TYPES OF CANADIAN WOMEN PAST & PRESENT HENRY MORGAN ΤΗ Ε WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS LIBRARY Purchased from the Trust Fund of Lathrop Colgate Harper LITT. D. teline fréchette Leana INOM DROI IEU MOVIC THE ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE THERE are few national institutions of more value and interest to the country than the Royal Military College at Kingston. At the same time, its object and the work it is accomplishing are not sufficiently under- stood by the general public. The College is a Government institution, designed primarily for the pur- pose of giving the highest technical instructions in all branches of military science to Cadets and Officers of Canadian Militia. In fact, it is intended to take the place in Canada of the English Woolwich and Sandhurst and the American West Point. The Commandant and Military Instructors are all officers on the active list of the Imperial army, lent for the purpose, and in addition there is a complete staff of Professors for the civil subjects, which form such a large proportion of the College course. Whilst the College is organized on a strictly military basis the Cadets receive, in addition to their military studies, a thoroughly practical, scientific and sound training in all subjects that are essential to a high and general The course in Mathematics is very complete, and a thorough grounding is given in the subjects of Civil Engineering, Civil and Hydrographic Sur- veying, Physics, Chemistry, French and English. The object of the College course is thus to give the Cadets a training which shall thoroughly equip them for either a military or civil career. The strict discipline maintained at the College is one of the most valuable features of the system. As a result of it young men acquire habits of obedience and self-control, and consequently of self-reliance and command, as well as experience in controlling and handling their fellows. In addition, the constant practice of gymnastics, drills and outdoor exer- cises of all kinds, ensures good health and fine physical condition. An experienced Medical Officer is in attendance at the College daily. as prizes to the Cadets. The length of course is three years, in three terms of 912 months' residence each. The total cost of the three years' course, including board, uniforms, instructional material and all extras, is from $750 to $800. The annual competitive examination for admission to the College will take place at the Headquarters of the several military districts in which candidates reside, in May of each year. For full particulars of this examination, or for any other information, application should be made as soon as possible to the Adjutant-General VSN DI M01 DRON ONTARIO The Premier Province of the Dominion of Canada AREA OVER TWO MILLION ACRES Value of Farms and Stock over $1,000,000,000. A splendid field for investment in Farming, Mining, Lumbering. For full information as to Crown Lands, Water Powers, Mines, Forest Resources, etc., write to Hon. E. J. Davis, Commissioner of Crown Lands, TORONTO, ONT. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC LIMITED In Affiliation with the University of Toronto. 12 and 14 Pembroke St. F. H. TORRINGTON, - Musical Director Mus. Doc. (Un, Tor.) Unsurpassed facilities for a thorough course of study in PIANO, ORGAN, THEORY, VOCAL, VIOLIN AND OTHER ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. Students prepared on highest lines for professional work as teacher, organists, chorus and choir directors, and as soloists for concerts and church engagements. Teachers' Kindergarten Music Course and Children's Kindergarten Music Classes under the direction of MISS HULDA WESTMAN. RE-OPENS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1st, 1903 Calendar and Syllabus on Application. Dr. Chas. J. Rodgers DENTIST Rooms 2 and 3 Carlton Chambers, 1 Carlton Street TELEPHONE POR TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC SIR J. A. BOYD, K.C.M.G, President. DR. EDWARD FISHER, Musical Director Affiliated with the University of Toronto and Trinity University. BEST EQUIPMENT AND STRONGEST FACULTY IN CANADA Artists' and Teachers' Graduating Courses, Scholarships, Diplomas, Certificates. Students Prepared as Teachers and Soloists, also for Positions in Colleges, Churches and Concert w rt Work. 17th Year Opens September 1st, 1903. Calendar and Syllabus Mailed Free. School of Literature and Expression-MRS. INEZ NICHOLSON-CUTTER, Principal. Reading, Recitation, Oratory, Voice Culture, Physical Culture, Rhetoric, English Literature Orthoepy, Psychology, Pedagogy, Class and Private Lessons. CARBON TUDIO THE CA; J. FRASER BRYCE PHOTOGRAPHER STUDIO AND PARLORS 132 KING STREET WEST TORONTO BY APPOINTMENT TO THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES TYPES OF CANADIAN WOMEN AND OF WOMEN WHO ARE OR HAVE BEEN CONNECTED WITH CANADA EDITED BY HENRY JAMES MORGAN, LL.D., F.R.S.N.A. Honorary Fellow Royal Colonial Institute of England. VOL. 1. “Thy coronet, Canada, the daughters of the land.” —Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Grey, K.C.B. 6. The ladies of Canada have an unrivalled character for beauty and cleverness throughout the world.” -- James, Eighth Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K.T. TORONTO WILLIAM BRIGGS 1903 Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand nine hundred and three, by ALBERT NORTON PROCTOR MORGAN, at the Department of Agriculture. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE Jsabella Sophia, Baroness Strathcona and Mount Royal, WHO, AS DAUGHTER, WIFE AND MOTHER, HAS EXEMPLIFIED IN HER OWN PERSON THE BEST QUALITIES OF CANADIAN WOMANHOOD, THIS WORK IS, BY PERMISSION, Dedicated WITH FEELINGS OF THE SINCEREST ADMIRATION AND RESPECT. INTRODUCTION After four years of almost uninterrupted labour, mainly of research, I have the satisfaction of placing this first volume of the “ Types of Canadian Women" before the public. My satisfaction is blended with sincere gratitude for the patriotic sympathy and generous help to which such measure of success as I have attained has been largely due. From the first announcement of my pur- pose, suggestions, reminders, references flowed in upon me from near and far. I was thus often brought within reach of information that would otherwise have remained hidden from me. I shall have an opportunity by and by of expressing my thanks more fully to the most cordial and effective of such coadjutors. Meanwhile, they cannot be better represented than by the names of Lord Strathcona, the Honourable Mr. Justice Baby, the Hon. Mr. Justice Girouard, Sir Sandford Fleming, the Hon. Senator Gowan, C.M.G., and Mr. John Reade, whose good-will, expressed in so many ways, I justly and gladly acknowledge. I am also thankful in another and larger sense. Arduous though the research (which involved the writing of thousands of letters) has necessarily been, I never for a moment had reason to rue my undertaking. If it sometimes caused weariness of the flesh, the languor was dispelled by refreshings of the patriotic heart as ever new surprises disclosed the wealth of the mine which it was my happy lot to have opened to the world. That this good fortune should have fallen to me was doubtless due to the fact that I had been so long engaged in biographic investigation. For almost half a century I had been eagerly watching the careers, at home and abroad, of the more distinguished of my fellow-country- men. In such a pursuit I could not fail to be attracted to the rare deserts of many Canadian women. These have due places assigned to them in previous publications of mine. It was, however, only within recent years that I contemplated (vaguely at first) the making of such a book as this—a book in which the “predominant Vi INTRODUCTION partner” has only a casual share. Once the idea had taken pos- session of my mind, I felt like the convert from whose eyes the scales had fallen. If, however, I had been blind so long to the claims of women, I was not alone. Indeed, my “Types” might never have been dreamed of had I not been swept unconsciously into the current of the age and felt the urgency of one of its most vital movements. With what is revolutionary in that movement I have, it is true, no sympathy. But the man must be obstinate in his prejudices who disdains to acknowledge the need and the good of the reforms in female education that have begun to atone for the long injustice of the past. Of course, in the woman (as in the man) of genius there is an innate force that impels her to the attainment of what is essential for the fulfilment of her destiny. Strong desire seems not only to suggest a forecast but to create the path to its goal. It must at the same time be conceded that, even for women of the privileged classes, the road for intellectual advancement was, until quite recently, so uphill and arduous as to be practically prohibitive. About a century and a half before the accession of Queen Victoria, Daniel De Foe wrote an essay on the Education of Women, which, read to-day, shows what a start he had of his generation. “I cannot think,” he writes, “that God Almighty ever made women so delicate, so glorious creatures, and furnished them with such charms, so agreeable and so delightful to mankind, with souls capable of the same accomplishments with men, and all to be stewards and cooks and slaves.” After further deploring a state of things which dooms women to ignorance and frivolity, he expresses, though rather vaguely, a hope for “those happy days (if they ever shall be) when men shall be wise enough to reform it.” The day that De Foe tried to foresee came at last, but it came very slowly. When our late venerated Queen ascended the throne, there was absolutely no provision accessible to the great middle class, or even the class above it, for the higher education of women: Repeated attempts had been made but in vain, to overcome the prevailing prejudice and lethargy. The note sounded in seeming play by the author of “The Princess ” was a signal to advance. Soon after its publication the first definite victory of the cause was won. The fifty years that followed witnessed an amazing develop- INTRODUCTION vii ment in the liberation of women from old trammels, educational and material. The struggle that went on in the United Kingdom had its parallels on the continent of Europe, and in the lands of the New World In Canada, where the status of women had always been high, the needed changes were brought to pass with less acrimony than elsewhere, and were furthered by the chivalrous generosity both of our men of learning and our men of wealth. Both the will and the way were so happily united in that great Canadian, Lord Strath- cona, that his name inevitably occurs to me as I write. The late Sir J. W. Dawson, for many years Principal of McGill University, is another name deserving of honourable mention in this particular. In this volume and that which is to follow it the reader will have ample opportunity of noting the results of those changes, and of comparing the generation of the ladies that have profited by them with that which preceded it, and its long line of predecessors. The “Types” included in this work are mainly of two races, of two orders of civilization, two great systems of belief and worship They represent three centuries and many marked contrasts of fashion and convention. They are of every class, from royalty to that of the bourgeoisie and the ranks of industry. Among them are women worthy to be called saints—those Servantes de Dieu en Canada (as one writer* happily entitles them), who for the love of God and the salvation of souls, the relief of the poor and suffering and the help of strained toilers, gave up luxurious homes and the attractions of a refined society. Some of them taught the wild children of the forest; others undertook even menial offices, and all of them exposed themselves to hazards that made even brave men shudder to think of. Of another character, though of the same proud stock, were those in whose conscious veins throbbed the blood of soldiers, and who, in the hour of peril, shrank not from the soldier's peril. To all these lady pioneers fell the task of perpetuating in the wilder- ness the graces and amenities of polite society, to be models of good behaviour, to inculcate a sense of honour and keep alive the torch of the household virtues. When the old order changed, the old manners and morals, thanks to these good ladies and those who walked in their footsteps, remained with us. Lady pioneers *C. de Laroche-Héron. viii INTRODUCTION of the new stock brought with them, indeed, some lofty qualities of their own. Some of them had sacrificed much for the sake of principle, and then taught their children to be brave and true and loyal. Sons of both races, worthy of such mothers, fought shoulder to shoulder for their common home against a common foe. They went forth thrice-armed, because their quarrel was just, and did credit to their gentle teachers. And as our heritage broadened out till it touched the ocean on either hand, and new pioneers went forth to guard new frontiers and new hearths, they caught and handed on the old traditions, so that when not long ago such a summons came as had never sounded before, Old Canada and New Canada, true to the lessons they had learned at their mothers' knees, went forth to fight, or if necessary, to die, for a cause, a principle. The women of Canada knew their duty then, and did it, each in her own sphere. Some went with the volunteers to nurse, to teach, to pray. Those who went not in fleshly guise went in spirit. For it was the battle of Greater Britain—of that oversea Empire—which their prayers, their lessons, their nursing had helped to create. While the majority of the ladies in these “Types" may be classed as Canadians by birth, to whatever original stock they may belong by inheritance, there are others who represent the old lands as well as Canada. Some of these are or were the wives of governors, or other high functionaries, whose names have become as household words to all Canadians. Others, born in Canada, have become connected by marriage with illustrious British or foreign families. Still others, born and married in Canada to Canadian husbands, have through the succession or elevation of the latter to peerages, or other high positions, gone to live abroad. Of women who, by exceptional gifts and labours, have won honour in their own and other lands, the number is so large that the writer sometimes found the choice of types perplexing. Every sphere of beneficent activity may be said to be exemplified in these pages. Religion, philanthropy, society, art, letters, science are all illustrated. Special reference is due in this connection to the educational work of the late Dowager Lady Stanley of Alderley, as set forth in the English Journal of Education for April, 1895. Lady Stanley, a native of Canada, ever took a warm interest in the land INTRODUCTION of her birth. She was the friend of Dean Stanley, the Rev. F. Denison Maurice, Professor Huxley, Dr. and Mrs. Thorne and others, well known for their fruitful interest in the higher education of women. She was one of the first Vice-Presidents of the London School of Medicine for Women, and did much to encourage and aid the students of the Royal Art College, the Maria Gray Training College, and other institutions of like general scope. Her name is cherished to-day wherever in British lands, and even beyond them, struggling women seek not in vain the stimulus of sympathy and timely help. The influence of the Princess Louise on the development of Canadian womanhood is not likely to be lost sight of. The encouragement which Her Royal Highness graciously extended to higher education, and especially to the cultivation of art, deserves the grateful remembrance of every Canadian. Of Lady Aberdeen's work and example it is needless to more than remind the Canadian reader. The results of her initiative and unceasing effort for the elevation of her sisters while, with her distinguished husband, she occupied Government House, Ottawa, have been most salutary and far-reaching. Her influence amongst us is still active and pervading, for since her return to Great Britain Her Ladyship has maintained happy relations with the organiza- tions that she founded in Canada. How deep and sincere is the Countess's interest in all that concerns the moral and intellectual life of our women was admirably illustrated not long since by a paper which she read before the Colonial section of the Society of Arts, London. On that occasion Lady Aberdeen took for her subject, “Women in Canada.” The paper, which gave an account of the noble and gifted essayist's experience during her residence in Canada, and especially of her association with the organized work of Canadian women workers, was as commendable for its spirit as it was valuable for its facts. In expressing a hope that my earnest investigations, which have at least yielded a harvest from which both historian and private student may find what they seek elsewhere in vain, may to others be as beneficial as to me (in spite of drawbacks) they have been pleasant, I trust it may not be presumptuous in me to make a suggestion to those high in authority. It seems to me (and I am sure to others) tha: the time has come when some fitting decor- INTRODUCTION ation should be instituted by which the worth of the women of England's Colonial Empire might obtain timely recognition at the Fountain of Honour. To the men of the Colonies many rewards are open. Some of them have won Imperial honours which the old lands envy them. Many more have received the acknowledg- ment especially designed for the higher services of Colonists. The author would be proud, indeed, and happy, if, by the accept- ance of his suggestion, his book should be associated with the honouring, not of his fellow.country-women only, but of all the higher types of women in all the Colonies. H. J. M. 483 Bank Street, Ottawa, July 1st, 1903. NOTE. Volume II. of this work is now in course of preparation, and will be published at an early date. A list of some of the portraits to appear therein will be found at the end of the present volume, immediately before the Index. The editor will be glad to receive assistance from his friends in any way calculated to add to the interest or enhance the value of the publication in a literary or historical sense. He would be especially grateful to be placed in the way of obtaining copies of old family portraits of merit, similar to those which have been reproduced in the present volume. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS LOUISE (DUCHESS OF ARGYLL), V.A., C.I., R.R.C. From a photograph, taken while in Canada, by Top.ey, Ottawa. Princess Louise Caroline Alberta (Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll), Duchess of Saxony, is the fourth daughtei of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. Born March, 1848, she married, March 21st, 1871, the Marquis of Lorne (now 9th Duke of Argyll), P.C., K.T., G.C.M.G., whom she accompanied to Canada on his appointment as Governor-General, October 14th, 1878. A painter and a sculptor, Her Royal Highness was the means of having established, while in Canada, the Royal Canadian Academy of Art. One of her works as a sculptor is the fine statue of her Royal mother erected in front of the Royal Victoria College, Montreal. Besides being a member of various orders and societies in the Old World, she is, in Canada, the patroness of the Ladies' Educational Association, of the Woman's Protective Immigration Society, of the Society of Decorative Art, and of the Art Association, all of Montreal. Her Royal Highness holds that “the subject of Domestic Economy lies at the root of the highest life of every true woman.” She has never ceased, from her earliest years, to take the warmest interest in the progress and welfare of the Dominion, and only recently gave expression to the pride she felt in having once lived among the Canadian people. Residences : Kensington Palace, London, England; Roseneath, Scotland. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE BARONESS STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAL. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Isabella Sophia, Baroness Strathcona and Mount Royal, is the daughter of the late Richard Hardisty, Esquire, of the Hudson's Bay Company. She married, early in life, Hon. Donald A. Smith, Governor of the same corporation, who, for his public services, was created a K.C.M.G. in 1886, a G.C.M.G. in 1896, and was raised to the peerage in 1897, with a fresh patent in 1900, with special remainder in default of male issue to their only daughter, Hon. Margaret Charlotte Howard, wife of Robert J. B. Howard, Esquire, and her heirs male. A woman of a retiring and unambitious nature, Lady Strathcona has yet ably seconded her illustrious husband in his many acts and schemes for the benefit of his fellowmen, and has herself subscribed liberally on many occasions. Quite recently she, in conjunction with her daughter, gave $100,000 to McGill University, for the erection of a new wing to its Medical Building. Throughout she has exercised a large and gracious hospitality, and, in Canada, is especially esteemed and loved. No more popular hostess could be found for Rideau Hall in the event of a Canadian being selected for the Governor-Generalship. Her Ladyship was presented to the King and Queen, March 13th, 1903. Residences : 53 Cadogan Square, London; Knebworth House, Stevenage, Herts, England; Glencoe, Scotland ; 1157 Dorchester Street, Montreal. Tolibel Abercleen THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE COUNTESS OF ABERDEEN, LL.D. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Hon. Ishbel Maria Marjoribanks, younger daughter of the Ist Lord Tweedmouth, and his wife, Isabella, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Sir James Weir Hogg, Bart., was born in 1857. She married, in 1877, Sir John Campbell Hamilton Gordon, 7th Earl of Aberdeen, who became Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland in 1886, and Governor-General of Canada in 1893, and is the mother of three sons and one daughter, all of whom were with her in Canada. Lady Aberdeen, who is an LL.D. of Queen's University, Canada, was President of the International Council of Women, 1893-99. While in Canada she founded the National Council of Women of Canada, and the Victorian Order of Nurses, which bodies still exist. She has been well described as “a noble woman, possessing rare executive ability, great capacity for work, and the broadest sympathies.” On leaving Canada, in 1898, Sir Wilfrid Laurier gave expression to the regret everywhere felt over the departure of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, whose good works had left a deep and permanent impression on the hearts of the Canadian people. Residences : 58 Grosvenor Street, London, W., England; Haddo House, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 3 Sayrut-d. Deals MRS. AHEARN. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Margaret Howitt, eldest daughter of Alexander Fleck, Esquire, President of the Vulcan Iron Works Co., Ottawa, and his wife, Lilias Walker, was born in Montreal, and received her education at the McGill Model School and at Bute House. She married, 1892, Thomas Ahearn, Esquire, President of the Ottawa Electric Co., and of other large local concerns, and, since then, has spent much of her time in travel in foreign countries with her husband and family. When at home she is a hospitable hostess, and her entertainments are numerous. A woman of fine taste, and with large private means, she has been identified with many movements designed for the public good, especially the Victorian Order of Nurses, of which she is President at Ottawa, the Local Council of Women, and the Woman's Canadian Historical Society. Residence: “Buena Vista,” 584 Maria Street, Ottawa. lins MRS. AIKINS. From a photograph by Mrs. Carr, Winnipeg. Kindly furnished by her husband, Senator Aikins, P.C. Mary Elizabeth Jane, only daughter of the late John Somerset, Esquire, of Toronto, married, June 5th, 1845, James Cox Aikins, who, entering public life, became, successively, a member of the Canadian Asseinbly and Legislative Council, a Senator of the Dominion, a Privy Councillor and a member of the Government, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, and again a Senator. She was the mother of three sons and two daughters, and is described by one who knew her well as “a devoted wife and perfect mother.” She died May 25th, 1899. While living at Winnipeg she became one of the founders of the Women's Hospital Aid Society and of the Christian Woman's Union of that city, and was the first president of the first named association. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SOPHIA, COUNTESS OF ALBEMARLE. Copied from an engraving kindly supplied by the family. Sophia, eldest daughter of Colonel the Honourable Sir Allan Napier MacNab, Bart., A.D.C. to the Queen, and his second wife, Mary, daughter of Mr. Sheriff Stuart, of the Johnstown District, Ontario, was born at Hamilton, Ont. She married, at Dundurn Castle, Hamilton, November 15th, 1855, the Right Honourable William Coutts Keppel, Viscount Bury, afterwards 7th Earl of Albemarle, who died 1894. She is the mother of the present Earl of Albemarle (born in London, England, June ist, 1858), and of eight other children. One of her sons, Major the Honourable Derek W. G. Keppel, C.M.G., M.V.O., has been an Equerry to the Prince of Wales since 1893, and was in Canada with His Royal Highness, in 1901. Residence: 53 Lowndes Square, London, S.W., England. 6 Welford Allan MRS. ALEXANDER ALLAN. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Eva Belford, only daughter of the late John N. Travers, Esquire, for many years manager of the Bank of Montreal at Brockville and elsewhere, and grand- daughter of Major-General Sir Robert Travers, C.B., was married at Brock- ville, Ont., April 23rd, 1874, to Alexander R. Allan, Esquire, eldest son of Sir Hugh Allan, of “Ravenscrag,” Montreal, who died June 29th, 1901. Mrs. Allan, who is the mother of one son, is now on a voyage round the world. She is regarded by Saturday Night as one of the handsomest and most attractive women in Canada. Residence: King Street, Brockville, Ont. LADY ALLAN. From a photographic sketch by Notman, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alexander Allan, Brockville, Ont. Matilda Caroline, second daughter of John Smith, Esquire, of Athelstane Hall, Montreal, was married in that city, August 13th, 1844, to Hugh Allan, Esquire, who for his services in connection with the development of ocean steam navigation with Canada was knighted by her late Majesty Queen Victoria, 1871. Lady Allan, who was the mother of five sons and eight daughters, held a distinguished position in the social world, and had had the honour of enter- taining at her residence, “Ravenscrag," H. R. H. Prince Arthur (now Duke of Connaught), Lord and Lady Lisgar, the Earl and Countess of Dufferin, F. M. Viscount Wolseley, etc. She died in Montreal, June uith, 1881, aged 53. Her husband died at Edinburgh, Scotland, December 9th, 1882, aged 72. MRS. WILLIAM ALLAN. Copy kindly furnished by her son, the late Hon. G. W. Allan, P.C., Senator, From a family portrait. Leah Tyrer, fourth daughter of Dr. John Gamble, married Hon. William Allan, of York (Toronto), U.C., who sat both in the Legislative and Executive Councils of the Province, and was prominently identified with the Family Compact, or Tory party. Mrs. Allan, who died at Toronto, October 17th, 1848, aged 58, held a high position in the social life of Upper Canada, and was, personally, much esteemed by all classes. Her husband died in 1853, aged 83. MISS VIOLA ALLEN. From a photograph by Hime, New York. Viola Allen, one of the queens of the American stage, is a native of the Southern States. When three years old she went to Boston, and passed thence with her family to Toronto, where she received her education at the Bishop Strachan School, her brothers being educated at Trinity College School, Port Hope. In 1882, when fifteen, she made her professional début at the Madison Square Theatre, New York, in “Esmeralda," became leading lady for John McCullough, in 1883, and subsequently played classical Shakesperian and comedy roles with Salvini, Lawrence Barrett, Joseph Jefferson and W. J. Florence. Her career as a “star” dates from 1898, at which time she created the character of Gloria Quayle in “The Christian.” Her chief successes have been in this character and in Virginia, Cordelia, Desdemona, Lydia Languish, Dolores, Julia, and Roma. Address : Care Lieber & Co., Knickerbocker Building, 1402 Broadway, New York. 10 Scule Macgeres Cluding MISS MARGARET ANGLIN. From a photograph by Morrison, Chicago. Miss Anglin, who has so quickly risen to fame in the dramatic profession, is the eldest daughter of the late Hon. T. W. Anglin, at one time Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, by his second wife, herself a delightful amateur actress, Miss MacTavish. Born in the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, April 3rd, 1876, she was educated at Loretto Abbey, Toronto, and at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Montreal. She graduated from the Empire School of Dramatic Acting, New York, in 1894, and made her first appearance in that city in “Shenandoah.” An injury sustained while out riding laid her up for some months, but in 1896 she became leading lady with James O'Neill, and toured with him in the United States and Canada. She subsequently played with the Sothern Company, and scored a great success as Lady Ursula ; but it was not till 1898 that, as Roxane in “Cyrano de Bergerac," she gave evidence that she was in every sense an experienced actress, with a great future before her. As leading lady with Charles Frohman, in California, in 1899, she gathered fresh laurels, which have since been sustained and added to in the same capacity with the Empire Theatre Company, New York. As an emotional actress the critics say she reminds them much of Clara Morris (q.v.). Residence: New York. II Edit ] Arclübze MRS. CHARLES ARCHIBALD. From a photograph by Gauvin & Gentzel, Halifax, N.S. Mrs. Edith Jessie Archibald is the youngest daughter of the late Sir E. M. Archibald, K.C.M.G., C.B., for many years H. B. M. Consul-General at New York, and his wife, Catherine, daughter of Andrew Richardson, Esquire, of Halifax, N.S. Educated in London and New York, she married, at sixteen, Charles Archibald, Esquire, a son of the late Hon. T. D. Archibald, Senator, Sydney, C.B. Besides being Vice-President for Nova Scotia of the National Council of Women and President of the Local Council of Women of Halifax, she is Vice-President for the Dominion of the W.C.T.U., and President of the Maritime W.C.T.U. “A thoroughly educated, refined, cultured Christian woman, of great intellect, great energy, indomitable perseverance and un- bounded charity, she has become a natural leader of society, and moulds the thought and ideals of her friends by her force of character” is the estimate formed of Mrs. Archibald by one who knows her well and is qualified to judge. We may add to this that she is both a charming writer and a graceful and forceful speaker. Residence : 32 Inglis Street, Halifax, N.S. 12 MISS JULIA ARTHUR (MRS. CHENEY). From a photograph by Schloss, Fifth Avenue, New York. Julia Arthur, who has not inaptly been called “the Sara Bernhardt of the American stage,” was born at Hamilton, Ont., May 3rd, 1869, of Irish and Welsh parentage. Her real name, before her marriage to Mr. B. P. Cheney, in 1900, was Ida Lewis. At eleven she played in an amateur dramatic club. Three years later she made her professional début with Daniel Bandmann's Company. Her first New York success was at the Union Square Theatre in “The Black Masque." She made her debut in London, February, 1895, in Sir Henry Irving's Company, playing roles next to Miss Terry, being especially successful as Rosamond in “A' Becket.” Subsequently she accompanied Irving and Terry on their tour in the United States. At the termination of this engagement she “starred” as an emotional actress of the first class, her greatest hit being made in Mrs. Burnett's play, “A Lady of Quality.” It was said of her that she “had no rival so endowed with the Juliet nature.” She has now retired from the stage. Address : 41 Spring Street, Hamilton, Ont. 13 LADY ARTHUR. From a painting by Smart, Bombay. Kindly furnished by Lady Arthur's grandson, Sir Bartle Frere, Bart. Eliza Orde Ussher, second daughter of Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Sigismund Smith, K.C.B., married, May, 1814, Major George Arthur, 7th West India Regiment, son of John Arthur, Esquire, of Plymouth, who became, successively, Lieutenant-Governor of Honduras, Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, Governor of Bombay, and was nominated for the Governor-Generalship of India. He was knighted 1837, created a Baronet 1841, and called to the Privy Council 1848. At his death, in 1854, he had attained the rank of Lieut.-General. Lady Arthur lived at Toronto during the whole period of her husband's administration, 1838-41, and had with her there three of her sons and her five daughters. Her Ladyship, who is described as a woman of beautiful character and charming manners. and who made a deep impression on all who were brought in contact with her died in London, England, January 14th, 1855. 14 mina Ellis Athinen madhe herton ) MRS. ATKINSON. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Miss Ella S. Elliott, described in a newspaper of the day as “a bright and talented member of the staff of the Toronto Globe," was married, in that city, April, 1892, to Joseph E. Atkinson, of the same paper. Mrs. Atkinson has continued to gather literary laurels in many fields. Under her nom-de-plume of “Madge Merton," she has for some years conducted Saturday departments in the Montreal Daily Herald and the Toronto Daily Star, of which latter paper Mr. Atkinson is now editor. Combining as she does a sprightly style of treatment with a choice of serious, wholesome subjects, Mrs. Atkinson contrives without loss of interest to give dignity to woman's work in journalism. Address : The “Star" Office, Toronto. 15 TWO SISTERS: MRS. RICHARDSON AULDJO AND MRS. W. C. C. BRACKENBURY. From a miniature, copy of which has been kindly supplied by Mrs. Brackenbury's son Colonel M. C. Brackenbury, R.E., C.S.I. The ladies represented in this picture were daughters of Hon. William McGillivray, M.L.C., of Chateau St. Antoine, Montreal, a director of the N. W. Fur Co., and one of the heroes of the War of 1812, and his wife, a daughter of Macdonald of Garth, late 84th Regiment, a sister of Lady Campbell of Ava. One of the ladies, Magdalen Julia, married, 1842, W. C. C. Brackenbury, Esquire, son of Sir John Macpherson Brackenbury, K.H., of Raithby Hall, Lincolnshire, then British Vice-Consul at Cadiz, and afterwards British Consul at Madrid, Vigo and Corunna, in Spain, and had issue two sons and two daughters, viz. : Vice-Admiral John William Brackenbury, Colonel M. C. Brackenbury, R.E., C.S.I., Magdalen Brackenbury (married General Manuel Delgado), and Wilhelmina Brackenbury, unmarried. The other lady married Thomas Richardson Auldjo, Esquire, of Montreal. She died at Noel House, Kensington, London, September 2nd, 1856. 16 LADY AYLMER, WIFE OF THE 5TH BARON AYLMER. From a water-colour. Kindly loaned for reproduction in this work by the present Lord Aylmer. Louisa Anne, second daughter of Sir John Call, Bart., married, August 4th, 1801, General the Right Honourable Matthew Whitworth, 5th Lord Aylmer, G.C.B., who was appointed in 1830 to administer the government of Canada, and remained there, as Governor-General, from February, 1831 to August, 1835. Throughout her husband's term of office she well sustained her position as the official head of society, and her entertainments at the Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, which was the residence of the Aylmers for some years, were among the most brilliant and successful ever held in that historic building. Lord and Lady Aylmer went much among the people and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all classes in a supreme degree. During the visitation of cholera in 1831-32 Lady Aylmer did a great deal personally for the relief of the sufferers. She was also warmly interested in education, regularly visiting and bestowing prizes in the schools, and became the patroness of the Societé d'Education sous la direction des dames de Québec. Her Ladyship died August 13th, 1862, her husband having predeceased her. Amy G. Aghuer THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY AYLMER (8TH BARON). From a photograph by Jarvis, Ottawa. Amy Gertrude, second daughter of the late Hon. John Young, M.P., of Montreal, married in that city, October 20th, 1875, Hon. Matthew Aylmer, eldest son of Udolphus, Lord Aylmer, 7th Baron, who, after retiring from the regular army, entered the Canadian militia, attaining the rank of colonel therein and being appointed adjutant-general thereof, which office he still fills. Lady Aylmer is the mother of three sons and two daughters. She is noted especially for her love of flowers, and won a silver medal at the Lady Minto garden competition in 1901. Residence : 328 McLeod Street, Ottawa. 18 LADY BAGOT. From a miniature by Hoppner, R.A. Copy kindly furnished for this work by her grandson, Major Joseline Fitzroy Bagot, Levens Hall, Westmorland, England. Lady Mary Charlotte Anne Wellesley, eldest daughter of the 4th Earl of Mornington, was born February 5th, 1786, and married, July 22nd, 1806, the Right Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, Bart., G.C.B., second son of the ist Lord Bagot, by whom she had three sons and five daughters, nearly all of whom accom- panied their parents to Canada, on the appointment of Sir Charles Bagot as Governor-General of British North America, January 12th, 1842. Her hus- band's stay here was short, for he died at Kingston, Ont., May 18th, 1843. His widow accompanied the remains to England. Lady Bagot was the first wife of a Governor-General in Canada to assume the title of “Her Excellency, which she did at a drawing-room held by her, in Montreal, August rith, 1842. Her Ladyship died in London, February 2nd, 1845. MRS. BAGOT, R.R.C. From a photograph by Mendelssohn, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, Major Bagot. Theodosia, third daughter of Sir John Leslie, Bart., married, 1885, Captain (now Major) Joseline Fitzroy Bagot, a grandson of Sir Charles Bagot, G.C.B., formerly Governor-General of Canada. Mrs. Bagot was in Canada while her husband was a member of the staff at Rideau Hall during the regime of the Earl of Derby. In the amateur theatricals given at Government House during their stay in Canada both Mrs. Bagot and her husband appeared to much advantage. Mrs. Bagot was also a finished violiniste and the leader of an amateur orchestra. She is a Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and quite recently has received the Order of the Royal Red Cross and the South African medal for services in that country. Her book, “Shadows of the War," conveys her impressions of the struggle there during the late war. Mrs. Bagot's portrait appears in the Marchioness of Granby's “Portraits of Men and Women” (1900). Residence: Levens Hall, Milnthorpe, West- morland, England. 20 MRS. ROBERT BALDWIN. From a family painting. Kindly furnished by Mrs. Baldwin, Toronto. Augusta Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Sullivan, Esquire, married, May 31st, 1827, Robert Baldwin, Esquire, Barrister, of York (now Toronto), who, not long afterwards, was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada, and from that time till his retirement from public life, in July, 1851, played a most important part in the public affairs of his native province and of the late Province of Canada. He became the leader of the Reform party, served in several governments, of one of which he was the leader, and is known in history as the “Father of Responsible Government in Canada.” Mrs. Baldwin, who bore him four children, two sons and two daughters, died January nith, 1836, her husband surviving her, without re-marrying, till December 9th, 1858. 21 MISS BARRY (“FRANÇOISE”). From a photograph by Query Freres, Montreal Miss Robertine Barry, the witty and fascinating “Françoise" of the French Canadian press, is the daughter of the late John Edmund Barry, Esquire, a native of Cork, Ireland, by a French Canadian mother. Born at Escoumins, P.Q., she was educated at the Ursuline Convent, Quebec, and at an early age joined the editorial staff of La Patrie, with which newspaper she remained connected for many years. She has also written for other journals, and, in 1902, after her return from the Paris Exposition, to which she was sent by the Dominion Government in an official capacity, she founded a serial of her own, Le Journal de Françoise. She is a complete master of causerie, and also a lecturer of acknowledged ability. Among her printed works are “Les Chron- iques du Lundi” (1900), and “Fleurs Champetres” (1895). Address : Bureau “Le Journal de Françoise,” Montreal. 22 MISS LOUISE BEAUDET. From a photograph by Sarony, New York. Miss Louise Beaudet, an accomplished actress, is a native of Montreal, and mother she took lessons in elocution, and went upon the stage there. She became leading lady to Daniel Bandmann, and accompanied him on a tour round the world, playing all the principal female roles in the repertoire of the great tragedian. Subsequently she toured on her own account. She has been spoken of as “an ideal Ophelia.” Residence: New York. 23 Scher Bedford LADY BEDFORD. From a photograph by Durrant & Son, Torquay. Kindly furnished by her husband. Ethel, daughter of E. R. Turner, Esquire, Ipswich, England, married, 1880, Captain (now Vice-Admiral Sir) E. J. Bedford, R.N., who became Commander- in-Chief on the North America and West Indies station, 1899, and was ap- pointed Governor of Western Australia, January, 1903. Lady Bedford accom- panied her husband to Halifax, and was mistress of Admiralty House there until the termination of his term of service on that station, 1902. She has always taken a keen interest in benevolent work, and, being possessed of a very fine voice, has, wherever she has been, frequently assisted at concerts for charitable purposes. Residence : Government House, Perth, Western Australia. 24 Eurile C. Benson MISS BENSON. From a photograph by Helen McCaul and Elizabeth Dickson, London, England. Kindly furnished by her father. Emily Constance, second daughter of His Honour Judge Benson, of Port Hope, and his first wife, Mary Edith, eldest daughter of the late Rev. John McCaul, D.D., President of the University of Toronto, was born at Port Hope, and educated there and at Miss Dupont's School in Toronto. She has travelled considerably in England and on the Continent, and has seen much of English society. Her mother was, before marriage, one of the reigning belles of Toronto, and had the honour of dancing as a partner of King Edward (when Prince of Wales), at his reception at Osgoode Hall, and again at the Civic Ball given to him at the Crystal Palace, Toronto, during his visit to that city in 1860. Her elder sister, Ethel Mary, is married to a son of the Hon. Edward Blake, K.C., M.P. A younger sister, Clara, graduated B.A. at the University of Toronto in 1899, with honours in Physics and Chemistry, and in the fall of that year was appointed Fellow in those branches at University College, which position she held for three years. In 1902 she was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Physics and Chemistry at University College. Residence : “ Terralta," Port Hope, Ont. 25 E.m. Bitby MRS. FRANK BIBBY. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Edith Mary, eldest daughter of Major-General Sir Stanley de Astel Calvert Clarke, K.C.V.O., C.M.G., married, 1890, Frank Bibby, Esquire, of Sansaw, Shrewsbury, England, and is the mother of two sons and two daughters. Mrs. Bibby is connected with Canada as the granddaughter of the late Right Hon. Sir John Rose, Bart., G.C.M.G. She is one of the noted beauties of the day. Her portrait by Fildes, R.A., was exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1896. Her sister (Mrs. Baird's) portrait, by Shannon, was exhibited at the same time. Residence: Hardwicke Grange, Shrewsbury, England. 26 MRS. BINGHAM. From a photograph by Disderi & Cie., Paris. Kindly furnished by the Hon. Sir H. E. Taschereau, Chief Justice of Canada. Marie Charlotte, second daughter of Hon. Eustache Gaspard Michel Chartier de Lotbinière, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada, and his wife, Charlotte, daughter of Hon. Colonel Munro of Fowlis, married, 1821, William Bingham, Esquire, an American gentleman, who was connected with the Ashburton family. They lived for some years in Montreal, their house being the centre of the fashionable life of the period, but subsequently removed to Paris for the education of their children. Of their three daughters, Louise married Comte Brian de Bois-Guilbert; Charlotte married Comte de Doutier de Romanancho; and Georgiana married Comte Raoul d'Espremenil. Mrs. Bingham survived her husband, and died at 49 Oxford Terrace, London, England, March 21st, 1865. 27 -- - Aqua Run Black MRS. AGNES KNOX-BLACK. From a photograph by Morrow, Hamilton, Ont. Agnes Knox, the talented elocutionist, is a daughter of the late Andrew W. Knox, Esquire, of St. Mary's, Ont., and a native of that town. Educated there and at the Normal School, Toronto, she studied for her profession at the Phila- delphia School of Oratory (B.E., 1885), and in 1891 was appointed to the chair of elocution in the Ontario Normal School. In 1893 she married E. Charlton Black, LL.D., Professor of English Literature, Boston University, and accom- panied him to Scotland, where she gave dramatic recitals before the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution. More recently she has given similar recitals in London, and has been appointed lecturer on artistic interpretation of literature by reading and dramatic recitation, in the newly established School of Expres- sion, New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. The Scotsman speaks of her as “a highly accomplished and gifted reciter.” Residence : Cambridge, Mass. 28 Bargarii flakes MRS. EDWARD BLAKE. From a photograph by Elliott & Fry, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, the Hon. Edward Blake, K.C., M.P. Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Right Rev. Dr. Cronyn, Lord Bishop of Huron, and his wife, Margaret Ann, daughter of J. Bickerstaff, Esquire, of Lislea, Longford, Ireland, was born at London, Ont., 1835. Educated there and in Toronto, she married, in 1858, Edward Blake, Esquire, the eldest son of the first Chancellor of Upper Canada, who, entering public life in 1867, became premier of his native province, and was afterwards leader of the Liberal party in the Dominion. He now sits in the English House of Commons, and enjoys an extensive legal practice in London. Mrs. Blake, while living in Toronto, gave much of her time and means to benevolent and other useful work, and was, for some time, the Honorary President of the Canadian Branch of the McAll Association. She was also prominently identified with the Toronto Ladies' Educational Association. She is a woman of keen intellect and warm sympathies, and has throughout been of great service to her distinguished husband, whom she frequently accompanies on his political tours. She is the mother of seven children, four of whom survive. Residences : 20 Kensington Gate, London, W., England; “Humewood,” Toronto. 29 Closslate MRS. WILLIAM HUME BLAKE. From a photograph by Ewing, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her son, the Hon. Edward Blake, K.C., M.P. Christina Honoria (born in 1804), daughter of Joseph Samuel Hume, Esquire, of County Wicklow, and Eliza, his wife, daughter of the Rev. Charles Smyth, of Smythfield and Charles Park, County Limerick, Ireland, married, 1832, William Hume Blake, Esquire, and einigrated to Canada in the same year. Her husband, after serving in Parliament, became Chancellor of Upper Canada, and died November 17th, 1870. His widow survived till February 3rd, 1886, her death, then, resulting from an accident. Mrs. Blake, who was on the Com- mittee of Management of the Toronto General Hospital and of the Female Emigrant Society and other similar bodies, was the mother of the Hon. Edward Blake, K.C., at one time Premier of Ontario, afterwards leader of the Liberal party at Ottawa, and now a member of the English House of Commons, and of the Hon. S. H. Blake, K.C., one of the leaders of the Ontario Bar. 30 MRS. BOOMER. From a photograph by Shannon & Carson, London, Ont. Mrs. Harriet A. Boomer is the second daughter of the late Thomas Milliken Mills, Esquire, and was born at Bishop's Hull, Somersetshire, England. In 1851 she accompanied her widowed mother to the Red River Settlement (now Winnipeg), where her mother was placed in charge of a ladies' school estab- lished by Bishop Anderson. After five years she returned to England and attended the lectures at Queen's College, Harley Street, London, of which her mother was appointed the principal. In 1858 she married Alfred R. Roche, Esquire, formerly an officer of the Spanish Legion, a cousin of Lord Fermoy, whom she accompanied to South Africa. Mr. Roche died at sea, December 4th, 1876, on the voyage from Natal, and in November, 1878, his widow married Dean Boomer, of the Diocese of Huron, Ontario. He died March 4th, 1888. Since then Mrs. Boomer has devoted her time almost wholly to work of a beneficent character in connection with the Church of England and the National Council of Women, in which latter body she is President of the London Council and Vice-President for Ontario. An able speaker, she is also a writer of considerable ability, as her two books, “On Trek in the Transvaal” and "Notes from our Log in South Africa,” will bear witness. Lady Aber- deen has described her as a delightful speaker, with a great gift of humour. Residence : 538 Dundas Street, London, Ont. 31 con uloswall LADY HOUSTOUN-BOSWALL. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Phoebe Mary, third daughter of the late Sir Hugh Allan, of “Ravenscrag,” Montreal, was born and educated in Montreal. She married, at the Church of St. James the Apostle, Montreal, March ist, 1877, Captain George Lauderdale Houstoun-Boswall, Grenadier Guards (eldest son of Colonel Sir G. A. F. Houstoun-Boswall, Bart.), who succeeded to the baronetcy on the death of his father, 1886. Lady Boswall is the mother of one daughter and two sons. She has been presented at the Court of the late Queen Victoria, and at the Court of their present Majesties. Seats : Blackadder, Edrom, Scotland; Allanbank, Berwick-on-Tweed, England. 32 MRS. BORDEN. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her husband, R. L. Borden, Esquire, K.C., M.P. Laura, youngest daughter of the late T. H. Bond, Esquire, married, Sep- tember, 1889, Robert Laird Borden, Esquire, who was created a K.C. in 1890, elected to the House of Commons in 1896, and is now the leader of the Con- servative party in Canada. Mrs. Borden held for some years the presidency of the Halifax Council of Women, a position she resigned in 1901. She is still, however, President of the Aberdeen Association, Vice-President of the Women's Work Exchange in that city, and Corresponding Secretary of the Associated Charities of the United States. An active-minded, amiable and talented woman, she has contributed much to her husband's success, both politically and socially, throughout the Dominion. Among her guests at Halifax have been the Governor-General and the Countess of Minto. Resi- dence : “Pinehurst,” Halifax, N.S. 33 GES ESTE ist LIV FI B . ENE Marguerile bourgeoy's LA VÉNÉRABLE MARGUERITE BOURGEOYS. From an oil painting by Leber, in the possession of the Ladies of the Congregation de Notre Dame, Montreal. Marguerite Bourgeoys, who founded the first school established at Ville Marie (Montreal), and, subsequently, the Order of the Congregation de Notre Dame, of that city, was born at Troyes, France, April 15th, 1620. She came originally to New France with M. de Maisonneuve in 1653. She is regarded as having been a woman of extraordinary energy and ability. Her death occurred in Montreal, January 12th, 1700. In October, 1888, her remains were removed from the vaults of the church in which they had been interred to the new chapel of her Order at Monklands, Montreal, and steps were taken by Mgr. Bourget for her canonization. Her life has been written by several persons. Some verses in her honour are contained in McGee's poems. 34 Deabel M. Bordring MRS. BOWRING. From a photograph by Medrington, Liverpool. Isabel Maclean Jarvis, wife of William Benjamin Bowring, Esquire, late Lord Mayor of Liverpool, is a native of St. John, N.B., and comes of Loyalist stock. Her early days were spent in her native province, whence she removed, after her marriage, to St. Johns, Nid., to which colony her husband belongs. She subsequently lived in New York, where her husband established a branch of the shipping firm of which he is now the senior partner, but for many years her home has been at Liverpool, where she has done much to prove her practical sympathy with the suffering and needy among the poor of that great city. In 1894 she and her husband had the honour of receiving and entertain- ing the present Prince and Princess of Wales on their state visit to Liverpool. Residence: “Beechwood,” Aigburth, Liverpool, England. 35 Aques Buchanan MRS. ISAAC BUCHANAN. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her son, James Isaac Buchanan, Esquire, Banker, Pittsburg, Pa. Agnes, second daughter of Robert Jarvie, Esquire, Glasgow, Scotland, married, January 27th, 1843, Isaac Buchanan, Esquire, then and subsequently a distinguished member of the Canadian Parliament, who accepted office under Sir John Macdonald, and was known as the “Father of Protection ” in the Dominion. Mrs. Buchanan, a woman of the highest mental endowments, who contributed much to her husband's political advancement, became the mother of eleven children. At their home, “Auchmar, Clairmont Park, Ham- ilton, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan had received as guests, Lord and Lady Elgin, Lord and Lady Monck, Lord and Lady Lisgar, Lord and Lady Dufferin, and other of the Governors and their wives. Their entertainments were numerous, especially during the days of the “regulars” in Canada, and of a princely character. On the organization of the 13th Militia Regiment, in 1862, Mr. Buchanan was appointed its first commanding officer, and Mrs. Buchanan presented to it a stand of colours. Mr. Buchanan died at Hamilton, October aged 71. 36 TA MRS. BUCKLAND. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Miss Kate Horn, one of the most accomplished actresses on the American stage, married, at Buffalo, N.Y., about 1850, John Wellington Buckland, Esquire, a member of a New York banking firm, with whom she came to Montreal in 1852, on his assuming the management of the old Theatre Royal in Coté Street. There, for many years up to her retirement from the stage, she was the leading lady, playing the principal parts in support of such well-known “stars” as Forest, Booth, the Wallacks, Blake, Matthews, Jefferson, Sothern, and many others. She also played at the garrison theatricals while the Bri- gade of Guards was stationed in Montreal, during the American war, and numbered many of the principal officers among her personal friends. “Pretty Kate Horn, as she was called," writes Curtis Guild in his “Chat About Celeb- rities," “was thought to be the handsomest woman in New York.” Her husband died in Montreal, in November, 1872 ; she died, at the same place, September ioth, 1896, and is buried in the Roman Catholic cemetery there. 37 Sophie L. Bulll MRS. BUELL. From a photograph by Dow, Ogdensburg, N.Y. Kindly furnished by her husband, W. S. Buell, Esquire. Sophia Elizabeth, second daughter of Robert Bowie, Esquire, married, June ist, 1895, William Senkler Buell, Esquire, Barrister, the representative of one of the oldest Loyalist families in Eastern Ontario, who, as Mayor of Brockville, Ont., had the honour, with Mrs. Buell, of receiving their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales at that town, October 15th, 1901. Mrs. Buell was educated at the Convent of the Holy Names, Hochelaga, and at Miss Dupont's School, Toronto. Residence: Brockville, Ont. 38 MRS. BRISTOL. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Toronto. Mary Dorothy, third daughter of Mr. Justice Armour, until recently Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench, Ontario, and now one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada, married, September 21st, 1889, Edmund Bristol, Esquire, a prominent member of the Ontario Bar, and one of the local leaders of the Conservative party. Residence : 126 Huron Street, Toronto. E.B. Brodeur MADAME BRODEUR. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her husband, the Hon. L. P. Brodeur, K.C., Speaker of the House of Commons. Emma, daughter of J. R. Brillon, Esquire, N.P., of Belcil, P.Q., married, in June, 1887, Louis Philippe Brodeur, Esquire, Advocate, who was elected to the House of Commons in 1891, became Deputy Speaker of that body in 1896, and Speaker, at the meeting of the new Parliament, February, 1901. As the wife of the First Commoner, Madame Brodeur has very acceptably discharged the high social duties appertaining to her position, and has become a most popular hostess at Ottawa. Her receptions are more numerously attended than are those given at Rideau Hall during recent years, and are of a far more intel- lectual character. Residence : St. Hilaire, P.Q. 40 well Z MRS. E. H. BRONSON. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Ella W., only daughter of Prof. N. B. Webster, a cousin of the distinguished American statesman, Daniel Webster, was married, at Norfolk, Va., in 1874, to Erskine H. Bronson, Esquire, of Ottawa, who became, subsequently, a member of the Ontario Government. Mrs. Bronson has been connected in an official capacity with the Ottawa Council of Women since its first organization, and as such has been instrumental, with others, in the establishment of the Asso- ciated Charities there. She has also been President of the Maternity Hospital, Ottawa, since the opening of the institution, in 1895. These are only some of the many ways in which she has manifested her benevolent spirit and anxious desire to serve the community in which she lives. Residence : 75 Concession Street, Ottawa. MRS. CALTHORPE. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Effie, daughter of the late Hon. Robert Dunsmuir, M.E.C., of “Craigdar- roch,” Victoria, B.C., and his wife, Joanna, daughter of Alexander White, Esquire, of Kilmarnock, Scotland, was married at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, England, March, 1900, to Captain Somerset Arthur Calthorpe, R.N., son of Lieut.-General Hon. S. J. Calthorpe, and grandson of the 6th Lord Calthorpe. Mrs. Calthorpe is a sister of Lady Musgrave (9.v.) and of Mrs. Chaplin (9.v.). Her husband is now Naval Attaché to the British Embassy, St. Petersburg. Residence : British Embassy, St. Petersburg, Russia. 42 Julia Lanuus. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY CAREW. From a photograph by W. & D. Downey, London. Julia Mary, Countess of Carew, is the eldest daughter of the late Albert Arthur Erin Lethbridge, Esquire (third son, by his second wife, of Sir John Hesketh Lethbridge, Bart.), by his wife, Jane, only child of Robert A. Hill, Esquire, of Hamilton, Ont. Born in that city, October 9th, 1863, she was educated in England, and spent some years of her girlhood in Persia, where her great-uncle was British Minister. She married, June 27th, 1888, at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, the 3rd Baron Carew, and holds a distinguished position in English society. A miniature of her, by C. Turrell, was exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1900. See portrait and sketch of her in “Men and Women of the Day” (London : 1889). Residences : 28 Belgrave Square, Lon- don, W., England; Castle Boro, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Ireland. 43 LADY CAREY. From a photograph by Gabell, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, Sir T. G. Carey, Kt. Eliza de Sausmarez, second daughter of the late Thomas Ritchie Grassie, Esquire, of Halifax, N.S., married, January 22nd, 1901, as his second wife, Sir Thomas Godfrey Carey, Kt., LL.D., formerly Attorney-General of Guernsey, afterwards Bailiff of Guernsey, and now President of the States of Guernsey. Residence: Rozel, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. 44 Burkhenep baran MADAME R. E. CARON. From a photograph by Jones, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her son, the Hon. Sir A. P. Caron, K.C.M.G. Josephine, daughter of Germain de Blois, Esquire, of Quebec, married, September 15th, 1828, Rénè Edouard Caron, Esquire, Advocate, who became Mayor of Quebec in 1834, and held that office almost continuously up to 1846. He also sat in the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada, and in the Legisla- tive Council after the Union of 1841 ; was Speaker of that body and a member of the Executive ; was a judge from 1853 to 1873, when he was appointed Lieut.-Governor of the Province of Quebec. He died December 13th, 1876. Madame Caron died March 25th, 1880, and is buried in Belmont cemetery alongside the remains of her distinguished husband. She was much esteemed for her life-long hospitality and benevolence to the poor. As Lady Mayoress of Quebec, in 1842, she had the honour of opening the ball given at the Castle of St. Lewis, by the Brigade of Guards, to celebrate the birth of the present Sovereign, with General Sir James Macdonell, the hero of Hougomont, who at the supper on that occasion proposed the toast of her health. B gr oto atre LADY CARTIER. From a photograph copied by Query Freres, Montreal. Kindly furnished by Malle. Hortense Cartier. Hortense, daughter of the late E. R. Fabre, Esquire, for some years Mayor of Mont- real, married, June 16th, 1846, George Etienne Cartier, Esquire, Advocate, who after a distinguished public career, during which he had been Prime Minister of Canada, was created a Baronet of the United Kingdom, August, 1868. He died in London, England, May 20th, 1873, on which occasion Queen Victoria wrote the widow a letter of condolence. Lady Cartier was the mother of three children, all girls, one of whom died in infancy, and one in 1886. The mother and surviving daughter, Hortense, lived at Cannes, France, up to the former's death, February 27th, 1898, her remains being brought to Montreal and interred alongside those of her husband and daughter, in Cote des Neiges Cemetery. Lady Cartier enjoyed a pension of $1,200 from the Crown, in recognition of her husband's services. She was a woman of much amiability of character, and very highly esteemed in society. In 1860 she danced with the present King at Quebec ; in 1864 she opened the ball given to the Maritime delegates to the Conference on Confederation at the same city, with Viscount Monck, the Governor-General ; in 1870 she opened the ball, at Montreal, with Prince Arthur (Duke of Connaught); in 1873 she and her daughters were presented to the late Queen in London ; and in the same year she dined with the present King and Queen. In 1892 Lady Cartier presented to the Legislative Assembly of Quebec a marble bust of her husband. 46 MDLLE. JOSEPHINE CARTIER. From a photograph copied by Query Freres, Montreal. Kindly supplied by Malle. Hortense Cartier. Mdlle. Cartier was the eldest daughter of Sir George E. and Lady Cartier, and was tenderly devoted to her parents and sister. From the time of her father's death she had lived with her mother on the continent, principally at Nice, Monte Carlo and Cannes, at which latter place she died, March 19th, 1886. At her request her remains were brought to Montreal and interred alongside those of her father. In 1873 she and her sister were presented to Queen Victoria, by her mother, at a court held at Buckingham Palace. Jeanette Jasolo LADY CASAULT. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her husband, Chief Justice Sir Napoleon Casault. Elmire Jane, eldest daughter of the late Hon. John Pangman, M.L.C., and Seigneur of Lachenaye, near Montreal, was married, July 7th, 1870, to Hon. Justice Casault, of Quebec, who was knighted by Queen Victoria, June 25th, 1894, and became Chief Justice of the Superior Court, P.Q., in October of the same year. Lady Casault, who holds a distinguished place in the society of Quebec, was elected the first President of the Quebec branch of the National Council of Women, when that institution was founded by the Countess of Aber- deen. She is also an active member of various other bodies of a religious or benevolent character. Residence : “ Londesir," 9 de Salaberry Street, Quebec. 48 M. Hermitte (sault MISS CASAULT. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her father, Chief Justice Sir Napoleon Casault. Miss Casault is the eldest daughter of Sir Napoleon and Lady Casault. She is a native of Quebec, and received her education in that city. Residence : “Londesir," 9 de Salaberry Street, Quebec. . 49 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE COUNTESS CATHCART. Enlarged from a miniature taken in 1835. Kindly furnished by the present Earl Cathcart. Henrietta, second daughter of Thomas Mather, Esquire, married in France, September 30th, 1818, and remarried at Portsea, England, February 12th, 1819, Charles Murray, Lord Greenock, a distinguished military officer, who succeeded to the Earldom of Cathcart on the death of his father, June, 1843. On his appointment as Commander-in-Chief of the forces in British North America, June, 1845, Lady Cathcart accompanied her husband to Canada, and remained with him until his return to England, May, 1847. From November, 1845, to January, 1847, Earl Cathcart was Governor-General, in addition to being Commander-in-Chief, and the Countess was, therefore, called upon to discharge social duties of a more than ordinarily onerous and important character, a duty she very successfully accomplished, with the assistance of her daughters, the Ladies Cathcart, who were with her in Canada. While here her Ladyship presented colours to one of the militia regiments in Montreal. Her death occurred June 24th, 1872. 50 MRS. HERBERT CHAMBERLAIN. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, Herbert Chamberlain, Esquire. Agnes Lilian, eldest daughter of the late Lieut.-Col. A. T. H. Williams, M.P., of Penryn Park, Port Hope, Ont., and his wife, Emily, second daughter of Hon. Benjamin Seymour, Senator, was born at Port Hope, and educated by private tuition and in Toronto. She married, in London, November 20th, 1883, Herbert, son of the late Joseph Chamberlain, Esquire, of Moor Green Hall, Birmingham, England, and a brother of the Right Honourable Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., the present Secretary of State for the Colonies. Keenly interested in all that concerns her native land, Mrs. Chamberlain is yet an active worker in the Women's Liberal Union Association and the Victoria League, which is in affiliation with the Daughters of the Empire. During the festivities attending the coronation of the King and Queen, in 1902, she did much for the entertainment of the colonials who flocked to London at that time. She was also most active among those who laboured in behalf of the sick and wounded during the South African war. More recently, she has been moving energetically towards securing a permanent home for the Colonial Club in London. Residence : 2 Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W., England. 51 Agmo M. Chaue berlai MRS. WALTER CHAMBERLAIN. From a recent photograph. Agnes Marion, youngest daughter of David Gilmour, Esquire, Quebec, married, at St. Andrew's Church, Quebec, October 16th, 1879, Walter, youngest son of the late Joseph Chamberlain, Esquire, of Moor Green Hall, Birming- ham, England, and a brother of the Right Honourable Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., the present Secretary of State for the Colonies. Mrs. Chamberlain is a sister of Lady Gilmour, of Montrave, Leven, Fifeshire (9.v.). Residence : Harborne Hall, Birmingham, England. 52 Bmes. Shamberlain MRS. BROWN CHAMBERLIN. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Agnes Dunbar, eldest daughter of the late Sheriff Moodie, of Beļleville, Ont., and his wife, Susannah, one of the celebrated Strickland sisters (9.v.), married, 1850, Charles FitzGibbon, Esquire, Barrister-at-law, eldest son of Col. James FitzGibbon, the “hero of Beaver Dams," who died a Military Knight of Windsor. She survived him, and married, secondly, 1870, Lieut.-Colonel Brown Chamberlin, M.P., C.M.G., who became Queen's Printer of Canada, and died July 13th, 1897. By her first husband Mrs. Chamberlin had four children, one son and three daughters, one of the latter being Miss Mary Agnes FitzGibbon, the author of a life of her grandfather, Colonel FitzGibbon, entitled "A Veteran of 1812." By her second husband she had one daughter, Mrs. Badgley. As the author of “ Canadian Wild Flowers, and other works, she has well maintained the literary traditions of her family. She is also an artist of much experience and merit. Miss Sanford (Godey's Magazine, July, 1897), records that Mrs. Chamberlin's “Canadian Wild Flowers” was the first illustrated book of its kind published in Canada. With the exception of the actual printing of the letter-press and the lithographs from the stone, it was the work of one pair of hands. Each illustration had to pass through her hands not less than sixteen times, and when the three editions were completed she had coloured fifteen thousand plates. Copies of these editions are now rare. Mrs. Chamberlin also drew on the lithographing stone the set of Canadian Fungi (edible) recently published by the Geological Survey of Canada. She was the illustrator of Mrs. Traill's “Studies of Plant Life.” Her drawings were exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia. Residence : Lakefield, Ont. 53 MRS. CHAPLIN. From a photorapgh by Lafayette, London. Maud, a younger daughter of the late Hon. Robert Dunsmuir, President or the Executive Council, British Columbia, married, in London, Eng., June, 1898, Captain Reginald Spencer Chaplin, ioth Royal Hussars, only son of Col. J. W. Chaplin, V.C., C.B., of Kenilworth Hall, Leicestershire. Captain Chaplin, at the period of his marriage, was an A.D.C. to Field Marshal Lord Roberts. Since then he has seen service in South Africa. Mrs. Chaplin is a sister of Lady Musgrave (q.v.), and of Mrs. Calthorpe (9.v.). Residence : Great Glen House, Leicester, England. 54 Suasey Jaceplellarke LADY CLARKE. From a photograph by Vernon Kaye, London. Mary Temple, eldest daughter of the late Right Honourable Sir John Rose, Bart., G.C.M.G., was born and educated in Montreal, and married, September 25th, 1867, at St. James's, Piccadilly, London, Eng., Stanley de Astel Calvert Clarke, Esquire, Captain H. M.'s 13th Hussars. Captain Clarke subsequently exchanged into the 4th Hussars, and was with his regiment in India for five years, during which time he and his wife were present, at Delhi, at the ceremonies attending the proclamation of Queen Victoria as Empress of India, and had also the delight of travelling in Cashmir. In 1878 Colonel Clarke was appointed Equerry to the Prince of Wales (now King Edward VII.), and, in 1886, Private Secretary to the Princess of Wales (Queen Alexandra). He was promoted Major-General, 1894, and received the K.C.V.O., 1897. Lady Clarke is a recognized power in London society. She is the mother of three daughters and a son, and, during their childhood, occupied herself much with their education. She takes the greatest interest in educational matters, and has served on several committees in reference thereto. She is also on the Council of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association. Quite recently she and her husband made a tour round the world. Writing to the editor of this work in reference to her native country, she says : “Though thirty years have rung their knell over me since I last saw Canada, my love for and interest in the home of my childhood are not one iota less than when I left its shores, and I long for the day when I shall be able to revisit the Dominion.” She was presented to the King and Queen at a Court held in March, 1903. Residence : 82 Eaton Place, London, S.W., England. 55 Norn Clench - MISS CLENCH. From a photograph taken in London. Miss Nora Clench, the accomplished violinist, is the daughter of the late L. M. Clench, Esquire, Barrister, and was born at St. Marys, Ont. As a child she attended Loretto Convent, Hamilton, Ont., and at fifteen she entered the Leipsic Conservatory, where she was a pupil of Brodsky, the Russian violinist. Here she obtained a special prize for an exceptionally high stan- dard of excellence. Returning to America, she became first violinist and leader of an orchestra at Buffalo, N.Y. Later, she made a concert tour in Europe, and played before Queen Victoria at Osborne, who presented her with a handsome diamond and ruby brooch. She now resides permanently in England, and plays frequently. While the London Times says, “Her tone is superb and her technique excellent,” Remenyi predicts that she will become the glory of Canada in a musical sense. Miss Clench also possesses a great taste for painting, and her productions have been greatly admired. Residence : 44 Langridge Road, London, Eng. MRS. CLOUSTON. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Annie, youngest daughter of George Easton, Esquire, Collector of Customs, Brockville, Ont., and his wife, Isabella Jane, eldest daughter of the Hon. George Crawford, Senator, was born at Brockville, and received her education at the Bishop Strachan School, Toronto. In 1878 she married Edward Seaborne Clouston, Esquire, now General Manager of the Bank of Montreal, and is the mother of two daughters. She is one of the leaders of Montreal society, and has had the honour of receiving as her guests the Governor-General and the Countess of Minto. When Prince George of Wales (now the Prince of Wales) visited Canada, in the eighties, Mrs. Clouston was one of the ladies who were selected to dance with H.R.H. at the ball given to him in Montreal. She takes an active interest in all works of a beneficent character, and, in 1895, was elected vice-president of the committee of ladies who successfully concerted measures for the preservation of Mount Royal Park. More recently she has been elected an office-bearer of the Woman's National Immigration Society. Both she and her daughters were present in London during the Coronation, 1902, and took part in the festivities attending that great event. Residences : 362 Peel Street, Montreal ; “Boisbriant," Senneville, P.Q. Udzene Marpurg MISS MARJORY CLOUSTON. From a photograph by Lafayette, London. Kindly furnished by her mother, Mrs. E. S. Clouston. Miss Marjory M. Clouston, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Clouston, Montreal, is a recent addition to the young society ladies of the commercial metropolis, by whom she has been chosen as their representative in this volume of Canadian women. Residences : 362 Peel Street, Montreal ; “ Boisbriant," Senneville, P.Q. 58 so Klise fleu - Cats LADY GLEN-COATS. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Elise Agnes, only daughter of the late Alexander Walker, Esquire, merchant, of Montreal, married, 1876, Thomas Glen-Coats, Esquire, of the firm of J. & P. Coats, Paisley, Scotland. Mr. Coats was created a Baronet of the United Kingdom, 1894, and, in the same year, assumed the additional surname of Glen. He is D. L. of his county, and Lieut.-Colonel and Hon. Colonel (V.D.) of the 2nd Vol. Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. He contested West Renfrewshire, in the Liberal interest, 1900. Lady Glen-Coats was presented to the late Queen, at a drawing-room held at Buckingham Palace, March 5th, 1895; and at a drawing-room held for Her Majesty, by the present Queen, at the same place, May 25th, 1900, she presented her daughter, Miss Glen-Coats. In July, 1902, the latter acted for her mother in opening the new sana- torium for consumptives at Athronhill, Scotland. Quite recently the family has given £10,000 to the London Cancer Research Fund. “M. A. P." thus described her Lady- ship in 1900 : “Lady Glen-Coats, who was a prominent figure at the last drawing-room, is a handsome woman, tall and graceful, with masses of wavy golden hair, and she is addicted to large picture hats, which are extremely becoming. A Canadian by birth, Lady Glen-Coats is an extremely ardent politician, and is identified with innumerable Liberal associations and interests in the West of Scotland. Her husband's immense wealth, as well as her own attractive personality, combine to make her a welcome sup- porter of every good cause." Seat : Ferguslie Park, Paisley, Scotland. 59 faithully your fit MRS. COLEMAN (“KIT”). From a photograph by Marceau, San Francisco. “That picturesque writer, and plucky and undaunted woman," as Mr. John A. Ewan styles Mrs. Kathleen Blake Coleman, was born at Castle Blakeny, in the West of Ireland, May, 1863, and received her education in Dublin and Bel- gium. Marrying at sixteen, she came to Canada in 1884, and entered journal- ism in 1890, in which year she took charge of a department of the Toronto Mail and Empire, called “Woman's Kingdom," over which she still presides. She has also served on several occasions as a special correspondent for that paper, most notably in connection with the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; the Mid-winter Fair, San Francisco, 1894 ; British West Indies, 1894 ; Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, London, 1897, and the Cuban war, 1898 (she being the first woman war correspondent in the world). Mrs. Coleman has also written some good poetry, and is preparing for publication one or two books. “As a critic,” says Dr. O'Hagan, “she has sympathy, insight, judg- ment and taste.” She undoubtedly holds a foremost place among the women journalists of the Dominion. Address : “ Mail and Empire” Office, Toronto. 60 Annie lors MRS. CLIFFORD CORY. From a photograph by Mendelssohn, London. Jane Ann Gordon, second daughter of A. A. E. Lethbridge, Esquire, and his wife, Jane, only child of R. A. Hill, Esquire, of Hamilton, Ont., was born in that city, July 25th, 1865. Educated in England, she married, 1893, Clifford Cory, Esquire. According to “M. A. P.," Mrs. Cory is perhaps somewhat outshone by the more brilliant social position of her only sister, Lady Carew; “but," it continues, “she is a great favourite in society, is highly cultured, and has many accomplishments. Her talent for music is far above the average, and she shares with Lady Limerick the credit of being one of the best amateur pianists in London. She practises regularly four hours a day, her execution is practically faultless, and she has received praise from Paderewski himself. Artistic embroidery is another of her attainments, and she systematic- ally devotes two hours every day to this old-world occupation. Her work is so exquisite that the flowers she embroiders are faithfully copied from life, and prove a wonderful reproduction of natural form and colouring. Mrs. Clifford Cory is a tall, handsome woman, with a striking resemblance to Lady Carew. They both affect the same style of dress—rich satins and velvets, many jewels, and large plumed picture hats.” Residence : London, England. 61 a teannette Coli MRS. COTES. From a photograph by Johnston & Hoffman, India. Kindly furnished by her father, Charles Duncan, Esquire, Brantford, Ont. Mrs. Sara Jeannette Cotes, who has now attained an assured position among English novelists, is the eldest daughter of Charles Duncan, Esquire, of Brantford, Ont., in which city she was born, 1862. Educated at the Collegiate Institute there, she commenced her career as a contributor to the Toronto Globe, joining, later, the editorial staff of the Washington Post. On her return to Canada she became the parliamentary correspond- ent at Ottawa of the Montreal Star, and wrote a delightful series of essays for The Week, called “Saunterings.” In company with Miss Lily Lewis she made a tour round the world, embodying her impressions in a volume called "A Social Departure,” which was followed by another book, "A Daughter of To-day,” and still another, “The American Girl in London." In 1891 she married Everard Charles Cotes, M.A., of the Indian Civil Service, who, later, became editor of a Calcutta newspaper. Among her subsequent works have been : “The Simple Adventures of a Mensahib,” “Vernon's Aunt," “The Story of Sonny Sahib," “ His Honour and a Lady," “A Voyage of Consolation,” “The Path of a Star," “On the Other Side of the Latch," "Those Delightful Americans," “The Crow's Nest,” and “The Little Widows of a Dynasty.” According to Mrs. Donaldson in The Bookman, “the humorous vein and crisp tone of her varied literary work has won her a special niche among the women writers of the day.” Residence : Holcombe, Simla, W. India. 62 MRS. CRASKE. From a photograph by O'Donnell, Halifax, N.S. Kindly furnished by her father. Grace, only daughter of Hon. Deputy Surg.-General W. S. Oliver, late both Rifles, and his wife, Elizabeth Alice, eldest daughter of the late Chief Justice Sir Thomas Galt, married, at Halifax, N.S., January 5th, 1899, Captain John Craske, Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment. Mrs. Craske was born at Halifax, April 18th, 1876. Tabella Valancy brawford MISS ISABELLA VALANCY CRAWFORD. From a photograph by Sproule & Co., Peterboro', Ont. Kindly procured through the good offices of Miss Marie Grundy, Peterboro'. The last surviving daughter of the late Dr. Stephen Crawford, of Peterboro', Ont., Miss Crawford was born near Dublin, Ireland, December 25th, 1851. Coming to Canada when five years of age, she lived successively at Paisley, Peterboro' and Toronto, in which latter city she died, February 12th, 1887. In 1884 she published in Toronto a volume of verse, “Old Spookses' Pass, and other Poems," a second edition of which appeared in 1899. In the opinion of Dr O'Hagan, “no Canadian woman has yet appeared quite equal to her in poetic endowment. Her gift was eminently lyrical, full of music, colour and originality.” 64 THE CROWLEY MEMORIAL From a photograph taken specially for this work, at the instance of Hance J. Logan, Esquire, M.P. The memorial above represented was erected in 1870 at Pugwash, N.S., by the Legislature of Nova Scotia, to commemorate the heroic death of a young girl, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Cornelius Crowley, Esquire, of Pugwash, who was under twelve years of age. It bears the following inscription : "In memo- riam. Mary E. Crowley lies beneath this sod, a victim of fraternal love. Having rescued a younger brother and sister from the flames of her parents dwelling, she exclaimed, Mother, all is over with me now, but I have saved my brother and sister. She expired twenty-four hours after, October 15th, 1869, aged 12 years. Greater love no man hath known. This memorial was erected by the Legislature of Nova Scotia.” This is believed to be the first public monument ever erected to a woman in Canada. Hleza B frutchley MRS. CRUTCHLEY. From a water-colour done in 1850. Kindly furnished by Mrs. Crutchley's niece, Miss Peard, 9 Crawley Place, Onslow Square, London, S.W. Eliza Bayfield, one of the beautiful and accomplished daughters of the late Captain John Harris, R.N., of Eldon House, London, Ont., and his wife, a daughter of Colonel Samuel Ryerse, a U. E. Loyalist, was born in Woodhouse, Upper Canada, October 4th, 1825, and married, October 16th, 1851, Lieut.-Col. Charles Crutchley, then commanding the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers in Canada. He was the second son of G. H. D. Crutchley, Esquire, of Sunninghill Park, Berks, by his wife, Juliana, eldest daughter of Sir William Burrell, Bart., and, a general in the army. The issue of this marriage was two sons and four daughters. The eldest son, Lieut.-Col. Charles Crutchley, Scots Guards, is married to Hon. Frederica Louisa Fitzroy, second daughter of the 3rd Lord Southampton, who had been maid of honour to Queen Victoria. Residence : Sunninghill Park, Berks, England. 66 Miley Cummings MRS. CUMMINGS. From a portrait by Kennedy, Toronto. Emily Ann McCausland, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Shortt, rector of Port Hope, Ont., where she was born, married, September 27th, 1871, Willoughby, only son, by his second wife, of James Cummings, Esquire, ex-M.P.P., who died September 14th, 1892. Mrs. Cummings has written for the press from early girlhood, and was for some years in charge of a department of the Toronto Globe, writing under the pen name of “Sama.” In 1900 she became editor of “Woman's Sphere," a department of the Canadian Magazine. She has always been an earnest worker on behalf of the poor and afflicted, and has accom- plished much in that direction, as well as an active official of various societies, chief among which may be mentioned the National Council of Women, of which, since 1902, she has been the corresponding secretary. According to the St. John Globe she possesses “grace of manner, a gentle and retiring disposi- tion, mild words and good looks." Residence : 44 Dewson Street, Toronto. 67 Laura Cunard MRS. CUNARD. From a photograph by Hills & Saunders, Eton. Kindly furnished by her niece, Miss Bainbridge Smith, Tunbridge Wells. Laura Charlotte, third daughter of Hon. T. C. Haliburton, for many years a Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, and subsequently a member of the English House of Commons, and known in literature as the author of “Sam Slick,” married, at Windsor, N.S., December 30th, 1851, William, second son of Sir Samuel Cunard, Bart., and has issue three sons and one daughter. Mrs. Cunard is a very successful artist, and has exhibited her pictures fre- quently at the Royal Academy, the Gallery of British Artists, and at other institutions in London. She is described by a London writer as "a remarkably handsome, talented and witty woman, and, like her sister, the late Mrs. A. F. Haliburton, of a most generous and charitable disposition. The Cunards have a lovely villa at Nice, where they usually spend the winter, and an historical place, Orleans House, on the River Thames, which was once the home of King Louis Phillipe and the Orleans family.” In 1902 she, together with her brother, Lord Haliburton, and two surviving sisters, erected a memorial to their parents in Christ Church, Windsor. Residences : Orleans House, Twickenham ; 95 Eaton Square, London, S.W., England. 68 M . Q. C.daulic LADY FAIRLIE-CUNINGHAME. From a miniature in the possession of the Felton family, Sherbrooke. Kindly loaned for reproduction in this work by Miss McLimont, Ottawa. Maria Antonia, fifth daughter of the late Hon. William Bowman Felton, of “Belvidere," Sherbrooke, P.Q., formerly Commissioner of Crown Lands, Lower Canada, and his wife, Anna Maria Valis, married, 1839, Percy Arthur Fairlie- Cuninghame, as 9th Baronet of Robertland, Ayrshire (created 1630). He died 1881 ; she died in London, England, January 9th, 1897, aged 76. She was the mother of the present Baronet. Among her sisters were : Charlotte, died unmarried ; Eliza, who married the late Mr. Justice Aylwin ; Frances Lucia, who married Josiah Hunt, Esquire, of Quebec ; Matilda Catalina, who married General Richard Burnaby-Dyott, Colonel-Commandant, Royal Engineers ; Octavia Sophia, who married Andrew Wingate McLimont, Esquire, of New York; and Isabella Monica, who married Livingstone E. Morris, Esquire, late of Waterford, Ireland. One of her brothers, W. L. P. Felton, Esquire, Q.C. (who died in November, 1877), represented his native county in Parliament previous to Confederation. 69 Aran A. Curtis MRS. CURTIS. From a photograph by Walery, London. Kindly furnished by her aunt, Mrs. Drury, Montreal. Arabella Augusta, second daughter of Ward Chipman Drury, Esquire, of “Newlands," St. John, N.B., married, at Somerset, Bermuda, October 18th, 1886, Captain Arthur Cecil Curtis, R.N., then in command of H.M.S. Canada, a grandson of Sir William Curtis, 3rd Baronet. Captain Curtis was subse- quently promoted Rear Admiral, and died at Portsmouth, 1896. Mrs. Curtis is the mother of four children. She was born at St. John and educated in England. Residence : 25 Grove Road, Southsea, England. 70 LADY DALY. From a photograph by Gauvin & Gentzell, Halifax, N.S. Kindly furnished by her husband, Sir M. B. Daly, K.C.M.G. Joanna, second daughter of the late Sir Edward Kenny, at one time Admin- istrator of the Government of Nova Scotia, married, at Halifax, July 4th, 1859, Malachy Bowes, son of His Excellency Sir Dominick Daly, a successful colonial Governor. Mr. Daly, after his marriage, became a member of the Canadian House of Commons, was Deputy Speaker of that body, and, in July, 1890, was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, an office he continued to fill till July, 1909, in which year he received a K.C.M.G. On retiring from the Governorship, he, Lady Daly and their daughter, Miss Daly, were made the recipients of public testimonials, a magnificent dressing case being given to the ex-Governor, a diamond star pendant to Lady Daly, and a diamond ring to Miss Daly. Lady Daly was for years one of the Presidents of the Ladies' Auxiliary formed in connection with the Mission to Deep Sea Fisheries, and she was, and is, much devoted to other forms of good work. She excels as an amateur actress, a talent which runs in the Kenny family, and both she and her sister, Lady Fane, have won more than local fame for their impersonations at the theatricals given at Government House in Nova Scotia. As presiding hostess there, during her husband's double term as Lieutenant-Governor, she became exceedingly popular with all classes at the Nova Scotia capital. In 1890 she and her husband had the honour of entertaining as their guest the present Prince of Wales. Residence : Halifax, N.S. Farak. B. Dahzell THE HONOURABLE MRS. DALZELL. From a water-colour, copied by Fall, London. Sarah Bushby, eldest daughter of the late Capt. John Harris, R.N., of Eldon House, London, Ont., and his wife, Amelia, daughter of Colonel Samuel Ryerse, was born in Woodhouse, Ont. She married, 1846, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Robert A. G. Dalzell, C.B., Grenadier Guards, fourth son of the 7th Earl of Carnwath, and had issue two sons and three daughters, the eldest of the said sons, Robert Harris Carnwath Dalzell, being now 12th Earl of Carnwath. Her husband died October 19th, 1878. Residence : Coldharbour, Andover, England. 72 алиги trhut MADAME DANDURAND. From a photograph taken recently in Paris. Kindly furnished by her husband, Senator Dandurand, K.C. Josephine, second daughter of the late Hon. F. G. Marchand, statesman and dramatist, and his wife, Marie Herselie Turgeon, was born at St. John's, P.Q., and received her education at the Convent of Les Dames de la Congrégation de Notre Dame -a branch of Villa-Maria. She married, January, 1886, Raoul Dandurand, Esquire, Advocate and Knight of the Legion of Honour of France, who was called to the Senate of Canada in 1898. Madame Dandurand has won high distinction for her literary works, which comprise numerous papers and essays on subjects of public interest and in rela- tion to women's duties, rights and place, as well as several dramatic pieces. She also a most active member and office-bearer of the National Council of Women, the Women's Historical Society, the Victorian Order of Nurses, and other similar bodies, and speaks and writes in the English language with perfect ease. In the Women's Council she is called “the female Laurier.” She is also President of the Creche of the Sisters of Mercy, Montreal. In 1898 she was created an Officier d'Academie by the French Government,* and, in 1900, she was appointed as a Commissioner from the Government of Canada to the Paris Exposition. Quite recently, in the National Council of Women, she has moved for the furtherance of practical schemes for the promotion of the industrial and fine arts in Canada, in connection with which she desires to have a Department of Art estab- lished at Ottawa. In March, 1903, she delivered a most important address before the Alliance Française on “La Sociabilité.” “Lally Bernard” says that her "literary In the event of a Royal Order of Merit being instituted for the decoration of colonial women, Madame Dandurand's services could not well be overlooked. Residence : 900 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal. * She is the first Canadian woman to be so honoured. 73 arris strul LADY DAVIES. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Lady Davies, the wife of Sir Louis Henry Davies, K.C.M.G., late a member of the Laurier Administration, and now a Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, is a daughter of Dr. A. V. G. Wiggins. Their marriage took place in July, 1872, about the time that her husband entered upon his political career in Prince Edward Island. Lady Davies is the mother of an interesting group of children, who live with her in Ottawa, where she is an active member of the Humane Society, the Women's Canadian Historical Society, and of other similar organizations. Residence : 236 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa. 74 zce MRS. DAVIN. From a photograph by Jarvis, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her husband, the late Nicholas Flood Davin, Esquire, K.C. Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Davin is the second daughter of the late James Reid, Esquire, a member of the Reid family of Tyrone, Ireland. Born at Aylwin, P.Q., June 13th, 1865, she was educated at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Ottawa, and married, July, 1895, the late Nicholas Flood Davin, Esquire, K.C., M.P., a distinguished orator, journalist and historian, and from that time became a resident with her husband in the North-West Territories. While there she became Provincial Vice-President for Assiniboia of the National Council of Women, Provincial President for the Territories of the Daughters of the Empire, and President of the Ladies' Conservative League for the Territories, a society founded by her. She also instituted the fund for the erection of a monument, at Regina, to Queen Victoria. On leaving Regina, in 1903, after her husband's death, she was presented by the ladies of that place with a handsome testimonial expressive of their regard for her as “the most beloved woman in Regina.” Mrs. Davin, besides being able to wield a pen, is a ready and fluent speaker. Residence : Ottawa. 75 margares to S. Lawiam LADY DAWSON. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Margaret A. Y., daughter of G. Mercer, Esquire, of Edinburgh, Scotland, was married, March, 1847, to John W. Dawson, Esquire, who, in 1855, became Principal of McGill University, was widely celebrated as an educationist, geologist and naturalist, and, for his services as such, received the honour of Knighthood, in 1884. He died in Montreal, November 19th, 1899, and is buried in Mount Royal Cemetery. Lady Dawson has been for a great many years President of the Ladies' Bible Association, and is an active member of many other local organizations designed for the benefit of society and the advancement of women. With the late Mrs. John Molson (9.v.) and others she founded the Ladies' Educational Institute of Montreal. She is the mother of several clever sons, the eldest of whom, the late Dr. G. M. Dawson, F.R.S., C.M.G., became Director of the Canadian Geological Survey, in 1895. His sudden death, in March, 1901, occasioned a deep and widespread feeling of regret both in Canada and in England. Residence : 293 University Street, Montreal. 76 mes de Repeno LA DUCHESSE DE BASSANO. From a photograph taken recently at Paris. Clara, only daughter of George Burns Symes, Esquire, an eminent merchant of Quebec, and his wife, Marianne, daughter of Hon. Austin Cuvillier, first Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada, was born in the city of Quebec, May 28th, 1845, and received her education at the Ursuline Convent there. She married, at the Pro-Cathedral, Ken- sington, London, August 26th, 1872, Napoleon Hughues Charles Marie Ghistani Maret, Marquis de Bassano, only son of the Duc de Bassano, a Senator and a Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour, who had been Lord High Chamberlain to the Emperor, Napoleon III., Mgr. Capel performing the ceremony and the Pope forwarding his blessing. In 1898 the Marquis, on the death of his father, succeeded to the Dukedom. Both father and son were on intimate personal terms with the Emperor and Empress of the French, and followed them into exile. While still Miss Symes, the Duchess de Bassano had received the Duke of Connaught as her guest at her residence, “Elmwood," Montreal, and she danced with His Royal Highness at the State ball at Ottawa. Subsequently she was presented, by the Countess of Granville, to Queen Victoria, at a drawing-room held at Buckingham Palace, and was again presented, after her marriage, by the Empress Eugenie, and became the guest of Her Majesty, in company with the Empress, at Balmoral. For many years she has resided at Paris, where her graceful presence and courtly manners invariably single her out for much attention. The Duchess is the mother of three daughters, the second one of whom, Clara Marat, is married to E. C. A. Blount, Esquire, a grandson of Sir E. C. Blount, K.C.B. Residence: 9 Rue Dumont-d'Urville, Paris, France. 77 Lucinus de Blagnere THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY DE BLAQUIERE. From a photograph by Bullingham, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, Lord de Blaquiere. Lucianne, Baroness de Blaquiere, is a daughter of the late George E. Desbarats, Esquire, in his lifetime Queen's Printer of Canada, and his wife, Lucianne, daughter of the late Hon. Justice J. N. Bossé. Born in the city of Quebec, August Ioth, 1864, she was educated at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Montreal, and married, at Christ Church Cathedral, in that city, January 25th, 1888, Charles de Blaquiere, Esquire, of “The Poplars,” Wood- stock, Ont., who, in the following year, succeeded to the peerage, as 6th Baron de Blaquiere. Her Ladyship, who is related to many prominent fami- lies in the Province of Quebec, is the mother of two sons and one daughter. She is on the “Britannia roll” of the Imperial Federation League. She has many relatives and friends in Canada. Seat : Brockworth Manor, Gloucester, England. Residence : 3 Circus, Bath, England. 78 Carolinu lugurta deskortey MRS. DE HORSEY. From a photograph taken by Bassano, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, Admiral de Horsey. Caroline Augusta, wife of Admiral A. F. de Horsey, R.N., to whom she was married, April 9th, 1861, is the only daughter of the late Admiral Drew, R.N., and is a native of Woodstock, Ont. Her brother, Rev. Andrew Drew, M.A., was born at Toronto. It was their father who performed the daring exploit of cutting out the steamer Caroline from the American shore on the Niagara River, in 1838, which aroused such a hostile feeling against him in certain quarters (notwithstanding that he had received a vote of thanks from the Upper Canada Legislature therefor), that he was forced to give up his residence in Canada and return to England, in 1842, taking his wife and children with him. Mrs. de Horsey was then in her sixth year, and she has never revisited her native land, though her husband has twice since their marriage held important commands within the Dominion. Residence : Melcombe House, Cowes, I.W. 79 Ea-000 S 3000 335 M. Dauerchere MADAME TARIEU DE LANAUDIÈRE (MARIE MADELEINE DE VERCHÈRES). Reproduced from a design by Edmond J. Massicotte, in Le Monde Illustré, Montreal. Marie Madeleine, daughter of Francois Jarret de Verchères, a captain in the celebrated regiment of Carignan-Salières, and his wife, Marie Perrot, was born at Verchères, P.Q.,, April 17th, 1678. When but fourteen years of age she performed a deed of heroism which has made her name famous in the annals of her country. A narrative of this and other acts of equal courage and intrepidity by this lady was recently discovered in the Archives of the Ministère de Colonies, Paris, by Dr. Edouard Richard, the historian, and is repro- duced in the report on the Canadian Archives (Ottawa), printed in 1901. As regards the first of these, it tells how the young girl, when some four hundred paces outside the fort of Verchères, eight leagues from Montreal, which fort belonged to her father and was then garrisoned by one single sentry, was nearly captured by the Iroquois, who carried off twenty of the settlers, one of the Indians pursuing her to the gate of the fort, which she managed to close, at the same time shouting “To arms !” as though the place had been fully garrisoned. She paid no heed to the lamentations of the women whose hus- bands had been carried off, but, donning a soldier's helmet, went through a number of movements intended to convey the impression that there were many men in the fort, loaded a four-pounder with ball and discharged it at the Indians. The siege was carried on for eight days, when relief arrived, and the Iroquois were driven off. Mdlle. de Ver- chères married, in 1706, M. Pierre Thomas Tarieu de Lanaudière, Seigneur of Ste. Anne de la Pérade, and bore him two sons and one daughter. She died at Ste. Anne, August 8th, 1747, her husband having predeceased her only a few months. She has been called the “Joan of Arc of Canada” by M. Chauveau, and her name and exploits have been sung by many poets, including Reade, Dawson and Drummond. She is also the central figure in M. Gerard's play, “Fleur de Lys,” produced in Montreal in 1902. Singularly enough, however, no public statue has yet been erected by Canada to this the greatest of her heroines. 8o MADAME DE LA PELTRIE. From an oil painting in the possession of the Ursulines of Quebec. Marie Madeleine, daughter of the Sieur de Chauvigy, Seigneur de Van- bougon, was born in Aleçon, Normandy, in 1603. Early in life, to please her father, for she had always a preference for a religious life, she married the Chevalier Charles de Grivel de la Peltrie. In 1625, after five years of wedded life, she lost her husband, and being without children, she decided to use her fortune in the missions of New France. She sailed from Dieppe for Quebec, May 4th, 1639, accompanied by a servant and three Ursuline nuns, one of them being La Mere Marie de l'Incarnation. In August, three days after their arrival at their destination, she laid the foundation of the Convent of the Ursulines there--a religious community which for more than two hundred and sixty years has devoted itself to the education of young women in Canada. In 1642 Madame de la Peltrie accompanied Mdlle. Mance to Montreal, and was present at the foundation of Ville-Marie by M. de Maisonneuve. She soon, however, returned to Quebec, where she died, November 18th, 1671. Her life in Canada was one of privation and self-sacrifice throughout. A good account of her life is given in Miss Pepper's “Maids and Matrons of New France." 81 Anf July de Lolbinan. LADY JOLY DE LOTBINIÈRE. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her husband, Sir H. G. Joly de Lotbinière, K.C.M.G. Margaretta Josepha, a daughter of the late Hammond Gowan, Esquire, of Quebec, married, 1856, Henri Gustave Joly, Esquire, Advocate, of the same city, who, through his mother, Julie Christine Chartier de Lotbinière, a granddaughter of the last Marquis de Lotbinière, whose name he added to his own in 1888, can claim connection with some of the oldest and most aristocratic families of France. Entering public life, M. Joly became Prime Minister of Quebec, was, later, a member of the Government at Ottawa, and, in June, 1900, was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, an office he still fills. In 1895, for his public services, he was created a K.C.M.G. Throughout his public career, Lady de Lotbinière has very ably seconded him in many things for the public welfare not exclusively political in character and purpose, and has otherwise shown herself to be a fitting helpmeet of a husband so distinguished. In 1901 they had for their guests the present Prince and Princess of Wales. A woman of tender sensibility, her sympathies were early enlisted in the cause of the orphans of Quebec, and, later, she became warmly interested in the work of the National Council of Women, formed by the Countess of Aberdeen. She has also contributed to the intel- lectual culture of her sex by forming clubs in Quebec, Ottawa and Victoria for the study of Shakespeare among women. Among her children are two sons who bid fair to attain high distinction in the profession of arms, and two daughters, Mrs. Nanton and Mrs. Greenwood, who are models of beauty, grace and culture. Residence: Government House, Victoria, B.C. 82 Th. 1. Demiéron MRS. G. T. DENISON. From a photograph by Notman & Fraser, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her son, Lieut.-Col. G. T. Denison, Toronto. Mary Anne, daughter of Major Jeremiah W. Dewson, formerly of the 35th Regiment of Infantry, with which he served under Wellington, and, subse- quently, of the 15th Foot, and his wife, Elizabeth Kinsey, was born at Ennis- corthy, Wexford, Ireland, while her father was stationed there with his regi- ment, May 24th, 1817, and was married in Canada, December nith, 1838, to George Taylor Denison, Esquire, of “Rusholme,” Toronto, then a lieutenant in the Queen's Light Dragoons, and afterwards lieutenant-colonel commanding the ist Regiment of York Light Dragoons, and other local corps, and Colonel- Commandant 5th and ioth Military Districts, Upper Canada. Col. Denison died, May 30th, 1873, and Mrs. Denison, on September 15th, 1900. Mrs. Denison has not inaptly been called "a mother of soldiers,” for of her seven sons, six of them have borne arms for their sovereign, a record hitherto, we believe, unequalled in Canada. Her eldest son, Lieutenant-Colonel G. T. Denison, for many years Police Magistrate of Toronto, has attained great distinction both as a volunteer militia officer and as a writer on military subjects. In 1877 he won the first prize offered by the Emperor of Russia for a “History of Cavalry.” Since 1893 he has been President of the British Empire League in Canada. Another son, Captain John Denison, R.N., commanded, for some years, the Royal yacht, Victoria and Albert. 83 LADY DENYS. From a photograph taken in 1883, by Melhuish, London. Kindly furnished by her son, Sir F. C. E. Denys, Bart. *** Catherine Eliza, eldest daughter of the Hon. Michael Henry Perceval, M.L.C., Collector of Customs at Quebec, and his wife, Anne Mary, daughter of Sir Charles Flower, Bart., at one period Lord Mayor of London, was born at “Spencerwood,” Quebec, September 25th, 1811, and married, May 21st, 1835, George William Denys, Esquire, Lieutenant 68th Light Infantry, who suc- ceeded his father as 2nd Baronet, 1857. She was the mother of five children, including the present Baronet. Lady Denys, who spent the greater part of her married life at Draycott Hall, Yorkshire, survived her husband three years, dying March 19th, 1884. She was a sister of the Baronne de Veauce, of Lady Matheson, and of Mrs. Houstoun of Clerkington, all of whom, like her, were born at “Spencerwood.” 84 out cere THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE COUNTESS OF DERBY. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Lady Constance Villiers, eldest daughter of the 4th Earl of Clarendon, K.G., G.C.B., and one of a bevy of beautiful sisters, was born 1840, and married, May 31st, 1864, Frederick, Ist Lord Stanley of Preston, second son of the 14th Earl of Derby, K.G., G.C.M.G., who was appointed Governor-General of Canada, May ist, 1888, and remained such up to July 15th, 1893. While in Canada, in the latter year, he succeeded, by the death of his elder brother, to the Earldom of Derby. Her Ladyship remained in Canada, with her husband and several of their children, throughout his term, and both she and he are pleasantly remembered by many. “In the many thoughtful actions Lady Derby rendered, while in Ottawa,” writes Mr. C. H. Mackintosh, a former Mayor, M.P., and Lieut.-Governor of a Province, “she gave new charms to vice-regal intercourse with the social life of our people.” While in Ottawa, she was instrumental in securing the foundation of the Lady Stanley Institute for Trained Nurses, as well as a Maternity Hospital. She also served as president of the fund instituted by the women of Canada for the presentation of a wedding gift to the present Prince and Princess of Wales, and, in their name, handed over to the Royal couple the sleigh, robes, harness and horses hich were subscribed for, together with a canoe for the Princess. The total amount ed for this purpose nearly approached $4,000. In 1890 she and Lord Derby nad as their guest at Rideau Hall, Prince George of Wales, now Prince of Wales. In 1903 they had as their guest in England His Majesty the King. Her Ladyship is the Hother of eight sons and two daughters. Her second son, Commander Hon. V. A. ley, R.N., is married to a Canadian lady, the daughter of Hon. C. E. Pooley, K.C., ish Columbia (9.v.). Residence : 33 St. James's Square, London, Eng: 85 emere do hochadhore MDLLE. RASTEL DE ROCHEBLAVE. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Mdlle. Elmire de Rocheblave is one of the few survivors, living in Canada, of the old French noblesse, she being the daughter of the late Hon. Pierre Rastel de Rocheblave, of Montreal, and his wife, Elmire, daughter of Jean Bout- hillier, Esquire. An only sister married Capt. W. L. Willoughby, of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and died in 1846. M. de Rocheblave, her father, acquired wealth as a fur trader in the North-West, and subsequently became prominent as a legislator. He died in 1840, and his widow in 1886, both being buried in the Church of Notre Dame, Montreal. Malle. de Rocheblave, as her mother did before her, holds a distinguished place in society, and her home is the centre of all that is refined and cultured among her people. She had the honour of dancing with the Prince of Wales (now King Edward VII.) when His Majesty visited Canada in 1860, at the Citizens' Ball given in Montreal on that occasion. Residence : 2073 St. Catherine Street, Montreal. 86 Serming the Falaberry. MISS DE SALABERRY. From a photograph by Notman. Kindly furnished by the Hon. Mr. Justice Baby, Montreal. Miss Hermine de Salaberry is the only surviving daughter of the late Colonel the Honourable A. M. de Salaberry, for some years a member of the Legislative Council and Deputy Adjutant-General for Lower Canada, and his wife, Marie Emélie, daughter of Colonel the Honourable Louis Guy, M.L.C. She is therefore a granddaughter of the “hero of Chateauguay.” Miss de Salaberry is a native of Quebec, and was educated in that city and in Montreal. In 1889, while in London, she had the honour, at the instance of H.R.H. the Princess Louise (now Duchess of Argyll), of being accorded a private audience with Her Majesty Queen Victoria ; and, in October, 1895, she was further honoured by being selected to unveil the monument erected on the field of Chateauguay by the Parliament of Canada, to commemorate the victory achieved by the British over the American forces, at that point, October 26th, 1813, in which her grandfather took no inconsiderable part. Residence : 822 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal. 37 MADAME DE ST. LAURENT (BARONNE DE FORTISSON). From a miniature in the possession of Mrs. Turner, Rosebank, Dartmouth, N.S. Madame Alphonsine Thérèse Bernadine Julie de Montgenet de St. Laurent, Baronne de Fortisson, was a French lady whom H.R.H. Prince Edward (aftei - wards Duke of Kent) first met in Martinique. She accompanied him to Quebec, and afterwards to Nova Scotia and to England, and for twenty-eight years presided over his household, as a local chronicler records, “with dignity and propriety.” After the Duke's marriage to the widow of the Prince of Leiningen, in 1818, Madame de St. Laurent retired to a convent, and the date of her demise is unknown. Her first husband was the Baron de Fortisson, a colonel in the French service. She is described as having been beautiful, clever, witty and accomplished. Many of her letters will be found in Ander- son's "Life of the Duke of Kent” (Quebec: 1870). In 1792 she stood sponsor, with the Duke, at the christening of one of the de Salaberry children, at Beau- port. It has been claimed by several writers that the Baroness was morgan- atically allied to the Duke of Kent. 88 MRS. DIGNAM. From a photograph by Tollens C. Hzn, Dordrecht, Holland. Mrs. Mary Ella Dignam, painter and art critic, is the daughter of Byron Williams, Esquire, and his wife, Margaret Ellinor Ferguson, both of U. E. Loyalist descent, and was born in the County of Prince Edward, Ontario, January 13th, 1860. Her early art studies were pursued in Toronto and New York, and her first productions-portraits and attempts in figure and land- scape—were exhibited before the Royal Canadian Academy and the Academy of Design. Later, she continued her studies at Paris, but more recently she has been entirely under the influence of the Dutch school, and Holland has become her familiar painting ground. In this field she has been very successful. Her highest ambition, however, was to establish at Toronto a society of women artists, the outcome of which has been the Woman's Art Association of Canada, having branches in all the principal cities of the Dominion. Of this body she is the President. In addition thereto, Mrs. Dignam is an active member and office-bearer of various other organizations of a national character. She has also contributed largely to newspaper and periodical literature on art subjects. She married, 1880, John Sifton Dignam, Esq., and is the mother of one son and two daughters. Residence : 284 St. George Street, Toronto. 89 Julis Dillon THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE VISCOUNTESS DILLON. From a photograph by Gillman & Co., Oxford. Julia, eldest daughter of the late Isaac Brock Stanton, Esquire, of the Canadian Civil Service (the representative of an old Loyalist family), and his wife, Maria Wilson, was born and educated in Canada. She married, in Ottawa, November 3rd, 1870, Hon. Harold Arthur Dillon, eldest son of the 16th Vis- count Dillon, who was then an officer in the Rifle Brigade. He succeeded his father in the peerage, 1892. Lady Dillon is the mother of one son, Hon. Harry Lee Stanton Lee-Dillon, F.S.A. Her husband is President of the Society of Antiquaries, and a trustee of the British Museum and of the National Portrait Gallery. The above picture represents her Ladyship in the costume worn by her at the coronation of the King and Queen of England, 1902. Seat : Ditchley, Enstone, Oxfordshire, England. 90 MISS DIX. From a portrait by J. A. J. Wilcox, executed in her 48th year. Kindly furnished by the Hon. J. W. Longley, K.C., LL.D., Attorney-General of Nova Scotia. Miss Dorothea Lynde Dix was born in the State of Maine, U.S., April 4th, 1802, and died at Trenton, N.J., July 17th, 1887. She is regarded as having no peer in the annals of Protestantism as a philanthropist. To her exertions were due the foundation of a Lunatic Asylum at St. Johns, Nfld., and at Halifax, N.S., as well as the furnishing of the equipment of the first life-saving station- that at Sable Island-established on the Atlantic coast. See “Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix," by Francis Tiffany (Boston and New York: 1892). 91 LADY DORCHESTER. From a water-colour. Copy kindly furnished for this work by the Right Honourable the Baroness Dorchester, Greywill Hill, Winchfield, England. The above picture represents the ship London, with Lady Dorchester and family as passengers, ice-bound off Anticosti, Gulf of St. Lawrence. In the foreground Lady Dorchester and her son, Hon. George Carleton, are seen walking on the ice. This is supposed to be the only picture of her Ladyship ever taken. The Lady Maria Howard, daughter of the 2nd Earl of Effingham, was married, May 22nd, 1772, to Major-General Guy Carleton, afterwards Lord Dorchester, who was Governor of Canada on two occasions, namely, from 1766 to 1778, and from 1786 to 1796. She accompanied her husband to Canada, and lived at the Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, the summer months being spent, occasionally, at St. Foy. The entertainments at the castle during the Dor- chester régime were of a princely character, especially those given in connection with the visit, in 1787, of Prince William Henry, afterwards King William IV. While at Quebec three children were born to Lord and Lady Dorchester, namely: Hon. Christopher Carleton, Hon. Maria Carleton (Lady Bolton), and Hon. Dudley Carleton. Her Ladyship, in 1775, presented colours to the 5th Battalion of Quebec militia. Lady Dorchester was a devoted wife and mother, but she offended Canadian society by the formality of her manner and a rigid adherence to the etiquette of the Court of St. James. She died at the residence of her son-in-law, Lord Bolton, Hackwood Park, Basingstoke, Hants, England, March 14th, 1836. Her husband died November ioth, 1808. 92 Lily Dougall. MISS LILY DOUGALL. From a recent photograph. Miss Lily Dougall, a well-known novelist, is the daughter of the late John Dougall, Esquire, the founder of the Montreal Witness, and his wife, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Redpath, Esquire. Born in Montreal, April 16th, 1858, she was educated privately, and subsequently attended the classes for women at Edinburgh University, and took the degree of LL.A. at St. Andrew's. Since then she has earned high distinction by her literary works, some of which involve serious discussion of social subjects. Her publications include “Beggars All” (1891); “What Necessity Knows” (1893); “The Mermaid ” (1895); " Zeitgeist” (1895); “ Question of Faith" (1895); “The Madonna of a Day” (1896); “A Dozen Ways of Love” (1897); “The Mormon Prophet” (1898). Miss Dougall has lived much abroad, but will hereafter spend her winters in Canada. Residences : 294 Drummond Street, Montreal, Melbourne, Derby- shire, England; Woman Writers' Club, London, Eng. 93 MRS. G. A. DRUMMOND. From a photograph by Kellie & Co., Montreal. Grace Julia, third daughter of the late Alexander Davidson Parker, Esquire, of Montreal, and his wife, Grace, eldest daughter of John Gibson, Esquire, W.S., Edinburgh, was born and educated in Montreal. She married, first, in London, England, 1879, Rev. George Hamilton, M.A., eldest son of Robert Hamilton, Esquire, of “Hamwood, Quebec (who died at Cannes, France, May 6th, 1880); and secondly, 1884, Hon. George Alexander Drummond, Senator, of Montreal. Mrs. Drummond has throughout been closely connected with various benevolent undertakings, and has otherwise done much for the public good. Lady Aberdeen, in Upward and Onward, places her at the head of the Canadian sisterhood for activity in “promoting all that is true and just and beautiful among women, and for a consuming hatred for unrighteousness in every form." She also pays a tribute, in the same paper, to her “distin- guished presence, great personal charm, gifts of rare eloquence, and the power of clothing her thoughts in most expressive language.” The Home for Incurables, Montreal, founded by her husband in 1894, is indebted to her for much thought and care in the preparation of its interior. She is a director of the Woman's Historical Society, a member of the Executive Committee of the Aberdeen Association, a member of the Advisory Board of the Parks and Play-grounds Association of Montreal, and she was the first President of the Montreal branch of the National Council of Women, founded by the Countess of Aberdeen. One of the most able of the papers read by Mrs. Drummond before that body is one on “Purity of Speech and Accent," which “Lally Bernard” has pronounced "a remarkably clear and telling essay.” Another subject which she has had much at heart, and respecting which she has had some correspondence with Archbishop Bruchesi, of Montreal, is systematized charity. Both Mr. and Mrs. Drummond were presented to Queen Victoria, in 1900, and, on the occasion of the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Canada, in 1901, Mrs. Drummond had the honour of presenting to the Princess, on behalf of the Citizens' Reception Committee of Montreal, the beautiful jewel, of native Canadian gold and workman- ship, subscribed for by that body, Senator Drummond presenting to the Prince, at the same time, the citizens' commemorative medal. Mrs. Drummond also prepared the address presented to Queen Alexandra from the women of Canada. In the event of a Royal Order of Merit being established for the decoration of Colonial women, Mrs. Drummond would doubtless be one of the first to be selected as a representative from Canada in the order. Residence: 874 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal. 94 Silly W. Suchend MRS. DUCHESNAY. From a photograph by Wadds Bros., Vancouver and Nelson, B.C. Elizabeth, daughter of — Whitnall, Esquire, married, at Sudbury, Ont., January 24th, 1884, Charles Edmond Juchereau Duchesnay, Esquire, son of the late Hon. E. J. Duchesnay, Senator, and his wife, Elizabeth Suzanne Taschereau, a distinguished engineer, who was accidentally killed at the tunnel near Spuzzam, B.C., on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, while in the discharge of his duties as Assistant General Superintendent of that road, September 4th, 1901. Mrs. Duchesnay is a native of Londonderry, Ireland, and is a great favourite in society on the Pacific coast, where she is called “The Columbia Lily.” Her portrait is taken in character. Residence : Vancouver, B.C. 95 THE MOST IIONOURABLE THE MARCHIONESS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA, V.A., C.I. From a photograph by Bourne & Shepherd, India. Harriot-Georgina, eldest daughter of Archibald Rowan Hamilton, Esq., of Killyleagh Castle, County Down, Ireland, was born in Dublin, 1843, and received her education at home, at a school at Boulonge, France, and after- wards at a school near Liverpool. She lost her father at an early age, and, in October, 1862, married Lord Dufferin, afterwards the brilliant statesman, administrator and diplomatist, who was raised to a Viscounty and Earldom in 1871, and to the Marquisate of Dufferin and Ava in 1888. Lord Dufferin was appointed Governor-General of Canada, June 15th, 1872, and he continued as such up to October 18th, 1878. Afterwards he was successively Ambassador at St. Petersburg and at Constantinople, Viceroy of India, and Ambassador at Rome and at Paris, Lady Dufferin being with him at all these places, but both have declared that their happiest and busiest years were spent in the Dominion. While in Canada two of their children were born : Lord Frederick Blackwood, and the Lady Victoria Blackwood (now the Baroness Plunket, 9.v.). During his term of office in Canada Lord Dufferin, accompanied by the Countess, visited all portions of the Dominion, including British Columbia, and it was while in Manitoba, on one of these occasions, that her Ladyship drove the first spike on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. On another occasion she pre- sented colours to the Governor-General's Foot Guards, a local corps raised under her husband's auspices. After leaving Canada, she presented colours to the rooth Royal Canadian Regiment, of the regular forces. Lady Dufferin was unquestionably the most popular Vicereine we have ever had in Canada, and is to-day, with the single exception of the Princess Louise, the one whose memory is the most warmly cherished. The Dufferin entertainments exceeded in magnitude and splendour anything of the kind ever seen in this country, even in Lord Durham's time. Their fancy dress ball, given at Rideau Hall, in March, 1876, it has been said, could not have been surpassed by the Court of the French Empire in its palmiest hour. Lady Dufferin has left some of her impressions of Canada in her “Cana- dian Journal” (1891). Among her other literary works are: “Our Vice-Regal Life in India,” and “The Record of Three Years' Work of the National Association for Supplying Female Medical Aid to the Women of India." Among her Ladyship's decorations are: The orders of the Crown of India, Victoria and Albert, the Chefakat (a Turkish order), and the Persian order of the Sun. Lord Dufferin died February 12th, 1902. A county has been named after him in Ontario. Residence : Clandeboye, County Down, Ireland. 96 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE COUNTESS OF DUNDONALD. From a photograph by Fellows Willson, London. Winifred, daughter of the late Robert Bamford-Hesketh, Esquire, of Gweych Castle, Abergele, North Wales, married, 1878, the present Major-General the Earl of Dundonald, C.V.O., C.B., a distinguished soldier, who during the recent war in South Africa commanded the 2nd Cavalry Brigade at the relief of Ladysmith, Natal, and who, in 1902, was appointed to the command of the militia forces of Canada. Lady Dundonald is the mother of two sons and three daughters. In the above picture her Ladyship is taken in the costume worn by her at the coronation of the King and Queen of England, 1902. Residences : 34 Portman Square, London, W., Eng: ; Crichton Lodge, New Edinburgh, Ottawa. 97 MRS. DUNN. From a photograph by Pestel, Eastbourne. Kindly furnished by her husband, the Bishop of Quebec. Alice, only daughter of William Hunter, Esquire, of Purley Lodge, near Croydon, Surrey, England, married, 1866, the Rev. Andrew Hunter Dunn, M.A., then Assistant Curate at St. Mark's, Notting Hill, London, who, in July, 1892, was unanimously elected 5th Anglican Bishop of Quebec. Besides rearing a large family, Mrs. Dunn has always most ably aided her husband in his clerical and other work, and before leaving England for Canada, was, with her two daugh- ters, presented with handsome gifts in recognition of their labours in this respect, the young ladies having also assisted. Besides sustaining her position in society at the ancient capital, Mrs. Dunn has been an indefatigable President of the Quebec Diocesan Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary, and of several other women's diocesan societies and institutions. Residence : “Bishopscourt, Quebec. 98 aurab. Duran MISS DURAND. From a photograph by Simpson, Toronto. Laura Bradshaw Durand, who, in the opinion of one so capable of judging in the premises as Mr. John S. Willison, “is one of the best all-round journalists on the Canadian press,” comes of Huguenot stock on her father's side, and Ouaker stock on her mother's side. Born at Toronto, she is the daughter of Charles Durand, and his second wife, Mary Anne Bradshaw. Educated by private tuition, she had from the first a good deal of intellectual curiosity, and was an independent thinker while already a young girl. Her first experience in journalistic work was gained on a Toronto weekly, whence she joined the Globe, of that city, of whose regular editorial staff she has been a member since February, 1894. On this paper she has done all sorts of work, the vast mass of it being unsigned. Among her most effective work were the editorials on the Armenian massacres, which so stirred up the Canadians and caused a large fund to be raised for the relief of the persecuted people. Her best work, however, has been literary criticism, in which she seems perfectly at home, no matter what the subject er consideration. It was she who initiated the book review department in the Globe, and she has well maintained it on the level of the best critical traditions. She also initiated a department for young people, and worked it up unaided to its present popular standing. In addition to other work, she writes Circle of Young Canada," under the pen name of “Pharos.” In this character she carries ou a Targe correspondence. In all she does she is hard-working and conscientious. Residence : 237 Huron Street, Toronto. 99 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE COUNTESS OF DURHAM. From an engraving of the original painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence, R.A. Kindly favoured by the late Lady Louisa Bruce, Pitliver, Dunfermline, N.B. Lady Louisa Elizabeth, daughter of the 2nd Earl Grey, married, as his second wife, December 9th, 1816, John George Lambton, Esquire, M.P., a distinguished statesman, who was raised to the peerage, as Baron Durham, in 1828, received an Earldom in 1833, and was appointed High Commissioner and Governor-General of British North America, January 16th, 1838. Accompanied by his wife and children, his Lordship arrived in Canada, May 27th, 1838, and Lady Durham held her first drawing-room, for ladies only, at the old Chateau, Quebec, on the evening of June 13th following. On July 5th Lord and Lady Durham commenced an official tour of the two Provinces, proceeding as far west as Niagara, and met with a most gratifying reception everywhere. After remaining but a little over five months in the colony, Lord and Lady Durham embarked for England, November ist, 1838. Lord Durham died at Cowes, I.W., July 28th, 1840, aged 48 ; Lady Durham died at Genoa, November 26th, 1841, aged 45. Her remains were interred beside those of her late husband, in the family vault, Chester-le-Street. 10o MADAME DUVAL. From a photograph by Elison, Quebec. Kindly furnished by the Hon. Mr. Justice Baby, Montreal. Adelaide Dubuc, wife of Chief Justice Duval, of Quebec, to whom she was married June uith, 1849, was long one of the most prominent social leaders of the ancient capital, her house in St. Lewis Street being the centre of the most intellectual and fashionable gatherings of her day. There she and her husband had entertained many of the Governors and their wives, and even Royalty itself. Her first husband, to whom she was married in August, 1825, was also a Duval and a cousin of the second husband. She is mentioned in Hon. Mrs. Monck's Journal. Well educated and with musical tastes, she possessed also conversational powers which made her a most agreeable hostess. She rendered active assistance on several occasions towards raising funds for the relief of fire sufferers in Quebec, and in 1870 was President of a Committee formed to provide relief for the widows and orphans of the French refugees in London. One of her daughters married Captain Serecold, of the 66th Regiment ; the other the Chevalier Baillairge. She survived her husband, and died at Quebec, January 31st, 1886, aged 77. IOI ite in Lajome metais weure youille LA VÉNÉRABLE YOU D’YOUVILLE. From a painting by Beancourt. Marie Marguerite Dufros de la Gesmerais, who became one of the most noted philanthropists of New France, was the daughter of a French officer, by his wife, Renée Gaultier de Varennes, and was therefore a sister of Vérendrye, the celebrated French explorer. Born at Varennes, P.Q., August 15th, 1701, she was educated at the Convent of the Ursulines, Quebec, and, in August, 1722, married François Madeleine You d'Youville, a gentleman of rank and fortune, belonging to Montreal. Left a widow, with two children, in 1730, she devoted the rest of her life to works of beneficence and charity, and was instru- mental in founding the order of the Grey Nuns, and with it the General Hospital, of Montreal. She died in Montreal on Christmas eve, 1771. Madame d'Youville is described as having been a most gifted, accomplished and amiable woman, having but one object in life, the good of her fellow- creatures. Her name is preserved in a street and a square in Montreal, and in numerous institutes and asylums elsewhere. Some years since steps were taken in the Catholic Church to secure her canonization, and she was declared “ Vénérable.” Her life has been written by the Abbé Faillon, Lady Jetté, and by Mgr. D. S. Ramsay. 102 M. Edgar. LADY EDGAR. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Matilda, second daughter of the late Thomas G. Ridout, Esquire, for many years cashier of the Bank of Upper Canada, and the representative of an old Loyalist family in that Province, married, September, 1865, James D. Edgar, Esquire, Barrister, a prominent public man, who became Speaker of the Cana- dian House of Commons, August, 1896, was created a K.C.M.G., 1898, and died 1899. Lady Edgar, who has been well described as “a woman of clear intellect and graceful tact,” took, for many years, an active interest in the National Council of Women (of which she was for a time the acting President), of the Women's Canadian Historical Association (of which she was President), of the U. E. Loyalist Association (of which she was Vice-President), and in various kindred bodies ; but of late her literary work in England has absorbed her whole attention. She is the author of “Ten Years of Upper Canada in Peace and War, 1805-1815" (1895), and is now preparing for publication “The Life and Times of James Edgar, the Jacobite, Private Secretary to the Chevalier St. George," and a “Life of Sir Isaac Brock.” She and her daughters left many pleasant memories behind them in Ottawa. Residence : Toronto. 103 Maud C. Edgar MISS EDGAR, B.A. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her mother, Lady Edgar. Maud C., eldest daughter of the late Hon. Sir J. D. Edgar, K.C.M.G., and his wife, Matilda, second daughter of the late Thomas G. Ridout, Esquire (9.v.), was born in Toronto, and graduated from Toronto University, at the head of her class, 1896, taking at the same time the Governor-General's Medal in Moderns. After her father's death, in 1899, she joined the teaching staff of Havergal College, Toronto, but at the present time is with her mother in England, engaged in literary work. Miss Edgar, in addition to her other gifts, is an amateur actress of marked ability. Residence : Toronto. 104 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE MARY LOUISA, COUNTESS OF ELGIN AND KINCARDINE, C.I. From a photograph by E. Day & Son, Bournemouth. Kindly furnished by her son, the present Earl of Elgin. Lady Mary Louisa Lambton, eldest daughter of the ist Earl of Durham, and his second wife, Louisa Elizabeth, daughter of the 2nd Earl Grey, was born in 1819, and married, November 7th, 1846, James, 8th Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K.T., G.C.B., the eminent diplomatist and statesman, who was appointed Governor-General of Canada, January 30th, 1847, an office he continued to fill till December 18th, 1854. Her Ladyship did not accompany her husband to Canada, but waited for a less inclement season, some months later. When she did come the Legislature passed an address of congratulation to Lord Elgin on her safe arrival, a compliment, we believe, unprecedented. (See " Journals L. A. of Canada," 1847.) This was Lady Elgin's second visit to Canada, as she had been here in 1838 with her father and two of her sisters, the Ladies Emily and Alice Lambton. Lady Alice came with her now, together with her step-daughter, Lady Elma Bruce (now Lady Thurlow). Later she had as her guest her sister-in-law, the Lady Augusta Bruce (afterwards the wife of Dean Stanley). Lady Elgin remained in Canada, almost uninterruptedly, throughout her husband's term, during which time the seat of Government was moved from Montreal to Toronto, and thence to Quebec. It was the Elgins who first occupied “Spencerwood," Quebec, as a vice-regal residence. At Montreal they lived at “Monklands,” and at Toronto at “Elmsley Villa.” Their balls, fêtes and other entertainments were of a most brilliant character, and are remembered to this day by "old-timers.” It was they who renewed the custom of some of the early Governors of giving a ball upon the last night of the year. Lady Elgin was also much occupied with serious matters. She took a deep interest in the subject of education, and paid frequent visits to schools and colleges. She also did much for the relief of the poor and distressed, and was President of various hospitals and societies organized for th nat purpose. In Toronto she turned the first sod of the Northern Railway, and she was also present at the openin ng of the Lachine Railway, Montreal. On the latter occasion the Hon. Peter McGill, in proposing the toast of her health, said that she had given the example of every social and private virtue. Lord Elgin, in reply, said that “his wife's feelings for Canada involved not only the associations of the present, but the recollections of the past, and that she was anxious to identify herself with its interests in the future, and this not only in respect to society and its amusements, but also in regard to those more important matters on which the foundations of the prosperity of the country rest.” She sketched beautifully, and left in this country some good specimens of her art. Two of her children were born in Canada, the present Earl of Elgin and the late Hon. Robert Preston Bruce. Lady Elgin afterwards accompanied her husband to India, on his appoint- nient as Governor-General of that country, and she continued to be with him there till his death, at Dhurmshalla, November 20th, 1863. Her Ladyship died at Broomhall, Dunfermline, March 1oth, 1898, aged 78. She was one of the first to be enrolled in the Imperial Order of the Crown of India, on its creation. 105 CADA 30 28 MRS. EDWARD ELLICE. Engraved from a painting by Chalon, R.A. Copied from Heath's "Book of Beauty” for 1841, edited by the Countess of Blessington. Katherine Jane, second daughter of Lieut.-General Balfour of Balbirnie, Fifeshire, Scotland, married, July 15th, 1834, Edward, only son of the Right Honourable Edward Ellice, at one time Secretary of State for War, by his first wife, Lady Hannah Althea Bettesworth, second daughter of Charles, ist Earl Grey. The Ellice family went to England from Montreal. Mr. Ellice, Jr., entered Parliament in his father's lifetime, and sat therein for a lengthened period. Not long after his marriage he came to Canada, and was in occupa- tion of the Manor House, at Beauharnois, P.Q. (his father being Seigneur there), when it was attacked by the rebels in 1837. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ellice, and her sister, Miss Balfour, were made prisoners. Mrs. Ellice died at Edinburgh, April 13th, 1864. In the volume from which her portrait is taken are some lines in reference thereto, by Henry F. Chorley, concluding as follows: 66 A new Belinda! With her tresses rarer Than those which gave our courtly bard his lay; Blest is the man who won her well to wear her, Angel of household love, and, calmly gay, Companion to beguile life's darkest, weariest day!” 106 Eileen THE LADY EILEEN ELLIOT. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her father, His Excellency 'the Earl of Minto, G.C.M.G., P.C. The Lady Eileen Nina Evelyn Sibell Elliot, eldest daughter of His Excel- lency the Earl of Minto, G.C.M.G., Governor-General of Canada, and his wife, Mary Caroline (9.v.), daughter of the late General Charles Grey, was born in the city of Ottawa, December 14th, 1884, her father being then Military Secretary on the staff of a former Governor-General, the Marquis of Lansdowne. Educated for the most part at home, Lady Eileen completed her studies at Paris in 1901, and made her debut in society at the ball given by the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal, at the Windsor Hotel in that city, November 28th, 1902, on that occasion dancing with the Honourable Senator Mackay. Her Ladyship is a member of the May Court Club, Ottawa, and has read a paper before that body on "The Life and Work of Lady Sarah Gordon Lennox." She is popu- lar with her friends, among whom she is as famed for her good spirits as she is for her good looks. Portraits of her have been painted by Ellis Roberts, of London, and Gerald Hayward, of New York. Residence : Government House, Ottawa. 107 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE DOWAGER COUNTESS OF ERROLL. V.A. From a photograph by W. & D. Downey, London. Kindly furnished by her brother, Lieut.-Colonel F. A. Gore, 45 Rutland Gate, S.W., London, England. Eliza Amelia, eldest daughter of General Sir Charles Gore, G.C.B., K.H., and his wife, Sarah Rachel, eldest daughter of the Hon. James Fraser, M.E.C. of Nova Scotia, was born at Quebec in February, 1829. Educated in part in Canada, she married at Montreal, September 20th, 1848, the 18th Earl of Erroll, Hereditary Grand High Constable and Knight Mareschal of Scotland, who was then an A.D.C. on the staff of the Earl of Elgin, Governor-General of Canada. Among the gifts at the wedding, according to the Quebec Mercury, was a diamond bracelet from Queen Victoria, a diamond pin from the Queen Dowager, a bracelet costing five hundred guineas from Sir James Kempt, and a silver dressing case from the Duchess of Inverness. Of the issue of this union, two of the sons were born in Canada, including the present Earl of Erroll, K. T., who so highly distinguished himself in South Africa. Her Ladyship, after leaving Canada, accompanied her husband to the Crimea (where he was severely wounded), and was on board the steamer Caradoc when the battle of Alma was fought, from which the distant firing could be heard. Subsequently, she was for twenty-eight years Lady-in- waiting to Queen Victoria, who bestowed upon her many signal marks of her great regard, standing sponsor for one of her sons, appointing another a page of honour in her household, and conferring upon the Countess herself the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert. Lady Erroll is an exceptionally well-educated woman, and excels not only in music and languages, but also in riding, driving and boating. Among her husband's Aberdeenshire tenantry she was greatly beloved. She is an eloquent speaker, and is prominent in all efforts of temperance reform and Mothers' Union and Girls' Friendly Societies. In order to encourage the wives of the life-boat men to let their husbands go out to sea when needed, Lady Erroll herself went out with the life-boat at Port Erroll, one day when there was a heavy sea on, and her example had a good effect. Her husband died in 1891. Residence : Kew Cottage, Kew, England. 108 Luce I Fale MADAME E. R. FABRE. From a photograph by Query Frères, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her grandson, E. F. Surveyer, Esquire, Barrister, Montreal. Luce, daughter of the late Julien Perrault, Esquire, was born and educated in Montreal. In May, 1826, she married Edouard Raymond Fabre, Esquire, merchant, who became Mayor of Montreal in 1849, and died a victim to cholera, 1854. Among her children were the late Archbishop Fabre, and the late Lady Cartier. Another son is Hon. Hector Fabre, C.M.G., Agent for the Canadian Government at Paris. Madame Fabre made an admirable Lady Mayoress, and had the honour of receiving and entertaining many distin- guished personages both before and during her husband's term of office, includ- ing Lord Sydenham, the Earl and Countess Cathcart, and Lord and Lady Elgin. Residence : 347 Lagauchetière Street, Montreal. 109 MADAME HECTOR FABRE. From a photograph by Beaque & Cie., Paris. Kindly furnished by Ernest Pacaud, Esquire, Quebec. Flore, daughter of Adolphus Stein, Esquire, of Arthabaskaville, P.Q., was married, August, 1864, to Hector Fabre, Esquire, a distinguished advocate and journalist, who, in 1875, was called to the Senate of Canada, and, in 1882, was appointed resident agent at Paris for the Dominion Government, a position he still fills. He was created a C.M.G. by Queen Victoria in 1886. Both Mon- sieur and Madame Fabre have shown a great adaptability for the positions they fill, and are yearly becoming more and more popular with visiting Cana- dians to the French capital. They have recently suffered a severe affliction by the death of their eldest son, M. Paul Fabre, a young journalist of much promise. Residence : 35 Rue Marboeuf, Paris, France. ΠΟ W riterte MRS. FALCON BRIDGE. From a photograph by Noble. Toronto. Kindly furnished by her husband, Chief Justice Falconbridge, Toronto. Mary Phæbe, the youngest daughter of the late Hon. R. B. Sullivan, an eminent statesman and member of the Judicial Bench of Upper Canada, and his wife, Emily Louisa, daughter of Lieut.-Col. Philip Delatre, ist Ceylon Regt., was born May 2nd, 1850, and married, April 15th, 1873, W. G. Falconbridge, Esquire, a distinguished barrister, who was elevated to the Bench in 1887, and has since become Chief Justice of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice of Ontario. Mrs. Falconbridge is the mother of seven children, her only son, John D. Falconbridge, M.A., being a practising barrister in Toronto. Her eldest daughter is married to A. W. Anglin, Esquire, K.C. Besides attend- ing to her social duties, Mrs. Falconbridge finds time to give a good deal of attention to the religious and charitable life of Toronto. The Mercer Reform- atory is visited by her every Sunday afternoon, and besides her own daughters she has interested many other young ladies in this work. Her whole life seems to have been spent in a judicial atmosphere, for, as already stated, her father was, and her husband is, a judge. In addition, both her sisters became united to members of the Bench, one of them marrying the late Chief Justice Thomas Moss, and the other marrying his brother Charles, now Chief Justice of Ontario. Residence : 80 Isabella Street, Toronto. II Pauilia Laleonbridge MISS ÆMILIA FALCONBRIDGE. From a photograph by Noble, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her father, Chief Justice Falconbridge, Toronto. Miss Æmilia Falconbridge is the third daughter of the Hon. Chief Justice Falconbridge, of Toronto, and his wife, Mary Phæbe, youngest daughter of the late Hon. Justice Sullivan (9.v.). In the above picture she is taken in the costume worn by her at the Victorian Era ball, given in Toronto by their Excel- lencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, December 28th, 1897. Residence: 80 Isabella Street, Toronto. II2 LADY FANE. From a photograph by West, Southsea. Mary Kenny, the youngest daughter of the late Sir Edward Kenny, P.C., at one period Administrator of the Government of Nova Scotia, and his wife, Anne, daughter of Michael Forrestell, Esquire, married, September 23rd, 1875, Capt. George Fane, R.N., who was an A.D.C. to Queen Victoria, 1888-90, was promoted Admiral, 1890, and created a K.C.B., 1901. Lady Fane, like her sister, Lady Daly, excels as an amateur actress, and, while living at Halifax, often took part in the private theatricals given at Government House. Residence : 6 Balnacoil,” Aboyne, Scotland. 113 MRS. FEATHERSTON. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Bessie, daughter of the late John Parnell, Esquire, of County Wicklow, grand- daughter of Robert Lawe, Esquire, of Leesclep, County Kildare, and niece of the late Major-General Sir Robert Lawe, of Dublin, Ireland, was born in Dublin, and in early life accompanied her parents to Canada. In 1871 she married John Peter Featherston, Esquire, of Ottawa, formerly Mayor of that city, and now Clerk of the County Court of Carleton, Ontario. She has shown much interest in philanthropic work at the capital, especially in connection with the Carleton Protestant Hospital, the Maternity Hospital, the Lady Stanley Institute, and the Ottawa Humane Society, with all of which she is, or has been, officially connected. Of the first-named institution she has been President of the Ladies' Auxiliary for the past four years. As Lady Mayoress, Mrs. Featherston took a leading part in the social festivities of the capital during the administra- tion of the Earl of Dufferin. Residence : 452 Rideau Street, Ottawa. 114 MISS FIELDING. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. William Stevens Fielding, Esquire, a distinguished journalist, of Halifax, N.S., married, September, 1876, Hester, daughter of Thomas A. Rankine, Esquire, of St. John, N.B., the issue of which marriage is one son and four daughters. In 1882 Mr. Fielding entered political life, and, in 1884, became Premier of Nova Scotia, a position he continuously occupied up to the time of his appointment as Finance Minister of Canada in the Laurier Administration, July, 1896, an office he still fills. The portrait here given is of his eldest daughter, an amiable and accomplished girl, who accompanied her father to England in 1902, to be present at the coronation of the King and Queen of England. Residence : “ Brunswick Place," Metcalfe Street, Ottawa. 115 MRS. FITZ-GIBBON (“ LALLY BERNARD”). From a photograph taken by Lyonde, Toronto. Mary Agnes, second daughter of the late Richard Barrett Bernard, Esquire, Barrister, and his wife, Agnes Elizabeth, daughter of E. S. Lally, Esquire, late H. E. I. C. S., married, 1882, Clare Valentine Fitz-Gibbon, Esquire, by whom she has a daughter, Agnes Florence Frances Louise Fitz-Gibbon. Mrs. Fitz- Gibbon, who is a niece of the Baroness Macdonald of Earnscliffe, and step- daughter of the late D’Alton McCarthy, Esquire, is popularly known to the world at large as “Lally Bernard,” her nom-de-plume in the Toronto Globe, to which she contributes a weekly article of comment and criticism, called “Driftwood.” She also represented that journal in London, at the coro- nation of their Majesties, in 1902. She possesses fine descriptive and critical powers, as well as a cultivated taste, which add much to the piquancy and charm of her writings. Her portrait is taken as the “Duchess of Kent,” the character she represented at the Victorian Era ball, given in Toronto by Lord and Lady Aberdeen, in December, 1897. Residence : 375 Huron Street, Toronto. 116 MRS. FITZHUGH. From a photograph by Green, Cobourg, Ont. Edith, daughter of the late John Daintry, Esquire, of The Grange, North Road, Cheshire, England, and his wife, Louisa, daughter of the late Dr. John Beatty, of Cobourg, Ont., married, 1897, W. H. Fitzhugh, Esquire, eldest son of General Charles Fitzhugh, of Pittsburg, Pa., and has one son. She is accounted one of Canada's most beautiful women. Residence : “ Northumber- land Hall,” Cobourg, Ont. 117 Sede S-Hencies MRS. E. W. FLEMING. From a photograph by Bullingham, London. Gertrude Yorke, daughter of the late W. M. Wright, Esquire, Barrister-at- law, and his wife, Amelia Allan, daughter of Rev. N. A. Coster, Rector of Richibucto, was born at St. John, N.B., and educated privately and in England and Italy, with her sister, the late Mrs. Samuelson (9.v.). She married, 1885, Major (now Colonel) Edward William Fleming, of Belville, County Cavan, Ireland, formerly an officer in the Royal Artillery, and is the mother of two children, a boy, who is now at Harrow, and a girl. Residence : “ Heathfield," Camberley, Surrey, England. 118 MRS. MAY AGNES FLEMING. From a photograph taken in New York. Kindly furnished by David Russell Jack, Esquire, editor of “Acadiensis," St. John, N.B. May Agnes, daughter of Bernard Early, was born at St. John, N.B., November 15th, 1840, and received her education at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in that city. She early acquired a literary taste, and, at seventeen, was writing novels and stories of high life. She wrote under the nom-de-plume of “Cousin May Carleton,” her productions appearing, first, in the local papers, and, afterwards, in the Mercury, Weekly and Ledger of New York, the Boston Pilot and the London Journal. She came into considerable prominence, and her work was much sought for by leading publishers. She married, August 24th, 1865, John W. Fleming, of St. John, and, ten years afterwards, moved with him to New York. She died at Brooklyn, N.Y., March 24th, 1880, and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, at that place. In all she wrote over twenty novels, the principal ones being “Guy Earlcourt's Wife," “A Terrible Secret," “A Wonderful Woman,” and “The Midnight Queen.” So well known and so popular is her name that some of the story papers continue to publish tales under her name that she never wrote. 119 Xanhope Forbes MRS. STANHOPE-FORBES. From a recent photograph. Elizabeth Adela, daughter of the late William Armstrong, Esquire, of the Civil Service, Ottawa, was born in Canada, December 29th, 1859. She studied painting at the Art Students' League, New York, and at Munich. Later, she painted in the open on the French coast, but her chief work has been done at Newlyn, and it was she who did so much to secure fame for this new school. She has been a frequent contributor to all the important exhibitions in London, and, in 1899, she secured election as an associate of the Royal Water-Colour Society. Her pictures are said to be full of charm. She married, 1889, Alexander Stanhope-Forbes, Esquire, A.R.A. Residence : Trewarveneth, Newlyn, Penzance, England. 120 a bennette M MADAME FORGET. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her husband, Lieut.-Governor Forget. Henriette, daughter of the late Lieut.-Col. C. J. R Drolet, and a descendant of François Jarret de Verchères, a name famous in Canadian history, was born at St. Hya- cinthe, P.Q., September 29th, 1853. Educated at [Institut des Seurs des Saints Noms de Jesus et de Marie, Hochelaga, she was married, October, 1876, to Amedee Emmanuel Forget, Esquire, advocate, who had just been appointed to an official position in the North-West Provinces. She accompanied him thither the following year, their residence being fixed at Battleford. After five years the seat of Government was transferred to Regina, and they accordingly removed there. In 1895, Mr. Forget was appointed Indian Commissioner, which necessitated a fresh removal to Winnipeg. After living in that city for a short period he was called to the Lieutenant-Governorship of the North West Territories. This was in October, 1898, since when Madame Forget has been mistress of Government House, Regina, and there she and her husband had the honour of receiving and entertaining the Prince and Princess of Wales in 1901. Madame Forget is Honorary President of the Daughters of the Empire and of the National Council of Women, and she has also an official relation with the Victorian Order of Nurses and the Aberdeen Association. Latterly she has taken an especial interest in the movement for the erection of a statue to Queen Victoria, being President and Treasurer of the Committee, and has collected a considerable sum for this object. Residence : Government House, Regina, N.W.T. 121 Marie C. Foy MRS. FOY. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Torono. Kindly furnished by her husband, T. J. Foy, Esquire, K.C., M.P.P. Marie Claire, daughter of the late Maurice Cuvillier, Esquire, of Montreal, and his wife, Virginie, daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Juchereau Duchesnay, one of the heroes of 1812, was born and educated in Montreal. In 1879 she married James Joseph Foy, Esquire, K.C., who is now a member of the Ontario Legis- lature, and one of the leaders of the Conservative party in that Province. Mrs. Foy's paternal grandfather, Hon. Maurice Cuvillier, was the first Speaker of the Legislature of the late Province of Canada, and she is otherwise closely connected with many distinguished families in Quebec. She is one of the society leaders of the “ Queen City," and most highly regarded by every one. Residence : 90 Isabella Street, Toronto. 122 Emma Frechette MADAME FRÉCHETTE. From a photograph by Query Fréres, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her husband, Dr. Fréchette, C.M.G. Emma, second daughter of the late J. B. Beaudry, Esquire, banker, and niece of the late Hon. J. L. Beaudry, M.L.C., for a lengthened period Mayor of Montreal, married, July 1oth, 1876, Louis Honoré Fréchette, Esquire, the distinguished French-Canadian poet and dramatist, whose work was crowned by the French Academy, 1880, and the first Montyon prize awarded him. Later, he received, among other honours, a C.M.G. from Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Madame Fréchette, who is the mother of an interesting group of children, is a woman of much culture and artistic taste, and has travelled far and wide. Her home has been the scene of some of the most notable intel- lectual gatherings known to Montreal society in the present day. Her daughter, Jeanne, was married, in April, 1903, to the eldest son of the late Hon. H. (Count Mercier, of Montreal. Residence : 408 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal. 123 BE ESBE GEN BE D th MADAME GAMELIN. From an oil painting in the possession of the Seurs de la Providence, Montreal. Marie Emilie, daughter of Antoine Tavernier and his wife, Josephte Maurice, and granddaughter of Julien Tavernier and Marie Anne Girouard, was born in Montreal, February 19th, 1800, and married, June 4th, 1823, Jean Baptiste Gamelin, Esquire, of the same city. He died in 1827, and the year after, having lost her surviving child, she gave herself entirely to religion and to works of charity, more especially the care of aged and infirm women. In 1828 she had succeeded in providing a small refuge in St. Lawrence Street, and, in 1831, she had secured a larger one in St. Philippe Street. Following up the good work, she obtained possession of what was known as La Maison Jaune, at the corner of St. Catherine and St. Hubert Streets. In 1841 this institution was incorporated by the Legislature, under the name of the “ Corporation de l' Asile des Femmes Agées et Infirmes de Montreal.” Madame Gamelin, together with the other petitioners, who included Mesdames Nolan, Lacroix, Cuvillier, Fabre (9.v.), Viger, Perrault and Berthelot, became known as The Ladies of Providence, and large sums of money were raised by Mgr. Bourget and others, in 1843, to aid them in erecting a new building. The association, however, was not regularly constituted by the Bishop of Montreal till the year 1844, when its members were allowed to take simple vows and become nuns of charity, under the name, “ Les Sæurs de la Providence." Madame Gamelin, the foundress, became the first Superior. Since then the community has grown so widely, that if not the largest in the world, it is certainly the largest in America, having missions and houses throughout the continent. In Montreal, the Maison-mere, erected in 1888, L'Hospice Gamelin, erected in 1894, and the new Asylum, in 1899, are among the most beautiful and extensive of such edifices there. The community also have charge of the Longue Pointe Lunatic Asylum, under contract with the Provincial Gov- ernment, where they care for about two thousand patients, and are proprietors of the Deaf and Dumb Institute, St. Denis Street, where they educate about three hundred pupils. They number about one thousand professed nuns. This saintly and venerated woman died in Montreal, September 23rd, 1851, her death occasioning widespread regret throughout the country. She was buried in the Chapel of the Order. 124 unell MISS DUNLOP-GEMMILL. From a photograph by Thomson, London. Kindly furnished by her father, Lieut.-Colonel J. Dunlop-Gemmill. Winifred Knight Dunlop-Gemmill is the eldest daughter of Lieut.-Col. James Dunlop-Gemmill, late 43rd Regiment, Canada, and his wife, Catherine Murdock, daughter of the late George Knight, Esquire, of Glasgow, Scotland. Born in Montreal, she went abroad in infancy with her parents and a younger sister, and was educated chiefly in France and Italy. In December, 1899, she and her sister, Miss Margaret Edith Dunlop-Gemmill, were accorded a private audience by the Queen of Greece, and, at New Year's, 1900, they were formally presented at the Greek Court, and attended the State ball given at the Royal Palace in the evening. In May of the same year they were presented to Queen Victoria at a drawing-room held at Buckingham Palace. Having travelled much, both sisters are proficient in foreign languages, though they excel in music and painting. They write, occasionally, for the English and American literary journals. Residence : Rome, Italy. 125 Don MRS. GIBBS (MARGARETTA GRADDON). Engraved by T. Woolnoth, from a painting by Miss E. R. Drummond. Margaretta Graddon was born in the West of England, 1806; she died in Ottawa, 1868, and is buried in the old Sandy Hill Cemetery there. Her father, a publisher of music, was a friend of the Duke of Sussex, son of George III., and the latter stood sponsor at her baptism. Showing a remarkable aptitude for music, Miss Graddon was placed, successively, under Sir George Smart, Crivalli and Tom Cooke, and made her first appearance as a singer at Dublin, her fine voice, faultless form, added to her youth and beauty, creating a most favourable impression. She made her first appearance in London at Drury Lane Theatre, October, 1824, as Susannah, in the “Marriage of Figaro." Her success was great, and it culminated when “Der Freischutz” was pro- duced at the same theatre, she being the original “Linda,” the composer, Weber, presenting her with a valuable diamond ring on the occasion. In 1830 she married Mr. Gibbs, the only son of an opulent London merchant, and retired into private life. Later, however, she returned to her profession, and, coming to America, opened the St. Charles Theatre, New Orleans. After touring in other portions of the States, she took up her residence in Canada, in the early forties, and remained here, almost uninter- ruptedly, till her death. She gave concerts in many of the principal cities, and also took part in garrison theatricals, with Lords Mulgrave and Tullamore and others, in Montreal. In her old age she taught music in Ottawa. “In her grave," wrote Joseph Smith Lee, “are laid as many virtues as fall to the lot of even the best of human beings." 126 MRS. GIBSON. From a photograph by Cochran, Hamilton, Ont. Eliza, daughter of the late Judge Malloch, of Brockville, Ont., and his wife Elizabeth Stewart, was born in that town and received her education in Scot- land. She married, May 18th, 1881, as his third wife, Hon. J. M. Gibson, K.C., M.P.P., now Attorney-General of Ontario, and has since that event occupied a conspicuous place in social and official life at the Ontario capital, where much of her time is spent. Mrs. Gibson has always been warmly devoted to philan- thropic and other useful work. She is a governor of the Victorian Order of Nurses, a life-member of the National Council of Women, and President of the local Council of Women at Hamilton. Residence : 311 Bay Street, Ham- ilton, Ont. 127 Amelia Gelpin MRS. GILPIN. From a photograph by Notman, Halifax, N.S. Kindly furnished by her niece, Miss Bainbridge Smith, Tunbridge Wells, England. Amelia, youngest daughter of the late Hon. T. C. Haliburton, M.P., author of “Sam Slick," and his wife, Louisa Neville (9.v.), was born at Annapolis, N.S., July 25th, 1829, married, 1849, the Rev. Edwin Gilpin, now Dean of Nova Scotia, and made her home in Halifax, where she resided until her death, January 14th, 1902, leaving four sons and one daughter to survive her. Mrs. Gilpin, like her sister, Mrs. Cunard (9.v.), possessed marked artistic ability, which was shown by her many beautiful landscape paintings. Her great amiability of disposition and kindness to the poor and needy made her univer- sally beloved. 128 LADY GILMOUR. From a photograph by Thomson, London. Henrietta, second daughter of David Gilmour, Esquire, an eminent merchant of Quebec, and his wife, Matilda, youngest daughter of John White, Esquire, of the same city, was married, in 1873, to John Gilmour, Esquire, of Lundin and Montrave, Fifeshire, Scotland, who was created a Baronet at Queen Victoria's Jubilee, 1897. Lady Gilmour is the mother of three sons and two daughters. One of the former, Lieut. Harry Gilmour, 16th Lancers, greatly distinguished himself during the war in South Africa, where he was wounded. Her Ladyship was presented at court shortly after her husband's accession to the baronetcy, and again recently. She is a sister of Mrs. Walter Chamberlain (q.v.). Seat : Montrave, Leven, Fifeshire, Scotland. 129 Edith B. Girouarch MADAME GIROUARD. Fron a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her husband, Hon. Mr. Justice Girouard. Edith Bertha, youngest daughter of the late Dr. John Beatty, of Cobourg, Ont., and his wife, Eleanor Armstrong, married, 1881, as his third wife, Désiré Girouard, Esquire, Q.C., D.C.L., a distinguished member of the Canadian House of Commons, who, in 1895, was raised to the Bench of the Supreme Court of Canada. He is the father of Colonel Sir Percy Girouard, K.C.M.G., R.E., who won such celebrity in Egypt and South Africa. Madame Girouard, who is a conspicuous figure in Ottawa society, is the sister of Mrs. William Macdougall, Mrs. C. A. E. Harriss, Mrs. John Daintry, and Mrs. Charles Ryerson, all amiable, clever and accomplished women. Her son, Ernest Girouard, is now a cadet at the Royal Military College at Kingston. Resi- dence: 398 Wilbrod Street, Ottawa. 130 MRS. J. P. CARR GLYN. From a phɔtograph by Lafayette, Dublin. Kindly furnished by her husband, Lieut.-General Carr Glyn. Ellen, eldest daughter of the late James Robert Dalton Dewar, Esquire, formerly of Winkfield, Berks, England, was married at London, Ont., September lith, 1886, to Captain John Pluimptre Carr Glyn, Rifle Brigade (now a Lieut.- General), third son of the Rev. C. J. Glyn, M.A., and grandson of Sir Richard Carr Glyn, Bart., Lord Mayor of London, 1798. Of the issue of this marriage there were two children born in Canada, one at London and one at Ottawa. Residence : “Northleigh," Wimborne, Dorset, England. 131 REV. G. N. GORDON AND HIS WIFE. Copied from an old lithograph. Kindly furnished by Miss Frame, Shubenacadie, N.S. The above picture represents the Rev. George Nicol Gordon and his wife, Ellen Catherine Powell, who became missionaries from the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia to the New Hebrides, and were massacred by the natives at Eromanga, May 20th, 1861. According to Dr. Turner, Mrs. Gordon was the first European woman who suffered in the missionary cause in the Pacific: Mr. Gordon was a native of Prince Edward Island, and Mrs. Gordon a native of London, England. A memoir of them appeared in book form, at Halifax, N.S., 1863. 132 H. Gordon. Marjorie THE LADY MARJORIE GORDON. From a photograph by Montminy, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her mother, the Countess of Aberdeen. The Lady Marjorie Adeline, only surviving daughter of the 7th Earl of Aber- deen, and his wife, the Hon. Ishbel Maria Marjoribanks, youngest daughter of the ist Lord Tweedmouth (9.v.), was born December 7th, 1880, and educated, mainly, by private tuition. Accompanying her parents to Canada, on the appointment of her father as Governor-General, in 1893, her Ladyship displayed uncommon literary ability in the columns of Wee Willie Winkie, a periodical for the young which she had established, and of which she was the editress. She was known at this time as “the youngest editress in the world.” While in Canada she took great interest in the study of Canadian history, and assisted her parents in carrying to a successful issue the “Tableaux Historiques” given by them in Montreal, the historical fancy dress ball given at Ottawa, and the Victorian Era ball given at Toronto, in all of which she took part. She also assisted in forming the May Court Club at Ottawa, and was the first “May Queen” elected to preside over that body. Since returning to England her Ladyship has written a dramatized version, in five acts, of Scott's “Fortunes of Nigel,” and has appeared upon the lecture platform. Her “coming out” ball took place at Haddo House, September 12th, 1899, and she made her debut in London society at a ball given by her parents in Grosvenor Street, June 11th, 1901, shortly after which she was presented at court. In April, 1903, her name was announced as a candidate for the School Board at Methlick, Aberdeenshire. Residence: 58 Grosvenor Street, W., London, England. Seat : Haddo House, Aberdeen, Scotland. 133 MISS GORDON. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Mary, daughter of the late Thomas Gordon, Esquire, of Quebec, and his wife, Isabella Cuthbert Ross, was born in the “Fortress City,” but received her edu- cation in Montreal, where her father was long engaged in mercantile life. Both in Montreal and in Ottawa, where she now lives, Miss Gordon has been iden- tified with all sorts of meritorious work. She was particularly interested in the success of the fund, started in 1885, for the relief of the wives and children of the volunteers engaged, under General Middleton, in the suppression of the “Riel Rebellion,” and of a similar fund, more recently established, in connec- tion with the war in South Africa. The Humane Society, and the Women's Art Association, of which latter body she was acting President for some time, have likewise benefited by her connection with them. Miss Gordon belongs to the branch of the Gordon family known in Scotland as the Gordons of Monyby and Loch dougan. Some of its members emigrated to Virginia about one hundred years ago, and their descendants are numbered among the rich and influential inhabitants of Virginia and Maryland. Miss Gordon's grand- father settled in Quebec, and died there in 1832. She was related to, and a personal friend of, the Duke of Richmond, and was with that nobleman when he died, near Richmond, Ont., in 1819. Residence : “Kenmure Cottage,” 14 Kent Street, Ottawa. 134 LADY GORE. From a photograph by Gilvy, London. Kindly furnished by her son, Lieut.-Colonel F. A. Gore, London, England. Sarah Rachel, eldest daughter of the Hon. James Fraser, M.E.C. of Nova Scotia, and his wife, Rachel Otis, daughter of Benjamin DeWolfe, Esquire, of Windsor, N.S., was born at Halifax, N.S., 1803, and married there, May 13th, 1824, Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. Charles Gore, son of the 2nd Earl of Arran, K.P., and had issue three sons and two daughters, one of the latter being the present Dowager Countess of Erroll, V.A. (9.v.). All her children were born in Canada. Colonel Gore, who had served with distinction under Wellington, and was present with him at Waterloo, where he had three horses shot under him, was sent afterwards to Canada, where he held high command for many years. He was created successively a C.B., a K.H., and a G.C.B., and attained General's rank in 1863. At his death, September 4th, 1869, he was lieutenant-governor of Chelsea Hospital. Lady Gore was celebrated in the early part of the nineteenth century as one of the handsomest women of her day, and excelled in riding and painting. She was with her husband in Jamaica in the old slavery days, and was in Canada during the troublous times of 1837, sharing her husband's popularity wherever he went. Queen Victoria gave her the use of a handsome suite of apartments at Hampton Court Palace, where she died, October 17th, 1880, in the same year as her two sisters, Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Suther (q.v.), died. 135 Io MRS. GEORGE J. GOULD. From a photograph by Reutliuger, Paris. Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kingdon, formerly of Toronto, was born and educated in England. Adopting the stage as a profession, her beauty and talent won instant recognition, but her career as an actress, which pro- mised to be a most distinguished one, was abruptly cut short by her marriage, in the eighties, to George J. Gould, Esquire, of New York, son of the great American capitalist, Jay Gould. Mrs. Gould, who is one of the most prominent and most popular leaders of society across the border, is the mother of an interesting group of children, consisting of three sons and two daughters. Residence : “ Georgian Court," Lakewood, New Jersey, U.S. 136 M. Forseth Hanh MRS. FORSYTH-GRANT. From a photograph by Barnes Brothers, Toronto. Minnie Caroline, eldest daughter of the late Hon. John Beverley Robinson, a well-known public man, who was Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, 1880-87, and his wife, Mary Jane, daughter of the Hon. C. A. Hagerman (9.v.), was born and educated in Toronto. She married, 1881, William Forsyth-Grant, Esquire, formerly Captain of H.M.'s 82nd Regiment, son of William Forsyth, Esquire, of Ecclesgreig, County Kincardine, Scotland, J.P. and D.L., who, in 1842, assumed by Royal license the additional surname of Grant (Chadwick). Besides an interesting book of travel, “Scenes in Hawaii, or Life in the Sandwich Islands," Mrs. Forsyth-Grant has contributed considerably to the periodical and news- paper press. For some years she has been President of the Woman's Historical Society of Toronto, and quite recently was elected President of the Ladies' Relief Society of the same city. Her portrait is taken in the costume worn by her at the Victorian Era ball given in Toronto by Lord and Lady Aberdeen in 1897. Residence : 30 Nanton Crescent, Toronto. 137 LADY GREEN. From a photograph by Kate Pragnell, Knightsbridge, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Louisa, daughter of the late Hon. John Henry Dunn, a prominent Canadian statesman, and his second wife, Sophia Louisa, eldest daughter of Hon. A. N. J. Rodes Green, C.B., son of the late Vice-Admiral Sir Andrew P. Green, K.C.H., a distinguished military officer, who became a Major-General in 1875, and, in 1886, was created a K.C.S.I. Their eldest daughter, Ethel, married, December Ist, 1896, John Forsyth Burstall, Esquire, of Quebec. Lady Green had for her half-brother the late Colonel Alexander Roberts Dunn, late iooth and 33rd Regiments, to whom was awarded the V.C. for having been “the bravest of the brave" in the famous charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava. Resi- dence : 93 Belgrave Road, London, S.W., England. 138 MRS. GRIFFIN. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Mrs. Griffin (nee Major), the widow of the late Edward Griffin, Esquire, a prominent and enterprising citizen of Ottawa, has been long closely identified with philanthropic and other useful work at the Canadian capital. She was the second recording secretary of the Orphans' Home, and also treasurer of that institution. On the foundation of the National Council of Women by the Countess of Aberdeen, she became recording secretary of the Ottawa local Council, a position she exchanged, in 1897, for that of recording secretary of the National Council. On the institution of the Victorian Order of Nurses, by the same lady, in 1897, she was appointed treasurer, an office to which she was reappointed, in 1898, in conjunction with Mr. J. M. Courtney. In the same year she was called to the presidency of the local Council of Women. The two last-named offices she still fills. In July, 1901, a special compliment was paid to her in being invited to be present on the occasion of the presentation to Queen Alexandra, by the Countess of Aberdeen, of the address of congratu- lation to Her Majesty from the women of Canada. Mrs. Griffin is said to possess fine executive powers. Residence: Russell House, Ottawa. 139 alba MADAME ALBANI-GYE. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Marie Louise Cécile Emma Lajeunesse (popularly known as Madame Albani) was born at Chambly, P.Q., September 27th, 1847, and is the daughter of Joseph Lajeunesse and his wife, Mélina Mignault. Educated at Plattsburgh, N.Y., and at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Montreal, she early displayed musical gifts of a rare character. Her first appearance in public was made in Montreal, when she was seven years old. At a later period she sang in Quebec, and, at fifteen, she went to Albany, N.Y., to become an organist and teacher of singing. Her savings in these positions enabled her to proceed to Paris for the cultivation of her voice. Thence she went to Milan, to study under Lamperti for Italian opera. In 1870 she made her debut at Messina in “La Sonnambula,” under the name of Albani, in compliment to an old and almost extinct Italian family, and met with immediate success, which was repeated in other cities that she visited on the continent. Her first appearance in England was made at Covent Garden Theatre, in 1872, in “La Sonnambula.” She also sang in oratorio, that year, at the Norwich Festival. To recapitulate her triumphs since then, both at home and abroad, would be to repeat an oft-told tale. To-day she holds the undisputed position Madame Albani married, in 1878, Ernest Gye, Esquire, the well-known impressario, and is the mother of a son of much promise. Residence : Park House, Earl's Court Road, London, England. 140 Sarah 6. Auque THE LATE MRS. GEORGE HAGUE. From a photogarph kindly furnished by her husband. Sarah, daughter of the late Joseph Cousins, Esquire, a Sheffield manufac- turer, married, 1852, George Hague, Esquire, and, two years afterwards, accompanied him to Canada, living first in Toronto, and subsequently in Montreal, in both of which cities her husband was engaged in banking. Mrs. Hague died at her husband's residence, “Rotherwood,” Montreal, June ist, 1900, aged 81, and is buried in Mount Royal Cemetery. She left five surviving children, all boys. She was widely and favourably known for her charitable work, more especially as Vice-President of the Hervey Institute, and as Presi- dent of the Industrial Rooms, Montreal. 141 Marianar taliburton THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY HALIBURTON. From a photograph by W. & D. Downey, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, Lord Haliburton. Mariana Emily, daughter of the late Leo Schuster, Esquire, of Roehampton, Surrey, England, married, first, 1855, Sir William Dickason Clay, and Baronet, who died 1876 ; and secondly, 1877, Sir Arthur Laurence Haliburton, G.C.B., youngest son of the late Mr. Justice Haliburton, of Nova Scotia, author of “Sam Slick," and sometime member for Launceston in the English House of Commons, who was raised to the peerage of the United Kingdom, as Baron Haliburton of Windsor, in the Province of Nova Scotia and Dominion of Canada, 1898, being the first native Canadian to be so honoured. Residence : 57 Lowndes Square, London, S.W., England. 142 MRS. T. C. HALIBURTON. From a family portrait. Copy kindly furnished by her son, the late Robert Grant Haliburton, Esquire, Q.C., D.C.L. Louisa, only daughter of Captain Laurence Neville, a distinguished officer of the 19th Light Dragoons, married, in Eng'and, 1816, Thomas Chandler Haliburton, Esquire, only son of Chief Justice William Hersey Otis Haliburton, of Nova Scotia, and his wife, Lucy, daughter of Major Alexander Grant, an officer who served under Wolfe at the taking of Quebec. The romantic inci- dents of this lady's history before marriage are related in the “Haliburton Chaplet,” edited by her son, R. G. Haliburton (Toronto: 1899). Both her husband and herself were minors when they married. Her husband was afterwards called to the bar, and entered public life, in which he greatly distinguished himself. He closed his career as a member of the English House of Commons. He also won a high place in literature as the author of “ Sam Slick," and has been called the “father of American humorists.” Mrs. Haliburton was the mother of two sons and five daughters, namely : R. G. Haliburton, Esquire, Q.C., D.C.L. (deceased); Lord Haliburton, G.C.B.; Mrs. Weldon, Mrs. A. F. Haliburton, Mrs. William Cunard (9.v.), Mrs. Bainbridge Smith, and Mrs. Gilpin (9.v.). Mrs. Haliburton died in 1840, and is buried at Windsor, N.S. ; her husband, who married a second time, died in England, August 27th, 1865. 143 Katharine Hall. MISS HALL. From a photograph taken specially for this work by Alice Hughes, London. Katharine, eldest daughter of Hon. Robert Newton Hall, a distinguished member of the Quebec judiciary, and his wife, Lena, eldest daughter of the late A. W. Kendrick, of Compton, P.Q., was born and educated in Canada. Miss Hall, with her sisters, Miss Adèle Hall and Mrs. Ingleby, occupy a prominent place in Canadian society, and have been, since 1887, when the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne were guests of their parents at Sherbrooke, closely identified with vice-regal functions in Canada. In consequence they are often- times called “The Rideau Halls.” The three sisters were presented to Queen Victoria in the year of her jubilee, and last year Miss Hall was present with her father at the coronation of the King and Queen in Westminster Abbey. Residence: Windsor Hotel, Montreal. 144 Faure L.H. Harmilton MRS. HAMILTON. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her husband, the Bishop of Ottawa. Frances Louisa Hume, youngest daughter of the late Tannatt Houston Thomson, Esquire, Deputy Commissary-General, and his wife, Margaret Ann, daughter of Captain Usher, of “The Grove,” Chippewa, was married, in Quebec, February 25th, 1862, to the Rev. Charles Hamilton, M.A., fourth son of the late Lieut.-Col. Hon. George Hamilton, M.L.C., of Hawkesbury, Ont., who became, successively, Bishop of Niagara and Bishop of Ottawa, over which latter diocese he now presides. Of the issue of this marriage, there are surviving four sons and four daughters. Mrs. Hamilton has always been much devoted to benevolent and useful work connected with the Church of England in Canada, and since coming to Ottawa, in 1896, has held the presidency of the Children's Hospital and of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Church of England Foreign and Domestic Missionary Society. She has been also Vice-President of the local Council of Women. Residence : “Bishopscourt," Ottawa. 145 MISS HAMILTON. From a photograph by Pittaway, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her father, the Bishop of Ottawa. Ethel Mary, third daughter of the Right Reverend Charles Hamilton, D.D., D.C.L., first Anglican Bishop of Ottawa, and his wife, Frances Louisa Hume Thomson (9.v.), was born and educated in Quebec. Accompanying her parents to Ottawa, on her father's election to the bishopric of that diocese in 1896, she has since resided at the Federal capital, where, on May Day, 1898, at Government House, she was elected and crowned “May Queen," to preside over the May Court Club, which had been established under the auspices of their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen. She was re-elected to this position in 1899, and continued to discharge the duties thereof till her resignation in 1900, when she was succeeded by Miss Ethel White, the eldest daughter of Lieut.-Col. Frederick White, C.M.G. Residence : “Bishopscourt,” Ottawa. 146 LADY HAMILTON. From a photograph by McNeille, Stratford-on-Avon. Kindly furnished by her husband. Mary Jane, daughter of the late Thomas W. Willan, Esquire, a barrister of Lincoln's Inn, and sometime Clerk of the Crown at Quebec, and his wife, Julia, fourth daughter of Hon. Lewis Gugy, M.L.C., was born in Quebec and educated in Montreal. She married, at St. George's Church, Montreal, September 28th, 1865, Frederic Harding Anson Hamilton, Esquire, Captain H.M.'s both Rifles, who, in 1887, succeeded his father as 7th Baronet under a patent of baronetcy created in 1646. Of the issue of this marriage there are two sons and four daughters. According to Debrett, this family is the nearest branch of the ducal house of Hamilton, next to the great family of Abercorn. Residence : “ Avon Cliffe," Stratford-on-Avon, England. 147 itton MRS. R. C. HAMILTON. From a photograph by Norman May & Co., Cheltenham. Kindly furnished by her brother, Dr. Travers Lewis, Barrister, Ottawa. Charlotte Sherwood, eldest daughter of His Grace the late Archbishop of Ontario (Dr. John Travers Lewis), and his wife, Annie Henrietta Marguerite, daughter of the Hon. Henry Sherwood, at one time Attorney-General for Upper Canada, was born at Brockville, Ont., and educated at Toronto. She married, at Ottawa, April 28th, 1875, Robert Craigie Hamilton, Esquire, third son of the late Col. George Hamilton, of Hawkesbury, Ont., the then Governor- General and the Countess of Dufferin being present at the ceremony. The bride was accounted one of the greatest beauties of the period in Canada. Of the issue of this union, the eldest daughter (born in Montreal) is married to Mr. Wilfrid Sergeant, and the only son is a midshipman and Captain's A.D.C. England. Residence : “Fern Bank,” Cheltenham, England. 148 Ilha Bentley Benin MRS. C. A. E. HARRISS. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Ella, second daughter of the late John Beatty, Esquire, M.D., formerly Professor of Sciences in Victoria University, Cobourg, Ont., and his wife, Eleanor Armstrong, was born and educated in that town. In 1883 she mar- ried, first, George K. Shoenberger, Esquire, of “Scarlet Oaks," Cincinnati, one of the “Iron Kings” of Pennsylvania (he died 1892); and, secondly, in 1897, Charles Albert Edwin Harriss, Esquire, Mus. Bach., the composer of " Daniel Before the King," a dramatic cantata ; “Torquil," a lyric opera, and numerous other works. Some years after Sir John Macdonald's death, Mrs. Harriss purchased “Earnscliffe," his former place of residence at Ottawa, which she has since occupied. She is a very prominent figure in the social life of the capital, and, in addition to being President of the Woman's Morning Music Club, fills various other official positions of that character. She and her husband were presented at Court during the Coronation festivities in 1902. Residence : "Earnscliffe," Ottawa. 149 kel e THE LATE MRS. ROBERT CARR-HARRIS. From an old photograph. Copy kindly furnished by her husband. Ellen Jane, daughter of the late R. W. Fitton, Esquire, M.D. (U. E. L. descent), and his wife, a daughter of Donald Monro of Fowlis, Esquire, was born at New Carlisle, P.Q., but from her thirteenth year lived with her aunt, the wife of the late Senator Ferguson, of Bathurst, N.B., whom she accom- panied to Ottawa at the meeting of the first parliament of the Dominion, in 1867. Tall, handsome and distinguished-looking, she was acknowledged to be the “belle" of the Canadian capital at that time, and was selected to open the inaugural ball with the Speaker of the House of Commons, the late Hon. James Cockburn. After her marriage with Professor Carr-Harris, C.E., in 1875, she resided with her husband at “Somersetvale," Bathurst, a beautiful estate, com- prising about two thousand acres, which had been previously owned by Judge Monro, but in 1879 moved to Kingston, Ont., on her husband's appointment as a professor in the Royal Military College there. She died in that city, February 23rd, 1890, leaving a family of four sons and two daughters. One daughter, Mrs. J. A. Gunn, lives at Cairo, Egypt, and one son is an officer in the Royal Engineers. Professor Carr-Harris married, secondly, June 6th, 1896, Miss Bertha Wright, of Ottawa. 150 haline A. Tunion MISS HARRISON. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her mother, the late Mrs. Harrison. Justine A. Harrison, only child of the late Hon. Robert A. Harrison, D.C.L., Chief Justice of Ontario, by his second wife, Kennithina Johana Mackay, only daughter of Hugh Scobie, Esquire, editor of the British Colonist, Toronto, was born in Toronto, and educated, mainly, abroad. While living at Dresden she studied under Lamm, Ley Kauf and Mrs. Wagner, and now devotes much of her time to Dresden decoration. Her work has been much admired. Resi- dence : 18 Madison Avenue, Toronto. II 151 MRS. GEORGE H. HART. From a portrait in the possession of Philéas Gagnon, Esquire, Quebec, and kindly furnished by him for publication in this work. Julia Catherine, daughter of Nehemiah Beckwith (U. E. L.), and his wife, Julie Le Brun, daughter of Jean Baptiste Le Brun de Duplessis, was born at Fredericton, N.B., March ioth, 1796, but spent much of her early life in Nova Scotia and Quebec. Proceeding to Upper Canada (now Ontario), she married, at Kingston, January 3rd, 1822, George Henry Hart. In 1824 she published, there, “St. Ursula's Convent ; or, The Nun of Canada ; Containing Scenes from Real Life,” which is believed to have been the first Canadian novel in the English language issued from the native press. At a later date she published, at Rochester, N.Y., another work of fiction : “ Tonnawanda ; or, The Adopted Son of America ; an Indian Story." In 1831 she returned to Fredericton, and continued to live there till her death, November 20th, 1867. She left another novel in manuscript, which has never been published. 152 ontkead LADY HEAD. From a London photograph. Kindly supplied by Miss Isabella Irvine, Quebec. Anna Maria, daughter of the Rev. Philip Yorke, Prebendary of Ely, and his wife, Hon. Anna Maria Cocks, daughter of the ist Lord Somers, was born 1808, and married, November 27th, 1838, Edmund Walker Head, Esquire, M.A., who succeeded his father, as 8th Baronet, in the same year. In October, 1847, her husband was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, which post he filled till September, 1854, when he was appointed Governor-General of Canada. He remained in the last-named office till October, 1861, and, returning to England, died there, January, 1868, when his title, which was created in 1676, became extinct. Lady Head was the mother of three children, one son (who was accidentally drowned in the river St. Maurice in September, 1859) and two daughters, one of whom was born at Fredericton, N.B., February 6th, 1849. Her Ladyship, according to Hon. R. W. Scott, P.C., who was personally acquainted with her while she was in Canada, “was a woman of fine presence, bright and intellec- tual, who did the honours with much tact.” She sketched beautifully, and Mr. Scott recounts that when on a visit to Ottawa, in 1857, she drew a picture of the view from Major's Hill, which she subsequently presented to Queen Victoria, and this, with her Ladyship’s vivid description of Ottawa and its surroundings, in his opinion, had weight with the Queen, as within a month or two after this event Her Majesty chose Ottawa as the seat of Government of United Canada. Lady Head was much given to works of charity, and went about herself among the poor, bestowing alms. During her husband's administration in Canada they received as guests the Prince of Wales (now King Edward VII.) and suite, Prince Alfred (the late Duke of Edinburgh), and Prince Napoleon. A memorial of her Ladyship's visit to the Upper Ottawa, in a bark canoe, in 1856, stands at Portage-du-Fort. A township-Maria, in the county of Renfrew—was named after her. Lady Head died at Oak Lea, Shere, Guildford, England, October 4th, 1890. 153 Coriame Henderson MRS. K. G. HENDERSON. From a photograph taken by G. Lassave, Alexandria, Egypt. Corinne, daughter of the late Hon. Henry Starnes, for many years a member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of the Province of Quebec, and his wife, Eleanor Stuart, was born and educated in Montreal. She married, May 31st, 1869, Kenneth Gregg Henderson, Esquire, Captain H.M.'s. both Rifles, who had distinguished himself during the Indian Mutiny and in China, and became, successively, Colonel of his regiment, a Major-General, and commandant of the garrison at Alexandria. He was created a C.B., 1887, and died August, 1902. Mrs. Henderson's family held a very distinguished place in Montreal society, her parents being especially noted for the frequency and splendour of their entertainments, Royalty itself having been among their guests. Both her sisters followed her example by uniting themselves with Englishmen, one, Louise (9.v.), marrying Captain Mitchell-Innes, both Rifles, and the other, Eleanor, the Hon. J. R. D. Tollemache, a son of the ist Baron Tollemache. Residence: 38 Queen's Gate Terrace, London, S.W., England. 154 MISS HENDRIE. From a photograph by C. M. Hayes & Co., Detroit. Te William Hendrie, Esquire, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland, President of the Hendrie Co., Limited, and of the Ontario Jockey Club, and a well-known railway promoter and capitalist, married, 1856, Miss Margaret Walker, of Arbroath, Scotland, by whom he had a numerous family, consisting of four sons and four daughters. The latter are known as “The handsome Hendries,” a title not inappropriately bestowed. Of these, the eldest, Elizabeth Strathearn, married, 1891, John Dunlop Hay, Esquire, Toronto; the second, Margaret Walker, married, 1888, Arthur Douglas Braithwaite, Esquire, Hamilton ; the third, Anne Montgomery (whose portrait is presented), is unmarried ; and the fourth, Christina, married, 1900, Herbert Eckford, Esquire, High River, N.W.T. After the death of his wife, Mr. Hendrie married, secondly, 1875, Miss Mary Murray, of Hamilton, by whom he has had one son and two daughters. Of the latter, the elder, Mary Alice Maud, married, 1900, Henry Ledyard, Esquire, of Detroit, Mich., a brother of the Baroness von Ketteler, of Germany, and the younger, Phyllis Murray Callender, is at school in England. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrie live at Hamilton, Ont., where they had the honour of receiving as their guests the Prince and Princess of Wales, during their visit to Canada, 1901. One of Mr. Hendrie's sons, Lieutenant Murray Hendrie, served with distinction in South Africa. Residence : “ Holmstead," Hamilton, Ont. 155 Cele THE HONOURABLE MRS. HERBERT. From a photograph by Esmé Collings, London. The Honourable Albertina Agnes Mary Denison, daughter of the ist Earl of Londesborough, was born 1854, and married, 1873, Col. Ivor John Caradoc Herbert, C.B., C.M.G., who commanded the Canadian militia, 1890-95, and, in 1897, commanded all the colonial troops in England for Queen Victoria's jubilee commemoration. While living in Ottawa with her husband, Mrs. Herbert was very prominently identified with all forms of benevolent and useful work. She founded and was the first President of the Ottawa Decorative Art Society. She was also President of the Woman's Humane Society, and became the first President of the Humane Society of Ottawa, and, as such, was instrumental in having cabmen's shelters erected in the city. Her services were likewise given in behalf of the fund raised by the women of Canada for the presentation of a wedding gift to the present Prince and Princess of Wales, she being the honorary Secretary to the organization. As a member of the Band of Mercy Union, in 1892, she caused a resolution to be passed, strongly protesting against the use of the check-rein, and agreeing not to use or hire horses that were check-reined. We may add that Mrs. Herbert was among the first to urge the erection of a national monument to Laura Secord (9.v.). Residence : Llanarth Court, Raglan, Monmouthshire, England. 156 C. Nickson LADY HICKSON. From a photograph by Lafayette, London. Catherine, eldest daughter of the late Andrew Dow, Esquire, of Montreal, was married at Strathearn House, Montreal, June 17th, 1869, to Joseph Hickson, Esquire, then Secretary-Treasurer, and afterwards President, of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, who was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1890. He died January 4th, 1897. Lady Hickson is the mother of six children, three sons and three daughters, her eldest son, J. W. A. Hickson, Esquire, Ph.D., being a Professor in McGill University. She occupies a high social position in the commercial metropolis, and in September, 1890, had the honour of opening the citizens' ball given to the Duke of York (now Prince of Wales), with His Royal Highness. While lending assistance to many deserving objects, she seems to be specially interested in the movement made for the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis in Canada. She also favours concerted charity in Montreal. Residence : 272 Mountain Street, Montreal. 157 Enels desite LADY HINCKS. From a photograph by Notman & Fraser, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her son-in-law, Mr. Chief Justice Falconbridge. Emily Louisa, daughter of Lieut.-Col. Philip Delatre, late ist Ceylon Regi- ment, and his wife, Amey Scolding, was born in Ceylon, and married, first, December 24th, 1833, as his second wife, the Hon. Robert Baldwin Sullivan, a distinguished Canadian public man and member of the Judicial Bench, by whom she had four sons and five daughters. Judge Sullivan, her husband, died April 14th, 1853 ; and she married, secondly, June 14th, 1875, as his second wife, the Hon. Sir Francis Hincks, C.B., K.C.M.G., formerly Prime Minister of Canada, and, subsequently, Governor of the Windward Islands and of British Guiana. Lady Hincks, who was long one of the principal social figures in Toronto and Montreal, died in the latter city, May 14th, 1880, aged 69. Sir Francis Hincks died in the same city, August 18th, 1885. 158 Marsured thitou LADY HINGSTON. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Margaret, second daughter of the late Hon. Donald Alexander Macdonald, P.C., and Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, 1875-80, and his wife, Catherine, second daughter of Colonel the Hon. Alexander Fraser, M.L.C. of Fraserfield, Ont., was born at Alexandria, Ont., and educated in Montreal. She married, at Toronto, September 16th, 1875, William H. Hingston, Esquire, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Lond.), who, in the same year, was appointed a Commander of the Roman Order of St. Gregory, was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1895, and was called to the Senate of Canada in 1896. Lady Hingston, who is the mother of several children, is one of the most highly esteemed leaders of Canadian society. While a strenuous worker in behalf of her own Church and its institutions—more particularly the St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum and the Catholic Sailors' Club-she has never been backward in giving her support to other interests and movements for the public good. For years she has been a director of the Women's Historical Society, and Vice-President of the Aberdeen Association, Montreal. Shewas also one of the originators, and, afterwards, President, of the Society of Decorative Art. More recently, she, with other ladies and gentlemen, has taken an active part towards securing the preserva- tion of Mount Royal Park, and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Parks and Play-grounds Association. She is likewise identified with the movement for the prevention of tuberculosis. Residence: 882 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal. 159 Ma. Hodgson LADY HODGSON. her husband, His Excellency Sir F. M. Hodgson, K.C.M.G. Mary Alice, daughter of the late Hon. W. A. G. Young, C.M.G., who became Governor of the Gold Coast, and his wife, Cecilia Cowan, niece of Sir James Douglas, K.C.B., was born in Victoria, B.C., her father being then Colonial Secretary of the colony. She has lived much of her life in the colonies, and married, in 1883, Sir Frederic Mitchell Hodgson, K.C.M.G., the present Governor of Barbados. In March, 1900, she accompanied her husband, who was then Governor of the Gold Coast, to Kumassi. While there several of the tribes forming the Ashanti Confederation broke out into open rebellion, and besieged the fort. She witnessed more than one of the minor engagements between the garrison of the fort and the rebels, and it will be remembered that after enduring many hardships it became necessary, on account of the failure of provisions and the non-arrival of relief, for the slender and weakened garrison to make the attempt of breaking through the rebel lines. The attempt was successful, owing to the bravery of the Housa native troops, under the command of Major Morris, D.S.O., and after incredible hardships the whole party, with only a few casualties, reached the coast. Lady Hodgson, who was the first English lady to visit Ashanti, has given a very graphic account of the siege and of the subsequent march to the coast, in her inter- esting book, called “The Siege of Kumassi.” Residence : Government House, Barbados. 160 MISS SALLIE HOLMAN. From a photograph by Cooper, London, Ont. Kindly furnished by her brother, Mr. Holman. Sallie Holman, a clever and exceedingly popular opera singer, was born at Lynn, Massachusetts, U.S., 1852. She was the daughter of the late George Holman, of London, Ont., and was the principal singer in an English opera troupe formed by him, in the sixties, composed of himself and wife, his two daughters and two sons, with some others, one of whom was William H. Crane, which toured throughout Canada for many years. The Holmans were, at separate periods, lessees of the London Opera House, the Royal Lyceum, Toronto, the Grand Opera House, Ottawa, and the Theatre Royal, Montreal. Sallie, who had a strong, flexible and well-toned soprano voice, which she managed with the skill of a trained musician, began her career when but nine years of age, and she sang continuously from that time up to within a few weeks of her death, which occurred at London, Ont., June 7th, 1888. She had married, in 1879, Mr. J. T. Dalton, a member of the same company. The announcement of her death occasioned widespread regret, and many beautiful tributes were paid to the memory of "the charming songstress and clever actress” in the newspapers of the day, one of the most touching and eloquent being from the pen of the late John Lesperance (“Laclede") in the Montreal Gazette. The range of her repertoire was wide, and the number of operas which she knew by heart much beyond the average. The music of Donizetti, Bellini, Balfe and Wallace suited her best, and it was in some of their chief characters that she won her greatest triumphs. 161 ISA MRS. STEWART HOUSTON. From a photograph by Bullingham, London. Augusta Louisa, youngest daughter of the late Hon. John Beverley Robinson, and his wife, Mary Jane Hagerman (q.v.), is equally distinguished in the musical and social annals of Toronto, in which city she was born. During her father's term as Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, 1880-87, she was associated with her mother in dispensing the hospitalities of Government House, where her charm of personality and her rare vocal gifts gained for her the highest regard. She subsequently took vocal instruction in London, from Randegger, and in Paris, from Laborde. She sang in London at many public concerts, in company with other artists of the highest reputation, and was also on tour in the Provinces. The London Morning Post said her intonation was almost per- fection, and her voice was most meritorious in its clearness of enunciation and its finished production. In London she was associated in friendship and in domicile with the dis- tinguished song composer, Maude Valerie White. She returned to Canada in 1895, and after going on tour with Madame Albani, in the following season, remained on this side of the Atlantic. She has also sung on tour with Pol Plancon, Plunket Greene, and Signor Foli. She married, October 8th, 1898, Stewart Fielde Houston, Esquire, Bar- rister. Residence : 75 St. George Street, Toronto. 162 FRONamie V me. Tender an CO2 5 THE HONOURABLE MRS. HENRY HOWARD. From a family painting belonging to Mrs. Howard's sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Carroll Mactavish, of Baltimore, Md. Copied by permission for reproduction in this work. Mary Wellesley, only daughter of John Mactavish, Esquire, for many years a resident of Montreal, and subsequently British Consul at Baltimore, and his wife, Emily, fourth and youngest daughter of Richard Caton, Esquire, of Mary- land, and a granddaughter of the celebrated Charles Carroll of Carrollton, was born in 1827, educated at home and at Paris, and married, in London, May 29th, 1845, according to the rites of the Church of England and the Church of Rome, respectively, the Hon. Henry Howard, youngest son of the 6th Earl of Carlisle, K.G., and his wife, the Lady Georgiana, eldest daughter of the 5th Duke of Devonshire, K.G. The Hon. Mrs. Howard was married from the house of her aunt, the Marchioness Wellesley. The latter and her two sisters were known in London as “The American Graces.” They all married titled Englishmen, the eldest, Marianne, marrying the Marquess Wellesley, K.G., a brother of the ist Duke of Wellington ; the second, Louisa Catherine, the 7th Duke of Leeds; and the third, Elizabeth, the 8th Lord Stafford. Mrs. Howard was accounted very beautiful, and on going to Paris with her husband, who was Secretary of the British Embassy there, was called “The Belle of Paris.” She died in that city, February 21st, 1850, being then in her twenty- third year. Her body was brought to America, and is buried in the family lot in Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore. The picture above presented represents her in character. 163 THE LATE LADY HOWLAND, From a photograph by Notman & Fraser, Toronto. Kindly furnished by Lady Tilley, St. John, N.B. Susannah Julia, daughter of — Shrewsbury, Esquire, was born in London, England, May 4th, 1830, and educated there. She married, first, 1850, Philip Hunt, Esquire, of the Military Store Department, and accompanied him to the Mauritius, and thence to Canada. He died, and she married, secondly, November 21st, 1865, the Hon. William Pearce Howland, then a Minister of the Crown in Canada, and who subsequently became Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, was created a C.B., 1867, and a K.C.M.G., 1879. According to the Canadian Churchman, she was “a true woman, full of the sweeter instincts of her sex, and never so happy as when giving happiness to all around Her administration of the Government House, as the first occupant after Confederation, did much to popularize that institution, and her zeal on behalf of public charities and all movements tending to brighten and broaden the social life of the city and Province, set a worthy example to the wives of all our citizens who have means and leisure." Among her guests at Government House, at different times, were H. R. H. the Duke of Con- naught and suite, their Excellencies Lord and Lady Lisgar, Lord and Lady Wolseley, General Sir James Lindsay, and many other distinguished personages. Lady Howland was presented to Queen Victoria in 1866, on the occasion of the London Conference on Confederation, of which Conference her husband was a member; and, in 1875, she presented her step-daughter, Miss Howland (now Mrs. R. M. Merritt) to Her Majesty. She opened the State ball given at Ottawa in honour of Prince Arthur (Duke of Connaught), February 25th, 1870, with Lord Lisgar, the then Governor-General, and throughout her husband's term of office sustained, with dignity and propriety, her position as the first lady of the great Province of Ontario. On leaving Government House, her husband was presented with an address from citizens of Toronto, expressive of their appreciation of the manner in which he had discharged his duties of office, and accompanied with a gold bracelet for Lady Howland, with her initials set in diamonds, and containing a locket with miniature portraits of herself and husband. Lady Howland died in Toronto, February 21st, 1886, and was buried in St. James's Cemetery, in that city. 164 MRS. JOSEPH HOWE. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her son, Sydenham Howe, Esquire. Catherine Susan Ann, only daughter of Captain John McNab, Nova Scotia Fencibles, was born in the barracks at the entrance to the harbour of St. John's, Newfoundland, where her father was in command of the troops, about 1808. Some years later, she was brought to Halifax, and lived with her father on McNab's Island, which had previously been occupied by her uncle, Peter a prominent journalist, who, later, distinguished himself in public life, and became the leader of the Liberal party and the “Father of Responsible Government” in Nova Scotia. At his death, in June, 1873, he was Lieutenant- Governor of his native Province. A devoted wife, she shared in her distinguished husband's victories and defeats, being constantly by his side. She died at Dartmouth, N.S., July 6th, 1890, and is buried alongside her husband in Camp-hill Cemetery, Halifax. Only one of her sons survives, Mr. Sydenham Howe, now living at Middleton, N.S. Towards the close of her life, a small pension was granted to Mrs. Howe by the Legislature of Nova Scotia. In Mr. Howe's volume, “Poems and Essays” (Montreal : 1874), there are at least two poems addressed to his wife. The picture herewith presented of Mrs. Howe is the only likeness that was ever taken of her. 165 KE LADY HOYLES. From a photograph kindly furnished by her son, N. W. Hoyles, Esquire, K.C., Toronto. Jean, daughter of John Liddell, Esquire, was born at Halifax, N.S., 1813, and married, 1842, Hugh W. Hoyles, Esquire, a prominent member of the bar of Nova Scotia, who became Attorney-General and Premier of Newfoundland, 1861, Chief Justice of that colony, 1865, and was knighted, 1869. Her Ladyship died January 17th, 1886, leaving four children; her husband died February ist, 1888. Both are buried at Halifax, N.S. 166 MRS. HOYT. From a photograph taken in Chicago. Caroline Scales (stage name, Miskell), daughter of Charles H. Scales, Esquire, of Toronto, was born at Covington, Ky., September 15th, 1873, and at two years of age, accompanied her parents to Toronto, which became their permanent place of residence. After attending school, and also studying elocution there under Miss Jessie Alexander, she went to New York, and at eighteen entered the theatrical profession under the late Augustin Daly. After winning quick recognition for her beauty and talent, she married, March 4th, 1894, Charles H. Hoyt, the well-known dramatist, and retired into private life, returning, however, to the stage, in 1897, in one of her husband's plays, “A Contented Woman.” She died, suddenly, at New York, after giving birth to a child, in October, 1898, and is buried at Charlestown, N.H. She was regarded as one of the most beautiful women on the American stage. 167 12 Lucutettudton MRS. HUDSON. From a photograph by Elliott & Fry, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Lucy Rebecca Falkner, eldest daughter of the late George Ley, Esquire, of Cobourg, Ont., and his wife, Mary Stringer Falkner, was born at Cobourg and educated in England. She married, 1885, at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, George Bickersteath Hudson, Esquire, eldest son of the late Rev. T. D. Hudson, of Frogmore Hall, Hertford, England, and a barrister of the Inner Temple, who since then has been elected to the House of Commons, and is a J.P. and D.L. of his county. Mrs. Hudson is a member of the Primrose League in England, and takes an active part in social, political and charitable undor- takings. Residence : Frogmore Hall, Hertford, England. 168 GAL HALEN WHUMILIA VERRIR BUAT Anna IP. G. Hunt MRS. STERRY HUNT. From a photograph by Dennison, Montreal. Anna Rebecca, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Justice Gale, of Montreal, was born and educated in that city. Her early years were spent on a farm adjacent to the city, but after her father's death, in 1865, she and her two sisters, the late Baroness von Friesen (9.v.), and the late Mrs. Stuart, of Quebec, crossed the ocean and travelled extensively in Europe. After her return to Canada, she married, January, 1878, Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, F.R.S., a distinguished American geologist, who had formerly been chief assistant to Sir W. E. Logan, the director of the Canadian Geological Survey, and removed with him to Boston, Mass. While living in that city, she was thrown into the society of Longfellow, Holmes, and others of the literary “lions” of the period, and retains many interesting and pleasing recollections of them. Both before and after her hus- band's death, which occurred in February, 1892, she travelled much, and has crossed the Atlantic no less than twenty times. Mrs. Hunt is an able linguist, and possesses literary gifts of a high order. She is the author of one or two volumes of poems of considerable merit. She is widely known and highly respected. Residence : 256 University Street, Montreal. 169 Louise Mitchell hamar MRS. A. F. H. MITCHELL-INNES. From a photograph by Evans, Kensington, London. Louise Amelia Lititia, third daughter of the late Hon. Henry Starnes, Speaker of the Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec, and his wife, Eleanor Stuart, was born and educated in Montreal. She married, in that city, October 27th, 1870, Alexander Ferdinand Henry Mitchell-Innes, Esquire, Captain both Rifles, fourth son of Alexander Mitchell-Innes, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. of Ayton Castle, County Berwick, Scotland, and his wife, Charlotte Gordon, third daughter of Sir Thomas Dick-Lauder, Bart., and has issue two sons and one daughter. Mrs. Mitchell-Innes is a sister of Mrs. K. G. Henderson (9.v.) and Hon. Mrs. Tollemache. 170 101 Ds MRS. M. B. IRVINE. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Charlotte Feodore Louisa Augusta, only daughter of the late Rev. Narcisse Guerout, rector of Berthier (en haut), P.Q., married, first, October 29th, 1860, George Augustus Leslie Wood, Esquire, of Quebec (he died May 27th, 1871), and secondly, June 2nd, 1875, Deputy Controller Matthew Bell Irvine, C.B., C.M.G., second son of Lieut.-Col. J. G. Irvine, Dominion A.D.C. to the Governor-General, an officer of service and distinction (he died October 20th, 1893). Mrs. Irvine has shown great earnestness and activity in all sorts of benevolent and useful work connected with the Church of England in Canada, and has been specially identified with the Clergy House of Rest at Cacouna, of which she was one of the chief promoters. Residence: 59 Grand Allée, Quebec. 171 Dosa was MISS MAY IRWIN. From a photograph by Aimé Dupont, New York. Ada, daughter of the late Robert E. Campbell, Esquire, of Whitby, Ont., and his wife, Jane. Draper, was born at Whitby, Ont., 1862, being one of two daughters, who both displayed musical talents at an early age. After their father's death, their mother, who was in straitened circumstances, determined to put her daughters' gifts to use on the stage. Accordingly the sisters made their début at the Adelphi Theatre, Buffalo, in February, 1876. Unknown to them they were billed as the “Irwin Sisters," a name they adopted, and by which the elder sister is still known, the other sister being married to Senator Grady. In 1877 the sisters went to New York, and for nearly a decade were great favourites at Tony Pastor's Theatre. It was there that May learned the tricks of ready improvisation which have helped to make her the most successful American comedienne of her time. While there, Miss Irwin accepted an offer to join Augustin Daly's company, and she was with him from 1883 to 1887. Then she branched out as a "star" in the boisterous farce comedy, which has added so much to her stage reputation. Among her own pieces have been : “ The Widow Jones," "The Swell Miss Fitzswell,” “ Courted into Court,” “ Kate Kip-Buyer," “Sister Mary," etc. She married, 1878, Frederick W. Keller, of St. Louis (he died 1886), and is the mother of two sons. Residence : 155 West 44th Street, New York. 172 Annid jack MRS. JACK. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Annie L., daughter of John Hayr, Esquire, was born in Northamptonshire, England, January ist, 1839. Coming to America, in 1852, she attended Miss Williard's Academy at Troy, N.Y., and wrote her first article for a newspaper of that city. She came to Canada, on her marriage with Robert Jack, a Scotch farmer who possessed a fine horti- cultural taste, and encouraged his wife's literary work. Realizing the difficulties in the way of farmers' wives, she stipulated for one acre of land to be devoted to any depart- ment of horticulture she chose, the profits to be her own pocket-money. This was faith- fully adhered to, and the result, after twenty years' experience, was demonstrated in the Rural New Yorker, by Mrs. Jack, under the title “A Woman's Acre.” A large family and domestic cares have kept her busy, but as shrubs and trees have grown and blos- somed, the acre has become a Mecca for many a horticultural pilgrimage, its renown being mainly due to the variety of plants that have been tested within its limits. Besides this Mrs. Jack has found time to write stories and poems for various newspapers and magazines. “Women's Work in New Channels,” contributed to Harper's Young People, was from her pen, as also the letters of “Loyal Janet,” on social topics, in the Montreal Witness. In the latter journal she has conducted for some years a department on flowers and fruit. In 1902 she published a volume, “The Little Organist of St. Jerome, and Other Stories," which affords some entertaining pictures of the quaint life of the French Canadian habitant. During the present year (1903) a second volume from her pen, entitled “The Canadian Garden : A Pocket Help for the Amateur," has been published in Toronto. Her husband died in April, 1900. Residence : “ Hillside," Chateauguay Basin, P.Q. 173 LADY JACKSON. From a photograph by A. Esmé Collings. Brighton. Kindly furnished by her husband, His Excellency Sir H. M. Jackson, K.C.M.G. Emily, daughter of the Hon. Sir E. Dalton Shea, K.C.M.G., President of the Legislative Council of Newfoundland, was born and educated in that colony. She married, 1881, Captain Henry Moore Jackson, R.A., a son of the Bishop of Antigua, who was created a C.M.G. in 1892, a K.C.M.G. in 1899, became Governor of the Leeward Islands in 1901, and Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner for the Western Pacific in 1902. Residence : Government House, Fiji. 174 5uses, H. Littleton. THE HONOURABLE MRS. JACSON. From a photograph by Gabell, London. Kindly furnished by her father, Lord Hatherton, C.M.G. The Honourable Susan Helen, third daughter of the Right Honourable the 3rd Baron Hatherton, and his wife, Charlotte Louisa, daughter of Sir Charles Robert Rowley, 4th Baronet, was born in Ottawa, February 17th, 1877, her father being then Military Secretary to the late Earl of Dufferin, Governor-General of Canada. In 1879 the Hon. Miss Littleton accompanied her parents to England, and, in 1900, she married the Rev. Owen Fitzherbert Jacson. The accompanying portrait was taken in 1899. Lady Hatherton, her mother, was one of the handsomest women of her time in Canada. She sometimes took part in the theatricals at Rideau Hall. Residence : Moreton Say Rectory, Salop, England. 175 MRS. JAMESON. From a photograph by Sheldon & Davis, Kingston, Ont. Mary, daughter of the late Rev. R. D. Cartwright, Chaplain to the Forces, Kingston, Ont., and his wife, Harriet, daughter of Conway Edward Dobbs, Esquire, of Dublin, Ireland, was born and educated at Kingston. She married, 1864, James Jameson, Esquire, M.D., surgeon H.M.'s 47th Regiment, a distin- guished officer, who, after passing through the various grades of his department, became Director-General of the Army Medical Service, 1896. He was created a C.B., and appointed an honorary surgeon to Queen Victoria, 1897, and became an honorary surgeon to King Edward, 1901. He is also a Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Residence: Newlands, North Park, Eltham, England. 176 LADY JEPHSON. From a photograph by Thomson, London. Harriet Julia, second daughter of Archibald Campbell, Esquire, Barrister, of “Thornhill,” Quebec, and his wife, Isabella Prior, was born and educated in Quebec. She married, October 16th, 1873, Commander Alfred Jephson, R.N., son of William Jephson, Esquire, of Sherwood House, Nottinghamshire, England, a distinguished officer, who received the honour of Knighthood from Queen Victoria, 1891. (He died September, 1900.) Lady Jephson possesses strong literary tendencies, and besides contributing to the Queen, the New Review, the National Review, the Atlanta, the Windsor Magazine, and other periodicals, has published an entertaining volume, “A Canadian Scrap-book.” She is also known as an artist. She studied drawing and modelling in Rome, under Bucciarelli and Iadolini, and has exhibited pictures in the Academy in that city, and in the Grosvenor Gallery, the British Artists, the Institute of Painters in Water-Colours, the Dudley Gallery, and the Society of Lady Artists, in London. In 1896 she was appointed a Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and, in 1898, she and her husband accompanied the German Emperor and Empress on their visit to Palestine. Residence : 26 Bolton Street, Mayfair, London, England. 177 Berthe Letté LADY JETTÉ. From a photograph by Livernois. Quebec. Kindly furnished by her husband, His Honour Sir L. A. Jetté, K.C.M.G. Lady Jetté, the present hostess of “Spencerwood,” Quebec, is a daughter of the late Toussaint Laflamme, Esquire, of Montreal, where she was born, March 27th, 1841. Educated in the same city, she married, in 1862, the present Sir L. A. Jetté, K.C.M.G., heretofore a Justice of the Superior Court of Quebec, and now Lieutenant-Governor of that Province. Lady Jetté has been for many years closely identified with various benevolent and religious institu- tions connected with the Church of Rome in Canada, and she is the author of a well-written life of the celebrated Madame d'Youville (9.v.). During the visit to Canada, in 1901, of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, Sir Louis and Lady Jetté had the honour of having them as their guests while they remained at Quebec. Residence : “ Spencerwood," Quebec. 178 LADY JOHNSON. Copied by Henderson, Montreal, from a family painting. Kindly furnished by General J. Watts de Peyster, New York. Mary, daughter of the Hon. John Watts, sometime President of the King's Council, New York, married, June 30th, 1773, Colonel Sir John Johnson, only son of Colonel Sir William Johnson, Bart., who distinguished himself as a military commander during the first American War, and his wife, Catherine Wisenberg. Sir John Johnson, who, like his father, was a devoted Loyalist, succeeded to the baronetcy in 1774, and was made Superintendent-General and Inspector-General of Indian Affairs in British North America. Lady Johnson, whose loveliness Mrs. Grant of Laggan has described in her “Memoirs of an American Lady," was also a woman of understanding and vivacity, and bore herself with becoming dignity when detained by the Whigs of New York, in 1776, as a hostage for the good conduct of her husband, after the latter's escape to Canada. After joining Sir John Johnson here, she lived principally in Montreal, the summer months being spent, frequently, on her husband's seigniory at Argenteuil, on the Ottawa river. She also visited in England, where she was much admired in Court circles. In an address presented to her husband by the citizens of Montreal, on their leaving there for England, in 1792, “Lady Johnson's urbanity and politeness” are specially mentioned. Lady Johnson bore her husband ten sons and four daughters. One son, James Stephen Johnson, was killed at the siege of Badajoz, in 1814 ; one daughter, Catherine Maria Johnson, married Major-General Bernard Foord Bowes, who fell at Salamanca, in 1812, while leading the troops to the assault, and to whose memory a public monument was erected in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. His wife, who died at Anglesey, February 5th, 1850, aged 66, is buried in Highgate Cemetery, London, where her monument records that her “extensive benevolence and enduring qualities gained the esteem and admira- tion of all who knew her.” Her sister, Marianne, died January ist, 1868, aged 76, and is buried in the same cemetery. Her Ladyship died in Montreal, August 7th, 1815. Her husband survived her, and died in the same place, January 4th, 1830. Both are buried .at Mount Johnson, near Chambly, P.Q. 179 MADAME JOLY. Reproduced from an oil painting. Kindly furnished by Madame Joly's son, His Honour Sir H. G. Joly de Lotbinière, K.C.M.G., Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. Julie Christine, third daughter of the Hon. Eustache Gaspard Michel Chartier de Lotbinière, Seigneur of Vaudreuil, Rigaud and de Lotbinière, a distinguished public man, who became Speaker of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, and his wife, Char- lotte, daughter of Colonel Hon. John Munro of Fowlis, M.L.C., was, like her sisters, Mrs. Harwood and Mrs. Bingham (9.v.), born at Vaudreuil and educated in Montreal. The sisters were known in the society of the period as “The Three Graces.” She married, in Montreal, December 17th, 1828, Gaspard Pierre Gustave Joly, Esquire, a Huguenot gentleman from France, and was the mother of three children, one daughter and two sons. Amelie, the daughter, married Captain H. G. Savage, R.E., and had a daughter who became the Vicomtesse de Coux. The eldest son, Henri Gustave Joly, who assumed his mother's name by Act of Parliament, 1888, entered public life, and was created a K.C.M.G. by Queen Victoria, 1895. He is now Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. Edmond, his brother, entered the army, being gazetted to the 32nd Regiment. While on sick leave, he volunteered for service in the Crimea, and was present with the Con- naught Rangers at the taking of Sebastopol. In 1857 he left for India, to rejoin his old regiment. The mutiny had broken out before his arrival, but young Joly, amid a myriad perils, succeeded in reaching General Havelock at Cawnpore, and marched with him to the relief of Lucknow, where the 32nd were in occupancy of the Residency. He fell, at Lucknow, September 25th, being struck down by a bullet in the midst of the struggle Havelock was making to reach the Residency, and died expressing his satisfac- tion at having arrived in time to save his comrades.* Monsieur and Madame Joly lived for some years at the Manor House, “Pointe Platon,” which is still occupied by the de Lotbinière family. The latter died in Quebec, October 24th, 1887, having survived her husband for many years, aged 77. Her remains were interred at Vaudreuil. * Morgan : “Celebrated Canadians," p. 723. 180 Jould! MRS. CHILION JONES. From a photograph by Murray & Son, Brockville, Ont. Eliza Maria, daughter of Robert Harvey, Esquire, of Maitland, Ont., was born there, and educated in Scotland. She married, 1860, Chilion, sixth son of the late Mr. Justice Jones, of Toronto, and is the mother of two sons and three daughters. Mrs. Jones enjoys the reputation of being one of the most successful stock-raisers and horse-breeders in America. As a girl she gave much attention to dairying and to the systematic management of a herd of Jersey cattle which became famous and took the first prize at all the great exhibitions in Canada. It is said that a large basket would not hold all the medals-gold, silver and bronze-won by this herd, without counting silver cups and silver services taken in the United States. At a later stage, Mrs. Jones became a horse-breeder, and her stable has acquired such a pinnacle of fame that racers and carriage horses from it find a ready sale in all parts of America. Mrs. Jones is the author of a book, “Dairying for Profit, which has met with an extensive sale. One of her daughters, Miss Elsie Jones, is a noted horsewoman. While going to press, we regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Jones, which occurred at Gananoque, Ont., April 6th, 1903.] 181 Eklice Jones MRS. LLEWELLYN JONES. From a photograph by Parsons, St. John's, Nid. Elizabeth Alice, second daughter of the late Hon. Sir Adams George Archi- bald, K.C.M.G., an eminent Canadian statesman, and his wife, Elizabeth A., only daughter of Rev. John Burnyeat, was born and educated in Nova Scotia. While her father was a Minister of the Crown at Ottawa, for the three years succeeding Confederation, she lived at the capital with her parents, and, later, went with them to Manitoba, on her father's appointment as Lieutenant- Governor of that Province. At the period of her marriage to the Right Reverend Dr. Jones, Bishop of Newfoundland, December, 1881, her father was Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, and the marriage was the social event of the season. Mrs. Jones is a most highly cultured and well-informed lady, and is of very considerable assistance to her husband in the important diocese over which he so worthily presides. Residence: “ Bishopscourt, St. John's, Nfld. 182 Alice Ines MISS JONES. From a photograph by Gauvin & Gentzel, Halifax, N.S. Alice, daughter of the Hon. Alfred Gilpin Jones, P.C., and his first wife, Margaret Wiseman, daughter of the Hon. W. J. Stairs, was born and educated in Halifax, N.S., and studied languages while living in France and Italy. While abroad, Miss Jones wrote for the Toronto Week, among other things, a prize story. Subsequently she contributed a serial, “A Hazard of Hearts,” to Frank Leslie's Monthly; and, in 1902, she published, in book-form, under the nom-de-plume of “ Alix John,” a novel called “The Night Hawk," which has added much to her reputation, the plot being skilfully conceived and carried out, and the interest well sustained. It is understood that she has completed another story, "Bubbles We Buy," which will soon be published. Residence : Government House, Halifax, N.S. 13 183 Soflexoccelboele MRS. H. A. N. KAULBACH. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Sophia Anne, youngest daughter of the late George H. Ryland, Esquire, Registrar of Montreal, and his wife, Mary Pitt, fourth daughter of Lieut.-Col. Ralph Gore, of Barrowmount, County Kilkenny, H.M.'s 33rd Regiment, and direct heir to the dormant peerage of Rosse (See Arran, Earl of, Foster's “Peerage of the British Empire"), was born in Quebec, and educated by private tuition. Possessed of marked musical gifts, she received instruction, for the piano, from Prof. D’Albert, and in singing from Prof. Arthurson and Dr. Shilling, and was for long one of the most cultured amateur singers and pianists in Canada. For many years she was a member of the Montreal Fox Hounds, and was then regarded as the best cross-country lady rider in Canada. On one occasion her horse was killed under her while taking a very high rough stone wall. She married, September, 1880, Hon. Henry Adolphus Newman Kaulbach, Q.C., a member of the Senate, and spent, at that time, several months in travel with her husband, proceeding to Europe and afterwards to the Holy Land, where she bathed in the River Jordan. Mr. Kaulbach died suddenly in Ottawa, January 8th, 1896. Mrs. Kaulbach is related, through her mother, to the Primroses and other noble families. Her maternal grandmother was the beautiful Miss Wynne, daughter of the Mayor of Plymouth, 1791, who was so much admired by the Duke of Clarence when on that station. Residence : “ Mizpah Cottage," Lunenburg, N.S. 184 LADY WILLIAM KENNEDY. From a photograph by Rodger, St. Andrews, Scotland. Kindly favoured by the Marquis of Ailsa, Culzean Castle, Maybole, Scotland. Sarah Jane, eldest daughter of the late William M. De Blois, Esquire, and his wife, — Prior, was born and educated in Halifax, N.S. She married at Halifax, September roth, 1846, Captain the Honourable William Kennedy, Royal Artillery, sixth son of the Earl of Cassilis, and grandson of the ist Marquis of Ailsa, K.T., F.R.S., who was subsequently raised to the rank of a son of a Marquis. Of this marriage, there was issue one son, who became an officer in the 30th Regiment, and died 1883. Lord William Kennedy died March 5th, 1868 ; his widow died at Edinburgh, February 5th, 1875. Two brothers and two sisters of her Ladyship are still living, namely, the Rev. H. De Blois and Dr. L. G. Deblois, of Bridgetown, N.S., and Mrs. Austin and Miss Jane De Blois, now living in England. 185 bochar | DR. L. HOWARD KING. From a photograph by Yuen Chang, Tien-Tsin. Leonora Annetta, daughter of Peter T. and Dorothy E. Howard, of Athens, Ont., was born in Lansdowne, County Leeds, Ontario, March 17th, 1851. Edu- cated there, and in New York, she qualified for a teacher, and after serving in that capacity, studied medicine in the University of Michigan, graduating 1876. In the following year she was sent by the American Methodist Episcopal Missionary Society to China, taking up her residence in Peking. In August, 1879, she went to Tien-Tsin, at the request of His Excellency the late Li Hung Chang, to attend his wife, then seriously ill, in co-operation with Drs. Mackenzie and Irwin. On Lady Li's recovery, she was invited by her to remain in Tien-Tsin, in practice, which she did, the use of a temple being given to her for the purpose. Not long afterwards she founded, in that city, the Methodist Episcopal Mission Hospital. In 1885 she opened a medical school for Chinese women and girls who had been educated in mission schools, and, in 1886, Lady Li built her another hospital, which is now supported by the Government. During the war between China and Japan, Dr. Howard opened her hospital to wounded soldiers, and, for the time being, no women or children were admitted. At the close of the war she was decorated with the Order of the Double Dragon, in recognition of her services. She married, in 1884, the Rev. Alexander King, of the London Missionary Society. Residence : Government Hospital for Women and Children, Tien-Tsin, China. 186 LADY KING. From a photograph by Mendelssohn, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Julia Mary, daughter of the late Rev. John Jenkins, D.D., of Montreal, and England, married in Montreal, October 21st, 1875, Henry Seymour King, Esquire, son of Henry Samuel King, Esquire, J.P., of the Manor House, Chigwell, Essex, England, and a well-known banker in London, Bombay and Calcutta, who was elected to the House of Commons in 1885, and was created a K.C.I.E. in 1892. Lady King was Mayoress, for two years, of the Royal borough of Kensington, where, under her presidency of the Queen's Jubilee Nurses' Endowment Fund, there was raised the largest sum contributed by any borough in London, except the city, for that purpose. She is now President of the Primrose League at Hull, where she has made herself very popular and is generally beloved. She has accompanied her husband in many mountaineering expeditions in Switzerland, and is a keen yachtswoman, always sailing with her husband in their well-known yacht, “ Glory." Residence: 25 Cornwall Gardens, South Kensington, London, England. 187 Isabl.a. LADY KIRKPATRICK. From a photograph by Kennedy & Bell, Toronto. Isabel Louise, youngest daughter of the late Hon. Sir D. L. Macpherson, P.C., K.C.M.G., and his wife, Elizabeth Sarah, daughter of William Molson, Esquire, of Montreal (9.v.), was born in Toronto, and educated in England. She married, at Paris, France, September 26th, 1883, as his second wife, the Hon. G. A. Kirkpatrick, Q.C., then Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, and, subsequently, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, who was created a K.C.M.G., at Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897. A woman of rare personal charms, exquisite manners, and uncommon tact and judgment, her sojourn at Government House, Toronto, during her husband's term of office, was marked by a social brilliance and absence of friction unsurpassed and unknown in local annals for many years. This was acknowledged in an address presented to Sir George and Lady Kirkpatrick by the citizens of the “ Queen City," before they retired into private life. While first lady of Ontario, Lady Kirkpatrick took the lead in securing funds for the presentation of a wedding gift to the present Prince and Princess of Wales ; she also took an active part in securing the establishment in Canada of a branch of the St. John Ambulance Association. In 1898 she was selected to present colours to the Army and Navy Veterans. It will also be remembered that she was the lady to whose grace and beauty a very marked tribute was paid during the last visit to Canada of Li Hung Chang. When asked by His Excellency: “What is the loveliest thing that Canada has produced?” the unhesitating answer of Sir Henry Joly de Lotbinière was, “ Lady Kirkpatrick !” Her Ladyship lost her husband, by whom she had one son, in 1899, and has not remarried. Residence : “ Closeburn," 215 Simcoe Street, Toronto. 188 MRS. KNOWLES. From a photograph by Debenham, Ryde, I.W. Kindly furnished by her husband, Admiral Sir Charles Knowles, Bart., Bedford, England. Mary Ellen, eldest daughter of Cathcart Thomson, Esquire, of Pine Cottage, Halifax, N.S., and his wife, Ellen, daughter of Hon. Joseph Howe, P.C., was born and educated at Halifax. She married, 1882, as his second wife, Captain Charles George Frederick Knowles, R.N., son of Sir Francis Charles Knowles, 3rd Baronet, of Lovell Hill, Berkshire, England, and a distin- guished officer, who commanded the Niger expedition, 1864, and quelled the insurrection in Santa Cruz, 1880. He was promoted rear-admiral, 1889, and vice-admiral, 1894, and succeeded to his baronetcy, 1892. Of this marriage there was issue three sons and two daughters. Mrs. Knowles died at Rath- mullen, Ireland, in 1890, aged 35. In a letter received from her husband he says: “I am sure she was a good specimen-type of the Canadian women, for she was in every respect a true woman-of the most sterling character. She was devoted to her grandmother, the widow of the Hon. Joseph Howe, and curiously enough, they both died on the same day, 5th of July, 1890.” Mrs. Knowles' sister, Catherine Christian, married, March, 1889, the Rev. W. C. Bourchier, M.A., Chaplain Royal Navy, and Domestic Chaplain to the Marquis of Camden. 189 Ellen kuox - MISS KNOX. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Toronto. Miss Ellen Mary Knox, the Principal of Havergal Ladies' College, Toronto, is the daughter of the late Rev. George Knox, Vicar of Exton Rutland, England, and sister to Mr. Justice Knox, of the Supreme Court, Allahabad, and of the Rev. Arbuthnott Knox, D.D., Bishop of Coventry. Born at Waddon, County Surrey, she was educated by private tuition and at St. Hugh's Hall, Oxford, and later joined the Ladies' College, Cheltenham. She obtained first-class in the final honour examination at the University of Oxford ; a Cambridge University diploma in teaching ; and also a First Division Govern- ment certificate. Miss Knox came to Toronto, in 1894, to take the headship in a new Church of England college, which was being founded. It had a small beginning, but four years ago new land was bought and buildings erected for the college, and it has since been added to from time to time. Havergal College now contains 120 boarders and 200 day girls, a staff of 20 resident teachers, chiefly from English universities, besides a large number of non- resident visiting teachers. Residence: Havergal College, 354 Jarvis Street, Toronto. 190 Arts 2 of LADY LACOSTE. From a photograph by Arless, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her husband. Marie Louise, daughter of Leon Globensky, Esquire, of Montreal, married, May 8th, 1866, Alexandre, son of the late Hon. Louis Lacoste, Senator, then a rising advocate in Montreal, who presently became one of the leaders of the bar there; was called to the Senate, and became Speaker of that body; was appointed Chief Justice of his native Province, in 1891 ; and received the honour of knighthood from Queen Victoria in 1892. Lady Lacoste, who is a woman of real amiability of character and excellent judgment, is the mother of a numerous family. Her eldest son, Louis Joseph Lacoste, is married to Bertha Louisa, eldest daughter of M. S. Foley, Esquire, editor-proprietor of the Journal of Commerce. Marie, her eldest daughter, is married to Henri Gerin-Lajoie, Esquire, Advocate ; Blanche, her second daughter, is married to Joseph P. Landry, Esquire, a son of Senator Landry; and Justine, another daughter, is married to Louis de Gaspé, son of Hon. Louis Beaubien. Madame Lajoie has entered a new domain of woman's work, by writing one or two legal text-books, which are highly regarded by members of the long robe. Lady Lacoste is a member of the Advisory Board of the Parks and Play-grounds Association of Montreal. Residence : 71 St. Hubert Street, Montreal. 191 Dane M Lan Tontime LADY LAFONTAINE. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Jane Elizabeth Géneviève, daughter of Charles Morrison, Esquire, of Berthier (en haut), a granddaughter of Colonel François Boucher, of Maskin- onge, P.Q., married first, in Montreal, December 19th, 1848, Thomas Kinton, Montreal, January 30th, 1861, the Hon. Sir Louis Hypolite Lafontaine, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada, one of the fathers of Responsible Government in Canada, and a learned and distinguished jurist. There was issue of this marriage two sons : one, Louis Hypolite Lafontaine, who was eighteen months old at his father's death, in February, 1864, and succeeded to the title, and Charles François Hypolite Lafontaine, who was born April 13th, 1864. Both died in infancy. Quite recently the city authorities of Montreal paid a tribute to Chief Justice Lafontaine's memory by naming a park after him. Residence: St. Denis Street, Montreal. 192 THE MOST HONOURABLE THE MARCHIONESS OF LANSDOWNE, - C.I., V.A. From a photograph by Cowell, Simla, India. The Lady Maud Evelyn Hamilton, seventh daughter of James, ist Duke of Abercorn, K.G., P.C., and his wife, Lady Louisa Jane Russell, V.A., second daughter of John, 6th Duke of Bedford, K.G., was born in 1850, and married, November 8th, 1869, the 5th Marquis of Lansdowne. K.G., P.C., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., G.C.M.G., a distinguished statesman and administrator, who became, successively, Governor-General of Canada, Governor-General of India, Secretary of State for War, and Foreign Secretary, which latter office he now fills. Lady Lansdowne was one of the group of sisters immortalized by Lord Beaconsfield in “Lothair," consisting of the Countess of Litchfield, the Countess of Durham, the Duchess of Buccleuch, the Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, the Countess of Winterton, and the Duchess of Marlborough, and was described by the late Marquis of Dufferin as “one of the most charming women that ever graced London society.” On coming to Canada with her husband, in October, 1883, she was accompanied by her children, Lord Kerry, Lord Charles Fitzmaurice, Lady Evelyn Fitzmaurice (now Lady Evelyn Cavendish), and Lady Beatrix Fitzmaurice (now the Marchioness of Waterford), and her niece, Lady Florence Anson (now Lady Florence Streatfield). Lord and Lady Melgund (now Lord and Lady Minto) had already arrived, Lord Melgund to become Military Secretary to Lord Lansdowne. During their stay in Canada Lord and Lady Lansdowne saw much of the country and its people, and enjoyed a well-deserved popularity. At different periods, during certain seasons, they lived, alternately, at Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Quebec, and entertained in all those places. Instead of giving one large ball, to which all would be invited, their Excellencies usually gave two balls in succession, different guests being invited to each ball. There was therefore never any unseemly crowding at their entertainments. Their private theatricals, in which Lady Evelyn Fitzmaurice, Lady Florence Anson, Lord Frederick Hamilton, Hon. H. J. Anson, General Middleton, Captain Streatfield, Mrs. Stuart, Miss Agnes Scott, and the Misses White, took part, were also well ordered and enjoyable functions. Lord and Lady Lansdowne attended the ice carnivals in Montreal, during two or three years, and gave great eclat to those events, many American visitors coming across the border to meet them. Lady Lansdowne officiated, in 1886, at the distribution of medals to the Ottawa "sharpshooters," who had assisted in quelling the rebellion in the North-West Territories. One of her happiest and most successful entertain- ments was a tea given at Rideau Hall to four hundred Sunday School children. A woman of unerring tact and the finest judgment, she always seemed to say and to do the right word and thing at the right time; and in nothing more did she display her good taste than in her dress, which was always extremely simple. She was undoubtedly of great assistance to her illustrious helpmeet—who, in the opinion of Sir John Macdonald, was “the ablest Governor-General Canada ever had”—and Lord Lansdowne, on his return to England, in 1888, ascribed his large share of success in the Dominion to her Ladyship's able support and co-operation. While in India, Lady Lansdowne was decorated with the Orders of Victoria and Albert and the Crown of India. In March, 1903, the Viceroy, Lord Curzon, unveiled at Calcutta a portrait of Lady Lansdowne, painted by Mr. J. J. Shannon, A.R.A., for the Executive Committee of the Lansdowne Memorial Fund. Residence: Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, London, W. Seat : Bowwood Park, Calne, Wiltshire, England. 193 quere la Turches LADY LA TOUCHE. From a photograph by Cooper, London, Ont. Kindly furnished by her sister, Mrs. P. E. Bucke, London, Ont. Julia Mary, ninth child of the late Thomas Wade Rothwell, Esquire, and his wife, Frances M., daughter of Major Harry Allison, goth Regiment, was born in the township of Warwick, Ontario, February 18th, 1850. Educated at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, London, Ont., she married, at Lucknow, in May, 1873, James Digges La Touche, Esquire, of the Indian Civil Service, who was then Settlement Officer, at Ajmere. His subsequent advancement in the service was rapid, becoming Commissioner in Upper Burmah, 1886; Magistrate and Collector, N.W. Provinces, 1890 ; member of Lieutenant- Governor's Council, 1891; Commissioner and Agent at Benares, and afterwards Chief Secretary to the Government of the N. W. Provinces, 1893 ; acting Lieutenant-Governor and a member of the Viceroy's Council, 1898; Lieutenant-Governor of Agra and Oudh, 1901. He was created a C.S.I., 1896, and a K.C.S.I., 1901. Lady La Touche has been constantly with her husband throughout his lengthy and eventful career since their marriage, and has, by the exercise of many winning qualities, added much to his popularity. Their only child, Lolo, died when six years of age. Both Sir John and Lady La Touche took part in the famous Durbar at Delhi, recently, the latter dancing with Lord Kitchener in the opening State Lancers, at the State ball. Residence: Government House, Allahabad and Lucknow, India. 194 Laccrcce - LADY LAURIER. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Zoe, daughter of G. N. R. Lafontaine, Esquire, and his first wife, Zoe Lavinge dit Tessier, was born in Montreal, and received her education at the School of the Bon Pasteur in that city, and at the Convent of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, St. Vincent de Paul, where she became proficient in music, an accomplishment which has never left her. Losing her mother at an early age, she was thrown into the society of her future husband under romantic circumstances, resulting in their marriage, in Montreal, May 13th, 1868. Mr. Laurier was then a member of the junior bar, but he had already begun to attract the attention of his friends by reason of his singular gifts as a public speaker-gifts which, with other intellectual attributes, were soon to be used for the benefit and advantage of his country, and which would ultimately secure for their owner a foremost place among native statesmen. Owing to Mr. Laurier's delicate state of health at that time, the young couple moved into the country, taking up their residence at Arthabaskaville, which continued to be their home from that time till their permanent removal to Ottawa in 1896, in consequence of Mr. Laurier's elevation to the Premiership of Canada at that time. With the capital Lady Laurier--as she subsequently became entitled to be called-was no stranger, for she had been accompanying her husband thither at each succeeding session of Parliament, for many years, and even while still in the "cold shades of Opposition" had succeeded in gathering together a goodly circle of friends, who were always strongly in force, despite many adverse influences, at her Saturday evening musicales. “A thorough woman,” says Mr. Willison, “the secret of Lady Laurier's success lies in her unaffected grace and charm of manner, there being not the slightest pretence or taint of affectation about her.” Under present conditions she still keeps up her weekly receptions, and these have become exceedingly popular with friends and politicians of all classes and schools. In addition to her many social duties, she finds time to attend the meetings of many of the charitable and other useful associations common to her sex. On the formation of the National Council of Women of Canada, by the Countess of Aberdeen, she became one of the Vice-Presidents at large of that body. She is also Honorary Vice-President of the Victorian Order of Nurses. In 1897 Lady Laurier accompanied the Prime Minister to England, on the occasion of the celebration of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, and besides taking part in the ceremonies connected therewith, visited Her Majesty at Windsor Castle. Her husband and herself also attended the Queen's garden party and the Queen's State ball at Buckingham Palace. Subsequently they travelled in France and Italy. In 1901 Lady Laurier participated in the festivities incident to the visit to Canada of the present Prince and Princess of Wales, and was delegated to present to the Princess the gift of the women of Ottawa, consisting of a fur cloak. Lady Laurier also accompanied Sir Wilfrid to England, in 1902, and was present with him in Westminster Abbey at the coronation of King Edward and his Royal Consort. She wore on that occasion a magnificent diamond tiara, consisting of 175 selected diamonds, the gift to her Ladyship of the members of the Senate of Canada on the Government side. An important feature of their stay in London, at that time, was a grand banquet at the Hotel Cecil given by Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier and other visiting Canadian ministers to their friends, which was attended by the Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyll), Lord and Lady Minto, Lord and Lady Strathcona, and nearly every Canadian of note then in the British capital. Before leaving England, Lady Laurier received in person from Queen Alexandra the silver Coronation medal. Residence : 365 Theodore Street, Ottawa, 195 MISS LAUT. From a photograph recently taken by Topley, Ottawa. Miss Agnes C. Laut, who has lately come into prominence as a successful writer of fiction, is a native of Winnipeg, and was educated at Manitoba Univer- sity. Her mother was a daughter of the Rev. Principal George, D.D., of Queen's University, Kingston, and her father one of the Scotch Wallaces. While in her junior year at college her health failed her, and she was sent to spend the summer in the mountains among the Rockies and the Selkirks. There she gathered much of the material used in her first novel, “Lords of the North,” published in 1900. But before the issue of this book she wrote some political editorials for the Manitoba Free Press which attracted much attention and were widely copied. Subsequently, she wrote on international subjects for the New York Evening Post, the Review of Reviews, and the Montreal Herald, and on the French Fishing Shore (Labrador) question for the New York Herald, the Westminster Gazette, and other papers. Following the success achieved by her first book, and in the same field, she published, in 1902, “Heralds of Empire," and later, in the same year, “The Story of the Trapper.” Since then she has written a story for Outing, and a series of articles on the fur trade for the Century. Residence : “Wildwood Place," Wassaic, N.Y. 196 MADAME LAVERGNE. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Emily, only daughter of the late J. G. Barthe, Esquire, advocate, member of Parliament and journalist, and his wife, Marie Louise Adelaide, daughter of Joseph Pacaud, Esquire, of Three Rivers, P.Q., was born in Montreal, and is of mixed French and German ancestry. She was educated at home and at the Ursulines, and, when a girl, went to Paris with her parents, where they remained for some years. Her parents went much into society, and were in the habit of receiving at their house many of the most distinguished social and literary personages of the day, including the Comtesse de Montigo, mother of the Empress Eugenie, Lamartine, Béranger, Thiers, Victor Hugo, etc., all of whom Madame Lavergne, though then a child, remembers perfectly. After returning to Canada she married, November, 1876, Joseph Lavergne, Esquire, advocate, who was elected to the House of Commons in 1887, and raised to the bench ten years later. Madame Lavergne is cultivated, well read, and a clever conversationalist. She takes a deep interest in public matters, and has not inaptly been called the “ Lady Wadegrave of Canada.” She is probably the most brilliant society woman in French Canada since the golden age of Madame Duval (q.v.). Residence : 283 Prince Arthur Street, Montreal. 197 اندا MDLLE. LAVERGNE. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her mother. Gabrielle, only daughter of the Hon. Mr. Justice and Madame Lavergne (9.v.), was born at Arthabaskaville, P.Q., and received her education at the Convent de la Congregation there, and at Les Dames Francaises de Jesus et de Marie at Sillery. Her début in society was made at the historical fancy dress ball, given in the Senate Chamber, Ottawa, by Lord and Lady Aberdeen, February 17th, 1896. Her portrait has been painted by the celebrated Cana- dian artist, Suzor Coté. Residence : 283 Prince Arthur Street, Montreal. 198 m.thlen a de MISS LAW. From a photograph by Simpson, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Macdonell, Prescott, Ont. Mary Helen Augusta Law is the only daughter of Commander Frederick C. Law, R.N., a grandson of the ist Lord Ellenborough, and his wife, Charlotte Margaret, eldest daughter of His Honour John Willoughby Crawford, Esquire, for some years up to his death, in 1875, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario. Miss Law was born in Toronto and educated by private tuition and at Roehampton, England. She excels in painting. She represented "Rowena” in Literature and Music at the Victorian Era ball, given at Toronto by Lord and Lady Aberdeen in 1897. Residence : 504 Sherbourne Street, Toronto. 199 14 Hong Low- MRS. VICTOR LAW. From a photograph by Vandyk, London. Kindly furnished by her sister, Mrs. J. A. Macdonell, Prescott, Ont. Helen Florence, third daughter of the late John Willoughby Crawford, Esquire, K.C., Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, and his wife, Helen Mary, third daughter of the Hon. Livius P. Sherwood, a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench in Upper Canada, was born in Toronto and educated at Loretto Abbey in that city, and at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Montreal. She married, June 7th, 1875, as his second wife, Lieut.-Colonel (now Major-General) Victor Edward Law, a grandson of the ist Lord Ellenborough, Lord Chief Justice of England. He served with the Madras Cavalry, 1859-72, and, later, became political agent to His Highness the Maharajah of Charkari. In 1902 he served as assistant under the Duke of Norfolk, in Westminster Abbey, at the coronation of the King and Queen, Mrs. Law being one of the invited guests at the great ceremony. Mrs. Law is clever as an artist, with both brush and pencil, and is an expert horsewoman. Residence : Queensberry Place, London, S.W., England. 200 MRS. LEFROY. From a family portrait. Kindly supplied by Msr, Lefroy's sister, Mrs. James McGill Strachan. Emily Merry, eldest daughter of the late Hon. Sir John Beverley Robinson, Bart., Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and his wife, Emma (9.v.), daughter of Charles Walker, Esquire, of Harlesden, County Middlesex, England, was born and educated in Canada. She married, April 16th, 1846, Captain John Henry Lefroy, R.A., the director of the Toronto Observatory, 1842-53. He was a distinguished soldier and man of science, and in recognition of his services as such was created a C.B., 1870, and a K.C.M.G., 1877. He was successively Governor of Bermuda and Tasmania, and attained General's rank in 1882. Mrs. Lefroy had for sisters, Mrs. Strachan, above mentioned, Mrs. Allan,* wife of the late Senator G. W. Allan, and Mrs. MacInnes, wife of the late Senator MacInnes. These ladies, with their mother, long maintained a social supremacy in Toronto, and were admired and respected on all sides. Mrs. Lefroy died in London, England, January 25th, 1859, aged 37, leaving four children, two boys and two girls. Of the former, the eldest, Harry George, became Lieut.-Col. of H.M.'s 44th Regiment ; the second, Augustus Henry Frazer, is a barrister of the Inner Temple, and of Ontario, and practises in Toronto. Of the latter, the eldest, Emily Mary, married Colonel Chevenix-Trench, R.A., and the second, Augusta Maude, married Commander Crofton, R.N. Sir John Lefroy married, secondly, May 12th, 1860, Charlotte Anna, widow of Colonel Armine Mountain, C.B., Adjutant-General of H.M.'s Forces in India, fourth son of the first Bishop of Quebec. He died at Lewarne, near Liskeard, England, April 11th, 1890. * Mrs. Lefroy and Mrs. Allan were married on the same day, at St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, by the late Bishop Strachan. 201 Besy meesele four > SE E. Lebrohon MADAME LEPROHON. From a photograph taken not long before her death. Kindly furnished by her husband, the late Dr. Leprohon. Rosanna Eleanor, daughter of Francis Mullins, Esquire, was born in Montreal, November 9th, 1832, and educated at the Convent of the Congre- gation de Notre Dame. When only fourteen years of age, she commenced to write in prose and verse under the initials “R. E. M," for Lovell's Literary Garland, and continued her contributions to that well-known magazine as long as it remained in existence. Subsequently she wrote for the Boston Pilot, the Montreal Daily News, the Canadian Illustrated News, Le Pionnier de Sherbrooke, the Journal of Education, the Saturday Reader, the Hearthstone, and various other periodicals. Among her novels, some of which appeared in book form, were “Ida Beresford,” “Florence Fitzhardinge," "Eva Huntingdon," “ Clarence Fitzclarence," "Eveleen O'Donnell," "The Manor House of De Villerai," “Antoinette de Miracourt,” “Armand Durand,” “Ada Dunmore," and “Lillian's Peril.” She married, in 1851, Dr. J. L. Leprohon, afterwards Spanish Consul at Montreal, and was the mother of several children. She died in Mont- real, September 20th, 1879, and is buried in Côte des Neiges cemetery there ; her husband, who died later, being also buried there. After her death, her poetical productions were published in book form, with an introduction by Mr. John Reade, in which that accomplished writer pays a fitting tribute both to her literary genius and to her virtues as a woman. “Her literary life," he says, “constituted but one phase in a life nobly, yet unostentatiously, consecrated to the duties of home, of society, of charity, and of religion. Mrs. Leprohon was much more than either a poet or a novelist—she was also, in the highest sense, a woman, a lady." 202 mdurs MRS. TRAVERS LEWIS. From a photograph by the Stereoscopic Company, London, Mrs. Ada Maria Lewis is the fifth surviving child of the late Evan Leigh, Esquire, of Manchester, England, and was born in that city. Educated in Germany and at Paris, she evinced great talent in painting and music, but gave up these accomplishments to devote herself entirely to works of philanthropy, in the carrying out of which she has achieved a world-wide reputation. As a young girl, she was honorary secretary to an association founded at Manchester, to relieve the suffering operators there during the existence of the cotton famine, in the sixties, and she also opened a soup kitchen, at that time, at her own expense, which three days a week provided dinners for three parishes. But even before this she had taken the first steps towards securing the establishment at Paris of mission homes, for English girls living in that city, four of which homes, through her efforts, now exist, together with an orphanage, the property thus secured being valued at £40,000. Not long afterwards she founded an English and American Church at Neuilly, collecting £18,000 for the purpose. Visits to the French prisons were also instituted by her with many beneficial results. She was likewise the means of having the manufacture of carpets substituted for the picking of oakum in some Irish reformatories. In February, 1889, Miss Leigh married, as his second wife, the Most Reverend John Travers Lewis, D.D., LL.D., first Archbishop of Ontario, and accompanied His Grace to Canada. He died at sea, May 4th, 1901, since when his widow has resided mainly in England. It is announced that she is now writing his memoirs. Quite recently she gave £2,500 to the King's Hospital Fund. She has also given fifteen full scholarships to the Royal Academy of Music, to be open to residents of the British Isles and of Canada. "A woman who has always lived for others" is the tribute which this noble woman has earned from a well- known London journal. Residence : 9 Trevor Terrace, Rutland Gate, London, S.W., England. 203 Jeuw. heredmero Leittedale. MRS. ST. GEORGE LITTLEDALE. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Teresa Newcomen, youngest daughter of the late Captain John Harris, R.N., and his wife, Amelia, daughter of Colonel Samuel Ryerse, was born at Eldon House, London, Ont., and educated in the same town. She married, first, William John Scott, Esquire, of Teviot Bank, Scotland (he died); and secondly, St. George Littledale, Esquire. According to Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Littledale are well-known travellers, whose papers have been frequently read before the Royal Geographical Society. Residence: Wickhill House, Bracknell, Herts, England. 204 Adelaide Lexgar THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY LISGAR. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her niece, Mrs. Austin Mackenzie, The Manor House, Brigstock, England. Adelaide Annabella, daughter of Edward Tuite Dalton, Esquire, of Fermor, County Meath, Ireland, and his wife, Olivia, second daughter of Sir John Stevenson (who married, secondly, the 2nd Marquis of Headfort, K.P., P.C.), was born in 1821. She married, first, April 8th, 1835, the Right Hon. Sir John Young, 2nd Baronet, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., a distinguished statesman and administrator, who was successively Chief Secretary for Ireland, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, Governor of New South Wales, and Governor-General of Canada, which latter office he filled from 1868 to 1872. While in Canada he was raised to the peerage, as Baron Lisgar, November 2nd, 1870. (His Lordship died October 6th, 1876.) His widow married, secondly, August 3rd, 1878, Sir Francis Charles Fortescue Turville, K.C.M.G., of Bosworth Hall, County Leicester, who had served on her first husband's staff (he died December 20th, 1889); and thirdly, Henry Trueman Mills, Esquire, of Lubenham, Market Harborough. Her Ladyship died at Paris, July 19th, 1895. Lady Lisgar was a handsome and affable woman, who for years led society an its most brilliant phase, and made her social state resplendent by her social attributes. As mistress of The Lodge, in Phoenix Park, no one ever excelled her in the art of rendering her salons the centre of the reunions of a brilliant city; and the admiration which her entertaining qualities won through New South Wales was continued in Canada during her stay in this country. The two chief social occurrences of her period were the visit of Prince Arthur (now Duke of Connaught), who remained in Canada for ten months, and that of the Grand Duke Alexis, of Russia, both of which, especially the former, were attended with unusual stir and festivity. Lord and Lady Lisgar accompanied His Royal Highness Prince Arthur on his principal tour through the country, meeting him on his arrival at Halifax, August 22nd, 1869, where he became their guest. Balls and other entertainments, in honour of the young Prince, were given in all the principal cities, the most beautiful and costly being the State ball, given by Parliament, at Ottawa, February 25th, 1870, at which Lady Lisgar danced, in the opening quadrille, with the Prince. According to the Montreal Gazette, this was the finest ball ever given in Canada up to that time. Among her other accomplishments, Lady Lisgar sketched beautifully, and while living here drew many pictures of Canadian scenery. Both she and her husband gave liberally to all deserving objects. They visited all the provinces, and travelled extensively in the United States. In May, 1870, her Ladyship officiated in Montreal at the investiture of Colonels Smith, Fletcher, McEachren and Chamberlin with the C.M.G., in recognition of their services during the Fenian raids. Among the guests at Government House during her husband's term were, besides the personages already mentioned, and their suites, the Dowager Marchioness of Angelsey, Viscount and Viscountess Wolseley, Miss Symes (Duchesse de Bassano), Sir John and Lady Rose, Sir Henry and Lady Alice Havelock, Sir Charles and Lady Windham, Mrs. Alfred Seymour, Sir Hugh, Lady, and the Misses Allan, Sir William and Lady Howland, General and Mrs. Earle, Sir Stafford and Lady Northcote (ist Lord Iddesleigh), Lord and Lady Alexander Russell, Hon. D. A. Smith (Lord Strathcona), Sir Adams and Lady Archibald, Hon. William Macdougall, C.B., Sir Leonard and Lady Tilley and Colonel and Lady Catherine Robertson. After leaving New South Wales, the people of Sydney subscribed £1,000 for the presentation of a service of plate to Sir John 205 Young. Mtzar MISS LIZARS. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Toronto. Kathleen Macfarlane, youngest daughter of the late Daniel Home Lizars, Esquire, Judge of the County Court of the County of Perth, Ontario, and his wife, Esther, fourth daughter of Captain John Longworth, who had served in both the navy and the army of Great Britain, was born at Stratford, Ont., and educated in Toronto and Scotland. Although she has written many unsigned articles for newspapers and magazines, of a graceful and witty character, Miss Lizars is known in a literary sense, chiefly, by two historical works, and a novel, which have been the joint production of her sister (Mrs. Robert Smith) and herself. These, respectively, are entitled : “In the Days of the Canada Company,” “Humours of '37," and “ Committed to His Charge,” and have all evoked favourable criticism both from the native and the foreign press. As women writers, Mrs. Coleman (“Kit") places the Lizars sisters in the top form,” while Professor Clark, of Trinity College, Toronto, has detected in their novel much that reminds him of Jane Austen. Miss Lizars was for some years Private Secretary to the late Hon. John Robson, when Premier of British Col- umbia, and accompanied him to England on a public mission. She is now, in collaboration with Mr. Henry J. Morgan, preparing a book on Canadian life and character, for a London publishing house. Residence : “ The Minne- waska," Gravenhurst, Muskoka, Ont. 206 LADY LOVE. From a miniature. Kindly furnished by her nephew, His Honour Judge Wedderburn, Hampton, N.B. Mary, daughter of Thomas Heaviside, Esquire, of St. John, N.B., was born in that city, and educated in England. She married, 1825, Major James Frederick Love, 52nd Regiment, a distinguished officer, who had served in the expedition to Sweden, under Sir John Moore, afterwards in Portugal and Spain, in the Peninsula, in the campaign in Holland, at New Orleans and at Waterloo, where he received four severe wounds. After his marriage he was British resident at Zante, and commanded a division in Canada during the rebellion of 1837-8. Later he became Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey, com- manded a camp at Shorncliffe, and was made Inspector-General of Infantry. He was created a C.B., 1839, a K.C.B., in 1856, and attained Lieutenant-General's rank in 1857. In 1858 his name was mentioned in connection with the Governor-Generalship of Canada. He died January 13th, 1866, aged 77. Lady Love saw much of the world with her husband, and having a great taste for music and drawing, received tuition in these branches from the best masters. In an article taking leave of the 73rd Regiment, which her husband commanded in Canada, the Montreal Gazette, March 12th, 1841, regrets, on behalf of the society of that city, the departure of Mrs. Love, who had endeared herself to all by her amiable qualities and high accomplishments. “Those,” it continued, “who have enjoyed the pleasure of examining her finely executed and numerous views of various scenes in the Eastern Townships, and the upper parts of the Province, will unite with us in the hope that the fair artist may consent to their being published, when Mrs. Love's taste and genius will be made as manifest to the world as her kindly and graceful manners have been appreciated, wherever she has resided in Canada.” Lady Love was one of three sisters, the other sisters being Mrs. Willis, the wife of Archdeacon Willis, of Nova Scotia, and Mrs. Wedderburn, the wife of Alexander Wedderburn, Esquire, of St. John, N.B. She survived her husband and left no issue. 207 LADY LOWE. From a water-colour. Kindly furnished by her step-daughter, Mrs. Waldo Sibthorp, Belgrave Mansions, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W., England. Susan, daughter of Stephen de Lancey, afterwards Governor of Tobago, a member of a well-known loyalist family of New York, and sister of Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey, K.C.B., who was killed at Waterloo, was born in Nova Scotia, in 1779. She left there in childhood, and was placed under the care of her aunt, Lady Dundas, in England. In 1E02 she married Colonel William Johnson, the eldest son of Sir John Johnson, Bart., of Montreal, and bore him three daughters, of whom the eldest, Charlotte, married in 1820, Alexander, Count Balmain, Russian Commissioner at St. Helena. Colonel Johnson died in 1812, and in 1815 his widow married, at Chelsea, England, Major-General Sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B., a distinguished officer who had been the first Governor of the Ionian Islands, and whom, later, she accompanied to St. Helena, where he was Governor throughout Napoleon's captivity. While there her daughter, Miss Clara Lowe, the philanthropist, who is gratefully remembered in Eastern Ontario, was born. Lady Lowe died in London, England, August 22nd, 1832 ; her husband died in the same city, July roth, 1844. Both are buried in St. Mark's Church, North Audley Street, Grosvenor Square. 208 MRS. LOYD. From a photograph by Debenham, Cowes. Kindly furnished by her brother, Dr. J. Travers Lewis, Barrister, Ottawa. Rebecca Olivia (“Bee"), third daughter of the late Most Reverend J. Travers Lewis, D.D., D.C.L., Archbishop of Ontario, was born at Brockville, Ont., and married, 1889, Llewellyn Foster, second son of Lieut.-Col. Loyd, a nephew of the late Baron Overstone, the well-known banker. On his father's death, in 1899, Mr. Llewellyn Loyd succeeded to his estate, in Kent, England, and now resides there. Mrs. Loyd, who was a crack tennis player before her marriage, is the mo her of three children, two sons and a daughter. The boys are now at Eton. Residence : “Lillesden,” Harkhurst, Kent, England. 209 MRS. LUTYENS. From a photograph by Mendelssohn, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, Mrs. Lutyens is a daughter of the late Major John Gallwey, Deputy Inspector-General of the Royal Irish Constabulary, and a sister of Lieut.- General Sir T. L. J. Gallwey, K.C.M.G., late Governor of Bermuda. Early in the fifties she married, in Montreal, Charles Lutyens, Esquire, an officer of the 2oth Regiment, who was then Master of the Montreal Fox Hounds, and has since become famous as a painter of animals and sporting scenes. Residence: 16 Onslow Square, London, S.W., England. 210 Thor MISS LYMAN. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her nephew, Henry L. Lyman, Esquire, Montreal. Miss Hannah Willard Lyman, a successful and inspiring teacher of youth, was born at Old Northampton, Mass., in 1816, and died at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., where she was vice- principal of Vassar College, February 21st, 1871. She commenced to teach at Gotham Academy, Maine, and she subsequently taught in Mrs. Gray's Seminary for Young Ladies at Petersburg, Virginia. For the next twenty-two years she conducted a seminary for young ladies, in Montreal, which took the lead of all similar institutions in the Canadas. Her natural gifts, amounting almost to a genius for her profession, were enriched by an education of no ordinary range. She was a sister of Rev. Henry Lyman, a missionary, who was murdered by the natives in Sumatra in 1832, and whose life she has written (New York: 1857); also of the late Lieut.-Colonel Theodore Lyman, and the late Colonel S. J. Lyman, of Montreal. The Rev. Dr. Campbell, in his “History of the St. Gabriel Street Church, Montreal,” says that “the name of Miss Lyman is yet as ointment poured forth in many hearts and homes, not only in Montreal, but all through Canada, for the blessed influences which she exerted as an instructor of young ladies.” A memorial of her is preserved in McGill University by the “Hannah Willard Lyman Fund," raised by subscriptions from her former pupils, and invested as a permanent endowment to furnish annually a scholarship or prizes in a college for women affiliated to the university, or in classes for the higher education of women. Her remains were brought to Montreal and laid in Mount Royal Cemetery. 211 MRS. THOMAS D'ARCY M'GEE. From a photograph by Smeaton, Quebec. Kindly furnished by the late J. G. Moylan, Esquire, Ottawa. Miss Mary Teresa Caffrey, a native of Dublin, Ireland, married, in that city, 1847, Thomas D'Arcy McGee, author and journalist, who, on account of his participation in the “Young Ireland” movement, was forced to leave his native land, in disguise, and take refuge in America. In 1850, after he had made a home for his wife at Boston, Mass., she joined him there, and they continued to live in the United States up to 1857, when Mr. McGee removed to Canada, where he was elected to Parliament, and became, in 1862, a member of the Government. After a career of much usefulness and great distinction, he was assassinated, in Ottawa, by a member of the Fenian Brotherhood, April 7th, 1868. Mrs. McGee bore her husband five children, three of whom died in infancy; the remaining two, both girls, now live at Santa Clare, Cal., one, Euphrasia, being the wife of Mr. Quinn, an advocate. After her husband's tragic death, Queen Victoria sent Mrs. McGee an autograph letter expressive of her sympathy and condol- ence, and stating how highly she had appreciated his services in the cause of Imperial authority in the land of his adoption. The Duke of Buckingham, then Colonial Secretary, wrote at the same time to Lord Monck, the Governor-General, conveying the regrets of Her Majesty's ministers that so able a statesman and so good a citizen should have fallen a victim to a Fenian bullet. A state funeral was accorded Mr. McGee's remains, and Parliament voted a pension to his widow and children. A testimonial fund was also subscribed by the people. Mrs. McGee died suddenly, in Montreal, January 17th, 1871, aged 46, while on her knees at prayer, her end being hastened by the sad trials which she had undergone. She is described by the late Mrs. Sadlier, the novelist, as “a woman of much force of character who was fitted to shine in society by her brilliant conversation and fine wit. She was devoted to her husband, admired his talents, and was altogether a true helpmeet. He was equally devoted to her, respected her sterling qualities of head and heart, and was often guided by her wonderful perception of character.” Several of Mr. McGee's poems are addressed to his wife. 212 LADY MACAULAY. From a photograph by Southwell Brothers, London. Kindly furnished by Hon. Senator Gowan, C.M.G. Rachel Crookshank, seventh daughter of Dr. John Gamble, of the Queen's Rangers, and his wife, Isabella Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Clarke, Esquire, M.D. (U.E.L.), was born 1803, and married, December ist, 1821, James Buchanan Macaulay, Esquire, who became Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in Upper Canada, 1849, was created a C.B., and received the honour of knighthood, 1859. The issue of this marriage was one son, who died in infancy, and four daughters. Of the latter, the eldest married the Rev. Richard Mitchell ; the second married B. Homer Dixon, Esquire ; the third died, and the fourth married H. E. Bennett, Esquire, of Sparkford Hall, County Devon, England. Sir James Macaulay died November 26th, 1859; his widow died in England, July 17th, 1883. 213 Macdonald Maskscliffe THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE BARONESS MACDONALD OF EARNSCLIFFE. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Sarah Agnes, Baroness Macdonald of Earnscliffe, is the daughter of the late Hon. T. J. Bernard, a member of the Privy Council, Island of Jamaica, and his wife, Theodora Foulks. Born in Jamaica, August 24th, 1836, she was educated in England, and came first to Canada in 1854, two of her brothers in Ontario. Here she met Sir John Alexander Macdonald, a distinguished Canadian statesman, to whom she was married in London, England, February 16th, 1867, she being his second wife. Returning to Canada with her husband, Lady Macdonald continued to live in the Dominion until after his death, which occurred June 6th, 1891, when she removed to England. “The part that Lady Macdonald played in her husband's life,” says a writer in the Ladies' Home Journal, in 1891, “is not to be set forth in a few words. All that Lady Beaconsfield was to the Conservative Premier of England, Lady Macdonald has been, and is, to the Conservative Premier of Canada. If any one on earth knows his mind, it is she. Their understanding of each other is complete, and their matrimonial felicity unruffled. How much Canada owes to Lady Macdonald for the help she has given her greatest statesman only the Premier himself can fitly estimate.” On her husband's death, her late Majesty Queen Victoria, to whom Lady Macdonald had been presented in 1867, sent her an autograph letter expressive of her sympathy, and was further' graciously pleased, in recognition of Sir John Macdonald's eminent public services, to raise his widow to the peerage, by the name, style and title of Baroness Macdonald of Earnscliffe, in the Province of Ontario and Dominion of Canada. While in Canada, her Ladys hip found time to co-operate in many religious and philanthropic enterprises; and, in 1887, headed a movement for the establishment of an Art Museum and Industrial College, as a memorial of Queen Victoria. She also wrote many interesting articles for the English press on Canada and her resources. In 1902 she was present in Westminster Abbey at the Coronation of the King and Queen. In the same year she took charge, with Lady Strathcona, of the Canadian stall at the Imperial Coronation Bazaar. Some years ago she disposed of * Earnscliffe,” the property at Ottawa from which she takes her title, and now resides permanently in England. She is the mother of one child, the Honourable Mary Theodora Margaret Macdonald, born at Ottawa in 1869. One who was intimately associated with Lady Macdonald in Canada describes her as a woman of remarkable individuality, rare gifts and striking personality, who charmed every one by her vivac as well as by her intellectual powers. Address : Care High Commissioner for Canada, London, England, 214 - Gertrude Bacdonald MRS. H. J. MACDONALD. From a photograph by Farmer Brothers, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her husband. Gertrude Agnes, second daughter of the late Salter Jehosaphat Van- koughnet, Esquire, K.C., and his wife, Agnes, daughter of Hon. Benjamin Seymour, Senator, was born in Toronto and educated at Miss Dupont's School, in that city. She married, April 23rd, 1883, as his second wife, Hugh John Macdonald, Esquire, K.C., only surviving son of the late Right Honourable Sir John Alexander Macdonald, G.C.B., Prime Minister of Canada, and his first wife, Isabella, daughter of Alexander Clark, of Dalnavert. Her husband subsequently entered public life, was sworn of the Privy Council, 1896, and became afterwards Premier of Manitoba, but has now retired from active participation in politics. Mrs. Macdonald is a member of an old and distin- guished Loyalist family. She was a leading spirit in the movement for presenting a wedding gift to the Prince and Princess of Wales, and also in starting a war fund for the soldiers in South Africa. “As a social leader," says Harper's Bazaar, “Mrs. Macdonald's metier lies, as did Madame de Stael's, in the salon.” Residence: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 15 215 MISS MACDONALD. From a photograph by Inglis, Montreal. Kindly furnished by Mrs. Tilton, Ottawa. Annie, eldest daughter of the late Hon. Donald Alexander Macdonald, P.C., a well-known public man, who was Postmaster-General in the Mackenzie Administration at Ottawa, 1873-75, and Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, 1875-80, by his second wife, Catherine Ida, second daughter of the Hon. Alexander Fraser of Fraserfield, was born at Alexandria, Ont., and educated in Montreal. Owing to the early death of her mother, Miss Macdonald had household cares thrust upon her at a tender age. While her father remained in public life, these duties were of a much more onerous character than they had previously been, yet she acquitted herself with ability and discretion on all occasions, even when, as the first lady of her native Province, she had among her guests, at Government House, Royalty itself, in the person of Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise. She and her father had also entertained the Earl and Countess of Dufferin, and other notable personages. The citizens' ball given in Toronto, in October, 1879, on the occasion of the visit to that city of the Marquis of Lorne and his Royal Consort, was opened by the Governor-General with Miss Macdonald, her father dancing, in the same set, with the Princess Louise. Residence: “The Sherbrooke," Montreal. 216 sabeht raccosulh MRS. MACDONELL. Fro:n a photograph by Pinsonneault, Prescott, Ont. Isabel Sophie, youngest daughter of the late John W. Crawford, Esquire, K.C., Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, and his wife, Helen, daughter of the Hon. Livius Peters Sherwood, a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of Upper Canada, was born in Toronto, educated by private tutor and at Loretto Abbey there, and graduated at Roehampton, England. She married, when very young, John Alexander Macdonell, Esquire, K.C., of Greenfield, only surviving son of the late Archibald John Macdonell, Esquire, Recorder of Kingston, Ont., and his wife, Mary, daughter of Robert Long Innes, Lieutenant 37th Regiment. Mrs. Macdonell, like her mother and her sisters, Mrs. Frederick and Mrs. Victor, Law (q.v.), is a highly accomplished lady, her musical gifts and histrionic and elocutionary talents being of a high order. She is also an expert horsewoman. She takes a marked interest in politics, and has made her influence felt on the Conservative side in more than one election contest in the Glengarry district. She was presented to the Prince and Princess of Wales at Toronto, October, 1901. Residence : “ The Manor,” Prescott, Ont. 217 S. Minnie Macdougall MRS. WILLIAM MACDOUGALL. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Mary Adelaide, third daughter of the late Dr. John Beatty, a professor in Victoria University, Cobourg, Ont., and his wife, Eleanor, second daughter of the late James Rogers Armstrong, Esquire, M.P.P., was born and educated at Cobourg. She married, November, 1872, as his second wife, the Hon. William Macdougall, C.B., P.C., a distinguished Canadian statesman, and is the mother of three sons. Two of her sons, Harold and Gladwyn Macdougall, served with the Canadian contingent during the war in South Africa. Mrs. Macdougall accompanied her husband, on a public mission, to England and the continent of Europe in 1893, remaining abroad for some years. In 1878 Mr. Macdougall returned to public life, and since then she has resided with him at Ottawa, where, in addition to her domestic duties, she has been much interested in various benevolent and philanthropic movements, par- ticularly the Ottawa Humane Society, with which she has had an official connection. Like her sisters, Mrs. C. A. E. Harriss, of "Earnscliffe" (9.v.), Mrs. Desire Girouard (9.v.), Mrs. John Daintry, and Mrs. Charles Ryerson, she holds a distinguished position in society, and is most highly esteemed in all circles. It was to her that the late Nicholas Flood Davin once applied the words used by Sir Richard Steele, in reference to Lady Elizabeth Hastings : “Though her mien carries much more invitation than command, to behold her is an immediate check to loose behaviour ; to love her is a liberal education.” Residence : 407 Wilbrod Street, Ottawa. 2182 Hamupes MRS. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by William Buckingham, Esquire, Stratford, Ont. Jane, eldest daughter of Robert Sym, Esquire, of Perthshire, Scotland, was born March 22nd, 1825. She married, as his second wife, June 17th, 1853, Alexander Mac- kenzie, Esquire, of Sarnia, Ont., who afterwards entered Parliament, and as leader of the Liberal party became Prime Minister of Canada, in November, 1873, a position he held till September, 1878. Mrs. Mackenzie twice accompanied her husband to Britain, on the first occasion while he was Prime Minister, and she was, at that time, presented with him to Queen Victoria. After her husband's death, in April, 1892, she declined a state pension, and also a money testimonial which was raised by Hon. S. H. Blake, the late Senator A. T. Wood, and Senator Mackay, of Montreal. The money so subscribed was then applied towards the endowment of the Mackenzie scholarships in Political Science, in Toronto and McGill Universities. A memorial of Mrs. Mackenzie exists in the Grenville canal, in the form of a coping stone, which was laid by her in 1874. She died in Toronto, March 30th, 1893, and was buried, alongside the remains of her husband, in Lakeview Cemetery, Sarnia. Mr. William Buckingham, one of her husband's bio- graphers, writes of her: “While at Ottawa Mrs. Mackenzie had to play a chief rôle in a brilliant circle. It was what may be called the renaissance period of our social life, and the Court she graced was in point of munificence and splendour unexampled in the history of the Dominion. In that supreme moment she showed how well she merited her husband's confidence and love--how nobly she was qualified to help and support him in every phase of his varying life. She was not dazzled by the light, but took her place, as he had taken his, with a quiet dignity and kindliness, frankness and charm of manner which disarmed criticism and conquered every heart.” 219 theuge a heyth MRS. AUSTIN MACKENZIE. From a recent photograph by Graham, Leamington Spa. Lucy Maria, second daughter of Major Gustavus Tuite Dalton, married, 1878, Austin Mackenzie, Esquire, third son of Edward Mackenzie, Esquire, J.P. and D.L., of Fawley Court, Bucks, and Newbie, County Dumfries. Mrs. Mackenzie came to Canada with her aunt, Lady Lisgar, and formed one of the brilliant house party at Rideau Hall throughout Lord and Lady Lisgar's stay in Canada, 1868-72. She accompanied her uncle and aunt on their various tours, and was everywhere much admired for her amiability and beauty. She possessed a sweet and well-trained voice, and sang sometimes in public, at concerts given for charitable purposes. Residence : The Manor House, Brigstock, Thrapston, England. 220 MRS. WILLIAM LYON MACKENZIE. From an oil painting executed not long after her marriage. Kindly furnished by her son-in-law, John King, Esquire, K.C., Toronto. Isabel, second daughter of Peter Baxter, Esquire, was born in Dundee, Scotland, July, 1802, and coming to Canada, in 1822, was married, in Montreal, on the ist of July of the same year, to William Lyon Mackenzie, Esquire, then of the firm of Mackenzie & Lesslie, Dundas, U.C. Of this union the issue was thirteen children, three sons and ten daughters, of whom five died in infancy, and only two survive, namely, Janet, the wife of Charles Lindsey, Esquire, City Registrar, Toronto, and Isabel Grace, the wife of John King, Esquire, K.C., Toronto. · Mrs. Mackenzie possessed a high degree of intelligence and a thorough knowledge of the political history of the time, and was in some respects quite as remarkable a personality as her husband, whose fortunes she shared for nearly forty years with patient fortitude and unwearied devotion. She had many domestic virtues, and a gentleness of disposition and fine womanly courage which were fully tested during her husband's stormy career. She accompanied him to England in 1832, and while there was the guest with him of Joseph Hume, M.P., a distinguished Liberal statesman. At the time of the rebel- lion of 1837-8, in which Mr. Mackenzie bore so conspicuous a part, she and her young family were exposed to imminent dangers in their Toronto home. Afterwards she joined her husband, and was the only female who was present on Navy Island with the insurgent forces. She arrived there shortly before the destruction of the steamer Caroline, and remained with her husband as long as her health permitted, making with her own hands the cartridges for the men, and by her fearlessness inspiring with courage the undisciplined force who were holding the island. A natural refine- ment of manner, as well as of face and feature, and a gentle, placid nature were characteristic qualities of this lady. After the return of her husband from exile, in 1849, the family lived continuously in Toronto, in the homestead in Bond Street, which had been presented to Mr. Mackenzie by his friends and admirers. Mr. Mackenzie died there, August 28th, 1861, and his devoted wife twelve years afterwards, on January 12th, 1873. Both were buried in the family plot in the Necropolis, in that city. In 1868 the Ontario Legislature voted Mrs. Mackenzie $4,000, in payment of a debt due to her late husband by the old Province of Upper Canada. 221 Perisa MRS. C. H. MACKINTOSH. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her husband. Gertrude, daughter of Timothy Cook, Esquire, of Strathroy, Ont., and his wife, the daughter of Dr. Terry, ex-M.P.P., Niagara, Ont., was born at Strathroy, and educated at a convent at London, Ont. She married, April, 1868, Charles Herbert Mackintosh, Esquire, journalist, who subsequently became Mayor of Ottawa ; one of the representatives of that city in Parliament ; and, in October, 1893, was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West Territories. While Lady Mayoress of Ottawa, in 1879, Mrs. Mackintosh assisted at the opening of the first Dominion Exhibition, held there, on which occasion the city had as its guests the Governors of Ohio, Vermont, New Hampshire and other States. After removing to Regina, she assisted Lord and Lady Aberdeen at the opening of the great North-West Exhibition, held there in 1895. She was, ex officio, Vice-President in the Territories of the National Council of Women, and held other similar positions therein. Mrs. Mackintosh is the mother of two sons and seven daughters. Among the latter are Mrs. S. H. Fleming and Mrs. H. B. McGivern, Ottawa, and Mrs. A. S. Castellaine, Bath, England, Her youngest son, Edward Compton Allan Mackintosh, died in South Africa. during the recent war, while serving with Lord Strathcona's Horse. In the above picture Mrs. Mackintosh is taken in the costume worn by her at the Historical Fancy Dress Ball given at Ottawa by the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, February, 1896. Residence : Vancouver, B.C. 222 Imma S maefmtaret MRS. J. C. MACKINTOSH. From a photograph by Gauvin & Gentzel, Halifax, N.S. Kindly furnished by her husband. Emma Isabel, daughter of John Grant, Esquire, married James Crosskill Mackintosh, Esquire, banker and broker, Halifax, N.S., who was elected to the Mayoralty of that city, and remained in office for three years. Mrs. Mackintosh is a most zealous worker in the charitable and philanthropic field, and was the first to hold the office of President of the local Council of Women, on the formation of the National Council by the Countess of Aberdeen. She is still one of the Vice-Presidents of that body. Residence : Halifax, N.S. 223 LADY MACNAB. From a daguerrotype. Kindly furnished by her nephew, J. H. Stuart, Esquire, of the Bank of Hamilton. Mary, eldest daughter of John Stuart, Esquire, Sheriff of the Johnstown District, Upper Canada, and his wife, the second daughter of Ephraim Jones, Esquire, of Brockville, married, September 30th, 1831, Allan Napier MacNab, Esquire, Barrister, who, according to the testimony of the Duke of Wellington, "was the means of preserving the Canadas to the British Empire, in 1837," and who received the honour of knighthood therefor, becoming, afterwards, Prime Minister of Canada, and, in 1856, a baronet. The issue of this marriage was two daughters, Sophia and Mary Stuart. The first-named married, November, 1855, the Viscount Bury, afterwards 7th Earl of Albemarle (9.v.), and the other, September, 1861, John George, son of His Excellency Sir Dominick Daly, Governor of South Australia. Lady MacNab died at “Dundurn,” Ham- ilton, Ont., May 8th, 1846, her husband being then Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. The latter died, at the same place, August 8th, 1862. 224 LADY MACPHERSON. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Elizabeth Sarah, eldest daughter of the late William Molson, Esquire, President of Molson's Bank, Montreal, and his wife, Elizabeth Badgley, and granddaughter of the Hon. John Molson, in his lifetime a member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of Lower Canada, and President of the Bank of Montreal, was born and educated in Montreal, and married, June 18th, 1844, David Lewis Macpherson, Esquire, merchant, of Montreal, who subsequently entered public life, was called to the Senate of Canada, by Royal proclamation, 1867, sworn of the Privy Council, 1880, and was appointed a K.C.M.G., 1884. There was issue of this marriage two sons and five daughters. The latter (consisting of Elizabeth Frances, wife of the late Hon. R. R. Dobell, M.P., P.C., Quebec ; Naomi, wife of the late Thomas Beckett, Esquire, Quebec ; Helen, wife of the late Major Meyrick Bankes, Highland Light Infantry, London ; Christina, wife of P. F. Ridout, Esquire, Toronto ; and Isabel Louise (9.v.), wife of the late Sir G. E. Kirkpatrick, P.C., K.C.M.G., formerly Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, Toronto) have all, like their mother, held a distinguished place in society. Lady Macpherson had lived in Toronto for forty years or more, and her home, there, in Chestnut Park, had been the scene of much generous hospitality. Among the guests at the Macpherson mansion had been almost every one of note, either living in or visiting the country, in her day. One of the most magnificent entertainments ever given in Ottawa was a ball given in the Senate chamber by this excellent couple, while Sir David Macpherson was Speaker of the Senate. Both Sir David and his wife had been the guests of Royalty in England. Lady Macpherson was one of the organizers and an active office-bearer of the Toronto Ladies' Educational Association. She died, after a long illness, at San Remo, Italy, March 23rd, 1894, aged 74. At her request her remains were cremated, and the ashes brought to Toronto and deposited in Mount Pleasant Cemetery there. Sir David Macpherson died on board the steamship Labrador, in mid-ocean, August 16th, 1896, and his remains were laid in the same place. A fine tribute to the many excellences of character of Sir David and Lady Macpherson was pronounced in the Senate by the Honourable William Miller, K.C., shortly after the former's death. 225 Agnes M. Machar MISS MACHAR. From a recent photograph. Miss Agnes Maule Machar, who is sometimes called the first of Dominion poetesses,* is the daughter of the late Rev. John Machar, D.D., second Principal of Queen's University, and was born and educated at Kingston, Ont. She commenced writing at the age of seven, and has since produced a large number of poems, tales and essays, sometimes under the nom de plume of “Fidelis," and sometimes under her own name. In 1887 she won the prize offered by the Week for the best poem on Queen Victoria's Jubilee. In 1899, under the title, “Lays of the True North,” she published a collection of her poems, which received high praise. Among her other published works are * Stories of New France" (jointly with Mr. T. G. Marquis), “For King and Country," “Katie Johnson's Cross,” “Marjorie's Canadian Winter," “Roland Graeme, Knight,” “The Heir of Fairmount Grange,” and “Down the River to the Sea." All her works breathe a spirit of deep patriotism and love of country. She has read many entertaining papers before the National Council of Women, with which she is officially connected. Resi- dence: Kingston, Ont. * Sir Edwin Arnold. 226 Elizabeth buire un Vh are MRS. CHARLES MAIR. From a photograph taken at the time of her marriage. Mrs. Charles Mair, whose loyalty and heroism during the first Riel Rebellion gives her name so honourable a place in the history of Manitoba, is a daughter of the late Augustus Mackenney, Esquire, and was born and educated at Amherstburg, Ont. She first went to Manitoba in 1862—the year of the Sioux massacre in Minnesota--and as the route followed by the party with whom she was (composed of her parents and others), lay through a portion of the scene of the outbreak, their experiences were sometimes of a trying and eventful character. Her father, who was engaged in the fur trade, after a few years, owing to failing health, returned to Canada with his family, but his daughter came back to the settlement in 1868, with her uncle and aunt, Sir John and Lady Schultz, and in September of the same year, was married, in Winnipeg, to Charles Mair, Esquire, then an officer employed by the Canadian Government. On returning from their wedding journey to St. Paul, they accompanied Mr. Macdougall, the newly- appointed Governor of Manitoba, and party, to Pembina, where the latter was stopped by order of the insurgent chief, Riel, who had just previously assumed the direction of affairs at Fort Garry. Mr. and Mrs. Mair, however, determining to proceed, were stopped at St. Norbert, where they were taken prisoner under the same authority. After four days' detention they were released, and, arriving at Fort Garry, found it in possession of the rebels. Great trouble followed, until Mrs. Mair and the present Lady Schultz were taken prisoners, with their husbands and the rest of the loyal band of Canadians who were gathered at the Schultz mansion for self-protection and to oppose, however feebly, the plans and purposes of the insurgents, composed of half-breeds and Irish-Yankee Fenians. Impris- oned in Fort Garry, Mrs. Mair found herself within the walls, separated from her husband, and on attempting to leave her place of confinement was brought back, by order of Riel. During the weeks that followed, she was only twice allowed to see her husband, who, on the last of these occasions, informed her that Riel had intimated to him that he was to be shot, and that as he intended, if possible, to escape, she should make another effort to get away, as, otherwise, in the event of his success, she might be detained as a hostage. With the assistance of a friend (Miss Drever), Mrs. Mair was allowed to leave, and took up her quarters in the settlement. Some weeks afterwards her husband escaped and reached Portage la Prairie, where his wife, who had run the gauntlet of the guards, disguised as a man, in a half-breed capote, cap and sash, joined him. The expedition organized by the loyalists at the Portage for the capture of Fort Garry and the release of the prisoners confined there, followed, and after its collapse Mr. Mair and Sir John Schultz escaped to Canada, taking different routes. It was then mid-winter, and their journey was made on snow-shoes. After the former's departure, the rebels made search for him at the Portage, and not finding him, determined to take his wife back with them, but this scheme was happily frustrated through the astuteness of another lady, Mrs. George. In March following she returned, herself, to Fort Garry, to make search for some papers belonging to her husband, and arrived there the very day Thomas Scott, the loyalist, was so barbarously murdered by Riel. While still there her eldest daughter, Maude Louise (now the w waude Louise (now the wife of B. E. Crichton, Esquire, of Brynmawr Ranch, Okanagan Valley, B.C.), was born, she being the first child of British Canadian parentage to be born at Red River, after the passing of the Manitoba Act. Mrs. Mair's life has since been largely spent in the Saskatchewan territory and in British Columbia, and she is rightly to be called one of the pioneers of Western Canada. She is the mother of seven children, four of whom survive. Her only son saw service in South Africa during the recent war. She is now preparing, for early publication, her experiences of primitive life in the old Red River Settlement. Residence: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 227 LADY SARAH MAITLAND. From a miniature by Mrs. Ince. Kindly furnished by Lady Sarah Maitland's daughter, Mrs. Forster, “The Elms," Tongham, Surrey, England. The Lady Sarah Lennox, second daughter of Charles, 4th Duke of Richmond and Lennox, K.G., who was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1807-13, and Governor-General of Canada, 1818-19 (and died in Canada), and his wife, Charlotte, daughter of Alexander, 4th Duke of Gordon, married, as his second wife, October 9th, 1815, Colonel Sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.B., a distinguished soldier, who became Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, January, 1818, and Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, August, 1828, returning to England in 1832. He was afterwards, successively, Commander-in-Chief of Madras, and Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Cape of Good Hope. At his death, in London, May 30th, 1854, he was a full General and a G.C.B. - It is related that Sir Peregrine and Lady Maitland first met at the ball given by her mother, at Brussels, on the eve of Waterloo—a ball which Lord Byron commemorates in “Childe Harold," and which is frequently mentioned in history. Proposals of marriage followed, and were favourably received by her Ladyship. “But,” according to Mr. D. B. Read, "the Duke objected, and flatly refused his consent," on account of Maitland's inferiority of rank. “Subsequently," continues Mr. Read, “while her father was resident in Paris, during its occupation by the allied armies after Waterloo, she one day deserted the parental roof, repaired to the brave officer's quarters, captured her soldier, and married him without her father's consent."* While in Upper Canada the Maitlands lived for some years at Stamford. Lady Sarah was known in society as “The lovely Lennox." They had a numerous family, and at least six of their children were born in this country. One daughter married Lord Francis Kerr, and another daughter the Rev. Sir Thomas Eardley Wilmot Blomefield, Bart. Her Ladyship died September 8th, 1873. ** The Lieutenant-Governors of Upper Canada and Ontario” (Toronto: 1900). 228 mant Martin MISS MARTIN, B.A., B.C.L., LL.B. From a photograph by Simpson, Toronto. Clara Brett Martin, the first woman admitted to the degree of barrister in Canada, is the daughter of the late Abram Martin, Esquire, a native of Sligo, Ireland, and his wife, Elizabeth B. Brett. Born in Toronto, and educated by private tutors, she followed the law course, at Trinity University, in that city, and graduated B.C.L., 1897. In the same year, after special regulations had been framed by the Law Society, in the premises, she was called to the bar of Ontario, and entered into partnership with Messrs. Shilton & Wallbridge. In 1899 she was admitted to the degree of LL.B. by Toronto University, being the first lady in Canada to receive that honour, as well as that previously received from the sister university. She has also been elected to the Collegiate Institute Board. According to the Montreal Witness, she is “an attractive and earnest young lady, with a strong sincerity, an indomitable perseverance, and a splendid brain.” Residence : 76 St. Patrick Street, Toronto. 229 Curile . Sharden MADAME L. F. R. MASSON. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her husband. Cecile B., daughter of John H. Burroughs, Esquire, was born and educated in Quebec. She married, September 12th, 1883, the Hon. Louis François Rodrigue Masson, P.C., a Senator, and one of the leaders of the Conservative party in Quebec, who became Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, October, 1884, resigning, on account of ill health, October, 1887. Madame Masson was, on her husband's appointment, the youngest lady who had ever been called to preside over a Government House in Canada. She is one of the leaders of Montreal society, and is held in universal esteem. Residences : 286 Prince Arthur Street, Montreal; The Manor House, Terrebonne, P.Q. 230 MISS MATHER. From a photograph by Baker, Columbus, Ohio. Margaret, daughter of John Finlayson, and known on the stage as Margaret Mather, was born at Tilbury, Ont., October 21st, 1860. Her parents, who were very poor, removed to Detroit, Mich., when she was a little girl, and up to her fourteenth year she sold newspapers in the streets of that city. In despair, one night, she attempted suicide by throwing herself into the river. Being rescued, she was placed in a position to cultivate her great natural gifts for the stage. Her studies included Shakespeare, and under the elocutionist, George Edgar, she developed extraordinary power, and made her professional début in her favourite rôle of Juliet at McVicar's Theatre, Chicago, August, 1882. She met with immediate success, and, with each succeeding year, her popularity con- tinued to grow, especially as Juliet, which she had played oftener than any actress on the American stage. Her repertoire, besides Shakespeare, included Sheridan Knowles, Lytton and Tobin, but she was constantly adding new attractions to her list. In 1897 she eclipsed all her previous efforts, in the production of “Cymbeline," at a cost of $40,000, she playing the rôle of Imogen. She had previously purchased from Gounod the original manuscript of the oratorio of "Jeanne d Arc.” Miss Mather, who was exceptionally beautiful in person, was twice married, her second husband, from whom she was divorced, in 1897, being Gustav Pabst, of Milwaukee. Her death occurred, suddenly, at Charleston, West Virginia, April 7th, 1898, she having experienced a nervous collapse while acting on the stage. She was buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Detroit, wearing in death the costume of Juliet. 231 THE TOMB OF LIEUTENANT-COLONEL AND MRS. MATHEWS. From a photograph taken expressly for this work by E. A. Duffy, Esquire, London, England. Mary, daughter of Mr. James Simpson, who had served as a volunteer with Fraser's Highlanders at the siege of Louisbourg, was born in Quebec, about 1760, and received her education in that city. A girl of marvellous beauty, it was she whose personal and mental charms led to a proposal of marriage from the immortal Nelson, in 1782, he being then in Quebec, in command of the Albemarle. They met in Quebec society, more particularly under the hospitable roof of Nelson's mercantile friend, Alexander Davison, and, probably, before Nelson's departure, at the house of her father. Whether or not Nelson's attentions were favoured by her parents nowhere appears on record; but it is certain that he made an impression on the heart and feelings of the young lady. That Nelson was thoroughly in earnest in the matter is evidenced by the incident recorded in Clarke and McArthur's life of the hero: “When the Albemarle, on the 14th of Oc ready for sea, Captain Nelson had taken his leave, and had gone down the river to the place where the men-of-war usually anchored; but the next morning, as Mr. avison was walking on the beach, he saw Nelson coming back in his boat. On his reaching the landing. place the former anxiously demanded the cause that occasioned his friend's return. 'Walk up to your house,' replied Nelson, and you shall be made acquainted with the cause. He then said, I find it utterly impossible to leave this place without again waiting on her whose society has so much added to its charms, and laying myself and my fortunes at her feet.' Mr. Davison earnestly remonstrated with him on the consequences of so rash a step. Your utter ruin,' said he, situated as you are at present, must inevitably follow.' Then let it follow,' exclaimed Nelson, for I am resolved to do it.” The account goes on to state that a severe altercation ensued, but that Mr. Davison's firmness at length prevailed with Nelson, who, with no very good grace, relinquished his purpose, and suffered himself to be led back to his boat. Miss Simpson afterwards married, in England, Lieut.-Col. Robert Mathews, whom she had met at Quebec, first, when he was Major of the 53rd Regiment, and afterwards, when he was Mili- tary Secretary to Lord Dorchester. He was appointed Major of Chelsea Hospital, October 6th, 1801, and held that post till his death, July 5th, 1814, aged 69. His widow survived him, and died October 26th, 1840, aged 80. Both are buried in the cemetery attached to the hospital, under three tiers of stone, as represented in the above picture. Mrs. Mathews was in London during Nelson's funeral, in 1806, “but had not fortitude," as she wrote to a friend, “to witness the melancholy sight.” 232 Mary Meredith LADY MEREDITH. From a photograph by Park Bros., Toronto. Kindly furnished by her husband, Chief Justice Meredith. Mary, daughter of the late Marcus Holmes, Esquire, a former Mayor of London, Ont., was married in that city, June, 1862, to William Ralph Meredith, Esquire, then a young lawyer, who subsequently distinguished himself in public life, as the leader of the Conservative party in local politics in Ontario, was raised to the Chief Justiceship of the Common Pleas in 1894, and was knighted, by Queen Victoria, in 1896. Lady Meredith has been the fitting helpmeet of a great man, and, like him, is universally esteemed. In her early married life she had the honour of being selected to dance with Prince Arthur (now the Duke of Connaught), at the ball given to His Royal Highness by the city of London, Ont., on his visit there in the seventies. She is the mother of an interesting group of children, including three married daughters : Mrs. W. T. Ramsay, Calgary, N.W.T., Mrs. G. A. Peters, London, Ont., and Mrs. J. D. Thorburn, Toronto. Residence: 4 Lamport Avenue, Toronto. 233 Cugima Middela LADY MIDDLETON. From a photograph, taken in 1888, by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by W. H. Middleton, Esquire, Ottawa. Marie Cecile Eugenie, second daughter of the late Theodore Doucet, Esquire, N.P., of Montreal, was born there in 1846, and received her education at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Sault-au-Recollet. She married, Feb- ruary, 1870, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Middleton, 29th Regiment, a distinguished officer, who, shortly afterwards, became Commandant of the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. In 1884 he was placed in command of the Canadian Militia, with the rank of Major-General, and was created a K.C.M.G., and received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, together with a grant of $25,000, for his services in connection with the rebellion in the North-West Territories, 1885. After returning to England, in 1890, he was appointed Keeper of the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London. Lady Middleton, who was the mother of two sons and a daughter, survived her husband, and died at Tateley, Hants, England, November ist, 1899. She was a sister of Mrs. H. Aspinwall Howe and of Mrs. J. Gillespie Muir, of Montreal. 234 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE MARY CAROLINE, COUNTESS OF MINTO. From a photograph taken specially for this work by Alice Hughes, London. Kindly furnished by her husband, His Excellency the Earl of Minto, P.C., G.C.M.G. Mary Caroline, fourth daughter of the late General the Hon. Charles Grey, second son of the 2nd Earl Grey, K.G., equerry and private secretary to the late Queen Victoria, and his wife, Caroline Eliza, eldest daughter of Sir T. H. Farquhar, Bart., was born in November, 1858, and married, July 28th, 1883, Gilbert John Elliott, Viscount Melgund, who succeeded as 4th Earl of Minto, 1891, and has issue, two sons and three daughters. Shortly after her marriage, her Ladyship accompanied her husband to Canada, where he had been appointed Military Secretary to the Marquis of Lansdowne, then Governor-General of the Dominion. She remained in Canada till 1886, when she ship, she again came to Canada, accompanied by her children, and took up her residence at Rideau Hall, the local Government House. There, in September, 1901, she, with the Governor-General, had the honour of receiving and entertaining the present Prince and Princess of Wales. She also accompanied the illustrious visitors on their journey across the continent to British Columbia, a journey she had previously taken, with the Governor-General, when they went to the Klondike. Throughout her sojourn in the Dominion Lady Minto has shown much activity and energy in out-door sports, especially skating, to the cultivation of which art, together with the entertainment of visitors, foreign and domestic, both her husband and herself have devoted unlimited attention. Her Ladyship has also given time and thought to various schemes and works of a useful and benevolent character. Through her instrumentality, a wing, known as the Minto Wing, was added to the Maternity Hospital at Ottawa. She also instituted a fund, to which she subscribed liberally, for the erection of cottage hospitals in remote districts, and another fund for the location, protection and decoration of the graves of Canadians who had fallen in the service of the Empire in South Africa during the recent war. Her name will be especially remembered at Ottawa for aiding in a practical way towards the ornamentation of the Capital by offering prizes for the best kept lawns and gardens. She has on two occasions visited the United States, and was received successively, in audience at Washington, by President McKinley and President Roosevelt. Her Excellency, in addition to other offices held by her, is Honorary President of the Aberdeen Association, Honorary President of the Victorian Order of Nurses, Honorary President Portraits of her have been painted by Ellis Roberts, London, and Robert Harris, C.M.G., Montreal. Residence : Government House, Ottawa, Canada. 235 Shel Smien moleitor MISS MOLLISON. From a photograph by Windeath, Chicago. Miss Ethel Knight Mollison, a beautiful and accomplished actress, was born in St. John, N.B., of Scottish parentage, and received her education at Dulwich, England. She studied art in Boston, and subsequently passed the entrance examination for South Kensington Art School, London. Her début on the stage was made in November, 1894, with Miss Olga Nethersole, on her first American tour, under the late Augustin Daly's management. Subsequently, she played ingénues to Miss Ada Rehan, and created the ingénue to Joseph Arthur's successful melodrama, “The Cherry Pickers,” in New York, 1896. The following summer she played all the Rosina Vokes parts in the Kansas City Stock Company. Returning east, she played in a trial production of “The Marquis of Michigan,” and for the following three seasons was in support of Miss Julia Arthur, leaving her to join Miss Henrietta Crossman. In June, 1899, she took the lead in the English comedy, “The Club's Baby," in Chicago, and, in the autumn, joined Richard Mansfield, to play the lead in “The First Violin,” her original creation. She also played the leads with Mansfield, in 1901-2, leaving him, in the latter year, to be the leading lady at Proctor's Theatre, Montreal, where she made her début, with great success, in “Mrs. Dane's Defence.” Miss Mollison has also achieved a name in literature as a successful play and story writer, and is one of the best educated women on the American stage. At present she is touring in Australia. Residence : Yarmouth, N.S. 236 MRS. JOHN MOLSON. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Anne, second daughter of William Molson, Esquire, an enterprising citizen of Montreal, who founded Molson's Bank, and whose benefactions to McGill University were, during his lifetime, second only to those of its founder, and his wife, Elizabeth Badgley, was married in Montreal, June, 1845, to John Molson, Esquire, eldest son of the Hon. John Molson, of the same city, and had five children, of whom John William Molson and William Alexander Molson, M.D., survive. Like her father, Mrs. Molson was much interested in the advancement of learning and education, and, in 1864, founded in McGill University the “Anne Molson Gold Medal” for an honour course in Mathe- matics and Physics. At a later period she headed a movement for the higher education of women, and in connection therewith was elected the first President of the Ladies' Educational Association. She was also honorary President of the Society of Decorative Art, and taking a warm interest in Montreal charities, was officially connected with the “Maternity,” the Ladies' Benevolent Society and various other bodies. She died January 3rd, 1899, universally regretted. One who knew her well writes of her : “Mrs. Molson was possessed of much dignity and courtesy of manner, a grace and gentleness which endeared her to many, and all who sought her in trouble felt sure her powers were freely at their service." She was a sister of the late Lady Macpherson, Toronto (9.v.). 237 Susanna odles MRS. SUSANNA MOODIE. From a photograph by Stanton, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her daughter, Mrs. Vickers, Toronto. Susanna, sixth daughter of Thomas Strickland, Esquire, of Reydon Hall, Suffolk, England, was born there, December 6th, 1803. She was a sister of Miss Agnes Strick- land, authoress of the “Queens of England," and of Mrs. C. P. Traill (9.v.), and, like them, gave herself early to literature. Her first productions were poems and tales for children. In 1829 she published a volume, “Enthusiasm and Other Poems.” After her marriage, in 1831, to Lieut. J. W. D. Moodie, of the 21st Fusiliers, then on half-pay, she emigrated with him to Canada, settling first at Cobourg, Ont., and afterwards to the north of Peterborough. The hardships they experienced are graphically described by her in her work, “Roughing it in the Bush," published originally in the Literary Garland, and afterwards in book form in London. This was the most ambitious of her works, and the most successful. It was very popular and ran through several editions. Among her subsequent books were: “Life in the Clearings," “Flora Lindsay,” “Mark Hurdleston," “The World before Them,” “Matrimonial Speculations,” and “Dorothy Chance.” Mrs. Moodie contributed to many Canadian periodicals, including Belford's Magazine, the latter in the seventies. Her husband became Sheriff of Hastings, and died in 1869. She died in Toronto, April 8th, 1885, and was buried at Belleville beside the remains of her husband. Mrs. Agnes Chamberlin (q.v.) and Mrs. J. J. Vickers, Toronto, are among her children. 238 HAUDUmoja MISS HOPE MORGAN. From a photograph by Barnett, London. Mary Hope Morgan is the eldest surviving daughter of His Honour Judge Morgan, of Toronto, and his wife, Clara Matilda Hope, fourth daughter of the late D’Alton McCarthy, Esquire, of Barrie, Ont. Born in Toronto, she early displayed remarkable vocal talent, and was placed at Loretto Abbey, in that city, for instruction. Thence she went to Paris, and became a favourite pupil of Madame Marchesi, who predicted a brilliant future for her. Galignani, at this time, said that she showed more dramatic intelligence and originality than any of the other pupils of the gifted instructress. Another critic said that she was “not only a consummate singer but a consummate actress.” On the completion of her course, Miss Morgan proceeded to London, where she was most successful in concert work, and received many engagements. Her real début as an opera singer was made at Naples, in the great soprano rôle of Marguerite, in "Faust.” This was followed by a similar success at Brussels. Since then, when her health has permitted, she has appeared at concert recitals in London and elsewhere, and, in September, 1900, she opened the concert season in Toronto, at Massey Hall. She has frequently sung before Royalty. St. Paul's says that her voice, clear as a bell, is of a marvellously sympathetic quality, and that her singing appeals and fascinates. Address : Care the High Commissioner for Canada, London, England. 239 sea wan MISS MARY MORGAN. From a photograph by Haufstaencl, Munich. Miss Mary Morgan, a well-known authoress and poet, is the daughter of the late James Morgan, Esquire, of the firm of Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal, and, as her father was, is a native of Scotland. Educated in Montreal, she intended originally to study medicine, but was thwarted in her design by the inability of McGill University at that time to receive women students. As the result of an agitation commenced by her, this disability was afterwards removed. Miss Morgan has since devoted herself entirely to literature. She was a frequent contributor to the Week and the Open Court, writing under the nom-de-plume of “Gowan Lea.” Some of her poems have appeared in “America's Younger Poets.” Among her books are : “Woodnotes in the Gloaming," “Sonnets in Switzerland,” “Poems and Translations,” “Marguerites,” and “Echoes from the Solitudes.” The last-named is placed by Mrs. Coleman (“Kit") alongside of Thomas à Kempis and Marcus Aurelius as a book for thought and meditation. Miss Morgan now lives much abroad, and she has been presented at several European courts. Address : Care Bank of Montreal, London, England. 240 Clar Cumu MISS CLARA MORRIS (MRS. HARRIOTT). From a photograph by Aimé Dupont, New York. Clara Morris, who has been described by Henry G. Watterson as “the greatest emotional actress of her time,” was born in Toronto, March 17th, 1849, being the daughter of a French Canadian father and an Irish mother. After three months she was taken by her mother to Cleveland, where she remained during early girlhood. In 1861 she entered the profession in which she was destined to achieve such great dis- tinction, as a member of the ballet. Her advancement was so rapid that, in 1869, she had become leading lady at Wood's Theatre, Cincinnati. She became a member of Augustin Daly's 5th Avenue Company, New York, in 1870. Here she laid the foundation of her reputation as one of the most able and talented actresses on the American stage, especially in emotional rôles like “ Camille, “Alixe," "Miss Multon,” “Mercy Merrick," and “Cora.” She travelled extensively, and was for many years a “star” of the first magnitude. Of late, in addition to publishing her autobiography and other works, she has contributed many interesting articles to the magazines. Owing to ill-health Miss Morris has recently been compelled, much to the public regret, to retire from the stage, for the time being. In April, 1903, a grand testimonial benefit, under the management of Miss Amelia Bingham, was given to Miss Morris, at the Broadway Theatre, New York, which realized over $6,000. On this occasion Sarah Bernhardt cabled a beautiful tribute to the genius and worth of our gifted countrywoman. Residence : “ The Pines," Riverside-on-Hudson, N.Y. 241 Charlitto monexora MISS CHARLOTTE NICKINSON (MRS. DANIEL MORRISON). In the character of Melanie, in “Napoleon's Old Guard.” Her father is represented in the same picture. From a rare contemporary print, published in New York in 1855. Kindly furnished by Barton Hill, Esquire, the Players' Club, New York. Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late Major John Nickinson, of Toronto, and his wife, Ann Talbot, was one of several clever and accomplished sisters, who all distin- guished themselves upon the stage. Born in Quebec, 1832, she early evinced dramatic talent of the highest order. Her father, who was also an eminent actor, leased a theatre in Toronto, in 1852, and it was probably in that city that Miss Nickinson made her début. In the same year she played with her father in Quebec for sixty nights, taking the ancient capital by storm. She was called “La Jeune Quebecoise," and was nightly called before the curtain by delighted audiences. “The more we see of her," said the Mercury, “the more cause do we perceive for Quebec's being proud of her daughter.” Her repertoire, which was subsequently much enlarged, included Ophelia, Lady Gay Spanker, Lady Teazle, Kate Kearney, Melanie (in which she is represented in the print from which the above picture is taken), and Nan the Good-for-Nothing. Returning west, her father became the lessee of the Royal Lyceum Theatre at Toronto, and at that house she was the leading lady, playing all the Shakespearean rôles, with other characters, up to the period of her retirement from the stage, on her marriage with Mr. Daniel Morrison, an eminent jour- nalist, in April, 1858. She returned to the stage, under contract with Mr. J. W. Buckland, of Montreal, 1864. After her husband's death, in April, 1870, she assumed the manage- ment of the Grand Opera House, in Toronto, then newly built by a company, and main- tained her old reputation as a talented and sterling actress for several seasons. One of the incidents of her management was the performance of the “School for Scandal” in 1877, a hundred years after its first performance in London, the play being produced under the patronage of Lord Dufferin, whose mother was a Sheridan. Mrs. Morrison now lives in retirement in Toronto with her two daughters, and devotes much of her leisure to charitable and church work. She was a prominent member of the National Council of Women, formed by the Countess of Aberdeen when in Canada, and subsequently filled, for some years, the office of President of the Toronto Relief Society. No resident of the “ Queen City” is more highly respected. Residence: 90 St. Joseph Street, Toronto. 242 Moss MRS. CHARLES MOSS. From a photograph by Simpson, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her husband. Emily, second surviving daughter of the late Hon. Robert Baldwin Sulli- van, a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of Upper Canada, and his wife, Emily Louisa (9.v.), daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Delatre, ist Ceylon Regiment (who subsequently married Sir Francis Hincks), was born and educated in Toronto. She married, 1871, Charles Moss, Esquire, an eminent member of the local bar, who was elevated to the judiciary, 1867, and is now Chief Justice of Ontario. Mrs. Moss is the mother of three sons and six daughters, three of the latter still living. Her second daughter, Mary Ada Beatrice, was married, in 1895, to Samuel Squire Sprigge, Esquire, of Farnham Royal, Bucks, and London, England. Residence : “Roseneath," Jarvis Street, Toronto. 243 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE VISCOUNTESS MONCK. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Kindly furnished by Miss Irvine, Quebec. Lady Elizabeth Louise Mary Monck, daughter of the ist Earl of Rathdowne (extinct), married, July 24th, 1844, her cousin, Hon. Charles Stanley Monck, eldest son of Charles Joseph Kelly, 3rd Viscount Monck (peerage of Ireland), whom he succeeded as 4th Viscount, 1849. He was appointed Governor- General of Canada, 1861, and became, in 1867, the first Governor-General of the Dominion. For his services in connection with the Confederation of British North America he was created a Baron of the United Kingdom, was sworn of the Privy Council, and was appointed a G.C.M.G. Lady Monck came with her husband to Canada, accompanied by her two sons and two daughters, but did not remain throughout his term of office. She resided at “Spencerwood,” Quebec, during most of her stay. Her Ladyship became very unpopular with the ladies of Canada, in consequence of her exacting methods touching court dress, and for other reasons. She is frequently mentioned in the “ Journal” of her sister-in-law, the Hon. Mrs. Richard Monck. She died in June, 1892, aged 78. Her husband died in November, 1894, aged 75. 244 THE LATE BARONESS MOUNTSTEPHEN. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her adopted daughter, Lady Northcote, C.I. Annie Charlotte, daughter of Benjamin Kane, Esquire, was born and edu- cated in London, England. She married, in 1853, George Stephen, Esquire, and accompanied him to Montreal, where he was long engaged in banking and commerce, becoming ultimately President of the Bank of Montreal. Jointly with Hon. D. A. Smith (now Lord Strathcona), he built the Canadian Pacific Railway, and in recognition of this service was created a baronet in 1886, and was raised to the peerage in 1891. While living in Canada Lady Mountstephen nursed the late Duke of Albany through a serious illness, for which she received the thanks of Queen Victoria, accompanied by an oil portrait of Her Majesty. After removing to England, Her Majesty became the guest of Lord and Lady Mountstephen, at their seat, Brocket Hall. The Duchess of Albany, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, the late Duchess of Teck, and many other eminent personages, were also their guests at that place. Lady Mountstephen was first presented to the late Queen by the Marchioness of Salisbury, at a drawing-room held in March, 1887. While living at Faskally, in Perthshire, she introduced canoeing in Scotland. She died in London, England, April 1oth, 1896, and was buried in Lemsford Churchyard, adjoining Brocket Hall. She was a woman of much tact and discernment, and always a charming hostess. 245 ہو۔ LADY MOWAT. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her husband, the late Sir Oliver Mowat. Jane, second daughter of John Ewart, Esquire, of Toronto, was born March 5th, 1824. She married, in 1846, Oliver Mowat, Esquire, then a young member of the local bar. He subsequently entered public life, in which he greatly distinguished himself, becoming successively a Vice-Chancellor of Ontario ; Prime Minister of that Province; then a Privy Councillor and Leader of the Senate of Canada ; and finally Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario. He was created a K.C.M.G. in 1892, and a G.C.M.G. in 1897. Lady Mowat died in Toronto, after a long and distressing illness, March 14th, 1893, and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery there, her funeral being one of the largest ever witnessed in Toronto. Her husband died in the same city, April 19th, 1903, and was interred beside the remains of his wife. One who knew her well thus wrote of Lady Mowat : “Ill health rendered necessary her withdrawal in a great measure, or alto- gether, from society for some years before death, and in consequence she slipped out of public acquaintance and recollection. She was uncommonly intellectual and highly cultured, was distinguished by exceeding kindness of heart, was social in her tastes, and remarkable for dignity and grace of manner as well as for personal beauty. As a wife and mother, as well as otherwise, she was a wise counsellor, a delightful companion and a valuable friend. She was justly held in very high esteem by all who had an opportunity of knowing her.” She was one of the chief originators and the first President of the Toronto Ladies' Educational Association. Five of her children survive, namely, Mr. Sheriff Mowat, Mr. Arthur Mowat, Mrs. C. R. W. Biggar, Mrs. Thomas Langton, and Miss Mowat (9.v.). 246 Caith howart MISS MOWAT. From a photograph by Lyonde, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her father. Miss Mowat is the youngest daughter of the late Honourable Sir Oliver Mowat, G.C.M.G., who was, at the time of his death, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. Born and educated in Toronto, she has once or twice visited in Europe, but the most of her time, after the death of her mother in 1893, was devoted to the care of her father's household, over which she presided, both at Ottawa, while he was a Minister of the Crown, and at Toronto during his five years' occupancy of Government House, with dignity and efficiency In 1901, she shared with her father the honour of having as guests at Government House, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. Address : Care of Sherif Mowat, Downsview, Ont. 17 247 Sureih. &. C. Mulock. LADY MULOCK. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her husband. Sarah E. C., eldest daughter of the late James Crowther, Esquire, was born and educated in Toronto. She married, May, 1870, William Mulock, Esquire, barrister, of Toronto, son of the late Dr. T. H. Mulock, M.R.C.S., Dublin, who was elected to the House of Commons in 1882, and has since attained eminence as a statesman, particularly in connection with his administration of the Post- Office Department, over which he has presided since 1896. In recognition of his public services he was created a K.C.M.G. by King Edward, 1902. has accompanied him on two of his public missions, once to England and once to Australia. She is the mother of four surviving children and is a charming and popular hostess. Residence : 518 Jarvis Street, Toronto. 248 LADY MURRAY. From a photograph by Webster, Edinburgh. Kindly furnished by her husband. Isabel, daughter of the late Thomas Henderson, Esquire, ship-owner, married, 1889, John Murray, Esquire, M.D., F.R.S., a native of Cobourg, Ont., who has earned a very distinguished place in science in connection with geography, oceanography and marine biology, was created a knight of the Prussian order Pour le Mérite, 1898, and a K.C.B., 1898. The above picture represents Lady Murray surrounded by her children. Residence : “Challenger Lodge,” Wardie, Edinburgh, Scotland. 249 Louise hur MISS LOUISA MURRAY. From a daguerrotype. Kindly loaned for reproduction in this work by her brother, George Murray, Esquire, “Glen Farm,” Stamford, Ont. Louisa, daughter of Edward Murray, Esquire, a native of County Wicklow, Ireland, and formerly lieutenant in His Majesty's rooth Regiment, with which he was present at the taking of Niagara during the War of 1812, and his wife, Louisa Rose, daughter of Major Charles Lyons, 7th Fusiliers, at one time A.D.C. to the Duke of Kent, was born at Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, May 24th, 1818. Her early years were spent with her father's family in Wicklow, and it was there that she obtained her education. In 1844, the family removed to Canada, resid- ing first at Wolfe Island, and afterwards at Stamford. Her first work, “Fauna ; or, The Red Flower of Leafy Hollow," a novel, appeared in the Literary Garland in 1851, and at once gave her a reputation. This was followed by “The Settlers of Long Arrow," published in. Once a Week; the “Cited Curate," “Little Dorinn,” and “Margaret Kneller," all of which display intellectual power and marked literary capacity. In the words of Miss A. E. Wetherald, she was “a born story-teller.” In addition to these works she contributed to the Nation, the Week and the Canadian Monthly a large number of delightful critical pieces and essays, a collection of which, it is hoped, will be published ere long in book form. In the opinion of the late Rev. J. A. Allan, Miss Murray was one of the brightest and most remarkable literary women of her day. Her death occurred at Stamford, Ont., July 27th, 1894, and she was buried there. 250 LADY MUSGRAVE. From a photograph by Esmé Collings, London. Jessie, sixth daughter of the late Hon. Robert Dunsmuir, President of the Executive Council of British Columbia, and his wife, Joanna White, was born at Victoria, and educated abroad. She married, September 23rd, 1891, Sir Richard John Musgrave, 5th Baronet of Tourin, County Waterford, and is the mother of two daughters. Her Ladyship belongs to a family all of whose members are celebrated for intelligence, cuiture and good looks. Both she and her sisters, Mrs. Chaplin and Mrs. Calthorpe, won great admiration at the Irish Court in 1898. A ball given in Dublin by Lady Musgrave, at that time, was regarded as the most brilliant social event of the season. Residence : Tourin, Cappoquin, County Waterford, Ireland. 251 om MRS. NELSON. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Emily, youngest daughter of the late Isaac Brock Stanton, Esquire, and his wife, Maria Wilson, was born and educated in Canada. She married, Sep- tember 17th, 1885, the Hon. Hugh Nelson, then a Senator, who, in 1887, became Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. After the completion of his term of office, he removed to London, England, where he died, March 3rd, 1893. While hostess at Government House, Victoria, Mrs. Nelson had the honour of receiving as her guests the present Lord and Lady Derby and their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. In 1889 she laid the corner- stone of the Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital at Victoria. Mrs. Nelson, who is a sister of the Viscountess Dillon (9.7.), is of U. E. Loyalist descent. Resi- dence : 354 Cooper Street, Ottawa. 252 LADY NICHOLSON. From a photograph by “The VanderWeyde Light,” London. Kindly furnished by her friend, Lady Tilley. Frances, daughter of the late George James Thomson, Esquire, Q.C., and his wife, Elizabeth Bayard, is descended on both sides from families of distinc- tion, the Bayards especially claiming attention on account of their devoted loyalty to the Crown of England. Born at St. Stephen, N.B., she married, 1874, Captain Henry Frederick Nicholson, R.N., a distinguished officer, who after serving as Naval Attaché to the embassies of Europe, became, successively, Commander-in-Chief at the Cape of Good Hope, and Commander-in-Chief at the Nore. He was also Naval A.D.C. to Queen Victoria for several years. He was promoted a Rear-Admiral in 1886, a Vice-Admiral in 1892, and an Admiral in 1897. For his public services he was created a C.B. in 1882, and a K.C.B. in 1897. Lady Nicholson, who is not unknown in the literary world, has been with her husband everywhere, and has seen life and society, not only at Paris, but at the Courts of Italy, Holland, Sweden and Norway, and Den- mark. While at the Cape, she saw much of Cecil Rhodes, Olive Schreiner, Rudyard Kipling and Lord Randolph Churchill. Notwithstanding her many delightful experiences abroad, “her thoughts,” she says, “are still linked with her own dear, dear Canada.” Residence : “ Newlands," Stanstead Abbots, Herts, England. 253 hand, Noble LADY NOBLE. From a photograph by James Bacon & Sons, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Margery Durham, daughter of the late Archibald Campbell, Esquire, Queen's Notary, was born and educated in Quebec, her family being one of eminent local standing. She married, in that city, November 15th, 1854, Captain Andrew Noble, Royal Artillery, who has since attained great distinction in the scientific world in the field of explosives and allied subjects, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society. He is a member of the great Armstrong firm at Elswick. Besides being a member of various foreign orders, he was created a C.B. in 1881, a K.C.B. (Civil) in 1893, and a Baronet in 1902. Lady Noble is the mother of four sons and two daughters. Her sister, Hilda Eliza, married, at Quebec, April 6th, 1854, Colonel Charles Booth Brackenbury, Royal Artillery. Seats : Jesmond Dene House, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Chillingham Castle, Belford, Northumberland Town Residence : 14 Palí Mall, London, S.W., England. 254 Luna Mueller MRS. NORDHEIMER. From a photograph by Lyonde, Toronto. Edith Louise, daughter of the late James Boulton, Esquire, Barrister, of Toronto, and his wife, Margaret Melina, daughter of Major Thomas Fortye, Royal Veteran Battalion, and niece of General Sir Colin Campbell, K.C. B., at one time Governor of Nova Scotia, and, subsequently, Governor of Ceylon, was born and educated in Toronto. She married, 1871, Samuel Nordheimer, Esquire, Consul for the German Empire, and is the mother of eleven children. While leading the busy domestic life of a Canadian woman, Mrs. Nordheimer has yet been able to devote not a little of her time to charitable and benevolent undertakings, the institutions and bodies with which she has been officially connected being the Infants' Home, the Convalescent Home, the Ladies' Work Depository, the Working Boys' Home and the Children's Aid Society. For some years, however, her chief attention has been given to patriotic work, in the line of such organizations as the old Imperial Federation League, of which she was a member, the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, of which she is local President, and the Ladies' Branch of the Red Cross Society, of which she is also the local President. Her labours in connection with these bodies have been unceasing, and have borne splendid results. In the event of an order being instituted by Royalty for the decoration of Colonial women, Mrs. Nordheimer should be one of the first to be enrolled in it. Mrs. Nordheimer was presented to her late Majesty Queen Victoria, in April, 1873. She occupies a beautiful home, and her entertainments have been numerous and in keeping with her high social position. Among her guests at various times have been all the Governors-General and their wives, and every member of the Royal family who has visited Canada, with the exception of the Princess of Wales. In 1891 she and her husband presented a handsome baptismal font to St. James's Cathedral, Toronto, in memory of two sons, who died in 1885. The Boulton family, to which she belongs, is one of the oldest and most distinguished in the Province of Ontario. Residence: “Glenedyth," Toronto, Ont. 255 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE MARCHIONESS OF NORMANBY. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Laura, the late Marchioness of Normanby, was a daughter of Captain Robert Russell, R.N., and a niece of Elizabeth, Dowager Duchess of Cleveland. She married, in 1844, the Earl of Mulgrave, who succeeded to the Marquisate of Normanby in 1863, he being at that time Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia. While occupying that office, he and Lady Mulgrave had the honour of having as their guests at Government House, the Prince of Wales (now King Edward VII.) and his brother, Prince Alfred (Duke of Edinburgh). Lord Normanby, after leaving Nova Scotia, became, successively, Governor of Queensland, Governor of New Zealand, and Governor of Victoria, Australia. Her Ladyship died January 26th, 1885. One of her daughters, who was in Nova Scotia with her, the Lady Katherine Louisa Phipps, married the 3rd Earl of Ellesmere. Lord Normanby died in 1890. A member of this family, Major Charles Edmund Phipps, a grandson of the 2nd Earl of Mulgrave, and who had been page of honour and groom-in-waiting to Queen Victoria, married, June 2nd, 1868, Susan Stewart, second daughter of the late Venerable Dean Geddes, of Hamilton, Ont. He resides at Victoria, B.C. 256 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY NORTHCOTE, C.I. From a photograph by Bullingham, London. Alice, Lady Northcote, the adopted daughter of Lord and Lady Mount- stephen, was born in England, but came to Canada in early childhood. Her education was conducted in England. After returning to Canada she was wooed by Hon. Stafford Northcote, the second son of the ist Lord Iddesleigh, the marriage taking place, in Montreal, at the Church of St. James the Apostle, October 2nd, 1873. Mr. Northcote was created a Baronet in 1887, and raised to the peerage, as Baron Northcote, 1900. He was, also, in the last- named year, appointed Governor of Bombay, which office he still fills. His name has been sometimes mentioned in connection with the Governor-General- ship of Canada. Lady Northcote, who, since her husband's appointment, has been created a member of the Imperial Order of the Crown of India, is described by one who knows, as a singularly clever and highly gifted woman. She is especially noted for her charm of manner and her wonderful tact. She was called in London society, “the charming Canadian.” Both she and her husband are very popular in Bombay, and would be equally popular at Ottawa or Calcutta. Residences : Government House, Bombay, 25 St. James's Place, London, England. 257 MISS NUTTING. From a photograph by Cummins, Baltimore, Md. Mary Adelaide, eldest daughter of Vespasian Nutting, Esquire, was born at Waterton, P.Q., 1858. She is descended on both sides of the house from U.E. Loyalists. Educated at home and at private schools, she gave up some years to the study of music, with the thought of becoming a professional musician. In 1889 she entered the Training School of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, remaining there after graduating in charge of various departments, and upon the resignation of Miss Isabel Hampton (Mrs. Robb, q.v.), in 1894, was appointed Superintendent, a position which she still holds. She has been President of the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools, Vice-President of the Associated Alumnæ of Trained Nurses of the United States, and is now President of the American Federation of Nurses. Residence: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. 258 MRS. E. D. C. O'BRIEN. From a photograph by Jacolette, London and Dover. Kindly furnished by her father. Annie Farish, second daughter of the Hon. W. B. Vail, P.C., formerly leader of the Government in the Nova Scotia Assembly, and subsequently Minister of Militia and Defence of Canada, and his wife, Charlotte Leslie, daughter of Charles Jones, Esquire, of Weymouth, N.S., was born at Digby, N.S., December 15th, 1863, and married at Halifax, September 22nd, 1885, Colonel Edmund Donough Collins O'Brien, R.E., an officer of extended and distinguished service. The Vails are of U. E. Loyalist descent, and were con- nected with the family of the late General Sir William Fenwick Williams of Kars. Residence : 13 Maison Dieu Road, Dover, England. 259 Sacro the Net 1. CHARIOTXORRIEN ope .BRAN * agter o OSOBISTAN ER Tento ere C one TABLET IN EXETER CATHEDRAL, ENGLAND, ERECTED TO THE MEMORY OF MRS. E. J. O'BRIEN. Copied expressly for this work by Mr. T. J. Templeman, Castle House, Exeter. The tablet above represented bears the following inscription : “Sacred to the memory of Rachel Charlotte O'Brien, wife of Captain E. J. O'Brien, of His Majesty's 24th Regiment, and daughter of Jos. Frobisher, Esq., of Montreal. Her death was occasioned by her clothes catching fire ; seeing the flames com- municating to her infant, all regard to her own safety was lost in the more powerful consideration of saving her child, and rushing out of the room she preserved its life at the sacrifice of her own. She expired on the 13th December, 1800, in the nineteenth year of her age.” Underneath this on a white marble tablet are the following lines : “If sense, good humour, and a taste refined, With all that ever graced a female mind; If the fond mother and the faithful wife, The purest, happiest characters in life; If these, when summon'd to an early tomb, Cloth'd in the pride of youth, and beauty's bloom, May claim one tender, sympathising sigh, Or draw a tear from pity's melting eye, Here pause--and be the faithful tribute paid, In sad remembrance of O'Brien's shade.' Mrs. O'Brien, according to Colonel Landmann, R.E., was the only daughter of Joseph Frobisher, one of the founders of the North-West Fur Company, and a distinguished citizen of Montreal. He married, in January, 1779, Miss Charlotte Jaubert, of that city. His eldest son, B. J. Frobisher, married, February 6th, 1804, a niece of the Right Honourable Sir William Grant, Master of the Rolls. Mrs. O'Brien is stated to have been a most beautiful girl. The child for whom she died, named after his father, became an officer in the 25th Regiment, and died, August, 1833, aged 35. Her husband became a Major-General in 1830, and was still living in 1854. 260 MRS. OGILVY. From a photograph. Kindly furnished by her son, Laurence Murray Ogilvy, Esquire, Bank of Montreal, Montreal. Ellen Grasett, eldest daughter of Major John Powell, of Caer-Howell, Niagara, formerly Mayor of Toronto, and grandson of Hon. William Dummer Powell, Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and his wife, Isabella, daughter of General Æneas Shaw, was born in Toronto in 1840, and married at Niagara, January 30th, 1862, as his second wife, John Ogilvy, Esquire, of Montreal, by whom there was issue, Laurence Murray Ogilvy, now in the service of the Bank of Montreal ; John Herbert Cecil Ogilvy, D.S.O., Captain H. M.'s Gordon High- landers, and late Major Baden-Powell's Constabulary (died of wounds in South Africa, December, 1901); Ellen Maude Ogilvy, author of “The Keeper of Bic Lighthouse” and other tales ; and Florence Dagmar Ogilvy, who is now living in England, and was recently presented at Court. During the visit to Canada in 1860, of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (now King Edward VII.), Mrs. Ogilvy, then Miss Powell, was especially honoured by the heir-apparent, in being chosen by him as his partner in the dance upon four separate occasions. It was an honour conferred upon no other lady in Canada. Mrs. Powell died November 24th, 1892. 261 MRS. OSBORNE. From a photograph by Lyor.de, Toronto. Isabel, daughter of Benjamin Killmaster, Esquire, one of the pioneers of the northern shore of Lake Erie, was born at Port Rowan, Ont., and educated at Miss Dupont's School, Toronto. She married, September 18th, 1888, James Kerr Osborne, Esquire, Vice-President of the Massey-Harris Company, Lim- ited, Toronto, and is the mother of two children—Isabel Margaret Stacey Kerr Osborne, born July 4th, 1893, and John Graham Osborne, born November 22nd, 1900. Mrs. Osborne, who is devoted to all kinds of sport, is a member of the Toronto Hunt Club, and President of the Ladies' Golf Club of the same city. She is also a member of the Ladies' Empire Club, London, England. She is known as one of Canada's most beautiful women. Quite recently, during the visit of the Earl and Countess of Minto to Toronto, she introduced afternoon dances at her entertainments. Residence : Clover Hill, Toronto. 262 LADY WILLIAM PAGET. From a miniature. Kindly furnished by her son, Major-General W. H. Paget, London, England. Frances, only daughter of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Francis (Baron) de Rottenburg, K.C.H., who held a command in Canada for a lengthened period, and became President of Upper Canada in 1813, and his wife, Julia Caroline Wilhelmine, was born in Canada. She married, January 22nd, 1827, Capt. the Right Hon. Lord William Paget, R.N., second son of Field-Marshal the ist Marquis of Anglesey, K.G., G.C.B., by his first wife, Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of the 4th Earl of Jersey. Her Ladyship, who was the sister of Colonel (Baron) George de Rottenburg, C.B., formerly Adjutant-General of Militia in Canada, and subsequently the first Lieut.-Colonel of the footh Regiment, or Royal Cana- dians,* was the mother of three sons. Her husband died May 17th, 1873 ; she died May 6th, 1875. In the “ Domus Dei” at Portsmouth, England, there is a tablet which was erected by Lady William Paget as a mark of respect to the memory of her father. It was her mother who presented the colours, received from the King, to the Canadian Fencibles, at Quebec, June 3rd, 1811. * He married, at Belleville, U.C., July 1st, 1839, Louisa Mary, eldest daughter of George Neville Ridley, Esquire, formerly of Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire. 18 263 MADAME JOSEPH PAPINEAU. From a family portrait. Kindly supplied by her grandson, L. J. A. Papineau, Esquire, “The Manor," Montebello, P.Q. Rosalie Cherrier, of St. Denis, L.C., married, 1780, Joseph Papineau, Esquire, Notary Public, of Montreal, who sat for that constituency in the first Parliament of Lower Canada, where he greatly distinguished himself as a constitutional leader, and had issue, four sons and one daughter, viz.: Louis Joseph Papineau, who became famous as a public man, and led the insurrection in Lower Canada in 1837 ; Denis Benjamin Papineau, who was also in public life ; Augustin Papineau ; Toussaint Victor Papineau, who became a priest; and Rosalie, who married the Hon. Jean Dessaulles, M.L.C. Madame Papineau, as her portrait would indicate, was a woman of much amiability of character. She died of cholera at Montreal, September 9th, 1832, aged 74. Her husband died in the same city, July 8th, 1841, aged 90. Madame Papineau had two sisters, one of whom became the mother of Bishop Lartigue, and the other the mother of the Hon. D. B. Viger. 264 THE HONOURABLE LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU AND MADAME PAPINEAU. HIS WIFE. From a photograph taken not long before Madame Papineau's death. Kindly furnished by her son, L. J. A. Papineau, Esquire, “ The Manor," Montebello, P.Q. Julie, eldest daughter of Pierre Bruneau, Esquire, merchant, of Quebec, who represented that city in the Lower Canada Assembly during several Parliaments, and his wife, Anne Robitaille, was born and educated in Quebec. One of her teachers was Mr. L. T. Besserer, who became one of the founders of the city of Ottawa. She is represented as having been both beautiful and intellectual. She married, at Quebec, in 1818, the Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, a great tribune of the people, who was then Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.* He subsequently headed an insurrection in Lower Canada, and, on its failure, went into exile. Madame Papineau, who took a lively interest in politics, was throughout a devoted helpmeet and counsellor to her husband. She accompanied him, first to the United States and then to France, and only returned to her own country when she could bring her husband with her. She died suddenly, of apoplexy, at the Manor House, Montebello, on the Ottawa River, August 18th, 1862, aged 66, her latter years being spent there, with her husband and children, in contentment. In addition to three or four children who died in infancy, she was the mother of three sons and two daughters, namely : Louise Joseph Amédée Papineau, formerly prothonotary at Montreal (still living); Lactance, a physician (who died in France many years ago); Gustave, a journalist and law student (also dead); Marie Rosalie Ezilda (who died in 1894, unmarried); and Marie Julie Azelie (who married Napoleon Bourassa, Esquire, and died in 1869). In all the relations of life she showed herself a model woman. * It has been recently discovered that the Papineaus and the Bruneaus had been previously-generations before- united in marriage, 265 Any Parker LADY PARKER. From a photograph by Elliott & Fry, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Amy, daughter of the late Ashley A. Van Tine, Esquire, New York, married, December, 1895, Horatio Gilbert Parker, Esquire, a native of Camden East, Ont., who has achieved distinction in literature as the author of numerous works of fiction, was elected a member of the English House of Commons, in 1900, and was knighted by King Edward, in 1902. Residence : 20 Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W., England. 266 MISS PARKINSON. From a recent photograph. Kindly furnished by her father. Amy, daughter of C. P. Parkinson, Esquire, of Toronto, was born in Liver- pool, England, and came to Canada with her parents in childhood. According to Dr. Rand, her formal education ceased when she was twelve years of age, her health failing her. For twelve years she has not risen from her bed, Previous to that time she gave no promise of poetic talent, and its possession, even in a slight degree, was scarcely suspected by her parents. Nevertheless, she has composed many beautiful pieces, by which she has earned for herself the title of “The Canadian Havergal.” Among her published booklets of verse are “Love through All," "A Voice from a Sick-room,” “In His Keeping," and “Best.” Her poems are dictated to her father, and it is noteworthy that her mind is specially vigorous in composition as she is passing into or recover- ing from the severe attacks which seize her, any one of which might prove fatal. According to N. F. Caswell, she has no superior among Canadian poets, either past or present, in the special line to which she devotes herself. Residence : 42 Lippincott Street, Toronto. 267 Nranqanel E. Parsons _ LADY PARSONS. From a photograph by Mayall & Co., London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Margaret Eliza, only daughter of the late Alfred Christian, Esquire, C.M.G., was married, in 1898, to Colonel (now Major-General Sir Charles S. M. Parsons, a distinguished soldier, who was appointed to the command of the Imperial troops in Canada, 1902. Lady Parsons is the mother of two daughters, Alfreda, born in 1899, and Isabel, born in 1902. Both she and her husband have already become exceedingly popular in Halifax society. In addressing the School of Domestic Science in that city, recently, Lady Parsons dwelt on the importance of a knowledge of cookery to girls, whatever their station in life might be. Residence : "Bellevue,” Halifax, N.S. 268 Burada MISS PEEL. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Toronto. Miss Mildred Peel, a successful sculptor and painter, is a sister of the late Paul Peel, R.C.A., who received the gold medal at the Paris Salon for especial excellence in painting. A native of London, Ont., she studied abroad, and on her return to Canada, opened a studio in Toronto. Her chief work has been the execution of a number of portrait busts of Canadian public men for the Provincial museum, Toronto. In 1901 she executed a very fine bust of Laura Secord for the public monument erected in honour of the heroine at Lundy's Lane, and in 1903 she painted a successful portrait of the late Chief Justice Sir M. C. Cameron, for the Legislative Buildings, Toronto. Residence : London, Ont. 269 V. de R. Pelletion LADY PELLETIER. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her husband. Virginie A., second daughter of the late Hon. M. P. de Sales La Terrière, M.D., for over forty years a member of the Parliament of Canada, and his wife, M. Eulalie, daughter of Claude Dénéchaud, Esquire, was born at the Manor House, Seigniory of Les Eboulements, P.Q., October 25th, 1840. Educated at the Convent of the Ursulines, Quebec, she married, February 12th, 1866, as his second wife, Charles Alphonse Pantaleon Pelletier, Esquire, Advocate, who subsequently entered public life, and after sitting in the House of Commons was called to the Senate, where he was joint Government leader, and after- wards Speaker, and was sworn of the Privy Council. In recognition of his public services he was created a K.C.M.G. by Queen Victoria in 1898. In 1903 he declined the Lieutenant-Governorship of Quebec. The issue of this marriage was one child, who died in infancy. Residence : 66 St. Ursule Street, Quebec 270 seau A. Pinkhau MRS. W. C. PINKHAM. From a photograph by Bryce, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her husband. Jean Anne, second daughter of the late William Drever, Esquire, of Orkney, and his wife, Helen Rothnie, of Aberdeen, Scotland, was born at Lower Fort Garry, Red River Settlement, May 6th, 1849, and married, at Winnipeg, Decem- ber 29th, 1868, the Rev. William Cyprian Pinkham, D.D., who was appointed Bishop of Saskatchewan, 1887, and Bishop of Calgary, 1888. Mrs. Pinkham has throughout been an indefatigable worker in all departments of benevolent and Christian effort. She is President of the Calgary Woman's Hospital Aid Society, and did much towards securing the erection of the Maternity Hospital and Nursing Home in connection with the Calgary General Hospital. Resi- dence : Bishop's Court, Calgary, N.W.T. 271 MRS. PIPON. From a miniature. Kindly furnished by her brother, John Ashworth, Esquire, “Belmont Lodge," Ottawa. Sophia, eldest daughter of the late John Ashworth, Esquire, Deputy Assis- tant Commissary-General, and his wife, Sophia Louisa, daughter of James Caldwell, Esquire, Montreal, was born in Montreal and educated in Quebec. She married, at the English Cathedral, Quebec, October 11th, 1849, Captain Philip Gosset Pipon, R.A., who reached General's rank, 1886, and was appointed Colonel Commandant of the Royal Artillery, 1892. He was created a C.B. (military), 1875. Mrs. Pipon, who was the mother of four children, two sons and two daughters, died at St. Heliers, Jersey, October ist, 1897 and was buried in St. Saviour's cemetery, there. 272 Sictankenhet, THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY PLUNKET. From a photograph by Kate Pragnell, London. Kindly furnished by her father, the ist Marquis or Dufferin and Ava, K.P., G.C.B., etc. The Lady Victoria Alexandrina, third daughter of the ist Marquis and Marchioness of Dufferin, was born at Ottawa, May 17th, 1873. Under the proper date, the event is thus recorded in her mother's “Canadian Journal” : "A little girl was born this day, and the Queen has telegraphed that she will be her godmother.” Further on, in the same work, it is recorded that “the little baby” was christened in the Cathedral, Quebec, as “Victoria Alexandrina Muriel May. Myself as proxy for Her Majesty the Queen ; Lady Harriet Fletcher, godmother ; Sir John A. Macdonald, godfather ; Fred. (her brother, Captain Hamilton, A.D.C.), and a minister, Mr. Campbell—as present.” Lady Victoria was presented to the Queen at a drawing-room held in May, 1891, and, in 1894, married the 5th Lord Plunket, C.V.O. She is the mother of one son and four daughters. Seat : Old Connaught House, Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. 273 Georgina MISS POPE, R.R.C. From a photograph by Pittaway, Ottawa. Georgina, youngest daughter of the late Hon. W. H. Pope, one of the “Fathers of Confederation," and afterwards a County Court Judge in Prince Edward Island, and his wife, Helen, daughter of Thomas Des Brisay, Esquire, was born and educated in Charlottetown. Devoting herself to the nursing pro- fession, she graduated with honours from Bellevue Hospital, New York, subse- quently becoming the superintendent of the Columbia Hospital, at Washington, D.C., where she started a school for nurses. Her professional experience had been extensive, when, in October, 1899, she was appointed head of the staff of nurses selected to accompany the Canadian Contingent to South Africa at that time. In January, 1902, after she had returned to Canada, her services were again sought, by the Government, in the same field of labour, as senior sister of the Canadian Nursing Service Reserve. While in London, en route, on this latter occasion, Miss Pope received much kind attention from the Baroness Burdett-Coutts. In recognition of her services in connection with the war in South Africa, she received the war medal with three clasps from the hands of the present Prince of Wales, at Ottawa, September 21st, 1901, and she was decorated with the Order of the Royal Red Cross, October 31st, 1902. Residence : Summerside, P.E.I. 274 THE HONOURABLE MRS. M. B. PORTMAN. From a photograph taken not long before her death. Kindly furnished by her niece, Miss Peard, 9 Cranley Place, Onslow Square, London, England. Helen Vidal, fifth daughter of the late Captain John Harris, R.N., of Eldon House, London, Ont., and his wife, Amelia, daughter of Colonel Ryerse, was born at Woodhouse, U.C., July 25th, 1834, and married, June 4th, 1856, the Hon. Maurice Berkeley Portman, third son of the ist Viscount Portman, and his wife, the Lady Emma Lascelles, daughter of the 2nd Earl of Harewood, and had issue, three sons, all of whom were born in Canada. The Hon. Mr. Portman had served as an attaché at Mexico before his marriage. After coming to Canada, he was returned, in 1861, to the local Parliament, and sat in that body for some years. His wife died March 30th, 1860. He re-married in 1867, and died January 12th, 1888. 275 MISS PRENTICE. From a photograph by Kate Pragnell, London. Eweretta Lawrence, daughter of the late Edward Alexander Prentice, Esquire, formerly a stock broker in Montreal, and his wife, Eweretta, daughter of George Auldjo, Esquire, and granddaughter of Hon. John Richardson, M.E.C., M.L.C., of Montreal, was born in London, England, but spent her childhood and early girlhood in Canada. Educated for the stage, she made her first appearance in the eighties, in a small part, at the Court Theatre, London, from which she was soon promoted to heroines parts. Passing to the Adelphi Theatre, she made a great success of the part of Priscilla in Robert Buchanan's “God and the Man." Miss Prentice then went into management, and produced her own adaptation of Von Moser's “Ultimo," called “On Change,” which ran for 288 consecutive performances, and has been played all over the provinces, on and off, for the past ten years. She was said to be the first and the youngest woman to manage a theatre and at the same time act in a play adapted by herself. She also adapted and acted “Jess," and produced William Gilette's “Professor.” After touring in the English provinces, with her own company, Miss Prentice was compelled to seek a rest, owing to a temporary nervous attack, and she has since devoted herself to writing. Among her productions are several plays, and the book for an opera. In Paris she made a hit as a reciter. She takes the stage name, “Miss Lawrence," after the River St. Lawrence, upon which, in her canoeing days, she spent some of the happiest hours of her life. Residence : 61 Wellington Road, London, N.W., England. 276 MRS. PRIMROSE. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Mary Cecilia, eldest daughter of Thomas E. Kenny, Esquire, formerly a member of the Canadian House of Commons, and now President of the Royal Bank of Canada, was born and educated at Halifax, N.S. She married, at Sheer- ness, April 30th, 1889, Commander (now Captain) George Anson Primrose, R.N., son of Hon. Bouverie Francis Primrose, C.B., and grandson of the 4th Earl of Rosebery, K.T. Mrs. Primrose is the mother of two daughters. Captain Primrose commanded H.M.S. Talbot on the North American station some years ago. He is regarded as one of the most talented officers in the British naval service. Address : Care Cocks, Biddulph & Co., London, England 277 DIN26 I sette Cotté MADAME QUESNEL. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Kindly furnished by the Hon. Mr. Justice Baby. Marie Josette, daughter of Gabriel Cotté, Esquire, and his wife, Angélique Blondeau, married, in June, 1816, Jules M. Quesnel, Esquire, a distinguished advocate, who became a member of the Special Council created by Lord Durham in 1838, and also a Legislative Councillor. He was the son of Joseph Quesnel, an early litterateur, poet and musician. Like her excellent mother, who founded the Catholic Orphan Asylum in Montreal, Madame Quesnel was noted for her good works. She was also one of the leaders of Montreal society. Her husband died in May, 1842, aged 54. She survived him till June 6th, 1866, her death causing widespread regret. She was the sister of two other noble French Canadian women-Madame François Antoine Larocque and Madame Alexis Laframboise. 278 Grace Medford MRS. PETER REDPATH. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Grace, daughter of William Wood, Esquire, merchant and philanthropist, of Man- chester, was born at Bowdon, Cheshire, England. Educated privately, she was brought up in an atmosphere of sympathy, good-will and toleration. She married, October 16th, 1847, Peter Redpath, Esquire, of Montreal, son of John Redpath, the founder of a well-known sugar refinery, in that city, and from that time, up to her return to England, with her husband, in the seventies, was almost a continuous resident of Montreal. A wealthy, widely travelled and accomplished man, Mr. Redpath became President of the Board of Trade and of the Montreal Art Association, but he is best remembered for his noble benefactions to McGill University, consisting principally of the endowment of the Peter Redpath chair of pure Mathematics ; the erection of the Peter Redpath Museum ; the erection of the University Library Building; and of large contributions, in money and books, towards the maintenance and increased usefulness of these important adjuncts. In all, the value of his gifts amounted to about half a million dollars. After leaving Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Redpath took up their abode at the Manor House, Chiselhurst, Kent, a picturesque, many-gabled mansion, having historic memories of Queen Elizabeth, and her great Chancellor, Walsingham. There Mr. Redpath died February ist, 1894, aged 73, universally regretted. His widow, who, from the day when she came as a young bride to Canada to the present moment, has been a steadfast friend of every good work in Montreal, has, like her former partner in life, taken an especial interest in the cause of higher education, and both before and since her husband's death, has given largely to McGill University. In 1894 she contributed $11,500 for museum expenses ; in the same year she contributed $40,500 for the maintenance of the library; and only recently she has completed the building of an additional wing to the Redpath Library. Very fittingly, a portrait and bust of Mr. Redpath, with a portrait of Mrs. Redpath, have been placed by the governors of this great seat of learning in its main gallery. Residence: The Manor House, Chiselhurst, Kent, England. 279 19 Kate Reed - MRS. HAYTER REED. From a photograph by Herbert E. Simpson, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her husband, Hayter Reed, Esquire. Kate, eldest daughter of the Hon. John Douglas Armour, late Chief Justice of Ontario, and now a Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, and his wife, Eliza, daughter of the late Freeman S. Clench, Esquire, was born at Cobourg. She married, September 16th, 1880, Grosvenor Lowrey, Esquire, a distinguished member of the New York bar. The issue of this marriage was two children, Grace and John Douglas Lowrey. She married, secondly, June 16th, 1894, Hayter Reed, Esquire, late Deputy Supt.-General of Indian Affairs, by whom she has one son, Gordon Reed. An enthusiast in art and literature, taking a keen interest in public affairs, and an engaging conversationist, Mrs. Reed is universally admired and esteemed for her intellectual and social qualities. Mrs. Reed's portrait has been painted by Robert Harris, C.M.G., President of the Royal Canadian Academy, and by Miss Sydney Strickland Tully, of Toronto. Residence : The Chateau Frontenac, Quebec. 280 tea LADY REID. Taken, in presentation costume, by Elliott & Fry, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Georgina, daughter of the late C. J. Hill, Esquire, of Halifax, N.S., was born and educated in that city. She married, 1863, John Watt Reid, Esquire, M.D., of the medical department of the Royal Navy, who, after much distin- guished service therein, became its Director-General in 1880, was made an honorary physician to Queen Victoria, 1881 (a position to which he was reappointed on the accession of King Edward), and created a K.C.B. in 1882. Lady Reid, who became President of the Local Council of Women, and Vice- President of the National Council, under the Countess of Aberdeen, and is active in other forms of meritorious work, is the mother of several children. Gertrude Mary, her eldest daughter, married, September, 1893, Francis Malloch Robertson, Esquire, youngest son of the late David Robertson, Esquire, Montreal. Residence : Vancouver, B.C. 281 Susan Richards MRS. STEPHEN RICHARDS. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Susan, daughter of the late Benjamin Chaffey, Esquire, an extensive contractor, was born and educated at Brockville, Ont. She married, October 7th, 1847, Stephen Richards, Esquire, Q.C., who became one of the leaders of the bar of Upper Canada (now Ontario), and was a member of the first Govern- ment formed in that province after the Confederation of the provinces in 1867. Mr. Richards was a member of a distinguished and talented family, one of his brothers, the Hon. A. N. Richards, Q.C., becoming Lieut.-Governor of British Columbia, and another brother, Sir William Buell Richards, becoming the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. Mrs. Richards, a clever, well- read and accomplished woman, was for many years one of the foremost figures in Toronto society. Since the death of her husband, in October, 1894, she has lived much in California, where one of her daughters, Mrs. Greene, resides. Her surviving son, the Hon. Albert Elswood Richards, is one of the judges of the Court of King's Bench in Manitoba. Residence : Vancouver, B.C. 282 ya LADY RITCHIE. From a photograph by Pittaway, Ottawa. Grace Vernon, daughter of the late Thomas Nicholson, Esquire, and his wife, Amy Gardner (who married, secondly, Vice-Admiral William Fitzwilliam Owen, R.N.), married, 1856, as his second wife, the Hon. William Johnston Ritchie, a Judge of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, who became Chief Justice of the Province, 1865, a Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada in 1875, and Chief Justice of Canada in 1879, the honour of knighthood following in 1881. The issue of this marriage was a numerous family of sons and daugh- ters, one of the sons devoting himself to the Church, and three to the law. A younger son volunteered for service in South Africa during the recent war, and was wounded slightly at Paardeberg. Sir William Ritchie died in Ottawa, September 25th, 1892, aged 72, and was buried in Beechwood Cemetery there. At the time of his death he was the oldest judge, in length of service, in the Queen's dominions. Lady Ritchie, both at St. John, her former home, and at Ottawa, since she went to reside there, has occupied a very distinguished place in society. During the visit of the present King of England to Canada in 1860, she had the honour of being selected to dance with him at Fredericton. In Ottawa she has belonged to various women's associations, and has been a tower of strength to all of them. She was the first president of the Woman's Humane Society, from which she resigned at the time of her husband's death.* When Lady Aberdeen established the Local Council of Women at Ottawa, she was made its President, and thus became a Vice-President of the National Council of Women. One of the promoters of the Women's Canadian Historical Society, she was for years a Vice-President of that body. She has also been connected with the Victorian Order of Nurses since its organization, and is one of the Board of Governors thereof. When the Canadian South African Memorial Association was formed by the Countess of Minto, she was appointed a member of the Central Committee, a position she still holds. She is undoubtedly one of the foremost women workers in Canada, her services well entitling her to recognition in the event of a Royal Order being established for the decoration of colonial women. Residence : 285 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa. * Since going to press (1903), Lady Ritchie has been elected President of the Ottawa Humane Society. 283 & Relihin MISS RITCHIE, PH.D. From a photograph by Partridge, Boston. Eliza, daughter of the late Hon. John W. Ritchie, Chief Judge in Equity of Nova Scotia, and his wife, Amelia Rebecca, daughter of Hon. W. B. Almon, M.D., M.L.C.,* was born in Halifax, N.S., 1856. Educated at private schools and at home, she graduated (with first-class honours in philosophy) at Dalhousie University, 1887, and was the first to take the degree of Bachelor of Letters at that institution. In the same year she was made a Fellow in Philosophy at Cornell University, and, in 1889, received at Cornell the degree of Ph.D., being the first Canadian woman to receive that degree. Later, she studied at Leipzig and at Oxford. She was appointed Instructor in Philosophy at Wellesley College, Mass., in 1890, and Associate Professor in 1897. This position she resigned in 1900. Besides contributing to the Philosophical Review, the International Journal of Ethics, and other journals, Dr. Ritchie is the author of a work entitled “ The Problem of Personality.” Residence : “Winwick," Halifax, N.S. * A memorial window and a tablet to the memory of Judge and Mrs. Ritchie have been placed in St. Paul's Church, Halifax. Of Mrs. Ritchie it is recorded that she was for more than fifty years the loved and loving wife of John William Ritchie : She reached out her hands to the needy, She opened her mouth with wisdom, On her tongue was the law of kindness, Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praised her. 284 MRS. ROBB. From a photograph by Perkins, Baltimore. Miss Isabel Adams Hampton was born of English parents, at St. Catharines, Ont., in 1863. She studied for the nursing profession in the Bellevue Hospital Training School, New York, and served for two years in the American Training School at Rome, Italy, after which she was appointed Superintendent of Nurses at the Cook County Hospital, Chicago. Here her reputation grew so quickly that in two years she was chosen Superintendent of the Training School at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. She remained there from 1889 to 1894, when she married Dr. J. Hunter Robb, Professor of Gynæcology in the Western Reserve University, and retired into private life. Among other useful works, she is the author of “Nursing : Its Principles and Practice” (Philadelphia, 1893). While in active practice, she was said to have had no superior in her profession. Residence : 1342 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 285 LADY ROBINSON (IST BARONET). From a photograph by Stanton, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her son, Christopher Robinson, Esquire, K.C., D.C.L., Beverley House, Toronto. Emma, only surviving child of Charles Walker, Esquire, of Harlesden, County Middlesex, England, married, June 5th, 1817, Hon. John Beverley Robinson, Solicitor- General of Upper Canada, a member of a well-known Loyalist family, who became, successively, Attorney-General and Chief Justice of Upper Canada. He was appointed a C.B., 1850, and, declining knighthood, was created a Baronet, 1854. The issue of this marriage was eight children, four sons and four daughters. Her eldest son, James Lukin, succeeded his father in the baronetcy; her second son, John Beverley Robinson, became Lieut.-Governor of Ontario ; her third son, Christopher Robinson, K.C., is now one of the leaders of the Canadian bar, and has declined knighthood ; her fourth son, Major- General Charles Walker Robinson, C.B., has highly distinguished himself in military life. Her daughters married, respectively, Colonel (afterwards General Sir) J. H.Lefroy (9.v.); Capt. J. M. Strachan, 68th Foot; Hon. G. W. Allan, Senator, and the Hon. Donald MacInnes, Senator. Lady Robinson sometimes accompanied her husband to England on his visits there on public business, and had moved much in an official and judicial atmosphere, both there and in Canada. Though she and her distinguished husband did not see much of general society in Toronto, they were none the less respected by all classes, and their memories continue to this day to be held in reverence by many. Lady Robinson was on the Committee of Management of the Toronto General Hospital and other local institutions, and she gave much assistance to the benevolent work of the Church of England. Her husband died January 30th, 1863 ; she died May 29th, 1865. The remains of both were laid in St. James's Cemetery, Toronto. 286 usori MRS. JOHN BEVERLEY ROBINSON. From an oil painting. Kindly furnished by her daughter, Mrs. Stewart Houston. Mary Jane, eldest daughter of the Hon. C. A. Hagerman, a distinguished member of the judicial bench, by his first wife, Elizabeth, daughter of George Macaulay, Esquire, Barrister, was born at King- ston, Ont., and educated in Toronto. She married, June 30th, 1847, John Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Barrister, second son of the Hon. Sir J. B. Robinson, C.B., Bart., Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and his wife, Emma, daughter of Charles Walker, Esquire (9.v.). The issue of this union was three sons and two daughters. Both daughters, Mrs. Forsyth Grant and Mrs. Stewart Houston, are represented in this work. Mr. Robinson entered Parliament, and after having served as a minister of the Crown and in other capacities, was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, filling that office with much acceptance, assistance to her husband throughout his public career. The charm of her beautiful soprano voice, which was ever at the service of the public for charitable and national objects, is well remembered by many. The Home for Incurables, at Toronto, will always be a memorial of her well-directed efforts in this direc- tion. The portrait of her given above is copied from an oil painting which was presented to that institution by her husband. While at Government House she and Mr. Robinson had the honour of enter- taining there two members of the Royal family, the Princess Louise and the present Prince of Wales. The Fancy Dress ball, given during their term, was only surpassed in magnificence by the great Victorian Era ball, given in 1897, in the same city, by the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen. On the occasion of Mrs. Robinson's birthday, June 7th, 1887, a committee of Toronto gentlemen, headed by Dr. Larratt W. tribute" from them to her of their respect and esteem for her as a woman. Mrs. Robinson died in Toronto, January 17th, 1802: her husband died, in the same city, June 19th, 1896. Both were buried in St. James's Cemetery. Not long before his death the latter placed a handsome stained glass window in St. James's Cathedral, to the memory of his wife. 287 Elmi Therilased the witte MADAME ROBITAILLE. From a photograph by Montminy, Quebec. Marie Josephine Charlotte Emma, daughter of Pierre Adolphe Quesnel, Esquire, Advocate, of Montreal, and his wife, Charlotte de Boucherville, was born at Boucherville, P.Q., and educated at Quebec. She married, November, 1867, Theodore Robitaille, Esquire, M.D., M.P., who was sworn of the Privy Council, January, 1873, was Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, 1879-84, and a Senator from 1885 till his death, September 4th, 1888. While mistress at “Spencerwood,” Madame Robitaille had the honour to have as her guests there, at various times, the Marquis of Lorne and the Princess Louise, the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne, Prince Leopold (Duke of Albany), the present Prince of Wales (with whom she opened a ball given at the Citadel to His Royal Highness), the Duke of Sutherland, the Marquis of Stafford, Lord Dun- more, and many distinguished naval officers belonging to the English and French fleets. One of the most agreeable of her public functions was the decorating of a French sailor with the Legion of Honour on behalf of the French Government. Madame Robitaille is closely related to the Lacoste and Taillon families. Residence : Chateau Frontenac, Quebec. 288 WA MRS. STUART ROBSON. From a photograph by Max Platz, Chicago. Miss May Waldron, an accomplished actress and vocalist, was born at Hamilton, Ont., November ist, 1868. Educated in the same city, she went with her parents to Chicago, where she joined the choir of St. Paul's Church. She made her first appearance on the stage with a “Pinafore” company, her musical gifts being of great advantage to her. Later, she joined Augustin Daly's company, in New York ; and in 1886 appeared with Robson and Crane in “The Comedy of Errors." In the following season she was cast for a part in “The Henrietta," with the same gentlemen, and continuing with them, became their leading lady. In 1894, she married Mr. Robson, and is the mother of a son, David Morton Robson. She has not, however, abandoned her connec- tion with the stage, as she is shortly (1903) to appear as one of the principals of the support of Mr. Jerome Sykes in “The Billionaire.” Mrs. Robson is a woman of fine taste and judgment, and is looked upon as one of the best dressed women on the American stage. Her husband, who was regarded as having no peer in America in certain Shakespearean rôles, died in New York, April 29th, 1903, aged 67. Residence: Robson House, The Highlands, N.J. 289 abigail (Beckin ohrer MRS. ROHRER (ABIGAIL BECKER). From a photograph by Perry, Simcoe, Ont. Abigail Becker, known in native annals as “The heroine of Lake Erie,” was born in the Township of Portland, County of Frontenac, Ontario, March 14th, 1830, her maiden name being Jackson. At eighteen she married a widower, named Becker, and, after his death, under unfortunate circumstances, married again, in 1869, her present husband, Mr. Rohrer. In all, she is the mother of nine children, six by her first, and three by her second husband. As related in the little booklet : “ The Story of Abigail Becker, as told by her stepdaughter, Mrs. Henry Wheeler," (Toronto: 1899), she has been the means of saving a Itogether no less than twelve lives. The particular act, or series of acts, of humanity, courage and devotion, which has given her a distinctive place among the heroines of to-day, and earned for her the title by which she is chiefly known, occurred off Long Point Island, in Lake Erie, during a stormy night in November, 1854, and is best described by the poet, John G. Whittier, in an article which appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, in 1869. A schooner, named the Conductor, heavily laden with grain, having seven men on board, was, during a violent storm, driven on a reef and became a total wreck. The crew took refuge in the rigging, and were there discovered in the morning by Abigail Becker. With the exception of her children, she was all alone on the island, her husband having gone to the mainland some time previously. Having no boat to go to the rescue of the unfortunate mariners—and it seems doubtful if such a craft, or any other, could have existed in so fierce a tempest- she could do nothing but build a huge fire upon the beach, and, in this way, give assurance to the crew that help was near. After this had been done she more than once waded out through the snow and water, as far as she could safely go, and by signs invited the men to swim for the shore, trusting to her to pull them through. She was tall and power- ful in appearance, and possibly taking her for a man, they, finally, towards the close of the day, did as she suggested, the captain going first. As he neared the shore Abigail Becker went out a considerable distance, and carried him through the boiling surf to where she had her fire built, repeating the performance in each case until all the men, except one who could not swim, and was therefore forced to remain on the wreck until next day, had been safely landed. After this she supplied them with hot tea, and took them to her house for change of clothing. Every time she went into the water to the rescue of the sailors she did so at the imminent risk of her life, but she had no thought for herself at any time. In recognition of her splendid act of heroism, she was presented with the medal of the American Humane Association, and some Buffalo merchants raised a sum of money with which her present home was purchased for her. From her own country, however, neither the Parliament nor Government, nor any society or individual, has ever taken any notice of a deed which for many a long year to come must make the name of Abigail Becker one to be highly treasured throughout the civilized world. Residence: Walsingham Centre, Ont. 290 Charlotte Rose LADY ROSE. From a photograph by Webster Brothers, London, England. Kindly urnished by Lady Rose's daughter, Lady Stanley Clarke. Charlotte, daughter of Robert Emmet Temple, Esquire, of Rutland, Vermont, married, first, September 11th, 1833, Major Robert Sweeney, of Montreal, who, in May, 1838, fought a duel with, and killed, Major Henry J. Warde, of the ist Royals (he died December 15th, 1840); and, secondly, July 3rd, 1843, John Rose, Esquire, Advocate, of Montreal, a gentleman who attained great distinction as a public man in Canada, and, who, after his removal to England, in 1869, was created a Baronet, sworn of the Privy Council, and was given the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. There was issue of this latter marriage, three sons and two daughters, viz.: The late Sir William Rose, Charles Day Rose, now M.P., Captain Edward Temple Rose, late roth Hussars, Mary Temple, Lady Clarke (g.v.), and Charlotte Amy, wife of Francis Stuart Stanley, Esquire (q.v.). Lady Rose, who was a woman of beauty, grace and culture, was long the dominant social figure in Montreal, and her husband's advance- ment in life was due in a large measure to her wise counsel and ready tact. Their house, “Rosemount," which was occupied by the Prince of Wales (now King Edward VII.), during his visit to Canada, in 1860, and by Prince Arthur (Duke of Connaught), when quartered in Montreal with his regiment ten years afterwards, was the scene of some of the most brilliant entertainments ever given in the commercial metropolis. Among those who had been guests there, at one time or another, were the several Governors- General and their wives, John Bright, Richard Cobden, the Duke of Devonshire and his two brothers, Lord Edward and Lord Frederick Cavendish, Prince Napoleon, Sir Howard Russell, Prince Doria, Lord Wolseley, General Buller, Sir Fenwick Williams, the Prince de Joinville, etc. After removing to Eng- land, Sir John and Lady Rose occupied Loseley Park, in Surrey, and there, as well as in London, gathered about them all that was brightest and best of social, literary or artistic merit. They also rented Braham Castle, Ross-shire. Lady Rose, who together with her husband had been the guest of Queen Victoria on several occasions, died at Queen's Gate, London, December 3rd, 1883, and was buried at Guildford, in Surrey. Sir John Rose, married, secondly, January 24th, 1887, Julia, Marchioness of Tweeddale, widow of the oth Marquis of Tweeddale, and daughter of Keith Stewart Mackenzie, Esquire, of Seaforth. He died, suddenly, while shooting in the Duke of Portland's deer forest, in Caithness, Scotland, August 24th, 1888, and was interred by the side of his first wife in Guildford cemetery. The Prince of Wales sent a wreath to, and was represented at, his funeral. 291 MRS. ROSE. From a miniature. Kindly loaned for reproduction by the late Mrs. Rose's brother-in-law, William Dealtry, Esquire, C.M.G., London, England. Ellen Phyllis, daughter of Richard Pattinson, Esquire, merchant, of Montreal, was born in that city. After her father's death she and her sister accompanied their brother to England, where they were educated. She married Major John Baillie Rose, 55th Regiment, of Kilravock Castle, County Nairn, a family existing in Scotland since the reign of Alexander III. He served in the Crimea, and fell mortally wounded at the battle of the Alma, September 20th, 1854. After his death, his widow moved to England, and died at Bath, April 14th, 1861. She was buried in the churchyard at Bathampton. Her sister, Marianne, married, April 18th, 1824, Arthur J. Robertson, Esquire, of Inches House, near Inverness, Scotland, and died there, September 16th, 1836. Their brother, Richard Pattinson, entered the army, and after a distinguished career attained the rank of Lieut.-Colonel, and was appointed Governor of Heligoland in 1858. He died at Havre, France, August 3rd, 1875. 292 MRS. G. W. ROSS. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce. Kindly furnished by her husband, the Hon. G. W. Ross, LL.D. Catherine, daughter of Wm. Boston, Esquire, Toronto, was born in the Township of Lobo, County of Middlesex, Ontario, November roth, 1847, and was of Scottish descent, her father being a native of Melrose, Scotland. As a very young girl, it is said that she was a pupil of her husband, when he was a public school teacher. She was married to Mr. Ross, as his second wife, November 17th, 1875, and bore him four children, one son and three daughters. Throughout she was a true helpmeet, giving up her whole life to secure the happiness and success of her husband. Her chief characteristic was common sense, and a womanly devotion to her husband and family, which was truly heroic. While very unassuming, she was an intellectual woman, and took a warm interest in public affairs. Few ladies were seen more frequently in the gallery or on the floor of the Legislature, and few knew so much of what was going on in the political world, or could form so quick and so just an estimate of men and measures as she could. One of the few occasions on which she appeared officially before the public was when she, at the request of the Ontario Historical Society, unveiled the Laura Secord monument at Lundy's Lane, June 22nd, 1901. Her husband, who was naturally proud of such a wife, paid a handsome tribute to her many excellences of character, at Niagara Falls, on their return from a visit to England, September 21st, 1901. He said his wife was like “the shadow of a great rock in a weary land, and a tower of strength to the Ontario Government.” Her death occurred at Toronto, March 12th, 1902, her remains being interred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery in that city. The Montreal Star voiced the public sentiment in saying that her removal would be generally deplored. “As the daughter of a member of Parliament, the sister of another, and the wife of a Provincial Premier, she had a deep sense of the responsibilities of a public man's helpmate. She drew to her the literary, the artistic, and those inter- ested in educational work, and she took an active part in charitable undertakings and enterprises worthy the aid of devoted wives and mothers.” 293 LADY ROUTH. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by the Hon. Sir H. E. Taschereau, Chief Justice of Canada. Marie Louise, eldest surviving daughter of the Hon. Jean Thomas Taschereau, a Judge of the Court of King's Bench, Lower Canada, and his wife, Marie, daughter of the Hon. Jean Antoine Panet, Speaker of the Legis- lative Assembly of the same Province, was born in Quebec, April 17th, 1811. Educated in the same city, she married, January 16th, 1830, as his second wife, Commissary-General Randolph Isham Routh, a distinguished officer, who had served under Wellington and was present with him at Waterloo. He remained in Canada for over sixteen years, was appointed to the Executive Council in 1838, was knighted in 1841, and was created a K.C.B. in 1848. Lady Routh accompanied her husband to England in 1844, and continued to live there till his death, which occurred November 29th, 1858. She then returned to Canada, taking up her residence in Montreal, where she died, December 16th, 1891. Her remains were laid in the cemetery at Côte-des-Neiges. She was the mother of nine children, four sons and five daughters. Edwin John Routh, LL.D., D.Sc., her eldest son, born in Quebec, January 20th, 1831, graduated at Cambridge University as Senior Wrangler, and has become one of the most eminent mathematicians in the world. He married, in 1864, the eldest daughter of Sir G. B. Airy, K.C.B., the late Astronomer Royal. Lady Routh, who was both affable and dignified, held a high place in Canadian society, and enjoyed the esteem and respect of all. She was a sister of the late Cardinal Taschereau, and of the late Judge J. T. Taschereau, of the Supreme Court of Canada. 294 THE LATE LADY ROWLEY. From a photograph taken not long before her death. Kindly furnished by her mother, the late Mrs. Hollis, Montreal. Augusta Alicia, third daughter of the late Captain Richard Hollis, a Waterloo veteran, formerly of the King's Dragoon Guards, and his wife, Charlotte Amelia, second daughter of Assistant Commissary General Kuper, of Chambly, P.Q., was born at Bytown (now Ottawa), in 1848, and married, in Montreal, September 27th, 1867, Captain George Charles Erskine Rowley, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, who, in 1884, succeeded his uncle as 3rd Baronet, of Hill House, Berkshire. Lady Rowley died suddenly at Bournemouth, England, on Christmas Day, 1888, leaving one son, the Rev. George C. A. Rowley, rector of Eastwich, and heir to the baronetcy. 20 295 Trance MRS. W. E. ROWLEY. From a photograph by Stanton & Vicars, Toronto. Frances Elswood, daughter of the late Hon. Albert Norton Richards, Q.C., at one period Lieut.-Governor of British Columbia, and his first wife, Frances, daughter of Benjamin Chaffey, Esquire, formerly of Somersetshire, England, was born at Brockville, Ont., and educated at Miss Dupont's School, Toronto. Devoted to music and art, she continued her studies therein at New York, Paris and London. At Paris she was a pupil, for three years, in the studios of Robert Fleury, Carolus Duran, Henner and Chaplin, and was a fellow-student of Marie Bashkirtseff, who painted her portrait, and speaks of her in her “ Journal of a Young Artist.” On returning to Canada, she was elected an Associate of the Royal Canadian Academy of Art, and was placed in charge of the Ottawa Art School. This position she resigned, with a view to further study. She excels in portraiture, and has exhibited at the Canadian, American, French and English galleries. In 1882, she executed a portrait of Po-kah-nee- hah-pee, a Blackfoot Indian, for the Princess Louise, and, later, a full-length portrait of her uncle, the late Chief Justice Sir William Buell Richards, for the Supreme Court of Canada, and a half-length portrait of the late Sir George Kirkpatrick, for the Parliament of Canada. In 1892, she was presented with the certificate of the Royal Humane Society (London), for courage and coolness in saving a boy from drowning in the River Thames. She married, July roth, 1888, William Edwin Rowley, Esquire, second son of the late Edwin Rowley, Esquire, of Gawthorpe Hall, Yorkshire, and of Glassonby, Cumberland, and is the mother of several children. She was a full sister of the late Mrs. Henry J. Morgan, of Ottawa. Residence: “Glassonby," Kirkoswald, Cumberland ; 20 A Cheyne Walk, London, S.W., England. 296 de dese un THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY ALEXANDER RUSSELL. From a recent photograph. Kindly furnished by her husband, Lieut.-General Lord Alexander Russell, C.B. Anne Emily, youngest daughter of Sir Leonard Worsley Holmes, Bart. (ext.), of Westover, I.W., married, July 3rd, 1844, Lord Alexander George Russell, youngest son of John, 6th Duke of Bedford, K.G., and his second wife, Lady Georgiana, fifth daughter of Alexander, 4th Duke of Gordon, K.G., and has issue two sons. Lady Alexander Russell's connection with Canada commenced in the spring of 1846, when she accompanied her husband to Halifax, N.S., where his regiment, the Rifle Brigade, was stationed. Thence, in the autumn, they went to Quebec with the regiment. In 1847, Lord Alexander was appointed A.D.C. to Lord Elgin, and they joined that nobleman with his family in Montreal, returning to England the same year. In 1862, Lady Alexander joined her husband at Hamilton, Ont., where he was in command of the 2nd Battalion of his corps,* and remained with him in the country till 1866. While at Montreal, in 1864, the pupils attending the Rev. Mr. Woods' school in that city were formed into a cadet corps, called 1883, her Ladyship accompanied her husband to Halifax, he being appointed Commander- in-Chief of the forces in Canada, and remained with him there till his return to England in 1888. During a portion of that period, Lord Alexander Russell was Administrator of the Government of the Dominion. In 1883, they were, for some weeks, the guests of the Marquis of Lorne and the Princess Louise, at the Citadel, Quebec. They left behind them in Canada, in the minds of all, recollections of a singularly agreeable and pleasant character. Residence : Uckfield House, Uckfield, Sussex, England. * A well-disciplined and admirable body of men, many of whom, on their discharge, settled in the country, and have proved themselves to be as good citizens as they were soldiers. So much attached were these men to their old commanding officer, that, on his return to Canada in 1883, they waited upon him, in their respective localities, with complimentary addresses, accompanied in some cases with gifts of a varie 297 uscel MISS RUSSELL. From a photograph by Morrow, Hamilton. Kindly furnished by her father, Dr. Russell. Sarah Elizabeth, second daughter of Dr. James Russell, Medical Superintendent of the Asylum for the Insane, Hamilton, Ont., and his wife, Sophia, daughter of the late Byron Carpenter, Esquire, of Ancaster, Ont., was born in Binbrook, Ont., and educated at the Collegiate Institute, Hamilton. Studying for her profession at the Training School for Nurses at the Presbyterian Hospital, New York, she completed her course in 1897. While head nurse in the surgical ward of that hospital the American-Spanish war broke out, and she was appointed to the nursing staff on board the hospital ship, Relief. In all she made nine trips to Cuba and Puerto Rico to bring home wounded and fever-stricken soldiers. Not long after this service, she sailed for Manilla, by the same vessel, via the Suez Canal, the voyage occupying forty days; and after three months' stay at Manilla, returned on the Relief to San Francisco, with 280 wounded and invalided soldiers on board. After disposing of the patients in the various hospitals, Miss Russell proceeded overland to her home at Hamilton, having encircled the globe during her absence. On the outbreak of the war in South Africa, she immediately volunteered for service in that country, and accompanied the first Canadian Contingent sent there. She remained one year in South Africa, serving in various hospitals, and before leaving visited the battlefields of Natal, and stood on Spion Kop. On her return to Canada, she was presented with a gold medal by the Hamilton Branch of the Red Cross Society. She also received the South African war medal. She continues to follow her profession in New York, and has only recently returned from an eight months' engagement spent in Egypt and the South of France. Residence : 54 West 83rd Street, New York. 298 Alin Cedrske LADY EDWARD RUSSELL. From a photograph by Thompson, Grosvenor Street, London. Alice, daughter of the late William Smith Sewell, Esquire, Sheriff of Quebec, and his wife, Lavinia Marion, eldest daughter of Dr. George Griffin, surgeon 85th Regiment, was born and educated in Quebec. She married, first, June rith, 1867, John Duff, Esquire, surgeon Royal Artillery (who died); and, Edward Lechmere Russell, K.C.S.I., a distinguished soldier, who received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament for his services during the Abyssinian war, 1868, and was, subsequently, Resident and Commandant at Aden. Lady Russell is the mother of several children. Residence : 7 Lansdown Crescent, Bath, England. 299 2. Adler MRS. MARY ANNE SADLIER. From a photograph by Desautels, Montreal. Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Francis Madden, Esquire, of Cootehill, County Cavan, Ireland, was born there December 31st, 1820. Educated by private tuition, she began at eighteen to write for La Belle Assemblée, a London magazine published under the patronage of the Duchess of Kent. Coming to Canada, in 1844, she married, two years afterwards, James Sadlier, Esquire, a member of a well-known publishing house. One of her first works was a collec- tion of traditionary stories, published in Montreal, entitled “Tales of the Olden Time.” Her literary works may be divided into three classes : (1) The his- torical Irish romance, of which the “Confederate Chieftains” is the best and most elaborate ; (2) her didactic and religious works, original and translated, of which “De Ligny's Life of the Blessed Virgin" may be cited as an example; and (3) a department, or sub-department, of fiction, in which Thomas D'Arcy McGee considered her wholly unrivalled, and which may be called the romance of Irish immigration. Under this head may be included her “Willy Burke," " The Blakes and Flanagans,” “Con O’Regan," "Eleanor Preston," “ Aunt Honor's Keepsake," etc. In all, she was the author of over sixty works, original and translated. In 1886 she published “The Poems of Thomas D'Arcy McGee, with an introduction and biographical sketch.” Mrs. Sadlier died in Montreal, April 5th, 1903, and was buried at Brooklyn, N.Y. She was the mother of three daughters, the youngest of whom, Marguerite, married, October 19th, 1880, Francis, eldest son of Francis Chadwick, Esquire, of “The Glen,” County Meath, Ireland. The second daughter, Miss Anna T. Sadlier, inherits much of her mother's literary talent, and has published various works of fiction, criginal and translated. 300 and THE PRINCESS SALM-SALM. From a photograph taken specially for this work by Aime Dupont, New York. Eliza A., daughter of William Joy, Esquire, was born at St. Armand West, P.Q. Impelled by a desire for change, she left home when a young girl, and became an actress, under the name of Agnes Le Clercq. While filling an engagement at Washington, she met Prince Felix Salm-Salm, a younger son of the reigning Prince zu Salm-Salm, Prussia, and was married to him at St. Patrick's Church, in that city, August 30th, 1862. Her husband had previously belonged to the Austrian army, but at the breaking out of the Civil War in the United States had offered his services to the National Government and became a member of the staff of General Louis Bleaker. Through his wife's influence he obtained command of the *8th New York Regiment, and, later, of the 68th New York Volunteers, and towards the end of the war was assigned to the command of the post at Atlanta, receiving the brevet of brigadier-general in April, 1865. He next offered his services to the Emperor Maximilian in Mexico, and was appointed Colonel on the general staff. He became the Emperor's A.D.C., and chief of his household, and was captured at Queretaro. After Maximilian's execution he returned to Europe, re-entered the Prussian army as major in the Grenadier Guards, and was killed at the battle of Gravelotte. He published his diary in Mexico, including leaves from the diary of the Princess Salm-Salm (London : 1868). The Princess accompanied her husband throughout his military campaigns in the South, performing useful service in connection with the field hospitals, and was with him also in Mexico. After the fall of Queretaro, she rode to San Luis Potosi, and implored President Juarez to procure the release of Maximilian and of his Aide, who was imprisoned with him. She also sought the intervention of Porfirio Diaz and of Mariano Escobedo, and arranged a conference between the latter General and the Archduke. After the death of her husband, she raised a hospital brigade, which accomplished much good during the Franco-German war. Subsequently, she married Charles Heneage, Esquire, of the English diplomatic service, but soon separated from him. She published "Ten Years of my Life” (Toronto: 1877). A sister is married to Edmund Johnson, Esquire, of Vineland, N.J. Residence: Karlsrahe Baden, Karlstrasse 2. 301 MRS. SAMUELSON. From a photograph by H. S. Mendelssohn, Pembridge Crescent, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Fanny Isabel, elder daughter of William Merritt Wright, Esquire, Barrister, of St. John, N.B., and his wife, Amelia Allan, daughter of the Rev. Nathaniel Allan Coster, rector of Richibucto, in the same province, was born June 16th, 1859. Educated privately, she married, 1888, Francis Arthur Edward Samuel- son, Esquire, of Breckenbrough Hall, Thirsk, Yorkshire, England, second son of the Right Hon. Sir Bernhard Samuelson, Bart., F.R.S. She died July 17th, 1897, as the result of an accident, leaving one son, Francis Henry Bernhard Samuelson, and three daughters. She was a sister of Mrs. E. W. Fleming (9.v.). A memorial relief portrait of Mrs. Samuelson, executed by George Frampton, A.R.A., has been erected in Kirkby-Wiske Church, Yorkshire. 302 UMA MRS. HENRY SANFORD. From a photograph by D. E. Sanford, New York. Olive, youngest daughter of the late Samuel Wilmot, Esquire, of Newcastle, Ont., Superintendent of Fish Culture for the Dominion, and his wife, Helen Matilda, daughter of the late Charles Clark, Esquire, Cobourg, Ont., was born at Newcastle, and educated in Toronto. She comes of distinguished Loyalist stock, the Wilmots of the Newcastle District being a branch of the Wilmot family of New Brunswick, mentioned by Sabine. She married, first, October 6th, 1881, Romaine Winans, Esquire, of Toronto (he died) ; secondly, April 5th, 1893, Dr. T. H. Berchard, of New York (he died); and thirdly, September, 1898, Henry Sanford, Esquire, Vice-President of the Adams Express Company, of New York. Mrs. Sanford, who is considered one of Canada's most beautiful and most highly cultured women, has travelled much, and possesses many friends on both sides of the Atlantic. Residence : 50 West 52nd Street, New York. 303 MRS. W. E. SANFORD. From a photograph by Alfred Ellis & Walery, London. Harriet Sophia, youngest daughter of Thomas Vaux, Esquire, Accountant of the House of Commons, Ottawa, was born in Montreal and educated in Quebec. She married, in 1866, as his second wife, W. E. Sanford, Esquire, of Hamilton, Ont., who was called to the Senate of Canada, by the Earl of Derby, February 8th, 1887, and continued to sit in that body up to his demise, July roth, 1899. Of four children, two sons died, one in infancy, and the elder, E. Jackson Sanford, at the age of twenty-nine. The two surviving children are Mrs. Tudor (9.v.) and an unmarried daughter, Muriel. Mrs. Sanford is described by Rose as "a lady of culture and dignity whose genial and refined spirit makes the home delightful and whose open-handed charity is a proverb in the city in which she lives.” She has held the position of president of various benevolent and other institu- tions in Hamilton, and since her husband's death has assumed many business responsibilities. Since the establishment by Lady Aberdeen of the National Council of Women, Mrs. Sanford has taken an active interest in its affairs, and was instrumental in forming a similar Council in Italy, and frequently attending the annual meetings of the International Council in Europe. Elsinore, the Convalescent Home at Hamilton Beach, which was founded by Senator Sanford in his lifetime, is now maintained by Mrs. Sanford and her daughters, in his memory. In Mr. Bell-Smith's painting of the scene in Windsor Castle, where Her late Majesty is represented placing a wreath on the coffin of Sir John Thompson, Mrs. Sanford and her daughters also appear. While in London, and previous to his journey to Windsor Castle, to be sworn as a member of the Privy Council, Sir John Thompson had been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford, and when the sad event of his death occurred, Mrs. Sanford, in the absence of her husband from London, accompanied by her daughters, at once repaired to the Castle, where, at the Queen's request, they remained for the night in order to be present at the funeral obsequies. The following day they were presented to Her Majesty. Two days later Mrs. Sanford again went to the Castle with Miss Thompson and had a private audience with the Queen, who conversed most graciously with both ladies. Mrs. Sanford was first presented at Court in May, 1894, and subsequently attended other drawing-rooms, presenting first her elder and then her younger daughter. She attended the Court held by King Edward and Queen Alexandra in June, 1902, and witnessed the Coronation of Their Majesties in Westminster Abbey, in August of the same year. Residence : “Wesanford," Hamilton, Ont. 304 Marshall Saunders, MISS MARSHALL SAUNDERS. From a photograph by Gauvin & Gentzel, Halifax. Miss Margaret Marshall Saunders, who has become one of the foremost writers of animal stories in the world, is the daughter of a Baptist clergyman, the Rev. E. M. Saunders, D.D., and his wife, Maria Kisborough Freeman, and was born in Milton, Queen's County, Nova Scotia, April 13th, 1861. She claims descent from John Alden, the first pilgrim from the Mayflower to set foot on Plymouth rock, the same who, with his wife, Priscilla, is immor- talized in Longfellow's “The Courtship of Miles Standish.” On her mother's side she counts descent from another Mayflower pilgrim. Born amid romantic surroundings, Miss Saunders early became a student and a writer. After completing her education in France, she returned to Canada, and did her first work for newspapers and magazines. Her first story, “My Spanish Sailor," appeared in 1887. This was followed by “Beau- tiful Joe,"* the autobiography of a dog, which won the $200 prize offered by the American Humane Education Society for the best story illustrative of the kind or cruel treatment of domestic animals and birds in the Northern States, and other animal stories which have been extensively read. She has also written love stories, which, in the opinion of Katharine Hale, have “an irresistible charm.” The best known of her works, in addition to those we have mentioned, are “Daisy,” “Charles and his Lamb," “ The House of Armour,” “Rose à Charlitte," “ The King of the Park,” “For the Other Boy's Sake,” “Deficient Saints,” “For his Country," "Her Sailor” (“ My Spanish Sailor” rewritten), " 'Tilda Jane,” and “Beautiful Joe's Paradise.” Miss Saunders has seen much of the world, and is described as one who possesses genius, heart and insight. Residence : 28 Carlton Street, Halifax, N.S. * The subject of this story died at Meaford, Ont., September 13th, 1899, in the eighteenth year of his age. 305 an A. Schutte LADY SCHULTZ. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. **Agnes Campbell, daughter of James Farquharson, Esquire, of Kingston, Jamaica, and later of British Columbia, married, in 1867, John Christian Schultz, Esquire, Doctor of Medicine, who was one of the first members returned to represent Manitoba in the House of Commons at Ottawa after the acquisition of the North-West Territories by the Dominion. He was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba in 1888, and, in 1895, in acknowledgment of his public services, was created a K.C.M.G. by Queen Victoria. At his death in April, 1896, his remains received the honours of a State funeral. Dr. Schultz had more particularly distinguished himself as leader of the Loyalists during the rebellion at Red River, 1869-70, when he was arrested and imprisoned by Riel. His wife came very prominently into notice at that time, in connection with her efforts for the succour and release of her husband and his friends, efforts which were ultimately crowned with success. In recognition of her courage and constancy, under the many trying circumstances of her situation, she was presented, in 1870, with a service of plate, by citizens of Montreal, and with a gold watch, by citizens of Toronto. While mistress of Government House, Winnipeg, during her husband's régime, she had as guests the Earl and Countess of Derby, and, subsequently, the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen. As strict prohibitionists, Sir John and Lady Schultz would not allow the use of wines or liquors at their table, either before or after they entered Government House. Devoted to church and charitable work, Lady Schultz has taken an active interest in the Hospital Aid Society, the Children's Home, the Women's Auxiliary and other kindred organizations, with which she was and is officially connected. She was the first local President of the Women's Council, and Vice-President of the National Council of Women, under the Countess of Aberdeen. Like her husband, she has always been warmly devoted to the sovereign and the Royal family, and, in 1893, led the movement in Manitoba for the presentation of a wedding gift to the Prince and Princess of Wales. She has recently erected a memorial window to her husband in Holy Trinity Church, Winnipeg. Residence: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 306 Man A Scott MRS. R. W. SCOTT. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her husband. Mary, daughter of the late John Heron, Esquire, and Frances, his wife, was born and educated in Dublin, Ireland. She married, at Philadelphia, Pa., November 8th, 1853, Richard William Scott, Esquire, Barrister, of Bytown (now Ottawa), who subse- quently entered public life, became a member of the Ontario Government, and, later, of the Dominion Government (of which he is now a member, for the second time), and continues to hold a highly distinguished place among Canadian statesmen. The issue of this marriage has been two sons and four daughters, one of the latter being married to George J. Desbarats, Esquire, C.E., a brother of the Baroness de Blaquiere (q.v.). The sons are William L. Scott, Local Master in Chancery, and D'Arcy Scott, Barrister, Ottawa. Mrs. Scott was one of several clever and highly accomplished sisters, known in professional life as “The Heron sisters," who, on the completion of their studies in music, came with their parents to America in the early fifties, and subsequently created a furore in the United States, the British provinces, and the West Indies by their exquisite singing. They toured in Canada in company, for a time, with Sir William Henry Don, a baronet of Nova Scotia, whose title, now extinct, dated back to 1667. One of the sisters married Signor Testa, a renowned tenor ; another married William Rape, Esquire, Spanish Consul at Dresden, and a third married Allan J. Scott, Esquire, a brother of the Hon. R. W. Scott. Perhaps the most talented of the sisters was Madame Testa, whose beautiful and highly-cultivated contralto voice won many laurels in Italian and English opera. She died in the city of Mexico, March 24th, 1891. Mrs. Scott, on her marriage, left the stage, and has since resided at Ottawa, which from a small settlement has grown, in her day, to be the beautiful and populous capital of British North America. In addition to her daily round of duties, she, as long as health permitted, always found time to lend her assistance to every cause in which her co-opera- tion was desired, having for its object some worthy or desirable undertaking. On the formation of the National Council of Women, by the Countess of Aberdeen, Mrs. Scott was placed on the Executive Committee, and she is now a Vice-President of the Local Council. No lady in Ottawa is held in a higher regard by all classes. Residence : 274 Daly Avenue, Ottawa. 307 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY SEATON. From a miniature taken in early life. Kindly furnished by her daughter, Lady Alexander Montgomery-Moore, Gipsy Lodge, Norwood, London, England. Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. James Yonge, of Puslinch, County Devon, England, for twenty-four years rector of Newton Ferrars, and his second wife, Anne, daughter of Edmund Granger, Esquire, of The Castle, Exeter, was born in 1790, and married, June 21st, 1814, Colonel John Colborne, who became one of the most distinguished soldiers of his time, and led the decisive movement of the 52nd Light Infantry which secured the victory of Waterloo. After serving successively as Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, and Governor-General of Canada, he was created a peer, with the title of Lord Seaton. Later, he was appointed Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, a Privy Councillor, and Commander-in-Chief in Ireland, and attained the rank of Field Marshal. Lady Seaton was the mother of eight children, six sons and two daughters, two of the former being born in Canada, namely, James Saumarez Colborne, who died at York (now Toronto), July 30th, 1829, aged 3 years, and Hon. John Colborne, who was born at York, February 14th, 1830, and is still living. Sir John and Lady Colborne first arrived in Canada in November, 1828, being accompanied by five of their children, together with Miss Yonge (Lady Colborne's sister), and Dr. Jeune, afterwards Bishop of Lincoln, who was tutor to their sons. They resided successively at York, Montreal and Quebec, their summers, while in Lower Canada, being spent at Sorel. Lady Colborne, to whom all classes of the people were warmly attached, was of a most charitable disposition, giving largely of her private means to deserving Mr. D. B. Read, in his “Lives of the Lieutenant-Governors of Upper Canada,” makes special mention of a bazaar gotten up by her Ladyship at York, in 1832, for the relief of distress occasioned by the epidemic of cholera, by which the sum of $1,200 was realized. Before leaving Canada, Lord Seaton was invested with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, the ceremony taking place at the residence of his old comrade, Major-General Sir James Macdonell, K.C.B., in Quebec, October 22nd, 1839. Lord Seaton died April 17th, 1863, and his wife, November 28th, 1872. 308 .. ric.. when Laurie decor MRS. LAURA SECORD. From the likeness contained in Lossing's "Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812." Copyright, 1868, by Harper & Brothers. Laura, eldest daughter of Major Thomas Ingersoll, a U. E. Loyalist, who afterwards founded the town of Ingersoll, Upper Canada, and his first wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Israel Dewey, Esquire, of Great Barrington, Mass., was born in Massachusetts, December, 1775. In or about 1795, she accom- panied her father and stepmother (her father's third wife) to Canada, which from that time became her home. She married, not long afterwards, James, youngest son of Lieut. James Secord, and his wife. Madeleine Badeau, and lived with him at St. David's and at Queenston, on the Niagara frontier. Her husband was also of Loyalist stock. He served during the War of 1812, and assisted in carrying the body of General Brock from the field of combat after he had fallen. At the third attack on Queenston, Secord was wounded, and it is on record that he would have been clubbed to death by the enemy as he lay helpless on the ground, if his wife, hearing of his mishap, had not gone to his assistance. Other brave and meritorious deeds rendered during the war have been attributed to her, but her crowning achieve- ment, and that which has given her name an eternal fame in Canadian history, took place on June 23rd, 1813, as tersely recounted in the inscription on the public monument erected in her honour, at Lundy's Lane, in 1901 : “ To perpetuate the name and fame of Laura Secord, who, on the 23rd of June, 1813, walked alone nearly twenty miles by a circuitous, difficult and perilous route, through woods and swamps, over dirty roads, to warn a British outpost at DeCew's Falls, of intended attack, and thereby enabled Lieut. FitzGibbon on the 24th of June, 1813, with less than fifty men of His Majesty's 49th Regiment, about fifteen militiamen, and a similar force of Six Nation and other Indians, under Captains William Johnston Kerr and Dominique Ducharme, to surprise and attack the enemy at Beechwood (or Beaver Dams), and, after a short engagement, to capture Colonel Berstler, of the U. S. Army, and his entire force of 542 men, with two field-pieces. This monument, erected by the Ontario Historical Society from contributions of schools, societies, Her Majesty's 49th Regiment, other militia organizations and private individuals, was unveiled 22nd of June, 1901.”* Mrs. Secord was the mother of one son and six daughters. Her husband died February 22nd, 1841; she died October 17th, 1868. Among writers who have taken special notice of her achievement have been Lieut. -Colonel W. F. Coffin, Lieut.-Colonel Cruickshank, Charles Mair, Mrs. S. A. Curzon, Miss Machar, Mrs. Frances E. Murray and Mrs. E. A. Currie. It is now proposed by the United Empire Loyalists' Association to pay further honour to the heroine by erecting a national monument to her at the scene of her achievement. * It is but right to state that the success of this undertaking was largely due to the constant and ener- getic efforts of Mrs. E. J. Thompson, of Toronto, the convener of the Monuments and Tablets Committee of the Ontario Historical Society. 309 formous MRS. ALFRED SEYMOUR. From a photograph by Lambert, Weston & Son, Folkestone and Dover. Jessie Madeline, eldest daughter of the Hon. William Macdougall, C.B., P.C., and his first wife, Amelia Caroline, daughter of Joseph Easton, Esquire, of Millbank, Ont., was born in Toronto, and received her education in that city and in Quebec. Her musical studies were conducted at both these places, and at London, England, which city she first visited with her father, on his going there in 1866 to attend the final conference held in that city on the political Union of British North America. While in England, on that occasion, she acted as bridesmaid to Miss Bernard (now the Baroness Macdonald of Earnscliffe), at her marriage with the late Sir John Macdonald. Possessing a voice of much sweetness and cultivation, she was, while living at Ottawa, often heard at concerts given for charitable and national objects. During the visit to Ottawa of the Duke of Connaught, in 1870, she formed one of the house party at Rideau Hall, and together with Lord and Lady Lisgar, General and Mrs. Earle and Miss Dalton (Mrs. Austin Mackenzie, q.v.), accom- panied His Royal Highness on his visit to the Upper Ottawa, at that time. She married, at Ottawa, April 20th, 1870, Alfred Seymour, Esquire, of the Rifle Brigade, third son of the late Right Hon. Sir George Hamilton Seymour, G.C.B., G.C.H., a distinguished diplomat, and his wife, Gertrude, daughter of Henry, 21st Lord Dacre, and has issue seven children, four sons and three daughters. One son is in the army, another in the navy, and a third in the diplomatic service. Her husband died in February, 1897. Resi- dence : 17 Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, England. 310 Vyber Saekal Keyberer MISS SEYMOUR. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Toronto. Sybil Dagmar, second daughter of the late Charles Seymour, Esquire, of “Idalia,” Port Hope, Ont., formerly an officer in the 2nd Queen's Regiment, and his wife, Emma Alicia, youngest child of the late Commander John Tucker Williams, R.N., of Penryn Park, Port Hope, was born in that town and received her education under a private governess, and at Toronto. She is a granddaughter of the late Hon. Benjamin Seymour, for many years a member of the Legislative Council of Canada, and who, at Confedera- tion, was called with others to the Senate of Canada by the Queen's Proclamation. Her uncle, the late Lieut.-Colonel A. T. H. Williams, M.P., commanded the Midland Regiment during the rising in the North-West Territories, 1885, and died while on active service on that occasion. Residence : Arlington Hotel, Toronto. 21 311 asia 63. Toplisa MRS. CLIFFORD SIFTON. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Elizabeth Armanella, daughter of the late Henry James Burrows, Esquire, of Ottawa, and his wife, Sarah Sparks, was born in Ottawa, and educated at the Ladies' College, in that city. She married, at Winnipeg, August 18th, 1884, Clifford Sifton, Esquire, then a young lawyer, who, at a later period, entered Provincial politics and became Attorney- General in Mr. Greenway's Administration. He was, subsequently, acting-Premier of Manitoba, and was largely responsible for the action of the Government on the Manitoba school question, 1895-96. In November, 1896, he entered the Laurier Administration, at Ottawa, as Minister of the Interior and Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, since when he and Mrs. Sifton have resided at the Federal capital. Mrs. Sifton, who is a prime factor in the social life of Ottawa, is the mother of five fine sons. When living at Brandon, she founded and presided over the W. C. T. U. of that town. She was also President of the Women's Hospital Aid Society, and of the Women's Society formed in connection with the Methodist Church. Since removing to Ottawa, she has presided over one or two similar bodies in that city, and has been warmly interested in the work of the National Council of Women, and in Lady Minto's several generous undertakings. Handsome and prepossessing in appearance, and with a kindly nature and engaging manners, Mrs. Sifton is one of the most popular and highly esteemed hostesses in Ottawa. On both sides of the House, she is the representative of old Ottawa families. Residence : “ Armadale," 215 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa. 312 MRS. SILLS. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her brother, F. A. Routh, Esquire, Montreal. Ellen Adéle, third daughter of Commissary-General Sir Randolph Isham Routh, K.C.B., and his second wife, Marie Louise Taschereau (9.v.), was born in Quebec, October 30th, 1837, and received her education at the Ursuline Convent in that city. She married, in London, England, January 8th, 1857, William Bernard Sills, Esquire, Barrister (who died in Montreal, March 12th, 1895), and is the mother of three children. Her only daughter, Emmie Gwendolyn, married, October 5th, 1887, Charles F. Bouthillier, Esquire, of Montreal, and “Bleury," Ste. Rose, P.Q. One of her sisters, Louisa Isabel, married, at Calcutta, November, 1859, Surgeon-General Charles Edward Kil- kelly, of the British Army. Residence : 749 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal. 313 MRS. SIMCOE. From a likeness taken late in life. Kindly furnished by J. Ross Robertson, Esquire, Toronto. Elizabeth Posthuma, only daughter and heiress (by Elizabeth Spinckes, his wife) of Colonel Thomas Gwillim, of Old Court, A.D.C. to General Wolfe, married, about 1790, her relative, Colonel John Graves Simcoe, M.P., late of the Queen's Rangers, who, in July, 1792, was appointed first Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, which position he filled till July, 1796. In the latter year he became Governor of San Domingo, and after returning from that country, was promoted lieutenant-general, and appointed Commander-in-Chief in India, as successor to Lord Lake, but did not live to take up the duties of this office, as he died suddenly, at Torbay, October 26th, 1806, aged 54. Mrs. Simcoe accompanied her husband to Canada, arriving at Quebec, on H. M. S. Triton, November, 1791, and proceeding to the Upper Province in June, 1792, a considerable portion of the journey being made in canoes. The Duc de la Rochefoucault-Liancourt, who visited the Simcoes at Newark (Niagara), in 1795, describes Mrs. Simcoe as “a lady of thirty-six years of age. She is bashful and speaks little, but is a woman of sense, handsome and amiable, and fulfils all the duties of a mother and wife with the most scrupulous exactness. The performance of the latter she carries so far as to act the part of secretary to her husband. Her talent for drawing, the practice of which she confines to maps and plans, enables her to be extremely useful to her husband.” Mrs. Simcoe also accompanied her husband to San Domingo. She died at the family seat, Wolford Lodge, near Exeter, Devonshire, in 1850. She was the mother of two sons and six daughters. One daughter, Katherine, was born in Canada, and died here in infancy. 314 Kumpt MRS. A. B. SIMPSON. ) From a photograph by Whittemore, Old Orchard, Me. Margaret L., daughter of John Henry, Esquire, an elder of the Presbyterian Church, and founder of Cooke's Church, Toronto, was born in that city. She was one of the first pupils who attended the Toronto Model School, and after graduating there, completed her education at Miss Brown's private school, this lady being a sister of the late Hon. George Brown, for some years the leader of the Liberal party in Upper Canada. In 1865, she married the Rev. Albert Benjamin Simpson, the founder of the Christian Alliance and of the Inter- national Mission Alliance, who has been declared to be the most remarkable and successful advocate of missions now living, and is the mother of six children. Although she has led a very busy domestic life, Mrs. Simpson has been able to accomplish much good for others, especially for working girls, whom God has taught her to love and teach. Through her instrumentality hundreds of these girls have been converted and saved. For ten years Mrs. Simpson has filled, with ability and zeal, the position of Financial Secre- tary of the C. and M. Alliance for the spreading of the Gospel abroad. Resi- dence : 692 8th Avenue, New York. 315 MRS. SHAW. From a photograph by Simpson, Toronto. Ethel Louisa, third daughter of the late Chief Justice Sir Thomas Galt, and his wife, Frances Louisa, daughter of Lieut. J. M. Perkins, R.N., was born and educated in Toronto. Entering the service of the Salvation Army, she became a strenuous worker in behalf of the objects of that organization, and was pro- moted through the various grades to the rank of major. She married, in May, 1902, Austin Edward Shaw, Esquire, of Spokane. In the opinion of the Ottawa Citizen, Mrs. Shaw “belongs to the select circle of great characters, of whom the world never has an overplus at any time, but who are the salt of the earth when they do appear.” Residence : Spokane, Wash., U.S. 316 LADY SHEA. From a photograph by Elliott & Fry, London. Kindly urnished by Hon. Justice Baby, Montreal. Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Joseph Bouchette, Esquire, Deputy Surveyor-General of Lower Canada, and granddaughter of Colonel Joseph Bouchette, the distinguished topographer, was born and educated in Quebec. She married, first, at Quebec, November 8th, 1851, Alexander Hart, Esquire, C.E. (he died); and secondly, at Quebec, November 26th, 1878, as his second wife, the Hon. Ambrose Shea, M.E.C., St. John's, Newfoundland, one of the "Fathers of the Canadian Confederation.” Mr. Shea was, from 1887 to 1895, Governor of the Bahama Islands, and in 1883 received a K.C.M.G. Lady Shea is taken in the above picture in the costume worn by her when presented at court. Residence : 1 Alfred Place, Thurloe Square, London, England. 317 Elisabetti Short DR. ELIZABETH SHORTT. From a photograph by Cochran, Hamilton, Ont. Elizabeth, daughter of Sylvester Smith, Esquire, and his wife, Isabella McGee, was born at Winona, Ont., in 1859. Educated privately, and at the Collegiate Institute, Hamilton, she studied medicine at the Royal Medical College, Kingston, where she induced the Dean of the Faculty to institute a separate course for ladies. This led to the establishment of the Women's Medical College in that city. Called to the degree of M.D., C.M. in 1884, she was, in the same year, admitted a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. In 1886, she married Prof. Adam Shortt, M.A., who holds the chair of Political Science in Queen's University, Kingston, and in 1887 she was appointed Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence and Sanitary Science in the Women's Medical College. Both she and her husband are most highly regarded in educational circles. Residence: “Copsewerth," King Street West, Kingston, Ont. 318 Amy Srove ftaal MRS. SLOANE-STANLEY. From a photograph by Hughes & Mullins, Ryde, I. W Charlotte Amy, second daughter of the late Right Hon. Sir John Rose, Bart., G.C.M.G., and his wife, Charlotte, daughter of Robert Emmet Temple, Esquire, of Rutland, Vt. (9.v.), was born and educated in Montreal. She married, in that city, August 15th, 1866, Francis Sloane-Stanley, Esquire, late Royal Horse Guards, third son of the Rev. George Sloane-Stanley, late rector of Branstone, England, and is the mother of two sons, Ronald Francis Assheton, formerly Captain 16th Lancers, with which he served and was severely wounded in South Africa, and Cecil Vivian, Captain 12th Lancers, who likewise served in South Africa. Mr. Sloane-Stanley is a J.P. and D.L. for County Leicester, and a J.P. for Hampshire. Mrs. Sloane-Stanley is a great favourite in London society. Residences : Leesthorpe Hall, Melton Mowbray; Bay House, Alver- stoke, Hants, England. 319 Eleif.c. Sruth MISS SMITH. Froni a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her uncle, Sir Sand ord Fleming. Miss Elsie Smith, an active member of several of the women's organizations in Ottawa, is a daughter of the late Alexander Smith, Esquire, of Kingussie, Scotland, by his marriage with Lily, daughter of the late Sheriff Hall, of Peter- boro', Ont. Miss Smith is a niece of Sir Sandford Fleming, K.C.M.G., and since the death of his wife, in 1888, has presided over his household at Ottawa. An amiable, clever and entertaining young lady, she has become an immense favourite in Ottawa society. Residence: “Winterholme," 213 Chapel Street Ottawa. 320 Sarala M. twitter LADY (ALBERT) SMITH. From a photograph by Pridham. Sarah, daughter of the late J. W. Young, Esquire, of Halifax, N.S., was born and educated in Nova Scotia. She married, 1868, the Hon. Albert J. Smith, K.C., M.P., a distinguished public man, who had been Premier of New Brunswick, and who, subsequently, entered the Canadian House of Commons, was sworn of the Privy Council, and received a K.C.M.G., in recognition of his public services. He died June 30th, 1883, aged sixty. His widow, who is a lady of fine literary tastes, and one of the wealthiest women in the Maritime Provinces, is the mother of a son, J. W. Young Smith, who married, September, 1892, Cornelia DeLancy, third daughter of the late Major W. B. Robinson. Residence : “Roodlawn," Dorchester, N.B. 321 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY STANLEY OF ALDERLEY. From a painting by Sir William Richmond, R.A. Kindly furnished by Lady Stanley's daughter, the Lady Maude Alethea Stanley, London, England. Hon. Henrietta Maria, eldest daughter of Henry Augustus, 13th Viscount Dillon, and his wife, Henrietta, eldest daughter of Dominick Geoffry Browne, Esquire, M.P., and sister of the ist Lord Oran- command of his regiment, the worst Foot. Two years afterwards, the regiment proceeded to Jamaica, and the mother and child went to England. Subsequently, they took up their residence at Florence, where, in 1826, the Hon. Miss Dillon was married to Edward John Stanley, Esquire, who, later, became the 2nd Lord Stanley of Alderley. She was the mother of ten children, four sons and six daughters, among the latter being the late Countess of Airlie and the late Viscountess Amberley. Her husband died June 16th, 1869 ; her Ladyship died February 16th, 1895. She was in many respects a most remarkable woman. Her great age was no hindrance to her extraordinary intellectual and physical activity. Within a few weeks of her death she attended the weekly meeting of the Girls' Public Day School Company (of which she was one of the earliest promoters), had attended a lecture at the Royal Institution on her old friend present Lord Stanley, to a church. As a matter of history it may be recorded that she was born before the Jubilee of George III., was presented at court to George IV., was familiar with the widow of the young Pretender, and was present both at the Coronation and the Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen Victoria. More than half a century ago Lady Stanley was one of the original promoters of the Queen's College, and she became one of the members of its first council. She assisted to a great extent Miss Emily Davies, to whom the foundation of Girton College was primarily and mainly owing. During the whole of her life she had been doing the best that she could do for the development of the education of women, never thrusting herself to the front or endeavouring to monopolize the credit that was due to others, and all this good work was accomplished without neglecting her duties as a woman or the taking of a proper interest in her children and their offsp g. Her remains were interred beneath the chancel of Alderley Church, in which edifice her surviving children have placed a tablet to her memory. 322 С тииЛ laula THE HONOURABLE MRS. VICTOR STANLEY. From a photograph by Alice Hughes, London. Annie Bickerton, second daughter of the Hon. C. E. Pooley, K.C., President of the Executive Council of British Columbia, and his wife, Elizabeth, only daughter of William Fisher, Esquire, formerly M.P.P. for Esquimalt, B.C., was born and educated in British Columbia. She married, at Esquimalt, Novem- ber 5th, 1896, the Hon. Albert Victor Stanley, Lieutenant Royal Navy, second son of the 16th Earl of Derby, K.G., G.C.B., and his wife, Lady Constance, daughter of the 4th Earl of Clarendon, K.G. (9.v.), and is the mother of two children, a girl and a boy. At the wedding the bride wore a Brussels lace veil, which was lent by the bridegroom's mother, and had been her own wedding veil. Since their marriage the Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley have spent eight months of every year at Malta, owing to the former's connection with the navy. He was promoted Commander in 1901. Residence : 51 South Street, Mayfair, London, England. 323 France MRS. G. W. STEPHENS. From a photograph by Kellie & Co., Montreal. Frances Ramsay, fourth daughter of the late Nicholas Carnegie McIntosh, Esquire, of Edinburgh, Scotland, was born in Montreal, and educated there by private tutors. She also followed courses of lectures given under the auspices of the Montreal Ladies' Educational Association, taking certificates thereat in mineralogy, logic and mental philosophy. She married, in 1879, as his second wife, George Washington Stephens, Esquire, Barrister and M.P.P., of Montreal, who, later, entered the Provincial Government, and is the mother of three children, one son and two daughters. Mrs. Stephens' tastes have a decided inclination towards art, which she has cultivated and encouraged in various forms and directions. She was one of the originators of the Montreal Society of Decorative Art, which was opened by the Princess Louise in 1879, and was, for fifteen years or more, President of that body. She is now one of its hon- orary presidents. Her activity and usefulness have also been displayed in connection with the Woman's Protective Immigration Society, the Soldiers' Wives? League (organized during the South African war), the Maternity Hos- pital and the Montreal Cooking School, all of which have been carried on with manifest benefit to many. Mrs. Stephens will doubtless be heard from in other fields in the near future, for hers is an active brain and full of resource. Residence : 845 Dorchester Street, Montreal. 324 va MISS STREET. From a photograph by Fraser Bryce, Toronto. Kindly furnished by her father. Evelyn DeLatre, daughter of the Hon. William Purvis Rochfort Street, a Judge of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice of Ontario, and his wife, Eleanor, daughter of Thomas S. Smyth, Esquire, of London, Ont., who has become widely known as an accomplished violiniste, was born in London, Ont. She studied the violin in Canada, under Mr. Baumann, of Hamilton, subsequently proceeding to Leipzig, where she remained under the tuition of Herr Kapellmeister Sitt, for six years, and graduated at the Royal Conservatory. After further study in England, and at Boston, she appeared at various recitals in New York and in Canada, with much success. A sprained wrist, however, has since for two years prevented her from performing, much to the regret of her many friends and admirers. Address : 45 Walmer Road, Toronto. 325 MRS. SUTHER. From a photograph by Adams, Aberdeen. Kindly furnished by her nephew, Dr. C. F. Fraser, Halifax, N.S. Catherine, fourth daughter of the Hon. James Fraser, M.L.C., of Halifax, N.S., and his wife, Rachel Otis, daughter of Benjamin DeWolfe, Esquire, was born in 1813. She married, in 1835, the Rev. Thomas G. Suther, who, in 1857, was consecrated Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney, in Scotland. Like his wife, he was a native of Nova Scotia. Mrs. Suther, who was a sister of Lady Gore (9.v.) died, at Aberdeen, April ist, 1880, the same year as that in which her sister expired. She was a clever and energetic woman, and of great service to her husband in the administration of his diocese. 326 Fosephine Vercheres Taille MADAME A. A. TAILLON. From a photograph by Livernois, Quebec. Kindly furnished by her husband. Josephine, daughter of the late Surgeon-Major P. V. B. de Boucherville, of Beauharnois, was born at Ste. Martine, P.Q., and educated at Hochelaga Convent, Montreal. She married, in January, 1871, Alphonse Antoine Taillon, Esquire, now manager of La Banque Nationale at Ottawa. The portrait of Madame Taillon claims special attention, in that she is a descendant of the Verchères branch of the family of which the celebrated French-Canadian heroine, Madeleine de Verchères, was a member. Madame Taillon is the mother of two daughters, the Misses Josephine and Emma Taillon, both of whom graduated from the Convent of the Congregation de Notre Dame, Ottawa, with honours. Residence : 292 Daly Avenue, Ottawa. 22 Lily M. sait LADY TAIT. From a photograph by Notman, Montreal. Kindly furnished by her husband. Lily M., only daughter of the late Henry B. Kaighn, Esquire, of Newport, R.I., married, 1878, as his second wife, Melbourne McTaggart Tait, Esquire, Advocate, who, in 1887, was raised to the judicial Bench in the Province of Quebec, and, in 1894, was appointed to perform the duties of Chief Justice of his Court in the district of Montreal. He received the honour of knighthood at Queen Victoria's Jubilee, 1897. Lady Tait, who possesses histrionic ability of a very marked character, frequently performed, after her marriage, with the Montreal Garrick Club, of which her husband was President. She is held in high esteem by a numerous circle of friends throughout the Dominion. Her hus- band, in January, 1903, headed a movement for the erection of a Children's Hospital in Montreal, as a memorial to the late Queen Victoria. Residence : 994 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal. 328 M. L. Panet Taschereau LADY TASCHEREAU. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her husband. Marie Louise, daughter of the late Charles Panet, Esquire, Clerk of Private Bills, House of Commons, Ottawa, and his wife, Euphémie Chateauvert, was born in Ottawa, February 29th, 1868, and received her education at the Convent of the Sacred Heart (Grey Nuns) in that city. She married, at Supreme Court of Canada, who received the honour of knighthood from King Edward, 1902, and, in the same year, was advanced to the Chief Justiceship of Canada. Of this marriage there is issue two sons, Charles Elzéar de Montar- ville Taschereau, born at Ottawa, October 5th, 1898, and Henri Edouard Panet Taschereau, born at Ottawa, August 9th, 1902 (the King's coronation day). Lady Taschereau is a prominent figure in Ottawa Society, and is reputed to be a charming hostess. Sir H. E. Taschereau was first married at Vaudreuil, P.Q., May 27th, 1857, to Marie Antoinette, daughter of the Hon. R. U. Harwood, Seigneur of Vaudreuil, and his wife, Marie Louise Josephte Chartier de Lotbinière. This lady, who was the mother of seven children, died at Ottawa, June 2nd, 1896, her remains being interred in the parish church of Vaudreuil.* Residence : 265 Theodore Street, Ottawa. *“La Fam:lle Taschereau.” Par Pierre-Georges Roy. (Lévis : 1901.) 329 bericht MADAME THIBAUDEAU. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by Madame La Mothe, Ottawa. Marguerite, eldest daughter of Guillaume La Mothe, Esquire, sometime Postmaster of Montreal, and his wife, Marguerite de Savoye, of France, was born at Montreal, March 6th, 1853. Educated there, she married, December 9th, 1873, Joseph Rosaire Thibaudeau, Esquire, an eminent merchant of Montreal, who was called to the Senate of Canada in 1878, and was appointed Sheriff of the District of Montreal, 1890. “A beautiful, highly accomplished and capable woman,”* and with all the means at her command to contribute to her enjoyment in society, Madame Thibaudeau has yet preferred for many years to give herself up almost wholly to works of charity, improvement and beneficence, following, in this respect, in the footsteps of the Cottés, Quesnels, Laframboises and Vigers of a preceding generation. While doing good in every direction, she has laboured especially for the welfare of Notre Dame Hospital, of which she is President, and has been instrumental in raising for that institution over $50,000. Among other bodies with which she has been closely connected have been the National Council of Women, the Women's Historical Society, the Parks and Playgrounds Association of Montreal, and the Ladies' Branch of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, of which she was one of the founders. Madame Thibaudeau is the mother of two daughters, the eldest of whom is married to Aimé, only son of the late Hon. C. A. Geoffrion, K.C., P.C. Miss Juliette La Mothe, a sister of Madame Thibaudeau, was married, in January, 1888, to the Marquis Charles de Bouthillier-Chavigny. Residence : 837 Lagauchetière Street, Montreal. * Judge Baby. 330 LADY THOMPSON. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Annie E., daughter of John Affleck, Esquire, of Halifax, N.S., and his wife, Catherine Saunders, was born and educated in Halifax. She married, in 1870, John Sparrow David Thompson, Esquire, Barrister, who subsequently ran a distinguished career as a public man. Entering the Provincial Assem- bly, in 1877, he became, two years afterwards, a member of the Local Executive, then Premier of Nova Scotia, then a Judge, then a Privy Councillor of Canada, with office, and then Prime Minister of Canada. He was created a K.C.M.G. in 1888, and, at his death, December 12th, 1894, had just been sworn as a Privy Councillor at Windsor Castle. His sudden demise created a painful sensation everywhere, and awakened a deep feeling of sympathy for his widow and children, consisting of two sons and two daughters. Her Majesty Queen Victoria, in whose presence Sir John Thompson had expired, gave expression to her sorrow in a private interview with the deceased statesman's daughter, and sent a tender message of condolence to his widow. She also placed a wreath upon his coffin, and ordered that the remains be taken to Halifax in state, in one of Her Majesty's war vessels, which was done. After the state funeral at the latter place, a fund was raised for the benefit of Lady Thompson, headed by Lord Strathcona with a subscription of $5,000, the Parliament of Canada contributing thereto $25,000. The education of the sons was undertaken by the Governor-General, the Earl of Aberdeen. Lady Thompson, who is a cultured and capable woman, has, since her husband's death, lived much in retirement. She has travelled abroad, and while with Sir John Thompson in England, on one occasion, was presented to Queen Victoria, at a garden party given at Marlborough House by the then Prince and Princess of Wales. She co-operated with the Countess of Aberdeen in founding the National Council of Women, and was one of its presidents at large. She has also given her support to the Victorian Order of Nurses by. becoming a governor of the order. Residence : “ Derwent Lodge," Sherbourne Street, Toronto. 331 BE • rauetta norban LADY THORBURN. From a photograph by Parsons, St. John's, Nfld. Kindly furnished by her husband. Susanna Janetta, daughter of the late Andrew Milroy, Esquire, of Hamilton, Ont., and formerly manager of the Bank of British North America, at St. John's, Nid., was married, in 1865, to Robert Thorburn, Esquire, Merchant, of St. John's, who, subsequently, entered public life, became Premier of New- foundland in 1885, and received a K.C.M.G. at Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1887. On that occasion he was selected by the Colonial Conference, then sitting in London, to present their address of congratulation to Her Majesty at Windsor Castle. Lady Thorburn and her daughter, Miss Thorburn, were with Sir Robert in London on this occasion, and were presented to the Queen by Lady Holland, at a drawing-room, held at Buckingham Palace, May roth, 1887. Residence : “Devon Place," St. John's, Nfld. 332 Alice Tilley LADY TILLEY. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Alice Starr, eldest daughter of the late Zachariah Chipman, Esquire, ship-owner and merchant, of" The Cedars," St. Stephen, N.B., and his wife, Mary Eliza, daughter of William H. DeWolfe, Esquire, of Wolfville, N.S., was born at St. Stephen. Educated in St. John, she subsequently gratified her literary and artistic tastes by studying and travelling in England. She married, October 20th, 1867, as his second wife, the Hon. Samuel Leonard Tilley, C.B., then Minister of Customs, a distinguished statesman who had been largely instrumental with others in securing the political union of British North America. There was issue of this marriage two sons : Herbert Chipman Tilley, born September 6th, 1868, and Leonard Percy DeWolfe Tilley, born May 21st, 1870. Mr. Tilley, who had been previously Premier of New Brunswick, became Lieutenant-Governor of that Province in 1873, and, after serving for a second time in the Dominion Government (1878-85), was in the latter year recalled to the Lieutenant-Governorship, and continued therein up to within a short period of his death. June 25th. 1806. He was created a K.C.M.G. in 1879. While living at Ottawa, Lady Tilley was one of the principal figures in a brilliant circle of women led by the Baroness Macdonald of Earnscliffe, no society event being considered complete without her. At all the entertainments given in honour of the Duke of Connaught while on his first visit to Canada, and, afterwards, during the stay here of his sister, the Princess Louise, she was prominent. Subsequently, while in England, in July, 1884, she and her husband had the honour of being presented to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, at Osborne, by the Princess Louise. They also attended a garden party given by the present King and Queen, at Marlborough House, and a State ball at Buck- ingham Palace. After taking possession of Government House, Fredericton, for the second time, in 1885, Lady Tilley gave herself up almost wholly to benevolent work, with the result that, since that time, she has been instrumental in giving to her native Province several institutions which will be of lasting benefit to its people. Chief among these are the Victoria Cottage Hospital at Fredericton, and the Industrial School for Boys, the Nurses' Home, the Seamen's Mission, and the Home for Consumptives at St. John. Another institution founded in part by her is the Chipman Memorial Hospital, consisting of the Chipman homestead at St. Stephen, which, in 1902, was given over for hospital purposes by the heirs of the estate : Lady Tilley, her brother, J. D. Chipman, Esquire, and her sisters, Mrs. Toller, of Ottawa, and Mrs. W. H. Howland. of Toronto. Lady Tilley has been a prominent member of the National Council of Women since its organization, and, we believe, is still President of the St. John Local Council. As a proof of their consistency of principle, it may be mentioned that during the thirteen years Sir Leonard and Lady Tilley held the first place in New Brunswick, no intoxicants of any kind were in use at their entertainments. One who knows Lady Tilley intimately speaks of her as "a born leader, who is always in the forefront of every aggressive movement." "Her sympathies," adds the same writer, "are with the advance guard of women reformers, but she is not a crank that turns in one direction until the monotony becomes unbearable. She has zeal with knowledge, and this with sound common sense, tact and a harmonious individuality gives her success. Another strong point is her talent for organi- zation, and as her methods run in reasonable lines she rarely fails in the accomplishment of her object." Should a Royal Order be instituted for the decoration of Colonial women, Lady Tilley's varied public services would be well worthy of recognition. Residence : Carleton House, St. John, N.B. 333 Un C arine Parr Fraice MRS. TRAILL. From a photograph by Topley, Ottawa. Kindly furnished by her niece, Mrs. Brown Chamberlin. Catharine Parr, the fifth in order of birth of the clever Strickland sisters, was born at London, Kent, England, January 9th, 1802. She was the first of the sisters to commence writing, and it was the favour with which her stories and sketches were received by the public that led her elder sisters to enter the same field. In 1832 she married Lieut. Thomas Traill, of the 21st Fusiliers, with whom she emigrated to Canada, her sister, Susannah (Mrs. Moodie, q.v.), following soon afterward. The Traills settled at Rice Lake, in Ontario, which became their permanent place of residence in this country. published her first book: “The Backwoods of Canada.” Among her subsequent works, all of which had a marked influence in promoting emigration to Canada, were : “The Canadian Crusoes,” “The Female Emigrant's Guide,” “Rambles in the Canadian Forest,” “Studies in Plant Life in Canada," “ Pearls and Pebbles," and “Cot and Cradle Stories.” She died at her residence, “Westove," Lakefield, Ont., August 28th, 1899, universally regretted. Not long before her death, through the instrumentality of Lord Lansdowne, she received a grant from the Royal Bounty Fund, which was supplemented by a subscription from her friends in Canada, headed by Sir Sandford Fleming. John Reade, speaking of Mrs. Traill in “Old and New," says: “No one knew her who did not love her. Those who knew nothing of her literary fame, loved her for her Christian love and charity. All children loved her. It was not uncommon for grey-headed men and women to say: 'I have known and loved her all my life. Her one boast (if boast. it could be called), was: 'I have never lost a friend.'” At her death she was said to be the oldest living authoress in the British Dominions. 334 Cillian Marsey Public MRS. LILLIAN MASSEY TREBLE. From a photograph by Park Brothers, Toronto. Mrs. Treble is the only daughter of the late Hart A. Massey, Esquire, of Toronto, a gentleman widely known n Canada as the able and energetic founder of some of its most important industries and philanthropic institutions. She was born in Newcastle, Ont., March 2nd, 1854. She has inherited a large share of her father's energy and ability, and her natural gifts have been perfected by the most thorough education and culture which the country she has made philanthropic work the ambition of her life. Commencing with the Fred Victor Mission in a neglected part of Toronto, and with the Deaconess work, she speedily appreciated the fact that, if permanent good was to be accomplished, the home-life of the masses must be improved, and for this purpose the girls must be furnished with higher ideals than could be had in their own wretched tenements. Hence came classes in Domestic Science connected with the Mission work. These led up to wider ideas for the uplifting of the home life of the whole country, calling for teachers for our Public and High Schools, and supplying these through a Normal Training School. This led to the founding of the Lillian Massey School of Household Science and Art. Finally the influence of her work has reached the University of Toronto, resulting in a curriculum in Household Science which offers the most perfect literary, scientific and practical education for women in woman's sphere of life, i.e., the home, that can be found in any country. Mrs. Treble has also founded similar work in the University of Manitoba, and in several ladies' colleges. She was married, January 26th, 1897, to John M. Treble, Esquire, of Toronto. A member of the Metro- politan Methodist Church, Toronto, a trustee of the Fred Victor Mission, Honorary President of the Canadian Household Economic Association, and Vice-President of the Women's Council of Toronto, she is likewise a trustee executrix for the administration of the large estate of her father, the late Hart A. Massey. Her name would add strength to any Royal Order to be instituted for the decoration of Colonial women. Residence: “Euclid Hall," Toronto. 335 MRS. TROUBRIDGE. From a photograph by Mendelssohn, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Edith Mary, younger daughter of William Duffus, Esquire, was born and educated in Halifax, N.S. She married, at Halifax, December 29th, 1891, Lieutenant Ernest Charles Thomas Troubridge, R.N., second son of the late Colonel Sir Thomas Troubridge, Bart., C.B., who greatly distinguished himself in the Crimea, where he lost his right leg and left foot, and his wife, Louisa Jane, daughter of Daniel Gurney, Esquire, of North Runcton, Norfolk, Eng- land. Of this union there was issue, one son and two daughters. Mrs. Trou- bridge died at Alverstoke, Hants, England, January Ioth, 1900. Her elder sister, Janet, married, September, 1886, Captain (now Lieut.-Colonel) J. C. Middlemass, R.E. Lieutenant Troubridge was promoted Commander, 1895, and Captain, 1901, and is now Naval Attaché in Japan. 336 Ti MRS. TUDOR. From a photograph by Taber, Paris. Kindly furnished by her mother. Harriet Sophia, daughter of the late Thomas Vaux, Esquire (9.v.), was born in Hamilton, Ont., and educated chiefly in England and Germany. She married, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, London, October 26th, 1898, Captain (now Major), Ernest Tudor Tudor, R.E. She was first presented at Court in 1894, and, again, on the occasion of her marriage. Temporary residence: Hong-Kong: 337 Finances Tuffer LADY TUPPER. From a photograph by Maull & Fox, Piccadilly, London. Kindly furnished by her husband. Frances Amelia, daughter of Silas Hibbert Morse, Esquire, was born at Amherst, N.S., and educated at Charlestown Academy, Massachusetts. She married, October 8th, 1846, Charles Tupper, Esquire, M.D., who subsequently entered public life, and became, successively, Premier of Nova Scotia, a Privy Councillor in Canada, and a member of the Dominion Government, High Commissioner for Canada in London, and Prime Minister of Canada. In recognition of his eminent public services her husband was created a C.B. in 1867, a K.C.M.G. in 1879, a G.C.M.G. in 1886, and a Baronet in 1888. The issue of this marriage was three sons and three daughters, of whom survive, James Stewart Tupper, Esquire, K.C., Winnipeg ; Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, K.C.M.G., P.C., K.C., Vancouver ; William Johnston Tupper, Esquire, Barrister, Winnipeg, and Emma, the wife of Major-General Donald R. Cameron, R.A., C.M.G. Lady Tupper, who throughout her distinguished husband's career has been very near and close to him, is a woman universally loved and respected for her sweetness of disposition and high character. While in England, with her husband, in 1867, on the occasion of the London Conference on Confederation, she and Dr. Tupper had the honour of being pre- sented to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, at a special drawing-room at which only repre- sentatives of foreign countries, or persons recently appointed to high office, were presented. She was again presented to Her Majesty in 1886. During her husband's residence in London, while he was High Commissioner, from 1884 to 1896, Lady Tupper had many arduous and responsible social duties to fulfil in connection with his official position, which she discharged in a manner always creditable to herself, her husband and the Dominion. The fiftieth anniversary of Sir Charles and Lady Tupper's wedding was celebrated in Ottawa, October 8th, 1896. On that occasion they were made the recipients of many warmly expressed messages of congratulation, and in addition were presented with many souvenirs of the happy event, including a solid gold epergne from the Con- servative members of the Senate, and a solid gold salver from the Conservative members of the House of Commons. Residence : “ Armdale,” Halifax, N.S. 338 fauet Suppen LADY (C. H.) TUPPER. From a photograph by Savannah, Victoria, B.C. Kindly furnished by her husband. Janet, eldest daughter of the Hon. James McDonald, Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, and his wife, Jane, daughter of William Mortimer, Esquire, was born at Pictou, N.S., and educated at Lower Norwood, London, England. She married, September 9th, 1879, Charles Hibbert Tupper, Esquire, Barrister, second son of the Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C. M.G., and his wife, Frances Amelia, daughter of Silas Hibbert Morse, Esquire (9.v.). Mr. Tupper subsequently entered public life, was sworn of the Privy Council, and was a member of successive Canadian Cabinets. He is still a member of the House of Commons. Lady Tupper, who is very popular in society, is the mother of four sons and three daughters. While the Prince and Princess of Wales were in Vancouver, in 1901, she and her husband had the honour of a special presentation to their Royal Highnesses. One of her sisters is married to her brother-in-law, Mr. W. J. Tupper, residing at Winnipeg, and another sister to the Rev. L. H. Jordan, B.D., of Chicago. Residence : “ Parkside," Vancouver, B.C. 339 Turner MRS. TURNER. From a photograph by Pittaway, Ottawa. Kate Elise, daughter of Frederick J. Seymour, Esquire, was born at Tor- rington, Conn., U.S., and received her education at St. Margaret's School, Waterbury. She married, January 20th, 1886, Colonel Charles Edward Turner, who was appointed Consul-General for the United States of America, at Ottawa, in June, 1897, and has since then resided at the Canadian capital. She was admitted to the Order of the Daughters of the Revolution, and appointed Chapter Regent of the same, in Ottawa, January 24th, 1899. In January, 1903, she was presented by Her Excellency the Countess of Minto with the medal of the Royal Canadian Humane Association, in recognition of her bravery in saving the life of Game Warden Cormier, of Aylmer, P.Q., from the attack of a vicious bear, in November, 1902. Residence : 150 Cooper Street, Ottawa. 340 Elejabat Dokulen. vaulyte MRS. VAN SLYKE. From a photograph by Barnett, London. Elizabeth, daughter of the late William Johnson, Esquire, and his wife, Margaret Tait, was born and educated in Montreal. After attending the lectures delivered by Dr. Roddick and others before the Ladies Educational Association, she prepared for matriculation in Toronto University, with a view to studying medicine, but the death of a favourite brother caused her to change her plans. She then entered the New York Hospital Training School for Nurses, and after graduating, in 1883, remained for six months in charge of the children's ward and reception rooms. When not much over twenty years of age, she was appointed Superintendent of the Training School of the High Street General Hospital at Buffalo, having thirty-six nurses under her tuition. At the end of a year, she resigned this position, and after the usual course of study, graduated in medicine at Buffalo University, 1887, with honours for her thesis on “The Comparative Test of Pepsine Preparations.” She entered on the prosecution of her profession in New York, her practice being altogether among women and children. She was ten years in charge of a gynecological clinic in the dispensary of the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, and did minor surgery herself. In addition, she was for some time medical editor of the Scientific American, and she is now one of the Advisory Board of the School of Applied Design for Women in New York. Dr. Johnson married, in April, 1902, the Rev. Evert Van Slyke, D.D., late Moderator of the Central Synod of the Reformed Church. Residence : New York. 341 MRS. RICHARD VICARS. From a photograph by Clark, Bury St. Edmunds. Kindly furnished by her daughter, the late Right Honourable Lady Rayleigh. Marianne Williams, a native of Newfoundland, married, at fifteen, Lieut. Richard John Vicars, R.E., by whom she had a family of several children, her eldest son being the noble Christian soldier, Captain Hedley Shafto Johnstone Vicars, of the 97th Regiment, who was killed in a sortie by the Russians from Sebastopol, March 22nd, 1855. Her eldest daughter, Clara Elizabeth Latouche Vicars, married, February 3rd, 1842, the 2nd Lord Rayleigh, now the most eminent of living British physicists. It will be remembered that it was through his mother's influence and example that young Vicars was brought to experience so marked a change in his course of life. Miss Marsh's “Memorials” of the son is very appropriately dedicated “to her whom God graciously chose to sow in his young heart its first imperishable seed.” Mrs. Vicars lost her husband when she was in her thirty-seventh year, his death occurring at Mullingar, Ireland. She survived till January, 1890, her age being eighty-six at her death. The portrait presented of her was taken not long before her demise. 342 LA BARONNE DE BOESELAGER. From a photograph by Walery, London. Kindly furnished by her mother. Marie Louise, second daughter of the late Michael Lawlor, Esquire, M.D., of Toronto, and his wife, Philomene Caron,* was born in Toronto and educated abroad, her musical education being conducted in Germany under the best masters. She married, at St. Clement's Church, Hanover, Germany, April Iith, 1893, the Baron Frederick Boeselager-Eggermuhlen, late of the 15th Hanoverian Hussars, and is the mother of two children, Walburga and Ferdinand. Her brother, John Lawrence Lawlor, Esquire, Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, a talented and rising officer, was killed at Watervaal, in the Transvaal, August, 1900, during the recent war in South Africa. Residence : Lingen, Hanover, Germany. * Of the same family as that of Sir A. P. Caron, of Ottawa. 23 343 THE BARONESS VON ENDE. From a family miniature. Kindly furnished by her son, Lieut.-Colonel the Baron von Ende. Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late Field Marshal Sir John Forster Fitzgerald, G.C.B., and his wife, Charlotte, sixth child of the Hon. William Hazen, a U. E. Loyalist, was born in St. John, N.B., November ist, 1805. She was educated at Clifton, England, afterwards accompanying her parents to India, where her father held a military appoint- ment. After her mother's death, in 1831, she travelled in Italy and Switzerland with her father, and, at Geneva, met the Baron von Ende,* to whom she was married, at the British Embassy, at Berne, September 19th, 1832. The issue of this marriage was three sons and three daughters, viz.: 1, Heinrich, Baron von Ende, born July ist, 1833, died February 27th, 1891 ; 2, Otto, Baron von Ende, formerly Lord High Steward to Her Majesty the Empress Augusta Victoria of Germany, born May 22nd, 1836, and married, September 25th, 1869, Elizabeth, Countess Pfeil ; 3, Charlotte, Hon. Canoness of the Holy Sepulchre, born October 21st, 1837; 4, Hermann, born March 27th, 1840, Major (retired) in the Prussian Guards ; 5, Anna, born May 22nd, 1841, and married, in 1867, to Oscar von Seydewitz, chief member of the Official Council at Liegnitz, Silesia ; 6, Geraldine, born November 22nd, 1843, and married, May 19th, 1863, to Lieut.-General Count von Waldersee. The Baroness von Ende died of cholera at Berlin, October 26th, 1853, and is buried at the family seat, Altjessuitz, Kreis Bitterfeld, Prussia. Her husband, who died at Berlin, May 2nd, 1856, is buried at the same place. The Baroness's only sister, Anne, married, in 1828, Sir Robert Keith Arbuthnot, Bart., and was the mother of five sons and two daughters. She died at Florence, Italy, March 6th, 1882, her husband having predeceased her on March 4th, 1873. * Son of Otto Leopold, Baron von Ende, Chamberlain to His Majesty the King of Saxony, and a member of the Prussian Herrenhaus. 344 Pede THE BARONESS VON FRANKENBERG AND PROSCHLITZ. From a photograph taken specially for this work by Nachfolger, Münster. Harriet Creighton (Rita), only daughter of the late James Esson, Esquire, and his wife, a daughter of Alexander Creighton, was born at Halifax, N.S., and received her early education at the convent of the Sacred Heart in that city. She pursued her studies in music and languages, at Leipsic and Paris, and married, at Paris, March 31st, 1902, Carl Alexander Theodor, Baron von Frankenberg and Proschlitz, a lieutenant in the Infantry Regiment Herwarth von Bittenfeld. Residence: Münster, Prussia. 345 THE BARONESS VON FRIESEN. From a photograph taken in 1872. Kindly furnished by her sister, Mrs. T. Sterry Hunt, Montreal. Mary Louisa, third and youngest daughter of the late Hon. Samuel Gale, a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench for Lower Canada, and his wife, Mary M. Hawley, was born in Montreal, and educated there and abroad. In 1870 she and her sisters embarked for England, and, subsequently, made a tour of the European continent, visiting France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Belgium. While on this visit, Miss Gale met, and was married to, the Baron von Friesen, of Dresden, the ceremony taking place in that city, April 2nd, 1872. By this marriage there was issue one son, Arthur, who is now the Baron von Friesen. The Baroness died at Berlin, December roth, 1875, aged 26, and was buried beside her husband, who predeceased her, in the Lutheran churchyard of Wormbrunn, in Prussian Silesia. Her eldest sister, Anna Rebecca (9.v.), married, January, 1878, Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, a distinguished man of science, and her second sister, Agnes Logan, married, April 27th, 1875, Andrew Charles, second son of the late Chief Justice Sir Andrew Stuart, of Quebec. She died March 28th, 1876. By her will Mrs. Stuart left $25,000 to endow the Gale chair, in the Faculty of Law, McGill University, in memory of her father. 346 Counters Mary H. Seppelin THE COUNTESS VON ZEPPELIN. From a photograph by Grillich, Wien and Franzensbad. Kindly furnished by her father. Mamie, daughter of William H. McGarvey, Esquire, a native of Huntingdon, P.Q., and, subsequently, Warden of the County of Lambton, Ontario, but now residing in Austria, and his wife, Helena J. Wesolowska, was born in Canada, and educated abroad. She married, November, 1895, the Count Everhard von Zeppelin, Second Lieutenant in the German Lancers. A former Count von Zeppelin married a granddaughter of the ist Earl of Ranfurly. Mr. McGarvey, the Countess von Zeppelin's father, is the principal owner of the oil wells of Galicia. 347 ara Nas MRS. WASHINGTON. From a photograph by Lafayette, London. Barbara, daughter of the late James Gibb, Esquire, was born and educated at St. Mary's, Ont. Removing to the United States, she there entered the nursing profession, and, in 1897, married Colonel William Lewis Washington, of Tennessee, who had served with distinction in the Confederate service dur- ing the American Civil War, and claimed to be a grandnephew of General George Washington, the first President of the United States of America. He died in January, 1902, and was buried at Nashville. Subsequent to her mar- riage, Mrs. Washington, in company with her husband, travelled much, both on this continent and in Europe. She is described as a typical Canadian woman, quick, clever, energetic and good-looking. Residence: St. Mary's, Ont. 348 SPIRE In. Wentworths LADY WENTWORTH. From the painting of her Ladyship by Sir J. S. Copley, R.A., now in the Lenox Library, New York. Copied, by permission of the directors of the Library, expressly for this work. Frances Deering Wentworth, a native of Boston, Mass., married, first, Theodore Atkinson, Junior, Esquire, Secretary of the Colony of New Hampshire, who died at Portsmouth, N.H., October 28th, 1769, aged 33; and, secondly, two weeks afterwards, John Wentworth, Esquire, who had been appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of New Hampshire, July 12th, 1766. To this office was added that of Surveyor-General of the King's Woods in North America. These positions he filled till after the outbreak of the American Revolution, an event he seems to have done his utmost to prevent. His last official act was to prorogue the Assembly at the Isles of Shoals, August, 1775. He then sailed for England, and, on January 23rd, 1792, was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, Lady Went- worth accompanying him to Halifax. He continued in this position up to 1808, when he retired on a pension of £500. While Governor of Nova Scotia he raised the Nova Scotia Regiment, of which he became Colonel; he was also Grand Master of the Free Masons. He and Lady Wentworth received as their guests both the Duc d'Orleans (afterwards King Louis Philippe of France) and Prince Edward (afterwards the Duke of Kent), and they loaned their lodge, at Bedford Basin, to the latter, who occupied it, with his morganatic wife, Madame de St. Laurent (9.0.). Lady Wentworth was on friendly terms and Queen, July 5th, 1798, by the Countess of Fitzwilliam, and was admired by Queen Charlotte for her elegance and manners, and received the appointment of a lady-in-waiting, with permission to reside abroad and receive a yearly salary of £500.-(Murdoch.) She is represented as having been beautiful, accomplished and gay. Her name is preserved in New Hampshire in the towns of Francestown, Deering and Wentworth. Her Ladyship died at Sunning Hall, Berkshire, England, February 14th, 1813, aged 68. Sir John Wentworth died at Halifax, N.S., April 8th, 1820, aged 84, and is buried in St. Paul's Church there, where a tablet exists to his memory. They left one son, Charles Mary Wentworth, who succeeded to the baronetcy. It was he who presented to Prince Edward the diamond star sent to His Royal Highness from Nova Scotia. Lady Wentworth's sister married George Brinley, Esquire, Com- missary and Storekeeper-General at Halifax. One of their daughters was Mrs. Moody, the mother of Mrs. Gore, the novelist, who, on the death of Sir C. M. Wentworth, in 1844, inherited the “ Prince's Lodge” estate, at Halifax, 349 MRS. WHEELER. From a recent photograph. Harriet, youngest and only surviving daughter of the late Andrew Shaw, Esquire, Master of the Trinity House, Montreal, is of Highland Scotch parentage, a direct descen- dant, on her mother's side, of the Grants of Dulreggan and Corrimony. She married, in 1854, Dr. T. B. Wheeler, of New York, and had six children, only two of whom survive. Since her husband's death, January ioth, 1901, she has resided wholly in Montreal, for whose charities she has done noble work, specially for the Ladies' Benevolent Society, of which she has been a manager for thirty-nine years, and a directress during five. Over $30,000 have been collected by her for this association. A wing to the Ladies' Benevo- lent Institution, for the building and furnishing of which she collected the funds, bears her name, by virtue of a resolution passed by the Society in 1880. Mrs. Wheeler organized the Montreal Society of Decorative Art in 1879, and served as its first presi- dent, H.R.H. the Princess Louise, who opened the rooms, becoming its first patroness. She is still an honorary President of that body. In 1880 she was elected Vice-President of the Montreal Dramatic Club, which, under the artistic direction of the late Mrs. J. W. Buckland (9.v.), raised funds for ten years in aid of various city charities. In 1885, during the rebellion in the North-West, she undertook to collect money to procure hos- pital supplies for the regiments then on active service, the balance of the moneys so subscribed and collected being devoted to the purchase of an outfit of underclothing, etc., for one hundred and fifty men of the Montreal Garrison Artillery. Her latest service was rendered, as a member of the Soldiers' Wives' League, in collecting numerous dona- tions for the troops going to South Africa, and money to minister to those they left at home. Generous and sympathetic by nature, Mrs. Wheeler is, also, a woman of strong individuality and wonderful energy. She counts her friends by thousands in every walk of life. Residence : 123 Metcalfe Street, Montreal. 350 LADY WHITEWAY. From a photograph by Parsons, St. John's, Nfld. Kindly furnished by Hon. Mr. Justice Davidson, Montreal. Catherine Anne, daughter of the late W. H. Davies, Esquire, of Pictou, N.S., married, as his second wife, October 22nd, 1872, the Hon. William Vallance Whiteway, Q.C., a distinguished colonial statesman, who was Premier of Newfoundland from 1878 to 1885, and again from 1889 to 1897, was created a K.C.M.G. in 1880, and was called to the Most Honourable Privy Council in 1897. Of this marriage there is issue three sons and three daughters. One daughter, Harriet Louise, married, June 2nd, 1897, Peers, eldest son of the Hon. Mr. Justice Davidson, Montreal. Lady Whiteway accompanied her husband to England in 1897, on the occasion of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, and while in London on that occasion had the honour of being pre- sented to Her Majesty and of being present with her husband at the Queen's State ball. Residence : “Riverview," St. John's, Newfoundland. 351 MRS. E. STONE WIGGINS. From a photograph taken specially for this work by Topley, Ottawa. Susie Anna Gunhilda, third daughter of the late Captain Vincent White Wiggins, of Lakeside House, Waterborough, N.B., and his wife, Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of John Wiggins, Esquire, was born April 6th, 1846, and was educated by private tuition. She is a fine Latin and Greek scholar, and has a perfect mastery of English. She married, in 1862, her cousin, E. Stone Wiggins, Esquire, who subsequently graduated as M.D., and became Principal of the Institution for the Education of the Blind at Brant- ford, Ont. He has also won celebrity in connection with his weather forecasts. Mrs. Wiggins herself achieved distinction in connection with the measure for the legalization of marriage with a deceased wife's sister, when it was under discussion in the Canadian Parliament, in the early eighties. Her letters on that occasion, written in answer to the objections of the late Archbishop Lewis, attracted widespread attention, and made the passage of the bill a certainty. “For felicity of expression, cogency of reasoning, fierceness of invective, keenness of satire and piquancy of style," wrote the late Nicholas Flood Davin, “nothing equal to them has appeared in the Canadian press for years." Not content with this service, however, “Gunhilda” went into the lobby of the Senate and fought a ten days' fight with four bishops of her own church (the Anglican), coming off the victor. On the day that the bill received its second reading in the Red Cham- ber, the Speaker (the late Sir David Macpherson) invited her to take a seat on his right, an honour, it is said, which was never before or has since been accorded to any woman but the wife of a Governor-General. “What reward," asks “Kit," in dwelling on this achievement, “did this brave and beautiful woman get for her undoubtedly great work? Alas! We have a way of forgetting the bread that has been eaten. ... At all events, let us honour her, and glorify her, and remember her—the lone woman, great, intellectual, marvellously well-read and cultured, a woman who in her day stirred Canada as few women have ever stirred her.” It should be added that the Wiggins family claims descent from Capt. Thomas Wiggins, of Shrewsbury, England, who, in 1630, became first Governor of New Hampshire. Residence: “Arbor House, Britannia Bay, Ottawa. 352 Toamna z Noge MISS WOOD. From a photograph by Otto, Paris, Miss Joanna E. Wood, the well-known Canadian novelist, was born in Lanark, Scotland, and came to Canada, with her parents, when a “wee lassie," their home being fixed in the neighbourhood of Niagara Falls. She first gained attention through her novel, “ Judith Moore," although previous to the appearance of that book a number of clever short stories from her pen had appeared in American serials. “The Untempered Wind,” produced in 1894, is, according to that prince of Canadian critics, George Murray, “a subtle analysis of village life, with at least two characters that may live in fiction.” Her subsequent works embrace “The Lynchpin Sensation," "A Daughter of Witches” (first published in the Canadian Magazine), “Farden Ha'," and “Unto the Third Generation," all of which have been well received. Miss Wood travels much, and is even now away from home on a visit to England. Her portrait has been painted by Miss Sermonda Burrell, Lord Gwydyr's clever granddaughter. Residence : “ The Heights,” Queenston, Ont. 353 M. Young. MRS. JAMES YOUNG. From a photograph by Esson, Preston, Ont. Kindly furnished by her husband. Margaret, second daughter of John McNaught, Esquire, manufacturer, or Brantford, Ont., and his wife, a Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, was born in Peu Pont, Dumfriesshire, but came to Canada when very young. Educated at Fergus and Brantford, she married, February 11th, 1858, James Young, Esquire, a prominent journalist and litterateur, who was subsequently returned to the House of Commons, and, later, became a member of the Ontario Govern- minent in Government circles during the existence of the Mackenzie Govern- ment, at Ottawa, and continues to-day to be widely known and respected throughout Ontario. She has for years taken a prominent part in church, charitable and social work, in Galt and vicinity, and having read much and travelled far, is one whose opinion is eagerly sought and highly valued by her neighbours. Residence : “ Thornhill," Galt, Ont. 354 OCCURRENCES DURING PRINTING AND CORRIGENDA. BRISTOL, MRS. (p. 39). Her father, Mr. Justice Armour, died in London, England, July 11th, 1903. BUCKLAND, MRS. (p. 37). Last line, instead of “buried in the Roman Catholic cemetery there," read “was buried, as specially requested and arranged, in the Mount Royal cemetery, Montreal, by the side of her husband.” DE LOTBINIÈRE, LADY JOLY (p. 82). Her daughter, Mrs. Greenwood, died at Johannesburg, South Africa, July 14th, 1903. FALCONBRIDGE, MRS. (p. 111). Her second daughter, Evelyn Mary, was married in Toronto, June 9th, 1903, to Vincent James, son of the late B. B. Hughes, Esquire, of that city ; her fourth daughter, Adele Baldwin, was. married in Toronto, June 14th, 1903, to Cawthra, younger son of the Hon. Sir William Mulock, K.C.M.G. FALCONBRIDGE, MISS ÆMILIA (p. 112), was married in Toronto, June 9th, 1903, to Robert, son of the late James McNab Cassels, Esquire. FOY, MRS. (p. 122). Sixth line, for the “Hon. Maurice Cuvillier," read the “Hon. Austin Cuvillier.” Mrs. Foy was accidentally drowned, near Oakville, Ont., July 23rd, 1903. GORDON, Miss (p. 134). Sixteenth line, for “She was related to," read “He was related to.” HAMILTON, MRS. R. C. (p. 148). Mrs. Hamilton died at Cheltenham, England, June 26th, 1903. JONES, MRS. LLEWELLYN (p. 182). Mrs. Jones died at Mount Kisco, New York, May 9th, 1903. LANSDOWNE, THE MARCHIONESS OF (p. 193). Her Ladyship was appointed a Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, June, 1903. Moss, MRS. CHARLES (p. 243). Her daughter, Mrs. Sprigge, died in London, England, May 30th, 1903, aged 26. REDPATH, MRS. (p. 279). Add : In 1903 Mrs. Redpath intimated her intention of contributing an additional $4,000 a year to the cost of maintaining the Library of McGill University. SANFORD, MRS. HENRY (p. 303). Mrs. Sanford died at Newcastle, Ont., very suddenly, June 19th, 1903. TASCHEREAU, LADY (p. 329). Second line, for “Euphémie Chauteavert" read “Euphémie Chateauvert.” WENTWORTH, LADY (p. 349). Sixteenth line, for “Countess of FitzWilliam," read “Countess Fitz William." 355 VOLUME II. The following will be among the portraits to appear in Volume II.: Abbott, Dr. Maude. Cathcart, Lady Georgiana. Elliott, Mrs. Abbott, Lady. Catherwood, Mrs. Elmsley, Mrs. Ackland, Lady Harriet. Carus-Wilson, Mrs. England, Dr. Allen, Lady. Cherrier, Madame. English, Mrs. Allhusen, Mrs. Chisholm, Mrs. (Ercless Castle). Angers, Mdlle. (“Laure Conan”) Clanwilliam, Countess of Falkland, Viscountess. Arbuthnot, Lady. Clark, Mrs. Mortimer. Feller, Madame. Archibald, Lady. Cochrane, Miss. Fessenden, Mrs. Archibald, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. Fleet, Mrs. Angier, Mrs. Colter, Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. Cotté, Madame. FitzGibbon, Miss. Baker, Mrs. Walter. Crawford, Mrs. John. Fitzroy, Lady. Baldwin, Mrs. W. W. Crofton, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Bannerman, Mrs Croke, Lady. Fraser, Madame Simon. Barber, Miss. Crichton, Mrs. French, Lady. Barry, Miss. Cunard, Lady. Baylis, Miss. Curzon, Mrs. Garlick, Mrs. (Capetown). Beck, Mrs. Gaudry, Sister. Belcourt, Madame. D’Aiguillon, La Duchesse. Gibson, Mrs. J. Monro. Belleau, Lady. Daintry, Mrs. John. Globensky, Madame. Bellingham, Mrs. Sydney. Dalhousie, Countess of. Gordon, Mrs. Benson, Dr. Clara. Daly, Lady (Sir Dominick Daly) Grant, Lady. Benyon, Mrs. Daniel, Mrs. Graves, Mrs. Berczy, Madame. Davidson, Mrs. Greenwood, Mrs. Blundell, Hon. Mrs. (Beatrice Dawkins, Mrs. (Admiral). Gullen, Dr. A. Stowe. Byng). De Beaujeu, La Vicomtesse. Bonsell, Miss. De Frontenac, Madame. Haliburton, Mrs. A. F. Borden, Lady. De Gaspé, Madame. Hall, Miss Adèle. Bottomley, Mrs. De La Naudiere, Madame. Hankin, Mrs. Bowes, Mrs. (General). De l' Incarnation, Mere Marie. Harris, Mrs. G. B. Burkholder, Miss. De Lery, La Vicomtesse. Harris, Mrs. John. Burland, Mrs. De Lery, Madame. Harrison, Miss Eveleen. Burrard, Lady. De Lotbinière, La Marquise. Harrison, Mrs. (“Seranus "). Burton, Lady. De Lougueuil, La Baronne. Harwood, Mrs. R. W. Butt, Mrs. Bromhead. De May, Madame. Hatch, Mrs. Edwin. Brimstin, Miss. Derick, Miss. Haughton, Mrs. Brown, Miss J. P. De Rottenburg, Baroness. Heck, Mrs. Barbara. Brown, Mrs. (“Faith Fenton”). De Salaberry, Madame. Henderson, Miss. Brown, Mrs. George. Desmarais, Madame. Hensley, Mrs. Almon. Brownrigg, Mrs. Des Meloises, Madame. Hill, Viscountess. Donegal, Marchioness of Hitchcock, Mrs. Burnett. Caldwell, Lady. Dorion, Lady. Hollis, Mrs. Cameron, Miss. D' Orsonnens, La Contesse Holman, Miss Julia. Cameron, Mrs. d'Odet. Horn, Lady. Campbell, Mrs. T. E. Dougall, Miss. Howard, Hon. Mrs. Robert. Carnochan, Miss. Douglas, Mrs. Walter. Caron, Lady. Ingelby, Mrs. Herbert. Carritte, Miss. Edwards, Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. J. L. Cartier, Mdlle. Hortense. Eliott, Lady. Ives, Mrs. 356 VOLUME II. CONTINUED. 357 Macpherson, Mrs. W. M. Mance, Malle. Norton, Mrs. Nannary, Miss. Nelson, Mrs. Wolfred. Newman, Miss. Smith, Mrs. Bainbridge. Smith, Mrs. William (Chief Justice). Steele, Mrs. S. B. Stephenson, Mrs. Russell Stewart, Miss. Stewart, Mrs. (Colonel). Stopford, Hon. Mrs. Stuart, Lady. Jameson, Mrs. Jardine-Thomson, Miss. Jardine-Thomson, Mrs. Jeffrey, Mrs. Jennings, Miss. Jones, Mrs. A. G. Keegan, Miss. Kerr, Mrs. Killam, Dr. Maude. King, Mrs. John. Kirchhoffer, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Knott, Miss Roselle. La Palme, Mdlle. La Rocque, Madame. Larpent, Lady. La Tour, Madame. Lawson, Mrs. William. Lay, Mrs. E. H. Leonowens, Mrs. Letendre, Mdlle. Logan, Mrs. Longley, Mrs. Oakley, Miss. Ogilvie, Miss. Oliver, Mrs. Osler, Mrs. Oswald, Mrs. (Calcutta). Paton, Mrs. John. Peard, Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Pollock, Lady. Pothier, Madame. Power, Mrs. L. G. Prevost, Lady. Price, Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. Taillon, Mdlle. Tanguay, Miss Eva. Taylor, Lady. Teskey, Miss. Tetu, Sister. Tiffin, Mrs. Tilley, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. (St. John, N.B.). Tilton, Mrs. Tollemache, Hon. Mrs. Townshend, Lady James. Trafalgar, Viscountess. Trout, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. J. H. Uguccioni, Marchioness. Marchand, Madame. Masson, Madame Joseph. Merrill, Miss Helen M. Miller, Miss. Milnes, Lady. Monk, Mrs. Moore, Lady Montgomery. Moorsom, Mrs. Mountain, Mrs. (Bishop). Murray, Miss F. E. Radcliffe, Lady. Rae, Mrs. John. Ramsay, Lady. Ramsay, Mrs. (Dean). Reid, Mrs. Robert. Rich, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. A. N. Rivers, Mrs. Robinson, Miss Margaret. Robinson-Owen, Miss. Robinson-Owen, Mrs. Rye, Miss. Ryerson, Mrs. Egerton. Vail, Mrs. W. B. Viger, Madame D. B. Viger, Madame Jacques. Von Riedesel, Baroness. McCollum, Miss. McManus, Miss. McMurray, Mrs. McNaught, Miss. Macdonell, Mrs. MacDonnell, Lady. MacDonnell, Miss Emily. MacKellar, Miss Margaret. Mackenzie, Lady. Mackenzie, Mrs. Colin. Macpherson, Miss Annie. Scott, Miss. Selby, Madame. Selkirk, Countess of. Seton, Mrs. Thompson. Sewell, Mrs. Jonathan. Shakespeare, Mrs. (General). Shaw, Miss Matheson. Simpson, Lady. Smith, Lady (Frank). Walker, Lady. Wallace, Lady Mary Hope. Ward, Mrs. (Colonel). Waters, Mrs. De Angelis. Watkins, Miss(“Harriet Annie”) Weldon, Mrs. Wetherald, Miss. Westphal, Lady. White, Mrs. Peter. Whyte, Mrs. (Colonel). Wurtelele, Mrs. Yeomans, Mrs. Younghusband, Mrs. INDEX TO NAMES. Abbott, Lady, 356. | Allan, Hon. William, 9. Ashworth, John, 272. Abbott, Dr. Maude, 356. Allan, Mrs. William, 9. Ashworth, Mrs., 272. Abercorn, Duke of, 193. Allen, Lady, 356. Atkinson, J. E., 15. Abercorn, Duchess of, 193. Allen, Miss Viola, Io. Atkinson, Mrs. J. E., 15. Aberdeen, Earl of, 112, 116, Allison, Major Harry, 194. Atkinson, Theodore, 349. 133, 137, 146, 198, 199, 222, | Allhusen, Mrs. 356. Augusta Victoria of Germany, 287, 306. Almon, Hon. W. B., 284. Empress, 344. Aberdeen, Countess of, ix, x, Amberley, Viscountess, 322. Auldjo, George, 276. 3, 31, 48, 82, 94, 112, 116, Anderson, Bishop, 31. Auldjo, Mrs. T. R., 16. 133, 137, 146, 195, 198, 199, Anderson, Dr., 88. Austen, Miss Jane, 206. 222, 223, 242, 281, 283, 287, | Angier, Mrs., 356. Austin, Mrs., 185. 304, 306, 307, 331. Angers, Mdlle, 356. Aurelius, Marcus, 240. Ackland, Lady Harriet, 356. Angelsey, Marquis of, 263. Aylmer, Lord (5th Baron) 17. Adelaide, Queen, 108. Angelsey, Marchioness of, 205, Aylmer, Lady (5th Baron) 17. Affleck, John, 331. 263. Aylmer, Lord (7th Baron) 18. Affleck, Mrs. John, 331. Anglin, Mrs., II. Aylmer, Lord (8th Baron) 17, Ahearn, Mrs. Thomas, 4. Anglin, Miss, II. 18. Ahearn, Thomas, 4. Anglin, Hon. T. W., II. Aylmer, Lady (8th Baron) 18. Aikins, Hon. J. C., 5. Anglin, A. W., III. Aylwin, Judge, 69. Aikins, Mrs. J. C., 5. Anglin, Mrs. A. W., III. Aylwin, Mrs. T. C., 69. Ailsa, Marquis of, 185. Anson, Hon. H. J., 193. Airlie, Countess of, 322. Arbuthnot, Sir R. K., 344. Baby, Judge, v, 87, 101, 278, Airy, Sir G. B., 294. Arbuthnot, Lady, 344, 356. 317, 330. À Kempis, Thomas, 240. Archibald, Mrs. A. C., 356. Badgley, Mrs., 53. Albani-Gye, Madame, (see Gye, Archibald, Sir A. G., 182, 205. Bagot, Lord, 19. Madame Albani). Archibald, Lady (A. G.) 182, Bagot, Lady, 19. Albany, Duke of, 245, 288. 205, 356. Bagot, Sir Charles, 19, 20. Albany, Countess of, 322. Archibald, Charles, 12. Bagot, Major Joseline, 19, 20. Albany, Duchess of, 245. Archibald, Mrs. Charles, 12. Bagot, Mrs. Joseline, 20. Albemarle, Earl of, 6, 224. Archibald, Sir E. M., 12. Baillairge, Chevalier, 101. Albemarle, Countess of, 6, 224. Archibald, Lady (E. M.) 12. Baillairge, Madame, 101. Alden, John, 305. Archibald, Hon. T. D., 12. Baird, Mrs. E. W. D., 26. Alexandra, Her Majesty Argyll, Duke of, 1, 216, 288, Baker, Mrs. Walter, 356. Queen, 2, 46, 51, 55, 59, 90, 297. Baldwin, Mrs., 21. 94, 97, 115, 116, 139, 144, Armour, Chief Justice, 280. Baldwin, Hon. Robert, 21. 195, 200, 214, 304, 331, 333. | Armour, Mrs. J. D., 280. Baldwin, Mrs. Robert, 21. Alexander, Miss Jessie, 167. Armstrong. William, 120. Baldwin, Mrs. W. W., 356. Alexis, Grand Duke, 205. Armstrong, J. R., 218. Balfe, M. W., 161. Alfred, Prince (see Edinburgh, Arnold, Sir Edwin, 226. Balmain, Count, 208. Duke of). Arran, Earl of, 135, 184. Balmain, Countess, 208. Allan, Alexander R., 7. Arthur, Sir George, 14. Balfour of Balbirnie, Lieut.- Allan, Mrs. Alexander, 7, 8. Art General, 106... Allan, Rev. J. A., 250. Arthur, John, 14. Balfour of Balbirnie, Miss, 106. Allan, Hon, G. W., 9, 201, Arthur, Joseph, 236. Bamford-Hesketh, Robert, 97. 286. Arthur, Miss Julia (see Cheney, Bandmann, Daniel, 13, 23. Allan, Mrs. G. W., 201, 286. Mrs. B. F.). Bankes, Major Meyrick, 225. Allan, Sir Hugh, 7, 8, 32, 205. Arthurson, Prof., 184. Bankes, Mrs. Meyrick, 225. Allan, Lady, 8, 205. 2 Ashworth, Dep’y Asst. Com Bannerman, Mrs., 356. Allan, Misses, 205, mịssary-General, 272. Barber, Miss, 356. 24 359 360 INDEX TO NAMES. Barrett, Lawrence, 10. Blackwood, Lord Frederick, 96. Brackenbury, Miss Wilhelmina, Barthe, J. G., 197. Blake, Hon. Edward, 25, 29, 30. 16. Barthe, Madame J. G., 197. Blake, Hon. S. H., 30, 219. Braithwaite, Mrs. A. D., 155. Barry, J. E., 22. Blake, Mrs. Edward (sr.), 29. Brock, Sir Isaac, 103, 309. Barry, Miss (““ Françoise") 22, Blake, Mrs. Edward (jr.), 25. Brodeur, Hon. L P., 40. Barry, Miss Lily, 356. | Blake, Hon. W. H., 29, 30. Brodeur, Madame, 40. Bashkirtseff, Marie, 296. Blake, Mrs. W. H., 30. Brodsky, 56. Baumann, Mr., 325. Blake, W. R., 37. Bronson, Hon. E. H., 41. Baxter, Peter, 221. Bleaker, General Louis, 301. Bronson Mrs. E. H., 41. Bayards, 253. Blessington, Countess of, 106. Brown, Mrs. (“. Faith Fenton") Baylis, Miss, 356.. Blomefield, Lady Thomas, 228. 356. Beaconsfield, Lord, 193. Blount, Mrs. E. C. A., 77. Brown, Hon. George, 315. Beaconsfield, Lady, 214 Blount, Sir E. C., 77. Brown, Mrs. George, 356. Beatty, Dr. John, 117, 149, Blundell, Hon. Mrs., 356. Brown, Miss, 315. 130, 218. Borstler, Colonel, 309. Brown, Miss J. P., 356. Beatty, Mrs. John, 218. Bolton, Lord, 92. Browne, D. G., 322 Beaudry, J. B., 123. Bolton, Lady, 92. Brownrigg, Mrs. H. J. B., 356. Beaudry, Hon. J. L., 123. Bond, T. H., 33. Bruce, Lady Louisa, 100. Beaubien, Hon. Louis, 191. Bonsell, Miss, 356. Bruce, Hon. R. P., 105. Beaubien, Louis de G., 191. Boomer, Dean, 31. Bruneau, Pierre, 265. Beaubien, Madame L. de G., Boomer, Mrs. H. A., 31. Bruneau, Madame Pierre, 265. 191. Booth, Edwin, 37. Buchanan, George, 276. Beaudet, Miss Louise, 23. Borden, Lady, 356. Buchanan, J. I., 36. Beck, Mrs. Adam, 356 Borden, Mrs. R. L., 33. Buchanan, Hon. Isaac, 36. Becker, Abigail (see Rohrer, Borden, R. L, 33. Buchanan, Mrs. Isaac 36. Mrs.) Bossè, Hon. J. N., 78. Buccleuch, Duke of, 193. Becker. Mr., 290. Boston, Wm., 293. Bucke, Mrs. P. E., 194. Beckett, Thomas, 225. Boswall, Sir G. L. Houstoun-, Buckingham, Wm., 219. Beckett, Mrs. Thomas, 225. 32. Buckingham, Duke of, 212. Beckwith, Nehemiah, 152. Boswall, Lady Houstoun-, 32. Buckland, J. W., 37, 242. Beckwith, Mrs. N., 152 Bottomley, Mrs., 356. Buckland, Mrs. J. W., 37, 350, Bedford, Duke of, 193, 297. Bourassa, Madame N., 265. 355. Bedford, Lady, 24. Bourassa, Napoleon, 265. Buell, Mrs. W. S., 38. Bedford, Sir E. J., 24. Boucher, Col. François, 192. Buell, W. S., 38. Bedford, Duchess of, 297. Bouchette, Col. 317. Burkholder, Miss, 356. Belcourt, Madame, 356. Bouchette, Joseph, 317. Buller, General, 291. Belleau, Lady, 356. Boulton, James, 255. Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, 274. Bellini, v, 161. Boulton, Mrs. James, 255. Burland, Mrs., 356. Bellingham, Mrs. Sydney, 356. Bourchier, Mrs. W. C., 189. Burnaby-Dyott, Gen'l. R.. 69. Bennett, H. E., 213. Bourchier, Rev. W. C., 189. Burnaby-Dyott, Mrs. R., 69. Bennett, Mrs. H. E., 213. Bourget, Bishop, 34, 124. Burnett, Mrs., 13. Benson, Dr. Clara, 25, 356. Bourgeoys, La Vénérable Mar Burnyeat, Rev. John, 182. Benson, Miss, 25. guerite, 34. Burrard, Lady, 356. Benson, Judge, 25. Bouthillier, C. F., 313. Burroughs, J. H., 230. Benson, Mrs. T. M., 25. Bouthillier, Mrs. C. F., 313. Burrows, H. J., 312. Benyon, Mrs., 356. Bouthillier, Jean, 86. Burrows, Mrs. H. J., 312. Berczy, Madame, 356. Bowie, Robert, 38. Burrell, Miss Sermonda, 353. Berchard, Dr. T. H., 303. Bowring, Mrs. W. B., 35. Burrell, Sir Wm., 60. Bernard,” “Lally (see Fitz- Bowring, W. B., 35. Burstall, J. F., 138. Gibbon, Mrs. Clare). Bowes, Maj.-Gen'l. B. F., 179. Burstall, Mrs. J. F., 138. Bernard, R. B., 116. Bowes, Mrs. B. F., 179, 356. Burton, Lady, 356. Bernard, Mrs. R. B., 116. Braithwaite, A. D., 155. Butt, Mrs. Bromhead, 356. Bernard, Hon. T. J., 214. Bright, Rt. Hon. John, 291. Byng, Hon. Beatrice (see Blun- Bernard, Mrs. T. J., 214. Brillon, J. R., 40. dell, Hon. Mrs.). Bernhardt, Sara, 13, 241. Brimstin, Miss, 356. Byron, Lord, 228. Berthelot, Madame, 124. Brinley, George, 349. Besserer, L. T., 255. Brinley, Mrs. George, 349. Caldwell, Lady, 356. Bibby, Frank, 26. Bristol, Edmund, 39. Call, Sir John, 17. Bibby, Mrs. Frank, 26. Bristol, Mrs. Edmund, 39, 355. Calthorpe, Capt. S. A., 42. Biggar, Mrs. C. R. W., 246. Brackenbury, Admiral, 16. Calthorpe, Lady, 54, Bingham, Miss Amelia, 241. Brackenbury, Col. C. B., 254. Calthorpe, Lord, 42. Bingham, Wm., 27. Brackenbury, Mrs. C. B., 254. Calthorpe, General, 42. Bingham, Mrs. Wm., 27, 180. Brackenbury, Col. M. C., 16. Calthorpe, Mrs. S. A., 42, 251. Black, Mrs. Agnes Knox, 28. Brackenbury, Sir J. M., 16. Campbell, Sir Alexander, 273. Black, Dr. E. Charlton, 28. Brackenbury, Mrs. W. C. C., 16. Campbell, Archibald, 177, 254. INDEX TÒ NAMES. 361 Campbell, Mrs. Archibald, 177. Chalon, A. E., 106. Connaught, Duchess of, 245. Campbell of Ava, Lady, 16. Chaplin, 296. Cook, Timothy, 222. Campbell, Sir Colin, 255. Chaplin, Col. J. W., 54. Cooke, T. S., 126. Campbell, Mrs. R. E., 172. Chaplin, Capt. R. S., 54. Copley, Sir J. S., 349. Campbell, Robert E., 172. Chaplin, Mrs. R. S., 42, 54, 251. Cormier, M., 340. Campbell, Mrs. T. E., 356. Chamberlin, Lieut. -Col. Brown, Cory, Clifford, 61. Campbell, Rev. Dr., 211. 53, 205. Cory, Mrs. Clifford, 61. Camden, Marquis of, 189. Chamberlin, Mrs. Brown, 53, Coster, Rev. N. A., 118, 302. Cameron, Major-General D. R., 238, 334. Cotè, Suzor, 198. 338. Chamberlain, Mrs. Herbert, 51. Cotes, C. E., 62. Cameron, Mrs. D. R., 338, 356. Chamberlain, Herbert, 51. Cotes, Mrs. Everard, 62. Cameron, Sir M. C., 269. amberlain, Joseph, 51, 52. Cottè, Gabriel, 278. Capel, Mgr., 77. Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, Cottè, Madame Gabriel, 278, Carleton, Hon. Christopher, 92. 51, 52. 330, 356. Carleton, Hon. Dudley, 92. Chamberlain, Walter, 52. Courtney, J. M., 139. Carleton, Hon. George, 92. Chamberlain, Mrs. Walter, 52, Cousin," May Carleton (see Carleton, General Guy (see Dor 129. Fleming, Mrs. M. A.) chester, Lord). Charkari, Maharajah of, 200. Crane, Wm. H., 161, 289. Carleton, Hon. Maria, 92. Charlotte, Queen, 349. Craske, Capt. John, 63. Carlisle, Countess of, 163. Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O., 80. Craske, Mrs., 63. Carlisle, Earl of, 163. Cheney, Mrs. B. F., 13, 236. Crawford, Hon. George, 57. Carlyle, Thomas, 322. Cheney, B. P., 13. Crawford, Miss J. V., 64. Carnochan, Miss, 356. Cherrier, Madame, 356. Crawford, Mrs. John, 356. Carnwath, Earl of, 72. Chipman, J. D., 333. Crawford, John W., 199, 200, Caron, Sir A. P., 45, 343. Chipman, Mrs. Z., 333. 217. Caron, Lady, 356. Chipman, Zachariah, 333. Crawford, Dr. Stephen, 64. Caron, Hon. R. E., 45. Chorley, H. F., 106. Creighton, Alex., 345. Caron, Madame R. E., 45. Christian, Alfred, 268. Crichton, B. E., 227, Carpenter, Byron, 298. Churchill, Lord Randolph, 253. Crichton, Mrs. B. E., 227, 356. Carritte, Miss, 356. Clanwilliam, Countess of, 356. Crivalli, 126. Carroll of Carrollton, Charles, Clarence, Duke of, 184. Crofton, Commander, 201. 163. Clarendon, Earl of, 85, 323. Crofton, Mrs., 201. Cartier, Sir G. E., 46, 47. Clark, Alexander, 215. Crofton, Mrs. H. D., 356. Cartier, Lady, 46, 47, 109. Clark, Charles, 303. Croke, Lady, 356. Cartier, Mdlle. Hortense, 46, Clark, Mrs. Mortimer, 356. Cronyn, Mrs., 29. 47, 356. Clark, Rev. Prof., 206. Cronyn, Bishop, 29. Cartier, Mdlle. Josephine, 46, Clarke, Dr. Joseph, 213.. Crossman, Miss Henrietta, 236. 47. Clarke, Sir Stanley, 26, 55. Crowley, Cornelius, 65. Cartwright, Mrs R. D., 176. Clarke, Lady Stanley, 55, 291. Crowley, Miss M. E., 65. Cartwright, Rev. R. D., 176. Clarke and McArthur, 232. Crowther, James, 248. Carew, Lady, 43, 61. Clay, Sir W. L., 142. Cruickshank, Lieut.-Col., 309. Carew, Lord, 43. Clench, Freeman S., 280. Crutchley, Hon. Mrs., 66. Carus-Wilson, Mrs. 356. Clench, L. M., 56. Crutchley, Lieut -Col. Chas..66. Carey, Lady, 44. Clench, Miss, 56. Crutchley, Mrs. Chas., 66. Carey, Sir T. G., 44. Cleveland, Duchess of, 256. Crutchley, General, 66. Casault, Lady, 48, 49. Clouston, E. S., 57, 58. Crutchley, G. H. D., 66. Casault, Miss, 49. Clouston, Mrs. E. S., 57, 58. Crutchley, Mrs. G. H. D., 66. Casault, Sir Napoleon, 48, 49. Coats, Sir Thos. Glen-, 59. Cummings, James, 67, Cassels, Robert, 355. Coats, Lady Glen-, 59. Cummings, Mrs. Willoughby, 67. Cassilis, Earl of, 185. Coats, Miss Glen-, 59. Cunard, Lady, 356. Castellaine, Mrs. A. S., 222. Cobden, Rt. Hon. Richard, 291. Cunard, Sir Samuel, 68. Caswell, N. F., 267. Cochrane, Miss, 356.. Cunard, Mrs. Wm., 68, 128, 143. Cathcart, Countess, 50, 109. Cochrane, Mrs., 356. Cunard, Wm., 68. Cathcart, Earl, 50, 109. Cockburn, Hon. James, 150. Cuninghame, Lady Fairlie-, 69. Cathcart, Ladies, 50. Coffin, Lieut -Col. W. F., 309. Cuninghame, Sir C. Fairlie-, 69. Cathcart, Lady Georgina, 356. Colborne, Hon. John, 308. Cunynhame, Lady, 356. Catherwood, Mrs., 356. Colborne, J. S , 308. Currie, Mrs. E. A., 309. Caton, Richard, 163. Coleman, Mrs. (Kit") 60, 206, Curtis, Admiral, 70. Cavendish, Lord Edward, 291. 240, 352. Curtis, Mrs. A. C., 70. Cavendish, Lady Evelyn, 193. Colter, Mrs., 356. Curtis, Sir William, 70. Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 291. Conan," “ Laure (see Angers, Curzon, Lady, 193. Chadwick, E. M., 137, 204. Mdlle.). Curzon, Mrs. S. A., 309, 356. Chadwick, Francis, 300. Connaught, Duke of, 8, 46, 79, Cuvillier, Hon. Austin, 77, 122. Chadwick, Mrs. Francis, 300. 164, 205, 233, 245, 252, 291, Cuvillier, Madame, 122, 124. Chaffey, Benjamin, 282, 269. 310, 333. Cuvillier, Maurice, 122. , 362 İNDEX TO NAMES. Dacre, Lord, 310, Debrett, 147. De Salaberry, Miss, 87. Daintry, John, 117. Des Brisay, Thomas, 274. De Stael, Madame, 215. Daintry, Mrs. John, 117, 130, De Coux, La Vicomtesse, 180. De St. Laurent (La Baronne de 218, 356. De Chauvigny, Sieur, 81. Fortisson), Madame, 88, 349. Dalhousie, Countess of, 356. D'Espremenil, Comte Raoul, 27. De la Vérendrye, Sieur, 102. Dalton, E. T., 205. De Foe, Daniel, vi., vii. De Verchères, F. J., 121. Dalton, G. T., 220. De Fortisson, Baron, 88. De Verchères, Capt. F. J., 80. Dalton, J. T., 161. De Frontenac, Madame, 356. De Verchères, Marie Madeleine, Dalton, Miss (see Mackenzie, De Gaspé, Madame, 356. 80. Mrs. Austin). De Horsey, Admiral, 79. De Varennes, Renée Gaultier, Daly, Augustin, 167, 172, 236, De Horsey, Mrs., 79. 102. 241, 289. De Joinville, Prince, 291. De Veauce, La Baronne, 84. Daly, Sir Dominick, 71, 224. De la Gesmerais, M., 102. D'Youville, La Vénérable You, Daly, Lady (Dominick), 356. De l'Incarnation, Mere Marie, 102, 178. Daly, J. G., 224. 81, 356. De Wolfe, Benjamin, 326. Daly, Mrs. J. G., 224. De Lanaudière, Madame, 80, De Wolfe, W. H., 333. Daly, Sir M. B., 71. 356. Delatre, Mrs. P., 138. Daly, Lady (M. B.), 71, 113. De Lanaudière, P. T. T., 80. Delatre, Lieut.-Col. Philip, III, Daly, Miss, 71. De Lancey, Stephen, 208. 158, 243, Dalzell, Hon. Mrs., 72. De Lancey, Sir W. H., 208. Dènèchand, Claude, 270. Dalzell, Hon. R. A. G., 72. De la Peltrie, Chevalier C., 81. Delgado, Madame, 16. Dandurand, Madame, 73. De la Peltrie, Madame, 81. Denison, The late Lieut.-Col. Dandurand, Senator, 73. De Lery, Madame, 356. G. T., 83. Daniel, Mrs., 356. De Lery, La Vicomtesse, 356. Denison, Lieut. -Col. G. T., 83. Davidson, Hon. C. P., 351. De Ligny, 300. Denison, Mrs. G. T., 83. Davidson, Mrs. Peers, 351, 356. De Longueuil, La Baronne, 356. Denison, Capt. John, 83. Davies, Miss Emily, 322. De Lotbinière, Hon. E. G. M. Denys, Sir F. C. E., 84. Davies, Lady, 74. C., 27, 18o. Denys, Sir G. W., 84. Davies, Sir L. H., 74. De Lotbinière, Madame E. G. Denys, Lady, 84. Davies, W. H., 351. M. C., 27, 180. Derby, Countess of, 85, 252, Davin, N. F., 75, 218, 352. De Lotbinière, Sir H. G. Joly-| 306, 323. Davin, Mrs. N. F., 75. 82, 180, 188. Derby, Earl of, 20, 252, 304, Davison, Alexander, 232. De Lotbinière, Lady, 82, 355. 306, 323. Dawkins, Mrs. (Admiral), 356. De Lotbinière, Marquis, 82. Dawson, Father, 8o. De Lotbinière, La Marquise, Desbarats, G. E., 78. Dawson, Dr. G. M., 76. 356. Desbarats, G. J., 307. Dawson, Sir J. W., vii., 76. De May, Madame, 356. Desbarats, Madame G. E., 78. Dawson, Lady, 76. De Maisonneuve, M., 34, 81. Desbarats, Mrs. G. J., 307. D’Aiguillon, La Duchesse, 356. Des Meloises, Madame, 356. Desmarais, Madame, 356. D’Albert, Prof., 184. De Montigo, La Comtesse, 197. Dessaulles, Hon. Jean, 264. D'Arc,” “ Jeanne, 80, 231. D’Orsonnens, La Comtesse Dessaulles, Madame Jean, 264. De Bassano, Le Duc, 77. d'Odet, 356. Devonshire, Duke of, 163, 291. De Bassano, La Duchesse, 77, De Riedesel, Baroness, 356. Dewar, J. R. D., 131. 205. De Peyster, General J. Watts, Dewey, Israel, 309. De Beaujeu, La Vicomtesse, 356. 179. Dewson, Major J. W., 83. De Beranger, P. J., 197.. De Rocheblave, Hon. P., 86. Dewson, Mrs., 83. De Blaquiere, Baroness, 78,307. De Rocheblave, Madame, 86. Diaz, Porfirio, 301. De Blaquiere, Charles, 78. De Rocheblave, Mdlle., 86. Dick-Lauder, Sir Thos., 170. De Blaquiere, Lord, 78. De la Rochefoucault-Liancourt, Dickson, Miss Elizabeth, 25. De Blois, Germain, 45. Le Duc, 314. Dignam, J. S., 89. De Blois, Rev. H., 185. De Romanancho, Comte de Dignam, Mrs., 89. De Blois, Miss Jane, 185. Dontier, 27. Dillon, Hon. H. L. S. Lee-, 90. De Blois, Dr. L. G., 185. De Rottenburg, Baron Francis, Dillon, Viscount (17th) 90. De Blois, W. M., 185. 1 263. Dillon, Viscountess, (17th) 90, De Blois, Mrs. W. M., 185. De Rottenburg, Baroness Fran- 252. De Boeselager, Baron Frederick, cis, 255, 263. Dillon, Viscount (13th) 322. 343. De Rottenburg, Baron George, Dillon, Viscountess (13th) 322 De Boeselager, La Baronne, 343. 263. Dix, Miss D. L., 91. De Bois-Guilbert, Comte Brian, De Rottenburg, Baroness George. Dixon, B. Homer, 213. 27. 263. Dixon, Mrs. B. Homer, 213. De Boucherville, P. V. B., 327. De Salaberry, Hon. A. M., 87. Dixon, Mrs., 135. De Bouthillier-Chavigny, Mar- De Salaberry, Madame A. M., Dobbs, C. E., 176. quis Charles, 330. 87, 356. Dobell, Hon. R. R., 225. De Bouthillier-Chavigny, La De Salaberry of Châteauguay, Dobell, Mrs. R. R., 225. Marquise Charles, 330. J Colonel, 87. Don, Sir William, 307. INDEX TO NAMES. 363 355. Donaldson, Mrs., 62. Duval, Chief Justice, 101. Falconbridge, Chief Justice, Ill, Donegal, Marchioness of, 356. Duval, Madame, io, 197. 112, 158. Donizetti, 161. Dyott, Mrs. R. Burnaby-, 69. Falconbridge, John D., III. Dorchester, Lord, 92, 232. Falconbridge, Miss Æmilia, 112, Dorchester, Lady, 92. Earle, General, 205, 310. Doria, Prince, 291. Earle, Mrs. William, 205, 310. Falconbridge, Mrs., III, 112,355 Dorion, Lady, 356. Early, Bernard, 119. Falkland, Viscountess, 356. Doucet, Theodore, 234. Easton, Joseph, 310. Fane, Sir Georg“, 113. Dougall, John, 93. Eckford, Herbert, 155. Fane, Lady, 71, 113, Dougall, Mrs. John, 93. Eckford, Mrs. Herbert, 155. Farquharson, James, 306. Dougall, Miss, 356. Edgar, George, 231.. Farquhar, Sir T. H., 235. Dougall, Miss Lily, 93. Edgar, Sir J. D., 103, 104. Featherston, J. P., 114. Douglas, Sir James, 160. Edgar, Lady, 103, 104. Featherston, Mrs. J. P., 114. Dougias, Lady, 356. Edgar, Miss, 104. Feller, Madame, 356. Douglas, Mrs. Walter, 356. Edgar, Misses, 103. Felton, Hon. W. B., 69. Dow, Andrew, 157. Edinburgh, Duke of, 153, 256. Felton, Miss Charlotte, 69. Drolet, Lieut.-Col. C. J. R., 121 Edward VII., His Majesty King, Felton, W. L. P., 69. Drury, W. C., 70. 2, 25, 45, 46, 51, 55, 85, 86, Felton, Mrs. W. B., 69. Drury, Mrs., 70. 90, 97, 115, 116, 144, 153, Ferguson, Senator John, 150. Drever, Miss, 227. 176, 195, 200, 214, 248, 256, Ferguson, Mrs. John, 150. Drever, William, 271. 261, 266, 281, 283, 291, 304, Fessenden, Mrs. C., 356. Drever, Mrs. William, 271. 329, 331, 333. Fielding, Hon. W. S., 115. Drew, Admiral, 79. Edwards, Mrs., 355. Fielding, Mrs. W. S., 115. Drew, Rev. Andrew, 79. Effingham, Earl of, 92. Fielding, Miss, 115. Drummond, Dr., 80. Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of Fildes, Luke, 26. Drummond, Miss E. R., 126. (8th Earl), i., 36, 105, 108, Finlayson, John, 231. Drummond, Hon. G. A., 94. 109, 297. Fisher, William, 323. Drummond, Mrs. G. A., 94. Elgin and Kincardine, Countess Fitton, Dr. R. W., 150. Ducharme, Dominique, 309. of (8th Earl), 36, 105, 109. Fitton, Mrs. R. W., 150. Duchesnay, Hon. A. N. J., 138. Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of Fitzgerald, Field Marshal Sir Duchesnay, C. E. J., 95. (9th Earl), 105. J. F., 344. Duchesnay, Mrs. C. E. J., 95. Elizabeth, Queen, 279. Fitzgerald, Lady, 344. Duchesnay, Hon. E. J., 95. Ellesmere. Countess of, 256. FitzGibbon, Charles, 53. Duchesnay, Madame E. J., 95. Ellesmere, Earl of, 256 FitzGibbon, C. V., 116. Duff, Dr. Jchn, 299. Ellenborough, Lord, 199, 200. FitzGibbon, Col. James, 53, 309. Dufferin and Ava, Marquis of, Ellice, Edward, jr., 106. FitzGibbon, Miss A. F. F. L.. 8, 36, 96, 114, 148, 175, 193, Ellice, Rt. Hon. Edward, 106. 116. 216, 242, 273. Ellice, Lady Edward, 106. FitzGibbon, Miss M.A., 53, 356. Dufferin and Ava, Marchioness Ellice, Mrs. Edward, 1o6. FitzGibbon, Mrs. Clare (“Lally of, 8, 36, 96, 148, 216, 273. Eliott, Lady, 356. Bernard”), 73, 94, 116. Duffus, Wm., 336. Elliot, Lady Eileen, 107. Fitzhugh, General Charles, 117. Duffy, E. A., 232. Elliott, Mrs., 356. Fitzhugh, Mrs., 117. Dupont, Miss, 25, 38, 215, 262, Elmsley, Mrs., 356. Fitzhugh, W. H., 117. 296. English, Mrs., 356. Fitzmaurice, Lord Charles, 193. Duncan, Charles, 62. England. Dr. Octavia, 355. Fitzroy, Lady, 356. Dundas, Lady, 208. Erroll, Earl of (18th Earl), 108. Fitzwilliam, Countess, 349, 355. Dundonald, Earl of, 97. Erroll, Earl of (19th Earl), 108. Fleck, Alexander, 4. Dundonald, Countess of, 97. Erroll, Dowager Countess of, Fleck, Mrs. Alexander, 4. Dunlop-Gemmill (see Gemmill). 108, 135. Fleet, Mrs., 356. Dunmore, Earl of, 288. Escobedo, Mariano, 301. Fletcher, Col. John, 205. Dunn, Col. A. R, 138. Esson, James, 345. ! Fleming, John W., 119. Dunn, Mrs. A. H., 98. Esson. Mrs. James, 345. Fleming, Col. E. W., 118. Dunn, Bishop, 98. Eugenie, Empress, 771 197. Fleming, Mrs. E. W., 118, 302. Dunn, Hon. J. H., 138. Ewan, John A., 60. 1 Fleming, Mrs. M. A., 119. Dunn, Misses, 98. Ewart, John, 246. Fleming, Mrs. S. H., 222, 356. Dunsmuir, Hon. Robert, 42, 54, Fleming, Sir Sandford, v, 320, 251. Fabre, Archbishop, 109. 334. Dunsmuir, Mrs. Robert, 42, 251. Fabre, E. R., 46, 1og. Fleury, Robert, 296. Duran, Carolus, 296. Fabre, Hon. Hector, 109, 110. Florence, W. J., IO. Durand, Charles, 99. Fabre, Madame E. R.; 109, 124. Flower, Sir Charles, 84. Durand, Mrs. Charles, 99. Fabre, Madame Hector, 110. Foley, M. S., 191. Durand, Miss, 99. Fabre, Paul, 110. Foli, Signor, 162. Durham, Lord, 96, 100, 105,278. Faillon, Abbé, 102. Forbes, Alex. Stanhope, 120. Durham, Countess of, 100, 105, Fairlie-Cuninghame, Sir C., 69. Forbes, Mrs. Stanhope, 120. 193. Fairlie-Cuninghame, Lady, 69. Forget, A. E., 121. 364 İNDEX TO NAMES. 235. Forget, Madame A. E., 121. | Gibson, Mrs. J. Monro, 356. Greene, Mrs., 282. Forrest, Edwin, 37. Gilpin, Dean, 128. Greene, Plunkett, 162. Forrestell, Michael, 113. Gilpin, Mrs., 128, 143. Greenway, Hon. Thos., 312. Forster, Mrs., 228. Gilette, William, 276. Greenwood, Mrs., 82, 356. Forsyth-Grant, (see Grant), Girouard, Cadet, 130. Grey, Earl (1st Earl) 106. Forsyth, William, 137. Girouard, Judge, V, 130. Grey, Earl (2nd Earl), 100, 105, Fortye, Major, 255. Girouard, Madame, 130, 218. Foster, Mrs. G. E., 356. Girouard, Sir Percy, 130. Grey, Sir Charles, i. Foy, J. J., 122. Gilmour, David, 52, 129. Grey, General Charles, 107,235. Foy, Mrs. J. J., 122. Gilmour, Lady, 52, 129. Grey, Hon. Mrs. Charles, 235. Frame, Miss, 132. Gilmour, Lieut. Harry, 129. Griffin, Mrs. Edward, 139. Frampton, George, 302. Gilmour, Sir John, 129. Griffin, Edward, 139. " Françoise” (see Barry, Miss Glen-Coats, Lady, 59. Griffin, Dr. George, 299. R.). Glen-Coats, Miss, 59. Grundy, Miss Marie, 64. Fraser, Hon. Alex., 216. Glen-Coats, Sir Thomas, 59. Guerout, Rev. Narcisse, 171. Fraser, Dr. C. F., 326. Globensky, Leon, 191. Gugy, Hon. Lewis, 147. Fraser, Hon. James, 108, 135, Globensky, Madame, 356. Guild, Curtis, 37. 326. Glyn, Mrs. J. P. Carr, 131. Gullen, Dr. A. Stowe, 356. Fraser, Mrs. James, 135. Glyn, Lieut-Gen'l. J. P. Carr, "Gunhilda” (see Wiggins, Mrs. Fraser, Madame Simon, 356. 131. E. S.) . Frechette, Dr. L. H., 123. Glyn, Rev. C. J., 131. Gunn, Mrs. J. A., 150. Frechette, Madame L. R., 123. Glyn, Sir R. Carr, 131. Gurney, Daniel, 336. French, Lady, 356. Glyn, Mrs. Clayton, 356. Gwillim, Col. Thomas, 314. Frere, Sir Bartle, 14. Glyn, Hon. Mrs. P. C., 356. Gwillim, Mrs., 314. Frobisher, B. J., 260. Gordon, Duke of, 228, 297. Gwydyr, Lord, 353. Frobisher, Joseph, 260. Gordon, Miss, 134, 355. Gye, Ernest, 140. Frobisher, Mrs. Joseph, 260. Gordon, Lady Marjorie, 133. Gye, Madame Albani-, 140, 162. Frohman, Charles, Il. Gordon, Mrs. Grace, 356. Gordon, Mrs. G. M., 132. Hagerman, Hon. C. A., 137, Gagnon, Philias, 152. Gordon, Rev. C. N., 132. 287. Gale, Hon. Samuel, 169, 346. Gordon, Thomas, 134. Hagerman, Mrs. C. A., 287. Gale, Mrs. Samuel, 346. Gordon, Mrs. Thomas, 134. Hague, George, 141. Gallwey, Major, 210. Gore, Lady, 108, 135. Hague, Mrs. George, 141. Gallwey, Sir T. L. J., 210. Gore, Sir Charles, 108. Hale, Katharine, 305. Galt, Sir Thomas, 63, 316. Gore, Mrs. C. G., 349. Haliburton, A. F.. 143. Galt, Lady, 316. Gore, Lieut.-Col. F. A., Ios, Haliburton, Mrs. A. F., 68, 356. Gamble, Dr. John, 9, 213. Haliburton, Chief Justice W. Gamble, Mrs., 213. Gore, Col. Ralph, 184. H. O., 143. Gamelin, J. B., 124. Gould, George J., 136. Haliburton, Hon. T. C., 68, Gamelin, Madame, 124. Gould, Mrs. George J., 136. 128, 142, 143. Garlick, Mrs. E. R., 356. Gould, Jay, 136. Haliburton, Lady, 142. Gaudry, Sister, 356. Gounod, C. F., 231. Haliburton, Lord, 68, 142, 143. Geddes, Dean, 256. Gowan, Hammond, 82 Haliburton, R. G., 143. Geoffrion, Aimè, 330. Gowan, Senator, v, 213. Haliburton, Mrs. T. C., 128, Geoffrion, Madame Aimé, 330. Graddon, Margaretta, 126. Geoffrion, Hon. C. A., 330. Grady, Mrs., 172. Haliburton, Mrs. W. H.O., 143. George, Mrs., 227. Grady, Senator, 172. Hall, Judge, 144. George, Principal, 196. Granby, Marchioness of, 20. Hall, Miss Adèle, 144, 356. George III., King, 126, 332, Granger, Edmund, 308, Hall, Miss Katharine, 144. 349. Grassie, T. R., 44. Hall, Mrs. R. N., 144. George IV., King, 322. Grant of Laggan, Mrs., 169. Hall, Sheriff, 320. Gemmill, Lieut Col. J. Dunlop-, Grant, Major Alexander, 143. Hamilton, Bishop, 145, 146. 125. Grant, Capt. W. Forsyth-, 137. Hamilton, Mrs. Chas., 145, 146 Gemmill, Mrs. J. Dunlop-, 125. Grant, Mrs. W. Forsyth-, 137, Hamilton, Capt. Fred., 273. Gemmill, Miss Dunlop-, 125. 287. Hamilton, Sir Frederic, 147. Gemmill, Miss Margaret Dun Grant, John, 223 , Hamilton, Hon. Geo., 145, 148. lop-, 125. Grant, Lady, 356. Hamilton, Rev. George, 94. Gerard, M., 8o. Grant, Sir William, 260. Hamilton, Lady, 147. Germany, Empress of, 177. Granville, Countess, 77. Hamilton, Lord Frederick, 193. Gibb, James, 348. Graves, Mrs., 356. Hamilton, Miss Ethel, 146. Gibbs, Mrs. (Margaretta Grad Gray, Maria, ix. Hamilton, Robert, 94. don), 126. Gray, Mrs., 211. Hamilton, R. C., 148. Gibson, John, 94. Greece, Queen of, 125. Hamilton, Mrs. R. C., 148. 355. Gibson, Hon. J. M., 127. Green, Sir W. H. R., 138. Hampton, Miss Isabel (see Robb, Gibson, Mrs. J. M., 127. Green, Lady, 138. Mrs.) 135. 143. INDEX TO NAMES. 365 Hankin, Mrs. P. J., 366. Herbert, Col. I. J. C., 156. | Hunt, Josiah, 69. Hardisty, Richard, 2. Herbert, Hon. Mrs., 156. Hunt, Mrs. Josiah, 69. Harewood, Earl of, 275. Hesketh, Robert Bamforth-, 97. Hunt, Philip, 164. Harriott, Mrs., II, 241. Hickson, Dr., 157. Hunt, Dr. T. Sterry, 169, 346. Harris, Mis. G. B., 356. Hickson, Sir Joseph, 157. Hunt, Mrs. T. Sterry, 169, 346. Harris, Capt. John, 66, 72, 204, Hickson, Lady, 157. Hunter, William, 98. 275. Hill, Barton, 242. Huxley, Professor, ix. Harris, Mrs. John, 66, 72, 204, Hill, C. J., 281. 275, 356. Hill, R. A, 43. Iddesleigh, Lord, 205, 257. Harris, Lieut. Carr-, 150. Hill, Viscountess, 356. Iddesleigh, Lady, 205. Harris, Prof. R. Carr-, 150. Hincks, Sir Francis, 158, 243. Ingersoll, Major Thomas, 309. Harris, Mrs. R. Carr- (first wife), Hincks, Lady (second wife), III, Ingersoll, Mrs. Thomas, 309. 150. 158, 243. Ingleby, Mrs. Herbert, 144, 356. Harris, Mrs. R. Carr- (second Hingston, Lady, 159. Innes, Alexander Mitchell-, 170. wife), 150. Hingston, Sir William, 159. Innes, Capt. A. F. H. Mitchell-, Harris, Robert, 235, 280. Hitchcock, Mrs. Burnett-, 356. 170. Harriss, C. A. E., 130, 149. Hodgson, Sir F. M., 160. Innes, Capt. Mitchell-, 154. Harriss, Mrs. C. A. E., 149, Hodgson, Lady (Frederic), 160. Innes, Mrs. Mitchell-, 154. 218. Holland, Lady, 332. Innes, Lieut R. L., 217. Harrison, Chief Justice, 151. Hollis, Capt, Richard, 295. Inverness, Duchess of, 108. Harrison, Miss, 151. Hollis, Mrs. Richard, 295, 356. Irvine, Deputy-Controller M. Harrison, Miss Eveleen, 356. Holman, George, 161. B., 171, Harrison, Mrs. R. A., 151. Holman, Mrs. George, 161. Irvine, Lieut.-Col. J. G., 171. Harrison, Mrs. (“Seranus”), Holman, Miss Julia, 161, 356. Irvine, Miss Isabella, 153, 244. 356. Holman, Miss Sallie, 161. Irvine, Mrs. J. L., 356. Hart, Alexander, 317. Holmes, Sir Leonard, 297. Irvine, Mrs. M. B., 171. Ilart, Mrs. G. H., 152. Holmes, Marcus, 233. Irving, Sir Henry, 13. Harvey, Robert, 181. Holmes, Dr. O. W., 169. Irwin, Miss May, 172. Harwood. Mrs. R. W., "180, Hoppner, John, 19. Ives, Mrs. W. B., 356. 329, 356. Horn, Lady, 356. Hastings, Lady Elizabeth, 218. Houghton, Mrs. C. F., 356. Jack, Mrs. A. L., 173. Hatch, Mrs. Edwin, 356. Houstoun of Clerkington, Mrs., Jack, D. R., 119. Hatherton, Lord, 175. 84. Jack, Robert, 173. Hatherton, Lady, 175. Houstoun-Boswall, Sir G. L., 32. Jackson, Abigail, 290. “Havergal, Canadian," 267. Houstoun-Boswall, Lady, 32. Jackson, Bishop 174. Havelock, Sir Henry, 180, 205. Houston, Stewart, 162. Jackson, Sir H. M., 174. Havelock, Lady, 205. Houston, Mrs. Stewart, 162, Jackson, Lady, 174. Hayr, John, 173 287. Jacson, Rev. O. F , 175. Hay, Mrs. J. D., 155. Howard, Hon. Mrs. Henry. 163. Jacson, Hon. Mrs., 175. Hayward, Gerald, 107. Howard, Hon. Mrs. R. J. B., 2, Jameson, Mrs. Anna, 357. Hazen, Hon. Wm., 344. 356. Jameson, Dr. James, 176. Head, John, 153. Howard, P. T., 186. Jameson, Mrs. James. 176. Head, Sir E. W., 153. Howard, Mrs. P. T., 186. Jardine-Thomson, Mrs., 357. Head, Lady, 153. Howard, R. J. B., 2. Jardine-Thomson, Miss, 357. Headfort, Maiquis of, 205. 355. Jefferson, Joseph, 1o. 37. Headfort, Marchioness of, 205. Howland, the late Lady, 164, Jeffrey, Mrs., 357. Heaviside, Thomas, 209. 205. Jenkins, Rev. Dr., 187. Heck. Mrs. Barbara, 356. Howland, Sir W. P., 164, 205. Jenkins, Mrs. John, 187. Henderson, Major-Gen. K. G., Howland, Mrs. W. H., 333. Jennings, Miss Clotilda, 357. 154. Howe, Mrs. H. Aspinwall, 234. Jephson, Sir Alfred, 177. Henderson, Mrs. K. G., 154, Howe, Hon. Joseph, 165, 189. Jephson, Ladv, 177. 170. Howe, Mrs. Joseph, 165, 189. Jephson, William, 177. Henderson, Miss, 356. Howe, Sydenham, 165. Jersey, Earl of, 263. Hendrie, Lieut. Murray, 155. Hoyles, Sir Hugh, 166. Jetté, Sir L. A., 178. Hendrie, Miss, 155. Hoyles, Lady, 166. Jetté, Lady, 102, 178. Ilendrie, Miss P. M., 155. Hoyles, N. W., 166. Jeune, Bishop, 308. Hendrie, Mrs. William, 155 Hoyt, Charles H., 167. * Joan of Arc,” 80, 231. Hendrie, William, 155. Hoyt, Mrs. C. H., 167. Johnson, Edmund, 301. Heneage, Charles, 301. Hudson, G. B., 168. Johnson, James Stephen, 179. Henner, J. J., 296. Hudson, Mrs. G. B., 168. Johnson, Sir John, 179, 208. Henry, John, 315. Hudson, Rev. T. D., 168. Johnson, Lady (John), 179. Hensley, Mrs. Almon, 356. Hughes, V. J., 355. Johnson, Miss Marianne, 179. Heron, John, 307. Hugo, Victor, 197: Johnson, Col. William, 208. Heron, Mrs. John, 307. Hume, Joseph, 221. Johnson, William, 341. Heron Sisters, 307. Hume, J. S., 30. Johnson, Mrs. William, 341. 366 INDEX TO NAMES. Johnson, Sir William, 179. | Knowles, Mrs. C. G. F., 189. Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 3, 73, 195, Johnson, Lady (William), 179. Knowles, Sheridan, 231. 312. Joly, Lieut. Edmund, 180. Knox, Andrew, W., 28. Laurier, Lady, 195. Joly, G. P. G., 180. Knox, Bishop, 190. Laut, Miss, 196. Joly, Madame, G. P. G., 82, Knox, Rev. George, 190. Lavergne, Judge, 197, 198. 180. Knox, Miss E. M., 190. Lavergne, Madame, 197, 198. Jones, Hon. A. G., 183. Kuper, Asst. Com’y. Gen'l., Lavergne, Mdlle., 198. Jones, Mrs. A. G., 357. 295. Law, Commander, 199. Jones, the late Mrs. A. G., 183. Law, Mrs. F. C., 199. Jones, Miss Alice, 183. Laborde, 162. Law, Mrs. Frederick, 217. Jones, Bishop, 182. “Laclede,” 161. Law, Major-General, 200. Jones, Chilion, 181. Lacoste, Sir Alexandre, 191. Law, Miss, 199. Jones, Mrs. Chilion, 181. Lacoste, Hon. Louis, 191. Law, Robert, 114. Jones, Miss Elsie, 181. Lacoste, Lady, 191. Law, Mrs. Victor, 200, 217. Jones, Hon. Jonas, 181. Lacoste, L. J., 191. Lawe, Sir Robert, 114. Jones, Mrs. Llewellyn, 182, 355. Lacoste, Madame L. J., 191. Lawlor, Lieut. J. L., 343. Jordan, Rev. L. H , 339. Lacroix, Madame, 124. Lawlor, Dr. Michael, 343. Jordan, Mrs. L. H., 339. Laflamme, Toussaint, 178. Lawlor, Mrs. Michael, 343. Joy, William, 301. Lafontaine, C. F. H.. 192. Lawrence, Miss (see Prentice, Juarez, President, 301. Lafontaine, G. N. R., 195. Miss). Lafontaine, Madame G. N. R., Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 100. Kaighn, H. B., 328. 195. Lawson, Mrs. William, 357. Kane, Benjamin, 245. Lafontaine, Sir L. H. (1st Bart.) Lay, Mrs. E. H., 357. Kauf, Ley, 151. 192. Leber, 34. Kaulbach, Senator, 184. Lafontaine, Sir L. H. (2nd Bart.) Le Brun de Duplessis, J. B., 152. Kaulbach, Mrs. H. A. N., 184. 192. Le Clercq, Agnes, 301. Keegan, Miss, 357. Lafontaine, Lady, 192. Ledyard, Mrs. Henry, 155. Keller, Frederick W., 172. Laframboise, Madame Alexis, Lee, J. S., 126. Kempt, Sir James, 108. 278, 330. Leeds, Duke of, 163. Kendrick, A. W., 144. Lajeunesse, Joseph, 140. Leeds, Duchess of, 163. Kennedy, Lord William, 185. Lajeunesse, Madame Joseph, Lefroy, A. H. F., 201. Kennedy, Lady William, 185. 140. Lefroy, Lieut. -Col. H. G., 201. Kenny, Sir Edward, 71, 113. Lajoie, H. Gerin, 191. Lefroy, Sir J. H., 201, 286. Kenny, Lady, 113. Lajoie, Madame H. Gerin. 191. Lefroy, Mrs. J. H.. 201, 286. Kenny, Thomas Ě., 277. Lake, Lord, 314. Lefroy, Lady, 201.. Kent, Duke of, 88, 250, 349. Lally, E. S., 116. Leigh, Evan, 203. Kent, Duchess of, 88, 116, 300. Lamartine, 197. Lennox, Lady Sarah Gordon, Kerr, Lady Francis, 228. Lambton, The Ladies, 100, 105 107. Kerr, Mrs., 357. Lamm, 151. Leonowens, Mrs., 357. Kerr, Capt. W. J., 309. La Mothe, Madame G., 330. Leprohon, Dr., 202. Kerry, Earl of, 193. La Mothe. Madame H. G., 330. "Leprohon, Mrs., 202. Kilkelly, Surgeon-General, 313. Lamperti, 140. Lesperance, John, 161. Kilkelly, Mrs., 313. Landmann, Col., 260. Lethbridge, A. A. E., 43, 61. Killam, Dr. Maude, 357. Landry, Joseph P., 191. Lethbridge, Sir J. H., 43. Killmaster, Benjamin, 262. Landry, Madame J. P., 191. Lewis, Archbishop, 148, 203, King, Rev. Alexander, 186. Landry, Senator, 191. 209, 352. King, Mrs. John, 221, 357. Langton, Mrs. Thomas, 246. Lewis, Mrs. J. Travers (first King, Dr. L. Howard, 186. Lansdowne, Marquis of, 107, wife), 148. King, Lady, 187. 144, 193, 235, 288. Lewis, Mrs. J. Travers (second King, Sir H. S., 187. Lansdowne, Marchioness of, wife), 203. King, H. S., 187. 144, 193, 288, 355. Lewis, Miss Ida, 13. Kingdon, C. D., 136. La Palme, Mdlle., 357. Lewis, Miss Lily, 62. Kingdon, Mrs. C. D., 136. Laroche-Héron, C. de, vii. Lewis, Dr. J. Travers, 148, 209. Kinton, Thomas, 192. La Rocque, Madame, 357. Ley, George, 168. Kipling, Rudyard, 253. Larocque, Madame F. A., 278. Ley, Mrs. George, 168. Kirchhoffer, Mrs., 357. Larpent, Lady, 357. Liddell, John, 166. Kirkpatrick, Sir G. E., 188, Lartigue, Bishop, 264. Li Hung Chang, I86, I88. 225, 296. Lartigue, Madame, 264. Limerick, Lady, 61. Kirkpatrick, Lady, 188, 225. La Terrière, Hon de Sales, 270. Lindsay, Sir James, 164. Kirkpatrick, Miss, 354. La Terrière, Madame de Sales, Lindsey, Charles, 221. Kitchener, Lord, 194. 270. Lindsey, Mrs. Charles, 221. Knight, George, 125. La Touche, Sir J. D., 194. Lisgar, Lord, 8, 36, 164, 205, Knight, Mrs., 357. La Touche, Lady, 194. 220. Knott, Miss Roselle, 357. La Tour, Madame, 357. Lisgar, Lady, 8, 36, 164, 205, Knowles, Sir Charles, 189, Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick-, 170.' 220, 310, INDEX TO NAMES. 367 243. Litchfield, Countess of, 193. | Massey, Hart A., 335. | Moore, Lady A. Montgomery, Littledale, St. George, 204. Massicotte, E. J., 80. 308. Littledale, Mrs., 204. Moore, Sir John, 207. Masson, Hon. L. F. R., 230. Moorsom, Mrs., 357. Lizars, Miss Kate, 206. Masson, Madame L. F. R , 230. Morse, S. H., 338, 339. Lizars, Mrs., 206. Mather, Miss Margaret, 231. Mortimer, William, 339. Londesborough, Earl of, 156. Mather, Thomas, 50. Logan, Hance J., 65. Matheson, Lady, 84. Morrison, Charles, 192. Logan, Mrs. J. E., 357. Mathews, Charles, 37. Morris, Major, 160. Logan, Sir W. E., 169. Mathews, Lieut.-Col. Robert, Morris, Miss L. E., 69. Longfellow, 169. Morris, Livingstone, E., 69. Longley, Hon. J. W., 91. Mathews, Mrs. Robert, 232. Morris, Miss Clara (see Harriott, Longley, Mrs. J. W., 357. Maurice, Rev. F. Denison, ix. Mrs.). Longworth, Capt. John, 206. Maximilian, Emperor, 301. Mornington, Earl of, 19. Lorne, Marquis of (see Argyll, Mercer, G., 76. Morgan, Miss Mary, 240. Duke of). Mercier, Hon. H. (Count) 123. Morgan, Miss Hope, 239. Lossing, B. J., 309. Mercier, M., 123. Morgan & Co., Henry, 240. Louis Phillipe, King, 68, 349. Mercier, Madame, 123. Morgan, Mrs. Edward, 239. Louise, H. RH, the Princess, Meredith, Sir W. R., 233. . Morgan, Judge, 239. Morgan, James, 240. 288, 296, 297, 333, 350. Merrill, Miss H. M., 357. Morgan, Henry J., 206. Lovell, John, 202. Merritt, Mrs. R. M, 164. Morgan, Mrs. Henry J., 296. Love, Sir J. F., 207. Merton,” “Madge (see Atkin- Moss, Chief Justice Thos., III. Love, Lady, 207. son, Mrs. J. E.) Moss, Mrs. Thomas, III. Lowe, Lady, 208. Middlemiss, Lieut.-Col. J. C., Moss, Chief Justice Charles, III, Lowe, Miss Clara, 208. 336. Lowe, Sir Hudson, 208. Middlemiss, Mrs., 336. Moss, Mrs. Charles, III, 243, 355. Lowrey, J. D., 280. 193, 234. Mount Edgecumbe, Countess of, Lowrey, Miss, 280. Middleton, Lady, 234. 193. “Loyal Janet” (see Jack, Mrs. Middleton, W. H., 234. Mountstephen, Lord, 245, 257. A. L.). Mills, H. T., 205. Mountstephen, Baroness, 245, Loyd, Lieut. -Col., 209. Mills, T. M., 31. 257. Loyd, Llewellyn, 209. Mills, Mrs. T. M., 31. Mountain, Bishop, 201. Loyd, Mrs. Llewellyn, 209. Miller, Senator, 225. Mountain, Colonel Armine, 201. Lutyens, Charles, 210. Milnes, Lady, 357. Mountain, Mrs. Jacob, 357. Lutyens, Mrs., 210. Milroy, Andrew, 332. Mowat, Arthur, 246. Lyman, Rev. Henry, 211. Minto, Earl of, 33, 57, 107, 193, Mowat, Lady, 246. Lyman, H. L., 211. 195, 235, 262. Mowat, Sir Oliver, 246, 247. Lyman, Miss. 211. Minto, Countess of, 18, 33, 57, Mowat, Miss, 246, 247. Lyman, Col. S. J., 211. 107, 193, 235, 283, 312, 340. Mowat, Sheriff, 246. Lyman, Lieut. -Col. Theodore, Miskell, Miss, 167. Moylan, J. G., 212. 211. Mitchell-Innes (see Innes). Muir, Mrs. J. Gillespie, 234. Lyons, Major, 250. Mitchell, Rev. Richard, 213. Mulgrave, Countess of, (see Lytton, Lord, 231. Mitchell, Mrs. Richard, 213. Normanby, Marchioness of,). Molson, Dr. W. A., 237. Mulgrave, Earl of (see Nor- Machar, Miss A. M., 226, 309. Molson, John, 237. manby, Marchioness of,) Machar, Rev. Dr., 226. Molson, Mrs. John, 76, 237. Mullins, Francis, 202. Madden, Francis, 300. Molson, Hon. John, 225, 237. Mulock, Lady, 248. Mair, Charles, 227, 309. Molson, J. W., 237. Mulock, Dr. T. H., 248. Mair, Mrs. Charles, 227. Molson, Mrs. William, 225. Mulock, Cawthra, 355. Maitland, Lady Sarah, 228, Molson, William, 188, 225, 237. Mulock, Sir William, 248, 355. Maitland, Sir Peregrine, 228. Mollison, Miss, 236. Munro of Fowlis, Col., 27, 180. Malloch, Judge, 127. Munro of Fowlis, Donald, 150. Mance, Mdlle., 81, 357. Monck, Hon. Mrs. Richard, Musgrave, Lady, 42, 54, 251. Mansfield, Richard, 236. 101, 244. Musgrave, Sir R. J., 251. Marchand, Hon. F. G., 73. Monck, Viscount, 36, 46, 212, Murdoch, Beamish, 349. Marchand, Madame F. G., 244. Murray, Mrs. Edward, 250. 357. Monck, Viscountess, 36, 244. Murray, Miss F. E., 309, 357. Marchesi, Madame, 239. Monk, Mrs. F. D., 357. Murray, George, 353. Marquis, T. G., 226. 238, 334. Murray, Lieut., 250. Marsh, Miss, 342. Moodie, Sheriff, 53, 238. Murray, Sir John, 249. Martin, Abram, 229. Moody, Mrs., 349. Murray, Lady, 249. Martin, Miss C. B., 229. Moore, Lady Montgomery-, 357. Murray, Miss Louisa, 250. 25 368 INDEX TO NAMES. Macaulay, George, 287. | McCaul, Miss Helen, 25. O'Brien, Mrs. E. D. C., 259. Macaulay, Lady, 213. McCaul, Rev. Dr., 25. O'Brien, Major-Gen. E. J., 260. Macaulay, Sir J. B., 213. McCollum, Miss, 357. O'Brien, Mrs. E. J., 260. Macdonald of Earnscliffe, Bar- McCullough, John, 10. Ogilvie, Miss, 357. oness, 116, 214, 310, 333. McDonald, Chief Justice, 339. Ogilvy, Miss F. D., 261. Macdonald, Hon. D. A., 159, McDonald, Mrs. James, 339. Ogilvy, John, 261. 216. McEachren, Col., 205. Ogilvy, Mrs. John, 261. Macdonald, Mrs. D. A., 159, McGarvey, W. H., 347. Ogilvy, Major J. H. C., 261. 216. McGarvey, Mrs. W. H., 347. Ogilvy, L. M., 261.. Macdonald, Hon. H. J., 215. McGee, Hon. T. D., 34, 212, Ogilvy, Miss Maude, 261. Macdonald, Mrs. H. J., 215. 300. O'Hagan, Dr., 60, 64. Macdonald of Garth, 16. McGee, Mrs. T. D., 212. Oliver, Mrs. J. R., 357. Macdonald, Miss Annie, 216. McGill, Hon. Peter, 105. Oliver, Dr. W. S., 63. Macdonald, Sir John, 149, 193, McGillivray, Hon. William, 16. Oliver, Mrs. W. S., 63. 214, 215, 273, 310. McGillivray, Mrs. William, 16. O'Neill, James, II. Macdonald, Mrs. J. A., 215. McGivern, Mrs. H. B., 222. Oranmore, Lord, 322. Macdonald, Hon. Mary T. M., McIntosh, N. C., 324 Osborne, J. G., 262. 214. McKinley, President, 235. Osborne, J. Kerr, 262. Macdonell, A. J., 217. McLimont, A. W., 69. Osborne, Mrs. J. Kerr, 262. Macdonell, Mrs. A. J., 217. McLimont, Mrs. A. W., 69. Osborne, Miss, 262. Macdonell, Sir James, 45, 305. McLimont, Miss, 69. Osler, Mrs. William, 357. Macdonell, Mrs. J. A., 199, 200, McManus, Miss, 357. Oswald, Mrs., 357. 217. McMurray, Mrs., 357. Overstone, Lord, 209. Macdonell, John A., 217. MacNab, Sir A. N., 6, 224. Owen, Admiral, 283. MacDonnell, Lady, 357. MacNab, Lady, 6, 224. Owen, Mrs. W. F., 283. MacDonnell, Miss Emily, 357. McNab, Peter, 165. Macdonell, Mrs. R. 357. McNab, Capt. John, 165. Pabst, Gustav, 231. Macdougall, Gladwyn, 218. McNaught, John, 354. Pacaud, Ernest, 110. Macdougall, Harold, 218. McNaught, Mrs. John, 354. Pacaud, Joseph, 197. Macdougall, Hon. Wm., 205, McNaught, Miss, 357. Paderewski, 61. 218, 310. Paget, Lady William, 263. Macdougall, Mrs. William, 218. Nannary, Miss, 357. Paget, Lord William, 263. Macdougall, The late Mrs. Wil- Nanton, Mrs, 82. Paget, Major-Gen. W. H., 263. liam, 310. Napoleon I., Emperor, 208. Panet, Charles, 329. Mackintosh, C. H., 85, 222. Napoleon III., Emperor, 77. Panet, Madame Charles, 329. Mackintosh, Mrs. C. H., 222. Napoleon, Prince, 153. 291. Panet, Hon. J. A., 294. Mackintosh, E. C. A., 222. Nelson, Hon. Hugh, 252. Pangman, Hon. John, 48. Mackintosh, J. C., 223. Nelson, Mrs. Hugh, 252. Papineau, Augustin, 264. Mackintosh, Mrs. J. Č., 223. Nelson, Lord, 232. Papineau, Hon. D. B., 264. MacInnes, Mrs. Donald, 201. Nelson, Mrs. Wolfred, 357. Papineau, Gustave, 265. MacInnes, Senator, 201.. Nethersole, Miss Olga, 236. Papineau, Madame Joseph, 264. Mackay, Senator, 107, 219. Neville, Capt. Laurence, 143. Papineau, Dr. L., 265. MacKellar, Miss Margaret, 357. Newman, Miss, 357. Papineau, Hon. L. J., 264, 265. Mackenzie, Hon. Alex., 219. Nicholson, Lady, 253. Papineau, Madame L. J., 265. Mackenzie, Austin, 220. Nicholson, Sir H. F., 253. Papineau, L. J. A., 264, 265. Mackenzie, Mrs. Austin, 205, Nicholson, Thomas, 283. Papineau, Mdlle. M. R., 265. 220, 310. Nickinson, Major John, 242. Papineau, T. V., 264. Mackenzie, Mrs. Colin, 357. Nickinson, Miss Charlotte (see Parnell, John, 114. Mackenzie, Edward, 220. Morrison, Mrs. Daniel). Parker, A. D., 94. Mackenzie, K. S., 291. Noble, Sir Andrew, 254. Parker, Mrs. A. D., 94. Mackenzie, Lady, 357. Noble, Lady, 254. Parker, Sir Gilbert, 266. Mackenzie, Mrs. Alex., 219. Nolan, Madame, 124. Parker, Lady, 266. Mackenzie, W. L., 221. Nordheimer, Mrs. S., 255. Parsons, Lady, 268. Mackenzie, Mrs. W. L., 221. Nordheimer, Samuel, 255. Parsons, Miss Alfreda, 268. Mackenney, Augustus, 227. Norfolk, Duke of, 200. Parsons, Miss Isabel, 268. Macpherson, Miss Annie, 357. Normanby, Marquis of, 126, 256. Parsons, Sir Charles, 268. Macpherson, Sir D. L., 188, Normanby, Marchioness of, 256. Parkinson, Miss Amy, 267. 225, 352. Northcote, Baron, 257. Parkinson, C. P., 267. Macpherson, Lady, 188, 225, Northcote, Lady, 245, 257. Paton, Mrs. John, 357. 237. Norton, Mrs., 357. Pattinson, Richard, 292. Macpherson, Mrs. W. M., 357. Nutting, Miss, 258. Pattinson, Lieut. -Col. R., 292. Mactavish, Mrs. C. C., 163. Nutting, Vespasian, 258. Peard, Mrs., 357. Mactavish, John, 163. Peard, Miss, 66, 275. Mactavish, Mrs. John, 163. Oakley, Miss, 357. Peel, Miss, 269. McCarthy, D’Alton, 116, 239. O'Brien, Col. E. D. C., 259. Peel, Paul, 269. INDEX TO NAMES. 369 Richa 282. Pelletier, Sir C. A. P., 270. Pelletier, Lady, 270. Pepper, Miss, 81. Percy, Mrs. Charles, 357. Perceval, Hon. M. H., 84. Perceval, Mrs. M. H., 84. Perkins, Lieut. J. M., 316. Perrault, Julien, 109. Perrault, Madame, 124. Perrot, Marie, 80. Peters, Mrs. G. A., 233. Pfeil, Countess, 344. Phipps, Major C. E., 256. Phipps, Mrs. C. E., 256. Pinkham, Bishop, 271. Pinkham, Mrs. W. C., 271. Pipon, General P. G., 272. Pipon, Mrs. P. G., 272. Plancon, Pol., 162. Plunket, Baroness, 96, 273. Plunket, Lord, 273. Pollock, Lady, 357. Pooley, Hon. C. E., 85, 323. Pooley, Mrs. C. E., 323. Pope, Miss Georgina, 274, Pope, Hon. W. H., 274. Pope, Mrs. W. H., 274. Portland, Duke of, 291. Portman, Lady, 275. Portman, Lord, 275. Portman, Hon. Mrs. M. B., 275. Pothier, Madame, 357. Powell, Chief Justice, 261. Powell, Major Baden-, 261. Powell, Major John, 261. Powell, Mrs. W. D.. 261. Power, Mrs. L. G., 357. Pretender, The, 322. Prevost, Lady, 357. Prentice, E. A., 276. Prentice, Mrs. E. A., 276. Prentice, Miss, 276. Price, Mrs. Joseph, 357. Primrose, Hon. B. F., 277. Primrose, Capt. G. A., 277. Primrose, Mrs. G. A., 277. Pritchard, Mrs., 357. Quesnel, Joseph, 278. Quesnel, Hon. J. M., 278, 330. Quesnel, Madame J. M., 278. Quesnel, P. A., 288. Quesnel, Madame P. A.. 288. Quinn, Mrs., 212. Rayleigh, Lady, 342. Robitaille, Hon. T. R., 288. Rayleigh, Lord, 342. Robitaille, Madame T. R., 288. Read, D. B., 228, 308. Robson, D. M., 289. Reade, John, v., 80, 202. Robson, Hon. John, 206. Redpath, John, 93, 279. Robson, Stuart, 289. Redpath, Peter, 279. Robson, Mrs. Stuart, 289. Redpath, Mrs. Peter, 279. Roche, A. R., 31. Reed, Gordon, 280. Roddick, Dr., 341. Reed, Hayter, 280. Rohrer, Mr., 290. Reed, Mrs. Hayter, 280. Rohrer, Mrs. (Abigail Becker), Rehan, Miss Ada, 236. 290. Reid, James, 75. Roosevelt, President, 235. Reid, Sir J. W., 281. Rose of Kilravock Castle, Major Reid, Lady, 281. J. B., 292. Reid, Mrs. Robert, 357. Rose of Kilravock Castle, Mrs., Remenyi, 56. 292. Rhodes, Cecil, 253. Rose, C. D., 291. Rich, Mrs., 357. Rose, Capt. E. T., 291. Richard, Dr. Edouard, 80. Rose, G. M., 304. Richards, Hon. A. E., 282. Rose, Sir John, 26, 55, 205, Richards, Hon. A. N., 282, 296. 291, 319. Richards, Mrs. A. N., 296, 357. Rose, Lady, 205, 291, 319. Rose, Sir William, 291. Richards, Mrs. Stephen, 282. Ross, Hon. G. W., 293. Richards, Sir W. B., 282, 296. Ross, Mrs. G. W., 293. Richardson, Andrew, 12. Rothwell, T. W., 194. Richardson, Hon. John, 276. Rothwell, Mrs. T. W., 194, Ridley, G. N., 263. Routh, Dr. E. J., 294. Ridout, P. F., 225. Routh, Mrs. E. J., 294. Ridout, Mrs. P. F., 225. Routh, Lady, 294, 313. Ridout, Thomas G., 103, 104. Routh, Sir R. I., 294, 313. Riel, Louis, 134, 227. Rowley, Sir C. R., 175. Richmond, Duchess of, 228.. Rowley, Edwin, 296. Richmond, Duke of, 134, 128. Rowley, Rev. G. C. A., 295. Richmond, Sir William, 322. Rowley, Sir G. C. E., 295. Ritchie, Dr. Eliza, 284. Rowley, Lady, 295. Ritchie, Hon. J. W., 284. Rowley, W. E., 296. Ritchie, Mrs. J. W., 284. Rowley, Mrs. W. E., 296. Ritchie, Sir W. J., 283. Roy, P. G., 329. Ritchie, Lady, 283. Russell, Lord Alexander, 205, Rivers, Mrs., 357. 297. Robb, Dr. J. H., 285. Russell, Lady Alexander, 205, Robb, Mrs J. H., 258, 285. 297. Roberts, Ellis, 107, 235. Russell, Lady Edward, 299. Roberts, Lord, 54. Russell, Sir E. L., 299. Robertson, A. J., 292. Russell, Dr. James, 298. Robertson, Mrs. A. J., 292. Russell, Mrs. James, 298. Robertson, Lady Catherine, 205. Russell, Capt. Robert, 256. Robertson, Colonel, 205. Russell, Miss S. E., 298. Robertson, David, 281. Russell, Sir W. H., 291. Robertson, Mrs. F. M., 281. Russia, Emperor of, 83. Robertson, Mrs. J. B., 162. Rye, Miss, 357. Robertson, J. Ross, 314. Ryerse, Col. Samuel, 66, 72, Robinson, Christopher, 286. 204, 275. Robinson, Hon. J. B., 137, 162, Ryerson, Mrs. Charles, 130, 286, 287. 218. Robinson, Mrs. J. B., 137, 287. Ryerson, Mrs. Egerton, 357. Robinson, Lady, 201, 286, 287. Ryland, G. H., 184. Robinson, Sir J. B., 201, 286, Ryland, Mrs. G. H., 184. 287. Robinson, Major W. B., 321. Sabine, Hon. Lorenzo, 303. Robinson, Major-General, 286. Sadlier, Miss Anna T., 300. Robinson, Miss Margaret, 357. Sadlier, James, 300. Robinson-Owen, Miss, 356. Sadlier, Mrs. James, 212, 300. Robinson-Owen, Mrs., 357. Salisbury, Marchioness of, 245. Rae, Mrs. John, 357. Ramsay, Lady, 357. Ramsay, Mgr. D. S., 102. Ramsay, Mrs. (Dean), 357. Ramsay. Mrs. W. T., 233. Rand, Dr., 267. Randegger, 162. Ranfurly, Earl of, 347. Rankine, Thomas A., 115. Rape, William, 307. Rape, Mrs. William, 307. 370 INDEX TO NAMES. Salm-Salm, Prince Felix, 301, Shakespeare, Mrs., 357. | Sothern, E. A., 37. Salm-Salm, Princess, 301. Shannon, J. J., 193. Southampton, Lord, 66. Salm-Salm, Prince zu, 301. Shaw, General Æneas, 261. Sprigge, Mrs. S. S., 243. Salvini, Tommaso, 10. Shaw, Andrew, 350. Stafford, Lady, 163. Samuelson, Sir B., 302. Shaw, A. E., 316. Stafford, Marquis of, 163, 288. Shaw, Mrs. A. E., 316. Stairs, Hon. W. J., 183. Samuelson, Mrs. F. A. E., 118, Shaw, Miss Matheson, 357. Stanley, of Alderley, Lady, ix, 302. Shea, Sir Ambrose, 317. 322. Samuelson, F. H. B., 302. Shea, Lady Ambrose, 317. Stanley, of Alderley, Lord, 322. Sanford, E. Jackson, 304. Shea, Sir E. D., 174. Stanley, Lady Augusta, 105. Sanford, Henry, 303. Shenstone, George, 187. Stanley, Hon. A. V., 323. Sanford, Mrs. Henry, 303. Sheridan, Rt. Hon. R. B., 242. Stanley, Capt. C.V. Sloane-, 319. Sanford, Miss, 53, 304. Sherwood, Hon. Henry, 148. Stanley, Dean, ix. Sanford, Hon. W. E., 304, 337. Sherwood, Hon. L. P., 200, Stanley, Francis Sloane-, 319. Sanford, Mrs. W. E., 304, 337. 217. Stanley, Rev. G. Sloane-, 319. Saunders, Miss Marshall, 305. Shilling, Dr., 184. Stanley, Lady M.A., 322. Saunders, Rev. E. M., 305. Shilton & Wallbridge, 229. Stanley, Mrs. Sloane-, 291. Saunders, Mrs. E. M., 305. Short, Rev. Dr., 67. Stanley, Capt. R. F. A. Sloane-, Savage, Capt. H. G., 180. Shortt, Prof. Adam, 318. 319. Savage, Mrs. H. G., 180. Shortt, Dr. Elizabeth, 318. Stanley, Hon. Victor, 85, Scales, C. H., 167. Shoenberger, G. K., 149. Stanley, Hon. Mrs. Victor, 85, Schreiner, Olive, 253. Shrewsbury, - , 164. 323. Schultz, Sir John, 227, 306. Sibthorp, Mrs. Waldo, 208. Stanton, I. B., 90, 252. Schultz, Lady, 227, 306. Sifton, Hon. Clifford, 312. Stanton, Mrs. I. B., 90, 252. Schuster, Leo, 142. Sifton, Mrs. Clifford, 312. Starnes, Hon. Henry, 154, 170. Scobie, Hugh, 151. Sills, W. B., 313. Starnes, Mrs. Henry, 154, 170. Scott, Allan J., 307. Steele, Sir Richard, 218. Scott, Mrs. Allan J., 307. Simcoe, General, 314, Steele, Mrs. S. B., 357. Scott, Miss Agnes, 193. Simcoe, Katherine, 314. St. George, Chevalier, 103. Scott, D'Arcy, 307. Simcoe, Mrs., 314. Stein, Adolphus, 110. Scott, Miss, 357. Simpson, Mrs. A. B., 315. Stephens, Hon. G. W., 324. Scott, Hon. R. W., 153, 307. Simpson, Rev. A. B., 315. Stephens, Mrs. G. W., 324. Scott, Mrs. R. W., 307. Simpson, James, 232. Stephenson, Mrs. Russell, 357. Scott, Thomas, 227. Simpson, Lady, 357. Stevenson, Sir John, 205. Scott, W. J., 204. Sitt, Herr K., 325. Stewart, Mrs. C. J. B., 357. Scott, W. L., 307. Slick," "Sam (see Haliburton, Stewart, Miss, 357. Seaton, Lady, 308. Hon. T. C.). Stopford, Hon. Mrs., 357. Seaton, Lord, 308. Sloane - Stanley (see Stanley, Strachan, Mrs. J. M., 201, 286. Secord, James, 309. Sloane-,). Secord, Lieut. James, 309. Lord, v, vii, 2, 195, 205, 222, Secord, Mrs. Laura, 156, 269, Smart, Sir George, 126. 245, 331. 293, 309. Strathcona and Mount Royal, Selby, Madame, 357. Smith, Sir A. J., 321. Baroness, iii, 2, 195, 214. Selkirk, Countess of, 357. Smith, Alexander, 320. Streatfield, Capt., 193. Serecold, Captain, 101. Smith, Mrs. Alexander, 320. Streatfield, Lady Florence, 193. Serecold, Mrs., 101. Smith, Mrs. Bainbridge, 143, Street, Hon. W. P. R., 325. 357 Street, Mrs. W. P. R., 325. Sergeant, Wilfrid, 148. Smith, Miss Bainbridge, 68, 128. Street, Miss, 325. Sergeant, Mrs. Wilfrid, 148. Smith, Miss Elsie, 320. Strickland Sisters, 53, 334. Seton, Mrs. Thompson, 357. Smith, F. M. Bell-, 304. Strickland, Miss Agnes, 238. Sewell, Mrs. Jonathan, 357. Smith, Lady (Frank) 357. Strickland, Thomas, 238. Sewell, Sheriff, 299. Smith, John, 8. Stuart, Sir Andrew, 346. Sewell, Mrs. W. S., 299. Smith, Sir J. S., 14. Stuart, A. C., 346. Seymour, Alfred, 310. Smith, J. W. Y., 321. Stuart, Mrs. A. C., 169, 346. Seymour, Mrs. Alfred, 205, 310. Smith, Mrs. J. W. Y., 321. Stuart, Mrs. Charles, 193. Seymour, Hon. Benjamin, 51, Smith, Dr. L. W., 287. Stuart, John, 224. 215, 311. Smith, Mrs. Robert, 206. Stuart, J. H., 224. Seymour, Charles, 311. Smith, Mrs. William (Chief Stuart, Lady, 357. Justice) 357. Stuart, Prince Charles Edward, Seymour, F. J., 340. 322. Seymour, Lady, 310. Smith, Sylvester, 318. Sullivan, Daniel, 21. Seymour, Miss, 311. Smith, Mrs. Sylvester, 318. Sullivan, Hon. R. B., III, 158, Seymour, Rt. Hon. Sir G. H., Smyth, Rev. Charles, 30. 243 310. Sullivan, Mrs. R. B. (see Shakespeare, 231, 242. Somerset, John, 5. Hincks, Lady (Emily). INDEX TO NAMES 371 Surveyor, E. F., 109. Thorburn, Sir Robert, 332. | Van Slyke, Mrs., 341. Sussex, Duke of, 126. Thorne, Dr. and Mrs., ix. Van Tine, A. A., 266. Suther, Bishop, 326. Thurlow, Lady, 105. Vaux, Thomas, 304, 337. Suther, Mrs., 135, 326. Tiffany, Francis, 91. Vicars, Capt. Hedley, 342. Sutherland, Duke of, 288. Tiffin, Mrs., 357. Vicars, Lieut. R. J., 342. Sweeney, Major Robert, 291. Tilley, H. C., 333. Vicars, Mrs. Richard, 342. Sydenham, Lord, 109. Tilley, Lady, 164, 205, 253, 333. Victor, Fred., 335. Sykes, Jerome, 289. Tilley, Sir Leonard, 205, 333. Victoria, Queen, vi., vii., 1, 32, Sym, Robert, 219. Tilley, L. P. D., 333. 46, 47, 55, 56, 59, 60, 66, 75, Symes, G. B., 77. Tilley, Mrs., 357. 77, 87, 94, 108, 110, 121, 123, Symes, Mrs., G. B., 77. Tilton, Mrs., 216, 357. 125, 129, 135, 153, 156, 164, Tobin, John, 231. 176, 177, 187, 188, 191, 195, Taillon, A. A., 327. Toller, Mrs. Frederick, 333. 212, 214, 219, 226, 233, 235, Taillon, Madame A. A., 327. Tollemache, Hon. J. R. D., 154. 245, 253, 255, 256, 270, 273, Taillon, Mdlle. Emma, 327, Tollemache, Hon. Mrs. J. R. D., 281, 291, 304, 322, 328, 331, 356. 154, 170, 357. 332, 333, 338, 351. Taillon, Mdlle. J., 327, 357. Tollemache, Lord, 154. Viger, Hon. D. B., 264. Tait, Lady, 328. Townshend, Lady Jane, 357. Viger, Madame Jacques, 357. Tait, Sir M. M., 328. Trafalgar, Viscountess, 357. Vickers, Mrs. J. J., 238. Tanguay, Miss Eva, 357. Traill, Mrs. C. P., 53, 238, 334. | Vokes, Miss Rosina, 236. Taschereau, Cardinal, 294 Traill, Lieut. Thos., 334. Von Frankenberg and Prosch- Taschereau, C. E. de M., 329. Travers, John N., 7. litz, Baron, 345. Taschereau, H. E. P., 329. Travers, Sir Robert, 7. Von Frankenberg and Prosch- Taschereau, Madame H. E., Treble, John M., 335. litz, Baroness, 345. 329. Treble, Mrs. Lillian Massey, Von Friesen, Baron, 346. Taschereau, Sir H. E., 27, 294, 335. Von Friesen, Baroness, 169, 346. 329. Trench, Col. Chevenix., 201. Von Ende, Baron, 344. Taschereau, Hon. J. T., 294. Trench, Mrs. Chevenix-, 201. Von Ende, Baron Heinrich, 344. Taschereau, Madame J. T., 294. Trou bridge, Commander, 336. Von Ende, Baron Hermann, Taschereau, Lady, 329. Troubridge, Lady, 336. 344. Taschereau, Hon. T. J., 294. Troubridge, Mrs. E. C. T., 336. Von Ende, Baron Otto, 344. Taylor, Lady, 356. Troubridge, Sir Thomas, 336. Von Ende, Baroness, 344. Tavernier, Antoine, 124. Trout, Mrs. J. M., 357. Von Ende, Charlotte, 344. Tavernier, Julien, 124. Tudor, Major, E. T., 337. Von Ketteler, Baroness, 155. Tavernier, Madame, 124. Tudor, Mrs. E. T., 304, 337. Von Moser, 276. Tavernier, Madame Julien, 124. | Tullamore, Lord, 126. Von Seydewitz, Baroness, 344. Teck, Duchess of, 245. Tully, Miss S. T., 280. Von Waldersee, Countess, 344. Temple, R. E., 291, 319. Tupper, Sir Charles, 338, 339. Von Zeppelin, Countess, 347. Templeman, T, J., 260. Tupper, Lady (Charles), 338, Von Zeppelin, Count Everhard, Tennyson, Lord, vii. 339. 347. Terry, Dr., 222. Tupper, Sir C. H., 338, 339. Terry, Miss, 13. Tupper, Lady (C. H.), 339. Wagner, Mrs., 151. Teskey, Miss, 357. Tupper, J. Stewart, 338. to Waldegrave, Lady, 197. Testa, Madame, 307. Tupper, W. J., 338, 339. Waldron, Miss May, (see Rob- Testa, Signor, 307. Tupper, Mrs. W. J., 339. son, Mrs. Stuart). Tetu, Sister, 357. Turner, Col. CE.. 340. Wales, H. R. H. the Prince of, Thibaudeau, Hon. J. R., 330. Turner, Mrs. C. E., 340. 35, 38, 57, 71, 82, 85, 94, 121, Thibaudeau, Madame J. R., 330. Turner, Dr., 132. 155, 156, 157, 178, 188, 195, Thiers, A., 197. Turner, E. R., 24. 215, 217, 235, 245, 247, 274, Thompson, Mrs. E. J., 309. Turner, Mrs. J. H., 357. 287, 306, 339. Thompson, Sir John, 304, 331. Turner, Mrs., 88. Wales, H. R. H. the Princess Thompson, Lady, 331. Turville, Sir Francis, 205. of, 35, 38, 82, 85, 94, 121, Thompson, Miss, 304. Turrell, C., 43. 155, 156, 178, 188, 195, 215, Thompson, Mrs. (St. John, Tweeddale, Marchioness of, 291. 217, 235, 245, 247, 255, 306, N.B.), 357. Tweedmouth, Lady, 3. 339. Thomson, Cathcart, 189. Tweedmouth, Lord, 3, 133. Walker, Alexander, 59. Thomson, Mrs. Cathcart, 189. Walker, Charles, 201, 286, 287. Thomson, Deputy Commissary- Uguccioni, Marchioness, 357. Walker, Lady, 357. General, 145. Usher, Captain, 145. Wallace, Lady Mary Hope, 357. Thomson, G. J., 253. Wallace, W. V., 161. Thomson, Mrs. G. J., 253. Vail, Hon. W. B., 259. Wallacks, 37.be Thomson, Mrs. T. H., 145. Vail, Mrs. W. B., 259, 357. Walsingham, Chancellor, 279. Thorburn, Lady, 332. Vankoughnet, S. J., 215. Ward, Mrs. R. I., 357. Thorburn, Miss, 332. Vankoughnet, Mrs. S. J., 215. Warde, Major Henry J., 291 Thorburn, Mrs. J. D., 233. Van Slyke, Rev. E. V., 341. Washington, General, 348. 372 INDEX TO NAMES. Washington, Col. W. L., 348. White, Mrs. Peter, 357. Windham, Lady, 205. Washington, Mrs. W. L., 348. Whiteway, Lady, 351. Windham, Sir Charles, 205. Waterford, Marchioness of, 193. Whiteway, Sir W. V., 351. Winterton, Countess of, 193. Waters, Mrs. De Angelis, 357. Whitnall, Mr., 95. Wolfe, General, 143, 314. Watkins, Miss “Harriet Whittier, John G., 290. Wolseley, Viscount, 8, 164, 205, Annie ") 357. Whyte, Mrs. (Colonel), 357. 291. Watterson, Henry G., 241. Wiggins, Dr. A. V. G., 74. Wolseley, Lady, 164, 205. Watts, Hon. John, 179. Wiggins, Dr. E. S., 352. Wood, Senator A. T., 219. Webster, Hon. Daniel, 41. Wiggins, Mrs. E. S., 352. Wood, G. A. L., 171. Webster, Prof. N. B., 41. Wiggins, John, 352. Wood, Miss J. E., 353. Wedderburn, Alexander, 207. Wiggins, Capt. Thomas, 352. Wood, William, 279. Wedderburn, Judge, 207. Wiggins, Capt. V. W., 352. Wood, Rev. Edmund, 297. Wedderburn, Mrs , 207. Wiggins, Mrs. V. W., 352. Woolnoth, T., 126. Weldon, Mrs. J. W., 143, 357. Wilcox, J. A. J., 91. Wright, W. M., 118, 302. Wellesley, Marchioness, 163. Willan, T. W., 147. Wright, Mrs. W. M., 118, 302. Wellesley, Marquis, 163. Willan, Mrs. T. W., 147. Wurtele Mrs. J. S. C., 357. Wellington, Duke of, 83, 163, William IV, King, 92. Wynne, Miss, 184. 224, 294. Williams, Lieut.-Col. A. T. H., Wentworth, Sir C. M., 349. 51, 311. Yeomans, Mrs., 357. Wentworth, Sir John, 349. Williams, Byron, 89. Yonge, Rev. James, 308. Wentworth, Lady, 349, 355. Williams, Mrs. Byron, 89. Yonge, Mrs. James, 308. Westphal, Lady, 357. Williams, Commander, 311. Yonge, Miss, 308. Wetherald, Miss, 357. Williams of Kars, Sir W. F., Yorke, Hon. Mrs., 153. Wetherald, Miss A. E., 250. 259, 291. Yorke, Rev. Philip, 153. Wheeler, Mrs Annie, 350. Williard, Miss, 173. Young, Hon. James, 354. Wheeler, Mrs. Henry, 290. Willis, Archdeacon, 207. Young, Mrs. James, 354. Wheeler, Dr. T. B., 350. Willis, Mrs., 207. Young, Hon. John, 18. White, Miss Ethel, 146. Willison, John S., 99, 195. Young, Sir John (see Lisgar, White, Lieut. -Col. Frederick, Willoughby, Capt. W. L., 86. Lord). 146. Willoughby, Mrs. W. L., 86. Young, J. W., 321. White, John, 129. Wilmot, Samuel, 303. Young, Hon. W. A. G., 160. White, Miss Maude Valerie, 162. Wilmot, Mrs. Samuel, 303. | Young, Mrs. W. A. G., 160. White, Misses, 193. Winans, Romaine, 303. | Younghusband, Mrs., 357. INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. Abyssinian War, 299. “Armadale,” 312. Balls, 45, 46, 77, 86, 96, 105, Aberdeen, 271, 326. • Armdale,” 338. 107, 112, 116, 125, 133, 137, “ Ablest Governor-General Can- Armenian massacres, 99. 157, 164, 193, 194, 195, 198, ada ever had," 193. Army, 7, 14, 17, 18, 32, 36, 37, 199, 205, 216, 222, 225, 228, Accomplishments, High, 207. 42, 45, 50, 53, 54, 55, 59, 63, 251, 261, 287, 288, 351. Achieved a name in literature, 66, 69, 72, 83, 87, 88, 90, 97, Balmoral, 77. 236. 108, 118, 125, 130, 131, 134, Baltimore, 163, 258, 285. Achievement, Crowning, 309. 135, 137, 138, 147, 150, 154, Banks and Bankers, 2, 7, 57, 58, Actor, 37. 156, 160, 170, 171, 174, 176, 59, 78, 141, 187, 209, 223, Acts of heroism, 80, 138, 227, 177, 179, 180, 185, 186, 193, 224, 225, 237, 245, 261, 277, 260, 290, 306, 309, 340. 200, 201, 207, 208, 210, 213, 327, 332. Act of Parliament, Special, 180. 222, 224, 228, 232, 233, 234, Banquets, 45, 195. Actress, IO, II, 13, 23, 37, 136, 235, 250, 254, 259, 260, 261, Baptism, 273. 167, 172, 231, 236, 241, 242, 263, 268, 272, 281, 286, 292, Baptismal Font, 255. 276, 289, 301. 294, 295, 297, 299, 301, 308, Bar, 29, 33, 38, 39, 40, 46, 71, Actress, Amateur, 20, 71, 104, 310, 311, 313, 314, 316, 318, 73, 75, 82, 103, 110, 121, 122. 113, 328. 319, 324, 334, 336, 337, 338, 127, 162, 168, 184, 188, 191, A. D. C's., 6, 20, 54, 55, 108, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 349, 195, 199, 200, 212, 214, 215, 113, 148, 193, 253, 297, 301, 350. 217, 218, 229, 246, 247, 248, 314. Army and Navy Veterans, 188. 282, 286, 287, 291, 293, 296, Addresses, 105, 139, 188, 332. Arthabaskaville, 195. 302, 307, 312, 313, 321, 323, Admiralty House, 24. Artist, 68, 89, 105, 120, 128, 324, 330, 331, 339, 351. Aden, 299. 151, 153, 177, 199, 200, 205, Barbados, 160. Admiration, Won great, 251. 207, 296, 314. Baronet, 14, 16, 19, 32, 46, 59, Admired by Royal Duke, 184. Artistic embroidery, 61. 69, 70, 84, 129, 147, 153, 179, Advancement of learning, 237. Ashanti Confederation, 160. 189, 192, 224, 245, 251, 254, Agra, 194. Assassinated, 212. 257, 291, 295, 307, 336, 338, Ajmere, 194. Athens, Ont., 186. 344, 349. Albany, 140. Atlanta, 301. Barrie, 239. Alexandria, 216. Attacked by rebels, 106. Barrister, First woman, 229. Alexandria, Ont., 159. Audience with the Queen, Pri Barrowmount, 184. Allahabad, 190, 194. vate, 87. Bath, Eng., 222, 292, 299. Alliance Française, 73. Australia, 236, 248, 256. Bath, Order of the (see Orders). Alma, Battle of, 108. Austria, 301, 347. Bathampton, 292, Altjessuitz, 344. Author, 266. Bathed in River Jordan, 184. Alverstoke, 319, 336. Authoress, x, 20, 22, 31, 62, 64, Bathurst, N.B., 150. Amateur Theatricals (see Thea 73, 93, 96, 103, 119, 137, 152, Battlefields of Natal, 298. tricals, Amateur). 160, 169, 173, 177, 178, 181, Battleford, 121. Ambition of her life, 335. 183, 191, 196, 202, 206, 226, Bay House, 319. American Civil War, 301, 348. 238, 240, 241, 250, 252, 253, Bazaar, 214, 308. American Revolution, 179, 349. 261, 267, 284, 285, 290, 300, Bear, Vicious, 340. American-Spanish War, 298. 301, 305, 334, Beaver Dams, 309. Amherst, N.S., 338. Autobiography, 241, 305. Beauharnois, 106, 327. Ancaster, 298. Autograph letter from Queen Beauport, 138. Anglesey, 179. Victoria, 46, 212, 214, 331. Beauties, Noted, 7, 25, 136, 148, Animal stories, 305. “A Woman's Acre,” 173. 163, 167, 179, 184, 188, 231, Anticosti, 92. Aylmer, P.Q., 340. 232, 262. Antigua, 174. Ayton Castle, 170. Beautiful Miss Wynne,” 184. " Arbor House,” 352. Bedford, Eng., 189. Arbroath, 155. Badajoz, 179. “Beechwood,” 35. Archives, Canadian, 80. Baden, 301. “Belle" of the Canadian Capi- Argenteuil, 179. Bahama Islands, 317. | tal, 150; of Paris, 163. 373 374 INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. Belgium, 346. | British North America, Con-Cemeteries, 45, 76, 119, 141, Belleville, Ont., 238. federation of, 244, 310, 333. 163, 165, 202, 211, 219, 221, Belmont Lodge, 272. Brocket Hall, 245. 245, 246, 272, 282, 283, 287, Benares, 194. Brockville, 148, 209, 224, 282, 293, 294, 300, 331, 346. Benefactions (see Gifts). 296. Ceylon, 158, 255. Beneficent activity of Canadian Brooklyn, N.Y., 300. " Challenger Lodge,” 249. women, ix. Broomhall, 105. Chambly, 140, 179, 295. Benevolent work, 94, 157, 237, Brussels, 239. Chapter Regent, 340. 145, 283, 286, 304, 306, 330, Brynmawr Ranch, 227. Charitable work (see Benevolent 333, 350. Buckingham Palace, 195, 332. work). Berkshire, 295, 349. Bucks, 220, 243. Charity, Concerted, 94, 157. Berlin, 344, 346. “Buena Vista,” 4. Charkari, Order of the (see Bermuda, 201, 210. Buffalo, N.Y., 172, 290, 341.. Orders). Berne, 344. Busts, 46, 269, 279. Charleston, W.V., 231. Berthier, 171, 192. Bytown (see Ottawa). Charlestown, N.H., 167. Best amateur pianist, 61; cross Charlottetown, 274. country lady rider in Canada, Cabmen's shelters, 156. Chateau Frontenac, 280, 288. 184 ; dressed women on the Cacouna, 171. Chateauguay,” “ Hero of, 87. American stage, one of the, Cadet corps in Montreal, 297. Check-rein, 156. 289; educated women on Caithness, 291. Chelsea, 135, 208, 232. stage, one of the, 236 ; story Cairo, 150. Cheltenham, 148, 190. respecting domestic animals, Calcutta, 62, 187, 193. Cheshire, 279. 305. Calgary, 233, 271. Chestnut Park, 225. Beverley House, 286. California, 212, 282. Chester-le-Street, 100. Binbrook, 298. Called to the bar, Woman, 229. Chicago, 60, 231, 236, 285, 289. Birthday celebration, 287, 338. Cambridge, Mass., 28. Chigwell, 187. Bishop, 29, 98, 124, 145, 146, Camden East, 266. Chillingham Castle, 254. 182, 203, 264, 271, 326. Canada, Devotion to, 253 ; China, 154, 186. “Bleury,” 313. love for, 55. Chippewa, 145. Bombay, 187, 257. Canada's loveliest thing, 188. Chiselhurst, 279. Books, 20, 22, 31, 43, 64, 88, Canadian fungi, 53; life and Cholera, 17, 264, 308. 93, 96, 99, 102, 119, 137, 143, character, 206; novel, first, Christian soldier, Noble, 342. 152, 160, 165, 169, 177, 178, 152; people, impression left Church, The, 29, 31, 42, 43, 52, 179, 181, 183, 196, 202, 206, on, 3; people, pride in, 1; 68, 78, 79, 86, 98, 113, 124, 207, 211, 226, 232, 238, 240, public men, busts of, 269; 144, 145, 171, 175, 178, 182, 241, 250, 260, 266, 267, 284, scenery, 205; stall, 214; 190, 195, 200, 203, 214, 260, 285, 290, 296, 300, 301, 305, “The charming,'' 257; 263, 264, 271, 273, 284, 286, 308, 329, 334, 352, 353. woman appointed Officier 295, 301, 302, 304, 306, 315, Born leader, A, 333. d'academie, first, 73; women 322, 326, 335, 341, 343. Boston, Mass., 169, 212, 236, at home and abroad, ix ; Cincinnati, 241. 284, 325, 349. women, beneficent activity Citadel, Quebec, 297. Bosworth Hall, 205. of, ix; woman, first public Cleveland, 285. Boucherville, 288. monument erected to a, 65; Clifton, 187, 344. Bournemouth, 295. women and war in South “Closeburn,” 188. Bowdon, 279. Africa, viii; wild flowers, 53. Clubs, 51, 82, 133, 146, 149, Bowood Park, 193. Canoe, Trip in bark, 153. 155, 242, 262, 328. Braham Castle, 291. Canoeing, 245, 276. Cobourg, 168, 218, 238, 249, Brandon, 312. Canonization, 34, 102. 280, 303. Branstone, 319. Cape of Good Hope, 228, 253. Cold harbour, 72. Brantford, 235, 354. Captivity, Napoleon's, 208. “Cold shades of opposition,” Bravery, Recognition of, 80, Captured at Queretaro, 301. 195. 138, 227, 260, 290, 309, 340. Carisbrooke, I. W., 250. Colonial Conference, London, Bravest of the Brave,” “The, Caroline, Steamer, 79, 221. 310, 332, 338. Carpets, Manufacture of, 203. Colonial women, Suggestions for Bray, 273 Cartridges, Makes, 221. royal decoration for (see Breckenbrough Hall, 302. Cashmir, 55. Orders); troops in England, Bridesmaid, 310. Castle of St. Lewis, 17, 45, 92. 156. Bridgetown, 185. Causerie, Complete master of Colours, 36, 50, 92, 96, 188, 263, Brigade of Guards, 45. 22. 297. Brigstock, 205, 220. Caven, County, 300. “ Columbia Lily,” 95. Britannia Bay, 352. Cawnpore, 180. Columbus, 231. “ Britannia roll,': 78. Cedars," "The, 333. Commemorated in “Childe British Columbia, 96, 180, 206, “ Celebrated Canadians,” 180. Harold,” 228. 227, 235, 251, 296, 306, 323. Celebrated at Irish Court, 251. Comment and criticism, 116. British Isles, 203. Centenary of a play, 242. Compliment unprecedented, 105. 138. INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. Condolence from the Queen, Decorative art (see Art). Education of women, vi. Message of, 46, 212, 214, 331. Deering, 349.- Education, vi, 2, 17, 25, 28, 31, Confederate Service, 348. Dedication, iii. 34, 81, 104, 133, 190, 211, 225, Confederation of British North Degrees conferred, 3, 25, 28, 93, 279, 284, 294, 318, 322, 335, America, 244, 310, 333, 338. 104, 229, 284, 318, 327, 341. (see also Universities, etc.). Constitutional leader, 264. Delhi, 55, 194. Egypt, 130, 298. Contingent, South African (see Denmark, 253. Eldon House, 66, 72, 204, 275. South Africa) Despatch, 212. Elmsley Villa, 105. Cookery, Knowledge of, 268. Detroit, 231. “Elmwood,” 77. Cootehill, 300. Devoted helpmeet, 233, 265, Elocutionist, 28, 81. “Copsewerth,” 318. 293-Loyalty, 253 Elopement, 228. Coronation of the King and Devotion to Canada, 253 ; to Elsinore, 304. Queen, 51, 57, 90, 97, 115, the Sovereign, 306; to sport, Embassies of Europe, 253. 116, 144, 149, 195, 200, 214, 262. Embroidery, Artistic, 61. 304, 329--of Queen Victoria, “Devon Place," 332. Emigration, 334. 322. Devonshire, 308, 314. Encircled the globe, 298. Correspondent, First woman Dhurmshalla, 105. Endowments (see Gifts). war, 60. Diamond Jubilee, Queen's, (see England, 136, 143, 156, 185, Corrigenda, 355. Jubilee). 187, 188, 207, 208, 214, 218, Costume, Character, 95, 112, Diamond star, 349. 235, 248, 257, 279, 286, 292, 116, 126, 137, 163. Diamond tiara, 195. 308, 334, 336, 337, 346, 353 Cotton famine, 203. Died at Florence, 344—at sea, — (see also London, Eng., Coventry, 190. 203—at Windsor Castle, 331 and other places in England). Covington, Ky., 167. —from an accident, 302—in Entertained by Royalty, 8, 71, Conventual Institutions (see Berlin, 346-in mid-ocean, 77, 92, 101, 121, 135, 154, universities and other educa- 225—in South Africa, 222, 155, 164, 178, 205, 216, 235, tional institutions). 261—on active service, 311– 245, 247, 252, 255, 256, 287, Courage and constancy, 306– on the same day, 189—at 288, 291, 304, 333, 349. and coolness, 296. prayer, 212. Entertainments, Vice-regal, 19, Court circles, Much admired in, Digby, N.S., 259. 20, 50, 92, 96, 105, 153, 193, 179—dress, 125, 244, 317— Disability removed, 240. 205, 220, 235, 244. life on European Continent, Disguised as a man, 227. Enthusiast in art and literature, 253—at Ottawa, 219–Pre- Distinction in literature, 266. An, 280. sented at (see Presented at Distinguished family, A, 282; Epitaphs, 260, 284. Court)-of the French Em Military career, 292—Service Equipment of life-saving station, pire, 96. Order (see Orders). 91. Cowes, I. W., 79, 100, 209. Domestic economy, 1, 268, 335. Eromanga, 132. Cremated, Remains, 225. Dominant social figure, 291. Escaped from Fort Garry, 227. Crimean war, 108, 180, 292, Dorchester, N.B., 321. Essays, vi, 62. 336, 342. Dover, 259. Esquimalt, 323. Crowned by French Academy, Downsview, Ont., 247. Eton, 209. 123. Drama, 133, 167, 172, 328, 350 “ Euclid Hall,” 335. Crown of India, Imperial order (see also Actress). Europe, 184, 218, 247, 304, of the, (see Orders). Drawing room, First, 100. 1346. Cuba, 60, 298. Draycott Hall, 84. Exacting methods, 244. Cumberland County, 296. Dresden, 307, 346-decoration, Exeter, 260, 308. 151. Exile, In, 77, 222, 265. Dalnavert, 215. “Driftwood," 116. Exhibitions, 60, 68, 177, 222, Danced with Royalty, 25, 46, Drove first spike, 96. 296. 57, 77, 86, 164, 205, 216, 233, Drowned, 153. Experiences of primitive life, 261, 283. Dulwich, 236. 227. Dances, Afternoon, 262. Dumfries, 220. Explosives, Authority on, 254. Dartmouth, N.S., 165. Dundas, Ont., 221. Exton Rutland, 190. Double Dragon, Order of the Dundee, 221. Extraordinary intellectual ac- (see Orders). “Dundurn,” 224. tivity, 322. Deaconess work, 335. Dublin, 126, 212, 307. Debt discharged, 219, 221. Duel, 291. Fame, Pinnacle of, 181. Debut, 107, 133, 140, 172, 198, Durbar, 194. Family, A distinguished, 282— 231, 236, 239, 242, 276. Old and distinguished, 255- DeCew's Falls, 309. “Earnscliffe,” 149, 214, 218, portraits (see Portraits, Decisive movement, 308. 333 Family). Declined a Governorship, 270. Eastern Townships, 207. Famous as a painter, 210—ride, Declined Knighthood, 286. Eastwich, 295. 301—writers of animal stories, Decorations (see Orders). Edinburgh, 185, 249, 323. one of the, 305. Decoration of French sailor, 288.) Education, Patroness of, 17. | Fancy dress balls (see Balls). 26 INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. Farnham Royal, 243. Florence, 322, 344. | Golden wedding, 338. Faskally, 245. Flowers and fruit, 173—Cana- Governor-Generalship of Can- “Father of American humor dian wild, 53. ada, 2, 207, 257. ists,” 143. Folkestone, 310. Government House-Allahabad “Fathers of protection,"36—"of Foremost women workers, One and Lucknow, 194-Bombay, Confederation,” 33, 274, 317, of the, 283. 257 – Fredericton, 333—Hali- 338—“ of Responsible Gov- Fort Garry, 227, 271. fax, N.S., 7I, II3, I83, 228, ernment,” 21, 156, 192. Forty years a member of Parlia 256, 349 - Jersey, 207–Kings- Favorite in London society, ment, 270. ton, 19—Montreal, 50—Que- 319-pupil, 239. Founders, 3, 5, 34, 73, 75, 76, bec (see Castle of St. Lewis Fawley Court, 220. 81, 82, 89, 91, 94, 102, 156, and Spencerwood) — Regina, Fellowship, 25. 186, 237, 265, 304, 312, 315, I21, 222— St. Helena, 208 – “Female Laurier,” The, 73. 324, 330, 333, 335, 350. Toronto, 14, 162, 164, 188, Fenian Brotherhood, 205, 212, Fox hounds, Montreal, 184, 210. 216, 228, 246, 247, 287– 227. France, 73, 180, 183, 195, 197, Victoria, B.C., 180, 252— Fermor, 205. 203, 265, 288, 292, 301, 305, Winnipeg, 5, 306. Fiji, 174. 346. Governors and Governors' Finest ball ever given in Can-Franço-German war, 301. wives, I, 3, 5, 14, 17, 19, 24, ada, 205. Francestown, 349. 45, 71, 82, 85, 92, 96, 100, Fire sufferers, IOI. Fraserfield, 216. 104, 105, 121, 153, 160, 164, First-appearance (see Debut)— Fredericton, 152, 153, 333. 174, 178, 188, 193, '194, 205, article for a newspaper, 1734 Freemasons, 349. 207, 208, 216, 222, 225, 228, Canadian woman appointed French Canada, 197– Noblesse, 230, 235, 244, 252, 256, 257, officier d'academie, 73—Can- 86 — refugees, 101 --- sailor, 287, 288, 306, 308, 314, 317, adian woman to receive a Decoration of, 288. 349. Ph.D., 284—Canadian novel, Frogmore Hall, 168. Graces," "The American, 163 152—Chief Justice of Canada, Frontenac, Ont., 290. —“The three,” 180. 282—child born at Red River, Funds, 59, 75, 99, 101, 134, 156, Graduates (see Degrees). 227 — class honours, 284- 187, 193, 203, 205, 211, 212, Grant, Royal, 334. class at Oxford, 190—Divis- 215, 219, 235, 331. Grants of public money, 234, ion Government Certificate, Funerals, 212, 232, 246, 304, 331, 334. 190— Dominion Exhibition, 306, 331. Gravelotte, 301. 222— drawing room, 100— Fungi, Canadian, 53. Graves of Canadians in South English lady in Ashanti, 160— Fur-cloak, 195. Africa, 235. European woman to suffer as Fur-trade, 227. Great beauty, A, 148—Canadian a missionary, 132—Governor Fur-trader, North-West, 86. heroine, So. of Upper Canada, 314-lady Greatest emotional actress of to receive degree of LL.B., Galicia, 347. her time, 241. 229-life station on Atlantic Galt, 354. Greek Court, 125. Coast, 91—"May Queen,”133 Gananoque, 181. Greenfield, 217. —native Canadian Peer, 142— Garrison theatricals (see Ama Grenville canal, 219. Patroness, 350—Parliament of teur theatricals). Guards, Brigade of, 45. the Dominion, 150— Parlia- Garden competition, 18, 235. Guests, Distinguished, 33, 36, ment of Lower Canada, 264– Gawthorpe Hall, 296. 77, 205, 221, 225, 288, 291, President Ladies' Educational Geneva, 344. 297, 304, 306, 349. Association, 237, 246-Presi- Genoa, 100. Guests of Royalty, 77, 225, 291, dent Ottawa Decorative Art Geological survey, Canadian, 297, 304. Society, 156-President of the 53. Guernsey, 44. United States of America, 348“ Georgian Court," 136. Guildford, 291. -President Woman's Humane | Germany, 155, 203, 337, 343, Society, 283— prize, Took, 347. Hackwood Park, 92. 181—prize from Emperor of Glencoe, 2. Haddo House, 3, 133. Russia, 83-public monument Gifts, 2, 46, 59, 98, 108, 126, Half-breeds, 227. erected to a woman, 65— 153, 156, 188, 195, 203, 205, Halifax, N.S., 166, 183, 185, school at Ville Marie, 34 215, 237, 255, 263, 279, 287, 189, 205, 223, 277, 281, 284, sed on Northern Railway, 105 290, 297, 298, 306, 331, 334, 297, 305, 321, 326, 331, 336, — to occupy Spencerwood, 338, 346, 349. 338, 345, 349. 105—woman admitted to the Gipsy Lodge, 308. Hamilton, Ont., 128, 155, 224, Bar, 229—woman to assume Glasgow, 155. 256, 289, 297, 298, 304, 318, title of “Her Excellency,” Glassonby, 296. 325, 332. 19—women to take degree “Glen Farm," 250. Hamilton Beach, 304. of Bachelor of Letters, 284— “ Glen Edyth,” 255. Hampton, N.B., 207. woman war correspondent, Glengarry, 217. Hampton Court Palace, 135. 60. Glory of Canada, 56, Handsome Hendries,” “The, Fisheries, Deep sea, 71, Gold Coast, 160, 155. INDEX. TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. 377 Handsomest woman in Canada, Imperial authority, 212. Klondyke, 235. One of the, 175—women of Imprisoned in Fort Garry, 227, Knebworth House, 2. her day, One of the, 135-1 306. Knighthood, Declined, 286. woman in New York, 37. Inches House, 292. Knights, 8, 44, 48, 76, 157, 159, Hanover, Germany, 343. Incident in life of Nelson, 232. 166, 176, 177, 187, 191, 194, Hants, Eng., 234, 319, 336. India, 96, 105, 154, 180, 194, 201, 207, 213, 224, 225, 233, Happiest years spent in Canada, 201, 257, 314, 344. 234, 246, 248, 249, 253, 266, 96. India, Imperial Order of the 268, 270, 281, 283, 294, 328, Hardwicke Grange, 26. Crown of (see Orders) 329, 332, 333, 338, 339, 351. Harkhurst, 209. Inscriptions, 65, 179, 284, 309. Kumassi, 160. Harlesden, 201, 286. Intellectual advancement of Havre, 292. women, vi-gatherings, 40, Labrador, 196. Hawkesbury, 148. 123. Ladies of Canada, Unpopular Heathfield, 118. Introduced afternoon dances, with, 244. Heights," " The, 353. 262—canoeing, 245 Lady-in-waiting, 108, 349. Helpmeets, Fitting, 233, 265, Invalid, A confirmed, 267. Lady of Grace, 20, 177. 293. Inverness County, 292. Lady Mayoress, 35, 45, 109, “Her Excellency," Title of, 19. Investiture of Order of St. 114, 187, 222, 223. Heroes, 45, 53, 87, 122. Michael and St. George, 205— “ Lady Waldegrave of Canada,” Heroines, 80, 260, 290, 306, 309. of the Order of the Bath, 308. 197. Herts, Eng., 253. Ionian Islands, 205, 208.' Lake Erie,” “The heroine of, High River, 155. Ireland, 203, 205, 229, 250, 300, 290. Higher education of women, 307, 342. Lakefield, 334. 211, 237. “Iron King,” 149. Lakeside House, 352. “ Hillside,” 173. Isles of Shoals, 349. Lambton, Ont., 347. Historic memories, 279. Italy, 183, 195, 253, 304, 344, Lanark, Scot, 353. Historical fancy dress ball (see 346. Lansdowne House, 193. Balls). Lansdowne, Ont., 186. Holland, 207, 253, 346. Jamaica, 135, 214, 306, 322. Largest religious community in Holmstead, 155. Japan, 336. America, 124--sum contrib- Holy Land, 177, 184–Sepul- Jersey, 207, 272. uted, 187. chre, 344. Jersey cattle, 181. Lawns and gardens, 235, Homestead, 221. Jesmond Dene House, 254. Leading lady (see Actress). Hong Kong, 337. Jewels, 94, 108, 126, 195. Leader of loyalists, 306 — of Honour, Exceptional, 261; un- Johnstown District, 224. political parties, 29, 33, 122, precedented, 352. Jordan, River, 184. 202, 219, 233, 315--of soci- Horses' check-rein, 156. Journalists, 15, 22, 60, 62, 67, ety, A, 278. Horse killed under her, 184. 75, 99, 101, 115, 116, 133, Leamington Spa, 220. Horsewoman, Expert, 200 ; 191, 197, 212, 221, 222, 341, Led decisive movement, 308. Noted, 181. 354. Leesthorpe Hall, 319. Hospitals, asylums and other Journals of Parliamentcited, 105. Legal authoress, 191. public institutions, 5, 30, 85, Journey on snow-shoes, 227. Legion of honour, 288. 91, 94, 102, III, 114, 124, Jubilee, George III's 322— Leicester, 54, 205, 319. 135, 139, 159, 141, 145, 159, Queen Victoria's 188, 195, Leipzig, 284, 325, 345. 171, 186, 190, 203, 232, 235, 226, 252, 322, 332, 351. “Lennox, The lovely,” 228. 237, 252, 255, 258, 269, 271, Judges, 30, 39, 45, 48, 101, III, Les Eboulements, 270. 274, 278, 285, 286, 287, 296, 130, 166, 191, 197, 198, 213, Letters, “ Gunhilda's,” 352—of 298, 301, 304, 306, 312, 324, 233, 243, 283, 284, 296, 328, condolence from Queen Vic- 325, 328, 329, 330, 333, 334, 329. toria, 46, 212, 214, 331— to 335, 341, 352. Judicial atmosphere, 111. the editor, 55, 189, 219, 246. Hostage for her husband, A, Lewarne, 201. 179. Kansas City, 236. Library, 279, 349. Hostess, A charming, 329—A Kenilworth Hall, 54. “Lillesden,” 209. popular, 245, 312. Kensington, 16, 187. Lincolnshire, 16. House of Commons, British, Kensington Palace, I. Lines on Mrs. Ellice, 106-on Kent, Eng., 209, 279, 334. Mrs. O'Brien, 260-on Mrs. Hugunot, 99, 180. Kilkenny, 184. Ritchie, 284. Hull, 187. Killed in battle, 179, 180, 208, Lingen, 343, “Humewood,” 29. 292, 301, 342, 343 — in a Liskeard, 201. Huntingdon, P.Q., 347. duel, 291. Literary “lions," 169. Kilravock Castle, 292. Litterateur, An early, 278. Ice-bound, 92—carnivals, 193. Kingussie, 320. Liverpool, 267. “ Idalia,” 311. Kingston, Ont., 150, 176, 196, Llanarth Court, 156. Ingénues, 236. 217, 226. Lobby, Parliamentary, 352. Immortalized in “Lothair,” 193. | Kingston, Jamaica, 306. Lobo, Ont., 293. 266. 378 INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. 305. Lodge, The, 205. Meaford, Ont., 305. Music, 140, 145, 184, 203, 207, London, Eng., 16, 19, 29, 138, Meath, 205, 300. 258, 325. 142, 162, 164, 179, 193, 200, Mecca, 173. Mutiny, Indian, 154, 180. 203, 204, 206, 208, 210, 213, Medals, 18, 20, 92, 94, 104, 181, McGill University (see Uni- 219, 225, 232, 235, 236, 238, 193, 195, 237, 269, 274, 290, versities, etc.) 239, 245, 251, 253, 257, 263, 298, 340. McNab's Island, 165. 266, 268, 273, 274, 275, 276, Medicine, 176, 186, 318, 341. 277, 281, 291, 296, 299, 300, Melcombe House, 79. Nairn County, 292. 302, 304, 308, 310, 313, 319, Melrose, Scot, 293. Name preserved, 102, 349— 322, 323, 332, 334, 336, 337, Melton Mowbray, 319. Took his mother's, 180. 338, 339, 341, 343. Memorials, I, 65, 68, 75, 87, Naples, 239. London, Ont., 31, 131, 161, 194, 153, 156, 179, 211, 214, 219, Narrative discovered, 80. 204, 222, 233, 269, 275, 325. 235, 255, 260, 263, 269, 283, Nashville, 348. Londonderry, Ireland, 95. 284, 287, 293, 302, 306, 309, Natal, 298. Long Point Island, 290. 322, 328, 346, 350. National Council of Women (see Lord High Steward, 344. Memoirs, 132, 203, 211. Societies, etc.). Lord Mayor of London, 84, 131. Merchant, 8, 9, 16, 35, 36, 41, Naturalist, 334. Loseley Park, 291. 59, 86, 94, 109, 155, 164, Naval attache, 336. Louisbourg, 232. 240, 245, 255, 260, 262, 279, Navy Island, 221-Royal (see Lovell Hill, 189. 301, 306, 314, 322, 330, 332, Royal Navy). Love for Canada, 55—stories, 335. Neuilly, 203. Messina, 140. Never lost a friend, 334. Loveliness, Female (see Beau Mexico, 275, 301, 307. Newark (see Niagara). ties, Noted). Minnesota, 227. Newbie, 220. Loveliest thing produced by Miniatures, 207, 228, 263, 344. Newcastle, Ont., 303, 335. Canada, 188. Milton, N.S., 305. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 254. Lower Canada, 180, 225, 264, Millbank, 310. “ Newlands," 176, 253. 265, 317, 346—Norwood, 339. Milan, 140. Newlyn, 120. Loyalists, 224, 227, 306 (see also | Middlesex Co., 286. Newport, R. I., 328. Ú. E. loyalists). Missionaries, 132, 186, 211. Newspapers (see Journalists). Lubenham, 205. Monklands, 105. Newton Ferrars, 308. Lundy's Lane, 293, 309. Montebello, 264, 265. New domain of woman's work, Lucknow, 180, 194. Montreal, 1, 2, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 191 – Brunswick, 150, 152, Lynn, Mass., 161. 19, 27, 32, 34, 37, 46, 50, 55, 153, 283, 302, 303, 321-Car- 57, 58, 59, 73, 76, 77, 78, 80, lisle, 150--France, 34, 80, 81, Madras, 228. 86, 87, 93, 94, 102, 105, 107, 102 — foundland, 166, 174, Maid of Honour, 66. 109, 122, 123, 124, 126, 129, 332, 342, 351 — Hampshire, Maine, 211. 134, 140, 141, 144, 147, 148, 222, 349, 352—Hebrides, 132 Maitland, Ont., 181. 154, 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, -Orleans, 126, 207—South Major's Hill, 153. 169, 170, 178, 179, 180, 184, Wales, 205 — York, 10, II, Malta, 323. 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 195, 120, 172, 179, 186, 208, 236, Manchester, 203. 197, 198, 200, 202, 205, 207, 241, 266, 274, 280, 285, 289, Manilla, 298. 210, 211, 212, 216, 221, 225, 296, 301, 303, 315, 325, 341, Manitoba, 5, 31, 182, 215, 227, 230, 236, 237, 240, 242, 245, 350-—Zealand, 256. 282, 306, 312. 256, 257, 260, 261, 264, 276, Niagara, 222, 250, 261, 309, 314. Manor House, 106, 217, 220, 278, 279, 288, 291, 292, 294, Niagara Falls, 293, 353. 264, 265, 270, 279. 297, 300, 304, 306, 313, 317, Noblesse, French, 86. Manuscript, Original, 231. 319, 324, 327, 328, 330, 341, Noel House, 16. Maritime Provinces, 321. 346, 350, 351. No intoxicants, 306, 333. Market, Harborough, 205. Monuments (see Memorials). Noms-de-plume, 15, 22, 67, 99, Marlborough House, 331, 333. Morganatic wife, 88, 349. 119, 161, 173, 183, 226, 240. Married on the same day, 201. Most brilliant society woman in Noms-de-theatre, 276, 301. Marriage with a deceased wife's French Canada, 197—popular No peer as a philanthropist, 91 sister, 352. Vicereine, 96._ -in America, 289. Martinique, 88. Mother's name, Took his, 180. Norfolk County, 336–Va., 41. Maskinonge, 192. Mother of Soldiers," “ A, 83. Northamptonshire, 173. Massachusetts, 309. Mount Johnson, 179 — Royal“Northleigh," 131. Massacre, Sioux, 227. Park, 57, 159. North Runcton, 336. Massacred at Eromanga, 132. Mountaineering expeditions, North-West Territories, 86, 193, Massey Hall, 239. 187. 234, 260, 311. Mathematician, An eminent, 294. Mullingar, 342. Northumberland, Eng., 254– Mauritius, 164. Munich, 120, 240. Hall, 117. Mayoress, Lady (see Lady Münster, 345. No superior among Canadian Mayoress). Murder, 211, 227. poets, 267—superior in nurs- “May Queen," 133, 146. Museum, 279. ing profession, 285. INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. 379 212. Nova Scotia, 65, 142, 182, 208, 146, 148, 149, 153, 156, 161, Philanthropist, 2, 12, 31, 34, 81, 228, 255, 259, 284, 305, 322. 175, 182, 192, 195, 196, 198, 91, 102, 124, 127, 139, 141, 326, 339, 349. 205, 212, 216, 218, 219, 222, 153, 156, 159, 171, 203, 208, Novelists, 62, 93, 119, 152, 202, 234, 247, 248, 252, 265, 272, 214, 218, 223, 255, 271, 278, 206, 238, 300, 349, 353. 273, 274, 283, 294, 307, 312, 279, 283, 304, 306, 315, 316, Nursed Duke of Albany, 245. 320, 327, 329, 330, 331, 334, 322, 330, 333, 335, 350. Nursing profession, 85, 127, 139. 338, 340, 343, 352. Phoenix Park, 205. 195, 235, 258, 271, 274, 283, Ottawa River, 179, 265-Upper, Physician to the King, 281– 285, 298, 331, 341, 348. 153. to the Queen, 281. Oudh, 194. Physicists, Most eminent of liv- Oak Lea, 153. Outdoor sports, 235, 262. ing British, 342. Oakum, Picking of, 203. Oxford, 190, 284. Pianist, Best amateur, 61. Observatory, Toronto, 201. Pictou, N.S., 339, 351. Ocean steam navigation, 8. Page of honour, 108, 256. Pictures exhibited, 26, 43, 120. Occurrences while printing, 355. Painters, 1, 68, 89, 210, 269. Pilgrim Fathers, 305. Officier d' Academie, 73. Paintings, Family, 9, 14, 16, 17, Pines,” “ The, 241. Ohio, 222. 19, 21, 34, 72, 92, 100, 106, Pioneer of Lake Erie, 262. Oil wells of Galicia, 347. 126, 143, 163, 201, 207, 221, Pittsburgh, 36. Okanagan Valley, 227. 228, 245, 287, 296, 322, 344, Plattsburgh, 140. Old Chateau, Quebec, 100 349. Play and story writer, 236. Connaught House, 273– l'alestine, 177 (see also Holy Play writer, 276. Court, 314—Orchard, 315 Land). Played before the Queen, 56. "timers," 105. Paris, 77, 110, 162, 188, 197, Plymouth, 184. Oldest Judge in Queen's Do 203, 205, 228, 239, 253, 296, Plymouth rock, 305. minions, 283–living authoress 337, 343, 353. Poems addressed to wife, 165, in British Dominions, 334. | Paris," “ The belle of, 163. One acre of land, 173—of the Parks and playgrounds, 94, 159, Poetess, 64, 169, 240, 267. handsomest women of her 192, 330. Pointe Platon, 180. day, 135. Parkside, 339. Poitou, 265. Only likeness ever taken, 165. Parliament, Address of congrat- Political Science, 219, 318. Ontario, 208, 214, 217, 290, ulation from, 105-painted Pope sends his blessing, 77. 293. portrait for, 296—thanks of Portage-du-Fort, 153. Opera, 140, 161, 307. both Houses of, 234, 299. Portage la Prairie, 227. Orders—For the decoration of Patent of Peerage, New, 2. Port Erroll, 108. Colonial women, Royal, 73, Patriotic work, 255. Port Hope, 25, 311. 94, 255, 283, 333, 335-of Patroness, 1, 17. Portland, Ont., 290. the Bath, 113, 135, 158, 207, Peer, 1, 2, 3, 6, 17, 18, 27, 43, Port Rowan, 262. 213, 218, 228, 249, 253, 254, 50, 77, 78, 85, 90, 92, 96, 97, Portrait busts, 269. 272, 281, 286, 294, 308, 338 105, 108, 142, 163, 185, 193, Portraits to appear in Volume -of the Chefakat, 96—of the 205, 214, 235, 244, 245, 256, II., X-painted, 198, 235, Crown of India, I, 96, 105, 257, 263, 273, 297, 308, 322, 279, 280, 353. 193, 257—of the Daughters of 323, 330, 343, 344, 345, 346, Portraiture, Excels in, 296. the Revolution, 340-Distin 347. Portsmouth, Eng., 263. guished Service, 261--of the Peeress, 1, 2, 3, 6, 17, 18, 27, Portsmouth, N. H., 349. Double Dragon, 186—of the 43, 50, 77, 78, 85, 90, 92, 96, Portugal, 207. Royal Red Cross, I, 20, 274– 97. 105, 108, 142, 163, 185, Poughkeepsie, 211. of the Star of India, 138—of 193, 205, 214, 235, 244, 245, Pioneer of Lake Erie, 262—of St. John of Jerusalem, 20, 176, 256, 257, 263, 273, 297, 308, Western Canada, 227. 177—of St. Mchael and St. 322, 323, 330, 343, 344, 345, Prescott, 199, 200, 217. George, 71, 103, 158, 160, 346, 347, 349. Presented at court, 2, 32, 47, 55, 205, 244, 246, 248, 270, 291, Peking, 186. 59, 79, 94, 125, 129, 144, 164, 306, 317, 321, 331, 332, 333, Pembina, 227. 214, 219, 245, 255, 273, 304, 338, 339, 351—of the Sun, Pensions, 46, 165, 212. 317, 322, 331, 332, 333, 337, Persian, 96—of Victoria and Periodicals, 7, 15, 22, 25, 28, 338, 339, 349, 351—at the Albert, 1, 96, 108, 193—Pour 53, 59, 61, 62, 67, 73, 94, 119, Greek Court, 125—by Royalty, le Mérite, Prussian, 249– 133, 164, 173, 177, 183, 191, 195, 274—Lo Prince and Royal Victorian, 55, 273. 196, 202, 226, 238, 239, 240, Princess of Wales, 217—with Originators, Chief, 246. 250, 284, 290, 334, 353, a home, 290—with a summer Original “ Linda,” The, 126. Persian Order of the Sun (see cottage, 287. Orkney, 271, 326. Orders). Presents from Royalty, 56, 108— Orleans House, 68. Perth County, Ont., 206. to Royalty, 94, 188. Osborne House, 333. Perthshire, 219, 245. Preston, Ont., 354. Ottawa, 4, II, 18, 27, 41, 74, Peterboro', 320. | Primrose League, 168, 187. 75, 82, 96, 97, 103, 107, 115, Petersburg, Va., 211. Prince Edward Island, 132, 274. 126, 130, 131, 134, 139, 145, Philadelphia, 53, 307. Princess Lodge, 349. 380 INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. INDEX Print, Rare contemporary, 242. | Repertoire, 161, 231, 241, 242. Seat of Government of Canada, Prisoner, Taken, 227, 306. Reydon Hall, 238. 153. Private audience with Queen Rice Lake, 334. Sebastopol, 180, 342. Victoria, 87, 304—with Queen Richibucto, 302. Second term, 333. of Greece, 125. Richmond, Ont., 134. Secretary to her husband, 314. Privy Councilor, Imperial, 195, Rideau Hall, 20, 85, 96, 107, Seigneur, 106, 179, 180. 214, 331. 175, 193, 205, 220, 235, 310— Selkirks, 196. Prohibitionist, Strict, 306, 333. Halls," " The, 144. Senate, 5, 9, 12, 94, 159, 184, Proposal of marriage, 232. Rider in Canada, Best cross 195, 198, 225, 330, 352. Proxy for the Queen, 273. country, 184. Senior wrangler, 294. Prussia, 249, 301, 344. Rigaud, 180 Sentenced to be shot, 227, 301. Publisher, 300. River Thames, 296. Separate course for ladies in Puerto Rico, 298. “ Roadlawn,” 321. medicine, 318. Purity of speech and accent, 94. Rochester, N.Y., 152. Separated from husband, 301. Puslinch, 308. Rocky Mountains, 196. Served in South Africa, 218, 227, Roehampton, 142, 199, 217. 235, 274, 283, 319. Quaker stock, 99. Romantic incidents, 143. Sheerness, 277. Quebec, 17, 45, 46, 48, 49, 77, Rome, 125, 177, 285. Sheffield, 141. 78, 81, 82, 87, 92, 98, 100, “Rosemount,” 291. Shorncliffe, 207, IOI, 102, 105, 108, 129, 134, Roseneath, 1. Shrewsbury, 26, 352. 143, 146, 147, 152, 171, 177, Ross-shire, 291. Silesia, Prussian, 346, 180, 212, 225, 230, 232, 242, “Rotherwood," 141. Simcoe, Ont., 290. 244, 254, 263, 265, 270, 288, Royalty, Entertained, 8, 71, 77, Simla, 193. 294, 297, 299, 304, 308, 310, 82, 85, 92, 101, 121, 153, 154, Simplicity of dress, 193. 313, 314, 317, 327, 328. 155, 164, 205, 216, 235, 245, Singer (see Vocalist). Quebecoise," " La Jeune, 242. 247, 252, 255, 256, 287, 288, Singing, Exquisite, 307. " Queen City,” 242 (see also 291, 349. Six Nation Indians, 309. Toronto)--of song,” 140. Royal Bounty Fund, 334-Navy, Skating, 235. Queens Co., 305 — diamond 24, 70, 79, 83, 113, 148, 189, Sligo, 229. jubilee (see Jubilee, Queen 199, 232, 253, 263, 277, 281, Social figure in Montreal, The Victoria's) – gate, 291-of the 283, 323, 336–Red Cross, dominant, 291. American stage, One of the, Order of the (see Orders) — Societies, National, Religious, 10—wreath, 304, 331—sym visits (see Visits, Royal). Educational, Benevolent and pathy and condolence, 46, Rutland, Vt., 291, 319. others, 1, 3, 4, 5, 12, 17, 29, 212, 214, 331. Ryde, I. W., 319. 31, 33, 41, 48, 51, 55, 57, 59, Queensland, 256. 67, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 89. Queenston, Ont., 309, 353. Sable Island, 91. 103, 107, 108, 114, 121, 124, Queretaro, 301. Salamanca, 179. 133, 134, 137, 139, 141, 145, Salon, Paris, 269, 296. 146, 149, 156, 157, 159, 168, Railways, 95, 96, 105, 157, 245. Salop, 175. 178, 188, 191, 195, 204, 218, Raised, Nova Scotia reziment, San Domingo, 314. 222, 223, 226, 229, 235, 237, 349——to the Peerage, 205, 214, San Francisco, 298. 242, 246, 255, 262, 271, 279, 245, 257. San Luis Potosi, 301. 281, 283, 293, 296, 298, 304, Raithby Hall, 16. San Remo, 225. 306, 307, 309, 312, 315, 322, Rare personal charms, 188. Sandhurst, 234. 324, 330, 331, 333, 335, 340, Rathmullen, 189. Sanitary science, 318. 341, 350.- Ravenscrag, 7, 8. Santa Clare, 212. Society at the Cape, 253—on Rebellion in the North-West Santa Cruz, 189. European Continent, 2534 Terri ories, 193, 234, 311-of Sault-au-Recollet, 234. leader, I, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 1837, 106, 135, 207, 221, 224, Sarnia, 219. 16, 17, 19, 26, 27, 32, 33, 36, 264, 265-Red River, 134, Saskatchewan, 227, 271. IOI, 110, III, 122, 123, 127, 227, 306, 350. Saves boy from drowning, 296. 129, 130, 131, 136, 144, 149, Reciter, A successful, 276. . Saved her child, 260—man from 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, Received in audience at Wash a bear, 34–man's life, 340— 163, 170, 174, 176, 177, 187, ington, 235. twelve lives, 290. 188, 191, 194, 197, 201, 209, Red Chamber, 352. “Scarlet Oaks,” 149. 214, 215, 216, 218, 225, 230, Red River settlement, 134, 227, Scholar, Latin and Greek, 352. 243, 245, 255, 262, 266, 268, 271, 306, 350. Scientist, 76, 169, 249, 254, 342. 277, 280, 281, 282, 283, 286, Regina, 75, 121, 222. Scholarships, 203, 219. 287, 291, 294, 297, 302, 303, Religieuse, 34, 81, 102, 124. Scotland, 1, 2, 3, 133, 181, 185, 304, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, Remains brought to Canada, 46, 206, 215, 220, 240, 245, 249, 312, 313, 319, 320, 322, 323, 47, 331. 271, 291, 292, 293, 320, 323, 324, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333, Remarkable literary woman, 326, 353. 337, 338, 343, 344, 345. 250—woman, A, 322. Sculptor, I, 269. Soldiers,” “ A mother of, 83. Renaissance period, 219. Seaforth, 291. Somersetshire, 296. INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. - 381 “Somersetvale;" 150. Strathroy, 222. 167, 181, 188, 199, 200, 201, South Africa, viii, 20, 51, 54, Student of Marie Bashkirtseff, 206, 215, 217, 219, 221, 225, . 108, 129, 130, 134, 155, 215, A fellow, 296. 229, 233, 238, 239, 241, 243, 218, 222, 227, 235, 261, 274, Study of Shakespeare, 82. 246, 247, 248, 255, 261, 267, 283, 298, 319, 324, 343, 350. Suez Canal, 298. 269, 280, 282, 286, 287, 293, South of France, 298. Suffolk, 238. 296, 303, 306, 310, 311, 314, South Kensington, 236. Suggestion in favour of Royal 316, 325, 335, 339, 343. Southern States, io. decoration for Colonial wo- Toronto University (see Univer- Spain, 207. men, x. sities, etc.) Sparkford Hall, 213. Suicide, Attempts, 231. Torrington, Conn., 340. Speaker, Able, 31. Sumatra, 211. Tour round the world, 55, 66. Speaker's receptions, 40. Summerside, 274. Tourin, 251. Special compliment, 139–Coun- Sunday-school children, 193. Tower of London, 234 - of cil, 278 - drawing-room, 338 Sung before Royalty, 239. strength, A, 293. -gifts as a poet, 64-niche Sunning Hall, 349. Transvaal, 343. among women writers, 62— Surgeon to the Queen, Hon., Travellers, Well-known, 204. presentation, 339—prize, 56 176-to the King, Hon., 176, Trewarveneth, 120. -regulations, 229. Surrey, 228, 291. Tribune of the people, A great, “Spencerwood," 84, 105, 178, Sussex Co., 297. 265. 230, 244, 288. Sweden and Norway, 207, 253. Tributes, Special, 12, 85, 94, Spion Kop, 298. Switzerland, 187, 344, 346. 153, 161, 164, 188, 192, 202, Spokane, 316. Sydney, 205. 203, 207, 219, 225, 237, 241, Sponsors, 88, 126, 273. Systematized charity, 94, 157. 246, 284, 287, 293, 314, 316, Sports, 155, 209, 235, 262. 330, 333. 334, 352. St. Armand West, 301. " Tableaux Historiques," 133. Trip in bark canoe, 153. St. Catharines, Ont., 285. Tablets, 260, 263, 284, 322, Troy, N.Y., 173. St. Davids, 309. 349. True woman, A, 189—woman, St. Denis, P.Q., 264. Tales she never wrote, 119. Highest life of, 1. St. Helena, 208. Tasmania, 201. Tuberculosis, 157, 159. . St. Heliers, 272. Tateley, 234. Turned first sod, 105. St. John, N.B., 119, 207, 236, Temperance reform, 108. Twickenham, 68. 283, 302, 344. Tennis, 209. Typical Canadian woman, A, St. John's, Nid., 91, 165, 182, Tenor, A renowned, 307. 317, 351. “ Terralta,” 25. St. John of Jerusalem, Order of Terrebonne, 230. Uckfield House, 297. (see Orders). Testimonials, 71, 75, 164, 212, U. E. Loyalist, 66, 89, 90, 103, St. Lawrence, River, 276. 219, 231, 241. 152, 179, 213, 215, 252, 253, St. Mary's, Ont., 348. Testimony of Duke of Welling- 258, 259, 286, 303, 309, 344. St. Maurice, Drowned in the ton, 224. United States of America, 10, | 153. Teviot Bank, 204. II, 13, 23, 28, 37, 41, 56, 60, St. Norbert, 227. Thanked by the Queen, 245. 62, 69, 87, 91, 119, 126, 136, St. Paul, 227. Thanks of Parliament, 234, 140, 149, 155, 161, 163, 167, St. Stephen, N.B., 253, 333. 299. 169, 172, 181, 186, 196, 205, St. Vincent de Paul, 195. Theatres (see Actresses). 211, 212, 221, 227, 231, 235, Ste. Martine, 327. Theatricals, Amateur, 20, 37, 71, 236, 241, 258, 265, 274, 280, Ste. Rose, 313. 113, 126, 193, 328. 285, 289, 290, 291, 298, 300, Stage (see Actresses). Thirsk, 302. 301, 303, 305, 307, 309, 315, Stamford, Ont., 228, 250. 56 Thornhill," 177, 354. 316, 328, 340, 341, 348, 349, “Star" of the first magnitude, Three Graces," " The, 180– 241. horses shot under him, 135— Universities and other educa- Statesmen, 2, 3, 19, 21, 29, 30, Rivers, 197. tional institutions, 2, 3, 4, 25, 33, 36, 40, 46, 74, 75, 96, 100, Tien-Tsin, 186. 28, 31, 34, 38, 56, 57, 77, 78, 104, 115, 127, 158, 165, 195, Tilbury, Ont., 231. 81, 93, 102, 104, 124, 130, 212, 214, 215, 218, 219, 221, Title of “Her Excellency," 149, 150, 157, 186, 190, 196, 224, 225, 248, 293, 312, 317, First to assume, 19. 200, 206, 211, 214, 217, 218, 321, 322, 331, 332, 333, 338, Toasted, 45. 219, 226, 229, 234, 235, 237, 351, 354. Tobago, 208. 239, 240, 268, 279, 284, 294, Statues, 1, 87, 121. Tombs, 65, 232, 260. 298, 312, 315, 318, 322, 324, Status of Women in Canada, Tongham, 228. 327, 329, 335, 338, 341, 345, vii. Top form, 206. 346. Stock-raiser and horse-breeder, Torbay, 314. Unpopular with the ladies of 181. Toronto, 9, 15, 21, 25, 28, 29, Canada, 244. Stratford, Ont., 206, 219. 30, 39, 60, 64, 67, 83, 89, 99, Unprecedented honour, 352. Stratford-on-Avon, 147. 103, 104, 105, III, 112, 116, Unveiled, Monument, 87, 293, Strathearn House, 157. 122, 141, 151, 158, 162, 164, 309–Portrait, 193. 348. 350. 382 INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES AND TO SUBJECTS. Upper Ottawa, 153 -- Canada, Wentworth, 349. | Women and war in South Africa, 21, 152, 200, 217, 221, 228, West Indies, 214, 306, 307. Canadian, viii--at home and 243, 263, 282, 308. Westminster Abbey (see abroad, Canadian, ix-bene- Urbanity and politeness, 179. Churches). ficent activity of Canadian, ix- Ursulines in Canada, 81. Westmoreland, 19, 20. brilliant circle of, 333-edu- “Wesanford,” 304. cation for, 335-education of, Vancouver, B.C., 95, 222, 281, Western Pacific, 174. vi.-establishment National 338, 339. “Westover,” 334. Council of, 3—higher educa- Vandreuil, 180, 339. Weymouth, N.S , 259. tion of, 237—in Canada," “ Vénérable,” The title, 102. Whigs of New York, 179. Lady Aberdeen's paper on, x- Vermont, 222. Whitby, 172. in Canada, Status of, vii- Vicereine, Most popular, 96. Wife's able support and co intellectual advancement of, Victoria and Albert, Order of operation, 193. vi—noble French Canadian, (see Orders). Wicklow County, 30, 250, 273. 278—of India, 96—of Ottawa, Victoria, Australia, 256-B.C., Windsor Castle, 195, 304, 331, 195—one of our beautiful, 160, 256 – Cross, 138. 332, 262—suggestion for Royal Ville Marie, 34, 81, 102. Windsor, N.S., 142, 143. . decoration for Colonial, x. Vineland, N.J., 301. Victorian Era ball (see Balls) — Winnipeg, 5, 196, 215, 227, 271, Women's sphere,” 67. Order of Nurses (see Nursing 306, 312, 338, 339. Won a high place in literature, Winona, 318. 143 — many laurels, 307 — profession). “ Winterholme,” 320. prize, 305. Violinist, 20, 56, 325. “Winwick, 284. Woodhouse, U. C., 72, 275. Virginia, 134. Wolfe Island, 250. Working girls, Conversion of, Visiting Governors, 222. Wolford Lodge, 314. 315. Visits, Royal, 153, 195, 205, Wolfville, 333. World-wide reputation, 203. 235, 261, 310. Woman, A bright and clever, Wormbrunn, 346. Vocalist, 24, 126, 140, 161, 162, 354-a clever and energetic, Wreath, The Queen's 304, 331. 184, 217, 220, 239, 287, 289, 326-a model, 265—a noble, Wreck of the Conductor, 290. 307. 3, 203—à remarkable, 322— Wounded in battle, 319, 336. Vote of thanks, 79. an intellectual, 293—a singu- Voyage round the world, 7, 298. larly clever, 257—a thorough, Yachtswoman, Keen, 187. Waddon, 190. 195—a typical Canadian, 348 Yarmouth, N.S., 236. Walsingham Centre, 290. -barrister, First 229-re- Yorkshire, 296, 302. War correspondent, First wo markable literary, 250-every- “Young Ireland,” movement, man, 60—Chinese - Japanese, one loved, A, 334--first public 212—people, Department for, 186—in South Africa (see monument erected to a Cana- 99. South Africa)-medals (see dian, 65-highest life of true, Youngest editress in world, 133 Medals) —of 1812, 250. 1—in French Canada, Most —lady to preside over Govern- Warwick, Ont., 194. brilliant society, 197—in New ment House, 230. Washington, 235, 274, 301. York, Handsomest, 37–jour- Wassaic, 196. nalist, 22—of beauty, grace Zante, 207. Waterborough, N.B., 352. and culture, A, 291—of energy Waterford County, 251. and ability, A, 335—of grace- Add to Benevolent work, 5, 17, Waterloo, Battle of, 135, 207, ful tact, A, 287—of sense, A, 29, 30, 33, 35, 41, 45, 59, 71, 208, 228, 294, 295, 308. 314--of wonderful energy, A, 91, 96, 101, 102, III, 114, Waterton, 258. 350--one of Canada's most 124, 134, 153, 156, 159, 171, Wealth, Woman of great, 321. beautiful, 303 — universally 178, 187, 203, 208, 218, 223, Wedding, Golden, 338—veil, loved, A, 338. 235, 271, 278, 310, 312, 315, Family, 323. “Woman's Kingdom,” 60. 316. emancanovalkaisuae Holt, Renfrew & Co. entencesvalescal Furriers to Her Majesty Queen Alexandra and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. ALWAYS carry an M immense stock of Manufactured Furs and, Novelties Alarge stock of skins are kept to select from for special orders. omavalavancescayovaracaenaecae What is really finest in FURS is never known until this store is visited ouayoyomayouneen Originality, taste and elegance, combined with a solidity of manufacture, has placed our firm in the first rank in the Dominion. HOLT, RENFREW & CO. 35 and 37 Buade Street - • Quebec 5 King Street East Toronto suevene mrazocacãtarneaendacakecacarncar dasarno E. CULVERHOUSE | Optical Art (Late of Ryrie Bros.) ... AND... A. M. Paterson, Secretary Applied Science For obvious reasons there is nothing more worthy of your most serious consideration than YOUR EYES. The trouble that to-day is easily remedied, if neglected may pass beyond simple measures. Do you realize this fact? What then? Are you wise in procras- tinating when delays are dangerous ? Consultation Hours, 9 to 1 ; 2 to 5 SHUR-ON THE Phone Main 4556 72 YONGE ST., TORONTO Culverhouse Optical Co. LIMITED 09 3. ARKS A Choice Selection of Exclusive Designs in Rich Cut Glass Fine China Bohemian Glass Art Pottery Lamps, etc., etc. CS Wedding Gifts a Specialty. WILLIAM JUNOR $ 88 West King Street . Toronto 199999 JEWELRY PARLORS Are a comparatively new departure in Toronto, but from the patronage extended by the best people in the city they must be a success. Why? Because we cater to the best class of Jewelry trade—and have not the heavy expenses of the other houses-every- thing pertaining to a first-class Jewelry Store. JAMES D. BAILEY JEWLERY PARLORS 75 Yonge Street, North-east Corner King Street, Toronto. ELEVATOR 'PHONE MAIN 2063 XXL XXXXXXXXXXX***.*.*.XX.XX.XX A Woman's Store “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." CIASTONERAL THE old saying expresses a truth which may be applied to the business world even more directly. Woman rules everywhere through- out civilization directly or indi- rectly, and nowhere are her wants, wishes and whims catered to more devotedly than in this big store. It is emphatically a woman's store, like it should be, since women have the most buying and providing to do, and the Richmond Street wing, where men's clothing is sold, is called The Mens' Store, to distinguish it for that very reason. The store as a whole is a Woman's store. * THE SIMP & ROBERT COMPANY LIMITED *********************************6726 SES DIAN THE JULIAN SALE LEATHER GOODS COOLYMHED TORONTO siri Half the pleasure to be had from travelling is lost if you have not suitable baggage. We make it our business to study the needs of all travellers from a day's trip to an all-round- the-world trip. The leather goods we make are distinguished by their superior finish and the greatest care in the selection of materials. Our catalogue A, full of beautiful illustrations, is mailed free. We pay Ontario Express charges and make liberal allowances to other points. The Julian Sale Leather Goods Co., Limited. 105 HING STREET WEST - Toronto, Ont. GOURLAY WINTER &LEEMING “Durability" “Gerhard Heintzman” 14:18 wi the first an English word in common use, the second a proper name; but bo h convey the same idea, and have done so for more than a quarter of a century. It is also a matter of comment that the rich sympathetic tone of the **GERHARD HEINTZMAN” is as lasting as the piano itself. The new designs in casings are models of simplicity and elegance, and the rare woods used are worthy of the faultless instruments they embody. :: :: :: :: Soy Sosialiteter LmmmART DEPZ CANADIAN MACAZINE I N this continues immagistreeri Liewice TORONTO & HAMILTON 188 YONGE ST 66 KING ST.W. RUSSELLS Z TIT 11-01-13 FU 1910ean U-1-Laman TWIXT GREMOUX CHATS ' RAPIDS. SON LAKE 1 * finalalণপিপার পিncer DESCHENES AND ABO EI os ME PAR 109 le tut . SNI STJACQUES proprietores OTTAWA. BALES, POR KYLMER. P.Q. The Globe TORONTO goes into 47.000 of the best homes in Canada The growth of its Circulation has more than kept pace with the increase of population Its columns reflect daily the Events of the Social and Commercial World. Only the News that should be read by the members of the family find a place in its Columns. It has been Canada's family Newspaper for nearly 60 years, and it occupies that position more firmly to-day than ever. For Sale on all News-Stands. Subscriptions can be left with any Newsdealer, or sent direct to The Globe, Toronto, Canada, Beautiful Women Every beautiful woman can at- tribute a large share of her wonderous charms to her beau- tiſul tresses, and the care of the hair is always a very important part of a woman's toilet. VERSEAS Dorenwend's Hair Dressing Parlors The arrangement and care of the hair is ever a study with our experts in this art, and the chang- ing styles, as they are announced by the leading hair dressers of London, Paris and New York, are followed out by them. Patrons are therefore always assured of the correct styles in vogue and faultless service. - Appointments made by Telephone Main 1551 Switches, Bangs, Pompadours, Wigs THE DORENWEND CO.. OF TORONTO, LIMITED. 103 and 105 Yonge St. SSS NORDHEIMER AVOTNSINANINVAN.VA PIANO The Representative Piano of Canada LETIT No matter what make of Piano you have thought of buying, see the Nordheimer Piano and get prices and terms. You can judge if prices are low or not only by seeing and comparing. Musical Merchandise OUR MUSICAL MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT is most com- plete, including large stocks of the famous Washburn Guitars and Mandolins, and Stewart Banjos. Sheet Music OUR STOCK OF SHEET MUSIC is the Largest in the Dominion, and we represent the greatest publishing houses in the world. 15 King Street East - Toronto Henry A. Taylor Drapier 119 WEST KING STREET, Rossin Block TORONTO, ONT. BINGHAMS PHARMACY 100 YONGE ST. TORONTO Bingham's Drug Store and Palm Garden 100 YONGE STREET Headquarters for Prescriptions, Perfumery and Toilet Requisites THE CHAS. ROGERS & SONS CO. LIMITED Makers and Importers of Furniture and Upholstery Our stocks are very large and are kept up-to-date with new productions from our own factory, and from the best outside makers. Brass and Enamelled Bedsteads, - Hair and Mixed Mattresses, Spring Beds Feather Pillows etc., etc. WRITE FOR OUR CATALOGUE 97 YONGE ST., TORONTO “ Canada's Greatest Dyeing and Cleaning Works” Our Skill in Dyeing and Cleaning Finest Fabrics is known the Dominion over. Our customers comprise the best people in all the leading centres of Canada. In the Cleaning of Evening Costumes, Finest Fabrics, and Dainty Lace, we excel. nest Satisfaction comes in possessing the necessary equip- ment and knowing how to do the work. “For several years I have sent various materials to your establishment to be Cleaned or Dyed. The work done by you for me has always been done most satisfactorily." —Lady Kirkpatrick. R. PARKER & CO. Dyers and Cleaners, HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS : 787-791 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. BRANCHES: Montreal, London, Hamilton, Galt, Brantford, St. Catharines, Woodstock. The Harry Webb Co. Limited Caterers Weddings Banquets Receptions etc. In town or Country for Wedding Cakes shipped to all parts of the Dominion. Safe arrival guaranteed. 90 Catalogue free 447 YONGE ST. Toronto. CAN.PHOTO.ENG.BU. V. EDINBURGH NEW YORK Siwers LONDON PARIS Phone Main 4582 Cable Address “ Rae's'' Toronto Toronto's Leading Ladies' High-Class Tailoring & Dressmaking Establishment Evening Dresses, Our own make of Waists and Ladies' & Misses' Ready- Riding Habits to-Wear Skirts & Blouses Our Special Dept. Ñ always in Stock. 264 Yonge Street, Toronto. %ossa Canada's Great Warerooms For Genuine High - Grade ORIENTAL RUGS Carpets, Silk and Camel's Hair, Persian Palace Rugs, Artistic Oriental Draperies, Portieres, Embroideries, o Ladies' Silk Shawls and Kimonos, Brassware and all kinds of Oriental Art Goods. SSSSSSSSSS Tourists from any part of Canada and U.S. are cordially invited to visit our Oriental Art Rooms, where they can see a most complete and rare collection of Eastern Rugs. We import all our goods direct from the interior of Asia Minor and Persia. Rare and Genuine Antique Persian Rugs our specialty We Open Every Week New Shipments. Oseossssssssssssssssssssss Courian, Babayan & Co., 40 King St. East (opp. King Edward Hotel) TORONTO, ONT. 2362 St. Catherine Street, MONTREAL, QUE. THE TORONTO SIL VER PLATE CO. Límited. Manufacturers of STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO SILVER PLATE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION All Silverware Stamped with their name or Trade Marks is fully guaranteed as to quality DODERHAM Managing Director. Factories and Salesrooms, WEST KING STREET, TORONTO Misses Moote 8 High There are very few Canadian ladies en- gaged in professional work in Canada or elsewhere who have achieved the success that have Misses Moote & High, proprietors of the Graham Dermato- logical Institute, of Toronto, which was established in 1892. These ladies make a specialty of skin, scalp and complex- ional troubles, and thousands of women throughout Canada have had life made happier by the removal of some dis- figuring facial blemish, such as a growth of superfluous hair, ugly moles, a birth- mark, scars, etc., or a bad case of acne, eczema, or other skin affection. Grate- ful letters are daily received from, ladies (and often from the sterner sex)through- out Canada saying what grand results have been obtained using their remedies. Face treatments, with massage, for re- juvenating the complexion, removing wrinkles and restoring the skin; treat- ments for curing scalp troubles, falling hair, dandruff, grey hair, etc. Sham- pooing, manicuring, chiropody, etc., are other branches of the work. Descrip- tive literature sent on request by ad- dressing Dept. L, 502 Church Street. The “Antique Shop" B. M. & T. JENKINS Phone Main 1275 For Old Mahogany and Rosewood FURNITURE Old Gold and Silver, Rare China, Bric-a-brac, Bronzes, Miniatures, Paintings and Engravings, Oid Arms and Armour, Quaint Old Brass, Curios, Art Objects of Every Description. The only house in Canada dealing exclusively in high-class Antique Furniture. Visitors will find the largest, most interesting and best selected collection on the Continent. A cordial invitation is extended and will repay a visit. B. M. & T. JENKINS 422 and 424 YONGE ST., and 1 to 15 BUCHANAN ST. TORONTO, - - ONT. Branches : 2 Phillips Square, Montreal ; London and Birmingham, England. 0 0 O OY e/o 0 are absolutely the best Brushes and Brooms made—they carry one back to the days when hearts were merry and work was light. Brushes Brooms and Sold by all Dealers Popular Prices The “Elite” Bread Factory - a The proprietor wishes to inform “Society" patrons that he makes a specialty of “ First Prize Bread" and that it is still kept up to the standard by which his bread obtained the diploma. “ The (Popular) Toronto Bakery" 420, 422, 424, 426, 428, BATHURST STREET H. C. Tomlin, Proprietor Office 'Phone Park 553 Your patronage solicited. Special Dark Room for Amateurs. No Doors to Open or Close. LANCEFIELD'S STUDIO Photographers OF THE LATEST DESIGN, STYLE AND FINISH 35 Metcalfe Street - Ottawa, Ont. GOMMON SENSE TIME GOMMON SENSE SITION : . Ho st suu yeye Common Sense KILLS RATS, MICE, ROACHES AND BED BUGS. Sold by All Druggists and Common Sense Mfg. Co., 381 QUEEN STREET WEST, TORONTO U.S. BRANCH : 52 Niagara St., Buffalo, N.Y. 10' Hart St., London, Eng. COVERNMENT HOUSE, TORONTO. covero Dell.1906 Radnorwales to Rullemen- I am desired by this Royal Meld fork to inform you that he has hlich effreciated the Calleul qualities of the Radnor water" which he has fruté Hreplacutte during his lay lie (avada. dau, flutterien, Yours faithfulle Genlock RADNOR WATER is bottled at the Radnor Spring, in the foot- hills of the Laurentian Mountains, and is an absolutely pure Mineral Water. Radnor makes a perfect blend with wine or whiskeys, and is a most refreshing beverage by itself. Radnor also mixes with milk, and is highly recom- mended by physicians in this way for the sick room. Radnor can be obtained at all leading Dealers throughout Canada, in Quarts, Pints and Splits ma Ch 1903 Types of Canadian women un 36348-E [Harper] TY