire, infinire hundredcs and legi: ans, but alſo myziades of men. Vaſchus Nunnez therfoże, whe: A Valients ther it were that he was impacient of Idlenes (foz a valiente mynd can not mynde can not rett in one place of bee vnoccupyed) ou leaſe a: bee ydle. ny other fulde pzeuent hym in loo great a matter (ſuſpecting the newe gouernour Petrus Arias) of being moucd by both thele cauſes, and eſpecially for that the kynge had taken diſplea: A de'perate ſure with hymn foz ſuch thynges as he had doone before, toke Aduenture thaduenture vppon hym with a fewe men to błynge that to paữle which the lonne of kynge Comogrus thought could hard- ly haue byn doone with the ayde of a thouſande men, wherof Patrus Ariss was appornted capitayne foz the ſame purpoſe.AC: ſemblynge therfoze certeyne of the oblde ſouldiccs of Diriens, Garchus his and many of thoſe whiche came lately from Hifp.snioli allured viage toward by the fame of greater plentie of golde, he gathered an armpe the golden of a hundzeth fourcſcope and tenne men. Thus beinge für: noutaynes, nylched and redie to take his bpage by ſea, whyle the wonde ſcrucd hym, he departed frome Dariens with one bzygantine and tenne of thcyz boates whiche they caule Lanoas as wee haue fayde. fyzd therfore arryuynge in the dominion of Care Careta kynge ta kynge of coibs and frende to the Chriftians, and leauynge of Cosba his lhyppe and boates there, he made his deuout pzayers to al myghtic god, and therwith Weitt forwarde on his journey by lande toward the mountaynes. Dacre he fyzů entered into the kyns poncha region of kynge Porcha, who fledde at his commyng as he had doone befoze. But Vaſchus ſent mellengers to hym by the con duct of certeyne of Ctreta his men, pzomylinge hym frendihip and defence ageynd his enemies, with many other benefites. Ponché thus entgled with the fayze ſpeache and frendcly pło: fers bothe of owre men and of the Caretans, came to owr mens gladly and wyllyngely makynge a league of frendſhippe with cbem. Vefsbus entertegned hyn very frendely, and perſuaded hins The ſeconde decade. 89 hym Hétier therafter co ftande in feare. Thus they toyned handes, embzaled, and gauc greate gyftes the one to the o: ther to knytte bp the knotte of continnall amitie. Ponchs gaue Vaſchus a hundieth and ten poundcs beyght of golde, of that I bundrecht pounde which the Spanyardes caule Pefum. De had no grea: wexsht of tec plentie of golde at this tyme, by reaſon he was (pogled golde. the yeare befoze as we haue fayde. Vaſchus to recompence one Strange chine benefyte with an other, gaue hym certeyne of owre thynges, ses are coins as conuterfet rynges, Chrillal tones, copper cheynes e biaſe red precious lettes, haukes belles, lokynge glaữes, and ſuche other fyne enot duffs. Theſe thynges they ſet much by and greately edeeme. fog ſuche thynges as are firaunge, arc euery where counted Lacke of trena precious. He gaue alſo to Poncba certepne ares to fell trees : which he accepted as a princely gyfte, bycauſe they lacke 3: ren and all other metals ercept golde: by reaſon whero they are enfozced with greate laboure to cut theyz trees to buylde they houſes, and eſpecially to make theyz boates holowe withowte inärumentcs of 3ren, with certeyne farpe doncs whiche they fynde in the rouers. Thus Vaſebus leaupnge all Aftone in the Itecde of grē. thynges in ſafetie behynde hym, marched forwarde with his armpe towarde the mountaynes, by the conducte of certepne guides and labourers which ponchs had gyuen hym, as well to leade hom the bay,as alſo to cary his baggages and open the traightes through the deſolate places and craggy rockce, toned full of the dennes of wpldc beatcs. ffo; there is ſeldoome ens tercourſe oz bpinge and ſellynge betwene theſe naked people, bycauſe they aand in neede of fewe thynges and haue not the want ble of money. But yf at any tyme they exerciſe any bartering Superflute they doo it but nere hande, erchangynge golde foi houtholde ties hynder tin&e with theyz confines whiche (umewhat etecme the ſame libertic foz oznamente when it is bozought. Other ſuperfluities they btterly contemne, as hynderances of they? ['weete libertie, foz veze aſmuch as they are gyuen only to play and jtelnes. And foy this cauſe, the high wayes which lye betwcne theyz regions si lot are not much wožne with many iozneys. Yet haue theyz [cou tes certepne priuic markes whereby they knows the waye the one to inuade the others dominions, and ſpoyle and infette them felaes on bothe (ydes with mutual incurſions priuilie in Carpenters, the myght ſeaſon. By the hclpe therfoze of they: guyses and Labourers, with obre carpenters, he palled ouer the hozrible mountagnes The thyrde decade. . mountaynes and many greate’ryuers lyinge in the way, oder Brydsea. the which he made bıyd ges cyther with pyles oz trunkes of trees. And here doo 3 let pa le manye thynges whiche they ſu fered for lacke of nece Taries, beinge allo in manec ouers Tosi come with extreme laboure, leafte 3 mulde bee tedious in re: blo heclingc thynges of ſmaule balue. But 3 haue thought it good not to omitte ſuche doinges as he had with the kenges some by the waye. Therefoze oz euer he came to the toppes of the The region hygh mountayncs, be entered into a Region cauled Qudregua, of Quarequs. and mcrtc with the kynge thereof cauled by the ſame name, with a greate bande of men armed after theyz maner, as with bowes and arrowes, longe and brode two handed twozdes made of bodde, longe tanes hardened at the endes with fy: er, daces alſo and ûynges. De came pzoudely and cruelly as geynt obre men, and Cent međengers to them co byd theym kande and procede no further : demaundynge Whyther they kinge Quare: went and what they hadde to doo there. Derewith he came qua is biyuen foorth and thewed hym (elfe beinge appareled with al his no to Flysht. bilitie: but the other were all naked. Then appzochinge to: warde owre men, he thretened thë with a lions countenance to depart from thenle except they woolde bee dayne cuerg mo thers Conne. When o bre men denyed that they woolde, goo backe, he atayled them fiercely. But the battayle was fone vargabuſies. fynylthed. Foy as Coone as they harde the noyle of the har: gabuſies, they beleued that owre menne caryed thunder and Croffebowes lyghtenynge about with them. Djany alſo beinge Qayne and (oze wounded with quarels of croflebowes, they turned their backes and fedde. Dlore men folowynge them in the chale, hewed them in pieſes as the butchers doo üeñhe in the mam wclles, from one an arme, from an other & legge, from hom 1.C. Barbari a buttocke, from an other a thulder, and from ſume the necke ans areſlaine from the bodye at one Groke. Thus, fyre hundreth of them with they, kynge, were Nayne lyke bjute beages. Vaſchus Unnatural te: founde the houſe of this kynge infected with mot abhomina shery. ble and ønnacurall lechery. For he founde the kynges bèo: ther and many other younge men in womens apparelt, ſmoth fe efeminately decked, which by the repozt of ſuch as dwelte abowote hym, he abuſed with pepofterous venns. Df theſe abobete the number of foutie, he commaunded to bee gynë for a play to his dogges, Foy (as we have fayd) the Spaniardes The thyrde decade. che vre of ble he helpe of doggcs in their warres ageynt the naked peor dogses inch ple whom they inuade as fiercely and cauenyngely as ye they warre agenſ jere Wylde boares oz hartes. Jn ſoo muche that owre Spa: the naked Barbariane, nyardes have founde they, dogges noo leđe faythful to them in all daungiours and enterpples, then dyd the colophoni: ans of Latabalenſes which indituted hole armies of dogges ſoo made to ſerve in the warres, that beinge accutomed to allos place them in the foze kroonte of the battayles, they neuer 13 örunke oz gaue backe. When the people had harde of the ſe: uere punyâhement which obr men had ercecuted vppon that Naturaul hae tred of vnnas fylthy kynde of men, they relozted to theim as it had byn to tural finnes Hercules foz refuge, by biolence bzyngyng with them al ſuch as they knele to bee infected with that pedilence, (pettynge in theyz faces and cryinge obte to obere men to take reuenge of them and rydde them owote of the worlde from amonge me as contagious beaties. This linkynge abhomination hadde not yet entered amonge the people, but was crerciſed onely Pelatina by the noble men and gentelmen. But the people lyktinge bps theyz bandes and eyes toward heauen, gaue tokens that god men were of 3 wolde all was greuouQy offended with ſuch vyle deedes. Afirmynge this opinione this to bee the cauſe of theyz [oo many thunderinges, lyght: mynge, and tempeftes wherwith they are loo often troubeled: And of the ouerdowinge of boaters which drolone they ſets and frutes, whereof famenne and Dyuers diſeaſes inlue, as they ſimplye and fapthfully beleue, although they knowe none other god then the ſoonne, whom onely they honoure, thinkpnge that it dooth bothe gyue and take awaye as it is the harter pleaſed az offended. yet are they very docible, and eaſye to woorkemenn bee alluced to owre cuûomes and religion, if they had any tca but fewe. chers. Jn they, language there is nothynge wnpleaſannte to the care oz harde to bee pronounced, but that all they2 wooides may bee wzytten with latin letters as wce fayde of thinhabitantes of Hiſpaniola. It is a warlyke nation, e hath people. warrelyke byn euer hetherto moleftous to theył boztherers. But the re- gion is not foztunate with fcutful grond o plentic of gold. pet is it full of greate barren mountaynes bringe ſumewhat she coulder. The hyshes colde by reaſon of they, hcyght. And therfoze the noble men and gentelmen are apparelled. But the common people iyue content onely with the benefytes of nature. There is a rcgi- on not pad two dayes journey digant from Quarequd, in which fonemos they The ſeconde decade. 2 region of black moores they founde only blacke woozes : and thoſe ercedynge fleste and cruell. Chey Cuppoſe that in thine patte certeyne blacke mozes ſayled thether out of Aethiopi.t to rabbe : e that by thippewacke oz ſume other chaunce, they were dryuen to thoſe inountaynes. Thinhabitantes of Qwarequl Iyue in con: tinuall warre and debate with theſe blacke men. Dere Vaſchus biſeaſes of leaninge in Qu.reque many of his ſouldiers (which by realou ayer 2 dyer. they were not yet accuſtomed to ſuch trauaples and hunger, fell into byuers diſcaſes) tooke with hym certeyne guybes of the quarequatans to conduct hym to the toppes of the moun The fourk taynes. from the palaice of kynge Ponchd, to the pzoſpect of fea. the other ſouth ſea, is only Tyre bayes iozncy: the which ne vertheleđe by realo of many hynderances and chaunces and eſpecially fozlacke of bytayles, he coulde accomplyihe in noo leữe then.crb Dayes. But at'the length, the Ceuenth daye of Ca'chug fo coome to the the calen des of October, he bchelde with woonderinge eyes fyght of the the toppes of the hygh mountaynes thewed onto hym by the newe fourr gupdes of Quarequd, from the whiche he myght ſee the other rea, No ſea ſoo longe looked foy, and neuer ſeene befoze of any man dici commynge owte of owre boulde. Applochinge therefoze to the toppes of the mountayncs, he commaunded his armye to frey, and went him Celft alone to the toppe, as it were to take Prayer. the fyz& poteflion therof. Where, faulynge pzoirate vppon the grounde, and rayfinge hym Celfe ageyne bpon his knees as is the maner of the Chriđians to play, lyfrynge vppe his eyes and handes towarde hauen, and directinge his face to warde the newe founde Couth ſea, he poozed foozrh his bun 5od rayſeth, ble and deudut prayers before almyghrie God as a ſpirituall the poole fro the dungehyl ſacrifice with thankes gyuing, that it had pleaſed his divine maietie to reſerue onto that day the victozie and prailc of Co greate a thynge unto hyra, beinge a man but of ſmaulc witte and knowleage, of lyétle crperience and baſe parentage. when he had thus made his players after his barlike maner be backened with his hande to his coompanions to coome to bym, the wynge them the greate mayne ſea heretofoje vnkno: wen to thinhabitantes of Europe, Aphrike, and Alia. Dete ageyne he fell to his papers as befoze : delyzinge almyghtie Bod and the blcůcd virgin to faugur his beginningcs, and to gyue bym good ſuccede to ſubdue thoſe landes to the glozie of his holy name and enercare of his trewe religion, ail his companions The ſeconde decade, gr Coompanions dyblykempre, and pray[ed god bith loude boy ces for ioye. Then Vaſchus, with no lelle maniye cozage then Hanniball of panniball of Larthage chewed his Couldiers talye and the Carinage, pzomontories of the Alpes, erhozted his men to lyft up their hartes, and to behoulde the lande even nowe bnder theyz 31 teete, and the ſea befoze they? eyes, whiche fulde bec bnto them a full and iuft rewarde of they: great laboures and tra: uaples nowe ouerpaled. When he had ſayde theſe woordes, he commaunded them to raiſe cetteine heapes of tones in the tlafchna rag) kech poffeffis feede of alters foz a token of poletion. Then deſcendunge on of the from thjetoppes of the mountapnes, lead ſuch as might come moun aynes after hem talde argne hym of lyinge og kalthod, he wrote the kynge of Cattelles name here and there on the barkes of the trees bothe on the ryght hande and on the lefte: and cayfrd Heapes of tones all the way that he went, bncplſ he came to the region of the nerte kynge towardc the ſouth whoſe name boas Chiapes. This kynge came fooithe ageyntte hym with a kynge Chlas pes. greate multitude of men: threateninge and forbyddynge him notionely'to palle through his dominions, but alſo to goo no further. D'erebppon, Vaſchus ſet his battayle in attay, and battagles exhorted his men (beinge nowe but fewe) fiercely to attayle they; enemies, and to eñeeme theym nbo better then dogges be Dubai meate as they Oulde bce Chortly. Placeinge therfoze the har. gabuliers and maties in the tozeftoonte, they faluted kynge og cbiepes and his men with ſuch a larome, that when they hard Chiapes is the nople of the gunnes, ſave the names of fyer, and imelte bryueu to che (auout of bpmſtone(for the Wyndc blewe towarde them) firshi. they done them ſelues to flyght with ſuche fearelcaức than: derboultes and lyghtnynges fölowed them, that mange fell downe to the grounde: whom oibre men purſuinge, fyzat kee pinge thepl order, and after breakyng theyz array, Acwe but felpe and tooke many captiue. For they determined to ble no terremitie, but to pacific chole Regions as quietlye as they myght. Entcringe therfoze into the epalaice of kynge Chiapesz, Vafcbus commaunded many of the captiues to bee looled : bopi ua chuo lent lynge them to ſearch owote thepi kynge, and to erhözke hym deth for king to coome thyther: And that in Coo doinge, he woolde bec his Chlapce. frende and pzofer hym peace, belyde many other bencfites. But if he refuſed to coome, it thulde turne to the Dedruction of hym and his, and beger (ubuerſion of his conecey, and shas The thyrde decade. that they myght the moze afuredly do this međage to Chiapa he Cent with them certeyne of the guydes whiche came with hym from Qnnrequdi Thus chiapės beinge perſuaded aſwel by the quareqans who Chtapes ſuba coulde coniecture to what ende the matter woolde coome by mittethhem therperience whiche they had ſeene in them felues and they relfe to uaf: chus. kynge, as alſo by the reaſons of his owne men to whome vaf chas hadde made foo frendely promyſes in his behalfe, came fooįthe of che caucs in the whicbe he lurked, and ſubmytted tffi.C. pounds bym ſelfc to Vaſchus, who accepted bym frendelge. They top: Φεγght of ned handes, embraſed the one the other, made a perpetuall Woughtsold league of frendelippe, and gaue greate rewardes on bothe fydes. chiapes gaue Vaſchus foure hundjeth poundrs Wepght of wzbughe goulde of thoſe poundeş wbiche they caule Peſos: and Vaſchus recompenſed bym ageync with cetteyne of owne chynges. Thus beinge made freendes, they remayned togy: 387 ther a fewe dayes bntyll vafchus Couldiers were coome which he lefte behynde bym in Quarequa. Then caulinge unto hyn the guydes and labourers which came with hym from thenle vigasie 結 ​be rcboarded them liberallye and diſmiſſed theym with than: kes. Shoztly after, by the conduct of Chiapes hym felfc, and Usichus ada certeyne of his men, departinge from the toppes of the moun dictcih the taynes, he came in the ſpace of foure dages to the bankes of newe land the newe ſea : where allemblynge al bis men fogyther with fea, to the to: the kynges ſcribes and notaries, they addicted al that maine of Calle. * Ica with all the landes adiacent there unto to the dominion and Einpire of Ladile.Dcte he left part of his ſouldiers with Chispesihat he mygbt theſelier ſearche thoſe coates. And ca: kyng with bym nyne of thep, lyghters made of one hole tret kynge Coque (which they caule Culches as thinhabitantes, of Hifpaniola caul rá is duquers them Canoss) and alſo a bande of foure[cole men with certeine to flyshi. of chlapes mea, he palled ouer a greate ryner and came to the region of a certeyne kynge whoſe na ne was Coquers. He at: Qarchus tempted to relyle owre men as did the other, and with lyke Vreth both Cuccelle : foz he was ouercoome and put to flyght. But Váſchus gentelnes who entended to wynne hym wich gentelnes, tente certegne and rigour, Lhiapeans to him to declare the greate poure of obre menne: howe inuincible they were: howe mercifull to ſuch as fubmit them Celues, allo ccuell and ſeucre to ſuch as obftinatly with dande them, pozomyſinge hym furthermore, that by the frēd hyni The thyrde decade. 92 mippt of obre men, be myght bee well aTured by thepemiple of other, not onely to lyue in peace and quietnes hym (elfe, tut alſo to bee reuenged of thiniuries of his enemies. Wylling hym in concluſion (oo to weigh the matter, that it he refuled this gentelnes profered bnco hym by ſoo greace a victoarer, he talde oz it were longe, lerne by feclynge to repent him to late of that perel which he myght haue auoyded by hearing. vi.C. and.l. Coguera with theſe tooides and eremples, maken with great peyght of feare, came gladly with the metengerg, bzyngyng with him wzoug kt gold fyre hundech&.l. Peſos of wrought gold, bhtch he gaue bnto obce men. Vaſchus rewarded hym lykebile as we Capd before of Poncha, Coquera beinge thus pacified, they returned to the z goulfe of palaice of Chiapes, where, biſitinge theyz companions, and re chieeſcore 10) Gynge there a whylc, Vaſcus determyned to ſearch the nerte myles.com greate goulfe, the which, from the furthet reachynge therof into the lande of they countreys, from the enterannce of the Sayne'micha mayne fea, they ſaye to bee threeſcoze mples. This they na: els goulfe med ſaynt Wipchaeld goulfe, which they ſay to bee full of in: habited glandes ans hugious rockes. Enteringe therefore into the nyne boates of Culchas bhecbith he palled ouer the ryuer before, hauinge alſo with hym the ſame coompanye of foureſcoze hole men, he wente folwarde on his purpole, ale though he were greatly dilluaded by Chiapes, who ernelly de [yzed bym not to attempt that byage at that time, affirming the manly the goulfe to be foo tempeffious and Nozmy three moonethes corage and in the yeare that the ſea was there by noo meanes nauigable: tarchus And that he had ſeene many Culchas deuoured of whirlepoles euen beefoze his eyes. But inuincible Vaſchus, impaciente of idlenes, and boyde of all feare in goddes cauſe, aunſwered that god and his holy (ayntes woolde proſper his enterp?y? the ſynewea Rychesare ſes in this caſe, fogalmuche as the matter touched God and of warre the defence of the chiifiian religion, foz the maynetenaunce k herof it thulde bce neceſarie to haue great abundance of ty: The faythful ches & treaſure as the fyneldes of war ageyntte the enemies nes of kynge of the faythe. Thus viinge alſo thoffice both of an ozatoure Chiapes, and preacher, and hauinge perſuaded his coompanyons, be lanched from the lande. But chiapes, lealt Vafchus thulde ang thynge doubt of his fagchfulnes towarde hym, profered him felfe to goo with hym whither foo euer he went : And wolde a tempeſt by noo meanés atent that vaſchus thulde depart from his pa: on the lea. acole The feconde decade. laice, but that he woolde bzynge hym on the waye and take part of his foztune. Therfoze as ſoone as they were nowe en sered into the maine fea;ſuch lourges and condictes of water aroſe ageynt them that they were at they, wyttes endes wht ther to turne them oz where to rente. thus bcinge toled and amared with feare, the one loked on the other with pale and Ibn yucherefull countenaninces. But eſpecially Chiapes and his Todoy coompano, wwbahad before tyme twith theyz eyes teene ther: Biba cabo perience of thoſe seobecdies, were greatly diſcomforted. Pet (as god boolde) they eſcaped all, and landed at the nerte : lande : Where makynge fate theyz boates, they refted there be fæcreas that npght. Here the water (oo enorealed that it almot o: fing of the uechowed the land. They ſay alſo that that ſouth ſea doty South sea. Too in manec boyle and ſwelle, that when it is at the hyghet it doth couer many greate rockes, which at the faule therof, che northe are ſcene farte above the water. But on the contrary parte, is all ſuche as inhabite the Month ſea, affirme with one boyce, that hit (carlelg rifeth at any tyme a cubet aboue the bankes as they alſo confeữe which inhabite the 3|lande of Diſpania la and other landes ſituate in the ſame. The Flande ther- foze beinge nowe dzye by the faule of the water, they reloj, ted to they, boates which they founde all ouerwhelmed and full of lande, and ſume Coze özuled, watch great ryktes, and Hard Myft is almott loft by reaſon they cables were broken. Such as weco Qeccffitic. bzuled, thay tyed fat with theyz gyidels, with Nippes of the barkes of trees, and with tough and longe dalkes of certein berbes of the ſea, topping the ryftes oz chynkes with grade accoudynge to the preſente necellitie. Thus were they enfor: ced to returne backe ageyne lyke unto men that came frome Chippewjacke, beinge almoat conſumed lith hunger, bycaule theyz vytaples were beterly detroyed by tempcdc. Thinhabt 31564 tantes declared that there is harde all the yeare hozrible to synge of the ſea amonge thoſe landes as often as it ryſerhe of fauleth. But this molt eſpecially in thoſe three monethes in the which it is molte boyktious as Chiapes towlde Vacchus be foze: Deanynge (as they coulde coniecture by his woordes) October, November, and December: foz he ſignified the ple ſent inooke and the twoo moones folobynge, countynge the mga moonethes by the moones, whereas ft was nowe Octobet. sche Dere therefole reftelchenge hgm felfe and his ſouldiers & whgle The ſeconde decade, 93 lobyle, and paſlynge by one vnpzofitable kynge, he came to an other whoſe name was Tumaccus, after the name of the re: The Region gion, beinge ſituate on that ſyde of the goulfe. This Tumaccus Tumacca. came foozth agcyntte owre men as dyb the other, and with lyke foztune. For he was ouercoome, dzyuen to flyght, and kyuge Tus many of his men dlayne. He hym Celfe was alſo foze woun: maceus is dit ded, but yet eſcaped. Vaſchus fent certeyne mellengers of the uento flysht, Chiapeans to hym to returne, and not to bee afrayde. But be could be nothyng moued nether by pzompties noz th caccnin ges, yet when the mellengers were intant, &ccated not to chzeaten Death to him and his famely, with the vtter deſolation tion of his kyngedome if he perſified in that obtinacie, at the length he ſent his ſoonne with them: whom Vafcbus hono: vably enterteyninge, apparelinge hym gozgioudy and gyuing bym many gyftes, ſent hym to his father, wyllynge hym to perſuade hym of the puiTaunce, munificence, liberalitie, hu manitie, and clemencie of owre men. Tumaccus beinge mooued by this genrelnes declared toward his ſonne, came with him the thyzde day, bzyngynge nothynge with hym at that tyme. But after that he knewe that owre men deſyzed goulde and solde and pearles, he ſent for ſyte hundjeth and .ciiii. Peſos of golde, perles, and two hundreth and foztle of the bigget and fayzelt perles beſybe a great number of the ſmaulet (ozte. Dwre men mars meyled at the byggenes and fayzenes of theſe perles although they were not perfectely whyte bycauſe they take theym not oldte of the ſea muſculs epcepte they fyzit rol them, that they may theſelper open them (elfe, and alſo that the fpühe maye mufculs of haue the better tafe, whiche they eft eeme for a delicate and the fea. princely dyahe, and ſet moze thereby then by the perles them (elucs. DE theſe thynges 3 was enformed of ene Arbolantius beinge one of Vafchus coompanions whom he ſent to the kyng with manye perles and cerreyne of thoſe fea muſculs. But when Turnsccus (awe that owre men foo greatly regarded the britic of the perles, he commaunded certeyne of his men to prepare them ſelues to goo a fyChynge foz perles, who de: fyffhyits for partinge, came ageyne within foure dayes, byingynge with Eu pounde them twelue pounde weight of ovient perles after cight oun: weyght of tes to the pounde. Thus retoyſinge on bothe parties, they perles. embzaſed and made a league of continual frendelhippe. Tumaer cus thought him Celfe happie that he had preſented owre men qa,i. with The thyrde decade. men. with ſuch thankeful gyftes and was admitted to chey, frend hippe 1 and owre men thinkynge them ſelues happie and blet ſed that they had founde Cache tokens of great ryches; [ba: lowed downe they, (pettle for thyitte. at all theſe coinges, of golde, kynge Chiapes toas preſent as a wyrnes and coompanion. De alſo reioyſed not a lyttle, aſwell that by his conductinge he ſawe that owre men thulde bee ſatiſfied of theyz delyze as al ſo that by this meanes hc had declared to the nert kynge his borthetevand enemie, what frendes he had of owre men, by Ambition as whoſe ayde he myghe lyue in quyetnes and bee ccuenged of monge naked his aduerfavie if neede õhulde ſop requyze. Foz (as wce haue fayde) theſe naked kynges infette thcim felues with greuous barres oncly fol ambition and deſpre to rule. Viifchus boſteth in his epiteli, that he lerned.certeyne maruelous fecreates of Tum.uochs him Celfe as concernynge the greate ryches of this lande: whetof (as he ſaych) he woold btter nothyng at this This Flande preſente, foz alınache as Tumdecus toulde tt him in his eare. is cauled But he was enformed of both the kynges, that there is an margarite glandein that goulfe, greater then any of the other, hauing Diges, o DI: in it but onely one kynge, and hym of foo great poure that at A kynge of ſuche comes of the yeare as the ſea is caulme, he inuadethe greate poure, they? dominions with a greate nauie of Culchas, ſpoyling and caryinge a way for a praye, all that he meeteth. This Fland is dilant from theſe coales, onely twentie myles: Soo that the promontoztes ol poyntes therof rechyng into the ſea, may beefeere from the hylles of this continent. Jn the ſea nere about this glande, fea muſculs are engendred of ſuch quanti Bigseperles, tie, that many of them are as brode as buckelers, in theſe ace perles founde (beinge the hacres of thoſe thell fyâhes)ofs Cleopatra, ten tpmes as byg je as beanes, fumtymes bygger then olyues queene of £: and ſuch as fumptuous Cleopatra myght hauc delyzed. al: gypt refolved thoughe this Flande bee foo nere to the thize of this firms 8pcarle in lande, yet is the begynnyng thecol in the mayne ſea without Wineger and the mouth of the goulfe. Vifcus beinge topfull and mery with zunke it; price.V. thon- this rych communication, fantalinge nowc in maner nothing rande pounde but princes treaſures, begannt to ſpeakc fierce and cruell of owrmany. woozdes ageynst the tyranne of thar lande, meanyng here: thef escenes by too woonnethe myndes of the other kynges, and bonde of Urchus, them to hom with a nсarer bonde of frendelhip. yet therfoje raglynge fuccher on hym koich (pptefuil and oppzobrious beozdes tes. The thyrde decade. 94 Soordes, he booze great othes that he woolde kurthwith in nade the plande, (poylynge, defroyinge, burnynge, dlow: nynge, and hangynge, ſparinge rcyther (woozde noz fyze, Antyll he hadde reuenged they, iniuries: And therwich com: -107 maunded his Culchas to bce in a redynes. But the twoo kyn: ges Chiapes and Tumaccus, eghozted hym frendly to deferre this enterpriſe yntyil a moze quiere ſeaſon, bycauſe that ſea was not nauigable withowte greate daunger, beinge nowe the be synnynge of mouember. Whecin the kynges ſeemed to ſaye trewe. Foz as Vaſchus bym ſelfe wzytcth, great rorong of the Cea was hardc amonge thclandes of the goulfe by realó of the raginge and conflicte of the water. Great tpuersallo del: breat rygers cending from the toppes of the mountapnes the ſame time of faulyag from the peare, & ouerflowyng they, bankes, dzyuyng downe with mountaines. theyz vyolence greate rockes and trees, make a marucylous nople. Ilykewiſe the furic of the South and Nozthcad wynier des, alločtate with thunder and lyghenynge at the ſame ſeas Thunder and fon, dyd greatly molete thein. Whyle the wether was fayze lyshenyngeir they were vered in the night with could:and in the day time jovember. the heate of the ſonne troubled them: whecof it is noo mar: waile, fogalmuche as they were neare bnto the Equinoctiall colde in the Iynealthough they make noo mention of the eleuation of the nysht nere pole. For in ſuch regions, in the nyght, the mone and other the Equinoce coulde planettes: but in the daye, the Coone and other hotte tial. planettes, doo chiefely exerciſe theyz influence : Althoughe the antiquitie were of an other opinion, ſuppoſinge th Equi habitable res noctiall circle to bee bnhabitable and deſolate by reaſon of gions Under the heate of the foonne hauinge his courſe perpendiculerly o? all tyne. thc Equinocte direcely ouer the ſame:ercept a fewe of the contrary opinion, whoſe aữertions the poztugales have at theſe dayes by er: The natiuitas perience promed to bee trewe. Foz they (aile yearely to thinha, tions of the bitantes of the ſouth pole, being in maner Arttipodes to the peo postingales ple cauled Hyperborei vnder the fozth pole, and exercileriat Touche pole. towarde the chaundies with them. And here haue 3 namco Antipodes, fogal antioodes. much as 3 am not ignorant that there hath byn men of ſingu pemeaneth lar witte and great lernyng, which haue denged that there is S. Auguffae Antipodes :that ts, ſuch as walkc feete to feete. But it is molt snd Lectane Certepne, that it is not gyuen to anye one man to knowe all thynges. Foz duen they lo were men : whole propertie is to erre and bee deceaued in many thynges. Bewerthcleme,the A-a ii, Portugales tius. The ſeconde decade. portugales of obre type, haue Cayled to the fyue and fyftte the ſtarres degree of the ſouth pole: Where, coompaſinge abowote che aboite the poynt thereof, they myght ſee throughowte al the heaven as ſouthe pole. bouc the fame, certeyne tynynge whyte cloudcs here there amonge the tartes, lyke bnto them whiche are ſeene in the Lietes vid. tracte of heauen cauled Lastes via, that is, the mylke bijyte waye. They ſay there is noo notable farre neare about that pole lyke vnto this of owres which the cõion people thynke to bee the pole itſelfe (cauled of the talians Tramontant, and of the Spanyardes Nortes) but that the Came fauleth benethe a fimylitude the seccan, bbcn the ſonne deſcendeth from the myddette of declarynge the eriltree of the woozlde frome bs, it ryſeche to them, as a Antipodes, payze of balances whole weyghe inclynynge from the equall **** anserat poyfe in the myddeſ towarde eyther of the ſydes, cauleth the .199006 con ane ende to ryſe as much as the other fauleth. When there: 1920 fore it is autumne with vs, it is ſpłynge tyme with thê: And ſummer with bs when it is bynter with them. But it ſufis ſerb to haue Cayde thus much of grange matters. Let us now tberfoje returne to the hiftojic and to obremton annansa ut Booty Cado St 6 C The ſeconde booke of the to od as 30 chyzde Decade. Afchus by thaduice of kynge Chiapes and Tamide cus, Determyned to deferre his byage to the fayde lande bntpll the nexte (pzynge 0} fummer, at which tyme chizpes ofered bym felfe to accoompany owre men and ayde thi therin all that he myght. In this meane tyme Váfcbus had knowleage that theſe kyk ges had nettes and fylhynge places in certeync ftations of that ſea nere bnto the chose, where they were accuſtomed to The maner fylhe foz ſea muſculs in the which perles are engendred: Ano of fyrrhynge that for this purpoſe they had cerceyne druers az fyáhers ce for perles. erciſed frome they? pouche in ſwymmynge vnder the ipater. But they doo this onely at certeyne tomes when the ſea is Cine kindes calme, that they may theſelger coome to the place where theſe of perles, mell fylthes are woonte to lye. ffor the bygger that they are, foo much ly thep the deaper and never to the bottome. But the letler, as it were dowghters to the otherare nccer the bzyme of The ſeconde decade. 9 of the lo ater. Lykewyſe the leaſte of all, as it were their nies fes, are yet ncaret to the ſuperficiall parte therof. Too them of the byggeſte lozte whiche lye lowelte, the fyſfyers deſcende the depthc of three mens heyght, and lumtyme foure. But to the doughters oz nicles as their ſuccellion, they defcend one: Ipc to the mydde thygh. Sunitymés allo, after that the ſea hathe byn diſquyeted with vehemente tempettes, they fynde a greate multytude of theſe fylthes on the landes, beyng diya aen to the thoze by the vyolence of the water. The pectes of theſe thiche are founde on the ſande, are but lytle. The filthe it relft, is more pleaſaunte in catynge then are obre opters as obre men repoit. But perhappes hunger the (wecte caule 35001? of all meates, cauſed owre men (oo too thynke. Wherhec pecs les bee the hartes of Cea muſculs (as Ariñotell ſuppoſed) of Dyuers qaeſa the byrthe 02 (paune of there intrals (as Plinye thought) o tlos as cocer. nynge perleg whether they cleaue contynually to the rockes, or wander by coompanies in the ſea by the gupdinge of theldefe: Whether euerye Eplithe buynge foozthe one perle ou može, at one byrthe 02 at dyucrs: Alco whether theye bce fyled frome the rockes wherunto theye cleaue, oq maye bee całylye pulled awaye, az otherwyſe faule of by them Celaes When theye are coomme to there full grouth : 1ykcwyle whether perles bee harde within the fhclle oz ſofte, owre men hatie as yet noo cercayne erperyence. But I trulte oz it bee longe,too knowe the truth you a su hereof. ffoz olvre men are cuen nowein hande with the mat: ter. alſo, as ſoone as 3 tall bee aduerty cd of tge arryuall of Petrus Arias the capyeayne of oure ment, I well belyre hom petrus artag by my letters to make diligent ſearche foi thelë thynges, and certifye me therof in all poyntes. 3 know that he wyli not bee flacke oz omytte any thynge herein. Foz he is my verye frende: and one that taketh greate pleaſure in conſyderynge the bookes of nature. And ſurelyc it ſeeme h unto me bnde: cente, that we ſhoulde with lylence oucrdyppe fo greate a thynge whiché awell in the owlde tyme as in owre dapes, hathe, e pet douche, drawe bothe men and women to cmmo: derate deſpre of ſuperduous plcalure.Spayne therefoże ſhal: Wanton and be able hereafter with perles to ſatilete the gredye appetite of fuperfluong ſuche as in wanton pleaſures are lyke unto Cleopatra & Afous Cleopatre. pleaſures. So that frome henſfozch we tal nepther enuye noz reuerence Propus. the nyſe frucefulnes of Stoidum, or Taproband, of the reo de ſea. Stordum. 4, a, b, But Tapobank 10 The thyrde decade. Bat Istte bs kowe rcturne to obore purpoſe. Vafchas therforê determined bith the fyfthers of Chiapes to proue what myght bee doone in his fybe pooles oz tations of ſea muſcules. Cbizges to ſpewe bym (elfe obcdiente to Vaſchus his requeſte, al: though the ſea here bøydpous, coommaunded thirtye of his fylthecs co pzepare them ſelles and to reſojte to che fylthinge places. Vachus Lente onelye fyre of his men with them to bet The fyfthing holde chem (come the lea bankes, but not to coommitte then place of king Telues to thi daunger of the tra, the fprihonge place was Chiapes, diſtante frame the palayce of chiupes aboute tenne myles. They durate not aducnture to opue to the bottome by reaſon of the furye of theſe yet of the muſcules whiche lye hyghed, 034 and of (uche as, were di puen to the ſhoze by the vyolence of to the water, chepe broughte Cyre greate farthels in the ſpace 12 nye of a fewe dayes. The perles of theſe were bat lyttle, aboute the bygnes of (maule fytches, get berye Fayze and bebotyfull, *380*** by reaſon theyc were taken newely omte of thefylthe, beinge von da pet rame. And that they thulde not bee teplouted of lyinge as concerninge the bignes of theſe Cea mufculs, they ſente many of them into Spagne to the kynge with the pecles, the fylthe beynge taken olote. Wee thinke verily that there maye in noo place bygger bee founde. Theſe telle fylwes therfoze bepnge Bolde in mas thus founde here in (oo manye places in that ſea,and gold in ner in cuery maner in cuccye houſe, doo argue the ryche treaſuryc of na: boure. türe too bec hyd in thoſe coattes, fora[muche as ſuchc gteate The roche treaturge of ryches haue byn founde as it were in the lytle fynger of a gi- bature. antes hande. What then maye boce thynke of the tjole hande of the gyante (for betherto theye hane onely bynne in hande with the confynes of Vraba) When theye Chalt have thorowly ſearched all the coales and recreates of the inner partes of all that large lande. But Voſchus contented with theſe fygnes sioyfull of his good fuccette in theſe enterpriſes, determined Ehe golde by an other waye to returne to his fclowes in Dariend, where mynes of alco, they have golde mynes aboute tenne myles from the vil: parien. lage.De gaue therfoże kyng Chiapes leaue to depart and to fo: lowe bym noo further. Lonlailyng bym to continue faythfull to the chidian kynge his lorde e maifter. Thus embraſinge the one the other, & joyninge bandes, Chiapes deparred, with téares declacing the good mynde which he boje to omre men. Vefcbus leaning bis Ticke mê with Chapes, Went fozward on his iozneye The thyrde decade. 13 fourney with the refydue, hauinge allo with him for guydes three of Chispes marpners. He conueyghed his armye ouer # greate ryuter into the dominion of a certeine kynge cauled Ted ocha: who beinge aduertiſed of the coommyng of obre men, of Kynge Tenor whole famous actes he had harde muche bekoze, was verye neth Waſchna gladde therof and enterreyned them honorably: So that for frendciye a token of his frcndely acfection towarde them, he gaue vaf: cbus twentie poundes leyght of wrought golde after cyght Thentye pounde ounces to the pounde: Allo twoo hundżeth bigge perles : but weight of not fayze, by realon they were taken owt of the muſculs after wroughie they had byn fodden. After they had ioyned handes, Vaſchus golde.. recompenſed hym with certeyne of owre thynges. 1ykchileno relardynge his guydes the Ceruantcs of Chiapes, he Diſmilcd them with commendations to thep, lord. kyng Tesochi at the departure of owr men from his palaice,dyd not onely appoint them guydes to conduct them in the way, but alſo gaue chematori cecrepne daues in the feede of beaties to cary thryz vprayles, Defertes fuit bycauſe they ſhulde pate thiològh many deſertes, baren and of yide rowgh mountaynes and terrible wooddes full of tygers and bearies. Lions. He ſent alſo one of his ſonnes with theſe daues, li: Diyed fyrhe dynge them with ſalted and diyed fyld, and becade of thofe regions, made of the rootes of Muziur and Iuccs. De alla commaunded his ſonne not to depart from owr meil hacyl he were licenced by Vdſchus. By they? conductinge checfoze, Vaſo chus came to the dominion of an other kyng whole narne was a granne. Rynge pacra Pacra, a ccuell tyzanne, fearefull to the other kynges his boj: therers, and of greater poure then any of them. This tyranny whether it were that his giltie conſcience for his milchcuous actes, put him in feare that owre mcnne woolde reuenge the 29 21.30 ſame, o2 that he thought bym ſelbe inferior to ceſit them aed at theyz commynge. Vaſchus waytech chat in theſe regions in in the mes Sreate heate the mooneth of Nouember he was Coze a fliceed with greate neche of nos beate and intollerable thiců, by reaſon that lyde of the moun uember. taynes hath lyetle water : yn loo muche that they were in daunger to haue pecilhed but that cerceyne of thinhabitants thewed them of a (płynge which was in the ſecreate place of ft Woodde, whither vefchus with all ſpcade fent cboo quycke and itronge younge men of his coompanions with thepi gone des and ſuche water be Telles as Tesocha his, nien browghte bith them, Df thinhabitantes, there duct none depart from thrze The ſeconde decade. - Sreece.sivos pes. there coompány böcauſe the boylde beatles doo Coone inuade naked men. for in thoſe mountaynes, and eſpecially in the booddes néace onto the (pzinge, they ſaye that they are ſuma cymes taken obte of there houſes in the nyght, excepte they take good heede that the boozes bee well (parde. 31t Wall not purte by bee from my purpoſe, hereto declare a particular chaūce bez mylde bea: koze enter any further in this matter. Theye laye therfore ftes. B tyger. that the latte yeate the regyon of Dariens was noolete infected Calydersia is and trowbeled with a fierle tyger, then was Calidonia in tome a foieſte ini paſte with a wylde boze, and Nemes with a horrible lyon.for Scotlande. they affyrme that foz the ſpace of fyre hole moonethes there Nemea is a pared not one nyghte withowte (unime hurte doone: Coo wodde ious that it killed nyghtlye egther a bullocke, amate, a dogge, oj a hogge, ſumtimes euen in the highe wayes of the village, Forowze men haue nowe greatheardes of cattayle in thoſe Tigers whels regions. They ſay alſo that when this tyger had whelpes, shit noo man myght ſafelye goo furthe of his doozes, bycaufe mes [pared hot men if thee mette fytte with them. But at the lens geth, neceưitye enforced them to inuente a policye howe they thus the myght bee reuenged of ſuche bludthed. Searchynge therfoje giptians take dilygently hec footeñeppes, and folowynge the pathe wher: Crocodiles. bye løee was accutomed in thc nyght ſeaſon to wander obte sides of her denne to ſeeke her payi, theye made a greate trenthe 612 by pytte in her walse coueringe the ſame with bucdels wher: bppon there cađe parte of the earthe and diſperſed the rely: The sogge due. The dogge tyger chaunted fyråe into this pitfaul, and fel byger taken, vppon the poyntes of charpe Cakes and ſuche other ingens herozynge as were of purpoſe fyred in the bottome of the trente. Bez of the tysér. ynge thus wounded; he rozed oo terrybly, that it grated the Simon bowels of ſuch as harde hym, and the wooddes and mon: rayncs ncare aboure, rebounded the noyle of the hozryble - 30 96 crye. when they percenued that he was layde fađe, they re: Todo Tozred to the trenthe and dewe hym idith tones, dartes, and pykes. With his teethe and clawes, hebroke the dartes in: to a thouſande chyppes, Beynge yet deade, he was fearefull to all ſuche as bchelde hym:what then thinke you he boolde Tigers fterh. hauc boone beynge alyue and looſe. Dnt Johannes Ledifma of Caten. Ciuile, a nere frynide to Vaſchus and one of the coompanyons of his tranaples, toulde me that he hym (clfe dyd eate of the Elcipe of that tiger and that it was nothinge infergoj to bieft 10 The thyrdedecade. he goodttës. E eynge demannded howe they kurboe hit to bee a tyger fozalmache as none of them had cuer leené a tyger, they anſwered that they knew hit by the ſpottes, fiercenes, agilitye, and ſuche other markes and coken Wherby the an: ciente buiters bane deſcribed the tiger. for Cum of them hab befoze tyme (eene other ſpotted wilde beattes, as Ipbardes e panthers. The dogge tiger beynge thus kyllcb, theye folo: wynge the teaſe of his deppes towarde the mourraines, came to the deninc bohere the byrche remayned with bec twoo the bitches younge luckynge bhelpes. But thee was not in the denne at tyger, there coommynge. Theye fyrtie caryed aways the whclpes with them. But afterwarde fearynge leatte they fulde dye Tigers whd bycauſe theyc were very younge, entendynge when they were pes. bygget to ſende them into Spagne, they putt cheynes of yren aboute thece nerkes, and caryed then agayne to there denne: whither returnpnge within a febe Dayes after, theye founde the denne emptyc and the chepnes not remoned frome there place. Theye ſuppoſe that the bamme in her fatyc roze them m ftraunge in pyeces and carped chena ataye, lege ange thulde baue the thynge. Ernition of them. for chepe plagnely attirme that it was not poſſible that they fulde bee looled frome the chaynes algne. Theſkynne of the deade tyger Autfed with diye herbes and trabt, thepe (ente to Hiſpaniols to the abmycall and other of the chicfe rulers frome Whome the newe landes receyue there lawes and fuccoure.Jt hall at this tome ſuityce to have writ: een thus much of thetosecs, as 3 haue lerned by the cepozte of thens whiche bothe Cuteyneb domage by chece taucnyage, and allo Hanbeled the ſkynne of that whiche was flayne. Ler kynge pacra. bs nowe therfeze returne to kyage Pacrs frome Whome bet have diſgueted. When Vaſcbxs had cncced into the houſes for: ſaken of Pacrá, he ſente melengiers to reconcylc bym as he had doone the other kinges. At the firſt be refuſed to coomme. But after threatenynges, he came with three otheç kynges in his coompanye. Vaſchus bozitethe that be neuer ſabe a moje mondrous and beformed creature: And that nature hath one ly gyuen hym humane bapt, and otherwyſe to be wozie tbt a bzute beate, with maners accozbunge to the lingamentes of bis bodye. De abuſed with mofte abhominable lechery the doughters of foure kynges his botherers from whome het bad taken them by vyolence, Df the fylthye behanoure of Bb Dacia The ſeconde decade. IDEA. Naturall ha: Puert, of his crueltye and intuipés ddone by hym, Marty of the tred of yce. other kynges made greuous coomplayntcs to Viſehus as bnro á hygb Judge and iutte teuenger : wotte humblye belechyng bym to fet lucho thynges punyſthed, fazaſmuche as theye tooke hym for a man (ente of god for that purpoſe. Herebp. pón Vaſebus alloell to wynne their good wyttes, as alſo too Foure kinges the be an eremple of tętcoine to Cuche as bled lyke falthions, deuoured of coommaunded that this monſtrous beafte with the other posses. thzce kpages whiche bere Cubiecte to bym and of lykt condi: tions, fulde bee geuen foz a praye to his feyghringe dogges, and their tozne cackclcs to bee burned.DE theſe doggcs whi The ure of chc thepe ble in the warres, thepe cell maruelous thynges, dogges in warrea: For theye cape that theye tunne vppon thinhabitantes acs geinſt naked med afterthece maner, with noo leic fiercenes then if theye bocre hartes oz boylde bojes, if the Spaniardes doo but ont To aq ty poynte towarde them with their fyngers: 31n foo muche 25:an that oftentymes they have had no ncebe too dzyue their enes Redes mpes too Ayght boith (wooldes ol arrowes : 1 But haue doone the came onely with dogges placed in the fogefronte of their batrayle, and lettynge them Clyppe with their watche woozde and pziurye token. Wherappon the barbaryans trys ken with feare by reaſon of the cruell countenaunces of the 22. mafies, with their deſperate bouldenes and vnaccuſtomed houlynge and backynge, haue diſparcled at the fyrde onſette and bioke their artaye. Yet it chaunſeth otherwyſe when theye haue anye condicte agapnd the Lanibales and the peo: The Cany: ple of Caramsiri, faz thefe are fyerfer, and more warcelyke bales are er: perte ars men: Allo Co erpecte arches, that theye can notte certentya chers. dyrect their venemous arrowes againt the dogges with ſu: non che celeritpe as if theye were thunderboltcs:By reaſon whers of, they fumtymes kyl many of thë. Shinhabytantes of theſe Swoordes of voodde. montaynes, doo not kecpe latte with bowes and arcowes: But ble onelye Mickintschat is certayne longe and broude Thordes made of woodte: Allo gynges, longe pykes and dartes hardened at the endes with fyere. Whyle kynge Puera get lyued, noo man coulde knobe of hom neyrhet by fayre meanes noz by foule, where he had the golde whiche was fiftie pounde founde in his houſe. Foz owre men faunde in his tewel houſe weyght of fyftye poundes beyght of golde. Beynge therfoze demann: solde. ded where he had it, be anſwered that they whtche gathered the The ſeconde decade. 98 golde. che casue 4thoſe montagnes in his fathers dapes, were all Deade and that ſenſe he was a chylder i be nenek eftečmed golde moje then tooncs, Noze then this,-thiyecoulde noe gette of bym, by this ſeucre punytment erecated vppon po sho era, Vefchur concpled unto hym tbe myndts of all the other kynges of that Paguyuccueillnd by this meanes, it came tog paſe, that when he Centefon the fpeke men whichr be lifte behynde bym bith kyngri chiese an ather kynge whicle kynge som was in the myode wape, (iphale nane imas Bononiand) ENTED mitterende eepned them gentellgesijand gaue them.c. paunde weyghs to the charfte of pure blougba golde beſyDegreat plentpe of byttayles. 2 ans. and not this onely, but alſo acroompanyen chem bym ſelte wiorghee bntpll be bad brought them ſafely trome his palaice into th dompuyon of Paenoi: Wbére cakynge echt of them by the fyghte handes, be delgyceed tben tol Vaſchus bym ſelfézsas a fapthefull pledge cominptten toa his chargest and thote fool, 6419 with. (pake to wachus in this Icectelupeole mygbłye and balpaunte vpetourciyebebalde e bere osłyuer bnco powe; The oration pobre coompanionis in ſuche plight agt race ayed themifs of kynge thynge that a bad bon albell able to gyue them calche, as Bononiama chey were hertely welcoome to Cuche pou cnfcrreynemení as a was able to theine them. for the fauoute and gentenelle whiche 3 hauc founde bothe in yowe and them, he thall cha barde yolbe whiche Cendeth thunderynge and lyghtelong to the ſparke the bettinction of myſcheuous men, and of bis demencye gls of nature, is weih unto good men plentie of {ucc4 and Medizium in dewe ſea thelawe fon. As he (pake theſe wooides, be lyfted bppe his handes, watertinche and eyes towarde thc Coonne whome they honoure fpj gode hartes of Then he (pake further to Vaſchus, Cayinge .gn that yowe baue deſtroped and dainc owre bpolent and pzoude quemiese vowe bauc blowght peace and quyçtneife ro bg and obere fås melyes, and bounde vs fox euet to loue and obeye poine, powe haue loo buercoome and tamed wylde inongters, that wee thynke poloe to bee Cente fram heauenfoz the punybės mens of euell mon and defence of innocentes, that bndce the plotection of yowze myghspelwoorde, wie maye Heseaften leadcowzelyuss lpichawte feare, and with moze quicencio gyue thankcs to the giucr of all good thinges foz b's mercio Gelded vnta vs in this behalfe, mhen thinterpretoure had coulde Vascbys that kong Bononiawa had fayde thelcibodides. 5 b, 11, mich. The thyrde decade. 97302 an) ſuche lpkeVafsko rendered hym lykt changes for his humanitye declaced cowarde o wie menggand erwarbco bym Bossa as he had doone othep in to home he foundelyke gentilnede. Vasches busytetb that be lošnid manyle chynges of this hyngo as concerninge ebe greatestycystic of these cegions. But that he woolbe at this piecent ſpeaks mothyngt schetof: And reherfethe, the ſame as tbynges kyketphavitrgood fuocené. Miperboler mhat this implicate Hiperbolesa 03 abuzauncemenc meanach, 3 doo not well underlande.But beplayndy fremech hereby to s prompie hiany greate thenges and ſurely it is to be thought that acco dyngedo bishapegoede riches maye bee tooked Kreat plenty folkfot. for they came in maner into none of thinhabytauntes of colde. houſes, but thatthey found in ther, cythot bzelteplates 02 curettes of golde, os elles golden onches, iebels, 001 gat: 2 fymilitude andes to leare absuce there beades, teckes, oz atmos: 3 for the profe pcomiccture therfože thus by a ſymilitude ofiobre houfes: 1 of plentye of Morge bsany man of great ponte Wevemoned bith the de golde. fyre to haue great plentye of iron,aud imbolde enter into calge twib amapne force as dyb the Bothes in tyme pade, bhat abundance of con thoulde he haue in their houſes whereas he coulde fynde in one place a friyngpan, in an o: ther a chauldjon, here a tryuet, and thote a ſpytte,andthele in maner in euery poze mannes houſe, with ſuche other innu: merable: Whereby any matimaye coniecture that Jen is plentifully engendzed in ſuche regions where they baue Coo Sren more értemed then greate ble therof. Dwre men allo perccaued that thinhaby: solde cances of chele regions do no more eftceme golde then we do ren: Nor yet [oo muche after they ſaweto what ble gren Ictued bs. This muche haue 3 theaghre good to write top poble bölgneữe of ſuche thynges as 3 baue gathered owrt of the letters of vaſchus Nunneksitand learned by woozde ol i sve potent') months of ſuch as were his cópanyons in theſe affayres, as Idee receyze them, ſo wee glue them bnto'yobbe. Tyme which ceuelsch all ſecretes, ſhall bereafter mynytter larger argus mene of Wigtynge. Theye coulde at this come doo no greate thynge in ſearchynge the golde mpnes, fórafmucheias of a hundzetli foyreſroze and tenne men hiche Vifcbur broughte on 0015 with bym from Dariessy there cemapned oncly threeſcoze and ten, og at she moi fonreſtore, lnhofe aybe he nowe bred in theſe daungerous adyetintes, leanynge cuer the craſed men DE, behynde The thyrde decade. belipad hom dettslinges jutes all the waye th at he koenit But they mondé eſpeci dilo feirandıye dilca ſe s, whiche Chaunge of Came lately from Hiſpaniold, fy they bira notable to abyde dyes is ogun fuche calamities as to lyne otréty contented With The üzeabe gerous, of thoſe regions, and welde heobre Withsitt fartebinkige mone other than ryuus tacer, and that ofichtimes cyther lac- kinge oulantholfonie, wyjede asibtroje theft Aamik es had bon bled to good meaces, but the bilde fohidfoüts of Basientsi, owlue rotte bere barbeard to abydoboyolcs, and ecocádynge tolte: diers. rable of labour heaterhunger and watchyngen to miche that merilye they make their boone that thep hau e obſerued a longer and Charper tent then eace yowlé holinc We intopntd.! 2 Jonse leps. fog chey (aye that for the ſpace of foure hole Peares, they care none other then herbes and frutes, ercepte nowe and 13 then perhappes fpibe, and beope (eldoorne nethel pea, and Luciliyi that ſumtine foplacke of ali thefe, they haulnot abhoyreb'bro stoo31 mangye doggesakd fpltype toades as wüte Haut tapde beste span fort. The owldefoldiers of Ddriana; caulí hore Whitje fyrfte foloked she capytapnes Nicueſa_and Fogék to ſhábyte thelandt, of the tohtche nowe fcwt boceelpuyngel Burlette us nobe omytte theſe thinges, and retourne to vifchische victourer of the montagnes. 730 mardlasti $ 3506 W al 43960 C the thy be booke of the sustior eldsum 403 and end their Ditade, os giluiitsin wollasest see todas 9983 saada tom ben Vaſchus had remained thirtye dayes in the palayce of kynge Pacriting concilynge vnra boin the myodes of thinhabitantes and piduidinge thynges neceilatye for his coompanions. The departed frome thenfe by the conducte of tebe tayne af kynge Tesocha his men, and came cob Comogroman the banke of the ryuer comogrús, Wherof the region and king therof, are named by the ſame name. Le formde che fpois ot theſe moncapnes fo tube and baren, that there was nothinje apte to bee caten, but wilde toores and certayne Enpleme feutes of trees. Tubkytigos beinge neare of bridge, inhábyr ted this infoztunate region, whiche Valehes ouespaded with two poore al ſpecde foz fcate of timger. One of thele pooye tinge was kynges, named Cotoclusg and the pther Cuixa. Detsoke cijem borhe Bb.iii baith The ſeconde decade. with hyms to gůpde hom in the baye, and dilmyded Teddels Refertes. his men with vytayles and reloardes. shus for the ſpace of three dazes, he wandered through many deſerre wooddes, ccaggyc mounraynes, e muddy mary[thes full of ſuche qua: myzes that men are oftentymes (walowed up in them if they looke not the moze barelye to their fiere. Alſo througb plat çes not frequented with relozte of men, and ſuche as nature had not yet opened to their vſe, fozaſmuche as thinhabitang tes hauc ſeldoome cutercourſe betwene then, but onely by Cundipe incurtions, the one to ſpoyle and defroye chcocher: Beynge otherwiſe contented to lyue oncly after the lawoof nature, withowte worldly tople for ſuperduous pleaſures. Thus enteringe at the lengthe into the territorye of another kynge Becke kyage whoſe name was Beebebus, they founde all thynges buea ſubmyt: boyde and in ſilence : for thckynge and his Cubiectes, were feth him felfe all wedde to the wooddes. When viſchus ſente mellengers to fetche hym, he dyd not oncly at the fy?(te fubinytte hymu felfe, but alſo promyle his ayde with all that he myghte make : Proteâynge furthermoze, that he iedbe not for feare that owze men woolde doo hym any iniurie, but that he hyd bym ſelfe for verye thame and griefe of mynde,for that he was not able to recepue them honozablye accordynge unco their dignitye, bycauſe his fort of vitayles was conſumed. deffels of yer in a token of obedience and frendelhyppe, he ſente owie golde. men many veüelles of golde, delyzing them to accepte them as the gifte of a frind whoſe good will wanted not in greas ter thynges if his abilytye were greater. By whiche woor: des the poole man ſeemed to inſinuate that he had byn rob: bed and otherwiſe cruelly handled of his boîtherers. By tea Con wherofowze men were enfozced to departe from thenle moze hungctly then theye came. As thepe wente forwarde therfoze,they elpyed certeine naked men coomminge downie from a hylle towarde them. Vaſchus coommaunded his armye to taye, and Centé his interpretours to them to knowe what they wold haue when one of thê to whom the other ſeemed fynge Chiort to gyue reuerence, (pake in this effect. Dwze lozbe & kinge fus fendeth chioriſus, greefceh yowe well: Wyllynge us to declare that Darchus rer. He hath harde of pobo?e pui Taunce and bevrue wherby yowe sylhes of baue Cubdued eucll men and veuenged the bozonges dogne to puse golde, innocentes, for the whiche gowje noble factes and iuapce, ag The feconde decade. 100 23 as he dostire honour powze fame, foo woolde he thirike hinn felfe motte happye if he myght receiue yowe inco his palatce. Bult, fogalmache as his foztune hath byn ſo euelt (as heims puteth tt) thar beynge owte of yoluze waye, yowe haue os nerpalled bym, he hath Cent poloe this golde in token of his good well and frynd uppe towarde yole. And with theſe woordes he delivered to Vaſchus thirty diſthes of puré golde. äddynge hereunto, that when ſo euer it talde pleaſe him to take the paynes to coonte to their kynge, he fulde recepues greater gyftes. De declared furthet, thac a kynge whyche was their boztherer and moztalt enemye, was very ryche in golde: and that in ſubduynge of hym they fhulde bothe obs tcine greate rychelle, and alſo dclyuer them froin daylpe vers ations : whiche thinge myght ealılye be doone by theic helpe fol bycauſe they knewe the countrer. Vafchæs put them in good coomfoite, and gaue them for rewards certayne gren ages mees of gren whiche they moze etteemed then greate heapes of golde. Fo? then any sold they haue lyttell neede of golde, hauynge not thuſe of petti: ferous money. But he that maye get but one are or hatchet, thynketh hym Celfe rycher then euer was Cralus. for cuen, thele naked men dpo percepne that an are is neceữarye foi a Superfitove thouſande bles: and confee that golde is deſyzed oncly and effeiny: for certayne vaine and effeminate pleaſures, as a chyng whis nate glefaree che the lyfe of man maye lacke withowte any inconuenicnce. Forowze glutteny and ſuperduous Cumptuouſnelle hath not pet corrupted them: By reaſon whecof they take it for no Thame to lacke cobardes of plate, where as the pzide and wan tonnes of owze tyme dodech in maner impute it to us for igs nominye to bee withoite that, wherof by nature we haue no neede.But their contentation with the benefytes of nature An eremple doothe playnly declare that men inay leade a free and happy of the lyfe of life withobot tables, table clothes, carpettes, napkyns, and opre fyift på renees towels, with ſuche other innuinecable whero they haue no ble, excepte pechappes the kynges furnihe their tables with a fewe golden bedcls. But the common people dipue awaye hunger with a pyece of their bzeade in the one hande, and a piece of broylde fytse og ſumme kynde of fruite in the other hande. For they care done but ſeldome. When their fingers are imbzued with any ounctuous mcates, they wype then eyther on the ſoules of their feete, od on their thoghes, yes Lunctives The thyrde decade. Cumtynies on the ſkynnes of their priuge members in the Ecedc of a nappekynne. And for this cauſe doo they often tynies wacht them Celues in the ryucrs. Dwze men therfoze Tilentye of gold z foarce wentc fozwarde laden with golde, but loze afflicted with neſſe of hunger. Thus they came at the length to the dominion of meare. kynge Poccborrofa who fledde at their coömmpnge. Dere for the ſpace of thiceye dayes they fylted their eru peye bellies knis pecehal with bleade of the rootes of Maizian zh the macane tyme rofa ubayle Vaſchus ſente foz Pocchorrofa: who beynge allured mth p20 tech hyin si os miles and fayze woordes, tame and ſubmytted bym (elft Telfe. ega bzynginge with hym for a preſent. rb. poundes weighte of Tv. pounder" bought golde, and a fewe naues. Vaſchus rewarded hym as of wroughte he had doone ather before. When he was mynded to depart, gode. he was aduertiſed that he thulde patle through the dominio kynig Tumas of a certayne kynge whoſe name was 'Tumanamsa. This is hee decad. i.lib. whome the foonne of kynge Comogrus declared to bee of log id great poure and fearefult to all his boîtherers, e with whom Mohon se min many of Comogrus familyers had byn captyue. But oboze men 089.4 30 nowe perceiucd that they meaſured his poure by their owne. 1610NO& Foz thcir kinges are but gnatres compared to elephantes, In reſpecte to the poure and pollicye of owze men. Onze men bare alſo enfozmed by ſuche as dweltc neare aboute Tite mansma, that his region was not beyonde the montaynes as they ſuppoſtd: 1202 yet ſo ryche in golde as youngc Como. as grus had declared. yet conſulted they of his (kbduyng: whi: 396 che they thoughte they myght theaŭyer bzynge to paữe by: caule Pocchorroſt was his moztall enemye, who molte gladly prompted them his abuice and aybe herein. Vaſchus therfore, leauynge his (ycke men in the vyllage of Pocchorroja, tookt with hyra thjelcore of his motte valiante Couldiers, and de: 2 rood pos clared into chcas howe konge Tumanams had oftentymes (po Исус. ken pzoude and th:carnyng Woodes agentte them: Lyke: bwiſe that it nowe toode them in hande of necedirye to palit through his dominion: And that he thought it bete to lette yppon hym ynbares. The ſouldiers conſented to his aduice, and erhozted him to gyue thaduenture, promilinge that they woolde folowe hym whether ſo euer he wente. They derers mined therfoze to go two dayes torney in one daye, that Tw: manama not knolwynge of their fooden commong, myght haue Ho letCute to a Temble an acnye, The thynge came to paile Cucu The thyrde decede. TOS ener as they had deupted. Foz in the fyzdte Watche of the ky nygbt, obje men with the Poechorroſians, inuaded the bpliage nama ta take and palaice of Tumanama, where they tooke byin priſoner Cuts puíroner. peceynge nothinge telle. De had with hom the younge men which he abuleb vnnaturally alſo foutſcoze women which he had take vyolently from dyuers kynges. Lykewile a greate number of his gentelmen and fubiectes were taken üragelunge in other bpllages neare aboute bis palaice for their houſes are not adherent togithet as omzes bee, bucaule they are oftentimes troubeled with vehement bobuleiopndca the cauſe of by reaſon of the ſudden chaunges and motians of the ayre vehemente cauſed by the induence of the planetes in the cqualitie of the Wyndes nere he £quinocs daye and nyght beynge there in maner bothe of one lengthe isl. throughowte all the yeate, fozalmuche as they are neare unst to the Equinoctiall lyne as we hauc fayde before their hous -ជ័យុ ១៩ ៖ les are made of trees, coueced and after their maner thatchedi : 3191 $0k SUCH bith the talkes of certayne towghe hecbes. Do the palayce, kynge Tuma of Turanams, was onely one houſe adherent, and that euch namna his as bygge as the palayce it (dfe. Lpther of theſe houſes boere, palaici. tnlength a hundzeth and twentic paſes, and in bedch fyfit pafes as owze men meaſured them theſe two bodies. Iht kynge was accutomed to müfters his men as often as he prepared an armye. Whenti Tumanama therfoze, was thus ta: keu captyue with all his Sardanapanicalt famaclye, eye: Post chorroſiins bragged and threatened hym beynge nowe boundra that he coulde fortly bee hanged. The other synges alſo vis boztherers, teioyfed at his myſfoztune. Whecby awze met perceaned that Timanuma was nolegle troubleſome to his neigh bours, then was Pacra to the kinges of the ſouthefyde of the montaynes. Vaſchus alſo the better to pleaſe them, threarned hym greuouiy: But in deede entended no euell toward him. be ſpake therfoje tarpelp bnto bem with theſe woozdes: uafcbue nyte whou ſhalre nowe futer punythinent thou cruelt syranne foz woordes ro thy pryde and abhominations. Thou ſhalte knowe of what kynge Tuing pouve the chzilians are whom thon hafte (oo contemned and threated to diame by the heace of their headcs to the negre fpwer and there to dlowne them as thou hate often tymes made thy vaunte emonge thy naked llaucs. But thou the felfe thalte fpate fcele that whiche thou hade pzep arcd loz o: ther and browuh camnaunded bym to bee faken vppe. Neuerthelce nan3. The thyrde lecade. oderunt quem metuunr Neuertheletre gyuynge & pziuye tooken of pardon to them Sater whichela de hendes on him. Duis unhappye Tamswams, fras 19tei rynge and heleuynge that Vafchus had mente in crncie as he coma xmded, fell pzoſtrare at his feete and with teares des ſyzed pardon: protettynge that he neuet (pake any ſuche booldes. But that perhappes his noble men in their dioon: kennelle had fo abuſed their toonges whiche he coulde not rule, far their wynes although they bee not made of grapes yet are they of force to make men doorken. declared fears osa so thenope that the other kynges his botherecs bad of ma: tem lice furmyfed ſuche lyes of hym enuyinge his fortune bycaule ho was of greater poure then they. multe humbly d:[pringe Vaſchus that as he tooke bym co bee a tutte vycroucet, foo to gyue no crcdgree unto their bniute and malycious complains kyng Tuna tes. addinge hevšvnico that if it woolde pleaſe her to pacs naing his Woordes. don hym not hauinge offended, be woolde bringe him great tu sam plentiepe gold. Thus layinge his right hands on his breitt, aid omahe ſwore by the fonne, that he euer Loued and feared the 316io chupatians fence he fyzde harde of their fame and byctargest Especially when he ha detaye that they had Micbaris, that ts, Baodis Harperithet theatle, and ſuch as cutte in pie: cesal thynges that come in their waye. Then direccynge hts epes towarde Maſchus who had his ſwooldein his hand, he ſpare thusus Who (excepte he were olvte of his wytte) date ipet e bppe this bande ageyntte this (woozde of yowios whotwith powe are able with one ftrooke to cleane a man from the heade to the mauell. Lette no man checfoze perſwadi gölor (a moto myghtyei Viocource) that euer ſuche wooides proceded bwde of my mouthe. As Tumenims with trembelig (pake theſe fondides, therwith walowonge downe the knot of deathe, V.fchus ſeemed by his teares to be moued to com Tum.cnemo at paltion: And ſpeakyng to lym baith cheacefult countenance is pardoned. commaunded him to bee looſeda sthis. dodne, he fete inimes gerer pounde Diatly to his palaice for. Fre, poundes wepght of pure gold weygbte of artifycially wrought inro ſimdzy ouches whiche his wyles mroughte golde. and concubynes uted to Weace. Allo the tip de Dape folo- le poundca wynge, his noble men and gentylmen Cent threſcoje pound mehr of Des weight of golde for their fyne and raunfumme. Tumanania solde, beyng demaūded Wher they had that gold, anſwered that it was not ga:heved in his diminios But that it was brought hie The thyrde decade. 102 his aunceſtours from the vyuer Comogrus toward the ſouthe, But the Pocchorroſians e other his enemies, ſapd that he lyeds Afirmynge that his kingdome was opche in golde. Tumanama on the contrary part, infantly protested that he neucr kncwe any golde myne in all his dominions. Yet denyed not but that there hath (umtimes byn found certaine (maule graines Ele of golde, to the gatherynge wherof, he neuer had any res garde bycauſe they coulde not gette it without great elongea labour. Whyle theſe thynges were dooinge, the [yske men They als hoire labour whiche Vaſchus had lefte in the village of Pocchorroſ*, came to bym the. viii. day of the Calendes of January in the yeace of Lhuile. 29. D. *333. bzingyng with them certayne las hourers from the kynges of the ſouthe bith Lundive inūrus mentes to dygge the grounde and gather gold?. Thus paf: (onge ouer the day of the natiuitpe of Chrit without boodly labour, vppon ſainte Steuens daye he brought certeyne my: mecs to the lyde of a hyll not farre dytante from the palaice of Tumanand, where (as he ſaith) he perceaued by the coloure of the carth that it was lykely to buynge furthe golde.when the coloure i they had bygged a pytte not pag a hand breadth and a halfe, of the golden and fyfted the earthe therof, they founde certayne (maule earthe anda graynes of golde no bygger then lintell (cedes, amountynge tryall of the to the weyght of twelue graynes as they pzouyd with their fame. balances of agaye before a notarie and wytnelte that the bet: 2017 ter credytte myghte bee gyuen therto. Wherby they argued that the rpcheneđe of that lande was agreable to the report of the boztherers, although Vaſchus couldc by noo meanes caule Tum.inama to confeſle the ſame. They ſuppoſe that he nosent thynge etteemed ſo ſmaule a poztion. But ocher ſaye that he kunt denped his countrey to bee frutefull of golde,leage by reaſon 2 therof the delyze of golde, myght intyſe owle men to inha: byte his kyngdome, as in deede the Ceely kynge was a pzos phet in foo thinkynge.foz they choſe that and the region of Pocchorrofs to inhabyte, and determyned to buylde townes in them bothe, if it chulde Co pleaſe thc kynge of Ladyle:Aſwell that they myght bee baytinge places and bytailynge houſes for ſuche as fhulde torney towarde the Couthe, as alſo that both the regions Werc frutfull and of good grounde to beare frutes and trees.3ntendynge nowe therfoze to departe from thenie sor The thyrdel decade. thenre, he tried the earth by chaunce in an other place, where the colour of the grounde with certayne thoninge tones, ſee: med to bee a rooken of golde. Where canfyuge a ſmaule mitte to bee bygged lyttell beneath thapper crate of the earthe,he founde Comuche goldc as weyghed that pyece of goldci wht: chc the Spaniardes caule Ciftellanum awexm, and is cominonly Cokens of cauled Peſus, but not in one grayne. Keioy Conge at there too great plentie of golde, kens in hope of great riches, he badde Tuminant to be of good coomforte, promyłynge hym that he woolde bee his fcende and defender, loo that he troubeled nor any of thc kynges whiche were fcendes to the Lhudiang. De allo perfladco hy:n to gather pleneye of golde.Gunme Cape that he leddta: waye all Tumanimi his women and ſpogled him leate he fuld rebell. per ne belyuered his ſoonne to Viſchus to bee bloughte vppe with owze men, to lcarne their language and relygyon, tha hc myght ther after the better ble his helpe a well in all thynges that he calde haue to doo with owze men, 43 alco aa'chus fau: more polyrykely rule, and obtayne the loue of his owne luba Ich ficke. icctcs. Vaſchus at this tyme fell into a vehement feuer bp cea: Di fon of erceäe of labour, immoderate barchyng, and hunger: yn Comuche that dcpactynge from thenſe, he was fayne too Feeblenes of bee borne bppon mennes backes in hieres of gollamppnc cot: Hunger and ton. Lykewyſe alſo many of his ſouldiers whiche were loo Warchinge. beake that they coulde nother go noj fonde. To this pics poſe they bled the helpe of thinhabytantes, who thewed the ſelues in althynges wollynge and obedyente. alto lumine of them whiche Wece ſunwhat feeble and not able to trauayle, kynge Como: although not greuoudy Cycke, were ledde by the armes bns grua frende'tyll they came to the domynion of kynge Comməgrus a greate to che Chuni ena. frende to the Lhuidyans, of whom wee haue largely made mention before. At Vaſchus commynge thethec, he founde that the owlde kynge was deade, and his ſoonne (Whome we lo prayſed for his bledome) to raygne in his ftcadé : And that he was baptiſed by the name of Charles. The palayce of this Comogrusg is ſituate at the foote of a ſtiepe holl well cultured. Che larget f. teful plain Dauynge towarde the couche a playne of twelve leages in Oi za uana. breadth and beacy frutefull. This plapne, they caule Zauand . Beyonde this, are che great and hyghe moncaynes whiche benyoe the two ſeas wherof boc haue (poken before. Dwte of abo гүнкг Comogrus. the dyepe hylles, fpzgngeth the truer Comogrus, whiche tun: neth The thyrde decade. 103 meth throwogh the fayde plapne to the hyghe montäynes, res Ceauynge into his chanell by their valleys, all the other rp: ners, e lo fauleth into the ſouth ſea. It is ditante from Das riens, about thzeſcope and tenne leages toward the bette. As owze men therfoze came to thrfe parties, kynge Comogrus (otheriople cauled Chacles by his thzilian name) mette che topfully and entertained then honorably, gpupnge them their fyll of pleaCaunte mcares and dipakes, he gare alſo to mr. pounde Vuſchus, twenty pounde weyght of borought golde. Vaſchus te: wushe gold compenfeb hin with thinges which he citcenied muche more: As ares and fundzy kyndes of carpencers tootes, alco a ſouls biours choke, and a faire (becte wrought with needle bookke By theſe gyftcs, Conogrus thought hom ſelfe to bee halfc a god amonge his boucherers. Vifibus at his departynge from henſs, ernettly charged Comogrus and the other kynges to res mayne faithfull and obedient to the chriftian king of Cattle, if they de pzed to lque in peace and quietnete: and that they fhalbe hereafter moze diligently apply them ſelurs to the gas theringe of golde to bee Conte to the great chridian Tiba( that és) kyng. Declaryng further that by this means they fuld bothe gette them and their poterity a parcone and defender ageing their enemyes, and alſo obtayns great abundance of owze thinges. Theſe affayzes thus happely achtücd, he went forwarde on his vyage to the palaice of kyng Poncha, where he founde foure younge men whiche were come from Dariena to certify hym that there were certayne (byppes coommc from uafchus res Hiſpaniols laden with byttaples and other necellaries. Wher- turnech to foze takyng with him twentie of his mode luſty ſouldiers,be Dariena. made hafte to Dariend with longe iozncys : Icauinge the reſy 113613 but behynd him to folow at their leaſure. De wziceth that he came to Dariend the. riiii. Cal.of ffc. an.1514. The date of his letter is: From Dericns, the. tiii. day of macch. De writerhin The good the ſame letter, that hchad many fore conäictes, that he fortune of was yet neyther wounded, og lode any of his men in the bat. Uaſchusa taile and therfozc in al his large letter, there is not one leafe without thankes geuynge to almughty god for his delguery and preſervation from ſo many imminent perels. Dc attemp. uarchustras ted no enterpytle o tooke in hande any viage withowt chiit: turned from uocation of god and his holy Catntes. Thus bas. Vafchus . Bucle Eoliach to bos of a byol ente Soliach, tourned into Helifeus: And frome Eliſeus, nigus The thyrde decade. Beynge Anters too Hercules the conquerour of monders. therefore thus tourned from a raſthe ropfter to a polytyke and difcreate capitaync, he was iudged woozthy to bee ad: naunced to grcate honoure. By rcalon whereof, he was bothe receaucd into the kynges fauour, and there wppon crea O flaterynge ted the generall oz Lienet enaunt of the kingos army in thoſe foztline, looke his death in Regions. Thus much haue 3 gathered bothe by the letters the booke of of certeyne my fapthefull frendes beinge in Dariend, and al: the glande ſo by woorde of mouth of ſuche as came lately frome thenſe. Latelyfounde. Jt yowre holynes deſyze to knolve what I thynke herein, Suerly as by ſuche chynges as 9 hauc feene, J belcue thele thynges to bee trewe, euen ſo thoider and agrcinge of Vaſchus and his coompanions warrelyke letters, ſeeme to conforme The carth is the fame. The Spanyarde cherfore thall not neede hereafter @we general mother. with vndecmynynge the earth with intollerable laboure to bzeake the bones of owre mother, and enter many myles into her bowels, and with innumerablc daungers cut in funder hole mountaynes to make a waye to the courte of infernall the courta Pluto, to bynge from thenſe wyckcd golde the ſeede of innus of infernali merable miſcheues, withowtc the whiche notwithtandynge pluto. we may nowe (carſely leade a happy lyke ſithe iniquitie hath ſo pzeuayled and made bs laues to that wherof we are lods by nature: The Spanyarde (3 Cay) fall not needs with ſuch trauaples e difficultie to dygge farre into the earth for gold, but thal fynde it plentifully in maner in the bpper crutt of the carth, oz in the landes of ryuers Dzyed vppe by the heate of Commer, onely waghynge the earth ſoftely frome the ſame: funere ia & And thall with lyke facilite gather plentie of peacles. Let's beiter waye then chis. tenly the reuerent antiquitie (by al the Loſmographers attent obteyncd not foo greate a benefyte of nature, now yet aſpired to the knowleage hereof, bycauſe there came neuer man bez The Spani: foże o wte of owre knowen worlde to theſe vnknowen nati : ardes cons queſtes. ons: At the leatte, with a poure of men, by force of armes, in maner of conquet: Wheras otherwiſe nothyng can be gottet here, fozaſmuch as theſe nations are foz the molt part feucre Defenders of theyz patrimonies, and cruell to ftraungers, it wangunters no condition admittinge them otherwyſe then by conquett: el Goſpecially the fierce Lanibales oz Caribes. Foz there wplye hunters of men, gyue them ſelues to none other kynde of er: sercgfe but oncly to manhantynge and tyllage after they mas tieka The thyrde decade. 104 ner. At the commynge therfoze of olre men into they? regi: ons, thep loke as Cuerly to baue them faule into their Inares the fierfes as if they were hartes oz wylde bozes: and with no leđe con nefre of the fpdence licke their lippes (ecreately in hope of their pzaye .31 Canibales, they gette the vpper hande, they eate them greedely: they myltrutte them Celues to bee the weaker parte, thcy trude to thepz feete, and flye [wyfter then the wynde. Ageyne,y the matter bee tryed on the water, aſ well the women as men can dpue and ſwymme, as though they had byn cuer brought vp and fedde in the water. Je is nso maruayle therefore pf the large tracte of theſe regions haue byn hytherto unknjwen. But nowe lithe it hath pleaſed Bod to diſcouer the fame in god, and na: Owie duty to owte tome, it fall becoome vs to detde obre naturall loue to curall loue to mankynde and dewtie to Bod, to endeuoure Owre ſelues to mankynde, buynge them to ciuilieic and trele religion, to thincreaſe of Lhuilles docke, to the confuſion of infidels and the Devill they father who delytetbe in owre dettcucrion as he hache doone frome the begynnynge. By the good ſuccetre of theſe fyzt fcutes, olore hope is, that the Chritian regilion wall freache footh her acines very farre. Which thyng wulde the Looner coome to pale ye all menne to they? poure (eſpecially thoffice of Lhufian Princes to whom it chiefely pertepaeth) Wolde puc Chryſtian they: bandes to the plowe of the lozbes vineyarde. The hir: pynces. uel fuerly is greate, but the woozkemen are bat fewe. As we is srcas, 7c. haue Cayde at the begynnynge, yowre holynes Hall hereafter noozyce many myriades of broodes of chekins vader yawre wynges. But let us nowe returne to ſpeake of Beragus being e Beraguk. the wette lyde of Vraba, and fyzd founde by Colonus the admi yall, then infoztunately gouerne) by Diego Nicueſa, and nowe Nicueſave lefte in maner deiolace : with the orber large cegions of thole prouinces bronght from they; wylde and beatly rudenes to ciuiliţie and trele religion, ale (she fourth booke of the thylde Dccade. was determyned (mode holy father) ro haue proceded no further herein, but that one fierye (parke yet remaynynge in my mynde, booldc not ſufer me to ceaſe, wheras 31 bauc chettoze declared howe Beragat was fyldte fownde by Talonus The thyrde decade. Colonusy my thincke hulde commytte a heynous ccyme if The fourth fuld defraude the man of the due cominendations of his tra nauugation of uaples, of hts cares and troubles, and fynally of the daunt ; Colonus the Admirall. geours and perels, whiche he ſuđeyned in that nauigation. Thecfoze in the yeace of Chriſte. 1572. in the. bi, daye of the Jdes of Lyjaye, he boyſed bppe his Cayles and dcpacted from the glandes of Gades with. iiii. thyppes of fyftie oz. iti, (cozt tunne a piece, with a hundzeth chzelcore and tenne me, and came with p:oſperous wynde to the Jlandes of Canaria within five dates folowinge, from thenſc arcyuingc the.rvi. day at the glande of Dominicu bringe the chiefe habitation of the fanibales, he ſaylcd from Dominica to Hiſpaniola tn fyue os ther daies. Thus inithin the ſpace of. rrbi. daies, with prof: perous Wynde and by the [wpfte faule of the Ocean from the Eate to the wed, he Cayled from Spaine to Hiſpaniola : Which fromspaine courſe is counted of the mariners to bee no leđe then a thou: to biſpantola (ande and rwoo hundzeth leaques. Detaryed but a whyle in * thouſande Hifpaniold, whether it were willingly, oz ty at he were ſo ad: and two hutta moniſhed of the vicerope. Directing therfozt his bpage from thence toward e the wette, leauyng the flandes of Cuba and Iamsics on his cyght hande towarbe the northe, he wayteth that be chaunced bppon an Flande moje fouthewarde then the floup: Iamsica, whiche thinhabitantes caule Gusnafla, lo torpichinge rhyng glande and frutefull that it myghte ſeeme an carthlye paradyſe. of suanafľa. Loafynge alonge by the choics of this lande, he mette tivo of th: Canoas or boates of thoſe prouinces, whiche were džabne with two naked lanes agepna the atre me. In theſe boates, was carped a rkler of the landé with his wyfe and chyldzen, all nazed. The Nancs Leepnge owze nien a lande, made lignes to them with proude countenaunce in their mai: ders name, to dande owte pf the waye, and threatned them simple, if they woolde not goue place. Áheir ſympeines 18 ſuche that people, they nocher feared the multitude or poure of owze men, 0 the greatnes and Graungenes of owe thippes. They thought A greate that owie men woolde haue honoured their maiter with like marchaunt. ccuerence as they did.alemen had intelligece at the length that this ruler was a greate marciaunte whiche came to the marte from o:ber coales of the glande. For they crercyle bpinge and fellynge by erchaunge virh their confinics. De bad alſo with him good toode of ſuche ware as they tande វ NO 11 The thyrde decade. 105 90 sios lit heede of ož take pleaſure in :as latón belles, tafers, knp. melon. ues, and hatchettes made of a terteyne Harpe pelowe buyght tone, with handles of a tronge kynd of woodde. Allo many other necellary inſtrumentes with kychen Quite and vețelles foi all neceſary bfes. Lyke Wife Wheetcs of golampine cotton brought of ſundzye colours. Dbze' men tooke bym plyſoner bith all his family. But colonus commáuáded hym to bee lo: nee fed fortely after, and the greateſt parté of his goodes to bee veliozed to bynne his frynden ippe. Being here intructed of a lande lyinge further rowarde the ſouthe, he tooke his by's nge thether. Therford lytle moze then tenne mgles digant frá flyba hence, he founde a large lande whichethinhabitantes cauleu The resyon Cluiriquet.fppa: But be named it "céamht. When he wente a lande of Queriques áld commaunded his chaplaine to faye mare on the lea ban: tana o: cis kes, a great tonäuence of the naked inhabitantes flock:d thi ambaa ther ſymplye and withont feare, bzinkynge with them plen: eavad tp of meare and freche'water, marueplynge at owze men as Sentle peos they had byn fumme iraunge miracle, when they had pzelen pie. ted their giftės, they went famihat backewarðe and made lowe curteſy after their maner bowinge their headcs and bois bpes reuerently, De recompenſed their gentgines eewardinge mods thent with other of owie thynges, as counters, ballettes schiesto and garlandes of glate and counterfecte tooncs, lookynge os moties! glanes, nedelles, and pynnes, with Cuche other traſhe, whis che ſeemed into them precious marchaundies. Jn this great .$378 tracte there are two regions wherof the one is cauled Tait and the bcher Meia. He waiteth that all that lande is vevy fayze of Cats and and hólfome by reaſon of the epcellent temperacneile of the waia. ayer: And that it is inferiour to no Xande in frutefull ground beinge parteip full of montaines, and partely large playnes: alſo replenywed with many goodly trees, holcome herbes, and feutes, continuynge greene and flozytynge all the hale soit geare. It beareth alſo verye many holy trees and pyne apleals mee trees. Alſo.vii.kyndes of date trees wherof ſumme ate frute: Severs kyke full and Cumme baren. It bringech furth lykebyre of it felfe des of date Pelgoras and wilde vynes laden with grapes euen in the wood: wylde vines. des emonge other trees. Le Caythe furthermoze that there is fuche abundaunce of other pleaſaunte and profitable frutcs, that they pañe not of vynes. Df one of thole kyndes of date Street trees,they make certeyne lange and brode (woordes and data 201103 tes. The thyrde tecade. people of 20921 tes. Theſe tegpong bzare alſo go Tarnppne trees here and rrobalanes there commonly in th: Wodd:8. Lykewiſe Mirabilines of Cung Diy kyndcs,as chole lo hich th: philitians caile Enblicos and Chebulos, Msizium allo, Iuccs, Ages, and Bittalas, lyke binto thole whiche we have fayde befo}e to bee founde in other cegions in theſe coades. The ſa ne nooyiheth alcolpons, Tygers, Lartes, Roes, Boates, and dyueca other brattes. Iykes Byrde o end byle Cundzy kondes of brides and foules: Enange the foules. whiche they kecpe onely them to fcanke and fcede, baiche are in colour, bygnes, and tate, muche lyke bnco olore pes hennes. De faith that thinhabitantes are of high and good: goodlyftature ly Atature, well lym ned and proportioned both men and wo: at men: Louerynge their puupe pacecs with fyne bịceches of 251 golampine cotton wronght with dyuers colours. And that they may ſeeme the moze cumlye and bektifull(as they take Chey payne sbey bodyes it) they paynte their bodyes redde and blacke with the ince of cert egne apples whiche they plante in their gardens for the ſame purpoſe. Summe of the in papnte their hole bodies: ſumme but parte: and ocher Cum ne diabeth: partitures, of herbes, floures, and knottes, euery one as ſeemcth beſte to his owne phantalge. Their language differeth biterlys The Phryfte from theirs of the flandes nece aboute them. from theſe courſe of the fea froin the regions, the waters of the fea canne with as full courſe to: an to oC warde the wede, as it it had bon che faule of a ſlyfte ciucc. Neucrthelede he determincd to ſearche the Late partes of Parinto this lande, reuoluynge in his monde chat the regions of pag SHOOT ris and Os Draconis with other coades founde before tobarb Sathe Eate, fulde bee neare theraboure as in deede they were. Depactyng therfoze from the large region of Quiriquetans the piiidaye of the calendes of September, when he had ſailed w thíctic leaques, he founde a ryuer, without the mouth wher: freThe was of he djewe frethe water in ch: ſea. Where alſo che fh3026 Ser in the ſea. bas ſo cleane withowte rockes, that he founde groundet: uery whece, lvhere he myght apcely cade anker. De buitech that the Clifte courſe of the ocean was ſo behement and con tracpe, that in the:ſpace of foztge dapes he coulde (carcely ſayle threſçoze and tenne leaques and that with mucho dif: fycultie with many fetches and coompalynges, fyndung him fetches and felfe to bee lumtimes repulſed and dzpuen tarce backe by the comparingco byolente courſe of the lea when be koolde hane taken lande welt. that The thyrde decade. 106 to Warde the cuenynge, leale perhappes Wanderynge in bn: know en coafies in the darckenedle of the nyght, he myghte faire ryuere. bee in daunger of Chypwracke: He wziteth that in the ſpace srcar reedce of epght leaques, he found three great and fayze reuers vp: pon the banckes whecof, ehete grewe recdcs bygger then a srcae cortope mannes thygh, Jh theſe ryuers was alſo greate plentyt of fes. fpthe and great toztoples : Lykebile in many places, multi: tubes of Crocodiles lyinge in the lande, and yanyng to take the heart of the Coonne: Belyde dyuers other tyndes of beades i heronto begane no names. De ſapth alſo that the Cople of that lande is very dluers and baciable: beyng luin: there ftonge and full of rough and ccaggie promontories of poyntes reachynge into the ſea. And in other places as frut: Dyuers tan full as mape bce. Thep haue alſo diuers kynges and rulers. guageo. in lumme places they caule a kynge Cacicus : in other places they caule hym Quebi, and Cumlohere Tiba. Suche as hauc behaucd them ſelues valiantly in the warres ageynûte their enemies, and haue their faces full of (carres, they caule cu pra, and honour them as the antiquitie dyd the goddes whi: Sua che they cauled Heroes, ſuppoſed to bee the foules of ſuche Heron men as in their lpfe eyme crcelled in bertue aud noble actes. the common people, they caule Chiui: and a man, they caule Homom. When they faye in their language, take man,chey ſay Hoppet bome. After this, he came to an other ryuer apre to beare great typpes: Before the mouthe whecot,lege foure [maule Glandes full of fortriping and fcutfull trees. Theſe glandes hena ned Quatuor tempora, Ffrom hinle ſaylynge towarde the Austror dette Eifte fol the ſpace of. fin, leaques fyll ageinte the byolent porte courle of the water, he founde twelue other ſmaul glandes. in the whiche becauſe he founde a newe kynde of frutes Welte: 3 muche like onto dwie lemondes, he caulcd them Limonares, lädes named wanderynge yet further the ſame waye for the ſpace of. rit. Limonares. leaques, he founde x gtcat haucn entecong into the land af: ter the maner of & goulfe the ſpace of thụce leagues, and in maner as brode, into the whiche fell a great tyuce. Dere was Nicueſa lotte atterwarde when he Coughtc Beragua: By rcaion Rio de los pers whero they cauled it Rio de los perdides: that is, the ryuer of the dimose lođe men. Thus Colonue the admirall yet further contynu: pnge his courle ageynte the furye of the ſea, founde mänge begbe montagnes and yozrible valleys, with dyucrs ryucts 9 d.ii. And The thyrde decader and hauens, from all the whiche (as he ſaytbe) proceaded [weete Cauers greatly recreatynge and confoztynge naturen In ſo muche that in all this longe tracte there was not one of his men delcaſed ontpll he came to a region whiche thin: The region. habitantes caule Q xicuri, in the whiche is the hauen cauled of Qui cuiri. Citriti, named Mirobalanus by the admpiall bycauſe the Miroba, lane trees are nating in the regions theràbout. In this bauen The hauer of Caridi, chere came about two hundreth of thinhabitantes of Cariai or to the ſea (yde with everye of them three oz foutre dartes in wirobstanus their handes : pet of condition gentell enoughez and not res fulyng itraungers. Their commyng was foz none other puca pole then to knowe what this newe nation mente, oi Whao they bżoughte with them. When owe men had gyuen then ****** [ygnes of peace, they came [wymmynge to the ſhyppes and delyzed to bacter with them by erchaunge. Thc ad nyłall to allure them to frend bippe, gaue chem many of owe thinges: But they refuſed them, ſuſpectynge ſumnje diſceate thereby Ciuile and bu bycaulc he woolde not recepue theirs. They wroughte all by mane people ſygnés : for one vudertoode not a wooide of the others lan guage. Suche gyftes as were ſente them, they Icfte on the thoze and woolde take no part therof. They are of ſuche ciuis ·litye and humanytie, that they eäeeme it może honorable to gyuc then to take. They ſente owze men two younge women beinge byrgines, of cómcndable fauour and goodly ftature, fygnifyinge unto them that they myghte take them alvape with them if it were their pleaſure. Theſe women after the maner of their countrcy, were couered from their ancles lum: what aboue their pziuye partes with a certeyne clothe made of go Tampine cotton. But the men are al naked.The women dle to cutte their heare: But the men lette it growe on the bynder partes of their heades, and cutte it on the foże parte. Their longe hearé, they bynde vppe baith fyllettes, e winde it in (undzy robles as onze máydes are accuſtomed to do. The virgins which were fente to the admicall he decked in fayze apparell, gaue them many gyfces, and ſent theym home ageyne. But Iykewiſe all theſe rewardes and apparel they left vppon the choze bycauſe owre men had refuſed their gyftes. yet tooke he two men away with him (and thole ve ty wyllyngly) that by lernyng the Spanythe tonge, he might afterwarde ble them foz interpretours, He conſidered that The thyrde decade. 107 the tractes of theſe coaftes were not grearely ttoibeled with in 313 bebement motions of onechowynges of the fea, foſafnnche lyde. Ona yan as trees growc in the ſea non farce frome the thoze, tcuentas So sblya they doo vppon the bankes of vyuers. The Inbloh: tvpnge at to other dog affirme whichchane laretyer Cearened thał o tão coboost ftes, declaring that the ſea rileth and faaleth but Iyotle there anylio abonte. De fayth furthermore, that in the proſpetto of this b31312 lande, there are trees engendred euen in the Tea, ivbich åter Trees gros that they are growen to any height,bende downe the tappes rea after a of thepi branches into the grounde: which embjafing thems ſtraunge 08. cauferh other branches to ſpzynge omt of the came; and take toote in the earth, bringyuge footh trecs in they kynde fuck celiuely as byd thefyzt ugote from whence they had ththio riginall, as do alſo the ſettes of vines when oncly bothe thel endes therof are put into the grounde. Plinie in the twelfths Plinis. booke of his natural bidezie maketh mention of ſuche trees, deſcribynge them to bee on the lande, but not in the ſea. Thé? admirall wigteth alſo that the lyke beatesiate engendærbu in the coaſtes of Carid, as in other prouincogpfitheleregimese and Cuch as we baue fpoken of befoze. yets that there is one founde here in nature much differinge from one other. Thiš: A ftrauinge beađe is of the byggenes of a greate moonkeye, but with a kynde of taplexnuche longer and bygger, Jic lyueth in the wooddesyi moonkers, and tempueb from tece to tree in this maneto bangynge by thetayle vppon the blaunche of a tree, e gatheeyng dragttra bp liayinge her body tmyfe outleple too and from the altert: les her Celfe from brancheto bianche and la from tree totreejas: though we felpe. An archer of obres hurt ane of them. Who pevceauinge her Celfe to be bounded, teapte downes from the feyghtech a msonkeye tree, and fiercely Let on.bymwhich gaue her the wounde, in with a man ſo muche that he was fapne to defende bym ſefe with his bloe (len De and thus by channee cuttyng of one of ist e aumesni he tooke her and with muche a doo brought her to the ſoigs espelho where within a whole Hee wared tame. Whole moge was Joc in thus kepre and bawade with cheynes, certeyne other of olu hunters hadde chaſed a wylde boze out of the marybes nere bnto the ſea lyde for hunger and delyze of deme, gayled the to take dogble pleaſure in huntynge. 3|1 this mcane tyme os the which remayned in the thippes, goinge a lande to vecres ate sham feluess tooke this moonkey wish them, whos as D D, ili, foons The thyrde decade. a conflict be: foone as thee had eſpied the boze, ſet up her bipacks made Репе а gоо key and a cowarde her. the boxe lykelyſe thooke his buitels whette wylde bore. hts teethi. the moonkey furtoudy inuaded thc boze, bo zap: pyngeher tåple about his body, and with her arme reſecuco The bodyer of her victourer, helde hymn to fall aboute the throte, that he of kynges diy was ſuffocate. Theſe people of Cariais ble to diye the dcade ed z referued tobyes of cycyz painees vppon hriodes, and for relecue them trublurb in the léaues of trees. As he went fozwarde about twentie téagacs froin curiai, he foundea goulfe of ſuch large nes that it contopned.rii. leagues in tompa xe. Nu the mouth of this goulle wore Foure tyetle Flandes ſo nere togythers that they made a fate hauen to enter into the goulfe. This youlft is the hauen which we layoc before to be cauled cers, Crabera, baro of thinhabitantes. But they have nowe lerned th it only the lande of the one byde therof, Ipinge on the ryght hande atentor at the eterynge of the goulfe, is cauled by that name. But Alumnesto that on the icfce (pde, is cauled Aburen.. Deſayche that all this goulfe is ful of frutcful flandes bod replenyüched with goodly trecs : And the grounde of che ſea to bee berpe cleane 13 Witholor rockes, and conmodious to call anket : Lykewyle the ſea of the goulfc to haue greate abundance of fpühe: and 309 theland of barh the lydrs to bee inferioz to none in fcutful: nooit nes, Athis fyzi artyuynge, heelpped two of thinhabitanecs hjuungcheynes about theyz ncckes, made of ouches (which Cheynes of the caulc Cuauines.) of baſe golde artificially wrought in the golde. formes of Eagles, and lions, with dyuers other beaties and foules. Df the two Cariaians which he brought with hym from Cariai, bc was enformed that the regions of Cerabaro and Aburens were tych in golde: And that the people of Cassidi haue plentle of all thepz golde frome thenſe for epchaunge of other of they! golde. thpnges. Thep towlde hym alſo, that in the ſa ne regions there are fpue bpllages not facre from the ſea [yde, while 115 fluc villages habitantes applythen felues onely to the gathering of gald rych is gold. The names of the e vpllages are theſe: Chirura, Puren, Chitants Iurecise, Atimes; all the men of the prouince of Cerubaro; go na bed, and are paynıcd with dyuers coloures. They take great pleaſure in wcarynge garlandes of doures, and crownes made of the clawes of Lions and uygers. The momen couec CrOmnes of beasts claws oncly they? priuje partes with a Epilet of go Tampine cotton. Deparzinge from bence and coadynge ipll be tije Came thote fo: The thyrde decades 108 foi the pace of.rbitt. leagues, he cane to another ryner, bohere he elpyed abgate three hundzech naked men in a com pany. When they fawe the toppes džabe neare the lande, they coye) owte aloude, with cruell countenaunces bakpnge th:y: woodden [b Joides and huslynge dartcs, takpnge allo ma er in theyż mouthes and ſpousong the ſame agent our men: Wherby they ſeemed to inlinuare that they woolde re. Søyteful ceaue no condition of peace oz haue ought to doo with them. people. pere he commaunded Cečtepne pieces of ordinaunce to be bot of toward them: pet fo to ouerhute thin, that none myght be hurt therby. for he cuer determyned to deale quietly and peaceably with theſe nelde nations. At the noyle therfóze of 2018 the gunnes and ſyght of the fyer, they fell downe to the suns make grounde, and deſpied peace. Thus enteringe into further peace, frend thippe, they erchaunged theyż cheynes and ouches of goldc foglales and haukes belles and ſuch other marchan Dies. They ble drummes ol tyib:cls made of the ſhelles of Certeync fea fylhes, wherewith they encozage theym ſelues in the warres. In this trace are theſe leuen tpuers, Acstebs, Seven golde Quarebs, Zobroba, Alquirir, Vrida, Duribba, Beragua, in all the whiche, rouers golde is founde. They detende them (clues ageyndte räyne and heate with certeyne great leaucs of crees in the teade of clokes. Deparringe from henſe, he ſearched the coates of Ebetere, and Embigar, into the which faule the goodly ryuers of note where Zoboran and cubigar : And here cealeth the plentie and frute: the plencie of fulnes of golde, in the tracte of fiftie leagues oz there about. solde endete from henle onely thzce leagues digant, is the rocke whiche in the bnfortunate diſcourſe of Nicueſs be Cayde was cauled of owrémen Pignonen, But of thinhabitantes the Region is cauled vibba. In this tracce alfo aboute fyre leagucs frome Pignonem. thenſe, 'is thchauen which calonus cauled Portus Bellus (wher: Vibbe. of we haue (poken befoze) in the region whiche chinhabitan: Portus Bolusa tes caule Xagusguara. This region is very pcopulous: but they go all naked. Thc kyng is paynted with blacke colours, but paynted all the people with redde. The kynge and feucn of his noble people, men, had every of them a lyttle plate of goldc hangynge at B ſtrange the yz noſethzylics downe unto ihoyz lyppes. And this they are in the fyshe. takc for a cumly ornamente. The menne incloſe they? pzinie fteede of 8 members in a fhell: and the women coucr cheyys with a fyl: codpiece, det of golCamping cotton tyed about theyz lognes, Jn theyz gardens The thyrde decade. altocer: garding they'rtodzy[the a frute muche lyke the Rutte of a pine . tree: the, whiche (as we haue fayde in an other place) gro: *6*** beth on a mybbe muchi lyke Eneo an archichocke: But the Etute is niache ſoftet, and meate for a kynge. feyhe trees which beare gourdes, wherof me bave ſpoken before this trec, they caule Hibueros Tit there ceaites they crocodilesof ſweete: 1999 mette Cuintymes with Crocodiles lgiuge or the Caudes, the pour. Whiche when they fled, or tooke the water, they Tefte a be: etwtete fauour behynde them tweeter then muike o2 Casto? reum. When 3 was fonte amba Cadour for the catholike king alcagr o Ba: bf Lanile to the Soltane of Babilon az, alcayer in Egipte, buton in Egipt Shinhabitantes nece unto the cpuer of Nilus toulde me the like s.my ua of their female Crocodiles. Akyżmyng furtherinože that the 263 fatte oz lewette of them is egnallin ſweetnes with the pleas Faunte gummes of Acabie. But the admirall was nome at the length enforced of necelycie to departe from henſe, al: well foz that he was no longer able to abyde the contrarye and hyoiente courſe of the water, as alſo that his fhyppes Biog mua were daily more and mo2e purrified and eaten thzowgh with Shippes eas cettcyne womes whiche ace engendieb of the warmenes of Ich with the Warer in all thoſe tracées nere into the Equinoctial line. Womes. the Genetians caule there woozmes Bijas. The ſame are als fo engend:ed in two hauens of the citie of Alexandria in Egipt Aerandia in ans delroye the thyppes if they lyclonge at ankcr. They are Egypte a cuber in length and lumwhat moze: not palyng the quanz titie of a fynger in bygnele. The Spanythe marinec cauleth Bronse this pellence Bromt, Colonus therfoże whom befože the great monders of the ſea coulde nôt feare, home fearyng this Bros mag beynge alto ſoole vered with the contrary faule of the fea, directed his courſe with the Occan towardc thc weltyano Hiebra, came fill to the ryuter Kiebrd, ditant oncly two lcaques from the tyuer of Beragud, bycauſe that was commodious to hack bozowe great tippes. This region is named after the cinet, B«2x mange and is cauled Beragua the lette : Bycauſe bothe the rouets are in the dominion of thckyng which inhabitech the region Beragadi, But what chaunſed bnro hymn in this vyage on the * ryghte hande and on the lefte, lette os nome declare, whyle 100 therfore colonus the admirall remaynca yet in the ryuick Hie brd, he ſent Bertholomeus Colones his brother and Lieuctenainte of Hiſpaniold, with the typpe boates and thzeltoze and, viii. of men The thyrde decades 105 5 ment to the ryuter of Beregua, where the king of the region be: How tie king inge naked and painted afcer the maner of the counrrey,came enterteyned towarde them with a great multitude of men braytynge on the lyeuetes bym, but all bnarmed and without weapons, gyuinge alſo Haurie. Ipgnes of peace. When he approched nerer, and entered con: munication with owze men, certeyne of his gentelmen nea: ohne relte aboute his perſon, rememberinge the maiefie of a king, is and that it foode not with his honour to bargen tonbynge, tooke a greate toone owte of the ryuer, waghynge and tub: Their renes bonge it bearysdecently, e lo put it under hym with humble rence to ther reuerence. The kyng thus ſyttyng, ſecmed with ſognes to: kynge. kens to inſinuate that it tuld be lawful foz owze men ta ſear che & bielcal thecouers within b's dominion. Wherfore, the bi.day of the ]des of febzuary, leauing his boates with cers segue of his coompany, he went by lande a foote from the 35 bankes of Berague pneyl he cam e to the ryuer of Duraba, whi: solde in the che he akicmeth to be richer in gold chen cyther Hiebre Oz Beras ry er of Dus gus. fo, gold is engendied in al the riuers of that land.gn fa ráta. muche that emonge the rootcs of the trees growynge by the bankes of the cpuerst amonge the ones left of the water,& great pleney alſo where ſo cuec they bygged a hole az pyt in the grounde of gelde, not prête the beapebe of a handfull and a halfe, they founde tijd earth taken obte therof, morte with golde - Whcce vp: pon he determyned to fatten his foote there and to inhabyre. whiche thynge the pcoplc of the countrey perccauynge and dously Emellynge what inconuenyence and mySchiefe might theccok enfele to theię counttey if they fulde permitte ftraungers to plante their habitation there, atėmbled a grcat army, and with haixible, obte crye atayled obremen (who had nowe begoonne to buyloc houſes) ſoo Deſperately that they were Slynges end ſcarcely able to abybe the fyzůr bzunce. Thclcnakco barba: bartes, tians at their fyzi appzoche, bled oncly lynges and cartcs: But when they came nearer to hande Grookes, they foughte both their woodden (wooides whiche they caule Machan.s as we nie bet haue fayd bafoze, 9 man boolbe not thinke what grcat malice and weath bas kynbeled in their harecs ageinſt owze z terey mode mon: And lich what deſperate myndes they fought foz the ſteenied the defenſe of their lybeceie wbiche they moze edeemerhen Ipfe rychcs. oz ryche le sfoz they were nome lo voyde of alt frare, ard concemnynge deathe, that they neyther feared longè baw css od cro.te The thyrde decade, oz crotlebowes, no? yet (whiche is moođe to be macuepled) were any thonge diſcouraged at the cecryble tople of the 2 gunnes chatte of from the ſhyppes. Shey retyzed once. But Chortly after encceaſynge their noumber, they returned more fiercely then at the fyzde. They woolde haue byn contented to haue uccequrd owze men fcendly as (canngers, but not as inbabitours. The more iniante that owze men were to ce: nitine, co nuche the greater multitude of botherers locked togychec Dayly, difturbyng thë both nyght & daye lumtymes the Spany: on the one lyde & Camtpmies on the othec. The apps Iping at ardes are anser neare into the choic, warded them on the backe halfe. dzyuch to But'at the length they were fayne to forſake this lande, and flight. retourne backe the ſame way by the which they came. Thus with much dicfyculty and danger, they came to the Jland of The glande Iannuict Iyenge on the conth fyde of Hiſp.miola and Cubs, with of Jamaica. their dyppes as full of holes as fieues, and ſo eaten with woomes, as though they his bpn bozed through with wims #*** blcs. The water enterco lo fate at the tyetes and holes, that if they had not with the paynefull labouc of their hans 1993, des empted the fainc as fade, they beve loke to haute petyc: poblethed. where as yet by this meanès thop acryued at amicką althoughe in maner halbe deade. But their calamtaie ceated nor here. fo, as fad as their th2ppes leaked, their ttrengthe #mpferable dimynt[thed ſo that they were no longer able to keepé therm care. from Cynkynge. By realon wherof, Faulynge into the han: des of the barbarians, and incloled withobite hope of des parture, they led their lyues for the pace of tenne monthes cmong the naked people moze mylerably then eucc dyd Acbear menides emonge the gyantes cauled čidopes rather tyuing the beingc eyther contented oz Tatilfied with the acange meates of that lande : and that onely at Cuch tymes as pleaſed the barbacians to gine them part of theirs. The deadly enmig and malice whiche theſe barbarous kinges biare one ageinit an other, made greatly with om gé men. Po, at Stacheltyines as they attempted watre ageing theit boltheters chepnpaolo 971" fumtymes gyue obze men patre of their breabe to dyde them. Bat hobe mplecable and witched a thing it is to itgue ones ly with breade gotten by beggynge, yomze Holynewe mayt cafylpe coniecture : Lſpecially where all other accuttomco e foobe is lackynge, as wyne, ogle, Celthey buçtecz chtele,and miylke The thyrde decade. IIO rous entet's inlike, tolerišith the tomakes of old2 people of Europe haue euer byn noortſthed euen from their crabelles. Eherfoze As Neceffylle megellyty is ſubiecte to no lawe, lo doothe it enfozce men to hach no lawe attempre deſperate aduentures. And thofe thefaner, which nowe farre lyfe is to bee by a certephexobplytie of nature do no further clteeme lyfe elteemed. then it is iogned with ſumme felicity. Bertboloineus Colonus ther: foze, intendonge rather to pzoue what god woolde do with 2 Daukses hym and his companyons in thefe extremities, then any lon: ger to abide the ſame, commanded Diegus Mendez his ſteward pyre. with two guypes of that Jlande whomé he had byzed toith pjomylles of great rewardes at their retourne, to enter in: to one of their canoas and take their viage ro Hiſpaniola. Beynge thus tolled on the ſea two and fro from rocke too cocke by reaſon of the ſhortenette and narownes of the ca: nodeve noa, they arryued at the length at the lađe cojner of Hiſpss nude wiol, beynge dittance from Iarndici foutie lcagues. Here his yod guydes departynge ftom bym, returned ageine to Colonus foz > the rewardes which he had płomyléd thein, But Dicgur Men dex mente on forward a footc butyll he came to the citic cay: led Sanétus Dominicus beynge the chicfe and heade cirye of the Sanktke Domais Slande. The offycers and rulers of Hifpaniola, beingc enfos: sicus, med of the matter, appoynted hym tino (hyppcs Wherbolth heretourned to his master and coompanions. As he founde them, loo came they to Hiſpaniok, verge fecble and in maner naked. What chaunced of them afterwarde, 3 knoide not as yet. Lette vs nowe therfoże leaue theſe particulets, and Landes foad. {peake ſumwhat moze of generals, jn al chofe tractes whi: by Colonus. che we ſagde here before to have bonne found by Colonus the admkzall, bothe he: bym celle wziteth, and all his coompa: Cemperate nyons of that byage coyfelſes that the trees, herbes, and fru: regions and teszare ftozything and greene all the hole yeare, and the ayer boiſome aier fo temperate and holeſomg, that of all his coompanye there to visit steuer fell one man lycké, no2 yct bere bered eytbet with.ets treme coulde og heate fou the ſpace of fyftie leagues from the moment great hauen af Cerebare to the ryuers of Hiebra and BeragudCerabera. xhinhabitantes af Çerabaro, and the nations whiche ate be: "Háebra. Tot twyfte that and the fayde rouers, applye not them ſelues to Beragude the gatheepnge of golde but onely at certeyne tymes of the Peace; and are very experre & cunnyng herein, as are obze Experte mire myners of (gluer and gren, They knowe by longe experience in byas ners. The thyrde decade. In what places golde is moode abundantly engendred : as by the colour of the water of the cyuerg, and ſuche as fanic fti the montagnes : And alſo by the colour of the earthe and to: I godly na: nes They beleue a certeyne godly nature to be in golde, for cure in golde: aimuche as they genet gåthec it ercepte they bre certepne ce: lygious erpiations 02 pontgynge as tb abdeyn from Womeit, and all kyrides of pleſures and delycate meates and dzinkes, ng during alt the time that their golden Hatuel TaBerhen they solden hars ſuppoſe that men da na utally lyue and dye asi orher bcaties uft in dozand therfoze honour none other thynge as gob. yet doo thiy praye to the ſoonne, and honont it when it ryſeth, But 12 letre vs nowe Ipcake of the montaines and ſituation of theſe landes. from all the ſca bankes of thcle tegyons, erceding Hyshe and grcát and hyghe mountaynes are ſeene towarde the Southe, gi cate moun: yet reachynge by a continuall tracte from the Eade into the kapnese na kocke. By realon wherof [uppoſe that thetros greate ſeas no (Whecof 31 haue (paken largly befoje) are o cuides with theſe za montagnes as it were with bulwarkes, leate they coulde Tyrrhentium toyne and repugne, as Italye deuideth the ſea cauled Tirnbe: 18 noirc cau: num, from the lea Adriatyke, which is hows commonly cau: Jed Turcane ted the goulfe of Uenes. for whiche waye loo eurer they Capled from the popneicaules CAP.S. Augufti Promontorium, s. Augšſkni (whiche perteyneth to the portugales proſpetteth ageynſte the Cca Atlantikc) euen bnto Vraba and mi. Vrab.se the hauen Cerabaro, and to the furthelt landes found hycher: Cersbaro to wetwarde, they had cuer greate mountapnes in (oghto Frutful moun bothë nevehande and farve of, in all that longe cale. Chele taynes. mountaynes were in Eume place, ſmooth, picalaunt and frue #pennini are full, full of goodly trees and herbes : And Cummo hete; bygh, mountaynes robogb, ful of rockes, and baren, as chaunférh in the famus which diuide 3taly intc.. mountayne of Tsurus in Afit, and alſo indyuets coaftes of out partes mountaincs of Apennini, and Cache other of lyke byggeneſle, Beragai , 19 The tydgies alſo of thele mouncaynes atc diunded with good The mou: ly and favze ballefs. That part of the mountaynes which in sapnes of Be clubech the lymettes of Ber&gud, is thought to be hegher than ragua higher Bhen the the cloin ors, in To much that (as they faye) the tops of them c.cudes. can feldoie bee leerte for the mulufuddiof chicke clolaco , cutaynes which att beneath the fame! Colohust the admirall the fpetto of fiftie miles fynder of their regions, a Fiometh that the toppes of the mon herghe, $32125 98 Berágua ate moje the fiftie mgles in begghth. De Sagh The thyrde decade. Io7 fapth furthernoue that in the ſame region at thetotes of the montaynes the wap is open to the ſouth ſea, and comparerh Janus others it as it were betwene Wenice and Genea, 07 Ianut as the Be- wple cauled mycs well haue it cauled, whiche fable that theyz citic was Japher, cho buylded of nanus. De afficmeth alſo that this lande teacheth Tons of noc. footh rowarde the fouth: And that fram hence it takech the 910912907 begynnynge of bıradeh, Iyke as from the alpes aware of the attack moun marowo thyghof stalys we ſeçthe large and mapne landés gtaly is lyke of Fraunce, Bermatige; and pannanpe, to the Sarmarians onto a legge and Scpthyansy euen unte the mountapnes and rockts of in the leat Riphca and the froſen Tea, and embzaſe therwith as with a the moun: continuall bonde, all Tracia, and Brecia, with all that is tayntes of the included within the płomontozte bz popno of Malay and Hel the thyshe teſpostafouthwalbe, cand che Cedi Euzbuns and the marynthes theror cus DË Mtotis in scythis nogth wavde. The admirall ſuppoſoche, Colonus his thapon the tefte handcin faylyngetowacde the bettez this opinion of lande is igyned to India bcponde the tyuckof Gandes: And. the lipporcd Continent. that on the ryght hande towarde the mouths it bee ertrnded by this com: to the froſen fea, beyonde the Oyperbojeans and the Sporth secure, the poles So that both the ſeas (that is to meanc that fouth Ira jay ſhu d be which weſapbe to be founde by Vecchus, and oborc Ocean) open to cha thulde töpre and meete in the corners of that land:And that wiperborea the waters of theſe ſeas doo not onclp incloſe and compatte aviso the ſame withobot diuiſion as Europe is incloſed with the feas of Hellefpontus and Tanais, with the froren Dcean gobro ſea of Tyrbenum with the Spanyűhe ſeas. But in myopini: a dins on, the vehoment courſe of the ocean comacbithe belte, both lisebut ſignifie and lette that the fayde two ſeas, thulde not ſo iogne Looke the na cogither & Bart pather thatthaclandis adherent to the firme Cabote. oecg, tigation of landestowacbe the smdicheas we chaue fayde befoze. ut utilib.9i. fhalt fu&tor co hrue fayde thus much of the length hereof. Ditt bs nowetherfoze ſpcake cumwhat cof the breadth of the the breadth fames Wc hang made mention before howe the ſouth (ca 15 of the lande e diuided bynarolne lymittes from obre oceansas it was po 3o ued by thefperience of Naſohus Nunez and his coompanions adidas which fyldt made open the boay chyeher. But as Dpuecay as the mountaynes of obte alpes in Europe ate Cumhete na: cowe and in Cune place biodesohen fe by the lyke prouidice of nature, this lande in fume pacte cheraf beacheth kapre, sino b;cadry, and is in other places coacceed with narole limeto to the tcs from 3193a, The thyrde decade, sonue. fes from ſea to ſea, with valleys alſo in fume places, fohet - The regions by men may palle from the one lyde to the other. Where the of uraba and haue deſcrybed the regions of Veaba and Bersgua to bec fitus Beragua. ate, theſe leas are diuided by [maute diftaunce. Yet owght we to thynke the region which the great rouer of Maragnonus The greate cunneth through, to bet bery large if we tall guaunt Meruga riuer Maraga nonum to bee a tpuet and no ſea, as the frethe waters of the ſame owght to perfnade vsu proyinfudje natowe caues of the carth, there can bee no ſwalowingen goulfes of ſuch byg no nelle as to receaue oz noorple ſo great abundance of water. The lyke is alſo to bee ſuppoſed of thegreat ryuer of Dabiba The greate river babai: bohich we ſaybe to bee from the corner of the goulfe af Vrska bs, ou fancty in Cume place of foytte fathomes depth, and ſumwhere fiftie: Johannis. Alla three mylesin bjeadth, and fo to faule into the ſea. We BIUROLO) mult needes graunt that the eacth is brode thereby the wht $ The ryuers e puerg che the rouec pateth from the hyghe mount apnes of bebaska haue their in; from the Eaft and nor from the well. They ſay that this c: creaſe from nec tonCitieth and takerb his encreaſe of foure other ryuers the foryngea ifaulynge from the moumaynes of Dabaibu. Dwre men caule of the most this tpuer Flimen, St Iohannis at they ſay allo that from henleit taynes.200 fauleth into the goulfe of Vrábá by feuen monthes as bootye Dade the tyuer of Nilus into the ſea of Egypte. Lykelpfe that in che ryuer of the fametegion of vrabd there arerin ſume places narowe Nilus in s trepghtes not pa&ynge fyftene lcaques: and the ſame to bee sypte. oſaluage and withowt any paſſage by reaſon of dpuecs ma: wariſhes rylches and defolare Waycs, which the Latines caule Lantes : and deſolate. But the Spanyardes accoudynge to theyz varietie caule thë 2.mayco Tremeddler, Drampades, Cenegales, sâmideros, anð Zabordaderos. Bue 2200 tons before we pale any further it thall not bee greatly fromotor purpofe to Declare from whence there ingurápnes of Dataibs haue chey, name accoldynge unto thantiquitics of thinhabi: A fuperftitis dous opinion tantes. They faye therefore that pabziba was a woman of of choriginall greate magnanimitic and wyledome emonge theypredicel: of montaines Cours in obolde tyme : whom in her lyfe, all thinhabitantes of Dabaiba. z of thoſe pzouinces did greatly reverence, and beinge deade gaue hev diuine honour and named the regiõ after her hamt, beleupnge that chee fendceb thunderandolygytaynge to be: oftoy the fource of the earth of thee bec angeted and to ſend plentie te thee bee well plealed. This fupcriticion hache burg pesſuaded then bg a ciaftie kynde of men under pretence of religion The thyrde decade II2 religion to thintent that they might entope ſuche gyftes and offeringes as were brought to the place where wyze was ho: bingong and noured. This is ſufficient for this purpoſe. They ſage fur: crocodiles in thermoze that the marpahes of the narowse lande whecof we the mariſhes 1.58 haue (poken, bzynge fooich great plentie of Crocodiles, Dias gons, battes, and gnattes bcinge bery, hurtfull. Therefore when ſo euer they take any iozney towarde the fouth, they go obte of the way towarde the mountaynes, and e[chelde the regions ncare unto thoſe perelous fennes oz marylhes. Sume thinke that there is a balley lyinge that way that the rpuer tunneth which owre men taule Rio de los perdidos, that is, 9936749 the vyuer of the log men (lo named by the miſfortune whiche there befell to Nicuefa and his coompany) and not far digant from thc hauen Cersbaro Whiche diuideth thoſe mountaynes the hauen tewarde the ſouth. But let vs nowe fpnithe chis booke with Cerabaro. a fewe other thynges woorthy to bee noted. They ſay there: foze that on the ryght hande and Icfte hande frome Dariena, Twentie gola there are twentic cpuers in all the whiche, greate plentie of den rguers. golde is founde. Being demaunded what was the cauſe why they brought no greatee abundance of gold from thenfc, they to musia an[wered that they lacked myners, and that the men which seasca they tooke with them from Spayne thyther, were not accus domed to laboure, but fou rbe mođe parte bzought bp in the Warres. This lande feemeth alſo to pzomele many precious Precious ftones. ſtones. ffog beſydc thoſe which i| (ayde to bee founde neare. 1000 bnto cwh and Santa Marths, one Andreas Moralis apglor (wha (1 103) had trauapled thoſe coates with Lobannes de la Cora whole he get Ipued) bad a precibus diamonde which he bought of a na ked younge man ių the region of Gurme in the ploninte of emonde of a precious dis Rapid. this tanc was as longe as tipo toyntes of a mins mib ercedynge dell fynger, and as bygge as the fylt ioynte of the thamme: bygnes. Beinge alſo papnted on eu:ry fydes confittynge of cpght (qua res perfectly farmed by natuue. They ſay that with this they made (carres in anuilles and hammers and brake the teethe of fyles, the tone remaynyng baperydhed. The younge man of Cumins, wore this tone aboute bis neckc emonge other ou ches, and coulde it to Andreas Morphis foz Eyue of our coücccfect fones made of glare of dyuers colours wherlith'the igno: tant younge man was grcadly delyted. They founde allo cec tegne topales on the loze, Bus theđimation of golde was ſo Toparcs, facce The thyrde decade. Farre entored into the heades of o bore men, that they had no The Spany: regarde to ftones. Alſo the moſt part of the Spanyardes, da crdee con: lawgh them to ſcorne, which ble to weare many tones: (peci Bare pleiures ally ſuch as are common: Judginge it to bee an e Feminate chynge, and może mieete for women then men. The noble me onely when they celcbzate ſolēne mariages, o/ Let forth any triüphes., weare chepnes of gold byſet with precious tiones, and ble fayze apparell of fylke embothered with golde inte mirt with peacles and precious tones : And not at other ty: mes. They chynkc it no leñe effeminate foz men to (nell of sec ta: the fwcete Tauours of Arabie : And indge hym to bec infected Morus. with Cum kynde of fylthy lechery, in whom they ſmell the la nont of muſke oz Caftoreum. But lyke as by oneapple taken Bu from a tree, we may perceyue the tree to bee frütfull, and by 0108150 one fythe taken in a ryuet, we máy khowe that kytbe is ingen: 2 fimilitude dered in the ſameeuen ſo, by a lyttel gold,and by one ftone, prouing great be ought to conſyder that this lande bringech foithe great plentie of golde t pieci: plentie of golde and precious dones. What they haue found ous ſtones. in the pozte of sancti Marths in the region of Cariai when the Chehauen of hole nauge paded (therby under the governaunce of Petrus As Sancta Wars dias and his coompany with certeine other of the kynges de tha. fycers, 3 baue (uæciently declared in his place. To be thóité Cards thercforc, all thynges do lo dogy[tbe, gróboe, encreaſe, and Esion pzoſper, that the late are euer better then the fyyde. And The herotcal ſurely to declare my opinion hering what ſo euer hath yeceto facres of the forc bon diſcouered by the famous trauayles of Saturnnt and Spantardes. Hercules, with ſuch other bhi the antiquitie for their heroical ald eros factes honoured as goddes, ſcemeth but lyttell and obſcure 1995Kms af ic be compared to the Spanyardes victorious laboures. anyb557) This o bod pobre holynes face well, Delpzinge yowe to cer; nerd: difpe me howe powclpke theſe fyrde frutes of the Omany sul bat beyng encolaged with powse erhoztations, 9909 mape the gladlyer and with leder 503331: das tediouſnelle write fuche ondodhi tbynges as falso nicht oda apa ESC Eldognets Hus chaunces and are in je oog operafa o sito esingar The thyrde decade. 113 The fyft booke of the thirde decade, I ſuche lyuynge creatures as under the cer: dle of the moone bringe fojthc any thynges are accuſtomed by thinttincte of nature as Coone as they are delguered of their byuthe, cyther to cloſe, vppe the matrice, ol at the sites lcate to bce quyere for a ſpace. But obre mootte frutefull cean and newe woorlde, engendereth and bringeth furthe dayly newe bpzches wher: by men of great wytte, and eſpecially fuche as are ftudyous of newe and meruelous thinges, may haue (umwhat at hand wherwith to feede their myndes. If yowze holyneđe do a.ke to what purpoſe is al this, ye tal bnderhandy that I had ſcarcely fynyhed the hitolye of ſuche thynges as chaunlod to Vaſchus Nunnez and his coompanye in their byage to the ſouthe ſea, when foodenly there came newe letters from peo trus Arias the newe gouernour whom the kyng had appoynted the yeare befoze with an army of men and a nauye of thippes to faple to theſe newe landes. De ſygnifyeth by his letters, that he with his nauye and coompany, arcpued all ſafelye. furthermoje, Iohannes Cabedus (whome yowle holynes at the The byrthop of Dariena. requette of the mofte cacholyke kyrge had created byhoppe of that prouyncc of Dariena) and thłce other of the chiefc ody: cers ioined in comiſion to be his allyllance, as Alfonfus de Ponte, Diegus Murques, and Iohannes de Tavirt, confyzmed the ſame let: ters and ſubſcribed them with their names. The nauugatis on of petrus The nauigati on therfoze of Petrus Arias, was in this maner. The daye be: Arias. fouc the jdes of Apyll, in the yeare of Chriſte.1514.he hop: led vppe his faples in the towne of ſaincte Lucar de Barramedity Saint Lucer, ſytuate in the mouthe of the ryuer Betis,, whiche the Spani. ardes nowe cault Guadalchebir. The feuen 3 landes of Canari. are about foure hundreth myles diftant from the place where this riwer fauleth into the ſea. Summe thinke that the e are the land of the glandes which the owlde Wziters did caulethe falta: te Canar.e. Flandes. Bur other thynke the contraty. The name of theie glandes, are theſe. The two whiche appere fyzde in Cyght, are named Lanzelota and Forrifuenture. On the backehaife of theſe, Iyeth Magna Camiria of Grancanaria. Beyonde that is Te serife : and Gomers cumwhat towarde che nozthe frame that. Palma FE 1 he thyrde decade. Palm+ and Ferred, Iye behynde as it were a bullarke to all the Other. Petrus Ariss therfore, arriued at Comers the eygbte dape after his departure, with a nauye of. twii. thippes and a.s. 2009 and fyue hundicth men, alehoughe there were oncly a thou: 09192 Cand and two hundisch alygaed hymn by the kynges letters, 3t is Cayde furtherindze that he lefte behynd hym more then de tino thouſande verye penſyue and fyghynge that they allo myght not be receausdy profevynge them ſelues to go at their bens olphe chirges, be taried. ebi. Dayes in Gomers to thintente prouifionof to make prouyiyon of fuell and Etcmhe water: But chiefely to freſſbeiratet repayze bis fhyppes beynge fože bzored with tempeltes, and end fyell. cſpecially the gouerirours Whippe whiche had toute the rudder. for theſe landes are a commodious tettynge place for all ſuche as intende to attempte any natygations in thac mayne (ca. Departynge from henlc in the nones of waye, he ſawe no moze laude pneill the thirde dayc of June, at the whiche The Fland of he arrived at Dominica anglande of the Canibales, being dittant Dopinica. from Gomers abouce epght hundjeth Icaqués. Dcce he remays ned foure dayes, makinge newe prouiſion of frethe water and fuell, durynge whiche tyme he ſawe no man noz yet any ſtep: pes of men: But founde plentie of ſea crabbes and greatcle Guadalupca, Cartes. from henſe he Cayled by the Flandes of Matinina (0: otheriyle thcrbayle cauled Midanino) Guadalupet, and Galanta (otherwyſe cauled Caru: cauled Galina) of all whiche, we haue (poken in the fyzůc des cueria,o: Que raquiera. cade. bcpated alſo throughe the ſea of herbes of weedcs, continuyng a long tracte. Yet nother he noz Colonus the Ad: myrall (who fy fte founde thcfe Flandes and lapled through this ſea of wecdes) haue declaved anye reaſon howe theſe The fea of weebes thoulde coome. Summe rhynke the ſea too be bei berbes. rye mudbye tbcre, and that theſe weedes are engendered in the bottome therof, and ſo beynge looſed, to aſcends to the bppermootte parte of the water, as wee fee oftentymes chaunce in certeyne ffondynge pootes, and fumtymes alſo in greate ryuers. Other ſuppoſe that they are not engendered 3, chere, but to bee beaten from certepne ročkes by the vyolence of the water in tempeftes. And thus they lcauc the matter in dowte: Depther haue they yet any certeyne epperyence whe: ther they tycke falte and gyue place to the thyppes, of wan: der loole vppon the later. But it ts to bee thought that they are engendered there, Foz otherwyſe they coulde bee duyuer togythet The thyrde decade. 114 fogyther on heapes by thympulſyon of the thyppes etten as a bcaſome gathereth the ſwepynges of a houſe, and thulde al Co lette the courſe of the ſhyppes. The fourth day after that he departed frome Dominica, the hyghe mountaynes couered Theſe mours loith inowe (wherof the haue fpoken in the Ceconde Decade, cauled mon: appered unto him. They ſay that there the ſeas tunne as res niuajes Olyftely towarde the wele, as it weve a ryuer faulyng from or Serra Net the toppes of hyghemoncaynes . Although they Capled not tata, 5ecide directly toward thelbra,but inclined Inmwihat to the ſouth. fi.liber.t.7.f. from theſe montaynes fanleth the ryuer of Gaira, famous by courſe of the the daughter of owze men at ſuch tyme as Rodericus Colmenares rea cowgrde palled by thoſe coaltes as we haue Caybe befoze. Lykewyſe the weſt. many other fayze ryuers haue their originall from the Caine The ryuer Saira. montaynes. This prouynce in the whiche is alſo the regy: Caramairia on of Carumairi) hath in it two notable hausns, of the which Carthago owre men named the one Carthago 02 Cathagend; and the other Saturmde Sancta Martha, the region wherof, thinhabitantes caute "saturs md. The pozte of Sanda Martha, is nearer to the montaines to: uered with (nowe cauled Montes Niuales: for it is at the rootes Wountaynes of the ſame montaines. But the hauen of Carthago, is moje ſnowc.; couered with wettewarde aboute fyftie leaques. He wzíteth marueplous thynges of the hauen of Sanéts Marthi, whiche chey alſo con: Eirme that came lately fró thêle:Df the which younge Veſgutius Americus Veſpa is one to whó Americus Vefpurius his vncle (being a flozētinė rius, bojne) left the cract knowlege of the mariners facultiesas it were by inheritance after his death for he was a very expect maiter in the knowledge, of his carde, his compaữe, and the eleuation of the pole ftarre with all that perteineth ther: to. This younge Vefputius was aſygned by the kyng to bee one of the maiſters of the gouernours Chyppe, bicaule he was cunninge in iudgyng the degrees of the eleuation of the pole Gatre by the quadzante. For the charge of gouernynge the tudder, was chiefely coommytted to one lohannes Serranus a Spaniarde, who had oftentymes ouer tunne thoſe coaties. Vefputius is my verye familyar fvende, and a wyttie younge man in whole coompany ſ take great pleaſure, and theres foże ble hym oftenrymes for my gette. De hath alſo made many vyages into theſe coales, and diligently nored ſuche : thinges as he hath ſeene. Petrus Arias tljerfoze Wziteth, and be confyzmeth the ſame, that thinhabitantes of theſe cegys ff 6.1i. ons tooke The thyrde decade. ons tooke their originall of the Caribes of Canſbales,as ap: peated by the deſperate fiercenes and crueltie which they of: The ſtoutiles tentymes théwed to owze men when they pated by their coa: of the Barba: Qes. Sache doufenes and fortitude of mynde is nartallye rigns. engendered in theſe naked Barbarians, that they feared noe to a Taple ole hole nany # to forbyd them to coomc a land, They feygh: with benémous arrowes as we hauc Cayde be: foJe. peccPanynge that owze men contempned their threats $1991 nynges, they ránne furrondly into che fea, even vppe to the The Caniba: bleattes, nothônge fearinge eyther the bygnes oz multitude les feysur 12 of óbre lpppes, but cealed not continually beinge thus in the water. the water, to call dartes and thute their beatemous arrowes as thicke as haple: 'n lo muche that lowze mon had bynne in great daunger if they had not byn dcfended by the cages ol pauiſes of the thyppes and their targettes. yet were two of then wounded whiche died thrztely after. But this con: Bycte continued to facpe, that at the length owle men were The vre of enforced to fute of their byggeff pieces of ordinauncc with gunnes haylehotte : At the daughter and terrible noyle wherof the anabe barbarians bepnge foze diſcomfited and thaken with feare, The genera: thynkynge the came to be thunder and lygıtnpnge, tourned cion of thin: their backes and üedde amayne. They greately feate thun: der and lyskt des bpcauſe theſe tegyons are oftentymcs vered with thun: nynge lag der and lyghtnynge by rcalon of the hughe montaynes and neareneđe of the fame to the region of the ayer wherin ſuch Meteorde o fieric tempefies are engendered which the philoſophers caule TESSO Meteord. And all be it that owze men had nowe dryuen their enemyes to dyght, and ſawe them diſparcled and obte of or Dér, per dowted they and were of dyuers opinions whechce they fulde purſue them or not on the one partie, fame price ked them folwarde, and on the other ſyde feare cauſed them to catte many perelles, eſpecially confyderynge the benemous Ceremous: arrowes whiche theſe barbarians canne direct fo certeynely, arrowes un no departe from theym with a diye foote (as faithe the pło: uerbe) with ſo great a nauye and ſuche an armye, they repus cuoi fed it as a thynge greately foundpnge to their reproche and ca diſhonour. At the length therfoze chain ouercomming feare, they purſued them and came to land with their thippe boates. the gourcnoure of the nause, and alſo veſpurius' Doo wzyte, that the hauen is no lexe then thzee leagues in compa le, be The thyrde decade. 115 inge allo Cafe witholotrockes and the water therof ſo clere, that a man may ſee ppbble ftones in the bstrome twentie cu bettes deape. They ſaye lykewyſe that there fauleth twoo fayze ryuers of freſhe water into the hauen: but the ſame to bee meeter to beare the canoas of theſe prouinces then anye bygger velſels. Jt is a delectable thyngero hcare what they tel of the picnticrand varietie, and alco of chc pleafaunt tai of the fp Thes alwel of theſe cinevs as of the rea chere about: By reaton whero they founde here many fyllher boates'and plentie of nettes woonderfully wzought of the talkes of cerreyne her:: fyſiker bes oz wecdes d?yed and tabcd and bozethed with codes of social (punne gođampine cotton. For the people of Carameri, Gairda Cunninge and Saturmi, are very cunnynge in fylhynge, and ble to fell fyíthers. fpớhe to thepz boztherers foz erchaunge of ſuche rhynges as they lack. When owre men had thus chaſed the Barbary: ans from the ſea coaltes, and hadde nowe entered into theyz houſes, they alapled them with newe (kyzmu hes, eſpecials ly when they ſalve them faule roſačkyngeand ſpoplyng, and To theyz wyues and chplden taken captiue. They bzuſchalde chep houſes Atufe was made of great rcedes which growe on the ſea ban: hoide ftuffe, kes, and the talkes of certeyne herbes bearen and afterward made Warde. The toutes thecof were trewed with herbes of fundry coloures : And the waules hanged with a kynde of tapfry artificially made of go.Tampine cotton, and wrought Capſtry. with pictures of Lions, Tygers, and Eagles. The doores of they houſes and chambers were full of druers kyndes of a ſtraunge thelles hangynge looſe by (maule coldes, that beinge maken phantafy. by the wynde they myght make a certegne vattelynge and als ſo a whylelynge noyſe by gatherynge the wonde in thepz bo lowe places. For herein they haue greare dclyte, and imputc this for a goodly oznamente. Douers hauc ſhewed me many woonderfull thynges of theſe regions : L[pecially onte Gonz4 lus Fernandus Ouledus beinge one of the maielicates appointed in this to be that office which the Spanyardes canle Veedon, who hath al: whom Cerda fo hetherro entered further into the lande then any other.be nus praufesho A firmeth that he chaunced vppon the fragmente of a ſaphace bygger then the egge of a goole. And that in certerne bylics precious. where he traut ipled with thirtie men, he founde many of the ftones precious tones caulcd smaragdes,calciðones, indzalpets, ragde is the The Surge belyde guea; pieces of amber of the montaines, be alio with crewemerode #f, ili, diners The thyrde decade. VED. Another kind of amber is dyůcts other do afirme that in the houſes of ſume of the La founde in nibales of theſe regions, they found the lyke paccions dones whales. ſet in golde and incloſed in the tapîtry oz acras (if it may loo bee caulcd) wherewith they hange they? houſes. The fame Gold z bia: lande beyngeth foorth alſo many wooddesof bzaſıle trees file. great plentie of golden ſo much that in maner in al places they founde on the ſea bankes and on the theozes, cettepne mercbarites marcialises in token of golde, Fernandus Oviedus declareth furs are flowers thermoze that in a certeyne region cauled Zenu, lyinge foure of metals, by ſcoze and tenne myles from Dariend Eatwarde, they erercyſe the colours a traunge kynde of marchaundies. Fou in the houſes of the wherof the inhabitantes, they founde greate chettes and baſkets made tals are kno: of the twigges and leaues of certeyne trees apte for that pur pole, bcinge all full of grelehoppers, grylles, crabbes, o crefylthcs : Inaylcs alſo, and locuttes whiche delrowe the fieldes of cozne, all well dzyed and ſalted. Beinge demaun There locu- ftes burne ded why they relcrued ſuch a multitude of theſe beattes, they the corne anſwered that they kepte them to bee Coulde to theyz bozthez with roching rers which dwell further within the lande: And that foz the the refidewe erchange of theſe precious byides and Calted fy&hes, they re they are in ceaued of them certeyne frange thynges whecin partely they 3ndig of st. taše plcaſure, and partly ble them foz theyz neceữary affay: foote lengtk. ers. Theſe people owel not togyrher, but ſcattered here and The fayrere: there. Thinhabitantes of Caramairi , ſecme to dwel in an earth gion of Cara mairi. ly Paradiſe, they? region is fo fayze and frutefull, withowt obtragious heate oz dharpe coulde, with lyttle difference of the length of day and nyght throughowt all the years. AE: ter that owre men had thus dzyuen the barbarians to flyght, they entered into a balley of two leagues in bicadth & three in length, ertendynge to certeyne frutful mountaynes ful of Fruteful mon grade, herbes, and trees, at the rootes wherof, lye twoo 0: taynes thec valleys towarde the rpght hande and the left,thzowgh eyther of the which runneth a fayze ryuer, whereof the ryuer of Guira is one, but unto the other they have yet gyuen noo name. În theſe valleys they founde manye fayze gardeyns Gardens Salubres are and pleaſaunte fyeldes watered with trenthes diđrybuted it some cauled marueylous aider, with no leđe arte then obre unſubrians Lumbardes, and Hetrurians ble to water they, fyeldes. Thepz common and betruſci, meace, is Ages , Iucca, Maizium, Battatt, with ſuche other rootes wregns. and frutes of trees, and allo ſuche fpühe as they ble in the landes The thyrde decade, . II6 gla ides and other regions of theſe prouinces. They eate mins dem: but ſeldome, bpcanle they meete not oftentymes mich atrangiers, except they goo fodith of chryż owne domi: nions with a mayne army of purpoſe to hunt for men, when many count: they, cauenynge appetite pricketh them fozwarde. Foz they foláte by the abstepne from them ſelucs, and eate none but luche as they fiercenes of sake in the warres of otherbye by chance. But Cuerly it the caniba: is a miſerable thynge to beare howemany myziades of men les. One moyilade thele fylthy and bnnatural delgurers of mans dethe haue is ten thous conſumed, and lefte thoufandcs of motte fagle and fcutfull rande. Flandes and regions deſolate withowte menne: By reaſon wherof owre men founde ſo many flandes whiche fog theps fayzenes and frutefulnelle myght ſeeme to bec certeyne earth. ly Paradyſes, and yet were btrerly voyde of men. Dereby yowre holynelle may conſider home pernitious a kynde of men this is. We haue fayde befoge that the glande named Sancti Iohannis (which thinhabitantes caulc Buricheni) is nerte ro arcos Hifpaniola. At is ſayde that oncly the fanibales which dwell in the other Flandes nore about this, as in the glande cau: led Hylay ol Sancte Crucis, and in Guadalupea (atherwiſe cauled z miſerable Queraqueiera, 02 Caruculera) haue in owre tyme vyol entely taken hearynge. obte of the Cayde glande of Sancti Iohannis, moze then ffue escu thouſande men to be eaten. But let it ſuffice thus much to haue wandered by theſe montrous bludluckers. We will upon nowe therfoze (peake ſumewhat of the rootes whereof they make they? breade, fozaſmuch as the ſame thall hercafter bee foode to Chriftian men in teede of breade made of wheate, Bieade of and in the iteade of rady ühe with Cuch other rootes as they haue byn accuſtomed to eate in Europe. Wc haue oftentymes fayde befoze chat luces is a roote whereof the bette and motte dclicate bzeade is made bothe in the firine land of theſe regi ons, and alſo in the Flandes. But howe it is tylled oz hala banded, howe it groweth, and of howe Dyuers kyndes it is 3 haue not yet declared. Therefore, when chep incende ta plante this Iucca, they make a hole in the earth knee deapt, of plantinge The maner and rayſe a heape of the earth taken owte of the ſame faſhio the roote jus nynge it lyke a ſquare bedde of myne foote bzeadth on cuerye ca. lyde, Cettynge tipelue trunkes of theſe rootes (beinge about a foote and a halfelonge a piece) in cuccy of the Cayd beddes Conteynynge thłce routes of a [yde, ſo lapde a dope, that the endes rootes. The thyrde decade. endes of them foyne in maner togyther in the centeč oz myd: del of the bedde within the grounde. Dwt of the royntes of the rootes and ſpaces berwene the ſame, (pzynge the toppes and blades of newe tootcs, which by lyttle and lyttle encrea ſynge,growc to the byggenes and length of a mans arme if the bzawneand oftentymes as bygge as the thygh:So that Earth turned by the tyme of thegu full cypenes, in maner all the earthe of into footes. the hcape,) is connected into raotes. But they ſay that theſe tootes are not rype in lefletyme then a yeate #a halfe: And that the longer they are ſu fered to growe cuen vntyll woo Hope breade peares complete, they are lo muche the better and more per: Is made of fecte to make breade thecot. When thep are taken foozthe of rootes. the carth, they (ccape them and lyſe the with cecteyne ſharpe fones (cruynge foz the (a ne purpole. And thus layinge thë betwene two great ftones, Ol puttyn je them in a lacke made of the talkes of certeyne towgh herbes and {maule reedes, they pređc them (as we do cheeſe bycrabbes to diawe onte the iuſe thereof) and ſo let them diye a daye befoze they eate them. The inſe or lyquoure, they cat away:for (as we haue pudraut se fayde; it is deadly poplon in the Iſlandes. ret is the iuſe of thynge. Cuche as growe in the firme lande, hollome if it bec folde,as is the Whey of owre mylke. They Cape that there are manye kyndes of this lucca, wheraf ſu ne are more pleaſaunte and delycare then the other, and are therefore relerucd as it were to make fine manch it for the kynges owne tables. But the Cazabbie gentelmen care of the meaner corte, and the comnion people of the balet. The fyned they caule Caz.ibti, which they make counde lyke cakes in certeyne plecs before they ſeerh tt 0? bake it. They Cape furthermore that there atciykewyſe dy: ages and uers kyndes of the rootes of Ages and Battata. But they ble Bargata. thele racher as frutes and dyiſhes of ſeruice, then to make bicade theraf, as we vſe rapes, tadythes, mulheroms, na: uics, perreneppes, and ſuch lyke. 3n this caſe, they mooût eſpecially eteeme ihe belt kynde of Bettatas, which in pleaſant tall and tendernes farre exceаdeth obre mulhcromes. It ſhal Panfcum is a fuffice to have fayde chus muche of rootes. We wyll nowe wharlyken si therfoze (peake of an orher kynde of thepz bıeade. We decla The zealians red befoze that they haue a kynde of grayne 02 pulſe muche saule it wes Iyke vnto Panicur , but with ſumwhrt bygger graines, which they bcage into meale vppon certeyne greare hollowe ftones withi The thyrde decade 117 bith the labout of their handes when they lackë Tucca : and of this is made the more vulgar oz common bieadc. gtis hoy * fomentbiife a yeart, ſo that the frutfulnere of the greunde may bcate it by reaſon of the equalitie of the time, whereaf wce haue (poken (uốyciently befozë: Jn theſe regyens they ne meancthe founde alſo the graint of Maizium, and Tunday kyndes of fru: the equalt tes of trees diligentely planted and welt hülbanded. The length of day end nyght bape betwoene the regyons of Edramiri and Saturmaz is fayze, which is con brodctand rpghte foothe. They founde here allo Tundiye minually in ree kyndes of Warctpottes made of earthe of Dguers colours, in gions under the which they bothc fetche and keepe fteme water. Iykes the Equinoca rial lyne, toile lundzy kindcs of tugges,godderbes, Dipukyngi cuppesy Muzium pottes, pannes, dykhes, and platters artifycially made. when the gotterndur had gyuen conmaundement by procla: fart of dy: uers , mation, that thinhabitantes touldc eyther obey the Chritian kynge and embzale oie velygion, og ellesto depace oute of 12 413 their counttep, they anſwered with vetemous arrómos. 31 RUESE this Chyzmyb., owie men tookc fumme of thepm: Whereof sest dorhynge the mokei pacte in faive apparell, thepifcite them to agoyne to their owne coompany. But lcadyng the rely up to so the dyppes to chintent to thewe them the poure and magnes fycence of the chritians that they myght declare the ſame to their coompanionszocherbto dwynnechcic fauour, xhep aps parcled thein lykewyſe and fcntecthen after thcio feloints... Dhepe altyzme that itrall the conces of theletondos, theye bolde in lawe great argumontes and tokens of golde. (They founde ryuers. here and there in their houles good toze of hartes flelthe and partes and bozes felize wherwith chepfedde them ſelucsidilycately. boies. they alſo, haue greate plentie of fundzy kyndes of byzdes foules. and foules, blorok they beynge vppe many in theic houles, fumme foz ncce Ilarge foodegaitd other for dapnty dyſthes as Bolfomie ayer we do hennes and partciches. Dmc men hoccby coniccture that the ager of tiefe regions is beaty bolfome foz as niche as cappige all nyghte bnder the fundameut on the bankes of the rouers, none of them Ivete at any tymo offended with reumes o: bcade ache by teacon of any noycome banoare oz vapoure pzoceadynge from the eacche, ayet, oz water. Dute. Sofampinę men furthecinoze, founde there many great borhomes of gol: cotton. Sampyne cotton caby ſpunne, and fardelles of ducrs kyn: fethers, ots des of fethers wheroſ they make them selues crefes and plu: 13:15 mcs after The thyrde decale. mes after the maner of owe men of acnes: allo Cecteine do: Bowes and kes whiche they efieeine ag motte cumly oznamentes. They grrowes. founde łykebople an innumerable multitude of babes and aca toweg.Tbinhabitantes alſo of theſe regiós, in funme places ble to busne the carkeres of their pzynces when theye are deade, and to reſerue their boncs burycb with ſpyces in cer: peade ba: tepne bplies. 31other places, they oncly diye theym and dies referued imbaume them with {pycis and ſweete gumnes, and ſoo re: monas ſecue tem ut fepalchers in their owne houſes. Samwhere 25 is alſo, they diye then, fpyce then, adourne them with precy: be sous iewells and ouches, and ſo ceaecently place them in cera 29 tepne tabernacles made for the Ca ne purpoſe in their owne Oucheg of la: palayces. Whenobre men had many of their tabellets, bral: fon. lettes, collers, and ſuche other ouches (whiche chcy caule Bonzalus Oui Guanines), they founde them racher to bee made of lacon then of edus, rayth, golde:wherby chey ſuppoſe that they h rue bled to exchaunge that they gilt maruelos y thetr lace with famme ccaftie Graungers whiche broughte with the sure thë thoſe counterfect ouches to defraude them of their golde. of a certeyne. foy euerrowze menne perceaned not the deceate yntyll they herbe. came to the meltynge. ffucchermore, certagne of owre bapt: Whyte mars ble. ders wanderyngc a lpttell way from the fea coafes, chauna ced to fynde cercayne ppeces of white marble. Whecbp they thynke that in time pate fumne traunges haud coome tog thoſe laodrs, whiche hage bygged marble owte of the maung The great ry taines, and lefre thoſe fragmentes on the plaint.Chcrc oloze uei maragno men learned that the cpuer Managnonus defcendeth frome che nus. This montagnes cogered with (notoe cauled Montes Niuales 02 Serisi sofneth rich Neusts and the came to bee cncreaſed by many other ryuers ryuer cauied whiche faule into it throughowte all the love and watelye flumen Amna regions by the whiche it runncch with ſo longe a tracte frem gonum, found the fayde montagnes into the fea: And this to be the cauſe of lase, of the greatnetle therof. theſe thynges beyng thus broughe to paſe, the gouernouc comaunded the trumpit our to blowe a retraite : Whcobppon they whiche were ſentc to lande(be: ynge fpue hündzeth in nounber) makynge a great ſhoute for toye of theic victozy, fette them ſclues in order of battagle, and ſo keping their atcay, returned to the thippes laden wich ſpople of thoit prouinces, and thynynge in fouldiers clokes dokee of of fethers, with faire plumes and crettes of variable colours. fethers. 3h thts meane tyme banpage repaired their weppes and fur: ngaheb The thyrde decade. 118 mythed the farre with all neceßarless they loofed anker the xvi.daye of the Lalendes of July, direciynge their courſe to the hauch of Cersbagend, in the tobiche biage they delvoyed anel and Wafted certayne glandes of the Canibales lyinge in the lape, accoždyrge as they were commaunded by the kynge. But the Ivifte cource of the water deceaued bothe lobanences Seratus the chicke biler of the gauergeurs ſopppe, and all the the ſyfte courſe of the other, althoughe they made theic bote that they perfectely water. knewe the nature therof. for they atyzme chat in one night w.leaques in they were caried fozcy lcaques beyonde their eftimation. In one night. (Ibe (pere booke of the thirde Decade. Dit 9190 Ere mutte le fumihat Digrelle froin coſmo: Sundiy opinis graphy and make a philoſophicall diſcours ons why the to ſearchethe recreate cauſes of nature. fo: with ſo fwyft wheras tbey al affyrme wich on cõſent, that courſe froin the lea runneth there from the fate to the the Eaſt inte weite as (wyftly as it were a ryuer faulinge the weſt. from byghe mountaynes, 3 thoughte it not To good to letce'lo great a mattev dyppe bntou: anastasia ched. The whiche while 31.confyder, Jam djawen into noir (maule ambyguitie and doute, wherhed thoſe waters haue their courfe whiche filowe with ſo contynuall a tracte in cits cuite from the Eañe, as thowgha they dedde to the wel nes her to retourne, and yet neyther the bette sherby any whitre the more fylied, nor the Eatte emptied. Je we all faye that Tlequinoctis they faule to their centre (as is the nature of heupe thynges), all tyne. and aligne the Equinoctiall lyne to be the centre (as ſumme why all was affyzme) what centre fhall we appointe to bee able to receauc ters inoue to: fo great aboundaunce of water? D? What circumference fbal fouth or Equis be founde weate: They whiche haue ſearched choſe coattes, noctial, reade haue pet founde no lykely reaſon to bc trewe. many tiynke Cardanys de fube ehat there shoulde bee certeyne large fraightes ou enterances filit.liber.i. de in the corner of that gocat lande whiche we deſcribed to bee Elementis, cpght tomes bygger then talye, and the cogner thecol to be Strayghtes. full of goulfes, wherby they ſuppoſe that ſumme Grayghtcs Coulde page through the ſame lyinge on the wette ſyde of the Flandc of Cuba: and that the Cayde @raightes Ghoulde ſwaa lowe bp thoſe waters, and ſo conuey the fame into the welle GO and Bg.it, The thyrde decade. ana 3 by the and from thenre ag cpu into owrc Eaſte Dceart, oz hoith feas ſtrayšht of as lumine chyntes other wyle, that the goulfe of that great Wagellanus. dande bee cloled vppe and the land to reache farce towarde The 13th landes. the northe on the backe (pdc of cakt: ſo that it embrace the norchelandes whiche che froſen ſea encompaſech vnder the Snorrhe pole: and that all the lande of thoſe coađes, mualde yaitrioyne togycher as one firme landet Wijerby thcp cortecture that thoſe waters thulde bee turned aboute by the obiecte 0% pegou un telpfannce of that lande lo bendynge cowarde che noyth, as sau nano we led the waters itourned abouts in the crooked bankes of Che certepne ryuers. But this agrceth not in all popntrs. For they The froren allo whiche haue Teatched the froren ſea, and Cayled frome fea. thenſe into the welte, do lpkewyſe a Eyime that thoſe nozthe la feas towe continually towarde the weſte, although nothing choreove fo Chiftely, there nozthe feas haue byn ſearched by one Se Cabot. battian Labora Wenetian boine, whom beingle per but in ma: teti shoo ner an infantez his parentes caryed with them into Englande there hauyng occaſion to relozte thether fog trade of marchandies, The as is the ma er of the Venetians too leave no parte of the The Viage of worlde batearched to obropne riche Tc. De therfore furnil: Sebaſtian Co ched two wippes in England at his owne charges: And fyld bor from Ens with three hundžeth men,directód his courſe lo facre toward the fra en rea. the northe pole, that euen in the moodeth of July he founde froſt in the monttrong heapes ofgfelloimning on the ſea, and in mando minch of continuall day lpght. "pet fame'he che lando in that tracte, July. Ecce from 3fe, whichchád byn molten by leate of the funnel mal Thus (eyng ſuche heapes of le befaze hyin he was enforced to tourne his Cayles and folome the wedie, co coaſtynge ftylk by the thize, that he was thereby brougbre fo facre into the fourbe by reaſon of thelande benoynge lo muche ſouthward Frerunn pers that it was there alniotte cqnalt in latitude wich the fea caus culeum, diuis led bretuin Herculeuni, hauyng: the nozrh pole eleuate in manet leth Spayne in the ſame degree. De fapledlykewiſe in this tracte (o facre Bild is nywe toward the wete, that he had theglande of Cuba his lefte zuled the hande in miner in the Ca na degree of langitude. As he tra trayshres e veyled by the coaftes of this greate laide (whiche he named arrok. Baccalleos) he ſayth thar hc found the like courſe of the waters B1: flaos, os row to the weit, but the ſame to cunne mize Coſtely and get: Ferré Baccalles tell then the livifte watets whiche the Spanyardes founo in their trauigations ſontheward, nato could wah:rfoze The thyrde decade. 119 Wherefore, it is not onely more lyke to bee trowe, but oughe allo of neceüitie to bee concluded, that betwene both the lansioita bes hetherto unknowen, there Hulde bee certeyne great open places wherby the waters thulde thus continually pale from the Eaft into the weſte : which waters J ſuppoſe to bee duys uen about the globe of the eacth by the unceñaunt mouynge The mourns and impulſion of the heauens: and not to bee (walowed up of heuen caua Teth the reg and cat owt ageyne by the breathynge of Demogorgon as ſure to moue. haue imagined bycauſe they ſee the ſeas by increaſe and de: Demagorgon creaſe, to dowe and recowe. Scbaftian Calon him felfe, nat is the ſprite med thoſedandes Bucedlaos, bpcauſe that in the ſeas therabout of the eartha he founde ſo great multitudes of cecreyne bigge fy mhes inuch ipke vnto tuntes (which thinhabitantes caule Bicarllaos) that they lumtymes fayed his ſhippes. He founde alſo the peo: people couée ple of thoſe regions couered with beates (kynnes: Per not red with without thule of reaſon. ( beaftes ikins De laythe alla that there is greate plentie of beares in thoſe pore beares regions, whiche ble to cate fylthe. ffoz plungeinge they take and eate ſclues into the water where they perccue a multitude of theſe fyThes of fyishes to lye, they falten theyz clawes in theyz (cales, and the ſea, . Co dzawe them to lande and eate them. So that (as he faith) the beaves bringe thus (ariſfied with fylhe, are not noycom to men. Dc declareth further, that in many places of theſe 3D perbappes regions, be ſalve great plentic of laron amonge thinhabitan this laton is tes: Cabor is my very frende, whom y vſe famylictly, and de coppermhich lyte to have tpm (umtymes keepe mee company in mync owne ho deth gold. houfe. faz bringe cauled owte of England by the commaun no mone, and dement of the catholyke kynge of Lañile after the deathe of is an artificie Henry konge of Englande the Ceuenth of that name, he was all metal and made one of owre counſayle and aflyttance as touching the not natural. atayzes of the neide indies, lookynge dayely ifo: hippes to Cabot cauled omt of £135s hee fucuylhed foz hum to diſcover this hyd ccreate of na: lande into tuve. This vyage is appogntcd to bee begunne in garch in Soayne. the peace nere folowynge, beinge the yeare of Lhiya 49. D. The second *03. Whic thill Succeаde, yılore holynes thalbe aducrtiled viage of Cda by my letters if god graunte me lyfe. Sume of the Spany: bot. ardes denye that Cabot was the Eyzd fynder of the lande of Baccallaos: and a firme that he went not ſo farre toette warde. But it hall (u Fice to hine fayde thus much of the goulfes Kraughtes, and of Cebaſtian Labat, Let us nowe chetefoze returng Thethyrde decade , returné to the Spanyardes. At this tyre, they let pate the The Flandes hauen of Carthago untouched, with all the plandes of the ca of the Canynibales there aboute, which they named Intelis Sancti Bernardi : bales. Leaugnge alſo behynde thepz backes, call the region of Caras mairi, care by ceaſon of a ſoodcu tempette, they were calle bppon the glande Fortis, beinge about fyfre leagues diſtance from the enteraunce of the goullt of Vrsarun this Flande, vovagroc they founde in the houſes of thinhabitantes, many baſkets The tande mane of certepne gtcate fea ceedts, ful of ſatte for this 3: fortie. inde lande hath in it many goodly Calte bayesi by rcalon whereof Salter they hane greate plontie of falte lobich they felt to other na: rions foz Cuch thynges as they tande in neede af. Not facre 2 ſtraunge from henſe, a great curlewe as bygge as a torke came flying thynse, to the gouečnours thippe, and ſufered her ſelfe to bee lealely s taken: which bringe caryed about amonge all the tippes of is the nauie, dyod thortly after, they ſawe alſo a great muloy. 257 3a tade of the fame kynde of foules on the fore a farve of. The gouernour his fhyppe io biche we fayde to haue lotte the tudder beinge noweloze bzoofed and in maner Bnp?ofyeable, Dow. petrug Arias wird they lefre betinde to folowe at teaſure. Thenaute arriued at che kynges Darieria the twelfth day of the falendes of July, and the go: nauy arrsued vernour his ſhippe (beinge boyde of men) was dzyuen a lande ar Dariena. in the ſame coattes toithin forre dages after. The Spany: ardes which nowe inhabited Dariens, with theyz Lapitayne bowe Uaf: and Lieuttenant Vxfcbus Nunnez Balboa (of whom we haue large chus recea: ly made mention befoge) beinge certificd of charrgual of Petrus wed the new Arias and his coompanye, wente foorthe three myles to meete gousrnjour. him, & receaued him honozably fe regilioully with the pfalme Te deuns Laudamus, giuing thankes to god by lhofe ſafe coducte they were brought ſo proſperoully thether to al theyz confor: tes. They receaued them gladly into theyz houſes builded af ter the maner of thoſe prouinces. may well caule theſe re: whye theſe gions,prouinces, a Prorul victis, (that is) ſuch as are oacccome regions are farce of, forafmuch as obre men doo nowe inhabite the ſame cauied pro vynces. us all the barbarous kynges and gdolatours bemge eiected. They entertegned them boith ſuch cheve as they were able to *** make them: as with the frutes of thoſe regions, and helde brcade bothe made of cootes and the gcayne Maiziura, Dcher pelicates to make bp the feat, were of theyzolone doze whi: che they bjonght with them in they beppes, as poudered flewe The thyrde decade. 120 Bethe, ſalced fpache, and bzcade made of whea:e. for they brought with them many barrelles of wheate meale foz the varrelles of fame purpoſe. Dere maye yobre holynes not without iude meale. caule of ad miracion beholde a kynges nauic and great multi tude of Chridians, inhabyringe not onely the regions ſituate under the circle of hcauen cauled Tropicus Cancri, but alſo a manet vnder the Equinoctiall lyne, contrary to thopinion of Habitable res the oblde bozyters, a fewe ercepted. But after that they are sions Ynder nowe metre togpther, let vs further declare what they derer ciall tyne. myned to doo. Therefožc, the dage after that the nauic arci: ued, there aſſembled a coompany of the Spanyardes thinha: bitonres of Dariend, to the number of foure hundjeth and fyf: tie men. Petrus Arias the gouernour of the nanie and his coom pany, conferred with them bothc priuilie and openlye of cers teyne articles wherof it was the tynges pleaſure he dhulde en quire: And moſt eſpecially as concernyng ſuch thynges bohet of Vaſcbus the fyzie fynder and admirall of the Southe ſea, made mentio in his large letter ſent frõ Dariend to Spayn.Jn this inquiſition they founde all thynges to bce trelcb, hecof Vaſchus had certifged the kynge by his letters: And there vp: pon concluded that in the dominions of Comogra, Pocchorroſa, e where the Tumanama, at thaiignement of Vefchus, certeine foztrelles tuld newe gouers bee erected foozthwith to thintente there to plant their colo: nour planted me oz habitacion. To the better accomplyiThemente hereof, fis habitació they ſent immediacly one Iobannes Aiori a noble younge gentel man of Corduba and bnder Lieuctenant, with foure bundzeth The Viage of men and foure cacauclles and one other lyttle thippe.thus de Johannes partinge, be ſagled fyzd directly to the hauen of Comogrus, dy che hauen Bant from Diriens aboute twentic and fyue leagues, as they of comogrus, wzyte in they lag lestcrs. Frome henſe, he is appoynted to fende a hundzeth and fyfrie of his fomre hundzety, towarde the South by a newe and ryghter bap founde of late, by the which (as they ſay, it is not patc.rrvi. leagues from the pa: laice of kynge Comogrus to the enterannce of the goulfe of Sancti Michaelis. The rclidewe of the foure hundzeth, mhall re: Sainte mos mayne there to bee an ayde and Cuccour to all Euch as mall io; chacls golfe ney to and fro. Ihole bundzeth and fiftie which are aligned to go ſouthwarde, take with them foz interpretours certcire of olvte men which had lerned the ſoothecae language of the boude men which were gpucn to Vaſchus when he ouercanne thale The thyrde decade. thoſe regions, and alſo certepne of the bondemen them feltés che Bauers bitch had nowe lerned the SpanyłThe tonge. They ſay that pouchorrofa. the hauen of Pocchorrofa, is onely [cuen Icaques diſtance frome the hauen of Comogrus. Fin Pocchorroſa, he is aligned to leaue #parfynger fyftic men with the lyghted topp which maye bce a pa Tinger (hyppe, beticne them: that lyke as we ble poſte borſes by lande, lo 2519 may they by this currant thippe, in mozte ſpace certific the Licuetenaunt and thinhabitours of Dariens of ſuche thynges is as thall chaunce. They entende alco to buplde houſes in the kyss Tumas regiou of Tumanama. The palaice of kynge Tuminama, is dittant boina. from Pocekorroſt about twentic leaques. Df theſe foure han: dieth men, beinge of the owlde Couldiers of Dariez., and mer occuriang of good experience, fyftte weare appoynted to bec as it were are officers Decurians, to guide and conducte the newe men from place deuided into tennes. TC. to place to do their affaires, when they had thus ſette all thynges in order, they thought it good to aduertiſe the king hereof, and therwith to certifyc hymn that in thoſe p?ouinces kyng Dabais there is a kynge named Dubaiba whole dominion is very riche ba. in golde: But the ſame to be yet untouched by reaſon of his great poloer. His kingedome ioynech to the ſeconde greate Che gold my: ryuer named Dabtiba after his name, whiche fauleth into the pes of Daba: iba. ſea owt of the corner of the goulfe of Vrsbs as we have large ly declared befoze. The common repojte is, that all the lande of his dominions is tyche in golde. The palayce of kynge The pallaice Dabaibs is fyfry leaques digante from Dariens, Thinhabitan of kyages: baiba. tes ſaye that from the palaice, the golde mynes reache to the Che goldłmy, bozthers on every ſyde. Albeit, obre men haue allo golde nes of Därtemynes not to bee contempned, euen within three leaques of 08. Dariens, in the which they gather goldcin many places at this p?efente: yet doo theye a fyzme greater picntie to bec in the myncs of Dabiiba. ga the bookes of owré fyztte frutes wżytten to yowre holyneſle, we made mention of this pabal; bay wherin owre men were deccaued and mylooke the mat: In erroure. ter. For where they founde the fy Iher men of kyng Dábaly ba in the marynhes, they thought his region had byn there Expedition'a: alſo. They determyned therfoze to ſende to kynge Dabeiba, Geinft kynge three hund?eth choyle younge men to be choích o wre of the pabaiba. hole army as mode apte to the warres, and well furnywheb with all kynoes of armoure and artillery, to thintent to go unto bym and byl bym, cyther frendly and peaceably to pit: Toethyrde decade. 121 møtte them to inhabyte parte of his kingdome with the feni: tion of the golde mynes, oz elles to bydde him battayle and Dłyne hymowte of his countrep. 3in their letters, they often rpmes repete this foz an argument of great rycheđe to coome, Sreat plentie of golde, that they in maner dygged the grounde in noo place, but founde the earthe myrte with ſparkes and (maule graynes of golde. They haue allo aduertiſed the kynge that it Malbe commodious to place inhabitours in the hauen of Sancta Mur. The regyon pha in the region of Saturms, that it maye bee a place of refuge of Saturma for them that faple from the Flande of Dominics from the whi: The Jlande che(as they ſaye) it is but foure oz fyue dayes Caplyng to that of Dominica, hauen of the regyon of Saturmi: And from the hauen, but thre dayes ſaplyng to Dariens, But this is to bet vnderttode in go- Darlena, 103 pnge and not in returnynge. Foz the returnyng from thenſe is ſo laborious and difficulte by reaſon of the contrary courſe Difficulte ſay of the water, that they ſeeme as it were to aſcende hyghe lyns agent the courſe of montaynes and aryue ageyndte the poure of Neptunus. This the ſea, Lloyfre courſe of the ſea towarde che Welte, is not ſo violente to them whiche terortne to Spayne frome the Jlandes of Hiſpaniols and cuba: Althoughe they allo do laboure ag cynle the faule of the ocean: The canle wherof is, that the fea is here verye large, ſo that the waters haue their full (coope. But it che tracte of Ptriathe waters are confcayned toge: ther by the bendynge Cybes of that great lande, and by the multytude of 3|landes lyinge ageynte it, as the lyke is ſeene in the traightes ol narowe ſeas of Sicilie where the violent courſe of the waters cauſe the daungerous places of Scylla rous ſtraigh- The daunges and Charybdis, by reaſon of thoſe narowe leas whiche conteine tcs of Scylls Ionium, Libicum, and Tirrhexum. Colonus the fyzt fynder of theſe r Charybdis, regyons, hath lefte in wyrynge, that ſaylynge from the 3: lande of Guanafft, and the pzouynces of Iais, Muid, and Ceru Gudnaffito baro, beyng tegyons of the weſt marches of Beragua, he founde Ltd the courſe of the water ſo vehemente and furious ageyndte Mihha the fazeparte of his thippe whyle he ſaited from thoſe coattes Cerabaro. towarde the fallte, that he coulde at no tyme touche the Beragua. grombe with his foundynge plummet, but that the contra: The vehe: ry vyolence of the water woolde beare it bppe from the bot: ment courſe tome. De affyzmerh alſo, that he coulde neucr in one hole of the ſea fro daye with a meately good wynde , wynnc one myle of the the eaſt to she wcft. courſe of the water, and this is the cauſe why they are of: 1 bula tentimes The thyrde decade. tentpmos enforced to fayle fyide by the Flandés of Oubi and Hiſpaniolt, and ſo into the mayne ſea toward the Rozth when they returne to Spaine, that the požthe wyndes maye fur: be north2 ther their vyage whiche they can not bzynge to palle by a di: wynde. recte courſe. But of the motions of the Dccan ſea to and fro, this wallufyce. Let vs now therfoje rcherſe what they wozite Sancta wes of Dariend, fe of their habitation there, which they caule Sancta rfa Antiqua, Maria Antiqua, planted on the ſea bankes of Dariend. The ſituati the fyzſta: bitation of on of the place, hath no narural munition of defenſe:And the the foonians ayer is moze peftiferous then in Sardus. The Spanythe inhabi: des in the tours, are all pale yelowe, lyke vnto them that haue the ye: fyume lande. lowe giaundyes.Whiche neuerehele le commerh not of the na: Sardus the ture of the region as it is ſituate vnder the heauen, foi in ma glande of Sardinia, ny regyons beyng vnder the ſelfe ſame degree of latitude, ha: The variety uyng the pole of the ſame eleuation, they fynd holſome e teme of regions ly- perate ayer in ſuch places where as the earth bzyngeth forth ynge under fayze (pzynges of water, oz where hollomo ryuers tunne by one paralel, on bankes of pure earthe without mudde: but moſte eſpecpally 10? where they inhabyte the ſydes of the hylles and not the val: o fool leyes. But that babytation whiche is on the bankes of the tyuer of Dariend, is ſytuate in a dcepe valley, and enuironed 3 on eucry {yde with byghe hylles: By reaſon wherof, it re: psd ceaueth thc Coonne beames at noonctyde directly perpenticu: hatut lar ouer their heades, and are therfore-loze vered by redectis on of the beames bothc before, behynde, and from the lydes. By what mea foy it is the reâection of the Coonne beames whiche cauleth nes the conne feruente heate, and not their accele og nercnele to the earth. caure of fer: folafmuche as they are not paưyble in them felues as dothe nem heate. many caly appeare by the Inowe lyinge contynually vnmol: ten vpon certeync hygh montaynes, as yobre holynelle kno: weth ryghte well. The Coonne beames therfoze faulyng on the montaynes, are reflected downwarde into the valley by reaſon of thobiecte of the declynynge ſydes of the hottes, as it were the faule of a greate rounde loone towied frome the toppe of a montagne. the valley therfoze receaueth, both thole beames whiche faule directly tijeron, and alſo thoſe whiche are redected dobonwarde from euery (yde of the mons The pernici taynes. Their habitation therfoze in Daiend, is pernicious eus ayer of and vnholſome onely of the particular nature of the place, Dariens, & not by the ſytuation of the region as it is placed under the heater The thyrde decade. 122 heauch or feate to the ſoonne. The place is alſo contagious by the nature of the ſøyle, by rcaſon it is coompared aboute with muddy and lynkynge maryflhes, thinfection wheroe is not a lyttle enccealed by the heate. The byllage it felfe, versidad is in a marythe, and in maner a ttandynge paddle, where; of roadta antu the droppes faulyng from the handes of the bond men whole flees engen: they water the pauementes of their houſes, toades are en dered of drone gendered immediately, as 3 my lelke ſale in an other place pes of water, the droppes of that water turne into Gees in the foomec ea: Con. Furthermore, where lo euer they dygge the grounde the deapthe of a handefull and a halfe, there fpringeth owte bnholſome and corrupte water of the nature of the rouer 28 which ranneth through the deepe e muddy chancl of the val: ley,and ſo fauleth into the ſea. Now therfore they conſulte of remouyng their habytarion. Necelytie cauſed them fyzt neceſfytie to fattent their foote heare, bycauſe that they whiche fpza ar: hath no lawe cpued in thoſe landes, were oppreữed with fache vrgente hunger, that they had to reſpecte to chaunge the place at: thoughe they were thus vered by the contagion of the ſoyle and heate of the Coonne, belyde the corrupte water and in: fectious ayer by reaſon of venemous vapours and erhalati.biz, ons ryſynge from the ſame. Another great incommoditie was, that the place was deftitute of a commodious hauen, beynge thzce leaques digante from the mourhe of the goulfe. he waye is alſo roughe and diffyculte to bżynge byttaples and other necellaries from the ſea. But lette vs nowe ſpeaker fumwhat of other particular thynges whiche chaunſed. Therfoze thoztly after that they weare arryued, there happe: ned many thynges wherof they had no knowledge befoze. & certayne weli learned philytion of Ciuile, bhome partcly thaurożytie of the bylihappe of Darient, and pactely the des [yze of golde had allured to thoſe landes, was lo carced with lyghinynge in the npghte feaſon lyinge in bedde wich his wife, that the houſe and all the tu te cherin beynge ſette 2 houre rette ok fyer and barnte, he and his wyfe beynge bothe fooze lyshtnynge, ons fyer with (coached, ränne foo the cryinge and almotte naked, hardely eſcapynge the daunger of deathe. At an other tome, as cer- 100gsede, tayne of them ftoode on the booze, a great Crocodylé Coben;" woured of a ly carped awaye a maty of a yeare and a halfe divlde, as a crocodyle, kyte Mulde haue Inatched vppe a chicken : And this euenit Tanquam canis Dh, ti, the Nilo, The thyrde decade HOT8 30023 the preſence of theym all, where the myſcrable dogge ceyen The byting in vagne for the helpe of his mapper. In the nighte ſeaſon of battle, they were toumcnted with the byłynge of battes bliche are there [oo nbyſome that if they byté any man in his leape, they putte hymn in daunger of lyfe, onely with drawynge of bludde: 3n ſo muche that ſumme haue dyed therof, fau: lynge as it were into a conſumption through the malyciout: u netce of the venemous woundc. f theſe battes chaunce to eyo924194 fynde a cocke oz a henne abhode in the night ſeaſon, they -324 y 2 byte them by the combes and ſo kylt them. They all whi: Zgong anda = che wente latte into theſe regions, do wzyte, that the lande tygers,ete is troubeled with Lrocodyles, Lyons, and tigers: But that they have no te detileb artes and ingens hove to take theme Lykewyſe that in the houſes of their felowes, they founde the hydes and caſes of ſuche Lyons and Tygers as they had kylled. They wzyte furthermoze,chat by reaſon of the ranke negle and frutefulnelle of the grounde, kyne [lyne, and hops sanreis: fes, doo maruelouùy increaſe in theſe regions, and growera Beaftes wer a muche bygger quantitie then they ithiche weare of the fitt bygger any broode. DE the ercedynge hyghneſl'e of thc trees with their the:r kynde, fruites, of the garden herbes, fruites, plantes, and feedes anased whicho owre men broughte from Spagne and lowed and ſee tekad the ſame in theſe regyons, lykebyle of the hertes and other o foure footed beattes bothe ramc and wylde, allo of Dpuers Hom the so: boe haue declared in the decades befoze. Carets the kynge of pop the go: kyndes of foules, byrdes, and fylphes, they wzitc euen as terreyned so the regyon of ciobóg was with them foz the ſpace of three kyng Careta, dapes: whome when they had frendly entertepned and ches uwed hyin the ſecreare places of their typpes, their houſes als ſo with their trappars, bardes, and other fürnimentes, be fyde many other thinges whiche ſeemed firaunge to hym, and had further delited his mynd With the harmony of their muſycall intrumentes, and gyuen hym many rewardes, they note, dyſmytted hym halfe amaced with to muche admyzation, i De ſygnifyed unto them, that their trees in that prouince, of the planckes wherof, if üyppes bece made, they ſhoulde Broma of Bifta,are bee ſafe from the boozmes of the ſea whiche they caule Broa wormes whi: mas. Dowe thele woozmes knawe and cozrode the myppes, che deſtroy wee haue declared before. Owre ltyppes are gceatly trouver Shippee, led baith this plage if they ige longe in the haucas of theſe reggons The thyrde decade. 123 regyones But they affyzme that the woodde of this trce is ſoo bytter, that the boozmes wyll not tage therof. There is alſo an other tree peculyar to theſe landes: whoſe lenues & venemous if they onely taucherhe bare in any place of a mannes body, treesboer chey caule greate blyfers, and thoſe ſoo malycious that its acis souhou os cepte the ſame bee foorth with healed with ſalte barev op fadynge ſpyttle, they doo incontynently engender Beabely paynes. They ſaye lykowyfe, that the lauqur of the Woodde. is preſente poylon: And that it can noo whither bee caryed perhappes without daunger of lyfe. When thinhabitauntes of the flachey: vene: lande of Hiſpaniola had oftenegmes attempted to thake of the mous arrows poke of fecuptude, and coulde neucr bzynge the came to palle chis woodds neyther by open warre noz yet by pziuye conſpiraces, they lo. cc. were determyned in the nyghte Ceaſon to haue kylled owro men in their Ucepe with the ſmoke of this woodde. But when the Chrißian men had knowledge bereof, they coms, pelled the podze wozetches to confefte their intente, and pus nyfted the chiefe autours of the dcuyle. They have alſo a scttapne herbe with the fauour wheroi they are pzeſerues fiuc agepng A preferias from the hurte of this venemous woodde ſo that they mayo popron, apo beave it ſafely. Df theſe ſmaule thyages it mall(wflyce too 9 haue Cayde thus muche. They looke Dayly foz many greater thynges to certyfye vs of from the glandes of the ſouth ſeas of ietaulle glande Fiog at ſuche tyme as the megenger whiche bżoughte oboze rea, letters departed from thonſe, Petrus Arias pzepared an cepedia tion to that tyche glande whiche Iyeth in the mouthe ot thje 021 mot goulfe caulcd Sinus S. Michaelis and reacheth into the ſouthe the ryche 38 ſea, beyng alſo lefte untouched of Vaſchus by reaſon that the land cauled ſea was at that tyme of the yeare ſoze troubeled with tem: Dites, petes, as wee haue further declared in Vaſebus his byage to the ſouthe. Wee looke therfoze dayly for greater thynges thon are hetherto patte, for they haue nowe taken in hand to ſubdue manye other pzouynces, whiche wee ſuppoſe too bee eptljer verye ryche, oz to biyuge furthe ſummie draunge Woojkes of nature. Iobannes-Diaz Soliſius of Nebrift (of bohome we haue made mention befoze) is cente by the froonte of the Auguftini, Cab, fertctt cape al poynte of Sancii Auguſtini (Whiche reacheth (ruer des of the eupil guees beyonde the Equinoctiall Iyne, and pertepnech'to the ſucceffe of dominion of the Portugalcs) to thintent to ouer runne the there viages, ſouthe fyde from the backehalfe of Paris, Cumana, Guguibacoa fu, Ziber, lt, with The thyrde decade. with the hauens of Carthago and Sameld Marthing of Dariens allo XKD Ber.igus, that możo perfecte and certeyne knowledge may alionas bee had of thoſe tractes. Furthermore, one Tohannes Porcius An erpcdition wasſente foolche with thzec thyppes to deđcoye the Lani to veſtroy the bales bothe in the lande and Flandes there aboute: albell Canibales, that the nations of the moze birmane and innocente people maye at the length Ipue without feare of thar peltiferous ges neration as alſo the better and more Cafely to Cearche the le: cert creates and rychede of thoſe regions. 1 any other lykewife Vybere ſente dpuers and lundiy baycs: as Gaſper Bedaiocius too ſearche the wel pactes: Franciſcus Bezerra, to faple by the cou a ner of the goulke 3 And Vileirss to pade by the mouthe og ens tecaunce therof to the batte coades of the goulfe to ſearche the fecreaces of that lande, in the whiche Foged: with his Fogaddict coompanye had of late beginne to plante their habitacun, and had buylded a foztcelle and a pollage. Badaiocius departed fyzáte frome Darien: With foute (coze ſouldiaurs well appoyna coussionated : Whome Lodouicus Mercado folowed with fyftpe: TO Bezerra were alſo foureſcozé a[ygned, and three [coze and Looke.decad. tenne to vedleus. Whether they thalt artyue at ſafe and coms tii, Lib.ir modious hancns, or faule into vafoztunate Nations, he onea ly knoweth whole prouydence ruleth all: for as foz vs men Coorwee are included within the knowledge of thinges after es they haue chaunced. Lette bs nowe therfoze coome LO OS ther matters, Cthe feuenthe booke of the thirde decade. Dostor Etrus Ariw the gouecnoar of the ſuppoſed ook tinente, was Icarly entred into the mapne fea with his naupe onwarde on his vyage to Dariens. Bute was aduertiſed that one Andreas Moralis a pilot who had oftentymes The nauigati ons of An: ouet cunne the coaties of theſe new ſeas and areas mos thejlandes of the ſame, was coome to the talis.courte to Cell fuche marchaundies as he broughte with hyn frome thenfeur This man had dyligently ſearched the tracte of the ſuppoſed continente, and eſpecpally thinner regyons of the lande of Hiſpaniolit, whetunto he was appophted by bis The thyrde decades 124 his biother Nicolaus Orandus( the gouernour of the glánd and chiefe Lommendatozy of the older of the knyghtes of Alcanes Tu) bycauſe he was a wytty man and more apte to ſearche luz che chynges then any other: So that with his blone hau, e tuasien! des he diewe faire cardes and tables of ſuche regyens as hee Blountai diſcoutered. Wherin as he hath bynne founde faythfull of Cuche as hane fence had better trpall hereof, fo is he in modo credyt emongelt the beſt fortcode therfore relozted to me 2 as all they are accufiomed to doo, whiche vetourne from the Ocean. what learned of hpm and dyters other of thin: a particular ges heretofoze vnknowen, 3 wyli nowe declave. The begin: deſcription nynge of this narration, thalbe the particular Beſcription of of the Flande of Difpaniola theylande of Hiſpanialay fogalmudhe asit is the beade and as it weare the principali matte or all thelyberality of the oce: an and hath a thouſandc and againe a thouſande fayze, plea: Nereides are faune, bebottfull, and ryche Nereides whiche lye aboute it on the rea, he euery ſyte, abouungnge this their ladye and moocher, as it meaneth 3. mere, another Tethis. the wyfel of Neptunus, enuyvonynge het landes, aboutez, and arttudonge bpponhev as their queene and pa: Tethis the tronelle. But of theſe Nereiades( that is to ſave theglanocs wyfe of Nep placed aboute her) we will ſpeake more hereafter. Lette vs goddeſſe of in the meane tyme declare cumwhat of the flande whiche che ſea, oldre mon named Margarifes Diues ( Whiche the Spanyardes The Flande caule Delas perlás) beyng nowe well knowen, and lyinge in the of margari: ſouthe ſea in the goulfe tauled Sinus Sancti Michaelis ( that is) Saincte mi: ſainte michaels goulfe! This Fland hath preſently brought chaels goulfe to owre knowledge many avaungeand woonderfull thyniges and pzomyWeth no Thaule hope of greater thynges in tyme to sreat perles coome. 3n this is founde great plentie of pcarles fo fayze the e great that the ſumptuous queene Cleopatra myght hatte (ce: med to weare them in her crownes, chaynes, and byaüet tes. of the thelfp[thes to herin theſe are engendered, wee wyll [peake fumwhat moze in thenbe of this narration. But irt bs nowe returne to Hifpaniola modelyke bnto the earthly pa: nifreniota vadyle. In the beleviprian hereof, we boyll begynne of the lyke Ynto the impoſyrion of Dyuévſe names : Then of the forme of the 13 egrthly parec dyfe, lands, temperate aper and benefyciall heauen: And fynally of the deuilyon of the vegpons. Therfove toz the rygliter pzo- nunlpation of the names, pobze holynelle mulle onderlande that they are pronounced with chaccent, as yowe may knob by the The thyrde decade. by the berge ſette ouer the beddes of the vowels, as in the name of the Jlande Matinino, where the accente is in the lat vowell, and the lyke to be vnderſtoode in all other names, The fyftin: They ſaye therfoze, that the fyzte inhabitours of the land Habitours of Hifpaniola bere tranſported in their Canoas (that is boates made of one hole pyece of woodde) from the Flande of Mitinino, beynge to helyke banylthed men d?puen from then[c by reaſon of certaine Dardanus . Contrary factions and diuifyons emonge them ſelues,lyke as lbee reade hawe Dardanus came from Cory:ho, and Teucrus from Teucrus. Crent into Aſia, and that the regyon where they placed their Troianum, habitation, was afterwarde cauled Trolanum. The lyke wee circans gidoriak: reade howe the Ticians and Sidonians arryned with their io nauye in Libya by the fabulous conduction of Dido. Thele 2atininans in like maner beynge banyrthed from their owne Sab51319 countrey, planted their fyltte habytarion in that parte of the at Fland of Hiſpaniola whiche they caule Cahonso, bpon the banke Enis. 19 of che ryuer tamet Bababoni: As is redde in the begynnyage Latines of the Romaynes that Eneas of prope aryued in the regiou sd dhe DE Jtaly cauled Latium vppon the bankes of the cpuer of ci: robe 10319 ber. Within the mouche of the rpuer of Bababoni, fyech ang en lande where it is Cayde that thinhabitauntes bupided theic fyzdte bolle whiche they named cunoteia. This home they asd conſecrated moztely after, and honoured the ſame reuerently SITETICS with continual gyftes and monumentes, euen bnryl the coms pleruſalem mynge of owre men, lyke as the Chriftians haue euer relygy: o edo oudly honoured Jeruſalem the fountayne and oryginall of Otore faythe: As alſo the Turkes attribute the lyke to the Mecha Cytie of Mecha in Araby, and thinhabptantes of the fortunate The 3landes of Canaric, Flandes (cauled the flandes of Lanarye) to Tyr. buylded bppon a hyghe tocke from the whiche many were wounte with joyfull myndes and longes to cađe them ſelues downe headlonge, beyng perluated by their pricûes that the Coules of all ſuche as lo dyb for the loue of Tyrmi, fulde therby en lope eternall felgcity. The conquecours of the landes of Canarie, founde them yet teniaynyng in that ſuperftition, c- aty CE aen yntyll owne tyme: oz yet is the memory of their ſacris Eyces ytterly wozne awaye: The rocke alſo relerueth the owlbe name unto this daye. 3 have alſo learned of late, that there yet temayneth in the Flande ſumme of the factions Betanchoi, of Betancher the freniye inan and fyzde that broughte the 31 freschmas, landes The thyrde decade. 125 Tandes to good culture and ciuilicie bepng therto lyeenced by the kynge of Lattile as 3 haue fayde before. Theſe doo yet (foz the molte parte) obſerne borbe the language and maners of the frenchemen, although the eyres and ſucceïours of Bei o 24 tanchor, had coulde the two ſaboned glandes to certeyne men som of Lattile. get thinhabitours whiche furceded Betanchor, and buylded them houſes and encreaſed their families there, do contynue to this dape: And lyue quietly and pleaſanntly with the Spanyardes, not greued with the charpe coulde of Fraunce. But lette vs nowe returne to thinhabitauntes of Matinino and Hiſpaniola. The lande of Hiſpanioht was fyzdte The fyzit ne nanted by the fyztie inhabitours, Quizqueia, and then Hati. mes of pils and this tot by chaunce, 02 at the pleaſure of Cuche as divis paruole. fed theſe names, but of credulitic and belefe of Cumme great con efecte for Quizqueis, is as mache to faye as a great thinge: And that ſo great that none mape bec greater. They inter: prete alſo, that Quizqucis Cygnifyeth, large, vniuerfall,oz al, in like ſignification as the Breekes named their god cauled Pan: Bycauſe that for the greatnes therof, theſe ſymple Cou:P les ſuppoſed it to bee the hole worlde: And that the foonne beames gaue lygbte to none other woulde but onely to this glande with the other adiacente aboure the ſame and thecbppon thoughte it moi woozthy to bee cauled great, as the greateſt of all other knowen to them. Haiti is as muche ta faye by interpretation, as coughe, tarpe, od ccaggie. But by a fygurative ſpcache canled denomination( Wherby the hole is named by part) they named the hole gland Haiti (that is) roughe: foi as muche as in many places the face of this gland is cough by reaſon of the ccaggie montaynes, horrible The rough thicke booddes, and terrible Darke and diepe valleys enuy: merre of bife toned with great and highe montaynes, althoughe it bec in panola mange other places erceadpnge bewtifull and dozplchynge. bere mute wee ſumwiat digride from thoider we are ente: red into. Perhappes your holyneđc wyll inaruell by what Reanes theſe Cpmple men thoulde of Coo longe conrgnyance beare in minde luche principles, where as they haue no know Icdge of letters. So it is therfoze, that from the beginningc, theic pzinces haue euer bon accutomed to committe cheir chil: Chemarer bzen td the gouernaunce of their wile men whiche they caule Boitios, to bee intructed in knowledge, and to beare in me Ji wote of lernynge The thyrde decade. mozie ſuche thynges as they lerne. They gyue them feluts chieâlye to two thynges: As generally to lerne thoziginall and ſuccelle of thynges: And particularlye to rcherpe the nos ble factes of their graundefathers great graundefathers and wallets and auncettours aſ well in peace as in warce. Theſe two thinges rhymes. they haue of owlde tyme compoſed in certeyne myters and eunion 70 ballettes in their language. Theſe rhymes oz ballettes,they 30, nabiul caule Areitos and as owre mynttrelles are accutomed too ſynge to the harpe og lute, fo doo they in lyke maner ſynge theſe longes and daunce to the ſame, playinge on tymbjelles made of mels of certen fylthes. Theſe tymbz els they caule Ma Singing and guei. They haue alſo conges and ballettes of loue: And o: Soonges of ther of lamentations and mooznyng: Summe alſo to enco: loue and mooz tage them to the barres, with cuery of them their tebones a: nynge, greable to the matter. They exercyſe theym (elues muche in daunceinge, wherin they are verye actyue and of greater agi: litie then obre men, by reaſon they gyue them ſelues to nos thyng ſo muche, and are not hyndered with apparell whiche is alſo the cauſe of their ſtiftenelle of foote. Jn their bat: lettes lefte them of their aunceſtours, they haue prophecies, of the comminge of owre men into their countrcy. Theſe they propheſies, ſynge with mooznyng and as it were with gronyng, bewayle the lode of their lybettic and ſeruitude. Foz theſe prophecies make mention that there thoulde coome into the glande Mag Note Om noe guacochios; that is, men clothed in apparell, and armed with 02 (uchelwoordes as tulde cutte a man in (under at one froke: vnder whoſe yoke their pofteritie thulde bee ſubduedu And Theya famili: here I do not maruell that their predicellours coulde prophe aritte with: cye of the feruitude and bondage of their fuccellyon, if it bee fpirites trewe that is ſayd of the familiaritie they baue with ſpiciers opy whiche appeare to them in the night, wherof we haue lavge: ly made mention in the nynth booke of the firft decade, where alſo wee haue entreated of their zemes(that is) their Jboles che deuyl is and Images of diuelles whiche they honoured But they dzyuen awaye faye that fence theſe zemes were taken awaye by the Chtifti by baptiſme ans, the ſpirites haue no moze appeared. Dire nien afcube this to the Cygne of the croße wherwith they defende theyni ſelues from ſuche fpiritcs. For they are nowe all clenſed and ſanctifyed by the water of baptime wherby they haue tenoun ced the deuet and are confecrated the holy members of Chrifi , theg The thyrde decade. 126 1 they are vniuerſally Rudyous to knowe the boundes and ly: Surueyers mettes of their regions and kingdomes: And eſpecially their Mitaini (that is) noble men. So that even they are not ytterlye ignozante in the Curuepinge of their landes. The common people haue none other care then of Cettynge, Cowynge, and they lyne as plantynge. They are mootte experte fyfryers, by veaſon chat much in the throughowte the hole years, they are accuſtomed Daytye to water as on plounge them ſelues in the ryuers, ſo that in maner they lyue the laude no leữe in the water then on the lande. They are alſo giuen to huntynge. Foz (as 3 haue Cayde, befożc) they hané cwoo kyndes of foure foored beatles, wherof the one is lyttle cun: mes cauled veids, and the other Serpentes named Tutands Crocodile muche lyke bnto crocodiles, of epght footelength, of mode is much lyke pleaſaunte tate, and lyuynge on the lande, all the glandes to owr ewte moozyle innumerable byides and foules: As ſtacke boues, or Zpferte buckes, geefe, hearons, byſyde nolelle number of popingiais Brides and foules then (paromes with bs. Lucrg kynge bath his ſubiectes de Popiggарев uided to fundiye affaires: as fumme to hyntynge, other to 319 fylthynge, and other ſumme to huſbandzye: Butlet bo nolap, 10 returne to ſpeake further of the nantes. We haue fayde that Quizqueia and Haiti, were the oulde names of this lande. the holo gllande was alſo cauled Cipanga of the region of the Cipangá. montäynes aboundynge with golde: Lyke as owrc ancience poetes cauled all Italye Larium of parte thecol Thertozé ás calýtalled they cauled Auſonia and Heſperia, Italie, tuen ſoo by the na: Larfum 333 mes of Quizqueid, Haiti, and Cipangd, they underbode the hole 382 lande of Hiſpaniola. Dwre men dyd fyzde name it Iſabelid of 3rabella, queene Delíſabeth whiche in the Spanythe tounge is cauled afabella: And ſo named w of the fyzt Colonië where they plan: 23.948 ted their habitation bpon the banke nere unto the ſea on the. Routhe lyde of che Flande, as inee haue further declared in the fyzde decade. But of the names, this thau Cuttyce. Lette ouse donin bs nowe therfoze (peake of the forme of the Jlande. Thep the glande of The forme of whiche fyzie ouer ranne it, deſcribed it vnto me to bee Iyke biſpaniola the leafe of a chelinurte tree, with a goulfe towarde the welt Tyde lyinge open ageynd the glande of Cuba. But the erpecte Chyppe maytter Andreas Moralis, bzoughte me the forme chcrof fumwhat differynge from that. fo from bothe the cozners, as from the Eaſtc angle and the Welt, he deſcribed it to be ins idented and eaten with many great goulfes, and the coznets 3 leil, to reache The thyrde decade to reache foozthc berge Farve: and placeth manje large and (afc hauens in the great goulfe on the Lead [ydes Butt 3trua hajtely fno to tranaple fucther herein, that a perfecte carde 2 particular of the particular deſcription of Hiſpaniolă maye bee fente inta panidan yobte holphelle. Foz they haue nowe dyawne the Beogua: phicall deſcription cherok in cardes, cuen as yowre holynette ja hatt leene the forme and ſytuation of Spagne and stalye Daa: 1910 bith their montaines, valleyes, tyucus, cities, and colonies. 1970 saya tete vs therfoze Without Chamfafineſte compare the flande ad grybes sign of Hiſpaniola to Italie, fumtpme the heade and queene of the Hifpaniola Hole boildt. Foz if bee confyder the quantitie, it Thalbee compared to 3talie, Eöunde lyttle Ice, and muche moze frurefull. It reachech ftom ihe Latte into the Wette, fyue hundzeth and foztye mig: Estonya des accordynge to the computation of the later ſearchers: vegas 9107 Althoughe the admyzáll fumwhat incvealed this number as @us! Wee haue fayde in the fyzde decades 3]t is in bucadth'lumme bheve, almotte thèce hund eth mylesand in ſumme places natower where the corners are sprended. But it is Cuerly The tempera ture of kilpa: muché moze bleed and fortunate then italie: Beynge for niola. the moode parte therof (o temperate and do plchynge thas it is Heyther veped with ſharppe couldez nozaflucten with immoderate heatr. t hath botte the Depinges oz conuerly: The egninog: dns of the loonne (tauled Solftitia) in maner equall with the suallo, ak ayd Equinoctiall, with lyrtle difference betwene che length of 984 niate the daye and noghte throughout all the yeare. Fou on the sited the fouth fode, the day afcendeth ſcarcely an houre in length yo Beaded aboue the nyghtes oz contrary boyſe. But the dyfference is Coulde accis moje on the nozthe ſyde, yet are there ſummc regions in the dental, and glande in the whiche the coulde is of ſum fozce. But yowre not by the fra holyncare mude vnderttonde this to bee incident by reaſon of the Tegion, the obiecte oj nearence of the mountaines, as wet wyl moze 1912718 largely declare hereafter. yet is not this coulde ſo pearcynge 0316220 Di ſharpe, that thinhabitantes are moleted with (nowe 0) bytynge frađe. 31n other places, the lande enioyeth petpe. Perpetual 1pringe and tuall (puinge tyme, and is foztunate with contynuall Coomico foomer,e and haruell. The trees flozylhe there all the hole peare: And moda che medowes contpnue alway greene. all thynges are erceas aruelous dynge foztunate, and growe to great perfection. Dow bons frucfuinea derfully all garden herbes and fcutes too encreale, foo that within the (pace of (extene dages after the feede is ſowne, al berbes The thyrde decade. 127 herbes of (maule teames, as lettele, bojage, tabythe, and fuche other, coome to their full rypeneſe : And alſo howe herbes of the bygger lojte, as gourdes, meloncs, chcumers, pompons, citrons, and ſuche other coome to their perfections de in the ſpace of thirtie dapes, bee haue ſufficiently declared to the elles where. De the beađes tranſpozted out of Spaine the Beasties ther, wee haue Capde hobe they grobe too a muche greater kunde: Jn ſo muche chat when they faule into communica: Oren and tion of the open o2 kyne,they compare them in bigneile to cle fwyne of er: ceadyng byss phantes, and ſwyne to mules: But this ſumbhar by an er: celiyue kynde of ſpeache. Wee haue alſo made mentioh how "Strico their (wynes felche is moze ſaugurye and of farre better and a3b7100013 moze pleaſauntr taſte and moze hollome then obres, by rea- ſon they arc fcdde with the frutes of globalane trees, and smyne fed other pieafaunte and nuryſmynge fruites of that contreg, with myrobe whiche growe there of them ſelues, as do with bs beeches; lanes holly, & okes. Wyncs woolde alſo pzoſper there with marues uides lous encreale, if they had any regard to the plantinge therof. Eche lyke encreaſe commeth of wheate if it be foben bppou wheate the mountagues where the colde is of ſume [trength: bur not in the playnes, by reaſon of to much fatncs and rankenes of the gromnde. It is in mane incredible to hcare that an carc of wheate fhuld bee bygger then a mans arme in the bramne, an eare of and more then a ſpanne in length, bearynge alſo moze then a bes as a mão thouſande grayrics, as they all confeßle with one boyce, and arine in the erneftly affirme the ſame withothes. Yet they ſay the bread bratne of the lande (cauled Caxakli made of the toote of Ixcort, to the bread of bee moze hollome, becauſe it is of eaſyer digction, and is.cul the Ilondes tured with leſíc labour and greater increaſes the reſidue of Ana) the tyme which they ſpende not en (ettynge and plantynge, solds, 14.30 they betowe in gatheringe of golde. They haue nome ſuche plentie of foure footed beads,that hozles and ose bydes bith breat plenece thecpe ſkynnes and goate ſkyns and ſuch other, are brought of cattayle, from thenſe into Spayne: So that nowe the doughtecia maz ny thynges helpeth and ſuccurreth her mother. Df the trees Bierile, of bjalile,fpices, the graine which coloureth (taclet in bright Welky, fhinynge redde, maftif, getdampine cotton, the pzecicus mes tali cauled Electrum, and ſuch other commoditics of this 3 lande, we have ſpoken ſufficiently befoze. What therefore Bolsas can chance moze happy bnto man bpon the earch,then there go lyue Sofiampine Electrums The thyrde decade. Incominodes ties of intem: to iyue where he neede not to bee Diguen to cloſe cháumbers pergt regtog bith sharpe coulde oz fayntynge heate ? Roy yet in twynter Csattoos b20 Geyther to bee laden with beauy apparell, oz to buvne the thin atomo nes with continual ſyttyng at the fyer, which ihonges make nolſome ayer men oulde in dogt tyme by teloluinge the natural heate, wher ud water of a thouſande Diſeaſes inſue. They allo afirme the ayer to bee berp healthfull, and the waters of the ryuers to bee tto Bolde, cuery hete bolkome as they whiche baue theyz continuall courte wheres na sua through the eauch ofthe golden mynes. ffoz there is in ma: DEQMD: VYUOC, komountaynds, and but fewe playnes that are httecty without golbec Bud detrbs noide at the length coonte to the parttcular Befeription of the inner pactes of this bleſ: Chedefcripti fedelante wie hate befoze pectated hole it is in maner e: on of the qually diuided with fouce gredte rywers Deſcendinge fronie the glande, bogh mountaynes: Whero that which runnech towardethe Latt, is cauled Tannt, as that towarde che Welt is named Ato gibunicus ulje thyide is Naiba oz Halb which runneth South: watdeathefourth is cauleda Baches and fauleth toward the 18son bith. But this mippe matter, hath brought an other del: 70900 cription obferucd of thinhabitantes from the begynnynge neem dard let vs thertoje díuide the hole Flande into fiue pactes, cau. *358 qe? lynge the tegions of euery pzouince by theyz owlde mantes: and fonally make mention of Cuche thynges as ate woozchpe memziy in etirty of them. Thobegynninge of the Flande of the tatt Tyde is conteyned in the province named Cazdmé : 341439 Vaud die ſo named foz thac in thepz language cimu,fignifieth the front zorg og begynnynge of any thynge. After this, folowech the pzo: .2002 es duto uince of Huhabo, and then Caihabo. The fourth is Bainod, Gracts enogat ixrimt contegneth the lett cognet. But the ladt Caue one; Bainoa The citie of r is of larger boundes then the three other, Caizcimu reachethe Dominicke from the fyra fronte of theilande to the cyuer Hozama, whi: che outineth by the citie of Cagnt mominicke. But towarde The moun: the Rojth fode, it is ended at che rough mountapnes of Haia aynesofistis Hubabo, is included within the mountayues Haiti and the nått en ryuer laciga. Célabo the tljyyde prouince, conteyneth all that 16 Iyeth betwere Cübaho and Ddhatio, euen unto the mouth of the The mount: ryuer of-Iuccba Oy. Iache tone of the foure which diuide the 31 caynes of Ci: lande equally) and aſcendèche to the mountaynes of cibaus, baua lühere the greatellte plentie of golde is founde : Dwte of the which alſo the ryuec Derahus (pzingeth: and idynynge with the The thyrde decade 128 the ſpringés of the rpåer of Naibag (being an other of the foure which dluideth the Jlande towarde the Courb ſea)fauleth to an other banke of the rpuer of (aynt Dominicke. Bainot, bez gynneth at the confines of Caiabi, and reacheth cucn vnto the The Flande of Cahini plande of Cahini which lieth neare bnto the ſea bankes of the north ſyde of the glande where wee Cayde that they erected the fyzit colonie of habitacion. The pzouince of Gudccaiarint, t of provinces occupieth the remanent towarde the beſt. This they named diuided to Guaccaiarintay bycauſe it is the extreme b? vttermolt parte of the regions Flande. For Iarima in theyz language ſignifieth the tavle og ende of any thynge: And Gudy is an article whiche they br@ often tymes in the names of thynges: And eſpecially in the names of thepi kynges : as Guarionexius, and Guaccanarillus. 39 103 the province of caizimu, avethele regions: Higuel, Guanama, Reytenband re, Xagud; Aramana, Arabo, Hazod, Macorix, Caiacos, Gudingud, Baguanimabo Of theyafgte: and the rough mountaynes of Haiti.. Here let us ſpeake fume rations what of thepz aſpirations which they ble otherwyfe then the Latins doo. It is to bee noted that there is no aſpiration in theyz vowels, which hath not theffecte of a conſonant. So that they pronounce theyz aſpirations moze vehemently then wee do the conſonant.f.pe, all ſuche woolbes as in their tonge are afpivate, are pronounced with lyke byeath and ſpis rire as is.f. Tauing that herein the nearher lyppe is not mos ued to thuppermoft teethe. With open mourhes and ſhakynge theyz bycttes chey bytath out theſe aſpirations, ha, hc, hibo, bu, The pronunch as the bcbzeics and Arabians are accutomed to pronounce ation of the thepis. g fönde alſo that the Spanyardes bfe the lyke behes Arabians, Hebrewes z mence in the aſpirations of thofe wooldes whiche they haue The movies receaued of the woozes # Arabians which poſleđed Spaine, and Arabika and continued there many yeares: As in theſe woordes Alno poffered baddds whiche fignifieth a pyllawe og bolter : Ailo Almohand, Spayne that is, a horſe combe: With dyuers ſuch other woodcs bhi che they (peake it mauer with panting breftes and vehement ſpirite. 3 haue thought it good to rehcrſe theſe chynges, by caule amonge the Latines it often tymes foo chaunceth that onely the accent og afprvacion,chaungcth the ſignification of home the af the boozde: ag bord, for an houre, and out for the plurale piration chann number of this woolde los, which fignifieth the mouth : Qlfo getk the lig: ordy, which ſignifterh regions oz coales. The lykeallo chaun nification of ceth in the diuerfiție of the accente, as occido jį kyll, and occk wordes do 3 The thyrde decade. I 3 to y faule tuen to in the language of theſe finiple men, there are many chynges to bee obſerved. But let bs nowe returne to the deſcription. 31 the prouince of Hubsbo, are theſe regi: Se ons : XIMARS, Cambucod, Culsbo, with many other, the names wherof 3 baut not yet learned. The prouince of Caibabo, con Dywers lan teyneth theſe regions: Msgut, and Cacacubando Thinhabitan: guages fra tes of this region, hane a peculyat language much differinge Be lande from the common language of the land, and are cauled Me: eoryxes. Schere is alſo an other region caaled Cubskin whoſe language difetech from the other. Iykewyle the region of in Baiobaigus, hach a dyters toongc. There are alſo deher regis Dons, as Dahsbon, Cybaho, and Msabaho. Catoy is in the moodle besef the lande. By this tunneth, the cpuer Nicius: And the montaynes cicled Mchaltin, Huzua and Neibsynso, confine wtry One of the ſame. Já the province of Beinss, are the regions of Má ezio gudri, Iagohsiucho, Boursco, Debsiagues, and Ateibuni, ſo named of the Grego tyuer: Allo Csinga, Buktici, Dahabonici, Maligusriti, Atiei, Miccezina, Cusbubba, Arrinici, Msrien, Gu.sricca, Amnaguei, X.usgus, Yaguana, Arznei , Lacchi, Honorucco, Disguo, C.Indie, and Neibisimo. J8 Guccaierim. the lat prouince, theſe regisns are contepked': Mwicar so, Gudangud, Tsquerizsbo, Nimics, B.tino.s the lete, esbuyni, Iam uzi, Men.sbsx4o, ZA ***** 3 **, Habicos, and Ayqueros. But let us entreate fund hat of the #gregte caue particulars ef the regions, in the province of Csizcimu, boitin on the rocke in the great goulfe of the beginnynge, there is a greate cane of g moun in a hollowe tocke under the roote of a hygh mountayne, & cayne, bout twoo furlouges from the feas she enterie of this caue is not much bnlyke the dooies of a great temple, beinge bety I daurgerus large and turnynge many wayes, Andreas Mordis the top na enterpufc tter, at the commandement of the 'gouernonre, tempted to ſearche the caue with the ſmaulet vetiels. Dc layeb that by iners deuou certeyae prinie Wayes, mange ryuers have concourſe to this fed of caues, caue as it were to a linke ez chanell. After therperience here of, they ceaſed to maruaile whither other cpuers canne wht: Segui che commynge fourelcove and tenne mples, were (walowed bp, ſo that they appeared no more, noz yet fell into the lea by any knowen bayes. Rowe therfoze they ſuppoſe that ry mers [Walowed bp by the holowe places of that ftony moun: fapke, faule into this caue.As the thipmatter entered into the caue hls tippe was almol (walowed ffoz he faith that there ere many whyzlepooles and tpfinges oz boylinges of the wa IEF, The thyrde decade. 122 Eer, which make a biolent conficte and horrible rožynge one encountetyng the other. Allo many huge holes e holowe pla: whirlepooles ces:So that what on the one ſyde with the whicle pooles, i and conflicte of waters, on the other lide with the bopling of the water, his qyp was long in maner toled bp and downe lyke a baule. jt greatly repented hym that he had entered, yet knewe be no way holo to come fozth. He now wandered in darkenede, afwel foz the obſcureneđe of the caue into the which he was farre entered, clowdes in as alſo that in it were thicke cloudcs engendered of the moif the caue. bapours pzoceading of the condicic of the waters whiche có: tinually faule with great biolence into the caue on enery ſide. be comparech che nople of theſe waters, to the faule of the famous tpuer of Nilus from the montaines of Ethyope. They The Catarse bere al ſo deafe,that one could not here what an other ſaid, tes of Nálue But at the length with great daungere feare, he came fooztb of the cauc as it had byh owte of hdl. aboute chzee fcoze mi: les diftante from the chiefe citie of ſaincte Dominicks, there are certeyne hyghe montagnes vppon the toppes wherof is a lake oz fandynge poole inacceſible, neuer per ſecne of them poole in the whiche cane latelye to the Flande, bothc by reaſon of the toppe of a conghneſe of the montaines, and alſo for that there is noo hysh moule pathe oz open wape to the toppes of the ſame. But at the cayne. length the thyppe maifter beinge conducted thether by one of kynges, aſcended to the toppes of the montaines and came to the poole. Bee ſaith that the coulde is there of Cum force. 0 0 And in token of wynter, hoe founde ferre and beamble buc: fferne and Bes, whiche two growe only in coulde regions. Thele mon: ſhes, grome b:embic bit: tapnes, they caule Ymiz xi Hibabaino. This poole is of frethe only in coulde Water three myles in compafle,and wel repleny[ord with di: regions. Merle kindes of fyf hes.many (maule riuers oz brookes faute to isso into it. gſt hath no palage olote, becauſe it is on euery fyde encloſed with the toppes of monraynes. But Iette bs nowe [peake of an other poole whiche maye well bee cauled a ſea in the mydlande Rhe Carplane and bee coompared to the Caſpian oz and birchi Dircanian ſea in the fyzme landjob, ar fear Als with certeyne other la: kes and pooles of frelipe water. The thyrde decades The cyghte booke of the thicde decade. De pzouynce of Bainoa beynge thuile as bygge as the thzee fyzit, that is, Caizcimu, Vhabo, and Caihabo, includeth a valley named Caiouani, in the which there is alake of Calte, Coure, and bytter water, as wec teade of the ſea caules great lake of Toure-and Caſpium, lyinge in the firme lande betwene Sar. raite water. maria and Hircania. Wce haue therfoje named it Caſpium, als Swalowinge thoughe it bee not in the region of Hiacanid. Jt hath manye gouffes, (walowinge goulfes, by the whiche, bothe the water of the ſca (pringeth into it, and alſo fuche as faule into it from the Sen fy fſhes. montaines, are (walowedivppe. They thyncke that the cas in takes of ues thetof, are fo large and deepe, that great fylthes of the the midlande ſea patle by the ſame into the lake. Emonge theſe fyſies, there is one cauled Tiburonus whiche cutterh a man in ſundet The deuous by the myddett at one ſnappe with his teethe, and deuoureth rynge fylhe hym. Jn the ryuer Hozami, runnynge by the chicfe citie of cauled T ibua ſayncte Dominicke, theſe Tiburoni do ſumeymes coome from ronus.. the ſea and dcuoure manye of thinhabitauntes: Eſpecially fache as do dayly ploonge them ſelues in the water to thin: The rouers tent to keepe their bodyes verpe cleane. The tyuers whiche that faule in: faule into the lake, are iheſe. from the Northe (yde, Guania to the lake Garpium, nicabon: from the Southe, Xaccoei: from the Eate, Gwannabe and from the wet, Occod. They Cape that theſe ryuers are great and continuall: And that beſyde theſe, there are. Er. CC afpynges Other (maule rpuers whiche faule into this caſpium. Allo oti within the fpace of a the Northe fyde within a furlonge of the lake, there are as Furlonge, bone twoo hundzeth ſpringes, occupyinge lykewiſe aboute a furlonge in circuite, the water wherof is coulde in (oomer, freſhe allo, and hollome to bee dzoonke Thele (pgynges make a ryuer that can not bce baded ouer, whiche neare at: bande iogaynge with the other, fauleth into thelake. Bere gracie. mufte weetaye a bhyle. The kynge of this rcgyon founde his wyfe praying in a chapel builded by the Lhziſtians wich: in the pzecincte of his dominion, and required her coompanie to ſatiſfye his flethely luđe. Dis wyfe repzoued hym, and The indian put hym in remembzaunce to hauc reſpecte to the holye place. languages The woozdes whiche thee (pake to hym, were theſe: Teltocu, Teltocan The thyrde decade. Igo ken duimme lok Teitoca : Whiche'is as muche to ſaye, as, bee quget, bëe quyet Techef's cynato guamechyna: That is, god byl bee greatly angeries Guamecbyna, ſøgnifyeth god, Techets greatly, Cynato angcit. But the huſbande halynge her by the arme , Cayde: Gusibbs, that is, go : Cynato rauca bucd guamecbyna : That is : what is that to me if god be angerye? And with theſe wooides as he pio: E kyng ftrics fered her violence, foodeniye he became dumme and lame. pet by this myracle beynge friken with repentannce, becuer and lame by : myracle, after ledde a velygious lyfe: 3n foo muche that from thenle foozthe hee woolde neuer Cuffer the chapell to bee fiepte oz decked with any other mannes hande. By the ſame myzacles manpe of thinhabitauntes and all the chutians boyng mo rieb, teſogted devoutly to the chappelli, whey take it a good parte that the kynge fut feted the cevenge of that reproches Lette bs nowe retourne to Cafpiuma suhat Calte lake is totleb with formes and tempefies : and oftentymes drownethu slast Emanle myppes or fylther boates, and (malolbeth them vppe boich the marynets : 9n formuche that it hath not byn harde Sach as are öf, that any man dzolpned by myppelo lackes venev ploonged drowned in bppe ageynes oz was ca fie on the ſhores ás cominonly chauns the lake are cech of the Deade bobyes of fuche as até drobned in tbe lea ageyner atbele rempettes, are the deintie banquetes of the Tiburones.be this cafpium, is cauled Hagueigabon, ju the myddelt hereof, 19.34oris Iyeth an iſlande named Gusrizaccts to the lvbiche they veloute cheglando when they go afplöpnger: But it is not cultured. There is the mydden' In the ſame playne,an other lake nexte bnto chis, whole ba: of the poole. ter is myrte of Calte and fresher and is therfoze mother apre a lake of raki to bce Dzoonke; not yet to bee refuſed in brgenre nedellyties and fremme this conteineth in length ecbo miles, and in byeatch eight chun mples: in fumme places alſo none of ten. Jt receaueth mas estou saye tgners whiche haue no paſage ebote of the Tante, but satellwalowed vppe as in the other. Water (pringeth out of son temat the Cea into this alle: bur in no great quantitie, whiche is gidecois the cauſe that it is ſo comiytte: 9n the ſame pioupnice to: Alake of barde the wette (ybe, there is an other lake of fteſbe batet, freſhe water not facre dittante from carpius. This thinhabitauntes chule Lainagude the fame falté lake,hath on the Rozch ſybe therof, another named Graeces. This is but loetle : as net pad three 09 foute myles in breadth, and one in length. The water of this, mage tpell bee dioonke, on the ſouthefyde of the Calte kk,it. lakty non cait vo irone The thyrde decade takes there Iyeth an otijer named Babbareo, of three mples fin, length and in manet rounde, she water of this is frethe as qon of the two other. This lake bycanle it hath no paữage owte 35601 87mor yet any [walobynge goulfes, conueyech the fupcrituous aan die waters to the ſea if it be encreaſed with the treames whiche 3991 caule funtimes njoze abondantly frõ the montaincs. This is Se inche region of Xamins in the promince of Baiton. There is an Samolhat other cauled Gumiba, lying betwcne the £att the South nere lake of ten bnco the lyde of cafgius. This is ten myles in length and als mylesin molte rounde.sthere are furi hermoze many other (maule dans length dyng poales or lakcs Diſpacled here and there in the glands whiche 0 kyll lecto pairelete 31 thulde bce tedions in remai kyng to longe in one thynge. 3 wyll therloze make an ende with this addition, that in all theit, great plentie of fylhe and foule is nouryſtycd. Allthebelakcs lpe in a largo playne, the I playne of a whiche from the Eaft reachech into the wett a hundaeth and pundieth and the entie mples: beyng of b cadth-pviii,myles bohere it is na: awentie miles robelt, and axeb, where it is largeft. Lookyng toldard the bonnes Weligie hath tollaterally on the lefterhande the moneatnes of Deignani; and on the ryghr hande, the montaines, of caigua 03 3 ton o cauled of the name of the vale it ſolfe: At the rootes of the e montaistes of Caigua toward the south fyde, there lyethano: playne of rivo hundich the vale much longeo e larger then that before named. For myles in Sit conceineth in length, almotte two hundreth mytes : And in length. uc bredth prr.wher it is larged, about.pr. whick it is natobok sicer to This balc in fummo parte cherok, is cauled Miguana Unan Ich or other place, Igwamu, elles where, Harbethia, anà fogalmuche stop as bee baye here made mention of this parte of the vale nas med Hatharbieta wet wyll Cumbohat bigreve from the diſcourſe af this defcriptionz and entreate of a thinge ſo araunge and maruelons, that thelyke barh nor byn hard of. So it is the fore, that the kyng of this region named Caramatexius saketh great pleaſure in fyſiiinge.Jnto luis negres chanced a gonnge Eythe of the kynde of thoſe huge møntters of the ſea whiche the marues chinhabitours-caule Manais not foundt el fuppofe in omre Jous.flyibe angti. (tas noz knowen to alte men before this, tyme. Thisfyicis fourc footed, and in hape lyke bnto a topropíc althoughe lhee de nos couered with a ſhel, but with Ccalca: And thoſe of ſuch hardnelle & couched in ſuche order, that na arrowe can hurte hero Deſcales ave bgles & defend with a thouſand knobbes. OPNAM 31 The thyrde decade. IZI Peer backe is playne, and her heade bitterly lyke the headc of an ore. Sheiyueth both in the water and on the lande: She to Roweof moupnge of condition meeke, gentéll, alfocyable a monſter of and louing to mankind and of a maruelous ſenec oz memorie the ſea fedde as are the elephant and the delphyn.The king nozil toed this with mans fyihe certaine taies at home with the bicade of the countrey, made of the roote of Inocs and Panycke with ſuche other roates as men are accutomed to eate. for when thee was yet but younge, he call her into a poole or lake neare unto his palaice 251 to 11 there to bee fedde with handr. This lake alſo receauerh was $11 este ters and caffeth not the ſame foozth ageine.s3|0 was in ryme patic cauled Gusurabo. But is nowe čauled the lak of Manatá after the name of this fpühe whiche wandered ſafelyc in the fame foz the ſpace of. drb. pearcs, and growe crtedong byg. what ſo euer is written of the Delphines of Baian or dri on, are muche inferiod to the doninges of this fyw which fog a to snyeg a her gentle nature they named Marum, that is gentle oz noble, darbuo Therefoze when ſo euer any of the kynges familyere, eſpeci: esim IIH STX, ally ſuche ag are knoben to her, reſorce to the banks of the take and caule Matum, Matum, then We (as myndefult of fuche M#*** bentefites as the bath receased of mon) lyftethe up her leade and commcth to the place whichcr he is cauted, and there renn fphe carr ceaucthmieare at the handes of ſuche as feede hersenf anyi eshiven over dolicons to paữe ouer the lake, make Cignes and tokens of the lake, theyz intence, the boweth her ſelfe to them, therebrth as ir were gatelly inaitynge them to amount bppon her; and con m uepith them fafcły ener. 3t hath byn fecne that this mon: 2 maryelors ftcovs fpkhe hath at one tymc ſafety carped ouco tenne nient, thinge. Tingingc and playinge. But if by chaunce when fye lyftecd bp her heade ühe eſpycd any of the Chriftian men, the woolde thimediatly ploongi dolne ageyne into the water and refuſe to obey, bycauſe he had once receaned inipry at the handés de of a certeync wanton younge man amonge the Chrittiang, who hadde catte a facpe Darte ac het, although the were not burte by ceaſon of the hardenes of herſkynine beingeroughe and ful of(kales and knobbrs as tre baue fayde. yot bydlige deal beare in memozic thinjurie the faïcytred, with ro genteli a te: uenige rcquitynge thingratitude of hym which had betre with ber ſo vngentelly, from that day when io che me was caus led by ang of her familiers, @he pooldetmå looke citam pece by about The thyrde decade. fy about her, leat any were pzeſent appareled after the ma: ter of the Chidians. She Woolde oftentymes play and wie: Ele vppon the banke with the kynges chambeciens: Andel: pecially with a younge man whom the kynge fauorced well, beinge alſo accutomed to feede her. Shee wooldebee Cume: tymes as pleaCaunt and full of play as it had byn a moonkey öz marmalet: And toas of longe tyine a great comfort and lo: lace to the hole Flande. Foi no [maule confluence aſwell of the Chriftians as of thinhabitantes, bad dayly concourle to acto smere beholde lo traunge a myzacle of nature, the contemplation OD 309 Wherof was no leſe pleaCaunt then woonderfull. They ſay cel that the meate of this kynde of fylthe, is of good catte: Ano that many of them are engendered in the ſeas therabout. But at the length, this pleaſaunt playfelowe was lote, and cari: The ryuer ed into the ſea by the great ryuer Aribunicus, one of the fouce ti bunicus. Which diuide the Jlande. Foz at that tyme there chaunced Co terrible a tempet of bind, & rayne, with ſuch fluds enſewing that the like hath not lightly byn hard of. By reaſon of this tempelt, the ryuer Atribunicus ſo ouer lowed the bankcs, that it fylled the hole vale & myre it felfe with all the other lakes, The Nifuation at which tyme alſo, this gentell Mitum and plcafaunte comis of the great panyon, folowynge the behemente courſe and faule of the yale. buddes, was therby reffozed to his pulde moother and na: tpue waters, and ſence that tyme neuer Ceene ageyne. Thus The moun: hauynge digretted ſuficiently, let us nowe coome to the litu taynes of Ci: acion of the bale. Nthache collaterally the mountaynes of baua and Cai Cibawi and Caiguam which bzynge it to the South ſea. There guana, is an other bale beyonde the mountapnes of cibaus towarde the sporth. This is cauled the vale of Guarionexius, bycaule LIVE is that befoze the memorie of man, the predicelTours and autta celtours of kong Gudrionexius to whom it is deſcended by righe The greate Vale of Suarie of inheritaunce, were euer the lozdes of the hole bale, DE Chefíus. this kynge, we haue [poken largely in the fyzd narration of Seas the 3 lande in the fyza Decade. This bale is of length from ad the £al to the Weſt, a hundzeth and fouceſcoze mples : and Son of breadth from the South to the Nozch,thirtie myles wher it is narobed, and fiftie where it is blodette. It begynneth from the region Canobocoa by the pzouinces of Hubabo and Caia be: And endeth in the prouince of Bdings and the region of Ma siendo Jt lyeth in the modded betwene the mountaynes of a The thyrde decade. 132 baus, and the mountaynes of Cabonai and Caxdcuberid. There is no pzouince noz any region, which is not notable by the ma mountaynes, ielie of mountaynes, frutefulnes of bales, pleaſaunitnclie of ugles. bylles, and delectablenes of playnes, with abundaunce of hylles, fayze ryuers runnynge through the ſame, there are no lides paynes. of mountaynes oz hylles, no ryuers, which abound not with solde in all golde and delpcate fyldes, ercept only one ryuer which from mountaynes, iboriginall therof, with the fpzynges of the ſame bzeakyuge end goldeand foozth of the mountaynes, commeth owt falte and ſo contys fyſThe in all ryuere, nueth yntyll it peryme. This rywer is cauled Bahuan: and tuin. neth through the myddle of the region Maguant in the prog: mince of Beinod. They ſuppoſe that this ryuer hache made it felfe awaye bnder the grounde by ſume paſſages of playgter sglte bayes: 07 [alte cárche. ffoz there are in the glande many notable falte bayes, Wherof we wyl ſpeake more hereafter, We haue declared home theglande is diuided by foure ryucrs & fyue prouinces. There is alſo an other particion, whiche is this.. Home the The hole glande conſyfteth of the tops of foute mountaines lande is divia which diuide it by the myddeft from the Eant to the wette. In ded with all theſe is abundance of noozythynge moylure and greate solderes . plentie of golde: of the caucs alſo of the whiche, the waters. The ryuers af al the rivers into the which the caues emptie them ſelues) have theyring haue they? originall and increaſe. There are lykelyfe in the creare from hozrpble dennes, obfcure and darke bales, and myghtie toes the mount the cayee of kes of tone. There was neuer any noyſome beage founde in raynes it: 1201 get any rauenynge foure footed beatte. No lyon, no no hurtful as beare no fierce tygers, no craftie fores, noz deuouring wool: raueninge fes. Al thynges are bleted and foztunatel: And nowe moze beaſt in the fortunate, for that ſo many thouſandcs of men are receaned us Ilonde. to bee the checpe of Chriftes flocke, all theyz zemes and joy mages of deuyiles being reiected and btterly out of memozic. The autours 3f3chaunce nowe and then in the diſcourſe of this narratis ercure, on to repeate one thynge dyuers tymes oz otherwiſe to make digreſion, 3 mult deſyze yowre holynes therwith not to bec offended. for whyle J ſee, heare, and wzyte theſe thinges, mec ſecmeth that i am herewich ſo affected, that for bevye toy 3 feele my mynde ftirred as it were with the fpicite of . pollo as were the Sibylles, whereby J am enfouced to ve: peate the ſame ageyne : Eſpecially when 3] confyder howy: farre the amplitude of obre teligion (pzcabech bec bynges pet: The thyrde decade. pet amonge theſe ſo many bleſſed and fortunate thenges, By that mea this one grecueth me not a lyttle: That theſe ſimple psov nes thopeo. men neuer brought up in labour, do dayly pecythe lith intol: ple of the 3: lerable trawayie in the golde mynts: and are therby bronghe land are sret to ſuche deſperation, that many of them kyllthem ſelucs, la razuynge 110 regarde to the procreation of chyldzen, yn ſo much sowie and that women with chylde, perceauynge that they thall bżynge 4 xd sabri foozth fuch as Dalbe daues to the Chriftians, ble medecines to deđroy theyz conception. And albeit that by the kynges letters patentes it was decteed that they malde bee ſet at ly: bertie, yet are they contraprted to ſecue more then ſeemetly conucnient for free men. The inimber of th: pooze bozetches is woonderfullp ertenuate. They were once rekened to bee aboue twelve bundzech thouſande hsabes: But what they are nowe, 3 abhozce to rehearſe. We will therefoze let this Che pleſures patle: and returne to the pleaſures of Hifpanioht. Jn the moun of Difpaniola. tapnes of cihaxs, which are in maner in the myddct of the 3: sin en dag lande in the p:ouince of Caiabo (where be Cayd to bee the grea The region tel plentie of natpue golde) there is a crgion named Corabi, li of Cotobu, fic guzte in the rnate in the dobbes, enuironed with the toppes of hyghe Clowdes. mountaynes, and well inhabited. 3t conſideth of a playne playne is of.vrb. myles in length, and.rv. in breadth. This playne is the coppes of bygher then the toppes of other mountagnes: So that theſe mountaynes mountapnes, maye leeme to bee the chicfe and progenitours che pesher, of the other. This playne fufcrech alterations of the foure the couider, tymes of the yeare : as the Spłynge, Soomer, Catumne, and sa! 10 TAI Synter. Here the herbes ware boythered, the trees looſe moderate theyzleaucs, and the medowes become hoje : The whiche coulde in the thynges (as we have fayde) chaunce not in other places of mountøykes, theflande, where they have only the Spring and Autumine. The foyle of this playne bzyngerh foozeh ferne and bramble aelousbignes balles bearynge blacke berries oz wylde cafpes, which twa are tokens of coulde regions. Yet is ti a fayze region: to the coulde therof is not becy tarpe: neyther dioth it adtcte thin 9 habitantes with frotte op Inowe. They argue the frutefulnes of the region by the feche, bhole dalkes oz fteames are byg: ger chen a ſpere oz tauelen. The lydes of thoſe mountagnes Kolde. ace ryche in golde, yet is there none appoynted to dygge fo the ſame, bycauſe it walbe needefull to have apparelled my aers, and ſuch as are uſed to labour, for chinhabitantes le орие The thyrdedecade. 135 altge contexited Svith lyttle, are but tender:And can not ther: tantes of bifs foze a to ay with labour ož abyde any coulde. There are two panjola can cpuers bohich runne through this region, and faule from the abyde no las toppes of the piclent mountaynes. One of theſe is named Co bour no: moidyxe, whoſe courſe is towarde the Wett, and fauleth into coulde. the chanell of Naiba. The other is cauled Tirecotus: Which ran: nynge towarde the East, joyneth with the tyuer of Iunns, 310 the glande of Cret:1 (nowc cauled Landie) as 3 paded by in The gland of mpiegacie to the Soldane of Alcayz 0Babylon in Egypte, die, vnder the the Wenetians toulde me that there lape ſuché a region in the dominion of toppes of the mountaynes of Ida, whiche they afficme to bee the lienetis mioze frutefull of Inhcate coine then any other region of the ans. 3land. But fozalmach as once the Cretenſes rebelled agent the Wenetians, and by reaſon of the Greight and narole way to the toppes thcrof, longe defended the region with armes againſt chauctozitie of the Senate, and at the length beingegen Eozmeryed with warres, çendered the ſame, the Senate com: maunded that it thulde bee lefte deſerte, and the ſtreightes of thenteraunces to bee ttoppcd, left any thulde aſcende to the region without their permiữyon, yet in the yeare of Chritte, 6.D. ii. lycence was graunted to the huſband men to tyll and manure the region, on ſuche condition that 110 Cuche as were apte to the warres, myght enter into the ſame. There is alſo an other region in Hiſpaniola nanied Coroby after the fame name. This diuideth the boundes of the provinces of Vhabo and Caiabo. 3t hath mountaynes, balcs, and plaints, But bycauſe it is varen, it is not muche inhabited. Yet is it richet in golde: Foz the oxiginall of the abundaunce of gold, beginncch here:yin (o muche that it is not gathered in ſmaule pure and graines and ſparkes as in other places: but is fonude bole, martie solde malſie, and pure, entonge ceccaine ſofte tones and in the vai: in the region nes of rockes, by bżeakynge the thones inherof, they folowe of cotoy. the vaynes of golde. They haue founde by experience, that the vaine of the bapne of golde is a lyuinge tree: And that the ſame by golde, is a ly: unge tree, all wapes that it (preadeth [pzingeth from the roote by the Cofte poles and patages of the yearth, putteth foorth byan: There colers ches euen unto the bpperinol part of the earth, & cealeth not or floures are butyl it diſcouer it Celfe into the open ayer : At whiche time, cauied wars it theweth foozth certaine bewtifull colours in the teede of chaſites, Pyzites. floures rounde ftones of golden earth in the ttçede of frutes, and The thyrde decade and thynne plates in fteede of leaues. There are they whiche Stare diſparcled throughout the hole glande by the coutle of on the rytiers, eruptions of the ſpringes obte of the montaines, and violent faules of the fluddes. For they thincke that ſuch The roote of graines are not engendered where they are gathered: eſpecial the golden lyon the dèy land: but otherwiſe in the rivers. They ſay that tree, vino's the toote of the goldē tree ertondeth to the center of the carth The biguns there taketh nozitēmt of increaſe. For the deaper that they ches of the dygge, they fynd the trunkes therof to be ſo muche the grea: golden tree. ter as farre as they maye folowe it for abundaunce of water 3 [pringing in the montaines, Df the braunches of this tree, they fynde ſumme as (maule as a threde, and other as bygge as a mannes fynger accordynge to the largenelle oz ftraight: Caues ſuſtey neđe of theryktes and clyftes. They hauc ſumetimes chaun: ned with opl: ced bpon hole caues Cufteyned and božne vp as it were with lers of golde. golden pyllars: And this in the wayes by the whiche the branches aſcende: The whiche beynge fylled with the ſub: taunce of the truncke creapynge from beneath, the branche The ſtones maketh it felfe waye by whiche it maye pate owte. It is of: of ihe golde myncs. tentymes diuided by encounterynge with Cum kynde of harde tone. yet is it in other clyftes noozilqhed by the ephalations and bertue of the roote. But now perhappes yowe will alke me what plentie of golde is brought from thenie, powe ſhall what gold is therfoże bnderttande that onely obte of Hiſpaniola, the ſum of brought yere: fouve hundzeth and ſumtymes fyue hundzeth thouſande du: ly from hif: cates of gold is brought yeately into Spayne: as may be ga: Spagne, is thered by the fpfthe požtion debe to the kynges Éccheker, which amounteth to the ſum of a hundzeth and fourſdoze, oz foureſcoje and ten thouſande Caucllanes of golde, and ſum tymesmoze. What is to bee thought of the Iſlanbe of Cuba and Sancti Iobannis (otherwiſe caulcd Burichena) beyng both ve. 24 iep ryche in golde, we wylt declare further hereafter. To haue Salte of the fayde thus muche of golde, it thall ſucfyce. Wee wyll nowt mountaynes, therfoze ſpeake ſumwhat of Calte wherwith wee may ſeaſon "Very hard and ccferue fuche thynges as are bought toith golde, Jha and cleare. region of the pzouince of Buinoa, in the montaynęs of Dalaguo, about twelue myles digant from the ſaltelake cauled Caſpius, there are falte bayes in the montaynes in a maner as hard as toones, alſo clearer and whiter then criðall. There are lpke: boyle Cuche Calte baies whiche growe woonderfully in L detso they The thyrde decade. 134 ne (noto cauled Cataloma) in the territorie of the duke' of Cadona the chiefe ruler in that region. But Cuche as knowe them bothe, a&tyzme that theſe of Bainos are mode notable. They Cape allo that this can not be clefte without wedges and bea salt as hard celles of grona But that of Laletant, maye eattyc bee broken as ſtones. as 7 my ſelfe haue proued. They therfode compare this to ſu: che toones as may ealely bee boken: And the other to mar: ble. In the province of cuzinu, in the regions of Iguanams, Cam iscos, and Guriagua, there are ſpłynges Whoſe waters are of Sprynges of maruelous nature, beynge in the ſuperfytial oz bppermooſe fait, freithe parte, fre be: yn the myddet, myrte of Calce and freihe: and romer water, and in the lower parte, Calte and lower. They thincke that the Calte water of the ſea, ilthewech owte föftely, and the freibe, to ſpzinke owte of the mountaines. The one fauleih doine and the other ryſeth: are not therfoze ſo vniuerſal: lp myrt wherby the one may vtterly corrupt thother. If any man laye his care to the grounde neare to any of theſe (pzin: ge3, he ſhal perceaue the ground there to bee fo hollowe, that yolowe cas che reboundyng nople of a hozleman comminge may be Iraçde ues in the grounde foz the ſpace of three myles, and a foote man one myle. In the latte region towarde the ſouthe named Guacchiarima, in the loudfáyp of Zdund, they ſay there are certeyne wyldmen whi Certeyne che Igue in the cauese dennes of the montagnes, contented wyld men ly: onely iwith wilde fruites. Theſe men neuer bled the compa: and dennes nye of any other: noz wyll by any meanes becoome tame. whey lyue without any certaine dwellynge places, and with owte tyllage oz culturynge of the grounde, as wee reade of chem whiche in oulde iyme lyued in the golden age. They ſay men without allo that theſe men are withowte any certaine language, a certeyne They are lumtymes ſeene. But obte men have yet layde language handes on none of them. 3f at any tyme they coome to the {gght of men, and percepue any makynge toward them, they wen as ſwift Aye Iwifter then a harce. ye they afyzme them to bee (wifter as greigouds then grehowndes, what one of theſe folytatie wanderers byd, it is worth the hearyng. So it is that owr men häuyng granges adioyning nere onto the thické mods, certen of the repaired thither in the mooneth of Septēber in the yeare.99.Funneth A Wyld man D. mitti. gn the meane tyme, one of theſe wylde men came way with a leapynge oite of the woodde. And appzochynge (umwhat chylde toward them with ímyling countenaunce, foodenly (natched 11. ii, bppe The thyrde decade. bppe å childc of therle beynge the foonne of the owner of the graunge, whiche he begotte of a woman of the glande. De tannc awaye with the childe, and made ſygnes to obremen to folowe hym. many folobed aſwel of owce men as of the naked inhabitantes, but all in vayne. Thus when the plea: Taunt wanderer perceáncd that the Lirittians caled to pur: ſue hym, he lefto the childe in a crote baye by the whiche the [wynchearbes were accutioned to dzyue the fwyne to their 2 costute pailure. Shoytly after, a lwynchcarde founde the chyld and Sebżought hym home to his father yet topmentyngekym felfe ob foz (ozowe, ſuppolynge that wylde man to haue byn one of to the kynde of the Caribales, and that his foonne was nowe Alche ofthe deuobred. In the ſame Flande they gather pytche whiche rocke. fb catcth owte of the rockes, brynge muche harder and Cou: SG de ter thenthe pitche of the trce: and is therfoje moze commo: honumas bious to calke oz defende Chyppes ageynfie the boozmes cau: led Bromas, whetof met hauc (pokon largely befoze. This Pitchcoftwo lande alſo bzyngeth foozch pitche in two kyndes of trees,us kyndes of in the pyne tree and an othcc nanird coprit. gncede not trees. [peake of the pyne tree, bycauſe it is engendered and knowen treet49 ! in nianet cuery where. Zette vs therfoze (pcake fun what of The tree the other tree caulcd Copeia : Pitche is lykelyke gatheved of Copesa. it as of the pyne tsec: althoughe Inmme ſaye that it is gathe: red by diliyllyng oydyoppyng of this woode buhen it is burnt. It is a träninge thynge to here of the Icafe thereof: and how neceiTarp prouiſion of nature is ſhowed in the ſame. It is to The feafe of be thought that this is the tree in the lcaues whero the chal a tree in the Deans (beynge the fyltte fpubers of letters) erpreted their iterde of paper. myndes befoze the vle of paper to as knowon. This leafe is a (panne in breadth and almolt round.owrcmen wuite in them with pynnes or nedles oz any ſuche inftrumentes made of me: tall on woodde, in maner as well as on paper, 3t is to bee They beleue Talghed at what obremen hane perſwaded the people of that legues the flande as tomchynge this leafe. Theſymple foules be: do ſpeake. leue that at the commandement of owre men, teaues do ſpeak 2 pzette Horie, and diſcloſe recreates. They were brought to this credulitie by this meanes. One of obore men dwellynge in the citie of Dominica the chiefe of the Jlande, delguered to his ſeruaunte . Sald (beyng a man bozne in the flande) cercayne rolled connics, (whiche they caule vtias beynge no bygger then myſe) bopla longe the pine The thyrde decade, 135 lynge hym to carie the ſame to his frende whiche dwelte fur: ther within the lande. This meữenger, whether it were that he was thereo conftrayned through hunger, og entyſed by appetite, deuouted three of the counnies by the waye. He to whome they were ſente, inzit to his Erynos in a leafe howe manye he receaned. When the mayütec had looked a whole on the leafe in the preſence of the ſeruannt, he ſayde thus into bom. Ah ſoonne, where is thy faythe Loulde thy gredye appetyte pzchayle ſo much with the as to cauſe the to eate the connies cominytted to thy fydelytie? The pooze wierche tocmbelynge and greatlye amaſed, confeird his fante: And therwith dclyzed his maytex to tell hym howe he knewe the trewech therof. This leafc (quod he ) 19 seys Whiche thou browghteli me, hath toulde me all. Then hee further rehearicd unto hym the houre of his coommynge to Ignoranca his frende, and tykebyle of his deparcynge when hee te miration: caufeth ads tourned. And thus they meryly deceaue theſe [edly Coulcs and keepe theym onder obedyence: In ſo muche that they owa to stotis take owre men for goddess at whole coommaundement icas ues doo diſcloſefuche chynges as they shyncke mgötte byd and fecreate. Bothe the lydes of the leafe receaueth the fol The legfe: mes of letters een as dooeth obre paper, 30 is thycker whern they then double parchement, and meruelous toughe. While it wigte. is yet dory[ibynge and newe, it thcbeth the letters whyte in greene. And when it is diye, it becomineth mbyte and harde lyke a table of woodde: but the letters were yelowe, 3ſt dooeth noticorupte oz putrifye : noz yet looſeth the let:49 ters though it bee wette: noz by any other meanes excepte sit bee bucnte. There is another tree named Xagua sthio iute a fronse com of whole fouce apple beynge of a davke redde colonce, bay: iuile of an neth and colourerh what loo enek is touched cheriöith: And apple, that foo fprmely, that noo Walthynge canne take it alvaye 123 for the ſpace of twentie dayes. When the apple is full ripe, 1959 ***** the tile loofeth that ſtrength. The apple, is raceita aniD BE good tatt. There is alſo an herbe bolole inoks (as le haue reherfed the like before of a certen inaodbe) is deadly poilan, tin Derbe Dna tyme when the kynges atembled together and contpis whole moke ted the deſtruction of oirc men, wobeec as they durfte not at: is popron: tempre thencerpriſe by open warees theyz dinle was, puiui: tpe to lay many bandals of thoſe bebes e a certeyne houles which The thyrde decade. whiche mortly after they intended to ſet on fyer, fo thintette that owre men makynge hatte to quenthe the ſame, myght take thepz death with the ſmoke therof. But they purpoſed practyle beinge bewzayed, thautours of the diuile Were pu: nylthed accoudyngly. Nowe (motte holy father) for as much as yowre holyneſe myteth that what ſo'euer we hauc writ: ten of the newe woulde, dooth pleaſe yowe ryght well, wee wyll teherſe certeyne chynges obte of order, but not greatly frein owre purpoſe. Df the ſettynge the rootes of Medicium, Agis, Iucca, Buftatas, and ſuch other beinge they, common foode, you and of thuſe of the ſame, we haue (poken ſuficiently befoze. 1920 aviso But by what meanes they were fyzde applyed to the commo: ditie of men, we haue not yet declared. We nowe therefore entende to entreate Cumwhat hereof. (The nynth booke of the thyide Decade, HEY ſaye that the fyżde inhabitours lyueb Che ky ndes of frutés contented with the rootes of dates, and wa Wherwith gucans, which is an herbe muche lyke bnto thinhabitan: that which is commonly cauled Sengrene 0? tės lyned Dipin. alſo the rootes of Buaiegans, whi fyzſt, che are rounde and greate muche lyke bitte 39 puffes of the earth oj multheromes. They e did lykewiſe eate Gucieros, lyke vnto perſeneppes: cibaios lyke nutres, Cabaioes and gacoanes, lyke bnto onions, with by: uers other ſuche rootes. They ſay that after many yeares, a cetteyne Boition, that is, a wyſe oulde man, ſawe vppon the bankes fyde, a buthe lyke onto fenel: and tranſplantyng the roote therof, bought it from wyldenes to a better kynde, by NecefTitienoozylchynge it in gardens. This was the begynnynge of she moother Iucca, which at the fyzfe was deadelp poylon to all Cuche as of ali artès. dyd eate therof rawe. But foz as muche as they perceaned it to bee of pleaCaunte tatte, they determyned many wayes to 10 pzoue the ble therof: And at the length founde by experience that beinge Codde og fryed, it was leđe hurtefull: by whiche meanes alſo, they came to the knowledge of the beneme lg: Uinge hyd in the iule of the roote. Thus by d?pinge, Caltynge, Cealonpnge, and otherløyſe temperynge it, they bżought it 10 The thyrde decade. 136 sypie.2000 to thepz fine bzeade which they caule Cazabbi, moje delectable Tle fine brea de Ca and hollome to the ftomacke of manne then bzcade made of zabbi, made wheate, bycauſe it is of eaſyer digeftion. The ſame is to bee of the rootes underſtoode of other rootes and the grayne of Maizium whi: of zucca. che they haue choſen foz their chiefe meare amonge the ſeedes of nature, as we reade howe Ceres the doughter of Saturnus, yowe Ceres gathered wheate and barley (With ſuche other cojne as are fy:ft founde mowe moſt in vſe amonge men) in Egypte of certeyne graynes mbeate and barly in Es taken owt of the mudde dzyuen from the mountaynes of Ethi opia by thincreaſe of the ryuer Nilus, and lefte in the plaine abia at ſuch cyme as Nilus relozted ageyne to his chanell. Frog the which facte, we reade that the antiquitie gaue diuine honour ; to Ceres, who fyzů norited and increaſed ſuch chofen ſeedes. There are innumerable kyndes of Ages : the varietie boherof, 2.1111 9319) is knowen by they, leaues and floures. Dhe kynde of theſe, The rootee 34 of ages.) is cauled Guanaguax. This is whyte boothe within without Another named Guaraguei is of vyolet colour without le white within the other kyndes of Ages they caul Zazducios Tbelen are redde without and whyte within Squiuetes, are whyte able to within and without. Tunna, is all together of vyolet coloure. Hobos is yelowe booth of (kynne and inner ſubtance. There is an other named Aribunieix : The ſkynne of this is of violets colour, and the ſubſtance whytt. Aniguamars hath his ſkynne allo of byolet coloure, and is lhyte within. Guaccaraccd, bath: ano se a whyte čkynne, and the fubftance of vyolet colour, where sigue: are many other which are not yet brought to vs. But J feare 20 The autour me lead in the rehearſall of theſe, I wal pzquote the ſpurres ercure, and of malicious perſons ageynt me which will [cozne theſe owc doinges for that we haue wuytten of many ſuch ſmaule thins ges to a pzince occupyed in ſuche weyghty affayzes, as into powre holynes vppon whoſe fhulders retteth the burrhen of the hole Chriftian worlde. But 3 wolde aſke of theſe maly plinie, cious enuyers of other mens trauaples, whether Plinie and 1 ki ſuch other famous wapters, when they dyzected and dedica: ted ſuch thinges to kynges and princes, entended only to pzo fyte them to whom they conſecrated the frute of they, knows leage. They lumtymes intermyrte famous thynges with obs {cure thynges, lyght with beauity and greate with ſmaule, that by the fooztheraunce of pzinces, theyz vniuerſali poltes citie myght entoye the fryition of the knowleage of thynges. and The thyrde decade. at other tymes allo, beinge intent about particular thinges, aad defyrous of nelpe thynges, they occupyed them Celues in 25.90thé Cearchinge of pacticulus tractes and coates, with; Cuche i thynges as nature brought foorth in the fame, by this mea: nes to coome the better to macablolucand vniuecial know leage. let them therefożc contemne owre doinge: And wee topll langh to (cozne, not theyz ighozaunec and dochfulnes, but pernicious etfriouines: And therewith hanynge pitie of theyz frowarde Diſpoſitions, wyll commit theim to the bene: $32, 16) mous Cerpenets of whom entie tooke his fylt originall. 91 bara ta dhall in the meane tyme abundantly contente is that thele thynges do pleaſe powre holynes. And that yowe doo hoc biſpiſe obre ſimple vetures wherbith we haue only weayed por togyrher and not adourned, gathered and not deſcribed ſuch matuelous thynges in the garnymynge wherof, nature hath fušiciently thewed her camnyngea Dwte delyze is none other but herein Foz yowre Cake to doo Dwrey endeuoure that thele szolt chynges maye not peryhel Let every man take hereof what att 994 dylacth hym beli. Di dyje theepe oz bullocke Coulde in the mar: S534013 siket, tothynge remayneth in the cuenynge, bycauſe the chula Der pleafcth one, the legge an other, and the necke au other. * 3ge, Creme hane moſt phantaſie to the bowels, and Cume to the feetc. Thus hanynge enough wandered, tette vs returne to asume one awrc pttrpoſe and bedare with what wodzbesthey falute the kynges chpldžon when they are fyzd boine : 02 howe they ap So ply the begynnyng of thepz iyues to the end : and why theic 1570 kynges are cauled by many names. Therfoże when the kynge * bath a fonne boine, ſuch as dwel ncare about his pallaite o? 39493132 a byllage, repayze to the queencs chamber, where one Caluteth 2018? thetiewe bonne chylde with one itame, and an other with at By what nas mes they fa: other name. Bod Caue the thowe thoningelampe Cayth one: fute the kyns án other cauleth him byght and cleare. Sume name him the ges chyldien bictourer of his enemies : and other fame, the puiñaunt colt: when they querour deſcended of bludde royalt, and bryghter then gold, are bore. The names with bructs other ſuche vayne names. Therfozelyke as eue And eysles of ty of the Romane emperours was cauled Adiibenicus, Parthicus, Ar the Romane. wenicus, Dacicus, Godbicus, and Germanicus, accordynge to the titles £mperours. of thoyz patentes and aunceſtours,euen Co by thimpoſition of names inuented by other kynges, Bruchicus Anacacbod the lord of the region of Xeragut (of whome and of the wyſe woman The thyrde decade. 17 Anacotons hie Collet, we haue (poken largely in the fyzßte Des cabe) was cauled by all theſe names folobaynge: Turcigua Hox bir: whiche is as muche to Cape, as, a kynge hynynge as bryght as laton. Stærri, that is, bzyghte: dibo, yoghnelle : Dubeynequen, a ryche fludde. With all theſe names and move then fozepe other ſuche, deveth kynge Beuchius magnifye hym Lelle as often as he commannbeth any thynge to bee doone os caulet's any pzoclamation to be made in his name. 36 the crper by neglegence Icaue olte any of theſe names, the king chynketh it to ſounde greatly to his contumely and reproches nowe they The lyke is alſo of other. Dowe fondely they uſe them tels make thepi yes in makpnge their tetamentcs, wee loyll nome declare. teftamcntc& they leaue thinhecitaunce of their kyngedomes to theldefona foonnes of their elded ſylters. 3i les fayle, to thelder of bench the ſeconde lytter and ſo of the thirde if the ſecond alſo faile. 60135 For they are otote of doubte that thoſe childụen coome of their bladde. But the childzen of their owne wyues, they counte to bee not legitimate. E there remayne none of theic 900 bile Sylliers childien, they leaue thinheritaunce to their b?oothers. So byd gres And if they faile, it deſcendctly to their owne Coonnes, late Alexander af all, if al theſe faile, they aữygne it to the woothied, as to hym that is of gerated power in all the glande, that he may The kynge Befende their ſubiectes from their auncient enemyes. They wyues and take as many Wynes as them lyfteth. They (häfer the bel be: concubines." loued of the kynges bynes, and concuhynes to bee burped are burpedo with bpm. Anichond the [ytter of Beuchius the kyng of Xaragua, with him, being a woman of ſuche biſedome and cunngnge that in ma: kynge of rhymes and balettes thee was counted a piophettle emonge the bette, commaunded, that emonge all the wyues and concubyncs of the kinge her brother,che fayzecelt(whoſe mais name was Guanabattabenechind) thulde be buried alyue lpith him, and two of her lb aytyng maydes with her. Shee foolde alfonsi 1361 hane appointed dyuers other to that oityce, if thec had not feel byn otherwile perſwaded by the prayers of certegne fryers of Caincte fraunces oder whiche chaunccd then to bee ple: They burie ſente. They ſaye that this Guanabattabenechina had none in all theyż jewels the iſland comparable to her in bebtie. She buried with her a deame of all her iewelles and eventie of her bcft oinamentes. Their an other lyfe cuſtome is, to place belyde euery of them in their ſepultures, after this, e-cuppe full of water and a poztion of thcfyne bzeade of Code S do Castella pagitgittoo na ang bubble The thyrde decade wpere it tay neth but fel. Xabli. Jn Xaragua, the tegyon of this kynge Beuchius, and in doine, Hazwa, patre of the regyon of Cristo, alſo in the fayje bale of (alte and frethe lakes, and lykcwiſe in the region of Vaquino in the prouynee of Balnow, it rayutech but feldome. In al theſe tegyons are folles 02 trenches made of oulde tyme, wherby they conueye the waters in onder to water their fpeldes, with no lege arte then doo thinhabitours of newe Larthage, and of the kyngedome of Murcien in Spartaria for the felocomc faule of rayne. The region of Meguiart, deupbeth che pzontynce of where it rage Bainos from calabo, and Zauana from Cuaccaiarimt, in the deepe nech much. valcs, they are troubled with taine moze often than nederh. soms alſo the confynes of the chiefe citie named ſaincte Dominike Aariable mo- are moilter then is neceñary. 3ın other places, it raynerh mo: tions of the derately. There are therfoze in the lande of Hiſpaniolt, dy: elementee uers & variable motions of the elementos, as we reade the lyke of manyé other regions. DE their colonies 02 The colonies mantions which the Spaniardes haue erected in this Flande and vyllages we haue fpoken fuſepcientelye beefoze. They haue fence which then that tyme briylded theſe vyllages : Portres Plité, Porties Regalis, Lda Haue buyrded res, Villanoui, Azsam, and Saluaterra. Dauynge fayde thus inuclte of the lande of Hiſpaniola the moother and ladye of the other The other 3: Flandes, and as it were Techys the mode bewtifull byfe of laudes about Neptunus the god of the ſea, let us nowe entreate Cumwhat of lipanidas - Het Nymphes and faire Nereides whicle watte uppon her and The Glande aboumne her on ettere. Weë well therfoze begynne at the Arethura. ncarelt cauled the nebe Arethufa, coo named of the fortapite Arcebufa in the glande of Sicilie. This is famous by reacon of a ſpzynge: bet otherwyſe vnprofytable, Dwre mer na: med it of late, Duas Arbores, bycauſe it hath onely twoo trees z fpzyngerun groynge in it: nere vnto the whiche is a fountaine that com: nyng under , merh from the flande of Hiſpaniola throughe the fecreate pal: the ſea fronte Hifpan ola to ſages of the earth under the ſea, and breakerh foozchil tlf's grebuia 3lande , as the rpurr Alpheus in Achatit cureth ynörr che ſca from the citie of Elide, and breakceh foozrh in the 'glande of Shadi Sicilie in the fonntayne Arerbuſt. That the foātapnc of this nemme Arethufa hathh s original from the lande of Hiſpaniolt, po sunt dit is manifelt hercby, that the water ifthewynge obte of the racho fountayne, buyngerh bithit the leaues of many trees tühiche growe in Hifpaniold, and not in this glande. They ſaye that the fountagne hath his originall from the tyuer Viamiroa in the region of Guaccaidrima confynynge with the land of Zauans The thyrde decade, 138 This flande is not paſte a mole in circuite, and conimodi ons for fylmer men. Directly towarde the Eafe (as it were es the pozter kepynge the enterie to Tctlyys) Iyeth the glande of land of Sanchi Tobannis (otherwyfe canled. Burichena) Wherof wee haue Sancti Jalan poken largely before. This aboundeth with golde: and in nis. fruitefull ſoile, is equall' with her moocher Hifpaniola - 3|this are many colonies of manſions of Spaniardes, whiche ap: pipe them ſelues to gatheryn ge of golde. Toward the wett The glande on the forthc lyde, great Cuba (foz the longencle therof, of Cuba. donge ſuppoſed to be the continent oz fyzme lande) watbeth 33 obre Tetbys on the backc halfe. this is muche longer then Hiſpaniola: And from the fate to the Wette, is diuyded in the mybdei with the circle cauled Tropicus Cancri. Hifpaniola and the other lyinge on the South fyde of this, are included almottonebras habitable rea in the mybde (pace betwene the fayde Dropyke and the Equi: giong ynder noctiall ipne, whiche many of the oulde buiters ſuppoſed to the Equinocz bee vnhabirable e Deſert by reaſon of the feruent heate of the ciall. ſoonne in that clyme as they coniectureb. But they were deceaned in their opinion. They agyznie thar rytcher golde The roche mynes are founde in cuba shen in Hiſpánisla. They Saye alſo goide mynes. that even nowe while wzyte theſe chynges, thcce is golde of Cuba. gathered together ready to the meltyng, amountgnge to the quantitie of a hundzcth and foutrelcove thouſande Caftellans of goldan argument ſurely of great rychelle. Iamaica is moze The Jland of towarde the Southe then there and is a pleaſauute and Jamaica, feuitefullylande of Copte apte for cozne, grafics, and ſettes, it confytteth of onely one mountayne. Thinhabitauntes are Warcelyke men and of good wytre. Colonus conipaved it to Sicilic in bygnefie. They whiche of late featched it moze ers actely, faye that it is fumwhat iefte : but not muche. Jt is ch thought to be without gold and precious Goones, as the like was fuppoſed of cuba at the begynnynge. The Jlande of the land of Suadalupea, Guadaluped (fyzle named Caraqueira) lyinge on the Southe Cybe of Hiſpaniola, is foure degrees nearer the Equinoctiall. 3° is eaten and indented wito two goulfes (as we ccade of great England and Britanye nowe cauled Englande, and Lalidonia nowe cau: lo Scoriande ded Scotlande) beinge in maner two glandes, at hath fa: the supene mous poztes, In this they founde that gumme whiche the cauled aume Apothecaries caule Anima Album, "whole fume is boleſome a: album, seynt tenues and beauyncâte of the heade. The tree whiche engendereth The thyrde decade. engendereth this gimme, beareth a fruite muche loke to a Dares, date, bringe a ſpanne in length. When it is opened, it ſee: mcth to conteyne a certayne (wcett meale. As owre huſbande men are accutomed to relerue cheftenuttes and ſuche other harde fruites all the toynter, foo do they the dates of this Pine trees. tree, beynge mache lyke bato a fygge tree. They founde al: ſo in this glande, pyne trees of the bette kynde, and ſuche other beyntte bythes of nature, wherof wee haut (pokok targely before. pe, they thyncke that thinhabitauntes of o: The cand ther Flandes, had their feedes of (oo many plcalaunt frutes bales, from henſe. For the Canibales beinge & wylde and wande tynge people, and ouer runnynge all the countreys aboute 0139943 os lotion them to hunte foz mannes Acthe, were accuſtomed to biynge o hoine mith them what ſo cuter they founde iraunge of pzoey: talentet table in any place. They are intraccable, and well admetre 2010 no ftraungiers, 9t tall thecfoze bee needefull to puercoome whereby it them with great poure. sfoz as well the women as men, are was thought experte archiers, and ble to inucneme their arrobes. When that there the men go foozthe of the lande a man huntynge, the woment were glandes of womell. manfully defende their coales agoyna Cuche as attempte to Duo 1 inuade the ſame. And hereby i fuppoſe it was thought that there were Flandes in the ocean, inhabited onely with wos caso men, as Colonus the admirall hym felfe perſwaded me, fs3 haue fayde in the fyztte decade. This glande hath alſo frutes bony. In trees full mountaynes and playnes, and notable tyuers. 3t motta and rockes, ryftheth honye in trees, and in the caues of rockes, as it web. Palma one of the glandea of Canarie, honye is gathered emang the buiers and bramble buſthes. Abouté. pviii, myles Eaties ward from this land, lieth an Iland which owr men named The glande Deſiderata, beynge. re. myles in circuire and verye fayre. Allo defiderata, The Glande abonte ten myles from Guadalupes towarde the Southe, Iyeth Salanes, on the flande of Galanta, beynge thirtie myles itt circuite and The Flandes playne. 3t was ſo named for the scatenetle and bewtifulues of Todos 31 therof. Agne myles diftant from Guadalupes toward the fatty Sanctos or Barbata, there are fyre (maule glandes named Todos Sanctos Barbatda Theſe are full of cockes and barren: pet neceſſarye to bee knowen to ſuche as vſe to trauayle the feas of theſe coalics» Thc Zlander ageyne, from Guadalupes, cfrv. myles towarde the Mothe, manterracus there is an glande named Monferratus, conteynynge in circuite kozepe mpl es, hangnge alſo in it a mountagne of notable 2009 Ft heyght The thyrde decade. 139 The 3!ande hepght. The Flande named Antipus, diffante from Guadalupes Antiqua, thittie myles, is aboute foztye mples in circuite. Diegus Color mus the foonne and heyre of Chriſtophorus Colonus, tould me that his boyfe (whome he lefte in the flande of Hifp.unioka at his comming into Spaine to the courte) did buite bnco hym, that of late emonge the Flandes of the Lanibales, there is one founde whiche aboundeth with golde. On the lefte lyde of Hiſpaniold towarde the Southe, neare bnto che hanen Bedtit, The glande there lyeth an glande named Portus Bellas, They tell marues poussellus tous thynges of the monters of the ſea aboure this glande, Sreat Totoy and eſpecially of the toztoyles. for they Cape that they are res. bygge then greate rounde targettes. At fuche cyme as the the genera? heate of nature moueth theym too generation, they coome tion of Cou foo the of the ſea: And makynge a deepc pytte in the fande, toyres, 1199 they laye three of foure handzeth egges therin. When they SUS haue thus emptied their bagge of conception, they putte as...07535 muche of the ſande ageyne into the pytte, as maye Cuttyce to court the egges: and foo relozte ageyne to the ſea, no: 437*** thonge carefull of their ſucceſyon. At the daye appoynted tolerisa of nature to the procreation of theſe beades, there cocapeth obte a multitude of tolroyles, as it were pyllemares:Ibars mynge omte of an ante hyll: And this onely by the bcate of the fookne withowte any helpe of their parentes. They Toroyres. The egges of faye that'their egges are in maner as bygge as geeſe ogges. They alſo coompare the flette of theſe toztoyles, to be equally with beale in tattr. There are belyde there, anumerable 3 gnnumerabls glaodes. landes the whiche they haue not yet ſearched: noz yet is it greatly necellarye to ſyfte this mcale ſo fynely. 9t mape fuifpcc to underttond that theve are large landes e many re: gyoks whiche thal hercafter receaue obre nations, tounges, and maners: and therwith embzaſe owrc relygion. The Trojans dydde not loodenly reptenyte Alia, the syrians Crois. Cirians. Libia, nor the Breekes and phoenices Spaytre. breekes. As couchynge the plandes which iye on the north fydc of Hiſ phen.tians paniolt, 3 haue l'et paữe to fpeake: sfoz albeit they are comino dious foz tyllage and fyllhynge, yet are they lefte of the Spa nyárbes as poore and of fmaule balue, we byll nowe there: The North Flandes, foze take obre leatre of this oildc Tethis with her moylt and The Jlandes watery Bymphes: And receaue to owore nelle acquaintance of the ſouth ghe beloctifull ladye of the South Cea rychely crowned with ſes, Dom, iii, great The thyrde decade. great pearles, the Flande of Dites beinge ryche both in tame and in treaſure. In my epiñell bookc whiche 3. fente unto polpre holynes this laſt yeare, 3 declared howe Vafchus Nunes che Zland of Balbot the capitayne of them whiche paxed ouer the daunge: pearles. tous mountaynes towarde the South ſea, learned by report that in the proſpect of thoſe coages there laye an Flande as boundynge with pearles of the greatett Cozte: And that the kynge therof was ryche and of great power, infcttynge with Warres the other kynges his boztherers, and eſpecially chi apes and Tumacchus. We declared further howe at that tyme it was lefte bntonthed by reaſon of the ragynge tempeltes whi che troubled that South ſea three moonethes in the yeare 849130 But it is nowe better knowck to owre men, who haue nome alſo bļought that fierce kynge to humanitie: and conuerced ylde beaſts mur beramed bym from a cruell tyger to one of the meeke ſheepe of Chrities with the rod, docke ſanctifyed with thc water of baptiſme with all his fa: melie and kyngedome. It thall not thercfoze bec from owre pritpofc to declare by the gouernaunce of what capitaines o tekto by what meanes theſe thynges were ſo happcly atchgued. the tenth booke of the thyzde Decade. I the arcywall of Petrus Arias the newe gouëc nour of Daricna, he gaue commaandment that an crpeditto jane Gaſpar Moritlis (huld take in hande therpe $0 the glande dition to the lande of Dites. De therefore of Dites in tookc his byage fy?to Ghispes and Tumdcchus the ſouth ſea kpnges of the South, whom Vaſchus beefore um had concyled and left fryndes to the Chrifti Copy ask ans. They frendely and magnifycally entertegned owr mets come who prepared them a nause of the kynges, boates to paſle o: The gland of margsritea, yep into this glande, which they caule Dites and not Margarits 02 Margarites, although it abounde with peacles which in the latii tonge ate cauled Murg.trite. Foz they fyld cauled an other Os Draconis, by this name, which lyeth nert to the mouth of Os Draconis in Parli, the region of Paritz in the which alſo is founde greare plentie of pearles. Gafg1r blought with bpm onely threeſcore armed men to the laude, foz that he coulde conuey ouer no greater number by reaſon of the ſmaulenes and narownies of they? boates The thyrde decade. 140 boates or barkes which they caule Culchas, made of one hole piece of tymber as we haue fayde bifoze. The kynge of the 3 a conflict, lande came foorth ageing them fiercely with cruell and threa tenpage countenaunce, and with a great bande of armed mer cepinge in maner of a larome and in token of the batraple, Guazzausta, Cuszzauard, which is as much to Cape as, battayle a: geynt ehe enemie: and is as it care a watch worde to giuerseite thonſet, wherwith alſo they threbe they? dartes. Foz they haue not chufe of bowes. They were lo obftinate and delpe- cate that they alapled owre men with foure CudzLauirds, that is, batrayles. At the length owre men with certepne of China pes and Tumacėbus men (beinge oulde enemies to this kynge of the flande, goste the bpper hande by reaſon they alayled the kynge foodenly and bnwares. pet was he determyned to allemble a greater power, and once ageyne to attempt the fox tune of warre, but that he was otherwiſe perſuaded by the kinges his boithaters which counceled him to gque ouet and lubnyt hyn felfe ? Cumtyme by theremple of them ſelues and other threatenynge the deſtruction of his floozylüynge kynges dome: and otherwbyles declarynge unto hym thč humani: tie and gentelnes of owce men, by whoſe frendinip he might obrepne hanotite and quyetnes to hym and his: wyllyng hym furthermoze to conſider what chaunced into them which the peare before relytted and aduentured the haſarde of the bat: tayle as dyd tijele kyngeb, Poncha, Pocchorroſa, Quarequa, chiapest and Tumacéus with such other. By theſe perfuafions, thc kig fubinyreedinom ſelfc and came freendely ro owre men whom The kynge on he conducted to his palaice which they ſay to be martadlouny Dites bras abourned and princelyke. As coone as they entered into the reti iz im pallaice, ho boughtfoorth a baſket of curious Woolkemar; refe. typ and full of peacles which ha gauc them, the ſumme of The kja388 thefe pearlés amounted to the weyght bra lynndieth and ter a hundrecht panndes af ser, biit. Onces to the poundelo Berge ageyhe re- ten pounde Wardrd of otte mer with ſuch troles as they brought with weight of them of purpoſe, as gaclandes of Chriſtall andgla te and loupcarles, ther counterfet ffones of dyusrs colours, with looking gial: fes alſo and Inton bclles, and especially two of three 3cett' harchers (which they more effeme then great heapes of gold) ares and bate: be thaught upm Telfe abundantly recompenied. They laughe chets more owre men to ſcazne that they wyll depacte with ſo great and golde. eſteemed the neceſaiye. The thyrde decade. meccarte a thynge for any lumme of golde: affygmonge an are oz hatchet to bee profytable for manye vſes of men and that golde ſecucth onely for wanton pleaſures, and not to be greatly neceữary. Beynge therfoze ioyfull and gladde of the frendelhyppe of ovore men,he tooke the capitaine by the hand and brought him with cerreine of his familiars to the highet Che ky inges tolvre of his palaice, from whence they niyght proſpecte the Woorde 3 mayne fea. Then cattyng his eyes about hym on extery lide, and lookynge towarde the Eađe, be Caybe ynto them. Bez holde bere lyeth open befoze pobe the infynice ſea extended beyond the losnne beames. Then tournpng bym toward the Souche and Weſte, be ſygnyfied bnto them that the lande which laye befoze their eyes, the toppes of whole great mon: Flandes rych taynes they myght ſee, was erceadynge large. Then coom: * golde and pearles. mynge (umwhat nearer, he ſayde: Beholde theſe Flandes on the ryght hande and on the lefte, whiche all obeye buro owré empyle, and are ryche, happye, and bleted, if yowe caule thoſe landes bleued whiche abounde with golde and perle. Wee haue in this lande lyttle plentie of gelde: But the deeps places of all the ſeas aboutte thele landes, are full of perles : wherof yowe thall receave of me as many as polo wyll requyze, ſo that ye perſyfte in the bonde of frendempppe whiche yowe baue begynne. 3 greatly delyze yobre frende: yppe, and woolde gladlyc haue the fruition of yowre thyu: ges, whiche 31 ſette muche moze by then myllyons of perles. yowe ſhall therfoze haue no cauſe to doubte of any unfayth: on Eulneđe oz bleachc of frendelhyppe on my behalfe. Døre met Ne gaue hyni lyke frendly woozdes: and encouraged hym with c. pounde many fayze pzomyles to doo as hehad ſayde. when obre men were nobe in a redynetc to departe, they coucnaunted Weyght of perles yerely with hym to paye ycarely to the greate kynge of Cañtyle a for a tribute. hundzeth pounde lueyghre of perles. De gladlye agreed to their requet, and tooke it foz no great thong:noz yet thought 19 Hym ſelfe any whitte the moze to becoome tributarie. with Cotthis kynge they founde (uche plentie of bartes and counics, plentie of that obre men Gondynge in their houſes myght kyll as ma hartes and uye as them lytte with their arrowes. They lyue heare betyr cunnies. musee plealaunrly, haupuge greate plentie of al thynges necellary, Do This Flande is ſcarſely ſyre Degrees diftant from the Equi: noctiali lyne They haue the ſame manet of bzeade made of rooms The thyrde decade. 141 tootes and the grains of Maizium, and lyne made of ſeedes and fruites, cuen as they haue in the region of Comogra and wyne of fruta in other places aſwell in the Jlandés as in the firmie lande. tes and redes This kynge is nowe baptiled with all his familye and ſub: The kynge is iectes. Dis delyze was at his baptiſme, to bee nansed Petrus baptired. Arids after the name of the gouernout. When owre men des parted, he accompanied them to the ſea lyde and furnyChed Tlpe fyft part them with boates to retourne to the continent. Dwore men of perles due diuided the perles emonge them, reſeruyng the fyfte poltion to the kynge, to be delyuerco to thoitycers of the kynges Ercheker in thoſe partes. They faye that thele perles were maruelous pzecious, Bys perles. faire, oriente, and exccadynge bygge: 3n ſo muche that they broughte manye wish theym bygger then haſell nurtes. DE what pzyce and value they myghte bee, 3 conſyder by one perle the which Paulus pzedicettonr to yowre holines, bowght A perle for a at the ſecond hand of a marchant of Wenece foz foure & folty pope. choulande ducates, yet emonge thoſe whiche were brought frem this Blande, there was one bought even in Dariens foi a thouſande and two hundzeth Lattelans of golde. This was almod as bygge as a meanc Walnuttc:And came at the length perle of great an other to the handes of Petrus Arits thegouçrnoure, who gaue it to puce, that noble and faithefull woman his wyfe, of whole maner of departure with her huſbande, idee haue made mention be: foże. Wee muđe then needes thinke thac this was verye pie: cious which was bought ſo deare emonge ſuche a multitnde of perles where they were not bought by one at once, but by poundes and at the leatt by ounces. It is alſo to be thought that the Wenecian marchaunte boughte his foi no great ſum Nife and fute of mong in the wall parts. But he ſould it the dearer foz that perfluous be chaunced to ipue in thoſe laſciuious and wanton dayés pleaſures, when men were gyuen to ſuche wple and ſuperduous plealu: ces, and mette with a marchaunt foz his purpoſe. But lette Dyuers opini vs nowe ſpeake Cumwhat of the thelfyſihes in the whiche ons of the perles are engendered. It is not unknown to yowre yoly: of pearles. nelle, that Ariftotell, and Plinie his folowce, were of dyuers opinions as concernynge the generation of perles. But theſe Indians and owre men,reft onely in one a Tertion, not allentyng to them in any other: as eyther that they wan: der in the ſca, od that they moue at anyc tyme after they are bojne. They wyll therføje that there bee certayne greens places The thyrde decade. places as it bere medowes in the bottome of the ſea, bipi: perbes in the gynge foozthe an herbe muche lyke vnto thyme, and átfpzme bottome the ſea, that they haue (cene the ſame: And that they are engende: red, nozyrched, and growe therin, as bce ſee thincreaſe and fucceflion of oyűers to growe aboute them ſelues. Alſo that theſe fyldes delyteth not in the conuerfation of coompanye of the ſea dogges: Moz yet to bee contented with onely one, twoo, or three, 01 at the motte foure pearles: Afyzmyng that Rund:eth in the formynge places of the kynge of this glande, there perles in one ſhell fyrrhe. was founde a hundzeth pearles in one fythe, the whiche Gafa par Moralis the capitayne hym Celfe, and his coompanions, Ya snage od . diligently numbered. Foz it pleaſed the kynge at their be: no ynge there e in their pzeſence, to commaund his diuers to go the matrice a fyllynge foz thoſe kynde of fylthes. They compare the of me perteos matrices of theſe fyltbes, to the places of conception in hen: fyrrhe, isdal.ca ness in the whiche their egges are engendered in great mut: titudes and clutters: And beleue that theſe fylthes bzynge foozth their byzth in yke maner. For the better profe wher: of, they Cape that they founde certaine peacles coommynge foozthe of their matreces, as beynge nowe coome to the tyme The byth of of their full typenelit, and moued by nature to coome obte perlco, of their moothers boombe opcnynge ic felfe in tyme conueni: unt, Iykewiſe that within a while after, they ſawe other fuccede in lyke mancr. So that to conclude, they ſawe lum coommynge foozthe, and other (umme yet abydinge the tyme of their perfection:whiche beng complete, they alſo became looſe and opened the matrice. They perceaued the peacles to bee incloſed in the myddet of their bellies, there to bee nozie: asthed and increaſe as an infante Cuckynge his mothers pap: pes lpithin her bombe, befoze hec moue to coome foorthe of her pziuye places. And if it chaunce any of theſe thelfyllyes to be founde (catered in the fande of the ſta (as y my ſelfe haut ſeene opfters diſparcled on the bozes in diners places of the Ocean) they attyzme that they haue byn violently dipuen tht: ther from the bottome of the ſea by force of tempeftes, and not to haue wandered thither of them ſelues. But, that they becoome white by the clear nelie of the možngnge Debt, 0 bare yelowe in troubled wether, oz otheriyle that they feeme to reloyſe in faire bether and cleare apet, of contraty Jöpfe to bee as it boere afoniffbed and dumme iu thunder and tempétes The thyrdedecade. 142 tempefes, boleh ſuche other, the perfecte knowledge beceof is not to bee looked foz at the handes of theſe bnlearned men whiche handell the matter but groſely, and enquire no fur where ebe cher then occaſyon Cerueth. pet do they affyzme by therperi- byggeſt, ence and induūrie of the dyuers, that the greated pearles meane, and Iye in the deeped places, they of the meane Cozte bygher, and tealt peatles are engedice che leaú hysbelt of all and nearer to the bżynime of the wa: ter, and Cape therfoze that the greaten do not wander : but that they are created, nouryſthed, and increaſe in the det: pet places of the ſea, whether fewe, dyuers, and that but Ceeldome dare aduenture to diue lo decpe to gather them, al: wel for feare of the ſea crabbes whiche wander emonge theſe Sea erabbes pecle fylves to feede of them, and for feare of other monders of the ſea, as allo lette thetc bjethe fuld fayle them into long cemayninge in the water. And this they Cape to bee the caule why the owlded and thecfoze byggea Cea muſcles, inhabyte the res muſs cleo whering the desped places from whenle they are not lyghtly moued perles are by tempettes. ffurthermoje, howe muche the bygger and ouls engendred der theſe fpebes are, they ſay that in their larger matrices, the ROC greater namber and bygger pearles are founde: And that for de this cauſe, there are fewer founde of the byggea Cozte. #hey chyncke alſo, that when they fyzdté faule from their fylthes in the deepe places, they are deuoyred of other fyſies, bystanden cauſe they are not yet barde. Ageyne,the ſmauled differ from us the byggett in a certayne (wellynge oy impottumation whiche che Spaniardes caule a tympane. sfoz they denye that to be a pearle which in oulde muſcles cleaueth faft to the chel: Bueno that it is a warte, whiche beynge raſed from the thell with a nohou fyleis rounde and buyght but onely of one (ydeand not piese cions, beynge racher of the nature of the fylhe it ſelfe, then of a peacle. They confette that they haue ſeene cercayne of theſe muſcles cleauynge on rockes: per theſe but fewe, and norhynge woozthe. 3t is alſo to bee thought thatthe pearless fyllhes of fea muſcles whiche are founde in India, Arabic, the redbe ſea, ol Tapzobana, are culed in Cuche ozder as the 5th or afoje named famous autours haue Wateten. ffoz their opinis trikot on herein is not ytterly to bce reiected, fozaſmuche as chey were learned men and trauayled longe in the ſecchynge of theſe thynges. But wee haut nowe poken, Cuitycicntly of theſe fra fyſipes and of theic egges which the fonde pylencs and The thyrde decade and wanteonnette of men haue made bearer then the egges of hennes oz gecſe. Lette vs therfoze entreate Cumbhat of o: so ther particular thynges whiche are coome to obvre know- ledge of late. We haue elles where largely deſcribed the mou thes of the goulfe of Vriba, with fundiye and variable regi: Bu ons divided with the manyfolde goulfes of that ſea. Butt ag concernynge the Wett coales in the whichc obre men have #buylded houſes and planted their habitations on the bankes the regions of Dariena, 3 haue no newe matter to wzite. yet as touching of the Eaſt the fac partes of the goulfe, J haue learned as foloweth. Tyde of them. They Caye that the vnpuerſal lande of the Eat region of the barnet y goulfe from the cojner therof farce ceachynge into the fea; and from the eſtreame 02 btter motte mouthe of the ſame re: ceauynge the waters of the ſea whiche faule into it, even brez The region of Carbaisa to Os Draconis and Paria, is by one generall name cauled Caris A band, of the Caribes Of Lanibales whiche are founde in every 91909 9 stegyon in this tracte. But from whenſe they had their par: ticular originall, and howe leauynge their native ſople, they The original haue ſpiedde their generation ſo farre lyke a pettiferous con: of the Canis balcs. tagion, wie wyll nowe declare. Thetfore from the fyzle AS3 age fronte reachynge foorth into the fen (in whoſe tracte we ſaid that Foged: faftened his foote) toward the corner, about nyne The Vplages myles distant, there lyeth a vpllage of Cariband named Fulcracks en Thice myles diſtant froin this, is the pyllage of Vrabs, of the egyetem whiche it is thoughte that the hole goulfe tooke his name, becauſe this bpllage was once the heade of the kyngedome, Dennunters. aboute fyre myles from this, is Feti. Nyne myles from Fert; Is Zerema: And about twclue myles from this, Sorache. Dwre men founde all theſe vyllages full of people, all the whiche gyue them ſelues onely to manhumtynge. In ſo muche that if they lacke enemyes ageyni whom they maye keepe warre, they erercile crueltie ageyna chem Celues, and eyther ürpe the y one the other, oz elles duyue the vangry[ded to üyghte. whereby it is apparante that by theſe their continuall war: res, and diytynge the one the other obte of their countreis, this infection hath gonne ſo farre not onelge on the fyzme lande, but alſo into the Jlandes.J was alſo aduertiſed of an other thynge the whiche to my iudgement, ſeemeth wools thye to hec putte in memoryc. Dne Corrales a ludge in canles of lawe amonge the Spany. ardes The thyrde decade, 143 ardes of pariend, fayth that on a tyme walšyng abrode inith his booke in his hande, be met by the waye with a fugityue which had aed de from the great landes lyinge farce toward the weđe, and remayned here topth a kypgc wych whom he bas entertegned. when this man perceaued the lawier lookynge on his booke, marueplynge thereat, he came cuns ninge bnto him, and by interpretours of the kynge bohom he ferued,(pake thus vnto him Haue yobe allo bookes whetin Bookes, powe may refecue thynges in perpetual memozge and letters Loke in the wherby yowe may declare yowre mynde to ſuche as are ab- begynnyng of fent:And herewith delyzed that the booke might bee opened the booke of bnto hyn, ſuppoſong that he thulde therein haue founde the igrely founde, letters of his owne countrey. But when he ſawe theim un: Ipke, he ſayde further that in his countrey there were cities föztified with waules and gouerned by lawes: and that the 2011 people alſo vſed apparell. But of what religion they were, Circismcirca dyd not learne. yet had obre men knowleage both by the people. wooldes and ſignes of this fugitiue, that they were circum: ciled. What nowe thinke yowe hereby (molt holy father) DZ nito what do yowe divine may come hereof when tyme fhall ſubdito due al theſe bnder powre thzone : Let vs nolue entermyngle what chauis certeyne (maulethynges amonge theſe great matters. J haue ccd to the Ca not thought good to pretermitte that which chaunced to Io che the gode banues Solfius, who, to ſearche the South Cyde of the ſuppoſed nour rent oy: continent, departed with three ſhippes from pozte Toppa ( not uers wayes, farre diftante from the glandes of Gades 02 Lales in the Dce: an) the fourth day of the Jdes of September in the yeare. D. tb. what luccelle Iohinnes Pontius had, bhom che newegingora X gouernout Petrus Arias appopnted to banquiſhe and delroy the Lookedecade Laribes of Lanibales, certourers of mans flithe Allo to Wljat ende the bpages of the other capitapnes came, whiche were ſent foozth opuers bayes at the ſame tyme: As Gonzalus Badas ocius, Franciſcus Bezerra, atid Valleius, Lobannes Solicíus tooke the mae The vygge of 'ter in bandein an engli houre. Heſapled beyonde che popne 3ohannes so of Caynt Auguſtine, (which they caule Cabo.s. Auguftini) toward the South (yde of the ſuppoſed contincnt beyond the Equi: Cap.S.Auguftius noctiall lyne. for (as Ine haue Cayde befoze) that poynt reas cheth Southwarde co the feucnth degree of the South poole cauled the pole Antartike. De proceaded in that viage Tyre Hundzeth leaguis: and founde the lande from the poynte to extende f. liber, vi, The thyrde decade. oftende ſo farte towarde the South beyonbe the Egülnoctt : all, that he came to the thircie degree of the South pole. 46 he Capled thus forwarde, hauynge nowe on his backe halfe the dartes named Caput Draconis, (that is, the dragons heade) and the regions of Paris lyingé nozchwärde fromehym, and gohn Solyfi: pzoſpectynge towarde the pole Artyke, he chanced to faule us is fiaine of into the handes of the fylthye Lanibalcs. For theſe craftie the canibas les fores ſeemed to make ſignes of peace, when in they, mindes The fierce: they conceaued a hope of a paintie banquet:And elpying their des of the Ca ehcmies a fatre of, beganne to lldalowe theyx ſpettle as their Bibaler mouches watered for greedines of theyz pay. As vnhappre Solyfius deſcended with as many of his coompanie as coulde en ter into the boate of the byggel thippe, Coodenly a great mula cytude of thinhabitantes bruge foozth bppon them, and lieb them euery man with clubbes, euen in the ſyght of theg, fe: lowes. They caried away the boate, and in a moment bạoke it all to fytters. Not one man eſcaped. Theyz furie not thus Catiſfied, they cutte the dayne men in pieces euen bppon the doze where they, felowes might beholde this horrible fpecta de from the ſea. But they being åtyken with feare through this exemple, dur& not coome foozth of thepz typpes, Ol dis uile howe to reuenge the death of theyz Lapitaine and coom Biarell. panyons. They departed therefoze from theſe ynfortunate coaứcs : And by the waye ladynge ebey? Chippes with bzafell returned home ageyne with lote and heavie chere. Df theſe thynges 1 was aduertgled of late by theýz owne letters. what they haue els doont,3 bal haue moze particular knolo Johannes po lcage hereafter. Iohannes Pontius was alſo repulced by the Cant: cius is repul: bales in the lande of Guadalupes beinge one of the chiefe 31 led by thë C# landes of thep2 habitacion. For when they ſawe obce men Bibalce. a farre of on the ſea, they ley in ambulbe Coodenly to inuade them when they chulde coome alande, Dwre men ſent foo,th a fewe foote men and with them they laundzeſes to walibe cheyz thertes and theetes. For from the glande of Ferres be: inge one of the glandes of Lanarie (euen bnto this glande, Fuz the ſpace of foure thouſande and twoo hundjeth myles) they had feche no lande where they myght fynde any freſtbe bater: foz as muche as in all this large pace, the ocean is without Flandes, at theyz commynge therfoze to lande, the Lanibales aữagled them, caried awage the women, and put the The thyrde decade. T 144 the ment to fache diftređe that fete of them eſcaped. By rea: Con to hcrot, Pontius being greately diſcomfited, durfte not in: nade the Canibales, fearynge thop? benemed arrowes which theſe naked manhunters can direct moſt certenly. thus good Pontius faylyng of his purpoſe, was fayne to gyue ouer the La nibales, whome (beinge ſafe and under the houſe coufehe threatened to vanquylhe and deltroy. Whether he went from thenſe, of what newe thynges he founde, 3 hauc as yet no further knowleage. By theſe mylfoztunes, Solyfixs love his ipfe, and Ponius his honour. Let vs no we ſpeake of an other whole enterpryſe came to lpke purpoſe the ſame yeare. Ioban net Aiora bozne in the citie of Corduba, a man of noble parentage, The vyage of Sent in teade of the lieuetenannt (as we haue fayde) moze co Johannes actous of goldc then carefull of his charge oz delyzous of Dioranes prayle foz well deſeruynge, fought occaſions of querelynge Loeke decade itt. liber, agepng the kynges and ſpopled many, violently ertozrynge golde of them agepngt ryght and equitie: And further hande: led them ſo extremely, that of frendes they became moä cruel enemies:in ſo much that they ceaſed not with deſperat myn The lewde des by all meanes they coulde to ley owre men openly oz pit behavour of uilye. By reaſon wherok it is coome to pale, that where be: John Aiora. fore they bartered quyetly erchanginge ware for ware, they are nowe fayne to doo all thynges by force of armes. When he had thus exacted a great quantitie of golde of thent (as to is fayd) he Redde priuilie and tooke away a wyppe with him by telth as the common tumoure goeth Nor ger hetherta haue we hard bhyther he bent of where he is atryued,Sum Suſpect that Petrus Ariss the gouernour thulde conſente to his departure bycauſe this lobannes Aiora is bzother to Gonſalws Aiors the kynges hidoriographer, a man booth lerned, and erpect in the diſcipline of barte:and ſo much the governouts frend, that theſe two amonge a fewe, may be counted exemples of rare amitie. 3 my ſelfe allo am greately bounde bnto thrym bothe and haue Tonge entoyed theyzfrendetpippe. yet Call 3 delyje them bothc to pardone me in declarynge nip phan: tafie herein, that in all the turmoyles and tragicall affayzes of the Dcean, norhynge hath ſo muche diſplealed me as che couetonſnes of this man who hath fo Diſturbed the pacified myndes of the kynges.Nowe emonge theſe troubelous chaun ces, let bs rehearſe the variable foztune of confulüs Badstocikk and . The thyrde decade. che variable # his felowes, whole proſperous vegynnynges, ended with fortune of 65 falus Badaio, ynfortunate ſuccclle. Gonfalus thetfore in the moneth of way cias. 2017 in the yeare of Lhute ag. D. cv. departed from Dariens with ad fourelcorc armed men, directyńge his byage towarde the en Sourhe, and reſtynge in no place öntpll hecame to the regi: cadeshti.li.ti on of Cerabaro which owrc men named Gratia Dei, diđant from Dariena about a hundreth and fourelcoje mylés: foz they caule it threeſcoze Icaqucs. De (pente cetteyne Dayes here in Jdel: nelle : for he coulde neyther by fayze meanes no, by fouleal: lure the kynge of the regpon to coome to bym, while he laye thus idelly, there came to hym other fyftic men lente frome com 4* Dirien under the governaunce of capytayne Lodoricus Mercado who departed from Dariena in the calendes of Agaye, to thin: tent to Cearche thinner partes of thoſe cegyons. When they mette together, they determyned after conſultation, to patie nasis ouer the montagnes lyinge towarde the Southe, euen ynto the Southe ſea latelye founde. Beholde nowe a wonderfull thynge: That in a lande of ſuche macuelous longitude in other places, they founde it here to be onely abonte fyftie The South.. myles Diđant to the Southe ſea: fou they counte it, cvii.lea: rea. leaque con: ques, as the maner of the Spanyardes is to reken, and not teyneth foure by myles. Per Caye they that a lcaque conlyð of thzee my: myles by ſea les by lange and foure by ſea as bee haue noted before. gin and but three ebe teppes of the mountaynes and turnynge of the waters, they founde a kynge named Iutta, whole kyrgedome is allo named Coiba as is the cegyort of kynge Carets, of whome we The golder haue made mention elles where. But fo: as muche as the re: region of Core gyon of this Iuant, is rycher in golde, they named it coika Die ba Dytes. tes, that is, Coiba the rych. fol, wherlocuer they dygged the grounde, whether it were on the dye lande oz in the weate chanelles of the eyuers, they founde the fande whiche they Sande mytte catte foothey myrtc with golde. Luand dedde at the coom: With golde. mynge of obre mens and coulde nenet bee brought agette. nowe they? They (pogled all the countrey neare aboute his palapce. pie faues are had they but lyrtle golde: for hee had carped all his duke markedin thc with hym. Lere they founde certeyne Blaues marked in the face. faces after a traunge ſozte. For with a charpe pżycke made cpther of bone, oz elles with a thoine, they make holes in their faces : and foorth with ſprinkelynge a pouber theroll, theg moiße the pounced place with a certeyne blacke of tende by lande. The thyrde decade 145 tüile, Whoſe ſubtaunce is of ſuche tenacitie and clamminelle, that it byll neuer weare awaye. They brought theſe daues away with them. They Cape that this iuiſe is of ſuch charp: nelle and purreth them to ſuche payne, that foz ertreeme dos loure they haue no ftomacke to their meate certaine dapes af: ter. The kynges whiche take theſe Baues in their warres, ble their helpe in ſeekynge for golde and in tollage of the grounde, euen as do owre men. From the pallaice of Iusness folompnge the courle of the water aboute tenne myles to: twarde the Southe, they entered into the dominion of an other kynge, whome owre men named the oulde man, bycauſe hee was oulde, not palynge of his other name. In the regyon of this kynge alſo, they founde golde in all places bothe on solde, che lande and in the ryuers. This region is verye fayze and Erutefull: and hath in it many famous ryuers. Departynge Erom benſe, in fpue dayes fozneye they came to a lande lefte a fruteful res Delolate. They ſuppoſe that this was deftroyed by ciuile Dil: gion left dero colde fok as much as it is for the moode parte fruiteful, and late by ciuile pet not inhabited. The fyfth daye, they Tawe two men com: diſcoide. mynge a farre of. Theſe were laden with breade of Maizium, bhiche they caryed on their thulders in ſackes. Dbre men tooke them and underttoode by them that there were tloo kynge perte kynges in that tracte: The one was named Periquete, whoe quete, dweite neare unto the ſea. The others name was Totonoga. This Totonoga, was blynde and oweite in the continent. The twoo men whiche they mette, were the fylthers of Totonoga, whome he had lente with certayne farbelles of free to Perio quete , and had agepne receaued bzeade of hyın foz erchaunge. spoz thus do they communicate their commodities one with an other by erchaunge, without thule of wycked money. By the conductinge of theſe twoo men, they came to kynge si Michael, Totonoga dwellynge on the Wette fyde of ſayncte ngichaelles kynge Tosos goulfe in the Southe ſea. They had of this kynge, the Cum roga. of Cyre thouſande Caftellans of golde boche rude and artify: cially wzought. Emonge chole groumes of cube or natyue Sir thouſand golde, there was one founde of the weyghre of two Lađel: carcilana of lans, whiche argued the plentifull rychenelle of the ground. solde. folowing the ſame coates by the ſea lyde toward the weſt, they came to a kynge whoſe name was Taracuru, of whome kyns Targe ebey had golde amountynge to the weysht of eight thouſand curu, DO Peſos, The thyrde decade. home. Vitt. thorfand peſos. Wee hane fayde befoze that Peſus is the Weyghte of a peros of gold Latrlane not coyned. from henſe they wente to the domi: kynge pana: nion of this kynges bioother named Pananome, who fledde at their commynge, and appered no moze afterwarde. They ſaye that his kingdome is ryche in golde. They (pogled his kyng Tabor. pallaice in his abſence. Syre leaques from hence, they came kynge Cheru. to an other kyng named Tabor. from thenſe they came to the kyng of Cheru. De frendly enterteyned owre men, and gaue Gifi, thouſande them foure thouſande peſos of golde. He hathe in his do: peros of gold minion many goodly Calte baycs: the region alſo aboundeth Salte. with golde. About twelue myles from henſe, they came to an kyng 2nats. other kyng cauled Anata, of whome they had. tv. thouſande v. thouſande peros of gold Pefos of golde whiche he had gotten of the kinges his boſthe: rers whom he had vanquiſthed by warre.A great part of this golde was in rude fozme bycauſe it was molten when he let They mater the kynges houſes on fyer whom he ſpoyled. For they robbe of warte. and ley the one the other, ſackynge and fyzyng their villaz ges, and watinge their countreys. They keepe warre barba: roudy and to btter dettruction, executing ertreeme crueltie a: geinft them that haue the ouerchzowe. Gonſalus Badaiocius with his felowes, wandered at lybertic vntyll they came to this kyng: and had gathered great heapes of gold of other kina ges. Foz, what in bzadettes,collers, earinges, bzelte plates, helmettes, and certeine barres wherwith women beare vppe fourefcore their brettes, they had gathered together in gold the ſum of thouſand.Ch. foureſcoje thouſande Latellans, whiche they had obtegned ſtellans of Solde. partly by erchaunge for owre thinges where they founde the kinges their frendes, otherloile by fozceible meanes where they founde the contrary. They had gotten alſo forty flaues whole helpe they bled both foz cariage of their bitatles and bagagies in the teade of moiles oz other beattes of burden, and alſo to relieue ſuche as were lycke and fouweried by tcas kyng Scoile. Con of their longe iozneys and hunger, after theſe pzolpe: king pariza. rous viages, they came by the dominion of kynge Scoris, to BafalusBada the palaice of a kynge named Pariza: where (fearyng no ſuch focius bark thing) Pariza encloſed them with a great armye, and alapled theuerthrow them Araggelong and onwares, in ſuche fozte that they had and is fpoya no leaſure to put on their armure. De dewe and wounded as led of great ryches of bout fyfrie, and put the reſydue to flyght. they made ſuche solde, hat that they had no reſpect eyther to the gold they had gas thered, The thyrde decade. 146 thered, oz to their daues: but lefte all behynde them. Thoſe Cewe that eſcaped, came to Dariena. The opinion of all wyſe the income men as concernynge the baryable and incontant chaunces ftance of of foztune in humane thinges, were falle, if al thinges fould fortune. haue happened ynto them proſperoudy. for ſuch is the na: ture of this blynde goddeđe, that the oftentimes belyteth in the ouerthzole of them whom ſhe hath exalted : and takech pleſure in confounding bygh thinges with lowe, and the cons trary. Wee ſee this order to bee impermutable, that who foo bopli applye hym ſelfe to gather rootes, thall Cumtymes meets with libeete lyquecelle, and other whiles with Coure cockle. pet wo unto Pariza: foz he ſhall not longe Neape in reft. The gouernour him ſelfé was of late determined with three hun: breth and fyftie choiſe Couldiers to reuenge the death of owr men: But where as he by chaunce fell Cycke, his poure went fozipard under the conducting of his Lieuetenant Gaſpar Spino- fa. a judge in caſes of lawe in Dariera At the ſame time other were ſent foorth to the Jlande of Dites to eracte the portion of pearles lymited to the king for his tribure. What hal ſuc: cede, tyme will bring to owrc knowleage. The other two, at: on of fraun The erpeditts tempted thinhabitantes beyond the goulfe Franciſcus Bezerra pal ces Bezarra & Ipng ouer by the cozner of the goulfe and the mouches of the geynft tne ryuer of Dabaibs, with two other capitaines and a hundzeth Cambales, and fyftie ſouldiers well appointed, went to make wacce vp: pon the Lanibales euen in Cariband their owne chiefeft domini on toward the byllage of Terufy, wherof we baue made men: tion befoze in the comming of Fogeda. They brought alſo with them diuers engens of warre: as three pieces of ordinanunce Sunses, whoſe ſhot were bygger then egges: Likewiſe fozty archers, and reb.hagbutters to thintent to reache the Laniballes a farre of, and to preuent their venemed arrowes. But what became of hym and his company, o? Where they arriued, we have yet no parfecte knowleage. Certaine which came of late from Dariena to Spaine reported that at their departure, they of Dariene fode in great feare leat they alſo were tolled with ualeius tepul fum milfoztune. ühe other capitaine Valleius, obteyned the fed of the Ca foze parte of the goulfe. But he palled ouer by an other waye nibales, then dyd Bezerrdo for he tooke the beginning of Caribunt; and Bezerra the ende. Valleius returned ageine. But of the thzee (code and ten men whiche he conueighed ouer with hym, hee left The thyrde decade tefte foztye and eyght Taine emonge the Laníbales. Theſe are the newes whiche they bringe that came lafte from Dariend. There came to me the day befozethegdes of ED ctober in this yeare D.D. Tvi. Rodericus Colmenares (of whom we haue made mention before) and one Franciſcus Delapuentc. This Franciſcus, was one of the under capitaines of this bande, whoſe chiefe capitaine las Gonſalus Badaiocius who hardly eſcaped the han des of kyng Pariza. Theſe twoo capitaines therfoze, Rodericus and Franciſcus who departed from Dariens immediatly after the The Flandes milfoztune whiche befell to Badtiocius and his companye, do of the fouth both affirme, the one that he hach harde, and the other that he hath ſeene, that in the Southe ſea there are diuers Ilang In this real, des lying welwarde from the Jland of Dites and ſaincte agi: the flandes chaels goulfe, in many of the which are trecs engendzed and of Molucca, nouriſthed which bring foozth the ſame aromaticall fruites, moſt frutefull as doth the region of Collocuted, This lande of Collocuted, with of pices. Collocuted. the regions of Cochinus and Camemorus, are the chiefe martepla Cochinus and ces from whence the portugales haue their ſpices. And hete: Camemozus, by do they coniecture that the land where the frutfulnele of from whenfé ſpyce begynneth, thulde not be farre from thenſe. In ſo much the portugai, that many of them whiche haue ouercunne thoſe coattes, do les have their onely delyze that leaue may be graunted them to ſearche fuc: ther, and that they wil of their owne charges frange and fura nithe thippes and aduenture the viage to ſeeke thoſe flandes De meaneth and regions. They thinke it bet that theſe thippes thulde bee bythe freight made and prepared, euen in ſaincte michaels goulfe: And of magella: not to attempte this vyage by ſainte Auguftines point, which nys. waye were both longe and diffyculte, and ful of a thouſande daungers, and is Caide to reache beyonde the fozty degree of the pole antartike. The ſame Franciſcus, being partener of the trauailes and daungiers of Gonflus, Caithe that in ouer tun hope they ninge thoſe landes, he founde great heardes of hartes and take hartes and Wylde Wylde bozes:and that he toke many of them by an arte which bores. thinhabitauntes taught him: Whiche was to make pittes 0? trêches in their walkes, and to cover the ſame with bouwes, Stocke ocues By this meanes alſo they deceaue al other kindes of wild and foure footed bcates.But they take foules after the ſame ma: ner that we do: As ttocke dones with an other tame flocke done brought up in their houſes. Theſe they tye by a firungen and (učer them to âye a little emong the trees, so the which as other The thyrde decade 147 as other birdes of their kind relozt, they kil tht with their ar rowes. Otherwyſe they take thë with nettes in a bare place Tbeya maner pourged from trees & bulhes: and (cateryng certeyne feedes of foulynge, counde about that place, in the muddette whereof they tye a tame foule oz byzde of the kynde of them whiche they belyze to take. In lykc maner do they take popingiaycs and other foules. But they ſay that popingiayes are ſo ſimple, that a pooingiapes great multitude of them wyll åpe cuen into the tree in whole aro carely tas bouwes the fouler lytteth: fwarme about the tame chatte ken, rynge popingiaye, Cufferynge them ſelues to bee eaſely taken. Foz they are ſo without feare of the ſyght of the fouler, that they fary whyle he caſt the ſnare about theyneckes, the o: ther beinge nothynge feared hereby, thoughe they ſee hym diawe them to him with the ſnare and put them in the bagge which he hath about hym for the ſame purpoſe. There is an other kynde of foulynge, beretofoze neuer harde of, and plea a ftraunge Caunt to conſyder. we haue declared befoze howe that in cec kynde of foute tegne of the glandes, and eſpecially in Hiſpaniola, there are dy: lynge. uers lakes oz kandynge pooles. Jn (tome of theſe (beinge no deaper then men may wade ouer them) are ſeene great multys tudes of water foules: as wel for that in the bottome of theſe lakes, there growe many herbes and weedes, as alla that by reaſon of the heate of the ſonne pearceingeto the naturall fyrrhes and place of generation and corruption, where bringe doubled in Wormes enge fożce by teñection and preſerued by mopfter, there are engen: dered of ſlime dered of the lymines of the earth and watet, and by the pro uidence of the vniuerſall creatoz, innumerable lyetle fylthes, with a thouſande Cundzy kyndes of frogges, wozmes, knat: fouice, tes, flyes and ſuch other. The foules which bſe theſe lakes, are of dyuers kyndes: As duckes,geeſe,lwannes, ſeemcwes, gulles, and ſuch other. We haue Cayde allo that in theyz on: chardes they nożythe a tree whicle beareth a kynde of greate gourdes. Of thele gourdes therefore well topped leate any Sourdes of water chulde enter in at theyz cyfres and cauſe them to linke, the trees they cact many in the talowe pooles: where, by they? contis nuall wanderynge and wauerynge with the mottons of the wynde and water, they put the foules owt of Cuſpection and feare. The fouler in the meane tyme, diſguyſinge hym ſelfe as it were with a vilour, putteth a great gourde on his head much lyke to a helmet, with two holes ncafe about his eyes, bia The thyrde decade. his face and hole heade belyde beinge couered therlbith, and thus entereth he into the poole euen vnto the chynne. for beinge from theyz infancie exerciſed it ['wymmynge and ac: cuftomed to the waters, they refuſe not to continue therein a longe ſpace. The foules thynkynge this gourde to be one of the other that ſwymme vppon the water, the fouler gocth ſoftly to the place Wher he ſeeth the greaten tocke of foules: and with waggynge his heade, counterfectinge the mouing of the wauerynge gourbes, dzabethe neare to the foules: where foftely puttynge foozth his ryght hande, he ſoodenly ſnatcheth one by the legges and plungeth her into the water there be putteth her into a bagge whiche he hath with hym of purpoſe The other foules ſuppoſinge that this dyued in: to the water of her owne motion to ſeke for foode(as is their maner) are nothyng moued hereby, but go forwarde on their waye as befoze, vntyll they alſo faule into the ſame ſnare. J haue here for this cauſe entered into the declaration of they? maner of huntynge and foulynge, that by theſe moze pleaſannt narrations may fumwhat mytigate and aftwage. the hourour conceaued in yowre tomake by the former reheac Call of they, bluddy actes and cruell maners. Lette vs nome therfoze (peake Cumwhat ageyne of the newe and later opini Later opint: ons as concernynge the fwyfte courſe of the ſea towarde the ons of the welt about the coates of Paria: alſo of the maner of gathering swift courſe of golde in the golde myne of Dariend, as j was aduertiſed of of the Ocean fowarde the late. And with theſe two quyet and peaceable thynges, we wyl make an ende of the tragical affayzes of the ocean: and therwith byd yowre holynes fare wel. So it is therfoze, that Andreas Moralis the pylot, and Ouiedus (of whom we haue made mention befoze) repayzed to me, at my houſe in the towne of matrite, as we met thus togyther, there aroſe a contention betwine them twojas concernynge this courſe of the Dcean. or firme land. They both agree that theſe landes and regions perteynynge to the dominion of Lattile, doo with one continuall tract and perpetuall bonde, embzale as one hole firme lande oz conti: nent al the mapne lande lyinge on the nozth fyde of Cuba and the other fiandes, beinge allo nozchwel both from cuba and Hifpiniolt. Vet as touchynge the courſe of the water, they var; tie in opinion. For Andreas, woyil that this vyolent courſe of Water bee receaued in the lappe of the ſuppoſed continente West. whiche The thyrde decade. 148 which bendeth ſo much and extendech ſo farre towarde the 1203th, as we haue ſaid: And that by the obiect of relittance of the lande ſo bendynge and crookynge, the water thulde as st were rebounde in coompalle, and by force therof be dzyuen about the nozth fyde of Cuba and the other Jlandes excluded without the circle cauled Tropicus Cancri, where the largenes of the ſea maye receane the waters faulynge frome the narowe ftreames, and therby repzelle that inordinate courſe, by reas ſon that the ſea is there very large and great. 37 can compare his meanynge to nothynge moje aptely then to the ſwyfte treame commyng foorth of a mylle and faulyng into the myl poole. ffoz in al ſuche places where waters runne with a vy- olent faule through narowe chanels, and are then reccaued in large pooles, they are ſoodenly diſparcled and theyề violence broken: So that wheras before they ſeemed of ſuch force as to puerthrowe all thynges beinge in they? waye, it can not then be perceaued which way they runne. The Admiral him felfe Diegus Colonus, fonne and heyze to chriſtophorus Colonus the The Vyages fyzit fynder of theſe landes (who had nowe in commyng and of diegus goinge, foure tymes pated thronghe theſe ſeas) beinge des Colonus. maunded of me what he founde oz perceaued in (aylynge too and fro, anſwered that there was muche difficultie in retur: Tre vyage nynge the ſame way by the which they go. But wheras they from the memo fyzit take the waye by the mayne ſea towarde the 1ozth be: landes ro fore they directe they? courſe to Spáyne, he ſaythe that in Spayne, that tract, he felt the thippe fumtymes a lyttle dzyuen backe by the contrary courſe of the water. yet ſuppoſeth that this chaunceth onely by the ozdinarie iowynge and reftowynge of the fea: And the ſame not to be enforced by the circumflec tion oz courſe of the water reboundynge in compalle as we haue fayde. But thinkerh rathet, that this mayne lande o2 ſuppoſed continent, thulde lumiphere bee open:And that the fayde open place, thoulde bee as it were a gate, entcrie, 02 drepght, diuydyng the North partes of that lande from the Souch: by the which alſo, the Ocean runnynge towarde the wet, may by the rotation oz impulſion of the heauens, bet dzyuen about the hole earth. Ouledus agreeth with Andreas Mo ralis as touchynge the continuall adherence and doſenes of the fayde continente. pet neyther that the waters fulde lo beate agent the bendynge backe of the Wed landez oz bee in ſuche The thyrde decade. fach dzte repulſed and diyuen into the mayne (ea. But faltty that he hath diligently conſydered, that the waters tunne From the deepeſt and niyddeft of the maine ſea, towarde the Weft. Allo that ſaplinge nere bnto the thure with Imaule bel: the contrary ſelles, he founde the ſame waters to returne ageinse towarde courſe of wes the Eat. So that in the ſame place, they runne together with ters. contrary courſe, as wc oftentimes ſecthe lyke to chaunce in riuers wherby the obiecte of the bankes,diuers whiclepsoles and turnynges aryſe in the water. By reaſon wharof, if any chaffe, traloe, woodde, 02 any other thyng of lyght ſubtance be catie in any ſuche places in tyuers, it foloweth that al ſuch as tunne with the water in the myddet of che chanell, pro: cede well forwarde: But ſuche as faule into the bendynge goulfes and indented margentes of the crooked bankes, are Carped ouerthwarte the chanell, and ſo wander about vnryll they meete with the ful and directe courſe of the ryuer. Thus have we made yowe partener of Cuche thinges as they haue gyuen vs, and writen their dyders opinions. We wyll then gyue moze certeyne reaſon, when moze certeyne truth thalbe knowen. We mult in the meane tyme, lcane to opinions bntil the day coome appointed of god to reucale this ſecreate of na the poynt of ture, with the perfecte knowleage of the pointe of the pole the pole ſtar, tarce, Dauyng fayd thus muche of the courſe of the ocean, a briefe declaration of the golde mynes of Dariena, thall cloſe The golde vppe owre Decades and make an ende of owre trauayles. maynes of Da Wec haue fayde, that nyne myles Dittante from Dariena, are siena, and the the lydes of the hylles and the drye playnes in the whiche maner of BA- golde is gathered bothe on the diye lande, and alſo on the sherynge golde. bankes and in the chanelles of ryuers. Therfoje to al ſuch as are wyllynge to gather golde,there is of ordinarie cutome appointed to euery man by the ſuruoiers of the mynes, & {quare plette of grounde conteyning twelue paſes, at the are bitriment of the chooſer, ſo that it bee not grounde alrcaby occupied, ozlefte of other. The portion of grounde beinge chus choſen (as it were adygned of the augures to buylde a temple) they incloſe their daues within the ſame, whole Helpe the Chriſtians ble in tyllynge of their grounde and gaz Checynge of golde,as we haue faide. Theſe places appointco bnto them, thep keepe as long as them lytie. And if they pec: Graue tookens of Igrele golde, they require an other plotte of ground The thyrde decade. !! 149 ground of thelue pares to be aligned them, leauyng the fitt Adwelte in regions whole inhabitauntes bled Olpre incloſie ers woolde in commen. And this is thozder which the Spaniardes inha: caue no fuck bitinge Dariena obſerite in gatheryng of golde. tg ſuppoſe at: commens. ſo that they ble the lyke ozdec in other places: bow be it, 3 haue not yet enquired fo farce. 3t hath byn pzoued that there Eleluc pares of grounde, have yelded ro their choolers, the fummic of fouteſcore Caftellans of gold. And thus leade they Auri facra Fameg thepz lyues in fulfyllynge the holy bunger of golde. But the moze they fyll their handes with fyndynge, the more intreas of couctoura fech their couetous delyze. The moze woodde is lapde to the nes. fyer, the moze furiondy rageth the fame. Winſaciable cours tournelte is no more diminiſthed with increaſe of rychelle, then is the drinelle of the biopſye Catiſfyed bith drinke. 31 m2 tette paất mange thynges wherof 3 intende to write moze dobro largely intyme conuenicnt, if 3 Mall in the meane ſeaſon bna becitande tihele to be acceptable unto yowte holynelle : my . deiptie and obleruaunce to whoſe autozitie, hach cauſed me the gladlier to take this labour in hande. The powdence of the eternall creatour of all thenges, graunt yowre holynet'e many proſperous peaces. ( helafte booke of Peter warty, of Angles cia, of the Landes and 3 laudes lately founde: and of the maners of the Tom inhabitauntes of the ſame. haue partli declared beforein mi decades hobuneena od cerreine fugit ues which camc owt of the large Loke pecade met landes acriued in the confynes of Dariena : ¡ti. Liber. and bowe that marueylinge at the bookes de awre men, they declared that they Cume yme Inche inücumenres and were culed by politike labes, allo Cities fortify that they had cities foztified with waules, and faire pallaccs ed weh waus with fireares well payed, and common places whyther mat : les, chauntes relozt as to the burſe oz (treate: hele landes,owre men hanc nowe founde, Therfozo who were thautoirs beres of,02 that ſuccede they had herein, who lo deſiteth to know with the conditions of traunge regions and the maners of the The thyrde decade. the gland of the people, let hym glue diligent attendance to ſuch thynges Cuba o fer as folowe. Of the land of Cuba (nowe canled Fernandina - 1p; pendina. pnge nepte bnto Hiſpaniola on the beſt fyde, and yet ſumbhae ar fi bendyage towarde the Mothe that the circle cauled Tropia se enar sus Canei deuideth it in the myddolies wher as hiſpaniolt is dil: 20 ano tante from the Tropike and declinynge certen degrees to: Ward the Equinoctial line)we haue ſpoken ſumwhat befoze. In this fland of Fernandina, there are nowe [yxe townes crec: ted. Whcrof, the chiefe is named Sanctiago of (aynt James the patrone of the Spanyardes. 3n this, there is natiue golde, found both in the mountaynes and tyuers: By reaſon wher: of they are daylye occupied in gathering & digging the ſame. che Spanis But thojtely after that had finiſhed my fayde bookeo, thre ards of cuba Spangardes that were the mot auncient citizens of Cuba, að attempt new Franciſcus Fernandes of Corduba Lupus Ocho, e Chriſtophorus Morantes, de yeges termined to ſecke newe landes, as the myndes of the Spa: nyardis are cucc vnquiet and geuen to attempte great enter: philes. They furnyſhed at their owne charges, three of thoſe thyppes whiche they caule Lacauels. and hauynge fyzite lya che met an: cence of diegus Velaſquen the gouernour of the Jlande, they de: gle of u uba. parted with a hundzeth and ten men from the wet angle of Cuba. For this angle is motte commodious to reliene dyppes and to make pzouiſion foz frethe water and fuell. Thus they ſagled continually fyre dayes and a halfe, betwene the well OS and the South,contented onely with the ſyght of the Yeauet and the water : darynge whiche tome, they ſuppoſe that they Note. ſagled not paſt threeſcope and ſyre myles. Foz they leg at ans ker all ngght where ſo euer the faulynge of the Coonne tooke the day light from them, leafc by wanderynge in vnknown The land of Céas, they myghe chaunce to be callt bppon rockes oz fandes, But at the length they chaunced bppon a great Jlande na: Jucatang, med lucatand, whoſe beginnpng thinhabitauntes caule Exam A grcac citie på. Dwre men went to the citie tondynge on the lea (ype, the well buylded. whiche for the bygnes therof, thoy named Cayons d? Alcair. Athinhabitauntes enterteined them very frendly, when they Temples. were entered into the citie, they maruepled to behold the hou: fes buyldro lyke towzes, magnifycall temples, Areates well paued,and great ercerciſe of bping and ſelling by erchaunge numgnc peos ples of bare for Ware. Their houles are eyther bylte of font, 0% of bricke and lyme, and artifpcially bought, so the fyzfie pouches The thyrde decade. 150 porches of their houſes and fyld habitations, they afcend by Cunnyng are tent of twelue deares. They are couered eyther with tyles, fyers. ftates, crades, oj talkes of certeyne herbes. They gratified the one the other with mutuall gyftes. The barbarians gaue owre men many b?ooches and iewelles of golde, verye fayze and of cunnyag Woojkmannyppe. Owce men recompenſed them with betures of fylke and woolle, counterfecte dones, of coloured glađe and chrittall, haukes belles of laton, and ſuche other rewardes whiche they greatly eſteemed foz tije firaungenes of the ſame. They ſette nowght by lookynge glades, bycauſe they haue certoyne toones muche brighter. Appareled This nation is appareled after a thouſande fallhyons with people. belures made of golampyne cotten oz bombage of dyuers coloures. The boomen are coucred from the girdle to the heele hauynge dyuers falchions of beles aboute their heades and bietes, with great cautele leaf any parte of thcit legges or feete bee feene. They relojte muche to their temples: bnto the which the chiefe rulers haue the wayes paucd from their oldne houſes. They are gbolatours and circumciſed, they Circomeffed occupie their maner of erchaunginge, with muche fydelitie, 3dodaters. They ble to adourne the heares of their heades, being deman Ded by thintecpzetours of whom they receaucd their circum, cilyon, they anſwered that there once pated an oceadynge fayze man by their colles, who lefte them that in tooken to remember hom. Dther ſaye that a manne brighter then the ſoone, bent emonge them and executed that oftyce. But there is no certentie hereof. When obre men hab temayned there certeyne dayes, they ſeemed to bee moletous to thinhabitan: tes accordynge to the common ſapinge. The longer a gente tas tieth, the woorſe is his enterteynement. The whiche chynge obore men perceauyng, they made the možc batt'alaye. Bez ynge thertoge provided of all thynges neceVary, they tooke 2013 theic byage directly towarde the well by the prouidence this che thinhabitauntes caule Comi and Mism. They ower paxed Comic thele regions takyng onely frethe water and fuel in the ſame. Mai196 The barbarians both men, women, and childjen docked to the fea ſyde, aftonplohd greatly to behold the huge bygnelle of the shyppes. Dwre men maruegled in maner no lcưe to viewe their buyldpnges and eſpecially their temples ſytuate meace bnto the ſea, and ccected after the maner of towers, Thus The thyrde decade Thus at the length hauyng Cayled about a hundreth and ten mylcs, they thought it good to ley anker in a province named Campechium Canpechium, whoſe chiefe towne confylteth of thzee thouſande houſes. Thinhabitauintes came fwpmmynge to the typpes: A to ne of mariteylyng ercedyngly at the maner of Caplinge, and at the shree thou: Tand homres. Caples and other tackelynges But when they hard the thun: der of the gunnes, ſave the ſmoke, and (melte the Cautour of brimſtone and fyer, they ſuppoſed that thunderboultes and lyghtnynges had byn fence from god. The kynge receaued plentie of owre men honoyably and broughte them into his pallapce: beates and where he featted them well after his maner. They are accuſto: fouics. med to cate fietre, and have great plentie of beaſtes and fous les : as peacockes, and other which they francke and feede was in their houſes: Allo dyuers kyndes of Wylde foules of the The mountaines, wooddes, and waters: likewiſe pactriches; * quailes, turtle doouis, duckes, and geele. Of beaftes, they have connies, woolues, lyons, tigers, fores, wylde boozes, hartes, and hates. After this banquet, the kyng with his They: 3doles traine and famylie brought owre men into a biode crolle way and Idolatry, where many treates do meete. In this, they toewed them as it were a great and highe aulter buylded foure (quare of mar. ble compacte together paurly with the toughe cleye of Babi: lon cauled Bitumem, and partly with ſmaule tooncsigt had on euery (yde foure ſteares. Uppon the altare was anfmage of a man made of marble: and fatt by it the images of two beattes of unknowen lhape, whiche ſeemed as thoughethey wolde with yanynge mouthes haue tozne in (under the beaty of the mannes 3 mage. On the other ſyde ftoode a great fets pent compacte of the fayde toughe clege and ſmaule toones. This ſerpent beynge in length. rlvii. foote, and of the byg: nelle of a large ore, ſeemed to deuour a lpon of marble, and was al by ſpaccled with frethe bludde. Darde by the alcare, were chre potes fafined in the gronnd, the which three other trauerled and were ſufleined with ſtones. In this place offen ders were put to death:yn token wherof thep Tawe innume: rable acrowes Geined with bludde, fum (cateret, fumlyinge on heapes, and ſum boken: Alſo a great number of mennes bones lying in a court oz yarde nere into this funeftal place. houres of Their houſes are here alſo builded of lime and tone Theyna tyme z ftone, med this king, Lazarus, bicauſe they arriued at this lande art (aincia The thyrde decade. 151 faint Lazarus bay. Departing frõ henſee directing they, courſe the counce ftpl toward the Weſt foz the ſpace of .rb. mples, they came to a uquinail. prouince nanied Aquanil, whole chiefe towne ts cauled Moſco, Moſco. the kynge thereof, Cupoton. Lebchelde obre men with a fro: warde countenaunce, and fought occaſionto doo them fume pziuic miſchicfe whple they fought for freſtha water. ffoz he made lignes bnto them that on the further ſyde of the nerre hyll, they coulde fynde (prynges of water, intendyng to haue allapled them in that narowe paſſage. But by the colouryng of thepz forheades (as they are accuſtomed in theyz warres) and hy the bearynge of theyboides and other weapons, owr men perceaued theyz wylynes, and refuſed to go any further. pet a thouſande of the Barbarians aQayled theym vnbares and vnprepared. By reaſon wherof, they were put to flyght, the Spany, ardes are put and dyuers of them layne in the chales many that fledde to to flyght and warde the Chippes, were entangelcd in the mudde and mary many fiayne, thes here unto the choze. Twentie and two, were dayne wich arrowes, and the relydewe for the moſt parte, wounded. Fran ciſcus Fernandes the gouernour of the nauie, receaned in this con flicte three and thittie woundes. And in maner none eſcapco without hurt. If they had gonne to the hylles whiche were appoynted them, they had byn fayne euery man. They cher foze that eſcapcă, teturned to the glande of Fernardint Frome whenfe they came, where they were receaired of they, felows with heauie chere. But when Diegus Velaſquen the gouetnoute Another et of the glande, had intelligence hereof, he immediatly furny: pedition. thed a newe nauie of fouce Laraucles with thzee handjeth men. Df this natie he appoynted John Griſalua his neuie, to be the goucenour: And aligned for vnder capitaynes, als phons Quila, ffrances montegio, and Peter Aluatado. for the pplot he aligned Antonie Alamino who had the regiment of the fyzit nauie. They attempted the ſame byage ageynes but declyned Cumlwhat moze towarde the South about the ſcope and tenne myles. Before they ſawe any lande, they ef: pyed a towze a farce of, by the viewe whcrof, they came to an Jlande named Cozumella, from the whiche they ſmelte (wcete The Glend of fauours proceadynge with the wynde, before they approched Cozumella. to the lande by the ſpace of three myles, They founde the 3: Swecte las lande to be foutie and fiue myles in circuite. It is playne and a frutefull yours. af mazuelous frutefull ſoyle. There is alſo golde in it, but is glande. is not The thyrde decade. is not engendered there, but brought thecher from other regi ons. It aboundeth with hony,fcuites, and herbes: And hath alſo great plentte of foules and foure footed beadtes. They Toivres and order and maner of Iyuyng, is in at thynges lyke bnto thepis seinples. of Incitana. Lykebyle they? howles, temples, Greates and ap Esparell. Jo many of the houſes, are great potes of marble S after the maner of owce buyldynge. They founde there, the foŰdations of certeyne oblbe towres cuinate: And one eſpeci Gially with.rviii. Geares aſcendynge to it, after the maner of fa olemne temples. They marneyled greatly at owre chippes and 2310 maner of Taylynge. At the fyzi, they wolde admyt no fraun: gers : but thoztly after, receaued them gentelly. Theyz chiefe culer (lohom obre men Cuppoſed to bee a preeđe) led them up to the toppe of the to wre, where they erected á banner and Cozumella na addicted the Flande to the dominion of the synge of Ladple, med Sancta namynge it Sancta Crux, bycauſe they entered into the Came in Crur. the nones of waye beinge then the feate of the holye crolle. They cage that it was cauled Cozumelhs of kynge Cozumellans Idoles lyke whole auncetours were the fyzú that inhabited the flande. beares. Jn the colore, they founde many chambers furnyhed with 1 mages, made both of carche and marble to the limilytude of beares. Theſe they caule bppon with a houlynge and lamer dolatry, table longe, perfumong them with ſweetc odours, and other wyſe honourynge them as they doniefticall goddes They are alco circumciſed. The kynge was in fayre apparel made of goflampine cotton curiouày wrought. De was lame on the one foote by reaſon that as he once erercyfed hymfelke in [bymmynge, a deuourynge fylhe cauled Tuberon, byt of al the catelt toes, of one of his fecte. De entreated obremen very frend: people, ly and made them great chiere. After they had byn here the Dayes, they departed. And ſaylynge ftyll towarde the Welte, they e pyed great mountaynes a farre of. But as they drewt neare, they perceaucd it to bee the Jlande of Tucatans beinge Jucatang but Dittant from Cozumells onely fyue myles. Direceynge therfolt fyue ingles thepz courſe tolparde the ſouth ſyde of Iucatand, they compa? from Cozu: ſed it on that fyde which Iyeth nearea to the ſuppoſed conti eucila. nent: yet coulde they not ſayle rounde about it by reaſon of the multitude of rockes, thalowe places, and thelfes of lande. Then alaminus the pylot turned his Cailes to the mouth ſide wherof he had better knowleage. Thus at the length, they came The thyrde decade. 152 came to the tobone Campechium and kynge Lazarus with whom they had bin that attempted the fyzů vyage the yeare before. at the fyzd, they were genrelly reccaued, and requyzed to re: fort to the towne. But fortly after, they repented that they The Barbas had bydden them and there bpon wplled them to tap about terigaunce. a fones cat from the towne, and to proceade no further. when owre men delyzed that they myght make prouiſion for frethe water before theyz departure, they aưigned them to a certeyne well which they had lefte behynde them.Declaringe further, that it fulde be lawfull for them to take water there Dz els no wheare. Dbre men retted that nyght in the fyelde adiopnynge to the well. The which thynge the Barbarians fufpectinge, ađembled an army of three thouſande men, and be encamped not farre from them. Bothe partes paſſed awayen the nyght without deepe. They featynge lcatte owre menne mulde bzeake into the towne : and olore men, leaft the Bar. barians thulde inuade them foodenly, on the one parte with trumpettes, and on the other ſpde with the noyſe of timbzels kept them fyll wakynge that were diſpoſed to deape, At the {plynge of the day, the Barbarians approched to owce mens *657907 campe e cauled foz thinterpzetours of cubt, whoſe language is much agreable vnto thryys. They had diuiſed to lyght a torche of frankenlence and to place he ſame betwene bothe tharmies to thintent that if obre men dyd not depart befoze a conflictes the torche were confumed, tó ftande to they? perell. The roich bas wafied and the matter came to hand trokes. They arboe onely one of owre men with an arrowe bycauſe his tat get fapled hym. But many were wounded. After this cons ficte, obre men reſorted to theyz ordinaunce which they had planted nrate bnto the well. When they had diſcharged cec teyne pecces, the Barbarians fedde back into the towne. Dire men were of fierce and greedy courage to haur purſued 3113 them, but that Briſalua the gourtnour wolde not ſuffer the. of Jucarana. from thenſe they proceaded to thelaft ende of Iucatana, which they founde to reache moze then two hundzeth myles frome the Eaft to the Wol. Dere they founde a comodious hauen and named it Portus defideratus, from henfe they (apled to other landes, and came to the region nerte to lucatana Welwarde, whiche they doubto lhether it be an glande oz parte of the firme lande: but thinke it rather to be annect to the continent 10 The thyrde decade. The region in this there is a goulfe which they ſuppoſe to be incoompas of Caluacam, 2: Oloan, fed with bothe the landes. But of this, there is no certentie. Thinhabitantes caule this region Calugoun or otherwiſe Oloan. Radio They founde here allo a great ryuer whiche by his biolente marcourſe and faule, dziueth frethe water two mples into the ſea The ryuer This they cauled Griſalus afteč the name of the gouernoure, Srilalua. The barbarians marueilyng at the huge greatnete and mo: uynge of owre thyppes, came Chatmyng the bankes on bothe (pucs the tyncr, to the number of Cyre thouſande men armed Cargets and boith targettes and buet plates of gold, bobes and arrowes, brelt plates, brodelwoojdes of heaưy woodbe, and longe iauelens harde: st goldes y nod at the endes with fyer: Thus fondynge in battaple raye to defende thcir cooftcs, and with proude countenannces foza byddinge owre men to coome alande. Bothe parties watched al that nyght in armes in the dawne of the day, over men el pied about a hundreth Langas (whicho we haue Caide to be their boates) full of armed men. Here alſo the language of thinterpretours of Cube agreed well enowghe with thers, In when they had admitted the peace prafered them by thinter: pzetours, al the Lanoas faied excepte one whiche approcheb toward the hippes. & certeyne ruler that was in this canoa, Demaunded of owre men what they fought in other mennes landes. They anſwered, gold. And that, fo: permutation of other ware and not of gift oz vpolently. The Canos returned and the ruler certified the kyng hereof, who cane gladlys to the Chappes. When he had ſaluted the governour, he cauled. Sarmure of his chamberlen vnto hym, commaundynge him to bringe his golde. armurc and other ornamentes of gold: wherwith he armed Griſalus from the toppe of the heade to the ſoule of the footer In ſo muche that, what lo cuer any man of armes armed at ali partes, is emong bs accutomed to lneare of Fren oz fteele ksperte artis ficers, when he comineth in to thc fielde, all Cuche kpnde of furni tures made of golde and brought with woonderfull arte, the kyng gaue to the gouernou. De recompenſed hom with bels tures of Cycks,clothe, lynen, and other of obre tlziages. Th the beginning of this Iucatana, when they fapled to Cozumells , sfy The hokes they chaunced bppon a Cano4 of fpſther men to the number of of golde. nyne, Eplehyng with hookes of galde. They tooke them all priſoners. Dne of them was knolon to this kyng, who plo: myſed the daye folowyng to fende the gouernout as muche guld The thyrde decade. 153 golde for his ratinſome as the man hym ſelfe wafed, But the gouernour denyed that he coulde releaſe hym withowte the content of his felolves : And therfoże kept hym fyll to proue what he could further knoide of hym. Departing from henſe SS5700 and faplynge fyll weſtwarde, they founde a great goulfe in the which three (maule flandes were (ptuate. De theſe, they The Flandes went to the bygget. But oh abhominable crueltie: oh mod of Sacrifice corrupted mpnides of men, and deuelyme impietie ? Lec euery godly man cloſe the mouth of his tomake leû he be detturbed. Chyldren ra: Whey offer younge child,en of bothe kyndes to their jdoles crified to 3: doles, of marble and earth. Emonge their gjdoles of marble, there dandeth a lyon hanynge a hole throwgh the necke, into the ef marble. Their Jdoles whiche they ponre the bludde of the milerable ſacrifyce, that It mape from thenſe tunne downe into a ſyncke of marble, Lette bs nowe declare with what ceremonies they (acryfyce was so hard the bludde of theſe poze Wretches. They cutte not thrivtizo Bar tes, but open the very breites of theſe Celye Coules and take owte their harres yet pantynge, with the hotte bluðde wher: of, they anounce the lyppes of their ydoles, and fufer the reſpdue to faule into the ſynke. This doone, they burne the hacte and bowels, fuppofynge the ſmoke therot to be accep: table to their goddes. Df their jdoles, one is made to the thape of a man, bowynge downc his heade and lookynge to: ward the ſynke of bludde, as it were acceptyng the offeringe of the itapne ſacrifyce. They eate the flethe of the armes, thighes, and legges, eſpecially when they facrifyce an enemy taken in the warres. They founde a treamcof congeled blud as thoughe it had runne from a bouchery. For this my ches uous purpoſe, they bringe theſe wetches from the nepte 39 Sub landes. whey ſawe alſo innumerable heades,and trunkes of bodies thus mangeled, belydr many other per remaining hole and covered with certeine martes. All the trackes of tljete res gions abounde with golde and precious dones. Dne of owre sold and pre, men wanderynge in the Flande, chaunced to fonde two ba: cious ſtones ter potres of alabatter arrifycially wrought and full of lyrtle tones of dyuers colours. They ſaye alſo that they founde a fone of the value of two thouſand Lafilans of gold, whiche Aſtane of 1 they ſeit to the gouernour. This 3|lande they named the 1 sreat puise, land of facrifyce: a hiuhabitaunres arc circumciſed. There are alſo othce ylandes (ytuate about this Coludoand, og Caluacan, want ustunmas oth on a gowns to the so The thyrde decade. landes of the whiche are inhabited onely with women lyuing withoue Wonen. the coompanye of men after the maner of the Amazones. But they that ponder the matter moze Wiſely,thinke them rather to be certeync women whiche hauc vowed chafitie and pzo: ferred a folytarte lyfc as the nunnes doo with vs, of as the virgins cauled Veſtales Of Bone Dee, were accuſtomed to do a: monge the gentiles in oulde tyme. At certeyne tymes of the yeare, men of the other glandes relozte bnto them. But not for thintent of generation, but moued with pitie to helpe them to dzede their gardens and tyit their grounde. The re: ce poate goeth lykcwile that there are other glandes of ceza rupte women to whom men reložte for carnalt copulation: And that they cutte of one of the pappes of thrir women chil dzen teatt it tuld hinder their thootyng. Alſo that they kepe onely the women childicn and ſende awaye the men childzen, Dwr men therfoze diebe nere to the doze of Colluacand where they quyetly ererciſed marchaundies with thinhabitauntes. Golde. The kyng gauc them a great potte of gold: Alſo bralettes, chaynes, bouches, with many other iewelles, and al of gold. D wre men ageyne on the other parte ſatiſfyed him with ſuch Quốe as they had done other before. Bere Woide they gladly haue planted a newe colonie oz habitation, but that the go. Houſes lyke uernour wolde not permytte them, wherat they gruged not fowres. a lyttle. The houſes and other edifyes of this prouynce, are xv. greate buylded like vnto towzes. 3t hath allo. tb. great townes in cownes in the it. Of theſe they affirme that they haue feene Cum confiding p?ouince of Colluacana. of moze then. fr. thouſande houſes, not ioyning together, Townes of but defeuered with courtcs and gardens. They haue allo cers pr. thouſande tegne large market places encompared with waules, and houſes. Greates well paued. Likewiſe fornaces and ouens made of tyme and bricke. Furthermoze al foztcs of handy craftes med The region #bery cunning artificers. This kinges name was Potanchanus: of palmaria. the region is cauled Palmaria. The towne where the king ke enos topeth his court, côteineth.rv.thouſand houſes.When they te: ceane ang Ataungiers and make a teage of frendſhyppe with them, they are accuſtomed with a knife made of a tharpe ftones proken of to let them ſelues bludde in the toonge, hande, arme,0, ſum frendſhip. other parte of the body: And this euen in the ſyght of them whom they admirte to Frendchyp, in token that they are ready preeſtes, to thedde their bludde in their fryndes cauſes. Their pziefes profefe a vertuous lyfe, and liuc önmaried. what it is to The thyrde decade. 154 terie, have to do with women, no man knoweth before be be ma: ried. Foznication and adultery (which ſelde chaunce cmonge thê) they counte abhomination.sche bomen are of maruelous Chartitie. 10 chattitie Eurey noble mãafter that he haue had one wife, may baue as many concubines, as hym lyfteth. But a maried wo: The piny be man taken in adulterie, is foulde of her huſbande. But this ment of aduis onely to the prince : at whole bandes it tal be lawfull for her kynſefolkes to redeeme her. It is not lawfull foz ſuche as mariage is are not maried, to ſyfte at the ſame table with them that are honoured. maried,0to cate of the came dyſhe oi duinke of the ſame cup. Jia the monech of Augutt and September, they abſteine rcrb. Faltynges dayes not onely from flewe Wherof they haue great plentie, but alſo from fythe and al other thinges that Iyue by bludde: contato and Durynge theſe daies, Iyue onely with herbes and frutese They reken twentie dapes to the moneth, and twentie mo: nethes to the peace. Dwre men conſumed cectepne dayes here verye pleaſanntiy, when they departe, coalynge tyll bythe Came more, they came to another kyng whom they na: kynge ouait med Oundus. When he had intellygence that abre men beli: dus. red golde, he brought foorth certeyne plates of molten gold, But whë the gouernout ſignified unto him by thinterpretors that he delyzed great plentie of that metal, the day fololing zdolcs, Iews he brought him a mannes Jimage of golde beinge a cubette els, and our in length: Allo & fanne of golde, and an Jbole of one of his ches of gold domedicall gozdes of curious woojkemanüpppc. likewyſe on garlandes of tones of fundry colours, with many byeſte plat tes, brooches, and other kyndes of oznamentes, and all of golde. Degaue bym furthermore aboundaunce of delycate meates well ſalted and poudred with ſpices. When he had required owre men to coome alande, be commaunded his let: nauntes with all ſpecde to prepare a great multitude of bzan: ches of trees and to waite vppon obremen to his pallayce. As they went thus in older, lum behynde and Cum before on bothe lydes, they ſeemed fo to thadowe owre men with the bouwes as thoughe they had gonne in a continuall arbour. suhe kynge hym Celfe bauynge a ſepter in his band, dyd Tette them in their arraye,and ſumtyme (trike Cuche as were negli: gent in bearyng their bouwes. They fhcwcd them l'elues obe: dient in all thynges, and with graue tountenaatice, humbled them ſelues to receaue his Gripes, when he was demaunded gu where The thyrde decade sold in moun where he had Inche plentic of golde, he pointed with his tsyncs and Tyuers fynger to the next mountaynes, and to the ryuets deſcendung from the ſame. They are lo accuftonied to the riuees and erec: They maner cifed in[wymming, chat it is al one to them to live in the wa: of Satheryrs ter and on the tande. When they delyzetogather golde, they goide. plunge theym ſelues in the cpucrs and bżynge from the bot: tome therof, bothe their handcs full of Caude, whiche ſpf: ant sa tynge from hande to hande, they gather obte the graynes smecte la of golde. And by this meanes in the ſpace of twoo houres, yours, they fyll a recde as bygge as a manncs fynger. DE the ſweete ſauours of thelelandes, many thinges myght be ſpoken, the whiche bycauſe they make rather to theffeminatynge of the mgnces of men, then for any neceflarye purpoſe, 31 haue thought beft to omytte them. The kynge allo gaue the gos uernout a younge virgine of twcluc ycares of age, abourned ſtone of with ryche and fayżeieWelles. Df the lones whiche he had great prices of this kynge, one was valued at twoo thouſande Caftellans of golde, sthus at the length they departed from this kpng, o vas laden with golde and pzecious tooncs. Criſalud the gouers nour, ſente one of thc Larauelles to his bnde Diego Velaſquera gouernour of the Jlaude of cubit, with meữengers to Dely: uer hym the golde, ielelles, and other ornamentes. The refpdue in the meane tyme fyll folowed thc tracte towarde the Wett. One of them in the whiche frauncis Qontegius the vnder gouernout was caryed, Cayled harde by the folet: and the other twoo kept aloofe within proſpecte of the lands Thinhabitauntes of theſe coattes alſo, no leđe matueplynge at the hyppes then dyd the other, canic inith tielue Canoas to montcgius, delyzinge hym by thinterpretours to coonte alande, pzomylynge in the name of their kynge, that hee thoulde be honoyably entertayned. But ngontegious anſwer red that hce coulde not añente to their requel bycauſe his coompanions were ſo farre from bym. yet dyd he gyue them certayne of owre thynges fraunge bnto them, and thanke for their gencyinelle. Shortly after eſpyinge a great towne shey directed their courſe thither. Thinhabitauntes prohi: byted them to coome alande, and came foozthe ageynd them toith botes e qupuers ful of arrowes, brode lipoozdes made of heavy woode, and j'auelens hardned at the ende with fier. They chotte at owre men a farce of : And owre men diſchaco ged The thyrde decade. 155 ged certepne pieces of oldinaunce ageynt them. The Barba: tians afonylthed at the nople of the gunnes, âledde amayne, and delyzed peace. Dere obre mens bytaples began to faylemiyada them, and theyż chyppes were b?oofed with longe vyages. bauynge therefore founne and doone theſe thynges whereof we haue [poken, Griſaları tctiirned to the Flande of Fernandina well contented, but ſo were not his companions. We multe Other Viages nome diuerte Cumwhat from this matter, and ſpeake of ano: fron Cubg 03 ther nauigation. And ftom thenſe wpll be returne to theſe fergandina. landes which owre men haue Founde. So it is therfoze, that Diegus Velaſquen the gouernour of thcgland of Fernandina, about sisi the ſame tyme that he had ſent foozth this name of foure La: ento. taueles, he prepared an other nauigation of onely one Lara: uell and one bzygantine with fozrie and fyue men. Theſe ef- erciſed byolent handes ageinä сhinhabitauntés of thoſe regi: ons where they arryucd, thynkynge that they myght forcea: bly drawe them to the dyggynge of golde bycauſe they were Laffranite 3 dolaters and circumciled. There are at the ſea many 319nds fydenot farre from the ſuppoſed continent, many lyttle Ilan berwene Cu des of mode foztunate and frtrefull ſoyle, wheteof three are ba and the thus named : Guandpan, Guinguan, and Quitilldy Dute of one of firme lande, thele (which they named Sancta Marina) they violcntely caricd away three hundzeth men and women which they thzug in: to the Larauell and returned immediatly to Fernardind, lea: uynge the brigantine with frb. of they? felowes to thintene to hunt fog moze men. The hauen where the Laräuelt fyztie arrgued, is cauted Carenas, beinge diſtante from the angle of Sanetlago Cibar and the chiefe citie of Sanctiago, tino hundzeth and fyftie the chiefe cia niyles. Foz this glande of Cuba, is very longe, reachyng in die of Cuba, langth from the Eaſt to the poet, and ſituate directly under the circle cauled Tropicus Cancri as we haue fayde before pol fjall you hearc hol foztune ſought the reuenge of theſe pole wzetches. Therfoze as they, kepers bent aland and few te mained in the Laranet, they perceuing occalio miniſterd wher by they myght reccúer theyzlibertie foodeyacip ſnatched up The Barbara obor mens weapons and icwe fyre of them toljich pet temay ans lley the ned is the Lacauel, whyle the reſitue lepte into the fea. And Spaniardes by this mcanes the Barbarians polelled the latauell which wirh thcy: they had toone learned to rule, and thus returned to they? owne wegs owne countreys. But they ſayled fyłậc to the nepte gjlande pons, where The thyrde decade. Debt. where they burnte the Lacauel and caried away the weapons with them. from henfe they conueyed them [elues to thepi ownc countreps with the Lanoas of this jlande. Dcare in lyke maner they pryuilie alapled them that were lefte with the brigantyne, and dewe many of them alſo. The reſidue matok chat eſcaped, fledde to the brigantine where they bewapled theyz felowes deathes and counted cheyy owne eſcape a vic: tozie. Du the bore not farce from the place where they luffe: red this milfoztune, there is a tree, in the toppe wherof they ſet yp a crole, and graued this inſcription in the backe of the chiere ci the tree : Vannuis Aldarieci. There is a tyuer named Darien, on the tle of the ſup: banke wherof Xandeth the chiefe citie of the ſuppoſed contis pored conti ment. The gouernout therfon« hauing intelligence herof, Cent with all ſpeede two ſhippes of warte well furnyhed, to the ayde of them that were lefte. But they were wyſe to lare yet folowynge the viewe of the crotle, they came to the those and redde the letters grauen on the tree, but durûe not attempte foztune. Thus wtih all they, hardie Couldiers departinge from henle with deſpayze, they ſayled to the nerre lande, ook noce out of the which they carped away by violence fyue hundreth buat sama men and women, Cuppolynge lykewyſe that they myght law fully Co doo bycauſe they were idolaters and circumciſed. But the like chaunce happened into them when they landed athe Spanya at Fernandins. For the Barbarians elpyinge opoztunitie, Cette ardes are vppon the Spaniardes in one of the thippes with they owne Siayne ageyne with they? boeapons and dewe they keepers. The reſidue that eſcaped, opne wepõs, całynge them Celues into the ſea, ſwamme to the nerte cara: uell, and with they, felowes a llayled the carduell that was taken from them. This condicte was fo mharpe, that for the ſpace of foure houres, it was doubtfull whether pacte thulde obteyne the victozie: The Barbarians both men and women fought berpe fiercely, alwell to recover they, libertie, as allo to holde fatte the pzaye whiche they had gotten. But in fine, the Spanyardes had the upper hande by reaſon they were The barbari moze erperte in handelonge of thep, weapons and tulyng of aus are fiaine they, Larauell. She Barbarians bevæge thys quertoomie, Ayght.lepte into the lea: bur the Spanpardes tooke theym agegne with the hippe boates. About a hundzech of the Barbarians perpoed, beinge partelp drowned and partly ülayne with the (wooide : And but fewe of the Spanyardes. schofe thanges thus The thyrde decaded 156 thus pacified, the reſydue of the Barbarians wité carped to the towne of Sanctiago and condemned to laboure in the golde mpnes. Shortly after they madeowte a nebo tyage to an e: ther of the glandes, whiche lye there about ſo thiche, that Another : they commonly caule the number of them Archipelagus, as they Archipelagus . in omre ſea of Tonicum are cauled Symplegades, bere obremen a multitude: were cruelly handeled and as many of them as came alande of Zlandes. cyther Nakne og wounded. This glande they named Floridd, bycauſe they aripued there on Laliér day whiché the Spanys ardes caule the dozyſtynge day of the rcſurrection. They ſay alſo that in this tractë they ſawe rrvi, Glandes which color rrvi. Jiandea zus had ouerpaded : and the ſame ſo to iye aboute Hiſpaniol * ola 4 Cuba. Cuba, as thongh they latdod them from the furię of the Oce ani ga many of theſe they founde natine golde of lyke good: nes to that which is founde in Granatum. Thinhabitantes at: lo Weare many jewels, and haue many images of thcy? do: zmages of meſticall goddes made both of golde artificially bojought and golde, allo of wooide gylted. francis Lh erogatus blowght one of they? 3 doles with hym, bherby may bee conſidered of what bytte and aptenes they are. It is a maruelous thynge to ſee Rafers of what manet of talers they have made of certeyne yelowe ſtone Gones clcare & tranſparent lyke into Llygal. With theſe they fauc and carue as though they were made of fine teele. Whe the edges are blunte with longe exerciſe, they charpen them not with a wherdone, c? powder, oz any other fone, but tem 3nffrumentes per them onely tölth water. They haue allo a thouſande kin and rooles. Des of inütrumentos or tooles and ſuch othee thynges of tyne dcuiſe, which were to longe to rehearſe. Let vs therefoze re turne from whenſe we hauc digceled, as to Cozumella, Iucatand, Colluacan: DY ollod, beinge al landes lately founde, and ſo rich onto the sth Landes fyke fruteful and plcalaunt, that they may in maner be compared ly paradyie to the earthly Paradyle. Therfoze;after that it was know: -ento obre men of howe greate momente theſe trattes were; the Spanyardes which inhabited the lande of Cuba Anunc an orber Wyn tus beingethe gouernour of the glande furnyſhed a newe na age of. Cara uie of ten Larauelles and fyue hundzeth mennt, with twoo uels and a. maule brigantines, as it weare in the deade of lyght houde- hundreth mea men oz forerunners whoſe ayde they myght ble as (coutco to ſearche the wayes foz daunger of rockes and talow fandes nouſes and 02 thelfes. They thipte allo certeyne hozles, as fyue toned horles migres, The thyrde decade. horſes and. rvi. mates apte fol the warres. Foi their gere: call gouernour and Admiral of the nauy, they elected Fernando fernando Cortefius who at that tyme was the chiefe ruler of the citie of Coteſtus. Sanctiago. ffor vnder capitaines, they appointed Alfons Portua carcrius, ffrancis montegius, alfons Amla,Aluerado Spatenſe John Velasquen, & Diegus Ordynus. 1. they tyll folowed the ſame Ebito wynde from the latt angle of Cuba toward the wef. As ſoone as frauncis Fernandes of Lorduba, and then john bis Lalua came within proſpecte of the 3 lande of Sacrifyres (whcrof we haue made mention before) Coodenly a tempct of o contrary wynde prohibited thcym to take lande and dzowe them backelarde to Cozumell lyinge on the fall ſyde of Inca The Jland of Cozumella, tana. This Flande hath onely one hauen named (ainte Johns pozte. And hath in it, oncly ſyke towncs. Allo none other water then in welles and cetterns, bycauſe it lacketh rivers and ſpringes by realon it is plaine, conteynynge onely:rlb. myles in circuite. At the coommynge of owre men, thinhas hitauntes Gedde to the thicke woods, fozſoke their townes foz fcare. Dwre men entered into thcir houſes where they founde plcntie of vyttaples and many omamentes pertey: Carpets and nynge to the furnylynge of their houſes, as hanginges and (hcetes. carpettes of dyucts colours, theetes alſo of goữampine cots $on (whiche they caule Amaccts) and muche apparell. They Snnumerable baue furthermoje innumerable bookes, of the whiche with bokes, many other thinges ſent to obre newe Emperour, we will Speake moze largely hereafter. The couldiers wandered as dout the land & biele althynges diligently, kepyng them ſelues ityll in battell raye leat they myght be Codenly inua: ded. They founde but a fewe of thinhabitauntes and onely boat one woman in their coompanie. By thinterpretours of cuba and other whiche the Spaniardes tooke fyzft from Lucitari they perſwaded the woman to caule the kynges that were abſente. They came gladly # made a leage of frendihyp with otre men, wherby they were retozed to their houſes and a Circumcifed grcat parte of their fuffe, They are circumciſed 3 dolatours, and ſacrifycé childzen of bothe kyndes to their Zemes, which ç are the Jmages of their familiar and dometicall ſpirites They Sacri: whiche they honour as goddes. When y enquired of Alaminus fice Chyldien the pilote, allo of frances dontegius and Portucarerius, from 2015 whence they had the childzen they offered in ſacrifyce, they Jcolaters. anſwerco The thyrde decade. 157 anllbered that they bowght them in the Flandes theraboute by erchaunge foz golde and other of their trafycke. For in at this lo large a ſpace of land, the deuelythe ancierie foz the de: ſyze of wicked money, hath not yet opp?cữed thinhabitantes. They ſape the ſame alſo of the iſlandes lately founde, wher: the glandes of two are named Deftam and Seftans, whoſe inhabitaunres go of pinam? naked: and foz (carenele of children, facrifice dogges whi: Scktai. che they noucibe aſwell for that purpoſe as alſo to eate as bree do connies. Theſe dogges are dumme and can not barke, Sacrifice of hauynge ſnowtes lyke bnto fores. Suche as they deftinate dogses. to eate, they geld while they are whelpes, bhecby they ware bery fat in the ſpace of foure monethes. They relerue al the butches for increaſe, and but fewe dogges. Dbore men diſs Iwaded them from theſe Cupertitions, declarynge how they were abhominable and deteted of god. They were ſoone per: They are Ewaded and belyzed a law whiche thég myght folowe.pwre foone perſoa ded to owre men therfoze bedared unto them that there was onely one religion. god which made heauen € earth, the geuer of al good thyn: ges, beyng of one incompzehen[yble ſubtaunce vnder tripli: citie of perſon. As ſoone as they harde theſe woordes, they bioke their Zemes, and pared, ſcraped, and walhed the paues mentes and waules of their temples. Owre men gaue them a painted picture of the bleted byrgine whiche they placed the picture seuecently in their temple, and aboue it a crode to be hono: of the bler: fed Virgine sed in the remembzaunce of god and man and the Caluation af mankpude. They erected alſo an other great crolle of wood in the toppe of the temple, wbyther shey oftenryines relozte togither to honour the nuage of the byrgine. Thinhabitans tés ſignified by thinterp:etours that in the Jland of Lucarana not far from them, there were ſeuế Lhriſtians captiues which supe in tynie pad were dipuen thither by tempette. The glande of Cozumella, is onely fpue miles diftant from Iucat.ind. The go: uernour Cort fius being aduertiled herof, furnpched i.Carauels Another ves with fyftie mē, wyllyng thé incontinent to direct their biage age thither &to make ſerch foz theſe me. They toke with thế thze interpretours of Cozumella (whoſe lăguage agreeth with theirs with letters to the Lhriftians if any myght be found.De furs ther declared bnto thaym howe goodly a matter they thoulde byiuge to patte if they coulde bzinge away any of them. for he no wayes doubted but that by their information, the Thuld 第 ​be fully The thyrde decade. be fully certified of the commodities of all thoſe tractes,and the maners of thinhabitauntes. Thus they departed with commanndement to retourne within the ſpace of ſygc dapes, But when they had remayned there now.viii.days and hard no woozde of their Lozumellane interpercurs whome they bner bad ſent alande with the mediage and letters, olvre mer te i turned to Cozumella boithout thcm, fufpectyng that they were other Naine oz deteyned. And where as chc hole nauye was na now determyned to Depart from Cozumella but that they were hyndered by contrary vynde, they codenly cſpied towarde the weate a Landa coommynge from Iucatand, and in it, one of #quiltaris, the Lhriftian captiues (named Hieronimus A quilkris) who had Vil.yeares lyued (cuen pcaces in that Jlande. With what ioye they em captiuein the bzaled the one the other, the chance may declare. They were gland of 34, no leđe delyzous to heare, then be to tell of the myſfoztune satang, whiche befell to hym and his coompanions. And here it thal not bec greatly from my purpoſe bzecfely to reheatre how the thynge chaunced. In my Decades 3 haue made mention of a Valdlaide certayne noble man named Valdiuia, whome the Spanyardes whiche inhabited Dariena in the ſuppoſed continente of the goulf of Vraba, ſent to the Jland of Hiſpaniola to Colonus the Ad miral and viceroy with the reſidue of the Senate and counſel Boboc there (to whom perteyneth the redzetle and olderynge of all The thip: thinges in theſe nele landes) to ſygnifye bnto them in what macke of trtreme neceCitie and penurie they lyuede Unhappy Valdiwia Cialdivia. therfoze, takyn ge this matter in hand in an euell houre, was with a ſudden and byolent whirlclinde, dzyuen vppon cer täpne quickclandes in the proſpecte of the flande of Idmaica, lyinge on the South (yde of Hiſpaniok and Cubaa Theſe blind The quicke and [lpalowyng ſandes, the Spaniardes caule vypers : And ſandes cau: that by good reaſon, bycaule in them many Üyppes are em led wypers. tangled, as the lycertes are implycare in the taples of the biz 1999 me pers. While the Larauell thus bzeleled with the water, it was ſo brufie in (under, that Valdiuia with thictie of his fe: lowes, coulde ſcarſely with muche difficultie deſcende into the Chyppe boate: Where, without oers, and without ſayles, The courie they were caried awaye by the vyolence of the water. F07(as of the ſea to: we haue laid before in obre Decades)the Seas do tunne there warde the continually with a vyolent courſe towarde che Welt. They weſt. wandered thus, piii, bayes not knowing whyther they went 102 The thyrde decade. 153 moz yei kynbunge any thyng to eatt. Famen conſumed feuen of them whiche were cate in the ſea to feede the cytes. Dhe reſydue lykewiſe in maner conſumed by famen and faulynge from one calansitie into an other, were diiuen to ſuchana and ualdtuia ls fell into the handes of a cruell kynge who dewe Valdivis the facrificed to gouernour with certayne of his felowes. And when hee had Jdotes, fyri facrifyced them to bis Zemes, thoztely after he eate them with his frindes of that conſpiracie. For they cate onely their enemyes and traungiers: And doo otherwiſe abieyne from mannes fiche. 3in this meane tyme, while Hieronimus Aqullraris nowe a qulls with ſyre of his felowes were reſecued to be ſacrifyced the laris eſcaped thirde daye, they brooke their bandes, eſcaped the ban: des of that cruell tyranne, and dedde to an other kynge beby pnge his enemye, who receaued them, yet onely as bonde a dat men. It is a traunge thinge to heare of the moother of this Aquillaris. foz as ſoone as the harde that her ſoonne was fau: len into the handes of the nations that eart mannes ileſhe, thee fell madde incontinent: So that when lo cuer aftcr, thee fawe any meate rottyag at the fyer, of onelg ready (pyrteò to laye to the fyer, mec cealed not to crpe out in this maner. D me motte bjetched moother:Behold the members of my ſon. But to returne to owre purpoſe. when Aquillaris had now re: Ceaued the gouernours letter ſente by the Lozumellane mel: En Cengers, hee declared to the kynge his mayler (whoſe name Was Tammarus) what was their crcaunt thither, and whecfoze kynge Cake marus. they lete fent: vfyng in the meane tyme many large diſcour: Ces in erpzellynge the great poure and magnifycence of their kynge who had of late acriued in thoſe coattes. Allo of their humanitie and gentilneđe toward their frindes and ſuche as ſubmptted them ſelues to them, and againe their rygour and fiercenelle ageynt ſuche as toobeuniy eyther contemned them oy denyed their requeſtes. With theſe woordes he broughte Taxmirus into fuche feare, that the maiſter was now fayne to- deſpre his Ceruaunt (o to handelt the matter that they myght quyetly enter into his dominion as his freendes and not as his enemies. Aqi illaris promifed in their behalfe that they tuld not onely coome in peace, but alſo to apde hym ageynt his themyes if neede thulde ſo require. Wherbppon hee Dilmiñed Aytillaris and with hym thzce of his familiers and coompani: ons. Thus they Capled together from Cozumells to Ivcstans to Rt, il the The thyrde decade The mouth therpuer whiche they had founde befoze in the fpifte drage of a ryuer thither by the gouernance of Alaminus the pilot. They found ſtopped with the mouche of the ryuer atopped with Cande, as wee reade of andete the ryuer of Nilus in Egipte when the wyndes (cauled Etti 425 blowe in ſummer and eſpecially in the canicular dayes.tcher: Dorfoze where as they coulde not enter into the ryuer with the biggette vetelles (although it bee otherwiſe apre to receaue great Chyppes) the gouernour cauſed two hundzeth men to be Cette alande with the brigantynes and myppe boates: wyl: lynge Aquilliris to offer peace to thinhabitaantes. They de maunded what owre men required. Aquillaris anſwered, byt: tapics. There was a longe ſpace of ſande by the Code of the towne, whither they bylled them to relozte, promyfynge Turky nehe. to bzynge them byttayles thither the daye folowynge. Dibre men bente and they came accordynge to their promile and brought with them eyght of their hennes beyngeas bygge as peacockes, of brownyöe coloure, and not inferiour to pea: cockes in plealaunte taſt. They brought alſo as muche bread made of Maizium (whiche is a graine not muche ünlyke bnto panyke) as wolde (carcely ſecue tenne hungry men: And here Inith deſyzed them to depart. But when they perceaued that obre men made no hall away, immcdiately there came a great coompanye of armed men towardc theym Demaundyng what they had to do thus to wander in other mennes landes, we o men made anſwere by Aquillaris, that they delyzed peace, byr: 2 sayles, and golde foz erchaunge of other thinges. They aus (wered ageyne, that they wolde nother peace no, wacre with them. But threatned them to auoyde the lande ercepte they woolde bee diftroyed euery manne. Dbre men fayde that they woulde not departe withowte ſuxyciente byttaples to mayntapne their couldyers. Las They appoynted the day folowynge to brynge them moze by: tayles: but they brookeipzomeđe. yet perceauing the ſecond day that owre men were encamped on the ſande and had res poſed there that nyght, they brought them as much more by taples, and commaunded them in the name of theyz kynge to departe. Dwore men fayde that they were defyrous to ſee the towne, and to haue yet moze, ftoje of bytayles. The Barba: xians denyed they, requeft, and therewith departed whiſpe. synge and mutterynge amonge them ſelues, in the means The thyrde decade. 159 rians are pus to flysht. trme olóre men were fyll (o oppzetted with bunger that they were enforced to ſeeke foz meate. The gouernoure therefore ſent his vnder capitapnes to lande with a hundzeth and fyf: tic men. As they went diſperſed in dyuers companyes about a conflicte. the byllages of the countrey, the Barbarians met with one of thepz bandes, and put them to great diſtreile. But when they, felowes beinge not farre froin them, harde the noyle of theyz alarome, they came with all poſſible hade to theyz cel: cue. The gouernour on the other ſyde, placingc his ordinance in the bzygantines and Dippe boates, approched to the moze with the reſidue of his ſouldiers, The Barbarians lykewiſe, beinge redy furnythed to the battayle, came run: nynge to the ſea ſyde to difturbe theym that they mulde noc. coome alande: and with cheyz arrowes, wounded manye a farre of unprepared. The gouernoure diſcharged aboute. rp. pieces of ozdinaunce ageyntte them: With the daughter and The Barba: terrible thunder wherof, & with the dame of fyer and Imel of bzimftone, they were ſo attoniſhed and put to ſuch feare, that they fled and diſparcled lyke wylde beattes : whom owre men perfungesa entered into the towne which thinhabitantes fora no te fooke in maner foz feare of theyż owne men whom they ſame to diſmaybe. On the banke of this ryuer there is a towne of ſuch poztentous byggenes as 3 dare not ſpeake, But Alami The great mws the pylot, ſayth that it conteyneth in circuite fpue hun: candeana ox tomne of pos dieth myles, and that it conſigteth of,rrb. thouſande houles, uictona. Sume make it ſumbhat lelle: But they all agree that it is a towne of erceadynge great and notable. The houſes are diuided with xxv. thou ad gardens, and are buylded of lyme and lone herye artificially houſes, and of cunnynge woorkemanſhippe. To theyz haules, cham: bers, parlers, oj other places of habitation, they alcende by tenne or twelue (teares: and haue certeyné ſpaces betwene euery houle:fo that it is not lawful for any to lade his neigh bours baules with rafters oz beames. They houſes ace ſepe tate one from an other by the ſpace of threr houſes: and are for the more parte coueted with reede and thetche: And ma: ny alſo with date of other tone. The barbarians them ſelues confelled that they were that day foytic thouſande men at the Bunnes and battagle, which were Vanquitted of a fewe by rcaſon of the horſes. newe and vns noiven tynde of feyght with gunnes and hors (es. For the gouernour had vnbacked.rbi, hozles which were alo The thyrde decade. alfo ac che battaple, and ſo fiercely alapled the Barbariang on the backehalfe, that thcy bzake they? array and ſcattered them as it had byn ftockes of theepe, puerthrowing, boun: The man ? the horſe. dynge, and kyllynge them on euery fyde. Whiche thynge the thought to feely wzerches ſo imputed to a miracle, that they had not the be one beast. poure to occupie theyż Wspons. Foz boheras befože they had neuer feene any hozles, they thought that the man on hozle: backe and the houſe, had byn all one beatte, as the antiquis e mais tie byd fable of thc monter Centaurus. Dbr men pollelled the Centauius, cotone. Frii, dayes where they made good chere under couert, whyle the owners of the houſes lap under the firmament and durdt not ałaple owre men who had placed them ſelues in the trongelt parte of the towne, where ſume kepte continuall batche (leaſt the Barbarians thulde foodenly inuade theini) whyte other gave them (clues to relle and deepe. Thinhabt: tantes caule this towne Potanchans : But obre men foz the vic tozie which they obtegned here, named it Victoria. It is a mar uclous thynge to conſider the greatenes, magnificence and finenes of the bupldinge of certcyne palaices they haue in the Balatoes of countrey to the which they celozte lumtymes for chey, Colace inaruclous and padyme. Theſe are curiouły buylded wichy stany plea: bygnes and faunt diuifes, as galeries, folars, turrettes, poztals, gutters wel buylded. with chambers boozded after the maner of obre waynícotte and well fowzed. Foure of owr Spanyardes went into one of them of ſuch greatnes, that they wandered in the ſame fol the ſpace of foure houres before they coulde fynde the waye owt. It the length by thinterpzetours and certeyne captiues owre men ſent foz the kynge and Cuche rulers as were nette vnder hym in autozitie, wyllyng them to ſubmpt them ſelucs and to coome into the towne bnarmed. Bpuinge the mellen: gers further in commaundement to certifie them that'in their Co doinge, they bolde commen with them as concernynge con ditions of peace, and rettore them theyz towne. They came gladly, and entered cnery man into his owne houſe bppon condition that they coulde euer thereafter abteyne from ſuch cerimonies and horrible ſacrifices of mans acobe to Deuils the chey receuc moztal enemies to mankynd, whoſe images they honoured. owre religio. And to directe the eyes of theyż myndes to chuide owre god the maker of hcaner and earth, who was bozne into this would of a virgin and ſuffered death on the crome for there: demption The thyrde decade 160 demption of mankynde. And fynally to profetie them felnes fubiectes to the great Chriftian kynge of Spayne. They pio: mpfed both, and were infructed as farre as the thoztenes of töme wolde permitte. Beinge thus reſtozed, they recompen: ſed plöre men with many rewardes: Suppoſynge ſuche men to be ſent from hcauen, which being ſo felpe in number, durt attempte battaple ageynſt ſo great a multitude. They gaue obremen alſo certeyne golde and twentie daues. Deparring therefore from henſe, and coadynge tyll alonge by the ſame chore, they came ageyne to the goulfe whiche Alaminus the py: Xot founde befoje bnder Grifálua. This they named Biin Sancti Iohannis , that is, Sapnt Johns goulfe: ffoz Bian in the Spa: jaterte nylhe tonge ſignifieth a goulfe. Dere thinhabitantes relor: ted to them peaceably. Aboute a myle frome the thoje, was a 2 towne of a tolone of a thouſande and fyue hundzeth houles ſituate bp: fque hundred pon a hyll. í hey profeved obre men halfe the towne if they houres. wolde dwel with them foz cuer. This perhaps they dyd the rather eyther fearynge thexemple of thinhabitantes of Polans chana, the fame wherof myght haue coome to theyz cares, 02 els hoppnge that bnder the ſhadowe of ſuche valiant menne, they myght obteyne ayde and fuccour ageynt they? enemies and bozthcrers. For (as 3 haue fayde befoze) they dpttroye one an other with continuall warre for the delyze to inlarge they, dominions. Owre men refuſed perpetuall habitacion, and accepted they frendely profer foz a ryme. As thep came alande, the people fololcd them on cuery fyde with bouwes In they, handes which they helde oncr owre mens heades to defende them from the rayne as though they had walked in a continual arbour. Dere they encampcd. and leat the reſidue leftc in the thippes, fhulde in the meane tyme ware llothefull with udlenes, the gouernour gaue commaundement to Alami an other vys nus the pylot and sfrancis montegius to ſearch the welt par age of iro tes of that lande, whylc he telieued the wecied ſouldiers and buysantines healed ſuche as were wounded. To them that went forward 7 fiftie men, on this vyage, he aligned two brigantines with fiftie men. Unto this goulfe, the courſe of the water was gentyl enough where the and moderate. But when they had ſayled a lyttle further to rea ruanceh warde the Wette, they founde the ſea runnynge with ſo ſwift fwyftly rom a courſe as if it were a great tyuer "faulynge from the tops of the A to the Web bygh monntaynes:Jn ſo much that in a thozte ſpace of tyme it carico The thyrde decade. ft caried them fiftie mples from thepz felowes. When they a conflict be: were now entered into this biolent Preame of the water, thep twene the wa ſawe on their left hand a large playne Cea which mette with ters comining the courſe of the other waters faulynge from the wete. And and from the lyke as two great ryuers that timine contrary w ayes, make a fouth. vchement condycte where they meete, ſo ſeemed the waters commyng from the Southe to relylt theſe waters as enempes that had entered into the ryght oz poñeiyon of another. Dnthe contrary parte, they ſawe thc lande reachynge farre bothe on the lefce bande and on the rygbt. In this ftcife be: twene the waters, they were ſo tolled on bothe ſybes and 1 dangerous entangled with whiclepooles, that they longe wzefled with and peinefull obte hope of lyfe. At the length with muche difficultie, tur: wyage. nynge the ftemmes og forpartes of their apppes ageyni the ſtreame from Whenle they came, and labourynge at that they myght with their oets and ſayles, they coulde ſcarcely outer: coome the rage of the water : In ſo much that where as they thought that they had in one nyght ſayled twoo myles, they founde that they were dryiien backe foure myles. Yet at the length with goddes helpe, they ouercame this daungerours conducte. They ſpentc. prii. daies in this lyrtle ſpace of fea! And when they were nowe returned to their felowes, decla: be land of Colluacana. red into them that that ende was the land of Colluacart whis che they adidged to be parte of the ſuppoſed continent. The lanbe whiche they ſawe a farre of befoze their faſe, they Cup: The land of poſe eyther to be annered to owre continent, og to becioned Baccale os or Baccalearum to the targe Nouth regions cauled Baccalsos, Whcrof we haue made mention in owr Decades in the vyage of Sebaftian Ca. bote. This matter is yet doubtefull. But wee tzude it thall once bee better knowen. While alaminus and Dontegius ſearched theſe ſecreates, the kynge of the pzonince (whole name as Multoxunan) (ent oibre men by one of his chiefe of: Rych prefen- fycers (beynge alſo his Lieuerenaunt of the fayde towne) ma: and precious ny ryche and goodly preſentes of golde, (pluer, and precious flosco foones, ſette and wzoughte after a inarueplous ftraunge des uyle and with no leđe cunnynge woozkemanſhyp. bere they determined to fende mellengiers to obre tewe Emperou to knowe his pleaſure that they inyght in this prouince plane a newe colonie oz habitation. And this dyd they withowte thaduiſe of diegus Vchafquen the gouernour of the land of Cuba D The thyrde decade. 161 Fernandiná, boho fyzie lente them foozth with commaimdemenr to returne agepne after they had ſearched theſe regions and obtepned plentie of golde. While they conſulted hereof, they Wece of Dywers opinions. But the mofe part alleaged that in this caſe it was not requiſyte to make the gouernour of their counfaile. ffozalmuche as the matter fulde be referred to a doma higher Fudge, as to the kyng of Spaine him ſelfc. When they bere thus agreed, they receaued byttaples of the gentle kong of the prouince, and aligned the place of their colonie tboclue a newe color miles from the ſayde towne, in a fruteful and holcome ſoile, nie, for their generalt gouernout, they elected Corteffus the gouer- nour of the nauye, againd his well as fum ſaye. for other This Corent: magiftrates to gouerne the citte which they intended to build us hath maite he chooſe poztucarerius and montegius of whome we haue ten a booke of made mention before. They choſe allo certegne melTengiers theſe thinges to ſenbe to the kyng by the conduction of Aluminus the pylor. furthermoje,foure of the pzinces of this province offered thë Celues wopilpngly to go with owre men into Spaine to thin: tent to fee omre landes and that kpnge whole poure is loo great and whole auctozitie teacherh ſo farce. They brought lykewiſe two women with them, which ſerued & obeled the in all thinges after the maner of they, countrey. The people of be this nation is of bżonne of yelowythe colour. Bothe thc men and the women haue pendauntes of gold and precious tones hanginge at their eares. The men allo, booze their nether lyppes full of holes from the vppermofte parte of the lyppe Chey weare zuen bnto the nethermotte parte of the gumme. At theſe they rynges and hange certeyne tynges and plates of golde and fyluer falineð plates at to a ſmaule and thynne plate Ipinge within betwene the lippe ther lyppeso and the gumme. At the bygget hole in the muddelt of the lip, there hangeth a rounde plate of (pluer as brode as the coyne cauled a Lozolyne, and as thicke as a mannes fynger. I do the dyuers not remember that euer || fawt any thinge that fcemed moze phantafies of fylthy in myne eye. pet do they thynke that there is nothing men. moze cumly under the circle of the moone. Wherby we may ſee howe vainely mankynde wandereth in his owne blond nelle. The Ethiopian thincketh the blacke colour to be fapter then the white and the white man thinkoch otherwiſe, They that are pouled, thinke that more decent then to wcare a bul and they that weare bearbes, iudge it a deformitie to be ta: uch. The thyrde decade dered.. hiera uer. As appetite the rfoze moueth,and not as reaſon perſoa deth, men runne after banitics : and cuery proupnce is ruled by their ownclenſe, as waiteth ſaint Jcrome. From whence they haue their golde, we haue (poken Cufficicntly before. But as owre men marueyled where they had their ſyluer, they thewed them cert ayne high mountayncs whiche are con: tinually coueced with (nolne ſauynge that at certeynetymes of the peare, the oadly toppes are ſecne bare bicauſe the inoin blog is there molten by reaſon of the thicke and warme cloudes. note where the playncs therfoze, 02 mylde, fofte, and pleaſannt moun: gold and fyl- taynes teeme to buynge foozche golde: And the rough crag: uer are engê- gye mountaynes with their coulde balleyes, are the places where (pluer 18 engendered. They hane allo laton, wherof they make ſuch maces and hammers as are bled in the war: I thinke this res. Doggynge mattockes allo, and ſpades: foz they haue Tumkyr de of other Jren noz ficet. But lette bs nowe fpeake of the pre pure copper. fentcs lent into Spayne to the kyng: and fpide of the bakes, or els coppet Thele procuratours therfoze of the newe colonie of the pro that hoideih uynce of Coludran.i, emong other their pzeſentes, brought al: golde. Foz la: fo a great namber of bookes, the leaues wherok are made of con is an artis the inner ryndes oz barkes of trees, thinner then eyther that hath no netu: of the elme oz of the ſalowe. Therethey ſmere oz annoint wich rall tyne, the pytche of molten Bitumen, and while they be ſofte, errend cher bckes them to what fozme them lytteth. When they be coulde and harde, they cubbe chem ouer with a certeyne playſter. It is to bee thoughte that they bcate the playder into fine floure, and ſo temperynge it with ſum byndynge moiter, to make a crußte therwith vppon the leaues, wheron they wipte 56 with any tarpe indiriment, and blotte the ſame againe with a (punge og ſum ſuche other thynge, as marchaunt men and noble mens delarbes are accutomed to do with their fo29: synge tables made of the woodbe of fygge trees. The Itaues of their bokes are not ſet in order after the maner of obres, but are crtended many cubettes in length. The matters whi: che they wzite, are conteyned in ſquare tables: Not looſe, but ſo bounde cogither with the tougbe and dexible cley cauz led Bitumen, that they Ceeme lyke woodden tables whiche had byn under the handes of cunnyng bokebynders. Which way fo euer the booke lyeth open, there are two leaues Ceene and two (pdes written, with as many lyinge hyd vnder themi, et cepte the booke be bnfouided in length, foz vnder one leafe The thyrde decade. 162 there are many leaúes ioyned togythet. The formes of thelt Chey: tettere letters are nothynge Ipše bnto owres. But are muche moze crooked and entaugeled, lyke bnto fylhebookes, knottes, Inares, fartes, bile, fples, and ſuche other muche Iyke bnto 22 the egiptian letters, and written in lynes lyke bnco olores. Dere and there betwene the lynes, ate pictured the mapes of men e opuers beates: And eſpecially the images of kynges and other noble men. Whetby it is to be thought that in ſuche what is comte bookes, thcfactes of their kynges are conteynen, as wee ſee teyned in the lyke emonge bs howe obte prititers expede the ſumme, thiy bookes. of hiftories in pictures, that men mag therby be the moze als tuted to bye Cuche bookes. The couerynges of their bookes are alſo artifycially wrought and paynted. When they are chutte, they feeme to differre notlynge from owres in fozme. ynthele bookes are furthermoje comprehended their lales, tytes of ceremonies and Caccifyces, annotations of Agro- nomie, accomptes, computations of tymes, with the maner of grafynge, Cowpng, and other thynges perteinyng to hur: bandzy. They begynne the yeace from the goynge downe of the leuen farces cauleb Vergilic 02 Pleiades: and counte they monethes accordyng to the moones. They name a maneth, Tond, of the moone. for in thepi language, they caule the state moone Tond, they reken the bayes by the loonnes. Therfoze as many daies as they name; they ſaye, ſo many ſoonnes, the foonne in their tonge; is cauled Tonatico. They detribute the yeare (without any reaſon why) into twentie monethes: Temples And the moneth into as many dayes. The temples whiché rychlý adouro they frequent, they adourne with golden hangynges and o: nede ther ornamentes of golde and ſpluer with precious tones in: termitte. At the ſpringe of the daye, they perfunge their tems prayer. ples with frankenlence and make their paiers before they take in hande any other buſyneđe. But oh horrible ccaeltie. They facry: For thinhabitauntes of all theſe tractes allo, doo ſacrifyce fice chyldier childgen to their doles in lyke maner as wee hane fayde be: t captyues. foze. At ſuche tyme as the ſeedes lye in the groumd, and when the cerne begynneth to thewe fooith the eare, they definare to their Zeines (uche bondmen as they haue bought, oi Cuche captiues as they have taken in the warres, which they ſacri: fyce after that they haue made them great chiere and decked them in pzecious apparell, alſo before they Cacrifyce theſe poze The thyrde decade. wionge way to beauč pooze wzetches, they lead them about the toldne Wohple althe people ſalute them humbly and reuerently, adyzmyng that in ſhozte ſpace, they fhalbe tsceaued into the coompanpe of the goddes. They honour their Zemes with an other tharp kind pluddy gods of dcuotion: sFoz they let te them Celues bludde, cyther in the fulgens dos conge, lyps, eares legges,chpgles, op brett, which they take an inson in their handes and ijurle it bppe towalde hcauen, foo that 24 maiga, Swich the faule therof the panement of the temple is all (par: Villa-kitosed scled with bludde, wherby they thincke that their goddes are well pleaſed from the newe colonie (caulcd Villt Ricca). Nyne omyles Dittante, there is a towne of rb. thouſande houſes, bobiche thinhabitauntes caule Cemobal, but obre men named SiuillNous it Sybillaa The kynge of this totone had fyire ment which he referged to be facrifyced, whom when owre men bold haue delguered, the kynge niade humble requeft to them, ſayinge that if they tooke awaye ſuche men as he had conſecrated to The force of she offered to the goddes, they coulde bıpnge btter deſtruction an owlde er: to hym and all his kyngdome. sfoz if owre {acrifyces (ſaydı mour. che) do ceaſe, owre Zemes wyll take Cuche Diſpleaſure with va that they woull fučęt owrs cozne, graffes, and frutes, to bee confumed df woozmes, scoatched with dłowth, deftroyed ith fuddes, og blafted with lyghtnynge. Dwre men pers ceauynge his ernefnelle herein, thought it belte to choſe the lead euel, perceauynge that it was yet no tyme to bilquyet: their myndes, and therfoze luxcred them to ererciſe their ac: cuûomed ceremonies. And althoughe their prieſtes promyle theym immortall glozie, cternall éclicytie; and perpetuall conuerſation with the goddes after the dozmye Dapes of this Theys prefts lpfe, pet do they with heauy countchaunces giue eare to their lyue chart. promifres, and had rather be lette at lybettie. Theic prices are named Quines in the plurell number, and Quin in the lyn: gular, They leade a pure and chade lyfe: And are honoured faggots of of the people with feate and reuerence. They make fagots of bones. the bones of their enemyes which they have taken in the wat ces, and hange vppe the ſame at the feete of their Zemes, as tokens of the victoztes obteyned by their fauoar. To theſe they ad de certayne titles and ſuperſcriptions as teftimonies of the ſame. This is Araunge and boozthy to be noted, that when their child;cn ace a yeare oulde, the priettes in their templesboith dcuonte ceremonies and murmurynge woozdes, Roze The thyrdedecades pouze water in fozme of a crolle bpon their heades with a a fygure of cruet, wherby thep ſeeme to baptiſe them. Neyther do they baptiſme, as the gewes and Turkes, thinke their temples polluted if any of a fraunge celygion bee preſent at their facrifyces and other folemnities. Wee haue nowe ſpoken (uffycientely of bone sbbus their bookes, temples, and ſuperficions. Lette us nowe The preſene therfoze coome to the other pacientes which were brought tes Tent into to the kynge. Emonge theſe, there were ewoo błodbe and spayne to rounde plates (whiche fumme haue named the mages of the kynge. the ſoonne and moone) the one of filuet and the other of gold of gold and in largeneſe and roundnelle murche lyke to the ftoncs of Hand fyluer. molles: yet but chynns, and in maner bothe of one circumfes tence, that is fruiiio fpannes in circuites qšas walkedve That of golde is of the bcyght of three thanfande and bitt hundzeth Catellans, where as wre hane fayde befoge that a Lagellane is a coyne of golde which weyech moze then a DA cate by a trient, that is the thy?de parce of a pounde. On the center of this, was the Jmage of a kynge of halfe a cubetten longe, ſyttinge in a trone and appareled to the knee, lyke un to a maumette, with ſuch countenaunce as olore paynters are: toonte to paynte fayrics oz fprites. about the J\mage, were the tapes of trees and foures, ſo that it ſeemed to [ytte as though it had byn in a fielde. The other of ſyluer, was made. to the ſame ſimilitude, bringe alſo in maner of the fame. weyght, and both of pure metall. They brought Ipkewple Gertegne grayscs of rude golde (that is, ſuche as was neuer Two.cheines molters) about the byggenes of fytches oj the pulſc caulcd lin tels in token of plentie of natiue golde. Alſo two cijepnes of uelou ly bylege of gold mars golde, whero che one conteyneb biit. lynkes in the whiche with precious, were ſet two hundzoth thzeelcode and twoo fayze and cleare ſtones and tedde fones, and yet no rubyes: fucchermolly a hundrethe jewels. foureſcoze and three greene ſtones, and yet no emeçodes.2c: uertheleđe, theſe are in lyke eftimation with them as the o: ther ate batth vs.At the edge of this cheine, there hange.fr bij golden belles, haupnge betwene every of them, fouce iciels of precious tones incloſed in golde, at euery of the which in lyke maner hangecerteyne ſpangels of golden she othec cheync conſideth onely of foure golden lynkes, belet rounde about with a hundàcth and two redde ftones, and a hundzah: thjec cozy and tmelue greene foncs, Witb.ffbi, golden belles. guition The thyrde decades curioudly wrought and placed in comely order. On the berpe myddeſt of the chepne, are ten great precions ſtones incloſed in golde, at the whiche alſo hange a handlet he golden pen: Builsyns. Dauntės of cunaynge woorkeman hippe. They brought fur: thermore twelue paire of lethec buľkynncs of diuers colours, ſumme imbrothered with gold and lum:ne with fyluer, with plates and tebelles of golde and precious dones incloſed, myters. and at cuery of them certagne golden bdles. Alſo decrepne myters belette with precious toones of dyuerle colours, emonge the idhiche Cume are bledelike vnto ſaphires. DE How can we creftcs, gerdles, and fannes made of fethers, 3 botte not ther caul thế what 31 bilde iaye. But lucrly if ever the wyttes and inuen: beaſtly or tions of men haue deſerucd honoure os cómendacion te luche Barbarous, artes, theſe ſeeme mode woolthy to bee had in admiracion. 3 do not macu ade at golde and precious tones. But am in maner atonyted to ſee the bookkemandyppe ercell the lui: fance. Fol 3 hwue with woondecynge eyes behelde a thou: Cande formes and ſimilitudes, of the which 3 am not able to chased their lozite. And in my iudgernent, 3 heuer ſabe any thing whole gold for owre bew tie myght Co allace the eyes of men. As they macuepled 3rē, they had at the naturall bewtie of the fethers of ointe peacockes and not ſo ſoone phealantes, co dyd weno lete maruel at the actifycial belotte byn fubdued. of ſuche thinges as they make of fethers and quilles impaled Quylles. with golde. for 31 Cawe in manye of their bookes, all ma: ner of natiue colours cuen in the quilles whero they make Helmets ſuche intrumentcs. ln brought alſo two belmettes gat: nylibed with precious tones of a whitelbe blewe colour. Dne of theſe is edged with belles and plates of golde, and under cuccy bell tind knobbcs of golde. The other, belyde the fto byrde. nes wherwith it is coucred, is lykelyſe edged with. frv. golden belles and knobbes: #bath on the cred, a greene bird Spearce. with the fette, bylle, and eyes, of golde. alſo foure (peares muche lyke vato troute (peares or yele (peares, the woodde wherok is all contred With quilles of divers colours maruei: louiy lzethed with golden wyers and plates intermiypte. 2 fcepter. Euery of theſe ſpeares haue three pikes, bhole edges oz teech biarelet, are all of precious tones made fatte with wyers of golde. DE Skocs. like workmanthip they brought a great ſcepter byſet with pre cious toones and belies of gold, allo a braſlet of gold, and obes made of a bartes [kynne, Cowed b imbiothered with wiers, The thyrde decade. 164 bacit s. goldé topers, with a white fole peneth. Furthermoje a glane blaires. . of a bzyght blewe hone, and an other of whire, both endoled in golde. Likewiſe a precious fone of the kynde of them that are cauled sphinges, incloſed in golde. Furthermoze the heade myldes fosse of a great lyſarde, two great Thelles, imo duckes, the tapes les, ilsithes of diuers other byrdes, foules, and fylmes, and all of mautie of solde. Targets.zc. golde. Furthermoze. ertiti, rounde and ſquare targettes, of gold. mieldes, and bucketers of golde,' and kyue of Tyluer icb a n crowne of triple crowne bf plates and wpets of golde matueyloutye golde. to eached with quilles and féthers of Diuers colours, hausng dimana on the fronte a plate of goldeen thr whicke is grauen the JE mage of the Jbole Zemes. About this 3mage, hange foure other plates like crdles of gold m the whithe are grauen the Groſſes, heades of diuers brates as lyons, tigers, voulues, and fuch other. They brought alſo the fymilirudcs of certeyne bea: des made lumme of roddes oz tinygges, and ſunt of woodde with the beañes owne (kynnes cheron, and garnplthed with Images of collecs of laton belles. Iyke wile diuers thietes Weaued of Shietesa golampyne cotron of Cumdiy colours, wherof two are ryche: ly frynged with golde and precious ftones, and the other with quilles and fethers intermyrte with goữampine cotton of ſundiye colours and chckcred lyke the panes of a chefe bolde. Sam are on the one fydc, of blacke, white, and redde. colours: and on the other ſyde, plaine without any batietie. Other Cum, are wrought in lyke maner with variable colours with a wheele oz circle of blacke in the myopeit intermyrte Cloth of an bith thyning fethers and ſparkes of golde lyke ttatres They res. brought alſo cloth of Aras 02 Werdure of matueplous mok: A foul dyers man@yppe.. Lekewiſe a ſouldiers cloke ſuche as theit pzyn: clocke, ces weare in the warres, with certeyne pr uge coates of fence, and ſundige tirementes perteynyng to their heades, with al ſo many ſuche other thynges moze bewtifull to the eye ihen tyche o precious, whecof to entreate particularly, it ſhoulde be moje tedious then pzofyable, 3lette page here alſo to {peake of many particular nauigations and of the trauailes and daungers whiche thep (ufeyned in the ſame, baith the monters and ſecreatcs of nature they ſawc: whiche are all conteyned in the regetters of owre Senate of thafiayzes of Regifters of Jndia, olo te of the whiche 3 hane ſelected there fewe anno: shaffayies of tations, ſuche as ſeemed to mg mote meete to bee publiſmed. 3ndia POS The thyrde -decade. tenaunc. anewithtanding theſe ryche and goodly preſentes, get Were 03 they that brought them, and allo Corteſius the gouernour of the native and autour of erecringe their nebe colonie in thoſe Thautoritie of the Lieues tentote regions, adiudged by the Senate to haue doen ageint ryght and equities it that they attempted the ſame withowte thabutce of the gouernour of the glande of Cuba who fente them foorthe by the kynges auctozitie, where as they did orher thinges beſyde their commyllyon, pe althoughe they al 35? Wente to the kynge, not fyzf knowonge his pleaſure whom 97133 the kyng had ſubtitute bis Liewetenaunt in that Flande. In fo muche that by his procuratour, be accuſed them befoje the Senate as fugitiue theeues and traytours, They on the other parte alleaged that they had dooen the kyng better Cecuyce then he . And that they had filed lufycicnt obedience is appealyng to the kpag as the hygher judge. But the gouer: hout required by the bettve of his committion and the kinges letters pattentes that they myght be headed for their diſobe: dience ageing hym whom they knebe to be autozíced by the kynge. They ageine replied that they had not offended the kyng, but rather defecued rewarde Foz their great dangiers and trauatles. Bothe che rewarde and puniſhment were de: The Spany: ferreo, and a daye appointed lohen bothe parrtes ſhoulde bet ardes of Da: richa. harde. Leete vs nowe therfoze coome to the Spaniardes of Darienta , thinhabitours of the goulfe of Vrbs in the ſuppoſed Lontinent. We haue fayde befoze that Dariene is a ryurt run: nynge towarde the Welle lyde of the goulfe of Vrba. On the banke of this ryuer, the Spaniardes planted their fyżet colo: Sateli Maria sa nie oz habitation after they had vanquiſpped kynge Chemaceuse Antiquito This colonie they named Sancta Maria Antiqua, by reaſott of vole whichethey made to the virgine marie in the tyme of the battaile ageynt chemaecus. To theſe (as wee haue made petrus arias arhom the mention in the ende of oure decades) was Petrus Arias ſente Spanyardes with a thouſande and two hundzeth men at the requel of voſ name pedra chus Nunnex Balboa, who was then the gouernour of Dariena, and This rea the the fø2ct that found and diſcouered the large South ſea here: Spanyardes tofoze unknowen. Wce hauc allo declared how at the arriual caule wardel of Petrus Arias the newe gouernour, he deuided his armye into EUE Centurions, that is, capitaines ouer hundzethes, whom hee ſent foorth dyuces baies. What tragedies folobed hereof, J voyll ablolue in fewe woozdes, byçauſe all are bozrible and bnpleafaut The thyrde decade , Contention 165 binplealauntea foz fence we fynythed obre Decades, there berwene var hach byn none other then tyllynge, depinge, murcheryngechus and per and acculinge. the kynge made Vaſchus gouernoure but doza trus Arias. epnge his pleaſure. Dis courage was ſuch, and his factes fo uptozious, that he coulde not longe abyde the hautynes of Pad tris Arias. To bee bicefe, they? faulynge obte and diſcoid con founded al thynges. John Lacedus the pulpitte fcper of the order of (aynt frances, dyb his vttermotte endeuour to make them frendes, piomylynge vnto Vaſchus the dolghter of Petrus Arias to wyfe. But no meanes coulde be founde home thefer two which buze the chiefe rule, myght bee brought to agrees ment. Át the length the matter grewe to ſuch errcemttie;that. Petrus Arias Petrus Arias fyndynge occalion of querelynge ageynte Vaſchus, commandeth fent pzocelle to the mateltrates of the towne, wherby he com that uafchus maunded them to ftrangle Vaſcous, and fyne other which were be pyt to chiefe capítaynes under hym: Alleagynge that they and their beath. confetherates conſpired to rebel in the South lea:And that: Vaſchus hym Celfe for that intente, had buyldad and furnitted foure mnippes to ſearch the ſouth coates of the fappoſed cons} tinent: alſo that to his three hundreth Touldiers and compa nions which he had with hym, he thulde (pcake woordes of this effecte as foloweth. my frendes, and felowes of my Uaſchus te longe peynes and trauayles: Dowelonge tall we be ſubiecte accured to the commaundement of other, ſytbe lpee haue bodden the bjunt and ouercumme thenterpriſe for the whiche this newe gouernout was ſent with fo great a multitude who can any: longer ahydehis pryde and infolentie : Lette bs therefože fos: low theſe coaftes Whyther fo ever foztune fall diyue vs: And amonge theſe ſo many pleaſaunt and fruteful prouinces of this targe lande, let us choſe one in the whiche wee maye with libertie (penbe that poztion of obre lpucs which yet ress mayneth. Who can fpnde bs, ou talbe able to profer vs vyo: lence? Wher theſe oz the lyke woozdes were declared to per trus Arias, he fence to the Southe partes foz Vafchus, wyllynge hym by the bertue of his commiſion to repayze to him foozth with. Vaſches obeyed, and at his commynge Was cafte in pzy: fon: yet conftantly denyinge that ever he entended any ſuche : thynge. Wytneles loete brought ageynt hym, and his wo? des rehearted from the begynnynge. To conclude, be was put to beach. Darchus to idged mooztby death; and was put to execution. And this The thyrde decade is the rewarde wherwith the blonde goddette oftentymes re compcnſeth ſuch as haue Cutteyned great trauayles and daun Petros Arias. giours to bee byghly in her fauoure. Petrus Arias leauynge his wyfe in Dariena, embarked hym ſelfe in the ſhippes lefe of vafo chus, to thintent to ſearche thoſe coaftes. But whether he be returned of not, we haue per no certeyne knobeleage. De Lupus Sofia hach allo his foztuneyet is there an other gouernour af: ligned, whoſe name is Lupus Soſa, the viccrope of the 3: tandes of Canaries What Romake Petrus Arias may have yê he te turue, let good men iudge. There was nothyng doone under hym woozchy glorit. Sume chynke that he was at the be: gynnyng to dacke and negligent in his office, and not fcuere in cozrectynge ercours and miſorders. But we wyll leauc him The great ry and rehearſe ſumwhat wherof we haue byn lately informed uer.of Dabal as touchynge the great and diepe ryues of Dabaiba, the whiche ba ol Srandis foz the greatnes and largenes therof, obre men named Gran: dis, that is, great, as we yaue noted in owre Decades. This The gouffe tiuer fauleth into the furtheft colmer of the goulfe of Vruba by of Uraba. ſeuen poztes 02 mowthes as deoth the ryuer of Nilus into the Egyptian ſea, whoſe large deſcriprion yowe may alſo reade The ryche in obre Decades. That the mountaynes on cuery ſyde about mountaynes this ryuer, are rych in golde, we haue learned by thinfo2ma: of Dabaiba. tion of chinhabitauntes, of whom we made diligent inquiſiti on. Vaſchus, and belyde hym other gouernoures and Lieuete: nayntes, haue fouretymes entered into this ryuer with theyi armyes in battayle array, and with dyuers kyndes of mippes fyzate for the ſpace of fojtie myles, then fyftic, and at the lak foureſcore, at an other tyme alſo onerthwarte the tyuer. Dh fiercet war lyke people. thamefull chaunce and detettable couwardenes of obremens A naked nation encounterynge with them that had apparell, the armed ageynſte che vnarmed, had the ouerthrowe in ma: ner in all conäictes, anù were other all dayne oz woundcd. Thay vſe inuenemed arrowes, and are ſuche crperte archers, that if they e pye any place of theyz enemie bare on vnarmed, Wartes, they wpll not lyghtly fayle to fryke him there. Thep ble ale Co many dartes, which in the ryme of the battayle they hurle Swoordes of fo thicke a farre of, that they take the tyght of the ſonne frõ heavie pood, theyz enemies as it were with a clowde. They haue lykewile brode and longe (woozdes made of a heavie and harde kinde af woodde, wherewith they fegght fiercely neare at hander Caſchus The thyrde decade. vsſchus hym felfe receaucd many woundes in encounterynge with them. And thus by reaſon of the fiercenes of theſe bar: barians, the cpuer of Dabaiba is pet lcfte bnſearched. We wit nowe ſpeake lumwhat moze of the filand of Hiſpaniola (Which Oviedus wigs Hifpan'o!a. the Spanpardes caule spagnuold) the moother and chiefe of al teth that ther other landes 0? Flandes wherof we entended to wzyce.3n it are nowe.v. the Senate is now reſtored, and fpue judges aligned to give monafteries lawes to all thinhabitauntes of thoſe tractes. But in thote some, they thalt ceale gatherynge of golde although there bee greare plentie : by reafon they fall lacke labourers and my: mers, fogalmuch as thinhabitauntes whole helpe they bled heretn, are brought to a ſmaule number, conſumed partly by warre, and many more by famen that ycare that they dygged bp the rootes wherof they made they, bette bzeade, and lefte of lowynge theyz grayne of Maizium which is theyz commor foode, ſuppoſinge hereby to haue d?puen obre men obte of the plande, who had bytaples ſente them from Spagnr. 4 Neme and ſtrange difces great number of them allo, dyed of newe and itraunge diſea: (es. Ces which in the yeare of Lhuitte a thouſande fyue hundzeth and.rbiit. conſumed theym lyke cotton ſheepe. And (to ſaye the truth) obre mens bnſaciable delyze of gold, gora ſo oppretleb theſe pooje weetches with ertreme labour and tople, where as before they loued pleafauntly and at lybertie, gyuen ouely to plapes and pažymes as daunlynge, fylthinge, foulynge, and huntpng of lycrle connies, that many of them perilthed cuck for verye anguyye of mynde, the whiche (with theic bnaccuſtomed labour) are thynges of them ſelues (uty: cient to engender many newe diſeaſes. But the kynge and the Senate haue nowe determyned that they be reduced to a people, and to gyue them Celucs onely to incrcaſt, and tyls lage of the gound: And that onely ſuch as arc bought oz ta: ken obte of other regions, bee appointed to labour in the golde mynes. But it ſhall Cuffyce to haue Capde thus muche The fuger of of the pettiferous hunger of golde. Therfoże to ſpeake of o: Hifpanola. ther matters: It is a marueplous thynge to conſyder yowe all thynges increaſe and ploſper in this flande. There are nowe. srbiii ſuger pzeữes wherwith great plentie of fuger Suger of Uas is made. The canes oz reedes wherin the ſuger groweth, leucis. are bygger and hygher then in any other place: and are as bygge as a mans arme in the bjawne, and higher then the tii, ftature The thyrde decade. dature of a matt, by the halfe. This is more boonderfull, that where as in Walentia in Spaine (where a great quantis tpe of fuger is made yearely) where ſo euer they applye them token of maruelous ſelues to the great increaſe thcrof, yet doth euery roote bring frucfulnega foozthe not patte fyue, oz fyre, og at the motie feuen of thoſe ret des : theras in Hiſponiola one roote beareth twentie, and Catrayle. oftentymes thirtie. Foure footed beates and cattayle, are marueyloully increaſed in this Jlande. And albeit that the rauenynge hunger of golde hath hitherto greatly hyndered Wheaten obre men from tyllage of the ground, yet is there great plens tye of wheate, whiche proſperech ſo wel that it yealdeth Cum tyme a hundzceh foulde: And this eſpecially on the hylles of vydges of the mountaynes proſpectunge towarde the North. cinco. Wincs do alſo increaſe bere with no leđc frutefulnelle. What Ould 3 ſpeake of the trees that beare Caſsia fiftula, brought fira Caſsia Fiftulit into this land from the other jlandes neare bnto the ſuppo ſed continent, as we haue noted in owo decades: There is nowe Cuche plentie hercof, that after a fewe yeares we thal} haue a pounde of the price that wee paye nowe for at ounce Białyle DE the bzelyle and mirobalane trees, with other innumerable myrobalance, pzerogatiues and benefites whiche nature hath plentiful: ly giuen to this bledled 3land, we haue (poken Cuttycis ently in obr decades, yet haue 1 thought good to repeate part of the ſame, becauſe 3 think. that the bittes of many readers haue di: gerred from the wegght of great afs faires, to the recoidation of ſuch plealaunt thynges. And yet do not ſuche thynges as are ſauery, enger: der tedyoul: Helle, ſoo that a precious mat: ter bee adouched with a precious betture. 看到​那​习 ​. 35 ve 167 EXEMPLAR BVLLAE SEV DONATIONIS, AVTORITA TE CVIVS, EPISCOPVS ROMAN VS ALEXA N. der eius nominis ſextus, conceſsit et donauit Caſtela læ regibus & fuis fuccefforibus, regiones & In- ſulas noui orbis in Oceano occidentali Hiſpanorum nauigationis bus repertas. LEXANDER EPISCOPVS feruus feruorum Dei, Chariſsimo in Chrifto filio Ferdinando Regi, et Chariſsimæ in Chrifto tiliæ Elizas beth Reginæ Caftellæ, Legionis, Aragonum, Siciliae, et Granatæ, illuftribus, falue tem et Apoftolicam benedictionem. 20% Inter cætera Diuinæ maieftati beneplacita opera et cordis noftri deſiderabilia, illud profecto potiſis mű exiſtitvt fides catholica & Chriſtiana religio no ftris præſertim temporibus exaltetur ac vbilibet amplietur ac dilatetur, animarumą ſalus propres tur, ac barbara nationes deprimantur et ad fide ipfam reducantur. Vnde cum ad hanc facram Pes tri ſedem Diuina fauente clementia (meritis licct ims paribus) euocati fueremus, cognofcentes vos tang veros catholicos reges et principes: quales ſemper fuiffenouimus, & a vobis præclare gefta, toti pene orbi notiſsima demonſtrant, nedum idexoptare,fed omni conatu, ſtudio, et diligentia, nullis laboribus, nullisimpenfis, nulliſą parcendo periculis, etiam proprium ſanguinem effundendo efficere,ac omnem animum veftrum, omneſ conatus ad hocíam dua dum dedicaſse, quemadmodum recuperato regni Granatæ a tyrannis de Sarracenorum hodiernis tem poribus per vos, cum tanta Diuini nominis gloria facta, teſtatur. Digne ducimur non immerito, et debemusilla vobis etiam {ponte,ac fauorabiliter con cedere, per quæ huiuſmodi ſanctum aclaudabile ab immortali deo acceptum propoſitam, indies feruen- tiori animo adipſius dei honorem et Imperij Chris ftiani propagationem, proſequi valeatis. Sane acces pimus q vos qui dudum animum propofueratis a: liquas inſulas et terras firmas remotas et incognitas, acper alios hactenus non repertas, quærere et inues nire, vt illarum incolas et habitatores ad colendum redemptorem noſtrum et fidem catholicam profis tendum reduceretis, hactenus inexpugnatione et res cuperatione ipſius regni Granatæ plurimum occu- pati , huiuſinodi ſanctum et laudabile propoſitum veſtrum ad optatum finem perducere nequíuiſtis: Sed tamen ficut Domino placuit, regno predicto tecuperato, volentes deſiderium veftrum adimplere, dilectum filium Chriſtophorum Colonum vírum vtig 168 vtiq dignum et plurimum commendatum ac tanto negotio aptum, cum nauigijs et hominibus ad fimis lia inſtructis, non ſine maximis laboribus, acperi- culis, et expenſis deſtinaſtis vt terras firmas et Infua las remotas et incognitas, huiuſmodi per mare vbi hactenus nauigatum non fuerat, diligenter inquires ret. Qui tandem (Diuino auxilio facta extrema die ligentia in mari Oceano nauigantes) certas inſulas remotíſsimas et etiam terras firmas quæ per alios hactenus repertæ non fuerant, inuenerunt. In quia bus plurimæ gentes pacifice viuentes, et (vt afſeria tut) nudi incedentes, nec carnibus veſcentes,inhabis tant: Et vt praefati nuncij veftri poſsuntopinari,gen tesipfæ in Inſulis et terris prædictis habitantes,cres dunt vnum deum creatorem in Cælis eſse, ac ad fiə dem catholicam amplexandum et bonis moribus imbuendum, fatis apti videntur: Speſq habetur, & fi erudirentur, nomen Saluatoris Domini noftriles fu Chrifti in terris et inſulis prædi&tis facile inducere tur. Acprefatus Chriſtophorus in vna ex principas libus Inſulis prædictis, iam vnam turrim ſatis mu: nitam, in qua certos Chriftianos qui fecum iuerant, in cuftodiam et vt alias Inſulas ac terras firmas res motas et incognitas inquirerent poluit, conſtrui et ædificari fecit. In quibus quidem Infulis et terris iamrepertis, aurum, aromata,et aliæ quamplurimæ res res præciofæ diuerfi generis et diuerfæ qualitatis tea periuntur. Vnde omnibus diligenter, et præſertim tidei catholicæ exaltatione et dilatatione (prout de cet Catholicos Reges et Principes)conlideratis,mo: reprogenitorum veftrorum claræ memoriæ Regum, terras firmas et inſulas prædictas, illarumg incolas et habitatores, vobis diuina fauente clementia fubii: cere et ad fidem Catholicam reducere propofuiftis . Nos itaqz huiuſmodi veſtrum ſanctum et lauda: bile propofitum plurimum in domino commendana tes , ac cupientes yt illud ad debitum finem perduca- * tur, et ipſum nomen faluatoris noftri in partibus il- lis inducatur, hortamus vos quamplurimum in dos mino, et per ſacri lauacri ſuſceptionem, qua manda: tis Apoftolicis obligati eftis, et p viſcera miſericordiæ Domini noftri Ieſu Chriſti attente requirimus, vt cum expeditionem huiuſmodi omnino proſequi et aſſumere prona mente orthodoxæ fidei zelo intens datis,populosin huiuſmodi Infulis et terris degen tes, ad Chriſtianam religioně ſuſcipiendum induces te velitis et debeatis, nec pericula nec labores vllo vną tempore vos deterreant,firma fpe fidacias con ceptis p Deus omnipotens conatus veftros folícia ter profsyuetur. Et vt tanti negotij prouintiam As poftolicæ gratiæ largitate donati , liberius et audas cius aſſunatis, motu proprio non ad veftram vel 169 alterius pro vobis fuper hoc nobis oblatæ petitionis inſtantiam, fed de noftra mera liberalitate, et ex cer- ta ſcientia,acde Apoftolicæ poteftatis plenitudine, omnes Inſulas et terras firmas inuentas et inueniena das, detectaset detegendas verſus Occidentem et Meridiem, fabricando et conſtruendo vnam lineam a polo Arctico, felicet Septemtrione, ad polum Antarcticum, ſcilicet Meridiem, ſiue terræ firmæ et inſulæ inuenta et inueniendæ fint verſus Indíam aut verſus aliam quamcun partē quæ linea diſtet a qualibet Inſularum quæ vulgariter nuncupantur de los Azores et Caboverde centum leucis verſus Occis dentein et Meridiem, Itao omnes Infulæ et terræ firmærepertæ et reperiendæ, detectæet detegendæ a præfata linea verlis Occedentem et Meridien, quæ per alium Regem aut Principem Chriſtianum non fuerint actualiter pofſeffæ via ad diem nariuitatis Domini noftri Ieſu Chriſti proxime præteritum, a quo incipit annus præfens Milleffimus Quadringen teſſimus Nonogeffimus tercius,quando fuerunt per nuncios et capitaneos veſtros inuentæ aliquæ præ= dictarum Infularum, Autoritate omnipotentis Dei nobis in beato Petro conceſsa, ac vicariatus Jeſu Chriſti qua fungimur in terris, cum omnibus illas rum dominijs, ciuitatibus, caftris, locis, et villis,ius tibuſ et iuriſdictionibus ac partinentijs vniuerſis, Vv.in vobis heredibuſg et ſucceſſoribus veftris (Caſtella et Legionis regibus) in perpetuum tenore præſenti- um donamus, concedimus, et aſſignanus: Volg et hæredes ac ſucceſſores præfatos illarum Domi- nos, cum plena, libera, et omnimoda poteſtate, aus toritate, et iuriſdictione, facimus, conſtituimus, et deputamus. Decernentes nihilo minus per huiul modí donationem, conceſsionem, et aſſignationem noftram, nullo Chriſtiano Principi qui actualiter præfatas Inſulas et terras firmas poffederie vlos ad prædictum diem natiuitatis Domini noftri Iefu Chriſti ius quæfitum, fublatum intelligi poſse aut auferri debere. Et inſuper mandamus yobis in virtutæ ſanctæ obedientiæ (vt ficut pollicemini et non dubitamus. pro veſtramaxima deuotione et regia magnanimis tate vos eſse facturos) ad terras firmas et Inſulas prædictas, viros probos et Deum timentes, doctos, peritos, et expertos ad inftruendum incolas et has bitatores præfatos in fide Chatholica et bonis mo- xibus imbuendum, deſtinare debeatis, omnem des bitam diligentiam in præmiſsis adhibentes. A quia buſcumą perſonis, cuiuſcuną dignitatis, etiam ima perialis et regalis ftatus,gradus, ordinis vel condi- tionis, fub excommunicationis latæ ſententiæ pæna quam eo ipfo fi contra fecerint incurrant, diſtrictius 170 inhibemus ne ad inſulas et terras firmas inuentas et inueniendas,detectas et detegendas verſus Occidens tem et Meridiem, fabricando et conſtruendo lineam a polo Arctico ad polum Antarcticum, ſiuæ terræ firmæ et Inſulæ inuentæ et inueniendæ ſint verſus Indiam aut verſus alíam quamcunæ partem quæ linea diſtet a qualibet Inſularum quæ vulgariter nun cupantur de les Azores et Cabo verde centum leus cis verſus Occidentem et Meridiem vt præfertur pro mercibus habendis vel quauis alia cauſa accedere præſumat abſą veftra achæredum et fucceſsorum veftrorum prædictorum licentia ſpeciali: Non obe ſtantibus conſtitutionibus et ordinationibus Apos ftolicis, cæteriſ& quibuſcunæ, in illo in quo impes ría et dominationes et bona cuncta procedunt:Cons fidentes o dirigente Domino actus veſtros, fi hus iuſmodi ſanctum ac laudabile propoſitum proſes quamini, breui tempore cum fælicitate et gloria tos tius populi Chriſtiani, veftrí labores et conatus exia tum foeliciſsimum conſequentur. Verum quia diffi- cile foret præſentes literas ad fingula quæqz loca in quibus expediens fuerit deferri, volumus ac motu et ſcientia fimilibus decernimus, q illarum tranſſump- tis manu publici notarij inderogati ſubſcriptis, et figillo alicuius perſonæ in ecclefiaftica dignitate con- ſtituta, ſeu curiæ eccleſiaſticæ munitis, ea prorſus Vu, tí. fides 010 fides in iudicio etextra ac alias vbilibet adhibeatur, quæ præſentibus adhiberetur fi eſsent adhibitæ vel oftenfæ. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc pagie nam noftræ commendationis, hortationis, requilis tionis, donationis, conceſsionis, afsignationis, cons ftitutionis,deputationis, decreti, mandati, inhibis tionis, et voluntatis infringere vel ei aulu tes merario contraire. Si quis autem hoc ats Suola tentare præſumpferit, indignationem mesioals omnipotentis Dei, ac beatorum do roka. Petriet Pauli Apoſtolorum soon endi oi eius , ſe nouerit in- =oqmi ou no curfurum.passats of N10: dob Datum Romæ apud fanctum Pes tram. Anno incarnationis Dos minicæ. 1993. quarto nonas . sotto Maij: Pontiticatus tasutud ilugogen mission primo. o taomie bilo sa Do sito to the beach qalasti stall our bedilimla de zichold it gorsbni ton bilduque =hos singib na istom stolnog aviso al1019 isso a noftri anno 29b V troubtob to do 171 the coppie of the Bull of donation, by thautozitie wher of, pope Alexander the Cyrte of that name, gaue and graunted to the kynges of Labyle and they? Tucceſs fours the Regions and glandes founde in the Welt Dcean (ca by the nauigations of the Spanyardes, om idris Solution dans le con Lerander byſhoppe, the Certtaunte of the fer. uauntes of bod: Co olte molie Deare bclo: uid ronne in Chrif kynge ferdinande, and to owre Deare belowed doughter in Chepte Elyzabeth saucene of Latyle, Legion, Aras gon, Sicilie, and Branata, molt noble Pin ces, Bretynge and apoſtolical benedictiotr. monge other woojkes acceptable to the diuinc matctie and accojdynge to otore hartes delyze, this cert einely is the chiefe, that the Cacholyke fayth and Chriſtian religion, ſpe; cially in this owre tyme map in all places bce eralted, ampli, fied, and enlarged, wherby the health of ſoules may be pio: cüred, and the Barbarous nations ſubducd and brought to the fapth. And therefoze bhcras by the famoure of gods cles mencie (althaugh not without equall deſertes) we are cauled to this holy (eate of Petst, and under fandynge you to be e trebe Latholyke princes as we haue cucc knowen you, and as youre noble and woozthy factes have declared in maner to the hole isozlde in that with all your tudies: Diligences ans indultys, you haue (pared no trauaples, charges, og perele, aduenturynge cusn the thedynge of your owne bludde, wich applying powre hole mondes and endcuours heve unto, as pour noble erpeditions achyued in recoueryng the kyngdome of Branata from the tyrannie of the Satracens in theſe out dapes, doo plapnely declare your factes with ſo great glazge of the diuine name. for the whiche as we thinke you waoga thy, co owght be of obreowne free wyl fauozably to graune you all thynges whereby you maye dagely with more feruene: myndes to the honoure of god and enlargynge the thriftian: empire, pzoſecute your deuoute and laudable purpoſe mott, aca: Geprable to the immoztall bod. We are credably informed that wheras of late you were determyned gø ſeeke and ſpnde dertegne Jilandes e firme landes farce remote and bnknown and The bull or donation Cand not heretofoze found by any other) to thintent to bringe thinhabitauntes of the ſame to honoure o wre redemer and to profete the cacholyke fayth, you haue hetherto byn much ac: cupied in therpugnation and recouerie of the kyngedome of Branata, by reaſon whereof yowe coulde not bzynge yowre faydc laudable purpoſe to thende delyzed. Ncuerthelcữe as it hath pleaſed almyghty god, the forefayde kyngedome be: inge recouered, wyllyng taccomplythe your fayde deſpre, you baue, not without great labourc, pecelles, and charges, ap: poynted owré welbeloued Conne Chriftopher Lolonus (a man certes wel commended as motte wolthy and apte for fo great a matter) well furnythed with men and whippes and other ne: cellaries, to ſeeke (by the ſea where hethecto no manne hath Fayled) fuche firme landes and j|landes farre remote and hi: therto unknoben. Who (by gods helpe) makynge diligente ſearch in the ocean ſea, haue founde certeyne remote plans des and ficme landes whiche were not heretofore founde by any other. In the which (as is Cayde) many nations inhabite Iyuinge peaceably and goinge naked, not accuſtomed to eare achetert And as farre as powre metengers can coniecture, the nations inhabitynge the fozefayde landes and flandes, belcue that there is one god creatoure in heauen: and'(ceme apte co be brought to thimbjalinge of the catholyke faythe and to be imbued with good maners : by reaſon whereof, we may hope that if they be well intructed, they may eafely bee induced to receaue the name of owre fauiour Jeſu Chritt. me are further aduertiſed that the fozenamed Lhzitopher hathe trome builded and erected a foltrelle with good munition in one of the foreſayde principali Flandes in the which he hath placed a gavrilon of cerreine of the Lhriſtian men that wente thyther with him: alwell to thintent to defende the ſame as alſo to ſearche other Jlandes and ficme landes farre remote and yet unknowen. We alſo underttande, that in theſe lans des and glandes lately founde, is great plentie of golde and [pices, with dyuers and many other precious thynges of Lung diy kyndesand qualities. Therfoze al thinges diligently och fidered (eſpecially thamplifyinge and enlargyng of the catho like fayth, as it behoueth catholike pzinces folowyng ther: emples of yowre noble progenitours ol famous' memolie) taberas yawe are determyned by the favour of almightie god to of the biſhop of Romer 172 to ſubdue and buynge to the catholyke fayth thinhabitaunt es of the fožeľayde landes andjlandes. Wee greatly commendynge this yowre godly and laupable purpoſe in owrlo de, and deſirous to haue the ſame bżought to a dewe ende, and the name of owre ſauioure to be knowen in thoſe part es, doo erhozte yowein owre Lojde and by the receauynge of yowre holy baptiſme wherby yowe are bounde to Apoftolicall obedicnce, and ernedtely require yowe by the bowels of mercy of owre lo de Jeſu Lhuiſ, that when yowe intende for the zcale of the Latholyke faythc to pzofecute the fayde expedition to reduce the people of the fozelande landes and glandes to the Chrißian religion, yowe fall ſpare no la bours at any tyme, oi bee deterred with any perels, concea; upnge firme hope and confidence that the omnipotent godde byli gyue good lucceße to powre godly attemptes. And that beinge autożyſed by the priuilege of the Apodolycall grace, yowe may the more freely and bouldly take vpon yowethens terpryle of ſo greate a matter, we of owce owne motion, andi not eyrher at youre requeſt oz at the inſtant peticion of any o: ther perſon, but of dire owne mere liberalitie and certepne ſcience, and by the fulneſſe af ápottolycall power, doo gyue, graunt, and alignc to yowe, yowre heyzes and ſuccellours, al the firme landesejlandes found oz to be found Diſcouered o to be diſcouered toward the wel South,diabyng a line frõthe pole Artike to the pole Antartike(that is)fro the north to the Southe: Lonteynynge in this donation, what ſo ener firme landes of glandes are founde oz to bce founde towarde Indis, oz towarde any other parte what ſo eher it bee, beinge- ditant from, 02 without the fozefayd lyne Djawen a bundzeh leaques towarde the Welte and South from any of the lana des which are commonly cauled Delos Azons and Cabo Verden all the glandes thecfoze and firme landes, fourse and to be founde, diſcouered and to be diſcouered from the fayde lyne towarde the Welt and South, ſuch as naus not accually bia, heretofoje podeled by any other Lhyidian kyngcoz płynre bntyll the daye of the natiuitie of obre Lozde Jelu Lhzyty: latte page, from the which begynnerh this preſent yeare bes inge the yeare of owve 1ozde. B. LLLL. lprrriii, when ſa tuer any fuch malbe founde by your mellingers e capytaines, Wee by the autozitie of almoghtie Hod graunted unto us C TheBull or donation 10 in faynt Peter, and by the office bhich we beare on the earth in the ſteede of Jeſu Chritte, doo for ever by the tenoure of theſc preſentes, gyue, graunte, alligne, bnto yowe, yowrt hepzes, and ſucceữoures (the kynges of Lałyle and Legion) all thoſe landes and Flandes, with theyż dominions, territa ries, cities, cafels, towics, places, and byllages, with all the ryght, and iuriſdictions therunto perteynynge: conftitu. tynge, alignynge, and Deputynge, yowe, powre heyzes, and Curcetours the lodes thereof, with full and free poure auto: fožitie, and iuriſdiction. Decree nge neuertheleđe by this obre donation, graunt, and alignation, that from no Lhrt: ftian zince whiche actually hath poltetted the fozefayde 3: landes and firme landes into the day of the natiuitie of obre londe before(ayde theyz cyght obteyned to bee underſtoode bereby to be taken away, or that it öloght to be taken away. furthermoze Wee commaunde yowe in the vertue of holy o: bedience (as yowe haue promyſed and as wee boubte not you Well doo bppon mere deuotion and princely magnanimitie)to fende to the fayde firme landes and 3landis, honefte, vertus Qus, and lerned men, ſuche as fears Bob, and are able to in; structe thinhabitauntes in the Lafholyke fayth and good ma: ners, applyinge all theyz poñible bitigence in the premitiés. we furthernoze freightly inhibite all maner of perſons, of that fate, degree, oider, of condition (o cuer they bee, al: though of Jmperiall and regall dignitie, under the peyne of the ſentence of crcommunication whiche they thall incurre pf shep doo to the contrary, that they in ne caſe preſume with: purſpeciall lycence of powe, powrê heyzés, and ſucceïours, to trauayle fog marchaimies oz for any other cauſe, to the fayde landes 0? Jiandes, founde oz to bee found, Diſcouered, az to bee diſcovered, toward the wette Couth, drawing a line Frõ the pole artyke to the pole Antartike, whether the firme landse Flandes found to be found, be ſituate toward India oztowarde any other parte beinge difiant from the lyne Diaz wen a hundreth leagues towarde the wel from any of the 3: landes commonly canled De los Azores and Cabo Verde: Not: bithaandynge conditucions, decrees, and Apollolycall ordi: maunces behat Co cuer they are to the contrary :3 him from tokom Empyzes, dominions, and all good rhynges doo p? 0 cebe: Erudynge that almyghric god directynge powre enter priſes of the byſhop of Rome. 173 priſes,yf yowe folowe yowre godly and laudable attemptes, youre laboures and trauayles herein, fall in thozte tome ob: people. But fozaſmuch as it thulde bce a thynge of grcat dif: tepne a happy ende witb felicitie and glorie of all Chriſtian ficultie theſe letters to bee carped to all ſuche places as thuld bee crpedient, we will, and of lyke motion and knowleage doo decree that whyther fo euer the Came thalbe fent, 02 whec to euer they thalbe receaued with the ſubſcription of a com: mon notarie thetunto requyzed, with the ſeale of any perſon conditute in eccleſiafticall dignitie, oz ſuche as are autożyſed by the ecclefiafticall courte, the ſame fayth and credite to bet gpuen thereunto in tudgement o els where, as ſhulde bee er: hibyted to theſe preſentes. it fhall therefore bee lawefull foz no man to infringe 02 cafbely to contrarie this letter of obre commendation, erhou: tacion, requette, donation, graunt, aſſignation, conditu: tion, deputation, decret, commauudement, inhibiti: on, and determination, and pf any thall pzeſume to attempte the ſame, he owght to knowe that be fall thereby incurre the indignation of almygbtie God and his holye Apofles Peter and paule. (9) (:)(**) Byuen at Rome at faynt Peters:ynthetia geare of thincarnation ofobre Lozd M. CCCC. LXXXXIII. The fourth day of the nones of wage, the fyzdte yeare of owre ſeate, om (0) 361 CR Lo the reader.ro IN Lthough amonge dyuers which haue whytten of the ocean and Wette Jndies, there is none to be compared to Peter Martyz of Angleria, in declarynge by philoſophical diſcourſes the ſecreare cauſes of naturall affectes bothe as touchynge the lande, the ſea, the farres, and other Graunge moozkes of nature, yet fozaſmuche as of later bayes thoſe countreys haue byn berter knowen and ſearched, and dpuers ſuche particular and notable thynges founde as are conter: ned in the hyftodies of later wiytcrs, emonge the number of thom, Gonzalus Ferdinandus Oriedus, (Whom letned Cardanus com pareth to the ancient Writers) is doubtles the chiefe, 3 hawe therfoje thought good to joyue to the Decades of Peter par ty: cerrcyne not able thonges which J baue gathered owte of his booke inciteled the Summarie oz abbzigement of his ge nerall bylojie of the wet Jndies wäytten in the firme lande of the ſame in the citie of Sancta Maria Antiqua in Dariend (where he dwelte and was gouernoure many yeares) and dedicated to Themperons maieftie, as maye appeare by the epytell foc lowynge. To the mott hygh and mpghtie prince Charles the fyfte of chat name : Emperour of Rome, kynge of Spayne, and of the twoo Sicilies, of bothe the ſydes of the fireyght of Faro, kynge of Dieruſalem and Hungarie, Duke of Burgonie and Eacle of flaunu.ts, Loide and inheritoure of the firme lande and Jlandes af the Wette Dcean. #c. Gonz.dlys Ferdinandus Oui edus his mot humble ſeruant. wytheth health and pers petual felicitiem 1526 T De thynges whiche principally preferide and mäyntayne the woorkes of nature in the memo ries of men, are hyttories and bookes compo: ſed of the ſame. Amonge the whiche certes thoſe are eſteemed mofte frekve and autentyke which haue byn. wzytten by myttie and expert MEM The epiftle. 174 men ſpell trauayled in the worlde, as faythkull wytneties of ſuche thynges as they haue partely ſeene and byn partely in: fozmed by credible perſons. Df this mynde and opinion was plinie, who better then any other autoure hathe buytten in previi. bookes al that perteyneth to the naturall hiſtorie,con tepned al in one volume dedicated to Uclpalian Themperour. wherein, as a prudente hittotographer, be declareth ſuche thynges as he had harde: Attributynge the ſeconde autozitie to ſuche as he had redde in autoures that wiote befoze hym: And thyidely ioyned to the ſame hyttovie, Cuch chynges as he 9pm elfe bao teene as oft Cºrtephe texingte. hoc tem ple 3 folowynge, wyl in this my bzeefe ſummarie reduce and repreſent to yowr maiefties memorie Cuch thynges as 3 háue ſeene in yowre Empyre of the Weſt Indies aſwell in the 113 landes as in the firme lande of the Dcean ſea, where 3 haue Cerued nowe moze then twelve yeares in the place of ſuruop: er of the golde mynes by the commaundemente of the Lacho: ipke kynge Don Fernando the fyfte of that name and graundfa: ther into yowce maieftie, to whom god gave great fame and glozie: Senſe whoſe death allo J haue lykewicf ſerued and truſ whyle the reſt of my lyfe yet cemayneth, to ſerue yobore maieftie as thall pleaſe yowe to commaunde. As touchynge tohich thinges and ſuch other lyke,j] haue moze targely wzit ten in a hyftojie begunae as Cone as my age was rype to take fuche matters in hande. Wherein furthermore y haue made mention of ſuche chynges as haue chaunced in Spaine, from the yeare , 1494. unto this tyme, Addynge alſo thereunto Cuche thynges woorthy memorie as 3 haue obferued in other tealmes and prouinces where I haue trauapled. And häue likewiſe particulerly wzpttinthe lyues and woolthy acces of the catholyke princes of famous memozie Don Ferdinando and lady Elizabeth his wyfe to theyz lat dayes. After whofe fru ition of heaaenly paradyſe, 3 baue noted Cuche thynges as haue chaunced in powre molt fortunate ſucceßion. Not omit tynge particularly to wozyte a large booke of ſuch thynges as baue ſeemed motte Woorthy to bee noted as touchynge yowre maietties indies. But for a muche as that volume rematneth in the citie of San. Dominico in che Ílande of Hiſpaniold where 3 dwell and am placed in houtbolde with wyfe, chyldzen, and famelie J haue broughtno moze with me of that my wzi *x, ii. tynge The epiſtle. tynge then 3 beare in memozie. Determyngnge notwithtana dynge for powre maiefties recreation to make a bzeefe rehear fåll of certeyne notable thyniges wherof 7 haue moze largely cntreated in my fayde general hilltozie, and ſuch as may ſeeme motte woozt hy to bee redde of youre maieftie. De the which, although a great parte haue byn lożytten by other who haue alſo [ccne the ſame,yer perhappes they are not ſo eractly and particularly deſcribed as of me, fozaſmuche as in maner all that trauayle into theſe yindics have greater reſpecte to luker and gaynes then diligently to ſearche the woozkrs of nature wherunto J haue byn cuer naturally inclyned, and hauether foreiðith all poũible endeuour applyed myne eyes and intel: ligence to fynds the ſame. And this pzclente Summarie thall tot bee contrary oz oyuers from my larger hiſtorie Wyerin(as 9 haue Cayde) 3 haue moze amplye declared theſe thynges: but thal onely moze breefely erpieſe theffect therof meyl ſuch tyme as Bodde tal reltoze me to myne obne houſe, where ; imay accomplythe and fynide my fayd general hylltozie. Where vnto to gyue the fyzd pzinciplc, 3 ſay that mon chritopher Lolonus (as it is well knowen) beinge the fyztte admy all of this india, diſcouered the ſame in the dayes of the Catho: lyke kynge Don Ferdinando and the ladye Elyzabeth his wyfe, graundfather and graundmother vnto yowre maieftie: in the yeare. 1.4 91. and came to Btrzalona in the yeare 1:4-9 2. With the fyző Indians and other thewes and profes of the great ryches and notice of this weſt Empite. The whi: che gyfre and bencfyte was ſuche, that it is unto this daye, one of the greatelt that ever any ſubiect of ſeruant hati done for his prince of countrey, as is manifefte to the hole worlde. and to ſave the trewrh, this thall doubtlelle bee fo commodi: ous and profytable bato the hole realme of Spayne, that 3 repute hym no good Latilian 03: Spanyarde that doothe not recogniſe the ſame. And (as 3 hane Cayde befoze) foral: much as in my fayde generall hiſtorie 3 haue moze largely in treated of theſe thynges, 3. intcnd at this preſent only briefe ly to rehearſe certeyne eſpeciall thynges, the whiche ſuerly are verye fewe in reſpecte of the thouſandes that myght bee Cayde in this behalfe. ffyz& therfoze 7 Wyl ſpeake fumwhat of the nauigation into theſe parties. Then of the generati: on of the nations whiche are founde in the ſame, with their tytes The epiſtle. 175 eptës, cuſtomes, and cerimonies. Allo of beaftes, foulcs, byides, woolmes, fyf Ches, Ceas, ryuers, ſpłyng. s, trees, plantes herbes, and dyuers other thinges which are ongens dered boothe on the lande and in the water. And fozaſmuche as I am one of thoider and company of them that are appoin ted to returne into theſe regions to ſecue yowre maieftie, ye therfoje the thynges conteyned in this booke thall not bee di ſtincte in ſuch oder as 31 promiſed to performe in my greater woolke. delyze yobre maieftie to haue no reſpecte herebni to, but rather to conſyder the noucltie of ſuche ficaunge thyns ges as I haue herein declared, whiche is the chiefe ende that moued me to write. Proteſiyng that in this Summarie 1 haue wzitten the trewth of ſuche chynges as coome to my ve membzaunce: wherof not onely J my felfe can teſtifye, but allo diuers other woolthy and credible men which hauc bin in thoſe regions, and are nowe preſente in yowre maietties courte. And thus it thal ſuðpce to haue (aide thus much vns to yobte maieftie in maner of a pzoheme bnto this pzeſent wolke which y moſt humbly delyze yowre maiefticas thank fully taccept, as 3 haue wzitten it faythfully, HOUR DE the ozdinary nauygation from Spayne to the Welle Jndics, De natygation whiche is commonly made from Spayne to the Weſte yndia, is from Siuile, where yowre maiettie haue yowre Houſe of contractation for thoſe partes, With allo powre offycers therbnto perteynynge, of whom the capitaines take their patlepoite. and lycence. The patrones of ſuche Cyppes as are appoynted to theſe vyages, imbarke theym ſelues at San Luca di Barımedit, where the ryucr Cuadalchiber entereth into the Ocean ſea. And from henfe they folowe their courſe to: ward the glandes of Canarie. £DE theſe leuen 3 landes, they commonly touche two, that is, cyther Grancanarit 02 Gomerda And here the dyppes are furnylayed with freſh water, fuell, checſe, bicfe, and ſuche other ihyngee which may ſeeme res quifyte to be added to ſuche as they buynge with them obte of Spayne. from Spagne to theſe flandęs, is coommonly egght The hiſtorie eyght dayes ſaplinge, 02 lyttle more or leđe. And when they are acryued there, they haue Capled two hundereth and fyftie leaques, whiche make a thouſande myles, accomptyng foure myles to a leaque as is their maner to recken by ſea. Depar: tynge from the fayde Flandes to folowe their courſe, the chip: pes tary. frv. dayes, 02 a lyttle moze oz lete, before they fee the fyzie lande of the glandes that lye before that whiche they caule La Spagnuola 02 Hiſpaniold. And the lande that is com: monly fyzle ſcene, is one of theſe landes whiche they caule Ogni Sancti Marigalante CO2 Galanta) La Deffeada (otherwiſe cauled Deſys derata), Matanino, Dominica, Guadalupe, San. Chriſtoual, or fumme other of the glandes wherof there are a great multitude lyinge aboute theſe afozefaide. Yet it Tumtymes lo chaunceth that the tip: pes pale withowte the cyght of any of the Cayde Flandes, 0; any other that are within that courſe vncyll they coome to the Jland of Sancti Iohannis O2 Hipanioht, Bl Iamaica, 02 Cuba, whis che are before the other, 3t may alſo chaunce that they ouer palle all theſe likewyſe, vntyll they faule vppon the coattes of the fyrme lande. But this chaunceth when the pylote is not well practiſed in this nauigation or not perfecte in the. trewe carde. But makynge this viage with experte maryners (wherof there is nowe great plentie) one of the fayde fyzite Jlandes tall euer bez knowen. And from the flandes of Canarie to one of the fyztte of theſe, the diđaunce is myne þundzeth leaques by Caplynge, 02 moze. And from henle to the citie of Paynte Dominike which is in the glande of Hiſps. niold, is a hundreth and fyftie leaques : So that from Spayne hitherto, is a thouſand and three hundreth leaques. yet for aſmuche as lumtimes the nauigation procedeth not ſo direct: ly, but that it chaunceth to wander euer on the one (yde of on the other, wee may well ſaye that they haue nowe Cayled a thouſande and Eyue hundreth leaques and more. And if the nauigation be dowe by reaſon of Cumme hynderaunce, it com monly chaunceth to be fyniſthed in, rrrv.02. fl. dayes. And this happeneth for the motte parte, not accomptynge the er: sremes:that is, eyther of them that haue Nowe pallage, 01 of them that arryue in verye chozté tyme. Foz wee owghte.to conlybet that which chaunceth mod commonly. The returne from thoſe partes to Spayne, is not fynpfthed without lon: ger tyme, as in the ſpace of. 1. dayes, 02 a lyttle moje o2 leđe. Reuer: of the vveſte Indies, 176 Neueithelette in this preſent yeare of. 1825. there camc foute myps from the Illand of San Dominico to ſaint Luca in Spaine, in. rrv. dayes. But (as J haue fayd) we ought not to iudgé of that whichechaunceth ſeldome, but of that which happe: neth most ordinarily. This nauigation is very fafc and much bled,euen unto the fayd Iſlande. And from this to the firme land, the thyppes trauerſe díuers waycs for the ſpace of fiuc, [pre, oz Teuen dayes ſayłynge, od moze, accozdyng to the para tes oz coaftes whither they directe their vyages, fozaſmuche as the Cayde fyume lande is verye great and large, and many nauigations and byages are directed to dyuers partes of the fame. yet to the fyzme land whiche is neareſt to this land, and Iyeth directly ageynt San Dominico, the palage is fynir: thed in the tome afojeľayde. But it thalbe muche better to re myrte all this to the carde of theſe nauigations and the new Coſmographie, of the whiche no parte was knowen to ptos tomie on any other of the owlde wzytters. CDE twoo notable thynges as touchyng che Welt indies: And of the great rychelle. bzought from thenſe into Spayne,+ fter my vniuerfall deſcription of the hiftogte: of the Indies, there commeth to my remem beraunce ttoo thynges chickely to be noted as: touchynge thempire of this Welt indies per: tepnynge to the dominion of yolure maiettye. and theſe belyde the other particulars whers of 3 haue Cuffyciently ſpoken, are to be con: ſydered as thinges of great impoztaunce: Whcrof, the one is the thoztenelle of the way # with what expedition your ma: iclties Chyppes maye patre beyonde the mayne fyzme lande of theſe Indies into the newe Southe ſea cauled Mare del Sur ly: ynge beyond the ſame. And this to thintent to coome to the Jlandes where the ſpices growe,belyde the other innamera: ble vychelle of the kingedomes and figniojies whiche confine with the fayde ſea where are ſo many people and nations of dyuers toonges and maners. The other thinge, is to conly: der howe innumerable treaſures are entered into Spayne by thele The Hyſtorie theſe indies, allocll that whiche commeth dayly from thence as alſo that is continnally to bee looked fol, bothe of golde and perle e other marchaunties which are firâ brought into this yobre realme of Spaine befoze they are ſeene of other nations oz traded into other realmes. Wherby not onely this yowre realme is greatly inriched, but alſo the benefyte ther: of redounbeth to the great profyte of other countreys which are ncare therynto. A cettimonye of this, are the double du: cades whichc powre maieſtie haue cauſed to bee coyned, and are diſparſed throughowte the hole worlde. But after they are once paded owt of this pobre realme, they ncuer returne agein bycauſe they are the belt currame money of the world. And therfoze if after they haue byn in the handes of Graun: gers they chaunce to be retourned ageyne into Spaine, they coome diſguiſed in an other habite, and are diminiſthed of the goodneđe of their golde, with the lampe of yowre maie: Gye chaunged: So that if it were not for their ſuche defa: cynges in other realmes foz the cauſe afozeſayde, there thulde not bee founde ſo great quantitie of fyne golde of the coyne of any płynce in the worlde as of yowre mateflies. And the cauſe of all this, are yowre Jndies. (DE the mynes of golde, and the ma: ner of Woolkynge in theym. Dis particular of the mynes of gold, is a thing greatly to bee noted: ándi maye muche bet: ter (peake hereof then any other man, fozal: muche as there are nowe twelue peares palte Cenſe ſerued in the place of the Curycier of the meltynge ſhoppes perteynynge to the golde mynes of the firme lande, and was the gouernour of the my? aes of the Catholpke kyng Don Ferdinando, after whoſe depar, thre from this lyfc, i ferued longe in the ſame roome in the name of yowr maietie: By reaſon wherof, 1 hane had great occaſion to knowe howe golde is founde and brought obte of the mynes : And do knowe ryght well that this lande is krceadynge ryche: hauynge by my accompte and by the la: bour of my Indians and daues, gathered and fyned a great portion of the ſame: and may thetfore the better a fyzme this by TE of the vveſte Indies 177 up teftimonie of Cyght. f02 am well aduced that in no pare of Caftilis del oro, that is, golden Lafile (otherwiſe cauled Bee nagua) no man coulde afke me of the mynes of golde, but that z durde haue bounde my Celfe to haue diſconeced them in the (pace of ten leagues of the countrey where it ſhalde haue byus demaunded me, and the ſame to bee berge coche. For i bas dlowed all manet of charges to make ſearche foz the came. and although golde be founde in maner euery where in theſe vegtokis of golden Lanile, yet ologht bee not in cuerp, place to bedolve the tranell, and charge to get it obotes by Gaule it is of lelle quantitle and goodniile in fum place chen in fum.. And the myne oi beyne whiche owghte to be folobedscoughe to bee in a place whiche may tande to laue muche of the char: ges of the laboarers, and fo, the adminigration of other ne: cellary chinges that the charges may bee cecompenſed birb gaynes. for there is no doubte but that golde dalbe founde moze or lefle in cuery place and the golde whiche is founde in golden Cattle, is verge good, and of firii. Caractes oz bet: ter in fpnete. ffurthermore, belybe this great quanettie de golde whiche 31 haue ſayde to be founde in the mynes, there 18 allo from day to day found oj otherwile gotten, great tren Cure of Cuche wzought gold as hath byn in the cuſtodie pf the ſubdued 3jndians and theic kongess aſwell of ſuche as they haue gpuen for their fyne and tauntome, oj otherwiſe as frendes to the chuidians, belpde that whiche bath bpn vya: lently taken from the rebelles. But the greatest paste of che bżought gold whiche the Jndians haue; is baſc and holdeth fumwhat of copper.DE this they make bza lettes and chaines and in the ſame théy cloſe their iewels whiche their women are accutomed to weare and eleeme moze then all the tichete of the możlde. The maner hole golde is gathered, is this, cyther of ſuche as is founde in Z4aans, that is to ſaye in the plaines and ciucts of the champian countcey being witholot trees, whether the earth be with gca Te ol without. Dy of [u: che as is lumtymes founde on the land without the riuers in places where trees growi, Co that to coome by the ſame, it Walbe requiſite to cutte dobne many and great trees. But af: fer whiche ſo eher of theſe tipo manets it be founde, ether in the ciers oz ruptures oz bycaches of waters,oz dles in the sarth, 3 bpll pebe howe it is founde in bothe theſe placce, P2 and The hyfforierslo at homeft is fepechce and pourged. Thetfoze when thje myne of beine is diredueced, this chaunceth by Cerchyng and ploupng in fuche places as by certeyne Cygnes and tooken do appeare to ſkylfull men apte for the generation of goldcand to holde golde, And when they haue founde it, they folóbe the myne and labout it, whether it be in the cpuer og in the plaine as 31 haue fayde. And if it bee founde on the plaine, fyz@ they make the place berye cleane whete they intende to bygges Then they dygge eyght oz ten koote in length and as muche in bieadth: but they goo no deeper thetta (panne 02 tlvo, öz moje as fant (teme belt to the matter of the mone, byggynige equally. Then they wate all the earthe whiche they hane taken olote of the fayde ſpace. And if herein they fynde any golde, they folowe it. And if not, they bygge å (panne deeper, and waſhe the earth as they dyd befoze. And then alſo, they fynde norhynge, they continue in doggyng and balchyng the tacth as before bntil they come to the hard točke o2 tone, And if in fyke they fynd no gold there, they fo: sto we'no further to ſeeke golde in that place, bikt go to ano: "thet patter and it is to be undergode, that when they baut founbe the mpne, they folowe it in digginge in the ſame mea: fure in leuell ano de apth bntil they hawe made an ende of al the mpne which that place conteyneth, if it appeve to be riche. **this mynte ought to conſya of cevren feete o paſes in length obxeadth accordynge to tertegne ouders determined. and within that compare of earth, it is not lawfull foz any other to dygge for golde. And where as endeth the myne of her that fyldte founde the gold, immediatly it is labfull for any other man that boyl, with a fiałe to alygne hym Celfe a place by the lyde of the ſame, incloſynge it with takes oz pales as his owne. Thele mpnes of Zduint (that is fuch as ace Found Sin the playnes) owght euer to bee ſought neare to Fam ryuer Dz byooke od [pringe of water, oz dyke, oz kandynig poole,to thende that the golde maye bee Walthed, for the whiche pur: poſe they blethe laboure of cetteyne Jndians as they doo o. ther iu dygginge of the myne. And when they haue dyggeb obte the myne,they fyl terteine traies with that earth, whi: che other Indians harte the charge immediatly to reteaue at their handes, and to carye thoſe treyes of earth to the water wheck it maye bee walmen, yer do noc they that bịpnge it, wars of the weſte Indies. 178 fathe ft, but belguer it to other, puttynge it pitted their olune trapes into theirs which they haue ready in their hann des to receaue it. Theſe Walthers fo the mode parte are the Jndian women, bycauſe this bookke is of lelle paine and tranaple then any other. Theſe women when they wafbesace: accutomed to fytre by the waters fode, with their legges in the water enen yppe to the knees or lelte as the place ſecuetbı their purpoſe. And thus dholdynge the trays with each in their handes by the handles thetof, and pattenge the fames into the water, they moue them cownde aboute after chi maa ner of fpftynge, with a certeyne aptenelle in ſuche ſorte that there entrechino mozetwater into the trais then ferueth their tuiche : And with the ſelftſame aptentouynge of their otrais inethe water, they euer auaphithe fonle water with the carrbi obote of the one fyde of the weltelt; and vegeanettucleane was ter on the other ſide therof.So that by this meants by liente aho igrtles the water walthoth the earth as the Igghrer ſubs: daunce owte of the trais, and the golde as the beautem mata ter retteth in the bottome of the fame, beyng rounde and boa lowein the moddeft Ipke into a barbars bafenanand loben all thearthris duopded, and the golde gatheredtogtther.it the bottome of the craye; they puttoit apartes and deturne tor take more earth, whiche they walbe cantionally as before sa And thus they thatlabsure in this booo kezbo gather daglys fuche portion of golde as fal pleaſe god to graunttathe past ftones of ctheſe fjábians and ſuche other as travailem thai Came. Furthermore, it is to bee noted that for every twogad1 dians that washe, it is requiſite that two other ſerve them to: bạpnge earthe from themyne and other twop to breake thes Came Imaule and fylle their trais cherbith alco belyde thckas Ikbourers, it is neceffarge that there be other people in the place where they tookke and cette in the Ayghtea: Theſe are! Cuche ag make their breade, and pourdel for byttaples and sa thet mecellaryes. So that to concludt, there are in alta fyuen perſons ozdinarily alligned to enery trape of Warſhots 330ia "There is at other manec of twoo kyng themynes in riuets! 03brookes of munnynge waters. And this is that in duoyar döngetht water of his courſe, after that the beddes of the cquers are dżye and ytterlge emptiedjis they fynde: goldeegi monge the bgcaches, diftes, and cytes of ftones andamong 3802 Py, is. all The hyftorier to alt that is in the vortreof the chanell, and where naturally tho ciuto connethof greareft forces so that it chaunceth luna times that when thahemicof the cpucu is good and rycht, they fynde in to great quantitie of golde. And thertore powe miabeffe ought to vndcrtande fou a generali rutez as it appe: rethan fact, thar all gotde is engendered in the toppes and boghol platts of the montainesAnd in continuance of time is by iyoddand lyrein browght downe to the balts and plats mes by cho loves tóf uapne, and thefaules of ſpzpnges, cpuers, atid bidokeo hatynge their origmall in the mountaynes and dettendonge from the ſame, notwithlandynge ir bee often: tymes founde in the plaines farce from the mountaynes in when it chauncech to be found in great quantitie; it is füşthe niosio parteiamongethe mountaynes and in the riuers, Oficheir bpanoheemoue then in anyother patte of the plaint and in thederwo mancrs it commonly founde nofte atuma Dauntly. Sognd for thic bertetipiofe that golde is engendered on hrghe and is brought dobne into the lowe places, y haue one great tooken therof whiche caulerh me to bolçue it for accéinei sindithtoisto.confyder that toles netter putrefie nogi corrupti indot the ground, if they be made of ſtronge wooboe. Whečby sit chauatech that diggyng the earth by the fouldes by indented places of the mountayties, or on the fydes, and bztakynge a myae in the earthe where it hapinat byn bjokett befogestand hangng dowr bygged one oa two or three poles inimcalme, the myners founde certegne cotes of wood bndet: the Cätte leuci where they found gold. And this 3 faye im the eadth Whiche was taken foz a vyrgine a chat is to layeşluchi aghad not bofor bpnopened fop any myne helhich coles coulde nor naturally bee engendzed there, og enter'in by any mcanes, Bur whcachoſuperficial part of thewarth was equal with the leuel where the coles were foumde iris Ipke that the colcs bcre left therelby [um occafion of fyze that they falls ned thete in romeiand that afterwarde in longe continuance: of ryme, they were by lyrtle and lyttleiçõuered with the earth bhtch the often mowers of vayne wathed fromthe mountay. nes, lo that by the courle of yeares the earth querguele theo coles onto the fayde teuett and meaſure tohicho had befozt tome byn the ſuperficiall parts of the eartho where the coles and goldciwere founde together: tshetsbpt mage appeare thjat of the vvefte tridies. 1979 that the golde was no more engendeted there then were the coies, but bịought thrther from the mouniraphes by the fau: les of waters as we haue fayde : fozaſmuche as the mouns tapnes are the matrices and bowds of all ryche metáls. furs ther and belybe this, flap that in how much more the gold is gonne farre from the naturalt place of his generation to the place where it is founde; it is ſo muche the može purpfied and fpned and of a better carracte. And the nearer that it is founde to his proper mgne oz baino bohcrcitis engendered, it is ſo muche the baſer, fouler, and moze crude, and of a ba: fer alay and caracte, and dothe ball ſo much the može in mel synge, and remayneth moze brickle. Sumetyme there are founde graynes of golde of greate quantitie and of greate beyght abone the earth and funtomes alſo under the earth. and the greatete of all other that was founde to this daye in the Indies, was that which was lofe in the ſea about the glande Beats, whiche weyed three thoufande and twoo hun. Dietl Caftellans of golde, which are in value foure thouſand a hundzeth, chictie and eyght ducades of golde, which baye one Arroua and legen pounde, op recit. pounde after.cii. oun: 2 marke, is a ces to the pounde, whiche make thzeelcoje and foure markes vii cunces of golde. and 3 fawr in the yeare : 1515. in the handes of inima.rt i.li. @pchel Palamonte treafuter to powre mattdte, two gtaines weyghe. Viú, of the which one wayde (enen poundes, bhich ate.rint, mar: ounces, after kes, and are in value aboute thjec[co?c and fyur Ducades of golde euery marker the other was ofix, matkes, which att fpue poundes of tyke value, and of very good golde of prii. caractes and borrera snil There are alſo founde many other greate graynės, atrhough not equall buto theſe in byggenes. and fogalmuche as 3 haue fpoken of golde, J have thoughe good to declare fumewhat home the Indians can very ercel: Cently gytte fuche veſſeltes of copper and baſe golde as they make for they can gyue them lo fayze and dozpfhyrge a co: loure, that all the made whiché they sylte, appearethe as though ir were golde of vrit. cáractes and better. This colout they gyue with a certeyne herbe as thougheit were brought by the arte of any goldcſmyth of Spayne vi joality and bold of them bee tatčemed as a thynge of greare ryches, and a ſez treate maner of gyldynge. and fou as much as 3 haue (poa ken fufficicacip of the mone of golde, 3. boyit to be Cpcake 330i fumbohat rii, ounces to che, li. The hiſtorier o fumbohat of copper bycauſe 3 haue made mention thereof. this metall is founde in many of the glandes of the Indies and alſo in the firme lande: And is founde dayelp in greate quantitie holdynge lumbohat of goldea 20 Batifon the deſpre that owre men baue to goldc; they nothynge efteeme the cop: per, although there myght great commoditie and profitte be had therby, and alſo by other metals whiche they toothpnge regarde ercepte fyluer which is founde abundantly in that parte of the firme lande which is cauled neide Spayne. But of this it fall ſuffice to hane fayde thus muche, bycaulc 3 baue moze particularly entreated of theſe thpnges in my gene rall hytojie of India. - od 30 km . C of the maner of fytynge fez perles..da De Indians exerciſe this kynde of fytrhynge for the moftc parte in the coates of the Moth in Cubagua and Cumans. And manye of theyns which dwell in the houſes of certeyne particus lar loides in the landęs of San Dominico and Sancti Iobannis, celozt to the Iſlande of Cubagua for Les this purpoſe. Theyz cuſtome is to go fyue, fyre, og feucn, og davas moze in one of they! Canous barkes erly in the możnpnge to 10. [ume place in the ſea there about where it appeareth bnto the nuo 1 that there fulde bee grcate plentie of thoſe fpeli fylhes(which Cume caule muſcles and ſume oytters) wherin pecles are engen dered. And there they plongc them ſelues under the watet, men unto the bottome, Cauynge one that remaynethe in the Landa oz boate which he keeperh @yll in one place as trace as he can, lookynge for theyż returne obte of the water.And. when one of them bath byn a good whyle bnder the water, he eyleth bp and commerb (bymmynge to the boate, enterynge into the ſame, and leauynge there all the oytters whichehe hath taken and brought with hym. fon in theſe are the perles founde. and when he hathe there refted hym (elfe & whyle, and eaten parte of the oytters, he returnerh agepne to the water, where be cemayncthe as longe as he can endure, and then cyſeth ageyne, and (bimmeth to the boate with his play, where he cetteche bym as befoze, and thug continueth concle by courſe, as doo all theother in lyke maner, being all mode of the vveſte Indies, 180 molte crperte lwymmers and opuers. And when the nyght Draweth neare, they returne to the glande to theyz 'houles, zand preſente all the opaters to the maker of ſtewarde of the houſe of they loude who hath the charge of the fayde indi: ans. And when he bath gyuen them fumwhat to eare, he tay eth bp the opäetsin ſafe cuſtodie bntyll hc haue a great quan tizie cherof. Then hee cauleth the ſame fyfther men to open bestando them. And they fpude in euery of theym pearles other great place oz (maul, two or three or foure, and lumeymes fiue and lyrt, 10 m and many ſmaule graines accoždyng to the lyberalitie of na: turc. Schep ſaue the pearles bothe (maule and great whiche they haue founde: And cyther eate the opters if they wyl, di cate them away, hauynge lo great quatritie therof that they in maner abhozre them. Theſe oyers are of hard ftethe, and not fo pleſaunt in eatyng as ace otores of Spayne. This glände of Cubagus where this maner of fylthing is ererciled, is in the Pozche coatte, and is no byggec then the pland of izolande. Oftentimes the ſea increafeth greatly, and muche mozethen the fythers foz pearles wold, bycauſe where as the place is very depesa man can not naturally rott at thebottome by teacon of thc aboundaımce of aery ſubtaunce whiche is in hým, as 3 haue oftentymes proued. for althought he may by byolence and force defcende to the bottome, yet are his fecte lyfted bp ageyne ſo that he can continue no ryme there. 003901 na And therfoże where the fea is becye deepe, thefe yndian fyr- tirs ble to tyriwo great hoones aboute them buih a rozde, at on fuery (pde öne, by the weyght wherof they deſcend to the bottome and remayne there bntyt tienrlyfteth to ryfe ageine: At which tyme they bnloſe che itones and roſe vppe at their plcalure. But this their aptenelle anb'agilitie in Swimining, is not the thonge that cauleth men mofte to maruaite: But cathét to confydet hote many of them can faodein the bor: some of the water foz che ſpace of one thote houtezand lumme moze oz léie, accoldynge as one is moze apre hsrsuntài then an other. An other thynge there is whiche leemeth to me ves ry draunge. And this is, that where as 3 hauc ofteneymes demaunded of firmne of tijelctozdes of she isbians, ef tije place where they are accutomed to fyre for peacles beynge: but lörtle and narrowe, wyll nor in foogte tyme bec vereoty withiwr opfiers af they conſume them ſo faftesbey al anſwer so mcg The hyſtorie so ted me, that althoughe they bee conſumed in one parte, pet i they go a fyrtuynge in an other parte oz an other coate of the lande, og at an other contrary baynd, and continut fpffing thece alſo bnryll the ogters belykewyſe conſumed, and then ceturne ageyne to the fyıfe place, oz any other place where they fyffbcd befoze and emptied the ſame in lyke maner, they find the ageine as ful of opters as though they had neuer bin of this reade (olthet. wherby we may iudge that thele oplers egther te: in the deca: move from one place to an other as do other fprbbers, oz elles deo. that they are engendered and encreaſe in certegne o2dinarie places. This land of Cumant and cubagus bheve they-Eythe for theſe pecles, is in the clelfe degree of the part of the ſaid coatte which inclineth toward the spozth. Lykewiſe peatles are founde and gathered in the South Cea cauled More del Sur, And the pearles of this fea are verye bygge. yet tot Co bigge as they of the iſlande of peacles cauled de las perlss, 02 Marga rites, whiche che undians caule Terarequl, lyinge in the goulfe of Caincte sichael, where greatter pearles are founde and of greater price then in any other coate of the Rosthe ſea, in Cumans, O2 any other parte. 3 ſpeake this as a treme teſti: monie of fygyt, hauung byn longe in that Sonth ſea and ma kynge curious inquiſition to bee certenly infozmed of al that pertepnech to the fyfrynge of pearles from this glande of By the putation of vc Tararequi, there was bżought a pearle of the faghpon pf a mice, ftii.grats peace, wayingt. ffri. cacattes, whiche Petrus Arias bab a: nes inake a monge a thouſande and ſoo many poundes weight of othes sarette. pearles whiche bee had when căpieayne Gaſpar yozales (before Petrus Ariss) paữed to the faide Flande in the yeare. Isis. whiche pearle was of great prile. From the laide 31- lande alſo, came a great and verye counde pearle, whiche brought obte of that ſea. This was as bygge as a (maule pellet of a tone bowe, and of the weight of, orbi. Caractes, 3 bought it in the citie of Panams in the lea of Swr: And paide for it iyre handzeth and fyftie tomes the weyght therof of good gold and hadit tyre peates in my cuſtodie:and after my ceturne into Spaine, coulde tt to thecle of Nanſao carquelle of zencte, great chambertepne to powce maietie, who gaue it to the marqueữe his wife, the ladye Mentis of Mendozza , chyncke verely that this peacle was the greated, faptelt, and rounded ebat baca bpa Cecue in thoſe pattes. Foz gebore Sur, 2.023 of the vveſte Indies. 181 miat ettie owght to underſtande that in the coate of the ſea of Sut, there are founde a hundreth greate pearles rounde after the fadhpon of a peare, to one that is perfecrely rounde and greate. This Flande of Terarequi, which the Chriftians caule the flande of pearles, other caule it the lande of koures, ts founde in the eyght degree on the ſouthefyde of the firme lande in the prouince of golden Latyle ol Beragua. And theſe are the coades of the firme lande where peacles are founde euen unto this day. 3 vnderttande alſo that there are petics found in the prouince and Iſlandes of Cartageni.t. And Tence powr maiefie appopnted me a gouernour and capytayne, 3 haue made further ſearche, and am aduertiſed that peatles are founde in dyucus other places as about thejland of Gode go, which Iyeth ageyng the mouth of that pozte of the glande of Cartagenia which the Jndians caul Coro. The which fland and pozte, are on the North lyde in the tenthe degree of the coades of the firme landen 20 mTORU sit Unico odosionit 118 13:10 DE the familiaritie which certeyne of the Jndians haue with the deuyll, and how they receauet son anſwere of hym of thynges to coome.150138 1973 Den the Indians begynne they? battayle, og go to any combat or attempte any other greate matter, they have certeyne clecte menine bhom they ccucrendely effeme and caule them Tequinas, whiche in theyz tonge is as muche to ſaye as matters. Potwithlandynge that they caule euery man that is cunnynge in any ſcience, by the ſame name. as fyłhers, foulers, hunters, or makers of nettes. Theſe Tequinas therfoze,they canle the matters of they; aanſweves by cauſe they ſpeake with Tâyra, that is the dcuyll, and buynge them aunt were what he ſaythe, eyther as touchynge ſuche thynges as they bane to deo , tall chaúnce to them the day folowynge, og many dayes to coome. For the devyll beinge fo auncient an Afronomer, knowethe the rymes of thynges and feeth howe they arc naturally directed and inclined.ind makethe theym beleue that they comclo to padc by his ozdys daunce, as though he were the lorde and mouer of all that is and thalbe: And that he gyuerh che dåp lygbt and rayne : caut 23.1, ſeth W The hyſtoried to feth tempeft and ruleth the dations of cymes, gyuong Tyfe0 takynge awaye ipfe at his pleaſure. By reaſon whecof, the 3 ndians being deceaued of hym, and feing alſo ſuch effectes to coome cert eynely to pale as he hath rolde then before, bez Icue hom in all other thynges and honoure hym in many plas ces with Caccifpces of the bludde and lives of men and odozi: ferous ſpices, and when god diſpoſeth the contrary to that whiche che deuelt hath [poken in ojacle wherby he is proued a lyer, he cauſech the Tequiru to perſ wade the people that he hach chaunged his monde and ſentence for Cumme of their ſynnes, of denileth Cumme Cuche lye as lyketh hym belte, bes pnge a (kylfull maiter in Cuche fubtile and craftie dewres to deceyue the ſymple and ignozant people whiche hath ſmaule defence againg ſo mighty and craftie an aduerſarie. and as they caule the deutell Tuyrd, Co doo they in many places caule the Chriftians by the ſame name, thynkyng that they greatly boroure them therby, as in decde it is a name bery feete and agreable to many of them, hauynge tayde aparte all honetie and verrue, Iyuynge možc lyke diagons then men amonge theſe ſymple prople. Ante 150 Before thinhabitauntes of the Ilande of Hiſpaniols had re: ceaued the Chriftian faithe there was among them a ſecre of men whiche lived lolytarily in the deſertes and wooddes and ledde their lyfe in ſylence and abftinence more ftraightly then cuer dpd the phyloſophers of Pythagozas ſecte, abđeingng in lyke maner from the catyng of al thynges that live bp bludde contented onely with ſuche fruites, herbes, and tootes as the deſertes and wooddes mynitted into them to eate. The pio: feltours of this ſecte were cauled Piaces. They gaur them leb: ues to the knowleage of naturall thynges, and bled certeine ſecccate magicall operations and ſuperftitions wherby they had familiaritie with ſpirites witche they allured into they oldne bodyes at Cuche comes as they wolòe take vppon them to tell of thongès to coome, which they dyd in manter as fo- to weth. When any of thek nges had occaſpon to caule any of them owte of the deſertes fo: this purpoſe, their cutome was to Cendechem a portion of thetr fyne bleade of Cazabbi Oy Muziun, and with humble rcqaette and ſure to delyze them to sell them of Cuche thynges as they woulde demaunde. After the rcquent graunsed and the place and dage appognced, the aces ofthe vveſte Indies. 182 per coometh with twoo of his diſciples waytynge on hym, bberof the one bzyngeth with hym a belell of a ſecreate ba: ter, and the other a lyttle (gluec bell. When he coommech to the place, he ſyteeth downe on a counde (cate made for hym of purpoſe. Where haugnge his diſciples the one dandynge on the one hande and the other on the other euen in the pje: Cence of the kyng and certeyne of his nobles (fo, the common people are not admyteed to theſe mittertes). and turnynge his face toward the deſerre, he begynneth his inchauntment and cauleth the ſpirit with loube bopce by certeyne names which no man bndertandcth but he and his diſciples. after he hath bopen thus a while, if the ſpirite yet deferre his coommyng, he dynketh of the Capde bater, and therwith warrth hotte and furious, and inuerteth and turneth his inchauntement, and letteth bym Celfe bludde btch a thozne, marueiloully tur: moplyng hym felfe as wet reade of the furious Sybilles not ccalynge yntyl the ſpirite bee coome: who at his toommyrg enteveth into hym and ouerthroweth bpm as it weare a gre: hounde fulde puerturne a fquerelt. Then for a ſpace, he ſees meth to lye as thoughe he were in great payne oj in a rapte, wonderfully cozmentynge hym felfe, Durynge whiche agonie, the other diſciple maketh the fyluer bell contynually. Thus when the agonie is patte and he lyeth quietly (yet withobre any fence of feelyng) the kynge of ſumme other in his teade, demaundeth of hym what he belyzech to knowe, and the ſpi: tite anſwereth by the mouth of the capte Piaces with a directe and perfecte anſwere to alt poyntes. gn lo muche that on a tyme certeyne Spanyardes beynge preſence at theſe mylleries with one of the kingcsand in the Spanythe tounge demaun: dynge the Piaces of their thrppes whiche they looked foz ow te of Spagne, the fpirtte antipeted in the indian toonge, and coulde them what daye and houre the oppes departed from Spagne, how many they were and what they brought with: olvt faylynge in ang poynte. gf he be alſo demaunded of the eclypfe of the foonne 02 moonc (which they greatly feare and abhozre) be geueth a perfecte anſwere, and the lyke of tem: peles, kamen, plentie, warce of peace, and ſuche other thin: ges. When all the demaundes are fynyſthed, his diſciples caule hym aloude, cynging the ſyluca beli at his care and blo: haynge a certegne pouder into his noſethuilles wherby he is 23. ii. tapled The hyſtorfe, vaihto rayled as it weare from à Deade Neape beingepet tunteihat Heavy headed and faynt a good whyle after. Thus being a geyne rewarded of the kynge with moze bırade, he departeth ageyne to the deſertes with his diſciples. But ſence the Chit Gian fayth hath byn dilparſed throwghe obte the Flande, theſe deuyllywe piactiles haue ccaled, and they of the memo bers of the deuyil, are made the members of Chryfte by bap: tilme, forſakynge the deryll and his wozkes, with the vaine curioſitie of deſyze of knowlcage of thynges to coome, wher: of foz the mot part it is better to be ignorant then with bey: ation to knowe that which can not be atoyded. ut sich furthermoje, in many places of the fivme lande, when any of the kynges dye, all his houtholde feruauntes, alwell women as men which haue continually ferued hym, kyl them ſelues, beleauynge as they are taught by the deuyl Tuyrt, that they which kyll them (clues when the kynge dyerh, go with hym to heauen and ſecue hym in the ſame place and office as they dyd before on the earth whyle he lyued. And that all that refuſe fo to doo, when after they dye by theygonaturali death oz otherwyſe, they, forules to dye with cheyy bodyes and to bee diłolued into ayer and become nothyuge as do the foules of hogges, by2des, og fydhes or other bzure beaftes. And that only the other may enroy the privileage of thomoita titie foz ener to ſerue the kynge in heanen. And of this falle opinion commethit that they which fowe counè os fet tootes foy the kynges bzeade, and gather the ſame, are dechttoniet to kyll them ſelues that they may enioy this pziuileage ini hea uch, and fol the ſame purpoſe, cauſe a pozcian of the graine of Maizium and a bundle of luces (wheco cheyz bycade is made) to bee burged with them in they, graues that the ſame maye ſecue thein in heauen if pechappes there thuld laoke leedes to Cóle. And therfoze they take this with then to begon with all, vntyl Tuyra (who maketh them at theſe faygé pontilles) pouyde them of greater quantitie. This haute gimo lelfe lene in the toppe of the mountaynes of Guturo, where Hauynge lir pay on the kynge of that pzouince (who rebetled from thobe: dience of yowre maiedie) and demaundynge of liom to whbird percepned thoſe ſepultures 02 grates wliche 31 Tawe in his Doulehe anſwered that they were of çeteyne yindiants wht che Reme them ſelues at the death of his father, and bycaule theg of the vvefte Indies. It 183 they arc oftentymes accutomed to burye greate quantities of wrought golde with them, 3. cauled twop gvaues ta bee opla ned, wherein was nothynge founde but ca vedell full of the grayne of Maizium, and a bundell of Incen as J. baue fayde -2 and demaundyng the cauſe hereof of the kinge and the other Indians, they aim'wered that they that were buryed there, bere the labourers of the grounde, and men fkylful on low pnge of ſecdes and makynge of breade, and (eruates to the kynges father. Anbio thende that they? Coules-tonide not dye with theyż bodyes, they dewe them ſelues at the deathe of the kynge theyz matter to Igue with hymjia dheauen. And to chintent that they myght (erne hinnthere in the ſame office they relerued that Maizium and Jueca €0 ſobe it in heauet. wherunto 31 auſwered them in this maner. Beholde home your Tuyna deceaueth yowed And howe all that he teachech pow is falſed poweſe bow in ſo long a cyme fence they are deade, they haue not get taken a waye this Musiziures and Ickx which is nowe putrifico and moonth nothings and more lyke ta bce ſolen in bezien. To this the tyngeteplged, kayiger gn chat they haue not taken it alay nor Lolagniton beaueris? the cauſe is that they chaunced to fundeenough thereby ceas Con whecok they had no neade of this To this errour mange. thynges were ſayde which ſeemedof lystle fozce to remputer hym from his falſe opision and eſpecially any fuch asatrtijat age are occupyek eltbedeuylkswhom they payntebs she tele ſame form and coloure as he apperecb vnto tbeyni in dyuets thapes and formes. They makcalfe 3mages of golde, copper and Weadden to the ſaine ſimilitudes, in terrible shapes and los variable as the papntees are accuttomed to payic them at the feete of Caýnge gaychaell tharchangell 03 in anye ørhou place where they paynother of mod 192xible ygztituteLykedvylez haben the deayll greatly intenderb-to leave clieyms be thyketen neth to ſende them great tompedes which they caule, Furacanas. Dk. Hitrachands, inadace fo bel cincut that they courtehow ma ny howles and great trees. ARD 11 hanze Cecrie in inontaykes full of many and greate trees; thu for the ſpace of chazeequar ters of a league the mountayne hathe byn tubuerted and the trees onerehzowenland plucked obte of the Garche with the rootes: a chynge poubrclefie fo fearefull and terryble CD bes hold, that it may vecely appere to be doen by the hand of the denell The hyſtonie deupll. And in this cafe the Chritian men onghe to conſider with good reaſon, that in al places where the holy ſacramene is réſerned, the fayd temipettes are no mo?e ſo obtragious, os ſo perelons as they were bonté to bce. Cof the temperature of the regions bnder or neare to the burnc lyue cauled Torrida zon: 02 the Equinoctiall: Joscand of the Douers ſeaſons of the peace. Station 1131 st 13 Il Delanbes and regions that are neare about the clymes of the Equinocrialllyne, are naturally hotte, althowghe they bee otherwiſe tem peräte by the divine prouidence. And therfoze Cache acahe oz Eyle as is taken and killed in theſe regions, can not bec pzeſcrued from pu: trefaction ercepe it be cotted, fodden, o, perboylde, the ſame daye that it is kylde. And wheras 3 haue fayde that ſuch re gions are naturally hot and yet temperate by the prouidence of god; it is fo in drobe. And therfoze not without cauſe the auncicnr autours were of opinion that the burnte lyne ol Tom ridaxons where pateth the lyne of the Equinoctiall, tulde be bnhabitable by reaſon the Coonne hath greater dominion in that place then in any other of the ſphere, remapnynge conti nually betwenc the tbo tropykes of Cancer and Capricornc. for when in theſe regions the batth is opened og dygged fro the Cuperficial parte therof to the depth of a mans heyght tt ts founde temperate. And within this ſpace, the trees and plances faden and ſpreade their rootes, and no diepce.Erren dyage the ſame as farve in breadth in the ground as do cheie bzaunches in theayet: and enter no dieper into the grounde then 3 haue Capdc, bycauſe that beneth the depth of the ſaid fpace of a mans liepght, the earth is verge hotte, the bpprt parte beinge temperate and verye moytte albdl by reaſon of rhaboundaunce of water whiche faulech from heagen bpport that earth ac certeync ozdinarie ſeaſons of the pearc, as alſo for the multitude of great rpuccs, biokes, ſpyynges and mas rpähes, wherby the myghtic and fupzeme lo de which made theſe landes, bath mode prudently prouyded for the pieler: uation of the ſame. 11300 su 1994 Orang R. E, as of the vveſte Indies." 184 B. &. As touchynge this popne whiche tras unknowen to the omlde wiycers, and wuhout conſideracion pherof reason can use perfectly conceaue bowe temperate tegione Thulde be Onder the Equinoctial lyne, 3 haue thoug bt socd for the tetrer manifeftpage of this recreate woorke of nature, to note ome of Cardanus bis booke de £lemencis, howe all waters haue they cour e cowardihe Soutl) as to the loweſt part of the earth. He wryteth therefore as folowerh. The water was made of leffe quantitieihen the earth and only in maner in the ſuperficiall parte iherof, that place might bee lefte for the habitation of beaſtes, and that water by his could neffe mysnt temperace and nor deſtroy the lyfe of beaftes. And bis cauſe this generation of Iyuynge creatures, was only neceſſary en the ſuperficiali partcs of ine earth in compariſon to the hole, ther: fore was the water made to occupie onely che fuoerficiali parte, in the which, metals, plantcs beaftes, and fyrrhes ſhulde bee nurys ſhed, and bycauſe there was great perell leaſt it (lulde be fo much conſumed by the ayer and beate of ihe foonne, continuall mouinge was toyned to it, w Berby if gathereth cott deres and is preferued from foderne refolution, foi fuche waters as doo not meue. 000 foone putrife, and are cafely refolued into eyer, By reatori wýcrof mature prouyded for the generation of water in cou de places, as un der the poles end mountayhes. And whereas Inc earth ynder the £quinocuialt Thu de coherwiſe forlacke of moyfter haue bin to much burned and ſcorched. Nacure alſo prouyded that that parce of the earth fhudebce loweſt, by reaſon whereof alt waters. have they courir towarde the Soubto mitigate with moyſter Ibertremitie of beate which ocherwire ſhulde haue by intollerable in that cyme. And by this reafon, the famous ryuer of Nigs in Egypte, albeit it bauc his originalt and p:onge, omrt of the mountaynes of the mone cauled morteLenae nere Vnto the price of Capuccine, pet runs Bynge wuh all his bjaunches ynder and beyonde che £quinoctiall cpicle, it di parfeth chromonowi obe bin ni line of Corrida zong, and by the fame vyolent courſe fauleth into omre fea Acte neathe citie of zalerandria. 3t was neceffary therfore that the greateſt parte of the coulde and moyft clcment Ihulde haue recourie byther and conti frift there, wheras was ne grraceft necefTitic ther of to lemper the beate of the foonne by moyítynge and coolyn e che eartve and the ayer, as Ynder the Equinoctiall. And herewith alſo hath incit ? dent nature prouded for the ſecuritie and preferuation of the pla: ces lying berwene botherhertsmitics of heste and colde, RS Bes: Mene che poles and the equinoctiall. For me waters flotynge e: uer one wayes, and k synge one courſe, no regions can be downed by fluddes : which thynge they well obſeruc chat dclyuer ficides from inundations o: oue rflowynges, and that take in bande co diye Vp marylhes 3ftterfore marers had not they courfe and faul ios Warde places low: 02 dedynynge, che hole earth fkulde bec ouer: flotne as a marry The Rind that the most decynynge parte (Hulde: bee toward the South, and fumo bat bygher about the poles, the cauſe is a well the conflimsynge beace of the foonne in the southe partes, as the preferuynge coulde of the hysh mountaynes nere to the poles. For we heue els where proyed that hente confumeth and waltero 81 The hyltorierv srls lo Waffêtty as coulde gathereth and picferuetly, tha foi this cauſe that barre of the earche that is neareſt the poles, 19, was, andes der Thaise higher and likewiſe loweſt in the middeſt furtheſt from the polcs, and therfore it has not condement that the fonne Thuld sau chis courfe on every fyde, neither to the goles, forifio care caryed alykets eutéry porteshiods|z6we the wallde, leis neceffary fbarthe earth bec equall : and by that reafon Thulde it?eftheribee altogether diyed, elles all outflowed with water but here as this coulde not fuffyce to the free courré of ryuers for the often mrercourſe of higher places linge in the waye, whereby ouerilo Wynges and ſtayes of waters and their coifhionton myght enſue, inoofre grotrydent nature hath syuen this priuileage to water that it magie Toftitahe areende att bath Hifceftdea that by tyinenes paffynge ourer mountaynes and hylles fnaye at the lentity bee ca: syed in the rea, ze bytherto Cardanus, lefte vs nowe returne to the Biffone 11315 1513079 een 313015700 501 302 8thete arc alſo many 'roughe and highe mountayhes with tempecáte ayer and plealauns, clears, and moderate nighres. Dithe whiche particularitie the auncient weiters hauyng na cetteyné knowleagey affyrmed the ſaid burnte lyne og Torvida zorio, 12 &gainbcrial to be naturally vnhabitable As touching which thing 3jam able to fitnelte the contrary by teftimonie of lyght and feeling as by moſt certeine (enfes, hauung liweb many yeaves in this regions, by reaſon wherof verter credit ought to be giuen to me then to fuche as haue grounded their opinion oncly vpon coniectures. And to Cpcake kutthet of the ſytuation of chele vegyens, poloe thall bnderðanderhat the coate of the northetea beynge in the goulfe of Vrabs and it the pozte of Dariens, where the thyppes artyue whiche coome owte of Spayne, is in the forte degree and a halfe, and in the Ceucneb and from Cyke and a halfe bnto cyght, excepte a Amaule pointe lwhich entereth into the ſea toward the 20th That pointe which of this tand and new pacte of the worlde lieth modle towarde the Eaft, is the cape of Caincre Auguftine which is in the eight degree. So that the ſaid goulſe of Vrabá is diftant from the Equinoctiall lyne, from a hundseth and twentiero a hundzech and thictie leaques and three quarters of a leaque after thaccompte of. xvii. leaques and a halfe foz cuerpe degree froin pole to pole. And thus foz a Iyetle moze of lege, goeth all the coafe. By teaſon wherof, in the citie of Sancti Maris Antiqua in Darient, and in all that courſe of the for Cayde ganlie De Vraba, at all times of the peate the dayes and apghtes are in maner of equall length, and if there bec ang >>3:25h 610193717 watt differejice *251 of the vveſte Indies. 185 byłference betwene theym by reaſon of thts fmaule difiance from the Equinoctial, it is ſo lytele, that in.rriii. hours ma kynge a naturall daye, it canne not bec porceauco but by the judgement of ſpeculatiue men and fuche as underſtande the (phere. from hence the $1202ch qacre is ſeene very lowe and when the facres which are cauled the wardrns of the nozeh farve, are bnder the chariotte, it can not bee leene, bycaule ir is under the horiſontal. And whereas 3 haue fayde boefoze ekyat it rayneth in thele regions at certepne odinarie tymes, it is ſo in deede. sfoz it is winter and ſummer there at con- trary tymes to that whiche is in Spayne, where the greateke conlpe of frođe and rayne is in December and January: And the greateſt heate of Commer aboute faynt Johannes daye at mydlommer oz in the moneth of July. But in golden Lattile 02 Beragua, it is contrary, 3f02 the fommer and tyme of greas telt drowght and withowt rayne, is at Lhryftmas and a mo; mcth before and a moneth after. And the tyme when it ray, meth moſt is about midlommer and a monech befove and a mo meth after. And this ſeaſon whichethey caule boynter, is not for that it is any coulder then; then at any other tyme of the peare, oz hotter at Chriſtmas then at other ſeaſons, the time in theſe regions being euer after one maner, but for that chat in this tome which they caule wynter, the ſoonne is hyd from they cyghtes by reaſon of cloudes and rayne moze then at os ther tymes. Yet fozaſmuch as fou the moſte parte of the yeare they lyue in a cleare,open, and temperaté ayer, they fumbhat tynke and fedle a lyttle coulbe dutynge the tyme of the Card moist and cloudy ayergalthowgh it bee not coulde in dccde;oz at the leat Cuche coulde as bath any ſenſible tarpenes. (of douers particular thynges, as woodmes, Cero pehtes, beades, foules, trees. Flestir det on ho any other thynges myght be Capde, e much diđeryng from theſe wherof 31 haue (poken. But to lette pale che multitude of thynges whiche are as variable as the power of na: ture is infinite, and to ſpeake of ſuche thyn: ges as coome chicfely to my rememberaunce as moofte woozthy to be noted,3] wyšlfyzie [peake The hyſtorie ſprake of tertegne lyttle and troubelous beates Whiche maye fecire to bee engendered of nature to molett and bere menne, to fucwe them and gyue them to bnderſtand howe (maul and byle a chynge may offende and diſquiete them to thende that they maye remember the płyncipall ende foz the whiche they were created, that is to know they maker and procurer of theyż ſaluation by the wape whiche is open to all Chriſtian men and all other whiche wyll open the eyes of theyz vnder: ttandynge. And although the thynges whereof wee entende noboc to ſpeake may (ceme byle and lyttle to bee etteemed, pet are they woorthy to bee noted and confydered to undertand the difference and variable woozkes of nature. So it is ther foze, that whereas in many partes of the firme lande by the tphich aſwell the chridians as Indians dog trauel, there are Cuch marpähes and waters in the way that they are fagne to go witholdt bịceches amonge the herbes and weedes, by tea 2987 Ion wherot, certeyne (maute beattes ol W002mes (which they, caule Garapates) much lyke bnto tykee, cleant fal to they, leg: bagay pages. Theſe woimes are as little as the pouder of beaten Cale: bezd And clcaue lo fat that they can by no meanes be taken away eccept the place bee noynted with oyle. And after that the legges bee noynted awhyle with oyle, of the other partes where theſe lytele tykes are fatened, they (ccape the place with a knyfe and Co take them away. But the Indians whi che haue no oyle, fmoke them and burne them with fyer, and abyde great peynes in takynge them awaye by this meanes, DE otherlyttle beates which trouble men and are engendes in thepz hcades oz other partes of theyż bodies, Cape that the Chritian men which trauell into theſe partes, haue them but Celdome tymes, and that not pat one oz two, and this al Co bery Celdome. Foz palynge by the lyne of the Diametet Where the compatte makethe difference of ſaylynge by the boynde cauled Greco, (that is North Eat) and Magiftrah, (that is ſouth welt) which is in the courſe of the Jlandes of Azori, they ſayle but a lyttle way folowing owre byage by the well, but that all the lyle which the Chrillians cary with them, 0! are engendered in thepz heades oz other places of they bo: dies, dye and btterly conſume by lyttle and lyttle, and are not engendered in Jadia ercepte in the heades of lyttle chyl: szen in thoſe partes altwel amonge the chyldren of the chui: Hlaus of the vveſte Indies. 186 tymes klang lohich are bozne there, as alſo amonge the natural 3n. dians who hane theym commonly in they? bcades and ſume: in other pactes of thepbodyes, and eſpecially they of the prouince of Cueus, which is a region conteynynge moze then a hundžeth icaques in length, and embrareththe one and the other coat of the North ſea and of the Eat. When thoſe gndians are infected with this fylthyneữe, they dieừt and clence one an other. And they that exerciſe this, are foz the mofte parte women who eate all that they take: and haule hercin (uch derteritie by reaſon of thepi ererciſe, that obre men can not lyghtly atteyne therunto. There is alſo another thynge greatly to bee con[ydered. And this is how the Chu fian men beinge there cleane frome this fylthynes of India, albell in they? heades as the cette of theyz bodyes, yet when chey returne to coomme ageyne into Europe and begyn to ats cpue in that place of the Dccan ſea where wee fayde befoze that the lyſe dyed and fozcoke them, ſuddenly in theyz repais fynge by the ſame clyme (as thoughe the lyſe had taryed for them in that place) they can by no meancs auoyde theym fo; the ſpace of certepne dayes although they change thepz fers tes two of three tymes in a day. Theſe lyſe are at the fyzde as lyrde as nyttes, and growe by lyttle and lyttle vnryl they bec of the byggeneđe that they are in Spayne. This haue 3 often tymes proued, hauynge nowe foure tymes païed the Dcean ſea by this byage. Belyde theſe woolmes and vermyn wherof we haue (po: ken, there is another lyttle mifchenous woozme, whiche we may number amonge the kyndes of feas, This peftilence the Nigua, Jndians caul Nigus : And is much lele then a fea.3t perſeth the flethe of a man and ſo launſeth oz cutteth the lame (while in the meane tyme it can nother bee ſeene noz taken) that frá ſume it hath curte of they, hanbes, and from other theyz fiete yntyll the remedy was founde to annoynt the place with oyle and ſcrape it with a raſonre. In the firme lande in golden LaXyle oz Beragua, there are many vypers lyke vnto them of Spayne. They that are byt: aypers, ten of them, dye in (hozt (pace. foz fewe lyue to the fourrhe day ercept preſent remedy. Df thele, Cume are of a leđe kind then other: And haue theyz cayle Cumwhat rounde, and Icape in the ager to alayle men, and for this cauſe, fume caule a A a.si, this The hyſtorie Addersa this kynde of vypets Tyro. Theyz bytyng is moft benemous, and foz the motie pacte incurable. Dne of thepm chaunced to byte an judian maydc whiche ſerued me in my houſe, to thome 3 cauled the ſurgians to mynitter they? ozdinarge cate, butthey coulde doo her no good, nor yet ger one droppe of bludde olut of her, but only a yelowe water, ſo that Chee died the thyzd day for lacke of remedy as the like hath chauit ced to opucts other. This mayde was of thage of.citit.yeares and ſpoke the Spany the toonge as yE thee had byn vorne in Całyle. Sheefayde that the byper whiche bytte her on the foote, was two (panncs longe oz Tyttle lele. And that to bytcher theelepre in the ayer for the ſpace of more then lyse palcs, as 3 haue hacde the lyke of other credible perſons. 3 haue allo ſcene in the firme lande, a kpnde of adders berp (maule and of leuen oy eyght foote longe. Theſe are ſo tedde that in the npght they appeare lyke burnynge cooles, and in the day Teeme as redde as bludde. Theſe are alſo bene mous, but not ſo much as the bypers. There are other much lete and ſhorter and blackcr. Theſe coome Olot of the rouers and wander (untymes farre on the lande; and are lykewyſe venenous. Thcre are alſo other adders of a cuTet coloure. Theſe are ſunwhat bygger then the bypers, and are hurtful and venemous. There are lykewyſe an other ſorte of manye coloures and very longe. Df there 3 Cabe one in the yeare of Chrif 1 5 15. in the land of Hifpaniola nere unto the ſea coftes at the foote of the mountagnes cauled Pedernales. When this adder was alayne, 31 meaſured her and founde her to be more then.rr.foote longe, and Cumwhat more then a mans fyllt itt byggenes, and althoughe The hadde three or foure deabely woundes with a woozde, yet dyed thee not rol doonke the ſame daye, in ſo much that her blu de continued warnie alt chat tyme. There are alſo in the marydhes and defertes of the firme land many other kyndes of lyſertes, dragons, and other dyuers kyndes of Cerpentes wherof J entende not here to [peake much, bycauſe 31 hatte moze particulerly entreated of theſe thynges in my generall hiñozie of the wcde yndyes. There are allo (piders of marueplous bygnede. And 3 hauc ſeene fumme with the body and legges, bygger then a mannes hande extended euery waye, and nones Cawe one af Cuche bygneile, that onely ber bodge was as bygge as a Dragons Spyders, (parole of the vyeſte Indies. 187 (parowe, and full of that laune whero they make thet web: bes. This was of a darke rullette coloure, inith eyes greates then the eies of a (parom. They are benemous and of terrible mape to beholde. There are allo ſcóiptons and dpuers other Luche venemous kolmes. Wherby we maye ſee, that where as natural cauſes and induence of the planettes are of irone gelt actiuitie, they ceaſe not to engender and brynge foozthe bothe good and badde accoždynge to the diſpoſyrion of the matter, whiche they allo doo parcely diſpoſe as the phyloſo phers alty ime. furthermore in the forme lande, there are manpe toades Beyng very noyous and hurteful by reaſon of their great mul: ciende. They are not benemous. They are ſeene in greate a: boundance in Dariens where they are ſo bygge that when they dye in the time of dyoath the bones of ſum of chem(and eſpea cially the rybbes) are of fuche greatnelle that they appere too bce the bones of cattes ou of Cumme ocher beates of the ſame byggenelte. But as the waters dyminithe and the mopture conlumeth in the tyme of dyouth (as 3 haue Caydc) they alſo conſume therwith vntpll the peace neſte folowing wherthe sayne and moyfturc increaſe, at bhiche tyme they are ſeene gegne. Neuettheleđe, at this preſent, there is no ſuch quans titie of them as was wonte to bee, by reaſon that as the land is better cultured by the Liridians, as well by the fellynge of Hooddes and chlubbes as alſo by the padure of kine, hozíce, find other bealtes, (o is it apparent tharthis puyfon dinini Theth dayly, wherby that tegyon becometh moze holſome and pleaſannt. Theſe toades ſynge afrer three or foureloztes. For fumme of them fynge plealauntly other, lyže Obres of Spayne. Summe allo whicle: and other Cumime make an ca ther maner of nople. They are lykcwyſe of dyucts colonis: as ſumme greene, Cumme tulette ol grey, and (immie almak blacko. But of all ſortes, they are great, and fyichpe, and. nopous by realou of their grcat multitude: get are they not benemous as 3 haue fayde. There are alſo a firaunge kunde of crabbes, whiche coome Crabbee, foolthe of certëyhe holeg of the earth that they thrm Celues make. The head and bodge of the les make me tounderhing muche'lyke unto thchóide of a falkon! Yauønge coure feete comimyng owtof the one pide and as mäng omt:st cije other Ther The hyſtorfe They haue alſo two mouthes like into a paire of ſmaule pir: fers, the one bygger than the other, wherwith they byte, bue do no great hurte bycauſe they are not venemous.Thcic ſkyn ard bodye is (moothe and chynne as is the ſkynne of a man, ſauynge that it is ſumwhat harder. Their colour is cuñette oz white, 02 blewe and walke Cybelonge. They are very good to bce caten: In ſo muche that the Lhrittians trauayling by the fyzme lande, haue byn greatly nuryſſhed by them bycaute they are founde in maner cuery where. Jn ſhape and forme, they are muche lyke vnto the crabbe which we paynte for the Cygne Lancer and like bnto thoſe which are found in Spaine in Andaluſis in the ryuer Guadalcbiber where it entereth into the ſea, and in the ſea coalies therabout, Cauynge that theſe are of the water and the other of the lande. They are lumtymes hurtcfull, ſo that they that eate of them dye. But this chauna cech onely when they hauc eaten any benemous thyng, of of the venemous apples wherwith the Canibale archers poylon their arrowes wherof 3 bull ſpeake hereafter. And for this cauſe the Lhriſtians take hede howe chey cate of theſe craba bes if they fynde them neare unto the fayd apple trers. Furthermore in theſe Indies, aſ well in the fyzme lande'as in the glandes, there is founde a kynde of ſerpentes, which Serpentes they caule, Y. V. Ands, which ſumme caule Iuunnas. Theſe are caulid Juan- terrible and fcarefull to ſpght, and yet not hureefull. They are bery delicate to bee eaten, and it is not yet knowen whes ther they be beattes of the lande og fphes, bycauſe they lyut in the water, and wander in the woddes and on the lande. They haue foure feete, and are commonly bigger then connies and in ſumme places bygger then otters, with taples lyke li (artes oz cures, Thcir ſkynne is ſpotted, and of the ſame kynd of (mothnelle og barencle, although of dyuers colours, Upon the ridge of their backes, they haue many long prickes. They? teeth are very tarpe, and eſpecially theyz fanges of Dogge teeth. Their chrotes are longe and large, reachpnge from their beardes to their breades, of the lyke ſkynne to the relybewe of their bodyes. They are dumme, and haue no voyce oz make any noyſe og crye although they bee kepte tyde to the foote of a chelte oz any other thynge fo, the ſpace of. fr. 02. frv. dapes withowt any thyng to eate or dignke, excepte they gyue them nowe and then a lgtcle of the bżeade of of the vveſte Indies. 188 Calabb, oz Cumme Cuch other thyng. They have foure feete, and their foze feete as longe as a mans fynger boith claides lyke the clawes of a byzde, but weaker, and ſuche as can noe grafple or take holde of any thonge. They are muche berter to bee eaten then to beholde. foz tebe that ſee them, wpir hane deſpre to eate of them, by reaſon of their hoztible chape excepte ſuche as haue byn accuftomed to the beates of theſe regyons, whiche are moze hozrible and fearefull, as this is not but onely in apparence. Their dethe is of much better tan then the fletbe of counyes and more hollome. Foz it hurteth none but onely ſuch as haue had the frente porc.jn ſo much that if they haue onely byn touched of that informitie, al: though they haue byn hole of longe tyme; neuerthelete they feele hurce and complayne of the eatynge of theſe Ivannas, as hath byn often tymes proued by erperience and there are founde in the fyzme lande cetteyne byzdes lo lyt- Byrdes, tle that the hole body of one of them is no bygger then the toppe of the byggelt fynger of a mans hande : and get is the hare body withowt the fethers not page halfe ſo bygge. This a very lyttle byrde, belyde her lyttlenes, is of Cuch velocitie and Iwyftnes byrde, txt Alping that who lo ſeeth her Reing in the apet, că noe ſe her fap of beate her winges after any other loạt then do the dos tes og hüble bees oz betels: ſo that there is no man that ſeeth herflie;that wold think her to be any other thë a dozce. They make their nelltes according to the proportio of their bignes. andr haue ſeene that one of theſe brides with her neſt put in a paire ofgold weights, altogether bath waid no more thë it. Tomini, which are in poiſe.24 grains, with the fethers with out the which the fulde hauc bayed Cumwhat tetc. And doubt leđe When 3 conſider the fynentelle of the clawes and feetc of theſe birdes, knobe not whervnto 3 may better liken them then to the lyttle byzdes whiche the lymmers of bookes are accuſtomed to paynte on the margentes of churche bookcs and other bookes of deuine feruice. Their fethers are of ma: my faite colours as golden pelowe and greene beſide other va: tiable colours. Their beake is verye longe for the ploportion of they? bodies and as fyne and fübtile as a lowong nedle. They are very hardye: Co that when they fee a man ciyme the tree where they haue they2 nettes, they ape at hys face and tryke hym in the eyes, commong, gopnge, and retoucnynge h with The hyſtorier tolth fuch lwpftnes, that no man wolde lightly belette it that bath not ſcene it.And Cectenly theſe by des are ſo lyttle that I durſi not have made mention hereof it it were not that di: uers other which hane ſeene them as welas 3, can beare wie mes of my ſaying. They make their neftes of lockes and heare of cotten wherof there is great plentic in theſe regions, and Lepnech wel foz they2 purpoſe. Batas rouchyng the brides, foules, and bealtes of thele indies, bycauſe they are innume: rable boche lytelcand greate, 3 intende not to ſpeake muche beace, bycauſe 3 haue (poker moze largely beceof in my gene: call hydolye of the judges. door Beaſtes. There is an other kynbe of beates ſeene in the firme land böhich ſeemcd berg traunge and macueilons to the chuptian men to beholde, and muche differynge from all other beates ordets which haue byn ſeene in other parres of the wozlde. theſe bea@cs are cauled Botodati: And are foure footed, hauing their taile and al the rct of they, bodies couered onely with a ſkyn lyke the coperture of a barbed bozſe oz the chekered (kynne of ralplatte ol Lrocodyle, of coloure betwene whyte and rulety byd Inclynynge (umwhat moze to Whyte. This bean, is of forme and tape much lyke to a barbed houſe with his barbes and Hankettes in all popntes. And from under that which is the bacbe and coperture, the taple commeth foozth, and the feete in theyz place, the necke allo and the eares in they: partes, and in fyne all thynges in lyke Cozte as ina barbed courſe, They are of the bygnes of one of theſe common dogges.chey are not hurtfull. They are fylthy, and have they? habitation in cepten hillockes of carthe where digginge with there feete they make their dens very decpe & the holes cherof in like ma met as do tonnyes. They are berge ercellent to be eaten, and are taken with nettes and ſum alſo killed with croſbomes, They are lykelpile taken often tymes when the huſband mer burie the Pubble in Cowyng times to renewbe the herbage for kyne and other beaties.3 haue often times eaten of theirácthe which Cemeth to me of better tag chen kyddes Rethe, and hol: 1999 Come to be eaten. And if thele beattes had euer byn ſeene is theſe partes of the boozlde where the fitt barbed hozſes had their oziginal, no man wold iudge but that the forme and fal: Dion of the coperture of hozles furnithed foz the warres was Fgxde deupled by the ſyght of theſe beades, of the yyeſte Indies. 189 There is alſo in the firme lande an other beadte cailed or dearce.. Formigaro that is, the ante beare. I his beage in heate and coloure, is much lyke to the brate of Spagne, and in manet of the ſame makynge ſaue that he hath a much longer fnewt and is of cupll ſyght. They are often tymes taken only with faucs without any other weapon, and are not hurtful. I bey are alſo taken with dogges bycauſe they are not naturally ar: med althowgh they byte ſumwhat. They are founde foz the mote parte about and neare to the hyllockes where are great abundaunce of antes, fou in theſe regions is engendered a Ences, certegne kynde of ances very lyttle and blacke, in the fyeldes and playnes where as growe no trecs, where by thinđinct of mature theſe antes ſeparate them ſelues to engender far from the wonddes foz feare of theſe beares : The whicho bycauſt chey are fearefull, byle, and bnarmed (as 3 haue (ayde) they keepe cuer in places full of trees vntyll very famion and neceta Citie,oz the great deſire that they haue to fiede of theſe antes, cauſe them to coomme owt of the wooddes to hunte for them Xheſe antes make a hyllocke of carth to the heyght of a man, 0; fumwhat mode or telle, and as bygge as a great ched, and Cumtymes as bygge as a burte oz a hogges head, and as hard as a fione: So that they ſeeme as thoughe they were foncs fet bp to lymytre chendes and confines of certeyne landes. Within theſe hyllockes made of mott harde earth, arc innu: merable and infinite lyttle antes,the which may bee gathered by bulchelles when the hyllockc is broken. The which wycæ it is (umtrmes mopfted by rayne and then d?yed ageyne by the heate of the foonne, it bżeaketh and hath cerreyne (maul tyktes as lyttle and ſubtyle as the edge of a knyfe. And it ſe: meth that nature hath gpucn Cenſe to theſe antes to fynde ſuch a matter of carth wherwith they may make the fayde hit locke of ſuche hardenes that it may ſeeme a fronge pauement made of lyme and ſtone. And wheras 3 haue pioncd and cau ſed ſum of them to bee broken, I haue founde theim of luche hardenes as if I had not ſecne 3 coulde not haue belcaued: 3n ſo muche that they coulde ſcarſely bee bioken with pykcs of Fren: So fronge foztrelles doo iheſe lyrtle beañes make Eoz they? Cauegarde agcynt they, aduerfarie the beare, who is chiefely nury&hed by them, and gyuen them as an enemie, Alcozdynge to the common prouerbe which Cayth, Non è alcuna B 18 b.io gesſons The hyſtorie perfona ſi libera, e chimınchi il fuo Bargello:That is, there is no má lo ftë chat hath not his perlocutour oz płyuie enemie, and here whê 3 conſyder the maruelous prouidence which nature hath gy: uen to theſe lyttle boddies, 3 caule to remembzaunce the wic tie ſentence of plinie, where ſpeakyng of Cuch iyrtle beaties, he ſayth thus. Why doo we macuayle at the towzebearynge ſhoulders of Elephantes, and not rather where nature hathe placed ſo many fences and ſuche induũry in Cuche lpcele bod: dies ? Where is hearynge, ſmellynge, ſeeinge, and feelynge, ye, where are the vaynes e arteries (without which no beatte can lyue or moue) in theſe lo lyrtle boddies whereof Cume are Co ſmaule that theyz hole boddies can (carfely be fene of omr eyes, what ſhall we then ſaye of the partes of the ſame yet euen amonge theſe are there many of ſuch ſagacitie and indu Atrye as the lyka is not ſeene in beates of greater quantitie, no noz yet in man.&C. But to returne to the hyttorie. This enemie which nature hath gyuen to theſe lyttle beates, bleth this manec to allayle them. When he celozceche to the hyls locke where the antes lye hid as in theyż foztrelle, he putteth his toonge to one of the ryftes wherof we haue (poken being as ſubtyle as the edge of a (woozde, and there with continu: all lyckynge, maketh the place moyit, the fome and froth of his mouth beinge of ſuch propertie that by continual lycking the place, it enlargeth the rykte in ſuch ſont by lyttle and lyt tle, that at the length heealele puiteth in his toonge whiche he hath very longe and thynne, and much diſproportionate to his bodye. And when he hath thus made free patage for his toonge into the hyllocke to put it eaſely in and olot at his pleaſure, then he thrutteth it into the hole as farre as he can rcache, and ſo letteth it rete a good ſpace bntyl a great quali titie of the antes (whoſe nature reiopleth in heate and moya ter) hane laden his tonge and as many as he can conteyne in the holownelle therof: at which tyme he ſuddeynly draweth it into his mouth and eateth them, and returneth agepne to the ſame practiſe immediatly bntyi he haue eaten as manye as hym lyfteth,0? as longe as he can reache any with his tonge. The deđhe of this beatte, is fylthy and unſauery. But by rea ſon of theftreme thyftes and necellitie that the Lhuitian mena toere put to at theyz fyzâ commynge into theſe partes, they boere infozced yo p?oue al thynges and ſo fel to theatyng of thers of the vveſte Indies. 190 theſe beaftes. But when they had founde moze de’ycate mea: tes, they fell into hatred with this. Theſe antes haue thap: peraunce of the place of therz entecaunce into the hyllockë, under the grounde. And this at ſo lyttle a hole that it could hardely be founde pf certeyne of them were not ſeene to pate in and owt. But by this way the beares coulde haue no ſuch poure to hurte them as aboue at the fayde ryftes as 31 baue z ftraunge fayde. There is another frange bzade whiche by a name of beaſt which contrary effecte, the Spanyardes caule Gagnuolo leggiero, that ſeemeth a is the lyght dogge, whecas it is one of the dowelle beattes in kynd of Cha the woulde, and ſo heauy and dull in mouynge that it canne meleon. (carſely go fyftie pales in a hole day.Theſe beaties are in the Eltme lande, and are very Araunge to beholde foz the diſpzo: poztion chat they hane to all other beates. They are abowre two Ipannes in length when they are growne to theyz full byggeneïte. But when they are very younge, they are ſume: lohat moze grođe thea longe. They haue foure ſubtyle fiete, and in euery of them foure clawes lyke vnto byzdcs, and ioy: ned togythet. pet are nother they, clawes oz theyz fiete able to luftepne theyz bodyes from the grounde. By reaſon whers of and by the heauynele of theyż boddies, they dzawe theyz bellyes on the grounde. They? neckes are hygh and treyght and all equall lyke the pefile of a mozter, which is altogpther equall euen ynto the toppe withowt makynge any propozti: ON DJ Cimilitude of a headde, 02 any dyfference ercepte in the noddle. and in the toppes of theyž neckes, they haue verye rounde faces much lykc ynto owles : And haue a marke of they, owne heare after the maner of a cyzcle whiche makethe they faces ſeeme ſumwhat moje longe then large. They haue (maule eyes and rounde: And noürylles lyke vnto munkeys, They have lyttle mouthes, and moue theyz neckes frome one (yde to an other as thoughe they were aſtonyſhed. Theyz chiefe deſyze and Delyte is to cleauc and tycke fafte unto trees oz lume other thynge whereby they may clyme alofte. And therfoże foz the motte parte, chele beates are founde vppon trees wherbnto cleauynge fatt, they mounte vp by lyttle and lyttle, keyinge them ſelues by thoyz longe claimes. The cos loure of theyz heare, is betwene ruưet and whyte, and of the proper coloure of the heare of a welell. They haue no tayles, and theyz boyce is much dy&erynge frome other beates : foj B B b.ii. theg The hyſtorle ole they fynge oncly in the nyght : And that continually frome tyme to tyme ſyngynge euer [yre notes one hygher then an o: ther, ſo faulynge with the ſame that the fyzue note is the hyghed and the other in a baler tewne as pf a man fuld fap La, ſol, fit, mi, re, pt. So this beal ſayth, Ha, ba, ba, ba, ba ba, and doubtelete, it ſeemeth unto me, that as 3 haue fayde in the chapiter of the beađe cauled Bardati , that choſe beattes might bee thoriginall and document to imbarbe hozles, cuen ſo the fpytte inucnturc of maſycke myght ſeeme by the hearynge of this beat to haue the fyzů principles of that ſcyence rather then by any other thynge in the worlde. But nowe to returne to the hytozie: 3 ſay that in a thozte ſpace after this beatte hach loonge and hath pauſed a whyle, the returneth agepne to the ſelfe ſame longe, and doth this only in the might and not in the day. By reaſon wherof and alſo bycauſe of her ea uyll ſyght, 3 hynke her to bee a nyght beate and the frende of darkenele. Samtymes the Lhriftian menne fynde chefe beates and bzynge theym home to they, howles, where alſo they creepe all abowte with theyz naturall Rowenele, info much that nother foz thyeatenynge oz płyckynge they will moue any faller then theyz natural and accuttomed pale. And yf they fynde any trees, they creepe thyther immediatly, and mounte to the toppe of the hyghet blaunche thereof, where they remayne continually foz the ſpace of eyght, bz tenne, 03 twentie dazes without eatynge of any thinge as farre as any man can iudge, and whecas 3 my Celfe haue kepte- theym im my houſe, 31 coulde neuer perccauc other but that they lyue onely of ayer. And of the ſame opinion are in maner alt men of thoſe regions, bycauſe they have neuer ſcene then eate any thynge, but cuer turne they? heades and mouthes towarde that parte where the woyade bloweth mont: whereby may bee conſydered that they take mote pleaſure in the ayer. Shey byte not, noz yet can byte, hauyng very lyttle mouthes. They are not venemous of noyous any way:but altogpther bjutithe and ytterly vnpzofyrable and without commoditie yet know en to men, fanynge onely to moue theyz myndes to contem: plate thinfinite poure of god, who belgreth in the varietie of creatures, wherby appeareth the poure of his incompzehena ſible wiledome and maictie ſo farce to excede the capacificof mans unbergandynge 到 ​ of the vvefte Indies . IgI foules, and In theſe regions there are likewiſe found cetteyne foules byrdes, Dz by?des which the Jndians caule Alcatraz. Theſe are much bygger then geeſe. The greateſt parte of theyz fothers are of tullet coloure, and in ſome partes yelowe. Theyz bylles o2 Alcatram, beakts are of two (pannes in length and verye large neare to the heade, and grobynge (maale totdarde the poynte. They hane greate and large thłotes: And are much lyke to a foule which y ſabe in flaunders in Bzuſtelles in youre maieties pallaice which the Flemynges caule Daina. And 3 remember that when yowr maiettie dyned one day in pobre great haule there was brought to yowre maiefties pzeſence a chauderne of water with cerreyne fylhes alyue, which the fayde foale did eate vp hole.and] thịnke verely that that foule was a foule of the ſea bycauſe thee had fiete lyke foules of the water as haue alſo theſe Alcatrazi, which are likewyſe fo ules of the ſea: and of ſuch greatnefle that I have ſeene a hole core of a man put into the throates of one of them in Panams in the yeare Panamestite 1521. And fozaſmuch as in that coatte of Panamdg, there paſ: feth and âyeth a greate multitude of theſe Alcatrazi beinge a thynge very notable, J wyll declare the maner hercaf as not oncly 3, but alſo byuers other nowe preſente in youre mas iefties courte haus often tymes ſeene. Powre maieftie ſhall therfoze underlande that in this place (as I have Cayde bez toze) the ſea of sur tyſcth and fauleth two leagues and more from (ype houres to ſyre houres: ſo that when it incccaleth, the water of the ſea arcgueti ſo neare to the houſes of Panama as doth owce ſea (cauled Mire Mediteraneum) m Barzalona oz.in Maples. And when the ſayd increafyng of the l'ea conmeth, thote commerh allo therwith ſuch a multitude of the ſmaule fplches canled Cardynes, that it is ſo macueylous a thynge to: beholde, that no nian wolde belcue it.that hath not ſcene it. Info much that the Cacique, (that is) the kynge of that land at ſuch tyme as I dwelt there, was bounde dayiy as he was; commaunded by yowre maieſties gouernour, to bzynge ojdy: Harply thzee canoas oz barkes full of the fayde fardyncs and to unlade the ſame in the mackette place, whiche were after: warde by the culer of the citie Diuyded amonge the Chritian men without any cotte oz charge to any of them. In ſo much that pf the people had bin a much greater multitude then theg wert, and as many as are at this pzeſente in Toledo oz mozes The hyſtorie aflo and had none other thynge to lyue by, they myght have bpro Cufficiently ſuſtepned by theſe ſardynes, byłybe thouerplus which fulde haue remayned. But to returne to the foules wherof we haue [poken. As the ſea comieth, and the far: dynes with the ſame, euen ſo lykewyſe coome the fayde Alca, frazzi therwith : and dye continually ouer it in ſuche a multy: tude, that they appeare to couer thupper parte oz koure of the water. And thus continue in mountynge and faulynge from the ayer to the water, and from the water to the ayer dig tynge all the tyme of they2 fyWhynge. And as ſoone as they haue taken any of theſe ſardynes, they iye aboue the water and cate them incontinently, and ſuddeynly returne ageyne to the water foz moje, continuing chus courſe by courſe with Dwt ceafynge. In lyke maner when the ſea fauleth, they fo lowe there fylhynge as 3 haue (ayde. There goethe allo in the company of theſe foules, an other kynde of foules cauled Coda inforcats, (that is) the folked tayle, whereof 1 haue made mention bcfoze. And as ſoone as the Alcatraz mounteth from the water with her pzay of the Cardynes, ſuddeynly this Code inforcata gyuerh her ſo many ttrokes, and ſo perſecuteth het, that Ihce caulcth her to let faule the ſardynes which thee hath in hec mouth. The which as ſoone as they are fauine, and be foje chcy yet touch the water, the Coda inforcata catcheth them euen in the faule, in ſuche Cozte that it is a great pleaſure to beholde the combatte betwene them all the daye longe. The number of theſe Alcatrazzi is ſuch, that the Lhıyttian menne are accutomed to ſend to certeyne Jlandes and rockes which are neare abowte Panama, with theyz boates oz barkes to take thale Alcatrazzi whyle they are yet younge and can not ilye: and kyll as many of them with Gaues as they wyll, vneplt they have therwith laden theyz barkes oz canoas. Theſe younge ones are ſo fatte and wel fedde that they can not bee eaten. And are taken for none other intent but only to make greaſe foi candels to burne in the ngght, foz the whiche pur. pole it ſerueth very well: and gyueth a cleare lyght, and bur neth eaſely. After this maner and for this purpoſe, innumes table of themare kylde. and yet it ſeemeth that the number of them that fpühe foz ſardynes doo dayly increaſe There are other foules cauled Pasſere fempie : that is, ſimple {garowes. Theſe are ſomwhac lege then Cemebes: and haue Ludere complet beya of the vveſte Indies. 192 thépz fiete lyke bnto great malardes: And fande in the war ter fumtymes. And when the thyppes faple fyftie of a hun dieth leaques abowte the Flandes, theſe foules beholdynge the dyppes commung towarde them, bleake theyz ayght and faule downe vpon the Caple yardes, maltes, and cables therof. and are ſo ſimple and folythe that they tary breyll they maye safely be taken with mens handes, and were therefore cauled of the maryners ſimple ſparowes. They are blacke, and vp: pon their blacke,haue they? headde and fhoulders of fechers of a darke tullet coloure. They are not good to bee eaten, al: thowgh the mariners haue lumtimes bin infozced to eate the, There is an other kynde of byzdes in the fyzme lande, which the Lhuidians caule picuti, bycauſe they haue very great picuti, beakes in reſpecte of the lyttlenelce of theyz boddies : foz they beates are very heauy and waye moze then theyz hole bodbyes bylyde. Theſe byżdes are no bygger then quayles, but haue a much greater buſhement of fethers, in ſo much that theyz fethers are moze then theyz boddies. Theyz fethers are very fayze and of many variable coloures. They2 beakes are a quarter of a yarde in length oz moze, and bendynge downe towarde the earthe, and three fyngers biode neare unto the heade. Theyż tonges are very quilles, wherwith they make a greate hylſynge. They make holes in trees with they, bea: kes, in the which they make theyz neftes. And ſurely there byldes are macuelous to beholde for the great difference whi: che they haue from all other byżdes that 3 bane ſeene, alwet foz they? toonges (which are quylles as 3 haue fayde)as alſo foz the frangenetre of theyz [yght and diſproportion of theie grrate beakes in reſpect of the rett of they? boddies. There are no byrdes føunde chat pzouybe better foz the ſafegacde of they younge in the tyme of theyz byeedynge to bee withoute daunger of mylde cattes that they enter not into theyz neles to defroye they: egges o2 younge. And this alwell by the fraunge maner of buyldyng cheyy nettes, as alſo by theyz owne Defence. And therfoze when they perceaue that the cat: tes approche towarde them, they enter into theyz nefes: and holdynge they, beakes towarde thenteraunce of the ſame, lande at they, defence, and ſo were the caties that they cauſe them to leaue they enterpryſe.! There are alſo other byzdes 01 (pacotoes, whiche the Chriſtians The hyſtorie 120 folyrherpas Chriftians by contrary effect caule Matti, that is fooles. Whe rowes as neuerthelelre there is no byide that the weth more løyt and crafte in defendynge her younge from perell. Theſe byzdes are lyttle and in maner blackt, and Cumewhat bygger then Owre thjulhes. They haue cetteyne whyte fethers in they: teckes, and the lyke ſagacitie oz tharpenes of Canſe as haue the byzdes o? pyes cauled Guzzuole. They (eldome tymes light bppon the earth. They make theyz nettes in trees ſeparated from other, bycauſe the wylde cattes (cauled Mammoni) are ac cutomed to leape frome tree to tret, not deſcendynge to the groundc for fcare of other beattes, ercepte when they are en Forced by thyzße to coomme downe co dzynke at Cuche tymes as they are ſure not to bee molected. And foz this cause doo not theſe by?des make theyž neles but in trees farre diuyded from other. They make them of a cubette in length og mode, after the maner of bagges or lyttle ſackes, large at the bot: tome, and growynge narober and narower toldarde the mouth whereby they are fađened: hauynge the hole whereat they enter into the ſacke, of ſuch byggencs as may onely fuk Eice to receaue them. And to thende that the cattes mape not deuoure they? pounge yf they chaunce to mounte vppon the trees where they haue theyz neftes, they ble an other crafte, which is, to make theyz ncles in thycke braunches of trees, and to defende the ſame with parpe and ſtronge thoines ima plycate and ſet in ſuch older that no man is able to make the lyke. So that the cattes can by no meanes put they, legges into the hole of the neđe to take obte the younge byzdes, al: well foz the charpenes of the thoines as alſo for the depth of the nettes, in the bottome wherof, the pounge birdes rell with obt daunger of thep, enemie. For ſum of they? nelles beynge three ol foure ſpannes in lengthe, the legge of the catte can not reache to the bottome therof. They ble alſo an other pol licie: which is, to make many of theyz neates in one tree the which they doo for one of theſe two cauſes: that is, that ey: ther of theyż owne naturall diſpoſition they are accuſtomed to go in great multitudes, e retopic in the company of they? owne generation as to the byrdes which boc caule dares, og elles to thintent that yk it Moulde ſo chaunce that the cattes wulde ciyme the trees where they make theyz nettes, they might bee a greater company to relyle and molet the gattes, of the vyeſte Indies, 193 at whoſe approchthey make a fcareful and terrible cry, wher by the cattes are put to fygyt. Gdzxoles furthermoje, in the firme land, and in the Flandes, there are certepne byżdes cauled Piche oz Gizzuole, fumewhat lyke buto thoſe which we canle woodwaules, ol woodpeckes, be: inge lelle then owrs of Spayne. Theſe are alrogither blacke, and go hoppynge and leapynig. Theyż beakes are alſo blacke and of the ſame faghyon as are the popingiays brakes. They haue tonge taples, and are ſumwhat bygger then fares. There are other by2des cauled Pintadelli, whiche are lyke Pintadellis buto certeyne grecne byrdes whiche the ytalyans caule Fring 44203 guelli : and are of fruen colourés. Theſe byżdes foz feare of the cattes, are cuer woonte to make theyz nelies ouer the bankes of ryuers of the fea, where the blaunches of trees ſo teache puer the water that with a löttle weyght they maye bowe downe to the water. Theyz nefies are made ſo ncare the top: pes of the bzaunches that when the cattes coome theron, the braunches bende towarde the water, and the cattes turne backe ageyne foz fcare of faulynge. for althoughe no beatte in the worlde bee moze malicious then this, yet whereas the molte parte of bcattes are naturally inclyned to ſwymme, this cattchath no maner of aptenelle thereunto, and is therefore Coone drobined oz Arángeled in the water, and by a płyuie fenfe of nature fcareth the daunger which he cannot eſcape. Thele byzdes make theyz neltes in Cuche (ogte, that although they bee bcete and fylted with water, yet doo thry fo ſuddet dy vyle vp ageyne, that the younge byrdes are not thereby Hurte oz Dzowned. There are alſo many nyghtyngales and other byzdes the che ſynge maruelonůy with great melodie and dyfference iti Tyngynge. Ihele byrdes are of maruelous Dpucrs coloures the one from the other. Sumare altogither yelowe, and ſum other of ſo ercellente, delectable, and hyghe a coloure as it weare a rubye. Other are alſo of dyuers and variable co: loures: Cum of fewe coloures, and other fume all of one co loure : beinge all ſo fayze and bewtifull, that in bzyghrnelle and thynynge they ercell all that are ſcene in Spagne,02 3taz ly or other prouinces of Europe. Many of theſe are taken with nettes, lyme twygges, and (płynges of dyuers foztes. Dguers other foztes of greate foules lyke vinto fagles, Breat fonkes and The hyſtorie and ſuché other as fyuç of pzap, are founde in the firme lande of ſuche diuerſitie; that it is in maner impoñible to deſceybe them all particularly. And fozaſmuche as 3 haue moze large ty intreated hereof in my generall hytopic of the indics, thynke it not requplite here to make anye further mention of the ſame (Df trees, fruites, and plantes, Dere is bothe in the firme lande and the lar: 2. des a certeyne trec cauled Cocus, beinge a kynd Cocus. of date trees and hauynge theyz Icaues of the felfe fame greatereữe as haue the date trees which beare dates, but dyker much in their growynge. For the tcaues of this Cocus grow abre of the trunkes of the tree as doo che fyngers out of the bande bozeathenge abet folues one within an other and ſo (pzeadynge abzades Ebefe trees are bygh: and are founde in Joint again great plentie in the coatte of the fea of sur, in the prouince of 249 9113102 Cacique chiman. Theſe date crecs bzynge furth a fcute after this 392373 (ozte Beinge altogythet vnite as it groweth on the tree, te is of greater circumference then the yeade of a man. And fro the ſuperficiall parte to the myddelt which is the fruts, it is inuolued and couered with many wcbs much lyke bnto thoſe bezdes of towe whiche they ble in Andaluſis. Df this towe of bocbbey the Ead Jindians make a certeyne kynde of clothe of three oz foure loztegy and coldes for the Cayles of abyppes. But in theſe Indies of yolor maictie, they palle not foz thele coides oz this clotle that maye be made of the frute of Cocus, by reaſon of the great plentie that they haue of the bombage by cotton of the goûampine trees. The frute which is in the **091 myddel of the Cayde tomes is (as 1 haue fayde) as bygge as panga mans fyllte, and lumtymes thooſe as bygge and more. ftis in fozme, lykc ynto a walnutte, oz fum other rounde thynge fun what mozelonge then large, and very harde. The cynde of barke hetot, is as thycke as the cycle of letters of a riale Pinguins of plate, and within, there cleaueth fate to the ronde of the 22 tonn nutte a carnolitie aj Lubftaunce of cooznel, of the thyckeneſte of halfe a fynger oz of the lead fynger of the hande : And is soberye whpts, Ipke bato a farze Almonde, and of better taſte and of the vyeſte Indies. 194 and more pleaſsunt. When this fruite is chrbed, there ret mayne certeyne crummes as do the lyke of almondis. yet if it bee loalowed downe, it is not vnplcalaunt. ffo althowgh that after the sewle or moylure bee gonne downe the throte before the ſayde crummes bce kwalowed, the rette which is saten ſeeme cumwhat tarpe oz Cover get doth it not ſo great ip offende the tage as to bee cafte away. whyle this Cocus is pet freſhe and newly taken from the trec, they ble not to eate of thc fayde carnolitie and frute: But fyzde bcatynge it very much, and then fraynynge it, they diave a nylke thereof, much better and ſweeter then is the mylke of beaftes, and de much fubftaurce: The which the Lhuffian men of thoſe regic ons put in the toztes oz cakes which they make of the grayne of Maizium wherof they make they breade,od in other breade as we put bzcade in pozrage : So that by reaſon of the fayde mylke of Cocks, the toutes are moze crcellent to be eaten with obt offence to the ſtomake. They are ſo plealaunte to the tatte, and leaue it alwell ſatiſfyed as thowgbe it had byn de: lpted with many belycate byābes. But to pzoceabe further, powre maiefie ball bnderland, that in the place of the fione o, coornell, there is in the mydbeſt of the fayde carnoſitie, a boyde place, which ncuerthelelle is full of a molte cleare and excellent water, in ſuch quantitte as mape fyll a greate cggé haue feche Well, oz moje oz lege accozdynge to the byggeneđe of the Co. one of there Bus. Dhe which water fuerly, is the molte ſubftantial, ercet: frutes ope: lent and precious to be broonke, that maye boe founde in the ned, the whis boulde in ſo much that in the momente when it palloth the che when it palate of the mouth and begynneth to goo dolonic the thzore it were ſhake ic Ceemeche that frome the ſole of the foote to the crowne of the water the headbe, there is no parte of the boddye but that fcelerhe was harde great cõfozttherby :as it is doutlele one of the mot efcrllent ſhoose ther: thynges that may be taleb bppon the earth, and ſuche as 9 in as it were am not able by wzytynge oz toonge to exprefe. And to pid; but in tyme in a bottie, ceado pet further, 3 fay that when the meate of this frute is it corfumed taken from the velfell cherof, the vellett cemayneth as fayze and was part and nette as though is were pullyſved i and is without, of co ly congeled in lour inclynynge tobarbc blackesand fynerhoz glyftetéty bes toa raite ſubs Staunce, Ey fayze. And is within of no lelle bilicatenete Suche as haue accuſtomed to dzynke in theſe bedelles, and hane byune trowbeled with the diſeaſe cauled the fretinge of the guttes, LLC. Cage The hyſtorie dito fay that they haute by crperience foundeit & marüelous temes die ageynt that diſeaſe: And that it bzeakethe the one and prouoketh brine. This fcute was cauled Cocus for this cauſe, that when it is taken from the place where it cleaueth fate to the tree, there are ſeen two holes, and aboue them two o the naturall holes, which altogyther, duo repieſent the gies fure and fygure of the cattes cauled Mummone, that is, min: keys, when they crpe : bobiche Crye the Jndians caule Cocx : But in very deede, this tree is a kynd of date trces: and hath the ſame efecte to heale frecynge of the guttes, that plinie deſcrybeth all kyndes of date trees to haue. srcat trece. #here are furthermole in the firme lande, trees of ſuche byggenette chat dare not ſpeake therof but in place where 3 baut ſo many wycneles which baue Ceene the ſame as wel as 3. I lay therfože, that a leaque from Dariens 02 the citie of Sancta Maria Antiqua, there padeth a ryuet very large & diepe; which is canled Curi: ouer the which the Jndians had layde a greate tree fo trauctlinge the ſame that it was in the teade of a buydge, the which 3my ſelfe with-dyuers other that are at this preſent in powre maiefties courte, haue often tymes palled ouet. And fogalmuch as the Cayde tree had lyné longe there and by the great weight therof was lo hronke dointe: warde and pactely couered, with water that none could palle 3731 ou pyet it but were wrete to the knee, 3 being then in the yeace 098 904 05 22. thofficial of juſtice in that citie ar pobre maieties ap: 20 poyntemente, cauſed another greate tree to bee layde in that 2: tak se place whiche in lyke manertrauecſed the tyuer and reached Telodon moze the fyftie foote ouer the further (yde. This tree was er. teadynge greate; and reted aboue the water more then tloo des cubytes. Jn the faule, it caft downe all Cuche other trers as gans were within the reache therof: And diſcouered certeyne by: 512 nes whiche were ſo laden Wich blacke grapes of plcalaunte tatte, that they ſatiſfyed more then fiftie perſons whiche eate So theyz fylle therof, schis tree in the thyckelt patte thorof, wag all be more then [yrtene (pantes thicker and was neuertheleđe but 51933 l lyttle in reſpect of many other trces which are founde in this pzouince. for the indians of the coatte and prouince of Card 20STR tagenia, make barkes oz boates therof (which they cauile Canoa ass) of ſuch byggenetie, beinge all of one hole tree, that fume santeyne a hundjeth mong fume a hundjeth and chictie, and fung of the vvefte Indies. 195 fumé mozē, Haupnge meuerthelete ſuchë boyde fpace within the ſame, that there is lefte ſuficiente roome to paſe to and fro through owte all the Canos. Sum of theſe are folatge bys lyde the length, that they conteyne moze then tenne oz twclue Ipannes in bzeadth, and ſayle with twoo ſayles as with the matter Cayle and the trinkette which they make of verpg good cotton. ühe greatett trees that 3 baue (eene in theſe partes or in anye other regions, was in the prouince of Gudturo, the kynge wherof rebellynge from thobedience of powre maieftie, las perſued by me and taken płylonec : at whiche tome 1 with my company, paữed ouer a very hygh mountapne ful of great trees, in the toppe wherof we founde one tree whiche a meruelas had three rootes of rather diuilions of the roote aboue the trec, earth infozme of a tryangle oz triuette : ſo that betwene eut. ry foore of this triangle oz three feete, there was a ſpace of but twentic foote betwene cuery foote. And this of ſuch heyghe aboue the earthe, that a laden carte of thoſe wherewith they are accuſtomed to bzynge home cojne in the cyme of batuet in the kyngedome of Toledo in Spayne, myght ealely haue par: ſed throwgh euery of thoſe particions op wyndowes whiche were betwene the three feete of the ſayd tree. From the earth bpwarbe to the trunke of the tree, the open places of the dys uifions betwene theſe thzee fecte, were of ſuche hepght from the grounde, that a footeman with a iauelyn was not able to reache to the place where the fayde feete iogned togyther in the trunke oz body of the tree which grewe of great height in one piece and one hole body, O2 cuer it (puedbe in bauns ches, which it did not before it erceaded in heybhr the towe of Caynt komane in the citie of Toledo: from whiche beyght and vpwarde, it [pzeade very greate and tronge baunches. Amonge certeyne Spanyardes which clymed this tree, 3 mp Celfe was one and when 3 was aſcended to the place where yit shoot it begunne to (preade the branches, it was a maruelous thing 13 SEM to beholde a greate countcey of ſuche trees towarde the pios 2012 pince of Abzayme. This tree was eaſy to clynie, by rca, on of certeyne Beſuchi (wherofj haue (poken befoze) which grewe wzeathed about the trec in ſuche (ogte that they fecmed to make a ſcalynge ladder. Euery of the fozefayde three feetet which boze the boddie of the tree, was twentie ſpannes in. shyckenelle. And where they joyncd al togyrher abone in the trunke The hyſtorie o trunke og boddye of the tree, the principall trunke was more then foztie and frue ſpannes in circuite. 3 named the moun: tayne where theſe trécs grow, the mountayne of three footed trces. And this idhich I baue nome declared, was ſcene of all the companye that was there with me when (as 3 baue Jayde bcfoze) 3 tooke konge Gudturo p?pſoner in the yeare 1522. bany chynges moje myght here bce (poken as tou: chynge this matter, as alſo home there are many other ercel lent trees foundc of dpuers.Coztes and dyference, as (weete Leder treës, blackc date trees, and many other of the which fum arc ſo beauy that they can not fiore aboue the water buc biolog ſynke immediatly to the bottome. And other ageyne as light as a coike. As rouchynge all whiche thynges 31 baue Wozyt: ten moze largely in my generall hylozie of the Indies. kendlynge of and fozaſmuch as at this preſent 3 haue entered to intreate fy:e withome of trees, befoze 3 page any further to other thynges, 3 byl fyre, declare che maner hobe the findians kyndle fpze, only with moodde and without fyge, thc manet wherof is this. They take a piece of woodde of two fpannes in lengthc, as bygge as the leade fynger of a mans hande, of as an acrowe well pullgdhed, and of a tronge kynde of woodbe whiche they keepe onely fo: this purpoſe. And where they intende to kyn dle any fyze, they takс two other pieces of woodde of the dig ett and lyghteſt that they can fynde, and bynde them fat to: gyther one with an other as cloſe as two fyngers toyned.ju the myddet oz betweng theſe, they put the poynt of the fyzdte Iyetle date made of harde and Gronge wood which they hold In theyhandes by the toppe thereof, and turne od rubbe it renat rounde aboute continually in one place betwene the two pie: ces of Woodde which lye bounde togyther uppon the earthe, which by that vnceñant rubbynge and chafynge, are in thojt putrified moodde rhys ſpace kyndeled and take fyer. byng in the 3 haue alſo thought good here to ſpeake fumwhat of ſuch Dyskt. thynges as coomme to my rememberaunce of certepne trees which are founde in this lande, and ſymecome alſo the lylie haue bynne ſeene in Spapne. Theſe are certeyne putrifyed troonkes which haue iyne ſo longe rottyng on the earth that they are berye whyte and ſhyne in the nøght lyke burnynge byze biandes. And when the Spanyardes fynde any of this wooddė, and intende pziuily in the Hyght to make Warre and ingang of the vvefte Indies. 195 muabe any prouince when cafe lo requyzeth that it thalbe neg cellary to go in the nught in ſuche places where they knowe. not the way, the formofit Chriftian man whiche guydethe the tape, aQociate with an Indian to directe hym therein, tas keth a lyttle tarce of the fayde woodbe, which he putteth in his cappe hangynge behynde on his moulders, by the lyghe bherof he that foloweth nerte to him, directeth his tourney, bho alſo in lyke maner beareth an other tatte behpade hym, by the ſhynynge whereof the thyade kołoweth the ſame waye, and in tyke maner do al the rett, ſo that by this mcancs none are lofte o, firagle obte of the way. And fozaſmuche as this. łpght is not ſecne very farre, it is the better pollicie for the Chryftians bycauſe they are not thereby dildoſed befoze they ijuade theyz enemies. Tada saat furthermoze as touchynge tht natures of trees, one par: Plinica ticular thynge ſeemeth woolthy to bre'noted, therof plinie maketh mention in his natural hyttözyewhere he ſaythe that there are certeyne trees which contgneWe cuer grecne and nes yer loſe theyz ieaucs, as the bape tree, the Lever, the orange Trees which tree, and the olyue ture with ſuch others of the bohíche in all continue eyer togyther he nameth not patte fyue oz (yre mo this purpoſe, greene, Caye, that in the Flandes of theſe yhdies, and alſo in the firme lande, it is a change of muche difficultie to fynde twop trees that loſe oz cat theyz leanes ar anp tyme. Foz althowgh 3 hauc diligentely ſearched to knowe the tvebthe hereof, Vit haue 3 not ſeene any that toſe they leates, eyther of theym which we haue bżowght owt of Spayne into there regions, 85 Djange trees, limons, Coders, palmės, o date trees and pomegranate trees, oj of any other in thele regions ep: cepte onely cuftas which loſeth hisleaues and hath a greatce Caride thynge appropziate to it (cife onely: Which is, that whereas all other trees and plantes of India (prcade thegz rootes no recreate dieper tn the earthe then the depth of a mans heyght or fumethynge. what moze, not deſcendyng any further into the ground by reaſon of the greate hcatc which is fotmd bench that depth, pet dooth Casſia pearce further into the grounde Encyf it fynd Radycall water: whiche by the phyloſophers opinion thoulde be the moulture. cauſe of a chynne and watery radycall moytter so ſuche thyn: ges as diawe theynurythement thevof, as fat and unctuous groundes with temperate heate, rode a fat & firme moyfuse to 1 The hyſtorie. 183 to fuche thynges as growe in them, whiche is the cauſe that Cuche trees lole not theyy leaues, as the layde thynne and ba tery Rhe moyſture is cauſe of the contrarie, as appearethe by the layde effecte which is ſeene onely in capta, and none other free plante in all theſe parties. e B C Df Keedes ou Cane: Daue not thought it connenient in the chapis : ture before to ſpeake of that whereof 3) ins tende nowe to intreate of reedes oz canes to thintente that 3 woolde not mengle theym with plantes of trees, beinge thynges of the Celucs wooztby to bee particularly obſerued. So it is therfoze, that in the firme land there are many Coxtes of veedes, ſo that in many places they make they, howfos therof, conevynge them with the toppes of the faine, and makynge they, waules of them in lyke manet, as Go 3 baue fayde before. And amonge theſe kyndes of reedes, mathete is one ſo greate, that the canes therof are as bygge as a manis legge in che knee, and three ſpannes in length frome Toynt to toynt oj moze: in ſo much that euery of them is of ca pacitic to conteyne a lyttle bucket of water. Jn this kynde, there sare foundc fum greater and ſum leſie, of the which Cum 50 201 they ble to make quyuers foz arrowrs. There is founde at **** 5 other konde which ſuerly is macueylons, beynge lyrcle byg: tu ger then a gaucien, the canes whereof are longer then twoo ar (pannes. Theſe reedes growe one farce from an other, as fum o tymes twentie or thirtie pales, and ſumetymes alſo twoo 0% por three leaques. They growe in maner in all prouynces in the na gindies: And growe nere to very hygh trees whereunto they leane, and creepe bp to the toppes of theyz bzaunches, which o they imbzale and deſcende ageyne do one to the earth. They? O canes are full of motte cleare water without any maner oftal 2 oz fauoure eyther of the canes or of any other thynge: And no Cuche as yf it were taken obore of the freqhelte fpzynge in the woulde. Noz yet is it knowen that euer it hurte any that bzoonke therof. foy it hath oftentymes ſo thaunced that as the Chigden men haue trauayled in thele regions in delolate fapes where for lacke of Water they haue byn in great daun: gle of the vveſte Indies. 197 ger to Dpe for thp?fte, tey haue eſcaped that perell by reálch that they founde the fayde reedes, of the water of whole ca: sics they haue djeonke a great quantitie withowt any hurte thereof enfrwynge. Therefore when they fynde theſe in any place, they make water bellelles of the canes therof, and carp as many of them ful of water ag may Inffice for one bayes 102 may, and tamtyme theycary ſo many that they rake for cues ey man two oj three quartes of water which may ferue them for many dayes bycauſe it both not corrupte, but remaynethe Apll frche and good. There are alſo certeine plantes which the Chriftians caul Platums Platani. Theſe are as hygh as trees, and become as bygge in the tcunke as the knee of a man oj moze. frame the foore to the toppe, thep bcare certepne longe and large lcaues, beinge to sam iba en more then three ſpannes in largenes, and about teu öz twelde was in length: The whiche when they are broken of the mynde, the falke remayneth hole in the myddeit. juth: myddear of chis plant in the hyghel pacte therrof, there groweth a clue der foith fortie oz fyftie Platans abobrit, eurty of them be Ange a ſpanne and a halfe in length, and as bygge as a mans arme in the fmault, oj more or lede accoz dynge to the good! telie of the Coyle where they growe. They hate a rynde not bery thycke, and eaſy to bee broken: being within altogithet full of a ſubđaunce lpke unto the marye of the bone of an ore as it appeareth when the rynd: 02 barke is taken frome the fame. This claftcr owght to bee taken from the plant, when any one of the platans begynne to appere gelowe. At which tyme they take it and hange it in they, houſes where all the clutter wareth rype with all his platans. This cluttet is a figsca. hery good frute : and when it is opened and the tynde taken of, there are founde within it many good diye fygges which beynge roſted oz ftewed in an ouen in a clole pot az lum fuchet the other thynge, are of pleaſannte tale muche loke the confecue of hony. They putrifie not on the ſea ſo ſoone as fume other frutes do : but continue fyfteene dayes and moze pf they bee gathered fumbhar greene. They ſeeme moze Delycate on the Tea then on the lande, not for that they any chinge increaſe in goodnelle on the fea, but bycauſe that whereas on the ſea o ther thpages are lackyng wheróf is plentie on the land, thoſe meates ſeemte af befte fade which fatiffte pzcſente necellitie. AUS DDD.I. 2N The hyſtorie la This troonike oz (pżygge whiche bzyngeth foorth the fayde cluſter is a hole yeare in growong and bzynging foogth foute. jn whiche tyme it hath put foorth rounde abowte it cenne 0% twelue (płygges as bygge as the fyza oz principall, and mul: tiplieth no leđe theti che płyncipall in bżyngynge foorthe of clüters with frures lyke wyſe at they, cyme, and alſo in byn: gynge foorth other and many (pryggés as is Capde beefore. s from the which (prygges oz trunkes, as ſoone as the clutter of the frute is taken away, the plante begynneth to diye and toyther, which then they take ovt of the grounde bycauſe it doth none other then occupie it in bayne and without profyt: They are ſo many and doo (o maruelou ly increaſe and multi- plie, that it is a rhynge in maner incredible. They are excea: öynge moyfte. Jn ſo much that when they are plucked up fro the place wher they gro'p, there iXhelcth fozth a great quan titie of water as well owte of the plante as oldte of the place where it grewe: In ſuche lojte that all the moytture of the tarth facre abowte, myght ſceme to bee gathered to gyther a: bowte the trunke oz blocke of the fayde plante : with the frutes whereof, the antes are ſo farre in loue, that they are ſeene in great multitudes in the branches of the plantes. So that for the multitude thereof it fumetyme fo chaunceth that men are inforced to take away the plačans frome theyz pol Celion. Theſe frutes are founde at all tymes of the yeare, There is alſo an other kynd of wyld plantes that groweth in the fyeldes : which baue not feene but in the lande of Tunas, Diſpaniola, althowgh they be founde in other landes of the Jndies. Theſe they caule Tunas. They growc of a thitie. full of thoznes, and biynge foozth a fruite muche lyke unto great fygges, which hane å crowne lyke med!ers, and are within of a hyghe coloure, with graynes and the tynde lyke bnto a fygge. They are of good tađe: and growe abundant: ly in the fyeldes in many places. They woozke a fraunge ef: fecte in ſuche as cate them for if a manne eate two or three 02 mole; they caule his brine to bee of the vecje coloure of bludde, which thynge chaunced once to my felfe.: at whiche tyme as J made water and lawe the colout of my brine, Jen: tered into a great fufpition of my lyfe, beinge ſo attonpithet foz feare, that 3 thought the ſame had chaunced to me bpoh Lym other canle gin la mache that ſurely my imagination niggle of the vyeſte Indies. 198 thoſe regions. myght haue toone ne bucte, but that they whiche wers with me dyb confozte me immcdiatiy, declarynge the cauſe therof as they knewe by experience beinge auncient inhabitours in Anna There growerh alſo an other plante whiche the people of the countrey caule Bihaos. This putteth forth certeyne freight blaunches and very bļode Icaues which the gndiáns vle to? bpuers purpoſes. Foi in ſum places they couer they houſes Bihtos, quith the Icaues therof cowched and layde after the maner of shetche, wherunto it ſerueth very well . Sumrymes alio whé it rapneth, they call theſe ouer they? heades to defende theim from the water. They make allo cevreync cheltes whiche shey caule Hauas, Weaued after a traunge ſozre and intermitt Hawas with the leaves of this Bihxos. Theſe cheltes are bought in ſuch fozt, that although it rayne vpon them,oz they chaunce to faule into the water, yet are not ſuch thynges wette as ate within them. They are made of the bjaunches of the fayde Bihaos with the leaues Weaued togyther therwith. On theſe they keepe ſalte and other ſubtyle thynges. They vſe theym allo for an other purpoſe, which is chis: That findpng them in the fieldes at ſuch tyme as they haue (carleneđe of byttay- Acs, they dygge vp the rootes of theſe plantes Whyle they are pet pounge, of eate the plantcit lelfe in that parte where it is mode tender, which is from a foote under the grounde, where it is as tender and whyte as a reede oz bulrughe.net and foja[much as wec are no me coomme to thend of this eying of cot Marration, it commeth to my rememberaunce to make menti: ton. on of an other thynge which is not farre from my purpoſe. And this is howe the Indians do ftagne oz dye cloth of bom: la bage cotton, oz any other thynge which they intende to dye of Dpuers coloures: as blacke, tawny,greene, blewe, yelowe, and redde, whiche they doo with the backes oz cyndes, and leaues of certeyne trees, whiche they knowe by erperience to the bee good for this practiſe.And by this arte they make colours ont dit in ſuch perfection and excellencie that no better can bec diuy- & ſtraige ted. But this ſeemech a firaunge thynge, that they doo all thynge. this in one ſelfe fame bedell: So that when they haue cayreb che fayde ryndes and leaves to boyle togyther, they make in the ſame bellfell without any chaunge (as 3 haue fayde) as many colours as them lytech., Whichc thynge || ſuppoſe to D D D tip cbomime The hyſtorie coomme to pade by the diſpoſition of the coloure whicke they haue fyzlie gyuin to the thynge that they intende to byc oz ca lout, whether it bee threede, webbe, of clothe, of any thenge that they intende to coloure. * gitt of venemous apples wherwith they 02.2012 Cand e popſon theyz atrowes. 893 it for studio del De apples wherewith the Indian Lanibales inueneme theyz arrowes, growe ont certeyne trees couered with many bzaunchesand lcaues beinge bery greene and growyng thicke. They are laden with abundaunce of theſe erryll fru. tes, and have theyz leaues lyke the leaves of a peare tree, but that they are left and rounder. uthe frute is much lyke the muſcadell pearcs of the Jlande of Sicilie 03 Naples in fojme and byggenele: And are in ſum partes dey: ned with redde (poctes, and of very ſweete fauoure. Theſe trees foy the mode parte, growe euer by the ſea coaſtes and neare vnto the water: And are ſo fayze and of pleaſaunte ſa: duout, that there is no man that ſeethe theym but wyll delyze to tate thecof. 11 ore Bugn ſo much that if it may bee ſpoken of any frute pet grobo Note. ynge on the earth, j wolde fage that this was the whhappy frute wherof owre fyzdte parentes ádam and Lue rated, whet 293 to give as by they both loat theyz felicitte and pzocurid tcath to theme theypokeritie. Df theſe frutes, and of the greate antes whoſe byrynge cauſeth (wellynge (Whereof 3 haue (poken Canibales ar cis where) and of the cutes o2 lyſartes, and bypers, and ſuch chiers. other benemous thynges, the Canibales which are the chyefe archers amonge the yndians, are accutomed to pop on thegi wherwith arrowes wherwith they kyll all that they wounde, i dos amin işey inuenym 6. Theſe venemes they mengle togyther and make thereof a ther arrowes blacke małe By compoſition which appcareth lyke vató berg blacke pytche. Df this poyton 3 cauſed a great quantitie to De be burnt in Santa Maria Antiqua -in a place two tsaques and moje within the lande, with a greate multitude of they; inuenemed arrowes and other munition, with alſo the houſe wherein Tetras Arids, they were teſerueb. This was in the peace. 1 5 14, at ſache time as thacny acciued there with capitayue Pedrarias da vils at the TOOD of the vveſte Indies. Igg the commaundemente of the Latholyke kynge Don Ferdinando, But to returne to the hyüozy. Theſe apples(as 3 haue ſaid) grabe neare bnto the ſea. And whevas the Chriftians which ferue powr maieflie in theſe parties, ſuppoſe that there is no remedy fo profytable foz ſuch as are wounded with theſe ars tomes, as is the water of the ſea if the wounde be much waſ the water er fted therwith, by which meanes (um haue eſcaped although the ſea. but fewe, yet to ſave the tretthe, albeit the water of the ſea haue a certeyne candike qualitie ageynt popſon, it is not a ſub ficient remedy in this caſe: noz pet to this day haue the Chi ftians perceaued that of fiftie that haue byn wounded, thice baue recovered. But that yowr maieftie may the better cohfy der the force of the veneme of theſe trees, yote thall further bnderbande that ye a man doo but repoſe hym celfe to deepe a lyrtle whylc bnder the thadow of the ſame, he hath his head and eyes lo ſwolne when he ryſech, that the eye lyddes ate topned with the chekes. And if it chaunce one dioppe-o2 more of the dewe of the fayde tres to faule into the eye, it brterly deſtroyeth the lyght. The peftilent nature of this tree is ſuch that it can not bce declared in fewoo wooides, of theſe there groweth greate plentie in the goulfe of Vrekt towarde the The gulf of North coaſt on the Wee and Eate fyde. The lood of theſe vaba. trees inhen it burnethi, makethio gceare a tynke thae non man is able to abyde it, by rcalon u cauleth lo grcaç a peyns in the headde al al 30. Amonge other trees which are in there indies as well in the clandes as in the firme lande, there is an otheu kende Xagua which they caule X.guig, whetof there is grcas plentie. They are very hygh and Greyght, and fayze to beholde, of thele andeemds they ble to make pykes and tauclyns of dyucrs lengthes and byggenetic. They are of a fayze colour betmene lullctte ånd whyte. This trec bzyngeth foorth a greater thats as bygge as papauer of poppie and much lyke therunto 3618 very good to be eaten whca it is rype. Dute of this they gette a betrazioa cleare water wherwith they wadhe thcy2 Isgges and lume: tymes all they2 boddyes when they feele theyz asahe wevyes faynt ,03 looſe. The which water, byłybe that it bath a bya dynge qualitie, it hath alſo this propertiez that what ſa suse it toucheth, it iteyneth it blacke by lyttle and bottle Antyll it be as blacke as giete, which colouce can not be taken away The hyſtorie in leſe ſpace then tenne or twelue dayes. And if the nayle bee but touched therwith it is ſo ftcined that it can by no mranes bee taken away bnryll it eyther faule of, oz growe olore and bee clypped away by lyttle and lyttle, as 3 my ſelfe haue of: tentymes frene by er perience. antot Hobijo s There is an other kynde of trees whith they caule Hobi. Sum thynke theſe are very great and fayze, & cauſe holſome ayer where there to be mi they growe and a plea aunt Chabold, and are founde in great robalases, abundaunce. They2 frute is very good, and of good tai and fauoure, and much lyke bnto certeyne damſons of prunes be ingelyttle and yelowe. But they, ſtone is very gocat: by rea Ton whecoſ they haue but lotcle mcate. They2 barke og runde boyled in water, maketh a bollome bathe fu the legges, by: cauſe it bindeth and tegeth the looſeneữe of the deſihe fo fer cibly that it is a inarueyle to confyder. 3t is ſuerly a holcome and ercellent bache ageynd ſuch fayntneđe: and is the belle tree that may bec founde in thoſe parties to deepe bnderfor it cauleth no heauinetle of the headde as doo dyuers other ttees, whiche thynge J [peake bycauſe the Chriftians are muche accuſtomed in thoſe regions to lye in the fpeldes.It is therfoze a common pactiſe amonge them, that where ſo cuet doi they fynd theſe trecs, there they ſpzcade theyz mattrelles aus beddes wherin they deepe. NE Date trees, There are alſo a kynde of byghe date trees and full of thoines. The woodde of theſe is motte ercellent: beinge be: sy black, and mynynge, and ſo heady that no parte thereof can (wymme aboue the water, but (pnketh immediatly to the bottome. De this woodbe they make theyz arrows and dat Thinhabitantes: Allo iauelyns, ſpeares, and pykes. And 1 ſape pykes, ses of the ſea bpcauſe that in the coates of the ſea of Sur, beyonde Eſquegus of Sur and Vracho, the indians vſe great and longe ppkes made of the woodbe of theſe date trees. DE the ſame lykeløyſe they make clubbes and (woozdes and dyuers other weapons, Allo beüelles and houwolde luffe of dyners Coztes very fayze and commodious. Furthermoje of this woodde the Chziftians vle to make byuers muſtcall intrumentes, as clariCimbals, lutes, gyterns, and ſuche other, the whiche bylyde chey, fapze thy: Dunge coloure lyke bnto giete, are alſo of a good ſounde and very durable by reaſon of the hardenedle of the woodde. After that i have fagde chup much of trees and plantes, 3 bang of the vveſte Indies. 200 hatte thought good alſo to ſpeake Tumbohat of herbes. You an herb that tball therefore underđande that in theſe Jndies there is an bearethe cora herbe much lyke bnto a yelowe lyllie, abowte whoſe leaues des, there growe and creepe cerreynte coides oz laces, as the lyke is partly ſeene in the herbe which we caule laled Caucry. But theſe of the Indies are muche bygger, and longer : and ſo tronge that they tye they? hangynge beddes thereby whiche they caule Hamacas Ihero wc haue (poken dllwhere. Thele Cabuia e Heng coides, they caule Cabria and Henequen, which are al one thing fauynge that Henequen is lelle and of a fyner ſubtaunce as it were line and the other is groter lyke the wycke o2 tipylte of hempe, and is imperfecte in compariſon to the other. They ace of coloure berwene whyte and yelowe lyke bnto abarne, and ſum alſo wlyte. With Henequen whiche is the mode fub: eple and fyne thzeede, the Indians fawe in (under fetters, I ftraüg thie chepnes, o barres of Jren in this maner. They moue the se. threede of Henequen vppon the iron which they intende to ſaw oz cutte, djawynge the one hande after the other as doo they that fame, puttynge euer nobe and then a portion of fyne fande bppon the threede, oz on the place or pacte of the gren where they continue rubbynge the fayde chucede. So that yf the threede be warne, they take an or her, and contincle 1:a theyz woojke as befoze bntyl they haue cutte in (under the ts ren although it bee neuer Co bygge: and cut it as yf it were au sender thynge and eaſye to bce Cawne, And for almuch as the leaues of trees may bee counted a: Lesuces monge herbes, 3 wyll here (peake Cumewhat of the qualitie of the leaues of certeyne trees which are founde in the gland of Hiſpaniola. Theſe trees are ſo full of thoines, that there is no tree oz plante that ſeemeth może wylde and defozmed to that i can not well determyne whether they bcetrees oz plan tes. They haue certeyne byaunches full of large and defor: med leaues, which bzaunches were fyzte léaues lyke ynto the other. As the braunches made of theſe leancs growe fogythe inl ength, there commerh other leaves of them. So that in fine it is a dyfficult thyng to Delcrobe che fozme of thefe rrecs a lesfe of srcept the ſame thulde bee to one by a papnoer wherby the eye great pertue. myght conceaue that wherein the toonge faglory in this be: halfe. The leaues of this tree are of ſuch verrue, chat bryag well beaten and ſpreadde vppan a clochaft er size inanec of 20 playtec The nyitories varao sada dodhte Blayuccsülete lapde co a legge o atme that is byoken irt må in med no pieces, is healeth it in fyftene bayes, atd maketh it as hole as though it had neuer byr bioken. Durynge the tome of this operation, it cleaneth fo faft to the fieñhe that it can not without much dificultie bee taken away. But as ſoone as tt hath healed the (ble and wzought his operation, it too (eth it ſelfe from the place where it was layde, as 3 my felft and dyuers other which hauc pzoued it; kuowe by experience stan da Coffy mhes and of the maner 1000 out of fyâhynge. 2 the ſea coafies of the firme lande, there are byuers and Cundyy kyndes of fyirbes muche diffcrynge in thape and fozme, and althought i be impoſible to ſpeake of all, yet wpll 31 make mention of fum. And fyzft to begynne at farbynes, yowe wall vnderttande that there As founde a kynde of theſe fyXhes very large and with redde taples, beinge a very delicate fyltbe. The bette kyndes of o ther Eythes are thele: Moxarre, Diabace, Bzettes, Dahaos, Thou backes, and Salmons. All theſe and Dyuers other which Don or fol remember, are taken in great quantitie in ryuers, There are lykeböyle taken bery good creuyûhes. There are allo founde in the ſea,certeyne other fylhes: as ſoles, macke Ciburone. xelles, turbuttes, Pdlamite, Lizze, Polpi, Chieppe, Xaibas, locultes, anateg Dytters, erccadynge great Toztoyles, and Tiburoni of mar: uclous byggeneđe: allo canates, and murene, and mange other fpühes which haue no names in oure language. And theſe of ſuch diuerſitie and quantitie as can not bee erpreſſed Great To:toy without large wzytynge and longe tyme. But to let pale to Teo, Intreate particulerly of the multitude of fylhes, 3 intende to ſprake chicfely and ſumwhat largely of thice forces of mofte norable fydhes: wherof the fylt is, the great Toztoyſes, the Ceconde is cauled Tiburon, and the thyzde canate. And to 9 Sis begynne at the fyzlie, 3 ſape that in the Flande of cuba, are to the founde great to toples which are certegne thell fydhes) of Loch byggenelle that tenne og fyfteene men are ſcarſely able to lyfte onc of them obt of the water, as 3 haue byn info: med of credible perſons dwellynge in the ſame flande. But os of the vveſt Indies. 201 of that which 31 my ſelft hane ſeene, j can tellikle that in the firme lande in the bollage of Acla there are of this fozte fum taken and kylled of ſuche byggetes that lire men with much difficultie coulde (carcely dzawe them owt of the water, and commonly the leaf ſext of them are as much as two men mag cary at a burden. That which 3 ſabe lifted bp by ſyre men, had her felt a garde and a quarter in length, and in bzeadth moje then fyue yardes. The maner of takynge them, is this. Je lumtymes chaunccth that in theyż greate nettes (whiche they caule thoote nettes) there are founde certeyne Toftoyles of the common fozte in grcat quantities. And when they coomme owt of the ſea and bzinge foozth they2 egges and go togyther by coompa nies from the ſca to feade on the lande, the Chziftianso? Jndians folowe they? tteppes whiche they fynde in the Cande, and ſoone ouertake them bycauſe they are bery heany and nowe in goynge, although they make all the hafte they can to returne to the ſea as ſoone as they eſpie ang boddie. When they that purſewe them have onertaken them, they put a lake oz Kaffe under theyz Irgges and onertårne the onthep backes as they are yet runnynge, ſo that they can go no further noz yet eyſc ageyne 02 turne, and thus they (u&cc them to lye apli mobyle they foloboc after the rette which they ouecturno in lyke maner: And by this meanes tako bery mas nipe at fuche tymes as they coome furth of the ſea as 3 haue Capdc. This fpühe is very excellent and loiſome to be eaten, and of good talie. The ſeconde of the three fyähes whcrof 3 haue (pokon, is the Tiburon. This is a very greate fyâhe and Tiburonse very quicke and Cwyfte in the water, and a cruell deuouter. theſe are often tymrs taken, alWell when the mippes are on: der Cayle in the cean, as alſo when they lye at anker, or at any other timeand eſpecially the leaüte kynd of theſe fiſhes, When the ſhippes are under laple, the biggeſt ſozte are taken after this mancr. When the Tiburon (eeth the hippe Cailinge he fololeth it lwymmyage behynde. The which thinges the maciners feeinge, cađe furthe all the fylthe of the chippe into the ſea for the fpühe to cate, who neuerthelelſe foloweth the with cqual pale alichongh they maše neuer ſuche hale wyth full wind and failes and taloweth on cucry (yde and about The Chyppe: and thus foloweth it ſometyme fo; che ſpace of a hundzeth and fyftie leaques and more. and when the ma: Leegi, tincts The hyſtorie riners are diſpoſed to take them, they can downe by the fterne of the ſhippe, a hoke of yzen as bigge as the bigged finger of a mans hande of three ſpannes in lengthe and crooked like a fylhchooke with beardes accozdinge to the bignele thereof, and faftened to an iren chayne of fyue oz (grelinkes ncare ving to thende, and from thenſe tyed with a greate rope, fattening alſo on the hooke foz a bayte, a piece of fum ftilhe, or hogges feth, oz cum och er fleghe, oz the boubelles and intralles of an other Tiburon wh che they haue taken before, whiche may tafely bee boone, for 3 baue ſeene nyne taken in one day. and if they mold haue taken mode, they myght alſo. Thus When the Tiburon hath plcalauntly folowed the thip a longe viage, at the lengthe he iwaloweth the baite with the hooke. And al well by his tryuinge to flye oz eſcape, as alſo by the [wyfte pallage of the lyppe, the hooke ouerthwarteth and catcheth hold of his chappes. The which fighe whë it is take, it is of ſuche huge biggcnellc that twelue og fyfeteene men are ſcarſeiy able to dzaweit owt of the water and lifte it into the dyppe: Where one of the mariners gyueth it many knoc: 33 kes on the headde with a clubbe oj beetle yntil he have gaine it. They are ſumtymes founde of tenne 03 ttr clue foote long, EN 2013 and of fyue, fpre, 02 (euen ſpannes in breadth where they are bio dett. They haue very greate and wyde mouthes to thc pro poztion of the celle of theyz boddies, and haue two rowes of teethe the one ſumewhat ſeparate from the other, of cruell thape & đanding very thicke. When they haue Layne this fylhe, they cutte the boddy therof in (maule pieles, and put it to daye, hangynge it thue oj foure dayes at the cozdes of the ſayle clothes to dipe in the wynde, and then eate it. gt is doubleWe a good fyrrhe and of greate commoditie to ferue the chippes foz bical!cs foz many dayes. The leafte of theſe fyûhes are mofte bolſome and tender. Et hath a ſkinne much pliole. like to the ſkynne of a Cole, whervnto the fayde Tuberon is like in tape. Which 7 ſaye bycaule Polinie hath made men: tion of none of theſe three fighes among the number of them Wherof he wzyteth in his natural hitovie. Theſe Tiburons Crocodylea. coomme furth of the ſea and enter into the rpuers, where they are no leđe perelous then greate liſartes on Crocodiles wher: of 3 haue (poken largely before. ffoz they deuoure men,kine, and houſes,euen as doo the Crocodiles, they are very daun gerous of the vveſte Indies. 202 perous fit eerrepne batäynge places o? pooles by the eyuers ipdes, and where they have detoured at other iynes Dp: uers other fylhes both greate and ſmaule, of (andzy costes and kundes are accuſtomed to folowe the byppes goynge vn: Der Caple, of the which 31 wyl (peake Cumbhat then j bane bozytren of anate which is the thride of the thzee whereof marates 3 baue płomyſed to entreate. Wanate therefore, is a f&he of the ſea, of the byggett ſorte, and muche greater then che Tiburon in length and breadth: And is very bjatyahe and bple, ſo that it appeareth in forme lyke vnto one of thoſe gtcat velfelles made of goates (kynnes wherit they ble to ca ry newe wpne in Medina de Campo Ol in Arevalo. The headde of this beatt is lyke the head of an ore, with alſo lyke eyes. And hath in the place of armes, two great Aamupes wherbith he í bymmeth. It is a bevy gentle and tame beađe: and cómeth oftëtymes oldt of thewater to the next poze:where if he finding ny herbes oz grallt, he feedeth thecof. Dwre men are accuftos bonis med to kyl many of theſe and dyuers other good fpühes with they crollebowes, purſuinge them in barkes of Canoas, by: cauſe they (wymme in maner aboue the water. The whiche thynge when they fee, they drawe them with a hooke tyde at a imanle cojde, but Cumwhat tronge. As the fpähe âyeth as way, the archer letteth go and prolongeth the code by lyt: tle and lyttle untoll he hauelette it go many farhams. at the ende of the code, there is tyde a cozke od a piece of lyghe woodde. And when the fpähe is goone a lyetle way, & hache coloured the water with his bludde, and feeleth bym Celfe to faynt and dyawe towarde thende of his lyfe, be reloztéthe to the chose, and the archer foloweth gatherynge vp his cozde: wherof whyle there yet remaine ſire oz eyghr fathams 02 Cum what more or leüe, he dzabeth it towarde the lande, and diabeth the fpühe therlpith by little and lyttle as the waues of the ſea helpe bym co doo it the moze eafely. Then with the hclpe of the ređe of his companie he lyftethe this greate beat owt of the water to the landı, beinge of fuch bygnette that to conuey it from thenſe to the citie,it halbe requiſite to haue a carte with a good yoke of oren, and ſumeymes mote, accordyng as thefe fpaches are of byggenede, Cum being much greater then other Cum in the ſame kynde as is ſeene of othec beaftes. Sumtymies chep lget theſe fydhes into the Canoa oz #e, i. barke The hyſtories barke, withowt dzaboynge them to the lands as before. for as Coone as they are Qayne, they flote aboute the water, and J belcue bercly that this fylhe is one of the bell in the world to the tatc, and the lykelt unto fle The. Eſpecially fo lpke bnto biefe, that who lo hath not feene it hole,can iudge it to bee none other when he ſeeche it in pieces then berye biefe oz beale. And is certeynly Polyke bitto delthe, that all the men in the worlde may heccin bee. deceaued. The taſte lykelple, is lyke into the tatt of very good beale, and latteth longe yé it bee poudered. So that in fine, the baſe of theſe partics, is The fyrke by no meanes lyke bnto this. This wanate, bath a certeine wonate. fone oj rather bone in his headde within the brayne, which is of qualteie greatly appropriate ageyntte the diſeaſe of the a reinedy as fone, if it bce burnie and gcounde into ſmaule poudct, and geynſt the taken fafynge in the mainynge when the papne is felte, in Sane. fach quantitié as may lge bppon a penye with a dlawght of good whyte Wyne. Fo? beynge thus taken three 02 Foure moz Honges, it acquieteth the grcfe as dyuers haue toulde me wht che hawe proued it tréie. And my felfe by tctimonie of bigbt, doo lytnete that 31 haue feene this fione fought of dyuers for this cffecte. There are allo dyners other fyithes as bygge as this DIX The fwoorde wate: Emonge the which there is one cauleo Vibuells this fybes fy the beareth in the toppe of his headde, a ſwoorde being on enery (yöe full of many warpe teeth. This ſwoolde is natus rally very harde & tronge, of foute oz Eyue (pannes in length and of propoztion accordynge to the ſame byggenes. And for this caule is this fylhe cauled Spud.. that is the [Wootd fylte. Df this kynde Cim are found. as lyttle as ſardines: and other fo greate, that two pokes of oreni ace (carſely able to drawe them on a carte. But whereas befoze, 3 haue pzomyled to ſpeake of other fylhes which are taken in theſe feas whyle Coningen, the typpes are under Cayle, 1 bpl not forget to [peakeofthe Tiinnye which is a great and good fpiche, and is oftentymes taken and kyide with troute ſpeares and hookes cate in the water when they play and ſwymme aboute the Cyppes. Carbur. Ipke maner alſo ace taken many turbuts which are very good fylhes as arelyghtly in all the ſea. cise And here is to bee noted, that in the greate ocean ſea, there is a maunge thynge to bee conſidered, whiche all that haue of the weſt Indies. 203 haue bon in the Indies afirme to bee trewe. And this ts that More ipke as on the lande there are cum prouinces fertile and fruta full, and ſum barren, euen fo dooth the lyke chaunce in the fea : So that at lum wyndes the Cyppes laplefiftie oz a hun: dieth, of two hundzeth leaques and moze, withowt takyng oz (einge of one fylthe. And ageyne in the ſelfe Lame Dcean, torn in fum places, all the water is ſeene rremble by the mouynge of the follhes, where they are takert abundauntly. zit commeth further to my rememberaunce to fpeake fum Flyinge fpla ſhes. bhat of the flyinge of fplches, which is doubtleữe a traunge thynge to beholde, and is after this manet. bahen the ſhop pes (ayle by the greate Ocean foloboynge theyż byage, thece ryſeth Camtymes on the one lyde oz on the other, many coome pantes of certeyne lyttle fylhes, of the which the bygget is 95 no greater then a ſardpne: and foo diminiühe lege and lelle 93 रापूर from that quantitie that ſum of them are bery lytele. Theſe are cauled Volatori : that is, dyinge fylhes. They ryſe by great coompanies and dockes in ſuch multitudes that it is an atto: nylhement to beholde them. Sumtymes they tyſe but lyttle from the water : @as it chaunccth) continew one flyght foz the ſpace of a hundzeth paſes and ſamtymes moze og lette be: fore they faule ageyne into the ſea. Sumtymes alſo they taule into the thyppes. ånd 3 remember that on an cuengng whers.com all the company in the lippe were on they knees fyngynge Salve regina in the highett parte of the Lattel of the poopey and Capled with a full wynde, there palco by bs a flocke of theſe Ayinge fyllhes: and came ſo neare vs that many of them fell into the myppe, amonge the which, two or three fell hard by me which 3 tooke ałyuc in my hande : ſo that I myght well perccaue that they were as bigge as Cardynes and of the ſame quantitie, hauynge two lynges or gnylles growong ulot of they: fysnes, lyke into thoſe whethith, alt fyuhes. Lloymme in ryuers. Theſe wynges are as longe as the fylhss theym felues. As longe as cheyz wynges are moytte; they brace them bp in the ayer. But as ſoone as they ace diye, they can continelve theyz flyght no further then as haue fayde bez fože, but faule immcdiatly into the ſea, and ſo ryſe ageynegi and ige as befove from place to place. 13 The hyſtories to 3n the peared a thouſand fpue hundreth fiftene.When i tame fyzů to infozme your maieftye of the face of the thynges Indya, and was the peace folowynge in flaunders in the tyme of youre mode fortunate luccelle in theſe youre kunge: domes of Aragonie and Ladyle, wheras at that byage 3 lay The land of led aboue chefland Bermud, otherwyſe cauled Garza, beynge Bermuda. the furthefte of all the glandes that are founde at thys daye in the worlde, and arryuynge thate at the deapthe of eight yeardes of water, and dyttant from the land as farve as the footte of a piece of ordynauncé, 3 determined to ſende fume of the thyppe to lande as well to make ſearche of ſuche thynges as were there, as alſo to leaue in the flarde certayne hogges foz increaſe. But the time not ſecuyng my purpoſe by teacon of contrarye wynde, 3 could bzyng my couppes no nearer the Flande beinge twelue leaques in lengthe and ſpre in bzeadth want and about thyyty in circuite, lying in the thyytie thje e degre of the northe lyde. Whyle 3 temayned here, 3 Cawe a Arpfe and combatte betwene chefe flyinge fylhes and the fythes na: ****** med gylte heades, and the foules cauled (eamewes and cols moyauntes , Whych ſuerlye ſeemed bntu me a thonge of as greate pleaſure and Colace as coulde bee deuyſed, whylethe gylte heades [wamme on the bzymme of the water and ſunt: tymes lyfted their thulders aboue the ſame to rayſe the ſwyma mynge fyûhes out of the water to dzyue them to flyght, and folowe them (wymming to the place where they faule to take and cate them ſobaynlpe. Agayne on the other lyde, the lea: mewes and cormojäntes, take mange of theſe aying fyll hes: Not to hie for fo that by thys meanes theye are nother ſafe in the apre to the pye nor to in the water. En the Celte ſame perrell and daunger doo men lowe tro: the crowe, lyue in thys mortall lyfe wherin is no certayne ſecuryeye ne: thecin hygh eđate non in lowe. Which thynge ſuertye ought to put vs in rememberaunce of that bleted and ſafe reſtynge place whych god hath prepared for Cach as loue hym, who tall acquyete and fyny be che trauayles of thys troubclous bobilde wherın are ſo manye daungyours, and bżynge thens to that ecethall Ipfe bohere they fall fynde eternall ſecurpepe and rele. But to returne to the hyữorye: theſe byżdes and foules whych ſame, were of the jlande of Bermuda tere bir to the whych 3 ſawe theſe Ayinge fpülhes. Foz they coulde bee of no other lande, fozalmache as they are not accutomed to of thevvefte Indies. 204 to loander farre frome the coaftes where they are bzedde. Cof thincreaſe and decreaſe, (that ts)rplynge and faullynge of our Dccan ſea and Southe Cea caullcd the ſea of Sur. Beragua Wyll nowe ſpeake of certcayne thynges wht: che are ſeene in the prouynce,ox at the leade in the citie of golden Ladyle otherwyſe cau: led Berages, and in the coattes of the Month fea, and of the Sonth ſea caulled the ſta of sur. Not omittyng to note one fynguler and mecs uelous thynge which 3 hane confydered of ? ** the Dcean (ca. wherof hytherto no coſmogra pher, pylote oz maryner oz any other haue ſatiſfyed me. 1 lay therfoze as it is well known to your maiefiye and all ſuch as have knowlege of the Ocean [ca, that this greate bor Ocean caſerh from it Ielfe the ſea Mediterraneum by the mouthe of the frayght of Gibilterra: in the which the water from thend The weſt and furthente parte of that ſea, cuen bnto the mouth of the ocean. Capde'iraight, cyther in the fall towarde the coate common The fea mee lye caulcd leuante, oz in any other parte of the fayde ſea Me. diteraneum. diterraneum, the fra doothe not ſo faule nou increaſe as reaſon wolde iudge foz ſo greate a ſea. Bur increſethe verye lyttle and a ſmaule ſpace. Neuerthelelte, withoute the mouth of the Ataight in the mayne Dcean, it increaſeth and fauleth berye muche and a great ſpace of grounde from ſyre houres to Cyre houres,as in all the coattes of Spayne, Britannye, Flans. ders, Bermanye and England. The Icife ſame Dcean (ea in the fyzme lande newly founde, in the coates of the ſamely: pnge towarde the Northe, doche neyther cpſe noj faule, nog lykewife in the glandes of Hiſpaniola and cubs and all the other Hifp.isiele Flandes of the ſame ſea lyinge towarde the nozthe, for the Cuban (pace of thje thouſande leaques, but onelye in lyke manet as doothe the ſea Mediterreneum in Italye: wbiche is in manernos thynge in reſpecte to that increaſe and decreaſe whiche the fayde Ocean hath tre'the coates of Spayne and flaunders. But this is yet a greater th ynge, that alſo the felfe ſame Ocean in the coales of the faydefyzme lande lyinge towards the Souche in the citie of Panama, and alſo in the coate of that land The hyſtorie fande whichelyethe towarde the tage and were come thikë citie, as in the Flande of pearles 02 Margarites whiche the 31n. dians caule Tarrarequi, and alſo in Tabogs and Oroque, and it all other glandes of the ſouthe ſea of sur, the water ryſeth and fauleth ſo much, that when it fauleth it goth in maner out of fyghte, which thynge j my Celfe haue leche oftentymes. and here youre maicite may note an other thynge, that from The souch the nozthe ſea to the ſouthe ſea beynge of ſuche dyfferince fea. the one from the other in ryſynge and faulynge, yet is the lan De that ocuydeth them not patte cyghteene oz ttu entge lea: ques in bzeadı he fromc coade to coate. So that bothe the fayde ſeas beynge all one Ocean this araunge effecte is a thynge worthy greately to bee conſidered of al ſuche as baue inclination and Deſyre to knowe the ſecreate bookes of na- ture wherin the infinite powre and wyſodome of god is ſeene the power to bee ſuch as may allure all good natures to reuerence and and murdome loue lo diuinie a maiedie. And whecas by the demonllrations of god is rene of lerned mengi am not ſatiſfyed of the natural cauſe hereof, in his cregs 3 content my Celfe to knowe and belcue that he which hathe made thoſe thynges, dooch knobe this and many other wht che he hath not granted to the realon of man to comprehend, much lege to ſo baſe a wopt as myne is. They therefore that are of greater underðandynge, mall ſearche the cauſe hereof, for them and foz me, fogalmuch as 3 haue oncly put the mat ter in queſtion as a wyineüe that haue feene chexperience of the thynge. CDf the trayght of narowe patage of the Yande lyinge be: twene the North and South Cea, by the whiche (pyces way much ſooner and callyer be brought from the * landes of Molucca into Spayne by the Welt Dies is an chen by that way wherby the goztugales Cayle into eat judia. sures. Cap X T I hath byn an opinion amonge the coſmogra ph ers and plottes of late tyine, and other which baue had practice in thynges touchynge the ſea, that there thulde bee a Grayght of was ter pallynge from the north ſea of the firme, in to the South fea of Sur, whiche neuerthelelle bath of the vveſt Indies. 205 hath not byn ſeene no founde to this daye. And ſueriye ye here be any ſuche firayght, we that inhabite thoſe partes do thpnke the ſame ſhulde bee rather of lande thé of water. ffoz the frame lande in ſum partes therof is ſo Ärayght and nar: roboe that the yndyans ſape that frome the monutaynes of the prouynce of Eſquegua O? Vrraca, (whych are betwene the one Efquegua Cea and the other) Jif a man ađend to the toppe of the mom and yrraceo. x tapnes and looke towarde the J2ozche, he mape ſec the wa: ter of the Mouth fra:of the prouynce of Beragua. And agerne lookynge the contrarye wayc, may on the other ſyde towarde the Southe, ſec the ſea of sur and the pzouynces whyche confyne with it, as doo the territožyes of the twoo Loides 02 kynges of the fayde prouinces of Vrrace and Esquegus, and 31 beleue that if it bee as the Jindyans ſaye, of al that is hether: to knowen, this is the narobed Arayght of the fyzme lande, whiche (ume afyzme to bre full of rough mountagnes. yet doo 3 not take it foz a better brape, od to hozte as is that Nomen D whyche is made from the poite cauled Nomen dei (Whiche is in the Northe ſea) vnto the newe cirpe of Panama beynge in the Panamaa coaſte and on the banke of the ſea of sur. Whiche waye is like wyſe very rough ful of thicke Wods, mountaines, tyuers, bal leys, and verye diffyculte to pale through, and can not bee doone withowt greate laboure and trauaple. Sum meaſure this waye in this part, to bce from ſea to ſea.rviit, leaques, whych 3 ſuppoſe to bee rather.rr.not for that it is any more by mealure, but bicauſe it is tough and dyüyculte as 3 haue ſayde, and as 3 hauc founde it by crperyonce hauynge nowe twyle paled that way by foote: countyng from the pozte and byllage of Nomen Dei ynto the dominion of the Cacique of Ivana gå otherwyſe cauled Capira . viii. leagues : And frome thence the rouer of to the cpuer of Chagre, other. viii leaques. So that at this Chagre. cyuer beinge.rvi. leaques from the fayde porte, endeth the toughnelle of the way. Then from henſe to the maruclous bıydge are two teaques : And beyonde that, other twoo ynto the poze of Panama: So that all togyther in my iudgemente, make-re. leaques. And if therfoje this nauigation may bee founde in the South ſea for the trade of ſpices (as we trufi in God) to be brought from thenſe to the fayde pozte of Panama (as is poſſible enough, they may afterwardc caùy palle to the Možthe Cea noţwithâaddynge the difficultie of the waye of Fff. the The hyſtorie the irr. leagues afojoſapde. Whiche rhynge 7 affirme as a man will trauayled in theſe regions, hauynge twyle on my fcete pated over this fraught in the yeare .1521. as 3 haut fayde. It is furthermors to bec bnderftode, that it is a mar: uelons facilitie to bzyng (pices by this way which 3 wil now declare. from Panama to the ryuer of chagre, are foure leagues of good and fayze way by the which cartes may pale at pica: Cure by reaſon that the mountapnes are but fewe and lyrtle, and that the greateſte parte of theſe foure leáques is a plapne grounde voyde of trees. And when the cartcs are coomme to the fayde ryuer, the ſpices may bee carped in barkes and pin: nelles. foj this ryuer entcreth into the North ſea fyue 02.bi leaques loboer then the post of Nomen dei; and emptieth it Celfe in the ſea nere vnto an 3 lande cauled Beftimento, where is a ver The stande Baltimcato. ry good and ſafe poze.yowc maieftie may now therfoxe conly der home great a chynge and what commoditie it mape bee to conuey ſpices this way, fozaſmuch as the cyuet of chagre has uyng bis originall only two teaques from the South ſea.com tineweth his courſe e empeterh it Celfe into the other Moth ſea. This tyuer runneth faſt and is very greate, and ſo com: modions for this purpoſe as may be thowght of delyzed. The Che martea marurilous bridge made by the wozke of nature, being two lous budgé. leaques beyonde the fayd ryuer, and other twoo teaques on this ſyde the pozte of Panama, ſo lyinge in the mydde tay be: twene them both, is framed naturallp in ſuch ſozt that none which palle by this viage ſee any ſuch bridge oz thynke that there is any ſuch buyldyng in that place vntyll they bee in the toppe therof in the way toward Panama. But as ſoon as they are on the biyoge, lookynge towarde the ryght hande, they ſee a lyttle ryuer under them which hach his chanell dilante from the feete of them that walke ouer it, the ſpace of twoo ſpeares lengthoz moje. The water of this ryuer is very tha: lowe, not palyng the depth of a mans legge to the knee : and is in bzcadoh berwene thytie and fozrie paſes: and fauleche into the tyuer of chagre. Towarde the ryght hand fandpng on this bzydge, there is nothpng ſcene but great trees. The largenele of the bzydge, conteynech.rv. pales : and the tength thcrof about threeſcoze of foureſcoze pales.The arche is ſo made of motte harde tone, that no man can beholde it without adnication, beinge made by the begbe and omnipo: tent of the vyeſte Indies. 206 tént creatour of all thynges. But to returne to fpcake (unis Inhat moze of the conueying of ſpices, 3 ſay that when it thal pleaſe almyghty god that this nauigation aforeſayde Mal bee Founde by the good foztune of youre matelie, and that the of solucca. CDe Standes ſpices of the Jlandes of the South Cea (which may alſo bee othertople cauled the ocean of the Eag india in the whiche are the glandes of Moluccs) walbe bzowght to the layd coate and the pozte of Panamd, and bee conueyed from thenſe (as be haue fayde) by the firme lande with cartes bnto the ryuer of Chagre, and from thenſe into this olor other ſea of the Mozth, from whenfe they may afterward bee browght into Spayne, glay that by this meanes the byage wall bee thoztened more then leuen thouſandcleaques, with mache lelle dannger then ditie of ebte The cornmas is by the biage newe bled by the map of Commendatoz of Ay viagle m fa capitayne under powre maieftie, who this pzefent yeare at: tempted a byage to the place of the fayde (pyces. And not on: lp the way is thus much moztened, but alſo a thyrde pacte of the tyme is abbreuiate. to conclude therfoze, if any had he: therto attempted this bpage by the ſea of Sur, to feeke the 3: landes of ſpyces, 3 am of firme opinion that they could haue byn founde longe lence, as doubtelelle they maye bee by the scalons of coſmographie. ( home thynges that are of onekynde, dyffer in forme and qualitie, accoždynge to the nature of the place where they are engendècd op growe. And of the beattes cauled Tpgers. I A the firme lande are fownbe many terryble Tigerø. beates which (um thinke to be Tigers. Which thpnge neuerthelelte, 3 dare not affirme, con: fyderynge what auctoures doo wzyte of the lygbenes and agilitie of the Tygec, whereas this beat bepnge other wyle in tape very like buto a Tyger, is notwithlandynge bety dowe. yet trcwe it is, that accordynge to the maruaples of the worlde and diffe tences which naturall chynges haue in dyuers regions under heauen and dyuers concellations of the ſame vnder the wht plantes and che they are created, wee ſee that ſum ſuche plantes and her berbee, bes as are hurtfull in one countreg, are harmelelle and hol: fft.ii fomg The hyſtorie di fome in other cegions. And by2des which in one prouince are Birdce. of good tate, are in other lo bnſauery that they may not bee eaten. Den likciyle which in fum countreys are blacke, are сн. . in other places whyte: and yet are both theſe and they men. Euen fo may it boe that Tygers are lyght in Cum region as they wzyte, and maye neuertheleđe bee Nowe and heauy in theſe indies of yobor maieftie wherof we (pcake. The ticepe Sheepca of Arabie Diawe theyz tayles longe and bigge on the ground, and the bulles of Egypt haue theyz heare growonge towarde Bulles. theyz headdes:pet are thoſe thecpe and theſe bulles. Len im od ſum countreys are hardy and of good courage, and in other Dino naturally fearefuli and bzutylhe. All theſe thynges and ma: ny moze which may bee (aybe to this purpoſe, are eaſy to bee proued and woozthy to bee beleucd of ſuche as haue redde of the lykcin autones of trauapled the woulde, whereby theyz owne ryght may teache theym thefperience of theſe thynges Luccas bherof 3 (peake.et is alſo manifeâ, that Iveca wherof they make they, bzeade in the glande of Hiſpaniola, is deately poy: ſon yf it bee eaten grecne with the iuſe: And yet hathe it no ſuche propertie in the firme land where I haue eaten it many Sattesa times & found it to bce a good frare. The bars of Spagne al though they bite, pet are they not benemous. But in the firme lande many dye that are bptren of them. And in this fourme may ſo many thynges bee fayde that tyme (yall not fuffice to bozyte, wheras my intent is only to protre that this beat may "plínies be a Tiger oz of the kind of Tigers although it be not of ſuch lyghtneſe and ſwiftnes as are they woherof polinie and other autours (peake, diſcrpbynge it to bee one of the flopfteſte bcaftes of the lande, and that the rouer of Tigris foz the ſwift courſe therof was cauled by that name. The fira Spaniardes which ſawe this Tyger in the firme lande, dyd lo nanie it.DE the kynde of theſe was that which Don Diego Columbo the admirall ſent yoldre maiettie oldte of newe Spayne to tole: the Tiger do. Ticyı heades are lyke to the heades of Lyons óx Lio: nelcs, but greater. The rette of all theyg boddies and they? leggcs, are full of blacke (pottes one nere unto an other and divided with a circumference of frynge of redde colour the wa inge as it were a fayze woozke and correſpondent picture, Abowt theyz croopes of hynder partes, they haue theſe ſpots bydgett; and lelle and lede towarde theyz bellies, legges, and heades of the vveſt Indies. 207 headdes. That which was bżought to Toledo, was younge and but Iyetle, and by my edimation, of thage of three yeares But in the firme lande there are many founde of greater quan: citie. for 3 haue (eene Cum of three ſpannes in hepght, and moze then fyue in length. They are beaftes of greate force, lvith fronge legges, and well armed with nayles and fanges which we caule dogge teeth. They are ſo fierce that in my iudgement no reall (yon of the byggelt Cozte is ſo tronge 0% fierce. Of theſe, there are many founde in the firme land whi: che deuour many of the indians e do much hurre otherwyſes But ſyns the comming of the Chriftians, many haue byn kyld The huglyng with Crođebowes after this maner. As foone as the archer of tigers. hath knowlege of the haunt of any of theſe stygers, he gothe ſearchynge theyż trale with his croliebo We and with a lyetle bounde 02 bewgle and not with a greehounde, bycauſe this beatt bolde ſoonekyll any dogge that wolde venter on hym. When the hounde hath founde the Tyger, he runneth about 21 hym bayinge continually, and approcheth ſo neare hym (nap: pynge and grynnynge with ſo quicke Ryinge and returnyng, that he hereby co moletteth this fierce bcate that he dzyuethe hym to take the next trce, at the foote whereof he remayneth fył baying and the Tyger grynnyng and the wyng his teeth, whole in the meane tyme the archer commeth neare, and.rii. 02.rüli pales of, Gryketh hym with the quecet of his crocles bome in the brete, and flyeth incontiuent, teauynge the Tys ger in his trauaple for lyfe and death,bytynge the tree and eas synge earth for ficrceneđe. Then within the ſpace of twoo 0% thice houres oz the day folowynge, the archer returnerh thy: ther, and with his dogge fyndeth the place where he lyethe dcade. In the yeare, 15 22 31 with the other ruters & magiftra: tes of the citie of Sancta Maria Antiqua in Dariend, coke ozder in owe counfayle, a rewarde of foure oz fous pieces of golde to bee kyllinge of #reward for given to cuery man that kylde any of theſe Tygers: by reaſon gers. wherof many were kylde in tozte {pace both with crote: bowes and alſo with dyuers (narcs and ingens. But to con clude, j wyll not obtynately tand in opinyon whether theſe beages bee Tygers oz panthers, Od of the number of any o: ther ſuch beates of ſpotted hcare , oz állo peraduenture ſum other newe beađe vnknowen to the owlde bryters as were mang The hyſtorie many other whetof 3| haue ſpoken in this booke. Øf which thynge, Í| doo not greately meruaple, Foz almuche as bnto oble tyme thys greate pacte of the worlde was bnknomen to the antiquirie: 36 ſo muche that none of the Wzyters of that age, no; yet prolomie in his formographie, or any other i fence hym, haue made any mention herof, bntill the fpzc ad mozall Don Chryftopher Colonus dilconered the ſame. Colocas com a thynge doutelce without comparpfon muche greater then pared to pers cules. that whyche is ſayd of Dercules, that he fyzte gaue thence: The pillers tance of the fea Mediterraneun into the Drean, whiche the of hercules. Bzekes coulde neuer doo befoze hym. And herof rpleche the fable that the mountaynes of Lalpe and Abila (which are dis of Gibilterra. rectly one agayng an other in the Grayght of Gibilterrd, the one beyng in Spayne and the other in Aifryke) were topted togi note, ther befozethey were opened by Dercules, who erected thoſe bys pyllers whiche pour maieaye gyue in token of pzchemy: nence and lyke enterpzples with lykewyſe theſe hys wordes PLUS VLTRA, PLUS VLIKA: Wojdes doutclete worthy fol fo greate an vnpuerfall an Emperoure, and not conuenyent for any other borc farre Chemperous zpnce. Fogalmuche as your holy Latholyke og aiettye haue maieftie ercel ſpredde them in ſo Graunge and remote regyons, fo mange leth bercules, thouſande leaques further than euer dyd bercules. And cec- teynlye (pc, Jf there bad byn an 3mage of goldemade in the prapſe and fame of Colonus, De bad as well deſerued it as any of thoſe men to whom foz theyr noble enterp?ple the antique tie gauc déuyne honoure, if he bad byn in their tyme. But to returne to the matter whereof 3 began to ſpeake: 3 neede ſap no moze of the forme of thys beaſte, for as muche as you watelltye haue (cene that whych is yet ályue in Tolledo. And ſuerly the keper of your baietties Ipons, who hath taken bp pon hym the charge to tame this beađe, myght better haue be: Gobed his paynes in an other thynge that mpght haue bynne moze profitable for theſafegarde of his lpfe bycauſe this TV: ger beinge yet but younge, wyl dayly beë tronger and fiercer and increaſe in malyce. The gadians (and eſpecially they of the firme lande in the pzouince whiche the Catholykt ükynge Don Ferdinando commaunded to bee cauled golden Catple) caule this beatte Odbi. This thinge is ftrannge that chaunced 2 uger made of late: that wheras the Tiger wherof wchaue made mention before, wolde baue kylde pis keeyo that then kept byn in a same. cage of the vveſte Indies. 208 cage, was in fewe dares after made ſo tame that he ledde het tped only with a ſmaule cozde and playde with her fo familys arly that 3 maruapted greatly to lee it, yet not without cec tepne belefe that this frendſhop wyll not latte longe without daunger of lyfc to the keeper, fogalmuch as fuerly theſe beas. fes are not meete to bee amonge men fog therz fiercenes and cruell nature that can not bee taiaed, HA Df the maners and cutomes of the indians of the firme lande, and of they? women, T De maners and cuſtomes of theſe instans, are dyuers in diuers pzouinccs. Sum of them take as many wpues as them lytte, and other lyue with one wyfe whome they fogfake not with: out confent of botb parties, which chauncethe the Indien eſpecially when tbey baue no chylden.Cheno women, bilitle alwei men as women tepute it infamous to toyne with any of baſe parentage of trangers,efcept Chriftians, whom they count noble men by reaſon of thepz balientnes,altyough they put a difference betwone the common fogte and the other to whom they dewc obedience, countynge it for a great mat- ter and an honoyable thyng y they bee beloued of any of the. In ſo much that yf tbey knowe any chriftian man carnally, they kerpe theyz faytb to hym, ſo that he bee not longe abe Cent farre from them.foz they, intent is not to bee widowes 07 to lyue chat lyke religious women, many of them haue this cuftome, that when they perccaue ibat they are with chylde, they take an herbe wberwith tbcy bettroy that is con ccaued. Foz they ſay that only wel aged women fulde beare chyldzen, and that they wyl not fozbe are they? pleaſures and deforme ebeyz doddies with bearynge of chyldzen, wherby theyteates becoome looſe and hangpage which thynge they greatly diſpzaple. When they are delyuercd of the pa shyldzen they go to the ryuer and wame them. Wbicije doone, theyz bludde and purgation cealeth immediatly. And when after this they baue a few days abQcp ned krõ the company of men, they becomme lo erayght as they ſay whtch bauc had carnalt familiaritic with them, that ſuch as ble them, can not with= out much dificultie Carilfie thepz appctite, They alſo whiche che men of mguer had chyldzen,are cuer as byisins, Julum partes they 3adia.. weare The hyſtories weare certeynelyttle apern s rounde about them before and bebpade as lowe as to therz knees and bammes, wherwith they couer they2 pztuie partes, and are naked altthepr boddie byſyde. Che principal men beare they? pziuities in a bolowe pype of golde: but the common lojte bade them incloſed in the felles of certepne great welkes, and are bylyde btterly naked. For they tbynkę it no moze foame to haue thepz code ſeene then any other parte of ther? boddies. And in many pro uinces botherhe men and women go ptterip naked without any ſuch couerture at al, 3n the prouince of Cueus they caul a man chuy, and a woman Ira: which name is not greately dií agreeable to many both of therz women and of owres. Theſe yndians gyuc great honour and reucrence to thepy Bago Cacique (that is) they? kynges and rulers. Whe principall Cua The kinge is cique, hath twelue of his moſt aronge Jndtatis appoynted to bome on mēs beare bpm when he remouetb to any place,oz gotbe ab?od 807 backes. his plcalurt. Two of them cary bym (yetyng bppon a longe piece of woodde which is naturally as lyght as they can fynd The other tennefolowe norte bnto bym as foote men. They keepe continually a trottynge pale with hym on tbeya tul: ders. When the twoo that cary bym are wery, other two coomme in they? places without any difturbance oz fey. And thus if the way bee playne, they cary hym in this maner foz the ſpace of b. 02. ff. Icaques in one day. The Indians that are aligned to this office, are foz the motte parte daues 02 Naboriti, that is, ſuch as are bounde to continuall feruice. Lettinge of Jlbaue alſo noted that when the 3ndians perceaue chem bludde. ſelues to bee troubled with to much bludde, they lette theyns Celues blud in the calfes of they? legges & brawnes of tbey? armes, This doo they with a very darpe done, and ſum- tyines with the [maule toothe of a byper, 0% with a charpe They haue teede 02 thorne 20 beardes. all the jindians arc conimonly without bearbes : 3/1 ſo much that it is in maner a maruayle to ſee any of them eyther men oz women to baue any downe oz beare on thepfaces of other partes of they, boddies. albeit, ] (awe the Cacique of the prouince of Cataraps who had heare on his face and other They paymec partes of his boddie, as had alſo his wyfe in Cuche places as ekeyi bodies. women are accultomed to haue. this Cacique had a great part of his body paynted with a blacke colour which neucr fadeth: And is much lyke bnto tbat wherwith the mozes paput them (clues of the oveſte Indies. 209 felues in Barberie in token of nobilitie. But the sgoojes are papnted ſpecially on theg? byſage and throte and certepne other partes. Likewyſe the principall jndians vſe theſe papntinges on theyz armes and breñtes, but not on thepi by: cages, bpcauſe amonge them the daues are Co marked. When the comidas the undians of certegne prouinces go to the bartaple (eſpeci: les. ally the Laniball archers) they cary certepne fhelles of greate Inelkcs of the ſea which they blowe and make therwith great Sounde muche Iyke the nople of hones. They caryc alſo cet: tepue tymb els which they ble in the leade of drummes. Alſo very fayge plumes of fethers, and cettepne armure of golde: Armure of eſpecially great and rounde pieces on thep, bjeftes, and (plin solde. tes on there armes. Lykewyle other pieces whiche they put on they, heades and other partes of theyż bodyes. For they their galents elteeme nothynge ſo much as to appeare galante in the wars, nes in the warrcg. and to go in mott coamely ozder that they can deuyſe, glyttes tynge with precious ſtones, iewelles, golde, and fethers, DE the leafte of theſe welkes oz peretoincles, they make certeyne Ipttle beades of diuers (oztes and colours. They make allo Their Juello little bzafelets whiche they mengle with gaudies of golde. Theſe they rowle about there armes frome the elbowe to the Wozette of the bande. The lyke allo doo they on they? legges i from the knce to the ſoles of they, feete in token of nobilitie Eſpecially theyz noble women in dyuers provinces are accu: ftomed to leare Cuch Jewelles, and haue theyz neckes in ma nec laden therwith.Theſe beades and Jowels and ſuch other trynkettes, they canle Caquiras. Bilyde chele alſo, they weare certeyne tynges of golde at they cares and noftrelles which thep boje ful of holes on both ſides, ſo that the ringes hange bppon they? lyppes. Sum of theſe Jndians, are poulde and rounded. Albeit, commonly both the men and women take it foz a decent chynge to weare longe heare, which the women weare to the myddeat of ther, thulders and cut it equally, el: pecially abone theyz blowes. This doo they with certeync men beare vo nowe the wo harde tones which they keepe foz the ſame purpoſe. The pain their teates, cipall women when they? teates faule of becoome looſe, beare wph barres, them bp with barres of golde of the length of a ſpanne and a of golde. halfc, wel wrought and of ſuch byggeneđe that ſum of them way moze then two hundrerh Lagilians oy ducades of golde, Sheſe barres haue holes at both thendes, whereat they tye BB9.1. The hyſtorieta two (maut cordes made of cotton at euery ende of the bartes. One of theſe coides goth ouer the fulder, and the other on: der the arme holes where they tye both togyther, ſo that by this meanes the barre beareth bp they, teates. Sum of theſe by chiefe women go to the battaple with they? huſbandes, 0% when they them (elues are regentes in any provinces, in the which they haue all thynges at commandement and erecute thottice of generall capitaynes, and cauſe them fclues to bee cacyed on mens backes in lyke maner as doo the Latiques of whom 3 haue (poken befoje li Che ftaturer Thele Jndians of the firme lande are muche of the Cante coloure of the fiature and coloure as are they of the glandes. They are for 3ndians. the mott part of the colour of an olyue. If there bee any other difference, it is moze in byggeneſle then otherwyſe. And elps The Indians cially they that are cauled Coronati , are fronger and bygger cauled Colou mati. then any other that 3 baue ſeene in theſe parties, ercept thoſe The glande of the glande of giantes whiche are on the ſouch fydc of the of giantes. Jlande of Hiſpaniola nere bnto the coates of the firme lande: Iucados, and lykewyſe cesteyne other which they caule Yucatos which are on the nozth lyde. Ali which chiefely, although they bee no giantes, yet are they doubteletle the byggette of the Jindy: ans that are knowen to this day, and commonly bygger then the Flemynges:and eſpecially many of them al well women as men, are of very hyghe tature, and are all archiers bothe men and women. Theſe Coronati inhabite thirrie teaques in tength by theſe coates from the poynt of Caxos to the greate tyuer lhich they caule Guadalchibir nece vnto Santa Maria de gras tis. As 31 traueried by thoſe coales, 3 fylled a butte of frethe water of that ryuer (yre leaques in the ſea frome the mouthe sherof where it fauleth into the ſea. They are cauted Coronati (that is crowned) bycauſe they heare is cutte round by they? tares, and poulde lower a great compare aboute the crowne much lyke the fryers of (aynt Auguftines Dider. And bycaule boj haue (poken of theyx máner of wearynge they, heace, here commeth to my rememberaunce a chynge which haue often: tymes noted in theſe Jndians. And this is, that they haue The feulles the bones of the ſculles of theyz heades foure tymes thycket of the Indtās and much tronger then obres. So that in commyng to hand beades, Irokes with them, it thalbe requiſite not to frike themon the þcades with ſwoojdes, foz co have many fwoozdes bonne bjöken of the vveſte Indies. 210 broken on they? heades with lyttle hurt doone. And to haue fayde thus much of they? cutomes and maners, it chal (uffice for this tyme, bycauſe 3 haue moze largely intreated herof in my generall hyftojie of the yndtes. yet haue 3/nother there noz here ſpoken much of that parte of the firme lande whiche new Spaine is cauled Nous Hifpania (that is, newe Spayne whereof the 31 lande of Iucatana is part) fozaſmuche as Ferdinando Loztele hath wzytten a large booke tjereof. of the houſes of theſe Indians, J haue (poken (ufficicnt The houſes lg elswhere. Yet haue I thought good to infozme yobr ma of the Chrifti selfie of the buyldynge and houſes which the Chridians hauens in gndia made in dyners places in the firme lande. They buylde them nowe therfoze with two ſolars of loftes, and with loopes and byudowes to open and ſhutte. Allo with tronge tymber and bery fayze boides. Jn ſuche Cozte that any noble man maye wel and pleaſauntly bee lodged in Cum of them. And amonge other, J my ſelfe cauſed one to bee builded in the citie of Sancta Marit Antiqua in Dariena whiche cotte me more then a thouſande Dariens. and fyue hundjeth Latelians: being of ſuch cozt that 3 may wellintertegne and commodioully lodge any Lozde oz noble man, reſecuynge alſo a parte for my Celfe and my famelie. Foz in this may many houſeholdes bee kepte both aboue and be. nethe. It hath alſo a fayze garden with many ozange trees bothe (weete and lowe: Leders alſo, and lemondes, of the bohich there is nowe great plcntie in the houſes of the Lhzy: ftians. On one ſyde of the garderne, there runketh a fayze ry uer. The ſituation is very pleaſaunte, with a good and hol: Come ayer, and a fayze proſpecte abolts the rouer. In fine, owre trude is that in fewe yeares al thynges in theſe regions Wall growe to a better Gate accozdynge to the holy intention of yobre maieftie. Gardens of the chiefe Jlandes Hiſpaniola and Cuba . T De findians wbich at this preſent inhabite the hlande of Hiſpaniold, are buc fewe in num; ber, and the cbzylyans not lo many as they ought to bee fogalmuche as many of them that were in this flande, are gonnc to otber 3|lans des and to the fyzme lande. Fozbeynge foz the 669.ii. motte The hyſtorie men are defi: rous of NCWG monte parte younge men bnmarica, and deſirous dayly to fee shingca. nebe tbgngs wherin mans nature delitcth, they were not willinge to contincwe longein on place: eſpecially feeing dat le other newe landes diſcouered where they thowght theye might ſooner fylte there pucles by beinge preſent at the fire (pople. Woberin neuertbeleđe their hope deceaued many of them, and cípecially ſuche as had houſes and habitations in thys glande, for 3 certoynly beleuc, confyzmynge my Celfe The commos berein with the judgement of many other, that if any one dities of vir: Prynce had no moze ſigniozes then only this Flande, it fhuld pontoles in ſhopte time bee ſuche as not to giue place eyther to Sicilie Englande end of Englande: Wheras euen at this p?clent there is aothynge Sicilic. wherefore it fulde malce their p?o peritie not beinge infert oure to them in any filicite that in maner the beauens can graunte to any lande: beingc furtherinoze luche as maye in: riche many prouinces and kyngedomes by reaſon of manye riche golde mynes that are in it of the belle golde that is 50 de mines. founde to this day in the worlds, and in greatet quantitie. jn this 3lande, nature of her ſelfe bringeth furthe fuche as Cotton. boundance of cotton that if it were wzought and mayhteyneb Calita there could be more and better then in any parte of the world, There is ſo greate pleptie of ercellent card that a greate quă titie is bought from thenſe into spayne: from whence it is caried to dyuers partes of the world. It mcrcaſeth fe Suger. muche that it is a meruelous thynge to conſider. 3n this are many rycie toppes wher fuger is wzought: and that of ſuch Plantes and perfectenes and goodnes, and in ſucbe quantitie that shippes herbes. come laden therwitb yearly into spapne. alt ſuche fedes, ſettes, o; plantes, as are bought out of papne and planted in this Jlande, becosmme muche better, bygger, and of grea ter increaſe then they are in any parte of owze Europe. And if it chaunce otherwyſe that ſumetumes they pzoſper not fo well, the cauſe is that they which quidctyll and huſband the Breate thyns grounde, and ſowe and plant in dewe (calong, baue no reſpect gea hirdered hereunto, being impacient wbyle the wheate and bones ware by reſpecte of type, beinge gyuen to wanderynge and other affayzes of p?e« pierente gay Bes, ſent gaynes (as 3 haue fayde) as ſearchynge the gola mines, fy@ynge fo; pearles, and occupyinge marchaundis, with ſuch other trades, for the greedy fotowyng wherof,they neg: teete and contempne both lowonge and plantynge. Suche frutes as ace bzought owt of S payne, into this šllande pol. PCS of the vveſte indies, 211 per maruelouQy and ware rype all tymes of the yeare : as her bes of all Coztes very good and pleaſaunt to bee caten. ailo Oiangles. many pomegranates of the beli kynde, and oanges bothe poinegrans, Tweete and lower. Lpkewyſe many fayze Iymones & ceders: tes. and a great quantitie of all ſuch as are of tarpe, fowze, and bytter tatte. There are alſo many fygge trees whiche bzynge figges el the furth theyz frute all the hole yeare. Lykewyſe thoſc kynd of yeare. Dstee. date trees that beare dates: and dyuers other trees and plan tes which were b?ought owt of Spayne thycher, Beađes doo alſo increaſe in lyke abundaunce : and eſpeci Beaſtco. ally the heardes of kyne are ſo augmented both in quantitie and number, that there are nowe many patrones of cattayle stears beara that haue moze then two thouſand heades of neate : and Cum der of catcail thzee 0, foure thouſande, and (um moje. Bylyde theſe, there are very many that haue heardes of foure og fyue hundzethe. and trewth it is that this fland hath better pature foz ſucht catraple then any other countrey in the worlde: alſo hollome good paſture, and cleare water and temperate ayer, by reaſon whereof the heardes of ſuch beaftes are much bygger, fatter, and alſo of the effecte of better taſte then obres in Spayne bycauſe of the canke pa: continual and fure whoſe moyfure is better digeated in the herbe oz građe moderato by the continnalt and temperate heate of the ſoonne, wherby heate. being made moze fatte and bnctuous, it is of better and moze fedfat nurytement. ffoz continuall and temperate heate, the cauſe of dooth not only djawe muche moytture owt of the carch to the fatte nursine nurythement of ſuch chpnges as growe and are engendered in mente, that clyme, but dooth alſo by moderation piclerue the ſaine Eur from réſolution and putrefaction, digelynge alſo and conden ſatynge of thyctenynge the fayde moylte nurythemente into a Beaſtes of gummie and bactuous ſubgauncc as is ſeere in all ſuche thin longe ipfe in ges as grobe in thoſe regions. And this is the only natnrall reg ons caule aſ well that certeyne great beates and of longe lyfc (as bowle the La the elephante and Rhinoceros with ſuch other) are engendo quincocriat! red only in regions ncre bnto the Equinoctiall, as alſo that Trees whoa the lcaues of ſuch trees as growe there, doo not wyther oz Icaues faule, bnryll they bee thjulle owt by other, accozdynge to the not wisher berſe of the pocte which ſapth: Et nata pirs piris, et ficus in ficubus exa tant. That is in execte : peares grobpuge vppon peares, and fyggrs vppon fygges. Plinie alſo wzyteth, that ſuche trecs are neuer infected with the diſeaſe of trees that the Latines caule 20 009 The hyſtorie caule Carles, which we may caule the worme o canker, being Che carcar but a certeyne puttifaction by realon of a wateryſhe nuryhe: of the tree ment not well conſolidate. The ſame thynge hath bynne the cauſe that certeyne Phyloſophers conſiderynge aſwell that man is the hottett and moyttelit beat that is (which is the belli complexion) as alſo that men lyue longette in cerceyne partes of India nere the Equinoctiall (where yet to this day dumme Longe Iyulde men in India. liue to thage of a hundreth and fiftie ycares) were of opinion that y£ mankynde had any begynnynge on the earthe, that place owght by good reaſon to be bnder oz not farce from the Paradiſe Equinoctiall Iyne for the cauſes aforeſayde. Sum of the dt: Reare the e quinoccial line uines alſo bppon lyke conſideration haue chought it agreable that they? Paradyſe thulde bee about the ſame within the pre- cincte of thoſe cpuers which are named in the booke of Bene: ſis. But to lette pale theſe thynges and to returne to the Shepee and hydozic. bogses In this Flande furthermoze, are many teepe and a greac number of hogges of the which (as alſo of the kyne) manye are becoome wild: AnD lykelpſe many dogges and cattes of bogges and thoſe which were brought oldt of Spayne. Theſe (and efpe: cattes becom cially the dogges) doo much hurte amonge the cattaple by tea yldes ſon of the negligence of the hearde men. There are alſo many hozles, maces, and mules, and ſuche other beates as ſecue thule of men in Spayne, and are much greatec then they of the fyzde brode brought therher olt of Che fuation payne. Sum places of the Jlande are inhabyted, although of tiſpaniola. not ſo many as were requiſite : Di che whiche I will ſave no moze but that all the regions of the lande are ſo well ſituate that in the courſe of tyme all chynges thall coomme to grea: ter perfection by reaſon of the cychnelle and pleaſauneneđe of the countrey and fertilitie of the ſoile. But nowe to ſpeake fumwhat of the principall and chiefe place of the lande, which is the citie of San Domenico : laye The citie of that as touchynge the buildynges, there is no citie in Spaine fandomenico lo muche foz lo muche (no not Burſalond whiche 3 haue often: tymes ſeene) that is to bee preferred befože this generallye. For the houſes of San Domenico, are for the mote parte of None as are they of Barſalona:02 of fo (tronge and well wzought earth that it maketh a ſingulec tronge byndyng. The ſitua cion is muche better thëthat of Barcalona by reaſon that the itreates are of the vveſte Indies. 212 are much larger and playner, and without comparpſon moze directe and dreyght furtb. for being e buylded nowe in owe trme, bylyde the commoditie of the place of the foundation, the treates were alſo directed with corde, compaſe and mea Cure, wherin it ercelleth al the cities that haue fene,j]t hatb the ſea lo nere, that of one (yde there is no moze ſpace betwen the ſea and the citie then the waules. And this is about fpftie paſes where it is furtbeat of. Dn this ſyde, the waters of the ſea beate vppon the naturall dones and fayze coate. on the other parte, hardc by the lyde and at the foote of the hou les, pateth the ryuer Ozama whiche is a marucylous pozte wherin laden frppes ryſe bery nere to the lande and in ma- The riuer zama nec vnder the houſe wyndowes, & no further from the mouth of the ryuer where it entereth into the ſea, then is frome the foote of the hyllof Monyuyc to the monastery of Caynt Frances 07 to the lodge of Barſalona. Ja the myddce of this ſpace in the citie, is the foztređe and cagle, bnder the which and twen tic pales diſtant from the ſame,pade the fippes to aryſe fum what further in the ſame ryuer, from the enteraunce of the @pppes patyll they ca& anker, they ſayle no further from the boules of the citie then thyztie oz fotie palcs, bicauſe of this tre hauen fyde of the citie the habitacion is nere to the cpuer. The post oz hauen allo, is ſo fayze and commodious to defraight oz bn- lade thyppes, as the lyke is founde but in fewe places of the worloe. The chymineis that are in this citie, are abowt fyre hundzeth in number, and Cuch houſes as 3 baue ſpoken of be foje: 9f the which ſum are ſofayze and large that they maye well receaue and lodge any lozde oz noble manne of payne with bis trayne and famelte. And eſpecially that which Don Diego Colon viceroy bnder your maietie hatb in this citie is fuche that 3 kaowe no man in Spayne thathath the lyke by a quarter in goodnelle confyderynige all the commodities of the ſame. Lykewyſe the ſituation thercof, as beinge aboue the fayde poate and altogyther of tone and hauynge many faize and large roomes with as goodly a proſpect of the lande and ſea as may be deupfcd, leemeth bnto me lo magnis ficall and princelyke that yowr mated ie mape bec as wciliod: ged therin as in any of the mootte erquiſite builded houſes of Aesthedratt payne. There is alſo a Cathedrall churche buylded of late churche and where alwell tbe byſhop accozdyng to his rignitie,as alſo the monaſteris 113 canones are wel inducd, Tbis church is wel buglocdof tone biſpaniola. and The hyſtorie and lyme, and of good woozkenantyppe. There ate further, moje three monafteries bearpng the name of ſaynt Dominike, ſaynt Frances, and Caynt La arie of Legercedes : The whiche are all well buylded althoughe not lo cucioudye as they of Spayne. But ſpeakynge without preiudice of any other celi glous monafterie, yowre maictie may bee well a[ured that in theſe three monafteries, god is as wel fecued as in any other religious houſe with men of holy lyuynge and bertuous exen o bofpitale. ple. There is alſo a very good hoſpitali foz the aybe and fuc: cour of poze people, whiche was founde by michaell palta: ment chzeaſurer to yowr maietie. To conclude, this citie Ert day to day increaſeth in welch aud good older, albel foz that the fayde admy all and viceroy with theloide Chaunceloure and counſayle appoynted there by your maieftie, haue they? continuall abydynge here, as alſo that the rychelt men of the Jlande reſort hyther for they? motte commodious habitation and trade of ſuch marchaundies as are cyther brought owt of $payne oz ſent thyther from this yland which nowe lo abun dech in many thynges that it ſerueth Spayne with many com modities, as it were with blurp requityng Cuch benefites as 0 0 it fyzl receaued from thenſe. The people of this flande are commonlye of fumewhat lette tature then are the Spanyardes, and of a fhynynge o! cleare b?obne coloure. They haue wyues of they, owne, and abteyne from theył dowghters, (puters, and mothers. They haue large forheades, longe blacke heart, and no bearbeso Thz people beare in any other parts of they, bodies afwel më as women, ercept very fewe as perhaps ſcarcely one amonge a thouſand. They go as naked as they were bozne, eccepte that on the partes which may not with honetie bee ſcene, they leare a cert eyne lcafe as biode as a mans hande, which neuerthelelle is not kepte cloſe with ſuche diligence but that ſumtymes a man may ſee that they thynke fufficiently hydde. Jn this iſland are certegne glo woormes that chyne in the slo wormes nyght as too olutes. But are muche bygger and gyue a grea: ter lyght:Jn lo much that when the men of the lande goo any iozneys in the nyghe, they beare lumme of thele woozmes made Faf abowt thegy fiete and beade, in Cuche Corte that he that ſhulde ſec them a farce and ignorant of the thinge, wolde bee greatly adonyſhed thecat. By the leght of theſe alſo, the bomen of the oveſte Indies. 213 Women Woojke fu they, houfes in the night. Theſe woozmes they caule Cievas. They? lpght lattcth foz the ſpace of three dapes, and dimini(beth as they begynne to diye vp. 1softi there is alſo a kynd of crowes whoſe breath frynketh in the moznynge and is ſweete at after noone. The ercremente Crowes ftyra which they alloydc, is alyuynge wozme. 071 kynge and astonchynge other chynges of this flande whereof pe: nveete, ter nartyhatly moze largely intreated in his Decades, 3 haue thought it ſuperduous to repcate the ſame ageyne oute of this hyRozte of Gonzales Ferdinandus: but hane hete gathered tyto only ſuche chynges as eyther are not touched of poter aartsberg on to ty-oj not lo largely declared as 37 haue boone the lyke its main all other notable thynges which 31 baue collected owt of this summarit of Gonzaluss: ons har ans ou os moville belian 5597160 Df the glande of Cuba and othec. 1671 110 f the flande of Quba and the other, as the notito {andes of Sanch Iohannis andis asica, dhe Tanie Saynt John maye bce Cayde in maner in all thynges as be: his glande, foze of Hiſpaniola although not fo lavgely. pet Tamsicale in leđe quantitie doo they buynge foozth the 10.100 lyke thynges: as gold, copper, cattaple; trces plantes, Epithes, and ſuch other of the whiche Wec haue (po ken there. chiotsuage dont sho ni bol dos de In Luba, is a certeyne kynde of partyches, beinge berje parerknee litele, loith they: fothees much of the colour of turtle doones: but are of muche better tate to bee eaten. They are taken in great number. and beinge brought wylde into the houſes, they becoome as tame within the ſpace of three or foure Dayes as though they had byn hatched there. They becoomme er: ceadynge fatte in (hozt (pace, and are doubtelee the mot des licate and pleaſaunt meate that exter o háue eaten. But to let palemany other thynges that mpght bere bre ſagde, and to (peake of iwo maçuelous thyniges which are in this fland of Pellettes fog Luba: Whecof the one is, that a valley conteynynge twoo JHNAC3 W:cught by of three leaques in length betwene two montagnes, is full macare. of a kynde of very harde tones of ſuche perfecte rounderelle and lyke unto pellcttes of gunnes that no acte can make bet: ter oz moje eraccły polg&hfbof theſe fun ate as {maule Dubit. as The hyftorie sro as pellettes for handegunnes : and other to increalyngë bog ger and bygger from that quantitie, that they may ferue for all Coztes of artyllerie althoughe they bee of byggenelle to te: Ceaue one oz two or moze quintales of pondet, euery quintale urais conteynyng one hundreth weyght: 0f of what other quanti: tie ſo euer they bee. Theſe peitetes are founde through owte da al the valley within the earth as in a myne, which they digge de and takrobte ſuch as they neede of all ſoztes. The other marueplous thinge of this gland is this: har 2 fountayne facce from the ſea, there iXheveth owt of a mountayne a cer of the pytche tepne Ipcour much lyke the cley of Babilon cauleb Bitumen oz of Bitumen, lyke bnto pytche in great quantitic and ſuch as is very com: modious fou the calkynge of dyppes. This fauteth continua ally from the rocke and tunncth into the ſea in ſuche abung daunce that it is ſeene fotynge above the water on euery ſide of the ſea there abowt as të is diquen froms place to place by the wynde of courſe of the water. Qvintus Curfing Qwistus. Curfius Wuyteth in his hykozte, that great Alexander Ore came to the citie of Memi where is a great cate oz denne in the Obtitle old which is a ſpłynge oz fonntagne that continually anoydethe Bituiner of a great quantirte of Bitumen in ſuch fozt that it is an eaſy thing Babilon. to beleue that the Rones of the walles of Babilok myght bee Jayde therwith accozdyuge as the fayde auctoure Wzyteth. 3 have feene this myne of Bitumen, not only in the land of C ba, but alſo ſuch an other in nebo Spayne, which was found susood of late in the pzouince of Panuco where it is much better then the other of Cuba, as 3 haus Ceene by experience in calkonge of fyyppcs. DE the lande of Bacoalcos canled Terra Baccalearum, ficus - 32 senate on the Month ſyde of the firmt landets 230 Dondoo 935 ann 923010009 Hoztly after that yobr pateftie came to the di tie of Toledo, there arepued in the moneth of 073173150 Fonember, Steven Bomes the pytor who the yrare befoze of 1524. by the commaundement of yobre maiettie Cayled to the poythe partes and founde a greats parte of lande continu: Biedros ate from that which is cauted Baccaleos diſcourfynge towardt the Wed to the pl, and, cli, degres, fto whetile he bought Die Capti Gerten of the vveſt Indies." 214 715 certeyne Indians (€02 (o caule wee all the nations of the nebo gadiine. founde landes) of the whiche he brought cum with hyms from thenſe who are yet in Toledo at this preſent, and of greater ftature then other of the firme lande as they are commonlye. acher, coloure is much lyke thother of the firme lande. Ebey are great archers, and go couered with the ſkinnes of bouers beattes both Wylde and tame. Jn this lande are many ercel: Ryohe furrea: Sent furres, as marterns, ſables, and ſuch other rych furres and fylucr, of the which the fayde pilote brought ſumme with hym into Spapne. They hauc ſplæer and copper, and certeyne ether metalles. They are Jbolaters and honoure the loonne and Idolstare, moone, and are ſeduced with ſuche ſuperditions and errours as are they of the firme. And to haue wytten thus muche, it maye ſuffice of ſuche thinges as haue (emed to me molt bookchy to be noted inthe Simarie of Gondus Ferdinandus wzytten to Théperoyrsmaiellie C9f other notable thynges gathered oldte of dyuers s autours :And fyzlie of the vniuerſal cardenta gorand newe worlde.lt datentos On900 31313131 28 910111 De hole globe oz compaſe of the earth las by: 1:30) uyded by the auncient Wuyters into thzee pats tes, as Europe, Affries, and Aſis: whiche partes conteyne in longitude .180. degrees, begyns nynge the fyza degree at thejlandes of Lana rie. And conteyne in latitude towarde the Roth.63. degrees, begynnynge the fyzdte degree frome the Equinoctiall: And.io. degrees towarde the Sourh. All the teke of the longitude which conteyneth other. 189. Degrees, is difcoucted of late tyme as the Weſt India cauled the newe worlde, bycaule none of the owlde autoures had any knowe: irer yndia lege oz made any mention thecot, all that therfoże is cauled the newe nebe which is Wettwarde from the flandes of Canarie. And chus accomptynge thele. 18p. degrees towarde the Eal diſco uered in owlde tyme, with the other J18o. degrecs dilea The circums uered of late Dayes, they make, 360. degrees, which is al the Equinoctiali circle of the Equinoctial in the ſphere. alſo the part aboue lyne. the.63. degrees of the Royth latitude, was founde by men of The North late.type, as. Mozway and Bruclandé with many other pzaz regions. Db.ii. uinces T The hyſtorie 7 otho The South ninces. Lykewiſe the part more Touch then, 100 degrees ofta regione. titude, was diſconecco of låte daycs, althoughe Ariane and Plinic ſay that it was knowen in owlde tyme : whichepfit were, yer had they no fuche particular deſcription thereof as boe hauc in theſe dayes.doc rundo ya baca diſcourfe of the byage made by the Spanyarbes 203059309 rounde abobre the worlde, Анал» - Улаанбаатар De vyage made by the Spanyardes rotonde abobot the worlde, is nne of the greateſt and mote matueplous chynges that hath bynne known to owrc tyme, and althoughe in ma nythynges we excell owre aunciente predi: cclours, in this eſpeciallye woe fo farre er: * ceade all theyz inuentions, that the lyke hath DOA perer not heretofoze byn known to this day. This viage was witt Warty. ten parricittarly by Don Peter Warty, of anglecia being one of the couhlaple of sthcmperortrs fudies, to whom alſo was commytted the waytyng of she hyttozicand eramination of al ſuche as returned from thenre into Spayne to the citie of si: *One racked uile, in the peace, by. D.rrii.. But lendynge it to Rome to bce pignted in that miſerable tyme when the citte was ſacked It was lott and not found to this day or any memory temay. nynge therof, fauynge ſucheas ſum that redde the ſame haute bolne in mynde. And amonge othct norable thynges by bym a day loft in Witten as touchynge that byage, this is one, that the Spa: three reates nyardes hauyage ſagled abows thzce ycares and one moneth, and one n:o and the mot of them notynge the dayes, tay by day (as is the Beth. maner of all them that Cayle by the Dcean) they founde when they were returned to Spagne, chat they had lote one baye: So that at theyz arrpuall at the pozte of Siuile beinge the ſe: venth day of Scptember, was by theyz accompt but the fifth Day. And where as Don Peter Marty declared the frange etfice of this thònge to a cercepne ercellente man who fou his Cofingület ternynge was greately aduaunced to honoure in his common welthe and made themperonrs ambaſadoure, this woozthy gentelman who was alſo a greato philoſopher atid do agronomer, anſwered that it coulde not otherwyſe chaunce ekonto them haugngt fagled three yeares conţinrally, cuct fo: lowynge 23 about the vvorde. I 215 loboynge the foonne toldarde the Weft.And fayde furthermoze that they of owlde tyme obſerued that all ſuche as ſayiod be hinde the foonne towarde the Wett, dyb grcarly lengthen the bay. And albeit that the fayde booke of Peter Marty2 is pe epäched, yet hath not foztune permitted that the memozte of lo woorthy and marueylous an engerpzpſe ftulde btterly bre ertincte: foza[much as a certcyne noble gentleman of the cy: sie of Clincenza in Jtalic, cauled mater Antonte Pigafetta Anconie pre (toho beinge one of the coompanie of that byage and after safecta, his returne into Spapne in the cyppe Victoria, was made knyght of the Rhodes) wzote a particular and large booke therof which he gaut to Themperours maicftic, and ſente a coppie of the ſame into Fraunce to the lady Regente moother bnto the frenche kyngc, who committed it to au crcellent phi Iacobus Faber loſopher cauled matter Ltcobus Faber, haupng longe ſtudyed in gtaly, wyllynge him to trang ate it into the Frenche toonge. this booke therefoze was printed fyzd in the frenche toonge and then in the Ftalien, with allo an epiâle to the Cardinall of Sallepurge as touchynge the ſame viage, wzitten by car o imiliane Tranſiluane ſecretarie to Thempcrours paieftie,in wafinilten the year. 1522. And doubteleſre amonge al the cities of Tranſilvan talie, the citie of Wicenza may hercin much glozie that belide ga the ancient nobilitic and many ercellent and rare byttes whi che it hath browght furth aſwell in learnynge as diſcipline of warre, it hach alſo had to woorthy and baltaunt a gentle man as was the fayde maſter Antonie pigafetta, who hauing compared abolwte the ball oz globe of the worlde, hath lyke: wyſe deſcribed that byage particularly. Froy the whiche hig the retarde fo moble and woonderfull an enterpriſe lo happily atchiued, of noble en: if the ſame had byn doone in the owlde tyme when chempyze terpryfes. of the Grekes and Romans filozylhed, he mulde doubtelele haue byn rewarded with an 3mage of marble or golde erec: ted in a place of honoure in perpetuall memozte and foz a fins gular eremple of his vertue to the potteritie. Jn finc,this may we bouldly axirme, that the antiquitic had neuer ſuch know: lege of the worlde whiche the Coonne coompaleth abobre in ſuchc know: tie had no priiit. houres, as we haue at this preſente by thindufrye of lege of the men of this owre age. But before 3 (peakc any thynge of the worlde as biage, I haue thought it good fpid to adde hereunto, the s. we haue, piltle of Waximilian Tranſilvans which he wzote to the Lat: The antiqnk diwal! The vyage rounde rounded sinall of Salfepurge as a pzeface to his fayde booke (The Epigle of Dacimilian Tranſiluane, Cecretácie to the Empecours maietie: wzytten to the ryght honozable and cenerende lo de, thelo de Lardinall of Salſepurge, of 70 lbhohl Vrillados the marueplous and woonderfull nauigation made by the Spanyardes rounde abowt the worlde es in the peace of Chril, 29. D. fig. 3 in kloo orbes I Marelle. 2 theſe daies my moti honorable and retterend franog lojde, returned one of thoſe fiue lippes which the yeare befoze Themperours beinge at Saras goſa in Spayne, were at his maiefties com: maundement ſent to the newe woulde, hereto: che glandes foze bnknoten bnto bs,to ſeeke the glandes of Molucca. of (pices. fo, albeit the poztugales biynge vs great quantis tie of (pyces from that parte of Latte Jndia whiche in owlde Aurea Cherfo. tyme was cauled Aurea Cherfonefus (where is nowe thought to defus. We bee the greate and ryche citle of Malaccha) get in tatte sindia Malacchiata agrowe none of thoſe ſpices excepte pepper. For other (pices, spy.co. as Sinamome, cloues, nutmegges, and male, (whiche is the huſke that couereth the thell of the nutte) are brought frome ocher facre contreys & fcóflandes (carcely knolden by theyz names. Ffrom the Whiche Eilandes they are brought ik myps o, barkes made withowt any iren tootes, and tyed togychec With cozdes of date trees: with rounde (aples lpkewiſe made of the ſmaule twigges of the branches of date trees Weaueb together. Theſe barkes they caule Giunche: With the whiche backes and ſayles, they make they? bpages with onely one 3 boot Lynde in the learne oz contrarywyle. Reyther yet is it a thynge greatly to bee maruepled at that chele landes where the ſpyces growe haue byn bnknowen The Flandes ſo many wouldes pal into owre tyme, fogalmuch as all ſuch of Spyces to thynges as vnto this day haue byn wzytten of owld autours krowen in of the places where ſpices groine, are all fabulous and falle: omlde time. In ſo muche that the countreys where they affirme theym to growe, are nolbe certeynely founde to bee further frome the place where they growe in deede, then we are from them.F03 lettyngé palce many other thenges that are wigtten , 3 bell {peake about the vvorlde. 216 [peake only of thts which Herodotus (otherwiſe a famous aucs Herodorus. tour) affirmeth that Sinamome, is founde in the toppes of Sinamome. the nettes of certepne byzdes and foules that bzynge it frome farre countreps, & eſpecially the Phenyr, the which y knowe The Phenyt: no man that cuer hath ſecne. But Plinie who myght moze plinie, certeynely affirme thynges by realon that befoze his tpme ma ny thynges were knowen and diſcouered by the nauigations of great alexander and other,Cayth that Sinamome groweth The nauigati in that parte of Ethiope which the people inbabite cauled Tro. ons af greate gloditi. Neuertbeleđe itis nowe founde that inamome grow Alerander. eth very farre from all &tbiope and muche further frome the Troglodith Troglodiei whiche dwell in caues bnder the grounde. Butto owre men which are nowe returned from thoſe partes and the landes of ſpices, bauyage alſo good knowlege of Ethiope, it was necetarie to palle farre beyonde Ethiope beefože thep The navigati coome to theſe Jlandes, and to coompade abowte the whole on aboprsecke worlde, and many tymes bnder the greated circumference of wolde, beauen. The which nauigation made by them, being the moi marueplous töynge that euer was doone by man bppon the eartb fence the fyzd creation of the wozide, and rcuer founde befoje, o2 knowen, 02 attempted by any other, 3 baue delibes rated faythfully to wzyte to yowre honoſable lozdfippe and to declare the hole ſuccelle tberof. As touchynge which mats ter, 3 baut with all diligence made inquiſition to knowe the trewth alwell by relation of the Capitayne of that Myppe as allo by conference with cuery of tbe maryners that returned with hym. All which, gaue the ſelfe fame information botbole to Themperours matettie and dyuers other : and this with Tucb faythfulnce and ſinceritie, that not only they are iud- ged of all men to baue declared the trewth in all thynges, but baue thereby alfo gyarn bs certcpne knowlege that all that hatb bytherto bynfayde oz wzitten of owlde autours as tous The owlde chyngesbeſe thynges, are falſe and fabulous, Foz who wyll autours res beleue that men are found with only bae legge. Da with ſuch proued. fiete whole thadowe couereth they? bodyes. Dz men of a cu- bitcheyght, and other ſuch lyke, beinge rather monters then monſters. men? Of the which, neyther the spanyardes who in obre The vyages tyme ſayłyng by the Dccan ſea, Haue dilequered al the coales of the Spany of the lande toward the Wet both onder and aboue thc equt ardes and nocttall, no; the Portugales who compaflynge abowt al ár: Portugales, fryke baue paded by allibe seade and lykowylediſcouered all thofs - The vyage rounded thoſe coaces onto the great goulfe cauled Sinus Magnes, flog pet Simon Magni, the Spanyardes in this thep? lađe nautgation, to the which momame they compaſed abowt tbe hole earth, dyd neuer in any of their byages wzyte of ſuch monders : which doubteleđe they wold ogled not haue omnytted if they myghthaue bad certerue knowelege therof. But nowe inteldyngc to ſpcake of the whole wojlds wyll not bce longe in my pzeface, but begynne my narratie on as foloweth. te 100210 abziefe declarattott of the Byage oz nauigation made as soicha bowte the worlde. Bathered owt of a large booke Wytten hereof by matter Antonie pygafetta Wincentine, kought out of the Rhodes and one of the coompany of that bpage in the which, Ferdinando Magaliantes hand a poztugale (whom lam caule Magel Tarsus was generall Lapitayne hor"* 35 of the nauic. Ithowgh Scbagian ogunder in his intuera Sebaſtian fall coſmographie in the fyfthe booke of the unter. landes of the greater alia (which 3 tranlia ted into Engly the abowte two yeares Cenice) hath wzytten of the byage of Magellanus, deo clacynge therein bowe the Spanparves by the well, and the poztugales by the Eatit, The glardce faplyng to the Flandes of Molucca , compaled the hole globe of of walucca. the wozidt betwene them, yet haue 3 bere thought it good to make a breefe repeticion of this byage, addyngchercuntody. uers notable thynges which were not touched of wunder,as 3 haue gathered them owt of the bookes of antonie Pigafet: ta and Tranſiluanus wzytten of the ſame byage. For albes siulott in brede it was a &raunge and woonderful töpnge that the $3 panyardes and Portugales compared the hole circumfe: rence of the wozide bet wene them, yet is it moze marueplous that the ſame was doone with one tippe and one coompanie of men as dyd the Spanyarbes in this vyage, who keepynge Gust thépz conttuu all courſe by the Wette, returned into Spapne by the Eaſte. A thruge doubtlege ſo much moze woonderfull louno aad Grange then yf they had returned from the halfe circumfe senice by the ſame way they went, unbowe muche they were ignorante 237 about the vvoride. 217 ignožante in the vyage neuter attempted beefoze, belyde the thouſande daungionrs and perylles which they were Daplye lvke to faule into, aſwell by wanderynge in bnknowen coa: Controuerfte ties as alſo by faulynge into the handcs of the Portugales berivene the by whoſe dominions in the Eate, they mulde needes palle of Spanyardes necellitie, not trulynge to they? genocincile for the contro: and fortugas ucrſie which had byn longe betwene them for the glandes of les, Molucca. j wyll therefore (as 3 hane (ayde) make a briefe res heatíall of this tyage from the begynnynge to the endynge: Dmytryuge neuerthelede many notable thynges whiche are moze largely deſcribed in the bookes of Maximilianus Tranſiluanus and Antonius Tigafetta The tenthe day of Auguſt, in the yeare of owre lorde . Ferdinanda 0.rir. Ferdinando apagalianes Departed from the pozte of Magalianes, Siule in Spagne with a nause of frue thyppes and two hun: dreth thirtie and feuen men, wel furnyâhed with all thynges neceilarie. And ſaylynge fyldte downe by the ryurr of Guam delcbiber which runneth froni the fayde porte into the ſea, they "came fyzde to a place namid Giovir Dulfaraz where are nianye me bpllages of the cooles : and from thenſe arrgued at a callcl of the Duke of Medins Sidonia, where is the porte from whiche The Cape of they enter into the ſea and to the cape Caynte Wincent bringe raynt tinsen diftant from the Equinoctiail. rfctii. degrees and fronie the fayde pozt.r.leagues, and is from thonſe to Sinile betwone rvii. and .re. leaques. Bere they remayned certeyne dayes to make nowe prouilion of ſuch thynges as they lacked. Departynge front henfe the.rp. daye of September, thry che glandes arrgued the.prvi. day of the ſame moneth at one of the glan: of Canarie. des of Lanaric cauleð Tenerife, beinge. frv. degrecs aboue the Equinoctiall. In one of theſe landes is none other water water engens but that is continually engerdered of a clow de which appea: dered of a teth dayly at noone tyde as though it deſcended from heaucn cloide. and compaſeth abowt a certeync great tree from whoſe bian: ches difiilleth greate abundauncc of water, and faulethe in dreames from the roote of the ſame into certeine trenches and celarnes made and placed to receaue it. Tijis water Ceruch ſufficiently all thinljabıtanıntcs and cattaple of the Jlande. The gland Zhelyke thing is alſo ſeene in the Jland of (aynt Ahomas, faynt Thos lyinge directly under the Equittocriali lyne. mas. The thyzde day of Octobce abowe mydneght, the tapy: 331.1 tayne The vyage rounde tayne commaunded them to lyght fyzebrandes and to hoyte vprheyz ſaytes directynge theyż courſe towarde the South Capo verde ſaylynge betwene Capo Verde of Alteryke and the glandes ly: Singe abolot the ſame, beinge from the Equinocriall.cuit, des grecs and a halfe. They Cayled thus, manye Dapes in the Tyght of the coale of Guines, of Ethio t, where is the moun: Guinea in tayne canled Serra Lions beinge. viii. degrees aboue the Equis Ethyope, noctiall. Jn this coatt chey had no maner of contracy wonde Serrdions, but a great calme and fayze wether for the ſpace of threeſcole and tenne daycs, in the which they came under the Equinoc: tiall lyne. in this vpage they ſawe manye Atraunge fylthes and monders of the ſea befyde an other Graunge thynge whi fyfthes and monsters of che appeared bnto them. For there appeared in they, dyppes the Tea. :: cerrcyne fames of fyze burnynge very cleare, which they caut Che fyers of Caynt Delen and (aynt Nicolas. Theſe appeared as thoughe ſaints nelene they had byn bppon the mad of the thyppes, in luche cleare: 2.5. Nicolas. neče that they tooke away they? ſight for the ſpace of a quar a tempefta ter of an houre : by reaſon wherof, they lo wandered owte of theyż courſe and were diſparled in (under, that theyin maner diſpayzed to meete ageyne, But as Bod wolde, the ſea and tempcâ beinge quieted, they came ſafely to theyz determyned courſe. And before 3 (peake any further of thje vyage, 3 hane The naturall here thought good to laye fumewhat of theſe fraunge fyers, cauſe of ſuch which Cum ignojant felkes thynke to bee (piritcs of ſuche os fiers as faule ther phantaltes wheras they are but natural thynges pzocea in the (byps dynge of naturall cauſes and engendered of certepne erhala tions. Of theſe therefore, the greate Philoſopher of obta tyme Hieronimus Cardanus in his ſeconde booke de subrilitate, wiya teth in this manec. Cwo kyndes There are two maner of fyers engendered of exhalations of fyers enge wherof the one is burtfull and the other without hurte. That dered of erha which is hurtful, is fper in deede, engendered of malicious # lations, henemous bapours which in Cuccelle of time take fyer as apt matters to be kyndeled.The other kynd, is no trebo fyer, but Crewe fyer lyke the matter that is in ſuch owlde putrified tod as gjueth falſe fyer. the chynynge of fyer without the fubitaunce of qualitie thet of. Df the kynde of trewe fyer, is the fyer baule 03 ftarre com monly cauled ſapnt Delon which is fumtyme feene about the mafes of thyppes, beinge of inche fyery nature that it ſume: tyme mdteth balen belelles, and is a token of Dzobonpng; fo Cardanuse about the vvorde. 218 foráfmuch as this chaunceth only in great tentpettes. Foz the bapoure ou exhalation wheceof this fyze is engendered, can not bee dzyuen togyther oz compacte in forme of fyze, but of a groſe vapoure and by a great poure of wynde, and is ther: foze a token of imminent perell: As on the contrary partc, the įyke fyers cauled in owlde tyme Caftor and Pollux and nowe na Caſtos ad pollur. med the two lyghtes of Capnt Peter and ſaynt Mycolas whi: The lyghree che foy the molt parte faule on the cables of the wyppes, lea: of fayni pe: pynge from one to an other with a certeyne flutterynge nopſe ter and ſaynte lyke byżdes, are a token of ſecuritie and of the tempefte ouer: Nycolas. palled. Foz they are but vapoures cleauynge to the cables : which in ſuccellie of tyme, the fyer palynge from one to an o: ther, appete in the ſimilitude of a lyght candell. They are a token of ſecuritie bycauſe they are lyttle, noc Nowe or grođe, ova wherby they myght haue topned altogether in one, and byns de thereby moze malicious and latted longer, Idheras beinge ma ny and but Iyetle, they are the ſooner conſumed. Detberto Cardanus. But let us nowe returne to the vyage. When they had Cayled pale the Equinoctiall lyne, they they 'oſt the loft the lyght of the nozth Qarce, and fapled by ſouthwette fyght or the bntyll they came to a lande named the lande of Breğil whiche north farre. Cum caule Braſília, beingecrui. degrees and a halfe toward the The lande of ſouth pole oz pole Antartyke. This lande is continuare and Bielile, one firme lande with the cape of (aynte Auguſtine whiche is The South pole. viii. degrees from the Equinoctiall. En this lande they were teftethed with many good frutes of innumerable kindes, and sugar. foundé here alſo very good ſugar canes and diuers kyndes of beates and other thynges which 3 omitte foz b2cuitie. Ihey entered into this hausn on Caynt Lucies day: where the lonne beinge there Zenith (that is the poynt of heaven directly ouer they heades) they felte greater hčate that daye chen when the greate: they were under the Equinoctiall line. This lande of Bafile nelle of the is very largcand great: and bygger then all Spayne, pozta: land of Bia file. gale, fraunce, and italie: and is motte abundaunte in all chynges. Phc people of this countrey praye to noo maner of thingc: but liue by thindincte of nature and to thage of.L.rt and.L.fl. geares. Bothc che men and women go nakcd, and dwell in cetteyne longe houſes. They are very docible, and Coone allucco to the Chiykian fayti. Thertcene dages after that they artyued at the ſayd poit, 313i,ii, they The vyage rounde #m. they departed from this lande ans (apled to the .crriiii. de: grec and a halfe toward the pole Anractike where they found Cauit etes. a great ryger of fre The water and certeync Canibales. DE there they ſawe one owt of rhoy? Chyppes, of ttature as bigge Biantes. as a giante, bauunge & boyce lyke a bul. Døre meu purſued them, but tacy werclo (wyfte of fooce that they coulde not ouertake them. Abolt the mouth of this ryuer, are Ceuen 3: Infult gemme landes, in the bygged wherof, they founde certeyne precious tones, and cauled it the cape of (aynt maric. The Spany: Cap.S. Marie ardes thought that by this rywer they might hauc palled into the ſouth ſea. But they were deceancd in they: opinion. Fox there was none other pałage then by the cyuer which is.rvii leaques large in the mouth. Thus folowynge this coage by the tracte of the lande to: The pole En warde che pole Antareyke, they came to a place where were artike. twojlandes replenpühed with greſe and woolues of the ſea betre: sca woslues which ſum thynkcro bce thoſe fylhes that wce caule pikes. There were in ſuch number that in an houre all the fyue thip: pes myght haue byn lade with gicle beinge all of blacke cos loure, and ſuch as can not ilye. They lyue of fyrrhe and are lo farte that they coulde (carſely ie theymi. They haue 100 fez others but a certepne downe: and thcyz byls tike rauens byis. there woulues of the ſea are of dyuers coloures, and of the byggetređe of caluss, with they, heades of golden cotoure. Here were they in great daungiour by teinpcu. But as ſoone as the three fyers caulco ſaynre Delen, faynte Nycolas, and $920 ſapnt Llare, appered vppon the cabels of the fopppes, ſuda 033 depncly the tempete and furye of the wyndes cealed. The. "Ilit. des Departynge frame henre, they ſapled to the. 49. degree gree of the and a halfe under the pole Antartyke: where beinge wpntes Touth pole. ted, they were forced to remayne there foz the ſpace of two monethes, all whóch tyme they Tale no man ercept that one Siantes. daye by chaunce they eſpycd a man of the Nature of a giante, boho came to the hauen dammſyng and fyngynge, and ſhortly after ſeemed to call duit nucс his heade. Che capitayne ſente one og his men to the thize with the foyppe boats, who made the lyke ligue of peace. I be which thynge the giante (einge, boas olot of feare and caine with the capitaynes (eruauute to his prelerce nito a lytele lande. when he ſawe the capi: $åpne with certeyne of his coompang abowie bym, he was greatly about the worlde. dort 219 greatly amaſed and made lignes beldynge bppe his bande to beauen, ligntfpinge therby that owre men came from thence. The bygnes shis giante was lobygge, that the beade of one of owe men of the giante. of a meane ftature, came but to his wille. De ivas of good co2pozature and well made in all partes of his bodie, with a large byſage paynted with dyuers coloures, but foztbe molt parte pelowe. Oppon bis checkes were paynted two hartes, and redde circles abowrbis eyes. The heare of his headde was coloured whyte, and its appareil was thelkynne of a beatte fowderogyther. This beade (as Cocmed untobs) tjad a large heade and great cares lyke bato a mule, with the body of a camel and taple of a hozle, k[ he feete of the giant were foulded in the Cards (kynne after the maner of choos. Dc hao in his hande, å bygge and lhozte bowe, the drynge whereof was made of a ſynewc of that beade. De had alſo a bundell of longe arrowes made of rectes fethered after the maner of sleg owrs, typte with ſharpe ttones in the ſtcade of tren heades. Che Capitayne cauſed him to eate and dynke, and gaue hinande many thrnges, and amonge other & greate lookynge glade: ja tijo which as ſoon as he ſawe his ownclykenee, was lud depnely afrapde and tarted backe with ſuch violence that he oucrtbzewe two that toone neareft abovute bym, when the Lapitayne had thus spuen bym certeyne hauxes belles ana other great belles, with alſo a lookynge glade, a combc, and a payzc of beades of glaſe, he ſente brm to lande with foure of his owne men well armed. hoztely after, they ſawe an other giaunte of Cumcwhat greater &ature, with his bowe and arrowes in his bande, 1s an other ve dacwe neare bnto owre menne, hc layde bts hande on his giante. he ade and poynted bp towarde beauen, and owr men dyd the ipke. The Capitaync ſente his fyyppe boate to bzynge him to 00335 a lpttle flande bringe in the hauen, bis giante was becye tractable and pleaſannt. Dcloonge and daunſed and in bis daunſynge left the p;inte of his feece on the grownde, bere mayned longc with owre inen who named bpm Lobanie coulde wel (pcakcand playntly pronounce theſe wozdes: Iefusz Aue Murii, Iohannes, eurn as we doo, but with a bygger boyce. The capitayne gaae hym a ſhort of lynnca clothes and a coate of whyte woollen elorde: &lſo a cappe, a combe, a lookynge glale, with dyuers fuchcotber thyngcs, and Co (en tc bym to bis coompany, the day folowrns, be relozted agepne to the brppis The vyage rounde toppes, and bżought with hým one of thoſe greate beages, which he gaue the capitarne. But after that dape they neuer ſawe bym moze, ſuppoſynge bym to bee Aapne of his owne coompany foz the conuerſation he bad with owre men. Foure other after other.cb.bayes were patte, there came foure other giantes. gtantes without any weapons, but had bydde tbspz bowes and arrowrs in certepne bull hcg. The capitapne retep ned two of theſe whiche were younget and beớe inade. De tooke them by a decepte in this in aner, that gpuynige them knyues, Two giantes fbrares, loosynge glades, belles, bead:s of certall, a Cache are taken by other tryfels, he lo fylled tbepz bandes that they coulde hold a pollicie, ao moze. Then cauſed two payze of thackels of iren to bee put on theyz legges, makonge lignes that he wold allo gyue them thoſe chaynes : which they lyked berp wel bycauſe they were made of bzyght and fhytirage metal. And wheras they could not carp them bycauſe they? bandes were full, the other gya antes wolde haue caryed them: but the Capitayne wolde not *** fuffer them. When they felte the fakels katte abowte they? het legges, they begunne to doubte: but the Capitayne dpd put them in comfozte and badde them tande (tyll. in fine when they ſawe how they were deceaued they ro{td lyke bulles and Che denyll crped bppon they? greate dcuyll setebos to helpe them. Being Setebos. thus taken, tbey were immediatly ſeperate and put in fundie fhyppes. They coulde neuer bynde the bandes of the other two, yet was one of them with much difficultie ouerthrowne by none of owre men, and his bandes bownde : but he ſuds depnely fooled hpm Ceffe and fledde, as dyd alſo the other that 360 came with them. 3n theyz flying, they chot of they arrowes Deuyls aps and flewe one of owre men, They ſay that when any of them pere to the gy dye, there appere.f. 03.rit, deuyis leapynige and dautſynge 8 ames when bout the bodye of the deade, arid eeme to haue they? bobdyes they dye. paynted with dyuers colours. And that amongeother, there is one ſcene bygger then the reſidue, wbo maketh great mirth and retopſynge. This greaie deupil they caule Setebos, and caule the lelle Chelcule. One of theſe giantcs which they toke, Beclared by [ignies that he had ſeene deupls with two hoznes abouc tbeyzbcades, with longe heare downe to they feete: And that they call furth fyzc at they? thzores both befoze and Pageni belynde. The Lapitayne named theſe people Patagoni. The mott part of them weare theſkynnes of ſuche beađes wherof 31 baue (pokon befoze : And baue no boules of coutinuaunce but, about the worlde. 220 but make certoyne cotages whiche they couer twith the fayde (kynnes,and cary them from place to place. They iyue of rabo He dhe and a ci rtigne ſweete toote whiche they caute Capar. one of theſe which they had in therz lippes, dyd eate at one the gyantes meale a baſket of byſkette, and dzunke a bowle of water at a feedynge. dzaught. They remayned fyue moncthes in this pozte of ſaint Juli: They colpire an, where certeyne of the under capitapnes conſpirynge the agepnft they Death of they? general, were hanged and quartered : amonge Capitaynes thom the treaſurer Luigo of Dhendozza was one. Lexteyne of the other conſpiratours, he left in the layd land of Patogoni Deparryng from benſe to the S2. digree toward the pole artarrike lackynge a thyide parte, where they founde a ry: uer of fređhe water and good fyähe. Theyz typpes werty here in great daungiour. They remayned ebao monethes in this pozte Sphere they made newe promilion of freâ he water, fuell, and fpühe. Dere thé Lapitayne cauſed all his men to Confeffion. dce confeited. Appzochynge to the 52. degrecs, they founde the Graight Robecauled the traight of Wagellanus, beinge in ſum place of Wagella: che fraight 4.p.leaques in length: and in breadth (umwhere very large nus. and in other places tyetle može then halfe a leaque in bzedth On both the (pdcs of this Acayght are great and hygh moun tayneb coueced with (nowe, beyonde the whiche is the enter the South faunce into the ſea of Sur. This meeraunce the Lapitapne na rea. *** med Mare Pacificum. Dere one of the dyppes itole away pziui: Mare pacificum lie and returned into Spaine in this was one of the giantcs who dyed as ſoone as he felt the beate that is abowte the £: quinoctialligne. when the Capitayne Magalianes was pad the atraight and The giantes ſawe the way open to the othee mayne fea, he was ſo gladde tied for heat thecof that for ioy the teares fell from his eyes, and named. the poynt of the tande from whence be fyzd (awe that lea, C4 Capo Deſidedate po Deſiderato Suppoſing that the lyp whtch tole away had byn totte, they erected a croce bppon the top of a hyghe hyll to directe theit courle in the Araight of it were theyz chaunce to coome that short sights way. They founde that in this ftraught in the moneth of Oc tn chemonetke tober the nyght was not pad foure houres longe. They found of October, in this draught at guety three mples, a ſafe hauen and eccel: lent The vyage rounde cellent water to dzynke: woodde allo and fythe, and greate plentie of goodherbes. Th:y thynke that there is not a fayzec Mying fylbeg. arayght in the woulde. Here alſo they Cawe certeyne Äyinge fylhes. 11123 The other giante which remayued with them in the fiyp, named özcade Lapar: water, Dli: redde clothe, Lherecatted The gyantes colour, Cheiche: blacke colour, Amel: And ſpoke al his wory Banguage. des in the throte. On a tyme, as one made a cro ale before him and kyard it, thewynge it vnro bym, be ſuddeynely cryed se tebos, and declared by ſignes that if they made any moze croſ: res, Serebes wold enter into his body and make him byuſt. But when in fine he ſawe no hurte coome thereof, he tooke the croate and imbiaſed and kyllcd it oftentymes, deſyringe that abe gyart is he myght bee a Lhiydian before his death. De was therfore baduſed. bapryſed and named Daule. Departynge owt of this Arayght into the ſea cauled Mare Pacificum thc.rebiti. Day of Mouember in the yeare. 15 20,they . 70 ſayled three moonethes and. pr. dages befože they ſawe any Three mo: lande. And hauynge in this tyme conſumed all they? byſket bethes fapt and other byttaples, they fell into ſuche necetitie that they lyng without the lysht of were infozced to eate the pouder that remayned therof beinge lande, nowe full of woolmes and tynkynge lyke prae by reaſon of Ertrenie fg: the ſaltc water. They2 freiche water was alſo putrifyed and in eh. become yelowe. They dyb eate ſkynncs and pieces of lethet which lvcrs foulded abowt certepure great ropes of the Chyps. But theſe ſkynnes beinge made berge harde by teaſon of the Tee foonnc, cayne and Wynde, they hunge them by a coude in the Lea foz the ſpace of foure oz fine dayce to mollifie them, and fodde them and eate them. By reaſon of this famen and vna clenc feedynge, fumme of theyz gummes grewe ſo oucrther? Difeares of teethe, that they dyed miſerably foz hunger. And by this oca tamcn. , caſion dyrd.rir, men, and alſo the giante with an indian of the lande of Braſile otherbyle cauled Terra de papagalit, that is the lande of popingiayes. Beſyče there that dyed.frb.02. ITE were (o ficke that they were not able to doo any Ceruice with they? handes oz armes foz fceblenele: So that there was in manec none without ſum diſeaſe. Jn theſe three monethes mm Fr. dagcs, they ſayled foure thouſandelcaqucs in one gculfe 00015010 by the fayde (ca cauled Pacificum (that is) peaceable, whiche may well bee lo cauled fozaimuch as in all this epme hauprg no about the worlde. 221 no fgght of any lande, they had no miſfortune of bonde og any other tempelt. Durynge this tome allo, they diſeduered only two little Flandes vnhabited, where they ſaipe nothing but birdes and trees, and therefoze named them infortunate enfortmate glandes, bringe one from the other abowte two huadzeth Ica Jlandes, ques digante. The firfte of thoſe Jland 2s is from the Equi: noctial toward the pole datactike.rv.degrees, and the other fpue. Thepz Carlinge was in ſuche Coire that they ſailed dat: lp berwerne. 1. Ir. to Irc.lcaques. So that in fins, tf god of what they his mercy had not gyurn them good werbec, it was necellarp Sayled only that in this foo greate a lea they fuld all haue dyed for hun: ger, whiche neucrthelelle they eſcaped foo hardely, that it may bec doubted whether cuet the like blage may be atıcmp: fed with ſo good luccele. They conſydered in this nauigation that the pole Anrar: tike hath no notable farre after the forte of the pole Arcike. But they lampe many Garces gathered togyther, whyche are about the Chettorre like two dobbes one ſeparate a little from an other, and Cum fouth poies what darke in tóc mybdeft. Betweene theſe, are two darres not very biggeroz mucho Oynninge, whiche moue a little: Che needle and theſe two are the pole Antartike. The necdell of they of the coolne compade baryed famwhat, and turned ener towarde the pole pare. Artike. Reuertheleđe, had no ſuche fožce as when it 18 in theſe partes of the polc Artike. Jn (o muche that it was Thelode necedarte to helpe the needle with the lobe Gone ( com: Toises monly caule the adamanty befoze they could ſaile ther: with bycauſe it mourd not as it boothe when it is in theſe obre páctes. When they were in the mydded of the goulte, they cawe a crođe of fiue cleave darres directly toward the Wel, eand of equall didance the one from the other. # 3,4,6 The vyage founde of Theozder of the farres abowt the pole ans tartike, Cumme haue figured Parts in this maner. A ☆ & 21 NOST be pole Antartike, B. &be Credili about the vvorlde. 222 fu theſe dayes they Capled berbene the Wett and South The £qul: fo farre that they approched to the Equinoctialt line, & were noctial line. in longitude from the place from whence they fyya departed, & hundjeth and thentte degrees. Jn this courſe they Sapled by two glandes of erceadynge height, whetof the one named Cipanghu, 18. If. degrees from the pole Antartike: And the o: The Flandes ther named sumbdit .tv. degrecs. When thep ivere pau che of Ciganshy axd sumbdit Egirinoctiall line, they ſayled betwene the Wett and South: bett at the quarter of the Wett towarde the Southbed moze then a hundjeth leaques, changinge thepi ſayles to the quar: ter of the Souibwel bntyll they came to the .riii. tegóces as boue the Equinoctial towardeche pole Artyke, intentyng as much as were polible, to approche to the cape cauled of the owlde Wuyters Cattigars : The whiche is not founde as the owide Colmographers haue diſcribed it, but is towarde the north abowe.rii, degrees as they afterwarde vndertode. When they had thus ſayled.lrr.leaqars of this vyage in a reers cherii . degree about the Equinoctial, and.L.flbi. degrees of longitude (as 3 haue fayde) the ſyete day of Agarch they dil: coueted a lyttle glande towards the northwelte, and two os ther towardc the ſouthweće : but the one was hygher and bygger then the two other. 3n the bygget of theſe, the gene call capttayne wolde haue refted hym (efe a whyle: but he coulde not by reaCon the people of theſe Jlands relozted con cinually to the thippes with they canoas, and fole nowe one thynge and nowe an other, in fuch fojte that owr men could take no rele, and therfoze demaunded of the capitayne that they myght trpke theyi ſayles to bzynge the ſhyppes to land. But the Lapicapre beinge prouoked to anger, wentcalande with foztie armed men, and burnte about fiftie of theyż hou: les wuh many of theyz Canvas: and debe alſo about feuen ment, and recouered a thyppe boate whiche the Barbarians had Qolne, and ſo departed folowynge his byage. The cap! Infuhe Latroxke tayne named theſe glands Infula Latronum, that is, the 3lards of theues. When obr men had ſo wounded fumme of th ym bith arrowes that they were Aryken throughc bothclydis, they pulled furth the arrowes not ceaſyng co marueple at the epil they fell downe beade: And yet coulde not the other lo de part, bar tipli folowed the Chyppes with moze then two hin: biety of theg, boates, appzochynge as nere to the typprs as kkk,li, they The vyage founded they couldt, and pzoferynge obre men certepne fythes. 29 the dyppes pated with full Cayle in the myddefte of they boates, they fate in ſum of them certeyne womer lamenting and tearynge they, heart, which obrte men thought they did for the death of thepz huſbandrs. As farre as they could per Scopte prin ctaue, theſe people Ipue at theyz owne libertie without anye loisge hcare ruler o: gonetnour. shey go naked and have blacke beardes and blacke hearc on theyz heates whiche they wcare longe down to thepi wattes. They are of the ſame tatute that we are, and bocli måde, of coloure lyko bnto an olyue. Thep? wo men are bell fanojed with blacke and thicke heare on they beadrs reachynge to the grownde. The nienne colonse they Achey coloure tecth redde and blacke, which they efteeme a coomely thonge. sheyi testze. They annopnt they bodies and heare with the ayle of Cocus, Theyz boates are fum all blacke, ſum whyte, and Cum redde, and hane faples madcof the broade leaues of date trees Cowb togyrhee. In the teade of a rudder,chey ble a certeynt biode bocide with a daffe in the toppe, and maye when they byly make the itcrae the fožecatell, of the fozecalcit the Gerne. They ſayle ſo ſiyftely that they feewe a facre of, lyke Dile pbyng bymmynge aborr the water. e The tenth day of garch, in the yeate. 521.they wente Che 3tends alande bppon a tptde olande Hamed Zamd. crr. leaques dy o aipallo tant from the Flande of thecues. Bycauſe this jlande was not inhabyted, they refted here a thyle, where ths capitapng cauſed a pauihon to bee pytched foz the ſicke and craſed men, and a hogge to bee kylde. The thiti. day of marcha, they ſawe a boate with ryne men commynge tobarde them, thewynge thetm ſelues ioyfull andreioyfynge of theyz @ommynge. they brought many pre: (entes with them, and ſeemed to bec people of much humani: tyme of date sie. They gave the capitayne a great fylbe, and a great tellel cea, neb of the wyne of thoſe date trees whiche bcare the faute cocus. 82 Ihey made atlo ſignes that within the ſpace of foure dages, they wolde bzyug rytie and bguers foules and beats as they dyd in decde. the martes This cocus is a fruệe of certepne date trees bolereof they lous frute Cocije. make bzeade, bogns, oyle, and vinoget. They make wyne inte this maner. They cutte a bygge bjaunche of the tree,& hange sherat a csode as bigge as a mans legge, into the tohich dłop pety about the vvoride.IT 223 peth & ſlette licoter from the tree lyke bnto nete thote wine Cumbohat tart, t let the reede continewe there front moinynge tyll cuenynge, and from cuenynge to moznynge.The trute of this tree caulcd Cocus, is as bygge as the head of a man of moja. The fyzite ryndt of this, is greene and of the thycke:oba nelie of two fyngers, hauynge in it cestspne thycedcs wherok they make coides with the which they rpe thepi boates. Witbmetri der this rynde, there is a thieke ſhell whiche they burne and make pouder therof and ble it as a remedie fol certryne diſea: fes. Under this fyell, is a bhyte fübtiaunce lyke the carnell of a natte being a fynger in thickcnelic, which they sare worth arübe and fylhe as bec doo bicadı. 3t hath the tate of an ma almonde, and is bred in the trade of bzcade when it is bzyed. In the myddel of this carnell, is a cleave and (weere water, beinge very hollome and coždiale. This loåter (umryme con: geleth and lyeth within the ſhelt lyke an egge. When they in tende to make oyle hereof, they ley it to putrifie in waterzand boyle it bnroll it bee lyke ople oz tiquide butter. When they intende to make vineger, they fnifer only the water to putet: fie, and then ſet it to the ſoonne where it becommerh vineget lyke bnto that which is made of whyte myne. And when they mengle the carnell with the water which is in the mobbelt of the frate, and frayne it thozowe a cloth, they make a mylko OT sherof lyke bnto goates mylke. Theſe date trees are lyke br to them that beace dates, but are not fo full of knortes. With the iuife of tboo of theſe date trees, a hole famelie af tenne per fons may bec magnteyned with wyne vſynge one biti, bayrs, and the othcr, other. b.ii. dayes : for they coulde eta bec diyed and wythered. Theſe trees continue for the ſpace of a hiin: Dicth ycares. This glande where they founde this hamane The 3!andos zusluga and gentell people, is cauled Zuluan, and is not berye bygge. Abobot this flande they founde manye other glandes, and The les caus sherefoze named this ſea ArchipelagodaSan Lazaro, that is, the led archipes great (ca of ſapnte Lazarus, bringe tenne degrers aboue ibe lago di far Lazaro Equinoctiall towarde cbre pole, and. £. Izi. frome the place from whenſe they departed. The people of this iſlande are Capbranite (that is geneples. They go naked ſauynge thap chey 6enryles. couer theyz pziuic partes bith a clothe made of the tynde of a Ferteyne tree. The chiefcâ men, baue abobte theyz hrades a {plkon doth of needle woojke. Abeg are große and biode fes ans The vyage rounder derode and of the colonce of an oline. They annopnte thepi bodies with the ople of Coeus to defend them ageynt the heart of the refoonne and dipnetic of the wonde. The trb. day of Charche they departed from hence and directed the courſe betleng Foure Zlands che Welle and ſouthwest, and (apled betwene foure 3 landea named Centlo, Hvinanghan, Hibuffon, and Abarien &c.iasto The gland of The Bebidi. Dape of Marche, they came to the glande of Butbuan where they were honorably injectepned of the kynge Buchuan, and the unce his foonne who gave theim muche golde and [pices. che capitapre gaue the kynge a veture of red clothe and an other of yelowe made after the Turkydhe fa Thyon, and alſo a red cappe. And gaue ligebte to other that came with hym cercoyne knyacs,gladies and beades of cričalle. After that the capitapne had bewed tho kpnge the ſecreates of his ſhippe and ſuche marchaundies as he had therin, he cauſed a picce of ordinaunce ſuddenly to bee thore of, whereat the kyng was greately amaled vntil the capitayne comforted bym. Then the Lapitaine commaunded one of his men to be armed from the heade to the foote, and cauſed three other to Griže bym with thép, [woodes, whercat the kynge maruay, led greatdozand ſaydr to thinterpretonde ( who was a daue vozne in malacha) chat one of thoſe armed men was able to encounter with a hundzeth of his men. But he maruapled muche moze when the capitaine could hym by thinterpretoure howe he founde the fraight by the compañeandlode done, and hobe many dayes they were without ſight of any lande, Then alkynge licence to departe, the capitapne ſente two of his men with him of the bobiche Antonie Pigafetta was one. When the kynge awe antonie Pigafetta brite the names of many thinges, and afterwarde rehearſe them ageync, he mars Hayled yet moze, makynge ſygnes that ſuche men deſcended from heaven. The ikonge brought them firûte to his pallaice Inheçe he intérteyned them honozably and gaue them mange gyftes, as dyd alſo che zince in his pallaice beynge in at 03 The Fland of ther glande named Caleghan. calegkan. As they [pfied a cercegne mpne of earth in the kpages glande, they founde pieces of goldc, cum as bigge as nutten and other as bigge as egges. All the kynges bedelles were plentie of of golde, and his houſe well furnpahed. In all the holenas tion there was no man of coomlier perſonage then chekinge. golde. DE about the vvorlde v sT 224 bae had his heare long downe to his thulders, and brey blake, with a vaile of ſilke rowled abowte his head and two greare The kpnge of Butkuan. ringes of golde hanginge at his eares. De had abowtelys mpddle a clorhe wroughte of cotton and ſilke impaled byth golde,and teacheinge doltne to his knces. Dr his one lyde; he had a long dager with a hafte of goldey and the thithc of a fayze konide of carued woodde. De had on every finger, three einges of golde, and had his bodie annoynted with ople of fogar and Beniamin. The natural coloure of his face was like into the coloure of an oliue: And all his bodye byłyde paynted with diuers colours. Thekyngrs name was Raia Colambu,and the Prince was cáuled Kaia Siagu. Thelalte day of warche neare bnto Ealier, the capitaine water cauſed his preelle to ſay mađe, and ſente to the kinge by thirs terpretoure, that his commyng a lande at that tyme was not to dyne with hym, but only to hcare male. The Lapitayne came alande with fyftie of his men in they? bet apparel bich bacon obte weapons o2 barnelle, and all the reſpoue well armed. Before the boates came to lande, he cauſed ſire pieces of one dinaunce to be thotte of in token of peace and ſo came aland, where the two kinges embzalcd bymand accompanyed byns to the place appoynted for made to be Caybe not farce frome the ſea lpde. Sumwhat befoze the beginnynge of made, the Capitayne fpzinkelcd the Kynges with damalke water. When the pzeeſte was ar mid matte at the offitozie, the kings pzofered them ſelues to go to kyle the crolle with the capy- taynt, but offered nothynge. At the tymc of ſacringe when sto the pzcelt lifted bppe tbe bodie of Chut, and the Lipifians kneeled downe and helde vppe their handcs ioyned cogither, the kinges dpd the like allo wyth greate reuerence. 3n the mcane tyme, whyle certeyne of the Chriftians were at the com manton, a bandegunne was fotte of to lignifie unto theym that were in the fopppes, to diſcharge alt they, ozdinaunce. when make was fynpähed, the capitaine cauſed certeyne of his men to put on they, havneữe andto make a combat with a combatte. they, nakrofwoordes, wherat the kynges tooke great plea: Sure. This doonc, the Lapitaine caulid a crole to be brought The Croſſe furth, bith naples and a crowne of thouncs, syuynge com; and crowds maundement to all his men to gquc reuerence therunto, and of thome.. Ognifyinge to the kynges by thinterpzetour that thar banner was The vyage rounde i foods Kas gpucn bpm by Themperoure his lozbe and matier, Witt commaundement to leaue the ſame in al places where he came to the great commoditte and profite of all ſuch as wolde reurs rendly receaue it as an allured token of frendſhip: and that be wold therioze lcaue it there alwe to accomplyibe his lods commaundement, as alſo that if at any tyme any ſhyppes of Chzigians Qulde chaunce to coome that way, tuloe by Ceing that croile pcrccaue that owrc men babbyn well enterteynco tbere, and wolde therfozc Bot oncly ablepne from doing them any hurte of difpicaluce, but alſo hclpc to apde them agcunde they, chemies. And that therfoje it fulde bee requiſite to es tecte that croticbnpon the toppe of the Hyghette mountayne that mygbrøee (eene from the ſea oa cuery (yde. allo to pay bnto it reucrently. And that in ſo doinge, they could not bee burte with thunder, Ipghthyoge, 02 tcinpelles. When the kynges harbe theſe woo;des, they gauethe Capitapne great thankes, pzoniplinge gladly to obſerue and fulfgli all ſuche meores and thynges as he required. Then the Capitayne demaundeb Searyles, whityer they were goojes ca gentyles. They anſwered that they had none other kynde of religion, but thariyttyagi öppe they? bandes torned togyther and theyz faces toward beauen, tbey cauled bppon theyz gob Abba, whiche anſwere lpked the Lapitapne bery well, bycauſe the gentyles are Cooter perluas ded to owre faytb theo the 90o2cs.&C. 20ANY Jlands Departynge fromc benſe, they came to the 3landts of Zeilon, Zubeth, Megund, and Calagban, by the conducre of certeyng pylottes of tbe fayde kynges, of theſe, 2xbut is the The Iland of bedte, and harb the trade of bette trafiquc. Jn the lande of & fana. Melans, they founde bogges, cattes, hogges, hennes, goates, cy:c, ginger, Cocus, mylle, panyke, barlye, fygges, 0janges wart, and goide in greate quantitie. This lande is about the Equinoctiall towarde öwre pole.is.orgrees twoo thg 104 partes: aud.162. degrees frome the place frome tobenie they deparred. They remapaed in this pland fog the Space sf bitt daycs, and then dtrected thepz bpage towarde the nozehwet, and paded berwene theſe fyue flandes, Zeilos, Bohol, Cangbu, Bu Battes as bui, and Catigban. 3JR this lande of Catighwn, are certeyne gecat bygge as battes as byggeas Eagles, of the wrich they toke one. They stagics. are good to bec caten, and of tate machelpke a benne. A bere fowies with bomce, are alſo tocke dooues, turtle dooues, popingtayes, and cers $cjne foules as bygge as bcancs. Speſe foules baue lyttle bozkes about the yyorlde. 225 Homes, and lay great egges, which they couer a cubet depthe in the lande, by the heate whereof and bertue of tbe loonet, egges hat: they are hatchib, and the younge by?des cteepe owtc of the ched in rand. lande by then Celues. From the glande of Mefina to Caigham are freieaques Caplenge towarde the wet. &nd brcauſe the kynge of Peñana coulde not folowe the thyppes, they tary- cb for him about the landes of Polo, Ticobon, and pozon, where onere the taptrapne tooke bpm into his wippe with certeyue of his principall men, and lo folowed thep? bpage towarte the 31- lande of zubur, whicbc is abowre fiftie leaques détaste from The Ilarda Catighan, auch of 3wbue, Shebit.day of Wpzyll abofte noone, they entered into the pozte of Zubut: And paprige by many vpllages and habt- tecions in trecs, they came to the citie, wbere tye Lapitayne gauecommaunzemcat'to the maryners to fryke they? Caples: * to let them ſelues in izber in maner of battagle ray,cauling all the odinaunce to bee fhotte of, wobercwith all the people were put in greate feare. Atter this, the capitapne ſent an The kynge of ambaladoure with thántcrpzetoure to the kpage of Zubut, it gabus. When rbey appzoched nere to the citie, they founde thekpng with a great company of men (oze all onploed at the nople of the gunnes, But thinterp?etour aduertiſed them that it was the cuſtome of owre meti in al fuche places where they toome, to diſcharge they 2 opdinaunce in token of frendero yppe and to Howout thcloide of the citie. With which woozdes tbe kyng and his roompany were well quicted. After this, thinterpre tour dedared tbar his matter was the Lapitayne of the fhips of the greated Prince in the wozide, and that they wenre to diſcover the Flandes of molucca:gud further, that bearplg of his good #ame and fame by the repozte of the kpng of me Cana, they determyard to vidite bym and tobaue byttayles fozercbaunge of thepz marchaundies. The kynge anſwered that he was well contented thertvith, and that they were bar tely welcoome. Ncuerthelele, ibat it was a cu fome in that place, tbar all ſuch dyppes as entered into that hauen, wuld za ſtyp laden pay tribute: And that there were not many dayes page, fence with gold a Cupppeladen with golde and daues dpd lo pape. 3token and ſlaues, wherof, be cauſed to coome brfoze bym certepas marciaunres of that coompany whiche yet remaynen with vym. To this thinterprecour anſwered, that fogalmuch as his lode was che Capitapne of ſo mygbtte a prince, be neuet payde tribute 11, 386 The vyage rounde to anr kynge tur the wozide, and wold not towe begynne. *** pllynge bpm to take this for å rcfolate anſwere, that if he sa bonne wolde accepte the peace that was profered bpm, bo fulde ens joy it, and if he rather def92cd' wacre, he ſhoulde hauehis Handes fall, when thinterpzetour had Capde thefe woo;des, one of the fapdc marchauntcs (who was a Mooze) (pake to the kynge in this manet. CATACAIA Cbite that is. Dakt hele (pz. Foy theſe men are they that haue conquered Calcut, @)& Calicut. Jaca, and all the greater yndia and are of ſuche poure that Malasba. Ta pf powe intreate them otverwyſe then wellspowe map to late 25 knowe what they are able to doo moze then they haue duong yanacaleat Catcut and malaca. Whenthintcrpzetoure hadde tbele woozdeg, he fayde that the kpoigebis to:de was of much gred ter puitlauncc and moze dominions, and lozde of moze füpppes then was the kpoge of Pogtugale : declarynge further that he was konge of Spapne and Empercur of all Chzigendome Addynge bereunto that pf he woide not bec bts frende, he sogari adi wolochereafter ſende ibyther ſuche a poure of armed men as udfulde defroy his contrey. The 90oze conferred all theſe woodes with thc kyage, who fayde tbat be wolde further dcliberate with his counſapte, and gyue theym a full anſwere the daye folowonge. In the mcane tyme he cente theym ccr: hitatepne byttayles and wyne. When all theſe, thonges were des induste) dared to the kynge of peedana who was the chiefcat tha e as towt ner te bnto bym, and loade of many glandes, be wchire atande and repayzed to the kpage of Zubut and declared buto nym the great humanitie and curtelte of the generall £apte neguns tapne. Obojtely after, the Capitapne ſente cercepne of his 233t men with thinterpzetcar to the kpnge of Zukit to knowe bis uus pleaſure and what aunſwere be wolne make them. As they wante towards the courte, they mette thekynge commyog in the Orecte accompanied with many of his chicfe men. De cauſed owr men to ſit downe by him, and domaunded of them if there wercatiy moje tven one Capitapse in ther? coompas inte: and whether it vrece thsyariqucfte til at bethulde pay tri bute to timpcrour. They an{wered that they deſyncd none otbet ttynge but that they myght ererciſe marchaundies sheadyng of with them, andto bartcr Ware fo: ware. Dhe kynge made bludde is a to anſwere that he was well content thet with : wyllynge the ken of frend: thyepe Lapitayne in tošen of frendtippeto ſende him a little of the bluo of his crabs arme, affirmgng that be wold do thelpke.ge After about the vvorlde.* 226 zubut his ago after this the kynge of Chetana Ibith the kynge of zuten bis neule (who was the prince) and certegne other of his gen éplmen, came to the lyppes and brought the Lapirapne ma: ny goodly pjelentes. They entered into greate amitie, and sui* hao large communication of many rhynges. She Lapirayne perſuaded them to the Chritian fapth, which they gladly eit ec euisa biaſed, and tooke (uche pleaſure in hearynge the arttcles of obore beliefe, that the teares fell from they: eyes'foz ioye. they were baptifed, and thoztely after all the people of the The kynge of glande. They eateeme not hpng moze pzécious then Dignking sibue is bap: slales of Wenice woojke. 7 miedo asa when they came to the citie, they founde the kyng in his pallaice litepnge bppen a köure of Auoite mate of the leaues globe of date trees blought after a curious diuife Iyke a certeyne kynde of mattes. be had bppon his body, none other appa: The fynge of tell but only a cloth of bombaline cotton hangyng before his pareli prinie partes. Dn his heade; he had a vayle of needle bozke: and aboire his neckc'a chaine of greate price. At his cares, hange two rynges of golbe wherein were indofed many pre: cious dones. De was but of (maule Nature, but fumcinhas 271116 3173 21301 13 grolle, and had the celidue of his body paynred btch dyuets .no coloures Wherof (um Wece lyke bato dampnge fyje. Befoje 40 bym, he had to bellefles madt of the fine carry caulco Por, celhuwd, with lodden egges! alſo four veưels of Porcellana full sop de of wyme made of date trợcs, and courred with many odozife: 111914 tous herbes. The prince brought them to his boule, whcie behad foure doughters berge well favoured and whyteloke obres. Be cauted them to daunce all naked, and thetwith the favored to lynge, and play on cetteyne tomb elles made of metallid women. At this eyme it ſo chaunced that one of the Spanyardes byed in one of the ſhyppcb. And when certeyne of the coom panye defyyed the kynge co gyue ebem ledde ta bucie bym on the land, beantwéred that folaTmuch as heand all hisy wede at the tonmaundément of theyl konge and mancr, bol rhach moje dught the grounde fo to ber. 3513 Sidoi 10.2010 They greatly Harveyled at the cerimonies pertéputyng to the maner of obre funeralles, and honoured the crotes whic che weve let at bothe thendes the graue. Thrplyne with iudice, and bre Waighres and meaſures. Theyi boules ate madeni sa imbec and lawont bobydess and 111.. are The vyage rounde * are po buylded aborte the grownde bppon proppes and pyles, 9. th at theyaſeende to the fume by cect eyne tayers. Under thep: houſes, they tecpe they, hogges and hennes. BatteryngeusWhen they came to batterynge, they gaue golde, epite, hogges, hennes, and dyuers other thynges for ſume of obore belog what. srpels of ſmaule value. shey game tenne peſos of golde faz fbi. pounides ineyght of iren. One refus is iw value a ducate and a halfe. The Curday fotowynge, the kynge was baptys red bith great ſolemtinitie. At which tyme, the £apitayne at: 2 monpähed him before not to bec afrayde at the thootyng of of the oldinaunce, bycauſe it was they, cuſtome ſo to doo at ſuch They breake folemne feañes. After this, the Capitayne cauſed theym to theya 3doles becake all theyz J doles, and to let yppe the crođc in dywers and erecte placcs, piapingu to che came bothe moznynge and euenynge the croire. kncelyngcon theyz knces and holdynge bp they? handes ioy .. ned togyrhet. The kinge in his baptiſme, was named Lhata les after the Emperous name, and the prince, ferbinanto after the name of his maieftics brother. The kynge of Ael: ſana was named John, and the gooze Chudiophet. To all fyue huis dierh men other they gave fuch names as are commonly bled in Chriften baptiſed. dome. And thus becfozc mate was beginne, were fine hans dieth men baptiſed. When made was fynyſthed, the Lapt: tayne inuited the kynge to dyne with him in his moyppe, and The queent at his commynge, cauſed the ordinaunce to be diſcharged. of zubuc: he queene was alſo baptiſed with fogtie of her gentlewo mens and her daughter the princes botfe. The queene was be sty younge and fayze, haugnge ber body couerco with a white B910 87137 cloth. Do lyppes were reddes and we had on her head a bat, .8731110 on the coppe wherot was a triple Crowne much lyke the popes BOSC This growne uths hat, were made of the teacs of dates treesa a Within the ſpace of biii, dayes, chinhabitauntes of the 3: laude bere baptiſed excepte one byllage of 3 bolaters who bolde kor herein obey che hynges commaundcment, wherup pon the Capitagne leng ccr gepne of bis menne thyther, who burnt che towne and erectida crogle m that place bycauce che people of the bpllage bere gentyles (that is) Juolatero But if they had bya M300188 (that is machameti&es) they wold haue cresced a pyller of tone, bycaníc the mogjes are mode dooberne and harder to bee conuert go then are the gentyles. Tu When the quelle came to the place to here thee fuldheate malte 313 about the worlder 227 200 matie, thee came furth with great pompe and folemnitte, ha: uynge goinge befoze ber three younge damoſelles and thzee The queene men with thepz cappes in theyz handes, whom ice folobod apparell. apparelled in whyte and blacke, with a great baple of [ylke bppon her heade fringed abowte with golde, whiche couered her hatte and hunge downe to her thonlders. Sheebad alſo a great trayne of women folowonge bet, beinge all barefoo: **** fed and naked, ercepte that bppon they, heades and pztuje partes, they woje certegne bayles of ſilke, and hadde theyz heare (pzedde. Befoze the kynge of Zubat was baptiſed, he was named Kaia Bumabuon. When the Lapitaynı demaunded of hyni why all the Jdoles in the Jlande were not burnt accordynge 2916 to his pzomeđe, be anſwered that they etee mcd rhé no more bates as goddes, but only made ſacrifice to theym for the pzinces brother who was very Tyckt, and as noble and byttie a man as was in the lande. The Capitayne anſwered that if hewolde burne al his 3 doles and beletre faythfully in chuid, and bee baptiſed, he thulde be immediatly reftozed to health, and that he bolde els gyuc them tcnue to fryke of his heade. By theſe woozdes and perſuaſions of the Capitayne, he con: ceaued ſuch hope of Health, that after he was baptiſed bc felt no moze greefe of his diſeaſe. And this was a manifett myza & miracle dle bought in obre tyme wherby dyucts infidels were con: uerted to owse fayth, and theyz dolcs Deltroyed, and alſo stop theyz altares ouerthzowen on the whiche they were accufto: goeib med to cate the ſacrifyced fleühe. The people of the Jlande pay the kynge a poztion of bittaylcs foz they2 tribute by all they cities and vpliages. mot farre from this jlande of zubut, is the land of Ma. The stand of Bhan, whoſe inhabitauntes ble maruelous cerimouics in theyz wahan, facrifices to the foonne and burying the dcade. They weare Buy rynges of golde abome they? pziuie miembers. The glande is: gouerned by two pinces w hirot the one is named Zula, and the other cilapul.1px. And whicas this cilapulepu refuſed to pay tribute to the kynge of S payne, the Lapitayne went ageynit bym in his owne perſon with. Ir, of his menine armed with coates of maple and helmettes. Lil'apælapu diuided his army's into three bartaylce, hauynge in cuery bartaile two thouſand and fiftie men armed with bowes, arrowes, dactes and iaues The vyage rounde lins hardened at the popntes with fper. This continued longe Thecapitaine and ſharpe. But the Capitapte beinge a balient man and pe: magellauus , fynge hym Celfe in the biunte of the battaple, was foue bout to fisyne, did and dayne, foraſmuch as the mode of the Barbacians di cocted all theyz force agepng bym. Belyde the Caprrayne, ago bere dayne of olore men abowt.biii. oz.ir. Dt the Barbart ans, were rb Qayne and many foze wounded. After the death of the Capitayne, they choſe two other in 'his place, of thje con lohich one bas Dboardo Barbeđa a portugale, and the o: seloto sher John Serrano who was ſhožtely after betrayde by thin: terpretour and taken priſoner with Dyults other. Lerteyne dayes before the Capitaynes dearh, they hadde estars knowleage of the 3|landes of molucca whiche they chiefely The 3'and of fought. Departynge therfoże from the plande of chathan, Bohol. they ſaylcd farre and came to the cape of an other lande nas med Bobol. In the myddelt of this mayne lea (Whiche they They burnte named Archipelagus) they conſulted to burne the typpe named one of they! Lonception, bycaule they were nowe fewe in number, and to ſhyppes, furnyte the other two fhyppes with thartillerie therof.thus directynge they courſe towarde Southewet, they came to an other lande nanied pawiloghon, where they founde blacke Blacke men. men lykc ynto the Saraſing. Shoyrly after, they arrgued at an other great pland, bhole kyng named Kala Lalauar, in: treated them very frendely in all thynges as dyd the kyng of The Flande gletana. This lande is ryche in golde,and hath plentie of of Chippit, rylle, gynger, bogges, goates, bennes, and byuers other thynges: gtis named Chipgit, and is. viii. degrees aboue the Equinoctiall line towarde obor pole: And in longitude from the place from whenſe they firai departed.173. degrees: Aub abowt.so. leaques from Zubute Departinge frome henſe they came to an other land na: The gland of med Caghuian beinge 40. leaques frome Chippit as they ſapleb Cagbaian, betwene the weite and Southe wette. This flande is ve sy greate, and in maner vnhabited. The people are moozes, and were banyumcb obot of the glande of Burnei whiche furn cáule Porne. frome this Flande abonte prb. leaques betwene the well The Gland of and northe wede, they founde a maruclous frutefall flande pulaog). named Pulsom, beinge towarde obre pole aboue the Equinot: giall it, degrees and a thirde parte: And C.lrcis, degrees and a thyzde about the vvoride. 228 a thad parte in longitude frome the place of thepz departing frome this Flande.f.leagurs towarde the South Wette, they ſawe an other lande whiche Ceemed to them ſumtymes.The gland of to mounte as they fapled by the coafies therof. As they were burner or por entcringe into the pozte, there aroſe a boyfhous and darke tê: ne. pèſte bohich craftd as ſoene as the fiers of the three fayntes wherof we haue (peken befoze)appcand vppon the cabells. frome the beginninge of this glande to the pozte , are fyue leaques. Ahs glande is greate and richeandthechicfc cite thetof conteyneth.tb.thouſandr houſes. The kynge inter: A great citie, terned o wie dien very frendipe, and ſent them bylyde many other preſentes, two clephantcs trapped bith (ilke to bring klephances them to his pallaice that brought the preſentes which the La pptaynes fent hynt. De hath a magnpfycalle courte and a grcate garde. alſo a multitude of concubynes. Dcis a moore, and is named Baia Siripada. He is a kynge of great poure, and hath bnder bym many other kynges, landes, and cities, This flande of Burnci is aboue the Equinoctialt toward obje pole fyue degrees and a quarter. And in longitude frome the place of thepz departing.clrxbt.degrees and two chirde. partes. ele 9000011 Departirge fromo Burnei, they came to an glande caulcd Cimbubon, beinge. viii, degrees about the Equinoctiallignetke gland of Dire they remayned.pl, days to calke theyz torppės and fur: Cimbulon. nyltbe them with freifhe water and fuell whiche was to them great payne and trauayle becauſe they were in manet all bare foored, they, thoors and in maner theyz other appareil being wožne by reaſon of the longe vyago. En the wooddes of Leaues of this Jlande, they founde a tree whole lraues as ſoone as they recmc tolwe faule on the grounde, doo furre and remoue frome place to place as though they were algue. They are muche lyke the leaurs of a niulbery tree: And hauc on curry fydc as it were two thoat and blunt ficre. When they are cut or broken, there is no blutde icene come furth of them. pet when any of them are touched, they ſuddeynsiy moue and Garte away. Antonie Pigafetta kepte one of them in a platter foz the ſpace of. viii. daycs. And auer bhon betonched it, it ranne rounde abowt the platter. De fuppofeth that they line only bp ayct. Departynge from henſe, they directed theyż cortſe by the Wefe quarter towarde the South cade, to fgnnetheglandis of The vyage rounde BE walucia, and ſayled not facre from certegne mountaynes Ares full of where they founde the ſea full of great becdes and her bes. weedes. from hence, they came to the glandes of Zole and Tagbimus, in the which are founde perles of erceadyng biggencle. perles. Folowyng thayz courſe toward the north fact, they came to a grear citie named Mingdando, lyinge aboue the Flandes of Buthuan and Calaghur, wisere they tooke a canoa of certeyne of thinhabitaumts: by whome being informed of the glandes of Molucc.., they lefte chey, courſe towarde the north faffe, and de folowed the South catte nere Vrto a cape of the land of Bus men oner: ehuar, they were aduertiſed foz certentie that on the bankes of growen with a certepne tpuer, there bwelte men oucrgrower lotth heare, beare. and of high đaturt. ffolowyng till they? courſe by the ſouth tatt, and pals The glandes lyng by many Chauleglandes, they came to the jlandes of of molucca. Molucca the fyrte Dape of Nouember and the revii. monethe 0979 after theyz departure oføt of Spayne. Beinge therfoze log: full and gynyng thankes bnto god, they diſcharged all they oldynaunte. in the coaſte of all theſe 3|landcs, even into the Jlandes of molucca, foundyng with they? plummet, they founde the deapthe of the ſea to bee no lelte theu a hundrech and two yacdes, which is contrary to the Caping of the Day: ho postu: sales are re: tugales who aſyime that no typpe can pale that way with gioved. out great daungioure by reaſon of the thalownes and rockes of thelues: and fol the darkenctie which the clowdes cauſe it the heauen. ait which thyngs they fayned to thintent that none other fulde banc knoweleage of theyz vyagies. The .biji. Day of Rouember in the peace • 152 1. befoje tidode one of the ryſinge of the Coonne, they entered into the pozte of the the glaudes Flande of Tidore, being one of the chiefe 3 landes of molucca, of wolucca, where they were honorably interreyned of the kynge who de: clared that he had louge bctože ſeene a ſygne in heauen that certeyne topppes (buld comme from a farre contrep to the 3 landcs of myolucca: And that wheras for the better certificat A VITTOR 16 therof be conſydered the ftations of the moonc, he ſawetter: be planettes in the commong of owze dyppes, and that we were the ment bohonie he ſeemed to ſee in the ſame. Whecupon he p?ofered hpm felfe to enter into Icaque of frendlu yppe with the kynge of Spayne, and to accepte owze men as his brothecne and chplDzeu: Wylling them to come alande as into thep; owne boules. about the vyoride. 229 ( ន. ) auzoj. Doules. Alſo tbar fo2 tbepz tommynge, that Flande ſpulde do moze bee cauſed Tidore, but Cadile foz the greate loue wbt thehe bort to ther; kynge whom be reputed as his lozde aud mafier. This kynge is & Wo07€, and is tamco Bala Sultan the fpues the glandes of Dyolucca areffue in number, tace tbus tandes of moa named : Tarende, Tidore, Mutir. Msection and Ekebian of thelc, lucco. Tarenate Carenste is the chicfett, ocul potrannou Directly agepnąc the lande of Tidor, there is an orice the glasd of great lande named Giloto, inhabited of Poojes and con: Gilolos sples. The 90ozes baue two kynges,of the which ont hath (pre hundjeth chpidzen, e the other lite hundrerh and fitrie. woores <$ Che Gentyles kepe not ſo many women as doo tbe 19002es celestia noz yet lyue in ſuchc fuperäittons. They pzape to the frille Jogico chynge that they mcete in the moznynge when tbep go furth of they? houſes, and honoure that as theor god for that day. Che kyage of the gentyles is bory ryche in golde. Ja tbe solde. Capde glande of Gilolo, are reedes as bpage as a mans legge, water. In and full of deare water bolcome to bre djunke. en reedes. cbe. cit. Daye of Pouember, the kynge of Tiboze ap. popuccb obremen a ware boulc in the citie where tbcp migbt Theyi manel Cell ther, marcbauidies, Chepa maner of crchange was in of barteringe. shis fozt. ffor teanc pardes of good rebbe clorb, thep bad one Babar of clones, whiche amounterb to foure Cantari and Syge pounde weight : And one cantar is a bundzeth pounde weight. Foz. cb, pardes of clotb Cumwbat woodſe tben the other, they receaued in Lambte,one Babar. sfoz.cerb, dypns tynge cuppes of glađe, they had one Babar. foL tbii cas thyls of quicke (pluer, one Babar. They came dayly to the one dyppes with many of tbepa barkes full of goates, bennes. fygges of a ſpange longt, alſo the frute cauled Cocus, with dy uers other kyndes of byttaples in ſuch quantitie that it was water or : a macaeplous thrnge to beholde. Ehep furnytheb alſo they: ftraonge ques dyppes with freye water which is botte as it ibcwcth owr lirie. of the ſpzynge, but is very coulde when it hard toode a while in an other place. 3t [pzyngeth from the mountaynes on the which the cloue trees growe. Cher (awe a clouderpſe in ma tier Daviy, which compaſetb about the faydc mountaynes. 10 Bar The kynge of the lande of Bacchias, ſente the kynge of By:des of Bpåpne two deade byades of Graunge fozme. They were of a ſtraunge shebyggenes of turtle dooues, with Ipttle heades and longe fome, mm.. bplies: The vyage rounde bylles : allo longe and ſmaule legges and no wynges, but in the ar ade therof certeyne longe fetbers of diucrs colours and tayles lyke turtle dooues. all the other fethers are of one cge louro much lyke bnto tawny, epcept thoſe of the wynges. They flye not but when the wynde bloweth. Theſe coses are of opinion thas theſe byzdcs coommc frome theteauenlye Paradyſe, and therfoze çaule them Manucoodiats, that is the brides of god. When they were determyned to depart from the landes of molucca,certey ne kynges of the Jlandes accompanied the with thor: canoas, and conducted them to an jiande caule led Mare wbere they refreſhed ther, løyppes with free wa ter and fucll. Thekynges fent Ilemperours mateate many prelentis : and embžalynge owre menne, departed with the teares in they aree: And wre man foz theyglatte farewell, Dotte of all thepz oydinaunce. When in the lande of Mare they perccaped that one of thepfyppes leaked and toke wa Tease ter bery Coze: wherby tbey were infozced to tary there three one of they dapes. Butſeinge that they coulde fynde no romedic foz the Thyrpes tes ſame but in longe tome, they determined to traue it, gpupage byna them order that if after warbe it coulde bee repayzed, they fuldis turne into spagne as well as they coulde. Che landes in all the jlandis of Molucca is founde cloues, gingte, of molucce. b7cade of the roote of sagu, roſe, goates, forepes bennes, fygges, almcntes, fwcete pomegranates and ſowie, ojana pony of Ayes• ges, lemondes, and beny wbich is made of certey ne flyes like tben antes : gllo canes of ſuger, ople of Locus, mellons, gourdes, and a marucilcus coulde frute which they namecas popingrapes, mulicat and dyuers other frutes. Furthermeze wbyte and redde fopingiajes, and otber of variable coloures. 3t is oot pale fiftie y tátes (ence the moozes fpiâe inhabited ange of ibele Jlands, which were befoze inhabited only with gétples. be Iland of Cheilende of Tidere, is aboue the equinoctialllinc to Tidoze. warde o wre pole, a tobt,2 7. minutes : Andin longitude fró the place from whence they departe.171. degrees. And from the Arsbipelagus in the which is the land of Zamal which out men named the 3land of theeues, 18. degrees and a halfe, and crenstvo tünneth to the quarter of ſouth ſouth wett, and nono norths raft, Terenate , is onder iti e quincctial line fcure minutes bn der the pole en artike. Mutir, is directly bader the Equinos Mucchise Stall link, Misschien is,fba minutes toward the pole Antartike, aRD about the worlde. 230 and embun one degree. Theſe flandes are lyke foure tharpe Bacedhae mountapnes, ercept Macchiar which is not Harpe. The byg: gek of all theſe, is Bacchiano Departynge from the Jland of Mare and directyng theſe courſe towarde the couthwelt, twith onely. xlvía men in they Wyppe and.titi.Jndians, thep palled by the standes of Cha touan, Lagoma, Sico, Bioghi,Laphi, Sulacho, Lumarolas many Stands Tenerum, Buru, ambon, Budia, Lelacuri, Benata, amba: lao, Bandan, zorobud, zolot, Mroceuamoz, Galian, and gjallua, with dpners other glandes both great and (maule, of 09002cs, Bentyles, and Canibales. Dbre men remayned kb. Dayes in the glande otogallua to repayze theyz Copppe in the gland of Certepne places where ?t tooke water. All the fieldes of this wallua. Flande is full of longe and rounde pepper, and is ſituate to; peppera warde the pole Antartike vader the Equinoctiall line, viii. de groes and a halfe,and is in chelongitude of,169. degrees and 40. minutes. disse The pilore which owre men brought out of the plantes of Dgolucca, roulde them that not farre from thenfe, was an Lyttle mens gland named Acucetro in the which are men and women not with longe patt a cubite in hetght, bauynge cares of ſuch byggenere that eares. ihep ige vppon one and couer them with the other. But obor men wolde not faple thyther, bothe bycauſe the wonde and contle of the ſea was a geynile theym, and alſo fo that they 10 92314 3D gate no credite to bis repozte. 25300012 the reb.day of January, in the yeare. 1522.they beparted the land of from gallua, and the day folowyng, arryued at a greate 3: Elmor. land named Timor, beinge fiue leaques dißange from gallua betwene the ſouth and ſouthwelt. In this lande is founde ders and like mhyte ſans the woodde of whyte Canders and ginger, and dyuers kindes of frutes. alſo fundi kyndes of bcates, and plentie of byts ger. taple and galde. They of the 3|landes of Giana, Moluccs, and Lozón, teloze to this glande foz ſanders. Ibinbabitauntcs are gentyles. They ſay that when they go to cut the woodde The scuyli of Caunders, the deuyll appeareth to them in dyuers formes appeareth. and aſketh cheym what thcy haue neede of : And that after this viſion, many of them are longe (icke. In al the glandes Sayne Job of chis Archipelagus, cayneth the diſeaſe of faynt gob (böht his diſeaſe. che wee caule the frenche pore) moze then in any other place in the worldes w mitte Farre The vyage rounded farre from this Flande betwocne the bett and to thwes they came to an iſlande named Eude, in the whiche groloethe Cinta more great plencle of Sinamome. In this tracte are founde many Glandes lying in order as it were one directly bchynde an o: The Jlandes of Siqua. ther, cuen bnto the lande of the greater Cisua, named cus Molecam maior, and bnto the cape of Malaccbs, bringe in Lat yndia. G. ** the leđe, is as bygge as the flande of Msders, and is but am halfe a Icaque diftante from Girwa maior. Dere they were info 10 92 med that abone Gius maior toward the nozth, is a great goulfe The greate cauled the goulfe of Chinas, in the which are trets of exceadpng soulfe of byggenetic, inhabyted with foules of Cuche, greatetres that Chua.: 3711 they cary great beates in the ager. The frutes of theſe trees 0 $7391 391 are as bygge as cuciemmers. The cape of the cape of Malacchs is one Degree and a halft abone che walaccha. Equinoctiall line towarbe the pole Artike. On the Eat fide of this cape, tunneth & bery longe coatte in the which are ma Che names ny regions and cities bhcrof Cum are cauled by theſe names, of many regio Cing-sporls which to the cape. Allo Pabian, Cahartan, Patani, Bradlin, ons. 07627 Benet, Longon, and Odia Wherin is the citit in the which dwel tech the kynge of sian named Zacabeders. They cities are buil ded as owres are, and ſubiecte to the kinge of sin. After the realme of sian, are the regions of Iamgotta Campus where Beubarbe Keubarbe growerb, of the which are dyuers opinions, lume pela fuppofynge it to bee a roote, and other a putrifyed tree, affiv: and no mong that of it bere not purcifted, it thutde nat haue ſo great rea & ſanour. They caulrit Calama, Mert bnto this, is found the The greate great China, whoſe kong is thought to be the greatelt prince kynge of Chi in the worlde, and is named Santoa Raia. ffurthermoze,al 2326 that is written hereafter of this kyng and there regions, chey lerned by thinfozmation of a poole that was in the lande of Timor. De affirmed that the fayde kynge hathe threeſcoja and tenne crowned kyages bnder his empyze, and hathe a pojte in the ſea named Cantban: and two principal cities nas med Nauchin and Consulsha where he remayneth hym Celfe, and hath cuer foure of his chiefe princes lying abobt his pallaice on euery (pde, towarde the Eagle, Wefte, Rozrhe,and South Regiunge dplygente attendaunce what is doone in euerpt of they? quarters. All the płynces of the greater findia (cau: The greater ted India Maior, ) and of that wherof i haue (poken before, are Mudio, abedient to this kynge. And in token that they are trebe (mbiectes about the worlde. T 231 ſubiectes, they keepe in they; paltaices which are in the mid: dent of they cities, the beatte cauled Linx, being fayzer then the beast lyon, and is the great kynges [ignette, whiche all ſuche as caulcalinr. intende to go to China, beate with them ſealed in warcoz on a piece of querye for theyz Cafe conducte, withobe the which is not they may not enter into the hauen. When any of his kyngs rebell oz are diſobedient, he can: feth them to bee dent, and ſalted and dryed at the foonne: che puniſhes tchen to bec fuffed with chake, and ſette bppe on ſum hygb mene of rea thyng in the myddet of the chiefe ftecate of the citie w here al belles, nos the people may ſee it. Dencher faffereth his obne perſon to bet openly feene to any man. But when his noble men of the kynge is the courte are deſprous to ſee hym, he commeth downe frome not ſeene bug hys pallatce into a ryche pauplyon accompanyed with ſpre of at a glaffe, bys principall concubynes appareyled with lykt beđures as is he hymfelfe. all chys bap he is not ſeene dy reaſon of the pauptyon. When he hath paſſed through the pauplyon, be enterech into a ſerpent named Nagba, being the moő mar: a thing of meylous and ryche woozke of the worlde, and placed in the ſtrange Troika manſhippe great et courte of the pallaice. When the kynge entereth in to this with the womé,to thintent that he may not be knolde among them, he caufcth the fayd noble men only to looke in at a glace which is in the b?ele of the ſerpente, where they fre the kynge amonge the women, but can not dicecne which the Kynge is he. De iopneth in mariage with hys ſyfter that the blud maryesh his royall bee not myrre with any other. Dispallaice is enuiro fyfter. ned with feuin large walles, the one being facce dyttanté frõ His pallaice, the other: And hath in cucry ſuch circuite cenne thowrænde #marucilous men foz the gacrylon of hys pallaice, who haue they? way: garde, tinge Dayes appoynted them courſe by courſe with frelihe më in they: places and thus kcepe theyz watch continually both daye and nyght. In this pallaice are Ireix. haules, in the which is an infinite number of women that ſerve the kynge women ferue hauyng cuer lyght torches in they? handes for the greater the kynge, magnyfycence. De that bolde fre all the pallaice, fulde ſpend a hole day therin. Amonge ochet, there are foure froure mata principal haules where (umr ymes the kynge gyurth audience uelous haulce to hps noble ment. Df thelt, one is couered both aboue and bener b with metall, an other all oncr with (pluer, the chyide with gold, and the fourth with peacles and precious Hones. Theſe The vyage rounde The people theſe people of China, are whyte menne, appareled as fe are, of China. and eate they? meate on tables as wee doo. They haue the crole in Cum eftimation, but knowe not the cance lobye. The Croite. Beyonde the coađe of chins, are byuers other nations and peo: ple as Chenchi where peacles and cynamon are founde. Allo the people named Lichii , whers reynerh the great kynge of opien, Che greate hauyng under hym rrii. kynges, and is ſubiecte to the kyng of mien kyng of China. Dere is alſo fonnde the great citie of C ATHAY CATHAY. in the eat, and dyuers other nations in the fayd firme land, of the which fum are bzuryſtbe and beliall which ble to kyll and eate theyz parentes when they are obld, thinking therby that they fall veugue in them. all theſe people are gentyles, cudo 108 The fi. day of febjuary in the yeare: 1522, they departed a from the land of Tinson and were ingulfed by chance in the great ſea cauled Lantchidol, and tooke theyz.courſe betwene the the ſea of wette and ſouth wette, leauynge the nozthe coaftes on they Lenchidol, ryght hand, fearing lcall if they chuld rayle toward the firms land,thep myght bee ſeene of the portugales who are of great Malaccbs. thi power in Malaccha: and therfoze dyzected theyz cours withows The 7 and of the Jland of sumatra cauled in owld tymc Taprobans: Leauyng al Sumretra. fo on they, ryght hand vpon the fyzm land, the prouinces and regions of pegu, Bengah, Galicut, Canonor, Gas Cumbais, the goulfe of Bengahta the flandc of Ormus, and all the coates of the greater yndia. Calicut." and moze ſafely to pake the cape of Buona S per seza being aboue Canonor, en Affrike, they ſayled about clii. degrees toward the polc An: God tartike, and remayneð leuen weekes abowote that cape with Cambais: pany fetches compallyng the wond with theyż faples Conty: Ormus. nually alofte, becauſe they had a best and noth wollte Wynb £aft India in the proos of theył dyppe which wolde nor fucker them to Cap. de Buona. pađe. The cape of Buona Speranza, is toward the pole Antartik Speranza. beneth the Equinoctiall line .rrriii. degrees and a halfe:and .1600. leaquçs from the cape of Malaccha: and is the greateſte and mote daungyerous cape that is founde at thys day in al the boulde. When they had by theſe perels ouerpağcd thys cape,cer: tepne of them aſwell foz lacke of bytayles as alſo by reaſon ot (ockenelle, were mynded to ſaple to a hauen of the Portu: The port of gales named Monzambique abone Axcyke. But the other an: monzambra ſwered that they wold rather dye then go to any other place que then directly to Spappe, Tigsy falowed they courſe therfole Pegun Caylynge about the yvorlde. 232 faplynge towarde the Southwell the monethes continually without touchynge at any pozte: 3n whiche iyme there dyed abowtt. Irs. of thayz coempany, whom they call into the Tea. and ſucrly if god of his infinite mercie had not pzeletued the famens reſidue in tyme, they hadde all eyed of famin. Infine, beirge infozccd of necelite, and halfe of thega como panpe deade; they ſayitd to one of the glandes of Capo verde Capo Verds. cauled Inſula Sancti Iacobi, that is, farnte James glande, par: S. James glande. tryning to the kyng of poztugale. Where, as toone as they arigued, thep ſent certegne alande in the tippe toate for vyt taples, declarynge to the pajtugales with all love and ta: nour wly at ncceditie they were diguen to and buhat maleries and trauaples they had ſudryned, informynge thom further of theyè marurylous btage and ſuche thynges as they hadde frenc in both the fat and wca Judia, with fuch other gin. The ingratt td wooides hoherty they obteyneb cerregne mealuure of itſe, tude of the But then aftctwarde. riti. ot theyms returned for moze tyle, Portugales. they were detegned: Whercuppon the regte whichc remaynio in the lbippe, fearynge the lyke chaunce, departed with full ſayles, and the bii. Day of September with the helpe of god entered into the hauen of San Lucar nere into Siuile, where the port of Diſchargynge all theyz ozdinaunce for joy, they wente in me: ſaybe Lucar nere Onco biatly to the greate churche in theyz fhcrtcs and barefooted Sinile, with a touche befoze them to gyue thankes to almoghtie god who had brought them ſafe to they? cune countrey, and res flored them to theyz wyues and chyldzon. As touchynge thende of this diage, Franſíluanus birs reth ſumbhat moze largely as foloweth. che other typpe which they lefte behynde them to be re mhar became payzed, returned afterwarde by the Archipelagus afozefayde of the other and by the great (ca to the coaftes of the firme of the boca in (hyppe, dia, and airyurd at a region of the ſame being agegaft Dariena, Darjena where the South (ca of Sur is ſeperate but by a lyttle ſpace of lands from the Wrede Decan in the which are the glandes of Hiſpaniola and Cuba, and other glandes of the Spanyardes. The other typpe which returned into Spayne by compaling abobt the hole boble of the bolde by the coadcs of Ealyn dia and Afrike, dopartynge from the Jland of Tidore, and ſay Ipnge euer on this tyde the Equinoctiall, dyd not fynde the The cape of cape of Catrigas bringe aboue alia, and (by the deſcription Calligare ; of The vyage rounde Ptolome. of Ptolome) recbynge maty degrees beyonde the Equinoctiala But bauyage fapted maay daycs by the maync ſea, they came to the cape of Buons Speranze and frome thenie to the landes of Capo verde, wizere their Øyppe beinge ſooze bzooled by rea- ſon of the longebiage, leskod and tooke mater, tą ſache forte that the mariners being nowe but fewe in number, and thoſe Che vyage allo weale and fecble by reaſon of longe fickenede and buns Hardly pers ger, were not able both todzye tbe poompe continually and formed. otherwyle gouerne the Chippe : and were therfoze of neceffitte inforced to goo alande at tbe Flande of Capnte James to bye Chey bye theym certepne flaucs to helps turim. But beinge begitute of Naues for monp, accozding to the cutome of tbe mariners, they profered tecke of helpe tbem cloues fo2 tberz Claues, Chcwhich tbrng tben it came to the cares of the Portugale that was Capitaone of that 3: lanbc, be cat.ciit. of them in patſon, Wherby the reſiduerbat remayard in the Wippe (bcinge nowe but. pbitt, in aumber) were put in ſuch feace that they Doparted immedtatlp without telcujag theyz felowrs, and ſayled continually both by bags and by nygbt by the coales of gffeiks, and came ja fine to Spayac tbe.bt.day of beptember its the years, 1922. and at ryucd at thc pozte nere baco Stuilc thc.rbi. monerb after they 209rymers woorthy imes departed from the 3 lande of Tidore, 29 ariners doubtledle moje moztal fame, wooztby to bee celebgate wuh eternal memorie then they wht Argonauti. che in owlac tyme were cauled Argoninti thac Capled witb 343 che viage of Con to win the golden deele in the region of Cholchis and the ti Jaron to wyn uer of Phalis in the greate lca of Pontus. And the dyppe it be golden neer. (clfe, moze wooztbye to bce placed amonge the Gartes then that owlde Argo which departynge owt of Beccia, Capled to thends of that great fca. For this owre marueplous teppe.. the myope takynge her vyage from the aratghtes of Gibilterra and Cag more w3ouchy lynge by the greate ocean towarde the South and pole antat fame then owlde Ergo tike, and furnynge from tbenſe to the wette, folowed that of srecia. courſe ſo farre that paữynge vnder the great circumference of hc øyage the worlde, Hee came into the Eade, and frome thenfe agepoe into the weđe, not by returnynge backewarde, but Qylla lynge forwarde, ſo compafynge abowot the baule of the world bnder the hole circumference of heauen bnryll thee were meg raculoudy redozed to her patiue region of Spagne and houſe of tuile. 1o apliqodir 235 F of the pilbes of precious fontes and Spices, with theyr weightes and meaſures as they are accutomed to be Coulde bothe of the Ladies and the genryles : and of the places where they growt. strate e unhas att de bordo ano, Dia[much as in dpuers places of this hlaorte, mention is made of precious dones, 3 haut thought good to declare lumewhat alwell of theyz prices as of the places of theyz generati: on, that voce may not btterly bee ignojant of the thinges which we lo greately túceme and bye ſo deare. Of the Kubíe, na gidios He Rubies groweinindia : and are founde fo, the mott T and finelit, whiche they of the landc of Balaboy caule Munpuclo, and are well Coulde if they bce fayze and cleane without ſportes. The Indians to know theyz fineneile, pue them uppon they? toonges, coumptynge chac to bee bct that fs coulded and mod harde. and to ſee thepi finenele, they cake thens vp with a piece of ware by the carpett poynt: and lookynge ageynt the lyghe, elpie in thcim euery (maule (pot odlake. They are alſo founde in certeyne diepe folles o, pit: tes which are made in mount agnes that are beyonbe the ſaid tyuer. hcy are (coured and made cleane in the counttey of Pegu. yet cal they tor ſquare and polythe them. But for this purpoſe ſende them to dyuers other contreys, and eſpeci ally to patearate, Narlinga, Lalicut, and the region of 893 labar, where are many cunnyage Lapidaries. And to gyue yolo intelligence of the value of theſe dones, pe mall bnderttaude that this woozde fanan, ſignifieth & beight Cumwhat more then two of obre carattes: and . rii Fanans and a quarter, is ons egitigat: And. bi.gitigales anda balfe, make one önce. This Fanan, is alſo a kynde of one caratre money which is in value, one ryale of (pluer. And therefore is.titi graines after this accompte 31 ſay that Eyght fine rubies of the weyght of one Fanan (which are in which te all, abówr two caratres) are in value. Fanan . onc crown of goide Forro Rubics that wey one fanan, are boîth a Fanan tr. Ibo.that wep ane banan sa cha UTR Fanan #l. Non.. One The prices of Due that weyth threr quarters of one fanan en Fanan pro. Dne that loyth one fanana andfanan 1. One that wepth onefananand a quarter, orofanan Irb. Dne that to cysh one fanan andabalfe is to orofanan L. Dne that bryth one fanan and three quarters Fanan £l. Due that weyth two fauang.cn cfanan (L. Dne chat wepth twafanans and a quarter Fanan fel, Dne that weyth tho farans and a halfeguarh fanan. ccc. Dne that wepth two fanans and thje quarters Fanan cccl. Df three farans ciuti non sat faran cccc. Of three and a quarrer, at fordi cotto: Fanau Df three and a halfe ffanah Di Di thaec and three quatters. 20:10 fanan. De DE three and three quarters and a halfe confranan Dcree. De fouce fanans 19 919 se sfanan Dcle. Df fourc and a quarterid: 10 9: 3gfanan DCC. Di foure and a halfet godt oolmo de franan D CCCC OF Fyue fanansodi cloni annone affanan. DE fyne and a halfe spesso, non ufanan 19 004 Di fyro fanans, which are about thi.cacattes, fanan. n D. which make, 150, crowncs of golde, And there are commonly the prices of perfecte Rubies. But Cuche as ace not perfecte, and haue any ſpottes in them, o are not of good coloures are of lete patre acco dynge to the ac bituimentand ethimation of the byer. Hoogs go 1997 307 GDE the Rubies which growe in the 127 41226 39.24309ne glande of zeilam. tisodiotsioon the glande of zcilam, beinge in the ſeconde Jndta, are 1 fcunde many wabies which the Indians name Manecas, the greateft pace lahtrcof do not arome to the perfection of the ether aforefayde in coloare, bpcauſe they are veddeas though they wtex matheba and of a 'lcluye colour. yet are thep neup conlde and harde.tabb perfectctte af theym are greatly elices Sono med amonge the people af the glande, and referurdi only for Sen at the kynge bym telfeofthey bee of any great quantities when his ie welers fynde ariy bygge piece of this rocke of the beſte odkynde, they purrit in fyer for the fpace of certeyne shouves which if to coomme obrt of the fyer uncozrupte, it becomimeth of the coloure of dibuenynge cates and was thtutore cauleb of che Steckes, Amhzar, which fignifixth a burgyag caltache ſame precious ſtones and ſpices. 234 sätiethal thč Breckes caule Anthrae sehe Hatimes canle Casa bunculus. Theſe they greatly efteeme. When tlckyng of Nav (inga can get any of them, he caureth a fine hole to bee boos ted in the undermod pate of them to the mynbelt 2 and Tuffes reth none of thếto palle o wt of his realme: cſpecially if they haue bph třped by the labenzofeo e Dheſe are of greatdi var ned lue then the other of ecga,ill they bee is riepz narmall peranto fection and cleahenettesliai niadtog sadid on of thele; one that weith a cattatte (whiche is halfe a fanan) is woorche in calcčat. Sam opfanan pp. which are one of tio o carattes cuyeydes Fanani deb of croures goide Df thzee carattes. sllangsin 1500sfanansela of three carattes and a halfe Fanan Of foure catartegido dilo asan Fatian CCC. DF fbitte carattis and a halfe 1 946 236 Fanan ecck De fpue carattestato faran cecc. Offpue cacattes and a halfer.. 10 91 igord Fanan ccecl. De fyre davastes 130 135 000 assifatlan Drre Di tire caractes and a halte o dlugo 3n Fanan bir Di Degen tavatfest. Omdat 10 2009 Fanan Dorry Offeneftataires and a halfeine maadidlog Panan DEIN One of. Bitt: catattest hat Hach bynite wel proued th the tiety ៗ is boouthea doit vidare ville atan 9cc6 Dirbtii, carattes and #halfe ods sinumai canan Ocece, Due Cuch of tenne Cåvattegangas 2016 Fanan ng coc Dreef.x.catattes and a halfernul aladus fanan mo Drotit: catattes and se to vidio se 291d Fariah papy petiit.catat lege lle dhe ne Fanan ang og DE. pbit, carditesti asladila sad god fantan 6ábor 10710.000 * 10 2593301980193309) gatis Soord of the kpade of Bubies, un satu en bu jagamios cáated Spinelle. 1 din alisusqundt mula 9:3 bere is alco-founde anbther kunde Of Rubies which wet caule estate and the studiang, Lavopus hey géoire in the idee same count cey of poegu whece as are the line Rubies and are found in the mountapnes in the vpper crut vi douce of thoearch. There are not to time naz de Có good cos lour as ate te treibe Rubics : But have iu alvhat the colour of a granate which we commonly caule-a gatnet. pet of these $12, 12.1., 11. Luche .22 The prices of use fuche as are parfecte in they, coloure, act of balde halfelede then trewe Rubies. ( Of the Babies cauted Falant, B Alađi, are af the kyndes of Rubies, but are not lo ljärde. theyz colonc is could har tpke a role and Cum are int ma ner whyte. They growe in Balaltia, lobiche is a region Within the firme tande abone pcgu and Bengala : And are un disc browght from thenſe by marchaunces of the goges to Lale Smo cut where they are wrought and polyghed: And are fould of the ſame price that are Spinelle. DE the Diamandes of the obide myne, cle Diamundes are founde in the fyzde yndia in a kyngdome of the Booles named Decan, from whence they are brought to other regions. There are alſo founde other Diamundes whiche are not ſo good, but fumes what bhytc, and are cauled Diamandes of the nebe myne which is in the kyngedome of Harlinga. They of the owlde myne, are not polyſhed in Jndia, but it other places. There are made lykewyſe in india, other falſe Diamundes of Rua bies, Topales, and whyte Saphires, whiche appere to bet fine: and are alſo founde in the plande of zeilam. Ichele stones differ in none other, Cauynge that they haue lode theit Pas naturall colour. Of there, fummc are founde that haue halft the coloure of Rubies, and other of Saphires : other alfa of the coloure of a sopaſe. Diher haur all theſe colourrs menz 01 geled together. hey boze a fine hole in theſe th:oughe the mydoet, wherby they appere lyke the eyes of a catte. Of the whytelt, they make mang (maule diamunies whiche can nos bee knoben from the treme, ſauynge by couchinge of ſuch as are (kylfull in that practiſe. They are coulde by a poylt op weight which theycaute De angiar, which bayeth two stars se, and two thyides, which amount to two thgzdes of thirde parts of one caratte. Foz foure Tarres, wey owe fanau whia che is about two carattis. Uni. Diamundes that wey one mangiar (which is two chiru partes of a caratte are in balue. Fanalt for which are three crowncs of goldto sort the precious ſtones and ſpices. 235 bi. Diamundes that wey one mangiar fanan ret: foure that wey one mangiar fanan two that wey one mangiar fanan terk one that weith one mangiar desniffaman Dne of one mangiar and a quarter Fanan eltb. One of one mangiar and a halfe o Fanan clrrr. of one mangiar and three quarters Fanani cerr. De two mangiars sister e Fanan cccer. of two mangiars and a quaver Fanan locccles of two mangiars and a halfe Fanan ccclrupp Of two mangiars and thiet quarters ful perfect Fanan.4.20 of three mangiats of lyke perfection au fanán s occccte Of thzec mangiars and a halfen Fanan ccccrrpm of foure mangiarstomodel: Fanan Dl. of fyue mangiars 910 308 Fanan Dcci. of Cyre mangiars de sol tufanan DCC of feuen mangiarsal 3 noga cu Fanan 1960. of eggbe mangiars uz Ogrin Fanan LACCCC. And thus they pzoceade, increaſynge the price as thepios ercale in weight is 938 998 2.098 9350 Store tem E 300 NOK MOT SI: 30 US$ ( 9 Saphites. 30:1 no other EU A the glande of zcilam are founde the bette and motie trewe Saphires, beinge very harde and fine, and of the coloure of azure. They are of price as foloweth. #marcell, ts Dne that weith one caratts is of value to i Fanat a fylger come of lenice,of which are abowt two marcels of [ylves on fi.vnces.ili.O One of the weight of t Wa cacaues Un Fanan b. With finc, DE three carattes: odata mfanan t therof ten Df foure carattestato fanan to make an vue De fyue carattest 3 st Fanan Tbiit Df ſyre carattes Tanan Erbilt De Ceuen carattestatott Fanan prcb. of eygbr caratteghindadofanan: 1.1 Di npne carattes i to Fanan Di tenne carattes 33361 Fanan dit. DE, ri. carattes Finan Iru. Di rii, caractes Fanat irev. Dr. xiii. carattes in all perfectiow of colodre Fanan Irh 96. pitiicarattes. 30 arstudianah. Ll. 20 The pryces ofzuobra DE. tv. carattes Fakat £lere! DE. rbi.caractes 38 39 Fanan L. Of Tbile cacartes i sigfanan" CCT. Due t'ja koetth a mitigal, \which is ri. fanans and a quarter this about eriii.carattes, 3D NOORTEFanan LILT Ipkemyfie in thFlande of zettam, is fogabe am otijet cote of Saphires mbich they caule Quinigelindmi in theſe are no lo Aroage, of darker colour and of much le Te value than ace the other of the bců kyade, whecof one is woogth. rit of theic de equalt porfe.. allo in the kyagcome of Racinga, in a mountaprte abiwe Batanot and Aangalou, is founde an o ther ſort of Saphires moze tenderand of woorke colout, whe che they caule singanolam. Thefe are cumwhat Whøte and of finaule walue: So that the mot perfect of this konde, boey unge.fr. carattes, is not wooth one ducate. Thepi colotic is tnclynynge fumwhat to yelowe. There is lokelo pfe found au otheo kynde of Saphires vppon the lea ceates of the kynges dome of Lalicut, in a place named LapucaeJetlete the findi: ans caue Carabatonilan; "hep. acejof a backe Cute coloure nor thynynge but in the cleare ayer. They are alſotender and bio kle, and of (maule eſtimation amonge the findians. They Ceeme on the one Lyde lyke gladere i tomtom ustisoi 3ntacts 10 30 gth 300 CDE #opalies. 334090 esnane run .7301 fol tag 40 318 i 10 molo Denatural opalies, guole in the ylandt of zelanc, 900 00103361 and are named of the Jndians Pyrderagày go is a harbe and fine ftone: and of equal eſtimation with the Rix 0911011? bte and the Saphire, bycauſe all theſe three ate of one kynb. on 4 Che perfecte colour of this, is yelowe iyke vnro fine beatet gołuc. And if it bee perfect and cleane, whether it bee greate oz Ipetle, it is moorth in Lalicut as much fine gold as it wey eth. But if it bee not perfect, it is woofth the weight of golo the fanan, which is leže by the halfe. And te it bee in manec whpre, it is mooth much lete. And of theft, ade mauts dia amundes counterfecie. T cs T CDF Tarquetes. 2371516916 Urqueties are föuifde in £cer a place of Sicchi inael Dhegimine is a diye earty that is foundewpen a black Conc precious ſtones and ſpices. 236 tone, which the woozes take of in ſmaule pieces, and carpe them to the gland of Dinus,from whenfe thep are brought to dywers paties, of the worldr by (oa and by lande. #hegn: dians caule them Peroſe. They are loft tiones,of ſmaul weight and not much coulde. And to knowe that they are good and tretie, in the day they all appere of the verpc colour of the qurquelle: and in the ryght by the lyght, they mall appere grccne. They that are not fo perfect, doo not to change their colour to the light. 3f theſe dones bee cleane and of Fine co: lour, they hauc vnterneth in the bortome, a blacke tone, bp: pon the which they growe. And if any lyttle bayne tyre vp; pon the layde fone, it walbe the better. And to knowe moze certeynely that they are trewe Turquelles, they put on the toppes of chem a lyrtle quickc lime tempered with water after the maner of an pintment. So that if the quicke lime ap: pere coloured, they are indged perfecte, and are of value as folowcth. Dne that weith one cačatte, is wozth in malabar.fanan.rb. Dne of two carattes and other Fanas sipl. Defoure carattes a sit alanud 3787 Fanam psrer Di. bi. Carattestano do 1300 jo e Fananon LI. Of. biti. Catastes 30 Fanant: LC Di. f. catattes 36 ans 1071 Fanan LIL Of.rii, caractes 5001 10137909faran LLLCL De ciui, carattesaada no ouigi Fanan :DI De greater then there they make none arcompte bycauſe the are lyghter pieces and of greater circuite. Theſe of the byg: gel fozte the lookes carte into the kyngedome of Buzeraty. - 12:DE Tacintles, Call 024 Acinthes growe in the glande of Zetlam. They are ten: der fiones and yelobe. They are bett that are of Dtepelie colour. The greateti part of theſe, haue in them certciue pomptes burhuis, win the puninithe chega fayzeneüe. And thép: ttät ate. Inabxyz perfection cleant from this deformitie, ave neuerticteữe of (maule batue. Foz in Laltcut where they avé polylütsed, they that wey oncfanan are boozth no moze then halfe a fanan, And they of, xviii, fanańs, are not worth bifanania.am ano en Sant on er! Thece I 2. The pryces of oben S. There are alſo founde other tones lyke onto cattis eges, as chriſolites, and I'ncthiđes, which they do not mache titeeme bycauſe they are o, (maule valuc, as alſo the tones cauled Gonzen dituen soola DE Smaragdesol Emeraldes, Daragdes grolve in the countrey of Babilon, where the indians canlethe (ca Dieguinzai szocy grow allo in other partes of 3|ndia. Stigey arc fones of fayze greene colour, and are lyght and tender. Df thcle tones, many are conter: fecte. But lookyng on them chetoully towarde chelyght,the conterfectes ih zwe certepne burbuls, as dooch glaſe. But in the trewe, there is no luch (eene. But rather there appea: reth to the eye a certeyne verbour tynynge lyke the beames of the Coonne. and beinge rabbed wppon the touche ftone, they lçaue the coloure of copper. And the Smaragd of this forte is the belt and modt trewe: And is in value in Calicut, as much as a diamiunde and Cumbohat moze: and this not by weyght, but by greateneIc, bycauſe the diamunde quantitie for quantitie, is of greater wcyght then the Smaragde. Ther is lykewyſe founde an other kynde of Smaragdes, whiche are grcene tones, but not ſo much eſteemed. Neverthelelſe, the indians reſerue theſe to let them foorth with other pe: cious dones. They leaue for any greene coloure bppon the touche.it 0376 nominous 16 .331113113 C DE Dyners kynbes of Spices, where they grow, what they are woofth in Calicut and whi: ther they are caried from thenſe. COE pepper. Pide in all the kyngedome of salaboy and Lalicut pepper growery: and is could in caz licut by euery. LL. Bahars,fine, for.LCETE fanans, cuery Fanan (as 3 haue Caybe) be: inge in value, one ryall of plate of Spaynei which is as muche as one marcell of ſplues ito precous ſtones and ſpices. 237 to tacuice. Bahar, weith foure cantares of the olold weight of poytugale, by the whiche they felt all ſpices in Iiſbonae Lantar, is in Ucnecr, L.rii. pounde weyght of the grore pounde (beinge.rviit, bnees) and of the lubiyle pounds. L. Irrviii. So that the fayde. 712. poundes of Teačce ſubtile, löyl collabobot.tr, frenche ccolines of golder which amount to abuwt two Marchetri (whiche make one peny) the pounde. they pay alſo to the kpng of Calicut for cutome. rii, fanans ruecy Bahar by the lode. They that bpe them, are attuliomed to bżynge them to Lambaia, Deelia, Aden, and wecha, and a from thenſe to Alcaple and Alexandria. Nowe they pay cus , fiome to the kpage of Portugale aftes the rate of. 6562. Dat medies the Bahar, which are. 193. farans. Lapuedies are Spanythe coynes wherof. bf. go to a peny. This doo they partly bycauſe there arcpuerh no moze ſo greatt diuerfiste at marchances to bye them, and partly by the agreement which the fayde kynge of Portugale made with thoſe kynges, and the Boles, and marchauntes of the countrep of Walabae. much pepper groweth lykebyfe in the glande of Suma: tra nete bnto nalaca, which is fayler and bygger then that of galabar, but not ſo good and Gronge. This is bļoughe from Bengala to China, and ſumme pacte to Becha, pziulie and by telth, ynwares to the portugales fhich wolde nou otherwyſe fufct them to paife. itt is lusoich in Sumatra, from. iii.c.vnto. vii. L. macau dis the cantar of portugale, of the newe weight. And from the newe to the owlde Weight in pozrugale, the difference is, tlvoo vnces in the pounde weight. For the owlde pounde confideth of, ciini.by ces: and the newe poumde of. xvi. vncis. loan (DE Lloves. Lonés grobe in the Flandes of Agolucca, from whence they are brought to ngalacha, and then to Lalicut and the countcey of La alabar. They are 100zch in Lalicut Cuery bahar (which is.712. poundes of the ſub:ple pound of Uenece) from, soo. to. 600. fanans (which are abobre fyfrie frenche crowues, lohich are in value abowte, rii, marchetti the pounde weight. and beinge cleane from falkes & bulkes are in value 7oo. fanans. Ao cacy choyni frome thonſe into del other - The prices of other regions, they paye for paſpozte. cbiii. fanans the bas har, inhich is wooth in malacca from.t. to citii. ducades ac wzdynge to the rate and cugome of the marchauntes. 90 DE Cinamome, si C ünamome of the bett ſort, growech in the lande of ze: Ilam: and in the countecy of Apalabar, growethe the wpoint. That of the belte kynde, is of (maule price in zeilam. Burin I alicut lif it bre choice and freſhe, it is worth LLC. fanans the bahar, whiche are abolte fiue marchetti the pounde. G CDf Binger caulid Beledi. Inger Erledi, grobrerhon eucry fyde abobte Laliens reador from ſprc to nine mytes: and is both the babar.pl fanang, and {umtymes fiftic, whiche is lelie then one marchetto the poundc. They bzynge it from the mountaynes and olot of the comercy to the citie, where they ſell it by retayle to the Indian mar: van a chaurtes, who gather it togither in great quantitie and kepe it to ſuch ryme as the 4goozes dyppes arepue there , to whom they fellit, by the price of.rc. fanans, to. Lr. whicbe is lelle then two macchetti the pound, bycauſe the weight is greacet. C D Ginger egechino. G ynger wechino growcth, begynnynge from the mouns 20 od fayne of Deli, vnto Lanonoz. Jt is ſmauls, and not 73740130 ſo whyce noz ſa good as the other. It is boozthe the bahar in Lananoj, abowt. Ir. fanans whiche is abowte ont marcherto the pounde. They pay for the bahar (yre fanans to money for the cutome. It is fould bnclenſed 02 vnpurgeous Cherie of greene Binger in conferues, The - Bergala is founde greate plensie of Binger Beledt, of ser, and carie it in ſtone pots from eartabani to beelould de the caunţrey of Malabar, and is wooztb the farazuola which precious ſtones and ſpices. 238 ¢b. 02. tbl. fanans. Mohich is crii, poundes and ſpre bnces) after the rate of eitt that that is frethe and made in conſecues, is woorth in ca: licut. prð, fanans the farazuola, bycaule fuger is dere there. Breene ginger to put in conferues, is woogth in Lalicut three quarters of one fanan che facazuola, which is abowte twos poundes for one marchetto. Of the Apothecaries duugges: And of what price they are in Lalicut and palabar, L acca of wateabant, if it bée of the bege, is boozth the farazuola, which is frii. pounde weyght and Tyre uns ces of poztugale after. xvi. vnces the pounde (Iphiche is abobote. rl. pounde weyght of the ſubryle pounde of Ue. nece) And is in value . tvili, fanans: Whiche are. xviii. mar: cels of (yluer. for one fanan, is in balae abowtc one marcell of (pluer. Lacca of the contrey, ts wooxth the farazuola fanancií Bojace that is good and in great pieces is woofthe the farazuola. Fanan. top.to.pl..le Camphire that is groſſe in cakes, is boozth the barazim zuola Fanan. Irr, to: lerre Camphire to fannoynt ydolss, *** Camphtre foz theyż chyldzén to eate, is woorth the mys tigal. ffanan ii. Aguila is woorth the farazuola fanan, ecc. to. ccce. Lignam aloe, blacke, heauy, and fine, is woogch fanan. 02. Dulke of the belt is woozth the unce len Fanan proví. Beniamin of the bette, is moorth the farazuola fanan Irb. Tamarindi being newegare Woorth the farazuola fanan. Tiit Lalamus acomaticus, tie farazuola Fanai tii. Endego to dye ſilke, trewe # goodthe farazuola Fanan rre Wirre, the farazuola. Si fana Fanan pbut. to. tre frankenlence good and in graynes, is woofth the fara- zuola Fanan ru. Frankenlenče in page of the baſelt Cozte, the faraz. Jfanan.iii Ambzacan oz amber grecle that is good, ts woozthe the medical fanan ii. to nii. mirabolantes in cöſerue of ſuger, the faraz fanan, pvi to cry SD DO Lalia, 32. The prices of oost seedes that Ladia, frtthe ar:d good, the farazuola. Fanan cue e a halfe Red de Sanners, shoifavazuolac olan fanan. B.fo.vi. Whyte Sanders and citrine, whiche grown in the glande of si Timor, the farazuola i dimation Fanan ri. to le Spikenardt, free and good, the facaz. "fianan Irp. fo.rl. Nutte megges, whiche coome frome the plande of Bandan mbore the bahar ts bun2db from biti, to. r. fanaus, (which importe . vi. poundes weiglar to the mavchctro) are woozthe in Calicut, the faraz. otisat 230 slofanan . to cit. Dace whichis bgought from the glande of Bandan where the Bahar is brougth fiftie fanans (which impozt abowo one smarchetto the pounde ate boogth in Calicut the facazu: ola. da un fanak prv.to, tre. Turbicbes, are loozth the farazuola fanan piti. Woome ſeede of the bed kynde, caulcd Semenzind, is woo the i the faraşudlaias little or Fanan ha zerumba, the faraşuola di Fanani, zodoaria, the farazuola Fanan. Gume Setapine, the fatazuola Fananer Aloe cicotrine, the farazuola 93 Fanan blit Cardamome ingraynes, the farazuola fanan FF. Benbarbe groweth abundantly in the countrey of malabar: and that which commeth from China by walacha, is worthy the farazuola franan xl.to.t. Egirabolani emblici, the farazuola ffanan ti Girabolanı belirici, the farazuola Fanan one wa halfe Mirabolani citrinię chebuli, which are al of one ſoit. Faila Lgirabolani jindi, which are of the ſame citrine trees Fa.itt, untia, the faraztrols -- fanan fir, Lububts which gröwe in the Jlante of Faua di Biaua, are there of ſmauls price, and ſould by meaſure withowt weight. Dpium which is brought from the citie of Aden where it is made, is woozth in £alicut the faraz. ffanan.cclrrp.to.cccre Ppium of another ſoft which is made in Lambaia is woolth $he farazuola, o pai e Fanan . to cel DE the wepghers of poztugale anDyndia: And howe they agrees He ponnd of the owld weight,conteyneth. pifii, bnces, The pound of the ticbe weight concegneth xvi, bnces, 11 precious ſtones and ſpices. 239 biti cantares of the owlde weyght; makt. vit. of the netre: and eucry niwe cantare, is of Aspebiü, poundes afterpol bnces to the pounde taidai amina alis anonse og det Euery owide cantare, conteyneth threelquarters and a halfe of the newe cantar: and is of, Durbrii. poudrsjaftot. criii unces the poundes domail your caldai mappa si One farazuola, 15% trii. poundes diariitti dincos, indi nfahrt: ces more, with two fifte partes p1301 230 og d. 3150gr Floentie farazuoles, are one Bahar.FE361 3d; wijsing one bahar is.iiit.cantares of the oblt weight of feugtugatos all the Spices and dingges, and all Puchratijcri chynges as coome froyndia, are could in polegeleiby the owld weight and all the rettc by the newe beygh:. chlo Dereby may be well confidevthat as we olwght to retople and gyne god thankes foz the abundatince of al theſe thinges fack #36998 which he cauſech the earth ſo plentifully to bypage foorth to obre ble, fo may we lament thabuſe of men whoſe toucrouſ, neđe cauleth great dearth and ſcarlen'sffe in the mgðden of a bundance: herein no legle oftenib ng thelawo of nature tljen doo ſuch as by wychcrafte intermingle poylon with thmges created for the hcalth of man, ok by inchanntment coxuptthe ſeedes in the ground: ye rather as the vinnatural niother who Defroyeth the chylde whom the hath longe nårpthodths one blouso781 90 4 DE the Dooues of the glandei rinkodnina of leadera, 3(3.8, inizsa inniadau adamulus wzyteth, that befozethe poztuga: les came to this glande, tr was ouergrowin with trecs and vinhabited, yet were therema: ny bea des; and great plentieof dogues which were vttetly without feare of mê bycauſe they had ncuet toene any men bcozcnoſ yet wetc accultomed to bee put in feare. In ſo much that they dode fyl whyle ſnares were put abolote they neckes with longe tous and polees the which thongs he fayth ve hath allo iecne in OthecJlandes. There are many ryche men in this Jiande, and great abundanacook teghe, bycauſe the hole zjiande is in maner ane gardeyuc, dodation DS The pryces of 2004 * Df the glande of Caynt Thomas Vader stosuither equinocciall line. Dechtefent occupation and liuynge of thinhabi tauntes of this glandez is the makynge of fu: gecə which hep felt peacely to the thyppes that cogmyefaksit out of Spayne and portugale laden mith buttes of oneale and floure, allo topne ogle, checſe, lether, (wooldes, cuppes of gta le beades; certepne fcruels of the fine whyre earthe cauted porcellana, bf the which are made the earthen doi: thes of the woöfke of my holica. And if it were not that ſuch bortaples and płoullions were brought them obt of Spaine andjoowugate, the whyto macchauntes which dwell in that Flande (perrepnpage to the dominion of the kinge of 49 otu: galeyibuldendt vee able ro love there, forafmuch as they are not accutiomed to date luch meates as doo the Ethiopians oy: Negros. sand therfove the poytugales whiche inhabite this glande, haute certepne blacke llaves of Buinea, Benin, and Lauicongo, which they ſet to tyll and laboure the grounde and make fuger. Amonge there whyre inhabitauntes, there are many ryche men which haue. 150. 02. 202. and Cum, 300, blacke lanes of men and women to tell the grounde and dod other laborious woozkes. This Flande was diſcovered four- (côle yeares [ence by the nauigations of the portugales and was bnknown to the owlde wsytecs. 3t Iyeth in the greate göülfe of Afrike in the.30 degree of longitude from the Welt! to the eat, and is in maneç rounde. It is of largenelle from ſide to ſyde. Ir.gtalia mplés, (that is ro Cap) one degree: the horizontal line of thejland,patcth by thetwo poles, Artike and Antacryke; and hati) euer the day equall with the nyght without any ſenſible difference, whether the ſon bee in Lam cer ol in Capricorne lo che Garte of the pole Artike, is there initiſible: But the warðons are ſeene funwhat to moue about: And the darveg cauled the .co Ic, are ſeene very hyghe. Of this glande with the other landes and glandes Ipinge be: twene porrugale and the ſame, a certepne pylotteok 1902tu: galebach Wytten a goodly' vyage to Conte Rimondo, 314033 240 (adhe debate and Arpfe betwene the Spanyardes and portugales, foz the diuifion of the Indies and the trade of Spices and alſo foz the 3 lands of egolucca, which ſum caule malucas. Wytten in the Spanythe toonge by Franciſco Lopez de Bomata. Demperours maictie bas berre gladde that the walucas and Flands of the ipicery were diſcouered and that he myght palte unto them though his o bene countrcys without any paeiudiče oz hurte to the postugales: and bycauſe alſo that Almanzo2, Zuztu, and Lojala which were the lordes of the ſpicerie, 56013 fewed them ſclues to bec his freuides and became triburacies to hym. De allo gaue certeyne gpftes and rewardes to john john setan Acbaftian for his greate paynes and good lauice, fogalmacij an. as he craned a rewarde foz the good news that theglanves of the malucas and other glandes rycher and greater than they, were found to bee in his part of thoſe countreys which pertegned ynto bym accoždynge to the popes bull. and here. The cauſe of by it came to paſſe that there was great contention and Ärife contentiou. bitbcne the Spanyardcs and the Portugales abowse the [piceric and the diuiſion of the gadies by reaſon of the re: furne of John Sebaſtian and thinfozmation whiche ho gaye therof. Who allo affirmed that the požtugales had neuer any enteraunce befoze that tyme into thoſe glandes. Dere vp pon, the counſayle foz the Indies, aduertiſed Thomperoure the trade of to magnteinte his flcere foz thoſe partes, and to take the trade fpice perteys of fpices into his owne hand, fozaſmuch as it was his owne nethro Theme peroure, of debtre, aſ well foz that thoſe glandes fell on his parte, as alſo that he had hobe founde paữage and waye though his belt indics into thoſe regions. And finally to coniyder tiyac he thuibe thereby obteyne and gette to him felfe greate teues nues belyde thinrychynge of his ſubiectes and realmes, and that with Imaule coatte and charge. I hemperoute beinge thus aduertiſed of the truth, tooke it for good counfagle, and commaünded all thynges hercunto appetreynynge to bee futa myahed accoz dyngely. 3n this mcane tymc, bhen kynge John kyng of John of popcugale had knobleage what themperout Descr: poifugales myned Contencion for omyned to too, and the ſpeedy haſ his cointaple made to the performance herof, and of the communge home of John Se: batian of Lane, with thinfozmation he made, what of dout: aeſte of monde and what for greefe, was puffed bp with an: ger a : were alſo the ređe of the portugalcs, fozmynge as thowgy cycy wolde haue plucked downe the ſkye with their bandes, not a lyttle fearynge leafte they thulde loſe the trade of ſpices, if the Spanyardes thulde once put in they2 foote. wheruppon the kyng inmediatly made Cupplication to them peroure, not to ſet forlbardcany thyppes butyll it were deter myncd to whether of them thoſe landes talde belonge: and that he wolde not ſo muc'he endomage bym as to cauſe him to licle the trade of (pices which was ſo commodious and the trade of profitable to hym. And finally to auopde thoccaſion of mur: Spices. ther and bludned whiche were lyke to enſue thereof, pf the nardo Spanyardcs and Portugales thyppes fulde meete togyther. . Scheperoure althowgbe he knewe that all this was but to make dclays and prolongenge of tyme, yet was he gladde to have it trped by iulice for the better iußification of his cauſe che contro: and ryght. In fine, both parties were agreed to appoynt ler. uerſte deter's ned men, Loſmographers and pylors which fhulde determine mographers the controuerlic betweze them: promylynge on bothe papries and Pylors. to abyde and tande to the ſentence and determination made by thoſe perſons appoputed and ſwozne to iudge indište: centely. 913 The teparticion and diuiſion of the Indies 9. Shandon and newe worlde berbene the Spany: 3510 11913 ardes and the portugales. Dis matter concernyng the trade of ſpices and the newe woulde of the indies, by reaſon of the great ryches therof was of greate impor taunce and very difficultie to bee limited and diawen foozch by lines. By reaſon wherof, it was nccellarie and conuenient to ſecké boyle Che arsys # woordypful men crpert in nauigations, in Loſmographie, trers on the and the mathematicall ſciences. hemproure for his lyde, Emprouro choſe and named foz iudges of the polletion, the licentiate fyde, au Scuna, one.of the kynges confayle.alſo the licentiate Barri gritos the trade of ſpices. 241 entos of the counſaple of the ožders: the licentiate perro, manuel anditour of the courte of the Chauncerie in Wallados lith. for iudges of the piopertie, be chole Don Fernando Colonus che foorne of Lhuits pher Lolonus : alco doctor Sancho Salapa, Peter Kaiz of Willegas, fryze Thomas DU, rant, Simon of Alcazaud, and John Sebagian of Lano, nis; aduocate fattucnep, be made the licenciare gjohn Rodriguchi of pila: i fog his fylcal Doctoz Ribera,& his ſecretacie, Barzesebaſtian chalome Ruiz of Laftaneda. De allo apoynted that Sebatian Cabote. Cabote, Steuē Bames, funnio Garcia, Diego Riuero, being ai erpert pilots e cunning in making cardes foz che ſea, huldsagnftruments be preſent, & bạynge foozth thepz globes, and mappes with of Cofinegras other inĞcumentos neceſarie to declare the Situation of tbe. phie. glandes of the malucas abows the which was al the conten sterlandes of waluce. tion and Gryfe. Bur order was taken that they coulde theme chepz mundeson neyther ſyde, noi enter into the coompany of the other but when they were cauled. Al pheſe and diyces. other, wente togyr her to a tolone cauled Badajoz i and as, Thearbitrers mang Portugales came to Elbes, 02 Father mo?f.. Foz they on the Por: broight with them two fiſcals and two aduocates. The tugales fyde. principall of thepm, was the licentiate Antonio de A Tenedo, Diego Lopes of Scqueyza che clarke of the weightes and res log in ceptes, who had befoże byn gouernour in gndia Allo Peral: 13 fonſo of caelo, clecke: Simon of Tauira, bith dyuers ocher alys D whoſe names J knowe not. Before they mette togyrher, the one parte remaynpnge at Badaioz and the other in Elbes, there was much a doo amonge them beefore they coulde agree bppon the place where they pulde mere and who outo (peke metre. fyzdte. Foi the Portugales doo greatly weigbe luche circums tances. At the latt, they concluded to meete togyther ar Laya a lyttle ryuer which diuiderh Lađite from Puzrugate, fan dynge in the mydde way betwone Badaioz and Elbes. and when they were a Tembled togyther one day at Badaioz and anorher daye at Elbes and faluted the one the other, boche Thoider of parties were ſwozne that they thulde pzoceade and ſpeake ac: theyproces, coldynge to tenth, iudice, and counte, The Paitu sales re- fuled Simon de Alcazaua becauſe he was a poztugale: and fryer Thomas Duran bycanle he had lumetynie byn păcacher to they: kynge: Sothit Simon wag by con ent par obte of the coompany, in whole roome was placed madec Antonie of Alta: The place Where they alcaraz, yet felt they not to reafonynge the matter butyll the fryer was put obt. They were manye dayes in beholdynge globes, mappes, and cardes of the ſea, and hearynge what te moght bee Cayde, both fydes alleagynge foz the røght which The poru. they pictended. But the požtugales Gandynge in bayne con gales. tention, ſaydc very angerly thejlandes of waluca whercup pon theyz micetonge and reſonynge was at that preſente, feti of theyz parte and was of theyz conqued, and that they both had byn there, and had them in they? poleđion before John Schattian had euer (eene them. Lykowyſe that the line fulde Contencion bce džaben from the flande of Bonauita, 02 the gland cau for dialynge the line of led de la Sal, which are the mot Eatterly Jlandes from ea: the diuiſion. bouerde, and not from the glande of Santanton oz faynt An: tonie, which lyeth towarde the Weft, and are. Iperp, Icaques the one from the other, at this was no moze but to contend: and the other of the gyalucas, is bntrewe. But they that haue a nabghtie matter mua (et it foorth with boobes and some the bzabelynge. Dere they founde howe grcatly they were decea postuga es ued in that they demaunded that the line fulde bec dzaben terc decea. yed, thzee hundzeth.Irr. leaqucs moze to the went from the Jlan: des of Labouerde (as appeareth hereafter) and not one hun džeth accozdyng to thalignement of the popes bul. The Spa The Spany ardes allega: nyardes on the contrary parte affirmed and made demontra: sions. tion, that not only the glandes of Burncy, Bilolo, zubut, and Tidore, with the other landes of the walucas. But Samacra, alwell Samatra, malacha, and a great parte of China, fhuld Walacha. belonge to the Latt lians: and that thoſe countreys fell on Ching. wagallanes. theyz [yde and on the parte of they conquett: Alſo that aja; gallanes and John Sebagian were the fyzite chriftian mer that founde them and obteyned them for themperour, as the letters and preſentes of Almanzoz doo teſtifie. and although the portugales had byn there fpzfe, yet wachte they thyther after the donation of the pope: neyther got they any ryght of fufte fytle thereby. Foz althowgh they ühulde diawe the line Buena uifa. by Buena Vifa, what inconuenience coulde foloine thereof, ſith aſwell by the one way as the other, the Flandes of the whe glandes walucas mul perteyne to the Laitlians: pea and mozcouet, of Cabo uer: the Jlandes of Labo verde ſhulde alſo perteine to the Laſtili: de. ans, fozſomuch as dzawynge the line by Buena Wila, the 3: landes of the Ajalucas doo remayne within the line on the Empfours the trade of ſpices. 242 empecours lyde. They continued in theſe controuerlies for the pace of two moonethes without anye reſolucion or ende che portu: made. for the poztugales prolonged and put of the matter, sales cauit: flying from the ſentence with cauillations and could reaſons lations. to thende that they myght diſolue that aſemble without any concluſion oz determination:foi ſo it foode them bppon. The Catilians which were the Judges of the propertie, diewe a The line of line in the great globe three hundzeth and. Irt. leaques from diuifion. ſaynt Antonics Flande, Ipinge by Wefte Labo Verde accogs dynge to the intreatie and determination whiche was agreed The fentēces bppon betwene the Latholike pyinces and the kynge of pog: tugale. Theſe iudges gaue ſentence vppon this matter, cau: lynge the contrary parte before them vpon the bridge of Lapa in the yeare. 1524. The poztugales coulde neyther difturbe 02 Deferre the ſentence, nor yet wolde they alowe it to bec iuft and accordynge to ryght : Sapinge that there was not ſuffi: cient proccie made that they chulde paữe to the gynynge of the portu fentence. And ſo departed threatenyng to Rey the Ladilians gales chiede a as many as they chulde fynde in the flandes of the malucas. cell death to Foz they knowe ryght well that theyz contreymen the poi the Caſtilians tugales had alredy taken the typpe cauled the Triniție and had alſo taken the Laſtilians in Tidoze. Then alſo departed owre men, takynge they? iozney to the courte gyuynge bp to themperour all theył wzytynges and declaration what they had doone. And accordynge to this declaration mul bee ſig: ned and marked all globes and mappes which good Lolmo- graphers and matters too make. The line allo of the reparti the lan sluis line of cion and lat diuiſion of the newe world of the indics, ought fion. to pade (lyttle moje og lede) by the pognres of Dumos and Buon Abzigo, as 3 hane ſayde in an other place, and thus song fall it appeare euidently that the glandes of Spices, and al ſo the greate flande of Zamora, do perteyne to Laftile. But The great the lande of Braſile perteyneth to the kpnge of Dortugale Fland of Sa: where the cape of Caynt Auguftine is, beinge. viii, degrees be the lande of neti the Equinoctiail. This lande reacheth from the poynte Biafile,pers of Humos to the poynte of Buen Abzigo: and is in lengthe teineth to the Moth and South vii hundècth leaques. Beinge alſo lum Portugales. way two hundreth leaques fat and Welt. and hereafter theſe ſerious matters, wec voull rehearſe Amery tale, one mery rhynge, which was this. It lo chaunced that as Pop.ii Frances Contencion for Frances de sclo, Diego Lopes of Scqueyza, and other or thoſe portugales of this allemble, walked by the tpuer lyde of Bnadiana, a lyutic boy who toode keepynge his mothers clothes which he had wathed, demaunded of theym whether they were thoſe men that parted the would with Themperour And as they anſwered, yea: he tooke dp his there and thewed them his bare arſe, ſayinge : Coomme and drawe yo brelme here throughe che myddeſt. which ſayinge was afterwarde in cuery mans mouth and laughed at in the towne of Bada. 103: yea euen amonge the commiſſioners them ſelues, of who de fum were angry, and ſumme maruayled at the ſayinge of the ad chylde. The cauſe and autozitie wherby they diuided the indics. T The golde De Latilians and postúgales had longe deba myne of buis ted and reaſoned abover the golde myne of bui Dea. nea which was found in the yeare of owrelo de 14 71, in the tyme of the reigne of Don Alonſo Alonſo kynge Rynge of Portugale che firde of that name. of Portugale, This was a matter of greate impoztaunce. for sold fo: thenges of the negros oz black Doones, foz chynges of no value, gaue ſmaul value. golde by hole handcfuls whyche was at that tyme when the Cayde kynge of portagale pretended title and clayme to the Contention kingedame of £aðile in the right of his wyfe Queene John for the kyng: (cauled the ercellcnt) ageynge the Catholike princes 3|label dome of Cartile. and Don Fernando thoſe it was in deede. But that tryfe was ended as fone as Don Fernando had vanquiſhed Don alonſo at a place cauled Temulos not farrcfrom 2020, which Warre agen it the Moores place Don Fernando choſe rather to make Warre ageint the of Sranada. Dobles of Branada, then to bye and fell twith the blacke the conque: Woodes of Guinea. And thus the požtugales remained with ftes of the the conquet of Affryke from the treightes forwarde: Whiche Portugales in began where the infante of poztugale Don Denrique (ſonne Affrike. pope Alers to kynge John the baſtarde and matter of Quis) dpd bebynne ender. to enlarge it. When pope alerander the st. (beinge a valen: tinian bozne) had knowleage hereof, he mynded to gyue the yndies to the kinges of Lattle withowt any preiudice to the Portugales who had conquered the ſea coates of Affryke. Theſe the trade of ſpices. 243 Schele gndies, the pope gauc of his owne mynde withowte the motion of anye other, with this burden and charge that they ſhulde conuert the 3 dolatours to the fayı he of Chzyće : The rope and commaunded a line oz meridian to bee djawen Nothc wekech the and ſouth from one hundzeth teaques Wriwarde beyond one button. of the glandes of Labo Verde toward the Welle, bycauſe the Spanyardes fulde not meddle in Affryke perteynynge to the conqueft of the poztugales, to thauopdynge of all dryfe The kynge of bet wine them. kynge John of pojtugale, the ſeconde of porngale res that names was greatly offendet lbhen he red de the bull and fureth to donation of the pope, althowgh his owne amtaladous bad fand to the made the felfe lame requeñ bnto his holynelte. Ese allo found Popes bull. hym felfe agreeued with the Latholyke princes 3 Cabell and fernando, that they had thoztenid the coucre of the landes he had diſcouerid, depriuynge bym of the rychelie which be: longed to bym, and therfoze refuſed to fiande to the popes bull in this caſe: Delyzynge the Larholyke princes glabell and fernando to graunt him three hundzerhleaques moze to the Wete, belybe the one hundzeth which they had graunted before : and that with ſent his myppes to kepe the coades of Affryke. The princes Latholyke wete content to ſatiſfie his mynde and to plcaſe bym accordynge to theyz gencle nature and foz the aliance that was betwene theym : And in fine, The agrees with the conſent and agreement of the pope, graunted twoo mentéf the hundrech. Irr. leaques moze then the bull made mention of: løft diuifion 5 At Todelillas the. vii. day of June in the yeare of ourlod 8 1494. And wheras obr kynges thought that they thulde haue loft grounde in grauniynge ſo many leagues that way, they woonne by that meanes the glandes of the walucas wherin the with many other rychejlandes. The kynge of Portugale Portugales allo herein Deceaued him Celfe of was deccaued of his whom were deceae he put in truf, bauynge no certeync knowleage of the ſitua: wed. tion of the Flandes of the riche Spicery in demaundyng that which the kynge byd demaunde. Foz it hadde byn better foz hym to haue requeñed the three hundzeth and.lrr.Icaques ra ther E adbarde from the glandis of Labo Werde then to: too 50 warde the weſt. And pet fou all that, I doubte whether the tool Malucas fulde haue faulen within his conquet accordynge to the ordinarie accoumpre and dimenſion which the pylotes and Coſmographers too make and after this maner they divided Contencion for bluided the Indies betwene them by thautozitie of the pope for the auoydynge of further Gryfe and contention, * Holóc and by what occafian Shemperoure layde the gilandes of the Malucas to pledge to the kynge of postugale. tudo Den the kynge of poztugale Don Juan the thyide of that name, had knowlcage that the Loſmographers and pylottes of Lattile hadde diawen the line from the place befoze named, and that he could not denye the truth, fearing alſo therby to licle the trade of Spices, made Cute and requeft to Themperoure that he hulde not ſend furth Sebaſtiat Loaiſa noi Sebattian Labote to the Dalucas, and that the Cabote. B. Lattilians fulde not attempte the trade of ſpices noz (ee ſuch detendeuyls and miſeries as his capitaynes had thewed in thoſe 113 35 dolandes to them that aduentured that viage with magalanes. which thynge he greatly couered, although he payde all the charges of thoſe two deetes, and made other great bacgens. Theniperour 3in the meant tyme, Thcmperoure maryed the Lady 3 Cabell and the kinge ſpåter to kynge John: and kynge John maryed the lady La: of pouugale tharine fytter to thempcrouc: whereby this matter Wared foynsdtialis ance by in coulde although the kynge ceaſed not to ſpeake hereaf, euec riage, mouynge the particion. Themperour by the meanes of a cer: tcine Biſcaine that was with pagallanes in the gouernouts The portus fhyppe, had knowleage what the Portugales had doone to galcs robbe the Lañilians in the Jland of Tidoje, wherof he tooke great the Caſtilians diſpleaſure, and brought the Cayde maryner face to face be: foze thambaladours of Portugale, who tenped all that he ſayde, one of them beinge the chiefe capitayne and gouernout of india when the portugales tooke thc Laổilians in midos re and robbed them of they? Lloues and Linamome and ſuch The cozona: other thynges as they had in the lyppe named the Triniete. tion of them But as the kynge of poztugales trade was greate, and owre perour. necelitie greater, in the meane tyme Themperoure (who was nowe goinge intoj|talie to bce crowned in the yeare. 1529) gagied the walucas and the ſpicerie to the kynge of portu: gale the trade of ſpices. 244 Che gageing gale foz three hundżeth and fiftie thouſande ducades with of the glands obt any tyme determyned otherwyſe then the controuerſie of zwalucas. was defined vppon the bzydge of the ryuer of Lapa : fog the zamarra and which thynge, kynge John punyihed the licentiate Azeuedo Walacu. bycauſe he paybe the money witholt declaration of the time. the couenaunt of the pledge was blyndely made and great: ly ageynſt the myndes of the Latilians, as men that wel on: derfode the profite, commoditie, and rychede of that trade : Affirmynge that the trade of ſpices myght haue byn rented foj one yeare oz foz tio, for ſyre tymes as much as the kinge gaue foz it. peter Ruiz of Willegas who was twyfe cauled to the bargeyne, as once at Branada and an other tyme at Dhadrid, Cayde chat it had byn muche better to haue pledged Etremadura oz Serena,oz other greater landes and cities, ra ther then the galucas, zamatra, oz qalaca, oz other riche landes and ryuers in the Latte not yet well knowen: fozar: muche as it maye ſo chaunce, that eyther by continuaunce of eyme, oz aliance, the pledge myght bee torgotten as thowgh it perteyned to the ryght of poztugale. In fine, Themperouc conſidered not the jewel that he pledged, noz the kyng what he receaued. Thempcrour was often tymes counſayled to res leaſe the pledge of thoſe Jlandes in cölideration of the great bantage he myght haue therby in fewe yearcs. Furthermore, in the yeace. 1548. the procuratouces of Lojtes being in Wal ladolid, made peticion to Themperour to ſurrender the ſpice: rie to the kyngedoome of Lattile foz. vi. yeares, and that they bold repay to the kyng of Poztugale his .350.thouſad crow: mes, and after thoſe ycares, refoze the trade to the crowne, that his maieftie myght inioye the ſame as bas agreed at the begynnynge. But Themperout beinge then in flaunders, ſente woozde to the counſayle that they fulde not attết to Loztes his requel, noz ſpeake any more hereof, Whërat, ſum marueyled, other were ſozy, & all held theyz peace DE le lo sbart C of the poole Antartike and the tarees aboWt the came and of the qualitie of the regions and diſpoſition of to the Elementes abowt the Equinoctialt line, gia sillo certeyne fecreates touchyng the arte of Caglynge. pericus Weſputius in the Summarie of his byages, wzyteth in this maneras foloweth. Departynge frome Liſbona (commonly cauled Lufheburne) the. viits day of way, in the yeare. 1501. we ſagled fyzd to the glan: des of Canarie and from thenſe to Lapouer: Caboterde Befeneghan de which the Ethiopians or blacke oores * caule Biſineghe, beinge, riti, dcgrees on this ſyde the Equinoc: tiall line. from whonſe Directynge owre courſe towarde the South pole by the Southwell, we fabe no može land foz the ſpace of three moonethes and three dayes. Df whiche tyme tempcft. duryngcofl. dayes, we had cruell foztune :yn ſo muche chac for that ſpace, the bcauen in maner neuer cealed thunderong corynge, and lyghtenynge with terrible noyle, and fearefull [ygbtes of fyery exhalations dyinge abolt in the ayer, and in maner'continuall powers of rayne with darke clowdes co uerynge the beauen in ſuch ložte that alwell in the day as in the nyght we coulde ſee none otherwyſe but as when the mogne giueth no lyght by reaſon of thicke and darke clowds The ſea was in lyke cale vnquicted with ſurgies and mon: ters. After theſe greuous #cruel days, it pleled god to have cÕpation on our lives. Foi wee ſuddenly eſpied land wher by we recouered owr ſpirites and ſtrength. This land which wee founde, is from Lapo Uerde.7oo. leaques, although 31: The ignos ſuppoſe that we Cayled moze then.800, by reaſon of the cruel rance of pys fors and ma tempeft and ignozaunce of the pylottes and mariners where by wee were lyke to have byn cat alpay. Foz wee were in ſuche daungerous places wanderynge in bnknower coaſtes, Chevre of thas if 3 had not byn (kylfull in the ſcience of Loſmographie coſmogra: phie. we had ſuecly perymed, fozaſmuch as there was not one py: lor that knewe where wee were by the ſpace of fiftie leaques, Che vre of yn ſo much that if I had not in cyme pouyded for the Cafe: the quadrant garde of myne ownclyfe and them that were with me, with and Aſtrolas bie. my quadiant and Adrolabie inſtrumentcs of Atronomie, wel riners. had Of the pole Antartike, 245 The ſtarres bad Ayl bandered lyke blonde men. But when in fine 31 had perſuaded the pylots by demonftrations pertepnynge to that arte, they gauc me great honour and confeded that the oldi: marie pilottes aad mariners ignorant in Loſmographi, are not to bee compared to men of ſpeculatiue knowleage.tc. Wce Cayled by the coattc of the Cayde lande. 600.leaques And went oftentymes alande where wce were frendely and honorably interteyneb of thinhabitauntes : 3/n lo much that conſiderynge theyż innocent nature, we ſamtymes remayneb with them.rv. oz. II. dapes. This firme lande begynneth be ponde the Equinoctiall line. biit. degrees towarde the pole ancartike. wec ſagled ſo farre by the fayde coaffe that wee The pole palled the wynter stropyke tolbarde the pole Antareike by Antartike, xvii . degrees and a halfe, where we had the Dorizontal line eleuate fiftie degrecs. Such thynges as 3 lawe there, are not yet knowen to men of owre tyme: as the people, they? cutomes and maners, the feceilitic of the laade, the goodnes of the ayer, the fauourable infuence of beauen and the pla: nettes, and eſpecially the older of the tarres of the epght abort the Iphere in the inferioure hemiſpheric or lower halfe circle of fouth pole, heauen tovo arde and abowt the South pole, wherof neyther the owlde of newe wzyters haue made any mention to this daye. Tento na TO Wzyte particularly of the commodities and felicities and beas of theſe regions, it wolde requyze rather a hole volume then simg2.00 a booke: And that ſuch, as if plinie had had knowleage of a theſe chynges, he myghe greatly haue increaſed his bookes woft pleas of naturall hiđojies. The trees gyue from them continually ſant frutfull Lucy ſweete Canours as can fcarlely bee imagined and on regions. cuecy part put furth ſuch gummes, liquours, and tuſcs, cbac 1024 yf we knebe they? bertues, ſuppoſe ibe myght fynde in them macueploug medicins ageing diſeaſes and to mainteyne The earthlye bealth. And Cuerly in my opinion, yf there bec any earthely paradyie. Pasadyle in the worlde, it can not bee farce from theſe cegi: ons of the ſouth, where the beauen is ſo beneficiali and the elementes (o temperate that chey are nicyther bytten with Continual teo peratnelles coulde in winter, noz molelted with heate in fummer. The aper alſo and the beaucn is ſeldome darkened with clowdes, 20 DS ſo that the dayes and nightes are euer clcare. Yet haue they work dewe Cunitymes moyî dewes in the możnynge and euengng foz the 24.lt ſpace Of the pole Antartike. ſpace of three houres, whereby the grounde is marueploudy refccähed. Lykeboyſe the firmament is marueyloudy adour: ned with certeyne tarres which are not knowen to bs, wher Startes vn: of g noted abowt. fr. to bee of ſuche clearenelle as are the knowertoys Tarres of Wenus and Jupiter when they are nere unto vs. and wheras hauynge the knowleage of Beomettie, 3 conſi The tre of dered theyż circuite and dyuers motions, and alſo meaſured Seometrt. theyż circumf erence and diametet, am well aſſured that they are much greater then men thynkethem to bee. Amonge other, 3 ſawe thyee ftarres cauled Canopi, wherof two were erceadyngecleare, and the thyide cumwhat darke. The pole notable ftats in theinferta Antartike hath nother the greate beare noz the lyttle as is our hemifa ſeene abowe obre pole. But hath foure tarees whiche come pherie. pate it about in fozme of a quadzangles anthon * Calle 3109 do goals CWhen theſe are hydden, there is ſcene on the lefte fyde a bryght Canopus of three ftarres of notable greatnelle, whe che beinge in the myddet of heauen, repzelenteth this figure. * 101851 after cheſt, fucceade three other tynynge farces, whereof that which is in the myddett, is of meaſure. rii. degrees and molt bright a halfe in circumference. And in the myddet of theſe, is feene and ſhynynge an other bzyght Lanopus. After this, folowe. vi. other tüy: Itarreg, nynge tarres which in bzyghrnelle patte al other that are in the eyght ſphere. Df theſe, that that is in the middel in the ſuperficiall part of the fayde ſphere, hath the meaſure of his circumference. prrii. degrees. After theſe fotoweth another great Lanopus, but ſumwhat darke. all theſe are ſeene in Lastes via the parte of heauen cauled via Lacted, that is the mylke baye: Ánd beinge ioyned tothe meridiane line, mewe this fygure here folowynges 3. Cabos Of the pole Antartike, 246 **** odune Jorge [awe alſo there manye other darres, the dpuers motions wherof Diligently obſerued,31 made a particular boke of the fame, whering made mention of al Cuch notable thyngs as 3 faibe and had knoweleage of, in this nauigation. The wht 2008 Che booke i deliacred to the kenges maietic, trulynge that be wpll moztly retoze it me ageyne. Jn this hemiſpherie or the inferts halfe coompañe of the heauen, 3 diligently conſidered many our þemi: thinges which are contrarie to choppinions of philoſophers. pherie. and amonge other chynges, 3 ſawe a whyte raynebowe a: The raynes bowt mydnpght, wheras other affirme that it hath fours co: bowe, lours of the foure elementes, as redde of the fyer, greene of the earth, whyte of the ayer, and blewe of the water. But Ariftotle his Ariſtotle in his booke intiteled Meteord, is of an other opinion opinion of Foz he Cayth that the caynebowe is a redection of the beames the raynes of the Coonne in che vapoure of a clowde directly ageyndte the bowe. Coonne, as the chynyng of the ſame on the water, is re&tected on a waule : And that the fayde clowde ol bapoure tempereth the heate of the foonne : and beinge reſolucd into rayne, mas kerh the grounde ferryle, and pourgeth the ayer. Allo that is a token of abundaunt moyture. By reaſon wherof. Cum arc Aſtrange of opinion that it tall not appeace.cl. ycares befoje thjende of opinion, the worlde, which Thalbe a token of the d?yneđe of the ele: mentes approchynge to the tyme of theyz coniågration 0% conſumpng by fper. It is a pledge of peace bet loene god and men, and is cucc directly ouer ageynt the loonne. 3t is the foze neuer ſeene in the South, bycauſe the loonne is neuer in pobud the Mouth. Reuerthctelle, Plinie Cayth, that after the Equita noctial in Autumne, it is ſecne at al boures. And thus much haue I gathered owne of the commentaries of Landinus bpo pon the fourth boke of Wirgyl his Eneades, bycauſe I wold befraude no man of his trauayle 3 Cawe the fayd raynebowe tWoo oz three tymes. And not gonely, but alſo many other The newe which were in my coompany. Iykewyſe wee ſawe the newe mone. moone the ſelfe ſame day that thee iopned with the ſoonne. Wee ſawe furthermoje vapours and burnynge dames dyinge 04.11. abowte Of the pole Antartike. fpery exhala aboldt heaven cuery nyght. A lyrtle befolk, 3 cauled this namiſpherit. countrey by the name of Hemiſpherium (that is) the halfe ſphere. Which neuerthelege can not bee ſo named but by (pe kynge improperlic in comparycon of owres. Pet fozaſmuche as it ſeemeth to repzeſent ſuche a fozme, 3 bauc impzoperlye fo named it. Deparepnge therfoze from Liſbona (as 3 haue ſaydc) the Lilbona. inge from the Lquinoctiall line towarde the oth about.pl Degrees, wee ſayled to this countrey whiche is beyonde the The fourth Equinocetall. 1. degrees : all which ſumme, maketh the num part of the ber of. Igrrr.beinge the fourth part of the greatett circle at: voide., cozdynge to the trewe reaſon of the number tabght by the oblde autours. And by this demontration it is manifelt that wee meaſured the fourth parte of the worlde: fogalmuch as be that dwell in Liſbona on this ſybe the Equinoctial line as bowt.rl. degrees towarde the f203che, Cayled from thence. Irrrr.degrees in lengthe meridionale angularly by an ouer: thwart line, to thinhabitantes.l. degrees beyond the Equi: noctiall. And that the thynge may bee moze playnely under: tode, imagine a parpendicular line to faule from the poyntes of heaucn which are zenith (that is the pricke ouer the head). to bs borh kandynge vpryght in the places of ofre owne has bitacions: and an other ryght line to bee Dawne frome obore zenith to theyżs: Then grauntynge vs to bee in the cyght line in comparyſon to them, it mult of treceßitie folowe tigo 3o that thcy are in the ouerth wart line as halfe Antka als podes in comparyſon to vs : un Cuche Cozte that the figure of the fayde lines make a triangle which is the quarter oz fourth parte of the hole circle, as appeaa ceth moze playnely by the fygure here folowynge. on sont tous A logo 247 @VX ZENITH: 200 # * VVERO * * 130 19 THEYK ZENITH THEY * * O SOOS OM TIS dod 1933 oldal mont dans ce sunt In die mooi Insidio da 3150 Dis* WHO * 102 103 Of the pole Antartike, TANZ.. s touchyng the farces and reaſons of Lomographie, 3 haue gathered thus much owt of the bpage of Americus Ucfpurius, And haue thought good to toyne hereunto that whiche Andzeas de Lorcali wziteth in his bpage to Eat The Vyage of Andreas Jndia as concernynge the ſame matter. de Corrali. After that we departed frome Liſbona, wee Cayleb cuer with proſperous wynde, not pallynge owt of the Southead The £quiroc and Southweſt. And palſyng beyonde the Equinoctial line, tigiline we were in the heyght of.37. degrees of the other halfe cir: Cap. de Spee cle of the earth. And trauerſynge the cape of Bona Speran: za a coulde and wondy clime bycaule at that tyme the loonne was in the north ſignes, wee founde the nyght of.xiiit. hou: The ſtarres res. Dere we ſawe a macueylous order of darres, ſo that in of the under the parte of heauen contrary to olore nozthe pole, to knowe kemiſpherie, in what place and degree the ſouth pole was, we tooke the day with the Coonne, and obſerued the nyght with che Altro Conde de labie, and ſawe manifeftly twoo clowdes of reaſonable bpg: Cloudes a: bowt the neđe mouynge abowt the place of the pole continually nowe routh pole. cyſynge and nowe faulynge, ſo keepynge theyz continuall conrle in circular mouynge, with a farre cuer in the myddelt which is turned abowt with them abowte. ri. degrees frome thc pole. Aboue theſe appeareth a marueylous crolle in the crofte of mydddelt of fyue notable (arres which compañe it abowe fyue ftarrcs. 30 (as doth charles wayne the noythe pole) with other och det atarres whiche moue with them abowt. frr. de: grees diftant from the pole, and make their 352 courſe in. triiii. houres. This crolle is ſo fayze and bewtiful, that none other heuenly ſigne may be compared to it as may appeare by this fygure. 4. he 5 bath tagem A blog sho 248 ☆ B ☆ ☆ hands Somali satis ei ole of 37701203 4. The pole Antartike. B. The Crott. hoa Hetherto Andżeas de collali, Of the pole Antartike, O ff the lyke matters, and of the fraunge ryſynge of the Coonne in the możnynge, and of the dyuers ſeaſons of the yeace and motions of the Elementes in the coaſte of Ethiope abowt the ryuer of Senega, and the riche region The coaftes of Ethiope. of Bambża where plentie of golde is founde, fumewhat be: Solde in Et gonde Lapo Werde, Aloiſius Ladamu dus wzyteth in this thiope, effecte. Durynge the tpme that we remayned bppon the mouth che Vyagc of the ryuer, we ſabe the nozth Aacre but once : which appe: of Aioriius red very lowe aboue che ſea the height of a iauclen. Wie laip Cadamuſtus. allo lyre cleace, bzyght, and great farces verye lowe aboue the ſea. And conſiderynge they? tacions with owre coom: the charfote pađe, we founde them to tande ryght ſouth, fyguved in this of the coutk maner, pole * * * Equinoctiall. Eiudged them to bee the chartotte oz wayne of the ſouth: But we ſawe not the principali ftarce, as we coulde not by good reaſon, ercept we fuld fitt loſe the ſyght of the nozth pole. In this place wee founde the nyght of the length of a .ri. houres and a halfe: And the day of. cii houres and a halfe at the begynnynge of 3nly. This countrey is euer hotte al times of the yeare. Yet is there ahe mynter a certeyne varietie which they caule wynter. ffor from the abort the moneth of July to Dctober, it rayneth continually in manet dayly about none after this Cozte. There ryſe continually cet tepnc clow des aboue the lande betwoene the noztheat and the Couth caît, oz from the eat and ſouthealt with greate thunder rynge and lyghtnynge and erceadynge great ſhowers of raine at this tyme the ethiopians begynne to fowe thy: ſeedes. Thunders lyghinynge. They lyue commonly with hony, herbes, rootes, leche, and mylke. I had alſo intelligence that in this region by reaſon pot rhowres of the great heate of the ayer, the water that raineth is hotte: of rayne. And that the loonne ryſynge in the moznynge, makethe no cleare daylyght as it dooth with us: But that halfe an houre after the vplynge, it appeareth troubeled, dymme and ſmoky. The day, and she whiche thynge, i knowe not to proceade of any other rylynge of cauſe then of the lowene le of the grounde in this contrey be: the fooune. inge without mountayncs, Maine and clowdes. diſ: Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 249 07208335 Cadilcourſe of dpiers byages and Wages by the whiche Spices, Pözecious fones, and golde were brought in owlde epme from Jindia into Europe and other partes of the world. allo of the vyage to CATHA Y and Eaſt Jindia by the north Lea: And of certeyne ſecreates touchynge the ſame vyages declared by the duke of Moſcouie his ambañadoure to an excellent lerned gentelman of ytalic, named Sale: atins Butrigarius. Lykeböyle of the vyages of that woofthy owlde man Sebaſtian Cabote, get liuynge in Englandé, and at this p?eſent the gouernour of the cooma pany of the marchantes of La: sih trang chay in the citie of 307 otte to startside london, 13ton Horst sininen 1095 a is doubtleffc a marueplous thynge to con: [pder what chaunges and alterations were The romaine cauſed in all the Romanc Empire by the pas con empyre. Bothes and Wandales, and other Barbari- ans into Italy. Foz by thegy inualions were ertinguyched all artes and ictences, and all smadoytact 1992 trades of marchaundies that were uſed in dy Quod uers partes of the world. The deſolation and ignozaunce age and to which incued hereof, continued as it were a clowde of perpetuo tuall darkeneſe amonge men foz the ſpace of fonte hundžeth titl. Kundieth yeares and mode, in ſo much that none ducü aduenture to go yeares of ige any whythet ölt of theyż owne natine countreys. whereas tos 3d betože thincurſions of the layde Barbacians when the Romanian mane Empire Nozynhed, they might ſafly pale che cras to al well knomer partes of Eat Jndia which was at that time as wel knowen sin owld time. and frequented as it is nowe by the nauigations of the poza tugales. And that this is trewe, it is manifeâ by that which Strabo wzyteth, who was in the tyme of Augutus and TI. berius. Foz ſpeakynge of the greatnelle and ryches of the ci, Strabo. tie of Alexandzia in Egypte (gouerned then as a prouince of the Romanes) he wryteth thus. This only place of Egypte, chcire of he great ry is apte to receaue all thynges that coome by ſea, by tcalon of gipte. the commoditie of the hauen: Ändlykewyſe all ſuch thynges as are bżought by lande, by reaſon of the ryuer of Pilus The citie of wherby they may beega[ély.conueyde to Alexandria, beinge erandzis. RRE, nozgurce. by Of Moſcouie and Cathayo by theſe commoditics the rychell citie of marchauntes that is in the worlde. The reuenues of Egypt are ſo great, that arcus Tulli: Darneylous rycheffe. us ſapth in one of his olacions, that kynge Tolomeus Curna: med Äuleta che father of queene Lleopatra, had of reuenues twelue thouſande and fyue hundrech talentes, which are ſe: uen millions and a halfe of golde. 3|therfoze this kyng had che gouers ſo gccat reuenues when Egypt was gouerned of (o fewe and naunce and ſo negligently, what myght it then bee woozth to the Roma: reuenues of nes by whom it was gouerned with great diligence, & theys the Romans. trade of marchandics greatly increaſed by the traffike of Teto Trogloditica. and India. gloditica and 3india? wheras in tymc paſte there could hard: The goulfely bee foundc. rr, thyppes togyther that durfte enter into the of Arabie, goulfe of rabie,oz thewe chey2 pzons withowt the mouth of 18910 2 the ſame. But at this preſent, great navies (aple togyther in to yndia and to the furthel parces of Ethiope from whence Ethiype.com are brought many rych and pzecious marchandies into Egipt oms and are carped from thenſe into other countreys. And by this Rick cuſtoms meanes are the cutomes redoubeled alwell by ſuche thonges 'as are brought thyther, as alſo by ſuche as are cacyed frome The rycheffe thenſé, fogalmuche as greate cußomes arcpſe of thynges of which were great value. And that by this vyage, infinite and precious brought in owlde tyme marchaundies were bļought from the redde ſea and Jndia, from India and thoſe of Byuers other ſoztes then are knowen in owre and the red time, it appeareth by the fourthe volume of the ciuile lawe ſea. Lebens wherin is deſcribed the commiſſion of Themperours Marcus The commif: and commodus, with the rehearſall of all ſuche tutte and Tion of Them marchandies wherof cuttome chuld bee payde in the redde ſea perours mar by ſuch as had the ſame in fec ferme, as were payde the cu: cus and com fomes of all other pzouinces perternpnge to the Romane com modus. pyze: and they are theſe folomynge. Cinamome. mero Xilocađia. sanaa Longe pepperoni od dir.nitrangaran odas Whyte peppet. dalguns amometrus notis Cloues. nec sas notis gamtos. Ginger. acum 3 10 5150 Cancamo. Lotus. de conley into galabatrum.eu tead the Ammoniac. 132301 * Spikenardes a kytarake of Balbang.si Bopjas de Lallia. ip ugy oth ja voin Laler.com Sbocete perfumes, ot adgagatike, at gulay Bumme Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 250 Bumme of Arabie, Cardamome. Xilocinamome Latpelio, Sulkes of dyuers foztes. Linnen cloth. query. Perles. Berille. Lilind_o. 3110 Slaues. cloth of Sarmatta. The fylke cauled egetara. Weftures of Cylke. Skynnes and furres of Pac Dyed cloth and fylke. Lacbaſei. thia and Babilon. Sylko threede. Bolded men. woodde of Deben. precious tones. Popingiayes.lu Lions of 3 ndia. 3 Leopardes, gewels of Sardonica, Leraunia. panthers. Calamus aromaticus. Pourple, allo that iuile oz liquour which is gathered of wolle and ot 10930 the heare of the jidians. By theſe wooldes it dooth appeare that in owld tyme the fayde navigation by the way of the redde ſea, was wel know puta en and muche frequented, and perhappes more then it is at :93ych this preſent. In ſo much that the auncient kynges of Egypt conſideryng the great profyte of the cutomes they had by the The great ris biages of the red ſea, & wyllyng to make the ſame moze ealy ses of Egipte #commodious, attempted to make a folle oz chanel which had by cu: fulde begynne in the late parte of the Taybe fea, where was somes, on a citie named árſinoe (which perhappes is that that is nowe cauled gues, and ſhulde baue reached to a bianche of the ry: The noble en uer of Nilus named Peluſio, which emptierh it felfe in owre terpriſes of ſea towarde the Eat abobot the citie of Damiata. They deter the kinges of myned alſo to make three cauleis oz bygbe wapes by lande, ariinge. which coulde patte from the fayde bzaunche to the citie of Ar: Damars. ſinge: but they founde this to difficulte to bzynge to pale. pcluſio. Ju fine, kynge Tolomeus ſurnamed Philadelphus, oideyned an other way: as to ſayle vppon Pilus ageynt the courſe of Nilus. the rpuer #nto che citie of Lopto, and from thenſe to pate by Copto. a deſerte countrey vntyll thcp coome aboue the redde fea to a citie named Berenice od biolozmo, where they imbarked all Berenice, theyz marchaundies and warcs for India, Ethiope, and Ara bie, as appeareth by thc wzytynge fyzu of Strabo (who wzy teth that he was in Egypte) and then by Plinic who was in RRC,it. the Of Moſcouie and Cathay, o neus. trenity made the tyme of Domitian.Strabo allo ſpeaking of the Capd fotte from Egypte oz trench which boas made toward the red Teas wzyreth thus to the red rea there is a trenche that geth towarde the red ſea and the goulfe of Arabic, and to the citie of Arlinge, which Cunt caul Lacus Amari. Lleopatrida : and patieth by the lakes named amari (that is) biftec, bicauſe in Decbe thcy were fyzlt bytter. But after that this trenche was made and the ryuer entered in, they became ſweete, and are at this preſent full of foules of the water hy rcaſon of they, pleålauntneữe. This crenche was fyzft begun kynge Sero: stre. by kynge Seſottre, before the battayle of Troy. Sum ſaye kynge pram: that it was begunne by konge po Tammiticus mhyle he was a miticus. chylde: And that bo reaſon of his death, it was left imper: kyng Darius fect: Alſo that afterwarde, kynge Datius ſucceded in the eti enotie ſame enterpzple, who wold hane finighed it, but yet brought 1970ant it not to thende bycauſe he was informed that the redde (ca was hygher then Egypt : and that if this lande diupdynge kynge prolo: both the ſeas, were opened, all Egypte chulde bee drowned thereby, kynge Tolomeus bold in deede haue finychcd it:buc get left it ſhut at the hed that he myght when he wolde, Cayle che citie pes to the other fea and returne withowt perell. Dere is the citie roủ. of Arſinoe: And ncre unto that, the citie cauled Deroum in So the bttérmod part of the goulfe of Arabie toward Egipt with What Plynge many poztes and habitacions. Plinie likewpſe ſpeakynge of mutch ge the this trench, Cayth. In the furthcâ part of the goulfe of Ara: treiche. va bie, is a pozte cauled Danco, frô bhenle they determyned to bzynge a nauigable trench vnto the ryuer of Nilus, where as is the fyzu Delta. Betwene the fayde ſea and Nilus, there is a dreight of lande of the length of. Irii, myles. The firt that 1o an attempted this thynge, was Seſoſtre kynge of Egypte: and 548 after hym Darius kynge of the Perſians, whome Tolomeus The larges folowed, who made a trenche a hundzeth foote large, 4. trt. nefte and les foote diepe, beinge three hundzeth myles in lengthe vnto the gthe of the trenche, lakes named Amari, and durfte pzoceade no further for feare of inundation, hauynge knowelcage that the redde Cea was 1973. hygher by thzee cubites then al the countrey of Egypt. Other ſay that this was not the cauſe : but that he doubted that ye he fulde haue let the Cca coome any further, all the water of 3305 Pilus fulde haue byn therby cozrupted, which onely myny: Qčeth dynke to all &gypte. But nocwithtandynge all thele thynges afozeſayde, all this bpage is frequented by lande from Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 251 The Viage bi from Egypte to the redde (ea, in which pallage are three cau: lande from £ feis oz hyghe wayes. The fyžít begynneth at the mouth of Mi gypte to che: lus named Peluſio. All which way is by the ſandes: In ſo red rea. much that if there were not certeyne lyghercedes fyrt in the carth to the we the ryght way, the caulei coulde not be founde by reaſon the wynde cuer coucreth it with ſande. The ſecond caulei is two myles from the mountayne Latius and this alſo in thende of. Ir. myles, commeth vppon the way oi cau: fey of Pclulius, inhabited with cere egne árabians cauled ans 132 neut tci. The thyrde begynneth at Berro, named adipſon: and palleth by the ſame Arabians, foz the ſpace of Ir, myles ſum: what fozter, but full of rowgh mountayncs and great (carſe of nelle of water. All theſe canſois, Irade the way to the citie of what kynge Arfinoe, buylded by stolomeus philadelphus in the goulfe birccuzred. Larandja by the red ſca: This Ptolomcus was the fyzl that ſearched al that parte of the red fea which is cauled Troglo: bittca. Df this trenche deſcribed of Strabo and Plinie, there are ſecnc certeyne tokens reniaynynge at this pzelent as they affirme which haue byn at Sucs beyonde the citie of Alcayz otherwyſe caulcd Babylon in Egypte. But the marchauntes that of later dayes trauayle this viage by tande gryde through the d?y & baren defertes on camels both by day and by night: ditecrynge they? way by the Atarres and compaſe as do mary ners on the ſea, and carpinge with them Water ſufficient foz Alcayıc. many dayes to neys. The places of Arabie and India named the viage to of Strabo and Plinie, are the ſelfe ſame where the Poltuga: Eaſte zndya les practiſe they? trade at this days, as the maners and cu: frequenced in tomes of the Indians doo pet declare. Foz euen at this pic: The cuſtoes ſente they? women vſe to burne theym Celaes alyne with the and maniers deade bodies of theyz bulbandes, which thynge (as wytch of the Indys Strabo in his.tv, booke) they byd in owlde tyme by a lawe, ansing site foz this conſideration that ſumeyme being in loue with other they fozcoote od poyloved theyż huſbandes. And fozaſmuch as accozdynge to this cutome, the owlde poete pozopertius (who lyned abolt a hundzeth yeares befozc thincarnation of Chiyi) hath in his boke made mention of the contention that boas amonge the 3indian women which of them fhuld bee bur ned aliue with they, huſbandes,31 baue thought good to ſub ſcribe his verles, whiche are thele. niti gotta gostoson on evolglas oxide type, Felix Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 10 Fadix fois lex funeris vna muritis, Quos auror: Juis rubra colorat equis. Mmg vbi mortifero isis cſt fax vltima letto, Vxorum fuisftat pis turba comis, El certamen habent lechi, que viva ſequatur Coniugium, pudor eſt non licuiſse moria Ardent victrices, a flimms pectora grabent, Imponuntg ſuis ord per uſta viris. As touthynge theſe byages both by (ta and by lande to Eat India & Lathay, many chynges are wiptten very large: The Wyage to ly by opuers autours which 3 omytte bycauſe thep perteyne Carbajolours not ſo much bnto vs as doth the viage attempted to CATHAY disc by the nozch (eas and the coales of Dolcouia diſcouered in Rychårde blore tyme by the viage of that excellent yonge man Rychard Chaunceler. Chaunceler no icke lerned in all mathematicall ſciences them Be an crpert pylotte, in the yeare of owre loide. 1954. As concernynge this byage, 3 baue thought good to de: nogomla clare the communication which was betwene the Taybe lears son sa ned man baleatius Butrigarius, and that great philoſopher and noble gentelman of Italie named Dieronimus fracatto as 3 fynde Wzytten in the jįtalian byttories of nauigations. As they were therfoze conferrynge in matters of learnynge, lerned dir: courſe of sya and reaſonynge of the ſcience of coſmographi, the fayde lec: uers vyages, ned man hauynge in his hande an intrument of agronomie, declared with a large ozation howe muche the worlde was bounde to the kynges of poztugale, rehearſynge the noble che vigages of the powu- factes doone by them in yndia, and what landes and glans gales. des they had diſcouered. and holo by theyż nauigations they The wonde made the whole worlde hange in the aper. De further decla: hargynge on red what parts of the baul of the earth remained yet yndiſco wharis kno, acred. And Capde that of the landes of the inferioz hemiphe: Wer of the lo rie oz halfe compaſe of the baule towardé the pole Antartike, wer hemål- there was nothinge know en but that lyttle of the coatte of pherie. Braſilia vnto the freight of pagellanus. Alſo a part of me che lande of Biafile. ru: And a lyttle aboue difcike towarde the cape of Bona Spe peru. ranza. alſo that he maruepled withowte meaſure that this Che charge thunge was no better conſidered of Chritian princes to who Edemric of god hath deputed this charge, hauyng euer on they counfail Chuſtian pun men of great lernynge which may infozme them of this thing 200€. beinge lo marueylous and noble whereby they maye obteyne glory ces. Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 252 glozie and fame by bertue, aub bee impuled amonge men as goddes, by better demerites then euer were bercules e great percules and Alexander who trauapled only into India : and that by ma: Alexander. kynge the men of this owre bemiſpherie knowen to theym 37190 of the other halfe compare of the baule beneth vs, they might by the cycle of this enterpżyſe, withowt comparyſon farre er cell all the noble factes that tuer were doone by Julius Les far oz any other of the Romane Emperours. Which thynge xhe colonies they mpght eaſely bzynge to pade by aưignynge colonies to in of the Ro: habite dyuers places of that hemiſpherie, in lyke maner as mans in regts dyd the Romanes in provinces newely ſubdued. Whereby ons ſubdued. they myght not only obteyne great tyches, but alſo inlarge dugu the Chritian fayth and Empire to the glozy of god and confu: fion of infidels. After this, he ſpake of the Flande of ſapnt The great 3: Laurence, cauled in owlderyme ngadagaſcar, which is grea: land of fayns ter then the realme of Lattile and poztugale, and reachethe Laurence or from the. rit. degree towarde the pole Antartike, bnto the Madagaſcar. erbi, degree and a halfe, lyinge Noztheate frome the cape of Bona Speranza and partly under the line of Tropicus Lapzi coini: beinge well inhabited and of tempera te ayer, Ivith a: bundaunce of all thynges neccllarie foz the Ipfe of man, and one of the molt ercellent Jlandes that is founde this daye in the worlde: and that neuerthelete there is nothynge know- en therof, ercept only a fewe (maule hauens by the ſea ſide, as the lyke ignozance remayneth of the greatett part of the J. The glandes landes of Tapzobana, Biaua the moze and the lelle, and inti: of Teproba. nite other. Ihen begynninge to ſpeake of the partcs of na or Sigua. owte pole, he rauſed the bookes of plinie to bee brought him Plinie. 2014 where diligentely pondcrynge the. Irvii , chapiture of the ſes conde booke, he founde where he rcherfeth the hiſtorie of Lol The hyſtorie telius Nepos, by theſe wooldes : That in his tyme, one Eu: of Cornelius dorus eſcapynge the handes of kynge Iathyro, departed frõ Nepos. the goulfe of arabic and came by ſea to the Flande of Lalele. Declarynge further, that whereas this narration was many geares reputed for a fable, was nowe in obre tyme by the ber tue of the Portugales, kdowen to bee trebe: and that lyke: wyſe the ſame Loznelius Nepos recitethe that at the tyme shycs of Jn when Quintus cetellus Leler was proconful oz tícuctenant dia duten ins for the Romans in Fraunçe, the kynge of Sueuia gane hym to the ſea of Bermanie, certegne Findians which faglinge obot of yndia foz marchans Dics, Of Moſcouie and Cathay. hupa Celay age Walde bee very hozte in reſpect of that which the poztu: olant de la gales nowe folowe, and alſo of that which the Spanyardes dies, fete by tempelt diyuen to the coattes of Bermanie. Whê he had redde theſe woozdes, he ploceaded, ſayinge that the ſanie tyynge myght bee verified nowe in owr tyme if the prin ces which confine bppon that Cea Wolde endeuoure theyz in: an enterprire dilfity and diligence to błynge it to paữe. and that wherby puin- there coulde not anp nauigation bee imagined ſo commodious ces may obs and profitable to all Chlidendoome as this mygbt bee yk by teyne treure fame and this way the byage thulde bee founde open to India to come glory. Bo to the rych controy of CATHAY which was diſcouered nobo Cathay diſeo two hundreth yeares (ence by Marcus Paulus. Then taking uered bi Mar the globe in his hande, he made demonftration that this by: cus paulus. the Iſlandes of myolucaDe Che citte of moze that the citie of Lubpke beinge rych and of great poure, and ſituate vppon the ſea of Germanie, and alſo accutomed Lubyke. with continuall navigations to trauayle the ſea of Norwaye and Bothlande, and Ipkewyſe the ryght noble kynge of po: che king of lonie whole dominions with his realme of Lituania, ertende polonie. to the fayde ſea, thulde be apte to diſcouer this ſecceate: Buc that aboue all other, the duke of myofcouia, fulde performe The duke of the fame with greater commoditie and moze facilitie then any worcowia. other prince. And here feyinge a whyle, he began to ſpeake ageyne and ſayde. Nowe fozaſmuch as we are coome to this atpale, mee thynke it ſhulde (ceme & great Diſcurteſieif tulo andre not thewe yowe all that 3|knowoc as couchynge this bpages Horace Wherof 7 greatly muled with my lelfe many yeares by accas fion of the woodes of Plinie. Whereas therefore beinge a younge man, 3 was in Germanie in the citie of Augufta,it co #nambaila: chaunſed that in thoſe dayes there came thycher an ambalas dour fromthe suke cf mot: dour of the duke of woſcouia, a man ſingularly learned both somnia, in the Brecke toonge and the latine, and of good experience in worldely chynges, hauyng byn ſent to bpuers places by the Cayde Prince, and one of his counſayle. Di whole learnpng beinge aduertiled, 3 fought his acquayncaunce. And tal kynge with hym one day of theſe Indians d?puen by fortune ar to the coaſtes of Germantc, and of the bpage that myght bee diſcouered by the North ſea to the flandes of ſpices, per: ceaucd that at the fputte he marueyled erceadyngely, as at a thynge that he coulde nener haue imagined. But rafynge a whyle Of Moſcouie and Catha yo 253 Couis. whyle in maner allonpähed in his ſecreate phantaſie, he toke greke pleaſure therin, and Capbe. Sfozaſmuch as the postu: Thewoodes galeg haue nobe compaled about all the ſouth partes ſuppo of chambarra fed in oblde tyme to bee inaccellable by reaſon of great heate, dour of mor: why thulde wee not certeinely chynke that the lyke maye bee done a bobot this parte of the nozth withow feare of coulde, to one eſpecially to men bozne e bżought bp in that clime: yet proce bung further, he ſaid, that if bis zince and matter, bad mer chat wolde animate hym to diſcouer this wyage, there was not adta prince in Chyidendome that myghe do it with more facilitie. shen caulynge for a mappe in which was the deſcriprion of The way frs Deſcouia and the prouinces ſubiecte to the ſame, he decla: morcoute to ced that from the citic of myofcouia oz Dgoſca going towarde the north Oce the notthead foz the ſpace of. Ir. myles, they come to the up: they Mer of Wolochda, and afterwarde by that, and folowong the colochda, courſe therof, to the citie of Ugiug, ſo cauled bycauſe the ty: lifting. uer of Jug fauleth into the ryuer of Succana, where they lofe Succana. thepzobne names and make the great tyuer Duina: And by Colmogor . chat, lexuong on the ryght hande the citie of Colmogoz, they the north faple bnto the noith ocean. The which waye, althoughe it Ocean. bee a longe tracte, as moze then. 8oo, myles, neuerthelede he fayde that in Commer it myght commodiouly bec ſagled:Aud Greate that theras it fauleth into the ſea, there are infinite Woods wooddee. of goodly trees apte to make Chyppes. And the place ſo con: uenient for this purpoſe, that (bipbryghtes and other ſkylful bozkemen for all thynges hereunto apperteynynge, may ea- fely coome oltof Becmanie. Allo that the men which are base ſed to trauaple the ſea of Germanie abowte the coales off to Bothlande, fulde bee bed and mod apte to attempte this en: Sothlande, terp?yle, bycauſe they are inducate to abyde coulde, hunger, and laboure. De fayde furthermode, that in the coure of his Prince, thay baue much knowleage of the great cane of ía: The Worcos uites haue thap, by reaſon of the continuall warres they haue with the knowleage of Tartars, of whõ the greatet part gyue obedience to the ſaid the grcate great Laue as to theg: chiefe Emperoure. Dae made alſo de: cane of Cas mondracion in the Caybe carde by the noztheate, that beinge permia. pate the province of permia and the tyuce: poclcoza (whiche Piercora. fauleth into the nozth ſea) and certepne mountaynes named Catena madi. Catens Mundig there is thentecaunce into the prouince of obdo Obdoza. sa, whereas is Wecchiadozo and the rouer sobo, whiche allo uechuadoro, obo. fauleth thay .. Of Moſcouie ard Cathay.O crcdic. fauleth into the Caydira, and is the furthelt borthet of them telake pire of the Prince of Boſcenia. The fayde ryuer hath his out Chethsy. ginall in a greatclake caulid Lhothai, which is the fyzfile ha: che Tartars bitacion of the Tartars that paye tiibute to the greate Lane. And from this lake foz the ſpace of two morethes byage (as The citie of thiy were credably informed by corttine Tartares taken in the Cambalu. boarres) is thomoft noble citie of Lambalu, bringe one of the chirfet in the dominion of the greate Lane, whom ſum cauic Note this re: the great cham. He alſo afáirmed, that if fippes fulde bee made on thecoates of the ſaydc ſea, andraple on the backe anys halfé of the coal therof (which he knewe by many relations s made to his pzince, to reach infinitely toward the nuştheat) od they ftulpe doubtelcke in folowynge the ſame, cafely diſcouer Difficult tra. that country. unto theſe wooides he added, that although veylynge if there were greate difficultie in egofcouia, by reaſon that the Wiſcouran waye to the fayde ſea is full of tlackc booddes and waters He which in the lommer make great mary@hes and impoſible to bee trouayled, alwell foz lacke of bytraples whiche can not did there bee founde, not foz certeyne dapes, but foz the ſpace of certcyne moncthes, the place beinge Deſolate withowt inha: Commendati: bitauntcs, ncuertheteñe he laybe that ye there were with his on of the spa Prince, only two Spanyardes óz poztugales to whome the niai des and charge of this vyage thuide bce commyrted, he no wayes doub Portugalcs. tid but that they bolde folowe it and fynde it, fogalmuch as with great ingeniouſnelle and inclimable pacience, theſe na: tions hane Ducrcome much greater difficulties them are theſe which are but Iprelc in compariſon to thoſe that they haue o: @he Chrftorte werpated and doo ouerpate in all theyż biages to gindia. De Cereno, na pzoceatod declarynge that not many grates ſence, there came Of this reade to the courte of his prince, an ambaladour frome pope Ico, more at large named mater Paulo Centurione a Benucle vader dguers pie of sulus zo fraſes. But the principall occaſion of his commynge, las, BIUS, 90 bycauſe he had de conceaned greate indignation and hatred a 2:alice may geynt the Portugalcs: and therfore intended to proue he do more mitly coulde open aliye vyage by lande whereby ſpices myght bee Tum then ver- bzonght from india by the lande of Tartaria, ez by the ſea Lafpium (otherhoors caulid Diceanum) so mnofccuia : And The Caſpian from thenle to bre brought in dippes by therpaer Liga, whi: Riga. che runnynge by the country of Liuonia, fauleth into the ſea Libris, 5 of Germanic. And that his zince gaue sare vnco hym: and kute. co. cauſea Of Mofcouie and Cathayo 254 cauſed the fayde viage to bee attempted by certeine noble ment The Tartaro of lozdo, of che Tactars confininge nocte unto hym. 1511t of Lordo. the barres whiche were then betwene them, and the greare Deferies, defectes which they ihulde of necellitie ouerp ide, made them leaue of theyz entexp?pſe: which if it had binputpored by the The viage by the north fee. coaftes of this owre nozth Ced, it myght haue byn eafély: fy- upped. The Cayde Ambaladout continued his natration,ſay Inge that no man ought to doubte of that ſea but that it may sosem bee Cayled lyre monethes in thc yeare, fojaſinuch as the days are then very longe in that clime, and hot by realot of conty:55 muall reuerberation of the beames of the foanne and Choice The wosihy upghtes. And that this thpage were as well iwoozthy to bceneife of this ploured, as any other nanigation wherby many partes of the page.se woulde heretofoze bnkrowen, haue byn diſcoacred ebrought to ciuilitie. And heve makynge an ende of this talke, he ſaid: Let us nowe omgete this pacte of Dolcoufa with his coulde, The pages and ſpeake fumbat of that parte of the newe woulde in bht of the fiēclys che is the lande of Bzytous cauled Terra Britorum, and Bacca: men to the Leos of Terra Baccslearun, where in the yeare : 1534and .1535. land of Bact aques Carriar in two bpages made with three great sfrench calaos. A gallics, fonnde the great and large countveys Ramed Lanada, Ochelaga. and Sanguenai: which reach from the clb. to the pleafaune li, degree, beinge well inhabited and pleaſante countreys, countreys, and named by hyms Noua francia. And here fteyinge a while Newsfrauce, and lyftynge yppe bis handes, he (apde : Dh what doo the Chzidian princes meane that in ſuch landes diſcoveted they to the chitis Apoſtrophe do not añigne certcine colonies to inliabide the lands to bring an pantes. thoſe people (whom god hacy fo bleed with naturaligyftes) sont to better ciuilicic and to embrale owuc religion, thru the bhis che, nothynge can be more acceptable to god. The Tapd tea . gions alſo, beinge ſo fayze and frutefull, with pleurie of att (oztes of coine, herbes, frutes, woodde, fpühes, bcattes, me breat rygers. tals, and ryueus of ſuche greatne le chat lopppes maye Capi: more then. 180.mples oppon one of them, betnge on bothe ſydes infinitely inhabitod: and to cauſe the gouernontes, of the layde colonies to ſearche whether that lande toward the Athynt iros: no the nairco Terra de Laborador, Dio iopne as one firme lande tly to be rear ched. with 1202waye :D, whether there bee any freight or open place of ſea as is mogelpke chere fulde bee, kozaſmuch as it is ta bee thought that the faydc jadians dayken by fortune abowote 10 Of Moſcouſe and Cahay. che way to Cathay and abowreithe conftes of 31202 way, came by that freyght of fea, the ſlandes to the coaftes of Germanie: And by the faydc Areight to laik of maluca by northweſt to diſcouer thclandes and countreps of CATHAY, the nouhweft and from thenfe to ſaple to the glandes of Dolueca. and a notable en: theſe furely fhuldc be enterpriſes able to make men immo tal, 31419 The whiche chynge, chat rpghc woofthy gentelman mater #13 Bokor Antony di mendoza conſiderynge by the ſingular bertue and the noble en magnanimtrie that is in hym, attempted to put this thonge ccroure of an in practiſe. For beinge viceroy of the counctcy of Werico(fo doza, viccroy named of the great citie mcrico otherwiſe caulcd memikiran, of mortco.nowe cauled newe Spayne, being in the.fr. degree abour the Equinoctialt, and parce of the fayde firme lande, he ſent cer: Sinds sita 3d 996 tepne of his capitaynes by lande, and alſo a nauie of foyppes ch 16 polye by ſea, to fearch this fccreate. And 3 temember that when 3 Che diſcove: was in flaunders in Thempcrours courte, J Cawe his letter range of the wozytten to the geare. 1541. and dated from cycrico : Wherin northwest partes. was declared howe towarde the nozthbert, he had fown the kyngedome of Sette Citns (that is) Seuen Lities, whereas is that canled Cinola by the reuerend father marco da Niza: conle howe beponde the fayde kyngedome yet further towarde the 1595019400 North Weft, Lapitayne franceſco Marques of Lozonado, ha: Skyps ſays, "uynge ouerpalled great defectes, came to the ſea fyde where lynąc from he found certeyne Chyppes which ſayled by that ſea with mar Cathay by the north or chaundies, and had in they, baner vppon the ploos of they perborea fea foyppes, certepne foules made of golde and ſpluer which they to the coaftes of Acrico caule Alcatrazzi : and that they mariners teleb of the north: by ſignes that they were. prr. dages (aylynge in communge wert part of the lande of to that bauen: wherby he bndergode that theſe thippes could Baccaleog. bee of none other counttey then of Lathay, foja[much as it is Cathap. ficuate on the contrary parte of the fayde lande diſcouered. The faydc matter antonie wzote furthermore, that by the o: opinion of men well practiſed, there was diſcovered fo greate a ſpace of that country bnto the fayd ſea, that it palted.950. Cherea from leaques, which make 2850. myles. And doubtlele gf the net straunce frenche men in this they, nowe fraunce, wolde haue palled tonum to Cas by lande towarde thcſapd nozth well and by north, they would chay. alſo haue founde the ſea boherby they myght haue (apled to Lathay. But abouc all thynges, this feemed into me molte notable woozthy of commendation, that the fayde matter Antonie booke. oson bote in his lecser that he had made a booke of al the natural aud Of Mofcouie and Cathay. 255 marts with one or and marueylous thynges whiche they founde in ſearchyuge thoſe countreys, with alſo the meaſures of landes and alty beads tubes of degrees: 9 Wojke doubtlefle which thebech a prince we couleco to ly and magnificall mynde, wherby bee may conceaue that gewond god had gyuen bpm the charge of the orher hemiſphecie, he** 520 bolde oz now c haue made it better knowen to be.xhe which a great and ehenge, 3 ſuppoſe no man doch greatly eſteeme at this time: glozious ens beinge neuertheleđe the greated and mod gloztons enterpriſe ferpule, si 15 og that may bee imagined. and here makynge a certeyne pauſe, and turnynge hym 695 00h felfe towarde bs, he Cayde: 900 you not(underlandero this purpoſe howe to pađe to India toward the northwell wind, Sebaftien ca as dpd of late a citizen of Wenele, ſo vatiente a man, and ſo bore che grad beli pracepled in all thynges pere eynyngoto nauigations and pylot of the the ſcience of Coſmographie, that at this pzefent he hath notwen Judies. hislyke in Spayne, in ſo much that for his vertues he is presents ferred aboue all other pylottes thar fayle to the well indies, who may not palle thyther bithout his licence, and is ther: foze cauled Piloto Maggiore (that is) the graunde pylote. And when wec fayde that boce knewe him not, he proceaded,ſay: inge, that beinge certeyne yeares in the citie of Sittile and be commendarfs Cyrous to haue Cum knowleage of the navigations of the Spa on of Seban nyardes, it was toulde bym that there was in the citie a va: an Cabove. lient man, a Wenecian bojne, named Sebaſtian Labote, who had the charge of thoſe thynges, being an erpert man in that Sebaſtien Cs ſcience, and one that coulde makocardes for the ſea with his bote tould me owne hande. And that by this reporte, ſeekynge his acquain that he was caunce, he founde hym a very gentell perſon, who enterrey: towe, 1 thai med hym frendly and fewed him many chynges, and amonge atsui, ycare other a large mappe of the worlde with certeine particular na omld be W88 uigations alwell of the poztug ales as of the Spaniyardes. And that he (pake further bnto bym, in this effecte. when uenice and fo his father to my father departed from Wencle many yeares fence to dwell returned s: in Englande to folowe the trade of marchaundies, he took geyne into me with him to the citie of London whyle 3 was very yonge, England with pet hauynge ncuertheleđe Inm knowleage of letters of huma ter certeyne nitie and of the ſphere. And when my fathev dyed in thar yeares: wher tyme when newes were bjobght that soon Lhriftopher Colo: by he was nus Genueſe, had diſcoucred the coales of India, bohereof thought to was great talkein all the courte of konge Dcnrg the feuenth in uenice. haue bin born boho caricd mub Of Moſcouie and Cathay. bho then reigned: 3n ſo much that all men with great admt ration affirmed it to bec a thynge moje diuine then humane, to ſayle by the Witte into the Eat where [pices growe, by a way that was neuer knowen before. By which fame and te poite, there increaſed in my harte a greate dame of deſpre to brian attempte cum notable thynge. And bndertandyng by rracon 3 ano iti of the ſphere, that if thulde Cayle by the way of thc Holth: 1150 wet wynde, 1 Gulde by a bozter tracte coomme to yndia, 3 thereuppon cauſed the kynge to bec aduertiſed of my diuile, The fyft vy- who inmediatły commaunded two caranels to bee fucaptheb age of Seba: itian Cabote, With all thynges apperteynyage to the vyage, which was as facce as 3 remember, in the yeare. 1+96. in the begyanynge sode of Conance. Begynning therfoze to faile towarde forthwell, bi not thynkyng to fynde any other land then that of CATHAY; es and from thenſc te turne towarae yndia. But after certeine dages, 3 founde that the lande ranne towarde the Mothe, which was to me a great diſpleaſure. Aenertbelette, Cayling alonge by the coat to ſee if I could fynde any goulfe that tur ned, 3-founde the lande ipil continent to the 56. degree bh: det obre pole. And ſeinge that there the coal turned toward stabas the Baft, diſpapzinge to fynd the pallage, I turned backe a hado e sono gepue, and ſayled downe by the coat of that lande towarde Sodo tu che &quinoctiall (euer with intent to fynde the fayde pallage to yndia) and came to that parte of this firme lande whiche Che lande of is nowe cauled FLORIDA. Where, my vyttaples fagling, Floside, SDN 0003 departed from thenſe and returned into England, Iphere 31 of founde great tumultes amonge the people, and preparaunce & ad foz barres in Scoriande: by reaſon whereof, there was no mnoze conſideration had to this byage: Wheruppon 3 wehre The feconde into Spagne to the Catholyke kynge, and queene Elizabeth: vyage of Car who beinge aduertiſed what 31 had doone, intertepned me, land of Bras and at theycharges furnyiſhed cercepne typpes wherwith file, and Rio they cauſed nie to ſayle to diſcouer ihe coates of Bzaſtle, della plata. where | founde an exceadynge great and large ryuct, nameb at this preſent Rio della Plats (that is) the ryuer of fpluct, into Cabote tould the which 3 fayled, and folobed it into the firme lande moze me thar in. region with then ſyre hundiethcleaques, fyndynge it euery where werpe on this rpuer fayze and inhabited with infinite people, which with abmp: ne rowed.l. ration came runnynge dayly to owre byppes. 3nto this ep? grapnes of uet, kunne fo many other ciuers, that it is in manec incredible Efter Of Mofcouie and Cathay. 256 Seets the stake. The Hyſtory, Feate in Sco after this, I made many other vyages which inclo pzeter: tember, and mitte. And werynge owide, 3 gyue my felfe to red from ſuch gathered ther trauayles bycamle there are nowe many younge and lufy py: of.l. chouſand lotes and marinere of good expericnce, by whoſe fozbarde: in December Hele 3. doo rciople in the frutes of my labeurs, and teft mith to Franciſco the charge of this office as yowe ſee. And this is as much as Lopes 3 haue vnderfeede of mafter Sebalian Cabote, as 3 hauega thered owte of dyuers nauigations wozytten in the gtatian dan pered toonge. od from here and whereas 3 hauc before made mention towo agorco: uia was inowr tyme diſcouered by Richard. Ihanceler in his The Wyage to oſcouis. viage toboard Lathai by the direction and information of the fayde matter Sebafiian who louge befoze had this fecrcate in oman his mynde, 3 chall not necde here to deſcribe that biage,fogao almuche as the ſame is largely and faythfully wzitten in the Laten tonge by that lerned young man Clement bains (cole maytter to the Ducenes hendemon, as he receaued it at the mouth of the fayde Richard Chancelencucrthelete 31 1589. p. 270 haue thought good here to ſpeake fumwhat of mofcouta as 3 haue ret de in the tooke of John Faber bezitten in the 1a- of we coula tin roorge to the ryght noble plynoc Ferdinando Archcduke of Audria and infant of Spaine, of the manors and religion. of the wo[comites, as he was partcly inaructed by the amba: fadours of the Duke of pofcouie ſont into Spayucio Thems perouts maicdic in the years. 19. D. XX. U. Be wzyteth therfoze as folowethana te gatun 3 thynke it fgifte conuenicnteto ſpeake ſtimewhat of the the opuers name of this region wherby it is caulcd at this day, and how names of it bas cauleð inchideryme. Conferrynge therfore the mode Morcoina.. ancient of the Brecke and latiue morumentes with the hits: ties of later tyne, 3 perccave it to be a chynge which requi: reth no ſmauleiudgement of bytte and ternynge. For we fee in home foste tyre the names of thynges are chaungcd, ag ate alſo the naners of men. 3. fynde chatfoze that thoſe pro: los ple bhom at this day wce con monly caulc nofcouites, bere in tyme pat (as bytucketh plinis) Caulid Roxolani, whom no ueryclette by chauingynge one letter, protomie in his cyght RO olark. Rorolani. table of Europe, cauteth Roſolanos as dooth allo Strabo. Kuthent. They were allo many yeares cauled Rutheni: And are that pro ple which fumtyme fought manfully ageynt the Lapitaynes af Of Mofcouie and Cathay. of egethridates as Strabo wytcth. They were cauled sol couites of the chiefe citie of al the prouince named ofcouia Oj ngo[ca: 02 (as Wolaterane ſaith) of the riuer Dag ofco.Shep erhe touch were fumtyme gouerned by duke Johan, whoſe wyfe was Xorco. Delena of the lynage of themperours of Congantinople of che noble famelie of the Paleologi. Beyonde theſe Rorola: nos, Strabo Cayth there is no lande inhabited. Theſe Ruche nians therfoze d? Colcouices, are people of the noztheade parte of the woulde from bs: And are determined with the lt: che ryuer mettes of the great ryuer Bozinhenes of Scithia, on the one Boriſthecs. pde with the lituanians and polonians, and on the other [yde with the Tactars who ceaſe not to bere them with conti khemperour nuall warces and incurſions. Eſpecially the great Emperouc of Cachay. Cham of Cathay the chiefe Prince of the Tartars, reſidente by the ſea ſyde in Taurico CherConelo, molefteth them with The froſe rea foże warres. They are towarde the nozth Cybe incloſed with the froſen ſea, the lande of whoſe coates beinge berye large, perteyneth ir maner all to the dominion of the duke of choco . nie. This ſea is it which the owlde bryters caule Lacus Cronia Lacus Croni: sus, ſo named of the Greeke wode Cronos, which the Latines caule Saturnus whom they fayne to bee an owlde man, of com: plerion coulde and dowl, and thereby name all ſuch thynges as ace coulde and dowl, Cronics, as by lyke reaſon they dyd Amalthcum. this rozche ſea which beinge in mater ener Erofen, is dowe and coulde and in maner immouable. And foz Ipkt conſidera- cion (as (apthe polinie) Dechens nameth it in the Scythian toonge, Amaltheam, whiche woozde ſignifieth as muche as She dominio congelcd oz froſen. But that 3 wander not farre frome my of the duke of purpoſe: Thempire and dominion of the duke of egoſcouie te: morcovia. chech ſo facce that it comprehendeth certegne partes of Alia and alſo of Europe. The citie of woſconia o gofca, is count: Ghe citie of ted tbople as bygge as Colonia Agrippina as they fayrhfully worcopis. repozte which knowe bothe. Winto this they haue alſo an o: Che chiefe ther not unequall tn byggenelle cauled Fladimer. Allo Blet: cities of wors couia, Rouogradia, Smolne, and Otifer, al which they, an conia. baſladours affirme to bee of pzincely and magnificail buple Dynges, and trongely defended with waules bothe of bżycke and ſquare tone. Di theſe, Bleſcouia is tronged and enutro xed with three baules. Other which they haue innumerable are not ſo famous as ace theſe wobecof this duke of egoſcouie cue. Saturgus. and Of Molcouie and Cathay. 257 Che dun and ifmperoure of Ruſſia taketh rhinſcription of his litle. morcovia 2 Foz cuen at this pzelent,when lo euer eyther by his ambaña: Emperour of pours oz his letters, he dooth ſignifie hym (elfe to bee Empe: Ruſia. roure of Wyolcoute,his is accutomed to vſe this litle.Balili: The duke of morcovia his us by the grace of god Emperoure of all Rutia and greate tytle, Duke of fladamec, Dolcouie, Pouigrade, Bleſcouia, Smoine, and Drifer.&C. And this is the tytle whereby the fayde ambaladours Caluted yobre maieftic in the name of great Bafilius when they began theyz ozation. This prince Duke Baris of boicouie hath under hym princes of many prouinces and lius. thoſe of great ponre: Df the which, chat owlde whyte bear. bed man whom this Emperour of the Kuthians fente for his Cheir poure. ambaſadoure to Themperours maieffie into Spayne, is not one of the leaſt. Foz euen be when necellitie of warre requys ceth, is accuſtomed to make foz his Emperour a bande of.rrr They: obedis thouſande bozlemen. But this is to theyz ſingular commen: chce to they: prince. dation that they are ſo obcdient to they? pzince in al rhynges, that beinge commoned by hym by neuer ſo means an hearald, they obey incótinent as if it were to god, thynkynge nothyng They wars moze glozious then to dye in the quarell of theyz prince. By conqueſtes. trafon of which obedience, they are able in thour tyme, to als ſemble an army of two or three hundzeth thouſande men as gepnt theyz cnemies eyther the artars oz the greate Cham: And haue hereby obteyned great victozies and triumphes als well ageynſt the Turkes as the Tartars by the efceаdyng muE titude of chey, horſemen and continual er perience in warres. At ſuch time as Themperour marimilian made a league with them, they kipt warre ageynit the kynge of polonie. They Guinnes. ble not only bowes and partcs after the maner of the parthi ans, but haue alſo the ble of gunnes as we haue. And to bee On'y the mof briefe, onely the moſcouites maye ſeeme that kation whiche couttes haue hach not felte the cominodities of peace: Ja ſo n uche that ye not felt the they region were not ſtrongely defended by the nature of the of peace. Commodities place beinge impzeignable, it had oz nowe byn often tymes conquered. Theyz language agreeth much with the toonge of the Bohemians, Croacians, and Sclauons : ſo that the Scla uon tooth playnly underbande the moſcouite, although the They? larta) suage, Solcomial zoonge be a moje rude and hard phiale of (peach. Dhe higoziograpjers wzyre that the Sclauons toonge tooke the name of the confuſion whiche was in Babell in the tyme of Of Moſcouſe and Cathay. of that Gowt hunter Remoth of whome mention is made in Dalmatia, the Beneſis. But y can not enowgh marueyle at this thing, that wheras betwene Dalmatia (now caule Sclauonia) and Pannonia. Moſcouia, both the Pannonies are ſituate, yet this not with şungarie, ftandynge, the Dungarians toonge norhynge agreeth with the morcouites. Wherby wce may coniecture that theſe nas Chey: ouigia tions were lumtymes diuided by legions, and that they came 31. out of Dalmatia thyther: whiche thynge alſo Wolateranus afficmeth, ſayinge that the language of the Ruthenians(wht: The Scauổ che are the sgoccoliites) is Semidalmatica (that is) halfe Scla tooige rca: uone. Dowe lo quer ir bet, this is certcone that the cohemi sheth farre. ans, Croatians, Sclauons, and wofcouites, agree in lan: guage as wee perceaued by thinterpzetours which yowtema: ieftie had then in yowre courte. For whereas the fayde in: terpretours were bozne amonge the Croatians and Sclauons and none of them had euer byn in moſcouia, oz bccfoze that tyme had any conuerſation with them, yet dyb they well und derfande thc ambañadours wooldes. Great Woods There are in mofcouia, wooddes of erceadynge bygge: wrue beares netle, in the which blacke woolues and whyte beares are hun and Woones, ted. She cauſe wherof may bee thertreme could of the nozth, which dooth greatly alter the complexions of beates, and is the mother of whycenelle as the philoſophers afirme. They abundanceof baue alſo great plentie of bees, wherby they have ſuch abuna hony and ware daunce of hony and ware that it is with them of imatil price. when the commoditie of they, countrey is neglected by tea: fon of longe warres, theyz chiefe aduauntage whereby they Rych furres. bauc all thenges necelarie towarde they? Iyuynge, is the gaines which they haue bytheyż rych furres, as Sables, har Theyr maner ternes, Luzernes, mot Whyre armyns, and ſuch other which ef bargenyns they ſell to marchauntes of dyuers countreys. They bye and fell with ſimple faythe of woordes erchaungynge ware fo% ware without any curious bondes oz cautels. And albeit they haue the ble of both golde and (yluer monyes, yet doo they Rude z wylde Foz the mot part erchaunge theez furres foz frutes and other people. thpnges neceßarie to manteine they, tyfe. There are allo ſum people under the dominion of this Ém yecour, which have net Cartares. ther wyne no, wheate, but Igue only by fle&he and mylke as doo the wylde Tactars theyz boztherers which dwel in: Woods by the coates of the froren tea, theſe people are bjurylche, ano Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 258 and Iyue in maner lyke wylde beates. But they of the citie af Ciule peopu molca and Mouigrade, and other cities, are ciuile people: in cities. and agree with vs in eatynge of fyâhe and fellhe althowgh thepz maner of coquerie is in many thynges differynge frome obres. Wolaterane wzyteth that the Ruthenians ble money hey, money bucoyned. And inquirynge further,j was informed that the money of Dungary is much currant with them. But this is chiefcly to bee conlpdered, that they imbzaſe the Lhriftian They ébrare fapth which they affirme to baue byn preached to them fylde fapth whiche by Taynt Andrewe thappotle and broorher to Simon Peter. thei receaued Such doctrine allo as vnder Lontantine the greate, in the of the Apo. pearc. LL. rviti. was concluded in the fyzi generall coun: Cayle holden in the citie of Nicene in Bithynia, and there de the coūraile termyned by. LLL. cviii, bydhoppes, and alſo ſuch as hath of nicene. byn Waytten and tawght by the Breeke doctoures Balilius Bafilius wag Dagnus and Lhuiloftomus, they belcue to bee ſo holy, firme rus, Chriſoſtoinus and lyncere, that they thinke it no moze lawfull one heare to tran(grelle oz go backs from the ſame, then from the goſpell of Chrift. Foz theyz condancic and modettie is ſuch, that no They confti man dare caule thoſe chynges into queftion which haue once cie tu theyz religion, byn deciled by holy fathers in theyz general counſailes. They doo therfoze with a moze contante mynde perſeuer in theyz fyzit fapth which they receaued of (ayne Andzewe thappogle and his luccellours and holy fathers, that doo manye of vs The byrrhops beinge diuided into ſciſmes and lictes whiche thynge neuer pes define có chaunceth amonge them.But if any difficultie chaunce to riſe irouerfies in as touchynge the tayth oz cufome of religion, all is referred religios. to the archbyhoppe and other bythoppes as to bee defined by thepz (pirite: not permytringe any iudgemente to the incon: They? tant and ignozant people. They2 archebychoppe is reſidente byithops, in the citie of Laoſca, where allo z bemperoure kcepeche his courte. They haue lykewyle dyuers other byſhops: as one in Nouigradia, where allo 3 lodocus was byłhop vnder pope Eugenius. They have an other in Kofciuia, an other in Su: Hali, an other in Dtiferi : alio in Smolne, in Kelan, in Lol: mund, and in Woiut, all which haue theyz dioces. They ac: knowleage therz Archebylhop as the chiefe. Befoze the patri bychopper arche or conftantinople was oppzcüed by the Tiranni of the che patris Tuckes, this Accijebylboppe recogniſed hym as his ſuperi: arke of Cons 3in ſo much that this duke of Moſcouia and Em: ftantinople, Tt.ll. pecour @he Arches оцес. Of Mofcouie and Cathay. pecour of Ruſſia, not vnmyndefult hereof but a diligente ob: Teruer of his accultomed religion, dooth at this daye peately 2 notable ex: ſende a certeyne Rypende in manet of almes to the patriarche emple of a of Contantinople, that he may with more quiete mynd looke Chriſtian for thende of this his Egiprian Ceruitude vntyll it tal pleaſe punce, almyghty god to reloze bym to his former churche and auto: ritie. Foz he iudgech it much impierie, if he muldc nowe fora fake hym whore prediceloures haue ruled and gouerned to many churches, and of whom the fayth and religion of ſome ny regions and prouinces haue depended. But to [peake bziefely of thcy, religion, they agree in ma: They relia ny thynges with bs, and in lum thyages folow the Breekes, gion. They haue munkes and religious men. Por farce from the cis tie of moſca, they haue a great monaterie in the whiche are three hundicth munkes lyuynge under the rule of Balilius 2 monafterie magnus in the which is alſo the fepulcher of S.Sergius the of.ecc. mub: abbot. They obſecue they, vowe of chaſtitie which none mag kes breake that haue once profeted. Yet ſuch as hauc macied bits gins of good faine, may bee adınitted to choader of prethods Preeftes. but may neuer bee a munke. The pzetes and byúhops whiche are admitted to widers bnmaried, may neuer after bee macied: no? yet ſuch as haue wives, mary ageine when they are dead, but liue in perpetual chaſtitie. Such as committe adulterie 0% foznication, are greeuouſly punyűhed by the byűhoppes and affe, depziued of the benefices. They celebrate mate after the mas ner of the Breekes which difcreth from owres in dyuers thin a myfterie. ges, as in fermented bzeade after the maner of the Breekes. They put in the chalcle as much water as redde winc, which bater they ble to heatc, bycaule (not lvithout a great mylte: tie) there ilhebed furth of the ſyde of owre lozde, both blub and water, which wce ought by good rcalon ro thynke was The primas not withowt heate: foz els thulde it (carrely have byn iudged tiue church. foz a miracle. in fine, they affirme that all thepy cuſtomes and cytes are accoudynge to thintitutions of the primatyue church and the doctrine of Baſilius beagnus, and Chrifolio: 2 ftraunge cuſtome, mus. 3in ch is thynge they dyſfer greately from us, that they minifter the communion to younge childzen of three yeares age, wyich they doo with fermented bzeade dipte in a ſpone: full of lyne, and gyue it them foz the bodye and bludde of Chyde sa briefe of Of Moſconie and Cathay. 259 Cabziefe deſcription of woſcovia after the later wzycers, as Sebaſtian Bunữer and 3acobus Babaldus. T De province of wofcouia, ts ſo named by tbe ryuer worco which palleth by the metrapoli: tane citie of wofcouia caulcd moſca by the name of the ryuer wolco. This prouince was sarmadig ati cauled of the owide wzycers, Sarmatia Aliati atica. ca. The bozthereus Oz confines to the Boſco: uians on the one (pde towarde the Fatt, are the Tartars caú: led Nogai, and the Scianbanians, with the Zagatians. TOS warde the wet, the provinces of Livonia and Lituania. To: warde the South, the ryuer of Tanais and the people conft: ning with the ryuer Wolga, cauled of the owld writers Rha. The Scythis an Ocean, and towarde the pozrh, the Dcean ſea cauled the Scythian ſea, and the region of Lapponia. ngofcouia is in maner all playne and full of niaryłThcs, Wooddes, and many very great tyuers wherof the ryuer of Colga is the principal. Sum cant The ryuer of this ledyl, as the olvid autours named it Rha. It beginneth Colga. at the great lake cauled Lacus Albus (that is) the white lake Lacus albus. and runneth into the ſea of Bachan, named of the aunciente bryters, the ſea Laſpium of Dircanum. Under the domini: The Caſpian on of Moſcouia, are certeynt regions and dukedoomes: as res. Alba Ruſſia (that is whyte Ralia. Allo Loimogoza, pleſco: uia, Baſrida, 3Nouogardia, with allo mange places of the Tartars which are ſubiecte to the duke of gorconia. The chicfe cities of 29 ofcouia, are moſca, oleſcouia, Fotogar: dia, Colmogoza, Drogeria, wiatra, Smolenler, 9 exca@auia, They chiefs Lologna, Wolodemaria, Rodauia, and Lałam. 1 he people citics. of Moſcovia are Chriftians, and haue greate abundaunce of hony and ware: allo ryche furres, as Sabels, Bjartetnes, Foynes, Calaber, and dyuers other. all the artars The wpide which inhabite towarde the Eat beyonde the ryues of Wol: T. stars, Da, haue no dwellynge places, nor yet cities or catels. But cary abolot with theym certeyne cartes oz toagens cenered with beaktes hydes, vnder the whiche they reſtezas wce do in obre houſes. Of Moſcouié and Cathay. They remone togyther in great companies whiche they canle Bozdas. Dodas. Shey are warlike people and good hozlemen, and are all acometittes. Sebatian Dunter in his booke of Uniuerfall Loſmogra: phie, wzyreth that the citie of woſca 02 Wolconia conteineth ane bygnes in circuite. riiii. myles, and that it is twyle as bygge as the of tbe citie of citie of Piaga in Bohemie. DE the countrep of nyolcouia, biz woicouia, ſybe other provinces Cubiecte to the ſame, he wzyteth thus. Jt ertendech in largeneïte foure hundzeth myles, and is rich Syluer. in Cyluer. it is lawfull foz no man to go out of the realme The region oj coome in withowt the dukes letters. It is playne without of morcovia. mountayncs, and ful of wooddes and matyähes. The beattes Beaſtes. there by reaſon of the coulde, are lcüe then in other countreis moze ſouthwarde. In the myddet of the citie of myolca he: A fayze and ingeſituate in a plapne, there is a catell with this towzes Atronge caſtel and three bulwarkes ſo ftronge and fayze, that the lyke are in the citie of (carlely ſeene in any other place. There are alſo in the catell worca. tvi, churches, and three very large courtes in the which the noble men of the courte haue theyz lodgynges. The dukes The dukes pallatce is buylded after the maner of the Italian buyldung, pallaice. and very fayze, but not great. Theyi diynke is mede #beere as is the maner of the motte pacte of the people that inhabite Theyi duynke the North partes of the woollde. They are exceadynge: Chey are gy- ly gpuen to doonkenneđe. pet (as ſume faye) the uen to puun: princes of the lande are prohibite in peine of death to abfteine kennefTc. from ſuch tronge drinkcs as ace of force to inebriate, except at certeyne tymes when licence is graunted theym, as twyle Come and oz thrple in the yearé. They plowe the grownde with hoz: grayne. ſes and plowes of woodde. Theyz cozne and other grayne by reaſon of longe coulde, doo ſeldome ware rype on the ground by reaſon whcrof they are fumtimes inforced to type and D29 Stoueg. them in they? tooues and hotte honſes, and then gryno thê. They lacke Wyne and syle. Moſcouia is extended into fue Che famous ham and Lozelia which are in Scythia. The famous ryuer ryuer of war of canais, the Day ofcouites caule Don, hauyng his ſp?ynges @9i8. and originall in wofcouia in the dukdome of Rezenſe. Jt rpſeth owt of a grownde that is playne, baren, muddy, full of marylhes and boobdes. And where it proceadeth toward the Eaữ to the mountaynes of Scithia and scartarie, it ben: beth to the touch : and commyng to the macythes of peotis it Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 260 it fauleth into them. The ryucc of Uolga (ſumetyme cauled the maryf: Rha, and nowe cauled of the startars Ledel) runneth toward inee of 2eo the nozth certeyne myles, to whom is ioyned the ryuer Occa uoga. 01 Ocha, nowynge out of Dorconia, and then bendyng in. Ocha. to the South and increaſed with many other ryuers, fauleth he rea into the ſea Eurixum, which diuideth Europe and Aſia. Eurinum. the wooddeo, fozett cauled Dircania [ylua, occupiech a ſmal poztion of mofcouia. yet is it ſumwhere inhabited, and by che foreſt of the longe labour of men made thinner and barer of trees.in Hirconia. urt. that parte that lyeth towarde Pudia, is a kynde of greate zilces, and fierce bultes cauled Wri od Biſontes, as wzyteth Paulus Jonius. There are allo Alces mache lyke vnro harres, with longe ſnouces of feühe and longeloggcs withawt any bowo: inge of they? hour oz paternes. Theſe beafics, the Loſco: uites caule Lozzi, and the Zlmaynes Delenes. The 1oznaye that is betwene Ulna of Lituania by Smolenſe to moſca, is in wynter on They trauayl trauayled in wynter on neades by the (nowe congeled by fleages. longe frotte, and made very dypperye and compactelyke gle by rcalon of much wearynge and treadynge, by meanes wher of this byage is performed with incredible celeritie. But in the ſommer, the playne countreys can not bee cuercome with obe difficulte labour. for when the ſnowe begynneth to bee Laufeys of diffolued by continuall hcate, it cauſech mary@hes and qua: cymber. my?es inertricable and Daungerous both for hozle and man, were it not for certeyne caufeyes made of tymber with in ma ter infinite labour. ithe region of wofcouia (as 3 haue faid) frutes. rces and beareth neyther vynes noz olyue trecs,noz pet any other trees that bere any apples oz frutes of very pleſant o fwrte Cauqur 01 tafte ercipt chery trees, foz as much as al tender frutes trees are burnte of the coulde blatcs of the 10th Wynde. Loine and yet doo the fieldes beace all kyndes of coine, as bheate and grayne. the grayne cauled Siligo, wherof the fynet kynde of bzeade is made: allo mylle and panyke, whiche the staiians caule Delica : likewyſe all kyndes of pulſe, as branes, peaſong tares, and ſuche other. But theyz chife harucit conlillery of Homy in mods hony and ware, fozaſmuch as the hole region is to plenyahed and trees. with frutcfuil bres which make moa (weete hony, not in the hulbande mens hyues, but cuen in holowe trees. hereby commeth it to pađe that both in the wooddes and ta lowed launes, are fecne many (warmes of becs hangenge on shus Of Moſcouie and Cathay. the bowes of trees, ſo that it ſhall not bee necelarie to caule them togyrher or charme theym with the founde of bareng. There are oftentymes founde greate males of hony combes, conſecued in trees of the owlde hony fozſaken of bees, fogal: much as the bulband men can not freke every tree in lo great and large wooddes:Jnſo much that in the ttockes og bodies of exceadynge great and holowe trecs, are fumtymes founde great pooles oz lakcs of hony. Demetrius thambaladour of Lakce 02 the Duke of sporcouia whom he ſent to the botthop of Rome pooles of not many yeares ſence, made relation that a huſbande man of kony, the contrey not farre from the place where he remayned, ſee: kynge in the wooddes foz hony, deſcended into a greate holy A man almoſt lowe tree full of hony into the which be dypte bp to the bjellt, Downed in and lyued there only with hony for the ſpace of two dayes, Hony. caulynge in vayne for helpe in that defecte of wooddes. And that in fine diſpayżynge of helpe, he eſcaped by a matueilous A marueilous chaunce, beinge djawen owt by a great beare that deſcended chaunce. into the tree, with her loynes downewacde after the maner of men. for when the man (as pzelent necclitie and opoztu nitie ſexued) perceaucd the beare to bee within his reache, he ſuddcinly claſped her abowt the loynes with his armes, and with a terrible crye pzonoked the beat to infozce her ftrength to leape owt of the tree, and therwith to drawe hym olót, as it chaunced in deede. Beares feede of hony and Theſe regions abounde with beares whiche cuery Where bees. Ceeke both hony and bees, not only herewith to fyl they bel: lies, but alſo to helpe thepz (yght. Foz theyz eyes are oftens tymes dulled, and theyz mouthes wounded of the bees: both which greefes are eaſed by eatynge of hony. They haue wea: kelt heades, as lions haue tronged. In ſo muche that when (beinge therto infozccd) they catte theim ſelues downe heades longe from any rockeg, they couer they, hcades with they 33eares fra ficte, and lye foz a tyme attoonpühed and halfc dcade with wade butles. knockes. They walke fumtyme on two fieteand (pople trees backewarde. Sumtyme alſo they inuade bullcs, & Co hange on them with al theyz fiete, that they ivery thë with weight. Che beares The beare (as lagrh plinie) bryngech furth her byzth the.jpg day and oftentymes two. Thepz byzth is a certepne whyte maire of aeſhe lithowt forme and little bigger then a mouſe fpithout eyes, and witholot heate, with onely the naples of clawes Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 261 clabes commynge foozcht. But the damme with continuall Ipekynge, by Iyetle and lyttle figurethe the informe byzthe. when thee entereth into the denne whiche fee hath cholen, thee creepeth thyther with her belly bpbardc legte the place The beares ocane , thulde bee founde by the deppes of her ficte. And being there delivered of her bylthe, remaynethe itt the ſame place foz the (pace of .fii.dapes immoueable as tozyteth Ariñoteles. They ipue withowt meære foztie dapes, and for that come fufcepute Beares lyue them felues only by lyckynge and luckyng therz ryght foote. withome at the lengthe chaunlynge to furbe meate, they fyll theym ineate.xl. feltes ſo full, that they remedy that ſurfecte by vomyte whi: dayes. che they prouoke by eatynge of antes. Theyż byzthe is op: pelled with ſo beauty a dcape for the ſpace of . titti. Dapes, The fleape that it can not bee tapſed eyther with prickinge di boundes, of beares. and in the meane tyme growe erceadynge fat. after, tiiii. bapes they wake from deepe, and begyn to licke and ſucke the ſoles of theyz faze fiete and lyue thereby foz a ſpace : 107 get is it apparent that they live by any other meate vntpil the ipłynge tyme of the years. at whiche tyme begynnynge to cunncabzode, they feede of the tender buds and younge (prig- ges of braunches of trees, and other herbes cozceſpondent to theyziyppes. Betoje five hundjeth yeares, the moſcouites honoured the religion the goddes of the gentyles : And then fyžtte receaued the of the zporco Chritian faith when the by Thoppes of Grecia began to dit: tites, cent from the churche of the Latincs: and therfoje receaued the rites of the Breekes. They minigter the factament with fermented becade under both kyndes: And thinke that the Coules of deade menne are not helped with the ſuffragies of pzeeltes, noz per by the deuotion of theyz frondes of kinſfol: kes: Alſo that the place of purgatorie is a fable. In the tyme of the diuine ſeruice, the hyttorie of the miracles of chrite and the Epittels of Caynt paule are rehearſed owt of the pulpitte. Beyonde wolcouia, are manye people whiche ans ſubiecte Che Scythis they caule Scythians, and are partely ſubiecte to the prince to the duke of wofcouia. Theſe are they which duke juan ſubdued, as of worcovia. are the people of pccm, Balkird, Lzritemida, Juhra, Lozes la, and Bermlkae Theſe people were 3dolatours befoze the duke co mpelled theym to baptiſme, and appoynted a bylthop over them named Sreuen, whom the Barbarians after the departure Of Moſcouie and Cathay. departure of the duke, deyde alyue and dewe. But the duke returnyng thoztly after, afflicted them fove and aligned them a newe bydhoppe. Com It is here alſo to bee noted that the oblde Lofmogra: phers farned that in theſe regions towarde the Nozthe pole; theve could be certcyne great mountaynes which they cauleb Ripheos & Dyperbolcos, which neuerthclelle are not founde It was then in nature. 3t is alſo a fable that the ryuers of Tanais and eft opinion. Uoiham doo (płynge owt of hygh mountaynes, wherás it is ſpronge owre apparent that both theſe tyuers and many other, baue theyz of montaines originall in the playnes. the fruteful Nerte to woicouia, is the frutefull region of Colmogo: region of Col ra throwgh the whiche tunneth the ryuer of Diuidna beinge The grear rí: the greatel that is knowen in the north part es of the world. uer Dividng. This rouer increaſeth at certeyne tymes of the yeare as dooth the ryuct of Pilus in Egypte, ouerão werh the fyeldes round theatc with about, and with abundaunce of fatte moyñure, teſiacth the omt piowing couldeneđe of the ayer. Whrate ſowne in the grounde, grob eth abundauntly withowt plowynge: and fearynge the newe inurie of the proude ryuer, (pzyngeth, groweth, and rypeth with woonderfull celeritie of hadynge nature. The ryuer of Jnto the ryuer of Dividna tunneche the rouer of Juga: guga. And in the very angle of corner where they meete, is a fa: Oftuga mous marte towne named Wfiuga, beinge a hundrerh and fyftie mples ditant from the chiefe citie of Lyolca. To this furres mart towne from the hygher countreys, are ſent the pzecious furres of marternes, ſables, woolues and ſuch other whiche are erchaunged for dyuers other kynbes of wares and mar: chaundies. Dycherto ug anfterns. ehe naturalt and fogalmuche as many doo macuaile that ſuche plentie cauſe of of hony would bee in ſo coole a contrey, Í haue thought good musch hony in to declare the reaſon and naturall cauſe hereof.. It is there Bummes and foże to be conſidered that lyke as (pices, gums, & odoriferous ſpices in hoc ftutes are engendered in hot regions by continuall heare dus countreys. tyng at the hole yeare withobot impzetion of the moztifying qualitie of could wherby at thynges are contrapned as they Floures in are dilated by heate, euen ſo in couldemoptt regions (whole coulde regtős moyllure is thinner & moze waterpähe cher in hot regions) are dowres engendered moze abundantly as cauſed by impzel Cion of lette and faynter heate woozkynge in thonne matter Of Moſcouie and Cathay. 262 trees. of waterpūhe moiture leſte concocte then the matter of gum: mes and ſpices and other bnctuous frutes and trees growing in hotte regions. Foz althoughe (as wunđer ſaithe here be- foze) the region of bofcouia beareth nother bines og oliues, az any other frutes of ſweete ſauoure by veaſon of the coulde: nelle therof, neuerthelele fozaſmuch as loures(wherof hony is chiefely gathered) may in ſommer ſeaſon growe abundant floarea of ly in the playnes, marylhes, and woodDes, not onelpon the grownde but alſo on trees in coulde regions, it is agreeable to good reaſon that great plentie of honye ſhulde ber in ſuche regions as abounde with Roures, which ace bżought fartije with the fyz& degree of heare and fyzd appzoch of the ſonne, as appeareth in the ſpzynge tyme not onely by the ſpringinge of loures in fyelbes and gardeynes, but alſo of blatames of BloiToomes trees (pyyngynge befoze the leaues oz fture, as the lpghter of trees. and thynner matter fyłfte dzawne owote with the lowelle andre leafte Degree of heate, as the lyke is feene in the acte of liyl: An eremiple lynge wherby all chinne and lyght moy&ares are lyfted bp by of the des the fyzate degree of the fpze: and the heuyet and thickett moy grees of heate. Aures are diawne owt with more vehement fyže. As we may therfoze in this caſe compare the generation of doures to the The generas heate of way, the generation of gummes to the beate of June tion of Roures and ſpices to the heate of July, Eucn fo in ſuche coulde regi: by stroderate ans whoſe loommer agreeth rather Wirh the temperate heate beate, and moytture of way then with thcxtreeme heate of the other moneches, that hcate is moje apt to bżynge foodth abundance of floures as thynges cauſed by moderate heate, as plapnely appeareth by theyz taft and fauoure in which is no Carpe qua litie of heate cyther byrynge the toonge oz offendyng the head as is in fpices, gummes, and frutes of hotte regions. and as in could and playne regions, moderate heate with abnndance Longe dages of moiſture are cauſes of the generation of doures(as 3 baue and ſhouč fayde) Co lykewyſe the length of the dayes and hoztnelle and nyskies, warmenetre of the ryghtes in ſommer ſeaſon in (uche coulde regions, is a greate hclpe herunto. Lardanus waytech in his Blamble and booke De Plantis, that bzamble #fearne growe not but in could forne. regions, as dooth whcate in temperate regions. And that ſpt ces and hotte ſtedes, can not growe in coulde regions, fazal: Spices, much as beinge of thinne ſubttaunce, they fulde loone be mor tified & excinct by crcclliue could. Fo? (as he ſayth) nothing Uob.ii. can Of Moſcouſe and Cathay. can concocte, rppe, and attenuate the ſubtance of frnces with obt the helpe of ayer agrcable to the natures of ſuch thyngea as are brought footh in the came, althowgh it may doo this The fauoure in rootes. But in maner att donces are of ſweete (auome, fors of fourcs. almuch as the mordus that is in them, being thinne and, but lytele, is by meane hcate foone and eaſely concocte of made rype. Such alſo as are ſoome type, are looke rotten accolding to che proucrbes What plinie Plinte, althowgh in the ri. booke of his natacall hytto: Wrytech of cie. Lap biit. he wozyteth that hony is gathered of the floures hony, of all trees and ſectes of plantes, ercept Cosdl and the herbe stau cauled Chenopode (whiche (ime caule gooſe foote) yet he attir: gic meth that it deſcendeth from the ayer : fop in the xii.chapp: 38435* fure of the ſame booke, he wapeeth ehus, Scrius is o: Thus coommeth from the ayer at the cyfynge of cetteyne chermpfe cau darces, and eſpecially at the tyſynge of sirius , and hoe before led , this is the the ryfyng of Vergilie (which are the ſeven aarres cauled Pleise dogge, of des) in the ſpinge of the day. ffoz then at the możnynge whom, the ca (pzynge, the leaues of trees are founde moit with a fat dewe: nicu ar sayes in ſo much that ſuch as have bynne abłode vnder the firmas naine, mente at that cyme, hane cheyi apparell announced with lya glioure and the heate of they, headde clammy, and whether what ts:hony this bec thelwetce of heaner, oz as it were a certeyne (pettyl of the darres, eyther the tuiſe of the ayer pourgyngeit Celfe, Howe Hony J. wolbe it were pure, liquide, and ſimple of his owne nature is corrupted. as it fyrde fauleth from aboue. E ut nole deſcendyng ſo far, and infected, not only with ſuch bnclcane papoures and erha lations, as it metech bith by the way, but afterward alſo coz abuerupted by the leanes of trees, herbes, and douces of Cundiye taſtes and qualities, and lykebogle alwel in tomaches of the bees (Q2 they bomite it at they mouches) as alſo by longe re feruynge the Came in hiues, it neuerthelelte reteyneth a great Dony of great parte of the hcaucnly nature.&c. Ageync in the.riiii.chapteure: quantitie in of the ſame booke, be bzytethe that in certeyne regions to soub regios ward the nozth, as itt : Cum places of Germanie, hony is found in ſuch quantitie that there haue bynne ſeene bony combes of epghe foote tonge, and blacke in the hololde parte. By the whiche 'boo?dcs of polinie, and by the principles of naturall ph:loſophie, it dooch appere that abundaunce of hony fulde chiefely bee engendered in ſuch regions where the heate of foommes Of Mofcouía and Cathay. 263 Coommer is temperate and continuall alwell by nyght as by not nyshtes day as it is not in hotte regions where the ngghtes be longe in coulde res and coulde as is declared in the Decades. ffoi lyke as ſuche gione. thynges as are fyned by continuall heate, mcuynge, and cirs A fimilitude. culation, are hyndered by refrigeratian ez coulde(as appereth in the art of Qyllynge and hatchynge of egges) euen ſo by the action of temperate and continuall heate withobot interpoſt: tion of contrarie and moztifyinge qualitie, crude thynges are in thozte tyme made rype, lower made ſweete, thicke made in thinne, heanie made lyght, grofte made ſubryle, hardt made fofte, deade made lyupnge, and in fine bodies made ſpirites, natural heae as manifeâly appeareth in the marieylous woojke of bygedis doosh fubryle an of lyuyng beates, Wherby the fined part of theyż nuctahe and digeſt all ment is turned into bludde, and the finet of that bludde con chengca uerted into ſpirites, as the like is alſo leche in the nuryahe: ment of trees, plantes, and herbes, and all other thynges that growe on the grounde, all whiche are moned, digeled, fubtiliate, attenuatt, typed, and made (beete by the action of this continuall beate wherof J haue (poker. To conclude therfore, it hony bee egther theſwette of the farres, of the tuile of the ayer pourginge it ſelfe (as plinie vozitcth) opother Subtole Vas löyle engendered of ſubtyle and fine bapoures tplinge frome pours diges the earth, and concocte oz digeked io the ager by the Cayd con ited by heate tinuall and moderate heate, it may ſeeme by good reaton that the fame fulde bes engendered in Coommer (calon moze vhol 99600 abundantly in coulde regions then in hot, for the 1907:02 at cauſes afozefayde. And that it may by autozitie and reaſon moze manifeâlye appeace botheo that the heate of foommer in could regis Could região ons is continual (as 3 haue fayd) and alſo that the coulde in Wynter is not there fQ1219993 intollerable to thina 30 habitattates of thoſe regions as other doo thynke 3 have thought good for the better declaration hereof to adde hercunto what u haue gathered oldt og the booke of ztglecus wzytten of the nozch regions, gierne. CDE the North regions and of the moderate and continuall heate in coulde regions alwell in the npght as in the Day in Coommer ſeaſon: Alſo howe thoſe regi: ons are habitable to thinhabitauntes of the ſame, contrary to thoppinion of the owlde wyters. f this matter, ziglerus in his booke of the ziglerus. Norche regions in the deſcription of Scondia wzyteth as foloweth. Wee byll intreate of this matter, not as puttynge the ſame in queſtion as dyd the owld wzyters, noz gatherynge iudgement deducted of reaſons in way of argument, fogalmuch as wee are alredy moze certeyne by byłozie that thele coulde regions are inhabi ted. Wee wyll fyzit therfoze dhewe by naturall reaſon and by conſideration of the (phere, dedare how by the helpe of man and arte, coulde regions are inhabited withowt domage 02 che qualitie defiruction of lynynge beaftes : And wyll fyzőte (peake of the of fooiner in could regiós. qualitie of Commer, declarynge howe it is there augmented ons yet intende y not to compzehende all that maye bee fayde in this matter, but only rehearſe ſuch reaſons and fimilitudes as are moſt apparent and eaſy to bee underſtoode. 19 Ja Cuch regions therfoze, as are extended from the burnt line ol Equinoctiall towarde the nozth, as much as the ſonne the courſe ryſeche hygher ouer thein, ſo muche are they the moze burnte of the ſonne, with heateyas Affrica, bycauſe it ryſeth byghet ouer them as Sat they are neareft to the Equinoctiall: and tarpinge with theim gapours, ſo much the thorter time cauſeth thozter days, with longer coulder nyghtes to retoze the domage of the day pált by teafő of the moiſture conſumed by vapour. But in ſuch regions ouer Short and the which the ſonne ryſeth lower (as in Sarmatia) it remay. warme neth there the longer in the day, and cauleth ſo much the who? - nyshtes. ter and warmer nyghtes, as reteyngnge warme vapoures of the day part, which bapours helpe the woojke of the day. 11 le ſpeake as 7 haue founde by experience, ſaythe Upſalienſis. Boshlande Fól 3 haue felt che ſommer nygbtes ſcarlely tollerable foy beate in Gothlande, wheras 7 fclte them coulde in Rome. This benefite of thincreaſe of the day, doth augment ſo much the moze in coulde regions as they are nearer the poles: and cealeth Of the north regions. 264 ceaceth not butyllit coome directly ouer the center oz pogntesto of the ares oz afceleree of the worlde, where the ſonne beinge one day of. at the hyghellt inſommet, is cleuate abowe.xritii, degrees:jn monethes. which regions, one continual day conſifteth of. vi. monetljes from the (pzynge tyme by the fandynge of thefoonne (cauled Solaitium) in the ligne of Lancer to Autumne. The foonne therfoze, withowt any offence of the night, gyueth his indu: ence vppon thoſe landes with heate that neuer cealethe du: nowe the rynge that tymt, which maketh to the great increaſe of coom ſommer is in mer by reaſon of continuance.We haue now therfoze thought created in could regioso good to gather by a certeyne coniecture howe grcately wee thinke the loommer to bee increaſed hereby. Wee haue befoze declared howe byghe the ſoonne is eles nate ouer the regions that are under the poles at the Ataye of the foonne: And ſo manye partes is it eleuate in Rome at the Romeo tay of the ſoonne in bynter(that is) at the thoztelt day in the yearé. But here, in the mydde Wynter, the foonne at noonen tyde is beneficiall, and bzyngeth foorth flouces, roſes, and ieles oures. 3 haue gathered Cum in wynt er in the moneth of December, not procured at home by humane arte, but grows inge in open gardenes in maner in euecy bedde vnder the bate heauen, browght footh only by the loonne. But this benig could nights nitie of the foonne, continueth not paft fiue houres in the na: in hot regiós. turall day, fogalmuch as thoperation therof is crtinct by the couldeneđe of the npght folowynge. But if this benefite myght bee receaned withowt hinderaunce of the myght, as it is under the poles, and ſo continue many monethes in bot res gions ynto winter, it fulde fueriye bzynge fuožthe manye woon derfull thynges, if moyfure fayled not. And by The romane Wynter. this condition thus pzopounded, wee may well conceaue that the Romane winter, althowgh it be not hotte, yet to be equal in heate to the full (płynge tyme in the ſame citie Durynge the tyme of the fayde fiue houres.And thus bp a ſimilitude of the height of the Coonne bnder bothc places, and of the knower qualitie of the Romane beauen, and by thacceffe of the foonne to ſuch places where the longet day continueth certeyne mos nethes, wee maye gather that ſoommer in places vnder the pole, is lyke vnto and equall with the full Romane {pzynge. But the moze difficulte quction, is of the tyme of the.bi One nyght of momethes in the whiche thaloonne teaueth thoſe regions, Vi, mobethes and Of the north regions. obiections, and goth by the contrarye o2 puerthwarte circle towarde the ſouth in wynter. Foz they ſay that at that tyme, thoſe regi: ons are deformed with horrible darkenelle and nyghtes noe increaſed, which may bee the cauſe that beattes can not leke they, foode. And that alſo the coulde louldc then bee intolle: cable : by which double expls all thynges contrayned thulde Dye, ſo that no bcatte were able to abyde thinjuries of wyn: ter and famen inluinge therof: but that all beaties fulde pe: rydhe befoze the commer folowynge, when they coulde bringe furth theyz broode oz Cuccellion: And that fo: theſe canles, the lapte coulde cime thulde bee perpetually deſolate and in habitable.To al which obiections, we anſwere in this manec As touchynge the nyshtes not increaſed, 3 Cape, that ie was not conuenient to alume that for any reaſon. for not as the foonne fauleth, co luddeynly commeth the darke night chey but that the evenynge booth ſubstitute and prolonge the day tysktes. longe after, as alſo the day ſpłynge oj dawnynge of the daye gyueth a certeyne lyght befoze the ryſinge of the foonne: 98: ter the whiche, the retidue of the nyght that receaneth no The lyght light by the Cayde euenynge and mornpage twilightes, is ac: of the mone, comply@hed by the lyght of the moone, ſo that the nughtes are (ddome bnaagmented. Let this bee an eremaple proued by orate powre temperate regions, wherby we may vndertande the con dition of the nyght bnder the pole. Therfoze euen there alſo che mosnt the twilighres helpe thenyghi alonge tyme, as we boyl moze nder the preſently demontrate. It is approued by the Attronomers, pole. that the ſoonne deſcendynge from the highea balfe (phere by biit, paralels of the bnder horizon, makethe an ende of the I demonftra: twylight, ſo that at the lengthe the Darke ngght ſuccebeth: and that the foonne approchynge, and ryſynge aboue the byghed halfe (phere by as many paralels, dooth dimingahe the npght and increaſe the tiplyght. Ageyne, by the poſiti: on o? placeinge of the ſphere under the pole, the ſame is the horizontall that is the Equinoctiall. Thoſe paralelles theres fore that are paralels to the horizontal line, are alſo paralels to the Equinoctiall. So that the foonne deſcendynge there bnder the horizon, booth not bzynge darke ngghtes to theſe degtons vntyll it coomme to the paralele didant, cvili, partea on from the Equinocţiall, Other $100, Of the north regions. 265 Other demonſtrations hercof are made by cerreyne fygures af aftronomie, whiche 3 wolde Hauc added hereunto bue that 3 coulde not gette the ſame grauen o: cutte. Durynge the tyme of theſe fayde ſyre mooncthes of Dark ( melle under the pole, the nyght is deltitute of the bonefite of the ſoonne and the fayde twylyghtes, onely for the ſpace of three moonethes, in the whiche the ſoonne goeth and retur: neth by the portion of the puerthwavt circle. But yet neythet this tyme of thzee moonethes is witholt remedy frome hea: uen. For the moone with her full globe increaſed in lygöte, che moone, hath acceſTe at that tyme , and illuminateth the mooncthes lackynge lyght, cuery one by themſelves, halfc the courſe of the moonethe: by whoſe benefite it coommeth co paure thac the night, named as bnaugmented, polledeth thoſe regions no longer then one moonech and a halfe, neyther that contie nually oz al at one tyme:bur this alle divided into thice Cours of thozter nyghtes, of the whiche euery one endurech foz the ſpace of twoo weekes, and are illuminate of the moone accoz: dyngly. And this is the reaſon conceaued of the poure of the ſphere wherby we teftifie that thcſommers and nyghtes ba: Remedies of der the pole, are rollcrable to lyuynge bcaltes. nature zars, But we wyli nowe Declare by other remedies of nature and arte, that this coulde ſo greatly fcared, is moze remille e tollerable then owre opinion: ſo that compared to the nature of fuch beattes as line there, it rray hec abydder. And there is no doubt but there are autours of moje antiquitie then chat age in the which any thynge was cractly knowen oj diſco: mpiers pera The eiulde uered of the north regions. The owlde wäyters cherfeze per: fuaded by to (uaded oncly by naked coniecture, dyddo gather what they coniecture. moght Détermine of thoſe places: D2 rather by the efiimati: on of brauen, the which, bycauſe they felte it to bee hardely tollerable to them ſelucs, and lefle to men boine in the clyme of Egypte and Grecia, tooke therby an argument of the hole a brafer pot habirable earth. The hyftorie of Straho is knomen, that a frott. broken wuk potte of bzafie which was huoken in ſunder with froſen ba: ter, was brought from Pontus and fibed in Delph's in co ken of a grcuous wyncer. Pacre therfoze, they that ſo grčat: ly feared the lointer(Cuch as chiunceth to the carth under the 11675 clviii , paralele) and therefore confecrated that bucken pot to 1313 the temple of Apollo, what coulde fuch nien trewly define tp pon regions ſo farre withowt that paralele, whether they XX.. Of the north regions, were inhabited or not? But ſuch as folomed theſe, being can tented with thirucntions of the owlde autours, and bozne in maner under the ſame qualtie of heanen, perlitted wyllyng: ly in the ſame opinion, with more confidence then conlidera tion of the thynges whereof wee nowe intreate : folyghtly was that opinion receaued as touching the vnhabitable clime vnder the poles. But be with better confidence and faithe (fozaſmuch as we are not inttructed with coniectures) intend fythes of to ftande ageynti the ſentence of the owld autours: Afficming the north the north regions within the coulde clime to bee inhabyted ſeas. with hearynges, coddes, haddockes, and becttes, tunnyes, and other great fylhes, with thinfinite number whero, ta: bles are furnylched thjough a great parte of Europe: al wht che are taken in the nozth ſea ertended beyonde obr knowe: The North trage. This ſea at cettepne tymes of the yeare, pourerh furth fee. his plentifulnelle,od rather Dzyurth furth his increaſe to ſeke newe manſions, and are here taken in theyž padlage. fur: thermoje alſo, cuen the mouthes of thc riuer of Tyber receaue a fyűhe as a newe get ſent from the nozch ſea. This ſwamme bitwyſe through Fraunce and twiſe throughe Spayne : Duer: pated the ligurian and Tuſcan (ca to communicate hier Celfe to the citie of Rome. The lakcs alfo and ryuers of thoſe re: Sestas gions are replenyâhed with fyXhejn ſo much that no poure of coulde is able to ercingupähe thincreaſe of the yeare folow inge, and the ſucceïion rcparable ſo many hundzeth yeares. and playnely thinke, that yf it thulde of necellitie folowe, The qualitie that one of theſe two clementes, the carthe and the latct, of water, fulde be deſtruccine to lyuynge creatures, the water fulde chiefely haue Wrought this effecte. But this is founde fo trac table, that in the diepe bynter, both that increaſe is brought the lando furth, and fylhynge is alſo exerciſed. The lande is lykewiſe inhabited with lyke plentifulnegie. But that we inander not to farre : Let the fayth hereof rell in therpoſition folowynge, Wherin we intend to declare howe by the poure of nature and indu&ry of man, this commoditie may coomme to pađe. The Che diuine foze as touchynge nature, wee ſuppoſe that the diuine pzout prouidence in dence hath made nothynge uncommunicable, but to have gy: moderatynge bee shc elements uen ſuch order to all thynges wherby cuery thynge maye tollerable to the nexte. The extremeties of the elementes con ſent with thepz nert. The ager is großte abowt the earth and water: Of the north regions 266 Water: But thinne and botte abowt the fpze. By this pzout cheantare dence of nature, the brtermott ſea is very ſalte. And Calte (as of the ſea. wytnelleth Plinie) yelteth the farneđe of ople. But ople, by a certeyne natiue heate, 19. of propertie agreable to fyre. Dhe Salte. ſea then, beinge all of ſuch qualitie, pourceh furth it felfe fac bppon theftreme landes, whereby by reaſon of the faltenelle therof, it moucth and itereth vp generatiue heate, as by fat: seneretide melic it nozylheth the fecanditie of thynges generate. 30 gy beate. ueth this frutfulnes to the earth at certegne auds, although the earth allo it ſelfe, haue in his inner bobels the ſame liue: ly and nurytrhynge beate, wherby not only the dennes, canes Owarde and holowe places, but alſo (pzynges of water are made couldis caure barme: And this ſo much the more, in howe mache the wyn: of inwarde ter is moze vchement. This thong booth moze appere by chis heate. exemple, that the mountaynes of P02 way and Sucthlande are fruteful of metals, in the which, Cyluer and copper ate con metals. cocte and molten into beynes, which can (carfely bec doonne in fornaces. By this reaſon alſo, the vapvars and hotte erha tapours and lations perceinge the eart he and the war ers, and throwgbe exhalations. both thoſe natures byeathynge furth into the ayer, tempereth the qualitie of heauen and mascth it tollerable to beafies, as whales, bytnelleth the huge byggeneđe of the whalcs in thoſe Icas, with che trength of bodye and longe lpfe of ſuche beatics as liue on the lande: wbiche chynge coulde not bee, ercepte all Beaftes. thonges were there commodiouũy nacphed by the benefite of the heauen and the ayer. for nothyng that in the tyme of increaſe is hyndered by any iniurie, o2 that is eupll fedde all vereby maye the tyme it lyueth, can proſper well. Peyther are ſuch thyn: bee confide: ges as Igue there, Difended with they? naturall bynter as red the caufe fhowgh an Egiptian oz Ethiopian were ſuddeynly conueyed of owr men of the deathe into thoſe coulde regions. For they were in longe tyme by that faple die lyttle and lyttle browght fyzi acquaynted with thc nature of reecly to Suis that heaven, as may be pzoued both by the lgfe of man and by mea, so the hilltozie of holy icriprure. Scheythat were led from Des 2704 ſopotania, and that famous towze of Babilon towarde the noth partes of the worlde in the fyzt diſpertion of nations, dyo not immediatly pale to thertreme boundes, butt planted from one or thep2 habitations fyza vnder a myddle heauë betwene both, tremcie to an as in Thracia and Pontus, where they? poteritie was accus other but by tomed the better to (uteyne the tygoure of Scythia and ra: a incape, **r.il nais Of the north regions. nais, as he: at commeth from winter to Coommer, maye the better after abyde fleano (nowe beinge fyzi hardened ther: to by the froftcs of Autimine. In lyke maner moztail men, ac cutomed to bzare the hacden:Te of places nerte bnto thepm, were therby at the length moze confirmed to Tutteyne the er: tremos. And here alſo, if any charpeneữe remayne that maye ſeeme intollerable, nature hathe ploupded for the ſame with y other remedies for the lande and ſea, hathe gpuen bnto Canes and beates, dicpe and large caucs, dennes, and other holowe pla dennes. ces and Recreate corners in mountaynes and rockes bothe or the lande and by the ſea bankes, in the which are ever contey ned warme bapoures ſo much the moze intent and vehement, it howe much they are the moze conftrayned by extreme could Ualleys.si Nature hath allo gyuen valleys diuered and defended frome the nodth Wyndes. Shee hath lykelile couered bcates with heare ſo much the thicker'in howe muche the vehemencie of whe ben could is greater : by reaſon wherof the beſt and tpchef furces furres are browght frome choſe regions, as Sables wihole price is Sables. growne to great excelle nerte unto gold and precious lones, and are eñtemed princely ornamentes. The beaftes that beare there furres, are hunted chiefely in bynrer (thích thynige is more traunge) bycauſe they, htare is thenne thicker and clea ucth faſter to the ſkyn. Dowe greauons then thall we thinke .. the winter to bce there where this lytele bcant lyuech ſo well, and wherc the hunters may ſearch the dennes and yäuntes of Beaftes that ſuch beates thiobghe the wooddes and ſhowe? But ſuche lye hyd in bcates the condition of whole bodics is ſo tender that they Wynter. are not able to abyde thiniurie of coulde, epther lye hydde in wynter, D? Chaunge they? habitation, as do certeyne beaftes alſo in obre clive. Nature hath furthermoje gyven remedie to man bothe by arte and induðry to defende him ſelfe both & bode and at home. Abiode, with a thicke veffure, and the Lame well dobbeled. At home, with large fyårs on harthes, chyniyneys, and in toones foz the day, with cloſe chambers, and couches, ſofre and warme beddes for the nyght: by whi all beeſtes che remedies they mitigate the winters which ſeeme rigorous Haue the ne: to iraungers, althowghe they are to thinhabitauntes more ture of the tollerable then owrë opinion, as in deede by the fyz& natural place where inay-sre enmirrure compoſition of theyz bodies, ſuch thinges are agre sendered able to them as ſeeme very harde to other the lion in Afrike and Of the north regions. 267 and the beare in Sarmacia, are fierce as in they, preſente ſtrength and vigoare: but tranuated into a contrasy heauen, are of lette ſtrength and courage. The foule cauled Ciconia to (which (um thinke to bee che dojke) booth not tary the win: ter:yet doo the cranes coomme at that tyme. The Scy: thian byll accuſe the Romane heauen as induccinge feteers, bheras neuerthelelre there is none noze bolloome. Such as what erer: bane byu tenderly blow ght vp, if they coomme ſuddeynilo in cilesway. to the campe, can not away with hunger, watchynge, heate pañages throwgh ryuers, battaples, ſteges, and aſſaultes. But the owld couldier excrciſed in che warres, brech theſe as meditations of the fielde, as hardened therto by longe erpe: rience. De that hath byn accutomed to the Wadowe of the cis tie, and wyll attempte the ſayingé of the poet Wirgil, Nudus ards fere nudus, that is, naked and bare withowt honte é home, fhall to his perell make an endc of the verſe, Hibebis frigora fes life maketh brer (that is) he thall hade the coulde ague. Suche thpages maſteries. therfozcas fceme harde unto vs, beinge accuftomed by lyttle and Iyetle, becomme moze tollcrable:31n ſo much that this er crcile of fu feraunce hy ſuch degrecs, dooth oftentymes grow to pzodigious effectes facre beyondc olare crpectation. And thus wee ſeeme to haue made luficient demonftration, by bea uen, nature, and arte, wherby it may appere that no part of thclande oz Cea is denpedro lyuynge creatures. The reader may alſo perceque how large matter of rcaſons and cremples may bee opened fo: the declatynge of owre opinion byercin wee vet. Let therfoze thautozitie of the ancient autours gyue place, and the conſent of the newe wyfers agreeto this bps Po dozy, hor as nobeat the length compzet;ended (whereas bee fole many hundzeth yeares Bermanie and Scondia had en: Scondia, tercourſe of marchaundies not Ceueued by the large goulfe of Bothia, but as no'de by owr commentaries brought to light. And hauyng fayde thus much in maner of a preface, we byli nowe procede to wiyce of the nozth regions, C Schondia. Chondia Schondania,02 Schondenmarchía, is as much to ſay as fayze Dania oz fayze Denmarke. Plinie in one Scone, is place, wamech it Scandin, and in an other, Scandina: fapte in the duch coonge uia if there bee no fante in theremplers. S 30 Of the north regions. 1 WX3 named Schondia, by reaſon of the fayzenette and frue fulnere checof. And this alwell for that in beneficiall hea: Che fertilitie uen, fertilitie of gronnde, commoditie of hauens and macte of condia. tomnes,abundaance of rguers and fyirhe, plentie of beaftes, grear quantitie of metall, as golde,[pluer, copper, and leade, diligent culturynge the grounde, with townes and cities wel inhabited and gouerned by ciuile lates, it gyuethe place to none other foztunate region. This was in maner unknowen to the owlde Breekes and Lating as may appeare by this at: didunt gumente that with one conſente they a firmed that in theſe nozth regions the could zone o: clime, bas condemned to per pefuatl (nowe incollecable to all lpuynge creatures. For feto of the haue made mention hereof as to be inhabited. Amonge whom Plinie as one of the chiefe, Capth in his fourth booke, that Schondania is of baknowen byggenetie : and only that požtion therof to be knowen Which is inhabited with the na tion of the Dilleuiones in fiftie byllages.Seychec pet is Enin De meareth gia lelle in opinion. Dihar moze auncient then plimie, haue Diodorus ši placed mod fortunate regions, with men of longe lyfe (whi: culye. che the Greekes caule Macrobios) and of mode innocente beha: uour under the tracte of thoſe landes : and that there came from thence to Delphos, certeyne religious birginnes with bowes and gyftes conſecrated to Apollo : and furthermore thit that nation obſerued this intitution ontpll the fayde birgins were violatcd of them of whome they were receaned as traungers. theſe are moft cleare teftimonies of antiquis tie, both of the greatnetle of Schondia, and the people that Kathiruaſions inhabite the ſame, althawgh they were ſence bnknowen, as of the sothes lykewyſe the Bathes deparrynge from theſe nozth landes al thoughe they obteyned Thempire of the regions abobte the mariſhes of peotis and the coates of the ſea Euxinus, both Cranfiluania the realme of Wenmarke (wherof that is thought to bee a poz tion lohich is nowe cauled Tranſiluania) and the bankes of toe ryuer of Danubius, and in fine inuaded the Romane Em pire, yet were not the regions wel knowon from ivhenſe they tooke they, oziginall. Therefore lyke as parte of the owlde W?yters are inſuficient wyrneres to ceđifie of obre narrati: ons as touchynge theſe landes vnknowen to them, Euen ſo the other parte which excluded the ſame as bnhabitable, are to bee conuinced leafte th ey, aatozitic beinge admitted, Huld engender Of the north regions.ro 268 engender opinions not agrecable oz conuenient to the nature of places. Sigiſmundus Liberus, in his commentaries of polcouía, biyterh thus. Scandia or Scondia, is no gland (as fume haue thought) but parte of the continente oz firme lande of Sueria, which by a longe tracre rcacheth to both: lande: And that nowe the kynge of Denmarke poñelleth a he Sorkce great parte therof. But wheras the W?yters of theſe thinges and LNSIS . haue made Scondia greater then Suecia, e that the Bothes bardes. and Lumbardes came frome thenſe, they ſeeme in my opinion to comprchende theſe three kyngedomés as it were in one bo: dy, only under the name of Scondia, foža[much asthen, thas parte of lande that Iyeth betwene the ſea Baltheum (Whiche Howeth by the coaltes of Finlandia) and the froſen Tea, was unknowen: And that by reaſon of ſo many mariðhes, innu: merable ryners, and intemperatnegle of heauen, it is yet rude vncultured, and Iyetle knoben. Which thynge hath bynthe cauſe that ſumme iudged all that was cauled by the name of Scondia, to bee one great Jlande. C Gronlande. Ronlande is interpzeted greene lande : [o cauled foz the frutefull 3 great increaſe and frutefulneſle of pature. By reaſon pafture, wherof, what great plentie of cattayle there is, it may hereby appere that at ſuch tyme as thyppes may palte thychec they ſet furth grcat hcapes of cheeſe and butter to bee Could, wherby wee coniecture that the lande is not rowgh with bar ren mountaynes. bath two Lathedyall Churches bndre thordination of Midzofia. To one of theſe, was of late yea: resa byťhop appoynted onely by the tytle of a ſuffragane in confideration that while the metropolitane doorh neglect the lected, Religion negs direction of religion for the diđance of the place and difficult nauigation, the people is in maner faulne to gentilitie, beinge of them ſelfe of monable byttcs and gyuen to magical artes. ffof it is fayde that they (as alſo the people of Iaponia) doo Inchauntera rayle tempeltes on the ſea with magical inchauntmentes, and biynge ſuch thippes into daungcour as they intende to ſpoile. * They ble lyttle Chyppes made of lether, and ſafe ageynsie the bruſynge of the ſea and rockes, and with them alaple other Tippes. Perer pgartez of Angleria, woziteth in his Decades G Of the north regions. 30 che Wage of the Spaniche nauigations that sebatian Cabote ſapling of sebaſtian from Englande continually towarde the north, folowed that Cabote to the courſe fo farce that he chaunled vppon greate ilakes of ffe frofen ſea. in the mooneth of July: and that diyertynge from thence, he folowedthe coate by the thoje bendyrìge towarde the South yntyl he came to the clime of the Jlande of Diſpaniola absue sronlande, Luba, anjland of the Lanibales. which narration hach gia uen me occaſion to crtende Bronlande beyonde thc pzomon: (D2y od cape of DuitCarch to the continente oz firınc lande of wardhus, Lapponia aboue the caftell of Wardhus: which chynge i did the rather foz that the reuerende Archebyűhoppe of Midzos ſia, condantely affirmed that the ſea benvethe there into the forme of a crooked elbows, et agrccth hercwith allo, thas the laponcs confent with them in thelyke magical pzactiles Lappogia * and doo neyther inbaſe the Lhliftian rcligion noz. cefuſe it: Gronlanda, wherby 3 haue thowght this lykeneđe of cufiomes to bee be: tbcne them bycauſe they ioyne togyther in one continent. The Schoenen Diſtancc lykelvple, ſeemeth not to diſagree, for betwenc both theſe people, the diftance is not fulltwoo hundzeth Scheni, enery one being a ſpace of grounde conteinyng.Ir. furlonges, *** which make. bii. myles and a halfe. It furthermolt agreeth Cabote tould with this conicecare that Laborechaualed into ſuch gſe. And me that this greis of is net well reherfed, no althowgbe he had ſapicd under the frete ma pole,foy ſuch reaſons as wee haue declared before to the com: of the ſea, trary, neuertheleñe, that at funi tyme he ſayled by Ile, this tcdifieth in that he ſayled not by the mayne Tea, but in places A commiettő nere unto the lande compzehendyng and imbralyng the ſea in of fait water fozme of a goulfe, wheras foz theſame cauſe, the goulfe of and frefſhe. Bothland is froſen bycaule it is freyght #narobo, in the wht che alſo che lyetle quantitie of ſalt water is duercoome by the abundance of Erotic water of many and greate ryuers that che ſeg bec mene 1202 fauls into the goulfe. But betwene 20 waye and flande, way and 3's the ſea is not froſen foz the contrary cauſe, foza much as the lande, poure of frethe water is there ouercomme of thabundance of the falte inater. There is a fame (but of uncerteyne autozitie) Tara Viridis, that the Spanpardes Cayle at this preſente to Bronlande, and to an ocher lande which they caule Terra viridis, that is, the greene lande, bringynge from chenſe ſuche wares as are founde in Bronlande. Towarde the nozth, it reacheth to the , prknob en mot glaudcs. Wardbus cađcll. 54. Thc fyzit errention. 43 72 3. 45. 401 Sadel 676. Of the north regions, 269 buknower lande bndee the poles from whence alſo thetheues and cobbers of th: Pigmei coomme into this lande. whtche pigmes is an arga nent that the regions onder the pole are in abites and almoft couironed wich toc Ced, as are the whiche the Colmographers caule £berſonneli oj Peninſuke (that is) als The Deſcription of Bronlande. 361 The deſcription of the tag Cybe whiche lyethy towarde pozway. 70001 03 Beda: Cowarde tbe fogth. 306 71. aun 30eur nood dn 71. 40. sche ſeconde cptention. 28. 12. buttſarch. pzomont. 22. be ertention, 61 It is continued from thence by the coales of the lande of Baccaltaos Baccallaos. 356. 60. cowarde the well and north, it is termined with an önknos wen ende of landes and ſeas. TOT aru dan 11301 088 118 el.10.13 Jllande, lord 1900 ribuat Slande is interpreted the landc of 3le, and is cauled of grand caus theowlde wzpters Thyle. 3t is eptended betwene the led Thyle. ſouth and the north a!molt two hundjeth (chocnes in lon Schoeni is gitude. 3t is foz tye mo& part full of mountapocs and bn: le, furlonges, cultured. But in the plapnes it hath fuche frutefull padures, that they are fapne lumtymes to dzyue the beatcs from thcic miracles of feedynge leat they fulde betluffocate with to muco fatnes. nature ir This land is famous by thc trange miracles of nature, of zfiande. the which bafo Brammaticus in his byflogie of Denmarke, SA and Dlanus Bothus in his deſcription of the noztö landes, doo make mention. There are in it tyzee mountaynes of mat Chiec marua lous mounta ueplous height. the toppes whereof are couered with perpe- taynes, tuall (nowe. But toe nether partes of them, arc of lyke na: ture to tle mountapne ftna in the lande of Dietle boyling with continuall danies of fyze and całynge furto bzymione. Qershor One of theſe is named Belga, and eve other Moas Cruci: (that nelgate, ts) the mounte of the croft e. bethyide is named Decla: Decla, whole flames nty ther conſume flare oz towe, matters motte apig to take pac,ao; yet acc quenched with water. And with yyy.. lyke I . Of the north regionis, 110 lyke force is the motte of great artillerie is dyinen fürch by ht olence of fyze, euen ſo by the commixtion and repugnaunce of fyze, coulde, and błymtome, greate tones are here throwne into the ayer. Pere bnto theſe moütapnes are three chynkes by open places it the earthe of høuge byggenetle and ſuche Striunge Vi: depth (eſpecially as the mounte Decla) that no fyght can at: Fions, tayne therto. But to ſuch as looke into tijem, there fyzi ap: peare men as thowgh they were drowned and yet bycarhyng furth theyz Cowles: who beinge erhouted by they, frendes to reložte to theprowne, they aunſwere with moonynge boyce and greuous cyghes, that they mult departe frome thence to the mount Decla, and therwith Inddeynly vanpithe owte of gre. fyght. 3Te iloineth abowt the Jlände foz the ſpace of feuen od cyght moonethes, makynge by, runnynge togpther a cer: teynę miſegable waylinge and gronynge noyle not vnlyke the popce of man. Thinhabitauntes thynke, that in jeg E ftrauuge Decla, are the places where the eupll Coules of chyuse. theyż pcople are tormented. 3f any man take a greate pozti: on of his 31e, and kepe it as diligently as may bee in a cloſe beloil on cofer, the ſame dooth Co vanyűheat the tyme when the other gre abowt the flande diñolueth, that not ſo much as one droppe of water oz y le can therof bee founde. **** Not facce from tijelc mountaynes reachinge tolbard the ſea coales, ace foure ſpłynges of water of motte Diuers and four ſprings contrary nature. The fyzde, by reaſon of his perpetuall and of contrary mature, * feruente bcate, ſuddeyndly turneth all bodies that are cafte therin, into ttoncs, reſeruynge neuertheleưe they: fyzx forme and Cape. The feconde, is of intollerable couldenele. The thyide is (weeter shen hony, and molt pleafaunts to quenche thyza. The fourth is playne poylon, pellilent, and dcadely. Abundaunce There is furthermoze in theſe ſpzynges Cuche abundaunce of of brimſtone. bzymttone, that a thouſande pounde weight cherof is bought Diyed fyThe foz lyttle, as foz the tenth parte of a ducate. They? chicfe us wares, are dyped fyxhe, as ſoles, maydens, playces, ſalpas ſtockcfylThes, and ſuch other which they erchange foz wheat and ſuch other thynges as are browght thyther from Lubeck Scarfenes of wonne. Dambożowe, and Amfterdam. Foz they haue oftentymes ſuch .: ſcarleneữe of corne, that they ble diyed fyûhe in the fieade of bzeade, alchowgh in ſoommer the glande ſo dozyűheth with greene and frutefull medowes, that they are fagne lumtimes Of the north regions, 270 to diyue they, beates from pafure leate they dulde ſuffocate foj to much fattencle, as 31 baue Cayde befoze. They make me very good butter, and apte to bee vlęd in matters of phificke. There are founde Dyuers kindes of good haukes, as faulcons Haukes. gerfalcons, lanners, and ſpechankes, Alfo rauens, crowes, white raužo. beares, hares, and forcs, both whyte and blacke. Thep haue mot (lyfte bojles: and ſuch as canne.ter. myles continual: ly withowt rex oz bayte. They haue manye churches : and Houſes of houles buyided of the bones of whales and other greate fyl: bones. Thes. The nauigation is not open to this glande but in ſom: mer ſeaſon: and that only foz the ſpace of force modnethrs, tiomto gnand The nautgas by reaſon of the coulde and jie whereby the paTage is lop: ped. 3 any tryfe oz debace arple on the Sea amonge the ma: riners for the commoditie of the vauen, the governout of the place althowgh he haue knowledge therof, yet dooch he not punpähe chem,fozaſmuch as it apporteyneth not to his office to decerne Cuch thynges as are doonne on the ſea, but only on the lande. Shippes are there often comes in greae -perell by whales. reaſon of whales and ſuch other montiers of the ſea, ercepte the mariners take good heede and keepe tbem farre frome the 15 ofera wyppes with the noyfe of dioommes, and emptie bavrels calt 2001 into the ſea. There are many nyuttrels and other that play on ingrumentes, with the fwrete noyſe whereof, they ble one thyrge to allure foules and fiches to theyz 'nettes and ſnares.wany feruyng for allo, lye luckynge in caues and dennes to auoyde the tharpes contrary Vies neſle of coulde, as the Africanes doo the lyke to defend them felues from the heate. on the toppe of a cert cyne mountayne a chiomans cauled Weyczarch, (lyinge betwene gllande and Bruntland quadiari. 0 Bronlande) is erected a mhypmans quadiant of marucilous byggeneđe, made by two picares named pinnigt f pothoza in tauour of ſuch as Cayle by thoſe coates that they may thec by auoyde the daungerous places lyinge towarde Bronland. The mydde ot thejlande. : 76551*30. The citie Darſol. &C. stigao 70400060 Binat Laponia. exegion of Laponia, was ſo named of the people that inhabite it. For the Bermagns, caule all ſuche la: pones, as are ſimple oj bnapte to tiynges, This peo: Pyril, ple T Of the north regions. people of ple is of maule tatitre, and of ſuch agilitie of bodie, that ha sreac agilitie, nynge thevị quyuers of arrowes gertc to them & theyz boweg in they, handes, they can with a leaps, catte thym felnes throwgh a circle oz hope of the diametcr of a cubite. They 2. feyght on footo, armed with bobes and arrowes after the Saig maner of the starcars. They are ererciſed in hulpnge the Darre and ſhootynge from theyz youth: in ſo much that they give they, chyldzen no meate vnfyll they hit the marke thep 20hite Thoote at, as dyd in owlde tynie thinhabitauntes of the Jandes cauled Balsares. They ble to make theyz appareil Areight and cloſe to they? boddies that it hynder abt theyz 23 Straunge woorkt. Thcy2 winter bettuces are made of the hole (kinnes epparell, of ſcales oz bcares artificially wzought emade ſupple. schele years they tye with a knotte aboue theyz heades, leanynge onely two holcs open so looke through, and baue all the reſidue of theyz bodies contered as thoughe they were ſolved in lackes, but that this being e adapted to all partes of they2 bodics, is baingur lo made foz commoditie and not foz a punilchement as the Ro mans were accutomed to lowe paricides in ſackes of lether the cause of with a cocke, an ape, and a ſerpent, and ſo to hucle them a An owlde er: roures Iyou all togither into the ryuer of cyber. And hereby 3 thinke it came to paữe that in owlde tyme it was railhely beleued that in theſe regiós there were men with rowgh ehery bodies "we wildc beaties, as parte made relation throughe ignozaunce, 25. Opaste alſo takynge pleaſure in rehearſall of fuchs thynges as are ſtvaunge to the hearers. The laponos dcfended by this arte and induttry, go abode and withſtande che tharpenes of bynter and the nozch Wyndes, with all the injuries of hea: uen. They haue no houſes, but certeyne tabernacles like tena Bodootte tes.oj hales wherwith they pa.Te from place to place echange Tartase. chey, manlions. Sum of them liu: after the maner of thepco ple of Sarmacia cauled in owlde tyme Amarobit, which bred wayncs intbeteade of houſes. They are much gyuen co hun lente of wyld beaſtes pnge: and have inch plentie of wplde beattes that they kyli them in mance in every place. It is not lawfull foz a wo: man to go furth of the tente at that dooze by the whiche her bulbande wente alpte on huntynge the ſame daye: no; yet to touche with her bande ang part of the beate tipat is taken bu son in 15 anos dioda 30.01 0793035 tali con Of the north regions. 271 tyll her huſbande reache her on theſpttte faste a poztion of fedhe as he thinketh good. Thep tyll not the grounde. The no ferpento. region nuryllheth no konde of ſerpentes : yet ate there greate and noyloome gnates. They rake fyTheir greate plentie: srest gmats, by the commoditie woherof, they lyue after the maker of the L thiopians cauled Ichthiophagi. for as theſe džie they? filha With feruent hcate, ſo doo they dpe them with coulde, and guynde DJ tampe them to pouder as Imaule as meale ol honre Abunaunce They have ſuch abundaurce of theſe fydhes that they hourd of fyrrhe. great plentie therof in certerne doze houſes to cary them bn: to other landes nere abowt them, as Northborhnia e bhyte Rullia. They fyyppes are not made with näytes, bur are ude ng togyther and made fat with codes and wychthes. With one naples. Ships miths theſe they ſayle by the (wyłt ryuers berbene the mountaines of Laponia, beinge naked in ſommer that they may the boot et [wymme in the tyme of perell, and gather together ſuch wa: res as are in daunger to bec tos by @pwzacke. Part of them crerciſe handie craftcs, as imbiotherynge and bocauynge of cloth interlaced with golde and (yluer. Suche as haur dim. Solence kos ſed any necelary arre, oz doo increaſe and amende thinuenti ons of other, are openlye honoured, and rewarded with a bellinte, in tbe which is imbrothered an argument e2 token of the thynge they demltd. and this remayasth to the police ritie of theyż famette in token of they? Deſertes. They framed man Chippes, buplde houſes, and make diuers (oztes of houſholder turite artificially, and tranſpozte them to other places ncare abowote. ahoy bye and ſell bothe fox erchaunge of Warcs and for money 2nd this only by conſent of both parties with Bargeinynge olt communicacion: yet not foz lack of bytte oz for cude: withome nce of manets, but bycauſe they haue & peculiar language woo:desai bukngwon to chey, boztherers. His a valiant nation, and Ipued longe free, and ſutteyned the warces of JP203waye and Succia vntpll at the length they ſubmitted them (eines, and payde vyche furres for tbcyr tributs. They choſe them ſelues a gouernour whom they caute a kynge : But the syng of Sue tia gyueth hym autozitic and admimération. neuerthe: lefle, the people in thepa (ntcs and doubtfull cauſes, teloze ta Suecia to haue thryz matters deciredo noureda 16 Of the north tagions, 10 in thep, tozneps, they go not to any unne, hoy yet entét inid any houſe, but lpe all npght bnder the firmament. They have no horſes. no hizles: but in the ſteade of them, thep tame cérteyne wpld 2 beaſt of bcađes which they caule Keen, beinge of the ruke byggenelle marueylous of a mule, with cowgh heare lyke an are, clouen feete, and ſtrength and beaunched honcs lyke a hacre, but lower and with femer fwyftneſſe. antlettes. They boyll not abyde to bee tydden. But when they peitrels oj drawunge collers are put on them, and they {o ioyned to the chariotte or deade, they tunne in the ſpace of. rririi. houres, a hund?eth and fiftie myles, 02. fec. (che what Schoe: nos : The whiche ſpace they axirme to chaunge thchorizon nus is. loke 11 Sronland, thuyſe: that is thryle to coome to the ftrchet signe or marke that they ſee a farre of. Which doubtleữe is a token both of Rehc charige the marueplous (wiftneđe and great ſtrength of theſe beates of the horizó. beinge able to continewe runnynge fo? Co great a ſpace in the meane whyle alſo ſpendynge ſumopme in feedynge. I ſuppoſe The owld au that this thynge was lumelwhat knowen to the owlde by: tours cauied ters, although receaued in maner by an obſcure and doubtful all the north fame. Foz they alſo bryte that certeyne Scythiaus doo ryde people Scy: chyans. on hartes. They nepther folowe the Chriftian religion, no? yet te: fuſe it or are offended therwith as are the juwes: but do Cum tymes receaue it fauorably to gratifie the princes to whome Eraſmus la: they obey. And that no more of theym imbiare the Chriftian in his frites fapch,the faute is lumbohat to bee imputed to the bpwhippes booke be ra: and prelates that haue eyther reiected this cure and charge tine conciona of infructynge the nation, oz (u kered the faith of Chriſt to be di, where he ſuffocate euen in the fyzâ (płynge. Foz vnder the pzetenſe of ſpeakerh of religion, they woulde haue aduaunced they, owne reuenues the people. couled pilapii and ouer burchened the people by an intollerable exemple, none otherwyſe here then in all Chutendome, which thynge is doubtlete the cauſe of motte grenons defections. 3 harde John a byilhoppe of Bethlande ſay thus: We that gouerne the charche of uplalia, and hauc under owre dioceữe a great parte of that nation, lyke as it is not conueniente to declare many thynges of owrë vigilance and attcndaunce ouer the docke cornmitted to obre charge, cuen ſo abſtepnynge frome mylcheuous couctouinele wherby religion is abuſed for luz ker, we doo in all places obre diligent endeuour that we mi: aifec uone occaliou whereby this nation as ofended by owre finnes Of the north regions. 10. 272 finnes, maye bee the lege vyllynge to embraſe the Chriſtian fapth. This is the face of the religion amonge the Lapones: Idolatrie. alchowgh of theyz obne inftitution and cuſtome receaued of theyz pzedicellours, they are idolatours, honourynge that Ipuynge tbynge that they meete fyll in the mornynge, for the god of that daye, and diuinynge thereby they? good lucke oz cupll. They alſo erecte images of ftone vpon the mountaines which they cftcome as goddes, attributing to them diuine ho nour. They folemne mariages, and begynne the ſame with fyze and dynte, as with a myferie Co aptely applyed to the a miſterte of image of ftone as if it had hyn receaued frome the myddelic of mariage in Brecía: ffoz in that they adhibite a myfterie to fyze, as they fyre 7 fligt. duo not this alone (fozaſmuche as the Romanes obſerued the ſame cugome) cuen lo are they herein partly to be commended in that they vle che ceremonies of (o noble a people. The mp- fierie of the dinte is no leče to bee pzay[ed, both fogalmuche as this is domefticall philoſophie, and hath alſo a nere a di: nitic and ſignification to theſe fonemnities. ffoz as the dynt hath in it fyze lyinge hydde whiche appeareth not but by mo: uynge and force, ſo is there a ſecreate lyfe in both kyndes of man and wo..an whiche by mutuall coniunction coommethe Erperte in furth to a lyuynge bygth. They are furthermoje crperte in: chauniers, chaunters. They tye thjec knottes on a frynge hangynge at a whippe. When they lefe one of theſe, they rapie tollerable wyndes, when they loſe an other, the wynde is moje behe. ment. But by lolyng the thyzde, they rayſc playne tempettes, as in owlde tyme they were accuſtomed to rayle thander and lygbinynge. This arte doo they ble ageint ſuch as ſagle by theyz coates, and faye oz moue the tyuers and ſeas moze 0% lette as they iya to thewe fauourc on diſplçalare. They make magical allo of leade certeyne Thozte magicall dartes of the quanritie and length of a fynger. Theſe they throwe ageyntie Cuche of whome they delyze to bee revenged, to places neuer ſo facre The canker. dittant. They are ſumtimes ſo vered with the canker on their armes or legges that in the ſpace of three dayes they bye che nesht of throwgh the vehemencie of the payne. The lonne fauloth very three moo: lowe in theſe regions: and prolongeth one continuall nyghte nethes. for the ſpace of thze moonethes in wynter, durynge whiche tyme thep haue none other lyght but lyke ynto the twylyght of euengnges and możngnges. This is very cleace, but con: tinuech dartes, Of the north regions 10 tinuech but femme hoares, and is lpke the bigght bynynge de hehe moone. Therfože that day that the ſonne returneth to the hemiſpherie, they keepe holy day and make great mygth wich ſolemne fettimitte. And theſe are the maners of this nation, not ſo bzutylhe oCaluage as boozthy thecfoze to bee cauled Lapones foz theyz vnaprneſte oz fimplicitie as when they ly ued under theyż owne Empire and bled no familiaritie oz en tercourſe with other nations and knewe not the commoditie Rich furres. of theyzowne thynges, neyther thc płyce and ettimation of they? furres in owre regions, by reaſon whereof tley Coulde great plentie of them for fum af obore bares of (maulē value. The boundes oz limittes of Laponia (beinge thertreme tande of Scondia knowen towarde the north pole) are freen ded towarde this pacte of the folch, to the worlde yet sing Knowen to us : and furthermoze towarde the ſame parte of the yttermon ſea, accozdynge to this deſcription. The fyett coatte, , 970 700 Tije coate folowonges 80 l That that yer foloweth, 90 90 70. plentie of from the fylhynge places and toze houſes of this lesz fea fyrrhe. they cary foozeh to Mozdbothnia and Whyte Kuuia, landes confinynge to them, great plentie of fyûhe. Wherby we may coniccture that this ſea is értended on euery fyde toward the Wardhuo. Roztl. Towarde the bette, it is limitted with the mole in: warde goulfe of at the Ladell of Wardhus at the de: gree, 54 501979 Towarde the Southe, it is lymitted by a line džaben from thenſe unto the degree, 90 Norwegta 02 3207Way. TDidlay, is as muche to ſay as the Northwaye. This was fumtyme a folythynge kyngedome, whoſe domi nion compzcbended Denmarke, Friſelande and the landes farce abowt, vntpll the domedical Empire was gouer ned by the ſuccellion of inheritaunce. In the meane time while this gouernaunce ceaſed for lacke of debe tQue, it was Inftituted by conſent of the nobilicie that the kynges tuld be admitted by clection : fuppolinge that they molde with może equitia crecute tbat office fogalmuche asthey were placed in the 30 169. N Of the north regions. 274 ebe fame by fach autozitie, and not by abrepnynge the kynge dome by foztune and newe adhauncemenr. But it came lo to padle, that as cuery of them crcelled in richelic,ambition and fagour by conſangiuitie, ſo were they in greater hope to ob: tepne the kyngebome: and were by this mcanes divided into kyngdomes factions, atteatyng alſo occaſions tinuade fozaigne realmes deſtroyd by loherby they might drengthen they? patcies. It is therefoze factions, atthis piclent bnder the dominion of the Danes : Who doo The Dance not only exace intollerable tributes, but alſo bzynge all theyz ryches and commodities into Denmarke, conditutynge the continuance of the governaunce in thinfirmitie and pouer: tie of the fubiectes : Which exemple, cum other pzinces doo fo The defaur of princeo. lowe at this day in the Lhziftian Empire. For after that the princes had fojlaken Cache bertues as fulde hade tyned in chem, as to bee Patres patris (that is) the fathers of they, couns treys, and that in the place hereof, onely che proude counte: naunce of dominion remayned, which opencd licentiouſnelle to rhiniurie of the ſubiectes, this folowed therof, that wher: as the Danes by this occaſion had no further truft og apde in the lone of the people, they płouided for thindempnicie of an cremole they, owne eđate by forcible ertenuatinge the gooddes and of tyrann. poure of them whom they deſired to kepe in ſubtection. This is the foztune of Norway, whoſe cdcfies, toloncs, and cities can not defende they arncient amplitude and dignicie: ney: ther is there any hope of repayżynge they? tate. Foz there are no conſultations admitted to the red care of the common welth: No man bare theloe bis aduice or attempte any thing, bucetteyne of the myndes and conſent of other. To this dit: ficultie, is added the qualitie of the place. 3fo, the Danes have in they? poure all the nauigations of Norway, whereby it may crerciſe no trade by ſea, tzeyther cary furthe wares to other places. So that in fine it may ſeeme mol ynfoztunate, The nyferts as lackynge the faudute of beaucn, the ſea, and the laude. bic ſtate of from henſe is brought into all Europe a fplhe of the kindes 20?way. of them whiche Wee caule baddockes oz hakes indurate and Dayed with coulde, and beaten with clubbes oz fockes,ly cea Stockfyffe, fon whereof the Bermayns caule chem Gockefyſhe. Theta: kinge of theſe, is molt commended in 3anuarie that they may bes ſuficiently dżyed and hardened with coulde. Foz (uch as are taken in the może temperate moncthes, boo cozruptc and 2 z ž,1. putrifie: Of the north regions, 70 putrific: And are net meete to bee caried furth. the deſcription of the wců coate, with the patte thereof lyinge mnd to barde the nozch). mardhus (that is) the watche houſe, 07 Watche toboze. 54 30. 9t is a ftronge cafell of foztreile appopnted to the Lapones. The coafte folowynge, 48 50 70, Datthkur. &C. All the coad from henſe, and the places neare about bnto the degree. 45 69. The Las beinge lumtyme lefre deſolate by the feditions and deliructis ponee. on of Nozway, the Lapones choſe foz they? habitations, as comniynge to a moze beneficiall heaucn. Ifrõ the Lattel of Wardhus, bnto the degree. 40 30 64 19 all the coaſte in the ſpzynge tyme is daungerous to patie, by Shippea th reaſon of whales of ſuch huge byggenelle that ſum of them Paungiour by grobe to a hundieth cubites. Foz theſe fpühes at that tyme whales. of the yeare relozt togyther for generation. Such chyppes as chaunce to faule eyther vppon they: bodies, 0% into ſuche whyllepooles as they make by theyz vehemens motions, are Caſtoreum. in great perell. Theremedie to auopde this daungiour, is to poure into the ſea Lattozcum (that is) ople made of the tones of the beafte cauled the Beuer, mengeled with water. For of whales. With this, the hole hearde of whales vanytheth (uddeynely to the bottome of the lea: They make a terrible rozynge: and haue two breathynge places in the hygheſt parte of they for: htades, tandynge furth right a cubite in length, and are as bzade at thcendes, bcinge couered with a ſkynne, throughe the which they blow waters lyke ſhowers oz đozmes of raine The pzickrs of theyż backes, are founde conteynynge thzee whales fals els in circuite, and euery knotte betwene theym, of one elles ted and refer they are at the leatt of.ir.cubites in length: and are ſalted wed. and kept in fioze houſes. The greatef are vapzofitable to bee eaten by reaſon of they ranke and unlauery taſte which can not bse qualified. the citie of Nidzolia ftanding bpon the ſouth ſyde of the ſea bankt, Nidoria was the chiefe citie and metropolitane churche throwgh oldt all Jpozway, Jſelande, Gronlande, and the flandes there abows. This citie was noble at the fyzd vnder the dozyihing Empire of Pozway, conteinynge in circuite.friiti, pacpühes, bus the roynge Of the north regions, 274 b út it is note błowght in maner to a billage and is cauled in the Germayne toonge Djurhaim, as the houſe of the Duyi: des, there remayneth at this daye a Lathedrall churche in token of the ancient felicitie, beinge ſuche that in byggene de #magntficats # wojkemanthip of wrought ftone, the lyke is not in all Chris churche. ftendome. The greeſes of compañe abowt the alrare, was de firopde by fyze, and was repared at the Tame tyme that wee wzite this higozie. The charge of the reparaſion, was eaees med to bee feuen thouſande crownes: by which (maule poztts on, an ettimate maye bee made of the excellencie of the hole Churche. The tracte of all the ſea coates Portaye, is bery quyete and meeke. The ſea is not froſen. the (nowes indure not longe. This lande hath alſo a peculiar pedilence which they caule leem o: Lemmer. This is a lyttle foure footed bcate a noprome bobte the byggenedle of a ratte with a ſpotted (kynne.Theſe beaftes of in knower gene faule bppon the grounde at certegne tempeftes and ſuddeyne ration. thowers, not yet know'en from whenſe they comme, as why: ther they are bżowght by the wyndes from remote glandes, of otherwiſe engendered of thicke and feculent clowdes.But this is well known, that as ſoone as they faule downe, greene grale and herbes are founde in theyz bowels not yet digeled. They conſume all greene thynges as doo locutes: and ſuch as they only byte, boyther and dye. This peftilence tyucth as longe as it dooth not tatte of the građe newelye (poonge. They coome togyther by dockes as do (walowes: And at an ordinarie tyme, eyther dye by heapes with great in: fection of the lande (as by whoſe corruprion the ayer is made peftiferous and moletterh the Nozuegians with lwymmynge in the headde and the iaundies) oz are conſumed of orhec beates named Lefrat. Towarde the tatt, it is included with in the line that is djawen by the mountaynes whoſe endes og bttermolt bounbes they are that lye towarde the ſouth aboue the mouches of the ryuer Tichetta. But that paure that ly: Wardhus. eth towarde che noith, paưeth by the cagel of Wardhus, and she Ynknos is extended to the vnknowen lande of the Lapones. wen lande of the Lapones. Thelake cauled Nos, and the glande of Doliuen in the myddeu therof, is in the degree. 4-5 30 61. Cerpent of Jn this lake appeareth a fraunge monter : which is, a bouge bigges ferpent of hoage byggenege. And as to all other places of nere, 233.ti. the Of the north regions, the worlde, blaſynge darres doo poztende thalteration and channge of changes, lo dooth this to pozbay, 31 was frene of late (in the yeare of Lizin; sy. D. trit. apperynge fatte as boue the watçt tawipuge lyke a gréate pplles : and was by coniecture farrt of, etteemed to bee of fiftic cubites in length. god warneth Shortely after folowed the reiectynge of Chuliernus kpnge Vs by fignco of Denmarke. Suche other montrous thynges are Cayde to of thinges to bee feene in douers places of the worlde. And doubtlete er: soome cepte wee hulde thinke that the dinine piouidence hauynge mercie bpon moztall men and hereby warnylige them of their Offences, dooth (ende fuche draunge thynges (as alſo blaling barres and armies feyghtynge in the ager, with Cuche other portentous monters wherof no cauſes can bee founde by na: turall thynges) we might els ſuſpecte that ſuch cyghtes were but imaginations of the ſence of man diceaned. Dnthe Fall ſide, arc erceading rolgh montagnes which admit no pa tage to Succia. The ſea betwene pozway & the Flandes, is cauled Tialleflund, Euripus, oy the freightes, The lande of Lofoth. whole myddett. 42 67 10. Ianganas, whoſe mydöett, 41 67 Che ſtregh: Watral, whoſe myddet. 4-1 30 67 33. tes oz boyling The ſea berwene theſe three flandes, is cauled. muſco: fcs. trom (that is) boplynge. At the folynge of the fea, it is ſwa lolocd into the caues, and is blowne olt agepne at the reilo: boynge, with no ielie violence then the Atreames of tyuers faule from mountaynes. this (ca is nauigable yntyil it bec lower then the mouthes of the rockes. Such as chaunce into it obt of deboe tyme, are caried headlonge into whyzicpooles The fragmentes of thclon fhips, are ſeldome cat bp ageyne. But when they are calle bp, they are ſo biuled and freted as Dangersos gepntte the rockes, that they ſeems to bee ouergrowne with places in the hoje. Ehis is the poure of nature, padyng the fabulous Sim: rea. plegades and the fearefull palea, birb the daungerous pla: ces of Silla and Caribdis, and all other miracles that nature hath brought in any other ſea hytherto knowen to man. Frurfull J: the Jlandes abotot pozbay are of ſuch frurfull pafture, lander about Axway. that they bzynge not they, beađes into the tables before the moneth of Mouébec: and do many places winter théadzode. Bolde and Sueda, oz Snethlande. Sylusr, (Suecia, is a kyngedome ryche in golde, fgluer, copper, leade, Of the north regions. O 275 teade, Fren, iſrupte, cattaple , and erciadynge increaſe of fylle of the ryners, lakes, and the fea. And hath nolette plentie of ſuch wylde beattes as are taken with huntinge. Cowarde the well, it is ended with the mountaynes of Nog; fpay from the Ladel of Warthus unto thend. si 63 4-0 Wardhus caſtell. towarde the South, löith the line from this ende bnto the Degrees. 53. 30. 61. and frome thenfe unto the de: grees. 61. 60. 30. Aboue tht goulfe of Suecia, toward ehe gouife the noith, with the ſouth ende of Lapponia from the callcl of of Suecia. wardhus into thende. 62. 70. Howarde the Late, it is ended with the line frome this ende Che citie of bnto the degree. 63. 69. C. Stokholme the chicfe Stockholmc. citie. 64. 61. This is the chiefe mart towne of Suecia, and is (trongely defended by arte and nature. It is firnate in mariðhes after the maner of Wenece: and was therefore caus led Stokholme, fogalmuche as beinge placed in the water, the tundation is foztified with lockes oz piles. The fra enté reth into it with two armes oj branches of ſuch largenes and deprb that ſhips of great burden and loith mayne ſayles mag enter by the ſame with they? full fraight. This fuffered of late yeares greuous ſpoyle & detruction to the ſingular erem, ple of cruel hoftilitic: and ſuch as the like hath nor bin light iy ſhewed to any other citie reccaned by league e compofition, gin al the tract from Scokholme to the lake aboue therluce sold in could of Dalekarle; lohich is in the degree. 56.30. 63. 50. are inou res ons, taines frutful of good lilyer, copper, and Icade. They gette sfyrrhe. great ryches by the ſalmons and plentie of ocijer fpathes wht: che they take in certeyne grcaretakes. The dukedome of ågermannia,occupieth the nozth fyde to the confines of Laponia. This tract is ful of mods in the bli Che beafie che they hunt the beates cauled Wtos or Biſontes, lbhich in cealed Urom they? toonge they caule Elg, (that is) wilde aftes. Theſe are Oi Els. of ſuch height, that the highed part of their backes are equal lith the meaſure of a man holdynge bp his armes as byghe as he may teach.&r. wp[alia che chiefe citie. 62. 62. 30. apralia, here is buried the body of faynt cricus kynge and marty. Lopperdalia (that is) the copper valley, is a dukedome Copperdalia, fotithwarde from the dukedome of Jempria. Under this, is the balient nation of the people cauled Dalekarlg. Dplandia, is a dukebome e the nauil middel of Scondia. Oplandia, The Of the north regions. she citie of pircho, on the north ſyde of the lake of Age: for, was once a great citie and able to arme. etiul, thouſande men to the warres : but is nowe bowght to a bpllage. all the tracce of pplandia, hath mynes of (pluer, cop: per, and tieele .. ORDER DE the flandes and rockes that lye aboldte Suecia, the mybdek is. 671.30 612 30. There were cauled of the owlde bryters Done, the reaſon of which name remayneth to this day. For there are in theſe Byidcs. innumerable multitubes of byżdes:Jn lo muche that thinha: bicauates of the necte coatic, Cayle thyther in the moonech of Esses refer: Day whole the brides Cee on theyz egges : which they teale ued in falte. and referue them in (alte fo, a longe tyme. Bothnia. precious furres. fyllt be. 20. that are carted from theaſe into fozaigne regions. For by theſe and they: fy rhynge, they haue great commodis tte. Salmons of the belt Cozt are taken in chele Ceas and are great ryches amonge theſe nations. Bottynia is divided into twoo partes, as oldbothnia, and South Bothnia, cauled Ditrobothnia. Nordbothnia, is termined with the ſouth ende of the Lapones bnto the ende. 78 30 694 Cowarde the aft, it is termined with this end and bnto the degree. 78 30 68 Towarde the Wett, with the line terminynge the Eat ſyde of Suecia : and towarde the Southe, with the reſidue of the goulfe of Suecia from thende that hath degrees. 63 69. Dtrobothnia, tumatbe the Fall is termined from the fald ende of the mot kaữ coatte. and towarde the South, with a line extended by the mountaynes frome this ende vnco the Degree. 71 66 Towarde the nozth and wele, with part of the goalfe of Suecia. C. Gothta 02 Gothlande. DTH34, is by interpretacion good for the holye name of God, is is the Bermayne coonge Boch (that (5) Bood. Ac what tyme tbe Bothes bppon a general G conſent, Of the north regions. 10 276 confent, ſent furth thepi offzpyng oz fuccettion to fecke newe Chinus fione feates 02 countreys to inhabite, and when they poſeđed the of the sochee coaftes of boycotis and Alia, none of the owlde wagters haue made mention as farre as 3 knowe.But they haue bpn kno: toen fence the tyme that the Romanes dilated they? Empyze by Illirium (nowe cauled Slauonie) bnto the ryuer of Da. mubius, and were alſo famous from the tyme of Leſar Dic: @be marre tato, and Octauianus Auguftus by reaſon of theyz greate of the gothes barres at manubius beinge thurtermott bonndc of Thempire. ageynit the Neuertheleđe, in that renoume, what Bothia was, under Romans. what parte of heauen it was ſituate, 02 of who' nihe Bothes toke theyz original,it hath byn buknowê aln to this age. this is termined towarde the nozth, with the South ende of Suecia : and towarde the wette, with the other mountaynes of bothland Theboundes of Norway, which continewe from the boun des of Suecia to the mouthes of the rpness of Trolheta.fc. Che citie of ft hath many goodly townes, cities, cafels, miner. &c. Gilba. The citie of Wiſba, being in the degree. 61 30 54 15. was an ancient and famous marte tolone as is Benua in ta tie at this day. But afterwarde beingc afflicted by thincurfi Danes and ons of the pirates of the Danes and ofcouites, it was left Weſcouues. deſolate. There remayne to this day certepne ruines bhiche teftifie the ancient nobilitie Jn this place were the fyytte fixa cions of the Boches that poliedred meatis. 3t is at this page of ftutfull Cople, and famous by many goodly and fronge cas fels and monafcries. There is amonge other, a monafterie A librarie of of tho det of Taynt Benedicte, in the which is a libzacie of a two thouſand botut two thouſanhe bookes of owlde autours.com boekes, Abowt the yeare of Chrif four coze and viii, the Borhes, bnto whom reſorted a great multitude of other people of thete che sothes noithe part es of the worlde, as from Liuonia, ezulia, Ruđia inuaded Eu: and Tartaria with diucrs other contreys, makpnge them by: ſtroyd Rome, uers kynges and capitaynes, dyd depopulate and buynge in ſubiection the moze parte of Europe, inuaded Italie, deftroyd Rome, inhabited that parte of Italie no w cauled Lumbardie, and lykebyle Tubdued the roialmes of Lattile and Sragonie. Thepz barres contynewed aboue three hundjeth yeaces. Finland, and Eningla. a , ſo named for the fertilitie of the grownde. Plinie Cemeth Of the north regions. - 10 ro caule ft Finnonia. Foz he ſaith that abotöite the coafter op Finlande, are many Flandes withowt names. Df the which there Igech one before Scithta cauled Pannonia. The goulie pannonia Talrely taken caulcd Sinus Finponicus, is ſo named at this day of the lande of for finnonia. Finnonia. Finaouia confineth with Scithia, and runneth botchowt all stanais (that is to ſay) withobte the limetos of Europe to the confines oz Alia. But that the name of Fins landc feemeth not to agree hereunto, the cauſe is that this place of polinie is co?cupted as are many other in this ancour: So that from the name of Finnonia, o? Phinnonia, it was a likely erroute to caule it Pannonia fozaſmuch as theſe wooja des doo not greately differ in wozytynge and Counde: ſo that the counterfecte name was ſoone put in the place of the treba name by hym that knewe Pannonia and redbe that name be: foze, beinge alſo ignorant of phinnonia. Eninsta. Eningia had in owlbc tyme the tytle of a kingebome,te is of ſuch lacgcneic. But hath nowe only the tytle of an infes viour gouernoure, beinge bnder the dominion of the Slauons and blyng the ſame tonge. Fn celigion, it obferued the cites of the Breekes of late geares, when it was bnder the gouer: naunce of the Lofcouites. But it is at this pzecent bnder the kynge of Suecia and obſerueth thinticucions of the Occiden Spany itke tall church. Spanyihe wynes are browght thyther in great Wynes. plensie which the people ble merely and cherefully. It is ter: mined on the north fyde, by the ſouthe line of Dirobothnia, and is ertcnded by the mountaynes. Towarbe the well, it is termined with the ſea of Finnonia accozdyng to this deſcrip: tion: and hath degrees. 66. FC CDf the difference of regions and cauſes of greate cities, after the deſcription of Dieronimus Lacbanus. Liber.ft. de Subtilitate, ODER Here is an other difference of regions caufrd of coulde and heate. Foi Tuchc as are neare bnta the poles, are bered withio much coulde:And ſuch as are bnder the line where the Coonne is of greatette force, are oppzelled with heate. Such as are in the myd deſ betwene both are nearců vnto temperatneđe, under the pole, it is impolible on that Of the north regions. 277 thae there thulde bee populous cities bycauſe the lande is ba: cen, and the cariage oz conueyaunce of frutes, vytraples and other neceữaries, is incommodious. By reaſon wherof, 10 is necellacic chat chinhabitauntes of ſuche cegions lyue quer in continuall wanderynge from place to place, oz els in (maule byllages. Suche as inhabite temperate regions, haue meane cities, aſwell for that they haue moze commodtous conuey, aunce for neceữaries, as alſo that they may dwell better and moze ſafely togycher chen in byllages by,reaſon of fortifying theptownes with walles, and exerciſynge of artes and occa pations whereby the one mape the better belpe the other. vec that owlde Rome (bcinge in a temperate region) was of ſuch incredible byggenelle, the cauſe was that it obteyneb Shem: pire of the worlde, by reaſon wherof, all nations had condu: ence thyther, and not the greatneđe of the lo alles. But it is des neceſſarie that the greateſt cities bee in botte regions : fyzde, ob for that in ſuch regions, parte of the Coile is eyther barren pé it lacke Water, oz els mott frutefull if it aboumde with water. and foz this inequalitie, when thcy fynde any place meete to ſuteyne a multitude, it folowech of neceſſitie that greate cis les bee buylded in ſuch places by reaſon of great concourſe of people relojtynge to the ſame. An other greate cauſe is that wheras in ſuch regions, marchauntes come very farce to ſuch commodious places, they paữe though many deſerte and pe: relous regions : So that it halbe neceữary for theyż better ces curitie, to coome in great companies as it were great armies. And therfoze whereas Cuch a ſociétic is once knytte togythce in a commodious place, it fulde bee great hinderance al well to thinhabitantes as to marchauntes if thcythulde mander in una incommodious places, and by this conducnce, both of ſuche as dwell neare to ſuche places, and allo of fraungers and ſuch as dwell farce of it is necelacic that in continuance of tyme, [maule townes becoome greate, cities, as are theſe : Quinſai, Singui, Lambalu, memphis, Laicus, 01 Alcaic, o: cherwiſe caulcd Babilon in Egipte. But if hece any wyll ob: Tagore iectc Lontantinople (in ollde tyme cauled Bizantiun) being shoe in a temperate region, althowgh it bce not to bee compared to Cuch cities as ace moze then. Ir.myles in circuite, yet doo be aun[were hereuntó, that the Turkcs Empire is the cauſe of the greatnete hereof, as wce Taybe vrfoze of Rome. 999ai. The The hiſtorie bzitten in the latin toorge by Paulus Joulus o bydhoppe of Auceria in Jtalie, of the legation of am: 20 bađade of greate Balilius pzince of bofcouia, to 391 pope Clement the. bii. of that name: jn which Site is conteyned the deſcription of moſcoviamo with the regions confininge abowte the ſame euen onto the great tyche Empire of Lathay. Jatende fyytte briefely to deſcribe the ſituati: on of the region which we plainely fee to haue bin little knoben to Srrabo and prolome and then to procede in rehearſinge the maners,cu: Demetrige Gomes and religion of the people. And this in the ambata: manec in the lyke ſimple Ayle and phaſe of dour of wor: (peache as the ſame was declared vnto bs by Demetrius the couia. ambañadoure, a man not ignozaunt in the Latin toonge, as from his youth bżowght bp in Liuonia, where he learned the fyza rudimentes of letters. And beinge growne to mans age, trecuted thoffice of an ambađadour into dyuers Lbziftian pro ninces. for wberas by reaſon of his approued faithfulnelle and induftrie, he had befoze byn icnt as ozatoure to the kyn: ges of Suecia and Denmarke, and the great matter of Pzul: fia, he was at the latt (ente to Themperoure marimilian, in whole courte (beinge replenydhed with all ſoztes of menne) bohole he was conuerſant, if any thyng of barbarous maners pet temagned in co docible and quiet a nature, the ſame was pat away by framynge hym ſelfe to better ciuilitie. The cauſe Paulus cemo of his legacie oz ambađade, was gyuen by Paulus Centurio surto. a Benuele, who when he had receaued letters commendatozi of pope Leo the teneh, and came to wofcouia foz the trade of marchaundies, of his owne myude conferred with the fami: liers of Duke Balilius as touchynge the conformation of the Spices cites of both churches. De furthermoje of great magnanimi: browght frá tie and in maner oweragious deſtre, Cowght howe bp a newe India to mor and incredible viage, fpices myght bee browght from Jndia. couia. for whyle befoze he had ererciled the trade of marchaundies in Syria, Egypte, and pontus, he knewe by fame that ſpices che spuer myght bee conueighed from the further india vp the cluer Jin Judu. dus ageynt the courſe of the fame, and from thence by a ſmal byage Moſcouía and Cathay. 278 bpage by lande palinge ouer the mountaynes of baropant: lus,to bee caried to the riuer Drus in Bactria, which hauing orus oz Hori his original almod from the Camc mountaynes frome whenle ina a ryuer of indus dooth ſpringe, and violently cacyinge with it manpe Aria.runnerh through the other ryucrs, fauleth into the ſea Dircanum og Laſpium at derertes of the porte cauled Straua. And he crnedly affirmed that frome Sythia. Straua, is an eaſy and ſafe nauigation onto the marte towne che rea ħir. of Litrachan oz Attrachan and the mouth of the ryuer Wolga canum, ía and from thenſe euer ageynt the courſe of the ryuers, as wol nom cauled ga, Occha, and wholcho, bnto the citie moſcha, and frome o mare de thence by lande to Riga and into the ſea of Sarmacia and all sala. the wett regions. foz he was vehemently and move thor of Citrachan 03 Bultracan. equitie accenſed and provoked by the iniuries of the portuga les, who hauynge by force of armes ſubdued a great pacte of armatia is Jndia, and polleled allthe marte tovenes,takynge holy into that greate theyz handes all the trade of ſpices to bzynge the ſame into countrey wherin is con Spayne, and neuertheleſc to ſell them at a moje greuous and tcyned Ruffia intollerable price to the people of Europe then euer was hard Livonia and of bcfoze: And furthermoje kepte the coales of the indian Tartari a, i ſea o ftraightly with continuall nauies, that thoſe trades the north and are thereby lette of, which were before exerciſed by the goulfe Polonia. of Perſia and towarde the ryuer of Eaphzates, and alſo by ageynſt the the reightes of the Cea of Arabia and the cyuer Pilus, and Portugales. in fine by owre ſea: by which trade all ália and Europe was the trade of abundantly Catiſfied and better cheape then hathe byn fence fpices inopid сүтте. . the pooztugales had the trade in theyż handes with ſo manye incommodities of ſuch longe viages wherby the ſpices are lo cozrupted by thinfection of the poompe and other fylthpncie Spices ceza rupted. of the chippes, that theyz naturall [auour, rate, and qualitie alwell hereby as by theyz longe releruyng in the toppes, fel: lers, and waceboules in Luah burne, banyűhech and rétol: ueth, ſo that reſcruynge euer the freſhed and neweſte, they sell ortos ſel only the woodů and molt cozrupted.But paulus, although in all places he erneily and vehemently argued of theſe thin: . ges, and fyrrcd great malice and hatred ageynt the pozcus gales, afirmynge chat not only checby the cuttomes and reue nemes of princes thulde bee niuch grcater if that byage might bee diſcouered, but alſo that (pices myght bee betrer cheepe bowght at the bandes of the coccouitcs, yet coulde he no: thinge auayle in this cute, fogalmuche as Duke Baſilius 44A a , ii, showsbc Mofcouia and Cathay. thowght it tot good to make open oj di cloſe ynto a draun: ger and puknowne man, thoſe regions which g.ue enterance The Caſpian to thefca Caſpium and the kyngedomes of Perſia. Paulus sei, S theofoze ercinópnge all hope of further trauayle, and become is 100 nowe of a marchaunte an Ambađadoure, browght Balilius Balitas wiot Ierters (popr leo beingenowe departed) to aduane his ſuc: 19 Pope A: celfoure, in the whicle he declared with honoyable and reuer dziane, rende woordes his good wyll and fauozable mynde towarde the byłhop of Rome.for a fewe yeares befode, Baftlius (then keepynge barres agcynfte the polones at fuchc ryme as the Rina generallscounfayle was celebrate at Laterane) requyzed by to John, kynge of Denmarke (the Father of Lhrißierne who was of late crpulled from his kyngedomé) that ſafe paſage smyght bce graunted to chambaradours of 29 ofcouia to go to Rome. But wheras it ſo chaunced, that kynge John and pope Julius dyed both in one day, wherby he lacked a conue nient ſequefter og ſolicitoute, hc omitéted his conſultation as warre bes touchynge that legacie. After this, the warre bared hot be stene the twene him and Sigifmunde the kynge of Polonie: who obtet polones and worcouites. nynge the victorie ageing the egoícouites at Boziſthene,Cup plications were decrccd in Rome for the ouerthrowe and van quyłynge the enemies of the Chriſtian faithe, whiche thinge greatly alienated both kynge Balilius him ſelfe and all that 30 nation from the byxhop of Rome. But when Adziane the.vi. The feconde departed from this lpfe, and leftc Paulus nowe redie to his Viage of Pau: ' {rconde vyage, his ſuccelliour Clemente the. vii. perceauynge lus to wosco: that Paulus itpit furiouây reuolued and tolled in his vnquiet mia. mynde that vyage towarde the Eafie, ſente hym ageyne with letters to qofcouia, by the which with propenſe and frend: The poce ly perſuaſions, heechovted Baſilius to acknowlcage the ma: perfuadecis iclic of the Romane churche, and to make a perpetuall leage Baſilu3 to acknowledge and agreement in matters of religion, which chynge fuld be the Romane not only foz the health of his Coule, but alſo greatly to thin: churche. creaſe of his honour: and further promyled, that by the holy autozitie of his office he wolde make hym a kynge and gyue bpm kpagely oznamentos, tf reiccting the doctrine of the Breckes, he wolde conforme bym Celfe to thantozitie of the Romanc churche. foz Bafilius dclyzed the name and tytle of a kynge by thalignation of the byahoppe of Rome, fojal: minch Moſcouſa and Cathay, to 279 much as he indged that to apperteyne to the cacholyke right S2102 and the byłhoppes maieftie, of whome (as he kncie cyght The Empes well) euen Themperours chem Celaes by an auncient cu tome roures recea: haue receaued there inſignes of honoure with the Diademe ne there dias and ſcepter of the romane Empire : althowghe it is fayde deme of the that he required the ſame of Themperone marimiliane by ma: byſhoppes of Rome. np ambađades. Paulus therfoże who with more pzoſperous tozncys then grcal bantage, had from his youth franayiéd a greate pacre of the world, althowgh he were nowe aged and foze vered with the ſtrangurie, came with a proſperous and {pedy io nay to goccoina, where he was geneely reccaned of Bafilius, and remayned in his courts for the ſpace of tinoo moncthcs. But in fine, miſtruttynge his owne ürength, and detected by the diificultic of ſo greare a iozneye, when he had btterly put away all his imaginations and hope of this trade to 3]udia, tetarned to Rome with Demetrius thambaſadour of Balikius, before we yet thowgbr that he had byn in mols, comia. The byűhoppe commaunded that Demetrius fould bre Demetrius fra lodged in the mou magnificét and princely part of the houſes terteynement of Waticane, the routes of whoſe edifics are gylted and ema 8C ROHO bobed, and the chambers richly furnylthed with fylken bed des and cloth of Arsede. Wyllynge fucchermore that he wild bre honorably receased and beatured with ſilke. De alſo al- ligned ffranciſcus Lheregatirs the byłThoppe of Apzutium (a man that had often tymes byn ambalſaboure to diners regy ons) to accompanie hymand thewe bpm thoider and rites of ow teretigion with the monumentes and maners of the citie. furthermore, when Demerciüs had certeyne dayes retted and recreate him ſelfo, walhyng away the fylth he had gathered by reaſon of the longe vyage, then apparelled with a fayze beltuce aftcr the maner of his countrcy, he was browght to the bpůhoppes preſence, whom he honoured kneelynge with pemetrius is great bumilirie and reuerence (as is the maner) and therwith brought so preſented unto his holpnes cetteync furres of Sables in his she popes owne name and in the name of his prince, and alſo delguerst preſence. the letters of Bafilius, which they before, and then they iprian of Slauon interpretoure Nicolaus Siccenfis ttandi a: ted into the Latinstoonge in this eifecte as foloweth. 90 Mofcouia and Cathay. Bafilius let: To pope Clemente fheparde and teacher of the Romane sers to pope churche, greate Baſilius by the grace of God, loide, Empe: Clement cour and dominatour of al Kulia, and great duke of Woloder ved maria, wofcouia, Nouogrodia, pleſcouia,Smolenia,j|fferia Jugocia, peciunia, Wetcha,Bolgaria.&C. Dominator & great prince of Nouogrodia in the lower côtret:Allo of Lernigouia, Kazania, wolotchia, Rezeuia, Belchia, Rotouta, Jacodauia, Belozeria, wdoria,Dbbozia, & Londinia.&c.yow fent vnco vs Paulus Centurio a citizē of Benua with letters wherby yowe Do erhojte vs to ioine in poure and coun[aple withyowe and other pzinces of Lhuidêdome ageynt the enemies of the chui dian faich: and that a free paſage and tedy wap may bee ope ste ned foz bothe yobore ambañadours and owres to coome and ****** go to and fro, wheccby by mutuall dewtie and indevoure on both parties, we may have knowleage of the date of thinges pertepnynge to the welth of bs both. Wee certes as we have * hetherto happely by the apde and helpe of almyghey god con: Gantly and erneäly relitted the cruell and wytkeb enemies of the chuidian faithe, ſo are wc determined to doo bereafter. And are likewiſe cedy to conſente with other Chriftian prin: ces, and to graunt free pałage into obre dominions, un con fideration wherof, we haue lente bnto pole owre faithfull ſeruaunt Demetrius Eraſmus with theſe obre letters and wich bym haue cemitted paulus Lenturio : Delpzinge powe allo choztly to diſmide Demetrius with ſafegarde and inden nitie bnto che bózthers of obre dominions, and we willike wyſe doo the ſame if yowe ſende yowce ambađadoure with Demetrius, wherby both by communication and lecters, wee may bee better certified of thoider and adminiftration of ſuch thynges as yowe require : lo that beinge aduertiled of the mindcs & incent of al other Chridian princes, we may alſo con Cult what is belt to be done herein. Thus fare ye wel. Biuen in obr dominion in obr citie of bgofcouia, in the yeare from orio che creation of the worlde, Ceuen thouſande and three hun: qe dzech, the thyzde day of Apzell. ali pristatnio . 60333310 But Demetrius, as he is erperte in diuine and humane thynges, and eſpecially of holy ſcripture, ſeemed to haue le: create commaundement of greater matters whiche we thinke be wyll thoztly declare to the fenate in private conſultations. Foz he is nowe delivered of the feuer into the whiche be felt by Mofcouia and Cathay. IM 280 chaunge of ayer, and hath ſo recovered his trengthe and matiue colour, that beinge a man of thzceſcoze peaces of age, he was not only preſente at the popes male celebzated with great folemnitie in the honour of lapnt Colmus and Damian Cardinali but came alſo into the Senate at ſuch ryme as Cardinal Lam Campegius. pegius commynge fyz8 from the legacie of Pannonia, was re ccaued of the pope and all the nobilitie of the courte : and fur thermoze alſo bewed the temples of the holye citie with the ruines of the Romane magnificence, and with woonderynge of Rome.ee yiner eyes behelde the lamentable decay of the auncient buildinges So that we thinke that thoztly after he hath declared his mef ſage, he thall returne to Dhofcouia with the bpūhop of Sca: cence the popes legate, not vnrecompenſed with iud rewards at the handes of his holyneſie. The name of the Dofcouites is nowe neme,although the ahe deferip poete Lacane makoth mention of the solchos confinynge tion of moſs with the Sarmarians, and Plinie alſo placeth the golchos couia, 15100 at the (płynges of the great ryuer of Phalis in the region of Lolchos aboue the ſea Eurinus towarde the Eat. subcyz ces gion hath very large boundes, and is crtended from the al: tars of great Alexander about the ſpringes of Tanais, to the of great ales The altares extreme landes and nozch Dccan in maner under the Noztbe ander. Bartes caulcd charles Wayne oz the greate beart, beingefoz the mof parte playne and of frutfull padure, but in ſommer in many places full of mariðhes. For whereas all that lande is replenyühed with many and great ryuers which are great: ly increaſed by the winter ſnow and iſe reſolucd by the beate marthes in of the Coonne, the playnes and fycldes are therby ouerdowen rommer, with mariðhes, and all iozneys incumbered with continuall waters and myzie dabbynelte vnryl by the benefite of the new wynter the cpuers and maridhes bec froren ageyne, and gius Cafe pađage to the deades that are accuftomed to iozneg by the ſame. The woodde oz fozett of Dercynia (and not Hyrca: che foreſt of nia as is redde in fum falle copies) occupieth a great parte of bercynie, Agoſcouia, and is here and there inhabited, with houſes 70 buylded therein and ſo made thinner by the longe laboure of men that it dooth not nowe theme that hozrour of thicke and 1 impenetrable boods and laundes as many thinke it to haue. But beinge replenyűhed with many wylde beates,is ſo farre eftended through morconia with a continual tracte betwene Wyld beater tie Moſcouia and Cathay.M The begeht, the Eat and the North towarde the Scythian Oceatt, thuê IS Ocean. by the infinite greatneſſc thero te hath dcluded the hope o ſuch as baue carioully fearched thende of the ſame. In the kathe beaftes parte that reacheth towarde puullia, are founde the greare cauicd uri or and fierce beattes canled Uri, 02 Biſontes, of the kynde of Bifontes, bulles: allo Olces Ipke bnto hartes, whiche the woofcouites Helenes. caule Lozzi, and are cauled of the Germaynes helenes. On the Latt (yde of doofcouia, are the Scychyans which are at this day cauled Tartars, a wanderinge nation, and at alk of tbe ces ages famous in Warres. In the ftede of houſes they uſe was thyans and Tarcars. gons couered with béagtes hydrs, wherby they were in owide marouti, tyme cauled Amaronii. for cities and towncs, they ble greate tentes and pauilions, not defended with frenches of Waules of tymber al ſtone, but incloſed with an innume: mastrable multitude of archers on hozlebacke. The Tartares are 31905 10 tdiuided by companies which they caule Dozbas, which wo:d Horda. 1993 in they, toonge Signifieth a conſentynge compaape of people gathered togyther in fo2me of a citie. Euery boyda is goudes ned by an Emperour whom egther his parentage oz waclyke powes hath promoted to that dignitie. Foz they oftentimes keepe warre with they bortherers and contende ambiciouſly the large do and fiercely foz dominion. Je doosh hereby appcare that they minion of the conſigte of innumerable boidas, in that the cartars pollene Cartar the mot large deſertes cuen Guto the famous citie of Lathay Cathay. in the furthet Ocean in the Latt They alſo that are neareſe to the Bofcouites, are knowen by they? trade of marchaung The Tartars dies and often incurſions. 3n Europe nere bnto the place of Europe. cauled Diomon Schillis in Taurica Checfonelo, are the Tac tars cauled precopites, the dowghter of whoſe pzince, Sely mus Themperout of che Turkes rooke to wyfe. Theſe are mot infell to the polones, and wall the regions on cuery lyde betwene the ryuers of Boriðhenes and Tanais. Schep that in the ſame Taurica potieſc Lafam a colonie of the Ligurias 20:0) 1 (cauled in owlde tpnie Theodofia) doo bothe in religione al The Tartars other thynges agrec with the Turkes. But the Carrars that of Afis, are inhabite the regions of alia bet bene wanais and Wolga, tre fubiecte to The Dare of ſubiecte to Balilius the konge of the Lao [couites, and chule mofcouia. them a gouernour är his allignement. Amonge theſe, the Lee mii atliceed with ciuile (editions, where as bercrotoze they Det bly were riche and of great pouce, haue of lace ycares lofte they? dominio Moſcouia and Cathay. 281 Dominion and dignitie. The Tartars that are beyonde the ryuer of volga, do religiouſly obſerue the fréd thip of the of the Tartars couites and profeữe them ſelues to be their ſubtectes.Beyond beyond the rywer of cok the catanites towarde the Rozthey are thé Sciambani, tich gs. in heardes of cattaille and conſiſyng of a great maltitude of men. After theſe, are Rogai, whiche obteyne at this daye Qogni. the chiefe fame of ryches and warly a fayzes. They holda, Sigifmundua althowgh it bee molt ample, per hath it no emperoure, but is cauleth them gouerned by the wyſdome and vertne of the moft ancient and Nagajſri, balient men after the manct of the common wealthe of Ue: nece. Beponde the slogais ſumwhat towarde the ſouth and the nobelen the Laſpian ſea, the nobelett nation of the Tarrars cauled za nation of the artsrs. gathai inhabite townes buyiced of done, and haue an ercea: The ryuer öpnge greate and fayze citie cauled Samarcanda, which gar Jacartes. artes the greate tyuer of Sogdiana runnerh through, and palinge from thenſe about a hundreth myles, fauleth into Zfmael the the Lalpian ſea. With theſe people in owze dayes, 31(mael Sophi,kynge of perſia the Sophi and kynge of Perſia har he often times kepte war with doubtfull fuccelle:3n ſo muche that fearyng the greate inetle of theyz poure which he relytted with all that he myght, helefte Armenia and Laticiſium the chiefe citie of the kynge dome, for a play to Selimus the byctourer of onc huynge of the battaple. Ffrom the citie of Samarcanda, deſcended tam na burlanes the myghry Emperoure of the Tartars whome fum Rene eltle of caule tanberlanis. But Demetrius ſayth that he fulde bee samarcada. cauled chemircuthlu. Thys is bc that abowt: the yeare of KTāburlanes, Lhzylte. 29. ILL. Irrrrviii . ſubdued almof all the fatte the myshtie pactes of the worlde: And ladly with an innumerable multy: Emperour of tude of men inuaded the Tuckes dominions, with whom Ba: the Cartars. taletes Ettomanus their kynge, (and father to the greate che conques gcandefather of this Solyman that nowe Igueth ) metinge ac burlanes, Ancyza in the confines oz marches of Balatia and Bythinia, gaue bym a luze batraile, in the whiche felle on the surkes parte.20000.men, and Baialetes hym Celfe was taken priſo BaiaTetes, nec, whom Tamburlanes caulcd to brelocked in an icen cage and ſo caried bym abowte with bym chrologh all Alia which he alſo conquered with a corrible army. He conquered al the landes betwcne scanais and Milns, and in fine banquilhed In battayle the great Soltane of Egypre, whom he chaſed be yonde Adus,and rooke alſo the citie of Damaſcus. B B Bb, froms Moſcouía and Cathay. This appare! Frome the region of theſe Tactars canled zagathei, te crey have of browoghe great plentie of Cilken apparel to the morconites. she periians. But the Tartars that inhabite the midlandoz inner regions, bzinge none other warcs then truckes oz bzoues of Iboyfte runnynge horſes and cokes made of whyte feltes:alco hales oftentes to boithatonde thininties of couide and täync. here they make very artificially and apte for the purpoſe. The Tarters they reccauc agayne of the Loolcauit es, coates of cloth, and trafficke with (yluer monye, conteynynge all other bodely oznamentes, and me worcovi: the farapture of ſuperäuous houfolde fuste. Foz beynge de fended agent the violence of wether and tépeftes only with ſuche apparell and couerture whereof wee haue ſpoken they trutt oniy to thepz arrowes which they ſhoote alwell back: warde fyinge as when they atayle theyz enemics face to face: Albeit, when they determincd to inuad Europ, they princes and capitaynes had helmetts coates of fenſe, and hooked (woordes which they bought of the Perſiang. Towarde the The tartars ſouthe, the boundes of Woſconia are termined by the ſame of the South Dartars which poñelte the playn tegyons nece unto the Caſs fyce of mor: pian ſea abone the maryahes of gg coris in alia, and abouto Co418. the pners of Boryſthenes and manais in parte of Europe. The people cauled Rorolant, Bete, and Hatarne, inhabited Sete and Rox theſe regions in onlde tymt, of whom thynke the name of Rullia. Kulia tooke originall. For they caule parte of Lituania,Ruf na fia the lower, wheras egofcouia i felfe, is cauled whyte Ruf morcotia fia. Lituania cherforc, Iyeth on the Northwet-lyde of egof couled white couta. But towarde the full weft the maynelandes of pulta Rullis. and Liuonia acc toyned to the confines of marches of cyolco Lituania. pruſia. uia, where the Sarmatian ſea bzeakynge furth of the freigh Liuonia. tes of Limbrica Cherſoneſus (nowe cauled Denmarke) is bës Denmarke, ded with a crooked goulfe tobarbe the northe. But in the 20:way. furt helt bankes of that Dcean where the large kyngedomes Cuecia. she people of Rolwape and Suecia are ioyned to the continent and ala of Lapula. mofie enuironed with the ſea, are the people cauled Lapones, A nation erreadynge rude, fufpicuous, and fearefull,dy: inge and atonylthed at the ryght of al araungiers & lyppes. They knolde neyther fruces noz apples, noz yet any benigni, tie eyther of heauen of earth. They pzouyde them meate onely with otynge, and are appareled with the ſkynnes of wild beađes, They dwell in caues fylled with diye leaues, and in bolow Moſcouia and Cathay. 282 holow trces conſumed within ryther by Fyze or rotten for age Suche as dwell neare the ſea Cyde, fyűhe moze luckyly then curnyngly, and in the fead of frutes, reſerue in ſtare fyűhes diped with ſmoke, they are of (maule tature of body, with fatte viſagies, pale and wannye coloure, and berp (wyfte of foote. heic wittes of diſpoſitions, are not known to the egolconites they, boztherers, who thpnke it therfoje a mad: nelle to aťayle them with a ſmanle poure, and iudge it neys Armeline für ther profitable nor glorious, with greate armies to inuade a res. pooze and beggerly nation. They erchaunge the moet whyce kurces which wee caule acmelines for other wares of dyners Bargeninge fortes : yet ſo, that they die the ſyght and coompanie of all wishowe war marchauntes. for comparynge and layinge theyż wares to: des, gether, and leauynge they? furres in a mydde place, they bac: geyne with ſimple fagth, with abſente and unknown men. Che darke re Summen of great credite and autozitit, dod rettifie that in a gion. by this region beyond the Lappones, betwene the welf and the north and the pige oppzeged with perpetuall darkenes, is the nation of the peo: mei,is the ple cauled pigmei, who beinge growen to they? ful grought, may co ca: doo (carfelg ercede the ffarure of owce chylden of ten yeares thay by the of age. It is a fearcfull kynde of menne, and erpzelle chez Noithe ſės. wordes in ſuch chatteryng Cout that they ſeeme to be ſo much the moje lyke bnto apes, in howe muche they dyfer in ſence and ta are from men of iuü heyght. The fcythian Towarde the North, innumerable people are ſubiecte to Ocean. themptre of the moſconites. They, regions ertende to che 21.se cpriian Ocean for the ſpace of almolte three moonethes torney, The region Mert unto coſcouía, is the region of Colmogoza aboun of colinogom vyng with frutes. Through this tunneth the upucc of Diuid na beinge one of the greateſte that is knower in the Northe partes, and gauc the name to an other leTe rpuer which bzea: kerh fucche into the ſea Baltbeum. This increaſynge at cer: She rpucr of teyne cymes of the yeare as dooth che cpuer Milus, oucrãows diuidna, eth the fpeldes and playnes, and with his fat and nurithinge moyaure, dooth marucioally relitt the iniuries of heauch and the Tharpe blattes of the Nozch wynde. When it ryſech by ccaa ſon of molten (nowe and greate thoures of rayne, it fauleth into the ocean by vnknolpen nations, and with lo large a trenchelyke vnto a greate ſea, that it can not bee ſagled suer Bb Bb.ii. Moſcouía and Cathay..614 In one day with a proſperous wyúde. But when the waters arc faulen, they leaue bere and there large and frutful gitan dis. For counc there cat on the grounde, groweth without to any helpe of the plowe, and with marnelous celeritie of ha: tynge nature fcarynge the newe iniurie of the pzoude tguer, booth both ſpłynge and type in thoit ſpace. The ryber of 3into the ryuer Diuidna, tunneth the tyuer juga : And guga 02 745. in the corner where they toyne togyther, is the tamous marte DEDOT ownc cauled Ugiuga didant from the chicfc citie pyofca, bi, Oſtsuga. hundjeth myles. Note that wheras Paulus Jonius przyteth here that the fpuer of Diuidna, otherwyre cauled Dwina, runneth throughe che region as he rywer of of Colmozos, it is to bee viderſtode that there are twoo rywers of tudnia 0 thatname, the one on the Northeaft fyde of Mofcouia toward the Day froren res, and the other on the fouthwcft fyde faulyng into the ſea edyt Baltheum, or the goulfe of Finnonia by the citie of Riga in tuenis. ESDE 2nd foraſmuch as the treme knowleage of theſe and certeine other to Very neccffary for all Cuch as frall trade into worcouia or other re gions in thoſe conftes by the northe rea, 3 haue thought good to shto make further declaration hereof as 3 haue founde in the hytorie of worcauta, moft fapthfully and largely wzytten by Sigifmundus Lts berus who was awyre fent Qilibaſiadour into worcouia, as fy:ft by .6.0 Maximilian Themperour, and then agoyne by Ferdinando kyng of Hungary and Boheme. This hace 3 doone ihe rather, for that in all the mappes thet 3 haue féene of wofcouia, there is to mention made of the ryuer of Dwing that runneth through the region of col mogo and by ine citie of the ſame name, although the pzouynce of Dwina bec in all cardes placed northewarde frome the rouer of che tyler ultiug 0: Succana, whiche is the fame to wina whereof we nowe Suchana. fpeske, and wherof paulus Jouus wiyteth, although it bec not ſo named out from the angle of corner mere icynynge with the ryuer The frogen of zug and Suchana, it runnech Northewarde towarde she citie of Colmogo, and from thence fauleth into the nouhoc frofen fea, as (es. ſhall hereafter more playn'y appeare by the woordes of Sigifmuna dus, that the one of theie bee not taken for the other being ſo farré diſtant that great errour might enfuc by miſtakynge the fame, eſpe cially bicauſe this wberof paulus Jouius wzytech is not by namie et 70 prefted in the cardes, but only the other, wherby the errcirr mysht bee the greater. Of that therfore that runneth by the confines of Luonta and the citie of Riga, Sigifmundue wiyteih in this maner. The lake of Drina, is diftance from the forynges of Boriſthes Mes, almof renne mples, and as many from the maryſhe offrono mo. from it, & fyner of the ſame name cowarde the weſt, diſtanta from Unlna. IX: myles, runneth from thence towarde the northe, where by Rica the chiefe citie of Liuong, it fauteche inco the cra maync fea which the worcouites caule uuareczkote moue. 3 runs meth by diuitepſko, poloszko, and Dunenburs, and not by pleſcouia as one bath wrytter. This ryuer beinge for the molte part nauigaz Ble, the Lyuons caule Duo), Moſcouía and Cathay. OM 283 of the other Dwie wherof Paulus kulus fpeaketh, be wapis teth as föloweth. The prouince of Dwins and the tyuier of the ſame name, is fo D wins and named from the place where the rructs of suchana and 3ug inea: tynge fogyiber, make one vouer ro caulcd. for Dwina in the worco suchana. - + uites tounge, ſignifieth two. This ryuer by the courſe of a hund:ed myles, entereth into the noul Ocean on that part where the fayde fea runneth by the coaſtes of wecia and nowwaye, and divideibe 70***** Engronlande from the Vnknowenlande. This piounce ſituate in the ful noub, perteined in cyme paſt to the fegnione of Nouogorede. Bronland or from mofcouis torbe mouibes of Dwina, are numbered.ccc. my Engrowland, les : albeit ss 3 bane fayde, in the regions that are beyond uolga, the accompte of the lowey can not bee well obrerlied by reaſon of many maryſhes, ryuerg, and very greate Wooddes thai lye in the cosmos onem way. Yet are weted by ceniecture to thinke it to bee fcarrely woo bundreth my!es : fois much as from pofcouia to Unotochda, from underſtand uuolochda to ufyug ſumwhac into the £afte: and lette of all frome myles of Sera uſyug by the rguer Dwina, is the ryght caſſage to the porche leg, many, that is This region, beryde the caſtel of Colmogo: and the citie of Dwing, leaques, ſituate almoſt in the mydde wgy bemene the fożyngs and mouthcs of the Tyler, and the caſtell of pienega ſtandynge in the very mous thes of Dwina, 18 Vsterly withome townes and caftels : yet Hathit many Vyltiges whiche are farre in funder by reaſon of the barena meire of the foyle. 7c, 3h an other place be wupteth, that suchang and zug, eftet they are joyned fogyther in one, looſe they: fyifte names and make toileDa the ryuer Dwina. 76. Sut lette Vs nowe recurne to the hyitoue of an paulus Jouius. 1231331 ada Unto Wainga, from the foermians, Becerrians, nugri: Rych furres, ans, Ugolicans, and Pinnegians, people inhabytynge the nogth and northeatt prouinces, are bought the precious fac. res of Marterns and Sables : glſo the caſes of woulfes and fores both wbyte and blackc : And lykttyfe the lkynnes ob 10a 9 the beatics eaxled £ecuarii Lupi (that is) hatte woolfcs, be: tupi Cerugria inge engendered cyther of a woolfe and a hynde, b? a hacte and a bytch woolfe. Thcfe furres and ſkyns , they crchange for dyners other wates. The bett kynde of Cables and of the Sables., fined heare wherwith nowethe beffures of princes art lyned, ose and the rendet arckrs of delicate dames are Cottered both the cepzelle Cimitirude of the lyuynge beafte, are bzsught by the cosa di pcrmtans and petercians, whiche they them feines alſo re- ctane at the handcs of other that inhabite the regiong ngace bnto the nozth ocean. Ths Pernians and 19ccerfrans, a lyt tle befože obec tyme, dgdſacrifice to Idols after the manet of the Bentpics: but doo nowe acknowleage Chyytte theyz che moon taides ceified God, the pallage to the Juugrians and Ugelicans,19 by Diperb 025 , cettegnig Mofcouia and Cathay. certepne tomgh mountaynes, which perhappes are they thae in owlderyme were cauled Dyperbozei. In the toppes of us at thele, are founde the beſte kyndes of Falcons : Whereof one naukes of di: kynde (cauled Decodiurn) is Whyte wich (potted fethers. Mere kyodes. There are alſo iecfalcons, fakers, and peregrines, whiche were unknown to the ancient pzinces in cherz ercelliue and aile pleaſures. Beyonde choſe people whom u lant named (beinge all tris buot na butaries to the kinges of Boſcouia) are other nations thelat of men, not known by any biages of the ofcouites, foral: The paſſage muche as none of them haue paled to the ocean, and are from Woſco: therefoje knowen onely by the fabulous narrations of mar: Min 10 cathays chauntes. Yet is it appacente that the ryuer of Diuidna o Do pri Dwina, dzalnynge with it innumerable other cyuers, tan: Ups, neth with a vehement courſe towarde the nozche: and that the ſea is there erceadyng large : Co chat Caylyng by the coat Cathay. of the ryght hande, hippes may hane paTage from these to Cathay as is thought bp molt lykely coniecture, ercepte there Tye Cum fande in the waye. Foz the region of Lachay pectey; neth to thertreme and furthefte partes of the Eatte, ſituate al maſter Eliot molt in the paralell of Shracia, and knowen to the poztugas cauleth Car les in India when they fapled neare thereunto by the regions os of ſiuarü.. of Sinara and egalacha to Aurea Cherſoneſus, and brought from thenſe certeyne bctures made of Sables (kynnes, by which only argument it is apparente that the citie of Cathay is not farce from the coattes of Scpthia. che Bothes But when Demetrius bas demainded mhcther eythis fubuerted by the monumentes of letters oj by fame left theym of they? the Romane pzediceãours, they hadde any knollcage of the gothes who £mpire. nowe moze then a thouſand yeares ſence ſubuerted Chempire of the Romane Emperours, and defaced the citie of Rome, he Che north ré anſwered, that both the nation of the Bothes of the name of sions confpi- kynge Totilas theyż chiefe capitaynte, mas of famous mema: the Romans, tie amonge them:And thac dpuers nations of the nogth reg! ons conſpired to that erpedition, and eſpeciallyc the moſco: aites: que that that armie increaſed of the conduence of the Barbacous Liuons and wanderynge Tartars : But that they were all cauled Bothes fozaſmuch as the Bothes that inha: Docomie inuafion, age, encastrands of apsTs And scoma bited Scondania and 3felande, were the aucióures of that Moſcouía and Cathayo 284 and with theſe boundos are the bgorcouit es incloſed on every ſide, bahom we thike to be thoſe people that acolome cauled modocas: but have doubrelelte at this day their name of the river Loſco whiche runneth chongh the chiefe citie the citie of worca named alle after the ſame. This is the mot famons morca, citie in ofcouia, albell for the ſituation thereof beingein maner in the myddett of the region, as alſo foz the commodi: ous opoztunitit of ryuers, multitude of houſes, and Oronge fenſe of ſo fayze and goodly a caſtell. Foz the citie is egten: ded with a longe tracte of buyibynges by the bankes of the rpuer foz the ſpace of fyue myles. The houſes are made all of tymber, and are diuided into parlers,chambers, # kichins - 585 of large roomes : yet neyther of bnleemely height oz to lowe, but of decent mcaſure and propoztion. For they haue grekte Richard chat trecs apte for the purpole bobght from the fozede of Devcis celer coulde nia? of the which, made perfectly rounde like the maltes of me that there fhippes, and ſo layde one bppon an other that they toyne at fumwhat no. the endes in right angles, where beinge made bery fate and lowe on the Sure, they frame thepz houſes thereof of maruelous Grength one fyde, and with (mante charges and in berye thoit tyme. Jamaner all that the botc ſyde of the the houſes haue priuate gardens alwell foz pleaſure as com: next enterech moditie of herbes, boherby the circuite of the diſperſed citie into the fame appeareth very greate. All the wardes ou quarters of the ci: Wher by they tie, haue cheire peculiar chappells. But in the chiefed and lye very close highet place therof, is the Lhurch of obveladiot ample and goodly wozkemanthyppe; thíche Arifotiles of Bononie,a za man of fingutar knowleadge and experience in architecture, antik buylded more then It. ycares Cerce. At the very head of the citie a little ryuer cauled Peglina which dzpuerh many coune The caſtel of mylles, enteryth into the ryuer dolcus, and makech almoli morca. angland, in whoſcend is the calell with many litong tomis and bullbarkes, buylded very fayze by the diuife ot Italien whitehares architectuus that are the matters of the kinges wolkes. gn and roe buses the fteldes abowt the citie, is an incredible mulritud of hares kes. and roe buckes, the which it is lawefull foi no man to chaſe of perlue with dogges oz nettes ercepte only cerregne of the kinges familiars and ſtraunge ambañadours to whom he gis wethlicence by fpeciall commaundement. Almof thxee par: tes of the citie is tnuironed with two ryners, and the reſydus with a large moţethac receaueth plentie of water fronis the ſayos Moſcouía and Cathayo che ryuter fayde ryuers. Sthe citie is alſo defended on the ocher fode with an other ryuer named Jaula, whiche fauleth alſo inte Lolcus a little beneath the citie. Furthermoje ogofcus tuu: Ocha, ayng towarde the South fauleth into the tyuer Dcha 02 DC: ca muche greater then it ſelfe at the towne Columna and noc very farre from thenfe Dcha it ſelfe increaſed with other rt: Colga. uers, bulabeth his ſtreames in the famous ciuer Wolga, wher Nouogrodis. at the place where they toyne, is ſituate the citie of Mouogro Dia che leie, ſo named in reſpecte of the greater citie of that Rha. name from whence was browght the fire colonie of the letre citie. Wolga cauled in owlde tyme kha,hath his originalt The whyte of the greate maryſhes named the white lakes. Thele are a: Lakes, bone ofcouia berwene the Portbe and the Welt, and Cende Birts Socis furthe from chem almof all the ryuers that are diſperſed in: i to dyners regions on every fyde, as wee Cee of the Alpes from groda whole toppes and Cpzpnges deſcend the waters of whoſe con 3183 courſe the rywers of Rhene, po, and Rodanum, haue they? sos o an increaſe. For thcle marylhes in the teade of mountaynes no soyen Eul of (pzynges, minifter abundant moyttuce,Eozaſmuch as to mountayncs are yet founde in that region by the longe tras The Ryphe: uaples of men, in ſo much that manye that haue byn fudious ant hyperbo of the owlde Loſmographie, fappoče the Ryphean and thy: rean moun: perborean mountaynes ſo often mentioned of the ancient wit Raynes. ters, to bcefabulous. from chcle marydhes therfoze, the ry uers of Dwina, Dcha, egolchus, Holga, Tanais, and Bos Canals and rytthenes, haue theyz originall. The Tartars caule Wolga Bouſthenes. Edel: Tanais they caule son: And Bozylihenes is at this day cauled peper. This, a lyttle beneathe Taucica,runneth the ſea £ur: into the fra Eurinus. Tanais is receaued of the maryűhos aus. of ugeotis at the noble marte towne Azoũ. But Wolga leas uynge the çitte of Lyolcha towarde che ſouth, and tunaynge retider with a large circuite and greate wondynges and creekes firt The Caſpian towarde the Eate, then to the well, and laſtly to the ſouth, fca. fauleth with a full freame into the Caſpian oz boyzcan ſea. Aſtrachan. Aboue the mouth of this, is a citie of the Tartars cauled my- apedia. trachan, thich Cum caule Atrachan, where martes are kepte Armenia perſia. by the macchauntes of eedia, Armenia, and perſia. On tbe Calab. further banke of Wolga, there is a tolone of the Tartars cau led Laſan, of the which the Doda of the Lalanite Tartars tooke theyż name. it is diftante from the mouth of Wolga and Mofcouia and Cathay. 285 ethe Caſpian (ea fyae hundzethmples. Aboue Caran. Ll.myles at the enteraunce of the ryger Sura, Balilius that not reig Sura. nech, buylded a towne cauled Surcium, to thintente chat ik urciura. choſe deſertes, the macchaunres and trauailers which cecrifie the gouernours of the marches of the doinges of the apartars and the maners of that vnquiet nation, may haue a ſafe man fion amonge they? cuftomers. Themperours of myofcouia at byusers tymes, eythet mo: ued therto by occaſion of chynges preſente, oz foz the belyze they had to nobilitate newe and obſcure places, haue kepte the leate of thepz courte and Emptre in dyuers cities. ffo: Nouogrodia Mouogrodia whiche lyerh towardethe Wette and the Lyuon ſea, not many yeares paſt, was the headde citie of Dolcouia, # obteyncd eller the chiefe dignitie by reaſon of the incredible number of houſes and edifics, with the opoztunitie of the large lake repleny Thed with fylhe, and alſo for the fame of the mode auncient and venerable temple whichc moze then foure hundzeth yeces (ence was dedicated to Sancta Sophia The temple Chuylte the Coonne of God, accordynge to the cuſtome of the of Sancta Emp?ours of Bizantium nowe cauled Contantinople. Nouo oghia. grodia is oppreted in maner with continuall synter and barkenet'e of longe nyghtes. ffoj ir hath che pole årtike ele the elevatio nate abone the bolizon threeſcoze and foure degrees: and is of the pole as further from the Equinoctiall then morconia by almote. bi. morcovia. Nouogrodia degrees. By whiche dy&ccence of hcauen, it is ſaybe that at the foommer teye of the foonne, it is burnte with continuall n cate by reas for of l'hort heate by reaſon of the thozte nygbtes. The citie alſo of Gelodemaria, beinge moge then tlood myshtes. hund eth myles Dilant from yolca towarde the atte, had the citie of the name of the chicfe citie and kynges towne, whycher the colodemaria ſtate of thempire was trandated by the valiant Emperoursal faz neceitarie confideratious, that ſuch ayde, furniture, and requiſites as apppertcyne to the barres myght vce neare at hande at Cuche come as they kepte continuall warre ageputte the Eartars theyz bolcherers. Foz it is ſituate withowt wol: ga, on the bankes of the tpuer Lleima , whiche fauteth into volga. But Desaccha, aſwell for thoſe gyfies and commode The citie of tics whereof we hane (poken, as allo that it is ſituste in the moſche, myünett of the mou frequentcd place of all the region and Em pire, and defended with the spuce and Lattel, hati ) in compa: LLL c. i ryco13 Moſcouia and Cathay, ryfon to other cities byn thowght mofte moorthy to bee iltte: med foz the chiefe. Pofcha is diftant from ouogrodia fiue hundreth myles: and almoft in the mydde way is the citie of Ottoferia. Otroferia (otherwyſe cauled Dwer of Tulet) bppon the te yolga. ner of dolga. This ryuer neare unto the fountaynes and (pringes of the ſame, not yet increaſed by receauyng ſo many other ryuers, runneth but dowely and gentelly: and pateth from thenſe to pouogrodia through many wooddes and des Riga. Colate playnes. Furthermoze frome Nouogrodia to Riga the nerte pozte of the Sarmatian ſea, is the ioznay of a thouſand myles lyttle more o2 lelle. This tracte is thought to bee moze commodious then the other, bycauſe it hath manye townes @he citic of and the citie of pleſcouia in the waye, beinge imbjaled with plefcouig. two ryuers. From Riga (pertepnynge to the dominion of the greate matter of the warres of the litons) to the citie of Luz The citie of becke a pozte of Bermanie in the goulfe of Lymbrica Lherſo: Zubeke. neſus (nowe cauled Denmarke) are numbered aboute a thou: ſande mples of daungerous (aylynge. frome Rome from Rome to the citie of boſcha, the Dittance is know: to pofcouia. en to bee two thouſande and ſyre hundreth miles by the nea: reßt way palynge by Rauenna, Taruilium, the Alpes of Car: nica: allo Willacum, sporicum, and Utenna of Pannonie: and from thenſe (paữynge ouer the ryuer of Danubius)to DI mutium of the baronians and to Lraconia the chiefe citic of Polonie, are coumpted. xi. hundžeth myles. from Cracouia co Wilna the headde citie of Lithuania, are coumpted ftue hun dzeth myles : and as many from that citie to Smolenzko fitu: are beyonde Bozyahenes, from whenre to go cha are coump ted ſyre hundzeeh mules. The iozney frome Wilna by Smo: wyrzter tra: lenzko to Worcha , is trauayled in Wynter with erpedite uayle by iſe * Reades and incredible celeritie vppon the ſnowes hardened nowe, with longe frotte and compactelyke Jré by reaſon of muche wearynge. But in foommer, the playnes can not bee oner: paleo but by difficulte and laborious trauayle. Foz when the Inowes by the continuall heate of the Coonne begyn to melte maryffhes in and diſolue, they caule greate maryûhes and quamyzes able rommer. to intangle bothe houſe and man, were it not that wayes are made throwgh the ſame with brydges and cauleys of woods Other wrt: and almoſt infinite laboure. ters denye sola 31n all the region of woſcouia, there is no bagne og mitte QB Moſcouía and Cathay. 286 of golde oz (pluer, of any other common metall ercepte iren: meythec yet is there ang token of precious fones, and there: foje they bye all thoſe thynges of Iraungers. Neuerthelelle, Riche furres. this iniurie of nature is recompenſed with abundaunce of rich furres, whoſe price by the wanton niſeneđe of men is growne che puce of to ſuch ercelte that the furres petteynynge to one fozte of ap: furres, parell, are nowe loulde foz a thouſande crownes. But the tyme hath byn that hele haue bon bought better chepe lohen the furthed nations of the nozth beinge ignozant of obor nyre fineneữe and bjeathyng delyze toward effeminate and ſuper: #luons pleaſures, erchanged the ſame with muche fimplicitie often times foz tryåes and thynges of [maule value : info muche that commonly the permtans and becercians, were ac now many fa cultomed to gyue ſo many [kynnes of Sables foz an ren are bles ſkynnes oz hatchet as beinge tyed harde togyther, the marchauntes of for ek aje. pofcouia coulde diawe through the hole where the hafte or handyll entereth into the ſame. But the gofcouites ſende into all part es of Europe the belt kynde of dare to make lyn: Fler. ten cloche, and hemve fou ropes: Állo many ore hydes, and Ore hydes. exceadynge great males of ware.it They proudely denye chat the Komane churche obtegneth the principate and preeminent autozitie of all other. Thep lo abhoire che nation of the Jewes, that they detett Thei abhone the memogie of them, and wyll in no condition admit te them she Jewis. to dwell within theyz dominiors: eſteemyng them as wycked and miſchcuous people that hane of late tawght the Turkes to make gunncs. Beſyde the bookes that they haue of the an Cherr bokes cient Brecke doctours, they haue alſo the commentaries and and religion, homclics of Caynt ambzole, Auguftine, Jerome, and Brego: tie, tranüated into the 3|llirian or Slauon tounge whiche a: greeth with thegis. for tbey ble bothe the Slauon tounge and letters, as doo alſo the Sclauons, Dalmates, Bohemes, Pollones, and Lithuanes. This tounge is ſpiedde further the Sclauon then any other at this day. Foz it is familyar at Lontantino tounge (pred ple in the courte of the Emperours of the Turkes : and was further chers of late harde in Egypte amonge the peamalukes in the court any other. of the Soltane of alcayze otherwyſe cauled Memphis or Bas bilon in Egipte. a greatc fiumber of bookes of holy ſcripture are trandated into this tounge by thinduttric of Taynte jes tome and Lyrillus, Furthermoje, belyde the byttöztes of Cc.it theyz Mofcouia and Cathay. r0811€ 1193 Beyotte 3e: they oforte counters, they haue alſo bookes conteynpng the toine in Dal: factes of great olerander and the Romane Empecours, and matia nowe lykciopír of arcus Anconins and Cleopatra. Theyhane na cauled cis: manec of knowleage of philoſophie, Agronomie, oz ſpecula: Honka. de fiue philicke with other liberall ſciences : But ſuch are caken for piificians as profete that they hawe oftet times obferurd the vertue and qualitie of Cum buknow en herbe. hogethey hey number the yearcs, not from the bypth of Chitte, manber the but from the begynnynge of the worlde. And this they begin yeares, to accoumpte, not frome the monethe of January, but from September. UTC fewe and They haue felie and Cimple lawes throinghe obte all the Timp clapes krngedome, made by the equitie and conſcience of they prins ces, and appzoned by the conſent of wyle and good men and are therfore greatly foy the welthe and quyetneke of the pro ple fogalmuch as it is nor lawfull to peruerte them with anp interpretations ou cauillations of lawyers of atturncys. They punybe theues, rouers, priuie pyckers, and murtherers. When they examine malefactours, they poure a great quanti: tic of coulde water vppon ſuche as they ſuſpecte, whiche they ſay to bee an intollerable kpade of tormente. But fumeynes they manacle ſuche as are tobozne, and will not confeßie ap. parent crymes. Che etercir Theyz youth is exerciſed in dyuers kyndes of games and of yourh. plays relembclyng the warres, wherby they both practiſe pol iicie and increaſe they: Arength. They ble runnynge both on horſebacke and afoore. allo runnynge at the tylte, wzette Doorynge, lynge, and eſpecially thootynge. Foz they gyne rewardes to ſuche as ercell therin. Che co:p0:36 The wofcouites are vniuerſally of meanc ftatare, yet ve: ture of the ry (quate ſet and myghtyly bzaboned. They haue al grey eyes Wofcouites. longe beardes, Chozte legges, and bygge bellyes. They tyde bery foozte, and toote backewarbe very cunnyngely euen as they aye. At home in they, houſes, they? face is rather plen: tifullchen dcpntie. for they? tables are furnyâhed fo & Cheya fare, ſnjaule pzice with all ſuche kyndes of meates as may bee de ſyzed of ſuch as are gyuê to mot erceffine glutcony. Denncs and Duckes are bought fo: lytele (pluer penſe the piece. There is incredible plentie of beases and cattayle bothe greate and Qnaule, tbe Reühe of biefe that is kylled in the myddeđe of boyntety Moſcouía and Cathay. 287 Boynter, ts fa congeled and ftofen, that it putrifietho'not fo3 flcthe pres the ſpace of two mooncthes. Ihrybelle and mode delicate rerned longe dpühes, are gotten by huntpage and hatkynge as with ts. by rearon of Foz they take all ſortes oi wylde bcades with houndis and coulde... houkyng and oyuers kyndes of nettes, and with falcons and erens 02 Guatynge. eagles of a matueplous kynde buljiche the region of 19ecerea błyngeth furth unto them, they take tot oncly feſantes and wpide duckes, but alſo cranes and white tharnes. chey take alſo a foule of darke coloure abomte che byggenes of a gooſe with redde ouerbiomes, whale fetthe in tatte pafioth the pleaſauntnefe of Pheaſauntos. where in the boſconicos tounge are caulcd Tetrao, bhtche 31 Cuppoſe to bee the fame that polinie cauleth Erythritao known to the peopleof the al: pes, and eſpecially to the Baherians which inhabite the lawy: Des abobre the ſpzynges of thorpuer abbua, The rouer of Wolga nrinifreth vnto them great fyfthis and of pleaſannte. Plentle of Tythe, safie: cfpccially furgtons of rachet a kyåde of fylhelyke in to furgions: Which in the wynter ſeaſon beinge incloſed in yfe, are longe reforueb frefihe and uncozrupte. Df other kin referued in fyrrhe longe dcs of fylthes, they take in maner an incredible multitude in zre, eta the whyte lakes whereof wee haue (poken befoze. And wher as they btterly lacke natite boucs, they ble fuche as are Wyne, browght from other places. And this only in certepne fcades and holymiſiertes. Éſpecially the pleaſaunte Baluaſies of paluafie, the gland of Preta nowe cauled Candy, are had in motte hosts noure: and bred eyther as meditens foz a thewe of exceliut 23 aboundaunce, fozaſmuche as it is in maner a miracle that lyncs brolrght frome Landy by the freyghtes of Decentes All the moub pillers and the glandes of Babes, & tolled with ſuch fiuddes farce of the of the inclofed ocean, thuide be djoonke amonge the Scythy was caused anſnobcs in thcy, natiue puritie and pleaſaniitnette. Scythia and The common people dirke mode made of hang e hoppes the people fodden together, whiche they kcepe longe in Potched barrello Scythyans. where the goodnes increaleth with age. Ehey bfe alſo beere and ale as doo the Germanes and polones, They are achilo med foz delocatenesn ſommer to coole they, beece and mede Duynke come with puttgage 7 fe cherin, ivhiche che noble mom referuc in they ſellacs in great quantite foz the ſame purpoſe. Summe there are that delyte greately in the iufe that is piciled olote wync of cher of cherries bcfoze they bee full cype: bvhiche they aüyznie to tyes, haus led with 3re. Moſcouía and Cathay. oth it baue the coloure of cleare and cuddy wyne with a berpe plea: (aunte fatte. ** They? Wyues and Idomen, are not with them in ſuche ho Cheir Wome, noure as they are in other nations. For they ble them in ma: ner in the place of ſeruantes. The noble men and gentelmen, doo diligently obſecue they? walkes and haue an eye to their chattitie. They are ſeldom bydden furth to any feates:nether are permpeted to celozte to churches fatte of, oz to walkea- bzode lithowt lum gceare confyderation. But the common i fozte of women, are eaſely and for a ſmaule price allured to techerye euen of traungers: by reaſon wherof, the gentelmen doo lyttle oz nothynge etteme them. Jogohn the father of kynge Balilius dyed more then.mp yeares Cence. De macyed Sophia the doughter of Thomas Thomas pa: Paleologus who reigned farce in Peloponnelus (now cauled Icologus. 29ozea) and was bżother to Themperoure of contantinople. She was then at Rome when Thomas her father was diy: Che coqueft nen obte of Brecia by the Turckcs. Df het were fpue chyl: of the turkes dzen bozne, as Baſilius hym Celfe, Beorge, Demetrius, Sp: in srecía. meon, and Andzeas. Bafilius tooke to wyfe Salomonia the doughter of George Sobozouius a man of fynguler ftbeltéte and wyſdome one of hys counſayle. The eraellene vertues of which woman, only bacennetle obCcured. when the płynces of goſcouía delyberat to marie, they Dom the prin cuttome is to haue choyle of all the by:gynes in the realme, ces chife sher: Pyucs. to cauſe ſuche as are of mod fayze and hewtyfull byſage and perſonage with maners & vertues accozdyng, to bee browght before them. Which afterwarde they committe to cetrayne faythful men and graue matrones to bee furder bewed, in ſo muche that they leaue no parte of them vnferched. De thele, ſhee whome the prynce mode lykech, is pronounced worthy to bec hys loyfe, not withowt greate and carefull eppectatió of theyz parentes, Iyuynge for that tyme betwone hope and feare. The other by:gyns alſo which toode in election and contended in belry and integritie of maners, are often times the ſame day to gcarpfye the pzynce, marged to hys noble mê, gentellmen, and capptagnes: wherby it ſumtymes commeth to pale that whyie the princes contemnc the Ignage of roiall beſcente, Tuche as are bozne of humble parentage are exalted to che degrce of princely cftate, un lpke maner as Thempez tours Mofcouia and Cathay. M 288 tours of the turckes were accufton ed to bee choſen by cumly: medle of perſonage and warly powes. Baltlus was vnder chage of forty and leuen yeares, of Duke parle cumly perſonage, ſinguler vertue, and princely qualities, by llus, all meanes Audyous foz the proſperitie and commodities of hys ſubiectes. Furthermoze in beneuolence, Iyberalytie and good luccelle in hys doynges,to bee preferred before his pro: genitours. for when he hadde. bi. yeares kepte barre with the Iyuons that moued. Irrii, conferherate cities to the cauſe of that warre, he obteyned the victozie and departed with fewe conditions of peace rather gyuen then accepted. Allo war betwene at the begynnynge of his reigne, he put the polones to fight the polones and tooke priſener Longantine the capitayne of the Ruthens and morchos uites. whom he brought to boſcouia tyed in chaynes. But thoztly after at the ryuer Bozidhenes aboue the citie of Dila, he bym ſelfe was ouercomne in a grcat battayle by the ſame Lon ftantine whom he hadde diſmiſſed: Yet ſo, that the towne of Smolenzko whiche thc egoſcouites polleted before and was no we woonne by the Potons, Gulde tyll perteyne to the do: minions of Bafilius. But ageynfie the Tartars, and eſpeci: mar berwca ally the Tartars of Europe cauled the recopites, the mor: the Mofchoa couttes haue often tymes kepte warre with good luccelle, in uites 2 Tara. tars. tcuenge of thiniuries doone to them by thepz incurſions. 31 Baſilius is accultomed to bzynge to the fielde moze then a hundzeth and fiftie thouſande hozlemen dcuided into thzce che merco: bandes and folowynge the banners of enſeignes of they ca: Burs army. Their back pitapnes in older of battayle. Dn the banner of the kynges wynge, is figured the image of Joſue the capitaine of the be brewes at whole prayer che ſoonne prolonged the daye and fepde his courſe as bytnele the hyttories of holye (cripture. armies of footemen are in maner to no ble in thoſe great wyl dernelles, alwelfoz theyz apparel beinge looſe and longe, as alſo foz the cufome of theyz enemies, who in theyz warrcs ttuđe rather to the ſwpftenedle of thega leght hozles then to trye the matter in a pyght fyelde.es They houſes are of letle then meane farure: but verye fronge and Iwpfte. They? hozlemen are armed with pykes, and korduvalt ryuettes, males of Jren and accowes. Fewe haue hooked lwooldes. Theyz bodies are defended with rounde Targats "Beire ate after the maner of the Turkes of Aſia : 07 with bendyng and muren coz nardt Their horree Mofcouia and Cathay. kra. cognarde targertes after the maker of the Breckes:Allo foien nargaban's coates of maple, biyganrpnes, and ſharpe helmettes. Baſili: us dyd furthermoje indytute a band of hargabuliers on hoje backe: and cauſed mauy gicate bzaleti pieces to bee made by 6u3nes. the wedzkemanope of certepue jtalyans and the ſame with they? tockes wheeles to be placed in the catell of yolca The kynge hym (elfe baith płyncely magnykycence Cons Che Prince guler familiaritie(wherwith neuerebelette no pacre of the ma dyneth open: lettie of a kynge is vyolate) is accutomed to dyne openly with hys noble meu and Graunge ambaſadours in hys owne cham ber of preſence lohere is leene a meruelons quantitye of (pl: Sigiſmundus uer and gylte plate Handynge vppon two great and high cub: ſayti tişar bardes in the came chamber. De hath not abowte bym any much of this orijer garde for the cutoby ef bys perlon Cauynge only bys fa golde. accutomed fanylye. for watche and warde is dylogently krpte of the faythfuil multytude of the citilens:yn Co muche The cuſtodie that cuery Warde oz quarter of the citie is incloſed with gates of the citie. cayles, and barres: neyther is it lalofull for any man rathely to walke in the citie in the nyght, oz withowt loggtr all the che duke courte confyteth of noble men,gentelmen and choy couldya course. ers lo hich are cauled owtc of eucry regyon by theyze tobneg and vyllagies, and commaunded to wayte courſe by courſe at certeyne moonethes appoynted. Furthermoze when warre is proclaymed, all the armye is collected bothe of the owlde Couldiers and by mutterynge of newe in all prouynces. for the lieuctenauntes and capytaynes of the armye, are acculto: med in all cities to mufter the youth, and to admytte to thous der of ſoulbyrrs ſuch as they thynke able to ſcrue the turne. Bouldyers Theyze wages is paybe them of the common treaſurye of euce wages of the ry prouynce which is gathered and pattely payde alſo in the common trea tyme of peace although it bee bur Iptsle. But ſuch as are allig fury: ned to the warresare free frome all tributes, and inioye cer: tein other priuilegies wherby they may the moze gladly echec fully fecue they. kyugs and defend theyz contrey for in the tyme of warre, occacyon is mynyired to thewe treme vertue and manyodbe, where in fo greate and neceđarie an inftititu on, cuery man accoldynge to bys appidued activitie and in genyous fo?wardneđe, may obregne the foztune eyther of per ti petu all honoure of ignominie, is an od 10 songens Quotes, and to be Moſcouia and Cathay. lol 289 vir olin villa fides referentibus borridsregne tanto o dira Mofchorum, eo Ponti, res glacialis erat collationis Nunc Kovio ditore, ills oculis luftremus, et vibet, at de staat ons Er remors, et montes cernimus et fluuios. ontstaan Mofchouilā, monumenta Toxi, rud cultareuoluens mange are Capi alios mundos credere Democritó. 132176** 13 anos Ocher notable thynges as concernynge wofconia & : gathered Olot of the bookes of Sigiſmundus Ii: Hinano berus. Note that when he ſayth 1 : Son myles, he meaneth leaques. Unino Kom whence Rulia had the name, there are dyucrs opinions. Some thpnke that it was Renis, . ſo named of one RuIus the loonnc ot neuie of Lech the kynge of the polonss Dther af: firme that i was lo cauled of a cevreyne obolde colone named Rufus not farte frome Nouogoroda Nouogardia the mo:e. Sum alſo thpnke that it was ſo cauled of the browne coloure the browne of the nation. But the myolconians confutc al cheſe opinions colour of the as intrewe: Affirmynge that this nation was in olnlde tyme Ruiles. cauled Rodeia as a nation diſperſed, as the name it Celfe 2 dooth dcclare. Foz Rodeia in the Rurhcns toungc, doothe RoTeia. ſignifie diſperſed oz (cattered. The which thynge to be trew, dyuers other people commyrt with thinhabitauntes, and dya ders prouinces lyinge here and there betwene dyuers partes of Ruſſia doo playnely declare. Bus whence ſo cucc they the Slauon tooke thcyz name, doubrleite all the people that be the Sla: touinge ſpies non tounge, and profeuſe the fayth of Lolya after the maner den førre, of the Breckes, (cauled in the common language Rult,and in the Latin tounge Butheni) are increaſes to fuche a multy. tude that they haue eyther erpulled ali cge nations that lge beelene them, od dzalne them to they? maner of lgaynge,in lomuché that they are nowe canled all Kutych. by one com: mon name. Furthermoze the Slauor toange (whichc at this dayc is Cumwhat cozruptly cauled s claxon) runneih erceadyng fas, as bled of the Dalmates, Botturnier, Lroatians, 3 Arians, CO2 DDD 0, 1, and Mofcouia and Cathay. and by a longe tracte of the ſea adriatike bnto sfozum Julit: of the Caruians alſo whome the Genetians caule Charios: and lykewyſe of the Carniolans and Carinthians bnto thery uer Dauus : furthermore of the Stirians within Sretzi: um and by wguera bnto Danubius and from thenſe of the sy Cians, Seruians, Bulgarians, and other inhabitynge euen bnto Conſtantinople: Furthermoze of the Bohemians, Lula, cians, Sileſians, worauians, and thinhabitauntes neare bnto the ryuer Wagus in the kyngedome of Dungarie : The Polons alſo and the Kucheniaus whole Empice reacheth be ty farce: Iykelbyle the Lircaſians and Muinquemontanians bnto pontus: and is from thcnſe bled in the nozth pactes of Candales. Bermanic amonge the remanent of the Wandales inhabtrung bere and there. all whiche nations although they acknow: to icage them Celues to bee Sclations, yet the Germayns taking the denomination only of the Wandales, caule at thê that ble the princes the Slavon tounge, Wuenden, Wuinden, of Wuindyl. of Ruffia. * Df the princes that nowe reigne in Ruſſia, the chiefe is the great muke of Wyofcouia who pođeleth the greateſt part therof. The ſeconde is the great duke of Lithuania : and the od thyide the kynge of polonie, bho nowe obregneth the domi: sa la nion of Polonic and Lithuania. anga autozitie and dominion outer his ſabiectes, the prince dhe duke of orconia of ofcouie padech all the monarkes of the worlde. fo be 2012 depriveth ail his noble men and gentelmen of al they, holdes and munitions at his pleafure. De tculieth not his owne bio therne, bitt oppzelleth all with lyke feruitude. gn to muche that whome To erer he commaundeth eyther to remayne with mole's hyns in the courte, oz to goo to the warces, oz fendeth on am: ballage, thcy are compelled to bee at theyż owne charges, cf. cepte the younge gentelnien the ſoonnes of the Boiarons, that is, the noble men of the lowed degree. De blurpeth this au: tozitie alwell ouer the ſpiritualtie as the tempozaltie: condis tutynge whar hém lyñeth of the goods and lyke of al men. DE his counlilers there is not one that Dare dill'ente from bym in any thynge. They openly conféle that the logl of the prince is the wyll of god and therfode caule hpm the key beater and chambecten of god,and beleve him to bee the erecutor of gods boyll. By reaſon wherof, the prince hym Celfe when any pea ticion is made to hym for the delinecie of ang captive,' is ac cuſtome Moſcouía and Cathayola 290 Accùfomed to aunſwere : When god commaundeth he talbe Delivered. Lykewyſe when any aſketh a queſtion of an uncer teyne of doubtefull thynge, theyz cußome is to anſwere chus: Bod knoweth and the greate prince. It is bncev: cyne lohe: ther the crueltie and fiercenes of the narton doo requpze lo ry: cannous a prince, of whether by the tyzanny of the prince, the nation is made fo fierce and cruell. Baſilius the foonne of John, was the fyzſt that tooke bp pon bymthe name and title of a kynge in this maner: The great loide Bafilius, by the grace of god kynge and to be of all Kulia and the greare duke of Wyolodimaria, Boscouid, Pouogardia. &C. 2033 20.01303ctat furthermoue, wheras noibe this place is cauled an em: why the duke perour, 3 baue thought good to bebe the tytle and cauſe of of worcoma this errour. Note therfože that £zar in che Ruchens tounge an Emperour ſignifieth a kynge, bohecas in the language of the Slauons, pollons, Bohemes, and other, the ſame wooide Izar, ligni Fieth Cefar by whiche name Themperours haue byn common: disse Ip cauled. foj bothe they and the Slauons that are under the kyngdome of Hungaric, caule a kynge by an other name: as cum Erall, other kyzall, and Cum kozolt: but thinke that only an Empecoure is cauled Lzar. Whereby it came to padre that the Kuthene ol calcouite interpretours heatynge theyz prince to bee o cauled of fraunge nations, began them (elucs allo to name hyman Empecour, and thinke th: name of Lzac to bee more worthy then the name of a kynge, altholgh they fignifie all one thynge. But who ſo byl scade all theyz hytte ties and bookcs of holy ſcripture, mall fynde that a kynge is the greate, cauled Lzat, and an Emperour kcilar. By the Ipke erroure Curke. Thempecour of the Turkes is cauled Lşar, boho neuerthe: leđe of antiquitie vſed no bygher tytle then the name of a kynge, erpreted by this wooide Lzar. And hereof the Tut: kes of Europe that ble the Slangn counge, caule the citie of Lontantinople Czargrad, (that is) the kynges citie.com The wrote Sum caule thc prince of wolconie the whyte kynge, whi: kynye. che 3 thinke to pzoceade of the whyte cappes, oz other tgze: mentes the weace on they? heades, lyke as they caule the kynge of foercia ikililpaữa (that is) redde headde. Dehſeth Che duke of the epile of a kynge when he buitech oz ſendeth to Rome, the worcowla his Emperour, che pope the synge of Suctia and Denmarke the cytle, D D D D. ii. greate Mofcouia and Cathay. greate matter of pezullia and Liuonia, and alſo to the greate Turkc as 3 hanc bpn credably informed: but he is not cauled kynge of any of them, ercepce pochappes of the Liuons, yet by reaſon of his later conquettes, ſum haur thought bym wor thy the name of a kynge oz tather of an Emperour bpcauſe he hath kynges under his Empire. To the kynge of polone, be bleth this tytle: The greate lorde Baſilius by the gtace of god, lozbe of all Rullia, and grcare duke of Cuolodimeria, naofcouia, Nouagardia.fr leauynge owot the tyle of a kyrge. ffoz none of them vouche: ſafety to uccenue the letters of the other augmented with any nowe cyrle, as 3 knewe by erpericnce at my being in Holco: ula, at which tyme Sigifmundus the kynge of polone fente. os hym his letties augmented with the tytle of the Duke of gas ale Couia, whecwith he was not a lyttle offended. anchey glozie in theyz hytories that before tuolo dimeria Ruffia bapıy: and Dlh.1, chclande af Ruſſia was bapriſed and bleữrd of fed by raynie Cayne Andzewe thappofile of Lhuyť, axirmynge that he came Zpoſtie, from Grecia to the menthes of the ryuer Boxythenes: and that he ſayled vppe the ryuer to the mountaynes where as is nowe Lhiouia:and that there be bleted all the lande and pla ced his crolle, pzopheſpinge alſo that the grace of god fulde bee greate there, and that there thulde bee many churches of Lhzyftian men: Lykewpſe that he afterwarðe came to the ſprynges of Bozyähenes unto the great lake Cuolok, and by the ryuer Louat deſcended into the lake Jliner: from whenſe by the ryuer Wuolcon whiche runneth owte of the ſame lake, she came to pouogardia : and palcd frome thenſe by the w ſame ryuer to the lake Ladoga and the ryuer benja,and ſo by to the ſea whichc they caule Wuaretzkoia, being the Came that we caule the Germayne ſea, betwene Wuinlandia of fils landia and Liuonia, by the whiche be Cayled to Rome, and was at the late crucified for Chrydte his goſpell in Pelopon: od neſus by the tyzanny of Agus Antipater, as theyz crownacles make mention.tid 33130330 30 33 ousalus che mofccs The pzynce cuery (econde oz thyide geare, cauletha mu: Hites warres der to be taken of the foonnes of the Bojarons, and cakethe an accoumpte bothe of theyż number and home many holles and men query of them is able to make and then appoynteth su stogod a certezne Moſcouia and Cathay. V 291 * certeyne typende ta ſuch as are able further to bcare they? omne charges in the warres. They haue feldome any relt og quyetnelſe. For they epcher keepe barre with the Lithuani ans. Liuonians, Suetians, ai #artars of Lalan. Szyf it ſa chaunce that the papnce keepe no warre, per doorh he yeare: ly appoynte garryſons of. fr. thouſande menne in places a: bowt canais and Dcca to repređe the incurſions and robbe: ryes of the European Tartars cauled Precopites. Dyuers mae as in other matters, euen ſo in tholder of warrefare ther: nera of dys is great diuerſitie amonge men. Foz the Boſcouian as ſoone vers people as he begynneth ro iye, thinkcth of none other ſuccoure but in the warga putrech all his confidence therein. Beinge purſued of takeu of his enemie, he neyther defenderh him ſelfe noz delirethe perdon. the Tartar caâ of from his houſe,ſpoyled of at his armure #weapons, and alſo Coze woūded,dcfendeth bym Celfe wich handes, feete, and teerhe, and by all meanes he may, unroll his Arength and ſpirite fayle hym. The Turke, when he ſeeth hyns ſelfe deftitute of all helpe and hope to eſcape, doth humbly delyze pardon, calling away his weapons & armure, and reching furth to the victourer his handes ioyned together to be bounde, hopynge by captinitie to laue his lyfe. The golcouites in placeinge theyz armye chuſe thema The morcos large playne where the beſt of them pytch theyż tentes E the bytes army. other makethë certen arbours of bouwes fyrt in the grounde, bendyng together the toppes therof, which they couer with they clokes to defende them ſelues, theyz bowes, arrowes, faddyles, and other theyz necefTaries from rayne. They put furth theyz bogſes to paſure, and foz that cauſe haue they? tentes ſo farre in ſunder, which they forrifye neycher with cartes 02 trenches of any other impedyment, excepte per bappes the place bee defended by nature as with wooddes, ryuers and marydhes. It may perhappes (ceme fraunge howe he mapnteyneth nowe he hym and hys ſo longe with ſo (maulc an armye as 3 haue maynteyueto fayde. 31 will noide therfoze bzefely declare cheyze (parynge and frugalitie. De that hath fyre 02 ſumtymes moze hozles, breth one of them as & packc horſe to beare all theyz neceia: dit sitolda odc 231 som rpes, 12 his army. Moſcouſa and Cathay. V syes. We hath alſo in a bagge of two or three (panes longe, the doure oz meale of the gcayne cauled mylle: and. viit. 0% 5. poundes beyghte of (wpnes feûhe poudered. He hathe Ipkebyle & bagge of Calte, myrte with pepper if he bee cyche. Furchermoje euery man carpeth with hym A hatchet, a fyze bore, and a halen potte: ſo that if they chaunce to coomme to any place where they can fynde no frutes, garlyke onyons og deſihe, they kynble a fyzc and fylle they2 portes withwa ter wherunro they put a ſpoonefull of meale with a quantitie 5 of Calte, and make portage thecof, wherwith the matter and all hys (ecuaunres lyue contented. But if the matter bee very hungary he eateth all alone, and the Ceruantes are Camtymes infozled to fade fo} the ſpace of two or three dayes. And ye the matter intende to fare Cumwhat moze Delycately, then he abdech therto a lytele poztion ot (wynes deſhe. 3 (peake not thys of the belt of them, but of Cuche as are of the meane forte. The governours and capycaynes of thacmye, doo Cum tymes bybde the poozer Cozte to theyze tables: where theye feede them ſelues to wdl, chat they fat two ol three dayes af ter. When they haue frutes, garlyke, and onyons, theye can well foybeare all other meates. Procedynge fozwarde to the battayle, they put more confydence in theyc multitude and with what grcate armyes they a Taple they, enemyes, the cyther in the arengthe and valpanteneđe of theyz Couldpers, ou in well intructynge theyz acmye : and Epght better afarre of, then at hande: and therfoze Audy howe to circumuent 03 incloſe they? enemyes and to aữayle them on the backe halfe. inftruments They haue many trumpiters: the which whyle they blow of warre, all at once after theyz maner, make a meruelous fraunge noyle. They haue alſo an other kynde of intrumentes which they caule Szurna. Theſe they blowc withowte ſeaſynge foy the ſpace of an houre togither, ſo temperyng the ſamcand holdyng in the boynd whple they drawe moze, that the noyle Che morcos Ceemech continuall withoute intermydion. uites and They vie all one maner of appareyle: as longe coates Scarfars ap: withowte plepghres and with narrowe A caues after the ma parell ner of the bungaryans. Theſe the Chriftians vſe to butten on the rpght ſyde: and the Tartars (blinge the ipke) buttes them on the lefte fyde. They weare redde and thozte buľkyns that reache not to they knees; and haue the foules therof de: fended Mofcouſa and Cathay. M 292 Cended with places of gten. Ja maner all theyz fyztes are wzoughte with dyuers colours aboute the necke : and haue the collars and ruftes bylette with lyttle rounde baules lyke beades, of [yluer oz gylted copper, and fumeyme perles allo, they gyide them ſelues beneth the bellye euen as towe as theyz pziuy members, that they may Ceme moze boozely which ther greately cleme, as doo at thys day the Spanyardes, 3 talyans, and almaynes. the prouince of Dorconia is neyther very large not frue heprouince full, fozalmuche as the fertylytye is hyndered with Canbye of morcovia. grounde which eyther with to muche Dzyneđe og mopäter kyl: Ieth the cozne. Furthermore the immoderate and charpe bn: Ærereme temperatenelle of the ayze while the coulde of the wonter o: coulde. uercommethe the heate of the foonne, fumtymes dothe not ſuffer the corne to type. For the coulde is there lumtyme lo es treame, that lyke as with bs in ſommer by reaſon of heate, euen ſo there by ertreame coulde the yearth hath many great chynkes oz breaches. Water alſo cal into the apze, and ſpet de faulyng from ons mouche, are frofen before they touche the grounde. 3 my Celfe, when 3 came thether in the yeare 1526.Cabe the braunches of frutefull trees wychyzed by the coulde of the wynter before, which was ſo extreame that ma ny of theyz wagoners of caries (whom they caule Bonecz) were founde froſen to deathe in they, deades. There were Cum that at the ſame tyme leadyng and dzyuyng theyz cata Biolog taple from the nerte villagies to Wolconia, dyed by the way bith theyż beates through theftremytie of the coulde. fut thermoze, the ſame yeare many players that were accultamed to wander aboure the contrey with daunſyng beares, were founde dead in the high wayes. wylde beares alſo infozced therto by famyn, tefte the wooddes and ranne here and there into dyusrs tillagies and houſes: At whoſe commyng while the men of the countrey fozlooke they: houſes and fledd into the fieldes, mange of them pecyWhed throughe the vehemen Ertreme cie of the coulde. Agayne, it ſumtymes ſo chaunceth that ti heate in cota Commer the heate is as ertreame: as in the yeare. 1525. in regions, the which almot al kynds of pulſe and grayne were ſcozched and burnte: and ſuch a derth of cojne fotowed that Dzongh:, that that which before was bowght foz three dengas, was afterwarde Coulde foz 8,0% .FFE. Furthermore alſo inaa Mofcouia and Cathay. M apé billagies, wooddrs, and tacks of coine, bete fette og fyre by thertreame heate: sthe ſmoke Wherof Co fylled the rea gyon, that the eyes of many were love hurte therby. There arole allo as it were a darke and thycke myft without ſmoke which lo moletted the eys, chat many lotte they? ſight therby. They fowe and natpūhe the leades of melons with great diligence in certeyne cay[ed bedbes myrte with doonge: wher by they fynde a remedy both ageynſt ertreame could and hear. 0:00 Foz if the heate erceade, they make Cecteyne ryktes in the buorloor to beddes as it were breathyng places leat the ſeades fulde be ſufocate with to muche heate. And if the coulde bee optreme it is tempercd with the heate of the mucke oz dunge. Lyrcle They, beates are muche leite then owies: pet not all hoeftes without hozncs as one harh wzitten. Foz 3 bauc there Cene oren, kyne, goates, and rammes all with hoznes. Por farre from the citie of myolcha, are certeyne monade "Ties which a farce of, Ceeme lyke vnto a citie. They Cape that The citie of in thys citte is an incredible number of houſes: And that the worca. ſyrte yeare before my commynge thyther, thc pzince cauſed them to bee numbered, and founde them to bee moze then one and fortye thouſande and fyue hundzerh houſes. The citie is very large and wyde: and alſo very dabby and mygie. By rea fon wherof it hach many bzydges and cauleys. To The ayze of the tegyon is ſo hollome, that beyond the Bolfome (pzpnges of Tanais, eſpecially towarde the north and a great ayer, parte allo towarde thc Eate, the petylence hath not bpne harde of Cence the memozge of man. yet have they fumtimes a diſeaſe in they, bowells and head des not much vnlyke the pcüylence. Thys diſeaſe they caule a heate: Wherwith ſuche As are taken, dye within fewe dapes. sryche 099 Sam wzyte that John the dukc of wofcouia and Conne ipoyle. of Baſtlius, vnder the presence of religion facked & fpopled, the citie of Neuogardta: and caried with him from thenie to Alloma three hundreth deades laden with golde, fylder, Elos and precious tones of the goodocs of the Archebyáhoppe, the marchauntes, citiſins, and traungiers. The gland of Solowki is an glande ſituate in the north ſea. viit: Solowki. leaques from the continent betwene Dwina and the province of Lorela. Lowe farre it is dyttant from 29 ofcouia, can noc bee well knowne by reaſon af mange fennes, marpilhes, wooddess Mofcouía and Cathay. 293 Wooddes, and deſolate places lyinge in the way. Albeit, la ſay that it is not thzce hundzeth leaques from wofcouia, x two hund?eth frome Bieloieſero. 3n thys flande is made Blelotefero, grease plenty of Calte: and it hath in it a monaderie into the which it is not lalpfull for any woman oy birgyn to enter. Ethere is alſo great fylhyng foz hearyng. They ſay that here the foonne at the commer equinoctiall, abyneth continually of the day. the lengthe excepte two houres. Demetrtowe, is a citie with a catel, Ditante from goſconia tit. leaques declining from the weſt cumwhat toward the noith. By this tunneth the ryuer lachroma that connech it to the ryuzr of Sea. Sét allo receauerh the ryucr Dubna lohich bnladeth it ſelfc in Wolga. And by the commoditie of thus many tyuers, many riche marchaundies are browght without great laboure 0; difficultie from the caſpian ſea by the trade from morcos the cyucr Wolga to moccouia and dyucts other prouinces ccuia to che cities abowte the fame.in Carpion ſca, Bteloieſero, a citic with a cañell, is ſituat at a lake of the Came name. Foz Bieloieſero in the wofcouites toung, ſigni ficth a whitelake. The citie tandeth not in the lake as lum blelocefero haue fayd. Yet is it ſo enuironed boith marphes that it may iskes. or the whyte feeme to bee inexpugnable: In conſideration wherof, the prin ces of woſconia are accufomcd to kcepe they? treaſure there. Bieloiclero is from goſcouia, a hundicth leaques, and as muche from souogardia the great. The lake it ſelfe, is.rii. Traques in length and as much in breadth: and hath (as they ſay) three hundzeth rouers faulynge into it. Thinhabitaun: tes of this place, haue a peculyac language, although nowe in maner all ſpeake the Mofcouitcs counge. The longelt day here in thc loommer Equinoctial, ts Capde to confyde of. rir. Diuerfitic of houceso a man of greate name and credite toulde nie, that at temperament the begynnyng of the ſpzynge when the trees began nome to stance, bee greenc, he wente in pote from goſconia to Bieloielcro : And paữynge ouer the truer Wolga, founde che region there fo couered with pic and Inow that he w:s faque ta diſpatch the reſidue of his torney on deadcs. And although the wyn: ter bec longer there, yet doo the frates ware rype and ate ga: thered eucn at the ſame tyme that they are in motcouia. With in an arco we morce of the lake, there is an other lake that a lake of byyngeth fucth bzymſtone which a certě ryncr running out of błymſtone, low SIDE EEC, the in maul dys Moſcouía and Cathay. the ſame, caryeth with it in great quantirie dotyng aboue the water lyke a (coomme. Yet thlongh che ignozance of the peo ple, they haue no commoditie therby, The people that inhabite the regions lyinge farre nozthe frchange of and eait from egofcouia, erchaunge theyz furres for apparel, fures for o knyues, needles, (poones, haschets, and ſuche other neceta ther ware. rye wares. Faz they baue not the vle of golde and (yluer, the deſcription of the regions, people, and ryuers, lpinge North and Fate from Agoſcouia: As the way from gola couia to the cyuer Pitzoza, and the province of guga: encia, 02 jutra : and frome thenſe to the couet Dbi. Lykebyre the diſcription of other coantreys and regions, eucn bnto , Thempire of the greates Cham of Lathay. diadania 105. bicial De dominton of the Prince of gorconia reas Cheti farre towarde the Eaſte and no2th ynto the places wh ch we wyll nowe Deſcrybe. As Che Domitis concernynge whiche thynge, trandated a on of thcduke booke that was preſented unto me in the LgoC of worcovia. couitcs tounge, and haue heare made a bzpefe reheartall of the ſame. I will fyzd therfoze deſcribe the ion: ney from morconia to Petzoia, and ſo co jugaria and Dbi. Guolochda. From Agoſconia to the citie of Wuolochda, are numbered werfte. fyftie Wettes, one Wera conteynynge almofte the ſpace of an uftus. 3]talyan myle. From Wuolochda to Ugiug totdarde the right 46 hande deſcendinge with the courſe of the ryuer of Wuolochda Date and Suchana with whom it royneth, are coumpted tyne hun Dieth Werics: where within two wetges of the towne cau: led Streize and hard by the citie of Udiug Suchana ioyneth. Jug wijich tunneth from the ſouth: from whoſe mouth on to the ſpzynges of the ſame, ate numbered fpue handjethe Wecacs, Note that wheras here before the autour mmberech but fyftie Herſtes froin morcovia to uuoloclıda, it remeth that the place is cor rupted by the punters myftakynge one worde for an other, as Quin quaginta, which is fyftie, fo. Qmngenta, whicke is fyue hundrerh: For the diſtance is no leſie from marcouia to Uuolochda, chen is fró Cuolochda to ufius, which is fyue kundieh werftes, 为​燃 ​ Moſcouia and Cathay 294 Bui Suchana and Jug after they foyne togpther, loſe they? Anchene. fyzd names and make bothe one tyder named Dwina, bythe Jug. whiche che pa Iage to the citte of Colmogoz conteyneth fyue Comogos D wina, hundjeth Wertes : from whence in the Tpace of Tyre Dayes torney, Dwina entereth into the nozch Ocean at.vi.mouthes, And the greateſte parte of this iozney conſyacth by nauigati: on. foz by lande, from Wuolochda bnto Colmogoz, palling puer the ryuer Wuaga, are a thouſande perties. 5200 facce from Colmogo, the ryuer Pienega runnynge from the Eađe on the ryght hande foz the fpace of ſeuen hundeeth Werbes, plenege, fauleth into Dwina. From Dwina by the tyner Picnega by Nicolai. the ſpace of two hundjeth Wertes, they coome to a place can led Nicolsi: from whence within halfe a werit, dyppes haue kululo. pañage into the ryuer kuluio, which hath his original from a lake of the ſame name towarde the nozth, from whole (pzin ges is. viii. Dayes bpage to the mouth of the ſame where it entereth into the Dcean. Saylynge by the coaftes of the ryght hande the ſea, they the regiona pade by the regions of Stanuwiſche, Laluncz(cho,and Apni, by the Nouth ſea. and ſaylonge abowt the piomontorie oz cape of Liorogoſki Molz, Stanuwtſche, Lamenckh, and Tolớickh, they conie atthelength into the ryuer wezen, and fromc thenſe in the ſpace of ſyre dayes to a vyllage of th: (ameſname, dandyng in the mouth of the ryuer Pieza : by the which ageinc aſcendyng pieza. towarde the lefte hande and loommer Eaft, they come to the preſcola. ryuer Pielcoya from whenſe faylynge foz the pace of foute Werftes, they coomme into two lakcs in the whithe are feene thoo wapes : wherof one on the reght fode,goeth to the truet Rubicho. Kubicho, by the which they paſſe to the ryuer Lzircho. Dther by an other and thultec way, bzynge they? Chyppes from the lake directly into Lzircho: from whenſe, ercept they be hyn: Czircho. deced by tempeft, they coomme in the ſpace of thzce werkcs to the ryger and mouth of Lzilm1, dolynge into the grea ry clima uer perzoza, which in that place is two Werdes in breadche, perzora. Saylyng from hente, they coomme in the ſpace of ſyze dajcs to the towne and catcll of puttoofero, ncare vnto the which, Petzoza entereth into the nozrh Dccan at lyxe mouthcs. The puſtoofero, inhabitauntes of this place, are men of ſimple wytte. They teceaned the fayth of Chrztie, and were baptiſed in the pcare A.D. xviii, #fee,ii. From Moſcouía and Cathay.com from the imouth of Czilma vnto the mouche of the rynet urra. UiTa, goinge by Pcizoza, is one monsties byage. uTa baths Cingling his ſpzynges in the sountaync Dopas Semnoi, being on the madi. Ioftrijande towarde tlic Coommer kad, and (pzingcth oldig of a great ſtone of the ſame mountayne, cautco Limen Boll: chji. ffroin tlje ſprynges of Ura to the mouthes of thclame, are numbered more than a thonſande Weries. Furthermore Pctzoza rinneth from this ſonth wyniec parte, from whence aſcendonge from the months of dia unto the mouthes of Stzichogors, the rylice Stzachogona, is thice böcekes vpage. hry that Deſcribed this byåge, ſaydc that they relied betwene che moi Polz'chcrics thes of the ryuers of Sozlichogoza and 190tzſcheciema : and Icftcthey: vyttayles there whiche chey biologht with theym from Kulia. Beyonde the cyniers of Petzola and Stzucho- Camenipoias. goza towardc the mountayne Lamenipoias and the ſea with the glandes there abowte and the caucll of 19uboolero, are dyners and innumerable nations whiche by one common moged. namc are cauled Samogcd (that is) Cuch as eate them ſelucs. They haue great increaſe of fonlcs,, by dcs, Oyuers kyndes Foulcs and of beattes :as Sablcs, marternes, Bcuers, Direcs, herme: lines, Squyrels:and:a the Dccan the beaſte cauled wors: Allo Uci, whyce beares, woolfes, hares, Equboduani, great whalcs, and a fyłthe cauled Scmfi, with dyacrs other, i The people of theſe nations, come not to moſcouia. for Wyld people. They are wplde, and Aye the company & focietie of other menta From the mouthes of Stzuchogoja ſaylynge vp the rpucc poiaſſa. bnto poiaữa, Artaliſche, Laineni,and poiała the greater, is three weckes vyage. Furthermoje the aſcendynge to che Camen mounte Lamen, is three dayes iozney: from the whiche, del: Artawircha, cendyng, they come to the ryiler Artawilcha,and from thenſe Sibiu. Lepirs. to the rpuer Sibut, from whence they paſte to the cañell of Lepin, and from Lepin to the ryger Soſſa. The people that inhabite the region by this ryuer, are cauled Wuogolici. Leas Sora. uynge Sota on the rpght hande, they come to the greatery- ob. Bitainty der Dhy, that (p?yngeth olot of the lake kitaiſko, the whi: che with all the hade they coulde makc, they coulde (car[cly pale olier in one day, the ryuer beinge of ſuch bịcadth that it teacheth foureſcoze Werftes. The people alſo chat dwell a: gyogolici. bobr this ryuer, are cauled Wuogolici and ugritzſchi, From beaftes. Moſcouſa and Cathay.loM 295 the caftell of Obea aſendinge by the ryuer of Øty, vnto the cpuer Jrriſche into the which Soña entereth, is thzee moos grifche. nethes 10ney. In theſe places are two caftels named 3 crom 3cron. and tumen kepre by certyne loudes cautsd kneli juhozíki. Etmem. beinge tributaries to the greate duke of Lorconia as they ſay. Here are dyuers kpndes of beallis and furres frome the mouth of the ryucr griſche to the Lafell of bruſtina. Bruftina, is two monethos ionep: from blenſe to the lake Kitai by the ryuer Oby (which 3 fayde to haue his ſpzynges kitai. in this lake) is moge then thice monethes torncy. From this Blacke men lake come many blacke men lackyng thuſe of common (pech. mithome They brynge with them duurts wares, and eſpecialty pearics fpesche. and precious tioncs, whiche they fell to the people cauled Bruftintzi and Serponowtzi. Theſe hanc obey, name of the agerpenowe. cattell Serponow, ſituate in the mountaynes of Lucomozya 24001110112. beyonde che ryuer Obi. They ſay that to the man of Luco: men that mozya, chaunceth a marucylous thynge and incredible. Fo2 yearely dye they affirme, that they dye yearely at the, trvii. daye of Non and rcuyue. umber, bringe the feaſt of ſaynt George amonge the wolcos uytes : and that at the nerto (piynge abowse the fricii, caye. of ap?yll, they reuyac agcync as dop frogges. an) did with theſe alſo, the people of Spuitintzi and Serponototzi, ſtrgunge crerciſc a newe and Acaunge kynde of trade.offor when the trade of mara accuſtomed tyme of theyz dyinge, od rathec of deapynge, apzo chaundies. chetly, they leaue they? warcs in certeyne places appoynted, i cili which the Bruſiintzi and Serponowtzi carye away leauynge other wares of equall balcwe in they places: Whiche if the dcade men at the time of they reuyuyne perceate to bee of vir equall pupce, they requyze they? Obone ageyne : by reaſon bherof much e fryfe and fighring is betwene them. obi. from the ryuer of Obi Deſcending toward the left hand, Cgl314 are the people cauled Lalami, which came thechec from Dbis owa and pogola. Beneth sobiabowte Aurea Anus (that is the golden olvide wwyfe) are the ryuers Solla, Beces, dra, RYUCIK. and Danadim,al which ſpłynge owt of the montayne Lame, Bolichega, Poia!Ta and the rockes ioynynge to the ſame. All the nations that inhabite from thcre ryners to Aurea a: nuszare ſubiectc to the płynce of Mofcouia god fcio Aurea Siddhalos disinggung ole to Moſcouia and Cathay. lol Ames Anus Aurea Anus cauled in the payofcouites toongé Slata Baba, is an idole at the mouthes of D bi m the prouince of obdo: Obdorg. ra, fandynge on the furtheft banke towarde the ſea. Alonge by the bankes of Obi and the rouers neare there about, are hore and there many catells and foutrelles, all the loides wherof are fubiecte to the prince of Agoſcouia, as they ſay. They ſay allo, oz tacherfa'ile, that the gbole caulco Aurea Anus is an Image lyke onto an owlbe wogfe bauyng a chyld in her lappe: and that there is nowe Cecne an other infante which they ſay to bee her neuir. Allo that there are certeyne indicamentes that make a continuall Counde lyke the nople of trumpettes. The which if it fo bec, I thynke it to bee by tea ſon of the wynde blawynge continually into the holowe pla ces of chofe inftrumentcs. roove The ryuer Colin, fauleth owt of the mountapnes into coffins. Lucomozia 9n the mouth of thys, is a cadell. Whyther fro the (płynges of the great ryuer Lolin, is two moonethes by Carina. age. Furthermoze from the ſpinges of the ſame ryuer, the ryuer LaXima hath hys original: which runnynge thiowgh Cachnin. Lucomaria; Eauleth into the great ryuer Tachnin, beyonde the which (as is fayde) dwelt mon of prodigious tape, of sal whom fum are ouergrowne with heare lyke wylde beattes: people of other haue headesipke dogges,and other theyz faces in they monftrous ſhape. bzeltes withowt neckes, and with longe handes alſo and a fyrrhe lyke mithowte fecre. There is lykewyle in the eyuer Fachnin, a certepne fpühe with headde, cps, noſe, mouthe, handes, Pline wzy: fiete, other members vrterly of humane ſhape and yet with: feth of the lyke fylthe. owt any boyce, pleaſante to bee eaten as are other fyQhcs. all that j haue hethereo tcherfed, 3 haue trandated out of the fayde ioyney which was.delyuered me in the mof: conites tounge. 3n the which pechappes fum thynges mays freme fabulons and in maner incredible, as of the doomme men and the deade cenyuynge, the Aurea Anus alſo, and anche montrous thapes of men with the fpühe of human fozme: wherof althowgh I haue made bylygét inquiſicion, yet could 3 knowe nothynge certepne of any that had ſeene the ſame with they eys, neuect heleữeto gyue further occafion to other co ſcarehe the truth of theſe thynges, 3 haue thowght good to make mention hereof. Hol in the wofcouites tounge ſignifieth a noſe:and ther- foz man. Moſcouſa and Cathay. M 296 fore they caute all capes oz poyntes oflande that reache into the ſea, by the ſame name. The mountapnes about the ryner of Berzoza, arr canled mountapace. Semnoi Popas, 02 Lingulus mundi:(that is) the gyżdle the worlde, ol of the yearth. ancha) glo da Dino the greate kichay, is a lake of whome thegreate Chan of CÁTHAY Chan of Cao whom the Diofcourās caule Lzar ikythailki, bath hys name. thay. Foy Lhan in the Tartars language ſignifieth a kyng.in The places of Lucomorya nerc into the ſcagare faluage, Lucom0.. full of wooddes, and inhabited withoit any houſes and albeie that the autour of thys iozney-ſaydrhat many nations of Lucomozya are ſubiecte to the prynce of Dolcóuia; pet for almuch as the kyngdome of tumen is neare chetunto, whole etmen 1937 prince is a Tarrar and named in theyż toung Eumenſki Lzár (that tsy a kynge in somen, and hath of late doone great do mage to the prynce of myofcouia, it is molie lyke that theſe Matrons Mulde rather bee ſubiccre vnto hym. 10pcave unto che ryuer Petzola, (wherof mentio is made Petzola, in thps iozney) is the citie and caftell of Papin oi papinové papie. gozod, bhofc inbabytauntes are named papini, and haue a priuate language differyng from the Dolcouites. Beyond nysh morm: thys tpurr, are crceadynge bygh mountaynes, reachyng cuen taynes,fup: poſed to be bnto the bankes: whoſe ridgies 02 toppes by reaſon of con: byperborei, tinuall wondes, are in maner Sterly barcayne withowt gral and Rlichen, of frutes, and although in Dyucus places they haur dyuers names, yet are they commonly cauled Lingulus hundi, (that is) the worlde. En theſe mountaynes doo ierfalcons betde, wherof 3 haue (poken before. There grow allo Ledar trees, amonge the which are founde the beſt and blackft kynde of ſables. And only theſe mountaynes are ſeene in all the domy nyons of the płynce of Leofcouia, which perhappes are the fame that the ololdwzitets caule Rhipheos 0l Dyperboleos, ſo named of the Grecke wolde Hiper, (that is) vnuer: and Bo reas (that is) the nozthi foi by reaſon they are cottered with continuall (now and frolie, they can not withabut great diäi: cultie bee tcauayled: and reache (o facre into the north, that they make the unknowne land of Engroneland. The duke Engronland, of gofcouia Balilius the Coonre of John, fent on a time two of hys capiragnes named Simeon phcodozowitz Kurb: fki, and knes peter Wichacoi to ſearch the places beyonde shels Mofcouia and Cathayalol stolp. 97 Chefe mountaynes and to ſubdebe the nations thecabofesini Burblkt was get alyue at my being in wofcouta:and declared God bnco mechat he ſpent i vii.days in aſcendong the mountayn, and yet coulde not coome to the toppe therof, which in they toange is cauled Stolp (that is) a pplier. Shys mountayne is extended into the cean bnto the mouches of the rpuers of Dwina and Petzora. But nowe hauyng (poken thus muché of the Capde ionney, 31 byll returne to the domonyons of of couia With othec tegyons lyinge eatiwarde and Couche frome . : omul the ſamg toldarde the myghtye Empire of C ATHAY. Bue Carhar. 3 byll kyzd (peake Camwhac bycfely of the prouyace of Rezan and the famous tyuer of Tanais. O nomor a Che frufall The pzouyace of Rezan ſituate betwere the rouers of Oc province of ca and Tanais, hath a citie buylded of woodd not farte from Re311. the banke of Sca. There was init a catell named 3arol: 3srolla 1. law, whecof there nowe temayneth nothynge but tokens of theolwd cuine. Not farce from that citte, che tyrer Occa 10:19T makethan jilande named Strub:which was ſumtym a great .1964 dukedome, whole prince was ſubiect to none other. thys p2ouince of Bezak 15 moze fcutfull then any other of the pro: non deyr uynces of myofcouis: In lo muche that in thys (as they ſaye) 17 cuerp stayne of wheate bzyngethe furthe two and fumtymes moze cares: whoſe dalkes oz tralocs growe lo thycke that houſes can ſcarlely go chzolgh them, or quayles Aye owt of then. There is greare plenty of honupe, fyûhes, foules, brides, and wplde beaftes. The frures allo do farce erceadt the frules of moſcoma. The people are bould Warlyk met. 2591110s? do ocean of the famous rytieron moo 393931 of manais. Bron 1000 Komo agorconia onto the cafell of Farols lald, and beyonde for the ſpace of almoſt rriii . leaques, tü:rech the ryučc of Tanais, Sonce. at a place canled Donco, where the mars Bogh. chnuntes that trade to aloph, Lapha; and Caoba. Lonftantpnople, fraight they2 dyppes:and Conftantino: thys foz the motte parte in autumne beynge pie. a raynep tpme of the ycarc,ffor Danais here at other tymos of the yeare doth not fo abounde with water as to bcare Chypprs Moſcouia and Cathay. 297 yppes of any burden. Tbys famous cpuct of Tanais, dy' Canais divis updeth Europe from Alia: and harb bys opgynal o(pringes deth Europe almol. btii. leaques from the citie of Tulla toward the ſouth frome Ania. Inclynyng ſumbhat towarde the Late : and nat olntc of the of Tanais. Miphean mountaynes as Come haue vozytten: But obte of a great lake named Ibanolofero (that is) the lake of John: 2 grear lake being in length and bicadth abowt. 1500. Werftes in a wood whichelum caule Dkonitzkilies, and other name it gepipha: noblics. And olot of this lake, ſpłynge the twoo greate ry: Che tyuer uers of Schat and Tanais. Schat towarde the Wete recea: Schal. uynge into it the rouer of Wppa, tunneth into the ryuer of DC cá betwene the Weſt and the nozch. Bat Tanais at the fyede tunneth directly Eat and continuech his courſe betwene the Caſas. Aftrechan. kyngdomes of Lalan and Attrachan within ſyre os ſeuen leaques of Wolga: And frome thenſe bendynge towarde the Weatis, ſouth, maketh the fennes oz inaryiſhes of Weotis. ffurther: Culla. moze, nerte unto his (płynges, is the citic of sulla: and up: pon the banke of the tyuer almote threc leaques aboue the mouthes of the ſame, is the citie of Alopy, which was fyzúe cauled Tanas. Fouce dayes iorney aboue this, is a towne Achas. cauled Achas, ſituate harde by the ſame ryuer : Whiche the fretzfull regi myofcouites caule Don. J can not ſufficiently playſe this ry ons abowo anais. uer for the erceadynge abundaunce of good fyűhes, and faire međe of the regions on botheſydes the bankes, with plentie of holloomc herbes and ſweete tootes, bclyde dyuers and ma: ny frutefull trees growonge in ſuche coomlyozder as though they had byn ſet of purpoſe in gardens ol acchardes. There wilde plentie of is alſo in manier cuery where ſuche plentie of wolde bcaties, beaſtes. that they may rarely be Qaine with arcowesign ſo much that fuche as trauapie by thoſe regions,thal ſtand in neede of none fire and ſalt, other thynge to mayntapne they? Ipfc but only fyze and ſalte. 3in thcle partes, is no obſeruation of myles, but of dayes inz neys. But as farce as couldc conicctuce, from the foun: taynes oz (pzynges of Tanais vnto the mouches of the ſame where ta: joineyinge by lande, are almol fourcicoze leaques. And lay: nais is fyrſte lynge from bonco (frome whenſe J Cayde that Tanais boas nauysable. fygde nauigable) in (carſely.rr. dayes by age, they come to the citie of Acoph tributarie to the Turkes: Which is (as they propb. Cay, fyue dayes iozney frome the ftreight of dancica, other? wyle cauled Precop. In this c.tie is a famous mare crowne, ffff.i. unto Moſcouía and Cathay. the marte of bnto the which relozt many marchauntes of dyuers nations, Proph. and from Dyucus partes of the woulde. fol, that all nations may the gladlyer haue recourſe thyrhet, free lybettie of bying Libertie alles and Cellynge is graunted unto all: and that withowt the citie fethſtrangers euery man may freely vſe his owne and accuſtomed maner of lyuynge withowt punyűhement. DE the altares of great Alexander and Julius Lelar whis che many Włyters make mention of in this place, oz of they Che altars of Elerander ruine, 31 coulde haue no certeyne knowleage of thinhabis and Ccrer, tauntes oz any other that had oftentymes trauayled theſe pla ces. Furthermore the ſoulbyers whiche the prince of wors conia maynteyneth there yearely to opprette thincurſions of the Tartars, beinge of me demaunded hereof, anſwered that they neuer (awe oz harde of any ſuch thynge. Neuerthelete, they ſayde that abolot the mouthes of Tanais the leữe, foure Che holy Dayes io?ney from Aloph nere bnto a place cauled Somerſki, mountaynes. by the holy mountaynes, they ſawe certeyne images of ttone Tangis the and marble. Tanais the lete, hath his (płyngesan the duke: Icire. dome of Sclerſki: Whereof it is caulcd Donctz Scwerſki: and fauleth into Tanais three dayes iozney about Acoph. from moſco dia to alloph Butſuche as toyney from Dofcouia to Aloph by lande, they, palynge ouer Danais abobot the owlde and ruinate towne of Donco, doo fumwhat turnc from the ſouth to the Eate: 316 mofcouria in the which place, if a rpght line bee dzawen from the mouthes Mia and not of Tanais to the (piznges of the ſame, woſcouia thalbe found in Europe. to beg in Qlia and not in Europe Cogoze directly from yolconia, to Cathay Che prouince De great and large province of permta, is dy of permia. tante from nofcouia two hundzeth and fyftie of(as Cum ſay) three hundjethleaques directly betwerte the Eat and Poth: and hath a citie of the ſame name by the ryuer Uilchuza which runneth.x. tcaques bcneth kamam. The ion ary rhes'in ney by lande can (carlely bee trauagled thyther but in wyntet Commer, by rcalon of many ryuers, marydhes, and fennes. But in Tom: mer, this torney is diſpatched with moze facilitie in boates 02 (maule fhippes by Wuolochda, Wiiug, and the rouer uit: zechta Moſcouia and Cathay. 298 sechda which runneth into Dwina. tii. leagues from Utting. Dwina. But they that go from permia to Ulling, mule ſayle vp che ultiug. ryuer Wiſchoza ageinſt the courſe of the treame: and paling puer certeyne ryuers, ſumtymes alſo conueyinge they boates into other rouers by lande, they come at the length to-uging thechundzech leaques ditt ant frome the citie of Permia. Ahere is (maule vſe af bzeade in this prouince. for thcy2 Cribute. pearely tribute, they pay to the płynce furres & hozſrs. They furres and horſes. haue a priuate language, and letters of they? owne, whiche one Steuen a byahop (Who confirmed them yet waueryng in the fayti) dyd inuente. For before beinge yet infantes in the fayth of Lhzyle, they cwe and åeyde an other byahop that was appoynted to intructe them. This Steuen afterwarde when Demetrius the ſonne of John reigned, was taken for a faynte amonge the Ruthens. Df theſe people there yet re: mayne many idolatours here and there in the woods, whom monkes and the moonkes and heremites that go thyther, doo not ceaſe to herentices. conuere from they? vayne ecrour. 3n the wynter they iozney in Artach as they dod in many places of Rullia. Artach, are patentes, cecteyne longe patentes of woedde of almot ſyre handfuls in length, whiche they make fate to theyz fiete with latchettes, & therwith perfozme theyz. iozneys with great celeritie. They lus wyteth marcus" pars ble foz this purpoſe greate dogges in the teade of other bear that there fies, with the which they cary theyz farthels on acades, as bosses are other doo with hacres in other places, as we boyll further de almoſt as bys clare hereafter. They ſay that that prouince toward the Eat that they and confineth with the pzouince, cauled Tumen, perteyuynge to ve fyre to i the Tartars one fleade. the ſituation of the prouince of Jugaria, is apparente by that lo hich we haue (ayde befoze. The moſcouites caute it Jugaría. :) Jubra with an aſpiration : and caule the people juhtici. This is that jugacia from Whenſe the Dungarians came in Hungaria. tyme patte, poleted pannonia, and bnderthe conduct of at: panonia. tila, fubdued many pzouinces of Europe: whecin the gyolco uites doo greatly glozy, that a nation ſubiecte to them, inwar ded and wated a great parte of Europe. Georgius Paruus a greeke borne, and a man of reputation with the Prince of 5 Woſcowia, wyllynge to aſcribe to the ryght of his prince the 2015 great dukrbomc of Lithuania, and the kyngedome of Polos Die with certeync other dominions, toulde me that the Juha: FFFE,ú, TICI 02 Moſcouſa and Cathay. tici 02 Juhgary, bringe ſubiectes to the grcat dake of mayores uia, came furth of they? owne countrey, and fyzůc inhabited The hygher the regions aboiut the fennes of Leotis, and then pannonie o ſuperyor which was afterwarde cauled Hungarie, by the ryuer of Da Hungarye, is nubius: allo that in fine they poleted the region of DIOZAS cauled ultri uia ſo named of the ryuer : and lykewyſe pollonie, (o canled polonte. of polle, which lignificth a plagne. Furthermoze that Bus Suds. da was ſo cauled after the name of the brother of Attila. They ſay alſo that the Juhgari bre the ſame rounge that doo the Dungarians. The which whether it be treb of not,3 do not knowe. For alchowgh 3 bauc madc diligent inquilirion to knobr the truth hereof, yet coulde 3 fynde no man of that furres, region with whom my ſecusunt beinge eppere in the Banga: pearles and rian tounge mpght ſpeake. They alſo pay furres foz they Precious tributes to the prince of morcovia, and albeit that peaties Noncs. and precious tones are brought frome thenſe to wo[couia, yet are they not gathered in they? Dcean, but in other places: eſpecially about the coaf of the Dean nere vnto the mouches of su wina. The prouince of Sibier, confineth with permia and Wüt Sibier. athka: The whiche, wherher it have any callels of cities, 3 doo not yet certeynly knowe.3n this the rouer gaick hache Aſpreolos, his originall, and fauleth into the Lalpian ſea. They Cage 3 thynk to be that this region is defecte bycauſe it Iyeth Co neare the Tat: marierns: pet tars: 02 that yf it bee in any parte inhabited, the came to be Sum think the polieded of the startar Schichmamai. Thinhabitantes hauc to be fquerels a peculiar language: and haue they? chiefe gaynes by the wsyteth that furres of marterns, whiche in fayzenes and greatnes, ercell the kyngs of all the furres of that kynde that are founde in any other pro: the tartars, ninces. yet coulde 3 haue no great plentie of them in chof: haue theyre couia at my beinge there. Note that longe after the 119 tentes coue : ting of this hyftorte, at Rycharde Chaunceler his fyift being in wor red withowt couia, Duke John Uafilreich that nowe raygneth, ſubdued all the wych the Tartars with they? regions and prouinces euen Vnto the great citie Tkỳnnes of and mart towne of aftrachan 7 the Caſpian (es. At the ſame tyme lyons: 3 With: alfo, tinere was in the dukes count an ambaſſadour that came frome in, mith the this pouince of Sibier : mìo declared that his father had byn fene (kynnes of ra embaladour to the great Chan of Cathay. and that the great citie bles and Er- of Cambalu where the great chan kepeth his courte in winter, was upynes. in mener deſtroyed by Necromance and magicall artes wherin the Cathaynes are very erpert as wzyteth marcus paulus tenctus, her ivas alſo at the raine tyme thambafadour of the kinge of per fia cauled the great sophie. Ghis Ambaſſadour was appareled all inſcarlet, and ſpake much to the ouke in the behalfe of owre mell, of whore kyng dome and trade ke was not ignorans, Moſcouia and Cathay. 2017 299 the people cauled Lzetemille, dwell in the wooddes be: Czeremiffo, neth Nouogardia the lower. They haue a peculiar language and are of the ſecte of 29 achumet. They were fumtyme ſub: tecte to the kynge of Lalan: but the greater part of them are nowe ſubiecte to the prince of myofcouia. Dany of them at my beinge there, were brought to moſcouta, as ſuſpected of urbitacions tebellion. This nation doth inhabite a large region withowt wishowe hop houſes from Cuiathka and Wuolochda,to the rouer of kama fes. all the nation alwell women as men, are bery flopft of foote, and expert archers: Wherin they ſo delite, that theyz bowes are in maner neuer o wt of thepi handes: and gyue theyz chil dien no mcate vntpl they hyt the marke they thoote ar. Twolcaques digante from Ponogarbia the lower, were many houſes to the fimilitude of a citie oz towne, where they Salte. were accuttomed to make (alte. Thele a fewe geaces fence be inge burnt of the Tartars, were reſtored by the commaunde: ment of the prince. Wolowa, are people inhabycynge by the ryuer of Wolga on the ſouth banke beneth Rouogardia che lower:And are in althynges like unto the Lzeremilies but that they haue moje houſes. And here cndeth Chempire of the mofcouites. 20te here that ayatthias of 20tchou, in his booke of Sarmatia fiatica, writech that the dominicn of the duke of Moſcouta recherb from the northweſt to the ſoutheaſt fyue hundreth myles of berma me, which are inore then leaques. For they affirme that a sermano myle is more then three Englýſhe myles. DE the Tattars, Ee byll nowe adde hereunto ſumwhat of the people The Cartars confinynge with the @gofcouites towarde the Eat: of Calan. of the which the Tarrars of Lafan are the first. But befoze wee ſpeake of them particularly, wee wyl fyz& reherſe fumlohat of they? maners and cuſtomes in generall. The Tartars are divided into companies which they caul Borda. bordas, of the which the Doda of the Sabolhcnfes is the chiefe in fame and multitude. Foz it is fayde that the other Dodas had they offpzynge and original of this. And albes it that euery bolda hath his peculiar name, as the Sawol: henſes, recropenſes, and Rahays with dyuers other being all wachumetans, yet Doo they take it euyll and count it re: pzoch to ber cauled Turkes : but wyll them ſelnes to bee cau: led Belermani, by the which name alſo the autkes delyze to Befermente bee cauled, V Moſcouía and Cathay. and as the tattars inhabyte many plouynces reachynge fac the ſtature on euery [yde, cuen Co in maners and order of lyuynge doo of the Car: they not agree in all thynges. they are menof meanetta, tars. titre, with bzaade and fat faces, holowe eyde, with roughe and thycks beards, and poulde heades. Dnely the noble men hanc longe heare, and that erceadyng black, which they wreath on both ſydes.they, eares, os schey are ſtronge of bo dy and toute of myndea prone to leacherye, and that vanatu Theyabſteine rall. They eate the feadhe of horſes, camells, and other from bogges beates cpcépre hogges from which they abſtepne by a lawe. feThe. They can fo abybe fatting e hunger, that they ſūrime foybeare Abſtinence. meate and decpe foz the ſpace of foure days, occupyed neuers tlele Te aboute they? necelary afayzes. Agepne when they Uoza cities gette any thyng to deuoure, they ingozge them ſelues beyond meaſure: and with that ſurfecte in inanec récompenſe theyz fozmier abitynence. And bepige thus oppzelled with laboure and meate, they alcepe contynually foz the ſpace of three oz foure days withowt boyng any maner of wolke oz labour: Durynge which tyme the Lyuons and bgofconites into whole domynyons they are accudomed to make theyż incurſions, als Cayle them vnwares thus opp elled with meate and fleepe, Ipinge (catered here and there owt of order withowte waichi oz warde. Alſo if when they ryde, they bee moletted with So doo the hunger and thyrde, they ble to lette they houſes blub, and Turkes, wich dzynkyng the ſame, ſatyſfye theyz preſent neceưytie, and affyrme theyz hozles to bee the better therby. And bicauſe they all wander in vnkuowen places, they víc to dyzect chez zomeying by rozneys by thaſpecte of the Atarres, and eſpecpally of the pole the pole ſtar. tarre, which in tbeyz tounge they caule Seleſnikoll, (that wares mylke is) an iten naple. They greatly delyte in mares mylke, and beleue that it maketh men trong and fatte. They eate herbes very muci: aub eſpecpally ſuch as growe abobot Tanais. Horfe eflefſhe fewe of them ble (alte. When thepz kynges dy&cpbute any eaters. bytayles among them, they are accuſtomed to gyue one hollé 02 cowe to fortye men. Df the dayne beate, the bowells and Clenly. trypes are relerued for the chiefe men and capptaynes. Theſe they heate at che fyze bntyll they may take out the doonge, and then deuoure them gredely. They Cucke and lycké, not only they, fyngers imbued with fatte, but alſo they2 knyues and Nyckes wherwith they ſcrape the doong from the gurces. he Moſcouía and Cathay, lol 300 the heades of horſes are counted delycate dithes with them mors headee, as are bozes hcades with us: and are reſecued only for the deintie meate chpefe men. They? hojſts (wherof they haue great aboun: The Tartare haiſes. Daunce) are but (maule and with thozt neckes:but very trong and ſuch as can wel away with labour e hunger. Theſe they fide with the branches & backes or tyndcs of trces & the rotes of hearbes and weedes, wherby they accuftome them to hard feedynge, and erercyſe them to contynuall laboure: by reaſons böherof (as ſay the myofcouytes) theyz hozſes are ſluyfter 2011 and moze durable then any other. Theſe kynde of houſes, they caule Pachmat. They haue none other laddells and ties Saddels and ftyrrops of oppes then of woodd, except Cuche as they evther byg of the moodde. Cozyftians, ot take from them by vyolence. Leat they, hozle vackes fulde bee hurte with theyz fabdells, they underlaye hem with graſſe and teaues of trees. They alſo paữe ouer ry uers on hozſbacke. But if when they aye, they feare the puca ſuynge of theyż enemyes, then calynge away theyz Caddells apparelle, and all other inpedymentes, reſecuyng only theyz armoure and locapons they aye amayne ano with greate ceelrytye. Theywomen ble the ſame kynde of apparell that don the men withowt any dyference The Tartare ercept that they couer they heades lith lynnen bayles, and women. ble lynnen hoſe muche lyke vnto maryners Doppes. When they2 queenes coome abzod, they are accuſtomed to couer they2 faces. The other multytude of the common fonte that Iyueth here and ther in the feeldes, haue they: apparell made of thecpcs [kynnes, which they channg not vntyll they bee wone and tozne to fytters. They tarye not longe in one place, iudgyng it a great myſery Co to doo:Jn ſo muche that The Tartars when they are angrie with they? chylden, the greateſt curſe curre. that they can gyue them, is that they maye remayne perpetu: ally in one place, and diawe the tynthe of theyż owne fyl: thyneke as doo the Chryfyans. When they Haue conſumed the paſture in one place they go to another with they dioues of cattayle and they, wyues and chyldren whom they ener cary about with them in wagons: albeit the Tactars that dwell in cities and townes, ble an other order of lyuynge. If they be incloſed with any daungerous warre, they place notuftice theyz wyues, chyidzen, and owld folkes, in the fauett places, amonge che There is no iudice amonge them. Foz if ang man ttande in Tartars, neede Mofcouia and Cathay. neade of any thynge, he may withowt punnyThementé take ft awaye from an other. If any complayne to the judge of the vyolence and bozonge doonte bato hym, the offender De nyech not the cryme, but Cayth that he coulde not lacke that shyng. Then the Judge is bonte to gyue thys ſentence : 30 thowe alſo falte haue neede of any chynge dop che lyke to other. Sum ſay they do not feale: 'But whether they teale The Tartars or not, lette other indge. They are ſurely a thcenyåhe kynd of ere theeues and poo:e. met and very pooze, iyuynge only by robbyng of other, and dealyng awayother mens cattayle, and vyolently allo cary: ynge awape the men them ſelues whom cyther they ſelle to the murkes of poker them to bee redemed by ranſome, ceſec They refoyce aynge only the younge wenches. They feldome aữaulte cities to ſpoylynge of catells, but burne and watte townes and villagyes: 34 ſo muche that they ſo pleaſe them ſelyes herid, that they thynke they haue ſo muche the more inlarged their empire, in howe muche they haue wated and made deſolate manye pio: uynces. And althowgh they bee motte impacpent of rete and quyetne üle, yet doo they not kyll of deſtroyeone an other, er cepte theyz kynges bee at detention betweene them ſelues. 3|f any man bee Haine in any fraye oz quarel and the autours of the myſchefe bee taken, only theyz yozale, harnelle, wea: pons, and apparell, are taken from them, and they diſmiled. So that the murthecer by the lodle of a byle holle oz a bowe, is dy[charged of the judge with theſe wooides: gette the hence and goo abolote thy buſynele. They haue no ble of golde and ſyluer, ercepte only a fewe marchauntes: But er: erlyſe erchaunge of ware for wace. And if it ſo chaunce that The feelde by fellyng of ſuch thynges asthcy haue folne, they gette ang Cartars, monye of theyz boztherers, thep bye therwith certeyne appa: cel and other neceữarges of tije Moſcouites. The tegyons of 2 mery tale. they2 babytacions (the feelde Scartars I meane) are not lg- mytted with any boüdes o, bozchers. There was on a tyme a certeyne fatte taccar taken pzyoner of the cyolconites: ta whom when the pzynce fayd, Dol acte thow lo fatte tholot dogge, fythe thomehatte not to cate, the Tartar anſwered, Why mulde nor 3 baue to eate fpche 1 police ſo large & land from the Eat to the well, wherby 3 may bee abundaung sely nurykhed: But thowe mapke rather ſecme to lacke, ſyth thowe inhabyced ſa (manie a poztion of the worlde,and dulte daylyg Mofcouia and Cathay. 501 daply tryue for the ſame. Lalan, is a kyngedome, allo a citie, and a cadell of the Carans. Came name, ſtruace by the rouer Wolga on the further banke, almott threſcore and tenne leaques beneath Rouogardia the lower. álonge by the courſe of Wolga towarde the Eaſt and South, it is termined with deſerte fyeldes.Towarde the com mer Ealt, it confineth with the Tartars cauled Schibanſki, The kynge and kołatzki. The kynge of this prouince, is able to make of Caran. an army of. crp.thouſande men, cſpecially footc men, of the which the zeremiare e Lzuba chiare moſt expect archers. The Archers. Czubaſcht are allo cunnynge maryners, The citie of Lalan, Waryners. is threfcoze leaques ditant frõ the principal cafel Wuiathka. furthermode, Lalan in the Tartars language, ſignificth a The towne valen potte boylynge. Thele Tartars are more ciuile thon Tartars. the other. Foz they dwellin houſes, tyll the grownde, and ererciſe the tradeof marchaundies. They were of late ſubdu ed by Bafilius the greate duke of 19 ofcouia, and had they? konge aligned them at his arbitriment. But thoztely after, morconia in: they rebelled ageine: and a Tociate with other Tartars, in uaded by the naded the region of mofcouia, ſpoyled and wated many ci: Tartare, ties and towncs, and ledde away innumerable captiues, euen from the citie moicouia which they polečfcd foz a tyme, and had vtterly detroyed the ſame if it had not byn foz the valy: antnelic of the Almayne gunners which kept the callell with of morcotia The great ozdinaunce. They alſo putte duke Baſilius to dyght, tributary to and cauſed him to make a letter of his owne hande to ach: the Wartars, mergirei theyz kynge to acknowleagc hym lelfe for a perpetu: all tributarie to them, wheruppon they diñolued the fiege, and gaue the Holcouites free libertie to redeeme they? cap: tiues and gooddes, and ſo’departed.But Balilius not longe Duke Baſili: able to abyde this contumelie and diſhonour, after that he had purre to dcach ſuche as by flyinge at the full encounterynge Tarcars. were the cauſe of this ouerthrowe, allembled an armye of a hundzech and foureſcoze thouſande men thoztely after in the peace. 1523. And ſent fozwarde his army vnder the conducte of his licuetenaunte: and therewith an heralde at armes to bydde battaple to wachmergirei che kynge of Lalan, baith wooides in this effecte: The laſt yeare lyke a cheefe and cob: ber withowt byddyng of barcayle, chou dyddelte piyuilic op: pretre me, wherekoze 1 nowe chaleuge the, once ageyne to B B Bg.i. proue us army 8: Seynſt the Moſcouia and Cathay. proue the foztune of warre if thou myfrufe not thyne owne poure. To this the kynge anſwered, that there were manye wayes open for bym to inuade Doccouia: And that the wac: res haue no leđe reſpect to the commoditie of tyme and place thë of armure of Atrēgth:And that he wold take thaduantage therof when there it thulde ſeeme bed to him and not to : ther. With which woozdes Baſilius bringe greatly accenſed and burnyng wich delyze of reucnge, inuaded the kyngdome of Lalan: bhole kynge beinge fryken with ſuddenne feare ar thapproche of ſo terrible an army, aligned the gouernance of his kyngdome to the younge kynge of Taurica his neuie, v hyle he hym Celfe went to requyze ayde of the Emperour of the Turkes. But in fine the kynge of Lalanſubmytted bym Che kyng of Celfe vppon certeyne conditions of peace whiche the wholco. Caran ſubmit tech hym uites dyd the gladlyer ercepre foz that time becauſe they? víc ſelfe, tayles fayled them to maynteyne ſo great a multitude. But wheras duke Balilius hym Celfe was not preſent at this lat expedition, he greatly ſuſpected palitzkithe Lieuetenaunte of tharniy to bee corrupted with błybes to proceade no fur: ther. In this mcane tyme, the kynge of Calan Cent ambađa. dours to Baſilius to intreate of peace : Whome 3 Cawe in the dukes courte at my beynge there : but I coulde perceaue no the Jland of hope of peace to bee betwene them. Foz cucn then, Baſilius marchauntes to endomage the Lalans, tranſlated the marte to Mouogar: Dia, which before was accuſtomed to bee kepte in the Iſlande of marchauntes nere onto the citte of Lalan: commaundyng allo vnder peyne of greuous punyâhemente that none of his ſubiectes foulde celozte to the glande of marchauntes :thyn kynge that this tranđation of the marre fulde greately haue endomaged the Laſans : and that only by takyng away their trade of Calte (which they were accu tomed to bye of the Day of couites at that matte) they thulde haue byn compelled to ſub: mylion. But the Dgoſconites them ſelues felte no ledle incons uenience hereby then dyd the Lalans, by reaſon of the dearth and ſcarlenelle that folowed hereof of al ſuch thynges as the Che Caſpl: scartars were accutomed to bzynge thyther by the ryuer of an rea. perſia. Wolga from the Laſpian ſea, the kyngedomes of perſia and Armenia, and the marte towne of agrachan: eſpecially the sarachan. great number of mot excellent fpühes that are taken in Wol: ga both on the hyther and further lyde of Laſan. But Armenia. Moſcouia and Cathay. 302 Buſ hauynge fayde thus much of the warres betwene the prince of bofcauia and the Tartars of Lalan, we wyll now procede to ſpeake fumwhat of the other Tartars inhabytyng the regions towarde the ſoutheaſt and the Caſpian ſea. Ndert beyonde the Tartars of Lalan, are the Tartars cau: Che Tartars led Nagai ol Nogai, which inhabite the regions beyond wol neare to the Cafptan fea. ga abowt the Caſpian (ca at the rpuer Jaick,runnpng owt of 20gai. the prouince of Sibier. Theſe haue no kynges but dukes. Jn obore tyme, three bzetherne diuydynge the prouinces equally betwene them, poſleđed thoſe dukedomes. The fyzit of them The poffeffie named Schidack, polleſeth the citie of Scharaitzick, beyond bytherne. the ryuer of Rha oz Wolga towardethe Eate, with the regi: on confinynge with the ryuer Jaick. The ſeconde cauled LoL fum, enioyech all the lande that lyethe betwene the ryuers of kaman jaick and Wolga. The thyzde błother named Schich mamai, polellech parte of the prouince of Sibier and all the region abowt the Came. Schichmamai, is as much to ſay by interpretacion, as holy oz myghry. And in maner al chele re gions are full of wooddes, excepte that that Iyeth towardt Scharaitz, which conſyſteth of playnes and fyeldes. Betbene che cpuers of Wolga and Jaick, abowt the Lal: The kynges pian ſea, there fumtymes inhabyted the kynges cauled Sa: cauled Sa: molbenſes. Demetrius Danielis(a man among theſe barba: wolkenfes. rians, of ſingular fayth and grauitie) toulde bs of a marues lons and in maner incredible chyng that is Cene amonge theſe Tartars. And that his father beinge ſente by the pzynce of dofcouia to the kynge of Sawolhenſe, ſawe whyle he was in that legacie, a certeyne ſeede in that jiande [umwhat letre and rounder then the ſeedes of belones: Df the whiche bc: inge hydde in the grounde, there groweth a frute og plante very lyke a lambe, of the heyght of fyue ſpannes : Andis maruelous therfoze car:led in they? tounge Bojanetz, whiche ſignifyety frute lyke 8 a lyttle lambe. Foz it hath the hcadde, eyes, eaces, and all lambe. other partes like unto a lambe newly cyned: With alſo a very thynne ſkyane wherwith dyuers of thinhabitauntes of thoſe regions are accutomed to line theyż cappes and hattes and o: ther tyzementcs foz they? heades. many alſo confirmed in owre pzeſence that they had ſeene thele (kynnes. Le fayde furthermore that that plant (if it may bec cauled a plane)hath bludde, and no aleihe: but hath in the feade of alcahe a cers B B Bg.ti teyne Moſcouía and Cathay. teyne fubitance like unto the arche of cretiylhes. The hoofeg alſo are not of hozne a3 are the lambes, but couered with heare in the ſame forme. The roote cleaueth to the nauell or myddef ofthe belly. The plante o fruire lyucth bntyll all the grate and herbes growyn Je abowie it bringe eaten, the roote bytheretis foz lacke of nurythement. They ſay that it is very lwcete to bee eaton, and is therefore greately delyzed and fought for of the woolues and other raue nynge beales. and albeit 31 efteme all that is cayde of this plant to be fabus tous, yet fozaſmuch as it hath byn toulde me of credible per: Cons, 3 haue thought good to make mention hereof, mandeuell. Oft is ſtraunge frute, mandeuell makech mention, wipere in the. Irrruiii. chapiture of his booke he w:ytech ikus: Nowe fall 3 fay of ſum landes, comtreys, and 3les that are beyonde the land of Cathay. Therfore who ro gocth from Cathay to zndia che hysh and the towe, he rrall go through a kyogedome that men caule Ca: duften, and is a great lande. here groweth a maner of frute 83 16 were gourdes. And when it is rype, men ciit it a funder: and fynd therin a bealt as it were of flefThe, bone, and bludde, as it were a Barnacles Lyttle lambe withowr woolle. And men cate that beast and the frute of the Oike: airo, which is a great maruayle. Neuertheleire, 3 fayde vnto them Heys. that 3 belde that for no maruayle. ffo: 3 fayde that in mny countrey are tres that beare frute that become byrdes flying which are good to bee eaten. And that that fauleth into the water, lyneth: and that that fauleth on the earth dyeth. ind they had greate maruayle of this. tc. from the prince of Schidack, pzoceadyng. rr. dayes iouney Barack Soi towarde the Eat are the people which the moſcouites caule tan. Jurgenci, whole princc is Barack Soltan, brother to the Cachay. greate Chan of Cathay. Jn tenne dayes iozney from Barack Soltan, they coomme to Bebeid Lhan. And this is that great Lhan of Lathay. ames of dignities amonge the Tartars are theſe, Chant, Names of ſignifieth a kynge, Soltan, che ſoonne of a kynge. Bil, a dignities 8Duke. Wurſa, the ſoonne of a duke. Dlboud, a noble man monge the o2 counſiler. Dlboabulu, the Coonme of a noble man. Seid, Cartars. the bygh pzette. kli, a pziuate perſon. The names of offices are theſe: Ulan, che ſeconde dignis ames of tie to the kynge. for the kynges of the Tartars haue foure offices. principall men whoſe counſayte they ble in al they? weyghty atayzes. DE theſe the fyzdte is cauled Schirmi : che feconde Barni . the thyade, Bargni: The fourth, Tziptzan. And to haue fayde thus muchof the Factars, it thall Cuifice. carcits Moſconia and Cathay. 303 mercus pau us wzyteth that the greate Chan, is cauled Chen Cu Chan Cublar blei that is, the great kynge of kynges: as the greate turcke wzy: teth bym felfe in lyke mener, as 3 famcim a letter wytten by hymn of late to the citie of Raguſa, in the which he vreth this ſubscriptis on: Soltan Soliman derelun Chan signore de Signori in fempiter mo. As concernyuge morconia and Cathgy, 3 was mynded to baue added hereunto dyuers other thynges, but that for certeyne conſideratione 3 was perſuaded toproceade no further. Unto whore requtfte, herein ſatiſfyinge rather other then my elfe, wyllynge os therwyſe to baue accomplyſſhed this booke to futeber perfection, 3 was content to agree for two caules eſpecially mouynge me: whers of the one is, that as touchynge there irades and vyagee, as in inan uer in all other ſciences there are certeyne recreates not to bee pub lyfthed ond inade common to all men. The orher cauſe is, that the parteners gt whore charge this booke is prynted, although the cop oy wherof they haue wrought a longe ſpace haue cott them nought oo not neuerheleffe ceale dayly to caule vopon me to inakc au end and proceade no further : affirmynge that the booke Wyll bee of to sreate a piyce and not euery mans money : fearynge rather theyz loffe and hynderaunce, then carefull to bee beneficiall to other, as is nowc in maner the trade of all ine. which ordinarie refpecte of private commoditie hath at this tyme ſo lyttle moued me, 3 take god to wytneffe, that for my paynes and trauayles taken nerein, ſuch as they bee, 3 máy vpper tut occation by ke my felfe a loofer manye wayes, ercept ſuch inen of good inclination as ſhall take pleaſure and feele rum comminodicte in the knowleage of theſe thymges, ſhall thynke me woorthy they good woorde, wherwith 3 hal repure my felfe and my trauayles fo abundantly ſatyſfyed, that 3 ſhall repure other mens gaynes a recompenſe for my loires, as they may bee in deede, yfien bee not Onthankefull, which only vice of ingraritude bath hyndered the worlde of many benefires. The nauigation by the froſen ſea I my beinge in dorconia then ivas ſent thyther by kynge Ferdinando my lorde and matter, it ſo chaunced that Brozgius ylos ma che duke of Agofcouia his interpretout, a man of great experience who hadde befoje lerned the latin tounge in the court of John kynge of Denmarke, was there preſent at the ſame tyme. Dein the yearc of Chryf. 1496. beinge ſente of his prince with matter Dauid a ſcotte bozne and then am: bañadour foz the kynge of Denmarke, (whom alſo g knowe there at my fyzd legacie) made me a b cefe information of all tholder Mofcouia and Cathay, chorder of his torney. The which,fozaſmuch as it may ſeeme Difficult and laborious alio el foz the difaunce as daungerous places, 31 hane thought good to deſcribe the Came as 3 recea ued it at his mouth. Fyzê he ſayde chat beinge fent of his pzince with the fayd Dauid, chey came fyzů to Mouogardia the great. And wher Nowogardia. as at that tyme the kyngedome of Suecia rcuolted frome the kynge of Denmarke, and alſo the duke of 29 ofcouia was at Suecia vnder diſcention with the Suetians, by reaſon wherof they coulde the kynge of not paữe by the mot accuſtomed way for the tumultes of war Denmarke. they attempted theyz ionney by an orher way longer but Cafer And came fyzat from Nouogardia to the mouches of the ryuer Dwina. of Dwina and potiwlo, by a very dyficult and paynefull to poriplo. ney. For he ſays that this iozney which can not bee to muche detetted for ſuche laboures and trauaples, continuerh foz th [pace of three hundžeth leaques. in fine, takyng foure (maul Üyppes oz barkes at the mouches of Dwina, they Cayled by the coatte on the ryght hande of the ocean, where they ſawe Hysh mour: Certeyne hyghe and cowgh mountapnes: and at the lengthe cayn's neare Caylynge. rbi, leaques, and patynge a great goulfe, folowed the north the coatte on the lefte hande: and leauyng on the ryght hand Ocean. the large ſea which hath the name of the ryuer poetzoza (as haue alſo the mountaynes adiacent to the rame) they came to finlappia. the people of Finlappia : who, although they dwell here and there in love cottagies by the ſea fyde, and leade in maner a The trylde beatly lyfe, yet are they moze meeke and tractable then the Lappians. wylde Lappians. De fayde that theſe alſo are tributaries to the prince of mofcouia. Then leauynge thelande of the lap: pians, and ſaylynge foureſcoze leaques, they came to the res The region gion of Motpoden under the dominion of the kynge of Sue: of Nortpoden cia. This the 19 ofcouites caule Katenſka Semla, and the people kapeni. Departynge from hence, and Caylynge alonge by the coaſte of a wondynge and bendynge thoze reachyng to warde the ryght hands, they came to a promontorie el cape Che care cauled the Holy noſe, beinge a greate fone reachynge farte cauled the holy sore, into the ſea to the ſimilitude of a noſe: vnder the whiche is Ceene a caue with a whyzlepoole which flpalowth the ſea cues cp (yre houres: and calynge furth the ſame ageyne with ter: & whylmoole vyble rozpnge and violence, cauleth the fayde whyzlepoole. ofwalowing Soulfe, Sum caule this the nauell of the ſea : and other name it Cha: rybdis, Moſcouia and Cathay. 304 mes. ryhdis. De affirmeth thar the violence of this [Walowynge such mhpite goulfe is ſuch, that it diaweth into it, inuolueth, and iba: pooles, are Toweth vp dyppes and al other thynges that con me neare it: cau.ed Vipers and that they were neuer in greater daungroute. ffoz the whyzlepooleſo ſuddeynely and violentcly djewe bnto it the myppe oz barke wherin they were caryed, that with the helpe of ozes and great labour they hardly eſcaped. When they had thus ouerpaữed the holy noſe, they came to a certeyne tonye mountaync which they thulde needes compañe abowte. But beinge there fayed with contrary wyndes foz the ſpace of cor teyne dapes, the pylotte of the thippe ſpake unto them in this sifecte: This fone (Cayth he) that yowe Cecis cauled Semes: The ſtone cabled Se: he which ercept we pleaſe with ſumme gyfte, wee Chall not pale by withowt great daungiour. But the pylot beingere: Superſtition poucd of g koma for his vayne ſuperñtition, helde his peace. And when they had byn Dereined ther by tempett foz the ſpace of foure days, at the length the tempel ceaſed and they went forwarde on theyz vyage with a proſperous wynd. Then the pilotte (pake unto them ageyne, ſayinge : yowe Deſpiſed my admonicion of pleaſynge the Semes, and (coined the ſame as bayne and ſuperftitious. But if I had not priuilse in the nyght aſcended a rocke and pleaſed the Semes, wce fulde Sacrifice to ſurely haue had no paſſage. Beinge demaunded what he ofte the ſtone ca red to the Semes, he fayde that he poured butter myrt with mes. otemele vpon the fone which wee lawe reache furth into the che cape fea. As they ſayled further, they came to an other cape named motka pjotka,which was almoft enuironed with the ſea lyke an 3 - wardbus. The caſtel of lande: in whole extreme poynte, is ſituate the caftell of Bar: thus, which fum caule Wardhus, (that is) a houſe of defence 0; fozircile. Foz the kynges of pozway haue there a garry: fon of men to defende they? marches. De layde furthermoze that that cape reacheth ſo farce into the ſea, that they coulde (carſely compaſic it in eyght dayes. By which tarping leafie they fhulde bee hyndered, they carycd on they? fulders with grcate laboure, theyz barkes and fardelles ouer a frepght of lande conteynyng halfe a leaque in breadth. From henlethey of the wilde ayled to the region of the wyld Lappones, cauled Dikilappo Lappones, nes to a place named Dzont, beinge.LL.leaques digant from Dions, Dwina towarde the North. And thus farre as heſayth, dorb the prince of Dofcouia exacte tribute. Furthermoze leauyng they? Moſcouía and Cathay. thepz barkes here, they fyny ched the reſidue of they, forney Joineyinge on neades. De further declared that there were heardes of on ilcades. hartes as are with vs of oren, whiche in the Mozuegiang tounge are cauled Rhen, beinge (u nihat bygger then olore Howe the hartcs. Thele the Lappones ble in this maner. They ioyne hartes diare them to ücades made lyke fy Ther botes, as wce put hozres to Sleades. the carte. The man in the Acade, is tyed fat by the feete leag be fall owse by the ſwyfte courſe of the hartes. In his lefte hande, he holdcth a collar os cayne wherinich he moderatech the courſe of the bartes: and in che ryght hand, a pyked itafe wherwith he may fufteine the leade frő faulyng if it chaunce to decline to much on any part and he toulde me that by this E.leagues meanes he trauapled twentie leaques in one daye, and then MT + 7 Dilmyded the harte, who by bym Celle returned to his owne mater and accuttomed table. This iozney thus fynyilhed, they came to Berges a citie of 120?duegia o? porway, (itu: the citie of Berges in ated rectly towarde the north betbene che mountaynes: and Norway. went from thenſcto Denmarke on horſebacke.At szont and Berges, the day is Cayde to bee.rrii houres longe in the com met Equinoctiall. Blaſius an other of the pzynce of colco: uia his interpretours, who a fewe yeares before, was ſent of horter his pzince into Spayne to Themperour, declared onto bs an forney. orher and mozter way of his iozney. ffo: he ſayde that when he was ſent from mofcouia to John the kyng of Denmarken Roſtow. he came fyytte on foote unto Rotowe : And takynge opppe Pereaſlaw. there, came to perealaw: and from percalato by the ryucu Caſtromow. Wolga to Ladromow : and that frome thenſe goynge ſcuers Werltes by lande, he came to a lyetle tyuer: ſaylynge by the quolochda. which, when fyra be came to Wuolochda, then to Suchana, Suchania. and Dwina, and in fine to the citie of Berges in Norway, 03 DW.11. Dafnia. uerpałynge in this byage all the perelies and laboures chat hoppeniagê 3 toma rehcarled before, he came at the length to barnia the ch'efe citie-of nenmacke, whiche che Bermaynescaule kop: penhagen. But in theyz ceturnynge home, they both confeTe Livonia, that they came to Dorconia by Liuonia: and that they were & yeare in this byage : Albeit Georgins juoma, Caybe that halfe the parte of that tynie, he was hyndered by tempelles, werſte, is als and inforced to tary longe in many places by the waye. Yet morten IcAlis they both lyke wyſe contantely a štrme that in this ioznep ep. 803 yle, ther of them trauayled a thouſand thjecccoze and ten wertes that Mofcouia and Cathayo 305 uus. (thaf is) three hundzeth and foştie leaques. Furthermoze ala fo Demetrius who of late was ſent ambaladour from the płynce of wofcouia to the bychoppe of Rome, (by whoſe re: lation alſo paulus fouius wrote his deſcription of bofco: Paulus Jo: uia) confirmed all theſe chynges to bee trewe. All they being demaunded of me of the congeled oz frofen ſea, made none o: Ryuers faus ther anſwere but that in places nere bnto that fca, they ſaw lyng into the many and great riuers by whoſe vehemente courſe and abun: froren ſea. daunt flowynge, the ſeas are dzyuen farce from the loze:and that the fayde water of the tyuers is frofen with the ſea a good ſpace from the lande, as in Livonia and other partes of Wyndes, Succia. For althowgh by the vehemencie of the wondes, the 3fe. gre is broken in the ſea, yet dooth this chaunce ſeldome 2 neuer in ryuers, ercepte by ſum inundation of fud the gre gathered togyther bee lyfted vp and broken. foz the äares oz pieſes of 3|Ce caryed into the ſea by force of the tyuers, 000 fote aboue the water in mancr all the hole yeare, and are a: geyne ſo vehemently frofon togyther, that a man maye there 3'e of many ſumtymes fee great heapes of the gle of manye yeares, as veares, dootly appere by ſuch pieles as ace diyuen to the ſhore by the wynde. 3 haue alſo byn credebly informed by faythfull men @he rea Sals that the ſea Baltheum (otherwyſe cauled the goulfe of Lixo: theum. nia) is often tymes froſen in many places. They ſay furthers moze, that in that region whiche is inhabyted of the Wylde where the Lappones, the Coonne in the lommer Equinoctiall dooth nor ion faulech faule foz the ſpace of.cl. dayes : yet that the body therof is To not in fi.days hydden with a darke mylie o2 cloude three houres, that the beames doo not appcre : Jeuerthelelle to gyue ſuch lyght du cynge that tyme, that the darkenelle hyndere : not theyz The Wylde woolke. The myofcouites make they2 bote that theſe wylde Lappones are tributaries to theyz płynce. Wherat do not are tributa: Lappones greatly maruayle, fozaſmuch as they haue none other ncave ries to the bnto them, that may demaunde tribute of them. They? try: Mofcountes bute is onely furres and fylhe, hauynge in manec none other furres and fү Тіре, thynge greately commodious. And albeit they lacke bżeade, . Calte, and other intyſementes of glutteny, and lyue onely with fyĞhe and wylde beates, yet are they erceadyng prone to lechery. They are ſuch expert archers, that if in they? hun Experte tynge they c[pye any beates whoſe (kynnes they delyze to archers, Caue vnperyahed, they will not lyghtly myde to hytte them Dubb., Mofcoula and Cathay.to flyp. in the noſethzylles. Yr hen they go furth on huntynge, they are accuftonied to leaue at home with theybiyues ſuche mar: sood felor: chauntes o2 ftraungers as they have receaued into they, hous fes. So that if at theyz returne, they perceaue theyz vyues throwgh the company of the Grangers to be myzier and more iocunde then they were wonte to been they gyue the fraun: gers fum pzeſent. But yf they fynd it otherwyſe, they thruf them furth of the doozes with woodes of reproche. But nowe by the company they haue with firaungers that reſorte thyther for gaynes, they begyn to leaue theyz natiue barba Neceffary rouſnelle. They gladly admitte marchauntes, bycauſe they warres. bzynge them apparel of grole cloth: allo hatchettes, needels fpones, knyues, dzynkynge cuppes, earthen and bžalen pot tes, with ſuch other neceitarie wares: So that they bre noi to cate Codden and rotted meate, and doo embale moze ciuile maners. They? owne appacell is made of the ſkynnes of di: uers beaftes Cowed togyther. And in this apparell they fum: Tonne tymes comme to Doſcouia. Yet ke we of them haue cappes oy no vre of bolen, which they ble to make of hartcs (kynnes. They haue noney not the ble of golde o2 ſyluer money: but ble only batteryng of ware foz ware. And beinge ignorant of other languages Cheycota: belyde theyz owne, they ſeeme amonge Giraungers to bee in ges, maner domme. Theycotages are couered oncly with the och get barkes of trees. They haue no certeyne reſtynge habitacion. 01 But when they haue conſumed the fylhe and wylde beafies en in one place, they remoue to another. Furthermore allo the fayde ambađadours of the prince of Wyofcouia, declared that in the ſame partes they ſawe certeyne hygh mountaynes con 2mountaynes continually tinually callynge furth dames of fyze as doth the mountayne burning. of Erna in the lande of Sicilia : and that euen in Norway, many mountaynes are faulen downe and burnte in maner to 1 alhes with ſuch continuall games. Which thynge Cum con: Purgatory fyderyng, fayne the fyze of purgatorie to bee there. And as concernynge theſe mountaynes of Norway, wheng was ſent ambađadour to Chriftierne kynge of Denmarkc,5 was info med the lyke by the gouernours of Polwaye who chaunced at that tyme to bee preſent there. The ryuer About the mouthes of the ryuer Petzoza that are toward Petzola, the ryght hande from the mouches of Dwina, are fayd to bee dyuers and great beaftes in the Ocean: and amonge other, a ceuteyne Moſcouía and Cathay. 306 terfeyne great beaſt as bygge as an ore, which thinhabitaun: The besite res caule Hols. This beat hath thozte feetelyke a beuer od cauled 2018. an Deter, with a bzeli ſumwhat hygh and brode for the proj pozrion of the reſidue of his body: and two longe and greate teeth growynge owte of the bpper iawe. Theſe beaftes for teſt and increaſe, doo Cumtymes leaue the Dcean, # by great heardes afcende the mountaynes: where before they gyue the Iclues to profounde ficepe (wherunto they are naturally incli ned) they appoynt one of theyż numbre as it were a watche: The piouis man as doo cranes for the ſecuritic of the rette. whiche if he dence of chaunce to deepe, O2 to bee dayne of the hunters, the reſidue nature. may eaſely bee taken. But if the watchman gyue warnynge with rozynge (as the maner is) immediatly the hole hearde a wakened thereby, fuddeynly put theyz hynder feete to theyz trech: and Co faulynge from the mountayne with great cele: ritie as it were on a deade, they cat the ſelues headlong into the ocean: where alſo they rett and fleepe for a whyle vppon the heapes of uſe. The hunters purſue theſe beaſtes only for theyz teeche : Df the which the moſcouites, Tartars, and eſ pecially the Turkes, make haftes foz (wooldes and dagges berp artificially: And ple theſe rather for oznamente, then to gyue the greater froke for the weyght of heauinele thereof as ſumme fable. Allo amonge the Turkes, wofcouites, and Tartars, theſe teethe are foulde by weight, and are cauled the teethe of fylhes. The frofen ſea reacheth Earre and tyde beyonde Dwina The froren to Petzcoza and unto the mouthes of the great viuer Obi:bea ponde the which they ſay to bee the region of Engroneland, vnknowen and ſeperate from the trade and conuerſation Engronlaid of owre men, by reaſon of hygh mountaynes coue: or broneland red and coulde with perpetuall ſnowe, and the ſea no leđe incumbered with conig ontsarai nually I fe whiche hyndereth naatornog ob uigations and maketh them Soudan daungerous, asarudinimod M stolen they ſayé. SO DDD h.li. ន។ bonod, mis miesta s osbt robun spiland sociosandur vadu beni EXEMPLAR EPISTOLAE SEV LI TERARVM MISSIVARVM QVAS illuſtriſsimus Princeps Edvvardus eius no minis Sextus, Angliæ, Franciæ, et Hiber- niæ Rex, miſit ad Principes Septemtris onalem ac Orientalem mundi plas cucu gam inhabitantes iuxta mare gla- El cíale, nec non Indiam Oris ad con a licentalem, Anno Dñi. mangsa - 1553. Regni fui ofst gotal Anno ſeptimo is the antisdalet vltimo, and do 10001 Dvvardas ſextus, Anglia, Francia, & Hiberniæ Rex, &c. Omnibus, Regi- bus et Principibus ac Dominis, et cun- Erís Iudicibus terræ, & Ducibus eius qui buſcunqz eſt excellens aliqua dignitas in ea cunctis you in locis quæ ſunt ſub vniuerſo cælo:Pax, tranquilli- tas, & honor vobis, terris, et regionibus veftris quæ imperio veſtro ſubiacent,cuią veſtrum quemadmos dū conuenit ei, Propterea quod indidit Deus Opt. Max. hominibus præ cunſtis alijs viuentibus cor & deſiderium tale, vt appetat quiſqz cum alijs ſocietaté mire, amare, et viciſsim amari, beneficijs afficere, et mutua accipere beneficia ftudeat, ideo cuig profa: cultate The kynges letter, 306 cultate ſua hoc defiderium in omnibus quidem ho- minibus beneficijs fouere et conſeruare conuenit, in illis autem maxime, qui hoc deſiderio adducti, a res motis etiam regionibus ad eos veniunt. Quo enim longius iter, eius rei gratia ingreſsi ſunt, eo arden= tius in eis hoc defiderium fuiſie declararunt. Inſuper etiam ad hoc, nos patrum maiorum noſtrorum exempla inuitant, qui ſemper humaniſsime fuſcepes tunt et benígniſsime tractauerunt illos qui tum a lo- cis propinquis tum a remotis, eos amice adibant,eos rum ſe protectioni commendantes. Quod fi omnia bus id preſtare æquum eft,certe mercatoribus impri mis præftaridebet, quiper yniuerſum orbem diſcura runt, mare circūluſtrantes et aridam, vt res bonas et vtiles quæ Dei beneficio in regione eorum inueni- untur, ad remotiſsimas regiones et regna adferant, atą inde viuifsim referant q fuæ regioni vtile ibíres pererint: vt et populi ad quos eunt, non deftituan tur commodis quæ non profert illis terra eorum, & ipfi ſint participes rerum quibus illí abundant. Nam Deus caeli et terræ, humano generi maxime conſus lens, noluit vt omnia in quauis regione inuenirentur, quo regioope alterius regionis indigeret, et gens ab alía gente commodum aliquod expectaret, ac ita fta biliretur amicitia inter omnes, ſingulis omnibus be nefacere quererent, Hocitaq ineundæ acftabiliedz amicitiæ The kynges letter. Zar or amicitiæ deſiderio moti viríquidam regni noftri, iter in remotas maritimas regiones inſtituerunt, vtinter noftros et illos populos viam mercibus inferendis et eferendis aperirent: Noſqz rogauerupt vtid illis con cederemus. Qui peticioni illorum annuentes, conceſ fimus viro honorabili et forti Hugoni Wilíbeo et alijs qui cum eo ſunt feruis noftris fidis et charis, vt pro fua voluntate, in regiones eis prius incognitas es ant, queſituri ea quibus nos caremus, et adducantil kis ex noftris terris, id quo illí carent. Atqz ita illis et nobis commodum inde accedat, ſito amicitia perpe- tua et fædus indiſsolubile inter illos et nos, dum per mittentillí nos accipere de rebus quibus fuperabun: dant in regnis ſuís, et nos concedemus illis ex regnis noftris res, quibus deftituuntur. Rogamus itaqvos Reges et Principes & omnes quibus aliqua eft pote ftas in terra, vt viris iſtis noftris tranſitum permitta- tis per regiones veſtras. Non enim tangent quicquá ex rebus veftris inuitis vobis, Cogitateq homines et ipſi ſunt. Et fi quare caruerint, oramus pro veſtra beneficentia, eam vosillis tribuatis, accipientės vi- ciſsim ab eis quod poterunt rependere vobis. Ita vos gerite erga eos quemadmodum cuperetis vt nos et fubditi noftri nos gereremus erga feruos veſtros fi quando tranſierint per regiones noftras. Atos pro- mittimus vobis per Deum omnium quæ coelo, terra et mari The kynges letter, 308 net mari continentur,pero vitam noftram et tranquil litatem regnorum noftrorum, nos pari benignitate ſeruos veftros accepturos fi ad regna noftra aliquan= do venerint. Atą a nobis et ſubditis noftris, ac finas ti fuiſſent in regnis noftris, ita benigne tractabuntur vt rependamus vobis benignitatem quam noftris ex hibueritis. Poftquá vos Reges, Principes, &c. roga uimus yt humanitate et beneficentia omniproſequa- mini feruos noftros nobis charos, oramus omnipo- tentem Deum noftrum, vt vobis diuturnam vitam largiatur, et pacem quæ nullam habeat finem. Scrip tum Londini,quæ ciuitas eft regni noſtri. Anno. 5515. a creato mundo, menſe líar. xiiii. die mens fis, anno ſeptimo regni noftri. The copy of the letters miſiue which the right noble pzince Edwarde the. vi. ſent to the kynges, pzinces, e other potentates inhabytynge the Noztheaſt partes of the woulde towarde the myghtye Empire of Lathay, at ſuche tyme as (y2 Hugh Willoby knyght and Rychard Lhaunceler with they com: pany attempted theyz vyage thyther in the yeare of Ihzylt. 1553, and the. vii. and latte yeace of his reigne. so wärde the fyrte by the grace of God, kynge of Englande, fraunce, and Jetlande. C. TO allikynges, princes, Rulers,Judges, and go uernours of the earthe, and all other hauynge any ercellent digniste on the ſame in all places under the vniuerſallh cauen: 9eace, tranquis litie, and honourez bee bnto yowe, and your landes and regia 0118 o prelom ons which are vndec yolóč dominions, and to euéry of yolbe as is conuenient. fogalmuche as the greate and almyghty god hath gyuen bnto mankynd aboue al other lining creatours, ſuch a hart delyze, that euery man delyzeth to ioyne frendelhyppe with other, to loue and bee loued, alſo to gyue and receaue mutu: all benefites, it is therfoze the newtie of all men, accordyng to they? poure to maintayne and increaſe this deſyze in euery man with weil deſeruynge to all men, and eſpecially to thewe this good affection to ſuch as beinge moued with this deſire, coomme into them from farre countreys. Foz in howe much the longer viage they haue attempted foề this intent, ſo much the nioze doo they therby declare that this delyze hath byn ac Dent in them. furthermoze alſo theremples of owre fathers and predicetours doo inuite vs hereunto, fozaſmuch as they baue euer gentelly and louyngly intreated ſuch as of frendely mynde came to them al wel from countreis ncre hand as farre remote, commendynge them ſelues to they? protection. And if it bee ryght and equitie to thewe ſuch humanitie toward all men doubtlete the ſame owght chiefely to bee thewed to mar chauntes, who wanderynge abowt the woulde, ſearche both the lande and fea to cary ſuch good and profitable thinges as are founde in they? countreys, to remote regions and kynges domes: and agepne to buynge from the ſame, ſuche thynges as they fynde there commodious foz they owne countreys: Bothe, aſwell that the people to whom they go, may not bee detitute of ſuch commodities as they countreys buynge not furth to them, as that alſo they may bee parterakers of ſuche thynges wherof they abounde, for god of heauen and earth, greatly prouydynge for mankynde, wolde not that al thinges thulde bee founde in one region, to thende that one thuld haue neede of an other, that hy this meanes frendſhippe myght bee etablyähed amonge all men, and every one ſeeke to gratifie all. for thefablyūhynge and furtherance of which vniuer: fall amitie, certeyne men of owre realme moued hereunto by the fayde delyze, hanc intitute and taken bppon theym a by: age by Tea into fatte countreys to thintent that betwens obre people and them, a way bee opened to bzynge in and cary owt marchaundics, defyzyug us to further they enterp?yle. Who alentynge to theyz peticion, haue licenced the ryght valiante and as touchynge the Indies, 10 $09 and boorthy ſy bughe Wylloby knyght, and other obre trutty and faithful ſecuäuntes which are with hyn accozding to they? Delyze to go to countreys to them heretofore buknolo ent, aliwell to ſeeke fech thynges as boe lacke, as alſo to cary bnto them from o bre regions, ſuche chynges as they lacke. so that hereby not only commoditie may enceine both to the and to us, but alſo an indiffoluble and perpctuall league of frendihippe be entablyahed berlpene vs bothe, whylc they per mitte us to take of theyz thonges ſuche whereof chep haue a: bimbaunce in they, regions, and we agcine graunt them ſuch thynges of obrs whero they are deftitute. Wee therfoie de: Type you kynges and princes, and all other to whom there is ang poure on the earth,to permitte vnto theſe obr (eruantcs, free paſage by yowe regions and dominions. Foz they thall not touche any chynge of yowres bnwyllyng onto pol. Lon fyder you that they alſo are men. 3|f thefore they fhal ſtand in neede of any thynge, we delyze yowe of all himnar icie, and for the nobilitie whiche is in yowe, to apde and helpe theym with ſuch thynges as they lacke, receauynge ageyne of them ſuch chynges as they halbe able to gyue yowe in recompenſe, Shewe yovere ſelues (o towards thepim, as yowe bolde that wee and olor ſubiectes falde thewe obr (elues toward yobr Ceruauntes, if at any tyme they call pa Te by owte regions. Thus doinge, boec promeđe yowe by the God of all thynges that are contepned in heauen, tacth, and the ſea, and by the ipfe and tranquilitie of owre kyngedomes, that we loyl with lyke humanitie accepte polore ſeruauntes if at any tyme they thal coomme to owre kyngdomes, where they thall as frendly and gentelly bee intertegned as if they were bazne in oler do: minions, thit we may hereby recompenſe the fan ur and be: nignttie which polo haue fhe wed to obor men, thus after we haue deſpre dyow kynges and princes. e. With all ho na: nitie a 10 fanour to interteyne obr welbeloued ſeruantos, wee prap obre almyghty god ro gcaunt yowe long Ipfe and peace which neuer Chall hade ende. Wytten in London whiche is the chiefe citie of owre kyngedome: 31 the yeare frome the creation of the worlde. 5515. in the month of 3lar, the.fiili. day of the moneth, and leuenth years of owre reigve. Co his leceer was wayiten alſo in Brecke and dyurcs other languages. 90 313131i.i. Other STATE Other notable thynges C Dther notable thynges as touchynge the indics: ano O tu fyzit of the foreknowleage that the poet Seneca indbad of the fyndynge this newe wozide and 953 osos e other regions not then knowcn. Franciſco Lopes, D (peke of thynges that Malbe, longe before they Diuination are, is a kynde of diuination if the truth thereof folowe eđectually. Nevertheleđe althowgh ſuch thynges as ace (poken eyt her by coniecture, oz by Coniecture. thinftincte of nature, or by naturait rsalon, doo oftentymes take place and ſuccede accordyngely, yet are not Prophefie. (uch coniectures to bec accoumpted as certeyne as propbelies teucled by the ſpirite of god, which wee ought entierly to be leue: but not fo the other gathered only by certcine apparen: ces, ſimilitudes, rtafons, and demonftrations : althowghe it bee greatly to bee maruailed to conſyder howe they bytte the truthe ſumrgme: Which pechappes they doo accouding to the prouerbe that fayth : De chat (peaketh much thall Tumtimes So do the tumble on the truth. all this 3 (peake conlyderynge the ſay Egiptions. inge of the poet Seneca in his tragédie of Bacdea, where his woozdes feeme in all poyntes to agree with the diſcouerynge. The wordes of the indies founde of late by Lhryfofer Lolon & the Spaa of Seneca. ngardis, The wooldes of Seneca, are thcle.co Venient annis Sæcula feris, quibus Oceanus Come Vincula rerum laxet, et ingens Pateat tellus, Tiphiſą nouos Detegat orbes, Nec ſit terris vltima Thyle. glande was in owlde time what is to ſaye: There Wall coomme worldes in late geares, cauled (Thylc in the which the Dcean thall bnloſe the bondes of thynges, RS Tuinme and a great lande thall appeare. Allo Typhis (that is naut: thuke. gation) fall diſcouer newe boozldes: and Thyle hall not bee the furthea lande. DE the doppie of the duke of cofcouie and mana pecoure of Rullia his letters, Cent co kinge Edwarde the ſyrte. the almighty poure of god and the incompzehenſible hoe le Drinitie, rightfull Chzigian beleefe, be greated Duke 31 van Walileuich by the grace of gud Emperoure of all Buſia Juan diafillas and greate Duke of Uflademec[kti,Molkouſkii, Mougozod: uich ( that is) frii, Lazanſkii, pkouſkii, Smolenſkii, Tuerckii, pougol: of Bafrikub. fkii, pecm(kti, wearakit, Bolgat[kii, with diners ather he conquered Jandes. Emperonte allo and greate duke of Mouagozoda, Laſan, there and in the lowe countreys of Chermgouſkii, Rezan: foze wypteth (kii, wolotākit, RzefCkii, Belſkii, Rotouſkii, LAZAHCkit. parollauſkii, Bclocherſkit, Dodoilkit, Db: dozlkit, Londinſkit, and many other countregs, Laid puer all the nozti goale, Greetingenca dito tita Efoze all right grrat and of honoure boodzche Edwarde kynge of englande oure motte hacey and of good zcale with good intente and frend ly belyze, and of owze holy Chriſtian fayth of greate gonernaunce, & in the lyght of greate bndertandynge: Dwze aunſwete, by thps out horozable Wetting bnto yolze.kyngly gouernannce at the re quent of goidze faithfull (cruaune Kycharde with his compas ny as they fall let yowe wyſely knowe, is thus. Jn the ſtrengthe of the twentie yeare of obje gouernauncea bete knowen that at obuze ſea coadcs, arrgued a dyppe with one Rychacde and hys company: and ſayd that he was dely tous to comme into owe dominions: and accordynge to hys Deene oføre request, hath ſeene oboze lozdſbyppes and owze cys : hathe eyes that te) declared onto bs yolze maiefties deſpre as char we thulde coomine to graunte bnto yobze ſubiectes to go and comme: And in oure out pzelences dominions and among omze ſubieces to frequentc free martes with all ſoztes of marchandies: and bppon the ſame to have wares for theyz returne. And they haue allo deiyuered bs powze letters which declare the ſame requet. And here bppo We haue gyuen ouder, that where ſoeuer your faythfull ſer: nannte Bugy wgllobie lande oz touche in obze dominions, B The Duke of Moſcouie his letter, to bee well intertegned, who as yet is not artyued as yolóre ſeruaunte Rycharde can declare. and wee with Chridian beleefe and fapthfulnelle and accogs ding to your honoyable requette and my honozable commaun: dement, will not leaue it bndoone: And am furthermoze wil, lynge that yow lende vito bs with your fhyppes and belels when and as often as they may haue pallage, with good al- ſuraunce on owze partie to ſee them harmelele. And if polo ſende one of yowze maiefies counfaile to treate with vs bbet by your countrey marchauntes may with all kyndes of lares and where they wyll, make theyz market in our dominions, and there to haue theyz free marte with all free liberties thos rough my whole dominions with al kyndes of wares to come and goo at they? pleaſure without any lettedomage, oz ima pediment accoždynge to thys our letter, our wogde, and our ſeale which wce haue commaunded to bee yndet ſealed. wzyttca in our dominion, in our towne and our paleđe in the Latell of Dgoſcouia, in the yeare, vii.thouſande and Cyrties the ſeconde moneth Ffebziarie. Thys lettter was lözpeten in the coſcouian tounge, in let: ters much lyke bnto the Breekt letters very fayze wzyta ten in paper with a błode feale hangynge at the ſame, ſealed in paper bppon wer. Thys Ceale was much 89 Iyke bnto the bzode feale of Englande, hauung in te on the one lyde,the image of a man on bozlebacke in complete harnes fighting with a diagon. Under this letter, was an other paper bozitrē in the duche toung, which was thinora 301 terpretation of the other grabiytten in the Ryolco ht uite letters. Theſe letters were fent the 92 nerte peare after the date annos the song of Ikpnge Edwardessels 8 Letters.com 100 dni aldolgo is as touchynge the Indies, $10 DE the great glande which Plato cauled atlantica oz Atlantide. TES be philoſopher plato wyrethe in his Sia: loges of Timeus and Cricia, that in the owide time there was in the ſea atlantike ouer agen& a frica, an glande cauled Atlantide greater then Affrica and Alia : affirmynge that thoſe flato ſaytle landes ave from thenſe continent and greate: kynges were and that the kynges of that glande gouerned a greate pacte the ſonnes of of a rica and Europe. But that in a certeyne gicate earthe: nepoustus, quake and tempeft of rayne, this Jlande loonke and the peo: an eartha pie were drowned: alſo that there remayned ſo much mudde quake. of the dzolvaynge og ſynkynge of that glande, that that ſea Atlantike coulde not bee Cayled. Sumtake this for a fable : and many for a trebe hylozie, as doothe garcilius fficinus marcilius fie inducinge Proclus alleagynge certeyne hyttories of the Ethi: cinus. optans wäytten by one parcellus, who confirmeth the ſame procius. to bee trewe. But there is nowe no cauſe why wec thulde any longer doubte oz diſpute of the Fland Antlantide,foza much as the diſcouerynge and conqueft of the wett Jodies do plain ly declare what Plaro hath wzytten of the fayde landes. 31 merica o: Derico allo at this day they caul that water arl. by the halfe new Spaine, name of Atlant, as by a woode remaynynge of the name of the Flande that is not. Wee may lykewple ſay that the yjn: dies are cyther the lande and firme lande of plato oz there Heſperides. manent of the ſame: and not the glandes of Deſperides or Capo Uerde Ophir, of Tharſis, as ſum haue thought of late Dayes. fol Ochir. the Deſperides, are the Jlandes of Labo Verde and the Bor Thar is. gonas from whence Danon blowghe apes : albeit in conter: Solmus. . rynge it with Solinus, there is ſum doubre by reaſon of the nauigation of fogtie dayes wherof he ſpeaketh. Alwell maye it bee, that Luba ol Dayti, 02 any other glande of the jnLands found dies, fulde bee thoſe which the Larthaginenfes founde and by the Car: fozbodde theyz citilens to make any byages thyther on to in: thegmenres habite the ſame as Ariftocle and Theophrafte doo rehearſe Ariſtorell. where they wzyre of the macucylous and vnknowen wozkes Cheaplyzaft. of nature. As concernynge Ephir and Tharſis, it is not kno wen What or where they bee, althowgh many lerned mon as ſaynt Auguline and other haue Cearched what citie oz lande 3.33 1,119 Tharſis Other notable thynges Thatlig myght bee. Sant Jerome who was trpeite in the sohas fedde Dcbzewe toungc, Capih in many places bppon the prophetes to charis. that Tharſis is as much to ſay as the ſea : and that whereas it is bzytren that Jonas fedde to Tharſis, he wente to the ſea by a longe tozney. Sfilcthermore as conccthynge the naui: che Mauigati gations of Salomon, it is not to bretholght that his nauies ons of Saio, Capled to the weit Indies, fogalmuch as to pade thyther, it IN0. was requiſite for them to ſayle Weſtwarde departyr ge frome the fea of Bermeio: and not Eadward as they ſayted.â geine, Bermeio is the wel gndies hauc no baicoines, elephanies, diamondes, the Arabiau and ſuch other thynges as they bżobgbe in the trade of their nauigations. 00130 centi CDE the colour of the findians. Ne of the marweplons thynges that god bleth in the compoſition of man, is coloure : bhriche doubtlele can not bee confydered withobte great admiration in beholding one to be white and an other blacke, beinge coloures veteriye contrary. Sum lykewyle to be yelowe whiche is berwene blacke and white andother of other colours as it were of dyurcs liucres. And as thele colours are to be mars ucyled at, euen ſo is it to be conſidered howe chcy dywer one from another as it were by degrees, fozalmuche as lum men Tow colours are wolryte after Dyuers Coztes of whytencile: yelowe after dy dyffer by des uers maners of yelowe : and blacke after byuers Coztes of grees. blackenele: and ho be from whyte they go to yelowe by dit: colourynge to browne and redde: and to blacke by aſhe cos khe coloure lour, and murrey ſumi hat lyghter then blacke: and tawnye of the weit lyke bnto the belt yndians which are all togytler in general gndians. epther purple, o, tawny lyke bn:o lodde quyn[cs, or of the colourc of cheanuttes o2 olyues: Which colour is to them nas tural and not by thcy, goynge naked as many haue rhoaght: albeit they? nakedncte haue Cumwhat helped therunto.Thec fore in lyke mancr and with ſuche diucrſitie as men are com teques fortes monly whyte in Europe and blacke in A&rikr, cuen with like of rhyte and barietic are they tawny in thcſe Jndics, bith dyuers degrees blocke, diuerűy inclynynge moze o2 lele to blacke o, whyte. po ledle macuayle is it to confyder that men are whyte in Siuile aud COCO blacke as touchynge the Indies. 311 blacké at the cape of Buena Speranza, and of cheanntte co. Difference of lour at the tyuer of plata, bringe all in equall degrees frome coloure in the the Equinoctiall line. Lykebyle that the men of dryke and rame clyme. aſia tt, at lyue under the burnte line (caulid Zona Torrida) are Rro dels blacke: and not they that lyue beneathe on on this fode the plata. ſame hne as in @erico, yucatan, quauhtema, Lian, Nicas tagua, Panama, Santo Domingo, Paria, Lape, (aynt aus guline, lima, muito, and other landes of ecru which touch in the ſame Equinoctiall. Foz in al thetracte of theſe coattes perut. Blacke mere Ferteyne blacke men were found only in Quaregua when War in the Welt chus Munnez of Balboa diſcoucred the ſea of Sur. By rea: Jodies. ſon therof it may ſeeme that ſuche varietie of colours pzocea from whēļe beth of man, and not of the earth: whiche maye well bee als proceadeth the varietis thowgh wie bee all božne of Adam and £ue, and knowe not of colours. the cauſe why god hath ſo ozdeyned it, otherwiſe then to con Tyder that his diuine maicftie hath doonne this as infinite o: ther to declare his omnipotencie and wilt domein ſuch diver: dome a pour bode wyſes Cities of colours as appere not only in the nature of man, but is reene in the lyke alſo in beattis, byldes, and fourts, where dyucrs his torkesa and contrary colours are ſeene in one lyttle fether, 92 the teaues growyage owt of one lyttle Atalke. Another thyng 18. alfo greatly to bee noted as touchynge theſe grdians. And this is, that they heare is not curlde as is the mooncs and urld heare Ethiopians that inhabite the ſame clime : neyther are they and balduse balde excepte very ſeldome, and that but tytule. all whiche thynges may giuc fureher occaſion to phyloſophers to ſearch the recreates of nature and complexions of men with the no: velties of the newe worlde. c Why they were cauledyndians. um ihynke that the people of the nefoe world were cauled 3nttans bycauſe they are of the colour of the £atte yndians. And althowghe the colour (as it (emeth to me) they dycer much in colour of the Eart and falhions, yet is it trewe that of Jndia Indians. they were cauted undians. 3ndia is pzoperlie cauled thar gecat province of Alia in the which great alerander kepre his warres : and was ſo named of the rpuer Indus: and is dinyded into many kynge: Domes confynynge with the ſame From this grease gindia cauico Other notable thyngestas Prefter John (cauled the Eat India) came great companyes of men as long came omt of tech Derodotus: and inhabited that parte of Ethiopia chac India to es Iyeth berwene the ſea Bermeia (otherwyſe cauled the redde thiope. ſea or the goulfe of Arabia) and the rpuer of Nilus: al which regions that great Lhzitian pzince pilter john doorh now polete. The fayde Indians preuapled ſo much that they be Shopla cau- terly changed the cuſtomes and name of that lande, and cau: led gndia. led it yndia: by reaſon wherof, Ethiopia alſo hath of longe tyme byn cauled jndia. And hereuppon came it that Arycto: India mot far tell, Seneca, and certeyne other oul de autours (apd chat sin dia was not farre from Spayne. from Spaync After this alo, of later dipes owce Wel india was ſo cauled of the Cayde 3india of Prefter John Where the portugales had theyz trade. for the preſter JohM pylot of the caruell that was fyzde dzyuch by forcyble wynde knopen to ebe postu: to an unknowen lande in the Wette Dcean, cauled the ſame Sales. India bycauſe the Portugales fo cauled ſuch landes as they had lately diſcouercd Eatiwarde. Lhzyſtopher Lolon allo af: 10ter the fayde pylot, cauled the welt landes by the ſame name. Albeit, ſum that cake Colonus for an erpert Loimographer, thynke that he ſo named them of the Eat India, as to be the furched and bnknowen ende therof reachynge into the Wette At the furs under the other hemiſpherie oz balfe globe of the earthe be tbelt Eaſte, begynneth neathe bs: afirmynge that when he fpzd attempted to diſco the weft. uer the Jndies, he went chiefely to fceke the ryche gland of The ziand of Lipango, which fauleth on the parte of great Lhina o! Las Cioango. China. thay as wozyteth arcus paalus Wenetus and other : And Cathay. that he thulde looner come thyther by folowong the courſe of Coche Eaſt the ſoonne Weſtwarde then ageynt the Came: albeit manye by the weſt, thpnke that there is no ſuchejlande, oz at the leafte not pet Marcus pau: knowen by that name:wheras alſo watcus Paulus obferued lus Genetus no exacte deſcription of the place eyther of this flande ol of Lachay. The fyzdte diſcouerynge of the Wefte Indics. Lecteyne caruell ſaylpage in the wette ocean as bowt the coaftes of Spayne, had a forcyble and continuall wonde from the Eat wherby it was Diyuen to a land vnkrowen and not defcrybed in any mappe o, carde of the ſea: and was dry a harde bes synnyny. uch as touchynge the Indies. 312 men ayl alonge by the coage of the ſame for the ſpace of many dayes vntyll it came to a hauen : where in a thojte tymc the molt parte of the maryners beinge longe befoze verye wcake and feeble by reaſon of hunger Etrauayle, dycd : Sothat on In the pylot with chle oz foure other remayned alyue. And not only they that dyed byd not inioy the gindies which they fyzt diſcouered to theyz myſfoztune, but the relydue alſo that ly, ued had in maner as lyttle fruition of the ſame: not lcauynge of at the leaft not openly publythynge any memozic therof, ney ther of the place, oz what it was cauled, og in what yeare it was founde. Albett, the faute was not theyzs, but rather the malice of othec, od the enuie of that which wee caule foztune. doo not therefoze marueple that the auncient hyfozies af: Srearthinges firme that great thynges pzoceade and increaſe of ſmaul and proceadyng obſcure begynnynges, ſyth wee haue (eene the ſame verefyed of ſmaule and obfcure bes in this fyndyng of the gndies, being ſo notable and newe a synnynges. thynge. We neede not bee curious to ſeeke the name of the pylot ſyth death made a mozte ende of his doinges. Sum wyl that he came from Andaluzia, and traded to the lands of LA naria and the Flande of madera when this large and moztal The pylotte nauigation chauced vnto hym.Dther ſay that he was a Bpf: that fyift founde the cayne, and traded into Englande and Fraunce. Other alio, Indies. that he was a Portugalc: and that eyther he wente oz came from og ina 023ndia : Which agreeth well with the name of theſe newe landesas 3 haue fayde befode. Ageyne, Cum there Mina, bee that ſay that he browght the cacauel to portugale: 07 to the glande of madera,od to ſum other of the glandes cauled delos Azores, yet doo none of them affirme any thynge, ala thowgh they all affirme that the pylotte dyed in the houſe of Chryſtopher Colon, with whome remayned al fuch bozytynges and annotacions as he hadde made of his byage in the fayde carauell, aſwell of So ſuch thynges as he obſerued both by lande and ſea, as alſo of odore the eleuation of the pole 2 in thoſe landes bhia On coche he had dila od coueted, Other notable thynges What maner of man Chry&opher Loton was? and how he Lame fyzů to the know: leage of the judics. Dziſtopher Lolon was born in Cugurro, o) (as ſum Cap) in Perui, a byllage in the territo tie of Benua iu talie. De delcended as ſum chynke, of the houſe of the gelcfireles of pola centia in lumbardie. De beganne of a chylde Chus alro be to bee a maryner : of whoſe arte they haue gan Rychard great ererciſe on the ryuer of Benua. Le traded many yeares chaunceler. into Suria and other partes of the Ealt. After this, he be: came a matter in makynge cardes foz the ſea, whereby he had great bantage. He came to poztugale to knowe the reaſon and deſcripcion of the ſouth coates of Africa and the nauiga: tions of the portagales, thereby to make his carbes moje per afecte to bee folde. De maryed in Portugale as fum Cay: DJ as many fay, in the glande of madera, where he dwelt at ſuche Ipme as the layde caruell arrpued there, whoſe pylot lulozned in his houſe, and doed alſo there, bequerhynge to colon his Vicarde of the deſcription of ſuche newe landes as he hadde founde, wherby Colon had the fyzat knowleage of the zindy es. Sum haue thowght that Lolon was well lerned in the Latine tounge and the ſcience of Lolmographie: and that he was therby fyzt moued to ſeeke thelandes of the antipodes Coion was and the rychellande of Lipango kwhereof warcus Paulus Not much ler: bozyteth. alſo that he had redde what plato in his disloges The Zlande of Limeus and Cricias, wzyteth of the greate Flande atlan, 2. slantide. tide, and of a great lande in the Wet ocean bndifcouered be inge bygger then Aſia and Africa. Furthermoze that he had knowleage What Ariftotell and Theophiatus ſaye in they? bookes of maruayles, where they wzyte that certeyne mar, chelande chauntes of Larthage ſaylyng from the freyghres of Bibzal: felnd by the tar towarde the wet and ſouth, founde after many dayes & Carthaginene ses. greate glande not inhabited: yet replenyhed with al thinges requiſite, and haupnge many nauigable ryuers. Lolon was not greately lerned: yet of good bndergandynge. And when he had knowleage of the fayde nelo landes by the Cofons confer: information of the dead pplot, made relation thereof to cer: red with ler: sed inen. teyne lerned men with whom he conferred as couchynge the Ikke yn decde as touchynge the Indies. 313 Tyke thynges mentioned of owlde autours. De communica ted this ſecreate and conferred chiefely with a fryer, named gohn Perez of Warchena that dwelt in the monatery of Bas bida. So that 3 berely beleue, that in maner all that he des clared, and many thynges more that he lefte vn[poken, were Wozytten by the fayde Spanpike pylot that Dyed in his houſe, for 3 am perſuaded, that if £olon by ſcience attegned to the knowleage of the yndies, he wolde longe befoze haue commu nicate this ſecreate to his owne contrey men the Benueſes, that trauayle all the worlde for gaynes, and not haue comme into Spayne foz this purpoſe. But doubteleſe he neuer thought of any ſuch thyng before he chaunced to bee acquain Chaunce and ted with the fayd pylot who founde thoſe landes by foztune, arte. accozdynge to the ſayinge of Polinie : Quod ars docere non potuit,cda ſus inuenit. That is : xhat arte coulde not teache, chaunce 2 Chriſtians founde. Albeit, the more Chrygian opinion is, to thinke that opinion. god of his ſinguler providence and infinite goodnete, at the length inith eyes of compation as it were lookynge dofone from heauen vpon the connes of adam ſo longe kepte vnder Sathans captiuitie, intended euen then (foz cauſes to hym only knowen) to rayle thoſe wyndes of mercy whereby that the caruelco carucll (herein moft lyke bnto the chyppe of Not whereby the pared to the remanent of the hole world was ſaued as by this caruel this ſhip of Noye. newe woulde reccaued the fyett hope of theyz Caluation) was Dzyuen to theſe landes. But wee wyli nowe declare what great thynges folowed of this (maule begynnynge, and how Colon folowed this matter reueled bnto bym not withowte goddes pzonidence. What labour and trauayle Colon tooke in at: tempryng his fyzi vyage to the findies, After the death of the pilot and mariners of the Spanplhe cacuell that diſcouered the indies, Chryctopher Lolon purpoſed to ſeke the ſame. But in howe muche moze be delyzed this, the telle was his ponre to accomplitbe his deſire. for, belyde that of him ſelle he was not able to furnyathe one typpe, he lacked alſo the fauout of a kynge under whoſe pzoteccion he might ſo enioy the riches he hoped kkkk to Other notable thynges to fynde, that none other mygl't take the came from hyni oz The kinge of Defrate hym therof. And ſeinge the kynge of Portugale occu Portugale. pied in the conqueft of Africa and the nauigations of the Eat which were then fyżd attemprcd, the kynge of Latyle lykes The kyng of wyfe no leđe buſyed in the warces of Granada, he [eut to his Caſtile brother Bartholomewe Lolon(who was alſo priuie to this le Bynge Henry the reuenth. create) to practiſe with the kynge of Englande Denry the le venth beinge very ryche and withowt Warres : promylynge to bzynge hym great ryches in thort time if he wolde thew him fauour and furnyahe hym with thippes to diſcouer the newe jndies wlerof he had certeyne knolleage.But neyther here beinge able to bzynge his ſute to palle, he cauſed the matter to bee moned to the kynge of požiugale Don Alonſo the fyfte. of that name: at whoſe handes he founde neither fauour noz money, fozaſmuch as the licenciate Lalzadilla the bytop of Barnarde Wileo, and one mater Rodzigo men of credit in the ſcience of knewe not Loſmographie, with toode him and contended that there neis all ekonges, ther was nol coulde any golde oz other ryches bee founde in the well as Lolon affirmed. By reaſon whereof he was very fadde and penſiue: but yet was not diſcouraged ou deſpaired of the hope of his good aduenture which he afterward forind This done, he tooke dippinge at Liſburne, and came to pa: los of Boguer where he cómuned with mattin Alilo pinzo an erpert pylot, who dữered bym Celfe unto hym. After this Diſcloſynge the hole ſecreates of his mynde to John Perez of warchena (a fryer of thorder of ſaynt frances in Rabida, and wel lerned in Coſmographic, & declaryng bnto hym how by folowyng the courſe of the ſon by a temperate vyage, tich the duke of and great landes myght be founde, the fryer greatly commen: medina Sis deb his enterpryle and gaue him counſayle to breake themat donig. ter to the duke of egedira Sidonia on Eurique of Buzman a great lozde and very ryche : And alſo to Don Luys of Cerda che duke of the duke of Dedina Celi, who at that tyme had great promilt medina Celi. on of mippes well furnythed in his bancn of Santa daria. But whecas both theſe dukes took the matter foz a dreame and as a thynge diniſed of an 3 talian deceauer who (as they thought) bad befode with lyke pretence deluded the kynges of Englande and pogtugale, che fryer gaue bym courage to go to the courte of the Latholyke princes Don Ferdinando and lady Iſabell princes of Latile : afirmynge that they molde as touchynge the Indies, 314 Holde bee ioyfull of ſuch nebes. And for his better furthez rance hecin, wzote letters by bym to fryer Ferdinando of a lauera the queenes confeữol. Chytopher Colon therfoze, ce payred to the court of the Catholike pzinces, in the yeare, by. CCLL. Irrrbi, and delyuered unto theyz bandes the peticion of his requeñt as concerninge the diſcoverynge of the newe 3in The coqueſt dies. But they beinge moze carefull, and applyirige all theyz of Sranada. mynde howe they myght dzyue the 2900448 out of the kyng: dome of Granade, which great enterpzyte they had alredyta ken in hande, dyd lyttle og nothynge etteme the matter. But Colon riot thus diſcouraged, found the meants to declare his Cute to ſuch as had ſumtymes private communication with the kynge. yet bicauſe he was a franger and went but in (im what men knowe not ple apparell, noz otherinple credited then by the letter of a chey come gray fryer, they beleued hym not, neyther gaue sare to his fantaſticeli. woozdes: wherby he was greatly toymented in his imagina: tion, Dnly álonſo of Quintanilia the kynges chiefe audirour Colon his inte gaue hyri meate and dyynke at his owne charges, and hard certeilmente, gladly ſuch thynges as he declared of the landes not then founde: delyżynge hym in the meane tyme to bee contente with that pooze enterteynemente, and not to deſpayze of his enterpryſe : puttynge hym alſo in good conforte that he thulde at one tyme oz othet,coome to the ſpeache of the Latho lyke princes, and thus thoztly after by the mcanes of Alonco of Quintanilia, Lolon was blowght to the preſence and audi The arch: ence of the Lardinall Don Pero Bonzales of Lendoza, arch Coedo. bydlhop of Toledo, a man of great revenues & autozitie with the kynge and queene, who brought bym befoze them after chat he well perceaued and eramyned his intent. and by this Colon is meanes was his fute harde of the Latholyke princes, who al brought rol the kynges ſo reddethe booke of his memorials which he preſented onto perence, them. And although at the fyzlt they tooke it for vayne and falſe that he pzomy[ed, neuertheleñe they put hym in good hope that be thulde bee well diſpatched when they had fy: nythed the Warres of Granaba which they had now in hand, With which anſwere, Colon beganne to ceiyue his ſpirites, with hope to bee better effemed and moze fauozably to bee hard amonge the gentelmen and noble men of the court, who befoże tooke hymonly for a craftie felome and deceaucr : and was nothynge diſmaybe oz diſcouraged when lo cuer be de: 每每​名​, its bated Other notable thynges The fudge: bated the matter with them, althowghe many iudged hym ment of igno-phantaticall, as is the maner of ignorant menne to caule all raut folkes, ſuch as attempte any thynge beyonde theyż reach and the com pa Te of they, knowleage: thinkyng the worlde to bee no big ger then the cagies wherix they are brought bp and iyue. But to returne to Lolon: So hotte and brgente was the ſiege of Branada, that they preſentely graunted hym his demaunde Colon is diſz to ſeeke the newe landes, and to bzynge from thenſe golde, patched. Cyluer, perles, precious tones, (pices, and ſuche other rych thynges. They gaue hymn alſo the tenth parte of all the reue Colon his re: nues and cuſtomes dewe unto the kynge of al Cuch landes as Warde. he fhulde diſcouer, not doynge pzeiudice in any thynge to the kynge of portugale. The particulars of this agrement were made in the towne cauled Sancta Fe: and the priuilege of the rewarde, in Granada the.rec.daye of Aprеll the Came yeare that the citie was woonne. And whetas the Cayde Catholyke princes had not mony preſently to diſpatch Lolon, Iuys of C. Angell the kynges ſecretary of accomptes, lente theym Cyre quentes of marauedes, whiche in a groſs ſumme make. fbi. thouſande ducades. Two thynges are herein chiefelg to be One quent noted: Wherof the one is, that for Co (maule charges they is. 1. hun dieth thou: haue increaſed the reuenues of the crowne of Latiple as much Cande. as the Indies are in value. The other is, that endynge the conquet of the goojes who połTelled the kyngdome of Bra nada cyght hidżeth yeares, they immediatly beganne the conquel of the indies, as though the nation of the Spany: ardes were euer appoynted to keygbr ageyna infidels and ene mies of the fapth of Jeſu Lhzyl. By this trauayle of Colonus in fo noble an enterpryfe and lo Harde fuccefTe, dooth the ſayinge of Plinie appere to be moſt trew, wher in the preface of his natural Hyltozy wyttē to theprour Ucſpa fiá he writesh i this maner.Res ardus vetuftis nouitater dare : Novis, autor! Atten: abſoletis, nitorcm, obfcuris, lucem : faftiditis, gratiam : dubiis, fidems : 0 nibus vero nsturam, et natura fus omnis. Itsg etiam non securis, voluiſe aburde pulchrun atas magnificum eſt. echat is to ſay: Je is a dyfficulte thynge to gyue newenes to owlde thynges, autozitie to newe chynges:bew tie ta thynges ojpt of vre: fame to the obfeure : fauoure to the hates fill : crcdite to the doubtefull: nature to all, and all to nature. to ſuch neuertheleffe as can not attayne to all there, it is greately commendable and magbíficall to have attempted the ſame, 313 as touchynge the Indies. 315 in the (cuchen of armes gyucn to Colon by Don Ferdinando and queene Elizabeth Catholike pzinces (čo cauled for thepa wartes agcynll the infidels) thele verſes were wozytten. Por Caſtilla y por Leon, Nueuo mundo hallo Colon that is: foz Latile and for Leon, She newe worlde founde Colon. . DE newe Spayne cauted P018 Diſpania, of wcpico. Ewe Spayne is that parte of the continent og firme lande that Iyeth belt and Sourh frome the lande of flozyda. This was ſubdued to thempire of Cañile by the ryght noble gentele man Ferdinando Lozteſe the marquede of the vale of Quaraca. In this lande are many pło uinces tbteynpng in thë in mauer innumerable cities, amonge the citie of bphichthac is the chicfe which the Indiās caule aerico D? Te mérico or te mirtitan, coCyttyng of moze thë fiue hundzeth thouſand inha mixtitan, bitauntes. Jt landeth in the myddelt of a lakt of ſalte ba: ter as dorh Wenece in the ſea. Thelake conteyneth fozrie per Tian myles cauled paraſange, cuery one conCyfynge of. rrr. furlong, and moreas Cum fay. In theſe regions is founde Bolde and fyluer. great plentie of golde, fyluer, and precious tones, with in: numerable other chynges both necelary for the lyfe of man Sylke. and plealaunt: as fylke, bombaline cotton,alame, Safferne, Getron. Woade, with dyuers other thynges wherwith cloche & fylke Blam. . is dyed. There is allo Cuch abundaunce of ſuger, that cer: Sugar: tepne Spanyâhe tippes are yearely fraighted therwith and biynge the ſame into Siuile from whenre it is caryed in ma: ner to all partes of Chrydendome. Thinhabitauntes of Ber: ico are ſubtyle people, and ble mach craft in chey, bargening They hane not the vſe of golde and fyluer monye : but vle in bhelles for the teade therof the halfe talles of almonds, whiche kynde money. of Barbarous money they caule Lacao oz Lacanguate, Jnma ner al kyndes of cozne are there bery good cheape : eſpecially come, barly and wheate. They haue great plentie of hartes, wylde Beattes, bozes, Lyons, Leopardes, and Tygers, which brates wan: 300 Dee Other notable thynges naukyng and der in maner in euery place. The region is moffe commodious huntynge. Foz haukynge and huntynge foz the great abundaunce is hath of bcates and foules. But the people exerciſe all they: curs nynge in makynge the images of they: Jdolatry, and in pain paintynge. tyng. Theyz women are valiant: and ſumptuous in theyz ap parell and other tyjementes. For they lo rychely frynge and women fump bylet the came with perles, precious fones, and golde, that tuouſly apps nöthynge can be more excellent. They haue a kynde of pa: reled. per greatly differyng from obors. In this they erpielte theyz mindes by certeyn figutes. Foz they haue not otherwiſe thule ofletters. The nation is deſglous of warre : and doorh not A warlike na: longe keepe the condicions of peace vnuiolated : But delpreth $1011. rather in ciuile and mot cruell battayle amonge them Celwes. then to lyue in peace and quietnelle. Suche as in the warres faule by any meanes into the bandes of the enemies, eyther by Cubmition or otherwyſe, are partely (acetficed to the 3: Captiues fa: dolcs, and the relibue gyurn to the ſouldiers to bee eaten, in crificed to 3: lyke maner as wee relarde dogges and hankes with parte of doles, they play. They haue innumerable Jboles which every one osomaketh for his particular god after the phantaſie of his own bzayns, and gyuech therto diuine honour. Albeit at this day they doo by lyttle and lyttle leaue of theyz barbarous fierce: nelle: and with owre religion embraſe better maners. fog they nowe profeữe the fayth of Chryl, and in his name pray ODOB unto God the father. S 10 sin NC 3013 underſtande here that as touchynge there regions cauled new Spayne, you may reade at large in the booke here before entiteled of the landes and glandes lately founde. Chis booke folowcth ima mcdiatly after the becades, althowgh the printer have alſo Wiyts sen the thyrde pecade outer che head of that booke whtch intreatech principally of the regions nowe cauled newe Spayne. Of the cona queſt of this merico, Franciſco Lopez hath written a large booke in the Spany ſhe tounge. TIE Of Peru. De prouince cauled petu, was alſo named nos ua Lathilia by them that fyztte founde it. This region is the wet patte of America and is fitu ate in the longitude of. 290. degrees, procea: dynge from the wet to the Eag. And ſouth: barde begynneth fivedegrees beyonde the : quinoctiall as touchynge the Indies. 316 en. quinoctial line, and is extended very farre into the ſouth. this is taken to bee the tycheſt lande in golde, fyluer, perles peru is the precious tones, and ſpyces, that ever was founde yet to this rycheft laude bay. Foi golde is there in ſuch plentie that they make pyl, that is know: pots therof, and other vegels applyed to fylthy bles. Buc this is może to bee macueyled at, that in a citie cauled Lollao A houſe coue was founde a houſe all couered with malie plates of golde. red withgold In they? Warres alſo theyz harnelle was of golde and fyl: uer. Theyz weapons are boles, arrobes, Apnges, dartes, harnes of and pikes, Thinhabitantes are warlyke people and of great golde. agilitie. They haur cities defended with lawes and armes. The region is erceadyng fratefull, and yeldeth cojne tlople 2 frutful res in the yeare. It is ſo dozyWhynge with many fayze wooddes, gion. mountaynes, tyuers, and other both plearaunt and necellary commodities, that it ſeemerhin maner an earthly paradyſea Et hath dyuers kyndes of beaties, and yet none hurtfull of of ravenynge kynde. There are theepe of ſuch beyght that Sreat ſheepe they uſe them in the deade of hozles. Sume wzyte that they are as bygge as the younge foles of camels : and that theyz woolle is very ſofte and fine. allo that the ewes biynge furth lambes twyle a ycare. She people are wytty and of getz tyl behaupure. Lunnynge alſo in attes, faythful of płomies, the demtre and of maners not greatly to bee diſcomniended, ſaus that of Chryftian they are ignozant of Ch?ytt: who neucrthelede is nowe know pances. en ynto them in many places, as our hope is he thalbe dayly more and moze if all princes wyll herein putte they? helpynge bandes to the plowe of owrc lozde, and ſende labourers into bis vyneyarde. (DE the great ryuer Cauled Rio de la plata (that is) the ryuer of Cyluet, 32 Dis tyuer reacheth very farre in length #biedth: and is cauled Wrmai in the indian tounge. Into paraue. this fauleth an other ryuer named paraue. The fyzdte that Cayled into the ryuer of Polara, was John Dias Solis, whom the ryght noble kynge zohn Dias Solis. of Spagne Ferdinandus made aomozal of theſe leag. Jn the The glande ryuer lycth anjlande whiche John Dias nained partinus Martinus Bratias bycaure a pylot of his ſo cauled, was buryed there. Starige, whis Other notablethynges This ylande is ſituate in the moddeft of the rouer: and is dpi tant from the mouth of the ſame about fortie leaques. As the fayde admirall attempted to expugne the gland, he was lud deynly oppreted and dayne of the Indians that pziutlie af: Cayled hym. Wherwith nevertheleđe theyż barbarous cruel: tie was not ſatiſfyed vntyli they had to ne bim in pieſes and deuoured hym. But many yeares after, Themperoures maie: ſtie and kynte of Spayne Charles the fyfte, ſente foozth Se: The Viage of baftian Labot (a man of great courage and ſkylfuil in Loſmo: Sebaſtian gra: hic, and of no leđe erperience as concernynge the farres Cabote to the ryuer of pla: and the lea) with commaundement to diſcouer and ſubdue the . Jlandes of Pharſis, Dphic, Lipango, and Coi Lathay. Re: Charis. ceauynge therfoze his commiſion and pzoceadynge forwarde Ophir. on his byage, he artyued by chaunce at this Flande: The Cipango. Cathay, cante wherof was that the principall beüell was loft by thip: bracke, and the men that ſaued they, lyues by ſwymmynge 15 were receaued into other thyppés. Perceaupage therfoge that by reaſon of this chaunce he could by no meanes perfozme his byage attempted, he intended to expugne the fayde Flande, and theruppon to conueygh his byttayles to land, to prepare his ſoldiers to thinuaſion, to plant colonyes, and to erect for tređes by the ryuers Cyde wherby the Spanyardes myght bee Defended from the violence of the barbarians. But befoze he attempted this, he was aduertiled that the lande was riche in golde and fyluer, which thynge dyd ſo encozage him, that withowt reſpect of perel he thought bet to erpugne it by one meanes of other, wherein his boulbenes tooke good effecte as often tymes chaunceth in great affayzes. Furthermoje as @he ryner of touchynge the eyuer, Sebagian Labote made relation that he plats. neuer ſawe any cõparable unto this in bzedth and depth. Fop whereasit fauleth into the ſea, it conteyneth. xxv. leaques in breadth. From the mouth of the tyuer, Labot ſayled bp the ſame into the lande foz the ſpace of three hundjeth and fiftie leaques as he wzyteth in his owne carde. what it is fof great Depth, mag hereby bee conſydered that manye greate tpuers taule into it: ſo that the chanell can not bee Thalowe that con teynech ſuch abundance of water, and ſuche plentte of good and great fylhes. For there in is maner no fyabe in the ſea, that is not founde in this ryuer. As ſoone as the Spanyards fpere [et alande, they made a proofe if the Coyle were frütfull as touchynge the Indies. 317 to beare cozne. Takpnge therefoze fiftie graynes of wheate ngruelous and commoetpnge the ſame to the earth in the moneth of Sep frutfulnes. tember, they gathered therof two thouſande and fiftie at De cember nerte folowynge: whecin lume beinge deceaned and mittakynge the thynge, hane wozytten in the teade of t Woo thouſande and fiftie, fyftie thouſande and two. The lyke fer tilitie is there of all other grayne and pulle. Furthermole mountaynes thinhabitauntes declared that not farre from that place ther conteynynge are great and hygh mountaynes in the which is founde great golde and fel plentie of golde. And no grear dittance from the ſame, to bee wer. other mounrayncs no leite frutefull of [yluer, and many other thynges longe to rchearſe. Thinhabitauntes are paynefull men, and tpll the grounde diligently, wherin they take great pleaſure : and haue therfore great plentie'of bzeade of waizi: am. There are theepe of ſuche byggeneđe that they compare Breat mecpe them to younge camels oz ales as Cum ſay. They, woolle is bery fine: and neared unto the fynonelte of ſylke. There are allo bealtes of dyuers kyndes. Amonge men there is this dyf mert mich de ference, that ſuch as lyue in the mountaynes, are whyte, and formed legs. Voy the molt parte lyke bnto the men of obre regions. But they that dwell abolit the rouer (as though they tooke they? coloure therok) are blackythe oz purple of the coloure of fine They colour Sten op Becle. This alſo chaunceth to many of them, that they fiete and legges are lyke the legs and ficte of the foule cauled the oylreche. C of the hygher Eat India cauled India Tercera 02 Treceta. P this india whiche the portugales caule Tercera, are very great kyngedomes: as the kyngdomes of Bengala, pegu, Berma, Erã cangui, Daulian, Lapelam, and the greate walacha. kyngdome of walacha, cauled of the owlde wozyters Aurea Cherſonelus : whoſe chiefe citie isallo cauled Dialacha, and was in onlde tyme named Tachola. Under this kyngedgme are ina Tacho'a, Finite Jlandes cauled Djaluche, whereof the puncipall are of manchas. thele:Jaua the greater, Jaua thelete, polagua, gyendana cubu, Lailon, Duban, Bur, menado, Anbon, and Gilolo, 1111.1. with Other notable thynges Dich infinite other. On the Southwelt parte from galacha; The gland of is the great Jlande of Samotra cauled in owlde tyme tapo $notra. bana, in the which are the kyngedomes of Pedir, Bivaen, pa zer, Acdagnt, and Ham.This Fland and althe other caules Soyces. wyaluche, bzynge furth great quantitie of cloues, cinamome, nattemegges, maces, and all other kyndes of Cppces ercepce Calocut, pepper, which gcoleth in the prouince of Lalecut and the 1 Ceilan, lande of Ceilam. all theſe foztes of ſpices are cacyed to da lacha to bee Coulde. But the greateſt parte of them is carpeo to Cathay and China: and from thenſe to the nozch pactes of Cathay, China. Tartacie. This kyngdome of China, is very great and was in owlde tyme cauled Sina. Bere is founde great plenite of precious fones. The people are very Cubeyle and ryche.thep. precious are all appareled eyther in Cylke oz cloch, oz veltuces of other Itones. Syike, woozkemanthippe: and are of good ciuilitie. #hey doo nos gladly permitte the poztugales oz other iraungers to tra: fike in they? kyngedome: whole motte famous place bppor Csutan. the ſea lyde, is named Lautan, and the ſea boyachiam, caug led of the owlde bozyters the ſea of Sina, DE the landes of Labozadoz and Baccalaos, Ipinga well and nozchwedt from Englande, and beinge parte of the firme lande of the Wet 3ndies. Any haue trauayled to ſearch the coaft of the lande of labogado, 'alwell to thintente to Che may to knowe holde farre oz whyther it reachecht, the siandes as allo whether there bee any palage by ſea of 2baitna by the nouk ſes. through the came into the ſea of Sur and the glandes of baluca which are bnder the Los quinoctiall line: thinkynge that the waye the spony- chyther thuide greatly bee moztened bychis wyage. The Spa erdos nyardes as to whoſe ryght the fayde Flandes of ſpices per teyne, Dyd fyza Ceeke to fynde the ſame by this way. The Por tugales alſo hauynge the trade of ſpices in theyz handes, dyd trauaple to fynde the ſame: although hetherto nept her anye Cuch patage is founde oz the ende of that lande. In the years Samper Col: a thouſande and fiue hundjeth. Balper Loztefreales, made Belteelee. a vgage thyther with two catanelles : buc founde not the Freyghs as touchynge the Indies, 318 Breyght oz paſage he ſought. At his beinge there, he named the Flandes chat lye in the mouth of the goulfe Quadrado, after his name Lozte[reales, lyinge in the. 1. degrees and Infekt emre's moze: and browght from that lande aboint three icoze men der. Ez daues. De greatly maruapled to beholde the bouge quan citie of Inowe and 3(e. Foz the ſea is there froren epcedyng: nowe ana ly. thinhabitantes are men of good cozpozature, although 3ſe. talony lyke the Indies, and labozious. They paynee they? bodyes, and weare Szalelertes and hooprs of [ylaer and cop: furrco. per. They apparel is made of the ſkynnes uf marternes and dpuers other beattes, whiche they weare with the heart in: warde in wynter, and obtwarde in (oommer. this apparell they guide to theyz bobyes With gyżdels made of cotton, og the ſynewes of fylhes and beates. They eate fpühe moze then any other thynge, and eſpecially ſalmons, althoughe fyrbe. they haue foules and frute. They make they? houſes of tim ber wheroſ they haue great plentie: and in the feade of tyles, cover them with the ſkynnes of fplches and beafies, 3t is Sryfes. Cayde alſo that there are grifes in this lande : and that the beares. beares and many other beaftes and foules are blyte. To this and chejlandes abowt the ſame, the Britons are accutomed the britons, to reſogte: as men of nature agreable bnto them and bozne wn ber the ſame altitude and temperature. The Mozwayes alſo Sebaſtian Sapled thyther with the pylot cauled John Scoluo: And the Cabot. Englydbe men with Sebaltian Labot. the coaŰe of the lande of Baccallaos, is a greate tracte : and the greateft altitude therof, is.xlviii.degrees and a halfe Baccallaors The land of bebađian Cabot was the fyzú that bżowght any knowleage farther of this lande. for beinge in Englande in the dayes of kyng The Vpage benry the feuenth, be furnyühed twoo thippes at his owne of Cabot in charges oz (as (um Cay) at the kynges, whome he perſuaded thedayes of that a pallage might bee founde to Cathay by the north ſeas, kyng Henry and that (pices myght bee brought from thenſe Coner by that the ſeuenth. way, then by the byage the Portugales ble by the ſea of Sur be ment alſo to knolde what maner of landes choſe Jndies were to inhabice. De had with hym chzee hundreth men, and directed his courſe by the tracte ofJllande vppon the cape of Labozadoz ar, Iviti, degrees: affirmynge that in the moneche gre in 3uly of July there was ſuch could and beapes of uſe that he dura gale no further: alſo that the dages were very longe and int 1111. . manes Qther notable thynges maner witholót myght, and the nyghtes very cleare. Ler: teyne it is, that at the. Ir, degrees, the longett day is of. c biit houres. But confyderynge the coulde and the traungenes of the unknowen lande, he turned his courſe from thenſe to the Baccallaos. Weft,folowynge the coaſt of the lande of Baccalaos into the frrviii. degrees, from lohenſe he returned to Englande. Ta Beytons. concludes the Bzytons and Danes haue Cayled to the Bacca: Danes, laos: and Jaques Lactiec a frenche man boas there twyle Jaques Car: with three galeons: as one in the yeare. rrrtiii. and the other fyer, in the terv. and choſe the lande to inhabite frome the. rib, degrees to the. li. beinge as good a lande as fraunce, and al thynges therein commune to ſuch as fyzl po trette che fame. DE theſe lands, Jacobus Baftaldus wzyteth thus: The. Che people neive lande of Baccalaos, is a coulde region, whoſe inhabys of Baccallaos tauntes are Jbolatours and pzaye to the foonne and moons and dywers 3doles. They are whyte people and bery rufical. foz they eate welche and fylche and all other thynges cawe. Sumeynes alſo they eate mans iedhe printlye ſo that they Laciqui haue no knowleage cherof. The apparell of both the men and women, is made of beares (kynnes, althowgh they haue Cables and marternes, not greatly etterned bycauſe they are lytele. Som of them go naked in loommer, and weare ap pareil only in wynter. The Brycons and frenche men are ac cutomed to take fylhe in the coatte of theſe landes where to fpnheng for founde great plentie of Tunnyes which thinhabitauntes caul tunnges. Bacallaos whecof the lande Inas ſo named. Porthoarde Laborador, from the region of Baccalaos, is the lande of Labozado, all full of mountaynes and great wooddes in which are manye beares and wylde bozes. Shinhabit auntes are ydolatoures and warlike people, appareicd as are they of Baccallaos, 3h all this newe lande, is neyther citie o, cadell: but they lyue ito companies lyke heardes of beattes. C&he diſcouerynge of the lande of Flozyda. goha ponce. water of great Vertue, of this teade er the De: Gades De gouernour of the iſlande of Bozlquena John ponce of Leon beinge diſcharged of his office and bery ryche, furnyűrhed and ſente foozch two cats uels to ſeeke the Flandes of Boyuca in the which the gindians affirmed to be a fontagne of Cpzinge whols 3153 as touchynge the Indies. 319 Bhore water is of vertue to make owlde men younge, whyl® he trauayled ſyke monethes with obtragious delyze amonge many 3 landes to fynde that he fought, and coulde fonde no Bemmim token of any ſuch fountayne, he entered into Bimini and dil- couered the lande of Florida in the yeare. 1512. on Eatter Day 1513 which the Spangardes caule che ilozyúhyng day of Paſcha, wherby they named that lande florida. and ſuppofyng that great ryches myght be browght from thence, he returned in: to Spayne and conuenaunted with kynge Ferdinando as tou chynge the trade and by thinterceâion of Nicolas de Duang do and peter punez de Bulman, the kynge Dyd not onely make hym gouernoure of Bemini and Florida, but alſo ſente Eurche with hym three thippes from Siuile toward his ſecond byage in the yeare. 1515. De touched in the Jlande of Buaca: buacane. na otherwyſe cauled Buadalupe, and ſent to lande certeyne of his men with the landzelles of the typpes: whom the La: The Canse nibales lyinge in ambuhe, añapled with theyz inuenemed ar bales, robes : and Qaying the mot parte, carped away the women. With this euyll begynnynge, John Ponce departed frome henſe to Boriquen and from thenfe to flozida wher he went Boríquens, alande with his ſoulbyers to elpie a place mote commodious to inhabite and plant a colonie. But thc 3ndians communge furth ageynt hym to defende the enterance, atayled the Spa nyardes fierecely and dewe and wounded many of them. Ac which consicte alſo be hym Celfe beinge wounded with an ars che denen robot, dyed hostely after in the glande of Luba : and Co ens of John Dynge bis lyfe, conſumed a greke parte of the rychete behab ponce. befoze begotten at ſaynt Johannes of Boliquen. This Elohnen Ponce had befoje ſayled with chytopher Lolon to thcg: lande of Diſpaniola in the yeare, 14.93. De was a gentel Cout Dier in the warres of this Flande, and capitayne of the pio: vince of Biguci fot rycolas de Duando that conguelled the The land of fame. The region of Flowpda is a poynt o2 cape of lande reas Floryde. change into the ſea lyke bnto a tonnge:bcinge a famous and notorious place amonge the indians by reaſon of many Spa ayardes that have bin dlayne there, but wheras by fame this Flozyba was eſemed a ryche lande, many valient and noble Ferdinando men delyzed the conquelt therof, amonge bohom Ferdinando de Soto, de Soto (who had before byn a capitayne in Peru and greata ly invpched by thimpriſonment of kynge atabaliba) attēpted 1091o.& bpage Other notable thynges & bgage thyther with a good bande of men, and Tpente fout geare in ſeekynge of golde mynes, ſuppoſynge that this lande hadde byn lyke unto pecu. the valien Jn fine, he dyed there and was the deſtruction and indoinge myndes of of all that went with hpm withowt inhabytynge that lande, the spanyo in the which the conquefours had bytherto neuer good fuc srdes. cete, fogalmuche as theſe indians are baliante archers and tronge and hardy men. But the valiant myndes of the Spa: Che thyrde nyardes not diſcouraged by theſe myſaduentures, after the attempte of Death of Ferdinando Soto, many woozthy gentelmen deſy: the conqueſte red this conqueft in the yeare. 154.4. amonge whom was ju of florida. lyan gamano, and Peter de Ahumada beinge brocherne and men of Cufficient abilitie for ſuch an enterpriſe. But neyther. chempfour beinge chen in Bermanie, neyther the prince Don Phylippe his ſonne who gouerncd all the kyngedomes of Latile and dragonie, nepeber get the counſayle of the judies Terteine fry, wolde in any caſe agree to the conquette. Peuerthelele noe ers attempte breerly concemnynge the matter which they were partly per: the conqueſt Cuaded myght otherwyſe bee browght to patie, they ſent the onely with woordes, but ther frper Luys Lancell of Baluaſiro with other fryers of the With euyll OjDer of Caynt Dominike who offered them felues to conuerta Ruscege. the nations of tharlande from theyz gentilitie to the fapth of Chryf and obedience to chemperoure, onely with woodes, The fryer therfoze goinge fozmarbe on his bpage at the kyns ges charges in the yeare 1549. went aland with foure other fryers which he tooke with hym and certeyne maryners with owt harnelle or weapons: bnto whom as he began his pzeaz the fryers chynge, many of the g|ndians of the fayd Florida telozted to are flaync the ſea fyde, where withowt gyuynge audience to his wool. Oud eater. Des, they cacyed hym away with three other of his company ons and dyd eate them, whereby they ſuffered martyzbome foz the tayth of Chryft. The reſydue that eſcaped, made had by to the Chyppe and kept them ſelues for confetours as Camſay any that fauoure thintente of the fryers, doo nowe conly: der that by that meanes the Indians coulde not be broboghe to owre frendelhippe and religion. Neuerthelele, that tf ie nem kynde of oilgrading coulde o haue byn browght to padre, it had byn better. There came of late from that thippe, one that had byn the page of Ferdinando de Sodo, toho declared that the Jndians han, ged bp the ſkynnes with the heades and crownes of the fayd Egers in one of the temples, as touchynge the Indies. 320 Can opinion that Europa, Africa, and Alia, arej|landes: and of certeyne nauiga: tions abowt the ſame. be anciente wypters diuided this olore boalde into glia, Africa, and Enropa, by the ryuer Ta nais as glocrates declareth in his panegyris CO. afterwarde they diuided Aſia and Africa by the turnynges and courſe of the ryuer his lus, thowghe the ſame had byn better by the fea Bermeto (that is) the redde ſea, which almofte trauerleih and palleth throwgh the lande from the ocean to the ſea me diterraneum which diuideth Europa and Aſia. But Beroſus the Laldean, ſaych that Roe gaue names to Africa, Aſia, and 10€ gale Europa : and gaue them to his connes, £ham, Sem, and Ha names to fet: allo that he ſayled by the ſea mediterraneum ten yetes. africa, afla, In fine we nowe conclude that the three fayde pzouinces oc- and Europa. cupy this mydlande of the worlde. all in generall Cay that Pita is greater then any of the other, and in maner as bygge afia. as they both, albeit berodotus in his eelpomene,[cozneth them that make Europe and Aſia equall: affirmynge that Eu Europe cope in longitude is equal to Aſia and Afrike: and char it pac ſeeh them in latitude, wherin he ſpeaketh not greatly owt of (quare. But to ſpeake moze of this elſwhere, not pertey- aynge to the matter wee haue in hande, 3 ſay that Domerus the hole earth is see one of the mot ancient wayters, Tayth that the world which Slande. is diuided into alia, Africa, and Europa, is anglande as te herleth pomponius qcla in his thyide booke, Strabo in the fyzd boke of his Beographic, Cayth that the earth which is inhabited, is anjlande enuironed with the Dcean. Digi: nius allo, and Solinus, confirme this ſentence, althoughe Solinus doo erre in myllakinge the names of the ſeas, (nppo ſynge that the Caſpian (ea was parte of the Ocean, beinge Che Lafot . rather lyke bnto the ſea mediterraneum ſo named bycatife is is in the mydlande as is the Laſpian (ca withows participas cion of the great Ocean. Strabo wzyteth that in the cyme of Caliz is a Tolomeus fuergetes, one Eudorus ſayled thzee oz foure rouer. tymes from Caliz to yndta: and that the guides of the redde Dauigatſons from the red ſea (cauled the goulfe of Arabie oz Bermeio) preſented to the rea to £af Came kynge stolomeus, an gndian whome he bzought frome Jndis thence Other notable thynges thenfe. Rynge Juba alſo pzooued this nauigation from a tiz to yndia as wzytech Solinus. Whereby it appeareth chac the nauigation to yndia by the scean was then wel knoben and frequented, although not ſo much as at this preſent he fame beinge neyther then oz nowe a chynge of great difficultie the Vyage 02 trannyle by the coattes of botte regions. But to Cayle from to India by India to Caliz by the other parte of the north by a clyme and the nozik regions of ctcreme coulde, thulde bee doubtleie a difficult and feas, daungerous thynge, wherof is no memory amonge theowolde autours fauynge oncly of one thyppe as plinie and bygela doo kozyte, reherfynge the teltimony of Cornelius Nepos who af The hyſtorye firmed that the kynge of Sueuia pzeſented to Muintus metel of Cornelius lus Leler lieuetenaunt of fraunce, certeyne yndians dzyuelt epos. by tempet into the ſea of Germanie: if the ſame were not of the lande of laboradoz 02 Bacallaos, and they deceaued in zote this. they, coloure. Foz Cum ſay that lykebyle in the dayes of the Emperoure Fredericus Barbarofa, certeyne Indians were Indians in blowoght in a Lanoa from the citie of Lubec in Germanie fue Lubec. therinoe pope Eneas Sylnius wzyteth that the Sarmation Sea, is as certeyne as the Scythian, Bermanian, or Jndian The sarma: ſea. Rowe alſo there is great knowleage and efperience hold tiar ſes. the navigations and patage may be attempted by Pozwaye and other nogth cegions under the ſame nozth, and to folow that coaſte to the ſouth ſea of Sur and keepe that courſe by the tracte of China. Dlanus Bothus the archbyllhop of up Calia and boine in Borhlande, hath bozytten muche of theſe north regions and nauigations by the north ſea. In the tract Nande. of this byage by the nozch ſea, are the flandes of Blande Sruntlande, and Bruntlande, althowgh there is doubte whether Brut lande be anglande oz parte of the firme lande. 30 ts, xl. lea: Lapponia, ques, from lapponia, and fumwhat moze frome Finmarchia fitunarchia . á lande of Scandinauia in Europe. The people of Bruntland are tronge men and of coomly Nature. They ſayle with ſmaut Bruntiande. thippes oz barkes couered cloſe aboue with lether or beatles hydes foz feace of the coulde and fylhes. Bruntlande as ſum Che diltance Cay, is fyftie leaques from the nozrh parte of the firmclande from brunt of the went indies by the lande of Laboradou. But it is not and to the yet knoben whether this land be continent oz adherent with lande of 18: Bruntlande, 02 if there bee any Greyght of ſea betiene thë. hriados gfall bee one firme lande adiogaynge by any'parte, then the ting as touchynge the Indies, two great partes of the world ſecme to ioyne togyther abobt the nozty pole oy bnder it, 02 beneth it,fozaſmuch as it is not of the freight pag foutie ožftftic leaques fró Finmarche to Bruntland:wher if it be. by it may appere that although there be any ſuchttraight di abynge them pet are they neyghbours e not farce in (under. furthermoze from the land of Labozado; by thaccomptof the The glandes pilottes, is abowee foure hundjeth leaques to fatal, one of of soria, os the flandes of Azozes otherwyſe cauled the zjlandis of So 030:08. sia lyinge in the Welt Ocean ouer ageyna Spayne. alſo by their accompte the lande of Labojadoz is abowte fiue hun: from labore dzeth leaques from Jrland, and lire hundjeshfrom Spayne, dor to grland. That the Spanyardes haue Cayled to the Antipodes(thas is ) ſuche as go fiere to fiete agegnü bs, and inhabits the inferiour hemiſpherie oz balfe globe of the 98 90 çarche, contrarie to thoppinion of thcobide wziters, 23 I the ancient philoſophers of the gentilesansio do deny that there may be any pallage from owre hemiſpherie oz halbe compate of the earth to the Antopides by reaſo of the burnt line (caulcd Zona Torrida) and the scean ſea ly inge in the mydde way, wherby this byage thulde be hyndered and impoſible, as muja: wacrobius, crobius bzyceth at large in his comentaries bpon the dicame of Scipio. Of the Chipayan phyloſophers, Lleinente wir: Clemens. teth that it is not pottible for any man to pate the Dcean: and other wayters of later tyme, Teeme to confirme the ſame. 3n derdej werely belene that this way was neuer knowen to them, alwell foz that euer pzcluppoſynge the thynge to bee impoſſible chey ncuer attempted it, as alſo that the Undians The Indien (whom we caule Antipodes) haue no hippes Cufficient for ſo are and longe and di&iculte a nauigation to bzynge them knofleage herof, as haue the Spaniardes to patie the ocean bnto thê: 3n ſo much that at this pecſent this bpage is by dayly erpe: tience ſo well knowen onto the Spanyardes and portugas les, that they can in maner go thyther blondfielde, contrarye to thoppinion of choſe phyloſophers. 3 byll here onlytte to Cpeake of many tippes that haue Tayled ozdynarply frome gegn m. 1 Spagne des. Other notable thynges The pope Spagne to findia, and ſpeake onely of the fbyppe Uicrozis Gictoria, which compated about the hole globe of the worlde and tou ched in the landes of two or thice Antipodes, and in finetes turned to Spayne by a contrary way, wherby is declared the ignorance of the Cage antiquitie. In this nauigation, they A ftraunge founde many ſecreates amonge the which this is trange and thinge. boorthy memojte, that al Cuch deade Chriftians as were can into the ſea, lay on theyz backes and turned they faces up: warde: but the gentyles lay all groouclyn on they2 bellyes. They alſo perceaned the Coonne and moone to keepe a contra: Shadomes cowarde che ry courſe from that they doo bere, & euer to caft the tiadowes ſouth of all thynges towarde the ſouth: Whiche chynge alſo was knowen to Cum of the owlde Wzyters. Foz this is manifette. that the ſonne ryſech on the cyght handero them that lyue che ſonne ry fynge on the in the thyrtie degrees on thother ſyde the Equinoctiall: lo lyght hande. that lookynge towarde the conne, they turne theyz faces to the north: Wherby it appeareth to bee trew that they attirme. They conſumed three yeates lackynge. riiii. dayes in goynge Che Vyage of magella and commynge, and lotte a daye in they, accompte, whereby Rue they dyd eate flehe on frydayes, and celebrated the feate of Later on Ajundayes : ſo that they ouerleaped a day (not fap lynge in the calender) and kept no iuft rekenynge of the biler tile, the cauſe wherof whyle ſome haue ſearched by phylo: Cophie, they haue erred moze then the maryners. They Capled eldonado te thouſande leagues and riiti. myles by they, accompte, albe it they fbalde haue gonne lelle, if they? way hadde line ryghe fozth. But as they were enforced partely of neceditie, and partely to fynde that they cowght, they made many byns Dynges and turnynges. They trauecled the Eqaruoceiall line fyre tymes withowet burnynge, contrary to thoppinion of the owlde antours, whey remayned fyue monethes in the land antipodes. of Tidoje, whoſe inhabitauntes are antipodes to theym of Buinea, whecby it is apparente chat Idee mayè communicate Suinca. with them. And althowgh they lof the cyght of the nozthe Carce, yet dyd they cuer dyzecte they courſe cherby. Forbes the north Starre. inge in the.rl. degrees of the ſouth, they fame the needle of the compare tande as directly towarde the nogth as it dooth in the Lea mediterraneum: although fum Cay that it looſeth che needle bis fozce cumwhat. abowt the paynt of the Southe oz pole & congaffc. Antarcike, tbeg fawe a lgetle whyte cloude and fouce dactes Iyks as touchynge the Indies. $22 lykt bnto a crođe with three other ioynynge therunto, which reſemble owre Septentrion, and are iudged to bee the ſignes septentrice oz tokens of the fouth ereltre of heauen. Breat was the na: nes, are the uigation of the iteete of Salamon, but greater was this of vi. ſtarres. Thempzours majettie Don Lharles kynge of Spayne. The that are rene Argos of Jaſon whiche the antiquitie placed amonge the wayne or the tarres, fapled but a lyetle way and a fhozte byage in compa: great beare. raſon of the thippe Wictoria whiche owght woozthely to bee argo of Ja kepte in the Arſenall of Siuile in perpcruali memozy of fo fa: fon. mous an enterpryſe. The daungiours, paynes, trauaples and laboures of Ulples were nothynge in reſpecte of ſuche as Ulyffes. John sebe gohn Sebatian ſulteyned:whereby in the (cuchion of his ftian. armes in the Head of a montrous inuincible beatt, he wooz thely gaue the woozlde with this circumſcription: PRIMVS CIRCUNDEDISTI ME. (that is) hou are the fyzit that bath compalled me about. soft as couchynge the needle of owr compaſſe, 3 haue redde in the Portugales nauigations that faylynge as farre ſouth as Cap. de Bo na Speranza, the poynt of the needle ſtyll reſpected the noithe as it males dyd on.ch s fyde the Equinoctiall, fauynge that it fum what trembe: .11 led and declyned a little, wherby the force ſeemed ſummhat to be diminiſhed, ſo that they were fayne co kelpe it with the lode ftone. c who fyzat founde the needle of the come pate, and the ble therofds peakynge much of nauigationsit myght feme a thynge undecent to omyt to ſay Tumwhat of the the needle of the compalle: withowt the which as all nauigations are byr blynde and wande: cynge coniectures, euen ſo fulde the findies neuer haue bonne founde but by helpe of the Came, fozaſmuch as the thippes fulde haue byn loft in the Dce the chiefer an, bere it not that they courſes were directed by the needle partes of the and compañe, which owght therfoże to be compted the chiefe ſhyppe. partes of the tyyppe and principall inſtrumentes of Caylynge. The fyzł that founde the needle and the ble thcrof (as Blon: dus and weapheus Girardus doo wzyte) was one Flauius of e alpha a citie in the kyngdome of Naples, of whome the Shtopolitans glozy to this day: and that by good reaſon, for afmach as a citilen and neyghboures chylde of thegys, was 刚刚 ​ne m.it Other notable thynges the fyra fynder of fo commodious and profptable a thinge,to the fecreate wherof ſo many excellente wytres as were before bym coulde not attapne, alchowgh they hadde both iten and the lode fione (cauled Migres) whiche are the materials of the needle. Repe onto flauius, the chiefe commendation is dels to the Spanyardes and poztugales by whole daylyc erperi- The Spany: ence, the fame is biologht to further perfection, and the vie erdes an Portugalès. theraf better knowen: althowghe bytherto no man knoweth the cauſe why the tren touched with the lode tone, tucneth cucc cowarde che nozth ttarre, as playnely appeareth in euery why 'the nee: dle turneth comnion Dyall. In maner all wzpters atribute this to a le to the north. create and hyd propertie, cum of the nozch, and other of the mipture oz natarali temperature of elementes that is betwene. iren and the fayde fone. jf it bee the propertie of the nogth Of worth Garte, then (as the pylots make theg: tekenynge) neyther thulde the needle make anye chaunge ol dyder in nozthellinge, as in (aylynge northeate withowt the Jlandi of Tercera beinge one of the glandes of Azozes 02 Sonia and Che land of two handzeth leaques from Spayne towarde the well Ead: Tercera, wed) neytbet yet fulde it loſe his oxice (as fagth Dlanus) in patrynge from thcjlande of magnete, that is, the land The gland of of thelode tone, which is under oz neare abowote the nozthe 1998 Sncte. pole. But home ſo cuter it bet, oz what ſo ever bee the caule, tretch it is that the nedle tucneth euer to the nozth although wee ſaylo abolbt the fonth. We owght therefore to under: mote thequer ftande that the lode fone (whiche wee fallely caule the aba: cers of the mant) hath heade, fiets, and alſo armes as Cum fay. whet: Abde lobe, sen that is rubbed with the heade, neuer cealeth to turne by: sectly towarde the nozch, as is to ſee in the dyals that are made to the foonne. The rubbynge of the ficte Ceruethe for the ſouth: as doo lpkebple the other partes, for other guar: fers and poyntes of beauen. 10talnore here shatyf a piece of this ſtone, ofche bysgenere of an 999 egge or a walnutte, or more or lelle, bee broken into manye ſmaule pieces as dysse as byce ou leffe, yet euery of thote ſmaule piefees bach hegdde, foote, and armes, as iş fayde here before. 0 0000 as touchynge the Indies. 323 Cjxhe Struacion and byggenes of the earth. I may to Cume feeme a vaine thyng to feke the ſituacion and byggeues of the earth, although it bee caſy to knowi, fozaſmuche as it is ſitus ate in the myddette of the worlde as the center the fea. of the ſame, beinge enuironed and as it were bozne bp of the ſea which cõpalleth it abotot. pela Cayth that the pyllers that Culteyne it, are Latte, koelt, Nozth, and South: which ſayinge Daupd conficmeth in the the wyndes £.vi. pfalme. Theſe foure are the moft notable pyllers oj (u: tentacions that the earth hath in heauen, accordynge to the motions wherof, all byages are ruled on the earthe, frome Wheuſe they haue theyi oziginall, as engendered of the dy ners qualities of vapoures e erhalations rayſed by the fonne and otherwyſe. Eratvähenes put none other fultentacions then the nozth and ſouth poles, and parteth the earth by the the polee. courſe of the Coonne: which particion pgarcus Warro dooth greatly commende as agreable to reaſon. The poles are firme and taimonable as an ereltre abowt the which the heaven mo ueth and is therðy Cutteyned. They furthermoze declare vn: to bs under that parte of heauen wee bee, howe farce, and which way wee go, with allo the largenes of healien and co menſuration of the earth. As for exemple: the Breyght of The meatus Bibzaltar (accomptynge from Spayne) is from che noith, 0% rynge the cirs to ſprake moze playnely from the poynte of the earthe that is cumference oz may be directly under the nozth pole, abowt. liii. degrees of the cartb which make. ix. hundjeth and. Ipcr. leaques accoiding to the common computació of the Coſmographers and stronomers: And is from the Equinoctiall line. rrrbt, degrees: which ad ded to the other, lirii. make. crt. Degrecs, beinge the hole ditance from the nogth poynre to the Equinocciall line diuy. dynge the earth by the myddelle, and the quarter ol fourthe parte of the hole circumference of the earch: the whiche hob great te is in compaữe and how many leaques oz miyles it con teynerhe, is eaſy to perceauc accomptynge eucty degree. It. myles. But that yowe may the better perceaue what degrees ace, 3 hane thowght good to ſpeake Cimwhat moze hereof. muha Other notable chynges C What degrees are. 12 the owlde tyme theyż maner bas to meaſure the earth and the boozlde by furlonges, pales, and fiete, as is to reade in plinie, Strabo, and other wzpters, But after that Prolomé founde degrees a hundžeth and fiftie yeares after the Death of Chryſt, that maner of accompte was receaued as the Axolome belt. prolomie divided all the hole body and face of the land founde des and ſea into three hundzeth and ſirtie degrees of length or lo grees. gitude: and other as many degrees of bzedth oz latitude :lo that the hole globe of the baule beinge rounde, conteyneth ag Zengitude a much in latitude as longitude. be afligned lykewyſe to cues Zatitude, ty degree three [cole myles, whiche make. xvii. Spany he leaques and a halfe: In ſuch ložte that the globe od baule of 2 begree. the earth meaſured directly by any of the foure partes of the ſame,conteyneth in circuite ſyrc thouſand and two hundreth Icaques. This computacion and meaſurynge, is ſo certernen that as it is approued of all men and founde trewe by experis ence, ſo much the moze is it to bee commended and had in ad miration foz that chinuention hereof was iudged ſo byfficule by 3ob and the picacher, that no man had founde the meas Degrees of ſure of limites of the ſame. They name thoſe degrees of lons Longitude, gitude, that the accompte from Coonne to loonne by the quinoctiall line which reacheth from the Eat to the Wete by the muddle of the globe oz baule uf the carth. Theſe can noc well bee oblerucd, fozaſmuch as in this tract of heauen, there is no fyre of permanent figne whereunto che pylots maye dis recte theyz eyes oz intrumentes. for the loonne, althowghe &t be a motte clearefigne, get doothe it dayely channge the che degrees place of ryſynge and faulynge, and keepethe not the ſame are not know courſe the day folowynge as the Attronomers affirme. And al thowgh there is no number of chê that in trauaylyng trange landes and ſeas haue ſpent they2gooddes and almofte theyz wyttes to fynde the degrees of longitude without ecrour ag Che degrees are found the degrees of latitude e yeyght, yet is there none of latitude. that bytherto hath any trewe knowleage therof. The degrees of lacitude oz altitude, are they that are accompted from the Che north nozch pointe to the ſouth, the commenſuration or meaſuring Barre. wherby, is molt certgine by reaſon that the nozth Aarre is pet mang as touchynge the Indies. $24 mane and remayneth tyll in one place, 02 at the leaa moueth abowt the pole which is they? firme and tedfat figne wher: by they accompte they? degrees and directe theyż byages. By the degrees therfore accompted by theſe molt certeine ſignes, The circuite is vnfaylably meaſured the hole circumference of the lande of the earth. and Cea, diuydynge the ſame into foure equall partes in this maner. From the nozth poynte to the Equinoctial are.Irrrr. degrees : and from the Equinoctiall to the ſouth poynt, other Irrrr. ageyne on the contrary ſyde, from the ſouth poynt to the Equinoctiall, are other. Irrrr. degrees and from the L: quinoctial ageyne to the nozth poyntes are as many. This may we coniecture by good reaſon aſwell of thinferioare he: The inferior mifphery wherof a great parte is knowcn bnto vs by the na: heiniſpherie, uigations of ſuch as haue palled the ſtreyghets of beagella: mus and the cape of Bona Speranza, although we hane noo ſuch cleace and manifett relation as we ought to baue of the tande under the ſouthe pole beinge the other epeltree of the bojlde bohofo fyght be lacke. Foz (as berodotus ſapth) pe there bee any lande of the Dyperbozeans (that is ſuche as are upperbored. bnder the nozth) ther is alſo of the hypernotios, that is ſuch as are under the ſouth : which perhappes are they that Iyue Hypernocli. in the lande of the fireygh:es of magellanus as nere into the other pole. But what thele landes are, oz of what greatnes we can haue no certeyne knowleage vntyl um man fhal haue compañed about the lands bnder the lonth pole as did gohn Sebađian the circumference of the Equinoctiall line. Where laſt annotacions of the zodies, Haue 3 tranſlated owr of the bookes of Franciſcus Lopes, witten in the Spanyffhe rounge to Chemperours maieſtie: and partly alſo ows of ihe carde made by Sebaſtian Labot. Ca demonftration of the roundence of the Earth. Any ignorant men chynke that the earthe to not rounde onely by iudgéinente of the eye which is deceaned in many chynges not only che eye to of the woorkes of nature, but alſo of Inche deiesued. as are doonne by the liight and acte of man. Foz they ſay: Dole can it bee rounde foral much Other notable thyngės Brynge, circie. muche as though a man tcauayle neuer fo fac eyther by land ol fea, he ſeemech euer to pale as te were by a ryght line with out any ſuch circuite of compatynge, aſcendynge oz difceng dynge, as perteyneth to all the partes of a rounde forme.zhe which obicction, as it is groſe and ſimple, proceadyng of the narownelle of the underttanoong of ſuch as can not conceane che large circumference of the lande and lea, euen ſo may it be anſwered with this ſimple demontration. 3|n a tynge that ſecucth foz the fynger of a mans hande, the ſpace of balfe an pnche ozlyttle moze, ishalfe a cycle. Buc in a rynge of cpzcle of bygger circumference, as in the hoope of a tubbe, halfe an pnche appeareth in maner a ryght line, althologhe it bee noc to in deede, fogalmuch as it is not podible for any parte of a. circle to confit of a ryght line, neyther any parte of a line to conſylt of a cyzcle, lithe the partes mult needes bet confozma ble to the hole, conſylynge of ſuch vnifozme partes as are in mathematicals. But not to wander to farce in theſe ſubtels cies, the greater that yow can imagen she circle to bee, ſo that a greater parte cherof Teeme a ryght line o; plagne forme: 95 foz exemple, imaginyngea circle whoſe diameter (that is mea Cure from Cyde to ſyde) conſytteth of a mple : in this circle a pole length or mole, may ſeeme a ryght line, as gowe mayo: therwyſe multiply of the like infinitely: Wherby it wal appere that thelarge circumference of the earth well confydered, a mucho greater part of the circle therof then the eye of man con Ceaueth, may ſceme to bee a ryght line, and he contynually to Walke bppon a playne foznie fozaſmuch as euery part of a cir: cle is lyke onto other as 31 haue Cayde. This may ſuffice fol a ſimple and briefe demontiration and induction for ſuche as Eure defyzous to fecke furth to knolic the truth hereof, What credit olught to bre gyuen to wozyters as touchynge the woolkes of nature. De mofe auncient bozyter SDiodozus, Siculus, in the fourth booke of his Bibliotheca, wryo teth in this maner. Jfany man for the marue lous tranngrnes and noueltie of ſuch thinges as are deſcrybed in owre bookes, byl not per: bappes grue credpt to owre hygojielet bym with TI As touchynge the Indies. $25 bith ryght iudgement conſider the difference that is betwene the ayev of the Scythians and the Troglodytes compared to The diuerfis owres, and he tail the safelyer perceaue the woozkes of na: tre of ayer in ture and approue owre wozytynges. Foz obre ayer dyfererh opuers regts ons. ſo much from theyżs, that it myght ſeeme incredible if erperis ence were not moze certeyne chen doubtfull reaſon. Jn lume regions the coulde is ſo crtceme that greate cpuers are ſo fro: Erfreme colde. Ten, that laden cartes and armies of men palle dueſ the immo uable iſe. Wine allo and other moit: thynges are ſo conieled that they may bec cutte with anyues. But this is moze mar: ueylous, that thertreeme pactes of Cuche apparell as menne weare, are ſo bytten with coulde that they faule of. Wens eyes are allo dymmed: the fyze gyueth not his natural bzygbt nelle:and bzačen velfelles and images are broken. Sumtime by ceaſon of thicke cloudes, thunders and lyghrnynges are neycher ſeene oz harde in ſuch regions. many other thinges moze marueploys the theſe hath nature wzought, which may Teeme incredible to the ignojant: bur eaſy to ſuch as haue ex: £rtreme perience. In the furtheft pactos of Egypt and Trogloditica, heate. the heate of the Coonne is ſo extreme abowt noone, that non man can ſe hym that tandeth by hym, by reaſon of the thicke ayer cauſed by the vapoures and erhalations rayled by the heate. Pone can go withowt thoos but have chep2 Eiete (ud: deynly blyücred and craicerate. Such as ace a chrzt, dye ini mediatly except they haue dzynke at hande, the heatc lo fatte conſumeth the moylure of thcy, bodyes. Heate put in bia: ſen beſtelles, is codde in hozt (pace by the heate of the foonne The force of withowt other fyže. yet they that are boine and bowght bp education. in ſuch regions, had rather wyllyngely ſuđeyne theſe incom modities then bee infozced to Igue ochorwyſe:ſuch a loue of theyz natiue countrey hath nature gyuen to all men: cutome of contingance from younge yeares being allo of fogce to ouer comme the maliciouſneđe of the ayer. Neuereheleđe, theſe Ertreme places of Cuch contrary natures wherby fuche frange effectes heate a colde are cauſed, are not farre in lunder oz diuided by any great diz in a ſmale diſtance, ſtance. Foz, from the maryühes of geotis og jeotides where certerne Scythians dwell in ertreme conlde, many haue l'ay: Frome Scys led with Chyps of burden to Rodes in the ſpace of ten dayes: thia to Ethics and from cheale to Alexandzia in fonce dayes. From whenfc pia, pallenge through £gypte by the ryuer of Nilus, they haue sco 那​犯​犯 ​n. 1. arryucd Other notable thynges arryued in Ethiopia in other tenne dayes: So that the mante gation from the couldett partes of the worlde to the hotteli re gions, is no more then, triiit, continuall dayes. Where as therefoze the varietie of the ayer is Cuch in places of Co imaul dittance, it is no marueyle that the cutomes and maners of ly uynge of the people of thoſe regions, with the complexions of they, bodyes and ſuch thynges as are engendered there, do greatly dyfter from owres. ( The preface to the booke of petals. O this booke of the yndtes and nauigations haue thowght good to adde the booke of metals, foz three canles eſpecially me mouynge: whereof the fyzit is, that it ſeemech to me a rhynge bndes cent to reade ſo much of golde and Cylucr, and to knowe lyttle or nothynge of the naturall generation thereof, beinge neverthelete thynges not onely moti delyzed, but allo Cuch withowt the which at this age che ipfe of man can not bee palled ouer withowt many adueclitics, fozaſmuch as po: Bertie is hatefull to all men, and bertue no further etteemed then it is Cuppozted by ryches, ſych nowe that lady that reig ned in Sacurns dayes, is becomme the daue to hym that was then her bondeman in that golden bozlde, ſo named, not for the deſyze that men had to golde, but for thinnocencie of ly: mynge in thoſe dayes, when gars was of no poure, and men thought it crueltie by breakynge the bones of owre mother the earch, to open a way to the courte of infernal pluto from shence to get golde and (pluer the Ceedes of al miſchiefes and angels of ſuch a god, whom the antiquitie (not without good confyderation) paynted blonde, affirmynge alſo that of hym golde and fyluec haue receaucd the propertie to blynde the eyes of men. But fyth it is nowe to that we halbe inforced to Ceke ayde by that which was Cumrymes a myſchefe; tt reſteth to ble the matter as doo cunnynge philitians that can moni: Alec poylon in propoztion with other thynges in ſuch lozt qua Ipfyinge the maliciouſneđe therof, that none fall therby bee intoricate. Fozaſmuch therfoje as golde and fyluer haue ob tegned this prerogatiue that they are Cuche neceßarie enyls whiche The preface. $26 which the lyfe of man can nor lacke withobor detriment, not only they but other metals alſo perhappes moze neceſarie al: thowgh not ſo precious, are thynges woozchy to bee better knowen then only by name, fych they are thinftrumentes of all actes, the prices of all thynges, the oznamentes of al dig: nities, and not the lcat portion of nature, wherby the contē. plation of them is no lette pleaſaunte then necelary. But for aſmuch as it is not here my intent to intreate much of metals, 3 Wyll ſpeake of the ſeconde cauſe: Which is, that if in tra: uaplyng ſirang and unknowen countreys any mans chaunce thalbe to arryuc in ſuch regions where he may knowe by this tozmation of thinhabitaunces of otherbople, that ſuche tegis ons are fratefull of riche metals, he may not bee without luns fudgement to make further ſearch for the ſame. The thyrde cauſe is, that althowgh this obre realme of englande be ful of metals not to bee contemned and much rycher then men Cup pole, yet is there fewe oz none in Englande that haue ange gtcate ſkyll thereof, 02 any thynge bozyteen in obr counge, whereby men maye bee well intructed of the generation and fyndyng of the ſame:as thclyke ignozance bath byn amonge bs as touchynge Coſmographie and nauigations vnepll 3 at: tempted accozdinge to the pozrion of my talent and ſimple lec nynge to open the fyz& doze to the enteraunce of this knowe leage into obore language, wherin 3 wolde Wythe chat ocher of greater lernynge wolde take ſame peynes to accomplythe and bringe to further perfection that 3 haue cnbcly begunne, not as an autour but a tranliatoure, leate 3| bee iniurious to ang man in aſccybyng to my felfe the tcauayles of other. And wheras as concernynge the knolleage of metals,j was once mynded to haue trandated into Englythe the hole woojke of prorechnia boherof 31 fynyâhed.xcii.chapitures nowe moze then thee geaces Cence, and Icfte the copie therof in the han, des of one of whom 3 coulde neuer get it ageyne (omyttynge to (peake of other ingratitudes)j was therby diſcouraged to pzoceabe any further in that woozke. Ncuerthelelle, fythe this byữozy of the Indies hath minittred occaſion to increate fumwhat of merals, haue ageyne trandated three of the fyzů chapitures of that booke, which ſeeme moft neceffary to bec knoben in this caſe, and hereof to baue Cayde thus much in maner of a preface it mag Cutice. PIA n. ti, SOS DE the generation of metalles and their mynes with the maner of fyndinge the ſame: wzitten in the Italien tounge by Vannuccius Biringuczius in his booke cauled Pyrotechnit, to his louynge frendc watter Bernardino concellele, greeting. Dereas 1 pzomyſed yow to W?ytte of the na: tures of metalles in particular, 3, am nowe in: fozced to declare cuery thingein gencrale,and eſpecially of the places of their generation and thcir order, with the formc and maner of wonz kynge in the ſame, and the intrumentes therto pertegninge. yowe thall therefoze underüande, that mynes 2 of metalles are founde in the moſte partes of the worlde, moze of lete according to the diligence of witti ſearchers and the w sche mineral them ſelues ſtandinge in the grounde in maner in ſuche Cozte trec. as the beynes of bludde are diſparled in the bodies of lyuing beañes, oz like ynto the blaunches of trees (predde foogth dis uers wayes.wherfor, the diligent ſearchers of mines, willing by a certeyne ſimilitude declare howe the mynes are placed itt the mountaynes, haue figured a greate tree full of branches planted in the myddette of the baſe of a mountaync,frome the whyche are diriued dpuers and many bouwes and byanches, Tum greate and Cum (maule, muche like bnto verye trees that the mynes are in owlde woddes. They will alſo that in growynge, they doo growe. euer ingcoſe them Celues and reaché towarde the heauen,con: uertynge into they, nature the molte diſpoſed and neare mata ter, vntil the toppes of they2 bzaunches ertend to the highet archaficcs. parte of the mountapne, and there thewe furthe thepz felues with manifette apperaunce, puttinge furthe in the teade of bouwes and floures, certėyne fumoſites of blewe of greene co loure, oz marchalites with ſmaule beynes of pondcrous mata ter,oz Cuche orher compoſitions of tinctures. And when by this means they fewe chê felucs bnto bs, we may make firme contecture that ſuche mountapnes are minerall, and that ac- cordinge to the demontrations they thewe moje oz icīle, they Sigrics of are richer o pozer of myne. Therefore the ſearchers, accolding metals, to thapperaunces which they fynde, take good courage ynto them: and with hope and ſecuririe of profecte, apply al their pogible diligence with bitte and expenſes to digge of gette Obte Of the generation of metals. 327 olte Cuch ethynges as the fignes and obtewarde apperauns ces de clare onto them. And by this manct of fyndinge of mynes, it hath often tymes chaunced that many haue byn er: alted to the higher degree of riches. Whcras therfoze by this meanes men enter into the mountaynes with the eys of confis deration and right yjudgemente, and ſee the places where the mineralles are ingendered and comprehende in maner theire quantitie,they adapte they, caues 03 fotes accoudonge there. bnto, whecas they thulde otherwyſe wandcr by chaunce, bes cauſe no man can by any other meanes knowe where the mines are in the mountaynes, although he were of newer ſo good iud gement, and thulde make ſearche for the ſame neuer lo cury: oualy by licle & litle. It fhal therfoze in this caſe be neceữary signes and to folow the certificat & aperaūces of ſignes, £ to encoutre the tokens of me ſame as were as may be, with eys # cares cuer attentiue where tals, they maye hope to fynde any tokens of metalles, eſpecially by enquyzinge of thepardes and other anciente inhabitauntes of ſuch regions in the which mineralls are engendered. And this ſpeake the rather for that jam perſwaded that at the firft Tight of a mountaine,by reaſon of the greate barrennette and Mountaynes. rougönes therof, and alſo by realon of the great aboundance in the which metale gre enn of waters that are engendered in the Came; a cight good iud: gendered. gemente Chall not ſuffice to coomme to cercayne knoweleage that metall is contagned in ſuch mouncaynes, until the fear: 502 chers haue with charges and travail caulcd miners in ſundzy places to diſcouer the ſame. And therfoze alſo beleue that one man althowgh he bee neuer ſo tronge, Wyttie, and farre catinge, thall not be able in a newe and traunge contreye, to ſearche bp (maule pozrions not onlye all the mountaynes of one of moo prorrinces which may băinge furth minerals, but thall with muche difficultie (car[cly ſuđice to ſearche the ſe: Ageynit ſee: creates of only one mountapne:Jn Co mucce thar (um conſyde kyilge metals ringe the Difficultie hereof, are of opinion that in this effecte, whici cher Win the rod it chuld be requylite to worke by the arte of fegromancie, caule üirguia which 3 thynke to be a fable withobt further kuowelcage, la diuina. But 3 wolde that theſe necromancers Mulde tell me why this theire arte helpeth cheym no further in the Woorke after that they haue once founde the myne if it be trewe that they ſay. Negromácie, Why (J ſay ) doth it not helpe them furthe as at the begyns mynge to fynde the myne, fo conſequently in the mooded and Of the generation of metals. the ende to bzynge the ſame to further perfection, as to gette ft obte, to bzynge it to fuſion oz meltynge, and to purifie og pourge it from drođe, which doubtleđe it thulde haue poure Co doo if it may bee beleaued that it can doo the other. But Eozaſmuch as ſuch effectes are ſo fearefull and terrible, that ehey ought not o, can not be practiſed of al men, and alſo per happes bycauſe ſuch maner of woozkynge is not knowen, 31 thinke it not good to be bled: but thinke rather by good rea: Con that this arte is ſo much the moze to be omgtted and cong eemned, in hobe much we are accutomed in the begynnynge of dyggynge of mynes, eſpecially to caule for the grace of God that it may pleaſe hym to be preſente with his ayde to obre Doubtfull and traualious woorke. Lettynge paữe therefore. this deuplyThe diuiſe of ſuch beagly and fearefull men, 3 ers bodce pobe to folowe the practiſe by the foželaybe ſignes mi: nyüced bnto powe by the benignirte of nature, bothe groun: ded bppon the foundation of truth and approved by therperis ence of many practicionars, not confydtynge in woozdes og promyữes of chynges bayne and incopzehenſible. With theſe Tignes therfoze ſhall yolo Cearche the bankes and ſides of the balleys, with the clyftes and ryftes of the tones, and the bac kes, toppes, oy ridges of the montaynes : allo the beddes, chanels, and courſes of cyuets, lookynge diligently amongé the maner they, ſandes, and the ruines of they, folles, amonge the wht of ſearching che pow thall often tymes cſpie marchalites oz Cmaule (parkes for mynes. of mones, of other dyuers tinctures of metals, whereby yow may be certified that certeyne mynes are in ſuch places, bhich yowe ſhall exactly fynd by diligent and curious Cearchyng the generall clyffes of they, ryftes and diy places. After theſe aduerties figne. montes, take this foz a generall ligne, that all ſuche places and moütagnes are mineral, obt of the which many ſpringes and great abundaunce of crude water dooth ilhewe, hauung with theyz clearenes a certeyne minerall tatte, and ſuch as at variable icaſons of the yeare chaunge they, qualitie, beinge warme in the ſpłynge tyme and coulde in lommer. and this thynge ought yow to beleue the moze when you thall ſee the Rowgh and aſpecte of ſuch mountaynes to be rough, ſharpe, and (aluage barren moun withowt earth oj trees. Difo that pk there bee a lyttle earth synes, found vpon the ſame with a ſmaule beyac of herbes oz gralle gobe ſpall perceaue the grenenes therol to be fagnt and in ma NEB Of the generation of metals. 328 ner toythered and dryed. and albeit that Cumtymes alſo, mines are founde in mountaynes hauynge earth and frutefull trees in the toppes therof, yet are they for the mott part found in ſuch wherof we haue (poken. DE theſe other, there maye fewe fignes be gynen, ercept to go by lyttle and lyttle to feke Che be the bankes of theyz [ydes. But amonge all theſe, the belt and ſigne. mot certeyne ligne that may bee gyuen, is wheras on the ſu: perficiall parte of the earch eyther on hyghe oz belowe, the myne dooth thewe it felfe apparente to ſpght. Sum there are that for a good ſigne do greately commende the reſidences bohich certeyne waters make woher they haue retted foz a time whe reſidêce and beinge õryed bp of the hcate of the conne, do often times of waters. Ebewe in certepne partes of the reſidencies dyuers tinctures of mynecall ſublaunce. Summe other are accutomed to take ſuch waters, and in a begrell of earch oz glaữe or other mata ter, cauſe them to boyle and bapoure away bntyll the djegs of reſidence remayne in the bottome well dżyed in the likenes of a groſe earth, of the which they make an aſaye eyther by the ordinarie trpall of fyer, oz after ſume other maner as ly: keth them bett. And by this meanes (althowgh they attayne not to theracte knowleage of the truth) yet do they approche to a certegne knowleage of the thyng wherby they haue Cum intelligence of what ſuficiencie and goodnelle the myne is which they ſeeke, bcfoze they be at any great charges in fo: lowynge the ſame : Pouydynge alway that with all diligent aduertiſement the places neare unto the rootes of the confine mountaynes he curioudy ſearched, with alſo the bankes and Sydes of the Celfe fame mountayne, and all ſuch ſuperficiall partes thecof, where any tones are founde diſcouered eyther of thepz owne proper nature oz by the courſe of water: pzelup polynge ever that it is in maner impoñible but that ye ſuche mountaynes contayne any mynes, they multe neebes. Wewe zbarchafites Eurth Cum floures, tinctures, oz colours of thepz exhalations, are the cincs yet yf it fulde ſo chaunce that they do not this, the goodnes cures of my- of the mine may be the cauſe hereof fozaſmuch as epibes it is neral erba'ne tions. not of vapozable nature, or to be of (maule quantitie, oz els perhappes bycauſe the mountapne is greate and the myne vesica ry low or lo facce with in, that it is not ſufficient to put furth ang lignes of fumolitics. The cauſe alſo hereof maye bee that fum tonelyke unto that cauled Albtfano (which 3 thynke to be Of the generation of metals, of tõat kynbe which lve caule the grecte fone) oz blacke and whyte marble of thycke and relyltynge nature, may be found 213ctals fre to lye betwene and ſo to toppe the pațages, that the fayde fu frutful moun: molities may therby be hyndered to arepue to the bppermotte carnes, parte of the earch: by reaſon wherof, it is pollible that ſuche mountaynes may błynge furth trees and herbes fogalmuche as the earth rherof dooth terepne his bertue and may nurylbe they, rootes not beinge incinerate oz burnte with hotte and benemous vapours of the mynes: ſo that the toures of rayne or fuds with their courſes can not cary away thecarch as in ſuch places wherthe fanie is found ſoze dzped. And therfoze bppon ſuch mountaynes 3 haue feene great wooddes of cheat mutte trees, beeches allo and okes, with well cultured and Ecutfull fieldes. So that to conclude, by the ligiies of the rowghnete o? barenneđe of the mountayne, is not taken as way but that other places may alſo haue plentie of mines whi che ought to be ſearched and folowed.Burfozaſmuch as thefe Signes are of the natures of minerals, 3 Wyll ſpeake more de terminately of theym in the places where 1 entreate of theyz proper mynes : fot intendynge here to ſaye muche of theſe thynges in generall, but only to induce yow to ſum clearnegre of the fyra lyght. And therfoze that you may gyue the moze diligent aducrtiſment, 3 laye vnto yowe that all the mynes which you ſhall fynde by ſuch ſignes, by what meanes lo es uer they call coome to yowre handes, whether they be found nowe the in tones, earth, oz ſande, after that at the fyztte ſyght they fignes are to have thewed them ſelues to bee mynes of metals, yow owght bee confyde: to confyder of what ponderolitie oj weyght they are: The red. which the greater chat it is, ſo much the moze dosth it thewe both the perfection and goodneữe of the ſubftaunce, and alſo the moze quantitie of the mine. And thus pzeſuppoſyng that by the ſignes oz other mennes yow haue founde the mine, not yet fully perceauynge of what kynde of metall it myght bé, to a certifie yowe hereof and allo of what quantitie it is, ok howe we it is accompanyed og myrt with other, oz lykewyle of what puritie it is of it ſelfe, oz of what cuylt diſpoſition ou malice che aff'ay of it is founde to bee, it ihall herein be neceđacy befoze yow be at the mines. any further charges therwith, to proue the ſame byewoo 07 thzee alayes o2 mo, as 3] wpil further declare in the particu: Jar place of a Tages. Beinge cherfoze certifyed of the mpne, and Of the generation of metals. 329 and of what metall it is, and alſo what quantitle it contcys nech, fynbpage it by accompte to bee lo profitable as to beare the charges, 3 eghozte yowe boulbely to gyae the fyztte at: tempte to faule to niynynge, and with all po{ible diligence to folowe yowr caterpryle: allurynge yowre ſelfe, that of what ſo euer mynerali matter yow tall take altay accordyng to the pzopoztion of that pice which yow tooke of the bppermott oz olotmott parte of the mine foz that purpoſe, yol tall fynde the richer that to bee muche better and rocher whiche is further within myne further the mountayne, and thus being certified by the aday of what within the quantitie the chynge is that appered by the ſignes, and of all montayne. other reaſonable confyderations apperteynyng to the wozke, yol fall with all celeritie diſpoſe yobor Celfe to faule to dyg: gynge, to thintent that yowe may ihoztely eyther here entoye the frute of yobre trauell, ozels where with better ſuc: celle pzoue yobre good foztune. But in thattempte of this enterpryſe, yow owght principally to haue reſpecte to the ſituation of the place where yowe intende to make the Confyderacia begynnynge of yowr caue of folle: Takynge good aduercile cause oughero ment that it be commodious foz the labourers that chal wozke bee made. therein:pzonydynge aboue all thyuges that it haue an eaſye enteraunce into the mountayne, with lele charges and in thoz ter tyme to artyue bnder the ſignes which yowc haue taken: encounterynge the ſame as muche as is poñible as it were by a ryght line, fyzd with iudgemente and then with wolkeman thyppe, vntyll yol fryke on the groſe male or bodye of the The bodie of the iyne. myne, breakynge in the courſe of the caue al matters of hard compoſitions, as quatreys and tones puerth wareynge the fame : hauynge curr reſpecte to the owtwarde ſignes whiche pow folowe, fozecaltynge in yowre mynde how yowe may dis rectly arryue to the ſame, euen as the maryners directe theyz tourſe by they, compade and lyght of the north farre. Alſo bylyde that place where yow baue determined to make the en tecaunce and begynnynge of the caue, yow mute take choyle Office for the howres of sfan other place, eycher on the front of the niountayae on myners. the lyde that it may bee neare and commodious to make one Dztwo or mo cotages foz the commoditie and neceditie of the toolkemen. Dne of theſe mui bee appoynted for they? Doz: mitozie bo here Cum may ref and a cepe whyle other woozke, and that yow may the moje commodiouũy be preſent and als 9 9 0 1 ſyftaunce Of the generation of metals, ſyftaunt to therz doynges, diligently to beholde all thynges and to conforte cheim in theyz laboures:allo to diſpence and betowe theyz byttayles as Thall bee nedefull, and to referue the ſame in Cafe culodie, with dayly prouiſion of al thynges apperreynynge. The other mult bee as it were a (mythes fozge wherin theyż wojne and boken tooles muâ bee renewed, and other newe made, to thintent that the woozke be not hyndes red foz lacke of Goze of neceſſarie inftrumentes. When there thynges are thus fynyűhed, with good prouiſion of byttaples and a ſufficient number of erpert myners, then in the name of Bod and good aduenture, caulynge a pzette to bleữe the mou tayne with all the moppes, and to baptiſe the caue, dedica: Baptifinge 1 dedication of tynge it (as the maner is) to the holy Trinitie o to obr Lady the coue. oz to the name of Cum other ſaynt which yowe haue in deuoti on, with inuocation to cheym to proſper yowre attemptes, yolo mall with good courage and hope begynne to dygge the caues with intenre to folowe the ſame withowte cealynge as farre as yowre abilitie thall reache, oj bntyll yowe baue pala ſed ouer the lymettes ſignified by the lignes befoje named: Takynge euer diligent heade that yowe begyn yowre caue as The makige lowe as yow may at the foote of the mountayne, in ſuch order of the caue. that yowr myners ſo continue and folow the ſame by a righe tine, that they encounter the beyne of the myne by the thoztea and ſafet way that may bee deuiled. Foz it often times chaun ceth, that althowgh the caue haue byn wel begunne, yet hach Cauſes of hi: it not byn well folowed, foz that the myners bringe with: gergunce, diawen from the ryght courſe by the hope of ſuche braunches of mynes as haue appered bnto them in the waye, doo often times decline from theyz attēpted courſe, and from the ſignes which they owght to hane folowed. And byſyde other pzes ceptes, ſee that yow beare in memory to pzocure that in dyga gynge, yow eſchewe as muche as yowe maye, the cuttynge of fofte 02 bzykell tones, alwell foz that it may bee daungerous Soft Rones. foz cuine of the caue, as alſo that it ſeldome chauncerh that any mynes are founde in ſuch tones.But yf yow tal chaunce ſo to fynde them that yobo can by no meanes auoyde them, confort yow that where ſuche cauſe of feare fewerh it ſelfe, both that yow loſe not the charges of the caue and fo: the bet tec ſafegarde of yolore woozkemen, it halbe neceữary thas gow ble all pollible diligence in well vpholdynge and fozry: fying Of the generation of metals. 330 fyinge the caue with arches of Waules trauerſed with dronge The forteftes podes of tymber after the maner of framed beames,luftegned of the caue. with groſe and Gronge pyles made of good and tronge tym: ber of oke or other great trees. And in this maner ought pow to proccade in byggpng yowre myne that you may with moze ſecuritie enioy the frute of your trauayle. But in the howe one owlde tyme they that bygged mynes (as is yet to ſee) in the caues were caues lekte of them) folowed an other maner: ſo that in the made in olde tyme, teade of begynnynge the caue belowe at the foote of the moun tayne (as doo the later myners) they begunne to dygge theyz caue in the vpper oz hyghelt parte where the daye diſcouered the myne, dyggynge downewarde after the maner of a pytte oz a well, folowynge the ſame ſumtyme on the one lyde, and Lumtyme on the other euen unto the depth, as the beyne web ed it Celfe to thepz (yght: whereof 3 haue thought good to make mention, foz that in thoppinion of many men this way dooth ſeeme much better and of moze ſecuritie to fynde that they ſeeks, then to dygge by the ſydes: bycauſe that by this meanes they haue euer the mine before theyz eyes eyther moze oz lete as a line to leade them to the grođe made. Yet who lo confydereth the chynge well, thall bnderttande that the later myners haue better conceaued the reaſon of this woojke, in reſpecte (as is to fee) of many more commodities and ſecuri: ties which inlue rather of this maner of woodkynge then of the other as the difficultie to defcende and aſcende the caue, the daungiour let it bee Atopped bp by many cuines, bylyde the traualyous labour to dzaw owe the mine with the rockes fragmentes of tones : And aboue al thonges, that they thal not bee able to dzawe owt the waters whiche are often tymes Abundaune fo abundaunt that they greatly increaſe the charges and tra: of water in the mynes, uaples of the patrones of the mynes by reaſon of the greate apde and helpe which halbe requiſite to haue in that caſe and alſo for the makynge of wheeles, troughes, pypes, & pumpes, with ſuche otheč inftrumentes ſeruynge for the purpoſe to djawe owe the waters. And yet with all this, it often tymes thaúceth that although they labour hereat cötinually, yet ſhalos 330 they be ifozced to forſake their pzofitable &laudable fterpzyſe Thebeſte So that to conclude 3 ſaye ( as yowe maye well under dand) maner of me that it is a much better way and of moze ſecuritie to begynne kinge the caue, the diggyng of the caue rather at the roote o, fote of the mon D DDO.ii. tayng Of the generation of metals, Wynes of copper and tayne and to enter into the ſame by litle and lytle a dope vp: Warde, then to begynne at the toppe or the higheſt backe ther of. And this both for the more commodious paſinge furche of the water, and alſo foz the eaſier trauaile of the labourers. The change Döſeruynge euer diligently the change of the ſignes whiche of the lignes. appere önto yow owotwardly,vlynge the rudder and compatte as do they that Cayle on the ſca. foz hereby the myners thalbe be rudder compaſſe. infructed euer to folowe the right way in the caue vncill by the conductinge of bytte and arte, they bee browght to the place of the groſe male or bodie of the tree, whyche is the cauſe, fontayne, and original from whence the fayd tinctures fumolites, and mineral ſignes ,are diriucd and ſente furth to the ſuperficiall partes. And as concernynge this pur pole, Auftrida thincke it good to declare bnto yow home in the Dukedome of Auſtria, bet weene ifpruc and Alla where 3 contynued manye yeares, 3 Cawe a large vale enuironed with a greate numbes of mountaynes, by the middet wherof a ryucr pated through leade holdig of greate aboundaunce of water:and in maner in all the mons Syluer. taynes that are there abobt, is digged great plentie of mine, wherof the mode parte are of copper oz teade, althoughe alſo in maner euery of them is founde to holde Cum poztion of lit: act. Amonge theſe mountaynes, 3] fame one in the whyche thinhabitauntes of the countrey dwellyng there abowt allus red by the ſight of many ſignes, beganne to bigge a cauc after the maner wherof we haue (poken: on ſo muche that ( as it appered onto me) from the place where they begane che caue, they had digged litle lelle then two myles befože they ſawe 2 cave of any ſparke oz fhadowe of any myne and beinge arryue) with spo myles. pomy: the caue in maner perpendicularly under the ſignes they folo wcd, they were encountered with a beyne of the harde Gone caulco Albozano, of a yarde and a halfe chicke, which they pai Sed through with greate tranayle and longe tyme, and with the helpe of commodious intrumentes of iren hardened to woozke in ſuche ttones. And when they had thus palled large caue through this quarccy of tone, they chaunced yppon a verye of the myne. great beyne of the mync of copper of ſuch ſorte that when 1 of copper hol was there, lookinge betweeue the one and the other, 3 Cawe on enery fyde as it were a waule of the hard tone of Albazano, and therin a boyde place of Cuche largenes from the one fyde to the other that moze then two hundzeth men al at one time, dinge ſiluer. Of the generation of metals. 331 had luđicientc roome to fande labouringe frome the hyghette partc to the lowet, hauynge non other lyght then of candells, Candle light. and makinge certeyne markes in euery place where they ſaw the vre og myne thewe it ſelke: and thus ceaſed not to booke continually both day and nyght, courſe by courſe, a chynge fuerly maruelous to be holde. Without the mouth of'the caue, 9 fawe great abundaunce of mine partely mirt with the tione A greate of the vie, and parcely choſen and Ceperated. Amonge theſe maire of pune pieces, there was one conſiſtynge of a hole made of pure mine myne, of ſuche biggnes and weyght, that two good horſes with a light carre coulde (carſely drawe it away. This myne was of copper as 3 hauc Cayde. But to magnifie it, they cauled it fyluer, bycauſe it helbeſuche plentie thereof that it ſurmouns ted the charges, whereas they had alſo the copper for aduan: sage, yowe tall further undertond that in the myddeft of the caue, there was a chanell oz gutter whyche gathered togyther the waters that fell into it continually on euery fyde from the of water in ruptures oz bloken places and cliffes. cheſe waters ranne the mynes, through the chanel with ſo vehemente a'Greme, that 3 ſuecly beleue that it might beli Cuffice to Dzyue any greate molle. in ſo mucherhar in goynge in and comming owt of the caue, 3 remember that by the contynual faulce (prinkeling of the waters from aboue e bencth, was as wet as chongo 3 bad paữed through a greate thouse of rayne. Whecat 3 macacl the ledle when 3] confyder i hat later is the fyrt and neareft pzin: neareſt putach water is ete ciple of the whiche the ſubûaunce of minecals is engendered. ple of minne By reaſon wherof, ſuch men of vnderlandynge as haug [ear rales. ched the natures of theſe thynges, argue hereby and take it a general rule, for a generall rule, that all thoſe mountaynes olot of the Whi che ſpłyngeth great abundaunce of watec, doo alſo abounde with myne. The which thynge pelicanfyderynge, and wey inge the greatnes hereof, 31 taule into this accompre with my Telfe, chat if to the patrones of tije (apde caue, the charges of the ſame haddc byn a hyndécaunce oz gecche, cythes for the length therofşor foz del payze that they tuid not have found dorea that they fought, they wolbe ſurely haue foglaken it. And beinge nowe comme to this hardeftone after they had ſutep: Sreat richte ned ſo great charges bylyde che trauayle both of inynde and obtayned by body, if they thuldethen hauc lefte of chey? enterpzple, they ſearchinge thulde no : haue começo Cuch ryches whereby they have obtey of mynes, Of the generation of metals. Med many commodities aſ well profitable for them felttes as dat alſo for chepz loides and princes, they countrey, they, kint: folkes and famelic. Peyther yet thulde they hate byn ſo wel able to helpe they? pooze neyghbours as they haue doone by the meanes of the balientneđe of they? contant myndes ano perfiftynge in ſo good and commendable an enterpziſe. Wher: foze to conclude, yow that wyll begynne to attempt any ſuch magharimis ne z paciêce. thynge, muſt be of good courage and much pacience to folobe that yow haue begunne, at the leañ vntitl you knowe by the ſignes what the thynge is: hopinge euer chat in goynge for warde,the day folowynge( as it is poſible) chal diſcouer the Chynge that yowe Ceeke and content your Delyze: Wherof you may bee the better aſſured, if yow well conſyder that the moo. thers and matrices of motte eſtemed ryches, and the mynteg Clements of al treaſures are the mountaynes: To the whiche(with the taynes are the matrices helpe of foztune and yowr ingenious indeuoure ) yow wall of riches, open the way, not only to fynde the myne and arryue to the belly of the mountayues where ſuche thynges lye hyd, but thall alſo bee eralted by ryches to hyghe honoure and dignis tie as they of whome we haué made mention befoze: fozal: much as molt beningne and liberall nature , doothe open het lappe and promelle good ſuccede to ſuche as ſeeke ryches by Cuch honelt meanes. The whiche way ſurely is muche rather to be folowed, then eyther the warres full of trowbies and miferie, oz the carefull trade of marchaundtes boith wandea cynge abowt the worldc, 02 Cuche other fatidious cares pers happes unlawfull for a good man. And albeit (as ſume men uſe to ſpeake) the fyndynge of mynes bee an eſpecial grace of God, neuerthelele, fojamuch as we are bozne to laboure, is Che grace of thalbe necellary that we ſeeke the ſame in ſuche places where god is recea: they are brought furth by the wooke of nature, and by fear: Ved by owre chynge to fynde them, and beinge founde to dygge for them, Cadeuoure. and by this meanes to receaue the grace of God with apply: inge owre owne diligence therto, with helpe of the diſpoſiti, Eponye beget on of foztune and naturall iudgemente. And yet tal nor this Beth ryches, only fuffice withowt ſufficiencie of money able to futeyne the charges and continue the wooke: to thende that if you can not fynyThe it with yowr owne erpenſes, you maye ſupplye to the ſame by the ayde of other, eyther patrones oz parteners, Buclet us nowe ceale to reaſon any further of theſe thinges, Bjelup Of the generation of metals. O 332 refuppofyng therfoze that yow haue altedy pated the chara ges, and haue not only founde the myne you fought, but als To haue brought furth to lyght a great quantitie therof it thal then bee needeful (as a thyng chiefely to be confydered before Neceſſarie yow begin to dygge) wel to ponder ceramen both the cómo di aduertif: mētes, ties of ſuch chynges as fall occurre, and alſo of ſuch wherof gow ſhall haue neede: as tymber and woodde of all foztes, with water and byetayles :of all the whiche, you mult haue great plentie: and eſpecially of woodde, whereof yowe mutte plentye of hauc great quantitie, alwell to ſerue to the propoztion of the woode. myne, as alio to make coles to the vſe of meltyage, fynynge, dzyinge, garboylyng, and ſuch other bzoylynges, bylyde that which mul ſerue to foztifie the caue and to buyld thoppes and Cotages aud cotages with ſuch other edifies. Diligent conſideration mul edifiés. lykewyſe be had to the ſituacion of the place where the buyt- Dynges fhalbe erected: as that the plotte therof bee commodi: The ſituació ous with abundaunce of water hauynge a good faule. Allo of the place, not onely of plentie of woodde and cole nere unto the myne, but of ſuch as may ferue the turne. And of all other incommo dities, yobbe mufe chiefely auoyde the lacke of water, as a The vre of thynge of greatet impoztaunce and molt ascellarie in this ef: water, fecte. foy by the force and weyght of the courſe hereof, wheeles and dyuers otheringenious intrumentes are adap: ted with eaſe to lyfte yppe greate bellowes to make fyers of great poure, to beate with hammers of great weyght and to turne myghtie and fironge engens, by the force whereof the trauaples of men are ſo much furthered, that withowt ſuch helpe, it were in maner impoñible to ouercome ſuche tedions trauayles oz to arryue to the ende of the booke, fozaſmuch as the force of one wheele may lyfte mode, and that moze Cafe ly then the paynefull labour of a hundzeth men. Jt tal ther: fore be needefull to haue great conſyderation hereof, not on: ly to make theſe edifies oz houſes of obice, but alſo to make them commodious foz the purpoſe, as foz the cariage of myne and cole with other necelaries. Foz if any of theſe effectes Chulde be wantynge, the code, tyme and trauayle, Gulde bee call away: fozaſmuch as theſe thynges doo ſo much the moze celieue the one the other as they are ioyned togyther, and hin neceffarye der the woolke not a lytrlé yf any be ſeparate. But bycaule con Ideracza theſe commodities can not euer be hadde all together, yowe ona, ought Of the generation of metals . owoghe to wey with yowr Celfe which of the twoo feriteth for no necellarie vres, as eychec to haue the cole 0? the mine molt commodious to the houſes, and accordinge there onto to place the hoteles nere bnto the fame if the cominoditie of water will fa permytte. Albeit, tf it were pellible, it coulde be much better if al theſe necellatie commodities were royned togyther, whereas other wyſe yowe mule contente powre Celfe as occaſion fecuerh. Powe cherefore to conclude, bylyde that whicheu haue de: clared unto yow of the findinge of the myne and the digging thereof with other conſiderations, 3 erhozte yowe further to faute to pactyle With Cum myne of your owne, that you may therby take occaſion to tyle to the degree of ryches whyche. pow delire. And therfoze aduertiſe yow that after yowlhane founde che mountayne and begun to digge, yold fbal euer go forwarde with a boulde mynde and toute cozage, boolkyng with bitte and Judgement, fogalmuche as in this effecte the one Cerueth the other in the ſteede of eps to enter where they 21 falſe opinió can not. Byuc no credit to that whiche many ignozante fol kos doo ſay and beleueaffirminge thatın digging foz metals, they are founde rather by chaunce then by arte. The which although it were trewe, yet owght we to truſt moze to art and practyle then to chaunce. And when you are nowe entered into the mountayne, beare well in memory that yow baue pres lhe trauer: Cently with yow the tallie o, ruler of the caue, wherby yowe Cibge of the Veybe, may trauerſe the beyne of the myne when you are coomne to it. Foz if you coulde folole it by the courſe as it lyeth, it is poſſible that yowe mighe folowe it a greate way not pate the biggneữe of a mans finger and perhappes lelle: By reaſon wherof, it might happen that yow thuld loſe it and neuer find it ageyne. The like Thuld chaunce vnto yow if after that you haue begun to digge a caue, it fulde repent yow of the char: Continuance ges, and that foz the baſnes therof yowe mulde foglake it, as in the wozke, many haue doone whobycauſe they coulde not fynde the nine at the firt froke, deſpayzinge that they thulde neuer fynde it, haue foglaken it as a chyng vnpzofitable, thynking that they haue woonne enough in that they were not at further chas ges with that which they accompt logre and domage:ánd thus furiouſly leaue of their enterpriſe, not regardinge that they kay leaue the frute of theyz erpenſes and trauaile to an other Of the generation of metals. that may folowetheir begynninges, and perhappes fynbe the myne within the didance of a cubet, a ſpanne,oz a finger. We may ſay therfouerhat ſuche men doo willinglye forfake they? good fortune as many haue Doone. De therfoze that hath bes gune to Digge a caue, let hym determine to foloweit, puttinge away thefimation of the baſenes therof, and not to feare the Grepgheneđe of the way, but rather to applye alt his poñible diligence with owot vemozle, hopynge thereby noclette ro obs teyne honour and tyches, then to anoyde chame and infamie foz omyrtynge ſo profitable an enterpryle.and that yow may frefheme, the moze circumfpectly behaue gobrfelfe in all thynges, bea fybe the fogmer inüructions, 3 fucrher aduertile gowe to ſet euer fretſhemen a boogke by courſe in ſuch older that in cue ty (itte oz eyghthoures (accorbynge to the number of the mys x906 $ sers) gob appoynt ſuch to the boozke as haue repoſebioz ta: . 10 sans ken they, ce, that you may by this meanes the fooner come to thende yow belyze, whereunto (after yowe have taybe ſo ſüre a fundation) 3 echozte yow to cunne bihotta böpdles And wheras to theſe effectes it malbe neccłacie to haue many infrumentes adapted for the purpoſr, 3 can nondotherwple Speake of them then in generall, conſyderynge that according 3ngrumetes, to the nature of the place and the myne, it thalbe necellary to ble inßrumentes and iren todles of dquers formes, as there ought to be difference in ſuch wherwith yow ſhall bygge in mynes engendered in marble, greete fione, and harde freeſe 1999 donc, oz ſuch other. for the dyggynge of ſuch as ate found 2b.cale si in dcade and tender tones, as Alabatter and macle, it is re: quilite to haue apte and tronge infrumentes, as greate bee- tels, mattockes and ſpades of iren, alſo great e tonge crowes of iren to lyfte great burdens : lykebyfe greate and fmaule picke atos ſum of iren and ſum of tçele: furthermoje greate maules with handels and without handds, and ſuch other bothe of iren and fine freele hardened, if the hardenes of fonte thall ſo requyzez But as foz fach as malt ſerue to dygge the mynes which are engendered in tenderland (ofte Gones, 31 neede make no mention of them, fogalmuch as the cooles of the common Cozte may fuffice, and necellitie that day fucile indructe you to diuile ſuch as fal fecue foz powote purpoſe. 1 Albeit, foz the mofte parte, they are beetels, mautes, anatroc. Sənuedas kes, pikes, Houele fyrdess and fuchripkeoButias belt for the Of the generation of metals. 10 caue, the lofte tones as for the harde, it ſhalbe necellatye to haue great plentie of al foztes, to thende that the myners may loſe no cyme, and that the woozke may go the better fozwarde to the comfort of the patrones of the mine. Bylyde theſe before named, it hall alſo be requiſite to haue plentie of greate bal: kettes, ſpades, fbouels, deades, and handbarrowes, bothe with wheeles and withont wheeles allojfackes made of rabo or bntande hydes to carye the fragmentes owt of the caue. fyre in the Et tall furthermoje be requiſite to haue greate quantitie of Wnctuous liqltouus to maitayne.fire:ås are the oiles of olives, ofinuttes,pf line feede and hempe feede: Lykewiſe the topres of patrified trees, ostalowe of bealtes, roz fatte and ople of kulübesi di fog bichowttvelyghet of Eyrezkit its not porcible @be cóuers for the labourers to Woolke Poz pet can any fyze be mapn: ance of eper, tapued in the caue ercept it receaue the aper by fum reſpiracle ogbreathynge place by the meanes ok a funell op trunke of woonde oy Cuch other open inftrument wherby the ayer maye bg conteyed into the caue os ulog sono le contents 3.gmtudo of the myne of golde and the qualities DOSOJOS 1601390 sherofix particutarpininis om ti to 38) 01 0331119311 3 din 13103020 3381 antio 02 Drafmuche as golde is a compounde mynerall which of the phyloſophers and all mon of an: Che ercelle- derſtandynge, is founde to be of greatet perfec sie of golde. tion amonge all other myrt minerals, it is iud: iged by the vniuerfal opinion of fuch men, that foz the bewtie and excellent qualitie thereof, it thul.de be of exceiliue vertne to helpe and confoit men. And thecfoze amonge all thynges that are in this woulde( excepte lyuyage creatuces) it is chiefel y eteemed. By reafon wherof, Falſo the mpje to honour it, wópil forn (perkede this befoze 1 emceate of any other metall and bedare in paititulat the sonception bith therhofft apparët qualifies cherok. The which althougbit be a metal mod knoben, detyveb allo ånd fought fpy of all kyndes of men, per are there not many that do care tolkudweif What fubftaunce of natural mittion it confitiert. The originall Buttoatyab thulde not be one of theim that knowe it onely ſubſtaunce of golde. by name or by ſuperficiali apparence, céótffte you thatthe outginalland propeo matter cherofis none othec then elemere 1.4 ere F tall Of the generation of metals. $94 ture pure: tall ſubnaunces with equall quantitte and qualicte pzopoitio: mate the one wich the orher, molt perfectly purificd by the ſub cple woonke of nature. foz of theſe beinge thus iøyned togy ther (and of equall force) is engendered an amiable and moti Mineral perfect mixtion by the helpe of fermentacion and decoction of heate. the minerall heate; wherby is cauſed ſuch a permanent union SOST betwene the fayde elementes, tijat they are in maner infepera ble: So that by the vertue of beauenly induences ot of tyme, oz by thouder of moſt pzudent nature, or by all theſe cauſes concurrant, ſuch ſubitaunce is conuerted into this metalline body that we caule goldt: mhe which (asi haue fayd)by his The têpera: much temperatchess purenes, and perfectimiprion, is condert: nelle ſate and made thickc, in ſuch ſogte that the elementes therof of golde. can not be unbounde 12 looled, fo char it remaparthain maner Incozruptible: The cauſe wherofis, that it eyther conteyneth in it no manet of ſuperänitie_o7 the ſame to be but very lytte. And hereof commcth it, that althoughe it lye many yeaics in the earth or in the wates, it iginot infeacd with cult or cankor for that nevther of them are able to icoztapte its nog yet thofy Solde is try corruptible. er whoſe force dooch incinerate or buyngeto adhes refolye in mancr all creatures : And yer is the pourethepeof fo farre un ableto detroy od cozcapte this metall, that it is thereby the moze purified and made better. Ipkcløyfe che fayde perfecre vnion oj mixtion,cauleth it to be a body withobo deame, and bichowt bnctuous o2 fat Cuperhuitie: Which is the cauſe that The beweie it cuer temayneth in the natiue bryghtnes and fajzeneg of co of golde. Joure, in ſo much that when it is rubbed vppon any thynge, it leaueth not behynde it the tincture of any blacke ou pelowe do lour, as doo in maner all other metals: Noy yêchath it amy tafte og fauour that may beperceaued to the Cencesi Further Inole, if it be caten egther wyllyngly or by chaunce, it is not benemous to the lyfe of man, as are ſum of the other merals: but is rather a medicine curynge dyuets diſeaſes.gr lo much solde is mes that nature hath gyuen ynto it of peculiac propertie, a berce dicinable. Siom 545 and pziuileage to confôzte the wcakenes of the harte, and to gyue ioyfulnes and mygth to the ſpirites, diſpoſynge chcreby 100 abla the mynde to magnanimitie and attemptes of great enterpzy: Solde is cone ſes. Which Cingular qualities, ſum wpſe men affirme that fortable. it bath reocaued by thinduence of the Conne, and that it is therfoze of ſuch grace and poure to helpe men sefpecially fuch pppp, ii, as Of the generation of metals. sic 1003 5101 as haue many great bagges and chettes full therof. To con clude therfoze, this metall is a body tractable and buyght, of coloure lyke bnto the foonne : And hath in it inwardely ſuch a naturall attractiue oz allurynge vertue; that beinge Teene, The attrac: it grearly diſpoſeth the myndes of men to delyze it and eleme tiue qualitic it as a thyug moſt precious: although many there arc whiche of golde. crycolc ageynt it and accuſe it as the roote and fede of mod pettiferous and monttrous couetoufnete, and the cauſe of ma ny othec mp[cheues. But whether it bee the cauſe of moze good or eupll, we entende to lette paữe this diſputation as a ***055d thynge vnprofitablea To pzoceade therfoze as 3 haue begun Tom Jplap (as before) that the woozrhynele whiche is founde in sblog to itz bath cauſed me to entreate of it before any other metall. And this the father fog that thouder of this petente wozke meth foto ceqiyze, that 3 may the better deſcende to the des grees of orber metals, to thende that in theſe owre partes of Ftaly, yow may haue ſumn intruction of practice, which may seboundc from you to other, whereby the myndes of all nien stella may receaue (umlygbt beingé well allured that newe info: 1103 mations, wilbe the ferdes of other newe wittie diuiſes in the bnbertandpages of ſuche men as with theſe keys thalt open theyz wyttes to arryue to fuche places why:her they can not els coomme or by any mcanes approche. And nowe therfoze, hyłybe that lohich I haue fayde unto yowe in generall, 1 do wyl further in particulat declare the nature hereof and the ge 36199 io neration of the famne, with alſo the fignes which it tocbeth furth, that do not omptre any chynge. Iat of all, Lyle Dhewe yote howe it ought to bee pourged from ſupecduous carthynes of the nine;after that 31 thal haue expzelled the ma ner home it is founde. But fogalmuch as 3 haue not with mine eyes ſecne the mountaines which conteyne the myncs-of golde, oz the places where this thynge is put in practile, ashla well only thebe yow chauynge made diligente inquiſition for an the Came) what hache byn toulde me of credible perſons, oz where more what I haue gathered in readynge of dyuers autouces, by plentie of solde is foüd, whom 3 am certified for a touch that the greatcl plentie of Carbay this metall, is founde in Scithis, in thoſe prouinces which we commonly caule the Eaſt partes, where the ſoonne extendeth his chiefe force and vigour.Df theſe places India is thoughe to be the chisfegand eſpecially thoſe irlandes which the tips Of the generation of metals. O 335 of themperours maieftie and the kynge of poztugale haue founde of late as the flandes about Peru and Paris with the solde in the firme lande of the ſame which ertenbeth it (elues very farce Flande of the weite indice. on both ſydes the Equinoctiall. 3n Europe alſo, golde 19 founde in many places: as in Afteſia, and in many places in Boheme. Alſo in Dungarie, in Rhene, and in Apſa. Polinie Solde i fayth that it is lykewyſe founde in Auftris and in Portugale: Europe. and that the Romans had from thenſe yearely. criiti, pounds weyght. And thus (peakynge of this precious metall, 3 be: The influene leue certeynly, that it is and may beengendered in all ſuche of heaven. places wher the induence of the heuens diſpoſeth the elements call cauſes to buynge forth an apte ſubtaunce for this put. poſe. But nowe intendynge moze particularly to [peake of the places of the conception hereof, yowe tall vndertande The mount taynes and that it is engendered in oyuers kyndes of dones in great and ſtones in the cough mountayncs, and ſuche as are btterly bate of earch, whiche golde trees, graſſe, o, herbes. and amonge alt the tones of this is engêdered. myne, that is bea which is of a blewe oz alucine coloure lyke bnto a ſaphire, and is commonly cauled Lapis Lazuli: But it is Lapis Lazuli . not bịyght and harde as is the ſaphire. 3t is alſo founde in Solde i order Olpemente cauled Auripigmentum : but moze often in the mynes metais. *** of other metals. It is lykewyſe founde in many provinces in golde in the Landes of rys the fandes of cyuers. That which is founde in the montaines Iyeth in ozder of beynes betwene quarrey and quarrey ioyned with the fayde Azurine done and micte cherwich. They ſayt that this myne is ſo much the better in howe much it is thehe uper and of hygbc colour, thewyng in it many (packes of gold They ſay furthermoze that it is engendered in another fone: - Ipke bnto Calte marble: but it is of a deade colour. And alſo: in an other whoſe colour is yelowe with.cectsyne redde (pots. within it. They affirme lyke wyſe that it is found in certaine: blacke ftones, whoſe veynes (pede dyucrs Wayte much like: the courſes of rouers. They further declare that it is founde sold i earth.. in a cettepne bituminous earth, of coloure lyke bnto cley and very heauy, hauynge in it a great Callour of bzymtore : And that the golde which is founde in th:s, is bery good, and in maner all togyeher fyne, yet very harde to bee gotten olutez bycauſe it conſylteth of fo (maule (parkeslyke onto ruuiſible Lolden daite atomes of ſuch igtelnefle that they can hardelg bre perceaued with the eye og uers. Of the generation of metal, And herein may yow not do as in Lapis Lazuli, or other tones, 12 02 as the maner is to do with that which is found in the Cáds Die of cpuers: the which the moze it is waghed, the more it fau la leth to the bottome: & in meltynge with the mother of his car thines, doch incorpojat it ſelfe therwith in a bzickle lubatace Ryuers in the But in fine, with much pacience and by one meanes og án o: which gold is chec, oz by the helpe of quickefyluer, it is draben obr. 4: feunde. seyne (28 31 baue (aybe befoze) it is found ia the fandes of dy uers ryuers, as in Spayne in the ryger Tagotn Tricia, in Ebro: Bon Aſis , in Pstolo and Ganges. Jin Hungarte and Boheme, it is founde in Lafiefie in dyuers ryuers : And inſtalte, in the ſands of Teſino, Adda, and Pon But not every where in the beddes of theyz chanels, but in certepne particular places where in çets che waffhis tepne dloddes the fande is diſcouered in the tyme of the over: end pourges fowynge of the rouers when the water icauerh behynde ie & ingi of golde. fine lande wherwith the fayde goldc is mykte in the foame of & certeyne (maule ſcales, and chynynge graynes. When in the lommer ſeaſon, with pacience and ingenious placcife therear chers to pourge it from the groſe eacchinetteofthenigne,and waðhe it diligently: preparynge for that edidctefcerceyne ta: home golde bles made eyther of the tymber of plane trees, of ctme, og 16 deyided Whyte nuttes, of ſuch other woodde apte to be fawen, hauing frome fande. theyz playnes made ful of hackes, e notches, with the tjelpe of the ſale of ſuch ocher intrumentes of iten. Upon theſe tables ftandynge fumwhat a dope od declynynge, with a hos lolde thoucl they cat a great quantitie Bf water myrt with the fayde fande, which they cal ſo, that the water runne downe he Spany: directly alonge the tables. And by this meanes the gold, as ardes make a matter mod heuy, faulech to the bottome of the lawne hac. ehere dirbes kes, and there refynge and cleauynge fact, is ſo diuided from With hádels. the ſande. when therfore they perceauc a ſufficient quantitie of golde tlmus remaynynge on the tables, they gather it with The drawes diligence and put it in a trey oz great thaliowe dylhe of wob enge out of lyke onto thoſe which the golde finers vſe: and in theſe they golde with qutcke filuer. Walthe it moje eracely ageyne and ageyne from al fylth of un clenlyaelle. This boone, they beate oz mirte (oz amalgame it as they caule it) with mercurie oz quickſyluer, whicho afters ward they ſeperate ageyne from the ſame eyther by Arayning and pletynge it through a bagge of lether, o, by ayllynge 0% Enapozatynge the quickeſyluer from itin a tyllatozp-of glade and Of the generation of metals 10 and ſo fynde they the golde remaynynge in the battome of the bellell in the lykenes of fine lande, which they buynge into a metalline body by meltynge it with a lyttle boyage, oj ſalt pes trooz blacke fope, e fo call it ryther in the forme of a wedge of a rodde, or otherwyle as lyketh them bett. And this is the eracie maner of dzawynge golde owt of the fandes of riuers, which many haue bled to theyz great commoditie : And that the rather bycauſe that in folowong this older of woozke in the pourgynge and diuydynge of golde, it fall not bee requi: ſite as in other maner of practiſes, to bee at greate charges by reaſon of many men which thall be needefull, with manye niu: from where cals, foznaces, fiers, and dyuers artificers: wheras in woor golde is des kyng after this Cozte, one man may ſoffice with one table and rued into the fandes of one holowe ſhoouell, with a lyttle quickeſyluer and ſufficient tguere, abundaunce of water. But lettyng paưe to ſpeake any fuc ther of theſe thynges : perhappes ſumme man wolde here de: maunde from whenſe this golde is dergued into the ſandes of the fayde tyucrs, and whether it be browght thyther by the watet, o engendered there. As touchynge which quettion, haue ofrētymes deliberated with my Celfe not withowt great marueyle: and eſpecially of that which is founde in the lans des of the ryuers of Teſino, Adda, and po, bicauſe(wheras 3 haue fayde befoze that it is blowght thyther by the courſe of the water) I can not perceaue from whenſe ir fuld be bobeght, foraſmuch as there is no myne of golde, oz of any other metal that is knowen, nete to any of thoſe places. By reaſon wher of, my iudgerente is in maner confounded, ſeinge allo that it is thoppinion of certéyne wozyters, that it is ingcadered euca inhere it is founde: The which, if it lo be, it is not trowc that. it is browght thyther by the water. Agcyne, if it be engens dered there, it ſeemeth to me a dyficult chpng to comprehendi whether it be brought furthe there by the vertue of the water of the earth, or the beauen. Je furthermoje any of theſe fuld That solde be the cauſe of the generation hereof, te (ecmeche agreable to dered in the malonthat it hulde bee both founde and engendered through andes of out all the beddes of ſuch ciuers, and at al tymes. And if the rivers, inanence of heauen be the mot prepotent cauſe of this effccre, then it ſeemeth to me that it would woonke immediarly, bicauſe ictan not otherlyle obſerue thorder whiche nature vſeth its the generation of metals fyżd bzynginge it furch to the open Of the generation of metals, 10 Bewe, in the place where aboundeth the continuall iPhelde of water, which owght alſo to be of inch fozce as to remoue the earthy ſublaunce thereof from place to place, and not to intermirte ſuch great inequalitie of couldenelle and moiſtnes. And albeit that this compoſition begunne in this vider, fuld not be diffeurred oz bioken by the waters of theryuers, pet it appeareth to me that the thouders of cayne and increaſe of ftuddes, fhulde be of ſufficient poure to diſtemper, bzcake and "btterly defroy all ſuch compoſitions as aulde be engendered in ſuch places, fozaſmuch as althynges are conceaued by reft and quietnelle after the commiption of the fyzdte elementes. And therfoze if this golde of the cyuers, bee theče engendered sombwhece it is fommde, 3 bolde it were declared bnto me why te 10 bis engendered only in theſe places and not in other and why en lyke maner, (pluer, copper, teade, oz any other metals are not allo engendered there as well as golde, beinge matters of an eaſyer compoſition of nature then it is, by realonof the perfecte vnitie and concoqdaunce with puritie of Cubaauncée perfecte concoction which is in golde aboue all other mecals: whereas alſo in many places in the territozies of Rome,there. are founde many ſparkes of the mine of icen of blacke colour amonge the ſandes of certeyne ſmaule ryucrs: And yet theſe only in certeyne particular places of the fayde riuers: Wherby it appeareth that theſe alſo, thulde not bee engendered where Cixis inater they are founde. By all which reaſons and apparent effectes, Is apparent i it leemeth moi agreable to truth that the gotdewhich is folid she golde in ſuch landes, is rather brought thyther by the water, then founde in the engendered there. And therefoze to declare my monde moze rywers in the playnely herein, 3 ſuppoſe that this chaunceth only in great Indics. tyuets which receaue abundaunce of waters of dywers ſprins ges, folres, and other ryuers, engendered partly of the mel: kynge of Inowe and partly of great fhowers of rayne, whiche for of faulyng in certeyne chanels from the toppes and fydes of mts or nerall mountaynes, balche away parte of the earth of theppi the Taule of bankes and the oucrhangings and holowe rockes which may warers from conteyne the ſubdaunce of golde: D, otherwyſe, that in ſuch pontaybes. places, there are ordinarie mines in the byghe mountaynes 0 other ſuperficiallowt places, perhappes incetable, and ep: ther ſuch thychermen can not come for extremelheate oz cold 2 other bynderaunces 02 els ſuch as they have contemnedeco ſearche Of the generation of mitals. 337 ſearche. and yet the fame to bee to conſumed by the fotce of water as we haue Cayde, and by the courſe therof to bee cari: ed into the rouers. ht may alſo chaunce that ſuche nyuerall earthes bee facre within the mountapnes neare bato (uch ep. Springes of uers: and that in the fpace of many peaces, the fpiynges ils water in bewpages pint of the ſame, may cyther bee diped vp (Wyiche mountaynes. thpng hath byn ſeene) ou els turne the courſe an other way So that it is no mamuayle if in ſuch a multtrude of yeres, the freweoriginall of theſe chynges bee baknomen cuen baro thi out oblo that dwell ocre ſuch places. But in fine, howe lo euer it bee, crewe it is that golde is founde in the Candes of many ciucts: And particularly (as 3 haue noted) in the forenamed tyners, And if therefore Jl haue maruayled at this thinge, 3 owght worthely to bee excuſco, foraſmuch as where iudgemene can not bee cevcified by teacon og effectuait apparence, there acile many doubtfuil coniectures and ncive cauſes of admiration. But yet dog marvel much more of an other chyng the which ion gaminformed to bee'molt crewe by the resort of many credis uegetable ble perſons: That is, that in fum places of Hungarie at cer: golde gro: tegne contes of the peace y pure golde pryngeth owte of the winge owe of earche in the lykenelle of ſmaule herbes, bicched and tbvyncd the earthe, iyke (maule talkes of hoppes about the byggene fe of a pack thzede, and fourc fyngers in length or firme a handfull. As Ofthis reade concernynge which thpnge,Plinio alſo in the. rxxiii. boke of Alexauder ab his naturall hylozie, wzyteth the lyke to hane chaunced in Alexandro lib. Dalmatia in his styme. The which (if it bee trebue) Cuerly che hul 4 Genialium bande men of theſefieldes ſhall reape heaucnlp and not earth dierur.Cap.9. ly frutes, ſeni them of god from hcauen, and browgbt furth of nature witholot chryz trauayle oz arte. A grace doubtleite molt eſpecial, Cych that in fo great a quantitie of earth gcaun ted to the poteition of men, in maner oncly this is thought woozthy co bygh a pziuileage But what ſhall 3 lay of that wherol, Albertus Magnus wzyteti in vis booke of minerals, a tica miynge that he hath feene golde cngendered in a deade mans bo!de formde beade : And that the ſame beinge founde by chaunce in dyg: in A desde synge, and perceaued by the weyght and coloure to conteync mang heade, fum minerall ſubraunce, was proued by experience to holde a poztion of fine golde mipte with ſmaule Cande. And in drede his wooides fremc to ſound to none other fence but only that this pzccious metall was engenderb there by the great diſpos D. 2. q. 14 ſition Of the generation of metals. fition of the place and Gronge induence of heavca: The mhtch ſweclic is a thage hardelp to be beleued. pet conſyderynge thaurozitie of ſo greate a clerke, with the force of the ſuperi: our cauſes and the maruelous ponre of nature, 3 had rarbec gpuc fayth hecetó thoa calhelp to contemne theiudgement of ſo greate a clarke. And foja[muche as 3 hauc begun to tell yow of theſe effectes, 3 wyll not oneytre to the we yome of a mone of iraunge thynge which chaunced alſo in a part of Dungarie, golde founde wberc a mene of gold was lo found by chaunce and unfought by.cbauCE. for, that it may neuerthelede be an aduertiſement to other to ſearche diligently. So it 18 therefoze, that a woman of the contrey beinge accutomed to relozte with her bucke of clo: thes to wathe them in a certeyne fole oz dike where ranns a lyttle water, and bfynge to beate and rubbe them bppon a done which ſeemed commodious foz her purpoſe,chaunced at Avayne of the length by her good foztune to elpie on the fone, a bepne golde in a of golde trauerfyng oz ouetthwarringe the ſame abowote the Bouc. byggeneñe of a groſe packe threede, übewynge fayzee bright by reaſon of her much cubbynge. Whecat marucplynge dayte Somoze and more, at the length opened the matter to her famili srs: who conferrynge with ſuch as hadde better ſkyll of the thynge, founde it in fine to bee a beync of pure golde: and that the quarcie of that done, trauerled the courſe of the war ser of the fođe. Remouyngetherfoze the water, and turning the courſe thereof an other wape, they beganne to dogge and folow the mine which hath now continued cerceine...geares fence it was fyzd found : And hath not only greatly enriched that contrey, But alſo all Chriſtendome hach had great come no figues to moditie by the ſame. This haut 3 rehearlid bnto yow the ra omisted.ther that powo mulde not bccnegligent in any poynt oz omitte any ſigne og token Whecebye yowe may bee certified of greate thynges : not contemnynge the chabowe of any (maule to: Sens : but artel to gyue attentyue care and eye unto them, as to feare and foreſee all ſuch thynges as may byndet. Foz (as pow may hereby well percraue) if credit had not fyzi byn gy: men to the boodes of the ſimple booman, and the thynge af: serbo arde well folowed, perhappes they dulde neyther nob #07 cuer hereafter haue cnioyed the frate of ſo gecat a commo bitie. egen therfoje of good courage folowinge ſuche syche Sigues, opd mother feare the (maulence of the vegne o, hard Bella Of the generation of metals. $38 founde in like mëtte of the Rone: preluppofynge hy good reaſon that golde and (pluer can not lpghtly bee founde in to maule quanrtcic, but that the Came thalbe able to furmounte the charges. And this the more, in bowemuch the further yolbe Call entec into the fone, as chauneeth commonly in all other mones. Albeit, the practiſed ſearchers, ſaye that the myne of golde is not founde in ſuch great quantitie as are the mines of other ne: solde is Her tals. Whecin although perhappes they ſay erebly, per dooth quáticie as it not folowe but that golde alſo maye bee founde in greate are other mes quantitie. and Caerly it (ecmcthro the, that the benignitie of Cals. nature hath graunted large qnancities thereof to the worlde, and that much hath cuer bpn and is founde amonge men, con fydecynge in howe many places it is dayly gathered aſwel in Argumentee mountaynes as in ſandes of rouers, byłybe that whiche is of plentye of founde accompanied and ropned with other metals. A further golde. pzofe hereof may that bce, which is conſumed and bydde by the bouers inuentions of men: As that whiche che papnters betobe in adournynge they? foozkes : and goldefmyches both in gylıynge other metals and alſo in makpage oyuers wapes golde More slnere bookes of matie golde: byſpde that which the woozker of is conſumed. clothe of golde and acras doo conſume : with ſuch as imbro: therers and ſpike boomen (pcndc abowt the banities of men andwomens apparell and eyrementes. alſo ſuch as is conſu med bppon trappers and furnimentes for horſes, with gylted barneức and ſuch other fumptuouſneſte as pertepreth to the barres and magnífical buplbinges of noble mens houſes and semples : Byryde that allo whiche the couetouincie of mer hath hydde in ſtronge waules and burged in the grounde,in: cloſed in chayncd cofers locked with triple keycs: and that which fccueth to the dayly bles of men and woanderech about the worlde through the hanties of marchauntes. The whiche thynges well conipdered, who fo thinketh that nature bzin: sech furth but Iyetle golde, thall perceauc shat there is greate many page Quantitie chcrofin the worlde, although there bce but fewe to muche, but that hæne ſo much as may faciſkie the third of thcy; coueton, fewe haue Mcle. and to ſpeake particularly ef 3 alie, althoughe there enowgh Stalie wanted bee no myne of golde knowen in it, yet by the bertue and dili: by the barbas gence of good wytoce, it hach cuer and at all ages byn moze rians. fpche then manpoches prouinces : potwithliandynge ichath often times byn (pogled and oucrtuane of dyuers nations, as Dag,ii. no Of the generation of metals. nolce of late in obere tyme by the cruel handed of the Barba rians which entered into it abowt. rl yeares patte. But who knokreth as hath chaunced in the dayes of o bre valient ple: Diretours) wljether bodde wyll ageyne gyue vs occasion to chadife them and ſo to inuade they? rcgions that we maye boonne obre owne agogne with increaſe of dowble blurie. Or if he wpll not permitte this, perhappos he will graunte comendació bs to fynde fum ryche myne of golde. fol, confyberynge and of Stalie ſeynge that this owrc region of talie is replenyahed with as many crcellent thynges as in maner heaven can gyue to a Solde and ny habitable place, it 18 not to bęe thought that this benefite tynne. of goldefulde bee wantynge, bvheras it bzyngeth furth ſuch e plontie of al other mines ercept this of golde and tyhne. And yet doo j verely belcue that it is not withowt the mynes of thele allo, although they be not yet diſcouertd to the knaln: leage of mon : 45 31 am perſuadrd bothe by the golde that is meane mine: founde in the fayd ryuers, and alſo by the dyiidrs and Cunozy rals. meane minerals which are founde in many places and a dud: ged of the practicionars to bee certeyne cleare tokens of they proper and natural agentes.But for that they are not found, felte, og ſcene, we owght not therby to affirme that they are The golde of not. To conclude therfoze, 3 think that in our part es of 31 3tale. talie, pure golde is none other wapes founde (ercepre that which is curcant amonge the marchauntes) then after twoo ſozres, wherof the one is that which is foundein the ſandrs of ryuers: And the other, that whiche is gotten by the indu: lirious & Cubtyle art of partyng gold frõ new (yluer 02 frá gil Solde cõtay: fyng fyluer, oz other metals which hold gold, as there are in aed in other maner but fewe which hold not ſå ſmaul portion therof, moze petals, oz lelle acco?ding to the mixtio & permanencie of they: Inbian ces, 0accordynge to the qualitie and fozce of the planettes which crpielie theyz inäuence in the generation of them and in fine, this is the golde that which is founde'in obre pattcs of3|talie: Rowe therfoze to returne to the matter whereof is wobre chicfe intente to intreate, hauynge befoze ſpoken ſufft: Che maner ciently of the generation and invention of the myne of golde, of pourginge 34 yil further declare vnto yowe howe it wght to be pour: of golde. ged from earthly ſuperfluitie, and eſpecially that whiche is founde lyinge in the form of beynes, and although 31 baue not ſeene thc edifics and engens wherwith the myners are ac; cultomed Of the generation of metals 23673 cuftomed to get it cut, pet well smetuepow hobee ky other pzacriſes 3 haue learned to pourge it, that you may not bre withou: lum knovoleage yf your foztune Walbe ſo good as to fynde any intitalyi When yol hand thorfolé dygged o wt the myne and placed it in Dydir, yow ought to conlider in what kunde ofitionc it igengendered. And if it bee in that lohich is in parte cauled Lapis Lazuli, chen muſerpow fo diawe o vote the golde Lapis lazuh. that yowe alſo ſaue che ftone, bpcauſe perfecte Afuce is made cherof, and ſuch as the paynters cante Azuró Oltramarine, that afuze. is, Alure of beyonde thcfea, which they greatly elteme e bye it deare. And to do this, it is neceitary chat yowe fyra beate it into fine pouder, and then put icin a trcy by brode treene dylhe, and waithe it fapzcant cicane with watet. I his done bome golde amalgame oz rubbe it well with guckefyluer vnopklare haut is drawen lyckcd bppe and drawnc alche goldeinto it and loftthe tone froine pure of it lelfe. ben firayne the quickeſpluer from the golde Lapis lazuli. through a bagge of lether, or vapour it away in a fyllatorie wib quicke of glađe: And thus that yowe fynde the golde in the bottome fylueren of the veñell in manco pure Without quickelyluct, as 3 haue (ayde before. And if powo haue no reſpecte to fauei the (Gone it mall Cudice to vſe the common ti perience, meltyngcitmla The baine or foznace in a bayne oz tefte of loade. But in my opinion, the telt of lc&dc. bea maner td brynge it to purenellc,is fyzū to bucne the mine biha gentell fyze in an open foznace, and to ſuffer it to enas pojate well if it bee not in ſuch fioneas yowe delyze to faue. then gronde it in a mylle oz beate it with petelics adapred es solo with a wheele ontplt it be browght to finc ponder. And böhen yow haue wel wadhed it and fo much walled the ſuperäuous eartbynede thccof, then put it in a tette made accozdynge to the quantitie of the fame, and melt it therin with teadowht chezo we call conſume parcely by vapoure and pautely with Dzakynge et obt by the fype of thetete (as is the naner) vns The maner tyll yowe come to the pure golde whiche yalpe Balkim fane of pourginge baynge to pecfecie pucenciem brterly contempnge the temas golde with nent of the leade winb vchement fire incurated by the helpe of leade. Qronge bellowes.And this is the vniuerfal manor hhich yob may ble not only in pour gynge the myne of golde, bor alſo ge mynes of all other metals. nom. Od 2003 es darbo Odlo aid meil: red 10 tingit: Of the generation of metals. DE che myne of filuer and the qualitie thesof, Dere are ( as 3 vndectande ) diuets opinions emonge the pzacticionars of the mynes, whe: whether fyl: ther (yluer haue a pzoper myne by it felfe of verbaue no. The reaſons of ſuche as božitte of the na: mine by hit turs of mineralles, and thantozitie of the mod, kife or no. perſuade me to aữent to the affirmatiue : P06 only co ſee the naturall matter dilince, as is to perceaue in the mynes of golde, copper, leade and other metals whiche in theys mynes are found pure by them ſelues without mirtion, but alſo that hondectand that there hach bin foud likelyre certeyue pieces aſ well of this raettall of ſiluet, as of gold and on copper, browght to his latte fyncie by chonty wolke of na: Coorgiens Agri cure and this dooth Georgius Agricols a lerned man of Germany boks. confirme in his booke of minerals where he wozitteth that 10 rablc of mis Berel fyluer. Saronte there boas fout in a cauç a picce of mineral ſilwer of fuch bignes, that the duke the prince & parcone of that place, caureo a chayle and iquare dyninge table after the maner of You glinanye to be made therof withowte any furcher woozke of 683110 499 mans hande: Blozyinge often tymes that in this rhynge he Curmounted the greatneſe and magnificence of the Empe: foute.. But in deede ( excepte copper ) 3 hane ſeene no me tall taken owte of the caue pare withobe his bré. pet 0003 belceue it a thynge poſſible, confyderinge the greate fozce and Che Workes ef nature, poure of natute,thende of whoſe woorkynge cuer intenbeth co byinge all thynges to perfection as facre as it is not other, boyle hpndered, yet ( as 3 haue fayde ) of the mofe patre of thoſe mynes whiche 3 haur ſcene, none of theym haue boni Mirte me withobe micture, not only of the earth of thcir obne pzoper um myne, but haue byn alſo mirte with other mctals : no elper tog gially this of ſpluec moze than any other, ercepte onlye that as a which was digged in schio in Vianrint and therefore not wish: obotlun bidow of apparent reaſon, have ſuche doubtes eiſin amongeche piactitionars of the mpnes. And yet ( ag 7 have fayd 7 bcleue chat ſiluer may have and hath his proper mine, tozalmache as cuery ſubitaunce that mape be conueftcd dito metall,say aſwell đande by it felfe pure in his owne kynde, As egther ſeperate of murte baith other as is oftea tipus ſeene MO Of the generation of metals. 10 $40 i one made in the whiche dtuers metals are contryhod and bluers en engendered by nature and by this meancs it often chauncech cele in one char he that ſpeakech of the mine of ſtlacc, may with the ſame maffe. bzethe and bithowt diftinction, (prake alſo of all otbec me: tales, foraſmuche as thece are but fewe mynes which art mot miete with other. But bycauſe the mobite noble and riche me: tals haut obteyned the prerogatiue to be eltemed aboue other, therfoze tbe name of the myne is gyuen to them wher they are miete with other as the mynes which holde coppet, Icabe, od zn the indies irca, ( as doo the molte parte ) pet if they holde allo golde oz solde founde (pluer, they are cauled gold mynes oz fyluer mynes, according in greate qud bnto that which is founde in them to bee of mof value. But aitie, pure agd Vi miste to lerte palc this matter, powe tall further vndectande chat when ſucht mories are mixte of diucrs metals,they thou furth ſo mach the moze diuers and variable fumoſites of tinctures and marchaſites,as ſignes where they bee and of what pures nelle :fozalmach as euery of them according to thry, natures, eralte theyz colours which they lewe furthe to the eye, ſam The conlours of mineral fus in the fimilitude of alurine o: blewe dongs, fum grecne, fum moſttes, pelotot, and ſum of bnditinct colours accost ynge to the com poſitions and mictures of the fyzt matters of metals, which is alſo the cauſe that they are founde moze ozlelle m quanti: tie. Nowe to ſpeake moze particularly of this metall of (pl: abc genersa Huer, the philoſophers fpeculatours of naturall chynges, ſage c1ő ? qualitie of fluer. that it is engendered of fubitaunce more batery then fyerir, of complexion feminine and degmatike in cópataſon to gold: receauynge moze of thinkuence of the moone then of the fon, che influês and therfoze engendered moze in coulde regions neret bato of the mone the moone, then in hotte regtons vnder the loonne:conliQingangen 13 allo of pure elementos, although ſumwhat crude and bndy: gelted in reſpecte of the clemences of golde as may bee plaint Stones in ly perceaned by thepi colours, weyght, and firation. Iht the which practicionars affirme that it is engendered in a fone lyke on: (pluer is cut to Albarino, and alſo in an orber done of a rulet, deadt, and genderede darke colour : and is often rymes founde in an other done Ipke unto Trewertino oz in Trevertino it (elft. Dhe mone hereof, is very ponderous, and bathe in it often tymcs certeyne thy: uynge craynes : The which howe much the letle they are like the mouse of to the poyntc of a necbir ſo muche is the more founbe to bce fyluer, the perfecter, becauſe this is a token of Puccacue and firion, ON Of the generation of metals, 10 **** *xul And when it is founde in a whyte ftónejo: loadi ftoneftig to Solmuche the better, bycaufc it maye be the ex[yer pourged from el the done and earthyne te. when alſo it is founde Tøinge as to were too feamange cevteine (calcs ou cloddes of casoy, they Cape chit it is perfecte, although it have not to the eye fuche reſplendence as ofhes are wonte to hahau They rap alco that it 15 engendereden an eirth of darkerinler éolourd and that when it is founbe in thng stt is of greut quanririe and petreca tian, and that rijece is at plentie therof within the mouns Cbe trgun: capne : This alo to beloniach the better in hswe much moze taynet at attris ſhynynge of the colágue ofreen du redobrand that yolbe bestu 2013 may the beger comuzehend tirefignes of the mine de the forze 215 a fayda metall pomenil naerdaad charsegenitogyther wich dhtisipate epsher forecess is fpke founde, oni nerd onto the Marchaſites fame, voine Wall Cee Certepne matchalsregiof yelobe colouve of fyluer. lykentet golde. Ishc which, theanogethep holdt of ſuche byghe colour, fo much the more do thep theine adut o: burnt moterand heatas as thonges conttaupytochchature of thjegy non metalanänd the fac accoudonge to the degrees of fachotos lourg iyaip nag in manet indgciof platfarnes og lengorelle what mars theshpuoislykitobre. Such macchafices charfiye asiyewe chances are thebeli (igres of the goodnejr of theż mynes, ologbriteo the beße fis: 26. lbure ta ipprocheto bolpreneffe as much as manubrey and to ppconſyſteh limaule graynes, and not in gweate quamcige. And this is agenepali cate of all marchafites, that howemuch the natower and ledechepate the more do thepityewe the goods en actre of theypmyne. oghts myne of fyluer is alſo often times & Heat ad founde in a bryne of great qnantitie, and pet Bolcanerin quas Syluer myns in harde litie that it wpll not bcare the charge of the dyggpng, bicante tones. it is founde in a harde ftone Ipko vnito. Albazino, beinge verye hacde to bee bygged duboken. Gumtymes alſo, it is found Syluer with, in the company of coppet pz leade Shawhich Ipkewyſe if it copper or do not furmount the value of the charges, it 18 not to becfo: leade. obwlowed. Otherwhyles alſo, it ſo chanceth that theſe thre me: sals are founde accompanped togyrher in one mynegu Whis che caft it halbe necedavie to vſe aduerticement of arte. and preſuppoſpage that yohne defperto ſeparate the Cylure fromé the other metall, it is neceffario than yote increaſe the leade: The deuydis But if yow palle not to ſauc nether the fyluer no, the leade, other merals, but only the copper io malbe requisite to procade with longé and Of the generation of metals. . 341 and great fyers brityl the weakett matters bee conſumed.But this owght to be doone eſpecially in ſuch mines as hold iren. Iren. pet neyther fog this oz thoſe, can there any general rule begy uert, but that accoldynge bnts they, qualitie and nature, lo owght they to be diuided: And this ſo much the moze in that they are often tymes niipte with fum diye earthe, ol with a Metals mixte quantitie of antimonie oz arſenike, which are mattecs alto: With Antuno: nie or Arſike gyther cuapozable and burnte, 02 of harde ſublaunce to bee reduced to fuſion of meltynge:Jnfo much that the artificers ſumeymes beinge ouercummc of them, leaue them as thynges vnprofitable. Wherof there can none other cauſe often times be gyuett, then they, owne ignozaunce by reaſon of ertraordi nacie and longe fyers whiche they gyue chem. and therefoze they wooke irozdinately in Cuch kynd of mynes, ercept they accompanie chem in the fuſion oz meleynge with Cuch thinges nove metala as may defende them from the fyer. For wheras is ſuche a: are preſerved bundaunce eyther of burnte matter, Od of ſuperduous wate: in fufion. tyneile, whcrof the one is cauled Sulphur oz bzymtone, the Sulphur and other Luercurie oz quicklylner not fired, oz arſenike, it is ne mercurge. cellaric that cheone burne the fyluer, and the other cary it a way, ſo that of the myne there reftech none other then an eac thye Cubitaunce infuſible and not able to bee molten. To ſaue the fayde myne therefoze it thalbe requiſite to ble diſcretion with much pacience and conueniente mtancs, fyzde after the Srinding and common maner of woolkynge to euapojate the myne (as wee waſhinge of inynes. haue Cayde) 0withowrenapozation to grinde it (maule:then to wadde it often, and in fine, if not by greate fyers, at the leate by great baynes of teltes of leade to pourge it. And to bżynge this effect the moze eaſely to pale as much as may be, after that it is grounde yow owght to pzoue in the ſame grin dynge oz in an other, if it may be amalgamed with mercurie The ainalgas which is the beſt maner of profe, if the myne bee of a dzye na minge of ture: and I knowe that it hath bynne bled of many to they? mines with greste profyte: And eſpecially in thoſe fozte of mynes which Mercury. Jayde before to bee bygged in vigentina in Schio, beinge bery ryche and good. proue it tberfoze. for all kynbcs of inines do not receaue it. And of this wherof 31 baue [poken 31 baue intelligence that there hath bynne pieces founde holdynge a mines holc dynge the fourth part of [pluer, and ſum more then halfe. And this was fourthe pare foundelpinge in maner in the ſuperficiali parte of the earth: of filuer. RRRC,1 and Of the generation of metals. euery hun: and fun tymes in paths and high wayes. It hath alſo din founde vnder the rootes of ſuche trees as haue byn ouerthro: wen by tempefte and this bery perfecte. So that emonge ali the mpnes whiche 3 haue feene in the dominions of Wenice, as in Larnia and in mnay other places, 3 can not ſaye that 31 Corper hol: haue ſeene any better: Although there bee many canes wher: dinge fyluer. of the moft parte are of copper holdingefyluer: and emonge other, that in the mountayne of Auanzo, where J in the com pany of certeyne other gentlemen cauſed a caue to bee digged. and bycauſe the hole charge was committed to mee, 3 wente by occaſion rlylc into high Almanye to ſee the mynes of that country, wherby 3) might haue the better erperience to faule to practyle at my returne. Jn ſo much that I founde the mine Chre ønces which we had taken in hand to folowe, to be very good and di of filuer in ryche:holdynge more then three vnces and a halfe of fyluer in cuery hundzeth of the myne. and doublele we could haue dieth of mine obteyned great commoditie hereby if foztune at that tyme hab war bermene not rayſed warte betwene barimilian Chemperoure and the warımilian [ignojie of Uenece: which was the cauſe that thoſe places of a hemperour Frioli and Carnia, coulde not be quietly inhabired: whereby me and the Vene: were enforced to forſake owre enterpryle, and to tale and de: 61818. ftroy thozder which we had begunne. And by reaſon that the warres continued longe, we were confrayned to diuide obt company, where 31 alſo departed an other way, hauyng euec in myndeto folowe owe attempted enterpryle when better @he mynes oportunitie thulde ſerue. In the meane tyme returnyng agcine of Almanye. into hyghe Almanie, 3 made moze diligent ſearche to knowe the mynes then befoze: and went to Sbozzo, Plaiper, Iſpruch, Alld, and Arottinbergh: frome whenlej bente into dyuers places of 3taly. So that to conclude, the most and beſt mpnes whiche 3 baue (ene to holde moſt of fyluer, are thoſe that are founde in Vicentina in certeyne ftones of a dark grey, oz tuſſet colour, as 3 haue Cayde befoze, and nowe foz a generall aduertife: The marcha: ment, 3 wyll not omyt to tell yow, that when you haue at: fite mire with tempted to dygge any mynes, and haue founde the marchas the myne, ſite and the myne myrt fogyther, yowe Thall leaue of yowre woozke, bycauſe it ſignifierh that the myne is ncare to the cu perficial part of the earch, e that it is of but lyttle quantitie. and thus as touchyng this myne of [ylucr, 3 can ſay no moje Cauynge that 31 haue not yet tewed yowe the manet of pours gynge Of the generation of metals. 342 gynge ft from earthly groſenes and to buynge it to perfect me tall. But bycauſe I haue determyned to ſpeake largely here: of in the proper place of the fuſion o, meltynge of all merals, 3 haue thowght good to ſpeake no further of this matter at this preſente. ahe maner of boolkynge in golde mynes of Egipte in owld tyme, after the deſcription of Diodozus Siculus, who wzotte his higozie cauled Bibliotheca,ſumwhat befoze thedayes of themperoure Dctauianus Augutus, befoze chincarnació of Lhzil abolt.rl.yeares. De wzgtcth therefore in his fourthe booke as foloweth. E have not thought good to pzetermit howe golde is founde, Digged, and wrought amonge the Egiptians. In the confines therefore of Egipte where it bozthereth with Ethtopia and Arabia, there are certeyne places frutefull of meralles,owt of the whiche, golde is digged boldia black with great laboure and erpenſes. Foca blacke earthe of nine earthe, and tale nature, hath Certeyne vaynes of motte white marble ercea white marble dinge bright and thyninge. The Curueyours of this woojke, haue alligned them a greate companyof men to woolke and coyne golde. for the kinges of Egipte are accutomed to ap: poyntc to theſe paynefull frauailes, all Cuche as haue byn con Then dame victe foz certepne crimes and condemned by lawes, az taken ned to the priſoners in the warres,or ſuche as haue byn committed to metales as nowe to the priſon through the indignation of pzinces who by this mea: gallies, nes hane bothe great vantage by theyz laboure, and punydhe them ſuficiently for they, offenſes.for barbarous # ttrange Couldiers of diuers languages, bare ruleouer them and keepe them to cheyz wolke in ſuche fogte that thule of (peache bez tnge taken from them, they can not bee cozrupted by loue o? Intreatie. They dzawe golde opt of the hardeſt earth decocte with much fpec. The foftelt ftone lohich is broken with meane labour, is digged with intrumentes of iren by the trauaple of many thoulãds of men. The ſcrier which decornech the veines The ſerier of the mone,goth before the wozkemen, appoynring then the of the Wayne places where they tali digge. The marble fone whiche he RRRE, 11. fbewech Of the generation of metals. They the weth theim, they breake and cleaye with wedgies of icen by the mere trength of their bodies withowte arte. make theyz folle os caue, not right furthe, but as the bitght Solden mara ble, nature of the golden marble lcadeth them, beinge otheriyle darke and obſcure by reaſon of they? Tundry turnes and ben: dinges diuers wayes. The labourers caryingelyght before they? fozheades, digge great fones owt of the myne, bhyche they let faule on the ground. From this labour they never rett, inforced to contynual wooke with ſtrokes and contumelious The Woorke of chyldren. woozdes. Childzen of thage of cit. 02.piii. peaces of bppe warde, are divided into two companyes, whereof the one breake the ſtones into ſmanle pieces, and the other cary furth that which is broke. They chat are paſt thage of .rrr. yearcs, receaue the Capd broken tones at they, hands and beate them Wylles. in veſſels of ttone voich maules of iren, to the quãtitie of rares 02 fyrches:which afterward they cati into many milles, where ache miſery by the laboure of two of three women oz owlde men to cuery of the miners Inglle, they are grounde as (maule as meale. The fylthineté of the bodies of theſe labourers, is apparent to all men. For not ſo muche as their pziuie members are couered with any thinge: And theyz bodies bylyde (o fylthy, that no man can beholde them withowt compaſſion of theyz miſerie. But no pitie, no reſte, no remillion is graunted thein, whether they bee men or women, younge oz owlde, Cycke oz feeble : But are all with frokes inforced to continuall labour vntyt the poore wzetches faynt and often rymeo dye foz extreme debilitie: 3/4 ſo much that many of them foz feare of they? lyte to coomme The porrge: (which they chynke woogle then the pzcfcnt payne) preferre inge of the Death befoze lyfe. Wohen they haue thus grounde the tones metalt frome berp ſmaale, they caft chat lublaunce vppon brode tables in: the Yre. clynynge (umbhar Niepe o tandynge a dope, and cat water theror, fterynge continually the Caybe pouber of marble : by the meanes wherof the earth and bre of the myne is waühed away, and the golde as the hearter matter temayneth on the tables. When they haue doonne thus often tymes, they ouers turne the golde continually with t ey: handes e rub it with tyynne ſpoonges, owt of the which they pacie a fofte earth, and thus contincwe yntyll the pure metall remayne lyke bato une melting golden ſande. After that this preparation is fynyűh xd; other of golde. wuo kemen receauynge it at they: bandes by mealnre and weight The vyage to Guínea. 343 teyght, cad it into earthen pottes, puttynge thereto a cer: seyne poztion of leade, with byanne of barly, and weedes of the ſea cauled reites of ouſe. Theſe thynges pzopoztioned acs cordyngly, they cloſe the pottes diligently with cley, and ſo Algado let them aand in a furnele with fyer fo2 the (pace of fyue con tinuall dayes and nyghres. Jn which ſpace, al other thingcs of contrary mixture being e conſumed, only the golde is found in the vegels, lumwhat diminylched of the fyzfi beyghr.And by this labour and diligence is golde poñelled in the furthco parte of Egypt. Wherby, cuon nature her felfe teachcth vs howe laborious it is ia fyndynge, tedious in purſuinge, daun gerous in keepynge, and in vle confitute ber wene pleaſure and lozowe The Diſcription of the two biages made o bot of Enga land into Buinea in Afrike at the charges of certeyne marchauntes aduenturers of the citie of lon: dong in the yeare of owre Lorde. H.D. 1333. Dat theſe byages to Buinea are placed aftos the booke of Detals as ſeparate frome other byages, the cauſe hereof is, that after I had delyuered the fayde booke of metalles to the handes of the pzinters, I was delyzed by cec: teyne my fcendes to make fumme mention of thefe viages, that lum memozie therof mygbt remayne to ows pofteritie if eyeher iniquitie of tyme conſumynge all thinges, oz ignozaunce creepynge in by barbarouſnelle and contempté of knoweleage, fulde hereafter bury in obliuion ſo woozchy attemptes, lo much the gteatlyer to bee ettemed as befoze ne uer enrerpzy[ed by Englylthemen, og at the leafte (o frcquens ted as at this preſent they are and may bee to the greate com: moditie of owre marchaunces, if the ſame be not hyndered by thambiſion of Cuch as for the conquelynge of foutie oz fyfrie mples here and there, and eregrynge of cetteyne foztrelles oz rather blockhouſes amonge naked people, thinse the relues Ambitions woozthy to bee loudes of halfe the worlde, enuying that othet thulde enioy the commodities which they chem ſelues can not holy podele. And although ſuch as have byn at charges in the The vyage to Guinea. the diſcouerynge and conqueltynge of Cuch landes, oldght by good reaſon to haue certeyne priuilegies, piceminencies, and tributes for the ſame, yet (to (peake under correction) it may Ceeme cumwhat rigozous and ageynſt good reaſon and conic ence, oz rather ageynt the charitie that owght to bee among chzpäten men, that ſuch as violentely inuade the dominions of other, thuld not permit other frendely to ble the trade ol marchandies in places neuer oz ſeldome frequented of them, wherby theyz trade is not hindered in ſuch places where they them fèlues haue at they owne election appoynted the mar: ces of they, trafike. But fozaſmuche as at this preſente te is not my intent to accuſe of defend, appzouc 02 improue, iz bil ceaſe to ſpeake any further hereof, and proceade to the des. ſcriprið of the fyzi biage as briefely and faythfully as 3 Was aduertiſed of the ſame by thinformation of ſuch credible pers fons as made diligent inquiſition to knowe the truth hereof as much as thalbe requiſite, omyttynge to ſpeake of many pad ticular thynges not greatly necelarie to be knowen: whiche neuerthelete with allo theract courſe of the nauigation, thal be more fully declared in the ſecond byage. And if herein fas uoure oz frendtyppe thall pechappes cauſe Cum to thinke that ſum haue byn tarpeiy touched, let them laye a parte fauouro and frendthippe and gyue place to truth, that honelt men may reccaue prayle for well doinge, and lebde perſons reproche as the iui dipende of theyz euyll delectes, whereby or hermay bec dcterred to do the lyße, and vectuous men encouraged to proceаde in honet attemptes, But that theſe vyages may bee moze playnely vnderttode #frica. of al men, haue thowght good foz this purpoſe before 3 in treate hereof, to make'a bzeefe deſcription of Affrica beinge that greate parte of the worlde, on whole Wette (yde begyn: The coaſt of neth the coat of Guinea at Labo Verde abowte the. rii. des winea. grees in latitude on this ſyde the Equinoctiall line, and two degrees in longitude from the meaſuryngeline, lo cunnynge from the nozth to the ſouth and by calt in ſum places within b. iiii. and. iii. degrees and a halfe within the Equinoctiall, and ſo furth in maner directly eat and by north foz the ſpace of. crtvi. Degrees of there abowt in longicude from the Welt to the Eati, as fall moze playnely appere in the deſcryption of the ſeconde vyage, a bzeefs The vyage to Guinea. 344 Ca breefe defcription of Afrike, 2 Affrica the leſe are theſe kyngedomes : The Tennes. kyngedome of Tunes and Lontantina which is at this day vnder tunes, and alſo the region of Bugia. Bugia, Tripoli, and Ezzab. This part of Afrike Tr poli. is very barcn by reaſon of the great deſcrtes, as the deſertes of Mumidia and Barcha. The principall poztes Numidia. of the kyngedome of Tunes are theſe:Goletta, Bizerta, og tofarnia, Boua, and Stoja. she chiefe cities of Tunes, are Lonftantia and Boua with dyuers other. Under this kynge: Ilandes of Cunncs. dome are many glandes, as zerbi, Lampadola, pantalarea, malta. limoſo, Beit, Bamelaro, and oyalta where at this preſente is the greate manter of the Rodes. Under the ſouthe of this the diſertes of kyngdomes are the great deſertes of Libia. Al the nations of Libia. this Africa the lelle, are of the ſecte of wachomet and a ruſti call people lyuynge (catrered in byllages. The befte of this barbarie, parte of Afrike, is Barbaria lyinge on the coalie of the ſea mediterraneum. mauritania mauritania (nowe cauled Barbaria) ts diuided into two partes, as Mauritania mingitania, and Ceſarienſis. Dans she kingdos ritania mingitanis, is nowe cauled thc kyngdome of ffes and offes and the kyrgedome of warrocko. The principall citie of Fes, is marrock, caulcd fcia : and the chiefe citie of barrocko, is named marrocko. Lauritania Ceſarienſis is at this day cauled the arcmeſin. kyngcdome of Tremiſen, with alſo the citie cauled Orain. Telmiſen 20 Telenlin. This region is full of deſertes, and narraquiberº reacherh to the ſea egediterraneumro the citie of Dzam with the pozte of wađaquiber. The kyngedome of fes reacherhe Sala, bnto the ocean ſea from the wet to the citie of Argilla: and the požte of the fayde kyngedome is cauled Salla. The kyngedome of Harrocko is alſo ertended aboue the Azamo Dcean ſea bnto the citie of Azamoz and Azafi whiche arc as boue the Dccan fea towarde the wet of the fayde kyngdome. Chezlandes on maurirania Tingitanca (that is to ſay in the two kynge: of Cangrie, Domes of Ffes and parcocko) are in the ſea, the Flandes of Guinea. Lanarie canled in owlde tine the fozrunate glandes. Toward the ſouth of this region, is the kyngedome of Guinea, with ethiopiane, Senega, jaioto, Bambza, and manye other regions of the blackc boozes cauled Ethiopians oz spegros, all whiche are watered with the cguer Negro caulcd in owlde tyme Piger, The vyage to Guínea. in the fayde regions are no cities : but only cetteyne lolfecos tages made of bouwes of trees plattered with chauke and co: uered with ſtrawe: In theſe regions are alſo very great de: [ectes. marrocko The kyngedome of macrocko hath under it there feuen kyngedomes: Dea, Sus, Buzula, the territozie of barrocs fes. ko, Duchala, Dazchoja, and Telde. The kyngedome of fes hath as many as fes, temeine, Azgar, Elabath, Errifi, Baret, and Elcauz. The kyngedome of Tremifen hach theſe Cremefin. regions: Tremiſen, Tenez, and Elgazaet, all which are ma Glines. chomerides. But all the regions of Guinea are pure Gens tyles and 3/dolatours withowt profellion of any celigion of africa the other knowleage of god then by the lawe of nature. Africa the great, is one of the three partes of the worlde great knowen in owlde tyme and ſevered from alia, on the Batthy the ryuer spilns: Dnthe Wett, from Europe by the pillers of Dercules. The byther part is nowe cauled Barbarie, and the people spoozes. The inner parte is cauled libia and Ethio: afrike the pia. Afrike the leđe is in this wyle bounded:On the wet it lefe. bath Numidia : Dn the eas Lyzenaica: Dnthe north, the ſea caulcd mediterraneum, in this countrey was the noble citie Carthage of Larthage. In the Eat lyde of Afrike beneth the redde ſea, dwelleth preber John. the greate and myghtye Emperour and Lhzyltian kynge pie der Johan, well known to the Portugales in theyz vyages to Calicut. Dis dominions reache very farreion every ſyde: and hath vider hym many other kynges both Chryftian and hethen that pay hym trybute. This myghty prince is cauled Dauid Themperour of Ethiopia. Sum wzyte that the kynge of Portugale ſenderh hym yearely. viii. fhyppes laden with marchaundies.His kyngedome confineth with the redde ſea, Cape de Bu, and reacheth farre into Afrike towarde Egypte and Barba: na Speranza, rie. Southwardeit confineth with the ſea cowarde the cape the fea of de Buona speranza: and on the other ſyde with the ſea of fande ande. cauled Mare de Sabione, a very daungerous fea, lyinge betwette Milcgir, the great citie of Alcaer by Lairo in Egypte and the countrey of Ethiopia :3 n the whiche way are many vnhable delerres continuinge for the ſpace of fyue dayes 1ozney. And they af: firme that if the Caybe Lhzylian Emperour were not hyndes sed by thoſe deſertcs (in the which is great lacke of vitrayles ano The fyrſt vyage to Guinea, 545 te immer and eſpecially of water) he wolde oz nowe have inuaded the kyngedome of Egypte and the citie of Alcayer. The chicfe ci tie of Ethiope where this great Emperour is reſydent, is cau led amacaiz beinge a fayze citie, whoſe inhabitauntes are of the coloure of an olyue. There are alſo many other cities, as the citie of Sana vppon the ryuer of Nilus 'where Thempes conre is accutomed to remayne in the loommer ſeaſon. There is is lykelpyle a great citie named Barbaregab: and arcon from whenfe it is ſayde that the queene of Saba came to Jeruſas frons where lem to heare the wyrdome of Salomon. This citie is but lyts the queenie of Saba came. tle, yet very fayze and one of the chiefe cities in Ethiope. In the fayde kyngdome is a prouince cauled manicongni, whoſe wanicongni. kynge is a booze and tributarie to Dhemperour of Ethiope. In this prouince are many ercedynge byghe mountapnes vp: The earthly pon the which is Capde to be the earthly Paradyſe: And ſum paradyre. Tay that there are the trees of the Coonne and moone whereof the antiquitie maketh mention : yet that none can pale chy: The trees o ther by reaſon of greate delertes of a hundzeth dayes iozney, the foonne and moonte, alſo beyonde theſe mountaynes, is the cape of Buona Spes tanza, and to baue Cayde thus much of Afrike it may Cuffice. The fyzů byage to Buinca. 12 the geare of olore Lozde. m. D.1333. the rii, day of Auguđ, Capled from poschemouth The pryma two goodly Chyppes, the Primroſe and the Li; rore on, with a pyonelle cauled the moone : beinge The Lyon, all well furnylthed aſwell with men of the lu: The woone Biell Cozte to the nuniber of ſeuen [code, as als fo with ordinaunce and byttaylos requiſite to Cach a vpage: Haupage allo two capitaynes, the one a traunger cauled an Pintendo toniades pinteado a poztugale, boine in a towne named the porte of peortugale, a wyle, diſcrete, and ſober man, who foz his cunnynge in ſaylynge beinge alteil an expert pylot as polytyke capitayne, was ſumtyme in gceat favoure with che Bigfile. kynge of portugale, and to whom the coaſtes of Braſile and suinea. Buinea were committed to bee kepte from the Frenchemen to whom he was a terrouve on the ſea in thoſe partes : and The flattes was furthermoze a gencleman of the kinge his matters houſe. röng of fozs But as foztune in maner neuer fauoureth but flattereth, neuer tunz. promilety The fyrſt vyage to Guinea. promyleth but deceaueth, neuet rayſeth but catteth doto nie as geyne, and as great wealth and fauour hath alwayes compas nions emulation and enuic, he was after many aduerlites and quarels made ageynt hym, inforced to come into Englande: where in this golden byage he was enyll matched with an on equall coompanion and vnlpke matche of mol ſunday qualis ties and conditions with vertues few of none adourned, with The euel con vices dyuers and many fowly ſpotted, knowen of many with ditions of out profyte, and delyzed of fewe oz none for his wyckednes: Wyndaw whole (maule acquayntaunce bas profitable to all men, and his familiar conuerſation an vndoinge, that happye was the man of woman that knewe bym not, he for his gooddes and thee foz her name. In fine, vnfoztunate was the coompany that had owghe to doo with hym: in ſo much that it was no maruayle that ſo goodly an enterpryſe with Co noble a furnis ture of men, thyppes, and ozdinaunce of all ſortes, with all kynde of vyrtayles and that of ſo great abundaunce, had to {maul Cuccelle: which could be none otherwyſe wher ſo foule a (potte dyd blemyähe, ye racher deface the rett . Thus depar ted theſe noble apppes vndec ſapleon theyz vyage. But tica this capitayne Wyndam, puttyng furth of his Gyp at Porche mouth, a kynſeman of one of the headde marchauntes, and thewynge herein a muſter of the tragical partes ije had concea ued in his biayne, and toith Cuch (maule begynninges nuryſ: thed ſo monGrous a byzth, that moze happy, yea and bleſſed was that younge man beingelefte behynde then if he had byr Che Flandes taken with them, as (um doo wylhe he had doonne the lyke of Wadera. by thepis. Thus Cayled they on theyz vyage bncyl they came to the glandes of wadera where they toke in certegne mynes for the toze of th y2 Chyppes, and payde for them as they agre ed of the price. At theſe Jlandes they met with a great gas galeon of the king of lion of the kynge of Portugale full of men and ozdinaunce : portugale, yet ſuche as coulde not haue pzeuayled if it had attempted to inithtande oz telytt owre thyppes, foz the i hich cauſe it was ſet furth, not only to lette and interrupte theſe owre thyppes of thepz purpoſed byage, but all other that Chulde attempte the lyke pet chiefely to fruſtrate obre vyage. Foz thc kyng af poztugale was finifterly informed that owre thyppes were The caftel of armed to his callel of pina in theſe parties, whecas nothing 2013, lede was menco aften The fyrſt vyage to Guínea, 946 after that obr yppes departed from the landes of ma nowe wynda bera fozwarde on they? byage, began this Woorthy capitainc abuſed pins pinteados Cozowe as a man toimented with the company of seade. a terrible hybza who bytherto dattered with hym and made bym a fayze countenance and thewe of loue. Then dyd he take bppon hym to commaunde all alone, Cettynge nowght bothe by capitayne Pinteado with the rette of the marchaunte faca tours :ſumtymes with oppzobzious woodes and fumtymes with threatenynges mox ſhamefully abuſynge them, takinge from pinteado the ſeraice of the boys and certeyne mariners that were aſſigned bym by thouder and direction of the wood fyppfuli marchauntes, and leauynge bpm as a common mary: her, which is the greatet deſpite and greefe that can be to & Portugale di Spanyarde to be diminyahre thepz honoure which they efteeme aboue all rychelle. Thus ſaplyng forward The Flandes of Canarie. on they, vpage, they came to the glandes of Lanarie, contie nuynge they? courſe from thenſe yngyll they arcpued at the mhe Zlande Flande of Caynt Nicolas whсrethey byttayled them ſelues of.l. Nicolas, with fredhe meate of the detThe of wylde goates whereof is great plentie in that Jlande and in maner of nothynge elle. From henſe folowynge on they: courſe, and taryinge here and there at the deſerte Jlandes in the waye, bpcauſe they suinen, wolde not coome to tymely to the countrey of Buinea for the hcate, and taryinge Cumwhat to longe (for what can be wel mynytred in a common wealth where inequalitie With tyzan: nie lopil cule alone) they came at the length to the fyzd lande of the countrey of Buinea where they fell with the grcat ry: The ryger of uer of Seño where they myght for they, marchaundies hane Sefto. Sraynes, laden they, (hyppes with the graynes of that countrey, which is a very hottc frute, and much lyke vnto a fygge as it grow: eth on the tree. For as the fygges are full of ſmaule (cedes, Co is the fayde frute ful of grapnes which are loſe within the codde, hauynge in the myddeſt thereof a hole on eucry ſyde. This kynde of ſpice is much bled in coulde countreys, and may there be Colbe fou great aduantage for therchaunge of o: ther wares. Butowr men by the perſualion od rather inforce che chriſt of golde, ment of this tragicall capitayne, not regardynge and Certyng lyght by that commoditie in comparalon to the fine gold they thritted, ſagled an þundzeth leaques further vntpl they came the caſtel of to the golden lande: where not attemptinge to come nere the mena, S$ Sf. ii. catell The fyrſt vyage to Guinea. caftell perecynynge to the kynge of Portugale, bohfche boas The quantire within the ryuer of gina, made fale of theyż ware onelyon of solde. Od this fyde and beyonde it for the golde of that countrey to cha quantitie of an hundzerh and fiftic poundes beyght, there bringe in caſe that they myght hane diſpatched al theyz baro for golde, if the bntame bzayne of Wyndamhad oz could haue gyuen care to the counſayle and efpectence of pinceado. for when chat Wyndam not ſatiſfied with the gold: whiche he had (and moze myght hane had if he had taryed abowt the Benin. Dajina) commaundynge the Capde Pinteado (fo? ſo he toke vp pon hym to leade the Chyppes to Benin beinge vnder the quinoctial line and a hund eth and fiftie leaques beyonde the Hina where he loked to have thpez thyppes laden with pep: pepper. per: And beinge counCayled of the fayde pinteado confydes rynge the late tyme of the yere for that tyme to go no further but to make ſale of thepz wares ſuch as they had for golde Wherby (hey nigght hauc byn great gapners. But Wyndam nor attentyuge hereunto, fell into a ſuddeyne rage, ceailynge Furie admit: the fayde Pinteado, caulynge hym Jebe with other oppos tech no coun: Þrious woozdcs, ſayinge. This hozlon Jelne hath pzomiled (syle. to buynge vs to Cuch places as are not, of as he can not bring bs bnto. But if he doo not, 3 wyl cut of his cares and naile them to thc matt. Pinceado gaye the foxſaydc counſayle to goo no further for the ſafegard of the men and they: lyues, which they coulde put in daungioure if they came to late for The Roftia. Rottinge the roaia which is theyz wynter, not for coulde but foz (mo: bcate. therynge heate with cloſe and cloudy ayer and to minge wes ther of ſuch putrifyinge qualitie that it rotted the cores de Scorchinge theya backes: Dels foz coommynge to foonne foz the ſcore Deate. chyage heate of the ſonne which cauſed them to tynger in the way, Bur of force and not of wyil, biobght he the thyppes. Benin. befoze the ryuer of Benin: where rydynge at an anker, Cente their pinnete vp into the rputer fiftie oz threfcoze leaques, frá Franciſco. whenie certeyne of the matchauntes with capitayne pinteas Nicolas Zam do, Franciſco a Pozcugale, Nicolas Lambert gentleman and bert. ocher marchauntes were conductedro che courre where the kyng remayned.r.leaques from the ryuer fybe whycher when che kyng of they came, they were blowght with a grcare company to the Bergin his preſence of the kynge who beinge a blacke mooze (althoughe sourt, not fb blackc as the reft)fat in a great houge haule longe and wyde, The fyrſt vyage to Guinea. 347 Hyde, the walles made of earthe bicholote löpndoles, the the roote of thynne boozdes open in ſunday places lyke unto Reuerence Louers to lerte in the aper. towarde the And here to ſpeke of the great retterence they gyue to their kynge. kynge, beinge ſuch that if wee bolde gyue as much to owr ſa uiour Lhzyli, we fuld remoue froin o bor heades many plages which wee dayly delerue foz owre contempre and impletie. 1980 So it is therfore, that when his noble men are in his pac 10 Cence, they ncuer looke hym in the face, but (yt courynge, as wee vppon owre knces ſo they bppon they? buttockes with theyz clbowes yppon they knees and theyz handes becfoze theyż faces, nor lookynge vppe vntyll the kynge commaunde them. And when they are commynge towarde the kynge as farre as they do ſee him, do they thewe (uch ceueretice ſytting on the grounde with theyz faces coucred as befoze. lykewila when thry depart from hym they turne nor they2 backes tos warde hym, but go creepynge backewarde with lyke reues tence. And nowe to ſpeake fumwhat of the communication that the comme was betwene the kynge and owrr men, yowe fall fyzd bnder nication be: dande chat he hym lelfe coulde (peake the poltugale tounge wene the which he had lerned of a chylde. Therfoze after chat he had kynge of Bes nin and apps comimaunded owre men to tande bp, and demaunded of them man, the cauſe of theyz commynge into that countrey, they anſwca red by Pinrcado that they were marchauntes trauaylonge in: to those parties foz the commodities of his counttey foz ces chaunge of waces which they had browght from theyzcoon freys, beinge fuch as thulde bee no leſte commodious fo; him and his people. Thckynge then hauynge of owlde lyinge in pepper , a certeyne toze houſe chiccie oz fozrie kyntals of pepper(eucry kynfall beinge an hundžeth weyght) wyllynge them to locke vppon the ſame, and ageyne to błynge bym a ſygbt of ſuche marchaundies as they had browght with them. And therup: pon ſent with the capitayne and the marchauntes certeyne of his men to conducte them to the waters fyde, with other to bzynge the ware from the pinnete to the courte. Who when they were returned and the wares Ceene, the kynge grebe io dhe kyngeg this cude with the marchauntes, to prouyde in thirtie baycs gentisnette the ladynge of all they, thyppes with pepper. towarde our And in cale they? marchaundigs wolde nor extende to the vament, Iue of The fyrſt vyage to Guinea. lue of ſo muche pepper, he piomyſed to credite them to thejs nerte returne: and thereuppon ſente the countrey rounde as bolt to gather pepper, cauſynge the ſame to be bought to the cource : So that within the ſpace of. crk, days they had gathered foure (coze toonne of pepper. In the meane ſeaſon owre men partly bauynge no rule Che diſorder of them ſelves, but earyng without meaſure of the frutes of and death of the countrey, and dzynkyng the wyne of the palme trees that wre meo. droppeth in the nyght from the cutce branches of the ſame, ard in ſuch ertreeme heate cunnynge continually into the wa ter, not bred bcfoze to ſuch fudbepne and behement alteratis ons (then the which nothynge is moze daungerous) were the by browght into (wellynges and agues. In lo much that the later fyme of the yeare cómyng on cauſed thể to dye fürymes iii.& lütimes.iiii. Oz.v. in a day. Then Wyndam perccauyng the tyme of the trr. Dayes to be erpyzed, & his men dying fo fat, Cent to the court in potte to capitayne Pinteado and the tell to come away and to tacy no longer. But pinteado with the ret, wzote backe to bym ageyne, certifyinge hym of the great quantitie of pepper they had alredy gathered and loked Dayly for much moje: Deſyzynge hym furthermore to remem avab ber the great prayle and name they fhulde wynne if they came home pzoſperouty, and what thame of the contrary. With which anſwere Wyndam not ſatiſfied, and many of theyż mon Dyinge dayly, wplled and commaunded them ageine cyther to coomme away furthwith, oz els thzetened to leaue them be: honde. when pinteado hacde this anſwere, chynkynge to perſuade bym with reaſon, tooke his way from the court to: 2009 Warde the hyppes beinge conducted thyther with men by the kynges commaundement. che furse of yn the meane Ceaſon Windam all cageinge, brake bppe paina wyndam ccados Laben, broke open his cheftes, (pogled ſuche "prouiſy, on of coulde Qilled waters and Cuckettes as he hade prouided for his health, and lefte bym nothynge neyther of his inſtru: mentes to Cayle by, not yet of his apparell. And in the meane Che death of tymc faulinge lycke hym Celfe, dyed allo. Whoſe death pins myndam. teado comminge aborde, lamented as muche as if he had by: Pinteado evil the derelt frend he had in the wojlde. But certeyne of the vred of the maryners and other officers dyd (pette in his face, Cum caus Bagryberg, lynge bym Jewe, ſaying that he had bżowght them thether 19 The fyrft vyage to Guinea. 348 to kplle them: And fum diawynge theyz (wordes åt hym ma: kynge tebe to Qey hym. Then he perceauinge that they wolde nedrs away, delyzed them to tary that he might ferch the rette of the macchauntes that were fefte at the court. But they wolde not graunre his requct. Then delyzed be them to gyue bym che tippe boate with as muche of an owldc fapte as myght ſerue foz the ſame, promiſynge them therewith to bringe Nicolas Lamberte and the réât into England: But all was in vayne. Then wzotte he a letter to the courte to the marchauntes informynge them of all the matter, and promys (ynge théif god wolde lende hym life to returne with al hatt to fetche them. And thus was pinteado kepte a bozdethippe ageynte his wyll, thzut amonge the boyes of the trippe, not bred like a man, noz yet like an honett boy: But glad to find fanoure at the cokes hande. Then departed they,leauing one of thcy2 Dippes behynde them, whiche they loonte foz lake of men to cary her. After this within ſire oz ſeuen days ſay: The death of pinteados linge, dyed allo pinteado foz very penſiuenelle and thowght that Brooke hyni to the harte: A man worthy to ſecue any prince and mot vilely bled. And of Ceuen (coze men came home to Plymmuowth ſcarſely toztye, and of them many dyed. and that no man fulde ſuſpecte theſe wordes which 3 haug (ayd in commendation of Pinteado, to be ſpoken vpon favour 12 otherwyſe then truth, 3 haue thoughtgood to adde herebnto the coppie of the letters which che kpng of požtugale and the infant his brother wzote unto hym to reconcyle hym at ſuche tyme as bppon the kynge his maſters diſpleaſure (and not foy. any other cryme Oz offence as may appere by the Cayde letters) he was onely foz pouertie infozced to coomme into Englande where he fyzů perſuaded obre marchauntes to attempte the (ayde byages to Buinea. But as the kynge of poztugale to late repented hym that he had lo punyűhed Pointeado vp: pon malicious infozmations of ſuch as envied the mans good foztune, tuen ſo may it hereby appere, that in fum Cales,rucn Lyons them ſelues, may eyther bee hyndered by the contempt 02 ayded by the helpe of the poze mgle accozdonge onto the fa ble of 3(ope. 00 The fyrſt vyage to Guinea. The coppic of Antonianes Pinteado his letters patentes whetby thc kynge of Portugale made hym knyght of his houſe after all his troubles and impriſonment, which by bjonge information made to the kynge, he had Cuñepned of longe tyme, beinge at the lafte Delia flered, his cauſe knowen and manifeſted to the kynge by a grey fryer the kynges confeltoure. The kynge do gyuë po i to vndecttande lo de frances Delleola one of my counfayle ando: uerſeer of my houſe, that in conſideration of the good ſeruice which Antonie Anes Pintes ado, the ſonne of John Anes, dwellynge in the towne cauled the pozte, harh doone bnto me, my wyll and pleaſure is, to make hom to chiesas , knyght of my houſe, alowynge to bym in penſion Ceuen hun: Beuen Huas dzech reys monechly, and cuery daye one alcayz of barly as dieth reps longe as he keperh a hozle, and to bee paybe accordynge to are.I.S. the ozdinaunce of my houſe. Pouydynge alwayes that he Alcay, is thal ceceaue but one mariage gyfte: And this allo in ſuch con halfe a bura Skele dition that the tyme whiche is ercepted in obre o dinaunce forbyddynge ſuch men to mary for gettyngeſuch chyld en as myght ſucceade them in this alowance, which is lyre peates after the makynge of this parente, malbe fyzüe erpired befože he do mary. 3) therfoze commaunde yowe to cauſe this to bee entered in the booke cauled the Liatricola of obre houtholde under the tyrle of knyghtes. And when it is ſo entered, let the clerke of the Deatricola for the certentie therof, wzyte on the backe lyde of this Aluala oz patente, the number of the teafe wherin' this owre graunt is elitercd. Which doone, let bym ceturne this wzytynge vnto the fayd Antónię Anęs Pit Anes TUBE his 2013 Diego Denriques hane Wytten this in Almarin the trti. day of Seprember, in the yeare of owre lozde. 1551, And this beneuolence the kynge gaue unito Antonie Anes Sinteaa Do the. fxv. Day of July this preſent peare, Rey. The fyrſt vyage to Guinea. 349 a bandzeth reps penſion by the moneth and one Cthe ſecretaries declaration bozytten vnder the kynges graunt. pwre maietie hath bouchlafed in rcfpect and confyderation of the good feruice of Antonie Ines pinteado dwellynge in the pozte, and foonne of John Anes to make hym knyght of yowce houſe with ozdinarie alowance of Ceuen alchyz of barley by the day as longe as he keepeth a hozle: and to be paydc accozdyng to the oldinaunce of your houſe with condition that he thall haue but one mariage gyfte: And that not within the ſpace of. bi, geares after the makynge of theſe letters patetstes. The tecretaries nore. Entered in the booke of the patrico: la, fol. 683, Franciſco de Siquerato Cthe coppie of the letter of Don Lewes thinfant and brother to the kynge of portugale : ſent into Englande to Antonianes pinteado. Ntonie Anes binteado, 1 the infant 6202 ther to the kynge, haue me Hartely commen ded onto yow. Peter Bonſalues is gone to Ceeke yow, deſyrynge to bzynge yole home agepne into yowr country. And for that purpoſe, hath with hym a ſafe conduct for yold, graunted by thckynge, that thereby pole may freely and withowt all feare come home. And als though the wether be foule and ſtozmy, yet faylc not to come. Foz in the cyme that his maiefie hach gyuen yobo, yow maye doo many thynges to yowre contentacion and gratifying the kynge, wherof 3 wolde bee rygbt gladde: and to buynge the ſame to pale wyll doo all that lyech in me for yowre profyte. But fozaſmuch as peter Gonſalues wyll maže further decla: ration hereof onto yow, J Cay no more at this preſent. Wytten in Lurbucne the viii. Day of December, Anno.09. , 133 Tt.lt The The fyrſt vyage to Guinea. C The Infant don Lews. K I theſe forlayd wozytynges 1 Cabe under fete in the houſe of my frende Nicolas Lyeſe with whom pinteado left them at his unfortunate departonge to Buinea. But notwithlanding all theſe frendly letters and fayze promyles, Pinteado durte not attempte to go home; neyther to keepe company with the Portugales his countrey men withowt the preſence of other, fozaſmuch as he had ſecreate admonition that they intended to dey hym, if tyme and place myght have ſecued thryz wycked intent. The ſeconde byage to Buinea, S in the fyzi vyage 3 haue declared rather the order of the hyttoz y thế the courſe of the nauigation, whereof at that tyme 3 coulde baue no perfecte infozmation, ſo in the dit: cription of this ſeconde vyage my chiefe in: tent hath byn to thew the courſe of the ſame accordynge to the obſeruation and ozdinarie cultome of them atyners, and as 3 receared it at the handes of an experte pylot beinge one of che chiefe in this viage, who alſo with his owne handes blote a batefe declaration of the ſame as he founde and tryed all thynges not by coniecture, but by the arte of Caylynge and inſtrumentes perteynynge to the marinses facultie. Not therfoze aſuminge to my ſelfe the commendations delwe to other, neyther ſo boulde as in anye parte to chaunge or otherwiſe diſpoſe the order of this bpage Io wel obferued by art and erperience, 3 baue thowght good to ſet forth the ſame in ſuch lozte and phraſe of (peache as is commonly bled amonge them, and as 3 receaued it of the Catd pylot as 3 haue Cayde. Take it therfoze as foloweth. in the geacc ot owre lozde. 29. D. 1939. the.ri. Dag of Sctober, wee departed the cpuer of stemmes with three goodly thyppes, thonc cauled che Trinitic, a thyppe of the buc den of Ceuen (coze toonne : Thorher caulcd the Barthelmewe a Wyppe of the bucben of. Irrrr. The thyrde was the John Euangelig a fhyppe of leuen (coze toonne, with the fayde dyppes The ſeconde vyage to Guinea 950 Dyppes and two pynnelles (wherof the one was drowned in thecoaſt of Englande) we went forwarde on our vyage, and Qeyde at Douer, riiii, dayes. we teyde allo at Xpe three 02 Foure Dayes, moze ouer lag of all we touched at Darth : mouth The fyzt day of Nouember at. ic. of the clocke at nyghe departynge from the coatte of Englande, we ſette of the Gert bearynge ſouthwed all that nygbt in the ſea, and the nerte day all day, and the nert nyght after vntplithe thyide daye of the fayde moonech abowt noone, makyngeobr way good, Dyd runne. 6o. Icaques. Jtem from. rii. of the clocke the thyide daye tyll. rii. of the clocke the.iiii. day of the fayde mooneth, makynge owr way good ſoutheai, dyd runne cuery thzec houres twoo leaques, which amounteth to.rvi.leaques the hole. Item from. fii. of the clocke the. iiii. day to rii. of the clocke che, v.day, tunnynge ſouth well in the ſea, dydde runne. rit. leaques. Jtcm runnynge from. xii. of the clocke the. v. day vntyll, rii. of the clocke che, vi, day runnyng ſoutheag, dyd runne. xviib leaques. and ſo from. rii. of the clocke the. Vi. daye yntyll. xii. of the clocke the. vit. day, runnynge Couthſouthwelt, dyd rnune e- ucry houre.ii.leaques which amoût to.xlviii.leaques the hole. tem from. rii, of the clocke the.bii. Day tyl. iii. of the clocke the. viii. day, ſouthſouthwett, runnyng in the ſea. Dyd runne rrr.leaques. Jtem from three of the clocke the. viii, day, vntyil. iii. of the clocke the. if, day, tunnyng ſouthſouthwelt, Dyd runte.rrr. leaques. tem from, tii. of the clocke the. it. day tyllj. iii. of the clocke the. t. day, dyd Couchſouchael in tunnynge in the ſea the Cum of.rriiit, leaques. alſo from. ii. of the clocke thy. r. day vntyl. rit. of the clocke the ri. Day, dydrun Couchſouthwel the ſum of. fii, leaques, and from. rii, of the clocke tyll, bi, of the Capde day, dyd run bi, leaques. Bunnynge fouth and by weſt in the ſea from. vi. of the clocke the. ri. day tyll, vi, of the clocke the. rii, day, dyd run, tervi leaques TTT c.it. from The ſeconde vyage to Guinea. from. vi. of the clocke at after none the.rii. daye tyll. vi. of the clocke the. fiii, Day at after none, Dyd ruinne, titi, leaques Jtem from. vi. of the clocke the. tili day, tyl. vi of the clocke the, riiii, day at after none that we were becalmed that wee coalde lye ſouthweſt with a fayle. And the, rv. daye in the mozmynge, the wynde came to the Eaſt and eaſte nozthcat. The gle of the.frii. day in the moznynge, we had lyght of the le of madera. madera which doth ryfe to hym chat commeth in the north noztheat parte vpryght lande in the wet part of it, and very hyghe: and to the fourh foutheaſte a lowe longe lande and a longe poynt with a ſaddle throlwgh the mpddeite of it, llan: deth in the errii, degrees: and in the mel parte,many (prin: ges of water runnynge dowone from the mountayne, and ma: ny whyre fyeldes lyke vnto cozne fieldes, and ſum whyre hou ſes to the ſoutheaŭ parte of it: and the toppe of the moun: tayne theineth very tagged if yow may ſeit, and in the nozch: eati parte there is a byght or bay as thowgh it were a harbo: rowe. alſo in the fayde part, there is a rocke a lyttle ditance from the thoje: and ouer the layde byght, yow tall ſe a great gappe in the mountayne. thegle of The rir.day at. cit. of the clocke, loe had ſyght of the file palmes. of Palmes and Tenerifa and the Canaries. Theyle of Palme Teneriffa. Che Canari: tylech rounde and lyeth foutheate and northwele, and the nozthwef parte is lowelt. In the ſouth, is a rounde hyllo: uer the hedde lande, and an other rounde hyll aboue that in the lande. Frome ma: dera coche There is berwene the ſoutheat parte of the gile of madera 3le of pala and the northweſ parte of the 3le of Palme.lvii. leaques. this Fle of Palme Iyeth in the. Frip. degrees. and obre courſe fro sgabera to the le of Palme was fouth and Couch and by wel, ſo that we had lyght of Teneriffa and of the La naries. The ſourheaft parte of the gle of foaime, and the noith northeart of Teneriffa, Iyeth foutheal and north belie. and betwene them is, rr. leaques. Teneriffa and the greate Brancanaria. Lanarie cauled Brancanaria, and the lortt part of Foreiluen: fortesventus tura fanbethin. prvii, degrees and a halfe. Bomera is a fayze glande and very ragged and Iyeth wea ſouthweſt of me The gland of noriča. And who (o euer byll come betwene theym tlooj: Sonera, landes, muſt come fourb and by eat, and in the ſouth parte pf Bometa, is a townc and a good code in the Cayde parte of the mes. ra. The ſeconde vyage to Guinea, 351 , the lande: and it fandeth in. rrvii. Degrees & thzce terces. Teneriffa. Teneriffa is a hygh lande and a grcat hygbe picke lyke a lir: Snowe, ger lofe. And vppon the fayde picke is (noine throughowt all the hole yeare, and by reaſon of that picke, it maye bee knowen aboue all other 3landes, and there we were becalmcd the, xr. day of Ponember from. vi, of the clocke in the moze aynge vntyll foure of the clockc at afcec none. He Betwene Gomera and Lape delas Barbas. herrii, day of November vnder the Tropike of Lancer, the Coonne goety downe wet and by fouch. Upon the coat of Barberie frv.leaques by north cape blanke the coaſt of at, in, leaques of the mayne, there is. rv. fadome and good Barbarge. thelly grounde and fande amonge, and no liremes, and two Cape blanke, {manle glandes Handyng in the. crii. degrees and a terce. Ffrom Bomera to cape de las Barbas is a būdzech leaques and owr courſe was fouth and by eat. The Cayde cape dans deth in. trii. and a halfe:and all that coatte is flatte. rbi. Of The ryger of fbii fadome deepe, vii. 02. viii, leaques of frome the ryuer de de olo, D:0 to cape de las Barbas, there vſe many Spanyardes and portugalcs to trade for fyuhynge durynge the mooneth of Poucmber: and all that coaſt is very lowe landes. ailo wee went from capa de las Barbas ſouchſouthwelt and ſouthwea and by fouth yll we brought owre Celues in, fr. degrees and a halfe, rekenynge owoc Celues. vii. leaques of: and that was the leas folcs of cape Blanke. Then we went ſouth bntyll we brought owre Celucs in piti. degrees, re kenynge omre Celues.frv. leaques of. And in the croſiere fb.degrees, wc dyd reere the croûiers : and we myght baue orcroſſe tered them ſooner if we had loked for theym. They are not ſtarres, ryghte a crote in the moonefhe of Rouember by reaſon the nyghtes are lyozte there. Peuertheleđe we had the ſyght of them the, fpir. Day of the fayde mooneth at nygbt. The fyzit of December owie. xiii, degrees, we ſette owre courſe Couth and by Eað vntyll the fourth daye of December at. rii. of the clocke the ſame day. Then we were in. ir. de: grees and a terce, rekenynge owrſelues. fer, leaques of the toles of the ryuer cauled Rio Brande beinge wett ſouthweće Rio Grande of them: The which wales be. ffx, leaques longe, The The ſeconde vyage to Guinea. The fourth of December, we beganne to ſette owr courte oor Coucheatte, we beinge in. vi. degrees and a halfe. the ninth day of December we ſet owr courſe eat ſoutheag The ciiii. day of the fayde mooneth, we Cet oire courſe ran, we beinge in. v. degrees and a halfe, tekenynge owre ſelues. frrvi. Teaques from the coal of Buinea. The. tir. day of the Capde mooncth, we ſette obre courſe Cape melus rado. eat and bp north,tekenynge ovre Celues. tvii. leaques diſtane The river of from cape Wenſurado, the fayde cape beinge eat no cheat of Seſto. vs, and the ryuer of Sefto bringe eatt. The rri. day of the fayde mooncth we fel with cape me ſurado to the ſoutheaſt abowo two leaques of.This cape may be eafely knolpen, by reaſon the ryſynge of it is lyke a poss pole hedde. alſo towarde the fourheal there are thzec trees, debherof the eaſtermolt tree is the hyghet, and the myddlemon is lyke a hege tacke, and the ſouthcomoa Ipke unto a iebet : and bppon the mayne, are foure o, fyue bygh hylles ryfynge one after an other lyke round hoommockes 02 hyllockes. And the ſoutheat of the three trees, is thze trees lyke a brandiera 0.05 wyle: and all the coate alonge is whyee Cande. The Capde cape fandeth within a lyttle in. vi. Degrees. The frii.of. December, we cameto the ryuer of Sello, and remayned there vntyll the. frip.Day of the fayde monech Dece vc thought it bett to ſende befoze vs the pynnelIc to the rpuer of Dulce cauled Rio Dulce, that they myght have the begynnynge of the market before the commynge of the Johne The riuer of At the tyuer of Sefto, we had a toonne of graynes. This Sefto. ryuer fandcth in. bi. degrees lackynge a terce. From thery: Rio Dulce, uer of Sefto to Rio Dulce, is. trb. leaques. Rio Dulce tan deth in. b. degrees and a halfe. The ryuer of Setto is caſy to bee knolden by reaſon there is a ledge of rockes on the ſouth: eat parte of the rode. and at the enterynge into the hauen, are fyue oz fyre trees that beare no lcaues. This is a good hac bozowe: but very narrowe at the entecaunce into the ryuer, Cape se won There is alſo a rocke in the hauen mouth right as yob enter, and all that coali betwene cape de monte and caps de las palmas, Iyeth Couchcat and by eal, nothwel and by woeſie, Cape de las beinge three leaques of the moze. And yow mall haue in ſum palinas, places rockes two leagues of: and that berbene che ryuer of Setto and cape de las palmas. Bettone te. The ſeconde vyage to "Guinea. 352 Betmene the ryuer of Selo and the riuer Dulce, is.txb. The lande of leaques. And the hyghlande that is betwene them bothe, is cakeado. cauled Lakcado, beinge. viii. lsaques from the tyuer of Setto. and to the ſoutheatwarde of hym, is a place cauled Shaw Shauo. gro and an other cauled Shyawe 0: Shauo, where yow may get freÑhe water. Df this Shyawe, Iyeth a ledge of rockes: and to the Southeaſtwarde, lyeth a hed lande caulcd Eroke. Croke, Betwene Lakeado and Lroke, is. ir. 02. f. leaques. To the Southeaawarde of, is a harbozowe cauled (aynte Wincene, Ryght ouer ageyndi faynt Vincent, is a rocke under the was ter, tloo Icaques and a halfc of the thoje. To the ſoutheast: warde of that rocke, pow th all ſee an jlande abowt thzee of tès harborou- Saint Vincen foure leaques of. This 3lande is not pate a leaque of the thoze. To the cat ſouthead of the Jlande, is a rocke that ly: eth abouc the water:and by that rocke goeth in the rywer of Dulce, which yow fall knowe by the fayde ryuer and rocke. The riyer The nozthlct fyde of the hauen, is fiat (ande and the ſouth Dulce. cal Cybe therof, is lpkc anglande and a bare plotte without any trees, and ſo is it not in any other place. in the rode, yow thall ryde in. tiii. 02. fiiii. fadomes, good owes and fande, beinge the markes of the code to bring the flande and the northweſt lande togyther. And here wee ankered thclat of December. The thyede day of January, we came from the ryuer of Dulce. Note that cape de las palmas is a fayze high land.But Cage de las paimas, ſumme lowe places therof by the water ſyde, lookelike redde cliães with white ſtrakes like wayes a cable length a piece. The coaſt of and this is to the Ean parte of the cape. This cape is the suinea. ſouthermott landc in all the coal of Buinea : and tandeth in fouce degrees and a terce. The coal from cape de las palmas to cape Trepoyntes og de tres puntas, is tayze and cleare without tocke oz other Cape de tres daungiour. puntas, erv. ieaques from cape delas palmas, the lande is high: er then in any place vncyll we came to cape Trepoyntes and abowt. x. leaques befolc yow comme to cape Tle pointes, the lande ryſeth ûyll bygher and hygher brityll yow come to cape Trepoyntes. Allo betoze yowe coomme to the fayde cape af: ter other fiue lçaques to the northwelt paste of it, there is cer tegne The ſeconde vyage to Guínea. feyne broken grounde with twoo greate rockes : and lithini Che caſtell them in the bygót of a bay, is a cattel cauled Arra, perteyning of Erra. to the kynge of požtugale. yold ſhall knowe it by the fayde rockes that lye of it: ffoz there is none ſuch from cape de las COM palmas to cape scepoyntes. This coate lyeth eate and by nozch, welt and by (outh. From cape de las palmas to the fayde cafell, is foure (coze and rv. leaques. And the coate Iyeth from the fayde catell to the Wetterniotte poynte of the Trepoyntes, ſoutheaſt and by Couth, nozthwell and by noith alſo the Wettermol poynt of the strepointes, is a lowe lande lyinge halfe a myle owt in the ſea and bppon the innermofte neck to cheiandwarde, is a cufte of trees, and there we arry ued the.fi day of January The towne The. xii. day of January, we came to a towne cauled Sam of Samia. ma ol Samua, beinge. biti. leaques from cape Trepoyntes to ward cat northeat. Betwene cape Trepointes and the towne of Samua, is a great ledge of rockes a great way obt in the fea. Wce continued foure daycs at that towne : and the capt tayne therof wolde needes haue a pledge a choze. But when "Theplege they receaued the pledge, they kepte hym Gyl and wolde traf was ist Jonn fike no more, but thot of theyz ozdinaunce at bs. They haue yorke his ne- two or three pieces of ordinaunce and no moze. Vie. che cvi. day of the fayde mooneth, we made rekenynge to come to a place cauled cape Lozea where capitaync non Lape Corea. John dwelleth, whoſe men interreyned bs frendly. This The caſtel of cape Lozea is foure leaques eadwarde of the cafell of wina, mina perrey: otherwyſe cauled Ld Mind, O2 Caſtello de Mins, where we arrived singe to the the rviii. day of the moonech. Dere we made ſale of al or kinge of por: cloth Cauynge two oz three packes. tugale. Thc, rrbi, day of the ſame moonech, we weyd anker and departed from thenſe to the cinitie which was, vii, leaques eadmarbe of us where the folde her wares. Then they of the perecowe. Trinitie lpylled us to go eadwacde of that .viii.o, ir.leaques Perecowe to Cel part of their wares in a place caled perecov, an other grande. place named perecowe grande, being e che eatermott place of both chele, which yow bal knowcby a great rounde hyl nere monte rodő: bnto it named monte Bodondo lyinge welfcwarde from its do. And by the water ſyde are many byghe palme trees. From benre dpd kog let furth homewarde che, tili, Day of February and plyed vppe alonged tell we came within, rii, ol, viii, leaques The ſeconde vyage to Guinea. $53' -ួ Sedques to Cape Trepointcs. Aboldt. viii. of the clockc the.ch Day at after noone, loc dyd catt about to ſeawarde. And be: the currants ware of the currantes, fox they tyll Deceane yol foze. Who lo euerthall coomme from the coat of Daina home frome mina twarde, let hymbe fuer to make his way good wrtt yntyll he homewarde. ceken bym celfe as farre as cape de las palmas where the cur tant ſetceth alwayes to the cañwarde. And within, fr, lea: Rio de los ques caltwarde of cape de las Palmas, is a ryner cauled Rio poros, be los poros where yol maghaue frethe water and balatie enowgb, and plentie of Juecy of Elephantes tecthe. This verye. synter fandech in foute degrees and almot two terces. And when yow reken yowre Celfe as farce thotte as cape Cape de las Delas palmas, beinge in a degree o? a degree and a halfe, 'palinas, pow may go let oz weſt and by north ontpll yowe comme in thzee degrees and then yowe maye go wele nozthwelt, and mozthwel and by wet vntyll you comme in fiue degrees and then nothwent. And in the. vi. Degrees, wee mette northerly to yndes and greate coolynge of tydes. And as we coulde dudge, the carcantes went to the nozth nothwelt. Further: moge betwone cape de montc and cape Verde, go gceate cur: Currantee. tantes which beceaue many men. Che. Frii, daye of apyll, wee were in. viii. degrees and two terces: and ſo loe tanne to the noztb Welt, haupnge the wynde at nogtheañ and eatinozthealt, and fumt ymes at ea die bargli we were at. rbili. degrees and a terce, which was on Fayday. And ſo from. tviii. and two terces, bee hadde the wynde at eas and can nozeheat, and fumignies at ealt Couth: cat: and then wee rekened the glandes of cape Wierde catte ſoutheat of vs, Wee iubgynge owre Celues to be flviis, lea: qucs of. And in, fra and .fri. degrees, wee had the wynde moze caterly to the ſouthwarde then before. And ſo we can to the north wet and nozchnorthweſt, and ſometymes nozth and by weat and north bnryll wce came into • Erri-degrees, where we tekened owre (elues a hundzeth and foure (cole leaques (outhwet and by fouth of the blande de flore oz de The Jle de los floges. And there we met lbith the wonde at ſouch lourb: filgre. ealt, and let owrc courte nozch:af. 31. ffrii, degrees, we had the wynde at the ſouth and fouthwea: and then we let obor courſe nozrh no.thead, and Co we canne to rl, Degrees : and then we ſet our courſe nozch: cat The ſeconde vyage to Guinea, tafit the lvynde beinge at the Couthwell and hauynge the ile de floze eat of us, and tvii. leaques of. 31.fli, degrees, we met with the wond at northead, and fo Weranne nozch wedwarde. then lpe met with the wonde at the welt northwell and at the Welt within .vi leaques run: nynge towarde che nozthwelt: and then wee caſt abotot and ley northeali bntyll we came in. xlii. degrees, where we fette the zle of olor courſe eaft nozcheaft, tudgynge the fle of Loquo Couth Corpo. and by weft of vs and prebi, leaques ditant from bs. & rememberaunce that the.pri. day of mape, we commu. ned with John Rafe, and he thought it be to go noztheate, and iudged hom Celfe. rev. le aques eatiwarde to the fle de where ther. Floke, and in. rerir. degrees and a halfe. loſt the right of the northe Note that in the fourth day of September vnder nine des itarre. grees, We lot the ſyght of the nozch dacte. bowe the More alſo, that in the .flv. degrees the compañe és baa compare ryed, viii. degrees to the wel. booth? Yarte. tem, ir rl. degrees, the compalle dyd bacy.rb. degrees in the hole. Jlcem, in ter. degrces and a halfe, the compatte is barya ed. b. degrees to the boca. Be it alſo in memozit, that tho or three dayes before we came to cape #repointes, the pynnele went alonged the more thinkynge to tell [um of owr wares. And ſo we came to ana kre three of fourc Icaques weft and by Couth of the cape Trea poyntes where we lefte the Erinitie. Then owre pynnetre came a boozde with all obr men. The The prym: pynneđe alſo tooke in moze warcs. Thep toulde me mole ouer that they woolde go to a place where the perimroſe was and had receaued much golde at the fy?ite vyage to theſe pactiefs and tolde me furr hermoje that it was a good place. But 3 fearynge a brigantine that was then vppon the coat, dydde wcy and fotowethepm, and lefte the arintric abowie fiure leaques of from vs. And there we rode ageynste that towne foure bayes: ſo that warrine by his owne delyze and atente of Cum of the commiktoners that were in the pinnete, winte a fhose to the towne, and there John Beryn went to trafike he towne from bs beinge three mples of trafckynge at an other cownr, of S amipa. the tobne is caulcd Samma 02 Samua. For Samma and solde. Bainmaterra, ace the names of the two fyzde townes where wce The ſeconde vyage to Guinea. 354 Wee did traficke ko? gold, to the northeat of cape Trepoints: Dethecto continuech the courſe of the vyage as it was Deſcribed by the fayde pylot. Nowe therfose to fpcake Cum: what of the contrey and pcople, and of ſuche thynges as are browght from thenſe. They browght from thenſe at the lad vyage, Foure hun Solde foure bundretb Dzech pounde weyght and odbe of golde ofgeii.carratres and weysht. one grapne in fineneše. Alio. krtvi. buttes of grapnes : and Braynes. abowt two hund?ch and fiftie elepljantes teethe of all quan: Zuery. t:ties. Ditheſe, 3 ſabe and mcaſured [um of. ir. (pannes in klephanies Ingth as they were croked Sum of them were as byage as a tzetbe. mans thygh aboue the knce: and weyed abobre foure (coze and ten pounde weyght a piece They ſay that Cum one hath byn ſeene of a hundrerhaud.rrv. pounoc weyght. Other there were which thcy caule che tecch of values of one of two Di chzce yeaces, wherof ſum were a foote and a halfe, (unime two foore, and ſun th?ce of mioze accordynge to thage of the beade. Theſe grcat teeth oz tulkes, grobe in the bpper iabo downcwarde, and not in the nether iawe vpwarde, wherein the head of the paynters and arras lookers are deceaued. At this latte an Elephant byage was bromght from Buinea the headde of an elephante of ſuch huge byggeneữe, that only the bones by ccaucibe ther of belpde che nether tawe and greatc rulkes, wayed abobre tboo hundjerh Speyghe, and was as muche as 3 coulde bell lyfte from the grounde. Jn ſo muche that conſiderynge alſo hercwith the weyght of it.Cuch great teeth, he nether ialbos with the lette teethe, the tounge, the greate hangynge cares, the bygge and longe (nobre oltroonke, with all the dewhe, bzayn: s, and ikynne, with all other partes belongynge to che hole hcadde, in my tudgemente it coulde wey lyttle leti e cher fyae hundzech wcyght. This headdo dyuers haur ſene in the houſe of the wooztby marchaunt iyz Andjele judde, where allo 3 Cawe it and behelde it not onely with my bodely eyes, but much moze wizh the eyes of my mynde and ſpirite conly. The conteme dered by the booke, the cuanpnge and wpredome of the plations of woozke mader: withole which conſyderation, the fyght of so.ls mokes ſuch firaunge and woonderfull thynges may rather ſeeme cu: sioſities thon profitable comtemplations. The deſcrips The elephante (which Cum caule an oliphant) is the big tion and pio: gelt of all foure footed beadtes. Dis fozclegges are longer perses of the Waub.ii. týcn £.ephaure, The ſeconde vyage to Guínea. then his hynder He hath ankles in the lower parts of his hynder legges, and fyue toes on his fiere intimidcb. bis (noite oz troonke is to longe and in Cuch fozne that it is to hyin in the feede of a hinde. Foz be ncyther eaterh tog du kcth but by biyngynge bis troonke to his mouth. Therinith He helperó bp his matter oz keeper: thetwith he ouetthzolbeth trees. Bylyde his two greate tuſkes, he hath on enery fyde of his mouth fosre icethe wherwith be careth and geproech) his ineate. Eyther of theſe teeth, are almott a ſpan in length as they growc alonge in the tawe: and are abolvrtwo inches in height and almoſt as much in thickenelle. The tulkes of the male are greater then of tbe female. Dis tounge is verye lyrtle, and ſo farre in his mouth chat it can not bee leene. DE all bealtes they are molte gencylland tractable. For by many ſundry ways they are taught and do undertand:31n fo much that they learne to do due honour to a king, and are of quicke Tence and harpenes of wyt. When the male hath once ſeaſo: ned the female, he never after toucheth her. The male Elea Soboods phantelyueth two hundzech yeares, og at the leafte one hung Nagalak-e dzeci and twentie. The female almoſt as longe:but the douce of theyz age, is but. Ir. yeares as fum bozyte. hey can not Luffer Wynter oz coulde. They loue ryuers and byll ofren go into them bp to the ſnowte wherwith chey blowe and ſnute, and play in the water: but [wymme they canne not fog the beyght of they? bodyes. linie and Soline wozyte that they üle none adulterie. 3f they happen to meete taith a manne in byiderneile beinge obr of the way, gentylly they wyl go be a koze bym and biynge hym into the playne waye. Joyned in battaple, they have no Imaule reſpecte unto the that be woun ded. Foz cheg bzynge them that are huit oj wery into the mid dle of the army to be defended. They are made tame by dign: Debate bes mwene the £s kynge the rule of barley. They haue continuall warre agepna lephant and diagons which deſyze theyz bludde bycauſe it is very coulde the dragon. And thetfoze the diagon Ipinge awayte as the Elephant pal: ſeth by, wyndith his tayle (beinge of crceadynge lengti) a: al bow the hynder legges of the elephant : and ſo ſteping hym, thzutter his heade into his iconke and erhaaſtech his birth, 07 els byreth bym it che eare wherunro he can not reach wil) his troonike. And when the clepoant wareth fayne, he fau: leth downe on the ſerpente beinge nowe full of bludde: and with The ſeconde vyage to Guinea, 355 with the poyle of his body baraketi bym: ſo that his owne bludde with the bladoc of the elephant, runncth Olt of hym mengeled togyrber:whicise beings coulde, is congcled into that cubitaunce which the apothecaries caule sanguis Draconis, (that is) diagons blad,othectoyle cauled cinnabaris, although Sanguis Draco. there be an other kynde of cinnabaris, commonly cauled cinopec nis. oz vermulion which the paynters bſc in certcynie colouces. Cinnabaris, They are alſo of three kyndes, as of the macyühes, the playnes, and the mountaynes, 110 leſe diferynge in conditi Thre kyndes ons. Philodratus wzytein, that as much as the elephant of of elephates, 1pbia in byggenele patieth the hoſe of ylea, ſo much both the elephances of jodia crcede them of Lybia. Foz of tije cle phantes of Jndia, ſum hane byn ſcene of the heyght of.ix. cu bitrs. The other do io greatly feare chere that they bare not abyde the fyght of them. Df the indian elephantes, only the males have tulkes. I ut of them of erhiopia and Lybia, boch kyndes are tulkod. They are of Dyuets heyghtes, as of, til. fiii. and. filii, dodiantes, euery bonzant bringe a mealuse of 1x. ynthes. Sum bzyte that an eliphant is bygger then hice Wylde otel O2 butees. They of Jndia are blacke oz of the co: lour of a moule. But they of Ethiope 02 Buinea, are bzowie. The byde og ſkynne of them all, is very harde and wichowie heare oz bzydels. I hey, cares ave two dodiantes blode, and theyz epes vecylytele. Dwi men (awe one brynkyng at a ry: uer in Huinca as they ſayled into the lande. DE other pzoperties and conditions of the elephant, as of they2 marucions docilixie, of thayz feight and bie in the wars res, of they? generation and chaiitie, bohen they were fyzae ſecne in the theaters and tryumphes of the Romans, home they are taken and tamed, and when they call they? tuſkes, with thoſe of the came in medicine,loholo delyzeth to know, lét hom rede Plinie in the. bil. bodee of his natural hyfiozie. He alſo wzytech in his, rii. booke, that in oulde tyme they made many goodly woozkes of Juery of clephantes cecth: as trokes of tables, treuels, polles of houles, rayles, la tekes for wyns Juery, doivel, 3 mages of thiya geldig, and i guers other thyngestoods ofyluery both coloures and uncoloured and intcrniyrte miti 22. sem Cundzy kyndes of precious Wooddrs, as at this day are made 03 Cceregne chayzes, lutes, and virginalles, [f ៦ ច, នី រខ្ញុំ វ } ៩នដ្ឋមន្តចិត្ត 3358 The ſeconde vyage to Guinea. They had ſuch plentie therof in oblde tymc, that (as farre as 3 remember) Joſephas wozytety chat one of the gates of Lies tualem was cauled Port: Eburnea, (that is) the query gate. The whytene Te thereof was lo muche eiremed that it was thought to repreſent the naturall fayzeneđe of mans [kynne: In ſo much that ſuch as went about to ſet forth (oz rather cozrupte) naturall bewete with colours and payntynge, were réproued by this prouerbe : Ebur atramento cande acere. That is: to make fucry Whyte with ynke. The poetres alſo defcci bynge the fayze neckes of bebrifull virgins, caule them Ebur, nes colla: That 18:Juery neckes, and to haue Cayde thus much the people of elephantes and Juery, it may iuifice. of africa. Nowe therfoze to [peke ſumlhat of the people and their maners and manter of lyuynge, with alſo an other briefe de: (cription of Africa. It is to vnderlande that the people whf che nowe inhabite the regions of the coal of Buinea and the mydde partes of Africa, as Lybia the inner, aud dubia with byuers other great and large region abowt the ſaine, were in oulde tyme canled ethiopes and Migrice, which we nowe caule Doozes, Dgoozens, D? Negros, a people of beadly ly: uynge, without a god, lawe, religion, or common welth, and Co ſcorched and vered with the heate of the Coonne, that in Uthis Interior. many places they curſe it when it ryfethDf the regions and people abowt the inner libia (cauled Libia Interior) Bemma bylius wzyreth thus. Lybia jinterio, is very large and defolate, in the whiche are many hozrible wyldernelles and mountaynes replenichid with dyuers kyndcs of wilde and montrous beadcs and ſer penits. ffyłû from mauritania ol Barberie toward the ſouth Setola. is Betalia, a cowgh and ſaloage region whoſe inhabitantes åte wylde and wand rynge people. After theſe folobc the people cauled melanogetuli and pharulit whiche Wander ist £thiopes. the wylderne de carpinge with cheni gceare gourdcs of water. igrite. he hiopians cauled (digcite, occupie a gocat pacte of 8: phzica, and are efiended to ch Will Dcean. Southwarde al: The rguer A lo they rcache to the cpuer Migrtais whole nature agreeth sritis 0: Se: with the cpuer of Pilus fozaſmuch as it is increaled and din uega, nyih d at the Caine tyme, and bzyngeth furth the like beattes as th: Lrocodile. By ccaron wherof, 3 thinke this to be the Ca ne tyust which the portugales caule Senega. For this ry wer The ſeconde vyage to Guínea. 356 mer is alſo of the ſame nature. It is furthermoze marucions a frange and tery ſtrange that is ſayte of this tyuer, and this is, chat rhynge. on the one (yde therof, thinhabitauntes are of hyghe Aacute and blacke: and on the other ſide of brownie oz talony colour and lowe Tatare, bohich chynge alſo obre men confirme to be trewe. Th cre are alſo other people of Lybia cauled Baramantes, Karginattee. whoſe women are common. Foz they contracte no matrimo: ne, neyther haue reſpect to chaſtitie. After theſe r re the na: tions of the people cauled pyzei, Sathiodaphnite. Dozangi, Agimaces, Lynramace, Dolopes, ágangine, Leuce Ethiopes, people of zybia, #ilicei shiopes, Calcei Ethiopes, and Nubi.There haue the ſame ſituation in prolomie that they nowe giue to the kyag: dome of Nubia. Dere are certeyne Chriftians under the do: minion of the greare Emperoure of Ethiopie cauled pzetter preſter Johra. john. From theſe towarde the well, is a great nation of peo ple cauled Aphzicerones: whoſe region (as farre as maye bee gathered by con'ecture) is the ſame that is nowe cauled Kog: num Diguenc, confinynge bppon the eas partes of Buinca. Reznim Ol from hence beftwarde and ſumwhat towarde the north,are guene. the kyngodomes of Bambia and Butomel not farce from the cambia. vyuer of Senega. And from henie towarte the inlande regi: ons and alonge by the ſea coat, are the regions of Binoia oz Buinea which wee cominonly caule Gynne.Dn the weſt Cide buinea Kinuia. of there regions towarde the ocean, is the cape or poynt can led Caboverde 02 Caput viride (that is the grcene cape, to the whi Cap.verde, che che portugalcs fyłt ditecte they? courſe when they ſayle the portu: to america of the lande of Biafile. Then deparzynge frome gales nauiga bence, they turne to the ryght hande towarde the quarter of tiens to Bi98 the wynde cauled Sarbino which is betwenethe wel and che f.e. ſouth. But to [peake camwhat mozc of Ethiopia. Althowgh Ethiopia. there are many nations of people ſo named, yet is Ethiopia chicfely diuyded into two partes: Wherof tbeone is cauled Lea thiopia brdet i gypte, a great and ryche region. Io this per tryneth the zilande of na eroe, imbžaled rounde abowte boith of Weroe. the glande the @remes of the cpuer filas. Jn this glande women ceyg: ned in oulde tyme. Joſephus wzyteth that it wasſumtyme cauled Sabea: and that the queene of Båba came from thenre The queene to Hieruſalem to heare the boycodoine of Salomon, hence towarde the Eau, reigneth the fayde Lhzitian Empe- Couce from of Saba The ſeconde vyage to Guínea. Hrefter John toure Brefter john whom ſum caule Papa Johannes, and or empereur of the ſay that he is cauled Peangan (that is greate John, Ethiopia. lohoſe empyze reachech farre beyonde Pilns, and is extended to chc coaties of the reddeſea and h dan Ica. The mydole of the region is almoſt in the 66. degrees of longitude, and. rit. degrees of latitude. Abowte this region inhabite the people people of the caulcd Llodii, Bilophagi, Babilonii, Ariunite, olgli, and caſt fyde wolpbe. After theſe is the region cauled Troglodirica, whoſe 2 frica. inhabitantes dwell in caries and dennes for theſe are they? coliophags. boules, and the actihc of ſerpentes chey, meate, as wzytetin linic and Diodorus Siculus. They haue no (peache, but People with: racher a grynnynge and chatterynge. There are alſo people out heades. Without heades cauled Blemines, hauynge they eyes and . mouth in they, bielle. Ilykelyſe Strucophagi and naked Ba phalantes. Satyzs alſo which haue nothynge of men but on ly mape, bgoze curr Diipei great hunters. Dennones allo, yre. and the region of Smynophoza which bzyngeth furth my?re zania. After there is the region of Azania in the whiche manpe ele: phantes are founde. A great parts of the other regions of A: frike that are beyonde che Equinoctiall line, are nowe alcry: bed to the kingedome of welinde, whoſe inhabitauntes are Regnun me: accultomed to trafike with the nations of grable, and they? unde. kynge is igybed in frend hip bith the kyng of portugale, and payetli tribute to relier John, The other Ethiope cauled cabiopia Interior (that is) the innee Ethiopia Ins Ethiope, is not yet knowen for the greatneđe therok but on: terior ly by the ſea coales. yet is it deſcribed in this maner. Frate from the Equinoctiail towarde the ſouth, is a greate region of Echiopians which bzyngerh furth wiyte elephantes, tp nyte ele: phantes. gcrs, and the beates cauled Rhinocerontes. Bilo a region that bzyngeth furth plcntie of Linamome, lyinge betwene the baba fria. braunches of Rilus. siCo the kingdome of Dabech o2 Dabal ſia, a region of Lhytien men, lying both on this (yde and be 3chthiophagi yonde Nilus. Dere are alſo the Ethiopians cauled 3chthio: phagi (that is) ſuch as lyue only by fiche: and were lumtime Cubdued by the warres of great alerander. Furthermoze the Anthropopha Ethiopians cauled Rhauſit, and Anthropophagi that are acs gi. cultomed to eate man's letthe, inhabite the regions nece bato montes 24: the mountaynes cauled Montes Lund, (that is) the mountagnes 09. 6azatis, of the noone, Bazatia, is under the tropike of Lapricozne. Aftes The ſeconde vyage to Guinea. T $57 Hfter this, foloweth the fronte of afrike, the cape of Buena Speranza of Caput Bone Spei, (that is ) the cape of good lope, Cap Bonæ spel , by the which they pate chat faylefroiu Spagne to Lalicat. But by wha: names the capes and goulfes are caulcd, forat: much as the ſame are in entry globe and carde, it were here fuperäuous to rehearſe them. 20 Sun biyte chat Aphiica boas fo named by the Brecians Ephrica with OWI coulde. bycause it is withobot coulde. Foz the Greeke letter Alpha D2 ,9, ſiguifyech płyuation, voyde, oz Withowt: and phrice, fignifterh coulde. Foz in drede although in the feede of The Winter wpnter they haue a cloudye and tempelrious ſeaſon, pet ig ít of africa. not coulde, but rather (moothering hot with allo hot thonres of raine and Cumwhere ſuche ſcozchynge wyndes, that what by one meanes and other they ſeeme at certèyne tomes to liue as it were in foznaces, and in manet alredy halfe way in pur fire in pre Flames of gatozte or hel Gemma Phriſius briteth that in certepne in the ayer, partes of Aphrica, (as in Atlas the grcater ) the ayer in the night ſeaſon is ſeene thyninge with many araunge fyers and flames tyringe in maner as high as the moone: And that 18% the element are lumtime harde as it were the ſounde of pipes, trumpettes, and dioomines. Whiche noyles may perhappes be cauſed by the vehemente and ſunday motions of ſuch fyery the myddet erhalations in the ayer,as we Ce the lyke in niany erpcciences region of the wrought by fyze ayer, e wynd. The holownelle allo e divers aer is coulde. reflexions #bicakingof the cloudes may be greate cauſes here of, bylyde the behemcnt cold of the myddle region of the apet wherby the fayd fpery exhalations aſcending thether are ſud denly tryken backe with greate fozce. Foz euen common and dapty experience teacherh vs by the whyllinge of a burninge The ſtrife of tolge what nople Eper maketh in the ayer, fe much moze where clementes, it Ariueth when it is incloſed with ayea s apecech in gonns, and as the like is fene in only ayer incloſed, as in ozgen pipes wynde. and ſuch other inſtrumentes that go by winde.ffoz wynde as ay the philoſophers is none other then ayer behemently'mo; Ucd,as we ſee in a payer of belowce and ſuche other. Sum of sidre men of good credit that were in this the heate of Jag byage to Guinea, affirme crnetly that in the nyght fea: the noone, ſon they felt a ſenſible heate to coomme from the beames of the moone. the which thynge althowghe it be attaunge and inſenſible to us that inhabite coulde regions, yet Doothe it ****, Handg The ſeconde vyage to Guínea. T tande with good reaſon that it may ſo be, fozaſmuche as the Che nature nature of the tarrcs and planets (as taytech Plinie) conlp: of he ſtars. Aeth of fyzé, and conteyneth in it a ſpirite of lyfe, whiche can not be without heate. And that the moone gyueth heate vpon the earth, the pło: phete Dauyd ſeemeth to confirme in his. Lrr. pſalme, where (peakynge of ſuch men as are defended from euyls by goddes protection, he ſayth thus: Per diem ſol non exuret te, necluna per noc's tem. That is to Cay. In the day the ſoonne ſhall not burne the no, the moone by nyght. Spoutes of They ſay furthermore that in certeyne places of the ſea, water fauling they ſawe cecreyne Cremes of water which they caule (poutes out of the faulynge owt of the ayer into the ſea: And that ſum of theſe Byer. are as bygge as the greate pyllers of churches : un ſo muche that lumtymes they faule into typpes and put them in greate Cataracts of daungiour of dzownynge. Sum phantaſie that theſe thulde heaven. bec the catractes of Heauen whiche were all opened at Poes kudde. But 3 thynke them rather to be ſuche Aurions and eruptions as Aritotle in his boke de mundo,laich to chaüle in the ſea. Foz (peabynge of Cuche Graunge thynges as are uellement ſeene often tymes in the ſea, he waytech thus: Dkten tymes mosions in alſo euen in the ſea are ſeene euapozations of fyze, and ſuche the fee, cruptions and breakyng furth of Cpzynges, that the mouches of ryuers are opened, whyzlepooles, and furions are cauſed of Cuch other vehement motions not only in the middel of the ſea, but alſo in creckes and Atreyghtes. Āt certeyne tymes als (o, a great quantitie of water is ſuddeynly lyfted vp and ca: ryed abowt with the moone. &C. By which woodes of Ary: totle it dooth appere that ſuch waters maye bee lyfred vp in one place at one tyme and ſuddeynly faule Downe in an other place at an other tyme. And hereunto perhappes perteyneth it that kycharde Chaunceler toulde me that he harde Seba: I ftraunge, ftian Labot repozte, that (as farre as I remember) eyther as chynge, bowt the coattes of Bzalile o Rio de potara, bis dyppe 02 pin nes bas ſuddeinly lyfted from the ſea and cat vpon the land botte not howe farce. The which thynge and ſuche othec lyke woonderfull and Araunge woozkes of nature whylen The poure of conſyder and caule to rememberaunce the narobnes of mans Dature, underðandynge and knowleage in comparyſon of her mighty poure, 3 can but ceaſe to macuagle and confetle with Plinie thac The ſeconde vyage to Guínea. 358 that nothynge is to her impollible, the leađe parte of whore poure is not yet knowen to men. wany thynges może owre men ſawe and confydered in this byage worthy to bee noted, wherof 3) haue thought good to put Cum in memory that the reader maye alwell take plea: ſure in the varietie of thynges as knowleage of the hytozye. Amonge other thynges therefore touchynge the maners, and nature of the people, this may ſeeme fraunge that theyż prin ccs and noble men vſe to pounſe and raſe theyz [kynnes with They rare pzety knottes in diuers fozmes as it were branched damaſke, their ſkinnes, thynkynge that to be a decent oznament. And albeit they gó in maner all naked, yet are many of them and eſpecially their women in manerladen with collars, bladertes, hoopes, and fine jewells chaynes eyther of golde, copper, 02 Juery. J my ſelfe haue one of theyż bralelettes of Juery wayinge twoo pounde and bi. ounces of Troye wegght, whiche make . rrrwiit, ounces. Abraflet. This, one of theyz women dyd weare vppon her arme. It is made of one hole piece of the byggelt parte of the toothe tur: ned and fumwhat carued, with a hole in the myddel wherin they put they handes to weare it on they? arme. Sum haue Shackclles of enery arme one and as many on theyz legges, wherewith ſum of theym are lo galded that althoughe they are in manet made lame therby, yet wyll they by no meanes lcaue them of. Said Cum weare alſo on theyz legges great thackels of (bzyght top: per which they thynke to bee no leđe cumly. They weare al: Co collars, bzadets, garlandes and gyżdels of certeyne blewe ftones lyke beades. Iykewyſe ſum of theyz women weare on theyż bare armes cecteyne fozeleeues made of the plares of beaten golde. Dn theyz fyngers alſo they weare tynges made Ringes. of golden boyzes with a knotte or whethe lyke vnto that whi: che chyldzen make in a rynge of a rullhe. Amonge other thin Dogs chains ges of golde that owr men bowght of them for erchaunge of of solde, they2 wares, were certeyne dogges chaynes and collers. They are very ware people in they, bargenynge, and wyl not loſe one (packe of golde of any value. They ble weyghtes and meaſures, and are very circumſpecte in occupyinge the ſame. They that all haue to do with them mut vſe them gen telly : foz they wyl not trafike oz bzynge in any wares if they be euyll bled. At the fyzů viage that our men had into theſe parties, it ſo chaunced that at theyz departure from the fyzbie ***r.ii place The ſeconde vyage to Guinea 2 murke cat. place where they dpd trafike, one of them eyther tole a murks Carte 02 tooke her a way by fozce, not myſtrudynge that that Chulde haue hyndered chey, bargenynge in an other place why ther they intended to go. But foz al the baħ they could make with full Cayles, the fame of thep, mpluſage co pzcuented rhē that the people of that place allo ofended therby, wold bring in no wares: Jn lo muche that they were infozced eyther to retoze the catre oz pay for her at they? price befoze they could trafike there. Their houſes They2 houſes are made of foure pofies of trees, and coues red with boules. Their feding They? common feedyege is of rootes and ſuch fylhes as they take, wherof they haue great plentie. There are alſo ſuch Fleing fiches dyinge fyQhis as are ſeene in the lea of the Wete Indies. Dwre men ſalted of thcyk fyllhes hopynge to plourde doze 2011 therof. But they wolde take no Calte: And mulle therefoze be eaten furthwith asſum (ay.Dolc be it, other añirme that if they be ſalted immediatly after they be taken, they wpliatt pncozrupted. t. 02. xli. dages. But this is more iraunge, that ftraunge. parte of ſuch fellhe as they carped with them owre of Eng: thyng. lande and putrifyed thece, became ſweete ageyne at they: re: turne to the clime of temperate regions. lşeir bread. they ble alſo a Araunge makynge of bạcade in this ma: ner. They grynde betwene two tones bith chey, handes as much cozne as they thynke maye ſušlice they fanielie. And when they hauc thus brought it to foure, they put thereto a certeyne quantitie of water and make thecof very thin dowgh which they (tycke vppon Cum pot of theyz houſes, where it is baked by the heate of the conne: So that when the matter of the houſe of any of his famely well cate thereof, they take it downe and eate it. om thefr They haue very fayze wheate, the ere whereof is twoo Wbeace, handfulles in length and as bygge as a great bulcuChe, and almot foure ynches abowt where it is byggeli, che leme 02 Atrawe, femeth to be almod as bygge as the lytele fynger af a mans hande, 02 lyttle legie. She grapnes of this wheate are as bygge as owr peaſon: romide allo, and verye Whyte and fumwhat chynynge lyke perles that hane lot theyz colour. Ql: molt all the ſubtaunce of theym turncth into flanre, and maa Bcth lytele banne oz none. 3 toulde in one ere tlooo buna dzeth The ſeconde vyage to Guinea. 359 2 dzech and three (cozegcaynes. The ere is incloſed in the blas des longer then it Celfe, and of two inches brode a piece. And by this frutefulnetle the Coonne ſeemeth partly to recompence ſuch greefes and molettacions as they otherwyſe receaue by Che foonne, che fecuene heate therof. Jt is doubtleđe a boozthy contem: plation to conſider the contrary effectes of the Coonne: oz ta: ther the contrary pallions of ſuche thynges as receauc thinito ence of his beames eyther to chepz hurre og benefitea Theyz dzynke is eycher boater oz the iuiſe that doppeth Their orinkes from the cut blaunches of the barren date trees cauled pal: mites. for eyther they bange greatc gourdes at the fayde branches euery etisnynge and let them lohange all myght, or els they ſet them on the ground vnder the trees that the dzop pes may faule therin. hey ſay that this kynde of dzynke is in talt much lyke unto whey, but fumwhac {tester and moze ze dnes odos pleaſauni. They cutie che bianches every enenynge bycauſe they are (cred bp in the day by the heate of the loonne. They haue alſo great beanes as bygge as chefenuttes, and verye harde with a mell in the deede of a hulka, many thpages moze myghe be Cayd of the maners of the peoplc and of che woonders and monitrous thpnges that are Den in engendered in Afrike. Burit tall Cuffice to haue fayde thushida 103330 much of ſuch thynges as owre mon partely ſawe and parcely on the bzowght with them. adans: 133 and wo becas befoze ſpeakynge of the fruse of graynes,3 Srsynes. Deſcrpbed the ſame to bane holes by the ſyde (as in deede it is as it is blowght hether)yet was 3 afterwarde infozmed that thoſe holes were made to put frynges of twygges thoughe the frute rhetby to hange them vp to dzpe at the ſonne. Ting growe not pate a foote and a halfe 0? twoo foste frome the groinde: and are as red as bludde whcu they are gatheret. The grapnes them Celuis, are cauled of the phyliſians, Bra: na paradyſi. At theyz comminge home, the kcles of they? ſopppes were Shelles Dat marueloully ouergrowē with. cec?ein thels of.ii. gnches length) cleaue so and moje as thyckeas th y coulde tande, and of ſuch bygge: ſhippes. nes that a man may put his thom in the mouthes of thế. They certeynly a fiume that in theſe there grobech a certeyne firmy fubtaunce which at the length lippping ome of the ſhel & fau: Barnacies, ling in the ſenzbecõmcth choſe foules which we cal barnacles 33 The ſeconde vyage to Guínea. Biomas, shelyke felles haue byn ſeene in Chyppes returning from 3 lande. But theſe thelles were not patt halfe an inch in length. of the other that came from Buinea, 3 late the pymroſe 301 31 lyinge in the docke, and in maner couered with the ſayd thel: les, which in my iudgemente thulde greately hynder her ſay: lynge. They, typpes were alſo in many places earen with the woormes cauled Bromas oz Billas whereof mention is made in the Decades. Theſe creepe betwene the plankes whiche #recreate. they eate throwgh in many places.es Amonge other thynges that chaunced to them in this by: age, this is boozthy to be noted, that wheras they ſayled the ther in ſeuen weekes, they coulde returne in no lette ſpace then. fr. Weekes. The cauſe whero they ſay to be this: hat about the coat of Labo Werde, the wynd is euer at the East The death of by reaſon whereof they were info:ced to Caple farre obte of owr men, they courſe into the mayne Ocean to fynde the wynde at the welt to bzynge them home. There dyed of owre men at this lat vyage aboldt. fritii. Whereof many dyed at theyz returne into the clime of the coulde regions, as betwene the Jlandes of Sozia and Englande. They brought with them certeyne blacke daues, whetof Cum were taule and tronge men, and Could may be better abide coulde well agree with obor meates and drynkes. The coulde then hegre. and moyk ayer dooth Cumbhat offende chem. pet doubtlele men that are borne in horte regions may better abybe coulde, then men that are borre in coulde regions may abyde heate, fogalmuch as vehement heate reſolueth the radicall moiture of mens bodies, as could cõlreyneth and preſeruerh the ſame 3. This is alſo to bee conſydered as a ſecreate woozke of na: ture, that throughout all Afryke bnder the Equinoctiall line and neare abowt the ſame on bothe lydes, the regions are ep treeme hotte and the people very blacke. Wheras contrarply the Weſt In ſuch regions of the well indies as are under the ſame line, dise, are very temperate and the people neyther blacke nor with is de curide and thout woolle on they? heades as haue they of af: fryke, but of the coloure of an olyue with longe and blacke 1200heare on they, heades: the cauſe of which varietie is declared in Dyuers places in the Decades. It is alſo woozthy to bee noted that fumme of them that kere at this vyage toulde me. That is, that they ouercooke the courſe of the ſoonne, ſo that they had it nozth from them 86 The ſeconde vyage to Guinea. 360 P at noone the citii, day of parche. And to haue fayde thus much of theſe vyages it may ſuffice. for (as 3 haue fayd be. fore) Whetas the parteners at whole charges this booke is prpnted, wolde longe fence haue me pzoceaded no further, had not thought to haue wzptten any thynge of theſe vyages but that the liberalitie of matter toy encozaged me to attempt the ſame. Whiche g ſpeake not to the reproche of other in whome 3 chynkc there lacked no good well, but that they thought the booke wolde be to chargeable. att de The maner of fyndynge the Longitude of regions 1 of Frium by dyuers wayes after the deſcription of Bemma phzylius, Erceauynge what contention ts and longe hath byn not only amonge the pylottes that by tra- uaylynge the ſea haue obſerued the kartes, but allo amonge Cum men that are ſkylfull in ma: thematicall (ciecens, wherof many affirme that the longitude (that is to meane, the courſe from the Ead to the Weſte) can not be perfectely knowen, 320013 haue thowght good foz the better ſatiſfying of ſuch as deficere 15 to haue Cum knowleage hereof, to interpjete Cuch demontra, tions as 3 haue redde of the declarynge of the fame in Gem: ma phrylius, who as touchynge thiş matter hath added to thinuentions of other, a moze certeyne way of his owr diuiſe wherby (as he Cayth) he can fynde the longitude of regions although he were dzyuen obt of the way a thouſande myles into places bnto bym wtterlye vnknuwen and of ynknowen ditance. De wzyteth therfoze as foloweth. 3 ottostats When yow haue Founde the place of the mone, yow ought By the mone, to conſyder the houre when the occupyed that place. Then ep: ther by the Ephimerides oz by the tables of Alphonfus yowe owght to knowe in what houre the moone entereth into the ſame ligne of the zodiake in an orher region oz towne whole longitude is well knowen. Then reducynge the houres to rriiii. the lelle number of houres is to be deducted out of the greater number. Then the remanent of the houres & mynutes is to be brought to degres in this maner.multiplie che hours bp. cb.and divide the minutes of the houres by foure : fotball appere the degrees of the Eguinoctial conteyned betwene cbo The manier of fyndynge meridians. And if after this diuifion there remayne any mie nutes, multiplie them alſo by tv. and therby walbe known the minutes of degrees. Adde chis ditference of longitu je found to the longitude of the region knolpen if the houres of that place bee niaze in number: 02 take awayc from the ſame longitude if they beicie: So fall yowe in fine gather the tongitude of the place unknowen from the glandes of Lana: The Flandes tie. But the ſame is moze caſely and redety found geonie: of Canarie. trically by the globes bp this meanes. Set directly under the meridian, the place whole longitude is knownen in the globe. Then directe che popute of tiple that mouéth abobot the pole, bome to fynd to the hottre intche iwhiche the moone occupyeth the place the longitude by the globe aligned in that region. Then turne the globe unroll the Ayle that the weth the houre, be coomme to the houre in the whi: che yoweſowght the bnknoweu place of the moone. ino fo hall the degrces of the Equinoctiali didaunite oz diuy- Ded frome the moueable meridian, declare the longitude of the region which yol (ceke. Neuercheletre, the moze certeine way wherby the diferences of longitudes may bee founde, is by ſum one thynge that in one moment appeareth in all regia The Eclipſes ons, as by the eclyples of the moone. Foz the dyuers houres of the mosne, beinge knoben in the whiche the fayd eclypres chaunce in de ueus regions, the longitudo maye thus alwell be knowen by geometric and arithmetike, as it is founde by the rule here be Fore. But fozaſmuch as this doch neythet appere at altymes nog to all men, and the other way is Cunilhac difficult, ney: ther at al tymes cedy by realon of the cöiunctions of the mone and furthermoze allo Lumtymes vncerteyne and varying Cum that from the truth foz the dpuers aſpectes and latitudes of the mone, it ſo chaunceth hereby that toge hane cyther no lon * gitudes oz the ſame very uncerteyne of many regions and el: pecially of thoſe which the Spangardes haue of late diſcoue: ted. for no certentie doubclele can be known by ſuch com menſurations as are made in the banderynge turnynges and Wyndynges of ſuch bpages, as ptolonie a girmeth in the fit booke of his Loſmographie. 3 wyll therfoze adde hereunto Cum chynge of myne owne inuention whereby by an eaſy way and at all spmes the longitudes of regions may bee founde in all bgages and navigations, OTTO and a newe gan lama din cup The longitudes of regions. 361, em Ibrighten ( 9 newe maner of fyndynge the Lougi: Cal V1.2.1530 tudes of regions. Persil xril 2 &e ſee that in theſe owre Dayes certeyne lyttle clockes are verye artificially made the whiche Little clockeo foz they? (maule quantitie are not comberous to be caryed abowt in all byages. Theſe often tymes moue continually foz the ſpace.of.rriiit houres: and may with helpe continewe they? mouynge in maner perpetually. By the helpe therfoze of theſe thelongitude may bee founde after this maner. Before wet enter into ang byage, wee mulle fyyde fozelce that the fayde clocke eracely obſecue the houres of the place from whence we Departe: And ageyne that in the way it neuer ceaſe, accom, plylchynge therfoze. rb.oz. remyles of the byage, if bee de fy;e to knolde howe much in longitude we are dylant frome the place of obre departure, we mut tary batyll the poynt 0% Qyle of the clocke do exactly come to the poynt of Cum boure: and at the ſame moment by owr Adrolabie oz globe, owght By the Aſtros Wee to ſeeke the houre of the place where we bee : The which lable and gf it agree in minute with the houres which the Dozolco: globe. pium oz aſcendent dooth ipewe, then is tt certeyne that wee are pet under the ſame geridiano; the ſame po:ofcopus longitude: and that obre courſe hath byn to: or the Aſcens dent. Watbe the ſouth or nozch. But if it dyf: fer one hour oz any mynute,thê are the ame to bce reduced to degrees 0% minutes of degrees as we haue tought in the chapttute here befoze. And ſo thall the longitude bee founde. And by this arte can fynde the longitude of regions although were a thou: Cand mples olot of my attemp- ted courſe in an unkno: wen diſtance, but the Che latitude, lacitude mug fyzde bee perfectele knowen. f3123S, Y yy, Salt ob 116310i 3d most that men ingen stor do Sigurnoi d'uso 2011 auto de sonido do mom misd sndis COD 191 COMO ACCUSAC LA JA an. Allo of the vil. Jſlandes of Canarie, bp ( Abiyefe reherſal of the contentes of the bookes of the fyzft Decade, and fo folowynge ofall the other Decades, folio.i. Jp the fyzd booke is declaved hoine Chrittopho cus Lolonus otherwyſe cauled Lolumbus, pes (uaded fernando and Elizabeth, płynces of Spapne,ta foozt her his attempte in ſearching newe and unknowen landes in the Welt Dce: thom they were founde and conquered. powe Cotonus founde the glandes of Diſpaniola, and Cuba: And of the fierce people cauled Lanibales 02 Laribes, which are accuſtomed to eate mans flethe. DE the cpotes cauled Ages, Jucca, and the grayne at: glum, wherof the people of thejlandes make theył breade. Df the golde found in the ſandes of ryuers, and of the ſer pentes which are wishout hurte, allo of turtle doues, duckes and poppngiayes. DE galir, and Alde, with dyuers frutes and trees ons knoben to bs: and of the frutefulnes of the land of Hilpa miola which the Spanyardes caule Spagnuola. DE the ſeconde byage of Lolonus into theſe regions, and home he was furnyühed with. xvii, typpes and a thou: fande and two hundzeth Couldyers, with all kynde of artili: arpe, artificers, and grayne to lowe. and of the tree frome the which watec Dzoppeth continually into a trenche made by mans hande. Sant the contentes of the ſeconde booke. fol.4. C Dowe Colonus departynge from the glandes of Lanarie, fagled. biti. hundjeth and.fr, leaques in.cri, dayes, and came to Dominica anjlande of the Lanibales:And of the fragtans Cauour of ſpices which proceded from the Flandes. DE the flandes of Balanta 02 Balana and Buadalupea, and of the trees which beare chat kynde of cotton whiche che Sqtalians caule Bombaline, and the Spanyardes Algadon. DE dyuers kyndes of popingiages : And of the Fland of P P P mari: 362 The contentes of the decades, atinino on ngadanino, being inhabteed only with bomeni Alſo of dyners other frutefull glandes : and of a condicte which the Spanyardes had with the Canibales. DE certeyne Flandes in the which are ſeene the mpnes of metals and precious fones: and of the frutefull and peopu: lous flande cauled Burichena od Boliquen. 02 Infuls.s.Iohannis nowe all the admirals men whiche at his fyzů byage he lefte in Diſpaniola, were Qayne in his ablence by the rebelit, on of Bhaccanacillus, kynge of the Region of xamana : and of the free kynde of lyfe which they leade that have not the uſe of money DE the. vii,maydens Which ſwamme ift.myles in the lea: And of the maner of gatheryng of gold in the ſands of riuers C The contentes of the thyide booke. Fol. 1o. CA particular deſcription of the glande of Diſpaniola, thi che Colonus thynketh to be Dphic, from whenſe kynge Sa lomon had his great ryches of golde. DE the macuelous fratefulnes of Diſpaniola, and of the (uger canes growonge theres of the golden regions of Lipanga oz Libaua, and of the tyuers in whoſe ſandes is founde great plentie of golde. Di certepne graines of gold of erceadyug great quantitie, DE Wylde vines of pleaſaunt take, and of grate which is foure dayes groweth as hygh as theate. Of the iſlande of Johanna 02 Luba, beinge the ende of the Eat and the Wel : And of the frutefull and peopulous 31: lande of Jamaica. Dowe the Admirall thought that he had lagled abowte the loweſt hemiſpherie D: halfe circle of the earth, and of a ſe create of agronomie touchynge the ſame matter. Lowe the admirall gaue names to. vit. hundžeth Ilan: des, and paded by three thouſande unnamed. DE certeyne ſerpentes lyke bnto Crocodiles of biit. foote Jonge, whoſe deghe is delicate to be eaten : and of certeyne trees which beare gourdes. DE the ryuer whole water is bery hotte: and of the hun: tynge fyuhc bhich takech other fylhes. UM DE great abundaunce of hoztoples as bygge as targets, and of a fratefull mountayne well inhabited, The contentes of the decades, of dogges of defozmed thape and dum:And of thyte amb thicke water. DE wooddes of date trees and pynepapletrees, and ot Certeyne people appareled like white friers. DE certeynetcees whiche beace (pices, and of cranes of Arceadynge bignes. DE tocke doucs of moze pleafaunte fatte cher partriches, an ozation of a barbacous governoure as touchinge the immozcalitte of the fowle: Allo of the rewarde of bectue and pungũhmente of vice. a ſtmilitude of the golden worldé,and of proviſion with olote cace. Dowe the admicall fell ficke by reaſon of to much Watch onge : And of a ſedition which coſe among the Spaniardes in the Iſlande of Diſpaniola. ( The contentes of the fourth booke. Fol. 18. Dowe the kenges of the glande of Diſpaniola, were by the Spantardes myſbchauoure pzonoked to Bebellion : And howe the admirall ſent foz them Sie bowe kinge Launaboa the Lorde of the houſe of golde, that is, of the mountaynes of Libaua, conſpiced the Admis xals death and hold he with his familie were také priſoners, DE a greate famine that chaunced in the land of Dil: paniola : and howe the Admiral builded certeyne foztrelles. Df a piece of rude golde waighinge. tr.bnces: and of the myne of the riche metall cauled £lectrum.se DE the mountayne in the whyche is founde greate pléna eye of Amber and o-pemente: And of the wooddes of bza: file trees. 30 3113 OM OS Howe thinhabitauntes are put to thegre tetbute : And howe the nature of the Region diſpoſethe che maners of the people. Howe the brother of kinge Launaboa came ageynữe the admiral with an army of fiuc tholland naked men and how he was taken and his army put to dyght. un DE the frutfall bale wagona, in the landes of whole ry uers is founde great plentic of golde: and of certeyne whicles boyndes and tempettes. Dows the Admirall Cente foozthe his brother Bartho: lomeiss The contentes of the decades. tomeus Colonus with an army of mê to ſearch the gold mines x of the folles which he found to haue bin digged in old ryme C The Lontentes of the b. booke. fol. 22. Dowe the Licuetenaunt builded a foztrelle in the golde mynes: And prepared indrumentes foz the poorginge and fy: ninge of the golde. Cesto antes powe certeyne typpes laden toith byttayles, came frome Spayne: And howe the Lieuetenaunt ſent the kynges which tebelled, with three hundjeth capriues into Spayne. powe the Liefetenaunte remoued his habyracion: And buylded a fourrette which he cauled Taynt Dominickes towze alio howe he palled outer the tyuer Paiba, and entered into the wooddes of bzalyle trees. bowe the great kynge Beuchius Anacauchoa, frendely entercepned the Lieuetenaunt, and browght hym to his pats täyce, where the kynges byues and concubines receaued hips honojably with pompes and triumphes. DE che fostceles which were erected in Diſpaniola: and hole che Lieuecenaunt exaceed tribute of the kynges whiche rebelledageyne, bowe the licuetenaunt cette bppon the kynges ynwares in the npght ſeaſon, and tooke.fiiii. of them piplonets. Dowe konge Buárionexius, capitayne of the conſpiracie Was pardoned, howo he perſuaded the people to obedience. Dowellynge Beuchius Anacauchoa, ſente mefingers to the Lieuecenaunt to repayze to his pallayce where he founde errii.kinges tedy with chey, tcibutes: and howe che queens anacaona encyled bym to eate of the ſerpentes delhe. nowe the ſerpentes fedhe is prepared to be cáten: and how delicate meate theyz egges are yf they be codden. bowe queen: Anacaona, fyller to kynge Beuchius Ana: cauchoa, enterteyned the Liefet enaunt, and gaue hom mache houtolde tutte and many bedels of Dcbene woodbc artificia ally wrought and carued. 1910 Dowe kynge Anacauchoa and the queene his fyller wene aboozde the Liefetenaune his typpe, and hobe greately they were amaled to beholde the furniture checof. Dowe Roldanus teminus a Spaniarde, rebelled in the lieuetes The contentes of the decades, Lieuetenauntes abſence : by whoſe myſdemeanoúr alſo kinge Buarionerius was prouoked to a newe conſpiracies with bym waiobanešius the kynge of the mountaynes. The contentes of the ſyste boke Foli, 286 Cthe thyide byage of Colonus, and home he diuected from his accutomed cale by the landes of Canarie to the glande of sy adera fox feate of certayne frenche pirates and couets. Df the. piii, Jlandes which in olde tyme bere cauled bef perides, and are nowe cauled the olandes of Caput Wicide 0% Labouerde. Allo of the Toytoyles of the lande of Bonaut Ata, wherwith the leaper is healed. home the admirall founde contagious ayze and extreme heate nete the Equinoctial where the nozrb pole bas eleuate onely fyue degrees: And how Cailyng from thence weltward, he founde the Atarres placed in other oldet, and the feary. ſynge as it were the backe of a mountayne. Dowe the admozall Caplynge welwarde, and neuer pale fyng owte of the clyme oz paraleles of Ethiope, founde a tens perate Region and pcople of goodly cozpojature: And what difference is betwene the natures of Regions beyng vnder one paralele and one eleuation of the pole. of the plantes of puta and Margarita : and of the ſwife courſe oz Eagle of the ocean from the £al to the wede. DE the goulfes cauled Ds Diaconis : And of the conflicte ber bene the frethe water and the ſalte. Dk a fea of freſhe Water: Anò a mountayne inhabited one: ly with monkeys and marmalectes DE the fayze, riche, and large region of paria : And howe frendly thinhabitantes entrcaced the admy all and his men, alſo of plcalauntc wyne made of dyuerſe fruttes : And of greate abundaunce of perles and golde, Dt the regions of Lumanay Danacapana, and Luciana, beynge regions of the large pzouynce of Paria: And of the ca of herbcs oz boeedes. a certeyn (ecreate as touchynge the pale ſtarre and the eleua: tion of the fame: Alſo of the coundnette of the earche. of the mountapties of Paria in the coppes therof Colo: aus erneatly aficmerb che cacthly Paradiſe to be Cituate:And whether 20 364 The contentes of the decades. Whether paria be part of the firme land of cotinext of Jndia; (the contentes of the. bit. booke. fol. 33. (bole Roldanus xemitius with his confetherates, accuſed the admirall to the kynge: And howe he pourged bym felfe and accuſed them 96 Dawekynge Buarionetius rebelled ageyne : And with him kyng baiobanerius: allo home they with other kinges came agepna the Lieuer enainte with an armpe of. biti, thou: fande naked and paynteb Liguauians. Allo twoo rare erem: ples of frenddyppe and kaythfulnes in barbacous princes. Dowe Lolonus the Admicall and the licuetenaunte hys brother, were ſent bounde into Spayne : And nele officers appoynted in theyz places, non Dunainst 30 2016! 08 01: 2010 india yu The contentes of the bitta booke. ffol.37, .3110DSTOT 30 30 The Nauigation of Petrus Alphonfus frome Spayne to Paris, where in the region of Luriana, he had in mozte ſpace.rb.bra ces of peacles & greate plenty of bytailes foz haukes bellees, pynnes, lokinge glades, and ſuche other trykelles, Di certepn coniectures wherby paria ts thought to ber parte of the firme lande: And of the golden region of Cauchiets, where in the moneth of Nouember the ayze is temperate and Rot coulde soon powe alphonſus had a conflicte with the Canibals: and Home they are acutomed to inuade other contreys. DE greate abundaunce of Calte in the region of I acaia: howe the dead bodyes of they? pzynces are D?ged, reſerved, and relygiouQy honoured. Dowe Alphonſus at his returne to Spayne frome Lucia na, bought with hym threeſcope and.rvi. pounde weight of pearles which he bought foz owze tryfells amountinge only to the value of fiue Phillyngs, The contentes of the , ix, booke. Fol. 407 The Nauigation of Wincentius pinzonus and Artes plus gonus, and howe theg ſagled beyonde the Eguinoctialligne, lode Thecontentes of the decades. lotte the fyght of the nozche Darce, and founde the tarces in other older. nowe Uncentius palynge the equinoctiall towarde the foncho pole, founde fierce and warlike people of great Aature: and of the ſea of frethe water. Dowe Wincentius directing his courſe towarde the nozth belle from the equinoctiall, recovered the ſyght of the nozthe pole, and by the regions of Wariatamball, Lamomozus, and Pericoza, came to the fayze and ryche prouince of Paria, and to the regyors of DS Diaconis, Cumana, Danacapana, fu: thành, CC a coniecture that paria (wherby is ment that mayne land now cauled America) thulde be parte of the fyzme lande oz con tincnt of India, beyonde the ryuer of Ganges and no ilande: And of the excedynge great riuer Waragnonus repleniſhed with 3 landes. DE Boziotomea and Spirioftomea, the mouthes of the fa: mous tpuer of Danubius, cauled in olde tyme Jüter:And of the commodities of tñe regions and Flandes about Paria. Alto of the woodes of braſile trees. of many frutfull glandes maled and lefte deſolate by ré (on of the Lantballes crueltie: And of the trees of Lallia fi: aula. Allo of othertrees of ercedyng bygnelle. The deſcription of a certapne mongruous beate, And how incentius lote time of his lhyppes by tempelte. Lowe Gincenrius at his returne to Spayne, bżought with hym cinamome, gynger, and certayne pzecious ftoones cauled Sopares and of the nauigations of certayne other inhabitan tes of the towne of Palos. Df the precious medicine cauled Anime album. And of the diuerle luperfitions of the inhabitauntes of Diſpaniola. Glo of their dolarry, and howe they honour the gmages of Dcuplles, which they caulc zemes. (The Lontentes of the. r. booke. fol. 4.8. Df great gientie of golde, perles, and frankenience found in the regions of Paria. And of innumerable beaties in tape Dytetynge from obrcs. Dome the Spaniardes profered them ſelues to conquere che news founbe igndes, beynge in largeneđc thayſe as greae 22231 The contentes of the decades. as Europe belyde the ſouthe landes parteynynge to the pol, tugales. And howe the nature of the place altereth the formes and qualities of thynges. Of the Flande of Luba, and of the golde mynes of the 1: land of Sancti Johannis, otherwiſe cauled Burichena,03 Bu chena. alio of the syche golde mynes of Hiſpaniola, and of the older of workynge in the ſame. Df the two chiefe golde mynes of Hiſpaniola. and of a pece of golde weyinge thje thouſande chre hundzeth and tenne pounde weyght. nowe the golde is fyned and diſtrybited: And howe that only in the meltynge thops of the tido golden mynes of Dil: paniola, is molten peacely abouc three hundjeth thouſande pounde weyght of golde. Dowe thenterpryſes of the Spanyardes are not inferioz to thactes of Saturnus o: Dercules: and bowe the Admy: call diſcouered the lande ouer ageyna the wel corner of Luba and the lande of Buanada. 23 C Che Contentes of the bookes of the ſeconde Decade. C The contentes of the fyzi booke. fol. 516 Chowe after the death of Lolonus the Admirall, the kynge gaue free lpcence to all ſuche as bolde attempte any vpages: and of the nauigatiõs of Diego ficuela, e Alphõlus Fogeda DE the glande Lodego and the region of Caramatri: and of certeyne (Weete apples whiche turne into woozmes where they are eaten, whole trees are alſo contagious. Lowe Alfonſus fogeda, the Lieuetenaunt of Uraba,en counterynge with the barbarians had the ouerthzowe. and howe in this condicte, fyftie of his men were flayne with 30: bannes de la Lola theyz capytayne. Dowe Fogeda, and spicueſa the lieuetenaunte of Bera: gua, reuenged the death of theyż coompanyons. And howe fogeda came to the lande Foztis and the region of Lariba na where he was repulled from the golde mynes by the fierce aedle of the barbarians hfyng arowes infected with poylon. Dowe The contentes of the decades. nowe fogeda was wounded in the thygh with a bene: mous arrowe, and his men almot conſumed with famyn. bowe a buiganrine was drowned with the froke of a fyllhe: and of the nauigation of Ancilus from Diſpaniola to Graba. 3Df the lamentable Chyppemacke of Ancilus : And of the date trees and wyrde bozes which he founde. of the frutes oz apples of the trees cauled Leders of Libane which beare owlde frutes and newe all the yeare. Doweonely chzce of the Lanibales with theyz bowes and inuenemed arrowes aữayled Ancilus with a hundreth of his men:Jn which conflicte they wounded and dewe many. Alſo of they? lwyftnete of foote. DE the great ryuer of Dariena: And how Ancilus encoun tered with fyue hundzeth of thinhabitauntes of the goulfe of Uraba and put them to flyghr. Alſo howe he founde greate plentie of bought golde and houlholde Quffe in a thycket of reedes. C The contentes of the ſeconde booke. Fol. 58. bowe Picuela lotte his felowes in the darke nyght and went pat the mouth of the ryuer Beragua which he fought : and howe the capitaynes of the other typpes conſulted how to fynde hym. allo of the tyuer lagartos in the which great IyCartes are founde much lyke bnto the Lrocodiles of Milus. howe the capitaynes fozlooke they? Wyppes that the ſoul dyers myght bee without hope of departure : And of the mis Cerable chaunce of Petrus de Umbria and his fclowes. By what chaunce Micuela was founde, and of che calamis ties which he and his coompany Cufeyned. Allo of the regis *on of Gracia Dei oz Lerabato, and of the ryuer of Sancet atthet. Dowe Nicuefa cauſed them to remoue they habitacion ftom Beragua to poynte marmoz where he bylded a foztrelle And howe his men by warre and famyn, were conſumed from Ceuen hundzeth and odde, to (caclelp one hundzech. Dowe one Uaſchus Nunnez vlurped thautozitie of the Lieuetenauntelhyppe of Uraba in thabſence of ffogeda: And of the nauigation of Rodericus colmenaris from Diſpanio: la to Graba. DE the tyüér Baira defcendunge from the toppe of a hegh 360 222 m.ii. mountayne The contentes of the decades. mountayne conered with (nowe: And howe Rodericus Colme naris in a coniicte ageyna the barbarians, lote, clvii, of his men by reaſon of thep, inuenemed accowes. Df the force of the popſon whcrewith the barbarians in: fecee chey, arrowes, and a cemedic foz the ſame. Alſo howe Colmenaris by gunnethot and kyndelunge fyers on the hyghe toppes of the rockes, came to the Spangardes lefte deſolate in Daciena. Che contentes of the thyede booke. Fol. 61. Cbowe Picuela was fought foorth to acquiete the conten: tions of Uraba : And how he was ageyne reiected, Dowe Waſchus punnez inuaded, tooke pyloners, and (poyled the kynges boycherynge about the region of Uraba: And howe Ancilus Lieuetenaunt for fogeda bas cat in pie for, and afterwarde ſer at libertie. bowe Ancilus tooke his byage from mraba to Spagne to accule Waſchus: who alſo at the ſame tyme Cent Walbiuia als well to ſpeake in his defence, as alſo to certifie the kynge of they? doynges. Dowe kynge Careta conſpired with the Spanyardes & geynt kynge pooncha whom they put to iyght and (popied his bpllage. bowe kynge Lomogrus frendely entertegned the Spany: arbes and brought them to his pallaice where he thewed them the dyed Larkales of his auncetours çelerued and Cumptu: only apparelled: And howe the kynges elder Conne gaue Waf chus and Lolmenaris foure thouſand unces of wrought gold and fiftie daues. Allo a wytrie ozation which he made to the Spanyardes, wherein be certifyed theym of a countrey ecceas dynge ryche in golde. &C. the contentes of the fourth booke. fol. 66. CDE ho ryble thunder and lyghtnpage in the mooneth of Nouember, and of grayne which warech rype chuyle a yeare Allo how digeưion is trengthened by awrwarde coulde. Dowe Waldiuia is ſent ageyne into Diſpaniola to moue the governout and counCayle there to Cende into Spagne to the The contentes of the decades, the kynge for a Cupplie of a thouſand Couldpers to make Way to the golden moūtaynes : and how he carped with hymthe kynges portion, (that is) the fyfte parte of golde and other thynges. bowe Waſchus inuaded the kynges inhabytynge the te: gions about the goulfe of Uraba, and howe he put kyng Da baiba to dygbt, in whoſe vyllage he founde Wzought golde amountynge to the wepght of Ceuen thouſande Latteilans. Of battes as bygge as turtle dooues which lumtyme byte men in the nyght in they, Deepe, whole bytynge is alſo bene: mous: but is healed with water of the ſea oz by cauterization as are alſo the woundes of benemous accomes. DE the Jlande of Lannafigula, and a towne of fyue har dècth houſes, whoſe kynge Abenamachei was taken and his arme cutte of in the fyght. DE trees of erceadynge bygnete and herght: And howe kynge Abibeiba had his pallaice in the toppe of a cree frome the which he was infozced to deſcende and entreate of peace, CThe contentes of the fyfth booke. fol. 69. Chowe kynge Abzaiba dewe a capitayne of the Spanyards and cauſed the kynges to rebell. Allo home they were put to flyght and many of theyz men üayne. DE fyue kinges which attempted a newe conſpiracie with a hundjeth great Lanoas and fiue thouſand men: And howe theyż intent was bewzayed by a woman, and pzcuented. Al- ſo howe Rodericus Colmenaris ſacked the vyllage of Trichirt and honge the kynge therof with foure of his chiefe rulers, and commaunded them to be thotte through with arrowes. The contentes of the ſyrte booke. fol. 72. Cbowe Waſchus with his confecherates, ſente Johannes Duicedus and Colmenaris from Dariena to Diſpaniola and front thêle to Spagne to the kyng foz a thouſand men to patre Quer the mountayncs to the golden régiors: And what mir ſeries theyCuteyned in that byage. Allo of the death of Hal nia, zamudius, and fogeda. DE the proſperous byage of Ancifus : And howe godde wzoug9c 363 The contentes of the decades. 16 zought miracles by the ſimple fayth of a mariner, airo hores god reſpecteth thinfancie of Fayth for zeles fake: And hobe one religion turned into another, holdeth fyll many thinges of the fyzte. Dowe many of the barbarians were baptiſed by reafon of the miracles : ånd howe they rewarded the pzeltes by whome they were baptiſed. Dowe Ancilus thortly after his arryuall in Spayne, relog ted to the courte and made his complaynt to the kinge of thin ſolencie of Waſchus, wheruppon che kynge gaue ſentence a geynt hym: And howe apte the barbarous nations are to em bzaſe the Chriſtian fayth. C The contentes of the Ceuenth booke. Fol. 79. (Lowe mufcedus and Lolmenaris the pzocuratours of Da ciena, were honojably enterteyned at the courte and brought to the kynges preſence : And howe theyz complexion was chaunged by alteration of the ayer. Dowe Pctrus Arias a nobleman, was elected gouernour and Lieuetenaunt of Dariena : and howe other of the court laboured for the ſame office. Alſo howe the byûhop of Burs ges (pake to the kynge in his behalfe. Dowe Petrus Frias had a thouſande and two hundzethe Couloyers appoynted hym at the kynges charges : And of the kynges cuftome houſe in the citie of Ligile, cauled the houſe of the contractes of 3ndia. hole a great number of Spanyardes profered the ſelues to go at theyz olone charges : Ànd of a retraint made that no traunger myght pace without the kynges licence. Alſo howe the autour cepzoueth Aloilius Ladamulys a buyter of the Booztugales byages, bowe Pctrus Arias thoztely after his departure frome Lis uile, lott tido of his thoppes and was dzyuen backe ageyne by tempelt : And howe beinge newly furnyűhed, hce paded the Dcean with more proſperous wondes. The thyide byage of Wincentius Pinzonus, and howe he came to the regions of Paria where encounterynge with thin habitauntes he put them fyza to flyght: but after faulyng to enfreatie of peace, they gaue hym greate plentie of golde and ab undaunce The contentes of the decades, abundaunce of maſculine frankenfence with dyuets other princely preſentes, DE the greate multitude of popingiayes which are in the region of paria, and howe thinhabitours are apparelled. alſo of the fyue kynges that made a league of fcendebyppe with Wincentius. bowe Wincentius Cayled Eatbarde by the tracte of the regions of paria bntyll he came to the poynte of that longe CaP.S.AR lande which the autour ſuppoſeth to be the greate Flande At: guſtini, lantike wherof the owlde bryters make mention, [The contentes of the, biit. booke, fol. 80 Ca contention betwene the Lattilians and poztugales as concernynge the diuiſion of the newe founde landes : And hoxoe the controuerſie was fynylthed by the byloop of Rome. Dowe Don Chryftopher the gouernoure of the lande of Sancti Johannis, was dayne by the Lanibales and the był: Top put to Ayght. alſo of the other byahops of the Flandes. nowe the Lanihales of the land of Sancta Lrur,New and eate a kynge with certeyne of his men beinge frendes to the Lhzylians and made faggottes of theyz bones: And how querelynge with owre men, they put them to ſilence. C The contentes of the ir, booke. Fol. 81. DE the maruelous frutefulnes of the regions of Bcragua, Uraða, and Daciena: And of the dyuers kyndes of trees and frutes. allo of the pleafaunt tate of ſwynes dexhe beinge fedde with the fruces of agirobalane trees. of Lions and Tygers and other wylde beađes : And of a beaſte of iraunge fozme. DE the ryuers of the goylfe of Uraba, as the tpucr of DA riena and Rio Grandis: and home the gceat ſerpentes cau: led £rocodiles, acc founde in other tyuers byłydc Pilus in Egypte. Allo howethaurour of this booke was ſent ambal: Cadour to the Soldane of Alcayz in Egipte. DE the Portugales nauigations, and of the ryuer Senes ga founde by them to bee a chanel of Nilus, Allo of the mul: citude of bgzdes e foules beinge in the maryThes of Daciena, 368 phys The contentes of the decades. A phyloſophicall Diſcourſe of thoriginall and generation of (płynges and rouers: and of the beadth of the lande di: updynge the nouth and Courh Dcean. DE the great cpuer waragnonus and of the earthly pa: cadyle: And howe (pzynges are engendered by connercion of ayer into water. Df the often faule of rayne vnder the Equinoctiall line, and of the pozes of the ſea opened by the South wondes. Df the great ryuers of Tanais, Banges, Danubius, and Eridanus, famous to the owlde wzyters: And howe certeins tyuers runnynge throughe the caues of the earthe, breake furch into ſprynges afarre of. The contentes of the ra booke. Fol. 86. Cbove the newe founde landes diſcouered by the Spany. arbes in the Welt Dcean, are eyght tymes bygger then calie beløde that which the portugales polleđe: and of the cardes of the ſea diawen by Lolonus and Americus Weſpurius. The order of meaſurynge the lande: And howe a league conteyneth foure myles by ſea and but three by lande. The Pauigation of Johannes Dias, and of the lundiye eleuations of the pole tarre. Of the Jlande of Boiuca oz agnaneo, and of the ſpringe whole water being donke, cauſeth owld men to loke yonge. Dowe Nicueſa and his ſouldiers were ſo oporelled with Camin, that they were dzyuen to cate mangte dogges, toades, and dcade men: And home a brothe made of a dogges ſkinne, boas coulde foz many pieces of golde. C The contentes of the bookes of the thyade Decade, C The contentes of the fyzd booke. Fol. 88, C of the deſperate aduenture and good fortune of Waſchus: And how with a hundzeth fourſcore and cen men, he brought chat to pale for the which Petrus Arias was lente with a shoulande and two hundjeth fregbe fouldgers. Dome The contentes of the decades, hobe icen ſerueth for moze necellary bles then gold, and howe ſuperäuities hynder libertie. powe Warchus in one condicte, dewe fyre hundjeth bar baryans with they? kynges : and howe he founde the houſe of kyngmuarequa infected with bnnatural lechery, commaun dynge that the kynge and fortie ſuche as be kepte fox that pucpoſe, tulbe be gjuen koz a piay to his dogges whiche be bled to ſerue in the warres ageynų theſe naked people. Df a region of blacke movies : And howe Waſchus came to the toppes of the mountaynes, where geuynge thankes to god, he behelde the newe Couth Dcean never befoje Cene noz known to men of obre wozide. Dowe Waſchus put kynge Chiapes to dyght, and after made a league of frendetyyppe with hym: and home the king gaue bym. illi, hundzeth poundes wepght of wzought golde. Dowe kynge Coqueta was putte to wyght, who alſo be: Inge receaued to frendelhyppe, gaue Waſchus ſyre hundzeth and fiftie poandes beyght of wzought golde. of the goulfe cauled Sinus. $. ichaelis beinge full of inhabited glandes: and of the manly cojage and godly zeale of Walchus.alſo of the cyfynge and faulyng of the ſouth ſea. bowe kynge Tumaccus beinge dzyuen to Ryght and after warde reconciled, gaue Waſchus. vt. hundzech and. fuiit. pes Cos of golde,and two hundzerh and foztie of the greated and fayzek pearles: And howe the kynge cauſed his men to fythe fo, pearles. Fuedas Df the Jlande cauled gargaritea Dines : And of the a: bundaunce of fayze and great pearles founde cherin. Si habitable regions bnder the Equinoctiall line: And of the Portugales nauigations to the Antipodes inhabytynge the fpue and fiftie degree of the ſouth pole. Allo a declara: tion ot Antipodes, and of the tarces about the ſouth pole. ou The contentes of the ſeconde booke. Fol. 95. DE the maner of fyrrhynge foy peacles and of the three kyndestherof. Alſo dyuers other queſtions côcernung perles. DE the multitude of the thell fpähes whecin perles are in: gendered and founde in mancr in alt places in the ſouth Cea: and of abundaunce of goibe founde almofte in every houle. 9a9a.i. allo 39736 The contentes of the decades. allo hobe the treaſurie of nature is in thoſe coates: And De the golde mynes of Dariena. Dowe kynge Teaocha gaue Waſchus.ff.poundes weighi of brought golde and two hundzeth perles. Alſo of deſertes full of wylde beattes, and howe Waſchus was troubled with greate heate in the monech of Nouember. Dove a dogge Tyger was taken, and his whelpes tyed In cheynes and tozne in pieces : Alſo howe Warchus gaue.it kynges to his dogges to be devoured. Df the ble of dogges in they? Warres, and of the fierce: negle of the Canibales.: 103000 Dowe kynge Bonontana favoured the chiottians and gauc Waſchus.rx. powde beyght of wrought golde. Alla his ovation to Waſchus. a ſimilitude prouynge greate ptentte of golde it the regio ons of the louth ſea, and of the trauagles whichowlde Couls Dyers ace able to ſufieyne, all the contentes of the thyzde booke. Fol. 99 cDowe kynge Buchibuca ſubmytted hym felfeto Waſchus, and Cent hym certeyne betelles of golde. Alſo home kynge Chiozilus Cente bym.rrr.dyxhes of pure golde. Home tren ſecueth foz moze necetary bles then gold, al to an exemple of the lyfe of owe fylke patentes. bowe kynge pocchoirola.Cubmycted bym felfe, and gave Walchus. rv. pounde weyght of bozought golde. dlo howe Tumanama the great kynge of the golden regions towarde the ſouth ſea, is taken pziſoner.Lykewyſe home he gaue Wal chus. Err. pounde beyght of pure and wzought golde, and his noble nien, lx, poundes begght of golde. DE the cauſe of vehement wyndes nece unto the Equinoca ciall line, and of the coloure of the earth of the golden mines, DE the large and frutefullplagne of zauana, and of the eyner Lomogrus.allo howe kynge Comogcus bapriſed by the name of Chacles, gaue Waſchus.xnx pounde wepght of wzought golde. DE the good foztune of Waſchus, and how he was the med Eco Boliach to Blicens, and fcome Anccus to Hercules : Sund with what facilitie the Spangardes wall hereafter ob- teyng The contentes of the decades, teyne gecate plentie of golde and pearles. of the Spanyarbes conguettes, and fiercenefit of the Canibales. Allo an exhoztacion to chryftian princes to ſette forwarde Chryttes religion. The contentes of thek ourth booke. Fol.104 the fourth bpage of Lolonus the admicall frome Spagne to i iſpaniola, and to the other landes and coales of the Etcme lande: állo of the filozyuhynge Flande Buanala. De Ceuen kyndes of date trees, wylde bynes, and myzo balanes: alſo of hyydes and foules. of people of goodly ftature which bíc to payut they, bos dyes: ånd of the ſbpfte courſe of the ſea from the ead to the bel. Allo of fređhe water in the ſea. of the large regions of paria, Ds Dzaconis, and spui: riquecana: And of greate oztoyſes and reedes. Allo of the foure fcutefull Iſlandes cauled quatuo; Tempoja, and. xii. qlandes cauled Limonares. More DE [weete fanours and hollome ager: And of the region Duicuri, and the hauen Cariai di egyzobalanus : Allo of cers teyne ciugle people. 9f trees groynge in the ſea after a firaunge ſozre, and of a ftraunge kynde of woonkeys which inuade men and feight Wich wylde bozes. DE the greate goulfe of Lerabaco replenighed with many frutefull Jlandes, and of the people which weare chepnes of golde made of ouches Wrought to the limilicude of dyuets boylde beates and foules, DE Eyue byllages whole inhabitauntes gyue them ſelues onely to gatherynge of golde, and are papnted, blynge to Weare garlandes of Lyons and Tygers clawes, állo of Teuen syurrs in all the which is founde greate plentie of golde: And Where the plencie of golde cealech. Df certerne people which paynt they bodyes, and cones theyz prinie members with telles, bauynge alſo plates of golde hangynge at cheyy no ſerbzplles. Of certepne woozmes which beingeengendered in the ſeas nece abobot the Equinoctiall, cate holes in typpes:And hobe the Admirals teppes were dcllroyde by them. 298.li. bowe S) ជប៉ុន The contentes of the decades. home the kynge of Beragua enterteyned the Licuetenane and of the great plenric of gold in the ryuer of acaba and in al the regions there abour : Allo in rogtes of trees and ãones and in maner in all the ryuers. Dowe the lieucrenaunt and his coompany wolde haue es rected a colonie beſpde the tyuer of Becagua, and was repul ſed by thinhabitauntes. bowe che admirall fel into the hardes of the barbacians of the glande of Jamaica where he lyued miſerably the ſpace of tenne moonethes: And by what chaunce he was Caued and came to the glande of Diſpaniola. 10 DE holſome regions, temperate ayer, and contingal ſpring al the hole yeare: Alſo of certepne people which honour golde religioudy durynge theyz golden hatuelt. DE the mountapnes of Beragua beinge fiftie myles in heyght and hygher then the clowdes: Alſo the diſcripcion of other mountaynes and regions there about, comparynge the Came to Italy. Lolonus his opinion as touchynge the ſuppoſed contis nente; and ioynynge og the nozth and fourh D cean. Allo o the breadth of the fayde continente od fic ne lande. DE the regions of Uraba and Beragua and the great riuer garagnonus and the ryuer of Dabaiba oz Sancti Johannis allo of certeyne matythes and deſolate wayes, and of dia gons and Lrocodiles engendered in the ſame. DE: fr. golden ryuers abobt Datiena and of certeyne pze cious tones, eſpecially a diamunde of macueilous byggenetle bought in the pzouince of Paria. oxu Df the heroical factes of the Spanyardes and howe they contemne effeminate pleaſures, alto a fimilitude pouynge greate plentie of golde and p:ccious tones. 1992-cita the contentes of the fpfch booke. fol, 113. . 103.30 3.3 Cthe nauigation of Petrus Arias from Spagne to bifpant ola and Daciena, and of the landes of Canarie. alſo of the glandes of Badanino, Guadalupea, and Balanta. Df the ſea of herbes and mountapnes couered with ſnow: allo of the [myfté courſe of the ſea towarde the welt. Of the tguer Batra, the region Catamairi, and the pozte Larthago The contentes of the decades, Carthago and Sancta vartba:glſo of Americus Wetputius and his expert cunnynge in the knowledge of the carde, com: pale and quadzane. powe the Canibales ađapled Petrus Arias with his hole nanic, and bot of they? benemous arrowes curn it the ſea. allo of they houſes and honbolde Auge. nowe Gonzalus Duiedus founde a ſaphire bygger thena gooſe egge: allo émetodes, calcidonies, ialpers, and ama ber of the mountayrics. of boddes of braſile trees, plentie of golde, and marcha fites of metals founde in the regions of Caramairi, Baita, and Saturma. Allo of a traunge kynde of marchaundies ere erciſed amonge the people of zunu. That the region of Laramaici is lyke to an earthly para: diſe: and of the frutefull inouncaynes and pleafaunte gar: diynes of the lanie. Of many goodly contatreys made deſolate by the fiercenes of the Lanibales, and of dyuers kyndes of breabe made ob raotcs. Allo of the maner of plantynge the coote of jucca, Whole iviſe is deadely popron in the landes, and without hurre in the continent oj firme lande. DE certeyne golden ryuets, hartes, wylde bozes, foules golampine, whyte marble, and hollome ayer. alſo of the greate ryner daaragnonus deſcendynge from the mountaines couered with ſnobe, cauled Serra Neuata. Dome Petrus Arias Walted certegne flandes of the Cantina bales: and howe by the lyfte courte of the lea, his typpes were caried in one nyght foztie leaques beyonde thellimacion of the bette pplottes. the conteutes of the ſyete booke: fol. 118. CD fundzy opinions why the ſea runnech with ſo ſwyft # courſe from the Late to the wel : and of the greate goulfe of the north parte of the firme lande. The bpage of Sebalian Labote froni Englande to the fro Cen fea, and howe bringe repulſed with gle in the moonethe of July, he ſayled farce tocabarde. Dt people apparelled with beattes (kynnes : and how biaces takt fpathes in the ſea and eate them. 2922 , itin Dowe The contentes of the decades. . bows Sebagian Labote after that he had diſcovered the lande of Baccallaos of Baccallearum, was cauled out of Eng lande into Spayne, where he was made one of chalittaunce of the counſayle of chaffayzes offridia, # of his ſecond viage DE the glande Foztis : And howe a great foule as bygge as a fozke lyghted in the governours tyyppe, allo howe he arryued at Daciena with the kynges nauies Howe Taſchus reccaued the newe gouernuur: and of ha bitable regions under the Equinoctial. bowe Pctrus Aries the newe gouernour diftributed his army to conquere the ſouth regions ryche in golde, and to es tecte newe colonies in the ſame. of the ryche golde mynes of Dabaiba, and of theppediti: on ageynt the kynge of that region. DE the Wiolent courſe of the ſea from the ead to the welt: and of the dižiculte ſaylynge ageynû the ſame. De the peGiferous and bnholcome aper of Sancta ejatia Antiqua in Dariena: and home the Spanyardes boerc of necellitte infozced to plant theyz fyzit colonic and habita: cion there. The cauſe of the varietie of regions lyinge all under one degree oz paralelle, and by whac mcanes the Coonnc beames are cauſe of feruent heate. DE toades and flees engendered of droppes of water, and of a houſe ſet on fyze with lyghenynge. DE a dogge devoured of a Crocodyle, and of the benemus bytynge of great battes. Allo of Lions and Tygers and other wylde beattes. sogat en Domein chele regions all foure footed beaties groweto a bygger quantitie then they whiche were of the fyztte b;00de. alſo of certeyne trees of whole planckes if tips be madethey are ſafe frome the woozmes caulcd Bioma or Bytas. DE & tre whole wod is preſent poylon yf it be only borne a bout: And of an berbe that is a preſeruatiue ageint the ſame. DE the cyche glandes of the ſouth ſea, and of certegne Expeditions agegnt the Canibales, the contentes of the. bit. booke, fol, 124 Cehe particular defcription of the 3jlande of Difpaniola, and Tanquans canis Nie The contentes of the decades, and of the cychelande cauled ogargaritea Diues lyinge in the South (ea. allo of the greate abundaunce of bigge pearics founde in the ſame. nowe the autoure compareth Hiſpaniola to the earthely Paradyle: And hobe it farce ercelleth yſtaly in fertilitie and temperate ayze. of the fyžđe inhabitours of Diſpaniola e of the flandes of Canarie. bowe the inhabitauntes of Hiſpaniola in theyCongesa rhymes had certepne pzophelies that appareled men thulde coome to they contrey and brynge them into Ceruitude : And of theyz familiaritte with fpirites. alſo home thoſe ſpirites haue no more appered to them fence they were bapttfed. DE they, expertenette in lwymmynge: And of theyz delgs Cate ſerpentes, byzdes, foules, and popingtais. DE the forme and ſituation of Diſpaniola nere the Equi noctiall:And howe coulde is in Cum place thereof accidentall and not by the ſituation of the region. Df oren and lwyne of erceadinge bygnete: And of earcs of wheate as bygge as a mans arme in the bzaun. alco howe .the lwync are fedde with myzobalanes. C. Dk plenty of golde, bzalple, mattir, gogampynt, Elec: fcum ec : And.of thincommodities of intemperate regions. DE dyuers languages in the jlandg: and home the pio: aynces are Deuided into regions. Dowe Andjeas opozalis ſagled into a daangerous and darke caue within the rocke of a mountayne : And of holie ryuers denoured of Cuche caues. Alſo of the condycte of the wate ts. DE a Gandynge poole in the tope of an hygh mountayne: And howe ferne ano bzamble butches growe only in coulde regyons, the contents of the viii bookefol. 130 CDE a greate lake of Nandyng poole of lowze and ſalte was ter, and of the ſea fpühes in the ſame in the myddelande of the glande. Allo of deuourynge fylthes cauled Tiburoni. DE the ryuers fauling into the lakes and of.L£. {pzinges: do the ſpace of a furlonge. 372 The contentes of the decades. améruelous hyftory of a kyage Gryken dumme and lano by a myzacle: End of the Indian langåage. bowe Cuche as are diowned in the lake,are neuer cađc bp ageyne : And of the glande Buarizacca in the myddette of a Gandynge lake. Allo of a lake of freứhe water, and an other of Calte and fređhe water. DE a large playne of two Hundzech myles in length: And another of a hundzethe and twentie. of the meruelousfyhe or monſter of the ſea, cauled was naci Dj Datum, fedde with mans hande : and howe che caz ryeth men ouer the lake. of the mountaynes, bales, hylles, playnes, and rouers of Diſpaniola: And howe golde is found in all mountaines and golde and fpühe in all cyuers. DE falte bayes, and howe the rypers haue they increaſe from the caucs of the mountagnes. Alſo home there is no burtefull beate in the glande. of the pleaſures of Diſpaniola : And of the region of Los tohi well inhabyted and ſituate in a playne in the coppes of mountayacs ceachynge to the clowdes. Di moderate could in the mountagnes, and of ferne of mecueylous bygnege. Dowe pure and magie gold is founde in the region of Cos toy oz Cotohy:And that the beyne of golbe is a lyuynge tres. Alſo of the rootes, blaunches, and forces of the ſame, and bowe cetteyne caucs ace (udeyned with pollers of golde. What golde is byoughre yearely frome biſpaniola into Spayne: And of the Calte of the mountaynes, beinge as hard as tones and cleare as cry&all. allo (pzynges of ſalte, freſch annfower water. Di certoyne wplde men lyuynge in caues and dennes with out any certegne language: and of they? mecucglous ſwifts nelle a foote. DE pyrche of the rocks and twoo dyndes of trees:And of the leafe of a tree bred in the teede of paper. alſo howe thin habitantes thinße that the Lhziftians can make thoſelesues Speake and diſcloſe all (ecceates. DE a tronge coloure made of the infe of a certegn apple: Pad of the herbe whole (moke is popfors. Olio ang The contentes of the decades. The contentes of the ix , booke, Fol. 136. of the kyndes of frutes wherwith thinhabitauntes of Diſpaniola Ipued fyzdte, and howe they came to the knowe: ledge of gucca. Alſo howe Leres fyzd found wheate and bar ley in Egypte. Why they, kinges are cauled by dyuers names, e by what names they falate the kynges chyldren when they are boine, nowe they make they? teftamentes, and howe certeyne of the kynges wpues and concubines are burped with them. of the variable motions of the elementes in Diſpantola: and where it rayneth but lyttle, and where much. Df the colonies and villages that the Spanyardes Haue buylded in Diſpaniola : e of the other lands about the ſame DE a ſpłynge which runnyng under the ſea from Diſpant ola, breaketh furth in the land of Arethula: alſo of habitas ble regions vnder the Equinoctial, and of the ryche golde mynes of the glande of Luba. Df the gumme cauled Anime Album: And of the Lanibale Alſo whereby it was thought that there were slandes of women, Of hony founde in trees and rockes: And of the generact on of greate Toztoyſes and of they: egges, the contentes of the. t, booke. fol. 140. Df the expedition agepnge the kynge of the glande Dites in the ſouth Cea: and howe after foure conticres, ſubmyt: tynge bym Celfe, he gauc our men a hundjeth and ten pounde. weyght of greate pearles. Alſo howe he agreed to pay peare: ly a hundzech pounde weyght of pearles foz a tribute. Lowe ares and hatchettes are moze etteemed then golde, of perles : And of greate plentie of hartes and cunnyes. Alco howe the kynge of Dites and his famelie bere baptiſed. DE perles of great piyce: and howe Paule the byûhop of Rome bowght a perle for foure and fortie thouſand ducades Dyuers opinions of the generation of perles:And of a hun Dzech perles founde in one thel fylhe. Allo of the byzth of pearles. of the regions of the Eade lyde of the goulfe of Uraba: And The contentes of the decades. And of the originall of the Lanibales. Df cestepne circumciſed people which haur the knofoledge of letters and ble bookes: And what chaunced of the capis tapncs which petrus Actas Cente furth dyuers wapes, aico howe 3ohn Solylius was dayne of the Canibales, and of theyz fierceneđe. bowe John pontius was repulſed of the Canibales, and of the lewde behauour of John diora. Pf the bariable foztune of bonſalus Badaiocius : and home after he hadde gathered greate ryches of golde, be had the ouerchzowe, and was (pogled of all. Of the golden region of Loiba Dites: Ind howe theyz daues ate marked in the face. Df the Iſlandes of the Coub fea: and of the regions frome twhence the pozeugales fetche theyz (pices. Df a braunge kynde of fowlynge: and of the trees thac beare gourdes. Sf the later opinions as touchynge the Swopfte comple of the ocean towarde the lefe: and of the continente o2 firme lande. Allo of the ppage from the newe landes to Spayne. of the golde mynes of Dariena, and the maner of gathe. eynge of golde in the ſame : allo of the Dzoplie af coneront: Als which is not ſatiſfyed with ryches. Foz the contentes of the booke of thé glands latelyfonud trade the margente notes of the ſame. FIN35 Chinteipzétours ercules 3 haue not in Wzytynge byn bery curious To auoyde the ſcojues of Rhinoceros nole, Dy the foled tudgement of ſeuere atittarchus Por fearynge thereby any thynge to fole, But have thought it ſufficient to be open and playne Not loobynge foz other commoditie oj gayne. 3 am not eloquent 31 knowe it cyght toel, 33 be not barbarons 3 delgrenomolea dogo 37 have not for euery Woorde arkeb counfell Of cloquent Eliot oz (yz Thomas teoozt. Take it thertoze as 3 hane intended, the fautes with fauouc may Coone be amended, The poet Homere for all Hts eloquence, Lacked not zotlus to be his fos Wherfozc 3 conclude thisfoz a trebe ſentence That no man lackech fuo bargello: foz as no beate lyuech without woozme og ige, So no man lacketh his privie enemies Rumpatur Zoilus. 300 Cantes eſcaped in the płyneynge. f. the leafta 1. the lins. B, the backe lyde of the leafee f. 2.B.L.36. helpen, teade helped F. three fethers, teade theyz fethers. #.9. 1. 28. fourme, teade fozme. F. zo. 1.37% olare, teade yowte. F.22. B. 1.27. ure, reade ſure. F.30. 1.6 clooke, teade doke: #.34 1.5.wodes, reade wooddess Fi 36. B. 1. z: put out and. 16.36, the lat line. put out, 3 do. F. 36. B. L. 34. ficut parte, reade fyft parte ... F.38.B. 1. 13. gardens, teade guardens, f. 5z. 1. 18. parte, teade poate. f. 62. 6. 1. 25. and, reade thens F.68. the lat lint, put out trees. F. 92. 1.18. pichaeld, teade ngichaels f. 92. 1. 19. allo there the late line, put out, atofectue F.95,1.12 caule, ceabe Caule. F.96. B. 1.15. gretheardes, readie greate heardes, 1.991.17 filt hre, fylthy. F.118, B3, 1.35. tangitude, teade tongtende, #128, 1.49 egres, teade heces. F.129.2.1. Antloud, teabe Artiques. F. 140. 1.17. counceled, teade countapled. f. 150. 1.15. beles, teade bayles. F. 150. 1.33. prouydence, ceabe prouince 1975 f. 153. 1. 324 trackes, teade tractes, F. 154. 1. 2. felde, teade felbomen 904 f. 157. 1. 26. bod, teade wooddess o f. 168. B. 1.13. hortamus, teade hortanut, f.170. B.1.17. fol.1593. reade. 14-93e without, ceade with. without, ceade with ondoan f. 188.3. 1.33. burie, reade burne. F.193. B. 1.21. webs, reade webbes. F. 199, B. 1. 37. mydinge, teade @yninger f. 202. 1. 17. ny, teade any. F. 206.B. 1. 23. foarme, teabe forme f. 208. 15. 1.7 codes, reade coddes. f. 209. 1.15. wars, reade warres. F. 212. 1. 40 ignitie, teade dignitie. F.219. 1. 1o. bs, teade them. f.228. 1.37% tant, reade rannte. . f.24-1. 1.4. Lolonuo, reade Colono. F.249.1.17 reade by the commynge of the Gothes and wandales: XC F. 262.B.1.15. Thus, teade this. ff.296. 1. 26, reade Lingulas egundi, that is the gecdle of the worlde, otherwyſe cauled Latena undi, that is, the chagne of the wozide. 7.298, B. 1.3. fennes, reade fennes. F.300. 1.2 ceelrycie, reade celeritie. F. 317.1.27. reade Tercera o Tercieran alle. 1. 35. kyngedgme, teade kyngdome. F-322. 1.17. omre compalle, teade the compale. Amphynted at London in Paules Church, yarde at the ſigne of the Byble by Rycharde Jug. Anno Dñi M. DLV. А Account of Bernuda. – 8. 2014 TOTOOOOOOO 1555, Anghiera, Pietro Martired / An