10, Kolken Hudson Mass ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, WITH PRACTICAL EXERCISES, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY FRANCIS J. GRUND, Author of an Elementary Treatise on Plane and Solid Geometry, translator of the Arithmetical and Algebraic Problems, of Meier Hirsch, &c. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY CARTER AND HENDEE, AND RICHARDSON, LORD AND HOLBROOK. 1832. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1832, BY FRANCIS J. GRUND, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts. BOSTON CLASSIC PRESS. I. R. BUT T S. PREFACE. THE general want of a suitable text-book on Natural Philosophy, adapted to young pupils, and, at the same time, to the progress of instruction in this country, has, for a long time past, been the subject of complaint with many of the most experienced teachers. In the following treatise, the author has made an attempt, so far as his abilities permitted, to supply this deficiency. He has, for this reason, endeavor- ed not only to preserve his work from some of the gross errors, with which it is common to find elementary treatises on this science charged, but has enlarged it also with the most re- cent discoveries in electricity, galvanism, and magnetism. The authorities, and the sources from which he has drawn, have been carefully indicated; and the subjects on which the opinions of philosophers are divided, treated of in a man- ner to leave both teacher and pupil at liberty to adhere either to one or the other hypothesis. As regards the gene- ral plan and arrangement of the work, it will suffice to say, that the inductive method has been pursued, as far as it was practicable in a treatise of this nature. The whole is divided into ten chapters, treating separately of the General Properties of Matter, of the Phenomena of Cohesion and iv PREFACE. Adhesion, of the Laws of Motion, of Hydrostatics and Ærostatics, of the Mechanical Properties of the Atmosphere, of Heat, Light, Electricity, Galvanism, and Magnetism. Each chapter is again divided into sections, which are num- bered, and consist of short sentences, for the sake of being more easily referred to, and to assist the memory of young pupils. The mathematical part has been separated from the text, and is thrown into the notes, not to interrupt the pro- gress of those who are not yet familiar with mathematical reasoning. The appendix contains nothing but exercises for the pupils, which are divided into as many chapters and sections as the text; each chapter referring to the same chapter in the text, and each section to that section of the book which is preceded by the same number. The astronomical part has been omitted, for the obvious reason of its making no part of Natural Philosophy. Astro- nomy is a science sufficiently important of itself to be treated of separately, as has been done by authors of distinction, whose works are already extensively introduced into com- mon schools. The study of Astronomy, when united to that of Natural Philosophy, tends, in most cases, only to divide the attention of the learner, and to impede his progress. It is more intimately connected with Mathematics, and forms a far better sequel to Geometry, than any branch of the natural sciences. Having thus brought his treatise on Natural Philosophy to its proper limits, the author intends to have it followed by an elementary treatise on Chemistry, which will be execu- ted on the same plan, and form a necessary sequel to this work. Boston, March 28, 1832. DIRECTIONS TO TEACHERS. To every section of the book there is a question in the appendix, under the head of the same chapter, and preceded by the same sectional number as that of the text. The sentences in italics are to be committed to memory, and constitute the answers to the questions in the appendix, which are likewise printed in italics. The questions which, in the appendix, are printed in smaller type, refer to the remarks in the text, which are intended for more advanced pupils, and may be omitted until reviewing the book. The questions in the notes refer to the mathematical part contained in the notes to the text. They are to be required only of those pupils who have had some instruction in Mathematics. They are all of so simple a nature, that any one who has acquainted himself with the elements of Geometry will be ready to answer them. ERRATA 66 66 66 6 66 (6 65 Page 80, 10th line from top, for “gravity’read' elasticity.' 105, 9th bottom, for ' reduced by mechan- ical pressure 'read “ reduced, or by mechanical pressure.' 111, 12th line from bottom, for density 'read 'inten- sity 66 112, 13th for • phenomena' read phenomenon. 7th for § 226' read ' § 225. 121, 9th top, for Table IV' read “Ta- ble V. 168, 16th bottom, for circle' read cir- cuit.' 169, 4th for in the 'read in its.' 184, 4th top, for continue read 'in- crease.' 185, 10th for thus' read then.' 195, 3d CC 66 66 CG 66 CG 66 56 66 66 bottom, for line of deviation, read line of no deviation.' 66 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. OF THE GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER Page. 1 CHAPTER II. OF THE PHENOMENA OF COHESION, ATTRACTION, AND AFFINITY 13 . 19 22 28 CHAPTER III. THE LAWS OF MOTION. A. Uniform Motion B. Accelerated Motion. — Gravity C. Decomposition of Forces. — Compound Motion D. Application of the foregoing Theory to Curvilinear Motion E. Motion on an Inclined Plane F. Oscillation of a Pendulum G. Of the Lever H. Of the Centre of Gravity I. Laws of Percussion 1. Percussion of Unelastic Bodies 2. Percussion of Elastic Bodies K. Vibrating Motion. — Acoustics L. Obstacles or Hindrances of Motion CHAPTER IV. LAWS OF MOTION OF FLUIDS. A. Pressure, Weight, and Equilibrium of Liquids (Hydrostatics) 30 32 36 40 45 47 48 49 53 64 68 viii CONTENTS. 73 Application of the foregoing Laws to the Determination of the Specific Gravities of Bodies B. Pressure, Weight, and Equilibrium of Elastic Fluids (Ærostatics) CHAPTER V. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE ATMOSPHERE 77 81 rors CHAPTER VI. OF HEAT 92 Means of producing Heat 93 Different Capacities for Heat 98 Propagation of Heat 101 CHAPTER VII. OF LIGHT 109 Reflection of Light 113 A. Reflection of Light from Plane Mirrors 114 B. Reflection of Light from Spherical Mir- 115 C. Refraction of Light. 1. General Observation 120 2. Refraction of Light in a Body bound- ed by Plane and Parallel Surfaces 121 3. Refraction of Light through Bodies bounded by Spherical Surfaces (Lens- es) 125 D. Theory of Colors (Acromatics) 131 E. Of Vision. 1. The Eye 137 2. Of Vision 139 F. Optical Instruments 142 CHAPTER VIII. OF ELECTRICITY. A. Phenomena 150 B. Opposite Electricity 154 C. Theory of Electricity 157 CONTENTS. ix D. Electrical Instruments 160 E. Motion of Accumulated Electricity 167 F. Effects of Electricity upon Bodies 169 G. Electricity of the Atmosphere 170 CHAPTER IX. OF GALVANISM 173 Theory of Galvanic Electricity and the Vol- taic Pile 181 Organic-Electric Phenomena 185 CHAPTER X. OF MAGNETISM 186 A. Relation of Native Magnet to unmagnetic Iron 187 B. Relation of Magnet to itself and to an- other Magnet 189 Imparting of Magnetism 190 Of the Variation and Dip of the Magnetic Needle 195 Magnetism of the Earth 198 Intensity of Magnetism 200 Modern Discoveries in Magnetism 201 APPENDIX, CONTAINING QUESTIONS FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE PUPILS. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER I. On the General Properties of Matter 203 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER II. Of the Phenomena of Cohesion, Attraction, and Affinity 209 X CONTENTS. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. On the Laws of Motion. A. Uniform Motion 211 B. Accelerated Motion. -- Gravity 213 C. Decomposition of Forces. — Compound Motion 214 D. Application of the foregoing Theory to Curvilinear Motion 215 E. Motion on an Inclined Plane 216 F. Oscillations of a Pendulum 217 G. Of the Lever 217 H. Of the Centre of Gravity 218 I. Laws of Percussion 219 1. Percussion of unelastic Bodies 220 2. Percussion of elastic Bodies 220 K. Vibrating Motion. - · Acoustics 221 L. Obstacles or Hindrances of Motion 225 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IV. Laws of Motion of Fluids. A. Pressure, Weight, and Equilibrium of Liquids (Hydrostatics) 227 Application of the foregoing Laws to the Determination of the Specific, Gravi- ties of Bodies B. Pressure, Weight, and Equilibrium of Elastic Fluids (Ærostatics) 231 229 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER V. Mechanical Properties of the Atmosphere 233 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. Of Heat Means of producing Heat Different Capacities for Heat Propagation of Heat 236 236 237 239 CONTENTS. X1 EXERCISES IN CHAFTER VII. rors Of Light 244 Reflection of Light 245 A. Reflection of Light from Plane Mirrors 246 B. Reflection of Light from Spherical Mir- 246 C. Refraction of Light. 1. General Observations 247 2. Refraction of Light in a Body bounded by Plane and Parallel Surfaces 248 3. Refraction of Light through Bodies bounded by Sperical Surfaces (Lenses) 248 D. Theory of Colors 249 E. Of Vision 251 1. The Eye 251 2. Vision 252 F. Optical Instruments 253 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII, Of Electricity. A. Phenomena B. Opposite Electricity C. Theory of Electricity D. Electrical Instruments E. Motion of Accumulated Electricity F. Effect of Electricity on Bodies G. Electricity of the Atmosphere 254 256 257 257 260 261 262 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IX. Of Galvanism 263 Theory of Galvanic Electricity and the Voltaic Pile 265 Organic-Electric Phenomena. 266 xii CONTENTS. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. 268 Of Magnetism 266 A. Relation of native Magnets to unmag- netic Iron 267 B. Relation of a Magnet to itself, and to another Magnet Imparting of Magnetism 269 Of the Variation and Dip of the Magnetic Needle 270 Magnetism of the Earth 272 Intensity of Magnetism 272 Modern Discoveries in Magnetism . 273 TABLES. TABLE I. Specific Gravities of Bodies, compared to Distilled Water 275 TABLE II. Exhibiting the Specific Caloric con- tained in some substances, compared to the Quantity of Caloric in an equal Weight of Water 276 TABLE III. Boiling-Points 276 TABLE IV. Exhibiting the Degree of Tempera- ture at which various Liquids congeal, or freeze 277 TABLE V. Showing the Refractive Power of several Substances; that of atmospheric air being taken for Unity 277 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. CHAPTER I. ON THE GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. space. $1. EVERYTHING which may become an object Time and of our senses must exist in time and space. Time and space are not things of themselves, but are merely the conditions under which we can become conversant with them.* $ 2. That which fills space is called matter. Matter. Any portion of this within fixed limits is called a physical body. The extension of a body, or the space which it apparently fills, is termed its volume; and the quantity or bulk of matter which Volume and it contains, its mass. mass of bod- ies. * The terms, time and space, are here taken in their mathematical sense. All phenomena in nature cannot occur at once; they follow each other with a succession of intervals, the length or duration of which, we are capable of comparing and measuring. This constitutes our idea of time. Neither is it possible for us, to imagine two bodies to be, at the same time, in the same place. Each body exists within certain limits inaccessible to others, the extent of which, however, is subject to variation, and is, therefore, again capable of being compared and measured. This con- stitutes the idea of space. 1 2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Divisibility of matter. Interstices of bodies. 3. Geometry teaches us how to divide and subdivide space. The same may be done with the matter which fills it. Thus we say, matter is divisible.* $ 4. The space which physical bodies occupy is not throughout filled with their own substance, In a piece of wood, for instance, there are places which, at least, are not filled with particles of wood. These are called interstices or pores. It is not necessary to suppose that these are vacui, that is, entirely void of matter. When water or other fluids enter the pores of bodies, it may be by expel- ling another substance previously contained in them. (This is done, for instance, when a sponge is filled with water; the air contained in it is then expelled.). REMARK. The pores of bodies, and the cellular texture of plants and animals, explain the influence of the atmosphere upon them, the operation of salves, plasters, &c. § 5. Our senses tell us that all bodies have not the same plıysical properties, or do not affect us in the same manner. Even in the same body, (as in granite), we discover dissimilar particles. Water, gold, quicksilver, &c, though composed of similar particles, are heterogeneous substances with regard to each other. Hence the different appellations of substances, the difference in color, taste, sound, &c. Difference of matter. * We prove in Geometry that space is divisible ad infini- tum. The same, however, cannot be supposed to be the case with matter. For although the division of some sub- stances, for instance, of gold, silver, &c, can be carried to surprising minuteness, yet the particles thus obtained will finally become so small as actually not to admit of any fur- ther separation. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 3 $ 6. If the whole volume of a body were en- Density of tirely filled with its own matter, that is, if there were no interstices, it would be perfectly dense. As there is no such body in nature, we call a body more or less dense in comparison with another, when it has fewer interstices, or, which is the same thing, when it contains a greater quantity of matter in the same space. $7. We say a body is compressed, when some Compressi- exterior force compels it to occupy less space, bodies. without diminishing its mass; and expanded, , when the matter of which it is composed is obliged to take up apparently more space. All bodies are more or less compressible, because all have pores. A perfectly dense body would be incompressible; for one body cannot enter upon the substance of an- other and fill the space already occupied. § 8. Some bodies are easily compressed; oth- ers with more, and some only with the greatest Mobility of difficulty. In general, we meet with more or less of matter. resistance, whenever we wish to change the form of a body. This must be occasioned by the greater or smaller capacity which its particles have to change their relative position; for without such a mobility of its particles, there could be neither compression nor expansion, and consequently no change in the forms of bodies. 9. The resistance which we meet in chang- ing the forms of bodies, and the degree of force Power of co- which is required to separate their particles, con- vince us of the existence of a certain power by which they are held together, and in their relative GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Mechanical division of bodies, position. This is called the power of cohesion ; and the adhesion of the particles of the same body to each other is called the attraction of cohesion. § 10. When the particles of a body are sepa- rated by the application of some exterior force, then the body is said to be mechanically divided. To this kind of division belong cutting, grinding, pounding, wire drawing, the pouring out of liquids, &c. The parts or particles thus obtained, have apparently yet the same properties which they had before the separation; and for this reason they are called integral Integral parts : because they differ from each other and the parts of mat- body from which they are obtained, merely in magni- tude, and not in substance. $11. We know from experience that some bodies may also be divided in such a manner, that the parts differ in their properties from each other, and the body from which they are obtained. The body is then said to be decomposed into its chemical compounds or ingredients. These phe- compounds. nomena are treated of in chemistry. Those sub- stances which have not, as yet, becn decomposed into compounds, are termed elements. Adhesion. $ 12. When particles obtained by mechanical division are brought near each other, they evince ter. Chemical Elements. * This is to be considered as a mere definition. The phenomenon itself cannot be explained. We do not know in what manner the power of cohesion produces the adhe- sion of the particles of matter to each other. The hypothe- ses of Des Cartes and others are far from being satisfactory. + Here the teacher might mention the great number of bodies that have been decomposed within the last fifty years, the decomposition of water into hydrogen, oxygen, &c. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 5 a disposition to unite again. In many cases, however, they adhere stronger to other substances. Two drops of water unite in one, as soon as they are brought in contact; but a drop of the same fluid spreads on wood or glass; and when these substances are immersed in water and then withdrawn, they be- come wet, which shows, that the particles of water sooner adhere to them, than remain united with each other. So do water and many other fluids enter the interstices of wood, paper, sugar, &c. which could not be if the mutual attraction among the particles of these fluids were stronger than their adhesion to those substances. § 13. Some bodies show a disposition of ap- Attraction. proaching and uniting with each other at a con- siderable distance. Magnet attracts iron at a visible distance, and little pieces of cork-wood fly to a rubbed glass tube from a distance of several inches. The phenomenon of gravity, or the disposition which Terrestrial all bodies evince to approach the surface of the earth; gravity. and, when prevented from doing so, the manifestation of this disposition by pressure, weight, &c, is caused by a power of attraction which operates even at a distance of several miles. Finally, the celestial bodies themselves, the planets, the sun, and the stars, attract each other, and would unite into one huge mass, if they were not kept in their orbits by other forces, which we shall speak of hereafter. This inexplicable phenomenon of mutual attraction, which is inherent in matter, is the principal cause of all motion by which nature is animated. It is the main source of all changes in the form and substance of bodies; it es- tablishes a mutual relation and dependency among all natural objects, not only upon our globe, but also among the planets of our solar system, and the most distant spheres and worlds. § 14. In many cases bodies and their particles separate or seem to be repulsed from each other. But these phenomena alone do not justify the 1* 6 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Attraction of supposition that there is a primitive repulsive power in nature, as they may be easily explained by attractions in opposite directions. (See Tobias Repulsion. Mayer's Elements of Nat. Phil. ;* also Green's Journal of Nat. Phil., Vol. VII.) $ 15. One of the most remarkable phenomena gravity. of attraction is, as we have said before, the attrac- tion of gravity, or the disposition which all bodies exhibit, to approach the surface of the earth--the falling of bodies -- if they are not pre- vented from doing so, by some other cause. This phenomenon is often explained by attributing to the earth the power of attracting bodies. But we know gravity only from its effects, and know nothing of its nature and the manner in which it operates. § 16. The direction in which a falling body gravity. approaches the surface of the earth, when not solicited by any other power, is termed a vertical Vertical, hor- izontal, and line, and may be exhibited by any heavy sub- stance, suspended by a string. Lines or planes at right angles with the direction of gravity are said to be horizontal. Inclined planes form ob- lique angles with the direction of gravity. The direction of gravity If the earth is a sphere, then the direction of gravity must everywhere go through its centre, because it is through the everywhere perpendicular to its surface.f Hills and mountains differ from plains, inasmuch as their sur- faces form oblique angles with the direction of gravity. Direction of inclined di- cretions. passes earth's cou- tre. Anfangsgründe der Naturlehre von Tobias Mayer. Göttingen, 1820. At small distances from each other we consider two vertical lines a parallel, on account of the comparatively great remoteness of the centre of the earth. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 7 § 17. The pressure which a body exercises Absolute weight of upon a horizontal plane which prevents it from bodies. falling, or the degree of force with which it pulls a string by which it is suspended, is called its absolute weight. There is a great difference between gravity and weight. Gravity is in all substances alike ; that is, all substances are equally, and in the same direction, attracted to the centre of the earth. But all particles of matter being alike attracted, it follows that the pressure resulting from them, is in proportion to their number; that is, the absolute weight of bodies is in proportion to their masses. § 18. By specific gravity of a body we under- Specific grav- ity. stand its absolute weight compared to that of another body of the same volume. Hence the spe- cific gravities of bodies are in direct proportion to their absolute weight, and inversely as their cubic contents; that is, among bodies of equal volume, that is specifically heaviest whose absolute weight is greatest; and of bodies whose absolute weights are equal, the specific gravity of that is greatest, whose volume is smallest. Determina- § 19. In order to determine the absolute weight of bodies, we make use of a certain weight weight of as unity of measure. This may be a pound, an bodies ounce, a drachm, &c. For different bodies we use different units of meas- ure, according to the degree of exactness required. Thus we have avoirdupois weight, Troy weight, apothecary's weight, &c. When we say a body weighs three pounds, we mean that its pressure upon a horizontal plane is equal to the united pressure of three units of measure (here pounds). The balance and other instruments for determining the weight of bodies, will be spoken of in the theory of the lever. tion of the absolute 8 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Absolute place. Situation, Inotion of bodies. Hence we say, § 20. Every body exists somewhere in space. This is called its absolute place or position. By comparing it to the place of other bodies, we are led to the idea of situation or relative position. A successive change in the position of a body or its particles is called motion. Absolute motion cannot be perceived through the medium of our senses; we merely conclude that a motion has taken place, when a body has changed its position with regard to others. Way, orbit. $ 21. When a body is in motion, we consider it abstractedly as a mere point, which approaches others, or removes from them. the body describes a line, which is its way or orbit. This may be a straight or a curve line, according as the moving body continues in the same direc- tion or changes it continually. $ 22. Every kind of motion requires time; because a body cannot, at once, be in two points of its orbit. We measure time by years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, &c. Velocity. § 23. When we compare the time which a body needs to move from one place to another to the distance which is between them, we form the idea of velocity, which is estimated by the space which a body goes through in a certain time, (a minute, a second, &c.) Of two bodies which are in motion, that is said to have the greater velocity, which, in the same time, passes through a greater space. Uniform, ac- 24. When considering the velocities of selerated and retardod mo- bodies, we call their motion uniform, accelerated, or retarded, according as the spaces gone through, in equal times, are equal, or become successively greater or smaller. Time. tion. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Vis inertia. reaction of bodies. $ 25. Every motion, as well as every change of it, in velocity or direction, must proceed from a cause or power, which, by soliciting the body, produces this effect. Without such a cause every body in nature would remain in the state of rest or motion once assumed. This universal principle, evident of itsel:, is termed vis inertia. It originates in the difference which we make in our minds, between what is moveable or moved, and the power which puts it in motion. This, however, is no proof that matter and power are neces- sarily distinct from each other; for the moving power may also be inherent in bodies, as is, for instance, the case in animals. ♡ 26. When a body A, is in motion, it has the action and power of moving another body B, which is in its way, or at least to change its motion. When this takes place, we say the body A has imparted motion to the body B. While it is thus soliciting B, a part of its own force or motion is destroyed. This is called the reaction of the body B upon A, Now, as the force of the body A can be diminished only as far as it finds resistance in B, it follows that action and reaction are equal to one another ; that is, A loses as much of its own force as it imparts to B. $ 27. The imparting of motion requires time. Time requir- This may be shown by a variety of experiments. parting mo- tion, One of the simplest is to place a heavy substance, say a piece of copper, on a smooth horizontal surface, which covers a vessel of sufficient diameter. When the cover is suddenly removed, without changing its horizontal direction, the copper will fall into the vessel ; which could not be if the motion communicated to the cover were, at the same time, transmitted to the copper. $ 28. The operation of bodies upon one an- Mechanical other by imparting motion, is called mechanical. operation, ed for im- 10 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. ies. But when the attractive powers which are in- herent in bodies, cause a motion of their particles, then the operation is called a chemical one. Organic motion, such as the circulation of the blood, the secretion of liquids, &c, cannot be explained either by mechanical or chemical agencies. Geometrical $ 29. It is yet important to distinguish between and physical the geometrical and physical form of bodies. By the geometrical form of a body we understand its dimensions in space; whereas by its physical form we mean the peculiar properties by which it distinguishes itself from others of the same volume. To these properties belong the manner in which they affect our sense of touch, the power which we must apply to divide them or to change their form, &c. Hence the appellations of solid, hard, soft, ductile, fragile, viscous, smooth, rough, &c. Modification Some bodies are easier divided or split of attraction in one direction than in another. In this case, by cohesion. they consist of filaments or fibres which are not so intimately connected with each other as the particles of these fibres themselves. These and similar modifications of the phenomenon of at- traction, must be considered as occasioned by the agency of cohesion ($ 9). Fluids, li- $ 31. Bodies, whose cohesive powers are so quids, gases. small that their particles are with the greatest ease removed or separated, are called fluids. There are two kinds of fluids ; such as form drops — liquids, and others, which are susceptible of great degrees of compression, and afterwards reassume their former volume gases. $ 30. of the powers - GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 11 solid bodies. It can be mathematically proved, that the agency of cohesion in a fluid, let its mass be great or small, is such that it must assume a spherical form, when it is not prevented from doing so by other powers operating upon it at the same time. Hence the spherical form of drops, the convex surface of water and other fluids in greased vessels, &c. It is well, also, to observe the infinite variety in the power of cohesion, from the perfect fluid to the state of absolute solidity. § 32. We know from experience that many Melting of solid substances, when under the influence of certain degrees of heat, become fluid, and the reverse, that fluids become solid when exposed to cold, or to inferior degrees of temperature. This has led philosophers to suppose, that all bodies are in their original state fluid, whence they become solid through the loss of heat. In general it appears that all matter has at first been in a fluid state, and we see yet, every day, in all three kingdoms of nature, solid substances form themselves out of fluids. The round shape of the heavenly bodies themselves, seems to agree with this supposition. § 33. When liquid substances become solid, Crystalliza- their particles form regular layers, which give the gelation of solid body thus forming itself, a determinate texture, and sometimes a regular geometrical shape, worthy of the greatest admiration. This phenomenon is called the crystallization or conge- lation of bodies. § 34. There are bodies whose textures are Elasticity. such, as to be capable of changing their forms, when some interior force is applied to them ; as- sume however their former shape as soon as that power ceases to operate. This property, which all bodies possess in a greater or less degree, is known by the name of elasticity. Some bodies possess it in an eminent degree, such as steel, ivory, &c. tion and con- bodies. 12 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Ponderable and imponde- form of bodies. $ 35. Those fluids which obey the law of rable fluids. gravity, and whose weight, therefore, can be as- certained, are called ponderable. To these belong all aeriform fluids, steam, and vapors. But there are other fluids, such as light, caloric, electricity, &c, which are either not at all, or at least so little affected by gravity, as entirely to escape our ob- servation, wherefore they are called imponderable substances. Aggregate 36. Solids and liquids become frequently transformed into elastic fluids, and aeriform sub- stances become again liquid and solid. Ice, for instance, becomes water, and water steam under the influence of certain degrees of heat. The particles of a solid or liquid body, which have thus been changed into an elastic fluid, are said to form the ponderable basis of that fluid. Thus water is the ponderable basis of steam, &c. § 37. The three forms of bodies, which we have just considered, and with regard to which all bodies are either solid, liquid, or elastic fluid, are commonly called the three forms or states of aggregate. Besides the aggregate forms of bodies, they have yet an infinite number of other characteristics, by which we are able to distinguish them from one another, and to arrange them into classes, some of which we shall become acquainted with in the following sections. 13 CHAPTER II. OF THE PHENOMENA OF COHESION, ATTRACTION, AND AFFINITY. of bodies. $ 38. IF we suspend several cylindrical or Method of prismatical rods, and attach to their lower ends the cohesion as much weight as is necessary to tear them asunder, we determine thereby the cohesive powers of these substances, of which these rods are composed. In the same manner we determine the strength of cords, ropes, &c. According to Muschenbroek the power of cohesion in different metals decreases in the following order : IRON. JAPAN COPPER. FINE SILVER. ENGLISH Tin. SWEDISH COPPER. ZINC. FINE GOLD. ENGLISH LEAD. The cohesive powers of wood rank in the following order: OAK. ELM. BIRCH. PINE. Silk cords are almost three times as strong as flax cords of the same thickness. A thread made of human hair is stronger than one of horse hair of the same thickness. The tarring of cordage diminishes their strength considerably ; bleached thread is weaker than unbleached, &c. The power of cohesion in metals is sometimes increased by moderate hammering, rolling, casting, drawing, &c. Some bodies become stronger when exposed to the atmosphere or to heat. * See Tobias Mayer's Elements of Nat. Phil. ; also, Buffon's Expériences sur la Force des Bois; also, Petr. v. Muschenbroek's Introd. ad cohaerentiam corporum firmo- rum. 2 14 PHENOMENA OF COHESION. Adhesive at- traction. § 39. Shape of li- quids in ves- sels. This is the case when their pores are filled with liquids which diminish the power of cohesion, and which evaporate when exposed to the air. A compo- sition of different metals is in many cases much stronger than either of the component parts. This we see in brass, bronze, &c. When two well polished marble or glass surfaces are brought in contact, they adhere to each other the stronger, the greater the number of points is, in which they actually touch each other. This phenomenon explains a number of processes in the mechanic arts; the gilding, tinning, silvering of glasses, &c. $ 40. On account of the spherical form which every fluid matter necessarily assumes when solely acted upon by the attraction of cohesion among its particles, every liquid inclosed in a vessel, ought to exhibit a convex surface; but as the particles of the liquid, are at the same time solicited by the general attraction of gravity ($ 15), the surface becomes flattened and almost horizontal. If, in addition to this the liquid is strongly attracted by the sides of the vessel, above the surface, then it will rise around those sides, and its surface will become concave. This does actually take place with water poured into glass or metallic vessels, whereas quicksilver in ves- sels of glass or wood exhibits a convex surface; because the particles of quicksilver attract each other more strongly than they adhere to glass or wood, and are therefore more at liberty to follow the attraction of cohesion. A convex surface is also exhibited by water in glass or wooden vessels, when the sides of the vessel, above the surface of the water are greased with fat or oil. This seems to prove that the surface of liquids depends entirely upon the sides of the vessel, and particularly upon that portion which remains above the PHENOMENA OF ATTRACTION. 15 liquid ; so that if the cohesion of the liquid is less than its attraction to the sides of the vessel, the surface will be concave; while on the contrary it will exhibit a con- vex surface, when its cohesion is greater than the attrac- tion to the sides of the vessel. When a vessel is en- tirely filled with water, so that no portion of its sides remains above the surface, there being no room for the liquid being attracted by the sides of the vessel, and consequently no possibility of its assuming a con- cave surface, we can always add a small quantity without making it overflow, and the water being now solely solicited by the power of cohesion, exhibits again a convex surface. REMARK. What has just been said about the sur- face of fluids, will serve to explain a number of phe- nomena, some of which it will be easy for the teacher to show to his pupils. Little balls of corkwood, for instance, when thrown into a wooden or glass basin, which is filled with water, are attracted by its sides; and when these are greased and covered with witch- meal, they are repulsed by them. § 41. When a narrow glass tube, which is open Phenomena of capillary at both ends is immersed in water, or in any other liquid which strongly adheres to glass, the liquid in the tube will rise above the surface in the vessel. The liquid in the tube will, accord- ing to what has been said, form a concave surface, that is, it will rise higher along the sides of the tube, than at its centre, (see the figure). Now if the tube is very narrow, (a capillary tube) then the particles of the liquid which rise along the sides are sufficiently near each other for their cohesive powers to act. AC- cordingly they flow in one and form a little column abcd above the sur- face of the liquid in the vessel. But as soon as this is completed, the liquid rises again along the sides of the tube, and by a new confluence forms a new column cdef; and this process continues until the weight of the column thus formed is in equi- librium with the attraction of the liquid to the sides of the tube. attraction. e c a 3 16 PHENOMENA OF ATTRACTION. $ 42. The attraction of a liquid to the sides of a narrow tube which is immersed in that liquid, is called capillary attraction. The same phenom- enon, however, may be produced by bringing the tube merely in contact with the surface of the liquid. If directly over a drop of water you place the open end of a capillary tube, it will not only enter and rise in the tube, but if its weight is less than that of a column of water, which by the capillary attraction of the sides may be raised in the tube when immersed in water, the whole drop will, as if by suction, be absorbed by the tube, and continue to remain in it, even when the tube is moved from its position, contrary to the laws of gravity. § 43. In order that a liquid shall rise in a capillary tube, the tube must be made of a sub- stance which attracts the particles of the liquids stronger than they attract each other. This is the reason why quicksilver does not rise in a glass tube ; or water in a tube whose sides are greased with fat. But quicksilver rises in a capillary tube made of tin or lead, or in glass tubes which have been lined with fat or oil. REMARK. What has been said about capillary at- traction is sufficient to explain why water and other liquids enter the interstices of solid substances, such as wood, sugar, lime, paper &c. Moreover it may be proved that the phenomena of capillary attraction are independent of the pressure of the atmosphere, as they take place, also, under the recipient of an air-pump, an instrument which will be described hereafter, when treating of the atmosphere.* * All natural philosophers do not agree in their mode of explaining the various phenomena of capillary attraction. The most complete and mathematical theory of it is given by La Place, in the supplement to his Mécanique Céleste. It has since appeared separately as a pamphlet, Théorie de l'Action capillaire, par M. La Place. Paris, 1807. PHENOMENA OF ATTRACTION. 17 come. bodies. $44. The reason why the particles of a fluid Mobility of the particles change so easily their relative position, is because of fluids. they attract each other equally in all directions. Thus an animalcule moves about with the greatest ease in a drop of water, because it has not to overcome the cohesion of the liquid, but merely to change the relative position of its particles. It is a different case, when a drop is actually to be separated from the rest; because then the cohesion of the liquid must be over- Hence an animalcule, though moving with great facility in a drop of water, finds it difficult to rise above the surface. Aquatic insects, needles, or small pieces of sheet iron, although heavier than water, do not sink until they are immersed, that is, until the cohesion of the liquid is overcome by the separation of its particles. $ 45. The solidity of bodies originates in their Solidity of particles not being equally attracted in all direc- tions ; for if these attractions were everywhere the same, they would mutually cancel each other, and a body might be perfectly dense, and at the same time perfectly liquid. In such a body animals and insects might then move with as much ease as an animalcule in a drop of water. § 46. When liquids enter the pores of solid Solution of substances, it often happens that the cohesion of stances. the particles of the solid is overcome. They con- sequently lose their texture, and unite so perfectly with the liquid as to make with it but one homo- geneous mass. In this case we say, the solid has been dissolved. The result of the whole opera- tion is termed a solution, and the liquid in which this takes place, its medium. Thus when sugar or salt are dissolved in water, the latter is called the medium of the solution. $ 47. Such an operation evidently requires a strong mutual attraction between the solid and 2* 18 AFFINITY. tion. the liquid ; and this mutual attraction, through which two heterogeneous substances combine with, Affinity. or dissolve each other, is called affinity. Some substances combine more easily with each than with other substances; some cannot be dissolved at all, and others only after certain preparations, such as heating, pounding, powdering, &c. The degrees of affinity, therefore, vary in different substances; but experience and observation alone can teach us, which substances have greater affinity for one another than others. Perfect solu- § 48. A solution is perfect, when even the Saturation. smallest imaginable part of it is homogeneous. When a liquid has dissolved so much of a sub- stance that it can dissolve no more of it, the liquid is said to be saturated with that substance. The temperature of the medium and of the sub- stance which is to be dissolved, has great influence upon the degree of saturation. A remarkable phe- nomenon is also deserving of our notice : when two substances combine with each other, the volume of the combination is generally less than that of the two compound substances before the solution. Engagement, Decomposi- § 49. The more a solution is saturated, the less are we able to distinguish the properties of its component parts. The two substances which have thus combined to form a new body, are then said to be engaged in it; and when, by some pro- cess or other, one of the component substances is again separated from the solution, and made to assume its former state, we say, it has become free ; and the solution is decomposed. The theory of these combinations and decomposi- tions has, for some years back, been considered as a part of Natural Philosophy ; but it has since become so complicated and extensive, that it was necessary to treat of it separately, under the head of Chemistry, as a distinct branch of the natural sciences. tion. 19 CHAPTER III. THE LAWS OF MOTION. tion. A. Uniform Motion. 950. It has been stated before (Chap. 1, § 24) Uniform mo- that a body is said to be in uniform motion, when it passes through equal spaces, in equal intervals of time. From this definition it follows, that the spaces described by two bodies in uniform motion, are in proportion to their velocities when the times are the same, and in proportion to the times, when their velocities are equal. Thus of two bodies in uniform motion during the same number of minutes or seconds, that which has the greatest velocity will pass over the greatest quantity of space; and if the velocities are equal, that will describe the greatest space, which moves during the greatest number of minutes. 9 51. The space described by a body in uniform Space de- motion, may be found by multiplying the number body in uni- of minutes, seconds, 8c, it has been in motion, by form motion its velocity, expressed in number of miles, rods, feet, doc, it passes over in a unit of time. To give an example: If a body has been in uniform motion during 15 seconds, with a velocity of 3 rods per second, none will doubt, that the space over which it passed is equal to three times 15, or 45 rods. $ 52. The immediate inference which we draw from this principle is this : The spaces 20 UNIFORM MOTION. described by two bodies in uniform motion are in proportion to the product of the times, multiplied by the velocities ; for these products give the spaces over which they passed. $ 53. The second inference which we draw from this principle is that the velocities of two bodies in uniform motion are in proportion to the spaces, divided by the times. A body which has passed, in uniform motion, over a space of 20 rods in 5 seconds, has evidently had the velocity of 4 rods in 1 second ; which is the quotient of 20 divided by 5; and another, which has passed over 60 rods in 10 seconds, has moved with the velocity of 6 rods in a second, which is the quotient of 60 by 10 : consequently the velocities of these two bodies are as 5 to 6, or, which is the same, as 20 is to 4 10 $ 54. Every body in motion has the power of communicating motion to another body (Chap. I, 26). The degree of that power must necessa- sarily depend upon its mass and velocity. Of two bodies which move with the same velocity, the greatest power will be exercised by the one which has the greatest mass or bulk of matter; and if 60 * * IfS, V, T, respectively, denote the space, velocity, and time of one body, and s, v, t, respectively, denote the space, velocity, and time of another; then we have the proportion S:s=TXV:tXv, and dividing the first and third terms of this proportion by T, and the second and fourth by t, we obtain easily : S V:v= T t' (See Grund's Plane Geometry, Theory of Proportions.) s : UNIFORM MOTION. 21 Momentum. their masses are the same, the greatest effect must be produced by that whose velocity is the greatest. $ 55. From this principle we infer, that the power of a body in motion is measured by the products of its mass into its velocity. This product is gen- erally called the momentum of the body. For an illustration of this principle, let us compare the power of a cannon-ball weighing 24 lbs. and whose velocity is 96 feet per second, to that of an 18 pounder whose velocity is 120 feet per second. The momentum of the former is 96 multiplied by 24=2304, while that of the latter is 120 by 18 = 2160 ; consequently the effect produced by these balls are in the ratio of 2034 to 2160, or which is the same, as 16 to 15. The above example shows the surprising influence of velocity upon the momentum of a body. A still more striking instance of that influence is the fact, that it is possible, with a tallow candle, to shoot through a board of considerable thickness. $ 56. From what has been said, we may like- wise infer, that the power which is requisite to impart to a body a certain velocity, must be in proportion to the momentum, that is, to the product of the mass of the body, by the required velocity, Thus a power equal to 2000 lbs. is required to impart to a mass of 100 lbs. the velocity 20; be. cause 100 times 20= 2000; or, in other words, the power which would impart to a mass of 1 lb. the velocity 2000, will impart to a mass of 100 Ibs. only the velocity 20. $ 57. In order that a body should move with uniform velocity, it is necessary that the power which sets in motion, should cease to operate the 22 GRAVITY. ACCELERATED MOTION. - moment it has imparted that velocity. Then, ac- cording to the law of inertia (see $ 25, page 9), the body would continue to move in a straight line, with the same velocity, until, by the opera- tion of some new cause, its motion is either changed or entirely arrested. B. Accelerated Motion. — Gravity. Definition of $ 58. If the power which sets a body in an accelerat- motion continues to operate, in the same direction, ing power. during the following intervals of time, it must necessarily continue to increase its velocity. Such a power is then called an accelerating power ; and the motion resulting from it, an ac- celerate motion. 59. If the velocities thus imparted increase in proportion to the times, that is, if an equal increase of velocity corresponds to equal intervals of time, then there will result an uniformly accel- erated motion ; and the power which produces it is termed a uniformly accelerating power. $ 60. The most remarkable uniformly accele- rating power, and that which more or less in- fluences all mechanical operations in nature, is gravity (see y 13, page 5). It will be proper, therefore, to begin with investigating its laws, it being understood, that the same principles will hold true with regard to any other uniformly accelerating power we may find in nature. Gravity is a $ 61. To satisfy yourself that gravity is really uniformly operating a continually operating power, you need only take power. à stone, or any other heavy substance, and place ACCELERATED MOTION. 23 GRAVITY. it upon your hand; you will not feel any succes- sive jerks, but one continued pressure. Besides, even if there were intervals in the operation of gravity, they could not, on account of their ex- treme minuteness, affect its laws; much less become the object of our senses. § 62. The four principal laws of falling bodies, Laws of fall- and which are applicable also to every other uniformly accelerated motion, are these : 1. The final velocities are in proportion to the times, that is, if the velocity at the beginning of the first second is 1, it will be 2 at the beginning of the second, three at the beginning of the third, and so on; because if the increase of velocity did not correspond to the increase of time the motion would not be uniformly accelerated. 2. The space described by a free falling body in a certain time, is always equal to the space through which it would have passed, had it moved uniformly with half the final velocity. Thus if a falling body has, at the end of a certain time, the velocity 6, then the space through which it has fallen, is equal to that, through which it would have gone, had it all that time had the uniform velocity 3. 24 GRAVITY ACCELERATED MOTION. - To understand this principle, we need only consider that every increase of velocity causes IA also the falling through a proportionally greater space. Moreover, it is easily perceived that, at the end of half a given interval of time, the velocity of the falling body will only be half as great as at the end of the whole interval. (See principle 1.) Now although the body does not throughout fall with half the final 16 velocity, yet the effect is the same; for what during the first half interval it needs towards it, is made up by the successive gains during the ·c second half interval, which propels the body as much beyond the middle velocity, as, during ed the first half interval, it fell short of it. For an illustration, let us suppose that a body has fallen from A to B (see the figure). Then, according to what has been said, its velocity, when arrived at the point. C (half of A B), will be one half of what it is in B; and when ar- B rived at d, it will be as much greater than at C, as in b it was less than the middle velocity; because b and d are equally distant from the centre C. 3. The spaces through which a falling body passes, in a succession of equal intervals, are in proportion to the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, foc. Thus, if a body falls, during the first second, through 16 perpendicular feet, it will fall in the 2d second, through 3 times 16 = 48; in the 3d second through 5 times 16 = 80 feet, and so on. To understand this, let us suppose a falling body had, at the beginning of the first second, the velocity 1. Then, according to principle 1st, its velocity must be 2, at the beginning of the 2d second ; consequently, if the solicitation of gravity ceased at this moment, it would go on with the velocity 2, which it has now ac- quired, during the whole of the 2d second. But at the beginning of the 2d second, it receives a new im- pulse, = 1 from gravity; so that its velocity is now 3 times as great as it was at the beginning of the first second. Again, at the end of the 2d second, the ACCELERATED MOTION. 25 GRAVITY. velocity of the falling body is double of what it is at the end of the first second ; having been 2 at the end of the first second, it will be 4 at the end of the 2d, and receiving a new impulse = 1 from gravity, its velocity will, at the beginning of the third second, be 5; and continuing this mode of reasoning, we shall find the velocity, at the beginning of the following 4th, 5th, and 6th seconds, to correspond to the odd numbers 7, 9, 11, &c. But if the velocities increase as the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, &c, the spaces described by them, must be in the same ratio. 4. The whole spaces passed through, are propor- tional to the squares of the whole times. Thus, if a body fall 16 feet in 1 second, it will fall 4 times 16 = 64 in 2 seconds, 9 times 16 = 144 feet in 3 seconds, and so on; because 1, 4, 9, 16, &c, are the squares of 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. This law follows immediately from the preceding one (see principle 3d). For, if the space fallen through in the 1st second is 1, and in the 2d 3, then the whole space of the two first seconds is 1+3=4 If to this we add the space described in the third second, which is 5, we have 1+3+5=9, for the space described in the three first seconds; the same reason- ing will give us 1+3+5+7=16 for that in the four first seconds, and so on. $ 63. With the assistance of these laws we Application can find the space through which a body falls in of gravity. a given number of seconds, if the space through which it falls in 1 second is known. This is, according to the nicest calculation, 16 feet and 1 inch = 193.09 inches, in the latitude of Lon- * The truth of these laws has been established, also, by the beautiful and most ingenious experiments of Mr George Atwood. (See George Adams' Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. London, 1794. E. G. Fischer's Simplification of Atwood's Falling Machine. Also, Library of Useful Knowledge, Treatise of Mechanics, page 19.) 3 26 ACCELERATED MOTION. GRAVITY. don ; but for most calculations we may call it 16 feet, which is sufficiently near the truth. Suppose we knew a body had fallen freely during the time of 5 seconds, we should find its perpendicular descent by multiplying 16 by the square of 5, thus,- 16X 25=400 feet. In general, we obtain a body's per- pendicular descent, by multiplying the number 16 by the square of the time, expressed in seconds. Again, if the space fallen through is known, we can find the time by dividing that space by 16, and extracting the square root of the quotient. Thus, if a body had fallen through 400 feet, by dividing 400 by 16, and extracting the square root of the quotient, which is 25, we should ob- tain V25=5 seconds, for the time of its descent. The laws of $ 64. The mass of a body has no influence gravity are independent upon, and does in no way modify the laws of falling bodies. This is self-evident. A number of balls of the same substance, let fall at the same time, from the same height, will at the same time arrive at the surface of the earth, whether they be let fall one by one, or connected together in a single mass; because every particle of matter is equally attracted by gravity. Experiments have shown that the falling of all bodies is equally accelerated by gravity, and that all differences in time and velocity are solely attributable to the resistance of the atmosphere, which a smaller mass (whose momentum is consequently smaller also), is less capable of overcoming, than a body of more • bulk. of the mass of bodies. * Let S represent the space through which a body falls in a given time; g, the space fallen through in 1 second; and T, the time of its falling, expressed in seconds; and we shall have S=g T2 S s T2=- and T=V- g ACCELERATED MOTION. 27 GRAVITY. $ 65. For the same reason that gravity accele- Law of mo- tion of a per- rates the velocity of a FALLING body, it retards that pendicular ascending of a perpendicularly ASCENDING one, in every succes- body. sive moment of its ascent, until it becomes zero ; then the body will return to the earth, and receive during its fall the same velocity which it had at the first moment of its ascent. B В od 6 f g e C motion of bodies § 66. If a body is thrown up in a direction Curvilinear AB (see the figure), making with the horizontal line AG (see 16, page 6), any angle you please, thrown up at it cannot continue its way in the same direction; gles with a because it is, in every moment of its rise, attracted line. downwards by gravity; it must therefore describe a curve line, which in mathematics is termed a parabola. Suppose the velocity imparted at the point of start- ing impels the body through a space Ab in 1 sec- ond. Then, if it were not acted upon by any other power, it would, at the end of the 2d second be in c; at the end of the 3d second in d; and so on (taking: ab, bc, cd, &c, to be all equal to one another). But being, in every moment of its motion solicited by gravity, it will, at the end of the 1st second, be as many perpendicular feet below the point b, as it would have freely fallen through in that time, namely 16; at the end of the 2d second, it will be 4 times 16 = 28 COMPOUND MOTION. 64 feet below the point c; at the end of the third 9 times 16 = 144 feet below d; &c. Thus, the body describes a curve line, which, when geometrically exam- ined, is found to be a parabola.* C. Decomposition of Forces. Compound Motion. Equilibrium of forces. Difference of § 67. A body solicited at the same time by two equal opposite forces, remains in the state of rest; forces in op- the two forces cancel each other, and are said to posite direc- tions. be in equilibrium. If the two forces which operate upon the body, at the same time are unequal, then it will follow the impulse of the greater, and re- ceive a velocity equal to the difference of the two forces. $ 68. If the directions of the two forces which diagonal solicit the body at the same time, make an angle with each other, then the body will describe the diagonal of a parallelogram, whose sides are pro- portional to the spaces through which the body would have passed in the same time, following the simple impulses of each of these forces. Lateral and force. P Р B M А С C To comprehend this, we need only consider, that when the body is in M, it is actually as far from the * Because the squares of the ordinates are in proportion to the abscissa. COMPOUND MOTION. 29 direction OP of the force P, as the force O has im- pelled it; because BM is equal to AC; and it is, at the same time, as far from the direction AO of the force 0, as the power P alone, would have impelled it, because CM=AB; therefore, in describing the diagonal AM, it has followed the impulse of both forces - which was to be proved. B C Go А, D g The following experiment agrees perfectly with the above reasoning. Take a level table in the form of a parallelogram, and provide it with a ledge to prevent a ball from rolling off; and let two spring guns, G, g, be placed in A, so that when G strikes the ball, it shall move along the side AD, in a certain time, and when g strikes it, it shall move in the same time along AB. Now, if both guns strike the ball at the same instant, it will move along the diagonal AC, in exactly the same time, as, by the impulse of each gun sepa- rately, it moved along the sides.* § 69. The motion which we have just de- scribed is called a compound motion. AP and AO (see the figure before the last) are called lateral forces (sometimes, also, lateral velocities), and AM is termed the mean force or velocity. A single force, namely, equal to AM, would carry the body, in the same time, as far as the two forces P and O together. This principle enables us to find, by decomposition, the lateral forces AP and Decomposi- tion of forces. AQ, when the diagonal force AM is known, an vice versa. * See Library of Useful Knowledge, Mechanics. 3* 30 CURVILINEAR MOTION. REMARK. The above principle may be applied to the decomposition of a diagonal force into three, four, and more lateral forces, and vice versa. To illustrate this theory, the teacher may give ex- amples, such as the sailing of a ship, steering in one direction, and carried in another by the wind; the motion of a boat in crossing a river, where the oars impel it in one direction, and the current in another ; the flying of kites, attracted perpendicularly by gravity, and horizontally by the string, &c. D. Application of the foregoing Theory to Cur- vilinear Motion in general. Centripetal $70. When the body A (Fig. 1.) receives an and centrifu- impulse in the direction AP, it ought, according to the law of inertia (see $ 25, page, 9), continue to move in that direction, and describe the straight line AP. But if, at the same time, there is a Fig. II. Fig. 1. А P Р C D A. -P B F G H. I K M il L S N s power in S, attracting the body A in the direction AS, then, according to what has been said ($ 69), CURVILINEAR MOTION. 31 the body A will describe a diagonal, AD, whose sides, AC and AB, are in proportion to the two forces P and S, and would continue in the direc- tion ADM, if it were not again solicited by either of these forces. If in D the attractive force s urges the body again towards S; then the body will describe a new diagonal, DG, whose sides are now in proportion to the forces which urge the body in the two directions, DM and DS. If the force S is again operating in G, then the body will describe a new diagonal, GK; and in the same manner may a fourth, fifth, and sixth diago- nal be described. The smaller the intervals are, with which the attractive force S acts on the body A, the smaller will be the diagonals, AD, DG, GK, &c; finally, when the force S operates continually, the body A will, in every moment of its motion, be turned from its direction, and describe a curve line, which is represented in Fig, II. $71. A force which attracts a body contin- ually towards one and the same point, is called a centripetal force ; and that which incessantly urges it, to remove from that point, in a straight line, is termed a centrifugal or tangential force ; both forces together, are termed CENTRAL FORCES. If, Central at any time, one of those powers ceased to operate, the body would solely obey the impulse of the other. Supposing, for instance, that this takes place when the body is in T (Fig. II.), then if the centripetal force remains, the body will move to the point S, and its motion will be a uniformly accelerated one, similar to that of a falling body ; but if the centrifugal force remains, then the 9 forces. 32 MOTION ON AN INCLINED PLANE. body would remove from the point S, and go on forever, in the straight line Tu, REMARK. The nature of the curve line, resulting from the joint action of central forces, depends upon the ratio which the centripetal bears to the centrifugal force. If the impulses of the centripetal force are inversely as the squares of those of the centrifugal force, then the body describes an ellipsis. This is the case with the planets of our solar system, which, in consequence of their being continually attracted by the sun, are forced to describe elliptical orbits. In the same manner does the moon gravitate round the earth, and every satellite round its planet, by which it is attracted. The whole theory of central forces may be illus- trated by the centrifugal machine.* E. Motion on an Inclined Plane. inclined $ 72. An inclined plane, AN, is one which makes with an horizontal plane any angle at Motion on an pleasure. If upon this plane you place a heavy plane. body, A, it will be prevented from falling in a vertical direction, AC, but is obliged to slide down the plane MN. M ABK P De H N $ 73. The law of motion on an inclined plane, is analogous to that of a free falling body; that * See Ferguson's Astronomy. MOTION ON AN INCLINED FLANE. 33 is, the motion of a body on an inclined plane, is like that of a free falling body, uniformly accele- rated; the only difference consists in the velocity, which, on an inclined plane, is naturally smaller than at the perpendicular fall; (because AB is less than AC, BK less than CO, &c.) Supposing the body A had, in the first second; fallen through a space AC, then the space described by its motion on the inclined plane is equal to AB; be- cause AC may be considered as the diagonal of two lateral forces ($ 69, page 29), one of which (AB) urges the body down the plane MN, and the other AE, which exercises upon that plane a perpendicular pres- sure. During the 2d second, the body A would have fallen through a space CO, three times as great as AC ( 62, 3dly); hence, the corresponding space BK, described on the inclined plane is three times as great as AB. In like manner, because the body A would, during the third second, have fallen through a space five times as great as AC, its motion on the inclined plane will be five times AB; and so on. The velocity of a body moving on an in- Velocity on clined plane, depends on the angle of elevation. plane. (ANH) which the plane MN makes with the hori- Angle of ele- zontal plane HN. The greater this angle is, the more will the velocity on the plane resemble that of a free falling body ; finally, when the angle of elevation becomes a right angle HNP (see the figure) the plane will be perpendicular to the horizon, and the motion will be that of a free falling body. The reverse takes place, when the angle of elevation is zero, that is, when the plane MN is parallel to the horizon ; because then the whole weight of the body is supported, and no moc tion takes place § 74. vation. 34 MOTION ON AN INCLINED PLANE. M M NO B C $ 75. To prevent the motion of a body on an inclined plane, it is necessary that it should be urged in the opposite direction, with a force which is to the weight of the body, as AB is to AC; consequently, with a less force than is re- quired to prevent the perpendicular fall of bodies (AB being less than AC); because part of the body's weight is supported by the plane. — Thus 2 a pound in B will be in equilibrium with 1 lb. in M, when AB is half of AC, } lb. is in equili- brium with 1 lb. in M, when AB is one third of AC; in short, the more the situation of the plane AC approaches that of the horizontal plane BC, the more is the body's weight supported by it, the less force, consequently, is required to prevent its reaction. This may be shown by an experiment.* A B (с H N * Those who have studied Geometry will easily perceive that the triangle ABC is similar to the whole triangle AHN, (having the angle at A common, and both being right MOTION ON AN INCLINED PLANE. 35 REMARK. The whole theory of motion on an in- clined plane, and consequently, also, that of free falling bodies, to which it is analogous, may be illustrated by an instrument, which, on account of its simplicity and cheapness, may form part of a common school appara- tus. "It consists of an inclined plane, provided with ledges, to prevent the ball from rolling off, or moving down otherwise than in a straight line. The whole of this plane is divided into equal parts, which are marked. At the 1st, 4th, 9th, 16th, &c, of these di- visions are bells, with mechanical contrivances, which angled, the one in B, and the other in H); therefore we have the proportion: AB : AC=AH : AN; that is, The motion on the inclined plane is to that of a free falling body, as the side AH of the right angled triangle, AHN, is to the hypothenuse AN. From this proportion it follows, that a body needs as much time to move down the hypothe- nuse of a right angled triangle, as it needs for the perpen- dièular fall through one of its sides. Α. с E D B Another remarkable inference which we may draw from this principle is, that a body descends either of the cords, AC, AE, AD, in exactly the same time which it would need to fall perpendicularly through the diameter AB; because ACB, AEB, ADB, &c, are right angled triangles, having for their common hypothenuse the diameter AB. (See Grund's Plane Geometry, Section V. Remark to Prob- lem XVII.) 36 OSCILLATION OF A PENDULUM. cause them to be struck, when the ball arrives at these points, without impeding its velocity. Now, if the plane receives an inclination which makes it pass through the first of these divisions in the 1st second, then it will pass through the three next divisions in the 2d second, through the five next in the 3d, and so on; so that the balls are struck regularly at the end of the 2d, 3d, and 4th second; which proves the prin- cipal law of accelerated motion, namely, that the whole spaces, described from the beginning of the motion, are as the squares of the times. Thus, if the times are 1, 2, 3, 4, &c, the spaces are 1, 4, 9, 16, &c, (the di- visions on the plane being made accordingly). F. Oscillation of a Pendulum. Oscillation of a pendulum. $ 76. If a heavy body B is suspended in such a manner that it can freely move round the point of suspension A, it receives the name of a pendu- lum. A simple pendulum is imagined to have but one heavy point, which is suspended by an inflex- ible straight line. A heavy mass suspended by a very fine thread or by a hair, may, for most pur- poses, be considered a simple pendulum. A Do bo M N I B $77. If the heavy body, B (see the last figure, is raised from its perpendicular direction AB, to OSCILLATION OF A PENDULUM. 37 the inclined position, AC, and afterwards let free, then, because gravity attracts it downwards, in the perpendicular direction, CE, and the string AC prevents it from following that impulse, it will begin to swing in circular arcs (CBD), and would continue to do so, if no obstacle came in its way, to impede or stop its motion. The angle BAC, by which the pendulum at first departs from the perpendicular direction AB, is called the angle of oscillation, or elongation. The heavy body B, will at first describe the arc CB, with accelerated velocity; because, in every moment of its descent, gravity operates upon it.* When the body has arrived at the point B, its velocity, which has now arrived at its maximum, does not suffer it to remain there, but forces it, according to the law of inertia) to rise on the other side, and to describe a new arc BD, which, if nothing impedes the body's motion, must be equal to the arc CB, through which it first descended. When the body is in D, its veloci- ty, which, during its ascent from B to D, has been diminished by gravity, in the same manner in which it was increased during its descent from C to B, is now in precisely the same situation in which it was at first, in the point C; it will therefore return, and describe a new arc, DBC ; and then, again, another arc, CBD: and so on. In this manner, the oscillations ought to continue forever ; but the resistance of the * These accelerations cannot be uniform ; because the nearer the heavy body approaches to the point B, the less does its position vary from the horizontal plane, MN. The whole of the arc BC, namely, may be considered as consisting of a great number of inclined planes, which, having different inclinations to the horizontal plane, MN, must, of course, change the law of motion of the swing- ing body, in every moment of its descent. Thus, although the velocity continues to increase, yet the increase is not uniform. 4 38 OSCILLATION OF A PENDULUM. atmosphere, friction, and the small force which is required to bend the string by which the heavy body is suspended, gradually reduce the arc of oscillation, until the pendulum finally stands still. Remarkable $ 78. The most remarkable property of a pen- property of a pendulum. dulum consists in the equal duration of its oscilla- tions, although, from the circumstances alluded to, the arc of oscillation is continually diminish- ing; for the duration of one of its oscillations is but very little influenced by the magnitude of the arc; so that if this be small, one oscillation will last as long as another. The time which is needed for each oscil- lation depends upon the length of the pendulum. With regard to this dependency there exists the following law : The lengths of any two pendulums are in proportions to the squares of the times needed for one of their respective oscillations. Thus, of two pendulums the twice longer will swing four times slower; because it will need four times as much time to perform one oscillation ; the three times longer will swing nine times slower ; the four times times longer, 16 times slower, &c. This may be shown by experiments.* Time eded for each os- cillation. $ 79. * If T, t, respectively, represent the times needed for one oscillation, and L, 1, the respective lengths of the pen. dulums, then we have the proportion: T2 : t2=L:1; whence, T:t=VL:V1. The theory of the pendulum proves difficult, even to those well versed in the higher branches of Mathematics. The most difficult pioblems are the finding of the time in which OSCILLATION OF A PENDULUM. 39 $ 80. The uses of the pendulum consist - Uses of the pendulum. 1st. In exhibiting the direction of gravity (when the pendulum is in the state of rest). 2dly. It shows that great masses influence the attraction of gravity ; because, in the neighbor- hood of large mountains, the direction of a pen- dulum differs from a vertical line. 3dly. The pendulum proves that all bodies are equally attracted by gravity ; because pendulums made of different substances, when equally long, swing equally fast. 4thly. The pendulum shows that the attraction of gravity is less near the equator than near the poles ; because a pendulum of the same length swings slower near the equator than near the poles. 5thly. The pendulum is the best regulator of a clock; because the duration of its oscillations are as nearly as possible equal to one another. *V the heavy body describes a given portion of the arc, and the determination of the centre of oscillation. The whole duration of an oscillation is nearly equal to 2 seconds; g where a stands for the number 3,1415926, L for the length of the pendulum, expressed in feet, and g for the number of feet through which a free falling body falls in the 1st second. This formula enables us to find the space through which a body falls in the 1st second, if the length of the pendulum and the time of its oscillation are known. 40 OF THE LEVER. G. Of the Lever. The lever. Definition of the lever. $ 81. An inflexible, straight bar, AB, support- ed in one of its points, and capable of moving round that point, is called a lever. The point in which it is supported is called the prop or ful- crum ; and the parts, AC, CB, of the bar, which extend on each side of the prop, are termed the arms of the lever. A В с A $ 82. Power, weight. When two forces act upon the lever, in order to distinguish them from one another, we call the one power, and the other weight. $ 83. There are three kinds of levers. The first has the fulcrum between the power and the weight. (Fig. I.) Fig. I. Kinds of lever. A The second has the weight between the fulcrum and the power. (Fig. II.) Fig. II. OF THE LEVER. 41 The third has the power between the fulcrum and the weight. (Fig. III.) Fig. III. $ 84. lever The principal law of the lever is this : Law of the The power is to the weight inversely as the dis- tances from the fulcrum; that is, the smaller the power is, which shall be in equilibrium with the weight, the greater must be its distance from the fulcrum. Thus, a power of 1 lb. is in equilibrium with a weight of 2 lbs. when its distance from the fulcrum is double the distance of the weight; if its distance is three times as great as that of the weight, it will be in equilibrium with 3 lbs. and This may be clearly shown by experi- ments. The product of the power or the weight by the distance of the fulcrum is called moment. Hence the above law may also be expressed in this manner. The power is in equilibrium with the weight, when its moment is equal to the moment of the weight. (The following demonstration is intended for those only who are acquainted with Geometry; other pupils may omit it.) So on. 4* 42 OF THE LEVER. A M R D A C B P To understand why this is so, let us at first consider a straight line AB, supported at its lower end B, in such a manner that it may move round that point, either to the right or left. Upon the point A (and in the same plane), let act two powers, P and Q, one urging the line AB in the direction AP, and the other at the same time urging it in the direction AQ. Let AN and AM represent these impulses, then it is easily perceived, that in order to prevent the line AB from being moved in either direction, it is necessary that the force P should be to the force Q, as the side AM is to AN, or, which is the same, as BM is to BN (BM being equal to AN, and BN to AM); for, in this case, the line AB itself is the diagonal resulting from the lateral forces AM and AN (see § 69, page 29); This being supported in B, no motion whatever can take place, and the line AB will remain in the state of rest. If instead of the line AB we imagine the whole parallelogram AMBN supported in B, then it will make no difference whether the two forces P and Q act upon the point A, or in M and N; provided their directions AP and AQ are not changed. Now, if you drop the perpendiculars BR, BS, to the directions AP, BR respectively, the two similar triangles BMR and BMS, will have their two sides, BR and BS, in the same ratio in which BM and BN are; consequently, the parallelogram AMBN is still in equilibrium, when the two forces P and Q are in proportion to their distances, BR and BS, from the fulcrum B. The same will take place, if, instead of the parallelogram, ABMN, we had only the inflexible angle MBN; finally, if, instead of an angle we take a straight line, DBC, supported in B, the two arms AB, CB will them- selves mark the distances of the forces P and Q from OF THE LEVER. 43 the fulcrum; and the two forces P and Q will be in equilibrium, if P is to Q as the distance BC is to the distance DB.* Fig. I. $ 85. When there are several powers and weights operating upon the lever, then they will be in equilibrium when the sum of the moments of the weights equal to the sum of the moments of the powers. If some of those powers or weights are acting in opposite directions (see Fig. II), then, instead of adding their moments, they are to be subtracted. Fig. II. lever. $ 86. Use of the lever. The lever serves to Use of the raise heavy weights by small powers. There are infinite applications of the lever. Among these * This proportion is expressed P:Q=BC: AB; whence Q X BC=P X AB: (See Grund's Plane Geometry, Theory of Proportions.) 44 OF THE LEVER. it may suffice to mention the crow-bar and hand- spike; a poker to raise fuel in a grate; scissors, shears, pincers, nippers, consist each of two levers. The brake of a pump, the oars of a boat, the rudder of a ship, chipping-knives, nut-crack- ers, wheel-barrows, &c, are all instances of levers. All weighing machines — balances and steel-yards are founded upon the theory of the lever. Finally, the limbs of animals and men are levers, of which the socket of the bone is the fulcrum. $ 87. The lever and the inclined plane are sometimes called prime movers. The pulley is nothing but a lever with two equal arms (Fig. I). The wedge and the screw are likewise applications of the inclined plane. Their theory, together with the further extension of the theory of the lever, form the subject of a distinct branch of Mathematics. Prime movers. Fig. I. Fig. II. Fig. III. OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 45 H. Of the Centre of Gravity. $ 88. $ 90. The point in which an inflexible bar or a lever (see the figure page 40), charged with several weights, must be supported in order that it shall neither move in one way or another, is called its centre of gravity. It may easily be found from the above law of the lever, (section 84, page 41.) The pressure which such a bar exercises upon the prop which supports it, is equal to the sum of all the weights with which it is charged. Thus, if the sum of all the weights is 100 lbs. their pressure upon the prop is equal to that produced by a single weight of 100 lbs. 91. Every heavy body may be considered as an assemblage of small weights, held together by the attraction of cohesion, as by straight lines. Let us, at first, consider two of these weights, A and B (see the figure); their centre of gravity will be $ A CB FD OE somewhere between A and B, say in C. If with this we combine a new weight E, then the centre of gravity will be somewhere in D (between C and E). In the same manner we may combine this new centre with a new weight, G, which would 46 OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. bring the centre of gravity somewhere in F; and it is easily perceived, that by continuing to reason in this way, we shall be able to find a point in which the whole weight of the body, consisting of ever so many heavy points, A, B, E, G, &c, is concentrated, and which is therefore called the centre of gravity. $ 92. A vertical line drawn through the centre of gravity is called the direction of the body's weight, or simply the line of direction. If this line is in any point supported or fixed, the body will remain motionless. Such a point may be found by trials, by balancing the body on a sharp point, or by suspending it; the direction of the cord, which is then one and the same with the direction of gravity ($ 16, page 6), will al- ways pass through the centre of gravity. 93. When a body is placed upon a basis, its stability depends upon the relative position of the line of direction (S 92). If the line of direction falls within that basis, it will stand the firmer, the nearer that line falls to the centre ; and will be liable to turn over when it falls near the edge of the basis ; finally, when the direction of gravity falls without the basis, the body must turn over that edge, which is nearest the line of direction. REMARK. What has been said about the centre of gravity will serve to explain a number of phe- nomena, among which we will only mention a few; the teacher may give more examples. A large table cannot stand firm on a single leg, unless that leg ter- minates in a tripod. The feats of rope-dancers are greatly facilitated by holding a heavy pole; because the centre of gravity of the dancer and pole together is then brought near the centre of the pole, which the LAWS OF PERCUSSION. 47 dancer holds in his hand. When a man walks, he throws his body a little forward, in order to make the. centre of gravity fall in the direction of his toes, and assist thereby the muscular action, which propels the body in the same direction. — A quadruped never raises two feet on the same side ; because the centre of gravity would then cease to be supported. — When a porter carries a load on his back, he throws his body forward, to bring the centre of gravity (of his body and the load), within the basis of his feet. If he car- ries the load on his head he will go erect, and when carrying it in his arms he leans backwards. -- For the same reason does a man incline forward, when ascend- ing a hill, and backward in descending it. When a person wishes to rise from a chair which has no back, it cannot be done without inclining the body forward, so as to bring the centre of gravity in the direction of the feet; or drawing back the feet, so as to bring them under the centre of gravity. I. Laws of Percussion. $ 93. When a moving body meets another on Central and eccentric per- its way, it will strike that body with a force pro- cussion. portional to its moment. If the line in which the Laws of, &c. centre of the striking body moves, passes also through the centre of the body on which it strikes, then the percussion or stroke is called central ; otherwise it is termed eccentric. $ 95. Among the numerous cases of percus- sion that can take place, but few can be made the subjects of elementary investigation. Among these we will mention the following three : Per- cussion of two unelastic bodies ; percussion of an elastic body with an unelastic body; and finally, percussion of two elastic bodies. 48 LAWS OF PERCUSSION. 1. PERCUSSION OF UNELASTIC BODIES. Percussion of unelastic bodies. § 96. When two unelastic bodies strike against each other, three cases can occur : the two bodies may move against each other, and have equal mo- ments ; or they may move against each other, and have unequal moments; or they may move in the same direction, and have unequal velocities, so that the one which moves behind must overtake the other. 1. In the first of these cases, the motions of both bodies will be entirely destroyed. 2. In the second case, the motion of the body whose moment was less before the stroke will not only be destroyed, but it will be compelled to move in the opposite direction, following the impulse of the greater moment. Both bodies may then be con- sidered as one mass, moving with a velocity cor- responding to the difference between the original movements. 3. In the third case, the striking body loses as much of its moment as the other gains; both bodies will continue to move in the same direction. To illustrate these laws, let us, in the first place, suppose that the two balls A, B (Figure I), have Fig. I. A с D E B equal masses and velocities, but opposite directions. Then it is easily perceived, that at the stroke in C, both motions will be destroyed, and the two bodies will reinain in the respective positions, D and E. LAWS OF PERCUSSION: 49 To illustrate the second case, let us suppose the two bodies A and B (see Fig. II), are again moving Fig. II. A D E B M against each other; but A with the velocity 6, and B with the velocity 4. Then B will lose its whole velo- city by the stroke, A only 4; and the remainder, 2, will be divided between A and B. Both bodies will now move with the velocity 1, in the direction from D to M. The third case may be exemplified by two bodies, A and B, moving in the same direction. Let A's Fig. III. А B с D E M velocity be 6, and B's 4 (the masses being equal); then A will overtake B, and during the stroke commu- nicate to it as much motion as will equalize their ve- locities. Both bodies will continue to move in the same direction with the velocity 5; A will have lost 1, and B received an addition of 1 to its velocity. 2. PERCUSSION OF ELASTIC BODIES. 97 When the two bodies are both perfectly Percussion of elastic, then the reaction of each of them upon the . 5 50 LAWS OF PERCUSSION. other must be equal to the loss or gain which it receives from the other. Thus, if the one gives the other the impulse 5, it receives, by the elas- ticity of the other, the same impulse 5 back again, in the opposite direction. Laws of per $ 98. The law just named will enable us to cussion, &c; determine the three principal cases, that may occur in the percussion of elastic bodies : 1. When the two bodies (whose masses we will again suppose to be equal), move against each other. 2. When the one stands still, and the other strikes upon it; and 3. When both move in the same direction, but the one which moves behind, with a greater ve- locity, so as to overtake the other. In the first case, they will exchange velocities, and move in the opposite directions to those they had before the stroke. In the second case, the body which stood still will receive the velocity of the striking body, and the striking body will remain in the place of the other. In the third case, they will again exchange velo- cities, but continue to move in the same direction. If the two bodies A and B move against each other, A with the velocity 5, and B with the velocity 3, then after the stroke, A will return with the velocity 3, and A D E B 一年 ​ LAWS OF PERCUSSION. 31 B with the velocity 5. During the stroke, A lost 3 of its velocity, in the direction from A to B (because 3 is the velocity of B); but by the reaction of the elastic body B, it receives the whole impulse 5 back again, in the direction from D to A ; which not only cancels the velocity 2, remaining after the stroke, but impels it backwards with the velocity 3. In the same man- ner it may be shown that B must return from A to B, with the velocity 5. A D B M If B stands still, and A strikes upon it with a certain velocity, say 4, then the body B will be impelled from B to M with the velocity 4, which A had before the stroke, and A will receive B's velocity, which was 0; that is, it will remain in D. This is frequently seen at a billiard table, when the balls are perfectly elastic, and is only a modification of the first case. A B E Finally, let both move in the same direction, A with the velocity 5, and B with the velocity 3. After the stroke their velocities will be exchanged ; A will move with the velocity 3, and B the velocity 5. This may be explained in the following manner. During the stroke, A and B’s velocities become equalized. A's surplus of velocity being 2, it will give 1 to B. This, and an additional 1, which A loses by the reaction of B, reduce its velocity to 3; while the velocity of B, by the gain of 1, and an additional 1, in consequence of the reaction of A, will have increased to 5. The directions will remain the same as before the stroke. 52 LAWS OF PERCUSSION. $99. When an elastic body impinges against an unelastic, firm plane; or an unelastic body against an elastic, firm plane, then it will rebound from it in such a way that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Thus, if the body Fig. I. A D С MAS a M 6 B N E A strikes the plane MN in the direction AB, then it will rebound in the direction BC, making the angle a equal to the angle õ. If the angle of incidence is a right angle, it will rebound in the direction BA (Fig. II), with the same velocity as it struck the plane MN. Fig. II, A M B -N The force AB (see Fig. I), may be decomposed into the two lateral forces, AD and AE, of which the former is parallel to the plane MN, and the latter per- pendicular to it. When the body has arrived in B, it may again be considered as receiving two impulses, one to move along the plane BN, with a force equal to EB, and another to rebound at right angles, with the velocity BD. The diagonal force BC, therefore, ACOUSTICS. 53 must make the same angle with the plane MN, which AB made with it. This may be illustrated by an ex- periment on a billiard table. $ 100. When several elastic balls, of equal magnitude, are suspended in such a way that their centres lie all in the same straight line (see the figure), then, when the first is raised from its position and let fall again, so as to strike upon the second, the motion will transmit itself through all the balls, which will remain in the state of rest, and only the last will bound off, with a velocity equal to that with which the first ball struck upon them. The explanation this phenomenon follows from the 2d case, page 51. K. Vibrating Motion. Acoustics. sound. $ 101. When a body is put in a vibrating mo- Vibrations, tion, and the vibrations are going on with a cer- tain velocity, they are productive of sound; and the reverse is also observed, namely, that every body which shall produce sound, must first be put in a vibrating motion. These vibrations may be noticed on a sounding bell, by suspending a little ball of cork or sealing-wax, so that it touches the bell exteriorly. As long as the bell is sounding, the ball will be tossed to and fro like a pendulum. I)ust or quicksand will be thrown off from a sounding body. Small pieces of paper hanging on a violin string are thrown off when the bow is drawn. When the sound is very powerful, such as is produced by the ringing of several bells, or by the 5* 54 ACOUSTICS. Propagation of sound, hearing Medium of propagation. firing of cannon, then these vibrations shake even walls and houses ; which proves that they communi- cate themselves also to other bodies. $ 102. If these vibrations are any ways prop- agated, so as to reach our ear, we hear the sound, and denote by the word 'hearing the sensation which the sounding body produces in our ear. The different modifications of sound, its highness or graveness, its power or feebleness, the variety of human and animal voices, the different sounds of mu- sical instruments, produce each a distinct sensation in our ear, incapable of being described. The description of the human ear &c, belongs properly to Phy- siology.* § 103. The medium through which sound is commonly propagated, is the atmosphere. All other bodies, however, whether solid or liquid, are capable of doing the same in a greater or less degree. This may be shown by experiments. The ticking of a watch is heard at a distance of several feet, when the watch is held at one end of a board or pole, and the ear at the other. The sound from a diving-bell is heard through the water, &c. $ 104. The vibrations which a sounding body produces in the surrounding atmosphere, resemble the undulations of waves, and consist in expan- sions and contractions, without communicating to the atmosphere a progressive motion. Vibrations produced in the atmos- phere. * Those teachers who wish to be informed about it, will find it in Blumenbach's Physiology, translated by Charles Caldwell. Phil. 1795. Also, in Scarpa anatomicæ disquisi- tiones de Auditu et Olfactu. 1789. Sömmering Abbildun. gen des menschlichen Hörorgans. Franckfurt, 1806, ACOUSTICS. 55 a sonorous This is the reason why a sounding body produces no wind, does not blow out a candle, &c. It explains, also, why we can hear several musical sounds at the same time; because the vibrations produced in the atmosphere may intersect each other in various direc- tions, without disturbing each other's motion, like the undulations produced on the surface of water by throwing stones into it. 105. In order that a body shall be capable Requisites of of producing sound, it is necessary that it should body. be elastic, for a body without elasticity cannot be put in a vibrating motion, and consequently pro- duce no sound ( 101, p. 55). The capacity of a body for sound increases with its elasticity. § 106. When a sonorous body vibrates, there remain always certain points or lines in its sur- face, which remain in the state of rest. In the same manner does a vibrating cord frequently divide itself into aliquot parts. (This discovery was first made by Dr Chladni, of Wittenberg. *) The points and lines which remain in the state of rest, while the remainder of the sonorous body is vibrating, may be exhibited to the scholars by one of Chladni's simplest experiments: Take a circular or square pane of common window-glass, cover it thinly with pulverized alabaster, and hold it in such a manner, between your thumb and finger, that only the ends of them actually touch it. Then draw a violin bow across its edge, until it produces a clear sound. The moment that this takes place, the powdered alabaster is partly thrown off the pane, but remains in certain fixed places, form- ing, in most cases, a regular symmetrical figure. If the bow be afterwards drawn in a different place, this figure will immediately change; the higher the tone is which is thus produced, the more complicated is the figure; the lowest sounds produce the simplest figures. * See Chladni's Acoustics. Leipzig, 1802. 56 ACOUSTICS. Another experiment, which is still more simple, is this. Take a tumbler half filled with water, and draw a violin bow or a wet finger across its edge, until it produces a clear sound. The surface of the water in the tumbler will, at the same moment, be thrown into an undulating motion ; but it will be easy to perceive that the undulations proceed only from certain regular places, while there are others in which the water re- mains entirely in the state of rest. 107. If the places which are exempt from the vibrations of a sonorous body, are touched with the finger, the sound is not only not prevent- ed, but not even modified; while, on the contrary, all sound ceases, or is at least weakened and changed, when one of the vibrating parts is brought in contact with some other body.* This is the reason why the tongue of a bell must immediately recede from it, after striking ; why a fractured bell does not produce a clear sound, &c. The sound of 108. The height or depth (acuteness or on the length, gravity) of sound produced by cords, depends and tension upon the length of the cords, their densities and of the cord their thicknesses. The theory of vibrating cords may be reduced to that of the oscillations of a pendulum ; and it may be proved mathematically, that the number of vibrations, and consequently, also, the acuteness of sound, is in direct proportion to the square-roots of the tensions, and in the inverse ratio of the lengths and thicknesses of the cords.t * See Discoveries about the Theory of Sound, by Ernest Fl. Fr. Chladni.' # If L, I, respectively, stand for the lengths of two cords, P, p, for their tensions, or the degree of force with which they are stretched; T, t, for their thicknesses; and N, 1, ACOUSTICS. 57 § 109. If the thicknesses and densities are the same, then the number of vibrations is in the inverse ratio of the length; that is, the shorter cord will give the higher tone. This we know from experience, and it may be proved by a variety of experiments. 110. When two cords are stretched to such a Unison. degree, and have such lengths and thicknesses, that they make the same number of vibrations in the same time, then they will also give the same tone, and are therefore said to be in unison (uni- sono). If the cords are made of different sub- stances, then there will be a specific difference in the tone, but none with regard to height or depth. Whenever a cord is struck, an exercised ear will, besides the principal tone, hear several others, sound- ing with it. This phenomenon probably originates in the cord being more stretched at the two ends than in the middle. A tone is the clearer the fewer of these sounds are heard. This consideration is unimportant for the perfection of musical instruments. $111. When a cord c makes, in the same Octave, time twice as many vibrations as another cord, C, Tedrachurd. then it is called the next higher octave of C; when a còrd, G, makes three vibrations, while C makes two, then G is the quint of C; and when c makes 4 vibrations to G's 3, then c is the quart of G. for the number of vibrations each makes in the same time; then we shall have the following proportions: N :n=1:L. N :nst:T. N:n=VP: Vp. 58 ACOUSTICS. 3 to 4 Gamut. Diatonic scale. Numerical value of notes. Thus, the ratio of the first (which is called the fundamental tone C) to its next higher octave, is as 1 to 2 That of the quint G to the fundamental tone C, as 3 to 2 And that of the quint G to its quart, C, which is at the same time the octave of C, as These three notes form the simplest scale, and are supposed by some to have formed the Tedrachord of Hermes. $ 112. There are seven principal tones or notes in an octave from C to c; these are C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C; of which C is called the fundamental tone, D the second, E the tierce, F the quart, G the quint, A the sext, and B the septima, of the fundamental tone, C. These seven tones are what in music is called the gamut, or Diatonic scale. § 113. By the numerical value of a tone or note, we mean the number of vibrations which it makes, while the fundamental tone makes 1 vi- bration. Thus, if the fundamental tone is 1, the value of the next higher octave is 2 ; that of the next lower octave, ; that of the next higher quint, î; that of the next lower quint, { ; that of the next higher quart, $; and that of the next lower quart, å The numerical values of the seven tones or notes of the Diatonic scale, derived from these, are nearly as follow: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. 1, , 81, , , 47, 15, 2. § 114. The ratio of one tone to another, for instance, that of the fundamental tone to the second, which is 1 to g, is, in music, termed the interval between C and D, Interval. ACOUSTICS. 59 of musical $ 115. The successive intervals between the Inequalities seven tones of the Diatonic scale, are not equal to intervals. one another. The ratio of the fundamental tone C to D, for instance, is not the same as that of E to F, or a to B. Thus, although E is the tierce of C, F is not the tierce of D, G not the tierce of E, &c. scale. § 116. On this account, the Diatonic scale Chromatie does not satisfy the demands of modern music, and in its stead is used the Chromatic scale, which has 5 additional semi-tones, inserted be- tween C and D, D and E, F and G, G and A, A and B 19 243 2 562 27 329 3 4) The numerical values of these notes are as follow: C, C sharp, D, D sharp, E. E F, 考​, or, expressed in decimals, 1.0000, 0.9492, 0.8888, 0.8437, 0.8000 0.7500, Fsharp, G, G sharp, A, A sharp, B, 3 125, , 0,7111, 0.6666, 0,6328, 0.5963, 0.5625, 0.5333, 161 2709 8 152 c. 1 0.5000. Here the numerical values of A and E differ a little from those given in the Diatonic or natural scale. This impurity, however, was nécessary, in order to make the intervals as nearly as possible equal to one another. It is particularly indispensable with instru- ments which have but 12 notes in an octave. No musical instrument, namely, can give every interval as clear and distinct as the human voice. The most perfect of all, and that which approaches nearest to it, in purity and variety of tone, is the organ. 60 ACOUSTICS. Harmony. Discord. In the first case, Melody There are yet other scales, used by composers of music. In Germany, for instance, the equally tem- perate scale (Gleichschwebende Temperatur). The chromatic scale, however, is generally preferred. § 117. When several notes are sounded to- gether, they either produce an agreeable or a dis- agreeable sensation in our ears. they are said to form harmony or concord, and in the second case, discord, or dissonance. To give an example : the fundamental tone and the quint always produce concord, the second and septima always discord ; the fundamental tone C, the tierce G, the quint A, and the octave c, give a perfect accord. 9 118. Melody consists in a succession of simple and suitable notes, following each other in regular intervals of time. In the choice and arrangement of these notes, and in the regulation of the time in which they are to follow each other, consists the difficulty, and, at the same time, the beauty of musical compositions. The reason why the striking of several notes at the same time, is in some cases agreeable and in others disagreeable to the ear, cannot be satisfactorily ex- plained, and forms a proper subject for physiology. Dissonances in a melody frequencly serve to enhance the beauty of the following harmony. Mozart's com- positions, which may serve as models to all ages, afford striking instances of such artificial dissonances. § 119. Very high or very low tones are no longer audible. Five or six octaves probably comprise the whole system of notes fit for music $ 120. Very remarkable is the sound produced on a common violin string, by drawing the bow ACOUSTICS. 61 discord on the under a very acute angle. The cords, instead of Remarkable making transversal vibrations, will then vibrate violin. longitudinally (lengthwise). The sound thus pro- duced is exceedingly disagreeable to the ear, and is frequently from 3 to 5 octaves higher than the natural tone produced by the cord's vibrating transversely. The height or acuteness of the sound thus produced does not depend upon the thickness or tension of the cord, but solely upon its length. The phenomenon just described explains, in some degree, why the dis- cords on the violin are more disagreeable than those on any other instrument. $ 121. The velocity with which the vibrations Propagation, velocity of of a sounding body are propagated through the sound. air, is from 1036 to 1040 Parisian feet, or from about 1105 to 1110 feet, English measure,* in a second of time. Different densities in the atmosphere - dampness, heat, winds, &c, — modify the propagation of sound through the air, which is the reason why its velocity varies from 1105 to 1110 feet in a second. A loud sound can be heard farther than a low one, because greater vibrations of the sonorous body communicate more motion to a greater number of particles of air. The propagation of sound through the medium of other bodies, has not, as yet, been sufficiently investi- gated. Chladni's experiments, however, show that * See Tobias Mayer's Practical Geometry, Vol. I. page 51. (Practische Geometrie von Tob. Mayer. Iter Theil, Seite 51.) Chladni's Acoustics. Leipzig, 1802. (Since translated into French, by the author, upon a demand of the late em- peror Napoleon.) Perolle, in Gilbert's Annals of Nat. Phil. Vol. II. Biot, Traité de Physique expérimental, Tom. II. 6 62 ACOUSTICS. Rays of sound. solid bodies propagate the sound better and quicker than air. Biot and Hasenfratz found the same by experiments. § 122. The vibrations which every sonorous point causes in the surrounding atmosphere, may be considered as rays of sound, emanating, in all directions, from the sounding body, (see the figure), and making regular pulsations in a, b, c, d, e, &c, where the air is compressed. A A a b c d e f Since these rays are nearer together in the neighborhood of the sonorous body, than further from it, it is evident that the sound will be heard better near it than at a distance; and it may be proved mathematically, that the intensity of sound decreases in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance. Thus, at 2 rods' distance the sound is 4 times weaker than at 1 rod's distance; at 3 rods' distance, it is 9 times weaker, &c. Until now but few experiments have been made on this subject; yet the truth of the mathematical theory, which is founded on the known property of the sec- tions made parallel to the basis of a cone,* cannot be doubted. § 123. We know, from experience, that when a ray of sound strikes on a firm plane it is reflected from it, according to the law of percussion of Reflection of sound, echo. * See Grund's Solid Geometry, Sect. III. Of Cones, 2d Consequence to Query II. ACOUSTICS. 63 ments, elastic bodies (see 99, page 52); and the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Only the last pulsation, that is, only the few parti- cles of air, which in their vibration strike the plane, are really reflected ; but these immediately create new pulsations in the air, and form what is called the ray of reflection. This explains the phenomena of the echo, the operation of the acoustic tube (which is so constructed that the sound which strikes its inner sides is reflected in parallel rays), the use of the speaking trumpet, &c. § 124. When air is blown into flutes, trum- Wind instru- pets, horns, or other wind instruments, it first vibrates longitudinally (lengthwise), but the sound thereby produced is modified by the different re- flections from the sides of the instrument. By the opening or closing of the holes or keys, the length of the vibrating column of air is either extended or diminished, and by that means the different notes are obtained. The reason why the sound is not prevented, by touching these instruments with the hand, is because it is not the substance of these instruments - for in- stance, in trumpets, not the brass of which they are made — but the column of air which is vibrating in it, which produces the sound ; and these vibrations are not checked by touching the instrument outside. It is quite the reverse with cords or bells, which by their own elasticity are productive of sound. Bassoons and flutes must be made of wood, and not of metal; be- cause metallic substances being more elastic, the vi- brations of the air would communicate themselves to the instrument, and thereby destroy the purity of its tone. For the same reason are very elastic metals, such as silver, brass, &c, unfit for the building of organs. Speaking trumpets convey the articulated voice less distinctly (although further) than those made of wood, or even paste-board, 64 OBSTACLES TO MOTION. REMARK. The description of the human speaking organs belongs to Physiology, and may be given by the teacher. (See Caldwell's translation of Blumen- bach's Physiology, Vol. I. Sect. XII, Qf Voice and Speech.) L. Obstacles or Hindrances of Motion. Hindrances of Inotion. pores, catch Laws of fric- tion. § 125. No body has a perfectly smooth and even surface, even if it appear so to our senses ; because all bodies have pores or interstices ($ 2, page 4). Thus, when two bodies, ever so well polished, move upon one another, the little prom- inences and cavities caused by their into each other, and thereby resist or retard their motion. This resistance, which is commonly termed friction, is one of the greatest hindrances of motion. § 126. The laws of friction cannot very well be fixed ; because we have no precise measure of it. Nevertheless we are enabled by experience to lay down the following principles : 1. The velocity of the body has but little influ- ence on its friction. When a body moves swiftly, it will, in less time, meet with more protuberances and cavities; but at the same time have more force to glide over or over- come them. 2. If the pressure of the mass of a body is throughout the same, then the friction does not increase with the magnitude of its surface. When a greater surface is presented, more particles are rubbed against each other, but the pressure upon OBSTACLES TO MOTION. 65 any particular part of the larger surface, is smaller, than when the same pressure is exercised upon a smaller surface. 3. The more uneven a surface is, the greater is the friction, supposing everything else to re- main the same. Very even and polished surfaces increase friction, because polishing favors their mutual attraction, by allowing them to touch each other in more points. (See § 39, page 14.) 4. The amount of friction is seldom more than one third of the pressure, Sometimes it is only one fourth, one fifth, one tenth, and even a less part of the pressure of the bodies, which are rubbed against each other. 5. The friction of woods and metals is greatest upon wood and metals of the same kind. Thus the friction of wood on wood is greater than of that of wood on brass ; and the friction of brass on brass greater than that of brass on steel, or on wood. 6. The friction of wood is less when moved lengthwise (parallel to its fibres), than when moved transversal (against the grain). 7. The friction of metals is increased by heat, that of wood by dampness. $ 127. When a heavy body is placed upon an horizontal plane, which supports its whole weight, then the least impulse parallel to the plane ought * * Tob. Mayer, Nat. Phil. page 160. Coulombe, Sur la Théorie des Machines simples, en ayant egard au Frottement. 1781. 6* 66 OBSTACLES TO MOTION. Means of to set it in motion. Nevertheless, the friction on its surface presents considerable obstacles to the smallest change of its place. It is friction, also, which prevents the falling of a body on a mode- rately inclined plane; which enables us to climb up mountains, ascend or descend on inclined planes, &c. A cask may be moved more easily than a box; be- cause by the rolling of a cask the friction is overcome in a manner similar to the pulley ($ 87, page 44). § 128. Since friction retards motion, it must avoiding fric- be avoided, as much as possible, in machinery. This is effected three ways: 1. By bringing only such bodies in contact with each other, whose friction, we know from experience, is comparatively small. 2. By diminishing the points of contact. 3. By overspreading their surfaces with oil, tar, soap, fat, or any other substance, which we know diminishes friction. $ 129. Another obstacle of motion is the resist- ance of the atmosphere. The greater the velocity phere. of the body, and the surface which is presented to the air, the more particles of air will it have to remove on its way; the greater, therefore, will be the resistance of the atmosphere. $ 130. The resistance of the atmosphere in- creases as the square of the velocity of the moving body. For when a body moves with double the velocity, it has to remove twice as many particles of air, with double the speed; the resistance of the atmosphere, is therefore twice 2, = 4; if moving with 3 times the Resistance of the atmos- Laws of Re- sistance &c. OBSTACLES TO MOTION. 67 velocity, it will have to remove 3 times more particles, 3 times more swiftly; the resistance is then 9; and so on.* Resistance of water. § 131. The resistance of water to a moving body is greater than that of the atmosphere ; water being less elastic, and its particles being not so easily removed as those of the atmosphere. Without this resistance there would be neither swimming, nor stirring, nor, in short, any volun- tary motion, neither in water nor in the air. Here it would be easy to explain the principles of swimming of men, animals, and fishes; the flying of birds, &c. § 132. If a stone, or cannon-ball impinges under a very acute angle on a sheet of water, it will be reflected from it, without entering, and the angle of reflection will be equal to the angle of incidence ($ 99, page 52). $ 133. Through friction and the resistance of the atmosphere, every body which is in motion, must finally be brought to rest. $ 134. If the infinite space in which all celes- tial bodies move, and in which our earth itself performs its orbit, is filled with a thin, subtile fluid, then the resistance of this fluid must neces- sarily modify their motion. The existence of such a fluid is more than probable. † ** See Prof. Prechtle's experiments, in the Annals of the Polytechnic School in Vienna. + Tob. Mayer's Nat. Phil. page 168. Also, Schröter on Comets. (Neueste Beiträge zur Erweiterung der Stern- kunde, von Hier Dr Schröter. Göttingen, 1800.) Also, Schröter on the Comet of 1807. 68 CHAPTER IV. LAWS OF MOTION OF FLUIDS. A. Pressure, Weight, and Equilibrium of Liquids. (Hydrostatics.) Laws. - $ 135. Fundamental law. A liquid in a ves sel cannot rest, until its surface is perfectly hori- zontal and level. For if any part of the fluid is placed higher than the rest, and then left to itself, it will, on account of the extreme mobility of its particles, descend as on an inclined plane, and thereby raise the lower parts, until its surface is perfectly even U13 $ 136. Water, or any other liquid which com- municates with water or the same liquid, by means of canals, tubes or pipes, stands equally high in both places. Thus, water stands equally high in the two legs of a syphon (see the figure.) HYDROSTATICS. 69 Fig. 1. Fig. II. Α. А This may be shown by experiments, and explained in this way: When the surface of a liquid is once hor- izontal, every part of it must be at rest. Now, if the part A, for instance, is taken away, the neighboring part must flow in its place. This, however, is rendered impossible, if some hard impenetrable body of the same bulk and shape is substituted for it. The remaining liquid will then continue in its horizontal position. And it makes no difference whether A is in the middle of the basin (as in Fig. I.) or on one of its sides (Fig. II.), or if there are three, four, and more places, in which, instead of the liquid, a solid hindrance is placed, to prevent the confluence of the liquid. $ 137. If one of the legs of a syphon is shorter than the other, and provided with an orifice in B, 1 B then the liquid sallies forth from this orifice ; and if the stream is directed perpendicularly upwards, it is thrown nearly as high as the surface of the liquid in the other leg. The reason why, in reality, it does not reach the same height as the surface of the liquid in the other leg, is because the resistance of the atmosphere and the friction of the orifice impede its velocity. 70 HYDROSTATICS. $ 138. If, instead of providing an orifice, it is closed with an horizontal plane, AB, then the с D А) B В pressure of the liquid upon that plane (upwards) is equal to the column ABCD of the liquid, which, when placed upon AB, establishes the equilibrium. Thus, if AB is closed with a bladder, it is necessary to place upon it as much weight as is equal to the column ABCD, which would be in equilibrium in the other leg. This may be shown by experiments. A small quantity of water in one leg, can thus exercise an enormous pressure upon an horizontal surface, AB. Count Real's filtering press is established upon this principle. Pressure of § 139. The pressure of water or any other on the bottom of a liquid upon the bottom of a vessel A, is equal to the vessel. Fig. I. m m n az Fig. III. Fig. II. cd а е c . AL b 7 6 a a weight of the perpendicular column a b c d, of the same liquid, which has for its basis the bottom of the vessel. It is therefore less than the weight of the whole liquid, if the vessel grows wider near the top ; greater than the weight of the whole HYDROSTATICS. 71 liquid, when the vessel grows narrower near the top; and equal to the whole weight of the liquid, when the vessel is throughout of the same diame- ter. Thus, the pressure upon the bottom of each of the three vessels represented in Figs. I. II. III. is the same, if the bottoms of these vessels are equal, and the liquid stands equally high in all. This law takes its origin in the disposition of all fluids to expand themselves horizontally in all direc- tions. For it has been said before (9 136), and it can be proved also by experiments, that the liquid must stand equally high in both legs of two communicating tubes, whatever be their shape ; consequently, it makes no difference whether one of the legs grows narrower or wider at the top. In both cases, the liquid rises as high in one leg as in the other; which proves that the pressure upon the plane ab is always the same; namely, equal to the perpendicular column abcd, which of itself would be in equilibrium with the liquid in the other leg. А. clefla elen СІ $ 140. From what has gone before, it follows, Lateral pres- that the pressure upon any point in the side of a sure of li- vessel, depends upon the height of the liquid above that point. The deeper, therefore, this point is situated under the surface of water, the greater is the pressure upon it. Moreover it may be mathe- matically proved that the velocity with which the water spouts from different orifices in the sides of a vessel, is proportional to the square root of the 72 HYDROSTATICS. perpendicular distance of that point from the sur- face of the liquid in the vessel. Upon this lateral pressure depends the reaction of water on pipes through which it flows. If a suspended vessel be provided with several such pipes, it will turn in the opposite direction to that in which the water runs out by the pipes. $ 141. Liquids of different specific gravities (see § 18, page 7), do not stand equally high in communicating vessels or tubes; but the specific heavier will stand as many times lower than the other, as its specific gravity is greater than that of the liquid in the other tube. This inay be proved by experiments, and is suffi- ciently evident from the law given in § 138, page 70. If the two liquids are quicksilver and water, the water will stand nearly 14 times higher than the quicksilver. $ 142. When the surface of a liquid in a ves- sel is perfectly horizontal, then every portion of it is kept in its place or held up by the pressure of the surrounding parts. The same pressure is exercised upon any solid body immersed in it, which is therefore held, or pressed upwards with the same force as an equal portion of the liquid. From this we derive the following general.law: A body immersed in water or in any other fluid, loses as much weight as an equal bulk of the fluid weighs; and the fluid gains the same weight. $143. According to this law, a body immersed in a liquid of the same specific gravity must rest in the place where it is put. But a body of greater specific gravity will sink, and one of less specific gravity will rise to the top and float. HYDROSTATICS. 73 In the first case, namely, it loses all its weight, and its pressure downwards being everywhere the same as that of an equal portion of the liquid ; there is no power, neither upwards nor downwards, to put the body out of its place. In the second case, the pressure downwards is greater than the pressure of the liquid upwards; therefore the body must follow the impulse of the greater force, and sink ($ 67). Fi- nally, in the third case, the pressure of the liquid upward is greater; consequently, the body must rise and float. * $ 144. The law just given with regard to solid bodies applies equally to liquids of different spe- cific gravities. Thus, if several fluids (which have no chemical affinityt for each other), be poured together in the same vessel ; the specific heaviest will descend to the bottom, and the spe- cific lightest will rise to the top. It sometimes happens that a specific heavier body rests on the surface of a lighter fluid. But this takes place only 1st. When the lower fluid can nowhere give way to the upper fluid, and at the same time the sides of the vessel are strong enough to resist their united pressure. 2d. When the pressure of the upper fluid is in every point the same. Application of the foregoing Laws to the Determi- nation of the specific Gravities of Bodies. $ 145. For this purpose we need an instru- Specific grav- ment called a hydrostatic balance; whose differ- ities. * The weight of the immersed body is always =G-g, where G is the absolute weight of the body, and g the weight of an equal bulk of the liquid. † See $ 47, page 18. 7 74 HYDROSTATICS. ence from a common balance consists chiefly in one of its scales being shorter than the other (see the figure), and provided with a hook, by which the heavy body that is to be weighed is sus- pended. The body is first weighed out of water; then it is immersed, and its loss of weight ascertained, which (according to § 142), is the weight of an equal bulk of the fluid. If the specific gravity of distilled water is taken for unity of measure, then we need only divide the absolute weight of the body by its loss, when immersed in distilled water ; the answer will be the specific gravity of the body. § 146. The principal cases that can occur in the determination of specific gravities, are the following: Determina- 1st CASE. When the body is heavier than water. tion of speci- fic gravities. Weigh it first out of water, then ascertain its loss in water, and divide the one by the other; the answer is the specific gravity of the body. Example. Let the body weigh 3 lbs. out of water, its loss in water 2 lbs. ; then its specific gravity is =1.5. 2d Case. When a body is lighter than water. Annex to it a piece of a heavier body, whose weight HYDROSTATICS. 75 and loss in water has been previously ascertained ; so that it will sink. From the loss of the com- pounded mass subtract the loss of the heavy body alone; the difference is the loss of the body whose specific gravity is to be ascertained. Its absolute weight divided by this loss will then be its specific gravity. Example. Suppose a piece of elm weighs 15 lbs. out of water; and a piece of copper, which weighs 18 lbs. loses 2 lbs. when immersed in water; let the compound mass lose 27 lbs.; then 27 less 2= 25, is the loss of the elm alone, which divided into the absolute weight of 15 lbs. gives 15 =, or 0.6, for the specific gravity of elm. 3d Case. For a fluid. Find the loss of weight of one and the same body in water and in the fluid whose specific gravity is to be ascertained; divide the loss in the fluid by that in water ; the answer is the specific gravity of the fluid. Example. Suppose a piece of iron* loses in distilled water Ibs. and in sea-water 3 lbs. Then the specific gravity of sea-water is di- vided by 3 == 1.03 nearly. $ 147. Bodies whose specific gravities are less Floating and immersing of than that of water, must float on its surface, or bodies. immerse only as far as will make the weight of the whole body equal to the weight of a bulk of water of the magnitude and shape of the immersed 1 * For this purpose a piece of glass is generally used; particularly in ascertaining the specific gravity of acids, whịch affect metals chemically. 76 HYDROSTATICS. part. If such a body is forced down deeper, and let free, it will rise again to the same height. This may be shown by numerous experiments on woods. Wine and beer scales. § 148. It follows from this, that the same body cannot be equally deep immersed in liquids of different specific gravities, and that it will immerse deepest in the specific lightest fluid. Upon this principle is founded the construction of wine, beer, and brandy scales; the construction of Nicholson's aræometer, &c, which the teacher, if at hand, may show and explain to his pupils, from the laws laid down in the last five paragraphs. Swimming. S 149. Bodies of greater specific gravities than water, can be made to float, by making them hollow, or compounding them with lighter sub- stances, so that the weight of an equal volume of water is still greater than that of the compound mass. Hereupon is founded the floating of empty bottles, of vessels, &c. The rising of balloons filled with a lighter fluid than air, &c. The swimming by means of bladders, &c. The specific gravity of the human body averages 1,12. There are, however, men whose specific gravity is less than water. These are natural swimmers. Very fat men are generally good swim- mers ; because, by displacing a greater quantity of water, they lose more of their own weight. $ 150. The position of a floating body depends floating body. on its centre of gravity, and on the centre of gravity of the bulk of water which is displaced by the immersed part of the body. Both centres of gravity must lie in the same vertical line; other- wise the body cannot remain in its position. The deeper the body is immersed, the safer is it Position of a ÆROSTATICS. 77 water. from turning over. In general; the centre of gravity of a swimming body ought at least to be under the surface of the water. * $ 151. When the weight of a cubic inch or Absolute foot of distilled water is known, we can find the cubic foot of absolute weight of a cubic foot of any substance, by multiplying the specific gravity of that substance by the weight of a cubic foot of distilled water, Hutton, in his course of Mathematics, makes a cubic foot of water equal to 1000 ounces avoirdupois weight. This, however, disagrees somewhat with the state- ments of others. In the same manner do the specific gravities in his table disagree with those formed by some of the best chemists. Lavoisier and Brissont found a cubic foot of rain water equal to 70 lbs. Paris weight. (See the table of specific gravities at the end of the book.) B. Pressure, Weight, and Equilibrium of Elastic Fluids. (Ærostatics.) $ 152. Fundamental Law. When an elastic fluid is shut up in a vessel, it will press its sides Laws of &c. equally in all directions, with a force proportional to the elasticity of the enclosed fluid. § 153. If the sides of the vessel are not strong enough to resist this pressure, then the fluid will * Benjamin Franklin's Letters on Philosophical Subjects. London, 1769. Euler's Naval Science. Petersburgh, 1749. † Pésanteur specific des Corps utile à l'Histoire Natu- relle, &c. Par Brisson. Paris, 1787. 78 ÆROSTATICS.. a burst through them ; or if the vessel be provided with an orifice, the fluid will pass through it; until its expansive power is exhausted. $ 154. An elastic fluid cannot escape from vessel, when the elasticity, and consequently the pressure, of an elastic fluid without, is equal to the pressure of the fluid within the vessel. If the pressure of the elastic fluid without is greater than that of the elastic fluid within, and the vessel is provided with an orifice, then the fluid from with- out will enter the vessel ; or if the pressure of the inner fluid is greatest, it will escape through the orifice, until the elasticities of both fluids are in equilibrium. Compressi- $ 155. Every elastic fluid can by pressure be bility of elas- tic fluids. forced into a smaller bulk. Its elasticity and density are then found to increase in proportion to the force or weight which compresses it. The elasticity and density of elastic fluids are also in- creased by compressing greater quantities of them in the same space. Both modes of compression must have their limits, when the fluid has reached its greatest density.* Degree of § 156. The degree to which an elastic fluid compressibil- ity of, &c. may be compressed varies. Some of them lose by great pressure their elastic form, and become liquid; as is, for instance, the case with steam. Others are permanently elastic, at least as far as our experience goes, by the greatest pressure until now applied to them. * Tobias Mayer's Nat. Phil. page 197. ÆROSTATICS. 79 ids. Probably all elastic fluids would become liquid, if it were possible to compress them sufficiently for this purpose. $ 157. We distinguish yet between absolute Absolute and and specific elasticity of fluids. By absolute elas- ticity of flu- ticity we mean the degree with which - it resists pressure or compression ; by specific elasticity we understand the degree with which an elastic fluid of the same density, resists pressure. Thus, of two elastic fluids, which resist pressure with the same force, the specific elasticity of the thinner fluid is the greater. Fluids of the most different specific elasticities, may yet have the same abso- lute elasticity, and therefore be in equilibrium with each other. $ 158. When an elastic fluid is attracted by a Formation of atmospheres. solid or liquid body, it must form around it an atmosphere, whose density will be greater near the body than farther from it; because the layers which are next to the body are pressed by the gravitation of those above them. Every body in nature may, in this manner, be surrounded by an atmosphere. $ 159. When such an atmosphere is in the Equilibrium state of rest, then every part of it is, by its elas- ids. ticity, in equilibrium with the pressure of the gravitating parts above. It will, therefore, neither give way to that pressure, nor cause any motion in the surrounding particles. $ 160. But if, by some mechanical or chem- ical cause, either the elasticity or the density of elastic flaide. , the layers, or even the pressure of the surrounding particles, is changed, then a motion of the fluid, of elastic flu- Motion of 80 AEROSTATICS. or at least of a portion of it, must necessarily take place, and continue until the conditions of its equilibrium ($ 159, page 79) are again established. Upon this principle depends the whole theory of winds. $ 161. All elastic fluids are expanded by heat, and compressed by cold. In the first case, they exercise, with much less density, the same pres- sure as before with greater density. Thus, heat increases the specific gravity of elastic fluids. This we know from experience; the power of steam, for instance, increases with the heat. closed warm room, the pressure of air often becomes insufferable, when we may expose ourselves to the same or even a greater degree of heat, without suffer- ing any inconvenience from it, when there is a draft or an aperture for the inner air to pass through, and establish the equilibrium with the air without. A bladder filled with air, will burst, when exposed to heat, &c. When two or more elastic fluids are placed upon one another, the specific heaviest will de- scend, and the specific lightest will rise to the top. In such cases, the laws of hydrostatics ($ 143, page 72) apply to elastic fluids. In a 81 CHAPTER V. • MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE ATMOSPHERE. § 163. Our earth is everywhere surrounded Existence of atmospheric by a thin invisible fluid, which is termed the air. atmosphere (158), of whose existence every day's experience furnishes sufficient proof. Here the teacher may give some examples; the rapid motion of the hand productive of wind; a tum- bler or a bottle, with the bottom uppermost, held per- pendicularly under water, are only partly filled with it, but when held obliquely air departs from them in bubbles. The same is the case with a diving-bell, &c. 164. The height of the atmosphere above Height of the the surface of the earth is not yet exactly ascer- atmosphere tained; but it is yet found at the top of the high- est mountains, and it is evident from calculation (of its pressure), that it must yet extend many miles above them. § 165. Air is an elastic fluid; because it is Gravity of compressible, and expands itself again, when left air. free, to its original volume. This may be shown by experiments. In a hollow cylinder closed at one end, the air may be compressed by a piston ; but as soon as the piston is left to itself, the air in the cylinder will push it back again. When a bladder is filled with air, it will be susceptible of changing its shape by the least pressure ; but imme- diately reestablishes its shape, when the pressure is removede 82 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES $ 166. Air is a heavy fluid, and as such obeys the laws of gravity, (§ 15, page 6.) To show this by an experiment, take А a tube, AB, closed at the end A, and after having filled it with quicksilver, in- C vert it, so that the under end may be unsupported. The quicksilver will not run out; because the pressure of the air, acting at B, in opposition to the quick- silver, supports it in the tube. If an aperture be made in A, the quicksilver immediately descends; the air which is admitted by the new aperture then acts equally from above; which shows that when the tube was close at top, it was the external air which supported the quick- B В silver. The ancients, to whom this property of air was un- known, explained this phenomenon by the horror which they supposed nature had against empty space (horror vacui). § 167. When the closed tube, AB, is three or four feet long, then part of the quicksilver will indeed run from the aperture B, but the tube will always remain filled to the height of about 28 inches. Hence we infer, that the pressure of the atmosphere upon a surface, is equal to the weight of a quicksilver-column of 28 inches, having that surface for its basis. * Euler's Letters to a German Princess, translated by Hunter. London, 1802, Vol. I. OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 83 The space AC, between the quicksilver and the end of the tube, is a real vacuum, which, from its author, Torricelli, is termed Torricelli's Vacuum.* $ 168. If, instead of quicksilver, the tube is filled with water, then the pressure of the air will support a column of nearly 14 times the length of that of quicksilver ; which agrees perfectly with the hydrostatic law, given in § 141, page 72. Thus, the height of a column of a water is 14 X 28 = 392 inches, or about 33 feet. This experiment has actually been made by Mr Sturm, in Germany, with a tube of that height. $ 169. The above described property of the air explains the phenomenon of the sucking pump. This consists chiefly of a hollow cylinder, and a piston or sucker, E, fixed to a rod, which is moved up and F down by the lever, F: The piston is made hollow, or is per- forated in E, and provided with மடி a valve opening upwards. A plug is fixed in the lower part of the barrel, also perforated DI and provided with a valve, open- ing upwards. When the piston descends, the air that is con- tained between E and D opens the valve N, and escapes into the barrel above the piston; then, when the piston is raised again, the external atmosphere keeps the valve N shut, M * Torricelli, a pupil of Galileo, first made this experi- ment, in 1643. 84 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES pipe M. and the air in the barrel being thus exhausted, is no longer in equilibrium with the pressure of the outer air on the surface of the water in the well. This is therefore forced up, and through the valve O enters the barrel of the pump. When the piston is pushed down again, into the water, which is now in the barrel between E and D, the valve N will be opened by this water, which will now come to stand above the piston, and by the next motion upwards it must flow from the A number of other phenomena are equally well explained by the pressure of the atmosphere. To these belong the sucking, drinking, smoking, the use of bung-holes in casks, &c. § 170. From the elasticity and gravity of at- mospheric air, it follows, that its pressure near the surface of the earth must be greater than further from it; and in general that its pressure decreases in proportion as we ascend. (See $ 159, page 79.) This is proved, also, by the height of a column of quicksilver, which the pressure of air supports in a tube. For the quicksilver in the Torricellian tube stands lower at the top of a high mountain, than at its foot. It is also evident that the pressure of air, in a room which communicates with the atmosphere, must be the same as that of the open air; because the elasticity of the air in the room must be in equi- librium with that of the air without (§ 154). § 171. We know from experience that air is Expansion of a ir by heat. expanded by heat and contracted again by cold. If, therefore, it be shut up in a vessel, so as to be unable to expand itself, it will press against OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 85 the sides of the vessel more than before ; if the vessel has an aperture, the heated air will pass through it, until the remaining part of it is in equilibrium with the denser air without. In this manner nearly all the air can be expelled from a vessel ; but as soon as it grows cold, the air will again rush into it; or if the aperture of the vessel be immersed in water, the water will be forced up into the vacuum. $ 172. Air which is expanded by heat, must rise above the denser, and consequently specific heavier air, which surrounds it. This is evident from hydrostatic principles. (See S 142.) This explains the draft, in grates, and stoves, in astral lamps; the wind which generally accompanies conflagrations; the rising of a balloon filled with heated air, &c. $ 173. It has been stated (155), that all elastic fluids, and consequently, also, atmospheric air, may be compressed by forcing a greater bulk Condensing into the same space. This is done by the con- machine. densing machine. This consists principally of a cylinder made of metal, ABCD (see the figure), provided at O with a valve opening inwards. The piston is also provided with a valve opening inwards. When the piston is moved down, the pres- 1D sure of the air between E and G shuts the valve N, while the compressed air enters the valve 0, in the cavity ABGH. When the piston recedes, the pressure of the air in the E F cavity ABGH shuts the valve O, so that there remains a vacuum between E and G, to fill N which the air without enters through N. As soon as the cavity EFGH is filled with G H air, the piston is moved down again, and a new portion of air forced through the valve AB 0, and so may the condensation be carried on as long as the sides of the cylinder are T 0 8 86 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES strong enough to resist the pressure of the compressed air in the cavity ABGH ; and we shall always find, that the density of the compressed air increases in proportion to the force of the compressing power. Upon the compressibility of air depends the theory of the air-gun — which it will now be easy for the teacher to show or explain to his pupils. $174. Another remarkable and useful experi- ment, which may be equally well explained from the pressure of the atmosphere, is the siphon, Siphon. which consists in a bent tube, having its two legs either of equal or unequal length. If it is filled with water and then inverted, with the two open ends downwards, and held level in this position. The water will remain suspended in it when the legs are equal; but if these be unequal, or the siphon is inclined, so that the orifice of the one end is lower than that of the other, then the equilibrium will be destroyed, and the water will descend by the lower end and rise in the higher. For in the first case, if the legs are not over 33 or 34 feet high, the pressure of the atmosphere is a coun- terpoise to that of the water in the legs ($ 168, page 83). In the second case, if one of the legs be longer than the other, the air presses equally on both orifices; but the weight of water in the two legs being unequal , a motion must take place where the power is greatest, and continue till the water has run out by the lower end. OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 87 If the shorter leg is immersed in a basin of water, and the water be set a running from the longer leg which may be done by suction, then the water in the basin is by the pressure of the air forced up into the siphon, and continues to run out of the longer leg, until the surface in the basin is at a level with the orifice of the other leg. The whole basin may thus be drained, by making the leg B sufficiently long for the orifice to be below the bottom of the basin. The theory of the siphon explains some of the most remarkable phenomena in nature. Among them we will mention the conducting of water over steep hills; the drying of pumps after a heavy rain; and above all, the remarkable phenomenon of the Lake of Cirknitz, in Karinthia. This lake is sometimes entirely drained, and then filled again. The canal in the province of Languedoc, in France, is founded upon the theory of the siphon. $. 175. We know from experience that the Barometer pressure of the atmosphere is not always the same; because it does not always support a column of quicksilver of the same height in the Torricellian tube ( 166). Upon this is founded the theory of the barometer, which is an instru- ment for measuring the pressure and elasticity of air, at any time. It is made of a glass tube, nearly 3 feet long, and filled with mer- cury, like that of Torricelli ; but the lower end is bent upwards again, and ends in a small open basin (see the figure). The column of quicksilver supported in the tube is commonly from 28 to 31 inches, leaving an en- tire vacuum in the upper end of the tube above the mercury. The upper 3 inches (from 28 to 31), have a scale attached to them, for measuring the length of the column at 88 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES all times, by observing which division of the scale the top of the quicksilver is opposite to; as it ascends and descends within these limits, accord- ing to the state of the atmosphere. The weight of the column of quicksilver in the tube, which is equal to the pressure of the atmosphere, may at all times be computed, being nearly at the rate of 12% of a pound avoirdupois weight, for every inch of quicksilver in the tube, on every square inch of base. Consequently, when the barometer stands at 30 inches, which is nearly the medium of the standard height, the whole pressure of the atmosphere is equal to 143 lbs. on every square inch of base; and in the same proportion for other heights. From this the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of bodies and ani- mals may easily be calculated. The reason why we do not feel this pressure is because it is equal on all sides, and counterbalanced by the fluids in our bodies, with which it is in equilibrium. § 176. To illustrate the different mechanical properties of air, and indeed only these can come within the limits of this treatise, we make use of the air-pump, an instrument invented by Otto von Quericke, in the 17th century.* It is similar in construction and operation to the water-pump, described in $169, consisting principally of a brass barrel, bored and polished, truly cylindrical, and exactly fitted to a turned piston, and furnished with a valve, opening upwards. The end of the * He performed his first experiment at Regensburg, be- fore Emperor Ferdinand III. in 1654. OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 89 LIL! D с C B barrel communicates, by means of a narrow tube, with the receiver, C. In B is another valve, opening upwards. By lifting up the piston, there is a vacuum between B and D, to fill which the air from the receiver opens the valve B, and ex- pands itself into the barrel, occupying more space than before, when it filled the receiver alone, and being consequently rarefied. The piston is now moved down, when the air in the barrel closes the valve B, and escapes through the other valve, D; another stroke of the piston exhausts another barrel of the already rarefied air in the receiver. And so may the rarefaction of the air in the re- ceiver be carried on to nearly sdo of its original density.* It is evident that the vacuum created in this manner, in the receiver C, is not so perfect as that in the Torricellian tube (p. 83); for let the air in C be ever so much rarefied, a small portion of it will always remain. It is customary to place a small barometer under the * The further description of this instrument, and the ontrivances made to facilitate its use, does not belong to a text book. It is better explained verbally by the instructer, when exhibiting the apparatus. 90 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES receiver, to measure the diminished pressure, and con- sequently the degree of rarefaction of the air in C, by the falling of the quicksilver. The plate on which the receiver stands is provided with a cock to let in the air from without, when the experiment is finished. 177. With a good air-pump the following remarkable experiments may be made : 1. A closed bladder, only partly filled with air, expands itself in the rarefied air of the receiver. 2. A thin glass bottle, shut air-tight and placed under the receiver, is burst by the elasticity of the air which is inclosed in it. 3. A bladder, but little filled with air, and at- tached to a piece of lead, which makes it sink in water, expands itself, and rises again to the sur- face. 4. The air escapes from a vessel whose orifice is placed under water and the liquid enters into it, when the air from without is let into the re- ceiver. 5. Water ceases to run from a siphon. 6. The falling of a feather and of a piece of lead, or any other substance, is equally accelerated by gravity ($ 64, page 26). 7. Corkwood and lead, which are in equili- brium in a balance, are no longer so in rarefied air. 8. A ball from which the air has been pumped, weighs less than one that is filled with it. Thereby the specific gravity of air has been ascer- tained, which is about 0.008, taking that of distilled water = 1. OF THE ATMOSPHERE, 91 9. The sound of a bell or of a cord becomes weaker in rarefied air, and finally ceases entirely. 10. An animal suffocates in very rarefied air ; a 'candle is extinguished; flint ceases to strike sparks from steel, &c. 11. Ether, and other subtile fluids evaporate when the pressure of the atmosphere is removed. * * The teacher may now ask the pupils to explain some of these phenomena, from the principles learned in the pre- ceding, and in this Chapter. 92 CHAPTER VI. OF HEAT. Heat. $ 178. In the vicinity of certain bodies, or in contact with them, we feel either heat or cold, and designate by these words sensations which do not admit of any further description. It is customary, also, to call the bodies which pro- duce these sensations, cold or warm; but it is certain, that we cannot tell what body is absolutely cold or warm, and that our sensations tell us only what body feels so in comparison to another. $ 179. The principle by which all bodies are more or less capable of producing the infinite degrees of sensation of heat, or, in other words, the primitive cause of all phenomena of heat and cold, is as yet perfectly unknown. Most modern philosophers, however, are of opinion that they proceed from a certain imponderable, exceedingly subtile substance, termed calorie, which pene- trates all bodies, and, on account of its elasticity, endeavors incessantly to be everywhere in perfect equilibrium.* * Professor Meissner, of the Polytechnic School of Vien- na, has endeavored to show, by a series of brilliant experi- ments, that caloric is actually a ponderable substance. (See his Elements of Chemistry. Vienna, 1816.) But the expansion of all bodies by heat, and the consequent diminu- tion of their absolute weight, by displacing a greater bulk OF HEAT. 93 Means of producing Heat. of heat. $ 180. There are four principal means of pro- Production ducing heat:- 1. By friction. Hence the heat produced by the boring, filing, or hammering of metals; by wire-drawing, by turning, &c. These phenomena take place, also, under the receiver of an air-pump. 2. By chemical operations ($ 28, page 9); such as solutions, fermentations, putrefactions, &c. Instances of this kind are, all solutions of metals in acids, iron and water, lime-stone and water, &c. Dung, flour, malt, and wet hay, cause, under certain circumstances, spontaneous combustion. Finally, the heat produced in the animal and human body, by the process of respiration and digestion. of air, may not, perhaps, have been sufficiently taken notice of. Most French chemists, the most celebrated philosophers in Germany, and, above all, the greatest chemist now living, Berzelius, in Sweden, are for the existence of calorie. The greatest opponents to this system are Count Rumford and Sir Humphry Davy. William Henry, of Manchester, has shown that the arguments of the latter against a self- existing, heat-producing principle, are fallacious, or at least, as far as they go, insufficient. — For further information, see Gilbert's Annals of Nat. Philosophy, Vol. XII. p. 546. Gehler's Physical Dictionary; article, Heat. A. Lorenz' Chemical and Physical Investigation of Fire. Copenhagen, 1789. Also, Tobias Mayer's Nat. Philosophy. (Gilbert's Annalen der Physick: Gehler's Physicalisches Wörter- buch ; A. Lorenz, Chemisch-Physicalische Untersuchungen über das Feuer. Copenhagen and Leipzig, 1789, 94 OF HEAT. 3. By exposing a body to the light of the sun, which is the principal source of all heat upon our earth. Hence the immense heat produced by the reflection of sunbeams from a concave mirror. 4. By bringing colder bodies in contact with heated ones. In this case, the heat of the one will communicate itself to the other, until it is in both in perfect equilibrium. Heat expands $ 181. All bodies are expanded by heat, and all bodies. assume again their former bulk, when exposed to cold. Unequal ex- pansion of heat. This may be shown by numerous experiments. A heated iron ball passes no longer through a hole, through which it went when cold ; a bladder only partly filled with air, is expanded over a coal fire; a hollow glass ball, which floats upon cold water, sinks to the bottom when the water is heated, &c. Wood shrinks when exposed to heat, through the evaporation of the fluids contained in its pores. The same takes place with clay in the manufacturing of bricks, &c. $ 182. Heat does not expand all bodies in the same degree; air is expanded quicker than liquids, and liquids quicker than solid bodies. § 183. The expansion of liquids or solid bodies, is found, by experiment, not to be propor- tional to the degree of heat; that is, equal de- grees of heat do not occasion in them equal degrees of expansion. Elastic fluids differ in their expansion from liquids and solids, their expansion being proportional to the successive degrees of heat applied to them. OF HEAT 95 ones. The cohesive attraction in solids and liquids being greater than in air, the first portions of heat applied to them, find more resistance than the following Moreover, we have to consider, that both liquids and solid bodies, when under the influence of certain degrees of heat, begin to change their aggre- gate fomrs ($ 36, page 12). Thus, when water is very nearly heated to a certain degree, it becomes transformed into vapor, and is therefore expanded much quicker than at inferior degrees. When once transformed into vapor, its expansions are, like those of other elastic fluids, proportional to the degree of heat applied to it. $ 184. The expansion of bodies by heat, and Thermome- their contraction by cold, afford the means of measuring degrees of temperature. The instru- ment used for this purpose is called a thermometer. ter. 96 OF HEAT. 50 It is made of a hollow glass tube, which, having a hollow ball at the bottom, is nearly half filled with quicksilver.* When this 210 200 is done, the whole is heated 190 until the quicksilver rises quite 180 170 to the top. The top is then 160 150 hermetically sealed; that is, so 140 as perfectly to exclude all com- 130 120 munication with the outward 110 air. Then, in cooling, the 100 90 quicksilver contracts, and con- 80 70 sequently its surface descends 60 in the tube, until it comes to a point which corresponds to the 30 temperature of the air. When 10 the atmosphere becomes warm- o 10 er, the quicksilver expands, and 20 rises in the tube, and contracts and descends again, when the atmosphere becomes cooler. By the side of the tube is placed a scale, which is prepared thus : -- The thermome- ter is brought into the temperature of freezing, by immersing the ball in water just freezing, or in ice just thawing, and the scale is marked where the quicksilver then stands, for the point of freez- ing. Then it is immersed in boiling water, and the scale again marked, where the surface of the LILIT 40 20 I ... * This fluid is now generally used for thermometers, it being very susceptible to the different degrees of heat; enduring great heat before it becomes transformed into vapor, and great cold before it becomes solid. OF HEAT. 97 quicksilver then stands. The distance between these two points is divided into 180 equal divis- ions, or degrees, and the same degrees are con- tinued to 32 degrees further below, which point is then called zero; and as much below zero and above the boiling point, as is convenient; so that there are 212 degrees from the boiling point down to zero. Fahrenheit found that the quicksilver always de- scended to 0 (namely, to the point which he called zero), by placing the ball in a mixture of equal parts of snow and salammoniac. From him the above di- vision of the scale is called Fahrenheits. Fiftyfive degrees of this division mark the mean temperature of this country; and it is in this temperature, and in an atmosphere which sustains a column of 30 inches of quicksilver in the barometer, that the specific gravities of bodies are ascertained.* Besides the scale just described, there are others, which are particularly used on the continent of Europe. Among them are Reaumur's, dividing the space from the freezing point (which he calls zero), to the boiling point, into 80 degrees; and De L'Isle's, on which the degrees are counted downwards, dividing the space from the boiling to the freezing point into 150 equal parts ; and Celsius's, or the centesimal scale, in which the distance between the boiling point and the freez- ing point, is divided into 100 equal parts. It is ex- ceedingly easy to deduce the degrees of one division from those of the other. Thus, 24 degrees Fahren- heit making one degree of Reaumur's scale, we can change Fahrenheit's degrees into Reaumur's, by sub- tracting 32 from their number, and dividing the remainder by 24. There are also thermometers in which air is the fluid through whose expansion the degrees of heat are ascertained ; but they require so many corrections and precautions in practice, that they are almost entirely out of use. * See Hutton's Mathematics, edited by Robert Adrian. Vol. II. page 234. 9 98 OF HEAT. To indicate great degrees of heat, Wedgewood made use of pure clay, which contracts to about one fourth of its bulk, from the time it acquires a red heat until vitrification. It is to be regretted, that the clay- cylinders, or parallelopipeds, which are used for this purpose, change, in course of time, which makes them incapable of indicating great degrees of heat. On this account, Wedgewood himself does no longer manufacture them.* Different Capacities for. Heat. Capacity for heat. § 185. We know-from experience, that the same quantity of heat, imparted to two different substances, produces in them unequal degrees of temperature, when measured with the thermome- ter. This we ascribe to the greater or less capacity which these substances have for absorb- ing heat, and call the capacity for heat greater in that body which requires a greater quantity of heat than another to produce the same degree of tempe- rature. Thus, the capacity of water is greater than that of quicksilver, because, when exposed, during the same time, to the same degree of heat, quicksilver exhibits a greater degree of tempera- ture, by the thermometer, than water ; which shows that water absorbs more heat. § 186. There are various ways to ascertain the capacities of bodies for heat. One is, to bring Manner of ascertaining the capacity for heat. * A full description of this instrument, and the degrees of heat indicated by it, compared to Fahrenheit's scale, may be found in the Library of Useful Knowledge; article, Heat, page 19. OF HEAT. 99 equal portions of different substances in contact with each other. It is then found that the mix- ture never exhibits the mean temperature between them. A pound of water, for instance, heated to 156 degrees, and mixed with a pound of quick- silver, at 40 degrees, produces a common temper- ture of 152, instead of 98, the exact mean. In this experiment, the water lost 4 degrees, and the quicksilver gained 112; which proves that the quantity of heat which is required to raise one pound of quicksilver from 40 to 152 degrees, is equal to that which is required to raise one pound of water from 152 to 156. Thus, the capacity of water for heat is to that of quicksilver as 112 to 4, or, which is the same, as 28 to 1. § 187. In a similar manner to that we have just described, have some philosophers (particu- larly Crawford, Wilcke, Kirwan, and Gadolin) determined the capacities for heat of many dif- ferent substances, and compared them to that of water. These comparative capacities for heat they then called specific capacities, or specific caloric. (See Table II. at the end of the book.) $ 188. From what we have said it is easily Different perceived, that if there be such a self-existing Culoric in quantities of substance as caloric, it does not exist in equal equal temper- quantities and densities in different bodies, al- atures. though they may show the same degree of tempe- rature on a thermometer. $189. Every change in the relative position of the particles and interstices of bodies, changes also their capacities for heat. This is particularly the case, when solid bodies become changed into liquids, or liquids into elastic fluids. They then 100 OF HEAT. and disen- gagement of heat. absorb great quantities of heat, without showing any increase of temperature by the thermometer. Engagement Heat is then said to be engaged in these bodies. And it also frequently happens, that bodies be- come changed from the fluid state into the liquid, or from the latter into the solid state, in which cases their temperature is increased, without any new addition of heat. Heat is then said to become disengaged or free. Hence the cold felt when air or vapors expand themselves rapidly (because in this state they absorb caloric); the quantity of heat which must enter into metals before they melt ; the quantity of heat requisite to change water into steam, &c. 190. When two or more substances are mixed together, their chemical affinities ($ 47, page 18) frequently change the mean sum of their capacity for heat. In this case, the mixture absorbs more heat (caloric), and causes the sen- sation of cold. This takes place, for instance, when salts are dis- solved in water; when snow is mixed with muriate of soda, or water with diluted spirit of wine, or nitrate of ammonia ; when snow is melted in water, or mixed with muriate of lime, &c. Influence of 191. It is not improbable, that light, by light on heat. striking upon bodies, changes their capacity for heat, and thereby disengages caloric. This seems to be corroborated by the circumstance, that those bodies through which light passes easiest, or which reflect light most, are least heated by it ; whereas dark and opaque bodies become sooner warm. White bodies, glass, water, &c, are not easily heated by sun-light. A thermometer held in the sun rises higher when the ball is made black. Strips of cloth of OF HEAT. 101 different colors, placed upon snow, sink the deeper the darker the color is.* Dark cloths are warmer than white ones, &c. Propagation of Heat. heat. 192. Heat does not pass through all bodies Velocity of with the same degree of velocity. When thin cylinders, of silver, glass, and wood, are held with one end in the flame of a candle, the silver will soon be too hot to hold; while the glass will be much longer in being heated, and the wood will burn at one end, before the least sensation of heat. is felt at the other. Those substances which become hot soonest at the furthest end from the fame, are said to be the best conductors of heat. 193. The densest bodies, consequently met- als, are the best conductors of heat. Earthy sub- stances are in this respect inferior to metals; wood is still more so, and atmospheric air, when not in motion, is accounted to be the worst conductor of heat. Among solid substances, the coverings (skins) of animals have the least conducting power. The worst conductors among these are hare's fur and eider down; and this property is probably owing to the bulk of air which is contained among the parts of which they consist. For the same reason are the warmest articles of clothing those which have the longest nap, fur, or down, and the imperfect conduct- ing power of snow arises probably from the same cause. It is stated, that in Siberia, while the tempe- rature of the air has been 70 degrees below the freez- * These experiments were first made by Dr Franklin, and are described in his Letters on Philosophical Subjects. 9* 102 OF HEAT. fect conduct- ing point (38 degrees below zero, of Fahrenheit's scale), the surface of the earth, protected by a covering of snow, has rarely been 32 degrees (zero of Fahren- heit's scale).* Use of imper- § 194. The imperfect power of conducting ors of heat. heat, in some substances, is taken advantage of , for the purpose of confining heat. Furnaces are surrounded by coats of clay, trees by straw; double windows are used in winter, throughout Germany and the North of Europe, in order to prevent the escape of heat from the rooms, by a column of air inclosed between the windows, &c. § 195. The same substances which prevent the escape of heat, are equally effectual in prevent- ing its admission. Hence the air under a thatched roof, although warmer in winter, is cooler in summer, than the air under a roof of tile or slate. Straw, which keeps a fig-tree from freezing in the winter, keeps the heat from an ice-house in sum- mer, &c. Different sen- sations of heat produc- ed by differ- ent bodies of § 196. The different sensations we have on touching different substances, although of the same temperature by the thermometer, must be the same tem- ascribed to their different powers of conducting perature. heat. The best conductors must feel coldest to the touch ; because they absorb the heat from the hand quicker than imperfect conductors of heat. It is for this reason that iron feels colder than glass, and the latter colder than wood, although they be all in the same room, and of the same degree of temperature. * See Library of Useful Knowledge; article, Heat, p.23. OF HEAT. 103 197. It is yet to be observed, that solid sub- Latent heat. stances conduct heat in all directions — upwards, downwards, and sideways — with nearly the same facility. On this account, the heat which they conduct is called latent. $ 198. But it has been found by experiments, that heated bodies, when exposed to the air, lose part of their heat, also, by radiation ; that is, by part of their heat flying off in right lines, from every point in their surface. The principal experiment on this subject is made with two concave reflectors of tiñ-plate, placed at a distance of several feet, exactly opposite each other. Then, by placing a heated iron ball, which shall not be red, in the focus of the one, and the ball of a mer- curial thermometer in the focus of the other, the mercury in the thermometer will instantly rise, even if a transparent glass plate be placed between it and either of the reflectors. Any other hot substance used instead of iron, produces the same effect. § 199. Some natural philosophers are of opinion, that radiant heat moves with a velocity equal to that of light. But this seems to be more than doubtful. All we know about it from ex- periments is, that radiant heat moves with such a velocity as to require no perceptible interval of time to traverse the space of 69 feet.* Whether the phenomena of radiant heat-are really produced by projections of caloric, emanating from every point in the surface of a heated body, or whether they are occasioned by expansions and contractions of heated particles of atmosphere, like the rays of sound ($ 122, page 62), is not yet decided among phi- losphers. Professor Leslie of Edinburgh is of the See Pictet's Experiments on Fire. 104 OF HEAT. Fusion of sol- ids. latter opinion, and has made a series of brilliant and interesting experiments, eminently calculated to cor- roborate his hypothesis. $ 200. When solid bodies are for some time exposed to great degrees of heat, their cohesive powers are overcome, they lose their texture, and consequently become liquid (546, page 17). This is called the melting or fusion of solid bodies. When still greater degrees of heat are applied, then solid and liquid substances become trans- formed into steam, or vapors, which process is Evaporation. called the evaporation of bodies. Ń 201. The degree of heat, at which solid bodies melt, or liquids evaporate, varies in differ- ent substances, and seems to depend, in some measure, on the cohesive power of their particles. Some substances appear to us liquid or as elastic fluids, at the lowest stages of temperature, and there are others which require great degrees of heat, to be exhibited in this form. Most solid bodies have been converted into liquids, and the greater part of these into vapors, by the in- tense heat produced by modern ingenuity, $.202. Liquids may become transformed into liquids. steam so quickly as to be thrown into an undu- lating motion, which is called the boiling of li- quids. . The portion of air which is generally contained in them, is, by this process, expelled; wherefore the boiling of liquids is a means of purifying them. 203. Some bodies boil at very low degrees of heat (for instance, ether and spirits of wine), particularly when the pressure of the atmosphere is Boiling of OF HEAT 105 removed. (See Table III. at the end of the book.) Pressure is an In general we may lay down this principle, that boiling of li- quids. the pressure of the atmosphere, and pressure in gen- eral, is an obstacle to the boiling of liquids. This is the reason why liquids boil sooner upon the top of high mountains, and under the receiver of an air-pump, than under the pressure of the whole at- mosphere. Without this pressure of the atmosphere, it is probable that many fluids would not be known otherwise than in the elastic state. $ 204. When a liquid boils, it ceases to assume a higher degree of heat. All heat that is further added, is employed in the formation of steam. But when the vessel is closed in such a manner, that the steam is prevented from passing off, then the liquid can assume a degree of heat far sur- passing the boiling point. The steam which is thus shut up, is capable of exercising an immense pressure, which is now universally employed in machinery. Here the teacher might give a description of the steam-engine, and its application. (An excellent and cheap model of it has lately been prepared by Mr Claxton, a skilful mechanic of Boston.) § 205. When the degree of temperature is Deco nposi- reduced by mechanical pressure, steam loses its elasticity, and returns to its liquid state. This process is called the decomposition of steam. $ 206. No formation of steam or vapor can take Absorption of place without absorption of heat ($ 189, page 100). Hence the surrounding bodies must lose a portion of their heat, and become cooler. This serves to explain a number of phenomena : the cooling of rooms in summer, by sprinkling them with water; tion of steam. heat by steam. 106 OF HEAT. the sensation of cold, experienced by wetting the hand with spirits of wine or ether, and suffering these substances to evaporate upon it ; the re- freshing coolness felt-in summer after a bath, &c. Fog, mist. $. 207. When steam, either by a diminution of heat, or by pressure, begins to be decomposed, it forms a great number of exceedingly little drops, whose specific gravity is not sufficiently great to overcome the resistance of air, and which remain, therefore, suspended in the atmosphere. In this state they are visible, and form what is commonly called a fog, or mist. Such a mist or fog is almost always formed, when the steam from a boiling liquid escapes into a cooler atmosphere. § 208. Atmospheric air changes continually, Evaporation, exhalation. and at all degrees of temperature, a certain por- tion of water into steam. This process, which is carried on much slower than the formation of steam by intense heat, receives the name of evaporation, or exhalation. Our atmosphere is in this manner constantly filled with an immense quantity of steam and vapor, which, as long as they are perfectly elastic, are dry and pellucid; but when they separate again from the atmos- phere, by being either cooled down or condensed, they appear as fog, mist, or clouds, and finally descend as rain or snow. $ 209. Steam and vapors which are not per- fectly dissolved in the atmosphere, frequently adhere to other substances, and thereby damp and wet them. In this state they are often sucked in by the adhesive attraction of these bodies, Rain and SNOW. OF HEAT. 107 which, by the degree of their subsequent expan- sion, indicate the dampness of the atmosphere. Upon this principle is founded the theory of the hy- Hygrometer. grometer, which is an instrument for measuring the dampness of the atmosphere. The hygrometrical sub- stance is either a human hair (Saussure's), or a cat-gut (Lamberts), or it is a whale-bone (De Luc's). They are all too imperfect and variable to give any results to be relied upon, and deserve, therefore, as yet, no place in a text-book. § 210. When liquids are exposed to certain Congelation, freezing. degrees of cold (which is either done by bringing them in contact with colder bodies, or by exposing them to the influence of a colder atmosphere), they congeal and become solid. This is called the congelation or freezing of liquids. All liquids, with the exception of alcohol, have been reduced to the solid state ; but very different degrees of cold are required for this purpose, in different substances. (See Table IV. at the end of the book.) § 211. When the process of congelation is going on slowly, so that the particles of the liquids have time to follow their mutual cohesive attrac- tion, they assume regular geometrical forms, and the solids thence obtained are termed crystals (see $ 33, page 11). § 212. When water is changed into ice, it receives a regular texture, and becomes porous. On this account, its volume is greater than that of the water from which it is obtained, the ratio being nearly as 9 to 8. This explains why glass and other vessels burst, when water freezes in them; why trees and rocks 108 OF HEAT. burst in severe winters, &c. But so long as water remains liquid, it contracts by cold, and reaches its greatest density a few degrees above the freezing point. $213. It remains to be observed, that heat is a powerful chemical agent. All chemical combi- nations, namely, take place sooner, when the bodies are brought to a certain degree of tempe- rature; and there is hardly any chemical process, which is not more or less accompanied with an absorption or disengagement of heat. These phenomena, however, form no part of Natural Philosophy, and are more properly treated of in Chemistry 109 CHAPTER VI. OF LIGHT. $ 214. Light is one of the most powerful Nature of light. agents in the whole material world. Its nature has not yet been ascertained. Two very opposite opinions, however, have been maintained by phi- losophers, with regard to its origin and its propa- gation. Some suppose it to consist of material particles, emanating from the luminous body, with immense velocity, and in all directions (Sir Isaac Newton's hypothesis); while there are others (Huygens, Euler, Young, &c,) who believe it to be a fluid diffused through all nature, and in which vibrations and undulations are produced by the action of the luminous body, which are then prop- agated through the air, in a manner similar to sound. We shall adhere neither to the one nor the other hypothesis, but treat only of the laws and motion of light, which are perfectly demonstrable by mathemati- cal science, § 215. The operation of light or of luminous Seeing. bodies upon the is accompanied by a sensa- tion which is called the seeing of bodies; and throagh it we become conscious of the situation, figure, magnitude, and motion of the luminous body. eye, 10 110 OF LIGHT. Luminous and illumine bodies. Reflected light. $ 216. With respect to light, all bodies are either of themselves luminous, or they are illu- mined (receive light from others), so that we can see them. Among the luminous bodies we count the sun, the fixed stars, phosphorus, some fishes, and insects, the flame of candles, lamps, &c. Light may also be pro- .duced by pressure, friction, putrefaction, and other chemical processes. Sometimes a luminous body is not seen when near another, of a more intense light. $ 217. When the light which dark bodies re- ceive from luminous bodies, is reflected by them into our eyes, then they become visible, and we say that we see them. The light thus received, is termed reflected light. $218. Some bodies, instead of reflecting light, Transparen- cy, opacity. suffer a great quantity of it to pass through them. These are called transparent, or pellucid; while those which do not possess this property, are termed opaque bodies. Most liquids and crystals are transparent. Polished metals, being the best reflectors, suffer no light to pass through them, except when hammered out into very thin plates. 8 219. A third kind of bodies, which of Light-mag- themselves possess no light, have the faculty of becoming luminous, when exposed to sunshine, or to the intense light of a flame or candle, and continue afterwards to throw out light in the dark, for a considerable length of time. These are by some called light-magnets or absorbers of light. Instances of this kind are the diamond, phosphor of Canton, &c. Snow and ice probably belong to the same class of bodies. nets. OF LIGHT. 111 220. All the light which falls upon dark Black and white bodies. bodies is not reflected by them. A portion of it is absorbed, or at least not reflected into our eyes. Those which absorb light most are called black ; those which reflect it most are termed white bodies. $ 221. Light is propagated in straight lines, Propagation of light. with a prodigious velocity of about 195,000 miles in a second. The first of these assertions (that light moves in straight lines), is proved by the fact that bodies cannot be seen through bent tubes, and it may also be infer- red from the shadow which dark bodies cast. For the discovery of the velocity of light, we are indebted to Römer and Bradley, who have proved, from observing the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, that light needs but 7 minutes to travel from the sun to the earth. From this immense velocity of light, it is plain that the velo- city with which it traverses the greatest possible terrestrial distance, can neither be measured nor observed, with the nicest time-keepers; as it would need but one twentyfourth part of a second to travel from one point of the earth to the other. 5 222. Iflight is propagated in rays or straight Density of lines, its density decreases in proportion to the light. squares of the distances, from the luminous body. This law is established on the same principle, on which we established a similar law for the propagation of sound ($ 122, page 62), and applies equally well to all propagation of motion or matter in form of rays. When a beam of light passes through Refraction of a transparent body, it is first bent or broken from light. its direction, on its passage through that body, and then bent again on emerging from it. This is called the refraction of light; and its degree yaries in different substances. $ 223. 112 OF LIGHT. This may be illustrated by an experiment. Let PQ be a vessel, in one of whose sides is a small hole, P A D F B C Inflection of light. 0. Place a lighted candle at a distance of two or three feet from it, so that its flame is in A. A ray of light proceeding from it, will pass through the hole o, in a straight line AB, and strike the bottom of the vessel at B, where it will form a small circle of light. But when the vessel is filled with water, up to EF, this circle of light, instead of being in B, will fall upon C, the beam of light being bent in the point D, where it strikes the water. These phenomena we shall notice more particularly hereafter. $ 224. We know, also, from experience, that light is changed from its direction, when passing near the surface, edges, or corners of bodies, in which case it is said to be inflected. This phenomena, in the opinion of some philoso- phers, speaks for the materiality of light; inasmuch as they seek the cause of it in the chemical affinity which the substance of light has for these bodies, by the attraction of which, it seems to be bent from its original direction. $ 226. When light falls upon an opaque body , the latter casts a shade behind it, whose magni- tude, shape, and position depend upon the maga nitude and shape of the opaque body, upon its distance from the luminous body, and the direction of the light which strikes upon it. Its further theory belongs to Mathematics and the fine arts, Shade. OF LIGHT. 113 Let us now consider separately, the three prin- cipal phenomena in the propagation of light:- reflection, refraction, and the formation of colors. 1. REFLECTION OF LIGHT. $ 226. When @ray of light falls upon a pol- ished surface, either plane or curved, it follows the laws of elastic bodies (§. 99, page 52), and is con- sequently reflected in such a way, that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This may be shown by an experiment; (reflecting the light of the sun or of a candle, from a looking- glass). $ 227. Bodies which are commonly used to Mirrors. reflect light, are called mirrors. They are made either of metal or glass, having their surface highly polished. Mirrors are either plane, con- Plane, con- cave, or convex, according as their surfaces are cave, and plane, or spherical (the curvature turned inward, rors. or outward). Glass mirrors must be quicksilvered on one side, in order to reflect more light. Metallic mirrors are the best reflectors; those of platinum admitting of the high- est polish. convex mir 10* 114 OF LIGHT. A. Reflection of Light from Plane Mirrors, § 228. Law. - A luminous point before the mirror, appears to the eye as if proceeding from a point situated exactly as far behind the mirror, as the luminous point is before it. M AL S A D N Let A (see the figure) be a luminous point; AB a ray of light striking the plane mirror, MN; BC the same beam AB, reflected from the mirror MN; then by ex- tending the reflected ray BC, in the direction Ba, it will cut the perpendicular Aa, in such a manner, that the distance as, is equal to AS. In the same manner will every other ray, emanating from the same luminous point A, be reflected as if coming from the point a be- hind the mirror: an eye in 0, therefore, will receive the reflected rays, AB, AS, AR, &c, as if proceeding from the point a, which is exactly as far behind the mirror as the luminous point A is before it. § 229. The point a behind the mirror, from which the rays of light seem to proceed, is called OF LIGHT. 115 the image of the luminous point A, before it. The law just found for a luminous point, applies equally to a whole object, which will therefore ap- pear behind the mirror, at the same distance, and have the same situation and magnitude, which it has before the mirror. B. Reflection of Light from Spherical Mirrors. $ 230. Law. — The image a, of a luminous point A, before a spherical concave mirror PQ, lies always in a straight line, AB, drawn from the luminous point through the centre, C, of the circle PQ, of which the mirror makes a part. This straight line is called the axis of the mirror. M B А N TOMT Let C be the centre of the spherical mirror PQ; CM its radius ; A the luminous point before the mir- ror; AB a straight line from A through the centre C; AM a ray emanating from A. Then the angle of in- cidence, AMC, being equal to the angle of reflection, CMa, it follows that Ma is the reflected ray; and in a similar manner it may be shown, that every other ray proceeding from the luminous point A is likewise 116 OF LIGHT. reflected to the point a'; wherefore a will be the im- age of A. And if the point A is situated differently with regard to the concave mirror PQ, it will still be found, that its image lies in a straight line, drawn from the point A, through the centre of the mirror.* If a were the luminous point, then aM would be em- anating ray, MA the reflected ray, and the point A the image of a. This is sufficiently plain from inspection. (See the figure.) $ 231. When parallel rays strike upon a spher- ical concave mirror, they are reflected in a point, which lies exactly in the nviddle, between the mirror and the centre C of the arc PQ. This is the case when the rays of the sun strike upon it, which, on account of the great distance of the sun, may be considered as parallel. The point in which these rays are reflected is called the burning point, or focus ; because an indefinite degree of heat may be produced there, by the concentration of the sun-beams. Diverging rays are collected in a point, which is as much nearer the focus as the luminous point is remote from the mirror. $ 232. The distance of the image from the mirror depends upon the distance of the luminous point before the mirror. With regard to this we have the following law : The nearer the object approaches the focus, the greater will be the distance of the image before the mirror. When the object A is in the focus itself (Fig. I.), then there will be no Focus, or burning point. - * When the mirror is an arc of more than 10 degrees, there will be some incorrectness in the reflection of rays, and the image in a will not be distinct. OF LIGHT. 117 Fig. 1. A image at all, because the rays will then be reflect- ed parallel to one another. Lastly, when the ob- ject A is between the focus and the mirror (Fig. II.), Fig. II. AF a -B the reflected rays will be diverging, and the image will be behind the mirror, in a point, a, which, to distinguish it from the real focus, before the mirror, is called the geometrical or virtual focus. Geometrical focus. 118 OF LIGHT. 233. If MN is a whole object before the mir- ror (Fig. III.) then the image of the point M, will Fig. III. M Tin P ry 꿔 ​N be in m, in the axis MO ($ 230); and the image of the point n, in n, in the axis NP; consequently every other point of the object MN, will have its image between m and n; so that mn is the whole image of the object MN. $ 234. When the object is further from the mirror than the focus, the image is inverted (as is the case in the last figure), but when the object is between the mirror and the focus, the image will be upright, and grow larger in proportion as the object is placed nearer the mirror. The truth of these assertions may all be proved by simple drawings; observing always to make the angle of incidence, made by the striking ray and the radius of the mirror, equal to the angle of reflection, made by the radius and the reflected ray. The whole may be illustrated by the simple experiment of placing the flame of a candle nearer or further from the focus, or in the focus itself, OF LIGHT. 119 M P m N n $ 235. How the image is formed with a con- Convex mir- vex mirror, may likewise be shown by drawing rors, (see the figure), whereby it will be easy to per- ceive, that the image appears always upright, and behind the mirror (see the figure); that it will recede from the mirror, and be smaller in propor- tion as the object (MN) recedes from it ; finally, that a convex mirror of a smaller radius, repre- sents the same object, held at the same distance from it, smaller than one of a greater radius. All these assertions may be easily verified by ex- periments with the flame of a candle. $ 236. What has been said of spherical mir- Conical and rors, will serve to explain the phenomena of mirrors. cylindrical and conical .mirrors. Both give a perfect image of the object in length, but the transversal dimensions appear smaller, and are, in conical mirrors, diminishing from the basis to the vertex of the cone. Upon this property of cylindrical and conical mir- rors, is founded the art of making certain distorted drawings and paintings, which become regular when viewed through such a mirror (catoptrical anamor- phoses). 120 OF LIGHT. C. Refraction of Light. 1. General Observations. Ratio of re- fraction. $ 237. It has been observed ($ 223, page 111), that a ray of light, AB, passing from one medium into another, is refracted ; and it has been shown, also, by experiments, that the angle of incidence, x, formed by the ray AB, and the perpendicular, P А, S B PBQ, bears a certain constant ratio to the angle of refraction y, made by the same perpendicular PBQ, with the refracted ray Bu; that is, a ratio, which, for the same two mediums, remains uni- formly the same,* whatever may be the position of the ray with respect to the surface. * Mathematically speaking this constant ratio does not exist between the angles, but between their sines, which are obtained by describing a circle from the centre B, and dropping from r and u, the perpendiculars rs and uv, to the line PQ. When the angles are small, then the ratio of their sines may be taken for that of the angles x and y. OF LIGAT. 121 Thus, the ratio of the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction, is nearly as 4 to 3, between air and water; as 100 to 65 between air and common glass, &c. $ 238. The smaller the angle of refraction, Refracting the greater is said to be the refracting power of bodies. the transparent body. In this manner the refract- ing power of many bodies has been determined. (See Table IV. at the end of the book.) Heretofore a belief existed, that the refracting power of bodies is in proportion to their densities; but experiments have since proved that the refracting power is greater in combustible substances, independ- ently of their densities. 2. Refraction of Light in a Body bounded by plane and parallel Surfaces. $ 239. When a ray of light falls perpendicu- larly upon a transparent body, bounded by plane and parallel surfaces, then no refraction takes place, and the emerging part, CD, has yet the same direction as the incidental ray, AB (sce Fig. I.) Fig. 1. A B В c D 11 122 OF LIGHT. $ 240. When parallel rays (see Fig. II.) fall obliquely upon a transparent body, bounded as before mentioned, the emerging rays will again be parallel ; because, upon entering the body, the rays will be refracted as much towards the per- pendiculars, as upon emerging from it, they are refracted from them. Fig. II. If the emerging rays pass through a second or third transparent body, the emerging rays will still be par- allel to each other, provided the refracting surfaces are themselves parallel to each other. This is, for instance, case with the rays of the sun, when refracted through several parallel panes of a window, &c. OF LIGHT. 123 $.241. When diverging rays fall upon a trans- parent body of the same description, then the emerging rays, cD, FG, will be less diverging than Fig. III. А. B В TE G K H the incidental rays, ABK, AEH, when the trans- parent body possesses a greater refracting power, ($ 238, page 121), than the air, and more diverg- ing when the reverse takes place. (Fig. III. represents the first case, and Fig. IV. the second.) Fig. Iy Ti-. 124 OF LIGHT. These principles will serve to explain a variety of phenomena, viz:- why, through the refraction of light in the atmosphere, the stars appear higher than they really are; because the different strata of air, becoming more dense in proportion as they approach the surface of the earth, a ray of passing through them, is continually refracted, and describes an arc AO, so that the spectator's eye in O sees the star A in (The distance between A and a is termed the a. а A parallax, and is of the greatest importance in astrono- my):— why a body, placed under water, appears nearer the surface : why a rod, partly immersed in water, appears broken: why an atmosphere, charged with fog or mist, exhibits different optical deceptions, particularly in the vicinity of lakes, and other large bodies of water (the futa morgana, near the city of Reggio, in Italy), &c.* Among those who have particularly distinguished themselves in this department of Natural Philosophy, are Dr Brewster and Dr Wollaston, in England; Messrs Biot, Arrago, and Malus, in France; and Tobias Mayer, and Prof. Wünsch, in Germany. - See Gilbert's Annals of Nat. Philosophy; Gehler's Dictionary of Nat. Philosophy, newly edited by Dr Brandes. OF LIGHT 125 3. Refraction of Light through Bodies bounded by spherical Surfaces (Lenses). Lenses. $ 242. A piece of glass having on one or both sides a spherical form, is called a lens.* There are seven different kinds of lenses. A B с D E F G M HD IN 1. A spherical lens, A (see the figure), having every point in its surface at the same distance from a common centre. 2. A double convex lens, (B), bounded by two spherical sections. 3. A plano-convex lens (C); bounded by a plane on one side, and a spherical section on the other. 4. A double concave lens (D), bounded by two concave spherical sections. 5. A plano-concave lens (E), bounded by a plane on one side, and a concave spherical section on the other. 6. A meniscus (F), bounded by a concave and a convex spherical surface"; the radius of the convex surface being smaller than that of the con- cave surface. * From the Latin lentil, a small kind of bean. 11* 126 OF LIGHT. 7. A concavo-convex lens (G), bounded by a concave and convex surface, but the radius of the concave surface being smaller than that of the convex surface. The line MN, in which the centres of these spherical surfaces are situated, and to which these lenses are perpendicular, is called their axis. Properties of $ 243. All convex lenses have the following convex lenses. properties :- 1. Parallel rays (Fig. I.), or rays proceeding Fig. 1. F from a distant object A, (Fig. II.), are refracted Fig. II. A F by them in such a manner, that they unite again in a certain point, F, behind the lens. This point is called the image of A. (Compare this to the laws of reflection, $ 230.) 2. The image lies always in a straight line, drawn from the object to the centre of the lens (compare $ 230). Hence it follows that -- 3. The images of the objects before the lens, appear inverted behind it, as is the case with the image produced by concave mirrors ($ 234). OF LIGHT. 127 4. When the object is the sun, then the re- fracted rays meet in a point, which is called the focus, or burning point of the lens; because the heat produced in that point by the condensation of the sun-beams is capable of igniting combustible substances. 5. There is a focus or burning point on either side of the lens, according as one or the other side is turned towards the sun. 6. The distance of the focus from the lens is called the focal distance, and may be found by experiments.* 7. The nearer an object approaches the one focus of the lens; the further will its image fall beyond the focus on the other side. 8. When the object is placed in the focus itself, then there is no image whatever formed on the other side of the lens; because the emerging rays will be parallel to one another (compare $ 232). But when 9. The object approaches still nearer, so as to be between the focus and the lens, then the emerging rays are diverging, and seem to proceed from a point before the lens, which is called the focus of the diverging rays. * In a double and equally convex lens, the focal distance is generally equal to the radius of the sphere. If the lens is unequally convex, the focal distance is found by the follow- ing rule:- Multiply the two radii of its sections, and divide twice that product by the sum of the radii; the quotient is the focal distance required. 128 OF LIGHT. Figures III. IV. and V. represent the last three When the image is in A (Fig. III.), beyond cases. Fig. III. A а the focus F, then the image is in a, beyond the focus f, on the other side. When the object is in the focus F (Fig. IV.) then no image is formed; and the emerg- Fig. IV. M N F P ing rays MN, OP, are parallel to each other. Finally, when the object is between the focus F, and the lens Fig. V. M S N R (Fig. V.), the emerging rays MQ, NR, are diverg- ing, and seem to emanate from the point S, before the lens. 10. The further the image is made to recede from the lens, the more will the object appear magnified. Moreover, the image must be inverted (Fig. VI.), as is the case with the image pro- OF LIGHT. 129 Fig. VI. duced by refraction from a concave mirror ($ 234). 11. The greater the focal distance of the lens, the greater are the images of one and the same object, at the sanie distance from the lens; or, in other words, the magnifying power of the lens in- creases with the focal distance. All these principles may easily be proved by draw- ings or simple experiments. Their rigorous demon- stration belongs to Mathematics. $ 244. The phenomena produced by concave Phenomena of lenses are the following: - 1. When parallel rays, AB ID (Fig. I.), fall concavo lenses. Fig. I. в с A M N I DE # upon a concave lens, the emerging rays COEH, are diverging, and seem to proceed from a point F, which is called the virtual or principal focus of the lens. 130 OF LIGHT 2. When diverging rays, AB, AC, &c, (Fig. II.) (proceeding from any point beyond the focus), Fig. II. В. А fall upon a concave lens, then the emerging rays are still more diverging, and seem to proceed om a point a, between A and the centre of the lens. As the object A approaches the lens, the point a will also grow near it. 3. Converging rays are either made less con- verging, or parallel, or even diverging, according as they proceed from a point beyond the focus, or from the focus, or from a point within the focus and the lens. Hence it is evident that concave lenses are unfit for the formation of images, § 245. The effect of a meniscus (§ 242), is the same as that of a convex lens, of the same focal distance; and that of a concavo-convex lens, is likewise the same as that of a convex lens, of the same focal distance. REMARK. It is well to distinguish between Dioptric and Catoptric images. The images produced by lenses are called Dioptric images; while those produced by the refraction of light from mirrors are termed Catop- tric images. OF LIGHT. 131 D. Theory of Colors (Achromatics). r M M S B A. Violet. Indigo. Blue. Green. Yellow. Orange. Rod. c N G 220 » spectrum. § 246. When a small opening is made in the Prismatie window-shutter of a dark room, and a triangular glass prism be placed behind it, in such a manner that the rays of the sun may enter and leave the prism at equal angles ; then the rays, after being refracted by the prism, will disperse, and form upon a screen MN, an oblong image PT, contain- ing the seven colors which are enumerated in the figure; the red being least and the violet most re- fracted, from the original direction of the beam of solar light, AB. This oblong image PT is called the solar, or also the prismatic spectrum. $ 247. The magnitude of the spectrum varies according to the different substances chosen for the refracting prism. These substances, there- fore, are said to possess different dispersive powers. 132 OF LIGHT. Simple and compound colors. § 248. When a hole is made in the screen MN, opposite any of these colors, and a beam of colored light is let fall separately upon a second prism, it will be found that the light of each of these colors is alike refracted; because the second prism cannot separate them again into an oblong image, or into any other colors. For this reason, the above-mentioned seven colors are called simple, or homogeneous; and the white light, from which it is obtained, is call compound, or heterogeneous. § 249. If the prismatic spectrum is made to fall upon a lens or concave mirror, then the seven colors refracted into the focus, appear again white, as the solar beam AB, before being refracted by the prism. $ 250. Another prism, ACB, formed like the prism ABC, and made of the same substance, when brought in contact with it as represented in the figure), destroys, likewise, the spectrum PT, by refracting all the rays separated by the prism ABC, to the same point Y, where, by their mix- ture, they form again white light. $251. But when the angle of the prism A Cb is not equal to the angle of the prism ABC, then the second prism does neither correct the refraction of the first, nor prevent the dispersion of the colors, and a short spectrum is formed in Y', a little above Y, when the angle of the prism ACb is less than the angle of the prism ABC, or below Y, when the angle of the prism ABD is greater than that of the prism ABC. OF LIGHT. 133 $ 252. From these and other experiments, first made by Sir Isaac Newton,* and afterwards repeated and extended by Euler, Young, Brewster, Dollond, Leslie, Arrago, Biot, Tobias Mayer, Wünsch, &c, we are entitled to the following conclusions : 1. That white solar light is compounded of col- ored rays, and is capable of being decomposed into seven primitive colors. 2. That the seven colors have each the same capacity for being refracted, or, in other words, that they have all the same refrangibility. 3. That their mixture produces again white light. 4. That there is no refraction of light without dispersion of colors. 5. That different substances possess different dis- persive powers. $ 253. If light (according to Sir Isaac New- ton) is material, and emanating from the luminous body, then we can explain these phenomena two ways; 1st, by supposing that light is composed of heterogeneous particles, which of course affect our eyes different ways, and thereby produce the different sensations of colors; or, 2dly, by sup- posing the particles of light to be homogeneous, but differing from each other in magnitude, and * Optics, by Sir Isaac Newton. London, 1701. Optice sive de Reflexionibus, Refractionibus, Inflexionibus, et Coloribus Lucis, Libri III. auct. Is. Newtono ; lat. redd. Samuel Clarke. Lond. 1706. Leonh. Euleri nova Theoria Lucis et Colorum, in the first volume of his Opusc. varii argumenti. 12 134 OF LIGHT. producing different sensations in our eyes, on account of having different velocities. According to Young and Leonhard Euler, who believe light to consist in vibrations, similar to those which are productive of sound, the seven simple colors are to the eye, what the seven tones of the Diatonic scale are to the ear; resulting from the quicker or slower tremulations of the luminous body. White light is then for the eye what a mixture of sounds is for the ear — noise without harmony. The different shades and gra- dations of the seven simple colors, are analagous to the different octaves in music. The phenomena just described explain a number of phenomena in nature:- the appearance of the rain- bow, produced by the dispersion of colors, when solar light passes through drops of rain; the colors perceived in a soap-bubble; the colored fringe, seen when look- ing through a cut glass, &c. Herschel, a celebrated English philosopher, pretends to have discovered invisible rays of solar light, beyond the red color of the spectrum, possessing a greater degree of heat than any of the colors of the spectrum. Other experiments, however, made by Beckman, in Carlsruhe, and Leslie, in Edinburgh, do not seem to corroborate this statement. $ 254. It is important to observe the difference between refraction of light and dispersion of col- For a certain transparent medium may retract light more than another, and yet have a less dispersive power. Upon this principle is founded the construction of achromatic prisms and lenses, which refract light without decom- posing it into colors. John Dolland, of England, first found by experi- ment, that flint-glass (the white glass of which drink- ars. OF LIGHT. 135 Fig. 1. ing glasses are made), and crown-glass (the glass with which windows are glazed), а А have different dispersive powers. By combining flint and crown-glass in a lens (as is shown in Fig. I. where AB re- presents a concave lens of crown-glass, and ab a convex lens of flint-glass), the dispersive power of the flint lens corrects, to a considerable degree, that of the crown BB lens. By a concave lens of muriatic acid, with a metallic solution, between two lenses of glass (see Fig. II.), the rays of different Fig. II, colors are bent from their rectilinear course, with nearly the same regularity as by the reflection from metallic mirrors. This is an invention of Dr Blair. * $ 255. It remains for us to explain Variety of the infinite variety of colors exhibited by different bodies, when exposed to solar light, or the rays of any other luminous substance. This may be explained, according to Sir Isaac Newton's theory, by sup- posing these bodies to possess different chemical properties ($ 28), in consequence of which they decompose the white solar light, absorbing some of its simple colors, and reflecting the rest. Were we to adhere to Euler's theory, we should have to seek the reason of the variety of colors in the shape and elasticity of the surface which is pre- sented to the light; for on these would depend the angle of refraction, and the quickuess of the vibrations of the refracted colors. * Euler proved the possibility of combining two sub- stances whose dispersive powers might mutually correct each other, long before the experiments of Dolland, by the simple force of mathematical reasoning. (See Euler's Dioptrica.) 136 OF LIGHT. $256. Some bodies suffer part of the light to which they are exposed, to pass through them, and absorb or reflect the rest. This property ex- plains the blue hue of the atmosphere, the effect of colored glasses, &c.* Other bodies become transparent when their pores are filled with a transparent fluid. Paper becomes transparent when it absorbs a quantity of oil ; the stone called hydrophane, when dipped in water, &c. $ 257. The chemical properties of bodies may be so changed, that they act differently upon light from what they did before. In this case, they must also exhibit a different color. Instances of this kind are daily furnished in chemistry; or we may also cover the surface of a body with a substance (pigment), which operates differently upon light, and thereby produces a change of color. Hereupon depends the process of dyeing, painting, &c. * Goethe, in his Acromatics (Goethe's Farbenlehre, Tubingen, 1810), explains the variety of colors in a manner diametrically opposite to that of Sir Isaac Newton. But his work is better adapted to painters and artists, as the whole subject is treated in particular reference to the fine arts. OF VISION, 137 E. Of Vision. 1. The Eye. $ 258. The human eye (of which Fig. I. is a front view, and Fig. II, a vertical section), is nearly of a globular form, with a slight elongation Fig. 1. Fig. II. al M 7 7 a N r a M 7OFA al or projection in front. It consists of four coats, or membranes, - the sclerotic, the cornea, the choroid, and the retina :— of two fluids, the aqueous and the vitreous ; —and of the crystalline lens. $ 259. The sclerotic coat, aaaa (Fig. I. and II.), the outer and strongest coat, (commonly called the white of the eye), to which are attached the muscles for giving it motion. Joined to it, is the cornea, bb, which is the clear and transparent membrane through which we see. The cornea consists of several layers, to give it strength, and to defend the delicate part within from external 12* 138 OF VISION injury. On the inner surface of the sclerotic coat, is the choroid coat, covered with a black pigment. The innermost coat is the retina, rrrr, formed from the expansion of the optic nerve, which enters the eye at 0. In the centre of the retina is a small hole, with a yellow margin ; properly speaking, it is but a transparent spot, free of the pulpy matter of which the retina con- sists. 260. The interior part of the globe of the eye is divided into two very unequal segments, by a flat, circular membrane, ef, called the iris. It is of different colors in different persons, and we are in a habit of calling a person black-eyed, blue-eyed, &c, according as the iris of his eyes is black, blue, &c. The iris has a circular opening d (Fig. I. and II.) in its centre, called the pupil, which expands when the light which enters through it is diminished, and contracts when the light is increased. The space before the iris, which is called the anterior chamber of the eye, contains the aqueous humor, from its resemblance to pure water; and the space behind the iris is called the posterior chamber, and contains the crystalline lens, ll, and the vitreous humor, which fills all the rest of the eye. § 261. The crystalline lens is suspended in a transparent capsule, or bag, by what are called the ciliary processes, gg. This lens is more con- vex behind than in front (as shown in the figure), and consists of concentric coats, which are again composed of fibres. The lens is destined to con- vey the rays, after refraction, to the retina, there OF VISION. 139 to form the image of the object before the eye. The vitreous humor MMN, which occupies the largest portion of the eye, lies immediately behind the crystalline lens, and fills the whole space be- tween it and the retina, rrrr.* 2. Vision. $262. The crystalline lens and the retina, are by far the most important parts of the eye, and on them depends chiefly the process of seeing. The rays of light which enter the eye through the pupil, after being refracted through the crystalline lens, and the other aqueous and vitreous humors of the eye, impress the retina with a distinct im- age of the object before the eye see the figure), * The above description of the eye is chiefly taken from the excellent treatise on optics, in the Library of Useful Knowledge. Those teachers who wish for a more detailed description of the eye, and the functions of each of its mem- branes, will find it in the first volume of Caldwell's transla- tion of Blumenbach's Physiology ; Sect. XXI. on Vision. Philadelphia, 1795. For a more minute description of the crystalline lens, and its muscular properties, see Prof. Reil's Dissertation, in Gren's Journal of Natural Philosophy. Vol. VIII. page 325. 140 OF VISION. in a manner similar to the formation of images by convex lenses ($ 243, page 126). We see an ob- ject the clearer the more distinctly the retina is impressed with its image. § 263. The different humors of the eye seem to be destined to correct the dispersion of colors by the crystalline lens; otherwise we should see all things embroidered with colors and fringes, as they appear when seen through a prism. $ 264. The eye cannot see clearly a distant object and a near one, at the same time ; because the image of the more remote object, will be nearer the crystalline lens than that of the object which is at a shorter distance ($ 243, page 127, 7thly); consequently, when the image of the one is distinct on the retina, that of the other will be less so. § 265. Some persons cannot see well at a distance, while others cannot see clearly an object which is near them. The former are called near- sighted, and the latter long-sighted. In a near- sighted person, the image of a distant object falls always between the retina and the crystalline lens; in a far-sighted person, the image of a near object falls beyond the retina. Hence the inven- tion and use of spectacles. Near-sighted persons need concave glasses; far-sighted persons use convex glasses, to produce a distinct image on the retina. 266. The images of the objects before the eye appear inverted on the retina (§ 243, 3dly). Several images, however, have, with regard to OF VISION 141 each other, the same relative position which the objects themselves have, and this is the reason why we do not see them inverted. We do not even become conscious of this inversion of the images upon the retina, and do not judge, from the position of the image in the eye, of what is above or below, to the right or left of an object.* § 267. Two lines (see the figure), drawn from the two extremities of an object to the middle of the crystalline lens, form what is called the visual angle, and the image of the object itself is formed upon the retina, within the ex- tended legs of this angle. The greater the angle is, the greater is the image on the retina ; the greater, therefore, appears the object itself. When the visual angle is very small, then the object, which appears to diminish to a simple point, can no longer be perceived, unless it be * This is a matter of physiological speculation. The eye seems to be merely the medium through which the optic nerve receives impressions from the objects before the eye. But in what manner the optic nerve propagates these im- pressions through the brain, and how thence the mind itself becomes conscious of them, is totally unknown to the anat- omist and the physiologist, 142 OF VISION very intensely illumined. This is the case with the fixed stars, which we cannot perceive in daylight. 268. The further an object is from the eye, the smaller is the visual angle (see the last figure). Of the distance itself, however, we do not become conscious by mere vision. On the contrary, we know that children, and persons who have had cataracts removed, had no idea of dis- tance, but had to acquire it by experience. Thus, we judge of the distance of an object by comparing its apparent magnitude to its known size ; by the weakness or intensity of the light in which it appears; by the number of things which are seen between the object and the eye, &c. F. Optical Instruments. $ 269. The following are some of the principal instruments now in use. 1. The camera obscura, or darkened chamber. פיינטס Camera ob- darkened chamber. A D B If through the window-shutter of a darkened room, a small circular hole be made, and provided with a double convex lens, the images of external objects, such as trees, houses, men, &c, will be seen upon a screen, or piece of white paper, placed before the aperture, OF VISION. 143 The same phenomena may be witnessed, also, with- out a lens: but then the colors will be less bright. The images appear inverted (see the figure), because the rays which proceed from the top A of the object, will fall upon D, the foot of the image; whereas the ray BC, proceeding from the foot of the object, will form the top of the image. Another modification of the same instrument which is frequently used by painters, to delineate a landscape, may be seen from the following figure. It consists of a small house, with a plane reflector, inclined at 45 degrees with the hori- zon, and a plano-concave lens (see the figure), through which the rays reflected from the mirror are so refracted as to form a perfect image of the object without, upon a piece of paper, upon which the painter may sketch it. The utility of this instrument is manifest from its construction. 144 OF VISION. 2. The camera lucida, invented by Dr Wollas- ton. It consists in a quadrangular prism, at- BERRIEN B tached to a small metallic rod, which may receive any inclination you please, with the table to which it is fixed. The rays proceeding from a distant object are refracted by a prism, in such a man- ner, that, to an eye in O, the image appears upright on the horizontal table AB. This instru- ment may likewise be used for delineating a land- scape. 3. The single microscope. This consists in a double convex lens, or in a small globe of glass, made by melting the ends of a few threads of spun glass in the flame of a candle. Its magnify- ing effect, when held between the object and the eye, may easily be understood, from the properties of convex lenses ($ 243, page 126). OF VISION 145 4. The compound microscope: It is composed of two lenses (see the figure), fixed in a tube, А с B D ABCD, in such a way that an image of the object P is formed within the tube, and afterwards seen magnified through the other lens, AB. The object is commonly placed a little beyond the focus of the smaller lens, CD, which is called the object-glass ; while the lens AB is called the eye-glass. 5. The astronomical telescope; which consists A M P D K B В N of two convex lenses, of unequal focal lengths (§ 243, 6th), and placed at a distance from each other, equal to the sum of their focal lengths. The lens of greater focal length forms the object-glass ; the other lens forms the eye-glass. The rays MA, NB, which come from a very distant object, for instance from a star (and which may, therefore, be considered as parallel to each other), are by the object-glass collected into an image, K. This image is then seen as many times magnified through the eye-glass DC, as the focal length of 13 146 OF VISION this eye-glass is contained in the focal length of the object-glass. Thus, if the focal length of the eye-glass DC be 100 times contained in that of the object-glass AB, the star will be seen 100 times magnified. That the object is seen invert- ed, is casily perceived from the figure. The ray AM will, after refraction, be seen in the direction CO, and the ray NB in the direction DP. 6. The terrestrial telescope, for such purposes P А E см Ο Η! DN Q B as ship and spy-glasses. This is a refracting telescope, with two additional eye-glasses of the same size and shape, placed at equal distances from each other, and in such a manner that the focus of the one meets that of the next lens. These two additional eye-glasses, EF, GH, are introduced for the purpose of collecting the rays proceeding from the inverted image, MN, into a new, upright image, between GH and EF, which is then seen through the last eye-glass, GH, under the visual angle, POQ. The image of the object, seen through a refracting telescope, is never so clear and perfect as that obtain- ed by the reflecting telescope (first projected by Kepler); because the dispersion of colors which every lens more or less produces, renders the image dull and indistinct, in proportion to the number of lenses employed. OF VISION. 147 7. The reflecting telescope (see the figure). It A 7 7 g G 2 B consists of a large tube, containing two concave metallic mirrors, AB, and c, with two plano-convex eye-glasses. The mirrors are placed at a little more than the sum of their focal distance from each other. The effeet produced by it is this: The parallel rays, rr, rr, coming from a distant object, are by the mirror AB reflected to a focus g, where an inverted image of the object is formed. The diverging rays proceeding from this image are by the small mirror c again reflected, and received, by the eye-glass F, through a hole in the middle of the mirror AB. The eye-glass F collects these reflected rays into a new image, and this image, which is now upright, is seen magnified, through the second eye-glass, G. The reflecting telescope just described was invented by Dr Gregory. Its advantage over a refracting tel- escope is considerable ; because admitting of an eye- glass of a shorter focal distance, an object may be seen through it, much more magnified; and as in the reflection from the mirrors there is no dispersion of colors, the image is by far more distinct than it can ever be produced by the best coml on of lenses. Besides the telescope just described, there are others, varying a little from it in their construction. Gregory's 148 OF VISION. telescope, however, is most frequently used for as- tronomical purposes.* 8. The solar microscope. This consists of two А. lenses, C and D (see the figure), and a plane mir- ror, AB. The two lenses are contained in a tube, which is fixed in such a manner, to one of the window-shutters of a darkened room, that the only light which enters the room passes through the lens C. This lens is called the condenser. The mirror AB, remaining without, and the con- denser C, are destined to throw the greatest pos- sible light on the object, which is placed a little beyond the focus of the lens C. The rays which depart from this object are refracted by the convex lens, D, and form behind it a magnified image, whose dimensions are the greater the nearer the object approaches the principal focus of the lens C. This image is received upon a screen, as in the camera obscura, at * The most remarkable reflecting telescopes, besides the Gregorian, are Sir Isaac Newton's telescope, the Cassegra- nian reflector, and Herschel's large telescope, now Greenwich, in England. For a minute description of these instruments, see Library of Useful Knowledge, treatise on Optical Instruments. Part I. pages 11–19. OF VISION 149 The solar microscope serves to magnify little in- sects, animalculæ of infusion, &c; but the most beau- tiful experiment that can be made with it, is to witness the formation of crystals, when, instead of the object, a solution of sulphate of soda is placed near the prin- cipal focus. In a few minutes the liquid evaporates, and the process of crystallization may be followed in all its details.* Any other saline solution will pro- duce a similar effect. 9. The magic lantern, which is constructed on the same principle as the solar microscope. A L с D B But instead of the light of the sun, the fame of a candle or some other luminous body is used, When this light is of itself not intense enough, a concave mirror, AB (see the figure), is substituted for the plane mirror (in the last figure), and a lens, CD, is used for a condenser. The effect is the same as that produced by the solar micro- scope ; only proportionally weaker, as may be sup- posed from the less intense illumination of the object. * See Biot's Précis Elementaire de Physique. Tom. II. page 358. 13* 150 CHAPTER VIII. OF ELECTRICITY. A. Phenomena. Phenomena $ 270. When a piece of sealing-wax, or a of electricity. smooth surface of glass is briskly rubbed with a dry woollen cloth, and immediately afterwards held towards light and small bodies, such as pieces of paper, thread, cork, feathers, &c, these bodies will first fly to the surface which has thus been rubbed, and adhere to it for a short time, after which they are repelled again. But as soon as they have touched the table, they are again attracted, and this process continues for a consid- erable time. This property, which some bodies Electrical at- acquire by being rubbed, is called electric attrac- traction and tion and repulsion ; the surface which acquires this attractive and repulsive power is said to be ex- cited; the bodies themselves, which produce these phenomena, are called electrics; and the agent or cause to which we ascribe these phenomena, is termed electricity.* The principal electrics are amber, glass, resin, sealing-wax, the fur of most quadrupeds, feathers, dry air, dry wood, paper, silk, and perfect ice, at 13 de- grees below zero, of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Most * From the Greek word electron (amber); because the ancients knew this property of amber. OF ELECTRICITY. 151 bodies exhibit more or less the same phenomena, un- der favorable circumstances; wherefore the division of bodies into electrics and non-electrics is hardly any longer practicable.* § 271. If the experiment just described is performed in a dark room, flashes of light, of a bluish color, are perceived, during the friction, extending over the whole surface rubbed, and sparks, attended with a snapping sound, are seen to dart around it in all directions. If a round metallic ball, or a knuckle, be presented to the surface, a spark will be drawn, accompanied by a prickling sensation, and if the face be brought near, a feeling will be excited in the skin, as if it were covered with a cob-web. § 272. When a metallic tube, perfectly round Electricity on all sides, and either suspended by silk cords, and transfer. or supported by a piece of glass or sealing-wax, is brought near, or in contact with an excited surface, then the whole of that tube will exhibit the same phenomena as the excited surface itself, and is therefore, in the first case, said to be electrified by induction ; or, in the second case, by a transfer of electricity from the excited surface. But when glass, silk, or sealing-wax are in the same manner brought near, or in contact with the excited sur- face, they exhibit no such influence. $273. From this and similar experiments, we are led to infer that some bodies readily receive * The science of electricity is of modern date, and but of the seventeenth century. William Gilbert, Otto von Que- ricke, Robert Boyle, Hauksbee, Gray, Du Fay, and Frank- lin, have most contributed to its advancement. 152 OF ELECTRICITY. and non-con- ductors. Conductors and convey electricity, while there are others which seem to possess no such conducting power. The former are called conductors of electricity, and the latter non-conductors. The principal conductors of electricity are the met- als, water, and the human body. The principal non- conductors are glass, resin, silk, and sealing-wax. Insulation. § 274. When a body which is capable of con- ducting electricity, is on all sides surrounded by non-conductors, it is said to be insulated. The great difference between a conductor and a non-conductor, consists chiefly in this: When an insulated conductor touches an excited surface, its whole surface becomes electric; and when, in this state, it is again touched by a non-insulated conductor, it loses at once its electricity. A non-conductor, on the contrary, shows the electric phenomena only in the point which has been touched by the excited surface; and when electrified by rubbing, and touched by a conductor, it loses its electricity only in the point of contact. § 275. It is important to observe, that all non-electrics. electrics are non-conductors; and that, on the contrary, the best conductors are non-electrics, – or, in other words, that the power of producing electricity increases in all bodies in proportion as their power of conveying this influence dimin- ishes, and vice versa. $ 276. When a metallic body is insulated, and becomes electrified by transfer from an excited surface, its electricity is for a considerable time permanent ; but when it is touched with the hand, or brought in contact with conducting bodies, which communicate with the earth, then its electricity is lost by diffusion into the mass of Electrics and OF ELECTRICITY. 153 the earth, which is an inexhaustible source for the absorption and supply of electricity. $ 277. In order that a body shall contain Proper shape for retaining electricity for a considerable time, it is neces- electricity. sary that its form should be as nearly as possible spherical (a sphere, a spheroid, or a cylinder ter- minated on both sides by a hemisphere). For it has been found by experiments that electricity es- capes most readily from bodies of a pointed figure, in proportion as the points project from the sur- face. $ 278. To perform electric experiments with Electrical greater ease and facility, we make use of what is called an electrical machine. It consists chiefly machine. С of four parts, viz. - the electric, the rubber, the conductor, and the insulator, 154 OF ELECTRICITY. tance. The best machine for this purpose consists of a circular glass plate, A,* turning on an axis. (See the figure.) It is rubbed by two pair of cushions, fixed at opposite parts of the circumference, by elastic frames of wood. A hollow brass tube, C (the prime conductor), supported by glass columns (the insulator), is fixed to the machine in such a manner, that its branched ex- tremities, which are commonly furnished with pointed wire, nearly meet the plate. $ 279. By means of this machine, the above Single spark. Striking dis- described electrical phenomena may be witnessed much more distinctly, than by rubbing the electric with the hand. If a round conductor, or the knuckle, is presented to the conductor of the machine, a vivid spark proceeds from it, which is called the single spark. The greatest distance at which this spark may be drawn, is called the striking distance of the machine. To produce these phenomena to their fullest extent, it is necessary that the rubber should communicate with the earth. Very near the conductor, the sparks are smaller than at a greater distance from it. B. Opposite Electricity. Opposite electricity. $ 280. For the discovery of opposite electricity we are indebted to Du Fay. It is established on the following phenomena and experiments. 1. If a glass tube and a piece of sealing-wax are both suspended by silk cords, and an excited surface (for instance, a piece of rubbed glass), is * See Biot's Traité de Physique. Tome I. page 545, OF ELECTRICITY. 155 presented to them, then this surface attracts both the suspended glass tube and the sealing-wax. The same takes place when the excited surface is a piece of sealing-wax. 2. When the suspended sealing-wax and glass- tube are themselves electrified, and a rubbed piece of glass is presented to each of them as before, then the electrified sealing-wax is attracted by it, and the electrified glass tube is repelled. 3. But if an excited piece of sealing-wax is used instead of the excited piece of glass, then the electrified glass tube will be attracted, and the electrified sealing-wax will be repelled. § 281. These experiments establish the fol- lowing laws. 1. An un-electrified body is always attracted by Laws of op- posite elec- an excited electric, whatever be its nature. tricity. 2. The electricity produced by rubbing a piece of sealing-wax, is essentially different from that produced by rubbing a piece of glass. And such is the nature of these two kinds of electricity, that bodies under the influence of the same electri- city repel each other, while those acted upon by different electricities evince a mutual attraction. § 282. To distinguish these two kinds of Positive and electricity, Du Fay, called that which is excited tricity. negative elec- by rubbing glass, the vitreous or positive electri- city; and that which is produced by rubbing a piece of sealing-wax, the resinous or negative clectricity. If we denote the vitreous electricity 156 OF ELECTRICITY. - - by + E, and the resinous electricity by — E, we shall have the following table: + E repels + E. E repels — E. + E attracts - E. E attracts + E. When the rubber of an electrical machine is also provided with a conductor, then this conductor exhibits the phenomena of resinous electricity, or E; and the prime conductor exhibits those of the vitreous electricity, or + E. § 283. This law holds, not only of excited electricity, but also of that which is transferred from an excited surface to another body. This may be shown by two little pith-balls. When both receive + E, or both — E, from an excited sur- face, they will, in both cases, repel each other. But when the one receives + E, and the other — E, then they attract each other. (For the purpose of perform- ing this experiment, the pith-balls had better be suspended by flax or silk cords.) $ 294. Upon the repulsive power which one ter, and elec- electrified body exercises upon another, which is troscopes. under the influence of the same electricity, is founded the construction of electrometers or elec- troscopes. These are instruments for measuring or indicating the degree of electricity with which a body is charged. d One of the simplest contrivances of this kind is Henley's electrometer, (see the figure), but it is by no means an exact measure of electricity. It consists of a slender rod of light wood, capable of revolving round its axis C, and terminating in a small pith-ball a. This rod is the index of the instru- ment; dfe is an ivory semicircle, for Electrome- OF ELECTRICITY. 157 the purpose of showing the degree of elevation of the moveable index ca. The whole is fixed to a wooden stem, which may be fitted to a hole in the upper surface of the conductor of an electrical machine. The number of degrees described by the moveable index is then the evidence of the quantity of electricity with which the apparatus is charged. The repulsive and attractive power between the two kinds of electricity, is also taken advantage of in some electric toys; such as the dancing of small figures cut out of paper or cork-wood, between two metallic plates, of which one communicates with the earth, and the other with the conductor of the ma- chine — the flying feather, the electrical spider, &c. 285. When a piece of metal, shaped in the form of an S, and pointed at both ends, is placed upon a pointed wire, which communicates with either of the conductors of an electrical machine (s 277), then it will move round with great ve- locity while the machine is turning. If the ex- periment is performed in the dark, then a circle of light is seen, and a current of air is felt to proceed from the points of the metal; which, however, is generally noticed when electricity escapes from a pointed surface. C. Theory of Electricity. $286. To explain the above described phe- Theory. nomena of electricity, two theories have been established; one by Du Fay, and the other by Dr Franklin. 14 158 OF ELECTRICITY. I. According to Du Fay's theory, there exist two very subtile and highly elastic fluids, which per- vade the earth and all bodies, but are void of any perceptible degree of gravity. These two fluids possess the following properties :- a. They move with various degrees of facility, through different substances : in conductors, or non-electrics, such as metals, the human body, &c, without the least perceptible obstruction ; but in non-conductors, or electrics, such as glass, resin, &c, they move apparently with great diffi- culty. 6. Both fluids possess the same general proper- ties; but in relation to one another, their natures are essentially different, and so completely oppo- site to each other, that when combined they neutralize and balance each other, and all visible action ceases. c. By friction, or other causes, the union in which these fluids exist in all bodies, is dissolved; the vitreous electricity is impelled in one direc- tion, and the resinous electricity in the opposite one. Thus when a piece of glass is rubbed, the vitreous electricity accumulates on the surface of the glass, and the resinous electricity passes over to the rubber. d. The particles of one fluid have a strong attraction for those of the other ; but the particles of the same fluid repel each other (on account of their perfect elasticity), with a force which is in the inverse ratio of the square of the distances. OF ELECTRICITY. 159 Hence the attraction which is manifest between two insulated bodies, charged with different electricities, and the repulsion between two insulated bodies, under the influence of the same electricity. II. Dr Franklin ascribes all electric phenomena to the agency of a single highly elastic fluid, which is dispersed through the pores of all bodies, and, from some cause or other, moves through them with various degrees of velocity, according as these bodies are conductors or non-conductors of electricity The electric phenomena are then explained thus : a. When the attraction which every body has for the electric fluid is equal to the degree of force with which the particles of this fluid repel each other, then no electric phenomena will take place, and the electric fluid is said to be in equi- librium. b. When a body is excited, the electric equi- librium is destroyed ; one part of the excited body contains more, and the other part less than its ordinary share of electricity. That part which contains more than its natural share of electricity, is said to be positively electrified ; the other, which has less than the ordinary share, is said to be negatively electrified. An insulated conductor of electricity, brought in contact with a positively excited sur- face, receives from it part of its surplus of electri- city, and becomes therefore itself positively elec- trified. If on the contrary, the same conductor is c. 160 OF ELECTRICITY. made to touch a negatively excited surface, it will lose part of its own electricity, and thereby become negatively electric. d. When a positively electrified conductor, and another which is negatively electrified, are brought near each other, the surplus of electricity of the one rushes violently over to the negative conductor, and restores the electric equilibrium. This is generally accompanied by a flash of light (a spark), and the other phenomena described ($ 270, 271, pages 150, 151). REMARK. Dr Franklin's theory explains all electric phenomena full as well as Du Fay's. The only appa- rent difficulty seems to be in the repulsion of two negatively electrified bodies; for which purpose we must assume that the particles of a body which are void of electricity repel each other, in the same man- ner as those which are actually charged with the fluid. It is on this account, and because, according to Dr Franklin, the electric fluid must have the same attrac- tion for all bodies, that some modern philosophers (such as Biot, Berzelius, Meissner, Strommeyer, Tobias Mayer, &c,) still adhere to Du Fay's theory, although Dr Franklin's theory, on account of its sim- plicity and elegance, is, and justly deserves to be, preferred by most electricians. D. Electrical Instruments. § 287. Besides the electrical machine ($ 277, page 153), there are yet a variety of other instru- ments for the purpose of exhibiting the electric phenomena. Among those we will merely men- tion the following three : the electric jar, or Leyden OF ELECTRICITY. 161 phial, the electrical battery, the electrophorus, and the condenser. § 288. The electric jar, or Leyden phial,* for Electric jar. ФА. the purpose of accumulating large quantities of electricity. It consists of a jar or bottle, provided on both sides with a coating of tin-foil ; leaving, however, a sufficient space uncovered at its upper part, to prevent a spontaneous discharge (which might occur, if the two coatings were not entirely separated from each other). A metallic rod, rising two or three inches above the jar, and ending in a brass ball, A, called the knob of the jar, extends through the cover, and is in contact with the interior coating. The outer coating communicates with the ground. $ 289. When the knob is brought in contact, or communicates with the prime conductor of an electrical machine, then the positive electricity * So called, because Cunæus and Muschenbroek, in Ley- den, first constructed these phials, in 1745. The discovery was made accidentally, by Von Kleist, the 11th of October, 1745. 14* 162 OF ELECTRICITY. (282), which is accumulated at the surface of the conductor passes through the knob to the interior coating, whence its escape is prevented by the interval of uncovered glass (a non-conductor); while the outer coating becomes, at the same time, negatively electrified. In this state the phial is said to be charged. The phial may also be charged by connecting the knob with the negative conductor of the machine (the conductor of the electricity of the rubber); but then the inner coating will be negatively, and the outer coating, positively, electrified. If the knob, instead of touching the conductor of the machine, is brought within its striking distance (§ 279), then a succession of sparks will pass from the conductor to the knob ; and if the phial is insulated, and the knuckle, or any round conductor be presented to the outer coating, the same number of sparks will be drawn from it, simultaneously with those of the conductor. An insu- lated phial cannot be charged. $ 290. When several electric jars or phials are connected together, a prodigious quantity of electricity may be accumulated. They then re- ceive the name of an electric battery (see the figure). For this purpose, the inner coating must Electric bat- tery. OF ELECTRICITY. 163 communicate with each other by metallic rods, and the outer coatings must have a similar com- munication with each other, which is commonly established by placing the phials with their cover- ed bottoms on a sheet of tin-foil. When this is done, the whole battery may be charged, like a single phial. $ 291. For the purpose of discharging an elec- tric jar or battery, which is done by establishing a direct communication between the inner and outer coating (between the positive and negative electricity (282), we make use of an instrument called the discharging rod, or jointed discharger. It consists of two bent metallic rods (see the figure), terminating in two brass balls, and fixed in such a manner to a glass handle, that they may be closed or separated like a pair of compasses. When one ball touches the exterior coating, and the other is quickly turned toward the knob of the phial or battery, then a discharge is effected, accompanied by a much greater spark and shock than can be obtained from the conductor of an electrical machine. The glass handle (which is 164 OF ELECTRICITY. Electric cir- cuit. a non-conductor) secures the person who holds the discharger from the effect of the shock. $ 292. To convey a whole charge of electricity through any substance or person, we must form an electric circuit, that is, we must place that substance or person between two conductors, of which one communicates with the inner, and the other with the outer coating of the phial. A number of persons may receive the electric shock at the same time, by taking hold of each other's hands, the last on one side cummunicating with the inner, and the last on the other side with the outer coating. $293. An excellent instrument for directing a discharger. charge of electricity with certainty and precision, is Henley's universal discharger. It consists of Universal c A B В two moveable wires or metallic rods, terminating in little brass balls, and insulated by two glass columns, A and B (see the figure). When one of the wires is brought in contact with the outer coating, while the other is made to touch the knob of the phial, then a direct charge is sent through the body, which is placed upon a little insulating table, C, between the extremities of the two wires. With this instrument a charge may be directed through any part of a body with the greatest accuracy. OF ELECTRICITY. 165 B, is $ 294. The electrophorus (invented by Volta, Electropho- in 1775*) is an apparatus for collect-rus. ing weak electricities. It consists B principally of three parts, the electric, the sole, and the cover. The electric A is à cake of some resinous substance, such as sulphur, sealing-wax, pitch, &c. This is melted upon the sole, A (see the figure), which is a conducting plate, provided with a rim to contain the cake. The cover, a round metallic plate, with an insulating handle.t All parts of the electrophorus must be smooth and well rounded, to prevent the escape of electricity. $ 295. The cake of the electrophorus is first Effects and excited, by rubbing it with a woollen cloth or fur ; of the elec- its electricity (according to what has been said trophorus. (5282), will be resinous, or negative. Then the cover, held by its insulating handle, is placed upon it; in which state the cover does not actu- ally touch the cake, but is yet sufficiently near it to acquire, at its lower surface, the opposite (that is, the positive), and at its upper surface the same (that is, the negative) electricity. When in this situation the upper negative surface of the cover is touched with the knuckle, or any metallic conductor that communicates with the earth, a te Wilke made use of a similar instrument previous to Volta. (See Memoirs of the Swedish Academy, Vol. XXIII.) † Instead of an insulating glass handle, the cover may be raised and placed upon the cake by three silk cords, which answer the purpose equally well, 166 OF ELECTRICITY. spark will pass from this conductor to the cover, to establish the electric equilibrium. If the cover is now removed by its insulating handle, it is found to be positively charged, and its elec- tricity may be imparted to an insulated conductor, or a Leyden phial. This operation may be re- peated a great number of times; for the negative electricity of the cake continues sometimes undi- minished for several months. If the cover is raised without previously receiving a spark from some conducting substance, then it will exhibit no sign of electricity ; for in this case it will actually have received none, its electric state having been caused only by the vicinity of an electrified sub- stance (9272). If the sole be insulated, a spark may be drawn from it when the cake is excited; and if, when the cover is on the cake, the cover be touched with one finger and the sole with another, a shock will be felt, similar in effect, though of course weaker, than that obtained from a Leyden phial. § 296. The condenser is another instrument OG AB for collecting weak electricity, from a large sur- face into a small body. This was likewise in- vented by Volta (1775). It consists of a small plate, A (see the figure), which is connected OF ELECTRICITY. 167 with the substance whose electricity we wish to examine. This is brought within a very small distance of another metallic plate, B, which com- municates with the earth. The small electricity of the substance connected with the plate A, excites by induction (§ 272) the opposite state of electricity in B. The plate B reacts now upon the plate A, and increases its capacity for receiv- ing electricity from the substance connected with it. Thus a new quantity of electricity is accu- mulated in A, which again reacts upon the plate B; and so does this mutual action and reaction continue, until an electric equilibrium is estab- lished. If the plate A is now separated from the electrified substance, and, thus insulated, removed from B, it is found by the electrometer to be charged with positive electricity. The condenser and electrophorus have received various shapes, and have been modified according to the different tastes of electricians; but the principle on which these instruments are established, is the same as that we have stated. E. Of the Motion of Accumulated Electricity. § 297. The electric fluid chooses on its pas- sage always the best conductors, although they be more circuitous; but when different passages are opened to it through equally good conductors, then it always chooses that which is the shortest. 168 OF ELECTRICITY. Thus, if a person holding a wire between his hands, discharges a jar by means of it, the whole of the fluid will pass through the wire, without affecting him; but if a piece of dry wood be substituted for the wire, he will feel a shock; for the wood being a worse con- ductor than his own body, the charge will pass through the latter, as being the easiest, although the longest passage. During its passage through the human body, the shock is felt only in those parts which are situated in the direct line of communication ; and if the charge is made through a number of persons who take each other by the hand, each will feel the electric shock, in the same manner and at the same instant, the sensa- tion reaching from hand to hand directly across the breast. By varying the point of contact, the shock may be made to pass in different directions; and this may either be confined to a small part of a limb, or be made to traverse the whole length of the body, from head to foot. § 298. The velocity with which electricity moves through a conductor has not yet been ascertained. In an electric circle of four miles in extent, the shock is felt with the same intensity, and in every point simultaneously. These experiments have been made in England, France, and Germany. But they are far from being satisfactory, and have not as yet led to any conclusion as to the manner in which electricity moves, nor the velocity with which its particles are propelled. 299. When the electric fluid meets with an impediment to its passage, either in a bad con- ductor, or the inadequate size of it, then both its velocity and its effect are diminished in proportion to the degree of obstruction. In this case, the electric fluid is often seen to deviate from its circuit, and to fly off to better conductors, which it may find in the vicinity of its passage. OF ELECTRICITY. 169 $ 300. When the metallic passage offered to a stream of electricity is interrupted by small pieces of glass, or other non-conducting sub- stances, small sparks are seen to pass through all the interruptions of the conducting substance, resembling, through its whole extent, a continued stream of light. This peculiarity in the motion of electricity explains a number of experiments; such as the formation of words and figures on a piece of glass on which frag- ments of tin-foil are pasted, sufficiently near each other for the electric fluid to pass between them; the chain of light, and other electrical toys. F. Effects of Electricity upon Bodies. mulation. $ 301. The simple accumulation of electricity Simple accu- in bodies does not produce the least sensible change in their properties. A person standing on an insulating stool (with glass legs), may be charged with any quantity of electricity from a machine without being anywise affected by it, until the electric equilibrium is destroyed by drawing a spark from him. Moreover, the electric fluid is accu- mulated only on the surface, and leaves the rest of the body in a state of perfect neutrality. $302. The uninterrupted passage of electri- Charge sent city through a conductor of sufficient size, does through a not produce the least perceptible change in the of. mechanical properties. But when a charge of electricity is sent through a non-conductor, or through à conductor of insufficient magnitude, non-conduct- > 15 170 OF ELECTRICITY. Mechanical effects of then the body is often burst or rent by the im- mense rapidity with which the electric fluid passes through it. 9 303. The mechanical effects of electricity electricity on on non-conductors which are in the line of its course, are similar to those produced by a sharp instrument driven with great violence and velocity through the substance of a body. Many of the effects of electricity, however, seem to be the effect of expansion, produced by heat, which, more or less, accompanies all electrical phenomena. non-conduct- ors. G. Of the Electricity of the Atmosphere. Electricity of $ 304. Our atmosphere is almost continually the air. charged with electricity, although varying in quan- tity and intensity, and frequently changing from the positive to the negative state. It is stronger in daytime than during the night; increasing from sunrise till about 9 o'clock, and is weakest from 12 till 4 o'clock in the afternoon. § 305. The electricity of the air is generally positive, particularly in clear weather. On the approach of fog, rain, snow, or hail, it changes often from positive to negative; but afterwards undergoes new transitions to opposite states. On the approach of a thunderstorm these alternate states of electricity follow each other with sur- prising rapidity. OF ELECTRICITY. 171 cloud, To discover the electricity with which the air is Method of charged, a metallic rod may be employed, raised to some ascertaining eminence above the ground. When its lower end is ty of the at- insulated, it will show its electrical state by affecting mosphere. an electrometer, with which it must be connected. To investigate the electricity of higher strata of air, a kite may be used, having in its string a slender piece of wire interwoven. $ 306. The analogy between the discharge of Analogy of a Leyden phial, and the electricity of a thunder- ty of a Ley- cloud was already observed by several philosophers, with that of particularly by Abbé Nollet; but it was reserved a thunder- for the immortal Franklin to prove, by actual ex- periment, the identity of the electric fluid with that of lightning On an approaching storm, in June, 1752, he raised a kite, attached a key to the lower end of the hempen string, and insulated the whole by a silk cord. After waiting for some time, Dr Franklin observed the bristling up of some of the fibres of the hempen string, and on presenting the knuckle to the key, he obtained a spark.* Dr Franklin's discovery is by far the most important and practical application of the whole science of electricity. It led him to the invention of the lightning rod for the protection of buildings and vessels from one of the most dreaded agents in nature, and explained at once the most interesting phenome- non of meteorology. § 307. To secure buildings from the effect of Method of lightning, pointed metallic rods should be placed building at least two or three feet above the highest part effects{ of they are to protect. Their thickness must not be lightning. less than half an inch, and they ought to be con- tinued, without interruption, into the ground * The same experiment was made by Dallibard and De Lors, but only in consequence of Dr Franklin's sugges- tion, 172 OF ELECTRICITY. below the foundation of the house, until it reaches either water or a moist stratum of earth. For the construction of lightning rods, copper is preferable to iron; copper being a better conductor of electricity and less liable to rust. The points of the lightning rod ought to be gilt, or be made of platina, to secure them from corrosion. Large buildings require several rods ; for it has been found by experiments, that each rod protects only a circle whose radius is twice the height of the rod above the building. 173 CHAPTER IX. OF GALVANISM. $ 308. ALTHOUGH friction is the principal Electricity means of exciting electricity, yet we know from produced by experience, that there are other causes equally heat, &c. productive of electric phenomena, though more feeble in degree than those we have treated of in the last chapter. Among these we reckon heat, chemical affinity, and the heat which is produced by contact. Different degrees of heat affect the conducting power of water, and it has been said before (§ 270), that ice at 13° Fahrenheit is an electric; conse- quently, a non-conductor of electricity. Late ex- periments have proved that changes of temperature produce similar effects in other substances. Glass, when red-hot, is no longer an electric, but becomes a conductor of electricity. The most striking in- stance of this kind is exhibited by the Tourmaline. This is a stone hard enough to scratch glass, of various colors and forms, transparent when viewed across its thickness, and perfectly opaque in the oppo- site direction. It becomes electric by heat, and when in this state affects iron-foil and other metals, in a manner similar to that of the load-stone. (See Chap. X. On Magnetism.) The electric phenomena pro- duced by chemical agency, belong to a different branch of the natural sciences. § 309. The electric phenomena produced by Explanation contact are so numerous and complicated, and have Galvanism. 15* 174 OF GALVANISM, Facts on which the theory of Galvanism depends. given rise to so many theories and conjectures, that it has become necessary to treat of them as a distinct science, which from its author, Aloysius Galvani,* is termed Galvanism. § 310. The two principal facts on which the whole theory of galvanism is established, are these : 1. The contact of two metals produces in the one an accumulation of positive electricity, or + E, and in the other negative electricity, or - E (see § 282). * Dr Aloysius Galvani, Professor of Anatomy in Bologna (born 1737, died Dec. 5, 1798), was led accidentally to this discovery in 1790. One of his pupils happened to touch the bare nerve of a frog that had been recently skinned, with the blade of a knife, while another was turning an electrical machine in its immediate neighborhood. The convulsion into which the leg of the frog was suddenly thrown, and other similar experiments, afterwards made by Galvani, and re- peated by others, led him to the idea that every muscle of the animal body resembled in its operation an electric battery; that the different fibres of which it consists are so many elec- tric jars, which are continually charged with electricity from the brain, through the conducting powers of the nerves, &c. But this theory was soon afterwards exploded by Professor Volta, of Pavia, who proved by experiment that the same convulsions in the legs of frogs and other animals, may be occasioned by touching the nerve alone with two different metals, as soon as these metals themselves are brought in contact with each other. Modern philosophers have gone further, and produced the same phenomena with homoge- neous metals, by giving each a different form or polish, or varying their temperature. Baron von Humboldt produced sudden convulsions in the leg of a frog, with two pieces of metal of the same kind, by the inere breath of his mouth. See his interesting work “ Über die gereizte Muskel und Nervenfaser.” Berlin and Posen, 1797. OF GALVANISM. 175 duced on the 2. All living bodies are, through the medium of the nerves, more or less affected, when brought in contact with two heterogeneous metals. 311. Among the effects produced on the Effects pro- human body by galvanism, it will suffice to men- human body. tion the following three, 1. When any wounded place is touched by two different metals, a very acute pain is felt as soon as these metals are brought in contact with each other. 2. If a piece of silver is placed upon the wet end of the tongue, and a piece of zinc is placed under the tongue, and the zinc is brought in con- tact with the silver, an acid taste is felt; and when the order in which the metals are placed is re- versed, the taste becomes of a more burning and pungent nature. 3. When one of the metals is placed against the moist corner of the eye, while the other touches the gum of the lower jaw, then, the moment the two metals are joined, a sensation of light is felt in the eye, as if proceeding from dis- tant lightning This sensation of lightning is purely physiological : as it is only felt by the individual who is performing the experiment, and not by those who are near him. The phenomena just described explain, in some meas- ure, why certain liquids, such as beer, ale, wine, &c, taste differently when drank out of metallic vessels, from what they do when drank out of glasses; why food prepared and served up in metallic vessels or plates, tastes not so pure as when prepared in earthen vessels, and served up on china, &c. 176 OF GALVANISM. § 312. The influence of galvanic electricity on the bare nerves and muscles of dead animals, is manifest by the sudden convulsions into which they are thrown, when touched by different metals, which are themselves brought in contact with each other. Cold-blooded animals, particularly those which are amphibious, are more affected by galvanic electricity than quadrupeds or birds. Galvani's experiment with the bare leg of a frog (see the note to page 174), can easily be repeated, by forming a chain of conducting substances between the outside of the muscles and the crural nerve; or by placing a piece of zinc under the nerve of the leg, and a piece of silver (for which purpose a small coin may be used) upon the muscle. The moment the zinc and the silver are connected by a conductor, say a piece of bent wire, the whole of the leg is thrown into violent convulsions ; but if the connecting substance be a non-conductor, for instance, a piece of bent glass, no such phenomenon will take place. $ 313. The electricity produced by contact can be much increased, and its effects be rendered more visible, by an apparatus which, from its illustrious inventor (Professor Volta), is called the Voltaic pile. Voltaic pile. It consists of a number of silver z s W Z s W Z S W z S W Z S coins (of the size of a dollar), and an equal num- ber of pieces of zinc, of the same form and di- OF GALVANISM. 177 mensions. Between each pair of these metals, is placed a piece of wet card or cloth (a conductor), of somewhat less dimensions than the metallic plates. Great care must be taken to preserve throughout the same order, viz, silver, zinc, we cloth — silver, zinc, wet cloth, &c, so that the two extremities of the column may contain differ- ent metals; one end silver and the other zinc, as may be seen from the figure (S, Z, respectively stand for silver and zinc, and W for wet cloth or card). These ends are called the poles of the Poles of the Voltaic pile. pile; one is called the silver pole, and the other the zinc pole. Instead of silver copper may be used, by which means the pile becomes less expensive. If the pile is to produce the desired effect, there ought not to be less than 50 pairs of plates, and the cloth or card ought to be wet in a solution of salt, which greatly increases its conducting power. $314. Several Voltaic piles may be connected Voltaic bat- with each other, so as to form a Voltaic battery. tery. А. B В This is done by establishing a direct metallic communication between the last plate of the one and the first of the next; this is connected in the same manner with the third, and so on, observing always the same order of succession in the plates, 178 OF GALVANISM. Experiments made with the Voltaic pile. as represented in the figure. (The dark lines represent the silver or copper plates, and the light lines the zinc plates.) The two extremities, A and B, of the battery are again called the silver and zinc pole of the battery. § 315. The most remarkable experiments that can be made with the Voltaic pile or battery are the following. 1. If each end of the pile is provided with a piece of wire, and both seized, one with the right, and the other with the left hand, an invol- untary trembling motion is felt, which coutinues as long as both wires are held. The effect of the Voltaic pile upon the nerves may be much increased by wetting both hands, or by con- ducting each wire into a separate basin of water, and putting the hands into the basins. 2. When the silver or copper pole (§ 313), communicates with the earth, and the zinc pole is connected with a good electrometer ($ 284), it shows positive electricity, or + E; but when the zinc pole communicates with the earth, and the copper pole is connected with the electrometer, then this will show negative electricity, or -- E. For this reason is the zinc pole called the positive pole, and the copper or silver pole is called the negative pole of the pile. 3. A small electric jar ($ 288) may be charged with positive or negative electricity, according as the zinc or copper pole is connected with the knob, while the other communicates with the earth, OF GALVANISM. 179 4. A condenserº (296) may be charged with either electricity 5. When the wire of the zinc pole is brought in contact with the wire of the copper pole, an electric spark is obtained, of sufficient intensity to ignite phosphorus or sulphur, or to consume a small piece of gold-leaf. 6. When both wires (which for this purpose must be of platina or fine gold), are conducted into a glass tube, which is filled with distilled water, the water becomes decomposed into its chemical compounds ($ 11, page 4); the silver or copper pole disengages hydrogen, and the zinc pole, oxygen. In general, it may be remarked, that the chemical operations of the Voltaic pile are greater and more intense than its mechanical operation; wherefore the whole subject of galvanic electricity forms one of the most important parts of chemistry. $ 316. Among the modern discoveries on the Modern dis- subject of galvanic electricity, the most remarka- coveries. ble is, that the effects of the Voltaic pile on the animal body depend chiefly on the number of plates that are employed ; but the intensity of the spark, and its chemical agencies, increase more with the size of the plates, than with their number. 180 OF GALVANISM. Instead of separating each pair of plates of the Voltaic pile, by a piece of wet card or cloth, a liquid (commonly a saline solution), may be employed for that purpose. Such an apparatus receives, then the Trough bat- name of a Trough Battery. There are various forms and ways of constructing it. One is represented in the following figure. A, represents a trough, made of tery: B Α. hard wood, or wedge-wood, with partitions of glass, which divide it into several cells. The plates, B, are fitted to these cells, and are connected together by a slip of wood, so as to admit of being let down and lifted up together. An apparatus of this kind is in its chemical operations, far more powerful than a simple galvanic pile; but its uses and applications cannot form part of an elementary treatise on natural philos- ophy.* Attempts have been made to construct Voltaic piles without the assistance of liquids, by means of layers of gold and silver paper.f The effect of such piles re- mains undiminished for several years; but their chem- ical operation continues weak. * Its most remarkable phenomena are described in Ber- zelius' Chemistry, Vol. I. page 106. † By Zomboni, Prof. Bohnenberger, and De Luc. OF GALVANISM. 181 Advantage has been taken of these piles to con- struct a sort of electric perpetuum mobile. It consists Α. B of two piles (see the figure), whose poles are inverted, so that if the positive pole of the first pile is at the top, it is, in the other pile, at the bottom; and in a similar manner are the negative poles disposed of. Between the two piles is a pendulum, suspended nearly in its centre of gravity, and provided on both ends with little pith-balls. When the pendulum is set in motion, both balls are at first attracted by the two positive poles, A and D (which situation is repre- sented in the figure). But as soon as both balls have the same (positive) electricity, they are repulsed and attracted by the negative poles of the piles; from these they are again repulsed and attracted by the positive poles and so on. (Such an electric pendulum is in the Polytechnic school of Vienna, and it has been known to continue its operation without interruption for several years.*) Theory of Galvanic Electricity, and the Voltaic Pile. (It is to be observed, that the phenomena of the Voltaic pile, and the trough battery, are as yet far from being satisfactorily explained. The opinions of * See Prof Neuman's Treatise on Natural Philosophy, Vol. I. § 878—881. (Neuman's Lehrbuch der Physik. Wien bey Gerold.) 16 182 or GALVANISM. Theory of the Voltaic pile. the best chemists and philosophers of our time, are in this respect at variance with each other. There are consequently but few general facts acceded to by all parties and only these can form part of an elementary treatise.) § 317. There are evidently two kinds of con- ductors of electricity. 1. Exciters; which, although they oppose no obstacles to the passage of electricity, disturb the electric equilibrium, when brought in contact with one another, so that, in this case, one becomes always charged with+E, while the other receives the opposite electricity, or — E. 2. Mere conductors ; such as afford a passage to electricity, without disturbing its equilibrium. Metals are the principal exciters of electricity. The following table shows their galvanic relation to each other. Each metal, namely, combined with one that precedes it in the series, receives + E; but when combined with one that comes after it, then it receives E. - SILVER. TIN. COPPER. LEAD. IRON. ZINC. Prof. Erman, of Berlin; has lately discovered a third kind of conductor, which he has called uni-palar con- ductors. They conduct only one kind of electricity, and insulate the other. Dry soap, for instance, con- ducts + E, and insulates — E. The flame of phosphorus conducts - E, but insulates + E. With such a con- ductor no galvanic pile can be discharged; but they are capable of conducting the electricity of one pole to any body capable of receiving it.* * Berzelius's Chemistry, Vol. I. p. 124. OF GALVANISM. 183 $. 319. The different properties of exciters - and mere conductors of electricity, stated in the preceding section, will enable us to explain the operation of the Voltaic pile in the following manner. 1. When there is but one pair of non-insulated. metals, say zinc and copper (the copper below, and the zinc above), then the zinc will receive + E, and the copper · E, from the contact. 2. If a mere conductor (such as wet card or cloth) be now placed upon the zinc plate, and a new pair of plates upon this conductor, then the wet conductor will afford a passage to the + E contained in the zinc plate of the first pair. Hence the second zinc plate, which, in contact with copper, must receive a surplus of + E, will contain a greater quantity of positive electricity, than the first zinc plate'; while the second copper plate, in consequence of an accession of + E from the wet conductor, will have less negative electricity than the first copper plate. In the same manner the pile may be continued, and it is easy to show, that each following zinc plate must contain a greater quantity of positive electricity than its immediately preceding one, whereas the negative electricity diminishes from the bottom, upwards, so that the lowest copper plate contains the most E, and the highest zinc plate the greatest quantity of + E. It is for this reason the two extremities of the piles are called its poles ($ 313, page 177). 184 OF GALVANISM. 3. If the lowest copper plate communicates with the floor (as we have supposed in our ex- planation), then the electricity of the pile will continue by a continued accession of electricity from the earth. If, on the contrary, the pile is insulated, then the quantity of electricity does not increase, but the greatest positive electricity will be condensed at the top, and the greatest negative electricity is at the bottom. 4. When both poles of the pile communicate with the earth, then a continued motion of elec- tricity must ensue, from the bottom of the pile upwards to the zinc pole, whence it is again conducted to the earth. 5. If the two poles of the pile communicate with each other by some conducting substance, for instance, a piece of wire, then a galvanic circle is formed; that is, the positive electricity passes from the bottom of the pile to the zinc pole, and thence by means of the conducting sub- stance, again to the bottom of the pile, then again to the zinc pole, and so on. Those who believe in the existence of two distinct electric fluids ($ 286, page 159), are of opinion that two 'separate electric streams produce the phenomena of the Voltaic pile; that these streams take opposite directions, the positive fluid moving upwards through the zinc pole, and the negative fluid downwards through the copper pole, both streams meeting each other, in the circle. Whichever of the two theories may be the correct one, it is certain that the phenomena of the Voltaic pile cannot be satisfactorily accounted for, by the mere laws of electricity. A great deal seems to depend upon the conducting liquid, which by the agency of the pile becomes decomposed. It is also worthy of notice, that the plates of which the pile is composed, Galvanic circle. OF GALVANISM, 185 become themselves oxidated, and that the effects of the pile become more energetic in proportion as the process of oxidation is going on more rapidly. The further extension of this theory belongs to chemistry. Organic-Electric Phenomena. $. 319. A peculiar electric effect is produced by a certain kind of fish, when they are touched at two different places of their bodies. The shocks thus felt are similar to those obtained from a Leyden phial, or an electric battery (§ 288, and 290. They do not, however, affect an elec- trometer, neither has it as yet been possible to elicit sparks from them. To this kind of fish belong : The Gymnotus Electricus, or Electric Eel. The Raja Torpedo. The Silurus Electricus. The Trichiurus Indicus. $ 320. When these fishes are placed upon metallic dishes, or touched on two sides of their bodies by pieces of metal, they lose the power of producing shocks, because the discharge of elec- tricity follows the best conductor, namely, the metal (see 297):* * See Berzelius's Chemistry, Vol. I. page 132. 16* 186 CHAPTER X. OF MAGNETISM. nets, load- stones. Artificial § 321. Among the black iron ores which con- tain iron in a feeble degree of oxidation, there are pieces which possess the wonderful power of attracting metallic iron, sometimes in con- Native mag- siderable masses. These are called native mag- nets, or load-stones. The same power, however, may be communicated to iron and steel, by a variety of processes, which we shall become ac- quainted with hereafter. These are then called maguets. artificial magnets, § 322. Besides iron, there are yet two other metals, nickel and cobalt, which participate the magnetic properties; and according to the latest discoveries (made by Coulomb), all solid bodies are susceptible of magnetic influence, but in so feeble a degree that it is perceptible only by the nicest experiments.* Native magnets are found in various parts of the world, particularly in the iron mines of Sweden and Norway, in different parts of Arabia, China, Siam, and the Philippine Islands ; more seldom, and in smaller masses, in England and Germany, * See Gilbert's Annals of Nat. Philosophy, Vol. IV. page 1; Vol, v, p. 384; Vol. XI. p. 367; Vol. XII. p. 194; Vol. LXIV. p. 395. OF MAGNETISM. 187 A. Relation of native Magnets to unmagnetic Iron. § 323. Metallic iron and black iron oxid (none Relation of magnet to other) adhere to native magnets with considerable iron. force. This power, which may be measured by weight, does not depend on the size, and is variable in one and the same magnet. § 324. The magnetic power does not operate Poles of the with equal intensity in all points of the surface. There are in every magnet two places, in which its attractive power is greatest. These are called the poles of the magnet. They may be made visible by laying the magnet in iron-filings, which will adhere stronger to the poles than to any other place (see the figure). A thin piece magnet. of iron will adhere perpendicularly to the surface of the poles; in any other place it will have a position inclined to the poles ; and in the middle (the point which is equally distant from both poles), it will re- main horizontal, that is, parallel with the magnet. $ 325. When both poles are made to operate at the same time on a piece of iron, the magnetic attraction is increased. 188 OF MAGNETISM. Hence it is customary to give artificial magnets the shape represented in the following figure. The two А B D W Law of mag- netic attrac- tion, poles of the magnet are then in the same horizontal line AB. Upon these is placed a piece of malleable iron (commonly called the armature of the magnet), which may then be charged with as many weights as the magnet will draw. $ 326. The attractive power of the magnet manifests itself not only in contact, but also at considerable distances, and it has been proved, that the general law for the attraction of gravity, the propagation of sound, of heat, and light, holds true, also, with regard to the magnet; that is, the magnetic power is in the inverse ratio of the squares of the distances.* $ 327. When a native magnet is placed under a plate of glass, wood, pasteboard, or even metal, which is thinly covered with iron filings, these filings will form themselves into curve lines, which will appear to emanate from one pole, and to enter into the other. * See Coulomb's Experiments with the Magnetic Balance, in Gren's Journal of Natural Philosophy; Fisher's Me- chanical Philosophy ; Hauy's Physique; Biot, Essai de Physique, exp. et math. Vol. III.; Gilbert's Annals of Philosophy, Vol. LXIV. OF MAGNETISM. 189 This experiment proves, that the magnetic influ- ence is not destroyed by the interposition of another substance, with the exception of iron, which, accord- ing to its position, either increases or diminishes the operation of the magnet. $ 328. The power of a magnet is preserved, and even increased by letting it continually draw as much weight as it is capable of bearing. Small load-stones may be kept in iron-filings. Oxidation diminishes the attractive powers of the magnet. Great heat destroys it. B. Relation of Magnet to itself, and to another Magnet. § 329. When a magnet is so situated that it Polarity of magnets. can move freely in an horizontal position, then it will always place itself in a determined direction, one of its poles pointing to the north, and the other to the south. This wonderful property is called the polarity of the magnet. Upon this property of the magnet is founded the construction of the mariner's compass, which, on ac- çount of its utility in navigation, is of universal interest to mankind. Its inventor has not as yet been precisely ascertained, but it is certain that its invention and use can be traced back to the thirteenth and four- teenth century. The ancients knew only the attractive power of the magnet. $ 330. One magnet attracts another magnet Relation of stronger than it does iron, but in certain points to another they seem mutually to repel each other; and it is found by experiments, that the north pole of one magnet attracts the south pole of another, and vice 190 OF MAGNETISM. versa ; but that the two north poles or the two south poles repel cach other. This law may be easily exhibited by placing a magnet nearly horizontally upon a pivot, so that it can freely move upon it. In this situation, its south N S N S pole will follow the north pole of another magnet, but recede from its south pole. The two poles which thus mutually attract each other, are by some philosophers called the friendly poles, while those which seem to repel each other, are called the inimical poles of the magnet. Imparting of Magnetism. $331. Methods of making artificial magnets of iron or steel. This is done in three ways; by the single touch, by the double touch, and by per- cussion. Single touch. $ 332. Method by single touch. 1. For this purpose a bar of iron is laid flat on M N A B OF MAGNETISM. 191 a table, and a magnet at right angles slid several times along its surface. In this operation care should be taken to slide the magnet always in the same direction. 2. When two magnets are employed, the effect is still more powerful. The two magnets are placed with their dissimilar poles in contact, upon the middle of the bar, C, that is to be magnetized (see the figure). They are then drawn in oppo- S N A B С site directions (one towards B, and the other towards A). When arrived at the two extremities of the bar they should be perpendicularly re- moved to a considerable distance, then again joined with their dissimilar poles, and placed upon the middle of the bar. This operation must be repeated several times on both sides of the bar. 3. A third method of communicating magnetism by the single touch, and the most effectual of all, is to place two bars which are to be magnetised, parallel to each other, and to connect them by two shorter pieces of soft iron, I, i, so that the whole forms an oblong (see the figure). The north and S N NS I i 192 OF MAGNETISM. south poles of the magnets are again brought in contact over the middle of the bar, and inclined so as to make a right angle with each other. The remainder of the operation is then similar to that described in No. 2.* § 333. Method by double touch. The bars, A, B, C, D, E, which are to be magnetised, must M mi А В C D E be of equal size, and are placed in a straight liné, in contact with each other (see the figure). Two magnets, or parcels of strongly magnetised bars, M, m, with their poles reversed, are fixed parallel to each other at a distance of about a quarter of an inch. These are placed perpendicular to the line of bars, and in this situation slid backwards and forwards on both sides of the bars, until a suffi- cient effect is obtained. This method, which was first published by Mitchel, of Cambridge, in 1750, has since been improved by Canton, Aepinus, Biot, Coulomb, and others. The principle is nearly the same in all. $ 334. Method by percussion. In this case, the steel bars are best formed into parallelopipeds, or right-angled prisms. They are then inclined nearly vertically, the lower end deviating to the * This process was devised by M. Duhamel, in conjunc- tion with M. Authcaume, both of the French Academy of Sciences. OF MAGNETISM. 193 north, and in this position struck several times with a hammer, by which means it will acquire all the properties of a magnet When in this manner, the steel bars are hammered upon soft iron or steel, their magnetic power is found to be much greater than if they are hammered on wood or any other substance. $ 335. The general law, which is observed in Laws. making artificial magnets, by any method what- ever, is this : Each extremity of the magnetic bar becomes the opposite pole to that with which it is last touched. Thus the extremity of the bar which is touched by the south pole of the mag- net, becomes the north pole of the artificial mag- net; while that extremity which is last touched by the north pole of the magnet, becomes the south pole of the bar. Soft iron is sooner magnetised than steel; but the magnetic power communicated to steel is more per- manent than in iron. 336. The magnet which is employed in magnetising a steel bar, loses little or nothing of its own power. Thus with one magnet a number of bars may be magnetised, and then combined together, by which means their power may be indefinitely increased. Such an apparatus is then Magnetic magazine. called a magnetic magazine. $ 337. Communication of magnetism by induc- Induction of tion. magnetism. As long as a piece of iron is attached to a magnet, it is itself magnetic, and attracts other iron or steel. In this case, the iron is said to be magnetic only by induction; and it is to be ob- served, that this magnetic power disappears almost 17 194 OF MAGNETISM. entirely as soon as the magnet is removed from the iron. $ 338. The law of magnetic induction is sim- ilar to that of electricity (5 272). And it is easy to prove with a magnetic needle, that the south pole of the magnet excites the north pole, in that end of an iron bar which is in its immediate neighborhood, and the north pole at the other extremity, which is most remote from it, so that each pole of the magnet communicates the oppo- site state of magnetism to the neighboring iron. 339. This law being perfectly similar to that of electricity, has led some philosophers to think that magnetism and electricity originate from the same cause, or are at least manifesta- tions of the same power in nature, although Franklin and others seem to have been of a differ- ent opinion. * Aepinus supposed all magnetic phenomena to pro- ceed from a single fluid, whose particles mutually repel each other, but have a strong attraction for iron and steel. This fluid is everywhere in perfect equi- librium. Iron, and black iron oxid are filled with it, but the fluid is throughout equally distributed in them. In magnet, on the contrary, there is a surplus of the fluid on one side, and a deficiency on the other. The surplus of magnetism he calls + M, and the deficiency or want of it he calls — M, &c. The whole theory is analogous to Dr Franklin's theory of electricity (see § 286, page 159). Wilke and Brugman believe in the existence of two magnetic fluids, which have great attraction for each other, but the particles of either fluid repel each other. * See Franklin's letter, in Sigăud de la Fond Précis historique et experimental des Phenomènes électriques, Paris, 1781. OF MAGNETISM. 195 In iron they are combined together, and in this state produce no magnetic phenomena. In magnets, on the contrary, they are separated; one fluid accumu- lates at the north pole, and the other at the south pole, &c. (Compare this theory with Du Fay's theory of electricity.) of the Variation and Dip of the Magnetic Needle. and variation $340, When an unmagnetic iron needle is poised in its centre, upon a sharp point, so that its position is perfectly horizontal, and it is after- wards magnetised, then, in most places, it will not exactly point to the north, neither will it re- main in its horizontal position ; but its acquired south pole will considerably incline to the horizon, forming generally an angle of about 7 degrees. The deviation from due north, is by mariners Declination called the declination or variation of the compass ; of the mag- netic needle. the inclination to the horizon is called the dip of the magnetic needle. $ 341. Variation of the compass. The north Variation of pole of the compass deviates in England and throughout Europe, from about 16 to 18 degrees westward. These deviations become smaller the further we go to the west; and through America and the Gulf of Mexico goes a line, in which the compass points exactly north. This line is called the line of no variation. Beyond this line the de- Line of no viation is to the eastward. The line of deviation seems to form a great circle, beginning westward of Baffin's Bay, crossing the United States, and passing along the Gulf of Mexico, the compass. variation. 196 OF MAGNETISM. Variation of the compass Brazils, and the South Atlantic Ocean, towards the south pole. It reappears in the western hemisphere, south of Van Dieman's Land, passes across the west- ern part of the Australian continent, and divides in the Indian Archipelago into two branches; one crossing the Indian Sea, Asia, Hindostan, Persia, Western Siberia, Lapland, and the Northern Sea; the other, taking a more northern course, traversing China, Chinese Tartary, and Eastern Siberia, whence it loses itself in the Arctic Seas. The whole earth seems by this line divided into two great hemispheres ; one embracing Europe, Africa, and the western part of Asia, the other comprising nearly the whole of the American continent, the entire Pacific Ocean, and a portion of Eastern Asia. In the first hemisphere, the deviation of the compass is to the west ; in the second it is to the east. The best map of this kind has lately been published by Hansteen, Professor of Natural Philosophy, in Christiana, Norway. § 342. The most remarkable phenomenon at the same accompanying the variation of the compass, is place, that the deviation from the north is not always the same, at the same place, The western deviations increase, until they amount to about 19 degrees; they then diminish, until they become zero, finally deviate to the east, until a certain maximum, whence they recede again to the westward. The line of no deviation, which now passes through America, went in the seventeenth century through Europe. The successive but slow deviation of the compass to the westward and eastward, resemble in some respects the oscillations of a large pendulum. Its laws, however, are far from being satisfactorily determined, and will probably need centuries of ob- servation and experiment before they can be relied upon. Daily varia- § 343. Another remarkable phenomenon, which deserves to be noticed, is the daily variation needle. of the magnetic needle, at one and the same tion of the OF MAGNETISM. 197 place. In the forenoon the magnetic needle moves slowly westward, but returns, during the whole of the remaining time, with a slow easterly motion This gradual motion of the compass was firs dis- covered by Graham, in 1722. Wargerlin and Canton have made similar experiments, and have shown that heat has a considerable influence upon this motion. For this experiment very long and nice needles must be used; otherwise the motion of the needle will es- cape observation. $ 344. Dip of the magnetic needle. The dip Dip of the of the magnetic needle, like its variations, differs needle. in different parts of the globe. As a general rule, which, however, is not without exceptious, we may say, it diminishes near the equator, and in- creases towards the poles, until finally, at the poles themselves, the needle is perpendicular to the horizon. Those places at which there is no dip — those, namely, where the needle is per- fectly horizontal are in a line, which encircles the earth, and is on that account called the mag- . netic equator. 5 345. The magnetic equator does not coin- Difference cide with the equator of the earth, but may be between the considered as a great circle, inclined to the earth's terrestrial equator, at an angle of about 12 degrees. It cuts the terrestrial equator in four points, assuming 17* 198 OF MAGNETISM. somewhat the shape represented in the following figure, where the line EE denotes the terrestrial, and MMM the magnetic equator. M. TT E M M Magnetism of the Earth. Magnetism of § 346. To explain the above described phe- the earth. nomena of the magnetic needle, many philosophers of eminence (among whom are Kepler, Hadley, Euler, Bernouilli, Tobias Mayer, &c,) considered our whole globe as one great magnet, because it operates upon the magnetic needle, as one magnet does upon another. To illustrate familiarly the operations of terrestrial magnetism, draw a circle upon a board, placed hori- zontally, and provide its centre with a small magnet. A small magnetic needle carried round its circum- ference, will assume nearly the same situation with regard to the circle, as an inclined magnetic needle does to the earth. § 347. It is neither necessary to suppose in theory, nor is it at all probable in reality, that a fixed, limited magnet exists in the centre of the earth, which causes the magnetic phenomena. It is very probable, on the contrary, that there are large masses of magnets scattered in the interior of our globe, whose axes and poles must, on ac- OF MAGNETISM. 199 count of the common law of magnetic attraction (see 5 324), be nearly parallel to each other, by which means their united virtue is similar to that of a single magnetic bar. The combined effect of all these masses must al- ways be more or less influenced by the locality of the place.* This is the reason why the variations of the compass appear more irregular, the further we carry our research, and the more accurate the instruments are, which are employed for that purpose. § 348. If our earth contains large magnetic masses in its centre, then it may be easily con- ceived, that all the iron in their vicinity must, in course of time become itself magnetic, which would naturally enough explain the successive changes in the variation and inclination of the magnetic needle. This is the way in which Tobias Mayer, Professor of Natural Philosophy in Göttingen, explains the variation and changes in the dip of the magnetic needle ; which, according to his supposition, must con- tinue, until all the iron which our globe contains is converted into magnet. $ 349. Among the effects of terrestrial mag- Effects of ter- netism, we must count the fact, that iron bars restrial mag- become magnetic, without using any other means than exposing them to the atmosphere, in the di- rection of the dip of the needle (340). The magnetism thus acquired is, like that produced by induction, of short duration. Iron instruments may become magnetic, also, by a variety of other means, such as filing, boring, cutting, netism * This is so far true, that the experiments with a magnetic needle, made in a room or building, seldom agree with those made in the open atmosphere. 200 OF MAGNETISM. sawing, hammering, &c. This explains, in some measure, the magnetism acquired by tools used for such purposes, the magnetism of pokers, tongs, and other utensils, which remain for a long time in a vertical position, &c. Intensity of Magnetism. Intensity of magnetism, $ 350. When the magnetic needle is brought out of its natural direction (329), and let free again, it will vibrate in a manner similar to the oscillations of a pendulum, until it has again assumed its original position. The velocity of these vibrations furnishes us with a correct means of estimating the intensity of the magnetic force, as the oscillations of the pendulum are the only safe means of calculating the velocity of falling bodies, and the diminution of gravity on the equator (see 80, 4thly). La Place has proved mathematically, that the whole theory of the pendulum not only perfectly applies to the vibrations of the magnetic needle, but also that the intensities of the magnetic power in two different places, are in proportion to the squares of the number of vibrations, which the needle makes in each of these places. Hereupon he has founded a method of finding the dip of the magnetic needle, by the mere observa- tion of its vibrations. $ 351. Another remarkable fact, strongly cor- roborating the hypothesis of terrestrial magnetism, results from the observations of Alexander von Humboldt. He found that the magnetic power is stronger on the equator, and diminishes without interruption, as we proceed to the south or north of it. OF MAGNETISM. 201 From the same observations it appears, also, that the intensity of the magnetism is far less subjected to local disturbances than the dip of the needle. Modern Discoveries in Magnetism. $ 352. The intimate relation of magnetism to Faets rela- electricity and heat, has long ago fixed the atten- theory of magnetism. tion of philosophers; modern discoveries have put the identity of electricity and magnetism almost beyond a doubt. The following facts will serve to establish the truth of this assertion. 1. The conducting wires of the Voltaic pile pro- duce deviations in the magnetic needle.* 2. The electricity of the conducting wire im- parts permanent magnetism to a steel needle. 3. Magnetism can be imparted, also, by com- mon electricity, by means of an electric spark. Arago and Savary found that the magnetism com- municated in this manner to a needle, does not increase with the number of sparks, and that its maximum de- pended on the quality of the steel. $ 353. The influence of heat upon magnetism Influence of has already been spoken of ($ 328). We will now mention the remarkable experiments first made on that subject by Prof. Seebeck, in 1822. If a piece of bismuth is connected with a piece of brass or copper, so that the whole forms a ring, heat. * This discovery was made in 1820, by Prof. Aerstadt. † Gilbert's Annals of Natural Philosophy, Vol. LXXII, 202 OF MAGNETISM. Influence of light. and one end of the bismuth is suddenly heated, then a magnetic needle in its vicinity will deviate from its direction in the same manner as when affected by the zinc pole of a Voltaic battery (page 180). If instead of bismuth antimonium be taken, then the result will be exactly the reverse, that is, the needle will deviate in the opposite direction. Bismuth and antimonium are not the only metals which, combined with copper and then heated, produce deviations of the magnetic needle. They produce this effect only in a greater degree. $ 354. It remains for us to notice the influ- ence of light on the development of magnetism. Marochini, in Rome, found that steel needles became magnetic when exposed for a length of time to the violet rays of the prismatic spectrum (F246). Lady Somerville, in London, and Baumgärtner, in Germany, made similar experi- mients, and obtained the same result. The red, orange, and yellow rays are without effect; the green, blue, and violet rays producé magnetic polarity; green the least, violet the most. The needle must for this purpose be half covered, and exposed, for at least two hours, to the influence of the rays. In the focus of a burning-glass the same result is ob- tained in 20 minutes. The part which is exposed to the violet rays, becomes the north pole. The light of the moon or of a lamp produces no such effects. 203 APPENDIX, CONTAINING QUESTIONS, FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE PUPILS. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER I. ON THE GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. [The questions printed in italics, refer to the text printed in italics, which is to be committed to memory. The ques- tions printed in small type are intended only for more advanced pupils, and may be omitted until reviewing the book. The sections of the questions refer to the same sec- tions in the text.] ES 1.] What do you understand by time and space ? [S2] What do you call that which fills space? What is matter ? What do you call any portion of matter within fixed limits? What do you un- derstand by the volume of a body? What by its mass ? [$ 3.] What do you understand by matter being divisible ? [$ 4.] Is the space occupied by physical bodies filled throughout with their own substance? What are those places which are not filled with a body's own matter called ? 204 CHAPTER I. APPENDIX. - Is it necessary to suppose that the pores of bodies are vacui, or void of matter? How can you explain water and other fluids entering the interstices of bodies? What phenomena are explained by the pores of bodies ? By the cellular texture of plants and an- imals ? [$ 5.] Do all physical bodies affect us in the same manner, or have all bodies the same phy- sical qualities? Give instances of heterogeneous substances; and of substances composed of dis- similar particles. [S 6.] When do you call a body perfectly dense ? Is there such a body in nature ? When do you call a body more or less dense, in com- parison to another? [$ 7.] When do you say a body is compress- ed? when expanded ? Could a perfectly dense body be expanded? Why not? [$ 8.] Are all bodies alike easily compressed ? How do you explain the greater or less resistance we meet with whenever we wish to change the form of a body? [9.] What do you understand by the power of cohesion? How are we convinced of its ex- istence ? What do you call the attraction of cohesion? [$ 10.] When do you call a body mechanically divided ? Give instances of this kind of division. What do you understand by the integral parts of matter? Why are they called so ? [§ 11.] Is mechanical division the only man- ner in which bodies can be divided ? When do you call a body decomposed into its chemical EXERCISES IN CHAPTER I. 205 compounds, or ingredients? What do you call an element ? [§ 12.] What disposition do the particles ob- tained by mechanical division evince, with regard to each other, and with regard to other substances ? Give examples. [$ 13.] Is the general disposition of bodies to approach and unite with each other, confined to the contact ? Give instances where it operates at a distance ? Give instances of mutual attraction operating at a still greater distance. [§ 14.] In many cases bodies seem to repel each other : is this a proof that there is a primitive repulsive power in nature? How then may these phenomena be explained ? [$ 15.] What do you understund by the attrac- tion of gravity ? How is this phenomenon gen- erally explained? [$ 16.] What is the direction in which a fall- ing body approaches the surface of the earth called ? How can you exhibit a vertical line ? What do you call lines and planes at right angles with the direction of gravity? What, lines and planes forming oblique angles with the direction of gravity ? If the earth is a sphere, why must the direction of gravity go through its centre? In what respect do plains differ from hills and mountains ? [8 17.] What do you understand by the abso- lute weight of a body? Tell me the difference between gravity and weight. What proportion does the absolute weight of a body bear to its mass? 18 206 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER 1. [$ 18.] What do you understand by the spe- cific gravity of a body ? What proportion do the specific gravities of bodies bear to their absolute weights? [$ 19.] How is the absolute weight of a body determined ? Is the same unit of measure employed for ascertain- ing the weight of all bodies ? What do you under- stand when it is said, a body weighs 3 lbs. 4 lbs. 5 lbs. &c.? [S 20.] What do you call the absolute space or position of a body? How are we led to the idea of situation or relative position of bodies? What do you call motion ? Can absolute motion be perceived by your senses ? In what cases do we conclude that a motion has taken place? [S 21.] What do you understand by a body's describing a line ? or by its way or orbit? When is the orbit of a body a straight, when a curve line ? [$ 22.] Why does every kind of motion require time? How is time measured ? [$ 23.] How are we led to the idea of veloci- ty? How is the velocity of a body estimated ? [8 24.] What do you understand by uniform, accelerate, and retarded motion ? [S 25.] What must every motion and every change of it in velocity or direction proceed from? What do you understand by vis inertia ? In what does the idea of it originate ? Must matter and power necessarily be distinct from each other? May power not inhere in bodies? Give instances of this kind. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER I. 207 [8 26.] What is meant by saying, the body A has imparted motion to B? What do you un- derstand by action and reaction of a body? Why are action and reaction always equal to one another ? [$ 27.] Can motion be imparted without an interval of time? Can you tell me an experiment which proves that the imparting of motion requires time? [S 28.] What do you understand by the me- chanical operation of one body upon another? What do you understand by a chemical opera- tion? Can you explain organic motion from either principle? [$ 29.] What is meant by the geometrical, and what by the physical form of bodies? What properties of bodies belong to their physical form? [$ 30.] In what cases are bodies divided or split easier in one direction than in another ? To what power do we ascribe these modifications in the phenomena of attraction ? [$ 31.] What do you call fluids? How many different kinds of fluids are there? What are liquids ? what gases? What form must every fluid mass assume, when solely acted upon by its cohesive powers ? Give ex- amples. Is the power of cohesion equally strong in all liquids ? [$ 32.] What change does heat produce on a solid body? What changes does a liquid undergo when exposed to cold or an inferior degree of tem- perature? What ideas have these phenomena given rise to? By what circumstances are they corroborated ? 208 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER I. [$ 33.] What do you understand by the crys- tallization or congelation of bodies? [§ 34.] What do you call that property of bodies, which enables them to change their form, when some exterior force is applied to them, and to reestablish their former shape when that power ceases to operate ? Do all bodies possess this property in the same degree? [$ 35.] What fluids do you call ponderable ? What are those fluids called, which are either not at all, or at least so little affected by gravity, as to escape our observation ? Give instances of pon- derable and imponderable fluids? [$ 36.] What changes does heat frequently produce on solid and liquid bodies? When a liquid or solid substance becomes transformed into an elastic fluid, what are its particles said to form ? Give an example. [$ 37.] What do you understand by the aggre- gate forms of bodies? How many of these aggre- gate forms are there? Are the aggregate forms of bodies the only characteristic by which we are able to distinguish them from one another? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER II. 209 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER II. OF THE PHENOMENA OF COHESION, ATTRACTION, AND AFFINITY [$ 38.] How is the cohesive power of solid substances determined ? How that of cords, ropes, &c.? Can you tell me the order in which the power of co- hesion decreases in the principal metals? Can you tell the same order with regard to wood ? Which of two cords of equal thickness is stronger, one made of silk, or one made of flax? Does the tarring of cordage increase or diminish their strength ? Is bleached thread as strong as unbleached thread? What means have we to increase the power of cohesion in metals? In what cases do bodies become stronger when ex- posed to the atmosphere, or to heat ? [$ 39.] What takes place when two well pol- ished surfaces are brought in contact with each other ? What processes in the mechanic arts does this phenomenon explain ? [$ 40.] What ought to be the shape of every liquid contained in a vessel ? Why? But what will be the surface of a liquid in a vessel to whose sides it is strongly attracted ? Why? When does water actually exhibit a concave surface ? When does water exhibit a convex surface? What principle do these phenomena seem to establish ? [§ 41.] What does take place, when a narrow glass tube, which is open at both ends, is immersed in water, or in any other liquid which strongly adheres to glass? 18* 210 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER II. How is this phenomenon explained ? (Let the pupil draw the figure.) [$ 42] What do you call the attraction of a liquid to the sides of a narrow tube, which is im- mersed in that liquid? Is the actual immersion of the tube in the liquid necessary to produce the phenomena of capillary attraction? By what other means may the same phenomenon be pro- duced ? Give an example. [§ 43.] What is necessary in order that a liquid shall rise in a capillary tube? Why does not quicksilver rise in glass tubes? Why does it rise in tubes made of tin or lead ? What phenomena are explained by the theory of capillary attraction ? Are the phenomena of capillary attraction dependant on the pressure of the atmos- phere? [S 44.] Why do the particles of a liquid. change so easily their relative position ? Why does an animalcule find it easy to move in a drop of water ? Why is it difficult for an animalcule to rise above the surface ? How happens it that aquatic insects, needles, small pieces of sheet iron, &c, remain on the surface of the water ? [$ 45] In what does the solidity of bodies ori- ginate? Is it possible for a body to be perfectly dense, and yet perfectly liquid? [S 46.] When do you call a solid body dis- solved in a liquid ? What do you call the result of such an operation? What do you call the liquid in which this takes place? Give an example. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. 211 [$ 47.] What do you call the mutual attraction, through which two heterogeneous bodies combine with or dissolve each other ? What means are employed to facilitate the solution of solid bodies ? Are the degrees of affinity the same in all substances ? [$ 48.] When do you call a solution perfect ? When do you call a liquid saturated with a sub- stance ? [$ 49.] What do you call the two substances which have combined with each other, to form a new body? When is a solution said to be de- composed ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. ON THE LAWS OF MOTION. A. Uniform Motion. [$ 50.] When is a body said to be in uniform motion ? What general law follows from this definition? Of two bodies in uniform motion, during the same number of seconds, which is said to have the greatest velocity? If the times are unequal, which of two bodies, of the same velocity, will describe the greatest space ? [$ 51.] How do you calculate the space de- scribed by a body in uniform motion? Give an example. What is the space described by a body in uniform motion, during 12 seconds, with a velocity, of 5 rods per second? What that of a 212 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. body in uniform motion during 10 minutes, with a velocity of 3 miles per minute ? [$ 52.] What proportion do the spaces described by two bodies in uniform motion bear to each other? Why? [S 53.] What proportion do the velocities of two bodies in uniform motion bear to each other ? Give an example ? [$ 54.] What power has every body in motion, with regard to another body which it finds on its way? On what does the degree of this power depend? Which of two bodies, which move with the same velocity, will exercise the greatest power? Which of two bodies, whose masses are equal, will produce the greatest effect? * [S 55.] How is the power of a body in motion measured? What do you call the product of the mass into the velocity of a body? What is the momentum or moment of a body whose mass weighs 40 lbs. and whose velocity is 40 feet per second? What that of a body whose mass is 100 lbs. and whose velocity is 10 feet per second ? What that of a body whose mass is 200 lbs. and velocity 4 feet? Which of these moments is the greatest ? [$ 56.] What other principles can you infer from the one last established ? Give examples. [S 57.] What is required in order that a body shall move with uniform velocity? How long then would the body continue in motion ? * Those pupils who are acquainted with algebra or geom- etry, may state the proportions, in the note to page 20. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. 213 B. Accelerated Motion. Gravity. [§ 58.] What kind of motion does a power produce, which, after having communicated mo- tion, continues to operate in the same direction, during the following intervals of time? What do you call the power itself? [§ 59.] What kind of motion takes place, if the velocities imparted, are in proportion to the times ? What is the power which produces such a motion called ? [S 60.] Which is the most remarkable uni- formly accelerating power in nature ? [S 61.] How can you satisfy yourself that gravity is really a uniformly accelerating power ? Would it make any material difference, if there were intervals in the operation of gravity? Why not ? [S 62.] Which are the four principal laws of falling bodies? How can you prove, that the space described by a free falling body, in a certain time, is always equal to the space through which it would have passed, had it moved uniformly with half the final velocity ? How can you prove that the spaces through which a falling body passes, in a succession of equal inter- vals, are in proportion to the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, &c.? How can you prove that the whole spaces passed through from the beginning, are proportional to the squares of the whole times ? [$ 63.] Through how many feet does a free falling body pass in the first second ? Supposing you knew a body had freely fallen during the time of 5 seconds, how should you calculate its 214 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. perpendicular descent? What rule is there for ob- taining a body's perpendicular descent ? If the space through which a body has fallen is known, how can you find the time? Supposing the body had fallen through a space of 400 feet, what would have been the whole time of its fall? What time would a body need to fall through the space of 576 feet? What time to fall through 1024 feet? What, to fall through 16000 feet? [S 64.] Has the mass of a body any influence, or does it in any way modify the laws of falling bodies? Why not? Is the falling of all bodies equally accelerated by gravity? What are all differences in time and velocity solely attributable to ? * [$ 65.] How does gravity affect the motion of a perpendicularly ascending body? [$ 66.] If a body is thrown up in a direction making an oblique angle with the horizon, what kind of line will it describe ? Why would it not continue in the same direction ? How can you show this by an example ? (Here the teacher ought to require the pupil to draw the figure, page 27.) What is the name of the curve line which the body then describes ? C. Decomposition of Forces. — Compound Motion. [§ 67.] If a body is at the same time solicited by two equal opposite forces, what must necessa- rily take place? What are these forces said to Those pupils who have studied algebra or geometry, may now give the formulæ given in the note to page 26, EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. 215 be? If the two forces which act upon the body in opposite directions are unequal, what will then be the result ? [$ 68.] If the directions of the forces which solicit the body, make an angle with each other, what direction will the body then follow? How can you explain this by reasoning ? How can you verify it by an experiment ? [$ 69.] What is the motion which you have just described, called? What do you understand by the lateral forces ? What do you call the mean force, or velocity? D. Application of the foregoing Theory to curvi- linear Motion ? [S 70.] When a body receives an impulse in one direction, and is at the same time continually attracted by another force, what kind of motion will then take place ? Ans. The body will then, in every moment of its motion, be turned from its direction, and de- scribe a curve line. Quest. How can you show this? [$ 71.] What is the name of a force which attracts a body continually toward one and the same point ? What is the name of that force which urges it continually to remove from that point in a straight line? How are both forces called ? If at any time one of these forces should cease to operate, in what direction would the body con- 216 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. tinue to move ? What motion would take place, if the centripetal force remained? What, if the centrifugal force remained ? E. Motion on an Inclined Plane. [S 72.] What do you understand by an in- clined plane? What takes place if a heavy body is placed upon it? [§ 73.] What is the law of motion on an in- clined plane? How can you here apply the law of the decompo- sition of forces ? [$ 74.] On what does the velocity of a body, moving on an inclined plane, depend? What law is there respecting the angle of elevation ? What motion takes place, when the angle of eleva- tion is a right angle? What takes place when the angle of elevation is zero, that is, when the plane is parallel to the horizon? [$ 75.] What power is required to stop the motion of a body on an inclined plane ?* * Those who understand geometry may give the geomet- rical demonstration of this law, given in the note to page 34; and also the remarkable inference which may be drawn from the principle laid down in the note to page 35. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. 217 F. Oscillations of a Pendulum. [$ 76.] What do you call a pendulum ? What a simple pendulum ? What may be considered a simple pendulum? [$ 77.] When a pendulum is raised from its perpendicular, to an inclined position, and then let free again, what will take place? What do you call the angle by which the inclined position of the pendulum (to which it is raised) differs from the perpendicular direction ? How can you explain the operation of the pendu- lum? Why does the pendulum not continue to swing for- ever? [S 78.] What is the most remarkable property of the pendulum ? Is the duration of the oscilla- tions of a pendulum influenced by the length of the arc which it describes ? [$ 79.] On what does the time which is needed for one oscillation depend? What law is there with regard to this dependency? Give examples of the application of this law.* [$ 80.] What are the uses of the pendulum ? G. Of the Lever. [81.] What do you understand by a lever ? What do you call the point in which the lever is * Those who understand geometry ought to state the pro- portion given in the notes to pages 38 and 39. 19 218 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. supported? What do you understand by the arms of the lever ? [$ 82.] What do you call weight and power on the lever ? [$ 83.] How many different kinds of levers are there? Which are they? [$ 84.] What is the principal law of the lever ? Give examples of its application. What do you call the product of the power into the distance from the fulcrum ? When is the power in equi- librium with the weight? [$ 85.] When are several powers and weights, operating on the lever, in equilibrium with each other? What must be done if some of these powers or weights are pulling in opposite direc- tions ? [$ 86.] Wherein does the principal use of the lever consist ? Tell me some of the simplest applications of the lever. [$ 87.] What are the lever and the inclined plane sometimes called ? What is a pulley ? What a wedge? a screw ? H. Of the Centre of Gravity. [$ 88.] What do you call the point in which an inflexible bar or lever, charged with several weights, must be supported, in order that it shall neither move in one way nor another? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. 219 [S 90.] What is the pressure, which such a bar exercises upon the prop which supports it, equal to ? Give examples. [S 91.] What may every heavy body be taken for ? How can you convince me that in every heavy body there is a point in which its whole weight is active ? [S 92.] What is the name of a vertical line, drawn through the centre of gravity of a body? What must take place if this line is in any point supported or fixed ? How can you find such a point ? [S 93.] When a body is placed upon a basis, on what does its stability depend? If the line of direction falls within the basis, when will it stand firm, and when will it be liable to turn over? What will occur when the line of direction falls beyond the basis? What phenomena can be explained from the theory of the centre of gravity ? I. Laws of Percussion. [$ 94.] When a moving body meets another on its way, what must necessarily take place? If the line in which the centre of the striking body moves, passes also through the centre of the body on which it strikes, what is the stroke or percus- sion called? What is it called, when this line does not pass through the centre of the body which is struck ? 220 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. [$ 95.] Which are the three principal cases, which can occur in the percussion of bodies ! 1. Percussion of Unelastic Bodies. (S 96.] How many cases can there occur in the percussion of unelastic bodies? Which are they? What will take place in the first of these cases ? What in the second ? What in the third ? How can you illustrate these laws ? 2. Percussion of Elastic Bodies. [$ 97.] What is the principal law in the per- cussion of elastic bodies ? Give examples. [$ 98.] How many different cases can there occur in the percussion of elastic bodies? Which are they? What must take place in the first case? What in the second ? What in the third ? How can you illustrate these three cases? [$ 99.] What law is there for the case in which an elastic body impinges against an elastic firm plane? or an unelastic body against an elas- tic firm plane? What will occur when the angle of incidence is a right angle? How can you prove this law by the decomposition of forces ? [$ 100.] When several elastic balls, of equal size, are suspended in such a way that their EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. 221 centres lie all in the same straight line, and the first is raised from its position, and let fall again, so as to strike upon the second, what will then take place? Can you explain this phenomenon from the laws of percussion of elastic bodies ?* K. Vibrating Motion. — Acoustics. [§ 101.] How is sound produced ; and what is necessary in order that a body shall produce sound ? How may the vibrations which are productive of sound be made visible ? What do these experiments prove? [$ 102.] What is necessary in order that we shall hear the sound of sonorous bodies? What do we denote by the word hearing ? [$ 103.] What is the medium through which sound is generally propagated ? What other bodies are capable of propagating sound? How may this be shown by experiments ? [S 104.] What do the vibrations which a sounding body produces in the surrounding at- mosphere consist in ? What phenomena are thereby explained ? 1$ 105.) What property must a body possess, in order that it shall be capable of producing sound? Why can a body without elasticity pro- duce no sound ? With what does the capacity of a body for sound increase ? * Let the pupil recur to the second case. 19* 222 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. [$ 106.] Is the whole uninterrupted surface of a sonorous body thrown into a vibrating motion, or are there certain points or lines which remain in a state of rest? What does frequently take place when a cord vibrates ? By what experiments may the points and lines which remain in the state of rest, while the rest of the sono- rous body is vibrating, be exhibited ? By whom was this discovery first made ? [§ 107.] Is the sound prevented or modified when the places which are exempt from the vibra- tions of a sonorous body, are touched with the finger? What takes place when a sonorous body is touched in any other place, or brought in con- tact with some other body? What phenomena does this explain ? [§ 108.] On what does the height or depth (acuteness or gravity) of sound depend ? To what theory may the oscillation of a pendulum be reduced? What proportion does the acuteness of sound bear to the tensions, the lengths and the thick- nesses of the cords.* [§ 109.] If the thicknesses and tensions are the same, on what does the number of vibrations then depend? [$ 110.] When will two cords produce the same tone ? What are two cords which give the same tone said to be ? When a cord is struck, what does an experienced ear always distinguish, besides the principal tone ? In what does this phenomenon probably originate? * The pupils who have studied geometry ought to state the proportions, in the note to page 57. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. 223 [§ 111.] When a cord c makes, in the same time, twice as many vibrations as another cord, C, what is it called ? What is a cord G called, which makes three vibrations, while C makes two ? What is the name of a cord c, which makes three vibrations to the cord G's making three? What is the ratio of the fundamental tone to its next higher octave? What that of the quint to the fundamental tone ? What that of the quint to its quart, which is at the same time the octave of the fun- damental tone? What do these three notes form? What are they said to have formed ? [§ 112.] How many principal tones are there in an octave? By what letters are they desig- nated, and what are they called ? What are these seven tones called in music ? [$ 113.] What do you understand by the nu- merical value of a tone or note ? If the funda- mental tone is 1, what is the value of the next higher octave ? What that of the next higher quint? What that of the next lower quint? What that of the next higher quart? What that of the next lower quart ? What are the numerical values of the seven tones of the Diatonic scale, derived from those just given? [S 114.] What is the ratio of one tone to another called ? [$ 115.] Are the successive intervals between the seven tones of the Diatonic scale equal to one another? Give instances where they are un- equal ? [§ 116.] Does the Diatonic scale satisfy the demands of modern music? What scale is used in its stead? Wherein does the Chromatic scale differ from the Diatonic scale ? 224 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. What are the 5 additional semi-tones called, which, in the Chromatic scale, are inserted between C and D, D and E, F and G, G and A, and A and B ? What are the numerical values of these notes ?* The numerical values of the notes A and E in the Chromatic scale, differ a little from those which these notes have in the Diatonic scale; what was this impu- rity of sound introduced for? Where is it absolutely indispensable? Is there any instrument which can give every interval as clear and perfect as the human voice? Which is the most perfect of all? [$ 117.] What do you understand by harmony, or concord? What, by discord or dissonance ? Give examples of both. [S 118.] What does melody consist in? Wherein consists the difficulty and beauty of mu- sical composition ? [$ 119] Are very high or very low tones still audible? How many octaves comprise nearly the whole system of notes fit for music? [$ 120.] What kind of vibrations does a com- mon violin string make when the bow is drawn under a very acute angle? What sensation does such a sound produce in the ear? Is the sound higher or lower than the natural tone of the cord, produced by transversal vibrations ? Does the height or acuteness of the sound thus pro- duced depend upon the thickness or tension of the cords ? On what then does it depend? What does this phenomenon explain ? [$ 121.] Can you tell the velocity with which sound is propagated through the air ? By what is the propagation of sound through air modified? Why can a loud sound be heard further * This question the teacher may put or omit at pleasure ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. 225 than a low one? What do you know about the prop- agation of sound through solid bodies ? [§ 122.] As what may the vibrations which every sonorous body causes in the surrounding atmosphere be considered ? Why is the sound heard better in the neighborhood of the sonorous body, than at a distance from it? What law is there with regard to the intensity of sound? Give an example. [S 123.] What takes place when a ray of sound strikes on a firm plane? Is the whole ray of sound reflected, or only the few particles which in their vibrations strike the plane ? What remarkable phenomenon is thereby explained? What instrument does it show the utility of? How is the acoustic tube constructed ? [ 124.] How does the air vibrate, which is blown into flutes, trumpets, horns, or other wind instruments ? By what means are the different notes obtained from these instruments ? What is the reason that the sound is not prevented, when these instruments are touched with the hand? Why is it not so with cords or bells? Why can bas- soons and flutes not be made of metal ? Why are highly elastic metals, such as silver and brass, unfit for the building of organs? Why do speaking trum- pets made of brass convey the articulated voice less distinctly than those made of pasteboard or wood? L. Obstacles or Hindrances of Motion. [$ 125.] Is there a body in nature that has a perfectly smooth and even surface? What does always take place when two bodies, ever so well 220 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER III. What do you polished, move upon one another ? call this resistance ? [§ 126.] Can the laws of friction be fixed with precision? Why not? What principles, how- ever, are we enabled to lay down from experience ? [S 127.] What obstacle does every body, whose weight is wholly supported by an horizon- tal plane, present to the least change of place? What other phenomena are explained by friction ? Why is a cask moved more easily than a box? Can you now perceive the use of the pulley ? IS 128.] By what means can friction be avoided in machinery ? [S 129.] What other obstacle to motion is there besides friction ? On what does the resist- ance of the atmosphere principally depend ? and in what proportion does it increase ? [$ 130.] What proportion is there respecting the resistance of the atmosphere, and the velocity of the moving body? How can you convince me of the correctness of this law? [S 131.] Why is the resistance of water to a moving body, greater than that of the atmosphere? What processes are by the resistance of water rendered possible? [S 132.] What does take place, if a stone or cannon-ball impinges under a very acute angle? [$ 133.] What is the final effect of friction, and the resistance of the atmosphere on every body which is in motion ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IV. 227 [S 134.] If the infinite space in which the celestial bodies move, and in which our globe itself performs its orbit, is filled with a subtile fluid, similar to the atmosphere, what effect would it naturally produce ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IV. LAWS OF MOTION OF FLUIDS. A. Pressure, Weight, and Equilibrium of Liquids. (Hydrostatics.) [$ 135.] Can you tell me the fundamental law of hydrostatics? How can you convince me of its correctness ? [$ 136.] What law is there with regard to water, or any other liquid, which communicates with water or the same liquid ? How can you explain this principle ? [$ 137. What takes place when a filled sy- phon has one of its legs shorter than the other, and provided with an orifice ? What is the reason that the liquid which sallies forth from the orifice of the shorter leg does not reach the same height as the surface of the liquid in the other leg? [$ 138.] If instead of being provided with an orifice, the shorter leg of the syphon is closed 228 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IF. What are with an horizontal plane, what will the pressure upon that plane (upwards) be equal to ? If the shorter end be closed with a bladder, how much weight must be placed upon it, to be in equili- brium with the liquid in the other leg ? we by this law enabled to produce? [$ 139.] What is the pressure of water or any other liquid, upon the bottom of a vessel, equal to? When is this pressure less than the weight of the whole liquid ? When greater than the weight of the whole liquid ? When is it equal to the weight of the whole liquid ? In what does this law take its origin? How can you explain it ? [S 140.] Upon what does the pressure upon any point in the side of a vessel depend? What law exists with regard to the velocity with which water spouts from different orifices made in the sides of a vessel ? What does on this lateral pressure depend? What phenomena are explained by it ? [§ 141.] Do liquids of different specific gravi- ties stand equally high in communicating vessels, or tubes ? What law, then, is there for such liquids? If the two liquids are water and quicksilver, how much higher will the water stand than the quicksilver ? [$ 142.] When the surface of a liquid in a vessel is perfectly horizontal, how is every portion of it held up, or kept in its place? What pressure does a liquid exercise upon a solid body immersed in it? What general law is derived from it? [$ 143.] How does the law you have just named apply to a body which is immersed in a EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IV. 229 liquid of the same specific gravity ? How does it apply to a body whose specific gravity is greater than that of the liquid ?: How, to a body whose specific gravity is less than that of the liquid ? How can you explain these three cases? I$ 144.] Does the law you have just given for solid bodies, apply also to liquids of different spe- cific gravities? What takes place if several fluids which have no chemical affinity for each other, be poured together in the same vessel ? Is this rule without exception? What are the cases which are exempt from it? Application of the foregoing Laws to the Deter- mination of the Specific Gravities of Bodies. [$ 145.] What is the name of the instrument which is used for the determination of the specific gravities of bodies? What does it consist of? How is it used ? If the specific gravity of distilled water is taken for unity of measure, how is the specific gravity of a body found, when its absolute weight, and its loss in distilled water, are known? [§ 146.] Which are the principal cases that can occur in the determination of specific gravi- ties? How do you find the specific gravity of the body in the first case ? How in the second ? How in the third ? If, in the first case, the body weighs 3 lbs. out of water, and its loss in water is 2 lbs., what is its specific gravity? Again, if, in the second case, a piece of wood weighs 15 lbs. out of water, and a piece of copper weighing 20 230 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IV. water 2 18 lbs. loses 2 lbs. when immersed ; if, further, the compound mass of copper and wood loses 27 lbs. in water, what is the specific gravity of the wood? Finally, if a piece of iron loses in distilled 2 lb. and in sea-water 37, what is the specific gravity of the sea-water?* [$ 147.] To what depth can a body, whose specific gravity is less than that of water, be im- mersed ? What takes place when it is forced down deeper, and then left to itself again? [$ 148.] Can the same body be immersed equally deep in liquids of different specific gravi- ties? In what fluid will it be immersed deepest? What instruments are constructed on this principle ? [$ 149.] How can bodies of greater specific gravity than water, be made to float ? What phenomena are explained by this principle? What is the average specific gravity of the human body? Why are fat men naturally good swimmers ? [$ 150.] On what does the position of a float- ing body depend? What is necessary in order that the body shall remain in its position ? What must be the position of a floating body, in order to secure it from turning over ? What position should the centre of gravity of a swimming body have with regard to the surface of the water ? [151.] When the weight of a cubic inch or foot of distilled water is known, how can you find the * The teacher may now give as many more examples as he may think fit, or serviceable to his pupils. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IV. 231 absolute weight of a cubic foot of any substance, when its specific gravity is known ?* B. Pressure, Weight, and Equilibrium of Elastic Fluids (Ærostatics.). [$ 152.] What is the fundamental law for an elastic fluid shut up in a vessel ? [$ 153.) What will take place if the sides of the vessel are not strong enough to resist the pressure of the fluid within ? [§ 154.] Can an elastic fluid escape from a vessel, when the pressure of an elastic fluid with- out is equal to that of the fluid within? What will take place if the pressure of the elastic fluid without is greater than that of the fluid within, and the vessel is provided with an orifice? What, if the pressure of the inner fluid is greatest ? [$ 155.] What can every elastic fluid by pres- sure be forced into? In what ratio do the density and elasticity then increase? Is there no other means of increasing the elasticity and density of a fluid ? What is it? [$ 156.] Is the degree to which elastic fluids may be compressed, the same in all fluids? What changes do some of them undergo, when com- pressed ? Give an instance. What are those fluids called, which, even during the greatest * The teacher may give his pupils some examples from the table of specific gravities, at the end of the volume. 232 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IV. pressure applied to them, retain their elastic form? Is it probable all elastic fluids may become liquid by pressure ? [$ 157.] What do you understand by absolute and specific elasticity of fluids ? Can fluids of different specific elasticities be in equilibrium with each other? When does this take place ? [S 158.] When an elastic fluid is attracted by a liquid or solid body, what does it form? Why must the density of the atmosphere be greater near the attracting body, than further from it ? [§ 159.] When an atmosphere is in the state of rest, how is every particle of it kept in its place? [S 160.] But what must take place, when, by some cause or other, either the elasticity or density of the layers, or even the pressure of the surrounding particles is changed ? How do you call this motion, when occurring in our own atmosphere ?t and what phenomena does it ex- plain? [S. 161.] How does heat affect all elastic fluids ? How does heat affect the specific elasticity of fluids? Give examples of such effects produced by heat? * By its own elasticity, which is in equilibrium with the gravitating particles above. † Ans. This motion is then called wind; which, accord- ing to the direction in which it moves, is called North or South, West or East wind. The whirl-wind is caused by two currents of air moving in opposite directions, EXERCISES IN CHAPTER V. 233 [$ 162.] When two or more elastic fluids are placed upon one another, what respective positions will they take? What laws apply here? (The teacher may here ask his pupils to repeat the laws of hydrostatics.) EXERCISES IN CHAPTER V. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE ATMOSPHERE. [$ 163.] By what is our earth everywhere surrounded ? What experiments and facts convince you of the existence of the atmosphere? [§ 164.] What is the probable height of our atmosphere? What kind of fluid is the air which composes our atmosphere? Why is air an elastic fluid ? What experiments and facts can you adduce to prove your assertion ? [$ 166.] Does air, like the liquids spoken of in the preceding chapter, obey the laws of gravity ? What remarkable experiment proves this? and how do you explain this experiment ? Was this property of air known to the ancients ? How then did they explain the phenomenon you have just described ? [$ 167.] What takes place if, in the last ex- periment, the tube is 3 or 4 feet long? What im- portant law do we derive from it? What is the space between the quicksilver and the closed end of the tube called ? 20* 234 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER V. [$ 168.] If instead of quicksilver the tube be filled with water, what is the height of the column supported in the tube by the pressure of the at- mosphere? (Here the teacher might require the pupil to repeat the hydrostatic law of § 141, page 72, and show its intimate connexion with the law stated in this para- graph.) [$ 169.] What remarkable phenomenon does this property, of air explain? What are the prin- cipal parts of a sucking-pump? Explain their operation. What other phenomena does the same property of atmospheric air explain? [$ 170. What law follows from the elasticity and gravity of the atmosphere ? How is this law proved? Why is the pressure of air in a room which communicates with the atmos- phere, the same as that of the air without ? (The teacher may again refer to § 158, page 79, and require the repetition of it from the pupil. [$ 171.] How does heat affect atmospheric air ? If a portion of air is shut up in a vessel, and then heated, is the pressure on the sides of the vessel diminished or increased? What takes place, if in this state, the vessel is provided with an aperture ? What takes place, if after expelling, in this manner, a portion of air from a vessel, the vessel is suddenly cooled down again? What, if the aperture of the vessel is immersed in water? [s 172.] Does air which is expanded by heat remain in its place? What position, then, does it assume? Why ?* * See § 142. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER V. 235 What phenomena can you explain by this principle ? [$ 173.] By what means may all elastic fluids, consequently, also, atmospheric air, be compress- ed? How is this done? What are the principal parts of a condensing ma- chine? Explain their operations ? What remarkable relation is there between the density of the compressed air, and the degree of the compressing power ? [$ 174.] What does a syphon consist of? If a syphon is filled with water, and then inverted, with the two open ends downwards, and held level in this position, what takes place, when the legs are equal ? What when these are unequal, or when the syphon is inclined ? Explain each of these cases. How does the opera- tion of the syphon affect the surface of a liquid in a vessel, when the shorter leg of a syphon is immersed in it, and the liquid is set a running from the other (longer leg)? How must the syphon be situated, if the whole basin shall be drained by it? What re- markable phenomena does the theory of the syphon explain? [$ 175.] Is the pressure of the atmosphere always the same at the same place? What ex- periments convince us that it is not so? What kind of instrument is a barometer? What is it made of? How is it constructed ? How can you compute the weight of the column of quicksilver in the tube, which is equal to the pressure of the atmosphere? What is the reason we do not feel the pressure of the atmosphere? [$ 176.] By what instrument can the different mechanical properties of air be illustrated? What are the principal parts of an air-pump? Explain their operation ? How far can the rarefaction of air in the receiver be carried ? 236 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. Is the vacuum created in the receiver of an air-pump as perfect as that in the Torricellian tube? Why not? [$ 177.] What are the principal experiments which can be made with an air-pump? How can you explain them? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. OF HEAT. [§ 178.] What do the words heat and cold designate? What do you call bodies which produce in us the sensation of heat or cold? Is it possible for us to tell what body is absolutely cold or warm? What then do our sensations of cold and warm tell us ? [$ 179.] Do we know the principle or cause by which all bodies are more or less capable of producing degrees of heat? What is the opinion of modern philosphers on this subject? Means of Producing Heat. [$ 180.] What are the four principal means of producing heat ? Give instances of heat produced by friction ; of heat produced by chemical operations, and of great heat produced by the light of the sun ? [§ 181.] In what manner does heat affect the volume of bodies? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI, 237 What experiments can you mention to prove this universal law ? [$ 182.] Does heat expand all bodies in the same degree? Which is expanded quickest, air, liquids, or solid substances ? [S 183.] Is the expansion of liquids and solids proportional to the degrees of heat, or, in other words, do equal degrees of heat produce equal degrees of expansion, in liquid and solid sub- stances ? How do elastic fluids differ, in this respect, from liquids and solids ? How can you account for these unequal degrees of expansion by heat? What influence has the aggre- gate form of liquids and solids on their expansion by heat? Do the degrees of expansicn remain unequal, after the body is transformed into vapor ? [S 184.] What means have we to measure degrees of temperature ? What is the instru- ment used for this purpose called ? How is a thermometer constructed ? How many degrees of Fahrenheit's scale mark the mean temperature of this country? Is Fahrenheit's scale the only one now in use ? What other scales are there? How many degrees of Fahrenheit are equal to 1 degree of Réaumur? Is quicksilver the only fluid used for the construction of thermometers ? What means did Wedgewood employ to measure great degrees of heat ? Different Capacities for Heat. [§ 185.] Does the same quantity of heat, im- parted to two different substances, produce in them the same degree of heat, when measured 238 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. with the thermometer ? To what do we ascribe this difference? When do you call the capacity of a body for heat greater than that of another body? Give instances of different capacities for heat ? [S 186.] What means have we to ascertain the different capacities of bodies for heat ? Give an example? What ratio does the capacity of water for heat bear to that of quicksilver? [S 187.] To what did Wilke, Crawford, Kir- wan, Gadolin, and others, compare the capacities of different substances for heat ? What did they call these capacities? (Here the teacher may explain or require tbe expla- nation of Table II.) [$ 188.] If there be such a self-existing prin- ciple as caloric, does it exist in equal quantities and densities in all bodies? [$ 189.] What does every change in the rela- tive position of the particles and interstices of a body necessarily produce ? When is this particu- larly the case? When a body absorbs great quan- tities of heat without showing any difference of temperature on a thermometer, what is the heat which enters the body said to be? What is heat said to be, when a body indicates a higher degree of temperature, without receiving any additional quantity of heat ? What phenomena does this principle explain? [S 190.] When two or more substances are mixed together, is the resulting capacity of the EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. 239 mixture always equal to the mean sum of their capacities ?* Give instances where this does actually take place ? [S 191.] Is it probable that light, by striking upon bodies, changes their capacity for heat? What circumstances to corroborate this supposition ? Give instances of this kind. seem Propagation of Heat. [S 192.] Does heat pass through all bodies with the same degree of velocity? Can you tell me of an experiment which proves that heat does not pass through all bodies with the same velocity ? What are those substances called, which soonest become hot when exposed to heat ? [$ 193.] What bodies are the best conductors of heat? What bodies (among solids) have the least conducting power ? What are the worst conductors among the cover- ings of animals? What is this property probably owing to? Why is snow a bad conductor of heat? What remarkable phenomenon does this explain? [S 194.] How is the imperfect conducting power of some substances, taken advantage of ? Why are furnaces surrounded by clay, trees by * By the mean sum is meant the arithmetic medium of their capacities. Thus, if the capacity for heat is in one body 3, and in another 5, the mean sum of their capacities 5+3 would be 4. Now if the resulting capacity is 2 more than 4, the mixture will absorb heat, consequently produce cold. 240 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. straw, &c? What is the use of double win- dows in winter ? [$ 195.] What bodies most effectually prevent the admission of heat? What is the reason that the air, which, under a thatched roof, is warmer in winter, is yet cooler in summer, than the air under a roof of tile or slate? Why does straw keep the heat from an ice-house in summer, when the same substance prevents a fig-tree from freez- ing in winter ? (The answer to the two last questions is the same, viz. because the same substances which prevent the escape of heat, are equally effectual in preventing its admission.') [$ 196.] How can you account for the different sensations of heat which we have, when touching different substances ? How must the best con- ductors feel to the touch ? Why? Why does iron feel colder than glass, and the latter colder than wood, although all be in the same room, and of the same degree of temperature? [S 197.] In what direction do solid substances conduct heat? What is this heat (conducted by solids) called ? [$ 198.] In what manner does a heated body lose its heat, when exposed to the air ? What do you understand by radiation of heat ? What remarkable experiment can be made on this subject ? [$ 199.] Some natural philosophers are of opinion that radiant heat moves with a velocity equal to that of light; is this at all probable ? What do we know about it with certainty ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. 241 Is there no other way to account for the phenomena of radiant heat, than by supposing them to be produced by actual projections of caloric? What is Professor Leslie's opinion on this subject ? [$ 200.] What changes do solid bodies some- times undergo, when exposed to great degrees of heat? What do you understand by the melting or fusing of solids? What takes place when still greater degrees of heat are applied to these bodies? In what consists the process of evaporation ? [$ 201.] Is the degree of heat at which solid bodies melt, the same in all substances ? On what does it seem to depend? What effect does heat produce on most solid bodies and liquids we know of? [S 202.] What do you call that process by which a liquid is so quickly transformed into steam, as to be thrown into an undulating motion ? Why is the boiling of liquids a means of purifying them ? [$ 203.] Does the pressure of the atmosphere facilitate, or is it a hindrance to the boiling of liquids ? What general law is there with regard to this pressure ? What phenomena can you explain from this princi- ple? What would be the state of many liquids, with- out the pressure of the atmosphere ? [S 204.] Can a boiling liquid be made to as- sume higher degrees of heat? What becomes of the heat which is further added ? Does the same rule apply when the vessel is closed in such a manner that the steam is prevented from passing off? What is the steam which is thus shut up, capable of exercising? 21 242 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. [$ 205.] What becomes of steam when its temperature is reduced, or when some mechanical pressure is applied to it? What do you call this process? [$ 206.] Can the formation of vapor or steam take place without absorption of heat? How, then, does this process affect the surrounding bodies? What phenomena does this explain? [S 207.] What does steam, which by a reduc- tion of temperature, or by mechanical pressure, begins to be decomposed, form in the surrounding atmosphere? What name do these visible drops which remain thus suspended in the atmosphere, receive? When is such a fog or mist formed ? [$ 208.] What effect does atmospheric air continually produce on a certain portion of water ? What do you call this process ? What is the difference between it and the formation of steam ?* Do we feel or perceive the immense quantity of steam and vapor with which our atmosphere is continually charged, as long as both are perfectly elastic? What becomes of them when they are either cooled down or condensed ? [$ 209.] In what manner do steam and vapor, which are not perfectly dissolved in the atmos- phere, affect other substances? When in this state they are sucked in or absorbed, what do these substances, by the degree of their expansion, indicate ? * It is carried on much slower than the formation of steam. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VI. 243 What instrument is constructed upon this principle ? What is the hygrometrical substance in Saussure's hygrometer? What is it in Lambert's ? What, in De Luc's ? [$ 210.] How are liquids affected when ex- posed to certain degrees of cold? What is this process called? What liquids have by this means been reduced to the solid state ? Is the same degree of cold required for the congelation of all liquids ? (Here the teacher ought to explain, or require the explanation of Table IV. at the end of the book.) [$ 211.] What takes place, if the process of congelation is going on slowly, so that the parti- cles of the liquids have time to follow their mutual cohesive attraction ? What are the solids, which are obtained in this manner, called? [§ 212.] When .water is changed into ice, what does it always receive ? Does its volume become greater or smaller by freezing ? In what ratio does it increase ? What phenomena does this explain? How is water affected by cold, as long as it remains liquid ? When does it reach its greatest density ? [$ 213.] What effect does heat produce on chemical combinations ? What is every chemical combination more or less accompanied with? 244 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. OF LIGHT. [$ 214.] What opinions have been entertained by philosophers, respecting the nature and propa- gation of light? [S 215.] What do you call the sensations which luminous bodies produce in our eyes? What do we, by these, become conscious of? [§ 216.] What are all bodies, with regard to light, divided into ? What are the principal luminous bodies? What other means are there of producing light? [$ 217.] When does a dark body become visi- ble? What is the light thus received, called ? [$ 218.] When do you call a body transparent or pellucid ? What bodies do you call opaque ? What substances are generally pellucid or trans- parent? [§ 219.] What are light-magnets, or absorbers of light? Give instances of such bodies. [$ 220.] Is all the light which falls upon dark bodies reflected by them? Wbat do you call those bodies which absorb light most? What those which reflect it most ? [$ 221.] How is light propagated ? With what velocity ? How can you prove that light is propagated in straight lines? How has the velocity of light been ascertained? Can the velocity with which light moves upon our globe be measured ? Why not? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. 245 [$ 222.] If light is propagated in straight lines, in what proportion must its intensity de- crease ? On what principle is this law established ? [§ 223.] What do you understand by the term refraction of light' ? By what simple experiment can you illustrate this principle ? [S 224.] How is light affected when passing near the surface, edges, or corners of bodies? What is light in this case said to be ? What does this phenomenon seem to prove ? [S 225.] What takes place when light falls upon an opaque body? Upon what does the mag. nitude, shape, and position of the shade which an opaque body casts behind it, depend? 1. Reflection of Light. [$ 226.] When a ray of light strikes upon a polished surface, either plane or curved, what law does it follow ? [§ 227.] What are those bodies which are commonly used to reflect light, called? When do you call a mirror plane, convex, or concave ? What are the best reflectors ? Why must glass mirrors be quicksilvered on one side ? 21* 246 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. A. Reflection of Light from Plane Mirrors. [§ 228.] How does a luminous point before the mirror appear to the eye? How can you prove this? [$ 229.] What is the point behind the mirror, from which the rays of light seem to proceed, called? Does the law which you have just found for a luminous point, equally apply to a whole object? How then will a whole object before the mirror appear to the eye ? B. Reflection of Light from Spherical Mirrors. [$ 230.]. What is the principal law with re- gard to an image produced by a luminous point before a spherical concave mirror ? What is the name of a straight line, drawn from the luminous point through the centre of the arc of which the mirror makes a part ? How can you prove the correctness of this law by a diagram? [$ 231.] How are parallel rays reflected from a concave mirror ? When does this take place? What is the point to which the rays of the sun are reflected from a concare mirror, called? Why does it receive this name? What law is there with regard to diverging rays? [$ 232.] On what does the distance of the image from the mirror depend? What law can you lay down respecting it? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. 247 (The elder pupils may here be required to draw Figures I. and II. page 117.) [$ 233.] Does the law, which you have just found with regard to a luminous point, equally apply to a whole object? Show me this by a figure. [$ 234.] In what case will the image of the object be inverted ? In what case will it be upright? [$ 235,] How is the image produced by reflec- tion from convex mirrors, situated with regard to the object? Which of two convex mirrors represents the same object, held at the same dis- tance from it, larger than the other ? [$ 236.] How can you explain the phenomena of cylindrical and conical mirrors? In what direction do these mirrors give the correct dimen- sions of the object? How do the transversal di- mensions of the object appear through them? C. Refraction of Light. 1. General Observations. ES 237.] When a beam of light passes from one medium into another, what relation does the angle of incidence bear to the angle of refraction ? What is the ratio of the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction between air and water? [$ 238.] What relation exists between the angle of refraction and the refracting power of the transparent body? 248 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. What belief has heretofore existed, with regard to the refracting power of bodies? What have modern experiments proved on this subject? 2. Refraction of Light in a Body bounded by Plane and Parallel Surfaces. [§ 239.] What takes place when a ray of light falls perpendicularly upon a transparent body, bounded by plane and parallel surfaces? [$ 240.) What takes place when parallel rays fall obliquely upon a transparent body? If the emerging rays pass through a second and third transparent body, how will the rays then be sit- uated with regard to each other? Give instances of this kind ? [S 241.] What takes place when diverging rays fall upon a transparent body, bounded as before? (The elder pupils may here be required to draw Figs. I. II. III. and IV. pages 121, 122, and 123.) What phenomena can you explain from the princi- ples which you have just advanced ? 3. Refraction of Light through Bodies bounded by Spherical Surfaces (Lenses). [S 242.] What do you call a piece of glass, having on one or both sides a spherical form ? How many different kinds of lenses are there? What are they? [S 243.] What are the principal properties of convex lenses ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. 249 [$ 244.] What are the phenomena produced by còncave lenses? [S245.] What are the effects produced by a meniscus, or a concavo-convex lens, similar to ? D. Theory of Colors. [S246.] What do you understand by the solar or prismatic spectrum ?: By what means is it obtained ? [$ 247.] Is the magnitude of the spectrum the same, whatever be the substance chosen for the prism? What are these substances, therefore, said to possess ? [S 248.] When the light of each color of the spectrum is separately let fall upon a second prism, is there any difference found in the degree of refraction of the seven colors ? Why is there none ? What are the abovementioned seven colors on this account called ? What is the white light from which they are obtained, called ? [$ 249.] What takes place when the prismatic spectrum is made to fall upon a lens or concave mirror, by which they are refracted into a focus ? [S 250.] What takes place when another prism, formed like the first, and made of the same substance, is brought in contact with the former ? [$ 251.] What takes place when the angle of the second prism is not equal to the angle of the first prism? 250 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. [$ 252.] To what conclusions do the experi- ments you have just described entitle you ? By whom were these experiments first made ? [$ 253.] In how many different ways can you explain these phenomena, according to the theory of Sir Isaac Newton ? How can you explain the same phenomena, according to the theory of Young and Leonhard Euler ? What phenomena in nature are explained from those you have just described ? [S 254.] Is it possible for a certain medium to refract light more than another, and yet to have a less dispersive power ? What optical instru- ments are constructed upon this principle ? What celebrated English optician first discovered that flint and crown-glass have different dispersive powers? What do you call flint-glass? What, crown- glass? In what manner must flint and crown-glass be combined together, in order that the dispersive power of the flint-glass may correct that of the crown- glass? What other means is there for bending the rays of different colors with great regularity, and with- out dispersion from their rectilinear course ? [S 255.] How can you explain the infinite va- riety of colors exhibited by different bodies, when exposed to solar light, according to Sir Isaac Newton's theory? How can you explain them according to Euler's theory? [S 256.] What property, possessed by some bodies, explains the blue hue of the atmosphere, the effect of colored glasses, &c? By what other means can you render bodies transparent? When does the stone called hydrophane become trans- parent ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. 251 [§ 257.] What must take place when the chemical properties of a body are so changed, that it affects light differently from what it did before? By what other means can you change the color of bodies ? What processes in the mechanic arts depend upon this principle ? E. Of Vision. 1. The Eye. [S 258.] What is the form of the human eye? Of how many coats or membranes does it princi- pally consist ? What are these ? [$ 259:] Where is the sclerotic coat situated ? Where the cornea ? Of what does the cornea consist? What is it intended for ? Where is the choroid coat situated? With what is it covered ? Where is the retina situated ?- What is the centre of the retina ? [S 260.] How is the interior part of the globe of the eye divided ? What is the iris? What is the pupil of the eye? When does the pupil ex- pand itself? When does it contract ? What does the space before the iris, or the anterior chamber of the eye, contain ? What is the space behind the iris called ? What does it contain ? IS 261.] How is the crystalline lens suspend- ed? How is this lens shaped ? Of what does it consist? What is this lens destined for? Where is the vitreous humor situated ? 252 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. 2. Vision. [$ 262.] What are the most important parts of the eye? How is the retina impressed with the image of the object before the eye? On what depends the clearness of sight? [$ 263.] What are the different humors of the eye destined for? How would we see all things, without these humors ? [S 264.] Can the eye see clearly a distant object and a near one at the same time? Why not? What then will always take place? [$ 265.] When do you call a person near- sighted ? when long-sighted? Where, in a near- sighted person, is the image of a distant object situated? What is its situation in a long-sighted person? What kind of spectacles are suited to near-sighted persons ? What kind are suited to long-sighted persons ? [S. 266.] How do the images of the objects before the eye appear on the retina ? Does this alter the relative position of these images? Why not? Do we become conscious of this inversion of the images ? [S_267.] What do you understand by the visual angle? What relation does the image on the retina, and consequently, also, the appearance of the object itself, bear to this visual angle ? When does an object become invisible ? When the visual angle is very small, what is necessary, in order that we may see the object? Give an instance of this kind ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VII. 253 IS 268.] What relation does the distance of the object bear to the magnitude of the visual angle? Do we become conscious of the distance of an object by mere vision ? Give instances of this kind. How then do we judge of the distance of an object? E. Optical Instruments. [$ 269.] What are the names of the principal optical instruments now in use ? Describe the camera obscura or darkened chamber. Describe a modification of the same instrument, used by painters to delineate landscapes ? Describe the camera lucida, invented by Dr Wollaston. What does the single microscope consist of? How is the compound microscope constructed ? Describe the astronomical telescope; the terrestrial telescope. What does the reflecting telescope consist of? By whom was the reflecting telescope, which you have just described, invented ? Wherein consists the advantage of the reflecting telescope over the refract- ing telescope ? What is the construction of the solar microscope ? What are the uses of the solar microscope ? How is the magic lantern constructed ? 254 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII, EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. OF ELECTRICITY. A. Phenomena. [$ 270.] What takes place when a piece of sealing-wax or a smooth surface of glass is briskly rubbed with a dry woollen cloth, and immediately afterwards held towards light and small bodies, such as paper, thread, cork, &c? What do you call this property which some bodies acquire by being rubbed ? What do you call the surface, which thereby acquires an attractive and repulsive power? What do you call the bodies themselves, which produce these phenomena? What the agent to which they are ascribed ? What are the principal electrics? Why is the division of bodies into electrics and non-electrics no longer practicable ? [$ 271.] What takes place, if the experiments which you have just described are performed in a darkened room? What, if the knuckle or a round metallic ball is presented to the surface? What kind of feeling is excited in the skin, if the face is brought near it? [$ 272.] What takes place, when a metallic tube, perfectly round on all sides, and either sus- pended by silk cords, or supported by a piece of glass or sealing-wax, is brought near or in contact with an excited surface ? What is the body, in the first case, said to be? What, in the second case? Do glass, silk, and sealing-wax, brought in the same manner near or in contact with the excited surface, exhibit the same influence ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. 255 [§ 273.] What are we, from this and similar experiments, led to infer? What are conductors of electricity ? What, non-conductors ? What are the principal conductors of electricity ? What are the principal non-conductors ? IS 274.] When is a body, which is capable of conducting electricity, said to be insulated ? In what does the difference between a conductor and a non-conductor principally consist ? [S 275.] What relation exists between elec- trics and non-electrics, conductors and non-con- ductors of electricity ? [$ 276.] Is the electricity communicated by transfer to an insulated metallic body, for any considerable time permanent ? What becomes of its electricity when it is touched by a conduct- ing body which communicates with the earth? IS 277.] What is the proper shape for a body which shall contain electricity for a considerable time? Why is a pointed figure unfit for this pur- pose ? [$ 278.] What are the principal parts of an electrical machine ? How is the best machine for this purpose con- structed ? [$ 279.] When you present the knuckle or any round conductor to the conductor of an electrical machine, what do you obtain? What do you call this spark? What is the greatest dis- tance at which a spark may be drawn, called ? What is necessary to produce these phenomena to their fullest extent ? Are the sparks near the con- ductor greater or smaller than further from it ? 256 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. B. Opposite Electricity. [$ 280.] To whom are we indebted for the discovery of opposite electricity ? On what phe- nomena and experiments is it established? [$ 281.] What laws do these experiments estab- Tish ? [S 282.] What did Du Fay call these two kinds of electricity? By what signs is it custom- ary to denote resinous and vitreous electricity ? How may the general law of opposite electricity then be expressed ? When the rubber of an electrical machine is also provided with a conductor, what kind of electricity will this conductor exhibit? What will be the elec- tricity of the prime conductor ? [$ 283.] Does the law, which you have just given, hold only of excited electricity, or does it also hold true of that electricity which is trans- ferred from an excited surface to another body? How may this be shown by little pith-balls ? w [S 284.] What are the names of the instru- ments whose construction is founded upon the repulsive power which one electrified body exer- cises upon another, which is under the influence of the same electricity ? How is Henley's electrometer constructed? What other advantage is taken of the attractive and repulsive power of opposite electricities? [§ 285.] What takes place when a piece of metal, shaped in the form of an S, and pointed at both ends, is placed upon a pointed wire, which communicates with either of the conductors of an EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. 257 electrical machine? What is observed when this experiment is performed in the dark? When are the electric phenomena generally accompanied by light? C. Theory of Electricity. [$ 286.] How many different theories are there to account for the various phenomena of elec- tricity? Who are the authors of these theories ! What is Du Fay's theory? What properties do the two electric fluids, which according to Du Fay's theory, pervade the earth and all bodies, possess ? How does Du Fay's theory explain the vitreous electricity, excited by rubbing a piece of glass? How, the attraction which is manifest between two insulated bodies, charged with different electricities? How, the repulsion between two insulated bodies, under the influence of the same kind of electricity ? To what agency did Dr Franklin ascribe all electric phenomena ? How are the electric phe- nomena then explained? D. Electrical Instruments. [$ 287,] Are there any other electrical instru- ments besides the electrical machine, deserving of our notice? What are they ? [$ 288.] What does an electric jar or Leyden phial consist of? What do you call the knob of the phial? 22* 258 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. [§ 289.] What takes place when the knob is brought in contact or communicates with the prime conductor of an electrical machine? What is the phial in this state said to be ? Can the phial be charged by connecting the knob with the negative conductor of the machine ; that is, with the conductor of the electricity of the rubber What kind of electricity will thus be imparted to the. inner coating ? What do you obtain, if the knob, in- stead of touching the conductor of the machine, is brought within its striking distance? What, if the phial is insulated, and the knuckle or any round con- ductor is presented to the outer coating ? Can an insulated phial be charged ? [S 290.] By what means can prodigious quanti- ties of electricity be accumulated? When several electric jars or phials are connected together, what name do they receive? What is necessary to establish, for this purpose, between the inner and outer coatings ? When a communication is established between the inner and outer coatings, how is the whole battery then charged ? [$ 291.] How is an electric jar or battery discharged ? What instrument is used for this purpose ? What does this instrument (the dis- charging rod) consist of? How is a discharge of a phial or battery effected by it? What is this discharge accompanied by ? What is the use of the glass handle, with which every discharging rod is provided ? [§ 292.] What is necessary in order to con- vey a whole charge of electricity through any substance or person ? By what means can a number of persons receive the electric shock at the same time? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. 259 [§ 293.] By what instrument can a charge of electricity be directed with the greatest cer- tainty and precision ? What does Henley's Uni- versal Discharger consist of? How is a direct charge. sent through a body by means of this instrument? [$ 294.] What is the name of an apparatus for collecting weak electricities? By whom was it invented? What are its principal parts? What is the electric ? How is the electric combined with the sole ? What does the cover of the elec- trophorus consist of? How must all parts of the electrophorus be shaped, in order to prevent the escape of electricity ? [S 295.] By what is the cake of the electro- phorus first excited ? What kind of electricity will it by these means receive? What kind of elec- tricity do the upper and lower surface of the cover acquire, when placed upon the excited cake ? What takes place, when in this state the upper (negative) surface is touched by the knuckle, or any metallic conductor, that communicates with the earth ? If the cover is now removed by its insulating handle, with what kind of electricity is it found to be charged ? What can be done with this electricity? How many times may this ope- ration be repeated ? How long does the electricity of the cake continue ? Does the cover exhibit any sign of electricity when it is raised without previously receiving a spark from some conducting substance? Why not? In what case can a spark be drawn from the sole? What is felt, if, while the cover is on the cake, the sole is touched with one finger, and the cover with another? 260 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. [$ 296.] What kind of instrument is a con- denser ? By whom was it invented? Of what does it consist? What is the mutual operation of the plates, when one of them is connected with an excited substance? How long does the mutual action and reaction of the two plates of the con- denser continue ? If the plate which is connected with the electrified substance, is now separated from it, and, thus insulated, removed also from the other plate, with what is it found to be charged ? E. Motion of Accumulated Electricity. [$ 297.] What kind of bodies does the elec- tric fluid always choose on its passage? What passage does it choose, when several passages are opened to it through equally good conductors ? Is a person, holding a piece of wire in his hands, affected by the discharge of a Leyden phial? What will he feel if a piece of dry wood is substituted for the wire? When accumulated electric fluid passes through the human body, is the shock felt in the whole body, or only 'in certain parts? In what line are the parts, affected by the shock, situated ? If a charge of electricity is sent through a number of persons, who take each other by the hand, how and where will each of them feel the shock? By what means can the shock be made to pass in different directions ? [$ 298.] Has the velocity with which electri- city moves through a conductor, been, as yet, ascertained ? How is the electric shock felt in a circuit of 4 miles ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. 261 [S 299.] How is the velocity of the electric fluid affected, when it meets with an impediment to its passage, either in a bad conductor, or in the inadequate size of it? What is the electric fluid, in this case, frequently observed to do? [S 300.] What is observed when the metallic passage, offered to a stream of electricity, is inter- rupted by small pieces of glass or other non- conducting substances ? What phenomena does this peculiarity in the motion of accumulated electricity explain? F. Effect of Electricity on Bodies. [$ 301.] Does the simple accumulation of electricity in bodies, produce the least perceptible change in their properties? Is a person, standing on an insulating stool, and in this state charged with any quantity of electricity from a machine, in any manner affected by it, before a spark is drawn from him ? Does the electric fluid spread through the whole substance of a body, or does it merely accumulate upon its surface ? [S 302.] Does the uninterrupted passage of electricity through a conductor of sufficient size, produce any perceptible change in its properties? But what takes place when a charge of electricity is sent through a non-conductor, or through a conductor of insufficient magnitude ! [$ 303.] What are the mechanical effects of electricity on non-conductors, which are in the line of its course, similar to ? To what other agent are many of the effects of electricity at tributed ? 262 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER VIII. G. Of the Electricity of the Atmosphere. [$ 304.] With what is our atmosphere almost continually charged ? Is the quantity in which electricity exists in the atmosphere, always the same ? Is it always of the same (positive or negative) kind? Is it stronger in daytime, or during the night? During what hours of the day is it strongest? When is it weakest ? [$ 305.] With what kind of electricity is the air generally charged in clear weather ? When does it change from the positive to the negative state ? On what occasions do these al- ternate states of electricity follow each other with surprising rapidity ? By what means may the electricity with which the air is charged, be discovered ? By what means may the electricity of higher strata of air be investigated? [$ 306.] Who first proved by actual experi- ment the identity of the electric fluid with that of lightning? (The teacher might here ask for the occasion which led Dr Franklin to this discovery.) [$ 307.] In what manner may buildings be secured from the effect of lightning ? What ought to be the thickness of the rods, which are to be placed upon the highest parts of the build- ings they are to protect? How far ought they to be continued ? What metal is preferable to iron for the construction of lightning-rods? Why? Why ought the points of the lightning-rods to be gilt, or be made of platina ? Why do large buildings require several rods to protect them against the effects of lightning ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IX. 263 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IX. OF GALVANISM. [308.] Are there, besides friction, any other means of producing electricity? What are they? Do different degrees of temperature affect the con- ducting power of water?. At what degree of tempe- rature does ice cease to be a conductor, and become an electric ? Are there any other substances upon which changes of temperature produce similar effects ? Give instances of this kind. What kind of stone is the Tourmaline? What property does this stone ac- quire by heat ? [$ 309.] What is that science called, which treats of the electric phenomena produced by contact ? Who is the author of Galvanism ? [$ 310.] What are the two principal facts on which the whole theory of Galvanism is estab- lished ? [$ 311.] What are the effects produced by Galvanism on the human body? Is the sensation of light, produced by the contact of different metals, felt also by other individuals, or merely by him who performs the experiment? What phenomena are explained by the effects of Galvanic electricity on the body ? [S 312.] How does the influence of Galvanic electricity, on the bare nerves and muscles of dead animals, become manifest ? Are cold blooded an- imals, or quadrupeds and birds most affected by Galvanic electricity ? Describe Galvani's experiment with the bare leg of a frog ? What takes place when, in this experiment, 264 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IX. What care the zinc and silver are connected by a conductor, say a piece of wire ? Is the same phenomenon produced, when a piece of glass is substituted for the wire ? [$ 313.] By what apparatus can the electricity produced by contact be much increased, and ren- dered visible ? Who is the inventor of this appa- ratus ? Of what does it consist ? must be taken in its construction ? What are the ends of the Voltaic pile called? What metal may be substituted for silver in the construction of a Galvanic pile? If the pile is to pro- duce the desired effect, of how many plates ought it, at least, to consist? By what means can the conduct- ing power of the cloth or card be increased ? [$ 314.] When several Voltaic piles are con- nected with each other, what are they said to form? By what means is this connexion effect- ed? What are the two extremities of the battery called ? [$ 315.] What are the most remarkable ex- periments that can be made with the Voltaic pile or battery? [$ 316.] What is the most remarkable modern discovery on the subject of Galvanic electricity ? If instead of separating each pair of plates of a Voltaic pile by a piece of wet card or cloth, a liquid (a saline solution) is employed, what is the apparatus so constructed, called ? Describe such an apparatus. Is the chemical operation of the Trough-Battery greater or less than that of a simple Galvanic pile? Have any attempts been made to construct Voltaic piles without the assistance of liquids ? Of what do such piles then consist? How long does the effect of such piles continue ? What do you know about their chemical operation? Can you describe the perpetuum mobile which is constructed by means of two such piles? How does it operate ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER IX. 265 Theory of Galvanic Electricity and the Voltaic Pile. [$ 317.] How many different kinds of con- ductors of electricity are there? What are they? What bodies are the principal exciters of electri- city? Do you recollect a series of metals, in which each receives + E when combined with one that precedes it, but — E, when combined with one which comes after it ? What kind of conductors did Prof. Erman of Berlin lately discover? Which kind of electricity does dry soap conduct ? Which does it insulate ? What kind of electricity does the flame of phosphorus conduct? Which does it insulate? Can a Galvanic pile be dis- charged with a uni-polar conductor of electricity ? What then can such a conductor be used for ? [§ 318.] How do the different properties of exciters and mere conductors of electricity enable you to explain the operation of the Voltaic pile ? (3.)* Is the electricity of the pile increased or diminished, when the lowest copper plate commu- nicates with the floor? What takes place when the pile is insulated ? (4.) What takes place when both poles of the pile communicate with the earth? (5.) What is formed, when the two poles of the pile communicate with each other by some conducting substance, for instance a piece of wire ? How do those philosophers, who believe in the ex- istence of two distinct electric fluids, account for the * The questions marked (3), (4), (5), refer to page 184, 3, 4, 5. 23 266 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. phenomena of the Voltaic pile ? How is the conduct- ing liquid affected by the agency of the pile? How are the plates themselves affected? Do the effects of the Voltaic pile become weaker or more energetic, as the process of oxidation is going on more rapidly? Organic-Electric Phenomena. [$ 319.] What property is possessed by a certain kind of fish ? What are the shocks, which are felt when they are touched at two dif- ferent parts of their bodies, similar to ? Do these fishes affect an electrometer, or has it been pos- sible, as yet, to draw any sparks from them? Can you tell the names of the fishes which belong to the kind you have just described ? [$ 320.]' When do these fishes lose the power of producing shocks ? What is the reason of it ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. OF MAGNETISM. [S 321.] What peculiar property is possessed by certain pieces of black iron-oxid? What are these pieces called? Can the power of attracting iron be communicated to other iron or steel? What is a piece of iron or steel which has thus received the power of a magnet, called ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. 267 [S 322.] Are there, besides iron, any other metals which participate in the magnetic proper- ties? What are all bodies, according to modern discoveries, susceptible of ? In what parts of the world are native magnets found? A. Relation of native Magnets to unmagnetic Iron. [$ 323.] What metals adhere to native magnet with considerable force ? How can this power be measured ? Does this power depend on the size of, and is it always the same in one and the same magnet ? [$ 324.] Does the magnetic power operate in all points of the surface of a magnet with equal intensity? How many places are there, in which its attractive powers are greatest ? What are these places called ? How can they be made visible? What position will a thin piece of iron have, at the poles of the mag- net? What position will it have in the middle ? What, in any other place of its surface ? [$ 325.] Is the magnetic attraction increased or diminished, when both poles are made to ope- rate at the same time? What shape is, on this account, generally given to artificial inagnets? [$ 326.] Is the attractive power of magnet manifest only in contact, or does it operate, also, at considerable distances ? What general law does, in this repect, apply also to the magnet? 268 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. [$ 327.] What takes place, when a native magnet is placed under a plate of glass, wood, paste-board, or even metal, which is thinly covered with iron-filings? What does this experiment prove ? [$ 328.] How may the power of a magnet be preserved, or even increased ? Does oxidation increase or diminish the attractive power of magnet? What effect has heat upon it? B. Relation of a Magnet to itself, and to another Magnet. [$ 329.] When a magnet is so situated that it can freely move in an horizontal position, in what determined direction does it always place itself? What is this wonderful property of the magnet called ? What all-important instrument is constructed upon this property of the magnet? Was this property known to the ancients ? [$ 330.] Does the attraction which exists be- tween a magnet and unmagnetic iron, exist also between two magnets? What law is there with regard to the respective poles of two magnets ? How can this law be exhibited? What are the two poles which mutually attract each other, called ? What are those poles called, which seem to repel each other? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. 269 Imparting of Magnetism. [S 331.] How many different methods are there of making artificial magnets? What are they? [§ 332.] Explain the method of single touch : (1.) With one magnet only. (2.) Explain the same operation, when two magnets are employed. (3.) What is the most effectual way of communi- cating magnetism by the single touch? [S 333.] Explain the method by double touch. [$ 334.] Explain the method by percussion. Why is it best (in the method by percussion) to hammer the steel-bars upon soft iron or steel, in pre- ference to wood, or any other substance ? [$ 335.) What is the general law observed in making artificial magnets, by any method what- ever? Which is easier magnetised —-soft iron, or steel? In which is the magnetic power more permanent? [$ 336.] Does the magnet, which is employed in magnetising a steel bar, lose much of its own power? Can one and the same magnet be em- ployed for magnetising several bars? What is the name of an apparatus, formed by the combina- tion of a number of such bars? [$ 337.] In what state is a piece of iron, as long as it is attached to a magnet? What is it, in this state, said to be? Does the magnetic power * The signs (1), (2), (3), refer to 190, 1st, and 191, 20 and 3d. 23 来 ​ 270 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. thus acquired, continue after the magnet is re- moved from it? [$ 338.] What is the law of magnetic attrac- tion similar to ? What pole does the south pole of a magnet excite in the end of an iron bar, which is in its immediate neighborhood? What, in that end which is most remote from it? What state of magnetism, therefore, does each pole communicate to the neighboring iron ? [$ 339.] What inference have some philoso- phers drawn from the similarity between the laws of electricity and magnetism ? What did Aepinus suppose all magnetic phenomena to proceed from? How, then, did he account for the magnetic phenomena ? How do Wilke and Brugman explain the magnetic phenomena ? Of the Variation and Dip of the Magnetic Needle. IS 340.] When an unmagnetic iron needle is poised in its centre, upon a sharp point, so that its position is perfectly horizontal, and it is after- wards magnetised, what position will it then, in most places, assume ? What is the deviation from due north called? What, the inclination to the horizon ? TE [$ 341.] How many degrees westward of due north does the north pole of the compass deviate in England, and throughout Europe? Do these deviations remain always the same? What is the line in which the compass points exactly EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. 271 north, called ? What are the deviations beyond this line ? What does the line of no deviation seem to form ? Through what countries does it pass? Into what is the whole earth by this line divided ? Which way does the compass deviate, in the first hemisphere? Which, in the second ? [$ 342.] What is the most remarkable phenom- enon accompanying the variation of the compass ? How far do the western deviations increase ? When do they begin to diminish? Which way do they increase after becoming zero ? Through what part of the world did the line of no deviation go in the 17th century ? What are the suc- cessive, but slow deviations of the compass to the west- ward and eastward, similar to ? [$ 343.] What other remarkable phenomenon deserves to be noticed? What is the diurnal mo- tion of the magnetic needle? By whom was this gradual motion of the compass first discovered? What agent has a powerful influ- ence on this motion? What kind of needles must be used for this experiment? [$ 344.] Is the dip of the magnetic needle the same in all parts of the globe ? What general rule can you give respecting the dip of the mag- netic needle ? In what line are those places at which there is no dip, situated? What is this line called ? [$ 345.] Does the magnetic equator coincide with the equator of the earth ? How then is it inclined to the earth's equator? In how many points does it cut the terrestrial equator ? 272 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. Magnetism of the Earth. [$ 346.] What did many philosophers of emi- nence consider our whole globe to be? Why? How can you illustrate the operation of terrestrial magnetism? [$ 347.] Is it probable that a fixed, limited magnet exists in the centre of the earth ? How then do you account for the magnetism of the earth? If there are large masses of magnet scattered in the interior of our globe, by what will their combined effect be more or less influenced? What does this explain ? [$ 348.] If our earth contains large magnetic masses in its centre, what must become of all the iron in its vicinity? What phenomena would, by this supposition, be explained ? [$ 349.] What important fact must be ascribed to the operation of terrestrial magnetism? Is the magnetic power, acquired through the influence of terrestrial magnetism, permanent ? By what other means can iron instruments become magnetic ? What phenomena does this explain? Intensity of Magnetism. [$ 350.] In what manner does a magnetic needle move, when it is brought out of its natural position, and then let free again? What are we able to estimate, by the velocity of these vibra- tions ? EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. 273 What important law did La Place discover, respect- ing the intensities of the magnetic power in two different places? [$ 351.] What other remarkable fact, strongly corroborating the hypothesis of terrestrial mag- netism, results from the observations of Alexander von Humbolt ? Is the intensity of magnetism subjected to the same local disturbances as the magnetic needle ? Modern Discoveries in Magnetism. [$ 352.] What intimate connexion is, by mod- ern discoveries, proved to exist between electricity and magnetism? What facts can you adduce, to establish the truth of this assertion ? Does the magnetism, imparted to a needle by elec- tric sparks, increase with the number of sparks? On what, then, does its maximum depend ? [$ 353.] What remarkable experiment was first made by Prof. Seebeck, on the subject of the influence of heat upon magnetism? If, in the experiment you have just described, antimonium be substituted for bismuth, what results will then be obtained ? Are bismuth and antimonium the only metals which, combined with copper and then heated, produce de- viations of the magnetic needle ? [$ 354.] What influence of light on magnetism did Marochini, in Rome, first discover ? Were similar results obtained by any other person? By whom? 274 EXERCISES IN CHAPTER X. What rays are without magnetic effect ? What rays produce magnetic polarity? Which rays produce the least, and which the greatest polarity? In what manner must the needles be prepared, and how long must they remain exposed to the influence of the rays, before they exhibit magnetic polarity? In how many minutes is the same result obtained in the focus of a burning-glass? What part of the needle becomes the north pole? Does the light of the moon or of a lamp produce similar effects ? TABLES. 275 TABLE I. Specific Gravities of Bodies, compared to Distilled Water. . 66 66 . a Ivory Alcohol, highly rec- Mercury, at 60° tified 0.809 Fahrenheit . 13.58 Blood 1.053 Nickel, cast 8.279 Camphor 0.988 Platinum 21.47 Chalk 2.657 Silver 10.47 Diamond (Oriental) 3.521 hammered. 10.51 (Brazilian) 3.444 Steel, soft 7.833 Ether 0.866 66 hardened 7.840 Flint 2.582 Tellurium, from Crown-Glass 2.5201 5.700 to 6.115 Flint-Glass, from Tin 7.291 2.760 to 3.000 Zinc, from 6.900 to 7.191 Gunpowder, loose 0.836 solid 1.745 Wood. Indigo 1.009 Apple-tree 0.793 Isinglass 1.111 Beech 0.852 1.825 Brazilian, Red 1.031 Limestone, from Cedar, American 0.561 2.386 to 3.000 Cherry-tree 0.715 Marble 2.716 Cork 0.240 Ebony, American 1.331 Metals. Elm 0.671 Antimony 6.702 Lignum Vitae 1.333 Arsenic : 5.763 Mahogany . 1.063 Bismuth 9.880 Maple 0.750 Brass, from 7.824 to 8.396 Oak 1.170 Cobalt : 8.600 Olive-tree 0.927 Copper. 8.900 Orange-tree 0.705 Gold, cast 19.25 Pear-tree 0.166 Gold, hammered 19.35 Poplar 0.383 Iron, cast 7.248 Vine 1.327 Iron, bar-hammered 7.778 Walnut 0.681 Lead 11.35 Willow 0.585 Manganese 8.000 Wood-stone, from 2.045 to 2.675 276 TABLES. TABLE II, Exhibiting the Specific Caloric contained in some Sub- stances, compared to the quantity of Caloric contained in an equal Weight of Water. Gases and Liquids. Metals. . . Oxygen Azote Water Air Hydrogen Gas Carbonic Acid Aqueous Vapor . 0.2361 Bismuth 0.2754 Lead 1.0000 Gold 0.2669 Platinum 3.2936| Tin 0.2210 Silver 0.8470 Zinc Tellurium Copper Nickel Iron Cobalt Sulphur 0.0288 0.0298 0.0298 0.0314 0.0514 -0.0557 0.0927 0.0912 0.0949 0.1005 0.1100 0.1498 0.1880 TABLE III. Boiling Points. Ether Alcohol Nitric Acid Water Sea Salt solution) Muriate of Lime Muriatic Acid Nitric Acid Oil of Turpentine Linseed Oil Mercury 100° Fahr. 1731 210 212 2243 230 232 240 316 640 656 TABLES. 277 TABLE IV, Exhibiting the Degree of Temperature at which various Liquids congeal, or freeze. . Sulphuric Ether Nitric Acid Sulphuric Acid Mercury Brandy Pure Prussic Acid Strong Wines Oil of Turpentine Blood Vinegar Milk Water 460 45.5 45 39 7 + 4 20 14 25 + 28 + 30 +30 TABLE V, Showing the Refractive Power of several Substances ; that of atmospheric Air being taken for Unity. . • Diamond 2.755 Horn 1.565 Melted Sulphur 2.148 Resin 1.559 Sulphate of Lead 1.925 Turpentine 1.557 Sapphire, blue 1.794 Amber 1.547 white 1.768 Oil of Tobacco 1.547 Glass 1.732 Plate Glass 1.514 Topaz, Brazil. 1.640 Colophony 1.543 Mother of Pearl . 1.653 Beeswax 1.542 Oil of Cassia 1.641 Gum of Tragacanth 1.520 Castor 1.626 Gum Arabic . 1.502 Tortoise-Shell 1.591 | Oil of Caraway-seed 1.491 . . . 24 278 TABLE OF REFRACTIVE POWERS. . . 66 . Castor Oil 1.490 Ice. Camphor 1.487 | Atmospheric Air Oil of Turpentine 1.475 Oxygen Oil of Lavender. 1.462 Hydrogen Camomile 1.457 Azote Fluor Spar 1.434 Chlorine Alcohol 1.372 Nitrous Gas . White of Eggs. 1.361 Oxid of Carbon Ether 1.358 Carbonic Acid Crystalline Lens of Muriatic Ether the human Eye 1.384 Sulphurous Acid 1.308 1.000 0.924 0.470 1.020 2.623 1.030 1.157 1.526 3.720 2.260 . THE END THE FOLLOWING WORKS, BY THE AUTHOR OF THIS VOLUME, ARE PUBLISHED BY CARTER AND HENDEE, BOSTON. ARITHMETICAL AND ALGEBRAIC PROBLEMS AND FOR- MULÆ Translated from the last German Edition of MEIER HIRSCH, and adapted to the Use of American Students. By F. J. GRUND, Author of "A Treatise on Plane and Solid Geometry.' In 1 vol. 12mo. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON GEOMETRY. Simplified for Beginners not versed in Algebra. Part I. Containing PLANE GEOMETRY, with its Application to the Solution of Problems. By FRANCIS J. GRUND. Second Edition. [Popular education, and the increased study of Mathematics, as the proper foundation of all useful knowledge, seem to call especially for elementary treatises on Geometry, as has been evinced in the favora- ble reception of the first edition of this work, within a few months of the date of its publication. A few changes have been made in the present edition, which, it is hoped, will contribute to the usefulness of the work, as a book of elementary instruction. As regards the use of it in schools and seminaries, the teacher will find sufficient directions in the remarks inserted in the body of the work.] " The book under consideration has, we think, effected its object. The lessons are well graduated and explained. The threshold of every science has usually presented a stumbling block to the feet of youth, and before they have felt the high gratification, which accompanies the more advanced researches in mathematics, they have fallen into the common error, and pronounced the science a dull and uninteresting We think these · First Lessons' have removed the stumbling bleck. The definitions are simple and accurate, and the questions upon them are practical; the axioms are well chosen, and well illus- trated afterwards; the sectional division of the work is judicious, and the recapitulation of the truths established in each section is original and exceedingly useful. The problems are unusually numerous, and well calculated to call forth a practical application of all the principles that have previously been inculcated. The author has confined him- self to Plane Geometry, as the title of his book indicates, but we think the public will not let him stop here. Simplicity, freedom from mys- ticism, a close adherence to the inductive course, and a practical bear- ing, are the characteristics of the work. No great principles have been omitted, none left obscure. We cordially recommend these · First Lessons' to every teacher who is anxious to communicate ideas, and not mere words to his pupils.”— Journal of Education. “Mr Grund’s Geometry unites, in an unusual degree, strictness of demonstration with clearness and simplicity. It is thus very well suited to form habits of exact reasoning in young beginners, and to give them favorable impressions of the science. I have adopted it as a text-book in my own school.” — George B. Emerson, Principal of the English Classical School, Boston. one. Advertisement. " I have looked with much satisfaction over the sheets of the second edition of First Lessons in Plane Geometry.' It is a more simple and intelligible treatise on Geometry than any other with which I am acquainted, and seems to me well adapted to the understandings of young scholars.” — F. P. Leverett, Principal of the Public Latin School, Boston. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON GEOMETRY. Simplified for Beginners not versed in Algebra. Part II. Containing SOLID GEOMETRY, with its Application to the Solution of Problems. By FRANCIS J. GRUND. “I have looked over, with as much attention as my time would allow, the Treatise on Solid Geometry which you sent me on the 5th. It seems to me at once concise, clear, and easy of comprehension. Most of it, I believe, would be found quite as easy as Plane Geometry, by a person who had learned the latter. The modes in which you introduce the propositions on the sphere, and the comparison of the three round bodies, are, so far as I know, new in elementary geometry, and strike me as important improvements upon former methods. The skill and success with which you have avoided the indirect modes of demonstration add also to the value of the work as an introductory treatise.” — Geo. B. Emerson. "Mr Grund's Treatise on Solid Geometry, if I may be allowed to judge from a hasty examination, is remarkable for its intelligibility. -- The subject is treated in a very judicious manner, and the author, by making his demonstrations more complete than is usually done, instead of leaving the pupil to supply the deficiences from his previous know- ledge, has iinproved upon the works in general use, particularly as re- gards its adaptation to young scholars.” - F. P. Leverett. “ I have not found time to examine, so thoroughly as I could wish, the copy of Mr Grund's 'Solid Geometry,' which was sent to me a few days since; I have examined it far enough, however, to become satis- fied that it is a very ingenious and valuable work. It is a necessary sequel to his Elements of Plane Geometry;' the same excellent plan has been observed in both works; and, taken together, they form an admirable treatise for the use of academies, and the higher order of schools.” — E. Bailey. “I have examined the sheets of Grund's Solid Geometry, and have formed a favorable opinion of the plan and execution of the work. - This treatise, together with one on Plane Geometry, by the same au- thor, which has been favorably received by the public, seems to me to be well adapted to the wants of academies and schools. Jacob Abbott. [At a meeting of the School Committee of the city of Boston, Mr Grund's Geometry was recommended as a suitable book to be used in the Public Schools. Similar testimonies to the merits and usefulness of the work have been received from Teachers and School Committees in various parts of the Union.] 66 Coll & ok 17885 6-8-73 CZ 1832 Gri Grund, Francis T. = (Francis Joseph) WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN HISTORY UNIVERSITYOF MICHIGAN